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Construction and Housing 1946-47 Bulletin No. 941 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR L. B. Schwellenbach, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Ewan Clague, Commissioner For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 25 cents Letter of Transmittal U nited States D epartment op L abor, B ureau op L abor Statistics, Washington, D. June 4,1948. The Secretary op L abor: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on construction activity and employment for the years 1946 and 1947. This report, which was prepared by the staff of the Branch of Construction Statistics, presents through the analysis of data gathered by that Branch the story of the postwar revival of the construction industry. The planning and major part of the text preparation for the report was done by Dorothy Newman, assisted by Adela Stucke. The statistical data and analyses were prepared under the direction of Henry F. Haase and Edward M. Gordon. E wan Claque, Commissioner. Hon. L. B. SCHWELLENBACH, Secretary oj Labor. n Preface This report provides detailed statistics describing the shifts and trends in con struction activity after World War II, and a brief interpretation of the reasons be hind them. It is the latest of a series of yearly bulletins on construction which the Bureau of Labor Statistics has been publishing since 1921. The figures in earlier years covered only building construction in the largest cities. Considerable expansion in the Bureau’s construction statistics program has occurred during the past decade, so that figures are now available for building construction in the urban areas of the country as a whole and in about 2,500 cities. Estimates of ex penditures for all of the major types of construction, nonbuilding as well as building, are prepared in cooperation with the United States Department of Commerce. In addition, special statistics are now provided on the volume of Federal construction, on the characteristics and kinds of labor involved in construction work, on construction employment, and on homebuilding. In recent years, because of the critical housing problem and the importance of homebuilding in the total construction picture, the Bureau has paid special attention to developing and improving its statistics on the volume of nonfarm housing. Data on housing in the present bulletin incorporate the latest refinements in statistical method that have been devised by the Bureau’s Branch of Construction Statistics and reflect the results of special housing surveys conducted after the war. The text deals in some detail with the progress of postwar housing construction, relating the develop ments in activity to economic and regulatory changes. m Contents Postwar construction expenditures: Pax« Volume of new construction________________________________________________________ 1 Monthly trend____________________________________________________________________ 5 Construction employment: National trends.-------- -------7 Leading States____________________________________________________________________ 9 Geographic shifts__________________________________________________________________ 10 Irregularity of construction employment......................... 12 Comparative labor requirements: Different kinds of construction_____________________________________________________ 13 Different skills and occupations_____________________________________________________ 15 Housing______________________________________________________________________________ 16 The urban estimate________________________________________________________________ 18 Estimating rural nonfarm housing__________________________________________________ 18 Government role in housing effort, 1946-47________________________ 18 Reconversion housing program_____________________________________________________ 19 Veterans' Emergency Housing Program_____________________________________________ 19 Rental housing____________________________________________________________________ 22 Housing completions_______________________________________________________________ 25 Shifts in location of new housing____________________________________________________ 25 Housing in local areas_____________________________________________________________ 26 Building construction in cities: 31 Volume________________ Location__________________________________________________________________________ 34 Appendix—Supplementary tables: Value of Federal construction contract awards (tables A -l and A- 2)____ ______________ 43 Statistics relating to construction costs (tables A-3 to A-9)___________________________ 44 Text Tables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. —Expenditures for new construction put in place, by type of construction,1915-47-------—Expenditures for new construction put in place, in 1939 prices, by type of construction, selected years___________________________________________________________________ —Federal expenditures for new construction put in place, by type of construction, 1915-47. . —Expenditures for new construction put in place, by type of construction, monthly,1946-47. —Employment by construction contractors, monthly, 1939-47----------------------------------—Employment by construction contractors, compared with nonagricultural employment, 1929-47________________________________________________________________ _______ —Employment by construction contractors, by region and State,1943-47--------------------—Employment by construction contractors, by region and State,quarterly, 1943-47-----—Percentage distribution of male construction workers, classified by regularity of employ ment and type of employing contractor, 1943-----------------------------------------------—Number of workers required on and off site to put in place new construction, by type of construction, 1939-47___ —Number of site workers required to put in place new construction, by skill and occupation, selected years, 1941, 1942, 1946, and 1947--------------------------------------------------------- 16 —Number of new permanent nonfarm dwelling units started, by urban or rural location and by source of funds, 1920-47________ —Number of new nonfarm dwelling units started, by source of funds and whether permanent or temporary, 1935-47__________________________________________________________ —Total number of living accommodations provided during the Veterans' Emergency Housing Program, 1946-47..------—Number and percentage distribution of new permanent nonfarm dwelling units started in 1-family, 2-family, and multifamily structures, 1920-47-------------------------------------—New urban dwelling units authorized, by type and structure and by city-size class, 194647................................................................................... ......................................- ............................... 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 20 21 23 24 v CONTENTS VI Text Tables—Continued Page 17. —Number of new permanent nonfarm dwelling units started, completed, and under con struction, monthly,1946-47--------------------------------------------------------------------------------18. —Percent of new permanent nonfarm dwelling units started inside and outside of metro politan areas, 1946-47___________________________________________________________ 19. —New urban dwelling units authorized, by type of structure and by geographic division, 1946-47________ _________ _____________________________________________ ______ 20. —New urban dwelling units authorized in each State, by source of funds, 1946-47-------21. —Number of new privately financed nonfarm dwelling units started in some representative industrial areas and urban counties, 1946 and first 9 months of 1947-----------------------22. —Indexes of the valuation of urban building authorized, by class of construction, 1929-47-23. —Urban building authorized, by source of funds, 1942-47------------------------------ ---------24. —New urban nonresidential building authorized, by general type of building and by region, 1946-47______________________________________________________________ - ..........— 25. —New urban nonresidential building authorized, by type of building and source of funds, 1946-47________ ____ ________________________________ _________________________ 26. —Urban building authorized, by region and State and by source of funds, 1946-47-------27. —Urban building authorized, by city-size class and source of funds, 1946-47__________ 28. —Cities leading in various types of building construction authorized, 1947__________— 29. —Building construction authorized in cities with 1940 population of 50,000 or more, 1946-47. 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 Appendix Tables VALUE OF FEDERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARDS A -l.—Value of contracts awarded and force-account work started on federally financed new construction, by type of construction, 1935-47___________________________________ A-2.—Value of contracts awarded and force-account work started on federally financed new construction, by region and State, 1943-47______________________________________ 43 43 STATISTICS RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION COSTS A- 3.—Composite index of principal components of construction costs for new private building, 1934-47__________ A-4.—Average weekly hours and average weekly and hourly earnings on private building con struction, and index numbers, 1934-47__________________________________________ A- 5.—Average weekly hours and average weekly and hourly earnings on private building con struction, by type of employing contractor, monthly, 1946-47____________________ A- 6.—Average weekly hours and average weekly and hourly earnings on Federal construction, by type of construction, 1946-47_______________________________________________ A-7.—Average construction cost for new privately financed 1-family dwelling units started, 1940-47_______________________________________________ A- 8.—Percentage distribution of nonfarm 1-family houses started in the second quarter of 1947, by construction cost class, by type of area, and by region_______________________ A-9.—Percentage distribution of nonfarm 1-family houses started in each of 28 industrial areas and 21 urban counties, by construction cost class, second quarter of 1947_____ 44 44 45 46 47 47 47 Charts 1.—Expenditures for new construction____ ______________________________________________ 2.—Employment by construction contractors____________________________________________ 3.—Site workers required on new construction___________________________________________ 4.—New permanent nonfarm housing, started by type of structure________________________ 5.—New permanent nonfarm housing, started urban and rural nonfarm___________________ 6. —New urban dwelling units authorized for 1946-47__________________________________ 7.—Valuation of urban building authorized.,.___ ______________ ________________________ 1 8 15 22 26 29 34 Construction and Housing, 1946-47 Postwar Construction Expenditures Volume of New Construction Construction activity launched into the fastest upswing in its history during the first 2 years following World War II. Spurred by reconversion needs of industry and the unusually great demand for living accommodations, expenditures for new construction in 1946 were more than double the amount in 1945. This unprecedented rise was followed by still another advance in 1947, bringing to an all-time high the dollar value of new work put in place in any one year. Record levels were achieved in the second postwar year not only for new activity as a whole but for the entire privately financed segment, and for nonfarm home build ing, construction on farms, conservation and development work, and public utilities con struction (table 1). Although the actual dollar outlay (almost 14 billion) for new construction in 1947 was the highest on record, the physical volume (measured in terms of 1939 dollars) had been exceeded several times in preceding years (table 2). Since the construction boom of the 1920’s the highest level of activity, as measured in constant dollars, occurred in 1941 and 1942 at the crest of the war construction program. The total for those years exceeds the 1947 total by 27 percent and 41 percent, respectively. However, the physical volume in 1947 was substantially above that of 1940, when the defense program was well under way, and it was more than 2% times as great as the depression low in 1933. Even when deflated to 1939 prices, private ex penditures for residential building were greater in 1947 than at any time in the previous 18 years. The volume of private nonresidential building, on the other hand, was 25 percent under 1946. Considered in terms of either actual dollar out lay or physical volume, the construction record after World War II was impressive in view of existing conditions. During the war a tremendous deficit in housing piled up, and billions of dollars of maintenance work and capital improvements by business were deferred. At the same time, the liquid assets of business and individuals were accumulating. The backlog of consumer needs and the huge pool of savings at the war’s end created a demand for new construction out of all proportion to the supply that could be provided in the immediate future. War-depleted construc tion organizations and materials production facili ties could not be brought into full swing over night. CHART i Expenditures for New Construction 1930 1939 1942 1945 1946 1947 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS_________ It took time to plan and organize building projects, to hire construction workers, and to assemble such materials as were available. There was a severe shortage of building mate rials throughout most of 1946 as the materials industries struggled to expand to full production after sinking to a relatively low output in the later war years. The obstacles to increased production were many—shortages of raw prod1 CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-47 2 ucts, of equipment and repair parts, and of certain skilled labor. Price increases, priority assistance, formal regulations and informal agreements, and premium payments were all used by the Govern ment to increase output and relieve the more critical shortages. As a result, the materials situation began to ease late in 1946. By that time, however, inflationary pressures in the construction field were becoming acute. There developed a reluctance to buy or build in a rising market. But the most rapid increase in prices was over by April 1947. The check in prices, together with growing awareness by midyear that no sharp decline could be expected in the near future, influenced a new spurt in construction activity. Furthermore, the improvement in materials supply led to more efficient building operations and somewhat greater stability of construction costs. Prospective builders became unwilling to wait any longer to start much needed new construc tion, particularly in the housing field. The high volume of home building was sus tained also by the availability of liberal Govern ment financing under the FHA and VA programs. By midsummer the dollar volume of new construc tion activity was at record levels, and as 1947 drew to a close it seemed likely that 1948 would be a banner year for the industry. T able 1 .— Expenditures for new construction put in place, by type of construction, 1915-47 1 Type of construction Total new construction *................... Private construction............ Residential building (nonfarm)___ Nonresidential building (nonfarm) 8_ Industrial...................................... Commercial_________________ Warehouses, office and loft buildings............................ Stores, restaurants, and ga rages.................................... Religious...................................... Educational.................................. Social and recreational............... Hospital and institutional......... H otel........................................... Miscellaneous............................... Farm construction............................. Residential................................... Nonresidential............................. Public utilities.................................. Railroad........................................ Local transit................................. Pipeline......................................... Electric light and power............ Gas________________________ Telephone and telegraph........... Public construction_______ Residential building. ........................ Nonresidential building *.................. Industrial 5__............................... Commercial................................. Public administration................ Educational.................................. Social and recreational............... Hospital and institutional......... Miscellaneous............................... Military and naval facilities............. Highway.............. .............................. State.............................................. County.......................................... M unicipal................................. Federal8........................................ Sewage disposal.................................. Water supply...................................... Miscellaneous public service enter prises 9............................................... Conservation and development___ Bureau of Reclamation.............. Army Engineers. ........................ Tennessee Valley Authority___ Other..........-........................ All other public10............................... See footnotes at end of table. Expenditures (in millions of dollars) 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 13,977 10,893 5,260 3,131 1,702 835 216 619 118 164 92 107 43 70 450 253 197 2,052 318 56 100 611 457 510 3,084 182 505 25 (0 32 275 17 81 75 204 1,233 900 202 108 23 177 154 117 396 125 222 30 19 116 10,458 8,253 3,183 3,346 1,689 1,110 309 801 72 115 121 81 52 106 350 212 138 1,374 258 35 63 443 270 305 2,205 369 325 84 4 16 101 11 85 24 188 772 506 165 87 14 97 97 87 240 60 147 17 16 30 1940 1939 1938 1937 4,808 4,136 7,784 13,412 10,490 7,042 2,716 1,823 1,744 8,007 5,426 4,890 684 535 650 1,315 2,355 1,014 350 232 635 2,765 1,486 1,028 642 208 156 346 801 442 199 55 32 150 400 342 52 16 13 57 114 85 147 39 93 286 257 19 26 11 29 5 59 56 28 10 6 23 55 47 24 16 6 28 68 63 34 25 27 11 44 31 4 11 14 2 27 23 21 50 14 18 32 24 191 213 292 271 303 236 116 136 185 144 174 127 75 77 107 127 109 827 725 570 786 129 872 264 247 211 197 187 771 167 18 15 14 12 30 50 42 71 77 80 60 30 245 163 144 255 305 311 141 146 63 87 111 91 117 83 61 155 179 122 2,092 2,313 6,040 10,405 5,064 2,652 71 190 700 545 430 200 652 638 1,805 3,653 1,584 470 507 1,668 3,437 1,280 556 164 4 4 4 6 21 34 15 14 11 47 89 133 59 41 62 116 135 132 9 7 8 5 15 18 85 58 43 32 34 50 10 10 6 10 10 25 690 837 2,550 5,016 1,620 386 346 420 616 800 385 226 232 311 435 552 882 561 89 62 59 95 117 137 63 45 43 69 105 154 8 7 7 17 26 30 37 26 32 39 48 67 60 53 70 100 120 127 55 46 43 36 63 90 130 163 285 350 354 310 39 36 42 60 79 74 63 73 160 150 159 158 18 45 76 131 83 38 10 9 7 9 33 40 11 14 135 50 45 35 6,307 3,808 2,114 785 254 287 76 211 46 37 94 29 17 21 226 120 106 683 137 54 35 303 61 93 2,498 65 859 23 32 204 418 47 114 21 125 867 505 142 185 35 82 80 91 310 72 157 32 49 20 5,186 8,076 1,511 764 232 279 89 190 48 38 92 33 19 23 196 104 92 605 119 41 21 267 65 92 2,110 35 568 12 18 139 266 37 83 13 62 858 562 144 115 37 89 90 94 299 67 157 31 44 15 5,487 3,390 1,372 1,088 492 378 128 250 42 40 69 30 22 15 225 118 107 705 199 39 67 218 80 102 2,097 93 470 2 22 121 221 34 62 8 37 902 607 142 111 42 95 79 101 310 60 176 30 44 10 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 4,836 3,230 2,805 2,376 3,290 2, 550 1,676 1,235 1,012 1,467 1,131 665 361 278 462 712 472 455 404 499 266 158 191 176 74 283 206 169 127 216 104 70 62 41 110 179 136 107 86 106 32 26 20 43 20 37 16 13 14 50 32 51 32g 329 57 16 10 32 15 11 8 15 8 12 13 14 12 18 189 176 93 39 69 104 96 54 43 26 85 80 39 13 26 518 363 326 261 467 149 116 128 94 139 45 40 30 29 21 41 20 12 37 7 139 87 66 59 109 77 48 43 66 35 67 52 47 87 45 2,286 1, 554 1,570 1,364 1,823 61 9 1 0 604 278 286 2050 392 4 2 2 11 14 7 13 4 8 137 79 74 101 173 323 130 110 43 123 50 19 27 15 6 63 31 41 43 78 13 10 3 6 10 29 37 47 34 36 927 709 826 809 961 634 429 564 522 561 109 103 87 105 168 131 113 114 138 211 53 64 44 21 61 115 68 54 34 69 93 69 62 47 87 111 59 41 61 135 339 317 245 168 139 56 47 35 26 26 192 177 142 102 81 32 28 5 0 17 59 65 51 35 32 7 8 8 4 6 POSTWAR CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITURES 3 T able 1.— Expenditures for new construction put in placet by type of construction, 1915-47 1—Continued Type of construction Total new construction12__ Private construction___ Residential building (nonfarm)........................ .......... Nonresidential building (nonfarm)3*......................... Industrial........................ Commercial.................... Warehouses, office and loft buildings........ ............. Stores, restaurants, and garages.......... Religious......................... Educational.................... Social and recreationalHospital and institutional............................ Hotel................................ Miscellaneous................. Farm construction................ Residential—.................. Nonresidential................ Public utilities...................... Railroad.......................... Local transit................... Pipeline........................... Electric light and power. Gas................................... Telephone and tele graph............................ Public construction....... Residential building............. Nonresidential buildingC.. Industrial*..................... Commercial.................... Public administration.. Educational-------------Social and recreationalHospital and institu tional—....................... Miscellaneous................. Military and naval facilities. Highway.............-................. State............................... County..... ...................... Municipal-...................... Federal8.......................... Sewage disposal..................... Water supply........................ Miscellaneous public serv ice enterprises9.................. Conservation and develop ment.................................... Bureau of Reclamation. Army Engineers........... Tennessee Valley Au thority......................... Other............................... All other public10................. Expenditures (in millions of dollars) 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 5,967 8,375 1,228 1,104 221 437 8,042 5,265 1,446 2,099 532 856 9,873 7,476 2,797 2,822 949 1,097 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 10,780 8,813 3,869 2,797 802 1,121 11,067 8,783 4,175 2,825 696 1,145 11,119 9,040 4,496 2,878 727 1,107 10,512 8,439 4,505 2,373 513 940 259 559 581 00 178 297 516 00 82 128 139 168 94 112 113 107 116 140 164 224 98 100 67 103 46 164 199, 224 63 64 51 41 97 193 279 275 59 107 147 145 86 132 130 38 946 1,527 1,578 1,372 292 521 510 433 82 85 90 69 97 53 77 30 225 377 350 338 117 181 185 212 166 333 354 246 2,582 2, 777 2,397 2,467 0 0 0 0 578 623 622 638 («) CO CO CO CO 173 («)121 (6)103 (6)85 269 344 367 378 36 26 50 18 104 111 95 108 21 21 14 17 19 40 15 29 1,351 1,505 1,254 1,275 731 713 557 538 248 297 257 282 350 478 429 444 22 11 11 17 114 142 127 183 156 201 126 117 209 157 150 157 72 86 135 111 11 8 20 7 59 46 75 81 0 0 0 0 34 19 25 19 13 10 9 9 00 00 179 106 252 106 291 50 283 149 134 1,450 462 77 80 362 257 212 2,334 0 596 CO CO84 367 48 80 17 12 1,156 404 289 453 10 174 138 192 63 6 40 0 17 3 00 00 00 00177 00165 00130 108 108 91 255 199 131 83 63 79 365 313 222 56 56 60 251 259 257 132 136 135 119 123 122 1,415 1,302 1,356 491 393 365 51 52 56 36 55 70 362 421 463 248 171 206 227 210 196 2,079 2,078 1,843 0 0 0 603 573 494 CO 0) CO CO CO 0)39 70 56 399 400 353 22 47 37 68 60 61 19 19 20 9 11 8 1,005 1,021 932 356 389 382 266 265 256 373 357 285 10 9 10 145 133 108 140 145 155 112 119 65 61 73 79 6 8 7 41 55 51 0 0 0 14 15 16 2 1 1 1 Revised as of April 1948. Construction expenditures represent the mon etary value of the volume of work accomplished during the given period of time. These figures should be differentiated from valuation data reported in the section on city building, pages 31 to 42, and from data on value of Federal contract awards, appendix tables A-l and A-2. Estimates of expenditures for 1915 through 1938 were made by the Office of Domestic Commerce, U. S. Department of Commerce, except for the nonfarm residential building segment, which was estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For 1839 and subsequent years, the estimates were pre pared jointly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Office of Domestic Commerce. 2 Includes major additions and alterations. 3 Excludes nonresidential building by privately owned public utilities. * Excludes nonresidential building for military and naval facilities. 792111—48------2 9,548 7,705 4,195 1,897 460 740 8,567 6,997 3,640 1,896 549 716 7,017 5,377 2,734 1,638 467 613 5,531 3,991 1,661 1,543 574 570 1920 1919 1918 1917 6,117 4,779 1,545 2,082 1,099 625 1916 1915 5,736 4,714 4,138 3,453 2,932 3,770 2,482 2,865 2,750 2,217 1,536 691 902 1,066 950 513 1,147 771 860 771 621 449 364 262 197 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00117 00103 0071 0055 00 00 22 00 32 83 61 128 132 119 104 00 44 30 00 57 53 199 181 109 118 00 24 29 47 28 414 270 218 183 381 00 142 115 96 201 218 87 180 196 128 103 1,191 787 604 771 673 361 176 184 184 266 82 63 74 85 59 41 41 30 56 53 412 229 163 262 156 56 66 78 133 139 76 158 117 102 124 1, 570 1,640 1, 540 1,338 1,966 14 0 0 0 0 481 481 387 283 246 00 (0 (0 0) (0 0)44 CO55 (051 CO38 00 00 346 342 274 190 00 12 00 14 15 20 55 40 60 33 00 16 10 00 9 8 49 161 1,089 16 25 755 834 830 644 418 280 287 299 240 125 242 330 337 192 131 226 213 191 208 159 4 3 4 3 7 53 90 67 88 78 86 71 113 113 100 41 35 43 48 49 65 52 39 55 48 5 9 5 9 7 41 43 36 29 30 0 0 0 0 0 5 13 9 9 9 2 2 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00323 170 153 697 365 107 24 102 26 73 2,232 28 199 00: 8 00 00 00 00 1,555 289 72 108 108 1 38 56 37 29 6 20 0 3 1 oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00315 166 149 788 361 154 20 123 45 85 1,273 0 192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 608 313 62 112 139 0045 46 41 27 6 18 0 3 1 00 8 00 00 00 00 00255 134 121 658 281 109 20 117 70 61 703 0 207 00 00 00 00 00 00 0021 308 50 118 140 0046 49 43 28 6 20 0 2 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00205 108 97 549 241 112 20 92 41 43 715 0 217 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 298 56 109 133 00 52 54 40 36 7 27 0 2 1 5 Excludes expenditures to construct facilities used in atomic energy projects. 6 Public industrial and commercial building not segregable from private for 1920 through 1932, but the amount involved is negligible. t Less than $500,000. 8 Includes primarily roads in National parks and forests. Federal con tributions to State and local programs are included in those categories, which are shown above according to governmental ownership. For total amount of Federal expenditures and contributions for highway construction, see table 3, p. 5. • Covers primarily publicly owned electric light and power systems, and local transit facilities. 10 Covers miscellaneous construction items such as monuments, memorials, etc. n Unavailable separately; included in total. CONSTRUCTION AND BOUSING, 1946-47 4 T able 2.— Expenditures for new construction put in place, in 1939 prices, type o/ construction, selected years 1 iype oi construction Total new construction *.................................. Private construction......................................... Residential building (nonfarm)................ Nonresidential building (nonfarm) *........ Industrial................................................. Commercial............................................ Warehouses, office and loft build ings...................................... ......... Stores, restaurants, and garages... Other nonresidential building:............ Farm construction...................................... Residential........................................... Nonresidential..................................... Public utilities............................................ Railroads............................................. Telephone and telegraph.................... Other public utilities.......................... Public construction........................................... Residential building.................................. Nonresidential building4.......................... Industrial ®........................................... Educational.......................................... Hospital and institutional................. Other nonresidential........................... Military and naval facilities..................... Highway........ ............................................ Sewage disposal and water supply......... Miscellaneous public service enter prises 7....................................................... Conservation and development............... All other public8........................................ Expenditures (in millions of 1939 dollars) 1947 7,344 5,690 2,698 1,500 818 406 120 286 276 180 96 84 1,312 183 304 825 1,654 97 234 13 126 38 57 102 632 198 86 236 69 1946 1945 6,553 5,167 1,977 2,006 960 708 204 504 338 180 106 74 1,004 163 204 637 1,386 225 197 48 62 53 34 115 454 134 73 166 22 3,500 1,983 472 725 449 149 42 107 127 110 65 45 676 183 87 406 1,517 50 475 340 44 63 28 501 251 76 53 102 9 1942 10,390 2,508 1,117 504 260 127 49 78 117 207 108 99 680 154 130 396 7,882 459 2,718 2,537 97 27 57 3,796 405 122 34 305 43 1941 9,339 4,857 2,469 1,314 681 371 108 263 262 265 150 115 809 169 161 479 4,482 384 1,353 1,073 125 31 124 1,456 702 156 60 329 42 1940 6,858 4,246 2,268 990 413 338 85 253 239 232 123 109 756 163 118 475 2,612 195 533 150 130 50 203 372 892 191 90 304 35 1939 6,307 3,808 2,114 785 254 287 76 211 244 226 120 106 683 137 93 453 2,499 65 859 23 418 114 304 125 867 162 91 310 20 1933 2,728 1,267 358 531 229 167 52 115 135 82 51 31 296 101 49 146 1,461 0 260 3 57 57 143 47 766 101 73 209 5 1930 7,857 5,269 1,453 2,146 587 846 548 298 713 171 94 77 1,499 470 286 743 2,588 0 625 (•) 345 111 169 30 1,275 356 178 115 9 i Estimates of the Office of Domestic Commerce, U. S. Department of * Excludes nonresidential building by privately owned public utilities. 4 Excludes nonresidential building for military and naval facilities. Commerce, revised as of April 1948. Construction expenditures represent * Excludes expenditures to construct facilities used in atomic energy projects. the monetary value of the volume of work accomplished during the given * Public industrial building not segregable from private for 1920 through period of time. Measurement of construction activity in 1939 prices was accomplished by deflating each class of construction by an appropriate con 1932, but the amount involved is negligible. struction cost index. For more detailed explanation of the method, see the 7 Covers primarily publicly owned electric light and power systems and local transit facilities. Statistical Supplement to Construction Materials, monthly report of the 8 Covers miscellaneous construction items, such as monuments, memorials, Department of Commerce, for May 1948, pp. 29-40. etc. * Includes major additions and alterations. Nearly four-fifths of all new construction put in place in 1947 was privately financed, as against slightly more than one-fifth during the war years 1942 and 1943. Yet public outlays for construc tion programs in 1947 were the highest recorded in any peacetime year. Of the public activity, less than two-fifths was financed by the Federal Government, compared with almost a half in 1946 and more than nine-tenths in 1942 when Federal expenditures were at an all-time high (table 3). Construction expenditures 1are a measure of the dollar value of construction work actually done. In addition to actual structures they include the installed value of equipment considered an inte gral part of a structure, but they exclude the value of land, machinery, and movable equipment. The value of major additions and alterations is con sidered a part of new construction. 1 Estimates of construction expenditures are prepared jointly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Office of Domestic Commerce, U. S. Department of Commerce. Estimates of expenditures for private residential buildings are based on the valuation figures re corded on reports of building permits issued, which are submitted to the Bureau of Labor Statistics by local building officials. These data are adjusted to account for residential building activity in non-permit-issuing places, for permits issued but not used, and for the understatement of construction costs inherent in building permit valuations. Separate estimates are made for each of several types of private nonresidential building, based upon records of contracts awarded as reported monthly by the F. W. Dodge Corp. Estimates for the other types of construction, Federal and nonFederal, are for the most part derived from reports obtained from other government agencies and private industry, as well as published sources such as the weekly periodical Engineering NewsRecord, the annual Budget of the United States Government, and the annual Financial Statistics of Cities. POSTWAR CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITURES T able 3.— Federal expenditures for new construction put in place, by type of construction, 1915-47 1 Federal expenditures (in millions) Year 1915.................... 1916.................... 1917.................... 1918.................... 1919.................... 1920.................... 1921.................... 1922.................... 1923.................... 1924.................... 1925.................... 1926.................... 1927.................... 1928.................... 1929.................... 1930.................... 1931.................... 1932.................... 1933.................... 1934.................... 1935.................... 1936.................... 1937.................... 1938.................... 1939.................... 1940.................... 1941.................... 1942................... 1943.................... 1944.................... 1945................... 1946................... 1947.................... Con Total Resi Non Mili serva new dential resi tary High tion and con dential naval w ay4 and de build facu struc build velop ing ing* tion* lties ment $54 50 641 1,624 1,211 316 200 178 185 202 192 177 181 207 237 338 451 510 552 720 828 1,262 1,154 989 1,257 1,397 3,853 9,544 5,614 1,912 1,558 1,074 1,175 0 (9) 0 (•) 0 («) $28 (•) 14 (•) 0 («) $17 0 21 0 0 18 13 0 0 8 0 8 10 0 14 0 0 26 43 0 65 0 0 133 94 0 80 0 9 107 345 61 276 93 245 32 401 4 362 4 215 1,409 363 3,546 655 1,737 182 576 552 71 304 127 119 111 $17 21 608 1,555 1,089 161 49 25 16 9 8 11 12 15 19 29 40 34 36 47 37 29 37 62 125 385 1,620 5,016 2,550 837 690 188 204 0 0 $5 11 68 99 81 82 84 100 102 95 93 96 93 146 202 198 250 326 326 392 361 286. 269 248 206 187 186 119 83 181 333 $36 2$ 27 29 39 55 52 48 65 79 73 61 63 72 86 111 135 139 168 245 317 339 310 299 310 310 354 350 285 163 130 240 396 All other Fed eral * $1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 10 13 9 9 6 4 22 32 96 77 65 148 88 49 82 201 35 32 34 12 i Construction expenditures represent the monetary value of the volume of work accomplished during the given period of time. These figures should be differentiated from valuation data reported in the section on city building and from data on contract awards in appendix tables A-l and A-2. Data on expenditures under Federal-aid programs cover only the portion contrib uted by the Federal Government. * Includes major additions and alterations. * Excludes expenditures to construct facilities used in atomic energy pro jects and nonresidential building for military and naval facilities. * Covers expenditures for federally owned highways, and contributions to State and local programs. (See also footnote 7, table 1, p. 3.) »Includes projects such as airports, sewage disposal and water supply facilities, national cemeteries, monuments, and memorials. * Unavailable. Monthly Trend The first half of 1946 was marked by gains in all types of construction, reflecting not only the seasonal trend but also a continuation of the spurt in activity which got under way with the removal of wartime construction controls in October 1945. At midyear private commercial building leveled off, and in August started to decline steadily (table 4). At the same time industrial and other types of private nonresidential building, together with home construction, continued to increase. Thus, there became evident the first clear effects on expenditures of the restrictions on nonhousing 5 construction, initiated March 26. The limitation order (VHP-1) was. issued to prevent the diver sion of a disproportionate amount of materials and labor to unessential building. All structures actually started before the issuance of the order were free to go ahead, but those begun afterward required approval from the Civilian Production Administration for nonresidential projects and from the Federal Housing Administration for homes. Commercial building was affected first by VHP-1 because less construction time was re quired to complete the backlog of work in this category started prior to March 26. Not only can commercial structures such as stores, restau rants, service stations, etc., be built in a shorter period than most industrial factories and ware houses, but the dollar volume of essential con struction authorized by the Civilian Production Administration was less in commercial than in industrial building. The monthly volume of private activity con tinued to speed ahead of public in 1946, intensify ing the marked shift in importance between the two types which had begun in the middle of 1945. It had been expected that as construction of war plants and military installations dwindled to almost nothing, the usual peacetime programs of Federal, State, and local governments would swell the outlays for public construction. However, the rapidly developing materials shortages soon made it apparent that this would not be the case. On August 6, 1946, the Reconversion Director placed a moratorium on all Federal construction contracts until the end of the month, requiring that Federal agencies submit their construction programs for review by the Civilian Production Administration and the Housing Expediter*. A number of agencies were ordered by the President to reduce specific contemplated expenditures, and others, to limit their programs as much as possible. Increasing costs were another factor tending to lower the volume of public activity. More often than not, agencies received bids which far exceeded original estimates. In many instances this resulted in indefinite postponement of projects. New construction as a whole did not start to decline until November, having been sustained in the early fall by a relatively high level of ex penditures for building construction and for CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-47 6 T able 4.— Expenditures for new construction put in place, by type of construction, monthly, 1946-47 1 Type of construction Expenditures (in millions) De No Octo Sep Au Total cember vember ber tember gust July June May Janu April March Febru ary ary 1947 Total new construction12.*................................... $13,977 $1,320 $1,432 $1,497 $1,423 $1,364 $1,264 $1,162 $1,032 Private construction........................................... Residential building (nonfarm)................. Nonresidential building (nonfarm)8.......... Industrial................................................ Commercial............................................ Warehouses, office and loft buildings----------------------------------Stores, restaurants, and garages.. Other nonresidential building____... Religious........................................ . Educational............. ........ ............. Hospital and institutional............ Remaining types4.......................... Farm construction........................................ Public utilities............................................. Railroad................................................. Telephone and telegraph..................... Other public utilities............................ Public construction............................................. Residential building.................................... Nonresidential building8............................ Industrial •_............................................ Educational............ ............................... Hospital and institutional.................... All other nonresidential...................... Military and naval facilities....................... Highways..................................................... Sewer and water........................................ . Miscellaneous public service enterprises7. Conservation and development................. All other public8.......................................... 10*893 1,097 1,141 1,129 1,086 1,042 610 630 5,260 590 540 500 284 3,131 287 275 260 267 134 136 1,702 138 139 137 93 835 91 69 82 75 19 22 14 14 216 15 74 69 54 619 68 61 594 58 59 54 52 56 13 13 13 11 118 12 164 17 16 16 17 17 9 9 8 9 9 107 20 19 205 18 16 17 15 25 65 75 450 50 188 199 214 214 2,052 207 28 30 33 33 318 32 55 53 54 59 46 510 1,224 105 116 123 127 128 3,084 223 291 322 368 337 182 8 8 9 8 7 505 52 50 49 45 53 25 0 1 1 0 1 32 29 25 275 27 26 8 81 8 9 8 7 13 14 124 12 12 16 204 19 23 22 22 17 65 119 178 159 149 1,233 331 28 35 32 32 32 10 12 8 12 117 11 41 44 45 36 42 396 9 14 12 12 12 116 966 455 254 139 67 15 52 48 10 14 9 15 60 197 31 44 122 298 9 42 2 23 7 10 19 137 31 11 39 10 $928 $859 $823 $873 885 405 250 140 65 16 49 45 8 12 9 16 50 180 27 40 113 277 8 43 2 24 7 10 15 125 30 11 35 10 790 355 242 141 58 17 41 43 8 11 9 15 40 153 23 31 99 242 9 42 3 23 6 10 15 100 28 10 29 9 713 310 238 142 53 17 36 43 7 11 9 16 30 135 22 25 88 215 16 40 4 22 6 8 15 76 26 9 25 8 679 285 241 145 52 17 35 44 7 11 9 17 20 133 20 38 75 180 25 34 3 19 5 7 12 50 22 9 21 7 662 280 258 152 61 23 38 45 8 11 9 17 10 114 18 33 63 161 37 27 3 13 5 6 12 36 17 7 19 6 703 300 275 159 69 27 42 47 8 11 9 19 10 118 21 32 65 170 38 28 5 12 5 6 13 .39 18 7 20 7 925 745 284 303 138 116 25 91 49 6 10 7 26 40 118 21 24 73 180 25 26 6 8 8 4 14 69 16 9 18 3 814 662 240 282 128 110 22 88 44 5 9 6 24 30 110 21 25 64 152 21 23 6 7 8 2 14 55 12 7 17 3 701 575 198 257 119 98 20 78 40 5 8 5 22 20 100 21 24 55 126 12 22 6 6 7 3 15 43 10 6 15 3 597 492 161 230 113 81 16 65 36 4 7 5 20 14 87 19 21 47 105 9 23 7 6 7 3 13 31 9 5 12 3 511 430 138 212 108 71 14 57 33 4 6 4 19 8 72 17 17 38 81 4 21 7 5 6 3 13 21 7 3 11 1 495 403 133 189 100 59 11 48 30 4 5 4 17 8 73 18 17 38 92 2 25 9 6 7 3 18 22 9 4 10 2 1946 Total new construction8.................................... Private construction........................................... Residential building (nonfarm)................. Nonresidential building (nonfarm)8.......... Industrial............................................... Commercial______________________ Warehouses, office and loft build ings.............................. ................ Stores, restaurants, and garages.. Other nonresidential building............. Religious.......................................... Educational.................................... Hospital and institutional............ Remaining types4.......................... Farm construction....................................... Public utilities.............................................. Railroad................................................. Telephone and telegraph..................... Other public utilities............................ Public construction............................................ Residential building.................................... Nonresidential building8............................ Industrial •_........................................... Educational.................... ...................... Hospital and institutional.................... All other nonresidential........................ Military and naval facilities..................... Highways....................................................... Sewer and water........................................ Miscellaneous public service enterprises7. Conservation and development.................. All other public8.......................................... 10,458 8,253 3,183 3,346 1,689 1,110 309 801 547 72 115 81 279 350 1,374 258 305 811 2,205 369 325 84 101 85 55 188 772 194 87 240 30 952 1,053 1,132 1,126 1,112 1,040 864 819 863 751 849 800 324 320 335 356 347 347 320 317 296 308 316 316 159 149 166 171 171 167 80 106 116 86 91 96 33 30 32 36 35 35 73 86 48 51 55 61 52 54 53 55 50 51 8 6 8 8 7 7 11 12 12 11 12 12 9 8 8 7 9 9 28 21 25 29 22 26 10 60 50 20 40 50 125 141 128 146 137 137 24 24 22 22 26 23 29 34 26 30 28 30 72 81 80 88 88 87 263 253 283 248 221 201 52 43 32 73 37 59 25 33 32 30 29 36 5 9 9 7 6 7 11 9 12 10 10 11 5 6 8 8 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 14 16 18 17 20 16 97 87 61 80 106 100 24 23 20 18 26 20 11 10 6 9 10 7 25 21 25 29 27 30 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 Revised as of April 1948. Construction expenditures represent the mone tary value of the volume of work accomplished during the given period of time. These figures should be differentiated from valuation data reported in the section on city building, pp. 31 to 42, and from data on value of Federal contract awards, appendix tables A-l and A-2. These estimates were made jointly by the Office of Domestic Commerce, U. S. Department of Commerce, and by tne Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. 2 Includes major additions and alterations. * Excludes nonresidential building by privately owned public utilities. 4 Includes social and recreational buildings, hotels, and miscellaneous buildings not elsewhere classified. 8Excludes nonresidential building for military and naval facilities. • Excludes expenditures to construct facilities used in atomic energy projects. 7 Covers primarily publicly owned electric light and power systems and local transit facilities. 8 Covers miscellaneous construction items, such as monuments, memorials, etc. CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT utilities projects such as telephone, telegraph, and railroad facilities. In the closing months of the year, all types of construction followed the normal seasonal pattern, with the exception of privately financed religious, educational, and hospital and institutional building. Applications for priority ratings needed to complete construc tion or expand facilities in the two latter cate gories had been given particular consideration by the Civilian Production Administration. In 1947 the monthly trend of dollars spent for new construction continued steadily upward until the last quarter of the year, when the onset of severe winter weather caused a slight decline. Peak expenditures of almost 1% billion dollars in October had been equaled only once before— July 1942. Divergent trends within the major types of con struction activity were most noticeable in 1947. Homebuilding continued far ahead of other kinds of construction, and as the year advanced the gap between residential and industrial building widened. As a result of unprecedented demand, easing of credit for home construction, and greater availability of materials and labor, private build ers put 65 percent more into nonfarm housing in 1947 than in the preceding year. Industrial con struction, on the other hand, gradually leveled off during 1947 and expenditures for the 12 months were only slightly above the 1946 total. Manage ment had become more sensitive to rising costs 7 and other unfavorable factors, since the edge had been taken off the backlog of urgent industrial needs by the great amount of new privately financed industrial building started immediately after the war and by the large volume of war plants sold or leased to industry by the Government. After a spring slump, commercial building ad vanced rapidly in the summer and autumn months, reflecting the lifting of restrictions on all nonresidential construction (except amusement and recreation projects) with the passage of the Housing and Kent Act of 1947 in June. In spite of the contraseasonal rise in the final months of the year, 1947 expenditures for commercial con struction failed by 25 percent to equal the large dollar volume for 1946. Public expenditures for new construction gained more proportionally than private expenditures in 1947. In the fourth quarter, the public segment was 73 percent higher than in the first quarter, as against a rise of 65 percent for the private segment. Although rising costs still had a restraining effect on increased construction outlays by Government bodies, it was impossible to ignore any longer the growing needs in many areas arising from deferred projects and increasing population. Highway and road construction alone accounted for over half the increase in public expenditures during the year. Major gains were made also in new public school building, conservation and development work, and construction of sewer and water facilities. Construction Employment National Trends Construction contractors employed an average of nearly 2,000,000 workers in 1947—the largest number since 1942 when construction was at war peak. Except for the usual seasonal declines, con struction employment rose almost steadily after VJ-day, as contractors pressed to meet the huge accumulation of civilian building needs that re sulted during the war. In 1946, between the seasonal low in January and the peak in Septem ber, contractors took on about 700,000 employees, and construction employment reached an average of about 1,920,000. Nearly 190,000 more workers had been employed by the September peak in 1947, when employment stood at a little over 2,100,000. While this employment figure ex ceeded the immediate prewar experience in 193941, it failed to match the levels reached during the height of the war construction period in 1942. In contrast, the total of all civilian jobs in 1947 at tained the highest level on record. 8 CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-47 The reason for this is that postwar difficulties retarded construction longer than most other major industries. Materials shortages in 1946 lengthened construction time and often made effi cient operations at the site impossible. These conditions added to construction costs, which were already near a new all-time record. Cost uncer tainties particularly were dampening to construc tion activity, so that even though materials supply had vastly improved, 1947 got off to a compara tively poor start. during 1942, when 5% percent of all workers in nonagricultural establishments were employed by construction contractors. This was a wartime phenomenon, reflecting the feverish haste with which industrial plant and military facilities ex pansion was taking place during the early war period. Construction has not claimed this pro portion of all nonagricultural employment at any other time during the years for which reports are available—1929 to date. T able 5.— Employment by construction contractors, monthly, 1989-47 1 jviomn Monthly aver age.................. January............. February........... March................ April.................. May................... June................... July.................... August............... September......... October.............. November......... December.......... Employment (in thousands) 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1,921 1,690 1,668 1,709 1,798 1,866 1,967 2,043 2,096 2,107 2,099 2,046 1,978 1,661 1,220 1,261 1,375 1,528 1,617 1,701 1,802 1,887 1,923 1,910 1,887 1,826 1,132 960 959 1,002 1,053 1,093 1,147 1,187 1,232 1,232 1,252 1,266 1,215 1,094 1,114 1,068 1,061 1,075 1,109 1,147 1,153 1,157 1,125 1,092 1,057 969 1,567 1,835 1,780 1,764 1,741 1,694 1,669 1,580 1,524 1,451 1,343 1,272 1,147 2,170 1,675 1,649 1,834 2,040 2,222 2,403 2,565 2,577 2,530 2,370 2,212 1,957 1,790 1,606 1,567 1,532 1,644 1,738 1,803 1,956 2,014 2,035 1,969 1,879 1,734 1,294 904 930 1,015 1,146 1,260 1,300 1,342 1,371 1,469 1,550 1,607 1,629 1,150 927 916 1,035 1,132 1,234 1,272 1,285 1,312 1,285 1,234 1,161 1,010 1 The data cover all site and off-site wage and salaried employees of private firms whose major activity is construction, but exclude self-employed con struction Workers, working proprietors, and force-account employees of non construction firms and public agencies engaged in construction activities. (Force-account work is done, not through a contractor, but directly by a business or government agency using a separate work force to perform non maintenance construction on the agency’s own properties.)! The estimates are based primarily on reports by construction firms to unemployment compensation agencies and to the Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, adjusted currently in accordance with monthly reports to the Bureau of Labor Statistics or to cooperating State agencies from a sample of firms in each State. They are prepared as a segment of the Bureau of Labor Statistics nonagricultural employment series. By the summer of 1947, however, there was good assurance that materials supply would continue adequate and the price structure would not collapse in the foreseeable future. A full-fledged construc tion boom got under way then, led by housebuild ing. By the end of 1947 prospects were bright for an important construction year in 1948 that would bring construction employment to the rec ord levels reached by industry generally during 1947. It is unlikely, however, that in a peacetime year construction employment will attain the impor tance in the whole employment picture that it held In 1929 at the end of the construction boom of the twenties and again in 1941, the preparedness period, construction contractors provided nearly 5 percent of all nonagricultural jobs—still an ex traordinary proportion. The effectiveness of Gov ernment regulations prohibiting nonessential con struction during World War II is clear from the fact that the number of jobs in construction es tablishments shrank to only a little over 2% per cent of all nonagricultural jobs in 1944, when the war building program was coming to an end. Not even in the depression years 1933-34 did construc tion claim so small a part of total nonfarm em ployment. In 1947 the percentage was almost percent, construction having moved up to a some what more important place in the employment picture than it held before the war, CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT Employment estimates cover all full- and parttime wage and salaried employees. In the case of construction employment, they cover all site and off-site wage and salaried employees of private firms whose major activity is construction. They exclude self-employed construction workers, work ing proprietors, and force-account employees2 T able 6.— Employment by construction contractors, com pared with nonagricultural employment 1929-47 1 Average monthly employment (in thousands) Year Contract construc tion e m p l o y ment as percent of employment in all nonagri All nonagricultural Contract construc cultural estab establishments tion lishments 1929................. 1930................. 1931................. 1932................. 1933................. 1934................. 1936................. 1936................. 1937................. 1938-............... 1939................. 1940................. 1941................. 1942................. 1943................. 1944................. 1945................. 1946................. 1947................. 31,041 29,143 26,383 23,377 23,466 25,699 26,792 28,802 30,718 28,902 30,287 32,031 36,164 39,697 42,042 41,480 40,069 41,494 43,970 1,497 1,372 1,214 970 809 862 912 1,145 1,112 1,055 1,150 1,294 1,790 2,170 1,567 1,094 1,132 1,661 1,921 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.1 3.4 3.4 3.4 4.0 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.9 £.5 3.7 2.6 2.8 4.0 4.4 »The estimates cover all full-and part-time wage and salaried employees. They are based primarily on employers* reports to unemployment compehsation agencies and to the Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, ad justed currently in accordance with monthly reports to the Bureau of Labor Statistics or to cooperating State agencies from a sample Of firms in e&ch State. The data on construction cover all site and off-site wage and salaried em ployees of private firms whose major activity is construction, but exclude self-employed construction workers, working proprietors, and force-account employees of nonconstruction firms and public agencies engaged in construc tion activities. (Force-account work is done, not through a contractor, but directly by a business or government agency using a separate work force to perform nonmaintenance construction on the agency's own properties.) of nonconstruction firms and public agencies that engage in construction. All the employment estimates are based cur rently on monthly reports to the Bureau of Labor Statistics or to State agencies from a representa tive group of firms in each State. The base figures to which these monthly reports are applied are summaries from employed reports to unemploy ment compensation agencies and the Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance. Adjustments are made regularly for small firms not liable to 3 Force-account employees are workers hired not through a contractor, but directly by a business or government agency, and utilized as a separate work force to perform nonmaintenance construction work on the agency's own properties. 9 the unemployment compensation provisions of State laws and for new firms established subse quent to base periods.3 Leading States In 1947, 6 States claimed about 45 percent of all the workers employed by construction con tractors.4 These States, in order of the average number of construction workers employed, were California,5* New York (185,600), Pennsylvania (122,200), Texas (112,600), Illinois (104,500), and Ohio (95,100). They were well above the others in construction employment, and, in fact, had been in the lead in this respect for several years, but with varying relative standings. Data by States are available from 1943. From 1943 to 1947 California was first in construction employment, followed by New York. It is no sur prise that California placed first during the war in view of her leading position in war facilities expan sion, largely of aircraft and shipyard plant. In addition, California was far ahead in the amount of emergency housing built for war workers. This was in response to the need for accommodating the largest crew of in-migrant labor to arrive in any State. California has continued in the lead during the postwar period, reflecting sustained economic prosperity there even with drastic curtailment in war work. While Texas was in fourth or fifth place during 1945-47, this Southwestern State placed third after California and New York in 1943 and 1944. This reflects the fact that Texas ranked next only to California in the proportion claimed of total dollar commitments for war facilities expansion during the defense and war period. Nearly twofifths of the war construction in Texas was for chemicals or petroleum products facilities, and a * For a more detailed explanation of the method by which nonagricultural and contract construction employment estimates are derived, see Bull, 916, Handbook of Labor Statistics of the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1947 edition, pp. 2-4. * Average construction employment by States is available only for the first half of 1947. (Sea tables 7 and 8.) Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics obtained monthly reports from sample firms in all other States from July to December 1947 for use in compiling the United States total, it did not have the facilities after June 1947 to prepare individual State estimates. If data for the rest of this year were included in the averages, the figures would in general be somewhat higher. * It is estimated roughly that construction contractors employed an average of somewhat more than 187,000 workers during the first half of 1947 in Cali fornia. Construction employment estimates comparable to those for other States are not available for California and New Mexico. CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-47 10 T able 7.— Employment by construction contractors, by region and State, 1948-4? 1 Average monthly employment (in thousands) Average monthly employment (in thousands) Region and State Total United States. New England............. Connecticut......... Maine.................... Massachusetts__ New Hampshire.. Rhode Island....... Vermont............... Middle Atlantic... New Jersey__ New York....... Pennsylvania.. East North Central.. Illinois................. Indiana................ Michigan............. Ohio..................... Wisconsin........... West North Central.. Iowa...................... Minnesota____ Missouri.......... . Nebraska.......... North Dakota.. South Dakota.. South Atlantic............... Delaware................... District of Columbia. Florida......................... 1947 (first 6 1946 months)* 1945 1944 1943 Region and State 1947 (first 6 1946 months)2 1,781.0 1,660.6 1,132.3 1,093.8 1,566.6 South Atlantic—Continued. 34.3 Maryland......................... 111.4 108.4 69.7 62.9 84.5 4l! 7 25.9 15.2 14.1 North Carolina................ 39.5 27.4 17.6 9.0 5.0 South Carolina................. 19.9 5.0 10.1 9.7 54.7 Virginia............................. 40.2 36.6 36.3 55.6 31.7 6.4 3.1 West Virginia................... 15.6 6.1 2.4 3.0 8.8 8.3 8.8 16.2 8.6 3.6 1.5 3.8 1.1 1.3 East South Central................ 84.8 Alabama........................... 20.9 Kentucky.......................... 18.1 267.1 368.9 350.7 223.2 209.0 13.8 60.2 38.9 38.5 Mississippi....................... 61.1 47.5 Tennessee......................... 32.0 185.6 171.7 107.8 100.7 123.8 122.2 118.8 76.5 69.8 95.8 West South Central............... 172.4 Arkansas........................... 13.2 335.0 313.0 210.5 189.8 256.9 88.1 63.3 59.5 104.5 81.2 Louisiana......................... 25.0 39.4 30.0 44.1 24.4 Oklahoma......................... 21.6 36.6 58.1 36.4 55.7 32.5 Texas................. ............... 112.6 47.4 92.4 95.1 55.0 52.2 70.3 35.0 35.6 21.2 25.8 21.4 Mountain________________ Arizona.............................. 10.5 134.6 130.2 14.8 84.0 113.9 Colorado........................... 70.0 25.5 6.2 24.0 13.8 13.7 Idaho................................. 12.0 19.9 18.1 6.0 13.0 12.1 Montana_____________ 34.8 27.7 29.4 Nevada.............................. 5.0 19.0 15.7 18.1 New Mexico * ______ _ 40.8 39.8 26.8 19.6 28.4 11.6 12.2 8.2 Utah.................................. 7.7 7.5 14.7 3.9 3.6 1.7 4.8 1.5 1.4 Wyoming.......................... 4.6 3.7 2.0 1.6 2.8 California *__________ 259.9 229.8 "143.4 143.8 264.8 6.1 3.4 6.2 3.2 5.5 Oregon............................... 21.4 17.7 16.7 12.6 12.3 17.1 Washington...................... 35.9 44.9 26.2 43.0 23.9 42.5 1945 1944 28 4 36! 2 34.2 16.5 35.4 13.2 80.2 19.7 17.4 12.7 30.4 149.1 13.2 25.6 18.0 92.3 16.6 24! 0 17.0 8.8 25.5 9.3 79.3 13.9 11.6 8.6 45.2 110.9 19.0 18.7 10.1 63.1 17.6 24! 6 17.0 9.6 27.7 7.9 87.8 12.0 11.4 9.0 55.4 116.9 7.0 27.4 10.6 71.9 34.0 44.0 35.8 16.5 54.7 14.7 112.6 25.4 19.0 15.7 52.5 221.3 18.9 49.4 30.4 122.6 8.9 12.8 5.4 5.8 5.5 7.7 4.1 6.0 8.7 3.4 3.7 3.4 5.4 2.4 5.3 6.9 3.8 3.1 2.6 9.2 3.4 i4.0 10.8 6.0 3.3 7.5 22.2 3.9 20.4 35.0 13.0 26.7 14.4 55.2 17.9 45.0 1943 *The data cover all site and off-site wage and salaried employees of private firms Whose major activity is construction, but exclude self-employed con struction workers, working proprietors, and force-account employees of non construction firms and public agencies engaged in construction activities. (Force-account work is done, not through a contractor, but directly by a business or government agency using a separate work force to perform non maintenance construction on the agency's own properties.) The estimates are based primarily on reports by construction firms to un employment compensation agencies and to the Bureau of Old-Age and Sur vivors Insurance, adjusted currently in accordance with monthly reports to the Bureau of Labor Statistics or to cooperating State agencies from a sample of firms in each State. * Data for the remainder of 1947 are not available except for the following 12 States: Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Wisconsin. These States are those in which cooperative arrangements have been developed with State agencies to compile current benchmarks, solicit reports from sample firms, and prepare monthly estimates. Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics obtained monthly reports from sample firms in all other States from July to December 1947, for use in compiling the United States total, it did not have the facilities after June 1947 to prepare individual State estimates. 3 No estimates were prepared for this State. large part of the remainder was for barracks, cantonments, or other military or naval installa tions, for explosives and ammunition loading plants, and for war housing to accommodate the labor to man these facilities. Ohio stepped down from among the “big six” in construction employment during 1944 in favor of Tennessee and Washington, which were prac tically tied for sixth place that year when con struction of the Oak Ridge and Hanford atomic energy plants was in full swing. gain in the North was greatest in the New England and Middle Atlantic States, which are primarily industrial and provided a considerable quantity of existing plant for war production. The obso lescence of these plants as well as reconversion needs gave added impetus to the postwar con struction spurt in these regions. On the other hand, wartime construction in the South had usually meant erecting entirely new facilities. These, when convertible, were available for peace time civilian needs. Also, because of its climate and available acreage in large tracts the South became the location of many military installa tions and cantonments. Their construction re quired a large labor force which had to be diverted later to other types of projects. Losses in con struction employment in the South—war to post war—were especially sharp in Virginia and Ten nessee in the more easterly regions, and in Louisi ana, Oklahoma, and Texas in the more westerly. Geographic Shifts In general, the North and far West gained while the South lost in construction employment be tween 1943 and the postwar years 1946-47. If data for the period 1939 through 1942 were avail able, they probably would reveal that this shift was a readjustment to prewar relationships. The T able 8.— Employment by construction contractors, by region and State, 1 quarterly 1948-47 792111—48----- 8 Average quarterly employment (in thousands) 1945 1944 1946 1947 1943 Second First Fourth Third Second First Fourth Third Second First Fourth Third Second First Fourth Third Second First quarter8 quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter Total, United States............. 1,873.2 1,688.9 1,874.1 1,870.7 1,615.5 1,282.1 1,244.3 1,217.1 1,097.6 970.4 1,039.7 1,144.9 1,110.2 1,080.6 1,253.7 1,518.5 1,701.3 1,792.7 64.5 56.6 63.3 80.9 74.7 83.0 66.4 61.7 60.1 70.0 86.9 90.1 New England............................. 120.9 102.6 122.7 124 7 105.6 91.5 29.5 28.8 25.7 11.9 14.3 19.6 18.9 13.7 13.1 16.1 14.9 14.0 15.3 25.5 19.1 18.2 Connecticut...........-............ 29.2 17.6 10.4 10.7 8.8 5.8 4.3 3.7 6.2 6.3 4.6 11.2 4.9 5.6 4.8 8.3 6.8 11.7 11.0 11.1 Maine--............................... 30.2 63.7 52.3 41.5 30.6 32.5 34.1 61.5 42.9 38.7 34.3 33.3 30.9 37.4 37.1 51.9 Massachusetts..................... 59.9 36.8 6.3 7.5 3.4 2.1 2.0 7.6 4.2 4.2 2.8 5.5 3.3 6.8 2.7 2.6 2.2 2.9 3.1 New H am pshire--........... 2.7 9.5 7.4 9.6 9.1 8.5 9.1 8.2 9.1 8.0 15.5 7.1 7.7 8.7 8.8 9.3 18.0 9.6 22.1 Rhode Island...................... 4.2 3.4 3.4 4.4 2.3 1.2 .9 1.5 4.2 2.2 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.6 Vermont............................... 1.1 1.2 241.8 271.0 279.2 Middle Atlantic......................... 391.1 346.6 410.6 394.7 338.1 259.0 254.7 237.4 211.9 188.6 210.9 217.8 209.2 198.5 276.3 40.3 67.5 41.5 65.3 32.4 49.9 59.0 61.0 46.8 40.6 34.9 34.5 37.7 47.7 46.0 49.5 New Jersey_____________ 63.1 49.7 91.8 111.6 124.6 127.7 92.8 105.0 107.2 99.0 New York— ...................... 195.9 175.2 208.2 193.8 161.2 123.5 119.7 115.5 103.2 131.4 66.4 63.4 71.4 72.9 68.7 Pennsylvania...................... 132.1 112.4 134.9 135.6 115.9 84.2 101.5 102.0 88.7 87.3 81.3 73.8 95.2 East North Central................... 355.2 319.3 354.0 350.9 305.9 240.9 241.6 231.9 201.2 167.3 189.3 206.1 187.9 175.8 219.3 263.7 271.1 273.4 55.8 86.5 64.5 59.6 82.3 Illinois................................... 115.4 101.1 100.4 50.9 58.2 67.9 95.6 69.7 60.0 84.4 72.6 69.5 90.1 20.7 27.3 24.1 24.1 25.5 Indiana................................. 47.0 44.9 37.7 27.5 37.8 41.1 43.6 31.6 30.5 33.6 31.8 40.8 40.2 31.4 M ichigan........................... 32.1 31.5 47.3 55.3 55.2 66.4 26.0 33.0 34.2 64.7 58.3 42.3 41.0 43.1 45.4 49.8 51.7 51.1 41.1 53.1 Ohio...................................... 101.2 88.9 103.6 105.5 51.4 48.3 76.2 90.0 70.3 60.9 56.2 64.0 73.4 66.6 67.5 Wisconsin............................ 16.8 36.3 33.4 24.3 23.9 19.6 20.1 33.0 40.4 39.8 25.9 25.2 18.9 26.2 26.5 25.6 22.7 23.9 58.1 West North Central.................. 148.5 128.6 147.6 150.7 127.1 63.9 70.7 80.0 78.0 103.0 133.8 90.7 78.9 78.0 95.8 95.7 140.9 9.3 11.4 27.3 13.3 14.3 22.4 11.8 Iowa...................................... 23.7 29.2 28.4 14.8 12.7 10.7 14.0 16.7 16.2 12.1 16.9 12.0 11.5 17.5 Kansas.................................. 21.5 13.4 12.1 11.5 16.2 24.0 18.2 13.4 13.6 20.1 20.2 14.5 44.0 13.2 55.2 11.9 17.3 19.3 13.6 18.7 Minnesota............................ 34.7 28.8 17.9 15.8 17.4 32.1 34.2 30.0 21.4 19.6 17.8 21.3 20.3 16.5 17.3 Missouri............................... 40.6 27.1 24.4 22.2 23.1 21.5 22.4 40.9 45.3 38.2 29.9 30.0 44.8 31.0 30.7 33.9 6.3 7.1 8.4 13.2 Nebraska............................ 14.6 11.9 6.1 7.8 8.9 21.2 9.8 12.1 8.5 7.1 13.9 8.5 16.1 9.0 .9 1.5 North Dakota..................... 1.4 1.3 2.2 1.4 4.4 3.5 1.0 2.1 4.6 3.2 1.7 4.7 1.9 2.2 2.0 .8 1.2 South Dakota..................... 3.5 1.5 2.1 1.3 1.6 3.1 5.2 4.0 4.6 4.5 3.4 2.3 2.0 2.4 1.8 2.5 2.5 South Atlantic............................ 274.2 245.3 262.5 257.9 220.2 179.7 166.8 152.8 136.4 118.0 130.7 148.6 146.0 150.2 186.5 243.7 294.2 335.1 3.3 6.4 3.3 Delaware.............................. 6.5 3.3 4.3 5.6 6.9 6.2 6.6 3.0 2.6 3.0 5.3 7.1 4.4 3.6 4.5 12.0 15.6 District of Columbia.......... 19.0 12.1 14.2 19.0 16.4 10.9 12.8 12.1 17.7 16.9 13.1 12.7 19.7 18.2 13.9 13.6 26.2 23.1 Florida.................................. 45.1 32.9 43.7 19.7 22.3 24.2 45.7 44.6 47.9 40.6 28.3 45.6 23.5 47.8 37.7 33.5 18.2 31.1 18.7 Georgia................................. 35.9 23.7 12.7 18.5 35.2 15.2 32.7 33.7 26.0 18.7 46.0 33.1 21.1 15.3 19.6 26.9 26.5 Maryland............................. 46.0 40.4 24.5 31.7 52.4 37.4 40.4 19.9 51.4 40.4 20.7 36.0 23.2 25.8 28.2 27.2 18.8 18.2 24.3 30.6 North Carolina................... 14.4 16.7 38.4 38.2 13.3 50.0 40.6 40.0 33.1 18.1 15.2 38.6 25.4 21.5 10.0 12.1 South Carolina................... 9.5 15.5 8.5 10.2 15.7 16.6 21.1 18.6 19.6 21.4 19.3 7.6 11.8 9.6 8.0 10.2 28.7 Virginia................................ 37.5 27.3 35.4 47.6 42.9 62.5 40.1 33.3 25.9 28.8 40.7 26.3 22.7 73.6 27.6 26.8 26.1 6.1 7.5 West Virginia...................... 17.1 9.4 7.9 12.6 14.1 18.4 16.2 14.9 8.6 19.9 12.2 8.6 9.5 9.2 9.6 9.9 89.8 91.5 107.4 120.2 East South Central.-.............. 90.3 92.5 90.7 79.0 89.9 78.7 131.4 81.9 91.7 77.1 81.6 84.9 62.2 68.7 12.4 Alabama............................... 22.3 21.5 12.0 16.6 28.5 21.8 19.6 23.1 11.0 12.7 34.9 19.6 13.0 13.1 14.4 15.2 14.2 9.9 Kentucky............................. 19.5 12.8 21.2 20.4 11.2 21.9 16.7 13.1 20.1 11.5 20.1 16.2 9.8 12.9 12.8 10.1 13.5 8.2 8.5 Mississippi........................... 14.8 8.9 14.0 23.1 17.2 12.8 9.2 9.7 16.1 10.8 7.8 15.0 9.4 9.2 9.1 8.0 59.3 50 7 60.4 Tennessee............................. 34.1 53.6 52 6 29.9 53.3 31.6 47.0 54.8 33.5 30.5 51.3 51.6 25.9 45.0 33.0 West South Central.................. 185.2 169.7 163.8 170.3 144.5 118.1 108.6 119.3 112.9 102.5 94.9 109.7 120.6 141.9 167.5 212.8 247.1 256.7 7.4 11.4 Arkansas.............................. 5.8 16.6 13.4 12.9 14.3 21.9 6.6 25.7 8.1 15.9 12.8 20.7 23.2 9.7 22.0 10.0 34.6 39.4 51.3 30.1 Louisiana............................. 30.6 29.5 52.0 19.9 24.8 54.8 27.1 31.2 23.9 18.2 17.9 20.4 19.5 19.0 13.4 16.9 28.0 Oklahoma..............-............ 21.9 21.3 10.1 10.0 33.8 43.1 21.2 8.8 8.3 21.7 8.9 11.2 16.5 12.7 12.0 86.5 Texas.................................... 119.3 106.0 101.2 101.5 74.7 99.8 116.9 140.2 68.2 133.5 58.1 91.3 55.6 75.3 66.6 62.6 67.6 Mountain___ _____________ 5.5 5.4 9.4 12.1 5.3 12.7 Arizona................................. 11.0 9.8 5.0 16. i 17.0 8.4 5.3 9.9 7.5 6.0 6.1 6.6 6.4 6.2 10.9 7.7 Colorado............................... 15.4 7.4 7.7 10.7 14.2 15.4 14.7 12.4 6.8 11.7 9.4 9.3 8.6 10.0 4.1 5.1 6.3 3.7 3.6 Idaho.................................... 7.2 6.8 7.8 5.0 5.2 3.7 4.8 6.7 3.5 3.0 3.4 3.3 3.9 2.7 3.4 3.0 Montana.............................. 5.1 3.3 3.6 3.3 6.9 3.6 6.3 3.0 7.3 2.8 5.9 4.2 3.5 3.8 4.4 New Mexico3___________ 3.1 2.8 4.3 4.6 Nevada—.................... _....... 8.9 5.1 1.9 2.6 12.3 4.8 5.8 6.4 5.8 4.3 2.1 3.5 3.9 3.8 12.5 20.3 9.4 Utah............ ........................ 18.7 6.9 8.0 22.0 27.8 7.1 5.3 9.2 8.8 5.5 9.2 7.6 5.0 5.1 5.7 Wyoming............................. 3.0 4.2 5.0 3.8 3.6 3.9 2.9 2.8 1.8 5.8 3.7 5.5 5.0 3.8 2.4 2.8 2.0 2.7 Pacific____________________ California3......................... 14.1 17.0 Oregon.................................. 14.7 14.8 14.9 13.9 11.1 19.9 20.0 22.6 20.2 12.2 22.7 23.9 20.0 14.2 15.2 14.5 Washington......................... 60.0 47.1 61.1 53.2 46.9 46.4 45.9 29.1 39.4 25.1 39.8 32.3 37.3 41.1 35.0 26.5 27.6 25.0 1 The data cover all site and off-site wage and salaried employees of private firms whose major activity is. construction, but exclude self-employed construction workers, working proprietors, and force account employees of nonconstruction firms and public agencies engaged in construction activities. (Force-account work is done, not through a contractor, but directly by a business or Government agency using a separate work force to perform nonmaintenance construction on the agency’s own properties.) . The estimates are based primarily on reports by construction firms to unemployment compensation agencies and to the Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, adjusted currently in accordance with monthly reports to the Bureau of Labor Statistics or to cooperating State agencies from a sample of firms in each State. 2 Data for the remainder of 1947 are not available except for the following 12 States: Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Wisconsin. These States are those in which cooperative arrangements have been developed with State agencies to compile current benchmarks, solicit reports from sample firms, and prepare monthly estimates. Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics obtained monthly reports from sample firms in all other States from July to December 1947, for use in compiling the United States total, it did not have the facilities after June 1947 to prepare individual State estimates. ' 3 No estimates were prepared for this State. Region and State CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT 12 CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-47 California contractors, unlike those in most other States where construction activity was especially high during the war, employed more construction workers in 1946-47 than in 1943— in fact, well over 40,000 more. This is because California experienced unexpectedly great post war prosperity which led to considerable invest ment in new construction and to easy absorption of its swollen wartime labor supply, in spite of the drastic curtailment of shipyard and aircraft activities right after VJ-day. In the Pacific Northwest on the other hand, construction con tractors employed somewhat more labor in 194647 than in 1943 in Oregon but considerably less in Washington. Thus, the picture in the far West is mixed, although in all parts of the region, construction employment rose after 1945 when the war ended. This, in fact, has been true in every State except Tennessee and Arkansas, reflecting the comparative strength of the econ omy generally after speedy reconversion. While construction employment increased na tionally between 1943 and 1946, it held in 1946 only a slightly better position in the entire non farm picture than in 1943, accounting for about 4 percent of all nonagricultural jobs. Different States and parts of the country behaved differently in this respect, however. For example, in the North and West areas the gains in construction were large enough to increase their share of all nonfarm jobs between 1943 and 1946. On the other hand, the losses in the South kept construc tion in this area from maintaining as important a place in the employment picture as attained during the war. In general, by 1946 the Southern and Western States were still above the national average in the proportion of all nonagricultural employment claimed by construction, as they were in 1943, while the Northern States were somewhat below the national average. Construction employment rose after the war in practically all parts of the country. Contractors employed more construction labor the first half of 1947 than in 1946 in all but 8 States, and in every one of the 8 the difference in employment between the two periods was slight, if indeed any change had occurred at all. The number of construction workers rose most in 1947 in Texas where an average of 20,000 recruits were taken on. Con struction contractors added an average of 16,000 workers in California and 14,000 in New York be tween 1946 and the first half of 1947. The rise in construction employment nationally during this period averaged 120,000 workers, almost 80 per cent of whom were added in only four geographic divisions—the South Atlantic, West South Cen tral, East North Central, and Middle Atlantic, in order of the average number of additional construc tion workers taken on. Irregularity of Construction Employment Even in the most active construction periods, construction workers are seldom regularly em ployed throughout the year. The nature of the work is such that only those working for contrac tors who can afford to maintain a steady crew and move it from site to site may avoid the usual lay-off between jobs. And even under the best of circumstances, the vagaries of the weather may upset work schedules and necessitate time off. A glance at table 5 will show that it is not uncommon for as many as half a million construc tion workers to be taken on and let go within a single year. To get a rough idea of how many workers could possibly be employed throughout the year on construction, we might take the ratio of the month of lowest average employment, as shown in table 5, to that of highest average em ployment each year. The result indicates that the number of workers who could have been employed all of the year amounted to somewhat more than half the number in the month of highest average employment in 1940, threefourths in 1941, and as much as four-fifths in 1944, but declined to around three-fifths in 1946. The ratio climbed to nearly four-fifths in 1947. Actually the degree of regularity in construction employment is less than total employment figures can reveal, since the latter do not take into account the turn-over of individual workers. Case history material for 1943 has been summarized by the Bureau in some special tabulations compiled from old-age and survivors insurance reports. These reports were made to the Social Security Adminis tration by employers concerning individual work ers. Table 9 presents some of the results. More recent studies have not been possible, but 1943 is a fairly good period for analysis since it was a year of relatively high though gradually declining employment. The data show that among a 3-percent sample COMPARATIVE LABOR REQUIREMENTS of construction workers, well over half supple mented their earnings during the year by employ ment in other industries. Of the workers employ ed in the construction industry alone, only about a fourth worked in all four quarters of the year. It is possible, of course, that the others may have been employed the rest of the time in occupations not covered by the old-age and survivors insurance program. Some may have been self-employed. 13 Even so, the evidence is clear that the construction industry itself afforded substantially less than full employment to a large proportion of its labor in 1943. Yet in 1943, construction contractors employed an average of more than 1,500,000 workers monthly, well over the number employed in the prewar years 1939 and 1940, when con struction was making a rapid peacetime recovery. T able 9.— Percentage distribution of male construction workers classified by regularity of employment and type of employing contractor, 1943 Workers employed only in construction Type of employing contractor All covered construction workers1 All contractors.............................................. General building contractors *.................... General contractors, other than building. _ Special building trades contractors............ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Workers employed in construction and in other covered industries Percent working— Percent working— Percent of all Percent of all covered covered less than 4 less than 4 workers In all 4 quarters Inquarters workers In all 4 quarters Inquarters of of of the year of the year the year the year 43.6 41.5 45.9 43.7 i A 3-percent sample of male workers covered by old-age and survivors insurance and classified as construction workers. Principal exclusions from coverage by the Social Security Act are agricultural labor; domestic service in private homes; employment covered by the Railroad Retirement Act; employment by Federal, State, and local governments and by certain of their instrumentalities; service in nonprofit organizations; and casual labor in activities outside the ordinary course of an employer's business. Workers have been classified as construction workers if employed by a construction 26.3 21.6 19.9 39.0 73.7 78.4 80.1 61.0 56.4 58.5 54.1 56.3 59.4 58.2 54.2 66.1 40.6 41.8 45.8 33.9 contractor during their last “covered" employment in the year. Workers may have been self-employed, unemployed, or employed in “uncovered" work in any or all of the quarters in which they were engaged in “covered" work, and, of course, in the quarters when not engaged in “covered "work. The basic data were furnished to the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the Social Security Administration from its records. * Includes speculative builders, subdividers, and developers. Comparative Labor Requirements Different Kinds of Construction Because of the complexities of the construction industry, arising largely from lack of a fixed locality and steady operations, all aspects of construction employment cannot be measured in the same way. In the previous section national and State em ployment data have been presented, based on reports from individual construction firms to government agencies. It has been impossible to obtain from such reports the detail necessary to separate employment according to the kind of construction work performed and the skill or occu pation of the workers. The moving of labor from site to site, the staggering of accessions and lay offs among construction crews according to a proj ect's nearness to completion, and many other fea tures necessarily characteristic of labor practices in construction establishments would make the regular reporting of any but gross employment figures a prohibitive task for private contracting. Yet there is important need for information about the extent of the labor force claimed by the various kinds of construction—highway work, residential and nonresidential building construc tion, etc.—and the skills and occupations of the workers doing the job. Since reports from contracting establishments, the most precise source, cannot be secured to yield this information, another estimating method has been developed. This involves converting figures on the dollars spent for the various kinds of new construction each month (see tables 1 to 4) into estimated man-months of work, using a factor CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-47 14 representing the value of work put in place per man per hour.® For distribution by skill and occupation, data from actual field observations made on construction projects of various kinds and sizes are applied to the results. The figures derived by this method are not employment figures, in the same way as those developed from employment reports. They are, instead, an approximate measurement, in terms of number of workers, of the labor required to put in place the dollar volume of new construction reported for any period. Since the basic data (dollar volume) cover the entire value of the work put in place, all the labor charged to the construction must be included— working proprietors and the self-employed, as well • Seo tables 10 and 11, footnote 1, for details on the conversion method. T able as wage and salaried employees. Only the latter are counted in the employment reports. In addition, since all new construction is covered by the figures derived from dollar volume, new projects undertaken under force account are included.7 Such projects are excluded from the employment figures, which represent employment only by construction contractors. Also contractors’ employees may work on all kinds of construction work, repair and maintenance proj ects as well as new construction, but the figures on labor requirements by kind of work and occupa tion have been developed only for new projects.8* * See footnote 2, p. 9. 8 It should be cautioned that, because sufficient information is lacking for measuring the changes, the labor requirements data assume that overhead and profit are a constant proportion of the dollar value figures, and that productivity per man-hour remains the same from month to month. 10.— Number of workers required on and off site to put in place new construction, by type of construction, 1989-47 1 Average monthly number of workers (in thousands) Type of construction 1946 1947 Fourth Third Sec Fourth Third Sec First First 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 ond quar ond quar Year quar quar quar Year quar quar quar ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter Total new construction2............................ 1,865 2,135 2,100 1,710 265 240 205 Off site........................................................... 230 On site........................................................... 1,635 1,870 1,860 1,505 Private construction............................ 1,290 1,495 1,455 1,165 Residential building (nonfarm). _ 565 740 630 475 Nonresidential building (non 375 360 350 farm) 3.......................................... 370 60 135 80 Farm construction......................... 75 320 330 260 Public utilities............................... 280 375 405 340 Public construction..................................... 345 20 20 25 Residential building. ...................... 30 95 75 65 Nonresidential building4.................... 70 45 50 35 Conservation and development......... 40 135 170 130 Highways............................................... 125 80 90 85 All other public ®.................................. 80 1,515 195 1,320 1,055 415 395 30 215 265 55 45 35 70 60 * Previously published as employment estimates. Available monthly from January 1939 to March 1947 and quarterly from the second quarter of 1947. These estimates are designed to measure the number of workers required to put in place the dollar volume of new construction activity reported in tables 1 to 4. They cover the workers engaged at the site of new constru ction and also employees in yards, shops, and offices whose time is chargeable to new construction operations. Consequently the estimates include not only construction employees of establishments primarily engaged in new con struction, but also self-employed persons, working proprietors, and employ ees of nonconstruction establishments who are engaged in new construction work. They do not cover persons engaged in repairs and maintenance. In the case of non-Federal construction, these estimates are derived by converting, into man-months of work, dollars spent during each month of the quarter on construction projects under way. The conversion is made by using a factor representing the value of work put in place per man per hour 1,690 1,930 2,080 1,625 245 260 200 215 1,475 1,685 1,830 1,425 l, 195 1,305 1,460 1,195 510 550 405 430 495 540 500 480 60 50 110 65 225 250 260 225 380 370 230 280 55 105 80 30 50 50 55 45 30 40 35 30 90 120 130 75 55 65 70 50 1,115 145 970 815 250 380 20 165 155 10 55 25 35 30 825 95 730 435 95 145 40 155 295 10 155 20 45 65 795 90 705 320 80 55 40 145 385 25 220 20 40 80 1,360 150 1,210 330 100 40 70 120 880 105 465 40 60 210 2,360 270 2,090 590 230 120 80 160 1,500 85 875 55 100 385 2,230 265 1,965 1,160 550 315 105 190 805 85 315 60 160 185 1,810 1,720 210 200 1,600 1,520 1,040 945 525 500 245 195 95 90 175 160 560 575 45 15 165 245 60 60 185 180 105 75 based on data from the 1939 Census of Construction and from periodic studies of a large number of individual projects of various types by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The factor is adjusted for each quarter in accordance with changes in prices of building materials, average hourly earnings of con struction workers, and average hours worked per week. For Federal con struction, estimates are made directly from reports on employment collected from contractors and then checked against estimates based on Federal ex penditures. For an estimate of total workers employed by firms primarily engaged in new construction, additions, alterations, repairs, and maintenance work, see tables 5 to 7. 2 Includes major additions and alterations. 8 Includes nonresidential building by privately owned public utilities. 4 Includes workers employed on facilities used in atomic energy projects. «Includes airports, water supply and sewage disposal systems, electrifica tion projects, and miscellaneous public-service enterprises. COMPARATIVE LABOR REQUIREMENTS Private nonfarm housing claimed over a third of all site labor required on new construction projects in 1947—a larger proportion than in any previous year from 1939, the earliest date for which figures are available. The boom in homebuilding during the latter half of the year raised the proportion of site labor on private housing projects to two-fifths of the total by the last quarter, or three-fourths of a million workers. Some of the new labor needed for housing in 1947 was taken from the force usually employed on nonresidential building, since construction labor for factories declined substantially from 1946 after reaching banner proportions. The site labor needed to man privately financed public utility construction projects and construc tion by Federal, State, and local governments rose appreciably between 1946 and 1947 along with residential labor requirements. But the public utilities claimed much more labor than before the war, whereas public projects claimed far less. Among the nonbuilding labor, the demand for highway workers increased most in 1947, although requirements for this kind of work were well below what they were in 1939 and 1940. Private projects took 80 percent of the con struction labor in 1946 and 1947, in contrast with only 28 percent during the war peak in 1942, and somewhat more than 60 percent in the preparedness period 1939-41. 15 arise from changes in the composition of the construction program and some variations in the materials used and in building methods. The extraordinary part played by housing in 1947 chiefly explains the larger number of plas terers and lathers required in that year compared with 1942. The somewhat greater importance of homebuilding and the much smaller proportion of temporary construction in 1947 brought plasterers, Different Skills and Occupations In recent years about half the site workers on new construction have been skilled. Carpenters are the most numerous among the skilled trades, comprising about a fourth of the labor at the site—370,000 men in 1947. More skilled labor is required for residential building than for other kinds of work, so that over two-thirds of the site crew on new housing is usually composed of skilled workers, and carpenters make up about half of these. Except for plasterers and lathers, skilled con struction workers were less in demand in 1947 than in 1942, when construction employment was at a record level. Also, although total employ ment in 1941 exceeded the level in 1947, more plasterers, lathers, and bricklayers were needed in the later year. The differences in the needs lathers, and bricklayers into more demand than in 1941. These influences are reflected in the figures on apprenticeship, which show that in 1947 not only were there more registered apprenticeship programs in the trowel trades than in any other group, but the number of these programs in the trowel trades had jumped by 60 percent during the year, compared with a 43-percent rise in the case of all trades combined. CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING , 1946-47 16 T able 11 .— Number of site workers required to put in place new construction, by skill and occupation, selected years i Average monthly number of workers at the site (in thousands) Skill and occupation Total................................................................ Superintendents............................................ Clerks.............................................................. Skilled workers.............................................. Bricklayers............................................... Carpenters ......................................... Construction machine operators_____ Electricians............................................. Lathers..................................................... Painters and glaziers.............................. Plasterers.................................................. Plumbers and steamfitters.................... All other................................................... Semiskilled workers....................................... Unskilled workers........................ ................. 1941 1942 1946 1947 On new residen On new residen On new residen On all tial building On all On all tial building On all tial building new new new new construc construc Labor construc Labor construc Labor tion require Percent tion require Percent tion require Percent tion ments. of total ments of total ments of total 1,635 28 13 854 95 370 47 33 15 72 42 54* 126 215 525 595 11 1 410 53 203 5 13 8 45 24 26 33 70 103 36 39 8 48 56 55 11 39 53 63 57 48 26 33 20 1,475 24 11 777 88 335 42 31 15 67 38 49 112 184 479 1 These estimates are designed to measure the number of workers required to put in place the dollar volume of new construction activity reported in tables 1 to 4. They cover the workers engaged at the site of new construction and also employees in yards, shops, and offices whose time is chargeable to new construction operations. Consequently the estimates include not only con struction employees of establishments primarily engaged in new construction, but also self-employed persons, workmg proprietors, and employees of non construction establishments who are engaged in new construction work. They do not cover persons engaged in repairs and maintenance. In the case of all non-Federal construction, these estimates are derived by converting, into man-months of work, dollars spent during each month of the quarter on construction projects under way. The conversion is made by 485 8 1 336 43 166 5 10 7 37 19 21 28 56 84 33 33 9 43 49 50 12 32 47 55 50 43 25 30 18 2,090 32 29 1,014 121 432 67 47 11 76 32 71 157 226 789 315 2 1 194 12 103 3 9 2 26 9 16 14 14 104 15 6 3 19 10 24 5 19 18 34 28 23 9 6 13 1,965 27 20 985 89 447 58 45 12 89 39 70 136 205 728 On new residen tial building Labor require Percent ments of total 635 4 1 391 25 207 5 18 4 52 18 32 30 28 211 32 15 5 40 28 46 9 40 33 58 46 46 22 14 29 using a factor representing the value of work put in place per man per hour based on data from the 1939 Census of Construction and from periodic studies of a large number of individual projects of various types by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The factor is adjusted for each quarter in accordance with changes in prices of building materials, average hourly earnings of construc tion workers, and average hours worked per week. For Federal construction, estimates are made directly from reports on employment collected from con tractors and then checked against estimates based on Federal expenditures. For an estimate of total workers employed by firms primarily engaged in new construction, additions, alterations, repairs, and maintenance work, see tables 5 to 7. Housing The year 1947 marked a 21-year peak in housing activity. The number of new permanent dwell ing units started in 1947 (849,000) was greater than in any one year since 1926, when this record was equaled, and was surpassed only in 1923-25, when the country’s greatest housing boom was at its height.® This 1947 record, while expected in view of an easier supply situation than the previous year and huge effective demand, was achieved under still serious postwar difficulties. Most important of these was high and continu ously rising costs. If it had not been for cost uncertainties, 1947 homebuilding might have approached still nearer the all-time high of * The dwelling units discussed here are new housekeeping units in perma nent structures not located on farms. Excluded, therefore, are all units in temporary structures or trailers; farm houses; dwellings provided by con verting existing structures to residential use or adding units to already exist ing houses; and accommodations in dormitories, hotels, and tourist cabins. 937,000 units started in 1925. It exceeded the housing started in 1946 by 27 percent. The rebound in housing activity after World War II was more rapid than after the First World War, and has been sustained. The number of housing units started did not quite triple between 1918 and 1919 (rising from 120,000 to 330,000), but more than tripled between 1945 and 1946 (see table 12). In 1920, sharply spiraling prices and the brief but steep recession which followed caused a 25-percent decline in homebuilding, but in 1947, the corresponding year after World War II, residential building was still expanding. The estimates of new nonfarm housing are based on reports of building permits issued and on surveys of dwelling units started in some representative areas over the country that do not issue building permits. HOUSING T able 17 12 .— Number of new permanent nonfarm dwelling unite started, by urban or rural location and by source of funds, m o -4 7 1 Number of new permanent units 1920............................................................ 1921................................................................ 1922................................................................ 1923................................................................ 1924................................................................ 1925................................................................ 1926................................................................ 1927................................................................ 1928................................................................ 1929................................................................ 1930................................................................ 1931................................................................ 1932................................................................ 1933................................................................ 1934................................................................ 1935............................. .................................. 1936................................................................ 1937................................................................ 1938................................................................ 1939................................................................ 1940................................................................ 1941................................................................ 1942................................................................ 1943................................................................ 1944................................................................ 1945................................................................ 1946................................................................ January.................................................. February............................................... March................................................... April....................................................... May...................................................... June........................................................ July........................................................ August................................................... September............................................. October.................................................. November............................................. December............................................. 1947................................................................ January.................................................. February.............................................. March..................................................... April....................................................... May........................................................ June........................................................ July..............................................*.io*....... August................ .................................. September............................................. October.................................................. November............................................. December.............................................. Private Total Period Total urban, as percent of all non Rural farm Urban 2 non farm 2 Public All non farm Urban2 Rural non farm2 Total Urban2 Rural non farm 2 Total 247,000 449,000 716,000 871,000 893,000 937,000 849,000 810,000 753,000 509,000 330,000 254,000 134,000 93,000 126,000 221,000 319,000 336,000 406,000 515,000 602,600 706,100 356,000 191,000 141,800 209,300 670,500 37,500 42,400 62,000 67,000 67,100 64,100 62,600 65,400 57,600 57,800 47,700 39,300 849,000 39,300 42.800 56,000 67,100 72.900 77,200 81,100 86,300 93,800 94,000 79,700 58,800 196,000 359,000 574,000 698,000 716,000 752,000 681,000 643,000 594,000 400,000 236,000 174,000 64,000 45,000 49,000 117,000 211,000 218,000 262,000 359,000 396,600 434,300 227,400 124,400 96,200 133,900 403,700 22,400 25,000 38,000 41,000 41,000 39,000 37,300 39,500 33,600 34,600 28,600 23,700 479,800 24,200 25,000 31,800 37,600 39,300 42,200 44,500 47,400 50,300 53,200 48,000 36,300 51.000 90,000 142,000 173,000 177,000 185,000 168,000 167,000 159,000 109,000 94,000 80,000 70,000 48,000 77,000 104,000 108,000 118,000 144,000 156,000 206,000 271,800 128,600 66,600 45,600 75,400 266,800 15,100 17,400 24,000 26,000 26,100 25,100 25,300 25,900 24,000 23,200 19,100 15,600 369,200 15,100 17,800 24,200 29,500 33,600 35,000 36,600 38,900 43,500 40,800 31,700 22,500 247,000 449,000 716,000 871,000 893,000 937,000 849,000 810,000 753,000 509,000 330,000 254,000 134,000 93,000 126,000 215,705 304,225 332,406 399,294 458,458 529,571 619,511 301,191 183,703 138,692 208,059 662,473 36,892 42,400 62,000 67,000 67,100 62,762 61,290 61,915 57,600 56,514 47,700 39,300 845,560 38,216 42,800 56,000 67,100 72,900 77.000 81,100 86,108 93,525 93,540 78,835 58,436 196,000 359,000 574,000 698,000 716,000 752,000 681,000 643,000 594,000 400,000 236,000 174,000 64,000 45,000 49,000 112,591 197,648 214,406 255,294 303,547 333,151 369,499 184,914 119,714 93,216 132,659 395,673 21,792 25,000 38,000 41,000 41,000 37,662 35,990 36,015 33,600 31,314 2 ,600 23,700 476,360 23,116 25,000 31,800 37,600 39,300 42,000 44,500 47.208 50,025 52,710 47,135 35,936 51,000 90,000 142,000 173,000 177,000 185,000 168,000 167,000 159,000 109,000 94,000 80,000 70,000 48,000 77,000 103,114 106,577 118,000 144,000 154,911 196,417 250,012 116,277 63,989 45,476 75,400 266,800 15,100 17,400 24,000 26,000 26,100 25,100 25,300 25,900 24,000 23,200 19,100 15,600 369,200 15,100 17,800 24,200 29,500 33,600 35,000 36,600 38,900 43,500 40,800 31,700 22,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,295 14,775 3,594 6,706 56,542 73,029 86,589 54,809 7,297 3,108 1,241 8,027 608 0 0 0 0 1,338 1,310 3,485 0 1,286 0 0 3,440 1,084 0 0 0 0 200 0 192 275 460 865 364 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,409 13,352 3,594 6,706 55,453 63,446 64,801 42,486 4,686 2,984 1,241 8,027 608 0 0 0 0 1,338 1,310 3,485 0 1,286 0 0 3,440 1,084 0 0 0 0 200 0 192 275 460 865 364 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 886 1,423 0 0 1,089 9,583 21,788 12,323 2,611 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79.4 80.0 80.2 80.1 80.2 80.3 80.2 79.4 78.9 78.6 71.5 68.5 47.8 48.4 38.9 52.9 66.1 64.9 64.5 69.7 65.8 61.5 63.9 65.1 67.8 64.0 60.2 i>9.7 59.0 61.3 61.2 61.1 60.8 59.6 60.4 58.3 59.9 60.0 60.3 56.5 61.6 58.4 56.8 56.0 53.9 54.7 54.9 54.9 o3. 6 56.6 60.2 61.7 Total private, as per cent of all non farm 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.6 95.4 98.9 98.3 89.0 87.9 87.7 84.6 96.2 97.8 99.4 98.8 98.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.9 97.9 94.7 100.0 97.8 100.0 100.0 99.6 97.2 100.0 100 0 100.0 100.0 99.7 100.0 99.8 99.7 99.5 98.9 99.4 * Data for 1920-29 are from National Bureau of Economic Research; data for 1930-47 are from Bureau of Labor Statistics. Based on building permits issued and Federal construction contracts awarded, which, from 1946, have been supplemented by data from field surveys in non-permit-issuing places. Beginning in 1945 data from building permits have been adjusted for lapsed permits and lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. These influences were negligible prior to 1945. Excludes units provided by the Federal Temporary Re-use Housing Program, and all other temporary units. 2 Urban and rural nonfarm classifications for years 1920-29 are based on 1930 census; for years 1930-47, on 1940 census. An estimate is prepared every month in three segments:10 The first segment covers housing in urban areas,11 most of which are permit-issuing; io The following estimating method relates only to privately financed units. Data on publicly financed units are enumerations rather than esti mates. They are incorporated with the estimates of private dwellings to yield the final total of all nonfarm housing. The Bureau receives monthly reports from Federal, State, and local agencies giving the number and location of mjblic units started and the contract values, « The urban designation follows the Census definition and applies to all incorporated places of 2,500 population or more in 1940 and, by special rule, to a small number of unincorporated civil divisions essentially urban in character. Rural nonfarm units are defined as those in incorporated places with less than 2,500 population and all units in unincorporated areas that are not farm homes. Thus, urban housing is related to definite geographic areas, while rural nonfarm housing is defined according to the intended use of the dwelling units. 18 CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING , 1946-47 the second is for rural nonfarm housing for which building permit data are available; and the third, for rural nonfarm units started in areas not covered by building-permit systems, thus neces sitating field survey. The Urban Estimate The majority of urban places have building codes requiring a permit to build. The Bureau receives reports from all cities of 50,000 or more population (199) and from about 1,800 smaller cities, representing altogether around 80 percent of the total cities that issue permits but containing over 85 percent of the urban population. To the units recorded on building permits and reported to the Bureau from urban places, is added an estimate of units in building-permit issuing urban places not reporting to the Bureau and of units in the few urban places not covered by permit systems. Since the resulting figure is based primarily on a record of intentions to build as recorded on permits, it is an estimate of the dwellings authorized each month, not of the number actually started. To derive a measure of the number of units started, the estimate of housing authorized in urban areas is adjusted to reflect the extent to which building permits are issued but not used, and the delay in starting construction usually experienced by builders after they obtain permits. This adjustment is based on the results of periodic checks with builders on a large and representative group of building projects. Estimating Rural Nonfarm Housing The volume of rural nonfarm housing started in places that issue building permits is derived by inflating the number of reported units 12 to an estimated total and adjusting the results for unused permits and lag between permit issuance and the start of construction, applying the same methods as for the urban estimate. To estimate housing activity in the non-permitissuing segment of the rural nonfarm area, field agents of the Bureau canvass 96 representative counties and record the new homebuilding as it is 12The Bureau receives building permit reports from about 1,100 rural nonfarm incorporated places and about 250 unincorporated areas. This reporting segment is being rapidly expanded. started. The sample results are weighted and expanded to provide a country-wide total for this part of the housing estimate. The 3 parts— urban, rural nonfarm permit-issuing, and rural nonfarm non-permit-issuing—are added together to give the complete figure on the number of new permanent dwelling units started nationally by private builders. Enumerations of the publicly financed units started each month are added to the private total to give the complete figure for the month.13 Government Role in Housing Effort, 1946-47 The most serious reconversion problem after the war was not unemployment, as many economists had predicted, but the housing shortage. The deficit of homes induced by the low building rate during the depression and by building restrictions in the war years, was aggravated by such addi tional influences as the increased wartime mar riage rate, rapid demobilization, the migration of war workers, and the high level of savings and of economic activity prevalent in the immediate post war period. By the end of 1945, the housing shortage had assumed the nature of a major do mestic crisis. Wartime controls were not popular in many quarters, and there had been urgent requests for relaxation of controls on building as soon as pos sible, the argument being that peacetime demands could be met more quickly without restrictions. Thus, in September 1945, the priorities system for securing building materials was abolished by the War Production Board and on October 15 wartime controls on construction were withdrawn through revocation of order L-41.14 Building ma terials were thereby released to all purchasers alike and the sales price ceilings on housing were removed. Industrial construction had already been freed from control right after VJ-day. At the time building restrictions were removed, the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion announced a 6-point program to assist in expand ing construction activity and production of con 13 See footnote 10, p. 17. Conservation Order L-41 was issued on April 9,1942, placing all construc tion under rigid control. The order made it necessary for builders to obtain authorization from the War Production Board to begin residential construc tion costing $500 or more; agricultural construction costing $1,000 or more; or commercial and other construction costing $5,000 or more during any con tinuous 12-month period, BOUSING struction materials, and to help prevent inflation ary pricing of new housing. Nevertheless, many houses in the higher price brackets were started; industrial, commercial, and amusement enter prises rushed to get construction under way; and scarce materials began to disappear. Reconversion Housing Program It soon became evident that new measures would be necessary on the part of the Government not only to encourage provision of moderate-cost housing, but also to make it available to return ing veterans and their families. In December, the Civilian Production Administration, successor to the War Production Board, announced that under its Reconversion Housing Program, to take effect January 15, 1946, priorities for materials in short supply would be restored to aid home builders. The priorities (issued under Priorities Regulation 33) were awarded either to individual veterans building for themselves or to others who would build one or more dwellings to which veter ans of World War II would be given preference in sale or rental. Each unit for which a priority for materials was secured was to sell for not more than $10,000, including land and improvements, or rent for not more than $80 per month. Power to award priorities assistance was delegated to the Federal Housing Administration. In addition, the CPA directed surplus Govern ment stocks of certain building materials to the housing program, and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation began a series of sales of excess stocks of building materials and construction equipment at various army and navy depots throughout the country.1® These measures to channel scarce building ma terials into housing assisted greatly the contraseasonal rise in homebuilding that occurred in January and February 1946. Then, in March, there was an unprecedented monthly gain in housing—a 46-percent increase from February in the number of new permanent units started. Over and above seasonal influences and the in creased effectiveness of the priorities assistance program, builders had rushed to get elaborate and ex pensive homes under way before newly announced restrictions were to go into effect. The ex-* i* These activities were undertaken under authority and rules of Direction 7 to Priorities Regulation 13. 792111—48------4 19 pected regulation (Veterans’ Housing Program Order 1) was issued on March 26. It limited residential building practically in entirety (except for units to cost $400 or less) to housing for which priorities would be given under the program de scribed above. In addition, controls on nonresidential building were instituted similar to the wartime restrictions of Conservation Order L-41. Homebuilding continued to rise in April and May, but materials shortages, aggravated by competition for materials from the huge volume of large-scale nonresidential building that got under way before March 26, placed a damper on further expansion. Veterans’ Emergency Housing Program Meanwhile, early in the year and about the time the priorities assistance program went into effect, all housing functions were coordinated under an administrator who was instructed to search out and break bottlenecks, to make the machinery of housing production run as smoothly and as speedily as possible. On February 7, 1946, the adminis trator, or Housing Expediter, made a formal report to the President on a Veterans’ Emergency Hous ing Program. The President approved the report on the following day and urged Congress to enact legislation recommended in the report. Most of the Housing Expediter’s recommenda tions were embodied in the Veterans’ Emergency Housing Act of 1946, approved on May 22. This act, commonly called the Patman Act, established the Office of the Housing Expediter on a statutory basis. It reaffirmed, until December 31, 1947, the wartime authority previously granted to the Housing Expediter to exercise first claim on scarce building materials for construction of low and medium cost houses. Price ceilings were put on new homes, and veterans received preference in buying or renting housing. The measure also provided $400,000,000 for subsidies to building materials makers to spur production of materials in short supply. It also increased by a billion dollars the Government’s authority to insure home loans through private capital, protecting lenders against risks incurred by selling homes on small down payments. Originally the Veterans’ Emergency Housing Program was contemplated as a 2-year program. It called for 1.2 million homes to be started in CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING , 1946-47 20 1946, and another 1.5 million in 1947. According to the blueprint, the 1946 phase of the program was to provide 700,000 new conventional-type homes, 250,000 permanent prefabricated houses, and 250,000 temporary units. Envisaged for 1947 were 900,000 conventional houses and 600.000 permanent prefabricated houses. All of the houses called for in the program were to be permanent, with the exception of 250,000 units in 1946. These were to be divided into 50.000 trailers and 200,000 units to be secured from re-erecting dismantled war housing or con verting war structures into housing. By the end of 1946, slightly more than a million units of all types had been started. Of that number, two-thirds (670,500) were new permanent units. The remaining third consisted of converted units, temporary housing units, and housing trailers. Only a few (37,600) of the new perma nent units were factory-built. T able 13.— Number of new nonfarm dwelling units started, by source of funds and whether permanent or temporary, 1985-47 1 Number of new dwelling units Year 1935............................... 1938............................... 1937............................... 1938............................... 1939............................... 1940.............................. 1941.............................. 1942............................... 1943.............................. 1944.............................. 1945.............................. 1946............................... 1947............................... Total Private nonfarm 221,000 319,000 336,000 406,000 515,000 602,600 715,200 496,600 350,100 169,400 225,700 776,200 853,500 215,705 304,225 332,406 399,294 458,458 529,571 619,460 301,193 183,660 138,779 208,118 662,526 845,615 Public Total 5,295 14,775 3,594 6,706 56,542 73,029 95,740 195,407 166,440 30,621 17,582 113,674 7,885 Perma Tempo rary nent 5,295 0 14,775 0 3,594 0 6,706 0 56,542 0 73,029 0 86,589 3 9,151 54,809 3140,598 7,297 3 159,143 3,108 3 27,513 1,241 316,341 8,027 3105,647 3,440 <4,445 * Based on building permits issued and Federal construction contracts awarded, which, from 1948, have been supplemented by data from field sur veys in non-permit-issuing places. Beginning in 1945, data from building permits have been adjusted for lapsed permits and lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. These influences were negligible prior to 1945. 2 Principally defense and war housing authorized under the Lanham Act. 3 Covers those conventional-type units in the Federal Temporary Re-Use Housing Program provided by dismantling temporary war structures and re-erecting them at new sites. Excludes conversions, dormitory accommoda tions, trailers, and military barracks. 4 Covers Federal temporary units on military reservations and at the site of reclamation projects; also, units built by various local governments. The hoped-for expansion in industrialized hous ing had still not materialized by the end of 1947, and indications from available though incomplete records are that 1947 production of factory-built units about equaled the 1946 total. While 1947 housing under the VEHP was to bo entirely per manent, some temporary units were provided in that year in addition to the 849,000 new per manent units started (see p. 16 and table 12). Since the housing functions of the program were brought to an end June 30, 1947, it is not possible to compare achievements during the year with the original blueprint. An especially important part in the Veterans' Emergency Housing Program was played by the temporary re-use program,16 because it provided stopgap housing rapidly in areas of especially critical need. It mobilized the surplus housing resources under control of the Federal Govern ment (such as army barracks, Quonset huts, temporary dwellings erected for servicemen's fami lies, and military structures potentially convertible into housing) for meeting veterans' housing needs on a temporary basis. Just over 200,000 re-use units were started and almost 187,000 completed from January 1946 through June 1947, when the program was almost at its close. About two-thirds of the accommodations were conventional-type dwellings. The remainder were converted units, dormitories, and trailers. Practically all the units were in use into 1948. Though by no means to be considered a part of the country's permanent in ventory of housing, and subject to early retire ment, these dwellings have served a real need at a critical time. During the life of the VEHP several modifica tions were made in existing regulations to stimu late housing progress, and some new regulations were introduced. For example, a number of steps were taken, in addition to measures already men tioned, to ease the materials situation. Some of them were as follows. The Civilian Production Administration granted priority ratings (CC, under Priorities Regulation 28) to producers of critical products for purchase of equipment and operating supplies needed to expand output. From time to time the number of items which dealers and manu facturers were required to set aside for priority holders was increased. Federal building projects that might interfere with the housing program were subjected to the same tests of immediate necessity as private building. The Office of Price Administration granted over 100 price increases on building materials to stimulate production. The Wage Stabilization Board approved many 16 The program was authorized under Title V of the Lanham Act in June 1945 and was begun late in that year. HOUSING T able 21 14.— Total number of living accommodations provided during the Veteransf Emergency Housing Program, 1946-47 1 Number of accommodations Started Period All types Completed New permanent dwelling units2 Converted Federal dwelling All temporary units, re-use dormitories, types and units3 Total Private Public trailers * 1946......................................... 1,001,800 670,500 662,500 January. ........................ 51,000 37,500 36,900 February........................ 55,500 42,400 42,400 March............................. 88,200 62,000 62,000 A pril............................. 98,600 67,000 67,000 May................................ 105,700 67,100 67,100 June................................. 94,300 64,100 62,800 Ju ly ............................... 106,500 62,600 61,300 August............................ 108,500 65,400 61,900 September...................... 102,800 57,600 57,600 October........................... 78,600 57,800 56,500 November...................... 61,800 47,700 47,700 December.................... 50,300 39,300 39,300 1947......................................... 849,000 845,600 09 January-........................ 52,000 39,300 38,200 February........................ 51,700 42,800 42,800 March............................. 65,100 56,000 56,000 April............................... 78,600 67,100 67,100 May................................ 81,600 72,900 72,900 June________________ 77,200 77,000 July___________ ____ 81,100 81,100 August........................... 86,300 86,100 September__________ 93,800 93,500 October_____________ 94,000 93,500 November__________ 79,700 78,900 December___________ 58,800 58,500 8,000 600 0 0 0 0 1,300 1,300 3,500 0 1,300 0 0 3,400 1,100 0 0 0 0 200 0 200 300 500 800 300 191,000 6,800 5,800 16,300 18,500 25,500 20,300 30,000 29,200 27,800 7,400 1,500 1,900 094,400 2,000 1,600 1,700 300 400 140,300 6,700 7,300 9,900 13,100 13,100 9,900 13,900 13,900 17,400 13,400 12,600 9,100 (6) 8,300 6,900 7,500 9,800 8,400 642,300 22,100 25,000 27,300 30,200 34,700 42,300 50,000 60,600 81,100 86,300 87,800 94,900 09 97,400 91,700 87,200 82,300 78,200 New permanent dwelling units3 Converted Federal dwelling temporary units, re-use dormitories, and Total Private Public units3 trailers * 437,800 15,900 17,300 18,700 21,000 25,100 30,600 36,700 43,400 49,700 55,500 61,200 62,700 831,700 62,600 60,300 57,600 59,200 59,400 62,300 64,800 69,600 76,700 82,700 86,500 90,000 437,800 15,900 17,300 18,700 21,000 25,100 30,600 36,700 43,400 49,700 55,500 61,200 62,700 829,900 62,600 60,300 57,600 59,100 59,400 62,100 64,500 69,500 76,500 82,600 86,300 89,400 09 0 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,800 0 0 0 100 0 200 300 100 200 100 200 600 101,900 900 2,700 2,800 3,400 3,200 4,200 6,300 8,900 19,100 17,600 14,200 18,600 09 23,200 19,900 18,200 11,400 8,000 4,100 102,600 5,300 5,000 5,800 5,800 6,400 7,500 7,000 8,300 12,300 13,200 12,400 13,600 0911,600 11,500 11,400 11,700 10,800 1 Data are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, except that estimates for conversions and dormitory units are from the Office of the Housing Expediter, and estimates for trailers are from the Bureau of the Census. 2 Covers both conventional and prefabricated units. 3 Covers conventional-type units provided by dismantling temporary war structures and re-erecting them at new sites, conversions, dormitory accom modations, and trailers. The figures on dormitory accommodations are pre sented in terms of equivalent living accommodations, that is, 2 dormitory accommodations are counted as 1 dwelling unit. 4 Outside the Federal Temporary Re-Use Housing Program. 3 Less than 50 units. • Information for all of 1947 not shown, since housing functions of VEHP were ended June 30, 1947. necessary wage adjustments where low pay had caused manpower shortages affecting production of materials. Some 60 items of housing materials were put under tight control. Housing program funds were made available to the Forest Service for access-road construction to formerly inacces sible timber. In October 1946, free importation of timber, lumber, and lumber products was pro vided by Presidential proclamation. This comprehensive campaign became increas ingly more effective. By the end of 1946, produc tion of most materials ranged from 50 to 100 percent higher than during the early months of the year. The great improvement in materials production led to relaxation of housing controls, which, according to Presidential announcement, was in line with the Government’s broad policy of lifting all wartime controls as rapidly as possible. Thus, on December 24, new homebuilding was opened to anyone, veteran or nonveteran, who wished to build a year-round house of certain restricted floor area (1,500 square feet) for his own occupancy. The existing priority system was replaced by a simple permit system. Sales-price ceilings on homes built under permit were dis continued, but rental price ceilings were retained though modified (permitting an $80 monthly average rental for entire projects rather than $80 per unit). The reserve set-asides on building materials were dropped and priority assistance to producers was considerably narrowed. Controls had already been removed, in the preceding month, from building materials prices and construction workers’ wages, when wage controls and practic ally all price controls in the economy generally were abolished. In January 1947 the rate of approvals for nonresidential construction, still under control, was increased and more exemptions were allowed. But homebuilding did not attain the levels early in 1947 that had been anticipated. Whereas supplies were easier to get, costs were soaring and 22 CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING , 1 9 4 M ? builders were afraid the price structure would for mortgage insurance of home loans under Title VI of the National Housing Act, with liberalized crack. More housing restrictions were removed. Be mortgage loan regulations. ginning June 1, Federal permits were no longer required as a preliminary to home construction, a one-bathroom-per-house restriction was dropped, and the limitation of 1,500 square feet on floor area for homes was raised to 2,500 square feet. On June 30, the Housing and Rent Act of 1947 virtually abolished the Veterans’ Emergency Housing Program. Almost all the important functions of the Housing Expediter, with the exception of rent control, were removed, and permit requirements for industrial and commercial construction were discontinued, except in the case of amusement and recreation projects. A few activities remained to be carried on under the act during the latter half of 1947, having to do with administration of previously committed premium payment plans to building materials producers, market guarantees to housing manufacturers, re striction on amusement and recreation building, and enforcing compliance of regulations for hous ing built under the VEHP in 1946 and early 1947. The exaggerated seasonal upswing in housing activity in late summer and fall received impetus from the growing certainty that prices would not collapse very soon and was supported by a good supply situation, a 60-million job economy, and the continuing critical housing shortage. Rental Housing Surveys made by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Bureau of the Census in 1946 revealed that half the veterans in the housing market wanted to rent rather than buy housing. Yet in 1946 and 1947 only about 12 percent of all units started were of the rental type.17 In spite of the widespread demand for rental ac commodations, the long term nature of invest ment in apartment construction was not as at tractive as the quick turn-over to be made from single-family homes built for sale. To encourage private activity in the rental housing field various forms of Government assistance were made avail able. These included provision of additional sums 17 Although separate estimates of housing built for rent and for sale are not available, a rough approximation of the magnitude of the rental segment may be obtained from the number of units in two-or-more-faraily structures, most of which are built for rent. One of the most effective encouragements to rental housing was the revision early in 1947 of Section 608 to provide for reduced monthly carry ing charges and a 5-year extension in mortgage maturities in financing multiple-unit housing projects. The Federal Housing Administration was especially active in 1947 in acquainting builders and investors with mortgage insurance provisions and encouraging them to start rental projects. These measures, in addition to some relaxation in rent controls at the end of June, resulted in the steady upward trend in construc tion of rental-type units that began in the middle of 1947. By the last quarter of the year the pro portion of such units to all dwellings started had increased to 15 percent. The 15 percent of rental units at the end of 1947, however, is in contrast with the average of 39 percent per year started in the decade 1921-30, and 21 percent in the thirties. BOUSING T able 23 15.— Number and percentage distribution of new permanent nonfarm dwelling units started in 1-familyt 2-family, and multifamily structures. 1920-17 1 Percentage distribution of new permanent units in— Number of new permanent units in— Period 1946: Total.............................................................................. January............................................................................ February.......................................................................... March.............................................................................. April................................................................................. May.................................................................................. June.................................................................................. July................................................................................... August............................................................................. September....................................................................... October............................................................................ November...............................-.................................... December........................................................................ 1947: Total.............................................................................. January............................................................................ February.......................................................................... March.............................................................................. April................................................................................. May.................................................................................. June.................................................................................. July............ —...................... —.................—................... August______________________________________ September........................................................................ October___________ _________________________ November------ ---------------------------------------------December........................................................................ 1-family All structures structures 247,000 449,000 716,000 871,000 893,000 937,000 849,000 810,000 763,000 609,000 330,000 264,000 134,000 93,000 126,000 221,000 319,000 336,000 406,000 516,000 602,600 706,100 366,000 191,000 141,800 209,300 670,500 37,600 42,400 62,000 67,000 67,100 64,100 62,600 65,400 57,600 57,800 47,700 39,300 849,000 39,300 42,800 56,000 67,100 72,900 77,200 81,100 86,300 93,800 94,000 79,700 68,800 2-family Multifamily 1-family structures8 structures8 structures 202,000 316,000 437,000 513,000 634,000 572,000 491,000 464,000 436,000 316,000 227,000 187,000 118,000 76,000 109,000 183,000 244,000 267,000 317,000 399,000 485,700 603,600 292,800 143,600 117,700 184,600 590,000 32,400 37,500 64,200 59,900 68,800 55,300 55,600 55,100 51,900 50,700 43,600 35,000 740,200 35,000 39,100 49,900 60,500 65,800 67,300 70,500 74,100 80,700 80,100 67,300 49,900 24,000 70,000 146,000 175,000 173,000 157,000 117,000 99,000 78,000 51,000 29,000 22,000 7,000 5,000 5,000 8,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 29,000 37,300 34,300 20,100 17,800 10,600 8,800 24,300 1,300 1,600 2,400 2,400 3,000 2,500 2,200 2,000 2,000 1,900 1,700 1,300 33,900 1,500 1,600 2,200 2,800 3,100 3,400 3,200 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,400 2,800 21,000 63,000 133,000 183,000 186,000 208,000 241,000 257,000 239,000 142,000 74,000 45,000 9,000 12,000 12,000 30,000 61,000 53,000 71,000 87,000 79,600 68,300 43,100 29,600 13,500 15,900 56,200 3,800 3,300 5,400 4,700 5,300 6,300 4,800 8,300 3,700 5,200 2,400 3,000 74,900 2,800 2,100 3,900 3,800 4,000 6,500 7,400 8,900 9,800 10,600 9,000 6,100 81.8 70.4 61.0 58.9 59.8 61.0 57.8 56. i 57.9 62.1 68.8 73.6 88.1 81.7 86.5 82.8 76.5 79.4 78.1 77.5 80.6 85.5 82.3 75.2 83.0 88.2 88.0 86.4 88.4 87.4 89.4 87.6 86.3 88.8 84.2 90.1 87.7 91.4 89.1 87.2 89.1 91.4 89.1 90.2 90.3 87.2 86.9 85.9 86.0 85.2 84.4 84.9 2-family Multifamily structures8 structures8 9.7 15.6 20.4 20.1 19.4 16.8 13.8 12.2 10.4 10.0 8.8 8.7 5.2 5.4 4.0 3.6 4.4 4.8 4.4 5.6 6.2 4.8 5.6 9.3 7.5 4.2 3.6 3.5 3.8 3.9 3.6 4.5 3.9 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.3 3.6 3.3 4.0 3.8 3.7 3.9 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.0 3.8 3.5 3.5 4.3 4.7 8.5 14.0 18.6 21.0 20.8 22.2 28.4 31.7 31.7 27.9 22.4 17.7 6.7 12.9 9.5 13.6 19.1 15.8 17.5 16.9 13.2 9.7 12.1 15.5 9.5 7.6 8.4 10.1 7.8 8.7 7.0 7.9 9.8 7.7 12.7 6.4 9.0 5.0 7.6 8.8 7.1 4.9 7.0 5.6 5.5 8.4 9.1 10.3 10.5 11.3 11.3 10.4 i Data for 1920-29 are from National Bureau of Economic Research; data for 1930-47 are from Bureau of Labor Statistics. Based on building permits issued and Federal construction contracts awarded, which, from 1946, have been supplemented by data from field surveys in non-permit-issuing places. Beginning in 1946 data from building permits have been adjusted for lapsed permits and lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. These influences were negligible prior to 1946. Excludes units provided by the Federal Temporary Re-Use Housing Pro gram, and all other temporary units. 8 Includes units in 1- and 2-family structures with stores. 8 Includes units in multifamily structures with stores. Rental housing is largely urban and it is most common in the largest cities. Only a very small proportion of the dwelling units usually built for rent (in 2-family and multifamily structures) were scheduled for construction outside cities in 194647, in spite of some increase in large-scale multipleunit projects in suburban areas. In the biggest cities, those of 500,000 population or more, nearly two-fifths of all the privately financed units authorized 18 for start were of the rental type in 1946 and 1947. With each successively smaller city-size group (see table 16), the proportion of rental units to the total declined. Less than 10 percent of the dwellings authorized in cities of 2,500 to 5,000 population were in 2-family or multifamily structures. 18 Dwelling units for which building permits ware issued. T able to 16 .— New urban dwelling units authorized, by type of structure and by city-size class, 1946-47 Private Total City-size class Number of new dwelling units 1947 1946 Percentage distribution Valuation (in thousands)3 1947 Number Valuation 1946 1947 1946 1947 1946 Number of new dwelling units 1947 1946 Valuation (in thousands)3 1947 1946 Percentage distribution Number 1947 Valuation 1946 1947 1946 All types of structures 506,453 78,991 104,030 48,760 54,506 90,507 74,581 55,078 528,505 $2,916,103 $2,448,277 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 501,353 430,195 $2,880,926 $2,114,833 421,992 522.890 105,121 551,819 15.6 19.9 18.9 22.5 75,340 75,072 549,574 556,041 404,326 104,285 466,433 20.5 19.7 19.2 19.1 103,064 82,684 561,196 186,339 278,203 215,281 9.6 9.0 9.6 8.8 48,529 38,366 47,799 279,558 230,631 307,098 259,212 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.6 54,446 46,826 307,553 55,746 371,823 505,267 93,379 506,722 417,476 17.9 17.7 17.4 17.1 90,321 77,884 297,214 418,703 321,653 14.7 13.4 14.4 13.1 74,581 62,946 70,996 418,703 292,722 202,508 51,179 216,403 10.9 9.7 10.0 8.8 55,072 46,417 292,796 100.0 100.0 ion. o 100.0 15.0 17.5 I t . 2 20.0 20.5 19.2 19.3 19.1 9.7 8.9 9.7 8.8 10.9 10.9 10.7 10.9 18.0 18.1 17.5 17.6 14.9 14.6 14.5 14.0 11.0 10.8 10.1 9.6 1-family structures All urban places.................................................................. 500,000 and over................................................................... 100,000 to 500,000.................................................................. 50,000 to 100,000................................................................... 25,000 to 50,000...................................................................... 10,000 to 25,000.................................................................. . 5,000 to 10,000........................................................................ 2,500 to 5,000......................................................................... 394,788 47,587 73,849 36,711 43,797 76,691 65,619 50,534 448,434 2,369,476 2,106,421 373,554 369,610 67,567 414,995 90,342 427,712 42,007 193,718 221,410 232,391 49,183 257,260 86,082 440,959 388,020 299,159 64,856 375,339 273,242 208,528 48,397 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 12.1 15.0 15.8 17.6 18.7 20.1 18.1 19.7 9.3 9.4 9.3 9.2 11.1 11.0 10.9 11.0 19.4 19.2 18.6 18.4 16.6 14.5 15.8 14.2 12.8 10.8 11.5 9.9 393,550 47,283 73,079 36,680 43,797 76,564 65,619 50,528 358,151 2,361,509 1,830,260 45,545 371,102 297.066 68,741 423,586 352,888 164,776 32,574 221,255 40,263 203,810 257,260 342,367 70,587 439,799 56,806 375,339 274,720 43,635 273,169 194,633 100.0 100.0 100.0 12.0 12.7 15.7 18.6 19.2 17.9 9.3 9.1 9.4 11.1 11.2 10.9 19.5 19.7 18.6 16.7 15.9 15.9 12.8 12.2 11.6 100.0 ieTij 19.3 9.0 11.1 18.7 15.0 10.7 2-family structures8 All urban places.................................................................. 34,233 24,326 500,000 and over................................................................... 8,104 8,746 100,000 to 500,000.................................................................. 10,672 4,878 50,000 to 100,000.................................................................. 2,586 1,718 25,000 to 50,000...................................................................... 2,811 2,050 10,000 to 25,000...................................................................... 4,368 2,890 5,000 to 10,000....................................................................... 3,273 2,742 2,500 to 5,000......................................................................... 2,419 1,302 156,618 45,194 44,234 11,483 12,816 19,245 14,288 9,358 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 34,159 24,326 23.6 35.9 28.9 42.0 8,048 8,746 31.2 20.0 28.2 18.7 10,654 4,878 7.6 7.1 7.3 6.7 2,586 1,718 8.2 8.4 8.2 7.7 2,811 2,050 12.7 11.9 12.3 10.4 4,368 2,890 9.6 11.3 9.1 10.8 3,273 2,742 7.1 5.4 6.0 3.7 2,419 1,302 103,042 43,212 19,274 6,900 7,904 10,758 11,149 3,845 156,408 45,074 44,144 11,483 12,816 19,245 14,288 9,358 103,042 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 43,212 23.5 36.0 28.8 42.0 19,274 31.2 20.0 28.3 18.7 6,900 7.6 7.1 7.3 6.7 7,904 8.2 8.4 8.2 7.7 10,758 12.8 11.9 12.3 10.4 11,149 9.6 11.3 9.1 10.8 3,845 7.1 5.3 6.0 3.7 Multifamily structures4 55,745 :-= ■ 390,008 All urban places.................................................................. 77,432 —— ======= tt-T—:---: 130,825 500,000 and over................................................................... 23,300 28,808 89,250 100,000 to 500,000.................................................................. 19,509 9,065 46,666 50,000 to 100,000.................................................................... 9,463 4,074 37,477 25,000 to 50,000...................................................................... 7,898 4,513 46,518 10,000 to 25,000...................................................................... 9,448 4,407 29,077 5,000 to 10,000....................................................................... 5,689 3,398 10,195 2,500 to 5,000......................................................... -.............. 2,125 1,480 'T.— . 238,814 138,997 32,164 14,663 18,917 18,698 11,345 4,030 — i Dwelling units for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts awarded in all urban places, including an estimate of new homebuilding undertaken in some small urban places that do not issue buildiner permits. These data on city dwelling units, unlike the data on nonfarm housing in tables 12-15,17, and 18, cover homebuilding only in u rb a n places, excluding the areas surrounding the city proper. In addition, the urban dwelling unit information does not represent the volume of new homebuilding actually started during the month, as in the case of nonfarm housing, since the building 100.0 100.0 100.0 =:.,—, 100.0i== =73,644 = = = ■ ="■ -=363,009 = = = = =47,718 , ■ -...30.1 51.6 33.5 58.2 20,009 20,781 106,715 25.2 16.3 22.9 13.5 19,331 9,065 88,311 12.2 7.3 12.0 6.1 9,263 4,074 45,466 10.2 8.1 9.6 7.9 7,838 4,513 37,022 12.2 7.9 11.9 7.8 9,389 4,407 46,223 7.3 6.1 7.5 4.8 5,689 3,398 29,077 2.8 2.7 2.6 1.7 2,125 1,480 10,195 — ■■ 181,531 81,714 32,164 14,663 18.917 18,698 11,345 4,030 100.0 - ^100.0 ■ —100.0 27.2 43.6 29.4 26.2 19.0 24.4 12.6 8.5 12.5 10.6 9.5 10.2 12.8 9.2 12.7 7.7 7.1 8.0 2.9 3.1 2.8 100.0 45.0 17.7 8.1 10.4 10.3 6.3 2.2 permit data have not been adjusted for lapsed permits nor for lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. Urban classification and city size are based on the 1940 census. 3 Components do not always equal totals exactly because of rounding. 8 Includes units in 1- and 2-family structures with stores. * Includes units in multifamily structures with stores. CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-47 All urban places.................................................................. 500,000 and over................................................................... 100,000 to 500,000.................................................................. 50,000 to 100,000.................................................................... 25,000 to 50,000...................................................................... 10,000 to 25,000...................................................................... 5,000 to 10,000....................................................................... 2,500 to 5,000......................................................................... HOUSING Housing Completions Estimates of dwelling units completed were not made prior to 1946* Preparation of such estimates would have been impracticable, because the need for completions data was not sufficiently urgent to warrant the extensive field work necessary to derive them. Before the war, when it took an average of only Z}{ to 4 months to build a house, estimates of new units started offered a fairly adequate annual measure also of units completed. In 1946, however, the rapidly rising number of starts outstripped the supply of materials, and the completions rate lagged farther and farther behind. An imperative need developed for data on comple tions progress. To supply this need the Bureau in 1946 included in its field program a series of studies to determine the length of the construction period for homebuilding in a group of representative areas through out the country. Information from these areas was used to derive national monthly estimates of the completions rate. There was a steady rise in dwelling unit comple tions in 1946 as materials and labor supply gradu ally improved, causing a moderate decline in the construction period. By the end of the year, it took an average of about 6 months to finish a house. This was well above the prewar rate, but much better than the 8 or 9 months characteristic of operations earlier in the year. The number of dwellings completed in December 1946 (62,700) was nearly three times the number completed in January (15,900). Supply conditions were so greatly improved by the beginning of 1947 that the completions rate depended largely on the rapidity with which new dwellings had been started. The units started early in 1947 and the huge backlog of over 370,000 unfinished units begun in 1946 caused the com pletions rate during the first half of 1947 to be maintained at around 60,000 per month. As the housing boom expected earlier in the year finally developed in the summer and fall, and materials production reached unprecedented levels, comple tions soared, reaching 90,000 in December. Con struction time was reduced to about 4V2 months by the end of the year, and in 1947 831,700 new permanent dwelling units were completed, nearly twice tM 437,800 made ready for occupancy in 1946. 25 Even with completions at a very high rate, however, the near-record level of housing started during the last half of the year was great enough to leave a total of nearly 390,000 dwelling units still under construction at the end of 1947, almost 20,000 more than at the end of 1946. 17.— Number of new permanent nonfarm dwelling units started, completedf and under construction, monthly, 1946-47 1 T able New dwelling units Period 1946, total. January... February.. March___ April......... May.......... June.......... July........... August__ September October.... November December1947, total. January... February.. March...... April......... May.......... June......... . July........... August__ September October... November. December. Started Com Under pleted construc tion 670,600 437,800 37,600 15,900 42,400 17,300 62,000 18,700 67,000 21,000 67,100 25,100 64,100 30,600 62,600 36,700 65,400 43,400 57,600 49,700 57,800 55,500 47,700 61,200 39,300 62,700 849,000 831,700 39,300 62,600 42,800 60,300 56.000 57,600 67,100 59,200 72,900 59,400 77,200 62,300 81,100 64,800 86,300 69,600 93,800 76,700 94,000 82,700 79,700 86,500 58,800 90,000 159,100 184,200 227,500 273,500 315,500 349,000 374,900 396,900 404,800 407,100 393,600 370,200 346,900 329,400 327,800 335,700 349,200 364,100 380,400 397,100 414,200 425,500 418,700 387,500 1 Based on building permits issued, on field surveys in non-permit-issuing laces, and on reports of Federal construction contracts awarded. Data from Euilding permits have been adjusted for lapsed permits and lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. Excludes units provided by the Federal Temporary Ke-Use Housing Program and all other temporary units. Shifts in Location of New Housing The tendency for most housing to be located within city limits has decreased markedly since the 1920’s, when 80 percent of all the new dwellings started in nonfarm areas were urban. While most nonfarm homes were still built in cities in 1947, the proportion had declined to 57 percent. It will be recalled, of course, that during the de pression years 1932-35 less than half the homes started were urban, but this condition resulted from the particularly drastic economic collapse in the industrial areas at that time, and not from a boom in rural nonfarm housing. CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING , J 0 4 M ? 26 The trend toward more building outside of urban areas was conspicuous between 1946 and 1947, when the number of new permanent dwel lings started rose proportionately twice as much in the rural nonfarm as in the urban areas. This movement has a number of influences, many having to do with cutting costs. Suburban and rural land is cheaper than city lots, taxes are usual ly lower, and often building codes are less strict or lacking entirely. Also, building in large proj ects, more pronounced recently than in most previous periods, has necessitated using larger tracts of land than would ordinarily be available within city limits. In the latter part of 1947, there was a significant trend back toward the cities, when the propor tion of nonfarm homes started outside of urban areas declined from the high point of 46 percent in September to 38 percent in December. The reason for this shift was the spurt during the latter part of the year in construction of apartment dwellings for rent. Most apartment structures are built in cities, since they require less land per unit than other housing; and the high land, tax, and construction costs are usually offset by proportionately greater revenue and advantages of convenient location. 18.—Percent of new permanent nonfarm dwelling unite started inside and outside of metropolitan areas9 1946-47 1 T able New Permanent Nonfarm Housing Started Urban l— 800 1925 Rural- Nonfarm Percent of dwelling units started Period Thousands of Dwelling Units 600_______400 200 0 200 400 1930 1935 1940 1945 1946 1947 UN ITEO STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR S TATISTICS The corollary of more housing in isolated rural locations, however, has by no means resulted. The tendency instead has been for more and more dwellings to be built in metropolitan areas, that is, if not within city limits, at least within com muting distance. This movement has been grow ing for several decades. It was clear dining the postwar housing program when the proportion of all nonfarm dwellings started in metropolitan areas rose from around 61 percent in 1946 to nearly 68 percent by the end of 1947. Even counting only the nonfarm dwellings built in rural areas, over half were in metropolitan dis tricts in 1946 and 1947, and in the last quarter of 1947 the proportion was well above 60 percent. 1946: First quarter................................................. Second quarter............................................. Third quarter............................................... Fourth quarter............................................. 1947: First quarter................................................ Second quarter............................................. Third quarter............................................... Fourth Quarter............................................ Inside Outside metropolitan metropolitan areas areas 64.0 59.2 60.8 62.9 63.5 65.7 67.7 67.8 36.0 40.8 39.2 37.1 36.5 34.3 32.3 32.2 i Based on building permits issued, on field surveys in non-permit-issuing places, and^on reports of Federal construction contracts awarded^Data permit issuance^and the start of construction. Excludes units provided by the Federal Temporary Re-Use Housing Program and all other temporary units. Housing in Local Areas The only statistics available on housing volume after the war covered either broad national and regional trends, or homebuilding activity within cities. It is clear from the preceding discussion that such figures would be inadequate for gaging the effectiveness of the emergency housing pro gram after the war, since the housing need was felt locally and city statistics could measure only incompletely the local housing provided. For this reason amongj others,19 the Bureau of Labor Statistics undertook a special series of surveys to measure the amount of privately financed housing started in a representative group of indus trial areas and urban- and rural-type counties See discussion of method for deriving national estimates of housing ac tivity, p. 18, for other uses to which the area data on housing were directed. T able 19.— New urban dwelling units authorized, by type of structure and by geographic division , 1946-47 Total Region Number of new dwelling units 1947 1946 Valuation (in thousands)2 1947 1946 1 Private Percentage distribution Number 1947 Valuation 1946 1947 1946 Number of new dweiling units 1947 1946 Valuation (in thousands)2 1947 1946 Percentage distribution Number 1947 Valuation 1946 1947 1946 nousnra All types of structures All urban places......... _...................................................... 506,453 528,505 $2,916,103 $2,448,277 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 501,353 430,195 $2,880,926 $2,114,833 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 New England _____________ 4.3 23,871 22,601 152,132 111,027 4.7 4.3 5.2 4.5 23,871 16,485 152,132 91,580 4.8 3.8 5.3 Middle Atlantic.................................................................. 67,822 82,918 449,449 454,979 13.4 15.7 15.4 18.6 63,806 56,879 318,464 12.7 13.2 14.6 15.1 420,012 East North Central............................................................ 92,001 95,431 634,573 509,302 18.2 18.0 21.7 20.8 91,541 77,697 22.0 21.5 453,727 18.3 18.1 633,092 West North Central........................................................... 7.4 188,872 156,543 6.9 7.6 6.5 43,196 187,360 6.8 8.2 6.5 7.6 34,414 32,808 188,627 South Atlantic.................................................................... 34,442 73,959 390,364 275,697 14.6 12.2 13.4 11.3 73,843 57,637 389,277 257,753 14.7 13.4 13.5 12.2 East South Central............................................................ 27,699 64,267 3.3 103,702 82,024 5.5 5.1 3.6 3.3 27,683 22,114 5.2 3.6 26,710 103,573 5.5 70,330 West South Central........................................................... 294,358 9.6 68,279 226,610 14.1 12.9 10.1 9.3 71,300 58,568 293,496 203,686 14.2 13.6 10.2 Mountain........................... ................................................ 71,512 3.6 18,210 25,039 86,731 93,256 3.6 4.7 3.0 3.8 18,122 18,639 86,097 77,060 3.6 4.3 3.0 Pacific.................................................. .............................. 96,937 100,064 615,922 485,690 19.3 20.8 21.3 23.0 508,022 19.1 18.9 21.1 20.8 96,773 89,368 614,620 1-family structures All urban places....... ......................................................... 394,788 448,434 2,369,476 2,106,421 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 393,550 358,151 2,361,509 1,830,260 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 New England...................... ........... .................................. 20,146 20,491 4.5 102,483 5.1 4.6 5.5 4.9 20,146 14,375 130,190 130,190 83,036 5.1 4.0 5.5 Middle Atlantic.................................................................. 290,379 307,506 9.8 12.0 12.3 14.6 38,102 35,528 286,931 228,274 9.7 9.9 12.2 12.5 53,540 East North Central........................................................... 38,661 568,223 80,862 87,261 468,932 20.4 19.5 24.0 22.3 80,807 69,527 567,962 413,357 20.5 19.4 24.1 22.6 West North Central........................................................... 30,755 40,082 172,621 7.9 175,376 7.8 8.9 7.3 8.3 30,727 29,694 144,559 7.8 8.3 7.3 172,376 South Atlantic-.................................................................. 50,360 53,073 280,599 233,559 12.8 11.8 11.8 11.1 50,244 46,443 215,615 12.8 13.0 11.8 11.8 279,511 East South Central............................................................ 21,672 24,784 3.4 3.6 76,863 5.5 5.5 3.4 5.5 5.6 80,969 21,656 20,188 65,169 3.6 80,840 West South Central........................................................... 255,556 211,209 15.4 14.1 10.8 10.2 60,524 53,527 254,694 191,285 15.4 15.0 10.8 10.4 63,238 Mountain............................................................................. 60,736 78,605 70,554 4.1 4.6 3.3 16,151 22,957 86,750 4.1 5.1 3.3 4.1 16,063 16,557 77,971 3.8 Pacific.................................................................................. 75,445 83,008 512,335 440,743 19.1 18.5 21.6 20.9 75,281 72,312 511,033 418,411 19.1 20.2 21.6 22.9 2-family structures * All urban places........................... ..................................... 34,233 24,326 156,618 103,042 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103,042 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 34,159 24,326 156,408 New England...................................................................... 1,650 676 10,700 2,897 4.8 2.8 6.8 2.8 1,650 676 2,897 4.8 2.8 6.9 2.8 10,700 Middle Atlantic.................................................................. 6,163 6,390 32,192 18.0 26.3 19.8 31.2 31,016 32,192 18.0 26.3 19.8 31.2 6,145 6,390 30,926 East North Central........................................................... 3,326 3,013 20,617 15,016 9.6 12.4 13.1 14.6 15,016 9.7 12.4 13.2 14.6 3,270 3,013 20,496 West North Central........................................................... 1,778 1,243 8,623 5,721 5.2 5.1 5.5 5.6 1,778 1,243 8,623 5,721 5.2 5.1 5.5 5.6 South Atlantic.................................................................... 7,589 4,300 30,829 14,437 22.2 17.7 19.7 14.0 7,589 4,300 30,829 14,437 22.2 17.7 19.7 14.0 East South Central............................................................ 2,602 9,211 984 984 9,211 2,822 7.6 4.0 5.9 2,822 7.6 4.0 5.9 2.7 2,602 2.7 West South Central........................................................... 5,270 2,155 5,823 15.4 8.9 10.5 5,823 15.4 8.9 10.5 5.7 5,270 2,155 16,456 16,456 5.7 Mountain............................................................................. 2,533 697 2,375 2.1 2.6 1.6 2,375 2.0 2.6 1.6 2.3 637 2.3 697 637 2,533 Pacific................................................................................... 5,158 4,928 26,633 21,759 15.1 20.2 17.0 21.1 5,158 4,928 26,633 21,759 15.1 20.2 17.0 21.1 Multifamily structures * 238,814 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 73,644 47,718 All urban places.................................................................. 77,432 55,745 390,008 363,009 181,531 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 11,241 New England............................... ..................................... 2,075 1,434 5,647 2.8 3.0 3.1 11,241 5,647 2.7 2.6 2.9 2.4 2,075 1,434 3.1 57,998 26.6 31.4 28.1 31.9 Middle Altantic..-............................................................. 22,998 22,988 128,054 115,281 29.7 41.2 32.9 48.3 19,559 14,961 102,154 25,354 10.1 10.8 12.3 14.0 44,634 25,354 10.1 9.2 11.7 10.6 7,464 5,157 East North Central.......................................................... 7,813 5,157 45,734 6,263 2.6 3.9 2,1 6,263 2.5 3.4 2.0 2.6 1,909 1,871 7,628 West North Central........................................................... 1,909 1,871 7,628 3.4 27,701 21.7 14.5 21.8 15.3 27,701 20.6 12.4 20.2 11.6 16,010 6,894 78,936 South Atlantic.................................................................... 16,010 6,894 78,936 3.5 3,425 942 2,339 1.0 13,522 4.7 4.4 1.7 2,339 2.0 East South Central............................................................ 3,425 13,522 3.7 1.3 942 22,346 6,578 7.5 6.0 6.2 6,578 7.1 5.2 5.7 2.7 5,506 2,886 West South Central........................................................... 5,506 2,886 22,346 3.6 5,592 4,131 1.8 3.0 1.5 Mountain............................................................................. 1,362 1,445 4,131 1.8 2.6 1.4 1.7 1,362 1,445 5,592 2.3 76,955 45,520 22.2 25.4 21.2 25.1 45,520 21.1 21.7 19.7 19.1 16,334 12,128 76,955 Pacific................................................................................... 16,334 12,128 i Dwelling units for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts awarded in all urban permit datahavenot been adjusted for lapsed permits nor for lag between permit issuance and the start places, including an estimate of new homebuilding undertaken in some small urban places that do of construction. Urban classification is based on the 1940 census. 2 Components do not always equal totals exactly because of rounding. not issue building permits. These data on city d welling units, unlike the data on nonfarm housing in *Includes units in 1- and 2-family structures with stores. tables 12-15,17, and 18, cover homebuilding only in u rb a n places, excluding the areas surrounding the * Includes,units in multifamily structures with stores. cit^proper. In addition, the urban dwelling unitinformatien does not represent the volume of new homebuilding actually started during the month, as in the case of nonfarm nousing since the building CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING , 1946-47 28 during 1946 and the first 9 months of 1947 * The resulting figures indicate that a fifth of the non farm privately financed dwellings started during the emergency housing program were begun in only six industrial areas—Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit, and Washington, D. C. Areas of greater population in 1940 than some of these, such as Boston and Philadelphia, were less active in homebuilding. The Los Angeles20 industrial area far outstripped all the others. The New York area placed second. Most of the industrial areas and urban counties gained in housing activity during 1947 compared with 1946, but especially notable gains were made in the Boston, Buffalo, Hartford, Washington, D. C., and Miami areas. On the other hand, in many of the representative areas in the Bureau’s survey, not only was the increase in private hous ing activity in 1947 well below the 18-percent rise experienced nationally, but there was a marked decline. The drop in homebuilding during 1947 was steep in the areas represented by Denver, New York, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Sacramento, and Phoenix. 20 The survey was accomplished in cooperation with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, then the National Housing Agency. Figures are published only for the industrial areas and urban counties* Industrial areas include the entire county or counties surrounding the central city or cities. The metropolitan districts cover only adjacent and contiguous minor civil divisions or incorporated places having a population of 150 or more per square mile, thus including only the thickly settled territory in and around a city or group of cities. T able 20.— New urban dwelling units authorized in each State, by source of funds, 1946-4? 1 Number of new dwelling units Region and State All urban places........................ New England............................ Connecticut........................ Maine.................................. Massachusetts.................... New Hampshire................. Rhode Island...................... Vermont.............................. Middle Atlantic........................ New Jersey......................... New York........................... Pennsylvania...................... East North Central.................. Illinois.................................. Indiana................................ Michigan............................. Ohio..................................... Wisconsin............................ West North Central................. Iowa..................................... Kansas................................. Minnesota........................... Missouri.............................. Nebraska............................. North Dakota.................... South Dakota..................... South Atlantic........................... Delaware............................. District of Columbia......... Florida................................. Georgia................................ Maryland............................ North Carolina.................. South Carolina................... Virginia............................... West Virginia..................... East South Central.................. Alabama.............................. Kentucky............................ Mississippi.......................... Tennessee............................ West South Central................. Arkansas............................. Louisiana............................. Oklahoma........................... Texas.................................... Total 1947 1946 506,453 23^871 4,788 1,116 13,776 1,224 2,721 246 67,822 20,949 27,874 18,999 92,001 21,627 11,362 26,096 23,795 9,121 34,442 5,124 5,773 9,077 8,205 3,556 939 1,768 73,959 257 4,303 27,381 7,216 7,854 10,222 3,089 10,722 2,915 27,699 10,123 4,622 4,581 8,373 71,512 4,488 6,387 7,771 52,866 528,505 501,353 430,195 22,601 23,871 16,485 4,159 2,893 4,788 847 775 1,116 14,308 13,776 9,883 1.224 867 667 2,152 2,052 2,721 268 215 246 82,918 63,806 56,879 14,912 19,935 11,519 48,907 24,872 29,270 19,099 18,999 16,090 95,431 91,541 77,697 23,556 21,627 19,108 12,459 11,362 9,857 24,465 26,096 20,328 25,094 23,354 20,710 9,857 9,102 7,694 43,196 34,414 32,808 8,591 5,124 5,623 6,068 5,773 4,798 12,684 9,077 10,067 9,620 8,177 7,228 2,964 3,556 2,531 1,531 939 1,139 1,738 1,768 1,422 64,267 73,843 57,637 461 257 441 4,287 4,000 3,040 19,962 27,381 18,939 8,336 7,524 7,216 6,912 7,754 6,751 7.994 9,409 10,222 2,846 3,089 2,203 9,026 10,722 7,874 3,315 2,915 2,871 26,710 27,683 22,114 9,515 10,123 8,019 4,622 4,316 3,440 4,674 4,581 3,945 8,205 8,357 6,710 68,279 71,300 58,568 3,154 4,488 2,725 7,613 6,387 5,279 7,796 7,771 6,133 49,716 52,654 44,431 See footnotes at end of table. Private 1947 1946 Valuation (in thousands)* Private, as percent of total 1947 99.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.1 95.2 89.2 100.0 99.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.1 99.8 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 100.0 99.6 100.0 100.0 98.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.6 1946 Total 1947 Private 1946 1947 1946 81.4 $2,916,103 $2,448,277 $2,880,926 $2,114,833 72J9 152,132 111,027 152,132 91,580 69.6 31,755 21,021 31,755 17,632 91.5 4,898 3,628 4,898 3,393 69.1 92,038 70,240 92,038 55,510 6,729 76.9 3,951 6,729 3,320 95.4 15,259 10,792 15,259 10,489 80.2 1,453 1,395 1,453 1,236 68.6 449,449 454,979 420,012 318,464 77.2 123,825 81,777 118,064 64,356 59.8 190,413 264,157 166,737 160,418 84.2 135,211 109,045 135,211 93,690 81.4 634,573 509,302 633,092 453,727 81.1 167,241 134,947 167,241 122,320 79.1 58,523 52,804 58,523 43,569 83.1 184,811 137,487 184,811 124,621 82.5 166,344 136,115 165,007 121,824 78.1 57,654 47,949 57,509 41,393 76.0 188,872 187,360 188,627 156,543 65.5 27,402 35,716 27,402 26,555 79.1 26,041 22,485 26,041 19,127 79.4 61,259 64,425 61,259 56,873 75.1 43,739 39,882 43,494 32,982 85.4 18,813 13,068 18,813 11,597 74.4 4,791 6,031 4,791 4,690 81.8 6,828 5,753 6,828 4,719 89.7 390,364 275,697 389,277 257,753 95.7 1,676 2,727 1,676 2,633 76.0 23,912 17,256 23,787 13,835 94.9 151,384 92,958 151,384 90,690 90.3 32,983 29,381 32,983 27,169 97.7 43,333 34,650 42,370 33,942 85.0 50,477 34,961 50,477 31,302 77.4 12,719 8,939 12,719 7,356 87.2 60,747 42,314 60,747 39,769 86.6 13,135 12,511 13,135 11,057 82.8 103,702 82,024 103,573 70,330 84.3 34,654 25,756 34,654 22,527 79.7 19,245 14,815 19,245 12,089 84.4 16,512 12,898 16,512 11,157 81.8 33,291 28,555 33,163 24,557 85.8 294,358 226,610 293,496 203,686 86.4 18,080 10,727 18,080 9,649 69.3 23,334 21,923 23,334 16,476 78.7 32,823 26,229 32,823 21,956 89.4 220,121 167,731 219,259 155,605 Private, as percent of total 1947 98.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 93.5 95.3 87.6 100.0 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.2 99.7 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.7 100.0 99.5 100.0 100.0 97.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.6 99.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 99,6 1946 86.4 ili 83.9 93.5 79.0 84.0 97.2 88.6 70.0 78.7 60.7 85.9 89.1 90.6 82.5 90.6 89.5 86.3 83.6 74.4 85.1 88.3 82.7 88.7 77.8 82.0 93.5 96.6 80.2 97.6 92.5 98.0 89.5 82.3 94.0 88.4 85.7 87.5 81.6 86.5 86.0 89.9 90.0 75.2 83.7 92.8 BOUSINO T able 20.— New 29 urban dwelling units authorized in each State , by source of funds , 194-6~~4? 1 Valuation (in thousands)* Number of new dwelling units 1947 1946 18,210 25,039 2,465 2,202 8,347 4,949 3,318 1,774 2,040 1,336 1,163 1,551 2,489 3,188 4,154 2,573 1,063 637 96,937 100,064 82,301 82,935 6,915 5,673 8,963 10,214 Mountain............ Arizona......... Colorado....... Idaho............ Montana---Nevada......... New Mexico. Utah............. Wyoming__ Pacific.................. California— Oregon.......... Washington.. 1946 18,122 2,202 4,861 1,774 1,551 3,188 2,573 637 96,773 82,137 5,673 18,639 1,615 6,223 2,245 1,414 949 2,360 3,234 599 89,368 74,324 6,105 8,939 8,r~ 1946 1947 1947 t Dwelling units for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts awarded in all urban places, including an estimate of new homebuilding undertaken in some small urban places that do not issue building permits. These data on city dwelling units, unlike the data on nonfarm housing in tables 12-15,17, and 18, cover homebuilding only in u rb a n places, excluding the areas surrounding the city proper. In addition, the urban 99.5 100.0 98.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 99.8 100. 100.00 Private Total Private, as percent of total Private Total Region and State Continued 1947 1946 1947 Private, as percent of total 1946 74.4 $86,731 $93,256 $86,097 $77,060 7,147 8,751 11,237 65.5 11,237 25,860 74.6 24,551 30,717 23,917 8,403 7,638 7,638 11,334 67.7 5,428 5,113 7,741 5,113 69.3 5,221 9,015 5,675 9,015 81.6 7,565 7,863 12,459 14,735 94.8 12,459 77.9 13,677 16,577 13,677 3,041 2,701 4, r~ 3,041 56.3 485,690 89.3 615,922 508,022 614,620 89.6 529,021 424,021 527,719 406,464 29,371 88.3 31,966 31,433 31,966 87.5 54,935 52,568 54,935 49,855 1946-47 99.3 100.0 97.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 99.8 100.0 100.0 10 0 .0 10 0 .0 1946 82.6 81.7 84.2 74.1 70.1 92.0 96.2 88.9 58.7 95.6 95.9 93.4 94.8 dwelling unit information does not represent the volume of new homebuilding actually started during the month, as in the case of nonfarm housing, since the building permit data have not been adjusted for lapsed permits nor for lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. Urban classification is based on the 1940 census. * Components do not always equal totals exactly because of rounding. NEW URBAN DWELLING UNITS AUTHORIZED UNITEO S TA TE S DEPARTM ENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR S TA TIS TIC S 1947 CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING , 1946-47 30 T a b l e 21. — Number of new privately financed nonfarm dwelling units started in some representative industrial areas and urban counties, 1946, and first 9 months of 1947 1 Number of privately financed nonfarm dwelling units started in— Ares 1946 Industrial areas: Atlanta............................................................. 6,785 Boston.............................................................. 5,180 Buffalo............................................................. 3,075 Chicago............................................................ 18,725 Cleveland......................................................... Columbus....................................................... 2.690 Dallas............................................................... 5,825 Denver............................................................. 6,785 Detroit............................................................. 16,375 Fort Worth..................................................... 3,725 Hartford........................... .............................. 1.405 Indianapolis................. .................................. 2.690 Knoxville-Alcoa............................................. 2,495 Los Angeles..................................................... 54,380 Memphis......................................................... 4,170 Milwaukee..................................................... 4.405 Minneapolis-St. Paul.................................. 6,910 New York-Newark-Jersey City.................. 40,695 Philadelphia-Camden.................................. L0,560 Pittsburgh....................................................... 5,720 Sacramento...................................................... 4,290 San Francisco.................................................. 17,075 Springfi eld-Holyoke...................................... 1,175 St. Louis.......................................................... 6,620 Syracuse........................................................... 1,010 Toledo....................................... ...................... <*) Per cent change, First 9 1946 to months of— 1947 1947 1946 5,210 6,550 4,200 15,095 5,575 2,375 6,415 3,170 15,635 4.015 2.015 2,915 1,635 44,800 3,930 3,335 4,535 24,610 10,045 7,120 2,855 14,010 1,250 5,690 1,150 965 5,300 3,950 2,445 14,760 5,165 1,975 4,745 5,510 13,150 2,965 1,090 2,110 1,905 41,660 3,175 3,390 5,425 31,735 8,545 4,565 3,570 13,780 5,420 790 (l) -1 .7 +65.8 +71.8 +2.3 +7.9 +20.3 +35.2 -42.5 +18.9 +35.4 +84.9 +38.2 -14.2 +7.5 +23.8 1.6 -16.4 -22.5 +17.6 +56.0 20.0 +1.7 +33.7 +5.0 +45.6 (i2) - - i Based on reports from building-permit-issuing officers and from building contractors and others in non-permit-issuing as well as permit-issuing places in the areas shown. Building-permit data are corrected for lapsed permits and lag between issuance of permits and the start of construction, by follow up of construction jobs for which permits have been issued. Industrial areas cover entire county or groups of counties surrounding the central city or cities. The counties covered by the industrial areas shown are as follows: Atlanta —Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton; Boston—Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Suffolk; Buf falo—Erie, Niagara; Chicago—Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, and Will Count ies, 111., and Lake County, Lid.; Cleveland—Cuyahoga, Lorain; Columbus —Franklin; Dallas—Dallas; Denver—Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, Jefferson; Detroit—Oakland; Fort Worth—Tarrant; Hartford—Hartford; Indianapolis —Marion; Knoxville-Alcoa—Blount, Knox; Los Angeles—Los Angeles; Memphis—Shelby; Milwaukee—Kenosha, Milwaukee, Bacine; Minne- Area Industrial areas—Continued Washington, D. C................................. Worcester................................................ Urban coimties, and leading city in each: Adams, 111. (Quincy)............................ Cass, N. D. (Fargo).............................. Chittenden, Vt. (Burlington)............. Dade, Fla. (Miami).............................. Garfield, Okla. (Enid).......................... Hancock, Maine (Ellsworth).............. Ingham, Mich. (Lansing).................... Lancaster, Pa. (Lancaster).................. Logan, W. Va. (Logan)........................ Maricopa. Ariz. (Phoenix)................... Marion, Ohio (Marion)........................ Marquette, Mich. (Marquette).......... Mobile, Ala. (Mobile).......................... Plymouth, Mass. (Brockton).............. St. Lawrence, N. Y. (Ogdensburg)>__ Sussex, N. J. (Newton)........................ Tioga, N. Y. (Owego)........................... Webster, Iowa (Fort Dodge)............... Whatcom, Wash. (Bellingham).......... Wichita, Tex. (Wichita Falls)............. York, Pa. (York)................................... Number of privately financed nonfarm dwelling units start Per ed in— cent change, First 9 1946 to months of— 1947 1946 1947 1946 10,890 13,825 8,085 +71.0 1,540 1,665 1,295 +28.6 130 130 110 +18.2 285 160 230 —30.4 135 185 130 +42.3 7,690 12,905 5,855 +120.4 420 205 330 -37.9 35 55 30 +83.3 1,110 1,130 870 +29.9 355 435 260 +67.3 115 275 90 +205.6 3,700 1,865 2,580 -27.7 110 105 90 +16.7 155 80 140 -42.9 1,100 750 905 -17.1 715 770 595 +29.4 65 65 +23.1 80 275 310 245 +26.5 45 30 45 -33.3 105 90 85 +5.9 305 135 260 -48.1 370 310 320 -3.1 510 600 415 +44.6 apolis-St. Paul—Dakota, Hennepin, Bamsey; New York-Newark-Jersey City—Bronx, Queens, Bichmond, Kings, New York, and Westchester Counties, N. Y., Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Passaic, Union, and Hudson Counties, N. J.; Philadelphia-Camden—Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Mont gomery, and Philadelphia Counties, Pa., and Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester Coimties, N. J.; Pittsburgh—Allegheny, Beaver, Washington, Westmoreland; Sacramento—Sacramento; San Francisco—Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo; St. Louis—St. Louis County and City, Mo., and Madison and St. Clair Coimties, 111.; SpringfieldHolyoke—Hampden; Syracuse—Onondaga; Toledo—Lucas; Washington, D. C.—District of Columbia, Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties, Md., Alexandria City, Va., and Arlington and Fairfax Counties, Va; Wor cester—Worcester. 3 Not available. Building Construction in Cities Volume City building construction after the war followed roughly the general movement of construction activity as a whole. This was to be expected, since well over two-thirds of all new work in 1946 and 1947 was made up of building construction. (See section on expenditures for new construction, T able 22.— Indexes of the valuation of urban building authorized, by class of construction, 1929-47 1 Indexes (monthly average, 1935-39* 100) Period All build ing con struc tion New residen tial build ing* New nonresi dential build ing 1929.......................................................... 1930.......................................................... 1931.......................................................... 1932.......................................................... 1933.......................................................... 1934.......................................................... 1935.......................................................... 1936.......................................................... 1937.......................................................... 1938.......................................................... 1939.......................................................... 1940.......................................................... 1941.......................................................... 1942.......................................................... 1943.......................................................... 1944.......................................................... 1945.......................................................... 1946......................................................... First quarter................................... Second quarter............................... Third quarter.................................. Fourth quarter. ............................. 1947..................... .................................... First quarter................................... Second quarter............................... Third quarter................................. Fourth quarter............................... 283.1 162.0 114.3 41.9 34.6 35.4 60.7 98.5 108.6 108.3 127.9 150.2 166.4 128.8 60.1 52.4 93.6 225.9 274.7 241.0 227.8 160.1 264.3 177.8 259.8 317.5 302.0 353.5 151.1 107.7 26.7 22.3 18.9 46.4 91.9 98.6 113.9 149.3 167.5 197.6 113.7 72.2 42.8 82.1 311.1 290.9 380.1 349.0 224.4 364.6 238.1 361.8 43/. 8 420.6 319.5 233.3 159.1 64.8 45.0 44.6 69.5 101.4 112.7 106.3 110.1 146.9 153.5 162.4 47.2 47.2 89.0 156.8 282.6 131.5 127.8 105.5 184.2 123.2 171.9 221.3 220.3 Addi tions, altera tions, and repairs 187.2 121.8 91.2 44.9 45.3 58.4 79.0 99.8 116.3 98.1 106.9 106.2 115.5 77.0 66.2 87.6 131.7 213.3 269.8 212.3 214.2 156.8 246.5 183.5 258.3 296.6 247.6 i Building for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts awarded in all urban places, including an estimate of building undertaken in some small urban places that do not issue building permits. Estimates for 1929 through 1941 were derived by applying link relatives to data obtained from all reporting cities, the number of which increased steadily each year to almost 2,500 in 1941; figures for 1942 onward were derived by expanding a carefully stratified sample of approximately 2,500, reporting cities to estimate for all urban areas. * Includes value of hotels, dormitories, tourist cabins, and other nonhouse keeping residential building. pp. 1 to 7.) Furthermore, most nonfarm build ing still takes place within city limits, despite a recent trend towards increased development of suburban areas.i21 The valuation of building construction author ized 22 in all urban places in 1946 was more than twice as great as in 1945. Additional gains in 1947 brought the year’s total to over 5% billion dollars— the highest dollar volume since 1929. In 1942, when the war construction program was at its height, city building was down 23 per cent from the preceding year and totaled less than half the amount authorized in 1947. Building in cities was held to comparatively low levels during the war years, not only by restrictions on unessential construction but also by the very nature of the construction activity. Most mili tary and naval facilities, the predominant type of war construction, are of necessity located out side of urban areas. Compared with 1942, valuations of city building authorized in 1947 were slightly higher for new nonresidential building, but were well over three times as great for both new residential construc tion and additions, alterations, and repairs. About three-fifths of the urban building in 1942 was financed with Federal funds. By 1947 the federally financed proportion was less than 5 percent. The decline in Federal contract awards for building within city limits was quite steady over the 5-year period, except for a spurt in the See pp. 25-26. 22 Building construction for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts awarded, plus an estimate of building undertaken in some small urban places that do not issue building permits. Estimating procedures for all types of urban building construction are the same as those for residential construction described on page 18. It should be noted, however, that data in this section do not represent the volume of construction actually started during the month. They should also be distinguished from the figures on expenditures for new construction put in place, presented on pp. 1 to 7. 31 , CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING 1946-47 32 T able 23.— Urban building authorized, by source of funds, 1942-47 1 Valuation (in thousands) All building construction Period 1942................................................................ 1943................................................................ 1944................................................................ 1945................................................................. 1946................................................................. January.................................................. February................................................ March..................................................... April....................................................... May........................................................ June........................................................ July......................................................... August.................................................... September.............................................. October.................................................. November.............................................. December............................................... 1947................................................................ January.................................................. February................................................ March..................................................... April....................................................... May........................................................ June........................................................ July......................................................... August................................................... September.............................................. October................................................... November.............................................. December............................................... Non-Federal Federal $2,707,573 1,262,133 1,101,350 1,966,913 4,743,414 323,598 372,987 745,419 436,774 416,175 412,455 423,779 424,844 347,064 337,568 272,840 229,911 5,549,718 269,706 279,121 384,515 446,222 428,878 488,843 537,317 567,979 561,536 604,165 501,556 479,881 $1,066,958 703,584 753,441 1,717,181 4,303,971 303,907 342,172 721,151 393,367 359,925 348,363 358,537 351,003 316,346 324,726 263,347 221,127 5,356,457 249,884 269,908 372,890 429,581 419,138 461,379 530,253 538,296 555,213 596,962 480,243 452,710 $1,640,615 558,549 347,909 249,732 439,443 19,691 30,815 24,268 43,407 56,250 64,092 65,242 73,841 30,718 12,842 9,493 8,784 193,261 19,822 9,213 11,625 16,641 9,740 27,464 7,064 29,683 6,323 7,203 21,313 27,171 39.4 55.7 68.4 87.3 90.7 93.9 91.7 96.7 90.1 86.5 84.5 84.6 82.6 91.1 96.2 96.5 96.2 96.5 92.7 96.7 97.0 96.3 97.7 94.4 98.7 94.8 98.9 98.8 95.8 94.3 Total $918,413 583,496 345,670 663.160 2,513,789 142,792 158,552 286,230 259,093 265,905 242,848 247,664 263,806 193,514 194,198 149,941 109,155 2,945,934 132,865 140,171 207,987 241,830 227,947 261,093 273,265 301,591 309,495 347,874 268,866 232,950 Non-Federal $602,609 375,169 289,270 631,562 2,158,201 123.700 137,832 265,921 223,119 213,230 188,875 193,534 194,979 173,792 184,405 149,659 109,155 2,910,735 125,194 140,171 206,401 239,881 227,947 254,576 272,937 299,987 307,265 344,079 262,348 229,950 Federal Non-Federal as percent of total $315,804 208,327 56,400 31,598 355,588 19,092 20,720 20,399 35,974 52,675 53,973 54,130 68,827 19,722 9,793 282 0 35,199 7,671 0 1,586 1,949 0 6,517 328 1,604 2,230 3,795 6,518 3,000 65.6 64.3 83.7 95.2 85.9 86.6 86.9 92.9 86.1 80.2 77.8 78.1 73.9 89.8 95.0 99.8 100.0 98.8 94.2 100.0 99.2 99.2 100.0 97.5 99.9 99.5 99.3 98.9 97.6 98.7 Valuation (in thousands) New nonresidential building Additions, alterations, and repairs Total $1,510,688 439,131 438,909 827,614 1,458.602 123,387 149,351 337,718 109,070 90,415 106,229 110,048 92,370 94,673 85,262 81,523 78,556 1,712,672 86,879 87,720 111, 905 129,474 128,196 141,919 170,181 182,041 162,234 168,334 166,472 177,315 Non-Federal $222,998 106,546 169,078 639,342 1,416,497 123,293 141,130 334,802 107,032 90,365 104,531 105,380 92,359 89,709 83,989 73,107 70,800 1,583,165 76,585 79,760 103,124 116,208 120,724 330,420 167,007 155,677 159,066 166,270 153,140 155,183 Non-Federal as percent of total Federal $1,287,690 332,585 269,831 188,272 42,105 94 8,221 2,916 2,038 50 1,698 4,668 11 4,964 1,273 8,416 7,756 129,507 10,294 7,960 8,781 13,266 7,472 11,499 3,174 26,364 3,168 2.064 13,322 22,132 1 Building for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts awarded in all urban places, including an estimate of building undertaken in some small urban places that do not issue building permits. These data cover building only in u rb a n places, excluding the suburban areas surround ing the city proper. They do not represent the volume of building actually started during the month, since no adjustment has been made for lapsed Non-Federal as percent of total Total Period 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946................. January.. February. March__ April....... May........ June......... July........... August___ September. October. November. December. 1947................ January.. February. March.... April....... May........ June........ July........... August___ September. October__ November. December. New residential building * 14.8 24.3 38.5 77.3 97.1 99.9 WO. X 99.9 98.4 95.8 100.0 94.8 98.5 89.7 90.1 92.4 90.9 92.2 89.8 94.2 91.9 98.1 85.5 98.0 98.8 92.0 87.5 Total $278,472 239,506 316,771 476,139 771,023 57,419 65,084 121,381 68,611 59,855 63,378 66,067 68,668 58,877 58,108 41,376 42,200 891,112 49,961 51,230 64,624 74,918 72,736 85,830 93,870 84,346 89,807 87,957 66,217 69,615 Non-Federal $241,351 221,869 295,093 446,277 729,272 56,914 63,210 120,428 63,216 56,330 54,957 59,623 63,665 52,845 56,332 40,581 41,172 862,557 48,105 49,977 63,365 73,492 70,467 76,383 90,309 82,632 88,882 86,613 64,755 67,577 Federal $37,121 17,637 21,678 29,862 41,751 505 1,874 953 5,395 3,525 8,421 6,444 5,003 6,032 1,776 795 1,028 28,555 1,856 1,253 1,259 1,426 2.269 9,447 3,561 1,714 925 1,344 1,462 2,038 Non-Federal as percent of total 86.7 92.6 93.2 93.7 94.6 99.1 99.2 92.1 94.1 86.7 90.2 92.7 89.8 96.9 98.1 97.6 96.8 96.3 97.6 98.1 96.9 89.0 96.2 98.0 99.0 98.5 97.8 97.1 building permits nor for lag between permit issuance and the start of construc tion. Components do not always equal totals exactly because of rounding. Urban classification is based on the 1940 census. 2 Includes value of hotels, dormitories, tourist cabins, and other nonhouse keeping residential building; for valuation of housekeeping dwellings, see tables 16,19, and 20. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IN CITIES summer of 1946 when the temporary re-use housing program was in full swing. Urban building permit valuations reached an alltime monthly high in March 1946, prior to the effective date of the construction limitation order, VHP-1. The rest of the year was marked by a nearly constant down-trend. In contrast, total urban building in 1947 rose almost without inter ruption from low in January to peak in October. The year ended with December valuations amount ing to more than double the total recorded for city building in December 1946. 33 New industrial building was the only major category of urban building construction to show a decrease from 1946 to 1947. New commercial building was practically the same in both years. On the other hand, valuations for new home con struction and for additions, alterations, and repair work were up 17 and 16 percent, respectively. Community buildings (churches, hospitals, schools, etc.) in 1947 were more than double the 1946 vol ume; government buildings (post offices, city halls, etc.) had tripled; and public works and utility buildings had increased by 41 percent. T able 24.— New urban nonresidential building authorizedf by general type of building and by region, 1946-47 1 Valuation (in thousands) Begion 1947 1946 Percent change from 1946 $321,845 25,952 57,755 118,666 19,890 20,549 13,573 17,519 2,852 45,090 $397,237 19,477 77,845 133,599 29,161 34,612 14,688 13,145 4,417 70,293 1946 —19.0 +33.2 -25.8 -11.2 -31.8 -40.6 -7 .6 +33.3 -35.4 -35.9 $686,921 32,853 90,725 119,958 57,240 106,788 34,680 91,548 26,855 126,273 406,891 25,759 80,190 62,541 34,639 40,161 16.895 65,309 18,366 63,030 190,163 19,739 21,247 42,412 19,160 22,570 12,954 25,963 5,367 20,751 +114.0 +30.5 +277.4 +47.5 +80.8 +77.9 +30.4 +151.5 +242.2 +203.7 Public works and utility buildings • All urban places......................................................................... New England............................................................................. Middle Atlantic......................................................................... East North Central................................................................... West North Central.................................................................. South Atlantic............................................................................ East South Central................................................................... West South Central................................................................... Mountain.................................................................................... Pacific.......................................................................................... 143,824 15,086 24,968 35,972 8,738 19,046 4,154 7,648 3,520 24,695 1 Building for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts awarded in all urban places, including an estimate of building undertaken in some small urban places that do not issue building permits. These data cover building only in u rb a n places, excluding the suburban areas surround ing the city proper. They do not represent the volume of building actually started during the month, since no adjustment has been made for lapsed permits nor for lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. Components do not always equal totals exactly because of rounding. Urban classification is based on the 1940 census. 2 Includes factories, navy yards, army ordnance plants, bakeries, ice plants, industrial warehouses, and o th e r buildings at the site of these and similar production plants. 102,241 15,638 10,052 23,383 6,108 20,037 862 5,048 1,486 19,627 $669,574 43,164 74,569 119,011 51,822 87,405 34,647 82,156 26,057 150,743 +2.6 -23.9 +21.7 + .8 +10.5 +22.2 +•1 +11.4 +3.1 -16.2 Public buildings 8 Community buildings4 All urban places......................................................................... New England............................................................................. Middle Atlantic......................................................................... East North Central................................................................... West North Central.................................................................. South Atlantic........................................................................... East South Central............. ........... .......................................... West South Central.................................................................. Mountain.................................................................................... Pacific.......................................................................................... Percent change from 1946 Commercial buildings8 Industrial buildings * All urban places......................................................................... New England............................................................................. Middle Atlantic........................................................................ East North Central............................................................. — West North Central.................................................................. South Atlantic........................................................................... East South Central................................................................... West South Central.................................................................. Mountain.................................................................................... Pacific.......................................................................................... 1947 +40.7 -3 .5 +148.4 +53.8 +43.1 -4 .9 +381.9 +51.5 +136.9 +25.8 40,699 3,418 4,712 8,171 1,696 6,285 830 4,430 2,416 8,741 12,042 371 1,493 - 880 190 988 116 665 70 7,269 +238.0 +821.3 +215.6 +828.5 +792.6 +536.1 +615.5 +566.2 +3,351.4 +20.3 All other buildings7 112,492 6,764 13,392 27,556 9,961 7,213 3,005 6,618 4,153 33,829 87,345 5,328 9,944 19,374 6,485 5,635 2,316 5,664 2,889 29,710 +28.8 +27.0 +34.7 +42.2 +53.6 +28.0 +29.7 +16.8 +43.8 +13.9 * Includes amusement and recreation buildings, stores and other mercantile buildings, commercial garages, gasoline and service stations, etc. 4 Includes churches, hospitals and other institutional buildings, schools, libraries, etc. * Includes Federal, State, county, and local government buildings, such as post offices, courthouses, city halls, fire and police stations, army barracks, naval stations. fi Includes railroad, bus, and airport buildings, roundhouses, radio stations, gas and electric plants, public comfort stations, etc. 7Includes private garages, sheds, stables and bams, and other buildings not elsewhere classified. CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING , 1946-47 34 Location All sections of the country shared in the rise in city building valuations in 1947. The greatest increases, around 30 percent, occurred in the South Atlantic States and the West South Central States. However, the largest dollar volume was reported for the East North Central States, where more than a fifth of the Nation’s total urban building was authorized in both 1946 and 1947. This densely populated geographic division led all others in both the new building and the additions, alterations, and repairs cate gories. The Pacific region was only slightly under the East North Central in the level of postwar city building as a whole, and California ranked first among all the States, continuing the construction boom in California that got under way during the war years. In 1946, New York held second place among the States, and Texas third; the relative positions of these two States were reversed in 1947. Cities of all sizes participated in the increase from 1946 to 1947 in total urban building valua tions. The gain was relatively less, however, in the largest municipalities. In 1947 the dollar volume of new building (both residential and nonresidential) showed a slight decline from the preceding year in the largest cities, those with 500,000 or more population. But in the smallest cities (population less than 10,000) there were substantial gains—31 percent in new residential construction and 14 percent in new nonresidential building. The over-all increase of 16 percent in addition, alteration, and repair work was shared by all cities, large and small. Again however, the rise was greatest in the smallest places. T able 25.— New urban nonresidential building authorized, by type of building and source of funds, 1946-4? 1 Type of building 1947 1946 Federal Non-Federal Total Percent change from 1946 1947 1946 Percent change from 1946 1947 1946 $129,507 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,760 0 25,825 0 37,922 0 0 0 $42,105 0 0 1.675 0 0 0 13,568 0 8,417 9,209 9,236 0 0 0 Percent change from 1946 Valuation (in thousands) All types............................................................. $1,712,672 $1,458,602 Amusement buildings *.................................... 43,216 33,123 76,234 Churches............................................................. 36,971 Factories and workshops3............................... 321,845 397,237 Commercial garages.......................................... 61,713 73,513 Private garages.................................................. 77,914 58,490 25,440 23,088 Service stations.................................................. 144,796 55,163 Institutional buildings4................................... 83,998 95,258 Office and bank buildings................................ Public buildings5.............................................. 12.042 40,699 Public works and utility buildings •............. 102,241 143,824 Educational buildings7.................................... 185,861 98,029 Sheds................................................................... 14,621 12.210 455,852 Stores and other mercantile buildings3......... 461,294 Allother............................................................. 16,645 19,957 See footnotes at end of table +17.4 $1,583,165 $1,416,497 +30.5 33,123 43,216 +106.2 76,234 36,971 395,562 321,845 -19.0 7S, 513 -16.1 61,713 +33.2 58,490 77,914 +10.2 23,088 25,440 79,036 41,595 +162.5 95,258 83,998 +13.4 14,874 3,625 +238.0 143,824 93,032 +40.7 88,793 +89.6 147,939 14,621 12,210 +19.7 455,852 461,294 +1.2 16,645 +19.9 19,957 +11.8 +30.5 +106.2 -18.6 -16.1 +33.2 +10.2 +90.0 +13.4 +310.3 +54.6 +66.6 +19.7 +1.2 +19.9 +207.6 0 0 -100.0 0 0 0 +384.7 0 +206.8 -100.0 +310.6 0 0 0 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IN CITIES T able 35 25.— New urban nonresidential building authorized, by type of building and source of funds j 1946-47 1—Con. Non-Federal Total Type of building 1947 1946 Percent change from 1946 1947 1946 Federal Percent change from 1946 1947 1946 Percent change from 1946 Number of buildings All types............................................................. Amusement buildings12*.................................... Churches............................................................ Factories and workshops8............................... Commercial garages.......................................... Private garages.................................................. Service stations.................................................. Institutional buildings4*.................................. Office and bank buildings................................ Public buildings4.............................................. Public works and utility buildings6............. Educational buildings7.................................... Sheds................................................................... Stores and other mercantile buildings8......... All other.............................................................. 239,539 2,038 3,028 13,576 5,969 124,948 3,956 766 3,216 488 1,886 2,833 20,251 43,222 13,362 226,574 1,940 1,914 17,001 7,600 109,284 4,030 815 3,679 266 1,550 1,193 19,716 44,553 13,033 +5.7 +5.1 +58.2 -20.1 -21.5 +14.3 -1.8 -6 .0 -12.6 +83.5 +21.7 +137.5 +2.7 -3 .0 +2.5 238,252 2,038 3,028 13,576 5,969 124,948 3,956 713 3,216 277 1,886 1,810 20,251 43,222 13,362 226,038 1.940 1,914 16,986 7,600 109,284 4,030 661 3,679 108 1,544 990 19,716 44,553 13,033 +5.4 +5.1 +58.2 -20.1 -21.5 +14.3 -1.8 +7.9 -12.6 +156.5 +22.2 +82.8 +2.7 -3 .0 +2.5 1,287 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 211 0 1,023 0 0 0 536 0 0 15 0 0 0 154 0 158 6 203 0 0 0 +140.1 0 0 -100.0 0 0 0 -65.6 0 +33.5 -100.0 +403.9 0 0 0 1 Building for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts awarded in all urban places, including an estimate of building undertaken in some small urban places that do not issue building permits. These data cover building only in u rb a n places, excluding the suburban areas surround ing the city proper. They do not represent the volume of building actually started during the month, since no adjustment has been made for lapsed permits nor for lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. Components do not always equal totals exactly because of rounding. Urban classification is based on the 1940 census. 2 Includes recreational structures such as theatres, halls, auditoriums, club and association buildings (without bedrooms), lodge buildings, natatoriums, bathhouses, locker buildings, baseball or other observation stands, stadiums, gymnasiums, amusement park buildings, pavilions, rinks, etc. * Includes industrial warehouses. 4Includes hospitals, asylums, medical clinic buildings, sanitariums, chari table institutions, etc., and affiliated buildings. 4Includes Federal, State, county, and local government buildings, such as post offices, courthouses, city halls, fire and police stations, prisons, arsenals, armories. • Includes railroad, bus, and airport stations, pumping stations, round houses, freight houses, car barns, ferry houses, radio stations, signal towers, gas and electric plants, public comfort stations, incinerators, etc. 1 Includes all buildings affiliated with schools, colleges, libraries, museums, observatories, etc. 4Includes commercial warehouses. In 1946, New York City outranked all other places in valuations for total building construction and for residential building, followed closely by Los Angeles. New York topped the list in both categories largely because of the initiation of a huge redevelopment program by the City Housing Authority. In 1947, Los Angeles took first place for all building authorized, with New York second. This West Coast city led the country also in valuations for residential construction and for mercantile, office, and public buildings. T able 26.— Urban building authorized, by region and State and by source of funds, 1946-47 1 CO CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-47 Valuation (in thousands) All building construction New residential building3 New nonresidential building Additions, alterations, and repairs Region and State 1947 1947 1946 1947 1946 1947 1946 1946 Non* NonNonNonNonNonNon* NonTotal Federal Total Federal Total Federal Total Federal Total Federal Total Federal Total Federal Total Federal All urban places............................... $5,649,718 $5,356,457 $4,743,414 $4,303,971 $2,945,934 $2,910,735 $2,513,789 $2,158,201 $1,712,672 $1,583,165 $1,458,602 $1,416,497 $891,112 $862,557 $771,023 $729,272 New England................................... 330,940 324,601 284,247 254,830 153,045 153,037 112,324 92,389 109,831 105,288 103,716 98,360 68,064 66,276 68,207 64,081 69,137 68,304 57,444 53,576 31,756 31,756 21,279 17,651 24,628 23,901 22,419 22,404 12,752 12,647 13,746 13,521 Connecticut......................... Maine......................................... 12,324 11,736 10,954 10,663 4,409 4,657 4,926 4,657 4,926 3,654 3,419 2,569 2,401 2,643 4,828 2,587 Massachusetts........................... 200,317 197,160 173,891 156,238 92,887 92,879 71,211 56,258 66,222 63,526 60,765 60,593 41,208 40,755 41,915 39,387 New Hampshire......._.............. 13,566 13,251 8,657 8,004 3,204 6,747 3,951 6,747 3,320 3,482 2,248 2,248 3,300 2,458 3,336 2,436 Rhode Island............................ 32,145 30,721 29,171 22,970 15,260 15,260 10,808 10,505 8,962 12,505 9,384 7,562 7,501 6,499 5,858 4,903 Vermont..................................... 3,452 3,429 3,379 4,130 1,468 1,421 1,236 1,286 1,122 675 1,468 896 698 1,286 1,587 1,247 Middle Atlantic.............................. 885,907 805,360 804,405 656,134 452,349 422,912 461,002 319,714 271,742 228,173 195,151 192,391 161,817 154,276 148,252 144,028 New Jersey................................ 234,452 224,917 171,462 153,039 124,952 119,191 82,301 64,584 67,250 64,343 54,533 54,027 42,250 41,384 34,628 34,428 New York.................................. 385,357 321,758 404,494 293,875 190,633 166,957 267,829 160,817 129,829 93,043 72,922 72,223 64,895 61,758 63,743 60,834 Pennsylvania............................ 266,099 258,685 228,449 209,220 136,764 136,764 110,872 94,313 74,663 70,787 67,696 66,141 54,671 51,134 49,881 48,766 East North Central........................ 1,193,602 1,174,417 1,020,461 952,190 635,528 634,047 527,707 466,133 372,866 358,500 338,659 335,842 185,208 181,869 154,095 150,215 Illinois........................................ 323,252 319,726 293,975 278,846 167,377 167,377 137,144 122,945 105,411 102,590 116,784 116,567 50,464 49,760 40,047 39,334 Indiana....................................... 108,703 105,821 94,355 81,863 58,602 58,602 54,243 43,659 31,536 29,505 23,486 22,836 18,565 17,713 16,626 15,368 Michigan.................................... 317,946 313,399 264,843 250,563 185,056 185,056 138,703 125,070 86,220 81,874 89,978 89,973 46,670 46,469 36,162 35,520 Ohio............................................ 328,296 322,328 263,047 245,006 165,365 149,400 132,965 109,749 106,435 70,354 69,139 51,845 50,528 43,293 42,902 Wisconsin................................... 115,406 113,142 104,241 95,912 166,701 57,792 57,646 48,217 41,494 39,949 38,097 38,057 37,327 17,665 17,399 17,967 17,091 West North Central........................ 382,911 366,490 364,934 322,176 190,002 189,757 190,726 157,918 132,163 118,210 112,927 107,144 60,746 58,523 61,281 57,114 Iowa............................................ 59,580 57,945 64,378 52,824 27,476 27,476 36,103 26,761 22,133 20,970 19,295 18,069 9,970 9,498 8,980 7,994 Kansas........................................ 48,622 47,554 41,195 37,407 26,271 26,271 22,626 19,170 13,227 12,566 11,656 11,452 9,124 6,913 8,716 6,785 Minnesota.................................. 110,713 109,162 109,352 101,001 61,488 61,488 65,212 57,402 31,918 31,182 24,623 24,211 17,307 16,493 19,517 19,388 Missouri..................................... 97,864 95,948 92,239 82,346 43,946 43,700 41,504 33,257 39,683 38,257 34,623 34,489 14,235 13,990 16,112 14,600 Nebraska....................... .......... 38,892 32,851 31,404 28,817 19,063 19,063 13,128 11,649 13,901 7,926 11,702 11,672 5,928 6,574 5,861 5,496 North Dakota........................... 14,407 10,515 9,602 4,792 8,146 4,792 6,166 4,020 2,517 2,517 4,726 1,866 1,703 7,748 919 903 South Dakota............................ 12,834 12,515 16,764 11,635 6,965 6,965 8,511 4,734 5,987 4,953 3,288 2,316 3,553 2,261 2,266 1,948 South Atlantic................................. 714,098 696,181 537,509 495,441 399,942 398,842 283,172 262,239 200,042 189,535 171,247 155,433 114,114 107,804 83,090 77,769 Delaware................................. 4,920 4,741 7,216 6,942 1,676 1,844 1,676 2,899 2,634 1,280 1,967 1,967 1,399 1,785 2,350 2,341 District of Columbia............... 42,966 40,538 46,235 32,498 23,912 23,787 18,132 14,134 8,007 20,993 11,505 10,455 8,599 8,744 7,110 6,859 Florida........................................ 255,232 253,312 160,362 157,176 158,802 158,789 95,536 93,216 59,460 58,015 40,052 39,735 36,970 36,508 24,774 24,225 Georgia....................................... 76,742 74,417 59,257 55,324 33,587 33,587 30,343 27,335 25,571 24.000 19,042 18,552 17,584 16,829 9,872 9,437 Maryland................................... 68,211 65,884 66,882 65,752 43,864 42,902 35,079 34,371 12,745 11,877 22,301 22,269 11,603 11,105 9,502 9,112 North Carolina......................... 88,481 86,638 69,275 64,226 50,689 50,689 35,375 31,535 28,302 26,575 26,040 25,986 9,491 9,375 7,860 6,705 South Carolina......................... 29,607 26,837 25,451 18,492 12,748 12,748 9,173 12,107 7,355 9,390 7,538 11,798 4,916 3,954 5,061 3,599 Virginia...................................... 113,163 109,944 78,174 72,792 61,523 61,523 43,504 36,500 35,663 21,495 21,173 15,141 12,758 13,175 11,233 West Virginia............................ 34,775 33,871 24,657 22,239 13,142 13,142 12,914 40,386 14,945 7,250 6,891 5,965 5,784 11,090 15,668 4,493 4,258 East South Central......................... 210,354 205,176 178,781 161,793 104,063 103,934 85,028 71,529 73,138 69,403 65,583 64,734 33,153 31,839 28,170 25,530 Alabama..................................... 65,631 64,356 53,093 47,780 34,668 34.668 26,785 22,655 20,493 19,468 17,233 16,881 10,470 10,220 9,075 8,244 Kentucky................................... 41,633 39,734 32,172 28,441 19,331 19,331 15,405 12,214 16,872 15,633 13,071 13,004 5,430 4,770 3,696 3,223 Mississippi................................. 31,529 31,152 25,521 23,068 16,574 16,574 13,088 11,266 9,537 8,575 5,202 8,560 5,041 9,753 3,858 3,242 Tennessee................................... 71,560 69,934 67,995 62,504 33,490 33,361 29,750 25,394 26,020 24,765 26,704 26,289 12,050 11,808 11,541 10,821 West South Central........................ 570,550 550,141 433,443 401,731 300,903 300,041 236,618 212,170 193,072 175,475 132,641 131,626 76,576 74,625 64,184 57,935 Arkansas.................................... 34,536 33,263 21,895 20,333 18,516 18,516 10,975 8,930 5,734 6,065 9,955 5,597 9,736 5,817 5,186 5,000 Louisiana................................... 67,079 55,696 46,019 39,188 23,387 23,387 23,022 16,807 33,050 21,824 14,151 14,108 10,642 10,485 8,273 8,846 Oklahoma................................... 61,874 60,330 49,677 43,734 33,597 33,597 26,395 22,122 20,450 19,026 15,537 15,511 7,828 7,707 7,745 6,101 Texas.......................................... 407,061 400,853 315,852 298,476 225,403 224,541 163,505 129,617 125,695 97,219 96,410 52,041 50,616 42,407 38,561 Mountain.......................................... 175,719 166,967 164,694 143,707 88,821 88,187 176,226 97,427 80,138 58,162 50,597 40,287 39,764 28,736 28,182 26,980 23,805 Arizona___________________ 25,351 24,675 19,784 17,841 11,633 11,633 9,088 9,528 7,393 8,056 7,900 9,965 3,754 3,515 2,548 2,640 Colorado..................................... 50,360 45,100 47,934 41,335 24,839 24,205 30,871 26,014 16,780 12,350 8,265 8,083 8,741 8,544 7,238 8,798 Idaho.......................................... 17,060 16,731 19,433 16,108 7,783 7,783 11,885 4,831 4,831 8,591 5,904 5,592 3,373 3,356 2,717 2,686 Montana..................................... 13,798 13,191 13,130 10,338 5,294 5,294 8,149 5,689 3,036 3,036 5,618 1,945 1,684 6,296 2,208 2,208 Nevada....................................... 15,904 15,684 12,594 12,084 9,442 3,671 3,216 9,442 6,786 6,332 3,177 2,575 3,876 2,585 2,592 2,571 New Mexico.............................. 22,372 21,653 15,349 14,451 12,843 12,843 4,198 4,198 8,329 8,019 5,742 6,435 3,094 2,822 2,234 3,068 Utah........................................... 24,470 23,816 29,228 26,514 13,835 13,835 17,316 15,303 6,393 7,267 7,142 7,032 3,603 4,645 4,069 3,588 6,404 Wyoming................................... 6,117 7,242 5,036 3,152 3,152 1,418 1,397 5,003 2,868 1,633 1,874 821 771 1,378 1,332 Pacific................................................ 1,085,637 1,067,126 954,940 915,969 621,281 619,980 519,785 495,971 301,658 287,983 298,391 291,203 162,697 159,163 136,764 128,795 California................................... 905,352 889,289 785,023 753,789 533,344 532,043 433,720 415,852 242,483 230,935 242,457 235,689 129,525 126,312 108,846 102,248 Oregon........................................ 73,979 73,273 66,913 62,566 32,286 32,286 32,948 29,882 29,360 28,710 23,120 22,783 12,333 12,277 10,845 9,901 Washington............................... 106,305 104,564 103,004 99,614 55,651 55,651 53,117 50,237 29,815 28,338 32,814 32,731 20,839 20,575 17,073 16,646 * Building for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts awarded in all urban places, 3 Includes value of hotels, dormitories, tourist cabins, and other nonhousekeeping residential build including an estimate of building undertaken in some small urban places that do not issue building ing; for valuation of housekeeping dwellings, see tables 16,19, and 20. permits. These data cover building only in u r b a n places, excluding the suburban areas surrounding Urban classification is based on the 1940 census. the city proper. They do not represent the volume of building actually started during the month, since no adjustment has been made for lapsed building permits nor for lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. Components do not always equal totals exactly because of rounding. o BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IN CITIES T abus 27.— Urban building authorized, by city-size doss and source of funds, 1946-471 Total City-size class 37 Valuation (in thousands) 1947 1946 Federal Non-Federal Percentage distributton 1947 Valuation (in thousands) 1947 1946 1946 Percentage distri bution 1947 1946 Valuation (in thousands) 1947 1946 Percentage distri bution 1947 1946 All building construction All urban places........................ $5,549,718 $4,743,414 500,000 and over......................... 1,104,000 1,094,839 100,000 to 500,000....................... 1,189,384 1,033,470 50,000 to 100,000......................... 585,608 451,678 25,000 to 50,000........................... 611,241 509,854 10,000 to 25,000........................... 900,822 736,671 5,000 to 10,000............................. 679,502 540,781 2,500 to 5,000.............................. 479,160 376,121 100.0 19.9 21.4 10.6 11.0 16.2 12.3 8.6 100.0 $5,356,457 $4,303,971 23.1 1,034,129 936,082 21.8 1,159,025 945,094 9.5 551,011 415,418 10.8 595,381 4/2,421 15.5 874,649 673,342 11.4 670,811 509,147 7.9 471,452 352,467 100.0 19.3 21.7 10.3 11.1 16.3 12.5 8.8 100.0 $193,261 $439,443 21.7 69,872 158,757 22.0 30,359 88,376 9.7 34,598 36,260 11.0 15,861 37,433 15.6 26,173 63,329 8,691 31,634 11.8 8.2 7,708 23,654 100.0 36.2 15.7 17.9 8.2 13.5 4.5 4.0 100.0 36.1 20.1 8.3 8.5 14.4 7.2 5.4 100.0 19.9 19.6 8.7 10.8 17.5 13.9 9.6 35,198 355,587 26,684 131,665 5,155 65,347 1,355 31,172 455 30,660 1,463 52,349 13 27,700 73 16,694 100.0 75.8 14.6 3.9 1.3 4.2 (*) .2 100.0 37.0 18.4 8.8 8.6 14.7 7.8 4.7 100.0 23.6 22.4 10.3 11.0 14.1 10.8 7.8 129,507 36,387 15,315 29,310 12,805 22,569 6,593 6,528 42,105 17,214 9,401 1,468 1,120 5,851 1,276 5,775 100.0 28.1 11.8 22.6 9.9 17.4 5.1 5.1 100.0 40.9 22.3 3.5 2.7 13.9 3.0 13.7 28,555 6,801 9,889 3,932 2,600 2,142 2,086 1,106 41,751 9,878 13,628 3,620 5,653 5,129 2,658 1,185 100.0 23.8 34.6 13.8 9.1 7.5 7.3 3.9 100.0 23.7 32.6 8.7 13.5 12.3 6.4 2.8 New residential buildingi2 All urban places....................... 2,945,934 2,513,789 500,000 and over......................... 551,660 559,985 100,000 to 500,000....................... 563.427 489,144 50,000 to 100,000......................... 281,515 219,578 25,000 to 50.000........................... 313,797 264,688 10,000 to 25,000........................... 511,558 429,173 5,000 to 10,000............................. 424,971 328,307 2,500 to 5,000.............................. 299,006 222,914 100.0 18.7 19.1 9.6 10.7 17.4 14.4 10.1 100.0 22.3 19.4 8.7 10.5 17.1 13.1 8.9 2,910,735 2,158,201 524,976 428,319 558,271 423,797 280,160 188,406 313,342 234,028 510,095 376,824 424,958 300,607 298,933 206,220 100.0 18.0 19.2 9.6 10 8 17.5 14.6 10.3 New nonresidential building All urban places....................... 1,712,672 1,458,602 500,000 and over......................... 348,224 351,810 100,000 to 500,000....................... 380,895 327,475 50,000 to 100,000......................... 201,465 147,009 25,000 to 50,000........................... 198,346 157,381 10,000 to 25,000........................... 274,737 204,884 5,000 to 10,000............................. 179,448 154,409 2,500 to 5,000.............................. 129,558 115,634 100.0 20.3 22.2 11.8 11.6 16.0 10.5 7.6 100.0 1,583,165 1,416,497 24.1 311,837 334,596 22.5 365,580 318,074 10.1 172,155 145,541 10.8 185,540 156,261 14.0 252,168 199,033 10.6 172,855 153,133 7.9 123,030 109,859 100.0 19.7 23.1 10.9 11.7 15.9 10.9 7.8 Additions, alterations, and repairs All urban places........................ 500,000 and over......................... 100,000 to 500,000........................ 50,000 to 100,000......................... 25,000 to 50,000........................... 10,000 to 25,000........................... 5,000 to 10,000............................. 2,500 to 5,000.............................. 891,112 771,023 204,117 183,044 245,063 216,851 102,628 85,091 99,099 87,785 114,528 102,614 75,083 58,065 50,596 37,573 100.0 22.9 27.5 11.5 11.1 12.9 8.4 5.7 100.0 862,557 729,272 23.8 197,316 173,166 28.1 235,174 203,223 11.0 98,695 81,471 11.4 96,499 82,132 13.3 112,386 97,485 7.5 72,997 55,407 4.9 49,490 36,388 i Building for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts awarded in all urban places, including an estimate of building undertaken in some small urban places that do not issue building permits. These data cover building only in u rb a n places, excluding the suburban areas surrounding the city proper. They do not represent the volume of building actually started during the month since no adjustment has been made for lapsed building permits nor for lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. 100.0 22.9 27.3 11.4 11.2 13.0 8.5 5.7 100.0 23.7 27.9 11.2 11.2 13.4 7.6 5.0 Urban classification and city size are based on the 1940 census. *Includes value of hotels, dormitories, tourist cabins, and other nonhouse keeping residential building; for valuation of housekeeping dwellings, see tables 16,19, and 20. ’ Less than one-tenth of 1 percent. CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-47 38 T able 28.— Cities leading in various types of building construction authorized, 1947 1 Type of building construction and leading cities All building construction:12* Los Angeles, Calif......... New York, N. Y ........... Detroit, Mich....... ____ Chicago, 111.................... Houston, Tex................. Philadelphia, Pa........... Dallas, Tex..................... Miami, Fla..................... New residential building:2 Los Angeles, Calif......... New York, N. Y........... Detroit, Mich................ Chicago, 111.................... Philadelphia, Pa........... Miami, Fla.................... Houston, Tex................ Dallas, Tex.................... Factories and work shops:4* Chicago, 111.................... Detroit, Mich................ Philadelphia, Pa........... Cleveland, Ohio............ Los Angeles, Calif........ Hillside, N. J................. Houston, Tex................. New York, N. Y........... Milwaukee, Wis............ Louisville, Ky............... St. Louis, Mo................ Portland, Oreg............... Stores and other mercantile buildings: * Los Angeles, Calif.............................. Detroit, Mich..................................... . Chicago, 111.......................................... Houston, Tex..................................... New York, N. Y ................................ Atlanta, Ga......................................... St. Louis, Mo...................................... Miami, Fla.......................................... Denver, Colo...................................... Cleveland, Ohio................................. Office and bank buildings: Los Angeles, Calif....... Houston, Tex............... Tallahassee, Fla........... Minneapolis, Minn__ Chicago, 111.................. Valuation (in thousands) $259,041 206,799 147,607 120,743 72,631 72,386 53,082 51,628 146,208 122,533 86,892 45,982 41,266 33,115 32,959 30,898 18,193 7,678 7,427 6,762 6,503 5,754 5,188 4,843 4,682 4,388 4,252 4,125 15,082 11,663 9,102 8,738 8,707 6,235 5,845 5,734 5,481 5,256 18,243 6,048 2,701 2,347 2,140 1 Building for which building permits were issued and Federal contracts iawarded in u r b a n places, excluding the suburban areas surrounding the city proper. These data do not represent the volume of building actually started during the month, since no adjustment has been made for lapsed permits nor for lag between permit issuance and the start of construction. TJrban classification is based on the 1940 census. 2 Covers additions, alterations, and repairs, as well as new residential and new nonresidential building. 8 Includes hotels, dormitories, tourist cabins, and other nonhousekeeping residential building. 4 Includes industrial warehouses. 8 Includes commercial warehouses. 8 Includes hospitals, asylums, medical clinic buildings, sanitariums, chari table institutions, etc., and affiliated buildings. Type of building construction and leading cities Institutional buildings: * New York, N. Y ..... Buffalo, N. Y........... . Sherveport, La.......... Boston, Mass........... . Fresno, Calif.............. Grand Island, Nebr.. Houston, Tex........... . Public buildings:7 Los Angeles, Calif. Tallahassee, Fla__ Fort Worth, Tex.. Pasadena, Calif... Public works and utility buildings:8 Detroit, Mich................................. Oswego, N. Y................................. Los Angeles, Calif......................... Chicago, 111..................................... Newport News, Va........................ Woodbridge, N. J.......................... Norfolk, Va..................................... Educational buildings: • New York, N. Y............................ Detroit, Mich................................. Los Angeles, Calif.......................... Cambridge, Mass.......................... Chicago, 111..................................... Churches: Detroit, Mich........... Minneapolis, Minn. Chicago, 111............... Dallas, Tex............... New York, N. Y .... Houston, Tex........... Los Angeles, Calif__ Kansas City, M o... Commercial garages: New York, N. Y. Detroit, Mich__ Houston, Tex___ Columbus, Ohio. Amusement buildings:10 Miami, Fla................ San Antonio, Tex__ San Francisco, Calif.. Valuation (in thousands) $23,637 14,293 9,745 7,395 5,675 5,245 4,529 1,993 1,700 1,448 1,092 7.298 7,058 6,920 6,335 6,037 4,005 3,803 8,414 5,699 5,544 4,693 4,247 2,273 2,114 2,103 2,034 1,781 1,715 1,552 1,235 2,662 2,005 1,636 1,061 1,957 1,699 1,051 7 Includes Federal, State, county, and local government buildings, such as post offices, courthouses, city halls, fire and police stations, jails, prisons, arsenals and armories. 8 Includes railroad, bus, and airport buildings, roundhouses, radio stations, gas and electric plants, public comfort stations, etc. • Includes all buildings affiliated with schools, colleges, libraries, museums, observatories, etc. 10 Includes recreational structures such as theatres, halls, auditoriums, club and association buildings (without bedrooms), lodge buildings, natatoriums, bathhouses, locker buildings, baseball and other observation stands, stadi ums, gymnasiums, amusement park buildings, pavilions, rinks, etc. T able 29.— Building construction authorized in cities with 1940 population of 50,000 or more, 1946 and 1947 1 All building construction State and city 1947 Popula tion in 1940 Num- Valuaber of tion (in build- thouings sands) 7,176 1,957 2,149 2,153 3,585 2,007 2,624 2,280 20,015 62,210 5,607 3.619 2,860 11,839 8,269 1,834 1,949 1,397 10,104 1,099 1,166 1,662 788 1,936 873 1,294 7,713 5,446 13,321 5,461 7,573 4,483 1,726 778 2,033 1,572 11,715 466 620 589 604 384 1,718 1,217 1,125 265 2,037 1,587 $18,041 5,493 6,015 9,656 11,722 8,590 14,786 10,360 35,208 259,041 27,389 13,819 12,849 30,428 48,290 11,451 11,817 6,627 29,178 1,966 5,953 10,171 1,707 7,774 4,317 3,332 42,964 21,128 51,628 17,426 9,316 28,439 3,592 3,687 2,937 5,886 120,743 3,098 4,057 2,307 8,154 1,607 4,451 4,713 4,865 2,614 4,624 8,647 1947 1946 New nonresidential building 1947 1946 Additions, alterations, and repairs 1947 1946 Number of buildings Valuation (in thousands) Number of buildings Valuation (in thousands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) 7,857 2,236 2,436 1,998 3,049 2,075 2,569 2,244 18,199 56,954 5,550 3,551 3,048 10,410 7,708 1,924 2,140 1,488 15,119 1,206 1,267 2,019 1,181 2,493 1,013 1,405 7,897 5,326 9,962 3,624 7,671 5,310 860 800 1,978 1,879 12,293 349 567 482 665 436 1.360 1,242 1,138 230 2,209 1,767 $15,764 5,297 4,281 8,534 7,585 7,079 8,750 8,272 37,426 227,742 23,363 12,959 13,427 23,100 50,959 10,376 9,894 6.110 30,049 2.132 5,304 10,459 3,080 8,087 3,238 5,063 46,253 15,686 26,396 11,088 8,157 23,403 1,965 3,483 2,438 3,443 122,405 2,707 2,349 3,135 6,910 866 4,436 3,736 4,915 3,570 3,573 7,002 1,664 671 519 682 991 209 730 492 2,571 17,019 1,101 637 978 2,731 2,672 746 556 517 2,173 308 295 119 143 202 259 101 1,934 1.312 4,270 2,116 867 1,085 285 182 0 517 4,410 151 229 201 236 32 314 328 342 36 704 676 $8,808 1,746 3,835 4,100 7,323 2,249 4.287 5,747 18,306 146,208 11,455 6,526 6,565 19,863 24,099 6,031 7,870 3,599 14,474 989 2,468 1,654 711 2,152 1,713 892 23,912 8,227 33,115 12,413 3,787 8,559 1,242 624 (3) 3,196 45,982 1,034 1,515 976 4,575 897 2,102 1,958 2,413 230 2,379 4,915 1,850 668 927 722 828 313 909 603 2,156 19,647 1,140 713 1,498 2,555 3,014 909 730 593 4,513 329 210 312 414 732 426 193 2,469 1,357 1,962 1,504 841 1,419 265 110 0 470 6,441 74 271 191 297 89 310 517 470 34 321 787 $6,764 1,545 2,663 3,265 4,100 1,703 4,500 4,203 13,841 121,786 8.056 5,052 7,942 13,051 19,530 6,026 6,197 3,037 19,364 1,117 1,428 1,267 1,830 2,891 1,985 1,540 18,132 6,745 13,912 8,104 2,841 8,996 881 464 0 1,636 40,578 437 1,275 566 2,310 416 1,891 2,260 2,448 234 1,132 4,010 749 290 249 512 328 283 402 675 2,588 19,774 1,543 621 511 2,855 257 322 i 553 230 1,403 185 258 141 111 281 154 176 667 730 1,653 502 642 627 204 154 0 214 3,439 207 213 121 130 95 262 256 267 117 249 293 $5,200 2,539 1,258 4,303 2,846 4,090 8,720 3,182 8,359 73,260 i 8,865 5,100 3,805 5,635 12; 221 4,107 2,853 1,999 8,701 598 2,391 5,423 641 3,955 1,964 744 8,597 8,160 11,848 2,157 2,765 10,785 1,035 : 2,722 0 942 47,397 1,937 2,055 850 2,830 164 1,231 1,552 1,692 1,909 1,263 2,818 790 372 238 433 317 355 355 704 3,552 17,592 1,695 675 412 2.563 297 303 651 203 1,825 209 216 177 90 334 259 90 553 742 1,260 389 625 778 161 192 0 247 2,905 178 161 94 114 45 179 177 177 97 286 253 $4,267 2,442 1,079 4,281 1,751 4,037 2,747 2,963 16,652 73,722 8,319 6,229 3,532 6,630 18,134 3,059 2,893 1,487 5,013 444 2,531 6,142 803 3,256 928 1,433 21,011 5,322 7,771 1,817 2,866 8,036 546 2,577 0 1.025 62,719 2,069 872 2,182 3,769 192 1,556 687 1,704 3,173 939 2,011 4,763 996 1,381 959 2,266 1,515 1,492 1,113 14,856 25,417 2,963 2,361 1,371 6,253 5,340 766 840 650 6,528 606 613 1,402 534 1,453 460 1,017 5,112 3,404 7,398 2,843 6,064 2,771 1,237 442 1,429 841 3,866 108 178 267 238 257 1,142 633 516 112 1,084 618 $4,033 1,208 922 1,253 1,553 2,251 1,779 1,431 8,543 39,573 7,069 2,193 2,479 4,930 11,970 1,313 1,094 1,029 6,003 379 1,094 3.094 355 1,667 640 1,696 10,455 4,741 6,665 2,856 2,764 9,095 1,315 341 835 1,748 27,364 127 487 481 749 546 1,118 1,203 760 475 982 914 5,217 1,196 1,271 843 1,904 1,407 1.305 937 12,491 19,715 2,715 2,163 1,138 5,292 4,397 712 759 692 8,781 668 841 1,530 677 1,427 328 1,122 4,875 3,227 6,740 1,731 6,205 3,113 434 498 1,487 1,162 2,947 97 135 197 254 302 871 548 491 99 1,602 727 $4,733 1,310 539 988 1,734 1,339 1,503 1,106 6,933 32,234 6,988 1,678 1.953 3.419 13,295 1,291 804 1,586 5,672 571 1,345 3.050 447 1,940 325 2,090 7,110 3,619 4,713 1,167 2,450 6,371 538 442 783 782 19,108 201 202 387 831 258 989 789 763 163 1,502 981 Number of new dwelling units 1GA7 1QJ.A 2,416 2,067 688 771 965 876 818 817 844 1,713 389 309 755 909 972 857 3,979 3,330 21.138 24,632 1,708 1,406 782 883 1,174 1,779 3,438 2, $31 3,102 3,530 994 818 1,428 1,265 575 604 2,692 5,181 308 332 441 222 207 366 143 413 732 338 432 261 111 208 4,303 4,000 1,541 : 1,460 6,043 2,615 2,295 ! 1,533 887 868 1,379 1,533 285 263 206 120 132 175 578 480 5,455 7,341 158 76 229 259 191 213 502 441 165 89 314 316 352 539 472 351 46 40 787 33* 772 790 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IN CITIES Alabama: Birmingham267,583 Mobile.......... 78,720 Montgomery. 78,084 Arizona: Phoenix......... 65,414 Arkansas: Little Rock.. 88,039 California: Berkeley............... 85,547 Fresno................... 60.685 Glendale............... 82,582 Long Beach.......... 164,271 Los Angeles.......... 1,504,277 Oakland—........... 302,163 Pasadena............. 81,864 Sacramento........... 105,958 San Diego............. 203,341 San Francisco___ 634,536 San Jose................ 68,457 Santa Monica___ 53,500 Stockton............... 54,714 Colorado: Denver.................. 322,412 Pueblo................... 52,162 Connecticut: Bridgeport............ 147,121 Hartford............... 166,267 New Britain____ 68.685 New Haven.......... 160,605 Waterbury........... 99,314 Delaware: Wilmington......... 112,504 District of Columbia: Washington.......... 663,091 Florida: Jacksonville.......... 173,065 Miami................... 172,172 St. Petersburg__ 60,812 Tampa.................. 108,391 Georgia: Atlanta.................. 302,288 Augusta............... 65,919 Columbus............. 53,280 M acon................. 57,865 Savannah............. 95,996 Illinois: Chicago...........— 3,396,808 Cicero.................... 64,712 Decatur................. 59,305 Bast St. Louis__ 75,609 Evanston.............. 65,389 Oak Park............. 66,015 Peoria................... 105,087 Rockford............. 84.637 Springfield............ 75,503 Indiana: East Chicago....... 54.637 Evansville............ 97,062 Fort Wayne......... 118,410 See footnotes at end of table. 1946 New residential building * CO CD T able 2^.—-Building construction authorized in cities with 1940 population s 50,000 or more, 19.40 and I&£7,^Continued All building construction 1947 State and city . . . . . . 1947 1946 New nonresidential building 1947 Population 111 1940 Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings 2,113 1,585 4,842 2,856 1,201 2,231 3,012 2,334 888 1,405 1,126 1,112 4,894 213 3,389 2,514 3,394 1,093 13,535 8,969 679 1,548 720 443 602 588 606 826 351 996 929 1,785 1,271 1,752 1,511 2,590 21,626 4,526 5,773 221 1,333 1,522 1,478 1,683 2,276 6,486 3,916 2,382 2,878 527 5,256 $9,194 6,723 26,806 9,814 1,372 4,057 4,637 12,661 3,293 4,413 3,847 3,780 16,643 835 18,769 12,452 22,004 3,336 45,168 31,241 3,113 9,331 1,788 1,767 1.997 1,871 2,962 1,798 2,003 2,166 7,625 4,064 2,500 11,220 8,033 17,137 147,607 11,141 9,460 3,301 2,809 4,612 4,438 3,405 4,540 30,931 19,126 9,661 17,668 1,154 28,493 1,732 1,866 4,284 3,067 1,078 2,528 3,118 2,695 853 1,458 1,053 1,521 4,862 220 3,399 3,449 3,141 1.051 13,651 8.697 751 1,734 712 373 595 858 737 756 605 1,257 865 2,098 1,097 2,371 1,584 1,768 21,082 4,426 4,984 187 1,254 1,434 1,214 1,757 2,518 7,689 4,667 2,048 3,565 283 6,356 $6,079 7,682 14,783 7,085 3,059 5,644 4,270 13.255 2,740 5,137 2,997 4,257 14,003 958 15,957 15,072 9,040 2,643 50,016 42,906 1,683 8,818 2,025 1,826 1,611 1,697 2,897 2,293 1,926 2,649 3,522 3,618 1,609 9,606 7,443 9,819 116,848 10,497 8,632 1,351 3,232 4,483 9,608 4,460 4,432 29,770 20,118 6,946 18,202 759 31,639 1,074 625 1,561 630 115 350 304 960 230 312 287 412 1,665 28 1,785 1,226 1,173 165 3,472 555 149 7 117 129 98 81 115 81 76 124 304 204 23 584 476 1,275 9,501 800 647 1 60 353 229 378 300 1,255 1,050 675 756 96 516 $6,603 4,710 14,125 4,585 331 1,657 2,500 5,281 923 1,673 1,112 2,120 9,687 184 10,993 4,683 6,114 1,036 29,244 7,703 960 305 618 859 648 407 789 512 549 620 3,600 1,856 586 3,997 2,937 10,712 86,892 5,605 3,774 1 344 2,091 1,353 1,207 1,505 11,370 11,059 4,945 6,450 237 5,787 679 725 1,714 902 529 647 434 1,380 412 530 267 852 1,531 21 1,847 2,313 1,238 104 4,493 706 103 709 202 39 48 323 217 104 346 268 248 273 1 927 712 753 9,261 884 832 2 268 390 343 578 512 2,779 1,712 698 1,453 67 1,652 $3,525 4.548 8,316 4,312 1,746 2,791 2,455 6,874 1,669 2,717 895 3,221 7,416 103 7,103 6,778 5,169 604 25,897 4,391 635 2,212 902 248 345 1,137 1,026 802 1,313 1,085 2,294 1,446 5 4,151 3,983 5,453 64,039 4,346 4,189 15 1,590 1,961 1,755 1,847 1,960 14,645 12,277 3,474 7,505 202 9,059 411 389 1,103 89 299 435 223 720 243 381 250 271 518 45 758 285 323 108 898 366 109 118 159 37 97 103 119 59 74 186 76 244 38 294 246 741 5,183 760 575 63 148 297 339 463 282 1,089 1,073 359 740 146 2,001 111, 719 70,184 386,972 101,268 62,693 62,120 66,039 169,819 82,364 51,743 121,468 67,833 114,966 62,018 319,077 494,637 98,167 73,643 859,100 770.816 62,343 110,879 115,428 53,750 84,323 101,389 98,123 58,010 63,083 110,341 69,873 75,810 102,177 149,554 193,694 63,584 1,623,452 151,543 164, 292 50,810 54,097 78,753 66,626 82, 794 101,065 492,370 287,736 62,107 399,178 75,711 816,048 Valua tion (in thou sands) 1946 Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) $1,643 397 1,351 350 5,512 207 2,764 82 650 240 1,588 324 921 169 5,991 675 1,515 206 2,130 301 1,466 242 915 276 3,828 613 316 29 6,729 731 3,901 301 13,856 397 1,443 124 6,777 878 13,468 261 1,672 103 7,494 96 227 153 344 52 696 85 1,037 84 1,010 123 617 77 1,142 70 683 203 3,416 85 1,060 184 970 19 3,913 252 3,495 192 4,529 602 40,610 4,409 3,302 684 1,608 459 2,919 31 1,139 128 1.432 230 2,553 293 354 1,380 1,423 236 13,318 886 3,955 825 2,918 239 8,068 778 641 85 15,848 1,808 $1,465 2,296 769 1,843 1,074 2,227 742 4,808 774 1,903 1,244 633 4,126 503 7,973 5,128 2,200 1,002 16,316 26,927 324 4,842 474 1,059 705 124 1,218 1,070 397 629 664 1,086 826 2,995 1,639 3,958 36,562 4,243 1,418 880 1,009 1,610 7,450 1,964 578 6,898 3,655 2,171 6,027 233 14,591 Additions, alterations, and repairs 1947 Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) 1946 Num ber of build ings Number of new* dwelling units Valua tion (in 1947 thou sands) 628 656 $1,089 1,199 $948 571 659 662 791 838 2,178 7,169 2,363 5,698 2,377 2,137 2,465 2,083 930 640 119 787 309 239 391 1,446 348 812 1,557 626 2,485 1,216 2,515 1,073 319 654 1,389 968 640 1,573 415 235 231 855 297 712 312 627 517 610 589 1,269 544 858 304 429 393 403 745 446 2,711 3,128 2,718 2,461 1,993 352 170 28 140 335 821 846 1,047 881 2,665 835 3,166 1,335 1,003 3,868 1,898 3,034 1,506 1,671 1,202 823 1,037 820 183 857 9,165 9,147 8,280 7,803 5,513 8,048 10,070 7,730 11,588 975 421 724 545 481 170 1,423 1,532 929 1,764 57 444 357 649 118 943 564 282 519 277 130 462 561 407 653 100 404 82 451 436 427 372 1,163 397 124 653 421 82 669 575 686 312 189 216 77 201 786 863 935 126 686 532 609 564 549 385 324 1,337 1,148 1,641 1,086 944 1,077 1,210 63 778 874 3,310 1,192 2,460 574 680 1,821 789 1,601 563 574 1,896 413 408 1,352 6,942 20,105 7,412 16,247 10,973 875 2,966 2,234 2,858 1,908 4,551 4,078 3,693 3,025 658 157 154 1 381 456 1,125 1,326 62 858 633 872 1,089 814 355 912 910 241 532 578 403 842 818 825 649 378 1,694 1,612 1,770 1,894 299 4,142 6,243 4,024 8,227 1,381 1,793 4,112 2,130 4,186 1,174 934 1,348 1,798 1, 111 1,301 1,382 3,150 1,334 4,670 910 285 324 276 99 131 2,739 6,858 2,896 7,989 841 1946 686 744 1,771 906 527 645 438 1,394 442 588 295 855 1,690 22 1,877 2,427 1,247 104 5,045 1,023 127 766 204 36 49 323 218 150 354 268 296 274 2 929 800 774 9,496 891 873 2 271 391 345 602 524 2,935 1,797 835 1,545 68 2,370 c o n s t r u c t io n a n d s o u s in g , 1946-41 Indiana—Continued Gary...................... Hammond........... Indianapolis........ South Bend.......... Terre Haute......... Iowa: Cedar Rapids___ Davenport........... Des Moines.......... Sioux City............ Waterloo.............. Kansas: Kansas City........ Topeka................. Wichita................ Kentucky: Covington............ Louisville............. Louisiana: New Orleans....... Shreveport........... Maine: Portland_______ Maryland: Baltimore............. Massachusetts: Boston *................ Brockton.............. Cambridge........... Fall River............ Holyoke - ............ Lawrence............ . Lowell--.............. Lynn................... . Malden.............. . Medtord............... New Bedford___ Newton................ Quincy.................. Somerville.......... . Springfield........... Worcester............ Michigan: Dearborn............ . Detroit................ . Flint..................... Grand Rapids.... Highland Park... Kalamazoo........... Lansing................ Pontiac................ Saginaw................ Minnesota: Duluth................. Minneapolis........ St. Paul.............. Mississippi: Jackson.-............ Missouri: Kansas City........ St. Joseph............ St. Louis.............. 1946 New residential building * © Springfield........................ 61,238 Nebraska: 81,984 Lincoln.............................. Omaha.............................. 223,844 New Hampshire: Manchester....................... 77,685 New Jersey: Atlantic City.................... 64,094 Bayonne............................ 79,198 Camden............................ 117,536 East Orange...................... 68,945 Elizabeth.......................... 109,912 Hoboken........................... 50,115 Irvington........................... 55,328 Jersey City....................... 301,173 Newark.............................. 429,760 Passaic.............................. 61,394 Paterson............................ 139,656 Trenton............................. 124,697 Union City..:.................. 56,173 New York: Albany.............................. 130,577 Binghamton..................... 78,309 Buffalo............................... 575,901 Mount Vernon................. 67,362 New Rochelle................... 58,408 New York City 5_................... 7,454,995 Bronx Borough................ 1,394,711 Brooklyn Borough.......... 2,698,285 Manhattan Borough___ 1,889,924 Queens Borough.............. 1,297,634 Richmond Borough........ 174,441 Niagara Falls.................... 78,029 Rochester.......................... 324,975 Schenectady..................... 87,549 Syracuse. ......................... 205,967 70,304 Troy................................... Utica.................................. 100,518 Yonkers *.......................... 142,598 North Carolina: Asheville........................... 51,310 Charlotte........................... 100,899 Durham............................ 60,195 Greensboro........................ 59,319 Winston-Salem................ 79,815 Ohio: Akron................................ 244,791 Canton.............................. 108,401 Cincinnati......................... 455,610 Cleveland.......................... 878,336 Cleveland Heights.......... 54,992 Columbus......................... 306,087 Dayton.............................. 210,718 Hamilton........................... 50,592 Lakewood......................... 69,160 Springfield........................ 70,662 Toledo............................. 282,349 Youngstown..................... 167,720 Oklahoma: Oklahoma City................ 204,424 Tulsa.................................. 142,157 Oregon: Portland................. 305,394 Pennsylvania: Allentown......................... 96,904 Altoona.............................. 80,214 Bethlehem........................ 58,490 Chester.............................. 59,285 Erie.................................... 116,955 Harrisburg........................ 83,893 Johnstown......................... 66,668 Lancaster.......................... 61,345 McKeesport..................... 55,355 Philadelphia..................... 1,931,334 Pittsburgh........................ 671,659 See footnotes at end of table. 2,299 2,916 3,903 2,183 1,059 633 1,389 , 1,106 578 714 426 572 1,726 640 1,468 1,512 434 2,533 1,626 2,825 716 538 10,016 1,137 1,623 1,668 5,041 547 1,844 2,729 1,311 1,147 726 448 1,051 777 1,767 744 1,424 1,596 4,501 1,407 14,242 7,553 420 4,353 2,605 1,085 282 1,307 2,664 1,275 2,863 2,418 6,582 779 2,462 379 164 1,401 707 629 939 955 10,096 5,055 4,762 9,875 8,823 4,830 2,017 1,786 9,885 4,348 5,395 2,315 2,462 6,357 16,080 3,038 3,108 3,058 795 7,184 4,010 25,906 2,655 2,785 206,799 14,781 46,872 62.268 79,062 3,816 6,654 15,847 2,541 6,503 2,166 2,233 10,288 2,951 10,955 5,646 8,888 6,057 18,037 4,527 31,117 43,028 3,394 23,849 13,259 4,542 1,577 5,038 12,017 6,528 14,276 11,288 39,953 5,632 2,708 2,671 1,146 4,663 5.662 994 4,640 1,567 72,386 19,700 2,526 2,574 3,855 2,109 1,478 936 1,593 1,254 588 924 288 967 1,562 1,079 1,898 1,345 469 1,794 2,050 3,170 487 712 23,293 1,157 2,348 12,281 6,932 575 1,699 2,428 1,355 1,364 1,189 368 1,122 685 1,677 610 1,078 1,010 4,422 1,751 13,797 7,155 310 4,898 2,448 937 271 1,163 2,606 1,408 3,104 2,670 7,696 819 2,461 423 490 1,608 930 747 868 896 10,191 5,526 4,336 7,124 13,155 3,578 2,188 1,774 5,314 2,310 2,789 1,786 799 3,878 11,127 2,575 3,821 2,858 614 4,935 3,102 16,197 1,640 2,557 254,399 10,578 34,367 141,757 64,412 3,285 4,233 10,918 4,553 7,254 4,350 2,502 6,843 1,753 9,700 4,380 4,299 3,387 13,880 4,672 35,625 38,547 1,361 19,464 10,488 2,562 1,294 2,937 10,213 4,822 13,822 9,511 34,922 4,498 1,491 2,581 3,713 5,739 4,237 1,641 1,628 1,203 65,499 18,204 1 578 914 877 444 16 56 208 57 151 0 165 7 537 41 65 59 1 103 113 252 36 89 4,820 406 476 113 3,582 243 383 376 123 318 18 129 515 267 1,183 407 943 444 982 342 808 1,728 177 1,875 927 419 45 250 608 365 1,559 1,085 1,472 227 119 146 35 433 172 39 212 57 5,229 740 2,305 6,524 4,805 2,487 104 845 2,031 2,511 3,691 0 1,523 56 3,588 1,585 502 308 9 2,804 1,057 2,991 830 1,379 122,533 6,547 16,655 37,821 59.560 1,950 2,519 6,597 695 2,853 141 703 8,332 1,312 7,243 2,888 6,112 3,550 7,201 2,636 9,042 12,987 2,229 14,361 7,902 2,909 725 1,726 4,533 2,323 8,205 6,057 17,890 2,560 709 1,678 199 2,184 1,081 180 1,858 444 41,266 8,648 650 439 1,032 333 167 213 359 157 190 0 26 375 326 194 305 168 1 92 286 255 70 192 17,882 410 1,126 10,634 5,504 208 238 478 179 847 625 75 485 226 917 301 616 430 1,363 362 1,300 1,885 97 2,313 744 302 67 306 835 459 1,463 1,273 1,964 268 185 162 358 544 448 43 68 32 5,524 1,102 181 514 398 206 51 39 157 55 154 8 58 94 249 109 115 83 9 53 146 657 56 68 1,244 185 259 122 576 102 263 452 131 270 50 130 152 146 247 111 167 176 907 317 430 1,649 124 1,066 636 186 116 255 946 330 548 486 1,461 189 182 98 57 380 94 95 60 67 895 455 311 1,418 392 2,165 584 1,864 224 1,170 28 972 32 437 113 6,639 934 38 139 1,221 23 637 51 649 2,041 54 6,720 228 321 785 1,382 120 1,198 66 233 8 2,473 50 1,764 150 633 18,037 1,097 41 792 57 945 54,006 4,975 120 216 25,481 7,727 109 14,515 388 112 1,308 3,240 248 5,816 409 685 145 229 2,490 104 872 1,109 198 922 167 1,373 87 2,309 342 2,179 102 163 1,897 127 1,310 917 6,928 363 1,228 7,754 442 21,711 1,540 97 1,038 5,737 1,093 557 3,452 165 868 85 680 291 2,586 805 6,167 2,214 369 4,533 729 4,138 520 14,238 1,919 1,702 166 1,269 170 85 593 60 677 1,451 343 3,530 47 441 133 1,982 33 568 40 17,862 446 401 5,481 1,424 1,921 6,334 778 225 384 1,578 381 854 733 219 538 5,120 803 605 765 142 1,800 625 4,675 478 227 29,405 2,117 2,313 16,575 7,165 1,235 1,858 3,863 2,551 2,147 496 1,542 2,351 431 3,224 2,129 1,377 994 3,452 1,424 4,826 17,607 200 3,477 2,458 590 269 997 3,424 1,318 5,878 3,452 13,944 1,624 167 941 1,662 1,085 812 878 147 155 17,346 5,098 1,640 1,488 2,628 1,533 992 538 1,024 994 273 706 203 471 940 490 1,288 1,370 424 2,377 1,367 1,916 624 381 3,952 646 888 1,433 883 202 1,198 1,901 1,057 559 658 189 384 364 337 226 314 976 2,612 748 13,004 4,176 119 1,412 1,042 480 121 802 1,110 580 756 847 3,649 363 2,161 135 72 588 441 495 667 831 3,972 3,860 1,039 1,186 2,154 1,173 941 504 1,215 903 433 1,678 290 4,260 5,772 668 1,224 1,552 553 1,907 1,189 4,878 728 614 30,260 3,259 4,736 16,720 4,987 558 895 3,434 1,161 1,160 1,153 421 1,034 266 1,403 579 879 1,197 3,908 663 14,321 8,330 127 3,751 1,905 765 172 726 1,317 1,991 1,538 1,093 7,825 1,370 730 400 270 1,028 1,051 373 800 555 13,258 6,571 1,565 844 589 637 1,743 2,585 1,023 447 2,239 1,901 931 1,059 460 1,652 1,316 344 16 1,283 1,208 167 169 219 691 447 349 362 1,121 1,691 336 304 775 1,059 717 289 259 488 0 901 1,053 0 326 343 211 36 13 377 538 1,134 695 419 1,008 4,130 240 887 194 564 99 309 1,473 1,662 172 1, 111 1,160 61 463 1 1 460 449 1,652 2,368 108 1,614 903 159 372 2,282 9,857 466 270 527 376 106 70 463 556 90 192 4,466 30,533 18,150 39,497 627 2,854 908 888 1,006 4,315 2,474 4,443 1,538 19,187 5,530 25,776 1,040 3,685 8,893 8,151 255 492 345 239 1,213 398 911 249 1,541 3,227 1,090 631 1,031 921 124 177 288 540 374 874 717 19 460 637 95 129 508 76 470 957 1,152 577 465 263 372 231 418 1,524 1,357 1,129 492 207 516 326 299 419 1,160 618 453 691 584 434 2,142 2,904 1,006 1,381 1,026 787 356 364 12,055 9,901 1,144 2,132 3,730 8,397 2,123 2,157 116 137 182 99 1,492 3,030 1,977 2,516 1,147 3,482 1,148 859 613 470 419 301 119 112 78 229 566 410 257 308 966 2,170 646 948 580 1,453 366 466 912 2,111 1,935 1,538 877 1,440 1,233 1,266 3,813 5,520 2,274 2,434 385 1,200 391 275 2,106 576 119 185 176 493 164 165 72 232 35 355 721 2,168 433 578 435 847 172 448 571 580 39 44 767 810 285 118 824 823 60 36 4,221 13,833 5,321 5,611 4,023 5,513 1,760 1.386 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IN CITIMS 2,068 2,618 4,920 1,484 755 943 2,145 1,154 1,447 0 237 2,206 1,877 885 1,554 933 9 767 1,674 1,665 635 1,774 194,461 5,607 27,739 105,995 53,562 1,558 1,464 3,828 1,081 4,567 3,137 452 3,535 857 4,952 1,759 2,503 1,702 7,524 2,461 20,898 12,543 1,024 12,957 4,548 1,359 913 1,530 4,619 2,051 5,833 4,619 15,458 1,674 748 1,147 1,819 2,486 2,578 183 671 225 34,320 7,593 T able 29.— Building construction authorized in cities with 1940 population of 50,000 or more, 1940 and 1947 1 Continued All building construction State and city 1947 1946 New nonresidential building 1947 1947 Population in 1940 Num Valua ber of tion (in build thou ings sands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Num ber of build ings $2,645 3,253 4,803 3,648 3; 205 5,505 8; 636 1,809 5,542 6,782 10,656 27,047 6,798 9,111 20,608 6,708 14,612 53,082 7,870 27,897 2,472 72,631 30,203 8,731 11,368 24,709 16,402 1,596 16,611 7,504 40,435 18,597 11,570 6,650 4,965 3,257 5,354 31,614 6,563 2,386 888 885 1,109 1,569 714 2.464 1,370 916 3,228 2,592 7,521 1,836 2,422 5,660 2,434 2,902 13,419 1,504 6,978 1,336 9,120 13,827 1,648 3,003 2,057 1,729 426 4,373 1,468 7,908 5,030 3,621 1,724 1,399 1458 1,914 8,076 922 $2.776 2,417 4,179 1,154 2,221 2,561 12,529 1,546 3,328 4,923 13,383 22,581 7,959 7,566 19,033 3,798 9,873 44,628 5,325 24,227 2,939 53,899 25,654 5,016 14,057 14,023 5,474 1,588 18,266 5,982 41,807 14,181 11,273 3,403 4,095 2,389 6,183 36,263 3,206 28 22 521 12 113 434 159 49 353 517 735 2,560 438 1,144 2,134 799 1,416 5,759 550 3,983 164 4,507 5,115 816 978 1,042 835 324 819 274 2,310 1,587 736 320 517 46 394 1,422 336 $181 145 3,702 368 773 2,863 1,094 214 2,427 1,550 3,793 16,134 1,977 5,685 15,041 2,651 8,401 30,898 2,593 18,055 665 32,959 19,280 4,636 6,640 20,618 7,397 795 8,144 3,162 23,303 11,167 5,041 2,327 2,519 356 3,131 13.812 2,485 84 17 549 0 174 273 176 44 534 572 1,262 2,335 668 1,193 3,284 679 1,090 5,301 687 4,068 176 5,119 3,682 970 1,462 978 565 61 1,325 548 3,244 1,596 1,047 212 702 42 349 2,396 271 $592 87 3,104 0 953 h 594 814 117 1,860 1,533 4,627 10,420 3,009 4,423 14,879 2,129 5,232 23,256 2,388 15,488 819 26,085 13,783 2,637 7,708 10,603 1,672 164 9,498 3,034 19,706 19,649 6,456 1,466 2.679 275 2,089 14,636 1,789 72 157 79 12 98 164 289 206 199 363 453 2,291 312 168 1,098 360 801 1,716 246 1,465 184 1,625 1,238 300 557 207 469 91 455 161 1,566 1,490 694 261 299 94 225 1,362 220 110,508 140', 404 56', 883 86.236 56,712 75,797 253; 504 71,275 62i 396 128,163 111,580 292,942 167,402 Cl, 686 87,930 59,061 57,301 294,734 96.810 177,662 60,862 384,514 253,854 55,982 149,934 57,040 144,332 50, 745 193,042 69,287 368,302 122,001 109,408 67,914 78,836 61,099 67,447 587,472 67,195 2,168 896 859 1,623 1,687 950 2,230 1,259 799 3,016 1,999 7,781 1,878 2,106 4,334 3,074 3,714 15,584 1,455 7,275 1,158 8,716 14,479 1,649 2,644 2,203 2,035 584 4,139 1,276 7,383 4,675 2,803 1,802 1,560 1,486 2,053 6,829 1,255 Valua tion (in thou sands) 1946 Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) Additions, alterations, and repairs 1947 Num ber of build ings Valua tion (in thou sands) 34 $1,289 $881 2,068 $1,175 717 1,586 1,522 145 1,292 349 259 452 752 73 0 1,599 2,514 0 766 104 323 1,476 1,553 879 621 352 302 133 2,021 4,064 249 9,069 1,782 3,478 898 644 1,004 697 183 424 247 2,691 151 1,189 383 1,810 2,136 2,349 2,883 811 2,211 4,652 458 5,975 7, 111 1,777 9,309 2,930 3,802 322 2,875 1,128 1,688 3,133 794 1,006 2,420 303 1,696 3,995 1,237 2,985 1,102 1,572 873 1,915 1,071 2,986 347 666 3,258 1,497 1,995 4,216 12,633 1,972 13,317 8,109 9,551 659 1,098 240 2,031 4,179 7,701 1,284 6,275 1,827 2,141 832 810 975 251 1,201 31,969 1,897 22,234 2,584 7,703 5,685 1,127 5,720 8,126 5,238 533 1,526 308 1,724 2,569 524 3,071 1,109 1,950 2,778 954 2,061 187 2,313 2,030 494 2,384 731 2,222 6,783 494 169 857 119 307 4,882 356 4,370 2,865 3,585 1,510 841 2,832 218 2,068 9,352 1,440 14,178 3,507 7,780 2,799 4,631 1,540 3,013 1,598 2,020 750 3,013 1,373 4,509 758 902 1,221 195 3,565 744 977 765 241 1,469 1,346 1,287 64 1,067 1,614 210 2,410 1,434 1,025 1.198 10,839 1,210 15,431 4,045 6,963 699 1,045 588 3,033 176 1946 Num ber of build ings Number of new dwelling units Valua tion (in 1947 thou sands) 2,268 $1,303 726 1,038 623 263 1,109 1,154 945 1,291 665 308 2,039 2,646 785 1,143 279 231 2,273 1,580 872 2,781 3,409 2,852 846 2,075 926 1,447 1,139 1,169 796 1,408 1,146 1,383 6,146 8,055 906 577 1,626 2,464 919 909 2,104 5,580 9,018 6,151 655 370 1,017 3,278 892 1,107 670 1,418 567 246 2,692 4,398 702 880 3,224 7,923 1,894 1,519 1,824 1,804 1,317 1,035 651 456 1,352 1,047 1,355 1,684 4,470 6,196 475 829 29 27 601 97 115 435 178 60 577 513 812 3,440 522 1,152 2,234 800 1,705 7,736 566 4,493 206 5,881 5,222 853 1,146 2,611 1,419 324 1,722 455 3,346 1,731 753 402 584 46 625 1,733 348 1946 101 25 570 0 176 273 197 44 565 580 1,272 2,488 701 1,193 3,789 663 1,156 5,546 707 4,234 261 5,709 3,788 983 1,709 1,458 585 61 1,799 565 3,364 1,623 1,073 238 740 42 399 2,783 274 valuation of hotels, dormitories, tourist cabins, and other nonhousekeeping building, in i These data cover building only in u rb a n places, excluding the suburban areas surrounding the city 2 Includes the valuation of housekeeping units shown in the last 2 columns. Data on the number of proper They do not represent the volume of building actually started, but the volume a u th o rize d , addition to buildings should be differentiated from the figures on the number of new dwelling units, principally by building permits issued and Federal contracts awarded. The building permit data residential since a building may contain more than one dwelling unit. nave not been adjusted for lapsed permits nor for lag between permit issuance and the start of con a Data not available for residential and nonresidential separately. struction. Urban classification is based on the 1940 census. Figures for building construction au * Based on applications filed rather than permits issued. thorized in cities with 1940 population of loss than 60,000 are published separately, and are obtain 3 Based on inspection records and represent work actually started. able from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-tf Pennsylvania—Continued Beading______________ Scranton_____________ Upper Darby Township. Wilkes-Barre.................. York.................................. Rhode Island: Pawtucket Providence........................ South Carolina: Charleston Columbia.......................... Tennessee: Chattanooga . . . . Knoxville ________ Memphis........................ Nashville.......................... Texas: Amarillo Austin. ............................. Beaumont........... ....... Corpus Christi _ __ Dallas............................... El Paso.___ . . Fort Worth ................. Galveston Houston. ________ San Antonio _ _ _. Waco.................................. Utah: Salt Lake City................. Virginia: Arlington County_____ Norfolk______________ Portsmouth ________ Richmond____________ Roanoke. ......................... Washington: Seattle _ _______ _ Spokane _ _ __ Tacoma............................. West Virginia: Charleston Huntington...................... Wheeling........................... Wisconsin: Madison Milwaukee. ________ Racine............................... 1946 New residential building 2 Appendix.—Supplementary Tables Value of Federal Construction Contract Awards T able A -l.— Value of contracts awarded and force-account work started on federally financed new construction, by type of construction, 1985-47 1 Type of construction Total new construction8.................... Airport8........... -.................................. Building................................................ Residential..................... .............. Nonresidential.............................. Conservation and development____ Reclamation.................................. River, harbor, and flood control. Electrification •.................................... Highway............................................... Water supply and sewage disposal— All other types7................................. . Value (in millions) 1947 1946 $1,294 $1,450 25~ 276 549 61 435 114 225 308 300 77 169 231 131 8 5 657 536 8 13 12 32 — - 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 $902 $1,298 $2,507 $7,775 $5,932 $2,316 $1,587 $1,609 41~ 5~ 243~ 579~ 499~ 137(4) 617 875 1,698 6,130 4,422 1,538 677 669 53 101 322 245 231 •32 375 549 564 774 1,323 5,581 4,100 1,293 438 645 72 113 304 156 218 200 198 225 31 67 101 151 42 69 115 175 41 46 55 129 67 158 129 110 5 4 12 4 24 33 18 30 112 101 162 364 372 348 447 356 23 31 152 24 16 118 116 38 43 52 184 116 198 315 336 45 nr 1 Excludes projects classified as “secret.” by the military, and all construc tion for the Atomic Energy Commission. Data for Federal aid programs cover amounts contributed by both the owner and the Federal Government. Force-account work is done, not through a contractor, but directly by a business or government agency, using a separate work force to perform non maintenance construction on the agency's own properties. 8 Includes major additions and alterations. 8 Excludes hangars and other buildings, which are included under building construction. « 1935 1936 $990 $1,533 $1,478 (*) (4) 344 561 443 •17 •63 •8 327 498 435 133 439 190 59 74 158 74 116 281 7 15 5 512 360 381 76 155 136 74 70 100 _ _ 4 Included in “All other types”. 8 Nonresidential construction at the site of 3 Resettlement Administration projects, for which a break-down of residential and nonresidential costs is not available, is included in the residential totals. •Excludes loans granted by the Rural Electrification Administration, which were included in this series in publications issued prior to August 1947. 7 Covers forestry, railroad, and other types of construction projects not elsewhere classified. T able A -2.— Value of contracts awarded and force-account work started on federally financed new construction, by region and State, 1948-47 1 Region and State 1947 1946 1944 1943 Value (in Percent Value (in Percent Value (in Percent Value (in Percent Value (in Percent thousands) of total thousands) of total thousands) of total thousands) of total thousands) of total United States, total....................................................... $1,294,067 100.0 $1,450,252 100.0 New England.................................................................. 31,398 2.4 61,264 4.2 Connecticut.............................................................. 6,592 .5 15,051 1.0 Maine___-............................................................... 4,650 .4 4,701 .3 Massachusetts.......................................................... 10,877 .8 1.9 27,820 New Hampshire- ................................................... .2 2,678 3,782 .3 Rhode Island........................................................... 3,641 .3 .5 6,720 Vermont........................... -...................................... 2,960 .2 3,190 .2 Middle Atlantic...................................-........................ 187,796 14.5 201,728 13.9 New Jersey............................................................... 23,693 37,035 2.5 1.8 New York—............................................................ 100,002 101,559 7.7 7.0 Pennsylvania _____________________________ 64,101 63,134 5.0 4.4 East North Central—.................................................... 154,455 11.9 169,710 11.7 Illinois....................................................................... 54,421 4.2 38,460 2.7 Indiana.____________________________________ 17,466 26,314 1.3 1.8 Michigan—. ............................................................ 36,749 25,823 2.5 2.0 Ohio........................................................................... 33,743 47,246 2.6 3.3 Wisconsin..... ........................................................... 20,941 23,002 1.4 1.8 West North Central....................................................... 161,039 12.4 154,317 10.6 Iowa........................................................................... 17,359 27,148 1.9 1.3 Kansas....................................................................... 22,486 24,293 1.7 1.7 Minnesota................................................................ 24,127 25,353 1.9 1.7 Missouri.................................................................... 31,047 2.4 2.4 34,758 Nebraska. ......................... ...................................... 18,392 1.4 18,776 1.3 North Dakota.......................................................... 27,459 2.1 7,325 .5 South Dakota.......................................................... 20,169 16,664 1.6 1.1 South Atlantic................................................................ 191,296 14.8 181,916 12.5 Delaware.................................................................. 1,784 2,990 .2 .1 District of Columbia............................................... 15,216 1.2 11,627 .8 Florida...................................................................... 24,433 20,434 1.4 1.9 2.4 Georgia...................................................................... 30,509 39,271 2.7 See footnotes at end of table. 1945 $902,265 100.0 $1,297,602 22,735 2.5 31,457 5,993 .7 4,917 .1 6,756 587 11,446 14,258 1.6 321 .0 2,261 1,410 .1 5,772 305 166 .0 109,846 12.2 144,101 36,777 4.1 22,663 44,484 31,122 3.4 4.7 76,954 41,947 134,951 86,402 9.6 39,831 3.3 29,300 19,800 2.2 17,987 1.4 32,754 12,509 16,313 1.8 38,302 .9 6,077 8,480 98,943 11.0 57,511 6,763 5,125 .6 10,465 12,312 1.2 3,357 .4 4,019 52,232 16,846 5.8 2.4 13,074 21,688 3,434 4,945 .5 1,131 .1 1,063 127,561 14.1 225,404 1,909 1,395 .2 11,800 1.3 11,806 20,419 2.3 42,359 9,015 17,925 1.0 100.0 $2,506,786 2.4 101,601 20,674 .4 .5 17,022 .9 36,108 .2 2,310 .4 24,258 1,229 .0 11.1 296,368 59,665 1.8 3.4 111, 838 5.9 124,865 10.4 373,273 121,754 3.1 1.4 18,074 2.5 102,384 2.9 116,649 14,412 .5 102,564 4.4 .5 7,383 .9 13,833 31,025 .3 30,699 1.3 16,977 1.0 245 .3 2,402 .1 464,507 17.4 .1 6,173 14,355 .9 145,774 3.3 1.4 36,243 43 100.0 4.1 .8 .7 1.4 .1 1.0 .1 11.8 2.4 4.4 5.0 14.9 4.8 .7 4.1 4.7 .6 4.1 .3 .6 1.2 1.2 .7 .0 .1 18.5 .2 .6 5.8 1.4 CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING, 1946-47 44 T able A -2.— Value of contracts awarded and force-account work started on federally financed new construction, by region and State, 1946-47 1— Continued 1947 Region and State 1944 1945 1946 1943 Value (in Percent Value (in Percent Value (in Percent Value (in Percent Value (in Percent thousands) of total thousands) of total thousands) of total thousands) of total thousands) of total South Atlantic-Continued Maryland.................................................................. North Carolina....................................................... South Carolina........................................................ Virginia..................................................................... West Virginia........................................................... East South Central........................................................ Alabama................................................................... Kentucky.................................................................. Mississippi................................................................ Tennessee................................................................. West South Central....................................................... Arkansas................................................................... Louisiana.................................................................. Oklahoma................................................................. Texas......................................................................... Mountain......................................................................... Arizona..................................................................... Colorado................................................................... Idaho......................................................................... Montana................................................................... Nevada..................................................................... New Mexico............................................................. U tah......................................................................... Wyoming.................................................................. Pacific............................................................................... California.................................................................. Oregon....................................................................... Washington.............................................................. $15,927 25,749 31,266 32,301 12,905 111,094 13,127 21,577 38,702 37,688 196,857 63,158 30,919 16,231 86,549 105,630 9,734 33,628 9,362 8,583 3,999 10,773 8,257 21,294 154,502 95,347 32,406 26,749 1.2 2.0 2.4 2.5 1.0 8.6 1.0 1.7 3.0 2.9 15.3 4.9 2.4 1.3 6.7 8.2 .8 2.6 .7 .7 .3 .8 .6 1.7 11.9 7.4 2.5 2.0 $18,162 31,173 24,415 24,555 10,495 117,117 22,468 24,623 17,812 52,214 170,741 39,129 17,655 40,932 73,025 137,444 22,242 29,830 14,003 17,438 17,169 13,610 7,628 15,524 256,015 160,248 -28,782 66,985 1.3 2.1 1.7 1.7 .7 8.1 1.6 1.7 1.2 3.6 11.8 2.7 1.2 2.8 5.1 9.5 1.5 2.1 1.0 1.2 1.2 .9 .5 1.1 17.7 11.1 2.0 4.6 $26,256 18,419 4,541 28,578 6,624 68,117 24,464 13,077 11,921 18,655 117,925 17,926 15,183 20,046 64,770 41,442 2,550 1,590 1,564 3,336 13,110 10,890 4,273 4,129 229,294 180,786 13,278 35,230 2.9 2.0 .5 3.2 .7 7.5 2.7 1.4 1.3 2.1 13.1 2.0 1.7 2.2 7.2 4.6 .3 .2 .2 .4 1.4 1.2 .5 .4 25.4 20.0 1.5 3.9 $32,426 43,024 10,274 53,685 12,510 84,326 18,046 24,329 10,178 31,773 197,382 85,098 34,259 13,251 64,774 74,815 14,047 3,002 4,314 3,237 5,289 8,426 32,109 4,391 347,655 285,541 21,375 40,739 2.5 3.3 .8 4.1 1.0 6.5 1.4 1.9 .8 2.4 15.2 6.6 2.6 1.0 5.0 5.8 1.1 .2 .3 .3 .4 .7 2.5 .3 26.8 22.0 1.7 3.1 $67,701 83,856 24,856 78,997 6,552 188,943 39,594 46,769 24,105 78,475 358,300 56,697 80,785 30,670 190,148 209,940 25,474 7,772 21,232 1,537 49,015 17,751 82,813 4,346 411,290 265,619 33,345 112,326 2.7 3.3 1.0 3.2 .3 7.5 1.6 1.8 1.0 3.1 14.3 2.3 3.2 1.2 7.6 8.4 1.0 .3 .8 .1 2.0 .7 3.3 .2 16.4 10.6 1.3 4.5 i Excludes projects classified as “secret” by the military, and all construction for the Atomic Energy Commission. Also excludes loans granted by the Rural Electrification Administration, which were included in this series in publications issued prior to August 1947. Data for Federal-aid programs cover amounts contributed by both the owner and the Federal Government. Major additions and alterations are included. Force-account work is done, not through a contractor, but directly by a business or government agency using a separate work force to perform non-mainte nance construction on the agency’s own properties. Statistics Relating’to Construction Costs A-4.— Average weekly hours and average weekly and hourly earnings on private building construction, and index numbers, 1984-4?1 T able A-3.— Composite index of principal components of construction costs for new private building, 1984-471i T able Index numbers (average 1935-1939=100) Year 1934............................ 1935............................ 1936............................ 1937............................ 1938............................ 1939............................ 1940............................ 1941............................ 1942............................ 1943............................ 1944............................ 1945_____________ 1946............................ 1947............................ Composite of earnings and prices 94.1 94.4 95.8 105.0 101.9 103.1 107.2 115.2 126.1 131.5 137.3 141.5 156.0 197.1 Year Average hourly Wholesale prices of building earnings on materials private building 90.8 93.0 94.1 103.1 103.7 106.4 109.4 115.3 131.1 142.9 150.6 157.4 168.7 191.9 96.2 95.2 96.8 106.3 100.8 101.0 105.8 115.2 123.0 124.3 128.9 131.5 148.0 200.3 i Based on average hourly earnings in private building construction and wholesale prices of building materials. In 1939, labor constituted 38.6 percent and material 61.4 percent of the composite average. Changes in construction costs resulting from variations in the efficiency of labor and management, in competitive markets, in black market operations, and in overhead costs are not reflected in this index. Average 1934........................ 1935........................ 1936........................ 1937........................ 1938........................ 1939........................ 1940........................ 1941........................ 1942........................ 1943........................ 1944........................ 1945........................ 1946........................ 1947........................ Index numbers (average 1935-39=100) Hours Weekly Hourly Hours Weekly Hourly worked earn earn worked earn earn per week ings* ings per week ings ings 28.9 30.1 32.8 33.4 32.1 32.6 33.1 34.8 36.4 38.4 39.6 39.0 38.1 37.6 $22.97 $0,795 24.51 .815 .824 27.01 30.14 .903 29.19 .908 30.39 .932 31.70 .958 35.14 1.010 41.80 1.148 48.13 1.252 52.19 1.319 53.73 1,379 56.24 1,478 63.30 1,681 89.8 93.5 101.9 103.7 99.7 101.2 102.8 108.1 113.0 119.3 123.0 121.1 118.3 116.8 81.3 86.8 95.6 106.7 103.3 107.6 112.2 124.4 148.0 170.4 184.7 190.2 199.1 2211 90.8 93.0 94.1 103.1 103.7 106.4 109.4 115.3 131.1 142.9 150.6 157.4 168.7 191.9 1 The data cover all employees of contract construction firms working at the site of privately financed projects (skilled, semiskilled, unskilled, super intendents, time clerks, etc.). Employees of construction firms employed on publicly financed projects and off-site work are excluded. The averages are based on reports submitted monthly to the Bureau of Labor Statistics by over 11,000 firms whose major activity is construction. The reports provide data on the number of employees, their total gross earnings, and total hours of work (straight time and overtime combined) during the pay-roll period ending nearest the 15th of the month. * Hourly earnings when multiplied by weekly hours of work may not exactly equal weekly earnings because of rounding. APPENDIX.—SUPPLEMENTARY-TABLES 45 T able A -5.— Average weekly hours and average weekly and hourly earnings on private building construction, by type of em ploying contractor, monthly, 1946-4? 1 Average hours and earnings of all site workers employed by— Special trades contractors Period All types General of building building contractors contractors All Plumbing, Exca heating, Painting Plastering Carpen Roofing vating, grading, and and air and Electrical Masonry and lathing tering sheet metal and condi decorating tioning foundation Average hours worked per week 1946, annual average................ January............................... February............................ March................................. April.................................... May..................................... June..................................... July..................................... August................................ September.......................... October............................... November........................... December........................... 1947, annual average................ January............................... February............................. March................................. April.................................... May.................................... June..................................... July..................................... August................................ September.......................... October............................... November.......................... December........................... 38.1 37.7 37.3 37.5 38.2 37.5 38.2 38.2 38.2 38.7 38.8 37.2 38.4 37.6 37.6 36.9 38.0 37.1 37.6 37.8 38.0 38.2 37.9 38.1 36.6 37.9 37.6 36.8 36.8 37.0 37.8 36.7 37.9 37.7 37.8 38.4 38.5 36.8 38.0 37.0 37.2 36.2 37.9 36.4 36.8 36.9 37.6 38.0 37.2 37.4 35.8 37.1 38.6 38.5 37.8 38.0 38.6 38.4 38.7 38.8 38.7 39.2 39.1 37.7 40.0 38.4 38.1 37.6 38.2 38.0 38.5 38.7 38.4 38.5 38.9 38.9 37.5 38.9 39.6 40.4 40.0 38.9 39.2 39.6 39.2 39.4 39.5 40.2 40.1 38.6 40.8 39.2 39.9 39.3 39.2 38.7 38.7 38.9 38.7 38.9 39.1 39.2 38.4 40.6 37.5 37.9 37.1 37.8 37.7 37.9 38.1 37.6 37.8 38.6 38.4 35.2 36.9 36.7 35.9 36.3 37.1 36.6 37.3 37.4 36.9 37.4 37.4 37.6 35.0 36.0 40.7 40.8 40.9 40.3 40.4 40.3 41.1 40.9 40.3 41.1 40.8 39.8 41.4 40.3 40.2 40.8 40.5 40.5 40.4 40.6 39.7 39.3 40.3 40.8 39.9 40.6 37.2 32.9 33.8 36.6 37.0 37.0 37.7 38.7 38.6 38.1 38.0 37.4 37.5 36.4 34.9 32.4 35.1 34.6 37.2 37.2 37.3 38.2 38.1 37.7 36.0 36.3 36.8 35.0 34.9 35.0 34.9 35.9 37.8 37.2 37.7 38.3 38.5 35.3 38.7 37.5 37.9 36.3 37.9 38.2 38.9 38.2 37.5 38.0 38.1 37.4 35.3 36.5 39.0 38.1 38.7 39.3 40.0 38.9 39.2 39.1 39.4 39.8 39.1 38.3 38.2 38.5 37.7 37.8 39.6 37.9 38.9 38.3 37.7 39.5 39.0 38.9 38.4 37.8 37.1 36.4 35.7 36.5 37.5 36.7 37.4 38.1 37.7 38.3 37.5 36.1 36.4 36.7 34.9 34.1 35.8 36.0 37.2 37.6 37.2 37.4 37.9 38.4 35.4 37.1 37.5 35.6 35.2 36.9 39.0 37.6 38.6 38.8 38.3 38.4 37.9 36.4 37.9 37.8 36.3 37.2 37.7 36.5 38.5 37.9 38.1 39.1 39.8 38.8 36.7 37.8 $62.04 55.31 55.81 56.32 55.96 58.65 51.89 61.75 64.60 65.21 66.43 63.13 71.04 73.15 69.81 66.84 69.15 72.40 74.95 73.67 73; 14 75.61 76.05 75.60 73.27 76.63 $50.60 53.95 53.37 54.44 54.18 54.78 55.93 57.07 56.82 58.68 59.95 57.64 57.85 63.33 58.20 57.69 62.98 61.01 62.67 62.29 61.97 65.99 65.75 66.55 66.50 64.94 $51.29 49.57 48.45 48.76 49.61 48.61 50.53 53.11 53.30 54.06 54.33 50.95 52.84 57.81 51.49 50.59 53.67 54.02 57.43 58.13 59.58 60.86 63.27 62.48 57.76 60.64 $51.57 47.06 45.97 48.70 52.41 50.50 52.46 55.28 54.21 54.88 51.85 52.10 54.94 60.12 53.98 55.00 58.36 56.07 59.70 60.48 60.33 63.12 64.27 63.51 60.08 63.33 Average weekly earnings* 1946, annual average................. January............................... February-........................... March................ -............... April.................................... May..................................... June..................................... July..................................... August................................ September.......................... October............................— November.......................... December........................... 1947, annual average................ January......................... . February-........................... March................................. April.................................... May..................................... June..................................... July..................................... August................................ September.......................... October............................... November........................... December........................... $56.24 52.89 53.04 52.87 54.29 53.63 55.23 56.25 56.67 58.49 59.20 57.65 60.32 63.30 59.97 58.92 61.23 60.57 62.26 62.71 63.60 64.71 65.36 66.36 64.55 67.31 See footnotes at end of table. $53.33 49.83 50.80 50.40 51.73 50.43 52.39 53.01 53.66 55.64 56.39 54.68 56.73 59.39 56.49 54.91 58.02 56.38 57.95 58.55 60.08 61.33 61.16 62.25 60.55 62.86 $59.52 55.57 55.37 55.58 57.16 57.31 58.64 60.09 60.34 61.37 62.39 61.11 64.53 67.97 64.00 63.65 64.92 65.43 67.15 67.69 67.99 69.01 70.61 71.32 69.36 72.64 $60.92 55.93 56.92 55.65 58.25 58.92 59.07 60.92 61.43 63.70 63.89 62.62 67.44 69.66 67.16 66.65 66.89 67.37 68.24 67.73 68.63 69.60 71.19 71.98 71.90 76.61 $58.66 56.43 55.16 56.31 56.92 57.09 58.86 58.81 59.75 62.06 62.16 57.39 61.05 63.37 58.83 58.75 60.10 60.87 63.77 63.52 63.52 66.32 66.13 67.29 63.56 65.33 $68.44 65.12 65.28 65.25 66.30 66.50 67.51 65.94 67.53 69.66 70.59 69.63 74.76 77.78 73.85 74.95 75.75 76.31 76.73 77.81 77.17 76.96 79.92 81.87 79.64 81.20 $55.42 47.70 48.91 51.91 53.43 53.08 54.72 57.38 58.36 58.53 58.70 57.56 58.36 62.39 56.49 52.41 57.37 57.36 62.01 63.54 63.26 65.89 66.68 67.19 65.39 66.69 CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING , 1946-47 46 T able A -5.— Average weekly hours and average weekly and hourly earnings on private building construction, by type of em ploying contractor, monthly, 1946-47 1— Continued Average hours and earnings of all site workers employed bySpecial trades contractors Period All types General of building building contractors contractors Plumbing, Exca heating, Painting Plastering Carpen Roofing vating, and Electrical Masonry and and air and grading, condi decorating lathing tering sheet metal and tioning foundation All Average hourly earnings 1946, annual average................. January............................... February............................. March.................................. April.................................... May..................................... June...................................... July...................................... August................................. September........................... October................................ November........................... December............................ 1947, annual average................. January............................... February............................ March.................................. April.................................... May.............. ...................... June..................................... July...................................... August................................. September........................... October............................... November......... ................. December........................— $1,478 1.402 1.422 1.411 1.423 1.431 1.444 1.473 1.482 1.510 1.526 1.549 1.569 1.681 1.594 1.598 1.610 1.632 1.655 1.661 1.676 1.694 1.723 1.743 1.765 1.774 $1,419 1.355 1.379 1.362 1.368 1.374 1.384 1.408 1.419 1.450 1.463 1.485 1.495 1.603 1.518 1.516 1.531 1.550 1.575 1.585 1.596 1.614 1.646 1.665 1.690 1.695 $1,544 1.444 1.465 1.463 1.482 1.493 1.515 1.547 1.558 1.580 1.596 1.622 1.655 1.772 1.680 1.691 1.699 1.723 1.742 1.749 1.772 1.794 1.816 1.833 1.851 1.865 $1,564 1.491 1.487 1.492 1.511 1.506 1.545 1.565 1.581 1.609 1.620 1.629 1.653 1.724 1.637 1.619 1.619 1.662 1.712 1.697 1.722 1.774 1.767 1.792 1.818 1.812 $1,537 1.384 1.423 1.430 1.487 1.489 1.508 1.548 1.555 1.584 1.593 1.620 1.655 1.779 1.681 1.694 1.705 1.739 1.761 1.739 1.774 1.791 1.819 1.836 1.872 1.887 1 The data cover all employees of contract construction firms working at the site of privately financed projects (skilled, semiskilled, unskilled, superin tendents, time clerks, etc.). Employees of construction firms employed on publicly financed projects and off-site work are excluded. The averages are based on reports submitted monthly to the Bureau of Labor Statistics by over 11,000 firms whose major activity is construction. $1,683 1.595 1.596 1.619 1.640 1.651 1.643 1.661 1.678 1.696 1.732 1.750 1.808 1.930 1.838 1.836 1.872 1.885 1.899 1.917 1.946 1.960 1.985 2.006 1.995 2.000 $1,490 1.450 1.448 1.419 1.443 1.434 1.453 1.484 1.510 1.537 1.544 1.541 1.556 1.716 1.618 1.619 1.637 1.656 1.668 1.706 1.697 1.727 1.752 1.781 1.817 1.836 $1,688 1.579 1.601 1.611 1.604 1.632 1.639 1.659 1.716 1.703 1.727 1.788 1.837 1.951 1.842 1.840 1.822 1.894 1.926 1.927 1.950 1.992 1.995 2.019 2.075 2.100 $1,426 1.418 1.379 1.385 1.355 1.407 1.425 1.458 1.442 1.473 1.531 1.504 1.513 1.645 1.544 1.528 1.591 1.611 1.612 1.625 1.645 1.670 1.684 1.710 1.733 1.718 $1,383 1.361 1.356 1.335 1.325 1.325 1.350 1.393 1.414 1.412 1.448 1.413 1.450 1.577 1.477 1.483 1.497 1.499 1.542 1.547 1.602 1.629 1.669 1.626 1.631 1.634 $1,375 1.322 1.306 1.319 1.345 1.342 1.361 1.423 1.416 1.431 1.369 1.431 1.450 1.590 1.487 1.477 1.550 1.537 1.552 1.594 1.583 1.616 1.613 1.638 1.636 1.676 The reports provide data on the number of employees, their total gross earn ings, and total hours of work (straight time and overtime combined) during the pay-roll period ending nearest the 15th of the month. 2 Hourly earnings when multiplied by weekly hours of work may not exactly equal weekly earnings because of rounding. T able A -6.— Average weekly hours and average weekly and hourly earnings on Federal construction, by type of construction, 1946-47 1 Type of construction All types............................................................. Residential.......................................................... Nonresidential.................................................... Highways............................................................ Conservation and development............v ___ Reclamation......................................_____ River, harbor, and flood control.............. All other.............................................................. Average hours worked per week 1947 36.6 33.0 30.1 37.6 41.2 39.1 42.5 34.5 1946 37.0 34.8 34.3 39.0 41.4 38.4 42.6 34.5 Percent change -1 .1 -5 .2 -12.2 -3 .6 - .5 +1.8 - .2 0 1 Computed on an annual average basis by dividing reported annual pay rolls ana number of man-hours worked during the year by 52. This method is used primarily because hours and earnings on Federal construction projects are reported by accounting months, rather than by calendar months. Thus all contractors do not report for uniform pay periods during any given month; some may include data for 4 weeks and others for 5. In addition, averages in a given month are affected substantially by shifts in the geographic dis tribution of projects under way, especially when the number of projects in a Average weekly earnings 2 1947 1946 $49.88 49.42 46.30 48.72 53.87 57.94 51.50 49.09 $57.62 48.64 45.21 47.57 48.91 50.97 48.11 44.32 Percent change +4.7 +1.6 +2.4 +2.4 +10.1 +13.7 +7.0 +10.8 Average hourly earnings 1947 1946 $1,363 1.496 1.538 1.294 1.306 1.482 1.212 1.423 $1,286 1.397 1.320 1.221 1.182 1.328 1.130 1.284 Percent change +6.0 +7.1 +16.5 +6.0 +10.5 +11.6 +7.3 +10.8 category is small. Consequently, average hours and earnings cannot be computed accurately on a current weekly basis. Most of the bias resulting from both the reporting procedures and the project location, however, is removed when data for the year as a whole are used to obtain averages. Reports are received monthly from agencies carrying on most Federal con struction work and, for some work, directly from the construction contractors. 2 Hourly earnings when multiplied by weekly hours of work may not exactly equal weekly earnings because of rounding. A P P E N D IX .— S U P P L E M E N T A R Y TA B LE S A-7.— Average construction cost for new privately financed 1•‘family dwelling units started, 1940-4? 1 T able 1940 ...................... 1941 ...................... 1942 ...................... 1943 ...................... 1944 ...................... 1945........................ 1946........................... First quarter__ Second quarter. Third quarter.. Fourth quarter. 1947_____________ First quarter__ Second quarter. Third quarter.. Fourth quarter. $4,065 4,249 3,894 3,674 3,439 4,654 5,520 5,572 5,489 5,425 5,631 6,750 5,925 6,327 6,904 7,510 1 These data represent the average cost of all the 1-family dwelling units started nationally. They do not show change in the cost of building a single type of dwelling. The figures are based primarily on builders’ estimates of construction cost as recorded on building permits and for 1946, and 1947 on reports of construc tion cost by individual construction contractors in a representative group of localities that do not issue permits. The building permit information has been adjusted for understatement of costs on permit applications, using the data from periodic field investigation of a large sample of building permits. Construction costs exclude sales profit, selling costs, the cost of land and site improvements, and all such nonconstruction expenses as architectural and engineering fees. They cover only the cost of labor, materials, and sub contracted work, and that part of the builder’s overhead and profit chargeable directly to the construction project. Thus, construction cost should not be confused with selling price. T able A-8.— Percentage distribution of nonfarm 1-family houses started in the second quarter of 194?, by construc tion cost class, by type of area, and by region 1 T able Average construc tion cost Period 47 Construction cost class All classes__ ___ _ Under $3,250 $3,250-$5,249_ _ $5,250-$7,249__ __ $7,250-$9,249_ _ ____ $9,250 and over............... Percentage distribution of nonfarm 1-family houses started in— Total Indus Non United trial indus trial North* South4 West * States areas3 areas 100 20 23 25 18 14 100 12 19 26 24 19 100 18 19 23 23 17 100 28 28 25 12 .7 100 21 31 28 11 9 100 20 15 28 24 13 1 This construction cost information is based on reports from individual construction contractors over the country who provided cost figures for a large and representative sample of projects at or near completion. Builders’ costs exclude sales profit, selling costs, the cost of land and site improvements, and all such nonconstruction expenses as architectural and engineering fees. They cover only the cost of labor, materials, and subcontracted work, and that part of the builder’s overhead and profit chargeable directly to the con struction project. Thus, construction cost should not be confused with selling price. 3 Industrial areas cover entire counties or groups of counties surrounding the central city or cities. Industrial areas cover the country’s largest cities and surroundings. * Covers the New England, Middle Atlantic, East North Central, and West North Central States and, in addition, the District of Columbia, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. 4 Covers the East South Central and West South Central States, the South Atlantic States (not including the District of Columbia), and the States of Arizona, and New Mexico. 5 Covers the Pacific States, i. e., California, Oregon, and Washington. A-9.— Percentage distribution of nonfarm 1-family houses started in each of 28 industrial areas and 21 urban counties, by construction cost class, second quarter of 194? 1 Construction cost class Area lustrial areas:3 Atlanta ___ ___ Boston _ ___ Buffalo ______ Chicago___ Cleveland __ Columbus _ ■ Dallas Denver___________________ Detroit- _ Fort Worth Hartford , Indianapolis __ TTnoxville-Alcoa Los Angeles. _ , Memphis Milwaukee __ Minneapolis-fit. Paul............... New York-Newark-Jersey City. _ . . . . . . Philadelphia—Camden _ Pittsburgh Sacramento........... .............. . San Francisco _________ Springfleld-Holyoke________ St. Louis..................................... Syracnse Toledo................... .................... All classes 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Under $5,249 42 24 28 19 3 12 36 42 12 58 25 43 82 21 63 13 14 7 21 9 32 6 27 28 18 27 Construction cost class $5,250- $9,250$9,249 and over 45 45 55 52 53 74 49 40 52 37 55 44 17 65 32 65 27 54 61 61 49 71 60 48 47 49 Industrial areas: *—Continued Washington, D. O..................... 13 Worcester.................................... 31 17 Urban county3 and leading city in each: 29 Adams, HI. (Quincy)................ 44 14 Cass, N. D. (Fargo).................. Chittenden, Vt. (Burlington). 15 18 Garfield, Okla. (Enid)............. 36 5 Hancock, Maine (Ellsworth).. Ingham, Mich. (Lansing.)___ 20 13 Lancaster, Pa. (Lancaster)___ 1 Logan, W. Va. (Logan)............ Maricopa, Ariz. (Phoenix)___ 14 Marion, Ohio (Marion)............ 5 22 Marquette, Mich. (Mar 59 quette)..................................... Mobile, Ala. (Mobile)............... 39 Plymouth, Mass. (Brockton). 18 St. Lawrence, N. Y. (Ogdens30 19 23 13 Webster, Iowa (Fort Dodge) ~ 24 Whatcom, Wash. (Bellingham).. 35 Wichita, Tex. (Wichita Falls) . 24 York, Pa. (York)...................... 3 This construction cost information is based on reports from individual construction contractors over the country who provided cost figures for a large and representative sample of projects at or near completion. Builders’ costs exclude sales profit, selling costs, the cost of land and site improvements, and all such nonconstruction expenses as architectural and engineering fees. They cover only the cost of labor, materials, and subcontracted work, and that part of the builder’s overhead and profit chargeable directly to the con Area $5,250- $9,250$9,249 and over All lasses Under $5,249 100 100 5 46 48 47 47 7 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 35 19 22 25 50 49 0 85 33 70 71 76 44 29 91 100 44 53 78 50 7 47 70 55 75 50 51 100 15 54 10 29 22 49 71 7 0 45 47 22 50 43 18 11 23 0 0 0 0 0 13 20 0 2 7 0 2 0 11 0 0 0 struction project. Thus, construction cost should not be confused with selling price. 3 Industrial areas cover entire counties or groups of counties surrounding the central city or cities. See table 21, footnote 1 (on p. 30) for the counties covered by each area. 3 Covers the entire county. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING O FF IC E : 1948