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July 1995

Volume 1 Number 4

Currency Option Markets and Exchange Rates:
A Case Study of the U.S. Dollar in March 1995
Allan M. Malz

Some market observers attribute the dollar’s recent drop against the mark and yen to a type of
currency option known as the knockout option. Although knockouts did contribute modestly to
the dollar’s fall, their impact was felt to a much greater extent in the option markets.

The U.S. dollar weakened sharply in the four trading
sessions between March 2 and March 7, falling roughly
7 percent against the German mark and the Japanese
yen (Chart 1) and declining against several other major
currencies. This was the first time since its rise during
the European monetary crisis of September 1992 that
the dollar had moved so sharply over so short a period.
Many explanations have been offered for this poor performance, ranging from long-term macroeconomic factors to short-term trading conditions in the currency
markets. Among the most often cited—yet most
widely misunderstood—of these market conditions is
the influence of currency options.

The Knockout Option Market
Knockout options differ from standard currency
options in that they are canceled if the exchange rate
touches a certain level. (The two types of options are
described in greater detail in Boxes 1 and 2.)
Knockouts have grown increasingly popular recently;
discussions with option dealers reveal that transactions
in knockouts had increased to between 2 and 12 percent of all currency option trading by early 1995 from a
negligible share just two or three years ago. As we will
see, a share as small as even 2 percent can exert a disproportionate influence on option prices under market
conditions like those of early March.

In particular, market observers have focused on the
role of a special type of currency option, the knockout
option, in driving down the dollar. In this edition of
Current Issues, we will show that although knockout
options did contribute to the dollar’s unusually steep
fall in early March, the effect was probably small.
Much more noteworthy was the impact on the option
markets made by knockout options and the hedging
reactions to dollar movements that the knockouts
induced, as currency option prices doubled over these
four trading sessions. This edition of Current Issues
will highlight the key role that knockout options played
in this unprecedented development.

Option dealers and some nonfinancial corporations
in Europe sell knockout options. Customers buy these
options on the dollar against the yen, the mark, and
other European currencies, as well as on European currencies against the mark, to protect themselves—or
hedge—against currency risks less expensively than
they could with standard currency options. By using
knockouts, however, buyers also expose themselves to
the risk of losses arising from their cancellation. For
example, U.S. exporters might buy down-and-out dollar calls to protect themselves against a stronger dollar,
but they would lose that protection if the dollar
weakened substantially and the options were canceled.


Moreover, if the dollar whipsawed—that is, dropped
and then rapidly snapped back to higher levels—the
options would also be canceled and exporters could
face losses from the higher dollar. Conversely,

Japanese exporters might buy down-and-out dollar puts
to protect themselves against a falling dollar. If, however, the dollar dropped substantially, canceling the
options, the exporters could also suffer losses.

Chart 1

Customers buy knockout options to hedge against
adverse exchange rate moves; but why do dealers
hedge options? The answer will help explain events in
the currency markets in early March.

Exchange Rates and Implied Volatilities
Dollar-mark exchange rate

Implied volatility

Hedging Knockout Options
Dealers hold “inventories” of bought and sold standard
and knockout options on currencies that they must protect against losses arising from changes in exchange
rates, option prices, interest rates, and the maturities of
the options. They usually hedge standard options by
buying or selling currencies incrementally as exchange
rates change, a technique called dynamic hedging. For
example, dealers selling dollar puts also sell dollars to
hedge the puts against losses should the dollar depreciate and the puts expire in-the-money. That way, they
will have sold, at more favorable exchange rates, at
least some of the dollars delivered to them by the
option holders.


German marks
per U.S. dollar



One-month volatility











Dollar-yen exchange rate



One-month volatility

Implied volatility




Likewise, dealers must protect the knockout options
they sell against losses arising from changes in market
prices and option maturities. Unfortunately, these
options, particularly down-and-out puts, are much
more difficult to hedge. In fact, some dealers consider
down-and-out puts essentially unhedgeable. Nonetheless,
a sort of “best practice” has arisen among dealers for
managing their risks through a combination of bought
and sold standard currency options. This practice is
designed to offset changes in the value of the down-


Japanese yen
per U.S. dollar















Source: Reuters.

Box 1: Standard Currency Options
A standard currency option is a contract giving the option holder the right to buy (known as a call) or sell
(known as a put) an agreed-upon currency at an agreed-upon exchange rate, called the strike. For example, the
holder of a call on $1.00 denominated in German marks with a strike of DM 1.60 has the right to buy $1.00 at
maturity for DM 1.60 from the seller or writer of the option. Conversely, the holder of a put on $1.00 denominated in Japanese yen with a strike of ¥100 has the right to sell $1.00 at maturity for ¥100 to the option writer.
To realize a profit, the holder must exercise the option—that is, take or make delivery of the currency at a
favorable price. This can happen only if the option expires in-the-money. For instance, the DM 1.60 call
would be in-the-money if the dollar-mark exchange rate exceeded the DM 1.60 strike; the ¥100 put would be
in-the-money if the dollar-yen exchange rate fell below the ¥100 strike. A call option with a strike above the
exchange rate is called out-of-the-money; a put option is out-of-the-money if its strike is below the exchange rate.
Dealers usually express currency option prices as implied volatilities. Implied volatility is often interpreted
as an estimate of the degree of uncertainty in the marketplace about future exchange rates. For example, a oneyear call on $1.00 denominated in marks might be quoted as costing 20 percent in implied volatility terms. An
implied volatility of 20 percent would indicate that the market is much more uncertain about where the
exchange rate will end up in a year than an implied volatility of 10 percent would indicate.



and-out put arising from changes in market conditions
with equal but opposite changes in the value of the
bought and sold standard options.

Down-and-out calls are easier to hedge than downand-out puts. Dealers can dynamically hedge a sold
down-and-out call by buying dollars initially and selling them incrementally if the exchange rate falls, rather
than hedging with options. However, because cancellation would leave dealers with long dollar positions
that no longer hedge anything, dealers generally attach
stop-loss orders to sell the dollars as quickly as possible if the outstrike is touched.

To illustrate, let’s look at a dealer who has sold a
down-and-out put on $1.00 with the strike at DM 1.60,
the outstrike at DM 1.40, and a remaining maturity of
one month. If the dealer believed the dollar unlikely to
go much lower than DM 1.45, the dealer might have
hedged by buying a one-month standard put on $1.00
with a strike of DM 1.60 and selling a standard dollar
put on $4.00—four times the face value of the downand-out put—with the strike at DM 1.44. Chart 3
shows that the value of this combination of options—
the sold down-and-out put, the purchased $1.00 put,

Chart 2

Value of Standard and Down-and-Out Puts
as the Exchange Rate Changes

Knockout options differ from standard
currency options in that they are canceled
if the exchange rate touches a certain level.

Example 1




and the sold $4.00 put—changes very little for a wide
range of exchange rates above DM 1.45 and implied
volatilities below 10 percent.


This is a simplified example of how dealers hedge
knockout options. Most dealers have even more complex strategies for buying and selling standard options
as prices change and the maturities of the down-andout puts draw closer; they also take into account the
risks generated by other options in their inventories.
The example does, however, capture the four essential
features of dealers’ hedging strategies: (1) the sale of
large amounts of standard puts with strikes near the
outstrike of the down-and-out put, (2) the subordinate
role of dynamic hedging, (3) less frequent hedge
adjustment, and (4) protection only within a particular
range of exchange rates.



Exchange rate




Exchange rate



Example 2







Source: Author's calculations.
Notes: In both examples, the strike price is DM 1.60, the outstrike is
DM 1.40, and the volatility is 10 percent. Example 1's time to maturity
is six months; example 2's is one month.

Box 2: Knockout Options
Knockout options are similar to standard currency options except that they are canceled—that is, knocked
out—if the exchange rate touches, even briefly, an agreed-upon level called the outstrike. When this occurs,
the holder cannot exercise the option if it remains or subsequently goes in-the-money. Knockout options are
less expensive than standard currency options precisely because of this risk of early cancellation.
Two types of knockout options were important in the recent period of dollar weakness. Down-and-out calls
on the dollar have a positive payoff to the option holder if the dollar strengthens but are canceled if the dollar
falls. Down-and-out puts have a positive payoff to the option holder if the dollar weakens but may be canceled
if the dollar weakens beyond an agreed-upon point, since the outstrike is in-the-money. (Chart 2 compares the
values of standard and down-and-out puts.)



March 1995: Currency Market Behavior in the Crunch
To fully appreciate what happened in March, let’s
return briefly to the example in the previous section.
What might the seller of the down-and-out put have
done as the dollar began in late February to slide
toward DM 1.45, the point below which the down-andout put plus its hedge were no longer protected against
exchange rate moves? If the dealer thought the dollar
would weaken at worst, say, to DM 1.42, the dealer
might have bought back the large standard DM 1.44 put
and sold a large standard DM 1.41 put, establishing a
new protected range above DM 1.42. Or, if the dollar
looked set to weaken even more, to DM 1.40 or lower,
canceling the down-and-out put, the dealer simply
could have bought back the large standard DM 1.44 put.

Chart 3

Value of a Hedged Position as Exchange Rate
and Volatility Vary

For either plan to work well, the dealer would have
to buy back the DM 1.44 put before the dollar fell
below DM 1.45, making the DM 1.44 put very expensive. If the dollar dropped suddenly and sharply, the
dealer could buy back the DM 1.44 put, but only at a
significant loss. If we take this example one step further, the worst-case scenario would be a sharp drop in
the dollar occurring simultaneously with an increase in
implied volatility, a combination of events that would
make the option to be bought back even more costly.
The loss from buying back the costlier DM 1.44 put
would then be much greater than the gains from the
cancellation of the down-and-out put.

in-the-money as a result of the dollar’s fall, becoming
much more valuable and exposing dealers to losses that
greatly outweighed the gains from the cancellation of
the knockouts. A vicious circle ensued as dealers
scrambled to buy large quantities of standard puts to
minimize their losses, driving the prices of the standard
puts up even further.

This worst-case scenario is exactly what happened
in the currency markets in early March. As we have
suggested, sellers of down-and-out puts manage their
risks by also selling large volumes of standard puts,

The effect on the option market was extreme because
dealers needed to buy a huge volume of standard options
at the same time as many other market participants,
including customers trying to contain losses arising
from canceled down-and-out puts. These customers
also sold dollars outright when cancellation of the downand-out puts left them unprotected against a weaker dollar, but this activity is likely to have added only marginally to the rush to sell dollars already in progress.

The effect on the option market was
extreme because dealers needed to buy a
huge volume of standard options at the
same time as many other market participants.

which are exercised only if the dollar depreciates
sharply. In late February 1995, some dealers had on
their books a substantial quantity of down-and-out dollar puts and a smaller quantity of down-and-out dollar
calls with outstrikes between DM 1.45 and DM 1.35 or
¥95 and ¥85.

We should note that down-and-out calls were also
canceled by the dollar’s precipitous drop, and dealers
who had sold these calls now sold the dollars they held
to hedge them. However, because the down-and-out
calls were out-of-the-money, the dollar hedges were
small and their sale probably accounted for only a small
part of the dollar selling. Conversely, down-and-out
puts may have accounted for only a small share of outstanding options in early March, but because they were
hedged by a far greater volume of standard options, they
exerted a disproportionate influence on option prices.

When the dollar dropped sharply in early March,
many knockout options were immediately canceled and
others appeared likely to be canceled soon thereafter,
resulting in gains to the dealers. However, the standard
options sold by the dealers to hedge the knockouts went



Option Prices as an Indicator of Market Sentiment
This episode in the option market raises another important issue: the usefulness of implied volatilities as an
indicator of market sentiment. As we have noted,
implied volatilities are often interpreted as an indicator
of market uncertainty about future exchange rates.
These volatilities may have understated the degree of
uncertainty about exchange rates before March, when
dealers pumped options into the market, and overstated
the degree of uncertainty in early March. Unfortunately,

Therefore, by observing implied volatilities, market
participants may have underestimated their own concerns about the dollar when it began to weaken in
January and February, making the move in option
prices in early March even more abrupt.
When considering the events leading to March 1995,
market observers have emphasized the impact of
down-and-out options on exchange rates. Certainly,
these knockout options could only have added to the
pressure on the dollar. As we have seen, however,
down-and-out calls are likely to have played only a
minor role in the dollar’s drop, since the dollar hedges
being liquidated were relatively small. Even dollar
sales by customers and dealers resulting from the cancellation of down-and-out puts are likely to have been
just a rivulet in the torrent of dollar sales taking place.

The cancellation of [down-and-out]
puts suddenly unleashed into the option
market a large demand for standard put
options by former holders of canceled
down-and-out puts and, more important,
by the dealers who had sold them.

Instead, down-and-out puts had a much greater
impact on option prices. The cancellation of these puts
suddenly unleashed into the option market a large
demand for standard put options by former holders of
canceled down-and-out puts and, more important, by
the dealers who had sold them. Although the downand-out puts may have represented only a small percentage of outstanding options, they were hedged by a
far greater volume of standard options. As a result,
these knockout options exerted a disproportionate
influence on option prices in early March.

the extent of the distortion caused by changes in option
positions cannot be quantified, since there is no way to
observe firsthand the degree of market participants’
What we do know is that down-and-out puts concealed customers’ desire to protect themselves against
a weaker dollar at lower levels. Had the down-and-out
puts been unavailable, the holders would have instead
sold dollars or bought standard puts, pushing the dollar
down and implied volatilities up before March.

A longer, more detailed version of this paper is available from the author upon request.

About the Author
Allan M. Malz is a trader analyst in the Markets Group.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal Reserve System.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York provides no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose of any information contained in documents produced
and provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in any form or manner whatsoever.




Current Issues in Economics and Finance is published by the Research and Market Analysis Group of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York. Dorothy Meadow Sobol is the editor of the publication.
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