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The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Convention Number We Make . . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 Primary Markets in Over-the-Counter Securities For Banks, Brokers Dealers & Financial Institutions Your Orders Invited Inquiries In'vited the Purchase or on Sale of Large Blocks of Stocks Private Wires to: Atlanta__ _u___ R. S. Dickson & Co., Inc. Wm. A. Fuller & Co. Chicago J. N. Russell & Co., Inc. Cleveland Vercoe & Co. Columbus, 0. Dallas Union Securities Company Dallas- Detroit Baker, Simonds & Co. Grand Rapids King and Company Middlebrook, Inc. __ Coburn & Hartford--- A. G. Edwards & Sons Houston_ Indianapolis John A. Kemper & Co. Kansas City, Mo.--Barret, Fitch, North & Co., Inc. Kansas City, Mo. H. O. Peet & Co. Los Angeles Currier & Carlsen, Incorporated Louisville The Kentucky Company -----Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Philadelphia__ H. A. Riecke & Co.. Inc. Pittsburgh--Arthurs, Lestrange & Co. Portland, Oregon Black & Co., Inc. Salt Lake City —--.Edward L. Burton & Co. San Antonio Dewar, Robertson & Pancoast Minneapolis --.- Sutro & Co. San Francisco Fusz-Schmelzle & Co., Inc. St. Louis Washington, D. C. Rouse, Brewer, Becker & Bryant, Inc. Troster, Singer & Co. Members: I' . 74 • • ' " New York Security Dealers * Association Trinity Place, New York 6, N. Y. . : Telephone HAnover 2-2400 . . . . I •' ' • ■ ■ Teletype 212-571-1780; 1781; 1782 Volume 196 Number 6216 . . . The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 3 N. S.T.A. OFFICERS and EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FIRST PRESIDENT Earl Officers and Hagensieker Reinholdt & Gardner, St. Louis i VICE-PRESIDENT SECOND SECRETARY VICE-PRESIDENT Alfred F. Tisch Joe E. Hutton Allen L. Fitzgerald & Equitable Securities Corporation, Sanders & Company, New York City Oliver, Jr. Company, Dallas TREASURER Sidney J. Sanders Foster & Marshall Inc., Seattle Nashville Executive / Council: 1963 ? Au * 1 J Charles A. Bodie, Jr. Stein Bros. & Boyce, Baltimore Morton A. Cayne J. N. Russell & Co., Inc., Cleveland Nathan A. Krumholz Ogden, Wechsler & Krumholz, Inc. ^1. P. O'Rourke, Jr. Joseph E. Smith Donald E. Summered J. P. O'Rourke Newburger & Co., Philadelphia Wagenseller £ Durst, Inc., Los Angeles <£ Co., Chicago New York SECOND FIRST PRESIDENT Officers and Charles A. Bodie, Jr. Stein Bros. & Boyce, Baltimore VICE-PRESIDENT Earl Hagensieker Reinholdt & Gardner, St. Louis SECRETARY Allen L. Oliver, VICE-PRESIDENT Jr. Sanders & Company, Dallas TREASURER Alfred F. Tisch Sidney J. Sanders Fitzgerald & Company, New York City Foster & Marshall Inc. , Executive Council: 1962 Leonard Friedman Joe E. Hutton /. N. Russell & Co., Boettcher and Inc., Cleveland Company, Chicago Equitable Securities Corporation, Morton A. Cayne Nashville Edward J. Kelly Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Co., New York City Joseph E. Smith Donald E. Summered Newburger & Co., Philadelphia Wagenseller <ft Durst, Inc., Los Angeles Thp Commercial and Financial Chronicle 4 1962-1963 . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 . 1960-1961 1961-1962 CONTENTS I Past Presidents ' ; I ' ' " Articles and News PAGE and Executive Council Officers NSTA of the NSTA Past Presidents of the N. S. T. A. * Hs Stein Bros. & Boyce, Baltimore Edward J. Joseph E. Smith Newburger & Co., Kelly . AAAA OTC Market Co., A . :. v.. Market OTC — Receiving 1957-1958 1958-1959 1956-1957 Charles President Retiring 5 Just A. Bodie 1959-1960 ■' Earl L. Hagensieker Gradually Is Recognition ■,.. and the (Industry —President-Elect New York City 4 —. # * 1963: Year of Decision for the NSTA Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Philadelphia A • ■ Charles A. Bodie, Jr. 3 6 — 1954-1955 1955-1956 v"- ' I the Will How * Railroad Proposed by Calvert— L. Aid—Gordon Federal f ,MmL. Threatened Independence State-Local 10 Mergers 14 Benefit Investors?—Pierre R. Bretey >r Economy's American The Potential and 16 Problems—Robert R. Dockson "■ A;V .v'-AAA:;: * * '.'A * CHAIRMEN COMMITTEE OF REPORTS ■ "Traders Bulletin" Does Vital Work for the Robert D. Diehl May & Gannon, Inc. Boston, Mass. John W. Bunn Phillip J. Clark The Robinson- Stifel, Nicolaus & Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. 7 Deceased Humphrey Company, Company, Incorpo¬ rated, St. Louis William J. Burke, Jr. Cruttenden & Co., Lex Jolley and, McFarland B. OTC Education Committee and NSTA Public Inc., Atlanta, Ga. Lester J. Thorsen Glore, Forgan & Co., Chicago Rice WillardT F. NSTA—Co-Editors James Committee Relations Report) (Joint — Chairmen Edward J. Kelly and Motton Cayne A. —Chairman Edgar A. Christian 1951-1952 1952-1953 1953-1954 1950-1951 1949-1950 _____ Committee Harry J. Wilson.— Membership men Committee Report—Co-Chair- * Awards Announces J. Koch_ 18 * * Program — OTC Motion Picture Film Now Available 11 13 Nominating Committee for 1963 of List Those in Attendance at 1962 Con¬ 18 vention Goldman, Sachs & Co., New York Shearson, Hammill & Co., Detroit John F. Egan First California Com pany, Incorporated, H. Frank Burkholder Edward H. Welch Equitable Securities Corporation, Sincere & Com¬ San Francisco 1945-1946 Chicago Nashville 1942-1944 1944-1945 pany, 1941-1942 1941-1942 R. Victor Mosley Suplee, Yeatman, Mosley Co., Incorpo¬ rated, Philadelphia 1940-1941 7 9 Delegates-at-Large and Alternates. Hastings 10 — 12 William R. Hough and Otto * NSTA Report Securities Chairman H. Russell j, 1946-1948 Municipal Harry L. Arnold 8 __ Corporate and Legislative Committee Report 19 Roster of NSTA Affiliates and Members Sites and Dates of 1963 apd 1964 Conventions 69 Index to Affiliates Security Dealers Association 55 Baltimore Security 55 Boston Traders Association Securities Traders Association... 36 Alabama 35 31 Carolinas, The Security Dealers of the Chicago, Security Traders Association of Cincinnati Stock and Bond Club, Cleveland 56 Inc 54 Security Traders Association Connecticut, Security Traders Assn. of.—___ 30 Dallas 49 38 Security Dealers Association.— Denver, Bond Club of Detroit and Michigan, Association Edw. E. Parsons, Jr. Graham-Conway Co., Louisville Parsons & Co., Inc., Cleveland Joseph W.Sener Herbert H. Blizzard Thomas A. Akin Newman, Brown & John C. Legg & Col. U.S.A.F.R.(Ret.) Deceased Co., Inc., New Company, Baltimore Wm. Perry Brown 47 Georgia Security Dealers Association 43 58 60 53 42 Kansas Los Orleans 63 Dealers Association Florida Security Thomas Graham Securities Traders of City Security Traders Association Angeles, Security Traders Assn. of Louisville, Bond Club of— Memphis Security Dealers Association 1938-1939 1939-1940 1936-1937 1936-1938 1935-1936 1934-1935 Nashville Association of Securities Dealers— New Orleans Security Traders New York, Security Traders Association. _ 64 27 Association of__ 19 Philadelphia, Investment Traders Assn. of— 28 46 59 Portland (Oregon), Security Traders Assn. of 69 St. Louis, Security Traders Club of— 66 Phoenix, Bond Club of T Pittsburgh Securities Traders Association St. 45 Petersburg Stock & Bond Club San Francisco Security Traders Association. Seattle Security Traders Association _ 67 52 Syracuse, N. Y., Bond Club of / f Edward D. Jones & Willis M. Summers I Co., St. Louis Deceased Arthur E. Farrell James J. McNulty & Company, Chicago J. Gentry Daggy Deceased 34 Association Utah Securities Dealers Association m4 Edward D. Jones 33 Twin City Security Traders 67 Washington, D. C., Security Dealers and Traders Henry J. Arnold W. W. Cruttenden Geo. Eustis & Co., Cincinnati Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller, Chicago Association of 27 Members of the NSTA Unaffiliated with Local Organizations 70 Volume 196 Number 6216 . . The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . Many of 1963: Year of Decision and have For the NSTA and the Hagensieker,* President-Elect, National perhaps attended NSTA more to education increase OTC and public relations investor market. Mr. confidence Hagensieker in, program and urges thle certainty just what business and market condi¬ active traders attended this first meet¬ is with gratitude National great humility and have bestowed upon me To me, true this is not but lenge—a (1) it is very To a you for the honor the actually develop started years ago my respect or a work ments. many know we still we are five years us seen ened relationship are are the on the on our right track; Earl L. 1963 see markets before long planning and range seen ups the years. over slow there's the are and downs in When business we tendency to sit and "Let's wait and make sure some see what happens commitments." any Gentlemen, I'm and I know all of us have from time degree shared in these atti¬ in the past, and I honestly believe this thinking has been responsible for many of the as a year Hagensieker diate Challenge will* do about the imme¬ problems which will face curity Dealers and the Stock Exchanges which have efforts and tention to both us. objectives during the upcoming our working with problems of challenge in two distinct we in are for We've all to time and to and, second, what and goals. worry and say right track. First, what areas. other recognized the sincerity of time is good there's always a tendency to be "too busy" to do anything about the future, and when accomplish¬ you the we business. our tudes strength¬ with is the OTC market Many NSTA our opinion, is what my going to do about the future of Now have expressed their satis¬ agencies of the industry, namely, the Investment Bankers Association, National Association of Se¬ programs Equally important, in for our efforts. NSTA born, de¬ I have had the opportunity appreciation in association and the indus¬ our Long-Range Planning Essential realistic 1963—A Year of I To maintain state with try in these matters. for the benefit (2) can These will be immediate responsi¬ they will call for positive action in public and industry service. I assure mutual interest of first Many of them have said it in words and by their subscriptions. Gentlemen, they industry and the invest¬ ing public. our of the Executive Council the on members of years ago our Since that number of the affiliates. faction and their three or developed and further this year of the two some security business. partners During last four real challenge: further our to visit chal¬ a the Strictly speaking, I have velop and mature. you public relations program which was and of come a means meeting we have developed into the hard-work¬ ing, sincere organization that NSTA is today and in many instances we arte the pulse of our firms, this day. dream of sion Security Traders Association Inc. for the 1963, ant I do thank year constructive provide benefits derived from discussing matters pertinent to the trading divi¬ the Presidency of the that I accept properly. This one you that as President I will deeply feel my re¬ sponsibility and will conscientiously work in the base sense no tions will be. acting on the deep a time when a bilities and major goals and challenges facing the forward-moving organization, It at come ethical conduct, to time" of, that this work is carried out will being to promote the general welfare of its mem¬ bers, to establish and maintain high standards of Security understanding letup in no agencies of the industry and they with us see ing; they organized NSTA, their main objective solid a on other to conven¬ anyone personal acquaintance, and to afford put 1934 of young, Reinholdt & Gardner, St. Louis, Mo. Incoming spokesman for the NSTA declares "now is in presently attending with the exception of Mr. Ed Welch. An excellent group Traders Association, Inc.; Co-Manager of Trading Department, to We will also be charged with the task of admin¬ istering changes and I feel that we should join privileged to was original meeting of NSTA tions than OTC Market Industry By Earl L. know that I you the attend 5 we can us I do in 1963 for the long our long am opportunities to grow with it. benefit of everybody who intends to stay this business. I feel we must give special at¬ immediate and face today. confident that our national economy is going to grow and the OTC market has wonderful during 1963; range our we stay in this business next and many years range that year. now year, I am after that, and I is the time we planning to and the must go year am after, convinced to work to help insure that future. (3) The year 1963 could be a year To develop other programs for the benefit ization, also to aid and to continue the interest of decision for industry and NSTA. The results of the SEC study will be known and I'm sure our association in will of NSTA and to our affiliates NSTA is only as as we strong must as bear in mind that in its affiliates. Bonds The OTC education program has proved what the improve ethics within our organ¬ • assist and moves we can Most but it important, cooperate in every way possible for the do is I still think, good of the investing public. Preferred Stocks W: Distribution Retail Primary Markets Industrial and Public Utility distributing facilities Companies through 28 offices i located in 1 States, Municipalities and Public Authorities principal financial and business centers. 1 United States Government and Agencies Coast to Coast « Complete Trading Facilities Banks and Insurance I Companies Blyth 6, Co., Inc. New York Boston Louisville Pasadena Fresno San Francisco Philadelphia Detroit • • • Los Angeles • Pittsburgh ' Milwaukee • Spokane San Jose Chicago • • Minneapolis Sacramento Palo Alto • • Portland Seattle Indianapolis Cleveland • • Oxnard Oakland Kansas City • Eureka • is that the Continued Common Stocks • only in its beginning. San Diego • Tacoma • Reno progress on page 9 OTC Market Is Gradually for Traders Association Inc., Manager, Bros. Though proud & of the retiring spokesman Boyce, NSTA's of the accomplishments last selling the OTC market. Cited year, impressive gains made in the are getting the OTC market better known, and in making the NSTA viable ties business. Mr. Bodie charges much a has well a rounded will been office a said that 1962 would be eventful market and NSTA. then OTC the I had idea no I that making I'm the What in mind that that take these might education program the up. Charles A. Bodie, Jr. also and the study mis¬ people some with¬ were have We of excess have there and number of broad¬ any public and the newspaper appreciative of and con something sure Just When to matters, I urge I'm our by the Philadelphia views few months ago. matters on consideration. Inquirer you about say to speak you market in prominently featured was sponsored Clinic Investors an by the Oregon Journal, the New they will be glad to York Stock Exchange, and the And I'm glad to report OTC in one that the moving now ahead in its second year. It's con¬ which we find out whether anything program, is program tinuing because it is doing a con- As¬ Dealers Security sociation. We Program Moving Ahead relations beginning to get are increasing number of requests an speakers at seminars, invest¬ for ment 1 c meetings b u broadcast all' have m groups and Network 1 and Bonds Markets in Research Comprehensive * 300 over Unlisted market the are stitute operative in New of ber been to direct wires Columbus Cleveland Grand Rapids Reno Dallas Malone and Rome, N. Y. Victoria, Tex. Potsdam St. Louis Santa Ana a Washington w Joplin i New Orleans i Pikesville, Md. Phoenix Rapid City, S. Dak. Salt Lake City Sante Fe » Seattle Redlands, Cal. San Antonio Toronto Westwood San Diego Tulsa Whittier Utica that know too new companies added to Standard has & Poor?s 200 12 surface the impression that we have in a our of Rapid that can comes the Growth Right we now have to sell the have We seems been like certain setback OTC market. were show second issues to situations SPECIALISTS the OTC OTC place to market of quality can that be before. any only temporary United States ★ Government ★ at few groups. of the Federal Agency ★ some State ★ just are a and Municipal for women in¬ These ★ things that have been ★ year. was: and with and NSTA working other so contribute to goals; closer ties with I on and re¬ industry organizations could to that united develop assist them in at our Affiliates and assuming leadership the local and regional level in public relations for the a whole. C. J. DEVINE & CO. 48 Wall Chicago • HAnover 2-2727 Street, New York 5 Boston Cleveland • • Philadelphia Cincinnati • • Washington St. Louis OTC market and the securities industry as " * strengthen the establish groups industry to * the administration went our Securities ★ remember, when I as¬ D/recf W/res to all Offices • • It business ★ ★ it and through market this ★ have no when IN ★ in and 19 growth potential. businesses association. takes securities other program May that facts other the individual our since market scratched great deal to our industry a and to only job—far from materials supply is¬ We num¬ arrangements I m 1962 Stock traded stocks. We know of many We and October Monthly don't want Training surprising clubs lationships Fullerton Nashville it. the sue. what of in Digests' repre¬ I enthusiasm. University. to women's bonds Boston portfolios are institutional more Stocks a Exchange Stock made record for Des Moines Denver picture companies 10% do because sponsored by IBA and the You may Clearwater Indianapolis Minneapolis Philadelphia Oxnard Portland, Ore. Cincinnati Fayetteville, Ark. ftouston Harrisburg Oklahoma City San Francisco Christ! Corpus Los Angeles Kansas City Pittsburgh Chicago Parmington, N. M. El Paso Detroit Bismarck Baltimore in done. Perhaps I accomplished in the program this Correspondents in the following cities: Asheville Burlington Burlingame a increas¬ are Digest than in their January paint to mean We know that in¬ investors OTC held similar Remains to Be March last sumed office last year, one of Charlottesville Anaheim Albuquerque to glowing been inquiries from women in¬ things have with vestors GREGSONS 1 Data don't aver¬ ten and OTC the Summer instances speakers Municipal Teletype: 212 571-1741 • on us past five, ing their OTC holdings. A recent analysis shows that 300 widely projects during the coming year. and, for the School We have had Telephone WHitehall 3-7600 Cable Address: with working aver¬ greater used S Trading Teletype: 212 571-1740 We program I QP/vee/ 72 One widely history, the York i Midwest Stock Exchange stitutional sented in IBA Wharton 11 American Stock Exchange and the twenty years. coop¬ projects, OTC over understand that IBA is interested sponsored In¬ Investment Banking at of vestors • orders represented the Northwestern Members and ★ 11 York Stock Exchange industry being in was in panel i New folders country. the over time Course Securities ages eration in the development of co¬ create OTC in training programs and Primary • understanding his stock show growth than the Dow-Jones are ler, Educational Director of IBA, for all today stockholders. the Corporate Securities * Underwriters of State, Municipal and Revenue Bonds ' Complete Brokerage Service Stocks We deeply grateful to Erwin Boehm- have completed the getting are ss Cor respondent Association. insurance and ages mar¬ whole. Industrial, utility, a as bank Investment the with been Bankers than the securities economy ket of these in their dividend mailing first in Adding OTC Stocks distributed 32 thousand materials I justify it. or¬ of to of four-page Within Underwriters of don't companies traded in the OTC all The facts and figures just range. work with us on The In¬ requests public for these book¬ company to • OTC down¬ to reason no be pessimistic aboul; the market short term or long or a as industry projects mean from Coas t-to-Coas t these hy recognized now grade industry and organizations. We are Institutional Portfolios Increasing received has recently prepared and dis¬ market paid other and Exchange, my orders. thousands tributed stocks have that traded. OTC There's of lets. for m copies 100,000 Bureau the We IS OTC the out last Janu¬ came getting formation from of1 173 Groups Much printed to date and we have been literally OTC are years 119 and for and seen than More still paying Actually, 34 to consecutively for more 100 than Demand in Booklet booklet which are dividend long listed. are dividends Liaison With Other Industry I ary. A leading stocks which have paid 39 Accomplished You investments. dividends since the year 1900 are appearances; OTC to creates the impression one ALL that important and responsible associ¬ ation in the securities industry. has few weeks ago the OTC a quality are stocks mutual in¬ Perhaps one of the most a rewarding of these associations welcome and an knew the first we ties recent recognition for NSTA as an ganizations i For discouraging constructive We know that over the years first time in history a working elerpent of the industry the OTC market has been more and they have expressed interest responsive to growth in our has published a sup¬ casts. found million 15 been Portland on would be a crucial one for would that is in rounded portfolio, well a sometimes is it the past year hear from you. embarking was and are pro under knew that NSTA year both an¬ form what clude both OTC and listed securi¬ more formation Bureau materials conducting the study to be they have nobody better a industry. by SEC cooperation and nounced wider accurate and a fact that the prudent investor in¬ was terest. had just been these the OTC market within on in achieving read some of the advertising that goals for NSTA. Taking the implies that ONLY listed securi¬ in continuing to SEC the been believe we tributed importantly to lieve was study has There as industry and stressing the I read ties in evidenced in the greetings conscientious, understanding, hard plement devoted exclusively to working and fair minded. I be¬ the OTC market. This was done had I create say foundation. out those year. to held about the the of glad givings derstate- ment done to be lic and within our probably was u n crucial a for year However, as purpose. We have established contacts and than ever before in estimated that working relationships with IBA, understanding of the OTC market its history. It's and upgrade attitudes toward it readership of newspaper and NASD, the New York Stock Ex¬ Stock and NSTA on the part of the pub¬ magazines which published In¬ change, the American could I ago year display in the in see information factual portfolio. reports When I took first examples of what accomplished in press relations. the investor to include OTC issues with listed securities if he is to have united earlier, the program has also con¬ < the lobby some still must be done to educate more mary much As program progress You part of the organization and structure of the securities in¬ dustry. Thursday, November 29, 1962 . report and will be leadership in this industry ac¬ getting the committee reports at tivity has been a great help in this convention so I won't go into establishing better working rela¬ detail but I would like to men¬ tionships with other groups and tion a few highlights. organizations. It has also won only the surface has been scratched in says firms and sponsor organizations in the securi¬ other year Md. Baltimore, with Many of you have seen the Stein Trading Department, . industry and has reflected was designed to do a job for the favorably on NSTA in its OTC market and that is its pri¬ relations By Charles A. Bodie, Jr,* Retiring President, National Security . our most Receiving Just Recognition Education OTC The job needed much and structive and Chronicle The Commercial and Financial 6 Pittsburgh San Francisco Volume and I'm sure fidence that is Number 196 the so will future the Urges OTC not that know fact must be we people responsible is market an business securities we cation to out count can I'm Program and their have must the for do to this address by role of played Bulletin by behalf in the impor- the of Traders the NSTA provided by the Co-Editors of School" and the vertising OTC Boca RATON, Fla.—An awards recognize toward will which contributions and wider knowledge better understanding securities market was of the OTC announced by Charles A. Bodie, Jr., President National the of Association for been NSTA convention annual 29th at Boca Raton James B. McFarland Association's the their report and annual for awards to individuals and organi¬ zations in the fields of in Palm its tivities OTC We market. making important feel create better President various they are informed Citations two before the year end. announce Affiliates. page Community their voluntary year help, program as the gets under¬ Further articles included by i Chairman of Joseph the E. a Smith, Nominating Guest a Wilson, Board of Speaker, Chairman Holiday Orchids to the Ladies of Inns Samuel of America, Inc. and his picture. A Hill, final program for our 29th NSTA rated, Convention all closed by this Royal Editor of was also included. We issue H. with Plenty, the help and biography of Convention Kemmons the by gracious an article tion Philadelphia In¬ Magid, & President Co., New York City, the tional Financial E. Thompson ladies presented attending the Na¬ Security Traders Associa¬ Convention with orchid cor¬ sages. April edition's gave a se¬ to suit every "Progress clear cut picture of very the aims of 'association in our OTC the contributing the Assistant and Report-NSTA" by President Bodie as a to in-America followed curities industry. the excellent issue. "The Executive and from Counsel, IBA, completed the corporations, Advertising An Council of sponsor Program." by re¬ Educational endorsement by an NSTA "Invest- This "NSTA was Goes to Investors 1962 III 111 Securities of the United States lil "111 III SfAIIIfANP1 The Government and its Agencies ii State, Municipal, Revenue and Housing MUNICIPAL; B0§IDS IlilSMlNMENTl Ip jil iSMii! A MB/ i A Securities Bonds, Preferred and Common Stocks of u ;y.v.VA-<^ rot ! Lil 44 Downtown Headquarters: 55 Wall Street, New Dept. BANK York 15, N. Y. Municipal Dept.; Phone 559-8571, Teletype: 571-0830 U.S. Government Dept.: Member v.- Boston Company Stocks Bankers' Phone 559-833.1, Teletype: 571-0877 Federal Deposit Insurance • NEW YORK 5 DIgby 4-1515 Chicago Philadelphia Acceptances Certificates of Pittsburgh Cleveland San Francisco Deposit Securities of the International Bank for NATIONAL CITY State and I Casualty, Fire and Life Insurance jil FIRST Bond —K. CORPORATION Corporations ' 20 Exchange Pl. i AGENGfiSECORITIES 4*u - Bank Stocks ' ivi»i FIRST BOSTON Industrial, Public Utility and Railroad ■V..'i Reconstruction and Development Canadian Securities External Dollar Securities ^Underwriter PLutrdutar dJnnedtment of Incorpo¬ by Director Program, and in article nicipal TV-Radio, educational institutions, individuals first followed our time, 1961 General following categories: Publications, and the was his technical assistance." This insert "The Federal Facilities Loan Pro¬ lation firms during special thanks to all a President's Convention call. the gram," by Gordon L. Calbert, Mu¬ and 1962 traded The and A1 was the on news They will include awards in the - "The on Program." pictures Bodie's 1962 the and OTC Prince, Philadelphia, our, printer, for their edition elect short a and established awards report as Recognitions Committee has been will 1961 - included Also final Advertising, this special NSTA nominees for the various National Your Co-Edi¬ December "The Chairman, investors." A thank pleasure and honor pointment construc¬ - year. a ac¬ ing the investing public by help¬ to to has year one public tive contributions toward protect¬ ing like George Angelos accepting the ap¬ with and also Co., & which education connection in would "We John Johnson, Sr., of Johnson & aThe October edition presented served you. to have Tisch's important from Affiliates. nearing the completion it tors find message. rendering Chicago, Sept. 11 and your Editors when requested. news last Convention our eighth to honor and service by effective see Springs, and the Traders awards," Mr. Bodie said, "we wish dividuals and organizations duty to of their Affiliates reach Con¬ recent Securities "Approximately passed since featured deserved recognition to those in¬ news observations: communi¬ give meaningful and that in publication < the to Union corporations. "Through these are Fair we cer¬ items Philadelphia) made the following cations and education and to busi¬ ness 12, and all dents to make it their that a received. We urge all Presi¬ were announcing the Affiliates, appreciate (Stroud & Cjo., Philadelphia) Willard F. Rice (Eastman Dillon, of calls program closed Although, by the lack of vention. Messrs. James B. McFar¬ land Bulletin is Hotel. The done and reminder Security Traders the at tainly ar- featured Bodie's report Education year Wiiiard F. Rice a World edition July President way. creating Further Seattle's the Awards Program along of other Affiliates. news "The National Inc., to 8, Nov. 4 preliminary train schedule. Traders interesting offices, and NSTA Announces program Chairman. from the news Raton, IBA held in tides included "Dateline Seattle" second outstanding Ques- tion" by George Angelos, 1962 Ad- announcing we before Security Traders Association, Raton, Florida, Nov. 4, 1962. BOCA "$100,000 newsworthy. little disappointed Municipal Conference of the indication report described the work which the of and in First E Some was "Your Editors hope the given was Convention issue job. Bodie Mr. Convention Annual space this Stock Bulletin has been both This has *An 29th Regional keeping members of the NSTA fully informed regarding Assn. affairs. and support NSTA of a we sure His Worth in Service.' with what members the on firms Boca with this Edu¬ do 'Young Proves important part played by the publication in na¬ our And that's economy. are and Rice point up the quirer, Angelos' the "Considerable reviewing highlights of last year's issues, Co-Editors McFarland and recognize the tant OTC the important and integral part of the tional In any Salesman forthcoming George of and announcing markets other with the facts and that in elections, Advertising Chairman. Program engaged Committee, appointment Vital Work for the NSTA market. organizations but sure The "Traders Bulletin" Does it, NSTA and the OTC are competition or The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . and, when it does, Support of As I see market ahead move . . con¬ national economy our going to grow and in have all we 6216 Q)ea(er ^Pecuritieti Corporation i .1 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 8 include information in connection OTC Education and Public have ment club and quptations.) Fact sheets bulletins with regular press received overlapping of their activities, a consolidated cation and NSTA Public Relations Committees. men, of the country. These The include significant information about the respective Chair¬ being made, via the progress use OTC printed. As of all types of media, toward better this understanding and appreciation of the Over-the-Counter Market. have market, widely been result of interest in a material, is ex¬ the Bureau panding research services by com¬ Judging from to the Convention, the first Full text operation^ of the OTC Informa¬ tion Bureau was one of of the Report follows: Because year's there is over¬ some lapping in activities of the Educa¬ tion Committee and the Public solid Committee Relations decided a to the issue it was following as securities and has Program progress with of sp9nsor 60 cities approximately support of NSTA Affiliates activities at the important made cooperation in and the Relations at the national level and the firms Public have been accelerated regional level. Morton A. Cayne still garding Report Edward Rhoades J. Kelly & for gram the daily The Newsletter lend (Carl M. Loeb, on & their Co., other lights Cayne (J. N. Rus¬ Inc., capacity as Cleveland) Chairmen in NSTA Public Relations Commit¬ tee, respectively. ' as a re¬ regional activities which areas. Following various of are phases high¬ of Bureau and comment has attention of media. established (These called been the most of these from do the to editors in and corrections President the In magazine field, the Bu¬ has arranged interviews and provided information to assist in the preparation stories articles of in leading financial and and weeklies news and general maga¬ zines. Similar services have been provided to broadcast media. It is that and have than facts about extent and Steps have Over-jthe-Counter" encourage and Banking to the and OTC to publishers devote more and to assist busi¬ market, ness departments of the development tions the on investors in newspapers of OTC of School first time the OTC market recognized in Institute the Services for Schools and Securities Industry the pro¬ special sec¬ market, U. S. Government, market special State, Municipal and publication Inquirer which clusively to articles Public Housing Securities market. Traders cooperated of these in in other country. This sections of was series a idea news¬ of of the example Another regional interest ex¬ developing articles. in¬ mate¬ rials projects to bring this information directly to university and indus¬ training try groups. Northwestern at course of development of Among other things University; These programs proved this calls for making the practical understand and professional knowledge of the to trader successful so NSTA will that we asked be provide the and trading division panels for the Institute meetings available to other industry organ¬ next March and next year's Sum¬ izations, universities, and sponsor firms on matters relating to the at Northwestern. It merprogram is planned to extend these services educational other to and institutions OTC market. ready acceptance the OTC Booklet In January, booklet a We part have this to desire end business of found and the liaison closer for training programs. on schools, authors of financial textbooks and 28-page two color industry groups. was We feel good progress has been published. The acceptance and de¬ made and that work will be accel¬ mand by the public and sponsor erated firms has the on OTC market exceeded far expecta¬ registered representatives during the coming year. OTC-Traded Companies tions. In addition to distribution to We and had have a very encourag¬ other employees, some firms have ing mailed customers formation services to OTC-traded public companies. A number of leading booklets to the offered and as it the to in basis a broadcast adver¬ and for releases ana press been'widely excerpts from it have of letters from the public have been received by the Bureau and questing Demand for necessitated the of re¬ booklet. booklets has these three printings date and the total is of firms, sponsor copies in now to corporations formation September OTC inserts firms. been we prepared spe¬ for customer mailings response encouraging and we this literature. Regional and talks special has four- Orders have five from one Power & Light Company, inserted of which, Wisconsin increase Speaker's been Speaker's information prepared in Kit. With a few believe and effective this is disseminate to way basic information about the OTC of investors. market to thousands V V 'V 1 Women Investors The Bureau has received sur¬ a prisingly high percentage of in¬ from this With firms, transcripts of talks and background for the a mailings, women's TV Service of columns magazines and the have editors and Radio and Through services to pages newspapers investors. women mind in extended been assist suggestion companies for copies to include in quiries Speaker's Bureaus To pro¬ company received been already date has to anticipate continuing demand for Bureaus the recently prepared by very At mailing piece. page will folders The relations few have ordered a OTC-traded Bureau in¬ and 32,000 in their last dividend mail¬ four-page in requested management booklets. one of in¬ ing. We anticipate orders for these OTC Folders cial Quite grams. of have for stockholder their excess 100,000 copies. In from bur response OTC published. Philadel¬ being discussed with papers tion financial of the and of at special OTC panel a Investment Association some now a trading in on The phia is of Plenty devoted Royal this of example supplement of the Phila¬ delphia editor the was services preparation ceedings. Also, arrangements were and recognition of the OTC newspaper the clude made for clinics. outstanding educational Our so was activity during program the second year. an An groups, TVinterviews, col¬ Radio panels and Finance marks This Commerce. Thousands and time to coverage of the space local clubs and fore and IBA by sponsored Wharton the tising. The booklet has also served to since newspaper broadcasters short a sections of the country many included phase of was the Of been taken also within that anticipated seminar on leges, business schools, etc. This will be an increasingly important a in the 1961 Institute of Investment start of the program. not Association, newspaper newspaper readers new It is "Making and Maintaining Markets the circulated been 15,000,000 magazine Bankers ex¬ the industry point of view. press relatively are the formative stages. scheduling speakers for talks be¬ cooperation with the Educa¬ of published to the Bureaus in or in tion Committee of the Investment or cases NSTA have been more contacts and services for press and broadcast unfavorable inadvertently market "-■! has1 on ket. In several instances inaccurate estimated Press Relations The bulletins service advisory characteristics •"' iv-:-'" ■ and pro¬ activities. and the OTC Education Committee and serves themselves to duplication in gram sell also in magazines press, matters relating to the OTC mar¬ pro¬ and Affiliates. sponsors a continuing study of comment reau the on clearing house for ideas and Co., New York City) and Morton A. continuing report joint product of ports the was a re¬ The functions. its and been maintains also Bureau er's the 1BA-NYSE sponsored summer services develop¬ information. ment of this Ave., New York City, to provide Oyer-the-Counter the Market prevalent has published bi-monthly by the OTC dispelling the considerable amount ignorance Newsletter Information Bureau, 342 Madison accomplishment toward its goal of of OTC the in the to advisory cooperating are letters The Edward J. Kelly available Leading press. of the OTC market on generally The During the past year the OTC holdings on statistical data not consolidated report. Education OTC by institutions and other piling data Text of Report Report presented a In exceptions these Regional Speak¬ time there will be active Bureaus Industry Seminars along with which releases, news Edward J. Kelly and Morton A. Cayne, illustrate the substantial the of parts :i financial by editors and columnists in all parts report was presented to the Convention on behalf of the OTC Edu¬ receiving country. on favorably some all Thursday, November 29, 1962 . number a are we from requests the OTC market have been and . invest¬ for meetings in cities of current and background informa¬ tion Since there is furnished been with price . of and commentators. Public Directory Relations women's for the publica¬ special OTC feature stories in the Memphis Commercial of trip a Appeal to New the result as York the by financial editor for visits to trad¬ Chemical ing gested to the CHEMICAL BANK NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY with which spokesmen sug¬ was the by newspaper Memphis NewYork interviews and rooms OTC Security Dealers 1 Following GOVERNMENT BONDS MUNICIPAL BONDS the TWX: NY 212-571-1414 Tel: 770-2661 TWX: NY 212-571-1416 212-571-1415 1 year, market Press, NYSE, security investors an eration local was with NYSE Information by last was in other in its now the extensive organization of 57 the OTC Education offices Affiliates Dayton Columbus • Mansfield • Lexington Hartford » Portland • of our firm, and Lewiston • • Bangor Philadelphia • correspondents. London, England speakers ! • W. E. HUTT0N • • Burlington Hackensack • Wayne Biddeford Washington our Program through Baltimore • Easton published announcements on CINCINNATI NEWYORK Boston areas. has Exchange i- through coop¬ ica and Members New York Stock and other leading exchanges re¬ and are W.E. HUTTON& CO. * distribution Committee. Plans for similar clinics in progress with and dealers clinic arranged the ties securi¬ in cently held by the Oregon Journal. also municipal effective very OTC The Investment Clubs of Amer¬ 111 Convenient Offices in the New York Area in corporate and the Cleveland This Tel: 770-2741 a Seminars the of Cleveland Street, New York 15 of of experience century underwriting . Investors the Investors Clinic sponsored 20 Pine three-quarters Association. coverage BOND DEPARTMENT Over • INTERNATIONAL INC. Rome, Italy • Monte Carlo, Monaco Volume 196 Number 6216 , published by the National groups, Association of formational Manufacturers, in¬ materials being are offered to women's clubs through¬ out the country. stances to business provide in¬ some for speakers clubs women's and investors organizations. women The Commercial and . tablish the and start to information activating our will be screened tendance gional committees. At this time to point we out available at¬ We this film to make Affiliates to in for local and industry showings prior press to those general release. We anticipate that this film will be most a ful and effective tool for education regional in and programs use¬ con¬ role could never have we the ac¬ participatipn of the 100 members of more than national and our work of these has program becoming regional increasingly the work of those who Bureaus. We national to the year will program press designed sentatives coming maintain be build and confidence the most Research market. and to up provide basis for a fair a appraisal of OTC market perform¬ in ance changing market condi¬ of training industry education. pect take to We also advantage opportunities many internal and courses for ex¬ on assisted they and made have expressed also are organizations and in the development of us the program We and its services. service and telephone public sound a which and Continued from inter¬ day teletype .constitutes made the for Designed public secu¬ relations Program" the animated sketches illustrate the the of deals in an vidual issues leading to this im¬ an contribution industrial most as insurance well and as municipal If utility NSTA And if stocks, company bonds, U. and are S. we a total of about 4,000 issues portant phase of the program will be providing materials and ices for their use the serv¬ in regional pro¬ grams. representatives securities With of we In introducing the film presen¬ tation Charles A. the continued and members, to Progress in the program to date has been made within the restric¬ industry. NSTA Bodie, Jr., retir¬ President this motion render valuable will not "We follow will said: the of support public service in investors budget in educational comparison try. However, we of the deficit, and our are feel the money operating budget. We on a no July. our was the session conducting the program. Re¬ already evident undoubtedly and been a wider dissemination'of basic back¬ OTC information market than the about ever before history. During this period have also miere we RATON, Fla. of a opening — The motion new pre¬ no their programs phrase you NSTA for always of our and picture of the 29th Security Traders Association at 40 million share motto, the meum pactum—Our word is our Annual Representatives of members of the averages NSTA's 32 national associa- right each 5 minutes, I now. can always Can you? more NO! day. Could you? the board, giving hundreds of times more quickly while saving the broker thousands of dollars each year. Can you? To insure accuracy, I have continuous electronic monitoring. Do you? With me, the broker can select a security without the I can give the broker give as a series of data on the same security reselectingithat security's symbol. Can you? much data I have continuous visual I identifying particular Exchange. Is this true with you? Do you affiliated regional associations and am their engineered never on as many fast With all your as securities as I do? display. Do you? to become obsolete when the Exchanges complete high speed modernization Are you as programs. Are you? I am? hidden extras, can you deny that in every case, I will cost less? V ORIGINATORS • UNDERWRITERS DISTRIBUTORS NEW JERS|||§|NICIPAL an|(Jp AUTHofi® VENUE OBLIGATIONS Boland, Saffin, The Ultronic Stockmaster is the most remarkable stock Gordon & Sautter Established At the push of 1920 any one 64 WALL STREET, NEW YORK 5, N. Y. Bell System bond. *An address by Mr. Hagensieker before the 29th Convene tion of the National Security Traders Association, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, Nov. 8, 1962. get "choked up" on busy market days. In fact, I could handle I ca(n and do replace without the broker the Boca Raton Hotel. the — additional cost. Can you? never information the highlight of one help the administrations which give the broker independent desk unit operation I annual convention of the National in completed most of the can at ex¬ an titled "OTC" its in Dictum By computing the Standard & Poor's a and ground Latin tell the broker what the market is doing Nbw Available job from which benefits in 1963, but OTC Motion BOCA has also range program reap ASKS BRAND Q THESE RUESTI0NS! Picture Film a I pledge that our now. THE ULTR0NIC ST0CKMASTER™ increasingly productive results job ,in helping us to ac¬ complish this and in organizing are This is NSTA well cellent there long a only May I remind pro¬ sound and informed I feel professional staff has done sults obvious. in the second year program which started in when nobody else will do it if indus¬ has beien well spent. We have within now, withi conducted programs by other segments and basis." tions of what is obviously a lim¬ ited job for the importance of making investment looking forward we are this industry. picture tions of the OTC market and the decisions sponsorship are don't, and the time is which will progressive firms in the indus¬ try, Conclusion matter^ on questions: going to do the job answers development of try pertaining to the OTC segment of un¬ and administration in 1963 will dedicate itself to the bined. the im¬ aren't we we with spective investbrs with the bjpei'a- OTC as going to do it? in the OTC market. This compares training and education of indus¬ an wider the investing public going to do NSTA must do because anticipate accelerated progress in regional so integrity that it deserves. isn't I feel the securities, the major¬ familiarizing of public Now is the OTC market who is to do it? provide valuable assistance in the formation grows, I'd like to close with two We Education Committees and economy ity of trading in which takes place believe can the its value and and foreign securities, state Government ing basis; also that it education and solid base. will approach it with confidence and a sense of many and the great stocks, virtually all bank stocks, better informed investment our a on estimated 50,000 indi¬ including us that which market program has shown be achieved by this effort. a when graphically characteristics year time to build confidence and create utilizes film can derstanding of the OTC market, showings part of NSTA's "OTC Educa¬ tion during the last Now is the time to build approximately for 5 page potential which largest securities market, of the total volume of and a present public a make timely and creating investing on can the over listed by all stock exchanges com¬ sincerely believe that prograin is performing toward companies. have industry publications which have portant terest and cooperation on the part OTC-traded sponsor support which industry the of the responsible the grateful to the members of other investor education through the growing in¬ of the be¬ private banks in Eng¬ operations organization. We our tions. We plan to expand services for their for For the NSTA and the rity trading in the U. S. today. this program possible, and for the in OCT to national as thank to contributions public confidence in the future of statistical services will be stepped land the of serving are its from traded were counter in cannot value market 75% firms and their designated repre¬ Planning the want first is NSTA Affiliates in our the in active We committees and that these the life and territories. overemphasize that men to come and all parts of the country. During securities world's diligent officers of Speaker's OTC the network only through the hard viewed 1963: Year of Decision busi¬ ginning in the 18th century, when is members Regional of regional education committees. It junction with scheduled talks by of attending the five-day conference in securi¬ dinner meeting. It tells the story success date traders important the without to ties professional (Over-the-Counter) showing of the color film at the this program. We in of OTC 9 would like also voluntary organization plays our tive convention. the at planning are for re¬ tion ness achieved The 10 minute color film "OTC" es¬ bureau have attained the Motion Picture Financial Chronicle organization work required to Arrangements have also been made in . . a reporting device ever developed. button, the broker can instantaneously get 10 up-to-the-second facts on of 4000 different Stocks, Commodities and Over-The-Counter securities. WHITEHALL 3-1570 Teletype-—212 571-1055 Ultronic Systems Corporation, 40 Wall Street, New York 5, New York • HAnover 5-3163 10 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle manipulative act Report of Corporate and Legislative Committee Chairman Edgar under scrutiny a. Christian, citing of securities areas business of $10 The Legislative Committee, submitted the to Convention Edgar A. Y a e a t m Mosley Chairman by Christian (Suplee, n, Co., income attention the had follows: the of SEC Admin¬ (1) dealers The effect companies them securities their and of questionable; (4) the The room" to the siderable in contacting lauding the eliminating ob¬ "boiler tactics, the Report pointed dealers any While possibility that, drafted, the to rule as presently stock selling for $10 or less the risk of violat¬ run attack of dealer; would dealers of use endeavor to an problem tactics "boiler of the in phone and distribution leased a 15C2-6 proposal under 16 Aug. on be also required that of Congress in numerous the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Rule, proposed a it "fraudulent, Wall by fect on been much comment with Street on Municipal have bonds curities traders steadily adverse ef¬ an the amount as of legitimate many re¬ and com¬ people who have bought stocks of at different two least classes of vestors There is com¬ year's a a deceptive or fear of that "boiler room" tactics us how it equitably accomplished be is the but eliminated be problem. the fifth regard to in such bonds. item, such ume nation-wide network of 133 pleted detailed a operation instantly linked by over report Funds Mutual of the and on this is being studied by of President in the early part the year of you to a . to help dealer who asks. To put any write 1,800 account executives to work from over for terest coast-to-coast ... to start them looking passed through thousands of contacts for the buyers dends and to repeal want. credit am sure the dividend exclusion and your in obtaining provision. a we a think, to find any market that can be found. Able anyway, to give it a better-than- abreast the affect try. Like to call nearest office. our see for yourself? Just our an I the IBA and effort industry. have we year to developments hope to We continue the Christian, Suplee, Marketing Department other which immunity the of constitutional our of state-Federal Government. I Immunity bonds And factor new in buying and state issues accurate but of is it tional of municipal bonds bonds based exemption, the on of in constitu¬ reciprocal im¬ decisions of rec¬ the Su¬ Court of the United States preme as on from is recognized statutory doctrine ognized essential if state and local gov¬ to are preserve their independent sovereignty. new in tax Tax munity, which has long been marketing volume State interest of municipal income ernments growing of and specific by Income immunity Federal in¬ on Municipal Bonds From The issues. The Interest of Federal one ideas dual system of security price securities interested in the preservation are mar¬ Federal the to state and municipal officials, but to all citizens who vol¬ investment The- trader's However, re¬ whenever consideration cent years has led to re-examina¬ SPECIALIZING of a broad there IN are — RIGHTS, WHEN ISSUED very with this and . REORGANIZATION SECURITIES AND Josephthal & Co. Chairman Yeatman, Mosley FOUNDED Co., members and Shearson, ni Hammill 120 & Co. WOrth jlj merrill lynch, 19 leading exchange exchanges Teletype telephone CONGRESS ST.. lafayette Stern, Frank, Meyer & Fox Los 1910 stock ' direct James G. Fraser pierce, fenner & smith inc other york broadway, new york 5, 4-5000 Chicago ~ new to n. y. 212 571-1604 boston BOSTON 9. MASS. 3-4620 Angeles COMMODITY EXCHANGES PRIVATE WIRE SYSTEM TO CORRESPONDENTS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES John I. Rohde 70 PINE STREET, NEW YORK 5, NEW YORK JohnvR. Seattle I Lewis, Inc. brooklyn, n. y. hanover. pa. lock haven. pa. is revision keep Adolph C. Egner, Jr. PRINCIPAL STOCK AND in people or governments, importance not sim¬ ) include fibm Incorporated OTHER to business, principal investment fea¬ COMMITTEE Edgar A. EXCHANGE AND of are Respectfully submitted, CORPORATE STOCK ply new the volume as secondary which working agreement in the future. LEGISLATIVE NEW YORK a local and which appreciative of their cooperation and average in of discussion of municipal any state 1961 issues. new tax). issuers, letters were helpful Throughout NASD in that the volume of (among come to convenience this end. worked closely with the which proposals to interest and divi¬ on sold were the Senate bill compromise a and accom¬ threats to strong and independent buyers and the location of buyer in¬ interest in specific maturities and in Oc¬ types of bonds also is an important and administration omits In issues new "marketability" which is features prob¬ its bonds it is important to note two ahd Early House withhold tax you dividend for the urging included which withholding. tober you will with record amount a same in against the Revenue knowledge 1962 provision article an asking senators your them to vote Bill of reprint a of trading in municipal bonds of there has of $5,000 de¬ are aggregating close to $9 bil¬ of their and forwarded to all tures Must Act Now" "You billion bonds provide for municipal with the worked Committee Your your bonds Traders ket 120,000 miles of private wire. $75 over $8.4 billion of of sales making dealers and investors. municipal about the year this and the Com¬ mission. a is and mathematical use dontinue, panying Gordon L. Calvert It is estimated that the of separ¬ recommenda¬ the increasing ably issueis in 1962 will set record incon¬ a opinion with simplifying uniform nominations and it appears lion. the at that over op adopted for computa¬ computations. This outstanding, of the delivering 1961 the municipal many In were been municipal now of 1959 printed tions in transactions in municipal op¬ and in were of bond. tions more versity of Pennsylvania has com¬ Willing the in¬ trading fact se¬ several im¬ ate copy of the legal bonds, state and eliminating venience active Uni¬ School Wharton back portunities for the violating the law. procedures in the Beginning bonds, forced to stop trying to sell any bonds is easily consti¬ $10 stock, high grade or low, for illustrated by With offices in 114 cities the a under this rule brokers would be the a sources avoided. opinions legal have new ■ other be business adopted. lot to be desired. The potential definite feeling that for trading in time, leaves still ■ (2) which portant simplifications have been in¬ customers, which the SEC defines provided as curities has bonds icy by various of ■ from should tion of old the been regard panies. The definition of "regular" can Ready available which dangers Under this would and financing pointing out that the substitution financing object of growing interest by se¬ outstanding municipal panies from the broker in last, adopt Rule to responsibility; Federal in payments, defense and economic growth financing for poses keep detailed records should MEMBERS increase A Prospectus item. (4) It all of ul constitutional prerogatives and also other programs turned down by of Federal , I believe there is no doubt with Able balance of the last session b*y and unnecessary an our state-local Transactions; Transaction not solicited (1) that the removal of tax- Mr. Calvert lists presently authorized programs displacing burdens. , Isolated There has speculative securities by tele¬ tute ing the law. in time the room" force may stop trying to market rather than independence require will add to as phone calls. Edgar A. Christian to of sheet (2) un¬ The Commission has spent con¬ of the telephone jective financial will its officers, "of balance a that it could have Commission use and finds Exchange investors. names pub¬ security to creased and credit in securities purchases; phrasing of various parts of the changes in in¬ and (5) The Mutual Fund area. proposed rule with the feeling vestment pol¬ Securities and pertaining the has and date within 16 months of the a (2) Market; SEC Expert on municipal financing warns Exemption from municipals would endanger state-local governmental to salesmen; the Washington, D. C. and The current practices in (3) By Gordon L. Calvert,* Municipal Director and Assistant General Counsel, Investment Bankers Association of America, fiscal recent recognized a directors of broker- Over-the-Counter derwriting which proposed of of the (3) ordered knowledgeability The integrity to in manual which on se¬ of one most its statement loss the par¬ in Chairman Gary sale; areas the unless within or shown by a certified profit lished concentrate, namely: legitimate rule five the Congress possible adverse a and new Threatened by Federal Aid broker, a customer I called ticularly on revision the istration last year, listed Inc., Philadel¬ phia), With personnel under the customer falls year as Full text of the Report Report of the Corporate and than (1) Any security which had net legitimate companies. many other institutional following categories: Report expresses misgivings that the rule, as presently drafted, may on State-Local Independence , While sympathetic with efforts to eliminate "boiler room" tactics, the have an adverse effect or price a less by telephone to any person dealer, Thursday, November 29, 1962 . practice" for or dealer to offer or equity security at or curity of the telephone in doing business. use sell any regular of the SEC, comments at length on proposed Com¬ mission rule pertaining to broker any i . . plainfield, n. j. Volume of the and 196 Federal a Number 6216 income proposal for "loopholes," on laws closing someone the tax . . tax The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . (c) Public suggests that lic and munici¬ thorized pal bonds should not be exempt interest state from Federal income that such tax, claiming exemption is simply a Works or to ments to enable them to obtain financing at lower interest rates. As noted above, this tax nity is not simply based tional constitutional est from exempt, state and local governments would their on bonds to finance needed facilities and in rate many the cases might be some interest prohibitive that so existing Federal This proposal grams. was Then would the be Federal (1) State and local governments financing are through public bond sales facilities at (2) Bond sales and construction by local governments riods and already authorized Federal on financing needed facilities, would find that the reduced their subsidy financial they independence was There are forms of assistance nancial proposals numerous various to Federal fi¬ states and municipalities. Most of these pro¬ posals arb based local on governments claim that a unable are to finance the facilities which would benefit from the proposed and that only the grams Government is in pro¬ from come taxes that the outstanding Federal debt is in now of excess $300 bil¬ lion. Three proposals of this type and Secondary lion three years for over for grants ondary Schools. A bill to aggregate of $2.55 bil¬ an nancing for readily are fi¬ financing available that from citizen in can is other the dangers which explained every Federal cases Federal substituting must which terms understand (a) Increasing reliance by local on for for and local the financial $1 billion facilities will responsibility of state and finance tutions for various forms of pub¬ needed facilities lic facilities. can without such act which finally was adopted omitted all stand-by $900 million a for au¬ program immediate areas million for the program. It is derstood that most available the of under this program is and (1) cause the House and The not (b) increasing The debt of the Federal the problem national Government, of balance of inter- that in set gregating the a new new a gating $2.5 billion; in over rate! such schools the balance Bills and of proposed Federal the local facilities ered against similar mu¬ of must the be for consid¬ background presently authorized of pro¬ grams which include, to mention few, the following: a (1) Grants under the Federal Airport Act for airport develop¬ DOMINICK ment. (2) Grants under the Water Pol¬ lution Control Act water of for reported pollution Members New York, American and Toronto Stock 14 control Grants (3) under and ary the Federal in urban highway addition to the Chicago, Illinois the Federal sys¬ three for fa¬ Such authorized be for years mass grants for up to two-thirds of the net project cost other sources could not financed from bills not did reasonably pass the be These revenues. Senate in able terms. Public (5) works or the House. Such Federal aid is not because, if necessary mass a subsidy is transit, local • (6) government can efficiently and Government. Federal the and users it more than the Certainly of urban transit facilities those should provide pay benefitting from them for them, rather than taxpayers in rural areas towns. DISTRIBUTORS SECURITIES private wires to correspondents principal cities through the United States and Canada. loans or under Area Redevelopment Act areas and small Robert Garrett & Sons Baltimore • The Milwaukee Company Milwaukee V Grants the of • 1961 which qualify Townsend, Dabney and Tyson Boston • "re¬ as J. M. Dain & Co., Inc. Minneapolis • McCormick & Co. Chicago • (7) Community facility loans to municipalities with population up to 50,000 (or to areas in up 150,000) to Ball, Burge & Kraus • Quail & Co., Inc. interest rate determined under with at annually if where areas the financing from other rate is not sources on is 3 V2 %) terms" is year bonds made and 30 of revenue) years 1% or general with longer, lower for • Moore, Leonard & Lynch Jacksonville First Nebraska Securities, Inc. for Stern, Frank, Meyer & Fox Los one-eighth each full five Canadian George D. B. Bonbright & Co. • Smith, Moore & Co. • Schwabacher & Co. Canadian • Angeles Phoenix Rochester Lincoln • Philadelphia Pittsburgh • The Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern obligation maturities of or Detroit administra¬ has been set at 4% (both Refsnes, Ely, Beck & Co. Baker, Simonds & Co., Inc. Corporation available tively and during the current fis¬ cal • "reasonable terms." Determination of "reason¬ able Davenport - ently 33A%, except in redevelop¬ ment Butcher & Sherrerd an formula in the law (pres¬ a Cleveland redevelopment municipalities population • • fairly Yr. planning • needed for local AND INVESTMENT Direct equally favor¬ upon • which Seattle, Washington (4) College housing loans where the financing is not available from grants. aggregate urban Buffalo, New York Portland, Oregon v;; -y'V r ■i:'- .;r- OF in Federal grants facilities. transit would next grants STREET, NEW YORK 5 Park Avenue, New York 22 UNDERWRITERS development areas." over Exchanges systems, interstate House of $500 million WALL 320 in an DOMINICK & construc¬ Highway Act for primary, second¬ in enrollment authorize Raton, Fla., Nov. 6, 1962. sources. assistance St. Louis San Francisco Correspondent James Richardson & Sons I Winnipeg Affiliate—Dominick Corporation of Canada of the Association, project programs financial vorably in both the Senate and the to desirability (3) is decreasing. were the can by Mr. Calvert before the Convention Traders More of the Same These (b) Federal Aid for Urban Mass Transit. Annual will be made tem. record, aggre¬ of growth *An address 29th of ag¬ issues of munici¬ facilities set the for Security emphasize which re¬ demands Federal spending for national de¬ fense expenditure local governments. un¬ year record, pal bonds in 1961 to finance such new where it is not heavy be financed by Federal as nicipality from other 72,000 classrooms; over (2) sales of school new areas The Federal funds will be financed by the cost be¬ of elementary and secondary school 1960-1961 quired. cur¬ reducing proposed necessary construction classrooms for domestic programs be corrected can grants for 50% of project cost, with the hope sec¬ construction adopted. of income tax rates only if Federal spending is assistance. projects. aid national payments and the heavy tailed in The ate but did not pass not CoIncorporated, Mil¬ demon¬ tion Federal George M.Tapp local they teachers' salaries passed the Sen¬ was William C. Elwell waukee; and George M. Tapp, Doherty Roadhouse & Co., Van¬ couver, B. C., Canada. weaken and | Alternates: William C. Elwell, Loewi & assistance independence Otto J. Koch, Jr. Delegates: Walter G. Mason, Mason & Lee, Inc., Lynchburg, Va. and Otto J. Koch, Jr., The Marshall Company, Milwaukee. the Federal' Gov¬ financial I Walter G. Mason are that: Federal elementary f and school Federal of generous who have Federal Aid to Elementary provide simply aggre¬ billion only the following: (a) the that to appropriate to observe that funds in governments, supply the needed funds. Perhaps Federal commitment funds Federal position a term high unemployment and Congress thus far appropriated only $400 Assistance Programs are $6 public works projects in Proposed Federal Financial come strated of II it is to thority, but authorized gone. grants taxpayers and that the long- 1963 to states, mu¬ nicipalities and educational insti¬ that and close for fiscal year subsidy could changed or in Federal generous from programs grants If pended Conclusion ernment Existing Federal (3) ceived the needed assistance. governments de¬ Delegates at Large and Alternates one- Noting that the funds for these governments loans aggregating over and operate on a contra-cyclical basis, increasing in recession pe¬ re¬ local is automatically ernments and which facilities and not quarter of 1% lower). be gating state but (in redevelopment the reasonable rate areas sources, would determine which local gov¬ for record levels. demanded. Government maturity loan programs in many program of Federal financial assistance be pro¬ unnec¬ because: essary have to much higher interest pay the basis, if such inter¬ not tax were 'stand-by for Federal grants and stRte and local govern¬ ments under constitu¬ Aside grounds. au¬ subsidy but is a fundamental on immu-l have of authority for direct ex¬ penditure by the Federal Govern¬ ment govern¬ would billion shorter years less than 3%% mediate loans local and Acceleration "Stand-by Pub¬ authority and $600 million of im¬ ment state! Act" $2 subsidy by the Federal Govern¬ to Works Act. The proposed 11 National Inc., Boca The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 12, Thursday, November 29, 1962 . . . Report of the N STA at highs. In particular, ele¬ new Municipal Committee Significantly noteworthy events the reviewed by Committee, under are Chairmanship of Harry J. Wilson. Subject matter includes: suc¬ of initial cess competitive bidding offering; Treasury financing and projected along with discussion a of fall. the in later utter their To followed astonishment, the Treasury in¬ by water and sewer, at $265 mil¬ stead unveiled plans for an ad¬ lion; and non-toll roads and vance refunding operation which Municipal Conference in Chicago; volume of municipal financing amid declining yields; revenue bridges, $236 million. prospects of toll road projects. public was ard president of Aubrey G. Lanston & The Report the of Municipal submitted was the to Convention by Harry J. Wilson, President of Harry J. Wilson & Co., Chicago. The Committee discussed a number of compared to an amount of $269,- financing 832,000 Even During the first quarter of 1962, Morris been added: 1961, surprising was the more proposed Swelling out debt by California of which only maturities. In addition, yield exchange their securities for new the municipal bond market two issues, involving $450,000,000, curves flattened, due to greater ones without having to pay capi¬ the debt operations of the were approved. But, Treasury declines in the long end of mu¬ tal gains taxes. both and subjects pertaining to Federal Government. In the latter nicipal bond yields. Furthermore, Secretary C. Douglas Dillon and connection, the Report comments debt manager, Robert V. the spread between quality rat¬ his vember 1962 voting already top on the "surprise" advance refund¬ Roosa, were after bigger game. the 1961 figure of $1,416,442,995. ings narrowed somewhat, revers¬ ing successfully negotiated by the The new exchange offer, said the The largest bond proposals slated ing the trend noted during 1961. Treasury in September and its All these results logically follow Treasury spokesman, was made for November Bond announcement market of intention its $250 million bond issue a The the also Committee revenue prospects voting thus far in¬ clude $792 million transit area via competitive bidding. proposals slated for No¬ to San Francisco bonds and $270 mil¬ , discussed certain of lion State California of the from increased oc¬ the reduce next "Q." con¬ "to extremely con¬ schedules" maturity the change in Regu¬ gested casioned by lation demand of and "to February and May improve the structure of outstand¬ struction bonds. Bond i Election ing debt." Results for municipal bonds sulting from the the by achieved success Tax-Exempt Funds. Text of the Report is follows: as Municipal Forum The investment ciation Bankers of America Bond Sales re¬ Asso¬ its first held approved bond issues totaling $396 First quarter 11 and the Conference 12,1962, in Chicago. It group's ference and it to proved interesting and popular. 450. This an was con¬ exclusively finance attended was general first devoted municipal most Sept. on It approximately by Municipal Forum will be annual event is and 1962 municipal million, which was 70.1% of the bond sales totaled $2,656 million; dollar volume voted on. 43.3% of 24% over the comparable 1961 the number of issues proposed period and 21% higher than the were approved. Less than half of previous record first quarter, in the proposed dollar amounts of 1958. Indeed, the first quarter's "Recreation" and "Other Educa¬ volume Municipal is almost identical sales for the whole and is sales for larger any with of 1948, municipal facing and tinues its face fantastic IBA submitted June will sales second (the time first this was has June the voter totaled faced, it as that dollar is con¬ approval in $1,422,508,000 amount placed on the ballots. in bonds revenue which the was were 32.9% of the Traditionally the long sues to at total. housing issues constituted are a are never very to the stem interest The in effort an short-term of have rates - in of so been to was States' balance But, flow objective United this year was no exception. But, in the weeks that followed Labor bond fraternity more up for the dog days. recently. With two daring moves the Treas- much publicized problem. payments - the doing, it had boosted one by year billion $5.4 some just since the end The of June. fi¬ a log-jam for February and when issues the short-term totaling due were clear to debt $26.8 mature. for way So additional offerings, the to clear all issues the large have invited said Frank Treasury's unwanted on in $3 and our the notes specialists. It sell be argued that can the re¬ bond Treasury offers to given amount of bonds a scribed case fully on sold on the issue actually is competitive basis.v Ac¬ a observers many doubt technique will yield sig¬ new nificant advantages. however, first On its Uncle receive well Treasury recent — cordingly, the has been the as — many offerings Sam quite may favorable terms. Bankers and dealers appear to believe considerable involved will and prestige is undoubtedly push their bidding. In any event, thanks to the technique, bond new will salesmen contact many investors who have not been urged to ury touch security in recent loss demand of orders investors new Treas¬ a It is years. to question whether this ad¬ ditional will accustomed issues on a offset the institutional from to buying net basis. All in all, then, if the Treasury wished to regain individual investors' in¬ terest in have its borrowings, it might better done savings Morris, debt one of managers. exchange; to billion Toll $6 mature in It bond the with maneuver in bonds 1967 due succeded A few Road is to update its and to program latter's those rates paid competi¬ by savings Financing Examined generally conceded that relatively small number ventures have in disappointing reason¬ days later the proved to be earnings as have consulting famous engineers. case involves The most the- West Virginia Turnpike, which now interest months While payments. reported of for this the year improvement of 5% BROKERS UNDERWRITERS earn¬ first eight showed DEALERS STATE AND MUNICIPAL BONDS on the PACIFIC COAST STOCK EXCHANGE by direct wire special service for brokers Spencer Trask & Co. 25 BROAD 1868 (JuwicRObt ? STREET, NEW YORK 4 MEMBERS: Members New York Stock Exchange • N. Y. Stock American Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade N. Y. Cotton Exchange Exchange American Stock Exchange N. Y. ALBANY BOSTON CHICAGO • GLENS FALLS • NASHVILLE Commodity Exchange, Inc. Produce Exchange N. Y. Mercantile Exchange Chicago Mercantile Exchange NEWARK N. Y. Coffee & Sugar Exchange SCHENECTADY • WORCESTER i Winnipeg Grain Exchange Pacific Coast Stock Exchange 29 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. • an over compa- INDUSTRIAL, UTILITY AND RAILROAD SECURITIES, Orders executed Founded is almost two years in arrears on its advantage long experience a toll of fallen well below the forecasts of ings knowledge in this field on set terms and the issue is not sub¬ road 1972. ably well. yourself of new government mar¬ bil¬ The avail Washington's among whenever offering an was and to future. maturing placed lion to your actions at Governments not-too-distant Incidentally, of these short- from Therefore, to $9 billion limit be long-term sell to $250 million a institutions. "Too the it may plans However, the Treasury did not want ket," STOCKS | scheme has resulted in mixed tive longer-term basis. speculative elements into the PREFERRED of the make books. interested in in idea to put at least some debt on would you are Treasury issue Treasury proposed the refunding term If | competitive bidding higher. ease the( amount of debt due within a the ex¬ Second Surprise open to re¬ but this exceeded our to foreign countries where money billion summer exciting in larger portion of the than made total than has been true short-term is¬ record clip a keep interest rates high enough May sold, the government bond market, and remaining 4.3%. Revenue is¬ Day, sues has been marketing Treasury Treasury could thus forsee September Surprise months the months recent nancial Public bonds approved at the polls. 1961). very growth. reported for 1962 has were Nearly $200 million in elementary a municipal business The issues) (mainly junior college prior to that. and secondary school bond pro¬ exceeded $1 bil¬ posals were approved—68.1% of General obligation issues great step forward in totaled $1,669 million, 62.8% of the solving some of the problems the quarterly total; while $874 million definitely tion" issues year lion—the happened year than February In During the first quarter voters have $5 billion a pectations." offer, toll roads and cited the broadened market spe¬ would "We happy with sponse, in yields declined in all qualities Treasury's reason for the refund¬ this and maturities compared with the ing. In the past, refundings have year's June total of bond pro¬ fourth quarter of 1961, with the enabled investors, locked in ma¬ posals was $970,000,000 proposed single exception of Aaa five-year turing issues for tax reasons, to June securities government Co.j cialists. And the Treasury's Frank The Committee fab¬ a attempted. ever New Issue Yields was success," declared D.| Rich¬ Youngdahl, executive vice- biggest deal of its kind the "It investors. ulous and lion, were second high; full a $7.5 billion had been placed with afternoon of September On the secondary school 5, 1962 the Treasury called a press bond sales, which, of course, are conference to announce new fi¬ the largest use of proceeds, set nancing plans. Most experts were a new quarterly record, according expecting a routine cash offering to IBA data, at $818 million. Toll to replace securities maturing roads and bridges, at $418, mil¬ mentary that announced Treasury might be expected, many of ury's debt managers caught the major uses of proceeds were market completely by surprise. As the HAnoyer 2-6600 i Volume rable 1961 ered Number results, they still 68% mere a 196 6216 cov¬ of interest re¬ quirements. Accordingly, without aid, this issue will remain state speculative for years to A look at Skyway reveals another boost in passenger dis¬ 20% a tolls car this earnings for the first half year, will public become highway Ohio, date, facility this has with payments the aid of advances from the City of Chicago. Further aid be may required at the year-end. the state governments day have to of toll roads has been raised some by some may off existing debts pay Richard H. Samuels, Vice- President of Continental Casualty Co. and Co. He Continental predicted turnpikes sorbed would have into toll-free of lagging cause Assurance of to such on tially will roads lower casts, Mr. toll Samuels cited fore¬ study a predictions for built roads the last in Comparing years. with substan¬ be original than he made of traffic 17 Con¬ earnings Turnpike 1961 that last year exceeding Charles M. Burgess, the Illinois Tollway Commission, who says the revenue bonds which tem may be 1998 is sys¬ retired ahead of their maturity date. This prospect based not increase in only of the 187-mile construction Even though with these the metropolitan routes handy travel made to on for freeways. says, Chicago the area are include the are they tollways in the already commuters and finding it stretch a in tollways most period increased from to of a trip on part the Mr. Burgess' optimistic view of the state's tollway financ¬ For the Year 1963 Washington Power Supply Public last covered road In year. its interest nual down times, same The from 1.87 Washington, will endeav¬ or er Facilities electric in Current Comments nomic Comment," weekly of Co. of the Chicago, term Con¬ that heat from of the strong the rest of the A scarcity with United contract. with the which will afford these unusual As of measure other and 3.19% dropped investors, in from weeks seven Dow-Jones the Chicago, 111. all Russell M. Ergood, Jr. 3.43% Stroud & Co., Inc. (according 20-bond can about the George H. Angelos, Chas. W. Scranton & Co., New Haven, Conn. Parks B. Pedrick, Jr. aver¬ be expected to remain same or Gary A. Galdun, Wm. J. Mericka & Co., Inc., Cleveland r Friedrichs & Co. Clemens T. Lueker, Hill Richards & Co. Incorporated, Los Angeles to decline mod¬ estly. ^ New Orleans, La. James B. Ralph J. Powelson During of the 1962, the first months seven bank pointed out in issues new funded. was however, fallen below when, traditionally, Since issues new average at have time a there Lewis H. Serlen, Josephthal & Co., New York Byron Sayre Ira Haupt & Co. Chicago, 111. an new above-average supply of is Orlando, Fla. McFarland, Stroud & Company Incorporated, Philadelphia Morey D. Sachnoff, Cook Investment Co., Chicago Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc. a record 5 billion 750 million dollars July, is¬ With little indication of any sues. marked in change the economic climate, prices should remain firm or may rise slightly, the bank said. ing future is backed by quotations on Municipal Market Widened By the Illinois Tollway bonds that bear 3.75% 1995, are $98.38 have quoted asked. been Success of Tax-Exempt Funds interest, maturing in a retired, the bonds today's toll municipal Tax-exempt $96.38 bid, and When funds, a little more ushered in ago, a bond than a new era INDUSTRIAL, RAILROAD, PUBLIC UTILITY year in the MUNICIPAL AND FOREIGN SECURITIES Underwriters, pistributors and Dealers UNLISTED TRADING DEPARTMENT in Corporate and Municipal Securities Wertheim HIRSCH & CO. Members New York 25 BROAD Stock Exchange and Other Exchanges i t'Members &Cew York Stock WASHINGTON NEWARK BALTIMORE MIAMI BEACH LONDON LAKE WORTH PALM BEACH AMSTERDAM BUENOS AIRES (HIRSCH & CO. S.A.) SAO PAULO (HIRSCH & CO. S.A.) ' GENEVA (HIRSCH & CO. S.A.) Direct Wire Service: New York, Washington, Newark, Baltimore, Fort Pierce, Miami Beach, Palm Beach, Lake Worth Co. Exchange Teletype: 212 571-1763 NEW FORT PIERCE &. ■ STREET, NEW YORK 4, N. Y. Telephone: HAnover 2-0600 Lewis H. Serlen Philadelphia, Pa. to Howard, Weil, Labouisse, ages) Morey D. Sachnoff COMMITTEE Harry J. Wilson & Co., of continued demand. a an security. Harry J. Wilson, Chairman result, the bank said, yields a WPPSS bonds pay¬ the part on Clemens T. Lueker Power Interchange MUNICIPAL demonstrated a for income which to and Gary A. Galdun Respectfully submitted, the relatively flat busi¬ a picture of George H. Angelos James B. McFarland a Agreement coupled balance Energy Bonneville The to enter into re¬ year. concern over States ments, plus issues, of quieting a Hanford the Atomic Power Administration is expected the municipal bond market should main This steam electric power. The output of the facility will be sold under long- eco¬ tinental Illinois National Bank & Trust Project. Commission for the generation of predicted recently by the commentary the generating plant will util¬ ize waste was in to finance early next year the Reactor It Districts construction of the Hanford Pow¬ an¬ 1960. "Current 16 Utility State of 1.84 times comprising System, Public 1961, the toll $10,573,177 Washington Public Power Supply pe¬ requirement System Hanford Project Electric Revenue Bonds $14,519,940 $13,025,676 in the riod use highways. public freeways, Mr. Burgess connect from network, but from of 1961 the steady on income toll Nominating Committee Aug. 8-month banks Chairman of financed the Illinois tollway $130,000,000 31, net income available for in¬ original forecasts. brighter picture is offered by and Friday, 1963 BUSINESS rose ended the provide for A inter¬ outlays, For desire of for $2,- 14 had income ranging from 44% Co., On offering of their Se¬ Tax-Exempt Bond 1 reported. available month. ness 86% No. Fund. Commission operation Ohio 577,176 in the original forecasts. The remaining to the in August to $2,879,050 from results only three of the roads had gross revenues 1961, 10 original forecasts, he found & Co. 3 ab¬ revenues. & an August systems be¬ tending that future net Haupt ries in 986 the be some Ira Nuveen Oct. 19, 1962 John Nuveen & Co. terest Possibility that the Federal and John to major under¬ announced after interest and sponsors writers, $2,648,863 from $2,442,- est, To the an reception according creased to interest requirements for the pe¬ its municipal securi¬ ing steady. Income in August in¬ revenue met from of ties. The funds have met with no excellent revenue 13 distribution the state's 241-mile turnpike is hold¬ Net riod. of and their of of 1962 amounted to only 49% part system tolls will be charged, In Calumet appointing story. Despite The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . roads come. Chicago's . . YORK 5 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 14 other How Will Proposed Railroad in Mergers Benefit Investors? By Pierre R. Bretey,* Senior,: Vice-President, Hayden, Stone & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. traffic Pleased with the rail and steps taken toward improved climate consolidating earnings — sharply, a bright light types of mergers: those which may end-to-end con- turnpike into Boston); and by (3) dismal railroad solidation, seg¬ major step taken toward the first featherbedding troublesome the other most than industry, together with of including subsidiaries and ancillary invest¬ problem, which involve abnormal of integration, and resultant industry costs estimated in excess ments, achieving inherent economies rekindling of business volume and earning power. banker notes that the 1910-1959 The investment as an those and effi- then^ fully depreciated. Such tax credits serve to reduce the newly of merged company's Federal income car tax bill — assuming one of the railroads is prosperous and Is itself subject to sizable Federal End-to-end consolidations do provide savings through more cient and economical more motive power, utilization, less uses effective more diem, consoli- merger per dation of repair shops and of ac- $500 million annually, are ad¬ of merger-opposition-period has been be described involving obtaining worthwhile tax credits charging off the remaining More favorable treatment in the properties possessing parallel in liberalization of depreciation mileage and duplicate facilities, book value of the properties not Schedules Mr. Bretey explains profit-potentials apt to result from: counting and sales facilities. These im¬ savings should not be minimized; indications ditional of an and two proposed mergers have reached the stag? of examiner ap¬ proval. In urging investors to reappraise the railroad situation, Mr. yet such savings do not begin to proved political climate. The set¬ tlement of the prolonged Chicago approach those obtainable where & Northwestern dispute resulting duplicate facilities may be elimi- Bretey illustratively singles out for analysis the profit potentials con¬ in the tained in two tration reversed with five mergers approved since 1959, none disapproved, presently pending merger-proposals — Northern Pacific and the Great Northern, and the Pennsylvania and New York Central. probable compulsory arbi¬ all future of major labor disputes, as well as the probable permanent elimination of the "j ob I think it is desirable to empha¬ carriers who will retain such tax freeze" issue, may be character¬ size, for background understand¬ collections which otherwise would ized as one of the most construc¬ favorable ing, changes in the political climate which have taken the the passajge of Transpor¬ tation the Act in Spring of 1958. that Since to the Federal Government. Favorable time, there those have been include tracts on to such and owned by other or cor¬ velopments in porations. Were all railroad prop¬ the passenger erty assessed on field, such as ity, continuance of Particularly commuta¬ on numerous formation Boston; (2) of the country's the are the Presi¬ the is background over-all mileage or 60,000 miles, such mileage having transformed been status to marginal a reflecting the expenditure, over the past several some $160 billion of Federal, State, funds local and transportation favorable recommendations then Such competitive facilities. Today, 50% of the industry's some all for decades, of ton miles is over¬ being hauled on reduction of dent's Commission which embody only 10% of Class I railroad mile¬ the abatement and/or taxes basis of equal¬ $130 million annually. Pierre R. Bretey tion business south of a savings for all Class I might well amount to tax carriers dis¬ the (1) facilities by such suggestions as (1) the sweep¬ age, states and cities; (3) the ing overhaul of outmoded railroad only 2% of all ton miles is being passenger of authority to aid rules; an commutation carriers in Philadel¬ where surplus track may be abandoned. what To benefit when railroads do extent surplus and moved? benefits Obtainable is track abandoned with rail of Supreme adjacent property individuals either de¬ developments in the field railroad favorable developments in recent times. tive nated, particularly in those areas ties re- are income taxes—by providing carryforward tax credits applicable against future profits for a period °f seven years. Additionally^ suchi abandonments free large parcels of real estate for industrial, commercial, or even residential projects- Such properties frequently become increasingly valuable as central downtown city areas are rehabilitated, With these generalizations be- hind us, we may now turn our at¬ tention to mergers themselves and Court decisions in the States of favorable to mergers with their duction in expenses, such as main- the extent to which mergers, economies, for only tenance and taxes on physical IT consummated, would benefit Nebraska, Illinois, Missouri, and attendant Kansas, whereby states, counties, through the merger route does it facilities; and (2) cash benefits in security holders. We may first and cities have been compelled to appear that railroads will be able (a) selling track material so aban- ask ourselves: what is the current reduce assessments on railroad to benefit from the possible aban¬ doned, such as ties, signals, and status of present railroad mergers, property to levels comparable to donment of approximately 30% of rail, (b) selling the roadbed itself, now that for the first time since taxation since place go segment of 11 miles a of Boston and Albany's right of way for $8 million to extend its picture. ments mergers, purchased Merger Types Broadly speaking, there are two and otherwise an Thursday. November 29, 1962 . . piggyback Containerization have grown transportation. of modes . the imposition of (2) charges on user both barge lines and roughly 20,000 miles, whereas hauled on mileage; 30% i.e., of the 60,000 industry's miles. The two kinds: (1) omies providing and annual econ- permanent a re- (c) obtaining tax credits from the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887, the political climate appears to category Provide a sympathetic background abandonment of facilities not fully depreciated. Savings consist in of savings the first annual maintenance the order of $3,000 per on mile and of annual tax savings on such f°r the consummation of large- scale consolidations? Since 1959, five such requests have been ap- physical facilities abandoned proved and two have reached the of at least stage of examiner approval, a re¬ markable record in the light of benefits are obtained by (1) sell- continuing previous (i.e., for the ing salvaged material, ties, rail, period 1910-1959) merger opposietc., estimated at about $5,000 per tion of stockholders, shippers, and mile; by (2) selling its fully the regulatory authorities, in $2,500 the mile. per second category, cash graded roadbed for highway pur- , ^ aid by the on truckers; and, importantly (3) marginality of this mileage may poses either to states, counties, or Current Mereer Proposa,s State of New Jersey to reduce to exemption of 70% of all raliriad be further illustrated by pointing cities, which may provide the carCurrently, the more important out that an average of 39,000 ton riers with worthwhile more modest proportions deficits freight from minimum rate regu¬ supplemen- merger proposals awaiting Commiles of freight per mile of line tary cash benefits of the hard-pressed commutation lations. (the Massachu- mission approval include the folCoincidentally with such an im¬ is being hauled on 10% of' Class I setts Turnpike Authority recently lowing: carriers; and, importantly (5) the ' (4) phia; continuing termination of the so-called tem¬ porary enues enue ago 10% tax which war and benefit on passenger rev¬ was enacted as a rev¬ some 20 years measure which elimination principally the will Eastern proving political climate, the In¬ railroad terstate Commerce Commission, in that mileage carries an average of most rate only 555 ton miles of freight cases review, rates much has submitted to it for flexible approved mile of mileage, whereas 30% of line, a ehabling carriers to regain only to fill out traffic previously lost to Estimated Savings Within Five Years per Atlantic Coast Line-Seaboard Air Line* volume sufficient an $39,000,000 ... Chesapeake & Ohio-Baltimore & Ohio*. 45,000,000 Northern average train- load per week. 43,000,000 Pacific-Great Northern-Burlington Santa Fe-Southern Pacific-Western Pacific. 8,000,000 Norfolk & Western-Nickel Plate-Wabash.... Mo. Pacific-Ill. 27,000,000 3,000,000 Central-Chicago & Eastern Illinois 75,000,000 Pennsylvania-New York Central—-* CLEARANCE FACILITIES Merger plans already These estimated well be exceeded and Out with second $12-million results. savings Complete Corporate and Personal Trust Services year, esti- five-year expected may out that take ings mitigating 1960, have the im- achieve overall sav- merger pro- anticipated, There are other posals pending such sition of the as the acqui- Central of Georgia and of the Georgia & Florida by the Southern. Otlher proposals in the talking stage include the merger Western; and the Illinois Central E R I E-Lackawanna there to to it made although the has been the in as which Southern Pacific and the Union Phcific with the Rock Island; the Soo Line with the Chicago Great greater this, as one estimated than admittedly Corporate Bond Issues a such Yet, in all fairness, point consummated Registrarships of achieve to contrasted as expectations period should - case opposition labor possible where as mated economies were attained in of Town Brokers and Dealers Trustee for longed merger, the Transfer Agencies may ICC Examiner. of merger, York savings in the an the Norfolk & Western-Virginian for New approved by time case the been circumstances of in pro- and the North Western vying to control the Gulf, Mobile & Ohio. Inquiries regarding these facilities may he 115 directed to our office at Broadway, New York 15 BArclay 7-1300 Ingalls &. Snyder Members New York Stock Exchange Members American Stock Exchange Commercial Bank of North America 116 Fifth Avenue, New York 11 Over-the-counter Trading Dept. D. Howard Brown WAtkins 4-1100 Frank MacKain Complete Domestic and Foreign Banking Facilities 100 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BROADWAY COrtlandt 7-6800 — NEW YORK Bell System 5, N. Y. Teletype 212 571-0892 Volume 196 Number 6216 Carriers frequently North Western waukee; the the include with the and Missouri with mentioned candidates merger the Santa Pacific, as the The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . quent Mil¬ ings. Northern well as Frisco. liberal more market praisal of such consolidated with Fe as . . Should the Gtreat NorthernPacific proved, the stock market brief dis¬ even a the to roads proposals, concentrating such dis¬ ings of its subsidiaries. cussion upon portant the effect such pro¬ posals would have volved, railroads impossible is limitations space Let the securi¬ on various the in¬ because of this in the undistributed earn¬ may shed light on this question. of Of the presently pending merger propos¬ r—Per Share Great to appear ceptional profit provide ex¬ potentials. Average Northern $0.90 1955-1961 involving the Northern Pacific ger 0.72 0.54 0.50 relatively speaking, Example of Northern Pacific and significant Great Northern These with of the Pacific being share one in 51/2% preferred minority 3V4 share of shares in new $10 stock, each share the .... for - ings common and $3.95 the Northern selling was 35% at common Yields and afforded 8.48% on spectively, 7.07% were share, per currently being re¬ dis¬ How been well have covered such dividends recent over years? Let us examine average earnings for the periods shown below. Great Northern Northern 1952-1961 4.33 3.95 earnings equities in be undistrib¬ uted earnings of two subsidiaries, principally the Burlington and the 48.5% Portland and parent. 50% In the & Seattle, owned case of by the each Great Northern, equities in several other subsidiaries of are included, such Western Glacier Park Northern as Fruit Express, and Great Co., Pipe Line Co. annually—full savings, These Those who have followed the drug stocks in recent years may recall common stock rose from 15 in 1957 (the price being adjusted for the three- split in period 1959) million to 59% annually, pretax, for annually, $2.47 and pretax, Great Northern per share and from to Northern of carriers increase an share per in order of IV2 or exchange¬ the of points its above dis¬ a 12.25%, quite nominal in especially of five-year the Great ($4.45 $6.00. earning con¬ This power, higher per sults reflect greater of these impact of velopments to which attention has called previously. been However, Plate is selling in arbitrage ceived relation to the equivalent in the to 4% the ing Norfolk to the those preferred, thus provid¬ Pennsylvania with its consolidated period Pennsylvania has paid of 114 years, which record matched own of Norfolk and looms with Unlike nothing the be performance has been the both of earn¬ com¬ favorable, both Consolidated Nat olive, $2.25 0.76 a Pennsylvania the earnings of the two case of Colgate-Palm¬ will stock-market appraise results consolidated Pennsylvania of liberally more Because its of the to holdings Norfolk and Average 0.07 *0.16 er be considered satisfactory, the of this the Were folk and, Wabash common of shares is indicated sults for the final five 1961 when in re¬ months Pennsylvania in earned can match down to of measure its $232.59 million ownership of example block Norfolk of and even stockholders. equivalent to $22.51 million, common computations are amount merger vania-New York of based an in¬ ratio outstanding; may well of such handful of the more companies in bringing taxes, 24.31% of gross NEW occur previously vania owned Now approved by Members New York Stock it might does SOUTH SALLE LA FINANCIAL 2-5430 Exchange ST. LOUIS Exchange Stock Continued 314 NORTH PHILADELPHIA NATL. LOCUST 6-3800 BANK BUILDING 7-2062 CHESTNUT ALBANY LOS ANGELES 629 BROADWAY BONDS SOUTH 1-9070 1134 Broadway, New York 6, N< Y. DETROIT 1420 M i •-* -v.V--.," • ;••• * >■ FORD BUILDING WOODWARD 2-6175 BALTIMORE 1510 COMMERCIAL CREDIT 7-4630 STATE STREET HEMLOCK 4-3151 4-8541 BUILDING VERNON Telephone DIgby 4-4100 100 SPRING STREET MADISON RAND asked on PHILADELPHIA STREET MADISON 4514 be well WHITEHALL 4-2300 CHICAGO 135 Com¬ Pennsylvania YORK BUFFALO 39 the Central. STREET in terms : Bacon, Stevenson & Co. MUNICIPAL stock merger the LIBERTY American Pennsyl¬ by their with accordance why should all holders exchange in 1961. as STREET BOSTON namely, Lehigh Valley shares not Pennsyl¬ FEDERAL the common shares, and does not take into accdunt such increase as contains to upon of Pennsylvania former refer the per share. Such greater benefits We Western stock would then be worth $296.39 ESTABLISHED 1869 20 BROAD "ex" the Wabash exchange), the entire sell at page 72 net, after Federal income . second value million, Goldman. Sachs a Co. 75 Members the If on Pennsylvania-New York Central West¬ $63.80 of could well be mergers 671,- and you projections the stock, 13,167,754 operating Norfolk to (Pennsylvania's presently was industrial successful stock. shares, added were recently upturn control, Norfolk of common these mission. ness 99.5% representing 57.7%, and gross profit margins, accompanied by any marked busi¬ in agreement an would receive within five in exchange for its 595,158 ern, is operating in railroad 26.3% a Nor¬ Plate made with the Norfolk and West¬ 39.0%. Only companies when with accordance izations both - Pennsylvania, consummated, leverage inherent in the capital¬ of of the Nickel merger Western and in by far. In 1961, transportation credible Nickel Plate To Be Merged latter companies scarcely ratio can Were Norfolk and Western- which performance, the industry's lead¬ ♦Deficit. While these results the Western, of the nation's most prosper¬ 0.29 1959-1961 of to again revert us ous $2.60 0.39 combined. Pennsylvania one Pennsylvania Central $1.56 following importance Pennsylvania, let New York 1952-1S61 (000) 22 ft 12% $232,596 ♦Pennsylvania Railroad and Pennsylvania Co., of and doubtless re¬ deficit in 1960 and New York Central in 1961. Value $227,742 3,948 906 95 177,419 71,000 6% Preferred ern ) consummation of this merger. porting 4% Preferred 583 enced sharp decline of earnings 2,397,284 Total 1.08 much a Prices Common shares Income Per Share < Central and Pennsy have experi¬ in recent years, sys¬ years, in the as Northerns dis¬ Pennsylvania 1952-1961 Again, of the previously Average distributed experience Recent System* earn¬ larger in the Penn¬ Northerns dividend Northerns, where panies much cussed. since September 1960. ings large blocks sylvania picture than those of the history. On irregular Approx. by Penn. prices that agree some Western, Wabash, hand, New York Central an history, unique a scarcely can in corporate had two differ Pennsyl¬ ings of these companies—princi¬ yield of 2.35 % is afforded pally Norfolk and Western — a share. has earnings does, however, dividends continuously since 1848,v two a therefore and Shs. Held other equity in the undistributed its present dividend of 25 cents on of amounts securities railroad At present prices for per sur¬ the of and tem's holdings of Norfolk's stocks be re¬ Lehigh Valley, and Detroit, ToNorfolk ledb and Ironton; .and this carrier's proposed exchange. vania, 1958-6 sizable own this high estate. pending making allowance for last Western Railroad of 212,449 shares of its consolidated a After spring's sale prising since the latter does not helping to restore railroad credit Our on This should not be too tral. significant major market factor some de¬ Pennsylvania per share? re¬ favorable recent this does sup¬ liberalization Surely, present must the basis to Nor do such to market present much equities, but also should dividends. a share. $1.92 how in¬ on market amount share, thus whittling its per merger, and relatively little from those ac¬ when compared with tually reported. Pennsylvania so the 40% discount at which Nickel merger approximate an $2.74 Pennsylvania does at and own; values, new light of the probable delay of ($3.77 consolidated) to much for these with conse¬ the common 75%, not only should eign arid of $3.95 approximate port be shares ,—-Per Share— witnessed-by as average to from $3.40 crease Since New common $6.75, and of the Northern Pacific in the in from solidated), to of $12- there¬ this earnings Northern an New 1957-1961 both of and $2.00 to $2.50 Pacific In the same period, New York Central earned Norfolk of shares many Western and currently consist of: 13%, share. the seeds those as¬ after, equivalent to from $1.97 to history, of its for¬ company, certain of five years, the company's domestic for seven $5 million of cash, the latter achiev¬ credits, could conceiv¬ $15-million 1960, accounted for solely by the consolidation, for the first time in earnings total amount, for each railroad, to here gives recognition to earnings, at least in the railroad sector of the market. for-one adjusted sumed tax ably market seldom Colgate-Palmolive esti¬ only after five years—which permit that for able latter three equities, however, are but nominal, at best. The stock consolidated adjusted provide will 1.3 first the the convertible market basis, Pennsylvania's showing' is equivalent of NeW York Central much better than that of the Cen¬ the other changes in the reported earnings should the of should therefore provide dynamic 3.40 Spokane, to Consummation 3.39 1957-1961 added reported . $3.15 1955-1961 such as lion Pacific $4.40 $3.90, were compared with as earnings further per Per Share , Average Earnings To Pacific mated merger savings of $43-mil- a bursed. I $4.33, $3.15, $3.39, and $3.40. and at 31%. the basis of dividends $3.00 and $2.20 of $4.40, com- 17, Great Northern earn¬ share; and those of per $3.93, and $3.73 actual actual These results should be new Northern Pacific of reported as , . On October those with still Pany. of par, and Burlington these compared the being exchangeable! for sharp in the new company, one-half for ex¬ Northern plus Northern periods were, share $5.30, $5.05, and $4.45 respectively company, each share of Great one as earnings of the Great share per as changeable for new merge Burlington, each Northern almost adjustment of Colgate-Palmolive, two railroads will Central into able summation the striking earnings as 10% two years, or more, prior to con¬ $0.75 are at Pennsylvania Central at 12%. 0.37 Pacific Combining these results, which, and the Great Northern. sold common 17, of full year's loss to a more nominal company? October count of \ 1957-1961 first of these is the proposed mer¬ new On share 1 present price, representing Northern 1952-1961 The of the 1.3 deficit is Burlington, and of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle als which into company, and new How share, sufficient to wipe per the company, Equities in Undistributed Earnings paper. exchangeable Pennsylvania shares into York following data $1.55 months of that year. be shares of the York The propos¬ will im¬ How merger out these equities to each are railroad? however, single out two us, will present als, the New York Central shares equity of these two rail¬ cussion of these individual merger of ap¬ doubtless give similar recognition Unfortunately, ties be merger Under ap¬ earn¬ 15 BUILDING 16 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle out in The American Economy's great detail and little was This second were Potential and Problems left not wrong they Dockson explains what this would for mean such for our standard of living. in the way ductive of realizing jobs for They One crucial problem said to be standing dict our tween takes better the average worker and the aver¬ businessman age that pression gained the 60s "fabulous"— the im¬ would be of is expanding labor force. pseudo-economists lysts who tions primarily growing and making were based population. clear could population bilities of askings Now, were, within ing of Dr. profits R. R. Dockson lev¬ els and expectations went did those as dicted would have we cession if with trends economy, our¬ our completely we the of "What, wrong Did ask we question, misunderstand a in who our pre¬ major versus Professional have of reviewed cognizant were but they what nally was merely garbled entation reported way during who their the were the They difficulties and the models were very of the of group classifications. includes a The sizable first number tations, the terpretations cans assumptions were the flowing revenues seem they year before. been and for to the confident will be last The that living 15 ture less As has economy us fine ture of our level in¬ usually spelled we of are a fu¬ promising. think we of per¬ It is dif¬ to contemplate of the need to have in mind they years good to most Ameri¬ our ficult for presen¬ and necessity a formed reasonably well. under¬ economy reads see much better role the output to a we clear pic¬ That will in we (4) growth. For for that as worked, number the number tion. If the as either employ productivity of his States United These em-? he may decide to introduce ment. some technological changes in his equip¬ new health of a his employees, the the improve way, his improve his or ment know-how. vate enterprise owner's that his Ideally, in dustry as a pri¬ a which combina¬ in¬ an whole, it is the deci¬ the level aggregate mount size of last the persons. Between now and 1975, our total labor force in¬ will be put of the entire nation and, thus, 1975. the number basic factors that deter¬ same mined the tronics plant output also the of elec¬ determine ag¬ If of million into the these three future, we can factors come varying our the behavior three, at we of different any of can, our should be By lion re¬ assumptions with gard to the forces, upon projections one course, certain be ment living lating within as to manhours which by The 1970 well In assumptions as re¬ individual and productivity. second put in 1920, at just While years, seen tween now and developments be¬ 1975. They Universal a domination will tive Reorganization and "When Issued" Securities War destroys are to below hours. 40 trend little As it years, believe shows years change for is the next that there ning to Chemical the pressures mount that will CO. & 50 Broadway Stock trends begin¬ that Following Co. ERNST New and WHitehall 3-4924 7 Inc. Tappan Co. Members Teletype 212-571-0175 York other 120 Stock leading & Exchange Security CO. American and Commodity Stock Wires to St., Chicago 4, 111. Los Angeles and Exchange Exchanges Broadway, New York 5, N. Y. 231 So. LaSalle Private a are Exchange (AssocJ New York 4 me be Bradstreet, Inc. Swank Members New York Stock Exchange American thir¬ past indicate Empire State Oil Co. & the for Dictaphone Corp. LEVIEN, GREENWALD a 80 have in difficult However, the and econ¬ Cowles Dun 48 1961, it stood year, the last fifteen very week. any produc¬ capacity and places the invited been of about 23 hours in We Maintain Firm Markets in the Inquiries from Banks, Brokers and Dealers had significant reduction in the work (2) We will not experience war. figure approximately secular works. teen major goal of the foreign policy of the USSR. major in hours; 63 number of weekly hours each per¬ are: son (1) continue to be economy. worker about slightly the reduction made to this to hours, and last factors, The national average by the the number of the whittled by each worker con¬ the to in component 1880, environmental assumptions I have relate mil¬ million 89 America as¬ be the 2.5 armed of employment and hours per week will we level with the approximately 81 output formula is based fundamental in unem¬ 1975. conclusions. must 4% of rise. to frictional a level up of continue persons the capacity to produce. estimates reasonable will accept we ployment project we sumptions regarding the environ¬ Rights double entering the workers force if All Convertible Preferreds than more Throughout the sixties, the labor Environmental Assumptions Convertible Bonds total our approximately increased 10,000,000 tributes We maintain markets in During force. years, including the armed force, forces, para¬ actual the is labor fifteen of but importance the labor of things, many upon depend levels Employment crease arrive Listed and Unlisted Securities and worked, output of this, reaching a level of 87.1 mil¬ all industries represents the out¬ lion in 1970 and 94.7 million in of Brokers and Dealers in those relating to . hours The summation of the is, approach full employ- up Labor Force Growth sions of all the factories that de¬ termine . make that it is the output. For own . to relating assumptions components productivity? tion of factors will be used to in¬ crease make Now, what about the more employment, management's decision or major might we manage¬ own economy, determines more the of some total output provide training program for his work¬ ers, become future overall environ¬ our specific in resources are assumptions about combine the of policy will oping nations. ployees. To accomplish the latter, ment, of life for heavily involved with the devel¬ his employees are working, or in¬ the will Change way foreign The (6) work¬ more a the individual citizens. our output of his plant, be become and the demanding. to throughout will complex upon continue increase the number of hours ers, highly more capacity and desires to increase the Society pressures illustra¬ an continue period. more hours is not operating owner at maximum the electronics small A be used may of will vances people productivity of the and workers. he may of the are: employed, the greater but no "dis¬ an depends upon three basic factors. firm become armament" agreements will be industry, or formulated between now and 1975. matter, a political entity, (5) Important technological ad¬ a county, state or nation, factory, a These disarmament Pressures for will greater for pressures given period, the out¬ any put of such contribution to important an future nation's if al¬ centralization will mount. ing mak¬ with need system will, at the same time, be potential what business our dominant the play though the gregate national production. Thus, future, expanding economy. to understanding of our economy, we try. careful with print of the professional one rising continue output for that particular indus¬ have forecast¬ that If the somewhat better than they did the included prepared. broad will not only have a we It will to communism. give way each fi¬ truly professional approach. in men questions, Private enterprise will not (3) give adequate can incomes will continue to rise and printed 50s that government services, and individuals The second group of forecasters active worried, the to potential is to be these proper business¬ public sector, and the majority of pres¬ was the on its to think seem point they year ing place them into two need for In some¬ the it somewhat government presented, between the and in some opportunities for profits; nothing became While tion. we to answers omy some us the page. stood large with what wrong sobering expanding markets and increasing of had group the of the 60s have If under forced draught condi¬ is: policies should we our realized? to "the years ahead" will be years of forecasting, but who this that decade majority still larger of num¬ a the are casts long-range fore¬ so-called can and were group casts made during the 50s and find we standards afraid see men talking were this to a thus, in Forecasting I and yet, enabled enough of as other instances, some of the fore¬ many ber living am not, perhaps careless in how they were re¬ following World War II? Pseudo economy. recommend first three years really spelled out their presentation. below running it is time that anything, without in Also, subtleties of ceptable forecasts?" future who men unac¬ the the about. hovering selves our understanding it is possible to predict¬ perspective. were knowing what they with unemploy¬ many, this by and large, men of prom¬ the end of the hopes an people. I group position where they the a Prevailing View of Businessmen actual in men inence who found themselves in are and arrive at dis¬ any economy and our The nor' was approaching around can if pursue Thursday, November 29, 1962 . question second national crease output. ment we ican shifting age distribution of be had for the year and forecasting greater satisfactions for the Amer¬ tinction drawn between the capa¬ 60s be¬ to the jobs and the difference the If understanding of the forces higher group both third produce suggest policies that will lead to Our our we to goods and services. predicting made then predic¬ "soaring" and that potentials The ment? what economy—its did not give careful consideration * they would be profits are not attempting to pre¬ With such ana¬ upon This They 50s. capabilities working Throughout the decade of the 50s, thing same the future reality. He warns that failure to encourage the private sector will doom us to increasing government centralization as Washington our say¬ exactly what that level will challenge. providing jobs for are be when the distant year becomes a the task of the more are 10-point program so private enterprise can be permitted to meet this over analysts American and more as capability is the ability to provide pro¬ expanding labor force. The economist submits a our the growing as well as of Dr. industries housing, consumer goods and services, and electronics in said nor are That is competent and pointing to is estimated to be capable of rising 65%—4% average year—in the next 15 years-from $560 to $925 billion GNP. per in the 50s ing today about" the they forecasters of group in what they are cur¬ wrong economists University of Southern California Our output room misunderstanding. rently saying. By Robert R. Dockson,* Dean, School of Business Administration, 1 for . . Chicago by Volume the 1975, could be the Number 196 work average low as week population 22 % aver¬ tendency will be for the our age citizen to have more time for leisure and Television will probably receive will portunities about increase construction goods and services will be up 65%. " ~ of as of statement a what economy it would be the starts home- will be to are need to adequately ducing during the sixties and into will cans begin to spend time more hope that Ameri¬ our the on little a spiritual and the will be capable of seventies. They predictions what cultural side of their lives. way, we in are, last of components three the anticipated will, of course, be felt of in many will be doing. that contribute ity—the of amount to level each with output person produces for each hour of work. From to 1900 World War II, the annual rate of increase in productivity averaged 2%. the seventeen During since the have we of end averaged than this and have War in approached the education vances, research, people, rate and it of and the is likely increase average excess of experienced prior to World War II since the but the below Even war. incentives the our productivity will continue at rates in those of the in ad¬ training, health offered average with special businesses for acceleration of capital equip¬ ment expenditures, it is likely that productivity the next each will increase 13 years capabilities, our to magnitude could over at around 2.7% year. will be in labor force our ready with us, we confidence in this figure. armed our If can projections our to million of able to hold we are services million to 3 al¬ are have some around and 2.5 our un¬ employment to approximately 4% of the civilian labor surely increase by 2.7% each done, our total output, force, If this year. can be Gross National Product, will increase approximately $560 to we can productivity our around billion today billion $626 from in 1965, will firms total the industries aboiit the rate decline. The of slightly higher above than an 4% our of this rate average which % is historical rate of growth. may at even family's average rise should sixties and, thus, the out¬ consumer goods in¬ the during seventies the of look dustries is extremely and continue higher into move bright. More will income families more goods These If they that figures are true, come our startling it capita per increase from about to such family's is in for and over than $4,000 by period, it is will income, some $3,000 today, in 1975. 1970 a mean financing expected that our will substantial increase in the total demand for housing as home of the future will be better and better furn¬ designed, the than ished World homes II. War they built more likely that in are going to buy a same buy bile. The current velopments the deserts yet to but a and will economy of If complished, many ing ment a control. sales records of the electronics industry likely to be established. without this spending, is for remain more clothes as dryers, freezers, foretells sets Many what ap- electronics industry is ing growths if 1975 of we industry has growth been administration office for from ones the market, and of the future will surpass that of the past. our new Some time ago, Government decided it would try to land a man the on moon prior to 1970, and this single de¬ cision fect will during have the on billion place, a the sixties. industry profound electronics has level we portant ef¬ industry even is solve in problems, to take of keeping force i One of 1975, for nearly million By today. mation and per¬ level of 69 a Because new velopments, million 90 of auto¬ technological de¬ particularly in the electronics industry, many current jobs will disappear; thus, total job requirements will range new between The estimated an million by 30 to 35 1975. well as many others. be also give Electronics also will bring products to others than the space The new aero¬ is answered burden will be eased and the home will be made more comfortable. factory to of undergo novations The office and tomorrow certain are major changes continue in as in¬ electronics. us we the answer will be "Can we Private alone environment, Today, this our in could realize projected. enterprise, completely furnish to whether able to the potential we have industry during the sixties. housewife's not or government pursue policies con¬ ducive to private economic prog¬ present our not number hope of to jobs. plays an important role in fostering growth. Indeed, the law of the land emphasis having upon rising having it create stitutional the many new a private enterprise might flourish. Ten Point Program Because I am so concerned in to order reach output our tential, and because you de¬ mountains, and prelude to events home-building boom ahead submit tive to you will program action. stimulate role points the government. of The are: Research and Expenditures of products and new late markets Industry. and dompetition. when a but much as A without the penditures suffers. spends for this company direct tax ceding three sidered. years credit Credits over of this on Pref—* Sommon Trading Department, L. A. GIBBS, Manager A COMPLETE MONEY SERVICE Laird, Bis sell 6 AYeeds Members New York and American Stock 120 Securities Brokerage Brokers Loans Securities Financing BROADWAY, NEW YORK 5, N. Y. Telephone BArclay 7-3500 WILMINGTON, DEL. Exchanges PHILADELPHIA, PA. Bell Teletype 212 571-1170 NEW HAVEN, CONN. ZURICH, SWITZERLAND CORRESPONDENTS Garvin, Bantel & Co. Members New York and American Stock 120 Broadway, New RUTNER, JACKSON & GRAY, INC. Exchanges York 5, N. Y. Los Angeles, STEWART MILLER & CO., INC. Calif. Chicago, III. Area Code 212 ~ Teletype: Federal Funds 212 571-1100 EASTERN INVESTMENT CORP. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Telephone: REctor 2-6900 ' ROMAN & JOHNSON COOLEY & COMPANY Hartford, Conn. Manchester, N. H. HARRY C. DACKERMAN & CO. Philadelphia, Pa. JOHNSON, COLEMAN, MANNING & SMITH, INC. WHITE & CO. MASON & LEE, INC. Charleston, S. C. Securities & St. Louis, Mo. Lynchburg, Va. Financing 212 571-1101 I of as aver¬ pre¬ con¬ nature page CHRISTIANA SECURITIES CO. GB Federal Funds the should be Continued ex¬ economy 20% to 25% of the expenditures age such entire new op- for Banks, Brokers, Dealers & Investors A certain amount of risk is involved and f-j New services stimu¬ ~ ^ on Development Inquiries invited in all Unlisted Issues FQUNCXO 1931 our (1) Grant Direct Tax Credit the a suffi¬ increasing without economy posi¬ Such private sector of ciently the relative ten-point a for program Specialists in FUND MANAGEMENT SECURITIES are the United States, I would like to BANK & INSURANCE STOCKS OVER-THE-COUNTER SECURITIES po¬ men in influential positions throughout re¬ areas, over the direction that might be taken not automo¬ estate challenges and which in that or in¬ proper environment second resort proportions central not or be must our government "do," and more upon purpose, working government Less placed ten greater than the automobile and; supply anything close to this num¬ thus, as it develops, it will carry ber of new jobs within 13 years?" with it the electronics industry, The answer to this question will as to our all-important question that must maximum contribution labor need to furnish employ¬ compared with sons the productively employed. we unemployed private enterprise is to make problem expanding our im¬ many If its ress. growth, increase greatest of these is the The aerospace potential a this an each year, must we chasing good possibility that the a progress but constantly are If represents to period any growth, it is imperative that and now achieve the projected. ment products there is this of phenomenal during the past decade, old one the next 13 over Qver-all years. between can output close to the potential $30 industries which will certainly expand indus¬ Gross National Product of nearly Implications for Electronics newer other our and workers. Providing Jobs tries will also enjoy record-break¬ have industries. of govern¬ politically fea¬ with large numbers of of ac¬ regulation, not any in gov¬ be expect grow¬ can we It greatly of cannot centralization, sible are i Problem that the me activities the ernment. defense products that will find widespread new jobs increasing application in other industries. As consequence, to supply the required can number develop¬ produce purchasing and seems come. We have of real around beaches, are second a posi¬ way they decide today whether will people the deciding whether house in much the in frequent, many themselves since changes Style homes will become it is bigger, research industries ap¬ new The average after the mid-1960's. billions The It important question is whether the spent by the Govern¬ for which family formations begin to mount and During this industry this important changes. of methods ier mean will large share of a Higher average incomes and eas¬ at output $3,600 more markets. takes ing a will be facing Since hous¬ types all expanding of services and they somewhat difficult to comprehend. such pliance of bur expand living substantially and of at . the nation, will power." Our post- experience with television The as sixties. production, decisions ment in the aerospace and the by might happen to sales in the com¬ they or standard tion production is and national advance at will others rates find total more the exceed same still and slower will our of the 70's. pliances rates at Some economy. others growth, and magnitude "necessities" heme buyer all and expand not will panies $925 billion in 1975. in the comparable to those projected for $762 billion in 1970 and to about An increase in only considered is potential our all achieved, nearly who people found in Many of the room. garbage disposals, home if sumer the one and sets the data become management dollars expensive homes of today will be Industries GNP Projections of television World War II Even being air-conditioned will the promote ' Service Goods and Consumer to most gadgets to cer¬ brackets and this means that con¬ Since than homes new be built-in more growth of mean the will with might we a other industries. By 1970, of built a tain segments of our economy. better technological our this lead commensurate output II, 3% rate. With continued improve¬ ments of national any would briefly look at what years much which than less World examining policies productiv¬ national output is our Before major routine electronic systems to resources goals of "maximum employment, the and his of inven¬ of devices, to processing quires the President to utilize all communica¬ installation switchover ment of means the during i housing boom of the nature most The tions, of A no estimates — housed. pro¬ Improved 1970,, tory-control By 2,000,000 each year if families our our its share of these extra hours, but close to be with industry. housing new The estimates should be thought the horizon for are on associated those while the total output of all about self-improvement. 17 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . . . Thus, 37 hours. as 6216 76 18 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle BULLOCK, Attended the Convention EDWARD A. C. Allyn & J. Spencer Trask & Co. Pacific New York Report of the NSTA St. San ANDERSON, A. W* Eppler, Guerin & Turner Francisco, Calif. ANGELOS, G. Hi* Burns New / BECKER, E. F. Dallas, Texas Miami, Fla. Haven, Conn. Chase New BEEBE, JAMES L. ARMSTRONG, E. J* Stein Bros. & Boyce Baltimore, Md. Los R. David A. Noyes & Co. Angeles, Calif. S. Dickson & Cowen & New York Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Minneapolis, Minn. Stein Bros. & BARKER, JOHN S. Higginson Corporation York BARNES, RICHARD M. New York ♦Denotes Mr. Inc. Asiel & New York Mackie, For & R. S. Dickson & Co. Inc. Atlanta, Mrs. York the of Security of Washing¬ effective Jan. admission there will 1, 1963. the of be a our new corre¬ mem¬ goal new of ad¬ a new The admis¬ brings the nearer fifth some a new in also that all those an approximately new 100 increase of members effort which do member. committee member of the We should be membership in branches NSTA an each urges National not - Associa¬ tion to actively work to build our association convention reflects Holiday Inns of America out that branches. few an made to stimulate numbers 5,091 at the date of the annual their like to point relatively believe of City 1962 in firms have NSTA members The year in increase an active membership over 1961. We have consecutive affiliates 32 shown should of the Report follows: the interesting to note that 20 high in 1962. A total membership CLYMER, L. M. Ga. the members, NSTA membership attained BUDD, TONY City January, Text Inc. Pa. R. S. Dickson & Co. Inc. New and NSTA's of have goal of fr,000 members. CITO, M. J. City noted new all-time high of 5,091. last JACK* Singer, Bean & Co. Wis.) 100 bringing the aggregate to BROWN, LEO E* City Milwaukee, dition Co. #.&§! Otto J. Koch Jr. Hough of l i sion of two new affiliates effective Philadelphia, Ernst & Co. York Securities Montgomery, Ala. Co., Inc. BARYSH, M. L * New I Philadelphia, Pa. First Alabama is It Co. Inc. City CHRISTIAN, applications 6,000 members. BONHAM, JOHN A* City A. M. Kidder & York by Council Security Traders As¬ Association the as¬ increased Executive bership toward Inc. Washington, D. C. approved also sponding increase "in NSTA ( . Suplee, Yeatman,|Mosley Investment Bankers Association the affiliates CHRISTIAN, E. A* BOEHMLER, ERWIN* of With Pa. in affiliated of was ton, D. C., The First Boston Corporation New Baltimore, Md. Cleveland, Ohio New Assn. CHANNELL, C. K * i number sociation, Cleveland, Ohio Boyce The Traders Bankers and members Canada. the Houston York J. N. Russell & City individual some state every which Bank have members now practically sociations CAYNE, M. A* BODIE, CHAS. A., Jr.* Merrill, Turben & Co. Inc. Lee Manhattan Philadelphia, Co. in action Caughlin & Co Co. Inc. 1961. We over Otto Koch Jr. (Marshall Company, Denton, Inc. William R. BAKER, DAVID L* and CAUGHLIN, E. J* BILLINGS, J H* BABCOCK, C. H. Fla.) Washington, D. C. Charlotte, N. C. Chicago, 111. Petersburg, & City Investment Co. BIBB, J. LEWIS ARTHUR, JOHN* St. Hough R. CALVERT, GORDON Wm. R. Staats & 1 & William THOMAS J. CAHILL, Scantlin Electronics Inc. Chas. W. Scranton & Co. Bros. York (William NSTA the of Committee, Hough Co., CABBLE, JOS. C* Commercial and Financial Co-Chairmen Membership R. Baltimore, Md. Chronicle, New York City Dallas, Texas The Baumgartner, Downing & Co. Company BECK, EDWIN L* - Louis, Mo. BURNS, W. L* First California Walker, Austin & Waggener Membership Committee Fusz-Schmelzle & Co. Company BATES, R. F* ALMON, R. A. New Northwest BURNS, EUGENE Seattle, Washington City Thursday, November 29, 1962 . Jr. Co. Pompano Beach, Fla. BATEMAN, HOMER J* AIELLO, M. T* . . and strengthen our through the addition of qualified members new during the coming year. Memphis, Tenn. COLEMAN, MERRITT Allen & New Company York i; City W. E. Hutton & PRIMARY MARKETS FOR New York Loewi ETS HOKIN, JERRY* City FREED, A. L. J. M. Dain & CRAWFORD, G. H. Columbia, S. C. Edwards CROWLEY, M. J* New York FAZIO Li, Chicago, 111. ;»■ Webster Securities New York Bankers Co. Inc. City Bissell York GOELZER, City City & Co., Inc Meeds & City DON Securities Indianapolis, GOLD, BENJ * W * Corporation Ind. ! Gold, Weissman & Frankel Inc. New Memphis, Tenn. York City / GOLDSTEIN. M. E. Kerngood FORBES, R. C * New Shearson, Hammill & Co. ! Edward D. Jones & Acceptances Mericka Holiday Inns of America DEPPE, R. C* St. Laird, New FILKINS, W. L* FRANK, MAURICE B. Doyle, O'Connor & Equipment Trusts J. GIBBS, LOUIS A. , Boston, Mass. 1 New York City Co. DENNEY, W. B* New York City W. C. Pitfield & Co. Inc. Boston, Mass, Railroads Frenkel Cleveland, Ohio FITZGERALD, JOHN M* City F. L. Putnam & Wm. City CLIVE B* New York D'ARCY, JOHN J* Industrials & York GALDUN, GARY A.* Troster, Singer & Co. FRANK* Hayden, Stone & Co. Inc. Public Utilities Gersten New White, Weld & Co. Corporation, New York City DA1NES, Hanley City Laird, Bissell & Meeds CURRY, THOS. L* Municipals Washington, D. C. FRENKEL, LESTER* FARRELL, ROBT. R. Bear, Stearns & Co. Stone & & New York Tenn. Atlantic Coast Line EDWARDS, BERT CUMMINGS, F. X * Agency Issues Co. Inc. Minneapolis, Minn. Portland, Maine Federal Equitable Securities Corp. Incorporated Memphis, H. M. Payson & Co. U. S. Governments Co. & Milwaukee, Wise. Co. G. H. Crawford & Co. INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS FREDERICK, FRANK D. ELWELL, WM. C* COLWELL, S. F. New Co. York & York Co. City Continued City on page Louis, Mo„» DeYOUNG, NEIL* DeYoung & Co. Certificates of Grand Rapids, Mich. Deposit DISBRO, ROBT. M. Disbro & Finance Paper . Co. Pershing Willoughby, Ohio & Go, MEMBERS DOCKHAM, GEO. A* Canadian Issues Hincks Bros. NEW & Co. Bridgeport, Conn. Inc. « (YORK STOCK EXCHANGE AMERICAN 1 STOCK EXCHANGE DOHERTY, WM. M* Preferred Stocks Fahnestock &jCo. New York City DONADIO, JOS. F. S@ SALOMON SIXTY WALL STREET New NEW BROTHERS HUTZLER William V. Frankel & Co. Inc. YORK 5 N. Y. HAnover 2-8700 Members New York Stock Exchange SAN FRANCISCO DALLAS New York City CHICAGO PALM BEACH Dunn & Taylor New York City ELKAN, EDWARD* Cowen & Co. New York / WOrth 4-4300 Bache & Co. Private CLEVELAND PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK 5, N. Y. Teletype 212 571-1313 DORSEY, JOS. R* DUNN, G. J* BOSTON 120 BROADWAY, York City I City Albany Atlanta Hartford Houston Philadelphia San Francisco Buffalo Lima, O. Pittsburgh South Bend Wires Chicago Los Angeles Providence Washington Dallas Fayetteville, N. C. Minneapolis St. Louis Wheeling New Orleans San Antonio Youngstown 77 Volume Number 6216 196 ... The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . 19 . NSTA Affiliates and Members & Lasser Rothschild; Robert M. Topol, Greene and Company. Took Office: January New York Inc. i BOLOGNINI, RINALDO A. wich, Gregory & Sons; John F, McLaughlin, Andrews, Posner Security Traders Association of is 'He 1, 1962; Term Expires: December 31, 1962. CUBAN in specialist a sees and is presently at BOUTELLE, GREGORY W. C. E. Judson & Co. (Associate) liberty. BOUTON. D. ROSTER ' Bros. BOUCHER, JOHN B. OF MEMBERS . HOWARD R. H. Ellis & Co. BOYCE, FRANK Corl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Co. (Associate) bezer, charles a. AAL, C. .IFHOME C. J. Aal & Co., ABBE, RICHARD Sutro Inc. Eastern Edward Securities, Mitchell & ACKERT, PHILIP Freeman & Walston & ALBERTS, C. blair, Allen B. (Associate) & Alberts A. Co. & J. BREAKSTONE, JACK &c Co. BREARLEY, R. Conlon & , BRENNAN, JAMES I. Elsele & King, Llbalre, Stout & Co. Co. BRENNEN, ROBERT H. Equity Securities Co. (Associate) Inc. bloch, leo BREWER, III, JAMES R. (Associate) John C. r-:; Brothers & Hutzler BRILL, (Associate) BLOCKLEY, JOHN C Cruttenden, ROBERT F. Weld & Co. White, DOUGLAS ALEXANDER, Joseph United BOAS, (Associate) ALLEN. & MOSES Hentz & BRILLSON, Miller Co. (Associate) MICHAEL J. Arnold Malkan & Co., Inc. Continental ROBERT Marks Co., Corp. BRITTAIN, MILTON C. < Associate) Shearson, Hammill & Co. (Associate) S. & Inc. BROCHU,PETER W. .. Allen & Company roland, william h. Company ALTMAN. H. Carl HERBERT Allen & E. & BLOOM, SOL M. C. Lann Securities, Inc. J. Podesta Legg & Company DAVID David Morris Co. ALBERT.SON, D. Wood, Gundy & Co., Inc. h. Company Salomon , Andrews, Posner & Rothschild Seymour Blauner Co. ALBERTS, GERARD H. C. Co. blauner, seymour A. A. and Company Zuckerman, Smith & Co. (Associate) & blank. andrew S. Inc. CHESTER Alberts A. & Co. Co., Greene f, frank & Kaufman & Co. BRADY, JOHN Corporation (Associate) J. BRAND, HARRY L. Winmill Birnbaum II. JOSEPH ALBERTI, McLaughlin, james Gude, Company Trask Spencer Sidney Jacobs BRADY, FRANK Hanseatic j Gordon Graves & Co. birnbaum, nahum j MARK T. AIELLO, S. E. Dawson-Smith bird;" B. Company W. Pizzlnt & Co., Inc. BRADY, EUGENE J. (Associate) (Associate) IRVING Company & Co. frank York New (Associate) HERBERT Mitchell Elbridge H. Smith bingham, ALBERT ABELOW, Ladin Cowen & Co. Inc. & Frenkel ABELOW, S. billings, joseph ii. NATHAN Gersten BRADLEY, WALTER V. Co. bies, sylvester j. F. EDWIN A. A BELL, & B. Shearson, Hammill & Co. ABELE, Bros. Boland, Saffin, Gordon & Continued Sautter on page 20 S. K. (Associate) Co. AMENDOLA, EDWARD A. Merrill HOWELIL Howell Salvatore J. Wilbur Krisam Rappa O. Archard O. HARRY ARNOLD. Smith Fenner & Lynch, Pierce, Incorporated ARCHARD, (Associate) & Co. L. | Goldman, Sachs & Co. ARONSON, President: Elbridge H. Smith, Stryker & Brown. Bernard First Vice-President: Stanley E. Dawson-Smith, Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller. Bache & Co - Second Vice-President: Sidney Jacobs, Co. & Aronson AVERELL. ALFRED reasons R. GERALD for trading with ^ B. ■ ' . . -.V; BACHMAN, WALTER E. Burton, Dana & Co. (Associate) Sidney Jacobs Co. JOHN BAIR, Carolina Secretary: Salvatore J. Rappa. Mergott, Rappa & Co., Inc. W. _ Kidder,Peabody Corporation Securities ALEXANDER GEORGE BAKER, - Dreyfus & Co. Treasurer: Wilbur Krisam, John C. Legg & Company. BALTER, Directors: John S. Barker, Lee Higginson BANDLER, LEE ANDREW Singer & Co. Troster, Corporation; Joseph R. Dorsey, Bache & Co.; John M. Fitzgerald, W. C. Pitfield & Co., Inc.; Raymond C. Forbes, Shearson, Hammill & Co.; James T. Gahan, E. F. & Hutton Company, Incorporated; A. Kenney, D. Raymond & Co.; D. Raymond Horn, Kuhn, Loeb Edward Kenney & Co.; Barney Nieman*; Charles S. Offerman, Troster, Singer & Co.; Lewis H. Serlen, Josephthal & Co. Heaney, Michael J. Heaney & Co.; Stanley L. Rog- Greenberg, C. E. Saxton kz Co.; Joseph Towbin Denton, Inc.; Thomas D. Kraso- A Inc. Co., & S. JOHN BAFKER, expe¬ Trading Department PHILIP T. Ludlow A. large, rienced Higginson Corporation Lee Co. & BARNES. RICHARD M. A. H. Cabbie, Burns Bros, Unterberg, Alternates: Joseph C. A. G. Kidder M. BARRETT. genburg, Roggenburg & Co. (Associate) Goldman, Sachs & Co. BARBIER, LESLIE J. Michael J. in the underwriting field BARBASSO, JACK J. BAKMONDE. National Committeemen: Samuel F. Colwell, W. E. Hutton & Co.; A major name Co. & Ernst | C. LIONEL Inc. Co.. & FRANK D. Wainwright & Co C. EUGENE BARRY. Arthur Active primary trading |l F. & Wiesenberger Co. a wide PETER L. BARTH, Edwards BURTON flz Securities Union Dillon Eastman BARYSH, Etnsi S. IIFARY BARTOLD, & markets in stocks, common preferred bonds, corporate Hanley & of range stocks and convertible securities Co. A. Co BARYSH, LAWRENCE H ALL MARKETS ON ONE CALL ?y Vilas & Hlckey BARYSH, MURRAY 6z Ernst ROBERT BASEL, A wire L. system to 31 offices and Co coast correspondents J. Myron A. Lomasney & Co. for broad dealer and coast to institution¬ BASELICE, PERRY M. Cohu Winslow, & Incorporated Stetson al coverage—at less cost (Associate) COMPLETE BASS, SOL . Bear, Stearns & Co. SERVICE BROKERAGE & Co.. without blocks Incorporated D. HERMAN BAUMER, experience Long WILLARD BASTIAN, Blair , in handling disturbing large existing street markets Gregory & Sons BEAHAN, WILLIAM J. ALL CORPORATE & FOREIGN BONDS Lebenthal & Inc. Co., BEAN, JULES MUNICIPAL, STATE AND REVENUE Singer, Bean BONDS EDWARD BECKER. Blair PREFERRED AND COMMON Co., STOCKS BEERMAN, PAUL Hirsch BEN, H. Buenos York Corporation Hanseatic No BENNETT, PATRICK J. MABON & CO ESTABLISHED 1892 C. Allyn & Co. BENTLEY, D. AMERICAN STOCK STOCK EXCHANGE F. Street KERMIT & BERTSCH, ARTHUR 115 BROADWAY NEW YORK 6, N. Y. G. A. L. Inc. Saxton & (Associate) (Associate) W. Co., 2-2820 TELETYPE 212 571-0230 Grady, Berwald & Co., Inc. BERWIND, Francis I. JOHN du C. Pont & Co. BESWICK, SAMUEL F. Laird, Bissell & your help. trading Call or problem write may David D, be, our Lynch, Kidder, Peabody & Co. Founded 1865 • Members New York, American, Boston, Inc. BERWALD, OTTO A. RE can Manager, Dealer Relations Department, JACK J. Company, what (Associate) Bernheimer & Co., Inc. BERNSTEIN, EXCHANGE W. RANSOM A. Gundy & Co., Inc. BERNIIEIMER, MEMBERS YORK HAROLD Proctor & Paine Abbott, matter experience BERNEBURG, Wood, NEW and HANS E. New A. Aires Hong Kong Co. & Paris, London, - ARTHUR BELLUSCI, in I. Incorporated Keister & Company H. C. offices Overseas & Mackie, Inc Meeds (Associate) Philadelphia-Baltimore, Midwest and Pacific Coast Stock Exchanges *20 Exchange PI., New York 5* Boston Philadelphia Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 li- Ifptgp Mrs. & Mr. Sidney J. Sanders, Marshall, Inc., Seattle; Mrs. & Gardner, St. Louis Foster & A Mr. Earl L. Mr. Hagensieker, & Mrs. Edward J. Witter The First L T. MEMBERS OF I1ENKY BROWN, JULIUS BROMSEN, WILLIAM E. Tyche Securities, Inc. (Associate) BROWN, LEO BROOKS, Jr., GEORGE F. BROWN, LESTER D. Oppenheimor & Asiel Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis L. ft D. i Co. Brown BROWN. " 111. Spear, Charles (Associate) BROWN, IIAROLD L. Winslow, Cohu & Stetson, BltuU N. 1IIUAIA.N C. Kellogg I J. BURKE, The Burns ft First of Bank (Associate) & CANTER. Sutro Bros. II. DAVID Corporate Bonds and Stocks CANTOR, Glen (Associate) CAREY. W Estabrook & Co. & WILLIAM 80 Pine Street 15 State Street New York 5 Boston 9 Simons Hartford • Middletown PoUGHKEEPSIE * • New Britain • Philadelphia PROVIDENCE * SPRINGFIELD Exchanges Co., Newark, N. J. K. Rice, CASPER, Sidney Jr. P. & (Associate) Co. Walston D. DAVIS, A. Robinson (Associate) Ellis & Anderson (Associate) CHANNEI.L, CLIFFORD K. First CHAPMAN, DIXON, Boston WILLIAM G. Cutter & Dixon DOHERTY. A. Incorporated SALVATORE C. JOHN J. Allyn & Co. DOIIERTY, WILLIAM M. I. MARVIN Fahnestock Co. & JOHN J. Co. & Boucher B. Co., Inc. Wm. (Associate) : V. Frankel DONNELLY, Jr.. Wertheim Fuller & Co. Co. & JOSEPH DONADIO, HENRY & LAWRENCE P. DOLAN, P. & F. & Co., Incorporated JAMES A. Co. C. DAVIS, DORSEY, WILLIAM J. Bros. (Associate* Bache DAWSON-SMITH, STANLEY E. Podesta & Miller JOSEPH & R. Co. DOUGHERTY. MICHAEL W. Benkert A. B. Sachs & Co. (Associate) Goldman, Allyn & Co. Ciuttenden, LEON DORFMAN, THOMAS JOSEPH Lasser CHAMBERLAIN, WILLIAM HALE The LEONARD Dreyfus & Co. Incorporated Co. R. Co., Inc. CERU. CARLO Green, Co., Inc. B. Abbott, Proctor & Paine DAVIS, MARTIN S. T. & Incorporated M. & Laurence Frazier G. Vanderhoef & Co., Winmill Gude, Co. SALVATORE <ss Laver Higginson Corporation DAVIS. Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc. CERRUTO. Incorporated Co. Peck DANIELSON, nARRY D. Jacobs & D'ANGELO, Lee CASS, RICHARD Members New York and Boston Stock Blair (Associate) J. • St Co. Jr., RALPH T. Eastman Dillon. Union Securities & Co. DANEMEYER, JOHN J. Co. JOSEPn FRANCIS Adams & DIMPEL, P. CALVIN D. DALE, Kaufman DISS, Jr., WILLIAM Hayden, Stone (Associate) WILLIAM G. & CARROLL, LEE W. Lee W. Carroll & CARUCCI. Boston DAINES. G. I JOSEPn P. Jr., RALPH John J. DITTELL, Canady St Co.. Inc. CARRINGTOX, Jr., WILLIAM G. Ira Haupt St Co. P. Company tAssociate) (Associate) L. Murray FONZO. DIMPEL. Corporation Saxe CARRINGTOX. III. Founded 1851 & McLaughlin, (Honorary) CUSACK, JOHN T. A molt. Baker & Co. MILTON Russell i Securities & JOSFPII DIMPEL, ALBERT II. John J. Laver & Co., Inc. N. J. Stone Co. St DEWDNEY, HARRY E. White, Weld & Co. Co. CHARLES Inc. THEODORE Co. (Associate) Ingraham Freeman DI Webster St Hayden, N. Henry Krieger & Co. CAl'PFR. Ridge, Stone CURTI. MARVIN & H DFVINE. CURRY, THOMAS L. JOEL Sartorius St Co Inc. CURRIE. Jr.. JAMES Corporation Inc. Co., A. A. E. CROWLEY, Jr., JOHN P. C. Michigan L. Christensen, & DEVINE, JOSEPH J. R. Williston & Beane Reed, Lear &t Co. CANAVAN, JOHN J. Burke & ' SOCIO. SAMUEL P. De Inc. CROWLEY, JOHN B. Denton, Inc. CALLAWAY, Jr., 1 DENOBLE, Morgan Stanley & Co. C. The Dominion Securities Corporation AND H. Co. (Associate) & Co. DENNEY, WILLIAM B. Doyle, O'Connor & Co., M. EDWARD Wells & Co. Nordeman Cowen CRONIN, DONALD Corporation Manhattan CAI.EF. JOHN Bonds Neu THOMAS J. Chase M unicipal Boston Bros CAHILL, CRONE, Newborg & R. Company DEMPSEY, PHILIP C. Bankers Trust Company Goodbody & Co. & Bros. Bruns, Incorporated M. Co. JAMES JOHN Tatro L. MAYE, JOHN E. Suiro & Company Greenshields Co. DEMET, LOUIS R. EDWARD & CRAVE. . JOSEPH CAKBLE. IN F. J. JOHN First DE John J. O'Kane, Jr. & Co. IIERRFRT Oppenhcimer, BL'lLLk, Hutton F. & MARCO, Edwin Co. CRAIG, JOSEPH J. & Co. BI'SI II .11A V. DE Company COSENTINO, JOSEPH Incorporated Co. Securities Corporation IIAROI.D Reynolds St Hirsch J. & EDWARD BUFKE. DEALERS E. King St Co. Dominion W. E. Hutton St Co. Inc. Incorporated Co. GERARD L. Stone & ROBERT E. Hirsch F. CORKEY. DONALD B. & ARTHUR Hayden, duPont I. COR LEY. BURC11ARD, THOMAS Leeds & Allen F. Stone Del INE, JOSEPH I DEDRICK, GEORGE E. Gregory & Sons JOSEPH J. CORBY, (Associate) BUKIAN. BROWN, D. HOWARD Ingalls & Snyder Francis CHARLES F. Hayden, Associate) Smith COOPER, BYRON PATRICK G. BRYSON. JAMES Co, E. Co St Bullard & Smyth Filor, Spencer Trask & Co. D. Jr.. CONLON. J. Corporation & Co. Watson BRIAN, Continued from page 19 Co. ft Boston Fenner Incorporated GEORGE BRUNJES, BRUNS, ROSTER Reilly Tweedy, Browne & BRUGGEMAN, CHARLES Dean New York, Inc. CONLON, JOHN A. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, S. HOWARD BROWNE, Security Traders Association of Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Hutton, Kelly, Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Co., New York; Equitable Securities Corporation, Nashville Reinholdt & Co., Inc. Corporation EDWARD L. Spencer Trask & Co. CHAPMAN. HAROLD S. Casper Rogers Co. In addition to CHAVE, WILLIAM F. Hornblower Golkin. Bomback Co. & R. purchases large blocks of securities from institutions, individuals-and estates and Dickson CIULLA, Underwriters, Brokers and Dealers in Bache & Co., them Inc. ANTHONY Walston CLANCY, INDUSTRIAL then distributes MICHAEL J. S. & Co.. Jr.. ers BERNARD COHEN, PUBLIC UTILITY & "special" offerings. Co. EUGENE We welcome the M. Schweickart St Co., Hempstead, N. COLANDRO. JOSEPH Y. FOREIGN SECURITIES COLEMAN, C. Allen GEORGE American and Company 60 BROAD Area Freeman Code 212 W. Local 344-1400 E. COBURNHAM TELETYPE E. SAMUEL Hutton & & 571-079! CONLON. B. J. ,. „ JOSEPH Hammill facilities BERNARD Conlon & L. & 20 Co. (Associate) Broad Street, and other leading exchanges New York 5, N. Y. 529 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. F. Philadelphia Albany J. Co., Smith, Barney & Co. „ Members- New York Stock Exchange Co. CONCAGH, JAMES 212 Corporation • Company Greenshilds iCABLE: our dealer originations may he of service. L. Securities St COLUCCIO, ; Shearson, COLVVELL, STREET, NEW YORK 4, N. Y. where in local Company COLTHUP, JAMES MEMBERS NEW YORK AND AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGES dealers, not only in this field but also MERRITT St COLLINS, Burnham opportunity of working with connection with N. White, Weld ft Co. AND investors, by "secondary" or J. Co. & Rose through deal¬ to Inc. CLAUSEN, CHARLES R. Hoit, frequently issues, Smith, Barney & Go. H. CIRENZA, JOHN J. Gregory & Sons CITO, underwriting new capital Weeks & CHODES, MALCOLM Inc. J. Co., Inc. • • Chicago • Boston • San Francisco Allentown • Cleveland • Dallas • Milwaukee • Minneapolis Hartford I Volume Mrs. & Mr. DOYLE, Morton LESTEE Hardy & 196 A. Number 6216 T. FITZPATRICK, Co. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated I GAMBOL & & & Mr. GORDON Francis (Honorary) I. FORBES, ~ A. L. Shearson. Co. du R. Pont & C. ROBERT Allyn & Co. JAMES FORMAN, B. GELLER, GRAHAM, Carl AARON ALTER Purcell JOHN M. P. Rhoades Loeb, Golkin, Ogden, Wechsler & Krumholz, Inc. EAGAN, JOSEPH Frank C. EBBITT, KENNETH & P. Co. PETER McLaughlin. FOX. EGENES, S. FOX, COOPEE & Co. VERNON Goodbody & Co. EISELE, Freeman ELKAN, A R. & Company Co. &• V. Wm. (Associate) EPPEL, DUDLEY ALLEN ALFRED GILL. Frankel Eastern Watt & EWEN, Watt, Inc. (Associate) RAYMOND J. FARREI.L, JOHN FREDA. & Co., Incorporated ROBERT J. Farrell Securities Fahnestock & JOSEPH McLaughlin, V. & Co. FRENCH. FARRELL, MICHAEL J. John C. A. Legg & Company Laird, Bisseil & Meeds Morris JEREMIAH Cohon & Hay, ROY FEUER. New Company Gartman, Van F. Rose & Feuer Co. D. B. & Co., Inc. JOHN ■ Co.'(Associate) Hanseatic Corporation Distributors I. i • 'Mniuwit JULIUS and Company MARTIN GOLDEN. (Associate) P. Witter & Co. Dean GOLDMAN. ►, Corporation GOLDSTEIN, Inc. (Associate) & P. & Lieber & Co. Loeb Golkin, Ira N. B Co. qAllen HERBERT Marks & Co.. MARIO Inc. Shields (Associate) Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Carl Smith & Incorporated ESTABLISH ED 1S22 Co. G. W. John E. 30 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK 4 GAVIN. JAMES Merrill Lynch, Incorporated n. ' . Company & Co. E. (Associate) I (Associate) GOURSE, W1LLARD Benjamin, C. Pierce, Fenner & Smith i||i ™ " | - f • ■■■■■■'■■■ j. S. Hill & Co. VINCENT M. Goldman, Sachs & Co. GOWAN, __ Corporate Issues WIRES TO Schneider, Bernet & Hickman, Inc. Dallas Municipalities G. A. Saxton Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, Inc. Denver i Co., inc Teletype 212 571-0232 Public Revenue Authorities . Underwood, Neuhaus & Co. Houston 52 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y. Crowell, Weedon & Co. Los Angeles Hess, Grant & Remington, Inc. Philadelphia Reinholdt & WHitehall 4-4970 Gardner St. Louis Stewart, Eubanks, Meyerson San Francisco Trading Markets in & Co. . •' • li Public Utility, Natural Gas and Industrial Securities a . Z"Z600 JOSEPH Rhoades & Co. Glore, Forgan & Co. Chicago Gunn, Carey & Roulston, Inc. Cleveland v ' TELEPHONE: HANOVER Loeb, Troster, Singer & Co. H. JOSEPH Samuel Alstyne, Noel & Co. FITZPATRICK, EDWARD J. Cohen, Simonson & Co. (Associate) RICHARD GORDON, NATHANIEL Inc. A. M. Company i CHARLES A GORDON, LOUIS & (Associate) rtshplant & Co. GOODMAN. . Co. Haupt & GOODEVE. F. & SAUL Bomback & GOOD!:. WILLIAM \ E. (Associate) Bomback Golkin. F. mk GEORGE GOLKIN, Son (Associate) Co. & MORRIS Kerngood & Co. GOLKIN, Company Incorporated PRINCE DAVU) Newbuiger. A (Associate) EDWARD Vanden Broeck, • T. EDWARD GAROFOLO, (Associate) M. DOMINICK PRIVATE Inc. ' SAMUEL Greent R. Ketcham & Co., Inc. GASSOUN. Van (Associate) * Pitfield & Co., FITZPATRICK, Inc. Son A GOLDSTEIN. LESTER GAREISS. & Co. Merrill C. & GOLDEN. JAMES Marron FitzGERALD, W. ' First of Michigan Corporation Carl FISHER, (Associate) SAMUEL THOMAS Arthur Wiesenberger 22 - Lapham & Co. A. JOHN J. & Towne, JOHN GANSER. page Company Weissman & Frankel, GOLD Hanseatic Gruss on Underwriters A Co., Inc. and York New GEORGE Hutton Stanley L. Singer & Continued Company DAVID GOID. Company JAMES Oscar WALTER O. S. Grace A Co. GANNON. M. Corporation P. (Associate) Co. Strum GAIIAN. B. J. Trnster FREDERICK Williston & Beane BENJAMIN Gold, HAROLD GAGNON, E. FILKINS. FINIK, J. R. Corporation Securities K. CARL GOLD. HENRY York GAIIAN. S. OLAF ARRAM GISII, Lanham LESTER J. Sterling FUCHS, Fales & Co. FENNEKOIIL, A and FRINCS. FELTMAN, IRVING LOUIS Hay. Fales A Co. FELTMAN. GRIMSI1AW. ALLEN v Co. FERRERI, VINCENT F. Shields & Company (Associate) Feldman THOMAS FRANK Godnlck S. & Frenkel A. Greene H. GODNICK, BERTON W. Allyn & Co. FRICKE. JOSEPH FELDMAN, ARNOLD Arnold C. Gersten (Associate) WILLIAM A. THOMAS GOI l>. Co. JOHN FRENKEL, FARRELL, ROBERT REED FASANO, (Associate) .1. PAUL Fahnestock Kaufman III, Gregory A Sons Co. Co. FREDERICK, FARREI.L. GREGORY, & Meeds Bisseil Boettc.her Frazier & Co. CHARLES LOUIS Frank Ginberg V. LAURENCE Laurence Dominick & Dominlck (Associate) & Gill & Co. Securities. Inc. FRAZIER. C. Unterberg. Towbln Co. Greene and (Associate) S. Levlen. Greenwald A Co. ALAN IRVING K. Inc. Tatro GINBERG. FRANZ, ROBERT P. George, O'Neill & Co., Inc. M. E. Co., LESTER KINGSTON Company A. L. Lnird, R. Blyth & Co., Inc. ERLICII, Edwin (Associate) WILLIAM FRANKLIN. Co. IIARRY & GREENWALD, n. Webster & GIIEGAN, Corporation Company j FRANKEL, Stone GIBBS. FRANK, ROBERT EDWARD Cowen W. ISADORE Frank FREDERICK (Associate) HARRY FRANK, (Associate) C. HERBERT R. GESELL, Harry Frank & Co. WILLIAM DONALD Hanseatic York New F. HAROLD FRANK. Shufro, Rose & Meyer C. GREENE. Co. JOHN Brothers Barr American Securities EHRMAN, FRED & Posner A Rothschild Greenfield GERTLER, STANLEY ALBERT FRANK. i EIGER, BARTON Ladenburg. Thalmann & Co. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. B. FRANK. BERGER Merrill Abraham & Andrews, GREENFIELD, Inc. Garvin. Bantel & Co. duBOIS Kaufman FRED & Co.. Mrs. Allen L. Oliver, Jr., Mr. & GREENE, NATHANIEL S. Company FRANK GREENBERG. Co. GF.RTLER. Shelby Cullom Davis & Co. ECKLER, P. F. Fox P. Bear, Stearns & Co. Co. Casper Rogers & Co., Inc. & GERSTENZANG, FOX, C. Masterson Bomback and GREENBERG. & Co. MURRAY IRVING JOSEPH Greene GERSTEN. HENRY B. DURNIN. New York; Grace Canadian Securities, Inc. GRAFF. Allen A Company CLEMENT Hammill & GRACE, J. Co. GEARHART, Jr., FREDERICK D. Gearhart & Otis, Inc. GERMAIN, RAYMOND Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Tisch, Fitzgerald & Company, Smith, E. GAVLIN. J. (Associate) WILLIAM Joseph 21 Sanders & Company, Dallas Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporate^ FOOTE, Taylor Mrs. Merrill J. DUNNE, FRANK Dunne FRANCIS Gregory & Sons FLECKNER. Merrill Dunn The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . Cayne, J. N. Russell & Co., Inc., Cleveland; Newburger & Company, Philadelphia DUGA. J. S. DUNN, . . Private and Interim Financing - .. • y m The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Mrs. Mr. & Charles A. Bodie, Jr., Stein & Bros. Boyce, Mr. Baltimore & Mrs. Donald E. Summerell, Wagenseller Los Angeles Ira Haupt & Co. HELBIG, ROSTER OF Harris, GRONICK. HANO, NICHOLAS Ncwburger SAMUEL HANSON, Gerstley. Sunstein & Co. Peter Roland GROSSMAN. S. & GROSSMAN, Grossman & & E. Co., HARDY, Inc. HART, Co. New HART, New STEPHEN M. McDonnell & Co., W. GUITON. JOSEPH G. HARRY A. HARVEY, L. R. MARTIN P. F. Fox & Co., GUTBERLET, Keefe, & E. HAYES. Brugette & Woods, ROBERT JAMES Inc. Inc. HEANEY, Sutro FRANK Bros. HAMILL, Co. ARTHUR Lee IRVIN Jr., J. J. — BERNARD HECK, T. M. & EDWARD A. Kuhn, Loeo & Co. JOHN Hardy & THOMAS & & JOHNSON, J. HUFF, Co Jr.. ASA Georgeson & C. Golkin, and & J. Sons WALTER V. KENNEDY, H. Hentz & Co. Inc. B. KENNEY, D. Inc. Co. D. RAYMOND Raymond Kenney & Co. KENNEY, JAMES Blosser Straus, K. KILMER, McDowell Robinson Vanderhoef & Bomback & Co. F. & (Associate' W. IRVIN KERR. (Associate) FRITZ Company ROBERT J. Gregory Company, M. JOSEPH Greene KELLY, & Co., Co. J. Rhoades & Co. (Associate) HUGH Hardy & Co. (Associate) Co. JOHNSON, G A. JONES, JAMES JACK Mitchell JOYCE, JUDGE, C D. Laird Inc. & Co. H. KADELL, KING, (Associate) WILLIAM & KING, H. m Halle KAHL, & KAHN, Ernst Delafield & Delafield KIRTLAND, GEORGE W. M. Filor, Stieglitz Co. H. King & King Securities Corp. Bullard & Smyth KLEIN, CHARLES E. A. Granbery, Marache & Co. Inc. KLEIN. HENRY & (Associate) Co. KIBK, JOSEPH J. CHARLES Mergott, Rappa & Co., OVER-THE-COUNTER I. ROBERT H. KING, SAMUEL (Associate) ALLAN CHARLES & Bros. Charles King & Co. E. Co., MARTIN Sutro Allan Kadell & Co. KAEPPEI., OLIVER A. Corporation Company, Charles King & Co. ' Joyce Co. Pulis & CHARLES KING, A. WILLIAM William TRADING MARKETS KIMBERLY, R. E. & Sons Gregory 1962 WALTER Saxton & Co., JOSSEM, 1930 KELLY, H. JESKE, EDWARD Gruntal EDWARD KELLY, JAMES J. Lee Higginson Corporation (Associate) HENRY Candee C. Co. JAMES FRANCIS Kidder. Peabody & Co. STANLEY Gairdner & (Associate) Inc. LAURENCE Carl M. Loeb, FRANK Lerner Co., KELLY, Langley & Co. JEFFREY, and Company Heaney & Co. HEFFERNAN, W. E. Hutton & Co. C. JERET, HORN, (Associate) CHARLES & Shelby Cullom Davis & Co. KELLY, PAUL Co. (Associate) JANNETTE, Higginson Corporation Greene Inc. Co., Company D. Asiel & Inc. RICHARD THOMAS Fox Goodbody & Co. & Frankel, Weissman F. & J. KELLEY, EUGENE F. Kalb, Voorhis & Co. A. HOOD, and JACOBY, W. Corporation (Associate) (Associate) Ginberg Hammlll BOYD KEATING. JACOBSON, HANS J. JACK York Hanseatic New J. MICHAEL L. & HONIG, Incorporated H. SIDNEY Sidney Jacobs Co. JANN, D. P. IRVING Dillon, Union Securities & Co. Michael HALL, (Associate) HAROLD D. Cowen & Co. (Associate) HORN, Pollock & Co., V. & Co. HONIG, Corp. Gold, JACOBS, EDWIN A. Greene Co. JiEARNS, JACOBS, Bean & Mackie, Inc. Singer, IIAYES, JOSEPH J. Eastman E. Blelchroeder, Inc. Murphy & Durieu L. JOHN Barr Brothers KASSEL, Stryker & Brown Frank C. Kendall & Hollister HOLLAN, j F. Hutton & Company HALL, DONALD J. Wm. S. BRUCE HOLTZMAN, SYDNEY Securities HAWKEY. IRWIN JOHN A. Mathey & Co. Havener S. Kaufmann, Alsberg & Co. HALK. EDWARD Pyne, HAVENER, PAUL W. Inc. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis GUTTAG, Co. & WALTER Shearson. RALPH IRVING ISAAC, Dean Witter & Co. HOBLITZELL, ARTHUR Arnhold M. EDWIN A. HATZ, Saxton & Co., Inc. GUNKEL. Burnet & ARTHUR Ernst KANE, King & Co. ITTLEMAN, HINES, JOHN D. Corporation RAYMOND KANE, THOMAS FRANCIS Meeds WELLINGTON Cha.'les (Associate) Gerald F. X. Kane & Co. K. Bissell & IRIARTE, Co. KANE, GERALD F. X. JOHN HUNTER, ALBERT Wood, Gundy & Co., Inc. Wellington Hunter Associates Jersey City, N. J. HINCHMAN, ROBERT M. Ira Haupt & Co. Co. MAURICE F. Craigmyle, Pinney & Co. GUMM, G. York Hanseatic E. (Associate) Dallas DAVIS KAMINSKYE, LEO S. Maltz, Greenwald & HUNT, GEORGE V. Sire Pian, Inc. Laird, Southwest Company, Hay, Fales & Co. KALES, GEORGE B. HUNT, Co. & KAIDY, D'Assern & Co. IRVING HETTLEMAN, PHILLIP Hettleman & Co. (Associate) Securities HARTIGAN, Inc. GEORGE J. Herzog J. ~ Incorporated & Co., Jackson, First HUNT, E. JANSEN White, Weld & Co. HUNT, Marks & Co., Inc. Schrijver & Co. MICHAEL Gregory & Sons GUCWA, HENRY York D. HERZOG, ROBERT I. Hardy & Saxton A HERZENBERG, WILLIAM HARRY Hardy ' MARTIN Grossman GROWNEY, B. Allen & Company JEROME Weinberg, F. 1 Upham & Co. HENRY. Carl WILLIAM HARDER. Co. G. Co. Morgan & Company GROSS, KENNETH L. Model, & Mrs. Winton & Thursday, November 29, 1962 (Associate) < Co. ROBERT Jr., . American Securities Corporation HENDRICKS, ROBERT J. G. Continued from page 21 BARON G. Helbig & HENDERSON, MEMBERS (Associate) G. Baron New York, Inc. Mr. Durst, Inc., . HUKE, WALTER E. JESSE HEIDINGSFELD. Security Traders Association of & . LEROY Lebenthal (Associate) & Co., Inc. & Co.. SECURITIES Sreenae«HviCaxx\pai\\i Harold G. Shore Members New York Security Dealers Association 37 Wall Street, New York 5, N. Y. Teletype 212 Incorporated Telephone Telex HAnover 24850 571-1636 01-2455 50 BROAD STREET NEW Branch Office: Miami Beach, Fla. PRIVATE WIRE Securities N. Y. SYSTEM ! CHICAGO—First YORK 4, ■ "t Company of Chicago CLEVELAND—Wm. J. Mericka & Co., Inc. LOS ST. ANGELES—Mitchum, Jones & Templeton Telephone: WHitehall 3-6750 LOUIS—Henry, Franc & Co. SAN Teletype: NY 212-571-0289 FRANCISCO—Mitchum, Jones & Templeton Direct private telephone: Philadelphia-WAlnut 2-1514 - —— Volume Louis A. Gibbs, "Number 6216 196 . . The Commercial tind Financial . Laird, Bissell & Meeds, New York; & Company, Inc., St. Louis Chroniclev Barney Nieman, New York; John S. Barker, Lee Higginson Corporation, New York; Harry L. Zeeman, Jr., Edward White, White Carl KLING, KNOX, I HOWARD M. LANG, JAMES HERBERT D. H. D. & Knox J. Co., Inc. KOELLE, ROBERT Shearson, Hammill & Si KORN, KRAMER, Inc. Co., LARKIN, F. Corporation Corporation WILBUR John Legg & C. Burnham LEVINE, HOWARD S. Doyle, O'Connor & Co., A. Inc. Bissell & Meeds & V. John J. ROBERT Co. Merrill Digest (Honorary) Smith Carl J. MARSHALL, Meade and Si Co. & Inc. Mackie. Inc. mroall. frank J. Stone Eastman ' THOMAS L. Company & B. Miller Incorporated Co. Union j<iiin Securities Harris, Upham KUX, & Co., T. Bean FRANK & McCLUSKEY, JAMES Merrill Lynch, F. Pierce, Fenner Si Smith MARTENS, GEORGE Winslow, Cohu Si Stetson, Inc. S. McCORMACK, EDWARD j. Si Inc. Mcdonald, Bear, Stearns Si Co. W. MARTIN, Co. Hayden, III, WILLIAM Stone & Co. E. F. Jr., Hutton WILLIAM & MARTINELLI, T. Company Incorporated E. Weld White, J. Co. Si Co. (Associate) Co. Si Whitehead Mcdowell, Josephthal Si Co. & Si harold m. (Associate) ANGELO MARTINELLI, VINCENT Martinelli Burnet Mcdowell, Adams HENRY MADER, Si Stephen r. J. Incorporated Nye MADDOX, Weld MARTIN, RALPH Mackie, WILLIAM MADDEN, Inc. Co. Co., Inc. (Associate) Si robert b. Peck Continued Lichtenstein & Co. (Associate) ERNEST LIENHARD, Troster, Broeck, Lieber & Co. Co. Singer Si LIPSKY, CORNELIUS Burnham LACY, HERBERT J. Walston Si Co., Inc. LITZEL, and Company CHARLES I M. White, Weld & Co. LADD, 3rd, EDWARD H. LOEWER, BURTON The First Boston Corporation Neuberger Si Berman (Associate) LADIN, EDWIN S. Edward S. Ladin LOPATO, ALLAN Company Allen Si LAINE, Company GEORGE Andrews, Posner (Associate) & LOPEZ, FELIX M. Rothschild Thomson Stone & Co. McKinnon & LOUGHLIN, JOHN P. Ungerletder, Goetz & LALLY, ELMER Hayden, Incorporated Co. (Associate) CO. G. H. WALKER & 1900 Established -A WM V. FRANKEL & CO. MEMBERS YORK NEW STOCK MIDWEST EXCHANGE AMERICAN EXCHANGE STOCK STOCK EXCHANGE (ASSOC.) INCORPORATED • UNDERWRITERS - BROKERS - DEALERS MUNICIPALS .INDUSTRIALS PUBLIC FINANCE UTILITIES COMPANIES • DIRECT ST. LOUIS, Co. Drysdalc & Co. MARSLAND, ALLISON W. Wood, Gundy Si Co., Inc. ROBERT A. Freoman Stern, Lauer & Co. & Co. LACY Vanden Si m. LIEBENFROST, CONRAD H. W. FREDERICK KUNZINGER, ' daniel d. Dillon, McCartney, White, LICHTENSTEIN, BENJAMIN S. KUMM, J. WILLIAM Podesta <fc Denton, Bean & McCarthy, Inc. (Associate) R. MATTHEW J. McCABE, Hayden, EDWIN MARKS, M. THOMAS Singer, Pierce, Fenner & EDWIN S. Marks & Co. Dominick Si Burns Bros. Dealers Lynch, MARKHAM, GEORGE R. Dominick McAULIFFE, Incorporated VINCENT joseph mayr, McALEER, Co. & Investment Abbott, Proctor & Paine MACKIE, LEWIS, MILTON F. A. G. Becker Si Co., Incorporated N. O'Kane, Jr. Cruttenden, Hardy b. Joseph Mayr Si Co. (Associate) MICHAEL JOSEPH james Josephthal Si Co. | (Associate) W. Wickett S. Lee Co. KULLMAN, MACKESSY, Inc. LEVY, MARTIN L. KULAKOWSKI, STANLEY CASIMER Bache R. Maher Association LEVY, JOHN M. Co. Abbett & JOHN maynes. MARCUSSEN, P. A. Company JOHN Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Si Smith Incorporated SAMUEL E. & irving mayer, john m. M'agid, Ehrlich & Co. Inc. MALAVET, n. Winslow, Cohu Si Stetson, Inc. H. MARGRAF, JOSEPH CARR The Dominion Securities Corporation Singer, KUIPERS, HENRY G. Lord, J. MacKAIN, FRANK JAY Ingalls Si Snyder LEVY, GUSTAVE L. Goldman, Sachs & Co. KUEHNER, HANNS E. Laird, Inc. Equitable Securities Corporation (Associate) H. Haupt & Co. Incorporated Wechsler & Krumholz, Ogden, Si Ira maxfield, MANSON, JOHN N. Co., THOMAS MACDONALD, MURRAY Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc. Company & Masterson & Co. JOHN Shields D. Kuhn, Loeb Si Co. mathes, joseph SAM DAVID Bache MficCULLEY, IRA B. MURRAY LEVIN, NATHAN KRUMHOLZ, LYTLE, V. MAGID, John R. Allen Si Company Joyce Company N. J. Tenafly, I. LAWRENCE MASCERA, A. Kellogg, Si (Honorary) MAHER, LYONS, LAURENCE H. Adler, Coleman & Co. Inc. ELROY and Frank C. Leeds (Associate) Hill, Thompson & Co., Inc. Pierce, Fenner & Smith Pollock Jr., LYNCH, (Associate) Pollack & Leone LERNER, E. Laird, Bissell <& Meeds, New Haven, Conn.; Louis Gibbs, Laird, Bissell <ft Meeds, New York City MAXIMILIAN Spear, MAGID, CHARLES J. Wm. Co. GEORGE Company IvRUGE, WALTER C. Walter C. Kruge & Co. KRUMHOLZ, Co. William H. LEONE, (Associate) LYNCH, JOSEPH P. R. & LEIBERT, KENNETH V. D. Co. Incorporated Sterling, Grace & Co. Gregory & Sons KRISAM, ROY Ristlne & Si Merrill Lynch, LEBO, ROBERT ALAN JOSEPH KRASOWICH, LYE, A. & Mrs. Frank J. Murray, Investment Dealers Digest Birnbaum & Co. Co. THOMAS Cowen (Associate) Corporation Higginson & MADER, MAGAZINE, LUTTERMAN, MORRIS J. LAURIA, ANTHONY KARL J. KRAMES, ARTHUR J. Lee P. W. (Associate) Goodbody & Co. LARSON. FREDERICK LUND, ANTHON Amott, Baker Si Co., Incorporated PAUL Goodbody Co. Securities Chelsea Birnbaum Mr. Co., Inc., New York LUKOW, NAT EDWARD J. LARKIN, H. WILLIAM J. Dominion First & & P. <£ Roggenburg & Co. J. (Associate) GEORGE Hutton N. Bayonne, York Hanseatic Corporation New / FRANK Arnold Malkan KOOPMAN, W. E. LANZA, (Associate) Co. Company KOLLER, Jr., LUDWIG, Jr., V. Si Co., Joseph J. Lamn Securities, Inc. KOERNER, IRVING Allen Lang LANN, JOSEPH J. .Associate) Lasser Bros. B. (Associate) KOCH, GEORGE J. Marks LUBETKIN, LLOYD E. Lvbetkin, Regan & Kennedy LANE, PAUL J. Kidder, Peabody Si Co. (Associate) Dean Witter & Co. 23 PRIVATE PROVIDENCE, PAWTUCKET, AND WIRES HARTFORD, CLAYTON, WHITE TO OUR WATERBURY. PHILADELPHIA, PLAINS OFFICES TELEPHONE-HAnover 2-4000 CITY ,/■ NEW YORK 5, N. Y. 45 WALL STREET • BRIDGEPORT, KANSAS TELETYPE 212 571-0308 CABLE ADDRESS UWALKERIAN" i on page 24 24 Mr. & The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Mrs. Walter F. Saunders, Dominion Securities Corporation, New York; Speed Hughes, Clayton Securities Corporation, Boston Gregory MONTANYE, Carl M. MEMBERS McGIVNEY, Hirsch & A. MEWING, MEYER, Thomson FRANK MEYER, JAMFR T. Uornblower 6c Week* WILLIAM J. J. ALFRED Lann J. Oscar & Gruss Son Allen 6c of Cruttenaen, Podesta & Miller (Associate) MILLER, Jr.. Eastman Mclaughlin, john Co. f. The Drexel 6c Co. Harris, J. CHARLES MILLER, McVEY, GEORGE HARRY M. H. Union Securities 6c Co. D. JOHN Blair FRED & Goodbody 6c Co. Burnham and Carl Marks 6c Co., Inc. MILT, T. New SAMUEL York MINSKY, MENDEL, EDWIN JEFFERSON McDermott Mackay Publishing Company & 6c Hardy SAM 6c Co. ANTHONY Merrill S. C. Gregory (Associate) Co. Laldlaw 6c Co. John MURPHY, JOSEPn MURPHY, A. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Greene H. Seminole NOKE, THOMAS & III, L. Co. Incorporated CHARLES O'BRIEN Company CYRIL M. Legg 6c Company HAROLD & Corporation Securities I. Sons (Associate) Blyth 6c Co., Inc. MURPHY, RICHARD J. Garvin. Bantel 6c Co. PFLUGFELDER, WILLIAM HENRY Pflugielder 6c Rust PHELPS, ROGER S. Incorporated Phelps, Fenn & Co. PIKE, BERTRAND John Southern & Raleigh, N. C. Railway Co., (Honorary) OFFERMAN, CHARLES S. Troster, Singer & Co. York 6c B. D. 6c Co., Co., Inc. Inc. Stern, Lauer & Co. POLITIS, CHARLES P. Kuhn, Loeb 6c Co. (Associate) & Co. POLLACK, Leone 6c HAROLD J. Pollack POOLE, HORACE I. Eisele 6c King, Libaire, Stout 6c Co. (Associate) ORLANDO, FRANK J. PORTER, WILLIAM K. Hemphill, Noyes 6c Co. Goodbody 6c Co. ORLOFF, HARRY PORTMORE, RICHARD Troster, Singer 6c Co. Schwabacher 6c Co. E. (Associate) Utility and Industrial securities Oil and Gas stocks 6c Interesting growth securities • Pizzini White, Weld & Co. C;dy, Roberts 6c Co. • Pizzini PLOTKIN, EDWARD A. OPITZ, FRED W. • W. W PLANTE, ROBERT Hanseatic Corporation ORCHIN, LOUIS W. Kalb, Voorhis 6c Co. F. Singer & Co. PIZZINI, ROBERT M. / O'MARA, JOHN J. Goodbody Legg & Company PISTELL, JOHN C. Pistell, Inc. B. Inc. McKinnon JC^HN C. Troster, PIZZ1NI, B. WINTHROP Wechsler 6c Krumholz, THOMAS M. Troster, Singer 6c Co. supplemented by pertinent analytical reports descriptive of— Denton, Inc. PETKE, RUDOI.PII J. O'KEEFE, Trusts, and Institutions, furnishing them with information & Haupt 6c Co. PICON, ANTHONY J. New Investment Smith W. O'CONNOR, WILLIAM D. Shelby Cullom Davis & Co. OHLANDT, special service to Retail Organizations, & PEISER, IIARRY J. Ira HOMER J. Co., Thomson a Fenner Noyes & Co. Burns Brcs. (Associate) < OTIARA, WALTER T. offered G. PEET, EDWIN F. OETJEN, HENRY Ogden, We have for 34 years HOWARD Company ROBERT Hemphill, , OGDEN, CHARLES D. Established 1928 C. (Associate) Troster, Singer & Co. PAYNE. Whitehead O'CONNELL, Norfolk KENNETH P. Co. PAULEY, MILTON Co., Inc. HAROLD & 6c & PATTERSON, JAMES C. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, O'CONNELL, EDWARD J. Blair ARTHUR Witter Freeman O'BRIEN, BERNARD WILLIAM Charles King & Co. E. - C. Incorporated NYE, JOSEPH S. Nye J. Company HOWARD PATTERSON, Inc. NORRIS, EDMOND J. Van Alstyne, Noel 6c Co. Day and L. White, Weld 6c Co. Dean Hanseatic i LIBORIO PATTERSON, Francis I. du Pont & Co. Co. CHARLES & R. & G. 6c Co. Co. PARSONS, (Associate) Co., Inc. NETBURN, AARON York 6c PALERMO, Inc. NIEMAN, BARNEY GORDON Anthony & F. Co. NEWMAN, LAWRENCE JOHN Co. DANIEL & Drexel Gregory 6c Sons New Osborne M. O'SHEA, HENRY M. (Associate) Witter MURPHY, B. Hanseatic Corporation MITCHELL, MERCOVICH, List C. Co. NESTER, WALTER C. M. A. Schapiro 6c Co., ' EDWARD JOSEPH Blyth & Co., Inc. OSBORNE, C. MILTON WILLIAM Pitfield 6c C. Smith NELSON, GEORGE E. Co. Company WILLIAM P. Dean MURPHY, (Associate) H. C. Wainwright & Co. Peter 6c HERCULES McDonnell MILLINGTON, RALPH W. MELLIN, Tucker, MURPHY, Co., Incorporated MELE, ANTHONY W. & 6c ' VINCENT Naddeo F. NAYLOR, Co. MULHOLLAND, WILLIAM R. McLaughlin, Kaufman 6c Co. MULLINS, MILLER, RICHARD V. MEER, Buck Upham MULLIN, Amott, Baker 6c Co. Incorporated Lehman Brothers & MUELLER, Jr., WILLIAM C. Middendort, Colgate 6c Co. / Nugent 6c Igoe, East Orange, N. J. (Associate) Kaufman (Honorary) (Associate) MILLER, THOMAS V. Neu McDermott 6c Co. Blue MOTTINO, Andrews, Posner & Rothschild McPHEE, & Fenner ELMER E. NADDEO, Newborg MORTON, ROALD A. Co. VINCENT Dillon, J. Peter P. T. 6c Michigan Corporation V. MYERS, Co. Singer, Bean 6c Mackie, Inc. Pierce, MUSSON, JAMES F. Newburger, Loeb 6c B. MORTON, PAUL S. Company MIGLIORISI, (Associate) First FRANK Richard MICHELS, HARRY A. Inc. Lynch, Incorporated MORRISSEY, JOSEPH PATRICK & Meyers McKEEVER, WILLIAM DONALD McKENNA. S. WILLIAM J. J. Securities, McLaughlin, O'ROURKE, WALTER J. Merrill (Associate) MORGAN, FRANCIS XAVIER Marshall JOHN J. Meyers MEYERS, John Joseph D. & MILTON MEYERS, Jr., Blyth & Co., Inc. McGOWAN, Herrick ORNSTIL, SIDNEY MURPHY, EDWARD Oppenheimer, Shufro, Rose 6c Meyer f : John McGOVERN. MONTE, Co. HERMAN Butler, G. McKinnon & McGIVNEY, WALTER & Thursday, November 29, 1962 MURPHY, WALTER A. Murphy & Durieu (Associate) RICHARD 6c , Mrs. Elbridge Smith, Stryker & Brown, New York; Mr. & Mrs. Michael Heaney, Michael Heaney & Co., New York; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Hamill, W. E. Hutton & Co., New York Loeb, Rhoades 6c Co. Witter . & GILES MONTANYE, WILLIAM Co. McGIVNEY, H. D'Assern 6c Sons White, Weld 6c Co. Dean Continued from page 23 Mr. Mrs MOLLOY, PETER E. New York, Inc. OF & MOESCHEN, ROY ERNEST Security Traders Association of ROSTER Mr. . 'Manager of Trading Department JOSEPH F. SCHEIDECKER Your Investment p. F. 120 Telephone REctor 2-7760 inquiries in these divisions of the Securities Business fox are & respectfully solicited. CO.. inc. Myron A. Lomasney & Co. BROADWAY, NEW YORK 5, N. Y. Teletypes 212 212 571-1711 67 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK 4, N. Y. 571-1710 Telephone: BOwling Green 9-8165 Teletype: 212 571-0750 I1 Volume 196 Number 6216 . The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . Mr. & Mrs. Casper A. Rogers, Casper Rogers & Co., Inc., New York; Mr. & Mrs. Raymond 25 Mr. & C. Forbes, Mrs. Shearson, Hammill & Co., New York POWELL, VINCENT A. Eastern ROBINSON, S. CHARLES Securities, Inc. Blair POWER, RALrii Montgomery, Scott & Co. Dillon, Co. PRELLER, FRED W. Eastman Dillon, Securities 8s Union PRINCE, MILTON A. Stanley Heller & Co. Brothers & Hutzler & PULIS, Stieglitz CHARLES C. D. Co. McLeod, Young, Weir, Incorporated Eastman Wood, (Associate) W. Goodbody & Co. A. Inc. RAPP, JULIUS O. Archard & Co. Goldman, Wertheim Barney J. I 8s ' 8s & Miller First Asiel RUSSO, Co., Inc. (Associate) & ROBINSON, W. J. Dominion 1 Mitchell 8s Quinn & Co., L. Inc. SHERWOOD, DONALD Ahalt The 8s 8s Reynolds O'Connor, G. Corporation Asiel Co. & Inc. SAXE, SIGMUND ' Russell & SEIJAS, Saxe, Inc. Co., II. Inc. Jersey D. Knox & SCHANKE. Merrill (Associate) Securities N. J. Company, Grace Sons Securities, Lynch, SELIGMAN, Inc. Straus, , Shields 8s Co. SHORE, (Associate) RICHARD Bergman HAROLD & Co., L. Pierce, Inc. C. SIEGEL, SIDNEY A. Sidney A. Siegel 8s (Associate) HERBERT (Associate) Co., Inc. SIEPSER, JAMES Fenner 8s Shaskan Smith Incorporateo KROGER Canadian & B. Co. Harold C. Shore & Co. SEKLIR, DAVID R. Ungerleider, Goetz (Associate) (Associate) Morse, Financial Chronicle 8s Co. SILLS, LOUIS WILLIAM Co., Inc. JENS D. (SOLOMON) Gregory K. 8s SHIPMAN, C. E. Halsey, Stuart 8s Co. Inc. Crouter SHIPMAN, CLAUDE Commercial 8s SEIFER (Associate) SCIIAEFER, EDWARD & Townsend, (Honorary) Co. Rennert 8s Bodine The SAUTER, MORTON G. EVERETT R. New Corporation Haven SEIBERT, Co. 8s De SAUNDERS, G. Company Sherman 8s Co. SHIFLDS, GARVIN K. Searight, WALTER F. Dominion Securities D. SCRIMGEOUR, JOHN J. K. Rice, Jr. 8s Co. GAGE Securities & Co. SHERMAN, LEE D. (Associate) (Associate) (Associate) W.' Pont SEARIGHT, GEORGE A. T. Corporation Co. D. du SHERIDAN, CORNELIUS B. Stone & Co. Incorporated SCOTT, RICHARD H. E. Co. 8s JOHN Francis I. Gartman, Rose 8s Feuer & Co. SILVERIIERZ, IRVING J. Hay, Fales 8s Co. (Associate) BERTRAM Continued Blosser & McDowell on i EDWARD WILLIAM & SCOTT Co. FRANK A. Primary Markets Maintained In Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc. RUSSO, RUDOLPH J. Co. RICHARD C. L. Co. 8s RUSSELL, III, PARIS (Associate) Hayden, Stone CHARLES Hayden, Co. Forgan SHERGER, Co. Henry Edelmann & Co. RIGGIO. ANDREW F. Richard 8s RUSSELL, RICHARDSON, GEORGE A. 8s SCIASCIA, & 8s Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc. Hickey Mark3 Sassa Glore, Inc. Ferman Bruns, Nordeman & Co. RETALLICK, ARTHUR B. ROBERTS, Frank Co., L. RUSKIN, EDWARD REUTER, WILLIAM C. Carl & Co. ANTHONY Hanseatic Wood, Gundy 8s Co., Inc. SHEA, VINCENT P. RUSKIN, ARTHUR S. Securities, Inc. Mabon 8s Co. Jr., & Robert Frenkel & York RUBINSTEIN, ROY Reilly & Co., Inc. & Stern ROBERT Inc., Asbury Park, (Associate) REILLY, THOMAS J. Vilas Gersten New RUBIN, MARTIN P. REILLY, JOHN F. Eastern H. Rubin, Co. Burke FILIPPO, FRANK SANSVERIE, Co. SHEA, JAMES F. (Associate) Company SCHWEITZER, HERBERT O'Kane, Jr., SAUNDERS. Reynolds A. Walker J. and SCHWADRON, J. JAY SASSA, FRANK H. RUBIEN, Company Cruttenden, Podesta J. F. & Kaufman, Alsberg & Co. REILLY, JOHN C. H. SAN RUBIN, BURT N. REILLY, JOHN G. Company, ROTH, JAMES A. 8s Co. JAY Reich Gardner 8s ROSSNER, ALBERT Frederick S. Robinson 8s Co., Inc. REICH, WILLIAM Weeden REDMOND, HERBERT T. Burnham Hutzler SANDBACH, JAMES A. Eastman Dillon, Union Securities Ladenburg, Thalmann 8s Co. REARDON, WARREN V. Smith, John SHAW, STANLEY R. Josephthal & Co. Company (Associate) SCHNEIDER, THEODORE M. SAMMON, JOHN F. ROSENBAUM, NORRIS J. Englander & Co., Inc. E. Co. & 8s and Corp. SHANLEY, RICHARD T. Equitable Securities Corporation Inc. SCHNEIDER, MICHAEL Burnham SALTZMAN, DAVID I. Torpie 8s Saltzman Corporation ROSENZWEIG, EDWARD A. Co. WILLIAM Co. G. Canadian Carl Marks 8s Co., Inc. (Associate) F. Securities, SEAVER, CHARLES H. SOLOMON Sachs 8s RASMUSSEN, Hanseatic L. Stamm 8s H. Co. SHANKMAN, BENJAMIN CHESTER Canadian 8s JOHN (Associate) (Associate) Union Securities Brothers ROSENBAUM, (Associate) RAPPA, SALVATORE J. Mergott, Rappa 8s Co., Inc. RASCHKIXD, Salomon / ROSENBAUM, HARRY Co., Dillon, SALOMON, ARTHUR K. Co. Newark, N. J. , QUINN, EUGENE J. Quinn & A. Grace Singer, Bean 8s Mackie, Inc. ( Hardy & Co. QUAGLIANI, T. LEO Howell Eastman ROOME, KENNETH A. ROOS, J. SCHNEIDER, Weeks SALMAN, BERNARD (Associate) Whipple 8s Co. 8s Midland SCHMIDT, WILLIAM T. Laird, Bissell 8s Meeds SALVATORE LEWIS Josephthal Irwin Schloss & Co., Inc. I SALISBURY, WILLIAM H. J. York Corporation Inc. Saxe. Hornblower Co. & R. & New Hardy 8s Co. (Associate) J. Securities CASPER A. Walker 8s SALADINA, Union RONAN, FRANK D. PYLE, RAYMOND WILLIAM E. Dillon, ROHDIN, MILTON PUPDY, EARL Bacon, Russell ROBSON, HENRY E. Rcggenburg & Co. (Associate) Pulis & Co. SIIANAHAN, SAFFERSON. RUSSELL W. ROGGENBURG, STANLEY L. PRGSNITZ, WILLIAM D. Halle SERLEN, Casper Rogers Co., Inc. PRINTON, JOHN CRAIG Salomon SCHEIDECKER, JOSEPH F. Myron A. Lomasney & Co. SCHLOSS, IRWIN American Securities FREMONT ROGERS, (Associate) DONALD Reynolds 8s Co. ROBSON, Union Securities 8s (Associate) SABAII, WILLIAM J. Winslow, Cohu 8s Stetson SACHTLEBEN, ARTHUR G. Incorporated Co., ROBITAILLE, p. (Associate) PRELLER, CHARLES F. Eastman 8s Sidney A. Siegel, Sidney A. Siegel & Co., Inc., New York; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur K. Salomon, Salomon Brothers & Hutxler, New York Incorporated Goldman, Sachs 8s Co. C. RUTBERG, SAM J. Rutberg 8s Co., Inc. Roberts & Co. JR., (Associate) RYLEY, G. GERALD ALBERT T. A. G. Becker & Co. Incorporated Midland Canadian Corp. unlisted securities new issues Mitchell & Company Members INQUIRIES INVITED ON LARGE BLOCKS OF STOCK Philadelphia-Baltimore Stock Exchange ^ 120 NEW f BROADWAY YORK J. F. Reilly & Co.. Inc. CITY 39 BROADWAY NEW YORK 6, Telephone WOrth 4-3113 Bell Teletype 212 571-0920 N. Y. Teletype: 212 479-4537 Trading Dept. P. & Cage S. Dept. DIgby 4-4970 DIgby 4-6311 DIgby 4-4876 page 26 The Mr. & Mrs. Mark New York; . T. Aiello, Spencer Trash <£ Co., New York; Allan Lopato, Allen & Company, Mrs. & Mr. John D. Ohlandt, New York Hanseatic Corporcrfion,New York Corfifnerciabahd Financial Chronicle"... Merrill <ft OF Penner Ac Smith STRAUSS, DAVID Abraham MEMBERS Continued from page SOUKUP, 25 MILTON Smith, SILVERMAN, WALTER P. P. Pox & Co., Inc. (Associate) Co. & Sop, Licberbaum Inc. SPRINGER, Oppenheimer, Newborg & Neu Carl & Co., Inc. (Associate) Forest Hills, N. Y. SINGER, F. HERBERT ROBERT CHARLES Mabon SMITH, CLIFTON B. SMITH, E. E. EDWARD E. (Associate) Smith Co. ELBRIDGE SMITH, Stryker & Smith & Ernest H. A. Wm. Co., Inc. Co. Corona del Mar, Calif. (Associate) SMITH, A. C. VINCENT & Co. (Honorary) (Associate) JAMES SMYTH, Greene Brothers & Hutzler (Associate) Company Wertheim G. Ac A. Saxton STOLTZ, Smith C. ' E. Ac Co., CHARLES Stoltz Ac THOMPSON, Coggeshall Inc. Co. C. (Associate) G. A. (Associate) CHARLES WHLIAM S. Weinberg, Grossman Ac Co., Inc. (Associate) WEINGARTEN, LOUIS Herzog Ac Co. WEINSTEIN, ALEX , M. L. Lee Ac Co., Inc. WEISS, MALCOLM H. A. W. Benkert Ac Co.. Inc. (Associate) Co. FRANK Saxton Ac WEISS, W. Co., MORTON Singer, Inc. N. Ac Mackie, Bean WELCH, FRANK Witter Ac Gold, R. Co. WASSERMAN, IRVING WHLIAM F. /The Foundation Company (Honorary) (Associate) (Associate) Inc. WEISSMAN, BERNARD Dean WILLIAM Hicks Inc. LEO Equities Co. WASHER, HERBERT R. Ac (Associate) WEINBERG, SAMUEL WARNER, JR., HENRY B. Allen Ac Company (Associate) (Associate) Corp. ANTHONY Wainv/right & Co. United Co., Company Ac WARNER, THOMPSON, E. Ac Courts JOHN T. THOMPSON, Ac Co. Beiger Securities WEINER, WALSH, JOHN F. (Associate) THOMPSON, EDWARD L Smith, Barney Ac Co. ' STOLLE, CARL WILLIAM F. Lynch, Pierce, Penner Incorporated THOMAS, FRANK J. White, Weld Ac Co. STILLMAN, MURRAY W. Abraham Ac Co. (Associate) SORENSON, Merrill and & Co. JOSEPH E. Salomon THISTLETON, JOHN F. Newburger, Loeb Ac Co. STHLMAN, HARRY A. H. EDWARD A. Elliott STEVENSON, JOHN H Singer, Bean Ac Mackle, Inc. Allyn & Co. WALSH, Dominlck Ac F. WALKER, LOUIS National Quotation Bureau (Honorary) WHLIAM J. Dominick STEVEN, Jr., ANDREW R. A. C. Allyn Ac Co. SMITH, WILLIAM HART Hart Smith TETMEYER, Gruntal Ac Co. Net WALKER. GRAHAM W. Sachs Ac Co. Goldman, ALBERT WEIL, M. WEHAND, Cruttenden, Podesta Ac Miller Dempsey-Tegeler Ac ARTHUR Lehman Brothers SCHAUMBERG, GERALD Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Ac Smith LAWRENCE Hutton E. WEIGNER, (Associate) WALDRON, D. KINGSLEY DeHaven Ac Townsend, Crouter Ac Bodine L. Tatro Company L. Corp. Incorporated V. Inc. Haas Ac Co. White, Weld Ac Co. W. Merrill TENENBAUM, L. JAY Singer, Bean Ac Mackie, Inc. STERN, FREDERICK M. SIDNEY H. Spingarn, Heine Edwin C. G. WEIGEL, CHARLES A. VON Co. Ac EDWIN TATRO, V. Prankel Ac Co., Incorporated STERN, Hogle & SMITH, S. Ogden, Wechsler Ac Krumholz, WECHSLER, THEODORE N. J. Interstate Securities Co. Ac WECHSLER, ARNOLD J. Miller, Ac WEHMANN, GILBERT H. WAHL, TARPEY, DONALD Goodbody Ac Co. STEIN, JOHN R. SMITH, HAROLD B. J. Abraham (Associate) M. S. Wien & Co., Inc., Jersey City, N. J. Brown Smith Zuckerman. Co. Podesta VOLKOMER, LOUIS TAFT, WILLIAM J. STEIN, IRVING SMITH, ERNEST Co. SWORDS, WILLIAM J. Ac Co. Asiel Ac Co. Ac Walker TADDONIO, RICHARD A. McDonnell Ac Co. Incorporated STEIN, H. RICHARD & Co. du Pont Co. STATTER, EUGENE G. Gregory & Sons Francis I. Smithers & STARK, EUGENE Bruns, Nordeman Ac Co. Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc. SLEDGE, S. H. G. STANFORD, KENNETH C. (Associate) (Associate) VOLK, WHLIAM Hemphill, Noyes Ac Co. SWENSON, CARL SIMMONS. HARRY Bank, Witter Ac Co. VOGRIN, JOHN J. Benjamin, Hill Ac Co. E. Hayden, Stone Ac Co. Incorporated WILLIAM P. Marks Red V. WALTER Ac Cruttenden, Leonard Ac Lynch Moore, SULLIVAN, Dean VISCOUNT, ROBERT D. Inc. EDWARD STRYKER, SOZEK, GEORGE E. George E. Sozek Co. SHELDON SILVERSTEIN, Barney EMIL WASSERVOGEL, F. DANIEL WEBSTER, W. FOSTER Hardy Ac Co. VERMHYE, G. LATHROP Ac Kidder Ac Co., M. WASSERMAN, JOHN Asiel Ac Co. (Associate) Co. R. Lynch, Pierce, Penner Ac Smith Incorporated C. Strauss FRANK Merrill STROTHMANN, NELSON A. A. VARE, ARTHUR Kalb, Voorhis Ac VERIAN, Co. Ac Cowen Thursday, November 29, 1962 Burns, Baumgartner, Downing & Co., Baltimore; Walter R. Green, Schweickhardt Co., New Orleans; Mrs. & Mr. Joseph C. Cabbie, Burns Bros. & Denton, Inc., New York STRATTON, GEORGE W. New York, Inc. ROSTER Pierce, Lynch, Incorporated . Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Sl'ONEBRIDGE, CHARLES L. Security Traders Association of . S. Weissman Dickson Ac Frankel, Inc. H. Ac Co., Inc. WELLS, JEIORACE W. John C. Legg Ac Company Reich Ac Company Co. HENRY R. Tucker, Anthony Ac R. L. Day TINI, TISCH, ALFRED F. Fitzgerald Ac Company Harris, Upham Ac Co. TITUS, 120 Broadway, New York GOLD, WEISSMAN & FRANKEL, INC. TITOLO, JOAQUIN A. L. STAMM & co WHLIAM Jr., Wertheim 5, N. Y. Ac A. Co. BROKERAGE SERVICE TOMPKINS, BERNARD Tompkins MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange New York Cotton Chicago Board of Trade J. New York Produce New York Coffee & ' Exchange C. C. National Stock Exchange Unterberg, E. Cables "STAMAL" M. TRAPANI, D. & Co., RALPH BROADWAY * NEW YORK WHITEHALL 4-1800 6, N. Y. 212 571-1104 Inc. J. GEORGE OLIVER J. Troster, MUNICIPAL Singer & Co. TUNIMAN, Merrill D. Dixon & TROSTER, 1931 51 Co. D. Blair & Company H. Cutter ESTABLISHED SECURITIES Co. Towbin THOMAS Lerner TREFCER, 1 UNLISTED Co. Towbin Unterberg, TRAMAZZO, A. Tel.: REctor 2-6800 E. & ROBERT A. TOWBIN, BELMONT Chicago Mercantile Exchange DEALERS Co. Hammill Shearson, TOWBIN, Exchange, Inc. & ROBERT J. TORPIE, Exchange Sugar Exchange, Inc. New York Cocoa Bradford C. — IN ALL TORPIE, ROBERT A. Commodity Exchange, Inc. New York Mercantile BROKERS— BANKS TORPIE, JAMES V. Torpie & Saltzmann Exchange FOR (Honorary) TOPOL, ROBERT M. Greene and Company Exchange American Stock & Lauren PHILIP Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated TUZO, LAMAR K. F. UEactuuf, I N V E S T M ENT S. Moseley & Co. TYSON, Jr., Spencer _ ALBERT Trask & Co. C. SECURITIES E. C. DEALERS AND E. Reynolds & VALENTINO, G Telephone to ( READING A. Lebenthal# Co.,Inc. BROAD STREET WHitehall 4-7086 Co. MICHAEL Saxton & VANDER NOOT, Delafiela FRanklin 3-5261 Co. Co., F. Inc. BLARCUM, HERBERT E. Equitable Securities Corporation NEW YORK 4 50 t-co.. I. Towbin VAN Philadelphia—New York 524 WASHINGTON STREET THOMAS Unterberg, VACCARO, FRANK CORPORATE UNDERWRITERS Private Lcbenthal Unterberg, Towbin Co. UNTERBERG, Direct IN-ODD-LOTS UNTERBERG, CLARENCE E. , VAN & RIPER, MHTON TUYL, E. EVERETT Van • NEW YORK 5, N. Y HA 5-6116 HARRY Delafield, Great Neck, L. I. Harry Odzer Company VAN ONE CHASE MANHATTAN PLAZA Tuyl & George Oldest House in America Specializing in ODD LOT MUNICIPAL BONDS Volume Number 6216 196 WELSH, JOHN JOSEPH 'J. & W. Seligman & Co. The Commercial H. Magid, ' ■ ■ •. Ehrlich & Co. Mitchell <fe Wertheim 27 • ■ \ • •. > . ; ■ ; . Security Dealers and Traders • , (Associate) Association WENDLER, EVERETT F. WERTHEIM, Chronicle New Orleans Security Traders (Associate) WELTMAN, NORMAN D. and Financial Company Association Inc. of Washington D. C, JACK & Co. WERKMEISTER, JR., JOHN O. Vilas & Hickey WESEMAN, RALPH II. Wellington Hunter Associates, Jersey City, N. J. WHITING, EDMUND A. Carl M. Loeb, Rlioades & Co. WHITMAN, III, HAROLD CUTLER Lee Higginson Corporation WIELAR, JACK B. Gregory & Sons WIEN, PERCY J. M. Wien S. & Co., Inc. Jersey City, N. J. (Associate) WIEN, STEPHEN S. M. S. Wien & Co., Inc., Jersey City, N. J. WILLIAMS, CARROLL W. Laird. Bissell ** Meeds WILLIAMS. Hayden, DONALD Stone Co. & WILLS, HENRY White, Weld & Ronald J. Co. Incorporated President: Ronald J. Levy, Abroms & Co. Inc. & Treasurer: Thomas G. Terrio, Terrio & Inc. (Associate) The Secretary-Treasurer: Walter R. Green, Schweickardt & Company. Comnanv Elected: WINTHROP, DAVID David Winthrop Co. (Associate) October 9, 1962; Took Office: October 13, 1962; & WITTICH, Co. WITTMAN, (Members ADAMS, Co., Howard, Ducournau ALVIS, R. Sidney A. Siegel & Co., Alvis Inc. ROBERT Weil, Howard, D. Labouisse, A. Friedrichs & ROSTER JEFF Company, H. Jackson, Miss. WILSON Weil, Company Terrio & Co., COLLINS, SHELBY Labouisse, Friedrichs and GREEN, Stanton-Lewis JOY, WALTER R. H. Company & Jr., J. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith BROWN, York Hanseatic Corporation Carl Jr., HARRY L. & Co., Inc. Marks CRANE, Inc. G. Crane (Associate) DE ZEMAN, FRANK A. Clark, Dodge & Co. WM. < (Associate) Inc. Jr., GILBERT Co., Inc. DONALD F. & Landrum J. P. & Co. M. & Co,, Inc. WACHTEL, SIDNEY B. Co. Wachtel & Co. E. Weekley & Co. PECKHAM, E. Shaw Benkert & Co., Inc. Terrio WATSON, GAVIN H. Arnold Short Co. Bernhard Hills, N. & Inc. Co., F. Co. WHITTEN, L. P. Washington Planning Corporation Maryland Allen & Co., Inc. GEORGE E. ZANDER, Clay Investment Co., Arlington, Va. Bacon, Inc., J. WEEKLEY, HENRY H. F. Weekley & MEISSNER, ROBERT H. HAWLEY, JACKSON A. Equitable Securities Corp. E. STEPHEN TERRIO, THOMAS G. Wachtel & Co. PRICE Investment E. McDONALD. HATTIER, PERRY Newman, Brown & Co., A. W. Lawrence & Overall & Harper, THOMAS J. CHARLES Hattier & Sanford ZEBERTOVICH, ALEXANDER C. Inc. KOWALSKI, TIIADDEUS A. Stewart, Pickard, Hamilton & LAWRENCE, JOHN C. HARDY, FORD T. Newman, Brown & Co., Inc. (Associate) SMITH, Investing Co., HAROLD CLARENCE Clarence J. Grant, Jones & Co., Inc. HASELTINE, THEODORE R. JEREMY R. Incorporated BREAUD, ZACK, ALBERT ZEEMAN, Associates, Inc.; MEMBERS SHAW, Inc. JOHN Combined GRANT, Company Schweickhardt Hattier & Sanford Inc. & G. Inc. BOUCHE, LOUIS J. YUNKER, ROSWELL J. New OF BORGIIESE, PHYLLIS Glas & Company LESTER Arnold & Derbes, Corporation Carl Marks & Co., Inc. Zander, Bacon, Johnson & P. Kees T. FRIEDRICHS, GLAS, and ARNOLD, YOUNG, THEODORE R. Co., JAC. & FEIBLEMAN, Inc. Company (Associate) Hanseatic DUCOURNAU, LEON ALEXANDER, Stern, Lauer & Co. & otherwise Newman, Brown & Co., Inc. YAEGER, LEON M. Kidder unless Schwelckhardt Brooklyn PAUL Orleans John Collins, Combined Investing Co., Inc. indicated) Abroms & WREN, LAWRENCE Allen &i Company M. ning Corp.; Fred MEMBERS ABROMS, WILLIAM WORTHINGTON, THOMAS F. A. New DAVID Spingarn,• Heine & Co. New York in (USN Ret.), J. P. Clay Invest¬ Co., Arlington, Va., ex-officio; Sidney Wachtel, Wachtel Co.; Maj. Gen. L. P. Whittin (USA Ret.), Washington Plan¬ ment WILBUR R. Dempsey-Teleger & Co., Inc. YEDNAK, OF Co. Officers and Directors: Thomas J. McDonald, Wachtel & Co.; & ROSTER ( Rear Adm. George E. Peckham Term Expires: October 13, 1963. WIRTH, HOMER Mabon Theodore Haseltine President: Stephen M. Smith, A. W. Benkert & Co., Inc. Secretary: Theodore Haseltine, Stanton-Lewis & Co. richs and Company. WINSTON, LOUIS Frank Stephen M. Smith Vice-President: John D. Lane, Howard, Weil, Labouisse, Fried¬ (Associate) WINFIELD, WALTER R. Eaton & Company, Walter R. Green Levy , E. v FRED Johnson & HOWARD, ROBERT P. Associates, Inc. ' Howard, Well, Labbuisse, Friedrichs LA VERGNE, J. Investment Crane H. Co., and Company Inc. JOYNER, JOSEPH E. ZINGRAF, CHARLES M. Daytona Beach, Fla. (Honorary) DERBES, ZINNA, EDWARD DINKINS, LADD Arnold Ladd Smith, Barney & Co. CLAUDE & Derbes, Dinkins Weil, Howard, Inc. & Company Labouisse, Friedrichs & Company. KEENAN, St. ARTHUR Denis KEES, C. J. J. Villere & Co. Adams & Peck HOMER Ducournau Kees & KINGSBURY, J. Members New York Stock W. Jackson, Miss. KINGSTON, E. F. Pflugfelder & Rust Members of the New York Stock Jr., F. Hutton WALTER Incorporated D. Brokers and Dealers in & Company Incorporated INDUSTRIAL & RAILROAD SECURITIES Friedrichs f A. Exchange Exchange D. LANE, JOHN D. Howard, Weil, Labouisse, and Company LEARY, Exchange WALTER Hutton & Company KINGSTON. E. and American Stock UNLISTED INVESTMENT STOCKS McINTYRE Barrow, Leary & Co., Shreveport LEVY, RONALD J. Abroms & Co., Inc. 61 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 6, N. Y. 120 LOUGUE, WM. N. BROADWAY NEW YORK 5, N. Y. • National American Bank of New Orleans Telephone REctor 24949 MANION, CHARLES Merrill Lynch, W. Teletype 212-571-0680 Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Telephone BOwling MINETREE, JOSEPH P. Howard, Well, Labouisse, Friedrichs and Green 9-4900 Private wire to Philadelphia Company NEWMAN, LEON Kohlmeyer & Co. NEWMAN, MORRIS W. Newman, Brown & Co., Inc. PEDRICK, Jr., PARKS B. Howard, Weil, Labouisse, Friedrichs & Co FAULKNER, DAWKINS & SULLIVAN RODDY, JAMES E1. Scharff & Jones, Inc. SANFORD, J. B. Hattier & GRACE NATIONAL BANK Sanford SCHWEICKHARDT, ERWIN Schweickhardt & Company INVESTMENT SECURITIES OF SMART, LAWRENCE F. STOUSE, The Members NEW YORK ' SEYMOUR, MORTON S. Howard, Weil, Labouisse, Friedrichs & Company New York Stock Exchange JAMES COMPLETE CLEARANCE FACILITIES A. Hlbernia National Bank in New Orleans FOR i .. VILLERE, American Stock Exchange (Associate) ERNEST C. St. Denis J. Villere & Co. LOCAL AND OUT-OF-TOWN WELL, JOS. H. Well Investment Co. Brokers 60 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK 4, NEW YORK WEIL, Jr., WALTER H. Howard, Weil, Labouisse, Friedrichs and Dealers i and . .. Company WHEELER, MACREERY Wheeler & Telephone HAnover 5-4200 HANOVER WOOD, A. Teletype Clearance B. 212 571-1657 M. FRANK B. Wheeler & ROBERT M. Woolfolk, Inc. ZOLLINGER, Jr., JOHN J. Scharff & Jones, Inc. SQUARE, NEW YORK 15, N. Y. I Smith-Wood Company, Inc. WOOLFOLK, Department Woolfolk, Inc. 1 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 28 . . Thursday* November 29, 1962 . ERGOOD, Necker, Goldman, Sachs & Co.; Newton H. Parkes, Jr., Gerstley, Sunstein & Co.; Andrew F. Pimley, Jr., First Boston Corporation; Willard F. Rice, Eastman Dillon, Union Securities & Co.; Wal¬ lace H. Runyan, Bfewphill, Noyes & Co.; Norman T. Wilde, Jan¬ ney, Battles & E. W. Clark, Inc.; E. Colt Williamson, Schmidt, porated; Robert N. Naylor, H. N. Nash & Co.;4 Carl T. Investment Traders Association Of Philadelphia Stroud EULER, Company, CHARLES Euler H. (Special) HARRY Jr., Reynolds FANT, J. Hart & FAHRIG, Co. & FITZSIMONS JOHN Penington, Colket & Co. FEATHER, Parke. Roberts & RUSSELL M... Incorporated Jr., & WILLIAM F. Gerstley, Sunstein & Co. 'iiilfe Committeemen: Edgar A. National Christian, Suplee, Yeatman, FENSTERMACHER, M. Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc.; Harry F. Green, Jr., Hecker & Co.; John E. Knob, Drexel & Co.; James B. McFarland, Stroud & Company Incor¬ Christian, Jack Incorporated; Co. Mosley Grant JAMES BARRY Singer, Beane & M"ackie, Expires: September, 1963. Inc. M. Newbold's Son & Co. ALLAN Stroud MEMBERS JOHN 2nd, FOARD, OF S. Co. WALTER D. W. H. ROSTER & Sparks & Co. FLYNN, Herbert E. Beattie William R. Radetzky Jack Christian W. J. 1962; Took Office: September, 1962; Term September, FREDERICK Nash FLANIGAN, Janney, Battles & E. W. Clark, Inc. T. Wilde, man N. FIXTER, E. Smith, Newburger & Co.; Nor¬ Inc.; Joseph & Remington, H. Inc. FIXTER, ROBERT C. J. W. Sparks & Co. Hudson, Thayer, Baker & Co., Inc.; James J. McAtee, Butcher & Sherrerd; William J. McCullen, Hess, & Co., FILIPPONE, BERNARD F. Elkins, Norris, Stokes & Co. H. Alternates. John M.j Freeman FISCHER, porated. Elected: M. ALBERT & (Special) B. Incorporated Company, FOGARTY, FRANK J. Harrison DARBY, EUGENE T. Harriman Ripley & Co., Incorporate^ (Special) H. Merrill Pierce, Lynch, (Special) Inc. Fenner Smith & Inc. G. H. W. President: Jack Christian, Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc. William R. Radetzky, New York Hanseatic Second Vice-President: Herbert E. Beattie, H. A. Riecke & Co., Inc. ' Treasurer: Robert N. Greene, ■' Stroud & Company, Incorporated. Secretary: Harry F. Green, Jr., Hecker Governors: Edgar A. :V & Co. Christian, Suplee, Yeatman, Mosley Co. In¬ Sheridan, Bogan & Co., Inc.; George R. Durang, Jr., Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated; Albert H. Fenstermacher, M. M. Free¬ Biddle & Co.; Robert G. Kenney, Janney, Battles & E. W. Clark, Inc.; Michael D. Kinsella, Robinson & Co., Inc.; John F. Klingler, Goldman, Sachs & Co.; John E. Knob, Drexel & Co.; Fred R. Knob, White, Weld & Co.; James B. McFarland, Stroud & Company, Incorman & Co., Inc.; Samuel M. Kennedy, Yarnall, & Co. Lewis H. G. E. Weld Eastman BLAIR, DUBLE, GREEN, Jr., (Special) & Co. HERBERT Co. Drexel Hornblower CHARLES ALVA Dolphin & Incorporated EDWARD BROWN, Bioren H. R. F Scott & Co. J. FRANCIS Newbold's Son & Co. HAMILTON, RODNEY C. H. A. Riecke & Co., Inc.r • Insurance Companies • Presidents—Leading Corp. Security Analysts • Colleges & Foundations Brokers Security Investment Advisers Employee Welfare Funds • Savings & Loan Assn's Mutual Funds • National Stock Corporations • Financial Publ. & Newspapers Annual ROBERT All Lists Labor Unions Offering Circulars Reports Parke Guaranteed Send for Free Booklet B. (Special) Co. • Security Traders J. Roberts & & MALVIN Banks F. Company & LLOYD CADDEN, W. 100% Quarterly Reports • Accurate and Authentic showing Complete Breakdown and Rates THOMAS J.? CALL, THOMAS AODNKSSINO Inc. -fa E-Z D. SERVICE EVERY BROKER Greeley and Company, Inc. BANK • ADVISER A. GRANT & Sherrerd (Special) CAMPBELL, CAMPBELL, CHARLES Mutual Elkins, CAPLAN, Clark, Associates, Jr., JOHN Morris, Inc. Patrons of The Antlers are exempt from mental taxes caused by worry "Interpretation"Regulation*'Customer Whim** over Co. "Market Fluctuation.** L. & Co., Jr., THE "HEW" ANTLERS Inc.' 2,000,000 Shares Inc. JOHN j C. Battles & E. W. Clark, (of well proportioned, superbly prepared food) Inc. (Special), Kidder, Peabody & Co. PREFERRED STOCK CARSON, JOSEPH R. Hemphill, Noyes & Co. (and ONLY Preferred Stock used at FREDERIC Jr., DeHaven & Townsend, EDGAR A. LOCATION: The ONLY restaurant Price per JACK Singer, Bean & Mackie, & Advertising • Public Relations BOSTON PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO 131 Cedar Street, New York 6, N. Y. Mid town Office: 44 • COrtlandt 7-5060 East 53rd Street, New York 22, N. Y. SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES COMPTON, GEORGE S. SPENCER of leading Bogan & Co., All statements above Inc. stock ex¬ New York 5, N. Y. HAnover 2-4393 L. CUMMINGS, JOSEPH Sheridan, 67 Wall Street (Special) Elkins, Morris, Stokes & Co. Brooke, members changes and associations of Securities Men. ; Winslow, Cohu & Stetson, Inc. CORSON, Wall Street. share: Well below intrinsic value! Serving Co. CHAUNCEY P. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (Special) .a'.,.'* COLWELL, NEW YORK on Inc. J. LAWRENCE Boenning redecorated; subdivided to permit serving (with privacy) large or small parties. Suplee, Yeatman, Mosley Co., Incorporated CHRISTIAN, finest food, wines and liquors to bankers, FACILITIES: Recently expanded and J. Equitable Securities Corporation CHRISTIAN, bar) brokers, traders, dealers, salesmen, customers. Edward J. Caughlin & Co. ROBERT BUSINESS: Serving the our ■" 'I.'.'- P. Crouter & Bodine CAUGHLIN, EDWARD J. CAULFIELD, ANTLERS THE CARROLL, WILLIAM J. ALBERT FRANK- GUENTHER LAW, INC. TRADER Inc. L. Stokes & PETER Albert Teller CAROTHERS, COLFER. • ALBERT J. CARDAMONE, CARTER, ANALYST in the U S A. JOHN Fund Charles A. Taggart & Co., Janney, STREET ▼ NEW YORK 6, N. Y. J.. Battles & E. W. (Special) CANTWELL, 83 WASHINGTON HAnover 2-9448 Janney, CANTWELL, S-X THf Grant & Remington, Butcher & Townsend, SPECIALISTS in Co. G. Schmidt, HAINES, Incorporated LAWRENCE Crouter W. & (Special) FINANCIAL MAILINGS to: ALEXANDER B. & Company, Incorporated BROOKS, P. Company, D. Blyth & Co., Inc. Stroud HAGER, & Co. BRENNAN, CHARLES BROCK, Haven Bodine Drexel & Co. JOHN L. BRADBURY, GRIFFITHS, R. H. ALFRED Jr., Miller H. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Yarnall, Biddle & Co. Jones, THOMAS A. Robinson & Co., Inc. De THOMAS A. BRACHER, Corporation GREY, GEORGE & Incorporated E. Securities Weeks Hutton E. Company, Montgomery, (Special) & BOUCHARD, BOWERS, &; CLIFFORD H. Co. EMERY, JOHN B. SAMUEL BORTNER, & DURANG, Stroud W. &. Co. FORREST ELLIOTT, N. J. (Honorary) BODINE, PAUL GREY, Inc. H. Boenning & Co., Ocean City, Company Co. GREENE, ROBERT N. Inc. Thayer, Baker & Co., Inc. Merrill Union Securities J. and HARRY F. & M. Kerner, & Company, DUDICHUM, JEROME R. Union Securities BLIZZARD, & Parrish Dillon, JOHN T. Dillon, Close Inc. WM. FRANK Kuch American Scott & Co. Eastman G. Stroud Swain BERGIN, WILLIAM J. Eastern Securities, Inc. BEVENOUR, RUSSELL Rambo, of Securities Harper & Turner, Inc. GORMAN, DOWNS, CHARLES E. WILLIAM Hess, GOODMAN, M. F. Co. & P. GOLDENBERG, LAWRENCE 'I Janney, Battles & E. W. Clark, Corp. Hecker Inc. EDWARD Association C. A. White, E. Sherrerd Dealers, Inc. H. DOUGLAS A. Grant & Remington, Montgomery, W. National Inc. Blyth & Co., Inc. DOTTS, Hess, ROBERT Co. P. Townsend, Crouter & WALTER & GILLERAN, V. Riecke & Co., Inc. A. BECK, Butcher Co. HERBERT Jr., GEMENDEN, Fricke & French, Securities & PHILIP & Bodine Co. JOHN H. WILLIAM American F. Incorporated Noyes GAUGHAN, Dick Co. C. DOERR, Clark, Inc. DORSEY, BEATTIE, Hemphill, Moyer, Co. JOSEPH Co., DeHaven FREDERICK Jr., & G. & GARRETT, JOHN T. Incorporated Co., DONOVAN, JOHN P. Ristine & BELL, corporated; Joseph J. Cummings, Brooke, & Woodcock, (Special) F. I (Special) Inc. DICK, Jr., LEWIS CRAIG & E. W. Battles BARTON, Corporation. Blair Pj Jr., Dana GALLAGHER, J. JOHN (Special) Co. & C. ALBERT Burton, Co., EDMUND DEVOLL, O. JOSEPH Janney, First Vice-President: Blair (Special) B. NEWTON Newbold's Son BARNES. j DAVIS, DERICKSON, LEONARD Walker & Co. H. BARBER, GABLE, W. & DeHAVEN Jr. JAMES Wellington Fund, Inc., Claymont, Del. ROBERT E. (Special) Riecke Wood, FRENCH ALBERT J. A. HOLSTEIN C. A. C. Co. Kidder, Peabody <Sc Jr., GEORGE A. BAILEY, Harry F. Green & DONALD DEMPSEY, George A. Bailey & Co. Robert N. Greene FOX, Rambo, Close & Kerner, Inc. BAILEY, H. CHARLES Wellington Company, BAILEY, Frank J. Fogarty & Co. , G. H. Walker & Co. DAVIS, PERCY.. AYRES, B. (Special) HARRY DAFFRON, Jr., LEWIS Armstrong «fc Co. J. Lewis Nash & Co. Harry C. Dackerman & Co. ARMSTRONG, J. ARNOLD, N. DACKERMAN, Co. & Bioren C. TOWNSEND ANDERSON, H. Hutzler & Brothers Salomon HAROLD CUNNINGHAM, LEE J. AI.FGREN, guaranteed by The Antlers Volume Robert 196 Number 6216,. Barth HAMMETT, WILLIAM Jr., Boenrjing & The First Corp/ Newbold's H. Co. Hart & H. L. Laird, HARRY Brooke, Sheridan, (Special) & Bogan Co., Inc. & Cohu Winslow, Boenning & Drexel G. & & Smith FRANK LAIRD, Incorporated Stroud Hornblower ROBERT & Weeks LAMB, (Special) O. & Baker & Co., LA Inc. Jr., ALMON LEWIS W. Woodcock, F. P. Moyer, J. W. Fricke & French, Inc. Ristine & H. Butcher & Inc., Geo. Sherrerd MURPHY, B. Paul Incorporated & & N. HAROLD Nash NAYLOR, Co. Mosley Mosley H. M. N. Nash Bros. & (Special) NECKER. Co., Inc. STANLEY A. Co., PHILLIPS. Pierce, Fenner & Smith EDWARD Elkins, Morris, PHIL! IS. (Special) PIMLEY, First Weeks ANDREW Teller PORTER. & Co. F. & Co., Inc. G. Moyer, Fricke & PRIESTLEY, DANIEL B. Wellington Fund, Inc., N. Co. & CHARLES Moyer, Fricke & French, Inc. NELSON, DONALD WALTER Fahnestock Reynolds & Co. QUINTARD, NECKER, CARL T. Goldman, Sachs & Co. & ROMEYN Suplee, Yeatman, Incorporated G. B. Mosley Continued Co. Inc. Del. I For financial institutions TRADING MARKETS IN SECURITIES OF ALFRED A. ARGENTINA COSTA RICA ISRAEL PORTUGAL AUSTRALIA CUBA ITALY RUSSIA AUSTRIA DENMARK JAPAN SOUTH AFRICA BELGIUM ECUADOR MEXICO SPAIN BOLIVIA EL SALVADOR NEW ZEALAND BRAZIL FINLAND NORWAY CANADA FRANCE PANAMA UNITED KINGDOM CHILE GERMANY PERU URUGUAY CHINA GREECE PHILIPPINES VENEZUELA COLOMBIA HOLLAND POLAND YUGOSLAVIA MANEELY, HARRY S. JUSTICE, FLOYD E. Montgomery, Peabody & Co. Listed & Scott & Co. Unlisted Securities I SWEDEN SWITZERLAND PUERTO RICO HAWAII Carl Marks & Ho. Inc. FOREIGN SECURITIES SPECIALISTS Heaney & Co. Michael J. Members American Stock Exchange 120 BROADWAY • NEW YORK 5, N. Y. Telephone WOrth 4-4176 G. Rambo, Close & Kerner, Inc. Schaffer, Necker & Co. WALTER B. Lynch Co. Inc. Del. & Co. CARL Co. & French, Claymont, GERALD M. MacCART, (Special) Redpath Corporation JAMES Woodcock, N. & MICHAEL J. Albert Inc. Inc. C. Parker Boston PINTO, French, J. Stokes & Co. FRED Auchincloss, PRIGGEMEIER, Corporation Co. PFAU, GORDON W. Woodcock, Moyer, Fricke & Co., ROBERT & FULLER Lynch, Incorporated MURRAY, Jr.. FRANK J. Woodcock, Moyer, Fricke & French, N. Incorporated (Special) Wilmington, THOMAS J. E. Snyder & Co. Drexel (Special) Parsly I.. Merrill W. JOHN Hornblower (Special) ROBERT Walker H. PESZKA. MURPHY, JOHN A. LYNCH, Jr., HOWARD J. In<* Del. H. Dackerman Boston G. PARSLY, G. Yeatman, Incorporated Inc. PARLANTI, P. VICTOR JAMES Co., H. Co. JOYCE, THOMAS J. Woodcock, Moyer, Fricke & French, Kidder, Fund, JAMES Bache & ALVIN W. R. & J. Company Yentnian. Riecke A. N. Bogan & Co., Newbold's Sons & LITTLE, LOVE, JORDAN, Jr., Miller & T. E. WILLIAM C. Delaware WILLIAM R. JOHNSON, Sheridan, LESCURE. ANDREW Claymont, m. JOHN DONALD H. Inc. Morrissey & Co. Suplee. NASH, Woodcock, Kirkland J. JOHN JOHN PARKES, Jr., NEWTON H. Gerstley, Sunstein & Co. ROBERT Reynolds & Co. Company, First McLEAR, R. WILLIAM Brooke, LEOPOLD, Newburger & Co. JENNINGS. McLEAN. Co., & Co. H. Co. LAWRIE, P. STANLEY ALLYN RASH, & Thayer, Baker & Co., Inc. JEFFRIES, C. & A. FRANK Suplee, J. Inc., JAMES Jr., RICHARD Incorporated Morrissey & Co. MUNDY, ... LAUT, JOSEPH ST. C. Hallowell, Sulzberger, Jenks, 1 L. Kidder, Peabody & Co. JACOBY, JOHN Company, & McMULLIN, , Co. & M. Colket & Co. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis HUGHES, EUGENE L. D. Bache Harry The HUDSON, JOHN M. HUTCHINSON, & Miller Incorporated MclvAY, HENRY L. Incorporated C. EDWARD p. Ristine & Co. F. (Special) (Special) J. Company, JOHN Inc. J. Remington, Inc. LAND, Smith, Barney & Co. Thayer, Stroud Co., & Co. McGARVEY, M. Penington, ROBERT HOLMAN, Stroud Corp. Bioren & Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner HOLDSWORTH. Securities J. MOSLEY, & william McFARLAND, RAYMOND THOMAS B. Co. (Special) lvRUG, E. F. F. MORRISSEY, P. Wellington Fund, Mcdonald, A. RAYMOND MORRISSEY, THOMAS E. WILLIAM Grant & Hess, Inc. R. & MORRISSEY, F. Baker McCULLOUGH, Webster & JOHN Harrison Jr.. (Special) Co. McCULLEN, Stetson, & Co. ROBERT & Thayer, Inc. Co. Stone (Special) Co; Clark, E. KRAEMER. CHARLES HOERGER, W. White, Weld & Co. & Co. ARTHUR HISCOX. E. & Dackerman C. Schmidt, Roberts <fo Parke (Special) A. Stroud & Company, Jones, Hecker C. P. Inc. F. Woodeock, Moyer, Fricke & French, Inc. PARKER, GERALD MORRIS, J. Co. McCOOK, KNOB, FRED R. HEWARD, RICHARD W. Wood & Harry OWENS, Del. J. Co., & JOSEPH PAIRMAN, R. R. McCAULLY, ARMOUR W. Hallowell, Sulzberger, Jenks, Kirkland D. LAWRENCE Collings MERRIGAN, Jr., JOHN J. Elkins, Morris. Stokes & Co. Sunstein Gerstley, (Special) McCOY, & ALFRED C. O'BRIEN, MILSTEN, J. THOMAS C, J. MELLOY, MICHAEL FRANCIS Wellington Fund, Inc., (Claymont, Inc.. Wright, Wood & Co. McCANN, (Special) S. WILLIAM Mulhern, Sherrerd & NOWLAN, A. THOMAS Wellington Fund, Inc., Claymont, Del. A. & JOSEPH Hopper, Soliday & Co. MEANLY, (Special) Co. JAMES McBRIDE, S. Inc. Battles Janney, KNAUPP, KNOB, JOHN Wright, Co., ALFRED KNAPP, E. Sherrerd & McATEE, Inc. Meeds & & RICHARD Butcher MICHAEL Robinson JAMES Butcher Clark, W. KLttlGLER, JOHN F. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington Stock Exchange (Special) HE WARD, E. F. Baker, Weeks & Co. WILLIAM HEPPE, JOHN G. WILLIAM KINSELLA, Pont & Co. du I. Bissell McNAMEE, JOSEPH Martin, Monaghan Ardmore, Pa. KIELY, Jr., JERRY J. L. HENDERSON, Jr., ROBERT M. Francis MARTIN. Elkins, Morris, Stokes & Co. Co., Heffelfinger & Co. HENSHAW, M. & THOMAS KETCHAM, HEARD, Jr., JOSEPH D. Suplee, Yeatman, Mosley Incorporated HEFFELFINGER, Battles Janney, KENNEY, NEVIN Newburger SAMUEL ROBERT KENNEY, & Son Co. Yarnall, Biddle & Co. ROBERT F. Euler & KENNEDY, R. Meeds <fc Rosenbaum, Wertheim & Co., New York; Parks B. Pedrick, Jr., Howard, Weil> Labouisse, Friedrichs and Company, New Orleans; Mrs. & Mr. Robert M. Topol, Greene and Company, New York Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. MARKMAN, CHRISTIAN G. Bioren HARSCH, RICHARD L. W. MANN, Reynolds & Co. GEORGE Bissell Laird, Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Pacific Northwest Jack Joyce, Co., New York KELLER, Boston HARRISON, & KANE, ROBERT F. H. Co. HARDY, RUBIN 29 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . C. Williams, Weeden & Co., Chicago; Mr. & Mrs. Homer J. Bateman, Company, Seattle; Preston L. Phipps, June S. Jones Co., Portland, Oregon; J. HART, . 20 BROAD STREET TELEPHONE HANOVER 2-0050 • NEW YORK 5, N. Y. TELETYPE 212-571-1685 Co., on page 30 30 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle WALLACE, Investment Traders Association E. ROSTER OF MEMBERS & WALSH, SEVING, Jr., FREDERICK T. RADETZKY, New WILLIAM York RAFFEL, Butcher & Sherrerd R. Hanseatic & Stroud & WALLACE Schmidt, Roberts A. STADTLER, F. S. WELLER, Co. R. WELLS. Inc. GEORGE & The '• First Hess. CLIFFORD IRWIN RENNEISEN. G. Remington, & Grant H. WILLIAM Suplee, Sherrerd Yeatman, SUSKI, LESLIE Co., Incorporated / Hemphill, Drexel H. Butcher H. ROBERT SANTUCCI, New & Co., Albert (Special) SCHREINER, R. P. & SCOTT, Bioren R. & Co. T. NORMAN Co., G. ZUNGOLO, RONALD R. New Clark, Inc. Hanseatic York H. EDWARD MATTHEWS, Walker & Co. H. McCarthy, dennis Corporation Putnam (Special) & Co. McCAUGHEY, W. CRAIG & Incorporated, Co., New Haven MERRILL, ROBERT H. Conning Security Traders Association A. & Co., Inc. (Special) & Co., Coburn Co. > Of Connecticut Middlebrook, Incorporated & ROBERT MORRIS. Robt. L. (Special) & S. Morris & S. Co. MURRAY, FRANK J. Laird, T. New Inc. Bissell Haven HENRY NOY, Meeds & B. Hincks Bros. & Inc., Bridgeport Co., Co. CLAYTON ROY JOHN A. Kennedy-Peterson. Inc. TOBIAS. F. & PHILLIPS, Hincks E. Bros. CORTWRIGHT & Co., Inc., Bridgeport Co. H. Hincks BERNARD Gerstley, Sunstein TORRENS, ROBERT W. Co. i (Special) & Co. (Special) Chas. Co., Incorporated SCHMITT, Income Harriman Miller & Co., Ripley & Co., Incorporated UNDERWOOD, J. YEITH, Townsend. Crouter & Boaine C. J. FRANK Lawrence F. Hine Edward H. Matthews FREDERICK Haven New Haven KENNETH I. & Co. John J. Avignone Bache & Co., New Haven Robert H. Merrill JACKSON STEINER, S. Jackson H. President: Edward & Co. Devine Co., New & SHURE, JOSEPH Boenning & Co. A. D. L. JOHN Putnam Lewis C. Dick Co. Inc. Rybeck & Company, Meriden Funds, Inc., SHIEBER, FRANCIS C. TRIMBLE, Jr., McE. II. Scranton W. Bridgeport Inc., Co., HARRY SAMPSON, A. & WILLIAM William H. TREVINE, ROY A. Bros. RYBECK, H. Harriman Ripley & CO; WILLIAM H. C. LEWIS Co. & MAIGRET, NORMAN L. Coburn & Middlebrook, Incorporated Mosley ROYSTON, PETER SELHEIMER, Jr., PERRY DeHaven Bioren Suplee, Yeatman, Incorporated L. FRANK Blair Hemphill; Noyes & Co. WILLIAM C. & Waterbury Corp. G. ALBERT Teller TILGE. CHARLES A. Securities ETHAN Bridgeport Co., LIBBY, GORDON H. N. Coburn & Middlebrook, Incorporated A. FRANK ZUBER, & MOORE, RICHARD A. & Ristine Co. Schaffer, Necker & JOSEPH ZELLER, Peabody & Co. WIIITLEY, Co. RICHARD P. F. Corporation SOHAFFER, RUSSELL SCHAUFLER, Co. Jr., THOMAS. J. HAROLD Schaffer, Necker & (Special) Inc. Woodcock, Moyer, Fricke & French, Inc. L. Inc. GERALD Boenning & Company, MAURITS KRAIGER, ALBERT P. The R. F. Griggs Company, * Riecke TERRELL. York Hanseatic SCATTERGOOD, Wellington Co. A. Watson L. PETERSON, Jr. Sherrerd & Riecke A. A. TELLER, & Co. SANDER, RUDOLPH SANFORD, T. YOUNG, C. HOWLE Inc. - C. Griggs Company, West Hartford F. JOHNSON, (Special)' Co. Mosley Co., RAYMOND & TAYLOR, H. Noyes & French, H. Walker & Z. CHARLES TALCOTT, , WALLACE D. Janney, Battles & E. W. & Charles A. Taggart J. (Special) G. I D. (Honorary) GORDON Conning & W. WURTS, JOHN Haven New Co., Co. JACOBS, DONALD B. , • Co. & TAGGART, LEWIS RUNYAN, R. i M. THOMAS Bache J. Delaware Management Co., Inc. ROSS, W. Incorporated Penington, Colket & Co. & Sunstein SUPLEE, ROBINSON, ELLWOOD S. Blair GEORGE WILDE, Gerstley, JOHN B. RODGERS, F. & HURLBERT, D- WILLARD Jr., Bankers Kidder, SUNSTEIN, Jr., LEON F. Eastman Dillon, Union Securities <fc Co. Butcher & RICHARD & WILLIAM Putnam Kidder, Peabody & Co. ALFRED WHITCRAFT, Corporation & Co. WILLARD RICHTER, Fahnestock HOLMAN, J. Wright, Wood & Co. (Special) WRIGHT, • Lilley & Co. Hallowell, Sulzberger, Jenks, Kirkland Inc. E. W. Smith Co. RICE, HOGARTH, GUY R. Co. & F. , SULZBERGER, REMINGTON, Barney E. Haven LAWRENCE Smith, Ramsay & Co., Inc., Bridgeport Inc. C. WELSH, Jr., HENRY C. Co. Boston JOHN L. Woodcock, Moyer, Fricke STREET, PHILLIPS B. REELLEY, JOSEPH S. Jones, Miller & Co. Inc. Company, New HINE, Securities, GEORGE 2nd. WOOD. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Taggart & Co., Moseley Parke & <te LAWRENCE Charles A. B. Biddle SNYDER, (Special) REBAR, HARRY Yarnall, L. S. GRAHAM, REGINALD Parke Codings & Co., Inc. Smith, ALFRED & C. & J. WITTENWILER, JOHN Boenning & Co. ) WISTER Company, Incorporated RANDOLPH, WILLIS, Co. WELLER, BARRY SNYDER, Co. Eastern Inc. D. & Newburger & Co. WILLIAM Raffel Swain Clark, C. SMITH, JOSEPH E. Corporation W. Thursday, November 29, 1962 . . COIT E. Roberts WILLIS, ALFRED JOHN D. JAMES WARNER, E. & L. Co. Newburger Continued from page 29 Schmidt, CHARLES WALLINGFORD, Bioren WILLIAMSON. Co. Battles Janney, Of Philadelphia W. DAVID Smith W. WALLINGFORD, . H. Vice-President: First Matthews, G. H. Walker & Co., Hartford. Lawrence F. Hine, Smith, Ramsay & Co., Chas. W. Scranton J. Cooley & Company, Avignone, J. Sweeney & Company, New Britain Governors: E. Norton THENEBE, CHARLES Charles Decker, The R. F. Griggs Company, Water- bury; Frank E. Cilento, Shearson, Hammill [ E. Thenebe E. & Associates THOMPSON, HOWARD W. & Co., Hartford; Securities American Corporation Hartford George A. Dockham, Hincks Bros. & Co., Inc., Bridgeport; Ken¬ neth F. & Co., New Haven WILLIAM SWEENEY, Secretary & Treasurer: Robert H. Merrill, Conning and Company. Brokers and Dealers Inc. Co., SWAN, LESLIE B. Vice-President: John Hartford. JOHN J. MEYERS & CO. & FREDERICK T. White, Weld & Co., New Haven SUTTON, Inc., Bridgeport. Second Steiner VARHOL, MICHAEL G. Shieber, Putnam & Co., Hartford; Richard W. Wilde, Sweeney & New Company, Britain Conning & Co., Hartford. RICHARD WEISKE, F. National Committeemen: & George H. Angelos, Chas. W. Scranton Kidder & Co., WHEELER, WILDE, — FRANK Inc., Bridgeport R. Charles E, Thenebe & Associates Haven. New M. A. Co., New Haven; Frank J. Murray, Laird, Bissell & Meeds, ROSTER OF MEMBERS — FRANCIS GIANTONIO, E. RICHARD Conning & W. Co. Paine, Webber, located iMemuers INDUSTRIAL, PUBLIC UTILITY Hartford in unless Jackson & Curtis GORDON, MYRON L. Hincks Bros. JOHN GRAHAM, ROBERT AI.VORD, AND RAILROAD SECURITIES & Co., WYNNE, thomas Blair & Co., Bridgeport Inc., Incorporated, New Haven indicated) otherwise Cooley & E. YUSZA, EDWARD F, Laird. Bissell & Meeds. New Haven Company Kennedy-Peterson, Inc. GEORGE H. ANGELOS, W. Scranton & Co., Chas. New Haven AVIGNONE, JOHN J. 30 Broad Street, New Cooley York 4, New York THOMAS C. Weld & Co.. New BAILEY, White, WHitehall 3-2850—teletype, 212 571-0439 Company & Haven BEAKEY, EDWARD J. E. Area Code 212 Eddy & W. Co. BLIGH, ROBERT A. Fahnestock & in Torrington Co., BRESLAV, JR., WALTER T. L. Cooley mm* & Company » & Shearson, UNDERWRITERS—DEALERS—DISTRIBUTORS New in and Unlisted Retail - ■ - ,V r" , ' ; all Co. & & Struthers Co. Haven HARRY COHAN, Dealers • specializing in CLEMENCE, ROBERT J. Wood, Struthers & Co., Wholesale •: ROBERT H. CLEMENCE, Wood. 'V j" Co. FRANK E. Hammill CILENTO, § . FRANK CHIARAMONTE, Fahnestock ' & Co. Judd Brainard, /■: S. ROBERT CARTER, ^<S> over-the-counter securities ROBERT B. CALVERT. wmmmmmmm ^ Bridgeport Co., & Watson Denton & New Haven BOUGHT D. Inc. Co., for SOLD QUOTED Banks, Brokers, Institutions - - CREAMER, THOMAS F. Securities Chas. W. Scranton & Co., New Haven CUTLER, R. D. I Securities Corporation American Active Markets in New Issues R. F. Griggs DOCKIIAM, 9 NORTON E. DECKER, GEORGE Hincks Bros. Eddy & Co., Inc. ENGLISH, m West Pine Street, New York 5, N. Y. White, I W. Telephone: HA 5-5570 Teletype: 212 571-1645 m Trading Dept.: BO 9-6244 FINN, R. mmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmM mmmmm,, wmm m mmmmmmm, New Weld Putnam & EISEN, Fahnestock ESTABLISHED J$nc. ¥ 1942 Members of New York Security Dealers Association 39 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y. Dlgby 4-2370 TWX: 212-571-0320 (Honorary) Direct Co., & Griggs S®Jtj CiE] Ij Britain DAVID H. DANIEL F. Bridgeport P. JAMES New Haven F. Company, FLATTERY, JOHN FON Inc., Hartford, Conn. ERMER, 80 Co., & A. H. HOWARD EDDY, Casper Rogers & Co., tyidneu a Waterbury Company, Waterbury Wires R. J. HENDERSON & CO., to INC., Los Angeles WOODCOCK, MOYER, ERICKE & FRENCH, INC., Philadelphia Connecting Wire * to i Co. NICHOLAS & Co^ E. CRUTTENDEN, PODESTA & MILLER, San Francisco Volume 196 Number 6216 . . .The Commercial and Financial Chronicle ' 1 FRAZIER, GARNET L. BURKE, DAVID J. Security Traders Association Blunt Ellis St Simmons A. G. Becker St Co., FREEMAN, SIDNEY Irving Weis St Cp. BUSCH, Jr., HENRY F. First Securities Company of Chicago FULLER, JOSEPH T. William A. Fuller St Trust National Bank Boettcher St Company CANCHOLA, & Incorporated A. Becker & G. CARLSON. William CASEY, Co. Incorporated A. & Co. Reynolds i Frank X« Cummings John P. O'Rourke, Jr. Joseph P. Murphy Norman H. Nagel Vice-President: John P. O'Rourke, Jr., J. P. Directors: J. Thomas Driscoll, Brown Brothers, Cushing Fitzgerald, Harriman & Co.; Sachnoff, Cook Investment Co.; Charles G. Scheuer, McKeown & Co.; John L. Schlipper, New York Hanseatic Corporation. National Committeemen: Frank X. Cummings, Bear, Stearns & Sachnoff, Cook Investment Co.; Robert C. Williams, Weeden & Co., Milton J. Isaacs, Straus, Blosser & McDowell. Alternates: Leonard Friedman, Boettcher and Company; Edward H. Welch, Sincere and Company; Thompson M. Wakeley, A. C. Allyn & Co.; John Robert Doyle, Doyle, O'Connor & Co., Inc.; Star C. Koerner, F. S. CHERRY. MICHAEL P. GEORGE (Members In located Chicago unless otherwise indicated) J. B. BERNARDI, Glore, Porgan ALDWORTH. Salomon St BILLINGS. J. Hutzler Ss C. Noyes St A. Doyle, Roe BLOIIM, ALFRED E. ANDERSON, EDWARD Co. Co., & MILTON Inc. A. R. BLUMENTRAL, HAROLD ARTHUR, JOHN BODEN, David A. STEPIIAN BACHAR, Swift, Herke & Co. BOEDEKER A. Dean Betts, Borland St Co. Ellis BALLISCH. A. C. JOSEPn BOYLE, G Paine, & Inc. First of J. Co. Michigan Corporation BAUM. C. Co. J. Boston Brown A. F. Eastman Dillon. Union Securities First Securities Company of Henke St Co. Chicago HORMAN, BERNARD J. A. G. Becker & Co., Incorporated Allyn St Co. HUMMEL, Moseley St Co. GEORGE F. First Securities Company HUNTER, WILLIAM of Chicago S. Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller R. Incorporated Company HARVEY W. HALL, FRED K. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. IIAMMELL. Co. First I HUTCHINSON, HERBERT A. McMaster Hutchinson St Co. ELMER W. Securities Company ISAACS, MILTON of Chicago J. Straus, Blosser St McDowell HARDY, EDWARD K. Ill Blunt, Ellis & Simmons JACOBSON, R. DONALD Smith, Burris & Co. HARMET, ALFRED A. A. A. Harmet & Continued Co. on page H Inc. Langlll & Co. CUMMINGS, FRANK X. Bear, Stearns & Co. PATRICK Co. J. <► Steams & Bear, «► Underwriters J. • Distributors Incorporated Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, M. Byllesby Company, and Inc. DAVIS, A. <► <► <► I CORPORATE i* THOMAS J. Allyn St Co. C. :: <► DAVY, THOMAS M, Scott St Kegley. Inc. ANTnONY L. dePERSIO, Roe St Farnham Co. De Brothers Hutzler C. FRANK n. M. FRANK G. Byllesby and Company, Inc. Noyes St Co. NEIL Hill, Thompson & Co., Inc. Young St Company, Inc. Grand & F. JOHN YOUNG. Rapids (Associate) 70 Wall Street, RAYMOND Goldman, Sachs St Co. DIXON, W. DONOVAN, JOHN P. Telephone- WHitehall 44540 and Company Doyle, O'Connor St Co., Inc. DOYLE, LFO I J. Doyle, O'Connor St Co., Inc. Le6 t UWWVWUWWWWWWVWWWiHWWWWHWWWWWWUHUI Higginson Corporation Brown [ HORNBLOWER AMD WE6K^] New York 5, N. Y. JOHN ROBERT DOYLE, THOMAS C. DRISCOLL. DWYER. Harriman Brothers & Co. R. DONALD Dominick & Dominick EGNER, Jr., ADOLPH C. Shearson. Hammill St Co. ELWELL, WILLIAM Our Fortieth Year 1922 1962 C. Loewi St Co., Incorporated, Milwaukee, Wis. (Associate) ENYART, CHARLES Francis I. ERICKSON. J. P. E. Pont St du Co. UNLISTED SECURITIES RICHARD C. O'Rourke ERZRERGER. Co. St ELMER W. Smith, Burris St Co. SPECIALISTS SINCE 1922 FARRELL, ARTHUR E. James J. McNulty St Company FEENEY, JOSEPH T. Lee Frorh Coast to Coast You can depend People, the Ideas, the Facilities of... Higginson Corporation FEIL. PETER V. Langill St Co. INQUIRIES INVITED FELLEGI, JULES Chapman, Howe St Co. FENTON, ARTHUR W. Rodman St Renshaw FITZGERALD. GERALD E. HORNBLOWER & WEEKS The First National Bank of Chicago FITZGERALD, William 1 CHASE MANHATTAN PLAZA, NEW YORK 5-DI 4-6600 ** ** i* t» i* Dealers Incorporated DREYER, WILLIAM J. the 32 CULLEN, CHARLES J. DE Hickey & Co., Inc. BURCH, on Co. St IIORACEK, JEAN A. D. Bacon, Whipple St Co. (Associate) Devine St C. S. GORDON Co. HACKER, JAMES T. Co., Incorporated Boettchei Corporation Co., & S. IIARRY M. DULLER, WILLIAM J. & Swift, PETER Illinois Co. HOLT. LESTER H. HACK, Jr., JOHN J. & St HOLMES, LOUIS A. Straus, Blosser St McDowell COONEY, W ALTER E. Kidder, Peabody & Co. Loewi Co. RAYMOND HOFFMAN, HUGH F. Eastman Dillon, Union Securites St Co. Ky. GUILD. DONALD J. COOPER. St Ernst Louisville, GREGORY, DETMER. Weeks BITIILE, Jr.. PHILIP Bache St Co. Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller First S. Salomon BAX, PAUL J. Leason & CARMAN BROWN. GARY Upham St Co. NORMAN B. BECKER, Ernst HOFER, David A. Noyes & Co. Inc. FREDERICK J. Cook Investment Co. Hemphill, Dempsey-Tegeler St Co., Inc. J. HOFER, CHARLES THOMAS HOWARD L. McDougal St Condon), Inc. G. Hornblower BROWN, EDWARD N. Harris, St Savings Bank COOK. Stein BARTnELL. Bank BROKER, JAMES F. BARRY, Jr., GEORGE E. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis BARTII. & M. McCormlck St Co. National DAVIDSON, G. BRISCOE, PAUL L. Goldman, Sachs & BARROWCLOUGH. GEORGE L. Illinois GRATZA, WILLIAM J. St Co., DAUCHY, PETER The Illinois Company FABIAN William Blair St Company BREWER. Co., & Trust Antonio, Tex. (Associate) HOELCK, THEODORE GREEN, ARTHUR A. Shearson, Hammill St H. EDMUND Funk, Hobbs St Hart. Inc. DARFLER. GLEN A. Doyle. O'Connor St Co., Inc. Curtis JOHN Walston Forgan BRADY, HAROLD Webber, Jackson & BARONE, F. Co. WALLACE Glore, Allyn & Co. BARCLAY. ROBERT & A. Co. CUNY, GERALD F. Co. Witter & Co. Fahnestock Simmons & L. St Salle Securities San C. Graham-Conway Co.. (Associate) CUNNINGHAM, BERNARD Blunt Ellis St Simmons BOYDE, STEPHEN BAKER, GEORGE M. Blunt JOHN Fahnestcck Noyes & Co. La Webster Securities Corporation GRAHAM, RAYMOND V. CUMMINGS, ANDERSON, NOEL Glore, Porgan St Co. of Chicago Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller G. Glore, Porgan St Co. Francis I. du Pont & Co. Co. CRUTTENDEN. WALTER W. Farnham St HIRSCHBERG, EDWARD Company Harris Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller Securities O'Connor Stein Co. Trust CRUTTENDEN. JAMES R. BLECHSCIIMIDT, EDWARD ALM, WALTER David Co. St -1 , J. Stein Roe St Farnham Co. GRAHAM, HOWARD F. G. Van Ingen St EARLE Continental Glore, Porgan & Co. EDWARD Columbian Co. RICHARD Bros. Borland Betts, D. CROWLEY, TED J. BERG, RODNEY M. ADAMS, Jr., FRED E. WILLIAM CONLAN, PETER J. Hornblower St Weeks C. BENNETT, DONALDSON, K. A. C. Allyn & Co. RICHARD First Securities Company GRAHAM, DAVID E. Koehler & Co. CONDON. CORNELIUS, ABE, JR., WILLIAM Hallgarten St Co. Stone GOTT, CECIL O. Link. Gorman. Peck St CONDON. JAMES The MEMBERS York) Goodbody St Co. CORBUS. JOSEPH OF (New GORDER, HENRY A. E. CONDIT, Milwaukee, Wis. Moseley & Co. ROSTER HICKEY Corp. COOLEY, WM. II. Co.; John P. O'Rourke, Jr., J. P. O'Rourke & Co.; Morey D. Co., Inc. Hickey St Co., Inc. HOBBS. WILLIAM G. COCHRAN, LOREN A. William Blair & Company William Blair & Company; Morey D. Chicago Bache St Co. Dempsey-Tegeler St Co., Inc. Secretary: Joseph P. Murphy, Shearson, Hammill & Co. of HICKEY, III, MATTHEW J. Co. GOODWIN, JAMES E. CLINE, THOMAS J. Treasurer; Norman H. Nagel, Sincere and Company: Hickey R. Freehllng, Meyerhoff St Co. D. Lehman Brothers O'Rourke & Co. Bank L. Henke & Co. IIILLSTROM, RAYMOND W. Floyd D. Cerf, Jr. Company. Incorporated CLEAVER, Cummings, Bear, Stearns & Co. JOHN Swift, HICKEY, Ji., MATTHEW J. Investment GOODMAN, Chapman. Howe & Co. President: Frank X. Co. Co. St The First National HERZ, (Associate) Co. CERF, Jr., FLOYD McKeown Webber-Simpson St Company Renshaw American Securities J. J. HEALY, WILLIAM B. ' GOLDEN, GEORGE T. AUDRAN & A. Bec|cer & Co., Incorporated Cook Doyle, O'Connor St Co., Inc. CAVANAUGH. G. s» . HERMAN, FRANK GLICKSON, ARNOLD J. FRED Wm. GEEL, DONALD A. F. Puller A. St Rodman * HAWXHURST, Jr., RALPH R. Co. Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc MICHAEL ROY Company GALLAGHER, JAMES P. CANN, MAURICE J. • ! Tegtmeyer & Co. HARTWIG. CARL A. Link, Gorman, Peck GALE, FRED O. CANN, JULES F. Lehman Brothers CARIOSCIA, Wm. H. William A. Fuller St Co. Co., Corporation HART, JOSEPH E. ( FULLER, Jr., WILLIAM JOSEPn McDonnell and York Hanseatic New FRIEDMAN, LEONARD BUTLER, RAYMOND Continental Illinois Of Chicago, Inc. HART, DONALD F. Incorporated BURKE, HERBERT J. Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller 31 FLETCHER, St Company DONALD William Blair St Members New York Security Dealers Association T. Company FLYNN, CORNELIUS E. The Northern Trust Company ESTABLISHED 1888 JOHN J. O'KANE, JR. & CO. CUSHING J. Blair FLYNN, ROBERT M. Scudder, Stevens & Clark Inc. 42 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. Phone—DIgby 4-6320 Teletype—212 571-1396 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Mr. & Mr. Mrs. Jack Wertheim, Wertheim & Co., New York; John A. Bonham, First Alabama Securities, Inc., Montgomery, Ala.; Mrs. & Mr. Robert L. Rosenbaum, Wertheim & Co., New York MADARY, Security Traders Association Joseph HAROLD A. Hentz 8c Co. M. JANSHOFF, ROBERT W. LANGE, Dean Harris Trust 8c Witter & Co. Kindred & F. Co. Childs F. and Company The First Boston Win. J. Bros. 8c Corporation & Boettcher G. and Co. MAYER, Company LEASON, HARVEY GLEN Koenig, Keating & Stead, Inc. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis & LILLIG, EDWARD LOCKHART, LEONARD Blunt Ellis Miller & White, Weld 8c Co. SKEPNEK, Jr., PAUL J. Taylor, Rogers 8c Tracy, Inc. Byllesby and Company, Incorporated SMITH, SACCO, ARTHUR C. Webster, Marsh & Co. SMITH, THOMAS P. Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller Cook Investment Co. SMOLE, JOSEPH A. Aubrey C. Lanston 8c Co., SACHNOFF, SAMUEL Inc. The First National Bank of Chicago MOON, RUSSELL F. SORENSON, OLAF A. Hammill 8c SADLER, FRED D. Co. Sadler MOSHER, THOMAS 8c Fahnestock 8c Co. Co. MORTON, HOWARD C. KRELL, ROBERT B. Bacon, Whipple 8c Co. LANE, ROBERT W. MacLEAN, McMaster Hutchinson The Inc. Co. Wise. JAMES JAMES H. The Northern Trust Company SAYRE, Ira Francis I. du Pont & Co. K. Haupt & Co. STEAb, Jr., JAMES J. Koenig, Keating, 8c Stead, Inc. STEELE, SCALISE, WILLIAM Chicago Title & Trust Co. GEORGE G. Stewart, Miller & Co., Inc. Co. NORMAN H. Sincere and Company NEWELL, EDWARD F. Langill 8c Co. s. weinberg, NEWPART, CHRIS J. Merrill grossman Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith CONVERTIBLE BONDS Incorporated NIETZEL, DONALD & co. Co. Hornblower 8c Weeks Jr., JOHN E. Freehling, Meyerhoff & Co. MURPHY, JOHN D. A. C. Allyn 8c Co. NAGEL, & LESTER W. STACK. ALBIN BYRON J. SBERTOLI, II. MURPIIY, JOSEPH P. Shearson, Hammill 8c Carlton Chesley & Co. (Associate) Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. Allyn & Co. A. STACH, SAWERS, ARTHUR R. ]Upham 8c Co. MURPHY. F. Norris 8c Kenly L. MULLER, DONALD R. Harris, du Pont & SPARKS, ALLEN K. SANDBERG, LAWRENCE 8c Co. Milwaukee Company, Milwaukee, LYNCH, PHILIP A. Francis I. GEORGE W. Taylor, Rogers & Tracy, Inc. SACHNOFF, MOREY D. Co. 8c Simmons SINCLAIR, RICHARD M. H. M. MILLER, WILLIAM EMORY Stewart, A. MOFFAT, DONALD L. Shearson, LORING, FRANK E. Aubrey G. Lanston & Co.. C. Hutzler RYAN, Jr., GERALD M. Company B. Co., New York City SIMMONS, RICHARD W. 8c Halsey, Stuart 8c Co. Inc. M. LONGSTAFF, RALPH S. Taylor, Rogers 8c Tracy, Inc. Halsey, Stuart 8c Co. Inc. Brothers RUSSELL, MERTON LONG, WILLIAM T. William Blair 8c Company DONALD Salomon Reynolds & (Associate) SILBERMAN, NATHAN M. Straus, Blosser 8c McDowell Hickey 8c Co., Inc. Hutzler McKinnon DONALD The First National Bank of Chicago V. Lamson Bros. 8c Co. Moseley 8c Co. / ROOB. EDWARD A. 8c & SHFRWOOD, CLARKE J. L. A. Thomson ROGERS, JOHN C. Brothers Henke 8c Co. SHELTON, Chapman, Howe & Co. McNulty 8c Company Miller. Tallman 8c Co-., Inc. I KOUGIAS, WILLIAM J. Wm. E. Tegtmeyer & Co. A. ROBERTSON, Mullaney, Wells 8c Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller Koenig, Keating & Stead, Inc. Swift, Incorporated, (Associate) Co. J. SHAW, BRADFORD W. Milwaukee, Wis. MII.LER, SAUL R. LINDER, EVAR L. Paine, Webber, Jackson 8c Curtis KOERNER, STAR C. 8c WILLIAM Jr., Cook Investment Co. MILLER, CHARLES A. The Illinois Company SENNOTT, M. MEYERS, HENRY P. Goldman, Sachs 8c Co. Miller, Tallman 8c Co. Inc. Becker 8c Co., Incorporated (Associate) KORY, J. Salomon 1 Reynolds 8c Co. KOENIG, PHILIP F. S. C. LIENING, EDWARD H. The Marshall Company, Milwaukee, Wis. F. Fuller A. ROBERT Loewi & Co., Smith, Barney 8c Co. LIAUTAD, LEE J. R. Co. KOCH, Jr., OTTO J. « James GERALD L. Allyn 8c Co. SELLERS, PAUL A. RILEY, WILLIAM T. Incorporated Co., McUUGH, JOHN D. Blyth & Co., Inc. KIPP, JOHN D. A. G. 8c MEYER, JULIAN L. A. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. JAMES Yantis McGREGOR, WILLIAM J. William LEWIS, HAROLD M. Co. Ralph W. Davis & Co. MELL, HERMAN G. KING, THOMAS E. Weeden F.'S, Smith LEWIS, KEITH, CLYDE H. Taylor, Rogers 8c Tracy, Inc. RICE, Moseley & Co. LEVINE, HOWARD S. Doyle, O'Connor & Co., Inc. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. P. La Salle Securities McGHIE, Jr., GEORGE W. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Hayden, Stone & Co., Incorporated KEGLEY, WILLIAM C. KIPP, Inc. LEE, JOSEPH M. KEENAN, WILLIAM T. EDWARD SEARLE, RICHARD M. Hallgarten 8c Co. White, Weld & Co. F. S. Incorporated KEATING, JOHN JAY RENIER. D. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. SCOTT, MORTIMER W. Scott 8c Kegley, Incorporated Inc. REVELL, RAYMOND F. McFARLANE, LAURENCE B. LEAVEN, CARL D. Merrill Continental, Milwaukee, Wise. (Associate) Corporation GIRARD DONALD SCOTT, JAMES H. Blyth & Co., Inc. Co., Incorporated Kidder, Peabody 8c Co. KAPPA, HARVEY H. A. C. Allyn 8c Co. Co., & Wisconsin McCOTTER, DONALD C. LEASON, GEARY Leason 8c Co., Inc. 8c ERNEST A. Lee Higgmson Incorporated Co., Mcdonough, joseph m. KANE, VINCENT T. Smith, Burris 8c Co. Leason Blair Corporation Wayne Hummer & Co. LAURENCE V. RANGE, Co. Hanseatic SCHUBERT, REED, ROY S. Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller P. Benjamin Lewis & Co. RATING, JOHN | Aubrey G. Lanston & Co., Inc. Hayden, Stone & Pressprich & Co. York SCIIOETTLER, F. The Illinois Company Incorporated McKeown & Hayden, Stone & Co., Incorporated RAHN, FRED T. N. J. SCHMITT, RUSSELL G. Shearson, Hammill & Co. RAMING, H. PHILIP Becker 8c Co., R. W. LEAHY, THOMAS Co. LAWRENCE G. New Divine & Fishman, Inc. MATZ, CHARLES T. C. LARSON, VERNON LEROY McKeown A. A. INC. C. F. INDUSTRIAL STOCKS Allyn & Co. NORTON, LAWRENCE II. La Members N. Y. Security Dealers Ass'n Salle Securities a Co. REAL ESTATE SECURITIES O'BRIEN, EDWIN P. Sincere Render and Company O'CONNOR, HUGH J. Betts, Borland 8c Co. brokerage service # . all in Unlisted Securities OLDERSHAW, HALLOCK B. Blyth for Banks and Dealers & J. Exchange Place, New York 5 Phone: Inc. O'ROURKE, Jr., JOHN P. P. O'Rourke OWEN, 40 Co., Divine & DONALD & Co. C. Fishman PAMPEL, HOWARD L. Aubrey, G. Lanston 8c Co., Inc. WHitehall 3-7830 Teletype No. 212 571-0219 r~ Ogden, Wechsler & Krumholz, Inc PARISE, GEORGE D. Shearson, Hammill & Co. PEARSON, DONALD C. Wm. H. Tegtmeyer 8c Co. CORPORATE BONDS ODD LOTS — ROUND LOTS Contact us for bids Brown on 39 GEORGE Brothers $1,000 to $100,000 PHILIP, JR., JAMES G. lee Higgins-n Corporation YORK Telephone W. Harriman BROADWAY NEW YORK 6, NEW PEDERSEN, WILLIAM R. Loewi 8c Co., Incorporated Milwaukee, Wis. (Associate) PETRIE, Kelly, SCHMITZ, JOHN F. McKinnon 8c PRUSIN, ROBERT S. Investment Co. MARR, ROCCO, LAWRENCE Lamson JOHNSON, TOGE Y. JOSEPHSON, Cook Blunt Ellis 8c Simmons LA Allyn & Co. MARQUARDT, JEROME F. LaPAK, RAYMOND F. JOHNSON, JOHN B. C. PAUL I. BANFORD B. Langill 8c Co. FREDERICK C. MANNING, JOHN MARA Kidder, Peabody & Co. LANGILL, Hickey 8c Co., Inc. Barcus. Savings Bank Smith, Barney & Co. JANUS, ERNEST A. JOHNSON, A. WILLIAM H. LANE, Thomson J. SCHLIPPER, JOHN L. ROBERT A. PRINDIVILLE, Edward Mrs. Julien Collins & Company Wayne Hummer 8c Co. MAHER, RAYMOND A. Continued from page 31 Wm. PORTER, HAROLD Incorporated MEMBERS & SCIIEUER, RONALD C. Cook Investment Co. ,■■■ Thursday, November 29, 1962 SCHEUER, CHARLES G. Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller Byllesby and Company, . Smith, Newburger & Company, Philadelphia; Mr. Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Co., New York POLLICK, JOHN P. MAGEE, MARTIN L. H. £. PODESTA, ROBERT A. Glore, Forgan 8c Co. Of Chicago, Inc. OF Mrs. MADDEN, ROBERT T. H ROSTER & . . & Co. T eletype HAnover 2-5865 212-571-1175 Volume Mr. & Mrs. Number 196 G. Walter The 6216 . . 33 Thp Commercial and Financial Chronicle . Mr. & Mrs. Howard Snyder, The Ohio Company, Columbus, Ohio; N. Clayton Lee, United Securities Company, Greensboro, N. C.; J. F. Stephens, Texas Fund Management Company, Houston, Texas Mrs. Lex Jolley, Mason, Mason & Lee, Inc., Lynchburg, Va.; Mr. & Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc., Atlanta, Ga. !' Swift, Henke 6c Bond Club of Syracuse Co. STONER, HARLEY H. Halsey, Stuart 8c Co. ALBERT Inc. STRAUS, FREDERICK W. 3traus, Blosser 8c McDowell Incorporated The First National Bank of STANLEY TEGTMEYER, Wm. H C. A. WILLIAM II. Upham Co 8c THOMAS, ROBERT W. P. J. Investment 6c Co., Skokie, Russell C. Carlson Richard Vice-President: 111. Marshall W. Day Feldman, R. W. Pressprich & Russell C. Carlson, Onondaga County Savings McCormick & R. Jr., GAIR — WESTCOTT TRINKAUS, William Co. MERTON E. Merchants National Bank 8c Trust Co. A. C. & ROSTER OF MEMBERS Co. S. — Company First CLOSE. DR. COATES, MEULEN, JOHN W. & Co., < JAMES A. National ALAN Bank & Trust - Reynolds & Co. COULTER, FRANCIS WAHLQUIST, GEORGE R. Marine 8c Co. Henke & Foster W. C. Hugh R. Co. Co. WILSON, HARRY J. Harry J. Wilson 8c Co. H. Douglas Chicago LEONARD J. G. Becker & Co. Incorporated Company, & GRABAU, Co. New acquisition, diversification9 product of York ■ fif ' ' A. Goodelle Co. development and market expansion ALVIN J. 1IEATON, CHARLES First T. Albany Corporation HEFTI, Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated YOUNG, RAYMOND W. La Salle Securities Co. - ROBERT First Trust & Deposit Co. HIMBERG. HOWARD F. George D. B. Bonbright 8c Co. ZEBELL, ELMER Baird & cosmetic and toiletries Grabau-Buchman, Inc. CIIAPIN N. "JV. new manufacturer pledged to growth through WILLIAM II. Central exciting MICHAEL Marine Midland Trust Company Clarence FRANCIS C. and Company, (Associate) YORK Co. GOODELLE, CLARENCE A. WOUK, THEODORE E. The First National Bank of Chicago Wise. NEW Hemphill, Noyes & Co. P. Co. Incorporated Robert —an Inc. GLUSHKO. JOHN R. Byllesby WRIGHT, & GLEAZEN, Jr., M. Pressprich GEORGIANNI, WINTERHALTER, LEROY F. The First National Bank of WOOLARD, W. G. & RICHARD First Trust & Deposit Co. Co. 8c INC. D. GEHM, GEORGE W. WILLIAMS, ROBERT C. Dean Witter PRODUCTS Co. FRANKLIN, HOWARD First Trust & Deposit Co._ WIERENGA, RICHARD H. WOLTER, ARNOLD DREW Johnson FELDMAN. A. WERNECKE, RICHARD A. * Langley & Co. EASTMAN. WEINBERG, SHELDON A. G. Becker & Co., Incorporated 8c M. & Adams DIETZER, DONALD Company J. Vincent 8c ERNEST DEAN, VICTOR V. O'Connor & Co., Inu. Vincent & jl\a\axwt George D. B. Bonbright & Co. Co. WELCH, EDWARD H. Burton J. of Company DAY, MARSHALL W. D. WAUCHOP, RAYMOND and Q. Trust York George D. B. Bonbright & WILLIAM J. WALSH, THOMAS New CUMMINGS, Allyn & Co. WALDWEILER, Midland Central WAKELEY, THOMPSON M. WOLF, Co. F. Albany Corporation COPELAND, HARRY C. Racine, Wis. (Associate) •Weeden SMITH, LEO V. Leo V. Smith 8c Co. Albany Corporation EDWARD V. Ver Meulen Burton Inc. Onondaga County Savings Bank First Sincere Co., Reynolds & Co. John Nuveen & Co. Doyle, & WESLEY M. Merchants Swift. Simon Smith, Bishop 8c Co. SAMUEL F. Jr.. K. SMITH, EDWARD J. Bonbright & Co. CARY, DANIEL W. Cartwright, Valleau 8c Co. C. Co. CARLSON, RUSSELL C. VALLEAU, HARRY O. VALLELY, A. & Reid, Bullock & Co. C. Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller1 Weeden JOHNSON, ORLIE D. JOOR. BULLOCK, Sr.. EDWARD J. VAILE, JOHN P. A. C. Allyn & Co. Ver KARL B. Rollins Smith, Bishop 8c Co. THOMAS JAMES B. Hugh Johnson & Company, Inc. BISHOP, Public Bond VACUA, and BILLINGS, PEARNE W. Allyn & Co. UHLARIK, First Fuller A. Bank National SIMON, LEE K. BICKELHAUP, Jr., ALBERT C. Hemphill, Noyes & Co. McDowell 8c DANIEL DALE A. TUREK, Co. T. Trust K. January 15, 1962; Took Office: January 15, 1962; Term George D'. B. Blosser Straus, 8c Y. WILLIAM ROLLINS, Expires: January, 1983. Chesley 8c Co. TRAINOR, Noyec KENNETH REIGAL, L. TOURTELLOT, Hemphill, SARVAY, Elected: Co. N. Lincoln Secretary: John R. Glushko, Hemphill, Noyes & Co. S. Peck & Co. GEORGE TORREY, Hugh Johnson & Company, Inc. WILSON, J. HOLDEN ROBERTS, JAMES Treasurer: Marshall W. Day, George D. B. Bonbright & Co. FRANK Gorman. Inc. Syracuse Savings Bank Glore, Forgan & Co. Link. Tiffany, TORMEY, Jr., JAMES C. POZZI, FRANK RAMAGE, Co. Co. LESTER J. TORGERSON, L. C. WALTER L. PLUME, John R. Glushko Bank. W. RALPH Devine Company TIFFANY, DONALD L. Albany Corporation Solvay, President: Incorporated THORSEN, Trust York Lincoln National Bank & Trust Co. Richard Feldman Byllesby and Company, THOMPSON, Midland S. (Honorary) Hugh Johnson & Company, Inc. y THOMAS, JOHN Thomas Marine PIRAINO, JOHN P. Co. 8c Co., Milwaukee, > HOWARD, CHARLES N. Hayden, Stone & Co.,'Incorporated —a company * • TICKNER, RULAND L. Donald First GLEN J. Harris. '* THORNE, WILLIAM J. PELLENZ, MARVIN Inc. Allyn 8c Co. H. M. Company, Inc. Foster 6c Adams I. and Company, Teertmeyer Co. Lincoln National Bank 8c Trust Co. Inc. Langley & Co. Post-Standard TERO, ROBERT J. THOMA, 8c Company, NEWER, BERNARD Inc. Co., & & STONE, WILLIAM V. G. NORBERT Hayden, Stone & Co., Incorporated Chicago B. O'Connor 8c MORE, DON S. STRONG, ORVILLE IJ. Stanley fewiech C. Bishop Johnson Central New Glore, Forgan & Co. SWIECH, Smith, Hugh MILES, JOHN P. W. KENNETH Herald Journal (Honorary) ROBERT B. STONE, JUNIUS B. Lapham & Company Hugh Johnson Hayden, Stone & Co., STRONG, DONALD W. ROV H. LeVEILLIE; STRAUSS, ROBERT Doyle, STOLZ, LAP1IAM, BEVERLEY H. B. Snyder and Co. The Syracuse Reynolds 8c Co. E. W. SPARROW, WILLIAM G. IvULLE, National Boulevard Bank of Chicago SUNDELL. E. Bache & Co. KOZLOWSKI, RICHARD Onondaga County Savings Bank STRAIT, WALTER L. Swift, Henke & Co. STRATZ, SNYDER, EVERETT W. KLIMCZAK, STANLEY F. STEFFES, JAMES W. with management in of 34 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Twin City BUSHER, HERBERT W. Security Traders Caldwell BUTLER, HENNINGS, HENRY B. Northwestern National Phillips Inc., St. Paul Naftalin Co., & C. D. Inc. WILL Midwest CLAREY, Planned Investments, Inc. & M. Dain & Co., Merrill Lynch, Incorporated Pierca, Fenner & Smith Continental National DALE, DAVIS, I Bank THOMAS Kalman & Inc. of Minneapolis Smith, Jerry EtsHokin De MOSS, Harris, President: Robert Davis, Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood. KNOX, Juran C. & Moody Co. St. Fenner Paul KOOP, Jr., Piper, Smith & EGGEN, Inc., St. Paul GEORGE T. Northwestern Expires: October, 1963. Paine, Eank of Jackson SAMPAIR, JOSEPH H. Sampair & Egan, Inc., Curtis, & Minneapolis Securities Inc. Sampair & Egan, Jackson CHARLES Kalman Financial WILLIAM ROSTER OF MEMBERS Ets unless BABCOCK, Jr., CARROLL H. MALCOLM M. M. H. Dean Witter & Co. BAER, ANDERSON, DONALD -"-fV J. First National Bank of St. Paul Harry A. Anderson Company & BERGMAN, Co., M. Dain & Co., Service WARDWELL FULLER, E. Company AUEL, DONALD & Company, Kalman Merrill AWS, KENNETH D. BORIN, Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis St. Paul Rockier & Co. Co. Securities Sec irities & Bank BRATTER, Bratter Research of M. H. Corp. C. D. MASEK, A. M. JOSEPH H. E. J. Co., P. M. BURNSTAD, JAMES W. Continental " Securities H. Bishop & HAZEN, MEEKS, M. GEORGE Dain MILLER, Co. HOWARD & & MOBERG, & KEITH Midwest H. Naftalin THOMTON, Investments. H. NEIL T. & Co., Inc. National ULRING, HAROLD VERHEY, J. of Minneapolis New HOWARD Securities, EXCHANGE PLACE, JERSEY Telephone HEnderson 5-6005 CITY 2, N. J. Teletype 201 432-6786 Jamieson & & DARBY Midwest Planned WICHMAN, PAPPAS, GEORGE M. Blyth & Co., Inc. H. Kidder, DALE St. Paine, DEALERS. Inc., WOOD. National Bank of ( THURSTON Podesta Cruttenden, & Miller YORK, ROBERT W. AL Webber, Jackson & Curtis PHILIPPINE SECURITIES • W. PAUL Minneapolis - Paul PLUMLEY, BANKS. BROKERS R. WILBUR Blyth & Co., Inc. WOLF, Northwestern SPECIALISTS IN Inc. Peabody & Co. WITTENBERG, Pewters, Donnelly & Jansen, FOR Investments, W. E. Bishop & Co. WIKMAN, PEWTERS, WM. R. UNLISTED SECURITIES Curtis * ROBERT Co. PETERSON, GLEN R. Craig-Hallum, Kinnard, Inc. Wellhuna Jackson Company WHELAN, GEORGE Witter New York City, WOrth 2-4578 Cable Address: Corp. KELLY Webber. Paine. Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood to Securities HARRY W. Webber, Jackson & Curtis WEIDENHAMMER, G. PECK, ROBERT P. Open End Phone FRANK A. Warner WEHNES, Inc. Witter & Co. OSTROM, Dean 15 Inc. Co., & WEBSTER, Co. O'CONNOR, WILLIAM Dean Inc. JIM Dain M. WARNER, Member Security Dealers Association Jersey Association of Investment Dealers Securities Continental Co. Bank Bishop & O'CONNELL, York Inc. Co.. & DALE Continental Neiv Inc. IRVING L. Naftalin Paine, 1940 Investments, Inc. Frank M. JOHN Planned Midwest Planned Incor¬ porated NORQUIST, CHARLES First Inc. GEORGE H. and Company, Byllesby M. TURNER, OBERG, Inc. Co., Securities Continental STILLMAN, \ Inc. W. NEUBERGER, JOHN Hemphill, Noyes & WELLINGTON HUNTER ASSOCIATES & R. Company, MORAN, DANIEL Paul Inc., St. Paul Company, JOHN D. Steichen J. STEVENS, JOHN « Craig-Hallum, Kinnard, Inc. DANIEL & STEICHEN, Inc. Co., St. Paul JOSEPH Kalman NAFTALIN, EST. HARRY W. STARN, N. Co. JOHN MILLER, John Nuveen & Co., St. Co. SOUBA, FREDERICK J. Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Co. McNAGHTEN, ROBERT S. Williams-McNaghten Co. R. Reynolds & Co. Inc. of Minneapolis SORUM, KERMIT B. Allison-Williams Company Kalman Inc. HARVEY, ROBERT Kidder, Peabody & Co. Inc. Bank Hammill & Shearson, McKENDRICK, EDWARD J. Inc. Securities Prescott & P. SORUM, DAVID Inc. McCRANEY, ROBERT A. Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood LES HAMMEROT, Paul SMITH, JACK GRANT, RICHARD M. BUNDY, MAHLON C. Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller, St. Paul & E. Securities John Nuveen THOMAS WILLIAM Irving J. Rice & Company, Incorporated DENNIS Continental 1 Inc., St. Paul & Company, First National WILLIS Continental BROWN, RICHARD L. Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. Naftalin Kalman Bishop & Co. McCAULEY, Bishop & Co. GORDER, LLOYD SIVERSON, SMALLEY, St. J. BURNS, , MAVROULIS, PLATO A. Craig-Hallum, Kinnard, Inc. Co., Inc. Paul SHUTE, PRESTON B. Shearson, Hammill & Co. D. Mahoney & Co. Co. Inc., Jansen, Pewters, St. • MAHONEY, JOSEPH C. GORDEN, WILLIAM Continental Securities Minneapolis Inc. Co., & MELVIN M. Donnelly & SHEAR, JAMES BRIAN Mahoney & Co. MAHONEY, CORNELIUS C. D. Mahoney & Co. I JOHN Dain & SEMPF, WALTER J. First National Bank of St. Paul Minneapolis Marquette National Bank Inc. BEN & D. i & Smith Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Incorporated, St. Paul of Hopwood GEARINO, ERNEST R. W. National MAHONEY, C. RAY B. GIESEN, GARRETT First AWS, ROBERT Vernon J. J. M. LECGHTON National BOSS, Inc. ANDREW Prescott Bank MACH, ROBERT F. Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood MARY. Continental J. GARCLA, BOLSTAD, JR., LESTER Inc. & HUGH GALLAGHER, BISHOP, MORLAN H., M. H. Bishop & Co. Hemphill, Noyes & Co., Inc. SCHWAHN, STEPHEN Reynolds & Co. Blyth & Co.. Inr. York City OSCAR M. BLUMBERG, Inc. & Jaffrav FERGUSON. New ATHA, AL J. Dain Piper, ANTHONY JR., Allison-Williams ANDERSON, HARRY A. M. JERRY National St. Paul Inc., Company, SCHAPS, NICHOLAS V. J. M. Dain & Co,, Inc. Reynolds & Co. First FELDMAN, GRANT A. HOWARD, Bishop & Co. Andresen N. HOKIN, Piper. Jaffray & Honwood BABCOCK, ALDRICH, C. Bardon Higgins & Company, Duluth I (Members located in Minneapolis otherwise indicated) HARRY JR., & SANDER, ROBERT Juran & Moody, Inc., St. Paul Curtis & V. St. Paul RICHARD D. SANDAHL, W. Hopwood & MacDONALD, WILLIAM ERVIN, Curtis SAMPAIR, TOM , WILLIAM Imperial Inc. JOHN D. Harris, Upham & Co. Webber, LEWIS, National Co. kUBEL, Jaffray KROGNESS, PATRICK Incorporated C. Securities CHESTER M. Webber, Jackson & P8ine, KRISA, BOB R. Sampair & Egan, 1962; Took Office: October 25, 1962; Term Pierce, Webber, EGAN, Treasurer: John Coulter, First National Bank of Minneapolis. Inc. ROWND, FRANK Continental Inc., Investments, JEP KOCON, ROBERT Continental Paul DONOVAN, JOHN T. M. H. Bishop & Co. Secretary: Richard M. Grant, E. J. Prescott & Co. October 25, Upham & Lynch, Paine, St. DONNDELINGER, JERRY Vice-President: Jerry Ets Hokin, J. M. Dain & Co., Inc. Elected: CHARLES ROCKLER, VERNON J. Vernon J. Rockier & Incorporated & Co. , ROOSEN, Planned Merrill G. Barney Curtis & KLEMOND, EMIL J. Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Paul Irving J. Rico & Company, MYRON Midwest M., Jr. DAYTON, LEONARD V. Robert Davis Jackson Webber, KIRKEBY, Co. RICE, KENNETH L. KINNARD, JOHN G. Craig-Hallum, Kinnard, Inc. Company, Inc. ROBERT Bishop & Irving J. Rice & Company, Incorporated, st. Investments Inc. Diversified Western Paine, Securities COULTER, JOHN T. First Paul H. RICE, ALAN H. Paul St. KELLER, HENRY COTTER, JAMES ' Inc., KAROS, PETER A. COLE, JR., LYMAN W. Paul REINHARDT, DONALD & Co. Phillips, St. Pewters, Donnelly & Jansen, Inc., St. KjENNETH C. Caldwell Co. CARL RAUCHWARTER, Smith & JOHNSON, HARRY B. Inc. & National Bank, American Fenner W. Prescott J PRICE, WILLIAM T. M. COHEN, MERRILL M. J. E. , Mahoney & Co., Inc. Smith, Barney Clarey, Inc. E. PRESCOTT, JACKISH, GEORGE V. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Incorporated JOAS, JOHN M. Keenan PREESHL, F. WARREN Juran & Moody, Inc., St. Paul of HOSTETTLER, WILLIAM CARLSON, RICHARD CHASE, Thursday, November 29, 1962 . Minneapolis JAMES Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis Association, Inc. Bank . . Craig-Hallum, More Than 60 Years Kinnard, Inc. of Efficient and Economical Service & NEW ISSUES ? as tracer agent :in New York, N. Tg and Jersey City, N. J. vxj:vXv:v>. . S.WIEN & CO. INC 1 EXCHANGE PLACE We afford economies and othet aoyantages to underwriters, distributors, corporations and their JERSEY CITY 2, N. J. Write Established 1919 for our stockholders! free booklet setting forth the Current Federal and State Stock Original Issue and Transfer Tax Rates. Members New York Security Dealers Association v« • Registrar TRADING DEPT.: N.Y. BA 7-4300-12 CASHIER'S DEPT.: N.Y. BA 7-6740-44 J.C. HE 5-9400-02 J.C. HE 5-0420-1 Teletype: 201 432-6627; 201 432-6628 and .yX-X-X'X*XvX'X%%*>X*^ Transfer Company 50 Church Street NEW YORK 7. N.Y. Established 1899 BEekman 3-2170 15 Exchange Place JERSEY CITY 2, N. J. ! HEnderson 2-2211 WHitehall 4-3775 Volume 196 Number 6216 . . The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . ♦CRAWFORD. Securities Dealers of the Carolinas G. H. 35 Jr., GEDDINGS H. Columbia, S. C. ♦SHELTON, K. M. Crawford Co., Inc., North Carolina Charlotte, ♦CURRY, Jr., RAVENEL B. Citizens Trust Securities Charlotte, N. North Carolina National Corporation Frank The ♦SMITH, Jr., Dick PAUL C. Robinson-Humphrey Columbia, S. Company, Inc. C. Securities Corp., Securities Greensboro, N. C. ♦DOHERTY, Jr., JOHN S. McAlister, Smith & Pate, Greenville, S. Parks H. Dalton, Jr. G. Lewis Nichols James F. Gallivan ♦DULIN, R. Charlotte, President: Geddirigs H. Crawford, G. H. Crawford & Co., Inc., ERWIN N, Vice-President: Parks H. Dalton, Jr., Interstate Securities Corpo¬ ration, Charlotte, N. C. Selected Securities Corporation, Gallivan, Alester G. Furman Co., Green¬ ville, S. C. October, 1963. i R. ROSTER MEMBERS OF S. North Company, Alex. HENRY Jr., Brown & J. N. C. Greensboro, ♦HUNT, JAMES G. Carolina Securities Corporation N. C. Jr., CALHOUN H. Company ♦CLANTON. Smith. ROY GRADY N. C. ♦YEAMAN, JOHN W. Martinsville, Va. Asheville, G. Investment •Also Co., Inc. Traders members of the National Security Association. Salisbury, N. C. F. Co., Inc. SMITH & Banking & Trust Co. CLEMENS Chapel MARSHALL H. Greensboro. N. C Securities Corp., Greensboro, ♦KLUGH, N. Jr., C. ARTHUR M. electricity ? I & C. •LAWRENCE, ? ? S. Branch Banking & Trust Co. Wilson, N. C. CLAYTON N. Securities United Company SIMON ♦LEWIS, Co. Greensboro, N. C. McDANIEL McDaniel Lewis & Co., Greensboro, N. C. COMPANY & Hill, ♦CRABTREE, N. S. ♦LEWIS, C. The COLEMAN United Securities Co., C. inventory of an C. N. McDaniel Lewis & Co., ♦LEE, MELVIN Clanton Greensboro. N. C. Wilson, N. C. •BEMAN, C. E. Laurinburg, N. COMPANY & Spartanburg. S. C. •fcATTS, WALTER E. Branch Inc., How do you take L. Furman Anderson, S. J. Sturgis May & Company High Point, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. Barnwell & Charleston, S. C. Sons CORPORATION ERNEST Alester G. Allied •BROWN, FRANCIS P. ♦BARNES, Huger, S. & Inc. Co., Klugh & Company, Inc. WILLIAM BEN Brown ♦JOYNER, ARCHIE B. Spartanburg, S. C. Asheville, Jr., Alex. Sons ♦BLAYLOCK, Jr., HARRIS E. McCarley & Company, Inc., Carolina •BARNWELL, ♦WILLIS, Asheville, INC. C. SECURITIES Gastonia, ♦BLACKFORD, ♦BAIN, WALTER, E. Securities Inc., SALES, Ala. Greenville, S. C. Interstate Securities Corporation Charlotte. N. C. United STREET Birmingham, Charlotte, N. C. Durham, N. C. ♦HARDIN, ♦JOHNSON, Jr., C. Carolina Southern S. Wilmington, Investment JACKSON — WILLIAM Carolina ♦THOMAS, LAWRENCE E. L. Hardin & Co., Inc., Elected: October, 1962; Took Office: October, 1962; Term Expires: •ABERNETHY, North Charlotte, N. FIRST F. Greensboro, N. C. CORP. ♦EWING, F. E. Carolina Nichols, Raleigh, N. C. Treasurer: James Charlotte, N. TRUST COMPANY ♦WARMATH, JOHN T. Equitable Securities Corporation Bank, SECURITIES •SUDDETH, JOSEPH McCarley & Company, Inc. Investments, Southern Lewis G. Co., C. Jr., National & Winston-Salem, N. C. Winston-Salem, CO. & ♦EVERETT, WACHOVIA BANK Charlotte, N. C. North Durham, N. C. Columbia, S. C. Secretary: C. & ♦VAUGHAN, M. H. Vaughan and Company Wilmington, N. C. S. ♦STEVENSON, EDNA McCarley & Company, WALTER L. Dickson S. Inc. Carolina SOUTHEASTERN 1 G.H.Crawford Inc. Company, Merle-Smith & North Greensboro, N. C. Co., & C. FRANK Columbia, S. C. ♦SMITH, JOHN CLAYTON Smith, Clanton & Co., Greensboro, N. C. ♦DIXON, ROBERT B. United ♦VANCE, THOMAS M. Vance Securities Corporation, Greensboro, N. C. ♦SMITH, MICAH J. ♦DEATHERAGE, RALPH E. Allied Greensboro, N. C. Smith S. Columbia, S. L. Dargan & Co., Spartanburg, S. C. ♦deTREVILLE, •VANCE, Jr., CHARLES R. Vance Securities Corporation Bank ♦SMITH, FRANK S. C. ROBERT R. Securities Corporation Greensboro, N. C. United Securities Co., Rocky Mount, N. C GEORGE B. Frost, Read & Simons, Incorporated, ♦DARGAN, CHARLES Vance ♦SHRAGO, WILLIAM S. C. S. Bank Charlotte, N. C. ♦DANIELS, Charleston, •VANCE, National C. •SHERIDAN, J. R. Company Greenwood, S. C. ♦DALTON, Jr., PARKS H. Interstate N. RICHARDS C. Robinson-Humphrey Inc. Company, Charleston, s. C. Sanford, N. C. ♦LITTLE, REX D. , Vaughan and Company, North H G. Wilmington, Carolina ♦LUCAS, JENNINGS D. Crawford Co., Inc., Columbia, S. C. ♦LUNSFORD, DEDRICK R. S. Dickson & Co., Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina MALCOLM ♦MANNING, V. M. M. Manning & Co., Greenville, ♦MATTHEWS, Inc., C. S. DAVID A. Southern Investment Co., TRADING SPECIALISTS Inc. Charlotte, N. C. STURGIS J. Sturgis May & Company High Point, N. C. ♦MAY, in Units and'their pieces J. ♦MAY, LOIS J. T. Sturgis May & Company High Point, N. C. JOSEPH F. Greenville, ♦McALISTER, Joe First Chelsea Corporation McAlister Co., McCarley & Company, Asheville, N. C. CHARLES ♦MENEFEE, S. C. NATHAN ♦McCARLEY, Jr., J. Inc. E. The Robinson-Humphrey Co., Inc. Charleston, S. C. PIERCE, FENNER MERRILL LYNCH, 50 Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y. Cashier: DI 4-0826 Teletype 212 571-0012 INCORPORATED SMITH & Columbia. C. S. MILLS, HENRY T. Greenville, S. C. These SECURITIES NATIONAL DIgby 4*0350 Niagara Mohawk engineers dp it Electronic Power Network Rutherfordton, N. C. Interstate OLIN Securities Corporation Charlotte, N. ♦NISBET, W. Jr., C. from hour the M. EDGAR ♦NORRIS, most to hour, the generating sources that will provide efficient and economical power 1,374,000 electric and gas C. S. ♦OSTEEN, MARGARET B. J. Sturgis May & Co., High Point, N. C. ♦OWENS, RICHARD J. Sturgis May & Co., High Point, N. C. ♦PAGE, RICHARD L. BANK STOCKS McCarley & Company, Asheville, N. C. ♦PEARCE. R. S. Jr., P. Dickson J. Lee Peeler & Durham, N. P. Inc. Company, Inc. C. 1 CHASE MANHATTAN NEW YORK 5, CO., INC. PLAZA R. S. LOGAN Charleston, N. Y. Telephone: Teletype: HA 5-6600 212 571-0768 V. H.) N. ♦ROLLINS, Jr., & to the Jr., S. area companies in New York, England, Pennsylvania and Canada use Niagara Mohawk "clearing house" for the interchange of & Installation of the an power between Electronic invaluable aid here, too. Power Network one Co. more way Analyzer Niagara Mohawk is alertly keeping Eye To The Future. J. FLOYD Greensboro, N. C. JOSEPH C. MOHAWK NIAGARA C. H. (Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc. Columbia, Other power CO. Allied Securities Corp., The ■ S. C. Lewis Greensboro, ♦SANDERS, a Electric ♦REECE, E. KEMP McDaniel This amazing piece "electronic traffic manager" — companies. The computer is is Charlotte, N. C. (E. as ■ Dickson & Co., Inc. PRINGLE customers? J. Fayetteville, N. C. ♦PRATT, an our [ ♦POWELL, Jr.. ROBERT Powell, Kistler & Co. M. A. SCHAPIRO & as serves routing electricity from the points of generation New LEE J. equipment where it is used. Inc. & Company, Charlotte, N. C. ♦PEELER, Inc. of supply to E. PHIL G. H. Crawford & Co., Columbia, S. C. ♦PEARSON, day. With this Analyzer, they select and utilize, Edgar M. Norris & Co. Greenville, every RESEARCH & CORPORATION < INVESTOR OWNED • TAXPAY/N6 an Financial Chronicle The Commercial and 38 BARRUS, Boston Securities Traders Association / Jr., Barrett & B. Providence, Springfield, R. I. Inc., JOSEPH M. Noyes & Co. CURTIS S. Draper. Sears BERNARD. J. Thursday, November 29, 1962 Mass. BATCHELDER, BATES, . . CLIFFORD Company, BASTIEN, Jr., LEON J. J. Clayton Flax & Co., Hemphill, . HUBERT N. Jr.. Goddard H. Co & & Co., Inc. 1 BLAIR, ROBERT R. Harris, Upham C.o. & BLOCK, LAWRENCE F. J. B. Maguire & Co., Inc. BOSS, CHARLES A. B. Broad Street Sales BOUJOUKOS, Coffin & BRADLEY. A. C. (special) Corp. GEORGE A. Burr WILLIAM Allyn & C. Inc. Co., BRAGDON, J. ROGER John J. Clive B. Fazioli D'Arcy Wallace D. Dexter Goldman, Sachs & Co. BREEN, FRANK Breen JAMES Corp. P. Colgate Middendorf, & Co. D. Higginson Corporation JOSEPH BUONOMO, F. Stanley HAROLD BROWNE, Lee S. Creamer BROWN, Putnam L. BURKE, A. & Company, WILLIAM Jr., Inc. Mrs. Walter Saunders; Mrs. "Speed" Hughes, Boston; Walter F. Saunders, Dominion Securities Corporation J. May & Gannon, Inc. PETER BURNETT, State Street Bank and Trust Company BURNS, WALTER T. Burns, Barron & Co., Portland, Me. COLE, CALLAHAN, Jr., TIMOTHY F. Chas. & Co., Day A. Merchants England National CANTELLA, Frederick S. Moore Cantella VINCENT G. President: John J. D'Arcy, F. L. Putnam & Company, Inc. Vice-President: Clive B. Fazioli, Treasurer: Wallace Dunbar CAREW, & Dexter, Stone & Webster Securities Corporation. & ROBERT G. Breen Creamer Stanley Corp. FREDERICK Recording Secretary: Curtis S. Bates, Draper, Sears & Co. ton Weeden Corporation; John L. McDonough, H. C. Wainwright & Co.; Breen Inc. W. E. Hutchins, Mlxter & Parkinson Laidlaw & Co. MEMBERS H. M. Francis ADAMS, ROBERT H. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Inc. (special) BAILEY, du Pont WALTER Income (special) ALEXANDER, ARTHUR C. L & Co. (special) ATKINSON, Sr., JAMES V. C. J. Devine & Co. (special) ADAMS, FREDERICK C. F. L. Putnam & Company, F. ATHERTON, H. HALE Fund of R. Boston, Inc. BAND; HAROLD M. ; W. E. Hutton 6c Co. Brown- & ALTMEYER, JOHN W. ;1 Emery & Co., Inc. Chapman & Co., Inc. CLARK, ASA F. Wise, Hobbs & Seaver, (Special) Inc. CLAYTON, CALVIN W. Clayton Securities Corp. COE, JEROME Cof. COGGUILL, FRANCIS White, Weld & Co. Long & Nash Co. DUFFY, JAMES R. Reynolds & Co. E. Corp. DUNCKLEE, WILLIAM S. Brown Brothers Harriman W. DUNN, R. Clayton Me. EMERY, FORREST S. F. S. Emery 6c Co., Inc. ENGDAHL, ARTHUR E. J. H. Goddard & Co., Inc. GERALD D'AMBROSIO, Creamer Goldman. New Corp. 6c FERRARI, HERBERT Putnam 6c Co., Corporation FERGUSON, WILLIAM Moors 6c Cabot (special) D'ARCY, JOHN J. Inc. DARLING, RODNEY M. Townsend, Dabney & Hornblower L. 6c Weeks FITCH, EDWARD P. Tyson Nashua, DAVENPORT, PAUL S. N. H. (special) FOSTER, FREDERICK H. Davenport & Co., Lee Providence, R. I. Higginson Corporation FOSTER, Jr., HATHERLY DAVIS, DONALD Vance, Sanders 6c Company, Inc. 6c Co. FRANCIS, DAY, Jr., LEON E. Chas. A. Day & Co., Inc. Moors FRANK, DAY, WILFRED N. C. Chas. A. Day & Co., JOHN & J. Cabot WALTER J. De/ine 6c Co. Inc. DENTON, GEORGE R. S. Denton 6c Co. (special) Underwriters and distributors of Canadian Securities Co. Hanseatic White, Weld & Co. ROBERT A. Stanley Corp. Davis York FAZIOLI, CLIVE Bl J. Stanley Sachs FALLON, DANIEL J. Creamer Donald Corporation ELDRACHER, THEODORE F. R. W. Pressprich 6c Co. DALEY, JOHN L. J. B. Maguire & Co., Inc. E. R. Securities Harris, Upham 6c Co. CURRIER, RICHARD D. F. L. & Co. M. Inc. DURDLE, WARREN E. Payson & Co., Portland, Breen GREGORY May & Gannon, CURRAN, VINCENT T. V. T. Curran Co., Incorporated Providence, R. I. (special) Breen Hutzler & DRISCOLL, CHARLES D. Paine, Webster, Jackson & Curtis EAGAN, WALTER F. D'AMBROSIO, Lerner 6c Co. BARRETT, JOSEPH Hayden, Stone & Co. S. CHAPMAN, JOHN V. LESTER Brothers E. HARRY FRENCH, KENNETH DEXTER, Jr., WALLACE D. GANNON, JOSEPH Stone & Webster Salomon Securities Corp. Brothers G. & hutzler May 6c Gannon, Inc. Burns Bros. & Denton, Inc. Canadian TWO BROADWAY Securities NEW YORK 4, NEW YORK We offer DIgby 4-3870 an extensive investment service in all Canadian securities including latest quotations and prompt execution of orders in American funds. in - Affiliated with: •' • The Canadian Stock Exchange Exchange 30 Members: The Investment Dealers' Association of Canada TWXi 212-511-0540 Winnipeg Montreal affiliate of W. C. Pitfield & Company Limited Direct Wire Service To: Ottawa coast-to-coast Broad Street, New York 4, New York HA 2-9251 An Toronto a W C. PITFIELD & CO., INC. 1 " Members: The Toronto Stock Our Canadian affiliate maintains offices leading Canadian cities and wire service. Burns Bros, and Denton Limited Vancouver Calgary Hamilton New York • 17 offices, wire I. Hutzler & DUDLEY, Jr., R. WILLIAM R. EARL S. 1 S. Dudley Co., Inc., Manchester, N. H. (special) | Inc. ALFRED (special) (special) CHAMBERLAIN, RAYMOND E. otherwise indicated) I CROWLEY, MARK J. CASEY, WALTER J. (All members are located in Boston unless (special) CROWELL, STEWART V CASEY, FRANCIS E. Brothers Salomon CROSBY, ALBERT F. S. Moseley & Co. Hutton & Co. Providence, Donohue & Sullivan DOUCET, T. Draper, Sears & Co. CARTER, HERBERT F. Josephthal & Co. ROSTER OF & Tyson Co., DONOVAN, WARREN Dayton Haigney & Co., Inc. Creamer Stanley CROCKETT, PETER J. Hemphill, Noyes & Co. CARRIS, Ferrari, Hornblower & Weeks; N. Henry Larson, The First Bos¬ Edward J. Opper, J. B. Maguire & Co., Inc.; Robert L. Polleys, Blyth & Co., CREAMER, Carr & Thompson, Gregory M. Dunn, May & Gannon, Inc.; Herbert L. D. Hayden, Stone & Co. CARR, RALPH F. atic Corporation. I. R. J. COFELAND, RICHARD Chas. A. Day & Co., Inc. CRAMPTON, CARR, JOHN F. Corresponding Secretary: Frederick S. Moore, New York Hanse- Governors: R. L. Day St DONOHUE, JOHN J. Providence, CORBIN, RICHARD J. R. Tucker, Anthony & Walker H. Salomon G. Co., Mcors 6c Cabot Weeks G. & DONNELLY, JOHN P. ^V". E. Hutton & Co. CONWAY, JAMES CARLSON, CARR. & IRVING CONNELLY, Co., Worcester MARTIN J. Hornblower White, Weld & Co. WILFRED Walker H. Dabney DOLIBER, RICHARD G. Co. & CAREW, JOSEPH E. Hanrahan H. NEIL Josepthal & Co. CONARY, M. CLEMENT Townsend, CONARY, DAVID A. May & Gannon, Inc. CANNELL, JOHN John Cannell & Co. Curtis S. Bates Bank DIAMOND, L. Co. & COLWELL, CANFIELD, LLOYD New JEROME Brown Inc. across. Canada arrd system1 covering all a direct Canadian private- Markets • Volume Mr. & Mrs. Tom Number 6216 196 Greenberg, C. J. H. Goddard J. H. & H., Goddard & JACKSON, JACOBS, Gowell, & | Inc. Globe JORDON, Jr., R. Townsend, Dabney & Tyson W. W. C. Shawmut Bank (special) HAIGNEY, DAYTON P. Dayton Haigney & Co., Inc. HALEY, Van Harkness & Hill, Incorporated Alstyne, Noel 8c Hanrahan 8c Co., KENNEDY, F. F. Worcester KENNEY, D. Knox 3c Co., R. Inc. L. Harson & KERR, Co., Providence, R. I. Herald Traveler H. HINES, Walker 3c EDWARD Co.. (Honorary) I F. & J. Indian Orchard, B. Hanseatic Corporation R. W. Kirwan 3c MARSH, Co. 3c I Co. V. American Inc. Co., Inc. O'LEARY, R. W. OI'PER, Hanseatic York New First Securities Corporation J. B. PAUL .1. Pressprich & Co. EDWARD (Special) J. Maguire 3c Co., Inc. PARENT, FREDERICK W. Lee Corporation Higginson Corporation PATASHNICK, HY Hy Patashnick, Inc. Corporation North Adams, Mass. MOORE, WARREN F. PERHAM, Coffin & Burr WILFRED B. Townsend, Dabney & Tyson (special) MORRISON, Inc. H. P. CARLISLE Wood F. Company, Inc. PIERCE, RALPH W. (special) Richard JOHN C. MORSE, C. A. MARTENS, GERALD D. RAYMOND W. Allyn 3c Co. (Special) MOSSOP, A. C. Allyn 3c Co. Barrett Jr., & LINCOLN Providence, W. J. Buck 8c PINKHAM, DAVID R. W. Pressprich Company, & Co. Continued I. R. Co. M. on page Inc. Boston Corporation RAYMOND J. (special) LAWRENCE, CHARLES P. HURLEY, EDMUND J. Eastern Investment Corp. Manchester, N. H. (special) Wise, Hobbs & Seaver, Inc. HURLEY, HERBERT E. LAWRENCE, EDWARD W. Hemphill, Noyes 8c Co. Hornblower 3c Weeks R. LEAHY, CRANDON Corporation National Quotation HUTCHINSON, Jr., JAMES A. Bureau (Honorary) BONDS STOCKS LeBEAU, IRVING C. Company May 8c Gannon, Inc. M. LELAND, ALAN C. Tucker, Anthony & R. L. Day Coffin & Burr Canadian Investment Securities Markets maintained in all classes of Canadian external and internal bond issues. A. E. Ames & Co. Limited Stock orders executed Exchanges, the Montreal and Toronto Stock on net New York markets or quoted on request. UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS DIRECT A. E. Members Ames & Co. Toronto and Montreal Stock Affiliated sixteen PRIVATE WIRES BELL Exchanges and France A. E. Ames & Co. SYSTEM BOSTON LONDON, ENG. CALGARY EDMONTON TELETYPE 571-0880 (Area HALIFAX. Code 212) Domimio?! Securities Corporation Associate 40 ESTABLISHED Member EXCHANGE 1889 American Stock Exchange PLACE, NEW YORK 5 Telephone WHitehall 4-8161 OTTAWA Street, New York 5, N. Y. BUSINESS TORONTO, MONTREAL, OTTAWA, WINNIPEG, PARIS, FRANCE Incorporated, Two Wall TO CALGARY, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND offices in cities in Canada, England Smith Harvard Trust Co. MOORE, FREDERICK S. Maguire 3c Co., Inc. 3c Fenner NEWTON, DEXTER G Hanseatic (special) Pierce, NEWMAN, LEO F. Pressprich 3c Co. York New M. Co. Lynch, Incorporated MOORE, ALEXANDER W. MAGUIRE, JOHN E. MAHONEY, JOHN D. Carr 3c Thompson, Goddard 3c 3c Merrill MONROE, PAUL B. May 3c Gannon, Inc. (special) Josephthal Company, Inc. GEORGE GEORGE NEEDIIAM, CARLETON d. FREDERICK H. E. May 3c Gannon, Inc. Goodbody & Co. Glore, Forgan & Co. Chicago (Honorarjy) Co., MURRAY, RICHARD MITCHELL, Jr., EMLYN V. C. Goodbody 3c Co. HUNT, WILLIAM P. JEROME Inc. L. Weeden 3c Co. LAUDE, Clayton Securities Corp. INGALLS, York Co., MAGU1RE, JAMES B. PHILIP Thomas A. The Goodbody 3c Co. & & ROBERT J. D. LARSON, N. HENRY HOHMANN, LAWRENCE F. Hutchinson New (Special) Estabrook HUGHES, FRANCIS J. Boston Benkert Co. LANG, HAROLD F. Lang 3c Dadmun, Hooper-Kimball, Inc. EUGENE W. I. R. MYERS, Childs, Jeffries 3c Thorndike, KUMIN, EMIL Chace, Whiteside 3c Winslow, Inc. The First McVEY, MIRAGEAS, P. Kerr C. Co., Providence, L. Putnam 3c KIRWAN, THOMAS A. Providence, R. I. HIXON, REGINALD T. HUSSEY, A. MACHON, Philip Khouri & Co. HILTON, KENNETH CHARLES G. F. TIMOTHY Chace, Whiteside 3c Winslow, Inc. MURRAY, RAYMOND M. Tucker, Anthony & R. L. Day Mcdonough, john l. H. C. Wainwright & Co. , MacDONALD, VERNON S. Stone & Co. ROBERT KIIOURI, JOSEPH Boston Incorporated Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis Pressprich 3c Co. Robert Mass. HASTINGS, FRANCIS HAVEY, W. Walker 8c J. ARTHUR C. A. c. Allyn & Co. MURPHY, 3c Co. MacDONALD, J. REN WICK BRITTAIN KENT, RODNEY HARSON, FREDERICK L. F. Company PHILIP F. Hayden, Incorporated Clayton Flax & Co., Inc., Springfield, Mass. H. I E. 8c Co., Inc. FRANCIS MURPHY, J. G. JAMES White, Weld & Co. p. May & Gannon, Inc. MADARY, HAROLD HARRINGTON, FRANK T. MULLIN, Inc. henry jr., McCUE, JOHN A. Kennedy 3c Co. Spencer Trask & HARKNESS, ROBERT H. Brittain Worcester LYNCH, RICHARD S. Townsend, Dabney 3c Tyson KENNEY, DONALD J. HANSEL, LINCOLN B. Townsend, Dabney & Tyson Harkness & Hill, Burbank david h. Mcdowell, lewis KELLY, FRANK Smith, Barney & Co. HANRAHAN, PAUL B. Inc., & J. B. Maguire McCUE, GERARD A. Co., Co. HALLIWILL, BIRNEY S. F. S. Moseley & Co. Wainwright 3c Co. Mrs. Wilbur Krisam, WALLACE L. Company, Providence, R. Barrett A. C. Allyn 3c Co. W. 3c Paul D. Sheellne KELLEY, FREDERICK M. S. Robbins MOSSOP, MOYNIHAN, McCORMICK, JAMES F. LYNCH, JAMES J. HALLETT, LEAMAN F. Goldman, Sachs 8c Co. Nelson M.' E. Hutton 3c Co. L. d. May 3c Gannon, | LYNCH, JAMES E. Coburn 3c Mlddlebrook, KELLER, JOSEPH P. A. MAY, Hutzler 8c C. McAllister, (Speolal) KEANE, J. FRANK Tucker, Anthony 3c R. L. Day DAVID Brothers LUBIN, BERNARD H. Hcrnblower & Weeks, Worcester H. LOTHROP, GILBERT (Honorary) GEORGE WAYNE W. E. Hutton 3c Co. MAX, RICHARD L. 3c Co. Salomon Pressprich 3c Co. National MARTIN, Co., Inc. LOMBARD, JOSEPH P. E. JULIAN, JAMES GUTHRIE, EL WIN A. Mrs.'J. J. Meyers, Jr., John J. Meyers <ft Co., New York; Mr. & John C. Legg & Company, New York LOCKE, WILLARD R. Boston Safe Deposit 3c Trust Co. (special) L. Halsey, Stuart 3c Co. Inc. Boston Allyn & Co. GUNN, IRVING E. Weeden L. BERT JONES, WILLI YM GRIFFIN,! HENRY F. A. C. Lerner 3c Co. & & LEWIS, WARREN A. STANLEY Estabrook Corp. Mr. Aiello, Mark Mrs. 37 LERNER, LOUIS C. JOHN L. Blyth 3c Co., Inc. GOWELL, DAVID C. Markoff, Sterman & Tucker; Anthony & R. L. Day Co., Inc. Investment Mr. INGHAM, Jr. GOODWIN, DAVID F. Eastern The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . INGALLS, ROBERT U. Co., Inc. JAMES . E. Unterberg, Towbin Co., New York; Spencer Trask & Co., New York GODDARD, JAMES H. GODDARD, . Canadian Affiliate and — Member Canadian Stock Toronto, Exchanges TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Montreal VICTORIA HALIFAX 38 33 Mr. Mrs. Earl L. Hagensieker, & Reinholdt & Gardner, St. Louis; Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bodie, Jr., Stein Bros. <fi Boyce, Baltimore Boston Securities Traders Association TOOHEY, St ROSTER OF Weeden MEMBERS Middlebrook, Inc. C. ROBERT SMITH, I.. POWERS, Michael SORTERUP, T. Dimond & Providence, R. I. SPORRONG. Prescott St E. HuttOD QUINN, DANIEL Breen STAAF, & P. STUMPP, F. W. Josephthal St Co. RICHARDSON, JOSEPH F. P. H. S. Worcester, RYALL, New RYAN, Co., Inc. Mass. SWIFT, SWIFT. New Corporation SCHUERHOFF, TABER, Corporation ROLAND & TABFR, H. Spencer Paul W. Sides, 8ILVA, H. Shcellne D SIDES, PA JL D. Morse St SLIFER, & Co., TAYLOR, WHITE,' F. A. D. W. Securities C. & St St Hutzler BURTON Ripley Trask St Star New Bedford. Mass. & & JAMES T. Co. Co., Inc. St Co RICHARD Basic Brown comprehensive Research fa¬ & Research Canadian affiliate, HERBERT Peters, Brothers W. TIM Writer & Christensen, APOSTATES, Harriman ZUCCARO. ALFRED St Co G. First Boston Corporation Inc. B. Maguire St GEORGE and A. Podesta & Miller GARALD Hogle & D. Co BAKER, DUDLEY F. Sullivan Bosworth. BARER, ROBERT Boettcher and & Company, at all times to Company, Fort Collins DENNIS Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Co., Inc Boettcher III, ROBERT and ROBERT F. Boettcher F. Bosworth, BARGER, ARGALL, WILLIAM H. Banks, and Company Sullivan & Company, I Depositors Orders executed on commission Mutual SECURITIES all Canadian rates Exchanges at regular traded in New York in or United States funds. James Richardson a SonsJnc. CHARLES Investment Securities & Exchange Montreal York 5. Stock CO. Toronto Stock Exchange Exchange 61 Telephone DIgby 9-2850 Royal Established 1857 ' Members American Stock JAMES RlCHARDSON & SONS KING Bank Toronto, Bldg. Canada BROADWAY, NEW YORK Tel. WH 4-8980 TWX 212 - Inc. FRANKLIN E. Founders Company CANADIAN Companies and other Insti¬ 14 Wall Street, New Inc. R. BARE, KING ' BACMAR BARDWELL, Company Peters, Writer St Christensen, Inc. ZUCCIIELLI, LOUIS V. J. Copley ARCHIBOLD, tutional investors. Canadian affiliate Company B.' ROSCOE Cruttenden, BALDWIN, ANGLUND, Corporation S. & richardson & sons available Trust Management Incorporated CYRIL Industries Altman AYRES, j, ANDERSON, JAMES R. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner St Smith (special) Inc. m YOUNG, are Jr., F. Pierce, Fenner & Smith EDWARD Corp. Chas. A. Day St Co., Inc. Co., FRANK JOHN V. AMATO, WOLLEY, SUMNER R. WYCHE, James Jr., Centennial m Incorporated Altrran & Company, Merrill Lynch. Hayden, Stone & Co. & F. Incorporated Moseley St Co. WALTER G. ATWOOD, Stone, EDWARD ALTMAN, River, Mass. S. Incorporated ASMUS, Altman & Company, Incorporated Stone, Stone, Co.. WOLL, ALBERT J. T (special) Inc. Walston S. Thompson, Inc. Co., & National Bank S. F. CLARENCE Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith JOHN H. ALFF, & McCabe Merrill Hutzler N. Za'.kind Sharp, U. Denver WILLIAM ASIICKAFT, GEORGE H. ALFF, & MEMBERS ASHBY, EUGENE Schmidt, Inc. Brothers OF FREDERIC A. ADAMS, AGEE, d. A. ROSTER — II. ALTMAN, Wolfson, CANADIAN SECURITIES our Hornblower & Weeks. ( Whiteside & Winslow, inc. Chace, WOLFSON, R. Burkhardt, Boettcher and Company; Russell Jr., Peters, Writer & Christensen Inc.; Raymond Robin¬ enour, EDMUND pniLir Salomon P. cilities of f Company. Chatlain', Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, Inc.' John F. Cough- M. WORRALL, JOHN The Warren, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Birkenmayer, Jr., Birkenmayer & Co. Directors: Richard H. Co. Wittemore WINSLOW, Jr., W. WILLIAM Treasurer: Wilson C. Incorporated DONALD Hooper-Klmball, winn. D. Printing Co. Charles L. F. Co.. TIRRELL, JOHN ♦!. Corporation Robert F. Gerwin EDWIN B. Allyn H. Pall Carr W. Birkenmayer, Jr. Secretary: Robert F. Gerwin, Coughlin and Company, Inc. Brothers WILLIAMS. Hanseatic Corporation THOMPSON, James A. Hill Vice-President: James A. Hill, Boettcher and R. WIIITTEMORE, E. Jr., JOHN Taylor Inc. F. Co. ERNEST American York Co. RANDOLPH GILMAN Hentz New St President: son, Smith, Barney St Co. SHEELINE, ALAN Salomon Tripp st Taber, New Bedford, Mass. TARANTINO, Curtis EDWARD A. WH1TCOMB, C. Taber, Charles L. Warren Smith Incorporated. WIIITCOMB, REGINALD RICHARD Corp. Co. State Street Bank and Trust Company WEST, Dabney St Tyson ELLIOT Tripp P. Hanseatic St (special) (special) W. Harriman HENRY Townsend, VINCENT York Stanley ROBERT S. Moseley WESSLING, Peabody St Co. TABB, Jr., Hanseatic Creamer S. A M. Draper. Sears & Co. ROBERT RYAN, (special) Sullivan WILLIAM LOWELI. Securities Corporation Paine, Webber, Jackson St WALTER T. Kidder, Corporation Jr.. CHARLES WELLS^CARL V. Providence, R. I. , Hanseatic Co. B. WELLS, RAYMOND E. P. ROBERT St LLOYD Bishop-Wells Co. Co. Barney St Co. Donohue FREDERICK J. York P. E. Co., Inc. JOHN Parkinson Wainwright & Breen E. St & GEOFFREY C. WEEKS, Jr., JOHN Hutton P V. Wainwright & Co. WATT, Co. St R. Mixter Dominion Cummings St Co., (special) New Jr. F (special) HARRY WARREN, SWENSON. CARL J. & State Street Bank and Trust Company RYAN, E. Smith, EUGENE J. York Co. Kidder, Peabody & Co. Corp. W. St Putnam li. C. WARING, Walnwright St Co. SULLIVAN, SAUL Robbins Stanley DAVID SULLIVAN, Co., Inc. Moseley & Co. L. H. Inc. GEORGE A. Hutton C. W. ROBBIXS, JOSEPH F. ROBBINS, Co. FRANCIS WARD, SULLIVAN, JOHN J. A. M. JOSEPH Knox & Jr.. SULLIVAN, Moseley St Co. H. D. E. H. RICHARDS, RUPERT M. May & Gannon, Inc. RINALDI, St Hutchins, - H. Co., SULLIVAN, JAMES REILLY, ARTHUR 11. S. A. St HAROLD FRANCIS WARD, & Creamer Bond Club of Denver (special) N. White, Weld A, Co. WALSH. STEMBRIDGE, ALFRED R. W. E. Hutton St Co. (special) Preston, Moss St Co. P. WALKER, Inc., B. STANLEY Goddard Breen Corp. Co. LESTER Co., (special) WERNER W. H. STANLEY. Stanley BENJAMIN Brown J. Co. L. Creamer RALEN, REED, St I. Burgess St Leith Co. PUTNAM, JOHN A. W. R. ROBERT Brown, Lisle St Marshall, Providence, R. L. Company, PRESCOTT, WILLIAM S. William S. Inc. Investment Providence, Company RICHARD McDowell, LESLIE VAUGIIAN, SOFORENKO, MYER M. POTTER, J. RUSSELL Wood CURTICE Devine J. Thursday, November 29, 1962 C. Doremus Josephthal St Co. Arthur W. HERBERT Blyth St Co., . Co. St TUCKER, Continued from page 37 . . Mr. & Mrs. Nathan A. Krumholz, Ogden, Wechsler & Krumholz, Inc., New York; Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Tisch, Fitzgerald & Company, New York CARROLL W. Coburn TOWNSEND, POLLEYS. Chronicle The Commercial and Financial 571 - 1353 Corp. Volume Mr. & Mrs. Number 196 6216 Bros. BARKDOLL, RONALD BATES, R. U. Schmidt, A Sharp, Hogle BERGER, McCabe Co., & McDonnell Co. Peters, The Inc. and K. Cruttenden, Inc. WILLIAM JOHN W. Sullivan & Company, Bosworth, Harris, Upham & Co. Centennial B. M. Inc. GRANT, Bosworth. Research & Management Denver BERNARDI, FRANK Hornblower & Weeks BIRKENMAYER, J. Amos C. BORLAND, Co. EUGENE A. L. LLOYD COHIG, EARNIE Jr., Brothers BRERETON, WILLIAM Brereton, Inc. K. Boettcher and Inc. COPLEY, F. Copley Peters, Writer Boettcher and and Christensen, Inc. Coughlin H. PETER Co., GUSTAFSON, GRAVES, JAMES J. CARL Quinn & Co. HAAG, HAROLD HAAG, HUBERT Peters, GERALD M. Writer & Christensen, Inc. V. Sullivan & Company, Continued i INC U. Denver Inc. Inc. National S. & INC. Two Wall Bank Street, New York 5 WOrth 2-0805 - DENISON, FRANK Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. Bank & Trust Central Inc. Underwriters and Dealers in Canadian Co. Government and DINES, RICHARD A. Colorado SECURITIES ROYAL Howard G. Sullivan Bosworth, Springs, Company, & Corporate Issues Inc. Jr., JOHN DAVID Hanifen, Imhoff & Samford, Inc. F. & Christensen. Inc. Company] DOTY, LOREN E. Inc. Inc. interested in the purchase GORDON C. Writer & Christensen, Inc. Inc. DYKEMAN, Walston a Century Investment Experience With over ments, 50 years our Canadian investors interested in Canadian securities. ices are readily available Our Affiliates: fourteen in and Cruttenden, with affiliated offices service in Canadian securities, and Podesta CLAYTON National First Inc. Company MICHAEL FLEMING, J. FLOYD, Miller & O. Bank of CANADIAN Denver EDWARD FOGLE, Miller Cruttenden, Podesta & SECURITIES en¬ FORSYTH, ALEXANDER able stock " us to execute exchanges, or orders promptly at net prices funds if desired. 'v on Canadian Ranson V'/'.' ''' 'V;,'' ' Peters, V/ & Co., FRANKLIN, or dealers placing blocks Inc. HOWARD D. Writer & Christensen, FRANK, /V^V:v'7 ; IE specialize in servicing UL/ by obtaining JOHN J. FOX, - /I 1 Ltd. Calvin Bullock, in United States Member.- Principal Canadian Stock Exchanges. D. & Greenberg L. 1903 ALVIN N. FISHMAN, A. COMPANY by direct wire service. Bank Peters, Writer & Christensen, serv¬ principal Canadian cities provide fast accurate CHARLES FIELDS, serve Established & Howard LIMITED 14 Offices in Canada interconnected FERRELL, DONALD R. Denver U. S. National banks and dealers. Direct private wire connections CORPORATION SECURITIES ROYAL SECURITIES ROYAL Co., Inc. FAXON, THOMAS B. Dawson, Nagel. Sherman investing institutions, to & KENNETH S. ESSEX, of experience in Canadian invest¬ organization is well prepared to sale of or Canadian investment securities. Bank State Center enquiries from institutional and private investors Ranson & Co., EDWARD B. and We invite ROBERT L. Inc. DOERING, ELMER, ROBERT , Inc. page Inc. Co. & MARTIN Peters, of on Inc. EDGAR, WILLIAM B. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Over Half Smith St Incorporated National Bank GREENE, JR., RICHARD M. J. A. Hogle <St-Co. DAWSON, Jr., CLYDE C. Dawson, Nagel, Sherman DECKER, Company, COUGHLIN, GEORGE F. Coughlin and Company, Company ••• WILLIAM Lynch, Pierce, Fenner GUNDERSON, Merrill DIEDRICH, JOHN & Company, Writer COUGHLIN, & GUNDERSON, RICHARD L. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. DOBBS, Peters, RICHARD Inc. Copley and Company Inc. Company, Depositor Corp. WILLIAM L. COUGHENOUR, DEAN BURKHARDT, & LYNNE W. Hogle & Co. DAVIS, WINTHROP N. Colo. Company Copley and Company H. Sullivan Mutual CONKLIN, W. A. Bosworth, Sullivan BRUNER, CHARLES BUELL, 1 C. COLLISON, WILLIAM G. Peters, Writer & Christensen, W. DONALD & A. Bosworth, Co. & Brothers Stern , COLLINS, TIMOTHY M. Peters, Writer & Christensen, American National Bank BROWN, Walston LOWELL O. Founders H. Rice & Co., BROWN, A. JAMES COLLINS, Co. & National Bank Bosworth, L. WILLIAM J. Peters, Writer <Sz Christensen, Stern Upham DAVIS, NORMAN Inc. J. GREENBERG, GEORGE Harris, Co. Inc. GROSHEK, MICHAEL D. DAVIS, RONALD E. Colorado Greenberg & Company r GREENBERG, ARNOLD L. A. L. Greenberg & Company DAVIS, ROBERT W. Peters, Writer & Christensen, BOYLE, BREEDEN, & Company, GRIFFIN, Co. CUSHNER, JAMES N. Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller DAVIS, Sudler Inc. & LARRY Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. | Podesta & Miller Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. Investment Mullen K. CODY, RAYMOND P. BOSWORTH, ARTHUR F. Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, Inc. BOWLES, Bank Co. JACK C. J. The B. & & Company, CRIST, B. P. S. National Hogle Sullivan Bosworth. Inc. CODY, JACK Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. W. Writer & Christensen, Inc. Peters, U. Company, COCHRAN, PAUL R. Peters, Writer & Christensen, BOEDEKER, DEAN H. & A. CLINE, WILSON Birkenmayer & Co. Kirchner & I WAYNE CLARK, ALLAN G. A. Hogle & Co. BIRD, J. Sullivan CLADIS, GUS D. Sullivan Bosworth, GREENLEE, GOSSELIN, RALPH L. Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, CRAWFORD, JOHN C. CHATLAIN, RUSSELL Corporation Co. S. GOULD, G. H. B. Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, Inc. Company GEORGE W. GREENHOW, Investment GOODE, JOHN H. Colorado BERGER, W. Mullen ERNEST Standard & Poor's Corp. C. BERNARD Boettcher J. GODFREY, COXHEAD, Jr., CHAFEE, JOHN B. Incorporated V Jr., ROBERT T. Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, COWSERT, Williamson, Schmidt, Roberts <fi Parke, Philadelphia; Mr. & Mrs. Sidney J. Sanders, Foster & Marshall, Inc., Seattle GNAM, LOUIS Inc. Company, COWAN, Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, Inc. Co. and WILLIAM L. Writer & Christensen, Inc. COVODE, Inc. CASTERLINE, PAUL B. & Hogle & Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. Inc. & Co. M. Coughlin CAMPBELL, WILLIAM W. Mrs. E. Coit COUGHLIN, JAMES M. COUGHLIN, WALTER J. Coughlin and Company, F. BYRNE, JR., CLETUS E. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Bank BEASLEY, ANDREW C. J. A. Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bodie, Jr., Baltimore Harris, Upham & Co. J. National JAMES Boyce, BUTLER, DAVID F. F. S. & BUSH, MORRIS Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. BARKER, FREDERICK J. A. Hogle & Co. Denver The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . Sidney A. Siegel, Sidney A. Siegel & Co., Inc., New York; Stein BARTELS, . . of Canadian listed Inc. over-tbe-counter or securities. ROYAL E. ' Boettcher Wood, Gundy & Co., Inc. 40 Wall Street, New FREEMAN, J. York 5, N. Y. The Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Stock & Our firm Co. DALE E. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. Montreal Stock Exchange unlisted of dealer or institutional DONALD A. U. Denver S. WISENER, MACKELLAR AND CALEB GATES, First Limited National GERALI, i • - 36 King St., West, Toronto 1, Canada London, England ■£ Peters, GEItWIN, Bank of Denver Writer & ROBERT Christensen, F. Inc. CHARLES D. Boettcher and THE INVESTMENT DEALERS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA VICTOR H. Coughlin & Company, GILL, COMPANY LIMITED National Bank MEMBERS and and is available transactions. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. Exchange Branches in the principal cities of Canada and in listed U. S. funds EDWARD D. GARRAMONE, Wood, Gundy & Company — Department maintains on McDonnell & Co. Incorporated of and Office in for all types EMpire 6-5831 GARRISON, WILLIAM J. Head Trading markets TELEX 02-2461 W. Boettcher and Company GARBER, issues TRADING DEPT. FULLER, JOHN with Wood, Gundy & Company Members Company CARL Hogle FREY, Telephone DIgby 4-0633 Affiliated A. and Company MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK Inc. 220 Bay EXCHANGE TELEPHONE 366-6996 Street, Toronto 1, Canada 40 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 40 L . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 . -1 . 1 w KL Mr. & Mrs. W. Erwin Boehmler, Investment Washington, D. C. Bankers L. James Association, Beebe, William R. Staats & Co., Los Angeles; William HOWELL, The Bond Club of Denver DEAN M. Boettcher and LAMONT, OF Hamilton MEMBERS page HENSLEY', 39 Corporation Management Denver Sullivan Company, & First THOMAS Boettcher LANE, HARRIS, The J. G. HARRIS, Mullen Investment FIF Company HARTY, Jr., LLOYD C. Sudler & J. J. Inc. Hamilton Company Co. Walston & OSCAR Co., G. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Inc. Denver HENSEN, U. S. National HOLTZ, Bank CHARLES S. Peters. TY HOMER, Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. Writer & DONALD Peters, Writer Christensen, Inc. Sanford, LEE, J. Company Merrill Corporation /Vance, Bosworth, OF HENRY KENT, CITY OF .. SCHOOL ■ : .: •■ - ' ' - .. - Packard CO. Bldg., Philadelphia 2 LOcust 7-3646 • from NEW YORK — — Company, Company. Trust UNLISTED Public We .... are & Pueblo, Col. MING, Lyn^h, Brothers mitton, Robert MOORE. J. Pierce, for Members Smith & L. Mitton TIT. Co. l. Investments HUDSON Sullivan and Company Inc. & PORTER of COMPANY BUILDING PITTSBURGH 19, PA. Denver M. Co. BRUNO Municipal and Corporate Securities Inc. & Co. & Co., our Inc. SECURITIES offerings of listed and unlisted ° own our account or ALISON BUILDING, RITTENIIOUSE LOcust for distribution organization. Philadelphia-Baltimore Stock Exchange Telephone & L. robert Bosworth, Co. Utility and Industrial either Fenner Co. RUSSELL Stern RANALD H., Ill Management & Research THOMAS Boenning TIIE & Inc. Company ROBERT through 569-8816 Co., Corp. Bank interested in block securities 215 Merrill Co. KUMAGAI, BEN T. Schmidt, Sharp, McCabe / Kirchner KREIDLE, JAMES D. Kirchner Smith F. & KOSIROG, ROBERT D. Peters, Writer & Christensen, phone Zenith 0821 & Incorporated & Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. phone Enterprise 6289 Fenner F. National KOXOPKA. Teletype 215-569-9611 from PITTSBURGH & Greenberg Kirchner & M. II. Bank JAMES KIRCHNER. NECKER & & Corp. MILLIKEN, SAM Company DAVID Kirchner Management KING. NEIL «. First SCHAFFER, MacKAY, Inc. MILLER, VANCE PAUL KINDLER, WARREN L. Hanifen, Imhoff & Samford, Incr ' - - - Sullivan Stephen Securities " . . L. FIF Corporation KIMMES, PETER E. AUTHORITIES TURNPIKE, WATER AND SEWER ISSUES ' //• C ;■! /, A. BONDS PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLVANIA Centennial & BERNARD CARL KENZIK, /V MacDONALD, Inc. E. Sullivan KENNEDY, PENNSYLVANIA Central Specialists in Inc. Inc. Bosworth, and its Political Subdivisions ' : Company, Inc. Bosworth, I & Christensen, KELLY, Obligations of the COMMONWEALTH & Co., MEYER, C. FREDERIC LEON MACART, Macart-Jones KEEBLER, WILLIAM E. Peters, Writer & Christensen, UNDERWRITERS AND Inc. & MIDDLETON, DOUGLAS Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Incorporated ELMER G. and Colo. MELTON, DONALD R. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. Lewis Jr., KENNETH Walston & Co., Inc. GEORGE Writer & LLOYD, Christensen, Miller Mclaughlin, george p. Peters, Writer & Christensen, & Co., Inc. ROBERT P. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated R. Sullivan Jr.. Peters, DEALERS & Podesta & McKINNON, s. h. Dempsey-Tegeler Inc. B. Linville Boettcher Co. L. Hogle & Co. Greeley, & Co., Hornblower & Weeks D. A. R. Mckinley, carl d. LORENZO W. LONGWELL, Writer J. W. Sudler & KARL Cruttenden, LIPTON, A. Corp. Company McINTOSH, NORMAN L. C. BROCK LIPPITT, Colo. Weeks LEONARD JOSEPH, J. Stockton, F. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Peters, JONES, Miller C. Sanders LINVILLE, Inc. Co., Arvada, WILLARD JAMES Amos C. MAYER. A. Hogle & Co. LEONARD, Bank O. Transfer and MAXWELL, S. GEORGE D. JAMES H. National ROBERT Stock S. Boettcher Company Podesta & S. Co. MATTHEWS, ORUS J. Co. DAVID and Dempsey-Tegeler Incorporated JONES, Investment LELL, MERVIN R. WILLIAM S. Investment JOHNSON. U. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. F. & Company Mullen U. Corp. d. & WILLARD Denver ROBERT LEARNED, Inc. Scanlan M. MARSH, Management robert MARSHALL, LEON A. Cruttenden, Management Hornblower Earl C. and K. J. LAYTON, Corp. JOHNSON, THEODORE M. Christensen, Investment LAWRENCE, Inc. JOHNSON, RO'JERT M. Dawson, Nagel, Sherman & Howard Inc. W. & Depositor JOHNSON, Jr., HERBERT Johnson HAZELRIGG, CHARLES R. Company, JENSEN, HENRY J. Coughlin & Company, HOLMES, ROBERT HASSELGREN, The Hogle & Co. and GEORGE W. Hornblower & Weeks mannix, FRED Boettcher Imhoff & JACKSON, Jr., MAHONEY, MALONE, JAMES W. Colo. LASCOR, E. CALVIN WILLIAM Pierce, Fenner & Smith J. Boettcher WALTER Boettcher Corporation W. and A. ISAAK, LAMBERT FRANK Boettcher Company, S. LARKIN. INMAN, LARRY C. & Anderson, Eppler, Guerin & Turner, Inc., Dallas; Farrell, Laird, Bissell & Meeds, New York Incorporated Mutual Hanifen, Company Management < J. ROBERT HARRY IMHOFF. Sullivan HIRSHEIMER, R. and ARTHUR Founders Company, Pueblo, Colo. and Bosworth, Co. HIRTH, Amos HUNT, R. E. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Hogle & Co. HUNLEY, CHARLES H. Bosworth, Sullivan & Co., Incorporated A1 LANGLEY, DONALD Company Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Inc. R. HILLMAN, PHILIP E. JAMES Boettcher & Boettcher of Denver R. K. Christensen. Jr., Boulder, Merrill IIILL, JAMES W. Bank National & A. Baum & 1IULLINGER. HILL, DALE R. A. Hanifen, Imhoff & Samford, Inc. HANLON, J. JAMES McDonnell & Incorporated EDWARD Jr., HUGHES, Inc. Company, JR., ALLAN R. Writer Peters, HILGER, & D. National .Bank S. HICKERSON, Inc. HALL, JR., RICHARD Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith HANIFEN, U. George K. W. Sullivan HERS1INER, JOHN HAGGERTY, JOHN P. Bosworth, GORDON Bosworth, HACKSTAFF, RICHARD H. Boettcher and Company Mrs. Robert Incorporated HUFFORD, EUGENE F. Continued from & Merrill Lynch, Company HUBER, HAROLD ROSTER Mr. B. Denney, Doyle, O'Connor & Co., Inc., New York; Clemens T. Lueker, Hill Richards & Co. Incorporated, Los Angeles 8-0900 & American Co. Stock Exchange SQUARE, PIIILA. 3, PA. New York Telephone COrtlandt 7-1200 Inc " f" Volume 196 Number 6216 . . C. McLeod, Oscar E. Dooly & Co., Miami; Bernard R. Keegan, Goodbody & Co., Miami; A. L. (Jack) Freed, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co., Washington, D. C. Davis MOORE, JERRY W. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Boettcher and J. Company MOORE, RONALD Kirchner & L. Weeks Peters, Writer PAYNE, Podesta Cruttenden, Miller & Peters, Company, & Inc. H. Naylor, Fenner & The Co., Inc. Company NEWMAN, ALAN S. Cruttenden, Podesta Coughlin and Company, Inc. Transfer Dempsey-Tegeler O'HARA, Earl OJA, M. First Scanlan & Co. J. A. H. of Co. Peters, OSBOURN, JAMES POWELL, Trust Co. & GEORGE Writer and & Merrill ROLLI, W. Inc. Industrial Stocks and Utility Stocks Co. Robert N. Greene Sullivan Merrill j & National '...-j UTILITY AND INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES BANK AND INSURANCE STOCKS & Company, MUNICIPAL Inc. AND REVENUE BONDS Inc. Co. Dilrect Trading Bank Wires: Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Co., New York E. G. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner A. M. Kidder & Smith & Co., New York ROBERT D. Sharp, McCabe & Co., Inc. Phones — Philadelphia, LOcust 8-3400 Bell JOHN Management FRED New York, WOrth 6-5646-7 Teletype 215 569-9839 Corporation B. RICHARD JR., SCOTT, WILLIAM Ranson & Co., M. F. Inc. SEEBASS, A. R. Peters, Writer & Christenser SEFF, Dealers and Brokers in Inc. Hoffman Representative Maguire & SMITH, 123 South Broad Street, Philadelphia 9 • PE 5-7330 One Chase Manhattan Plaza, N. Y. 6 • HA 5 9600 DOYLESTOWN Industrial Securities E. New Jersey A. Christensen, Inc. Christensen, Inc. & and General Market Municipal Bonds Bank and Insurance Stocks & Mutual Funds Shares HENRY JACKSON Inc. Co., Trading Department EATON Bullock. Janet Post Ltd. EVERETTE Podesta & Miller • Lawrence Snyder Albert J. Caplan Cruttenden, CHARLES SNODGRASS. The INCORPORATED & C. " D. Writer SHIRLEY, Jr., SMITH. Railroad ' Rice & Co., Inc. Writer Peters, Utility Weeks BRYAN CLYDE SODEN, STROUD Public E. ZACK Hornblower Peters. Denver W. F. SCHROEDER, Calvin • of Incorporated Peters. Elliott ALLENTOWN Phila.-Baltimore Stock Exchange Exchange (Associate) EARL M. SCHLENZIG, Ranson • 2 K. SIMPSON, WILLIAM Ergood, Jr.—Vice President LANCASTER PHILADELPHIA Inc. McCabe & Co., Scanlan M. SIPES. • page Underwriters—Distributors—Dealers Bank Sharp, SIMPSON, Municipal Bonds PITTSBURGH on Weeks & SASAKI, HAROLD Erereton, COMPANY, STREET, American Stock SEEMAN, GEORGE Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. Raymond A. Morris, Jr. William E. WALNUT New York Stock Exchange & SCOTT, Allen B. Foard, Jr. Field Continued Inc. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. Railroad Securities Edward P. Inc. Members SAMFORD, NORBERT J. SCHMIDT, Schmidt, Bonds, Equipment Trust Certificates J1 Richard Co. HARRY SANDBERG, ROY Hamilton & 1401 B. National SCHOOF, C. Russell M. Inc. Janney, Battles & E. W. Clark, Inc. E. CLAIR, ROBERT Bosworth, Company THEM! Alexander B. Brock Co., King Merritc & Co., TICE, JOHN Quinn & Co. Inc. Bosworth, Sullivan <& Company, Hanifen, Imhoff & Samford, Inc. D. KNOW THEM, James B. McFarland Christensen, SULLIVAN, JOHN J. , Brothers American Public & Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith FRANZ First Earl Bank Stocks, »' DUDLEY F. McDonnell TETTEMER, FRANK L. The J. K. Mullen Investment Weeks ROGERS, JAMES SCHAEFER. Frank J. Laird TAYLOR, Weeks & RODEWALD, EDWARD Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. ST. M. Christensen, . TALLMADGE, ROBERT C. Tallmadge & Tallmadge SUH, SANGWOO Peters, Writer & S. & Hornblower SCANLAN, and Inc. Tallmadge ROBERTS, MALCOLM F. Schmidt, YOU E. Hogle & Co THARP, Peters, Writer & Christensen, JAMES Boettcher Tallmadge & Inc. ROBERTS, JAMES A. Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, Inc. Hornblower Denver JOHN Hogle & Co. POWELL, & E. P. ROOSEVELT, PETER Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, Inc. Incorporated CARL WILLIAM JR., Petere, Writer..Chx^sten&en. Christensen, & National Bank TALLMADGE, MYLES M. STRUTHERS, JAMES R. Inc. Co., Co. & JAMES Stern POLLOCK, DAVID Writer U. S. ROBINSON, RAYMOND L. E. Brothers & Incorporated Bank A. SWEET, Company ROGER STONE, ERNEST E. Stone, Altman & Company Co. ROSEWARNE, PAUL D. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Central Bank Smith Pierce, Fenner & Smith National PLOEGER, ORMSBEE, JACK Stern & PLEASANTS, AARON W. RODERICK EUGENE Merrill Inc. LAWRENCE A. Jr., Fenner Inc. Incorporated & Co., Rice Hornblower Merrill Lynch, & Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated PHILLIPS, ALAN D. Corp. J. M. Merrill Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. NILSON, Jr., EUGENE E. NO WELL, Inc. Co. PETERS, IIARRy W. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. LOUIS Peters, and Inc. HENRY Denver Hornblower & Weeks Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. Miller & I Brereton, Nemrava PETERS, JR., GERALD P. NEWMAN, RAYMOND STITT, ROBB, Investment Pierce, SWAN. STEPHENS, KENNETH E. Company Jr., JOSEPH Brothers SUTLIFF, RICHARD R. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Co. RICHARDS, STANLEY PETERS, GERALD P. and Stock Mullen Boettcher STERLlkG, and & RICE, CHARLES J. Incorporated NESBIT, FRED U. S. K. PEPPER, IRWIN Merrill Lynch, NELSON, CURTIS F. Dempsey-Tegeler & NIKOLAS, S. J. Inc. Stern RICHARD B. PENT, ROBERT E. Schmidt, Sharp, McCabe & Co., NEIDIGER, EUGENE L. Earl M. Scanlan & Co, Boettcher Writer & Christensen, Inc. PENDLETON, WILLIAM Smith Inc. RAPP, ED. DONALD B. Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller Christensen, Boettcher Christensen, Inc. W. Paynter and Company, Ft. Morgan, Colo. Inc. Brothers RAICHLE, JOSEPH L. & PECK, GEORGE B. Peters, Writer & Christensen, NEELY, ORVILLE C. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Incorporated Stern A. Bodie, Jr., Stein Bros. & Boyce, Baltimore; Kemmons Wilson, Holiday Inns of America, Memphis, Tenn.; Earl L. Hagensieker, Reinholdt <fi Gardner, St. Louis STEPHENS, QUINN, ARTHUR P. Quinn & Co., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Company THOMAS PAYNTER, NAYLOR, Jr., J. H. J. Writer Peters. Inc. SAM MYERS, J. HAROLD Bosworth, Sullivan and Charles STEINAUER, Jr.. Inc. QUARLES, RALPH R. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. PAUL, ROBERT J. Christensen, & Hogle & Co. Boettcher MOWERY, ELWOOD J. MOZER, A. PUFFER, HAL E. Peters, Writer & PATTERSON, DONALD L. MORRISON, WAYNE F. & POWELL, ROBERT R. Coughlin and Company, Inc. PAPACOSTAS, JOHN Peters, Writer & Christensen, Co. Hornblower Walker, Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc., New York; William III, Gregory & Sons, New York; Jerry Tegeler, Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc., St. Louis H. Gregory PAGE, ARTHUR OWEN T. MOORE, Graham OWEN, TOM Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. 41 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . J. Writer B. & K. Christensen, Inc. Charles A. Taggart J. K. Mullen Investment HUGO H. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Co. Member SOLL, SOMMER, JAMES Boettcher SORENSEN, Boettcher and J. Inc. Boston Stock F. W. Montreal Stock Exchange (Associate) £nd Company Writer & Christensen, 1516 Inc. 215-KI 6-0900 STEELE, JAMES Merrill Lynch, Incorporated Pierce, 1 Fenner Exchange (Associate) Pittsburgh Stock Exchange (Associate) Company STEELE, E. E. Peters, & Co., Inc. Philadelphia-Ballimore-Washington Stock Exchange & Smith Locust Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa. Teletype 215-569-9734 New York Phone 212-WO 4-7333 42 42 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Mr. Edwin L. Beck, Commercial & Financial York; Lillian Mcllravy, Guest New Chronicle, ;Edward A. Horn, Mabon The Bond Club of Denver Kuhn, Loeb & Co., New Co., New York; William & York; Homer Wirth, Horn, Guest Pettit Colorado Stern WE ID MAN, Brothers & T Amos Sc Company, WHITE, Cruttenden, Podesta & Miller Lynch, Fenner Smith Si WHITE, TRUGLIO, NICHOLAS Bosworth, Sullivan F. & The Company, Inc. VEER, Jr., GEORGE C. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. Peters, CHARLES Writer VERNER, WIESNER, & Christensen, Inc. Wittow Inc. Co., VINEY, F. H. Stern Brothers & Merrill Norman Blake CHARLES L. Pierce, ,, Peters, Writer & Christensen, Fenner & Griffith, Jr. William J. Chase Jeff Smith HAROLD Incorporated Smith & WEBSTER, R. KENNETH J. A. Hogle & Co. Incorporated. Inc. Mutual & Company, DeDOsitor Corp. Co. Inc. SCHAS, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Incorporated; Robert H. Jordan, Mid-South Smith William R. Grissom, Union Planters National Bank; Foster, E. F. Button & Company Incorporated. Elected: January 19, 1962; Took Office: January 19, 1962; Term Expires: January 19, 1963. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Incorporated BATES, GEORGE J. C. Bradford BOSTON EXCHANGE STOCK EXCHANGE PITTSBURGH STOCK & EDWIN (ASSOCIATE) (ASSOCIATE) (ASSOCIATE) EXCHANGE Herman BLAKE, % WILLIAM Co. Leftwich, J. C. Bradford GEORGE Co. THOMPSON, EDWARD F. Union Planters National Bank TIPTON, Jr., A. DULANEY Bullington-Schas & Co. Fenner & Smith WILLIAM Goodbody J. C. Bradford WIBLE, & Co. Co. BILL Hornblower & Weeks WIETERS, F. AUGUST Hornblower & Weeks B. WILDER, GORDON J. Wilder, Hansbrough, Finch & Co. Co. M. Co. Whitman Securities GROOM L. AYLETT IVO Si WHITMAN, A. L. Corporation & FRED R. Bradford Bank Ross & Crisler S C. WITTENBERG, , Bullington-Schas & Co. M. A. JAMES Saunders Si Co., A. Inc. L. I. BUXTON. Co., duPont & Inc. Co. BROWN Pierce, JAMES Mitchell, Fenner Smith Si DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE STEWART Hutchins Si Co., • Inc. NEW YORK CITY CHASE, WILLIAM J. M. A. Saunders & Co., CLAYTON, RAYMOND Bullington-Schas CURD, H. Si '^^(BArclay 7-5969) Inc. A. i Co. PRICE Federal Securities DAWSON, Co., Inc. \ REED, ROBERT E. Herman Bensdorf Si Company Hopper, Soliday & Co. Established 1872 FINCH, JOHN E. Wilder, Hansbrough, Finch & Co. FLETCHER, RICHARD D. Equitable Securities Corporation Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington Stock Exchange E. F. Hutton & Company FRANK, Members Exchange Pittsburgh Stock Exchange Philadelphia-Baltimore Stock Exchange (Assoc.) / JULIUS Herman Bensdorf & LEAR & CO. New York Stock FOSTER, WALTER T. Members & WARD, B. FRANKLIN C. National GEORGE U. McFADDEN, & Lynch, Incorporated PA. First LIMERICK, Saunders JAMES Planters LENNOX, Pierce, A. BURCH, J. C. 2, Union LEFTWICH, BOWIE, BOB Francis STREET F. Corporation THOMAS, FRED L. J LEEKER, JUSTIN F. JI C. Bradford & Co. Bensdorf Si Company Lynch, Incorporated Merrill PHILADELPHIA Smith L. BOYCE, WALNUT & NORMAN Merrill M. 1401 Fenner M. A. Saunders & Co., Inc. PHILADELPHIA-BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE AMERICAN STOCK LANCASTER, BENSDORF, HERMAN EXCHANGE Inc. D. f BENNETT, MEMBERS Inc. M. Co., THOMAS, Jr., NICK J. Memphis Securities Company ALLEN, HARRY YORK STOCK & FRANCIS TREXLER, NEW ROBERT Saunders First U. S. ROSTER OF MEMBERS HARRY C. DACKERMAN & CO. Weeks Sternberger & Company Securities Co. Alternates: A. SUTTON, Walter & & STERNBERGER, DAVID Committeemen: Norman Blake, Fenner Inc. D. Sullivan Treasurer: Jeff Newbill, Jr., Wilder, Hansbrough, Finch & National YOUNG, CHARLES H. Founders Company Bullington-Schas & Co. Vice-President: E. Frederick Griffith, Jr., Goodhody & Co. Secretary: William J. Chase, M. A.Saunders & Company, Inc. YOUMANS, PAUL E. Bosworth, & Weeks Saunders & Co., Newbill, Jr. President: Norman Blake, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith I Peters, Writer & Christensen, Lynch, E. Fred M. A. M. S. & ED SAUNDERS, ROBERT GEORGE WRITER, WARREN, Inc. SAUNDERS, Sr., M. A. Inc. Stone, Altman & Company Reddoch Hornblower 1 Company Inc. WRITER, S. Co., BRUCE N. RUSSELL, A. WRIGHT, WAYNE R. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Co. WALSH, JOSEPH M. Harris, Upham & Co. WARNER, GEORGE James WOODY, BERNARD Peters, Writer Si Christensen, P. R. Hornblower Co. Company WOODWORTH, Harris, Upham & Co. VOG"t, JAMES & ROGERS, HOLLIS Investment WOODBERRY, ROBERT Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Incorporated VINCENT, CARL & Si Hutchins Rader, Wilder & Company WITTOW, HERBERT L. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Co. Co. REDDOCH, JAMES N. WILLSON, Jr., JAMES G. OGDEN E. Merrill Dempsey-Tegeler RADER, Inc. W. Mullen and & E. Bradford & Mitchell, L. ALFRED Boettcher CLYDE C. Jr., IRA W. Goodbody & Co. WHITFIELD, R. H. Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, Inc. VANDER VAN METER. K. Bank PYRON, _ Mutual Depositor Corp. WILEY J. 1? National PHELAN, JAMES W. E. DOUGLAS Founders Incorporated J. Co. Writer & Christensen, WHITE, Pierce, & fADIT First PEASE, WILLIAM H. Sudler DONALD Peters, NORMAN Merrill C. Hornblower & Weeks IVf TTf!¥¥I?I.¥. MITCHELL, EARLY F. NEWBILL, Jr., JEFF W. Wilder, Hansbrough, Finch G. WHISTLER, JOHN W. J. A. Hogle & Co. Inc. TOWELL, JOHN F. TOWER, V The DONALD WESTON, Jr., Co. TONER, JOHN F. Bosworth, Sullivan Thursday, November 29, 1962 Clive B. Fazioli, White, Weld & Co., Boston; Edwards, Edwards & Hartley, New York Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. WELLER, HIRAM D. Peters, Writer Si Christensen, Inc. STANLEY H. National Bank TIERNEY, BERNARD Mrs. Bert OF MEMBERS Continued from page 41 TICHENOR, & . Memphis Security Dealers Association I ROSTER Mr. . . Company ' FREDERIC, FRANK D. American Stock Exchange (Assoc.) Equitable Securities Corporation GILLESPIE, Trading Department Joseph A. McNamee John E. Gibson, Jr. F. Hutton Union 1420 Walnut — Street, Philadelphia 2, Penna. PEnnypacker 5-4075 Teletype 215-569-9885 & Co., WILLIAM Planters HANSBROUGH, Inc. R. National MAC \ Branches T. GRIFFITH, Jr., E. FREDERICK Goodbody Si Co. GRISSOM, Telephone PAUL Bank T. NEW YORK, N. Y. BUTLER, PA. CORRY, PA. JOHNSTOWN, PA. MEADVILLE, PA. WARREN, PA. WASHINGTON, PA. \ • Wilder, Hansbrough, Finch & Co. JOHNSON, The ALBERT L. First National Bank JORDAN, ROBERT H. Mid-South Securities Co. PITTSBURGH (412) Teletypes—New York City: 212 REYNOLDS & 571-007^—Pittsburgh: CO. PRIVATE WIRE 412 SYSTEM 281-0818 642 -4032 Volume Number 6216 196 . . The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . I J. Thomas Cahill, Chase Manhattan Bank, New York; Lou Laird, Bissell & Meeds, New York; Joe Mendres, J. & W. Seligman & Co., New York Charles A. Bodie, Jr., Stein Bros. & Boyce, Baltimore; Harry Carl Marks & Co., Inc., New York; Sal Rappa, Gibbs, BAGGERLY, JR., EARL W. Georgia Security Dealers Association ' R. S. Dickson BANKS, J. & C. Bradford Jr., Courts 6z Courts E. & COX, Co. R. DONALD B. Wyatt, Neal & Johnson, Waggoner CROFT, The Lane, Space and Inc. Co., Trust E. JAMES Evans A. BLACK, Jr., & Company, H. Jr., BLOCK, Miller The Lay, Robinson-Humphrey Dakin B. F. porated; R. Ellis Godshall, Clement A. Evans & Company, Inc.; Thomas J. Monroe, Jr., Lex Jolley, The Robinson-Humphrey The Johnson, Lane, Corporation; Space Frank J. Myers, J. H. Hilsman & Co., Inq.; Jack C. Morris? The Johnson, 1 Lane, Space Corporation. Expires: December 31, 1962. OF Trust located (Members otherwise The in Atlanta unless Indicated) Courts Robinson-Humphrey Co,, E. Inc. ADAMS, FRED E. R. S. Dickson & ALBRIGHT, Jr., Thomson F. C. Lord, Co., Company, EDWARD AUSTIN, A. J. W. J. Clement McKinnon HOLLIS Tindall & of & A. Evans Company, Co., Co. OLIN Hilsman H. J. and & J. Inc., 6c Inc. Co., Continued Inc. on page 44 Stock Exchange PUTNAM & CO. Inc. & & Co., HARTFORD Inc., NEW Georgia AVE. HARTFORD WEST • 236-56/1 • WATERBURY NEW LONDON MIDDLETOWN WILLIMANTIC MANCHESTER TORRINGTON MERIDEN B. From New ' AT&T F. CLARENCE York, call CAnal 6-1255 Teletype 203-278-0770 PRIMARY MARKETS IN MACKIE Inc. JAMES Jr., FARMINGTON BRITAIN Co. JR., & TEL. 525-1421 6 CENTRAL ROW BYRON CONNECTICUT STOCKS & BONDS F. Groover, Macon JOSEPH E. Underwriters and Distributors of Corporate and Municipal Securities BROWN, Courts E. M. & DREW, Co. HENRY & BPOYLES, Company LAWRENCE Courts Inc. BROYLES, NORRIS ARNOLD E. F. Hutton & Company, Incorporated Incorporated Neal & Waggoner AUSTIN, DORNBUSH, TERRY A. Company, Bank BREWER, JR., J. ROBERT Johnson, Lane, Space & Ce., Inc. Brown & " Corporation Members New York National DONALD Abbett BROWN, Co. Hution Wyatt, Co., Inc. CLIFFORD & & ARMSBY, JOHN W. Wyatt, Neal/& Waggoner ANDERSON, ANDREWS, THOMAS Inc. Harris, Upham 6c Co. Savannah 1000 HRAYSHAW, BROWN, APPLEBY, WILLIAM C. EDWARD R. Evans 6c Company, DONNELLY, C. ROBERT THOMAS U. M. Company McNeel Co. ADAMS, Clement A. Securities Co. ROBERT BROOKE, MEMBERS P. Co. Bank Byron Brooke & Company ROSTER & DODD, JR., JERE CARL A. ( RICHARD L. Lane, Space & & BROCK, - Inc. Company, E. Corp. Southern & Goodbody Term A. Co. JACKSON WELLBORN BOYD, D. HUDSON Johnson, Lane, Space BRAY, Company, Inc.; S. Richard Harris, Courts & Co.; Allen Craw¬ ford, Jr., National Augusta Citizens & Southern National Bank. Committeemen: National Inc. BOGGS, JR., Courts Ferris, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incor¬ Courts Robinson-Humphrey BOUNDS, JAMES W. Cox, R. S. Dickson & Co., Inc.; & Jr., HUGH CLAYTON Securities Johnson, Executive Committee: A. Carey DICK, FRANK E. Citizens E. RICHARD Courts Dickson & Co., Inc. S. Vice-President: Frank J. Myers, J. H. Hilsman & Co., Inc. Joseph W. Jr., BLANCIIARD, Company, Inc. Inc.. S.i DAVIS, DAVID H. Johnson, Lane, Space Company, The Citizens and Southern President: John B. Ellis, Courts & Co. Secretary-Treasurer: Co., DAUGHERTY, BENJAMIN T. Inc. GRADY Robinson-Humphrey BI.ACKWOOD, R. EDWARD Jr., CRUMPTON, III, The BLALOCK, and T. Augusta Joseph E. Lay Johnson, Lane, Space & Co., Inc. DENNY, Space Robinson-Humphrey Interstate The DEMPSEY, HAROLD G. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated - Company of Georgia Clement C. Merrill ALFRED BEESON, J. W. Tindall <fc Company Inc. Co., ALLEN Lane, CROWLEY, Savannah BASTIN, & Jr., Savannah CRAIG Jr., Johnson, Dickson S. Harris, Upham & Co. • DEAN, JAMES B. CRAWFORD, ALLEN ~ BARRETT, JOHN H. BARROW, DAVIS, LLOYD Co. CARY Johnson, Lane, Space & Co., Inc. PHILLIP E. Upham & Co. Harris, & A. CRAWFORD, Co. BARFORD, Frank J. Myers Liston, Prescott <fi Co., Cleveland, Ohio; Hugh R. Schlicting, Wm. P. Harper <ft Son & Co., Seattle; John C. Hecht, Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc., Los Angeles COURTS, RICHARD W. Inc. Co., CARROLL BANKS, John B. Ellis Corb Zeeman, Mergott, Rappa <ft Co., Inc., New York Co. Jr., Hutton F. BRUMBACK, Brown & NORRIS & ARNOLD Company, ALFRED Groover, We invite your Incorporated inquiries. B. Macon BRYANT, EVERETT C. Courts & BRYANT, The Active Markets in Unlisted Securities including ill Co. FRED M. Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc. BUDD, JAMES COLEMAN The Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc. R. Investment Service for over 70 Years TOWNSHEND BUDD, S. Dickson & Co., Inc. Underwriters, Distributors and Dealers BUSH, DAVID D. CHRISTIANA SECURITIES Vance, Sanders & Co., in Inc., "Ft. Lauderdale Primary CAGLE, DELAWARE BANK STOCKS WILLIAM J. Johnson, Lane, Space & Co., Inc. CAREY, LOUIS Courts & Courts & CHALKER, SECURITIES Co. CARTER, Jr., Markets HUGH D. Co. / THOMAS F. Goodbody CORPORATE and MUNICIPAL H. & in all Co. COOLEY CHESNUT, JAMES D. J. & LAIRD COMPANY Tindall W. CLARK, FRED John Nuveen Company Johnson, Lane, Courts Exchange American Stock Exchange Midwest Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade i Commodity Exchange, Inc. CLISBY, Clisby COLE, E. Delaware Trust Building Building F. & Co., Inc. Securities ; & E. Co., R. / 4, Conn. New York Tel. CAnal 6-1232 Teletype 203 278-2077 Meriden Willimantic Macon (Associate) Hartford Tel. 527-5171 Co. JOSEPH • • Enterprise 1910 to Torrington • Waterbury • Winsted • Essex Norwich DARGAN Hutton COLLINS, The WILMINGTON, DELAWARE » Street, Phone New York Stock Nemours & Pearl Hartford CLARKSON, MASSEY Members American Stock Exchange 100 Space CO. Members New York Stock Exchange Connecticut Co. HARRISON CLARKE, CORPORATION & B. & & ESTABLISHED 1889 t & Company, CHARLES Robinson-Humphrey COOLEDGE, NORMAN A. Courts & Co. Incorporated Connecticut T. Company, Securities Inc. 4 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 44 -k Mr. & E. Mrs. Yeatman, Mosley Co., Incorporated, Philadelphia; Joseph E. Smith, Newburger & Company, Philadelphia Christian, Suplee, A. GORLIN, Courts The Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc. DURRETT, GOW, WILLIAM Jr., Lynch, Goodbody & Clement F. Company, & Johnson, Inc. La Co., Courts & Brown & EDWARD EVANS. Evans A. HAINES. WALDO C. Company, Inc. RICHARD HANNER. R. J. C. JOSEPH Jr.. FERGUSON. M. Clement A. Evans & Co., Neal Wyatt, E. Merrill Norris & Fenner Smith Incorporated BYRON & Hutton & Incorporated Company, Putnam Fund FLEMING, SCOTT H. Jr., Hutton Distributors, STROTHER & Company, & Courts Incorporated WILLIAM Courts & Co., HENRY, Upham Harris, J. & FRANK J. Johnson, Clement & IIINDSMAN, Johnson, Johnson. Lane, GERNAZIAN, KRENSON, Inc. Lane, HIRSHBERG, Norris Space & Co., Inc. Space & Co., Inc. & The HOOK, Company, Inc., Evans & R. Company, Southern Inc. W. National Bank CABELL HOPKINS, Southeastern ELLIS Inc. HUGER, Courts ALBERT WILLIAM WM. C. & Company, Columbus E. H. Co., Inc. National The Bank J. C. and Co., Inc. J. J. J. <fc Inc. Neal Wyatt. NICOLSON, Inc F. Co., Rome Co. Inc. E. F. & Hutton WILLIAM A. LEWIS, & Company, WARDELL H. EDWARD A. Clement LIPSCOMB, H. & Incorporated Luttrell & SHAVER, Inc. Inc., Co., V .T. RALSTON Co. Inc. Wulbern, HARRY SHELDON, Goodbody & A. Inc. L. Co. ARTHUR Clement Evans B. & Inc., Company, Savannah LAMAR ARTHUR A. Evans A. DAVID Carrison, SIMKINS, Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc. & SITES, CRAWFORD M. Courts Courts ~ Company, & Co., Inc. Co. & FRANK SITES. B. „ Co. & SKINNER, JR., HERBERT C. Varnedoe, Chisholm & Co., Savannah Inc., A. Evans PENDERGRAST^, Courts & & Co., THOMAS Johnson, Augusta Inc., Macon J. SMITH, Co. PERKINSON. 1 Inc., (Associate) JOSEPH J. Space Lane, Jr., & Co., Inc., i HERSHEL F. Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern Corp. TOM G. SMITH, JR., McNeel Johnson, Lane, Space & Co., Inc. Columbus Co., FRANK PEEPLES, Clement LUTTRELL, JR., WILLIAM R. R. Company. McKEE A. ^ and Space CHARLES C. SHAVER. Co. M. III, Inc. Co., Lnne. SLATTERY, Inc. Company, SWIFT LUTTRELL, WILLIAM R. W. R. I.uttrell & Co., Columbus V/. Hilsman Savannah H. Evans JR., & PAULSEN, GROVER C. Johnson, Lane, Space Wyatt, Neal & Waggoner Chas. A. Day & Co. H. Pierce, A'. Clement WILLIAM Goodbody & Co. UINDSEY. The PATY, Co. & Evans O'NEAL, JACK T. Johnson, Lane, Space & Co., Inc. _ Inc. R. FLEMING J. A. OGLESBY, Co WILLIAM Co., Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern Corp. A. NITNNALLY, JR., HUGH P. Harris, Upham & Co. Courts Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc. & & ROYSTON SDAINKER, Waggoner GEORGE NUNNALLV, JR., JOHN LEWIS, i Company, ROBERT E. Neal & Waggoner Courts Hilsman H. Co. & FLEMING J. Savannah, Ga. Augusta E. Wyatt. The Jr., W. BRUCE Bradford Johnson. Inc. Co., & J. R. Co. Incorporated JOSEPH MADDOX, Listed and Unlisted Bonds and Stocks particularly of MALLORY, E. MALOOF, England Corporations Inquiries invited from Dealers and Financial Institutions a Retail Department with Distribution in New England W. Incorporated Company, Our A. Johnson, Lane, Space & Co., Inc. PAUL First National E. Bank The to render fast and a / stocks. and justus conscientious Your inquiries will receive our diligent MASON, JAMES M. Johnson, Lane, Space & Company. Co., Inc Inc., DAYTON HAIGNEY & CO.. INC. Fust E. F. National H. H. c. Member Boston Stock Georgia of JR., Hutton Bank & of Atlanta & e. Co., 75 Boston Tel. Company, john Hilsman Exchange WILLIAM M. WESLEY McClelland, J. robert Jr., Company McADEN, attention. c. Robinson-Humphrey MATTHEWS, us ..... Augusta Trust Exchange enables Johnson, Lane, Space & Co., Inc., mathews, WASHINGTON AT COURT STREET system and S. Augusta Member Boston Stock wire accurate-Trading Service in all over-the-counter bonds Atlanta of MARKWALTER, JOHN viartin, Jr., Maintaining & FRANK MANNERS. New WALDO Hutton F. J. & Co. Courts Inc. Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc. C. SETTLE, NEAL, J. ROBERT Company, Inc. WILLIS SEWARD, CHARLES FRANK Hilsman H. Clement & Co., STANLEY H. SCHAEFER, v..,,.- Lane, Space & Jr., A. SETTLE. J. D. Robinson-Humphrey The Courts i 58 YEARS OF SERVICE Inc. McNeel & Bradford LEVINS, Courts Jr., Company, Southern JACK P. MYERS, and HARRY JOSEPH Co. & HUNTER, & NOKVELL, LEE, E. Wellington Distributors, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. ROUSE, & Inc. The Robinson-Humphrey Company, W. Evans W. ROBERTSON, Company Company, Co. & Hilsman H. B. & E. MURPHY, Jr., N. BARNARD Goodbody & Co. D. Space LERGENMILLER, Clement A. Evans & Company, GORDON, Inc., Co., ANTHONY J. Robinson-Humphrey Company, LAY, A. and Citizens First GODSHALL, & Robinson-Humphrey LAHMAN, J. JOHN & BEN ROBERTS, (Associate) Robinson-Humphrey Columbus L. Inc. J. A. Johnson, C. ALFRED Co., B. GEORGE Clement MORRIS. LAGOMARSINO, Inc. GILBERT, GEORGE W. A. Inc. JULIAN R. Hirshberg, HOFFMAN, CULLEN J. F. Thomson & McKinnon Clement Co., & Space Lane, KUIILMAN, The HARRY Space WILLIAM D. The Co. GASTON, ERSKINE Goodbody & Co. Company, Courts and Evans A. Ga. ROBERTS, Space JAMES Citizens II. & Johnson, C. JAMES Evans A. Lane, SYDNEY JR., Macon, L. MONROE, THOMAS J. Lane, Atlanta ZAIINER A. Co. & Clement of Inc. Co. & Courts RIVES, Bank Brooke Byron Pierce, Fenner & Smith GEORGE Inc., MILLIKAN, TROY W. MONK, Lane, KNELLER, THOMAS HERNDON, Co. McCREA Upham .!. ANDREW CUYLER A. Courts REYNOLDS, Co., IF. JAMES Company, Co. & REVSON, Jr., ALFRED F. Atlanta & Space PHILIP MILNER, CARL R. Lane, Johnson, Macon Jr.. R. of & GRADY H. Courts Savannah Savannah FULWILER, WILLIAM H. Harris, Incorporated Kilpatrick & Co., Augusta Johnson, Co. Courts & Co. Johnson, Lane, Space & Co., Inc. FUNSTEN, MILLER, Company, Bank Evans A. REEVES, GEORGE First National Inc. Company, Incorporated FONVILLE, PERCY G. FRENCH. & Co., KLINE, Jr., S. S. Albany, Ga. & Merrill Lynch, Co. & J. KISH, Co. WALTER Goodbody FLEMING, A. RICHARD & Jr., Hutton F. KILPATRICK. C. HAY, & W. MERRY, ARTHUR H. MILHOUS, Evans A. KII.LEN, EUGENE H. Clisby HARRIS, LEONARD T. HARRIS, S. Inc. Dalton, Ga. Co Goodbody FITZGERALD, Inc., RALPH HARRIS, J. Goodoody FIRESTONE, STANFORD B. E. D. Hirshberg, Co. & R. ERNEST REES, 111, ARTHUR F. Hirschberg, Inc. JR., JOHN Co. JR., J. Clement National Inc. Inc. Company, McNeel & Co. FONVILLE JAMES Johnson, Augusta KENNEDY, JOHN LELAND Waggoner Inc. HARRIS, DAKIN B. Lynch, Pierce, FERRIS, Inc. & Rankin & REED, Co. & Evans III. RANKIN, Incorporated Co., & Morris First Company, JOHN R. Clement & MENDE, LEX Robinson-Humphrey KABLE, RICHARD P. & Inc., Co., E. A. T. IRVIN A. Clement McWHORTER, MEANS, M. and Space JONES, GUY R. Harris, Upham Bradford & Co. HARBOUR, Jr., F. The Funds of America, Inc. Mutual E. JOLLEY, Inc. Co. Johnson, Lane, Space & Co., Inc. & RICHARD FELKER. McNeel & A. CLEMENT Clement A. Inc. Hirshberg, THOMAS Lane, RAGSDALE. FINLAY ROLAND Jr., Robinson-Humphrey Company, The S. EUGENE (Associate) Waggoner KEN & Co. & RADFORD, & Co. Inc. D. Blair Inc., Co., and Space Savannah, Ga. LOWERY T. HAGOO.D, Norris McRAE, Courts Jr., Johnson, Macon Co. ERBESFIELD, Lane, JOHNSON, DENMARK Groover. PRITCHETT, W. Co. Jr., McNeel A. Neal Courts & McNEEL, GARNER Savannah T. & Company HOWARD Courts Inc., Co., Company of Georgia Wyatt. Equitable Securities Corporation McNAIR, Space & Lane, Johnson, Inc., A. PAUL Daines, GEORGE PORTER, Trust Frank Mrs. & PRESTON, Jr., SAMUEL W. Columbus McGAUGHY, Inc. Co., & JOHNSON, THOMAS M. & Space Grange GROOVER. Space Johnson, Lane, Space & Co., Inc. R. Lane, PAUL Southeastern First DAVID T. Johnson, JOHNSON, Savannah ELLIS, JOHN B. Inc. Co., N. Savannah JAMES GRIGGS, Evans A. Smith Neal Wyatt, Co. MILTON EISENBERG, & Fenner RANDOLPH PAGE & Waggoner GRIFFIN, & McDOUGAL. r - FREEMAN Lane, JOHNSON, F. Pierce, Inc. C. DOUGLAS EDWARDS, Christian, Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc., Philadelphia; Mr. Hayden, Stone & Co. Incorporated, New York Incorporated Savannah Co. Incorporated Co., & & Merrill FRAZER J. Hilsman H. F. Thursday, November 29, 1962 . Mcdonough, jr., john j. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith N. Space Lane, Jr., Johnson, STEVE C. LANDON DULANEY, Jack ^ JELKS, Continued from page 43 Mrs. roger M. FREEMAN Savannah MEMBERS OF & Wyatt, Neal & Waggoner JELKS, Johnson, ROSTER Mr. Mrs. & Mr. jacobs, E. . : Georgia Security Dealers Association J. . Inc. Incorporated FEDERAL — STREET, BOSTON 10, MASS. Liberty 2-6190 New York Tel.—WOrth 4-2463 Volume Mr. & Mrs. SMITH, 196 Morton Number II. RAYMOND WALKER, The Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc. SMITH, J. WILEY J. Lane, Johnson, & Co., Co., & Inc. J. A. Lane, H. and Co., Inc L^ne, and Co., Inc. STAFFORD, THOMAS STEINHAUER, & Corporation,Hew York ROBERTS, Petersburg Stock and Bond Club Arch Inc. Co. Lynch, Incorporated Inc. Inc. Thomson J. Co., Inc., H. Company, Eberstadt & P. E! FRANK JR., Bank & HENRY TROUSDAL, B. Johnson, Company, Inc. WISE, Space J. Co., & L. VARDAMAN, OWEN & Co., Inc. Vice-President: C. I. C. Smith B. Inc.; L. C. Co. & Co. Pont & Incorporated; Derwin B. Cruttenden, Smith, National Committeeman: Soren D. Nielsen, Blair & RALPH W. du Co. Podesta NSTA & Miller; Clifford U. Sadler, Davidson-V ink-Sadler, Inc. Co. Now Over Incorporated. Co. II, JAMES J. Alternate: William R. ROSTER BARNES, ALLEN PHILIP & IV, Lynch, BARRETT. Company, Company, Ronald Inc Company. Inc. Blair A. & Smith Bache Podesta Miller & CHAPIN, WILLIAM H. A. PATRICK Co. M. Blair Members Kidder & Co., Inc. & C. O. Co., Incorporated Incorporated ROBERTS, A. Jr., ALBERT Goodbody & Co. ROY ROBERTS, F. Goodbody Inc. III, & ALBERT Co. McKinnon & WILLIAM A. Merrill Lynch, Incorporated Merrill MARKETS Pierce, MAURICE Lynch, Fenner & Smith Fenner & Smith L. Pierce, Incorporated GAITHER, Francis T. I. du Pont & STOCKS Peninsular NEW ENGLAND SECURITIES GOOD, mm RAY GALLAGHER, JOHN Co. ja mum m** wlmBMIVI nrc F. Investments STANLEY Corp PAUL B. Thomson McKinnon & CORRESPONDENT HILL, HUGH A. M. KIDDER & STANLEY Pierce, Merrill Lynch, Incorporated CO., INC., NEW YORK • Fenner & Smith HOLLTS, A. BANK and INSURANCE STOCKS M. Kidder & HOUGH. R. JENNINGS, Blair Boston 9, Massachusetts & Co., KITCHEN, Open-end Telephone Wire to New York & L. & MALOOF, System Teletype—617 451-3470 MASON, NEWEY, . v v. MARKETS 423-0100 Teletype Frank S. Breen William E. Creamer George A. Stanley, Jr. Daniel L. Quinn Gerald J. D'Ambrosio Robert G. Carlson Charles M. Watt Robert A. D'Ambrosio D. TED Co. EDWARD GEORGE Cruttenden, ENGLAND E. C. Qoodbody & Co. 617 451-3463 Bradley Sullivan Smith Direct Wire to CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON, MASS. New York, CAnal 6-7000 T. Podesta JOHN & 50 K. Portland, Maine—Enterprise 2904 Hartford, Conn.-—Enterprise 6800 Telephone NEW Incorporated Goodbody & Co. Providence, R. I.—Enterprise 2904 serving Dealers Co. JOSEPH MacCONNIE, WALTER S. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Incorporated ' Boston—HUbbard 2-5500 and Co. RICHARD Bache York—CAnal 6-1613 & Brokers Inc. K. Hough ROBERT Goodbody JONES, Co., WILLIAM William MAG EIRE INC. & CO., ROY C. Securities Over-the-Counter for ■ 5,000 D. Incorporated CHURCHILL, WALTER R. FOISY, Milk Street, E. & RITCH, Jr., Co. Thomson J. B. Co., Securities C. Kidder & Co., M. Inc., SOREN & READ, EDMUND D. A. Investment Beaton Co., & Blair O'BRIEN, WALLACE Bache Ga. UTILITY and INDUSTRIAL Fenner R. FREDERIC & BOYD, Space & Co., Pierce, JOSEPH BEIL, Jr., Robinson-Humphrey Columbus, BOSTON MEMBERS NIELSEN, BEATON, RONALD A. Incorporated ALEXANDER Johnson, Lane, PRIMARY OF C. Incorporated WEST Hutton YOW, LAWSON S. The Robinson-Humphrey Inc. Hough, William R. Hough & Co. EUGENE F. Tindall & Company Jr., LAMAR M. F. The REUBEN Bell F. Incorporated Beil, Jr., Blair & Co. Incorporated. Treasurer: Albert Roberts, III, Goodhody & EMERSON, New R. Co. Gallagher, Peninsular Investments. Frederic Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith YEARLEY, & Waggoner 31 Goodbody Albert Roberts III E. Pat O'Brien Directors: William A. Emerson, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Athens Co., ZIMMERMAN, T. Neal Frederic C. Beil, Jr. President: John F. Savannah WAGGONER, Gallagher Cruttenden, E. SAMUEL L. Chisholm & Co. Varnedoe, W. WOOD, Inc. Wyatt, Neal & Waggoner VARNEDOE, Athens Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated DEAN Hirshberg, Co., Merrill Inc., Savannah, Ga. UNDERWOOD, John F. Merrill A. and & Miller Inc. LEE Incorporated WILLIS, Lane, Co., & E. Co., WILLBRAND, JOHN II. Albany WENDELL Merrill / REIDAR & & ELMER WELLINGTON, Atlanta Jr., C. Blair J. & FRANK WARNKE. Robinson-Humphrey Company, HOWARD C. Traywick & Company, Inc. TRAYWICK, E. Inc. Robinson-Humphrey Kidder Co. & Francis Co., M. B. Podesta CONNY Secretary: E. Pat O'Brien, Bache & Co. WILLIAMSON, TOMPKINS, A. Albany of E. RICHARD Hilsman DERWIN Goodbody WILLIAMS, Jr., THOMAS. Inc. Company, Co. & WIGHT. Co. National H. Co. Cruttenden, WIEGAND, Jr., A. FRANK The TAYLOR, McKinnon & E. .v TRANGAS. J. J. Courts WILLIAM SMITH. Inc. Hilsman WHITE. Incorporated SULLIVAN, Smith WHITE, CARL R. Courts & ache Goodbody Tillman-Whitaker Incorporated Evans SCHULTE, WARD. JAMES & SCARBROUGH, LEMUEL 1 Courts & Co., Fenner U. Davidson-Vink-Sadler, Inc. G. Co., MARSHALL WHITAKER, Pierce, CLIFFORD SADLER, WHELCHEL, Jr., WILLIAM PINCKNEY STOCKS, FRANK T. Clement A. & W. Roberts Merrill ROBERT G. Courts Co., ARCH W. ROUTMAN, HERSHEL Inc. Inc. STEWART, THOMAS W. Johnson, Lane, Space & Wyatt, Hanseatic Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith McNeel & Co. Company, EUGENE R. Hirshberg, & Norris York Courts & Co. STEVENSON, JR., FRANK Howard & WEATHERS, HAROLD STEADMAN, C. ELLIOTT Johnson, Lane, Space & The Co., SAMUEL WELLBORN, H. St. Robinson-Humphrey WATT, ' H. Co. STAGG, JOHN M. The Robinson-Humphrey J. New WATSON, III, JOHN L. The Bradford & Fulton Ohlandt, New York Hanseatic Corporation, New York; Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Ronan, JAMES W. & Hirshberg, Inc. Norris Space Savannah, Ga. F. Mrs. John D. Incorporated WALLS, Johnson Blair & Hilsman Merrill Space Savannah Norris Mrr & McVey, - Columbus Hilsman H. WALKER, Space SPACE, JULIAN B. C. Mrs. George M. WALLACE, Jr., ROY W. SPACE, JULIAN J. & 45 WALKER, HAROLD L. Co. Johnson, Augusta Mr. WALKER, FLOYD L. • Norris & Hirshberg, Inc. SMITH, WALTER & and Financial Chronicle CURTIS A. Walker i SIDNEY M. Courts The Commercial Weiss, Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc., New York; Lehman Brothers, New York Clisby & Co., Macon SMITH, 6216 & Miller 46 Mr. & Mrs. The Commercial arid Financial Chronicle , Casper Rogers, Casper Rogers <ft Co., Inc., New York; May <ft Gannon, Inc., Boston Mrs. & Mr. John A. & Thursday, November 29, 1962 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Cabbie, Burns Bros. & Denton, Inc., New York; Sidney Jacobs Co., New York McCue, ton Bond Club of Phoenix ... Company, Incorporated; C. Rex Rhoads, Heller, Rhoads & Hunter Securities, Inc.; Randolph E. Soranson, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated; Philip M. Young, Refsnes, 1 Ely, Beck & Co. Mrs. Sidney Jacobs, Mr. & MINNICK, EDWIN Refsnes, Ely, Beck & Co. MORONEY, WILLIAM Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated MYERS, TOM National V\. • Committeeman: Philip M. Young, Refsnes, Ely, Beck & Co. ■■ E. , Hutton F. & Company, Incorporated NEWELL, DUNCAN H. Valley National Bank of Arizona ROSTER OF NIXON, FRANCIS MEMBERS V. NORMAN, WILLIAM FRED C. Lynch, Pierce, CLAPP, ANDLAUER, Hi ^ Merrill Ivl Smith Fenner Incorporated Jr., HAZEN S. Cleef, Jordan, Wood, Arnold & Hutton ( F. & Company, Incorporated Miller Witter Dean ' V IF Hazen S. Arnold, Jr. Richard Hauser President: Hazen S. Arnold, Jr., BELL, Co. & & Co. Ratigan Lynch, Pierce, Incorporated Smith I. Incorporated f & Co. A. BUNDY, Treasurer: Peter J. Ratigan, William R. Staats & Co. Directors: Hazen S. Arnold, jr., Van Cleef, Jordan, Wood, Arnold First William Witter CARLIN, Co.; & Merrill Smith Andrew B. Loper, Valley National Bank of Arizona; James F. R. Staats JAMES Arizona R. Inc. OSMENT, II, CLARENCE E. Walston & Co., Inc. & RABE, JOHN F. E. Co. The MICHAEL Fenner & William GEORGE Jr., Arizona Waddell & Reed, & Company, R. William R. Staats & Co. Staats & Co. REFSNES, JOSEPH E. Refsnes, Ely, Beck & Co. G. Inc. JOSEPH L. Refsnes, Ely, Beck & Co. REFSNES, GRAY, JACK M. Powell, McGowan, Inc. E. F. Hutton & Company, Incorporated RHOADS, C. REX Heller, Rhoads & Hunter VINCENT Valley National Bank of Arizona ROGERS, FRANCIS HALL, a R. F. Securities, HART, HAUSER, The RICHARD Witter Dean & Witter Dean & I. ROSS, & A. Heller, a & century]} Fenner SCOTT, Jr., THOMAS b. The Scott Corporation, & Scottsdale Incorporated SENA, JOE HOLLAND, ROBERT Dean E. Witter & Co. IIOLMAN, JOHN G. Francis I. du Pont Co. Hutton MELVIN A. SMITH, Valley National Bank of Arizona JONES, PAUL Valley National Bank of Arizona through public offerings and LAMBUTH, Merrill WILLIAM Company Investments R. Smith Inc. investment Francis john du I. LEE, EUGENE S. Valley National Bank of Arizona LOFTUS, BRIAN The STREET, LOS ANGELES 14, CALIFORNIA New York Stock Exchange, American 1 Bank swanson, topf, Valley National Bank of Arizona ' du I. LOPER, ANDREW B. Stock Pont & SAN DIEGO, SANTA LOS SAN ANGELES, JOSE, SAN ORANGE, CRUZ ARIZONA: PHOENIX, FRANCISCO, Bank William R. Staats bensciioten, REDLANDS, van SHERMAN OAKS, PALO of Arizona & Co. peter vidrine, kirby l. DOUGALL, DONALD Refsnes, Ely, Beck & Co. BEVERLY Co. henry o. MAC PASADENA, Co. carl t. National First McCRACKEN, FLOYD A. CALIFORNIA: & STOUFFER, Jr., JAMES B. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated LONGSTRETH, Jr., EDWARD Shearson, Hammill & Co. Exchange (Assoc.), Pacific Coast Stock Exchange , Arizona Francis w. Pont george f. stoeberl, securities Co. Pierce, Fenner & Lynch, Francis I. du Pont & Co. William R. Staats & Co. & Incorporated stephens, i LEE, BENTON M. Staats soranson, randolph e. Lambuth & private placements of securities members: Incorporated Witter & Co. Dean William 640 SOUTH SPRING Company, JAMES, CHARLES E. PROGRESS established 1887 & HAROLD simpson, dee c. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated ' Securities, Inc. WESTERN F. SHAPIRO, & HUNTER, WILLIAM J. Heller, Rhoads & Hunter contributing to Co. & SCHER, MARK Shearson, Hammill & Co. Inc. HILLYARD, Jr., JAMES Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Smith Co. & JAMES C. Witter Dean Sons MARVIN S. Rhoads & Hunter Securities, Witter SAVILLE, Edwards G. Co. SAM Dean Co. HEINZ, FLOYD HELLER, C. Arizona Co. Pont du Inc. of ROSENCRANS, SHELDON D. Walston & Co., Inc. HAYES, MICHAEL Francis First Co. HAVER, Jr., FORREST E. fFor three-quarters of Incorporated PETER J. reece, emory F. F. Bank KENNETH GILLESPIE, Hutton F. RATIGAN, Witter & Co. GERMAN, STANLEY B. POWELL, ELMER J. Powell, McGowan, Inc. B. WENDELL Witter Dean Lynch, Pierce, Incorporated MAURICE Co., Refsnes, Ely, Beck & Co. Co. GARRETT, ROBERT L. Co. & & Witter & Co. Dean of CHRISTIANSEN, ALAN H. 'Refsnes, Ely, Beck & Co. McGinnis, Shearson, Hammill & Co.; John F. Rabe, E. F. Hut- Staats R. GARRETT, J. Bank & PICKERT, HAROLD L. E. F. Hutton & Company FELTER, Co. S. National Co. PLENINGER, William BURNS, THOMAS B. Miller; Edward J. Birmingham, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Incorporated; Richard Hauser, Dean JOHN & Co. & ELLIS, KENNETH A. Dean Edwards Pont Offerman ELBERT, MICHAEL Shearson, Hammill & Co. JIM G. Co. OWEN, JOHN G. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated C. Shearson, Hammill & Co. BIRMINGHAM, EDWARD J. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Witter & Co. du I. E. Walston Company, Pont du DUNBAR, KIRK Fenner & BENZEL, WILLIAM Valley National Bank of Arizona Van Cleef, Jordan, Wood, Arnold BORST, Smith Staats & DAVIS, LELAND J. Francis Merrill Secretary: Carl T. Swanson, First National Bank of Arizona. & R. I Hutton F. BELL, THOMAS P. Peter J. & Miller. & E. & OFFERMAN, LEWIS E. O'NEILL, Jr., CROWE, WILLIAM Inc. ERNEST William Carl T. Swanson Vice-President: Richard Hauser, Dean McGowan, Pont du OAKLEY, Jr., BERFORD S. Lewis COUTCHIE, RICHARD E. ASKEW, LESLIE Powell, I. Francis GEORGE E. ARNOLD, Van Staats & Co. COPP, ' ' ROBERT A. William R. & Francis E. F. Hutton & Company, Incorporated HILLS, Shearson, ALTO, Hammill & Co. Kirby L. Vidrine Co. wade', robert g. McGINNIS, JAMES F. Shearson, Hammill & SCOTTSDALE Co. Valley National Bank of Arizona MERENESS, HARRY 1 Shearson, Hammill & i Co. webster, arthur i. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith WILLIAM E. Cleef, Jordan, Wood, Incorporated MILLER, Van • Arnold & Miller Inc. yqung, philip m. Refsnes, Ely, Beck* & Co. Volume William 196 Number 6216 . . . 47 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Denney, Doyle, O'Connor & Co., Inc., New York; James L. Beebe, William R. Staats <£ Los Angeles; Jack Wertheim, Wertheim & Co., New York; Clemens T. Lueker, Hill Richards & Co., Incorporated, Los Angeles Florida Security Dealers Association Parks Co., Pedrick, Howard, Weil, Labouisse, Friedrichs and Company, New Orleans; Charles R. O'Donnell, Nichol & O'Donnell, Inc., Pensacola, Fla.; Charles M. Thompson, Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern Corp., Jacksonville; John Bonham, First Alabama Securities, Inc., Montgomery Nolting, CORYA, ATWILL, JR., WILLIAM Bache Goodbody & Co., Miami BARNIIART, NEIL Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Palm Incorporated, THOMAS BARRETT, Sincere and A. Kidder M. Fla. Co.. Inc. Beach, Fla. M. GANSON Kierier and DE Miami, St. Kidder Si M. Petersburg DICKSON, Smith A. M. Evans Si Inc., Company, KIRK T. Atlanta Co., JUSTIN R. Kidder & Co., Inc., JOSEPH Eaton Howard, & Hollywood, Fla. E. Incorporated Jacksonville Co WILLIAM E. ELLIS, JOE F. Tnc. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Merrill Beach • , EARL Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Miami Incorporated, R. Continued Kidder & Co., Inc., Clearwater on page Fla. BOSWELL, NELSON J. Robert J. Pierce Henry M. Ufford William R. Hough A. C. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Si Smith Incorporated, Calvin Bullock, Ltd., Miami. Carrison, Wulbern, Inc., Jacksonville. Jacksonville WALLACE BOYD Vice-President: Robert J. Pierce, Pierce, L. B. Merrill President: Henry M. Ufford, Lauderdale, Fla. Allyn & Co., Ft. FOWEN, Bache & A. St. Co.. Lester, Ryons & Co. Petersburg EUGENE BOYLESTON, W. Merrill Secretary-Treasurer: William R. Hough, William R. Hough & Co., St. Petersburg. BRADFISCH, Governors: Loomis C. Orlando; Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Si Smith Incorporated, Orlando Leedy, Jr., Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc., Fred B. Clark, John Nuveen <% Co., Miami; Zoltan Salkay, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Jacksonville; Arch W. Roberts, Arch W. Roberts, St. Petersburg;. Lee P. Moore, A. M. Kidder & Co., Inc., Winter Park. EUGENE Thomson OF G., ROBERT • CHARLES ALLEN, Petersburg, Goodbody & Co., St. Allen Fla. ADAMS, WILLIAM L. Sarasota, Fla. AEYRS, Leedy, A. Palm Beach A. Jr., FERG. F. New Ycrk Allyn Palm ARRIES, Alleman. Inc., Orlando D. E. T. Investment Co., Palm Beach DON E. Arries & CHARLES & Co.. Miami ROBERT BUSBEY, Fl u RIVERSIDE HUGH M. Kidder Si Co., GIRARD N. Fla. H. GEORGE Inc. O. W. Jr. CERF, Sr., FLOYD Floyd Cerf, D. Company Childress & CO. Chicago and Thomson Si CHURCHILL, SAUNDERS, STIVER & CO. Cleveland John Nuveen Jacksonville % Daytona WM. St. members: Colonial Pacific Coast Stock Exchange COOK, 453 South MAdison Spring 7-4191 Street Los Angeles Teletype 213 13. Calif. 683-0614 ,y, (MRS.) III Goodbody & Co., Cocoa, Fla. COGGESHALL, B. J. |:| WELLS Distributors, Inc.. New York City ii1 ROBERT H. J. Van Ingen Si Co., Inc.. Miami COOK, THOMAS M. Thomas M. West Palm Cook MORQAN & CO Petersburg Miami Co.. CLAYTON, ELIZABETH S. EVANS MacCORMACK & CO., Inc. Bearh B. Si municipal securities R. McKinnon. CLARK, FRED of corporate and f. m M. McKinnon. WALTER Thomson & dealers and distributors B. Company, CHRYST, JOHN STIFEL, NICOLAUS & COMPANY, INCORPORATED St.: Louis * underwriters, It! CHILDRESS, FRANCIS BIRR, WILSON & CO., Inc., San Francisco ' D. Jr. Miami Incorporated, ' II Company m connecting wires to '/ H ■ ■ n Incorporated, Chicago SINGER, BEAN & MACKIE, INC. New York \A UM CERF, Jr., FLOYD D. Cerf, ' c ii § Tallahassee Floyd D. / 111. Jacksonville CATES, , •> Carrison, Wulbern. Pierce, ' px# Bradenton. H. M. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Si Smith Incorporated, Jacksonville CARRISON, ' Inc.. Tallahassee CARRERE, Corporate Securities GLENDALE HOLLYWOOD POMONA REDLANDS WHlVflER SANTA MONICA SANTA ANA Inc.. C. Barcus, Kindred & Co., Chicago. _ ENCINO PASADENA OCEANSIDE SAN DIEGO D. CARLSON, DON A. :; V: CORONA DEL MAR CLAREMONT Orlando Co., A Inquiries Invited Member Telephone MA 5-7111 E. Goodbody Si Co., BURTON J. VINCENT 17, California Hope Lauderdale, CAMPBELL, Direct and Street, Los Angeles Teletype LA 1565-1566 w/ Southern California Hope LONG BEACH & Sanders Si Co., Fla. Vance, A. 1 COVERAGE OF ' Goodbody & Co., Miami, Fla. BUSH, DAVID Company, Tampa, Fla. : So. Corner Wilshire and Lake Wales, S. Harrison CALDER, on -V • 623 Sarasoia EDWARD II, H. Fort Your ■ F. Inc.. Company, BRUCE BURNS, W. Beach MOST COMPLETE RETAIL 111. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Orlando John Inc., Orlando ' Merrill Games ANDERSON, M. Ingen & Co., Inc., and ' ;'v FOR THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Kidder M. BUCIIER, Co. & Van Sincere City MONROE Wheeler & C. coral Inc.. Group. J. • - OFFICES Ga. Chicago, Co., BUCHANAN, FRANCIS C. Tarrytown, N. ,Y. Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, ALLEMAN, Lakeland ANDERSON. PHILIP R. JOHN LEAVITT Distributors ALLEMAN. Co., B. Atlanta, Co., & ' V' 16 J. BRUNDAGE, C. IRA Goodbody & Co., AIIBE, EVERETT ANDERSON, DAVID F. Axe Securities Corporation, Inc., Adams, Sloan & Co., J. & Si B. ROBERT B. Nuveen BROSIUS, A Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc., Orlando A, DONALD Abbett 111. & Co., Chicago, Kindred Barcus, IiRINKER, ALLEN, GEORGE D. Lauderdale Goodbody & Co., Ft. ADAMS, RICHARD J. RRASHLER, John ACKERMAN, DISTRIBUTORS OF UNDERWRITERS AND Shores, INVESTMENT SECURITIES BRAYSHAVV. MEMBERS Miami Fla. I ord. ROSTER Palm Beach P. McKinnon, Si Pacific Coast Stock Exchange • Thomson & McKinnon, West BRADY, NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERS American Stock Exchange (Assoc.) THEODORE & Company, Beach, Fla. Inc., , IH . Boston, Mass. P. McKinnon. Si ROSAY, Jr., KINGSLEY A. BIEL, HOWARD Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Si Incorporated, A. M. Fla. Mullaney, Wells & Co.. Chicago. III. Petersburg St. Si EATON. Surfside, DAVIS, DEWITT Petersburg L. Company, Courts DUSARD, ELLIOTT, Beach BEIL, Jr., FREDERIC C. Blair & Co., Incorporated, St. ItlEDER. Co., LEO Thomson Goodbody & Co., Palm DORNBUSH, Leesburg, Fla. EDWIN S. CROUCH, A. Atlanta, Ga. Jacksonville, Jacksonville Palm WILLIAM Clement O. A. The Atlantic National Bank of & Jr., JERE DODD, JAMES CRANFORD, Bache Florida Growth Co., Co., JOHN MATTINA, Adams, Sloan Si Co., Inc., New York City M. W. GEORGE CROOKS, BATEMAN, FRANK B. BATEMAN, Fla. Beach. Merrill Lynch. Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated. Jacksonville Fla. Bradenton. Di A. Palm Co.. Bache Si Fla. Ft. Myers, B. & Si COURTNEY, CRAIG, E. Company, HARRY BARTON. Beach. LESTER 634 South Spring Street, Pacific Coast Stock Exchange Los Angeles 14, MAdison 5-1611 FULLERTON • CORONA DEL MAR teletype 213 683-0142 48 48 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Harry J. Hudepohl, Westheimer and Company, Cincinnati; James F. Moriarty, W. E. Hutton & Cincinnati; George H. Musekamp, G. H. Musekamp & Co., Cincinnati; Murray L. Barysh, Ernst & Co., New York Florida Security Dealers Association Lewis Co., MEMBERS OF Serlen, Josephthal & Co., New York; Ed Armstrong, Stein Sidney A. Siegel, Sidney A. Siegel & Co., Inc., New York; Wm V. Frankel & Co. Incorporated, New York GAUNTT, WILLIAM L. Thornton, Mohr, Farish & Gauntt, Montgomery, Ala. A. M. Kidder IOLLEY, Inc., Co., Inc., Boca Raton, Fla. Continued from page 47 EMERSON, WILLIAM Merrill Lynch, FOISY, M. L. Incorporated. St. Petersburg Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, St. FOSTER, Jr., Petersburg Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Incorporated, John J. Incorporated, Fenner & Smith & Mohr, Farish Montgomery, Ala. Co., New York City H. W. Beach, Fla. Freeman FREEMAN, A. Incorporated. Pierce, Fenner & Smith ROBERT FULLER, ROBERT Orlando A. M. Kidder Beach, FITZGERALD, H. SCOTT Putnam Fund & Gauntt, Inc. Distributors, Inc., Inc., Sarasota Inc., Pompano HERMAN A. Allyn & C. Winter Park, Fla. Miami Parker Corporation, St. Petersburg. Fla. A. selling any stock DAVID M. Kidder GUNBY, A. D. M. Co., Inc., DeLand Frank Group, Inc., St. Petersburg, Trust MERRILL MAY, J. Wainwright & Ramsey, Inc., Miami • a i - v: . , ■ . .. giant,new WALL STREET John H. Harrison Co., M. J McKAY. Allyn & Co., Melbourne, Fla. & Barcus, Kindred & Co., Chicago, 111. complete information * Net * Up * * change from previous close or down tick from previous sale * Previous close if stock not opened * ever offered: price, last sale so identified Dividend rate, including footnote kymbol Dividend Yield at current B. J. Van M. Ingen & Co. Inc., Miami Kidder & Co., Inc., High and low for the day current Bid-Asked quotation every 3 * Ex-dividend stocks identified all day & Exclusively on R. HOUSTON, Co., color brochure sent on List of most active stocks Co., St. Petersburg T. Incorporated, Miami C. J. W. Co., Incorporated, St. Petersburg Inc., Fla. ROBERT E. O'BRIEN, EDWIN P. Sincere C. Corporation, 1 T. Inc., Orlando, Fla. and | Company, Chicago, & Company, 111. O'BRIEN, F. X. JAMES Goodbody & Co., Miami, Fla. O'DONNELL, CHARLES R. Nolting, Nichol & O'Donnell Pensacola, Fla. OLDAG, CARL Inc., K. Atlantic National Bank J. of Jacksonville Jacksonville Inc., I Allyn CYRUS & Co., F. Van Ingen Beach T. & Co., (Mrs.) T. Nelson O'Rourke, Inc., Daytona Beach W. Palm BOICE Inc., Miami JR., T. NELSON O'Rourke, Inc., Nelson Daytona Beach, Fla. Members: Pacific Coast Stock Exchange Lauderdale Thomas request. West M. Palm JESTER, Cook & Crowell, Weedon & Co. Investment Securities JACKSON, EDGAR W. DeWITT EDWIN T. 1 . T. Thomson & McKinnon, Coral JOHNSON, The DAVID JOHNSON, Roman 60 Broad St., New York 4, 222 West Adams St., Chicago 6, lll./STate 2-1815 • Offices also in: Boston, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Miami, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Francisco, Syracuse, Washington JOHNSON, MAdison 0-1850 Gables, Fla. Corona del Mar Laguna Beach Pasadena A. Johnson, Ft. Lauderdale Covina JOHN T. Lord, Abbett & Co., Atlanta, Ga. JOHNSON, . Los Angeles 14 Ga. GORDON & Spring Street T. Johnson, Lane, Space Corporation, Savannah, • Established in 1932 Company Beach 629 South South Miami ISAACSON, OSCAR JESTER, • NO WELL, Miami, Fla. Co., Inc., Miami Beach Meredith MILLER, Miami Co., E. Goodbody & Co., Orlando HERBERT M. Kidder & & Pensacola. , Beach Thomson & McKinnon, Tampa N.Y./Dlgby 4-0400 & NOLTING, CARL W. Nolting, Nichol & O'Donnell, ;' O'ROURKE, B. WILLIAM B. Thomson & McKinnon, Ft. full Barrington Ave., Los Angeles 64, Calif. / GRanite 8-8251 D. Newman ROBERT HULETT, Write for your free copy. 2231 South FRANK D. HUCKLE, JOSEPH F. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith minutes QUOTRONII new Beach M. Kidder & Co., Inc., Blair v - G. JOSEPH MERRILL, Jr., A. Hough & HUBERT West Palm Jacksonville Miami, Petersburg J. ' Co., Inc. NIELSEN, PAUL T. Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern, Inc. - Corporation, . W. J. Meredith & Co., W. & City O'ROURKE, FRANCES B. Clearwater Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Miami Beach Beautiful T. W. Goodbody & Co., Tampa Hourly exchange volume * PAUL Orlando HARRISON Goodbody William price Market averages up-dated of Securities Securities MEREDITH, Miami Beach HOUGH, WILLIAM R. Cumulative volume-each stock Bank McNICHOL, A. York NEWMAN, MEREDITH, JOHN W. HOPPER, Price-earnings ratio at Tampa McLEOD, DAVIS C. St. of NELSON, WILLIAM A. Roman & Johnson, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. A. IIODGE, EDWARD C. A. price Corporation, WILLIAM Ga. McMAHON, Bank National Kidder M. Frank 1IIGLEY, JOHN P. Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc., Miami HOLLOWELL, RALPH D.. Earnings, previous 4 quarter total Opening price * * Flash Space C. HERBERT Trust HENANN, HARVEY I. Last Sale fS. Oscar E. Dooly & Co., Co., Inc., Stuart, Fla. WILLIAM E. Williajn R. Hough & Co., St. Tampa Sullivan, Nelson & Goss, Inc. Goodbody & Co.. Tampa HAWK, ROY T. HEIST, FLOYD L. Most Atlanta, Inc., Inc., Miami, Fla. NIELSEN, SOREN D. McGAUGHY, Equitable STEWART Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc. Kidder National Wulbern, NELSON, CARL L. Atlanta, Ga. Miami, Fla. Inc. Orlando, Fla. HARTMAN, A. Miami, Fla. Georgia, Lane, III, Co., Ingen & Co. Atlantic New Goodbody & Co., Miami, Fla. First & Carrison, NEWMAN. McCULLOUGH HARRISON, JOHN H. M. Co., L. NEAL, Jr., HARRY J. McCREEDY, C. T. Sarasota A. PHILIP Johnson, & FRED Jacksonville C. of Co., Inc., Jacksonville MYHR, ANDERS F. Lakeland Shearson, Hammill & Co., HARDY, ROBERT CARLISLE C. R. McCLURE, LOUIS Sarasota A. Inc., Jacksonville IIARDY, HILDA H. Hardy, Hardy & Associates, Inc. Orlando. Fla. COMPUTER CENTER! Jr., J. & Hammill & Van J. The Newman Company Jr., The Hardy, Hardy & Associates, Inc. ...fromQUOTRON It's ;•'••• D. MATHEWS. , HALL. Pierce, B. MARTINEZ, P., EDMUNDO J. GUNTHER, CAS Fla. printed price analysis & JOHN Kidder MURPHY, G. P. M. Co., Co., New York MURPHEY, III, DAVID R. MARSHMAN, EDWARD N. A. C. Allyn & Co., Pompano Beach, Fla. Co., Inc., DeLand, Fla. KIRK Kidder Distributors get a last-second & Fla. Co., Inc., Tampa Kidder & M. Shearson, G. M. JAMES & Jacksonville, Fla. Lauderdale Kidder & K. M. MTJLLIKIN, Jr., S. Johnson, Ft. JOSEPH | MULLINS, WILLIAM H. Goodbody & Co., Sarasota, Fla. DENVER M. MANN. A. GUNBY, A. or FRED Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Palm Beach buying & MANDESE. GUENTHER, Before KARL Roman Ocala Goodbody & Co., Pompano Beach, Fla. Kidder & Co.. Inc., Miami MADSEN Inc., MULLETT, EDWIN S. W. LUDEMAN, DOUGLAS H. Goodbody & Co., Miami, McKinnon, Miami Beach III, Weld MORLEY, A. Birmingham GRACE, I JAMES I. The L. McKinnon, Orlando JOSEPH P. Stubbs, Watkins & Lombardo, Inc. BENJAMIN & C. I.OMBARDO, Inc., Co., MORGAN, KNEALE Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated. Miami Pensacola HARRY Jr., A. M. E. Wellington Distributors, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Thomson Co., LINK, & Kidder & Co.. Inc., Winter Park M. White, LOOMIS G. Kidder MOORE, A. NATHANIEL Thomson & ALBERT A. Leedy, Wheeler <fc Alleman, Inc., Orlando LEWIS. M. MOORE, LEE P. Co., Pierce, Fenner & Smith Lynch, LEEDY, Jr.. W. ROBERT W. Thomson & McKinnon, GORDON, Fla. GADE, THOMAS & Thornton, Mohr, Farish & Gauntt, Inc., Montgomery, Ala. A. Fla. Incorporated, Beach GOULD, Atlanta, Ga. Pierce, Fenner & Smith Miami GOGGIN, T. Co., Dunedin, LAY, III, JAMES Merrill Incorporated, Hammill Baltimore; MISCHUCK, TED E. Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc., Orlando MOORE, BUDD Ingen & Co., Inc., Miami Shearson, Bros. & Boyce, Joe Donadio, MOHR. Jr., SIDNEY J. K. Co., Incorporated, St. Petersburg KNOX, WILLIAM SCUDDER GIFFORD, HARRY Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Palm Beach, Fla. Palm C. & Fla. Salomon Brothers & Hutzler, Myers - RICHARD & B. J. Van Dooly & Co., Miami, GLEASON, Co., Ft. Kidder & Co., M. FINCH, Jr., F. D. Merrill Lynch, & E. GIVENS, J. J. FREEMAN, HOWARD W. Salomon Brothers & Hutzler, Oscar Merrill Lynch, Thornton, EWING, EDWIN H. Palm Pierce, Fenner & Smith Delray Beach FRAZER. NIMROD T. Orlando DAVID Nuveen THOMAS G. Merrill Lynch, ENZOR, W. W. EVERARD, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Blair Ga. KENNEDY, RICHARD E. CERRISH, ROBERT G. Merrill Lynch, A. LEX Robinson-Humphrey Company, Inc., The Atlanta, JONES, & Thursday, November 29, 1962 . "Hank" GEAR, L. RUSSELL ROSTER . . Petersburg t Long Beach Van Nuys Volume 196 Number 6216 . The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . . Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Ronan, New York Hanseatic Corporation, New York; Mr. & Mrs. John D. Ohlandt, Jr., New York Hanseatic Corporation, New York; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dorsey, Bache & Co., New York (Celebrating Mrs. Dorsey's Birthday) F. Tisch, Fitzgerald & Company, awarding prize "Skipper" Hat to Edward J. Kelly, Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Co.—-Jack Barker, Lee Higginson Corporation, New York (left) and Arthur Salomon, Salomon Brothers & Hutzler, New York (right) look ^on Alfred O'ROURKE, T. WILLIAM A. Courts & Thomson & Miami HARRY Brothers Salomon Palm Ga. M. EDMOND Jacksonville Kidder & M. Fla. C. A. Co., Inc., Hollywood, West PHELPS, ORIN M. The Phelps Company, PIERCE, CLYDE Miami, Fla. ^ C. - Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc., Orlando PIERCE, ROBERT J. Carrison, Inc. PRESCHER, HARRY C. A. C. Allyn & Co., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Hammill & Co., Sarasota, Fla. EDMUND A. VOAST, C. Allyn Co., Inc., St. Southwest M. GARLAND Kidder & & WAGNER, HARRY ROBERT BEARD, & mmmm St. Petersburg, ROBINSON, C. Co. Continued on page zmmtmm , P. Co., Inc. EDWARD B. Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern, Inc. Jacksonville Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern, Fla. Wholesale and Retail Distributor Inc., Jacksonville, Fla. ZEIENTZ, MYRON S. L. Inc., Orlando Bache & Co., Miami, Fla. LIFE, FIRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE STOCKS Dallas Security Dealers Association Fla. W. Fla. GILBERT II. Line Value Petersburg, St. & WEST COAST SECURITIES St. Petersburg Co., JOHN Goodbody Fla. Petersburg ROBERTS, JR., ALBERT & BINFORD, Company ROBERTS, III, ALBERT ARCH Equitable Securities Corporation CONNALLY Co., Inc. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Goodbody D. J. BEATIE, MARION A. Rauscher, Pierce & Co., Inc. j BERNET, JR., ALBERT E. Schneider, Bernet & Hickman, Inc. B1LHEIMER, Jr., WILLIAM E. Shearson, Hammill & Co. Company Merrill ROBERTS, Co. M. REMILLARD, ROBERT Goodbody & Co., FLOYD WULBERN, C. Lauderdale, Ft. Co., Dallas Corporation & Co. Jr., SAMUEL W. WULBERN, EDWARD R. VONDERHAAR, Inc. HUGH Metropolitan SAUL P. Inc. BALDWIN, Ft. Lauderdale, ADRIAN & Co., Palm Beach Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, D. Kidder & A. Bache RACHT, JR., CHARLES A. M. WRIGHT, Co., Parker, Ford and Company, Inc. UASS, BAUMGARTNER, Rotan, Mosle & Company Perkins & Co., N. Y; City Co. BADGETT, CHARLES S. WOODRUM, ROBERT P. Goodbody & Co., Clearwater, Fla. JOHN RYN, WALTER First Southwest Wulbern. Jacksonville C. ARTHUR J. Arthur Wiesenberger & FREDERICK Carrison, Pierce, 1 Bullock, Ltd., Clearwater Calvin VAN BADER, BAKER, WILLIAMS, Palm Beach, Fla. McKinnon, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Palm Beach RALPH J. Shearson, <fe HENRY M. & E. JAMES H. RIES Securities Union Goodbody First Merrill Lynch, Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc., Orlando READ, Thomson Miller FRANK AVEN, GENE Shearson, Hammill WHITEHEAD, C. S. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Miami : Jr., Hutzler & CHARLES H. TUTTLE, Van Wulbern, Jacksonville POWELSON, L. Dallas BARNETT, A. L. Walker, Austin & Waggener Sanford, Fla. & Co., JEROME C. UNDERHILL, PAUL L. Pierce, Allyn UFFOR.D, Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern, Inc. Jacksonville PIERCE, C. BAMBENEE, J. P. Murdoch, Hauser, AUSTIN, Goodbody & Co., St. Petersburg Tripp & Co., Inc., New York City VV. Inc. I Palm Beach WHEELER. ALFRED WILLIAM APPEL, „■ GORDON J. TRIPP, j Brothers Salomon Jr., Eppler, Guerin & Turner, Inc. William Birmingham, Ala. WATSON, JAMES' P. Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern, Inc. TOLL, A. CHARLES ANDERSON, P. Brothers—One Department, Birmingham, Ala. WATKINS, Jr., MILES A. Stubbs, Watkins & Lombardo, P. Atlanta, Co., THOMPSON, E. Hutzler & & JOSEPH JR., Lehman Beach PETERSON, A. WALKER, Fla. Miami Beach, & Co., B. THOMAS, B. Courts McKinnon, JR., Allyn White, Weld & Co., New York City J. Co., Atlanta, Ga. CECIL B. PETERSEN, C. SWICK, THEODORE PENDERGRAST, THOMAS PEPPER, ERWIN STUGARD, F. Nelson O'Rourke, Inc., Daytona Beach, Fla. ROBINSON, Funds, Sarasota, Fla. WALTER C. GOREY CO. HUGH B. Merrill Lynch, Incorporated, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Orlando Russ — Building, San Francisco 4 ROCK, LEWIS B. The YUkon 6-2332 Phelps Co., Miami, Fla. ROLLINS, JR., BROOK H. Sincere and Company, Winter Haven, System — Teletype 415 393-9660 John C. Legg & Company, Baltimore & N. Y. C. Singer, Bean & Machie, Inc., New York Fla. GRANT Johnson, Ft. Lauderdale ROMAN, U. Roman & ROSS, Wire STANLEY E. J. Van Ingen & Co., Inc., Miami, Fla. ROUTH, D. T. Ingen & Co., Inc., Miami, Fla. B. B. J. Van RUDOLPH, C. COURTLAND Arch W. Roberts, St. Petersburg, Fla. Norval A. Keith Derry M. Hilger Harry F. Reed C. Thomas May, Jr. Specialists in Western Securities SADLER, CLIFFORD U. Davidson-Vink-Sadler, Petersburg, Fla. Inc., President.: Derry M. Hilger, Rauscher, Pierce & Co., Inc. St. ZOLTAN Pierce, Fenner & Smith SALKAY, Merrill Lynch, Vice-President: Norval A. Keith, Schneider, Bernet & Hickman, \ BROKERS \ DEALERS Inc. Incorporated, Jacksonville, Fla. H. SANFORD, LOUIS Bache & A. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Inc., Tampa J. Miami Beach, Fla. M. Committeemen: Winton A. Jackson, Company, Vero Eeach, Fla. SHORE, ALBERT P. Miami Beach, Fla. } MERGERS and REORGANIZATIONS Company; Samuel \ MUNICIPAL UNDERWRITINGS and DISTRIBUTIONS Robert A. Almon, Walker, Austin \ ADVISORY SERVICE TO MUNICIPALITIES & OVER-THE-COUNTER SECURITIES Company, Inc. Alternates: Norval A. Miami, ^ MARKETS IN LEADING First Southwest Company; C. Thomas May, Jr., Parker, Ford and Company, Inc.; Howard J. Speer, Shumate & SHUMATE, J. BERNARD John David Robb, Keith, Schneider, Bernet & Hickman, Inc.; Schwabacber Dallas Union Securities Co., Inc. Miami, Fla. WINN C. Allyn & Co., Elected: SIMPSON, J. A. SMITH, Tallahassee and Company, Sincere F. Smith & Associates January, 1962; & ROSTER OF Term - Members: New York Stock Exchange and other principal security ALBERT, DAVID Stark, Inc., St. Petersburg, Fla. PHILIP M. E. Dooly & Co., Miami, Fla. STEARNS, STROTHER, Thompson JAMES T. & McKinnon, ALMON, ROBERT A. Walker, Austin & Waggener Sanders Texas Bank ALLEN, Naples, Fla. & ALEXANDER, Company TED & Allen R. Trust Co. ORVILLE Brown, Almon & ALMON, of Dallas McKinney, 100 Inc. & McKinney, Inc. Rauscher, Pierce & York New Napa TAYLOR B. San Inc. ANDERHUB, SAM L. G. Company, Almon & Co. • Pacific Coast Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange (Associate) ALMON, DAN A. EDWARD M. Salomon Bros. & Hutzler & Our 43rd Year MEMBERS \CKERMAN, Orlando Oscar Office, Expires: December 31, 1962. Gainesville, Fla. STARK J. CLIFFORD * Took BURTON F. Burton Brown 1961; December, DAVID B. SINCERE, \ DISTRIBUTORS Waggener; Alfred W. Anderson, Eppler, Guerin & Turner, Inc.; Gables SHIMMIN, ROBERT of Bader, First Southwest Beard, Jr., Equitable Securities Corporation; Allen L. Oliver, National SHAW, WILLIAM L. GoouLvcty & Co., Coral National Bank Walter Jr., Parker Ford and Company, Inc. Jr., Sanders & Company. ALFRED M. Goodbody & Co., Miami First Directors: J. SEABER, Sincere and C. Thomas May, Treasurer: M. Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern, SCHWARTZ, > UNDERWRITERS Secretary: Harry F. Reed, Dittmar & Company, Inc. DENNIS Company of Georgia, Trust SAXTON, Co., Inc. Jose and commodity exchanges I ■ Montgomery St. SAN FRANCISCO 4 SUtter 1-5600 Boise Oakland Fresno Palo Alto Santa Barbara Honolulu Redding Los Angeles Sacramento Santa Rosa Monterey Salt Lake City Watsonville 50 Chronicle The Commercial and Financial . . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 r s ., <•> ... v./&3|j ' Pi * I •-»#? ^ ^ ll&Si Mr. & Mrs. Soren D. R. D. Moore, Ultronic Systems Corp., New York; Nielsen, Blair & Co. Incorporated, St. Petersburg Mrs. & Mr. BROOKS, 49 Walker, BROWN, E. BOHNY, O. B. Mutual Funds & Securities BOONE, First JOHN Brown, BROWN, Company Dallas BOOTHMAN, CLAUD EDMOND BROWN, DeWitt First National Bank N. Burt in Dallas BROWN, CARLSON, R. A. L. & Union Securities I Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Company, Inc. Co., Inc. Bache & ALLAN Mercantile LEE Walker. and Company, Inc. Merrill & Ft. B. EDWIN O. Pierce, Fenner Smith &, & T Co. CHAPEL, Waggener H. Bache & Joel SPECIALISTS DEALERS F. Hutzler & FRANK Huton & Company, GUERIN, DEAN Inc. P. & Turner Inc. 1 HALL, BRUCE Goodbody & Co. Inc. HALL, J. C. First Southwest Company HALL, O. ROBERT Merrill Co. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated DICK Union Securities Co., Inc. H. Clark & Associates, Inc. SPECIALISTS CLARKE, DEVANE Parker, Ford and Company, Inc. :■ BROKERS E. Eppler, Guerin Investment Corporation Co. JOEL H. JOHN Bros. GROSECLOSE, GAINES, JR., F. COLLINS Parker, Ford and Company, Inc. Funds W. Jr., Dallas CLARK, Salomon Inc. Worth, Texas G1ESEKE, F. Austin & W. Geary, Hamilton, Brice & Lewis JOAQUIN Company GRAFF, JOSEPH C. GEARY, Jr., JOSEPH W. CHAPAPRIETA, Company Securities Equitable A. FREEMAN, CHARLES Rauscher, Pierce & Co., Company, Inc. & Southwest First Smith Fenner & Barron, McCulloch & Co. B. Lynch, Sanders of Texas ROBERT R. GILSTRAP, JAMES C. Company, LANDON FREEAR, Jr., GOODLOE, Jr., THOMAS W. EDGAR Dittmar & B. Incorporated CLARK, UNDERWRITING R. Corp. K. Lynch, Pierce, FRANKLIN Co. CART WRIGHT, Ford BUCHANAN, Bank Inc. CARR, ROBERT W. Organization BROWNING, JEFF Goodbody & Co. D. National Co., Securities ROBERT Incorporated E. GRAY Goodbody & Co. FRANCE, ALLEN L. Parker, Ford and Company, Inc. Company. Inc. CAROTHERS, Columbian Merrill Corporation CHARLES Carothers & Cummings, Bear, Stearns & Co., Chicago; V. Frankel & Co. Incorporated, New York GILBERT, The Inc. Company ROBERT CAROTHERS, X. Wm GILBERT, MITCH FOSTER. Underwood & Bache BRANYON, Company, R. Conklin Parker, BRUCE & F. Donadio, SAM N. Parker, Ford and Company, Inc. NESOM Dittmar Merrill and Joseph FELDMAN, Waggener CALDWELL, RANDOLPH B. P. JIM Ford C. Frank Mrs. & Mr. Memphis; FICKES, JR., RALPH L. & Equitable Securities Allen BOUDREAU, II, F. F. (JACK) BOWMAN, Bank JACK O. Dumas, Huguenin & Boothman C. National KELLY Kelly Brown Investment Co. BROWN, Co. P. Southwest E. of America, Chicago Welch, Jr., J. D. Austin Parker JACK Mercantile BOHAN, WILLIAM L. Rauscher, Pierce & Co., Inc. Edward BUCHHOLZ, DON A. BURT, Continued from page Frank, Holiday Inns BUCHANAN, MEMBERS OF B. Mrs. Dallas Security Dealers Association ROSTER Maurice CLAYTON, III, JOHN IN B. . First National Bank in Dallas CLOYD, First MARSHALL National COKER, JR., Rotan, i Mosle CORNELL, Jr.. Sanders & S. Bank MAC in WEST COAST SECURITIES Dallas L. & Co. JOHN — TRADING MARKETS — B. Company i block inquiries invited COWDREY, J. H. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Raymond Moore & Co. CROFFORD, CARL F. TURNER-POINDEXTER & CO. Goodbody & Co. CROSSLEY, E. LYNN members City Auditor, Dallas CROSSLEY, Salomon CROWE, I •»? 9465 WILSHIRE BEVERLY HILLS, I BLVD. m CALIFORNIA y.-yy n II CRestview 3-4250 Hutzler american Crowe, McCall stock exchange exchange (associate) & Horton 634 SOUTH SPRING 14, CALIFORNIA STREET, LOS ANGELES JACK H. National Bank TELEPHONE DAVIS. coast stock pacific E. Parkhurst, JOHN TELETYPE 624-4361 — DAVIS, KENNETH Dittmar DAVIS, & N. 213 683-0003 S. Republic National Bank of Dallas Merrill I & CLARENCE Mercantile I 1 E. Bros. McCall, DAVIS, i M. A. Direct Ernst Company, Inc. & Private Wires Co., New — York Brush, Slocumb & Co., Inc., San Francisco R. May & Gannon, Inc., Boston Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Si! DEATON, Wood, Jr., FRED.i R. Struthers & Co. DENNARD, ROBERT E. Dallas Rupe DeSHONG, & Son, Inc. HAROLD Dallas Rupe E. & Son, Inc. HARBISON & HENDERSON DICKSON, JOHN H. One of Calif ornia s Fastest Growing Banks First National DITTMAR, Dittmar Bank JOSEPH & In Dallas E. Members Pacific Coast Stock Exchange Company, Inc. DIXON, DONALD R. CENTRAL VALLEY NATIONAL BANK Sanders Bache OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA & DODSON, DORSEY, K. Co. UNDERWRITERS ROBERT Allen & Company, Brown, DOUGLAS, JOE (V.T.C.) Established 1923 Company JAMES & Merrill • DISTRIBUTORS DEALERS • Inc. M. Specializing in Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated DUDLEY, Jr., Almon Circular & EARP, M. on Request RETAIL DISTRIBUTION A. Inc. and HARVEY Mercantile EDSEL, MORRIS McKinney, National A. Bank PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES RAY Smith, Barney & Co. ■. EDWARDS, SIIERRILL Metropolitan Davis, Skaggs & Co. Established 1927 — Members Pacific Coast Stock Exchange EDWARDS, William Ft. SAN FRANCISCO 4 ELLIS, First , Rupe JOE & A. G. Becker & Co. and J. K. N. Inc. 210 W. 7th STREET LOS ANGELES flice & Co. TELEPHONE MAdison 7-2571 14, CALIF. W. Southwest Guerin TWX 213 Company EPPLER, WILLIAM Eppler, , Son, Telephone DOuglas 2-2484 ' . Wires to Edwards & Co. ARTHUR S. Dallas SUTTER STREET, WILLIAM N. ; Direct Private Corporation Worth, Texas ELLIS, 111 Dallas / E. & B. Turner, Inc. 683-0083 ■ . Volume Homer 196 ■ - Wirth, Mabon & Mabon Co., New York; Co., New York National Bank in Securities Company KEENAN, HARDER, ROBERT KEIL, Mercantile National Bank of Dallas Miller Co. & GEORGE Company, GEORGE A. HILGER, KIRK, St Inc. E. ir. Sanders M. Rauscher, Pierce St Co., Ft. LADD, Inc. L. Securities Co.. Inc. KENNETH A. LESLIE "nrkcr. Bache & Co. Dallas B. Union Securities Co., Inc. S. Hudson HUDSON. R. S. & Co.. Inc. Hudson & Co.. Inc. Huffuenin LOCKE, HUNDLEY, FRANK Co. IUANLEY, First Southwest MANNEY. Inc. Bank of Dallas THOMAS Pierce E. St VINCENT Inc. Co., Inc. SCOTT, CHARLES St Co. & Ford and Parker, Securities Co., Inc. First National ROOKEU, & Co., Inc. E. GEORGE S. Dallas Corporation St GORDON Rupe & Son, SHARP, A. F. LUTHER Underwood & Co. Inc. D. Dallas Fenner Investment Seourities Jr., WILLIAM Goodbody St Co. SEITZ, R. RUPE, Inc. ALLEN B. Allen Rogers Inc. R. Company, Baijik in Dallas SEAY, CHARLES Charles E. Seay Co.. Dallas SCOTT, RALPH E. ROBERTS, NICHOLAS Republic National Bank of Dallas ROGERS. of SCHMIDT, CHARLES Parker, Ford and Company, Inc. i Company Union Trust Co. Texas Bank & Inc. Continued Inc. on page MARTIN, r 11 ii i in i in n 111111111i11111111 hi m i m 11 n 11111 n 11 J. Company ( (S. SlJicauii <L) McLane St \ « INVESTMENT Texas Bank St Trust Company SECURITIES I JAKE MASON, A. Miller Frank & 155 MONTGOMERY Co. LAUREL TELEPHONE: L. Murdoch, Miller ! 393-7830 . 372-8282 . TELETYPE: 312 \ 222-9634 « Bank of Dallas Republic National SAMUEL P. We Offer Net Inc. Guerin & Turner, Eppler, 415 209 SOUTH LA SALLB STREET, CHICAGO 4 TELEPHONE: RODGER J. MITCHELL, TELETYPE: ■ MIRSKY, GEORGE Shearson, Hammill St Co. MITCHELL, . Chicago Offict: ADDISON Markets P. Brokerage In the Co. Miller St Co. Allied Chemical Corp. Aluminium Limited MORROW, Dumas, & Co., Inc. Standard Sanitary Corp. American Tel. & Tel. Co. American Tobacco Co. ELBERT M. Huguenin St Boothman MIJRDOCK. Bank ARTHUR Tbe Co. in Dallas Chrysler Corp. Commonwealth Edison Co. Crown Zellerbach Corp. Rupe & Union Securities Co., Inc. Eastern Air Safeway Stores, Inc. San Diego Imperial Corporation Sears, Roebuck tc Co. Sinclair Oil Corp. Smith-Corona Marchant, Inc. Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc. Southern California Edison Co. Southern Pacific Co. Sperry Rand Corp. Standard Oil Co. of California Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) Sunray Mid-Continent Oil Co. Tennessee Gas Transmission Co. Texaco Inc. Texas Eastern Transmission Aviation, Inc. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Lighting Corp. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pan American World Union Oil Co. of California Union Pacific R, R. Co. United Aircraft Corporation United Air Lines, Inc. U. S. Steel Corp. Varian Associates Airways, Inc. Lines, Inc. Corp. Transamerica Corporation Unilever, Ltd. Eastman Kodak Co. Co., Inc. Permanente Cement Co. Western Bancorporation El Paso Natural Gas Co. OBENCHAIN, THOMAS H. Dallas Dow Chemical Co. duPont (E. I.) deNemours RALPH A. St Son, Inc. Corporation of America Martin-Marietta Corp. Monsanto Chemical Co. North American Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc. " Dallas Kennecott Copper Corporation Radio Reynolds (R. J.) Tobacco Co. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. Montgomery Ward & Co., Inc. Cons. Edison Co. of N. Y„ Inc. Eppler, Guerin & Turner, Inc. NUNGKSSER, International Tel. & Tel. Corp. Lockheed Aircraft Corp. Lorillard (P.) Company Cities Service Co. P. NICOUD, ROBERT M. SECURITIES International Harvester Co. International Nickel Co. of Canada, Ltd. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Celanese Corp. of America NEW, MANFRED E. Parker, Ford and Company, Inc. CORPORATE, MUNICIPAL Machines Corp. Intl. Business Boeing Co. & Corporation Parker Fe Ry. Co. Bethlehem Steel Corp. Miller P. first National NAZRO. Gulf Oil Corp. Hewlett-Packard Co. Hunt Foods & Industries Inc. Avco Corp. RICHARD B. Murdoch, Hauser, MURPHY, R. Primary Trading Markets... Santa E. Rupe & Son, Inc. Dallas Underwriters, Distributors, Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Atchison, Topeka & JACK Procter & Gamble Co. Pure Oil Co. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ampex Corporation Anaconda Co. (The) MOSLE, Jr., JON L. Rotan, Mosle St Co. MOUNTS, General Electric Co. General Foods Corporation General Motors Corp. General Telephone & Electronics Goodrich (B. F.) Co. American Motors Corp. American Radiator & MORRIS, JACK Underwood Ford Motor Co. Foremost Dairies, Inc. American Airlines, Inc. American Can Co. MORONG, MERRILL C. Walker, Austin & Waggener A. Following Listed Securities: GRIFFITH MOORE, J. MATTHEWS, WARREN H. Goodbody & Co. UNLISTED • STREET, SAN FRANCISCO 4 EXbrook 2-8515 Co. & T. Republic National Bank of Dallas Dallas ■ MILLER, FRANK MILLER, MOORE. Mercantile National Bank ROGER 52 Smith METCALFE, WALLACE P. R. AND Company, Relyea CHARLES F. SCHAELLING, F. B. JULIAN M. White, Atwood, Frank in Incorporated Worth IRVING MANNING, W. K. Wood. Struthers & Co. Company Bank F. Dallas Pierce, Southwest Southern JAMISON, HAROLD W. Perkins & Co., Inc. National Ft. ROBB, JOHN D. PERRY W. Lynch, J. Manney St Co. A. First Southwest Company First Inc. SAUNDERS, CLYDE Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Co., Francis JACQUES, JAMES F. JENSWOLD, St JESSE A. Sanders & Company J. WALLACE T. Sanders P. Turner, Republic National Bank of Dallas JACKSON, Jr.. WILLIAM C. First Southwest Company JACKSON. WINTON National WILLIAM L. Rauscher, Pierce & Co., Rauscher. & FRANK McMahon B. MEDANICH, FRANK MEER, Inc. EUGENE M. MALONEY, Pont Frank First MADDEN, Co. du I. & Dallas in Bank SANDERS, H. St National Mercantile D S I Goodbody & Co. SAMPLE, CLARENCE E. RELYEA, P. F. McKinney, Inc. McMAHON, Hauser, Ir.c. NED JACKSON, Francis St St du Pont & Co. Mercantile HAROLD Goodbody Inc. LYNE, LEWIS F. T. Dittmar & Company, HUNTER, Company, Locke, Purnell, Boren, Laney & N'eelv Boothman <fe HARRY REID, Company St DAVID A H. Rankin Dittmar Company McCulloch N GORDON D. Rupe St Son, Inc. .. HUGUENIN, A. BRYCE Dumas, and LING, MIKE' Parker, Ford and Company, ROBERT S. REED, Incorporated LEVY, JACK M. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., HUDSON. JOHN K. R. Ford Francis I. Inc. Worth, Texas Merrill P. LAWHON, ELBERT C. FRANKLIN David BARRON McPIIERSON, Parker. Ford St Company, Inc. HOUSTON, CLYDE HOUSTON. RANKIN, CLAYTON R. Southwest Almon Horton I.AGONl. Co., Inc. 6. Metropolitan Union LAGONI, St WILLIAM JR., Dist. Mike Cito, SALE, JIM S. McKINNEY, MUNSON Company EARL Dallas HORTON, PAUL B. McCall, Parkhurst, Crowe, McCall & HAROLD St SEC MclNROE, HAROLD A. First Southwest Company Goodbody St Co. Inc. RADDING, McCORMICK, LYNN Dallas Rupe St Son, Inc. Barron WALTER S. KUTFER, Inc. McCULLEY, DONALD B. Sanders & Company Dallas KLECKA, JOE E. Rauscher, Pierce St Co., Inc. Inc. L. III, Dallas Dallas in POWELL, DAVID J. Eppler, Guerin & Turner, MoCORMICK, JAMES C. Eppler, Guerin & Turner. First PAUL H. KLINE, FRED Hudson S. McCULLOCH, W. Company Co. First National Bank SCANLAND DERRY Hickman, St & Hudson St Co., McCULLEY, Goodbody Company Dallas Rupe & Son, R. Bernet S. RUTE Inc. PROCTOR, PHILIP M. First Southwest Company MoCLURE, Sr., FRED L. J. KERVIN, JR., DANIEL HICKMAN, J, WESLEY Schneider, Bernet & Hickman. HILGER, Barron McCulloch R. Topol, Greene and Company, New York; R. S. Dickson Co., Inc., Ijfew York Huthon F. First National Bank JOHN S. McCLURE, Jr., Dallas M. PniLLIPS, DAVID M. Rauscher, Pierce St Co., Inc. Ft. Worth, Texas M. Bank in E. Robert ROBERT W. St1 Company, PHELPS, Inc. IIARLAND First Southwest Company T. Inc. Dallas Union Securities Co., Inc. & Inc. Co., NORVAL A. Schneider. MAY, Jr., C. THOMAS Parker, iFord and Company, McCLANE, KERLEY, JAMES H. HENDRIX, PHILIP L. Sanders MORRIS KEITH, Goodbody & Co. HAUSER, MYRON HERRING, P. Schneider, Bernet St Hickman, Inc. HARTMAN, MERRILL F. St THAD National First HEMMING SON, SAMUEL 51 H. Matthews, G. H. Walker Co., Hartford, Conn.; Royston, Hincks Bros. £ Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. MAYES. KAUMEYER, DANIEL C. Brown, Allen & Co. Incorporated Dittmar Peter Dallas Union Securities Company HAMILTON, WILLIAM S. Murdoch, Edward Zwahl, Parker, Ford and Company, Inc. Incorporated Hauser, J. JONES, HERBERT M. Hamilton Securities Hamilton Louis JOHNSON, Dallas M. ) / . The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . JOHNSON, REX D. Republic National Bank of Dallas Francis I. du Pont St Co. HAMILTON, FORREST L. First . . & HALL, WALLACE L. HAMILTON, JOHN ■■ , Number 6216 Phillips Petroleum Co. Westinghouse Electric Corp. OLIVER, Jr., ALLEN L. Sanders PALM, ARTH & CO. 1883 SINCE York Stock Exchange American Stock Underwood & Co., .Pacific Coast Stock Exchange Exchange (Associate) FRANCISCO MENLO PARK • • LOS ANGELES SAN JOSE Private Wire Connections • Direct PAYNE, • Parkhurst, Crowe, McCall St Horton NEW between all Cities i YORK CITY: Open Telephone: V. F. Naddeo & Co. 425-6330 I JACK C. Union Securities Co., Direct Private Wires Inc. NEW YORK OAKLAND Chicago Offices Inc. PARKHURST, MILLARD Dallas SAN Direct Private Wire Betiveen San Francisco and RUSSELL R. A. McCall, Members New & Company PEAK, PRESTON A. Metropolitan Dallas BOSTON: Corporation PEARSON, G. HAROLD Parker, Ford and Company, DALLAS: Ph: 482-8360 May & Gannon PORTLAND, ORE.: Donald C. Sloan Inc. TWX: 617 451-3820 Ph: 742-6461 First Southwest Company & Co. TWX: 214 899-8471 Ph: 227-2486 TWX: 503 224-1944 Ph: 622-1990 TWX: 206 998-0234 Direct Leased Wires to: Baker, Weeks & Co., New York Scherck, Richter Co., St. Louis John R. Lewis, Inc., Seattle • George Patten Investment Co., Portland, Ore. Refsnes, Ely, Beck & Co., Phoenix, Arizona PERKINS, Perkins Jr., JACK F. St Co., Inc. PEYTON, JOHN T. Metropolitan Dallas Corporation ~ -t SEATTLE: Wm. P. Harper & 111111111M M 11 M Son Co. 11111111111111111111111111111 xi 11 m i r Mr. & Mrs. Financial Chronicle The Commercial and 52 Walter Filkins, Dallas Security Dealers ROSTER York Co., New & Singer Troster, Mr. & Mrs. WISE, & Thursday, November 29, 1962 . LAURANCE, CHARLES A. WRIGHT, JOHN H. LEWIS, Brothers Salomon Inc, Company, & Hutzler ERWIN Seattle Times The Goodbody & Co. Inc. GORDON T. Dittmar . Mrs. & Mr. Otto J. Koch, Jr., The Marshall Company, Milwaukee of Chicago WORTH, WINDHAM, Jr., ROY L. Parker, Ford & Company, Association MEMBERS OF Sachnoff, First National Bank Samuel . JOHN Continued from page 51 SHARPE, EDWIN Charles E. L. Seay, THOMPSON, ROGER S. Parker, Ford( and Company, Inc. LOCKETT SHELTON, Republic National Bank THORNTON, Dallas of . Thornton SHULTS, RICHARD B. GASTON Shumate & A. TINSLEY, NORMAN First FRANK National SMALLWOOD, First B. in Bank Bache & Co. Bank Texas & B. Trust Co. of I. du Pont & VON Fenner & Smith LOUIS Jr., STEPHENS. & JOHN WAGGENER. W. Walker, Co. Bache WILLIAM STORIE, First Southwest STOTLER, Parker, WALKER, STEWART Walker, Company The Inc. Francis TEMPLE. Walker, T. E. Austin Merrill & Waggener Smith Incorporated. Austin National Homer Waggener & du MEMBERS PACIFIC J. Bateman, Pacific Northwest . , Inc. Co., Co. ROSTER WILLARD ROBERT & Company, N. Francis E IB AND I. Pont du & Inc. HUGH R. Harper & Son & Co. PAUL G. W. LARRY Northwest Company JOHN Jr.. Hinton Jones D. Granat, Inc. Blyth & Co.. Inc. A. JONES, BAKER, PETER Co J. Marshall & P. Inc. SIDNEY WALLER. BADGLEY, ED & Foster Pacific MEMBERS JOHNSON, ANDERSON, F. NEAL The Bank of California, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Mosle OF I. R. Lewis, & Son & Co. Inc. V. R. JOHN SANDERS. Wm. Jr., National Co. . JONES. HOWARD Securities JACK Hinton Seattle-First Corp. ROBERT WIGHT, E. Jones Granat, KENNETH A. National Bank WHITING, W. Bank Inc. of California. N. A. Incorporated HOMER KUEBLER, J. Dominick J. & WILSON, THOMAS Dominick KENNETH Blyth & Co., Inc. Northwest Company E. DWIGHT Beattie Co. BERRYMAN, Merrill H. CLYDE Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated . COAST & & SISSON, D. E. • John Co. Yodkgbekc •' Bache 'R. Schlicting, Wm. P. Harper Alternate: Hugh & Pont Pacific •• Inc. & Co., SCHLICTING, BE ATT IE, , Co. DAVID KOHDE, Corp. BATEMAN, ■i READ, Company. GARY I. Committeeman: Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith & & LEONARD Walston Treasurer: Robert Wight, Bank of California. tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii mini iiiiiiiiiii iii 11 ii iniiiiiiiiiiEiii nun iiiiiiii uiiiiH mi iiM; Stoke Pont WILLIAM T. ROEMER, LARRY Secretary: Glenn E. Hinton, Glenn E. Hinton. I B. E. WILLARD WILSHUSEN, H. Rctan, PERRY. Vice-President: Peter H. Baker, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Incorporated THOMAS, Jr., R. BRUCE Dallas Rupe & Son, Inc. Pacific Northwest Company. Corporation Securities WILMARTH, JR., D. du Waggener & THOMAS Hutton F. I. Wight Co. WIGLEY. Jr.. TATUM, JR., THOMAS M. Rauscher, Pierce & Co., Inc. Robert Grande R. NELSON Crosby WEBBER, Co. & Dominick & Blyth & Co., Inc. WALTERS, ROBERT H. JOSEPH L. Ford and Company, Glenn E. Hinton Peter H. Baker President: Larry W. Sisson, RICHARD Jr., Equitable Bank STRANGE, JR., W. B. Bache Inc. JOIIN Francis Inc. HERMAN & WALKER, National Co., WALLACE PATTEN, Jr., Co. & Austin WALDMAN, D. STEVE Mercantile Larry W. Sisson D. Parker, Ford and Company, Inc. Empire State Bank STONE, PACKO. WALTER Upham WADSWORTH, ANDREW F. Hauser, Murdoch, Miller & Co. Mosle & GERRY M. Upham & Co. Harris, & Turner, Guerin GLAHN, Harris, Incorporated Rotan, Dominick OPDYCKE, Co. Pierce, Fenner & Smith EUGENE VINYARD, STASIO, STAYART. Nelson Martin OKHUYSEN, Incorporated Eppler, Merrill Lynch, Inc. E. Merrill Lynch, Co. ANDREW Pierce, SPURGEON, & EUGENE VILFORDI, Inc. GENE Francis Turner, Hammill Shearson, SPEER, HOWARD J. SPIVEY, & , Incorporated Company, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith NELSON, MARTIN VAUGHN, G. I. JACK Hamilton Securities Company & W. UNDERWOOD, Jr., ROBERT A. R. A. Underwood & Co., Inc. Dallas SMITH, L. M. Shumate Merrill incorporated JOHN Guerin Eppler, KENNETH SMITH, Co. NATHANE, ROBERT A. Incorporated TURNER, WILLIAM Upham & Harris, Inc. ROBERT G. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Company Seattle JAMES Incorporated Hughbanks, MYLIUS, TUCKER, SMITH, D. C. Bank of National Jr., in Dallas Jr., R. R. Union Securities Co., Dallas Dallas P. Co. ERWIN Pacific MORFORD, TROLLINGER, WILLIAM Southwest The Bank National First & Pont MOREHEAD, H. WILLIAM M. Traders Association JERRY TOLER, J. Metropolitan Dallas Corporation SLUDER, Seattle Security Company JEAN E. Sanders & Company Company SITZENSTATTER, Robert JEROME I. & Incorporated ROBERT M. MacRae, Inc. MacRAE, Inc. THWEATT, Metropolitan Dallas Corporation SHUMATE, Hughbanks, j B. MACLEOD, EDGAR B. Dallas Rupe & Son, Inc. RODERICK THOMAS, (Honorary) R. John R. Lewis, Inc. STOCK EXCHANGE BISSELL, LAWRENCE M. Securities Exchange, Inc. i CAMPBELL. COLIN Southwick, Active Market in COUPEZ, i DOUGLAS, Donald Co. Dean Wm BONDS Douglas EDWARD Witter FOULDS. P. C. DONALD C. EASTER, MUNICIPAL Waterman G. Hughbanks, Incorporated Western Over-the-counter Securities CALIFORNIA Campbell, LOUIS & & Co. sutro £7 co. K. Co. CLINTON Investment Dealers E. and Brokers FREDERICK, Francis I. FREEMAN, Pacific Underwriters Industrial Brokers STANTON W. du Pont & Co. MEMBERS: New York Stock Exchange • MUNICIPAL FINANCING CONSULTANTS • Harper & Son & Co. ROGER Pacific Coast Stock Exchange (Associate) American Stock Exchange Northwest Company GRANAT, Jr., FRANK Hinton Russ Building, San Bell Teletype Francisco 415 393-9701 • Telephone YUkon 1-1314 415 393-8148 Jones Bank 415 393-8853 (Bond Dept.) of P. Inc. 460 Montgomery Street San Francisco 4, California • • TELETYPE: 415 California, HARTLEY, Wm. Granat, JOS. GRUBBS. N. 210 West Seventh Street TALBOT Harper & Son EXbrook 2-0900 393-7778 & 415 393-7948 A. & Co. New York • Berkeley • • Los Angeles 14, San Jose • California Beverly Hills • • MAdison 5-7311 Hayward HENDRIES, ROBERT Direct Wire to Fairman & Co., Los Angeles E ~ = 1 - Pacific E HINTON, E HOFFMAN, £mmmmiimmmiiiimmmimmmimmmimimiiiiiiimiimmiimimmi?. Northwest GLENN Compay Correspondent offices: Manila, P.I.; Honolulu, Hawaii E. Direct FERGUS ' Seattle Post Intelligencer (Honorary) private wires to all principal markets • Fresno Volume 196 Number 6216 . . 53 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . Robert Parsons, Parsons & Co., Inc., Cleveland; Scotty Keith, Schneider, Bernet & Hickman, Inc., Dallas; John D. Robb, | Dallas Union Securities Co., Inc., Dallas & Mrs. Charles M. Thompson, Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern, Inc., Jacksonville, Fla.; Tom Greenberg, C. E. Unterberg, Towbin Co., New BURKHOLDER. Bond Club of Louisville Almstedt Alden Ill, JAMES R. Co., & CONLIFFE, Merrill Merrill Lynch, J. J. Pierce, Fenner Si Smith W. L. WILLIAM Lyons & BEN Co. CULBERTSON. Walston & DAVENPORT, Stein The JOHN Bros. DAVIS. LEE, Co., Inc. & A. Bond ROBERT M. Fidelity Bank & Trust Co. Co. Trust Kentucky Trust Company Co. Citizens RICHARD DENTON, Citizens W. Bank Fidelity & Trust Co. Jack A. Moss Tyrus R. Davis DIERSEN, LINCH. DALE 1 Russell, (Associate) DUPREE, THOMAS P. F. L. Dupree & Co., Harlan, Lexington, Company, & Long Vice-President:1 Jack DURHAM, Jr., JOSEPH H. A. Moss, The Kentucky Company. . Secretary: Tyrus R. Davis, The Bankers Bond Co. Citizens Fidelity Walston W. FEHRIBACH, Alternates: FERGUSON, & URBAN Ky. Jr., Walston & Co., Inc.; George Martin, Walston & Co., Inc. Took Bank (Associate) M. W. H, The Ferguson Fleischer & OF JAMES FETTF.R. Cruttenden, MEMBERS TV WL-KY M. Podesta A. S. JACK The Louisville In otherwise unless Stein ACREE, JOHN Lincoln BOWIE, Life Income Insurance Company The (Associate) ALDEN, Jr.. Alden & YVM. Alden & Bankers W. L. Stein Co. J. B. ROBERT The HECTOR & Co. ALBERT Bankers Bond Bond Ky. C. & The Bankers Bond Stein Co., Stein Citizens JOSEPH The W. Van Miller J Co. JOHN H. J. B. J Hilliard Si Life Commonwealth Son Insurance Co. Cruttenden, J. Stein Hilliard B. L C Son Boyce LUCIAN C. Whitaker -Securities Corporation HOI,MAN R, Thp Kentucky B. <fc ALBERT J. Bros. & WILSON. Podesta G. W. ERNEST B. WHITAKER. Cnmnnnv W. ROBERTS Fidelity Bank & WOOD, Jr., Graham-Conway Co. J. BFRGE8 Co. B. VICTOR GERARD, M. Company WARNER, Citizens RLIMER. BURGE. VV. T. Kentucky ROENN, VOGT, S. FRANK Fidelity Bank & Trust Co. (Associate) PIKE, JOS. P. (Associate) puryear, robert e. W. L. Lyons & Co. REGISTER, Boyce ROBERT VAIL, Ky. Si Boyce Bros. & (Associate) Owensboro, Cruttenden, Podesta & PEARCE, RICHARD L. S. MILTON Bros. Smith ULMER, JR., DAN C. Almstedt Brothers CHARLES GARTRELL, Ky. A. Boyce & Bros. TROST, Son i Bond RANKIN, JOHN JAMES GARNER, Hilliard & Son Lexington, Lexington, Ky. BUNK Co., Mayfield, JR., GARDNER, Stein A. PARKS, Boyce &i (Honorary) Times Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Incorporated, Cincinnati TODD, JAMES ROSS W. L. Lyons & Co. Merrill FREDERICK C. Jr., Bankers GERALD B. BUCKLEY, Jr., JOHN C. Hilliard & Son, J. J. B. BOHNERT. PARK, ASA Bankers J. L. Boyce W. Liberty National Bank & Trust Co. (Associate) Goodbody & Co. BARRAGE, Bros. FULLER, A. Lyons & Co. BROCAR, Jr., HORACE PHILIP & Bros. FRANK, Jr., ALFRED Bond Lyons L. W. Stein Boyce HENRY B&ENZEL, Inc. Co., ALLEN, Jr., O. Inc. WILLIAM O. & ERNEST BREED, Co., ALDEN, SR., Bros. CHARLES THORNBURGH, ROBERT W. A. Kentucky Company PARDUE, THOMAS Citizens Fidelity Bank & Trust Co. (Honorary) FLARSHEIM, BOOTH, MOREY L. indicated) Co. Bond Bankers Louisville (Honorary) O. CLARENCE TAYLOR, (Associate) located (Members Brothers Almstedt p. Co. TEEPLE, PAMPHLIN, GIL J. J. B. Hilliard Miller & JIMMY FINNEGAN, Inc. OESWEIN, HENRY J. J. B. Hilliard & Son (Associate) Office: January 1, 1962; Term Expires: December 31, 1962. ROSTER Grafton, J. Pierce. Fenner Si Smith Incorporated STUCKER, JAMES II. MILTON MOSS, Craig Culbertson, K. REID Merrill Lynch, Co. robert Graham-Conway METZ, H. Lincoln National First Lexington, Co., STONE, R. Bond WILLARD McNAIR, Hutton E. GEORGE JOS. Blyth & Co., Almstedt Brothers FARRA, JOHN B. STITES, Jr., JOHN II. J J. B. Hilliard Si Son Co., Inc. & Mcdowell, EBINGER, RUSSELL National Committeemen: A. J. Warner, Stein Bros. & Boyce; Jack A. Moss, The Kentucky Company. M. Bankers The (Associate) Treasurer: Bert Sternberg, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated. Jr., McDEVITT, Bank & Trust Co. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner St Smith Merrill Incorporated MARTIN. Ky. R. Co. BERT STERNBERG, Ky. President: A. J. Warner, Stein Bros. & Boyce. Bond Bankers Co. Bond JOSEPH SPANINGER, & Miller LONG, EDWIN A. H. J. . Bankers The . Podesta (Honorary) L. ARVIL SHORT. Co., Inc. Walston St Cruttenden, (Associate) A. J. Warner (Associate) LINCOLN LEWIS. (Associate) I Journal JR., CHARLES Fidelity Bank & Trust Co. SEMPLE, & (Associate) Jr., ANDERSON DEARING, A. Co. Bond SEDLEY, MRS. ELINORE The Bankers Bond Co. (Associate) LESSLEY, ROBERT W. Citizens Fidelity Bank R. Bankers Bankers SCHULMAN, SOL Louisville Courier Citizens Boyce TYRUS Boyce RAYMOND SCIIMITT, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated CRAIG Si Bros. SACHS, MORTON Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Co. Merrill Lynch, Jr.. Stein M. CHARLES T. LANG, W. Goodbody & Co. WESLEY J. RUTLEDGE, Jr., Company Kentucky KIRK, E. T. v Goodbody & W. R. (Associate) R. Hilliard & Son B. KINSMAN, Jr., JAMES The Incorporated CREGOR, J. Inc. JOSEPH RUBIN, JAMES KIMMEL. Inc. Blyth & Co* Smith & Fenner Incorporated M. JOSEPH RODES, EDWARD J. Lynch, Pierce, KILLELEA, HENRY WILLIAM CRAWFORD, Russell York Brothers CHRISTMAN. Jr.. Oliver, Sanders & Company, Dallas; M. A. Cayne, J. N. & Co., Inc., Cleveland; Ed Christian, Swlce, Yeatman, Mosley Co. Incorporated, Philadelphia L. Allen Mr. & Trust Co. (Associate) Miller (Associate) GRAFTON, C. W. Si Fleischer Grafton, Ferguson (Associate) LILLIAN GRAFTON, UNDERWRITERS AND (Mrs.) F. Grafton, Ferguson & Fleischer (Associate) THOMAS GRAHAM. DISTRIBUTORS Graham-Conway Co. GRAY, ROBERT BROKERS - DEALERS Citizens (Associate) KENNETH GREEN, Stein IIAAS. CALIFORNIA FIRST COMPANY • Pacific Coast Stock Exchange • Midwest Stock Exchange American Stock HALL, Exchange (Associate) FRANCISCO: LOS ANGELES: PORTLAND: 300 647 813 Montgomery Street South S. W. J. Spring Street AlderStreet • • Teletype 213-683-0055 • Bond Jr., Teletype 503-224-1744 G. retail distribution Boyce Co. SPENCER Ferguson & Teletype 415 393-7136 E. Fleischer (Associate) J. B. Private wire to: HENN1NG HILLIARD. Teletype 41 5-393-9555 brokers-trading markets M. Boyce PAT Grafton, J. SAN Si Bros HARPER, I Members: Stein Si Bros WILLIAM Bankers INCORPORATED & Trust Co. Bank Fidelity Hilliard HOPKIN, W. (Associate) HUGHES, Citizens <fc Son HOWARD JOSEPH Fidelity Bank & Trust Co. GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO., New TURNER-POINDEXTER & CO., Los York Angeles (Associate) PRIVATE WIRES TO NEW YORK AND ALL DIVISION OFFICES JOHNSTON, Cruttenden, CALIFORNIA OFFICES: Fresno Glendale Pasadena San Long Rio Vista Luis Obispo Anaheim Beach Beverly Hills Modesto Sacramento San Mateo Chico Concord Eureka Monterey St. Helena Santa Rosa San Napa Diego Stockton Oakland San Jose Whittier JONES. JR., ROBERT H. Podesta & Miller CLARENCE Almstedt OFFICES: Corvallls Eugene Medford 465 California Street, San Francisco Salem KESSINGER, Members: ERNEST Fidelity Bank & Trust Co. (Associate) OREGON BRUSH, SLOCUMB & CO. INC. Brothers KAMPFMUELLER, Citizens L. THOMAS B. J. J. B. Hilliard & Son. Lexington, Ky New York Stock Exchange • Pacific Coast Stock Exchange 54 Richard M. The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Barnes, A. M. Kidder & Co., Inc., New York; M. J. Cito, R. S. Dickson & Co., Inc., New York Cleveland Mr. Mrs. Dayton P. Haigney, Dayton & Mr. Haigney & Co., Inc., Boston Mrs. David & . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 . L. Baker, Merrill, Turben & Co., Inc., Cleveland; Kraus, Cleveland Deane Ranney, Ball, Burge Alternates: David L. Baker, Merrill, Security Traders Association McGinty, McDonald & MASTERS. OLAN B. Turben & Co., Inc.; John P. Company; Robert Parsons, Parsons Butler. & Wick Co., Inc. McDonald Took Office: December 31,1961; Term Expires: December 31,1962. 8c Co.. Youngstown WILLIAM McCLAREN, 8c Company Mcdonough, geraijd c. Joseph. Mellen & Miller, ROSTER MrDonald (Members located Cleveland In unless otherwise indicated) ARMBRUSTER, Saunders, 8c Wm. Bache ARNHEITER, CARL Saunders, Stiver & Co. ASBECK, DE GARMC, FREDERICK M. Wm. J. Mericka & Co., Inc. BAER, HOWARD Carey Gunn, & Roulston, Inc. boERGE, BAKER. DAVID Merrill. Turben 8c Co. James J. Drnek John R. Donahue Gary A. Galdun Richard A. Probst BARTHELMAS, The President. James J. Drnek, Prescott & First NED Columbus Corporation, Vice-President: John R. Donahue, Joseph, Mellen & Baxter & Miller, Inc. J. Treasurer: Richard A. Probst, Saunders, Stiver & Co. N. BRADY, Disbro, Disbro & Co., Willoughby, Ohio; Michael C. Hardony, Ball, Burge & Kraus; Raymond W. Rooney, Murch & Co., Inc.; James B. Sparks, Ball, Burge & Kraus; Har¬ old A. Parsons TOM Woehrmann, Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis. National Committeemen: Gary A. Galdun, Wm. J. Mericka & Co., Inc.; Michael C. Hardony, Ball, Burge & Kraus; Corwin L. ton, Prescott & Co. Incorporated H. PAUL Inc. CAUNTER, LEE GAWNE. HARFY J. J. N. Russell & Co., Inc. Mericka & L. JAnifES B. Schwinn Ball, Inc. REID. L. L. 8c Co C Ball, Burge 8c Kraus J. Co. 8c Co., Inc. & Lewis Company 8c Cleveland William . • ' ■ n SMITH, GARY JONES, The Columbus P. Corporation, '. N. Russell E. 6c STAVNICKY, Murch ORIN E. LAFFERTY, ALAN 8c " ' ■' ■ LAKOTA, ' Organs LINGER, Edward & N WILLIAM & D. Co., Inc. IRVING Ceylon E. Hudson, U1'™«n Inc. Inc., Wooster Western C. JAMES RUSSELL U. Fulton Reid 8c Co. Robbins 8c Co., Inc. WEAVER. ROBERT Hornblower & Siegler CORWIN Securities Reserve WAKDLEY. B. Tnc. 8c Co WALTON, MARC Piescott & h. Inc. Co., Russell 8c Co., & Co. WHITE, L. 8c Company WOEHRMANN, HAROLD Co. Paine. LONG, MARTIN J. The First Cleveland Weeks JOHN McDonald LIS? ON, Inc. ULLMAN, RUFUS'M. Co., Inc. N. LARRY Co.. SUMMERGRADE. I LEUSTIG, FRED F. T. Ohio TAYLOR. JAMES N. Blyth 8c Co., Inc. William , J Co. LEWIS. Mil TON Elyria, B. Kraus Sullivan-Ward E. CASIMIR T. Murch 8c 8r RAI Pll Murch SULLIVAN. Hornblower 8c Weeks • Inc. Co., Salomon Brothers 8c Hutzler Inc. Blyth & Co., Inc. •. News JEROME STERN, Co., & JAMES Puree STRING. KOESER, Prescott & Pianos and Smith R. SPARKS, Columbus J. Press & Reid 8c Co., SMITH, JOHN F. CLYDE First DON Cleveland Fulton, LAZ1N, ERNEST Proc« SILVER, E. KING, EVERETT A. ■ Inc. Robbins & Co., Inc. LAWRENCE N. Siegler & Co. SIEGLER, Co. Collin, Norton & Co., Toledo of Co., T. JONES, CHARLES Goodbody & Co. KE1EK, ltUSSEL > W. & ROBERT C. SHULL, Inc. JANUSEK, GERALD F. Joseph, Mellen & Miller, Inc. Largest Builder Inc. ROBERT E Ball. ; ROY Mericka J. Fd'vnrd World's Inc. n. SCHULTZ, ANDREW Curtiss, House 8c Co. JAFFE, GEORGE E. Jaffe. james Russell & Co., N. T.prinpir-Hn™',r Gompany Corporation Hudson, Co. SC1IULTE. Jr., FRANK J. STEPHEN GEORGE E. EDMUND J. Devine 8z J. SCHULENBERG, RICHARD D. McDonald & Company IILIVAK, STEPHEN E. Ceylon W. J. Devine & Co. Wm. Halle 8c Co. Westheimer Company Inc. Co., SCHLIECKER, HAYS, GEORGE H. lit-IKON*. CEO ON & Inc. A. RAYMOND & russell, HAWKINS, DANIEL M. HUBERTV. Co., RUSSELL, JAMES M. J. N. Russell & Co., HARDONY, MICHAEL C. J. Mericka & WILLIAM Schultz J. RUNG, C. Wm. Inc. RUFFING. JAMES R. Devipe 8c Co. The First Boston L. & Roulston, F. Reid Murch Gunn, Carey & Roulston, Inc. HOTALING. A. JAY DAVID ROONEY, GUNN, CLEMENS E. WurliTzer Corporation Burge 8c Kraus Fulton HANSON, DAVID G. Will S. C. Co., Incorporated Cleveland Carey REIDER. Joseph, Mellen 8c Miller, Inc. Hawkins 8c 8c RANNEY,; DEANE GUGGENHEIM, HOWARD C. J. Curtis & Co. VICTOR Emerson Gunn, Co., Inc. GREEN, WILLIAM Green, Erb & Co., Inc. GRIFFITH, L. QUIGLEY, Merrill, Turben & Co., CAYNE, MORTON A. Jackson & PROBST, RICHARD A. Saunders, Stiver & Co. Columbus GALDUN, GARY Caunter & Co. Inc. POTOKAR, ANTON, Jr. Suburban Securities Co. First Columbus Corporation, CAREY, WALTER J. Gunn, Carey & Roulston, Inc. J. Schultz J The First Russell 8c Co., Wm. Co., PORZ, Jr., WILLIAM C. GATTHER. PAUL n. Cleveland PlbJi Dealer L. POPORAD, Inc. FOSTER, L. WARREN J. N. BRYAN, JOHN E. L. A. Lis- FARMER, & PLACKY, GEORGE J. N. Russell 8c Co., Inc. Goodbody 8c Co. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner 8c Smith, E. Inc. Webber. Painp. Prescott 8c Co. ERB, ROBERT L. Co., Inc. Company EDWARD PATRICK, FRANCIS J. Green. Erb 8c Co., Russell & Merrill Governors: Robert M. Company BOCK, ROY E. Wooster PARSONS, ROBERT Joseph, Mellen & Miller, Inc. - Secretary: Gary A. Galdun, Wm. J. Mericka & Co., Inc. Jr. 8c Co., Parsons DONAHUE, JOHN R. Inc., GEORGE F. PARSONS. EBLE. HOWARD J. BAXTER, Jr.. CHARLES McGHEE Hudson, Ledogar-Horner Ohio JACK O. DRNEK, JAMES J. K. Columbus Co. Co., Willoughby, OPDYKE, Saunders, Stiver 8c Co. BAMBAUGH, HARRY Fulton, Reid & Co., Inc. E. Ceylon ' Co. CHARTER J. NASH. A. W. DISBRO, ROBERT M. Disbro 8c Inc. Co., FRANK W. & Morrow Ripley 8c Co. Incorporated Hayden, Miller 8c Co. M 8c Co & MORROW, COVINGTON, HERBERT C. Harriman Company Mericka J. METZEL, JEROME Lawrence Cook & Co. Co. 8c McPOLIN, RAY T. Plain Dealer COOK, LAWRENCE THOMAS Stiver CLEARY, JACK Cleveland Inc. McGINTY, JOHN P. OF MEMBERS Webber. Jackson WOHLEGEMUTH, Corporation McDonalcf & 8c Curtis CHARLES Company ' Volume 196 Number 6216 . . 55 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . Baltimore Security Traders ROSTER OF MEMBERS — Alabama Security Dealers Association Association ADAMS, RALPH — E. Berney Perry & Birmingham Inc., Company, agee, rucker Agee 6c Leach, Birmingham Sterne, ALEXANDER, Conville & GEORGE B. Birmingham Company, ALLISON, CHARLES J. Equitable Securities Corporation, Birmingham ANDRESS, JAMES National First C. Bank of Mobile, Mobile ANDREWS, J. First WARREN National Bank, Montgomery ANDREWS, Jr., O. L. Merrill Lynch. Incorporated, Pierce. Fenner 6c Smith Birmingham ARMSTRONG, ERNEST E. Sterne, Agee & Leach, Montgomery V. Gilbert A. Lewis David L. Pindell Gerard J. Greene Hugo Marx, Jr. W. K. AVERYT, A. RICHARD Berney Perry 6c Company, Birmingham Philip A. Sellers McHenry, Jr. William G. Dengler Inc., BAXLEY, MARION E. President: Gilbert A. Lewis, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Incorporated, Montgomery George G. Shriver & Co., Inc. Vice-President: David L. Pindell, Lockwood, Peck & Co. BIXLER, Treasurer: William G. Governors: John C. National Dengler, Baumgavtner, Downing & Co. BONIIAM, Charles A. Eodie, Jr., Stein Montgomery Merrill & Brodnax Stein & Bros. BARNES, KENNETH E. Baker, Watts & Co. Dillon Eastman KRATZER, Union BARNICKOL, FRANK Securities & Co G. Co. Stein DAVID Bros. & President: V. Hugo Robert Birmingham, Philip A. Sellers, First Alabama Securities Inc., Montgomery. Secretary: Edwin A. Gentry, Pierce, Garrison, Wulbern Inc., & & BOYCE, Jr., BRADLEY, R. John C. John Stein Legg 6c Company BRUCK, & Bros. Bros. 6c MULLIGAN, Robert RICHARD Garrett PIET, BUTT, LEONARD J. Mead, Miller & Co. John C. P. Legg & Company and Trust Brown Alex. 6c Garrett & Elected: January, 1962; C. Birmingham Co., MAYER > A. Alabama Securities, Birmingham; Frank B. K. Yardley, Hendrix & COHEN, MORTIMER A. Sterne, Agee 6c Leach, COX, Inc., Montgomery JAMES L. Brodnax 6c Knight, Inc., Birmingham COX, Jr., JOHN B. Birmingham Trust Birmingham JAMES CROW, First National Bank, S. National Bank of Birmingham, Birmingham Took Office: January, 1962; Term Expires: T U. I ' Crumpton 6c Co., Inc. Birmingham Continued January, 1963. on page Co. donald Bros. 6c CUMMINS V6-200, B. Boyce V8-265 DELIVER Jr., WILLIAM C. Williams 6c Company, MORE Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith John C. V8-265 permit you to Legg 6c Company SNYDER, JACK Mead, Miller. & Co. GREENE, GERARD J. & hau! from 750 up to I Sons SOWERS, J. CLAIRE Mead, Miller 6c Co. GROSS, CHARLES Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith pounds STROHMER, JOSEPH G. Incorporated John C. GUGLIUZZO, JOSEPH VINCENT Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner 6c Smith Incorporated LOUIS PHILIP i Miller 6c Co. SYCKLE, GARDNER . Baker, Watts 6c Co. & Co, JOHNSON, BERNARD G. 6c Mead, VAN WALLACE, JOHN J. E. Howard ounce. TAYLOR, PRESTON A. , Company Sons HDLKEN, HENRY E. Baker, Watts & Co. JOHN one Legg 6c Company Mercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust HERB, WILLIAM J. & payload without changing GVW Legg 6c Company John C. M. Eastman Dillon, Union Securities & Co. more 950 SUNDERLAND, EDWIN P. P. Brooke, Sheridan, Bogan & Co., Inc. PROFIT! Cummins V6-200 and SENER, JOSEPH W. Company Sons WATTS, Jr., SEWELL S. Baker, Watts & Co. WILBUR, Stein KEAGLE, O. JOSEPH c/o Phil.-Bait. Stock Exchange KELLERMANN, HOWARD L. Brown MORE ECONOMY Inc. Incorporated Mercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust Brown T. Merrill GRAY, E. GUY Brown Sons SCHACH, WILLIAM O. GRANT, GEORGE S. Baker, Watts 6c Co. GUNDLACH, 6c SADTLER, C. HERBERT Mead. Miller 6c Co. FREEMAN, EDWARD B. Lockwood, Peck 6c Co. Brown MORE CARGO CREIGHTON Brown ROSZEL, RICHARD J. Brooke, Sheridan, Bogan & Co., Inc. Sons FRANK, J. CARL John C. Legg 6c Company Alex. F. Sons ROBERTS, C. Alex. 6c CRUMPTON, TOM U. RING, GEORGE W. Mead, Miller 6c Co. I Sons EVERTS, WILLIAM S. D. 6c RIEPE, J. Co. John C. Legg 6c Company John Corporation, Birmingham; Thomas Equitable Trust Co. & EBERWEIN, BERNARD E. HOWARD, Co., POTTER, DOUGLAS K. White, Weld & Co. DUGENT, CHARLES A. Alex. ROGER Marx REIN, HOWARD E. DENGLER, WILLIAM C. Baumgartner, Downing HAYES, & Baker, Watts 6c Co. Company Alex. Birmingham Co., R. Howard Stein Robert Garrett & Sons Robert HARRY D. plummer, D. CRUNKLETON, JOHN R. Mercantile-Safe Deposit Alex. Courts PINKERTON, CHARLES H. WILLIAM F. Mead, Miller & Co. J. Jr., John ROBERT EBEN & PINDELL, DAVID LEE Lockwood, Peck 6c Co. COLEMAN, CROSS, Smith O'BRIEN, RICHARD Baker, Watts 6c Co. WILMER Baker, Watts & Co. CHAMBERS. Fenner & 6c Sons Baumgartner, Downing & Co. J. Securities Mayes, Inc., Birmingham. NIEMEYER, HARRY J. Robert Garrett Baxley, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Montgomery; C. Blyth Brown, Berney Perry & Company, Inc., Birmingham: T. Clyde Ulmer, Boyce BURNS, WALTER L. BUTLER, & Marion E. Smith Incorporated, Committee: & III, Watkins, Morrow & Co., Birmingham; Tunstall B. Perry, III, Boyce MOYLAN, JOSEPH A. John C. Legg & Company Sons First Stubbs, Watkins & Lombardo, Inc., Birmingham; Hugh Morrow, John C. Legg 6c Company 6c Courts COHEN, Frazer, Shropshire, Frazer & Co., Mobile; Joseph P. Lombardo, Company MORGAN, Jr., C. GERARD MITCHELL H. Stein 6c Legg J BRADY, JOHN A. White, Weld & Co. Garrett C. Fenner Cumberland McCLURE, E. ELWOOD EMMET BRANDT, KENNETH C. Robert Inc. Mccarty, robert l. PREVOST C. Stein Bros. & Boyce Inc., A. Birmingham martin, CHESTER n. Kidder, Peabody 6c Co. Miller & Co. Mead. Malbne, The First National Bank of Birmingham. Executive George G. Shriver 6c Co.. BORIG, MILLARD Securities, PHILIP CANBY, YARDLEY P. CLAYTON, Treasurer: Sam F. W. LEWIS, GILBERT A. Boyce Corporation, HOMER Lynch, Pierce, Montgomery Hugo & Sons WALLACE Boyce Jr., Stein Bros. BODIE, Jr., CHARLES A. Birmingham CARLSON, Jr., ROBERT H. Carlson & Co., Inc., Birmingham Birmingham. Maryland National Bank Bros. Agee & Leach, C. Boyce Garrett LANAHAN, Securities Merrill Inc., Robert Garrett & Sons BLOCHER, THOMAS S. Stein Marx, Jr., Hugo Marx & Co., Birmingham. KRUG, Jr., HENRY J. BERRY, ALLISON M. Knight, Inc., Alabama BURWELL, Vice-Presidents: William K. McHenry, Jr., Sterne, KRIEGEL, LEO Equitable Trust Company Smith & Tuscaloosa KOLSCHER, JACK A. George G. Shriver & Co., Inc. BARNEY, ARTHUER L. BRYANT, First KLEIN, GUSTAV Mead, Miller 6c Co. Baumgartner, Downing & Co. Sam F. Malone Gentry MEMBERS KILROY, DONALD J. Eastman, Dillon Union Securities Boyce Fenner Montgomery Birmingham Edwin A. BAMBERGER, E. CLINTON & Cumberland December, 1961; Took Office: January, 1962; Term EDWARD J. Pierce, Lynch, BROWN, C. BLYTHE Expires: January, 1963. ARMSTRONG, Inc., j BRODNAX, MARION J. Niemeyer, Robert Garrett & Sons. OF Corp., A. Securities, ( Incorporated, Alternates: Edward J. Armstrong, Stein Bros. & Boyce; Harry J. ROSTER Bankers BOSWELL, H. GRADY Bros. Boyce; Walter L. Burns, Baumgartner, Downing & to. Elected: JOHN Alabama First Yeager? Baker, Watts & Co.; Joseph V. Gugli- Committeemen: L. A. Investment Gadsden Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated. uzzo, BURR Seminole Secretary: Gerard J. Greene, Alex. Brown & Sons. Smith & 6c Sons Baker, YEAGER, CUMMINS ENGINE COMPANY, INC. LeROY A. Bros. YEAGER, CUMMINS 6c Boyce G. THOMAS Watts JOHN 6c Ci Co. COLUMBUS, INDIANA 56 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 56 . . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 liiil # 111®; 1 Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Alabama Security Dealers Association ROSTER Continued from page NOLAN Jr., C. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Penner Incorporated, Birmingham DOE, Jr., First WELDON Alabama Sterne, LEE, DOROUGH, JAMES E. Sterne, Agee & Leach, Securities, Bank of Sterne, Birmingham, Birmingham GAUNTT, Sterne, B. Frazer WILLIAM Ac Mobile Co., L. The Thornton, Mohr, Farish & Gauntt Inc., Montgomery Pierce, Carrison, Birmingham FRED Merchants First Jr., Wulbern, Bank, MATHES, Mobile Merrill Pierce, Fenner Ac Inc. JAMES Merrill HENDRIX, JAMES R. Inc., of Birmingham Incorporated, Birmingham First Alabama First Hugo Marx Hendrix Ac Co., Montgomery CHARLES C. Ac Mayes, Inc., Ac Smith Courts Ac Merrill Lynch, Incorporated, Pierce, Ac Smith Pierce, Fenner Montgomery Ac Montgomery NABERS, DRAYTON First National Bank, LEO JR., Ac Merrill Lynch, Incorporated, Pierce, Fenner Ac Smith Inc., SHRIVER, JOHN Lynch, Ac Pierce, Fenner Birmingham Incorporated, Smith Company, GiH. Musekamp, III Robert L. Conners Birmingham OGDEN SHROPSHIRE, Shropshire, Frazer Ac Co., Mobile President: James F. Moriarty, W. E. Hutton & STANSEL, ARTHUR Courts Ac Co., Birmingham First Vice-President: Harold Roberts, Co. . John E. Joseph & Co. MERVYN H. STERNE, Sterne, Agee Ac Leach, Birmingham Second Vice-President: Robert F. Herbert, Geo. Eustis NAYLOR Pierce, Fenner Inc., Montgomery Secretary: Robert L. Conners, Robert L. Conners & Co., Inc. JR., W. Merrill Lynch, STONE, Birmingham Co., Birmingham KNOWLES, BENJAMIN B. Inc., WILLIAM H. Wulbern, SHANNON, Watkins, Morrow Ac Co., Birmingham Hugo Marx Ac Co., Birmingham Kayser Wulbern, Carrison, Smith MORROW, HUGH, III JOLLY, Jr., JOE D. KAYSER, Ac Smith Birmingham WILLIAM K. Morrow Ac Fenner SHANNON, JACK H. Birmingham Fenner D. Pierce, Carrison, Birmingham Jr., Watkins, Co., Birmingham Lynch, Inc., Montgomery Pierce, MORROW, Jr., HUGH JOHNSON, LYNWOOD S. Robert F. Herbert Harold Roberts Moriarty Inc., Securities, GEORGE Merrill Pierce, Montgomery JETER, Jr., MARK Securities, Alabama SELLS, Inc., SIDNEY J. Thornton, Mohr, Farish Ac Gauntt Inc.. Montgomery MOHR, James F. Montgomery g. Sterne, Agee Ac Leach, HOLLEMAN, S. BROOKS HUBBARD, Jr., McHENRY, Inc., Lombardo, PHILLIP A. SELLERS, Merrill HOLLEMAN, JOHN ALBERT Hugo Marx Ac Co., Montgomery Ac LOUIS SCHULHAFER, Birmingham Birmingham Lynch, Watkins Birmingham Jr., WALLACE Lynch. Pierce, Fenner john H. Birmingham F. V. HUGO Ac Company, Mcdonald, Mayes, Birmingham Birmingham Inc., Co., Ac JOSEPH Stubbs, Birmingham Montgomery Inc., Perry SCALES, MAY, LAWRENCE A. Thornton, Mohr, Farish Ac Gauntt Inc., A. Securities, Farish Ac Gauntt Inc., GRANTLAND H. Berney Birmingham Smith Montgomery HOWARD E. Montgomery RICE, Inc., Marx Incorporated, Alabama Ac Lombardo, Inc. Company, Ac Perry Thornton, Mohr, WILLIAM Hugo Marx Ac Company, Birmingham Inc., Inc. Birmingham PILL, MARX, Birmingham Hendrix Ac Berney P. Agee Ac Leach, SAM B. Company, Ac Perry Inc., W. BERNEY PERRY, Birmingham First National Bank Hugo C. Lynch, Incorporated, HEAD, JOSEPH Co., MARX, Jr., A. National WILL Merrill H. Leach, Agee Ac Leach, MALONE, GENTRY, EDWIN A. HAYLEY, Ac LYONS, ARTHUR FRANK Shropshire, Cincinnati Stock and Bond Club, Inc. Leach, Birmingham Ac HENRY S. LYNN, FORE, ROBERT B. FRAZER, Ac Carlson National Berney LONG, KENNETH Inc., Birmingham TUNSTALL III, PERRY, Montgomery Birmingham FLETCHER, J. G. B. Alabama C. Watkins Stubbs, Equitable Securities Corporation, Nashville; Mr. & Mrs. John P. O'Rourke, J. P. O'Rourke & Co., Chicago Birmingham ALONZO Agee LOMBARDO, JULIEN Selma HAYS, Agee Birmingham, PERRY, MARVIN G. Berney Perry Ac Company, Birmingham Montgomery, LEONTIS, STEVE Courts Ac Co., Birmingham Sterne, Agee & Leach, Birmingham First Jr., Sterne, Birmingham DURKEE, ARTHUR B. First of LEE, ALONZO H. Inc., Mrs. Joe E. Hutton, Birmingham V Sterne, Agee Ac Leach, W. Securities, Montgomery ELIASBERG, Bank EDMUND LEACH, & PENNINGTON, EDWARD W. Hendrix Ac Mayes, Inc., Birmingham Montgomery Smith Ac of National First CHARLES LANPHIER, ROBERT F. Bank OWENS, MEMBERS OF 55 First National DARBY, Mr. Schmidt, Arthur Schmidt & Associates, New York; Mr. & Mrs. George H. Angelos, Chas. W. Scranton & Co., New Haven, Conn. ODESS, LEWIS J. First Alabama Securities, Ac Smith Treasurer: George H. Musekamp, III, G. H. STRAUGHAN, Jr., HOWARD R. Inc., Trustees: Trust National Bank Birmingham Birmingham L. Robert C. Conger, Westheimer & Co. Musekamp & Co. and Company; Robert Fogel, Charles A. Hinsch & Co., Inc.; Thomas C. ptaydock, Birmingham Montgomery GEORGE H. Stubbs, Watkins Ac Lombardo, Birmingham STUBBS, Jr., SWAGLER, RICHARD C. First Alabama Securities, Inc. Inc., Birmingham complete investment facilities TANKERSLEY, WILL H. ...T THOMAS, FRANK Sterne, Agee Ac Leach, Montgomery T W. Stubbs, Watkins Ac Lombardo, Inc. Birmingham ULMER, T. Courts LOEWI&CO. Ac CLYDE Birmingham Co., VINCENTELLI, Merrill JOHN M. Pierce, Fenner Montgomery - Lynch, Incorporated, INCORPORATED Ac Smith UNDERWRITERS * WALKER, Jr., JOSEPH P. INVESTMENT Lehman SECURITIES Brothers-One AND William Department, Birmingham 207 East 225 E. Mason WATKINS, Jr., MILES A. Stubbs, Watkins Ac Lombardo, St, Milwaukee 2, Wis. TELETYPE: Inc., DISTRIBUTORS WATKINS, Jr., OFFICES WARNER S. Watkins, Morrow Ac Co., Birmingham TELEPHONES: GEORGE M. George M. Wood Ac Company, WOOD, BRoadway 6-8040 CHICAGO: New York Other Stock Principal • Ml 581 Green Corporate Securities St. in Bay, Paul, Madison, Wausau, Waukesha, Wisconsin REPRESENTATIVES Mills, Oshkosh, in Rapids. Janesville, Lake Racine. Montgomery Municipal Bonds STate 2-0933 WOOD, Members: 6-6075 Birmingham 414-273-4333 MILWAUKEE: Michigan St. • Milwaukee 2, Wis. BRoadway Jr., George Exchange M. GEORGE M. Wood Ac Company, Montgomery Exchanges MEMBERS Mutual Funds EX C H A N G NEW (Assoc.) Stock YARDLEY, THOMAS K. w Hendrix Ac Mayes, Inc., Birmingham YORK E, M id west and Exchanges STOCK American Volume Mrs. Mr. & 196.. ,Number 621,6 M. Wakeley, Thompson A. and Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chicago; Co., Company; Tritten, Harrison & Company. Thomas W. H. Welch, Geo. Eustis & HILLE, In Cincinnati Indicated) located otherwise Lynch, Pierce, & Fenner ENGENE Hutton Pohl & JOHN ARMBRUST, Aub Si E. W. E. Hutton Co. The & W. Co. Barth L. J. and Charles Company Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated BIRKMEYER, Charles BLANK, ALLEN Inc. Co., and BOCKENSTETTE, RONALD ROBERT Charles A. Hinsch & Co., GARRARD, E. Distributors, Inc. C. JOSEPH CANNING, Wellington Westheimer W. & Co., Inc. Conners & Field, Co., Inc. Clair Harrison & Company, Inc. Harrison & E. W. Co. Hutton Si G. II. Howes Si Company, Inc. LOUIS WARNER, Seasongood Si Mayer L. C. Bank of SCHIRMER, CARL Geo. Eustis & Co. Charles EARL R. A. Hinsch Si Co., Ellis WHEELWRIGHT, Inc. I Hutton A. and Company Westheimer Si . Company and Company JOHN WILSON, JOHN D. Vance, Sanders Si Co., Pierce, Fenner Si Smith Cleveland WARREN R. Thayer, Woodward Si Co. WOODWARD, CHAS. WORTH, WILLIAM P. STAIB, LEE R. Geo. / AUSTIN White Westheimer SILVATI, H. Benj. D. Bartlett Si Co. Co. & Aub A. J. SNYDER, JACK W. Jr., E. P. WIDMAN, JR., ALBERT C. Incorporated Co. & RICHARD Co. JACK C. Merrill Lynch, LENHOFF, MATTHEW Si WHITE, J. Co. Si SIEGMAN, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Gradison D. Ellis Smith F. Co. ROBERT ft. SIIOTT, & Company RICHARD DONALD E. Si Co. WESTON, Si Mayer W. Fenner Si Westheimer and Company SHAFFER, Co. Devine WESTHEIMER, ROBERT I. Merrill E. J. SCIIWINDT, PETER and Company ARTHUR W. Co. and WELLINGHOFF, Cincinnati C. Company Si FRED WELLER, Co. Seasongood Si Eustis Westheimer FRED Reiter ROBERT WEISS, & Co. National First LEITZE, DAVID LEVI, Walter, Woody & Heimerdinger Company WILLIAM SAHLFELD, Co. Investment Reserve H. W. Co. Co. WILLIAM Richard S. LEPPER, MILTON W. A Lepper & Co JOHN M. H. Si Trust Central WARE, KURT Gradison D. Bache Si Incorporated Company Co. Geo. Municipal Bond Corporation Westheimer C. CHARLES L. Company Eustis WALDVOGEL, RALPH J. Clark Si Co. Fahey, Si JOSEPH VASEY, D. ROSSBACH, W. LAMEIER, THOMAS Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Company HEIMERDINGER, GILBERT A. Harrison & Company DAVIS, GEORGE KORTE, HAYDOCK, THOMAS C. DAUM, JAMES Hutton Si W. ARTHUR V. KORROS, M. Harrison Geo. Company THOMAS W. TRITTEN, II, ARTHUR II. HAROLD Joseph Si Company TOBIAS, JOHN E. Westheimer and Co. MICHAEL H. Gradison & Co. ROHS, Co. E. Pierce, Fenner Si Smith Westheimer and L. Si RUXTON, The Company Si A. & KEYS, RICHARD H. & Co. HARRISON, EDMUND WEBSTER COULSON, CHARLES G. L. W. Hoefinghoff Si Co., Inc. E. WILLIS D. HARRISON, III, COOPER, STANLEY M. Stanley Cooper Co., Inc. W. Hall John ROBERT W. ROTH, Jr., JOHN L. Cincinnati Richards Si Co. S. ROBERTS, Co. W. D. Gradison & Jr., CLAIR S. HALL, Reiter H. KATZ, & & Company TOBIAS, CHARLES H. Field, Richards Si Co. . GRISCHY, CLIFFORD H. CONNERS, WILLIAM P. Pohl Si Company, Inc. Eustis KALER, Howes RICHARDS & Merrill Lynch, REUSCH, CARL H. Fox, Reusch Si Co. Co. & JACK Reiter H. JOSEPH H. McDonald THORNBURGH, Incorporated JOSEPH, JOHN E. ■ John E. Joseph Si Co. Inc. GORDON Middendorf Si Co. ROBERT L. Robert L. G. M. Co. III, JAMES M. Hutton THOMAS, C. I Woodward Si Co. Thayer, & JAMESON, ROBERT A. Pohl Si Company, Inc. Company and Gradison Richard E. Si Mayer REITER, Company ISPHORDING, ROBERT B. Doll Si Isphording, Inc. H. GRAHAM, CHARLES W. CONNERS, Reed, Hutton GORDON Seasongood Si Mayer IBOLD, HENRY J. C. GRADY, GEORGE T. CONNERS, CHARLES F. Pohl Si Company, Inc. Conners D. and Seasongood & Mayer REIS, THOMAS Company Company Company THAYER, RICHARD ROBERT W. Seasongood Si Mayer Co. and & EDWARD TAYLOR, REIS, Si >- RICHARD T. Harrison REIS, III, GORDON Seasongood & Mayer G. Howes IBOLD, JAMES Co. <fe GRADISON. Jr., CONGER, ROBERT C. Westheimer and Company L. A. PATRICK GERTZMAN, SAM CLANCEY, W. POWER W. P. Clancey & Co. Robert Pierce, Fenner & Smith WILLIAM W. Si G. HUTTON, RUSSELL Waddell E. Geo. Devlne J. GEIGER, Inc., Cleveland CONNERS, Inc. & Co., FUERBACHER, JOHN N. Walter Woody «fc Heimerdinger W. E. Hutton Si Co. BRINK, RICHARD Westheimer TABELING, Inc. ROBERT L. Seasongood PAUL Westheimer W. Woody Si Heimerdinger Walter, Co. Cincinnati of Co. & RICHARD F. STRUBBE, Hill Si Co. REIS, Jr., & Hutton E. W. Hinsch & Co., A. Bank National First STEVENSON, II, JUSTIN J. Co. NEIL Charles HUDEPOHL, JERRY FROEIILICH, JOHN E. Company Gradison Westheimer and Bartlett & Co. D. BenJ. THOMAS Westheimer Co. & W. FRIED LANDER, L. & Si Westheimer and Company HUDEPOHL. IIARRY J. Incorporated Hinsch A. H. Hinsch A. Gradison D. REED, HUTTON, Jr., JAMES FRANK, JOHN Merrill Lynch, W. CHARLES Jr., STEPHENS, CHARLES II. Company GEORGE H. RANSICK, Richard ROBERT L. FOGEL, Inc. Co., Seasongood Si Mayer Incorporated Co. & & R. Dorsey, Mrs. Joseph & The Cincinnati Stock Exchange Co. POGUE, THOMAS HOWES, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Merrill Lynch, WILLIAM Merrill " LAWRENCE S. FITZGERALD. WILLIAM 1 Westheimer BIRK, v Bank JOHN Hinsch A. Si CLETUS Harrison PHILLIPS, IIOOD, Co. Gradison D. Hutton Co. W/ D. Jr., HARRY A. III, FINN, WILLIAM L. BERLAGE, Co. Provident E. OLLIER, & HONECKER, DALE E. GEORGE FII.DER, BARNARD, REGINALD N. BARTH, DAVID W. Eustis Si Geo. Inc. EDGAR A. Jr., E. & EUSTIS, J. Pohl & Company, AUB, Inc. Company, Co. & Jr., Ellis ROBERT APKE, A. ELLIS, W. Mr. STEFFENS, O'BRIEN, HARRY C. Co. HOEFINGHOFF, RICHARD G. L. W. Hoefinghoff Si Co., Inc. WILLIAM Elnhorn Co. Si Yates, Heitner <fi Woods, St. Louis; Bache & Co., New York Walsh, HOEFINGHOFF, LEE L. W. Hoefinghoff & Co., Inc. R. Co. EINHOICN, Hutton H. IIIRSCHFELD, OSCAR W. Stranahan, Harris <te Company Inc. Company, & Bache Smith TAYLOR E. & DUNLAP, JAMES Incorporated ALTER, W. DITTUS, HERBERT R. Pohl HENRY J. ALTENAU, Merrill uniesa Richard HINSCH, CHARLES A. MEMBERS Charles (Members Mrs. HERBERT, ROBERT F. W. OF ROSTER & Mr. Chicago Company, Co.; Cletus H. Oilier, Harrison & Hutton & E. The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . Allyn & C. Sincere W. . . Westheimer and Comnaiur Eustis & Co. LOVELAND, JR., FRANKLIN O. Harrison Si Company MARION, DONALD W. E. Hutton Co. Si McCLOY, JAMES Ellis & Co. WILLIAM J. McGRANE, Columbus First C. Reiter H. McKINLEY, Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood 1895 ESTABLISHED Provident CORPORATE & MUNICIPAL SECURITIES STOCK Geo. MIDWEST Trust Co. & & Co., Inc. Company GEORGE JAMES Hutton EXCHANGE & Si MTTRPHY. Merrill Co. JOHN CARL Woody Walter, STOCK EXCHANGE V. F. C. Isphording Inc. MUETHING, (Associate) C. Co. Si Eustis E. Doll EXCHANGE W. Hinsch A. White A. MORGAN, W. AMERICAN Minneapolis Co. Union MUEHLENKAMP, MEMBERS STOCK Co., Inc. Bank MORIARTI, YORK 8c MITCHELL, EDWARD C. J. NEW Dain ROBERT R. Charles DISTRIBUTORS & M. D. AL H. MEYER, MEYER. UNDERWRITERS & PAUL Fifth Third J. Corp. II, FRANK McKAY, Si RUFUS Telephone A. FE 3-8141 Heimerdinger Teletype W. Member New York 612-321-1115 Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Stock Exchange 612-321-1173 Incorporated MINNEAPOLIS - MUSEKAMP, III, GEORGE G. H. Musekamp & Co. ST. PAUL NEUMARK, JACK Middendorf ROCHESTER • FARGO • BILLINGS • GREAT FALLS • RAPID CITY & H. Co. KARL G. Roth & Irving Co. II. Our eight offices provide far-reaching and diversified territory of more distribution in a prosperous than six million people. NIEHOFF, Weil, Billinos Casper Duluth Southdale Great Falls NJEMAN, JOSEPH Bache & Co. ■V ' ' • 1 '1 St. Paul Sioux Falls 58 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle ROSTER Kansas. City Security Traders OF located In Kansas City otherwise indicated) unless Harris, JOHN backlund, Merrill Co. NORTH, FRANK W. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith E. E. R. Inc., Topeka, Company, Bell Kans. H. Robert L. Goss O. (Special) FRANCIS Hutton Light Co. (Special) & OWENS, Company, Pierce, & Jr., Commerce Ins. Co. Snider Co. Smith, PAXTON, Jr., FRANK Paxton Lumber Company PERRY, JACK L. Parker, Eisen, Waeckerle, Purcell, Inc. <fc Co. FESELL, Estes (Special) Adams & WILLIAM B. & Company, Inc., Topeka, Kans. PETERS, ROBERT C. Co. ' George K. Baum & Company JAMES Trust National City (Special) (Special) W. Wright, (Special) Fenner M. PIEDIMONTE, DAN Company C. A. (Special) KEMPER, Jr., R. C. Insurance Metal ELMER Prescott, Incorporated THOMAS P. III. Upham & Co. GEORGE E. Company Owens N. Fidelity Life Peet Allyn & Co. Harris, j II. SHIRREL Straus, Blosser & McDowell O. C. PAULY, JOHNSON, WM. Merrill Lynch, Incorporated KEMPER, D. Co. & Life C. Cu. GARY D. F. H. (Special) BIXBY, W. E. K. 6* I1AYWARD KELLY, JAMES F. JERRY Peet Co. Power & C. A. KASLE, International BERTRAND, Brothers National Co. American Alloys Corporation, Topsy's K. JONES, W. RALPH R. BENSON, JOHN BERGER, & OLSON, R. A. George K. Baum & Company BEAL, ROBERT D. ELDON Bache (Special) O'SULLIVAN, Stern IRISH, BAUM, G. KENNETH George K. Baum & Company BELL, Bank O'NEIL, TIMOTHY P. HUNTER. BANTRUP, WILLIAM W. B. C. Christopher & Co. & National HILLMOND, Albert W. Waddell & Reed, Inc. (Special). ' w. North & Co., Incorporated O'BRIEN, ANDY HOWK, JAMES Varnish Co. Incorporated Estes B. Business Man's Assurance Co. (Special) S. c. R. HIGDON, J. C. Upham & Cook Paint & Myron D. Mesler Thursday, November 29, 1962 MEMBERS HEWITT, Union AGRON, EUGENE AYRES, Francis D. Bertrand . Barret, Fitch, (Members Association Keith D. Lincoln . . Allyn & Co. PI1LUGA, EDWARD F. Bank & Co. Trust Midland Securities Company, Inc. ■ i President: Keith D. Lincoln, Luce, Thompson . BLACKFORD, & Crowe, Inc. Blackford KENNA, BILL Inc. Co., E. JACK BLACKMAN, Vice-President: Francis D. Bertrand, H. O. Peet & Co. (Special) VINCENT A. & Blackman Merchandising Corporation Brothers Treasurer: Robert L. Goss, Barret, Fitch, North & Co., Incorporated Directors: Thomas P. liam W. Bantrup, O'Sullivari, III, Harris, Upham & Co.; Wil¬ B. C. Christopher & Co.; Jack K. Halper, Straus, Blosser & McDowell; James Howk, Stern Brothers & Co.; William Johnson, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated; David Kramer, Bache & Co.; Lewis S. MacDonald, Dempsey-Tegeler Waeckerle/Adams merce Adams Trust & Frank C. Co., & & Inc.; Robert Purcell, Inc.; Harry F. Mayfield, Com¬ Company; Jack L. Perry, Parker/Eisen/Waeckerle/ Purcell, Inc.; Dan Piedimonte, A. C. Allyn & Co.; Westbrook, Jr., Midland Securities Co., Inc. National Committeemen: Russell K. & Parker/Eisen/ Mahn, Sparks, Barret, Fitch, North Co., Inc.; Thomas P. O'Sullivan, III, Harris, Upham & Co. Alternates: Charles J. Foley, H. O. Peet & Co.; Keith D. Lincoln, Inc. R. BREMSON, Jr., C. A. S. Inc., (Special) Century (Special) Company & JAMES & KEITII Crowe, Inc. Co., E. Jr., & J. Securities Miuiand Co., Inc. MARGIOTTA, Topeka Company, Cole B. C. CONLON, stock american stock Inc. Company, Mfg. Co. exchange (Special) Mcdonald, B. COSBY, DON exchange E. Hutton F. & Incorporated Company, CUMONOW, LOUIS A. Gateway Sporting Goods exchange Commissioner DENTON, J. C. Spencer Chemical Company C. Stockyards Traders DONALDSON, E. 135 LaSalle South Chicago One Street Chase Plaza 3 Telephone STate Manhattan New 2-3lOO York Telephone City 5 (Special) & Company, WILLIAM (Special) & Co., Transit, Inc. Inc. (Special) The Fleming Co., FOGARTY, Jr., & (Special) Inc. JOHN Brothers Stern l. I Incorporated Lee North & W. Company Co., Incorporated (Special) Fund Management Company, Houston, Texas SWANSON, A. C. Western Auto Supply Company (Special) THOMPSON, F. L. Dit-Mco, Inc. (Special) THOMPSON, KENNETH J. Luce, Thompson & Crowe, Inc. THORNTON, JOHN R. Barret, Fitch, North & Co., Incorporated TOPLIKAR, FRANK A. Zahner and Company MAYRHAUSER, OSCAR Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Incorporated WAGNER, THEODORE F. Merrill Lynch, Securities Corporation, Harris. Unham MOMYER, F. F. Pickering Lumber & Co. WARD, LOUIS L. MEYER, ROBERT E. Harris, Upham & Co. Russell Midland Candies, Inc. FRANK C. Securities Co., (Special) Inc. WHITAKER, J. P. Whitaker Company , Stover WESTBROOK, WHITE (Special) Cable Corporation i.EO.NAttD (Special) A. McDonald, Evans & Company MOORHEAD, THOMAS A. Value Line Funds, Atchison, Kans. WllirSlTT, WILCOX, J. Security Wilcox R. ' DALE Management, Inc. V. Electric Company (Special) WILHELM^EN; H. P. ' W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Co. (Special) (Special) NOLAN, T. M. Benson Manufacturing (Special) F. Co. Incorporated Inc. VON Company A. NAST, Jr., NAT Nat Nast, Inc. fleming, ned n. Topeka company, Securities MORGAN, JOHN A. Butler Manufacturing Company (Special) J. Dempsey-Tegeler EYER, D. B. Kansas City CARL D. Texas Co. Baum & Columbian (Special) L. STEPHENS, JAM'lK t. MYRON K. Company Co. Hutton P. STAPLES, L. M Company, & Barret, Fitch. (Special) MICHELSON, HENRY L. Straus, Blosser & McDowell Incorporated DUBOC, R. B. Western Casualty & Surety Co. DYER, BO 9-2070 I Bank IVAN Hutton F. (Special) Company National The & Peet Co., SPARKS, RUSSELL K. HARRY & Drug ROBERT O. Midland Topeka DOMINICK, II, J. R. PRIVATE FINANCING MEYER, (Special) Upham (Special) ;' ■ Inc. (Special) SORMANI, ANTHONY P. Company lawrence Hutton George DILLINGHAM, J. B. K. F. ME3LER. (Special) UNDERWRITERS AND DISTRIBUTORS £. Christopher & Co. McLEAR, E. Securities Missouri C. Hess, Inc. SNYDER, FRANK J. Beecroft, Cole & Co., SOLOMON, HAROLD & McGREEVEY, THOMAS J. Harris, (Special) Co. DALTON, JIM (associate) Adams McDonald, Evans & Company T. J. H. H. CLAUDE G. Bellas Parkview Henry & Co., Atchison. Kans. MCDONALD, MORRIS R. Drug Company, (Special) SMART, ALEX Company Trust (Special) SMALL, JOHN Inc. MAYFIELD, HARRY F. L. EARL Securities Gustin-Bacon midwest Mark Incorporated company, Star Harzfeld's, Inc. Trust Commerce C. National MARSHALL, E. D. Christopher & Co. COMBEST, members stock Co., Topeka, Kans. & (Special) SIEGEL, LESTER Marsh Steel & Aluminum Co. & COLEMAN, HARRY Midland york Incorporated MARSH, M. B. COLE, WA/LTER L Hutton K. Katz Christopher & Co. Commerce COLE, Jr., WALTER I. Beecroft, Cole & Co., Bcccroft. F. ' SHERMAN Toy Products HAROLD SIEBERT, E. MAHR, ROBERT G. Parker, Eisen, Waeckerle, Purcell, Inc. COEN, MIKE (Special) Inc. SHLENSKY, Inc. MADER, EDWARD G. B. C. Co., SCHIFMAN, BEN B. Inc. COBURN, CLAY Blyth & Co., Inc. new Columbia MARK A. Hutton F. Securities SAUNDERS, E. & Manufacturing RbsENBERG, KIP MacDONALD, LEWIS S. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Co. S. L. The Vendo Company (Special) cunYtes Inc. (Special) RIEHLE, JOHN J. Midland & Corp. (Special) REDMAN, Jr., JOHN Redman (Special) D. CHILDERS, j3acon7?f%ya>pie o uo. Incorporated LUCE, JR., MILTON Luce, Thompson & Crowe, B. Co., GORDON L. & Company, Luce, Thompson & Crowe, LUCAS, (Special) Co & QUINLAN, JACK Nelly Don, Inc. LOVETT, WILLIAM (Special) E. LAURENCE Witter Inc. Co., The Incorporated Dean & Thompson LONGEN, IV^erriil Lynch. Pierce, Fenner & Smitn CHAPLINE, LINCOLN. Uhlmann CAMERON, J. A. Marley Company Company W. Kansas Securities Commissioner (Special) LINEBERRY, K. W. Black, Sivalls & Bryson, Inc. (Special) Co. CALDWELL, GUY Guy's Foods, (Special) CARNES, Securities Hutton F. Service Brothers PROPER, FRANK P. Employers Reinsurance LERNER, VIC King Louie International Inc. Luce, JOHN T. BURTON, Bache N. Instrument Brunson (Special) Corp. Gas Stern LARIMER, LARRY H. E. A. The Inc. M. PRICE, EARL Inc., Company, LATSHAW, JOHN R. F. Acceptance BRUNSON, Co. R. Lines, PRINGLE, RICHARD Midland FRANK Allyn & Co. BROZMAN, POWER, Wichita Crown Bremson Industries, BRINKLEY. Incorporated Company, LANER, S. HARVEY Recco, Inc. (Special) Research Corp. Continental Dempsey-Tegeler Took Office: January 1, 1962; Term Expires: December 31, 1962. Co. BRACKEN, DANIEL S. CARROLL, Luce, Thompson & Crowe, & & KRUG, DUANE L. Milburn, Cochran & BONDANK, JOHN J. ■Stern Hutton Bache & (Special) Secretary: Myron D. Mesler, George K. Baum & Company. F. KRAMER, david POWELL, Jr., G. E. Yellow Transit Freight (Special) , Yl'hON, Company WARKE.N Uhlmann & ' Co., Inc. FOLEY, CHARLES J. H. ^mmiiarg fHarkri ^pmaltata We invite you to & Co. GASAL, JAMES R. Harris, Upham & Co. PRIMARY MARKETS GEE, GEORGE D. Securities Interstate Company GOLDMAN, Jr., FRED Medco, Inc. (Special) BONDS GOSS, call Peet GARDNER, T. BEGLEY A. C. Allyn & Co. TAX-EXEMPT REVENUE and G. O. O us ROBERT (Special) Coast-to-Coast Scrrice in I L. Orer-the-Counter Securities Barret, Fitch, North & Co. Incorporated GREEN, RICHARD C. O For prompt bids © To show © To place items on you Missouri have for sale HALOKA, daily airmail offering list Service Co. (Special) DONALD L. Brothers Stern buy inquiries us your current your name on our Public GUMBINER, & Co. EDWARD J. Secretary, NASD District No. 4 (Special) HALPER, JACK K. Straus, Municipal Bond Department Ira Haupt Members New York 111 Stock Exchange and BROADWAY, WOrth HANNI, ARTHUR R. Seltsam, Hanni & Co., Inc. Topeka, Kans. & Co. other principal Exchanges HANSON, Stuart HARRIS. NEW YORK 6, A. 4-6000 C. Hall West Jackson Blvd. 922-5116 315 FRANCISCO Montgomery DALLAS 20 St. 2605 Southland YUkon 1-0333 G. Company, CHARLES I (Special) NEW 3 LaSalle Street S. 20 YORK 5 Exchange Place HA DE 2-6161 M. & Poor's 5-5780 DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES , 1 Center 135 RALPH C. LOS ANGELES • ST. LOUIS • SAN FRANCISCO HEDDENS, Jr., BARRET First National Bank Riverside 7-7708 1 CHICAGO Inc. C. Allyn & Co. HARVEY, Standard SAN CHICAGO 4 141 doyle, o'connor & co., inc. Blosser & McDowell HENRY, MARK Mark Henry J MINNEAPOLIS (Special) * & Co., Atchison, Kan. , • OMAHA • KANSAS CITY Volume Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Number 196 6216 . . . E. Smyth, Salomon Brothers & Salomon Brothers 39 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Mr. Hutzler, New York; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Salomon, & Hutzler, New York Pittsburgh Security Traders & Harold Mrs. C. Directors: Thomas H. Davies, Jr., Association ROSTER ACKERMAN, Reed, JAMES Hulme, Applegate & Humphrey, Inc. Parrish Roy M. Hamsher, Cunningham, Schmertz & Co., Inc. Vice-President: John W. Hoy, Jr., Treasurer: Frederick C. Parrish & Co. Leech, Arthurs, Lestrange & Co. Fenner Si PRIMARY C. A. & Benson S. Amer. Income Inc. CARL A. Continued on page Company, Inc. & Burg win J. | J. Si Co. CARROLL, WALTER J. Janney, Battles Si E. W. Clark, National Old Lines Ins. BB National Terminals Corp. Florida Gas Co. Tecumscih Products Co. International RR. Lincoln Inc. CARTER, ALBERT R. Tokheim Weighing Corp. Corp. United Fire Insurance Co. National Life Ins. Co. Western Tool Littelfuse, Inc. Watt Si Schoyer Preston, Midwestern United Life Ins. Co. Life Ins. Co. First United Life Ins., Gary Co., Inc. HOWARD MARKETS TRADING Central Indiana Gas Co. JOSEPH, III MoKee Howard & Stamping Co. SAMUEL C. Conneaut Lake, Pa. CARTER, SHIRLIE E. CLELLAND, Elmer Powell E. David A. Noyes & Company Co. & CRAIG, JAMES W. C. S. McKee & Company, 1926 E. Si Johnson Smith BURNETT, III, ALEXANDER J. Arthurs, Lestrange & Co. SINCE G. Co. G. Pierce, Schmertz & Co., Cunningham, BENSON, C. SPECIALISTS & WILBUR JOHNSON, Johnson BODELL, G. CLIFFORD BURGWIN, OVER-THE-COUNTER Lear Incorporated LUFFINGTON, CHICAGO HERBERT JOHNS, H. DUANE Lynch, S. HULME, MILTON G. BARR, THOMAS L. Singer, Deane & Scribner President: THOMAS Jr., Moore, Leonard Si Lynch JEPSEN, ELWOOD M. Elmer E. Powell Si Co. Co., Incorporated H. Babbitt Si Merrill Robert A. Woeber JAMISON, Inc. Hulme, Applegate & Humphrey, Inc. WALTER BARBOUR, Frederick C. Leech John W. Hoy, Jr. Co.'! Reed, Co. & BABBITT, & Co. Parrish & Co. SHIRLEY JAMES & HUFNAGEL, RICHARD M. Singer, Deane & Scribner Co. Lestrange & Arthurs, Schmertz Hefren HOY, Jr., JOHN W. ARTHURS, ADDISON W. AUSTIN, Inc. CHARLES E. Singer, Deane Si Scribner ARTHUR R. Arthur R. LOWRIE A. IVORY, Jr., CYRIL J. Simpson, Emery & Company, JACOBS, Cunningham, Inc. Si PAUL H. Chaplin McGulness Si Co. MEMBERS IIEFREN, J. Co., AFFLEGATE, McKelvy Si Company INGRAM, Parker, Kay, Richards & Co. f Schmertz Cunningham, RoyM. Hamsher HUNTER, FRANK H. IIAMSHER, ROY M. Co/ & OF J. WM. Lear ANFANG, W. HUNTER, DAVID McKelvey Si Company Abstin S. Umstead, Company; Norman National Committeeman: H. Sheldon ARTHUR F. Applegate & Humphrey, Inc. Hulme, Bi Ward, Jr., Norman Ward Co.; Robert C. Wetmore, McJunkin, Patton & Co. & i HUMPHREY, Jr., Co. McKelvey & Company; Robert Shaffer, C. S. McKee & Company, Inc.; A. E. Masten & Mrs. Ralph C. Deppe, Mr. & York; Edward D. Jones & Co., St. Louis Secretary: Robert A. Woeber, Arthurs, Lestrange & P. Co., Inc., New Shore & Shore, Harold C. I , Inc. Established 1908 I CREHAN, JAMES E. Leonard Moore, Members Lynch & CRIST, JAMES D. SWIFT, HENKE & CO. MEMBERS MIDWEST^ STOCK EXCHANGE du Exchange Chicago 4, Illinois DANIEL I. Francis Stock South LaSalle Street 208 Kay, Richards & Co. CULLENAN, York New & Pont Co. Phone 312-782-0400 TWX 312-222-0405 ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, J. Singer, Deane Si Scribner DAVIES, DAY, THOMAS Jr., Meivelvy Si PAUL Company A. Applegate Hulme, j Si Humphrey, Inc. DEAKINS, ROBERT G. Reed, Lear Si DODWORTII. Channing The Illinois Company DONALDSON, Kay, F. JOHN ERNEST O. Straus, Blosser & McDowell Moore, Leonard Si Lynch Established 1933 DOYLE, C. F. ROBERT NEW YORK MEMBERS STOCK EXCHANGE • ' •" j'; McKelvy / MIDWEST STOCK EXCHANGE ESTABROOK & FERRERO. Elmer • BROKERS . CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL SECURITIES AN 3-5700 • y; VA": A. Powell ■ ■. ... Deane & Reed, YORK STOCK I EXCHANGE MIDWEST STOCK Co. EXCHANGE • DETROIT STOCK EXCHANGE N. AMERICAN Scribner STOCK (ASSOC.) EXCHANGE KENNETH E. Benson FITZGERALD, FOLEY, NEW MEMBERS . R. & CHARLES Singer, Financing and Sales Negotiated v." L. ROBERT E. FISHER, C. Private NORMAN C. JOHN Singer, DEALERS Chicago 3, Illinois • TELETYPE 312 222-0371 Simpson, Emery Si Co., Inc. CO., NEW YORK, BOSTON • Company Crow, Brourman & Chatkin, Inc. FISIIER, UNDERWRITERS 39 South La Salle Street JAMES H. & EISENSTAT, EMERY, CORRESPONDENT C. Childs and Company DRASS, Jr., A/Jt \ Listed & Unlisted Securities Underwriters—Brokers STANLEY Richards & Co. DORBRITZ, INCORPORATED Co. W. Service Corp. & Co., JOHN Deane Si Inc. L. ' NEW YORK Scribner WILLIAM R. Lear Si Co. MILWAUKEE DETROIT • • GRAND • RAPIDS KANSAS CITY • MT. CLEMENS GENKINGER, JACK M. J. 231 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET FINANCIAL 6-3400 • CHICAGO 4 TELETYPE 312 222-0462 M. Genkinger Si Co., New Castle. GLEESON, Jr., Bernstein & GEORGE Retail GOLDSMITH, LEON Bernstein GURCAK, Thomas & Co. FRANK J. & Company Fa H. Co. I • Trading • Wire Connections Coast to Coast 60 60 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle & Mrs. John J. D'Arcy, F. L. Putnam & Company, Inc., Boston; Edward J. Bullock, Jr., A. C. Allen & Co., Pompano Beach, Fla.; Don W. Goelzer, City Securities Corporation, Indianapolis Mr. I Simpson, Association 59 Continued from page LEECH, FREDERICK C. Inc. LOOS, JOHN C. Walston is Co., Arthurs. JOHNSON, Jr., WILBUR E. C. S. McKee & Company, HAROLD M. > MacDONALD, i & Blair Simpson. Emery is Company, EDWARD C. E. Masten is Company Inc. IIARVEY Lazard Freres York is H. H. Reed, Lear is Co. C. MOIK, Reed, Lear & Co. A. Bank & Trust Co. , KENNETH Arthurs, Lestrange is Co. MULLEN, HENRY J. Singer, Deane & Scribner LEATHERBURY, GEORGE P. Reed, Lear & Co. ' Hentz J. MINNESOTA SECURITIES J. & 321-1113 612 ^ : BUILDING 2, MINN. Telephone Teletypes WARD, 321-1394 EjEderal 9-9251 Masten & NORMAN WARD, Jr., WOODS, JOHN P. i Mellon B. A. NORMAN Inc. B. is E. Masten ZINGERMAN. Lynch, Incorporated W. ZUNIC, JOSEPH Company, Bank Thomas Incorporated & is & Trust Co. j Company ROGER Merrill McJunkin, Patton is Co. Stroud National WOOLFOLK, THOMAS Company Singer, Deane & Scribner WETMORE, ROBERT V. J. Pierce, Fenner is 1 F. Company Security Traders Association of Co. Los Angeles Co., Inc. is Inc. Co. SHORT, JOSEPH P. Arthurs, Lestrange is Co. SHUTTLEVVORTH, WILLIAM S. Stroud is Company, Incorporated SIMPSON, WILLIAM G. Simpson, Emery & Co., Inc. SINGER, G. HART ON, III. Singer, Deane is Scribner I PAUL J. Clemens T. Lueker E. Steele Co. & President: Clehiens T. Lueker, Hill STEIGERWALD, WILLIAM R. Langley-Howard, Stubner CHRISTIAN J. & Curtis. Co. National ii Bank Trust Secretary: Kenneth O. Barsamian, Morgan & Co. Co. Treasurer: Norman Green, Pledger & Company, Inc. SULLIVAN, JOSEPH H. Cunnnigham, Schmertz is Co., Inc. SWEITZER, EARL E. Reed, Lear is Co. TAYLOR, RAYMOND Richards & Co. Incorporated. Vice-President: Delbert E. Bakerink, Paine, Webber, Jackson & Inc. STUREK, FRANK T. Mellon K. 0. Barsamian Delbert E. Bakerink is Company HARRY J. Governors: Patrick Sheedy, Fairman & Co.; Val A. Valhoff, Les¬ ter, Ryons & Co.; Stephen C. Turner, Jr., Turner-Poindexter M. & Co. TERESI, SAMUEL H. .v Reed. Lear is Co. TIERNAN, FRANK M. r: Preston, ROSTER Preston, Watt is (Members MUNICIPAL ISSUES OF ALL R. Hefren is is Co. is ASCHKAR, PAUL H. Indicated) Paul H. Aschkar & BAKER, Co., Inc. is HENRY C. Bowles Thomas ALEXANDER, JACK H. Turner-Poindexter Schmertz Angeles unless FRED Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis Co. is Co. BAKERINK, DELBERT E. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis Co. ARMSTRONG, JOHN TOMASIC, ANTHONY E. Thomas Los otherwise TITUS, SILAS J. Cunningham, in ADKISON, Schoyer TILLOTSON, Jr. WILLARD J. Arthur MEMBERS OF Watt is Schoyer TIERNAN, Jr., FRANK M. Preston, Watt & Schoyer TIERNAN, WILSON B. PROMPT BIDS ON Mora Company & BARSAMIAN, KENNETH O. Co. Morgan is Co. Beverly Hills, Calif. THE DAKOTAS WATLING, LERCHEN & CO. Corporate and Municipal Securities OSCAR BERGMAN —KERMIT SORUM Member: New York Stock American Stock Allison -Williams Company MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Phone: FEderal 3-3475 TWX 612 321-1131 Smith Inc. Co. Steele STUBNER, 612 E. Singer, Deane is Scribner SHAFFER, ROBERT P. H. MINNEAPOLIS A. PHILIP Co., Inc. is SCUUGAR, MAX N. Walston is Co., Inc. SCR1RNER, JOSEPH M. Thomas (Established 1924) Walston SCHNEIDER, WALTER G. Van Alstyne, Noei is Co. SOL1TS, BAKER Company WARREN Davis STEELE, CO., INC is Stroud is Company, Incorporated UMSTEAD, AUSTIN S. S. RYAN, THOMAS C. Arthurs, Lestrange & Co. SATLEU, Jr., FRANK L. Moore, Leonard & Lynch SCUMERTZ, ROBERT C. Cunningham, Sclimertz is H. Active Markets in Masten WILLEY, FRED C. S. McKee & Company, SUEPPAUD, JOHN S. D. MAHONEY & E. RUMPF, JAMES Co. S. National A. Company G. Jr., WOEBER, ROBERT A. Arthurs, Lestrange & Co. WOLFERS, TRUMAN, PAUL Kidder, Peabody & Co. ROBIJNS, EDGAR E. Simpson, Emery & Company, ROSENBERG, JOCK M. City CARL MEYERS, KARL F. Meyers & Co. MILLEMAN, Jr., CHARLES F. Kay, Richards & Co. Company JAMES New McKEE, Mellon LAMBING. Jr.. MALCOMB LEAR. RIGG, Incorporated C. S. McKee & Company, Inc. METZMAIER, Jr., ALBERT J. Walston is Co.. Inc. EUGENE Co., Thursday, November 20, 1962 TRESCH, ARTHUR Co. is RALPH Jr., is . TOWNE, RICHARD C. Hulme, Applegate & Humphrey, Inc. Inc. Co., is Powell Kichards McCONNELL. A. Thomas & is E. RICHARDS, , ' S. MARSICO, Sr., FRANCIS A. Arthurs, Lestrang & Co. Jr., W. BRUCE Co. KOST, LEAR. Inc. LINFORD MARONEY, FRANKLIN KNOCn, CYRIL KROW. Elmer Richards & Co. Kay, KELLY, THOMAS Moore, Leonard & Lynch KLIMA, JOHN R. Lear Co. Reed, Lear is Co. Francis L du Pont & Co. Reed. & LONSINGER, EUGENE R. Johnson is Johnson KEENER, Jr., ELMORE L. KEIR, Lestrange Emery PARKER, H. SHELDON Kay, Kicharus is Co. PARKER, R. BURTON Kay, Richards is Co. PATTERSON, BLAIR M. Arthurs, Lestrange & Co. PEELOR, CHAKLfcS G. Arthurs, Lestrange is Co. PON1CALL. Jr., JbRANK M. C. S. McKee & Company, POWELL, ELMER E. ROSTER OF MEMBERS . Harry Green, Hecker & Co., Philadelphia; Jim McAtee, Butcher & Sherrerd, Philadelphia; Coit Williamson, Schmidt, Roberts & Parke, Philadelphia; Sam Kennedy, Yarnall, Biddle & Co., Philadelphia PALMER,; EDWIN D. Pittsburgh Securities Traders . FORD Ann Arbor • Dearborn • Exchange, Midwest Stock Exchange. BUILDING, Jackson Exchange, Detroit Stock Exchange, • DETROIT Kalamazoo Lansing • 26, • MICHIGAN Pontiac Port Huron • • Birmingham New York Volume Mrs. & Mr. BECKER, J. 196 Number 6216 . . 61 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . John Ralph Deppe, Edward D. Jones & Co., St. Louis; R. D. "Dick" Moore, Ultronics Systems Corp., New York, demonstrating machine; William J. McCullen, Hess, Grant & Remington, Inc., Philadelphia LA VAIN GRAMZA, JR., WILLIAM H. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. DA VIES, Barth & Co, H. & Scanlin Jr., Inc., New York, demonstrating Quotron to Corb Liston, Schlicting, 1Vm. P. Harper <£ Son & Co., Seattle, and York Hanseatic Corporation, New York Electronics, Prescott & Co., Cleveland, Hugh R. Frank J. Ronan, New KFENAN, JOHN J. HENDERSON, ROBERT J. NICHOLAS D. Hentz Moughty, Currier & Carlsen, R. J. Henderson St Co. Co. JAMES William BENSON, / R. L. Staats DEUTSCHMAN, HARVEY Co. St V. Inc. R. E. Bernhard & Co., EARL Eastman Dillon, Harbison DONATO, Union Securities & Co & Henderson & Co. E. BETZ, HERMAN C. BOURBEAU, EDWARD J. Daniel Reeves & WILLIAM E. Hutton & Company, Evans Incorporated EUPER. J. RICHARD Weeks Hornblower CARLSEN, THEODORE D. Currier & CASS, ROBERT Evans L. Colburn St LEASON. R. F/. Burbank, Calif. Hogan, Inc., Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., & G. Carlsen, Incorporated J. Jr., HARVEY GLEN & Co. Henderson ROY, CARL R. J. Henderson Le Co. JEWELL, HAROLD Crowell, Weedon & Co, JOHNSON, WILLIAM A. Sutro Inc. St & LATINOVipn. GEORGE M. Bateman, Eichler Ac Co. Co. IMBLER, A. O. William R. Staats Inc., San Marino PUMA, JOSEPH Currier HUDSON, NORMAN R. Co. & Wells, LINDE, Holton, & ELWOOD Henderson Co. & Co. Continued Co. on page & Co. Barth THOMAS J. Hanseatic Corporation K. Inc. FINE, & Co. Beverly Fairman La WILLIAM Mitchum, Jones & Templeton Incorporated , HECHT, JOHN C. ( Blalack Company Co., Inc., Hills NOEL Polonitza CLAUDE, & Co., Incorporated Co. CYRIL Arthur B. Moulton & & STEVE LANZ1T, Co. & STUART Cantor, Fitzgerald & G. MacCormack CHIVERS, Inc. KRAFT, VERNER HARRIS Co. HOWARD, Dean Witter St Co. FAGAN, JOHN Gardner, Stanley & Harris, Carlsen, Incorporated & H. Incorporated Investors II. EUPER. Jr., THOMAS Polonitza & Co. Weeks & Stone Barth ATSUYOSIII Richards & Lambuth R. Inc. Company, Hutton & Company, WILLIAM H. New York CAMERON, DONALD M. Hill HALL, MAX Co. Co., MacCormack CALL, J. HALLAM, & GEORGE ELLIOTT, & & EARNEST, BRUM, JAMES E. Olmstead, Allen & Co. Hornblower A. Hammill DYER, III, FRANK Wagenseller & Durst, Inc. Inc. WILLIAM J. Hayden, Company, Incorporated Dempsey-Tegeler BOYACK, ROBERT HOSOKAWA, GRIFFIN, KENNETH J. DOUGLASS, BRUCE Co., Beverly Hills & F. KRAFT, Jr., OSCAR F. HOULIHAN, JOHN GRIMES, MICHAEL F. Hutton & Shearson, ROBERT M. Pledger E. Co. FRED KOEHL, GARY California GREEN, SAM Henderson JOHN DORROH, United California Bank Co. & Witter St Dean Bateman, Eichler & Co. Pledger & Company, Inc. Frank, Meyer & Fox Stern, MacCormack GREEN, Co. JOSEPH DORMAN, HOLLAND, H. NORMAN Evans DOAN, JAMES C. Beverly Hills BERRY, MICHAEL E. F. GREEN, & HERRERA, CONRAD J. A. Hogle & Co. JACK Rutner, Jackson & Gray, Inc. Inc., ROBERT D. Turner-Poindexter BERRY, BROWN. Sons, Calif. DIEUDONNE, Jr., GEORGE L. Hills BERNHARD, Jr., ROBERT E. Blyth & Co., Hills, Cruttenden, & Co., Inc. JOSEPH J. Osborne & DIEHL, Costello, Russotto & Co., Beverly R. K. Beverly ARTHUR Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., BENTO. GRAY, Incorporated NICHOLAS P. KIRWAN. BEEBE, & Co. FRALICK, JR., STYLES Blyth & Co., Inc. KENT-MOORE ARTHUR & FRANKLIN, RICHARD Co. Samuel B. Franklin fc Company COCKBURN, JAMES D. Mitchum, Jones & Templeton FRASER, Stern, Frank, COLLINS, EUGENE Hill Richards & WILLIAM COOK, Hayden, Stone Co. Evans Co., GENTLE, Incorporated men ANTHONY Angeles Herald Express (Honorary) need PHILLIP B. MacCormack & GINN, WILLIAM E. Co. Harbison CRUTTENDEN, Cruttenden DAHL, ...wherever Meyer & Fox Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. B. & G. FREEMAN, ALVIN R. Los CROSS, JAMES JR., & RALPH WALTER Co., W. Inc. J. M. Dempsey-Tegeler & special Henderson GOODFELLOW, RICHARD A. Hogle St Co. service GRAFF, JOSEPH & Co., First Inc. California Company Incorporated products Active Markets Maintained in MUNICIPAL BONDS mechanism requires special products for its maintenance, Kent-Moore is there helping industries around the world prolong the efficient operation of industrial and consumer products. This service began in 1922 when we first worked with car manufacturers to develop special service tools. Today, Kent-Moore is a parent CORPORATE SECURITIES When any with the answer, Specialists in Michigan Bonds and Stocks company with five subsidiaries, including Kent-Moore Organization International A.,G. with complete research engineering, manufacturing and sales divisions. of Switzerland, JlRST OF^flCIIIGAN {^ORPORATION MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Midwest Stock Exchange BUHL NEW YORK Grand Rapids Kent-Moore record is corporate and financial progress. On consecutive quarterly dividend. A copy of pur 1962 all who are interested in learning more about us. . . and one of continuing September 1, 1962 we paid our 60th Annual Report about our is available to 40 years of progress. BUILDING, DETROIT COLUMBUS CHICAGO Battle Creek Muskegon American Stock Exchange (Associate) Detroit Stock Exchange The Bay City Grosse Pointe Flint Birmingham Lansing KENT-MOORE 28635 T MOUND ORGANIZATION, INC. ROAD • WARREN, MICHIGAN 62 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 62 . . ; Thursday, November 29, 1962 liiiliiailliii ' : -v 112 I: ^ , * . L?" m. Vc-tv'': mm V, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert M. Lothrop, Hutton E. W. Co., & Westheimer and Company, Boston; Mr. Cincinnati & Mrs. Currier Harris, Upham Co. & Richards Incorporated N. C. Co. & Incorporated Roberts St Co., Paul H. Aschkar & Co. MILLER. , California & Lambuth Robert Incorporated Company, & Company MILLER, Huff & Co. & Webber, H. St Reeves Hentz 45 YEARS AS Beverly Hills, Co., & N. Curtis St Roberts C. R. Beverly Hills Co. Inc. SUMMERELL, & J. Henderson & Co. & Templeton Incorporated Company, Incorporated WHEELER, JOHN E. Cruttenden & & Co., Inc. Inc. Co., DONALD Durst, Dean E. TOBOCO, HOWARD Jay, Beverly ' Co., Witter Co. & < Inc. WITT, BASIL Thomas Cruttenden & Smith WIIITAKER, DONALD DANIEL MURPHY, Fenner WESSENDORF, Jr., HOMER Mitchum, Jones & Templeton Co. SCOTT Wagenseller & CORPORATE Smith WILLIAM WELLS, ROGER Mitchum, Jones ROBERT California STOUT, Calif. JOSEPH Crowell, Weedon St Co. DISTRIBUTORS AND GRADE HIOH OF & The Weller Company MULREIN, WRITERS Fenner WELLER, JOHN S. E. & Pierce, Incorporated Co., Beverly Hills Dempsey-Tegeler UNDER¬ Lynch, WEBSTER, STEWART, DALE Hayden, Stone & First VINCENT Inc. Incorporated THOMAS St Mora MORA, OVER Jackson Barth & Co. FOR Co., & WILLIAM Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Co., Beverly Hills & STEWART, MIDWEST SAM Incorporated Inc. IRWIN Inc., Co., MORA, ADOLPH THE Incorporated FRANK J. Merrill WILLIAM SPIVEY, JAMES J. Canton, Fitzgerald Beverly Hills J. Co., SPERRY, FRANK Taylor & Company, MOISE, MOORE, WARD, ' St Company Dempsey-Tegeler Co. WAYNE Roberts Daniel Inc. Co., C. SMITH, WILLIAM A. Weedon & Co. St WALLACE, W. Aschkar & H. Paine, MODRELL, PAUL Blyth Incorporated Company, WILLIAM WALKER, RODNEY L. Crowell, Weedon & Co. SILLICK, JACK J. Company FRED H. St FOREST Inc. WATTS, DEAN D. Lambuth Crowell, First N. MacCormack & Co. WESLEY MANTER. CARL Hutton SIEPMAN, RAY METZINGER, Inc. ?iv.. MANN. F. Paul MacINTYRE, PATRICK LIVINGSTONE, CHARLES R. LOVELADY, E. B. NIELAND Co., California First Beverly Hills Co., Co. & ARSDALE, & Mrs. VAL Ryons VICARY, CLIFFORD D. SHIPLEY, Evans Fenner St Smith Bell & Lester. Blyth Weeks St Hornblower LUEKER, CLEMENS T. Hill LINTON, BONN R. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Kleiner, MELVILLE, RONALD Dean Witter & Co. FRANK LINK, VAN SHIMOOKA, EDDIE Co. & VALHOFF. SHERWOOD, ALLAN F. Currier & Carlsen, Inc. SHANE A. McOMBER, Barth J. Janney, Battles & E. W. Clark, Inc., Philadelphia; Mr. & Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc., New York City Russo, SHERMAN, HARVEY V, K. Osborne & Sons, Inc., Beverly Hills Carlsen, Incorporated St T. Wilde, A. SHIPLEY, ROBERT LOWER. Frank EDWARD MeGANN, OF MEMBERS 61 Mrs. Norman McEVERS, MILTON S. Daniel Reeves St Co. Los Angeles Continued from page & MANWARING, JOSEPH R. Evans MacCormack & Co. Security Traders Association of ROSTER Mr. Hudepohl, J. Harry Stern, Hills Winston St Co., Frank, Meyer & Fox Inc., WREN, Inc. EDWARD Lester, Ryons J. & Co. TORENA, JOSEPH MUNICIPAL AND SECURITIES. NEVINS, JOHN R. Lester, Ryons & Lester, Co. TRACY, NOLAN, Evans THOMAS Currier ROBERT MacCormack & Co. St K. Carlsen, Inc. & Co. TURNER, Jr., RICHARD Fairman Steffi Brofe 6 Co. INVESTMENT BANKERS 1009 OMAHA Inc.. Beverly Hill.> ANTHONY & Walston PHELAN, New Paine, Co., Inc. RALPH E. Hanseatic Corporation Jr., York PITTS, Co. & DAVID PETERSEN, REGINALD Webber, Jackson & Curtis CLIFFORD POINDEXTER, Turner-Poindexter & E. Co. AND LIGHT COMPANY MUNICIPALS Kansas — New Mexico — Oklahoma It AMPLE Y, WA CHARLES Dempsey-Tegeler Texas REDMOND, William & Co., Inc. ROY Staats R. St Co. an and Other Midwestern States LAWRENCE Morgan & Co. investor-owned RICE, 1 RICHARDS, CORPORATES Harker St ROGERS, Industrial, Public Utility and Railroad Securities Bank and Insurance Stocks Rutner, / EISEN / WAECKERLE / ADAMS Member 8c PURCELL, Midwest Stock Inc. Exchange 101/2 BALTIMORE AVE., KANSAS CITY 5, MO. Telephone BAltimore 1-4090 Bell Teletype 816-556-0490 (Trading Dept.) I electric and gas company Henderson serving the heart of Iowa KENNETH Co. & RUSSELL, S. Co. & Harbison Sutro JOHN JOHN RUSSELL, PARKER Inc. E. Weedon Crowell, ALBUQUERQUE — J. Peabody & Co. PARPALANO, MISSOURI DENVER Missouri WILLIAM Bingham, Walter & Hurry, BALTIMORE KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS Inc. JERRY RICHARD Kidder, CHICAGO Co., ZIMMERMAN, Co. R. K. Osborne & Sons, OWEN, St & GRAHAM T. Weeden St Co. Co. St OSTROW, V. Walston YOUNG, Co. STEPHEN C. Turner-Poindexter MEMBERS & DONALD Fuirman O NEIL, MIDWEST STOCK EXCHANGE WRITER, JOSEPH TURNER, STEPHEN C. Turner-Poindexter O'NEII, WRIGHT, WILLIAM L. Lester, Ryons & Co. Ryons St Co. ROBERT M. Jackson St Gray, Inc. for more than a century SANDLER, MURRAY Mitchum, Jones & Templeton Incorporated SCHWEITZER, J. Barth & STEVEN Co. SHEEDY, CHARLES A. Fairman & Co. SHEEDY, PATRICK H. Fairman & Co. SHERIDAN, Kleiner, EDWARD Bell & Co. WRITE FOR ANNUAL REPORT • DES MOINES 3, IOWA Volume Number 196 63 Commercial and Financial Chronicle The 6216 First H. Hentz Don Goodbody Miller W. CHADDOCK. J. Sc VOSPEB HAROLD RODNEY Paine, Webber, McDonald Sc Co. JOSEPH Bache COLE, & CRANE, John G. Martin T. W. Obuchowski Manley, Rotsted, F, J. Winckler Co. Treasurer: John G. Obuchowski, Goodbody & W. Co.; * Martin, First of Michigan Corporation. DAVIS, officers The Roney & and Graham, Sterling C. otherwise Detroit unless in located , DE Braun. indicated) Sc Co. Incorporated BLUE. Hague EUGENE ALBERS. Chas. H. Hentz ALLEN, Co., & Wm. C. Lawson Sc Wm. White, BALLENTINE. J. F. Simonds & Co., Inc. Baker, WALTER BAYER, F. BRUBAKER, E. Winckler Manley, BRUSH. C. Wm. Bennett, A! ANSON C. Roney & WILLIAM W. K. Baker, Simonds BERMAN, Walston & BURTON, & BYRNE, Co., CALICE, Jr., R. Webber. Jackson <V Curtis C. O'Donnell A. Sc Wm. C. M. Inc. McDonald Sc Co. NELSON N.Y. Angeles, Cal. C. J. A. HOGLE & CO. including such NATHAN Over-the-Counter offerings Pocatello, Idaho as: SPEEDEE MART FIRST SECURITY INVESTMENT STRAZA INDUSTRIES FIRST SECURITY CORP. UTAH CONSTRUCTION CO. CANADIAN SUPERIOR OIL ALBERTSON'S. INC. SURETY LIFE INSURANCE COLWELL CO. NEVADA POWER CYPRUS MINES Ogden, Utah Corporation H. Idaho Falls, Idcho Missoula, Mont. & Curtl* RUSSELL PIERCE Inc. GARRETT FREIGHTLINES, INC. PALOMAR MORTGAGE CO. LAGUNA NIGUEL Corona del Mar, Cal. Albuquerque, N. M. tional York TUCSON GAS & ELECTRIC Santa Fe, N. M. AUTOMATION INDUSTRIES Carlsbad, N. M. MacArthur & Company GEORGE R. Hudson White & Co., Grand First Supply Company highs in sales and earn¬ recently acquired an addi¬ gas supply which makes its brighter than ever. — on Rapids the New Exchange Symbol be sent MFS. report on will request. CLARENCE A. of Michigan Corporation HOULIHAN, R. all these industries year. of source Annual IIOLLISTER, HORN, is used extensively in Listed HOWARD Kenower, including ings. The Company HITCIIMAN, T. NORRIS Del Mar, Cal. — paid each year since its 1935. Goodbody Sc Co. Stamford, Conn. of industry electronics and missiles. Natural organization in Boulder, Colo. INTERSTATE MOTOR LINES constantly growing and is Dividends have been Co., of IlINDES, has Inc. PETER B. Michigan Corporation IIIGBIE, First & years A. EUGENE Walston copper, future look Shearson, Hammill Sc Co. HESZ, is continues to record new JOSEPH Jackson HASTINGS, the past 10 Little wonder that Mountain Fuel E. Webber, Paine, HASTINGS, steel, gas 7.. Co. Michigan of First served area throughout the Baker, Simonds & Co., Provo, Utah ' CHARLES L. GUESS, I over Weeks Sc Sc HARTNER, Butte, Mont. SAMUEL II. FRANK Goodbody growth characterized by diversity FRANCIS Hornblower GRIFFO, Beverly Hills, Cal Reno, Nev. The Roney Sc Co. GREGORY, Long Beach, Cal. unlisted securities... Co. Goodbody & Co. Spokane, Wash. Its averaged 9,736 customers a year. STERLING GREENHOUSE, regularly buy and sell a wide variety of & Co., MacNaughton-Greenawalt Sc Co. Grand Rapids Tucson, Ariz. gas II. RUSSELL GREENAWALT, Exchanges Riverside, Cal. McDonald Hills Hague & C. natural Supply Company. fully integrated Company, Mountain Fuel pro¬ customers. S. Bennett, GRAHAM, Jr., Wm. Mountain Fuel & Co. Roney DAVID Smith, Utah and southwestern Wyoming, duces, transports and distributes natural gas. It serves 96 communities and more than 182,000 J. ALFRED GIRARDOT, GOODRICH, Western cities and New York and Stamford A II. Baker, Simonds & Co., Inc. ROBERT GILLAM, in Lansing S. Michigan Corporation of is helping build a growing west. And Natural gas means Donovan, Gilbert & Co., Wm. 22 R. GILBREATH, Jr., W. First C. IIUBER, FRED Andrew HUBER, FRANK O'Donnell C. JACK .Andrew C. J. Sc Co. Sc Company MOUNTAIN W. Reid FUEL & Company SUPPLY COMPANY — 180 East First South C. Reid Smith page Inc. F. JOSEPH GLASS. J. A. Hogle & Co. offices in on Co. Sc Roney Bloomfield ... Fenner Sc Continued Detroit MURRAY Denver, Colo. Exchange and Other Principal of Co. Frumin, Manley, Stock Bank Co. WIT HAM & GILBERT. York Co. & Co. STANLEY Manley, Bennett, McDonald & Co. New A. McDonald Inc. GAWLIK, Members MILTON Bennett, JOHN J. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Pontiac Co., Sr., E. Manley, Bennett, Expanding West... Manley, A. Murray San Diego, Cal. MARCHIN, Co. & Vogel & Company Los MANLEY. S. Rowady & Nichols, Inc. H. GATZ. Helping Build the Fenner & Smith McDonald Sc Co., Mich. Hills, KISCIf, JOSEPH J. National Sc Parcells A. FRUMIN, Salt Lake City, Ut. Bennett, Bloomfield A. Parcells FLOYD. Jr.. C. New York. Co. DONALD B. Davis, DAN Sc Co. AARON FLEISCIIMAN. ANTHONY Manley, KING, RICHARD R. McDonald T. Incorporated E. Associates, & Hague FISHER, J. Goodbody & Co. DAVID J. CHARLES Charles Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis Inc. DUANE II. Ellis A. Smith. Lerchen & Co. WALTER MANLEY, PETER Bennett, ARTHUR J. EX LEY, Goodbody Sc Co. P. Simonds BILLMEYER. Paine, Watling, Inc. Inc. Co., RAY BERNARD!. Baker, Co., & HARVEY Manley, ;r Nephler-Kingsbury Co. EVERHAM, EDWIN M.¬ Co. J. Curtis & e. R. Roney & ELLWOOD. McDonald & Co. MacPIIERSON, Sc Co. ROBERT O. McDonald donald Baker, Simonds Sc Co. Inc. W. Lynch, Pierce, JOHN Bennett, Co. & GEORGE C. Charles HAROLD BURROWS. A. MacFARLANE. Mackenzie, Corporation Michigan VALLETTE Watling, Lerchen Sc Co. BENJAMIN, (Associate) Toledo HENRY Schmidt. BRUEGGEMAN. RALPH J. A. Co. CHARLES BECHTEL, THOMAS Sc Company G. MAURICE oi ELLIS, Winckler Co. J. robin Simonds & Co., Inc. ELDER, P. & Co., Inc. Simonds Baker, Co. Co., W. KINGSBURY, . REGINALD RICHARD Moreland Wm. K. R. & WILLIAM BAUBIE, EIS, & Co. McFawn MACE, Inc. H. McFawn LEO F. McDowell & MacArthur Sc Kenower, Incorporated Company Co. & KING, BERT Shearson, Hammill & Co. First WILLIAM BROWN, R. Nauman, Merrill P. JOHN Jr.. White H. EARLE, Co. Sc DRESSEL, A. KEITH Baker, Simonds & Co. I Roney Sc Nauman, C. McDowell Biosser & Goodbody C. DOKE. Baker, IIAYI)EN Incorporated Co., Sc Jackson Webber, DRUKER. Co. & BROWN, TODD MACKENZIE Straus. (Associate) Baker, Simonds Sc Co., Inc. BROWN, Incorporated BAIRD, Inc. Co., BRENNAN, WILLIAM P. K. THEODORE Jones, Armstrong. & C. ARTHUR Hudson JOHN Goodbody Grand Rapids J. Co. Biosser MaoARTHUR, Campbell, McCarty & Co. Inc. KERSTEN, O'Donnell C. Paine, Texas Winckler Goldman, Sachs Sc Co. & FRANK Inc. Smith, Hague & Co. H. P. E. Norton J. Straus, P. Ripley DOI1ERTY, f WARREN F. BRABSON, C. Inc. Roney Sc Co. ARMSTRONG, Antonio, BOOS, , N. J. AI.LMAN, L. Inc. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis ALONZO Blyth S. Co. & KEMP, DILWORT11, LAWRENCE H. R. FREDERICK J. Dempsey-Tegeler San GEO. DISTLER, KENNETH BOLTON, Co. & GEORGE ALLARDYCE, Mich. I\ Parcells A. Arbor. Ann Sc Co., RUSS Co., LOUIS LYNCH, FRANCIS Inc. WILLIAM & LUDINGTON, Co., Inc. G. JOSEPH Collin, F. VICTOR Co. Walstop Sc Co., ALASHAIAN, EDWARD Smith, Winckler ROY Baser, simonds Sc Co., Young & Company. Harrlman HARRISON Jr., J. P. M. Bosworth D. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis BIRD, WILI.IAM ADAMS. F. Baker, Simonds Sc Co., Inc. Manley,j Bennett, McDonald & Co. KENNETH Walston J. F. Weeks Sc PETER S. LUCIITiVlAN, Corporation Hammill & Shearson, KEANE, NEIL YOUNG. De MEMBERS BINKLEY, Hornblower LOGAN, CHARLES Parcells Sc Co. A. LICHTENSTEIN, H. A. MILTON of Michigan KATZENMEYER, White Sc Company Hudson DILLMAN, (All members First KEIER, ROY DIIOOGE. OF Chas. V O. Manley, William Jr., LEPPEL, BERTRAND Baker, Simonds Sc Co., Co. & Armstrong, Jones, Lawson Sc White, Incorporated White, & Lawson Jones, Vogel & Co. KARRO, Rowady & Nichols, Inc. DELANEY. Lerchen & Co. ROSTER Co. L. FRED Davis, Cp.; Donald L. Richardson, Nauman, McFawn & Co.; John D. Standish. Watling, Sc A. Weeks CURABA, FRANK Goodbody & Co. Secretary: Joseph P. Keane, Baker, Simonds & Co., Inc. Directors: McDonald RALF Sc Miller W. H. KANNEY, CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT J. Don Thaddeus ' Incorporated Bennett, Hornblower Vice-President: Jackson Sc Curtis Co., LAWSON, SEWARD N. Co. RAYMOND KAFKALIS, CROOKSTON, President: William A DONALD I. CREECH, William Rotsted JOHNSON, L. C. McDonnell & (Associate) & Paine, Webber, Jackson Sc Curtis Royal Oak PETER S. Webber, Paine, LAUDE, RAYMOND J. Goodbody Sc Co., Boston, Mass. A. LEROY JARVIS, A. Fenner & Smith Incorporated Incorporated ' Co. CORDEN, R. JANZIG, ELMER LARSON, L. Lerchen Watling, Company Merrill Lynch, Pierce, GUY Armstrong, Co., Inc. C. LESTER Management Wayne L. PARKER MacArthur & Co. G. IRELAND, T. ROBERT Goodbody & INMAN, Kenower, W. Jackson Sc Curtis Co. & LANTERMAN, Webber, Jackson Sc Curtis Paine, CLUTE, MINTON M. Straus, Biosser & McDowell COEN, Goodbody Royal Oak INCH, KEITH R. Bennett, Manley, CHUBB, L. Sc-Co., Co, RUSSELL A. KUHNLEIN, Baker, Simonds Sc Co., Baker, Simonds & Co., Inc. CHAPEL, Moreland & Co., F. EDMUND KRISTENSEN, & WILLIAM HURLEY, Co. Goodbody Sc Co. Inc. Mich. JACK HUNTER, Co. Sc KISSEL, ROBERT G. L. Co., Campeau Birmingham, N. L. F. F. HUGHES, VICTOR Watling, Lerchen Inc. Co., HORATIO CANNON, CAVAN, R. Michigan Corporation of CAMPEAU, BENE F. R. F. Campeau & Detroit and Michigan, Inc. HUEBLER, JDONALD H. CAMPBELL. DOUGLAS Securities Traders Association of Salt Lake City 10, Utah 64 64 Mr. & The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Mrs. Samuel M. Kennedy, ; < . Yarnall, Biddle & Co., Philadelphia; Shumate & Company, Inc., Dallas Mrs. & Mr. Mr. Howard J. Speer, & Mrs. Peter E. Molloy, White, Weld & Co., New York; Mr. & J. Meyers <£ Co., New York; Edwin P. O'Brien, Sincere and SIMONDS. NAU, FRANKLIN H. Wm. C. Roney & Co. NAUMES. R. Detroit and Michigan, Inc. F. JOHN W. Reid C. NEPHLER. & Nephler-Kingsbury MILLER, MARTIN. R. C. EDWARD Smith, O'Donnell JOHN of Hornblower <Sz Company- MILLER, — GEORGE A. NIGBOR, Wagner & Miller LAWRENCE Winckler MIOTTEL, Corporation Paine, RAYMOND Webber. MOONS. >;■*,'.;V; Jackson & J. RO**FRT Bloomfield Watling, HARRY A. Winckler MERCIER. C. Moreland MORRIS. Company F. J. EDWIN FRANK R. Hudson MILLER, Don R. & Company First W. of NADELL. Miller & Co. Chas. LESLIE DAVID & Inc. . R. T. CHARLES F. EARLE & REID, - Our Department Is Trading Active Listed And Unlisted Local In Securities REID, We 70 a Market u)e can find it" registered representatives give you Nauman. area JONES & CO. ESTABLISHED 1871 York Midwest Stock Stock Exchange American Exchange Stock Chicago Board, (Assoc.) of Trade St. Louis 2, Mo. 101 North 4th St. CEntral Exchange 1-7600 Teletype 314 556-0960 Branch Office—Bon Durant Bldg., Pueblo, Colo. & Co., York, New and Francis I. du Pont & Co., Watling, K. First of Curtis Chicago SEVENTY-TWO YEARS ROBERTS, RONEY, Wm. OF H. BANKING Jr., & F. & Stifel, Nicolaus & Company INCORPORATED Co. GArfieid 1-1980 Hay den, Stone & Co., and Singer, Bean Co. VICTOR A. Paine, Webber, Jackson Kalamazoo WILLMORE, Merrill THOMAS Lynch, & Curtis F. Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated M. WOOD. Weeks WARREN Charles HENRY ZENDEL, A. McDonald & F. J. Parcells & ZERWICK. Co., Hills A. & Co. LEE Walston B. Bennett, A. Roney & Co., Inc. F. HERMAN Winckler Co. Nashville Association of Securities Dealers - & Curtis W. & Co. & P. Co.. Northland Inc., Mich. M. Co., Inc. NICHOLAS Hentz J. J. Co. PHIL & Co. MUREL J. Sancrant & HARRY Winckler Co. President: Hoyt G. ROBERT & EXCHANGE 2-5770 and Moline Offices and to & Machie, Inc.,1 New York City W. Irvin Mitchell, Jr. Berry F. Hill, Cherokee Securities Company. Vice-President: Thomas H. Mitchell, Jr., Co. Cumberland Securities Corporation. HAROLD Schmidt, Ellis SCHNEIDER, & W. Associates, Inc. Secretary & Treasurer: W. Irvin Berry, Berry, Douglas & Fitzhugh, Inc. ELWOOD H. Directors: James C. Bradford, Jr., J. W. H. Schneider & Co., Kalamazoo C. Bradford & Co.; Harold Clark, Cherokee Securities Company; Thomas M. Hudson, Equitable Securities Corporation. Campbell, McCarty & Co., Inc. SCHULTE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS T. H. Hoyt G. Hill Co. L. (Assoc.) 105 W. Adams St. St. Louis, Chicago C. WILLIAMS, Co. VICTOR Winckler J. F. J. W. ROSTER LOUIS Winckler SCHULTZ, Don Between Wm. •• L. SCHOLLENBERGER, HERBERT Wire Co. R. JOHN Bloomfield Bank T. MacArthur & Co. WILCOX, EDWARD W. & KENNETH Kenower, J. Winckler Co. SCHMIDT, E. 556-0007 WHITE, Co., J. GEORGE VERNIER, SCHMIDT, JOHN Blyth & Co., Inc. MEMBERS Private Co. WILLIAM Goodbody STate & Michigan Corporation Manley, McDonald Southfield, SCHAFER, 222-0392 Roney & WIIITAKER, LEWIS H. Mich. Simonds SCHIFFER, 315 C. II. Olmsted & Mulball, Inc., & Co., K. Hills, ELLIS Murel 314 ROSS McFawn JOHN & L. J. Bennett, SANCRANT, ST. LOUIS, MO. McDonald Hills Roney & Co. SALVATORE, INVESTMENT Broadway Bennett, GERALD Corporation THATCHER Walston F. 314 N. WEISS, Nauman, McFawn & Co. & TERRY RUCAREAN, STOCK Co. Mich. JOHN C. ROTH, F. MIDWEST Parcells R. VANDERVOORT, McDonald Michigan ROTSTED, EXCHANGE Manley, Inc. RICHARD TIEDECK. W. ROBERTS, THOMAS C. Paine, Webber, Jackson Baker, STOCK STANLEY A WEGENG, Jr.. PHTLIP J. Wm. A. DONALD Birmingham, Center, EXCHANGE & Company Lerchen ROSASCO, AMERICAN WEAVER, Nauman. McFawn & Co. Manley, STOCK Co. H. Co. RICHMOND, PAUL D. Bloomfield YORK & Incorporated ROOT. NEW Bache & THOMAS WATSON, D. Goodbody & Co., Royal Oak Wire Connections with Pueblo branch and Direct Private Josephtlial PALMER Watling, Lerchen Weeks RIKER, ALEXANDER K. Members New McDowell Winckler Co. WATLING, ROBERT & J. & Armstrong, Jones, Lawson & White, RICHARDSON, EDWARD D. SWIAT, REUTER, GEORGE A. pin point distribution in this F. J. Bloomfield Jr., SUTHERLAND, Reid & Company Bennett, Flosser A. MELVIN First of & CLARENCE Charles Co., Hornblower ROBERT Manley, Specialize In Orders For Banks and Dealers STTJIT, TAYLOR, Reid C. & Incorporated Co. WATERSTONE, BEN B. Inc. Kenower, MacArthur Grand Rapids G. REIT.LY. RAYMOND "If there is Co. ANDREW C. Andrew C. And Invites Your Inquiries i & & Co. MONTGOMERY Andrew All Co. D. VIRGIL fir Manufacturers National McDonald CLAUDE Co., Co. J. Co., ROBERT Ron»v Straus. & STEINBERG, ROBERT E. Hornblower Grand Rapids MARKETS WASS. Baker, Simonds & Co., Inc. Paine, Webber, Jackson LOUIS . Co. STOETZER, Co. L. Bennett, & STOCK, W. Parcells Simonds RAUCH, ' C. & & WANTLAND, NORBERT E. Baker, Simonds & Co. Inc. E. Inc. JOHN MYRON Walston A. Co. & RAYMOND D. Campeau Co., Inc. PORTER, TERRY Co., Campeau STANDISH, STEIN, PELTIER, Weeks Wm Watling. lerchen & Co. C. Company HOWARD Manley, C. F. Bache Jr., A. PARKER, Baker, ST. Arbor RAYMOND Parcells A. Chas. Morrison, Michigan Corporation Hornblower W. Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis PARCELLS, I. A. & Co. OSBORN, MILO H. Inc. SPENCER, RAYMOND E. O'Donnell & C. Co., Bennett, McDonald SPENCER, CHARLES Walston & Co., Inc. R. O'DONNELL, Jr., PARCELLS, Morrison MUSCnETTE. White I. E. Winckler Co. MORRISON, Corporation & Co. Smith, Hague & Co., Ann Co. WILLIAM McDonald THADDEUS & WALLACE, & Manley, ODDY. R. K. Manley, Bennett, McDonald & Co. B. DON W. PAUL & HAROLD MORRIS. 1 P. First of Michigan MILL, Goodbody D. F. Parcells RICHARD Bosworth Braun, SPENCE, RONALD L. WALTER OBUCHOWSKI, Co. H. & WYNN A. WALLACE, HERBERT Walston Inc. Co. Charles H. McCarthy SNOWDAY. SOCALL. J. Bennett, Manley, 1 Straus, Blosser & McDowell MEYER, Mich. Lerchen & MORELAND. Manley, Bennett, McDonald & Co. McHUGH, JOSEPH S. J. Hills, MORAN, ALFRED B. Co. Jr.. & NOVIKOFF. Manley, Bennett, McDonald & Co. t. F. B. Co. ROBERT Walston Curtis Co. Mcdonald, gerald McDOVALD. & NORTON, G. Co. MATTIESON, JACK Watling, Lerchen & Bache & RICHARD Moreland W. Co. H. WAKEMAN, Co. RICHARD Campbell, & H. Goodbody & Co. H. & E. Parcells A. ARMIN Vogel <te Co. VOORHEIS, FRANK E. H. HAL PHIL SMITH. Weeks & A. Inc. Manley, Bennett, McDonald & Co. G. Michigan MATESA, J. SMITH. NEWMAN, PERCY P. Hague & Co. Ferris, F. Pontiac Co., Co., Hague CLIFFORD Charles VOGEL, HAL III, Smith, JAMES MARTIN. First J. VERRAL, . Hague & Co. SMITH, J. & Jr., Smith, Company CLARENCE Jr., W. WADE Walston Inc. Co., Campeau ROY Andrew RALPH Baker, Simonds & Co., Inc. SLOANE. R. SMITH, NEIL, OF MEMBERS Continued from page 63 Mrs. John J. Meyers, Company, Chicago John Security Traders Association of ROSTER Thursday, November 29, 1962 . . . Miller SIMMONDS, & H. Wm. C. ROBERT R. Roney & Co. ADAMS, J. Co. CHARLES M. Shearson, Hammill & Co. SIMMONS, OF MEMBERS Co. HERBERT Jr., DAVID C. Bradford ANiiLKS»u.>, Jr., Merrill Lynch, & ARNING, ROBERT A. P. Jack Co. CHARLES D. Pierce, Fenner & Smitn BAIRD, J. C. M. Bass & Company HAROLD Bradford & Co. Tncornorated ANDERSON, III, WILLIAM J. Equitable Securities Corporation BARNES, J. C. a MELVILLE Bradford Sz M. Co. \ Volume Bernard 196 Number 6216 McLeod, Oscar E. Dooly <8 Co., BARFIELD, Merrill ISAAC Lynch, D. Pierce, Fenner Smith & Incorporated JACK Jr., WALTER Spencer BERRY, I Stein Trask & Jack B. Co. Equitable Hale BRADFORD, Jr., Third JOHN & J. J. Inc. J. First Co. 6s ED Mid-South National Vance, Co. BURKnOLDER. Eauitnblp II. FRANK Jr., H. FRANK Equitable Securities Corporation Mid-South Securities CHRISTOPHER. Merrill SAM Equitable Securities Corporation JOHNSON, III, HOLLIS E. First American National Bank Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith W. HAROLD EVERETT Jack M. M. Jack Clark, M. Landstreet & W. WYNN Company, Inc. DOUGLAS. & MORRIS Merrill Lynch, Clark. Inc. First Pierce, Fenner & Smith Landstreet & Kirkpatrick, OVERTON C. Inc. RICHARD Stein & EVANS. Bros JESSE Cumberland EVANS, FARRAR, Clark, FITZHUGH, Berrv. FRANK, Corporation MARTIN, Jack Securities Douglas FLETCHER, Wiley Securities & National Bank WARD, Jr., JAMES C. Jack M. Bass & Company J. L. & Co. THOMAS. C. W. THOMAS. W. RICHARD Securities DAVID W. Inc. Bros., WOMACK. ROY Cumberland Securities Corporation Co. WOOD, Jr., LEWIS F. Clark. F. Company, MARION Jr., N. Estes TIDWELL, Landstreet & Kirkpatrick, Inc. Inc. R. F. & Company, Clark, TODD. P. Jack Co. Jr., M. ZEIGLER, A. J. C. Kirkpatrick, Inc. & Company STEVE Bradford & Co. ZEITLER. LOUIS Bass Landstreet & Inc. Equitable Securities Corporation Sharp & Company SHII.LIVGLAW. E. Landstreet & Kirkpatrick, Inc. ZEIGLER, GEORGE M. KENNETH B. D. & Gibson WILEY, Jr., Wiley Company, Inc. Bradford & Co. Alfred MARION Estes N. Clark, GILBERT W. Spencer Trask & H. W. Bank WELLS, JAMES R. ALLEN TEMPLETON, CHARLES Estes & N. Webster, Bradford & Co. C. Co. ROBERT C. & Hale WEBSTER, B. SULLIVAN. & CHARLES American National First Co. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Incorporated - Co. Bradford C. WARTERFIELD, D. LESLIE STRAIN. Securities Bradford C. J. Sanders & Company JOHN STORY, WILLIAM M. WARD, JOHN R. , 1 National Bank Third Smith, & Kiikpatrick, Inc. National Bank Securities SPECIALISTS r. Corporation RAY Pierce, Fenner & Smith IN Co. G. Bass & Company EVERETT Bass Mcdonald, O. & P. OVER-THE-COU NTER Company joiin Pierce, Fenner & Merrill Lynch, Smith Incorporated W. l L. Lynch, McDANIEL, Inc. SECURITIE S Mclaughlin, tiios. e. Inc. STANLEY M. Jack M. Kirkpatrick, Fitzhugh, Inc. FRANK Bros., Corporation S. WILLIAM Co. & C. Co. MADDEN, BERT F. Mid-South Securities II. & JAMES Third Securities Co. Inc. Boycc RUDOLPH WARD, B. F. J. C. Bradford Co. <fc Jr.. ENOCH B. Spencer Trask & MATTHEW Mid-South quitman IRA Merrill J. Landstreet Smith LENDERMAN, RICHARD W. Jack M. Bass & Company PEYTON N. Cumberland American ledyard, LUSKY, Mid-South Securities Co. ESKIND, & rudolph Equitable EISEMAN, ELLIOTT Clark, Landstreet lauper, C. Incorporated ELKINS, Fenner Pierce, LANDSTREET, III, BEVERLY W. R. Berry, Douglas & Fitzhugh, EARLY, Trask Co. SHARP, ALFRED D. K. Securities Lynch, Incorporated Fitzhugh, Inc. THOMAS J. EDWARD LANCE, Jr., THOMAS F. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & JAMES N. Douelns Berrv. Corporation D. & ROBERT SCHOEN, Company Jr., FRED Mid-South L. Wiley Bros., Inc. DOUGLAS, Bass & KIRTI.AND. Estes & N. M. REEVES, W. J. L. Clark, Landstreet & Kirkpatrick, Inc. Inc. Securities SAIN, NEIL MERVYN J. Jr., KIRKPATRICK, Kirkpatrick, DAVIS, FRANK DIXON, Inc. Company & Buss KINGINS, Spencer Trask & Co. CLINE, JOSEPH Company, MERVYN KING INS. Merrill WAItl). S. STEVENSON, ALEC B. HERBERT Mid-South J. & Esies Company Wiley Bros., Inc. W. Cherokee Securities Company CLAYTON. N. WALSON, THOMAS Spencer Trask & Co. & LYNN ROBINSON, PORTER KEITH, Incorporated CLARK. Smith SOL Vance, Bradford PIICHER. Co. E. Fenner Pierce, Fenner & Smith ROBERT Mid-South STERN, Equitable Securities Corporation JACKSON, II, PERCY V. Clark. Landstreet & Kirkpatrick, Inc. TESTER M. C. PETTEY, E. BUTTON, JOE BURKHOLDER, CHOATE, J. Jack M. Bass & Company Corporation Pierce, Incorporated STEPHENSON. CARR PEARSON, HUGHES, RAMSEY D. Securities Smith HENRY Cumberland THOMAS M. Equitable Securities Corporation Inc. & Jr., WILLIAM E. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated JOHN Spencer I Fenner W. & Co. McDOWELL Lynch, STEMPFEL. B. JAMES Bradford Merrill Incorporated Co. Pierce, Sanders PAYNE, HUDSON, Wiley Bros.. A. C. TURNER, Merrill Lynch, Co. & HOWARD PARKMAN, Company Bank BROWN, ROBERT D. & Clark, Landstreet & Kirkpatrick, Inc. Securities J. Smith OWEN, JOHN'S. g. Bank American Merrill SONTAG, Lynch, & Incorporated EINER Bradford Merrill Corporation HOBBS, THOMAS M. BROWN, SMITH, Jr., Incorporated Securities Cherokee National Bank Bradford C. OLSON. G. GUS Securities hoyt C. Fenner Equitable Securities Corporation NIELSEN, NORRIS Co. & Bradford C. hill. K. National NIELSEN, Pierce, SMITH, II. LAIRD L. First American albert s. nill, ' Co. FINIS TUCKER, OTTO Merrill Lynch, Incorporated NELSON, II, WILLIAM Clark, Landstreet & Kirkpatrick, Inc. CLARENCE Bradford Equitable Corporation C. NELSON, Company Securities, C. HALLIBURTON, L. JAMES Bradford BREAST. Co. & EWING Securites W. walter r. Jr.. HALEY, J. & SIMPKINS, Cumberland Securities Corporation Inc. Bass Zwahl, Mabort & Co., New York; C. Merrht Coleman, Allen & Company, New York; Joe Billings, Cowen <8 Co., New York; Joe Mendres, J. <8 W. Seligman <8 Co., New York NELSON, EDWARD G. Clark, Landstreet & Kirkpatrick, Inc. Boyce BUFORD Bros., M. hale, IRVIN Trask Spencer C. Lou MITCHELL, Sr., T. H. L. HAGGARD, JOHN II. Berry, Douglas & Fitzhugh, Inc. BRADFORD, & Bros. Wiley E. EUGENE W. WILLIAM GREENWALT. BOOTH, Jr., H. O. J. 65 Disbro <8 Co., Willoughby, Ohio GIBSON, Jr., JO Webster, Gibson & Hale M. Equitable Securities Corporation BENEDICT, Bob Disbro, Miami; GRANBERY, Jack M. Bass & Company BELL, The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . ^R. Keegan, Goodbody <8 Co., Miami; Howard Snyder, The Ohio Company, Columbus, Ohio; Davis BASS, . . Wiley Bros., Inc. ■ P. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Incorporated 1930 — MITCHELL, Jr., Cumberland T. H. Securities Thirty-Two Years in St. Louis — Corporation 1962 FUSZ-SCHMELZLE & CO., INC. Members TWX 314 New York Stock Exchange CEntral 1-2614 556-0221 Primary Markets in SCHERCK, RICHTER COMPANY Members Midwest Stock Exchange 40 320 St. Louis Area Issues ST. Trading Wire System Troster, Singer & Co., N. Y. C. UNDERWRITERS — RETAIL DISTRIBUTORS ( N. 4th Street LOUIS 2, MO. 1 .• GArfield TWX-314-556-0451 i- • " • • 1-0225 66 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle ROSTER Security Traders Club of St. Louis ARNSTEIN, Stix FREDERIC Jr., OF Co. & A. Edwards G. & Edward Sons 1 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner Smith & Taussig, A. Day Edwards G. Yates, Fusz-Schmelzle Sons Sons LOFTUS. White Woods & JAMES Inc. Co., WILlilAM K. J. Whitehead R. Charles Goodwin A. W. Jack Wichmann G. Edwards MATTHEW, J. White Sons & Bond BRAMMAN, & t- Co. Leo R. - JOHN W. Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated Clooney James A. Ryan Darryl L. Pope T. EUGENE BURNS, Fusz-Schmelzle President: Kenneth J. First Vice-President: R. Henry, Charlesj Goodwin, Goldman, Sachs & Co. Vice-President: W. Stifel, Nicolaus & Wichmann, Company Incorporated. JAMES J. Harris Trust & Savings Bank Reinholdt Clooney, Reinholdt & Gardner. White, White & Company. Inc.; Kenneth J. Whitehead, T. M. Simon & Co. Mercantile ARTHUR A. O'CONNELL, Smith, Edwards of EDWARD Stock Exchange Incorporated Edward Butler, Wick & Company Stock Stock Exchange (Associate) A. Exchange Ohio Leather Atlantic Business Forms Sawhill Tubular Products Albee Homes E. Valley Mould & Ircn L. Commercial Shearing & Stamping Youngstown Fdry. & Machine Dollar Youngstown Research & Devel-pment Bidg., Youngstown 1, TELEPHONE—RI 4-4351 OFFICES: Alliance, Salem, Warren, Incorporated G. H. Walker Incorporated Co., Franklin, Sharon, Pa. WUEST, HARRY Blewer. G. & PAUL R. ZINGRICH, E. Sachs JOE Inc. Co. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. Operating Revenues The Jacobs & Co. WILLIAM 59 60 1961 10 Year Gas Customers C. Growth Pattern RUDOLPH H. Walker & Co. % Newhard, Cook & Co. Dempsey-Tegeler Co., & 57 Electric Sales Inc. 1961-1.534,630,517 KWH 58 W b0 1961 at Earnings Per Common Share Iowa | 1961-52.77 : Increase Over 1960-9% HAEUSSLER, WALTER C. IIA GENSIEKER, Reinholdt & EARL Gardner UP... UP...UP...from 1952 on, Electric I1AHN, CHARLES Sales and Electric Revenue Scherck, Richter Company HAVE DOUBLED! HARTNETT, WM. II. There's Morfeld, Moss & Hartnett Yates, Heitner & Woods over 90 Account Executives in five states, backed by experienced underwriting department. We will welcome your inquiry. needs of an ever- WILLIAM Yates, Heitner & Woods rural area McCourtney-Breckenridge & Co Members Principal Exchanges —- Hay den, Stone & YORK-CINCINNATI Offices Throughout the Midwest TELEPHONE: WOrth Inc. our 1961 Annual Report. A copy of this Report is Yours JANSEN, Co. KENNETH Edward D. JARRETT, Newhard, NEW The above Charts are Co., & HUEBNER, CHARLES Midwest Stock Exchange Teletype—513 577-1685; 1580 Wire: .rated from Ohio T elephone—621 -6800 Direct grows Iowa! IIOLSTEIN, EDWARD J. Dempsey-Tegeler an<k Company .. > Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorp Westheimer . with Growing F. Per Common Share expanding urban and HILLE, HAWORTH Dividends Paid ... HORNING. BERT H. 124 East Fourth St. Cincinnati 2, a reason ■ Iowa Electric Light and Power Company efficiently meets the HEITNER, NORMAN E. IIOCH, increase Over 1960- 9% Electric! Heitner & Woods Yates, organization embraces Co. ZINZER, HERMAN J. HENRY J. Scherck, Richter Company Electric Customers GUMMERSBACH. ALBERT U. our & C. Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated GUION, ROBERT H. placement and distribution for underwritings and offerings. Our extensive retail Co. Jr., Co. HERBERT D. Morfeld, Moss & llartnett GRAF, dependable J Glynn & Goldman, & GOODWIN, R. CHARLES Goldman, Sachs & Co. estheimer offers prompt, Bank of JAMES A. Yates. Heitner & Wood Goldman, Sachs & Co. UNDERWRITERS—DISTRIBUTORS—DEALERS L. & Co. Franc GLASER, r CHARLES Boatmen's National Louis Sons & 6-2115 Jones J. & DONALD Cook & Co. G. Co. JARRETT, ELMER E. Newhard, Cook & Co. St Co. Jones IRVIN of Co. & GLASER, Ohio; The St. FRIEDMAN. WILLIAM STIX Ohio Semple, BRANCH REIMER, Bank FRANC, TERRY Henry, Bank WOOD, L. D. National F. Edwards G. Boatmen's Incorporated TV Louis K. & RICHTER, Zoernig & FORD. JAMES A. The L. WM. Co ERNEST WILLER, Inc. Co., Jones Simon & WICHMANN, W. JACK FRANK E. FLOTRON, Union National Bank CFM Co. Inc. ZEIGLER, Sons & Stifel, Nicolaus & Company. 0':io Water Service M. Edward FITES, VERNON American Cement National I. REIMAN, KENNETH Simon M. YATES, Woods & JULIAN Company Incorporate,! Bank A. Company D. Inc. A. SUlei, Nicolaus &i Company. & ELVIN POPPER, Goldman, Sachs & Co Mahoning National Bank & C. Company Incorporated & WHITEHEAD, DARRYL Edward FISCHER, JOSEPH S. Automatic Sprinkler Union POPE, II Edwards G. National ROBERT p^ULI, White Co. & SAM FELSTEIN, White Louis St. & WHITE. Jr., POLETTE, JOSEPH Ltd. Heitner Yates, Ajax Magnethermic Savings & Trust Co. EARL ESSERT, MEMBERS American Bullock, Calvin R. Co. Joseph G. Petersen Si Co., Inc. DRUMMOND. KENNETH (Established 1926) & PETERSEN, JR., JOSEPH G. J. C. Jones D. EDWARD Moore Fusz-Schmelzle Ferguson, Mo. DEPPE, RALPH Co. EDWARD White Stifel, Nicolaus <fc Company, Incorporated RAYMOND JOSEPH Warren L. WHITE. PATKE, JAMES B. DARMSTATTER, E. W. DENYVEN, Warren Co. L. Weber,'Mitchell Si Olson, O'NEILL, THOMAS J. Joseph G. Petersen <fc Co., DANIELSON, Midwest Inc. Co., Sz WEBER, VINCENT Company I. Sons & Newhard, Cook & Co. Midwest R. HARRY Boatmen's The WILLIAM G. Stifel, Nicolaus & Company. Exchange Trust OLDENDORPH, A. A. WILLIAM WARNICK, Reinholdt & Gardner DEMPSEY, DUMONT G. Stoch Co. O'NEILL, MALCOLM CROSS, York WALSH, Co. & COULTER, O. ELWOOD McCourtney-Breckenridge & Co. National Committeemen: Eugene T. B.urns, Fusz-Schmelzle & Co.. New Cook Woods & ROBERT Dempsey-Tegeler Incorporated Union Trust Heitner WALSH, i II O'BRIEN, JAMES Gardner & RICHARD Yates, CLOONEY, LEO R. Reinholdt & Gardner Secretary: James A. Ryan, Newhard, Cook & Co. A. Louis Newhard Inc. Co., Ill Glaser, Vogel & Co. WALSH, Bank of St. Louis St. ALBERT. F. Sc. VOGEL, LEONARD NEWHARD, HARRY W. CARLTON, CHRISTOPHEL, Treasurer: Darryl L. Pope, Edward D. Jones & Co. Inc.; Edward National White & Company Company Trust Union Smith Stifel, Nicolaus Si Company, Incorporated NEWCOMB, LOWELL G. & Co. Franc Louis THEIS, I & Co. Boatmen's JEROME Dempsey-Tegeler R. Jack Third Vice-President: Leo R. Inc. Co., BURTON, WILLIAM St. Second & S/. Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated TEGELER, NEUWOEHNER, HIRAM BURTCH, BURDICK V. Whitehead, I. M. Simon & Co. M. Simon The Fenner TAYLOR, MEL M. G. NELSON, CLARENCE BUNN, WILLIAM H. Lynch, Pierce, & Company MOSS, MORRIS M. Morfeld, Moss & Hartnett Richter Company Scherck, G. Mills MITCHELL, THOMAS J. Weber, Mitchell & Olson, Inc. I. Richter Company BRONEMEIER, JOSEPH ■Ah Merrill Incorporated MOBERLY, RALPH BROCKSMITH, H. L. Scherck, TAUSSIG, Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated MILLS, ROBERT R. Company Sachs & STRANO, ROBERT V. Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated Incorporated Company, Gardner & GEORGE Moody's Investors Service McKEE, LOGAN & I Woods SORY, MEYER, ROBERT BROCKMEYER, E. H. Goldman, Reinholdt Inc. . 7 Co. & Heitner St SIEGEL, JOHN MERTIS, ATHAN W. Henry, Franc & Co. & Co. EMMET J. Brennan Simon M. White BRECKENRIDGE, JAMES A. McCourtney-Breckenridge & Co. BRENNAN, I. Co. Inc. BRECKENRIDGE, HUNTER McCourtney-Breckenridge Yates, Inc. Co., Si SUMNER SHAPIRO, Inc. Co., & LARRY McGINNITY, LELAND Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated EDWARD O. Bramman-Schmidt-Busch, Newhard, Cook F. Inc. EDWARD SENTURIA, DAVID S. Inc. A. Co., Fusz-Schmelzie & Co. BOOGHER, Co.. & JAMES S. SEGASTURE, J. McCREADY, ROBERT D. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Securities & Fusz-Schmelzle Company Incorporated Dempsey-Tegeler RAYMOND C. Bankers & MATYE, JOHN BLEWER, CLARENCE F. Blewer, Glynn & Co. BOND, CLARENCE & M. RICHARD SCHMELZLE. I.. Co. & A I.BERT Fusz-Schmelzle Company Incorporated Walker & Co. H. G. JOHN Yates, Heitner & Woods Cook Newhard, DONALD MAENDER, GORDON BERNARD SCHMELZLE. Mercantile Trust Company & BLAKE, & LUDWIG, L. Fusz-Schmelzle Inc. C. Rirhter Company SCHLUETER. Klein & Co., Co. THOMAS Scherck, LARRY Si Co. Sanders D. Jones & Co. Edward Inc. KLEIN, ELMER B. Harvey, C. SCHERCK, Jr., Co.. & & Heitner BERGMAN, Clayton KENNETH KERR, WALTER A. BECKERS, Edwin A. Cook DONALD 11. SANDERS, & Edwards BENSON, Co., A. Co. & JAMES Newhard. SANDERS, & ROBERT M.' Simon RYAN, Co. & W. Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated Inc. Co., FLOYD BEATTY, A. & JACKSON P. G. 1 D. Jones Walker H. G. I. Gardner & ROSENTHAL. KELLY, FRED S. BARKAU, ELMER F. BAYER, D. SPENCER H. Reinholdt JORDAN, ROY Incorporated Thursday, November 29, 1962 ROBINSON, EDWARD JONES, ASHER, SIDNEY L. AYERS, C. T. . . MEMBERS JOHNSON, ALAN Scherck, Richter Company A. . IH^PH com™ An Iowa on Request. Corporation/Cedar Rapids, Iowa Volume 196 Number 6216 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Utah Securities Dealers Association GOATES, 67 CLOYD Merrill Lynch. Pierce, Fenner San Francisco Security Traders Smith At Incorporated GROFF, VERNE Groff HALL, E. Association / Investments Jr., NELS Schwabacher Ac Co. HANSEN, KENT T. Walker Bank HAY WARD, Merrill Ac Trust Co. (Associate) RUSSELL J. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner At Smith Incorporated HEALY, J. 1. A. BERNARD Hogle HIGGINS, The Ac Jr.. Co. A. LAWRENCE Continental Bank At Trust Co. I vAssociaie» IIOAGLAND, FRANK P. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. HOWELL, FLOYD K. Schwabacher HOYT. Robert B. Bullen I ' . Robert P. ' " - President: Robert B. Bullen, Schwabacher & Co, Secretary: William Aspden, J. A. Hogle & Co. rill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Incorporated; Calvin (Members located In Salt Lake City OF unless & Jr., J. Schwabacher CROMER. Cromer C. J, A. ANDERSON, HANS C. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated ANDERSON, V. E. ASPDEN. J. A. VERNON Anderson At E. Ure, WILLIAM H. HARRISON Harrison Brothers J. A. S. At Edward EDWARD E. ROBERT Schwabacher FINLINSON. BURBRIDGE, Schwabacher & Walker Bank Zions Trust Ar First (Associate) Co. Edward National Bank (Associate) Schwabacher CLARK, JOHN T. Merrill Smith Lynch, Pierce. Incorporated/ Fenner Cromer '-v*// Ac At Burton EDWARD First J. L. & BLUM, ERNEST indicated) ABRAHAMSON, Weeden Ac Company Incorporated Shearson, J. Stone Securities, Youngherg I. 1 BACIGALUPI, RICHARD Jr., Ac Co. FRED BUICK, Wells A. Co. At J. Programs, VANCE E. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Incorporated Stone PECKHAM, Inc. Co. Fenner At Smith PFTT. Co STUART Company, Inc. Merrill Wm. & W. Ravetto S. General (Associate) G. & Ac Colgate At Co. CASEY, Co. FERNAND American Securities, Canadian Inc. GEORGE Stewart, E'ubanks, Meyerson At Co. COLLINS, Strauss William ROBERT CASABONNE, J. Youngberg — CARSON, GEORGE Reynolds & Co. Co REGINALD BELKNAP, ARTHUR J. Incorporatea Co. Holt ;f_ Dempsey-Tegeler At Co., Inc. PETT. & BECKER. J. Dempsey-Tegeler At Co., Inc. A. Strauss BENJAMIN JOHN E. Mlddendorf, Company BEEBE, II. E. L. DARWIN S. BAUM, Inc. Co. E. Fargo Bank BYRNE, F. California BATES, WILLIAM Co. Investor PETERSON. & (MRS.) BARBARA TRENT PARKER, Aberdeen Co., BATES, ROBERT Co. J. Co. | & At L. Securities RALPH Birr, Wilson & Co., Inc. VICTOR Schwabacher BAKER, Brooks L. At Co. IRVING BROOKS, BROWN. Co. * SIDNEY Irving Lundborg ARTHUR, PAUL LESLIE Harris, Upham & Co. & K. & Canadian Inc. BRADFORD, DONALD Ac Hammill ROBERT General American Co. ( Associate) LEE BOURNE, RICHARD Jr., E. Brush, Slocumb Ac Co. Inc. RICHARD (Associate) Co. MEMBERS BLUM, California Weeden Security Bank of Utah, N. A. Schwabacher & P. Brokerage OF Francisco Co. george Hogle & Co. A. San in otherwise ABRAHAMSON, Mcdonald,, NIKCEVICH, DONALD GLENN, At unless B. Jr., L. located ABEITA, ARTHUR First Co. F. Burton JAMES MATTHEW C. Schwabacher JOn\ L. GAMBLE. (Members MUIR, RICHARD W. & Brothers E. CARTER Dempsey-Tegeler M. (Associate) Dean Witter At Co. JOSEPH GADDIS. CALVIN ROSTER S. Bank (Associate) FOSS, K. LOUIS State JOHN First Parker, Sellgren, Miller & Co., Inc. At Incorporated MICHLLS, Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. Co. FRANCIS Ac Fenner Dempsey-Tegeler At Co., Inc. II. Burton S. FLANAGAN. Jr., KENNETH P. CARLSON, OSCAR CHIPMAN, Harrison B. Co. & L. dero, J. S. Strauss & Co.; James L. Murdock, J. Barth & Co.; Edwin H. Pierce, C. J. Schwabacher Hogle At Co. BULLEN, I.. FENTON, JAMES E. Co. Directors: Ralph Brown, Walter C. Gorey Co.; William F. Don- Co. AGNEW, GEORGE GEORGE EARL. Secretary-Treasurer: Norman Watkins, First Boston Corporation. V. & Lynch. MAWOD, JR., PRES Hogle & Co. J. A. L. PIERCE First Security Investment Co. (Associate) BROTHERS. Schwabacher Edward Security Bank of Utah. N. A. DUNN, Hogle & Co. BROWN, Jr.. Vice-President: Bryan Robertson, Reynolds & Co. LARSEN, ARLAND L. MATIIESON, L. Davis Ar Co. First v LINDQUIST, GRIFFITH Lindquist Securities (Associate) BRADY, S. Co. REO GLEN DENTON. [ Co. L. NOrman Watkins Bryan Robertson President: Paul E. Isaacs, Sutro & Co. Co. LIGHT, JR., GIVEN A. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. Hogle Ac Co., Ogden DAVIS. Paul E. Isaacs Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. Co. LYMAN Ac REED LEONARD. (MRS.) Ac Brokerage CUTLER, Co. & MARILYN Smith GLEN C. Hogle & Co., Provo A. LANGLOIS, Beehive Schwabacher Co. RICHARD KING, LEATHAM, MEMBERS COON, ADAMS, JR., O. WEBSTER Schwabacher Hogle Smith otherwise Indicated) ALBRIGHT, A. Merrill I ROSTER At Incorporated P. Gaddis, Edward L. Burton & Company; Howard Stevens, J. A. Hogle & Co.; Phil S. Tunks, Edward L. Burton & Company (ex-officio). Fenner IVERS, THOMAS H. J. Co.; John T. Clarke, Mer¬ Smith Pierce, JONES, PAUL W. Lindquist Securities Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. Directors: Glen L. Davis, Ure, Davis & M. Lynch, HUNTSMAN, A. BLAINE Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner At Smith Vice-President: Robert P. Wooiley, Robert P. Wooiley Company. Treasurer: Edward J. Mawod, GERALD Merrill Incorporated '/ ;: , . Edward J. Mawod William Aspden Wooiley Co. Ac DANIEL J. Collins At WILLIAM R. Staats At Continued Co. on page 68 B. Pierce, Lynch, Fenner & Smith Incorporated prrE. MALCOLM Merrill R. Lynch, POTTER. DAVID Potter GEORGE Distributors ROCHE. Lynch, Municipal and Corporation Securities J. JAMES A. Hogle Fenner Pierce, & Smith We clear for dealers in New York M. & Co. Pittsburgh - Cleveland WILFORD W. Bank At Trust Co. ItOMNEY, PROMPT CLEARINGS Incorporated ROE, — Co. L. WALTER Merrill SPECIALIZED L. Investment Porter Dealers DEALERS SECURITY B. Investment Co. POTTER, Underwriters Fenner Ac Smith Pierce, Incorporated S3 Toledo - - - Chicago Cincinnati California and the West The Continental (Associate) MILTON ROSEN, The First Cleveland Corporation J. A. American SHIPIONE, Canton Columbus Toledo Sandusky Youngstown Merrill Co. At Funds U S. PAT Inc. Assets Over $1,500,000,000 MICHAEL \V. Bank Largest W. Trusts, At De¬ Off. O h i o'8 CLAUDE JR., SHERWIN, 14, OHIO 1(0 A. HAYDN Hogle Loans and Securities partment. Teletype: 216 574-9254 Bank Wire: NCLV Lynch, Pierce, Fenner At Smith Incorporated Merrill SCIIETTI.ER, Member Midwest Stock Exchange CLEVELAND Address Pierce. Fenner At Smith Lynch, Incorporated WENDELL M. SMOOT. Jr., J. Hogle At Co. A. SORMER, GEORGE Edward L. Burton At Co. i SPALDING, S. ALBERT WE MAINTAIN MARKETS PRIMARY IN (Associate) J. Freight, Inc. Company Ohio Crankshaft Company American MonoRall Park Drop Forge Company Barton Penton Distilling Company Bloch Bros. Tobacco Erie Resistor Foote-Burt Company Corporation Rand Publishing Company Development Corporation Roadway Express, Inc. Steel Company Franklin Electric Co., Inc. Halle Bros. Company Improvement & Forge Co. Sterling Seal Company Stowe-Wood ward, Inc. Harris Calorific Company Tokheim Monroe Auto United Screw & Bolt Corporation Equipment Co. Corporation (Established 1924) ROBERT T. STEAD, All States Merrill, Turben & Co., Inc. Collins Bank & Trust Co. Tracy A. Hogle At Co. MEMBERS STEVENS. HOWARD J. A. NEW Hogle At Co. MIDWEST STEWART, SAMUEL S. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner At Smith Incorporated J. A. DAVID Schwabacher TAGGART, & A. RICHARD M. At Trusts, PHIL Edward L. & LINCOLN Ure, Davis At Co. National City Bank of Cleveland National Screw & Manufacturing Co. Northern Ohio Company Inc. Co. '/ Union Commerce Bank Hanna Mining Company Higbee Company Inland Homes Corp. Statistical Telephone Techno Fund, Inc. U. S. Truck Lines, Inc. Warner & Swasey R, URE, Jr., Company Ohio Leather Co. General Corporation of Ohio M. A. Hanna Company S. Burton E. F. MacDonald Dover Construction Co. American Funds TUNKS, EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Central National Bank of Cleveland Cleveland Trust Company Cork Coffee Company Hogle At Co. SWENSON, STOCK STOCK Big Drum, Inc. ARLYN STYLER. YORK Information Available Company Upon Request WARD, PARKER L. Inquiries Invited Merrill Lynch, Fenner Pierce. At Smith Incorporated WHITNEY, FRANK 1612 Union Commerce Bldg., M. Whitney Ac Company Fulton, Reid 2100 East Co., Inc. Ohio Bldg., Cleveland Telephone 241-1920 & 14, Ohio Teletype 216 574-9442 Municipal Dept. 216 574-9621 MA 1-6800 Whitney At Company Cleveland 14, Ohio Trading Dept. 216 574-9170 Telephone WHITNEY, RICHARD E. WILSON, SAMUEL II. Schwabacher Ac Co. BRANCH WOODRUFF, W. BRUCE Edward L. Burton & WOOLLEY, ROBERT P. Robert P. Wooiley Ac Co. Company Canton • Columbus • Dayton OFFICES: • Middletown • Youngstown Chronicle The Commercial and Financial 68 . . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 p' --jpfe; & < : ' !>- -1 v 'x' \ -; r z Ptftl : °i - lift I i E3l|l m it | 11 li^li :.g I Y m lliifil V y * & s it i 3 JP sag f-4 Mr. & Mrs. Morton FERN, San Francisco Security Traders ROSTER & COTTER, MELVIN Blyth & Co., Inc. & EGAN, & S. DOSS. Shaw. Company Incorporated F. GIFFORD Hutton & Walter C. M. Company ti— FAULKNER, LEONARD Co. Wulff, & WILLIAM Hansen & FAZACKERLEY, Co. C. J. KENNETH VIRGIL D. FEE. THOMAS Elworthy & Co. Shuman, Agnew & Co. Witter Dean Co. SIMPSON, & Podesta Miller Wells RIGONI, Sutro i Co. E. Bank & Co. Jr., LOUIS J. (Associate) STONE, BARRY Blyth & Co., Inc. VINCENT & PAUL Elworthy & Co. Co. i DONALD SPULLER. MARK McDonnell Inc. Co., Company Fargo SISSON, Youngberg & & & SHOBAR, JERRY Glore, Forgan & W. REINER, MILTON Blyth & Co., Inc. Blyth & Co., Inc. (Honorary) HARTSOCK, WILLIAM F. & Reynolds CHARLES B. HARKINS, Irving Lundborg & Co. THOMAS Youngberg THOMAS RALSTON, Co. & Barth & Stone GUMBEL, GEORGE G. Co. Walston Sanford Comnany Cruttenden, (Associate) Gorey Co. & & QUINN, JOHN J. EDWARD GUINAN, SANFORD, LAURENCE PRICE, C. WALTER GOREY. (Honorary) E. Co. & RUSLENDER, RICHARD Stone Inc. GAYNOR, WILLIAM R. Smith, Barney & Co. Schwabacher Strauss Jr., Inc. F. California ENGLISH, DONDERO, WILLIAM J. JOHN First Youngberg De MARTINI. Sutro Co., & Co. EMIL PINNICK, ISADORE GAMBARASI, ; COTTRELL, RICHARD I. A. G. Becker & Co., Incorporated CUNNIE, JOHN Stone Slocumb Gorev Barth J. ROBERTSON, BRIAN Reynolds & Co. L. PERENON, HENRY Henry F. Swift & Co. Sanford Slocumb & Co. ARTHUR Hooker & Co. Brush, ROBERTS, WAYNE Gorey Co. C. York;_ Mr. & Mrs. A. I. Thompson, Fazioli, White, Weld & Co., Boston PIKICH, FRANCIS Talbot & C. ROBERT Walter Co GALANTE, DOUGLASS, DONN C. Brush, Walter ERNEST & Filkins, Troster, Singer & Co., New Trust, Boston; Mr. & Mrs. Clive B. PAYNE, Inc. JOHN Hannaford Sutro L. PAYNE, RICHARD J. Fay, FINNEGAN, MEMBERS OF 67 Walter JOHN FRLAN, page Mrs. Lundborg & Co. FERRITER, Jr., JOSEPH P. Association from & Massachusetts Investors Irving Hooker Continued Mr. Weiss, Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc., New York; Mr. & Mrs. George H. Musekamp, G. H. Musekamp & Co., Cincinnati SULLIVAN. E. First Incorporated Co. JOHN F. California Company Incorporated Co. & HECHT, Jr., JOHN C. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. A. RICHARD IIENXIG. Colifornia First HILL. Firm Markets In & Co. HOWARD. Jr., LESLIE J J S. Strauss & Co. > \ Houston Hill, Jr. SECURITIES JAMES Frank & C. KF.IIXE. EXCHANGE - J. KIRKLAND, Hooker Building, Washington 5, D. C. Office Bell Co. & — Grymes Bldg., Easton, Md. Teletype — 301 822-4190 Fay, C. WILLIAM Brush. Telephones to New York and Philadelphia GEORGE Inc. & KOENIG, STerling 3-3130 Private J. Branch Strauss S. 1, MD. Teletype: 301 955-0326 FRANK KIRKI.AXI). DEALERS Issues BALTIMORE Bell Telephone: PLaza 2-2484 Co. & Bonds Industrial L. RICHARD MAURY KESSI F.R. and Municipal and Utility BUILDING FIDELITY (Associate) Co. Birr, Wilson & Co., Inc. STOCK DISTRIBUTORS Telephone: Oakland Co., & Gorey Jr.. Public Active Markets in Local Securities CHARLES B. Skaife Southern United States Government JAMES Walter MEMBER - Securities Railroad, Knowlton Frank KANE, Johnston, Lemon & Co. UNDERWRITERS Investment E. | Shaw, Hooker & Co. JANK, CHARLES E. 1920 BANKERS — Co. JACOBUS. PHILADELPHIA-BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON INVESTMENT R. Mohr J. ISAACS, PAUL Sutro ESTABLISHED INCORPORATED Incorporated HOUSTON Jr.. IMHOF. WASHINGTON Company Williams & Co. C. T. Miller Podesta & Cruttenden, HEWITT, ALBERT A. Slocumb Inc. Co. & KOEWLER, MICHAEL Schwabacher Teletypes: ANGELO LAMPERTI, Trading Dept. 965 0260-1-2 Branch Office: 115 No. Private Direct Carl M. Municipal Dept. 965 0887 Saint EMMETT to THE & Co. ANDREW LEII, Loeb, Rhoades & Co. Stern IIENRY Skaecs Davis. & A. L^rkin Co., Inc. Emmett A. LAVERTY, Wire Williams Levy. Lawson. LARKIN. Asaph, Alexandria, Va. Co. & The First Corporation Boston J. PAUL LIVINGSTON. Members Wulff, Hansen & Co. J Midwest Stock Exchange ROBERT LOBERG, Barth & 420 West Co. LONCOSTY, LEE Walston & Co., Jefferson LOUISVILLE Inc. 2, Street KENTUCKY LOWENSTEIN, C. GAITIIER The Kentucky Company Members Midwest Stock Exchange - \ W'alston & Co., Wulff. Inc. Bell & Hansen Telephone 584-0226 Teletype 502 589-1123 COLLINS L. MACRAE. Jr., Co. RENE MAURICE. Eubanks. Stewart. Meyerson & Direct Co. Wire to Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Chicago Mel OUGni.IN. WILLIAM L. Blvrh 320 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, LOUISVILLE 2, KY. Az McMAHON. Merrill Inc. Co.. J. B. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Tncnrnnrated McQUAID, SERVING THE COMMONWEALTH UNDERWRITERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND DEALERS IN CORPORATE SECURITIES MUNICIPAL AND KENTUCKY BONDS Frank m. kinsman, jr. asst. vice president Manager, Trading Department MURPIIY. A. Teletype 502 Telephone: JUniper 5-5011 589-1520 Branch Offices Ky. ' Barth G. Paducah, Ky. Dean Kentucky Municipal Corporation when you W. Branch Offices • M idwest Stock Exchange Correspondent— Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis WILLIAM Becker & Co. ^ Troster, Singer & Co. Bonds. Try us out INVESTMENT Incorporated DEPARTMENT JAMES Witter <fc Co FRANK & Co. California United OSTENFELD, & PALMER, Francis |j and Co. Schwabacher Sutro New York in active issues (Associate) Inc. TYRUS ll been have Kentucky issues to trade. R. DAVIS O'NEILL, EDWARD J. PRIVATE WIRE SYSTEMS TO: DIRECT have JAMES & NICKELSON, NOTTI. Owensboro, Co., we over-the-counter Securities S. CLIFTON MURDOCK, J. Investment Hanseatlc & years Kentucky WARNER MORRILL, 40 Co. J. Mohr J. York Walston James & FRANK MORGAN. New For DONALD Schwabacher MOHR. PARKER, Sellgren, Bank FREDERIC THOMAS Co. JOE JACKSON H. I. du HECTOR W. Pont & Mrs. Co. EDWIN H. Miller & Co. Inc. BOHNERT C. PARK JOSEPH J. PAT ARVIL L. SHORT McDEVITT CLARENCE ELINORE CHARLES SEDLEY SPANINGER R. HALL G. II. TAYLOR GARTRELL Volume TARANTO, A. & Co., Carmichael, THOMAS, Stone THOMPSON, First J. Boston L. Corporation YOUDALL, JAMES Mitchum, Kidder, Peabody & Co. Hagen & Stem DAN Harris, V. Upham & Co. BELFORD, & | Incorporated BALFOUR, DAVID A. Russell, Hoppe, Stewart & Balfour Co. W. Jones Inc. Co., First California Company, BAILEY, Williams & && ROBERT D. Co., Inc. & BADER, JACK (Associate) LEONARD Schwabacher ZINK, I. Black EVERETT D. Levy, — RICHARD ADOLPH, FRANK Lawson, WALTER E. Corporation Youngberg WOSSER. TWEEDY, JOSEPH Blyth & Co., Inc. VICINO, & ROSTER OF MEMBERS ADAMS, ELMER L. Co. WILLIAMS, Co. — Bank Barth & J. & I JAMES Boston WEIR, EARL Witter Dean First & Co. 69 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle . Crocker-Anglo National WATKINS, NORMAN Calif. 1 THAYNE, RICHARD J. S. Strauss . . VICKNAIR, ANTHONY Taranto J. Number 6216 196 Templeton Belford E. DAVE Co., Inc. & WILLIAM BKOvvN, Adams M. CAMPBELL, Walston & Co. C. GIL & Co., Inc. CAMPBELL RICHARD Security Traders Association National First of Bank Portland COLE, VERGIL R. Daugherty, Cole Inc. COLLINS, WILLIAM J. Of Portland (Oregon) William J. Collins & Co. COVEY, CHARLES Atkinson DIORIO, and Witter Dean DOM1NEY, I. Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Earl L. Hagensieker, Reinholdt, & Gardner, St. Louis Northwest Company Pacific HALVORSON, DON & Co., HARRIS, Dean Co. I. Co., & LOU HALLER, Blyth M. Investment EDWARD Hagen Inc. V. DAVID Witter HESS. JOHN Hess | Co. & RICHARD Patten George HAGEN, E. N. Company RICHARD Co. & J. McFaul & Convention Sites and * | HEVENER, ROBERT F. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated Preston L. M. Richard Thomas Jack Bader Phipps HILL. U. President: Preston L. Phipps, June. S. Jones Co. Vice-President: Jack Bader, First. California E. National Secretary-Treasurer: M. Richard Thomas, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated. Bank of & J. I. Co., Inc. N. A. - & Co., PAUL September 22-26, at Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colorado. PIERRE A. Hagen Merrill 1963: STUART KOSTERMAN, E. Portland F. California, LUDLAM, of Bank ERNEST Hinkle F. IIUTCIIINS, Company, Inc. Dates for 1963 and 1964 VIRGIL S. IIINKLE, 1964: Inc. October 12-16, at Del Coronado Hotel, Coronado A. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Beach, California. Incorporated HUGO LUNDBORG, Handel. MAY. Lundborg EARLE Co. & C. May & Co. GLYNN OSLER, Bank Canadian DISTRIBUTORS UNDERWRITERS of Commerce DEALERS PATTEN, Jr., George Patten PAULSON. Corporate and Municipal Securities S. June Investment Co. CHESTER LET BKKER, WATTS & CO. BE Co. Jones PHIPPS. VOIIR OUIDEPOST PRESTON June S. PITT, GEORGE F. Jones FOR PRUDERT inUESTHIERT SERUICES... Co. & ROBERT • U. S. Government Bonds • State, County and Blyth & Co., Inc. Markets Active in Local JACK RICKI.I. Securities Donald C. RIPPEY, Sloan & Municipal Bonds Co. • JAMES F. ROBBINS, Jr., Francis Mead, Miller & Co. New York Stock Members — & Camp American Stock Exchange (Associate) Exchange CHARLES & CHASE STREETS, Telephones: Baltimore—LExington 9-0210 Bell BALTIMORE 1, MD. New York—WHitehall 3-4000 New York Correspondent Merrill Active Bonds | Unlisted Trading Markets Local Bell Co. Securities Teletype—301 955-1128 New York—Call CAnal 6-7162 B. Representative-Clarksburg, W. Va D. Gould STURDEVANT, George • Co. & Authority and and Stocks and Bonds W. & DONALD & Blakely, Inc. CHARLES Dominick & DERELE Patten THOMAS, Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Go. Sloan Blankenship, SWAILS. to Co. C. HOWARD Dominick System Teletype—301 955-0154 Direct Private Wire & Listed in Somers STRAND. • GILBERT Co. C. SOMF.RS. Lind, Pont DONALD Donald Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington Stock Exchange du LAWRENCE SHIELS, SLOAN. — I. JAMES Public Revenue Rippey & Inskeep, Inc. .' II. Investment Company RICHARD Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated TRIPP, Chas. Jr., N. ZORA, RAY First CHARLES N. Tripp Company , National Bank of Portland Established 1800 Teletype: 301 955-1184 SPECIALISTS In BROWN & SONS ALEX. BROKERS INSURANCE AND DEALERS Municipal and General Market Bonds; Baltimore Bank Stocks Orders New York Commission and Local Securities. Executed on the Philadelphia-Baltimore, and American Stock Exchanges. John C. Legg & Co, Direct BALTIMORE MEMBERS: and other / PIKESVILLE / NEW YORK New York Stock Baltimore, Exchange private wires to New York, Washington, Towson, Winston-Salem, Leading Exchanges Stock Exchanges Allen L. Oliver, Jr., Sanders & Company, Dallas Frederick, Leesburg. — and Winston-Salem Washington, New York, Members: New York and Easton, Phila.-Balto. American Stock Exchange (Associate) The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Mr. & Mrs. John M. Fitzgerald, W. C. Pitfield & Co., Inc., New York; Mr. & Stone & Webster Securities Corporation, New York Mr. Mrs. Thomas L. Curry, NSTA Members Not Affiliated With MARVIN Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Mrs. & . Thursday, November 29, 1962 . . George M. McVey, Lehman Brothers, New York City; David A. Noyes & Co., Chicago Mr. & Mrs. John Arthur, DEMANZUK, Houston, Inc. Texas DETJEN, CARLYLE L. Lewis Any Regional Group ROSTER ALLEN, JOHN R. CLAYBAUGH, Mosle & REAL, VERNE Quinn & Co., Houston. Texas Laird Albuquerque, N. Mex. The Ohio Company, CASSELL. C. P. Columbus, Ohio P. Buffalo, EUGENE & N. Y. Lewis H. Houston, CHERRY, NORMAN G. DAVIS, Houston, Des ' Texas Va- Richmond, L. Phoenix, Co., Ariz. & Share Corporation Moines, Iowa Merrill Lynch, Incorporated, HARRINGTON, Pierce. Fenner & Smith Houston, Tex. FULLER A. Miss. HARRISON, GEORGE G. Inc. Harrison & Austin, Texas Norfolk. Bond Harrington & Co., Jackson, GORDON South Inc. Ind. Bend, HENDERSON, THEODORE C. T. C. Henderson & Co., Inc. of Norfolk Corp. MORRIS First of low a G. POWELL Investment Inc. Wis. Iowa HAHN, DANIEL C. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Charlottesville, Va. Dempsey-Tegeler & Co.. Co.. Offerman E. CROCKETT, A. Co., Inc. & Ariz. Corporation. Indianapolis, Ind. GRAEFE, HARRY B. W. DONALD Phoenix, C. Milwaukee, Inc., Indianapolis Delaware Craigie W. Co., & GRABLE, Corporation WALTER CRAMER, Co., Cassell Company, CRAIGIE, BRADT, JOHN A. & & Wilmington. BOLES, EWING T. Doolittle F. CLOUSER, HAROLD C. Co., Loewi BLAIR Co., GILBERT, DOROTHY I. Quail & Co., Inc., Davenport, Blair F. Claybaugh & Co. Harrisburg, Pa. Wilmington, Del. BAYNE, JOHN M. Rotan. Wilmington, Del. ELWELL, WILLIAM MEMBERS OF Offerman E. D'ONOFRIO, ALBERT Va. Des Moines, Iowa HOBBS, Jr., WILLIAM G. Funk, Hobbs & Hart, Inc. San Antonio. Texas PHILIP HONNOLD, Honnold I & C. Oklahoma Co., City, Okla. HUNT, E. M. Nebraska First Securities. Inc. IRBY, Jr., MORELAND R. J. Wheat C. & Richmond, Co., Va. Mr. Mrs. & Member Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Philadelphia-Baltimore Stock Exchange Houston, Leslie J. WILLIAM Securities — Corporate Issues KOSEK, Ernest Cedar Rapids, Toronto, Church at Eighth Street Lynchburg, Virginia & Lee, Midland Inc., Securities TAPI\ J. EDWARD EDWARD TRAVISS, Antonio. NICHOLS, Mason & Lee, Inc., Lynchburg. & Co., Canada & A. Toronto, Company, Canada VAVRA. JOHN S. John D. Vavra S. Cedar Co., & Rapids, Company, Iowa Inc. Texas WALTON, GUS B. Walton & Company, PAUL Little Alaska Anchorage, M. JAMES Davidson Incorporated Company, Inc. Co., Canada San Va. Va. GEOltGE Vancouver, ■ Incorporated McGANN,ALBERT Albert McGann Securities Dempsey-Tegeler Securities, Ltd. Richmond, Co., & Doheny Roadhouse WILLIAM N. South Bend, Ind. Pemberton and Lynchburg. Limited, Corpn. Strader and Company, Lynchburg, Va. Va. Craigie Strader W. CECIL MeCLINTICK, Jr.. Roanoke. W. STRADER, LUDWELL A. Company Canada MASON, AUBREY L. ' F. Inc. Va. Toronto Vancouver, Richmond McBRlDE, MUIR, branch offices Lee. & Levy & Co., Waco, Texas MacDONALD, i Roanoke Wis. Iowa Ont.f Robert E. Martinsville Milwaukee, ROBERT E. LEVY, Teletype 703 846-0943 Own wire system to Company, & LEE, BURTON P. Mason Phone Victor 6-5201 Mason Lynchburg. ERNEST Kosek SMITH, MARK A. MASON, WALTER G. of Iowa OTTO J. Marshall The Municipal Bonds Corporation Rapids, Iowa Jr., KOCH, Mrs. & Wash. Spokane, KNAPP, RUSSELL F. Cedar Serlen, Josephthal & Co., New York; Mr. Howard, Jr., J. S. Strauss & Co., San Francisco Inc. Texas KELLEHER, Underwriters and Distributors "Hank" Lewis JOHNSTON, DOUGLAS E. Rock, Inc. Ark. Va. O'CONNELL, NEIL Charlottesville Laird & WILLIAMS, Mason Corporation Cormany. II, ERNEST & Lee, Inc.. Lynchburg, Va. Wilmington, Delaware Direct wire connections to Laird, WOODWARD, Bissell & Meeds, N. Y. C. PHILIPS ON, Max SHAFFER, H. MAX Philipson L. & Raffensperger. Utica, Inc., Co., N. & Co., YARROW, CORPORATE Municipal Bonds and Corporate — DEALERS — MUNICIPAL AND & Co., Incorpo¬ PAUL Walston Amarlllo, Texas UNDERWRITERS B. Hughes rated, Indianapolis. Ind. Y. HARRISON L. Shaffer RONALD & Co., Inc., San Mateo, DISTRIBUTORS SECURITIES TRADING MARKETS IN VIRGINIA SECURITIES Securities Local Industrial & Utility Stocks J. C. Wheat & Co. .1 : Trading Markets Retail Distribution ... Members New York 1001 STRADER and COMPANY, INC. Stock Exchange EAST MAIN American Stock Exchange (Assoc.) ST., RICHMOND, VA. Telephone MI 44651 Teletype 703 649-3879 Members Philadelphia-Baltimore Stock Exchange Direct LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA LD 39 - Victor 6-1333 - Wire to: Eastman TWX 703 846-0920 Branch—5 5. Market 15 Company, New York City St., Staunton, Virginia York Branch Offices i Private Wire to Shields & Dillon, Union Securities & Co., New Robert Boca B. Executive Manager, Club, Boca Raton, Mr. Leggett "Welcome to the West, Indies Party" Raton Florida. Leggett, Hotel & Seldon Arcade, Norfolk, Va. 126 N. Main St., 307 First St., S.W., Rocky Mount, N.C. Roanoke, Va. Calif. 71 ESTABLISHED I NEW AMERICAN YORK 1894 MEMBERS STOCK EXCHANGE STOCK EXCHANGE (ASSOCIATE) ALBANY-COLUMBUS-VALDOSTA CHARLESTON-COLUMBIA GEORGIA SOUTH CAROLINA ATLANTA DIRECT Mr. & and Mrs. PRIVATE TO WIRE GOLDMAN. CO.. NEW YORK A. Dockham, Hincks Bros. & Co., Bridgeport, Conn.; Edwin I P. O'Brien, Sincere Chicago; Mrs. Dorothy Molloy; Peter E. Molloy, White, Weld Co., New York George Company, 1407 STERICK BUILDING. MEMPHIS 7-9441 JA TWX LICENSED Mr. & SACHS Mrs. Edward J. Coughlin, Edward J. Coughlin & Co., Philadelphia; Mr. & Mrs. Neil De Young, De Young & Company, Grand Rapids, Mich. ARKANSAS. MISSISSIPPI TRADING DOWNTOWNER THE TEXAS-TENNESSEE HOLIDAY MURDOCK SOUTHERN BOUGHT Mr. & Mrs. John P. MARKETS CORPORATION AMERICA. ACCEPTANCE FIRE TENNESSEE! INDUSTRIES. OF INNS TENNESSEE 278-1397 IN AND RETAIL AND 3. 901 8c INC INC. CORP. CASUALTY CO. QUOTED SOLD McGinty, McDonald & Company, Cleveland; Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Galdun, Wm. J. Mericka & Co., Inc., Cleveland Firm Bids Underwriters Firm Distributors Offerings Quotations Dealers United States Government Securities • General Market Municipals THE First National Bank OF ELETYPES MEMPHIS (Area Code 901) 278-1591 WIRE Mr. , & • Jackson, First Southwest Company, Dallas; Winton Southwest Company, Dallas; Mrs. & Mr. Allen L. Oliver, Jr., Sanders & Mrs. Winton A. ■ .• " . ' ' Jr., First Company, Dallas A. Jackson, ■ • .. SYSTEM — THE BANK TELEPHONE 525-8521 WIRE The Commercial and Financial 72 How Will Chronicle . . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 Proposed Railroad Mergers Benefit Investors? With respect to the two other factors resulting in general skep¬ Cdntinued from page 15 below $11.00 value its of Western $17.67 share when the per present Norfolk and approximates holdings Pennsylvania present per assuming consumma¬ tion of the Norfolk-Nickel Plate share, and with merger, 671,000 addi¬ some Norfolk tional added shares to Pennsylvania's portfolio, to $22.51 present Pennsylvania share? Doubtless, such discount re¬ per the flects skepticism general to whether the merger be consummated realization shares that itself will well as as the these of some ( as pledged and that the Eastern merger pattern calls for the Pennsylvania to divest itself of its are Norfolk With market can general skepticism of this becoming ever the to repeat only what has already been said, that Commission the to of Pennsylvania $296.39 these million suming shares lion required to vania would of the control Chesapeake with the Baltimore reached the stage & affilia¬ & Ohio Ohio, have of examiner approval. still $17.67 retain Mrs. John New York; Bonham, Montgomery, Ala.; Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Krisam, John C. Legg & Company, Mrs. & Mr. Charles M. Thompson, Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern, Inc., Jacksonville, Fla. A. holdings Pennsylvania per slightly below And in all the its of of $11 the shares its non-equipment lion or debt $508.8 mil¬ by 12.55%, which debt re¬ duction prove sys¬ have would from $581.8 million to con¬ merger resultant Pennsylvania reduced to Eastern three share. per of liquidating process Norfolk with form Additionally, two proposed Seaboard and the redeem the Col¬ share, well above its present price none. tion holdings— lateral Trust bonds. But Pennsyl¬ pattern the Coast Line with the additional of Wabash its of as¬ would be reduced by the $73 mil¬ tems, mergers, shares—again acquisition of value market Norfolk 1959, disapproved Col¬ Company lateral Trust bonds. In that event, since has this of portion sold a liquidate $73 million face value has already approved five mergers and Pennsylvania shares valuable asset were merger I Pennsylvania and fewer own one Norfolk some by pledged, would quarters, that dwned shares are of consummated, certain in admit must worth holdings. respect ticism would automatically im¬ the quality of Pennsylvania common. ! Again, it should be Continued on em- page 73 Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius B. Sheridan, Mitchell & Company, New York; Co., Portland, Maine Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Crowley, H. M. Payson £ Mr. & Mrs. Clifford K. We Channell, First Boston Corporation, New York; Mr. & Mrs. Dayton P. Haigney, Dayton Haigney & Co., Inc., Boston Specialize in LOUISIANA MUNICIPAL BONDS Barrow, Leary & Co. Investment Securities Since 1934 Member of Midwest Stock Exchange Teletypes 318-746-4017 and 318-746-4018 515 Market St. Phone 423-2573 SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA Mr. & Mrs. Gambol J. Dunn, Mergott, Dunn & Taylor, New York; Mrs. Rappa & Co., Inc., New York & Mr. Sal Rappa, \ Volume Mr. & Mrs. Number 6216 196 . . page phasized that $223 million still be available 72 : some free cash would Pennsylvania's management for corporate two Pittsburgh from However, Another obtainable from the merger of two great ings now this country's systems. At upon are such the order on hear¬ the being held in Washing¬ Central operating ton, officials of both carriers have Pennsylvania yards some With carriers. estimated merger savings of freight and pas¬ terminals operated by the senger two in is 100 over over York New and classified 150 (New York Central 40 and annually, within a Pennsylvania 52 major facilities), period of five years, with some of¬ many such yards may be consoli¬ ficials privately estimating such dated or abandoned. Pennsylvania $75 million savings as Wherein of such well above this amount. may we savings expect magnitude? tral At the very hump minimum, some 2,000 miles of parallel track could well abandoned three hump especially as these sylvania)—and four has major yards Enola, and Pitcairn Including secondary track, both companies operate 44,350 miles. be has already tronic elec¬ Conway, — York major Cen¬ electronic Elkhart (Indiana), Indianapolis, and Probable savings these of expected to are for deficit its in reduction further a passenger (already under provide $25 million of economies the ICC formula such deficit has annually, without considering as been reduced from $71.7 million a valuable property industrial) purposes by-product released for such yards abandoned. are Abandonment of Pennsylvania's terminal in Detroit and passenger Central's New York of terminal in passenger Chicago, together with joint operations of other well passen¬ ger terminals, as ing numerous trains, should combin¬ as vide worthwhile economies of order pro¬ in 1951 (2) to for taxes that $29.5 million in reduction in especially drastic a on all property, portion allocated operations; (3) for ger 1961); to a passen¬ favorable decision in the important Western Rate Divisions increase case, which could Pennsylvania's earnings by $6-$8 million annually; (4) for the further extension of pipe¬ the lines, which could increase earn¬ annually, ings importantly; (5) for increases million $14 economies which on would in Mary Lou Hudson, Guest; earnings tial Federal passenger tax on (6) for Still another duction now in sylvania ations. New Both switching some have change traffic points at in real obviously in consequent $3 of ly under Co also - conditions shops worthwhile $2 around savings, capable repairs Kalvar in making of Joint recent Weiss Bros. Whitney National Bank PERSHING & CO. and GREGORY & SONS MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange (Associate) Howard, Weil, Labouisse, Friedrichs years take can AND COMPANY r~ n cz^nveitincnt diesel shops 211 <~>ecutitie* Carondelei St. - Tel. 524-2711 Orleans. New repairs of both utilization of equipment interesting La. TELETYPES 504 882-6110 (Corporate) 504 822-6112 (Municipal) potentials. some 112,000 101,000 equip¬ Net cars. hire ment owns to cost of Pennsylvania the last several years, Central, $32 Dealing with JAMES E. RODDY D. SCHARFF JOHN J. ZOLLINGER, JR. in and to the million such IKE has averaged $65 million annually Municipal & Corporation Securities Tidewater Marine PRIVATE WIRE SYSTEMS day. a freight Dealers BANK STOCKS one freight cars, and Central, — Expior. Co. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Pennsylvania Distributors Ocean Drilling & an¬ heavy cars newer of locomotive care presents — Corp. National Bagasse Prod. National Bank of Commerce Southdown, Inc. companies. Underwriters Steamship Jahncke Service CORPORATE SECURITIES repairs for both 50 freight on erected Teletype 822-6000 MARKETS Hibernia Nat'l Bank LOUISIANA MUNICIPALS repair car half-mile long and a city-block Likewise, the Telephone 523-7211 page Diamond Crystal Salt Hausman Steel and parallel assembly lines, each wide, Area Code 504 on companies. This facility has three a NEW ORLEANS 12, LA. fa¬ Central Louisiana Electric Delta Capital Corp. Delta should million nually. Pennsylvania's handle major car 321 Hibernia Bank Building more the regula- Billups Western Petroleum Canal Assets, Inc. - DEALERS DISTRIBUTORS shop at Hollidaysburg, Pa., could Investment Bankers of Continued UNDERWRITER^ NEW ORLEANS diesel of repair car yield possibly would Pennsylvania's Southern Industries ordination - freight rentals— estate adjustments treatment by vorable million annually. LOUISIANA, MISSISSIPPI, ALABAMA, GEORGIA, an¬ substantial earnings picture drastically. Sure¬ inter¬ at Chicago, with excess costs, Penn¬ million for alter and Peoria, and at St. Louis. Such co-ordinated, newman, brown & co., Inc. $50 (7) overall the cost FIRM oper¬ Pennsylvania Central York savings and OTHER SOUTHERN MUNICIPALS to and increases such featherbedding estimated nually; Nov. 15; reduce productive of area economies lies in an¬ and probable substantial re¬ a losses importantly. passenger million abolition, subsequent retention, of the 10% duplicate facilities could well be TENNESSEE, SOUTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA $6.4 of following nually the combined companies' substan¬ (all in Penn¬ New yards—at Buffalo, Youngstown. various terminals where savings are area consolidation the from when of $9 million annually. greatest of area Louis, St. to attendant potential derivable the interest is the other Cleveland, Thayer, Baker <fi Co., Inc., Philadelphia; Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hudson, Guests Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hudson, Nathan A. Krumholz, Indianapolis to Peoria. abandonments Estimated Savings , each to Indianapolis from Savings purposes. parallel systems from and 73 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Harry J. Niemeyer, Robert Garrett & Sons, Baltimore; Mr. & Mrs. Ogden, Wechsler & Krumholz, Inc., New York Continued from to . annually. it sums, is evident that very substantial sav¬ ings—possibly Specializing in lion louisiana and mississippi Municipal Bonds annually better reaching co-ordination NEW ORLEANS 12, LA. savings, inating New Long Distance: 304 and 305 less, are car utili¬ ordinating harbor the yet worth¬ possible in elim¬ duplicate York facilities and operation in of in Unlike the two the either 140 L. D. 235 CARONDELET ST. 524-0161 822-5200 NEW ORLEANS 12, LA. savings do not supplement the earnings Pennsylvania New York Central. just INCORPORATED TELETYPE 504 Northerns, such established any Scharff L Jones co¬ tugs of both railroads. merger Teletypes: (Area Code 504) 822-5321; 822-5320 of End New York Harbor Duplication Considerably Whitney Bank Building mil¬ with zation. while Hattier & Sanford $20 accrue can — Pennsylvania's Yet, if or for JACKSON, MISS. SHREVEPORT, LA. the we ad¬ earnings (1) BATON ROUGE, LA. LAFAyETTE, LA. 74 74 Mr. Mrs. & The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Wellington "Duke" Hunter, Wellington Hunter Associates, Jersey City, Isaacs, Sutro & Co., San Francisco; Mrs. & Mr. William B. Denney, Doyle, O'Connor & Co., Inc., New York N. J.; . . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 Harry R. Gumm, G. A. Saxton & Co., Inc., New York; James B. McFarland, Stroud & Company Incorporated, Philadelphia; Gene Burns, Fusz~Schmelzle & Co., Inc., St. Louis; Robert J. Hendricks, G. A. Saxton & Co., Inc., New York Paul E. be closed P- C'WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII£ How Will Jlllllilllllllllllllllllllllll Proposed Railroad Mergers Benefit Investors? | Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern, Inc. f Continued from page 73 in the ensuing interval examiner between and full com¬ mission approval. This discussion brief furnish a may well better understanding of Underwriters Distributors • • E Dealers background fundamentals of the as po— with present market price of 30 Vi railroad industry, for Nickel Plate, or 40.16%— should automatically be closed as tentials attendant developments—most of which are EE mation of railroad mergers should several the time approaches for examiner the full dec- approval,^ and at an ever greater likely, acceleration now authorities, tory realizable The Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern Corporation = Maui E W. 222 Atlanta Tampa E = ELgin 5-6691 E Offices: = Birmingham Gainesville Wire Systems to: E Dominick & Do.vinick 2 John C. Legc; & Company and 2 realization—might provide earnings of Pennsylvania has standing will shares Valley by tion not be ex¬ has and the latter's share, 21,647,940 new 61%. than facturing jobs in the past five state's new manu¬ years. Now the opportunities are greater than presumably pay to the due years earnings anticipate ings increase since share, projected as per well ever. new sizable tax credits— roughly $2.75 potential industrial growth and in¬ vestment savings of Pennsylvania's so-called "nor¬ mal" share, a to 61% one dynamic over of earn¬ $6.00 $75 of could per million Since 1950 Florida has zoomed from 20th to amounts 9th for each Pennsylvania share. It is ranking ktate in income grew to over population. Personal such from approximately $3.6-billion $10-billion . . . potentials for Florida's future, FP&L's Canaveral power plant is It alone will have twice the new Cape scheduled for 1965-66 operation. much capacity as all the plants in company's entire system at the end of World War II. Take you as a in long look at Florida . . . and let us be of service to concentrated than New of York the latter does not alent of holdings, the St. & HELPING BUILD FLORIDA LIGHT CO. Norfolk importantly, and more as Nickel Plate attractive Western spread—45% price of 95, or New greatly competition by Lawrence Seaway. just since the equiv¬ Pennsylvania's and rather Central own the on York Central has suffered far have prospects of Pennsylvania ever, POWER make common appear so by reason of the any way we can. FLORIDA which $3.50 attractive at present levels. We power approximately Pennsylvania's double the national rate of increase. Planning the to Underwriters Distributors Dealers in Corporate & Municipal Securities since How¬ may be than Norfolk the present of Norfolk's market $42.75, as 533 Seabreeze Boulevard DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA the add to we Federal income taxes no existence of to major expansions created 131,000 or ia period of for less merger will company little plants and out¬ $75 million—since the some of be slightly be Were estimated full percentage shares to would standing Exchange and Pennsylvania 1 company the 0'Rourke, Inc. Member Midwest Stock 6,523,220 shares outstanding. With New Yojrk Cen¬ obtaining 1.3 shares of the new T. Nelson applica¬ merger tral new - (some previously approved) was York Central than 3,600 pending. Pennsylvania be¬ the latter's the fore more ap- appears applications Pennsylvania ultimately shares owned Florida's time now car¬ changed for the remaining Lehigh Even before the Nova Moon-shot program, the as all approve consum- out¬ now 13,167,754 shares additional 354,000 Space Dividends Boost Florida's Rapid Growth as Commission, upon $2 over savings of these two merger riers? E a well proaches for full Commission apper Pennsylvania share uncon- proval; in like manner, New York I> f°r one, feel confident that solidated, and of $2.75 per share Central might be a more attrac- the next several years should be consolidated, which results would tive purchase than Pennsylvania most rewarding to those jyho folstill be lower than those of the at some future time following low and interpret railroad views five-year period 1952-56 when examiner approval of the Central- as they unfold over the DowPennsylvania's per share earnings Pennsylvania merger. The present Jones ticker, averaged $2.73 per share uncon- so-called arbitrage spread might ——solidated and $3.41 consolidated, well widen beyond the present 3jst nMid-?ontinent r*Truestey Conference To what extent is Pennsylvania 12%, but whatever spread would sponsored by the Trust Division of the likely to share in the expected exist at that time would doubtless n™eNovemberk8,rsi962f°c,at,on' Chicasr°' well Office: JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Adams Street Branch 5 Exchange their for ade Members New York Stock next the over without waiting years, favorable these as compared CLinton 2-5571 Teletype: 305 677-6551 Volume 196 Number 6216 . . . The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 75 Dallas Union Securities Co., Inc. 7001 Fort Worth National Bank Bldg. Adolphus Tower Dallas i ■ Fort .. . New York Stock Members: Midivest Stock Peter Royston, Hincks Bros. & Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Conn.; & Co., New Haven; Mr. & Mrs. Morton Weiss, Scranton Worth • •. : , Exchange Exchange American Stock Mr. & Mrs. George H. Angelos, Chas. W. Singer, Bean £ Mackie, Inc., New York . Exchange (Associate) Rauscher, Pierce & Co., Inc. Member New York Stock Midwest Stock Exchange Exchange American Stock Exchange (Associate) Underwriters Brokers® Mr. Mrs. & Thompson M. Wakeley, A. C. Allyn & Co., Chicago; J. N. Russell & Co., Inc., Cleveland Dealers • Distributors Mr. & Mrs. Morton A. Cayne, Municipal Bonds Bank and Insurance Company Stocks Mutual Investment Public Bonds — Utility, Railroad and Industrial Preferred Stocks — Mercantile Dallas Dallas Lubbock, Mr. & Mrs. Michael , Schneider, . Burnham and Company, New Cowen & Co., New York York; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Riverside 8-0111 Corpus Austin, Midland, Common Stocks Building 1, Texas Albuquerque, Funds Odessa, C^iristi, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Tyler Harlingen, and Houston, Fayetteville, Ark. Elkan, 38 YEARS EXPERIENCE in the Test&S , Securities Market iiiiiiiiiiiisiiiHniiiliii ' DALLAS =? I?-' " 'i# 1 % \ HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO "H' Dittmar & ; Dallas Federal Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cabbie, Burns Bros. & Denton, Inc., Chase Manhattan Bank, New New York; York Thomas J. Cahill, '* Savings Building *•; < -T- 5 5 ; Stock/Exchange SAN ANTONIO 201 N. St. Mary's ' ' Company, Inc. Member of the New York DALLAS ^ ' Street HOUSTON Texas National Bank Building The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 76 competition, The American Economy's desire Potential and Problems long Continued from page 17 growth and stimulate perior increasing to far su¬ are dollar the must as outlays of government. of Remodel Our Present Tax Tax reform should be (2) Structure. ment should the most and a person be discouraged from should not taking a risk income levels is the tax those Our should $100,000 than at the they rate reward structured be hard (3) Sell to Only Abroad. firms many have been earned /be that given a every be capable to opportunity an education. his At the present, created is that Regu¬ by states is discouraging some soime industries, and five agencies attempt to In business. corporation. profits private be must behavior the integration greater interested of While in Seeking Low. in low We order MUNICIPAL of Also, economy. difficult to in farm our reduce to control to discussion To V Summary has nant of the American economy man that extremely reduction when a or ducing as repug¬ of labor attempt to prevent of group from men their to up sideration the to a pro¬ capabilities. Congress should give serious of the next. output con¬ enactment of in providing rapidjly - of 4% excess we is of is of commodities American in in living are economies Enterprise. We an age when ficiently free world will not will it our well as the in of those proposed the industry. Outlays for research and maximum that such be must steps savings of acquaint private sector is to make its contribution to including and ernments. Industries such *An address by Mr. Dockson before the Chamber of Commerce Execu¬ gov¬ as American elec¬ tives, Los Angeles, Calif. the as NATIONAL BANK FIRST invest¬ States be¬ WORTH FORT OF further additional or MUNICIPAL SECURITIES rewards on either for DEALERS IN pur¬ stimulated are and greater growth follows. NUMBER ONE BURNETT PLAZA Promote Metropolitan Area Like it Development. urban Dunham Bush areas of the FORT WORTH, TEXAS not, the or United 817 891-8105 Fort Worth National Bank EDison Cary Taylor Corp. Century Life Insurance Co. Curtis Mathes Continental Life Insurance Co. Texas Consumer Finance Continental National Bank Westbrook Thompson 6-9161 guidance from local groups. Much be can Kingwood Oil The Bank Wire States continue to deteriorate with little First National Bank each gained if the citizens of become involved in the area redevelopment programs of their community. Such accompanied with involvement, Brown, Allen & co. aggressive an INCORPORATED plan of action will lead 'to greater growth 100 West 7th Street, Fort Worth 2, Texas Teletype—817 891-8050 namic each and, at plan of of from tax Dallas—AN 4-2439 time, same cities. A dy¬ redevelopment cities our employment, Direct Line the interesting more EDison 5-3406 will incomes, of Successors Carothers & to Co., Inc. TEXAS BANK BLDG. 602 DALLAS BONDS STOCKS 2, TEXAS increase and -Sulphur-Gas even revenues. Securities (9) Encourage Elimination the of Duplication and Waste in Gov¬ sential to expands Trading Markets in: HOUSTON NATURAL GAS CORP. DISTRIBUTORS common & preferred! L0NGH0RN PORTLAND CEMENT CORPORATE A MUNICIPAL too fast activities, the and Each its with to area activities the should the agencies really desire to promote CENTRAL POWER t LIGHT specializing in: HOUSTON LIGHTING I POWER CO. 4% preferred STOCKS must we cost mental (10) SAN ANTONIO CORPORATION and other Southwestern Securities us 1-3337 for markets • on TEXAS ISSUES Dallas 2, Texas • • TWX 214 899-8130 itself various government. eliminate Phone Rl D0RSEY, Analyst, Natural Resources Call If we growth, government inefficiencies and reduce the rela¬ tive 4% preferred ANTONIO AND SOUTH TEXAS of • survey acquaint of BOB blocked protected. BROWN, Trading and Underwriting 0RYILLE ALLEN, Oil and Gas Stocks it duplicates is is quo community own and growth status when but LONE STAR BREWING CO. THE FRIT0 COMPANY BANK growth, PEARL BREWING COMPANY SECURITIES ALL SAN its ED Good government is es¬ ernment. UNDERWRITERS-DEALERS of the entire govern¬ superstructure. Encourage Prints available at $2.00 Wise the Use of Fiscal and Monetary Policy Instruments to Promote as Growth. Both monetary and fiscal policies important tools in combating are Funk, Hobbs & Habt, inc. Investment Securities cyclical downturns in business. If the depths of recessions held Members Midwest Stock and Midwest Stock National TWX Bank of Commerce Exchange San Antonio, Texas (Trading) 512 571-0905 & (Municipal) 512 571-0937 to the minimum, ernment must be in Exchange Wire System Bldg. eco¬ nomic growth. doing of way CA 7-6215 a are to be the National Resort gov¬ position to Photographers Boca Raton Hotel reduce taxes early in a downturn. To wait until employment and in¬ comes drop enough to elicit Congressional action, is like clos¬ ing 'the barn door after the horse ^ as taken if sought by will be businesses individuals, new greater centraliza¬ a decisions, us also United available come vast in action it is only these groups that prevent changes will occur in nearly every result pro¬ I have suggested, is offered cause tion will re¬ allocations away from pri¬ positive program for a can increases, at¬ of of businesses and individuals. Be¬ output potential. spending to that will strengthen the incentives suf¬ spending keep our give only the to access with as and not decisions interdepen¬ more Foreign investments in but to ( It provide are becoming much greater fast rates at any the the of rise and to enterprise. The 10-point gram high enough to approximate our products (7) Encourage Foreigners to In¬ vest businesses, individuals, governments task' environment vate our with compete can anywhere in the world. source incomes total that see development citizens. our to environment, proper tempt to take the force labor dominated by the government's that per keep our can expanding found will of beneficial to the health and wel¬ fare doing of history has been our economy system noted have We output capabilities our grow at rates year As restrict method highly competitive, dy¬ a the en during how activities the are unions an The successful decisions of private concerns. Giv¬ potentials half production its date, namic attempted to recognize the growth with a and at of the future will accept as of one free-market is things petitive and its profits reasonable. 'L;; keep This change overly-stimulated upturns. conflict it of doing chases. In either case, income and Trading Department Specializes in all Local Securities Mfg. Co. company certain it is de¬ business and, as a consequence, if their severity will be able to keep its costs com¬ task ments McCulloch & Co. Automation Industries of high a ways aerospace, are products new accelerated pace. pri¬ a parts of the world. Just (8) Aztec new productively employed. Our great employment Alcon Laboratories in business in equipment vate-enterprise system, their output reconcile investments Barron elimination complete construction, office introduce to possess. people are still starving in other industries MUTUAL FUNDS the of desirable to aim not is tronics, and the remainder of this decade and direct in is dent. SECURITIES for already we Ar¬ cannot thereof. Dollars earned AND it While use maintain to principles business CORPORATE tools stream¬ efficient more a sirable for keeping farmers we DEALERS the fully employed by curtailing out¬ others DISTRIBUTORS for Thursday, November 29, 1962 current laws to al¬ our any Hold Production to tificially others, UNDERWRITERS low the Encourage downturns (6) Curtail the Power of Groups the promoting out. lining of and legislation preventing policies that Anti-Trust the Agencies. regulate exports. Domestic mar¬ on has confusion four tax ad¬ on that see and should Steps Simplify and in to exports, promote here it is proposed vantage to making colleges private to should benefits multiple authority in Washington American of having completed given to corporations the While to without so American Busi¬ overseas. suggested do (5) programs sell different the people Laws and the Rules of the Products of will latory 4% 30% entering Their Encourage higher of labor force during the sixties continue so risk-bearing, and innovation. nesses Approximately thrift, work, their children institutions young argument is and the the the to to particular business. prices youngster Our $25,000. current Educa¬ Higher parents putting taken rather other in upon greater freedom of entry into ing. Tax credits should be granted grants rate have to be earn the out for Those Capable of Learn¬ universities. 25% seek place we no the put. The payment of subsidies to Encourage shot in the arm, the encourage existing high school. Tax more no would ' allowed to a be should taxes to at and if small businesses to receive they highest lowered be than 65% are produced revenues levels. should of line with out nature through at the upper Our tax rate more. (4) be must learning. earning from or to businesses to many tion from discouraged be not produce this consumption. Rewards and fear countries. higher levels of invest¬ for need firms by that companies should be allowed as they stifled ample' evidence credence lend incentive. An incentive opportunities the recognizing toward directed and abroad, an it is There to expanded, American operate given be certainly have we see regulatory burdens it. kets to . . . Boca Raton, Florida ' Volume Mr. & Mrs. 196 Number 6216 . . . The I.- ■■■, Continued from , page 18 Bros. ;■ & Co. Bridgeport, Conn. HAIGNEY, DAYTON P.¬ E. New Hutton York Bankers GREEN, WALTER R. Schweickhardt Orleans, & New GREGORY, Gregory New City WM. & H* A. Saxton New York & Gardner St. Louis, Mo. Mr. & Mrs. S. Los San Southwest Dallas, G. A. Co. New York Co. Continued on page I MISS MARY LOU Miami, Fla. J.¬ Clayton Securities Co., Inc. E. Corp Sanders Inc. Members New York Stock REPUBLIC Wellington Hunter Associates City Company & Boston, Mass. "DUKE"* Co., NATIONAL Exchange BANK BLDO. Dallas Jersey City, N. J. 1 & Co., Inc. HUTTON, JOE E.* Equitable Securities Corp. Nashville, Tenn. City IRBY, M. R* Kuhn, Loeb & York Co. City Philadelphia, Pa. HORN, E. A. New Barth & New York City Cal. Saxton York J. Thayer, Baker & Co., Inc. HUDSON HENDRICKS, R. J. New JOYCE, JACK Texas HUNTER, WELLINGTON York Atlanta, Ga. Co. Sidney Jacobs Co. Ohio Humphrey Co., Inc. City Angeles, & The Robinson JACOBS, SIDNEY HUDSON, JOHN M* Company Co. Francisco, Cal. First Francisco, Cal. & & JACKSON, W. A* & Co. Strauss HUGHES, F. New Co., Inc. HAGENS1EKER, EARL L* ^Denotes York J. Cincinnati, HECHT, JOHN C. Walston City Reinholdt & New Sutro Hough & Co. St. Petersburg, Fla. Westheimer Heaney & HE1NZE, GEO City GUMM, HARRY R. G. Co. Dempsey Tegler & Sons York & City HEANEY, M. J* THOS * R. HUDEPOHL, H. J* Trust J. William JOLLEY, LEX* 1SSACS, PAUL E. HOUGH, WM. R. San Co. La. Unterberg Towbin & Co. York 1 New York City Michael GREENBERG, Inc. HARTLEY, C. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Mi?s. Carroll H. Babcock, Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood, Minneapolis; Mr. & Mrs. James M. Russell, J. N. Russell & Co., Inc., Cleveland HOWARD, L. J. Co., & Boston, Mass. W. C. E. Haigney Co. & ,--:- " - .v HAMILL, A. T* GREEN, HARRY F. New :;v\: y Dayton GORDON, M. L.* Hecker Mr. & Jerry Ets Hokin, J. M. Dain & Co., Inc., Minneapolis; Mr. & Mrs. Dan Sherwood, Reynolds & Co., New York Attended the Convention Hinks 77 Financial Chronicle Commercial and City Co. J. C. Wheat & Co. Richmond, Va. SCHNEIDER, BERNET & HICKMAN, I ESTABLISHED MEMBER V NEW : ■' . YORK STOCK S> 3 INC. 2 EXCHANGE I TRADING DEPARTMENT Scotty Keith Manager Private Wire to G. A. Saxton & 1505 elm street Co., N.Y.C. dallas / ^leocaJ 1, texas " 78 Mr. Mrs. & William Doherty, Fahnestock & Co., New York; Mr. & W. E. Hutton & Co., New York Mrs. Mr. Arthur T. Hamill, Attended the Convention KEEGAN, BERNARD Ogden, Wechsler & Krumholz R. EDWARD New York City Florida Miami, Schneider, Bernet & Hickman Butcher Inc. F. KELLY Prescott J* E. Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades & Co. New York City & Co. Cleveland, Ohio & Washington, D. Comm. C. Philadelphia, Pa. Allen KENNEY, P. F * New & Boston, Mass -> LOTHROP, & Hill Mr. Wise. Co. City & Blair St. New York Mergott, Rappa & Co., Inc. Dallas, Texas SOREN D. ROGERS, C. A.* Co., Inc. Casper Rogers & Co., Inc. Petersburg, Fla. Investment New York New York Hanseatic Digest City & Lee, Inc. Lynchburg, Va. Oscar E. Sons ROSENBAUM, R. L.* Md. Wertheim Hincks Bros. & O'DONNELL, CHARLES Ohio Nolting, Nichol & O'Donnell New York Hanseatic New J. N. Corp. City Asiel New Sanders & Co. Dallas, Texas City ORCHIN, MENDRES, JOSEPH P. New PUGET PULP SOUND York City J. Van & TIMBER CO. Weld & SALOMON, A. New richs New York City & K.* Brothers Salomon Co., Inc. York & Foster Seattle, Co. New Orleans, La. & Marshall Inc. Washington Continued on State and Municipal Manufacturers Bleached Sulphite Pulp, Tissues, Bonds Fine Papers, BOND DEPARTMENT Paperboard, Industrial Alcohol, page U. S. Government Bonds of Hutzler City SANDERS, S. J.* PEDR1CK, PARKS B. Corp. Bank National Chicago 111. Pa. Howard, Weil, Labouisse Freid- Systems Co. SACHNOFF, SAMUEL* Cleveland, Ohio City City Investment First Parsons & Co. & Jenrette Chicago, 111. PARSONS, ROBT. MOORE, R. D.* BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON Cook Co. Pittsburgh, Miami, Fla. Ultronic & Kay, Richards & Co. Ingen & Co., Inc New York O'Rourke PARKER, Ii. S * MOLLOY, P. E.* White, York New Chicago, 111. MILLER, BOYCE* B. P. City SACHNOFF, M. D * O'ROURKE, J. P. J. Co. Inc. New York John J. Meyers & Co. & York Donaldson, Lufkin Co. York MEYERS, J. J. Jr.* Ohio RUSSO, F. A.* LOUIS Kalb, Voorhis & Seligman & Co. Russell & Co., Inc. Cleveland, RUSSELL, P. SCOTT, III OLIVER, ALLEN L* Lehman Brothers W. York Co., Inc. Bridgeport, Conn. RUSSELL, JAS. M.* Pensacola, Fla. City Miami, Florida New Co. City ROYSTON, PETER Chicago, 111. > McVEY, GEO. M. J. & & York New Sincere & Co. Co. Dooly & Co. New York Corp. New York City O'BRIEN, E. P. McLEOD, DAVIS C. MASON, W. G* Mason Mrs. Dealers City RONAN, F. J* Woodmere, N. Y. Robt. Garrett & Pa. York New NIEMEYER H. J * Baltimore, City Dallas Union Securities Co., Inc. Ohio N1EMAN, BARNEY Remington; Inc. York New ROBB, JOHN D. Musekamp & Co. & Ohio Cleveland, RAPPA, S. J.* Conn. Haven, NIELSEN, McILRAVY, MISS. L. MARCUSSON, AL. John C. Legg & ♦Denotes Co. Los Angeles, Cal. Ball, Burge & Kraus City Cincinnati, Co., Inc. Cleveland, RANNEY, D. B. OHLANDT, JOHN D* KR1SAM, WILBUR* York Richards & & McDonald & LUEKER, C. T. The Marshall Co. Milwaukee, G. H. Co. McGINTY, J. P.* Co. KOCH, OTTO J. Jr. New Co. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. & McCULLEN, WM. J. Philadelphia, M * G. W. E. Hutton & Drexel Smithers Stroud Jr. MUSEKAMP, GEO. H * McFARLAND, J AS. B. City Hayden, Stone & Co., Inc. KNOB, J. E* New Philadelphia, Pa. Co. York York Co. Jones S. Portland, Oregon Laird, Bissell & Meeds York City Hess, Grant & LOPATO, ALLEN June Co. & MURRAY, FRANK J.* Boston, Mass. Exchange PHIPPS, PRESTON L. F* Hutton > May & Gannon, Inc. Securities Yarnall, Biddle Co. New McCUE, JOHN A.* LOOMIS, P. A. Jr.* KENNEDY, S. M* S. New Thursday, November 29, 1962 Scanlin Electronics Inc. McCORMACK, JOHN F. LISTON, CORWIN L. E. MOUGHTY, JOHN Sherrerd & . Cincinnati, Ohio Philadelphia, Pa. United Securities Co. Greensboro, N. C. Dallas, Texas W. McATEE, JAMES J.* LEE, N. CLAYTON KEITH, SCOTT MORI ARTY, J. H. Parker, Ford & Co. Texas . R. Irby, Jr., J. C. Wheat & Co., Richmond, Va.; Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bates, Company, San Francisco; Mr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Deppe, Edward D.Jones & Co., St. Louis Conn. Hartford, . Moreland G. H. Walker & Co. Dallas, Inc. Goodbody & Co. Mrs. MAY, C. THOMAS KRUMHOLZ, N. A* from page 77 & First California MATTHEWS, Continued Chronicle The Commercial and Financial 78 Seattle 24, Seattle-First Washington National Bank Lignin Products. Telephone MAin 2-3131 Teletype 206 998-0295 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 81 Volume Number 196 6216 . . . 79 The Commercial and Financial Chronicle UNDERWRITERS — DISTRIBUTORS — DEALERS MUNICIPAL & CORPORATE SECURITIES Private wire to J. S. Strauss & Co., San Francisco with connections to other trading centers Teletype'—206 998-0234 Phone Main 2-1990 Founded 1892 G®P Harper Son & Co. Investment Securities Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Smyth, Salomon Brothers & Hutzler, New York City; Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Gold, Gold, Weissman <ft Franhel, Inc., New York 1504 Third Ave., Seattle 1 Wash. Yakima Wenatchee Tacoma Cable Address Telephone MAin 3-3040 Lewisco Teletype 206 998-0939 JOHN R. LEWIS, & Frenkel, New York; Mr. & Mrs. Gambol J.Dunn, Dunn <£ Taylor, C. Mcrritt Coleman, Allen & Company, New York j Mr. & Mrs. Lester Frenkel, Gersten New York; investment Securities 29th Anniversary, 1933-1962 SEATTLE 4, WASHINGTON 1000 SECOND AVENUE DIRECT LEASED WIRE TO: GEORGE PATTEN WITH Mr. & Mrs. Elbridge H. Smith, Stryker <£ Brown, New York; Mr. Michael J. Heaney & Co., New York & D0HERTY R0ADH0USE & CO., VANCOUVER, B. C.; INVESTMENT CO., CONNECTING PORTLAND; WIRE TO SCHERCK, J. BARTH & CO., SAN FRANCISCO; RICHTER COMPANY, SAINT LOUIS. Mrs. Michael Heaney, WE PRIMARY MAINTAIN MARKETS PACIFIC IN NORTHWEST ISSUES wmmmmmmm PACIFIC COMPANY NORTHWEST Investment Securities UNDERWRITERS Seattle Bellingham Walla Walla Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Kenney, Hayden, Stone & Co. Incorporated, Boston; J. Howard, Jr., J. S. Strauss <fi Co., San Francisco Leslie Mr. & Mrs. • DISTRIBUTORS DEALERS • Portland Spokane Tacoma Boise Eugene Aberdeen Kennewick Wenatchee Yakima Medford Salem 80 Mr. The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Edward Mrs. & San Win J. Kelly, Carl M. Loeb, Rhoades <St Co., New York; Paul Isaacs, Sutro Francisco; Mr. & Mrs. Morey D. Sachncff, Cook Investment Co., Chicago; Mr. & Mrs. William C. Elwell, Loewi & Co., Incorporated, Milwaukee & Co., Mr. Jackson, First Southwest Company, Dallas; Cornelius B. Sheridan, Mitchell & Company, New York; "Duke" Hunter, Wellington Hunter Associates, Jersey City, N. J.; Howard J. Speer, Shumate & Company, /nc.».Dalias & J. Caughlin, Edward J. Caughlin & Co., Philadelphia; Winton A. Jackson, First Southwest Company, Dallas; Lou Gibbs, Laird, Bissell & Meeds, New York; Walter R. Green, Schweickhardt & Company, New Orleans, La. Mrs. Charles A. Bodie, Jr., Stein Bros. & Boyce, Baltimore; Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Armstrong, Stein Bros. & Boyce, Baltimore .. ' . . " '■ ' ■ ; B. . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 McFarland, Stroud & Company, Incorporated, Philadelphia; Richard A. Wernecke, Burton J. & Co., Chicago; J. Edward Knob, Drexel & Co., Philadelphia; Norman Wilde, Janney, Battles & E. W. Clark, Inc., Philadelphia Vincent Wellington Edward James . : Mr. & Mrs. Gold, Mr. Sidney A. Siegel, Sidney A. Siegel & Co., Inc., New York; Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Gold, Frankel, Inc., New York; C. Merritt Coleman, Allen & Company, New York; Allan Lopato, Allen & Company, New York Weissman & & Mrs. Leo E. Brown, Asiel & Co., New York; Mr. & Mrs. John E. Knob, Drexel & Co., Philadelphia Mr. & Mrs. Murray L. Barysh, Ernst & Co., New York; Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Parker, Kay, Richards & Co., Pittsburgh i1 ' ■: : / . Volume Mr. & Mrs. Number 196 Arthur T. Hamill, 6216 W. E. . . . The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Hutton & Co., New York; Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Shore & Co., Inc., New York; Mr. & Mrs. James F. Moriarty, W. E. Hutton Attended the Convention Continued from page 78 SHERIDAN, C. B* Dominion Securities New Corp. New York City A. Harold A.¬ New York Burnham Shore & Co., Inc. New York City New York *Denotes & America WIRTH, HOMER E* & New York ZEEMAN, H. L. Jr. Carl Co. WILLIAMSON, Marks New York Chicago, 111. Schmidt, Co. Mabon & City & Co., Inc. ZWAHL, LOUIS J. COIT* E. Roberts & City Mabon & Co. Parke Philadelphia, Pa. New York City i STRADER, L. A. Co., Inc. Lynchburg, Va. TRADING Wagenseller & Durst Inc. Los Angeles, Newberger & Co. Cal. in TEGELER, J. F. Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. York Weeden Co. of SUMMERELL, D. E* SMITH, J. E* City Mr. Holiday Inns Pa. WILLIAMS, R. C* Co. STEPHENS, J. F. Strader & , Chappaqua, N. Y. Josephthal & Co. & WILSON, KEMMONS* Hayden, Stone & Co., Inc. Houston, Texas Stryker & Brown SERLEN, L. HANK* Philadelphia, Texas Fund Management SMITH, E. H* Co., Memphis, Tenn. WILLIAMS, D. J* H. T* Janney, Battles & E. W. Clark, Inc. Dallas, Texas City Co. New York City New York City Shumate Sidney A. Siegel & Co., Inc. MICHAEL* & Salomon Brothers & Hutzler SPEER, SIEGAL, S. A * City SCHNEIDER, C. New York WILDE, NORMAN SMYTH, J. E.¬ B* SHORE, H. C * Arthur Schmidt & Associates McCormack, F. S. Smithers & Co., New York; Samuel F. Colwell, W. E. Hutton & York; J. Lewis Bibb, R. S. Dickson & Co., Inc., Charlotte, N. C.; Charles J. Hartley, Bankers Trust Company, New York New New New York City Seattle, Wash. F. Columbus, Ohio Reynolds & Co. Wm. P. Harper & Sons Inc. C. Shore, Co., Cincinnati The Ohio Co.* City SHERWOOD, D. SCHL1CTING, MR. HUGH R. SCHMIDT, York John Harold SNYDER, HOWARD* Mitchell & Co. SAUNDERS, W. F* 81 regional UNLISTED SECURITIES Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. St. MARKETS Louis, Mo. THOMPSON, ALMORE I* Massachusetts Investors Trust Specialists in Securities A. L. GREENBERG &. COMPANY Boston, Mass. of the THOMPSON, 828 Seventeenth M* C. Street Pacific Northwest - AMherst 6-3433 - Teletype 303 292-3633 Telex 045642 Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern Corp. Jacksonville, Fla. DENVER, COLORADO TISCH, A. F* Established (Service Office) Fitzgerald & Co. JUNE S.' JONES CO. New York City New 50 Broadway York 1927 - HAnover 5-3280 City, New York TOPOL, ROBT. M. Greene & Co. TRADING Pres Phipps DEPARTMENT — New York Direct wire to: City New York City Chet Paulson Pueblo—Edward D. Jones WAKELEY, T. M * WIRE SYSTEM: „ U. S. BANK PORTLAND Gregory & BLDG. Sons A. 4, ORE. TELETYPE 503 C. Allyn & San Co. Office Cheyenne—Arco Securities Ft. Collins—Rogers & Co. Francisco—Dempsey-Tegeler & Co. Oklahoma City—F. R. Burns & Co. Phoenix—Powell, McGowan, Inc. Albuquerque—Hyder, Rosenthal & Co. Chicago, 111. 226-4001 & Co. 224-1745 WALKER, GRAHAM Dempsey-Tegeler & Co., Inc. New York City WALSH, R. H* Yates, Heitner & Woods TRADING AND RETAILING St. Louis, Mo. UNDERWRITERS WEISS, MORTON* PACIFIC NORTHWEST SECURITIES UNDERWRITERS — DEALERS — DISTRIBUTORS Senger, Bean & Mackie, Inc. New York OF MUNICIPAL AND WELCH, ED. H* Sincere & DISTRIBUTORS City / CORPORATION SECURITIES Co. & Chicago, 111. CORPORATES AND Specialists in the Rocky Mountain MUNICIPALS WERNECKE, R. A* area Burton UNLISTED SECURITIES J. for more than twenty-six years. Vincent & Co. Chicago, 111. WERTHEIM, J* George Patten Investment Go. Wertheim New & York Co. City SECURITIES Peters, Writer & Christensen, WHITE, EDWARD American Bank Building White Portland 5, Oregon St. & INVESTMENT Co. Inc. SECURITIES , The Louis, Mo. Peters, Writer & Christensen, Members New York Stock Exchange, Corp. American Stock Exchange (Associate) Exchange Midwest Stock AT & T Teletype 503-224-1911 Telephone CApitol 6-4141 WHITEHEAD, MR. KENNETH J. 724 17th St. St. DIRECT LEASED CONNECTING DIRECT WIRE WIRE LEASED TO TO BARTH & SCHERCK, RICHTER WIRE J. TO JOHN R. CO., SAN COMPANY, ST. LOUIS INC., SEATTLE LEWIS, Louis, Mo. WHITMAN, A. L. Whitman Securities Memphis, Tenn. • Denver 2, Colorado • CHerry 4-6992 Colorado Springs and FRANCISCO Co. • TWX 303 292-3988 Loveland 82 ROSTER Page ADVERTISERS OF Page Page ALABAMA MINNESOTA ILLINOIS Page Mabon & Co BIRMINGHAM MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO Marks Merrill 58 58 J. M. Dain & Co., Inc. 57 58 Mahoney (C. D.) & Co., Inc. 60 59 Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood 57 Illinois CALIFORNIA (The) Company, Inc Noyes (David A.) & Moore (Raymond) Co & 50 59 Wurlitzer 54 (The) Company & Co., Inc. Lynch, Smith Pierce, Fenner Meyers (John J.) Quotation Parker 48 Evans MacCormack & Co. Inc... Harbison 50 & Henderson Lester, Ryons & : Co INDIANA CITY (Eisen), Waeckerle Bureau TENNESSEE Hanseatic York Morgan & Co. 47 Stern Brothers & Co. MEMPHIS Corporation Staats Electronics, Inc. Turner-Poindexter & Inc. Engine Company, & Co., Inc. 65 (Edward D.) & Co.. 64 Scherck, Richter Company 65 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, IOWA SAN Co & Iowa Davis, Skaggs 50 Electric Light & 53 & Co._ California Company porated Stone & ELIZABETH DES 53 & 49 Co.. Sutro & Co. Light Company 62 49 Youngberg Strauss (J. S.) Power and (Hugh W.) & Co JERSEY CITY Hunter Associates.- 34 Inc 34 (Wellington) (M. S.) & Co., T rask Bond Co., Inc. (The) (The) Company 68 YORK & Company & Co., Inc. Adams Inc Allen & LOUISIANA 81 & Peck ORLEANS Hattier CONNECTICUT & Howard, richs HARTFORD Antler's Sanford Weil, and 73 Company 73 . Newman, Brown & Co., Inc Cooley & Company 43 & Co ^ 43 73 Scharff & Jones, Inc 73 Schweickhardt & Company Saffin, Co 15 Burnham and Burns Bros. Chemical 5 Gordon & Sautter New York _____ & Company.. 76 75 12 SAN Dittmar Barrow, Leary & Co. 72 (S.), Grossman & Co. UTAH SALT 13 Wood, Gundy & Co., Inc... — 39 Dominion (The) WILMINGTON & Company, Corporation E-Z 43 MARYLAND Dominick COLUMBIA (Alex.) & Niagara Mohawk Power VIRGINIA 35 Corporation LYNCHBURG Mason 68 First (The) 69 First Chelsea First 69 Williams 68 (C. T.) & Co., Inc 28 Boston (P. F.) Frank Corporation. DAYTONA Breen Day JACKSONVILLE Creamer (Chas. Haigney Pierce, Carrison, Wulbern, Inc. 74 Maguire A.) & (Dayton) (J. B.) & Co., & Inc Co., 44 Inc. Co., Inc. 44 45 7 Stewart (E. W.) & Co., Inc Corporation Co., 67 Inc. .—__ 67 Puget Sound Pulp & Timber Co SEATTLE & Co.. 66 79 Lewis Butler, Wick Harper (Wm. P.) & Son & Co; 79 (John Northwest Company 79 First Bank 78 28 (Wm. V.) Co. & OREGON 23 WISCONSIN 17 15 Jones 27 Patten National Greene and Gregory Bank of New York Company (June S.) MILWAUKEE (George) Co _ Investment Co.__ 81 Loewi 81 Milwaukee & & Sons Watling, Lerchen GEORGIA & Co. 31 13 (W. E.) & & Josephthal & Richardson 8 14 Kidder, Peabody & Co 60 King (Charles) Lebenthal & ... & Co... & Meeds ^ Boenning & Co. 10 Co 61 WARREN Dackerman 19 Hopper, Soliday & Co 38 17 Co., Inc. ... (Harry C.) & Co. Co 71 Kent-Moore Organization, Inc MAN. 6 42 Wisener, Janney, Battles & E. W. Clark, — Mackellar and Company Ltd Schaffer, Necker & Co 39 16 Stroud Lomasney (Myron A.) 24 Taggart (Charles A.) 40 & Company, Incorporated. & Co., THE COMMERCIAL AND Inc.. MONTREAL, QUE. 41 41 Royal Securities Corporation FINANCIAL CHRONICLE (Reg. U. S. Patent Office) William B. Dana Company, Publishers, 25 Park Place, New York 7, N. Y., REctor 2-9570. Claude D. Seibert, Publisher and President; William Dana Seibert, Treasurer; George J. Morrissey, Editor. Published twice a week [every Thursday (general news and advertising issue) with a statistical issue on Monday]. Other offices; 135 S. La Salle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois (Telephone STate 2-0613); Copyright 1962 by William B. Dana Company. Re-entered as second class matter February 25, 1942, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription in United States, U. S. Possessions and Members of the Pan American Union, $65.00 per year; in Dominion of Canada, $68.00 per year. Other countries,, $72.00 per year. NOTE: On account of the fluctuations in the rate of 38 41 26 & Co... & Sons..— TORONTO, ONT. 42 Inc. (James) 40 . (The) 56 CANADA WINNIPEG, Levien, Greenwald & Co Robinson-Humphrey 56 — PENNSYLVANIA 31 Co Snyder Laird, Bissell ATLANTA Company 29 Ingalls Corporation (The) 6 Heaney (Michael J.) & Co.___ Hutton DETROIT Michigan Co., Incorporated 22 ... 74 of National PHILADELPHIA MICHIGAN First R.), Inc— Pacific 26 Grace 78 Merrill, Turben & Co., Inc..—.—__ 67 24 Hornblower & Weeks 74 & Seattle & Co., Inc Hill, Thompson & Co., Inc Light Co Reid City Bank of Hirsch & Co MIAMI Florida Power & Cleveland Goldman, Sachs & Co 45 70 BELLINGHAM First Gold, Weissman & Frankel, Inc i Stanley Corp Co 67 PORTLAND 74 & WASHINGTON (The) Trust Company— YOUNGSTOWN Garvin, Bantel & Co BOSTON O'Rourke, Inc., T. Nelson C.) 7 Incorporated BEACH 70 66 Company (Albert)-Guenther Law, Frankel MASSACHUSETTS 70 Company, Inc. 35 Inc. FLORIDA (J. CLEVELAND Cleveland Fulton 27 Corporation National and Westheimer 20 New York Fox Lee, Inc CINCINNATI 16 69 Mead, Miller & Co. Johnston, Lemon & Co & OHIO 37 & Co 69 Sons Legg (John C.) & Company 63 SYRACUSE Securities Estabrook & Co. Baker, Watts & Co Brown WASHINGTON 63 Supply Company 11 _ Faulkner, Dawkins & Sullivan DISTRICT OF CITY RICHMOND 6 Addressing Service Inc. Ernst BALTIMORE Fuel Mountain 14 Corporation Laird LAKE Hogle (J. A.) & Co. Strader and & Co & 76 32 8 Dominick 75 ... 9 Bank of (C. J.) ANTONIO Company, Inc. 23 & Co Wheat DELAWARE & Funk, Hobbs & Hart, Inc.__ 36 North America Devine WORTH . (Barron) 26 - - & Co...— Trust Company SHREVEPORT FORT 77 ■ 20 Systems Corporation.-2,- 72 Commercial :v7:i 20 Denton, Inc Bank 7V 9 Company & ; j.';■■■;; . & Co (G. H.) 28 & Co., Inc. Boland, 77 37 Restaurant & 77 Inc McCulloch 21 L & Co., Inc. Bacon, Stevenson Blyth Fried- Labouisse, 27 Company Ames (A. E«) NEW 2. Co., Inc.. Company 30 Wertheim & Co. 81 Christensen, & Walker, Austin & Waggener. Troster, Singer & CoV Weinberg CITY YORK 75 Schneider, Bernet & Hickman, Co. Inc. NEW Putnam 35 76 First National Bank of Fort Worth (A. L.) Walker NEW 68 DENVER l& Rauscher, Pierce & Sanders 12 & Co., Inc 18 22 ( Spencer) Ultronics Bankers Kentucky (A. L.) 75 Union Securities 21 Inc. Co., (Inside front cover) LOUISVILLE Writer 77 Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc. Stamm 52 Wien Greenberg First Southwest Company (Back cover) KENTUCKY Peters, 39 Smith, Barney & Co. 51 COLORADO C.) Siegel (Sidney A.) 34 — __ 52 i. Dallas Incorporated Company, and Inc Brown, Allen & Co., Incorporated. 30 Co MOINES Long Iowa & (Harold Shore 25 (M. A.) & Co., Inc. Schweickart JERSEY NEW 66 & DALLAS 38 Hutzler & 71 .. Inc (G. A.) Schapiro Power Company Bros. Salomon 71 Company TEXAS 36 34 & Co., Inc Securities Securities 31 & Sons, Inc.. & Co., Inc. (Casper) Rogers Whitman National Bank 27 Rust (J. F.) Reilly Saxton Incor¬ Gorey (Walter C.) Co. Schwabacher RAPIDS 51 Brush, Slocumb & Co., Inc First 64 FRANCISCO CEDAR (J.) & (The) 18 ; Richardson (James) Royal Incorporated Barth — Registrar & Transfer Company Jones 50 & Co (W. C.) & Co., Inc—____ Pitfield 55 46 Co. Pershing & Co LOUIS 48 (William R.) & Co. 62 . O'Kane, Jr. (John J.) Pflugfelder ST. First Ogden Wechsler & Krumholz, Inc. 32 COLUMBUS Cummins Fusz-Schmelzle Scantlin & 62 47 26 25 (Outside back cover) New Purcell, Inc 47 42 40 Mackay & Company 30 Company (Inside back cover) Crowell, Weedon & Co Company READING Incorporated MISSOURI KANSAS ANGELES LOS & 10 & Co & Thomas & Incorporated National 59 Swift, Henke & Co HILLS (Carl) Mitchell 59 Straus, Blosser & McDowell BEVERLY . 29 Bacon, Whipple & Co. Company Reed, Lear & Co. 33 60 Haupt (Ira) & Co. .. 26 __ Maradel Products Inc. 1_ Allison-Williams Doyle, O'Connor & Co., Inc. Sterne, Agee & Leach. 72 Page PITTSBURGH 19 Mackay & Company exchange, remittance for* foreign subscriptions and advertisements must be made in New York funds. 39 Volume 196 Number 6216 . . . The Commercial and Financial Chronicle Convention Number let's " talk trades If it's Over-the-Counter, call to HANSISATIC can one fill your many trading needs... whether it's bank or insurance stocks, industrials, utilities, foreign securities, World bank bonds, municipal bonds, corporates, U. S, Government and Agency obligations For over or railroad bonds. forty years, we have been specialists in trading all types of securities ... and are completely equipped by direct private wires throughout the country to help you consummate any trade, anywhere. If you are a broker not or a give us bank, dealer, why that one call...and "Let's Talk Trades" i New York Hanseatic Corporation 60 BROAD Established. 1920 STREET, N. Y. 4, N. Y. Telephone: 363-2000 Teletype: 212-571-1231, 32, 33, 31> Boston • Chicago Philadelphia • • Los Angeles San Francisco World Wide Wire Service :: v -v" The Commercial and Financial Convention Number Chronicle . . . Thursday, November 29, 1962 Over-the-counter quotation service for -nine years National Quotation I hi roan, incorporated Established 1913 46 Front Street, CHICAGO : New York 4, N. Y. • SAN FRANCISCO Singer, Bean & Mackie, Inc Members New York Direct Wires to Burton J. Vincent & Co. ■ NEW YORK • PHILADELPHIA Security Dealers Association Chicago 1 ' Saunders, Stiver & Co. Cleveland Evans MacCormack & Co. Los Angeles Birr, Wilson & Co., Inc. San Francisco Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated St. Louis Jones, Kreeger & Co. Washington !