Full text of Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974
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88 STAT.] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 1389 Public Law 93-463 AN ACT To amend the Commodity Exchange Act to strengthen the regulation of futures trading, to bring all agricultural and other commodities traded on exchanges under regulation, and for other purposes. October 23, 1974 [H. R. 13113] Be it eihacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of ATnerica in Congress assemhled^ That this Act may p^j°|^'^°xra^dij, be cited as the "Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of commission A"^ 1974'-. of 1974. 7 u s e 4a note. T I T L E r—COMMODITY F U T U R E S T R A D I N G COMMISSION SEC. 101. (a) Section 2(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 2,4), is amended— (1) By inserting " ( 1 ) " after the subsection designation. (2) By striking the last sentence of section 2(a) and inserting in lieu thereof the following new sentence: "The words 'the Commission' shall mean the Commodity Futures Trading Commission established under paragraph (2) of this subsection." (3) By adding at the end thereof the following new paragraphs: "(2) There is hereby established, as an independent agency of the United States Government, a Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The Commission shall be composed of a Chairman and four other Commissioners, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. In nominating persons for appointment, the President shall seek to establish and maintain a balanced Commission, including, but not limited to, persons of demonstrated knowledge in futures trading or its regulation and persons of demonstrated knowledge in the production, merchandising, processing or distribution of one or more of the commodities or other goods and articles, services, rights and interests covered by this Act. Not more than three of the members of the Commission shall be members of the same political party. Each Commissioner shall hold office for a term of five years and until his successor is appointed and has qualified, except that he shall not so continue to serve beyond the expiration of the next session of Congress subsequent to the expiration of said fixed term of office, and except (A) any Commissioner appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term, and (B) the terms of office of the Commissioners first taking office after the enactment of this paragraph shall expire as designated by the President at the time of nomination, one at the end of one year, one at the end of two years, one at the end of three years, one at the end of four years, and one at the end of five years. "(3) A vacancy in the Commission shall not impair the right of the remaining Commissioners to exercise all the powers of the Commission. "(4) The Commission shall have a General Counsel, who shall be appointed by the Commission and serve at the pleasure of the Commission. The General Counsel shall report directly to the Commission and serve as its legal advisor. The Commission shall appoint such other attorneys as may be necessary, in the opinion of the Commission, to assist the General Counsel, represent the Commission in all disciplinary proceedings pending before it, represent the Commission in courts of law whenever appropriate, assist the Department of Justice in handling litigation concerning the Commission in Commodity F u t u r e s Trading Commission. Establishment. Chairman and Commissioners. 7 u s e 4a. General C o u n s e l . 1390 Executive Director. E x e r c i s e of functions. Conflict of interests. L i a i s o n with Agriculture Department. T r a n s m i t t a l of budget r e q u e s t s and l e g i s l a t i v e recommendations to c o n g r e s s i o n a l committees. PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. courts of law, and perform such other legal duties and functions as the Commission may direct, "(5) The Commission shall have an Executive Director, who shall be appointed by the Commission, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and serve at the pleasure of the Commission. The Executive Director shall report directly to the Commission and perform such functions and duties as the Commission may prescribe. "(6) (A) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph and in paragraphs (4) and (5) of this subsection, the executive and administrative functions of the Commission, including functions of the Commission with respect to the appointment and supervision of personnel employed under the Commission, the distribution of business among such personnel and among administrative units of the Commission, and the use and expenditure of funds, shall be exercised solely by the Chairman. " ( B ) In carrying out any of his functions under the provisions of this paragraph, the Chairman shall be governed by general policies of the Commission and by such regulatory decisions, findings, and determinations as the Commission may by law be authorized to make. " ( C ) The appointment by the Chairman of the heads of major administrative units under the Commission shall be subject to the approval of the Commission. " ( D ) Personnel employed regularly and full time in the immediate offices of Commissioners other than the Chairman shall not be affected by the provisions of this paragraph. " ( E ) There are hereby reserved to the Commission its functions with respect to revising budget estimates and with respect to determining the distribution of appropriated funds according to major programs and purposes. " ( F ) The Chairman may from time to time make such provisions as he shall deem appropriate authorizing the performance by any officer, employee, or administrative unit under his jurisdiction of any functions of the Chairman under this paragraph. "(7) No Commissioner or employee of the Commission shall accept employment or compensation from any person, exchange, or clearinghouse subject to regulation by the Commission under this Act during his term of office, nor shall he participate, directly or indirectly, in any contract market operations or transactions of a character subject to regulation by the Commission. "(8) The Commission shall, in cooperation with the Secretary of Agriculture, establish a separate office within the Department of Agriculture to be staffed with employees of the Commission for the purpose of maintaining a liaison between the Commission and the Department of Agriculture. The Secretary shall take such steps as may be necessary to enable the Commission to obtain information and utilize such services and facilities of the Department of Agriculture as may be necessary in order to maintain effectively such liaison. I n addition, the Secretary shall appoint a liaison officer, who shall be an employee of the Office of the Secretary, for the purpose of maintaining a liaison between the Department of Agriculture and the Commission. The Commission shall furnish such liaison officer appropriate office space within the offices of the Commission and shall allow such liaison officer to attend and observe all deliberations and proceedings of the Commission. "(9) (A) Whenever the Commission submits any budget estimate or request to the President or the Office of Management and Budget, it shall concurrently transmit copies of that estimate or request to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees and the House Com- 88 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 mittee on Agriculture and the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. " ( B ) Whenever the Commission transmits any legislative recommendations, or testimony, or comments on legislation to the President or the Office of Management and Budget, it shall concurrently transmit copies thereof to the House Committee on Agriculture and the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. No officer or agency of the United States shall have any authority to require the Commission to submit its legislative recommendations, or testimony, or comments on legislation to any officer or agency of the United States for approval, comments, or review, prior to the submission of such recommendations, testimony, or comments to the Congress. In instances in which the Commission voluntarily seeks to obtain the comments or review of any officer or agency of the United States, the Commission shall include a description of such actions in its legislative recommendations, testimony, or comments on legislation which it transmits to the Congress. "(10) The Commission shall have an official seal, which shall be judicially noticed. "(11) The Commission is authorized to pronmlgate such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to govern the operating procedures and conduct of the business of the Commission." (b) Section 12 of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 16), is amended by striking such section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "SEC. 12. (a) The Commission may cooperate with Ruy Department or agency of the Government, any State, territory, district, or possession, or department, agency, or political subdivision thereof, or any person. "(b) The Commission shall have the authority to employ such investigators, special experts. Administrative Law Judges, clerks, and other employees as it may from time to time find necessary for the proper performance of its duties and as ma^ be from time to time appropriated for by Congress. The Commission may employ experts and consultants in accordance with section 3109 of title 5 of the United States Code, and compensate such persons at rates not in excess of the maximum daily rate prescribed for GS-18 under section 5332 of title 5 of the United States Code. The Commission shall also have authority to make and enter into contracts with respect to all matters which in the judgment of the Commission are necessary and appropriate to effectuate the purposes and provisions of this Act, including, but not limited to, the rental of necessary space at the seat of Government and elsewhere. "(c) All of the expenses of the Commissioners, including all necessary expenses for transportation incurred by them while on official business of the Commission, shall be allowed and paid on the presentation of itemized vouchers therefor approved by the Commission. " ( d ) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated to carry out the provisions of this Act such sums as may be required for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1977, and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1978." SEC. 102. (a) Section 5314 of title 5 of the United States Code is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph: "(60) Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission." (b) Section 5315 of title 5 of the United States Code is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph: 1391 ^^^^• 13^")^^^^ ''"'^ ''^^"' ^i^h°o^he^*i°" cies. ^^ ^^^" Experts and '^°"^" tants. contracts. Expenses. Appropriation. Salaries. chairman. 1392 Commissioners. General Counsel. Executive Director. 7 u s e 6, 6a, 6c-6g, 6i, 7, 7a, 8, 9, 11, 12, 12-1, 12a, 12b, 13b, 16. 7 u s e 7b, 8, 9, 12a, 13a-13c. 7 u s e 7a, 12, 12-1, 12a. 7 u s e 6, 6g. 6i, 7, 7a, 12-1. Transfer of personnel, property, e t c . 7 u s e 4a note. Report to Congress. 7 u s e 12-2. Reviews and audits. 7 u s e 12-3. PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. "(100) Members, Commodity Futures Trading Commission." (c) Section 5316 of title 5 of the United States Code is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraphs: "(135) General Counsel, Commodity Futures Trading Commission. "(136) Executive Director, Commodity Futures Trading Commission." SEC. 103. The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended— (a) By striking the word "Secretary" and the words "Secretary of Agriculture" wherever such words appear therein (except where the words "Secretary of Agriculture" first appear in section 5(a) (7 U.S.C. 7) or where said words would be stricken by subsection ( b ) , (c), or (d^ of this section) and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "Commission". (b) By striking the words "the Secretary of Agriculture or" wherever they appear in the phrase "the Secretary of Agriculture or the Commission". (c) By striking the words "the Secretary of Agriculture, who shall thereupon notify the other members of" from section 6(a) thereof (7U.S.C.8)._ (d) By striking "the Secretary of Agriculture (or any person designated by him)," from section 6(b) thereof (7 U.S.C. 15). (e) By striking the word "he", "his", or " H e " wherever such word is used therein to refer to the Secretary of Agriculture, and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "it", "its", or "It", respectively. (f) By striking the words "United States Department of Agriculture" and "Department of Agriculture" wherever they appear therein and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "Commission". (g) By inserting in section 5(a) (7 U.S.C. 7) after the words "Secretary of Agriculture" where the same first appear therein the words "or the Commission". SEC. 104. All of the personnel of the Commodity Exchange Authority, property, records, and unexpended balance of appropriations, allocations, and other funds employed, used, held, available, or to be made available in connection with administration of the Commodity Exchange Act shall be transferred to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission upon the effective date of this Act. SEC. 105. Section 8 of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 12, 12-1), is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraphs: "The Commission shall submit to the Congress a written report Avithin one hundred and twenty days after the end of each fiscal year detailing the operations of the Commission during such fiscal year. The Commission shall include in such report such information, data, and recommendations for further legislation as it may deem advisable with respect to the administration of this Act and its powers and functions under this Act. "The Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct reviews and audits of the Commission and make reports thereon. For the purpose of conducting such reviews and audits the Comptroller General shall be furnished such information regarding the powers, duties, organizations, transactions, operations, and activities of the Commission as he may require and he and his duly authorized representatives shall, for the purpose of securing such information, have access to and the right to examine any books, documents, papers, or records of the Commission except that in his reports the Comptroller General shall not include data and information which would separately disclose the business transactions of any person and trade secrets 88 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 or names of customers, although such data shall be provided upon request by any committee of either House of Congress acting within the scope of its jurisdiction." SEC. 106. The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "SEC. 14. (a) Any person complaining of any violation of any provision of this Act or any rule, regulation, or order thereunder by any person registered under section 4d, 4e, 4k, or 4m of this Act may, at any time within two years after the cause of action accrues, apply to the Commission by petition, which shall briefly state the facts, whereupon, if, in the opinion of the Commission, the facts therein contained warrant such action, a copy of the complaint thus made shall be forwarded by the Commission to the respondent, who shall be called upon to satisfy the complaint, or to answer it in writing, within a reasonable time to be prescribed by the Commission. " (b) If there appear to be, in the opinion of the Commission, any reasonable grounds for investigating any complaint made under this section, the Commission shall investigate such complaint and may, if in its opinion the facts warrant such action, have said complaint served by registered mail or by certified mail or otherwise on the respondent and afford such person an opportunity for a hearing thereon before an Administrative Law Judge designated by the Commission in any place in which the said person is engaged in business: Provided^ That in complaints wherein the amount claimed as damages does not exceed the sum of $2,500, a hearing need not be held and proof in support of the complaint and in support of the respondent's answer may he, supplied in the form of depositions or A^erified statements of fact. "(c) After opportunity for hearing on complaints where the damages claimed exceed the sum of $2,500 has been provided or waived and on complaints where damages claimed do not exceed the sum of $2,500 not requiring hearing as provided herein, the Commission shall determine whether or not the respondent has violated any provision of this Act or any rule, regulation, or order thereunder. " ( d ) In case a complaint is made by a nonresident of the United States, the complainant shall be required, before any formal action is taken on his complaint, to furnish a bond in double the amount of the claim conditioned upon the payment of costs, including a reasonable attorney's fee for the respondent if the respondent shall prevail, and any reparation award that may be issued by the Commission against the complainant on any counterclaim by respondent: Provided^ That the Commission shall have authority to waive the furnishing of a bond by a complainant who is a resident of a country which permits the filing of a complaint by a resident of the United States without the furnishing of a bond. "(e) If after a hearing on a complaint made by any person under subsection (a) of this section, or without hearing as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, or upon failure of the party complained against to answer a complaint duly served within the time prescribed, or to appear at a hearing after being duly notified, the Commission determines that the respondent has violated any provision of this Act, or any rule, regulation, or order thereunder, the Commission shall, unless the offender has already made reparation to the person complaining, determine the amount of damage, if any, to which such person is entitled as a result of such violation and shall make an order directing the offender to pay to such person complaining such amount on or before the date fixed in the order. If, after the respondent has filed his answer to the complaint, it appears therein that the respondent has admitted liability for a portion of the amount claimed in the complaint as damages, the Commission under such 1393 Complaints. 7 u s e 6d, 6 e . Post, p p . 1397, 1398. Investigation and hearing. Nonresidents of U.S., b o n d s . Reparation. 1394 PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. rules and regulations as it shall prescribe, unless the respondent has already made reparation to the person complaining, may issue an order directing the respondent to pay to the complainant the undisputed amount on or before the date fixed in the order, leaving the respondent's liability for the disputed amount for subsequent determination. The remaming disputed amount shall be determined in the same manner and under the same procedure as it would have been determined if no order had been issued by the Commission with respect to the undisputed sum. Enforcement of "^f) jf ^ny persou agaiust whom an award has been made does not reparation awar . ^^^ ^^^ reparation award within the time specified in the Commission's order, the complainant, or any person for whose benefit such order was made, within three years of the date of the order, may file a certified copy of the order of the Commission, in the district court of the United States for the district in which he resides or in which is located the principal place of business of the respondent, for enforcement of such reparation award by appropriate orders. The orders, writs, and processes of such district court may in such case run, be served, and be returnable anywhere in the United States. The petitioner shall not be liable for costs in the district court, nor for costs at any subsequent state of the proceedings, unless they accrue upon his appeal. If the petitioner finally prevails, he shall be allowed a reasonable attorney's fee, to be taxed and collected as a part of the costs of the suit. Subject to the right of appeal under subsection (g) of this section, an order of the Commission awarding reparations shall be final and conclusive. ^PP^^'^"(g) Any order of the Commission entered hereunder shall be reviewable on petition of any party aggrieved thereby, by the United States Court of Appeals for any circuit in which a hearing was held, or if no hearing was held, any circuit in which the appellee is located, under the procedure provided in paragraph (b) of section 6 of this Act. Such appeal shall not be effective unless within 30 days from and after the date of the reparation order the appellant also files with the clerk of the court a bond in double the amount of the reparation awarded against the appellant conditioned upon the payment of the judgment entered by the court, plus interest and costs, including a reasonable attorney's fee for the appellee, if the appellee shall prevail. Such bond shall be in the form of cash, negotiable securities having a market value at least equivalent to the amount of bond prescribed, or the undertaking of a surety company on the approved list of sureties issued by the Treasury Department of the United States. The appellee shall not be liable for costs in said court. If the appellee prevails, he shall be allowed a reasonable attorney's fee to be taxed and collected as a part of his costs. ^^"^^*y" (h) Unless the registrant against whom a reparation order has been issued shows to the satisfaction of the Commission within fifteen days from the expiration of the period allowed for compliance with such order that he has either taken an appeal as herein authorized or has made payment in full as required by such order, he shall be prohibited from trading on all contract markets and his registration shall be suspended automatically at the expiration of such fifteen-day period until he shows to the satisfaction of the Commission that he has paid the amount therein specified with interest thereon to date of payment: Provided, That if on appeal the appellee prevails or if the appeal is dismissed the automatic prohibition against trading and suspension of registration shall become effective at the expiration of thirty days from the date of judgment on the appeal, but if the judgment is stayed by a court of competent jurisdiction the suspension shall become effective ten days after the expiration of such stay, unless prior thereto the judgment of the court has been satisfied. STAT. ] 1395 PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 "(i) The provisions of this section shall not become effective until one year after the date of its enactment: Provided^ That claims which arise within nine months immediately prior to the effective date of this section may be heard by the Commission after such one year period." SEC. 107. The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "SEC. 15. The Commission shall take into consideration the public interest to be protected by the antitrust laws and endeavor to take the least anticompetitive means of achieving the objectives of this Act, as well as the policies and purposes of this Act, in issuing any order or adopting any Commission rule or regulation, or in requiring or approving any bylaw, rule, or regulation of a contract market or registered futures association established pursuant to section 17 of this Act." Effective d a t e . Post, p. 1406. T I T L E I I — R E G U L A T I O N O F T R A D I N G AND E X C H A N G E ACTIVITIES SEC. 201. Section 2(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 2,4), is amended— (a) By striking after the word "eggs," the word "onions,". (b) By striking the period at the end of the third sentence of the section and substituting therefor the following: ", and all other goods and articles, except onions as provided in Public Law 85-839, and all services, rights, and interests in which contracts for future delivery are presently or in the future dealt in: Provided^ That the Commission shall have exclusive jurisdiction with respect to accounts, agreements (including any transaction which is of the character of, or is commonly known to the trade as, an 'option', 'privilege', 'indemnity', 'bid', 'offer', 'put', 'call', 'advance guaranty', or 'decline guaranty'), and transactions involving contracts of sale of a commodity for future delivery, traded or executed on a contract market designated pursuant to section 5 of this Act or any other board of trade, exchange, or market, and transactions subject to regulation by the Commission pursuant to section 217 of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974: And provided further^ That, except as hereinabove provided, nothing contained in this section shall (i) supersede or limit the jurisdiction at any time conferred on the Securities and Exchange Commission or other regulatory authorities under the laws of the United States or of any State, or (ii) restrict the Securities and Exchange Commission and such other authorities from carrying out their duties and responsibilities in accordance with such laws. Nothing in this section shall supersede or limit the jurisdiction conferred on courts of the United States or any State. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to govern or in any way be applicable to transactions in foreign currency, security warrants, security rights, resales of installment loan contracts, repurchase options, government securities, or mortgages and mortgage purchase commitments, unless such transactions involve the sale thereof for future delivery conducted on a board of trade." SEC. 202. Section 2(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 2, 4), is amended by adding at the end of paragraph (1) the following new sentences: "The term 'commodity trading advisor' shall mean any person who, for compensation or profit, engages in the business of advising others, either directly or through publications or writings, as to the value of commodities or as to the advisability of trading in any commodity for future delivery on or subject to the rules of any contract market, or who for compensation 7 u s e 13-1. J u r i s d i c t i o n of Commission. 7 u s e 7. Post, p . 1405. S E e and other authorities. Courts. Nonapplic ability. "Commodity trading advisor. 1396 "Commodity pool operator.' T r a d e s and executions by floor brokers. 7 u s e 6j. Notice and hearing. T r a d e s by futures commission m e r c h a n t s . Notice and hearing. PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. or profit, and as part of a regular business, issues or promulgates analyses or reports concerning commodities; but does not include (i) any bank or trust company, (ii) any newspaper reporter, newspaper columnist, newspaper editor, lawyer, accountant, or teacher, (iii) any floor broker or futures commission merchant, (iv) the publisher of any bona fide newspaper, news magazine, or business or financial publication of general and regular circulation including their employees, (v) any contract market, and (vi) such other persons not within the intent of this definition as the Commission may specify by rule, regulation, or order: Provided^ That the furnishing of such services by the foregoing persons is solely incidental to the conduct of their business or profession. The term 'commodity pool operator' shall mean any person engaged in a business which is of the nature of an investment trust, syndicate, or similar form of enterprise, and who, in connection therewith, solicits, accepts, or receives from others, funds, securities, or property, either directly or through capital contributions, the sale of stock or other forms of securities, or otherwise, for the purpose of trading in any commodity for future delivery on or subject to the rules of any contract market, but does not include such persons not within the intent of this definition as the Commission may specify by rule or regulation or by order." SEC. 203. The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by inserting after section 4i (7 U.S.C. 6i), the following new section: "SEC. 4j. (1) The Commission shall within six months after the effective date of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974, and subsequently when it determines that changes are required, make a determination, after notice and opportunity for hearing, whether or not a floor bioker may trade for his own account or any account in which such broker has trading discretion, and also execute a customer's order for futui'e delivery and, if the Commission determines that such trades and such executions shall be permitted, the Commission shall further determine the terms, conditions, and circumstances under which such trades and such executions shall be conducted : Provided^ That any such determination shall, at a minimum, take into account the effect upon the liquidity of trading of each market: And provided further^ That nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the Commission from making separate determinations for different contract markets when such are warranted in the judgment of the Commission, or to prohibit contract markets from setting terms and conditions more restrictive than those set by the Commission. " (2) The Commission shall within six months after the effective date of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974, and subsequently when it determines that changes are required, make a determination, after notice and opportunity for hearing, whether or not a futures commission merchant may trade for its own account or any proprietary account, as defined by the Commission, and if the Commission determines that such trades shall be permitted, the Commission shall further determine the terms, conditions, and circumstances under which such trades shall be conducted: Provided^ That any such determination, at a minimum, shall take into account the effect upon the liquidity of trading of each market: And provided fvHher^ That nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the Commission from making separate determinations for different contract markets when such are warranted in the judgment of the Commission, or to prohibit contract markets from setting terms and conditions more restrictive than those set by the Commission." SEC. 204. (a) The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by adding the following new section : 88 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 1397 "SEC. 4k. (1) I t shall be unlawful for any person to be associated , Associates of . , 1. r ^ • • ^ , •,^ j_ _c J- , with any futures commission merchant or with any agent ot a futures commission merchant as a partner, officer, or employee (or any person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions), in any capacity which involves (i) the solicitation or acceptance of customers' orders (other than in a clerical capacity) or (ii) the supervision of any person or persons so engaged, unless such person shall have registered, under this Act, with the Commission and such registration shall not have expired nor been suspended (and the period of suspension has not expired) or revoked, and it shall be unlawful for any futures commission merchant or any agent of a futures commission merchant to permit such a person to become or remain associated with him in any such capacity if such futures commission merchant or agent knew or should have known that such person was not so registered or that such registration had expired, been suspended (and the period of suspension has not expired) or revoked: Provided, That any individual who is registered as a floor broker or futures commission merchant (and such registration is not suspended or revoked) need not also register under these provisions. "(2) Any such person desiring to be registered shall make application to the Commission in the form and manner prescribed by the Commission, giving such information and facts as the Commission may deem necessary concerning the applicant. Such person, when registered hereunder, shall likewise continue to report and furnish to the Commission such information as the Commission may require. Such registration shall expire two years after the effective date thereof, and shall be renewed upon application therefor unless the registration has been suspended (and the period of such suspension has not expired) or revoked after notice and hearing as prescribed in section 6(b) of this Act: Provided, That upon initial registration, the effective period of such registration shall be set by the Commission, not to exceed two years from the effective date thereof and not to be less than one year from the effective date thereof." (b) Section 6(b) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 9), is amended by inserting after the words "futures commission merchant" each time those words appear, the following: "or any person associated therewith as described in section 4k of this Act,". (c) Section 8a (1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1 2 a ( l ) ) , is amended by inserting after the words "futures commission merchants" the following: "and persons associated therewith as described in section 4k of this Act,". SEC. 205. (a) The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by adding the following new sections: "SEC. 41. It is hereb}^ found that the activities of commodity trading advisors and commodity pool operators are affected with a national public interest in that, among other things— "(1) their advice, counsel, publications, writings, analyses, and reports are furnished and distributed, and their contracts, solicitations, subscriptions, agreements, and other arrangements with clients take place and are negotiated and performed by the use of the mails and other means and instrumentalities of interstate commerce; "(2) their advice, counsel, publications, writings, analyses, and reports customarily relate to and their operations are directed toward and cause the purchase and sale of commodities for future delivery on or subject to the rules of contract markets; and " (3) the foregoing transactions occur in such volume as to affect substantially transactions on contract markets. futures commis- sion merchants. Registrauon. Application. in^°advi°slVs^Ind''' c^mmodurpoo" operators. ^ "^^ ^ " 1398 Use of mails and i n t e r s t a t e commerce. 7 u s e 6m. Registration. 7 u s e 6n. Recordkeeping and r e p o r t s . PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. "SEC. 4m. I t shall be unlawful for any commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator, unless registered under this Act, to make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce in connection with his business as such commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator: Provided^ That the provisions of this section shall not apply to any commodity trading advisor who, during the course of the preceding twelve months, has not furnished commodity trading advice to more than fifteen persons and who does not hold himself out generally to the public as a commodity trading advisor. "SEC. 4n. (1) Any commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator, or any person who contemplates becoming a commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator, may register under this Act by filing an application with the Commission. Such application shall contain such information, in such form and detail, as the Commission may, by rules and regulations, prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest, including the following: " ( A ) the name and form of organization, including capital structure, under which the applicant engages or intends to engage in business; the name of the State under the laws of which he is organized; the location of his principal business office and branch offices, if any; the names and addresses of all partners, officers, directors, and persons performing similar functions or, if the applicant be an individual, of such individual; and the number of employees; " ( B ) the education, the business affiliations for the past ten years, and the present business affiliations of the applicant and of his partners, officers, directors, and persons performing similar functions and of any controlling person thereof; " ( C ) the nature of the business of the applicant, including the manner of giving advice and rendering of analyses or reports; " ( D ) the nature and scope of the authority of the applicant with respect to clients' funds and accounts; " ( E ) the basis upon which the applicant is or will be compensated; and " ( F ) such other information as the Commission may require to determine whether the applicant is qualified for registration. "(2) Except as hereinafter provided, such registration shall become effective thirty days after the receipt of such application by the Commission, or within such shorter period of time as the Commission may determine. "(3) All registrations under this section shall expire on the 30th day of June of each year, and shall be renewed upon application therefor subject to the same requirements as in the case of an original application. "(4) (A) Every commodity trading advisor and commodity pool operator registered under this Act shall maintain books and records and file such reports in such form and manner as may be prescribed by the Commission. All such books and records shall be kept for a period of at least three years, or longer if the Commission so directs, and shall be open to inspection by any representative of the Commission or the Department of Justice. Upon the request of the Commission, a registered commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator shall furnish the name and address of each client, subscriber, or participant, and submit samples or copies of all reports, letters, circulars, memorandums, publications, writings, or other literature or advice distributed to clients, subscribers, or participants, or prospective clients, subscribers, or participants. 88 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 1399 Disclosure. " ( B ) Unless otherwise authorized by the Commission by rule or regulation, all commodity trading advisors and commodity pool operators shall make a full and complete disclosure to their subscribers, clients, or participants of all futures market positions taken or held by the individual principals of their organization. Statements of "(5) Every commodity pool operator shall regularly furnish state- account. ments of account to each participant in his operations. Such statements shall be in such form and manner as may be prescribed by the Commission and shall include complete information as to the current status of all trading accounts in which such participant has an interest. "(6) The Commission is authorized, without hearing, to deny regisDenial of registration to any person as a commodity trading advisor or commodity "^^''°"pool operator if such person is subject to an outstanding order under this Act denying to such person trading privileges on any contract market, or suspending or revoking the registration of such person as a commodity trading advisor, commodity pool operator, futures commission merchant, or floor broker, or suspending or expelling such person from membership on any contract market. "(7) The Commission after hearing may by order deny registration, revoke or suspend the registration of any commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator if the Commission finds that such denial, revocation, or suspension is in the public interest and that— " ( A ) the operations of such person disrupt or tend to disrupt orderly marketing conditions, or cause or tend to cause sudden or unreasonable fluctuations or unwarranted changes in the prices of commodities; " ( B ) such commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator, or any partner, officer, director, person performing similar function or controlling person thereof— " ( i ) has within ten years of the issuance of such order been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor involving the purchase or sale of any commodity or security, or arising out of any conduct or practice of such commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator or affiliated person as a commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator; or "(ii) at the time of the issuance of such order, is permanently or temporarily enjoined by order, judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction from acting as a commodity trading advisor, commodity pool operator, futures commission merchant, or floor broker, or as an affiliated person or employee of any of the foregoing, or from engaging in or continuing any conduct or practice in connection with any such activity or in connection with the purchase or sale of commodities or securities; or " ( C ) any partner, officer, or director of such commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator, or any person performing a similar function or any controlling person thereof is subject to an outstanding order of the Commission denying trading privileges on any contract market to such person, or suspending or revoking the registration of such person as a commodity trading advisor, commodity pool operator, futures commission merchant, or floor broker, or suspending or expelling such person from membership on any contract market. "SEC. 4O. (1) I t shall be unlawful for any commodity ti-ading advisor ^ use 6°. or commodity pool operator registered under this Act, by use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce, directly or indirectly— " (A) to employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud any client or participant or prospective client or participant; or PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 1400 Standards and examinations. 7 u s e 6P. Post, p. 1406. Contract markets. [88 STAT. " ( B ) to engage in any transaction, practice, or course of business which operates as a fraud or deceit upon any client or participant or prospective client or participant. "(2) I t shall be unlawful for any commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator registered under this Act to represent or imply in any manner whatsoever that he has been sponsored, recommended, or approved, or that his abilities or qualifications have in any respect been passed upon by the United States or any agency or oflS.cer thereof: Provided, That this section shall not be construed to prohibit a statement that a person is registered under this Act as a commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator, if such statement is true in fact and if the effect of such registration is not misrepresented." (b) Section 6(b) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 9), is amended by inserting immediately before the words "or as floor broker" each time those words appear, the following: "commodity trading advisor, commodity pool operator,". (c) Section 8a (1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 12a(1)), is amended by inserting immediately before the words "and floor brokers" the following: "commodity trading advisors, commodity pool operators.". SEC. 206, The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by adding the following new section: "SEC. 4p. The Commission may specify by rules and regulations appropriate standards with respect to training, experience, and such other qualifications as the Commission finds necessary or desirable to insure the fitness of futures commission merchants, floor brokers, and those persons associated with futures commission merchants or floor brokers. In connection therewith, the Commission may prescribe by rules and regulations the adoption of written proficiency examinations to be given to applicants for registration as futures commission merchants, floor brokers, and those persons associated with futures commission merchants or floor brokers, and the establishment of reasonable fees to be charged to such applicants to cover the administration of such examinations. The Commission may further prescribe by rules and regulations that, in lieu of examinations administered by the Commission, futures associations registered under section 17 of this Act or contract markets may adopt written proficiency examinations to be given to applicants for registration as futures commission merchants, floor brokers, and those persons associated with futures commission merchants or floor brokers, and charge reasonable fees to such applicants to cover the administration of such examinations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Commission may specify by rules and regulations such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate to protect the public interest wherein exception to any written proficiency examination shall be made with respect to individuals who have demonstrated, through training and experience, the degree of proficiency and skill necessary to protect the interests of the customers of futures commission merchants and floor brokers." SEC. 207. Section 5 of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 7), is amended by adding after subsection (f) thereof the following new subsection: "(g) When such board of trade demonstrates that transactions for future delivery in the commodity for which designation as a contract market is sought will not be contrary to the public interest." SEC. 208. Section 5a of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 7a), is amended— 88 STAT.] 1401 PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23. 1974 (a) By inserting after the word "purposes" in subsection (7) the following: " : And provided further, That this subsection shall ap{)ly only to futures contracts for those commodities which may be delivered from a warehouse subject to the United States Warehouse Act". (b) By striking out "and" at the end of subsection (8). (c) By striking out the period at the end of subsection (9) and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon. (d) By adding at the end of subsection (9) thereof the following new subsection: "(10) permit the delivery of any commodity, on contracts of sale thereof for future delivery, of such grade or grades, at such point or points and at such quality and locational price differentials as will tend to prevent or diminish price manipulation, market congestion, or the abnormal movement of such commodity in interstate commerce. If the Commission after investigation finds that the rules and regulations adopted by a contract market permitting delivery of any commodity on contracts of sale thereof for future delivery, do not accomplish the objectives of this subsection, then the Commission shall notify the contract market of its finding and afford the contract market an opportunity to make appropriate changes in such rules and regulations. If the contract market within seventy-five days of such notification fails to make the changes which in the opinion of the Commission are necessary to accomplish the objectives of this subsection, then the Commission after granting the contract market an opportunity to be heard, may change or supplement such rules and regulations of the contract market to achieve the above objectives: Provided, That any order issued under this paragraph shall not apply to contracts of sale for future delivery in any months in which contracts are currently outstanding and open : And jrrovided further, That no requirement for an additional delivery point or points shall be promulgated following hearings until the contract market affected has had notice and opportunity to file exceptions to the proposed order determining the location and number of such delivery point or points;". SEC. 209. Section 5a of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 7a), is amended by adding a new subsection (11) as follows: "(11) provide a fair and equitable procedure through arbitration or otherwise for the settlement of customers' claims and grievances against any member or employee thereof: Provided, That (i) the use of such procedure by a customer shall be voluntary, (ii) the procedure shall not be applicable to any claim in excess of $15,000, (iii) the procedure shall not result in any compulsory payment except as agreed upon between the parties, and (iv) the term 'customer' as used in this subsection shall not include a futures commission merchant or a floor broker; and". SEC. 210. Section 5a of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 7a), is amended by inserting the following new subsection (12) as follows: "(12) except as otherwise provided in this subsection, submit to the Commission for its approval all bylaws, rules, regulations, and resolutions made or issued by such contract market, or by the governing board thereof or any committee thereof which relate to terms and conditions in contracts of sale to be executed on or subject to the rules of such contract market or relate to other trading requirements except those relating to the setting of levels of margin. The Commission shall approve, within thirty days of their receipt unless the Commission notifies the contract 7 u s e 241. Delivery points. Customers' c l a i m s , arbitration. Commission approval of b y l a w s , r u l e s , regulations, and r e s o l u t i o n s . 1402 Court action. 7 use i3a-i. PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. market of its inability to make such determination within such period of time, such bylaws, rules, regulations, and resolutions upon a determination that such bylaws, rules, regulations, and resolutions are not in violation of the provisions of this Act or the regulations of the Commission and thereafter the Commission shall disapprove, after appropriate notice and opportunity for hearing, any bylaw, rule, regulation, or resolution which the Commission finds at any time is in violation of the provisions of this Act or the regulations of the Commission. The Commission shall specify the terms and conditions under which a contract market may, in an emergency, as defined by the Commission, adopt a temporary rule dealing with trading requirements without prior Commission approval. In the event of such an emergency, as defined by the Commission, requiring immediate action, the contract market by a two-thirds vote of its governing board may place into immediate effect without prior Commission approval a temporary rule dealing with such emergency if it notifies the Commission of such action with a complete explanation of the emergency involved. The Commission may adopt a regulation exempting enumerated types of contract market operational and administrative rules from the requirement that they be submitted to the Commission for its approval." gj,(._ 211. Thc Commodlty Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by inserting the following new section immediately after section 6b (7 U.S.C. 13a) : "SEC. 6C. Whenever it shall appear to the Commission that any contract market or other person has engaged, is engaging, or is about to engage in any act or practice constituting a violation of any provision of this Act or any rule, regulation, or order thereunder, or is restraining trading in any commodity for future delivery, the Commission may bring an action in the proper district court of the United States or the proper United States court of any territory or other place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, to enjoin such act or practice, or to enforce compliance with this Act, or any rule, regulation or order thereunder, and said courts shall have jurisdiction to entertain such actions: Provided^ That no restraining order or injunction for violation of the provisions of this Act shall be issued ex parte by said court. Upon a proper showing, a permanent or temporary injunction or restraining order shall be granted without bond. I Jpon application of the Commission, the district courts of the United States and the United States courts of any territory or other place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States shall also have jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus, or orders affording like relief, commanding any person to comply with the provisions of this Act or any rule, regulation, or order of the Commission thereunder, including the requirement that such person take such action as is necessary to remove the danger of violation of this Act or any such rule, regulation, or order: Provided^ That no such writ of mandamus, or order affording like relief, shall be issued ex parte. Any action under this section may be brought in the district wherein the defendant is found or is an inhabitant or transacts business or in the district where the act or practice occurred, is occurring, or is about to occur, and process in such cases may be served in any district in which the defendant is an inhabitant or wherever the defendant may be found. In lieu of bringing actions itself pursuant to this section, the Commission may request the Attorney General to bring the action. Where the Commission elects to bring the action, it shall inform the Attorney General of such suit and advise him of subsequent developments." 88 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 SEC. 212. (a) Section 6 of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 8, 9, 13b, 15), is amended— (1) By substituting a comma for the period at the end of the fourth sentence in paragraph (b) and adding thereafter the following : "and may assess such person a civil penalty of not more than $100,000 for each such violation." (2) By adding in the sixth sentence in paragraph ( b ) , a comma after the word "petition" and inserting thereafter and before the word "praying" the following phrase: "within fifteen days after the notice of such order is given to the offending pei'son.". (3) By adding after paragraph (c) thereof the following new paragraph: " ( d ) I n determining the amount of the money penalty assessed under paragraph (b) of this section, the Commission shall consider, in the case of a person whose primary business involves the use of the commodity futures market—the appropriateness of such penalty to the size of the business of the person charged, the extent of such person's ability to continue in business, and the gravity of the violation; and in the case of a person whose primary business does not involve the use of the commodity futures market—the appropriateness of such penalty to the net worth of the person charged, and the gravity of the violation. If the offending person upon whom such penalty is imposed, after the lapse of the period allowed for appeal or after the affirmance of such penalty, shall fail to pay such penalty the Commission shall refer the matter to the Attorney General who shall recover such penalty by action in the appropriate United States district court." (b) Section 6b of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 13a), is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 6b. I f any contract market is not enforcing or has not enforced its rules of government made a condition of its designation as set forth in section 5 of this Act, or if any contract market, or any director, officer, agent, or employee of any contract market otherwise is violating or has violated any of the provisions of this Act or any of the rules, regulations, or orders of the Commission thereunder, the Commission may, upon notice and hearing and subject to appeal as in other cases provided for in paragraph (a) of section 6 of this Act, make and enter an order directing that such contract market, director, officer, agent, or employee shall cease and desist from such violation, and assess a civil penalty of not more than $100,000 for each such violation. If such contract market, director, officer, agent, or employee, after the entry of such a cease and desist order and the lapse of the period allowed for appeal of such order or after the affirmance of such order, shall fail or refuse to obey or comply with such order, such contract market, director, officer, agent, or employee shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $100,000 or imprisoned for not less than six months nor more than one year, or both. Each day during which such failure or refusal to obey such cease and desist order continues shall be deemed a separate offense. If the offending contract market or other person upon whom such penalty is imposed, after the lapse of the period allowed for appeal or after the affirmance of such penalty, shall fail to pay such penalty, the Commission shall refer the matter to the Attorney General who shall recover such penalty by action in the appropriate United States district court. I n determining the amount of the money penalty assessed under this section, the Commission shall consider the appropriateness of such penalty to the net worth of the offending person and the gravity of the offense, and in the case of a contract market shall further consider whether the amount of the penalty will mate- 1403 Penalties. 7 use 9a. Notice and hearing. 1404 PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. rially impair the contract market's ability to carry on its operations and duties." (c) Section 6(c) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 13b), is amended by deleting the words "not less than $500 nor more than $10,000" and substituting therefor the words "not more than $100,000". (d) Section 9 of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 13), is amended as follows: (1) Subsection (a) is amended by striking "$10,000" and substituting therefor "$100,000". (2) Subsection (b) is amended by striking "$10,000" and substituting therefor "$100,000". (3) Subsection (c) is amended by striking "$10,000" and substituting therefor "$100,000". rufJl^of comract ^EC. 213. Scctiou 8a of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended market. (7 U.S.C. 12a), is amcudcd by striking subsection (7) and inserting in lieu thereof the following new subsection: "(7) to alter or supplement the rules of a contract market insofar as necessary or appropriate by rule or regulation or by order, if after making the appropriate request in writing to a contract market that such contract market effect on its own behalf specified changes in its rules and practices, and after appropriate notice and opportunity for hearing, the Commission determines that such contract market has not made the changes so required, and that such changes are necessary or appropriate for the protection of persons producing, handling, processing, or consuming any commodity traded for future delivery on such contract market, or the product or byproduct thereof, or for the protection of traders or to insure fair dealing in commodities traded for future delivery on such contract market. Such rules, regulations, or orders may specify changes with respect to such matters as: " ( A ) terms or conditions in contracts of sale to be executed on or subject to the rules of such contract market; " ( B ) the form or manner of execution of purchases and sales for future delivery; " ( C ) other trading requirements, excepting the setting of levels of margin; " ( D ) safeguards with respect to the financial responsibility of members; " ( E ) the manner, method, and place of soliciting business, including the content of such solicitations; and " ( F ) the form and manner of handling, recording, and accounting for customers' orders, transactions, and accounts; Rules for er- ^"^"• sons not memb"^rs SEC. 214. Ssction 8a of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended of a contract mar- (7 U.S.C. 12a), is amended by adding the following new subsection ""''• Emergencies. ( 8 ) : "(8) to make and promulgate such rules and regulations with respect to those persons registered under this Act, who are not members of a contract market, as in the judgment of the Commission are reasonably necessary to protect the public interest and promote just and equitable principles of trade, including but not limited to the manner, method, and place of soliciting business, including the content of such solicitation; and". g ^ 215. Sectiou 8a of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 12a), is amended by adding the following new subsection (9): 88 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 " ( 9 ) to direct the contract market whenever it has reason to believe that an emergency exists, to take such action as, in the Commission's judgment, is necessary to maintain or restore orderly trading in, or liquidation of, any futures contract. The term 'emergency' as used herein shall mean, in addition to threatened or actual market manipulations and corners, any act of the United States or a foreign government affecting a commodity or any other major market disturbance which prevents the market from accurately reflecting the forces of supply and demand for such commodity: Provided, That nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the meaning or interpretation given by a contract market to the terms 'market emergency', 'emergency', or equivalent language in its own bylaws, rules, regulations, or resolutions." SEC. 216. The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by inserting the following new section immediately after section 8b (7U.S.C.12b): "SEC. 8C. (1) (A) Any exchange or the Commission if the exchange fails to act, may suspend, expel, or otherwise discipline any person who is a member of that exchange, or deny any person access to the exchange. Any such action shall be taken solely in accordance with the rules of that exchange. " ( B ) Any suspension, expulsion, disciplinary, or access denial procedure established by an exchange rule shall provide for written notice to the Commission and to the person who is suspended, expelled, or disciplined, or denied access, within thirty days, which includes the reasons for the exchange action in the form and manner the Commission prescribes. Otherwise the notice and reasons shall be kept confidential. "(2) The Commission may, in its discretion and in accordance with such standards and procedures as it deems appropriate, review any decision by an exchange whereby a person is suspended, expelled, otherwise disciplined, or denied access to the exchange. I n addition, the Commission may, in its discretion and upon application of any person who is adversely affected by any other exchange action, review such action. "(3) The Commission may affirm, modify, set aside, or remand any exchange decision it reviews pursuant to subsection (2), after a determination on the record whether the action of the exchange was in accordance with the policies of this Act. Subject to judicial review, any order of the Commission entered pursuant to subsection (2) shall govern the exchange in its further treatment of the matter. "(4) The Commission, in its discretion, may order a stay of any action taken pursuant to subsection (1) pending review thereof." SEC. 217. (a) No person shall offer to enter into, enter into, or confirm the execution of any transaction for the delivery of silver bullion, gold bullion, or bulk silver coins or bulk gold coins, pursuant to a standardized contract commonly known to the trade as a margin account, margin contract, leverage account, or leverage contract contrary to any rule, regulation, or order of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission designed to insure the financial solvency of the transaction or prevent manipulation or fraud: Provided, That such rule, regulation, or order may be made only after notice and opportunity for hearing. If the Commission determines that any such transaction is a contract for future delivery within the meaning of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, such transaction shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of such Act. (b) The provisions of section 9(c) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, shall be applicable with respect to persons who violate the provisions of this section. 1405 "Emergency." ac^^on!^^'"^''' ^ ^^^ ^^c. Notice. jractYfor ouTand silver. ^ ^^^ ^^a. Penalty. ^ "^^ ^^' 1406 PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. TITLE III—ENABLING AUTHOKITY FOR CREATION OF NATIONAL FUTURES ASSOCIATIONS 7 use 21. Ante, p . 1397. SEC. 301. The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by adding the following new section: "SEC. 17. (a) Any association of persons may be registered with the Commission as a registered futures association pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, under the terms and conditions hereinafter provided in this section, by filing with the Commission for review and approval a registration statement in such form as the Commission may prescribe, setting forth the information, and accompanied by the documents, below specified: "(1) Data as to its organization, membership, and rules of procedure, and such other information as the Commission may by rules and regulations require as necessary or appropriate in the public interest; and "(2) Copies of its constitution, charter, or articles of incorporation or association, with all amendments thereto, and of its bylaws, and of any rules or instruments corresponding to the foregoing, whatever the name, hereinafter in this section collectively reterred to as the 'rules of the association'. "(b) An applicant association shall not be registered as a futures association unless the Commission finds, under standards established by the Commission, that— " (1) such association is in the public interest and that it will be able to comply with the provisions of this section and the rules and regulations thereunder and to carry out the purposes of this section; "(2) the rules of the association provide that any person registered under this Act, contract market, or any other person designated pursuant to the rules of the Commission as eligible for membership may become a member of such association, except such as are excluded pursuant to paragraph {'6) or (4) of this subsection, or a rule of the association permitted under this paragraph. The rules of the association may restrict membership in such association on such specified basis relating to the type of business done by its members, or on such other specified and appropriate basis, as appears to the Commission to be necessary or appropriate in the public interest and to carry out the purpose of this section. Rules adopted by the association may provide that the association may, unless the Commission directs otherwise in cases in which the Commission finds it appropriate in the public interest so to direct, deny admission to, or refuse to continue in such association any person if (i) such person, whether prior or subsequent to becoming registered as such, or (ii) any person associated with in the meaning of 'associated person' as set forth in section 4k of this Act, whether prior or subsequent to becoming so associated, has been and is suspended or expelled from a contract market or has been and is barred or suspended from being associated with all members of such contract market, for violation of any rule of such contract market; "(3) the rules of the association provide that, except with the approval or at the direction of the Commission in cases in which the Commission finds it appropriate in the public interest so to approve or direct, no person shall be admitted to or continued in membership in such association, if such person— " ( A ) has been and is suspended or expelled from a registered futures association or from a contract market or has 88 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 been and is barred or suspended from being associated with all members of such association or from being associated with all members of such contract market, for violation of any rule of such association or contract market which prohibits any act or transaction constituting conduct inconsistent with just and equitable principles of trade, or requires any act the omission of which constitutes conduct inconsistent with just and equitable principles of trade; or " ( B ) is subject to an order of the Commission denying, suspending, or revoking his registration pursuant to section 6(b) of this Act (7 U.S.C. 9), or expelling or suspending him from membership in a registered futures association or a contract market, or barring or suspending him from being associated with a futures commission merchant; or " ( C ) whether prior or subsequent to becoming a member, by his conduct while associated with a member, was a cause of any suspension, expulsion, or order of the character described in clause (A) or (B) which is in effect with respect to such member, and in entering such a suspension, expulsion, or order, the Commission or any such contract market or association shall have jurisdiction to determine whether or not any person was a cause thereof; or " ( D ) has associated with him any person who is known, or in the exercise of reasonable care should be known, to him to be a person who would be ineligible for admission to or continuance in membership under clause ( A ) , ( B ) , o r ( C ) of this paragraph. "(4) the rules of the association provide that, except with the approval or at the direction of the Commission in cases in which the Commission finds it appropriate in the public interest so to approve or direct, no person shall become a member and no natural person shall become a person associated with a member, unless such person is qualified to become a member or a person associated with a member in conformity with specified and appropriate standards with respect to the training, experience, and such other qualifications of such person as the association finds necessary or desirable, and in the case of a member, the financial responsibility of such a member. For the purpose of defining such standards and the application thereof, such rules may— " ( A ) appropriately classify prospective members (taking into account relevant matters, including type or nature of business done) and persons proposed to be associated with members. " ( B ) specify that all or any portion of such standard shall be applicable to any such class. " ( C ) require persons in any such class to pass examinations prescribed in accordance with such rules. " ( D ) provide that persons in any such class other than prospective members and partners, officers and supervisory employees (which latter term may be defined by such rules and as so defined shall include branch managers of members) of members, may be qualified solely on the basis of compliance with specified standards of training and such other qualifications as the association finds appropriate. " ( E ) provide that applications to become a member or a person associated with a member shall set forth such facts as the association may prescribe as to the training, experience, and other qualifications (including, in the case of an applicant for membership, financial responsibility) of the appli- 1407 1408 an^°rtco'rd^^""^' PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. cant and that the association shall adopt procedures for verification of qualifications of the applicant. " ( F ) require any class of persons associated with a member to be registered with the association in accordance with procedures specified by such rules (and any application or document supplemental thereto required by such rules of a person seeking to be registered with such association shall, for the purposes of subsection (b) of section 6 of the Act, be deemed an application required to be filed under this section). "(5) the rules of the association assure a fair representation of its members in the adoption of any rule of the association or amendment thereto, the selection of its officers and directors, and in all other phases of the administration of its affairs. "(6) the rules of the association provide for the equitable allocation of dues among its members, to defray reasonable expenses of administration. "(7) the rules of the association are designed to prevent fraudulent and manipulative acts and practices, to promote just and equitable principles of trade, in general, to protect the public interest, and to remove impediments to and perfect the mechanism of free and open futures trading. "(8) the rules of the association provide that its members and persons associated with its members shall be appropriately disciplined, by expulsion, suspension, fine, censure, or being suspended or barred from being associated with all members, or any other fitting penalty, for any violation of its rules. "(9) the rules of the association provide a fair and orderly procedure with respect to the disciplining of members and persons associated with members and the denial of membership to any person seeking membership therein or the barring of any person from being associated with a member. In any proceeding to determine whether any member or other person shall be disciplined, such rules shall require that specific charges be brought; that such member or person shall be notified of, and be given an opportunity to defend against, such charges; that a record shall be kept; and that the determination shall include— " (A) a statement setting forth any act or practice in which such member or other person may be found to have engaged, or which such member or other person may be found to have omitted. " ( B ) a statement setting forth the specific rule or rules of the association of which any such act or practice, or omission to act, is deemed to be in violation. " ( C ) a statement whether the acts or practices prohibited by such rule or rules, or the omisssion of any act required thereby, are deemed to constitute conduct inconsistent with just and equitable principles of trade. ''(^) ^ Statement setting forth the penalty imposed. In any proceeding to determine whether a person shall be denied membership or whether any person shall be barred from being associated with a member, such rules shall provide that the person shall be notified of, and be given an opportunity to be heard upon, the specific grounds for denial or bar which are under consideration ; that a record shall be kept; and that the determination shall set forth the specific grounds upon which the denial or bar is based. "(10) the rules of the association provide for a fair and equitable procedure through arbitration or otherwise for the settlement of a customer's claims and grievances against any member 88 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 1409 or employee thereof: Provided, That (i) the use of such procedure by a customer shall be voluntary, (ii) the procedure shall not be applicable to any claim in excess of $5,000, (iii) the procedure shall not result in any compulsory payment except as agreed upon between the parties, and (iv) the term 'customer' as used in this subsection shall not include a futures commission merchant or a floor broker. Notice and "(c) The Commission may, after notice and opportunity for hear- hearing. ing, suspend the registration of any futures association if it finds that the rules thereof do not conform to the rec[uirements of the Commission, and any such suspension shall remain in effect until the Commission issues an order determining that such rules have been modified to conform with such requirements. " ( d ) I n addition to the fees and charges authorized by section 8a (4) of this Act, each person registered under this Act, who is not a 7 use 12a. member of a futures association registered pursuant to this section, shall pay to the Commission such reasonable fees and charges as may be necessary to defray the costs of additional regulatory duties required to be performed by the Commission because such person is not a member of a registered futures association. The Commission shall establish such additional fees and charges by rules and regulations. "(e) Any person registered under this Act, who is not a member of a futures association registered pursuant to this section, in addition to the other requirements and obligations of this Act and the regulations thereunder shall be subject to such other rules and regulations as the Commission may find necessary to protect the public interest and promote just and equitable principles of trade. " ( f ) Upon filing of an application for registration pursuant to subsection ( a ) , the Commission may by order grant such registration if the requirements of this section are satisfied. If, after appropriate notice and opportunity for hearing, it appears to the Commission that any requirement of this section is not satisfied, the Commission shall by order deny such registration. " ( g ) A registered futures association may, upon such reasonable notice as the Commission may deem necessary in the public interest, withdraw from registration by filing with the Commission a written notice of withdrawal in such form as the Commission may by rules and regulations prescribe. " ( h ) If any registered futures association takes any disciplinary action against any member thereof or any person associated with such a member or denies admission to any person seeking membership therein, or bars any person from being associated with a member, such action shall be subject to review by the Commission, on its own motion, or upon application by any person aggrieved thereby filed within thirty days after such action has been taken or within such longer period as the Commission may determine. Application to the Commission for review, or the institution of review by the Commission on its own motion, shall operate as a stay of such action until an order is issued upon such review pursuant to subsection (k) of this section unless the Commission otherwise orders, after notice and opportunity Notice and for hearing on the question of a stay (which hearing may consist solely ^^""^• of affidavits and oral arguments). "(i) (1) In a proceeding to review disciplinary action taken by a registered futures association against a member thereof or a person associated with a member, if the Commission, after appropriate notice Notice and and opportunity for hearing, upon consideration of the record before ^^^""^• the association and such other evidence as it may deem relevant— 1410 he^r/ng^ ^"^ Notice and hearing. PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. " ( A ) finds that such member or person has engaged in such acts or practices, or has omitted such act, as the association has found him to have engaged in or omitted, and " ( B ) determines that such acts or practices, or omission to act, are in violation of such rules of the association as have been designated in the determination of the association, the Commission shall by order dismiss the proceeding, unless it appears to the Commission that such action should be modified in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection. The Commission shall likewise determine whether the acts or practices prohibited, or the omission of any act required, by any such rule constitute conduct inconsistent with just and equitable principles of trade, and shall so declare. If it appears to the Commission that the evidence does not warrant the finding required in clause ( A ) , or if the Commission determines that such acts or practices as are found to have been engaged in are not prohibited by the designated rule or rules of the association, or that such act as is found to have been omitted is not required by such designated rule or rules, the Commission shall by order set aside the action of the association. "(2) If? after appropriate notice and opportunity for hearing, the Commission finds that any penalty imposed upon a member or person associated with a member is excessive or oppressive, having due regard to the public interest, the Commission shall by order cancel, reduce, or require the remission of such penalty. "(3) In any proceeding to review the denial of membership in a registered futures association or the barring of any person from being associated with a member, if the Commission, after appropriate notice and hearing, and upon consideration of the record before the association and such other evidence as it may deem relevant, determines that the specific grounds on which such denial or bar is based exist in fact and are valid under this section, the Commission shall by order dismiss the proceeding; otherwise, the Commission shall by order set aside the action of the association and require it to admit the applicant to membership therein, or to permit such person to be associated with a member. "(j) Every registered futures association shall file with the Commission in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Commission may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest, copies of any changes in or additions to the rules of the association, and such other information and documents as the Commission may require to keep current or to supplement the registration statement and documents filed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. Any change in or addition to the rules of a registered futures association shall be submitted to the Commission for approval and shall take effect upon the thirtieth day after such approval by the Commission, or upon such earlier date as the Commission may determine, unless the Commission shall enter an order disapproving such change or addition ; and the Commission shall enter such an order unless such change or addition appears to the Commission to be consistent with the requirements of this section and the provisions of this Act. " ( k ) (1) The Commission is authorized by order to abrogate any rule of a registered futures association, if after appropriate notice and opportunity for hearing, it appears to the Commission that such abrogation is necessary or appropriate to assure fair dealing by the members of such association, to assure a fair representation of its members in the administration of its affairs or effectuate the purposes of this title. 88 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 1411 " (2) The Commission may in writing request any registered futures association to adopt any specified alteration or supplement to its rules with respect to any of the matters hereinafter enumerated. If such association fails to adopt such alteration or supplement within a reasonable time, the Commission is authorized by order to alter or supplement the rules of such association in the manner theretofore req^uested, or with such modifications of such alteration or supplement as it deems necessary if, after appropriate notice and opportunity for ^j^°'j" ^"'^ hearing, it appears to the Commission that such alteration or supple- hearing. ment is necessary or appropriate in the public interest or to effectuate the purposes of this section, with respect to— " (A) the basis for, and procedure in connection with, the denial of membership or the barring from being associated with a member or the disciplining of members or persons associated with members, or the qualifications required for members or natural persons associated with members or any class thereof; " ( B ) the method for adoption of any change in or addition to the rules of the association; " ( C ) the method of choosing officers and directors. " (1) The Commission is authorized, if such action appears to it to be necessary or appropriate in the public interest or to carry out the purposes of this section— Notice and "(1) after appropriate notice and opportunity for hearing, by hearing. order to suspend for a period not exceeding twelve months or to revoke the registration of a registered futures association, if the Commission finds that such association has violated any provisions of this title or any rule or regulation thereunder, or has failed to enforce compliance with its own rules, or has engaged in any other activity tending to defeat the purposes of this Act; Notice and "(2) after appropriate notice and opportunity for hearing, by hearing. order to suspend for a period not exceeding twelve months or to expel from a registered futures association any member thereof, or to suspend for a period not exceeding twelve months or to bar any person from being associated with a member thereof, if the Commission finds that such member or person— " (A) has violated any provision of this title or any rule or regulation thereunder, or has effected any transaction for any other person who, he had reason to believe, was violating with respect to such transaction any provision of this title or any rule or regulation thereunder; or " ( B ) has willfully violated any provision of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, or of any rule, regulation, or 7 use i. order thereunder, or has effected any transaction for any other person who, he had reason to believe, was willfully violating with respect to such transaction any provision of such Act or rule, regulation, or order. Notice and "(3) after appropriate notice and opportunity for hearing, by hearing. order to remove from office any officer or director of a registered futures association who, the Commission finds, has willfully failed to enforce the rules of the association, or has willfully abused his authority. Reports to " (m) The Commission shall include in its annual reports to Congress C o n g r e s s . information concerning any futures associations registered pursuant to this section and the effectiveness of such associations in regulating the practices of the members," 1412 PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. TITLE IV—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS or^empToyeeT" ^EC. 401. Sectloii 9 of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended prohibition on (7 U.S.C. 13), Is amended by adding the following new subsections: usTo^f^'i'nfoma" ( ^ ) ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^ fclony punishable by a fine of not more than tion. $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution, for any Commissioner of the Commission or any employee or agent thereof, to participate, directly or indirectly, in any transaction in commodity futures or any transaction of the character of or which is commonly known to the trade as an 'option', 'privilege', 'indemnity', 'bid', 'offer', 'put', 'call', 'advance guaranty', or 'decline guaranty', or for any such person to participate, directly or indirectly, in any investment transaction in an actual commodity: Provided^ That such prohibition against any investment transaction in an actual commodity shall not apply to a transaction in which such person buys an agricultural commodity or livestock for use in his own farming or ranching operations or sells an agricultural commodity which he has produced in connection with his own farming or ranching operations nor to any transaction in which he sells livestock which he has owned at least three months. With respect to such excepted transactions, the Commission shall require any Commissioner of the Commission or any employee or agent thereof who participates in any such transaction to notify the Commission thereof in accordance with such regulations as the Commission shall prescribe and the Commission shall make such information available to the public. "(e) I t shall be a felony punishable by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution—(1) for any Commissioner of the Commission or any employee or agent thereof who, by virtue of his employment or position, acquires information which may affect or tend to affect the price of any commodity futures or commodity and which information has not been made public to impart such information with intent to assist another person, directly or indirectly, to participate in any transaction in commodity futures, any transaction in an actual commodity, or in any transaction of the character of or which is commonly known to the trade as an 'option', 'privilege', 'indemnity', 'bid', 'offer', 'put', 'call', 'advance guaranty', or 'decline guaranty'; and (2) for any person to acquire such information from any Commissioner of the Commission or any employee or agent thereof and to use such information in any transaction in commodity futures, any transaction in an actual commodity, or in any transaction of the character of or which is commonly known to the trade as an 'option', 'privilege', 'indemnity', 'bid', 'offer', 'put', 'call', 'advance guaranty', or 'decline guaranty'." SEC. 402. Section 4c of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 6c), is amended— (a) By inserting " ( a ) "after "SEC. 4c.". (b) By striking paragraph (B) in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ^ ^^^ ^ " ( B ) if such transaction involves any commodity specifically set forth in section 2(a) of this Act, prior to the enactment of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974, and if such transaction is of the character of, or is commonly known to the trade as, an 'option', 'privilege', 'indemnity', 'bid', 'offer', 'put', 'call', 'advance guaranty', or 'decline guaranty', or". (c) By adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: " ( b ) No person shall offer to enter into, enter into, or confirm the execution of, any transaction subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section involving any commodity regulated under this Act, 88 STAT.] 1413 PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 but not specifically set forth in section 2(a) of this Act, prior to the enactment of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974, which is of the character of, or is commonly known to the trade as, an 'option', 'privilege', 'indemnity', 'bid', 'offer', 'put', 'call', 'advance guaranty', or 'decline guaranty', contrary to any rule, regulation, or order of the Commission prohibiting any such transaction or allowing any such transaction under such terms and conditions as the Commission shall prescribe within one year after the effective date of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974 unless the Commission determines and notifies the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry and the House Committee on Agriculture that it is unable to prescribe such terms and conditions within such period of time: Provided^ That any such order, rule, or regulation may be made only after notice and opportunity for hearing: And provided further^ That the Commission may set different terms and conditions for different markets." (d) By striking the last sentence of subsection (a) as designated by this section. SEC. 403. Section 4 a ( l ) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 6a), is amended by inserting, following the word "straddles" in the last sentence of such paragraph the words "or 'arbitrage'" and by adding the following new sentences at the end of such paragraph: "The word 'arbitrage' in domestic markets shall be defined to mean the same as a 'spread' or 'straddle'. The Commission is authorized to define the term 'international arbitrage'." SEC. 404. Section 4a (3) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 6a), is amended by deleting the period at the end of the first sentence and adding "as such terms shall be defined by the Commission within ninety days after the effective date of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974 by order consistent with the purposes of this Act."; and by deleting, effective immediately on enactment of this Act, the remainder of paragraph (3) : Provided^ That notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Agriculture, immediately upon the enactment of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974, is authorized and directed to promulgate regulations defining bona fide hedging transactions and positions: And provided further^ That until the Secretary issues such regulations defining bona fide hedging transactions and positions and such regulations are in full force and effect, such terms shall continue to be defined as set forth in the Commodity Exchange Act prior to its amendment by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974. SEC. 405. Section 4b of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 6b), is amended— (a) By deleting the word 'cotton" where it appears in the last full paragraph of such section, and inserting in lieu thereof the words "a commodity". (b) By striking the period at the end of such section and adding the following: " : And provided further^ That such transactions shall be made in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Commission may promulgate regarding the manner of the execution of such transactions." SEC. 406. Section 5a(6) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 7a), is amended by deleting the semicolon at the end of said subsection and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "and adopted by the Commission;". SEC. 407. Section 5a(8) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 7a), is amended— 38-194 O - 76 - 7 pt. 2 7 u s e 2. Notification of congressional committees. 'Arbitrage. Hedging transactions. Regulations. 7 u s e 1. Simultaneous buying and selling orders. eonformity to U.S. s t a n d a r d s . 1414 Administrative Law J u d g e . Violations. Ante, pp. 13971399. Position classification. Transfer of operations and proceedings. 7 u s e 4a note. 7 u s e 4a note. Separability. 7 u s e 4a note. Market reports. 7 u s e 20. PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 [88 STAT. (a) By deleting the words "not been disapproved by the Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to paragraph (7) of section 8a" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "been approved by the Commission pursuant to paragraph (12) of section 5a". (b) By deleting the word "so", and inserting the words "by the Commission" immediately before the semicolon at the end of such subsection. SEC. 408. Section 6(b) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 9), is amended— (a) By striking in the second sentence "a referee" and inserting in lieu thereof "an Administrative Law Judge". (b) By striking the word "referee" each other place it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "Administrative Law Judge". SEC. 409. Section 9(c) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 13), is amended by inserting after "section 4i" the following: "section 4k, section 4m, section 4o,". SEC. 410. Section 5108(c) of title 5 of the United States Code is amended by adding after paragraph (11) thereof the following new paragraph: "(12) The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, subject to the standards and procedures prescribed by this chapter, may place an additional twenty positions in (iS-16, GS-17, and GS-18 for purposes of carrying out its functions." SEC. 411. All operations of the Commodity Exchange Commission and of the Secretary of Agriculture under the Commodity Exchange Act, including all pending administrative proceedings, shall be transferred to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as of the effective date of this Act and continue to completion. All rules, regulations, and orders heretofore issued by the Commodity Exchange Commission and by the Secretary of Agriculture under the Commodity Exchange Act to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act shall continue in full force and effect unless and until terminated, modified, or suspended by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. SEC. 412. Pending proceedings under existing law shall not be abated by reason of any provision of this Act but shall be disposed of pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, in effect prior to the effective date of this Act. SEC. 418. If any provision of this Act or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of the Act and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. SEC. 414. The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by adding the following new section at the end thereof: "SEC. 16. (a) The Commission may conduct regular investigations of the markets for goods, articles, services, rights, and interests which are the subject of futures contracts, and furnish reports of the findings of these investigations to the public on a regular basis. These market reports shall, where appropriate, include information on the supply, demand, prices, and other conditions in the United States and other countries with respect to such goods, articles, services, rights, interests, and information respecting the futures markets. "(b) The Commission shall cooperate with the Department of Agriculture and any other Department or Federal agency which makes market investigations to avoid unnecessary duplication of information-gathering activities. "(c) The Department of Agriculture and any other Department or Federal agency which has market information sought by the Commis- ! 88 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-463-OCT. 23, 1974 sion shall furnish it to the Commission upon the request of any authorized employee of the Commission. The Commission shall abide by any rules of confidentiality applying to such information. " ( d ) The Commission shall not disclose in such reports data and information which would separately disclose the business transactions of any person and trade secrets or names of customers except as provided in section 8 of this Act." SEC. 415. Section 4g of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by inserting " ( 1 ) " after the section designation and by adding the following new subsections: "(2) Every clearinghouse and contract market shall maintain daily trading records. The daily trading records shall include such information as the Commission shall prescribe by rule. "(3) Brokers and futures commission merchants shall maintain daily trading records for each customer in such manner and form as to be identifiable with the trades referred to in subsection (2). "(4) Daily trading records shall be maintained in a form suitable to the Commission for such period as may be required by the Commission. Reports shall be made from the records maintained at such times and at such places and in such form as the Commission may prescribe by rule, order, or regulation in order to protect the public interest and the interest of persons trading in commodity futures. "(5) Before the beginning of trading each day, the exchange shall, insofar as is practicable and under terms and conditions specified by the Commission, make public the volume of trading on each type of contract for the previous day and such other information as the Commission deems necessary in the public interest and prescribes Dy rule, order, or regulation. "(6) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit the Commission from making separate determinations for different clearinghouses, contract markets, and exchanges when such determinations are warranted in the judgment of the Commission." SEC. 416. The Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "SEC. 18. (a) The Commission shall establish and maintain, as part of its ongoing operations, research and information programs to (1) determine the feasibility of trading by computer, and the expanded use of modern information system technology, electronic data processing, and modern communication systems by commodity exchanges, boards of trade, and by the Commission itself for purposes of improving, strengthening, facilitating, or regulating futures trading operations; (2) assist in the development of educational and other informational materials regarding futures trading for dissemination and use among producers, market users, and the general public; and (3) carry out the general purposes of this Act. " (b) The Commission shall include in its annual reports to Congress plans and findings with respect to implementing this section." SEC. 417. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission shall submit to the Congress, not later than June 30,1976, a report respecting the need for legislation insuring owners of commodity futures accounts and persons handling or clearing trades in such accounts against loss by reason of the insolvency or financial failure of a futures commission merchant carrying such accounts. The report shall contain the recommendations of the Commission concerning the form and nature of any such legislation. SEC. 418. (a) Except as otherwise provided specifically in this Act, the effective date of this Act shall be the 180th day after enactment. The Commission referred to in section 101 is hereby established effective immediately on enactment of this Act. Sections 102 and 410 shall 1415 7 use 12, 12-1. oaiiy trading '^^7°usc eg. . Research and g"am™^ ^°" ^'^°' 7 use 22. Reports to eongress. insurance legis^^7'^se 4a note. Effective date, ^ ^^^ ^ "°*^- 1416 PUBLIC LAW 93-464-OCT. 24, 1974 [88 STAT. bo effective immediately on enactment of this Act. Activities necessary to implement the changes effected by this Act may be carried out after the date of enactment and before as well as after the 180th day thereafter. Activities to be carried out after the date of enactment and before the 180th day thereafter may include, but are not limited to the following : designation of boards of trade as contract markets, registration of futures commission merchants, floor brokers, and other persons required to be registered under the Act, approval or modification of bylaws, rules, regulations, and resolutions of contract markets, and issuance of regulations, effective on or after the 180th day after enactment; appointment and compensation of the members of the Commission ; hiring and compensation of staff; and conducting of investigations and hearings. Nothing in this Act shall limit the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture or the Commodity Exchange Commission under the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, prior to the 180th day after enactment of this Act. (b) Funds appropriated for the administration of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, may be used to implement this Act immediately after the date of enactment of this Act. Approved October 23, 1974. Public Law 93-464 October 24, 1974 [H. R . 1 6 8 5 7 ] Tobacco. Acreage allotments or q u o t a s , N . C . , l e a s e and transfer. 7 u s e 1314b. AN ACT To provide for emergency allotment lease and transfer of tobacco allotments or quotas for 1974 in certain disaster areas in North Carolina. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled^ That section 316 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection ( h ) : " ( h ) Notwithstanding any provision of this section, when as a result of drought, flood, damage due to excessive rain, hail, wind, tornado, or other natural disaster, the Secretary determines (1) that one of the counties hereinafter listed has suffered a loss of 10 per centum or more in the number of acres of tobacco planted, and (2) that a lease of such tobacco allotment or quota will not impair the effective operation of the tobacco marketing quota or price support program, he may permit the owner and operator of any farm within Craven, Carteret and Jones Counties, North Carolina, which has suffered a loss of 10 per centum or more in the number of acres of tobacco planted of such crop to lease all or any part of such allotment or quota to any other owners or operators in the same county, or nearby counties within the same State, for use in such counties for the year 1974 on a farm or farms having a current tobacco allotment or quota of the same kind. In the case of a lease and transfer to an owner or operator in another county pursuant to this subsection, the lease and transfer shall not be effective until a copy of the lease is filed with and determined by the county committee of the county to which the transfer is made to be in compliance with the provisions of this subsection.". Approved October 24, 1974.