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E l e c t r ic R a il w a y


^ OMERCIAL & y iN A W C ^^ H R O m ^
C o p y rig h te d ln 1910 accord in g to A ct o f C on g r e ss ,b y W I L L I A M B . D A N A C O M P A N Y , In o ffice o f L ibrarian o f C ongress, W ash in gton , D . C .

V o l.


1 0 2 .


l e c t r i c


a i l w

a y


Y O R K ,

e c t i o n

T h e R a ilw a y a n d In d u s tria l Section, issued throe times a year on the
last Saturday o f February, June and O ctober, is also furnished w i t h o u t e x t r a
c h a r g e to every C h r o n ic le subscriber.
T ho R a ilw a y E arn in g s Section, issued m onthly, containing tho sworn
returns o f earnings and expenses filed each m onth with the Inter-State
C om m erco Comm ission, is likewise furnished w i t h o u t e x t r a c h a r g e to every
annual C h r o n ic le subscriber.
T h o S ta te a n d C ity Section, issued semi-annually on the last Saturday
o f M a y and N ovem ber, is also furnished w i t h o u t e x t r a c h a r g e to overy
subscriber o f tho C h r o n ic le .
T h o B an k a n d Q u o ta tio n Section, issued m onthly, is also furnished
w i t h o u t e x t r a c h a r g e to every subscriber o f the C h r o n ic le .
T h o B a n k ers’ C o n v e n tio n Section, issued yearly, giving the detailed
proceedings o f tho annual convention o f the American Bankers’ Associa­
tion, is likewise furnished w i t h o u t e x t r a c h a r g e to C h r o n ic le subscribers.
Term s for tho C h r o n ic le , including the six Supplements abov o nam ed,
aro Ton Dollars per annum within tho United States, Thirteon Dollars
(which includes postage) in Europe, and $11 50 in Canada.
File covers for tho C h r o n ic le aro sold at 60 cents each (which includes
postage). Filo covers for Supplements can bo had at same price.
C H IC A G O O F F IC E .— 39 South La Salle Street.
L O N D O N O F F IC E — Edwards & Smith, 1 Drapers’ Gardens, E . O.

Front, Pino and Dopoyster Streets, N ow Y ork .

For the purpose of showing in a graphic way the
location of their lines, a few of the more important
systems described in this issue of the “ Electric Rail­
way Section” are accompanied by maps. The
following furnishes a list of these maps, together with
the pages on which they appear.

Brooklyn R apid T ran sit S y ste m _____________________________ 15
Chicago E lovatod R a ilw a ys__________________
C um berland C ou n ty Power & Light C o ___________________ 106
D etroit U nited R ailw ay S y sto m ....................................
Eastern Pennsylvania R ailw ays C o ............................................. 108
G eorgia R ailw ay
Powor C o ___________________ ____________
Illinois Traction S y sto m ................................... ..................... ............ 22
International R ailw ay C o --------------------------------------------------------- 19
Lehigh V alley Transit C o . and Lehigh V alley L igh t &
Power C o ____________________________________________________
N ow Orleans R ailw ay & Light C o _____________________________ 74
N ew p ort N ow s & H am p to n R y ., G as & Eloctric C o ____ 52
N ow Y o rk M u n icipal R ailw ay C orporation______ ___________ 16
N ew Y o rk State R a ilw a y s .................................


Pacific G as & Electric C o . . . ............................................


Philadelphia & W estern R ailw ay C o ...................


P ittsburgh R ailw ays C o ------------------------------------------------------------- 99
Publio Service Corporation of N e w Jorsoy_______ 8 0 and 81
Third A ven u e R ailw ay S y stem -----------------------------------------------78
U nited G as & Electric C orporation___________________________8 2
U ni tod Light & R ailw ays C o _________________________________ 48
W e s t Penn T raction C o . S y ste m ____________________________ 103


2 0 ,

1 9 1 6 .

N o .

2 6 5 6 .



T h e E le c tr ic R a ilw a y Section, Issued three times a year, in January,
M a y and September, is furnished w i t h o u t e x t r a c h a r g e to every annual su b ­
scriber o f tho C om m ercia l a n d F in a n cia l C h r o n ic le .



T h e follow ing is an explanation o f the term s and abbrevi­
ations used on succeeding pages in the presentation o f the
statem ents of the different com panies:
"S T O C K A N D B O N D S .’ ’— Under those words aro shown—
" S t o c k .” — T ho

am ount o f stock a u l h o r i t e d im m ediately follows tho word
" s t o c k ,” and against this is tho par value o f single sharos. F or exam ple,
“ S tock, $200,000 ($ 10 0 ),” means stock , total issue authorized b y charter
or b y A ct o f Legislature, $200,000, divided into sharos o f $100 each; " f . p .’ ’
follow ing the am ount given as outstanding means “ full p a id .”
“ P ro f.” moans "preferred s to ck .” “ P ref. 6 % cu m .” means preferred
stock entitled to dividends o f 6 % per annum , such dividends if n ot paid,
accum ulating, all dividends duo and unpaid to be paid in full for each and
every year before the com m on stock receives anything. "P re f. 6 % n o n c u m ." means sim ply that tho stock is entitled to 6 % per annum If earned,
but that if unearned in any year the dividend for that year will n ot be paid
subsequently. “ D iv .” means dividend. T ho last dividend paid is shown
under tho colum n headed “ M a t u r i t y . ”
" B o n d s . " — " M o r t .,” "m tg o .” or “ M .” means m ortgage.
"C o n so l.” or
" c o n . M .” means consolidated m ortgage. “ G en. M .” means general
m ortgago. " R e f. M .” means refunding m ortgage. "C o ll, t r .” means
collateral trust. T h e am ount next follow ing is the total authorized
am ount that can be issued under the m ortgage. T h e denom inations in
which the bonds are issued usually follow in parentheses. T h o word
" g o ld ” is usually spelled ou t, but in som e Instances is contracted to ‘ ‘g , ’
while “ cu r.” means currency.

" C o n v .” means convertible into stock. " 8 . f . ” means sinking fund,
“ c . ” moans coupon; " c * ” means coupon but m ay be registered as to prin­
cipal; " r ” moans fully registered (no coupons); " r * ” means registered, con­
vertible Into coupon bonds; "c* & r* ” means reglsterable in either form and
convertible from registered to coupon or the reverse; and "c* & r” means
that registered certificates without coupons as well as coupon bonds are
outstanding. T he letters " p .m .” mean per m ile, so $15,000 p .m . means
that the issue o f bonds is restricted to $15,000 for each m ile o f track.
"G u a r.” means guaranteed, and “ guar. p . & i. (e n d .)” moans guaranteed
as to principal and interest, the guaranty being endorsed on each b on d .
■Rod.” moans redeemable. “ T ru s.” or " t r .” means trustee o f the m ort­
T A X -E X E M P T I O N .— W here there is a provision in bond or m ortgage
which would seem to m ake the interest free from the Federal incom e tax,
we indicate the fact in black-faced letters— t f , meaning apparently tax-free;
where thore is no such covenant we Insert tho letters n t f , m oaning appar­
ently n o t tax-free. W here wo have no knowledge other than that the
com pany has assumed or is paying tho tax, we insert tho letters c p t , which
moans that c o m p a n y p a y s t a x , a t l e a s t f o r th e p r e s e n t . U ntil the courts
have passed both upon the various features o f tho tax and the effect o f
the several tax clauses in tho bonds and m ortgages, it is im possible to give
m oro dofinite inform ation.
" D A T E ." — The date o f issue on tho face o f the bonds Is indicated under
tho word " D a t e . "
“ IN T E R E S T .” — Under this heading is given the rate per cent yearly
o f the interest payable on the bonds or (If guaranteed) o f the dividend
payable on tho stock; also the m onths when the interest or dividend is
payable; thus " 6 J-J” means 6 % per annum payable January and July;
correspondingly “ F -A ” is used to mean February and August; " M - S ”
moans M arch and Septem ber, and so on; while " Q -J ” means quarterly
beginning in January and " Q - F " quarterly beginning in February. (T he
day when the interest paym ent is due can generally be determ ined b y
noticing when the loans m ature, the day o f the m onth there given being
in m ost cases the same as for one o f the Interest dates.) " S .-a .” means
“ R O A D .” — T he word "tr a c k ” moans in street railway parlance all
tracks, whether main line, siding, switch or second track. “ Rails are
80-lb. girder” moans that each rail weighs 80 pounds to tho yard, " k .w .”
moan kilowatts and " h .p .” means horsepower, “ k .v .a .” means kilo-voltampores. " P -A -Y -E cars” means pay-a»-you-onter or prepaym ent cars.
"E x ts ., add’ns and im pts.” mean extensions, additions and im prove­
m ents. " A u t h ." means authority or authorized. "O th . in c ." means oth
incom e. "C a l. year” means calendar year.

Electric R ailways.
T h is is one of our six Sections or Supplem ents.
In using the series it is to be remembered that they are inter-dependent
publications, com plete only as a w hole. I f utilized together, and with the fresh item s of news the “ Chronicle” contains from
week to w eek, the investor will have all the inform ation he needs in seeking a safe and rem unerative lodgm ent for his m o n e y .
A full


showing where each railw ay will be found is given in the closing pages of the book.

N O R T H E R N O H IO T R A C . & L IG H T C O .— T rolley.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. In Ohio as successor In N o v . 1902 to the
Northern Ohio Traction C o ., having exchanged Its securities for the co m ­
mon and pref. stock o f the latter per terms In V. 75, p. 733. Shortest o
com pany's f r a n c h i s e s (thac In A kron) expires In 1924; o f total franchises
4 0% are perpetual. In 1906 acquired control o f the C anton-Akron C onsol.
B y ., and guarantees that com pany’s $2,500,000 con sol. 6s , prin. and int.
V . 83, D. 435, 849. Also owns entire capital stock o f Akron W adsworth &
W estern T ra c. C o. and guarantees Its bonds prln. and lnt. C om m on stock
listed on N . Y . Stock Exchange In M arch 1909.
In O ct. 1912 m ado a 5-year contract for the lighting o f the city o f A kron.
Shareholders Jan. 24 1914 sanctioned Increase in auth. am ount o f pref.
stock to $5,000,000 for financing further additions, extensions, & c. V . 98,
p. 74. Stockholders approved action o f directors In providing for the pay­
m ent o f Federal Income tax upon the various issues o f the c o .’s bonds.
On April 14 1914, after extended negotiations, con veyed to city or Akron
certain C uyahoga R iver water rights for $348,000.
On O ct 19 1915 the Ohio Supremo C ourt held that the franchise granted
for an Indefinite period b y the Stark C ounty Commissioners in 1892 (cover­
ing abou t 4 Hi miles botween Canton and M assillon outside the city limits)
was not perpetual as claimed b y tho com pany— see V . 101, p . 1371. The
com p a n y has taken an appeal to tho Federal C ourt.
In F eb. 1916 the com . and pref. shareholders were given tho right to
subscribe at par for $1,518,400 6 % cum . pref. stock , being the remainder o f
tho auth. issuo o f $5,000,000. V. 102, p . 1060, 1441.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
I n te r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Q -M 15
$9,000,000 M a r. ’ 16.
S tock, com , $ 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 ($ 1 0 0 )-----P ref, $5,000,000($100) 6 % c u m -----Q-J
4,665,600 A p r .’ 16,1)-$
Northern Ohio T ra c, m o r t " 1899 6 g J-J
3,000,000 July 1 1919
g . $3,000,000 ($ l,0 0 0 )c * .t f Interest at Cen tral Trust C o ., N .Y ., Trustee,
or Citizens’ Sav. & T rust C o ., Cleveland.
N orthern Ohio Traction & 1903 4&5 g J-J
3,400,000 Jan 11 933
Light 1st consol ($1,000), In t. at C it. S av. & T r. C o ., C lov e., Trustee,
or at First N a t. B an k, N ew York.
gold , $7,500,000____c * . t f
A k W ads & W est m ortgage,, 1906
5 g
See text July 1 1933
$500,000 guar ($1,000) . . t f
Northern Ohio T ra c & L t col 1913
6 Q-F
See text
trust m ortgage, $1,600,000 Int. at Clt. Sav. & Trust C o., Cleveland,
Trustee, or First Nat. Bank, New York.
($ 1 .000) ....... .................c — t f
N orthern Ohio T r & L t se­ 1915 6 Q-J
See text
cured gold bonds ($ 1 ,0 0 0 , Int. at Citizens’ Savings & Trust C o., Clevo« iu kj, _________ tiif
land, trustee, and First Nat. Bk., N . Y .
$500 and $100)..................

S t o c k . — Pref. Is red., all or part, at 110 and dlv., en any div. date after
April 1 1919. Is prof, as to div. and assots and has full voting power.
V. 92, p. 956; V. 95, p. 48; V. 97, p. 1116.
B o n d s . — The Northern Ohio Traction 5s o f 1899 were listed on the
Philadelphia Stock Exchange in Oct. 1901. Of the $7,600,000 Northern
Ohio Traction & Light consols., $3,000,000are resorved to retire tho North
Ohio Traction bonds and $1,100,000 are deposited under coll. tr. 6s.;
$1,000,000 are 5s, all outstanding; tho rest 4s. The col. trust mortgage
of 1913 is secured by deposit of $1,100,000 Nor. Ohio Trac. & Lt. 4s of 1933,
$1,000,000 Canton-Akron consol. 5s o f 1933 and $200,000 Akron Wads. &
West. 5s. Those bonds mature In annual Installments, $100,000 yearly, on
Nov. 1 1914 to 1916 and $100,000 somi-annually Nov. 1 1916 to Nov. 1 1922.
Subject to call at 101 and lnt. in inverse order o f numbers. V. 97. p. 803.
Tho bonds o f 1915 are secured by assignment o f the bonds deposited
under (and subject to) the coll, trust mtge. o f 1913— see above. They ma­
ture $100,000 annually July 1 1916 to 1920. Red. in wholo or part on 30
days’ notice at 101 and Int., If redeemed on or before July 1 1917, and at
100>$ and int. thereafter. V. 100, p. 2010.
D a te .
I n te r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Consol M $2,500,000, gold.f 1906
5 g J-J
$1,210,000 Jan 11933
guar p & 1 by North Ohio/ lnt. at Citizens Sav. & Trust C o., Cleveland,
Trac & Light ($1,000) c * .t f l Trustee, or First Nat. Bank, New York.
Canton-Akron 1st mortgage,/ 1902
5 g M-S
1,150,000 Mar 11922
$2,000,000. g ($1.000)c*.tf(Int. at Columbia T r.C o ., N. Y ., Trustee
Oanton-Masslllon 1st mort f 1900
5 g M-N
850,000 May 1 1920
$1,000,000, g ($1,000) . . t f { Interest at Cleveland Trust C o., Trustee, or
1 at Guaranty Trust C o., New York.
1st M Can & N P, $1,000,000/ 1903
5 g F-A
665.000 Feb 11923
gold ($1,000).............c*.tf\Int. at Am. Ln. & Tr. C o., Boston, Trustee.
Lake V L & I mortgage . . . t f ____
5 J-J
47,000 July 11916
B o n d s . — Of the $2,500,000 consolidated bonds, $1,000,000 are pledged
under N. O. T . & L. coll, trust mtgo. and $290,000 aro reserved for ext. and
impts. at 85% o f cost. S. Reed Anthony, Boston, is also trustee. V. 91,
p. 1628, 1765. Of tho $2,000,000 Canton-Akron 1st mtgs., $850,000 aro
reserved to retiro the Canton-Massillon bonds. Neither issue is subject
to call. The Canton-New Philadelphia bonds may be called as a whole at
105 and Int. on 3 months’ notice.
D i v i d e n d s . — Pref. stock was Issued In 1911 and dividends o f 1H % quar.
are regularly paid. Dividends on com. were begun In 1906 by the declara­
tion o f 2 % , payable in quar. installments of H % from June 15 1906.
V. 82, p. 1213. In 1907 2% was again declared, payable In quar. In­
stallments from June 15 1907. In 1908, June, >4 %; Sopt., H % ; Doc.,
In 1909, 1% %■ In 1910. 2 H % . In 1911, 3M % . In 1912, 4>*% . In
1913 and since, 5% per annum.
PLAN T.— Line extends from Cleveland through Akron, Canton, Mas­
sillon and New Philadelphia to Uhrichsville In Tuscarawas County, with
branches to Ravenna (via Kent), to Wadsworth (via Barberton) and to
Ease Greenville from Massillon. On Jan. 1 1916, operated 241.04 miles
of track. Owns Lakeside Park In Akron and Moyers Lake Park ln Canton.
Also owns 1,011 acres o f coal land ln Noble County. Rails, 50. 56. 70.
80, 90 & 95-lb. T and 73-lb. girder; standard gauge; operates 340 cars and 7
snow-plows and sweepers. Embraces electric-light systems of Akron and
Barberton. Has hydro-electric plant consisting o f three 757 h.p. water
turbines and 1,800 k.w. electric generators.
RE PO RT.— For calendar years (1915 report In V. 102, p. 881):
C a le n d a r
Y ea r—

G ross
E a rn s.

N e t (a fte r
T a x es ).

B ond
In t.

P r e fe r r e d
D i v ld 'd s .

C om m on
D iv id e n d s .

B a l.,
S u rp.

1915 ...$3,890,751 $1,517,741 $628,309 (6)$199,281 (5)8450,000 $240,151
1914 . . . 3,636,085 1,398,656 606,898 (6) 182,364 (5) 450,000 159,394
OFFICERS.— Pres., II. A. Everett, Cleveland, O.; V.-Ps.. E. W.
M oore, Cleveland, and Will Christy, Akron; V.-P. & Gen. M gr., Chas.
Currie, Akron; Treas., J. R . Nutt, Cleveland; Sec., C. F Mocro. AkronAnd., C. II. Lahr, Akron. General offices, Akron.— V. 100, p. 309, 727
2010, 2168; V. 101, p. 1371; V. 102, p. 610, 801, 881, 1060, 1441.

UNITED T R A C T IO N — A trolley road.

Entire stock is owned by The Delawaro & Hudson Co. V. 81, p. 1552;
V. 82, p. 160. The D. & II. also owns the Troy & Now England and the
Plattsburgh Traction, and a half interest in the Schenectady R y., the
New York State Railways owning the other half.
ORGAN IZATION .— Chartered Dec. 30 1899 as a consolidation of the
Albany R y. (chartered In 1863), tho Watervliet Turnpike & ItR. (char­
tered In 1828) and the Troy City R y. (chartered Jan. 31 1866). See V. 69,
p. 1147, 1300; V. 70, p. 77. Has contract with Adirondack Elec. Pow. Corp.
of Glens Falls for supply of power. V. 69. p. 541, 909. F r a n c h i s e s In Troy
and Albany, except that of the Capitol Ry. on Delaware Ave. (a short line

on the outskirts o f A lb a n y ), which expiree A ug. 8 1951, are perpetual.
V . 79, p. 2698. Has traffic agreements with A lbany Southern R B ., Schen­
ectady R y . and H udson Valley R y ., b y which cars o f the first tw o roads
are run Into Albany and cars o f the Schenectady R y . and Hudson Valley
R y . are run Into T ro y .
T h e Cohoes C ity R y . was sold at foreclosure in 1904 and reorganized as
C ohoes R y . C o ., with $120,000 stock and $84,000 bonds; all o f the stock
and bonds o f the new com pany are deposited with the Central Trust C o . of
N ew Y ork as security fo r bonds o f the A lbany R y .
A c q u i s i t i o n o f H u d s o n V a l l e y .— In D ec. 1906 acquired a m ajority o f the
stock and bonds o f the Hudson Valley R y . C o . and Increased its own stock
from $5,000,000 to $12,500,000 to finance the purchase. V. 84. p. 52.
T he P . S. Comm ission in A ug. 1915, m odifying its order o f D ec. 11 1914,
ordered the Im mediate p u rc h .o f 15 new cars, to be in service by D ec. 1 1915;
the purchase o f 10 additional cars, to be placed In sorvlce In 1916, tho re­
building o f a num ber o f cars then In use and the overhauling o f others.
V . 101. p . 616. Com pare V . 100, p . 310, 1834.
D a te .
I n te r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g . L a st d i v ..& c .
4 J-J
See text
Stock (par $100), $12,500,000............
Debentures, $456,000. gold) 1901
414 g M -N
456,000 M a y 1 1919
,tfo ' Commercial
‘ ' Bank,
' A' lbany.
($1,000)_______ ______r . n t f lin t . at National
Cons m tge, $6,500,000. gold! 1904
414 g J -D
2,620.000 Juno 1 2004
($1,000).........................c * t f /I n t . at Central Trust C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.
B o n d s .— O f tho consol, m tge. o f 190-1, $3,880,000 is reserved to retire prior
lions. N o s k .fd . and bonds are not subj. to call. Directors m ay fix rate or
ln t., but not exceeding 6 % ; present Issue Is at 4 1 4 % . T h e debs, may be
called on any lnt. date on 3 m os.’ notice at “ a 5 % lnt. rate for the unexplred term as calculated ln standard lnt. tables." V . 73, p. 1113.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In terest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Consol M ($500,000), gold)
1890 5 g J-J
$428,000 Jan 1 1930
($1,000)____________c * . n t f I n t e r e s t at Central Trust C o ., Now Y ork .
General m ortgage, $750,000,
1897 5 g J-D
496,000 June 1 1947
gold_____________________tf/C on tra l Trust C o ., N ew Y ork , Trustee.
L ea se d L in e S ec u r itie s —
W at T & R R —
1 1889 6 M -N
350,000 M ay 1 1919
1st M lnt guar_________n t f/B o s to n Safe D ep. & T r. C o ., B oston, Trustee
2d M , p & lnt guar____ n t f /
1890 6 M -N
150,000 M a y 1 1919
(M etropolitan Trust C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.
T h e A lbany R y . general m ortgage o f 1897 was for $750,000. o f which
$254,000 was reserved, but consolidation m ade reservation inoperative.
D a te .

In terest.

O u ts ta n d in g .

M a tu rity .

T ro y C ity 1st con M , gold ,)
1892 5 g A-O
$2,000,000 Oct 1 1942
$2,000,000___________ c* & r/In t. paid b y Trustee, Central Trust C o .,N . Y.
T ho T ro y C ity leased roads Include T ro y & C ohoes, stock $50,000. diva,
under lease, 7 % ; Lansingburg & C ohoes, stock, $15,000: divs. under lease,
7 % . T he W aterford & C ohoes R R . $25,000 stock receives 7 % yearly
under lease.
D IV ID E N D S .— First quar. d iv ., I H % , was paid M ay 1 1900; same rate
continued up to and incl. July 1905. For year 1906 6 & % was paid. On
D ec. 31 1906 stock was Increased from $5,000,000 to $12,500,000 and divs.
m ade semi-annual (J-J) and 2 % paid July 1 1907, 2% Jait. 1 1908
and 2 % each six m onths since to and incl. Jan. 1915. N on e sinco.
R O A D .— Operates 110.43 miles o f track, o f which 91.58 miles owned,
connecting A lbany, T ro y , C ohoes, Ronsselaer. W atervliet, Lansingburg.
Green Island, W aterford, & c. Has 478 cars, including 15 snow-plows, 9
sweepers and 15 service cars. Standard gaugo.
A N N U A L R E P O R T .— Years ending June 30:
Gross earn’g s .$ 2 ,452,360 $2,547,771 T otal n et------ $911,597 $1,124,689
Oper. exp____ 1,776,326 1,672,335 Chgs. & taxes.
N e t ..................
875,436 Dividends ..(2 )2 5 0 ,0 0 0 (4)500,000
Other incom o.
249,253 Bal. for y o a r.d e f .65,997 def. 86,637
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., L. F. Loree, N . Y .; V .-P ., O. S. Sims, A lbany; V .-P.
W . II. Williams; V .-P ., II. B . Weatherwax; Asst, to Pres., W. B. Schofield;
Asst, to V .-Pres., G . H . Parker, N . Y .: Sec. & A u d ., W . II. Elder; T rea s.,
H . F. Atherton, A lbany; C om p ., W . It. Davies, N . Y .; Gen. M g r., Chius.
F . H ewitt, Albany. Principal office, A lbany.— V. 84, p. 932, 1368, 1429;
V . 92, p . 131: V . 100, p. 310, 1350, 1834; V. 101, p. 616.
(1) H u d so n V a lley R a ilw a y .— A trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. A ug. 14 1901 as a consolidation o f tbe Glens
Falls Sandy Hill & F ort Edward Street R y ., Warron C ounty Electric I t y ..
Stillwater & M echanlcville Street R y ., Greenwich & Schuylerville Street
R y ., Saratoga T raction C o . and Saratoga Northern R y ., the capital stock
o f these roads being exchanged fo rs to c k in the new com pany. V .73, p.391.
Electric Express C o. operates over c o .’s tracks. 8 0% prlvato right o f w ay.
F r a n c h i s e s are all perpetual. Owns all the stock($200,000) and all the bonds
($200,000) o f th e N o rth R iver R y ., a road operated in Saratoga b y this co .
In 1906 part o f the consol. 6s wore converted Into debentures in accor­
dance with a plan for the re-adjustm ent o f tho com pany’s finances. V . 82,
p. 10-10.
preferred stock to provide
t. ^ convertible
lt- i» feature
/\o^f fit
A rldebenture
f t«MA ii“D«
for A
Bs ** ^ ^2
ST O C K A N D B O N D S —
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on, $3,000,000, par $ 1 0 0 .............................
Preferred ($2,500,000 ( s e e / .......
........... ..
See text
text), 5 % non-cum ulativo. /
First consolidated m ortgage/
_ _ , 1901
_ _g J-J
- 2,222,000 July 1 1951
T ro y .
$-1,000,000 (denom ination{Interest
ination/Interest at M anufacturers’
a n __________ N at.
$1,000 g o ld )..... ............ c * t f IM ay bo called at 110 & lnt. on any Int. date
D eb “ A ” Incom e, $ 7 0 0 ,0 0 0 .. 1906
5 g
474.000 Jan 1 1951
D eb “ B ” Incom e, $2,500,000. 1906
2 g
2.600.000 Jan 1 1951
U n d e rly in g L ie n s —
G F S II & F E 1st M (no opt) 1891
6 J-J
See text
($500 and. $1,000) g o.!.d . . . c / Central Trust C o ., N ew Y ork, Trusteo.
6 J-J
past duo
2d M ($500) g o ld .c
Int. at M erchants’ N a t. Bank, Glens Falls.
do 3d M ($150,000) ntf 1901
6 A-O
82,000 April 1 1921
M a y be called at 100.
Still & M ech first m o rtg a g e ..
6 A-O
past duo.
Bankers Trust C o ., N ow Y ork, Trusteo.
consol m t g e ..
6 A-O
past duo.
$250,000 ............. ................. .., Glens Falls Trust C o ., a len s Falls, Trusteo.
B o n d s .— O f the $4,000,000 M . o f 1901, $482,000 Is set aside for prior lions
and $1,290,000 have been deposited ns coll, for temporary loans. T h o dob.
“ B ” bonds aro con v. into pref. stock to M ar. 1 1917, Incl. In t. on tho deb.
" A ” and " B ” bonds Ls neither cum . nor obligatory. N o Int. has been paid
on either class. T ho G . F. S. H . & F. E . 1st M . fell duo July 1 1911, but
was extended and Is now past due. B oth issuos o f Stillwater & M oclianlcvllle bonds fell duo April 1 1913.
R E P O R T .— For fiscal year ending June 30 1915, gross, $868,748: net,
$285,178; oth. Income, $3,110; taxes, lnt. & m lsc., $348,075: d eficit, $59,788
R O A D .— M ain line extends from T roy northward along the Hudson
through the villages and towns o f W aterford, M echanlcville, Stillwater,
Schuylerville. Thom son, Fort Edward, Sandy Hill, Olons Falls and Cald­
well to Warrensburg. T he Saratoga D ivision, which branches o ff the
main line at M echanlcville, provides a lino from T roy to Round Lako,
Balls ton Spa and Saratoga, with a branch from Saratoga Springs to Glens
Falls, via South Glens Falls, which branch was com pleted In Juno 1903.

Ma y , 1016. J



There Is also a branch line from Saratoga Springs to Kaydeross Park on
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Saratoga Lake and another from Thom son to Greenwich. Total first track, Beth. & N azar St R y S to c k ...............
5 % guar
119.33 miles; second track, 11.34 m .; sidings, 8.61 m .; making a total o f
Bonds ($ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 )---------- t f _____
5 M -N
150,000 M a y 1 1929
139.28 miles o f track. Hails, T , girder and groovod, 18 to 141 lbs. Stand­
Bridge 1st M .l 1912 5 J-J
218,000 July 1 1942
ard gauge. Operates 94 passenger cars, 8 freight cars, 10 service cars, 7
($500 and $ 1 ,0 0 0 )------ c * t f/G u a r . p. & 1. b y Lehigh Valley Transit C o .
snow plows, 2 electric locom otives and 7 express cars. C om pany owns Lehigh Val L & P m ortgag0r 1 9 1 3 5 g A _0
604,500 April 1 1943
Kaydeross Park, at Saratoga Lake; Ondawa Park, between Greenwich
$2-000,00_0 ($1,000, $500 & { Lehigh Valley Trust C o ., A llentow n, T ru s.
and T hom son.— V . 89, p. 286.
100), gold . . . ------------c * t f lin t , at c o .’s office or B row nB ros.& C o..P hiIa.
C °B ^ ‘ . i /S P & v J ? 25!0 0 0 ^ 1 9 1 3 6 g J-J
924.200 July I 1923
($1,000, $500, $100) g c * n t fj Int. at Girard Trust C o ., P hila., Trustee.
A L B A N Y SO U T H E R N R R .— Third rail, except In cities.
Equip trusts “ Ser A " ----------t f ------5%
59,500 .....................
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .—•Incorporated In N ew Y ork Sept. 14 1909 and is a
ttuOOOjP00 first m tge., $2,770,000 bear 4 % interest and
reorganization o f the Albany & Hudson U R . C o. sold under foreclosure on are all out and $2,230,000
aro 5s. $17,000 o f tho 5s aro reserved for reimSept. 8 1909 (per plan V . 89, p. 223). On Sept. 18 1909 merged A lbany & bursoment for balance o f cost o f Quakertown T raction C o .; any bonds not
Greonbush Bridge C o. V . 89, p . 720. F r a n c h i s e s aro perpetual. D oes a neodod therefor m ay bo usod for extensions and betterm ents. Interest at
passengor, freight and express business and supplies light and power Brown Brothers & C o ., Philadelphia. T he first m ortgage bonds ara
along route.
redeemable on any interest date, the 4s at 105 and the 5s at 110. O f the
ST O C K A N D B O N D S—• D a t e .
In te r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
consols. $2,500,000 4s were outstanding but $2,146,000 have been exchanged
Comm on $1,375,000 ($100)...................................
$1,375,000 _____ ______ for ref. & im prov. bonds. In t. on the consol, bonds is payable at the c o m ­
Pref $2,100,000 5% n-c ( $ 1 0 0 ) ____
F -A
2,029,000 Aug ’ l l . 44%
pany s office or at office o f Brown Bros. & C o ., Philadelphia. These bonds
First m ortgage $1,5 00 ,0 0 0 11 9 0 9
5 g M -S
1.500,000 Sept 1 1939
aro not subject to call. O f the $15,000,000 ref. & Im prov. bonds $5,000,000
gold ($1,000)_________c* tf/B a n k ers Trust C o .. N ow Y ork. Trustee.
ara reserved to retire 1st M . bonds; $569,000 for con sol, m tge. bonds
B o n d s . — R ecording tax paid, m a k i n g t h e m t a x - e x e m p t i n N e i o Y o r k .
Sink, ($354,000 to take up bonds shown in table and rest for bonds previously
fund o f 144% o f bonds authorized from 1917 to 1921; 1922 to 1928, 2 % ; taken up ); $3,981,000 for im provem ents and $101,000 for general purposes.
O f the am ount reported outstanding, $234,000 aro in treasury. Bonds are
1929 to 1938, 3 % . Callable as a wholo at 106 and int. on any int. day. red.
at 105 and int. on or before June 1 1920, and 110 and int. thereafter.
V . 89, p . 1140.
V. 92, p . 187; V . 94, p . 698, 982; V . 95, p . 750. In t. is payable in AllenD IV ID E N D S .— Initial semi-annual d iv. on p rof., 144 % . paid F eb . 1
9 ,9 s
Brown Bros. & C o ., Philadelphia. Bonds are listed on
1911. A u g., 44 % ; none since.
the Philadelphia Stock E xchange. T h o collateral trust notes o f 1923 are
redeemable at par and Interest on any interest day.
R E P O R T .— F or year ending Juno 30 (1915 report in V . 101, p . 1010):
Lehigh Valley L t. & P. bonds are subject to call on any int. date at 105
Y ea r en d .
G ross
N e t (a ft e r
In te rest,
B a la n ce,
P a ssen gers
and interest. V. 97, p . 365.
J u n e 30— E a r n i n g s .
T a x es ).
R e n t a l s ,& c .
S u r p lu s .
C a rried .
D i v i d e n d s . — Initial d iv. on p ref., 1 % . paid N o v . 10 1911.
In 1912
1 9 1 5 ................$502,775
1914 ................ 507,048
1,563,064 1913 and 1914, 2 % . In 1915. M a y , 1 % ; N o v ., 2 4 4 % . In 1916. Fob .
1 )4 % ; M a y , 144% . T otal accumulated divs., 1444% . V . 101, p . 1465.
R O A D .— Operated b y third-rail system from Albany via Rensselaer to
E A R N IN G S .— F or yrs. end. N o v . 30 (1915 report in V . 102, p . 249, 258):
Iludson. Comprises 37 miles o f main lino and 9 miles o f sidings, with 2 F i s c a l
O p e ra tin g N e t a fte r
O th er
In te rest,
P re fe r r e d
B a la n ce,
additional milos o f ovorhead trolley road in Iludson . T o ta l, 61 miles o f
Y f a, rr'
T ozes.
I n c o m e . R e n ts ,& c .
D iv id e n d s .
S u r p lu s .
track. In Fob. 1900 m ado contract giving It privilege to ontcr A lbany over
$852,489 $136,145 S665.246 (344)3174,288 $149,100
tho tracks o f the United Traction o f A lbany. Double-tracking o f road be­ 1913-14 -- $2'9§£*875
1,869.006 718,351 122,948 633,178 (2 % ) 99,593 108.528
tween Rensselaer and Kindorhook Lako com pleted In 1910. Operates 19
R O ^ 4^'— Operates 161.67 milos o f railway, o f which 149.49 miles owned
passenger cars, 6 freight and 2 oxpross cars, 2 snow-plows and 2 electric locom otivos. Rails 70 and 80-lb. stool; standard gaugo. A lso owns tho high­ and 12.18 miles leased. T he road connects Allentow n, Bethlehem, South
w ay toll bridge over Iludson R iver at A lbany and a largo amusomont nark Bethlehem, Hellertown, Nazareth, Siegfried, C oplay, Catasauqua, E gy p t,
at Kindorhook Lako. On Juno 30 1915 had 2,087 oloctrlc and 2,376 gas Emaus, M acungio, Slatingtou, Quakertown, Perkasie, Lansdale, Norris­
tow n. Am bler and Philadelphia. 80 and 95-1 b. T and 96 and 116 lb .
girder rails. Owns a large amusement park abou t m idw ay between Allen­
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., W illiam Loob Jr.; V .-P ., Richard Sutro; Sec. & town and Bethlehem. Owns 151 passenger cars. 13 freight and 29 service
T roas., I. W . D ay; Gen. M g r., Jamos E . IIowos.— V . 89. p. 720 1140 1222
cars. A 2,650-foot bridge between Allentown and South Allentow n was
l 3 t 6,:eV ^ k p - 183' 185: V< 9 4 ■P- 122: V . 97. p . 1500; V . 99. p 1832; V 1 0 1 built b y the controlled Allentown Bridge C o . (auth. stock $300,000) and
p . 845, 1010.
was form ally opened N o v . 14 1913. See V . 97, p . 1426, 1428; V . 98, p . 154.
O F F IC E R S .— Chm n. o f B d ., C o l. n . O . Trexler; P ros., Harrison R .
Fehr: V .-P ., E . M . Young: Sec. and T reas.. Chas. N . W agner: A u d ., O . M .
W alter.— V . 100, p . 140, 227, 229, 1348; V . 101, p . 1092, 1465; V . 102, p.
249, 258; V. 102, p . 437, 1166.


(1) Easton Consolidated Electric.

Ij1 ^>PrP. 49J3 the Lehigh Valley Transit C o . acquired a controlling inter­
est In the stock and has since acquired all stock except (24) directors’ shares.
V . 96. p . 1021.
_ D ividen d paym ents have been m ade: July 1900. 344% on $10 paid in;
Sept. 1901 and M arch and Sept. 1902, 3 % on $15 paid in; M arch 1903
(paid in July) and Sept. 1903. 4 % on $15 paid in.
In D oc. 1905 declared a dividend o f $2 50 and at same time called an
assessment o f $5 per share on the stock; tho dividend was credited on the
assessment, making the stock 5 0% paid in. V . 81, p . 1791. Cash divi­
dends resumed in O ct. 1906 b y the paym ent o f 2 4 4 % . V . 83, p . 687;
244% again paid April 1 1907 and 244% O ct. I 1907; then dividends were
passed untU N o v . 1911, when 2 % was paid.
In 1912 and 1 9 1 3 ,4 % :
In 1914, M a y , 2 % . Beginning with June 1914 began paying 1-3 o f 1%
m onthly (V . 99. p . 300). Dividends no longer reported, as entire stock is
owned b y Lehigh Valley Transit C o.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Consolidation by stock ownership o f the Easton
Transit C o ., tho Edison Illuminating C o . o f Easton, the E aston Palmer &
Bethlehem Street R y . C o ., the Easton & Bethlehem Transit C o ., N ortham p­
ton Central Street R y . C o ., the Easton & South Bethlehem Transit C o .
and the Phlllipsburg (N . J .) H orse Car R R . C o. Incorporated In New
Jersoy M arch 11 1899. Owns all tho stock o f the Penn. M o to r C o.
C o n s o l i d a t i o n o f S u b s i d i a r i e s . — On Jan. 3 1908 the (old) Easton Transit
C o ., the Easton & Bethlehem Transit C o ., the Easton Palmer & Bethlehem
Street R y . and the N ortham pton Central Street R y . were merged into the
(new) Easton Transit C o. (V . 85, p . 1461) and in 1909 the Easton & South
Bethlehem Trans. C o . was also merged Into tho (new) Easton Transit O o.
S tock, $2,150,000; all owned by Easton Consolidated Elec.
F or decision o f the N ortham pton C ounty C ourt at E aston, P a ., on D ec.
LEHIOH VALLEY T R A NSIT CO.— A trolley road. (.See map on p. 4.) 28 1914 favorable to tho Edison Illuminating C o. (a subsidiary), see Lehigh
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. In Pa. on N ov. 3 1905 and Is a roorvanlo­ Valley Transit C o . in V . 140.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S .— T he collateral trust 5s were in Jan. 1900 listed
tion under foreclosure o f tho Lehigh Valley T r a c t i o n Co tho Philarnu
phla & Lehigh Valley Traction C o., tho Allentown & Slatlngton an dth e on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange.
„„„ „„„ ,
„ D a te .
I n te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Coplay Egypt & Ironton Street Ity., as per plan in V. 79 d 733 14«9
$1,500,000 (par $ 5 0 ) ..Stock (50% paid In)all owned b y L . V . T . C o .
In Oct. 1911 purchased tho Montgomery Trac. Co. (V. 93 p 940) all of Stock —
, -trust
— - $1,300,000
-„ „ „ g 18gg
6 g M _N
$1,237,000 M a y 1 1949
whoso bonds and stock aro deposited under tho Lehigh Vallov Transit roV £ Collateral
($1,000 and $500)____ c * tf Interest at Girard Trust C o .. Phila., trustee.
Imp. mtge. o f 1910; reconstruction of Mont. Trac. completed Dec 12 1912
60.000 A pr 11911
cutting down running time betwoon Allentown and Philadelphia (Oltv Ham Pennsylvania M otor C o 1st 1891 6 A-O
m ort. (cannot be called) tf Lack. T r. & Safe D ep . C o ., Scranton, trustee
from 444 to 244 hours. An 8-milo cut-off on this division was completed In Eas
Palmer & Beth 1st gold 1899
5 -J-J
200,000 Jan I 1919
1914 and tho running tlmo between Allontown and 69th St Term inal1
$200,000 ,canno tbocalled n tf Int. at U . S. M tg . & T r. C o .. N . Y ., trustee.
Philadelphia, is now 1 hour and 58 minutes.
5 g J-J
437.000 July 11930
r ___ _ 1906
In April 1913 purchased controlling Interest In stock of Easton Consoli­ EasJcSo Beth T r 1st M $500,000 guar gold ($1,000) c*tf\G irard Trust C o ., Philadelphia, trustee.
dated Eloctrlc Co. (V. 98. p. 1022). On Juno 20 1913 shareholdersauthor­
B o n d s . — T h e coll, bonds have no s. f. and are not subject to call.
O f the
ized an Issue of collateral notos to pay for the purchase. V. 96 p 1489
total o f $1,300,000, $60,000 is reserved to retire the Penn. M otor bonds,
1772. Also has half Interest in Norristown Transit Co. Franchises peruot’ $2,000
On Doc. 31 1915 purchased tho franchises and proporty o f tho Quakcrd. I ll- C o . Issue is secured b y pledge o f $2,150,000 stock (entire issue) o f
town Trac. Co. (formorly leased) for tho sum of $1 and tho concollation of E
(now) Easton Transit C o ., 12,317 shares (entire issue) o f Edison Ilium ,
Its Indobtednoss, ail o f which was owned by tho Lohtgh Vail. Transit Co
and 2.400 shares (the entire Issue) o f Penn. M otor stock. Int. on
Under agreement made in July 1907 the Lehigh Valley Transit has Its stock
Easton & So. B etb. Transit bonds is payable at o ffice o f E dw . B . Smith &
Philadelphia terminal in tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit station at Chestnut C
o ., Phila., or at com pany's office. T hey are guar. p. & I. by endorsement
AVi.!‘n,aV> r V i * t 0, 491? ma,1° a contract for express service with by tho Easton C onsol. Elec. A s i n k i n g ( u n d o f $5,000 p. a. com m enced
and T’?illat/olp hitP° ' 0onducts tro u g h freight sorvlco between Allontown June 1 1908; $39,OOOhave been retired. Bonds are subject to call at 105 and
int. V . 83. p. 323.
Light and Power.—In March 1913 tho Lehigh Valley Lt. & P. Co was
R E P O R T .— For calendar year*
organized as a consolidat on o f the Allontown Eloc. Lt. k P. Co. and numer­
S a l e .— On

M ay 3 1916 tho property was sold to G u y W alker o f N . Y .,
representing the bondholders for $150,000. Reorganization, it is under­
stood , is contem plated.— V. 102, p. 1812.
, O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. In Delaware In M arch 1914 as a consoli­
dation o f the A lbia Interurban R y . and tho Albia Gas C o. Does tho light,
hoat, power, railway, gas and Ice business o f A lbia and com m unity.
F r a n c h i s e s expire; E lectric, 1931; railway, 1932; gas, 1939.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity
1st & r o fM , $750,000, g ($ l,-\ 19 14
6 g M -N
000&$5Q0) red afC19at 1051 Int. at Iow a Trust C o .. A lb ia "T ru stee
Albia Int R y 1st M ,.$300,000\ 1910
6 g J-D
282,000 See text
g ($100, $500 & $1,000)___(Interest In N ew Y ork or A lbia.
B o n d s .— O f the 1st & ref. bonds, $312,000 placed with trustee for
retirement o f Albia Interurban R y . ($282,000 as abovo) and A lbia Gas
C o . ($30,000) as they becom e due. Albia Int. R y . bonds aro rod . after
Juno 1 1913 at 101 and int. T h oy mature serially frbm Juno 1 1913 to
1930, inclusive.
E A R N IN G S .— O f com bined properties for cal. year 1915, gross, $72,601'
not, $18,138. In 1914, gross. $65,681; net, $3,552.— V . 101, p . 1554
V . 1 0 2 , p. 1061, 1812.

ous smaller companies, all previously owned by tho Transit Co. Now com­
panies aro being formed continually, which from time to time aro absorbed
by tho Loh. Val Lt. & P. Co. Stock authorized, $850,000 (oar $1 OOP
outstanding, $491,100, all ownod by tho Transit Co. Does entire lighting
and power businoss in Allentown, Bothlohom, South Bethlohem° Slatinsrton, Catasauqua, Emaus and adjacont territory; powor Is also wholesaled
to Macunglo and to several municlaplltios along the Transit C o 's line
including Oooporsburg, Sellersvlllo, Soudorton and North Wales
Aug. 1913 the company closod a contract to supply oloctrlcitv to the Phil
a'l'nphla Suburban Gas & Eloc. Co., a subsidiary o f tho Amor Gas Co
V . 97. p. 521. Also has numorous municipal street-lighting contracts'
hranchises, with one minor exception, aro porpotual. 6
s lA’IluaccsOwns tho following stocks:
Name o f Company—
Owned °Tnt
Lehigh Valley Light & Power Co. (common)............... 3401 100 $491 inn
Allentown Bridge C o.......................................1......... 1
292 10
29‘W nn
Rlttorsvlllo Hotel C o...................................................... " fno Tym inn non
Easton Consolidated Electric Co. (50% paid)______ i 4<m'finn i Jnn’nnn
Norristown Transit Co......................................................... -i.i98.8UU 1,500,000
Miscellaneous stocks________________________ ___________
10’ >00 160 0011

»ndtmmlslethl°hem & Nazareth PassenBOT Ry - for 999 yoars at 5% on stock
Common $3,000,000, par $50..............................
I ret, $5,000,000, par $50- — j ...........................

Outstanding. Maturitu
4,979,687 M a y ’ 16*1

6 % , cum after Nov 3 1910-/
‘ mortgage. $5,000,000 1905
4-5 g M -S
4.983.000 Dec 1 1935
gold ($1,000) - . . .
ctf/Guaranty Trust Co., Now York, Trustee
°°™ S *7.500.000.1 1905
4 -5 g J -D
354.000 D M 1 1 9 3 5

gold ($1,000)--------------- t f /Commercial Trust Co., i’iilia., Trustee
Ref <!fc Imp mtge $15,000.0001 1910
5 g J-D
5.349.000 Time 1 l'o«n
gold ($500 and $1,000) c*tf f Lehigh Valley Trust C o., Allentown, Trustee

C a len d a r G ro ss E a r n . N e t I n c . N e t I n c . T o ta l E .
Y e a r —• — R a i l w a y D e n t . — E d .I I I .C o . C o n . E l .

B ond I n t.
T a x .,& c .

D iv s .
P a id .

B a la n c e ,
S u r p lu s .

}9 15 ........... $534,644 $133,029 $19,833 $152,862 $67,806 $60,000 $25,056
1914--------- 475,611 126,907 24,057 150.964 67,577 69,950 13,437
R O A D .— Embraces practically the entire street railway system o f Easton
and W est E aston, P a ., and Phllipsburg, N . J ., with linos from Easton to
Bethlohom , South Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Phlllipsburg, N . J.
total track, 53.559 miles, all standard gaugo; operates through cars from
Easton to Bethlehem, South Bethlohom and A llentow n. 92 passenger
and 1 1 sorvlco cars.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., H . R . Fehr, A llentow n, P a .; V ice -P ., S. H .
n a ck e tt; Sec. & T rea s., F. A . Hazzard; A sst. Sec. & A sst. T roa s., S. H .
Sargent.— V. 90, p. 697: V . 92, p. 794; V. 93, p . 940, 1024: V . 94. p. 630:
V . 96. p . 789, 1021; V . 97, p . 53. 301, 311; V . 08, p . 838; V . 99. p . 1300.
A L L E N T O W N & R E A D IN G T R A C T IO N C O — A trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated April 25 1898 and leased the Allen­
town & Reading E lectric Street R y . for 290 years from June 4 1893. O d
F ob. 6 1902 leased for 290 years the Kutztown & Fleetwood Street R y .
Controls the Kutztown Light, H eat & Power C o . Connects with United
T raction C o . tracks from Reading, thus form ing a through line from Allen­
town to Reading.
D a le .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
S tock, $750,000 (par $50)____ ____________ _______
$250,000 ____
First m ortgage, $250,000.1 1900 5 g J-J
250,000 July 119 3 0
g , $ 1 0 0 ,$ 5 0 0 * $ l,0 0 0 .c p t ( Interest at Fidelity Trust C o ., Phila., trustee
F irs tM K u tz to w n * Fleetw dl 1902 5 g J-J
200,000 Jan 11932
$2 0 0 ,00 0 , guar p & t ._ _ c p t /
First consol m tge, $750,0001
1902 5 g J-J
300,000 July 1 1932
g ($ 5 0 0 * $1,000) c & r . c p t l l n t . at Integ. T it. Ins. & T r . C o ., Phila.,trus.
B o n d s . — O f tho $750,000 o f new consols, $450.1)00 are reserved to retire
prior liens. T hey ire 'o b je c t to call at par after July 1 1917; no sinking
fund. T he first mortgage bonds are redeemable at par.



[Vol. 102



MAY, 1910. j

E A R N IN G S .— For year ending D e c . 31 1914. gross, $189,856; not,
$68,536; ln t., d isc.. S e c .. $52,788; surplus. $15,748.
R O A D .— Operates 39.60 miles main line, 7.60 miles sidings— to ta l.
47.10 miles; 43 cars.
O F F IC E R S .— P res., H . E . Ahrens, Reading; V .-P .. W . D . M oh n ; S e c..
8 . K . H offm an , H am burg; T reas.. G eo. B . Shaffer, R eading; S u p t.. W . J .
B ear, K u tztow n .— V . 81. p . 1492; V . 82, p . 216.

ST A R K ELECTRIC RR.— An electric railroad.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Ohio and is a consolidation in D e c.
10(19 o f
Alliance Electric Ity. and the Stark E lectric R y .
D a te .
In te rest.
^ ^ O ^ n i ^ 'A n ^ l O ^ l ^ '
First''rntg’e ° $ H 500VoO? gold 7 1903 5 ^ - 1
" ’t o X
jS ./f lo l
F ($ l 00§?sinking fund. ca ll-O itIzen s’ Sav. & T r. C o .. C leveland, trustee,
able at 105
„ l . c t f l i n t , a t U nited Bank & Sav. C o ., C levelan d.
Bonds.— Sinking fund o f 1% per annum from Jan. 1 1911 to Jan. 1 1915
and 2% Dcr annum thereafter. $97,000 have been retired.
D i v i S m d s . - F i r s t d l v . , ^ % . paid July 1908; V , % paid quar to an<l incl
Tan 1916. In April 1916 rate was increased to 1 % . In April 1J1U also
a stock dividend o f 2 5 % . V . 90, p . 448, 700.
E A R N IN G S .— For calendar year 1915, gross, $313,524, net, $144,815,
Intorest, taxos, & c., $62,552; dividends, $37,500; surplus, $44,763.
R O A D — Operates 34 miles o f track from C anton to Salem, including
Alliance C ity linos. Standard gaugo. 67 and 70-lb. 1 rails and 70 and
90-lb. girder rails. T otal mileage, including doublei track, 36 miles. An
extension from Alllanco to M arlborough and N ew Baltimore and eventually
to Akron is boing constructed, lino partly graded.
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., C . R . M orloy , Cleveland; V .-P ., D avid Morison>
S ec.. E . S. C ook: Treas.. J . M . B l a t t ; A .n d -* A .J . Sampson; G en. M g r ..
F . L . M ow ry .— V . 8 6 , p . 1468; V . 90, p . 448, 700, 1171, V. 102, p. J77.

Steam and electric
See statement in “ R ailw ay & Industrial S ec.”


U N IO N T R A C T IO N C O . O F IN D IA N A .— A trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Tncorp. on M a y 13 1912 as a consolidation o f tho
Union Traction C o . o f Indiana (incorp. M a y 28 1903) and tho Indiana
U n ion T ra c. C o . (incorp. Juno 9 1903), per plan In V . 9 4 , p . 1119. 1185: v .
95 p 819’ and as a result o f which capital was m aterially reduced,
lh o
ipffn.fitv o f the consolidation was upheld In a decision b y the Supreme
C ourt o f Indiana in tho fall o f 1915. T he Indiana Union T raction C o .
had previously acquired tho Indiana N orthern Traction C o. (V . 81, p .
1848) M u ncie & Union C ity Traction C o. (V . 83, p . 96) and M u nclo
H artf! & F t. W . R y . (V . 82, p. 805, 869. 10-11). T h e latter com pany was
leased to tho Indiana Union T ra c. at a rental (In addition to operating
e x p ., ln t. on bonds. S e c . ) , equivalent t o 5% on M u n . H artf. &
$500,000 cum . prof, stock; V . 83, p . 96. T h eoid Union T ra c. C o . o f Indiana
was a consolidation o f tbo Union T ra c. C o . o f Indiana (incorp. in June 1899).
and tho Indianapolis N orthern T ra c. C o. (incorp. in A p ril 1902). Leases
tho Broad R ipple Natatorium C o. and owns $ 12 ,0 0 0 o f its 5 % bonds.
Also owns tho $100,000 1st M . 6s outstandingland *49,600 o f thei $50,000
stock o f tho Traction Light & Powor C o . and $75,000 o f tho capital stock
tho United Tractions C oal C o.
T h o Indianapolis N orthern T raction assumed Paymenti o f tho prm . and
lnt. o f half ($200,000) o f tho bonds o f the B road R ipple T raction C o . (see
n id

Ul e a s e s '*1ndlanapoiis N ewcastle & Eastern T ra c. C o fo r 999 yM r8 from
O ct. 25 1912. Lease m odified In 1914 and com . and pref. stocks o f the
Ind N ew Sc E 'l'rac. C o. formerly held wore transferred in satisfaction
pf nbiiffations incurred in leasing that com pany and acquiring that stock,
and in building tho M u n c io -N o w ca stlo lino, and in consideration o f further
advances for im proving power facilities for that lino, a total o f about
$521 000. Undor tho modified loaso, in addition to the o % d lvs. on tho prof
stock a definite annual paym ent o f $1,050 on the com . stock is provided
fn r
P r o v is io n is also m ado for paym ont o f an additional 2 % on this sum ,
contingent up ”ncw taI™ conditIonsr See V . 100. p . 975. for further details.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on, $ 5 .0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ----------A-O
1.000. 000
See text
1st prof, $1,000,000, 5 % cu m .
3.000. 000
See text
J-J 10
2d pref, $3 ,000,000 (se«
5 g A-O
1,620.000 July 1 1933
1 n non nnf)r!($ 11'oooV*gold t f I Interest at Girard Trust C o ., Phila.'. trustee-.
Unton T r C (o5o f Ind Istg en M
5 g J-J
4.594,000 July 1 1919
$ 5 0 0 0 .000g ($ 1 .000)c& rU f)B q u Ita b le T r . C o .. N ew Y ork trustee
See text
C o lla tera l notes.................. .. 1914
6% . _
6 g J-D
70,500 D e c 1 1927
Citizens’ St Iiy (M u n) 1 st M
250,000 s f sub to call 105­ Interest at Guar. T rust & Safe D eposit C o .
Philadelphia, trustee.
5500 and $ 1 . 0 0 0 ) - - - - - - c *
6 g M -N
328,000 M a y 1 1919
M arlon C ity 1st M $400,000 1895
gold ($ 1 .000) - - - - - - — c tf Equltablo T rust C o ., N ew Y ork , trustee.
5 g J-J
5,000,000 July 1 1932
Indianapolis N orth T rac 1st 1902
m tge $5 ,000,000 K ($ 1 ,000) E quitable T rust C o ., N ew Y o r k , trustee.


In§lkanaPN orthy’lYac lstCm tgo[ 1903
5 g A -O
500 000 O ct 1 1933
1 ifiOO 000 gold ($100, $500 Interest at Trenton (N . J .) T rust & Safo
andfljO O O ) gu ar. — — e * t f l D e p o .it C o ., trustee.
m ir Xr F t W Dref stock c u m - - ____
See text
first m tge $1.-1 1905 5 g J-J
937,000 .Tan 1 1935

over tracks o f Indianapolis Street R y . In Indianapolis. Carries e x p r e s s
m atter per con tract w ith W ells, Fargo Express C o . A large central
power station, with necessary storage batteries, at Anderson, operated on
a three-phase system , with 19 sub-stations, likewise equipped with storage
batteries, operates entire system .
E Q U IP M E N T .— Jan. 1 1916, 95 city cars, 53 suburban, 88 interurban,
26 freight and 87 service cars; tota l, 349.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., A . W . B rady, Anderson; V .-P ., H arold B . H ibben;
Sec. & T reas., W m . II. Forse Jr., Anderson. General office s, A nderson,
In d .— V . 96, p . 64, 137, 717, 1083; V . 97. p. 446; V . 98, p . 840, 905, 1001;
V . 100, p . 813, 975; V . 102, p . 977, 1158.

(1) Indianapolis Newcastle & Eastern Traction Co.
Leased to U nion T raction C o . o f Indiana on O ct. 25 1912 for 999 years.
T ho lease provides for the paym ent o f all taxes. Interest on bonds, a sum
equivalent to 5 % on the pref. stock, and a definite annual paym ent of
$1,050 on tho co m . stock. F or further details see Union T raction C o . of
Indiana abov e and in V . 100, p . 975.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. In Indiana on June 10 1912 as successor to
the Indianapolis N ewcastle Sc T oled o E lec. R y ., sold a t foreclosure. Has
private right-of-w ay minimum width 66 ft ., except in corporate lim its,
where shortest f r a n c h i s e expires A p r. 7 1933. Under favorable con tract
with Ind. T rac. & T erm . C o . extending to 1933, operates through city into
Indianapolis interurban terminal.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on $500,000 ($100)......................................
See text.
See text.
P ref $500,000 5 % cum ($100)---------First rntgo $1,500,000 goldT 1912 6 g J-D
1,200,000 June 1 1919
$1,000________________ c * t f j l n t . at Fidelity Trust C o ., P hila., Trustee.
B o n d s . — O f remaining 1st M . bonds, $100,000 m ay be Issued up on ful­
filment o f certain covenants and balance for 75% o f cost o f extensions,
im pts., betterments or acquisition o f unencumbered properties. R ed . as a
whole (but not less) on any lnt. date on 8 weeks’ notice at 1 0 1 H and int.
V . 94, p . 1695. N o sinking fund.
E A R N IN G S .— N ow included in report o f Union T raction o f Indiana.
R O A D .— Included in U nion Traction C o . o f Indiana.— V . 94, p . 1665,
1626, 1695; V . 96. p . 135; V . 100, p . 982.

M erged In M arch 1915 with the Alabam a Power C o ., a subsidiary o f tho
Alabam a T ra c., L t. & P ow . C o ., for statem ent o f which see our ‘ R y . &
Industrial S ection.”

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In N ow Jersey on D o c. 8 1905 as sue*
cossor to tho A tlantic C oast E lectric Railroad C o ., sold under foreclosure o j
tho general m ortgage o f tho latter. Leases the Seashore E lectric R y . o f
A sbury Park until June 6 1937 at $10,000 per year and owns $150,000 o f the
$200,000 total capital stock o f that com pany (making not rental $ 2,500),
and owns all o f the stock o f tho W est E nd & Long Branch R y . and o f the
Asbury Park & Sea G irt R R .; the form er is leased from A ug. 3 1896 until
July 17 1945 at a nominal rental, and tho latter for 99 years at 6 % on stock
from A ug. 27 1898: both stock and bonds o f A sb. Park & S. G . are ow n ed.
A lso entire stock ($100,000) o f the A tlantic C oast Electric Light C o ., which
supplies the electric lights o f A sbury Park, Allenhurst, Belm ar, Ocean
B each, C om o and Spring Lake. T ho Soacoast T rac. C o . (capital $100,000).
running from Belmar to Spring Lako, 2 miles, has been leased to the A tlantic
C oast E lec. R y . for 99 years; its stock and bonds are ow ned. F r a n c h i s e in
Belmar expires In 1947; in A sbury Park in 1937: In L ong Branch, som e explro In 1945 and others are perpetual; in Ocean T ownship, perpetual; in Sea
G irt, expire in 1926 and 1956;franchises o f Seacoast T ra c. C o . are perpetual.
D iv . o r

D a le .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock $1,000,000 ($ 1 0 0 )._______ _
$ 1 ,000,000 In 1915, 3 %
First m ortgage gold $1,000
5 M -N
866,600 M a y
0 0 0 ____________________ n t f (In t. at Colum bia Trust C o .. N . Y .. Trustee.
General m ortgage $1,000,0001 1906
5 g J-J
1,000,000 July 1 1945
gold ($1.000)_________ ctf/In te re s t at Central Trust C o ., N .Y ..T ru ste e .
Seashore Electric R y stock ---- -----------5
200,000 ------ -----------Seashore E lectric R y first! 1892
6 g J-J
m ortgago $200,000.........t f /l n t . at Seacoast N a t. B k ..A sbu ry Park, N . J.
A tlantic C oast Eloctric Light f ____
5 J-D
241,000 June 1 1945
first m ortgago $50 0 ,0 0 0 /Int. at A sbury Park & Ocean G rove Bank,
c o ld .......
...................... n t f ( A sb . P k. M orton T r. C o ., N .Y ., Trustee.
B o n d s . — O f the $1,000,000 1st 5s, $200,000 are reserved to retire a Uke
am ount o f Seashore R y . 6s. T he latter are subject to call at 105. E ntire
bonds and stock o f tho A sbury Park & Sea G irt ($50,000 oach) and the Seacoast T ra c. C o . ($100,000 each) are deposited under the new general m tge.
R O A D .— Belt line In Asbury Park, 5.85 miles; Asbury Park to Pleasure
B ay and N orth Long Branch, 14.60 miles; Asbury Park to M anasquan.
14.16 miles; total track, 36.08 miles. Connects at Pleasure B ay with the
N ew Y ork & L ong Branch Steam boat C o
R E P O R T .— Years ending D e c. 31:
Gross ea rn in gs_____ ______$409,007 $428,763 $437,856 $427,883 $422,7o5
Operating oxponsos_______ 255,872 248,953 236,783 225,683 216,014
N ot earns, from op er____$153,135 $179,810 $201,073 $202,200 8206.741
In 1915, m isc. incom e, $7,220; fixed charges, $127,795; surplus, $32,560.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., S. F . Hazelrlgg, N . Y .; T reas., H . H . R ogers,
S ec., G . B . Cade; S upt., O . E . Ilereth.— V. 81, p. 974, 1435, 1722.


Broad^RippleNatatorium *stM^” - - - ' 5 M -S
ih.OOO^Ma™! °1931
o,n- t __niv-j on 2d nref. stock are cum . from 1 % semi-annually In
In F ob. 1907 control o f this road was acquired b y L . A . R obison , Pres,
, q io oAoiinff Howard to .1 % semi-annually in July 1918 and thereafter.
the Penn. & Ohio R y ., and associates.
— ^ f tiio tnd U T rac! bonds o f 1903. $3,380,000 were reserved
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Chartered O ct. 7 1890.
for oxtons. and Im pts., b u t under terms o f consolIdation agreement. o f 1912
thoso bonds have boon cancelod. $338,000 are hold alivo in the sinking fund.
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity ’
Sinking fund, 1 M % per annum o f outstanding bonds, becam e operative Stock $500,000 _____________ _____
$500,000 -----------------on July l 1904. Fund Is to bo Invested in the bonds at not abov e 105 and 1 st m t| e. $75,000, gold ! 1891 6 g J-J
75 000 July 1 1 9 2 1
ln t., and bonds m ay bo drawn at 105 and lnt. on any Int. date. Remaining
($1 000)
__c*&r /l n t . at Central Trust C o ., Trustee, N . Y . O .
Union T ra c. C o. or In d . gen. M . bonds are reserved for underlying bonds. 2d m tge. $500,000.................. 1 1907 5 M -S
307.000 Sept 15 1927
, n. 1013. Bonds are listed on Phila. Stock E xch . l h e Indiana
(Citizens S. Sc T . C o ., Cleveland, trustee.
lY a c. bonds ar
B o n d s . — $75,000 2d m tge. bonds are reserved for prior liens.
1st M .
___ _____guar. p . Sc 1. b:
bonds originally matured July 1 1911 but wore extended 10 years to July 1
Hartford & F t. W ayne b ----------------------------------------.
s i n k i n g f u n d on thoso bonds o f 2 !$ % o f gross earns, per ann. began July 1
E A R N IN G S .— Year ending D oc. 31 1915, gross, $80,711; net, $22,733.
l')n r» Seo V . 80, l>. 1059. $03,000 have boon retired. T h o M u n . & Union
C itv bonds a rosu b j. to call at 105 and guar., p. & 1., b y Ind. Un. T rac. Tho In 1914, gross, $86,478; not, $26,758.
R O A D .— Operates 5 miles o f track on 5M miles o f street.
M arlon C ity 1st M . bonds originally matured M a y 1 1915, but were exO F F IC E R S .— Pros., L . A . R obison, Pittsburgh; Sec. Sc T reas., W yn B .
t01Tho notes1 o f 1 9 Im m ature $50,000 each Sopt. 1 1916 and 1917.
M orris, Pittsburgh; G en. S upt., Palmer W ardman, A shtabula. V .85,p.488:
D i v i d e n d s __5% was paid on first pref. stock to April 1914.
N one since. V . 98, p . 761.
D ivs. on second pref. stock have not boon paid since July 1912.
R E P O R T .— For calendar year (1915 report In V . 102, p. 1158):
G ross
N e t (.a ft e r
O th er
B ond
D M B a la n ce,

C a le n d a r
Y ear—

E a r n in g s .

T a x es ).

In com e.

I n t.,A c .

d en d s.

S u r p lu s .

10 15
____ $2,480,247 $896,676 $17,895 $857,238
1014 " — 2.495,524 919,823 32,756 884,784 (2H )$25,000 42,795
Passengers carried in 1915, 16.479,535, against 17,982,101 in 1914.
R O A D .__Owns tho following lines: Muneio-Andcrson-IndlanapoHs,
RAW! m iles’ A nderson-M arion-W abash, 5 3 H miles; A lexandria-ElwoodTintnn 2fl’ miles; Indianapolis-Kokom o-Logansport, 80 mllos; K okom oPeru l o w miles- M uncie-U nlon C ity , 33 miles; A nderson-M iddletow n,
Q I/ miles’J also 10 miles o f city lInes ,n Anderson; 14
miles in M arlon;
16 miles in M unclo and 6 miles In E lw ood; total, 272 miles o f interurban
and Art u miles o f city lines. Also leases M uncie-H artford C lty-B luffton
fine 42 miles,0 anil Indlanapolia-Newcastlo-M uncio lino. 6 2 J4 miles;
grand total 423 miles. Through cars aro run between Indianapolis
and?Fort W ayne Inam Junction with tho Fort W ayne & N orthern Indiana
Traction C o. Provides p a c k a g e f r e i g h t s e r v i c e between Indianapolis
and M unclo and Indianapolis and Logansport and Peru, anil to all other
points on tho system . Operates through freight service between In­
dianapolis and Fort W ayne. B y contract until N ov . 1933 cars aro run

P E N N S Y L V A N IA & O H IO R Y .— A trolley road.
T he same interests control the Ashtabula Rapid Transit C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated M arch 17 1898.
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock ($100). $1,600,000 a u t h . ____
$1,300,000 -----------------First m tge. $ 6 0 ^ 0 0 0 . g o ld .) 1901 _ 5.g M rS
600.000 M ar 15J921
$500 each-----------------------c Int. at Citizens’ Sav. & T r . C o ., C lev ., T rus.
5 g M -S
100.000 M ar 15 1922
Jefferson Division ($500), 1902
$100,000............................. .. In t. at Citizens’ Sav. Sc T r. C o ., C lev ., T ru s.
5 g M -S
200,000 Sept 15 1926
Gen m tge, $900,000, gold 1906
............................. „ Int. at Citizens’ Sav. & T r. C o ., C lev ., Trus.
B o n d s .— O f tho new gen. m tge. bonds, $700,000 are reserved to retire
prior lions.
E A R N IN G S .— F or calondar yoar 1915, gross, $126,704; net, $55,889.
In. 1914, gross, $123,247; net, $46,406.
R O A D .— Owns and operates the Conneaut city line, 3 miles, and has
built westward from Conneaut to Kingsville Sc Ashtabula, 13 miles, and
south from Ashtabula to Jefferson, 10 miles; total, 26 miles.




Rogersville <



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Southern PublicCUtilities Co.^H'Sl‘

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^ I k n o x ^ lle



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Haw River




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[Vol . 102

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* Alexander City




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D iv id e n d s .— 5% per annum is being paid on preferred stock. On com.
dlvs. were: Aug! 1905. 2% ; Feb. 1906. 2% ; May 1906, 1 H % (V. 82.
p. 1040); Aug. 20. 1)4% - In 1907. Feb. 20. 1)4% ; M ay 20 ,,1)4 % and
stock div. of 33 1-3% (V. 84, p. 803); Aug. 2 0 . 1 H % : Nov. 20, 1H % ; in
1908, 6% ; ’09, 6% : in ’ 10, 634%; in 1911.8%; in 1912, Feb., 2% : M ay. 2% .
Dividends aro now paid under lease (see above).
EARNINGS.— Included in report of Georgia R y. & Power C o. above.
GEORGIA RAILW AY & POWER CO. ( .S e e M a p o n p a g e 6 ).
ROAD.— Owns 207.74 miles of track (single-track basis). 70, 80 and
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. In Georgia on Oct. 16 1911 to take over
rails. 3 4 6 passenger and 21 other cars. 2 power stations.
the following properties (V. 93, p. IInter-State Power Co.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Frank E. Block; V .-P .. T . K . Glenn; Sec. & Treas.,
Atlanta Hydro-Elec. Power Co.
Savannah River Power Co.
W. II. Wright— V. 97, p. 521; V. 98, p. 304, 386; V. 99, p. 1528; V. 100, p.
Atlanta Water & Elec. Power Co
Oftorvla Power Co
South Carolina Power Co.
Mso leasestheGeorgia Railway & Electric Co. (see below).
(a) A tlanta N orthern Railway C o.— A trolley road.
It is DlaM^i to construct and operate in connection with the develop­
ment nf the water Dowers a system of interurban railways.
ORGANIZATION.— Entire stock is owned by the Georgia Railway Sc
In June 1912 Judge Pendleton in the Superior Court sustained a demurrer Electric C o., which guarantees the bonds.
to the suit brought to have the company declared a trust in violation of the
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g . M a t u r it y .
Anti-Trust law
V 94. p. 1763. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Stock,
$100,000 ------- - - - - ­
$100,000........................ .........
Court but In Jan. 1913 the suit was withdrawn. V. 96. p. 285.
mortgage $400,000 guar \ 1904
5 g J-J............. 400,000 July 1 1954
° In a suit brought by the Attorney-General of Georgia in N ov. 1912 to First
($500and $1,000) gold..c*JInt. at Old Colony Tr. C o., Boston, Trustee.
elect the c o m p a n y from certain property at Tallulah Falls, where a large
B o n d s . — Are guar., p. & L, by end., by the Ga. Ry. Sc Elec. Co. Are sub­
novver-plant has been constructed, a jury In the Rabun County Superior
Court i t Clayton. Ga., In May 1913 gave a verdict In favor o f the company. ject to call on any int. date at 110 and Int. A s in k , f u n d of $5,000 per ann.
The Supreme Court o f Georgia on W
13 1913 affirmed the decision of began in 1909; $40,000 bonds are held In sinking fund but not retired.
See V. 79. p. 680.
the lower Court. V. 95. p. 1472, 1541: V. 96, p. 1629; V. 97. p.1822.
EARNING S.— For cal. year 1915. gross, $122,634; net, $27,277; int. &
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C o m m o n . $15,000,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) . ------------------$1o onnnnn 'a V a 'te x V taxes, $31,748; deficit, $4,471. 1914, gross, $133,422; net. $30,970; int. &
taxes, $30,869; surplus, $101.
1st pf$2,000.000 6 % cum($100)...........................
2.000.000 See text
ROAD.— Operates 18 miles of track from Atlanta to Marietta. 15.2 miles,
H i i 5T A --0
“ S ®
T S iti-m
which are owned and mostly on private right o f way. Has arrangements
‘ “ a?, r « ? S S
. t Fidelity T r. Oo.. P h il... Truetoo. with Ga. Ry. & El. C o. for terminals and trackage rights into the city o f
Atlanta. Standard gauge; 7 cars. Commenced operation July 17 1905.
1,100,000 See text
Elec 1st M l 1910
5 J -J
— V. 79, p. 680.
_ _________
ci i7n
non .r
c*iTnt. at Columbia Trust Co., Trustee.
8 avamuSi^R?v^Potv Co"lstfM -1 9 1 1
6 A-O
200.000 g e t 1 1921

OFFICERS.— Pres., L. A. Robison. Pittsburgh; Sec. & Treas., W . B.
Morris. Pittsburgh; Gen. Supt.. Palmer Wardman. Office at Ashtabula.
— V. 82. p. 929. 987.
m ________

At!anfd \Tatm & ° F ^ p 00 is t ° M l E 03 5 J-J
1.344',000 Jan 1 1943
s S
* $ 1 0 0 0 ) . c*cpt i i t - a t Columbia Trust Co., N . Y ., Trustee.
Stoc*— After the 2 d pref. and common stocks have both received 4%
Der annum for 3 successive years, the 2d pref. stock becomes com. stock.
B o n d s — Of the $3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 st & ref. mtge. bonds, $3.052,000 are reserved
to retire Drior liens, and balance is for future additions, &c., under pro­
tective rwtrictlora
Subject to call at 102 >4 and int. on April 1 1919 to
m i T and thereafter at 105 and int. after 56 days’ notice. Bpnds are
callable for sinking fund at same rates and dates. Annual sinking fund
payments aro as follows: 1919 to 1924, $75,000; 1925 to 1928, $100,000;
1929 to 19531 $125,000. Coupon bonds $1,000 or £205 15s. 3d. and $500
or £102 17s. 7d. Tho Blue Ridge Electric Company First Mortgago
bonds maturo on July 1 1940, but tho Georgia Railway & Power Co.
assumes an agreement made by Georgia Power Co. to purchaso them on
or before Oct. 1 1916 at par and int. or at its option deliver therefor its
bonds and In meantime to pay int. on the bonds. See V. 94. p. 1383.
Columbia Trust Co. is trus’e i o f both Savannah Rlvor Powor Co.
issuos. The Atlanta Water & Elec. Pow. bonds are subj. to call at 105.
Tho issuo was originally for $1,500,000 but has boon closed at $1,400,000Sinking fund Jan. 1 1908 to Jan. 1 1917 inch, $5,000 per annum; thoreaftor
until maturity, $10,000 per ann. See V. 102, p. 1540- $56,000 in sink. fd.
D iv id e n d s .— An initial div. of $4 70 per share was paid Jan. 20 1913 on the
1st pref. stock, covering the 9 2-5 months since it was issued (March 1912).


ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In 1909 in Delaware. Owns 2,995 of
the 3,000 shares of the Atlantic Sc Suburban Ry. Oo. stock and a majority
of the stocks o f the Central Passenger Ry. Co. ($40,000 bonds) and Atlantic
City & Shore R R . Co. Also owns all of the $591,100 outstanding 1st mtge.
bonds of Atlantic Sc Suburban Ry.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
$995,500 ...................
Stock, $1,000,000-..........................
Coll trust. $591,100---------- tf 1910 j
See text
The collateral trust 4s aro secured by $591,100 Atl. & Sub. 1st mtge.
bonds and 2,995 out of 3,000 shares of stock of that company. They fall
due Feb. 1 1928 or Feb. 1 1940.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Harry E. Kohn; Sec., L. R . Isenthal; Treas..
I. L. Stone.
(1) A tla n tic City & Shore R R .— An electric road.
D e fa u lt — R ec e iv e r . — Int. due Doc. 1 1915 was defaulted, due largely to
losses caused by jitney busos. Judge Clarence L. Cole was appointed re­
ceiver. Tho following bondholders’ committee was organized: Goo. Burn­
ham Jr., Harry O. Francis, Frank H. Bachman, Tilghman Johnson and
John Mcllhonny. V. 101. p. 1884.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in New Jersey Oct. 21 1905 with a
N<R E PO R T .— Of combined properties (1915 report in V . 102, p. 1157):
perpetual charter. Leases Atlantic City & Ocean City R R .—see'terms
C a le n d a r
G ross
N e t (a fter
I n t . R en ta ls. Batones. below— and owns $218,500 of the common stock of the Atlantic City Sc
Y e a r __
E a r n in a s .
T a x e s ).
In c o m e . S k . F d s . , & c . S u r p lu s . Ocean City C o m p a n y , which holds all the stock and bonds of the Atlantic
$75,3-10 $2,378,742 $492,174 City & Ocean City R R . V .8 5 .P . 158. Cent. Pass. Ry. Is operated under
1 9 1 5 -.________ $6,507,657 $2,795,576
1914................... 6.341,184
2,583,110 166,466
2,209,206 540,370
traffic agreement.
P R O PE R T Y.— Total miles singlo track, 231,903. , ? ta" d» rnd r * ^ ? ’
C ontract w ith W est Je r s e y & S e a S h o re R R .— An agreement has been
70, 80 and 90-lb. rails. Owns water'power sites in Northeastern Georgia entered into with the West Jersey & Sea Shore R R . by which the
capablo of an ultiraato development o f ovor 346,000 h.p. At Ta lulah Falls Atlantic Avo. line of the latter road, running from Atlantic City to Longdevelops 80 000 h.p., with transmission linos to Atlanta. 90 miles distant. port, 8 34 miles. Is operated by this company. The West Jersey Sc Sea
Transmission and distributing lines aggregate 571.5 miles. The interurban Shore R R . has an option to purchase until M ay 1 1918 a majority of
lino from Atlanta to Stone Mountain was completed in Nov. 1913. The
hydro-electric plant at Tallulah Falls was placod In operation April 1 1914. tho Atlantic City Sc Snore R R . stock. V. 85, p. 158.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g . M a t u r it y .
OFFICERS.— Chair, of Board, II. M . Atkinson; Pres., P. S. Arkwright;
$1,000,000 ($100)...........
--^-OOO.OOO - - - - - - - ­
V -P & Gen. M gr., G. W. Brine; V .-P., Oper. M gr., & Sec., W . H. Glenn: Stock,
mtge & coll trust deed! 1905
5 g J-D
950,000 Dec 1 1945
Paul D. Reid; Treas.. I. S. Mitchell Jr.; Aud.. II. Flynn, all of 1st$1,000,000
($1,000) g .c * t f/I n t . at Girard Trust C o., Phila., Trustee.
Atlanta — V 97,%. 1 5 M . 1822: V. 98. p. 689. 757, 1459, 1536, 1694; V . 100.
B o n d s . —No sinking fund, but can De called at any time at 110 and int.
p. 555, 733, 807; V. 102, p. 885, 975.
ROAD.— Operates 47.45 miles of track in and around Atlantic City, in­
a road through Pleasantville, LInwood and Somers Point, to Ocean
Leas?— On* Jan f 30*?91 ifthe's todi holders of the Georgia Ry. & Elec. Oo cluding
lattor two points being connected by 2 miles of trestle and bridge
approved the 9 99 -year lease from Jan. 1 1912 to the Georgia R y. & Power ownedtho
by the Atlantic City & Ocean City R R .
Or* which nrovides that the latter company guarantee all the fixed chargos
For cal. year 1915, gross, $452,678; deficit after deduct­
and’ dlvs on pref. stock and dlvs. of 8 % on com. stock, the holder of each
* 1 0 0 com having received, as additional consideration for the lease, $3 12H ing taxes, rentals, and int., $60,128. In 1914, gross, $632,728; net, after
m lst°praL and $125 In 2 d’ pref. stock of Georgia Ry & Bower Co. V. 94. taxos and rentals, $66,392; int., $47,500; surplus, $18,892.
o 982 1119 The shares of tho Atlanta Gas Light Co. and of the Atlanta
OFFICERS.— Pros., I. H. Silverman; V.-Ps., Charles Evans and H. C.
Northern R y. are not Included In the promises demised under tho lease, Francis; Sec., J. M . Campbell; Treas., I. L. Stone; Gen. Supt., A. J. Purinbut the lessor assigned and transferred to tho lessee, for and during tho term ton.— V. 85, p. 158; V. 86, p. 1099; V. 88, p. 685; V .90, p. 1424; V. 101, P­
of tho lease, the Income arising from any and all of the said shares.
1806, 1884.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. In Georgia on Jan. 28 1902, and on April 1
(a) A tlantic City & Ocean C ity C om pany.
1902 took over the Atlanta Ry. & Powor Co., the Atlanta Rap. Tran C o.,
The Atlantic City & Ocean City C o m p a n y was organized in Delaware
the Goorgia Electric Light Co. and tho Atlanta Steam Co. F r a n c h is e
owns the entire ($180,000) stock and all the ($180,000) bonds of the
for the greater part perpotual; others 50 years from August 1899.
electric-light, gas, vpower
and stoam-hoatlng Atlantic City Sc Ocean City R R ., and has pledged them as security for the
street railway ,_ele
trust bonds below. Of the common stock of the Atlantic City &
Interests of Atlanta and Fulton County. Uses power supplied by tho
Atlanta Water & Electric Power Co. from the latter’s plant at Bull Ocean City C o m p a n y . $218,500 is owned by the Atl. City & Shore R R . The
the Atl. City & Ocean City R R . for 999 years, the rental be­
Sluice on the Chattahoochee River, 15 miles from Atlanta—see V. 79. p. ing $19,500 per
annum, and an additional contingent sum equal to 33 1-3%
1 Kg 2149
By terms of the ordinance permitting consolidation,the com­
pany paid the city of Atlanta $50,000 in cash, and agreed to pay a tax on of the net surplus, but not to exceed $25,000 per annum.
BONDS— D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g . M a t u r it y .
ktoss receipts of 1% for first 3 years, 2% for tho next 20 years and 3%
thereafter p V 74 p. 397. 727. Has contract with the city for street light­ Common. $350,000.................................................
in g fo r 5 years from April 1 1913. In Oct. 1902 both pref. and com. stock
SMjoOO M m ’ V I m ?
weroUstefpon Boston Stock Exch. V. 75. p. 849. They are also listed on Colfa5torartrusT go^'$500\-\ 1907
0 0 0 redeemable 110 & int tfjGirard Trust C o., Philadelphia, Trustee.
thInLJune^903Xacqulred the entire capital stock ($600,000 6 % pref. and
S to ck .— The pref. stock is redeemable at par.
$1,014,625 com.) of the Atlanta Gas Light Co., comprising the gas business
ROAD.— Tho Atlantic City Sc Ocean City R R . owns 2.61 miles of road
of Atlanta and vicinity, by exchange of stock, $ for S. V. 76. p. 1406. from
Somers Point, across Great Egg Harbor Bay on bridge and trestles,
Tho gas company, however, maintains a separate organization. Also owns
to Ocean City. Ralls, 85 lbs. V. 85, p. 158: V. 87, p. 165.
ontiro capital stock of tho Atlanta Northern Ry.
Pres., Penrose Fleisher; Sec., J. M . Campbell; Treas.,
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
D a te .
In ter es t.
Irvin L. Stone.
See text
Common ($100).........- - - - - - -------Q-F
Preferred 5% non-cum ulatlvel-----5 Q-J
See text
(2) A tlantic & S uburban Ry.
, 2 .4 0 0 .00(1 ( p .r S l O O K ,^ ) 1 M 9 5 g j j
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In New Jersey Doc. 7 1908 as a re­
3.809,000 Jan l 1949
Ref & imp mtge $20,000,0001 19(
o f the Atlantic City Sc Suburban Traction C o., sold under fore­
gold ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) - - - - - - - - - -c* (ln t. at Amer. Trust Co., Boston, Trustee
5,835,000 Jan 1 1932 closure of 1st mtge. V. 87, p. 1237. 1532.
First cons mtge $11,000,000 1902 5 g J-J
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g . M a t u r it y .
gold sink fund ($1.000). -C* Int. at Old Colony Trust Co., Boston, Trus.
6 g J-J
225,000 July 1 1930 Stock, $750,000 ($50).................................... — Atlanta Street Railroad first 1890
*150.000 - - - - - - - - ­
mortgago gold (par $ 1 ,0 0 0 ) Int. payable in N . Y . at Fourth Nat. Bank. First mortgage, $650.0001 1909
4 g F-A
591,100 Aug 1 1929
Central Trust Co., N . Y ., Trusteo.
($1,000).......................c* tf lin t, at Cambridge Tr. C o., Chester Pa., Tr.
5 g J-J
1,950.000 Jan 1 1939 Prior lion M , $100,000, g u a r\ ____
Atl Cons St R y 1st consM$2,- 1899
100,000 Feb 1 1925
500,000 g($l,000oach) --C* Int. payable In N. Y . at N. Y . Trust Co. and
p & 1, by A O Sc S C o - . - t f l
at Merc. Tr. & Dep. Co. o f Balt., Trustee.
B o n d s . — Bonds have no sinking fund. V. 87, p. 1237.
5 g J-J
1,350,000 July 1 1930
Georgia Elec Light Co 1st M 1900
EARN ING S.— For calendar year 1915. gross, $80,197; net, $21,069:
$ 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . gold,subject to Interest at Old Colony Trust C o., Boston, other income, $3,132: taxes & int.. § 3 4 ,8 7 5 : deficit. $10.6(4. In 1914,
call at 105..................- —c*
$84,989; net, $21,483; other incomo, $3,289; taxes & int., $34,791;
5 g J-D
1.150,000 June 1 1947
Atlanta Gas-Light Co, 1st M 1897
$1,150,000. g ($1,000)-.c * Interest at New York Trust Co., Trusteo, or deficit, $10,019.
ROAD.— Operates 16.13 miles of track from Atlantic City to Pleasant.Bank of Scotland. London, Eng.
villo, Somers Point and Absecon. Standard gaugo, 80-lb. T rail.— V. 87.
B o n d s . — Of the $11,000,000 Georgia Railway & Electric Company bonds
(closed mtge.) of 1902. $3,850,000 are reserved to retire underlying lions, p. 872, 1237, 1299. 1532; V. 83. p. 881: V. 90, p. 1424.
balance have been retired. Red. on any int. date at 110 and int. A
OFFICERS.— Pres., Harry E. Kohn; Sec., J. M . Campbell; Treas.,
s i n k l n a f u n d became operative in 1907 which retires $10,000 of bonds
Irvin L. Stone.
each year from 1907 to 1911, inclusive; $25,000 per annum from 1912 to
1916, Inclusive, and S50.000 per annum thereafter. See V. 74, p. 629, 727.
A sinking run<l of $ 6 60 per $ 1.000 bond on the Atlanta Gas Lt. Co. bonds
Is operative; $204,000 bonds in fund. Atl. Consol. St. Ry. bonds are red.
as a whole at 107Hi, but $25,000 in Jan. of each year for sinking fund at
ORGANIZATION.— Chartered In March 1906 under laws of South
at 105- Of tho ref. & impt. mtge. bonds, $11,2.30.000 are reserved to retire
as Augusta Sc Columbia R y. Co.; name changed to above in April
prior liens (Including tho $400,000 Atlanta & Northern bonds) and re­
mainder for extensions and improvements up to 75% o f actual cost. Bonds 1911 and is a consolidation of the following companies:
Ry. Sc Elec. Co.
I Augusta Ry. Sc Elec. Co.
aro subject to call on 50 days’ notice at lOo and int.; a sinking fund of
Augusta & Aiken Ry. Co.
I North Augusta Elec. & Impt. C o.
1% of bonds out began in 1910.

_ ___ Corn-



[Vol . 102.

Owns and operates entire railway systems o f Augusta, Ga., and North
-Capital stock cannot be increased without assent of three-fourths
Augusta, S. O ., and a line from Augusta to Aiken, S. O. Also furnishes of Stock.
stock of both classes.
service In aufsuatrt
Augusta and its
Its Huuurus
suburbs ana
and owns
i 1*1electrici light
nontrol part
nnnf o f Augusta.
valuable POal
real pcjfnfo
estate In
is e .In
Bimds.— Of the 1st & ref. boncls of 1910 reported outstanding, $1,483,000
Augusta expires iiroEr,
iy ju or longer. are Series A 6 s; $1,148,000 are Series B , bearing 5% and $1,776,000 are
1939; mwuiu-uguuus
electric-lighting ;ra7icmse
fr a n c h is e runs until 1939
linn Is on
nn private
nrlirntn right
plnhf o
n ff way. T
7 92,
no p. 1177.
. 1 ___owns
’___ Series B , bearing 6 % , and $1,668,000 are Sories O 6 s (V. 100, p. 738). Re­
Interurban division
all securities o f North Augusta Hotel Co. (owner o f Hampton Terrace maining bonds may bo issued at not exceeding 6 % int. for add’ns, impts..
o f securities o f North Augusta Hand Co. Likewise owns &c., at 85% of cost under certain restrictions. Series A callablo at 102)4.
the $500,000 com. stock o f Georgla-Carolina Pow. C o., incorp. In So. Caro, others at 105. First and refunding M . contains sinking fund provisions
to construct the hydro-elec, plant on Savannah River, which was placed in calling for payments o f $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 annually (to be used partly for betterments
operation Feb. 6 1914 with an Initial installation o f 14,000 h. p ., ultimate and additions and partly for redemption o f bonds. Series A bonds having
capacity about 28,000 h. p. Operation o f this plant was taken over by the preference over other series) from 1915-1924 Inclusive, thereafter ranging
Augusta-Alken R y. & El. Corp. on July 1 1914. The company guarantees from 2)4% annually o f bonds out from August 1925-1930, incl., to 4)4%
prin. and lnt. and sink, fund on the Ga.-Carolina Pow. Co. 1st M . 5s.
annually from Aug. 1945-1949, incl. V. 91. p. 1332. $17,000 Ser. A bonds
On June 23 1915 the stockholders authorized an increase in the 6% cum. have been retired.
pref. stock from $1,500,000 to $2,250,000, the new stock being issued In
EARNINGS.— For calendar years:
$750,000 pref. stock o f the Georgla-Carolina Invest. Co.
G ro ss
E x p ..M a in .,
N et
O ther
B a l. f o r
m W
f0™ crly controlling the Ga.-Caro. Power Co.) V. 100. p. C a le n d a r
XooUy V • lul» p« 283.
Y ear—
E a r n i n g s . T a x .,& c . E a r n i n g s . In c o m e . I n t . , & c . D e p r .,& c
1915. ......... $1,769,814 $686,630 $1,083,184 $10,018 $518,740 $574,462
On Dec. 29 1914 the So. Car. R R . Comm, adopted a resolution reaffirm
lng the order o f N ov. 12, which allowed the company to Increase its*passen- 1914------------ 1.821.070 713.737 1.107.333 151674 5131683 609’,324
ger rate from 1 to 2 cents a mile, beginning Jan. 1 1915. The minimum
P R O PE R TY.— Operates street railway In Bakersfield. Operates power*
fare Is, howover, fixed at 5 cents. See V. 100, p. 228.
houses with 42,650 k, w. capacity. Operates 2,560 miles or transmission*
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y . &c., lines. Does gas business in Bakersfield, Merced and Selma, and
$2 ,2 5 0 ,0 0 0
Common $2,250,000 ($ 1 0 0 ) .................................
operates water works in Selma and Madera.
Preferred 6% cum ($100)-------------Q-M
See text
OFFICERS.— Pres., W . G. Kerckhoff; V .-P ., A . O. Balch; Sec.. L. M .
nnm $7,600,000 gold? 1910 5 g J-D
3.269,000 Dec 11935
Farnham; Troas. & Comp., A. E. Peat; Gen. M gr., A. G. Wishon.— V. 100
( $ 1 ,0 0 0 1 - - - .- ... c*&r*tf/Central Trust C o., New York, Trustee.
Augusta R y & Elec 1st M gt 1900 5 g J-D
929 000 June 1 1940 p. 145, 479, 738, 1511, 1673, 1753; V. 101. p. 218, 2149; V. 102, p. 801.

C ' ’W ? s1tM 0)$5?M 0?{Il,fc' at M er- T r- & Dep- C o-’ Balt- Trustee000 g ($500 and $1,000)-. 11912 5 J-J
2,750,000 July 1 1952
K uar------------------------ c * t f l Central Trust C o., New York, Trustee.
5 5 ?s °n n n 'T 7 r ? ii^ 7«non’Rnn
mt80, bonds. $287,000 are In treasury,
*38.000 in sink, fd., $929,000 are reserved to retire Aug. Ry. & Elec, bonds
Street r a ilw a y s o f B a ltim o re p a y a p a r k tax o f fr o m 1 % to 9% o f g ross re c e ip ts
and balance is for additions, &c. Subj. to call as a whole (or in part for sink. fr o m lin e s w it h in C ity L im it s , except on tu rn p ik e s a n d p riv a te rig h ts o f w a y , a n d
IS1, ° ? Tany^nt; day on 30 days’ notice. Interest is payable a re re q u ire d to p a v e betw een tracks a n d tw o fe e t on each s id e .
at Redmond & C o.. New York. Sinking fund beginning in 1916 Drovidos
o f $25,000 per ann. 1st 5 years. Increasing to $40,000,P$50,000
and $65,000 for each successive period o f 5 years until maturity of bonds.
U N IT E D R A IL W A Y S & E L E C T R IC C O . O F B A L T IM O R E .— Trolley
Y- ®2. p. 1177. Augusta R y. & Elec, bonds can be called in 10, 20 or 30
years from date at 105 and lnt. on 6 months’ notice; sinking fund Is K of 1%
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated at Annapolis March 4 1899. Com­
7 i9onnfor 15J <3a,r? ’ 1% ,fpr n“ t 10 years and 2% for remain­ prises all the passenger railways in Baltimore City and Baltimore County
ing 10 years. $71,000 was held in sinking fund M ay 1 1916.
lines extend into Anne Arundol County and Howard County. Through
«?* io tr2 T <«’w7 bonds are sub), to call as a whole, or in part for and
the present and previous consolidations, embraces tho following:
i Iny 8k-£ d - beginning with 1918 will bo sufffcient to
Catonsville & Ellicotts Central Railway Co.
Aulon E r *
p¥ i 7 ? . " e eu” - » - *■ * »• ' • »
Mills Passenger R R .
Gwynn’s Falls Railway of Baltimore
Baltimore City Passenger R y. Co.
Maryland Traction.
Deo- 30 w n - Baltimore Consolidated Ry. Co.
Baltimore & Curtis Bay Ry.
Pimlico & Pikesvillo R R .
RE PO RT.— For year ending Dec. 31;
Balt. Gardensvillo & Belair Elec. Ry. Shore Line Electric R y.
C a le n d a r
G ro ss
N e t , a ter
In t e r e s t ,
S u r p lu s or
Baltimore & Northern Elec R y. Co. Walbrook Gwynn-Oak & Powhatan.
im e
In c o m e .
& c.
D e fic it .
Also owns all the stock, and holds a lease of the Baltimore Sparrows
1^15............................ $679,542 $325,758 $25,977 $357,942 d efi6,2 08 Point
& Chesapeake R y. Co.
276,421 sur.68 064
l li e d C o m p a n y . — In Aug. 1906 the Maryland Elec.Ry., which had agreed
surplus*"account charges c o u n t in g to $31,472 in 1915 were charged to
to provide funds for needed improvements and acquisitions of the United
Ry. & Elec. C o., was consolidated with the Balt. & Annapolis Short Line,
— Owns and operates 53.2 miles o f track, of which 28.92 miles thus
forming the Maryland Elec. Rys. See statement of that co. below.
an/| 24.28 miles interurban between Augusta and Aiken, 60
B o w er C o n tract. — In Fob. 1911 entered into a 15-yoar contract with Penn­
Olmstead T ralS’ Standard Bauge. Owns Lake View Park on Lake sylvania
Water & Power Co. for supplying power In conjunction with
OFFICERS.— Pres., F. Q. Brown; V .-P ., J. H. Pardoo and J. K . Choate, United Railways Co. for operation of cars. V. 92, p. 467.
F a v o ra b le T a x D e c is io n .— On June 29 1909 the Court of Appoals of Mary­
Sec. ancBTreas., D . II. Thomas; M grs., J. G. Whito M gt. Corp — V 9S
p . 154, 692, 1243, 1310; V . 99, p. 814; V. 100 p. 228, 1830; V. 101, p .*283’. land held that the park tax of 9% on gross earnings of lines within city
limits was Intended to bo in lieu of all other taxes, and that no further tax
on the intangible property can be levied without express legislative author­
ity. The easements In 14 miles of turnpikes In annexed districts woro hold
to bo taxable. V. 89, p. 44.
In April 1913 Judge Bond in the City Court at Baltimore decided that the
AUSTIN STREET R Y .— A trolley road.
company must pay cost of repaving streots betwoen tracks and 2 ft. on
either side. See V. 96, p. 1090. On Aug. 5 1913, the Court of Appeals of
l y & w u r 31911 “ m c c m o r Maryland reversed the ruling and unanimously held that company’s obli­
gation with respect to tho track aroa was to repair and not to re-pavo. In
ooSJSo0nV 6 0 ° o o ™ < i o K : . . “ ? ;
a“ S " '
Fob. 1916 tho samo court again held that co. is required moroly to keep
Its tracks in ropair.
Pref $500,000 ($100) 6% n-c............. .........
250 0 00 Seetrat'
First & ref mtg $1,500,000) 1911 5 g J-J
786,000 Jan l^ 9 3 6
In June 1914 the Maryland Court of Appeals, reversing the lower Court,
u gold ($1,000)------------c * t f /ln t . at Equitable Trust C o., N. Y ., trustee held that the State Roads Commission cannot recover from tho electric
companies the cost of changing and re-locating tracks In building
1st & r. e t ‘ bonds are reserved for additions, &c. Thoy railway
are subject to call on any lnt. date at 102)4. Annual sinking fund of 2% the system o f State highways. V. 98, p. 1995.
of bonds out began in 1915. V. 92, p. 185; V. 93, p. 1461.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g . D io .o r M a t
D iv id e n d s . — 6% is being paid on pref. and 4% on common stock.
Common, $24,000,000 ($50)...................................$20,461,200 Apr., '16,1%
4 J-D
23,000 Dec.’15, 2%
' T I>’ort-c al;,y
’ gross> $240,177; net, $82,407; lnt. and Pref, cum, $14,000,000 ($50).........
taxes, $51,554; sink. fund. $16,112; surplus, $14,741.
Inc mtge, g, $14,000,000,1 1899
4 g J-D
cum, tax freo, Maryland) Payable at option of co. after March 1 1949.
ROA D .— Operates 20.95 miles of track. 55 and 72-lb. rails; 38 cars.
Tr Co, Trus ($1,000)-C*tf lint, at Alex. Brown & Sons, Baltimore.
V,W ‘ J ’ Jones: v -p - F - H . Watriss: Sec., A. L. Ka'icon mtge g, $38,000,0001 1899
4 g M-S
26,450,000 Mar 1 1949
^ ch , Asst. Sec., G. P. Gannett, Augusta, M e.; Treas., E. P. Wllmot; Asst.
($1,000); Continental Tr [Interest at Alex. Brown & Sons, Baltimore.
Co, Baltimore, Trus..c*tfJ
1461 i 531 E ' Macomb8r’ A UKusta. M e.— V. 92, p. 185; V. 93, p. 526,
Income fdg bonds ($100, $500/ 1906
5 g J-D
3.920,000 Juno 1 1936
& $1,000), $3,920,000-Cntf (Maryland Trust C o., Trustee.
Gold notes, $2,750,000 ($1,-1 1916
5 F-A
2,750,000 Fob. 1 1921
000) rod, all or part, at 101{Int. at Alex. Brown & Sons, Baltimore.
LOWELL & FITCHBURG STREET R Y .— A trolley road.
& int. on 30 days noticoc*tf ISafo Deposit & Tr. C o., Balt., Trustoo.
In 1913 W . W . Sargent, President o f the Fitchburg & Leominster Street
R y ., and associates acquired control.
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated in Massachusetts In 1903.
B a ltim o re T ra c tio n — 1st (.$1,­
5 M -N
1.500.000 Nov 11929
000) mtge; Trustee Mercan Interest at Morchants’-Mechanics' Bank,
S t ^ k ^ ™ ! 1! ^ - 15. ^ . - D a t e ‘
0U£ T A
M a t u r it u ‘
tile Tr & Deposit C o .c n t f Baltimore.
First mtge (see text) gold? 1906
5 g J-J*
2751)00 Jan* 1*1926
N B Div 1st ($1,000) 5s. g; 1892
5 g J-D
1,750,000 June 1 1942
($1,000) no sinking fu n d -. (Subject to call at 105 and interest.
TrusMerTr&DepCo.cntf Int. at Morchants’-Mechanics' Bank, Balt.
a t $275*000
mtg0‘ WaS orlginally for $1,000,000. but has been closed C ity & S u b u r b a n R y B o n d s — 1892
5 g J-D
3,000,000 June 1 1922
1 st mtge, g ($ 1 ,0 00 ) ____tf Int. at Alex. Brown & Sons. Baltimore.
.year. endlns Jlm 0„30, 19!5. not revenue (after taxes
$A6 ’31§ : mjsp- income, $1,553; interest, $13,750; surp., $4,118. L a k e R o la n d E lev a te d — 1st Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Balt., Trustee.
5 g M-S
1,000,000 Sept 1 1942
t ~ROi^D ’T ?iP eraAfs 14 miles between North Chelmsford, a suburb o f
gold Interest at Alex. Brown & Sons, Baltimore.
Lowell, and the village of Ayer, with a spur running from North Chelms($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) ...................c*&r tf
Baltimore Trust C o., Trustee.
r ord to Westford; connects at North Chelmsford with Bay State St. Ry.
5 g M -N
700,000 May 1 1932
and at Ayer with Fitchburg & Leominster St. R y. Has 7 passenger C e n tra l R y — Consol mortgago 1892
$700,000, gold ($1,000) ntf Int. at Merchants’-Mechanics’ Bank, Balt.
cars, 1 snow plow and 2 other cars.
Mercantile Tr. & Dep. Co. of Balt., Trustee.
Ext and imp 1st mtge, ti1 ^ 9,7
R o w i n g s 1
-p- °' p
s“ - 4 T" “ 5 8 M‘ s
600,000 Mar 1 1932
$600,000, g ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) -n t f Baltimore Trust Co., Baltimore, Trustee.
Int. at Merchants’-Mechanics’ Bank. Balt.
Stock. —-Tho preferred stock reported above as outstanding is all that
remains of tho original Issue of $14,000,000, the rest having beon converted
Into income bonds. Com. stock listed on Baltimore and Philadelphia
At i ON.— Incorporated In California in July 1910 as a consoli­ Stock Exchanges. V. 96, p. 1631; V. 97, p. 667.
dation o f the San Joaquin Light & Power C o., the Power Transit & Light
B o n d s . — Of tho $38,000,000 of 1st consol, bonds $28,950,000 havo boon
Co. (Bakersfield) and the Merced Falls Gas & Electric Co. Absorbed the
Selma Water Works, Madera Water Works, Madera Lt. & Pow. Co. Lem- issued (of which $2,5!)0,000 are in treasury); $9,050,000 set aside to retlro un­
more Lt. & Power Corp. and Bakersfield Gas & Elec. Lt. Co. F r a n c h is e s In derlying securities. Income funding bonds aro rod. on any int. date at par
are perpetual: outside o f cities, with two exceptions, extend beyond and accrued int. All bonds are listed on Balt. Stock Exchango and the
I960; .A bou t one-half the total length o f transmission linos is on priv­ 1st Consol. 4s and $14,000,000 Income 4s are listed on the Phil. Stock Exch.
ate right or way. Operations extend Into the seven principal counties of the $8,000 Central Ry. 1st cons. 5s are in U. Rys. & El. C o.’s treasury.
In Fob. 1916 issued $2,750,000 5% 5-yr. notes to rotiro tho $500,000 Balt.
San Joaquin Valley, a territory 195 miles long and 78 miles wide. Fur­
nishes power to the Midland Counties Public Service Corp. (See that com­ Catonsvillo & Ellicott’s Mills 1st M . 5s, duo July 1 1916 (which wo havo
pany jn V. 98, p. 1849) and M t. Whitney Power & Elec. C o., successor eliminated from tho table above), and the $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 5 % coll. tr. notes
duo Juno 1 1916, called for payment Mar. 13 1916, and to provide for cer­
to Tulare County Power Co.
tain capital impts. during the 5 years following. No now mtgo. can be
D a te '
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y . created upon present property during life of notes without giving notes equal
Common $15,000,000________ _____ ______
$ 1 1 . 0 0 0 000
security with bonds issued under such new mtge. V. 102, p. 523, 610.
P ref.$ 10,000.000($ 100) 6 % cum. . . . Q-J 1 5
6,500,000 *See toxt.”
DIVIDEN DS.— Dividends of )$ of 1% were paid In June 1899 and 2)4%
1st & «nfnNmt? ei J25 ’°P 0 ’ 0 90 8 1 1 9 1 0 5-6 F-A
6,075,000 Aug 1 1950 in Dec. 1899, and 2% each six months after that to and including Doc. 1903,
($1,000) sink fund_c*&rtf{Equtt. Tr. C o.. N . Y ., trus.; lnt. In N . Y . on both the income bonds and the pref. stock, the paymont on tho stock
8 a?oJ° ac^
L * p C o l8t
1905 5 J-D
2.586,000 June 1 1945 (but not on he bonds ) being subject to a deduction of H of 1 % for taxes.
$3,000,000 s f ($1,000)_.c*/Redeem able at 110 and Interest.
Payments dne June and December 1904, Juno and Decembor 1905 and
San Joaquin Power C o --------- -------- 5 %
9 4 000
June 1906 omitted, and in 1906 coupons for these dates were funded, and
Po«vm P S * 1?.*?
$2,500.-) 1903 5 g J-D
96.000 June 1 1933 subsequent coupons were in like manner funded as thoy matured up to
■n 9 " «°\d« 4 -000) - - - — .--(M ercantile Trust C o., San Francisco, trustee and including Dec. 1910. On Juno 1 1911 paid 2% on both incomo bonds
Bakersfield & Kern Elec R yl 1903 5 g J-J
65 000 Julv 1 1931 and pre5. stock; D ec., 2% . In 1912, June, 2% ; since then 2% each six
$250,000 gold ($1,000)— c/Union Tnfst C o.. San Francisco, trustee.
On com .1st div.— 1)4% — paid M ay 1912; N ov., 1)4% . In
Bakersfield Gas & Elec Lt m t g --------- 6 F-A 15
12,000 Periodically 1913 and since, 4%per nnum.

ROAD.— Miles o f track, 404.5; cars, 2,001; gauge, 5 ft. 444 inch. Ralls.
70-lb. T and 9-ln. and 12444-Ib. girder. Capacity o f (4) generating sta.tlons, 42,155 k.w.; capacity of (5) sub-stations, 36.000 k.w.
REPORT for tho yoar ending Doc. 31 1915 in V. 102, p. 1621.
1912. __
Car miles run-------------- 29,522,100 30.250,194 I 8 9 ’is n ’ 7 fi7 1 7 2 ’2 3 3 ’f t l
TratisforaPaSS° ngerS’ ’ ' ' 175 807 256 77! 102',879
o lllIM
Gross earnings.........— $9’,028’,144 39,203.839 $9,046,492 $8,571,489
Operating expenses____ 4,142,699
Net earnings............... $4,885,445 $4,891,400 $4,900,061 $4,702,613
Other Income.................
Total income................. $4,893,778



Ma y , 1916.]




Fixed*charges & taxes.. $3,066,832 33,030.327 $2 ,9 8 7 ,4 6 8 $3,004,415
Exting. disc, on securs..
lncomo bond interest...
560,000 . ^ 5 6 0 ,0 0 0
560,000 # 560,000
Common dividends__ (4%)818,448 4%)818.448(4%)791.362
Total d e d u ctio n s .... $4,893,778 $4,916,121 $4,907,006 34,031.045
Balance, surplus.............
* Dividends paid during 1912 wcro not specifically d^lared out of earn­
ings for that year. They wore charged to profit and loss account but are
hero shown for tho sake of comparison.
OFFICERS.— Pres., William A. IIouso; V .-P ., (vacant); 2d V .-P .,
and Gon. M gr., Thos. A. Cross; Sec., ^Villlam Early, T.roas., J . i . Staub,
Aud., N . E. Stubbs.— V . 98, p. 1769, 1847, 1921. 1995, V . 99. p. 50, 122,
V . 100, p. 982, 1350, 1433; V. 102, p. 523, 610, 802, 1437, 1621.
(1) Baltimore Sparrows P oint & Chesapeake Ry.
ORGAN IZATION .— In Jan. 1903 was leased for 999 years to the Un.
Rys. & Electric Co. of Baltimore, which guaranteas tho bonds bolow both
aa to principal and Interest, and also owns all of the stock, ooo V. 7J, p.
KftOrn o f slncio track, including a line 22 miles long connecting
B ^'tfm ore^ith^tto^aryland Steel W orks at Sparrows’ Point, and extend­
ing b ^ o n d along tho shore of Chesapeake Bay. whore summer resorts have
been established.
D a te.
In t e r e s t. Oulslandinff.
M a t u r it y .
lhsCtkmtge° 0 $ 2 MO'.665'7oid] 1903
4 44 "g F-A 2,000’,000 Fe"b‘ V l9 5 3
($1 00§) guaranteed, prin-JFidelity Trust Co.. Baltimore, Trustee.
cipal and Interest___ c* tf [interest at Alex. Brown & Sons, Baltimore.
R E PO RT.— Operations included in United Rys. & Elec. V. 80, p. 221.
(2) Baltimore H alethorpe & Elkridge Ry.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. on Dec. 26 1905 in Maryland. Stock,
$100 000; outstanding, $10,000. Has made a $300,000 mtg. n tf to Fidelity
Trust Co. of Baltimore, trustee. 20-year 5% bonds, prln. and int., payable
at Alexander Brown & Sons, Balt.; not guar, by U nltcdRys & Elec. Co.
None out Owns 2.964 miles o f road, which is operated by Unltod Rys. &
Elec. O o .- V . 87, p. 543.

ORGANIZATION.— In 1906 tho charter of the Maryland Elec. R y. was
acquired by Interests friendly to the Unltod Rys. & Elec, for the purpose,
among others, of using that company to finance tho needs o f the United Rys.
& Elec. Co. for additional property, and charter amended by Legislature in
1906 to adapt it to that purpose. In Aug. 1906 was consolidated with the
Baltimore & Annapolis Short Line, which latter line has since been electri­
fied. The Maryland Electric Rys. then acquired car-barn sites, terminals,
&c.. and is erecting buildings, constructing extensions, purchasing equip­
ment, &c., which is leased to tho United R y. & Electric Co. for an annual
rental o f 6% upon the actual cost of the property. At maturity or the
$8,000,000 bonds of Tho Maryland Elec. Rys., the United obligates itself
to purchase the property so leased at a sum sufficient to retire tho bonds.
See plan In full in V . 83, p. 156. There is no guaranty endorsed on bonds,
but the terms are such that rental will be more than sufficient to pay inter­
est. Stock listed on Baltimore Stock Exchange in Feb. 1908.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
*1-200,000 July’08. 1%
Stock. $1,200,000 ($50).........- ............................
First mtge, $8,000,000, gold! 1906
5 g A-O
4,489,000 Oct 1 1931
($1,000), sinking fundc*tf 1 Mercantile Tr. & Dep. C o., Balt., Trustee.
Baltimore & Annapolis first f 1906
5 g F-A
1,000,000 Aug 1 1946
mortgage, $1,000,000__ tf/F ldellty Trust C o., Baltimore, Trustee.
[interest at Alex. Brown & Sons, Baltimore.
B o n d s .— A s in k in g fu n d of 144 % on Maryland Elec. Ry. 1st mtge. bonds
out began Mar. 30 1910. Bonds are redeemable at 110 and int. on any int.
date upon 90 days' notice. Interest payable at office of Alex. Brown &
Sons. See V. 83, p. 818, 970.
D iv id e n d s .— First dividend (144%) was paid In Jan. 1907 and 2% was
paid July 1 1907. In 1908, Jan.. 1 % ; July. 1% ; none since.
ROAD — Operates 25.3 miles of track from Cliffords to Annapolis, which
has hnen converted to electricity. An extension known as the St. Paul St.
Bmil. line was completed In 1907; it is leased to Unltod Rys. & Elec. Co.
OFFICERS— Pres., John Wilson Brown; V.-P. & Gon. M gr., T . O
Ohnrrv Sec., AustlnlMcLanahan; Treas., A. T . Norris.— V. 85, p. 1577;
V. 86; P 337. 1159; V. 88, p. 686; V. 98. p. 1608, 1694, 1767.

and $23,000 in treas. Of tho remainder, $100,000 are reserved to retire Bar
Harbor Elec. Lt. bonds and $924,000 for oxtens., &c., at 85% of cost of
same. They are guar., p. & i., by Bangor Ry. & Elec. Co. and are subject to
call at 10744 and int. on any int. date on 60 days’ notice. Int. at Merrill
Trust C o., Bangor; also at J. & W . Seligman & C o., N. Y . Trustee of
Bar Harbor Elec. Light Co. bonds Is Union Safe Deposit & Trust C o.,
Portland, M o. Of Bangor Pow. Co. 1st M . bonds, $750,000 Series A (all
out), bear int. at 4% to Sept. 1 1916: 444% to Sept. 1 1921 and 5% there­
after to maturity. Series B, $1,750,006 auth. (int., 5 % ), $520,000 issued
and outstanding, and $l,23O,OO0 reserved for extensions, betterments, &c.,
at 85% o f cost o f same. Subj. to call at 105 & int. on any Int. date on 60
days’ notlco. N o. s. f. Both series guar., p. & I., by Bangor R y. & El. C o.
D i v i d e n d s . — 5% per annum paid on the o l d stock (all of one class) from
Oct. 1 1905 to Oct. 1909, when 144% (quar.) was paid, which rate was con­
tinued to Oct. 1910. In 1911. 7 % . In 1911 stock was increased and new
pref. stock was created, on which I H % has been paid quar. from Jan. 1912
to and incl. Apr. 1916. On c o m m o n Initial dlv. o f 44 % was paid M ay 1 1914
and 44% has Deon paid quar. since to and incl. M ay 1916.
RE PO RT.— For years ending Dec. 31.
C a le n d a r
Y ea r

G ross

N e t (a f t e r

In ter es t,

P r ef. D iv .

B a la n c e ,

E a rn in g s.
T a x e s ).
& c.
(7 % ).
S u r p lu s .
1915.............................. $788,832 $388,322 $212,495 $105,000
1914.............................. 777,752 402.533
ROAD.— Operates 65.91 miles of track In Bangor and Brewer, M e., and
from Bangor to Hampden, to Orono, to Old Town and to Charleston.
Rails, 48 to 90-lb. girder and T standard gauge. 53 pass, and 21 freight
cars, 3 gravel cars, 7 snow-plows and 1 sprinkler. Powor stations have total
capacity o f 17,700 h. p.
OFFICERS.— Pros., E. O. Ryder; V .-P ., Frank Silliman Jr.; V .-P .&
Gen. M gr., E. M . Graham; Clerk & Treas., Howard Corning. Under
managomont o f E. W . Clark & C o.— V. 84, p. 338; V. 87, p. 1009; V. 89,
p. 777; V . 92. p. 1374; V. 93, p. 468, 1724; V. 98. p. 1243, 1458.


ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Mass, on N ov. 12 1912 and owns a con­
trolling Interest in the Barre & Montpelier Trac. & Power Co. Also owns
all the stock of the Consolidated Lighting Co.. Vermont Power & Ltg. C o.,
Corry-Doavitt-Frost Elec. C o., M olly’s Falls Elec. Lt. & P. C o., and
Waterbury Light & Powor Co.
F a r e D e c i s i o n . — In N ov. 1914, the Vermont Supreme Court held that the
company is obliged to maintain a fare not to exceed 5 cents within the city
limits o f Barre and Montpelier and give transfers so long as the franchise
Is in force. V . 99, p. 1528.
D a te.
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
— ........... $1,000,000 ____________
Common $1,000,000 ($100)...............
Pref $3,810,000 ($100) cum...............
l,315.600Apr.’ 16,$1.50
1st refund mtge $2,500,000/ 1914
294.400 Oct 1 1944
($100& $1,000)__ c*&r*tf\Amer. Trust C o., Boston, Trustee.
Barre & Montp Trac 1st M g f 1897
5 g M -N
100,000 N ov 11917
$100,000 ($500 each), n otiln t. at American T r. C o., Boston, trustee.
subject to call-------------- c*[
_____ _
Consolidated Lighting C o_________ 5 J-J
542,000 Jan 1 1926
Vermont Power & Ltg C o_________ 5 M-S
339,000 Mar 1 1927
115,000 Mar 1 1930
Corry-Dcavitt-Frost El C o__ _____ 6 M-S
S t o c k . — $2,500,000 pref. stock is reserved for conversion o f 1st ref
mtge. bonds.
B o n d s . —‘The above bonds o f light and power companies are assumed
by tho Montpolior & Barro Light & Power Co. Tho 1st ref. bonds became
convertible at holdors’ option into pref. stock at par on Mar. 1 1916. As
of Apr. 30 1916 $5,600 had boon so converted. Red. as a whole at 105 and
int. on any int. dato on 4 wooks’ notice. $999,000 bonds are reserved to
retiro underlying bonds; $300,000 reservod for tho acquisition of tho Watorbury Light & Powor Co. and $901,000 for additions and improvements at
75% of cost. $158,000 Consol. Ltg. Co. bonds and $61,000 Vermont Pow.
& Ltg. Co. bonds aro held in sinking funds. There aro not incl. in amounts
shown outstanding.
D i v i d e n d s . — A div. o f $2 50 was paid on the pref. stock Apr. 1 1913,
covering tho 5 months from date of organization on N ov. 12 1912 to April 12
1913; $1 50 paid July 15 1913 and $1 50 quar. since to and incl. Apr. 1916.
EARNING S.— For fiscal year end. Juno 30 1915, gross, $344,845; net,
after taxes, $171,308; int. and rent, $99,139; surplus, $72,169.
ROAD.— The Barre & Montpelier Trac. & Power Co. owns 9.75 miles
o f track between Barre & Montpelier. 58-lb. T rail. Gauge 4 ft. 844 In.
OFFICERS.— Ch. o f Bd. of Directors, O. H. Tenney: Pres., A . B . Ten­
ney; V .-P ., D . Edgar Manson; 2d V. P ., H. T . Sands; Clerk, H. P. W ood;
Treas., E. A. Bradley; Asst. Treas. and Aud., H. A. Gldney.— V. 95.
p. 1331; V. 97. p. 668; V. 99, p. 1578; V. 100. p. 144, 313, 1082.


ORGANIZATION, &c.— Organized In Louisiana; does entire electric
railway, electric-lighting, power and gas business in Baton Rouge. Rail­
way franchise explros 1940; gas 1942, electric-lighting and power 1988.
V . 8 8 ,p.881.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common, $500,000 ($100)...................................
$300,000 Dec. 15, 2%
Pref, $250,000 ($100) 6 % ____
200,000 D oc.’ 15,3%
1st mortgage, $750,000, goldT
1909 5 F-A
511,500 Feb 11939
($500 and $1,000)__ c*. tf/I n t. at Old Colony Trust C o., Boston .trustee
Gold coupon notos, $300,000,1
1915 6 A-O
150,000 Apr 11918
($500 & $1,000)__________ / Old Colony Tr. C o., Bost., trustee.
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorp. Feb. 16 1905 in Maine and Is a consolida­
tion of tho Bangor Orono & Old Town B y ., bangor Hampden & WinterS to ck. — D iv. on pref. Is cumulative after June 1912. Redeemable at 110.
port R y., Public Works C o., Old Town Electric C o., Brewor Water Co.
B o n d s . — $7,000 bonds, not incl. in amount outstanding, aro in treasury of
and Penobscot Water & Power Co. On Feb. 1 1907 purchased the Bangor
& Northern RR. V. 82. p. 333. Owns the entire jaP'fcd stock of tho company; romalnlng bonds may bo issued at not to exceed 80% of cost of
Bangor Power C o., also tho entire capital stock, with tho exception of one •additions and improvements. M ay bo called, in whole (or in part for sink,
at 105 and int. on any int. day. Sinking fund of 1% per ann. of
share, o f tho Bar Harbor & Union Rivor Power C o., and all the capital fund)
bonds out bogan Fob. 1 1914. $13,500 canceled. Tho 3-yoar notos are
stock o f tho Orono Water Co. Owns and operates without competition tho callable
as a wholo at par and int. on 30 days’ notice.
electric railway linos In Bangor and Brower and tho lines connecting Bangor
D i v id e n d s . — On pror., 3% s.-ann. from Dec. 1911 to and incl. Dec. 1915.
with Hampden, Orono, Old Town, Charleston and intermediate towns.
Also tho entire electric lighting and powor business of Bangor, Old Town, Initial dividend of 2% on common paid Dec. 1915.
Milford, Orono, Brower, Hampden, Veazio, Kenduskoag and Orrlngton,
EARNING S.— For 12 mos., ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $190,852: net.
with the exception o f tho municipal lighting In Bangor, and furnishes tho after taxes, $82,647; interest, $21,807: sink, fund, $5,138; surplus, $55,702.
water supply to Veazio, Old Town, Stillwater, Milford, Groat Works
ROAD.— Oporatos 6.23 miios of track in form of a single belt through
and Brower. In addition to tho abovo, tho company, through its controlled Baton Rougo; 13 cars; standard gaugo. Power station capacity, 1,500 k.w.
companies, does tho entire olectric lighting and powor business in Ellsworth.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Harry II. Hunt; V .-P ., Edw. Godchaux; Sec.,
Blue Hill and on M t. Desert Island. Also furnishes the water supply to Alvah K. Todd; Treas., Henry B. Sawyer; Gen. Mgrs., Stone & Webster
M gt. Ass’n; M gr., Donald Stowart.— V . 84, p. 506; V. 88, p. 881; V . 89,
Ellsworth and Orono.
. _ „
F r a n c h is e s . — Franchise for about 8 miles of track In Bangor oxplros in p. 720; V . 100, p. 1508; V. 101, p. 1806.
1937' franchise covering operation of 2 miles of track in the city of Brower
expires In 1940. All others are perpotual.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common. $2,000,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) -------- - - - - - - $2,000,000 M ay’l 6, 44%
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Maine In Dec. 1911 and owns the stocks
P r e f $1,560.000 7% cum($100) - - - 7QJ
1.500,000 A p r.*16, 1 %
1 st cons M , gold, $2,000,000.1 1905 5 g J-J
2,000.000 July 1 1935 and bonds of the Beaumont Electric Light & Power C o., Port Arthur Light
($500, $1,000).............c*tf(G uaranty Trust C o., New York, Trustee. & Power Co. and Port Arthur Ice & Refrigerating C o., which da the entire
Pub Wks Co, 1st, gold. $600,-1 1899
5 g A -0
599,000 April 1 1929 electric-lighting and power business In Beaumont and Port Arthur and the
000 ($500. $1,000)-- c*n tf fln t. at Old Colony Trust C o., Boston, Trus. ice-manufacturing and refrigerating business in the latter city, and also of
Bar Har & Un It Pow Co 1st! 1907
5 M-S
308,000 Sept 1 1935 the Jefferson County Traction C o., which In Dec. 1913 completed an inter­
urban electric railway between Beaumont and Port Arthur, a distance o f 20
& rof. $2,000,000($1.000)c*jCommercial Trust Co. Phila,, Trustee.
miles. Also owns tho $600,000 stock and $300,000 of tho $600,000 bonds
Bar Harbor Electric Light Col 1901 444 M -N
100,000 May 1 1921 o f tho Beaumont Traction C o., doing tho entire electric railway business in
*100 000(8500)_____c .n t f/l n t . at Portland Nat. Bank, Portland, M e. Boaumont. V. 96, p. 1629. Light and power fr a n c h is e s in Beaumont
Bangor’ Power .Co, 1st r a t g e ^ lQ ll . rTa<;O toxt___ ^1,270,^000^ Sept 1 1931 expire in 1963; in Port Arthur in 1943; railway fr a n c h is e in Beaumont ex­
pires in 1961. Tho intorurban railway is chiefly on private right-of-way.
$2:500,(XHMSl,000) - - -c H f JInt. at Union,Trust C6.. N . Y ~ trustee.”
Tho notos duo Dec. 1 1918 were issued to retire a like amount o f 3-year
Oron’o "Water 'coT first"m ort- \ 1905
444 J-J
J 0;®0?, ^liIy 1 4925
gago, gold, not subject tosInt. at Portland (M e.) Nat. Bank. Union 6% notos duo July 1 1916, but called for payment Jan. 1 1916. V.lOl.p.1972.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
call ($500)
. c * n tf[ Safe Dep.& Tr. Co.,Portland. M e.. Trus.
B o n d s .— Tho first consol, bonds are subject to call on 60 days’ notlco at Common, $2,000,000 ($100)...................- ................$1,400,000 - - - - - - - - - 6% J-J
1,400,000 J a n .1 6 ,3 %
10744 & int. on any int. date. Int. at offico o f trustee, N . Y ., or Eastern Pref cum $2,000,000($100)________
1st mortgage collateral trust! 1912
5 g M -N
1.O4O.0OO Nov 1 1942
Trust & Bkg. C o., Bangor. See particulars, bonds, property, &c., V
gold( $500&$l,000)c*&r t flln t . at State St. T r. C o., Boston, trustee.
87, p. 1009. The Public Works Co. bonds are not subject to call; V.
6 g J-D
500,000 Doc. 1 1918
80, p. 2456. $1,000 not reported outstanding owned by Bangor Rv. & Coupon notes $500,000 gold/ 1915
($ 1 0 0 .$500 & $l,000)c*. t flln t . at State St. Tr. C o., Boston, trustee.
Elec. Co. $976,000 Bar Harbor & Union River Power Co. bonds have
been issued, o f which $629,000 are deposited under Bangor R y. & EIoc. Boaumont Traction 1st M l 1903
$600,000 (call, at 10 5 )--tf/In t. at Interstate Tr. & Bank. C o., Trustee.
1st cons. M ., $16,000 are owned by that co., $308,000 in hands of public.



Stock. — Pref. stock Is callable at 110. $50,000 In treasury (In addition
to amount shown above).
D iv id e n d s . — 6 % Is being paid on the preferred stock.
B o n d s . — Authorized amount o f bonds not limited. $160,000 In treasury
In addition to amount outstanding as above. Additional bonds may be
issued for 75% o f cost o f acquisitions, impts., add’ns, &c., under certain
restrictions. Callable as a whole (or In part for sk. fd.) at 105 and Int.
Sink. fd. 1% yearly o f bonds out, begin. N ov. 1 1917. Coup, bonds In denom. o f $1,600 and $500 and reg. bonds o f $5,000 and multiples. V. 95,
p. 1745. The 3-year coup, notes are red. at 100 & Int. on 30 days' notice,
EARN INGS.— For 12 mos. ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $723,091; not,
after taxes, $336,644; Interest, $105,562; surplus, $231,082.
PROPERTY AN D PLANTS.— Combined capacity o f power stations
at Beaumont and Port Arthur, 5,700 k.w.; power is also supplied to Port
Arthur Trac. Co. Capacity o f ice plant at Port Arthur, 75 tons per day.
Miles o f equivalent single track, 28.83; trackage, 2.63, standard gauge;
32 pass, and 3 other cars. Tho 20-milo electric railway between Beaumont
and Port Arthur was formally opened on Dec. 15 1913. V. 97, p. 1822.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Marshall M . Phinnoy; Sec., C. M . Clark; Treas.,
H. B. Sawyer. Gen. Mgrs., Stono & Webster M gt. Assn.; M gr., Edwin
J. Emerson.— V. 93, p. 1791; V. 94, p. 1766; V. 95, p. 1210, 1745; V. 96.
p. 1627, 1629; V. 97, p. 49, 1822; V. 101, p. 1972; V. 102, p. 251, 1811.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Michigan In Jan. 1906 and is a con­
solidation of the Benton Harbor & St. Joseph Electric R y. & Light Co.
and che St. Joseph River Traction Co.
D a te .
In t e r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common ($100)_________ ___ _____
$800,000 __________
Preferred, $400,000 ($ 1 0 0 ).............
6 F-A
See text
Refund mtge *2,500,000 gold/ 1909
5 g M -N
400,000 June 1935
($500 and $1,000)_______ cllnterest at Columbia Tr. C o.,
1st cons M , $1,000,000, gold/ 1906
5 g M -N
830.000 Nov 11935
($500 and $l,00O)_______ clln c. at Columbia Tr. C o., Loulsv., trustee.
B II & S J El Ry & L 1st M ,f 1900
5 g M-S
140,000 Sept 1 1920
$200,000, gold ($1,000)___lin t, at Am. Tr. & Sav. Bank. Chic., trustee.
B o n d s . — Of the $1,000,000 1st consolidated bonds, $170,000 are re­
served to retire prior liens.
They are subject to call on any int. day at
105. The bds. of the old co. after 1910 have a sk. fd. o f $10,000 per ann.
but bonds cannot be called. Soe V. 71, p. 1268; V. 72, p. 282. Or the ref.
bonds, $1,000,000 are reserved for prior liens.
D iv id e n d s . — Pref. divs. at rate or 6% per annum are being paid.
EARNINGS.— For cal. year 1915, gross, $417,252; net, $146,121. In
1914, gross, $440,006; net, $168,945.
ROAD.— Operates 10.36 miles o f single track in St. Josoph and Bonton
Harbor, with extensions of 25 miles through Eau Claire to Dowagiac and
11.33 miles to Watorvllet; also operates 4.73 miles second track, 5.7 milos
sidings, &c., and 3 milos of leased lino, making total mileage operated, 60.12
miles. 60, 70 and 73-lb. girder and T rails. 44 passenger and 34 other cars.
OFFICERS.— Pres., C . K . Mlnary. Benton Harbor, Mich.; V .-P., Hen­
ning Chambers, LoiHsvillo. K y.; Sec., L. W. Botts, Louisville.— V.82,p.333.

BIDDEFORD & SACO R R .— A trolley road.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated Feb. 19 1887.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g . M a t u r it y .
Stock ($50) $100.000.........................
$100,000 A p r .'16,5%
1st mort $300,000 ($1,000) ( 1900 1 g J-D
150,000 June 1 1940
gold c*. No s f but can be/Interest at Fidelity Trust C o., Portland
called In 1920__________ t f( M e., trustee.
D iv id e n d s . — During years end. Juno 30: 1906, 4% ; 1907-09, 5% ; 1910,
7 H % (changed to s.-a.); 1911 and 1912, 5% ; 1913 and 1914, 6% ; 1915, 8% .
In Oct. 1915 and Apr. 1916 paid 5% each.
EARNINGS.— For fiscal years ending June 30:
Y e a r —■
G ro ss.
N et.
I n t ., c%c.
D iv id e n d s .
S u r p lu s .
1913-14 ................. 70.619
ROAD.— Operates 8 miles of track between Saco, Biddeford and Old
Orchard Beacn.
OFFICERS.— President, C. H. Prescott, Biddeford; Secretary and
Treasurer, E. F. Lord.— V. 70, p. 1048; V. 73, p. 494.


& B IN G H A M T O N

R Y .—

ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Delaware Oct. 15 1910. Owns entiro
stock o f tho Scranton & Binghamton R R . and has assumed Its bonds.
The Scranton & Binghamton R R . owns 98% of tho stock o f tho Bingham­
ton R y., tho entiro stock of Scranton & Binghamton Traction Co., a con­
trolling interest in the Northorn Electric R y . and over one-half o f the bonds
of tho Northern Electric Street Ry. (whose stock is owned by the Northern
Electric R y.). Tho Northern Electric Street R y. is leased for 900 years
from July 1 1910 to the Scranton & Binghamton Traction C o., which has
assumed tho former’s bonded debt.
In t e r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $6.000,000.....................................................
$6,000,000 ...................
Scran. & Bing/i/t $10,000,0001 1910
6 J-D
2,500.000 June 1 1960
g($l,000, $500 & $1 00)-.c*/In t. at Anthracite S. Bk., Wilkes-Barro, trus.
Northern Elec St Ry $1,200.-1 1907
5 J-D
1,200,000 Juno 1 1957
000 ($500 and $ l,0 0 0 )-.c * /ln t. at Anthraclto S. Bk., Wilkes-Barro,trus.
B o n d s . — Scranton & Binghamton R li. bonds are callable after Juno 1
1915 at 105 and int. Northern Elec. St. Ry. bonds are red. at 105 and int.
S in k in g f u n d o f $10,000 per annum began Dec. 1 1912.
EARNINGS.— Of tho combinod properties for 12 mos. ending Juno 30
1915. gross, $802,542: not, $317,601.
ROAD.— 40 miles In operation between Scranton and Montrose, with a
branch to Lake Winola. Tho road as projected will extend to Bingham­
ton, N. Y .— V. 100, p. 1833.
(1) Binghamton Railway C o.— A trolley road.
Tho Scranton & Binghamton R R . owns 98% o f tho stock.
ORGANIZATION.— Is a consolidation Sept. 30 1901 o f the Binghamton
R R . Co. (chartered Aug. 11 1892 as a consolidation of all street-railways in
city) and the Bing. Lestersbire & Union RR. Principal fr a n c h is e s granted
by special Acts of Legislature, and are perpetual and practically exclusive.
In Aug. 1915 tho P. S. Comm. auth. tho issue o f $90,000 6% equip, trust
certificates to pay in part for 20 now double-truck cars costing $118,503.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g . M a t u r it y .
Stock, $1,150,000 ($100)...............
4 F-A
See text
Binghamton RR Co mtge/ 1893 5 g J-J
See text
$900,000, g ($ l,0 0 0 )..c * tflln t. at Metropol. Tr. C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
Bing Lost & Un 1st M ($250,-/ 1895 5 g J-D
147.000 June 1 1925
000), gold, principal and]Interest at Metropolitan Trust, Now York
interest guar__________ tfl Binghamton Trust C o.. Trustee.
31ng Ry 1st consol mtge, $2,-| 1901 5 g M -N
1,598,000 Nov 1 1931
500,000 gold ($1,000) c H fjln t . at Fidelity Trust Co., Buffalo, Trustee,
t or Seaboard National Bank. New York.
Equip trust certificates........... 1915
6 F-A
See text
B o n d s . — The bonds of 1893 mature $5,000 yearly 1910 to 1917: $10,000
yearly 1918 to 1922 and balance Sept. 1 1923. Of tho Binghamton Ry. 1st
consol, mtge., enough are reserved to retire underlying bonds and the re­
mainder for acquisitions, extens., &c., under careful restrictions. They are
S u b . to c a ll at 110 & int. Soo V. 73. p. 1312; V. 78. p. 701; V. 88, p. 748.
Tho equip, trust certificates o f 1915 mature $5,000 s.-a.
D iv ia e n d s . — 2% was paid Jan. 31 1902: 2% Mar. 3 1903; 2% April 11
1904 and 2% April 10 1905. A scrip dividend of 20% was paid April 18
1905. In 1906,2)*% . In 19 07.2 )*% . In 1908,2)*% . In 1909. Sept.,
2 )* % . In 1910. Sept.. 2 )* % . In 1911. Sept.. 3 % . In 1912 and 1913,
4 % . In 1914, Feb., 2% . None since. Wo were officially informed in
July 1914 that "no dividends can be declared for two years.” V. 99, p. 269.
ROAD.— Onerates 49.74 miles of track. Connects Binghamton with
Lestershire, Hooper, Endicott, Union and Port Dickinson. Standard
gauge, 60-lb. to 103-lb. T and girder rial; 75 motor cars and 27 trail cars.
EARNINGS.— For year ending Dec. 31:
Y ea r— ,
G ross.
N et.
In t . A T axes.
S u r p lu s .
1915------------ ------------------$546,300
1914..................................... 503,486

[Vol . 102

OFFICERS.— Pres., F. L. Fuller; V.-P., R. W. Day; V.-P. & Gen. M gr..
C. S. Banghart; Sec., W. H. Hecox; Treas., E. M . White. Office, Bing­
hamton, N. Y .— V. 93, p. 665, 1190, 1785: V. 94, p. 205. 349, 1117; V. 95.
p. 360; V. 98, p. 522, 837; V. 99, p. 269; V. 100, p. 980.

B IR M IN G H A M R Y . L IG H T & P O W E R .

Controlled by the American Cities Co. (see under “ New Orleans” ), which
owns 89.11% of the common and 79.16% of the preferred stock.
ORGANIZATION.— Consolidation on June 13 1901 of tho Birmingham
Gas C o., the Consolidated Electric Light Co. and tho Birmingham Ity..
Light & Power Co. Owns and operates the greater part of the street rail­
way, gas and electric-light and power business of Birmingham and all tho
principal near-by cities and towns. B 'ran ch ises covering gas, electric-light
and power business and street railway lines .are, with some unimportant ex­
ceptions, stated to be perpetual. Owns and operates a steam-heating plant
in Birmingham. Has a contract with the Alabama Power Co. by which the
latter furnishes electricity for operating tho railways and also for light and
power service in Birmingham. V. 98, p. 1691.
D a le .
In te r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common ($100), $ 3 ,9 0 0 ,0 0 0 --____
See text
Pref($100) ,$3,900,000 6% c u m ___
3,500,000 Doc. 15, 3%
Birmingham Ry & El 1st M gf 1894
5 g J -J
885,000 July 2 1924
$1,250,000 ($1,000)_c*| Int. at Central
Trust C o., N. Y. BirmingN o t su b ject to c a ll.
Iham Tr. & Sav. Co-, Birmingham, Trus.
Gen M . ref, $10,000,000./ 1904
4H g A-O 8,720,000 April 1 1954
gold ($l.000>__________ c*{Int. at Commerclal-Gormania Tr. & Sav.llk.,
1 New Orl., Trus., or at N. Y. Tr. C o., N .Y .
Rer & exten M $25,000,000/ 1907
6 g M -N
4,384,000 May 1 1957
($1,000) gold sink, fund.c*/Interest at Old Colony Trust C o., Boston.
N o t sub ject to c a ll.
1 Trustee, and N . Y. agency of company.
2-year notes $2,000,000 ($ l,-f 1915 6 M-N
1,195.000 May 1 1917
000)----------------------------- c*\lnt. at Union Trust C o., Now York.
to 100-lb. T and girder rails. A 20-milo extension from Birmingham to
B o n d s . — Of the new $25,000,000 bonds, $9,605,000 are reserved for prior
liens, $1,200,000 for tho cost of new power houso if first Hon on same, and
$9,811,000 for 80% of the cost of additions if tho not earnings are 1 )*
times the Int. on all bonds outstanding, Incl. those to be Issued, and provided
10% of gross earnings have been expended for maintenance within previous
12 months. The directors may make the rate of int. on succeeding install­
ments not to exceed 0% . Sinking fund of )* of 1% of bonds out commences
Sept. 1 1918. Bonds purchased to be held alive and Int. thereon re invested.
For details of bonds, property, &c., see V. 87, p. 1603. Of tho gen. M . of
1904, no more bonds can be Issued. Sinking fund of )* of 1% of bonds out
begins Aug. 1 1924. The bonds are su b . to c a ll at 105 & int. on any Int.
day on 60 days’ notice.
For 1st 5s of 1894 $12,500 per ann. is pay. into
a s in k , f d . ; $365,000 have been cancolod. Tho 2-year notes are rod. at
101 and int. to M ay 1 1916 and at 100)4 and int. thereafter. Remaining
notes are reserved for oxtonsions, impts., &c. V. 100. p. 1591.
D iv id e n d s . — First dlv. on pref. stock, of 3 % , paid In Jan. 1902, and 3%
was paid s.-a. thereafter to and incl. Doc. 1914; in Juno 1915, none; Doc.,
3% . On com. stock In 1903, 3% ; in 1904, 4%3;! in luUOi
1905, 44%
% !; in lyiju,
1906, 5%
o% i;
' ----------in 1907 and 1908, nono; in 1909, 2% ; in 1910, 5 “% ;ln
1911, 7% : In
in 1913 and 1914, 6% ; nono since.
RE PO RT.— For calendar years:
G ross

N e t a fter

In teres t a n d

S u r p . ,f o r

O lh . d e d u c tio n s , r e n e w ..A c .
Y ea r—
E a rn s.
T a xes.
1915........................ $2,987,251
1914 ......................... 3,217,826
ROAD.— Operates over 153.74 m. of single track In cities of Birmingham,
to 100-lb. T girder rails. A 20-mile extension from Birmingham to
Bessemer and In Jefferson County.
Standard gauge. All but 26 milos 70
to 100-lb. T girder rails. A 20-mile extension from Birmingham to
Warrior River, It is reported, is under consideration. Owns 250 passenger,
62 freight and 25 miscellaneous cars. Total, 337. Power station, capacity
17,700 k.w. Also purchases hydro-electric powor.
OFFICERS.— Pres. & Gen. M gr., J. S. Pevear, Birmingham; V .-P., Lee
C. Bradley; Sec. & Treas., J. P. Ross; Asst. Sec. & Asst. Treas., N. H.
Hawkins.— V. 97, p. 363; V. 98, p. 1535, 1691; V. 100, p. 395, 1708, 1509,
1591; V. 101, p. 2143.


S a le . — Tho property was bid in for $700:000 at public auction on Oct. 28
1915 by the reorganization committee. V. 102, p. 152.
R eo r g a n iz a tio n .— On Jan. 4 1916 Barber, Watson & counsel
for tho reorg. committee, wrote: "The plan of reorganization (dated
Sept. 15 1915) approved by the depositors is an altornativo plan, but which
.alternative will bo carried out has not yot boon docidod, and it will not be
for some timo.” The plan providos as follows: (a) If It is possibio to se­
cure tho guaranty of prin. and int. of tho issue of bonds shown bolow by a
responsible guarantor, tho proposod new company will bo organized with
the following securities:
Common stock, not to exceed________________________________ $1,590,000
6% non-cum. pref. (p. & d .), equal voting powor with com m on.. 1,060,000
1st M . 5% 30-yoar gold bonds. Auth., $4,000,000. Datod
Jan. 1 1916. Red. on any int. dato at 101 and Int___________ 1,500,000
Depositing holders of present 1st M . bonds will iccolvo 50% of their
holdings in tho now bonds, amounting to , say $1,262,650. Remaining
$237,350 presently to bo issued will bo sold for cash requirements.
Tho now stock will be delivered in wholo or In part to tho guarantor of
tho bonds, as a consideration for such guaranty, any part not so used to go
into company’s treasury.
If it be found impossible to carry out tho foregoing plan, tho 1st M .
30-yoar 5s shall bo for tho auth. prin. amount of $1,000,000, whereof
$250,000 to bo issued for cash. In this caso tho entiro stock is to bo doposited with voting trustoes for 5 years, tho first trusteos, 3 in numbor, to
be named by the committee; trustoes will havo powor to soil tho stock at
any timo as an entirety. Tho voting trust certificates shall bo dlstiibutod
among depositing bondholders, who will rccoivo 40% of their holdings in
pref. stock v. t. ctfs.'and 60% in com. stock v. t. ctfs., calling for $1,009,­
120 and $1,515,180 thoreof, raspoctlvoly. Any balanco to go into troasury.
Soo V. 101. p. 1013.
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
1st M $3,500,000 g ($1,000,1 1911
5 M-S
2.650,000 Mar 1 1941
$500 and $100)______c * t f /ln t at Equitable Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustee
EARNINGS.— Receivers report for 12 mos. end. Aug. 31 1914 (V. 99,
p. 1526) shows: Gross rovonuo, $220,655: net earnings, $69,151; bond Int.,
$110,000; franchise tax, &c.. $7,400; deficit, $48,249. Passengers carriod
12 months ending Aug. 31 1914, 4,790,724.
ROAD.— Owns and operates 19.162 miles of 1st main track, 12.145 milos
2d main track, 0.805 miles sidings, &c., 0.676 miles inisc.; total, 32.788
miles. 85-Ib. steel rails; standard gauge. Has 25 P-A-Y-E steel coaches.
26 dump cars. 3 flat cars, 8 misc. cars. 1 Baldwin locomotive and 1 ton-ton
crano.— V. 97, p. 363: V. 99, p. 673, 747, 814, 894. 1129, 1365, 1526, 1748,
1908; V. 100, p. 732; V. 101, p. 129,693, 1013, 1092. 1552; V. 102, p. 152.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Indiana Juno 1914 as a reorganization
of the old Marion Bluffton & Eastern Trac. C o., sold under foreclosure In
Feb. 1914. The old company was placed In receivership as a result of
a head-on collision on July 7 1912 in which four persons wero killed and 60
or more injured (V. 95, p. 297).
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $216,000 ($100)...........................................
$2 1 6 ,0 0 0 ...................
1st M gold $501,000 ($1,000)/ 1914
5 g J-J
504,000 July 1 1934
S i n k . f d . 1% per annum.
\Int. at Flotcher Sav.& Tr. Co., IndIanap.,Tr.
EARNINGS.— For cal. year 1915, gross, $111,254; not, *35,304.
ROAD.— Oporates 32 milos of track betweon Marlon, whero connection
Is made with Union Trac. Co. of Indiana lines and Ind. Rys. & Light Co.,
and Bluffton, Ind., connecting there with Fort Wayne & Northorn Indiana
Trac. and Union Trac. Co. of Indiana. Standard gauge. 70-lb. T rail.
OFFICERS.— Pres., James W. Sale; V.-P., Abram Simmon; Sec., W. A.
Patten; Treas., J. S. Gilliland; And., James S. Clark. V. 98, p. 1920;
V. 99, p. 196.
ORGANIZATION, &c.— Organized in Indiana in 1907. l’rlvato right
of way. Stock, $450,000 coin., $225,000 (5% cum.— J.-J.) prof. Road,
19 miles of track between Bluffton and Genova through Vera Cruz and Linn
Grove. Pres., H. C. Arnold; V .-P., A. G. Briggs; Sec., G. S. Markley;
Treas., W. A. Kunkel; And. & Purch. Agent, James S. Clark.


Ma y , 19 0.]

ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in 1914 and In 1915 merged the IdahoOregon Light & Power Co. (sold at foreclosure Jan. 18 1915) as per plan

___ _____


for~moriy ownod by'theso companies (except that of the Boise R R ., which
was not acquired at foreclosure sale, but turned back to E. II. Jonnings
and associates, the former owners) wore transferred to tho Electric Invest­
ment Co incorp. in Del. in Jan. 1915 with $50,000 auth. cap. stock, all
of which'is owned by tho Nat. Secur. Corn. V. 101. p. 846. On Jan. 8
1916 tho properties of tho Great Shoshone & Twin Falls Water Power Co.
woro acquired at foreclosure sale for $2,000,000, tho upsot price. V. 102,
p 255
Negotiations aro ponding with the Amer. Water-Works & Elec. Co.
for control of tho Southern Idaho Water Power Co.
Proposed, C apitalization o f N a tio n a l S ecurities C orporation to be a s follow s:
D a te .
In te rest. Outstanding.
M a tu rity .


Common stock $15,000,000— -----Prof. 7 % cum after Jan 1 1 ____
1919 $6.000,000........ ........

------------ abt.$7,000,000 ------------------7%
Nono .................. ..

See text abt.4,000,000 July 1 1944
Debenture ......................1914
bonds gold ($10,­
000,000) ($100, & c)........... Astor Trust C o., Now York. Trustee.
abt.4,000,000 July 1 1944
Income bonds gold $10,000.­ 1914
wuw ($100. &c) ____________ .Bankers Trust C o., New York, Trustee.
Coil (prior lien) notes g $10,-1 1914
6 J-J
See below July 1 1924

000,000($1,000 & $500)
(Interest payable in New York.
Stock. — Voting trust agreement dated Nov. 25 1914. No pref. is to be
Issued at present.
____ ____ . . . „
B o n d s . — Tho debenture bonds bear a fixed interest of 6 % , of which 3%
must be paid in cash In 1915, 4 % in 1916, 5 % in 1917 and tho entiro 6 %
thereafter. The difference between tho foregoing rates and 6 % to bo paid
In cash, if earned; otherwise, in certificates of indebtedness, payable in cash
on or before Dec. 1 1918. Callablo at 101 and lnt. on any Int. day. The
Income bonds rank next in priority to debs., and, after Interest in full on
the latter, aro entitled to receive as int. tho earnings up to 6 % on the
amount outstanding. Both issues of bonds are convertible into pref. stock.
The collateral (prior lion) notes woro subscribed for at 90, with a bonus in
common stock. Rod. at 101 and int. on any int. day.
is understood, will not exceed $3,038,000.— V. lOO, p. 1168, 1516, 1673, 2010
V . 101, p .8 4 0 .



Secretary of War an extension of time for the completion o f the bridge until
M ay 1 1918.
D a m a g e s by N o is e . — In Aug. 1902 Judge Mason, in the Superior Court
at Boston, held that the company is liable for damages from noise caused
by tho operation of trains. V. 75, p. 496. This was affirmed April 1903
oy Massachusetts Supreme Court. V. 76, p. 809.
W age In c r e a s e A w a r d . — At midnight Jan. 15 1914 the board of arbitrators
granted the company’s car men an Increase of wages, retroactive to M ay 1
1913, also shorter hours, &c. For surface car men tho advance in maximum
rate per hour was from 28.9 to 32 cts., elevated motormen from 30.3 to 34
cts., &c. Tho award. It Is said, will cost the company about $300,000 tho
first year, $400,000 tho 2d and $500,000 the 3d year. V. 98, p. 385.
In Oct. 1915 sold $3,286,000 additional bonds. Under Mass, law bonds
may bo issued only up to tho par value of the company’s stock plus paid-in
remiums, amounting on June 30 1915 to $26,586,828. No new bonds may
o issued, therefore, until additional stock has been put out. See remarks
in annual report for year ending Juno 30 1915 in V. 101. p. 1550 — V. 101.
p. 1369, 1712.
D a te . In t e r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock, $23,950,000 ($100).................
$23,879,400May’16,K %
Debentures, gold-._c& r.n tf| 1905
4 g M -N
8,500,000 M ay 1 1935
(Old Colony Trust C o., Boston. Registrar.
Debentures,gold.........c& r.n tf 1907
434 A-O
4,800.000 Oct
1 1937
Debentures, gold..-C *& r*_ntf 1911 4(4 M -N
5,000,000 N ov 1 1941
Debentures. g o ld --.c * & r* .n tf 1912 5 J-D
8,286.000 Dec 11942
Notes payable, Jan. 11916__ ____
2,850,000 __________
B o n d s . — The coupon bonds are in denominations of $500 and $11,000
(except 1911 issue, which are for $1,000 only), and registered bonds of all
Issues are in denominations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $50,000.
In Dec. 1908 the Massachusetts Railroad Commission sanctioned
$6,650,000 additional stock (raising stock to $19,950,000) at S110 per share,
to defray the cost of the Cambridge subway and for tho construction of the
East Cambridge and West End elevated lines. V. 87, p. 1662; V. 88, p.
1372. In Dec. 1912 increased its stock from $19,950,000 to $23,950,000
and offered stockholders the right to subscribe for new stock at $105 per
share. V. 95, p. 1272; V. 96. p. 61.
D iv id e n d s . — First div., 23<%, was paid Aug. 15 1898. In 1899, 534% ;
In 1900, 434%; in 1901, 5J4%: In 1902 to 1913 inclusive, 6% yearly; in
1914 rate was reduced and in Feb. 2% was paid. In July 1914 it was de­
cided to pay dividends at rate of 134 % quarterly, thus restoring the old 6%
rate (V. 99, p. 341) and in Aug. 134% was paid; N ov., 1(4% . In 1915,
Feb., 134%; in M ay only 1% was paid (V. 100, p. 1509, 1591). In Aug.
1915,134% (V. 101, p.368); N ov., 134%. In 1916, Feb., 134% :M ay,34%


ANNUAL REPO RT.— Report of Boston Elevated R y. for year ending
O R G AN IZAT IO N .— Charter granted in 1897 providos for an oxtonsive June 30 1915 in V. 101, p. 1550.
system of freo transfers. The company also, in addition to regular street
railway taxes, has to pay J 4 of 1% of gross "earnings of all lines owned, Revenue miles run......... 57,805,695 57,990,436 57,784,319 54,790,173
loasod or operated by it,” and a sum equal to tho excess of the dividends Revenue pass. carriod._346,316.584 343,181,049 326,352,863 310,310.009
over 6 % . Its charter, however, is understood to "grant it exemption from
E a r n in g s —
reduction of faros, and also other immunities.” (See Massachusetts R R . Passenger____________ 17,269.034
17.112,925 16,268,607 15.467,352
Commission, V. 65, p. 1223.)
Malls, rents, adv. &c__
On April 29 1903 leased from tho Old Colony Street R y. (now merged in
the Bay State St. Ry.) all that company’s tracks in the city of Boston,
T o ta l_______________ 17,798,608 17.629,617 16,808,90S 15.904,047
amounting to 23.753 miles. Tho lease Is for 99 years and providos that Net earnings__________
besides paying taxes the Elevated Co. will pay 6 1 4 % of replacement value Interest on deposits, & c.
(appraised at $353,979. less tho rental or certain short pieces of track Int. from securs. owned.
appraised at $13,866) of the property loased as of date Fob. 16 1903, and Int. charged to construe.
4 % on tho cost of all additions and bottermonts.
Inc. from sink, fund, &c.
L ease o f W est E n d . — Tho West End Stroot R y. is loasod until Juno 10 1922,
C onsolidation with W est E nd Street R y. — In July 1911 Massachusetts
T o ta l_______________ 6,598,566
Legislature passed an Act (signed by the Governor on July 21 1911) super"
D e d u c tio n s —
seding that approved M ay 28 1908 (V. 86, p. 917, 1342), permitting tho
consolidation of Boston Elov. and West End St. Ry. at tho oxpiratlon of Int. on Wost End d e b t..
the present lease, on Juno 10 1922. 8 % cum. 1st pref. stock of Bost. Elov. Taxos, West End______
(having tho ordinary voting powers, but not "entitled to participate in any Taxes, Boston Elovatod
Incroasoor Issuoof new stock, com. or prof.” ), to bo Issued, $ for $. for West Taxos on earnings______
End prof, and 7 % cum. (or 8 % if arbitrators so deckle) 2d prof, (having Rental of subway______
all voting powers without exception) for com. stock of West End. After Divs. on Wost End stock 1,430,323
tho issuo or the new pref. shares no other stock to bo issued "prior or equal Divs. on Som. Horso Ry.
to such 1st pref. and 2d pref. stock without tho consent of two-thirds of the Rent. Old C. St.Ity.,&c.
holders of such stocks, respectively." The Act also provided that tho Street Int.on
Ry. forthwith sell to tho Elevated Co. all unused real estate, tho proceeds Int. on unfunded d e b t..
not exceeding $1,500,000 to be invested as a special trust fund and to accum- Wash’t’n St. tunnel rent
ulatountll June 10 1922. Thereafter tho annual incomo thereof shall bo East Boston tunnel rent
applied to cancellation of 2d pref. stock. When all tho 2d pref. has been Camb'dgo Connoc. rent.
retired then said fund shall bo applied by the Elevated Ry. Co. to any Boylston St. subw. rent.
purpose for which stock and bonds can legally bo issued. Soo terms of Act
in V. 93, p. 344. Shareholders of both tho Boston Elov. and West End St. ltoconstruc., &c., ros’ ves
Ry. approved tho Act; the former on Aug. 24 1911 and tho latter on Sept. 6
1911. V. 93, p. 666. Holders of West End com. and prof, stock may on
Total deductions____ 5,274,347
or before Juno 101922 exchange tholr stock at par for Elevated Ry. common
Balance_______________ 1,324,219
After June 10 1922 holders of Bost. Elev. 1st or 2d prof, may exchange Dividends.................. (534)1.313,367 (5)1,193,970 (6)1.197,000 (6)1,197,000
their stock for an equal amount at par of Bost. Elev. common.
On Sept. 5 1911. in a suit brought to test the constitutionality of the
Balance for year_____sur.10,852
sur.63,199 dof.496,377 def.491.632
Merger Act, Judge Colt in U. S. District Court sustainod thodomurrerof
R o a d J u n e 30 1915 (“ J?” S ta n d s f o r R a p i d T r a n s it T r a c k ) .
the West End St. R y. and dismissed tho suit to prevent the merger. V 95
p. 618. New suit brought by a West End shareholder in Franco on Doc. 31
M i le s .
M ile s .
See V. 98, p. 74.
Main 1st track (13.680 " R " ) -244.641 Owned by Wost End______ 420.924
Subw ays.— In Doc. 1896 tho West End Streot Ry. loasod tho right to uso
Main 2d track (13.460 "R ")-209.963 k’go,&c.(36.853“ R ’ ’)99.798
tho Tromont St. subway in Boston. Soo terms under Wost End Stroot Ry
Sidings, &c. (9.713 " R " ) ____66.118
On Doc. 24 1904 tho East Boston tunnel (under Boston Harbor) was*
Total (incl. 36.853 " R ” ) . . 520.722
loasod by the Boston Elevated R y. until Juno 10 1922 for a rontal of % of 1 %
Total (incl. 36.853 " R ” ) . .520.722 Electrically
equipped______ 527.388
of earnings of all lines owned, loased or operated. Tho company also col­
Weight of girder rails is 70 to 150 lbs. Cars,_____________
3,746; horses, 231; electric
lects a toll of lc. per person, which goes to tho city; but under tho goneral
602. Capacity of
extension of contracts made in 1911, this provision will bo eliminated after
Juno 10 1922. Tho tunnel was opened Dec. 30 1904. It oxtends from tho all stations, 131,490 k. w.
main land to East Boston, 1.4 miles, and cost $3,500,000.
OFFICERS.— Pres., William A . Bancroft; V .-Ps., Charles S. Sergean
On Juno 28 1902 Washington Street Subway bill becamo a law. Tho city and Matthew O. Brush: Troas., Henry L. Wilson; Sec., Henry S. Lyons
constructed a tunnel for elevated trains and loased samo to tho Boston Gen. Aud., J. Henry Neal.— V. 100, p. 1509, 1591, 1751, 2008; V. 101. p.
Elovatod Ry. for 25 years at an annual rontal of 4>$ % of total cost of con­ 287, 368, 1369. 1550, 1712; V. 102, p. 1058, 1625.
struction, which at Jan. 1 1916 was $7,901,700 net. V. 88, p. 98. PropoC o m p a n ie s C o n tro lle d by B o sto n E lev a te d R a ilw a y C o .
sltion was ratified by voters at Dec. 1902 election. V. 75, p. 28. 496, 1315;
V. 77, p. 2097: V. 82, p . 217. Tho Washington Streot tunnel began oper­
(1) W est End Street Railway.— A trolley road.
ation Nov. 30 1908. V. 87, p. 1477.
ORGANIZATION.— Leased to Boston Elevated Ry. until June 10 1922
In June 1906 tho Mass. Legislature passed a law permitting tho Boston
Elov. to construct two subways in Cambridge, and to issuo stock or bonds to at 7% on common and 8% on preferred in addition to the payment of
meet the cost. At tho end or 20 yoars tho city of Gambridgo is to liavo tho rentals, interest and other charges. Elevated assumed possession Jan. 1
right to purchaso thoso subways by paying their cost plus 7 % int., loss divi­ 1898. See terms in V. 65, p. 1223. Consolidation authorized with the
dends. V . 83, p. 93. On Jan. 4 1912 tho first through train was run in tho Boston Elevated R y. .See particulars under latter company.
In Doc. 1896 leased the rignt to use the Tremont Street subway at 434 %
now subway; it was opened for public travel Mar. 23 1912. V. 94, p. 1185.
N ew Construction o f Subways and Old C ontracts Extended. — In July 1911 o f its net cost, stated approximately as $5,786,000 In Sept. 1898, when the
Mass. Legislature passed an Act (accepted by tho city and Boston Elev. third and last section was opened. Entiro length is 1 2-3 miles, with a
in Sept. 1911) providing for tho construction by tho city of three additional trackage of about 5 miles. See V. 63, p. 1065, 1117; V. 67, p. 528. See
subways, viz., Dorchester Tunnel, Boylston St. Subway and East Boston Bost. Elev. for extension of contract and new construction.
The 1, 2 and 3-yoar 5% deb. bonds woro issued to provide for tho $4,743,­
Tunnel extensions, and tho extension of all oxisting contracts until July 1
1936, tho date to which contracts for now lines aro to run. Annual rontal 000 bonds which fell due Aug. 1 1915.
In April 1916 the Mass. P. S. Comm. auth. two bond issues of $815,000
after oxpiratlon of old contracts to bo as follows: Tremont St. Subway
(soo under Wost End), 414% on net cost; East Boston tunnel (now expiring and $1,581,000, the former to provide for tho $815,000 4% bonds which
Juno 10 1922), 414% on net cost (provision for tolls from passengers using fell duo May 1 1916. and tho latter to refund $1,581,000 serial deb. bonds o f
tho tunnel eliminated for extension period); Washington St. tunnel (now 1915, due Aug. 1 1916. V. 102, p. 1347, 1542.
expiring N ov. 30 1933), 414% on net cost. Annual rontal for now linesSTOCK AND BONDS—
D a te.
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Cambridge connection, for first 20 years, 414 % on not cost; thereafter 4 (4 %
Com stock ($50) $13,445,150 ...........
7 A-O
$13,445,150 Apr ’ 16. 334
on net cost; Dorchester and Boylston tunnels and East Boston tunnel ex­ Preferred ($50) $6.400,000...............
8 J-J
6.400.000 Jan.’ 16, 4%
tension, 414 % on net cost. Tho Act also providos that all contracts aro to 6% bonds of 1914..................... 1914
5 M-S
2.600.000 Mar 1 1944
continue after July 1 1936 until terminated by a two-years’ notice by either Gold bonds of 1897, $2,700,-1 1897
4 g F-A
2.700.000 Feb 1 1917
party. Tho various now leases and extensions of old loasos were signed bv
000 not m ortg a g e.--c.n tfj
tho partios thereto on Dec. 7 1911. V. 93, p. 1785.
4 F-A
Bonds ($1,000)...........c*_n tf 1902
5.709.000 Aug 1 1932
Tho now Boylston St. rapid transit subway on which work was begun Bonds ($700.000)-..c& r.n tf 1908
700.000 Jan 1 1923
434 J-J
Mar. 8 1912, was oponed for traffic Oct. 3 1914 from tho Tromont St. sub­ Bonds ($1,000).......... c& r.n tf 1910
1.604.000 July 1 1930
4 34 J-J
5 M-N
way, near Charles St., and the Public Gardens, westward toward Brook- Bonds................................... n tf 1912
600.000 Nov 1 1932
1,2 & 3 year deb bonds______ 1915
5 F-A
lino, 114 miles. Tho subway cost tho city about $4,500,000 (V. 99, p.1213).
See text
Tho extension of tho East Boston Tunnel, on which construction was begun Bonds.......................................... 1916 5 M -N
815.000 M ay 1 1936
Nov. 29 1912, was opened March 18 1916, permitting an 18-minuto schodulo Bonds________________________ 1916
See text
o n d s .— Interest on all Issues is .payable
Trust Co
from Central Squaro, Cambridge, to Mavorick Squaro, Boston. Estimated
expenditure on this project, $2,400,000. V. 102, p. 1058. Construction Tho serial deb. bonds of 1915 mature $1,581,000 yearly Aug. 1 1916.
of tho Dorchester Tunnel, which is to bo an extension of tho Cambridge 1917 and 1918.
subway, was begun on May 30 1912, and is well under way. On April 4
OFFICERS.— Pres., Joseph B. Russell; Treas., Parkman Dexter.—
1915 trains began operating to Washington Station, just oast of tho V. 100, p.983, 1169,11919; V. 101, p. 371,450; V. 102. p. 713, 1347, 1542.
tho Summer and Wlntor stations of tho Washington Stroot Tunnol. Cost
(2) Somerville Horse RR.
of this tunnel without equipment is estimated at upwards of $9,900,000.
Everett Elevated E xten sion . — The P. S. Comm, grantod an oxtonslon of
Owns 8.03 miles of track. Leased to West End Street Ry. for $9,180
time for construction of tho Everett extension till Fob. 20 1917 and tho yearly— 6% on $153,000 stock. Dividends are payable M . & N. in Boston.



O R G A N IZA T IO N .— This company Is a voluntary association formed In
N ov. 1901 on the same lines as the Mass. Electric Companies. Con­
trols through stock ownership the Middlesex & Boston Street R y. (into
which the Natick & Cochituate St. R y ., the Westboro & Hopkin St. R y.,
the Newton & Bos. St. R y ., the Newton St. R y. and the Lex. & Boston St.
R y. have been merged). In 1902 purchased Norumbega Park and Lexing­
ton Park. In 1908 Massachusetts R R . Comm, sustained action increasing
fares on several of the subsidiary lines from 5 to 0 cents. V . 87, p. 345.
Has acquired freight rights In several of the towns along Its lines.
ST O C K .— Shares have no par value, but in case of liquidation the pre­
ferred shareholders will bo entitled to $100 per share, with accrued dividends,
the common shares participating pro rata In the remaining assets. (See
V . 73, p. 1159,1263.) In 1904 15,635 shares of preferred and 15,635 shares
of common were offered to shareholders at $66 6 / for one share of pref. and
one share of common Jointly. Listed on Boston Stock Kxch. in Apr. 1905.
n o n M ay 22 1913 the stockholders authorized the cancellation of the 32,387
shares of cum. pref. stock outstanding and the Issue of notes in place of
same, holders having the option of taking cash or notes for their stock.
V . 90. p . 1487.
D a te . I n te rest.

O utstanding.

M a tu r ity .

Common stock_______________ _____ ____________ 50,296 sh. ______________
Preferred stock, $4 per sh, cum_____
31,387 sh.
A p r ’16, $1
Coupon notes, $2,000,000/ 1909 4 J-D
Apr 1 1919
($100, $500 and $1,000)___(Interest at Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Co.
N o tes . — The 1909 notes are not specially secured, but are simple obliga­
tions of the association, subject to call on any Interest date on 60 days’
notice at 105 before Doc. 1 1914; thereafter at 102/4 . V . 89, p. 1068.
R O AD .— Companies owned and controlled operate In the aggregate about
131 miles of track from Needbam on the south to Lowell on the north, and
connecting at five points with the tracks of the Boston Elevated R y. At
Westboro connection is made with the Worcester Consolidated.
D iv id en d s. — First of $1 on preferred paid April 1902; also $1 July 1902
and $1 Oct. 1902. In 1903, $4; in 1904, $2 50; In 1905, $2; in 1906, $2 75;
In 1907, $3. Jan., April and July 1908 dlv. passed. In Oct. 1908 divs.
resumed, and paid 75 cents. In 1909, $3. In 1910 to 1913. Incl., $4. In
1914, Jan., SI; April, SI; July, SI; N ov., 50c. (V. 99, p. 1365). In Jan.
1915 $1 (V. 100, p. 138); April, $1; July, 50c.; Oct., 50c. In 1916, Jan..
$1; April, $1. Arrears of dividends, $11.50.
R EPO R T.— For year ending June 30 1915: Income, gross, $160,448,
net, $111,363; dividends, $109,855; surplus,($1,508.
OFFICERS.— Pres.. Adams D . Olaflin; V .-P .. Sydney Harwood; Treas.,
Ohas. W . Smith; Sec., A . A . Ballantlne; Asst. Treas., G. M . Cox.— V . 94.
p. 281; V . 95, p. 817; V . 96, p. 1487; V . 97. p. 49; V . 99. p. 747, 1365; V.
100, p. 138; V . 101. p. 845, 1188; V . 102, p. 152.
(1) Middlesex & Boston Street R y.— Trolley.
O R G A N IZA T IO N .— Organized in 1907 and took over the South Middle­
sex Street Iiy ., sold at receivers’ sale July 1 1907, and has since acquired
andimerged the Westborough & Hopkinton St. R y ., the Natick & Cochitu­
ate St. R y. (V . 87, p. 1420), the Newton St. R y. (into which Waltham St.
R y. had been merged, and which had acquired Commonwealth Ave. St. Ry.
and Wellesley & Boston St. R y .), V . 89, p. 778, and the Newton & Boston
St. R y. (V. 89, p. 993). On M ay 9 1912 Mass. R R . Commission granted
permission to absorb by consolidation the Lexington & Boston St. R y. and
Issue $525,000 stock in exchange $ for $ for stock of absorbed company;
V . 94. p. 1317.
On Aug. 1 1908 Mass. R R . Commission gave a decision sustaining New­
ton St. R y .’s right to charge 6-cent fares and to charge one cent extra
(beyond the ordinary 5 cents) for each transfer issued. See V. 87, p. 345.
In Aug. 1909 Comm, granted the Middlesex & Boston tho right (for an
experimental period of one year) to charge one cent extra (beyond the regular
5 cents) for each transfer Issued; In Aug. 1910 privilege was continued for
another year and In Aug. 1911 privilege was again extended and was never
withdrawn. On Oct. 28 1914 Commission authorized the company to
establish a uniform faro of 6 cents throughout its system, with free transfer
privileges, but to sell 9 tickets for 50 cents and school/tickets at rate of ten
for 30 cents, both good between fare limits where the cash fare formerly
was 5 cents. V . 99, p. 1366.
D a le .
In te rest. O utstanding.
M a tu r ity .
$1,987,000 In 1915, 4 %
Stock, $ 1 ,9 8 7 ,0 0 0 ................- ..................................
First and ref M , $5,000,000? 1912 1 4 /4 g J-J
1,483,000 Jan 1 1932
gold ($1,000)____________ c lln t. at Boston Safe Dep. & Tr. C o ., trustee.
Lex & Bost 1st M , $500,000,/ 1900
4 /4 g A-O
500,000 July 1 1920
g ($1,000), callable 105-.c*llnterestat Beacon Trust C o ., Boston, trustee
Current liabilities June 30 1915_____________________ 1,195,200 - ..................
B onds. — Remaining first and refunding bonds are rosorvod for additions,
extension and Bmprovomonts. Callablo on any interest date on 30 days
notice as follows: Jan. 1 1917 to July 1 1921, inclusive, at 107/4 and Int.;
Jan. 1 1922 to July 1 1926. Inclusive, at 105 and int.; Jan. 1 1927 to
July 1 1931, inclusive, at 102/4 and int. V . 94, p. 351.
“ E A R N IN G S.— For year ending June 30 1915. gross, $1,017,803: net,
after taxes, $238,042; charges. $158,343; dlvs. (4 % ). $79,480: surp.,$219.
ROAD. — Owns 95.904 miles of track In Newton. Waltham, Water­
town, Natick. Wellesley, Framingham. Hopkinton. Needham. Westboro,
Sherburn, Wayland, Belmont and Ashland, connecting with the Worcester
Consolidated Street R y .. tho Boston Elevated R y. (at 4 points), &c.
Forms a link In a through line from Boston to Worcester. Also owns 32.356
miles of track, leases 0/745 mile; total, 33.101 miles, extending from Arling­
ton Heights (terminus of Boston Elov. system) through Lexington and Bed­
ford to Billerica, where cars go through to Lowell without change, and also
to the Sullivan Square, Charlestown, station of the Boston Elev. R y., with
branches to Waltham and to Concord. Total track owned, 128.254 miles.
264 pass, and 14 work cars; 26 snow plows. 60 to 75-lb. T . and 95-lb.
lrder rails.— V . 89, p. 778, 993; V. 9J, p. 731, 1787; V . 94. p. 207, 351,
317; V . 97, p. 237: V . 99. p. 120, 343, 1366, 1598; V . 101. p. 2071.


O R G A N IZA T IO N .— Formed in M ay 1899. Is not an incorporated
company, but a voluntary association managed by a board of fifteen trus­
tees, who hold the title to its assets. The trust runs for 21 years, or until
June 29 1920, at which time the affairs of the Association are to be liqui­
dated (tho pref. shares having a first claim upon the assets for $100 per share
together with all unpaid accumulations of dividends) unless prior to that
time, at a mooting called for that purpose, two-thirds of the shares then out­
standing shall voto to continue its existence. V . 97, p. 1823. Messrs. E .
Rollins Morse & Br. and Tucker, Anthony & Co. of Boston, who pro­
moted the combination, in June 1899, in offoring some of the stock for pub­
lic subscription ($1,000 of pref. and $500 com. was offered for $1,050),
stated that "th e Declaration of Trust contains strict provisions against the
creation of any indobtodnoss whereby any shareholder or trustee can be held
to any personal liability." Comprised originally between 30 and 40 seprate properties, but through consolidation there Is now only ono operating
company, namely, the Bay State St. R y., whose entire common stock Is
owned by the Massachusetts Electric Cos. The Hyde Park Electlc Lt. C o.,
formerly owned, was sold on Jan. 3 1912 to Edison Elec. Ilium. Co. of Bos­
ton, but in M ar. 1912 the Bay State St. R y. bought back the power station.
The system comprises electric street railway lines in 22 cities and 69
towns in Eastern Massachusetts and New Hampshire and Rhode Island,
covering the greater part of the street railway mileage north of Boston
as far as Nashua, N . H ., and Newburyport and Gloucester, M ass., and
south as far as Fall River and New Bedford, M ass., and Newport, fi. I .,
connecting directly with the street railway system of Boston; also an electric­
lighting property in Newport, R . I.
P aym ent o f A c cru ed D iv s. on P r e f. Stock
On Jari. 5 1912 pref. share
holders were offered $3,649,000 in negotiable warrants for additional pref
stock, to represent accrued dividends of 17/4 % on pref. shares. New pref
sharos issued July 1 1912. V. 93, p. 1462; V. 94, p. 68.
W ages. — For award by arbitration board in June 1915 see V . 100, p. 2167.
STOCK A N D BONDS.— The share capital Is represented by certificates
of participation which give the owners a proportionate interest in the shares
held by the trustees. Both classes of shares are reported exempt from taxa­
tion in Massachusetts. Com. stock and stamped pref. stock listed on
Boston Stock Exchange. The balance sheet o f the controlled Bay State St. R y.
shows funded debt June 30 1915, $23,480,000, and notes for amounts due
Mass. Elec. Cos., $1,250,000.



D a le.

R ate.

O u tsta n d in g .

D iv id e n d s .

stock, par $100'
Pref. stock, par $100 4% ____ 4 J-J
See text
cum ($24,206,400) - - .
Coll trust coupon notes, gold 1915
5 g A -0
3.000,000 April 1 1918
($1,000) $3,500,000.c*c pt Old Colony Trust C o., Boston, Trusteo.

[Vol. 102.

Tho 1915 coupon notes are secured by common stock o f the Bay State
Street R y., representing in amount a majority of that company s total
capital stock outstanding, both common and proferrod. V . 100, p. 733.
REPO RT.— Report for the year ending Sept. 30 1915 (see “ Chronicle”
Dec. 18 1915, p. 2068), shows receipts from divs., $513,068; from int. on
notes, &c., $78,489; total, $591,557; expenses and taxos, $19,936; int.,
$172,143; divs., $484,128; deficit, $84,650; previous surplus, $2,749,583;
total, $2,664,933; from this was deducted disc, on coup, notos sold and
prem. on notes purchased, $103,661, leaving surplus Sept. 30 1915, $2,561,D IV ID E N D S.— First div. on pref. stock, 2 % , was paid Dec. 1 1899; also
2% June 1 1900. Div. period then changed to J&J and 2 1-3% paid Jan.
1901; July 1901, 2% ; in 1902, 4% ; In 1903, 4% ; in 1904, 4 % . The Jan.
1905 dividend was passed and none paid until Jan. 1909, when 1% paid;
July, 1 /4 % . See V . 79, p . 2642, 2456; V. 85, p . 1646; V. 87, p. 1420,
and V. 89. p. 1597. In 1910, 3 /4 % . In 1911, 4% . In 1912, Jan., 2% ;
July, 2% . See above for payment o f accrued divs. of 17 /4% .
In 1913
and 1914, 4 % . In 1915, Jan.. 2 % . Tho July 1915 dlv. was omitted.
See V. 100, p. 1832. Jan. 1916 div. also passed.
ROAD, &c.—The Bay State St. R y . owns 866.78 miles and leasos 06.89
miles, a total of 933.67 m . of main line; owns and operates 2,111 cars.
Power capacity 49 engines, 43,775 h.p., and 52 generators, 29.755 k.w .;
11 turbines. 22,500 h.p. and 15,100 k.w.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Gordon Abbott: V .-P ., Charles E. Ootting; Sec.,
Everett W . Burdett; Treas., J. H. Goodspeed; Gen. M gr., P. F. Sullivan;
Gen. Auditor, II. II. Road. Executive Committee: Philip Dexter, Chair­
man; Gordon Abbott, Charles Francis Adams, Galon L. Stone, Percy
Parker, Philip L. Saltonstall and Charles E. Ootting. Office, 84 State St.,
Boston.— V. 98, p. 1460, 1920; V. 99, p. 969, 1673, 1746, 1832; V. 100. p.
556, 642, 733, 1832, 2167; V. 101, p. 846, 1189, 2068.
(1) Bay State Street Ry.— An electric road.
ORGANIZATION.— This was the Lynn & Boston R R . (lncorp. in Mass.
April 6 1859), but on July 23 1901 name changed to Boston & Northern
St. Ry. and on Aug. 8 1911 name was again changed to present title. The
following companies have been absorbed from time to time. The latest of
thoso absorptions was in June 1911, when the Bos. & Nor. took over the
Old Colony and issued 7,767 sharos o f pref. and 80,041 shares of com. in
exchange for like amount of Old Col. Street R y. stock.
Beverly & Danvers.
Mystic Valley.
Boston Milton & Brockton.
Needham & Boston.
Braintree & Weymouth.
New Bedford Middleb. & Brockton.
Norfolk Central.
Bridgow. Whitman & Rockland.
Brockton Brldgew. & Taunton.
Norfolk Suburban.
North Woburn.
Brockton & East Bridgewater.
DIghton Somerset & Swansea.
Old Colony Streot Ry.
East Side Brockton & Holbrook.
Providence & Taunton.
Georgetown Rowley & Ipswich.
Quincy & Boston.
Globe Street Ry.
Reading & Lowell.
Gloucester Essex & Beverly.
Reading Wakefield & Lynfield.
Gloucester & Rockport.
Rockland & Ablngton.
Rockport Street Ry.
Gloucester Street R y.
Hanover Streot Ry.
Salem & Wakefield.
South Shore & Boston.
Haverhill & Andover.
Taunton & Brockton.
Haverhill Georgetown & Danvers.
UIngham Street Ry.
Taunton Street R y.
Lawrence & Reading.
Wakefield & Stoneham.
Lowell & Woburn.
West Roxbury & Roslindale.
Lowell Lawrence & Haverhill.
Whitman Street Ry.
Lowell & Suburban.
Woburn & Reading.
Middleton & Danvers.
L e a s e .— In 1903 the Boston Elevated R y. leased all of the track of the
former Old Colony Street R y. (now a part of the Bay State St. R y.) in
tho city of Boston for 99 years. The lease provides for the payment of all
taxos and also 6/4 % on replacement value (appraised at $353,979, loss the
rental of certain short pieces of track appraised at $13,866) of property
leased as o f date Feb. 16 1903, and 4% on all additions and betterments.
In 1907 obtained permission to do a freight business in a majority of the
towns along its lines south of Boston, and is now handling oxpress and freight
by trolley over a considerable percentage of this track. In Sept. 1911
Mass. R R . Commission granted authority to carry coal in car-load lots or
less in Dracut, Methuen, Middletown and North Andover.
In Sept. 1912 signed a contract by which tho Boston Elovatod brings tho
company’s express cars into Boston over the former’s linos to a freight
terminal. V . 95, p- 1123.
D e c is io n r e g a rd in g c a r ry in g c h ild re n f o r h a lf- fa r e .— In May 1912 the full
bench of Mass. Supreme Court sustained the constitutionality of Chap. 576Acts of 1911, providing that street railways shall carry school children un*
der 16 years of age for half fare. V. 94, p. 1507.
C h a n g es i n F a r e . & c .— For application to Mass. P. S. Comm, for per­
mission to make certain changes in faro (lncl. a goneral Increase from 5 to 6
conts as single cash fare over all lines), fare limits and transfers, see V. 101,
p. 815.
W ages .—'For award by arbitration board In June 1915, seo V. 100, p.2166.
In April ’ 16 tho Mass. P .S . Comm. auth. tho company to issue $735,700
6% cum. prof, stock at parf $400,000 1st M . bonds of tho Boston & Northern
St. R y. and $300,000 1st M . bonds of the Old Colony St. Ry. to provido for
floating debt Incurred in making additions, extensions, &c. A previous
order authorizing $1,281,900 prof. stock was rescinded, no stock having boon
Issued thereunder. See V. 102, p. 1162, 1539. New securities wore issued
in M ay 1916.
STOCKS AND BONDS— D a te . In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g . L a s t d iv .,& c
Stock common (par $100)_________ ________ $20,517,200 Dec '14, 2/4
1st pref ($100) 6% c u m ...................
3,484,300 Feb ’ 16. 3%
1,907,000 Seo to'xt
Serial notes, $2,000,000c-ntf 1912 5 F-A
Interest at American Trust C o., Boston.
Bos & Nor ref mtge, $15,000,­ , 1904 4 g J-J
8.075,000 July 1 1954
000, gold ($1,000) -c * .n t f Int. at American Trust C o., Boston, Trustee.
Lynn & Boston 1st mtge, g, 1894 5 g J-D
3,723.000 Doc 1 1924
$5,379,000 ($1,000) c * .n t f Int. at Old Colony Tr. Co., Boston, Trustee.
G R & I 1st mtge
________ 1900 5 g J-D
180.000 Juno 1 1920
... ($1,000)
$180,000, gold..............n tf/In terest at City Trust C o., Boston, Trustee.
n G & D 1st mtge_______ n tf
1899 5
35,000 Mch 1 1919
Lynn & B coup $405,000.-n tf
1897 6 A-O
405,000 April 1 1917
Gloucester Esrx & Bev 1st M .i
1896 5 g J-D
125,000 Dec 11910
$ 1 2 5 ,000($1,000) ,g .c * . n tf (Interest at Amer. Tr. Co., Boston. Trustoe.
The Mystic Valley St. Ry. nas out $60,000 gold 5s, due Jan. 1 1919.
The Rockport St. R y. has outstanding $12,500 0% coupon notos due
Oct. 15 1916, interest payable April and October.
Lowell Lawrence & Haverhill.

Lowell Lawrence & naverhlll
1st mtge, $1,900,000, gold.
$1,000...................- - c * .n t f
People’s St R y, West New­
bury, Mass, first mortgage
bonds, assumed_______ n tf

D a te .

In te r e s t.

O u tsta n d in g .

M a t u r it y .

5 g J-D
$669,000 June 1 1923
Subj. to cafl for the sink, fund at i05 & Int.
Int. at American Trust C o., Boston, Trustee.
5 J-J
64,000 Jan 1 1928
Interest at State Street Trust C o., Boston.



R ef mtge, $10,000,000, gold,

D a te .

In t e r e s t.

O u tsta n d in g .

M a t u r it y .

4 g J-J
$0,825,000 July 1 1954
($1,000).................... c+ .n tf Int. at Old Colony Tr. C o., Boston. Trustee.
Brockton (Consol) St Ry 1st 1894
5 g A-O
689.000 Oct 1 1924
mort, $750,000, g o ld . . . n t f Int. at Stato Tr. C o., callable at 105 & int.
Boston Milton & Brockton 1899
5 J-J
100,000 July 1 1919
1st mtge, $100,000___ ntf Int. at Intornat. Tr. C o., Boston, Trustee.
Brock Brldegwat & Taunton) _____
5 g__F-A
200,000 Aug„ _ 1_____
Tlnafnn Trustee.
1st M g, $200,000 ($1.000))Int. at Amer. T r. C o., Boston,
c *

____ . . . . ____________ntfj

Brock & E Bridgewater, 1st 1898
5 g F-A
30.000 Feb 1 1918
mtge, gold, $30.000— ntf Int. at American Tr. C o., Boston. Trustee.
Taunton & Brockton tirst 1897
5 F-A
100.000 Aug 1 1917
mortgage, $100,000.. . n t f Int. at State Street T r. C o., Boston, trustee.
N Bedford M ’dleboro &Brock 1900
5 g J-J
325,000 Jan 1 1920
1st M , $325,000 ($1,000), Int. at American T r. C o., Boston, Trustee.
g o ld .......................... . . n t f
Of the $10,000,000 Old Colony St. R y. ref. mtge., $2,317,000 are reserved
for prior liens. Remaining bonds can only bo Issued for 50% of cost of
additions & lmpr'ts. These bonds are not subject to call. V. 93, p. 1784.
O lobe Street Railway Securities.
D a te .

In ter es t.

O u tsta n d in g .

M a t u r it y .

Prov & Taunton St Ry 1st gl 1898
5 g M-S
$150,000 Sept 1 1918
($1,000),auth,$200.000.ntf/ American Trust C o., Boston, Trustoe.

Ma y , 191G.J


S outh Shore & Boston Street Railway Securities.
D a te .



M a tu r itv .

D a te.

In terest.

O utstanding.

M a tu ritv

Bonds, 1st M ($1,000), gold. 1899 5 F-A
$335,000 Aug 1 1919
„ $1,000,000............... — n t/ Int. at American Trust Go., Boston, Trustee
Braintree & Weymouth 1st 1897
5 g M-S
80,000 Mar 1 1917
mtge, gold, $80,000__ n tf Int. at Internat. Tr. C o., Boston, Trustee
Bridgewater Whit & Rock, 1897
5 g M -N
85,000 N ov 1 1917
1st mtge. g, $1,000 c * -n tf Interest at American Trust C o., Boston.
W est R oxbury & Roslindale Street Railway B onds.
1st M , $150,000, g, s f ($50 OM 18 9 8 t 5 g M-S_____$112,500 Sept_l 1910
red at 103_________ c*flnt. at Internat. Trust C o., Boston, Trustee
N orf d e n tis t M~, gold .*$100.-1 1898
5 g J-J
27’,500 July 1 1918
000, subject to call----- n tf/In t. at Internat. Trust C o., Boston, Trustee.
Stock and B onds. — By the terms o f purchase o f Old Colony by Boston &
Nor. the pref. stockholders of both companies became 1st prof, stockholders
of the Bay State St. Ry. Pref. stock Is subj. to call at 120. Listed on
Boston Stock Exch. Of the $15,000,000 Boston & Nor. bonds, $5,092,000
aro reserved to retire prior liens. Remaining bonds can be Issued only for
50% o f cost o f additions and Improvements. Those bonds have no sinking
fund and are not subject to call. V. 93, p. 1784. Of the $5,379,000 1st M .
bonds o f the Lynn & Boston R R .. $1,056,000 have been canceled. The
coup, notes o f 1912 mature Aug. 15 as follows: 1916, $43,000: 1917, $50.­
000; 1918, $57,000; 1919, $64,000; 1920, $72,000; 1921, $80,000; 1922
$88,000; 1923, $97,000; 1924, $106,000; 1925, $116,000; 1926, $120,000
1927, $136,000; 1928, $148,000; 1929, $160,000; 1930, $174,000; 1931
$188,000; 1932, $202,000; V . 95, p . 618: $93,000 have been rotlred.
D IVIDEN DS.— Initial dlv. on Bay State St. R y. com.— 3% — paid
Dec. 30 1911; In 1912,June,2% ;D ec.,3% ; in 1913, June. 2 ^ % ;D e c ..3 % .
In 1914, Juno, 2 H % ; D oc., 2 H % . Nono since.
R OAD.— See description under Mass. Elec. Cos. above
ending June 30 (V. 101, p. 2068):
Gross earns..$9,538,407 $9,614,153 Deduct taxos.
$653,381 $643,323
Opor. oxponsos 6,897,752 6,427,863 Bond, «Scc., int.
1,143,356 1,108,624
Rentals, & c._
207,827 200,168
Net earns_$2,640,655 $3,180,290 Com. dlvs. (2 512,930(5 Ji) 1077153
Other income.
81,090 lstpf.divs. (6% ) 104.916
Gross ln c..$ 2 ,707,114 $3,267,380
B al.,surp._
OFFICERS.— Pres., Patrick F. Sullivan. Boston: V .-P . & Treas n ’ m
Rockwell; V.-P. & Gen. M gr., R. S. Goff.— V. 100. n. 53 1508 Ifi7 i
2160; V. 101, p. 46. 693, 845,1464; V. 102. p. 1102,1539, 1810.
’ 67 ’
(а) Boston & Chelsea R R .— Owns 4.37 miles o f main track
$ m !o o nottoBcr r a y Sab“
O?’ at *7’260 per anaum' equal t0 « * «
( б) Boston & Revere Electric Street Ry
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorp. June 24 1889." Owns 3 71 mllA<> n t
t ^ ^ RRVyr.),
w which
h i c h ym
i 18 9 5 t f° r Interest
to the
of 1908
and dividends on $50,000 stock from July 1 1898 at 5% per annum.
S f i t S m BONDS—
D a te .
\ In te r e s t .
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y
5 orlnoo gold
?on n )S"t */Int. at American
a 5 g ,M ' S
U 928
Trust C*50,000
o., Boston,
B o n d s . — No sinking fund, but bonds may bo callod on any Interest date
on six weeks notice.
(c) East Middlesex Street Ry.
, O"'G A N IZATIO N .— Owns 19.34 miles o f main track. Leased M ay 1
1893 to Lynn & Boston (now Bay State St. Ry.) for 99 years at a rental till
May 1 1690 o f $18,000 yearly In addition to fixed charges; then till M ay 1
1901 $24,000 yearly; and for remainder o f lease $30,000 yearly. Eight
er cent divs. had been paid, but on M ay 1 1901 were increased to 10%.
D a te .
In te r e s t
O utstanding.
M a tu r itv .
Stock ($100), $300.000................
$297,700 See toxt
P a n bonds, int. guar. (end.). 1898
5 M-S
120.000 Sept 1 1918
Plain bonds, int guar (end) . . 1902
4 J-J
100.000 Jan 1 1922
Interest at Old Colony Trust C o., Boston.
Tho lessee In the lease agreed to stamp both Issues o f the bonds with a
guaranty of the Interest— principal Is not guaranteed.— V . 67. p. 482.
(d) Nashua Street Railway.— Trolley.

ORGAN IZATION .— Incorp. Aug. 14 1885. Owns 15.94 miles o f main
track. On July 1 1900 was leased to the Lowell & Suburban for 99 voars
and lease now runs to Bay State Street Ry.
y ars’
R e n t a l. — Dividends are payable Jan. and July at the rate'of 4% in iom
6% In 1902 and 0% for tho remaining 98 years o f lease.*
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g
D in ,?• jlrn t
$325 000 See texT “ *
Stock. $325,000 (par $100)...............
First mortgage, $150,000.) 1901
4 g A-O
150 000 Oct 1 1 0 3 1
($1,000). g o ld ...........c n f / l n t . at Old Colony Tr. C o;, Boston Tru-sten
B o n d s . — Entlro Issue may bo called at 105 and accrued Interest
(e) W lnnislm m et (Street) R R .

ORGANIZATION.— Owns 2.09 miles o f main track
Le-wivi tn
iB^50^00?parn$50999 ^
fr° m 1880 at $3’000 per an™ m . CapUal stock
(f ) Newport & Fall River Street Ry.


I n N o v . 1912 m a d e a c o n t r a c t w ith th e B o s to n E le v a te d R y . fo r t h e
o p e r a tio n o f express cars o v e r th a t c o m p a n y ’s tra ck s t o th e fre ig h t exp ress
te rm in al o n H arrison A v e .
F ares.— I n 1909 single fa r e u n it raised fro m 5 c . t o 6 c .
, , I n A p r il 1916 a p p lie d t o P . S. C o m m issio n fo r a u th . t o issu e 600 a d d iV 102 ar<f 6£5 e f ’ 8 to ck a t 510 5 a n d * 6 0 .0 0 0 1st 4 H s f o r im p t s ., & c .—

8 m X ° A ^ A^ m m 0N D S—

D a te -

In t e r e s t-


-s m

O u tsta n d in g .

M a tu rity .

F ra m S o & M a r l 1st m t g . t f / . . . .
6 0 .0 0 0 J a n 1 1 9 1 9
, - lIn te r e s t a t A m e r ic a n T r u s t C o . , B o s ., T r u s .

Mn.„_ n ..oW a T

* A » h e ld b y B . & W . E le c t r ic C o s .


TniV ion!idSai~0-?0rpref’ . 3 ^ semi-ann. since Issued. On com. paid 3 %
, se?& £n n • untn Dec. 1908. when \ ' A % was paid. In
1t i 7 ° o i 111 T91?A,JoanV , J # % : 10 !91 1 . D ec., 1 % ; in 1912. June.
1 R F frm rr 1 Q ? 0 ' In 191.3,
Iu 1914. 3 % . In 1915, 2> 4 % .
8 7 ^ 8 m 7 .R^ r " « 0 A^?S?r , endlng Juna 30 1915 (V. 101, p. 2069), gross,
cStfon?7$?2,000?9Jurphis1? $4 * i ^ 03’ S170’025:
paId’ * 79’M 9: S p re «p« a‘ « 83-39 miles of track, a considerable portion
S s Pionat o f f i c k ? f R a ^ .M T b 611 Has*79 <mws. Worcester* l^lucfing an
OFFICERS.— Pres., William M . Butler: V .-P . A E Childs1 Sec and

l ^



IV ? 1 0 r ? p . % b S ; V ? t ’0 2 ? p ’. f ^ . 724 : V * 9 6 ‘* P * i 0 2 0 ‘

9 ^ S A N lIZ A 1T I O N • & c .— O rga n ized In M a in e in 1909 t o h o ld a n d t o d ea 1
in s to c k s b o n d s , n o te s a n d o th e r secu ritie s. O n O c t . 3 0 1913 s t o c k w a s
I n c r e a s e fr o m $ 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 e a c h o f p r e f. a n d c o m m o n t o $ 3 ?0 M ?0 0 0
c ^ & ^ o o ooo ( $ io o ) - ..
I n t f • g a s s s a r - f e 'f &
p l / A ^ ,00?»,09 ° 6 Ts c u m - ( * 1 0 0 ) .—
6 % Q -F
2 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 M a y ’ 16. lli
stock.— P re fe rre d s t o c k Is r e d e e m a b le a t o p t io n o f c o m p a n y a t 115.
tji i .
S e c u r it ie s O w n ed (S to n e & W ebster P r o p e r t ie s ) .
B la c k s to n e V a l. G . & E L . *3466,5001 T a m p a E le c tr ic C o . . . ____b $ 2 0 5 .0 0 0
C a p e B r e to n E le c . C o
— * 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 fG a lv . H o u s to n E le c . C o ____ * 5 0 0 ,0 0 0

nnn Northern rri^___
Jacksonville nTrartlnM
Traction Pn
C o . . *350.000
El. C o____ *500,000

Houghton County E l. L. C o.*500,000 Pug. Sd. T r., L. & P ow .C o*l.466,800
Houghton County Trac. Co.*100,000 Key West Electric C o......... a222,000
Columbus Elec. Co________a 100,000 Key West Electric C o..........*374.100
El Paso Elec. Co..................*500,000
* Common stock,
wvv,v«. «a *Preferred
tv.vuvu ovuvai
stock, 1/ Capital
vapuai otULK.


See statements of these companies (except the Blackstone Valley Gas
& Electric Co. and the Houghton County Electric Light Co.) on subsequonc pages.

3 H % -


“ “


1914. & r ! a

liU V F e h ..

2 % .

year end- D ec- 31 1915>total income, $197,981; net.
d eficit**!!’ 8631’ 137: pref’ <Uv8, (® % )»$150,000; com. divs., (2 % ), $50,000;
p d R1(?bh^i^bb^ r

d°bn°W ?'n^llow 61L’ D^vlglit
Y - ” •p-

v - 95’ »•

T . . A ^ v f u , . p ; ~ k ntJ eres.t ^ >a bonds having been defaulted M ay 1 1911;
S ° n
,^ F?^Iera Court at Toledo on M ay 2 1911 appointed A. E .
K oycoand B. O. Harding o f Bowling Green, receivers. On July 16 1913
■n n ^ w S,ioCMM1Tdi V" I?7;i??wycej nd ? ’
Harding as receiver. V. 92, p.
1243. On Dec. 18 11 Judge KIIHts ordered a re-issue of $75,000 receivers' ctfs
originally put out several mos. previous for tmprov’ts. V. 93, p. 1780, 790.
Since taking possession receivers have paid int. due M ay 1 and N ov. 1 1911.
Nono paid since.
F o r e c l o s u r e .— On M ay 17 1913 the Union Trust Co. of Detroit Instituted
foreclosure proceedings In the U. S. Dist. Court at Detroit. The amount
°S„th,<U st M * 5s of 1903 was stated as $429,500. V. 96, p. 1488. On
Apr. 26 1916 the receiver asked permission to sell the railroad property
either as a going concern or as Junk. Compare V. 101, p. 370.
O R G AN IZAT IO N .— Incorporated in Ohio in 1902.
D a te.
I n ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Common, $750,000, ( $ 1 0 0 ) - . . .................. ...........
$428,400 Pref $250,000. (8100)0% n-c..................................
250 000 i : ” ” : : : :
lst M . $1,000,065. goto ($5001 1903 5 g M -N
353,500 Nov 1 1933
and $ 1 ,0 0 0 )------------------- c *fln t. at Union Tr. C o ., Detroit, Trustee.
R w vsicertfs $75,000 ($1,000) 1911 0 nuar
75.000 Dec 1913
$570,500 bonds are reserved for extensions at $17,000 per mile
and $76,000 In company’s treasury. No sinking fund and bonds are not
subject to call. Int. on receivers’ ctfs is payable In Bowling Green.
E A R N IN G S .— For cal. year 1915, gross, $65,311; not, §14,021.
R O AD .— Operates 25 miles of track between Tontogany, O ., and Woodville. Standard gauge, 60-lb. T rail. Connects at Tontogany with Ohio
Elec. R y. at Bowling Green with Toledo Bowling Green & Southern
Traction C o., at Pemberville with Toledo Fostoria & Findlay R y. and at
Woodville with Lake Shore Elec. Ry. Furnishes eloctric light and power
at Bowling Green, as well as hot-water heating.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Robt. Place; V .-P .. E . n . McKnlght; Sec., H . G .
nankoy; Treas., B . O. Harding.— V. 92, p. 1243; V. 93, p. 796,1786; V . 94,
p. 207; V . 96. p. 1488; V . 99. p. 346; V . 101. p. 370.

,,,9,PG A NIZATION;— Organized by special Act on Feb 23 1 8 9 8
Ti,i^ i
1900 consolidated with Newport St. Ry. lias also consoim^wi
y 1
port Illuminating Co. Embraces 21.44 m. o f ma& track
Newport and Fall River; also eloctric lighting. Was I«wed on^niv
for 99 years to the Old Colony St. R y. (since merged in Bostot? fc ^ r t h e r n 1
now tho Bay State St. R y.) for a rental o f 0% per annum and Int. on bonds’
The Mass. Elec. Companies disposed o f Its holdings In Feb. 1902. DOnaa’
In Oct. 1915 Issued $50,900'additional stock and $123,000 bonds in •><»
cordanco with lease to Bay State St., R y.
,UUU Donas ,n ac*
STOCK, BONDS, E T C .— D a t e .' In teres t. O u ts ta n d in g . M a t u r it y
Stock, par $ 1 0 0 ..............................
$1,000,900 Sen i o r
O R G AN IZAT IO N .— Incorporated In Connecticut on Aug. 20 1900 and
Newport & Fall River 1st) 1898 5 F-A
240,000 Aug 1 1918 acquired
the Brattleboro Street R y., the Brattleboro Gas Light C o., the
Dover Gas Light Co.(V . 83. p. 562), tho Bennington Eloctric Co. and the
C<S l a
C° ’ ’ B690.000 Julytei'i9 5 4 Hoosick Falls Illuminating Co. In Oct. 1913 acquirod the St. Johnsbury
Eloctric Co. and in April 1914 the Cascade Lt. & Power Co. and tho Berlin
Elec. Co. Furnishes gas, electric light and power to Dover, Rochester.
S ^ ! m a i n T n V c ^ ^ V ^ entraJ T r& t C o.. New York?Trustee.1925 Salmon Falls, Somersworth, Berlin, Milan, Gorham and Hinsdale, N . II .•
St. Johnsbury, Danville, Bennington, North Bennington
N o t t io m a b T o
V? 79? p.'^Ts? 501?ni462!° TOSOrVOd to retlre prIor IIona-






t™“ oo- « " b # 4 S


tniHtiagr(!mmm^d;Uall4oc?l291l902.Ol?tsjaropOTty?;ons?stsOo? th(fm tke com*

f r o m B . & W . S t ? R ^ ^ s t o c k .^ ^ S . & l f m i s ^ In c o m e * $ ? 5 ^ j s ^ o t a l In c o m e 1
$ 7 1 ,3 2 2 ; o x p o n so s, $ 1 ,8 0 2 ; p r e f. d l v ., $ 0 7 , 8 7 2 ; s u r p l u s « i r S n ta l n c o m e ’
D I V I D E N D S . — F ir s t d i v . o n p r o f, s t o c k , $ 2 p a id j n L i i o r u . m n e .
i n c h , $ 4 ; in 1 9 0 9 , $ 2 ; In 1 9 1 0 , J a n . , $ 1 ; none t o J a n
w a s p a i d ; J u l y , $ 1 ; In 1 9 1 3 t o 1 9 1 5 , I n c h , $ 2 .
I n % l 0 , aj a n . 9 $ i . W hei1 3 1

T r ^ f , IGM?|e'T!PB ?itm ^?1IV ? 8 ^ 0 .^ 66 2? v T ' 9 o ’

p A i0 7 4 -

v : l903i . Pp .7l9l588?°210869.1667: V * 95> P- 7« .
Boston & W orcester Street R y.— Trolley.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Massachusetts on N ov in m m
F r a n c h is e perpetual.
Owns the Framingham Union Street
Ingham Southborough & Marlborough Stroot R y. and the Maribom?.?h
^ , m afmlVKham s t - « y - J n March 1907 Mass. R R . Coramtolon gran ?
right to d o an express and freight business over entlro line.
# V 9,11 MaS3- R R . Comm. auth. an issue o f $397,200 6% cum
8t.9ck,Aauth- by stockholders Fob. 2 1911), o f which $297 0 00
re-t,re.,*ko amount o f common Issued in 1910 (V . 90. p. 025) and
remainder to fund floating debt. V. 9 2 , p. 394, 5 2 5 , 0 5 9 . 724. P

and Bennington Centre, V t.; South Berwick and Lebanon, M e ., and
Hoosick Falls, N . Y .. and operates tho Brattleboro St. R y. Pres. I. L .
Moloon, in a letter dated March 1 1915 said, “ all the principal f r a n c h i s e s
were granted by tho Stato Legislature and have been construed by counsel
as perpetual.” Control Is held by the National Light, Heat & Power Co.
control of which was in turn acquired by the Middle West Utilities Co. in
Oct. 1912. V . 95, p. 1750.
D a te .
I n ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r itv .
Common. $2,500,000. ($100).................................... $1,250,000 _________ __
Pref(5%cum)$2,500.000 ($ 1 00 ).................................. 1 ,5 0 0 , 0 0 0 ..........
lst & ref. M . $10.000,000.- t f -----5%
76,100 Oct. 1 1953
lst ref M , $1,500,000 g ($500) 1906 \ ) A A-O
1,040,000 Oct 1 1926
& $ 1 .0 0 0 ) ---------------c*tf (Int. at Columbia Trust Co.. N . Y ., Trustee
ni ^
51 •:L 1913
5 g A-O
808,200 Oct. 1 1916
000,000 ($1,000, $500, and) Interest payable at New York.
$100) ---------------------c *.n tf (.Union Trust C o., Trustee.
5-yoar debentures $325.000..............
300,500 ............... ....
Dover Gas Light con mort-) 1905
125,000 Sept 1 1925
gage, $500,000 ................ tf (Union Safe Dep. & Trust Co., Trustee.
United Gas AEtec-mortgago 1 !897
-------------250.000 Sept 11917
$ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 - - - - - - - - -------- n tf (Union Safe Dep. & Trust Co., Trustee.
Brattleboro G m L C o m tg .n tf 1903
67,000 Fob 2 1923

Hoosick Falls Illumlnat'g C o l .............................



$ 1 5 0 .0 0 0 ...........................t f (Columbia TrustCo., N . V ., Trustee.
Hoosick Falls Electric C o \ ....................................
65,000 1930
$ 7 5 .0 0 0 - - - - - - .................. tf (Old Colony Trust C o ., Boston, Trustee.
Bennington Water Power & ( ______________
64.000 1923
& Light C o$100,000-.-ntflA m erican Loan & Trust C o., Trustee.
Bennington Water Power & 1 ..........................
12.500 1929
Light Co $30,000......... n tf (Old Colony Trust C o ., Boston, Trustee.
Bennington Elect Co $175.-1 ....................................
98.500 1935
------ ........................t f (Columbia Trust C o., N . Y .. Trustee.
St Johnsbury El Co lst M _ _ tf 1909 5 M -S
80.000 Mar 1 1929



B o n d s .— Of the $10,000,000 auth. 1st & ref. 5s $1,877,500 are reserved
for present bonds outstanding, $970,100 are held as collateral for the
convertible notes of 1913 and $35,000 are held In treasury. The convertible
notes are convertible In amounts of $100 or multiples thereof any time beforo maturity into 1st & ref. 5s, the notes to be taken at par and the bonds
at 93. Callablo as a whole or in part on any int. date at par. $970,1UU
1st & ref. 5s are pledged as security for the issue. V. 98, p .1 5 8 .
EARN INGS.— For year ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $543,820, net, $248,­
664; bond interest, $136,268; surplus, $112,395.
R OAD.— Operates 5 miles of track in Brattleboro.
OFFICERS.— Pres.. Samuel Insull; V .-P ., H. E. Olds; Sec., G. L. Hal­
stead' Treas., A. D. Foster. Gen. offices, Dover, N. H.— V. 83, p. 499,
V. 95, p. 1750; V. 98, p. 156.


Also furnishes electric light and power, gas and steam heat.
ORGAN IZATION .— Organized Sept. 21 1893. A gas plant was com­
pleted in 1906. F r a n c h is e s porpotual. In Doc. 1913 Richter & Co. of
Hartford, Conn., purchased control of the property. V. 97, p. Ibb2.
In August 1908 a stock dividend of 50% was declared. Increasing out­
standing amount to $375,000. V. 87. p. 96. 414.
In Oct. 1914 stock was increased from $375,000 to $562,500, now stock
being issued May 1 1915.
„ . .
D a te . In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock, $1,000,000 ($100 ...............................- - *562,500 May 16, 2%
1st mortgage $600,000, goldf 1905 4M g M -N
540,000 N ov 1 1945
($500 and $1.000)............{In te re st at Bristol National Bank, Bristol.
(Treasurer of State o f Connecticut, Trustee.
B o n d s . — Are subject to call after 5 years at 102; after 10 years at par.
EARNINGS.— For years ending June 30.
R a ilw a y
Y e a r — G ro ss.

R a ilw a y
N et.

G a s & E le c .
L t g ., N e t .

In teres t
& Taxes.

D iv id e n d s .

S u r p lu s .

19ROAD .— Operates ab’out613 M miles of track laid with 56 and 60-lb. Trail
from Bristol to Plainvllle, with branches to Lake Compounce and to
Terryville. Standard gauge, 29 cars, 3 snow plows and 1 work car.
OFFICERS.— Chairman o f board, Chas. i f . Tenney; Pres.. A . B. Ten­
ney; V .-P ., D. E. Manson; Sec.-Treas.. Morris L . Tiffany, Bristol, Conn.,
Manager, G. E. Cockings. General Managers, Chas. H. Tenney & C o.—
V. 95, p. 1330; V. 97. p. 1662; V. 98, p. 154. 1535.




ncorp! in Virginia. Was formerly the Bristol Belt
Line Ry. Co. but on Sept. 7 1911 filed a certificate changing name to above
title, and increased auth. stock from $100,000 to $300,000, and par of shares
from $50 to $100. V. 93, p. 1323. Owns entire stock of Holston Valley R y.
D a te . In t e r e s t .
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .

to 86th St. was placed in operation Jan. 15 1916. Tho Now Utrecht Ave.
branch of tho Fourth Ave. subway is expected to bo opened for traffic as
far as 62d St. by Juno 1 1916.
(c) Subway lino extending from 6tli Ave. and 14th St., Manhattan,
across Manhattan, under tho East River, to North 7th St., Brooklyn, and
thence part subway and part elevated through tho Eastorn District by Met­
ropolitan, Bushwlck, Johnson and W yckoff Avenues to join tho Cypress
Hills lino. Contract for the tunnel under tho East River was signed
Feb. 29 1916.
(d) Subway lino in Brooklyn connecting Manhattan Bridge with the
Brighton Beach R r .
. .
In addition to the above, there are several extensions of present lines to
be built by the company as well as third tracking and making additions and
improvements to existing lines, some o f which have already been completed
and others are expected to bo completed In the near future. See report for
year ending June 30 1915 in V . 101, p. 376; also V . 101, p. 84o, 1369. 1 or
status of construction, &c., of tho entire now subway system, see under
"Rapid Transit in N . Y . C ity ,” in V . 101, p . 1189, and in V . 102, p . 345,977.
Tho estimated cost of construction to city Is $100,500,000, and of construc­
tion and equipment to tho company, $65,000,000. In Jan. 1916 tho N. Y .
Mun. R y. Corp. was auth. to oxerciso an option for tho purchaso of struc­
tural steol for third-tracking tho Fulton St. Elovatod from Nostrand Avo. to
Adams St., thus practically assuring the carrying out of that project, The
third-track betwoen Manhattan Jet. and Nostrand Avo. was placed In
operation Dec. 27 1915. Tho third track on the Broadway lino from Haveinoyer St. to Myrtlo Ave. was placed in operation Jan. 17 1916.
See N . Y . Municipal Ry. Corp.— organized to carry out company s
agreement with city— on a subsequent page.
______ .
As to financing of tho new construction work by the B. R. T ., see Secured
Gold Notes in table below, and text relating thereto, and also V. 94, p. 1694.
Remaining $20,000,000 notos were sold in Oct. 1915, V. 101. p. 1188.
The B ro o k ly n C ity R R . C o . is held under a 999-year lease dated Feb. 14
1893, guaranteeing all fixed charges, organization expenses, taxes and 10%
dividend on $12,000,000 of stock. Tho lease is nominally to the Brooklyn
Heights R R . C o., but the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. owns the entire cap­
ital stock of tho Brooklyn Heights Co. In 1898 the Heights Company
leased the Brooklyn Queens County & Suburban R R . The lease was re­
newed year by year, rental being fixed charges, taxes and organization ex­
penses. On July 1 1901 the B. Q. C. & S. began operating separately again.
On April 1 1899 the Heights Company temporarily leased tho Nassau Elec­
tric R R . Later permanent leases were made, but on Juno 30 1904, presuma­
bly in consequence of a decision (V. 79, p. 102) compelling the issuance of
transfers, the lease or the Nassau Electric RR. was canceled.
The Brooklyn Heights RR. in April 1899 leased for the period of 999 years
tho Prospect Park & Coney Island R R ., the Now York & Coney Island R R .
and tho Prospect Park & South Brooklyn R R ., but the looses of these com­
panies wore assigned in March 1907 to South Brooklyn Ry.,which bad boen
acquired by purchase in Feb. 1902. V . 74, p.479. in July 1912, howover,
tho South Brooklyn Ry. acquired 495 out of 500 shares of 1 . I . & So.

Mori^gago°$3*00,M0^(Vl.000)I 1911 5 A- 6 " '
^163,500 Sept. 15"’41
callablo at 105-.................../U . S. Trust C o., Washington, D . O.. Trustee
R O A D .— Operates 15.3 miles standard-gauge electric line In Bristol and
between Bristol and Big Creek Park, on the Ilolston River. 11 passenger,
1 freight and 1 flat car.
. _ . _
_ . T. ,
OFFICERS.— Pres., B. L. Dulaney; V.-P. & Gen. M gr., Fred. Dulaney,
Sec. & Treas., Wm. Eborhart.— V. 93, p. 1323.


BROOKLYN RAPID TRAN SIT— (See M a p s , p a g e s 15 a n d 16)
ORGAN IZATION .— Organized Jan. 18 1890. per plan In “ Chronicle,
V. 60, p. 1145. to succeed to the property of the old Long Island Traction
Company, foreclosed, syndicate headed by the late ex-Governor Flower
having then bought control. Is not a railroad corporation, but was or­
ganized under the Business Corporation law of New York to hold the stocks
and bonds of railroad companies and to aid in the construction and equip
ment of railroads. F r a n c h is e s are perpetual.
. . .
ASSETS.— The following is a statement of the stocks and bonds owned
by the Brooklyn Rapid Transit system March 31 1916.
S tocks.
Entire capital stock Brooklyn Heights HR. Co. (par)-------------$200,000
Entire capital stock Bkln. Q’ns Co. & Suburban R R . Co. (par). 2,000,000
Entire com. stock o f tho Nassau Electric R R . C o., par---------- — 8,500,000
63,943.75 shares out of 65,000 shares of the 4% cumulative pref.
stock of Nassau Elec. R R . C o., par--------------------------- - - - - - 6.394,375
47,859.85 shares out of 50,000 shares of the 5% non-cumulative
pref. stock of the New York Consolidated R Ii. C o., par------ 4,785.985
131,308.31 shares cut of 139,000 shares of the common stock
of the New York Consolidated R R . C o., par------------------------ 13,430.831
Entire stock of Coney Island & Gravesend R y. C o., par----------350,000
647.82 shares of Brooklyn Rapid Transit C o., par.... .............. 64,782
Entire capital stock of South Brooklyn R y., par.................... - - - - 500,000
9,800 shares out of 10,000 of the American Railway Traffic Co.
(owned by Transit Development C o.), par—
Entire capital stock of the Transit Development C o., par--------500,000
500 shares of tho Bridge Operating Co., par.................................
2,000 shares of N . Y . Municipal Coro., par--- . . . . . . . -----200,000
925 shares out of 1,000 shares of N . Y. & Coney Is . R R . C o . . .
500 shares out of 500 shares Bros. Park & South B k ly n .R R .C o .
26,833 shares out of 29,839 shares Con. Isl. & Bklyn. R R ------2,683.800
500 shares Bklyn. & North River R R . C o----------------------------50,000
100 shares DeKalb Ave. & No. Bklyn. R R . C o---------------------10,000
25 shares Conoy Island & Brooklyn Terminal C o . ----------------2,500
100 shares B ’way Subway Sc Home Bor. Car Adv. C o-------------10,000
♦1st M 5% bonds Bklyn. Queens Co. & Sub. R R . (par)-------------$2,000,000
1st con M Bklyn. Q’ns Co. & Sub.(owned by Bklyn. H'ts C o .)._
♦1st mortgage 5% bonds Brooklyn City R R . (par)----------------- - 1,627,000
•Refunding gold mtgo. 4 % , Brooklyn City R R ---------------------725,000
♦Gold 5% bonds Brooklyn Rapid Transit------------------------------30,000
Ref mtg 4% bonds Brooklyn Rapid Transit C o---------------------- 20.866,000
Ref mtg 4% bonds B. It. T . (owned by Nassau El. R R .)--------- 1,761,000
Consol mtg 4% bonds Nassau Elec R R -------------------------- — — 1,161,000
Consol mtg 4% bonds Sea Beach R y. (owned by Nassau Elec.
R R . C o .)...............................- ........................................................
Jamaica & Brooklyn mtge. bonds.........................................
N . Y . Municipal Ry. Corporation--------------------------------------- 57,735,000
Coney Island & Brooklyn first consol, mortgage--------------------13,000
Coney Island & Brooklyn consol, mortgage--------------------------732,000
Brooklyn City & Newtown mortgago-------------------------------------7,000
♦The entire amount of B. Q. O. & Sub. R R . 1st 5s and Bklyn. City R R .
1st 5s: also $125,000 out of tho $725,000 B. O. R R . ref. 4s held, and $25,000
out of the $30,000 B . It. T . gold 5s and $250,000 B . R . T . ref. mtge. 4s held
compose guaranty fund for performance of Brooklyn City IIR. C o.’s lease
N e w S u b w a y s a n d E x te n s io n s .— An agreement was reached in M ay 1912
as to how tho routes of the new dual subway system in lower Manhattan
should bo apportioned between the Interborough and Bklyn. Rapid Transit,
and the Court of Appeals at Albany having on June 29 1912 affirmed the
decision of Justice Blackmar (V. 94, p. 1057) holding to be constitutional
the terms of tho proposed contracts with the Interborough and B. It. T .,
formal contracts were drawn up by the I*. S. Comm, and were signed on
Mar. 19 1913. V. 96, p. 862. See caption “ Rapid Transit in New York
C ity” in V. 94, p. 138L 1449. 1566; V. 95, p. 48. I l l , 237, 1040; V. 90.
p. 63, 136, 488, 716, 864. The now subway lines, built and to bo built
jointly by tho Brooklyn Rapid Transit and the city, aro as follows:
(а) Subway line traversing the Borough of Manhattan from the Battery
to 69th St., mostly on Broadway, and connecting by tunnel under the East
River with subway lines in Brooklyn, with rights over the Brooklyn, Man­
hattan, Williamsburg and Queensboro bridges. (Tho Board o f Estimato in
July 1915 decided to make tho connection with tho Queens lines by tunnel
undor tho river V. 101,p. 1554).
(б) Centre St. loop, connecting the different bridges and extended through
Nassau and Broad Sts., Manhattan, to a connection with tho lower East
River tunnel and the 4th Ave. subway In Brooklyn, with extensions to
86th St. and Conoy Island. Two tracks In the Centre St. loop were placed
In operation Aug. 4 1913 (V. 97, p. 297) and tho other two wero placed in
operation from time to time during tho year 1914-15. Tho reconstructed
Sea Beach lino was placed in operation M ay 1 1915 from 61st St. and Third
Avo. to Conoy Island. Tho Fourth Ave. Subway was formally openod
Juno 22 1915 with two tracks In operation. Tho oxtonsion from 65th St

[Vol. 102.

1464). As of M ay 16 1916, however, this transaction was sun ponuiug.
Tho South Brooklyn Railway owns tho double-track road extending
from Now York Bay, near 38th St., Brooklyn, to 38th St. noar 9th Avo.,
Brooklyn! and in Juno 1907 increased its stock from $150,000 to $500,000.
On M ay 21 1904 tho Brooklyn Heights Railroad Co. signed an agree­
ment with the city for operation of trolloy cars over the now Williamsburg
Bridge. Seo V. 78, p. 2013, 2386.
Surfaco cars began to cross this
Bridge in Nov. 1904. V. 79, p. 2084. hater the Bridgo Operating Co.
was formed, with $100,000 capital (of which one-half is owned by tho Now
York Rys.Company) to operato local service on the bridgo. Seo V.79,
n 626. Through elovatod train sorvico over tho Wllliamsburgh Bridgo was
inaugurated Sopt. 16 1908. Notico of intention to terminate tho contract be­
tween the companies operating over tho Will.lamsburgh Bridge and tho city ,
namely tho Brooidyn Heights R R ., tho Bridgo Operating C o., tho Coney
Island & Brooklyn R R . and tho New York Railways as assigneo of the
Now York City Railways was given Sopt. 1 1914 by Bridgo Comm. ICracke.
Tho contract was to have terminated August 31 1915, but time was ex­
tended and negotiations for a renewal of the contract aro undor way.
On November 15 1912 tho Appellate Division of tho Supremo Court,
First Dept., affirmed the order of tho P. S. Commission reducing the faro
charged over the Wllliamsburgh Bridge from 3 to 2 cents, or throe tickets for
5 cents. V. 95, p. 1402, 1471.
D e c is io n in S u it A g a in s t B ro o k ly n C ity R R .— On Juno 8 1912 the Appellate
Div. of N. Y. Supreme Court. 2d Dept., handed down a unanimous decision
affirming, to the extent of $1,740,258 principal (with Int. from March 3
1910. amounting to $1,616,680; total, S3.356,938), the judgment awarded
by the lower Court (V. 90, p. 558; V . 80, p. 1174, V. 70, p. 841) in the suit
(begun In April 1900) of Brooklyn Heights R R . against the Brooklyn City
R R . to recover moneys which the Heights Co. claimed should have been
expended by the lessor In fulfilment of tho terms of the lease of F eb. 14 1893,
but modified the judgment of tho lower Courtby^excluding interest -leaving
tho amount of tho modified Judgment $1,740,258. V. 94, p. 1565, 1625,
Both parties to the litigation then appealed to the Court of Appeals.
Brooklyn City R y. in July 1910 reducod Its dividend to 2% quar., « of 1%
being retained quarterly and sot aside in a special {ond. V. 91 l P - 93.
Oct. 23 1913 agreement of settlement was executed by tho Brooklyn Heights
R R . and tho Brooklyn City RR. providing for the payment of $1,650,000,
of which $900,000 was paid in cash on Nov. 1 1913 and tho balanco was
payable in quarterly installments of $5 0 ,0 0 0 with int. at 5% (seo annual
report for year ending Juno 30 1914 In V. 99, p. 348). Payments, how­
ever were anticipated and tho last $200,000 were paid during the 6 months
ending Dec. 31 1915. It was expected that the full 10% dividend would
bo resumed from and after Oct. 1 1917. V.
, p. 1285.
S p e c ia l F r a n c h is e T a x S ettlem en ts .— For decision allowing for obsolosconco
in fixing special franchise tax, seo V. 91, p. 1511. For settlement of taxes
for years 1907-1912, inclusive, seo V. 102, p. 1162.
P u rc h a s e o f C o n ey I s l a n d A B ro o k ly n R R .— In Dec. 1913 tho subsidiary
Coney Island & Gravesend Ry. recolved permission from tho P . 8. Comm,
to purchase $2,637,000 o f tho $2,983,900 outstanding stock of tho Conoy
Island & Brooklyn R R . V. 96. p. 1020. 1088; V. 97. p. 1897.
U n iv e r s a l T r a n s fe rs .— O n Mar. 27 1914 Public Sorvico Commission issuod
an order providing for a universal system of transfers among surface
linos in Brooklyn, and this was accopted by the several operating companies
In the Brooklyn Ranid Transit Systom, and became effective June 1 1914.
The new o^der makos a total of 13)08 transfer points, as against 721 boforo
the order became effective. V. 98, P* 911. 1070, 1692.
The T r a n s it D evelo p m en t C o . was organized In April 1903 under tho
Business Corporation Law, with $25,000 capital, and Is owned exclusively
in the Interest of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. It Is authorized to
manufacture and sell power and to do general contracting work. On
March 1 1907 special arrangement was made by which tho concern will furnish
power and take charge of the maintenance and repair of all the railway
properties in the Brooklyn Rapid Transit systom, including tholr equlpmont. V. 84. p. 569. In June 1907 capital stock was increased toi $500,000.
Tho Transit Development Co. in Dec. 1913 acquired a tract of about
90 acres In the Gravesend section of Coney Island. V. 98, p. 72.
The American Railway Traffic Co. was Incorporated in Jan. 1904 with a
capital of $1,000,000 (of which $980,000 is owned by the Transit Develop­
ment Co ) for the purpose of hauling and disposing of city s ashes and refuse.
Contract with city expiring Dec. 27 1908 was not ronowed and company
Is to bo dissolved.
A d v e r t is in g .— On tho expiration o f its contract with tho Inter-City Car
Advertising Co. on April 30 1915. the company decided to handle the adver­
tising, vending and nows privileges itself, and on May 21 1915 tho Broad­
way Subway and Homo Boroughs Car Ad vertising Co. was Incorporated to
carry out the plan. Joseph P. Day is Pros, and L. O. Sanford, Sec. &
Treas. V. 100, p. 1831.
A t la n t ic A v e . F r a n c h is e .— In Fob. 1916 Mayor Mitchol rofusotl to sign tho
franchise for a lino on Atlantic Avo., insisting upon the payment of the
franchise tax from which tho co. wished to bo absolved. Differences also
arose over the initial payment and the d u r a tio n o f Hie franchls^ UndOT
its terms tho company was to construct and operato a two-track roan rrom
Flatbush Avo. to Shepherd Avo., East New York, about 5 miles, connection
to bo made with existing tracks at about Atlantic and Fifth Avenues (see
V 101, p. 772). Tho franchises for tho proposed Eighth Avo., Fresh 1 ond
Road and Metropolitan Ave. lines wero approved.
F a v o ra b le D e c is io n .— On Oct. 2 1915 Supremo Court Justice Erlangor
dismissed the city’s suit against tho Brooklyn Queons County & Suburban
R R ., seeking to collect $829,578 for tho operation of tho co. s linos In Brook­
lyn and over tho Brooklyn and Queensboro bridges, boing 5% ($361,753)
of the company’s earnings during 1901 to 1907, plus a penalty of $467,825,







^ ^ C y p r e s s Hills

tfL Cemetery.—.

St. Johns




VoiNT j


'Cemetery -of the




CHARLOTTE •woo /5 side




^£ark_ —

Scale of Miles

y Bay vj


IVol . 102

Ma y , 191 C.j


on the ground that the city Is not ontitlod to more than its franchise reve­
nues and bridgo tolls.— V. 101, p. 1271. The city has appealed from the
M o rtg a g es o f C o n stitu en t C o m p a n ie s to S e c u re A d v a n c e s by B ro o k ly n R a p id

T r a n s it . — In M ay 1907 the Now York State RU. Comm, consented to the
Sea Beach R y., the Canarsio R R . and the South Brooklyn Ry.making
mortgages o f $2,000,000, $2,000,000 and $4,000,000,respectively. to secure
certificates o f indebtedness Issued by those companies to the Brooklyn
Rapid Transit for moneys advanced for additions, betterments, &c. In
June 1907 Brooklyn Union Elovatod authorized a mtge. for $20,000,000
and the Nassau Electric for $5,000,000 for same purpose; but In July 1908
Public Service Commission denied application for the approval of these lat­
ter two mortgages. See particulars V . 87, p. 224. No bonds will be Issued
under any or these mtgos., which aro created simply to secure the certifi­
cates o f indebtedness as issued from time to tlmo. The certificates cannot
bo issued at loss than par and are deposited under the Brooklyn Rapid
Transit first refunding mtge. V. 84, p. 1181, 1246, 1550.
Stock In c r e a s e . — On Jan. 3 1913 increased its auth. stock from $45,000,000
to $90 000,000. The new stock was issued from time to time up to July 1
1914. exclusively for the conversion of 4% bonds o f 1902. V. 96. p. 61STOCK AN D BONDS— D a t e .
In t e r e s t . O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock, $90,000,000 ($100)...............
$74,455,218 Apr ’ 16, 1 M
Brook Rap Tr 1st ref m tge,f 1902
4 g J-J
23,459.000 July 1 2002
$150,000,000, gold. c*&rtf(Central Trust C o., N. Y ., trustee. Coupon
I bonds ($ 1,000); registered ($ 1,000, $5,000)
Brook Rap Tran gold m tge,/ 1895
5 g A-O
17,000,000 Oct 1 1945
$7,000,000_________ c*ntf\d Int. at Central Tr. C o., N . Y .. trustee.
B Ii T secured notes $60,000,-/ 1912
5 g J-J
57,735,000 July 11918
000 ($1,000), gold___ c*tf\Interest at Central Trust C o., N . Y ., trustee
Brooklyn City RIt—
Refund mtge,$6,925,0001 1906
4 g F-A
x725,000 M ay 1 1956
($1,000)___________ ntflL ong Island L & Tr Co, Bklyn, trustee.
First consol mtge______ n tf 1891
5 J-J
t/4,373.000aJuly 1 1941
New W & Flat1st M - . - n t f ___
4H F-A
200,000 July 1 1941
BrooklynHeights R R
first/ 1891
5 A-O
250.000 Apr 1 1941
' flin t, at People’s Tr. C o., Brooklyn, trustee.
mortgage______________ tf
5 g J-J
e3,500,000 fJuly 1 1941
Brooklyn Queens Co & Sub, 1894
first mortgage______ntf
5 g M -N m2,884,000 *July 1 1941
First consol M , guar p & 1 1894
(end). $4,500,000-- - n t f Central Trust C o., Now York, trustee.
/240,000 Jan 1 1930
Jamaica & Brook R R first 1889 5 g J-J
m ortgage____________ tf Central Trust Co ., Now York, trustee.
4 g M-S
065O,OOOSept 1 1916
Sea Beach Ry Consol mtge, 1896
guaranteed____________n tf W . M . Grinnell, W . O. Platt & Wm. Man,
16,000,000 Feb 1 1950
Brooklyn Union Elev 1st M , 1899 5 g F-A
guaranteed_____________ tf Int. at Central T r. C o., N . Y ., trustee.
Kings Co Elev first mtge. 1899 4 g F-A
7,000,000 Aug 1 1949



Stockholders of the Brooklyn City R R . July 10 1906 authorized a new
mortgage for $6,925,000 to provide for refunding. V. 82, p. 1437. These
bonds aro subject to call at 110 and interest.
The total authorized issue of first consolidated mortgage gold 5s o f the
Brooklyn Queens County & Suburban R R . is $4,500,000, o f which $1,616,­
000 aro reserved for extensions, on which they will be a first lien. Of the
$2,884,000 outstanding, $2,255,000 in 1898 were endorsed with the guar­
anty of tho Brooklyn Heights R R . Co. as to prin. and Interest, and in Jan.
1899 provision was made for guaranteeing the remainder upon the payment
of $10 per bond. Both B. Q. O. & S. loans are subject to call in 1916.
The Sea Beach R y. 1st 4s are also guaranteed as to principal and interest
by the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. V. 65, p. 1219.
The Nassau El. 1st cons. M . bonds are guar, (by end. on each bond)
by the Brooklyn Heights R R . Besides covering the mileage directly owned
they are a lien by a supplemental agreement upon the stock of the Coney
Island & Gravesend Ry. and will become a direct lien on this line should it
become merged in the Nassau Electric. Of the total of $15,000,000 bonds
authorized, the unissued remainder ($3,492,000) is for prior liens. See
listing application in V. 72, p. 342.
C o n ey I s l a n d & B ro o k ly n B o n d s . — Of the $10,000,000 bonds, $4,000,000
are reserved for prior liens and $3,768,000 are reserved for extensions and
improvements. N o sinking fund, and bonds cannot be called.
M ILEAGE.— The system includes:
S id in g s ,
T o ta l
N am e—
T rack.
T rack.
& c.
Brooklyn Heights R R _______________ 2.134
Brooklyn City R R ---------------------------105.688
22.713 229.129
105.688 100.728
Bklyn. Queens C o. & Suburban R R .. 29.712
10.213 143.688
Nassau Electric R R _________________ 67.617
Coney Island & Gravesend R y _____
South Brooklyn Railway____________ 1.184
Prospect Park & Coney Island R R ___ 9.549
Coney Island & Bklyn. R R -------------- 22.897
New York Consolidated R R . and
New York Municipal R y. Corp------ 46.331
36.250 128.884
Trackage on N . Y . & Brooklyn Bridge—
Rapid transit lines_______________ 1.762
Surface lines_____________________
Trackage on Williamsburgh Bridge—■
Surface lines_____________________
N .Y . Mun. R y.— Lessee City o f;
93.928 698.798
307.397 297.473
EQUIPM ENT, Juno 30 1915.— 4,661 cars. Closed cars, 1,028: open
cars. 1,446: convert., 669; semi-conv., 891; miscell., 526; total, 4,661.
R EPO RT.— Tho annual report for 1914-15 will be found in V. 101. p. 366
and 376. O p era tio n s o f C o n ey I s l a n d & B ro o k ly n in c lu d e d fr o m J a n . 1 1914.
Passengers carried during tho year ended June 30 1915, 689,822,507, against
659.147.381 in 1914.
S T I T U E N T C O M P A N I E S — Y E A R S E N D I N G J U N E 30.
R even u e —

Transportation............. .$26,096,265 $25,246,453 $23,865,260 $22,949,021
1894 ' flg J -J
220,000 Jan 1 1934 Miscellaneous.................
New York,
gold ($220,000)........... tf Central Trust
Int. Cato.,Central
Trust trustee.
C o., N . Y ., trustee.
T o ta l........................... $26,427,686 $25,558,250 $24,152,288 $23,226,550
5 A-O
6B B & W E 1st mortgage. ____
1898 4 g J-J
pl0,347,000 Jan E1x1951
pen ses—
& Trust CTrust
o., trustee.
Series B ____________ tf Title Guar.Guaranty
C o., N . Y ., trustee.Maintenance
o f w a y ... $2,391,815 $2,021,647 $1,678,124 $1,636,713
5 guar,
g A-Oby end.121,000
1 1933R RMaint.
B . B. & W . E. general 1893
by Bklyn.
of equipm ent... 2,401,841
1894 F A -O
660,000 AprOperation
1 1944 o f power plant 1,553,178
Hamilton Trust C o., N . Y ., trustee.
Operation of c a r s ______ 6,532,265
1891 5 g A-O
c2,241,000 AorDamages
1 1931 & legal exp__
Brooklyn Trust C o., trustee.
General expenses...........
Coney Isl & Bklyn 1st consol
Freight & mail expenses
M $2,000,000 g o l d .- ..n t f
Co. exp.
Franklin Trust CAmer.
o., N . Ry.
Y ., Traf.
Consol mortgage $10,000,­
e s ........................
5 g J-J T a xn2,265,0(X)
Jan 1 1966
000 gold ($1,000)----- c*tf
Bklyn City & Newtown
T o ta l............................$16,660,416 $15,747,433 $14,583,539 $14,387,100
1st M $2.000.000--- n t f 1898 4 g J-J
s2,000,000 July 1 1948 Net earnings......................$9,767,270 $9,810,817 $9,568,749 $8,839,450
Real estate Trust
Other income..................
C o., New York, Trustee.
1904 4 g J-J
*2,232.000 Jan 1 1955
Total incom e...............$10,205,985 $10,262,589 $9,908,696 $9,157,441
Mercantile Trust C o., Now York, Trustee.
Fixed charges (net)____ 4.693.424
1889 5 J-J
A2,000,000 July 1 1939
Mercantile Trust C o., Now York, Trustee.
Surplus.......................... $5,512,561 $5,315,705 $4,496,928 $3,711,222
442,062 .....................
Dividends.................. (6 % )4 .467.318 (6)3,660,048(5M)2440,770(5)2,239.851
R en tal p a y m en ts i n a d d itio n to p a y m e n t o f f i x e d charges —
Brooklyn City R R . stock. $12,000,000. 10% Q.-J. 15. 999 yrs_$l,200,000
Balance.......................... $1,045,243 $1,655,657 $2,056,158 $1,471,371
Prospect Park & Coney Island R It., yearly rental------------------45,000
* call July 11916. call 1916. call anytime,
L a t e s t E a r n i n g s . — For 6 mos. ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $14,048,445;
c Atlantic Avenue general mortgage 5s o f 1931 were subject to call in net, after taxes, $5,476,116; other income, $237,184: charges. $2,371,766:
1909. but many of them (how many is not known) have been stamped, surplus, $3,341,534.
releasing them from the liability to call.
OFFICERS.— Pres.. Timothy S. Williams; Chairman of Board. Nicholas
d The Central Trust Co. of New York was trustee o f this mortgage until
Oct. 1903, when the Colonial Trust Co. (since consolidated with the Trust F. Brady; V .-P . & Treas., C . D . Meneely; V .-P ., Slaughter W . Huff; Sec.*
Co. o f America— the latter being merged into Equitable Trust Co.) was J. II. Bennington; Comp.. Howard Abel. Offices, 85 Clinton St., Bklyn.
— V. 100, p. 396, 472, 732, 900, 1591, 1831; V. 101, p. 366 , 376 , 447, 772,
1188, 1271. 1369. 1464, 1884, 1972, 2070; V. 102, p. 1162.
e Includes $2,000,000 held by Brooklvn Rapid Transit Co.
/ Includos $8,000 owned by B. R . T . Co.
g Includes $22,500 owned by B. R . T .
(1 ) N e w Y o r k C o n s o l i d a t e d R R .
h Includes $7,000 held in treasury.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. at Albany on N ov. 30 1912 as a consolida­
k Includes S732.000 owned by B. R . T . system.
tion of the Brooklyn Union Elevated R R ., Sea Beach R y. and Canarsie
I Includes $30,000 owned by B. R . T . systom.
R R . V. 95, p. 1608, Brooklyn Rapid Transit owns or controls $13,430,­
x Entire amount owned by Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co.
831 out of the $13,900,000 common stock and $4,785,985 out o f the $5,­
y Not Including $1,627,000 owned by B. It. T . Co.
000,000 preferred stock.
z Not including $22,627,000 owned by B. R . T . system,
Owns all the outstanding stock of the N . Y . Municipal R y. Corn, (which
m Including $50,000 owned by B. R . T . systom.
holds the contracts made with the City of New York in 1913 for the opera­
» Not including $57,735,000 owned by Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co.
tion of subways, &c.) and guarantees its bonds, p . & L, jointly with the
p Not Including $1,161,000 owned by B. R. T . system.
B. R . T .
s Includes $13,000 held in treasury.
L e a s e . — All rights, &c., o f the N . Y . Municipal R y. Corp. under its con­
Stock. — In the reorganization o f the Long Island Traction, the old $30,­
000,000 stock paid an assessment o f $10 per $100 sharo, the old stock being tract with the city have been leased and assigned to the New York Consoli­
R R , For terms, see statement of N . Y . Municipal R y. Corp. below.
reduced to $20,000,000, and $7,000,000 o f 5% bonds being authorized,
Tho New York Consolidated in 1915 leased for 999 years the Nassau
against $3,000,000 o f Long Island Traction.
D iv id e n d s . — First div., 1% , paid April 1 1909; July, 1% ; Oct., 1% . In Electric R R .’s terminal at Coney Island, the consideration being $247,000,
1910. 4 H % ; in 1911 and 1912, 5% : In 1913, Jan., 1 H % : A pr.. 1 X % : in which tho New York Municipal R y. Corp. was authorized to charge against
July increased rate to 1 H % ; samo rate quar. since to and incl. Apr. 1916. the cost of construction under the dual system contracts. See V .101,p.447.
In terest on B o n d s , Vv h e re P a y a b le . — Interest on the Brooklyn Rapid Contract for construction o f new terminal was let in March 1916. It is
Transit mortgage of 1902 for $150,000,000 and the two Elevated Issues Is to be completed in 2 years.
F a v o ra b le D e c is io n . — In Apr. 1916 Supremo Court Justice Erlanger held
payable at the Central Trust C o.; on the Brooklyn City RR.refunding bonds
at company's office: on the Nassau Electric bonds. Including Atlantic Ave­ that under the contract with the city, dated Mar. 19 1913, the co. was
nue and West End issues, at the Central T r. C o., N . Y .; on the Brooklyn relieved from tho obligation o f paying tolls for the operation o f cars over
Queens County & Suburban mortgages and the Jamaica & Brooklyn first theD i Williamsburgh
v i s i o n o f E a r n i n g s w i t h C i t y . — As the New York Consolidated holds,
mortgago at tho Brooklyn Trust C o., Bklyn.; and on the Sea Beach 1st under
assignment and lease, all the rights acquired by the New York Munici­
mortgage at tho Now York Consol. R R . C o.’s office, 85 Clinton St., Bklyn.
On tho B. R. T . socurod notes o f 1912 and on N. Y . Mun, R y. Corn. 1st M . pal R y. Corp. in the latter’s contracts with the city, all the earnings will
to it. The division of earnings will be on the following basis:
bonds at Central Trust Co. Int. on all Conoy Isl. & Bklyn. bonds Is pay- accrue
1. T o tho company, $3,500,000, as representing the net earnings o f the
blo at Central Trust C o., N . Y . On Bklyn. Heights R R . 1st M . at Peo­
existing railroads which aro to form part of the new rapid transit system.
ples’ Trust Co., Bklyn.
S e c u red N o te s . — Tho notes aro securod by pledge o f equal amount of Out o f this reservation tho company pays interest charges on capital in­
1st M . 5s o f tho Now York Municipal R y. Corp. and $10,000,000 B . R. T . vestments prior to Mar. 19 1913 in the existing railroads.
2. T o the company, 6% on its now investment in construction and equip­
conv. 4% ref. bonds. Proceeds o f notes aro deposited as security for notes
until oxpondod. Tho notes woro conv., $ for $, into IstM . 5s of tho Munici­ ment prior to the beginning of permanent operation and thereafter interest
pal Ry. prior to Jan. 1 1916, slnco which dato thoy aro rod. at c o .’s option and 1% sinking fund.
3. T o the city, interest and 1% sinking fund on its Investment in cost of
at 101 and in t.on any in on 90 days’ notico. $2,265,000 of tho notes
. . .
wore converted into N. Y . Municipal R y. Corp.’s 5% bonds. See V. 94. p. construction.
4. Any surplus remaining, after making provision for a moderate contin­
1964, and V. 101, p. 1188.
M o rtg a g e fo r $150,000,000.— Stockholders authorized March 20 1902 gent reserve fund, is to be divided equally between the company and the
first refunding 4% gold convertible bonds for $150,000,000. $59,304,000to city. The company’s preferential payments are to be cumulative.
retire all tho then existing bonds o f the system (including tho $7,000,000
R e s u lts o f T e m p o r a r y O p e r a tio n s o f L i n e s U n d e r C o n tr a c t w ith th e C ity .
Br. Rap. Transit 5s), and tho rest for lmprovts., add’ns and acquisitions,
Y ea r E n d .
A u g . 4 ’ 13
as needed from time to time. Tho mortgago provides that a fund of $5.­
J u n e 30 '15.
t o J u n e 30’ 15
000,000 in bonds or their proceeds bo at all times at tho disposal of the com­ TotaFrevenues_________________________________
pany for the purposes mentioned. See V. 74, p. 377. As this fund is re­ Total’ deductions_______________________________ $5,295,281 $10,150,512
duced for any of the purposes authorized, more bonds may bo authenticated Proportion of company’s preferentials----------------- 3,591,001
by trustee and delivered to tho company on Its order. Those bonds were
convertible Into stock, par for par, beforo July 1 1914, and $29,619,000 were
T ota l__________________________________ $8,886,282
so converted. Thoy are subject to call on any Interest day until tho year Deficit
in company's preferentials_________ $325,726
2000 at 110 and interest; after that at par and Interest. Seo listing applica­ Int. paid by city on Its cost o f construc’n of prop­
tions in V. 81, p. 1856,1857, for list o f securities pledged for tho bonus; also
erty placed in operationplus sk. fd. of 1 % —
listing applications in V. 82. p. 617; V. 83, p. 1122; V. 85. p. 1523; V. 86.
p. 923, and V. 90, p. 786.
tJ „ „
Total deficit...............................................$730,387
B o n d s .— o r tho $7,000,000 50-year gold 5s of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit,
Deficits in city’s charges during temporary operations to be added to
$3,000,000 wont to stockholders for assessment. For description of prop­ the cost of construction o f city-owned lines.
erty covered by the mortgage, see V. 62, p. 1138. See also application In
V. 67. p. 90-1.
Brooklyn City R R . mortgago o f 1891 is for $6,000,000 and is a first lien
on the old Brooklyn City road and a consolidated lion on tho linos acquired

by consolidation in 1890. Of tho $6,000,000 issued, $4,373,000 aro In the
hands o f the public and tho balance Is hold in tho guaranty fund.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



[Vol. 102.


B o n d s . — Of tho new $10,000,000 bonds, $4,000,000 are reserved for prior
liens and $3,768,000 are reserved for extensions and improvements; $107,­
000 in treasury. No sinking fund and bonds cannot be called.
ROAD.— First track, 22.897 miles; 2d track, 22.208 miles: mlsc. track,
7.039 miles; total oper., 52.144 miles. 462 passenger and 28 service cars.
D IVIDEN DS.— In 1895. 6% ; In 1896, 5% ; in 1897, 6% : in 1898, 8 /4 % :
V. 67, p. 955. In 1899, 10%; in 1900, 10%; in 1901, 13/4% ; n 1902,
16%; in 1903, 16%; in 1904, 16%; in 1905, 10%; in 1906, 8% ; in 1907;
Feb., 2% ; May dividend passed. None thereafter to Jan. 1914, when a
div. of 6% was paid. In 1915, Jan., 6% ; Juno, 1Z4 %; Dec., 3% . In l9 1 6 ,
B o n d s . — Bonds o f the Brooklyn Union and Kings County Elevated RR. M ar., 1/4 % .
OFFICERS.— Pres., S. W . Huff; V.-P .& Treas., C. D. Meneely; Sec.,
companies areguar. p. & 1. by Bklyn. Heights R R ., guaranty to be stamped
upon bonds upon presentation. In Feb. 1902 began stamping bonds with J. II. Bennington; Comptroller, Howard Abel.— V. 93, p. 1105; V. 94. p.
guaranty. Certain days each month are designated for stamping. See 767. 1185. 1695; V. 95. p. 1122; V. 96. p. 1020; V. 97. p. 1898; V. 98. p.
V. 102, p .975. Both issues are listed on N . Y. Stock Exchange. Sea Beach 235. 303, 386; V. 99, p. 1214.
1st 4s are guar., p. & 1., by B. R. T . Co. Not subject to call. Int. at
(4) Prospect Park & C oney Island RR.
office of N. Y . Consol. R R . C o., 85 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
ORGANIZATION.— In Oct. 1915 tho P. S. Comm. auth. tho South
D IV ID E N D S.— The first d iv .,o f 2 % , on the old Bklyn. Union Elevated Brooklyn
Ry. (controlled by B. R. T.) to purchase at $200 por share the
R R . pref. stock was paid June 29 1901; in 1902 and 1903, 3% ; in 1904,3/4% 1,768/4/shares
ownod by tho L. I. R R . and tho minority holdings from time
in 1905. 4% : in 1906. 4 /4 % : in 1907 to 1911, iacl., 5% per annum: in 1912 to
as offorod. V. 101, p. 1464. As of M ay 16 1916 this transaction
June, 2 /4 % ; Dec., 6% . On com., 1st div., 5% . paid June 10 1910; Dec., wastime
still pending. Road has been operated under lease at an annual rontal
2 /4 % . In 1911, 5% . In 1912, Juno, 2 /4 % ; Dec., 6% .
In consideration of a guaranty by L. I. R R ., annual int. on
In Nov. 1912 became part o f the N . Y. Consol. R R . Divs. on both of $45,000.
greater part of Prosp. Pk. & C. I .’s bonded debt was reduced from 6 and
classes of stock o f the latter have been as follows: In 1913, June, 5% ; the
V. 56, p. 42; V. 62, p. 187. All tho 2d M . 6s, $202,800
Sept., 1 U ; Dec., 1M- In 1914, 8/4- In 1915, 10. In 1916, Mar. 2 /4 % . of income 6s andSeo
$80,000 of 1st M . 6s are owned by L. I. R R .
R OAD.— Embraces 156.678 miles of rapid transit track. The New York
D a te .
In t e r e st .
O u ts ta n d in g
M a t u r it y .
& Brooklyn Bridge has 3.755 ratios o f track in addition. When all the lines
$250,000 ------- -------embraced In contract with tho city have boon completed, will consist of Stock, $100...............................- - - ..........................
1886 4/4 F-A
340,000 Fob 1 1926
approximately 285 mllos of track. Including trackage rights over tho Astoria Second mortgage, now first/
1886 6 F-A
160,000 Fob 11926
($1,000 each)________ c*&rl
and Corona (Queens County) lines enjoyed mutually with the Interbor­
Third mortgage, now second,/
1891 4/4 g M-S
96,000 Mar 1 1931
ough R. T . Co.
gold ($1,000 each)__ c*&r\
1891 6 M-S
104.000 Mar 1 1931
OFFICERS.— Pres., John H. Ilallock; V .-P. & Treas., O. D . Meneely;
Phila., Pa.
Sec., J. II. Bennington; Com p., Howard Abel.— V. 95, p. 1207, 1274, 1608; Income bonds, non-cum_____ 1880 6 M -N
250,000 May 1 1920
V . 96. p. 360. 653.
New York M unicipal Railway C orporation. (S e e M a p p a g e 16.) EARNING S.— Now Included in those of B. R . T .— V. 101. p. 1371.
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorp. in N . Y . on Sept. 27 1912 to operate the
enlarged transit system (elevated roads and subways) covered by the agree­
ment between the company and the city, and to construct and own such
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in New York. Began operat'g In Sept. ’ 12.
parts of the system as are scheduled for private rather than public owner­
July 10 1912 the Board of Estimate & Apportionment granted a
ship. V. 95, p. 818. The linos to bo constructed by the city are to be franchise
over tho proposed route from Flatbush Avenue
leased to tho company for a period o f 49 years from Jan. 1 1917 and are to (Brooklyn)totooperate
Manhattan. Tho P. S. Commission on Aug. 14 1912 ap­
be operated by tho company in connection with tho existing railroads of the proved tho franchise.
See V. 94, p. 912; V. 95, p. 420.
New York Consolidated RR. Co. (as enlarged and extended) as ono systom,
For two decisions handed down by tho Appellate Division ot the Supreme
and for a single faro. Tho city-constructed lines may be recaptured by tho Court
company, see V. 97, p. 1733.
city aftor 10 years upon payment to tho company of a fixed percentage of
D a le .
D iv id e n d .
O u t s t a n d in g .
L a s t D iv .
tho latter’s investment in construction and equipment (115% at tho end of
$-150,000 M a r '16,1/4
10 yoars and a gradually diminishing amount in succeeding years), so that Common, $1,000,000________ _____
the company will receive an amount which, with the accumulations of its
ROAD.— Operates 4.14 milos of track from Canal St. and Bowery,
sinking fund, will at least make good its Investment.
N. Y ., over Manhattan Bridge, through Flatbush Ave. extension to Ful­
In March 1913 the P. S. Commission approved a contract with the Brook­ ton St., Bklyn. 25 cars.
lyn Heights R R . for the use o f tho Lutheran Cemetery line. This lino was
Dividends.— Initial quar. dividend of 1/4 % paid Mar. 1914 (V. 98, p.523);
elevated and was placed in operation Feb. 22 1915. V . 100, p. 732.
samo rate quar. since to and lncl. Mar. 1916.
LEASE TO N . Y . CONSOL. R R .— On Mar. 26 1913 the P. S. Comm,
EARNINGS.— For year end. Juno 30 1915, gross. $136,498; not, $42,959;
sanctioned tho lease and assignment to the N . Y . Consol. R R . o f all rights oth. inc., $5,126; taxes, rentals, amortization, &c., $22,889: divs.. $25,977;
under the contract with the city respecting new rapid transit lines. (See deficit for year, $781. Total surplus Juno 30 1915, $7,901. Passengers
V. 96, p. 360, 947). The company also transferred to the N. Y. Consol. carried during 1914-15, 5,215,728.
R R . the certificates for extensions and additional tracks, as well as certain
OFFICERS.— Pres., Fred’k W. Rowe; V.-Pres., Frederick D. Mackay
real estato In Brooklyn and tho abovo-mentioned contract with the Brooklyn and Chas. J. Edwards; Sec., Walter Hammitt; Treas., Ed. T . Horwlll.—
Heights R R . regarding the Lutheran Cemetery line. The leaso calls for V. 90, p. 698: V. 91. p. 154; 1767; V. 94, p. 912; V. 95, p. I l l , 236, 420,
6% dividends on the N . Y . Municipal R y. Corp. stock.
618, 1331, 1684; V. 96. p. 285,1557,1840: V. 97, p. 1733; V. 98, p. 523.
The Municipal Ry. Corp. agrees to furnish all the money necessary to
carry out the terms o f the dual system contracts and has the option o f doing
VAN BRUNT STREET & ERIE BASIN R R .— A trolloy road .___
all the construction work and acquiring all tho equipment, or o f requiring
ORGANIZATION, &c.— Chartered Feb. 15 1861. Stock, $200,000, all
the Consolidated Co. to do so on reasonable notice.
issued; par, $10. Bonds, $75,000 1st mtgo. authorized; $31,000 out.
In August 1913 tho P. S. Commission granted authority to Issue $400,000 Track, 2.32 miles, changed to electricity in 1898. 6 pass. cars. For year
additional stock, o f which $100,000 was Issued in April 1915. Up to Mar. 31 ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $39,568; net, after taxes, $7,724; other incomo,
1916 only $200,000 stock out. all owned by New York Consolidated RR.
$308; lntorost, &c., $1,950; surplus, $6,082.
In March 1916 tho co. applied to P. S. Comm, for auth. to Issue $697,500
OFFICERS.— Pros., John F. Murphy; V .-P ., D. W . Sullivan; Sec. and
additional stock to reimburse tho B. R. T. for commissions and fees for Treas.,
Wyllys Terry. Office, 264 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, N. Y .
counsel paid out In connection with tho dual subway system financing.

D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Com stock, $13,900,000 ($ 1 0 0 )____
$13,900,000 D e c’ 15,2/4
Pref stock, $5,000,000 ($100)...........
5,000,000 Dec: ’ 15,2/4
Bklyn Un El 1st M , $16,000.-f 1899 6 g F-A
16,000.000 Feb 11950
000, gold, 4% till 1905.{Interest at Central Trust C o., New York.
since5% ($1,000)...........t fl Trustee.
Kings County El 1st M , g o ld ,/ 1899 4 g F-A
7,000,000 Aug 1 1949
$7,000,000 ($1,000).c * n tflin t, at Central Trust C o., N . Y ., Trustee.
Sea Beach Ry 1st M , $650,-/ 1896 4 M-S
650,000 Sept 1 1918
000 ($1,000 and $100)cntfj W ^M . Gr Innell, W . O. Platt and Wm, Man,

D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock, $2,000,000 ($100)___________ All owned by N . Y. Consol. R R .-------First mortgage. 3100,000,000/ 1912
5 g J-J
$2,265,000 Jan 1 1966
($1,000 & $500), g.c*& r_tf (Int. at Central Trust C o.. N. Y .. Trustee.
B o n d s .— Guar., p. & I., by B. R . T . and N . Y . Consol. R R.$ 60.000,000
were issued and pledged as security for B. R .T . securod notes. $2,265,000
of said notes wero converted into bonds o f this issue. Right of conversion
terminated Jan. 1 1916. Semi-annual sinking fund after July 1 1918
(minimum, .3175%: maximum, /4 % ). Bonds aro subject to call as a
whole, but not in part, except for sinking fund, at 107/4 on 90 days’ notice.
See V. 101. p. 2072.— V. 95, p. 818; V. 96, p. 360, 863, 947, 1773; V. 101,
p. 2072.
(2) Nassau Electric R ailroad.— A trolley road.
ORGAN IZATION .— Chartered Mar. 13 1893 under the laws o f Now
York. Opened In July 1895 and In April 1896 leased the Atlantic Avenue
R R ., &c. As stated above, tho Rapid Transit Co. owns or controls all
of tho $8,500,000 common stock o f the Nassau Electric and $6,394,375
out of the $6,500,000 preferred stock.
Was formerly leased for 999 years from April 1 1900 to Brooklyn Heights
Railroad, but, colncldently with a decision compelling tho issuance of
transfers from ono leased lino to another (V. 79, p. 102), the lease was ter­
minated on Juno 30 1904. For order requiring universal transfers, effective
Juno 1 1914, see "Brooklyn Rapid Transit C o.” further above.
For lease of Coney Island terminal to the N . Y . Consol. R R .. see remarks
under that company abovo and under Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. in
V. 101, p. 447.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common stock, $8,500,000----------------------- $8,500,000
Preferred 4% cum, $6,500,000 ____
M -N
weo text
B o n d s . — For details see Rapid Transit statement above.
ROAD.— Embraces 143.688 miles o f single track.
Atlantic Avenue R R . (now part of Nassau Electric) owned the double­
track steam road (since converted to electricity) from Jamaica to Flatbush
Avonuo Station in Brooklyn, 914 miles (19 milos of track), which is leased
for 99 years from June 1 1877 to the Long Island R R . C o., affording that
company entrance Into tho city o f Brooklyn— rental, formerly a percentage
of receipts, was changed In 1895 to $60,000 yearly. V. 61, p. 828. Liti­
gation has arisen with Long Island R R . regarding the use of Atlantic
Avenue. Seo V. 74, p. 1139. In Oct. 1910 N .Y . Court of Appeals decided
that tho city had tho right to tear up rails, but city has taken no action
looking to the exercise o f tho right.
D IV ID E N D .— First dlv. on pref. under lease was paid Dec. 31 1900, 4% ;
1901 to 1907 Incl., 4% per annum; in 1908, N ov., 2% ; in 1909, N ov.2%>
in 1910 and 1911,4%; in 1912, May, 2% ; N ov., 2% reg. and 4% on account
of arrears. I n ’ 13, M ay, 2% ; N ov., 4% ; in T4 & T5, 4 % . In T6, M ay, 2% .
(3) Coney Island & B rooklyn R R .
In Dec. 1913 the Coney Island & Gravesend R y. (subsidiary of the Bklyn.
Rap. Transit) received permission from the P. S. Comm, to acquire 26,370
shares of tho stock o f this company. Bklyn. Itap. Tran. Co. owns $625,­
000 consol, mtge. bonds o f 1904.
ORGAN IZATION .— Chartered Dec. 10 1860. Cars commenced run­
ning over the Brooklyn Bridge Feb. 15 1898. See V. 66, p. 383.
Brooklyn City & Newtown was leased in Nov. 1897 for 999 years. In
1900 acquired all the stock o f that company, but legal proceedings com­
pleting merger with Coney Island & Brooklyn were not effocted until 1910.
W age I n c r e a s e . — On Jan.271914 announced an increase of 10% in thewagos
of employees, putting them on the same basis as those o f the Brooklyn
Rapid Transit C o., which run from 24 to 28 cts. an hour. V. 98, p. 386.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g . L a s t d i v .& c .
$2,983,900 M a r ’ 16, 1H
Stock, $3,500,000 (par $100).............................
First consolidated mortgage/ 1898 4 g J-J
*2.000.000 July 1 1948

$2,000,000, gold_____ ntf I Mercantile Trust Co., New York, Trustee.

Consol mortgage,$10,000,000/ 1904 4 g J-J
2,125,000 Jan 1 1955
gold ($1,000)________ c*tf\ Mercantile Trust C o., New York, Trustee.
Brooklyn City & Newtown/ 1889 5 J-J
2,000,000 July 1 1939
first mort $2,000,000..n t f\MercantiIo Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
Real estate mortgages_______ _____
288,062 ___________
* Includes $13,000 held in treasury.
B o n d In t e r e s t. — Interost on all above bonds payable at Cont. T r. Co.,N.Y.



R e c e iv e r s h ip .— On application of tho New York Trust C o., mortgage

trustee, Justice Brown in tho Supreme Court at Buffalo on July 7 1915,
appointed Geo. Bullock receiver. V. 101, p. 129. On July 15 1915 tho
receiver was authorized to issue $250,000 6% receiver’s certificates. On
Sept. 28 1915 tho receiver was authorized to issue $135,000 additional ctfs.
D e fa u lt .— The company having defaulted on tho int. duo N ov. 1 1912 on
tho first and rof. M . 5% bonds (subsequent coupons also defaulted),
a protective commltteo requested tho bondholders to doposit thoir bonds
with Equitablo Trust C o., 37 Wall St., N . Y ., as depositary, or tho Girard
Trust Co. of Phila. as sub-depositary.
The aforesaid committee also drew up a plan ot reorganization (see
V. 97, p. 297, but in Dec. 1913 the plan was abandoned. Negotiations for
anothor plan are under way.
ORGANIZATION.— incorporated in New York and Pennsylvania In
Dec. 1906 and is a consolidation of the Hamburg Ity., tho Dunkirk & Frodonia R R ., the Buffalo Dunkirk & Western R R ., the Lake Erie Electric
Traction Co. and tho Erie Rapid Transit Co. Leases the Erie Electric
Motor Co. for 999 years, which company leases the Erie City Passenger Ry.
for 999 years from Oct. 1 1888 and tho Erie Reed Park & Lakeside Stroot
Ry. for 999 years from March 1 1901. In 1909 leasod tho Buffalo &
Lack. Trac. Co. for 999 years. V. 88, p. 1001. Also owns all tho stock
of this company, and guarantees the bonds. Also owns all stock ($750,000,
all out) of tho Dunkirk St. R y., which company has a franchise In Dunkirk
and has built about 5 miles of track.
„ _ , „ ,
Tho Niagara & Erio Power Co. is controlled by the Buff. & Lake Erie
Trac. Co. and tho Niagara Lockport & Ontario Power Co. Interests, and
Its bonds aro guar., p., i. & sk. fd., one-half each, by these two companies.
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
D a te .
Common, $5,000,000------------ -------................. 2,500,000 ...................
Pref, 6% , $2,500,000, c u m i -----from July 1909__________ /
_ _
5 g M -N
7,066,000 Nov 1 _1938
1st and
ref mtgo,
000, gold ($i,bbb)___ c*tflln terest at New York Trust C o.LTrustee.
Erlo El M 1st mtge. $200,000/ 1889
6 g J-J
148,000 Jan 1 1919
($1,000), gold________ ctf/C entral Trust C o., trustco, Now York City.
6--------g J-J
102,000---Jan 1' 1919~
Erie El M 2d mtge, $150,000/ 1892
---------($1,000), gold............... c t f Central Trust C o., Trusteo, Now York.
5 g A-O
1,000,000 Apr 11941
Erio El M 1st ref sink fund, 1901
$1,250,000, gold ($1,000). Interest at Now York Trust C o.. Trustee.
Now York City.
Cannot bo called------- c * tf
4 g M -N
745,000 Nov 1 1920
Hamburg Ry 1st M , $750,­ 1906
000, gold ($1,000)--------- tf Int. at Equitable Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustoo.
5 g J-J
39,000 July 1 1952
Dun & Fred ref M , $100,000, 1902
„„„ &
„ _______
gold ($100, „$500
$1,000) .Fidelity Trust C o., Buffalo, Trustoo.
Niagara & Erie Pow 1st M ,/ 1911
6 J-J
510,000 Jan 1 1941
$1,250,000g($l,000)gu p&l\Guaranty Trust C o., New York, Trusteo.
Receiver’s certificates...................... .. . 3 8 5 ’000 - - - - - - - - - - B o n d s .— O t the $12,000,000 now bonds, $2,034,000 aro rosorvod to take
up a like amt. of underlying liens. These new bonds aro subj. to call on any
int. date at 110 and int. Int. on the 1st and 2d mtgos. of tho Erio El. M otor
Co. Is paid by Kountzo Bros., N . Y . The Erie El. Motor ref. bonds aro
secured by deposit of entlro stocks of tho Erie City Pass. Ry. and tho Erio
Itoed Park &. Lakosldo St. Ry. A sink. fd. of 1% ann. on those bds. bogan
Apr. 1 1906 and will bo increased to 1/4% in 1916. Tho Hamburg Ry.
bonds aro no longer subject to call. The Dunkirk & Frodonia refunding
mortgage bonds are subject to call on any interest date at 103. I ho
Niagara & Erio 1st M . bonds aro subj. to call, any or all, on any int. day
at 105. Sk. fd. from Jan. 1 1916, 1/4% of bonds auth. Bonds are guar.,
p.. i. & sk. fd.. by Buff. & Lake Erio Trac. and Niag. Lockp. & Ont.
Power C o., ono-nalf by each. V. 92, p. 530.
EARNINGS.— For year end. Dec. 31 1915. gross, $1,273,607; not,
ROAD.— Buffalo, N. Y ., to Erio, Pa., and Lackawanna to Hamburg*
N. Y ., 99.31 m.; leased lines (Dunkirk St. R y., 4.21 m.; Erie Elec. M otor
C o., 26.79 m.; Erio & Sub. R y.. 4.63 m .;Buff. & Lacka. Trac. C o., 5.02 m.)«
40.65 miles— total, 139.96 miles, of which in Now York (owned, 81.19 m .’
loasod, 9.23 m .), 90.42 miles and in Pennsylvania (owned, 18.12 m.; leased1
26.79 m.; operated, 4.63 m.) 49.54 miles. Second track (owned, 16.78 m .1




[Vol. 102.

leased, 16.88 m.; operated, 3.53 m .), 37.19 miles. Sidings, &c. (owned, from 1917 to 1925 incl., and $150,000 on Apr. 1 1926, to bo retired either
3.97 m.; leased, 4.43 m.; operated, .47 m .), 8.87 miles. Total track op­ through earnings or by sale o f the pledgod bonds at not less than 65. Calla­
ble, all or part, at 101 and int. on any int. date on 30 days’ notice. Penn­
erated (owned, 120.06 m.; leased, 57.46 m.; operated, 8.03 m .), 185.55 m.
sylvania State tax refunded. V. 102, p. 1436. Car trust certificates
OFFICERS.— Pres, (vacant); V .-P. & Sec., M . D. Evans; Gen. M gr., No. 2 are secured by title to 150 cars. They fall duo in semi-annual
A . R . Myers; Treas. & Asst. Sec., A. F. Tideswell.— V. 88, p . 293, 1001! Installments of $30,000 each from Dec. 1906 to June 1916 Inclusive. Oar
V . 92. p. 525; V. 95. p. 1121, 1206; V. 97, p. 297; V. 101, p . 129.
trust certificates No. 3 are secured by title to 50 cars. Thoy fall due In
semi-annual Installments o f $12,000 March 1 and $13,000 Sept. 1 from
(1) B u ffa lo & Lackawanna T ra ction Co.
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated in New York in June 1906 to furnish March 1 1908 to Sept. 1 1917.
D iv id e n d s .— First div. of 2% on old 4% pref.stock was paid Fob. 1 1913:
an entrance Into Buffalo for Buffalo & Lake Erie Trac. Co. In April 1909
was leased to Buffalo & Lake Erie Trac. for 999 years. Stock $50,000 also an additional 4% on account of accumulated dlvs.; July, 2% and 2%
(V. 88, p. 748), all owned by Buff. & Lake Erie Trac. Co. Has universal July, 2% ; N ov., 1 H % ; Jan., 1916, H % \ Apr., 1% . New 7% pref. stock
transfers throughout city o f Buffalo through contract with Internat. R y . Co. Is being issued in exchange for old stock with accum. divs. thereon—see
remarks above. New stock is cumulative from Nov. 15 1915, and a div. o f
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
paid thereon Jan. 15 1916; Apr. 1916, 1M % .
1st mtge, $1,500,000, gold! 1908
5 g J-D
$1,160,000 Dec 11928 % F%r awas
n c h is e s .— In June 1906 we were Informed that the majority of tho
($1,000), guaranteed--ctf (Interest at New York Trust C o., Trustee’
franchises In Buffalo are practically perpetual, none in Buffalo or other cities
B o n d s are subject to call on or before Dec. 1 1913 at 110 and int. They and towns having then an unexplred term of less than 40 years, excepting
have no sink. fund. Remaining bonds are reserved for betterments and only the Fillmore Avenue franchise, covering an extension of 6>4
extensions at 85% o f cost. Bonds guaranteed prln. and Int. by Buffalo miles on the east side In Buffalo, which was limited to 25 years; also portions
& Lake Erie Traction Co. V . 90, p. 235.
of Franklin, Pearl, Genesee, W . Seneca, Morgan and W . Chippewa Sts.;
ROAD.— Is a double-track road about 4.46 miles long. Began operating extension of Morgan St. or Elmwood A ve.,in the Terrace and College Place.
Dec. 22 1909.
C o n s o lid a tio n o f C o n stitu en t C o m p a n ie s .— On Feb. 20 1902 the Interna­
OFFICERS.— Pres., R . E . Grlscom: V .-Ps.. M . D . Evans and M . \V. tional Railway Company was Incorporated In New York with $10,120,500
Dodge; Sec., M . D. Evans: TreaS., A. F. Tideswell.— V . 88, p. 293, 748; stock, and In Aug. 1902 this was Increased to $17,000,000, of which $16,­
V . 90, p .235 ; V . 95. p. 1471.
707,500 has been Issued (all owned by the International Traction C o.), as a
consolidation of the following companies, whose shares had previously been
BUFFALO & DEPEW RY.—A trolley road.
held by the Traction Co.; V. 74, p. 427.
Buffalo Railway Co. (after Buffalo Traction and Buffalo Bellevue &
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated on April 27 1897. Wm. B. Cutter
o f Buffalo, N . Y ., owns about three-fourths o f the stock and the entire Lancaster had first been merged in the same).
Buffalo & Niagara Falls Electric Railway.
$350,000 bonds.
Buffalo & Lockport Railway (after Elmwood Ave. and Tonawanda Elec­
S tr ik e . — Operations were suspended from N ov. 15 to Dec. 18 1915, Inc.
D a te .
I n t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y . tric Railway had been merged).
Tonawanda & Niagara Falls Electric R R . Co.
Stock. $350,000 ($100)...................
— ...........
$305,000 ---------------Lockport Sc Olcott Railway.
Buff Sc D 1st M , $350,000____1901
5 J-J
350,000 Jan 11931
Niagara Falls Sc Suspension Bridge Railway (after the Niagara Falls
E a r n i n g s . — For cal. year 1915, gross, $15,981; loss from operations,
Whirlpool & Northern R y. had been merged in it).
$9,984. In 1914, gross, $19,109; loss from oper., $3,095.
Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Oo.
The Buffalo Railway owned the $2,860,000 stock of the Crosstown Street
ROAD.— Operates a double-track road from Buffalo to Depew, 13.59
R y. of Buffalo, and this passed to the International Railway Co.
miles o f track; 75-lb. rail; 5 cars.
On July I 1902 the International R y. Oo. acquired by purchase the
OFFICERS.— Pres., W m. B. Cutter: Treas., R . A . Pilkington; Sec., ' "
,ra Falls Park & River R y ., the Clifton Suspension Bridge C o., the
Percy Eaton.— V . 79. p. 2695.
ton Connect. Bridge Co. and Queenston Heights Bridge Co. and in
Dec. 1912 merged the Electric City Ry.
In April 1913 tho Crosstown
BUFFALO SOUTHERN RY. CO.—A trolley road.
St. Ry. was also merged, thus leaving the International R a ilw a y Co. and the
R e c e iv e r s h ip . — Int. on bonds having been defaulted, N . A . Bundy was Frontier Elec. R y . the sole operating companies and the International Trac­
tion Co. the holding company.
appointed receiver Sept. 26 1913.
In M ay 1916 the P. S. Comm, granted the co. permission to Issuo $500,000
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated In New York on Aug. 26 1904 and is
a consolidation of the Buffalo Hamburg & Aurora Ry. and the Buffalo add'l 5% ref. & impt. bonds. Those aro not included in tho table.
Liens of C onstituent and Owned Companies Jan. 1 1916.
Gardenvillo & Ebenezer R y. V . 79, p. 2146. F r a n c h is e s perpetual. Has
D a te .
In te r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
trackage rights In Buffalo over tracks o f the International Traction Co.
M a t u r it y . Internat Ry ref Sc Imp mtgel 1912 5 g M -N $12,117,000 Nov 1 1962
D a le .
In t e r e s t .
O u ts ta n d in g .
Stock, $2,000,000 ($100)...................
Ry 1st con mtge/ 1891
5 g F-A
5,000,000 Feb 1 1931
1st mtge, $2,000,000, gold? 1904
5 g A-O 15
600,000 Oct 15 1934 Buffalo
Sc C o.,
($1,000)__________ c * .n t fjln t . at Seaboard Nat. Bank, N . Y ., or at
\ Phlla., or BankorsTr. Co.. N .Y ., Trustee.
l Fidelity Trust Co., Buffalo, Trustee.
St R R 1st M .l 1892
6 J-J
60,000 July 1 1922
BONDS.— No s. f., but from $50,000 to $100,000 bonds are subject to call aTonawanda
$250,000........................ ......(Interost at company’s office, Buffalo.
at 110 and int. on any int. date upon 3 months' notice. $1,400,000 bonds aTonawanda
Electric R R 1st 1 '1895
‘ " '
4‘ A-O
40,000 April 1 1917
reserved for future extensions and equipment.
m tge.
Interest at company’s office, Buffalo.
EARN IN G S.— For calendar year 1915. gross, $86,377. In 1914. gross, ftCrosstown St R y 1st mtge, g 1892
5 g M -N 62,974,000 M ay 1 1932
$85,470. In 1913, gross, $79,902.
--------------)) , gu p Sc i ..c * Int. at Metropolitan Tr. Co., N . Y ., Trustee.
___ition 1st
_____ Traction
[st mtgi
mtge, 1898
5 g J-D
673,000 Dec 1 1948
ROAD.— Operates from Buffalo to Hamburg, East Hamburg and Or­ Buffalo
Int. at Metropolitan Tr. C o., N .Y ., Trustee.
chard Park, 15>S miles; also has a line from Buffalo through Gardenville
5 J-D
215.000 Juno 1 1927
and Ebenezer to Lion’s Park, 5H milos. An oxtonslon to East Aurora, Buffalo Bellevue & Lancaster 1897
Redeemable at par.
mtge _
15 miles. Is under construction, 5>£ miles completed. 60-lb. T and 80-lb.
Buff & Niag Falls Elec Ry—
6 g J-J
750,000 July 1 1935
girder rail.
1st M , $750,000, gold____c/Interest at Bankers Trust Co., Now York.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Wm. J. Wheeler, Bklyn., N . Y .; V .-P ., A. S. M ill2d
25.000 July 1.1921
dlgg, Bklyn.; Sec., D. K . Harrington, Orchard Park, N . Y .; Treas. & Gen.
aft 1901 at 105 ($1,000)-Clint, at Bank-. Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
M gr., N . A . Bundy, Buffalo.— V. 86, p. 419.
5 g. J-J
SOO’.OOO Jiiiy 1 1938
Buffalo Sc Lockport 1st mtge. 1898
gold, $500,000___________ Equitable Trust C o., New York, Trustee.
5 g J-J
800,000 July 1 1920
Lockport Sc Olcott Ry 1st 1900
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated In Now York July 1 1891. In M ay
mortgage, $1,000,000, gold Int. at Guaranty Tr. Co., N. Y ., Trus.: also
1904 auth. capital was Increased from $75,000 to $3,500,000, and in July
at Buffalo. Guar., p. & !., by Inter. Trac.
($1,000)........................... c*
1904 new mtge. for $3,500,000 was made to provide extension to Rochester. Niagara Falls Suspension 1897
5 g J-J
300.000 Jan 1 1928
In M ay 1914 Batavia Traction Co. purchased the tracks, rolling stock,
Bridge, Clifton Suspension Toronto General Trusts Corp., Trustee.
property, &c., o f this company In Batavia. V. 99, p. 269.
B rid g e__ _____ _________ Int. at American Exch. Nat. Bank, N . Y .
In N ov. 1915 P. S. Comm. auth. the Issuance o f $49,000 1st M . 5% bonds Lewiston Connecting Bridge 1898
5 g A-O
125,000 Oct 1 1928
Co, Queenston Heights Toronto Goneral Trusts Corp., Trustee.
for the payment o f floating debt.
Bridge C o .------- ---------------, Int. at American Exch. Nat. Bank, N . Y .
D ate.
In t e r e s t .
O u t s t a n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
6 J-J
518.000 July 1 1923
Stock ($3,500,000 authorized).......
....... ..........
$75,000 ........... ........ aNiag Falls & Susp Bridge R y . 1893
6 J-J
22.500 July 1 1923
1st mtge, $3,500,000, gold/ 1904
5 g J-J
168,500 July 1 1944 aNiag Falls Whirlpool & No Ry 1894
a All owned by International Traction Co.
B o n d s and $1,000)__ c*&r*(Int. at Com’wealth Tr. C o., Buffalo, Trustee
($500.— Aro subject to call on any Interest date at 105.
B o n d s . — Of the Internat’l Ity. ref. and Imp. bonds, $11,011,500 are re­
EARN INGS.— For cal. year 1915, $41,824. In 1914, $37,715.
to retire prior lien bonds; remaining bonds may bo issued only for
ROAD.— 6.65 miles o f track, Buffalo to Willlamsville. Rails 85-lb. T . served
impts., &c., with consent o f tho P. S. Comm. Coup, bonds In
Gauge 4 ft. 8 >4 inches.
denom. of $1,000 and $100 and reg. bonds of $1,000 and multiples. Red.
OFFICERS.— Pres.. L. L. Lewis Jr.; V.-P. and Gon. M gr.. L. L. Grove; on any Int. date at 110 and Int. Int. payablo at the office or agency of the
Sec., Godfrey Morgan; Treas., L. K. Warnick.— V. 99, p. 269.
company In Now York. Sk. fd. began in 1912 and will provide by July 1
1949 sufficient funds to retire all outstanding underlying bonds, of a total
IN TERNATIONAL TRA CTIO N CO .— Trolley ( S ee M a p . p a g e 19.)
par value of $12,651,500. V. 96, p. 62. Tho Tonawanda Elec. RR. mtge.
April 11907 was extended until 1917. The Niagara Falls & Suspension
The United Gas Sc Electric Corp. (see statement o f company under New
York) owns over 57.66% o f Internat. Trac. Co. com. stock. V. 94. p. 1383. Bridge R y. bonds of 1893 and tho Niag. Falls Sc Whirlpool Northern bonds
In Dec. 1912 the Pub. Serv. Comm, approved the reorganization plan, of 1894 given In the table above matured In 1903, but wore acquired by the
calling for exchange of old coll, trust 4s, $ for $, for now col. trust 4s of International Traction Co. and extended ten years, and then deposited with
Internat. Trac. Co. due July 1 1949, and limiting the Issue to $18,335,­ the Guaranty Trust Co. of New York as additional security under the
000 Instead o f the $30,000,000 proposed. V .9 6 .P . 63. The few remaining International Traction Co. collateral trust mortgage. These were again
bonds of 1890 which did not assent to plan were called lor payment on extended, maturity now being July 1 1923 and bearing Interest at 6% . All
the outstanding stock and $4,344,000 ref.& impt. 5s of the Internat. R y.,
July 1 1913 at 110 and Int. V. 96, p. 1021.
$60,000 Tonawanda St. Ry. 1st 6s, $40,000 bonds of Tonawanda Elec. R R .,
ORGAN IZATION .— Organized on Jan. 18 1899 under N . J. laws and $518,000 bonds of the Niagara Falls & Suspension Bridge and $22,500 bonds
acquired all the electric railways connecting the cities of Buffalo, Niagara of the Niagara Falls Whirlpool & Northern are pledged as socurity for the
Falls, Lockport, North Tonawanda and Tonawanda, together with all the
street railway systems In all of said cities; also the electric railway connecting International Traction collateral trust loan.
EARNING S.— For year ending Doc. 31:
tho villages of Dopow and Lancaster with Buffalo. It also acquired the
G ross
N e t (a fte r
F ix e d
B a la n c e ,
Canadian Electric Railway, traversing the entire length o f the Queen Vic­ C a le n d a r
Y ea r—
E a r n in g s .
T a x e s ).
C h a rg e s .
S u r p lu s .
toria Niagara Falls Park and connected it with the American system by the
acquisition of the steel arch bridge at Niagara Falls and tho Suspension 1915........................................$6,839,974 $2,933,946 $1,800,960 $1,066,986
Bridge between Queenstown and Lewiston, which bridges have been 1914........................................ 6.760.581 2,735.148 1,823,381
ROAD, &c.— Length orilno, 224.359milos (owned, 199.516;leased, 18.196;
equipped with trolley tracks. Owns entire stock and $4,984,500 bonds of
the International R y. Co. Has traffic agreement with Niagara Gorge RR . trackago, 6.647): total miles of track, incl. socond track, crossovers, sid­
for the operation of cars over the latter’s 8-mlle line. Contract runs to 1941. ings, &c., 396.529 miles. Gaugo, 4 ft. 8 M In. Rail (stool), 45 to 145 lbs.
On Jan. 28 1915 tho P. S. Commission auth. tho sale o f $2,395,000 5% 1,038 cars of all classes. Including 851 passenger cars; power furnished by
ref. & Impt. mtge. bonds at not less than 87 to provide for tho construction Niagara Falls Power C o., tho Cataract Power & Conduit Co. and tho Tono_
and equipment o f a lino betwoen Buffalo, Tonowanda and Niagara Falls wanda Power Co.
OFFICERS of all operating companies.— Pres., Edward G. Oonnette;
over privato right o f way. V. 100, p. 474.
N e w P r e fe rr e d S to c k . — On Oct. 16 1915 company filed an amondmnnt to
Its charter permitting the consummation o f tho plan (V. 101, p. 527) for Cheval.
OFFICERS o f International Traction Oo.— Pres., Rodman E. Grlscom;
retiring tho $5,000,000 4% cum. prof, stock, with accumulated divs.
thereon (42%) by an issuo o f now 7% cum. prof, stock, share for share. V .-P ., E. G. Connette; Sec. & Troas., Geo. W . Wilson: Aud., Ohas. A .
Chavel.— V. 99, p. 1300, 1748, 1832: V. 100, p. 474, 733; V. 101, p. 527,
As of M ay 16 1916 $4,449,900 had beon exchanged.
In April 1916 issued $1,050,000 S;r al 6% secured gold notes to retire 1465, 1713, 2071, 2144; V. 102, p. 886, 1436.
floating debt and pay tho accumulated dlvs. on the old 4% pref. stock un­
D a te .
In t e r e s t .
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
BU RLINGTON R A IL W A Y & L IG H T CO .— A trolley road.
Stock, common, $10,000,000. - ......................... $10,000,000 ...................
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. In 1912 In Delawaro and acquired the Peo­
Pref 7% cum $(>,000,000.................
Q-J 4,449,900 Apr T 6 . \ %
Pref 4% cum $5,000,000....................
550,100 Apr T6, 1% ple’s Gas Sc Elec. Co. and o ld Burlington Ry. Sc Light Co. Does entire
Coll trust, $18,335,000______ 1912
4 J-J
16.395,000 July 1 1949 municipal and commercial electric-lighting and power business In Burling­
ton and suburbs. Also owns steam-hoatlng and gas plants. Railway
Serial debenture notes, $500-[1913 6 F-A
350,000 See text
000 ($1,000), g old ________ c iln t.a t Chase Nat. Bank, N . Y .,o r Fidelity fra n c h ise s are perpetual, except for two suburban extensions o f minor Im­
portance. Lighting fr a n c h is e s In Burlington oxplro in 1927.
Trust Co. o f Buffalo, Trustee.
In te r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
6 A-O
See text
Serial secured notes $1,050.-, 1916
Common. $3,000.000.............................................
$1,500,000 ...................
000 ($1,000) gold-----c*cpt Central Trust C o., New York, Trustee.
6 J-J
See text
4 M J-D15
Juno 1916 Proforrod $2,000,000 6% cum...........
Car trust certificates No 2 1906
First mortgage, $7,500,000, gl 1912
5 M -8 m 1,719.000 Mar 1 1932
$600,000 ($1,000)--------- c* Commercial Trust Co., Phlla., Trustee.
($1,000) sinking f d . . . c * t f / Int. at Equit. Tr. C o., N. Y .. Trustee.
See text
Car trust certificates N o 3 1907
B o n d s . — Remaining bonds are for additions, betterments or extensions,
$250,000._________________ /Commercial Trust C o.. Phlla., Trustee.
under certain restrictions, at 80% of cost. Callable at 105 and Int. on any
B o n d s a n d N o t e s . — $18,300,000 coll, trust bonds were Issued, but $1,940,­
000 have been re-acquired, and are pledged as collateral to tho Serial 6% Int. day on 3 months’ notice. Sinking fund of 5% of gross earnings began
secured notes. The debenture notes or 1913 mature $50,000 annually July 1914. V. 95, p. 678.
D iv id e n d s . — 6% Is being paid on preferred stock.
beginning Feb. 1 1914. $150,000 havo been retired. Callable at 100 & int.
EARNINGS.— For fiscal yoar ond. Juno 30 1915, gross, $394,385; net.
on any Int. date. The notes o f 1916 aro secured by $1,940,000 coll, trust
4% bonds due July 1 1949. They mature $100,000 annually on April 1 $184,424: other Income $5,899; total not lucomo, $190,323.



Ma y , 1916.]

ROAD.— Owns and operates about 23 miles of track In Burlington
and its suburbs. 60 to 85-lb. T rail. 62 passenger cars.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Geo. II. Higbee; V.-Ps., E. O. Walsh and M . A .
Walsh; Sec., Treas. & Gen. M gr., C. H. Walsh.— V. 95, p. 678, 1039.


D a te .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
S tock. $200,000 (par $100)................
$200,000 M a y ’ 16, 2)4
30-year bonds, $500,000— t f 1912
B o n d s . — T h e remaining $150,000 bonds can only be issued with permis­
sion o f Public Service Comm ission.
„ .
R O A D .— Owns 12 miles o f track In city o f Burlington. Ralls 60, 70
and 75-lb. T . Owns 15 box cars, 18 open cars, 1 convert, car, 2 snow plows.
Diviaends.— Previous to 1903, 4 %
yearly. From 1903 t o 1912. 6 %
yearly. In 1912, 1913 and 1914, 8 % .
In 1915, F eb ., 2 % ; M a y . 2 ) 4 % ;
and same rate quar. since to and Incl. M a y 1916.
Y e a r e n d i n g J u n e 30—
G ross.
N e t.
C h a rges.
D ies .
S u r p lu s .
1 91 4 -1 5 ....................................$140,539 $59,107 $17,500 $17,000 $24,607
1913-14................................... 129,398 48,648
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Ellas Lym an; V .-P ., Jno. J. Flynn; T reas., W . F .
Hendee; S ec., O . W . Brownell.— V . 94, p . 1185.

B U T T E E L E C T R IC R A IL W A Y .— T rolley.
This com pany was Incorporated In W est Virginia in Decem ber 1899 as
successor o f the B utte Consolidated R y .. sold at foreclosure.
Interest duo on M a r. 1 1915 was paid Sept. 1. Sept. 1915 int. was p aid
M a r. 1 1916 M a r. 1916 int. also delayed.
D a le.
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock, $1,000,000 (par $100)______
M -N
$1,000,000 Oct '06, 2%
1st M , $700,000, gold , $1,000/ 1900
5 g M -S
700,000 M a r 1 1925
each_________________c*cp t(In terest at W . A . Clark & B ro ., B u tte.
B o n d s . — M a y bo called for paym ent on M a r. 1 1915, or on any Interest
day thereafter. S i n k i n g f u n d o f 10% par value o f bonds began M a r. 1 1916.
D i v i d e n d s . — In 1905, 4 % ; in 1906, M a y , 2 % ; O ct., 2 % ; nono sinco.
R O A D .— Operates 35.2139 miles o f track. 56-60-80-lb. T rails, 54
passongor and 3 work cars.
E A R N IN G S .— Year ending June 30 1915, gross, $456,936: net after
taxes, $26,325; depreciation, $53,478; intorcst, $41,481; d eficit, $68,634.
Passengers carried in 1914-15, 10,611,829.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., W . A . Clark, B utte; V .- P ..J R . W harton; Sec. &
T reas., J. II. Anderson, 20 E xchange Place. N . Y .— V . 72, p . 190; V . 100.
p . 1078.1591.
C A L A IS S T R E E T R A IL W A Y .— A trolley road.
-----O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Stock, $50,000 com . and $50,000 pref.; first
m ortgago, 1910 ( n t f), 5s, J-J, $100,000 due July 1 1930.
R E P O R T .— Y ear ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $39,489; not, $10,351; Int.
and taxes, $5,742; surplus, $4,609.
R O A D .— Calais Street R y ., lower wharf to upper bridge, Calais, 4 miles;
S t. Stephen E lectric R y .. M illtow n, N . B .. to St. Stephen, N . B ., 3 miles:
tota l, 7 miles. T h e St. Stephen Electric Street R y . is a separate corpora­
tion, but is owned entirely b y the Calais com pany, 9 cars.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., George A . Curran; S ec., Treas. & G en. M g r.,
Benjam in Y . Curran; S upt., O . F . Pray; all o f Calais, M o.

BLU E H IL L S T R E E T R A IL W A Y .— A trolley road.
Interest. Outstanding. M aturity.
S tock, $300,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) - ................ ...............
$300,000 ___________
First m ortgage. $500,000, / 1903
5 g A -0
250,000 Oct 1 1923
4— -------- ----------------------(In t. at Old C olon y Trust C o ., B oston, Trus.
d s .— Callable as a whole at 115 and Int.
N on-taxablo In M ass.
E A R N IN G S .— For 12 mos. ending D ec. 31 1915, gross, $90,741; not,
after taxes, $17,468; Interest, $20,247; d eficit, $2,779.
R O A D .— Operates 19.7 miles o f track from M attapan, where connection
Is made with the Boston Elevated R y ., to Canton and Stoughton, at which
latter point it connects with the Brisfol & N orfolk Street Ii.v. and the B ay
Stato Street R y . Standard gaugo. 26 cars. F r a n c h i s e perpetual.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., O . H . French; V .-P s., A . S. Pratt and E . J. B .
H untoon; Clerk, William T . Crawford; T reas., Henry B . Sawyer; G en.
M g rs., Stone & Webster M g m t. A ssn.. Boston.— V . 78, p . 1906.


C A PE M A Y D E L A W A R E B A Y & SE W E L L ’S P O IN T R A IL R O A D .
—An electric and steam road.
In M a r. 1912 Nelson Z . Graves o f Phlla. acquired con trol. V .94,p.828,982.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Organized under the general railroad laws o f N ew
Jersey on Jan. 19 1893 by consolidation o f the Delaware B ay & Cape M a y
R R . (owner o f the Cape M a y f c Sewell’s Point R R .) and the Cape M a y &
Schellenger’s Landing R R . Uses electric power for passenger service and
steam power for freight.!
Interest. Outstanding. Maturity
t tock paid in (par $50)............................................
$150,000 ............
First m tge ($ 1 6 0 ,0 0 0 )...c u r . 1893
6 F -A
150,000 Feb 1 1923
Other debts D ec 31 1913..........................................
225,843 ..............
In 1894 and 1895 but one Interest paym ent was m ado, b y mutual consent
o f bondholders. Interest was reduced to 6 % for 5 years from F eb. 1 1896.
and remains at 5 % . Trustee Is N . J . Trust & S. D . C o .. Cam den. N . J .
R O A D .— Operates 6.29 miles o f track extending to Cape M a y Point and
Sewell’s Point, along the beach front through city o f C ape M a y .
E A R N I N G S .— For year ending D ec. 31 1914, gross, $21,729; expenses,
$24,929; d e f . from oper., $3,200.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Nelson Z . Graves, Philadelphia.— V . 72, p . 532;
V . 94. p . 820, 982.

IO W A R A IL W A Y & L IG H T C O .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Is a rc-Incorp. in 1912 o f the Cedar Rapids & Iow a
C ity R y . & L t. C o . and has acquired the properties form erly owned b y the
following com panies:
B oono E lectric C o.
IN evada (Iowa) E lectric C o.
C edar R an. & Iow a C y . R y . & L t.C o. iPcrry E lec. L t.. P ow . & Heat C o.
M arlon Light, Heat & Power C o.
Tam a & T oled o Electric Power C o .
M arshalltown L t., Power & R y . C o. |Tama & T oledo R y . C o.
Owns and operates entire electric light and power properties in Cedar
R apids, M arshalltown, B oone. M arion, Perry, Bello Plaino, Blairstown,
Chelsea, T am a, T oled o and N evada, and supplies m oro than 50 towns
through its high-tension lines; interurban road between Cedar Rapids and
Iow a C ity and Cedar R apids, Lisbon and M t. Vernon; tho local street rail­
w ays in M arshalltow n, B oone, Tam a and Toledo; tho gas plant in M a r­
shalltown and tho heating properties in Cedar R apids, B oono, M arion and
P erry. Interurban road is on private right o f w ay. A lso does a freight
business, exchanging freight with four steam roads.
C o n t r a c t w i t h C i t y . — For contract with C ity o f Cedar R apids for the co n ­
struction o f a dam, & c., see V . 98. p. 235.
Also has a contract with tho Iowa E lectric C o . (V . 100, p . 2171) an allied
com p a n y, for the interchange o f power.
Date. Interest. Outstanding. M aturity .
C om m on $3,000,000.............................
a- ; ; - - $1,700,000 See ’ ’ earns.”
Prefj $3,000,000, 7% cu m —
------Q -M
2,040,785 M a r .’ 1 6 ,lM
'1st' A rof mtge $10,600,000 g 1912 5 M -S
4.632.000 Sept 1 19 3 2
($500 and $1,000)___ c*tf Harris T r. & Sav. B ank, C hicago, trustee.
Oed Rap A Iowa City R & L 1903 5 g J-D
203,000 June 1 1923
1st M $ 2 ,000,000 gold ($1.­ Illinois T r. & Sav. B k .. C hicago, co-trustee.
0 0 .0 ) ._________________
. . . . . . . ...............c *__
Int. at Harris T r. & Sav. B ank. Chicago
Bonds.— O f tho remaining 1st & ref. bonds, $203,000 are reserved for prior
lien and $5,105,000 are for extensions and additions at 80% o f cost for a c­
quisitions, & c., under certain restrictions. Subject to call on any int. date
on o r after Sept. 1 1915 at 103 and int. Sink. fd . 1% per ann. o f bonds ou t,
beginning M a r. 1 1916 to 1921; 1922 to 1926, 2 % ; 1927 to 1 9 3 1 ,3 % . Sink,
fund to bo used for redem ption o f bonds or for extensions and betterm onts. V . 95, p .7 5 0 .


On C ed . R a p . & Iow a C ity R y . & L t. 1st M . a s i n k i n g f u n d began April
1 1908 and b o n d s a r e s u b j e c t t o c a l l at 107)4 & int. See V . 77. p . 2279.
D i v i d e n d s . — 7 % Is being paid on preferred stock.
E A R N IN G S .— O f com bined properties for year ending F eb. 29 1916,
gross, $1,412,648; net, after oper. exp., taxes, m aint. and renewals, $575,­
637; int. on bonds, $237,395; pref. d ivs., $110,871; co m . divs. (4 % ) , $68,­
000; surplus, $159,371.
R O A D .— Operates an Interurban road 4 5)4 miles long on private rightof-w ay substantially 100 f t . wide between C edar R apids, Iow a C ity and
L isbon; also local street railways in M arshalltow n, B oone, T am a and
T oled o and Cedar R apids and M t . Vernon. 42 pass, cars, 30 freight;
m isc., 8: tota l, 80 cars. T otal rated cap acity o f generating plant, 24,076
“ • P- A M r w i t o i i : developm ent with] an ultimate capacity o f n ot less
than 20,000 h . p . Is under construction at Cedar R apids.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres, and Gen. M a n ., W illiam G . D ow s; V .-P . and Treas.,
Isaac B . Smith- V .-P . John A . R eed; S ec.. C . S. W oodw ard, all o f Cedar
R apids.— V . 9 5 ,p .7 5 0 ; V . 1 0 0 ,p . 2167; V . 1 0 1 ,p . 1465,1806; V . 102,p .1163.

M IL W A U K E E N O R T H E R N R Y .— An electric road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in W isconsin in 1905. Operates in­
terurban system entirely on private right-of-w ay. F r a n c h i s e In M ilwaukee
expires D e c. 31 1934 and p rov id es for 5-cent single fares and that 8 tickets
be sold for a quarter within city limits. P ort W ashington f r a n c h i s e expires
Jan. 2 1956. A ll others perpetual. Enters Sheboygan over tracks o f She­
boygan R y . & E lectric C o . under perpetual con tract.
D a te.
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity
S tock, com m on, $1,000,000..............
- .
M -S
400,000 M a r '14'.3%
1st p rrf., $400,000. 6 % cu m ..............
2d pref, $600,000, 6 % non-cum .........
M -S
600,000 M a r '1 3 ,3 %
1st m tge $4,000,000 go ld ! 1911 5 A -O
1 .5951000 A p r 11931
($500 and $1,000)..........c t f\ ln t . at First Sav. & T r . C o .. M ilw .. Trustee.
B o n d s . — Remaining bonds m ay b e issued on ly when net earnings are
twice int. charges, incl. bonds to b e Issued, at not exceeding 7 5% o f cost
o f extensions, additions. & c. S ubject to call at 105 and int. V . 92. p . 725.
D i v i d e n d s . — D ividends o f 3 % paid s.-a . on 1st & 2d pret. from Sept. 1911
to M a r. 1913 (in cl.). In Sept. 1913 3 % paid on 1st pref. and d iv . was
passed on 2d pref. In M a r. 1914. 3 % paid on 1st pref.; none paid on 2d p f.
N on e since on either class.
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending June 30 1915, gross, $334,563; net. after
taxes, $142,180; Interest, $79,760; surplus, $62,430.
R O A D .— W ill b e 120 miles long, running north from M ilwaukee to Cedarburg, where it forks, one branch extending to Sheboygan via P ort W ashing­
ton and the other to Fond du L ac. Operates 69 m iles o f track. Including
6)4 miles in M ilwaukee, between M ilw aukee, Cedarburg and Sheboygan.
Is double-tracking the line between M ilwaukee & Cedarburg, 6.04 miles
com pleted. Gauge, 4 f t . 8 )4 in . 70-lb . T rail.
O F F IC E R S .— P res., W m . A . C om stock; V .-P . and G en. M a n ., F . W J
W alker; Sec. and T rea s.. H enry A . H algh.— V . 85, p . 601; V . 92, p . 725.

C H A M B E R S B U R G & G E T T Y S B U R G E L E C T R IC R Y .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Pennsylvania D e c. 4 1900.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te.
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
$225,000 .....................
S tock $225,000 ($50).............. ..................................
1st m tge, $225,000 ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ),/ 1903
5 M -N
225,000 M a y 1 1933
n o t red ., no sink. fun d— c*|Int. a tN o rth a m p to n T r. C o ., E a sto n ,T ru st.
E A R N IN G S .— F or year ending D e c. 31 1915, gross, $35,930; net, $5,509;
other Incom e, $195; bond int. & taxes, $11,896; d eficit, $6,192.
R O A D .— Operates 13.25 miles o f track between Cham bersburg, S tofferstow n, F ayetteville, Greenwood and M t . U nion. 60 to 80-lb. T and
girder rail. Gauge, 6 ft . 2 )4 In.
O F F IC E R S .— P res., T . B . K ennedy; Sec. and T rea s., W . L . R itch ey
S upt., D . B . Fretz.

IL L IN O IS T R A C T IO N C O .— (See l a p o n p a g e 22.)
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in M aine on M a y 13 1904."" On
£»ov. 10 1913 Increased tho auth. com m on stock from $10,000,000 to
$15,000,000, in order to acquire con trol o f the allied W estern Railways &
L igh t C o . T w o shares o f R ailw ay & L ight com . were exchanged for one
o f Illinois T raction co m ., $4,609,200 o f the $4,521,800 stock outstanding
being so acquired. T h e pref. stock o f the Railways & Light C o . remains
outstanding. See V . 97, p . 1426 and 1604. C ontrols the following com ­

♦Atchison R y ., Lt. & Power Co.
Jacksonville Railway & Light Co.
Bloomington Decatur & Champ. RR Jacksonville R y. Co.
Bloomington & Normal Ry. & Lt.C o. ♦Jefferson City L t., Ht. & Pow. Co.
♦Cairo City Gas Co.
Kansas R y. & Light Co.
♦Cairo Electric & Traction Co.
Madison County Light & Power C o.
♦Cairo R y. & Light Co.
Montezuma El. L t., I’ ow. & Htg. Co.
♦Cairo & St. Louis R y. Co
Montlcello Electric Light Co.
♦Chicago Ottawa & Peoria R y. Co. ♦Mound City Light & Water Co.
♦Citizens’ Ltg. Co. o f La Salle* Peru. Now Valley Junction Water & L t. C o.
Citizens Pure Ice C o., Jacksonville. ♦Northern Illinois Light & Trac. Co.
Clinton (111.) Gas & Electric Co.
Oskaloosa & Buxton Elec. R y. C o.
Colfax Electric Light Co. (Iowa).
Oskaloosa Traction & Light Co.
♦Consumers Water & Light Co.
Peoria Railway Co.
Danville Cham. & Dec. Ry. & Lt.Co. ♦Quincy Railway Co.
Danville & Eastern Illinois Ry.
St. Louis Electric Bridge Co.
Danville & Northern RR.
St. Louis Electric Terminal Ry.
Danville & Southeastern Ry. Co.
St. Louis Springfield & Peoria R R .
Danville Street Railway & Light Co. Topeka Edison Co.
Danvlllo Urbana & Champaign R y. Topeka Railway Co.
Decatur Railway & Light Co.
Urbana & Champaign Railway, Gas
Des Moines Electric Co.
& Electric Co.
Dos Moines & Cent. Iowa Elec. Co. Urbana Light, Heat & Power Co.
♦Galesburg R y., Lighting & Power. ♦Wichita R R . & Light Co.
Illinois Central Traction Co.
Companies marked with * formerly comprised Western Rys. & Lt. Sys.
In April 1907 obtained a 50-year franchise on certain streets o f St. Louis
and was also given authority by the U. S. Government to build a bridge
across the Mississippi River between Venice,111., and St. Louis, M o. This
bridge was opened to traffic in N ov. 1910 and, with terminals in St. Louis,
represents an Investment o f over $6,000,000. V. 92, p. 259. On July 1
1911 began running express trains between St. Louis & Peoria, 174 miles,
with only two stops— at Springfield and Lincoln— the running time being
6)4 hours, or about 32 miles an hour (V. 93. p. 44). In Aug. 1911 the
company opened offices in Chicago, with the purpose o f securing freight
from points between Chicago and St. Louis, though company has as yet
no direct entrance into Chicago. V. 93, p. 527.
On Doc. 31 1915 the bonded Indebtedness o f the properties controlled
was $56,408,950.
Interest. Outstanding. LastDivid.
Common, $15,000,000 ($100)........... .................$12,251,400 M ay’16,J4%
Pref 6% cum $10,000.000($100)____
7,135,500 A p r.’ 16, 1)4
Debenture gold bonds_______ _____
6%_dobentures_____________ _____
Western Railways & Light Co.—
P f cum 6% $3,500,000 ($100)...........
3.169.000 See text
Debenture gold bonds______t f ____
Stock.— Additional preferred stock can only be issued when net earnings
are equal to 9% on preferred stock out and the amount proposed to be
issued. Preferred stock is listed on Montreal Stock Exchange.
Dividends.— 6% per annum is being paid on the preferred stock. First
div. on com ., J4%, paid M ay 15 1913; same rate quar. since to and incl.
M ay 1916. Dividends have been paid on Western Rys. & Light C o.’s pref.
Stock since organization.
, REPORT.— Of combined properties for calendar years. Reportfor 1915
in V. 102, p . 1807.
Gross Earnings—
Interurban lines............... $3,559,028 $3,626,636 $3,604,265 $3,395,634
City lines......................... 2,871,035
3,072,235 2,950,563
E lectric........................... 3,325,411
2,630,714 2,218,419
Heat, water & m lsccll-.
Total gross earnings..$11,187,995 511.112,854 $10,521,098 $9,710,477



[Vol. 102.

Ma y , 1910.J



R E P O R T — (C o n tin u e d )
T otal gross earnings____$11,187,995 $11,112,854 $10,521,098
Oper. exp. and ta x o s ._ . 6,657,509

D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
$9,710,477 S tock— $1,540,000 outstand'g— All owned by W estern R ys. Sc Light C o .
F1^ r«R S s^ d ,r? f ^ e- gu ar-I 1907 5 g J-D
$2,918,000 D ec 1 1938
$5,000,000 ($1,000)------ tflC e n tra l Trust C o . o f Illinois, Trustee.
$4,530,426 $4,525,392 $4,322,226 $3,935,43
N ot earnings______
$2,000,000/ 1905 5 g M -S
1,197,000 Sept 1 1935
$3,268,607 $3,290,787 $2,883,240 $2,672,402
Interest on bonds, &c
g ($500&$1,000) .guarc . t f (in t . at Irving N a t. B ank, N . Y . C ity .
Prof, dividends ( 6 % ).
P eo- 1st M . bonds are guar., p. & I., by W estern R y s.
C om m on dividends____ (3)367,539 (3)367,390(2(^)224,805
<&L t. C o . $1,500,000 are reserved for prior liens. T hey are subject to call
on any Int. day on 30 days' notice at 105. Int. at M erchants’ Bank o f C an ­
$4,086,307 $3,514,417 $3,016,949 ada in N . Y . C ity. Illinois Valley bonds have a s i n k i n g f u n d o f 134% per
Total deductions____ $4,081,276
$918,485 annum o f am ount out; m tge. was originally $2,000,000, but on merger with
S u rp lu s ________________
I, Knln
n />n n
M 1
O 1 thoro was deducted $403,611 for de­
aso above
C hic. O tt. & Peoria the $500,000 unissued was canceled; $303,000 held in
preciation and $54,396 for bond discount, against $309,580 and $47,957
f l n,k l“ g„fu n d ^ Bom is are guar., p. & L. b y W estern R ys. & L t.. Portland.
respectively, in 1914, leaving a surplus o f $8,143 In 1915, against $31,548
(M o.) Trust C o. is trustee. Aro subject to call at 105.
R O A D .— The Intorurban linos com prise 582.90 miles o f track; city lines
R O A D .— Operates from P rinceton, 111., via Peru, La Salle, U tica, Ot­
comprise 272.62 miles o f track; total o f all lines, 855.52 miles. In 1912 tawa. Marseilles, Seneca and M orris to Joliet, about 117 m ., with branches
entered into a contract with Wabash R R . for a physical connection and from Spring Valley to Ladd and from Ottawa to Streator, 16 m .; total.
general Interchange at Decatur. Has working agreement with all steam
123 m . R oad from M orris to Joliet was placed in operation in D e c.
roads In its territory that can bo o f service, except the Pennsylvania and
1911; 90 cars.— V . 87. p. 812; V . 92. p. 1374; V . 97, p. 520, 594.
N . Y . Central linos. Interurban lines have 150 passenger, 128 express and
(7) C o n su m e rs W a te r & L ig h t C o.
750 freight cars; city lines have 383 m otor cars and 2 0 1 others: 4 central
Incorp. in Illinois in 1913 to succeed the M a r­
power stations and 40 sub-stations. Construction o f a 50-mile lino between
seilles W ater & Light C o. (successor in 1910 to the C onsol. W at. Sc L t. C o .)
Cham paign and Bloom ington, it is stated, is contem plated.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., W . 13. M cK in ley. Champaign; V .-P . and G en. M gr.
S t o c k _____________________. . .
S500 000
II . E . C hubbuck, Peoria; V .-P . and Treas., G eo. M . M attis, Champaign
First & ref M $500’0° 0 - . - . . _ 1913 6 j ' - D "
75,000 D 5 c T l 9 3 8
S ec., T . 13. M acaulay, M on treal.— V . 98, p . 839, 1392, 1456. 1528; V. 100
20,000 A pril 1924
Marseilles W & L t bonds(n t f ) ...........
p. 1164, 2166; V. 101, p. 443; V. 102, p. 1060. 1807.
Consol W & L t bonds ( n t f ) ................
D ec 1925
(8) D an v ille C h a m p a ign & D e c a tu r R y. & L ig h t C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in M aine M a y 14 1913. Is a holding
(1) Atchison Railway. Light & Power Co.
com pany and controls substantially all the electric, gas, street railway
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .—’Successor In 1895 o f the Atchison R y . Elec. L. & P
and public-heating systems in Danville, D ecatur, Champaign and U rbana.
C o. Controls electric railway, lighting and gas properties o f Atchison
t r a n c h i s e s covering gas, electric and heating, with few exceptions, extend
m any years beyond 1938. Street railway franchises expire at various dates
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity
before 1938. the laws of III. not perm itting long-tim e street ry . franchises.
S tock. $1,500,000.($100)................ ..............................
$500,000 ....................
First m tge $1,500,000_____ tf 1910
750.000 N o v
STOCK A N D BON DS— D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
R O A D .— Operates 9.84 miles o f track. 23 cars. Supplies city with
S tock . $3.700,000 ($100)..........................................
$3,688.000 ................
104 arc lights and 135 Incandescont lamps; also 14 arcs for com m ercial Cons & ref coll tr $15,000,000/ 1913 5 g M -S
2,829,000 M ar 1 1938
lighting; 2,557 natural gas meters In use.— V. 91, p. 1024, 1094, 1628; V. 94
g c * & r* red at 104 and in t ,{I n t . at B oston Safe D eposit & T rust C o
p . 982.
guar prin and in t e r e s t ...t f l Trustee. H . D . Ileathfield also T ru stee.
(2) Bloomington Decatur S t Champaign RR.
Bonds.— Secured b y all the stocks and bonds o f constituent com p a n ies,
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .—’Incorporated in Illinois on N o v . 29 1910 as a con
nam ely $1,165,000 D ec. R y .& L t. C o . C onsol. & R ef. 5s; $809,000 Urbana
solidatlon o f the Chicago Bloom ington & D ecatur R y. and St. Louis Decatur & C ham p. C onsol. Sc R ef. debs.; $1,015,000 D anville S t. R y . & L t.
& Champaign R y. Operates on private right o f way oxcept through cltios C o .C o n so l.& R ef. 5s and $10,000 U rb. L t. H t. Sc P o w . C ons. & R e f. 5s.
and towns (8 miles) where f r a n c h i s e s extend to or beyond 1953.
There aro $2,557,000 underlying bonds for paym ent o f which a like
The 1’ . IT. C om m , in D ec. 1915 auth. tho issuanco o f $500,000 5 % prof,
am ount o f cons. & ref. bonds Is reserved.
Rem aininng $9,614,000
stock to rotiro a like am ount o f Gen. M tge. bonds. Up to latest accounts m ay be issued for additions and im provem ents to constituent com panies
exchange had not been m ade.
under certain restrictions. T h ey are guar. p. & i. by III. T ra c. C o ., as are
Interest. O u t s t a n d i n g
also sub. co . bonds deposited under this m tge. A ll future issues o f stocks
M a tu r ity
C om m on, $3,000,000_________
and bonds b y constit. cos. must be pledged under abov e coll, trust Issue.
Preferred 5% ($637,500)
V. 96, p. 1422. C oupon bonds in denom . o f $1,000; regis. bonds $1,000.
1st Sc ref m............................
tge, $15,000,000,. gf 1910
5 g M -N
1.500,000 N o v 1 1940 $5,000. $10,000 or multiples o f $1,000.
($1,000 coup & $1,000 or j Interest at Illinois Trust & Savings Bank
S i n k i n g f u n d will retire before m aturity about 4 0% o f total bonded d eb t,
Incl. underlying bonds.
multiprog.) gup&i.c*&r*tfi Chic., Trustee, or Chase Nat. Bank, N. Y
General mortgage.................../ 1910
5 M-N
1.390,000 Nov 1 1940
E A R N IN G S .— O f constituent cos. for cal. year 1913, gross, $1,746,480,
(Central Trust Co. o f Illinois, Trustee.
not,after taxos, $789,314; bond Int., $248,750; balance. $540.564.— V . 9 6 .
Slock.— Of tho $637,500 pref. stock out, $412,500 is Series “ A ” and p. 1422, 1488; V . 98, p. 1155.


$225,000 is Series " B ."
Bonds.— Of tho $13,500,000 “ 1st Sc ref." bonds reserved for various pur­
poses, $6,750,000 are reserved for acquisitions of two connecting Intorurban
roads (Danville Urbana& Champaign and Illinois Central T rac.),$l ,262,000
to redeem tho general mtge. bonds, $472,000 to replace general mtge. bonds
issued In tho future and $5,016,000 for 80% o f cash cost o f additions and
improvements. These $5,016,000 bonds, excepting $500,000 (issuable at
any time for 80% o f cost o f additions and Improvements, with consont of
N. W. Halsey & Co.) can be lssuod only whon tho procoding 12 months’
gross earnings have equalod five times and net oarnlngs 1H times tho inter­
est charge on all bonds outstanding and thoso proposed to bo issuod. Bonds
are unconditionally guar., p. & 1., by Illinois Trac. Co. They are redeema­
ble at 105 on any fnt. dato. V. 92, p. 259. Int. on gonoral mtgo. bonds Is
payable at office o f Merchants' Bank of Canada, Now York.
ROAD.— Owns and oporates 106 miles of track (96 miles, main line; 10
miles sidings) extending from Bloomington through Decatur to Champaign
and Urbana. 60 and 70-lb. rails. Standard gauge. 216 cars and 4 loco­
motives.— V. 102, p. 65.
(3) B lo o m in g to n & N orm al R a ilw a y & L ig h t C o .

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Illinois on Fob. 23 1906 as a con­
solidation of the Bloomington ft Normal Ity., Electric <fe Heating Co. and
tho Consumers Light Sc Heating Co. of Bloomington. Does all local street
railway and commercial olectric light and powor business in Bloomington
and Normal and operates hot-water and stoam-heating system In Bloom­
ington. Principal railway franchise in Bloomington expires in 1929
this franchise city reserves right to purchase plant at an appraised value
plus 10% of same. Railway franchises In Normal that are not perpetual
expire in 1922. Principal lighting franchises aro porpotual. Minor fran­
chises in Bloomington for lighting and for stoain and hot water heatin'oxpiro In 1930 to 1935.
Date. ■ Interest
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity ,
Com stock, $1,200,000 ($100)...............................
Prof, stock, $450,000, 6% c u m ____
450,000 . . .
1st and gen mtgo, $3,500,0001 1911
5 J-J
1,0803)00 Jan 1 1928
gold ($1,000)...........c*&rtf IIllinois Trust & Sav. Bk.. Chicago, Trustee
B Sc N R E Sc II 1st mtge.l 1902
5 g J-D
600,000 June 1 1927
$600,000 ($1,000) g ,s f.c * t f (Int. at 111. Trust Sc Sav. Bk., Chic.. Trustoe
Stock.— Tho prof, stock Is red. at 105 and accrued dtv. and is guar. p. & d.’
(end.) bv tho Illinois Traction Co. Tax exempt in Conn., Now Hamp­
shire, Illinois, Ac.
Bonds.— Of the $3,500,000 1st and gen. mtgo. bonds, $600,000 aro re­
served for prior liens and $1,820,000 for extensions and impts. under care,
ful restrictions. Are guar. prln. and Int. and s. f. by 111. Trac. Co. Int.
in N. Y. or Chicago. Callable as a whole or in part for s. f. at 10214 and
int. on any int. dato. Sink. fd. 1% of bonds out annually. 1912 to 1919:
2% 1920 to 1928. Of tho bonds outstanding, $42,000 aro in sink. fund.
Y ,-93.
Tho R y., Elec. Sc Heating Co. bonds aro subject to call at
110 and Int. Sink, fd., $10,000 annually, began Juno 1908; $94,000 aro
and inchulod in amount outstanding.
, , ° P eratP» 19 miles o f track in, around and between Bloom­
ington and Normal. Rails 70 and 72-lb. lias 31 pass, and 5 mtsc. cars.
Powor station has 3,300 k. w. capacity.— V. 93, p. 665; V. 102, p. 1058.
(4) C a iro R a ilw a y & L ig h t C o .— A trolley road.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated on Oct. 5 1908 In Maine to tako over
the properties of the Cairo Elec. & Trac. Co. and tho Cairo City Gas Co. V.
88, p. 293, 374. Th e Calro LIoc. & Irac- was a consolidation of tho Egypt
Electric Co. and the Cairo Elec. Light & Power Co.
Date. Interest. Outstanding.
Stock, $1,000,000 ($100)------- All owned by Western Rys. Sc Light Co V"
Cairo Ry & Lt M $ 1,000,000 gn tf 1908 5 g J-D
$850,000 Dec 1 1938
C E Sc T 1st M . $300,000, gn tf 11903 5 g J-D
150,000 Juno 1 1923
($500 and $1.000).............cntfU nt. at Central Trust C o .O h io Trustee
Cairo City Gas Co $75,000 gold l903
5 g J-D
75,000 Juno 1 1923
Bonds.— O. E. & T . bonds sub), to call on any Int. date aft. 10 yrs at 105
ROAD.— Operates 9 miles o f track in Cairo, together with the'electric
lighting and powor plant. 24 cars. Furnishes city with 119 arc and 196
Incandescent lights; also supplies 40 commercial arcs.— V. 88, p. 293, 374.
(8) Cairo & St. Louis Ry.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Illinois Oct. 1908 to construct a
line from Cairo to East St. Louis. Has a 50-year franchise in Cairo, Mound
City and Mounds.
Interest. Outstanding. Maturitu
Stock, $300.000...................... - ......................- - $300,000 ________ __
First mtgo, $250,000,g .c& rtff 1903 5 g M-N
250,000 Nov 1 1938
1Portrd(Me.)Tr.Co.,Trus.,&F. D.Lunt.Portl’d
Bonds.— Coupon bonds aro In $1,000 pieces and registered In any desired
amount. Int. at Portland (Mo.) Tr. Co. No s. f. and not subject to call.
88Rp A293~~11'37 mIIos of tracl£ completed and In operation; 8 cars.— V.
(6) Chicago Ottawa & Peoria Railway Co.

ORGAN IZATION .— Bought outright In 1909 tho Illinois Valley R y.
Operates largely on private right of way. Franchises In various towns
mature mostly after 1950.

(a) D a n v ille S tr e e t R a ilw a y & L ig h t.
Controlled b y Danville Cham paign Sc D ecatur R y . Sc Light C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In D ec. 1899 as a consolidation o f all
the street railway, electric light, gas and steam -heating interests.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock. $1,500,000 ($100)....................
. ...............
$1,438,000 ............
Refunding m ortgage. $700.-1 1900
5 g J-J
653,000 Jan 1 ’ 17-’25
„ gold ($1,000)------------- c* t f (Interest at N . W . Harris & C o .
Oonspl and ref d0bs- S7,500.-1 1913 5 M -S
1,015,000 M a r 1 1938
000 ---- — ......... - t f (Central Trust C o . o f III.. Trustee.
B o n d s . — R o t . bonds are due $6,000 annually Jan. 1 1910 to 1924 Inclusive
andrem alnder on Jan. 1 1925; $42,000 have been retired. Sinking fund or
$6,000 per year began Jan. 1 1910, bonds being drawn (at par and accrued
int.) In numerical order, beginning with N o. 1. M ortgage trustee Is the
Illinois Trust Sc Savings Bank, C hicago. V. 70, p . 125. O f the consol. &
fe f. debs. o f 1913. $1,015,000 are deposited under D . C . Sc D . R y . & L t . M .
$664,000 are reserved to replace underlying bonds and $5,821,000 for cost
o f now property.
C O M P A N Y ’S P R O P E R T Y .— T he com pany owns the follow ing: 1. Gas
works operated under special charter and a perpetual franchise. 2. An
electric-light plant is operated under a 99-year franchise: also has dynam os
[or furnishing power to street railway. 3. T he entire street railway sys­
tem o f the city , 16.37 miles o f track, nearly all iaid in brick pavem ent,
running to three parks, the fair grounds, cem etery and railway depots and
N ational Soldiers H om e. Equippod with 50. 60 and 70-lb. Johnson T rails
with 26 m otor cars (General Electric) and 12 othors. Furnished electric
current at W estville, G eorgetow n, R idgefarm , Indianola, Sidell and
O F F IC E R S .— Same as those for Danville Urbana Sc Champaign Railway
C o .— V. 76. p. 1142, 1300.
(b) D e c a tu r R ailw a y & L ig h t C o .
Controlled by Danville Champaign Sc Decatur R y . Sc Light C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Illinois in D ec. 1903, to take over
tho property o f the Decatur T raction & Electric C o ., the Decatur Gas Sc
Electric C o . and the Decatur Steam Heating C o ., owning all the street rail­
way, gas and electric-lighting business and steam -heating plant in Decatur
and suburbs.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
$1,375,000 .....................
Stock, $1,375,000 ($100)........................................
Decatur Gas & Electric C o l 1899
5 M -N
See text
first m ortgage................ . t f / I n t . at M erch. L . Sc T r. C o ., C h ic., Trustee.
Decatur Gas Sc Elec C o 2d M f 1899
5 J-J
90,000 Jan 1 1930
$400,000($300,000reserved{Interest at M erchants’ Loan & Trust C a ..
for above ($1,000), g o ld t f
C hicago, Trustee.
D oc T rac Sc Elec 1st M $300,
5 J-J
212.000 Jan 1 1921
000($500 & $ l ,000 ea ch )c*tf { Int. at Illinois T r. & Sav. B k ., C h ic., Trustee
D ec R y & Lt C o 1st & cons M 1 1903
5 g J-D
743,000 D ec 1 1933
$1,300,000, g ($1,000),c* tf[In t.O ld C o l.T r .C o ..B o s .,T r.,& a g e n c y in N Y
D ec R y Sc Lt con & ref mtgol 1913
1.165.000 M a r 1 1938
$7,500,000 (red at 1 0 5 )-i f (Central Trust C o o f Ili., Trustee.
B o n d s . — $512,000 Decatur Railway Sc Light C o . first and consols, are re­
served to retire an equal am ount o f prior liens as above. A sinking fund
o f 10% o f the net earnings, or not less than 1% o f outstanding bonds, is
to be Invested in the bonds. A m ount outstanding includes $124,000 bonds
hold In sinking fund. These bonds are subject to call at 107 f k and int.
on any interest date upon 60 days' notice. O f the Decatur Gas Sc E lectric
C o . 1st M . bonds, $15,000 had to be redeemed on M a y 15 1910 at 105 and
a like amount each year thereafter In numerical order. These bonds
aro subject to call at 105 and interest. T h e second m tgo. bonds o f the
Decatur Gas Sc Electric C o. are redeemable at any time at 105 and Int
but there is no sinking fund on these bonds. O f the D ec. R y. & L t. consol
Sc ref. bands, $1,165,000 are deposited under the D anv. C ham p. & D ec R y .
Sc L t. consol. Sc ref. m tge.
$1,270,000 are reserved to retire underlying
bonds and $5,065,000 for new construction.
R O A D .— Operates about 15 mlle3 standard-gauge road In D ecatur and
suburbs; 60 and 72-lb. T rails. 35 m otor cars and 4 others.— V . 91, p . 38:
V . 92, p . 322.
(c) U rb a n a & C h a m p a ig n R a ilw a y , Q a s & E le c tr ic C o .
Controlled by Danville Cham paign & D ecatur R y. Sc Light C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— A consolidation in 1897 o f Urbana Sc Cham paign
Electric Street, Champaign Electric Light & Power, Cham paign & Urbana
Gas Light & C oke and West End Park com panies. Owns perpetual gas
and steam charter. T he underlying railroad charter is also perpetual.
F r a n c h i s e in 1901 extended for 20 years.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
S tock, $700,000......................... .............................
U & C R y G Sc E M $250,000? 1897
5 g J-D
122.000 June" 1*1917
g sink fd $8,000 yriy J u n e !In t. at Illinois T r. Sc Sav. B ank, C h ic,. T ru s.
1 1900 & a ft($ 1,000) ,c * .n t f I or at Chase N a t. B ank, N ew Y ork C ity .
Consol m ortgage. $500,000) 1899
5 g J-J
354.000 July 1 1929
Int. at Portland T r . C o ., Portland, M e.,T ru s
U & C R y G & E consol and 1913
5 M -S
809,000 M ar 1 1938
Central Trust C o ., C hicago, Trustee.

($1,000, gdfd.---J.-C.ntf
ref dobs $4,000,000. . tf



B o n d s .— O f the consol. m tge. bonds, sufficient are reserved to retire first
m ortgage b o n d s . T h e bonds are su b ject to call on any interest d ay a t 105
O f the 5 . & O. R y ., G . & E . consol, and ref. debs., $809,000 are deposited
under D . O . & D . R y . & L t. consol. & ref. M ., $484,000 are reserved
to retire other bonds and $2,707,000 for additions and im provem ents.
R O A D .— Operates 12.60 miles o f track in and between Cham paign and
U rbana. Has 32 m otor cars and 5 others.

(d ) U rb a n a L ig h t, H ea t & P ow er C o .
„ ,
C ontrols the electric lighting and steam -heating business o f Urbana.
Entire stock is owned b y Illinois T raction C o.
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock S I50 000
- _____ ______
$150,000 -----------------First m tgo $56,000 ($500)- c t f 1903
5 M -N
See text.
First consol m tge $200,000/ 1909
5 J -D
See text.
($ 1 ,0 0 0 )________________ t f (Central T r. C o . o f 111., Trustee. In t. in C hic.
Consolidated and refunding} 1913
10,000 M a r 1 1938
m o rtg a g e _____ _________ tfjC en tra l Trust C o . o f Illinois, Trustoo.
B o n d s .— First m ortgage bonds mature $2,000 to $4,500 annually on
M a y 1 until M a y 1 1920. $34,500 retired up to Jan. 1 1916. O f 1st consol,
m tge., $36,000 are reserved for prior bonds and $72,000 are for new con ­
struction. B onds m ature on M a r. 1 yearly from 1918 to 1927. T h ey
are guar, b y Illinois Traction C o. V . 89, p. 167. The entire outstanding
am t. ($10,000) o f consol. & ref. bonds are deposited under D a n v . C ham . &
D ec. R y . & L t. m ortgage.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., \V. B . M cK in ley; S ec., E . A . M a cN u tt; T rea s.,
G eo. M . M attis; G en. M a n ., M . H . C hubbuck.— V . 89, p . 167.
(9) D a n v ille & E astern I llin o is R y .
S tock, $125,000. Tem porary bonds to the am ount o f $50,000 (5 % ) are
outstanding, duo 1927.
(10) D a n v ille & S o u th e a s te r n R y . C o.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Illinois on Jan. 14 1909.
D a te
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity
Stock ______ _____ __________ All ownod b y Illinois T raction C o.
First m ortgage $100,000 g o ld ,! 1909 5 g J-J
$60,000 July 1 1929
($1 000) __________ c & r t f/I n t . at Central Trust C o ., C hicago, trustee.
B o n d s .— Subject to call at 105 and Int. on any int. date.
G uaranteed,
p . & I., b y Illinois Traction C o.
R O A D .— Operates 2.82 miles o f road from D anville C ity limits to G rape
Creek coal district. 70-lb. rails.
O F F IC E R S .— Same as those for Illinois Central T ra ction C o .
(11) D a n v ille U rb a n a & C h a m p a ig n R y .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Illinois under the railroad law on
July 28 1902. Owns tho Danville Paxton & N orthern R y . M ostly private
right o f w ay.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
___________ _____
$250,000 ----------------Stock 8250 000
First m ortgago $2^,000,000 f 1903 5 g M -S
2,000,000 M ch . 11923
gold $1,000) guaranteed] Interest at A gency o f Bank o f M on treal,N .Y .
c* t f
______________l N orthern Trust C o ., C hicago, Trustee.
Second "m ortgage $500,0001 1905 6 g J-J
, 192,000
See text
gold ($1,000) sorlal___c* t f ( In t. at A gency M erchants B k. o f C an ., N .Y .
General m ortgage b o n d s .-t f 1910
N o v . 1930
B o n d s .— T he first 5s have no sink, fd ., but are subj. to call on any Int. date
upon 90 days’ notice at 105 & int. T he bonds are guar., p. & 1., b y end. by
D a n v . St. R y . & L t. C o . and Urbana & Cham paign R y ., Gas & Elec. C o.
V . 81. p . 264. T he 2d 6s maturo $50,000 on Jan. 1 1908 and $50,000 each
Jan. i thereafter. T ho $50,000 duo on Jan. 1 1908 and $50,000 due Jan. 1
1909, as well as $42,000 o f the $50,000 due Jan. 1 1911. wore extended,
$308,000 have been retired. T h ey aro su bject to call at par on 30 days
notice. A re guar., p. & 1., b y III. T ra c. C o. Trustees are M ontroal T r. &
D ep . C o . and T h os. Fyslie.
R O A D .— Operates 76.16 miles o f track over private right o f w ay, co n ­
necting the cities o f D anville, Urbana and Cham paign, with branches from
D anville to Georgetown and R idge Farm ; Danville to Catlln and Ogdon
to H om er. 70-lb. rails. Has 26 m otor cars, 10 electric locom otives and
144 miscellaneous cars.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., 4V. B . M cK in ley; S ec., E . A . M a cN u tt; T rea s.,
G eo. M . M attis.— V . 81. p . 264: V . 83, p. 435; V . 84, p . 338; V . 8 8 . p. 563.

[Vol . 102.

In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity
D a te .
- $100,000 ....................
S tock, $500,000 ($100)
573,000 Jan 1 1931
Jack Ity& L t 1st cons M , $ l , - ( 1906
5 g J-J
000,000,gu,g ($ l,0 0 0 )c * -t f ) Central T ru st C o ., C hicago Trustee.
5 J-J
142,000 Jan 1 1931
Jacksonv Gas Light & C o k e f -----C o first m ortgage......... n t f (In t. at M erchants Loan & T r. C o . C hicago.
B o n d s .— O f the $1,000,000 1st consols, $142,000 are reserved for prior
liens. A r e g u a r .,p .& L , b y Illinois T ra c. C o . 2 % o f bonds out is payable
annually to a s i n k i n g f u n d . A re sub. to call on any in t. date at 105. Int. at
M erchants’ Bank o f C anada, N . Y . $38,000 Jack. Gas L . & C . retired.
R O A D .— Operates about 7.65 miles o f track and also does electric lighting
and gas business in Jacksonville. 14 m otor cars and 9 others, v . Jo, p .
1542; V . 97. p . 1733. V . 99, 1748.
(16) J e ffe r s o n C ity L ig h t. H ea t & P o w e r C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N , & c.— Supplies gas and electricity to Jefferson C ity .
M o ., and furnishes current for operation o f the street railway. In N o v ,
1915 m ade a 9-yoar contract with city for street lighting. Has $200,000
5 % bonds outstanding (c p t ) duo M a y 1925.
, „ _
On N o v . 25 1913 received permission from tho M issouri I . S. C om m , to
Issue $200,000 pref. stock and $200,000 bonds for the purchase o f tho stock
o f tho Jefferson C ity Bridge & Transit C o . See V . 97, p. 1666.

(17) M a d ison C o u n t y L ig h t & P o w e r C o .
Is a consolidation in 1906 o f tho Edwardsvllle Light & Power C o . and the
Granite C ity-V en ico E lectric C o . Supplies light and power to Edwardsvillo, Granite C ity , Venice and B rooklyn. In D ec. 1912 increased its stock
from $100,000 to $335,000. Stock all owned b y Illinois T raction C o .
D a le.
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock S335 060
$335,000 -----------------1 st m tge $ l’,000',666'( $ l , 000)7 1906
5 g J-D
531.000 D o c 119 3 6
co ld
________c* t f ] Int. a ta g c y . M erchants B k. o f Canada ,N .Y .
[ Central Trust C o . o f Illinois, Trustee.
B o n d s . — Guar. p . and 1. b y Illinois Traction C o .
Can bo called on
four weeks’ notice on any int. day at 105. N o sinking fund.
(18) N o rth e rn I llin o is L ig h t & T r a c t io n C o .— A trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Illinois and was successor In July
1903 to the Ottawa R y ., Light & Power C o ., sold under foreclosure. F r a n ­
c h i s e perpetual for lighting and until M arch 1924 for railway.
Has con tract
fo r c it y lig h tin g .

W estern R y s . & L ig h t C o . ow n s ah th e s t o c k .

In Sept. 1913 increased cap. stock from $250,000 to $750,000.
p. 729.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .

V . 97,
a tu r ity .

io o 3
/ u i y r p
($500 and $ 1 ,0 0 0 )--C * ..t f lin t , at Am erican T r. C o ., B oston, T ru stoe.
♦All but $265,000 o f these bonds aro guar., p. & I., b y endorsem ent, b y
Westorn R ys. & Light C o.
,, ,
, .
B o n d s . — N o sinking fund and bonds cannot bo called.
Rem aining bonds
are for additions, extensions and now properties.
R O A D A N D P L A N T .— Operates 6.5 miles o f lino, covoring the principal
streets o f Ottaw a, and also runs out o f the city to Ellis Park, a pleasure
resort on the Illinois R iver. Also has extensions from Ottawa to Chautauaua Park. Enulpm ont, 8 m otor and 3 other cars. Has both steam and
water-power plants for generating power, which can be operated Independ­
ently If nocessary. Is supplying 167 onclosed arc lights under city con tract
and 107 for com m ercial lighting.— V . 97, p . 729.
(19) P e o ria R a ilw a y C o .— A trolley road
„ nf
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated under general railroad laws o f Illinois
In 1906 and Is successor to the Central Railw ay C o . Has acciulred, owns
and controls all street railway lines in Peoria and outlying suburbs o f A veryvllle, Peoria Heights and East Peoria. T h e entire stock is controlled b y
tho Illinois Traction C o. F r a n c h i s e s in Peoria oxplro In 1926 and those in

a d/>Viv o f a b l e ' Dec! s i o n .— O n ‘ O c t . 26 1911 the Illinois Stato Supremo C ou rt,
roversing the C ircuit C ourt, hold that tho C ity C ouncils could not grant a
franchise to the Peoria R y . T erm . C o . over streets to which the Peoria R y .
already hold a franchise. V . 93, p. 1535.
n •
In D ec. 1912 increased Its stock from $1,000,000 to $1,010,000.
On July 2 1915 the P. U . C om m , grantod authority to Issue $65,000
1 st & ref. 5 % bonds. Up to Jan. 15 1916 those had not boon issued.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock *1 010 000
_______ _____
$1,010,000 -----------------(12) Des M oin es & C en tra l Iow a E le c tr ic C o .— A holding com pany. First & re f m tge , $ 3 .600.000 . ( 1906
5 g F -A
2.739,000 See text.
gold (S I.0 00)________ c * t flln t e r e s t payable in N ew Y o rk .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Controls the Iow a subsidiary properties o f tho
Illinois Traction C o ., which include the electric-light and power com panies, General m ortgage__________ t f 1909
serving Des M oines, Oskaloosa, C olfax, N ew Valley Junction, N ow Sharon.
B o n d s . — O f the $3,600,000 first and rof. bonds. $291,000 .are reserved
Prairie C ity and M ontezum a and tho street railways in Oskaloosa. C on­ for additions and improvements at 75% o f cost; $ 570 ,0 0 0 kayo boon retired.
trols the Des M oines E lectric C o. and tho Oskaloosa Traction & Light C o . T hoy aro guaranteed, p . & 1., b y endorsement b y the Illinois Traction C o .
T h e bonds o f this co . aro securod b y plodge o f $308,000 gen. m tge. 6 % T ho bonds are secured b y a first mortgago upon all properties and fran­
bonds o f the Des M oines E lec. C o . (total out) and all the com m on and pref. chises o f tho Peoria Railway C o. now owned or hereafter acquired.
I ho
stock o f the same c o . A lso $87,000 gen. m tge. bonds and all the stock o f trusteo Is tho Illinois Trust & Sav. Bank, C hicago, 111. Remaining b o a. Is
oxDiro on F ob. 1 *xs follows! 885*000 in 1917» S95»000 in 1918, 8100,000
the Oskaloosa T raction & Light C o.
fn 1 9 1 9 , $105,000 in 1920, $110,000 in 1921, $115,000 in 1922, f 120,000
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
in 1923, $125,000 in 1924, $130,000 in 1925, and the remaining $7o0,000
S tock. $1,000,000 ($ 1 0 0 )____ — All owned or controlled b y 111. T ra c. C o .—
8k fd gold b Z l s . $10,006,000 ( 1913 6 g M -S
$1,324,000 Sept 11937 In 1926. T hey aro subject to call on any Int. dato at 105 and interest*
($500 & $1,000) red at 105jlnterest at First N ational B ank, N ow Y o rk , Seo V . 83, p . 38, 436; V . 89, p .4 2 ; V . 90, p . 560.
E a r n i n g s . — For year end. D ec. 31 1914, gross, $781,614; not, aftor taxes,
& int guar p & 1 and s f b y
or tho Central Trust C o . oflllinols.T ru stee.
Des* M oln es* E llfcY sfCM °$ 5 ,- ( 1908 5 M -N
2.016.000 N o v 1 1938
R O A D — Owns and operates 5-4 miles o f standard-gauge track, 104 m otor
000.000 ($1,000) s f ____ tf\Interest at American Trust C o .. B oston.
cars 23 other cars. Also owns valuable property near the centro o f city and
Osk T & Lt C o bds $300,000( 1903 5 g J-J
232.000 Jan 1 1923 considerable other real estate, including several amusement parks, estimated
($1,000) gold sink fund..c*l In t. at U . S. M tge. & Trust C o ., N . Y .,T ru s. to bo worth $500.000.— V. 90, p. 560; V. 92, p . 1500; V . 93, p . 1535; V . 100.
B o n d s .— Additional sinking fund gold bonds can only bo Issued for 80%
p . 643, 902, 1079; V. 101. p . 213.
o f tho cost o f Im provem ents, & c., to the sub co s ., and certain other restric­
tions. Annual s i n k i n g f u n d o f \ ' A % o f bonds ou t began Sept. 1914.
(20) Q u in cy R a ilw a y C o .
D es M oines E lec. C o. 1st M . bonds are subject to call aftor N o v . 1 1914
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. In Illinois In 1912 as successor to the Quincy
at 105. Sinking fund, 1% o f bonds N o v . 1 1914-21: 1 H % ,
n o rse R y . & Carrying C o . V . 94, p. 1628.
„ , , , ,
. 1931-37. Oskaloosa T ra c. & Light bonds have sinking fund o f $5,000 to
Does entire (electric) street railway business In Quincy. P rin cip a l/ra n be delivered to trustee annually. V . 98, p . 839. 1536.
c h i s e is unlim ited, granted in 1865. and exclusively for 60 yoars.
E a r n i n g s .— F or year end. M ar. 31 1915, gross, $874,318; not, aftor taxes,
f r a n c h i s e s mature from 1922 to 1937.
$■118,450; bond interest. $177,136; surplus, $241,315.— V . 101, p . 287.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock *1 000 000
31,000,000 -----------------(13) G a le sb u r g R a ilw a y , L lg h tln g 1 & P ow er C o.
t f t912
599.000 F ob . 1 1932
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— In corp .in 111. Sept. 101913 and took over tho G ales­ Bonds'. S1 506 0
Iloree R y . & O. C o / 1898
400,000 O ct 1 1918
burg R y . & L t. C o ., tho Galesburg Gas & Elec. L t. C o ., the K noxville Quincy
($ 5 5 0 ,0 0 0 )________________ IPortland Trust C o ., Trustoo.
E lec. L t. & P ow . C o. and tho A bingdon L t. & P ow . C o.
V . 94. p. 1628.
M a tu r ity .
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
S tock. $3,500,000 ($100)------ ---------.
. . . $3,500,000
(21) S t. L o u is E le c tr ic B rid ge C o .
1st & ref m tge, $3,500.0001 1913
5 g J-D
350.000 D e c 1 1938
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Jan. 1907. Owns a bridge from
($1,000) red at 1 0 5 -.c* & rJ ln t. at M erchants Bank o f Canada, N . Y
Salisbury Street, St. Louis, to Venice, 111. In April 1909 com pany In­
Galesb R y & L t 1st con s....... .....................................
979,000 ................ ..
creased capital stock from $2,500 to $1,000,000. V . 8 8 . p . 946. Stock all
Galosb E & M P 1st M ............- ..................................
I I X ’SSS ....................
owned b y Illinois T raction. For franchise provisions, see V . 8 5 . p . 100.
Galesb G & El L t 1st M ...............................................
330,000 .................. .
Construction was started in O ct. 1907 and B ridge was form ally opened
A bingdon L t & Pow er------------------------------ —
2o,200 — . . . . . . .
B o n d s . — $1,500,000 first and rof. m tge. bonds aro reserved for prior lions
° nF hst mtge? gold
autlK?$3,5TO!o009($ 1 ,000) t f O u tstan d in g, $2,592 .­
and remaining $1,650,000 for additions. & c. Bonds aro guar., p . & i., b y 000: dato 1913; duo D oc. 1 1929. E. Bontloy H amilton, Poorla, trusteo.
W estern R ys. & L t. C o . E . B ontloy, H am ilton, Is trustoo
This m tgo. roplaced tho old (temporary) m tgo. o f 1909. V. 98, p. 74.
(14) I llin o is C en tra l T r a c t io n C o .— A trolley road.
(22) S t. L o u is E le ctric T e rm in a l R a ilw a y C o.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Illinois in 1903 under general
Owns extensive freight and passenger terminal stations costing about
railroad laws. M ostly private right o f w a y .
$5,000,000; also valuable real estate and a 50-year franchise giving the Illi­
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity
nois T ra c. an outlet in St. Louis. Also owns tho Citizons R y . C o . o f Venice,
Stock SI 100 000
$1,100,000 ----------------which operates 4.88 miles o f street railway in M adison, Granite C ity and
1 st m t g o , $2,000,000 ($1,-1 1903 5 g J -D
1,469,000 D ec 1 1933
Venice. V . 91, p . 1769.
000) gold , guar......... _ c* tfj Int. at Old C olon y T r. C o ., B oston, trustee.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
T em porary general ra ort___t f ------- 5 & 6
746.000 1929 <& 1931
om m on, $1,000,000................ All ownod b y Illin ois'T raction C o.
B o n d s .— A ro subject to call on any Interest date on 60 days notice at
____ _____
$ 1 ,0 0 0 #00U ----------------1 0 7 A and int. Are guaranteed, p. & 1., b y Illinois Traction C o.
V . 82, First
m tgo, $3,500,666, gold 1 1909
4-5 F -A ,
1.724.000 D oc 1 1929
p . 804. A s i n k i n g f u n d o f 10% o f net earnings became operative D ec. 1
($1,000), guar p & 1____ t f /I n t . at Merchants B k. o f Canada, M ontreal.
1908, but not to be less than 1% o f bonds outstanding. $124,000 hold In s.fd ,
B o n d s .— First M . (tem p.) bonds are subjoct to call at par on any Interest
R O A D .— Operates 45.5 miles or track from Decatur to Springfield, with
an extension from B uffalo to M echanlcsburg; 70-lb. rails. Has 13 m otor d a y. N o s i n k i n g f u n d . T hey aro guar., p . <& L , b y Illinois Traction C o .
cars, 2 electric locom otives and 117 miscellaneous cars.
(23) S t. L o u is S p r in g fie ld & P e o ria R R .
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., W . B . M cK in ley: S ec., E . A . M a cN u tt; T reas.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Illinois D ec. 1 1909 as a consolida­
G eo. M . M attis; G en. M g r., M . E . C hubbuck. V . 82, p. 804; V. 84. p . 339, tion o f the St. Louis & Springftold Ity., the St. Louis & Staunton R y ., the
T ri-C ity T rac. C o . and the St. Louis & Northoastorn R y. Oporatos on
(15) J a c k s o n v ille R a ilw a y & L ig h t C o.
right o f way except through cities and towns (about 17 m iles), where
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in M aine in D ec. 1905 and is a con ­ fprivate
r a n c h i s e s extond to or boyond 1953.
In 1911 acquired tho Sprlngflold
solidation o f the Jacksonville R y . C o. and the Jacksonville Gas Light &
B elt R.v.
C oke C o. F r a n c h i s e perpetual.

M a y . 1916. J


In 1912 acquired the Peoria Lincoln & Sprlngf. R y . C o ., the Peoria B loom .
& Champaign T ra c. C o ., the Terminal P ow . C o . and the Sprlngfiold &
N ortheastern Traction C o. (acqulrod N o v . 1 1913).
Has long-tim e contracts for use o f bridge and terminals o f St. Louis E lec­
tric Bridge C o. and St. Louis Electric Terminal Ity ., enabling it to operate
directly into St. Louis.
In D oc. 1915 the P . U. C om m . auth. the Issuance o f $1,000,000 Ser. " A ”
5 % prof, stock to retire a like amount o f Gen. M tge. bonds. Up to latest
accounts the exchange had not been m ade.
S T O C K A N D B ON DS—• D a t e . I n t e r s e t .
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
C om m on $6,000,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) - - .............................
$6,000,000 ............
P ref. $2,572,000 ($100) 5 % ......................................
1st & ref m tgo $15,000,000 g f 1909 5 J -D
4,653,000 D ec 1 1 9 3 9
($1,000 coup
B k , cCnhicago,
ic a g o , trustee
multiples reg .)____ c*&r* t f lInterest In N ow Y ork , Chicago or London.
St; Louis & Springfield 1st M l 1903 5 g J-D
451,000 D oc 1 1933
($1,000) s r g o ld guar c * .tf/In te r e s t at C ity T rust C o ., B oston, trustee.
S tL S p & P g e n M $15,000.000tf ,-555
A is v n n n ' ' m
r w 4.157.000
Springfield & Northeastern 1906
5 g J-D
145,000 D ec 1 1936
Traction 1st m tgo $1,500,­ Int. at agency M erch . Bank o f C a n ., N . Y .
000 ($1,000) gold ______ c*
Central Trust C o . o f Illinois, Trustee.
Peoria Bloom ington & Cham 1906 5 g M -N
280,000 N o v 1 1936
T rac 1st M $3,000,000 gold Int. at agoncy M erch. B k. o f C andaa, N . Y .
($1,000) — .................. c* tf
Central Trust C o .. C hicago, Trustee.
B o n d s . — O f tho $10,347,000 1st & rof. bonds reserved for various purposes.
$145,000 are reserved for Springfield & Northeastern Traction C o . bonds,
$715,000 to retire prior liens, $2,250,000 to redeem a like am ount o f general
m ortgage bonds and $7,237,000 for 80% o f cash cost o f additions and oxtensions. T he $7,237,000 and tho $2,250,000 for redemption o f gen. mtge.
bonds vtotai $9,48/ ,000), excepting $500,000 (Issuable at any tim e for 80%
o f cost o f add'ns & Im pts.) can be Issued only when, for the procoding 12
m on th s, gross earnings have equaled five times and net earnings l j i times
the interest charge on all bonds outstanding and those proposed to bo issued.
Redeemable at 105 on any Int. dato. Bonds are unconditionally guar,
p. & I., by Illinois T rac. C o. V . 90, p. 304; V . 95. p. 177. A re listed on
C hic. Stock E xch. St. Louis & Springfield 1st M . bonds are subj. to call
on any Int. date on 60 days’ notlco at 107M & Int. Are guar., p. & 1.. hv
111. T ra c. C o.; $125,000 o f bonds held In s. f.
Peoria B loom . «& Cham . T r. 1st M . bonds aro gu ar., p . & I., b y 111. T ra c
C o . T hoy aro subject to call on any Interest date at 105 on 30 days’ n o t ic e .'
R O A D .— Extends from Venice, opposite St. Louis, to Peoria and B loom ­
in g to n , with branches from Staunton to Hillsboro. Traclcago 210 49 miles
main track, 10.10 miles belt lino, 0.29 miles socond track, 23 o’o iniios o f sld
logs and turnouts and 7.59 miles o f industrial tracks; tota l. 251 53 miles
Standard gaugo. Owns 530 cars and 9 locom otivos.— V . 94 n 1120- V
95, p . 177, 2371V . 98. p . 691; V . 102, p. 68.
(24) T o p e k a E d ison C o.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— On M ar. 1 1910 Illinois T ra c. C o . purchased prop­
erty- O p e r a te electric-light and steam -heat plant in T op ek a , K an. Bonds
a u th ., $1,250,000; ou t, $836,000; dated 1905,du eSopt. 1 1930;Int. (5 % ) t f.
«5"k m n C on t’ & C om m - T f ’ & S av’ B an k>C hicago, trusteo. S in kingfu nd
$15,000 per annum , payable D ec. 15. $90,000 have been rotlred.
(25) Topeka Railway Co.
UQdor general railway laws o f Kansas in
nnn90lJn bsPr )e<!
k?"!001! Park Ity ., and m ade a new m tge. for
?ho?5? ’? 00' ,,9 n,;!uno 4 4993 obtained a now 30-yoar f r a n c h i s e , running from
that date, with the provision that $400,000 bo expended within 3 years on
the system . Also has secured f r a n c h i s e s in perpotuity on cou ntv roads now
occup * ! . with privilege o f hauling freigh t? C ity agreeo n e v e r "
i at®? to where com pany will earn less than 10% on stock.
T h o city is to
receive 10% o f earnings remaining after 10% has been earned. Upon oxE X o°


'W T m i'V l?

rl8‘“ “

“ caul" ’

SS?- *>'“ »•»<»• ;.o8U ?M.„ 5 s i-i

consolidated 5s. $731,000 are reserved to retire a like
am ount or C ity R y . first 5s.
D i v i d e n d s .— See dividends guaranteed under lease a bove.
n « ? ? k D , & c '—, 9 ™ 37.51 miles o f electric road In Charleston. T h e corn­
s ' . , ? ? consolidated Its tw o power stations; b oth railway and light and
power divisions are being operated from same station.

M“ " S f j :v :- /5% " S a T v . o S 803; * o 5?rj9 .'''" •

“ <“ ■ I169- v - 92'

S 1^00Gnno IZtn Th,?im‘T Jn co rP‘ b \ Sl ° onerate0 s t^ a m S ^ L d a i lr? a . steam
dPviskm ^ H meb»
, a? d
tak.e ?>ver
lighting b L in e M .h 1 ton Conso1’ R y -

Jan; 9 4943 with auth. capital o f
or electric- street railways, & c „
what was form erly the Seashore
Gaa & E1- C o . A lso does electrlo-

m *Ies from M t . Pleasant (connecting b y
the AUanMct CmiRt1Vb1t).|S 4,sIa? d and Isle o f Palm s, a pleasure resort on
gidHval^o Toia£Ha sth n<t!’ i a?,d a t Isle o f Palm s, ferry, power house on
ates 19 pass,
dL L 1and
and 3
3 freight
f r X h f S?at,0n
af 2
Pleasant, & c. Owns and oper­
cars and
ferry boats.
ton.— V ? 9 ^ Sp 7 2 0 K 862*meS SottIIe: ° h ,ef E n g - w - w - F uller: Charles-


C H A R L E S T O N IN T E R U R B A N R R .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in 1909 with $100,000 capital stock which
N ° 7 ‘ 19 1 9 1 4 to $1,500,000 in part for the p u rr fiS e o f
tlie Charleston Traction C o ., a line from St. Albans to South Charleston
taken over as o f that date, and in part as a stock d ividend, all earnings for
four years having gone Into extensions and betterm ents.
L e a s e . — Leases the Kanawha Valley Traction C o . (whoso $500,000 caoital
stock is owned b y the Ohio Valiev E lectric R y .) for 99 years from Jan. 1
1910 at an annual rental beginning with S10.000 the first year and Inlst^ M ^ boiu h ? ' 000111 1 9 16 and theroaftor>and bas assumed that com p a n y’s
F r a n c h i s e o f the T raction C o . in tho city o f Charleston expires in 1954:
interurban lines are operated alm ost entirely on private rights o f w ay.
^ 7,S i ? 1Ar^,?nA ,?^PaaT"
D a le .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
'S g D m ,

« M -N ”

M a y T *1918

F i l f i * jT r ' R « b o !o o o -ja V T l9 4 6
nai’5P0) o d c - - - - - - - - - t f ) Int- at Fidelity T rust C o .. P hila., T rustee.
i.nP nfiA- l aym °ini o f P>rin>, t- o f th0 Kanawha V al. T rac. C o . bonds
has boon assumed b y the Charleston Interurban R R . S I .000,000 o f the
bonds have boon deposited as security for tho coll, trust notes issued b y
tho Charleston Interurban.
t i\ 0i eSw- ' S,0Cur?P by deposit or $1,000,000 Kanawha V alley T raction C o .
Srv L
j 3,
Rod • on any int. dato at par and int. on 6 weeks’ notice.
D i v i d e n d s .— T he com pany has agreed to p a y no dividends during the
iifo o f tho notes.
E A R N IN G S .— F or year 1915. gross, $245,168; net, after taxes. $ 1 1 1 ,4 4 7 ?
int. on bonds and notes, $55,710; rental, $15,000; surplus, $40,737.
R O A D .— Operates 36 miles o f track. 70-lb. T and girder rail. Stand­
ard gaugo.
O F F IC E R S .— P res., W . A . M acC orklo; V .-P ., J . E . C h ilton 1 Sec and
T reas.. F . M . Staunton.— V . 100, p . 228, 1917.


Allied with the Southern Power C o ., which seo in our "R a ilw a y and Industrlal

5 M 3 6 '000


$1 (250 00(?r p


($ 1 .0 00 )..........................c* tf lin t , at Cont.& C om m .T r.& S .B .,C h ic..T ru s
B o n d s . — Remaining bonds aro reserved for 80% o f cost o f now power
J??o«0/wmK for betterments and additions. Subject to call at 105 and int.
$120,000 havo been rotirod. A s i n k i n g f u n d began Jan. 1 1010 which
sufficient to rotiro $15,000 per annum at 105 and interest.
E A R N IN G S — For year end. Juno 30 1915, gross, $437,828: net, $219
693; interest and taxes, $88,144; dividends, $66,820; su rp lu s ,$64,729.
R O A D .— Owns 40.8 m . o f track; 70. 75 and 80-lb. rail. Operates 30 cars
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., W . B . M cK in ley , Champaign,111 • V -P
Z illy, Champaign; S ec., E . A .M a c N u t t , M ontreal; Troas G M V fitiio
— V. 81, p . 728; V . 82, p . 101; V . 90, p. 915, 978.
(26) W ich ita R a ilroa d & L ig h t.— T rolley.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Chartered M a y 1 1900 for 30 years
Street rail
way f r a n c h i s e expires 1933, lighting in 1919. In 1910 entered into a con
tract, extending for 20 years, for purchase o f power from Kansas Gas & Elec

nf H ! n £ ^ Ii ^ TI. £ N ;IT I ocorp >1ln -July 4943 in M aine as a consolidation
Charlotto E ectric R y .. Charlotte Gas & E lectric C o. and C harlotte
I ower C o. (these three form ing prior to Jan. 1 1911, tho Charlotte E lectric
a * , owc,r C o ., which com pany issuod tho bonds shown in the
w i?iP ;7:ST0.e uiElecKrlc
S oc- for 5 la y 1915); Greenville (S. C .) Gas &
E lectric Light & Power C o .; Grecnvillo Traction C o .; Fries M fg . & Pow er
C o ., W inston-Salom , N . C .; Winston-Salom Power C o .; Anderson (S. C .)
W ater, Light & Power C o ., Chester (S. C .) Power C o ., T hom asville (N . O .)
£ ° ’ ’ ,2 F e,er (3 ' C . ) Light & Power C o. and T hornton Light &
lo w o r C o . (H ickory, N . C .) . Owns entire $250,000 com m on stock o f
the Greonvillo-Carolina Power C o. (there is also $200,000 6 % cum . pref.
stock outstanding) which owns and operates a 3.500 h. p . hydro-electric
plant noar Greenville. Tho Charlotte E lec. R y. in M a y 1915. through an
amendment in its charter, reduced its capital stock from $1,250.000 to $ 1 000
f r a n c h i s e s with one m inor exception are either unlimited in tim e or run
Doyona July 1943.

q tn X °«£
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock $5,000,000 ($100).......................
$5,000 000
$30,000,000 gold? 1913
5 g J-J
3,250.000 J u ly’ ! " 1943
($ l,0 p 0 ,$ 5 ,0 0 0 ,& c.)c * & r ».tf/In t. at Farmers’ L . & T r. C o .. N Y .? Trusteo
U n d e r ly in g B o n d s—
83 k
d« ? K - . . d! “;
• S S f'
C 1la-ra ,P kc K y - L & P 1st M l 1899
5 g J-J
325,000 July 1 1929
$500,000 g (81.000) s f c * n t f lin t, at M erc. T r. & D op . C o ., B a lt./T ru ste o .
L & 4 rof & e x tl 4906
5 A -O
466,000 April 1 1936
R o f.& co n s .M . $1,500,000,g .tf. 1907
5 g A-O
1 671 000 ’ O ct 1 t w o
M $2 000,0 0 0 g ($ l,0 0 0 )c * t fjI n t . at M erc. T r. & D ep . C o . . B alt..T rustee!
B o n d s . — 1st M . bonds aro subject to call at 105 ori 6 m onth s’ no t Icq9' 2
& ,4 4?t M gold! 1900
5 g J-J
489,000 Jan 1 1940
R O A D .— Owns 32 miles o f trolley track In W ichita, K a n ., including Frl2s
($1,000) optional at l l O - .- J I n t . at E quitable T r . C o ., N . Y ., trustee.
double-track bridge over tho Arkansas River and extensions to W onderland Anderson W ater Lt & P C o _________
382 500
Park and Fair Grounds; 75 cars.— V . 93, p. 941, 1192.
Hand W inston-Salem Power C o ____ _____
____ _ "
54 000
B o n d s o f C o n t r o l l e d , & c . . C o s .—
Gr£ T 7 o o ? r° 1>0W6r 1St M g l , 1905, S g M - N
278.000 M a y 1 1935
(31,000) . .
— - - - t f | l n t . at Old C olon y T r. C o ., B oston, trustee
B o n d s . — O f the 1st and ref. bonds, $1,716,000 are reserved for prior liens:
remainder issuable for 70% o f cost o f extensions and acquisition o f other
properties. R edeem able in whole or in part at 105 and interest. T he
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in South Carolina on April 19 l o i o
Charlofcto RIoctric R y ., Light & Power 1st M . bonds have a s i n k i n g f u n d ,
Leases for a period o f 99 years from Juno 21 1910 tho Charleston C ons. Itv
July 1 1900, o f 1 % o f bonds out; to bo investod in bonds drawn
9® ? *. VnpA U o,l keaso guar. 6 % on prof, and 4 % to July 1 1911. 5 % to
1 0 7 and int., if not obtainable at lower figuro in open m arket1
bonds^of the C h a r P ^ o n s flt y ^ G a s 0&CE lec S*'0ck’ aIs0 ln t’ 0n outstanding $45,000 havo been canceled. T he ref. and ext. m tgo. bonds have a s i n k i n g
/nnrf operative April 1907 o f 1% o f bonds issued, for purchase o f bonds at
light and powor'rates were
m 6 .rlC 1 0 7 and int., if obtainable: otherwise, such investments as trustee deems
proper. V . 8 8 , p. 1252. $19,000 havo been retired. A s i n k i n g f u n d o f
1% on tho Greonville-Carolina Power C o . bonds began M a y 1 1910.
r w f G,S.K
o re
A utA ° f i z e d . O u t s t a n d i n g . D i v i d e n d s .
$1,500,000 $1,500,000
N one
E A R N IN G S .— F or years ending D oc. 31:
N one.
v „ A dar
C ross
E xpen ses
N et
In te rest &
B a la n c e .
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., P . II. Gadsdon; V .- P
W a l t o n d a r k - v p x, n“ ar—
A a r !}Lnt t s * T a x es. E a rn in g s.
R e n ta ls .
S u r p lu s .
G en. M g r., O . II. W aring; S ec., G . W . ' ' Curram1 lY eas S J
Balk 4944 ........................... $1,472,992
$950,610 $522,382
$254,410 $267,972
Asst. Sec. & Treas., O . M . B enedict.— V . 90. p. U 0 1 : V n?S'r> 9 U l\ % 7 - 4943 ------------—.......... 1,527,499
V . 95, p. 297, 419. 1206; V . 96. p. 862.
’ J L ’ D’ 214> 1327'
L a t e s t E a r n i n g s . — F o r year end. M arch 31 1916 (electric railway systems
o n ly ), grosi, $.>37,695; net, after taxes, $122,358.
C h a rle s to n C o n s o lid a te d R y ., G a s & E le c tr ic C o.
P R O P E R T Y .— Operates 70 miles o f streot railway; 60, 70 and 90-lb. T
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Organized F ob. 21 1899 as a consol illation o f thn
Charleston C ity R y . and Charleston & Seashoro RRV under SnechS A r U if and girdor rails; gauge, 4 ft . 8 M i n . Power and light prim ary lines aggreHo. Car. Legislature, granting perpetual charter and gas & olcc RSht nnwmT ?ating 1,644 miles and serving 16 com m unities; 2 gas plants, serving Char­
anti Greonvillo with 87.5 miles o f mains; water plant serving Anderson
In O ct. 1912 sold to James Sottilo tho Seashore division °lncl w arf°nrn^'
with 26 milos o f mains Loases Savannah Power C o .'s plant near Anderson;
erties, forryboats tho railroad lino from M t. Pleasant to 't e islo o f p S m s
with its equipment and tho power house on Sullivan Island
Sale was a u th ' capacity, 3.000 h .p . T otal capacity o f plants oporated. 24,000 h .p ., o f
by an A ct o r tho Legislature approved Fob. 12 1913 and formai ^r-^lirAr which 19.000 h .p . is hydro-eloctric generation. Also has favorable co n ­
tract with Southern Power C o . fo r the purchase o f additional pow er.
T ^ S p o ‘ " .i o w 1G13' V - * • "■ 862- S“
O F F IC E R S .— P res.. Z . V . T aylor; V .-P ., A . V . Ilarrill; S ec.. W . O .
Partner; Troas.. EL C . M arshall; Gen. M g r., E . F . T a y lo r— V . 97, p . 241,
I n O h f f l t o S '.'11 V m ” " 880.
' ,0'd ° ' " s ,“ ’,n,i < ™ S S & 8 S i
On M arch 18 19 i t shareholders authorized the issue o f $500 000 new
n o n s t o c k . V . 98, p . 999, 610.
,w u “ ow com STOCIC A N D B O N D S —
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r itu
$2,693,050 Seo toxt ‘
S tock, com . $3,000,000 ($50)______
Prof 6 % cum . $500,000 ($50)............
500.000 See text
non? C ity first nitgol 1898
5 g J-J
731,000 Jan 1 1923
($1,000), $850,000 g o ld c t f (In t. at M erc. T r. & S. D . C o..B a lt.
° nnn°l „n*tK0’ K'*'/1. $2,500.-1 1899
5 g M -S
1,759.000 M ar 1 1999
000, coupon ($ 1 ,0 0 0 )..* tf/I n t e r e s t at Baltimore Trust C o .. T ru stee
MoItinnairSnCani al?>,0c6 coupons at Carolina Savings Bank and Pooplo’s
N ational B ank, Charleston, If presented before the 10th o f the m onth.

P IE D M O N T & N O R T H E R N R Y . _
O R G A N IZ A T IO N — Incorp. on Feb. 24 1911 in South C arolina, and on
or about July 1 1914 took over the properties o f the Piedm ont T raction C o .
and the Greenville Spartanburg & Anderson R y . C o . T he system will ultim atoiy extend fr o m G urham , N C .. to Greenw ood. S. O .. 320 miles. In
M ay 4914 • before the consolidation actually took place, the road was oporated In tw o sections ( 1 ) 2 3 M miles extending from C harlotte to G astonia,
which division was known as the Piedm ont T rac. C o ., and (2) 93.5 milea
fro,m Spartanburg to G reenw ood, S. O .. with a 10.5-mile branch
t l 11 V olton
A nderson, which was known as the Greenville Spartanburg
b o .8®ctlon from C harlotte to Gastonia was opened for
“^aritic April 3 1912 and the section from Greenwood to B elton and Ander­
son In N o v . 1912. The lino from B elton to Greenville was com pleted and


[Vol. 102.


ODer.ed for traffic a month later, and tho extension from Greenville to
Spartanburg was opened up March 23 1914. A branch line ^om dleim o
Tiim-Hnn to Belmont 3.19 miles, was opened March 1 1910. i ower is ou
tained from Southern Power Co., which is controlled by tho same interests.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. ^ u t s ^ n d i n ^ .
M a t u r it y .
Com stk $15,000,000 ($100)-- - - - -- ---- --$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . - - . - - - . - 1 9 5 4
First mortgage $50,000,000? 1914
5 g J-J
Seo text
July. 1 1954
($1,000). gold...........c* n tflln t. at Farmers Loan & Tr. C o., IN\ . \ ., trus.
1st M coll notes $8,500,0001 1914 5 g J-J
See text
July 1 1919
000 & $100) not inter 1 Int. at Farmers Loan & Tr. t o . , JN. x . , m is.
BonIs.— Of tho .$50,000,000 authorized, $10,000
pledged as security for tho $8,500,000 notes. Red. at option of co.. In whole
or pSrt, any int. date afte? July 1 1914 at 105 and int. Of the notes, it is
reported that a majority of them have been taken
scribers to tho road. The remainder will be held in the treasury unou
disposed o f in a like manner.
,ln* «frnr
E a r n i n g s .— For year end. Dec. 31 1915, gross, $1,010,54< .n o t , attei
taxes $398 287. In 1914, gross, $949,914; net, after taxes, $324,34o.
R O A D _-Owns and operates 2314 miles from Charlotte1 to Gastonia,
93.5 miles Spartanburg to Greenwood, S. C ., with a branch from Belton
to Ynderson, 10.5 miles. A branch lino from Belmont Jet. to Belmont,
3.19 miles, was opened March 1 1916. About 202 miles of line, which will
complete the line from Durham, N . O., to Greenwood,■s ; G., (320^miles).are
contemplated, and, while no definite plans have been
ported that tho completion of.those lines is manifestly toevitaWe. Equip
ment consists o f 23 motor-driven trolley cars, speed capacity bO miles per
hour; 8 baggage and express cars; 8 trailer cars; 2 observation parlor cars
and 157 freight cars.
,, 0
w a t no- V -P
OFFICERS.— Pres., J. B. Duke, N . Y .; V .-P ., W. S. Lee, v. f . «
Gen. M gr.. E. Thomason; Sec., N. A. Cocko; Aud. & Ireas., 1. L. Black,
all of Charlotte.— V . 99, p. 199, 748.

R E PO RT.— Of ontiro system for years ending Jan. 31:
G ro ss
O p e ra tin g

Y e a r e n d in g


rt i __




Receipts. C.C.Ry.sW7oL ‘Eys.^
yj /o

iq i^ -ifi
$31 690 761 $21,041,356 $10,649,405 $4,366,256 $6,283,149
l l i U t : : : : : 3i,966:o48 1 9 ,8 8 9 ,2 7 5 1 2 ,0 7 0 ,7 7 3 4 .9 5 1 , 4 7 7 7 , 1 2 5 ,2 9 0
OPERATIONS.— Henry A. Blair, Pres, of tho Chicago Railways Co., In
his report for tho year endmg Jan. 31 1915, stated that tho Chicago Surface
Lines carry more than 1,100,000,000 passengers a year; servo a territory
of approximately 190 squaro miles; own 1,000 miles of track within tho city
limits and have over 2,700 double-truck paasonger cars in da ly uso
B o a rd o f O p era tio n .— Chairman Henry A. Blair, Leonard A. Busby,
Charles O. Adsit, Wallaco Heckman, Harrison B. Riley, John M , Roach.

^'V'Executive C om m ittee. — Leonard A. Busby. Chairman: H en ryA .B Ialr.
OFFICERS.— Pres., L. A. Busby; Sec. & Asst. ’Ireas., F. D. Hoffman,
Treas., M . B. Ordo.
r - m r 4 nr» C ITV * CONNECTING RYS.— A collateral trust.
Formed in 1910 under a trust agreement, to
over tjio stoelc of ‘ he
Chicago City R y., together with the securities of the Calumet & Houtn
Chicago Ry., tho Southern Street Railway, the Hammond Whiting & Last
Chicago Ry. and the Chicago & Western. Thesei propert asi comprisei ap­
proximately 491.83 miles of street railway In southern division of Chicago
and vicinity. See outline of plan in V. 90. p. 558. 625. Trustoo, Chicago

C H IC A G O , IL L .
, . „
AURORA ELGIN & CHICAGO R R .— Third-rail electric and trolley.
ORGANIZATION.— Is a consolidation In April 1906 of the Aurora Elgin
& Chicago R a ilw a y , the Elgin Aurora & Southern Traction Cm and the
& Southern
. V. railroads.
82, P -1279-Pres.
6 2 i , L.
bi a
a letter
under law
applying R
J. Wolr. In
dated M av 2 0 1909 (V. 8 8 , p. 1618),stated that system is in the main on
private right of way or protected by 50-year fr a n c h is e s or grants without
limit.” Does freight and express as well as
p. 490. Has exclusive contract with the Metropolitan West wide Lievatou
t0 Stockholders' voted OctV 18 1910 to purchase the Oftc- .TL116^ 0 n *
8rfi 5 ^ngem^nts ^\^e ^ e w f ^ a ^ 0^ ith^th^efemrai ^Trust^o .'of^ClScago'

the Citizens’ Savings & Trust Co. of Cleveland, and tho Bankers Trust Go.
of N. Y .. to purchase tho Elgin Aurora & Southern 1 st M . bonds, due
June 1 1916, at par and int., on presentation on and after Juno 1 U lb .
D a te .
In te r e s t.

I S JrftL

J / ,
F 1 s¥5 “oOo!ooo"ijSl1 l” S“ .^ S ?(ll® ™ t O i l ' s " . * T o S S v e f a i l j t e o
Spo text
c*&r*tf 1 In N . Y . Trustee, North. IY. Go., Ghlc.
Colli trust noTes$800",000 red.l 1915
6 g Q-J
8 P fio°°oiov o T m
at, in i-m n K
--(Citizens Savings & Trust C o., Cleve., Trus.
A E & C Ry first"mortgagef 1901 5 g A-O 15 2,700,000 Apr 15 1941
$3,000,000 ($1,000). goldjAmer. Tr. & Sav. Bank. Ohlca, ^ o^ ru?^®?cannot bo called--------- -tf (interest payable in c l}ica(?o.'ind J^ ' ' r.X^FK;
E lgin A u rora & S ou th ern first ( 1901
5 g J-L>
- l ; ? ® 8 ,9 ™9
mtge, $2,000,000 ($1,000) Int. at Amer. Tr. & Sav. Bank, Chicago
cold sinking fund _ c * tf
Trustee, and First Nat. Bk., N . Y . City
%tock.— Pref. stock was 5% cum. until April 1 1909: since 6 % cum.
B o n d s .— Of tho $15,000,000 (originally $25,000,000. but raluced1 in 1910)
1 st & ref’g bonds, $1,214,000 arein treas., $4,223,000reserved for priorliens
and tho balance for improvements, extensions and self-supporting acquisi­
tions, under rigid restrictions. They are not subject to; call now. See V.
8 8 , p. 1618. Collateral trust notes are secured by deposit o f $1,067,000 1st
and ref. mtge. 5% bonds. Int. payable in N . Y . and Cleveland. V. 100,
p 811. O n t h e A u ro r a E lg in & C h ic . R y. a sin k in g fu n d of $50,000 por an n .
Eegan on April 15 1911. See V. 74. p. 726. $300,000 have been retired
Oil tho Elgin Aurora & South, bonds s in k in g f u n d Is $17,000 per ann. first
5 years and $25,000 ann. thereafter; $432,000 have been purchased and are
now held In sinking fund.
T„ , „ 1nn„ lxr Q., „
D iv id e n d s .— First dividend on pref.— 1 M % — paid July 1906 (V. 82. p.
1436), and tho same amount quarterly up to and including April 190J.
July 1909 dividend increased to 1K % and same amount paid quar. to
Aug. 1 1915. Oct. 1915 div. omitted (V . 101, p. 1012) and nono paid since.
On common first dividend—‘M % — Oct. 7 1907. In 1908 to 1913, mcl.,
3 % yearly. In 1914, Jan., M 4 ; April, M % : July. M %; Oct. div. deferred
(V 99 n 894. 968). and nono paid sinco.
R E PO RT.— For year ending June 30 1915 in V . 101, p; 1091.

1 ion ^ p d l^ l9^1913 tho 111. Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the
Superior Court of Cook County in tho suit brought by Clarence II. Vennor,
which held valid the agreement dated Jan. 1 1910, creat ng the Chicago
City and Connecting Rys. Collateral Trust (V . 96, p. 1364, 1627). An
appeal was taken to tho U. S. Supreme Court, but in Nov. 1914 suit was
dismissed. See "Chic. City R y .’r in V. 99. p. 1527.
STOCK AND BONDS— D a te . In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Com part certs 150,000 shares...........
150,000 shs.
See text.
p rnp ,v1Pt- pppf-o o^o non shares
250,000 shs.
Jan lb, 7o(-.
Coll *trust mtgo $’22,000,000? 1910 5 A-O $21^790,000
Jan 1 1927
gold sinking fund c*& r*tf jln t. at 1st Tr.&S.B.Ghic., Trus., or in N .Y ,
P a rtic ip a tio n C e rtific a tes .— Preferred participation shares have no par
value but are entitled to preferential cum. divs. aggregating $4.50, also,
after com. partic. shares shall havo received $4 in any year, the remaining
surplus, not exceeding in any year $1,000,000, shall be paid ratably, A, to
nrnr and 3A to com., but in no case will tho pref. certfs. be entitled to more
than $7 each per annum; also havo preference upon distribution of trust
fund to tho amount of $100 each and accumulated dividends.
B o n d s . — Coupon bonds in denom. of $1,000; registered bonds $1,000 or
multiples. A sink, fund of $105,000 of bonds p. a. began M at. 1 U lo .
Bonds aro redeem, for tho s. f., or as a wholo, at lOo and int
havo been redeemed. In case of purchase of property of the Chicago City
Ry. by City of Chicago, or termination of trust agreement of Jan. 1 1910,
then bonds aro redeemable at par and accrued interost. See V. 00, p. 5o8,
625. Bonds aro listed on N. Y . Stock Exchange. V . 94, p. 1118.
Stocks a n d B o n d s D e p o s ited to S e c u re the C o ll. T r . B o n d s .
Stocks ( p a r ) .
a B onds (p a r).

Chic. City R y., value $200 per $100 sh -f}*-97! ’999
Calumet & South Chicago R y ................ iiMnR’noo
Hammond WMting & East Chic? B y 11 nbO O ’.OOO n".000,000 now 1st 5s
Chicago & Western..................................
T o t a l .................................................... S30.443.900 $1,074,000
a Under provisions of the trust mortgage these respective issues of bonds
each as an entirety may be converted into capital stock of tho respective
companies to an equal amount.
__. . _ , orl
D iv id e n d s .— On pref. part. ctfs. $2.25 per sharo was paid seml-an
from Juno 1910 to and incl. July 1914. In Jan. 191o rate was reduced and
$1 25 was paid; July, $1 25. In Jan. 1916 rate was again roducod, 75cts.
being paid. V. 102, p. 152. On com. partic. ctfs. $1 por sharo was paid
semi-annually from Juno 1910 to and incl. July 1912. Nono paid sinco.
REPORT.— For calendar year (V. 102, p. 344):
Other D iv s . o il S u r p .
n a i _______—-—In c o m e --------------*
Y r.

D iv s .

O ther.

G ro ss.

In t e r e s t. R e d e m p . D e d . P a r t A ih s .

In c .

1015 1 704 352 110*811 1,815,163 1,094,750 105,000

58,114 500,000 57,299
1914:i:964:771 87,255 2.052,026 1,100BOO
61 113 875.000 15 912
C o m m ittee. — Chairman, Harrison B. Riley, S. M . Felton, James B. I or­
gan, John J. Mitchell, Samuel Insull, John A. Spoor, B. E. Sunny, E. K .
Uoisot and L. A. Busby.
__ _
„ , ,r n, „ o , 0
OFFICERS.— Sec. & Troas.,W. W. Crawford.— V. 94, p. 349, 1118,
1683, 1744; V. 96, p. 419, 1555, 1772; V. 98, p. 452, 610; _V?99, p. 1-13.
1831, 1908; V. 100. p. 473; V. 101, p. 2143; V. 102, p. lo2, 344.
(1) C hicago City R a ilw a y — An electric road.
U n ifie d O o cra tio n o f S u r fa c e L i n e s . —Beo “ Chicago Surfaco Lines for
details of unification ordinance under which the lines of this company
aro operated jointly with those of the Chicago Railways Go. as a single sys­
Y e a r e n d in g
G ross
N e t (.after Other
D educD i v iB a la n c e ,
tem under the control of a joint Board of Operation.
J u n e 30—
E a r n in g s .
T a x e s ). In c o m e , lio n s .
fo r Y e a r.
°O R G A N IZA TIO N .— Incorporated in Feb. 1859, and has extensive sur­
1914-15.____ $1,968,137 $608,790 $1,091 $443,438 $186,000 def.$19,557 face road privileges In the south division of Chicago. In June l.908 entered
2,094,157 697,365 2,027 418,759 279,000 sur. 1,633 into a contract with tho Commonwealth-Edison C o., by which tho Chicago
L a test E a r n in g s . — For 8 mos. end. Feb. 29 1916, gross, $1,317,415, not, City Ry. agrees to buy all of Its electric power from that company until
$476,916; interest and taxes, $323,616; reserves, deprec n and amortiza- Juno 1918. Tho railway has abandoned Its producing plants but retains
tl0RO AD!— Operates^’r om^th^Ave. station in City o f Chicago, over tracks ltSiVcw Ordinancesand f r a n c h i s e s '— O n ^ o b . 4 1907 tho City Council passed
of Metropolitan West Side Elev. road, to 52d Aym. Chicago: thence on its ordinances providing for a settlement of the franchise question. These
own line to Wheaton, with lines from Wheaton to Elgin, Batavia. Geneva ordinances were approved at tho city-election_on April. « l.)07 and formally
and Aurora; also from Elgin to Carpentorsvillo, Dundee. 8 G Charles, accepted by the company s board of directors on April 15 1907. Suit to
Geneva, Yqrkville and Bristol, and a lino from Wheaton through West CM- set aside franchise was dismissed In April 1912. V. 9 L P- 1
cago to Geneva. Total single track. 169 miles. Third rail, standard T . tended outltno of theso ordinances, one to the Chicago Olty Railway Co.,
100 lbs.; track rails, 80 lbs.; interurban and city lines, 6 0 - 1 0 0 -lb .T and girder and covering tho lines operated by that company, and tho other to the Chi­
rails; 114 passenger cars; 2 express cars; 6 snow-plows and sweepers; 5 other cago Rys. C o., and covering the lines of the formor Chicago Union Traction
Co. (now tho Chicago Railways C o.), was given in V . 84 J?. 1123. lh o valuo
^OPFIOERS.’— Pres., L. J. Wolf, Cleveland; V .-P ., M . J. Mandelbaum: of tho tangible and intangible property of the Chicago City R y. at date or
V.-P. and Gen. M gr.. Edwin C. Faber. Wheaton, 111.; Sec. and Treas.. tho ordinances was fixed at $21,000,000. 'T110. ^ 7 i°rnpan n v e a r ^ lm ^Ix
H. C. Lang, Cleveland; Asst. Sec. and Treas., A. Born; Aud., H. A. Nev- thorized
bv it Is given the right on I<eb. 1 or Aug. 1 of any year, on six
ins Aurora III. E x e c u t i v e o f f i c e s . Hippodrome Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio.— months’ notico, to purchaso tho entiro property oftho two systoms, or either
V. ’loo, p. 555, 811, 900; V. 101, p. 1012. 1091.
of thorn, at their valuo at date of ordinance, plus tho cost of rehabilitation
anti extensions, including fair allowances for construction profit and
brokoran,o” . But if tho properties aro acquired for operation by a pri­
Under the title of Chicago Surface Lines tho properties of the Chicago vate corporation, for its own profit, tho purchase price Is to bo increased
Railways Co. and tho Chicago City Railway Co. are now being operated on%__barring tho case of a private company which might bo willing to
as a single system under tho control of a joint board of operation in. accord­ turn over to the city all profits above 5% on tho cost o f tho Investment.
ance with an agreement between tho two companies and the unification Tho companies aro limited during thoir operation to an Interost roturn
of 5% upon tho agreed value plus the cost of rehabilitation and exten­
ordinance which became effective Feb. 1 1914. Whilo uml°r fho
net profits
above this
sions All nec
proucs auovo
tins aro to
tu bo
uu divided
uivmou on tho
mu basis of c55%
to the city and 4AT5 fTf
% 4-^
to the companies, K.if
but O
a /InPIolh
doficit In
in anv
any VfiJir
year Is
Is tO
to 1
mado good out of tne profits of subsequent years. After April 15 1910 the
agreed basis. For tne two years ending aau. oi unn
J‘ companies
are required to set aside 6 % of tho gross receipts for maintenance
Co. received as its share 59% of the income rema ning after tho pay­
cover renowals
ment o f all operating expenses, including taxM and maintenanco. the other and repairs and an additional 8 % or the gross receipts
41% of tho income going to tho Chicago Glty Ity. Co., including the and depreciation. Whatever portion of the two funds is not used remains
Calumet & South Chicago Ry. and the Southern Street By*, and, begin­ In tho funds and passes to tho city or its llcensoo upon purchaso. But if
ning with Feb. 1 1916 and until the expiration of its franchise In 1927, the the two funds aro not sufficient for the purposes named, the companies
npn nhli?Tfp(l to sunnlv additional funds. Tno franchises granted by the
Chicago Railways Co. will receivo 60% of the so-called residue receipts,
and the Chicago City Ry. (Including the Calumet & South Chicago and ordinances^in'un^U Feb^ 1 1927. Purchase price of tho property Jan. 31
the Southern Street R y.), 40%. The plan provides (or a c c e n t faro
throughout the city on surface lines, also through routing of cars from ono 19On Ja n ’ 29° 1912 City Council passed an ordinance providing for tho acoulsRion by
City R^y. oflattep
city lines
of tho
& Southern
division of the city to another. See details of tho ordinance and the quisltion
oy Chicago
i^nicago x,u,y
wag sold
in Feb. Trac.
agreement for unified operations under date of Dec. I 1913 111 v. 98, p.
1693. An order permitting the State Attorney to file quo warranto pro­ Tho lines outsido tho city were takon over by the Chic. & Interurban Ry.
S tr ik e a n d W age A g r e e m e n t .— Seo “ Chicago Surfaco Linos.
ceedings to question the legality of unification ordinance was denied in
M prrC
oposm:<m to' Unite ^Surface and Elevated Lines.— See remarks under
ChS lr ik e awT m ^ A g r e e i n e n t — A strike for higher wages and othor con­

cessions which tied up tho surface and elevated linos of tho city fo r a little
over two days was called off June 16 1915, the men agreeing to submit all
differences to a board of arbitration of three members. Mayor Thompson
being chosen tho third arbitrator. The board awarded Increases benefiting
all employees o f the surface lines, about 14,000 in number, Including J.000
trainman who received an advance of 3 cts. an hour for the first year and
4 cts. an hour for tho second year’s service. ’Ihe maximum wago was in­
creased from 32 cts. to 35 cts. an hour. Tho changes were effective as
of Juno 1 1915 (V. 101, p. 212). Tho Elevated Co. lator exocuted a now
wago agreement, granting substantial increases In pay, which was approved
by referendum o f tho employees, on practically tho same basis as that of
tho surface lines arbitration agreement.

P o n d s .— There is no limit to the amount of bonds that may bo Issued
under the above mortgage. Under the Chicago city ordinance, in case of
purchaso by the city or its licensee, and only in such caso, Ithe bonds may bo
called as a whole, for payment at par and int.. on any Int. date boforo ma­
turity. V. 84, p. 1488, i550. Bonds aro listed on Chicago Stock Exchange
(V. 98. p. 386).
D IV ID E N D S .— In 1893, 24% : ISW-lflOO. 12%: Jn
10)4% ! In
1902-09, 9% ; in 1910. 16%; In 1911. 1 1 A % : in 1912. 11%. in 1913, 1014%.
In 1914 9% : in 1915, 8 %; in 1916, March, 2 % .
ROAD, &c. (incl. Southern St. Ity.).— Company owns 334.73 miles of
single track, all now operated by olectricity. Systom covors tho South Side

May , 1916.]



«L »«.lcag5 vcxtendln^ from tho centre of the business district south to 70th
Street and between tho South Branch o f the Chicago River and the Lake.
REPORT.— For 12 months ending Jan. 31 1916. seo V. 102 » IK , 7
'Ih° combined results of the “ Chicago Surface Linos" under the Unifica­
tion Ordinance, which wont into effect Fob. 1 1914. were- gross $9 in o n
1 9 .1 3 ................. 937,981
19 128
62 380
<01; operating expenses, S21.0tl.356; residue rocoipts, $10 619 405
carried in 1914. revenue, 7,146 288 and transfer 329 074 0 1
In c o m e A c c o u n t C h ica go C ity R a ilw a u .
a r S ' f i c t ' S I f V ? 1 ” y“ r
“ * » « . K a S T sa ii
,s propor- 19161915.
Propor. of resi­
due receipts
tion (|5%T)__ 389,605
T(4 1 % )........... 4.366,256 4.951,477 Int. on cap I.z. 2,507.908 2,416,914
Joint acct.exp.
int. on cap.
Inc. from o p . 2,897,513 3,019^279
inv. & So. St.
Other income.
R y .n etearns. 3,500,467 3,612,889
Net income. 2,979,095 3,298,827
Not earns..
865,789 1,338.588 Int. on bonds. 1,565,555 1,529 410
C H IC A G O R A IL W A Y S C O .— An electric road
C ity’s propor­
Dividends . . (8 ) 1,440,000 (9) 1,620 000
tion (5 5 % )..
mu ... *
. ,
Balance----- def.26,460sur. 149,417 dotailsZof Cnifi^tton°^OrdinsmcZ??fJi^ 4 ^ u n d e r Cw ^ c h UtheCllnJ^neSf'th ir
x Tho
interest on capital investment” is that certified by board of
supervising engineers, as provided by the ordinance of Fob. 11 1907.
OFFICERS.— Chairman Ex. Com., L. A. Busby; Pres Leonard A
Busby; V .-P ., H. B. Fleming; Sec. and T roa s.,F .D . Hoffmann; Aud., John comprising the lines of the
J- Duck. \ . 98, p. 905, 911, 1244, 1692, 1919' V 99 n 1527 m '?l' v
100, p. 981. 1164, 1831; V. 101. p. 212; t 102, p. 2507l058. 1157.

... A s -

SS36 Bte i s

$ > ,£ ° ,lu 'net & s °u th C hicago R y.— Electric.
d« t i u J n r 1 rTriiPirv,1?” ° L sA " rf a ce Li. n ™ r r 800 "Chicago Surfaco Linos” for
details o f Unification Ordinance o f 1914, under which tho lines of this com­
pany are operated jointly with thoso o f tho Chicago Railways Co. as a sin­
a? j » e s^reet railway
gle system under tho control o f a joint board o f operation.
n companies. V. 84 n 338 3QO nnhn
El2'trk-A^ ? o ^ ION,‘7 I5 a consolidation formed in 1908 or the Calumet
R y ' and S9ufh Chicago City Ry. in accordance with tho
nra11!5!,,0! (,)r^ ni!LnC0 Passocl by tho City Council Mar. 30 1908. Lines
®r® ? cii tcd tj} tIle south division o f tho City o f Chicago. Tho ordinance
>uutil keb. 1 1927 and provides that tho city is to reooivo
t r,e^ P ta after allowing for operating expenses, taxes and de­ and conditions of these ordtoances T Zcry extemtod oiiufn'e n T f c r ’ 1"
preciation and 5% on present value, together with amounts expended for
Improvements and extensions. Unification ordinance o f 1914 establishes
a i- ° e n t fare and universal transfers. City may purchaso property^ on
p £b. 1 or Aug. 1 o f any year upon six months’ notice for present -val.,«
»ags^ 5 ^ s f f l ^ oa ^ s s ,iS f-jsE asa,s * is « s s g s w r(ffi5
^ h c h i s fixed at S5.000.000. pfus amounts expended for improvement^'
additions and extensions, but only for municipal operation, where n u r i S
Is made prior to Fob. 1 1927. With an addition o f 20% in nr ce citv mav $30,779 l875 as o f F e b l ? Q n 7
T O ?H ?^ ,es “ recognized by ordinance
also purchase for the purposo of turning property over to other nartl<^?if
fMsn Mu for.Chicago City R y. only 12% additional need be paid) b it
this additional sum need not bo paid whore thoso other parties agree to
pV12 n
On Tad"'l°,f
aV°V? 5% , on th 0 Purchasoemic8e0e V . ^
was $ i 0,298?568?' 3 1 1 9 1 6 certlf,ed value o f Property and additions thereto

r i"~ s s

S t o ^ s io .o o ? ), 0 0 0 ^

0 0 ) ' . . D a le -

I n le r e s L

f f i o o oo#'

M a t u r it u '


call at'any
case city shall purchase property at'par'!and Ii n t/on a n y int! d a t o f^ N o ^ f d 1

'V I E K ?
i1ii45:l 'l : : : : - * i i |

* ? fl\ 4 f l


D i,.

hmlnn^^S^iJtvf68 for r®construction and extensions, including any contri-

struction and extensions, exclusive of amounts contr b u t^ for suto^vs

Bt o

$l ? l l

the valuation of the properties February i 1907 as a i i n v i n !, 11?,’ 8 JH '
o T n m r tf t that date for reconstruct!^, extension^and addifl, “ l i 0 the properties, including any amounts advanced to tho nitv fn r
„.?-i?f _llib? r? ys ln. the .downtown business district. I n ^ s e
the property shall not be p u !^ ase d .M a b o v e stated 8 prior to 1
expiration of the franchise, the city iovenanta that u ' ^ n ^ ^ n 1927, th!

a ,O F F ^ r R hS0 r0 B rtbO? l f ^ 0 ^ a,r 0" ItlV0r^■ ^ ^ S S S l S a ^ l S :
F.^Y^II^UmanT'Aiui:: Jnm J^dluctX^V*,9^ 'i y g ^ rai^ i>j d V?en('*
1420, 1627; V. 98. p. 1070, 1243. 1603; V. 100?p. 1 8 3 1 ' V' ° ’ P‘ 1088’
(with no r e o n i r f l m o n f ^ V 1? Property itself for municipal ownership
(3) Southern Street Railway Co.— A trolley road.
liffi of tim
municipal operation), at any time during the
U n ifie d O p era tio n o f S u rfa c e L i n e s .— See “ Chicago Surfaco Line*”
details o f Unification Ordinance of 1914. under which tho llnM nf f f i „ for
but ?hoClice0nsbee M
pany are operated jointly with thoso o f tho Chicago Rallways Co
gle system under the control of a joint board of operation. V UO' as a sin"
OR G A N iZA TlO N .— Incorporated In Illinois as a reorganization or
Chicago General Ity., which was bid in at forecisouro s a le o n S o n t 3 <?iqov ther o8ven°t b°fnb^
the>f « ' ™ y w f l f a S to s^Jh ^ s h ^ a fh sM ien to
by tho Southern Street Railway Co. V. 85. p. 803.
aopt’ 8 0 1 9 0 7 “ ‘ "r 0™,, RPch Purchase; or ( 2 ) such purchase (if mad^wUhin said 2 0
^,carK •m ustbe consummated expressly subject to the lien of tho 1 st
Stock?32/100,000 ($ 1 0 0 ) _____$2*4 0 0 *0 0 8 '
M a t u r it «=
Sa.^V ef ^ ° , n atc ^ CXplrat,0n ° < ^ 20 T ^ ^ ^ S S ^ S S S i
and^^cklssmldTnZs^change^^oZionds im ^ou't !111 tbU° '4°
"can'celed ft,.
Chicago_ but
hnt0 y1
is mad?, for,is sPedaI
. y *of
ur onicago,
onfv nut- nf
EARNINGS.— Included in statement o f Chicago City Ry.
Die surplus earnings of the company after paying or providing for ah oSROAD.— Included In Chicago City Ry.
OFFICERS.— Pros , L. A. Busby; V .-P ., W. W Crawford-a™ . _
F. D. Hoffmann; Aud., Jno. J. Duck.— V. 91. p. 'l63l7l712 8
& Treas’ '
(4) Hammond W hiting & Oast C hicago Railway Co.— A trolley road
city as to certain accounts).
P’ 1 8 8 1 for dIsPute with
All securities are owned by tho Chicago City & Connecting R yS
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Indiana in Jan lo in nc
to Hammond Whiting & East Chicago E lec tric Ry. E r a n r h t ^ I UC,COSS? r
1954. Power Is furnishod by the Calumet & South Chicago R y * exl>ras 1,1
C0 ISp?inKy s,ha I b? fully paid and discharged, the S e r fb r l o f tho
D a te .
In ter es t. O u tstan din n
r f f h t f i W
(1ab y Messrs. A. O. Bartlett, Chauncey K^ep Charlra
Stock $1,000,000 ($ 10 0 ) ...................
$1,000 0 0 # ' D lv id e n d *■
First mtee. $5,000,000, gold? 1910
5 g F-A
l.OOOioOO P'eb'ViQQn
($1,000) . . . ---------- c& rtf 1Int. at First Trust & Sav. Bank, Chic t * E 0
1,“ r y A B o n d s .— Subject to call at 105 and int. E . K . Boisot is also trustee
tTiti?Z i Ur i l tw n ° f C h ica g o C o n so lid a ted T ra c tio n P r o p e r t ie s .— On Dec 27 1 Q1 0
rniROiA D ’T 'P w,?s 30.64 miles of track, extending from State lino botw««„ Judge
and Ita
Illinois and Indiana at 108th St.. Chicago, to Whiting, East Chicago and
Hammond In Indiana, and operates In connection with Calumot &g<?onth eight underlying companies on Nov. 30 1910 to Andrew Cooke and tho
80-to gT {-Vil! 40 63(1 St’ and Madtson Avo" ‘ P Chicago. Standard g a u g e - w aro% ohe(Vtt910 1 f t s >Pi 2 ^ m n the City n,mlts to the Chicago Rail-

C H IC A O O & IN T O R U R B A N T R A C T IO N C O .

ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. In Illinois Fob. 14 1 9 1 0 to t it o
proporty of the Chicago & Southern Trac. Co. (sold at torcclosii?o?X°rf ^!°
Vty,Cl V.li9 ? p ’.t69°7.ltlM Wlth‘n th 6 C‘ ty h aV ‘ n 8 boon acoulrcd by Ghic CUy
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n din n
Stock, $1,000,000 ($100).......................................
$ .000 0 0 0
M a t u r “ UPlratmtge, gold (SiOO. $500,7 1912
5 g J-J
1 350 000 J a n 'l'io 5 o
$1,000), n o s f . ............ c * tf llnt. at First Tr. & Sav. fik.Z ohic Tr1.,^ 9! 2
B o n d s .— The autli. amount of 1st M . bonds is not limited
iim iT '0,
“ “ Meet to call in whole or in part, beginning with lowest numbor° at ino
° “ a“ y *nt° day. There are also $290,000 bonds in treasury' 4 1 0 2
• 1 f l 0 0 , ¥ ^?8 •— P °r year ending Feb. 29 1916, gross, $296 3 4 7 - „ nt
$135,221; interest and taxes, $87,253; surplus, $477968!
R OAD'— ■
Consists1 of 50 miles of line between 119th St and Vinnn„„
Road, Chicago, to Kankakco. 1 1 1 . Standard gauge. 70-lb. T ral'ls^” ^
OFFICERS.— Pres. & M gr., O. G. Talmadge; V -l> o
V. .
Sec. & Treas.. W. W. Crawford.— V. 94. p. 697; V. 95, p. 968:’ v.l'00,‘ p .n 67

S r S fjS s K S i
i , T 8 }t - m i i
T ow m Rv Iquwhh.> yh th 0 CoUnty 'fraction Cou (now the C h iS g# & Wes?
On^?ovR r i QiW
2 ‘ h no connection with the Chicago Railways Co?
onat.'Vm^L * *9}0 a deposit agreement was entered into by the holders of tho
v M?m» *??,. ? ! the Chicago Consolidated Traction and its sub sidiaries proA rn n ^ ^ r<vb*^°collaJ?ge
i-ho said securities for Chicago Rys.oCo Purchase
Motley 4% to 5% bonds and Adjustment Income 4 % bond 3 both dated
o?exch 1an1g1easedo, vat9 irlnng
1 1927' For dc^crlotion of bonds and terms
OI v /tit„ng,8J Bie,r v '91> P - 1384, and compare V. 90, p. 1613'V 91 n 214
S tr ik e a n d W age A g r e e m e n t .— Seo “ Chicago Surface' Lines
a m r £ ^ e d ® 2 ' ^ « g f k o 1M
by the Yerkes ratate on the guaranty of the bonds
or tno Chic. Consol. Trac. Co. by the Union Trac. Co
v qs n i i ss
add?ttona? i
P j U• Comm, granted permission to issue ’$2*726 000
additional 1st M . bonds, of which $1,500,000 have been Issued.
StoSc™$100A000D .B0.N.DS“ . . DT i:
ln teT eS t- °% T e ntox<'S’ S ee'text^ ’
F m n n 0mgage, ( Sootext).’
? 1907
5 P - A " $54 455,000 Feb 11927
($1,000) gold...........C&rtf Int. at Harris Trust & Sav. Bk , Chic Trus

Sale.— Tim properties were bid in by tho reorganization com mi Hon
M ay 1 1916 at $2,500,000 for tho Illinois division and $2,050 000 tor thn Consol mtgo, gold.................1907^ H a 5 % F° rbMSt e toxt ^ ^ ^ 9 9 7
B o n d s Covering City Lines of Former Chicago Conlol Traction 1 1927
Wisconshi division. V. 102, n. 1718. Compare V. 95. p. 817; V 96
1 10 l),an ° f reorganization, it is stated, will provide for thnn'^S'
& Inc M
^ f $2,500;0"0'0
^ . S - o o o 0*
^ 11 1910
k11^ 13 T4r ^- AMSayChic.^Trustee!
JS???ii.’i lnCafk i tll° underlying 5% bonds at 105 and tor retirement of ro" Adjust
a y Bank.
f 500 000
<'atos' Holders o f bonds on tho Illinois Division and Wiscon*
($ 100&$500) (non-cum )c* t f ( C en tral’# r S r t £ o . o f ^ I l U C M c i S ^ T m s t ^
f lnrH?,iniSn0n aro
got flrst and second income bonds or first and second
1’ArVv in M a l <oi 'f i<;ato's ’ rosi>cctiveIy. Stockholders will roceive nothing 1 a n S n f Tu m ran m aLSt0iCk o f tho com pany, which is issued in the nominal
? eren mac^e the subject o f a trust agreement dated
1 ?
fO P ?1® ! that New York and Chicago bankers had
A ug. 1 1907 and executed Jan. 25 1908, by and between the S S S m w in
underwritten $4,500,000 1st M . 5% bonds on tho reorganized property

ways C o . and Messrs. Adolphus C? B ^ t l l t t Chauncey K ^ p

& le L H

[Vol 102.



Hulburd Albert A . Sprague and Charles G.Dawes, as depositaries, and
Central Trust Co. o f New York as custodian. Under this agreement
the stock serves as a basis for the issue o f the parhcipahoncerii/tcato,
representing in all 265,100 equal parts. Series 1 consfate of.30,800 parts,
Serifw 2 of 124 300 parts. Series 3 of 60,000 parts and Series 4 o f 60,000 parts.
l £ l « 1 . 2 and S arTentitlcd. in the order of priority named, to cumulative
dividends of $ 8 for each part, beginning with year ending Aug. 1 1908 .and in
the distribution of capital to $100 for each said part. Seri,m 4 is entitled
to anv remaining profits or capital distributed. V • ,85 , p. " 2 ,
„„ y,
° Dividends on participation certificates $er. 2 w e limited to M on each cottiflcate so Ion)? as more than 50% o f Series O bonds remain outstanding,
and therSiftor to $5 per certificate untU the remainder of Series C b o n *
have been redeemed. Series 2, however, is entitled to unpaid accumulation
on account o f its 58 per certificate (beginning with the year end*?g Aug. 1
1908). but only when earned, and after payment of all accumulations o
sinking fund and o f dividends on Series 1.
.. rf,hahlilBonds.— F irst m t g e . b o n d s a re Issued o n ly t o p r o v id e fu n d s fo r re n a o u i
tat ion exten sion s & c
T h e y m a y b e re d e e m e d a t p a r an d a c c r u e d in terest
o n a n y ln “
tnd a y
T h e b o n d s V a v e a fir s t lien o n th e en tire p r o p e r ty
rig h ts7a n d fra n ch ises o f th e c o m p a n y . T h e a u t h o r i ^ l s s u e
lim ite d to
th e a ggrega te o f th e a m o u n ts a p P r o v e d fr o m t im e t o tim e b y th e boar a o
Riin«*vLsing engineers. O f t h e b o n d s r e p o r te d o u ts ta n d in g , SoOO.OOy are
hePd b y tru stees as s e cu rity a ga in st a n y ju d g m e n t ' [ ^ e h P ^ s i b 'y c o u k l ^ e
r e c o v e r e d in v a riou s litig a tio n s g o in g o n . S ee full p a r ticu la r s o f b o n d s .
p r o p e r t y , & c .. in V. 8 6 . p . 545; V. 8 8 , d . 1436, 1619; V . 90. p . 302; V. 93. p .
B o n d s are listed o n th e N . Y . S to c k E x ch a n g e .
„ .

ORGANIZATION.— Organized In 1911 to acquire stocks, bonds and
other securities of the Metropolitan West Side Elev. R R .,
Eiov. RR and the South Side Elev. R R . ($21,202,312 being offered for the
$36,294,900 stock o f these companira); also, if it so elects,
stocks o f the
ilnion Consol. Elev. R y .. Chicago & Oak Park Elev. Ry.% Chicago & Oak
Park Elev. R R . and Chicago & Elmhurst R y ., which companies are con­
trolled by tho afore-mentioned companies. These roads operate about
189 54 miles of track. Tho physical properties were valued at about
$90 j)00,000, exclusive of franchise valuations, or S84.386.294, excluding
R R .. N or,r r tr
R R . and South Side Elev. R R . were given the option o f two offersi fmr dopositing their stocks; one to receive full cash.for their holdings, and the
nth or to receive Dart cash and part stock o f the Chicago Elev. ivys. sgo
S S S In V. 92e. Pp H98
AlVthe stocks have been turned In a snudl
remnant of Northwest. L prof, being bought in Aug. lOKL V. 97, p. 728.
July 1914 the National City Bank offered th® 514.000.000 gold notes
(Y. 98, p. 1992), the proceeds of which, together with the saleiof $ / .0 0 0 ,0 UQ
debentures and $12,500,000 bonds of the Northwestern Elev.
R R ^ w ^ e us^dToretfce^?he $30,000,000 3-yr. notes which matured July 1

June 16 1913 State Attorney
Hoyne filed quo warranto proceedings in the State Circuit ^ u r t against
thoM et. West Side, South Side and Union elevated raUroad cos., claiming
fViof thov violated their State charter by issuing watered stock. V. 97, p.
The consolidated mortgage bonds consist of the following: Series A, 17*72 <5n N ov. 17 1913 Judge Scanlan in tho Circuit Court dismiMed tne
I ssued, 517.403,200, of which $1,006,000 are in the t^eJ‘ ^ yTf n4 .1 7d? Ri )® proceedings^because of a technical defect in failing to charge fraud in the
issued only for acquisition of additional property, Series B, $17,164,
Rsuanco of the alleged "watered stock.
An appeal was allowed direct to
475 and Series O, $1,399,036. Series O bonds have sinking fund of $250.- the Sunremo Court
V . 97, p. 1425. On Apr. 24 1914 the Supreme Court
OOO’per annum, if earned, which began Aug. 1 1908. but
“ ara*1 affirmed the decision of Judge Scanlon of the Circuit Court and dismissed
paid. $1,196,000 Series A bonds have been retired. See particsBara,
V 86 d 1223; V. 93, p. 1724. O f the remaining Series B. bonds. $4,000 are
under "Chicago Surface Lines."
in treasury. $2.600.664 Series C bonds have beer' retired by sinking ftrnd
F a v o ra b le S f e n - T h o U . S. Supreme Court on June,21 1915 decided
and cancellation. Bonds o f three series bore int. at 4% until l'eb. 1
in favor of tho companies in tho litigation betweon tho estatei of Edwin P.
Brand and tho elovated railroads for damages for construction of
t h p u r c h a s e M m ie y M t g e . bonds bear int. at 4% per ann during first 5 yrs.. "downtown loop” , because of insufficient proof and without consideration
hereafter 5% per ann. They are red. at par and Int. on any int.
A d ju s t m e n t In c o m e M t g e . b o n d s are red. at par an d in t. o n a n y i n t .d a t e
as reported below are the Joint obligation
In te r e s t ? s p a y a t Z o n ly i f earn ed a n d is n o t c u m u la tiv e . P a y m e n ts o f of mo^M^ropoUtan West Sldo, NorthwOTtem and South Side Elevated
4 % each w ere m a d e o n M ay 1 in 1913 t o 1916 in clu sive.
pompanies, and n ot of tho Chicago Elevated Railways.
Interest on both purchase-money mortgage and adjusts
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
< ^ ^ n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
mortgages payable at company’s office or at agency of compan.
Common, 250,000sharos.............................
?«n'nnns 6 s' s'eetext-—
D IV ID E N D .— An initial dividend of $4 was paid N ov. 15 1908
$14.000.(wd ju ly ^ l 1916
Series 1 participation certificates. On Sept. 1 1909 58 was paid ° “ S eria l ^ • ^ • S o t S t e g ^ S S j 1914
^Sl^OOO) $14,000,000---c*{llllnois Trust & Say. Bank, Chic., trustee.
certificates. None to Oct. 1912, when 56 was paid. In Fob. 1913. 5b
M ay, $6 : July, $6 ; Aug., $4. In 1 9 1 4 , Feb., $4: Aug., $8 . being fall pay
ment of all arrears. Feb. 1915 div. o f $4 was paid June 5 ( V. 100, I^ b ) 1914
5 g F-A
2.050.060 |S « o « .
The Aug. 1915 div. o f $4 was paid Sept. 1 1915. hob. 1 J1 6 div. uoterrea.
n Feb. 1914 initial div. o f $2per sh. was paid on Series 2. In 1915, June, $2
Phila., Trustee.
R O A D __Comprises 515 miles ol track (Including 128 miles of the
S to ck. — Com. and pref. shares expressed at par value o f $100 each. The
former Chicago (Consolidated Traction Lines). 473 miles of track laid with
pref. stock is redeemable at $ 1 0 0 and accrued dividends.
grooved rails weighing 129 lbs. to the yard.
N o te s are redeemable on any Interest date on 30 days’ notice at par and
EQU IPM EN T.— Operates 1,907 double-truck "pay-as-you-enter’ cars.
In/ Tnt n a ^ b le In N . Y . or Chicago. They are secured by pledge of
REPO RT.— The annual report for year ending Jan. 31 1916 will be found substantially^all
of tho stock of the Northwestern Elev. R y., the' Metrop.
in V. 102,p. 1343. Tho combined results o f the ‘ Chicago Surface Linra for Woit side Elev Rv
the South Side Elov. R R ., having a total par value
the year were: in gross, $31,690,761; operating expenses, $21,041,356, residue of $36 291 000, and and
securities of and claims against Chicago & Oak I ark
receipts, $10,649,405.
Elov. It r T (not including $ 5 9 2 ,0 0 0 . face value of receiver s certificates and
equipment notes owned), aggregating $1,709,372. V. 1 0 1 . p. ijo » . u o o .
In c o m e A c c o u n t f o r Y e a r s e n d in g J a n . 31.
notes aro red all or any part, when drawn by lot at par and Int. on any int.
S h a re o f
* A d ju s t I n t ., 5% ,
B a la n c e , ——-'O f which U.
Jtrs R eels m e n ts.
on In v .
D iv is ib le . C ity ,55% • C o . 4o /o «
^ ‘ p^lOS*. a^ h ^ ^ 'id p !y ros 9 as’ abovVl^athotJohit1 )bi^atlon^of the MoUopj^
’ 15-T6-$6,283,149 D r . $20,327 $4,230,975 $2,031,847 ^J
'1 4 -T 5 - 7,125,296 C r . 55,106 4,116,762 3,063,640 1,685,002 1,378,638
* A p p lic a b le t o p re v io u s y e a rs.
Feb. 1 1917 to Aug. 1 1926, $102,000 each Fob. 1
$103,000 each
In c o m e Statem en t (N o n -P a r t n e r s h ip A c c o u n t) f o r Y e a r s e n d in g J a n . 6 1.
Thev are cruar. by end. on each ccrtlf. by tho M et. Wist Side Eleve,# North­
western E ^vfknS theSouth Side Elev
V .100 p. 53
Series " B ” mature
$110,000 semi-annually from Teb. 1 1927 to Bob. 1 1929.
D iv id e n d s . — On prer.. Initial div.— 1 H % —
, , i ; 00,
Chic. R ys.,45% . 914,331 1.378,638 Sk. fd. res. acc’t 250,000
16,436 and 1913, 6 % . In 1914. March, 1)4% : Juno, 1 H % . None since.
5% on investm’ t4,230,975 4,116,762 Fed. income tax
EARNINGS.— Combined earnings (Intercompany rontals deducted):
M isc. interest.. 168,247 210,765 Corp. exp. & adj. 89,203
a rn i*
In t e r e s t.
D iv lB a la n c e ,
Total deduc..4,982,981 4,989,004
Gross income.5,313,553 5,706,165
D ed u ct —
ToLinLonbcls.4,625,950 4,599,1221 N et................. 330,573
717,161; 1913-14 8 182,861 (Form of statement changed) 1,164,378
OFFICERS.— Chairman of Board ol Directors and Pres.. Henry A. B air.
Income account o f Chicago Elev.
Vice-Presidents, Seymour Morris a n d J . E . W llk le ,S e c ..F . L . Hupp,
Trpas M B O rdo—-V. 100, p. 139, 1078, 1256, 1343, 1671, 1745, 1831,
2084? V. 101, pV 129, 212, 369; V .102, p . 250. 344. 1219. 1343.
pref. partlc. shares, $480,000; surplus, $4,698.
OFFICERS.— Pres, of constituent cos., Britton I. Budd; Sec., W . V.
Griffin: Comp., Edward A. Brion.
ORGANIZATION.— Tncorp. in Illinois in 1913 as a consolidation of the
TRUSTEES.— Henry A. Blair, Samuel Insull and Sam 1 M cRoberts.
County Traction Co. and the Suburban R R .
EXE C U TIV E COM M ITTEE — Samuel Insull, W . A. Fox and Ilonry A .
D a te .
In t e r e s t .
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
GOVERNING COM M ITTE E .— Samuel Insull, Henry A. Blair, B. I;
j% “ "
n K r i 3.
T & iM .
EARNINGS.— For year end. Dec. 31 1915, gross, $505,061. In 1914, n
v . 100. p. 8 8 . 228; ▼: 101. P- 448, 1885. 1968.
gross, $503,651; net, after taxes, $156,436.
ROAD.— Owns and oporates 72 miles of track, serving tho suburbs west
(1) M etropolitan W est Side Elev. R y — An electric road,
ORGANIZATION.— Organized in Illinois Jan. 16 1899. .fPCC?8® ^ ^ ®
°*GFFIC}ERS.— Pres., Willard M . McEwen; Sec. & Treas., Charles N. Feb.
3 1899 (per plan In V. 67, p. 126) to the R a ilr o a d I Co. sold under fore­
Hebner; Gen. M gr., F. L. Butler. V. 97, p. 443, 660.
closure on Jan. 4 1899. Franchise expires April 7 1J42.
^ STOCK AND B O N D S D a te .
In t e r e s t . O r t s t a n r f o M a M f e & c .
O R G A ? n z A T I n c o r p . Sept. 20 1913 in Illinois to take over the
non’-c? vi/.v/uv/
11 I I I :
“ T :::
8,707,600 See text.
lui *
/o awu-v,
lines in Evanston, 111., formerly owned by the County Traction C o. (now tho x
4 g F-A
10,000,000 Aug 1 1938
First mortgage, $10,000,000 Cent.
C o., N . Y .. and G. Sherman, T r.
^ ^ ''ra rich is e?— Tho *00 rapally^was granted a new 2 0 -year franchise.
($ 1 ,0 0 0 ). gold.............c * tf Int. atTrust
Cent. Trust C o., N . Y . and Chicago.
D a te.
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y ,
4 g J-J
a5,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 July 1 1938
mortgage, $5,000,000 ’ 1901
Stock, $500,000 ($100)------- - - - - ------------------------ »^ 0 .0 0 0 - - - - - - - - ­ Ext
Trust C o., Chicago, Trustee.
($1,000), gold, red at 105 Northern
Interest at company’s office in Chicago, or
First mtge bonds, gold----- c * / 1913
6 g F-A
?.7,°’rv? nhlr Triia
Redeem at 103 and int------/In t. at M crch. Loan & Ir . Co.,ChIc., Trus.
Central TTrust
New lorn
ru st u
., lnow
’W notice............._c*tf
notice.----- ;r-.-c .
GS . - a ° X
da-6f"3% of"outstand"lng"bonds frolS 1917................ Equipment trust certificates— See undor Chicago Elovated Railways.
a $567 000 Included In this amount Is held by Chic. Elev. Rys. coll, trust.
EARNINGS.— For year end. Juno 30 1915, gross, $150,835; net. after
The extension mortgage of 1901 covers tho extension as a first lien
taxes, deprec’n, &c., $43,171; Interest, $20,310; surplus, $22,861.
ROAD.— Length o f single track, 9.76 milos. 85-lb. rail. Gauge, 4 ft.

“ S S F 00600


c ije r N ^ r 4

estmmk,usM iH n « f i


8)4 ln‘

. ^

OFFICERS.— Pres., Clement O. Smith, Milwaukee: Vice-Pres.. & Gen
M gr., Charles F. Speed, Evanston; Sec., George Allison, Milwaukee,
Treas., J. J. Lewis, Evanston.
r m r a g o FI FVATED RAILW AYS.— (S ee M a p o n p a g e 29.)— A vol
unU irv a s s o c ia tio n sim ila r to M a s s a ch u s e tts E le c tr ic C o m p a n ie s

U n ific a t io n o f S u rfa c e a n d E le v a te d L in e s a n d C o n s tn ic lio n o f ^Strays.
Efforts have been made from timo to timo to bring about tho merger, or
unified operation, of tho elovated and surfaeotractionlinosand to e the con­
struction of a subway to relievo tho congestion of!those 1 nes
*he loop
district, but so far without avail (V. 96, p. 651, 1364). Such plans, now
over are still under consideration, and pursuant to an ordinance passed by
the Chicago^ City Council on Jan. 31 1916 a commission o f engineers has


£ S

£ S


£ %

? 3


°° ‘ - I t i g ^ U

nogotiaUons M e ^ C i t y C a ^

, 1 liS °iiS i? q,Metc d 1 M98,006 b o * o f Uni™ d o m o U d .tk iblovMod
LATEST EARNINGS.— See Joint statement under Chic. Elov. Rys.
N o I S S r a t e rep o rts n o w m a d e f o r the s u b s id ia ry ’ c o m p a n ie s .

DIV ID E N D S.— First div. on pref. stock, 2 ^ ^ ,A^®b ’q 12 8 ] nnrv°l $ 0 ?
of earnings for year ending Feb. 28 WOO): then 2 /0^ A \ i g . 3 l

Jnno” l ) i % ’ 1 Am initial div. of 3-10 of 1% was paid on com. stock Dec. 31,
1912’ l / b e c 1913 1 2-10% was paid. Dividends not now reported
a s ali tho stock'is owned by Chicago Elev. Rys.
ROAD — From terminal station at 5th Ave. westerly abcut 6)4 inlles.

to April

using tho Loop for that purpose, and to establish free transfer stations
botweon said trains and trains of Metropolitan and Oak 1 ark companies.
Seo V 96 p. 1364. 1627. On July 28 1913 City Council passed an ordin­
ance to that effect, and at midnight N ov. 2 1913 tho plan becam operative.
As the nroiect for uniting under one control the elevated railway and surf a £ r o l dli $ C h k £ g o w m not carried out by July 1 1914. the Common­
wealth Edison Co. purchased from the syndicate which underwrote the
pref. shares approximately 200,000 shares of Chic. El. :
$6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 in accordance with the terms of an agreement said to have been
eilA s<to v a lu a tio n s^ city's and company’s experts, seo V. 94, p. 1507.


owiied hi fee. 286nmtor cars. 284 coaches ^ d £ miscellaneous
On March 11 1905 the cars of the Aurora Elgin * Chicago u y .

Plaines River, about 3.3 miles of double track. V. 79. p. iTOd.
Pi»nq n T Budd; Sec* 3c Treas., W • V. Griffin, Auu.,
T ° B FMcRae*’ Gon M ^ . , E. O. Noe. Office, 72 West Adams St.. Chic a 'g o .-V . 9 l!'p 336;
p. 396. 456, 1436; V. 93. p. 469.

M a y , 1.916. j





[Vol. 102

Co., formerly the old Lake Street Elevated R R ., reorganized por plan In
(2) N orthwestern Elevated RR.
77, p. 1874; V. 78, p. 1392. Northwestern Elevated owns 51% or stock.
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorp. in Illinois. Road was formally opened FV.
r a n c h is e expires In 1930.
for business on May 31 1900. V. 70, p. 1049. F r a n c h is e s extend beyond
D a te . In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
the maturity o f the bonds.
$10,000,000 ..................
In Sept. 1901 the Union Elevated R R . was acquired. The Chicago Ele­ Stock ...................
4,432,000 July 1 1928
vated Rys. provided the cash to take up the $18,000,000 Northwestern Lake St El I st M, $5,000,000, ( 1893 5 J-J
guar by N W E l________ t fi American Trust Sc Sav. Bank, Chicago, and
Elevated 1st 4s which matured Sept. 1 1911.
l Central Trust o f Illinois, Chic., Trustees.
On Aug. 21 1911 stockholders authorized $25,000,000 1st M . 5s (V. 93,
128,600 ---------------p. 527). None o f these bonds sold at the time, but In July 1914 $12,500.­ Income mtge, $1,000,000_________
189,000 __________
000 were sold (V. 98, p. 1920) to a syndicate o f bankers and subsequently Equipment n otes_____________
Real estate m tges..................
0,862 ---------------disposed o f by them.
Receiver’s certfs, $2,000,000--------- - -----------758,000 .............—
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
B o n d s . — First mortgage bonds assenting to reorganization wore stamped
Stock, $5,000.000.................................................
$4,946,400 ...............
subject to call at 105 and int. on any interest date. The old income bonds,
Prefstk, 5% n-c. $25,000,000______
See text.
1st M $25,000,000 red as a? 1911
5 g M-S
12,500,000 Sept. 1 1941 with the exception of $128,600, are held in treasury o f the railway company.
ROAD.— Owns a double track elevated railway from Fifth Avenue and
whole at 102 & int on 301111. Tr. & Sav. B k., trustee, under mtge.
days’ notice ($ l,000 ).c*tf (Central Tr. C o., N . Y ., trustee und. sup. M . Lake Street to 52d St. and Lake St., with spur down Market St. to Madison
St. Trains began running around the loop In Oct. 1897. Chicago &
Equipment notes________ tf ------6%
48.000 See text.
Equipment trust certificates of 1914— See under Chicago Elevated Railways Harlem forms an extension comprising 4 miles more of double track. Total
The 1st M . bonds are an absolute first lion, subj. only to the Union Elev. single track, 22. 51 miles. 186 passenger cars.
R R . 1st M . 5s; also secured by deposit o f $528,000 Union El. 5s. The re­
REPORT.— For years ending June 30 for R a ilr o a d C o .
maining $12,500,000 Northwestern bds. may be issued only for cash cost of
betterments, extensions and add’ns acquired after July 1 1914 under certain Passenger earnings_____
conditions. S in k in g f u n d o f 1% outstanding bonds payable annually Other earnings...............
beginning Sept. 1 1919.
N o te s — Equipment notes payable In installments of $16,000 Nov. I each
year from 1916 to 1918. Amountwasoriginally$160.000,but$112,000.paid. Operating expenses____
LATEST EARNINGS.— See joint statement under Chicago Elev. Rys.
. $240,288
N o s ep a ra te re p o rts n o w m a d e fo r the s u b s id ia r y c o m p a n ie s .
D i v id e n d s .— An initial dlv. o f 1 % was paid on pref. Oct. 18 1909; in 1910, Other incomo.
Jan., 1%; April, 1%; July, 1%; Oct., 1%; In 1911, Jan., 1%; April, 1 % ;
none thereafter to March 1912, when 2% was paid. None In 1913. Divs.
Fixed charges.
not now reported, as entire stock is owned by Chic. Elec. Rys.
ROAD.— Miles o f single track: Owned, 40.64 m.; operated under con­
tract, 16.64 m.; total, 57.28 m. (of which 7.62 m. side track). Right of way
R E CEIVER.— Samuel Insull.— V. 92, p. 1435; V .93 p.407, 6 6 6 , 939,
is all owned In fee except at street crossings.
Under an operating agreement with the Chicago Milwaukee Sc St. Paul 1386,1785; V. 94. p. 123, 206. 278, 1763; V. 97. p. 175; V. 99. p. 969, 1213.
Railway C o. made in 1907, this company’s service was extended May 16
1908 to Evanston over the Evanston Division o f the former road. Ser­
vice on new track elevation to eliminate grade crossings was commenced
ORGANIZATION.— Formed In 1896 and built from Union Elovated at
Jan. 6 1916 on this division. Extension to Wilmette opened April 1912. 5th Ave. west to Market St.; thence to Metropolitan W. S. EL; total,
All track oper. (incl. loop), 61.28 miles. 80-lb. T . rails. 230 motor cars, 1-5 mile of track: Is operated by the Metropolitan West Side El. F r a n c h is e
202 coaches and 4 miscellaneous cars.
expires Oct. 7 1945.
On July 7 1914 Judge WIndes in the Circuit Court held that State Attor­
OFFICERS.— Pres.. Britton I. Budd; Sec. Sc Treas., W . V. Griffin; Gen.
M gr., E . C. Noo; Aud., T . B. MacRao. V. 95, p. 818; V . 98, p. 1920; ney Hoyne should be prevented from proceeding against the company on
the ground of overcapitalization. See Item under caption of Chicago
V. 99, p. 1131; Y. 100, p. 230, 399, 1079, 1350.
Elevated Rys.” in V. 97, p. 1425, and also see V. 99, p. 199.
(a) U nion Elevated R ailroad.
D a te . In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Is used by all th<- Chicago elevated roads and Is owned by Northwestern
$1,000,000 __________
Elov. R R ,; receives H e . for each passenger carried, besides all expenses fir S to c k ................................ ........... ..........................
Series “ A " 1st mtge, gold.l 1896 5 g M -N
453,000 Nov 1 1936
operating, repairs and taxes. F r a n c h is e expires in 1945.
gu p &i by Met W S E l.c p tlG . Sherman, V .-P .C en .T r. C o., N .Y ., Trust
D a te .
In ter es t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Mortgage $1,000,000, of which $500,000 series " A . ” V. 63, p. 1065.
IstM .$5,000,000,g($l,000)cpt 1895
5 g A-O
$4,472,000 Oct 1 1945 Of the $500,000 Series “ A " bonds. $453,000 are outstanding (of which $48,­
In teres t at Chase Nat. Bank, N . Y .,an d 111. Trust & Sav. Bank, Chicago. 000 held by Chicago Rys. Coll. Trust); $45,000 are In treasury and $2,000
B o n d s .— Of the $5,000,000 bonds issued, $528,000 are deposited as se­ unissued.
curity to r the $12,500,000 Northwestern Elev. 5s.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Samuel Insull; V .-P ., Gilbert E. Porter; Sec. and
ROAD.— The loop is 2.02 miles in length, double-tracked (80-lb. rails)
Treas., W . V. Griffin.— V. 99. p. 199.
and runs on Lake St. to Wabash Ave., to Van Buren St., to Fifth Ave., to
Lake St. Road opened Oct. 10 1897. Trains o f the Chicago & Oak Park,
Metropolitan West Side, Northwestern Elevated R R . and South Side
operate over the loop. Northwestern Elev. also owns .15 mile of double
track from connection with loop at Van Buren Sc State streets to connection
with South Side El. R R ., which is leased to the latter. V. 97, p. 522.
R ec e iv e r sh ip . — The Union Sav. Bank & Trust Co. or Cincinnati, trustee
(3) S ou th Side Elev. R R .— (“ Alley Elevated” ).— An electric elevated of both mortgages, was on April 12 1913 appointed receiver of company,
floods and Inability to meet maturing bond Issues being assigned as the
ORGANIZATION.— Successor January 1897 to Chicago Sc South Side cause. V. 96, p. 1156. Int. on both mortgages is in default. Plans for
R. T . R R . (foreclosed per plan V. 63, p. 1158). July 31 1900 the Appellate reorganization are being considered.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. Jan. 21 1903. F r a n c h i s e s expire In 1930.
Court sustained the validity o f the foreclosure (V. 71, p. 236), and on Feb.
For decision of U. S. Supremo Court handed down on N ov. l l 1912, hold­
21 1902 that decision was concurred in by the State Supreme Court. V. 74.
. 477. F r a n c h is e expires March 26 1938. Leases the Chicago Junction ing that the B. Sc O . Southwestern and the Norfolk & Western (steam)
cannot be compelled to grant physical connection with the company,
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y . see V. 95. p. 1402.
AND BONDS— D a t e .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock, $10,231,400__________ _____
$10,231,400 See text.
$979,500 ........... ........
First mortgage, $8,000,000,1 1904
4 H g J -J
8,000.000 July 1 1924 Common, $1,250,000 ($100).................................
Pf 5% cum $1,250,000 ($100)..................... ..........
925,500 ...................
gold ($1,000).......... - _c *t f jln t. at 111. Tr. Sc Sav. Bank, Chic., Trusteo.
First mortgage, $800,000, J 1905
5 g J-J
600,000 July 1 1913
Equipment trust certfs.— See under Chicago Elevated Rys.
g o ld ................................ c*(in t. at Union Sav. Bk. Sc Tr. C o., CIn..Trust.
B o n d s . — Are subject to call at 105 and interest.
148,000 Jan 1 1914
D iv id e n d s .— First dividend o f 1% (out of earnings for four months endlDg Second mtge notes, $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 /____
(in t. at Union Sav. Bk. Sc Tr. C o., Cincinnati.
April 30 1899) was paid May 1 1899; then Sept. 1, 1%; Dec. 30, 1% . In
B o n d s . — The denominations of the first mortgage bonds aro. respectively,
1900, 3 % . In 1901. 3 H % . In 1902 to 1907. Inclusive. 4% yearly. In
’ 08, M ar., % % ; none until June ’ 10. when 14 % was paid; Sept., 14 %; Dec., 6 $50,000; 30 $5,000; 100 $1,000; and 100 $500. Thoy can be called at
14%. In 1911, March. 14%: June, J4 %: July, extra div. o f$ 5 .90. (V. 93. any time at par. Bonds originally matured July 1 1909 but were extended
p. 164). In 1912, March, 114%; June, 214%; Sept., 114%: D ec., 114%. for 2)4 years. V. 89, p. 102, 720. On Jan. 1 1912 thoy were again ex­
In 1913, M ar., 114%; Juno. 114%: Sept., 114%. In Dec. rate was In­ tended 18 months. Second mtge. notes fell due July 1 1912 but were
creased and 114% paid. In 1914. Mar.. 1)4% : June, 114%. D iv id e n d s not extended for 18 months to Jan. 1 1914.
n o w m a d e p u b lic , a s en tire slock i s o w n ed by C h ica go E lev a te d R a ilw a y s .
EARNINGS.— For 12 mos. ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $132,356; ex­
RE PO RT.— See joint statement under Chicago Elev. Rys. No separate penses, $92,398: net, $39,958.
ROAD.— Operates 54 miles of track between Cincinnati and Hillsboro,
reports now made for subsidiary cos.
In complete operation in Feb. 1908. Standard gauge, 70-lb. T rail.
ROAD.— Owns elevated road In operation In Chicago upon a purchased putOFFICERS.—
II. II. Hoffman; V.-P., Lewis Soasongood; 2d V .-P .,
right-of-way from Congress St. to Jackson Park and to Englewood. Elec­ Harry J. Gibson;Pres.,
Sec., William Topio; Treas., O. J. Goldborg.— V. 94.
tricity was Introduced as motive power late In April 1898. Operates 430 p. 278: V. 95. p. 1402: V. 96. p. 1156.
motor cars, 52 coaches and 14 misc. cars. On 16.24 miles of structure has
a total o f 36.50 miles o f single track main line incl. 6.22 m. leased. Also
has 9.66 miles o f side-track, making total track 46.16 miles.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Britton I. Budd; Sec. Sc Treas., W . V. Griffin;
ORGANIZATION.— Formerly a narrow-gauge steam road, but now
Aud., T. B. MacRao; Gen. M fgr., E. O. Noo.— V. 8 8 , p. 296, 371; V. 90, operated by both electricity and steam. Under Ohio law remains a steam
p. 304. 367. 373. 978, 1426; V. 92. p. 264, 320, 597, 1437; V. 93, p. 164, 528. road. F r a n c h i s e s perpetual. In Sopt. 1911 entorod Into a management
agreement with the Felicity Sc Bethel R R . and tho Ohio River Sc Columbus
(a) C hicago Ju n ction R R .—
R R . (a steam road). V. 93, p. 796. On Jan. 1 1914, however, manage­
ORGANIZATION.— Organized in the Interest of the South Side Elevated ment changed and the Ohio River & Columbus was again divorced from the
R R . to build lines to connect that company’s track with the Stock Yards. other two roads. Has contracts to supply electric current for municipal
Only a nominal amount of stock has been issued ($50,000), which is held in distributing systems of Georgetown and Bothol, Ohio.
trust for the South Side Elevated in case that company should at any time
F a r e D e c i s i o n . — On Feb. 17 1914 the Ohio Supreme Court sustained the
wish to absorb it. Is leased to the South Side Elevated for 50 years (with right of this company and tho Intcrurban Ry. Sc Terminal Co. to charge
right to purchase at cost within 2 0 years), rental being Interest on bonds, 10 cents from Cincinnati to California (Ohio) and Coney Island (Ohio),
taxes, &c. Franchises are without limit.
both now forming part of Cincinnati. V. 98, p. 610.
Date. In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
See text.
— ............. Stock. $1,500,000...................................................
S to c k ........................................................ ..............
$1,500,000 ...................
1st mtge, $2,327,000, gold! 1905 4 g M-S
$2,327,000 M ch. 1 1945 1st mtge, $1,000,000, gold/ 1902
5 g J-J
1,000,000 Jan 11932
($l,O0O), guar p & I___ c* IFirst Trust Sc Sav. Bank, Chicago, Trustee.
($1,000)...............- ......... c*( Union Sav. Bk.&Tr.,Cln..Tr..&lnN.Y
5 g A-O
100,000 Oct 11935
B o n d s . — Are subject to call at 105 and Int. In event oi consolidation with Fel Sc Beth 1st M $100,000, g j 1905
($1,000), not ca lla b le...c*(ln t. at Union Sav. Bk. & T r., CIn., Trustee.
South Side Elev., this issue o f bonds is to be retired. V. 80, p. 871. Bonds
are guar., p. & 1., by Chic. June. Rys. & Un. Stk. Yds. Co. See V. 82, p. 568.
ROAD.— Operates 53.7 miles from Cincinnati southeasterly to Russel
ROAD.— Consists o f an elevated road (from Junction with South Side vllle, including branches of 3.5 m. to Batavia and 1.5 m. to Coney Island.
" L ” at 40th Street) to the Stock Yards, and a loop around the same, 3.75 The Felicity Sc Bethel has 8.5 m. of track between the points named In Its
miles. Was completed In M ay 1908.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Sc Treas., Henry A. Ilatgh: V.-Pros., W. J. Thom­
OFFICERS.— Pres., John A. Spoor; V.-P. Sc Sec., H. E. Poronto; Treas.,
R . B. Thomson; Asst. Treas. & Sec., J. W. Austin; Aud., O. O. Chaco.— son; Sec., A. L. O. Henry; Gen. M gr.. A. II. Elfner.— V. 93, p. 229, 796;
98. p. 610.
V. 87. p. 346.
R e c e iv e r sh ip .— On Nov. 13 1911 Judge Kohlsaat appointed Samuel
Insull receiver for the R a ilr o a d . V. 93, p. 1386. On Dec. 29 1911 re­

ceiver was authorized to Issue $2,000,000 receiver’s certificates for Improve­
ments. V. 93, p. 1785. In Jan. 1912 Francis V. Dobbins o f Rahway,
N . J., was appointed receiver for the R a ilw a y C o . V. 94, p. 123.
F o rec lo s u re . — Judge Kohlsaat in the U. S. District Court at Chicago, on
July 17 1913, ordered the foreclosure sale o f the railroad. The amount
found to be due Is $5,080,984. Up to M ay 15 1916 road had not been sold.
S a le o f S e c u r it ie s . — On June 20 1912 Geo. H. Church bid in for $256,000
the following securities formerly owned by the Chic. Sc Oak Park Elev. Ry.-,
$859,000 Lake St. Elev. R R . 5% inc. bonds; demand notes o f Chic. Sc
Oak Park Elev. R R . variously dated from April 23 1904 to June 15 1910,
aggregating $1,989,528; $5,850 Lake St. Elev. R R . Inc. bonds scrip. At
Sheriff’s sale in New York on Jan. 26 1912, M r. Church bid In for $2,000
all title of the Ry. Co. In the foregoing bond and notes, also some $473,000
additional notes o f the Railroad Co., and In certificates for 91,651 17-40shares o f Chic. & Oak Park Elov. R R . V. 94, p. 1763.
The Ohlc. & Oak Park Elev. R y . was Incorp. In New Jersey on April 22
1904 to hold the securities o f the Chicago Sc Oak Park Elevated R a ilr o a d

R R .— A trolley road.
R e c e i v e r s h i p . — On June 23 1913 Judgo Warner at Cincinnati appointed
F. B. Shutts of Florida receiver on application of Pres. J. O. Hooven, who.
It is stated, loaned tho company $125,000. On Dec. 28 1914 O. E. Hooven
was appointed receiver upon the resignation o f F. B. Shutts. The company
suffered damago from the 1913 flood. V. 96, p. 1839.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Nov. 1898. F r a n c h i s e s expire In
1924 and' 1925.
Tho Wast End Rapid Transit Co. was incorp. on Sept. 3 1915 in the
Interest of tho company to give it an ontranco into Cincinnati by building
a lino from Anderson’s Ferry to tho intorsoction of Third and Race streets
in the city. A franchise, unlimited in timo, was granted the company
on April 18 1916.
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Common. $750,000.................................................
$750,000 ...................
Pref, 6% cum, $250,000.....................
58,900 ......................
First mortgage, $750,000___ J 1899
5 g J-J
750,000 July 11919
($1,000), gold...... ............. (interest at Un. Sav. Bk. Sc Tr. C o.. Oln.. Tr.
STOCK.— Pref. stock was Issued for money assessed on capital stock.
No Interest has been paid.

May , 191G.]


EARN INGS.— For year ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $125,776; net, $47,
087; fixed charges, $43,824; surplus, $3,263ItOAD.— Operates 37.89 miles of track from Anderson’s Ferry, at Cin­
cinnati, to Aurora, Harrison and Lawrencoburg.
OFFICERS.— Rec., C. E. Ilooven.— V. 78, p. 2011, 2383; V.96,p .1839.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Ohio in Sept. 1902 and purchased
franchises and rights of the Clnclnnat Milford & Eastern Traction Co.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r itu
Common, $ 1 ,000,000 ($100).................................
$1,000.000 _______
Pref, $650,000, 5 % cum------- ------------------649,425 No dlv. yet.
First mortgage, $500,000,» K/ 1905 ^ u
5 og u
441,000 dUIJ
July 11^1925
($500)_________________ _ .c * nlln
u nt.. »(/
r u v . oSav.
a v . nBk.
a . s& iTr.
t . vjo
., uin
at rProv.
C o.,
Bonds.— Are subject to call at any time at 110. See V. 81, p. 264.
Darnings.— For year end. Dec. 31 1915, gross, $90,351; not, $8,475.
In 1914, gross, $101,390; net, $13,330.
ROAD.— Operates 37 miles of track from Cincinnati to Blanchoster.
Gaugj, 5 ft. 2 In.; 704b. rails. Enters Cincinnati over the tracks of the
Cincinnati Traction Co.
OFFICERS.— Pros. & Gen. M gr., Chas. O. Harris; Aud. & Pur. A g t..
R. G. Ware.— V. 81, p. 264; V. 100, p. 53.
INTERURBAN R Y. & TERMINAL C O — A trolley road.
Receivership.— On Oct. 1 1914, on application of the Westinghouse Elec.
& M fg. Co., a creditor for $2,500, Charles S. Thrasher of Cleveland and
Charles M . Leslie o f Cincinnati were appointed receivers. The Westinghouso Co. charged that the company had defaulted in tho payment of in­
terest on its bonds and is insolvent. Tho company joined in tho applica­
tion. See V. 99, p. 969, and 1052.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Ohio on N ov. 3 1902 and Is a con­
solidation of the Cincinnati & Eastern Electric Ity., the Rapid Railway Co.
and the Suburban Traction Co. In July 1907 obtained authority to issue
$1,000,000 pref. stock, of which $900,000 was in exchange for an equal
amount of 1st mtgo. bonds dated 1903. V. 85, p. 221, 469. The 1903
bond issue was cancolod. In 1908 a now mortgage mado, as below.
Rate Decision.— On Nov. 19 1915 tho Ohio Supremo Court affirmed tho
tho decision of tho Circuit Court of Hamilton County holding that tho com­
pany is obliged to carry passengers for a 5-cont faro betweon Pleasant Ridge
and Kennedy Heights and tho business section o f the city.
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g . M a tu ritu
Common, $2,500,000 ($100).................................
$2 500 0 00
Pref $1,000,000 ($100) 5 % ...............................
i 0 00 0 00 ...................
First mortgage, SI,650,000,/ 1908
5 J-J
See text
........... 1 0 2 8
gold — ------------------------tflln t. at Citizens’ Sav. & Tr. Co.. Clov. Trus
Bonds.— Only $122,500 of bonds were actually issued, tho remainder
being used as collateral lor loans, but on Feb. 7 1916 tho Citizens’
Savs. & 1 rust Co., Cleveland, as trustee, sold at foreclosure $1,324,000
S Ji ’ J? }*?*jds used as collateral to tho holder of a 6% promissory noto for
$1,300,000, dated Juno 12 1912.
- , £ aJ ! \ i n ? s ~ V<l r. J*®-yoar ending Sept. 30 1915: Gross, $256,799; net,
$15,841; taxos, $15,085; net. after taxes, $756.
ROAD.-—Extends from Cincinnati to New Richmond, 22 miles; from
Cincinnati to Bethel, 33 miles (Including 9 miles jointly operated with New
Richmond lino), and from Cincinnati to Lebanon, 33 miles. Owned traclcincl. second, main, sidings, &c., 77 miles. Operated trackage, incl.
traffic arrangement in Cincinnati, 89 miles. Gauge, 5 ft. 244 in. Cars
enter Cincinnati over the tracks of tho Cincinnati Traction Co. 70-lb.
and 97-lb. T rail.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Geo. II. Worthington; V .-P., J. M . Hutton; Sec.
and Treas., C. J. Williams.— V. 85, p. 221, 469; V. 86, p. 285; V. 95, p.
1331; V. 99, p. 969, 1052; V. 100, p. 140; V. 102, p. 522.


, ’Y oni . i 11; on„ 5?
cam. They mature $10,000 every six mos.
from Oct. 1 1908 to April 1 1918, Inch S e r . " B ” are a 1st M . on 100 new
cars and mature $18,000 every 6 mos. from Jan. 1 1911 to 1920, incl. V.91,
i non v. irr 03
, notes are 1st mtge. on 50 new cars. They mature
y fJ£m Jan- 1 1912 to July 1 1921. V. 93, p. 526. Series
7® Pew^
S1 7.000
Apr. 1
lJ lo to Uct. 1 1922, lncl.
V .T95,
p. 889.tureSeries
“ E half-yearly
covers 60 new
truck cars and
| 9* ^ ’ 0 0 0 semi-annually from Aug. 31 1914 to Feb. 29
REPO RT.— For year ending Dec. 31:
} £ f ~ .......... S 5 2 & 5
1 9 1 4 .................. 5.280,674

8 2 .4 f.7 2 9 S 7 &
» 2 2
,ThA S incin’, St;,R y - comprises 229.67 miles of track in the city
of Cincinnati, Ohio, extending also to adjoining suburbs. The last cable
T lF E r o g pVqrtefm ° ie eCtricl7 y ln 7,une J?02' Gauge. 5 ft. 244 In.
Ob i<IC E RS.— Chairman Executive Comm, and l’res., W Keslev
Schoepf; Vice-Pres., Dana Stevens; Vice-Pros., Walter A. Draper; Sec .7
D. J Downing; Treas.. W. H. MacAlister; Aud.. H, L. Sanders’
T ’a?vtz§§nal&’"7;V ’ 91’ p - 1 5 1 • 1327: V. 93, p. 526; V 94? p’.
lOOi p.‘ 732 Pi8317 ’ 889‘ V ' 96’ P' 1156, 1364’ 1488’ V ’ 98- p ’ 689- 999: V w L (rinclJlnat4 S t ^ c t R a ilw a y — Electric.
plrod L7m ??f?hoFrran^ti « 0 1 toi 5 0 uClnS.,nnati Traction Co. for the unex?SQ« - - ™
- franchise granted by the City of Cincinnati on Aug. 13
1896, and all successive renewals and extensions of tho same
The rental i.
nntdn^ ^ 0 rPr0,lid!u<1 1^ dends of 54*% f o r t h e fi? s t y ? a r 5 K % for the sec®n(! , 5 /^ /k tor the third and 6 % for the fourth year and thereafter. V 72
p. 136. h ra n c h is e s , it is claimed by company, mature April 22 1946 '
b avo ra b te T a x D e c is i o n — I n Juno 1915 the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals
at Cincinnati. reversing the lower court, held that the G o v e r n m e n t s ?
obliged to return to the Cincinnati Street Ry., Dayton & Western Trac6 Co"
Columbus Newark & Zanesville Elec. R y., Ft. Wayne Van Wert & Lima
and Indiana Columbus & Eastern Trac. Co. about S100 000
comPatll°? under tho old Federal corporation tax law?
question at issue was whether these companies carried on business
the meaning of the law, having leased their properties to other corand,th0,u°nl,y business done by them being to collect and pay out
the rentals under the leases. The Court held that they transacted business
° n) y ‘ PC*
JjfT2&Ttlla5 of the lessor companies. V. 101, p. 212.
M f A^A N I? AI i ONA- ,Inco^p?r ated June 21 1880 and in 1896 purchased
M t. Adams & Eden Park and M t. Auburn roads.
tn X ° son
nfwnnnONDS_“ $50
l n# r? s L
O u tsta n d in g . L a s t d i e ., & c .
6 O-J
fill QfiO Soo t a J *
D iv id e n d s .— To and including April 1901, 5 % per’ annum- Julv 1 and
Oct. 1190! and Jan. 1 «md Aprif 1 1902, 1.3125% each; July i 1902^ Oct 1
1902, Jan. 1 1903 and April 1 1903, 1.375% each; July 1 and Oct. 1 1903
? ? , V an’ T^aP,d 4P ril. 1 u 4’ e^ cl1 1-4375%; July 1904, 144%; Oct. 1904^
* % . , Dividends since have been at tho rate of 6 % per annum and will
the end of lease and its renewals.
Kilgour; V .-P ., Edward Goepper; Sec. &.
p r<364’ A J ’ Becht’— v - 83, p.1523; V. 84, p. 1551; V. 91, p. 1446; V. 97.
(2 ) C in c in n a t i & H a m ilto n T r a c t i o n . — A trolley road.
ORGANIZATION.— This company was organized in Aue 1 909 ns a
& CindnnL°t?TranHM 111 S/re^ Vall.oy ytreet Ry. and the Hamilton Glendale
Cincinnati Tn7«f™rhan* o V ’ 7ir’ I4 --4 9 7 - On Sept. 30 1902 was leased to the
» l » S
ni 91S - » « « S ? i e r SeP*' 30 1003' S55 000*»
d i } ^ P r,i,2 7
the company filed a suit in the U. S. Dist. Court to have
M a v . ? ? ' the ordinance passed by the City Council and signed by
°n the same day, which provided for a 5 -cent instead of a
O^Tnivf QrlQi^rnTCi nclSn? tl V1 Carthage and Hartwell. See V. 98, p. 1392.
*914 Judge Sater in tho U. S. District Court at Columbus held
V .° 99r p a?96 DVa d and ^ u t 0*3 an injunction against its enforcement.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Ohio on May 22 1905 and owns
practically the entire capital stock or tho Cincinnati Trac. C o., the Cincin­
nati Zoological Co. and Cincinnati Car Co., besidos a large interest in the
com. and pref. stock of the Cincinnati Dayton & Toledo Trac. Co On Julv 6
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g . L a s t D iv .
1905 lease of tho Cin. & Hamilton Trac. Co. was assigned to this comnanv Stock,
com, $1,100,000 ($ 1 0 0 )____
$1,100,000 Apr. T 6 , 1 w
by tho Cin. Interurban Co. and tho latter company placed in liquidation
s t?£*FA^Preforred • -Si, l o o . o o o i ____
q -j
This company also acquired the property of the Traction Building On
1,100,000 Apr. '16,
which went into liquidation.
,p?F annum is being paid on the pref. stock. The first
F a v o ra b le T a x D e c is io n . — On May 18 1915 tho Ohio Supremo Court rn
versing tho decision of tho Franklin County Circuit Court, held that’ the dlty-,.°.n ‘ he com. of H % was paid Jan. 1 1904 and & % was again paid on
company is not liable for an excise tax on earnings derived from securities April 1 , July 1 and Oct. 1 1904. In 1905, 1%; in 1906 144%* in 1907 9^7 •
of subsidiary cos., said tax applying only to earnings of railways from actual “ *908,,2% ; in 1909, 244%; in 1910.2 44% ; i n l 9 i 1 and 1912,3% ? m
operations. Tho company Is, however, hold liable for a tax on earnings *9 *3, 1914 and 1915, 4 % . In 1916, Jan., 1 %; Apr., 1 %.
« ° A D . - h Owns and operates 31.32 miles of track from the “ Zoo” In Cin
from other sources than mere investments, such as rentals from hnlbilmrs
V. 100. p. 1752.
Srtn8 5 u °lnH a n t0“ / nd 1 5 P 11'? from Cincinnati to Lockland. Gauge,
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g
In s t rn *
m V u5 / A e S S S t o I X S S ^
T ' “ “ “ c «- ('«"> "Z & -'
Common, $10,000,000 ($100)...........
$8,655,00$ Seetext
OFFICERS.— Pres., H. II. Hoffman; V .-P., B. L Kilgour- Sec Ac
Pref, $10,000,000, 5% cum...............
8,500 000 See text
V?e9 9 ’, ' i f ' 196JeCht’ aU ° f Clnclnnati-— V . 75, p. 290, 497, 906; V .98. p.T392;
First mtgo. $2,500,000, gold,/ 1911
2 500 000
sinking fund ($1,000)------- (in t. at Fidelity Trust C o ., Phlla Trustee
Notes $1,500,000 ($ 1 ,0 0 0 )-.-. 1915
6 M-S
1 500 000
’ See t S
S to ck. — Further issues of stock can only be made for acquirement of
othor properties and additions to the present properties
9 roment of
C L E V E L A N D R A IL W A Y C O .
B o n d s . — First mtge. covers holdings o f stock o f the Cincinnati Tmetion
Co. and Cincinnati Car Co. owned and controlledby O h io T r a o a n d ah f ) ,?
tho M u n i c i p a l T ra c tio n C o . having been discharged and
other property and franchises exception Traction cos. ownership of stock in iored^ ? J ? fi hat c°m p an y provided for, the Cleveland R y . C o. on M ar. 1
O. D . & f . Trac. Co. and Cincinnati Zoological Co. Bonds aro rwlemuihie 1910 resumed possession o f its linos under ordinance (see below) o f D ec. 1909.
as a whole on and after Mar. 1 1916, or in part for sinking fund on Mar l V . 90, p. 626. The lease to M u n ic i p a l T ra c tio n C o . was canceled o f record
f r a n c h i s e O r d in a n c e .— A new franchise ordinance (V . 89 p 1667) was
1912 or any int. date thereafter at 103 and Int. Sinking fund orovidosfnr
retirement of bonds at maturity. V. 92, p. 726. Amount in sinking fund passed in D ec. 1909 b y the C ity C ouncil, and accepted b y the railway co
Jan. 15 1916, $297,900.
Tho notos mature Sopt. 1 yearly as follow?- based upon the valuation o f the c o ’s property as fixed b y Judge Tavler T he
1910. $200,000; 1917 and 1918, $300,000; 1919 and 1920, $350 000’ the ordinance grants franchises to operate on existing roads to M a y 1 1934‘ sub­
proportion of maturities and accrued int. to bo provided before divs’ are je ct to the right o f the city to purchase tho property. In caso o f purchase
tho city must pay the capital value o f said property, as fixed b v Sec 16
paid. Int. payablo at Penn. Co. for Ins. on Livos & Granting Annuities
trusteo. V. 100, p. 1259.
t,m e
o f s,° m ucb o f the capital value as is represented
ass.unun8 and agreeing to pay, In addition thereto, all the
D i v i d e n d s . — First dlv. on pref. stock— 14£%— was paid Aug. l 1905{111(1
ocuuu k
thvxj paid
jm iu quar. to
l/U itiiu
lCl. XNUV.
flO .
A11(3 l1Feb. 1916 div was m
id same
and U
N ov. IV
and 1‘ abilities o f tho c o ., and all liens other than


ifflm v .




Q oh o a n fo Inttn..


ao 't


AprH,’ iJr - Nmi(! slilce. l% ; JU'y* 1%= ^
y,oar, ending Dec. 31 1915, gross incomo, $734,048;
N o r O ? $318,750?,J & J S !‘ »lM ?78a?' $210’224: <pvldends (May Aug. and
OFb ICERS.-“ Pres., W. Kesloy Schoepf- 1st V -P pv,?? p rn-,., - ,
V .-P., Dana Stevens; 3rd V.-P. and Sec", Walter A DrannrD. J. bowning; Treas., VV.H. MacAlister; Aud., II. L* Sanders’- G m M w ”
T . Fitzgerald.— V. 95, p- 818, 1473; V. 06, p. 948, 1157 i36fi-’ V 0 7 n f i ’ri
1505; V. 100, p- 399, 1259, 1752; V. 102, b- 437?
® V ,9 7 ,p ’ J°

(1) Tiie Cincinnati Traction Co.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Ohio on Feb. 19 1901 with an anth
capital stock of $2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 (which, all except 1 1 shares is owned hv th»
Seo10VT72C’p°391 t0 U L ° ° VCr Under ICaS° t h ° Cincinnati^^Street u f f Co
D e c is io n . —On May 18 1915 the Ohio Supreme Court, affirming tho doct
sion of Judgo Iloffhcimor in Superior Court on Dec 27 1911 held
company is accountable to city for 6 % of gross earnings from all traffic
within city Units, including tho part of it retained b y in te u rb a n roads
V ■ lOUf


On July 20 1915 tho Ohio Supremo Court, reversing tho Hamlin Onnritv
Court of Appeals (which had previously reversed tho decision o f tho Superior
Court), held constitutional tho law requiring tho consent of a malorPtv of

s s s s M s s K s s ! t



* c"

i, m



At tho election hold April 25 1916 tho citizens voted in favor o f a $ 6 000
000 bond Issuo for tho construction of proposod “ Rapid Transit L oop.” ’"
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu ritu
Eqnotos"A’$200,000g($l,000) 1908 6 g A-O
$40,000 See text
" u " ^O O.OO Of 1910
5 g J-J
162,000 See text!
gold ($1,000)----------------c*llnt. at Fidelity Trust Co., Pliila. Trustee

paasL ^E

b ')n<lod d ° b t upon its property then existing, which bonded debt the city
shall provide for b y assumption, b y paym ent or b y taking tho property
IanjCCtfc I n i T l ? '
be provided V law at thoy tim e * On and^after
- , * *918 the city m ay designate a purchaser or licensee in place o f
the city on payment o f same am ount. On Feb. 17 1910 at a referendum elec­
tion the electors ratified the ordinance (V. 89, p. 1667: V. 90 d 167 502)
?o n a n m *.9, 1911 C ity Council passed an ordinance amending that o f D e c !
*909 providing, among other things, for additions to capital as required and"
particularly for the Immediate expenditure o f $2,500,000 for limits oxtens1
and equipt. T h e ordinance also provided that the right o f the cItV to n?n
pose exten., betterm ’ts or impts. shall terminate whenever tho unexpfred

J enewal thereof
ls ,e s s at
5 years- auc* also that d u r i n g S
period the ^company
may operate
the 1 maximum
rate of fare and fix tho
schedules subject to the police power of the city. Provision is^also made for
S.b®,o f surplus earnings during this 15-yr. period, either in the payment of
^ or, J*10 creation of a s. f. to purchase securities and reduce
capital value. At a referendum election on Nov. 7 19 li tho electors ratified
the ordinance amending that of Dec. 1909.
electors ratified
ivrilr i rei'U 9 1 u?eFurcd
franchise from the city of Lakewood, expiring
^,Iay * *934. which provides for a 3-cent fajre within city limits and a 5-cent
Cleveland, and gives the city of Lakewood tho right to purchase the
« « I}V,,any 8 within the city, subject, however, to tho option of the city
o f Cleveland to purchase the entire property of the company.
V a lu a tio n .— Judge Tayler placed tho value of the physical property of the
S S T tS f
at **7-5*l-856 and the franchise value at $3,615,­
844, total, $21,127,700; agreed value o f property purchased from Forest
« i tffiet a o o <?'VS 1 ’ 8.0 j ’ 6 0 0 : i;o.tal valuatl°Q. S22,933.300. To this Is added
rental accrued, making the entire “ capital value”
$24,091,600. The bonded debt of $8,128,000 and floating indebtedness
8e, valuation
T?abi2!SqA0 0 is
' 4 1 6 ’0 ? 2 for
in alI>
®*4'675,600. 1 Th
tho ls
of fixing
price at which the city or its nominee may purchase the property by the
amount of future requirements, including cost of new pay-as-you-enter cars
anF 75% of the cost of remodeling old cars as pay-as-you-enter cars,
j , . / ' U n d e r the ordinance, fare to East Cleveland is same as city fare.
other suburbs 5 c. or 11 tickets for 50c., according to contracts.
S tv
* ? drr0 SJe8 aro subject to tho supervision of the
V hm nm w
[ 1XC(* 80
to net a return of interest as stated
all UmM ^
m ° f t!1? pr° peJty and Permit of the maintenance at
w utImSS. a so*calIod interest fund of at least $500,000. V. 89. n 1667
thn0juva!FsSifam FUn^ *a d s,,30 5300,000 this shall bo prima facie evidence of
the necessity of raising the fare to the next higher rate. An experimental


[Vol. 102.


are of 3c.. with lc . extra for transfers without rebate, wasi tried to see if
it would yield the auth. int. on capital val.— 5% on bonds, 6% on floating
debt and capital stock. On Juno 1 1911 authorities ordered the fare re­
duced to 3c. cash fare, lc . extra for transfer, but the latter to bo rebated
when taken up. V. 92, p. 1498; V . 93, p. 1190. On Sept. 1 1914, however,
the ono-cent charge for transfers with no rebate on surrender was restored,
as the interest fund had fallen below the S300.000 mark. V. 99, P-608,342.
On Dec. 14 1912 the Council of Cleveland passed an ordinance giving the
company the right to transport freight within the city limits in interurban
cars and to charge the interurban companies 25c. per car mile.
ORGAN IZATION .— In 1908 changed name from the Cleveland Elec­
tric Railway Co. (which had In 1903 taken over the Cleveland City R y.)
to Cleveland Railway C o., and authorized new stock to the amount or $35,­
000.000. The old stock o f Cleveland Electric R y. was given a valuation
o f $55 per share, or $12,870,000 (having formerly beon $2 3 ,4 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) and
was paid for in now stock issued by Cleveland Railway at par ($100
valuation. The Forest City R y. (which had first absorbed the Low Fare
R y.) was purchased for $1,805,600 stock or Cleveland R y .. the shares of the
Forest City Ry. being accepted at their par ($100) value.
Early in 1912 made a contract with the Cleveland Electric Illuminating
Co. for the purchase o f power.
, t
In Feb. 1912 entered into an agreement with the North Randall R y. to
operate cars over an electric railroad built by that company from the Broad­
way line on Miles Ave. to the North Randall race-track and fair grounds,
314 miles. The road was placed In operation July 29 1912. The North
Randall R y. guarantees the co. against loss. After paymont of all oxps., incl.
Int., the surplus earnings aro to bo equally divided between the two cos.
P u rc h a s e by C ity D e fe a te d .— At tho election held N ov. 2 1915 tho voters
rejected the ordinance authorizing tho city to purchase the property. Issue
and sell bonds and pass a franchise as security therefor. V. 101, p. lo5Z,
D a te . In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $35,000,000 ($100) . . . . - —
* 2 6 -8 0 0 .0 0 0 Apr 16. 1H
F irs t mortgage $35,000,000 gl 1911 5 M-S
5 .4 9 5 ,0 0 0 Mch 1 1931
($1,000)_____________c * tf) Interest in New York City or Cleveland.
B o n d s . — Of the first mortgage o f 1911. $15,000,000 auth. may be issued for
85% of cash cost o f extensions, betterments, &c., and remaining bonds for
50% o f such cash cost, when net earnings for previous 12 mos. shall have
equaled at least twice the int. charge, including bonds proposed to be issued.
Bonds are red. on any int. date at 105 and int. Citizens Savings & Trust
C o., Cleveland, and Bankers Trust C o., N . Y ., trustees. V. 92, p. 659.
R E PO RT.— For calendar year:
_ , _
_ , c„_

Lako, Sovillo, Wooster, Linndalo, Puritas Springs, Gallon, Bucyrus, Crestlino, Mansfield. Ashland, Nankin, Polk. West Salem, Lodi and Lo Roy,
60 and 70-lb. rails. Standard gauge. Operates 70 cars. Also does freight
and oxpress businoss. Company owns Puritas Springs and Seccaium 1 ark
and reaches Cliippowa Lako. Also owns and oporatos electric-lighting
plant in Norwalk.
OFFICERS.— Pros.. F. E. Myers; 1st V .-P ., F. H. Ginn; 2d V .-P ., L. J.
W olf; Sec. & Treas., J. O. Wilson; Gen. M gr., E . F. S ch n oider; Auditor,
II B Cavanaugh. General offico, Cleveland.— V . 98, p. 452, 911, V. 100.
p. 473, 1167, 1348, 1437; V. 102, p. 800.
ORGANIZATION, &c.— Incorporated in Ohio on April 25 1895. Road
completed in July 1908. F r a n c h is e s expire
. To
1906 acquired control of the Clev. Painesv. & Ash. R R . V.82, p.1322, 13/9.
In 1913 purchased tho United Light & Power Co. (stock, $100,000

^°In May^l9% ^ h o P. U. Comm, authorized tho issue of $28,000 ref. & oxt.
5 % bonds to tho company for improvements paid out of earnings
in 1915. These aro not included in tho table.
M a t u r it y .
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
Stock. $3,500,000 (par $1 00).. - - - ------$2,500,000
First mortgage, $500,000, ( 1896 5 8 A-O
500,000 See vy—
gold ($1,000 e a c h ) _c*.cp t Interest at Morton Trust C o., N . Y ., or
Cleveland Trust C o., Clev., Trustee.
5 A-O
1,131,000 Oct 1 1918
Consol, mort. (closed) $1,­ 1898
631.000 ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ), g old.cp t Int. at Citizens’ Sav. & Tr. C o., Oleve..
Trustee, or Trust Co. of America, N . Y .
5 g M -N
866.000 May 1 1948
Ref and extension mtge, $5,­ 1908
0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . gold($ 1 .0 0 0 )c*cpt Int. at Clovel Trust C o., Cleveland, Trustee.
( or company’s agency in Now York.
B o n d s . — $500,000 consols are reserved to retire underlying liens. Tho
mtgo., originally for $2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . was closod at $1,631,000 and tho balance
canceled. Of tho refunding and extension bonds, $1,631,000 are resorvod
to rotiro prior liens, and $2,503,000 are reserved for future extensions and
Improvements, to be issued only when net earnings for preceding 1 2 months
havo been not loss than 25% in oxcess of interest charges on outstanding
bonds, Including those to bo Issued. Subject to call May 1 1938 or on any
interest dato thereafter at par and interost on 30 days notico. 1 ho com­
pany not having beon prepared to pay tho principal of its 1st M . 5 ^ bonds,
duo April 1 1916, arrangements woro mado with tho Citizens Savings &
C a le n d a r
G ro ss
N et
O ther I n t , , T a x e s &
B a l» , S u r» Trust Co. of Cleveland for tho purchaso of said bonds at par upon dolivory.
Y ea r—
E a r n in g s .
E a rn in g s .
In c o m e . 6 % D iv id e n d ,
o r D e f i c i t . V. 1 0 2 , p. 1811.
, „ ,
1 9 1 5 ............$8,468,481
$73,832 $2,344,565 sur.$415,034
ROAD.— Owns road from Euclid, Ohio, to Palnesville and Falrport,
m 9 1 4 ________ 7,692,343
def.313,254 24.02 miles ("M ain Line” ), and uses Cleveland Electric R y. from Euclid
D i v id e n d s . — First div.— 1J4%— under new franchise ordinance of Dec. to Public Square, Cleveland, 10 miles; also owns Shore Line, extend ng
from .Willoughby to Cleveland (St. Clair Ave. & 110th St.) , 14.89 milos,
1909 paid April 1910 and 1J4% quar. since to and incl. Apr. 191b.
and uses tho Cleveland Electric Ry. C o.’s track from that point to the
R O A D .— Operates 369.5788 miles o f single track, o f which 343.8754 Public Squaro, Cleveland, 5 milos. Total track oporated (including 4H
milos are owned. M ostly 82, 95, 103 and 141-lb. standard; 103-lb. girder miles of double), 46 )4 milos. With tho Clovo. Painesv. & Ashtabula forms
rails. 1,399 passonger cars; 8 other rovonuo cars and 189 service cars.
a continuous lino from Cleveland to Ashtabula. 46 motor cars and 8 other
OFFICERS.— Pres., J. J. Stanley; V.Ps., C. F. Erneiy and R . A . Har­ cars. I’ owor-houso Is at Painosville. Car-housos at Willoughby, 1 ainosman; Sec. & Treas., H. J. Davies: Asst. Treas. W m. J. M ead; Gen. M gr., villo and Nottingham.
G. L. Radcliffe; Aud., Thos. P. Kilfoyle.— Y . 99, p. 815, 969, 1051. 1214,
REPO RT.— For years ending Dec. 31 (excl. United Light & Power Co.)
V. 100, p. 473; V. 101, p. 1369, 1552; V. 102, p. 800.
C a le n d a r
G ross
N et
In t e r e s t
B a la n c e ,
Y e a i—
E a rn in g s .
E a rn in g s .
In c o m e ,
a n d T axes.
S u r p lu s .
In M ay 1913 stockholders and Ohio P. U. Commissioners approved a 1 9 1 4 1 ---........... 404,492
Tho results of tho United Light & Powor Co. for 1915, woro, gross, $21,­
plan which, in M ay 1916, was still held In abeyance, providing for: (1) au­
thorizing $2,000,000 6% cumulative preferred stock to be known as 1st 116; not, after taxes, $9,399.
OFFICERS.— Pres., E . W. Moore; V .-P ., II. A . Everett; V.-P. Ac Gen.
preferred, present issue to be $1,500,000; divs. Q.-J. (No. 1. July 1 1913).
Ked. on any div. date, or upon involuntary liquidation, at 110 and divs., M gr., J. Jordan; Treas., E . V. Hale; Sec., Fred. S . Norton- Asst. Sec. and
or in case of merger at 105 and div. (2) The classification o f the present Treas., John P. W itt, C le v e la n d Ohio.— V. 94, p. 692; V. 96. p. 359. 553.
pref. stock as 2d pref. (present pref. to be exchanged for new 2d pref., share V. 98, p. 522, 1315, 1684; V. 100. p. 473; V. 102, p. 885, 1811.
for share, the holders o f present stock waiving accumulated divs.) and fixing
(1) Cleveland Palnesville & A shtabula R R .— A trolley road. En­
the divs. to accumulate thereon at 4% for 1914, 5% for 1915 and 6% for
1916 and thereafter. (3) Authorizing a mtge. to Citizens Sav. & Trust tirely over private right of way, except through some of the villagos, where
C o., as trustee, to secure an Issue o f $25,000,000 5% bonds dated Fob. 1 fr a n c h is e s expire in 1927.
1913 due Feb. 1 1943, int. F. & A ., and authorize the issue o f $5,103,000
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Ohio in 1902.
bonds thereunder for the payment of certain of the bonded and floating
D a te .
In t e r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
debt and to retire underlying bonds. See V. 95, p. 1607; V. 96, p. 947,
Stock. $1,000,000 ($ 1 0 0 )----- — —
— -■ -—
---.--^ -T - 5 5
J ,
1296. 1556.
1 192J
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated In Ohio on March 4 1907 and Is a
gold ($1,000)______ c * .c p t /I n t . at Cleveland Trust C o.. Clove., Trustee.
consolidation o f the Cleveland & Southwestern Traction C o., the Cleveland
B o n d s . — No sinking fund and bonds cannot be called. See V. 75, p. 549.
Ashland & Mansfield Traction Co. and the Ohio Central Traction Co. I or
terms o f exchange see V . 83. p. 1590. Also owns the Norwalk Gas &

y 5 S 2 “ T‘® 5 ? yea” “ i S D0C'oair

I n ,.

E1fntJanC 1913 the Elyria Grafton & Southern R y. reduced its capital stock
from $100,000 to $1,000. and the Norwalk Gas & Elec. Co. from $125,000
to $1,250. In March 1913 the Cleveland Southw. & Col. reduced the
authorized amount o f common stock from $7,500,000 to $4,236,000.
In M ay 1915 tho Ohio P. S. Comm, authorized tho company to Issue
$119 875 1st consol. M . 5s at 85 to reimburse troasury for expenditures In
1913 and 1914, and. pending sale, to hypothecate them at 65. Bonds aro

» 5 l1 g 9
tg fg W
1914______ 138,749
ROAD.— Operates 30 miles track between Painesvlllo and Ashtabula.
Put In full operation on July 30 1904 . 70-lb. T and girder rail used. Track
standard gauge. Connects at Palnesville with the Cleveland Palnesville &
Eastern R R . and at Ashtabula with the Pennsylvania & Ohio R y.— V. 82.
p . 1332. 1379; V . 8 6 . p. 337; V . 8 8 . p. 374; V. 92. p. 322; V. 98. p . 386.

bCIn Oct^To 1 5 ^obta1ned a 25-yoar franchise from tho City o f Elyria, pro­
viding for 20-mlnute city service and 6 tickets for 25c.
D a te . In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $4,236,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) - - - ...........................
P ref$2.500,000 5% cum ($100) - - - - - - - - - 2 '4}2.000 aV M Y T qot
First general consol mortgage! 1907 5 A-O
945,000 April 1 1927
$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 0 '$ 1 ,000)gc*&rcptj Int. at Cleveland Tr. C o.. Cleve.. Trustee.
Cleveland & Elyria first mort-f 1895 6 Q -F
200.000 Aug. 1 1920
gage on 18 miles ($500) j Interest at Citizens’ Savings & Iru st C o..
Subject to call..............c p t l Cleveland, Trustee.
Elyria & Oberlin first mort-| 1897 6 F-A
100,000 Aug 1 1917
gage on 9 miles ($500) gold) Interest at Cleveland Trust C o., Trusteo.

CLEVELAND & EASTERN T R A CTIO N C O .— A trolley road.
O R G AN IZAT IO N .— Incorporated in Ohio on M ay 18 1910 to succeed
tho Cleveland & Eastern division (V. 90, p. 1613) of the Eastern Ohio Trac­
tion Co. per plan In V . 89, p. 1541, 1596.
-™ ™ it
On M av 3 1915 stockholders voted to amend the charter so as to pormit
c o m p a n y to engage in electric light and power business. V . 100. p. 1609.
D a te .
In terest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .

P?tf M06 000° 5% n ^ i o d i I ” I " " ::
First mortgage, $1,000,000.7 1910 _ 5 g J-J

*465:865 A'prTe'.)4%

.7 6 3,2 0 0 Ju*y
gold ($1,000)___________ c *(ln t. at Guardian Sav. & Tr. C o ., Clev., Irus.
B o n d s __Remaining bonds reserved for extensions, &c. Bonds subject
to call, any or all, on any int. day, at 103 and int.; began to draw Int. from
and after Jan. 1 1912. V . 91. p. 336.
D i v i d e n d s .— Tho first div. on tho preferred stock— )4 % — was paid In
N ov. 1915. In 1916, Feb., H % : April H % .
f a r m i n ItS __ For cal. year 1915. gross, $219,224; not, after taxes,
$ 7 7 0 1 2 ’ S e s . $38?16b; surplus. $38,852.
In 1914 gross. $211,659.
not,'after taxes, $71.176; charges. $38,160; balance, $33,016.
R O A D __Operates 40 miles of track from Cleveland to Ohardon. Burton
and Middlefiold, Ohio. Standard gauge. 60-lb. T rails.
O FF IC E R S __ Pres.. H. P. McIntosh; V . - P . , Horatio Ford; Sec. and
Gen. M gr.. Robt. D . Beatty; Treas., O. A . T a y fo r . Office. 701 Electric
Bldg., Cleveland, O.— V . 100. p. 1509; V . 101, p. 1627; V . 102, p. 437.

Clev B ^ m ^ O b ^ I n cons 1899 5 g M-S
127 000 M ch. 1 1919
M $500,000 g ($1,000 each)J-Interest at Cleveland Trust C o., Trustee.
Subject to call._______cp t
1,073,000 Aug. 1 1920
Cleveland Elyria & Western 1900 5 g F-A
first mortgage $1,500,000 Int. at Cleve. Tr. C o., Clove., Trustee, or at
Nat. Bank of Commerce In N . Y ., M ay be
($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) gold...........c&rcpt
called at 1 0 0 .
100,000 Jan. 1 1922
Elyria Grafton & Southern 1902 5 g J-J
R y first mortgage guar­ Interest at Cleveland Trust C o.. Cleveland,
Trustee, and Equitable Trust C o.. N . Y .
anteed by O E & W ($100,­
Can be called at par.
0 0 0 ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) gold------c*cp t
orwalk Gas & Electric first
rirst 1900
o A-O
„ ._ 110,000
n u .u™ -“April
X, 1.1920
, j"
mtge. $110,000 ($500), g.U nt. at Guardian S. & Tr. C o., Cleveland.
Subject to call............. c p t l Trustee, or Chase National Bank, N . Y .
Cleveland & Southwestern!1 1903
5 g F-A ^ 1.400,000 Feb 1 1923
first and consol mortgage! Int. at Guardian Sav. & Tr. C o., Cleveland,
$3.000,000($l,000)gc&rcptl Trustee, or Equitable Trust C o ., N . Y .
Ohio O Trac first mortgage! 1899
5 g J-D
101,000 June 1 1919
O R G AN IZAT IO N .— Incorporated in Ohio on June 1 1906
On M a r . 1
closed ($1,000). goldc*n tfjInt. N . Haven T r. C o., N . Ilav ., Conn., Tr.
on n 1 1 irpri thn dflvfl & Chagrin Fslls Ry* (tncorpor&tod Feb* 18 1910
Ohio Central Traction consol- ( 1903
5 g M-S
1 1923
« C 1 ov A O h L IB v o f t h e K ast •Ohio Trac.. sold Feb. 6 TO).
ldated mortgage
closed! Int. at Cleve. T r. C o., Cleveland, Trustee, or
t°O^D °ocWlt6^1914*Judgo^Estep in tho Common l’loas Court of Cuyahoga
($500), g o l d ......... _ -c * c p tl at National Bank of Commerce, N . Y .
Cnnntv at Cleveland aDDOlntSl Robt. D . Boatty (Sec. & Gen. M an. of
B o n d s — Of the $10,000,000 new bonds, $3,510,000 are reserved for prior the Clove1 Y .& E a s t .' Ry 0 recelvor for the lino of track lying botwoon tho
Uens and $5,545,000 for extensions, improvements, &c. They aro sub­ Cuyahoga' County lino and Garrettsvllle, O ., In a suit to foreclose the
ject to call after 10 years at 105 and accrued Interest. The Cleveland $52 0 0 0 gmtge of^1910, having a first lien thereon. Tho operation or this
& Southwestern bonds o f 1903 are subject to call at 105 and Int. $1,600.000 portion of tie road w m discontinued after Dec. 28 1914 upon Court order
of this issuo are reserved to retire certain underlying bonds.
and the receiver was ordered to sell the property. The inofrom Chagrin
The Cleveland & Elyria 1st M . 6 s of 1895 fell due M ay 1 1915. but were Falls to Cleveland was in no way affected. (V. 99. p. 1909.)
extendod to Aug. 1 1920. Callablo any int. date on 30 days notico, as
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
follows: T o N ov. 1 1916 at 101; in 1917. 100M; 1918, 100)4: 1919, 100)4,

W i W 'W w o o a m t
SV »tllOfthe°Cleveland Berea Elyria & Oberlin 5s dated March 1 1899 .$300,000 S 000
g ($100 & $ 5 0 0 )___c *(ln t. at Guardian Sav. & lr . C o., Ciov., irus.
remain in reserve for tho retirement at or before maturity or the divisional
B o n d s . — Subj. to call any or all on any int. dato at 102)4 and int.; $48,100
6 s to a like amount. Of the $1,500,000 Cleveland Elyria & Western new
6 s. $427,000 are reserved to retire prior liens. Tho Ohio Central Trac. Co. aro In treasury.
. . . .
consol, bonds may be called upon o0 days* notice at 105 and int.
TfARMTNrm — For cal vo&r 1915* gross, $85,015! not, aftor taxos,
$ 2 2 J)4 5 ^charges, $ l X l M V s ^ l u s . $ 7 . 8 3 1 1 n 1914, gross. $113,860; not.
EARN ING S.— For calendar years:
_ , .
S u r p lu s . $21,002: charges. $18,119; surplus, $2,883.
Y ea r—
G ross.
N e t ( a ft .T a x e s ) . O th .In c .
I n t ., A c .
19 15.............. $1,240,832
ROAD.— Operates 37 miles or lino botwoon Clovoland and Chagrin Falls.
iJl1* ---- -------- ’
Standard gauge. 60 and 70-lb. T rail.
ROAD.— Operates 209 miles o f track (of which 132 miles are on private
OFFICERS.— Pres., n. P McIntosh; V .-P .. noratio Ford; Sec. & M gr.,
right o f way) in and from Cleveland to Berea, Elyria, Oberlin, Norwalk. Robt. D . Beatty; Trees., O. A . Taylor.— V . 99, p. 1909.
Medina, Grafton, Wellington, North Amherst, Lorain. Croston, Chippewa,

ORGANIZATION.— The Lake Shore Electric Ry. was Incorporated on
Sept. 25 1901 under laws of Ohio as a consolidation of the Lorain & Cleve­
land R y., the Sandusky & Interurban R y., the Sandusky Norwalk & South­
ern Ry. and the Toledo Fremont & Norwalk R R . V. 73, p 784. About
half tho road Is built on private right-of-way.
Controls tho Lorain Street R R . and the Sandusky Fromont & Southern
R y., which see below. Also controls the People’s Light & Power Co. and
tho Rellevue Illuminating & Power Co. In 1907 made contract to supply
power to the Toledo Findlay & Fostorla and several other roads. V.85,pl646
In 1910 charter was amended so as to transform the then existing 5%
cum. pref. stock of $3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Into 81.000.000 6 % cum. 1 st pref. and $2 ,­
000,000 5% non-cuin. 2d pref. stock; V. 90, p. 698. At tho same time
accumulated dividends on tho old prof, stock (part of which had been
issued later than tho rest) wero adjusted. V. 90, p. 1170, 1296; V. 91, p.790.
In Jan. 1915 tho artlclas o f Incorporation were amended to enable tho com­
pany to soil and distribute electricity for light, heat and other purposes
fn certain localities.
Tho Ohio Utilities Comm, has from time to time authorized tho company
to sell additional gen. mtge. bonds, aggregating $377,000, which have
been Issued and are held in treasury. On Feb. 10 1915 increased authorized
amount of 1st prof, stock from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000.
M a t u r it y .
D a te .
In teres t. O u tsta n d in g .
$4,500,000 ...............
Common, $4,500,000 (par $100)____
1.000.000 See text
1st pf$l .600.000(8100)6% c u m ____
000 No div.
2 d pf $2,000,000(3100)5% n-c...........................
1,690,000 Jan 1 1923
First cons mtge, $4,000,000f_ 1903
5 g J-J
($1,000). gold.............c * tfl Int. at Citizens’ Sav. & Tr C o.. Cleveland.
Trustee, or Trust Co., o f America, N . Y .
General mtge. $7,000,00011903
5 g F-A
2.255.000 Feb 11933
($ 1 ,0 0 0 ). gold.............c * t f Int. at Citizens’ Sav. & Tr. Co. Cleveland,
Trustee, or company’s agency in N. Y .
6 g J-J
750,000 July 1 1927
Lorain & Cleveland 1st, gold 1897
($ 1 ,0 0 0 ), $ 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 ___ tf Interest at Citizens’ Sav. & Trust C o..
Cleveland, or company’s agency in N. Y
5 g J-J
1,500,000 Jan 1 1920
T F & N 1st M $1,500,000 g 1900
guar ($500, $1,000) . . c * t f Int. at Union Trust C o.. Detroit, Trustee.
B o n d s .— Of the $4,000,000 first consols, $2,250,000 are reserved to retire
prior lions; $60,000 have been canceled: $4,000,000 of the general mortgage
o per cents are reserved to retire the first consols and $74o,000 (of which
$3 ( 7 ,0 0 0 have been certified by the trustee and are in treasury) for exten­
sions and Impts. at 80% of cost. Neither Issue is subj. to call. A s in k in g
f u n d retiring $10,000 of first consols per annum commenced Jan. 1 1909 and
runs until 1914. From 1920 to 1922, incl., $30,000 bonds per annum are to
be canceled. Tho L. & O. bonds can be called after July 1 1917 at par and
Int. Tho T . F. & N . bonds can be called at 110 and Int. on any Int. date
upon 90 days’ notice. A s in k in g f u n d on the T . F. & N. bonds of $10,000
per annum commenced in 1905 and runs to 1909, Inch: from 1910 to 1914,
$20,000 per aim.; 1915 to 1919. $30,000 per ann.; $179,500 bonds are held In
sinking fund.
IA e n . — The T . F. & N. bonds are a first lien on tho division between
Toledo and Norwalk; the L. & C. bonds are a first lien on the road between
Cleveland and Lorain; and tho 1st consol, bonds a first Hen on all other
lines and also a second mtge. on the divisions noted above.
D iv id e n d s . — Initial div. on 1st pref., 1)4% . paid Oct. 1 1910; same
amount quarterly to and including April 1915. July 1915 dividend omitted
(V. 101, p. 47). None since.
REPO RT.— For years ending Dec. 31. excluding Lorain Street R R ..
Sanduskv Fremont & Southern Ry. and light and power companias. Re­
port for 1915 in V. 102, p. 1431.
Y e a r—
G ro ss.
N e t ia ft . T a x .)
O th .In c.
In ter es t.
S u r p lu s .
1915_______ $1,097,012
1914 ........... 1,120,328
Earnings for 1915 of tho People’s L t.& Pow. Co.wore: Gross, $13,166;
not, after taxes, $5,915: and of tho Bellevue 111. & Pow. C o., gross, $25,096;
net, aftor taxes, $12,229.
ROAD.— Operates 172 miles, extending from Cleveland to Toledo and
Sandusky, and from Sandusky to Norwalk; also city lines in Sandusky;
standard gauge; 70 to 100-lb. rails. Through line from CIov. to Toledo was
oponed for business about Aug. 26 1902. In addition owns tho Sandusky
Fremont & Southern, 20 miles, and tho Lorain Street R R ., 24.77 miles,
making a total of 216.77 miles. 72 passenger, 5 baggage, 17 work and 47
freight cars. Total, 141.
OFFICERS.— Pres., E. W . Moore, Cleveland and N . Y .; V .-P's., II. AEverett and W . II. Price, Cleveland; V.-P. and Gen. M gr., F. \V. Coen
Sandusky, O.; Sec. & Treas., Jno. I*. Witt, Cleveland.— V. 99, p. 1910:
V. 100, p. 474. 733, 1592, 2163; V. 101, p. 47; V. 102, p. 800, 1431.
(1) Lorain Street Railroad Co.— A trolley road.
ORGANIZATION,— Incorporated In Ohio on Aug. 3 1906 and Is a con
solidatlon of tho Lorain St. Railway and tho Avon Reach & Southern Rlt.
Entire stock and $500,000 now consols owned by tho Lake Shore Elec. Ry.
Operates on private right-of-way except three miles in Lorain and Elyria,
on which fr a n c h is e s run until 1919.
D a te.
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $2,500,000 ($100).........................................
$2,000,000 ...................
Lorain St HR notes ($1,000.1 1915
6 Q-J
200.000 Jan 1 1918
$500 and $100).................. /Int. at Cltizons' Sav. & Tr. C o., Clov., Trus.
Lorain St R y 1st M $750.0001 1899 5 g M -N
550.000 Nov 1 1949
gold ($1,000)________c*.tf flnt. at Guaranty Trust Co., N. Y ., Trustee.
First consol mtge $2,000,000/ 1906
5 g J-J
500.000 July 1 1936
gold guar $1,000)___ c*.tf{In t. at Citizens' Sav. & Trust Co., Cleveland,
1 Trustee, or Agency in Now York.
B o n d s . — Of the $2,000,000 now bonds, $750,000 aro reserved for prior
lions and $750,000 for extensions, &c. They are guar., prin. and int., by
endorsement by tho Lake Shore Electric Ry. The notes aro secured by
$200,000 Lorain St. Ry. consol intgo. 5s (now a first lien) and $100,000 first
consol. 5s or 1906. They aro guar., p. & I. (end.) by tho Lako Shore Elec.
R y. and aro callable at par and int. on any int. dato on 15 days’ notice.
Conv. into 1st M . 5s upon a basis of 9214, or upon adjustment o f discount
and intorost. Tho notes wero Issued to retire $200,000 Lorain St. Ry. 6 %
bonds duo Jan. 1 1915.
REPO RT.— For calendar years:
C a l. Y e a r —
G ross I n c .
E x p . it T a x . N e t E a r n s . I n t . P a id . B a l .,D e f .
1915-.............. -$150,152
1914................... 173,086
ROAD.— Operates 24.77 miles o f track betweon Elyria. Lorain and
Roach Park. Standard gauge. 24 cars. V . 99, p. 1598, 1673; V. 100, p.
(2) T he Sandusky Fremont & S outhern Ry.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Ohio in April 1906. Is operated
as part o f main line of Lako Shoro Electric Ry. between Cleveland and
Toledo. Lake Shore Elec. Ry. owns entiro stock. Private right of way.
D a te.
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock, $2,000,000..............
— Owned by tho Lako Shoro Electric Ry.—
First mortgage, S2 ,000.000,f 1906
5 g J-J
$645,000 July 1 1936
gold ($ 1 ,0 00 ), g u a r...c* tf/In t. at Citizens Sav. & Trust Co., Clove.,
I, Trustee, or at Agency In New York.
B o n d s . — Aro guaranteed, prin. and int., by endorsement, by tho Lake
8 horo Elec. R y.; not subject to call. See V. 83, p. 1099.
REPO RT.— For calendar years:
C a le n d a r
Y e a r—

G ross
In c o m e .

E xpenses a n d
N et
T axes.
E a r n in g s .

In terest
P a id .

1914............. 78,505
ROAD.— Operates a lino from Sandusky to Fremont. 20 miles.
— V. 83, p. 97, 1099.


B a la n c e ,
D e fic it.

10 395
14 cars.

CLINTON STREET R Y .— Operates 18)4 m. of track In city o f Clinton.
Main line fr a n c h is e perpetual; others limited to 25 years from Mar. 1913.
72 to 80-lb. T rail. Stock $1,000,000 ($100) .o f which $599,800 Is outstand­
ing. Funded dobt consists of $400,000 ($i,000) auth. and out. 5% 1st M .
bonds (c&r), dated 1906, due Mar. 31 1926, Int. A. & O. at 111. Tr. & SavBank, Chicago, trustee. Subject to call at 105. Earnings for 1915, gross,
$178,810: net, $79,326. In 1914, gross, $172,681; not, $79,843.
OFFICERS.— Pres., C. II. Young; V .-P ., R. O. Langan; Sec., A. L.
Schuyler; Treas., C . C. Coan; Goti. M gr., Bernard Bohnsen.



Ma y , 1916.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated Sept. 28 1906 In Kansas. F r a n c h is e s
expire 1957. Road Is on private right o f way except in Coffeyville, In­
dependence, Cherryvale and Parsons.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y
Stock. $500.000-...................... .........................
$500,000 See text.
First mtge. $1,000,000, gold? 1907
5 J-J
978.000 Jan 1 1937
($1,000), sinking fu n d ., tfl Warren (Pa.) Trust C o., Trustee.
Second mortgage................ _ tf 1911
100.000 Oct 1 1921
B o n d s . — 1st M . bonds are red. ann. by lot at 105 and Int., beginning Jan.
1912, through s. f.; $22,000 have been retired. S. =’. of 10% of net earnings
annually began In 1911. Int. at Nat. City Bk., N. Y .; Commercial Nat.
Bank, Chic., and Tradesmen’s Nat. Bank, Phila. See V. 8 8 . p. 1003.
D iv id e n d s . — 6 % Is being paid on the stock.
ROAD.— Operates 67 miles of road, of which 9)4 m. in Coffeyville, 7
miles in Independence and 50)4 miles of interurban road between Coffey­
ville, Independence, Cherryvale and Parsons. 70-lb. T rails.
OFFICERS.— Pres., D H. Slgglns, Warren, Pa.; Sec., H. A . Slgglns;
Treas., Sam. Q. Smith.— V. 90. p. 1172; V. 91. p. 590- V. 92. p. 120;
V. 93. p. 591. 1727; V. 95, p. 49. 1474; V. 97. p. 1428; V. 99. p. 1750.


ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Aug. 1902 as a consolidation of the
Colorado Springs Rapid Transit Ry. and tho Colorado Springs & Suburban
Ry. The consolidated company has Issued $1,500,000 stock, of which
$500,000 pref. Bonds ($1,000, 5, M .-S., due Sept. 1932, Central Trust C o..
N. Y ., trustee) auth., $1,500,000: Issued. $1,000,000; $500,000 reserved for
underlying bonds. Other Information refused— "Is a close corporation and
has neither stocks nor bonds on the market.” Facts below rela te solely to the
o ld C o lorad o S p r in g s R a p id T r a n s it R u .

C olorado Springs Rapid Transit Ry.
STOCK & BONDS— M i le s . D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock (par $100).................................
$500,000 f.p ................
lBt M , $1,000 each___cpt 7)4 1890 6 A-O
338,000 See text.
Consol M . $1,000 each,J27
1891 6 g A-O
162.000 Apr 1 1921
for $500,000, g old .cp tl
Central Trust C o.. New York, Trustee.
In terest Is payable at Chemical National Bank, New York City.
C o n so lid a ted m o rtgage limited to $500,000 by cancellation of $250,000 of
tho bonds; $338,000 reserved for 1st mtge. First mtge. bonds matured In
1910 but were not retired, and are held presumably by friends of the co.
ROAD.— Owns 38 miles of track.
OFFICERS.— Pres., D. H. Rice; V .-P ., W. Lennox; Sec., Wm. Llord;
Treas., C. S. Chamberlin.— V . 70, p. 75. 175. 328.

C O L U M B IA ,




ORGANIZATION.— Does the entire street railway, electric lighting,
power and gas business in Columbia, S. C .— Name changed from Columbia
Electric Street R y., Light & Power to the above on May 15 1911. V. 92,
p. 1374. Is a consolidation on July 1 1905 of the Columbia Electric St. R y ..
Lt. & Pow. Co. and the Columbia Water Pow. Co. The first-mentioned
was organized in So. Caro. Jan. 6 1892 and was a consolidation of the Colum­
bia Elec. & Suburban Ry. Co. and the Congaree Gas & Electric Co. Ac­
quired tho Columbia & Eau Claire Electric R y. Owns all the stock and
bonds of the Columbia Gas Light C o., which Is also leased. Operates under
rights granted by State of So. Caro, (which owns the city streets), expiring
Dec. 16 1941. Gas fr a n c h is e s granted by State and city franchises covering
all departments are without limit of time.
In June 1912 acquired Parr Shoals Power Co. (stock $2,000,000 com ., all
owned, and $300,000 pref.), which on M ay 30 1914 placed In operation Its
new hydro-electric station (present capacity 18,000 h.p.; ultimate capacity
30,000 h.p.) on the Broad River, near Alston, S. O ., 27)4 miles northwest
of Columbia, supplying the requirements o f the controlling co. (V. 95. p.
1122; V. 98, p. 154. 1844.)
Tho $400,000 Series “ B ” notes of tho Col. R y., Gas & Elec. Securities
Co. outstanding (auth., SI,000.000), wero called for payment April 1 1916.
Holders of $160,000 of tho notes exercised tho right to convert them into
an equal par value of Parr Shoals Power Co. 1st M . 5s and $120 in cash
per note (see V. 101, p. 1370). V. 102, p. 1060.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common, $2,000,000 ($ 1 0 0 ) - - -------------“
831,600 Apr 16, 1)4
Pref., $1,000,000. 6 % c u m . l -----Q-J
($ 1 0 0 )....................... ..........|
, ,
First mortgage, $7,500,000,1 1911
5 J-J
. 1 1936
gold ($1,000)________ c * tf/I n t . at co.'s office or at its agency In N . Y .
[Columbia Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
Parr Shoals P pfd stk $300,000 ___
Apr 1 1952
Parr Shoals P 1st mtge, $3,-/ 1912 5 g A-O
000.000 ($1,000), gold c* t fl Columbia Trust C o.. Trustee.
Col Canal Co mtg, $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 tf-----6%
200.000 See text.
B o n d s . — Of the outstanding first mtge. bonds of 1911, $60,000 are deposi­
ted to guar. int. on Canal Co. 6 s . Of unissued bonds, $200,000 are reserved
to retire Canal Co. bonds and $4,497,000 for improvements, additions, ac­
quisitions, &c., under certain restrictions. Bonds are subject to call on any
Int. date at 105 and int. Since July 1 1912 an amount equal to 1% of bonds
out must be expended for impts., A c., against which no bonds may there­
after bo Issued, and since Dec. 15 1915 a further 1% for retirement of
bonds. See V. 93. p. 229. Columbia Canal Co. bond 3 mature $100,000
Jan. 1 1918 and $100,000 Jan. 1 1919. Parr Shoals Power bonds are guar.,
p . & i., by end., by tho Columbia Ry., Gas & Elec. Co. S in k in g f u n d of
y of 1% semi-annually of bonds out from 1918 to Jan. 1 1952, incl. They
aro subj. to call at 105 & Int. on 60 days’ notice. Int. payable in N. Y.
D iv id e n d s . — First div. on pref.— 3% — paid July 1 1906; Jan. 1907, 3 % .
Nono to July 1911. when accrued divs. were paid up in full; 1)4% paid
quar. since to and including April 1916.
EARNINGS.— For cal. year 1915, gross, $841,560; net, after taxes, int.
on Parr Shoals bonds and divs. on Parr Shoals pref. stock, $244,863; int.,
$153,823; surplus, $91,040. In 1914, gross, $761,840 not. after taxes, int
on Parr Shoals bonds and divs. on Parr Shoals pref. stock, $340,524; Inter­
est, $146,695; surplus, $193,829.
ROAD.— Operates 25.15 miles of track; 50 cars. Owns 2 power plant3
with a total capacity of about 14,000 h. p.
OFFICERS.— Pres, and Treas., E. W. Robertson: 1st V .-P .. nenry Par­
sons; Sec., R. Charlton Wright; Gen. M gr., A. Wallace.— V. 98, p. 155.
1070, 1844; V. 101. p. 1370; V. 102, p. 975, 1060, 1625.


ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Maine on Feb. 6 1903 and owns all
the stock of tho Gas Light Co. of Columbus; the entire common stock
and $121,300 of the pref. stock (out of $350,000) of the Columbus Power
C o., and all the stock and $370,000 of tho $423,000 1st cons. M . bonds
of tho Columbus RR. Co.; also owns all the notes of these companies and
guarantees tho bonds of tho Columbus Power Co. as to principal, sinking
fund and interest. The above companies do tho entiro electric railway and
lighting, gas and power business of Columbus and vicinity and the adjoining
towns of Phoenix and Girard, and a wholesale power business in Newman,
Ilogansvillo, Lagrange and West Point. F r a n c h is e s perpetual. The
freight lines aro leased to the Seaboard Air Lino Ry. for 50 years from
Oct. 17 1901 at a rental of $7,500 per annum. $100,000 prof, stock is held
by tho Public Service Investment Co.
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Com . $1.500.000 ($100)................................ - - - $ 1.500.000 - - - - - - . . .
Prof, 6 % cum, $1.200,000_________
1,200,000 Jan '16, 3%
1st col? M . $1,500,000. gold/ 1903
5 g A-O
758,000 April 1 1933
($1 0 0 0 )___________ c*ntf I Int. at Old Colony Tr. C o., Boston, Trustee.
3-yr notes $2,000,000 gold/ 1914
6 g J-J
2,000,000 July 11917
($100, $500 & $1,000)__ c*l Int. at Commonwealth Tr. C o., Bost., trust.
Columbus RR 1st mortgage/ 1898
5 A-O
53,000 Oct 1 1937
(closed) gold ($1.00 0)--tf lint, at West End Trust Co.. Phila.. Trustee
Columbus Pow 1st M $4,000,-/ 1906
5 g A-O
2,402,000 Apr 1 1936
000 gold guar________ c .tf Int. at Commonw. T r.Co., Boston, Trustee.



B o n d s . — Tho bonds of the Columbus Electric Co. are subject to call as a
whole at 105 & Int. $53,000 aro reserved to retiro a like amount of Colum­
bus R R . bonds. An “ improvement fund” of 2% per annum of outstanding
bonds commenced in 1905. Tho 3-year notes aro callable as a whole on any
Int. day on 60 days’ notice at 101 and int. V. 99, p. 119. Tho remaining
$370,000 Columbus R R . 1st M . bonds aro owned by tho Columbus Electric
Co. The Columbus Power Co. bonds aro callable as a whole (or in part
for sinking fund) at 110 and int. on any int. day. A s in k in g f u n d of 1% of
bonds out began April 1 1912. $98,000 purchased for sinking fund and
canceled. Ronds aro guar., p. & i., and s. f . , by Columbus Electric Co.
D i v id e n d s . — First div. on pref. stock, 3 % , was paid Jan. 1907: 3% has
been paid semi-annually since to and including Jan. 1916.
PR O PE R TY.— 25.9 miles o f equivalent single track, o f which 5 miles
leased to Seaboard Air Lino for 50 years. 56 cars; 2 steam locomotives
(leased to S. A . L. R y .). Standard gauge. Controls hydro-electric plants
with a capacity of 21,650 k. w., and a steam plant o f 1,750 k. w. capacity.
EARNINGS.— For 12 months ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $721,217; net,
after taxes, $399,177; interest, $304,384; sinking and improvement funds,
$40,160; surplus, $54,633.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Charles F. Wallace; V .-P ., Harry II. Hunt; Sec.,
Alvah K . Todd; Treas., Henry II. Sawyer; Gen. Mgrs., Stone & Webster
M gt. Assn., Boston.— V. 82, p. 509; V. 83, p.1590; V. 93, p. 163; V. 99,
p. 119; V. 100, p. 1831.

[Vol. 102

Asst. Sec. & Asst. Aud., Herbert M . Burington. Managed by E. W .
Clark & Co. M gt. Coro.— V. 100, p. 53, 229, 397, 1256, 1509, 1831, 1917;
V. 101, p. 523, 923; V . 102, p. 521.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. M ay 16 1907 In Ohio. On Aug. 31 1907
purchased the Lima & Toledo Traction C o., which owned tho lino from Lima
to Toledo, and leased the Lima Elec. Ry. & Lt. Co. (this co. being pur­
chased on Dec. 31 1909), which operates in the city of Lima, and the Ft.
Wayne Van Wert & Lima Trac., with a line from Lima, O., to Ft. Wayne,
Ind. Also acquired by lease the Indiana Col. & East. Trac., which com­
pany assigned to It the leases of Col. Newark & Zanesville Elec. Ry. and
Dayton & Western Trac. On Feb. 1 1908 purchased the Cine. Northern
Trac. (subsequently dissolved) and acquired from that company its lease
of Cine. Day. & Toledo Traction.
Including city lines in Zanesville, Newark, Lima, Hamilton and other
points, operating mileage is 613.45 miles, extending from Zanesville on
the east via Newark to Colummis (including lino from Columbus to Orient
and Buckeye Lake and Newark to Granville branches), thence through
Springfield to Dayton, and from Dayton to Union City, where connection is
made with Indiana Union Trac. for Muncie, Anderson and Indianapolis,
Ind., and from Dayton to Richmond, Ind., where connection is made with
T . H. I. & E . Trac. to Indianapolis. Extending north from Springfield
through Urbana and Bellefontalne to Lima, and from Lima to Dofiance; to
Toledo, O., and Ft. Wayne, Ind.; also from Dayton to Cincinnati, Including
Germantown, M t. Healthy and College Hill branches. Electric light and
power business is conducted in cities of Zanosvillo, Lima and West Alex­
andria and steam-heating plant in Lima.
In M ay 1913 was granted authority to issue $3,500,000 2d mtge. bonds,
L e a s e . — In Dec. 1912 was leased for 999 years to the Inter-State Public provided $5,000,000 of outstanding stock was rotired. This was accord­
Service C o., a subsidiary of the Middle West Utilities C o., at a rental of 5% ingly done. V. 96, p. 1365. 1840: V. 97, p. 299.
on the capital stock, or $92,000 a year above all taxes. V .9 5 .P .6 8 0 . See
D e fa u lt i n R e n t a l. — A g ree m e n t. — Seo Cln. Dayt. & Tol. Tr. Co. below.
Inter-State Public Service Co. in V . 95, p. 1745; V. 96, p. 1157.
D a te . In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
D iv id e n d .
$8,000,000 ......... ..........
ORGAN IZATION .— Formerly the Indianapolis Greenwood & Franklin Common, $8,000,000 ($100)........................ ........
R R ., which company was incorporated in Indiana in 1895. Name changed Preferred, $6,000,000 5% non
cum ($ 1 0 0 )
____ ________
3,000,000 See text.
as above in Jan. 1903. In Sept. 1912 increased its auth. stock to $1,840,000.
1st & ref. mtge. $15,000,000 1910 5 g J-J
4,200,000 Jan 1 1930
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
gold ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) __________c* Int. at Fidelity Trust C o., Phila., Trustee.
Stock, $1,840,000...............................
$1,840,000 See text
Juno 1 1943
F iru mortgage, $1,000,000? 1903
5 g F-A
932,000 Feb 11923
gold ($100) ($500) ($1,000) Int. at Fldolity Trust C o., Phila., Trustoe.
gold ($1,000)________ c * tf lin t, at Commercial Trust C o., Phlla., Trust. Equip
notes Series “ A $160,- 1910 5 g J-J _
72,000 See text.
B o n d s . — Cannot bo called. $68,000 are reserved for oxton. and Impta
000 gold ($1,000)______c*)ln t. at Fidelity Trust C o., Phlla., Trustee.
at not exceeding $15,000 per mile. See V. 76, p. 654; V. 82, p. 1212.
Equip notes Series " B ” $130,-t 1911 5 g J-J
71,000 Seo text.
000 gold ($1,000)______c*/In t. at Fidelity Trust C o., Phila., Trustee.
ROAD.— Operatos 62.38 miles o f track between Indianapolis, Franklin
78,000 Soe text.
and Columbus and Seymour, of which 3.86 miles belong to Ind. Trac. & Ter. Equip notes Series " C ” $120,-\ 1912 5 g J-D
000 gold ($1,000)______c*/In t. at Fidelity Trust C o., Phlla., Trustee.
C o. Standard gauge. 60-lb. T rail. Mostly private right-of-way. It
5 g M-S
80,000 See text.
connects with Indianapolis & Louisville Elec. R y .. thus forming a through Equip notes Series “ D ” $100,-) 1914
000 gold ($1,000)________ lin t, at Fidelity Trust C o.. Phlla., Trustoe.
line from Indianapolis to Louisvillo.
Sto ck. — Preferred is red. at 105 on 30 days’ notice.
OFFICERS.— Pres., W m . G. Irwin; V .-P ., L. I. Sweeney: Sec. & Treas"
B o n d s . — $3,250,000 1st & ref. bonds are reserved to retire prior liens
Hugh Miller; all o f Columbus, Ind.—•V . 77, p. 823; V. 78, p. 1446; V . 82­
($1,250,000 bonds of Lima El. Ry. & Lt. Co. and $2,OO0,OOO bonds of
p. 928, 1212; V. 8 6 . p. 421; V. 95, p. 680.
Ft. Wayne Van Wert & Lima Trac. Co.) and $7,550,000 for additions,
bottormonts, &c. . Entire issue Is subject to call on any intorest day
at 105 and intorest on 60 days’ notico.
No sinking fund.
2nd & gen. mtge. issue is subj. to call on any Int. date for payment In cash
or for substitution of 1st & ref. mtge. bonds of 1910 exchangeable at par
ORGAN IZATION .— Namo changed Fob. 10 1913 from Columbus Trac­ on 8 weeks’ notice. Bonds to be delivered for purposos of impts., as ap­
tion Co. (incorp. Doc. 26 1906 as successor to the Central Market St. R y., proved by Public Service Commission of Ohio or othor governmental
sold under creditor’s bill In Feb. 1906, subject to tho $500,000 bonds) and authority. No sk. fd. Mortgage covers rll properties and leasehold
took over tho Columbus Ry. Co. and tho Columbus Edison Co. as por plan estate, subj. to underlying lien. Sorles " A ” equip, notes mature $8,000
In V. 96, p. 1839. Tho leases betwoon those two companies and tho Colum­ sotnl-ann. commencing Jan. 1 1911. Serios nB equip, notes aro 1st
bus Ry. & Lt. Co. were then canceled. Tho Columbus L t., lit. & P. Co. was mtge. on 26 cars. They maturo seml-ann. ($7,000 Jan. 1 and $6,000 July 1)
from Jan. 1 1912 to July 1 1921, incl. All issuos of equip, notes are guar.,
not acquired until Jan. 1915. Seo "Elec. R y. Section” for Jan. 1915.
Owns and operates the city street railway system of Columbus and sub­ p. & L, by end. of Ohio Elec. Ry. Series “ O” equip, notes are 1st mtge.
urban lines to Arlington and Westervillo, and tho commercial electric light on 43 cars and mature $6,000 semi-ann. beginning Dec. 1 1912. Sorles “ D "
and power systems of tho city and vicinity. F r a n c h is e for street railway equip, notes maturo $5,000 semi-annually beginning Soot. 1 1914.
expires in 1926 and provides for 8 tickets for 25 cents and universal transfers.
EARNINGS.— For cal. year 1915, gross from railway, $3,338,936; light
Two of the light and power franchises are perpetual; others expire 1926 to and power, $364,848; misc., $13,873; total, $3,717,657; not, after taxes,
$1,379,822. In 1914, gross from railway, $3,518,217; light and powor,
In Jan. 1916 $3,500,000 1st ref. & ext. sinking fund bonds were sold to $335,295; misc., $16,723; total, $3,870,235; not, after taxos, $1,525,419.
E . W . Clark & C o., Phila., and Kissel, Kinnicutt & C o., N . Y ., to take up
OFFICERS.— President, W . Kesley Schoopf; V .-P., Dana Stevens;
$1,200,000 notes and $1,439,000 underlying lions on tho power and light Secretary and Treasurer. F. A. Healy; General Manager, A. Benham;
properties, and provide for improvements, extensions, &c. V. 102, p. 521. Gen. offices, Interurban Bldg., Springfiold, Ohio. V. 95, p. 237; V. 96,
The $300,000 Col. Ed. El. Lt. 5s, due 1899, and the $446,000 Columbus p. 1365, 1557, 1840; V. 97, p. 299; V. 98. p. 690; V. 102, p. 801.
Elec. 6 s due 1897, wero called for payment on March 1 and March 6 1916,
(1) Colum bus Interurban Term inal Co.
respectively. The $182,000 Col. Pub. Serv. 6 s and $511,000 Col. Lt., Ht.
Entire stock owned by Ohio Elec. R y.. which guar, bonds.
& Pow. gon. M . 6 s, shown In tho table, have been called for payment Aug. 1
1916 at 101 andi it.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp- In Ohio on M ay 24 1910. Owns and
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y ’ operates since Jan. 1 1912 passenger and freight torminal stations in Columb.
In t e r e s t.
$6,038,630 M ay'16, 1)4
Common, $6,080,0.10------------ -----------------STOCK AND BONDS—
D a te . In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
13,000 Apr T 6 , 1% Stock $10,000 ($100)...................... .. ........... ..
Prior pref stock $3,145,000__ _____
$1,000 ...................
1,270,116 A p r’ 16. 1 ) 4 First mtge $1,000,000 gold? 1910 5 g J-D
“ A " pref. $1,720,200.......................................
433,000 June 1 1935
“ B ” prof, $4.200.000.......................................— 4,177.925 M a y ’ 16, 1)4
($500) guar p & i_______ c*/In t. at Olt. Tr. & Sav. Bk., Columbus, Trust,
Oct 1 1940
1st ref & ext sink fd M $25,-/ 1915
5 g A-O
B o n d s . — Remaining bonds reserved for acquisition of additional real
000,000 g ($1,000).-C*tf{Interest in New York, Phila. or Columbus. estate, additional stories on present bldg, and other Impts. Not subj.
I Girard Trust C o., Phila. Trustee.
to call.
Cent Mar 1st mtge. $500,000.1 1902
5 g J-J
372,000 Jan 1 1922
Pres., Dana Stevens; V .-P ., J. II. Sundmaker; Secretary
gold ($1,000)______ c*.ntr/Interest at N . Y . Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustee. & OFFICERS.—
Treas., F. A. Healy.— V. 92. p. 1564; V. 93. p. 1532. 1599.
Col St Ry 1st, $3,000,000, f 1892. 5 g J-J
3,000,000 July 1 1932
gold_______________c * .n t fl Interest at E. W. Clark & C o., Philadelphia.
(2) The Indiana C olum bus & Eastern T ra ction C o.— A trolley road.
(Columbla-Knick. Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
Leased to the Ohio Electric Ry. Aug. 31 1907. Latter company guaran­
Crosstown 1st mtge, gold.l 1893 5 g J-D
572,000 June 1 1933
($1,000)__________ c * .n t f (Columbla-Knick. Trust C o., N . Y ., Trusteo. tees Interest on bonds and 5% divs. on prof, stock and owns entire com. stk .
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Ohio on April 14 1906 aud has ac­
4 Q-J
3.132,000 Oct 1 1939
Col Ry 1st consol• mtge, $7,­
0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ), g. c* .n tf Interest at Union Savings Bank & Trust Co. quired the Dayton Springfield & Urbana Elec. R y., the Columbus London
o f Cincinnati, Trustee, at E . W . Clark & & Springfield R y., the Columbus Grove City & Southwostorn Ity., tho
• Bonds are redeemable after
C o., Philadelphia, or at company's office Urbana Bellefontalne & Northern R y., the Springfield & Wostorn R y., the
Oct 1 1914 at 105 and Int.
Dayton & Northern Traction Co. and about 12 miles of tho Dayton &
C a lle d f o r p a y m e n t A u g . 1 1916—
C o., extending from Greonvillo to Union City on the
Col Pub Serv 1st M ..c * .n t f 1904 6 % F-A
182,000 Feb 1 1924 Muncie Traction
State line. Has also acquired tho Columbus & Lake Michigan
Col Lt II t & P gen M e* (closed) / 1908 6 F-A
511.000 Fob 1 1924 Indlana-Ohlo
R R ., a steam road operating betweon Lima and Defiance, which has been
($100, $500 & $1,000)__ tflStato Sav. Bk. & Tr. C o., Columbus, Trust. converted
into electricity.
Leases the Dayton & Western Traction Co. and tho Columbus Nowark &
S to ck. — The prior pref. 4% stock is Issuablo only In exchange for the
$3,145,000 Columbus R y. Co. 4% bonds and is exchangeable any time Zanesville Elec. R y., which latter company had previously absorbed the
prior to Oct. 1 1924 Into 1st ref. and ext. sink. fd. 5% bonds on tho basis Columbus Buckeye Lako & Newark Traction Co. and tho Zanesville Ry. Lt.
of $850 o f bonds for $1,000 of stock. As of Jan. 1 1916 $13,000 stock had & Power Co. These leases wore assigned to the Ohio Elec. Ry. Aug. 31 1907.
The now general and refunding mortgago bonds wore listed on tho Phila­
been issued in exchange for Columbus Ry. bonds.
B o n d s . — Of tho 1st ref. & ext. sinking fund bonds, $6,654,700 aro reserved delphia Stock Exchange in February 1907. V. 84, p. 339. Seo description
for underlying liens, $41,900 aro in treasury and tho balance aro reserved for of bonds, property. &c., in V. 83, p. 37.
F a v o ra b le T a x D e c is io n . — Soo remarks under Cincinnati Street Ry.
Improvements, extensions, &c., at 85% of cash cost or fair valuation, which­
ever Is less, under conservative restrictions. Callable at 105 and int. on
D a te . In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
any int. dato on 60 days’ notlco. Penn. Stato tax rofunded on 60 days’ Common. $3,025,000 ($100).................................
$3,025,000 ...................
notice. S in k in g f u n d o f 1% per annum o f bonds outstanding begins Preferred, $1,000,000 ($100).............
1,000,000 See text.
Oct. 1 1920. Tho Central Market bonds aro redeemable at any time at Gen and ref mtge (seo text)! 1906 5 g M -N
6,650,000 May 1J926
110 and int. on 60 days’ notico. S in k in g f u n d o f 5% of gross earnings
gold ($1,000)__________ c*/Int. atPa.Co.for Ins.onL.&G.A.,Phlla.,Trus.
began in 1907. $128,000 held in sinking fund. Tho Crosstown St. Ry.
!ol Lon & Spg 1st mtge, $1,-1 1900 5 g A-O
500.000 Oct 11920
mtge. was for $2,000,000 but was closed at $572,000. Columbus Ry. Co.
500,000, gold ($1,000).,c * / Int. at N . Y . Trust Co.,_Now York, Trustee.
mtge. has been closed. $3,428,000 bonds wero issued thereunder, of which Day Spg & Urb 1st mtgo.l 1898 6 g M -N
750,000 Nov 1 1928
$283,000 wero canceled, $13,000 had been exchanged for 4% priorprof.
$750,000, gold ($1,000)-../In to re st at N .Y . Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustoe.
B o n d s . — The gen. and ref. mtge. was originally for $12,000,000 but auth.
stock to Jan. 1 1916.
amount has been reduced to $10,000,000. Of tho remaining bonds $250,­
D iv id e n d s . — An Initial div. of 1H % was paid on the Series “ A ” pref. stock
00 are treas. bonds deposited with trustee and aro available for extons. &
April 1 1914; same ratequar. since to and lncl. Apr. 1916. On Series “ B ” 0Impts.
when net earns, aro equal to 1)3 times int. charges on bonds out
initial div. of 1)4% paid in May 1914 and same rate quar. sinco to and
to bo Issued; $1,250,000 aro held to retire tho underlying Hens given
lncl. M ay 1916. On prior pref. initial div. of 1% was paid In Oct. 1915: and
above. The remaining $2,100,000 arorosorved for future bettorIn 1916, Jan., 1%; April, 1% . On common, initial div. o f 1)4% was monts. Improvements
and extensions, and can only be Issued as follows:
paid in M ay i914, and same rate quar. sinco to and lncl. M ay 1916.
$1,100,000 when not lncomo is equal to l h times Int. charges on all bonds.
Including those to bo Issued, and $1,000,000 whon net is equal to twico int.
R E PO RT.— For year ending Dec. 31 (1914 report in Y. 101, p. 523):
charges, inch int. on bonds to be issued. These bonds are subject to call In
D e d u c t—
E a r n in g s —
whole, but not In part, at 105 and int. Tho Columbus London & Spring­
R ailw ay___ 1$3,113,175/32,086.269 Interest, &c____ $476,281 $479,460
40,978 field bonds may bo called at 110 and Int. A s in k in g fu n d on thoso bonds
Pow, lt ., &c_/
980,029 Rentals........... .....................
Pref. divs., Ser. A 75,978
45,000 of 5% of gross earnings began with year ending Sopt 30 1906. Seo V. 71,
Ser. B 209,145 199,145 p. 963. $162,000 in sink, fund Mar. 31 1916. Tho Day. Springfiold & Ur­
Total______$3,113,175 $3,066,298
bana bonds are subj. to call at 110 and Int. A s in k , f u n d of 5% of gross
Exp. & taxes. 1,846.437 1,886,745
earnings began in 1903. $150,000 in sinking fund Mar. 31 1916.
-------------------------------- Total..................... $761,404 $764,583
ROAD.— Columbus to Orient, Columbus through Springfiold to Day­
Net earn’gs.$l,266,738 $1,179,553 Surplus................$505,334 $414,969
ton, Dayton to Union City and Richmond, Ind., Springfiold to Lima,
Passengers carried in 1915, 76,216,526, against $78,949,559 in 1914.
through Lima to Defianco, O. Total miles of track (oloctrlc) owned, 252.91;
ROAD, &C.— 147.36 miles single track, including 14.21 miles oporated leased, 126,94; total operatod, 379.85. Standard gauge. 5 power houses.
under contract. 434 passenger, 3 freight and 56 other cars. 5 steam 231 cars.
power stations with 26,330 h. j>. capacity.
OFFICERS.— Pros., Dana Stovons; V .-P., J. II. Sundmaker; Sec. and
OFFICERS.— Pres., Samuel G. McMeen; Vice-Pr., Gon. M gr. & Treas., Treas., F. A. Healy; Asst. Sec. & Asst. Treas., J. M . l ’ oguo.— V. 8 6 , p.
E . K . Stewart: Vice-Pr., C. M . Clark; Sec. and Auditor, P . V. Burington; 600; V. 8 6 . p. 721; V. 87, p. 37.



May , 1910. j


(a) Dayton & Western T ra ction .— Trolley road,
— Incorporated on Juno 26 1898. Was leased on June
1 5 1908 to lod- Colum. & East. (V. 82. p. 1437). For terras.tellbelow
F a v o ra b le l a x D e c is io n . — See remarks under Cincinnati Street Ry

J i i m
D 1556

^ m m ^ r m o o o t n o o ) ......... “ '•"gS- ‘SSSSif- Lal‘ D
aT Z iPref $8503)00 ($100) 5% cum.............
850 000
See text'
* -— Lease taking effect June 15 1906 provided for 5% per annum
0° P5tof- stock and 5% on com. stock in 1906 and 1907. 5)4% in 1908 and
thereafter, but under modified leaso datod Fob. 7 1916 tho payment on
the com. stock was reduced to 3% . Earning in excess o f the reauired
{^ t a l paymente and $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 per annum for additions and betterments are
to bo paid to the common stockholders up to an additional 3 % per ann. for
1 f t 5 years. Beginning vvith the 6 th year, the onorating company is ontitied to receive, if oarnod, before paying the additional 3 % on the com
stock, $ 10 ,0 0 0 per annum as compensation for operations. As part of the
akrpemont. tho Ohio Electric Ry. surrendered $75 000 Dayt. & YV\ com stk
Dayton, o to Richmond, Ind., with branch from New Wrat-'
yillo to New Paris, 36.94 niilos. At Richmond connection Is made with
Torre Haute Ind. & East Trac., thus making a through line from IndianV^083.’ p. 363 94t0379° Columbus* a distance o f 184 miles. V. 82. p. 1437;

a s s ssr. r^ S e M


9 9

« ° w

°p 0

1 59 7 ^


by “ and the other share»


a r6CelVer WaS flled by a bondholder on Feb.' 10 1916.

*£ ?3 2 %



common, 52,1)00,000 ($100)-.


Pref $250,000, 5% cum ( $ 1 0 0
Cin Day & Tol Tr gen & ref
mtge $7,500,000 gold no sk
fund ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) .....................
Cincln Day & Tol 1st cons M ,
$5 000,000. g ($ 1.00 0)„c*
Southern Ohio Trac 1st cons
$2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ($ 1 .0 0 0 ) . goldc*

1 1914
t , a
s2e5e ° S ? 0S“ T l i »
Interest at Fidelity Trust C o.. Philadel, phia, trustee.
5 g J-J
2,700.000 July 1 1922
interest at Cleveland Trust C o.. T ru sts.
t1? 00,. r A g
m 1-350,000 Rlfay 1 1920
In£l at Cieveland Trust C o., Trustee, or at
Standard Trust C o.. New York.
d n & Ham Elec 1st g ($500)
8 J-J
400.000 July 1 1918
$500,000, not subj to call ' 1? 98.
Dayton Traction 1st M . g ■tafeSt C,rt* Sf vT* & Tr* Co.. 01eve , Trustee
t^ ? 9 0 4 r ..5 g J_J^,
. 250.000 Jufy 1 1916
($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) , int guar______c* !n
t. at Finance Co o f Penn., Phila., Trustee.
Ham & LIndenwald El Tran 1901
5 g J-D
250,000 July 1 1922
interest at Cleveland Trust C o., Trustee


s s r J

^ H

monthly, boginninsr Feb 1 iq i « ? L um o ^ l0C; J: y * aIso agreed to deposit

i '
§ Q ;C
’ lo o ®
See text.
Mch 1 1924
‘ l u ” ® . * ? : 0.00: " 0’ f g
a T r* C o.. N . Y ., trustee.
Gen & ref mtge, gold, $~6 ,- I?o h «t S ° ‘ u^ bi T
1.211,000 M ay 1 1926
($1.000)___ c* r i ? 06. 6r $
O B L & N 1st mtge, $1,500,- r°t- at Girard Trust Co., Phila Trustee
1 .2 4 lM 0 N ov i m i
0 0 0 . gold ($ l, 0 00 ) . ? . : . . c * t 19°1 5 g M -N
Tr. Co. N . Y .. trustee
1st 1902 Columbia
m esville Ry,
Ry. Lt & Pow 1stV
1902 5
g M-S
750,000 Mar 1 1924

s S

ӣ H

iV7Si‘ on a-n y pref* stock that may
at tlm0 0X,a?SS?ment are to be in

hi „

d ^ r w t o r ^ o f ” c C% r^ T r ^ r e e if imt

t *?04. A

s ^

A fter the Ohio floods in 1913 lease was on
Electric R y .f m odified (see V 96

being oxchang “ two f o r one $ V

n L CAMUm T m Nv War, k & Zanesv,,,e E,ectrJ" Ry- C o.— A trolley road
io n i
incorporated in Ohio on July 2 1902, and In Anrll
9 I ,absorhed the Newark & Granville Street R y. in June 1906 acmilrnrl
the Columbus Buckeye Lake & Newark Traction C o .t the preferred s h ^
holders being givon $500,000 in prof, stock for their h o l d i n g s A k i t m t
& Power Co. and was then leased on ISne 23
1906 to the Indiana Colum. & East. Trac. Co. for length o f f r a n c h i s e * nrt
renewals thereof. Rental Is interest on bonds, an amount equal to 6 9 * nn
the preferred stock and $500 for organization expenses T T n
Private right of way from Newark to Zanesville; fr a n c h is e s on nc’hor i i „ i


#J Feb* 1

be issued beyond the $ 2 5 0 0 fin nii
addition to th^ o navmenfP

OFFICERS.— Pres, and Treas., Valentine Winters* V -P F A Funk
o f ' d ay tom ” R ’ R ' Dlckey: Asst*
& T r ^ . o f A*. Funkhouser'J r ^ l i

C 08m
N( ? l ^ . .
* it Ovo cum, $ouu,uuu

^ K


■ s s s a s s f e s f i a 'h .s t e »


f A



nDc , p „ . «
the ,asucs ls subject to call except the gen. ref 5 s of 1914.

fell dSe1 d S-' ^ 1 QI?’ b.!?0, Tran’ aud Miamlsb. & Germ, bonds originally

T , S IF . \ % ^ L v DI?fp“ §77n? ;. f e pp: A 86o8. ' ® ,5ft ” i 3“ - “ a
$5aomooo i n ^ h ^ t u t e ^ ' ^ ^ i f e e 1181% each year up 40 l S n ’

(3) Lima Electric Railway & Light.— A trolley road
Acquired b y purchase b y Ohio Electric R y . D ec 31 1909


Light & Power Co. Was leased July l 1905 to the Llma^&'TnleHn
M Ohio
A A IElectric
S S O JR 2
s s s ;c
which loase was asslgnod to
y. Aug 31*1 9%0 7t ed°s Tract,on.
D a te .
In teres t
( h , u t n * .* L
a t u r it y .
Stock, $5,000 ($ 100)______ _ ____
0 t ti S dO o S ‘

o ^ f c ^ ^ r s r p e 1^
P,a*d. this Increasing H % annually until the year beginning
annum until 0 % is reached
° h 3 J°iba,
i been
, when
s l1/ o ner annum»
in the
1 1922.

Owns 67.22 miles of electric track, connecting Cincinnati with

w °A FK ^ r s p^ ' i ^ . ^ F . ^ i i e & f A S t.R^ Rr s : t ^ £ D.
J. Downing, all of Cincinnati.— V. 81, p. 154* V 9B n
m ol
1st M , $85,000 ($1.6(5(5 _c*
Lima Electric Ry & Light,
V . 98, p. 838; V. 99, p. 1597; V. 101, p. 448;
102', p. 65, 1?2, 436^800 *
gold, first consol mortgage.
$500,000 ($500)........ _ * c*
2 d consol mortgage, $850,000.
gold ($ 1 ,0 00 ) ............ . . . c *
o i " C - i K i S 11
Lima Elec Ry & Light, ref wo ? 1
Int. due Aug. 1912 was paid in Feb. 1913; subsequent coupons have been
mortgage, $1,250,000, gold . l o t . . t O I „ W T r , O o „ P l 5 f f , 0 p | !"T ™ £ 5 P
nA ^ ! 19 °16 after they matured* Fab. 1916 Int. wiU p S l y be S d
B o n d s . — Of the first consol, mt
P e rs o n a l Ju d g m e n t .— On May 13 1912 the Court o f Common Pleas of
the above two prior liens. Th
weeks’ notice. $10,000 retired
x auuuauy. L,lma Eh
SLv°ninn°£a re™
enV affV;,?led
M ar* 2 3John
by Webb
Ohio Supreme
V. 100, p.
to Receiver
West against
for SI 0 5cSu?t
5 Ml
bonds may be called on any int. day on 30 days* notion " i z l i n h ' Z
as balance due in suit brought Tor an accounting. V. 94, p. 1448 , 0 5 5 ’ 9 3 1
D e c is io n . — For decision holding that company Is not iiable for its guarg V « S 5 i, S f A ± f f
cy^us°RP.^ 6eav d loV. p ^ r f l l 500’000 b° ndS ° f th° ° ld Co1’ Marlon & BuOn Apr. 28 1913 Judge Klnkead auth. receiver’s notes for $25 000 to nav
for repairs necessitated by damage done by floods. The notes w llfb e
given preference In claims against tho received V. 96. p. 1296.
Klon Of
h ° 4SuRreme
1r,t * 1 1 Is reported, affirmed the deci­
of rhn
the 8Franklin
and Appellate courts which
p .'i5 5 .3i i o o “ “ “ " s “ - 4

toed the interost. V. 82. p. 691. L ^ e w m
0 Rv!.wb,?h kuaranAug. 31 1907. The latter company owns alttho commnn 2 hl? 1‘:ioltctr|c Ry.
atod in Indiana and Ohio. Road is entirely on DriroiS rhrh?0 , ‘ IncorporIn towns, whore It has 25 or 50-year franchises1 * * right-of-way except
fa v o r a b le T a x D e c is io n .— S e e remarks under Cincinnati Street Rv
D a te .
In teres t
O utstnnru^n
L .
Common, $1 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ($ 1 0 0 ) ..................... n ie r e s i. O u tsta n d in g . M a t u r it y .
Pref. $1.000.600,5% n-c($100) . . . I
in n n ’Rnn ...................

$A ? e 'f f i ■ o h l S P t ? ! ® ext6ns,0ns
R O A D 59.84 miles o f electric track from Ft Wavnn
Monroeville, Van Wert, Middlepoint, Delplms and Fim? S aT? evr Haven,
rnonced complete operation Nov. 15 1905. OotmLsta n? T?,Lw a ’ Co«nthe Ft. Wayne & Nor. Ind. Trac. and at Llm^with the n h i ^ P 0 X ,th


s a


T r^ 'g.^ n -sSj^ .v^ ! p“” ”ko5rpv; sVl: fa * * * *


s o lld a « 4 o f ^
S ^ u t T O T ^ ^ T ^ i ^ C o 11¥ hay A? 1?02. and Is a conwostern R y .. the Miamisbura A
U ', Ci»clnnatl & North-

theaSm panT. SeV'v 99° p °i832am,SbUrg Judgment for «72.963 kgatast
n 9n Ju[y 3,1915 Judge Kinkead refused to authorize the issuance o f $150 0 0 0 receiver s certificates to take up receiver’s notes, bring deferred bond
Int. up to due date and pay the preferred claims against the company.
In M ay 1916 the receiver was auth. to issue $105,000 receiver’s certifi­
cates to meet co. s share of cost o f street paving. V. 102, p. 1625, 1718.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Ohio In Oct. 1 9 0 4 and owns the
^Jjbrecapital stocks of the Columbus Delaware & Marlon Electric R R . ( $ 1 -




^ !W

S S » r a » —

“ ,i “ • c “



First ref mtge, $2,500,000,/ 1904 5 g F-A
920 006 An£- T i a l i
gold ($500 & $1,000)------c»|lnt. at Bankers’ Trust C o.’, N. Y . Trustee
Receiver’s not&s____________ 1 9 1 3
9 A non
Receiver’s certificates.........................


105 000


i s r j£ S 8 ? £ & § «
~ “ o '" ””*” M
“ cn
o f t h S c 'r T N n r ^ R ^
J 1 ’l 8 0 ’ 9? 0 ,are reserved to retire the bonds
O . d ® & m . Ei^cf Rfl.P * & E ’ ° ’ the MarIon R y - L t- * p - Co. and the
847» ’710: « * • « M OFFICERS.— Aud. for Receiver, W . H. Davidson; Pres., H. G, Catrow.’
1S 7. M

; f um 7 p sT 2 ‘i . f55,B3 ? T / S - v ; i k ^ S ^ s . 100- » • 1078*
Colum bus Delaware & Marion Electric R R .
hrJ n ^ r?7i*'«due N oY; ^ J^^2 was pa*d M ay 1 1913; subsequent coupons have
boen pald^m os. after they matured. M ay 1916 int. will probably be paid

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .­ -Incorporated In 1901.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
D a te .
I n te rest.
B O N D S—
$1,000,000 M ay 1 1921
5 g M -N
1 st m ort., $ 1 ,00 0 ,0 0 0 . gold 1901
Int. at CleA land Trust C o ., Cleveland.
($ 1 .000) .............................
1 Trustee, or N a t. Bank o f C om m . n N . V ,
B o n d s . — See V . 75. p . 76.
R O A D .— Operates an electric railway over private right o f way from
Colum bus to M a rlon , passing through Franklin. D o aware and M arlon
counties. A lso 4 miles In the C ity o f Delaware, a total o f 57 miles. V .8 0 .
p . 117; V. 91. p . 945: V. 93, p . 1190.
(2) C o lu m b u s N o rth e rn R y . P ow er & E a u ip m e n t C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Ohio on O ct. 24 1904 to erect a
power house at Delaware and sub-stations to supply electricity for power
and heat. R eceiver o f C ol. D el. & M arion R y . was authorized to borrow
m oney to pay interest due Sept. 1 1909. V.,8 9 . p. 592. Interest since
then was paid to Sept. 1913. T he M arch 1914 coupon and subsequent
coupons were paid 3 m onths after they m atured. M arch 1916 cou pon will
probably bo paid June 1 1916.
B O N D S—
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
1st m ortgage, $300,000, g o ld / 1904
5 g M -S
.$245,000 Sept 1 1934
($ 1 ,0 0 0 )_________- _______c l l n t . at Guaranty Trust C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.

R O A D .— Operates 16-18 miles o f track (not including sidings and turn­
outs) between C ortland, H om er, Little Y ork and P reble, and between
Cortland and M cG raw ville. Has 33 cars.
E A R N IN G S .— For fiscal year ending June 30 1915, gross, $82,500; net.
after taxes, $8,487; other incom e, $25,178; b on d . & c., in t., $29,830; sur­
plus, $3,835.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Edwin D u ffoy; V .-P s ., D . W . Van Hoesen and
E. II. Browor; S ec., H . A . Dickensen; Treas. & Gen. M g r., G . II. Garrison.
_______ _______________
— V . 81, p . 507.

(3) M a rion R a ilw a y , L ig h t & P ow er C o .
O R G A N I Z A T I O N — Incorporated in Ohio on June 24 1903 and Is a
consolidation or the M arion Street Railway C o . and the M arion Electric
Light & Power C o. Jan. 1914 and subsequent coupons were paid six
m onths after they m atured. Jan. 1916 int. will probably be paid July 1 16.
D a te.
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
1 st m tge, gold ($1,000)— c * 1 1904
5 g J-J
$300,000 July 1 1921
l i n t , at Guaranty Trust C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.
B o n d s . — N o sinking fund and bonds cannot be called.
R O A D .— 4 miles o f track la M arion. Standard gauge. 60 and 70-lb. rail.

trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Ohio on M a y 4 1899. In M ay
1905 canceled old m tge. for $200,000 and m ade the new m ortgage In table
b elow . V . 80, p . 2399. F r a n c h i s e s are for 25 years.
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on . $400,000 ($100) — ---------- ............
Preferred, 6 % cu m , $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 | .............................
200.000 .....................
First1 °mtgV," $"45*6 ,666"," gold ) 1905 5 g J-J
N one. Jan 1 1925
($500 and $1.000)_____ n t f (P rov . Sav. Bank Sc T r. C o ., C in e., T rustee.
R E P O R T .— For year ending D ec. 31 1915, gross, $35,483; not profits,
$7,530; taxes and m isc., $2,350; net gain from opor., $5,180.
R O A D .— Operates 8 .8 miles o f track from Columbus to Gahanna, includ­
ing perpetual lease o f 2.7 miles o f tracks o f the Columbus R y . as terminal;
gauge, 5 ft. 2 in.; 65-lb. T rail.— V . 82, p. 1211; V . 91. p. 1160. 1629, V. 92,
p . 1032. 1498.

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Ohio with a perpetual charter In
1904. Built on private right o f w ay. F r a n c h i s e s extend beyond maturity
o f 1st m tge. bonds. In 1908 canceled $2,000,000 m tge. o f 1903 and made
new m tge. for $4,000,000, which see below. Stockholders vottxl Sept. 22
1908. authorizing $500,000 new 5 % f i r s t preferred stock, which ranks
ahead o f old preferred stock (V . 87, p . 481 and 615).
. .
In A pr. 1916 the Ohio P . U. C om m . auth. the issuance o f the remaining
$200,000 5% 1st prof, stock to acquiro the entire stock o f the Columbus
D ep ot C o ., which was incorporated in 1912 In the interest o f the com pany
to build a terminal in C olum bus. V . 102, p . 1626.
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
$1,800,000 ---------C om m on, $1,800,000 ($100)-------------------------- - ­
f»00,000 Apr '16, 1 H
1st pref, $500,000, 5 % cu m 1,200.000 Apr T 6 . 1 A
Pref, $1,200,000, 5 % cum -----Q-J
1 st *morVgV $4 ,6661666." g o ld / 1908
5 M -S
1,568,000 Sept 1 1923
($1 000)
c * t f lin t , at Harris T r. & Sav. B k ..C h ic.. Trustee.
B o n d s .— A dditional 1st M . bonds can only be issued for 7 5% o f cash ex­
penditures, and for permanent extensions and additions to proporty, and
on ly whon not earnings are twice the int. charge on outstanding bonds and
those to be Issued. B onds have a s i n k i n g f u n d o f 1% per ann. on bonds out
1913 to 1917; thereafter 2 % por ann. $32,000 have been rotirod. I h e y are
not subject to call. See particulars, bonds, p roperty, & c., in V . 87, p . 679.
D i v i d e n d s . — Dividends on old issuo o f pref. stock were to accrue from
O ct. 1 1905, but amounts due Jan. 1 1906 and April 1 1906 were rel nquished
b y shareholders, and 1st d iv. (1 M % ) was paid July 1906 and i ' A % Oct.
1906 (V . 82, p. 1440); in 1907 and since, 5 % per annum.
E A R N IN G S — F or 12 m onths ending June 30 1915, gross, $463,151;
net, $195,111; Int. and taxes, $98,664; d iv s.. $75,000; surplus, $21,446.
R O A D .— Operates 72 miles o f track from Colum bus to Lancaster and
from Columbus to Chilllcothe. Is operated b y third-rail system . Standard
gauge. 70-lb. T rail. W ithin city limits o f C olum bus, com pany operates
over tracks o f Colum bus R y ., P ow . & L t. C o . under oper. agreement.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres, and M g r., Frank A . Davis; V .-P res, and Treas..
Edwin R . Sharp; S ec., A . C . M oorhaus; S upt., C . Skinner.— V . 87, p. 481,
615, 679; V. 91, p. 871; V . 102, p . 1437, 1626.


C O N C O R D S T R E E T R A I L W A Y — A trolley road extending from the
central wards o f C oncord to Penacook. Comprised 12.71 miles o f track.
In June 1901 control passed to the Boston & M aino R R ., and in 1903 the
N ew Hampshire Legislature authorized the C oncord & M ontreal U R .,
which is leased to the Boston Sc M aino, to purchase the property and to
issue stock and bonds to pay therefor.

C O R N IN Q & P A IN T E D P O S T S T R E E T R Y .— A trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated D ec. 11, 1894. Com m enced opera­
tion N o v . 1 1895. Control changod hands In 1904. V . 80, p . 162.
D a te.
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
stock. $ 100 ,0 0 0 ( $ io o ) .............. — . - - - - s io o .o o o 19 0 5 -06. 4 %
1st m ortgage, $100,000-------- / 1896
5 J-J
100,000 Jan 1 1916
1 Interest at Beacon Trust C o ., Boston.
E A R N IN G S .— F or year ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $49,018; net, after
taxes (loss), $5,088; other incom e, $965; in t., rents, & c., $9,025; deficit,
R O A D .— Owns 5.9 miles o f track from Corning to Painted Post; 19 cars
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., J. L . Greatsinger. B rooklyn, N . Y d S ec., J . E
P acker, N ew Y ork ; T reas., D . W . BIgoney. N ew Y ork; C om p t., O .P
C raw ford, New Y ork .— V . 80, p . 62.

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Is a reorganization on June 22 1901 o f the Cortland
& H om er T raction, sold at foreclosure on A p r. 23 1901. In Juno 1905 ab­
sorbed the C ortland Sc Hom er E lectric C o ., previously controlled. On
July 1 1915 was furnishing 240 arc and 27 ornamental lights to tho cities o f
H om er and Cortland and also light to the public. Carries coal and freight
as well as passengers.
D a te.
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
S tock, com , $320,000 ($ 1 0 0 )-,
First m tge, $180,000 ($500). C ounty Sav. B k. Sc T r. C o ., Scranton, P a.,
Trustee. In t. at c o .’s offlco. N o sink. fd.
g old ....................................-c *
Can be called on 6 m onths’ notice.
_____ g ‘ 1905 5 g F-A
320,000 A ug 1 1935
N ew
m ortgage, ____
($500 and $ 1 ,0 0 0 )............c l Interest at Em pire T r. C o ., N . Y „ Trustee.
1st & ref m tge, $ 2 .0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ...) 1907 5 J-D
105,000 Juno 1 1957
lin t , at Equitable T r. C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.
B o n d s . — O f the $500,000 issue o f 1905. $180,000 are reserved to retire
prior liens. T hey are subject to call at 105.

[Vol. 102



C O. — A trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated under tho laws o f New Jersey on
March 11 1902 and purchased all the stock o f the Union Light, lle a t Sc
Power C o . o f C ovington and o f the Cincinnati N ewport & C ovington R a i l w av.
V . 74, p . 576. T he latter was organized in 1892 to buy up and con­
solidate all the roads on the Kentucky side o f the river opposite Cincinnati.
L e a s e .— T h e Union L t., H t. Sc Power C o . and the C ine. N ew p. Sc C o v .
R y . (both controlled through stock ownership b y the C ine. N ew p. & C o v .
L t. Sc T r.) were leased from A p r. 1 1907 to Columbia Gas & E lectric C o .
(Incorporated In Ohio) for 45 years. T h e lessee guarantees interest on
bonds and 4 A % per annum on preferred stock. On com m on, dividends are
to be 3 % for first year. Increasing A % each year until 6 % is reached, which
Is to be the rate thereafter. See V . 84, p . 449, 930; also terms in V . 84. p.
1489, under Colum bia Gas & E lectric. Under agreement ratified in July
1915 for refunding o f Union L t.. H t. & P . C o .'s 4 % bonds, tho oxts. and
add'ns to that com pany’s property are to be paid for b y tho issue or now
50-year 5 % bonds (see below) instead o f by sale o f stock o f tho Cincinnati
com pany as provided under the old agreement. V . 101, p . 694.
T he controlled Cincinnati C ovington Sc Erlanger St. R y ., which was incorp. Sept. 1899 with $250,000 stock (shares $50), to build an extension to
Erlanger, 7 A miles (about 3 miles com pleted) has also been leased to the
Colum bia Gas Sc E lectric.
. .
. .
On June 25 1914 com pany auth. $200,000 1st M . bonds to cover cost of
tho 11th St. bridge botween C ovington and N ew port, which was com pleted
AVF r a n c M M D e c i s i o n s .—

On O ct. 19 1914 and N o v . 17 1915 Judge Cochran
in the U. S. D istrict C ourt held that the franchise granted b y tho C ity
o f C ovington in 1882 to tho South C ovington & Cincinnati Street R y .
was in effect perpetual. See V . 99, p . 1214. On Jan. 5 191o tho U . S.
Supremo C ourt declared void , as an unlawful interference with interr
State com m erce, the section o f the C ovington streot railway ordinance
relating to overcrow ding. See details in V. 100, p . 139. A t a special
election held M a rch 9 1915 the voters o f C incinnati rejected b y a m ajority
o f 8,903 ou t o f a total vo te o f 56,423 tho new 25-year franchise granted b y
tho C incinnati C ity C ouncil on Jan. 9 1915.
„ „„
R e f u n d i n g . — On July 28 1915 tho shareholders approved the plan for re­
funding the U nion L t ., H t. Sc P ow . C o. 4 % bonds due M a y 1 1918 ($1,608,­
000 outstanding) at or before m aturity b y a now Issuo o f $5,000,000 50-yr.
5 % bonds, as proposed b y the Colum bia Gas Sc E lectric C o. Tho now bonds
will be used to take up the present issue and such additional amounts will be
put out each year as aro nocessary to pay for extensions and additions.
Ih o
' Columbia Gas & E l. C o. guarantees a sink. fd. to retire all bonds at or bororo
m aturity. V . 101. p . 694. As o f M a y 1 1916, $101,000 o f tho now bonds
had been issued.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
D a te .
In te rest.
$5,000,000 A p r ’ 1 6 .1 k
C om m on. $5,000,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) . . -----Q-J
Pref, 4 k % non-cum , $5,-1
4 A Q-J
4,500,000 Apr ’ 16,1)4
1$ 1 0 0 ) - .- ............... / U n d e rly in g B o n d s—
1 1932
So Cov& Cin cons M $500,000/ 1892
6 g J-J
^- ^



5 S «
($1,000 each)...................... cl Farmers Loan
U n io n L ig h t, H e a t & P o w er


Trust C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.

g M -N
1,608,000 M a y 1 1918
1st m tge. $2,000,000. gold Int. at N a t. Bank o f C om m erce, N . Y .; hirst
($100. $500 Sc $1,000)-C&r
National Bank, Cincinnati, or at German
l National Bank. C ovington.
N ew m tgo ($5,000,000)............ 1915

L Ick ln ^ R lv e r^ B ^ C o 1st M l 1914
5 M -S
$185,000 guar (see text) s f /
B o n d s .— O f the f i r s t c o n s o l i d a t e d b o n d s o f 1892 o f the O . N . & G . R y .,
$250,000 are deposited with the trustee to retire all the underlying m ortgage
bonds. T h o perpetual charters o f constituent com panies are kept alive,
and their capital stocks are deposited with the'trusteei a
t t
first consols. Interest on those bonds is payable at the National Bank o f
Com m erce, N ew Y ork , First National B ank, Cincinnati, and German N a t.
Bank C ovington . T h e Union Light, H eat Sc Power C o . bonds can be
called at 110 and int. For refunding o f theso bonds sco remarks above.
Licking R iver bonds are guaranteed b y Colum bia Gas & E lec. C o . and the
South C ovington Sc Cincinnati St. R y .
D I V ID E N D S .— On preferred 4 k % te being paid. On com m on stock
first dividend o f H % was paid July 15 1907 am} H % Oct- 15 1 9 0 7 .1 n
1908. 3 k % : in 1909, 3 k % : in 1910. 4 A % : in 1911. 4 k % ; In 1912, 5 k % In 1913, 5 k % : in 1914 and 1915, 6 % . In 1916, Jan ., 143% ; A p r., l k % .
R O A D — Connects Cincinnati, C ovington, N ow port, Bellevue, D a y ton .
C lifton, Southgate, Fort Thom as, Fort M itchell, W ost C ovington and
L udlow . T otal in operation, 68 miles; laid with 80-lb. Johnston girder
and 72-lb. “ T ” rails.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., James C . Ernst; V .-P s ., Janies M . H utton and C lif­
ford P. G arvey; Sec. & T reas., Georgo M . A b b o tt.— V. 99, p . 608, 1214;
V . 100, p . 139, 397: V. 101, p. 448, 694.________

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— T he Dallas E lectric C o . was incorp. In M aino on
M a y 3 1913 with $7,000,000 auth. ca o . stock, as a ro-incorporation o f Dallas
Electric Corporation (Incorp. in New Jersey in 1902). V . 96. p. 1422.
D oes an electric railway and electric-lighting and power business in Dallas
b y virtue o f the ownership o f securities o f certain local com panies, f r a n ­
c h i s e s o f subsidiary companies oxpiro in 1922.
See V . 84 p. 157. Lor d e­
cision on occupation tax on Dallas St. rys. see V. 89, p. 41.
. ,
Also owns the entire capital stock o f tho Dallas Intorurban Terminal
Association, which is constructing a m odern firoproof eight-story passonger
terminal and office building in tho business district o f Dallas. Ih o termi­
nal facilities have been leased for 20 years to tho three Intorurban linos en­
tering Dallas. Construction is expected to bo com pleted and operation
begun in the latter part o f 1916.
, . ..
For decision enjoining tho enforcement o f tho ordinance passes! at the
special referendum election on A pril 2 1912, providing for tho sale o f 7
tickets for 25 cents and for only 3-cent fare* whoro passengers havo to stand,
see V . 95, p . 113, 1472, 1541; V. 96, p. 1772; V . 98, p . 839.
M a tu r ity .
O u ts ta n d in g .
In te rest.
D a te .
C om m on, $3,000,000 ($100)— ----------------First pref, $ 2,0 00 ,0 0 0 ,6 % cum
A 0
1.995.000 Oct ’ 15, 3 %
1.997.300 Oct ’ 15. 2 k
2 d p f $2,666.000 5 % "n--c"(SI00) I I ”
„ A-O
June 1 1917
N otes $2,500,000 gold ($500/ 1914
5 g J -D
--------w and $1,0 00 )____________ c*\Int. at American Trust C o ., B oston, trustee.
Term M tgo notes $1,000,000/ 1916
6 J-J
750>000 Jan 1 1921
($500 and $1.000)............c * l l n t . at Stato St. Trust C o ., B oston, Trustee.
D a lla s E le c tr ic C o r p o r a tio n —
. „
nnn .
. . . . „ no
First coll trust m tge, $4,0 00 .-/ 1902
5 g A -O
3 ^ 8 1 ,0 0 0 April I 1922
000,gold($100, $ l,0 0 0 )c * t f lin t, at Old C olon y T r. C o .. Boston, Trustee.
N otes, $3,500,000, gold ($500/ 1912
5 F-A
1,000,000 Fob 1 1917
and $1,000)................ -c * t f lin t , at American Trust C o ., B oston, Trustee.
S t o c k a n d B o n d s . — $129,000 com . stock is held in treasury, not incl. in
am ount outstanding. T ho 1st prof, is red. at 105. S i n k i n g f u n d , 1 /o per
ann. o f bonds out. $37,000 bonds in treasury not incl. in amount reported
outstanding. $582,000 were held in the sink. id . l e b . 29 1916. Callable
as a wholo on any int. date at 105 and int. $2o,000 o f tho bonds aro
In donom . o f $100, rest being $1,000 each. N otes o f 1912 and 1914 are
callable as a whole at 100 and int. on any Int. day on 30 days notice. N o

Ma y , 1916. j



further m ortgage can be placed on property without equally securing both • B o n d s .— T h o 1908 debs, are red. at 105 on any int. date after due no­
these Issues o f notes with the other obligations to be secured thereby. : .
the 1911 debs., $75,000 aro reserved for like am ount o f debs, o f
V . 98, p. 1008. Tho Terminal m tgo. notes are tho diroct obligation o f the 1908. O f tho 5s o f 1913, $100,000 are reserved to retire a like am ount o f
Dallas Eloc. C o. and aro secured by a first m tg e.on tho terminal and office consol. 5s and $150,000 for retirement o f the tw o debonturo issues.
bldg, in Dallas and tho land upon which it is constructed, tho total cost o f
1896-97, 4 % ; In 1897-98, 4 % ; in 1898-99, 2 % ; in 1899which is estimated at $1,480,000. Rod. as a whole at lO l and int. on 30 ,
190p-0 1 . 1 4 4 % ; in 1901-02, 3 % ; in 1902-03, 3 % ; in
days’ notice. V. 102, p. 250.
to 1911, in cl., 4 % ann.; In 1912, Jan ., 2 % ; none
D i v i d e n d s . — On present 2d pref. (form erly " p r e f.” ), in 1905, 2 > $ % ; In
1900, 5 % ; in 1907, April, 2 1 4 % : none to O ct. 1909, when 2 % was paid;
— ’Trolley road In D anbury, and from Danbury to Bethel, and to
1910, A pril, none; O ct., 1 % . In 1911 to 1915, 5 % . In A pr. 1910 divs. on t
Lake Kenosla, 15.031 miles in all; sidings, & c., 1.044 miles; total, 16.075
both 1st and 2d prof, stocks were deferred.
E A R N IN G S .— For 12 m os. ending D ec. 31 1915, gross, $1,828,489; miles. 42 passenger and 7 other cars. Standard gauge.
not after taxes, $708,314; other Incom e, $1,200; interest, $357,150; sink,
R E P O R T .— F or year ending June 30:
fund, $47,405; surplus, $301,953.
G ross.
N e t.
I n t . & T a x e s . B a l.,S u r .
R O A D .— ow n s and operates 68.9 m . o f track in the city of Dallas and J9J3-14.......................................... $136,111
suburbs. 237 cars. Standard gaugo. l ’ ower station ca p a city, 18,300 1912-13.......................................... 139,533
k. w. Also purchased power from the Dallas Ice Factory, L t. & Power C o.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres. & G en . M a n ., John Sanders; Sec. & T rea s., S. W . C .
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., Joseph S. Lovering; V .-P s., R obort T . Paino 2d;
Treasurer, Henry II. Sawyer; $ec., Chester M . Clark. Gen. M grs., Stono
& W ebster M g t. A s s n — V. 90, p . 1772; V . 98. p . 839, 1608; V . 100, p . 641,
V . 102, p . 250, 975.
C I T Y R A I L W A Y C O .— A trolley road.
T E X A S T R A C T IO N C O .— A trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Chartered M a y 12 1893. Is a consolidation o f the
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Texas on Sept. 25 1906. F r a n c h i s e s
expire in 1956 on streets and highways; rest o f road built on private right D ayton Street R R ., the D ayton & Soldiers’ H om e R R „ the Fifth Streot
. F r a n c h i s e s run for 50 years from Feb. 8 1892 and April 19 1893.
o f way.
On April 16 1911 the Texas Traction C o. acquired all the properties o f the
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Denison & Sherman lty . C o ., consisting o f an interurban railway between C om m on, $2,400,000 (S100)_______
$2,400,000 M ar T 6. 1 j-4
Sherman and Denison and city lines in both those cities. V. 92, p. 463. Preferred, $600,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) - - . -----6 Q -M
600,000 M a r T6, 1 ) 4
Has leased for 20 yoars from D oc. 17 1915 tho terminal facilities o f tho
Bond issues have been paid o ff.
Dallas Interurban Term . A ssn., which soo under Dallas E loc. C o. abovo.
— 6 % per annum is being paid on pref. On com m on, in 1900
In D ec. 1914 entered into a 30-year contract with tho Toxas Power & L t. to 1903, incl., 6 % : also 16 2 -3% ($250,000 in new stock at par or in cash).
C o ., under which electrical energy is supplied for the operation o f the
interurban railway lines. V . 99. p. 1915.
P r o p o s e d M e r g e r . — Plans for the merger o f the Texas Traction C o. and
Southern Traction C o. under the name o f the form er are under way.
(V . 92 p 1178); J u ly, 1 % % ; O ct., 1 M % ; in 1912, Jan., 1 K % .
V . 102, p . 8 87.
M ar. 1912 began paying divs. Q .-M . instead o f Q .-J. and on M ar. 3 l paid
In April 1916 issued $700,000 3-year 7% gold notes to refund $400,000 \ X % ; Juno, 2 % ; S ept., 2 % ; D e c., 2 % . I n l 9 1 3 , 8 % . In 1914. M a r.. 2 % :
Texas T rac. 2d M . 8% bonds and $185,000 Denison & Sherman 2d JVI. 6s, June, 2% ; Sept., 2% ; Dec., 1H % (V. 100, p. 53). In 1915, 6 % . In
which matured A pr. 1 1916, and provide for floating debt.
1916, M ar., 1J^%.
S T O C K A N D R O N D S—
D a te .
in teres t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
EARNINGS.— For calendar year 1915, gross, $618,173; in 1911, gross,
C om m on. $2,000,000 ($ 1 0 0 )-. .............................
$2,000,000 ..................... $689,823;
in 1913, $651,504; in 1912, gross, $659,844.
Pf. $ 1,000,000.6% cum ( $ 1 0 0 ) ----------------1,000,000
See text
R O A D .— Controls and operates in all 36-85miles o f track, namely: T hird
First mortgage sinking fu n d ,/ 1907 5 g J-J
2,020,000 Jan 1 1937
$3,000,000 ($1,000)gc*& rtf 1Int. at Old C olony Trust C o ., B oston, Trus. Street Line, Fifth Street Lino, Green Line, Ram m er A ve. Line and D ayton
Den & Shor first m ortgage,/ 1902
5 J-J
225,000 July 1 1927 & S old iers H om o Lino. Gauge 4 ft. 8 ) 4 in.; rails 70 and 80-lb. T and
70 and 90-lb. girder; operating 42 G . E . 67 and 50 G . E . 800 m otor equip­
$350,000 ($1,000)____c * t f (lilt. at Harris Trust & Sav. B k ., C h ic., Trus.
1919 ments; 124 cars and 3 sprinklers.
G old notes __________________ 1916
B o n d s . —•Remaining $834,000 Texas T rac. 1st M . bonds aro reserved for
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., E . D . Grimes; 1st V .-P ., C . B . Clegg; 2d V .-P .
future irnpts. and extensions. Bonds can bo called at 110 and accrued Int. E. J. Barney; 3d V .-P ., G . G . Shaw; Sec., M . Hall; Gen. Supt. & Purch.
on any Int. date upon 30 days’ notice. A s i n k i n g f u n d o f 5 % o f gross earn
A g t., T . E. Howell. O ffice, Western and Auburn A ves., D a y ton .— V. 83.
lngs began July 1 ID 12, to boused in tho purchase o f bonds; $146,000 hold p . 1590; V. 92. p. 1178, 1564; V . 99. p. 1909; V . 100, p. 53. 1256.
in sink, fund not incl. in amount outstanding above. D en. & Shor. 1st M .
bonds aro subject to call on July 1 1917, or after, at 105 and int. on four
D A Y T O N C O V IN G T O N & P IQ U A T R A C T I O N .— A trolley road.
weeks’ notico. A s i n k i n g f u n d began July 1 1905 o f 2 % per annum o f
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— This was form erly known as tho D ayton & T roy
bonds out until 1913. when amount payable is 3 % per annum until 1917:
but name changed to the above in A ug. 1901. Tho D . & T .
incl., 4 % per annum; 1923 to 1926,
’ * 5 % por annumfrom 1918 to 1922, Incl.,
$82,000 held in sinking fund, not incl. in amount outstanding abovo; $3,000 T raction was Incorporated in Ohio in Jan. 1900 to build a street railway
to T ro y , but route was changod, and road constructed from
D ayton to C ovington and Piqua, about 38 miles. C om panv acquired tha
D i v i d e n d s . — Initial dlv. on pref.— V 4 % — paid M ar. 15 1911; July, l V i % :
tracks o f the People’s R y . in entering city o f D ayton .
N o v .,
none to M ar. 1914, when l j^ % was paid. Juno 1914,1 ) 4 % :
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
none since.
$600,000 ....................
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending D ec. 31 1915. gross, $565,626; not, Stock auth, $600,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) - . ____
550,000 ......................
$231,046; int. & taxes, $189,962; surplus, $41,084. In 1914, gross, Pref. 5 % n-c, $550,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) ____
First mortgage. $550,000, g / 1902
5 g A -O
490,000 April 1 1922
$676,096; not, $223,351; int. & taxes, $184,570; surplus. $38,781.
($1,000)------------------ c * .n t f\ I n t . at Old C olony T r. C o ., Boston, Trustee.
R O A D .— Operates an interurban lino between Dallas and Donison, 76.39
6 g M -S
60,000 Sept 1 1919
miles, o f which 3.45 miles aro over tracks o f Dallas Consolidated St. lty ., Second m ortgage, $ 6 0 ,00 0 -n t f ____
2d main track, sidings and turnouts, 6.38 miles, and local street car lines
Bonds.— $60,000 1st m tge. bonds are reserved for extensions and im­
in Sherman, Donison and M cK in n ey , T e x ., incl., sidings, & c., 9.69 miles, provements; 2d m tgo. bonds are subject to call on any int. date at 105.
total mlloago, 92.46. Gaugo 4 ft. 8 1 4 in. 70-80-lb. ’ ’T ” rail. 58 cars.
— For year ending June 30 1915, gross, $147,512; net,
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., J. F. Strickland; V .-P s., Osco Goodw in, R . B ,
Stichtor, J. S. Hoard, W . It. Brents; Treas., II. I. Gahagon; Sec., Jas. P. $51,520; interest and taxes, $41,025; surplus, $10,505.
Grirfin.— V. 84, p. 627; V . 87, p. 98: V . 88, p. 824; V . 92, p. 463, 1567;
— ,Total track 38 miles. Standard gaugo. 70-lb. T , 80 and 90lb. girder rails. 10 passenger cars, 2 express cars and 5 other cars.
V . 93. p. 1192, 1535; V. 99, p. 1911; V. 102, p. 887.
O F F IC E R S .— P res., D . Dw yer; V .-P . & G en. M g r., T hos. T . R obinson;
SOUTHERN TRACTION CO.— A trolley road.
S upt., T . J. Brennan.— V . 77, p. 146.
O R G A N IZ A ’I’ IO N .— Incorp. on M ar. 27 1912 in Texas. A new lino
from Dallas to W aco (about 100 inllas) was put into regular operation on
D A Y T O N & T R O Y E L E C T R IC R Y .— A trolley road.
O ct. 18 1913 (V . 97, p. 1205, 1116). Tho branch from Dallas to Corsicana
— Incorp. 1900. Is built on both public and private
(34 inilas) was put in operation Jan. 1 1914.
right o f way. Completed in D ec. 1901. In D ec. 1915 received a 20-year
Has taken over tho W aco Streot R y. C o ., which com pany had acquirod In
1911 tho Citizens’ lty . C o. Owns and operates entire street railway busi­ extension o f its franchise in D ayton . Rails, 70-lb. T . Power house located
ness In W aco. Also owns real estate in heart o f business district o f W aco. afc ? ‘I )Rocano° D ity, Ohio. Stock, $500,000 ($100) com . auth. and issuod
$800,000 ($100) 5% cum . pref. auth.; $647,200 issued. N o bonds
Loasos for 20 yoars from Doc. 17 1915 tho tormina! facilities o f tho Dallas and
contem plated. In M a y 1902 took over M iam i Valley R y. under 99-year
Interurban Term . Assn., which soo under Dallas Electric C o. abovo.
at a rental o f $9,600 per annum, which is applicable to stock o f
In O ct. 1912 acquirod, free o f all lions, & c., the Dallas Southern Traction
C o ., 31 miles, between Dallas and W axahachio, placod in operation O ct. 3 $300,000, m ortgago having been canceled.
D i v i d e n d s . — On tho pref. stock 5 % per annum is being paid.
On c o m .,
1912. V. 95. p. 968. T he Southern Traction C o. then increased tho auth.
Jan. 1 1904, 2% ; in 1905. 6% : in 1906, 6% : in 1907. 2% ; In 1908, none; in
amount o f Its first m tge. from $7,500,000 to $10,000,000.
On Fob. 1 1913 acquired physical properties o f Corsicana Transit C o . a 1909, 5 % ; in 1910, 6 % : In 1 9 1 1 ,5 % : in 1912. M a r.. l V i % . In 1913, S ept..
344-milo streot railway.
U i % ; D e c., 1 M % ; in 1914, June, 1 b i % ; in 1915, D e c., \ \ i % .
In M ay 1912 entered into a 50-year contract with the Texas Power &
E A R N IN G S .— For calondar year 1915, gross, $272,831; net, $83,435;
Light C o ., under which the latter com pany will supply all tho power for deductions, $34,911: d ivs., $38,602; surplus, $9,922. In 1914, gross, $296,­
tho Southern Traction C o.'s lines. V. 94. p. 1567.
289; not, $86,004; deductions, $34,182; d ivs., $38,525; surplus, $13,297.
P r o p o s e d M e r g e r . — See Toxas Traction C o. abovo and in V . 102, p. 887.
R O A D .— Owns and operates 36.29 miles o f track (10.03 m . double, 11.19
S a l e o f S y n d i c a t e H o l d i n g s . — Tho securities held b y the syndicate that
prom oted the road were sold in M ay 1916 by the St. Louis Trust C o ., milos singlo, 5.04 miles sidings) between D ayton and T ro y . Leases the
syndicate managers, subject to an examination o f tho property to bo con­ M iam i Valloy R y ., extending from T roy to Piqua, including the local line
In Piqua, com prising 14.03 m . o f tracl; (4.59 m . single, 2.71 m . double.
cluded on or before June 15 1916.— V. 102, p. 1812.
0.71 m . sidings and 3.31 m . local in P iq u a ). T otal in singlo track, 50.32 m .
D a te .
In terest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., II. P . Olegg; V .-P ., Chas. B . Clegg; Sec., L . O .
C om m on, $5,000,000 ($100)...................................
$5,000,000 .....................
P f. $2,000,000($100) (See text)
2,000,000 ..................... Clegg; Treas. & Gen. M g r., R . A . Crumo; A n d ., F . Sprague. General
First mtgo, $10,000,000, g o ld / 1912
5 g J-D 1
6,000,000 Juno 1 1942 office, Tippecanoe C ity , O hio.— V . 94, p. 123; V . 95, p . 1744; V. 99. p. 48;
V . 102. p. 152.
($ 1.0 00 )..........................c * t f i Int. at St. Louis Union T r. C o ., St. L ., T rus.
Second mortgage, $500,000 t f / 1912
5 J-D 1
500,000 Juno 1 1942
( $ 1 ,0 0 0 )............................. c* l Int. at St. Louis Union T r. C o ., St. L ., T rus.
D A Y T O N S P R IN G F IE L D & X E N IA S O U T H E R N R Y .— T rolley.
S lo c k . — Pref. stock is 7 % cum . from one year after road is in operation.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in 1909 as successor to the D ayton &
$292,000 o f tho pref. stock is trusteed for the bonofit o f tho com pany.
Transit C o ., sold at foreclosure. Stock, auth. and outstanding,
B o n d s . — Remaining $4,000,000 1st M . bonds are for extons, and Impts.
under certain restrictions. Both 1st and 2d M tgs. subject to call at 1021$ $200,000 com . and $300,000 pref. Par $100. 1st M . auth. and issued,
and int. on any Int. date, and also for sinking fund on or after Oct. I 1918 $500,000, Earnings for year ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $178,884; net,
at same price. Bonds to bo held alive in sinking fund. S i n k i n g f u n d o f 1 % $35,620.
R O A D .— Owns and operates 35.22 miles o f track from D ayton to X en ia
>er annum o f bonds out begins in 1918. V. 95, p. 421. Interest is payaand from D ayton to Spring Valley. Pres., C . J. Ferneding; V .-P ., T . A .
gf0 at office o f trustee or in New York
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending Doc. 31 1915, gross, $1,051,418; not, Fornoding; Sec. & T reas., H . L . Ferneding, all o f D a y to n .— V. 89, p. 285.
$145,661: int. & taxes, $381,949; surplus, $63,712. In 1914, gross.
O A K W O O D S T R E E T R A IL W A Y C O .— A trolley road.
$1,136,334: not, $421,703: Int. & taxes, $367,286: surplus. $54,417.
R O A D .— Owns and operates 96.89 miles from Dallas to W aco, T e x ., and
In April 1915 M a jo r Charles IL C legg acquired control.
from Dallas to Corsicana, 56.19 miles; sidings and turn-outs, incl. con nect­
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated July 22 1870 In Ohio. F r a n c h i s e ex­
ing lines, 8.42 m .; local linos in W aco, Corsicana and W axahachio, Incl.
1941. In O ct. 1909 the Ohio Supreme C ourt held the franchise valid
sidings and turnouts, 22.96; total, 184.46 miles (incl. 6.53 m. o f track in
Dallas operated under trackage right). Rails, 70 and 80-lb. T rails. Cars, over tho objections o f the C ity Solicitor. Stock auth. and outstanding.
(par $100). N o bonds. Operates 8 miles o f track in D ayton and
22 Interurban passongor motors and 10 trailers; 6 express m otors and 2
trailers; 4 suburban pass, motors; 48 city cars; 3 work m otors and 12 flat suburbs. Standard gaugo. C om pany was in M a y 1915 granted a fran­
chise for tho construction o f an electric railway in Oakwood. Pros. & Treas.
and ballast trailers. T otal, 107 cars.
Charles B. Clegg; V .-P ., II. P . Clegg; Sec. & Gen. M g r., Henry Gebhart,
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., J. F. Strickland; V .-P s., Osce Goodw in R B
all o f Dayton.-—-V. 100, p. 1438.
Stichtor, C . W . Hobson, J. Leo Penn, F. N . Drano, W . J N eale’ T r e a s '
II. I. Gahagan; Sec.. Jas. P. Griffin.— V. 94. p. 118/’ , 1567: V. 95, p. 4 2 i’
96S, 1274; V. 96, p. 286; V. 97, p. 1116, 1205; V. 102, p. 887, 1812.

D A N B U R Y & BETH E L S T R E E T R Y .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. M ay 7 1886 under tho laws o f C on n ecticu t.
Has a perpetual special charter, the only streot car com pany serving tht,
city o f Danbury and town o f Bethel. Its lines also extond to tho Danbury
Fair Grounds and tho pleasure resort o f Lake Kenosla.
D a te .
I n te r e s t. O u tsta n d in g . L a s t D i v ..,h e
Stock. $623,000 (par $ 25 )..................
$320,000 Jan ’ 12, 2%
First & ref m tgo $690,0001 1913
5 g M -N
350,000 M a y t 1943
($500 and $1,000) n s f ._ c * fln t . at American Trust C o .. B os., Trustee.
Consol mtgo, $300,000. g o ld / 1906
5 g M -N
100.000 M ay 1 1936
($500 and $1,000)................ lin t, at American Trust C o ., B oston, Trustco.
Debenture bonds, $75 ,00 0 ' 1908
6 M -S
75,000 Mar 1 1918
($1,000 and $500)_______ c (ln t . at C ity National Bank o f Danbury.
Debenture bonds, $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 .. 1911
75.000 Jan 1 1921


F O R T W A Y N E & D E C A T U R T R A C T I O N CO.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in Feb. 1916 with $200,000 capital G ock
to succeed tho F t. W ayne & Springfield R y ., sold at receiver’s sale on
D ec. 2 1915 (seo V. 101. p. 2144).
R O A D .— Operatos 21.6 miles between Decatur and F t. W ayne. T otal
track, 23.7 miles. 70-lb. T rail: gauge, 4 ft. 8 ' 4 in. An extension from
Decatur to Berne (12 miles) is being constructed.— V . 102, p. 975.

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Ohio on O ct. 15 1906, and Is a
consolidation o f tho Delaware & M agnetic Springs R y. and the R ichw ood
& M agnetic Springs R y , Private right o f way except in C ity o f R ich w ood .



S T O C K A N D B O N D S —• D a t e .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on, $200,000 (S100)..............—
$130,000 .....................
P ref, 6 % n-c, $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 ---......................................
100,000 ___________
O M S & N 1st M , $400,000, g f 1906
5 g M -N
250,000 N o v 1 1931
($1,000), cannot bo called,{Interest at Colonial Trust C o ., Pittsburgh,
and no sinking f u n d - . c * t f l Trustee.
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending June 30 1915, gross, $26,909; opor. exp.,
$21,834; net, $5,075; taxes, $2,535; net, after taxes, $2,540.
R O A D .— Operates 18 miles o f track from Delaware to M agnetic Springs
and R ichw ood.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., W . M . Galbraith, P itts.; V .-P . and T rea s., O.
M agee Jr., Pitts.; S ec., Chas. J. Fifer, R ichw ood, O .—’V . 83, p . 1228, 1469,

[Vol. 102

Has freight traffic agreements with D onvor Tram w ay C o . and arrange­
ments for interchange o f transfers on D onvor C ity linos; also con tract for
use o f T ram w ay C o .’s tracks in entering Donvor.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock, $1,000,000 ($100)___________
$1,000,000 ___________
Inter-M ountain R y , 1st m ort-f 1908
5 g J-J
506,000 Jan 1 1938
gage, gold, $756,000 ($100{Interest at Continental Trust C o ., D on vor,
and $1,006)__________ c * t f { Trusteo, or Bankers Trust C o ., N ew Y o rk .
Bonds^aro;callable at 105 on any interest day aftor 1913.
R O A D , E Q U IP M E N T , & c.— Incl. in D onver Tram way C o .— V . 94•
p. 207; V. 97. p. 1203; V. 98, p . 1156.



T H E D E N V E R T R A A 1 W A Y S YS TE M .
(1) D en v er & N o rth w e s te rn R y .— A holding com pany.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N , & c.— In M a r. 1913 a syndicate headed b y B oettch er,
Porter & C o. o f Denver acquired a controlling interest through purchase o f
the stock (about $1,600,000) held b y M arsden J . Perry o f Providence,
this purchase m aking its total holdings about a 75% int. V . 96, p . 863.
This com p any, since the plan in V .9 8 , p . 1156, went into effect,, is sim ply
a holding com pany, practically Its only asset being tho $9,000,000 com m on
stock o f tho Denver Tram way C o ., which is pledged as security for the $ 6 .­
000,000 1st & C oll, bonds o f this c o ., and its only liability being $6,000,000
o f its capital stock outstanding in tlio hands o f the p ublic, the paym ont of
its bonds having been assumed b y the D onver Tram w ay C o.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S .—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity
Q-J 10
See text
Stock $6,000,000 ($100)_____ _______
First and collateral m tge (assumed b y D en v. T ram . C o .— see b elow ).
D i v i d e n d s . — Prior to July 1909 dividends were at rate o f 6 % per annum.
In July 1909 quar. d lv . was increased to 2 % and same am ount paid quar­
terly to July 1913. In O ct. 1913 rate was reduced and 1% was paid
(V . 97, p. 1115). Same rate quar. to and incl. April 1915. In July
1915 rato was further reduced to 14 o f 1 % . O ct. 1915 dividond oraittod.
V . 101, p . 1188, 1370. N ono sinco.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., S .M . Perry; Gen. M g r., F. W . Hild; Sec. & Treas..
F . G . M offa t; A u d ., W . A . D o ty .
I N D E X .— V . 94, p . 413. 1383, 1763: V . 96. p . 1863. 1628; V . 97, p . 236.
298, 594. 1115; V . 98. p. 1071, 1156; V . 101, p. 130, 1188.

W E S T M O R E L A N D C O U N T Y R A IL W A Y C O .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Pennsylvania on D oc. 27 1904. Is
a consolidation o f the Bradenville Sc D erry Street R y . and tho Blalrsville &
Derry Street R y.
ST O C K A N D B O N D S —
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock, $500,000 ($ 5 0 )...............................................
$500,000 _____ ______
First m ortgage, $250,000, g l 1905
5 g M -S
250,000 M ar 1 1935
($100)__________________ c*\ Int. at East End Sav. & T r. C o ., P itts., Trus.
Car tr u s t s ___________________ 1915
Soe text
B o n d s . — N o sinking fund, and bonds are not subject to call.
T ho car trust securities m aturo $600 every six m onths.
E A R N IN G S .— F or year ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $41,360; net, $10,­
670; interest, $13,139; taxes, $784; d eficit, $3,253.
R O A D .— Operates 7 miles o f track.
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., John E . Potter; V .-P s., F. f f m . Rudell and J. A .
M cC om b; S ec., n . S. Calvort; T reas.. J. G . Vilsack, all of Pittsburgh; S upt.,
S. F . Schwerdt, D erry.— V . 82, p 50.

(2) D en ver T ra m w a y C o.— O p e r a t i n g C o m p a n y .
T h o D enver & Northwestern R y . owns $9,000,000 o f tho com m on stock.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. M arch 30 1914 In C olorado as successor
to tho D enver C ity T ram w ay C o ., which had previously absorbed the Den­
ver Tram w ay Power C o. and the Denver Tram w ay Term inals C o. Owns
entire $500,000 stock o f the Consolidated Securities & Investing C o . (in­
corp. on the samo date to succeed tho D enver R ealty C o ., Boulovard Real
Estate C o. and D enver Excursion C o .) , which in turn owns all tho outstand­
ing stock and bonds o f the D onver & Inter-M ountain R R . Seo plan o f re­
organization undor “ Denver & Northwestern R y .” in V . 98, p . 1156.
F r a n c h i s e s . — Operates within the city o f D enver under a goncral franchise
granted F eb. 5 1885. A lso under a 20-yr. grant voted b y tax-paying electors
o f the city in M a y 1906, which authorizes it to maintain three-rail tracks,
gauges 3 ft. 6 In. and 4 ft . 8 ) 4 In., over all Its present linos within the city
and permits tho construction o f certain viaducts and extensions. See de­
cision in V. 84. p. 220. Under decision o f the U . S. C ircuit C ourt o f A p­
peal on N ov . 11 1912 tho franchise o f 1885 was held valid, tho C ourt de­
ciding that in viow o f tho franchise o f 1906 It was unnecessary to pass upon
tho duration o f the older franchise at that tim e. T ho com pany claims tnat
Its franchise is perpetual. Seo decision in V . 95, p . 1472.
T a x S e t t l e m e n t .— For settlement o f dispute between the city and the
com pany over taxes for tho years 1912, 1913 and 1914, see V . 101, p. 370.
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Com m on stock $10,000,000________
__________ $10,000,000 ____________
P ref stk $3,000,000 (7 % c u m )_____
See text
C on v gold bonds $3,000,0001 1914 6 g A -O
2,500,000 A pr 1 1919
gold ($100, $500 & $ 1 ,0 0 0 )/Int. at Colum bia Trust C o ., N . Y . C ity .
D en v & N VV R y 1st & coll M f 1902 5 g M -N
545.020 M a y 1 1932
g $6,000,000 ($500 a n d ]In t. at Bankers
Trust C o ., N ew Y ork,
$1,000) ________________ c* l trustee; also office o f co . In D enver.
R ed . at 105 and Int. on 90 days’ notice.
Den C ity T r C o 1st Sc ref M f 1908
5 g M -N
11,772,500 N o v 1 1933
$25,000,000 g ($500 a n d ]In t. at Bankers Trust C o ., N ew Y ork,
$1,000) sinking fu n d --C * tf(
trusteo, aud in D enver.
D en v C ity Tram purchaser 1899
5 g A-O
2.000,000 A pr 1 1919
m oney m tge g $ 2 ,0 00 .0 0 0 ]In t. at Central Trust C o ., N . Y ., trustee.
($500 and $ l.0 0 0 )_ .c * t f
D en v Cons Tram cons m tge] 1893 5 g A -O
1,167,000 O ct 1 1933
$4,000,000 gold _______ n t f! In t .a t B k r s T r .C o ..N .Y .,tr u s t e e * in Denver
D en v T r Pow 1st Impt m tg ef 1903 5 g A -O
1,074,000 A pr 1 1923
$1,500,000 g ($1,000) guar] Int. at Internat. T r. C o ., D enver, trustee,
principal and interest___t f ( or G uaranty Trust C o ., N ew Y ork.
D env T r Term 1st m tge $1,-| 1910
5 g M -S
Soe text
500,000 g ($100 & $1,0 00 )(Interest at Bankers Trust C o ., N . Y ., trusguar prin & in t_______ c * t f l tee, and in Donver.
S t o c k . — $9,000,000 com m on owned b y Denver & N orthwestern R y . and
$750,000 is held for conversion o f D en v. Tram w ay con v. bonds, the remain­
ing $250,000 being set aside for expenses o f organizing Donver T r . C o .
Preferred stock is roservod for conversion o f bonds.
B o n d s . — O f tho bonds reported outstanding as a bovo, $838,500 D onver
C ity Tram w ay 1st & ref. 5s and $18,000 D enver Tram w ay Terminals 1st
6s aro owned b y tho D enver Tram w ay C om pany. C onvertible bonds
aro redeemable at par and accruod intorost on ninoty d a ys’ notico. C on ­
vertible on or aftor A pril 1 1915 until A pril 1 1918, but not thoroaftor,
into an equal am ount o f 7 % cum ulative preferred stock, accom panied
b y com m on in am ount oqual to 25% o f tho faco valuo o f tho bonds con ­
verted. T ho D onver C ity Tram way C o ., prior to the salo o f its p rop ­
erties, executed a m tge. upon all Its physical properties (other than those
form erly belonging to tho Denver Sc Northwestern R y . C o .) junior to tho
lion o flts F ir s t* R ef. S. F . M tg e ., as additional security for the I$6,000,0001
First Sc Collateral bonds o f tho D env. & Northwestern C o ., tho paym ent
o f which Northwestern bonds tho Denver Tram w ay C o. has assumed.
Denver C ity T r. C o. 1st & R ef. bonds are red. at 105 Sc Int. after 1913
up to N o v . 1 1923; thereafter at 1 0 2 } 4 & int. on 60 d ays’ notice. S i n k i n g
f u n d o f 1% o f bonds out begins N o v . 1 1914 until and incl. N o v . 1 1923;
thereafter 2% o f bonds out. T h e D en v. T r. P ow . C o. 1st Im pt. M tge.
bonds aro subj. to call any int. dato at 105 and Int., s i n k i n g f u n d o f $50,000
per annum, to retire bonds at 105 and Int., com m enced In 1908, and $426,
000 have been retired. Int. payablo In N ow Y ork and D onver. T ho re­
maining D en v. T ram . T erm . C o. bonds aro for im pts. T hoy mature
$60,000 annually Sept. 1 1916 to 1940. R ed . as a whole on any int. day
at 105 Sc int. on 30 days’ notice. V . 98, p . 1156.
R E P O R T .— For fiscal year ending M a r. 31 1915 (incl. D enver & Inter­
M ountain R R .) Seo report in V . 100 p._2162
Gross earnings___________ $3,263,954 Other lncom o____________
Operating expenses______ $1,683,960 Gross lncom o_____________$1,333,070
Taxes & franchise p a y ’ ts .
279,219 D edu ction s_______________ 1,010,765
N et earnings______________ $1,300,775 Balance, surplus_________ $322,305
E A R N IN G S .— For 6 m onths ending Sept. 30:
6 M o s . en d .
G ross
N et
O th er
F ix e d
S in k in g
B a la n c e ,
S e p t . 30— E a r n i n g s .
E a r n in g s . I n c o m e .
C h a rg es.
S u r p lu s .
1915..... .......... $1,545,749 $758,655 $3,183 $629,385 $86,442 $46,011
1914..... .......... 1,655,543 797,809
R O A D A N D E Q U IP M E N T .— Including tho Denver Sc Inter-M ountain
R R ., owns 252.91 miles o f electric track, or which thero are 213.74 miles o f
city lines and 39.17 miles o f interurban lines; gauge, 3 ft. 6 in. and 4 ft.
8>4 In. 252 m otor passenger cars, 141 trailers, 227 m lsc. cars; total, 620
cars. All freight equipm ent leased to Denver & Inter-M ountain R R .
C o. C apacity o f central generating plant, 9,500 k. w. 5 sub-stations, two
o f 1,500 k. w. each, two o f 1,000 k. w. and one o f 900 k. w. V. 93, p, 1993:
V . 100. p. 21C2: V . 101, p. 370. 1188, 1370.
(3) D en ver & In te r-M o u n ta in R R .— O p e r a t i n g C o m p a n y .
T he Consolidated Securities & Invest. C o. owns all tho stock and bonds.
r O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in C olorado about O ct. 29 1907 as
Inter-M ountain R y ., but on April 2 1909 changed name to present title.
Private right o f way. F r a n c h i s e s in Donvor and Golden are porpetual.

DES M O IN ES C I T Y R A IL W A Y C O .— A trolley road.
In M arch 1911 N . W . Harris o f Chicago acqulrod practically all the
stock not previously owned by him o f the Des M oines C ity R y . C o . and
o f Its allied corporation, the Inter-Urban R y . C o . V . 9 2 ,'p . 794.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— A consolidation In 1893 o r th o Dos M oines St. R R .
C o. and tho Des M oines Suburban R y . C o . Is authorized to carry freight.
F r a n c h i s e . — A now 25-year franchise was grantod at an eloction on N o v . 29
1915 which places ontiro control o f scrvico in tho hands o f a commission
(one member appointed b y city and tho other b y tho co .) and provides for
arbitration when tho com m ission cannot agreo. Also provides for 6 tickots
for 25 cts. half-faro for children undor 12 and 20 tickets for 50 cts. for highschool studonts. T ho city , when om powerod to do so, m ay purchaso tho
property on 6 m onths’ notice on tho basis o f a $5,000,000 valuation as o f
A ug. 1 1915. For further details see V. 101, p . 1885. T ho franchise also
provides for now rolling stock, 8 miles o f extensions In 3 years and tho
oxpendituro o f $1,500,000 within 3 years for rehabilitation.
R e f i n a n c i n g . — A now Gonoral & Refunding M tge. was created in 1916
to carry out tho terms o f tho abovo franchise and provido for futuro capital
expenditures. Owners o f tho $2,202,000 5 % R ef. M . bonds o f 1901 doposited with tho com m lttoo form od upon default o f int. duo A pr. 1 1915
bn said bonds (V . 100, p. 1348) wero given tho opportunity to (1) exchange
certificates o f deposit for now bonds, $ for $, and receive a bonus o f 5%
($50) in cash with adjustm ent o f int. in cash or (2) rocoivo paym ont in full
in cash. T ho com m ittee waived all defaults undor tho R ef. M . (V . 100,
p . 1348) and consented to tho discharge o f tho receiver (V . 101, p. 130).
V . 102, p. 712. A ll but $81,000 o f tho $2,413,6o6 Ref, M . bonds outstand­
ing iiavo been acqulrod and deposited undor tho Gon. & R ef. M tge. T he
$266,000 Des M oinos suburban R y . 6s duo Jan. 1921 wero called for
paym ont on M arch 27 1916. V. 102, p. 975.
Guarantees tho Inter-U rban R y . C o . 1st M . bonds, p. & 1. See below .
S T O C K A N D B O N D S —• D a t e .
I n te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
$1,055,000 .....................
C om m on, $3,000,000 ($100)............................... ..
t r0i , o6 %
/o non-\ju
. 5*ou»uuu$250,000....................................
250,000 .....................
------■ * "M , 1889
6 g A -O
156.000 O ct 1 ’ 16 to
Des M oines Street
R R 1st
(See text)
O ct 1 1919
gold ($1,000 each)_____ n tf
C ont .&Comm .T r .&Sav .Bk . ,C hic..trustee.
Des M oines C ity R y refund’g 1901
5 g A -O
81,000 April 1 1921
m tge,
gold Int. at Harris, Forbes & C o ., N . Y .: also
Harris T r. & S. B k ., Chic. Trustee, 111. T r.
($ 1 .0 0 0 ).................... c ’ . n t f
Sc Sav. B k. and W m . II. ITenkle o f Chic.
5 J-J
3,613,000 Jan 1 1936
Des M oines C ity R y Gen & 1916
Harris T r. Sc Savs. 11k., C hicago, Trustoo.
R e f M , $15,000,000, gold
($500 and $1,000)____ c * . . Intorost at N ow York and C hicago.
Debenture notes_____________ 1916
-------------B o n d s . — $237,000 Gon. Sc R ef. M . bonds o f 1916 aro reserved to retire
underlying lions. From tho proceeds o f tho present issue, $500,000 in cash
has boon doposiced with tho trusteo and m ay bo used for construction, re­
construction and rehabilitation, or for permanent oxts.. enlargements and
additions. An additional $1,000,000 bonds m ay bo issued for tho full
amount o f similar expondituros; remaining $10,150,000 bonds m ay only
be issued for 8 0% o f oxpondlturos for porm . oxts., onlargomonts and addns.
under conservative restrictions. Bonds aro rad. on any Int. dato at 105
and int. M tge. providos for an annual oxpendituro, boginning with 1920,
o f 20% o f gross oarnings for m alnt., ropairs and ronowals for oxts.
and addns. for which no bonds m ay bo issuod, or for tho purchaso or retire­
ment o f outstanding bonds. V. 102, p. 975. O f tho $2,413,000 ref. m tgo.
bonds o f 1901 outstanding, $2,332,000 havo boon acquired and doposltod
under tho gon. & ref. M ., loaving $81,000 in tho hands o f tho public.
Itef. M . bonds can bo called on any Intorost dato at 106 and int. S!nk.
fund $10,000 yearly on April 1 from 1906 to 1910, $15,000 from 1911 to
1915 and $25,000 from 1916 to 1920. T ho Dos M oinos Stroot R R . 1st M .
6s aro duo $25,006 annually from O ct. 1 1914 to O ct. 1 1918 incl. and
$100,000 duo O ct. 1 1919.
R E P O R T .— For year ending M arch 31 1916, gross, $1,349,376; not,
after taxes, $428,148.
R O A D .— Operates 95.15 miles o f track. 35 to 129-lb. rails. 137
passenger and 17 service cars.
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., Emil G . Schm idt: V .-P ., E . P . Smith: S ec., O . H .
Bernd; Treas., F. M . Harris; Asst. Sec. Sc Asst. T reas., H . A . D o w .—
V . 95. p. 818: V . 96, p. 947: V. 98, p. 763; V. 99, p. 1672; V. 100, p. 54.
308, 1348, 1672; V. 101, p. 130, 1188, 1885, 2144; V. 102, p. 712. 975.
IN T E R U RB A N R A IL W A Y C O — A trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Iow a to construct a system o f
Interurban roads connecting with Des M oinos. T h e Dos M oines C ity R y .
C o . guarantees the bonds, principal and Interest.
ST O C K A N D B O N D S —
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock. $1,200,000 ($100)..................................$1,160,000 - - - - - - - - - ­
1st mortgage, sinking fu n d .] 1901
5 g A-O
1.166,006 April 1 1921
gold ($1,000). guaranteed C on t. & C om m . T r. & Sav. B k ., C h ic., T rus.
p . Sc 1. by Des M oines C ity Int. at Harris, Forbos & C o ., Now York, and
_ -_ c * -n t f
Harris Trust & Savings B ank. C hicago.
Debentures, $350,000 ($1,000/ 1913
6 J-J
250,000 Jan 11923
and $500)_____________ n t fl Int. at Harris T r. Sc Sav. B k ., C h ic.. Trustee
B o n d s .— Other bonds m ay be Issuod for acquisitions and extensions at
not over 80% o f cast and at not over $16,000 per mile for now road, but only
when net earnings equal 1 )4 timos all Int. charges on bonds out and those to
be issued. Bonds are subj. to call at 105 and Int. A s i n k i n g f u n d o f 5 %
o f bal. o f annual not earns., aftor paym ont o f all charges, becam e operative
April 1 1906, and bonds so purchased are to bo kopt alive for purposes o f the
fund; $16,000 Is held In sinking fund,Included In am t.outstanding abovo.
Debentures aro rod. on any Int. date at 101 and int.
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending M arch 31 1916, gross, $350,292; not,
after taxes, $106,371.
R O A D .— Operates 74.76 miles o f track (Incl. sidings) connecting Des
M oines and C olfax, Des M oines and Porry, with branch to W oodw ard.
Standard gaugo; 60 and 70-lb. T rail. 12 pass.. 132 freight. 5 service cars;
4 locom otives; 2 express and 2 caboose cars. Oars ontor Dos M oinos over
tracks o f Des M oinos C ity R y .
O F F IC E R S .— Samo as for Des M oinos C ity R y .— V . 74. p. 680.


[Vol. 102.



D E T R O IT U N IT E D R A IL W A Y .— (See M a p p a g e 3 9 .)— Trolley
O R G A N I Z A T I O N — Incorporated In M ichigan D ec. 31 1900 and took
over franchises and properties o f the Detroit Citizens Street B y e D e­
troit Electric R y ., the Detroit F t. W ayne A Belle Isle and the Detroit Sub
urban. V . 72, p . 44, 183. Embraces all the street railway line) in Detroit.
Later absorbed by purchase the Detroit A Northwestern R y ., which is
known as the Orchard Lake division, the Detroit & Pontiac R y .. known
as the Pontiac division, the W yandotte & Detroit River R y ., known as the
W yandotte division, and the D etroit A Flint, form erly the Detroit Roches­
ter R om eo A Lake Orion R y ., and known as the Flint division.
Owns entire capital stock o f the D etroit A Port Huron Shore Line (R ap d
Railway System ); Sandwich W indsor & Amherstburg R y . (acquired in
A ug. 1901): D etroit M on roe A T oled o Short Line R y . (acquired in I eb
1906) and the D etroit Jackson A Chicago R y . T he last-named is a ra
organization o f the Detroit Ypsllanti Ann A rbor & Jackson R y ., the Jack
son Ann A rbor & Detroit R y . and the Detroit Plym outh A N orthville R y
which were acquired in Jan. 1907. Also owns the entire capital stock of
the Detroit A lm ont & N orthern R R ., which it leases for 50 years from 1915,
and guarantees and assumes its bonds as a direct obligation,_b y endorsem t.
In A ug. 1901 purchased 180 shares (all) o f the stock o f the City Electric
R y . and the People’s Electric Light plant o f W indsor. Ont.
F r a n c h i s e D e c i s i o n — O n O ct. 2 1912 the M ich .S u p rem eC ou rt, in a dec slon affirming that o f the W ayne C o. Circuit C ourt, held that the com ­
pany has no right to continue to operate its cars in Fort S t., the 30-year
franchise originally granted having expired. T he C ourt also holds, how ­
ever, that the city m ay not fix an arbitrary rate o f rental for the use o f the
street, but has the right to com pel the com pany to vacate streets upon
which franchises have expired. Suit was remanded to lower Court ror
further proceedings. V . 95, p . 890. On April 26 1913 the U . S. Supreme
Court affirmed the decision as outlined above. V . 96. p . 1556. 947.
A p p r a i s a l o f C o m p a n y ’ s P r o p e r l y .— In O ct. 1915 Prof. M ortim er L . C ooley
filed a report o f his appraisal o f the com p any’s p roperty, which fixes the
value in the one-faro zone on Jan. 1 1915 at $29.7143)79, or legs deprecia­
tion, at $23,608,665; physical value o f entire system . $48,400,764, with deprec. considered, $43,051,662. The valuo o f all franchises is placed at
$7,783,481. T otal valuo o f D . U . R y. system , $56,184,165, or loss d ep rec.,
$50 815 063. V. 101, p. 1464. Com pare V . 100, p. 139, 308.
* C i t y P u r c h a s e P l a n D e f e a t e d . — A t the election on N ov. 2 1915 the voters
defeated the plan (V . 100 .p . 811: V. 101, p. 614) for the acquisition b y the
city o f the com pany’s lines and property within the one-fare zone, v . 1U1,

concelod. Consolidated bonds are ubject to call » < ; 1 0 p a n d Interest
on 60 days’ notice. B oth issues are guaranteed b y the Detroit United
R y . . gee form o f guaranty in V . 76, p . 1300; as
additional collateral
security” on the Flint bonds 1st consol. 443% bonds o f the Detroit United
are deposited, $ for $, with the Guaranty Trust G o. o f New Y ork, and would
bo available in the event o f default on the Detroit A 1 lint bonds.
R E P O R T .— Annual report o f the Detroit United Ity. for the year ending
D ec. 31 1915 was published In V. 102, p. 603
D e t ro i t U ni te d R y. . R ap id R v. Svs., S a n d w . W i n d . & A m h e r s t b . R y .,
Det. M o n ro e & T o l . SIR L in e R v . a n d D e t . ^ a c h . 4c C h i c . ^
R evenue passengers--------275,576,409 252,961,221 240.940,133 208,538,594
Tp'mtifpr nasson^ors
98(5411214 8*)»3o4»131 74»830t*<>'') ol,«39o,o77
G r oss eartihfgs!0-0™1111$ 13/235,551 $12,240,004 $12,723,829 $11,695,530
Operating e xp en ses_____ 9,331,804
N et earns, from o p e r. $3,903,747
Inc. from other sources.
In c. from all sources. $4,190,562
Fnforest and taxes
D i v i d e n d s f i l l : (6 % jTSoloOO
Deprec’n charged o f f . - 750,000
Contingent llab. reserve

3.537.344 $4,029,598 $3,965,121
273,728 ____________
251,937 ____________

(’ nn'nno

'io o ’ ooO

T otal deductions------ $3,729,801 $3,260,072
Surplus incom e_________
$ 780,4/7
D IV ID E N D S .— First dividend o f 1% on D etroit United stock was paid
M arch 1 1901 and 1% quarterly thweafter until A ug. 1 1905. when rate
was raised to 143% quarterly. On N ov. 1 1905 1 4 /% • In 1906 5 % . In
1907, Fob., I H % : M a y , 143% 1 A u g., 1 43 % . N one to M ar. l O l . w h o n
143% was paid; same amount quar. to and incl. D ec. 1912. In M arch
’ 13 rate was increased to 144 % quar.; same am t. quar. to and incl. M ar. 16.
In Juno 1916 increased to 143% .
R O A D .— On Jan. 1 1916 operated 838.6661 miles o f track, as fo llo w s :
D etroit U nited, including W yandotte A ll°,tr<At Rlyer R y .. D etroit &
Northw&stern, D etroit A P ontiac, Detroit & Flint, 474.6075 miles, D etroit A
Port Huron Shore Line, 133.5146 miles; Sandwich W indsor & Amherstburg
R v .,40.7887 miles; Detroit M onroe& T oledo Short Lino, 80.1802 miles, D e­
troit Jackson & C hicago Ity.. 109.5751 miles. R a ils ,7 7 ,8 5 and J8-lb•^ e e i ,.
D oes an express service. Has 1,468 closed passenger ca rs, 263 open passenger
cars 255 freight and construction cars. 39 line cars, 82 express cars, 17 misThere alJ0 ^
** T e m p o r a r y A g r e e m e n t w it h C i t y .— On A ug. 8 1913 the C om m on Council collaneous ca rs, 4 locom otives, 3 ,9 3 2 m otors and 3,187 trucks.
rescinded the ordinance adopted O ct. 26 1909 fixing the rental on lines on power houses, with a com bined capacity o f 66,850111. D.. 2 storago batteries,
which franchises had expired at $300 per d a y, and adopted the recommen­ with a com bined capacity o f 4,500 amperes and 18 sub-stations with a
dation o f M ayor M arx for a temporary agreement for the settlement or com bined capacity or 19,100 k.w .
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., J . O . Hutchins. D etroit: V .-P s ., Arthur Pack, D e­
“ I f c K - w S f i s S & S ; t m - IS 1913) or 7 tickets for 25 fo o t , troit, E. W . M oore, C leveland, and A . J. Terguson, M ontreal; V .-l . &
on all city lines, 5 cents for single cash fares with right o f transfer, working­ T roas.. Allen F. Edwards. D etroit; Sec.. A . E . I oters, D etroit. V .-l I . and
m en’s tickets (unchanged) at 8 tickets for 25 cents for two hours each Gon. M g r., F. W . Brooks, D etroit. General offices, Intorurban B ld g .,
D etroit. V. 101, p. 47, 130, 212, 370, 448, 614, 694, 1461, 1553, 1627,
m 2. T he proposed crosstown line on or near Junction A v e ., to bo construct­ 1972, 2144; V. 102, p. 65, 5 21 ,60 3 , 1625.
ed; also connect the M ack A ve. and M yrtle A ve. lines, as proposed, and
other extensions (see V . 97. p . 443).
. _
(1) D e tro it & P o rt H u ro n S h o re L in e R y .— A trolley road.
3. $75,000 to bo paid to the city for Fort St. line privileges since July 24
Entire outstanding capital stock is now owned by the D etroit United R y.
1910; also to pay all back taxes. It is claimed b y the C ity lreasurer that
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in M a y 1900. Is a consolidation o f
the back taxes aggregate $500,000.
the Rapid Railway C o ., the Detroit M t. Clemens & M arine C ity R y . (the
4 . T he com pany to do relieved o f the paym ent o f $300 per day in considerpurchaser o f the properties o f the M t. Clemens A LakosUle 1 ractlon Go. and
ho Detroit A River St. Clair R y .), the Port Huron St. Clair A M arine C ity
atl5.n Tho*existing rights o f city or the railway shall not be Impaired b y this R y ., the°Connprs Greek & Clinton River Plank R oad C o. and the C ity
R y . o f Port H uron. T he new com pany owns the capital stock or
te^ a c * a% z e s rf ,aTd.—b n V6 c t . ’ l4 ’ HH3 taxes aggregating $323,592 (Incl. Electric
road. T h e consolidated com pany operates all the tracks in M t. Clem ­
$64,814 int. at 6 % ) were paid to the C ity Treasurer in pursuance of the each
ens and Port Hurou. and the through route from Dotroit to Port Huron
recent settlement with the city (see abovo and V. 9 7 , p. 443).
Tho $75,OUU running
through M t . Clem ens. N ow Baltim ore, A lgonac, M arine C ity and
for back rental on Fort St. was also paid. V. 97, p. 1115.
On M arch 8 1915 the U. S. Supreme C ourt sustained the M ich . U R. St. Clair. Also owns the capital stock ($25,000) o f the D etroit A Lake
Com m ission’s order directing that a physical connection be made betweou St. Clair R y .
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
the com pany’s lines and those o f the M ich . Central R R . at O xford, M i d l ­
and traffic interchanged. V . 100, p. 900.
$2 ’98T’nnn r « V i '' i o x n
Stock, $2,500,000 ($100)------ - - - - 1 st m tge. $2,500,000 ($1,000) 1900
5 g J-J
2.497.000 Jan 1 1950
N e w N o t e s .— In Dec. 1915 Issued $3,500,000. 2-year coll, trust notes, a
cannot bo called, goId .c*& rjU n ion Trust G o ., D etroit, Trustee.
portion o f proceeds being used to rotiro notes maturing I<ob. 5 1916. v .
lin t, at American E xch. N a t. Bank, N . Y .
101. p. 1972; V. 102, p. 65.
B o n d s . — Remaining $3,009 1st M . bonds are set aside to retire the bonds
D a te .
In te rest:
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
o f the Port H uron St. C la ir * M arino C ity R y . V. 98, p. 1693, V. 99, p.119
Stock. $12,500,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) .. .. - - - Q -M $12,500,000 Juno.1 9 6 1>4
P o rt H u ro n S t. C la ir & M arine C ity R ailw a y .
1st consol m tge, $25,000,000.f 1902
4)4 8 J-J 14'555,000 Jan 1 1032
nO N D S
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
gold ($1,000)___________ c*{G uaranty Trust C o ., N . Y .. Trustee. Int.
gold , $300,0001 1900
5 M -S
$3,000 Alar 1 1920
t at Agoncy Bank o f M ontreal.
_____ /U nion Trust C o ., D otroit. lrusteo.
($500 and $1 000)
Coll trust notes $3,500,000 g - - 1916
5 F-A 5
3.500.000 M a y o 1918
T h e remaining $297,000 bonds havo been canceled; $1,000 in D etroit
D etroit United R y. stock listed on the N ow Y ork , M ontreal, D etroit
United R y . treasury as o f D e c. 31 1915.
and Cleveland Stock Exchanges.
, . .
D e tro it & L ake S t. C la ir R y . C o .
, , . .,
B o n d s .— O f the $25,090,090 rirst consolidated mortgage bonds authorized.
D a le.
I n te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
$8,680,000 are reserved to retire underlying liens and $1,71.>,000 are in
5 g A-O
$390,000 April 1 1920
treasury. Entire Issue or any part thereof is subject to call at any time 1st m ortgage $400 000 gold ! 1900
f . c * In t. at Union T rust C o .. D etroit Trustee.
at 105 and interest on 60 days’ notice. See V. 73, p . 1111. Listed on 1 (sToOO)
ju in u * — •Th'nhonds aro guaranteed, principal and Interest, by the Dotroit
N . Y . Stock Exchango. T he coll, trust notes are secured b y deposit of
$1,565,000 (to be increased to $2,565,009 Juno 1 1916) bonds o f the com ­ & P ort H uronesh°o?e Lino Tty??‘g o Ra|,Id Railway C o and the Detroit M t
pany and $5,181,000 par value o f bonds and stocks o f its subsidiaries. Clemens A M arine C ity Ity. T hey are not subject to call. O f the $390^000
N otes are redeemable as a whole at 101 and int. on 30 days notico to I*eb. o reported outstanding. $100,000 were held b y the D et. U nit. D e c. 31 191.>.
R O A D .— T otal Det. * Port Huron System . l ) miles.
1917 thereafter at 10043 and int.
E A R N IN G S .— Now included in report o f D etroit United R y .— V . 77, p.
D e tro it E lectric.
34; V . 84, p . 338.
D a te .
In terest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity
(2) S a n d w ich W in d s o r & A m h e rstb e rg R y .— T rolley.
Detroit R y 1st M . g ($1,000) I 1895
5 g J-D
$1,600 000
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated under special charter from Province
on 56.34 m iles.............. c*& rl Interest at Cleveland Tr. C o ., Trustee.
o f Ontario. Owns entire capital stock ($100,000) o f the Windsor & I peumD etroit Electric con M , $ 2 .-f 1896
5 g J-D
1,000,000 June 1 1916 seh Electric R y . Entire stock o f Sand.W inds. & A m h. is owned by D et. Un.
800,000. g ($1,000)--C *& r Int. at Olevo. T r. C o ., Trustee. As to D ec.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
1897 interest, see V . 65. p. 1219.
S tock. $350,000 ($100)......... - - - - ------5297.00
B o n d s .— First mortgage bonds o f the Detroit Iiy . numbered 1 to 600 ma­
ture in order o f numbers at $50,000 per annum, beginning D ec. I 1912,
numbers 601 and above mature D ec. 1 1924; $200,000 have been rotlrod- U° S ' < « o f 'd- S600,™ L ffi„»1 Vra& <*?.. u f f W .S 'x L 'S J
w fn d A T e c El ‘ "S300'.b00,< 1 9 0 7
5 g M -S 2 „ 189,000 Sept 2 1927
eold ($1 000) btu p & l c*JN ational Trust C o ., L td ., T o ro n to , Trustee.
D e tro it F ort W a y n e & B elie Isle.
to call after D oc. 1 1912 at 105.
1st m tge, gold . $ l,2 00 ,0 0 0 f 1898
5 g A-O
$1,200,000 April 1 1928
($ i 000)
__________ c*& r(N ew York Trust C o ., Trustee. Subject to $110 000 o f tho bonds wero in tho D etroit United R y . treas. D ec. 31 1915.
Windsor A T ^ u m . bonds aro guar., p . & I., b y Sand W indsor & Am herstb.
( call at 105 and int. on 60 days notice.
They aro red. on and after Sept. 2 1917 at 105 and int. on 60 days
Interest at Kean, T a ylor & C o ., Now York.
notice. Interest on both mortgages Is payable at com pany’s office.
R O A D __Operates 40.7887 miles o f track in andbotw eon W indsor. W alkD e tro it & N orth w es tern R y.
ervlllo Sandwich and Amherstberg, Including C ity R y . o f W indsor (2.52
1st mtge, $1,000,000. g o ld / 1901
4 4 3 8 ,M -N $855,000 M ay 1 1921 miles),’ operated under lease.— V . 75. p. 1303. 1400.
($100: $1.000)__________c*\Interest at Union Trust C o ., D etroit, Iru st.
Bonds.— Are guar., p. & 1., b y Detroit United R y. by end. and are sub­
(3) D e tr o it M on roe & T o le d o S h o rt L in e R y .
je ct to call at 105 and Int. on 60 days’ notice. See V . 73, p. 494.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In M ichigan on D ec. 11 1902.
In Feb. 1906 entire stock was acquired by D ot. Unit. R y . v .
p. JD -.
D etroit & P o n tia c R y.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
1st mortgage. $ 00,000, g o ld / 1897 5 g F-A
$500,000 Feb 1 1922 S tock. $3,000.000.................... - - - - -----32.581,0)0 - - - - - - - - - ­
($ 1 ,0 0 0 )________________ c* { Washington Trust C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.
1st m ortgage. $3,000,000,1 1903
5 g J-J
2.941,000'J a n 1 1933
Ituterest at People’s State Bank, Detroit.
gold ($1.000).................... c*JUnion Trust C o ., D otroit, lru steo.
1st con mtge. gold ($ 1 .0 09 ).f 1901
4 4 3g J-D
000,000 June 1 1926
B o n d s . — Interest is payable in N ow Y ork.
N o sinking fund and bonds
$1,100,000 __________c * * r ll n t . at WasTilngton Tr. C o , N . Y .. Trustee.
Bonds.— $500,000 consolidated mtge. 4 43% bonds aro reserved to retire ar°t0?\D8— I t e r a te s 50 mlies o f road from T oled o to Detroit and 4 m ll^ o f
like amount o f 1st mtge. bonds. Bonds are subject to call at lOo and Inter­ roar! frorn Alonroo to L«ik0 Krioj coniplotc^i N o v , 6 1904, A t lo lo d o con
est on 60 days' notice after Juno 1 1911. Principal aiAl Interest o f both nection is m ade with tho Lake Shoro Electric R y . for Cleveland. Is or
issues guaranteed by D etroit United by endorsement.
steam road construction, on P/.I™.tfp)rIgf}t -o f
valoge ,na
70 lb. T rails. T otal track. 80.1802 miles.— V. 82, p. 392, V. 98, p. -3 5 .
W y a n d o tte & D e tro it R iver R y.
(4) D e tro it J a c k so n & C h ic a g o R y.
1st consol, m tge. $425,000/ 1898 5 g J-D
$425,000 D ec 1 1918
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— A holding co . organized In M id i, in 1907 by Detroit
($1,000), g o ld __________c*\Interest at Union Trust C o ., Detroit, Trustee
United interests to take over tho Dot. Ypsll. A nn A rbor & Jack. R y .. the
Jack Ann A rbor * D et. R y . and the D ot. P lym . A Northville R y .. paying
D e tro it & F lin t R a ilw a y .
therefor $1,230,000. Entire stock owned b y D etroit United R y.
T he Detroit A Flint Ity. was organized to acquire the Detroit Rochester
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ,t id in g .
M a tu rity .
R om eo & Lake Orion, together with the N or. Dot. Elec. R y. and the Dot. Stock. $25,000 ($100)............- - - - i 'i o n ?
Utica A Romeo R y. The consol. M . is a 1st lion on those last two prop ties
KMr-af- pnn^ol mtizn SI 000 OOOf 1907
«3 K b - A
1,400,000 1 ot) 1 1937
i oo6> crnUi'
* /'.♦lint, at Security Trust C o ., Detroit. Trustee.
D a le .
I n te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
1st cons M ’ D et Y A Ar&Jack
1901 5 g F-A
1.610.000 Feb.1 1926
D R R & L O Ry 1st m tg e,/ 1900
5 g J-D
$1,100,000 June 1 1920
$2.600,000($500,$l,000)gc*)In t. at D otroit lrn s t (m . D e tro it lru stee.
sinking fund, gold ($1,000) .1 Interest at American Trust A Savings Bank,,
n v I, a \ r l^t. M tg600 000)1
1897 6 g M -N
600,000 N ov 1 1917
$1,500,000; unissued bonds | Chicago, Trustee; also Guaranty 1 rust C o.
gold ($500 or $1.000 each) { Int. at Union T rust O o . , b e tro tt, TrusUse.
have been ca n celed ._,-C *l New York.
Det Yps * Ann Ar cons 1st M l 1899 6 g F-A
330,000 I o b 1 1924
Detroit & Flint 1st consol M .f 1901 5 g F-A
1.400.000 Aug 1 1921
$1 090 000, g ($500 A $1 .-)In t. at Union Trust C o .. D otroit. lru stee.
g, $3,000,000 ($ 1 ,0 0 0 )--c*\Int. at T r. C o. o f America. N . Y .. Trustee.
000) sinking fund annually/
T„Iv 1101ft
B o n d s . — O f the consolidated m tge., $1,100,000 aro reserved to retire
6 J-J
60,000 July 1 l J l o
bonds o f like amount o f che D . R. It. A L a k eO . R y. and $500,000 have been Ypsllanti i Saline 1st M -------- ---------



-Ma y , 1916.]

O f the new D ot. Ypa. S
c Ann Arbor & Jackson
1st M . o f *2,000,000.
*990,000 are reserved for underlying liens. First consols cauuot be called.
See V . 75, p . 666.
, ,
B o n d s .— Bonds o f D et. Jack. & C hic, are subject to call on any Interest
day at 105 and int. G uar., p . & 1., by the Detroit United R ys.; enough
bonds are reserved to retire bonded debt o f tho D ot. Yps. Ann A rbor Sc Jack.
K y . V . 85 p. 345. O f the amount reported outstanding, $520,000 were
on D ec. 31 1915 in tho Detroit United treasury.
H O A D .— Com pleted and In operation from D etroit (through W ayne and
Ypsilanti) to Ann A rbor and to Jackson; making m ila g e 100 miles, o f which
40 miles over private right o f way. lo ta l track, 109.5751 m ile s. Hails
70 and 75-lb. T girder. Do&s a freight business.— V. 79, p. 269; V . 81.
p . 1723; V . 84. p. 51. 450.
(5) D e tro it A lm o n t & N o rth e rn R R .—
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Organized undor tho Gonoral Kaiiroad Laws o f
M ichigan. Is loased for .50 years from 1915 to tho D otroit United R y .,
which owns its ontiro capital stock.
n o n i n s __
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
First m tge. gold , $2,500,000/ 1915
6 g F -A
$400,000 Fob 1 1940
(SI 000 & $ 5 0 0 )--l--C * t fU n t. at Union T r. C o ., D otroit. T ru s., & N . Y
T ho bonds are guar, and assumod as a direct obligation, b y ondorsomont,
b y tho D etroit United K y ., which, in tho event o f any now issue o f refund­
ing or gonoral m ortgage bonds being placed on tho D ot. Un. R y . or its sub­
sidiaries, will rosorvo sufficient new bonds for tho rotlroment o f tho above
issue at m aturity. Red. on and after Feb. 1 1925 at 103 and int. Re­
maining bonds to boar rate o f interest as fixed b y tho directors when issued
but not to exceed 6 % .
. ..
. . r i
R O A D .— Extends from Rom eo, through Alm ont to Im lay C ity , about
20 miles; built on prlvato right o f way; 70-lb. rails.— V. 101, p. 130.

doylestow n


P H IL A D E L P H IA & EASTON E L E C T R IC R Y . C O .— A trolley road.
April 5 1912 Judge Ryan in Bucks C ounty C ourt ap ­
pointed A H . Sickler (Pres, o f C o.) and G odfrey Schmidhelser o f I’ hda.
receivers. V . 94, p. 699. 1057. Plans o f reorganization are in progress.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Organized in 1907 as successor to tho Philadelphia
& Easton R y . (form erly tho Doylestown & Easton Street I i y .), sold at
trustee’s salo M a y 31 1907.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
C om m on, $265,000 (350)------ -------------------$258,800 ----------------------------353,800 -----------------Pref $365,000, 5 % n o n - c u i n .-----1st M , $ 1,000,000 ($1,000./ 1907
5 g M -S
911,000 Sept 1 1927
*500 and $100), gold ___c*\Int. at Girard Trust C o ., Phila., Trustee
S t o c k .— Preferred shares havo no voting power.
B o n d s .— N ot subject to call and no sinking fund.
Interest was 4 % to
Sept. 1 1911; is now 5 % .
E A R N IN G S .— For year end. June 30 1915, gross, $104,266; net, $12,318.
R O A D .— Operates 31 miles o f road between Doylestown and E aston.
Operates 8 cars.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., A . TI. Sickler, Phila.; V .-P ., A m os Johnson; Sec.
W . S. Chambers, Doylestown; T reas., II. G . Rush, Lancaster.— V . 85. p.
470; V. 94. p. 699, 1057.
R ec e iv e r s h ip — O n

DU BOIS ELECTRIC & TRACTION CO .— A trolley road and electrio­
lighting plant.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. In New Jersey on N ov . 15 1901 as the Amer­
ican T ow n Light C o. and name changed later as above. Is a consolidation
o f tho Du Bois Elec. C o. and tho Du Bois T rac. C o . V. 76, p. 972. F r a n ­
c h i s e s forb oth street railway and electric-lighting are perpetual and exclusive.
Tito United Traction St. R y. (which is a consolidation in 1908 o f the
United T rac. St. R y. and United T ra c. Exton. St. R lt .), with $200,000 o f
5 % bonds and $200,000 stock, which operates a lino 14 miles from Du Bois
to Sykesvillo and Big R un, is controlled and owned by same interests that
control tho D u Bois Elec. & T ra c. C o.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—■ D a t e .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
8 tock. $300,000 ($100)______ ____
$300,000 .....................
C ollat trust m tge, $300,000/ 1902
5 g M -N
297,000 M ay 1 1932
($500), g old ..... .......... c*n tf\ In t. at Colum bia Trust C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.
B o n d s .— N o sinking fund, but subject to call at any time at 105 and int.
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending June 30 1915.
U n i t e d T r a c t i o n S t . R y . — Gross, $44,76.5; not, after taxes, $15,749; int.
on bonds, $10,000; dividends (2 % ), $4,000; surplus, $1,440.
D u B o i s T r a c t i o n C o . — Gross, $49,038; net, after taxes. $10,484; bond
Int., $3,500; divs. (9 % ), $4,508; surplus, $2,476.
R O A D .— Operates 19 miles (including United T rac. St. R y.) in Du Bois
and extensions to Fall Creek, Sykesvilie and to Big Run, where connection
is made with tracks o f tho Jefferson Traction C o. Standard gauge; 60 and
70-lb. girder and T rail.
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., Austin Biakeslee; V .-P ., W alter Ilatten; S ec., M . I.
M cCroight; Treas., B . B . M cC reight, all o f D u B ois.— V . 89, p. 1667.

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Iowa In 1900 as a consolidation of
tho Homo Electric C o ., tho Dubuquo Street R y. and the Star E lectric C o .,
which constitute the entire electric light and street railway properties o f tho
city o f D ubuque, Iow a. F r a n c h i s e s mature 1927. Extension to Eagle
Park was made under a 25-year franchise dating from 1912, M m ile. On
tho two-m ilo extension on W est Locust S t., franchise is for 25 years from
^ C o m p a n y has contracts with cities o f Dubuque, la ., and East D ubuque,
111., for street lighting, and with the latter for power for water-works pum p­
ing and a 10-year franchise for operation o f an electric auto-bus line be­
tween D u buque, l a ., and East D ubuque, 111., a distance o f 1.8 miles.
Servico on this lino was inaugurated Sept. 5 1914.
I n te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
C om m on. $1,000,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) . ____
4 Q -M
See text
Preferred, $1,000,000 ($100)
6 % cu m ___________ ______________
m onthly
See text
First mortgage $980,000 gold / 1904
5 g M -N
845,000 M ay 1 1924
($ 1 .0 0 0 )----------- ---------c* t f l Int. at I. T r. Sc Sav. Bk., C h ica go, Trustee.
B o n d s subj. to call at 105 and Int. S i n k i n g f u n d o f $15,000 por annum
began April 30 1908. $135,000 have been rotired.
D i v i d e n d s .— M onthly divs. o f >4% on pref. have been paid since July
1907. On co m ., first d lv ., 1 % , paid July 1911; same rate has been paid
quarterly since.
E A R N IN G S .— For cal. year 1915. gross, *516.905. In 1914, grass,
$503,344; not, after taxes, $203,153; int.. sink, fund, deprec., &<:., $86,891;
divs. (6% on pref. and 4 % on c o m .), $80,975; surplus, $35,287.
R O A D .— Owns and operates 20.7 miles or track on 154$ miles or street In
D ubuque. West Dubuque and to Union and N utw ood parks, also to Eagle
Point Park opened in 1912. A one-m ile extension on W est Locust St.
com plete ! In 1913 and another milo on this extension com pleted July 1 1914.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., F. W . Altm an; V .-P . Sc Treas., G eo. W . M yers;
Sec. Sc Gen. M gr., E. M . Walker, all o f Dubuque.— V. 71, p. 2643; V. 84,
p. 1553; V. 86, p. 983.

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In C onnecticut in 1897. Owns entire
stock o f the Duluth Street R y ., the Lakeside Street R y. and the Superior
Rapid Transit.
The corporate existence o f tho Duluth Stroot R y . Is main­
tained, but all o f Its stock ($2,000,000 authorized, $1,800,000 outstanding)
Is held by the Duluth-Superior Traction. This latter com pany has no
bonded debt. Tho Duluth Street R y. was organized under A ct o f M inn e­
sota approved N ov. 17 1881 and possesses "an exclusive franchise" which
runs until 1931.
See decision with regard to franchises in Superior
in V. 80, p. 1911.
Tho Duluth-Superior Bridge between D uluth,
M in n ., and Superior. W Is., Is used by tho railway but Is a separate corpora­
tion. and has Issued 1st M . bonds for $650,000 and 2d M bonds for $300,000
— soo bridge Items. V. 63. p. 310, 504. In 1903 entered Into contract with
the Great Northern Power C o. to supply sufficient power to operate the
street railways in both cities. The delivery o f power was begun In 1908.

F r a n c h i s e D e c i s i o n .— On M a y 23 1914 Judge C ant In the State District
Court handed dow n a decision favorable to the com pany In the suit brought
by the city o f Duluth to cancel the franchise granted to the Duluth Street
R y . on N o v . 17 1881 (V . 98, p . 1 6 9 4 ),and this decision was affirm ed b y the
M innesota Supreme C ourt on Jan. 29 1915. V . 100, p. 473.
Rale Decision.— On M ay 31 1915 tho
Supremo Court o f W isconsin
affirm ed the decision o f the Dane C ounty Circuit Court sustaining the order
o f N ov. 1912 o f the W isconsin R It. C om m ., requiring the Duluth St. R y.
to establish a rate o f 6 tickets for 25c. on its Superior lines, in addition to
the 5-cent cash faro in force. T he R R . C o m m .has granted a re-hearing.
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
C om m on, $3,500,000 ($100)-----------Q-J
See text
1,500,000 Apr. T 6 . 1%
Pref 4 % cum,$ 1 ,5 0 0,00 0 ($ 10 0 )-----Duluth St R y M . $2,500,000,/ 1900
5 g M&N
2,500,000 M a y 1 1930
gold ($1,000)_________c * t f\ ln t . a t C ent. Trust C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.
Dul St R y gen M $2,500,000,/ 1910
5 M -N
752,000 M a y 1 1930
gold ($1,000) sk fd ..c * n t f \ I n t . at Central T r. C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.
S t o c k .— B oth com . and pref. are listed on N . Y . Stock E xch . V . 90, p. 848.
B o n d s .— T he m tge. o f 1900 covers all the mileage o f the Duluth Street R y .
the property o f the Lakeside St. R y . and o f the Superior R apid Transit
having first been con veyed to the Duluth St. R y . T he gen. m tge. bonds are
subj. to call on any int. d ay at 105 and int. $81,000 have been canceled.
Remaining bonds m ay bo issued for additions, extensions. S ec . T hey are
guar., p . Sc L , b y D u l.-Su p. T ra ct. C o. V . 90, p . 1296; V'. 91, p. 276;
V . 92, p. 186.
D i v i d e n d s .— On the pref. stock 4 % p. a. Is being paid.
On co m ., 1st d lv .
— 1 % — O ct. 1909. Same am ount quar. to and incl. July 1910; in O ct.
1910, 1 M % - Same am ount quar. to and Incl. April 1913. In July 1913
reduced to 1% (V . 96. p . 1772); same am ount quar. to and incl. Jan. 1915.
April d lv. om itted (V . 100, p . 900); paym ents changod to semi-annual
basis and a d iv . o f 1% paid July 1915 (V . 100, p. 1437). Jan. 1916 divi­
dend passod.
R O A D .— The system embraces 83.76 miles o f track and includes all the
lines in Duluth and Superior. A n extension to tho new U. S. Steel C o rp .’s
plant located about 3>4 miles beyond the c o .’s western terminus is under
construction and is expected to be com pleted and put in operation b y June 1
1916. 127 passenger and 12 other cars.
R E P O R T .— F or calendar years (1915 report in V . 102, p. 1244).
C a le n d a r
Y ea r—

G ross

N e t (a f t e r

In t. A

P r e f.D iv s .

C om m on

B a t ..

E a r n i n g s . D e p r e c ' n ). T a x e s .
( 4 % ).
D iv id e n d s .
S urp.
191 5 ................$1,179,960 $338,952 $242,530 $60,000 (1% )$35,000 S i.422
191 4 ................ 1,313,564 453,572 243,892 60.000 (4% )140,000 9.6S0
In 1915 carried 23,185,970 revenue and 4,035,752 transfer passengers,
against 25,912,155 and 4,375,217 in 1914.
O F F IC E R S .— Chairman o f the Board, A . E . Ames; Pres., A . M . R obert­
son; V .-P ., Edm und Zacher; V .-P . & G en. M g r., Herbert Warren; Sec. Sc
T reas., S. L . Reichert.— V . 98, p. 522. 906, 1094; V . 99, p. 406; V. 100, p.
473, 812, 900, 1433, 1437, 2009; V. 102, p . 1060, 1244.

W as leased to T ri-State R y . & E lec. C o ., but lease was surrendered
A pril 1 1914 (V . 101. p . 924).
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Ohio on Sept. 30 1905 and Is a
consolidation o f the following com panies (see V. 81, p. 1791):
Glasgow R R .
Ceram ic C ity Light C o.
Island Run Coal Co.
Chester Light Sc Power C o .
People's Light Sc Power Co.
East L iverpool R y .
United Power Co.
East L iverpool Bridge C o .
East L iverpool & R ock Spgs. St. R y. Welisville Electric Light Co.
/The Rock Springs Park.
Eastern Ohio R R .
F r a n c h i s e extends to 1950.
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
D a te .
$2,500,000 ...................
C om m on, $2,500,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) - - -----.............
500,000 ...................
P ref., 5 % n .c .,$500,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) -----______
5 g M-N
2,850,000 Nov 1 1925
m tge.,
$3,000,000, gold ! 1905

($1,000)________________ c /In t. at Union Trust C o., Pittsburgh, Trustee
150,000 June 1 1917
East Liverpool Ry first m t g e . . ____
Bonds.— Of the $3,000,000 first mortgage of 1905. $150,000 are reserved
to retire like amount of East Liverpool Ry. bonds. Are subject to call on
any interest date at 105.
ROAD.— Owns and operates 35.85 miles of track In and between East
Liverpool and Welisville. Standard gauge, 73-lb. girder and T rail. At
Welisville connects with the Steubenville & East Liverpool Ry. & Light Co.
and at East Liverpool with the Ohio River Pass. Ry. By traffic agree­
ments with these two companies operates a through line between Steuben­
ville, O., and Beaver, Pa. 55 cars.
OFFICERS.— Pres. St Treas., Edward McDonnell, East Liverpool:
V.-P. & Gen. M gr., C. A. Smith, Chester, W. Va.; Sec.. Geo. H. Faulk.—
V. 81, p. 1791; V. 82, p. 804; V. 90, p. 1490; V. 93, p. 163.
W as leased to T ri-State R y . Sc E lec. C o ., but lease was surrendered
April 1 1914 (V . 101. p . 924).
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. In Ohio April 1906 as successor to the Steu­
benville T ra c. Sc Light C o ., which in Jan. 1901 had taken over the Steuben­
ville Gas Sc E lec. C o . and the Steubenville T ra c. C o . Owns the Pleasant
Heights line. Light f r a n c h i s e s perpetual; street railway f r a n c h i s e s expire
1925 to 1928. Bonds listed on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock. $3,000,000 ($100)....... ..................................
$3,000,000 .....................
First m ortgage, $3,000,0001 1907
5 J-J
2,210,000 Jan 1 1927
($ 1 .0 0 0 ),gold ....... .......... - - C jln t . at Com m ercial T r. C o ., Phila., Trustee.
S te u b e n T ra c & Lt 1st m tge, 1 -----5 g M -N
790.000 M ay 1 1926
$1,000,000 ($1,000), g . . c * (In t. at M etropolitan T r. C o .. N . Y ., Trustee
B o n d s .— O f the now $3,000,000 bonds, $790,000 are reserved to retire
prior liens. C annot be called. Steubenville T ra c. Sc Light bonds are
guaranteed, principal and interest, b y Am erican Gas C o .
R O A D .— Owns and operates 41.04 miles o f track in and between Steu­
benville and T oron to, thence to W elisville. 85-lb. rail. 17 closed and 14
open cars. Also electric-light and gas plants and pleasure park o f 85 acres.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres. Sc T reas., E dw . M cD onnell; S ec., G eo. H . F aulk.
Gen. M g r., W . R . W . G riffin.— V . 93. p. 165.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Pennsylvania. W as leased to the
Steubenville W elisville & W eirton R y . C o ., but lease was canceled.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
$1,000,000 .....................
Stock, $1,000,000 ($50)............ .............................
5 J-J
1,000,000 Jan 1 1957
First m tge, $1,000,000, g o l d - . 1907
R O A D .— Connects R ochester and Beaver, P a ., and East L iverpool. O.
Length o f line, 22.48 miles.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres, and T reas., E dw . M cD on n ell; S ec., A . B acon;
Gen. M g r., W . R . W . G riffin, all o f East Liverpool.

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in Penn. O ct. 3 1902 as a consolidation o f
he Easton Sc Nazareth R y . and Easton T atam y Sc Bangor Street R y .
Owns practically all the stock ($1,250,000) o f the N ortham pton Easton Sc
Washington T rac. C o . (see that com pany below ). F r a n c h i s e s perpetual.
In tho latter part o f 1915 absorbed the Bangor & Portland R y . operating
8 % miles between the points nam ed, and issued $137,000 additional ref. &
cons, bonds, presum ably to effect the merger. V . 102, p. 345.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
S tock, $500,000 ($50)..............................................
$500,000 .....................
First m ortgage $400,000
\ 1903
5 g J-J
349,500 Jan 1 1933
gold ................ .............. c * t f Jlnt. at N ortham pton T r. C o .(E a sto n ). Trus.
R ef & cons m tge......................... 1912
437,000 Jan 119 4 2
B o n d s — A sink, fund o f 10% o f net earns. Is now op er. on N ortham pton
T rac. 1st M . bonds, but bonds cannot be called.
E A R N IN G S .— C om bined earnings o f N ortham pton T ra c. C o . and
N ortham pton-E ast. & W ash. T rac. for year ending D oc. 31 1915, gross ,
$180,399; net, S79.781.



R O AD .— Operates 33 M miles of track from Easton to Tatamy, Nazareth,
Bangor and Portland, chiefly on private right-of-way. Standard gauge,
65, 70 and 80-lb. steel rail.
OFFICERS.— Pres., David King; Treas.. W m . L . Doyle: Gen. M gr.,
W . O. Hay.— V . 92. p. 726: V . 94, p. 1384; V . 102, p. 345.
(1) Northam pton-Easton & W ashington Traction Co.
O R G A N IZA T IO N .— Incorp. In 1910 In New Jersey and Is controlled
by the Northampton Trac. Cfo. (see above).
Outstanding. Maturity.
*1.250,000 .....................
Stock *1,250.000 ($ 1 0 0 ) .................. ..

1st M *5,000,000 g (5100.7 1010


544,000 May


5 5 0 0 ,3 1 ,0 0 0 ) ____ s f c^tf [Bankers Trust C o ., New York, Trustee.
Refund & consol mortgager 1912
200,000 Jan. 1 1942
*1,000,000..............................\Easton Trust C o., Trustee.
B o n d s . — Northamp.-East. Sc Wash. Trac. bonds are callable, In whole or
In part, on or after M ay 1 1915 until 1925 at 110: thereafter until 1935 at
107)4; thereafter until maturity at 105 and lnt. Mtge. is closed. Sink,
fund 1 % annually of avge. amount of all bonds out from 1916 to 1 9 2 5 :1 )4 %
to 1940 and 2% thereafter. Bonds are unconditionally guar., p. Sc 1.,
by Northamp. Trac. Co. (V. 92, p. 726).
There are deposited to secure the Northamp.-East. Sc Wash. 1st M . 6s
the following bonds of the Northampton Traction Co.: *44,000 1st M .,
*100,000 2d M . (entire Issue) and *81,600 gen. M . (entire Issue).
E A R N IN G S.— Included In Northampton Trac. C o.’s statement.
R O AD .— Operates 17 miles of track from Phlllipsburg, N . J., to Wash­
ington, N . J.

R EO R G A N IZA T IO N , &C.— As per plan in "Chronicle" of Dec. 20
1913, p. 1822, this company was incorporated Jan. 7 1914 In Delaware to
succeed tho old East St. Louis & Suburban Co. of N . J.In Oct. 1914 auth.
capital of the latter was reduced from *14,000,000 to *1,000,000, consisting
of *60,000 pref. stock and *940,000 com. stock. See V . 100, p. 474.
Owns ail the outstanding capital stocks (with the exception of directors’
■hares) and bonds as stated of the following companies. The amounts
pledged with the St. Louis Union Trust Co. as collateral for the East St.
Louis & Suburban Co. coll, trust bonds are also shown.

-Stock------------------------- Bonds

O w n ed .

P led g ed .

O w n ed .

P le d g e d .

[Vol. 102.

o f M on tou r Falls E lectric Light C o . In Sept. 1914 absorbed the W est Side
R R ., all o f whose stock was owned. V . 99, p. 815.
On M a r. 17 1914 the stockholders authorized tho creation o f *3,000,000
7 % cu m . first pref. stock.
In 1915 sold the water supply system to tho city o f Elmira for *1,500,000,
tho proceeds, together with tho proceeds from tho sale o f *232,000 5 % cons.
M . bonds, being used to retire tho *1,661,000 5 % bonds duo Jan. 1 1949,
which were called for paym ent at 105 and int. on July 1 1915. V .1 00 . p . 1592*
On Jan. 18 1916 the stockholders auth.: (a) tho issuance o f *100,000 1st
con sol. M . b onds, $125,000 1st pref. stock and *200,000 2d pref. stock and
(6) the acquisition o f tho franchises and p roperty o f the Elm ira & Seneca
Lako T ra ction C o . (all o f whose stock and bonds wero ow ned). U p t o
M a y 15 1916 these now 'securities had n ot been issued.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on *1,000,000 (*100)..............
.................... *1,000,000
See text.
1st p f, *3,000,000 (7% cu m )..............
7 Q -M
1,275,000 M a r T 6 , 1 k
2d p ref 5 % cum *1,200,000________
1.000.000 M a r ’ 16. 1M
1st con m ortgage *5,000,0001 1906
5 g M -S
3,567,000 Sept 1 195
(*1,000) — ................g c * tf/I n te r e s t at N ew Y ork Trust C o ., Trustee.
S t o c k . — First pref. is red. at option or co . at 115 and d iv.
D i v i d e n d s . — On 1st p re f., \ % % quarterly Is being paid.
On 2d p re f.,
2 )4 % paid semi-ann. from Sept. 1907 to and incl. M a r. 1914. On July 1
1914 1 2 -3% was paid, covering four m onths, and In O ct. 1914 d iv. o f 1 %
was paid, the rato being 5 % quar. instead o f semi-ann. (V . 99, p . 608).
Samo rate quar. since to M a r. 1916. On com m on, 1st d iv.— i % — paid
O ct. 1910. In 1911. 1912 and 1913. 4 % . In 1914, O ct., 2 % . In 1915.
Jan ., 2 % ; A pril, 1 % ; J uly, 1 % ; O ct., d iv. passed. N one since.
R O A D , & c.— Comprises 45 m . o f single track In Elm ira and connecting
the suburban towns o f Elm ira H eights, Southport and Horseheads, from
Horseheads to W atkins, via M illport and M on tou r Falls, to Seneca L ake.
95 cars. 75 and 90-lb. girder rails. Owns R orlck Glen Park.
G a s D e p a r t m e n t . — Supplies nat. and art. gas. A rt. gas dept, consists o f
coal gas plant with daily generating capacity o f 150,000 cu . ft . and 200,000
cu . ft. holder capacity and 30 miles o f mains. Also has 65 miles o f natural
gas mains.
E l e c t r i c D e p t . — T w o 5,250 k .w . turbines and four 750 h .p . boilers.
power station has 4.250 k .w . capacity, with new 823 h .p . boiler and three
800 k . w . step-up transformers.
E A R N IN G S .— F or year ending D e c. 31:
Y ea r—
G ross.
N e t A fte r T a xes. C h a rg es.
S u r p lu s .
1 9 1 5 ..................................*1,073,514
1914.............. ...................
N o t e . — Results o f W ater D ep t, have been eliminated from tho figures
fo r 1914 fo r purposes o f com parison.
O F F IC E R S .— P res., R a y Tom pkins; V .-P r., S. J. D ill; Sec. and T rea s.:
C . A . K olstad; Gen. M g r., F. II. H ill.— V. 99, p . 608, 815; V. 100, p . 54,
478, 1592; V . 101. p . 1013; V . 102, p . 440.

E ast St. L . Sc Sub. R y . C o . -*3,850,000 *3,824,300 *3,900,000 *3,834.000
E ast St. Louis R y . C o ______ 1,889.700 1,805,500 1,889,000 1.799,000
S t . L . & E . S t . L . E l . R y .C o .
S t. L . Sc B ellev. E l. R y . Go__
E ast S t. L .L t .& Power C o „
A lton Gran. & St. L . T r. C o_ 3,000,000
157.606 m u m
A lton Gas Sc E lectric C o ____
These com panies own and operate all electric railway lines in East St.
EL PA SO E L E C T R IC C O .— Incorporated in N ow Jersey and owns the
Louis and A lton and interurban lines to Belleville, Edwardsville, Collins­
ville, C aseyville. O ’F allon, Lebanon, B rooklyn, Venice, M adison, Granite securities o f the El Paso E lec. R y . C o ., El Paso & Juarez T ra c. C o . and R io
C ity and A lton , and the only electric line across the Eads Bridge— the latter Grande Valley Traction C o ., which d o the entire electric railway, electric
under a 50-year exclusive contract from 1902 to operate cars over this lighting and power business In El Paso, T e x ., and Juarez, M e x ., and oper­
bridge. Through arrangement with Illinois Traction C o . the Interurban ate an electric railway between E l Paso and Ysleta. F r a n c h i s e s in El
cars from A lton are run into their terminal in St. Louis. Also do entire Paso expire In 1951 and 1952. R ailway franchise in Juarex expires in 1988,
electric lighting and power business in East St. Louis and the electric, gas Interurban alm ost entirely on p riva te right-of-w ay. In 1909 increased
and steam heating business in A lto n . A large coal business Is also carried o n . pref. from *500,000 to *1,000,000. V . 90, p. 109. In M ar. 1914 increased
authorized am ount o f com . stock from *2,000,000 to *3,OOO,00O. V . 98,
F r a n c h i s e s in E ast St. Louis, Edwardsville, Collinsville and Belleville
expire In 1947, 1948 and 1952: Lebanon and O ’Fallon in 1922; Caseyvillo, p . 839. *500,000 com . stock is owned b y P u b . Servico Investm ent C o.
T h o A lton railw ay, electric-light and pow er f r a n c h i s e s expire in
D a le.
In terest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
1948; the A lton gas f r a n c h i s e is perpetual: Granito C ity and M adison f r a n ­ C om m on, *3,000,000 (*100)..............
Q -M
* 2 ,3 7 3,70 0 M a rT 6 .2 )4 %
c h i s e s expire in 1925: Venice f r a n c h i s e in 1920: B rooklyn f r a n c h i s e in 1921.
Pref *1,000,000 6 % n-c ( * 1 0 0 ) -----6 J-J
1,000,000 Jan ’ 16, 3 %
T h e interurban line to A lton , outside o f city lim its. Is entirely on private Collat trust m tge *1,000,0001 1902
5 g J-J
1,000,000 Jan 1 19 3 2
right o f w ay. C ou n ty f r a n c h i s e s covering remaining suburban linos oxpiro
(*1,000) g o ld --------------- c t f /I n t . at State St. Trust C o ., B oston, trustee.
from 1919 to 1948. E lectric light and pow er f r a n c h i s e in E ast St. Louis
B o n d s . — Collateral trust bonds cannot be called and no sinking fund.
expires 2007.
D i v i d e n d s . — First d iv ., 3 % , on p ro f, stock , was paid Jan. 12 1903; also 3 %
P o w e r . — Early In 1913 m ade con tract with Mississippi R iver Power C o.
on July 13 1903; 1904 to Jan. 1916, Incl., 6 % per ann. On co m ., 1st d iv .,
for suppiy o f hydro-electric power from K eokuk for street railway, light 2 % . M a r. 1910; S ept., 2; in 1 9 1 1 ,5 % ; in 1912. M a r., 3 % S ept., 3 ) 4 % : In
and pow er purposes.
1913, M a r., 3 ) 4 % : in June 1913 began to p ay quar. divs. and paid 2 % ;
also Sept., 2 % ; D e c.. 2 % ; M arch 1914 to Sept. 1915, 2 )4 % quar.; D ec.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
1 9 1 5 ,2 )4 % . In 1916, M arch, 2 ) 4 % .
C om m on, *7,000,000 (*100)..................................
7.000.000 ....................
First pref, 6 % cu m __________ ______
ee text
E A R N IN G S .— O f com bined companies for 12 m onths ending D ec. 31
Preferred *6.000.000 (*100) l .............................
6,000,000M a y '16, J4 %
1915, gross, *981,888; net, after taxes, *460,829; in t., *50,368; sur., *410,6 % cu m ---------------------------- )
C onvert bonds S3,000,000 ,f 1914 v,6 —
2,000,000 Jan 1 1919
R O A D .— 18.77 miles o f equivalent single track; standard gauge. 84 cars.
Co. for Ins. on L. Sc Gr. Ann., Phlla., Power station has capacity o f 11,000 k .w .
(*1,000. *500 & *1 00 )- c * t f Penna.
trustee. Int. at office of company.
O F F IC E R S .— P res., Marshall M . Phinney; V .-P ., Joseph Rom lck;
Collateral trust m ortgage *8 ,- 1902 6 g A-O
8,000,000 April 1 1932
reas., H enry B . Sawyer; Sec., Chester M . Clark Gen. M g rs., Stone &
000,000 gold (* l ,0 0 0 ) .c * t f Interest at St. Louis Union Tr. C o., Trustee, T
W ebster M g t. A ssn.— V . 94, p . 559; V . 95, p . 616; V . 96, p . 135, 202, 1556:
or at E. W . Clark Sc C o., Philadelphia.
A G Sc St Louis T ra c C o 1st 1904
5 g F-A
2,483.000 Aug 11944 V . 98, p . 610, 839.
consol M . *3,000,000 gold Int. at Illinois State Tr. C o., East St. Louis,
( * 1 ,0 0 0 )......................... c * t f
Trustee, or at National City Bank, N . Y .
A lton R y Sc Ilium first m tge 1895 6 g A-O
250.000 Oct. 1 1939
*250.000 g (* l,0 0 0 )— c * t f Int. at Bankers Tr. C o., N . Y ., trustee.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Reorganization In A ug. 1909 o f Escanaba E lectric
Alton R y Gas Sc E lectric C o 1899 5 g A-O
250,000 Oct. 1 1939
St. R y . and E scanaba Power C o . C ontrols the Escanaba Pulp & Paper
m tge *500,000 (*1,000) Int. at Equitable Tr. C o., N . Y ., trustee.
g o ld _____ ___________ c * n t f
No sinking fund; bonds cannot be called. C o . D oes electric light and pow er business in E scanaba, Gladstone and
East St L L t & P ow 1st M 1910 5 g J-D
973,000 June 1 1940 W ells, M ich . Is allowed to carry freight.
g . guar p Sc 1 (*1,000) c * t f Int. at Mercantile Tr. Co., St. Louis, Trustee
Interest. Outstanding.
M aturity.
, and at Chase Nat. Bank, New York.
Stock *500,000..........- ....................................................
*500,000 .................. ..
S t o c k . — The 5% cum. pref. may be exchanged at any time for 60% of
1st & ref m tge *600,000 go ld ! 1909............5 J-J
See text
•% cum. pref. and 60% com. stock. The 6% pref. takes precedence both
( * 1 ,0 0 0 )----------------- c * . c o t ( I n t . at First Sav. & Trust C o ., M ilwaukee
as to dividends and assets over the 5% pref. and the common stock. V. Second m tgo, *200,000 g o ld f 1909
5 g A-O
200,000 Jan. 1 1934
97, p. 1822: V. 08, p. 304, 155.
($100 & *1,000) .c * & r .cp t{M ich ig a n Trust C o ., Grand R apids, Trustee.
Bonds.— Coll, trust bonds are redeemable on any lnt. day at 106 and
R ed. at 103 and interest___(In t. at First Trust C o ., M ilwaukee.
lnt. on 4 weeks’ notice. See V. 76. p. 382. The convertible 5s are convert­
Bonds.— 1st & ref. bonds mature *10,000 annually from 1914 to 1933,
ible any time before July 1 1918 into an equal amount o f 6% cum. pref. incl., remainder in 1934. *30,000 have been retired. T hey are subject to
stock and In addition 33 1-3% In new common stock. The remaining *1.- call at 103 and int. on any int. date. M ichigan Trust C o ., Grand R apids,
000,000 may be issued at any time. *500,000 o f the Alton Granite trustee. V. 92, p . 1564.
& St. L. Tr. 1st consols are reserved for prior liens and $17,000 for lmpts.,
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending D ec. 31 1915, gross, $124,684: net,
exts., &c. They are also a lien on property o f Alton Gas Sc Electric Co., *71,997; other incom e (earns, from Escanaba Pulp Sc Paper C o .) , *10,931;
which was owned by the Alton Granito & St. Louis Traction C o., when the interest, *31,303; surplus, *51,625.
mtge. was made. N o sinking funds, but bonds are subject to call on any
R O A D .— Owns and operates street railway In Escanaba and an Inter­
lnt. date at 110 and int. upon 90 days’ notice. The Alton Ry. & Ilium. 1st urban road t o Gladstone, which was placed in operation in July 1910. l ’owor
M . 5s originally matured Oct. 1 1915, but were extended to October 1 plant cap acity, 7,900 h .p . A now dam on Escanaba R iver, providing
1939. East St. Louis Light & Power bonds aro guaranteed, princi- 3,400 additional h .p ., was com pleted Jan. 1 1916.
al and interest, by end., by East St. Louis & Sub. Co.; callablo at 105 and
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., J. K . Stack: V .-P ., J . C . Kirkpatrick: Sec. Sc G en.
it. on 30 days’ notice. Auth. issue unlimited, but additional bonds are M g r., P . L . U tley: T reas., M . N . Smith, all o f Escanaba.— V. 92, p. 1564.



Issuable only for 80% o f the cost o f add’ns and lmp'ts, and then only when
net earns, are at least I K times int. charge on bonds out as well as those to
be Issued.
D i v i d e n d s . — 5% per annum was paid quarterly on o l d pref. from its issue
M ay 1 1906 up to and including Feb. 1914. On n e w pref. 1st div.— 1K % —
was paid M ay 1914: Aug.. 1 H % ‘, N ov., 1)4% . In 1915, Feb., 1)4% : in
M ay rate was reduced to M % (V. 100, p. 1437); same rate quarterly since
to and incl. M ay 1916.
EARNINGS o f operating companies for 12 months ending Dec. 31 1915,
gross, *2,466,969; net, after taxes, *993,377: interest, &c., *756,315;
pref. divs., *300,000; deficit, *62,938.
ROAD, &c.— Operates 192.518 miles o f single-track, o f which 3.835 miles
operated under lease. Has 172 passenger cars, 4 express cars, 830 freight
cars, 34 work cars and 3 snow sweepers, 2 electric and 2 steam locomotives.
Has 3 power stations with 16.940 fc. w. capacity.
OFFICERS.— Pres., O. M . Clark; V.-Ps., H. L. Clark, W . B. Kurtz
and Harold W . Clapp: Sec. & Asst. Treas., G. L. Estabrook; Treas., T . W.
Gregory; Asst. Sec., C. A. Pearson Jr. Office o f Tho Suburban C o., Wil­
mington, Del., operating company at East St. Louis.— V. 98, p. 73, 155,
304, 452; V. 99, p. 1366, 1832; V. 100, p. 474, 1437, 2085.

ELMIRA W ATER, LIGH T & RAILROAD CO.— Controlled by tho
United Gas & Elec. Co.— S e e United Gas & Elec. C o r p o r a t i o n under N . Y .
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorp. In New York May 26 1900 as a consolida­
tion o f all the water, lighting, power and street railway properties In Elmira.
Owns entlro capital stock or Elmira Sc Seneca Lake Trac. Co. (also all bonds
of this co.) Rorick's Glen Park Assn., and majority o f stock of West Water
St. R R . The latter company operated under 999-year leases. In April
1913 lt was stated that all f r a n c h i s e s have at least 72 years to run, while
some; o f them are perpetual. In Feb. 1910 was auth. to acquire all stock

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in California July 31 1903.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
M aturity.
Stock *1,000X 00 ( $ 1 0 0 ) .. .....................................
*500.000 .....................
1st m tge $1,000,000 (*1,000) T ____
5 g A-O
184,000 Oct 1 1934
g o l d _____________ c& r.n tf/U n io n T rust C o . o f San Fran., Trustee.
Bonds are not subj. to call. A sk. fd . o f 2 % o f bonds out began O ct. 1910.
E A R N IN G S .— For cal. year 1915. gross, $77,947. In 1914, gross, $90,
R O A D .— Comprises 13 miles o f track in city o f Eureka. 45-60-lb. T rails.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., W m . Butterworth; V .-P ., O . P . Pom eroy; Sec. and
T reas.. H orace R . Hudson; M g r., J. W . Hale.

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Indiana In August 1907 to control
the Evansville & Eastern Electric R y .. the Evansville & M t. Vernon Elec­
tric R y . and the Evansville Terminal R y .
In A pril ■1913 absorbed these
lines outright and acquired the capital stock o f tho Henderson T rac. C o .
and the Owensboro C ity R R . V. 96. p . 1488.
On A ug. 25 1911 the Evansville Henderson & Owensboro R y . was Incorp.
In Indiana (com . stock auth. and o u t., *50,000— ail owned by E vansv.
R ys.; p ref., *250,000 auth., *150,000 ou t.) to build a lino from Evansville
to Henderson and ultimately to Owensboro. N ew com pany has leased
6)4 miles o f Illinois Central tracks between Evansville and Henderson and
has electrified same. Line was placed in operation from Evansville to
Henderson July 28 1912. V . 93. p . 730.

May , 1916. j


In April 1913 increased its auth. com m on stock from $1,000,000 to $2 000,000. V . 90, p. 1156.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on $2,000,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) - . ____ ________
P rof., $500,000, 6 % cu m ....................
354,900 ....................
First and refunding mort-1 1913
See text.
19 5 3
gage $5,000,000_______ tf/P ittsb u rg h Trust C o
Pittsburgh, Trustee.
N o t e s .................. .......... .......... t f 1913
52,900 April 1 1918
E vans & K Elec R y 1st m ort- f 1906
5 g A -0
_______ Apr_ _1 1930
gage, $750,000, gold ($5001 In t. at American T rust & Sav. C o ., E vansand $1,000 (closed M ) c * t f l villo or Pittsburgh T rust C o ., Trustee.
E vans & M t V Elec R y 1st M l 1905
5 g A -O
350,000 Oct 1 1925
$350,000 gold ($1,000) c * t fj Int. at Am or. T r. & Sav. C o ., E vansv., T rus.
E vansv Term Iiy 1st m tgef 1908 5 J-J
300,000 Jan 1 1939
$300,000 gold ($1,000)— tf-i In t. at A m . T r . & Sav. C o ., E vansv., T rus.
gu p & I b y Evans R ys C o . I and Ills. T r. & Sav. B ank, Onicago.
S t o c k a n d B o n d s . — Pref. stock can be called at any tim e at par.
O f the
$5,000,000 mtge. bonds o f 1913, $1,331,500 are sot aside to retire underly­
ing issuos, $2,868,500 for future requirements and $800,000 were Immediately
available, and have been used as collateral for $500,000 Evansville Itys.
5-year 6 % notes.
O f the 6 % notes, auth., $298,000 had been cer­
tified up to Jan. 1 1916 b y authority o f the Indiana Public Service C om ­
mission, o f which $52,900 sold and outstanding. T hey are secured
b y $800,000 first and refunding bonds, and all tho com m on stock o f
the E vansv. Ilcn d . & Owensboro R y ., Owensb. C ity R R . and the Hender­
son Traction C o. O f Tho Evansville & Eastern Electric R y . bonds, $51,000
are reserved for extensions & impts. at 8 5% o f cost. Are subject to call,
in whole or In part, at 105 and interest on any Interest day upon 90 d ays’
notice; $2,500 is payable annually to a sinking fund from 1910 to 1920:
from 1921 to 1936 $5,000 per annum; $12,500 bonds were held in sinking
fund Jan. 1 1916. S i n k i n g f u n d o f $10,500 per annum began O ct. 1 1910 on
E vansv. & M t. Vor. Elec. R y .. to bo Invested In ten bonds ann. at 105.
S u b j e c t to c a l l at any int. period at 110.
Evansv. Term , bonds are rod. at
105 and Int. on any int. day at 60 days' notice. Sink, fund began 1912.
E A R N IN G S .— For year end. June 30 1915, gross (not lncl. IIend. T ra c.
and Owensboro C ity R R .), $252,259; expenses, $147,596; net, $104,663.
R O A D .— T ho Evansville & Eastern road consists or 31 miles or track
from Newburgh (from which point it enters Evansville over tracks o f the
Evansville Tormlnal R y .. 10 miles) to Grandview, Including a 4-mile branch
to Richland. Tho Evansville Sc M t. Vernon road consists o f 20 miles o f
track from Evansville to M t. Vernon. Evansv. Henderson & Owensboro
comprises 10 14 miles o f track from Evansville to Hendorson. T otal length
o f lines, 71)4 miles. First two roads d o an interchange car-load freight
service with steam roads,
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., W . II. M cC urd y; V .-P ., W . A . K och; V .-P . & Gen.
M g r., W . A . Carson; Sec. & Treas., C . H . Battin.— V. 90. n 1362- V 93
730; V. 96, p. 1156, 1488; V . 97, p. 594, 802.
(1) Henderson T raction.— Street railway.
Acqulrod b y Evansville R ys. In April 1913. V . 96. p. 1488.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In K entucky Feb. 22 1907 as a suc­
cessor to the Hendorson C ity R y ., sold at foreclosure on Feb. 18 1907 T ho
old railway had a 30-year f r a n c h i s e granted in O ct. 1880, and also controlled
tho Hendorson Ferry C o ., which has since been sold. V . 84 n 508
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a lu r lit,
S tock, $150,000 ($100)..................................................
$149 800
$150,0001 1907
5 g A-O
105.000 AnV 15*1927
($1,000, $500, $100) gold tf\ ln t. at Ohio B kg. & Trust C o!vH enderson T r
B o n d s .— $133.000 bonds Issued but $28,000 hold in treasury
* 17-91^ A r^
sZ n ° i o o o e r o s i o n s and im provem ents.
Subject to call on
April 15 1917 and 1922 at 105. N o sinking fund.

D iv id e n d s .—


5% Is being paid on the pref. stock.

Initial d iv . on com -

Oot- 1X

J a n 'Jr913: 3ul7 191,3 '
- In 1914, M a r .,
July, i y $ %
N one to Jan. 1916, when 1% was%paid;
A p r., 1 % .
c?,A£ £ I.N P S '- TF or year ending D ec. 31 1915, gross, $1,009,834; net.
8968 38 9 -:
3320•371: surplus, $284,678. In 1914, gross.
$Jb8,389, net, $552,665; interest, taxes, & c., $308,642; surplus, $244,023. j
-— Operates street railways in Fairm ont, W . V a ., and In Clarksan interurban lino o f 25 miles connecting the tw o with
llnes: also lines from Fairm ont to Fair view. 14 m „
mnnt ^ ^
t0 P n d Beport, 7.6 m ., and Clarksburg to W eston, 24 m .; Fair& ^ a n n m g to n operates 17 miles; total track in operation, 111.42
T -rail ° thcr oxtensions are contem plated. Standard gauge. 80-lb.
l y 2 / o,

V ° p FI‘S m t,9 pmS2?all2nan ? f B oard - s - L - W atson; P res., Jas. O. W atson;
M oore
v ^ o ^ ' d,V«Se£ ' & T re a s.• W alton M iller; Gen. M g r., E . B .
om " v ’
176 ,-X k 9(?’, P ' 1849: v - 97. P- 1115: V . 98, p . 1993; V .
100, p. 901, V . 101, p . 370, 1465; V. 102, p. 437, 1346.

smnors' Power

C o .^ f

S T R E E T R A I L W A Y C O .— A trolley road.
^ li.m e ^ m ™ StatCS P° WOr C o ' <form cr,y the C on-

„ „ OI^ A N IZ iVTI? ? T'— Incorporated 1902 ln N orth D akota. In Juno 1912
ST050 K af f l m r n S " Kr?,nt,od ln rF ar« o . M oorehead and DilworthT
O N D 9 *_
I n ‘ er e S L
M a tu rity .
F i^ , i mtg0 •
S 200-090 (W 00)T 1905
5~g J - j
195:000 — sSSVert
g o ld ----------------- 1----------------- (In t. at State Bank o f C hicago, Trustee
2d m ortgago $100,000 ($500)1 1905
6 g J-J
See text
B o ld .---------------------------------- JInt. at Northwestern T r. C o ., St. Paul trus
B o n d s . — Tho 2d M . bonds will bo redeemed at 105 and int. on July 1 1916
m accordance with tho new financial program o f tho N orthern States Power
C o. com pleted in A pril 1916. Sco V. 102, p. 1441, 1543. T ho 1st M . bonds
w ill also bo retired during 1916.
R O A D .— Operates in Fargo, N . D ., and M oorhead, M in n ., and an interT rail t0 D lI'vorth’ M b ln - » total o f 15.547 m . Standard gauge. 70-lb.
$28 517N IN G S "— F ° r 12 m ° S* ending M a r ' 31 1916> Bross» $105,025; net,

F IS H K IL L E L E C T R IC R A IL W A Y C O .— A trolley road.
Leases the Citizens St. R R ., L . & P. at a rental o f $8,255 per annum.
« .£ . 1 °< £If
D a te.
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity
First m ortgage, $50,000.......... 1895
6 J-J
50!000 ' J u ly '1915
E A R N IN G S .— F or year ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $53,928; net, after
taxes, $12,614; in t., rentals, & c., $15,676; deficit, $3,062.
R O A D .— Owns 4>£ and leases 3 miles. T otal, 7}£ miles,
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., John T . Smith; V .- P „ W . J. Conklin; S ec., W . H .
Southard; T reas., G . W . Patterson.


In April 1905 absorbed the Leominster Shirley & A yer Street R y . through
$22 0 2 8 ? u K v l n o ! ' y ° ar endIng June 30 1915, gr0SS- * 3 0 >444: expenses.
exchango o f stock, share for share. V . 80, p. 1478. In Sept. 1907 M ass.
R O A D .— Operates 0 miles o f street railway. V . 90, p. 1363.
R R . Comm ission sanctioned increase in stock from $450,000 to $700,000,
now stock to bo issued at 110. C om pany then petitioned Comm ission to
(2) Owensboro City Railroad.— Street railway.
allow stock to bo Issued at 100 (V . 85, p. 722) but In Sept. 1908 Com m is­
Acquired b y Evansville R ys. In April 1913. V . 90, p. 1488. An exten­ sion denied application. V . 87. p. 812.
sion dow n tho Ohio River is contem plated. V . 90, p . 1304.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
See text.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Chartered in 1886. Franchise runs till 1936 and Stock $700,000 ($K )0)...................
gives exclusive rights to operate streot railway in said city.
F1®c,hc^ :/P « 0 ls t m tge (* 5 0 0 ),\ 1897 5 A-O
150,000 April 1 1917
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
n r5w .f'?S ,S ?n m tg e - * 350,-\
1901 4)$ F -A
150,000 Feb 11921
$ 7 5 ,0 0 0 f.p .................
C om m on, $75,000 (par $ 50 )....... ................... .............
000 ($1,000)-----------------------lin t, at Boston Safe D ep . & T r. C o ., Trustee.
1st m tgo., $200,000, goldl 1902
5 g J-J
200,000 Jan. 11932
1905 5 g F-A
100,000 F eb 1 1921
($1,000), c&r, not r o d --t f)I n t e r e s t at Louisville Trust C o ., Trustee. L 8 ,&, A ls t m tge, $100,000 f
gold ($1,000)----------------- c * j l n t . at B oston Safe D ep . & T r. C o ., Trustee.
General m ortgago.$200,000tf I 1910
6 M -N
200,000 M a y 1 1933
m u u .,
(Guar. p. & 1. by F itch. & L eom . Street R y .
\Am or. T r. Sc Sav. C o., E vansv.. Ind., Trustee n
Current liabilities Juno 30 1915___________________
822,234 ___________
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending June 30 1915, gross, $60,675; oxpenses
B o n d s .— O f the now consol, m tge. $150,000 are reserved to retire the
$39,440; net, $21,235.
lst m tgo. at m aturity.
D i v i d e n d s .— F or m any years up to and Including 1900-01. 8 % ; from then
R O A D .— Owns 12 !4 miles o f street railway in Owensboro and suburbs
on to 1914-15, 6 % per annum.
56 and 70-lb. rail: .30 m otor cars, double W est., 68 G . E . 800; 7 trailers
25 10-ton and 5 25-ton coal cars. Power house 600 k. w . ca p a city . V . 90
R O A D .— Owns 41.19 miles o f track. R oad extends to Leom inster
p . 1304.
Lunenburg, Shirley and A yer. 30 closed passenger cars, 24 open passenger
cars, 3 oxpress cars and 5 snow plows.
E V A N SV IL L E S U B U R B A N & N E W B U R G H R Y .
— For year ending Juno 30 1915, net (after taxes, $18 ,50 7 ).
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Indiana In D ec. 1888 with a nor
$87,712; other incom e, $1,088; i n t .,& c ., $61,176; d iv s., $27,000; su r.,$625.
otual charter. Pass, business hauled by electricity and freight b y steam
IC E R S .— P res., Supt. and Purch. A gent, W . W . Sargent; V .-P .,
>oes a car-lot frolght and express businoss. Has private right-of-way." H.OI.F F
W allace; Clerk and Counsel, C . F. Baker; T reas., R . N . W allis, all o f
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g
F itchburg.— V. 80. p. 1478- V . 85, p. 438, 722; V . 87. p . 812.
M a tu rity .
Stock, $500,000 ($100)...................................................
1st m ortgage, $500,000, g old f 1904
5 g J-J
485,000 July 1 19 34
($500 and $1,000)____ c * t fl Interest at Evansville Trust & Sav C o
l Trustee, or N at. Bank o f Commerce* N y "
E AST E RN W IS C O N S IN R A IL W A Y & L I G H T .— 1T rolley.
B o n d s . — A s i n k i n g f u n d o f $2,500 per annum com m enced July l ’ 1910*
which will rotlro bonus at 105. All or any part o f bonds redeemable
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in W isconsin on Sept. 23 1903 as a consoli­
after 15 years at 105. $15,000 have been retired. V . 96, p . 1365.
dation o f the Fond du Lac St. R y . & L t. C o . and the Fond du Lac & Oshkosh
E lec. R y . C o . Comprises the entire street railway, electric-lighting and
E A R N IN G S .— For yr. end. June 30 1915, gross. $121,041; not, $40,321
gas plants in Fond du L ac. F r a n c h i s e s expire in 1947 and 1951. Owns all
R O A D .— Operates 25 miles o f track from Evansville to N ew burgh, with tho stock and guar, bonds o f the W isconsin Elec. R y . V . 88. p. 1252.
a branch o ff tho main lino through Stevens Station and Chandler to B oon
— D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
villo; has also 5 miles o f sldo-track; total, 30 miles. 70-lb. T rails.
$500 000 A n r ’ 16 I K
Stock $500,000 ($100)_______ _____
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., Lee Howell; V .-P ., Ohas. W . C ook: Sec. & Gen
Fond du Lac St R y & L m tgel 1899
5 g J-J
187 .000 July 1 1924
M g r., Gus M ulhauson.—Y . 83, p. 271: V . 96. p. 1365.
$250,000 ($500) g .r & c * n t f/I n t . at N a t. E xch. B ank, M ilwaukee,
is t m ortgage $ 1,500,000 gokll 1903
5 g A-O
1,205,000 O ct 11923
($ 1 ,0 0 0 )---------- -----------c* t f JInt. at First Sav. & T r. C o ., MII'w., Trustee.
B o n d s . — $206,000 1st M . bonds aro reserved for prior liens and $89 000
aro in treasury. Bonds are subject to call on any int. date at 103 and Int
M O N O N G A H E L A V A L L E Y T R A C T I O N C O.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Organized In W . V a. on M av 16 1912
Is a co n ­ upon 6 m os. notice. T he Fond du Lac St. R y . Sc L t. bonds cannot be
solidation o f Fairinont & Clarksburg T ra c. C o ., Fairmont & Northern called. T hey are assumed b y the Eastern W isconsin R v. & Light C o.
,n , — 4 %
annum was paid from 1907 to 1912, inclusive. In
Trac, G o. and Clarksburg & W eston E lec. R y . Owns and controls entire
stroot railway business In Fairmont and Clarksburg and an interurban road 1913 and since, 6 % per annum.
R O A D .— Operates 27 miles o f track in Fond du L ac and between Fond
connecting tho two citios w th branches extending to various citios and
towns, and tho entire oloctric-light and power and gas business in Fairm ont. du L ac and Oshkosh. 70-lb. T rails.
F r a n c h i s e s in Fairmont are perpetual.
In other cities and towns extend for
R E P O R T .— F or years ending D oc. 31:
5 0 years, the shortost expiring In 1952. Interurban lines on private right o f _ .
C rop
O p e ra tin g N e t
T a xes
F ix e d
B a la n ce.
w ay. F r a n c h i s e s over county roads and bridges In M arion and Harrison . % l r e a r Fi l} / T} } n a s •E x p e n s e s .
E a r n in g s . A c c r u e d , d i g s .{ n e t ) S u r p lu s .
counties are perpetual.
19 1 5 ............-$ 3 3 6 ,0 2 4 $187,716 $148,308 $18,861 $59,935 $69,512
On Feb. 1 1911 the Fairmont & Clarksburg T rac. took over the Fairmont 1914 -------------- 332,723
190,096 142,627
& M annington I’ rac. C o. (17 m iles), and has acquired 7 780 shares or stock
O F F IC E R S .— Pres.. H . F .W h itcom b , Milwaukee; V .-P ., J. F. Pritchard
(7 8 % ) and $550,000 o f total Issue o f $600,000 1 s t M . 5 % b o n d so fs a id co
On D oc. 1 1915 acquired tho Fairm ont Gas C o. ($2 000 000 com and M anitow oc, WIs ; Sec. & T reas., II. F. W hitcom b J r.. M ilwaukee; Gen
$728,150 prof, stock) through exchange o f stock as follows- ’ (a) One share M a n ., J . P . Pulliam .— V . 87. p . 346; V . 88. p . 1252; V . 98. p . 999, 1130.
pref. stock ($100) and X share com . stock ($25) and $17 cash for each two
(1) W is c o n s in E le c tr ic R y .— A trolley road.
sharos ($100) o f Fairm ont Gas C o. prof, stock; (6) one share ($ 10 0 1 com
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated A ug. 14 1908 in W isconsin and
stock and $18 75 cash for each 2>$ shares ($125) o f Gas C o. com . stock*.
succeeded the W innebago Traction C o ., sold at foreclosure A ug. 6 1908
D a le.
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M n tu ritu
as per plan In V . 85, p. 655. Latter com pany was a reorganization o f
C om m on, $9,500,000................................................
$6,782,037 A pr '16 1 % Citizens Traction C o. in 1900. Eastern Wisconsin R y . & L t. C o. owns
P ref, 5 % (cu m .), $3.000.000............
Q -F
2,687,100 M a y '16 1
stock and guarantees bonds o f the Wisconsin E lec. R y . V . 88 d 1255
First Sc ref M . $15,000,000, g l 1912
5 J-D
3,500,000 Juno 11945 F r a n c h i s e s oxpiro Jan. 1 1932.
.............Sc- $1,000) -_c*& r*' tI f ) Fidelity T r. C o ., B alt., Trus. In
- uuv
t. in 1N . Y .
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
-------$350 000
g ($1,000)—c * n t f JInt. at Ouaranty Trust C o .. N . Y .. Trustee Stock $350,000--------------- ------ --------ls t m tge $1,500,000 g o ld ) 1908
5 F -A
80L 000 A u g .1 1 9 3 8
S t o c k .— In N ov. 1915 prof, stock was m ade convertible Into com m on on
($500 and $1,000)—c * t f /I n t . at W isconsin Trust C o ., M ilw ., Trustee.
any d iv. date, on tho basis o f 1 1 sharos o f pref. for 1 0 shares com .
B o n d s .— O f tho 1st (& ref.) bonds, $2,500,000 are rosorved to retiro prior
B o n d s .— Bonds are subject to call a t 105 on 3 weeks' notice.
Hons and S9.000.000j aro for add'ns and extens. under certain restrictions
R E P O R T .— For years ending D e c. 31:
R ed. at 105 and int. on any int. d ay on or aftor Juno 1 1922. T ax refund
_ a r ° S3
O p e ra tin g
N et
T a xes
F ix ed
B a la n c e .
in P a. See V. 102, p . 1346; V. 94, p . 1508. Fairmont Sc Clarksburg
arksburg 11st
E^ , ra r E a r n i n g s .
A c c r u e d . C h g s .N e t S u r p lu s .
m tgo. bonds subjoct to call at 105 and int. Listed on Philadelphia Stock i o f r
} 9 } 5 .................. *57.524 $8,915 $41,300
1914 .................. 197.934
70.114 10.155


[Vol. 102.



R O A D .— Owns 46 miles o f road— 18.5 miles in Oshkosh. 26.5 miles of
lnterurban road running from Oshkosh to Neohah and to Om ro and 1 mile
In Neenah.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., II. F . W hitcom b; V .-P ., Clement C . Smith; V .-P .
& Gen. M g r., J. P . Pulliam: Sec. & Troas., II. F. W hitcom b Jr.— V . 87.
p. 348, 481; V . 8 8 . p. 1255; V. 98, p . 1001.

F O R T D O D G E DES M OIN ES & S O U T H E R N R R .— See "R a ilroa d and
Industrial” section.

T H E F O R T S C O T T Q A S & E L E C T R IC C O .
Plant is being entirely rebuilt.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Kansas in 1900, and is successor
to the Fort Scott Electric Light & Power C o ., Citizens' E lectric Street R y ..
Fort Scott Steam Heating C o. and Fort Scott Gas C o. F r a v - h i s e expires
April 23 1922.
ST O C K A N D B O N D S —■ D a t e .
In te r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock $350,000 ($100).........................
------* ? § 0 ,000 - - - - - - - - - ­
1st m ortgage $250,000 g o ld f 1903
5 g A-O
164,000 April 1 1922
($500), sinking fu n d ____c * /ln t . at C hicago T itle & T rust C o ., Trustee.
N ew m ortgage, $350,000------ 1 ------6%
289,000 - — - - - - - ­
($500)....... ------------------------- /i n t . at Vandeventer T r. C o ., St. Louis, M o .
B o n d s . — O f the $250,000 1st M . auth ., $50,000 aro reserved for extensions
and $36,000 have been retired. The following amounts are payable annu­
ally to a s i n k i n g f u n d : In 1908 and 1909, $3,500 per annum; in 1910 and
1911. $4,000 per annum; in 1912 and 1913, $4,500 per annum; in 1914 and
1915, $6,000 per annum; in 1916 and 1917, $7,000 per annum; and from
1918 to 1921 inclusive, $10,000 per annum.
E A R N IN G S .— For calendar year 1910, gross. $65,000; net, $33,000.
R O A D .— 7 miles o f track in Fort S cott. Gauge, 4 ft .; 45 to 80-lb. T rails.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., .1. E. M cK in n ey , St. Louis; V .-P ., R . E . L. W inter,
St. Louis; Sec.-Treas. & Gen. M a n .. F. I). M artin, Ft. S cott.— V .77.p .1294.

B o n d s .— O f the 1st & ref. m tge., $8,807,000 are reserved to retire under­
lying bonds and remainder for acquisitions, extensions and additions.
Subject to call as a whole on any interest day at 105 and int. In addition
to bonds noted above there are $3,500 lost bonds o f the Logauspt Ity. o u t­
standing, duo Sept. 1 1929. T he Ft. W . & W . V. consols o f 1904 are not
subject to call before m aturity. T hey are listed on Phlla. Stock Itxch. 1 he
W ab. RIv. T rac. C o . 5s o f 1901 aro subj. to call at any time at lOo & Int.
Lafayette & Logansport 1st M . is closed; no more bonds can be Issued.
T h e Lafayette St. R y . 1st M . 6s were extended for 10 years to June 1
__ „
1923 at 534% interest.
_ . .
. .
F t. W ayne & W ab. Val. car trusts aro guar., p . & i., b y end. b y Ft. W ayne
& N or. Ind. T rac. C o. T hey mature $5,000 s.-a. to Sopt. 1 1919. Trustee
Is Fidelity T r. C o ., Phila. T he Penn. C o. for Ins. on Lives & Granting
Annuities is trustee o f F t. W . & N . I. T rac. car trusts. Ser. ‘ A m aturo
$2,000 each F eb. and $3,000 each A ug. to Fob. 1923. Ser. " B ’ mature
$1,000 s.-a. to M a r. 15 1923.
, .
T he notes o f 1914 are secured b y $1,941,000 1st & rer. 5 % bonds o f the
com pany which are included in the $3,000,000 outstanding reported above.
An additional $500,000 o f notes m ay be issued, but only with the approval
o f tho Commission and under the terms o f the m ortgage securing the
bonds pledged as collateral. V . 98, p . 1156.
D i v i d e n d s .— On pref., 134% quar., from organization to Sept. 1912.
M ay 1913 a scrip div. o f 3% was paid, covering divs. payable D ec. 1912
and M a r. 1913. See statement in V. 96, p. 1422. N one since.
R O A D .— Operates 209 m . main track connecting F t. W ayne, Hunting­
ton, W abash, Peru, Logansport, Delphi, Lafayette and Bluffton; also local
lines in Ft. W ayne, W abash, Peru, Logansport and Lafayette.
I otal track,
220 miles. A t Logansport, Peru, Wabash and Bluttton connection Is
made for Indianapolis over tracks of Indiana Union Traction C o. In M ay
1906 began through service between F t. W ayne and Indianapolis over
tracks o f Union Traction C o. o f Ind. See V . 82, p. 1101. Kails, 60, 70,
72, 80 and 90-lb. Owns 2 power houses and 4 pleasure parks. Owns
180 pass, cars and 60 other cars. C ontrols ontiro electric light and power
business o f Ft. W ayne.
R E P O R T .— For calendar years ending D ec. 31:
„ ,

F O R T SM IT H L I G H T & T R A C T I O N C O.
Standard & Elec. C o. (V . 93, p. 1327) owns $949,900 com ., $798,700
pref. stock, $150,000 1st M . bonds and $300,000 deb. 6s of the com pany.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Arkansas on April 13 1903 as a con
solidatlon of the Ft. Smith-Van Boren Light & Transit C o. and the Ft. Smith
T ra c. Lt.
Pow. C o. Owns all physical p roperty, contracts, rights and
franchises o f Van Buren Fuel & Light C o. (now dissolved). Does the entire
electric-light, gas and street railway business o f the city , and the electriclight and gas business o f Van Buren; operates an lnterurban lino between
Ft. Smith and Van Buren. Street railway and electric-light f r a n c h i s e s
In F t. Smith expire in 1955; gas in 1953. Gas and electric light f r a n c h i s e s
In Van Buren expire in 1957; street railway in 1962.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
--------------*950.000 - - - - - - - C om m on, $1,500,000 ($100)-----------Q-J 15
1.410.000 . , See text
Pret $5,000,000 ($100) 7 % cu m .........
First m ortgage $6,OOO.oSo g ( 1911
5 g M -S
2 ,6 3 8 .50 0 M ar 1 1936
s f ($500 and $1,000)____ c*( Int. at Illinois Trust & Savings Bank, C h ic.,
Trustee, or at agency ot co . in N .Y . or B os.
Debenture notes. $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 --- 1913
6 M -N
300.000 M a y 1 1918
S t o c k a n d B o n d s . — Pref. stock is red. at any time after 3 years from Issue
at 110 and accrued d iv. Remaining 1st M . bonds can only bo issued for
75% o f cost, o f additions. Improvements and extensions under certain ro8tricoions. See V. 92, p. 956. Subj. to call as a whole or in part on any
int. day at 105 and int. Cash sink. fd. of 1% yearly 1914 and 1915. 114%
yearly 1916 to 1918, 2 % yearly 1919 to 1923 and such amounts thereafter
as b v July 1 1935 will make total sk. fd . 4 0% ot bonds certified. V . 92. p.
956. $61,500 havo been retired. Bonds are listed on N . Y . Stock Itxch.
V . 94, p. 487.
D i v i d e n d s . —•Pref is cum . from Jan. 1 1912.
1st d iv. on pref.— 13*% —
paid April 15 1910; July. 134% : O c t.. 13* % and 1 3* % quar. sinco to and
including April 1913: none since.
E A R N IN G S .— For year end. D ec. 31 1915. gross, $454,664; net, after
taxes, $122,896; in t., $161,479; deficit, $38,583.
R O A D .— Owns and operates 31 miles o f track on 12 miles of streets in
Ft. Smith and suburbs. Standard gauge, 60-lb. and 80-lb. T rail. 53 cars.
Owns a park of 110 acres. Also gas works tor distributing natural and arti­
ficial gas, with 72 miles o f mains, and electric power and lighting plant—
generating capacity, 4,062 horse-power and pole line ot about 131 miles.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres.. A . S. Huey: V .-P ., H . M . B yllesby; S ec.. John
Brizzoiara; Gen. M fg r., II. C . Hoagland: Treas.. N . I. Garrison; A ud ..
VV. J. Parker; Mgi'.s.. II. M . Byllesby & C o .. Inc.— V . 94, p. 487; V. 95, p.
47; V. 97. p. 298, 1733; V. 101. p. 1553; V . 102, p . 1060.



and Taxes. Revenues.



1915.......................... $1,654,605 $1,070,693 $583,912 $582,555
1914_______________ 1,838,392
575,012 142,042
O F F IC E R S .— Chairman o f B oard, J. Levering Jonos; P res.. James M .
Barrett, F t. W ayne: V .-P . & T reas., Henry C . Paul, F t. Wayne;- S ec.,
II. E . Vorderm ark, F t. W ayne; A sst. Sec.. II. J. A lker, I hi la. V . 94, P ■
826, 982; V. 96, p. 1296, 1422; V. 98, p. 1071. 1156, 1244.

N O R T H E R N T E X A S E L E C T R IC C O .— A holding com pany.
O f the com m on stock, $500,000 is owned b y P ub. Servico Invest. C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in M aine N o v . 16 1905 and owns the
entire stock and participating bonds o f tho N orthern Texas T r a c t i o n C o .,
which does all the electric-railway business in Fort W orth and operates an

and Cleburne, T e x ., 31 miles. It is proposed to extend the line from
Cleburne to Denton, tho rights o f tho Fort W ortli-D onton lnterurban C o .
having been acquired. V. 99, p . 121. 122. Also owns tho capital stock o f
tho Arlington Light & Pow er C o ., which does tho electric light and power,
ico and water business in Arlington, T ox.
Enters Dallas over its own
tracks. See V. 89, p. 411. Has leased tor 20 years from Dec. 17 1915 the
terminal facilities o f tho Dallas lnterurban Torm m al Assn, which seo under
Dallas Electric C o. on a preceding page.
Franchises o f Northern Texas T rac. C o. in Fort W ortli expire In 1973, in
Dallas in 1920 and 1953; others about 1950; has private right-of-w ay o u t­
side o f cities. Tarrant C ounty T rac. C o. in Fort W orth and Globurno
expire in 1936; between these cities has private right-of-w ay except in
towns & c., in which cases its rights expire in 1961. V. 9 3 . P- 1243. R oad
was completed in Aug. 1912 and began operation in Sopt. 1912. t r a n c h i s e
in Arlington oxpiros in 1949.
„ _ , .
rnn n m
On Feb 241913 increased auth. prof, stock from $4,500,000 to $5,000,­
000 and the com . from $2,500,000 to $5,000,000 (V . 96, P. 488. 654), and
- - classes
holders o f* both
o -f stock
------ were
- - - - - given
- n n ntho right to subscribe for $650,000
new com m on stock at par. V. 96, p. 790.
O u tsta n d in g T .a s lD iv , & c .
D a te .
In te rest.
$3,150,000 M ar. '16.1%
Q -M
C om m on $5,000,000 ($100)..............
4,000.000 M ar. T 6 ,3 %
Pref 6 % n-c $5,000,000 ( $ 1 0 0 /-----5 j '1
3,630,000 iV.VJ,
Jan V
1 If
Coli trust M $10,000,000gold ! n n u
u & »-•>
' ~ V'
sink fund (seo text)c*& r* t f [ i n t . a t C o m m o n w e a lth T r. C o Bast. 1 rust
No T ex T r a c 1st M $2,500,000 1903
5 g J-J
2 ,5 0 0 ,000 Jan 1 1933
($1.000) g o ld no
‘ R ank”, N e w^York ^ ruS'


i u r a u J t ° r u 3 i ° 5 “ o f ih a N - o ,i6
Texas Electric C o .
S t o c k .— Tho pref. stock is redeemable at 110.
V . 91, p. 1449. Both
classes o t stock are listed on the Boston Stock Exchango.
B o n d s .— O f tho coll, trust bonds, $2,500,000 are reserved to retire N orth­
ern Texas Traction 1st M . bonds; $130,000 havo boon retired. Coupon
bonds are in denom . o f $1,000; registered bonds, $1,000, $5,000 and
$10,000. Callable as a whole or in part, for sink. fd. o n ly , at 105 and int. on
FT . W A Y N E & N O R T H E R N IN D IA N A T R A C . C O .— A tro lle y ro a d . any int. date. S i n k i n g f u n d o f 17o ot bonds out began N ov. 1 1911. Bonds
C on frolled by same interests as the Ohio Electric Ity. and the Terre are secured by deposit o f all th ostock o f the N orth. Texas I rac. G o. V 90.
p . 373, 1239. T he Northern Texas T r a c t i o n C o . bonds are subject to call
Haute Indianapolis & Eastern.
as a whole on any interest day at 105 and Interest.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. In Indiana on Feb. 13 1911 to take over tho
D IV ID E N D S .— First d iv. on pref. (1 % ) paid M arch 1 1906 and 2%
•Ft. W ayne & Wabash Valley T rac. C o. per plan in V. 92. p. 394. 594.
T he Ft. W ayne & Wabash Valley Traction C o. had previously acquired Sept. 1 1906; since, 6 % per annum. F irst dividend on com m on stock,
.909; in 1910.
, paid Sept. 1 1909;
1910^ 534%
5 3 * % : in 1911 ana
and 1912. G f q . Jm
n U13
through consolidation or purchase the following companies:
3. 1 )4 % ; in Sept, rato was increased to 1 3 i% quar.,
M arch, 134% : June,
F t. W ayne Bluffton & M arion T r.C o . I,afayette Street R y.
114 7 % .'in 1915, M arch. 1 3*% ; in Juno dividend was
D ec., 13*% - In 1914
Logansport Railway C o.
F t. W ayne El. Lt. & Power C o.
't., 1 %
reduced to 1 % ; Sopt..
.. .; D ec . 1 % . In 1916, M arch, 1% .
Logans. Roch. & N or. T rac. C o.
F t. W ayne & Southw. T ra c. C o.
W abash-Logansport Traction C o.
R E P O R T — O f the com bined companies for tho 12 months ending
F t. W ayne Traction C o.
W abash River Traction C o.
Dec 31 1915 gross, $1,713,213; not. after taxes, $663,504; interest,
Lafayette & Logansport T ra c. Co
$297,817; sinking funds, $33,000; surplus, $332,687.
Also controls Fort W ayne Power C o. and Carroll Electric Light C o.
Furnishes electric light In Ft. W ayne, Roanoke and Delphi, municipal
R O A D — Subsid. cos. operate 157 .77 miles of track, standard gauge: 207
franchises extend to 1935 and 1998, except in F t. W ayne, which tor moro
passenger and 16 other cars. Is constructing a viaduct over tho steam roads
than 3* of street railway are perpetual, tho balance being tor outlying exten­ entering the Union D epot in Dallas. Power station has capacity of 10,800
sions and extending to 1937. Lighting f r a n c h i s e s in F t. W . extends to 1935. k. w .; also purchases power from tho Dallas Electric Light & Power Go.
$ 1 ,000,000 com ., $ 1 ,000,000 pref. and $ 1 ,000,000 1 st and ref. bonds of
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Marshall M : Phlnney; Sec., Chester M . Clark;
tho Ft. W ayne & N or. Ind. T ra c. were issued tor $1,500,000 new cash
T reas., Henry B . Sawyer; Gen. M grs., Stono & W ebster M g t. A ssn.,
Holders of Ft. W ayne & Wabash Valley com . received only 44.44% in the Boston.— V. 96. p. 488, 654. 790; V. 97 p. 444; V . 98 d . 1157; V . 99 p.
com . stock of tho Ft. W ayne & N or. In d . T ra c.; holders ot pref. received
121; V. 100, p. 1593; V. 102, p. 154.
$ for $. but had to pay $17 50 per share in cash.


S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity
C om m on, $4,000,000 ($100)............................... ........ $4,000.0('0
See text
P ref,6 % (c u m ),$4,000,000($100)
3.000.000 M ar 1 193!
1st & ref mtge $15,000,000. t f 1911
1.164.000 M ar 2 1919
C oll notes $1,200,000 ($1.-1 1914
5 g M -S
N ew Y ork . Trustee.
000) red at 100 & int on 30}C ontral Trust C o
days' notice____________ c*f
6.966,000 M ar 1 1934
Ft W & VV Val T r 1st cons M l 1904
5 g M -S
~ o Phila., trustee
$ 7 , 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 g ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) -C *tf J Int. at Comm ercial T r. C
Ft \V & W Vail T r car trusts—
Seo text
Series “ A ($1,000 e a c h ) . t f ____
5 F-A
Ft W & N Ind T r—
5 F -A
See text
Series “ A " ($ 1 ,0 0 0 )............. ____
5 M -S
Seo text
Series " B ” ($1,000 e a c h ).tf . . .
5 g F-A
Wabash Riv T r C o_ 1 st mtge 1901
$350,000 ($1,000) g _ .* n t f ( l n t . a t N . H a v e n T r. C o .. N . Haven trustee.
Ft W ayne Tr mtge $ 1,5 00 ,-/ 1899
4 g A -O
29,000 O ct 1 1929
— gold
•■ ($
-----------" ■ ‘ In t. at Guard. T r. C o ., Cleveland, Trustee.
1 ,000) _____ c*" tf
5)4 J-D
225.000 June 1 1923
Lafayette Street Ry 1st m tge 1893
($1,000 each) 3225,000c* t f 1 Int. at Real Estate T r. C o .. Phila., Trustee
849.000 Juno 1 1936
L a f & Log Tr 1st M $ 1,0 00 ,-/ 1906
5 g J-D
000 g ($1,000) gu p & ic* t f 1Int. at Guar. T r. & S. D . C o ., Phila., Trustee
400,000 July 1 1935
F t VV U & M 1st M $400,000/ 1905
5 g J-J
gold ($] ,000) guar p & I, t f f l n t . at Guar. T r. & S. D . C o ..P h ila ., trustee
5 M -N
57.700 N ov 1 1937
Ft VV Power C o m tge_____ t f f 1907
1Int. at Guar. T r. Sc S. D . C o ..P h ila .. trustee
S t o c k .— Both com . and prof, stocks aro listod on Phila. Stock Exch.
V. 94, p. 826.

Ownership is largely
O R G A N I Z A T I O N . — I n c o r p . in Ohio In 1909.
' ' ~
represented by Interests identified with the Lake Shore E 'lectric
R y. C
and Western Ohio R y. C o. Besides passenger business, does a freight an
express business anil handles coal for use by Ohio Stato 1 ower G o. a
C om stock. $200,000 ($100)...............................
Pref stock $200,000 ($ 1 0 0 )--- - - - ----­
200,000 ,, O ct 1 1930
First m tge $250,000 ($1,000)1 1910
•> A-O
______ c * /in t . at Cleveland (O.) liu s t Go. trustee.
— Normal Federal incom e tax paid at source.
— Paid a dividend o f 3 % oil prof, stock in Jan. 1913, subsequent
surplus earnings havo gono into tho properties.
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending June 30 1915, gross, $56,968; not, after
taxes, $17,983.
R O A D , & C .— 21.38 miles o f electric lnterurban railway on private rightof-w ay, connecting Fostoria and Frem ont. Forms the connecting link
between tho Western Ohio R y., T oledo fostoria & L'lndlay R y . and Lake
Shore Electric R y ., all o f which use tho lino under traffic contracts.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., F. D . Carpenter, Lim a,JO .— V. 101, p. 1885; V •
102, p. 521.



Interest. Outstanding. Maturity.


Ma y . 1916. J

N O R F O L K & B R IS T O L S T R E E T R Y .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Massachusetts in N ovem b er 1901"
F a r e I n c r e a s e .— On Aug. 19 1915 the M ass. P. S. C om m , grantod per
mission to incroaso the faros from 5 to 6 cents or 18 tickots for $1. T he
charge for transfer privileges was denied. See V. 101, p. 694.
D a te .
I n te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity $200,000 .....................
Stock, $200,000 (S100)............................................
1st m tgo, $200,000 ($1,000).\ 1908
5 g J-J
200,000 July l 1928
gold, sinking fu n d________ I Int. at American Trust C o ., B oston, Trusteo
B o n d s .— Bonds are subject to call at 105 after 1913.
E A R N IN G S .— For 12 mos. end. Juno 30 1915, gross, $88,551; not, $3,712.
R O A D .— Owns 21.723 milos o f track between N orw ood, M ansfield and
W rontham : 21 passenger cars, 3 snow plows and 2 service cars.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Roger A m ory; Sec. & Treas., George L. A sp in w all;
Gen. M gr., M . A. Cavanaugh.— V . 87, p. 9 56, 1233; V. 101. p. 691.

F R E E P O R T R A IL W A Y & L IG H T C O .
In Aug. 1912 control was acquired by M iddle West Utilities C o ., which
see in our “ Railway & Industrial Section.”
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in Illinois on Aug. 20 1910 as a consolida­
tion of the Freeport R y. Light Sc Power C o . and the Freeport R y .& Light
C o. (the holding com pany).
F r a n c h i s e s expire M arch 1 1923.
Has traffic arrangement for 50 years
with the R ockford & Interurban R y. C o ., allowing cars o f that com pany
to enter Freeport. Also has contract for city lighting.
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Com m on $850,000..........................................................
$701,300 .....................
Pref $100,000 5% non-cum ..........................................
Freeport Ry Lt & I* 1st m tgof 1903
5 g M -N
See text
$350,000 g ($1,000)......... c* l American T r. & Sav. B k ., C hicago, trustee.
Froop Ry & Lt m tge $2,000,-1 1910
5 M -N
458,000 N o v 119 3 5
000 g ($100. $500 & $1,000)U n t .a t C o n t.& C om m . T r. & S. B ..O h u s
B o n d s . — Int. on F. R .. L. & P. bonds is payable at offices o f Rudolph
K leybolte C o ., In c., In N . Y ., Cincinnati and Chicago. Are subject to
call by lot at 105 & Int. $33,000 have been retired. M aturity o f bonds is
as follows: $5,000 due In each o f tho years 1910. 1912 and 1913 and $5,000
annually from 1915 to 1921 Incl., the remainder In 1922. A s k . f d . provides
for tho paym ent o f $2,000 per ann. for first 10 yrs. and $5,000 per ann. thoroaftcr. O f the Freep. R y. & Lt. bonds, $350,000 are resorvod for prior liens
and $81,500 (in addition to am ount shown in table) are held in the treas-


S l o c k . — Pref. Is callable at 120 and accum . d iv .
Both p ref. and co m .
are listed on Boston Stock Exchange
G a l v e s t o n E l e c t r i c C o . —O f the bonds. $1,026,000 reserved for additions
and im p ts.a t 80% o f cost and $107,000 have been retired. A s i n k i n g f u n d
o f I bj % o f bonds certified began July 1 1906. Callable as a whole or in
part for sinking fund on any int. date at 110 and int. on 30 days’ notice.
See V. 81, p. 975.
G a l v e s t o n - H o u s t o n E l e c t r i c B y . — O f the remaining bonds, $26,000 are
held in trust for benefit o f com pany and $2,000,000 are reservod for
acquisitions and im provem ents; $30,000 have been canceled. D enom .:
cou pon , $500 and $1,000; registered, $1,000 and $5,000. Subject to call
on any interest day in whole, or in part for sinking fund at l05 and int.
S i n j c i n g f u n d o f 1% o f bonds to 1944; thereafter 1 lA % .
First fivo pay­
ments waivable. Bonds aro guar., prin., int. and sinking fund, b y G alv.Hous. Eloc. C o. See V. 90, p. 697.
H o u s t o n E l e c t r i c C o . — Entire Issue, but not any part, can be called at
1074$ and int. S i n k i n g f u n d o f 143% o f bonds outstanding payable on
Aug. 1 each year. See V. 74, p. 680. $550,000 o f bonds n o t reported
outstanding was held by this fund on Feb. 29 1916.
D I V ID E N D S .— On com m on, 143% semi-ann. from Sept. 1909 to and
Incl. M ar. 1912. am ount then increased and paid 2 % in Sept. 1912. In
M ar. 1913 Increased to 2 43% . In Sept, to 3 % and in M ar 1914 to 3 43% :
S e p t .,3 4 3 % . In 1915, M a r .,3 4 3 % . Sept. 1915d iv. om itted. (V . 101.p.845.)
E A R N IN G S .— O f tho com bined com panies for 12 m os. ending l5ec. 31
l,9 15, gross S I ,936,228; net, after taxes, $729,771; interest, S331.036;
sinking funds, $102,273; surplus, $296,462.
R O A D .— Operates 159.34 miles single track; 267 passenger and 34 other
Power stations have capacity o f 6.582 k.w .
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., M arshall M . Phinney; Sec., Chester M . Clark;
T reas., H enry B . Sawyer; Gen. M g rs., Stone & W ebster M gt. Assn.—
V . 95, p. 679: V . 96, p. 419, 652; V. 97, p. 666, 802, 1024; V. 98, p. 155,
386, 522; V . 101, p . 845; V. 102, p . 153, 1718.


R e c e i v e r . — In O ct. 1915 Charles E . D avidson o f Gary was appointed
receiver. V . 101, p. 1370, 1464.
D e f a u l t . — Interest due O ct. 1 1914 on the $250,000 Valparaiso & N orthern
1st 5s was paid after some delay; subsequent coupons in default. D oc. 1
1914 and subsequent coupons on tho G ary C onnecting 1st 5s and Jan.
1915 and subsequent coupons on tho Gary & Interurban R y . refunding and
first m ortgage 5s are also in default. P rotective com m ittees have been
form ed, with DImner Beeber, Pres, o f Com m onw ealth Trust C o ., P hila.,
as Chairm an, and deposits o f bonds have been called for. V. 100, p. 733.’
in t. and prin. o f tho $350,000 notes duo Sept. 1 1915 was defaulted and a
fund beMny inr i915.JeCv !° 9 L p a 7 i 6 ? ^ ° D 30 dayS’ DOtlce in 1915' S,nk,ng protective com m ittee was form od with Douglas H . G ordon. Pres, o f Balti­
n w r p ™ Plirpti^ !!l rJ?'
00-lb. T rail. Standard gauge. more Trust C o ., as Chairman, and deposits called for. V. 101, p. 846. T he
O F F IC E R S .— P res., A . J. Goddard; V .-P . & Gen. M g r., E . D . Alexan­ Central Trust C o. o f Chicago, as trustee, has brought suit to foreclose under
der; Treas., L . E . Jacobson. — V. 9 1 , p . 716; V. 95, p. 480.
the $10,000,000 ref. & 1st M . V. 101, p. 1370.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. Jan. 28 1913 in Indiana as a consolidation
o f the G ary & Interurban R u . , Gary Connecting R y s., Valparaiso & N orth­
ern R y . and the Goshen South Bend & C hicago R R . V. 96, p. 1422.
FR ESN O T R A C T IO N C O .— A trolley road.
Prior to consolidation tho last-named had owned all tho stock o f the Gary
In 1910 Southern Pacific assumed control and owns all tho stock except C onnecting R y s ., 51% o f the stock o f the Valparaiso & N orthern R y. and
directors shares.
about 4 0% o f the Gary & Interurban R a i l w a y s stock, the four com panies
O R G A N IZ A T JO N .— in corp . in California in 1903. Leases tho Fresno having been operated under join t con tract.
M e r g e r D e c i s i o n . — On N o v . 10 1914 Judge Tuthill in the Superior C ourt at
C ity R y. Purchases powor from San Joaquin L t. & Powor C o.
Valparaiso, In d ., denied tho application o f m inority stockholders to set
a fSTi?«KInrm1nrmB? « i ] v u '—
C a te.
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
tho merger. V . 99, p. 1451. See also V . 102, p. 975.
Stock $5,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 -.($ 10 0 )............................................ $5,000 000
A s s e s s m e n t . — An assessment o f 10% on the outstanding capital stock
First m ortgage, $5,000,0001 1904 5 J-J
724,000 Ju’ly" V l 944
o f the Gary & Interurban R R . was called In 1914, payable within 60 days,
($1,000). g o ld ...------ c .n t f /I n t . at Union Trust C o ., San Fran., Trustee. to pay floating d eb t, & c. Under the laws o f Indiana, in which State the
B on d s o f L ea sed C om p a n y—
com pany operates, stockholders can be assessed without foreclosure, and
Fresno C ity Ry first m tg e/ 1902 6 g J-J
84.000 Jan 1 1922
failure to pay the assessment within the prescribed time subjects share­
$150,000 gold ($1,000) c* tflU n io n Trust C o ., San Francisco, Trustee.
holders to forfeiture o f their stock. V . 99, p. 674.
J,’ rosno T rac. 1st M . bonds have a sinking fund com m encing In
F a r e R e d u c t i o n . — On A ug. 18 1914 tho C ity Council o f Gary caused to
1909 o f $2,500 per annum for first 5 years and increasing $2,500 per annum bo published a notice that the com pany must sell 8 tickets for 25 cents.
for each 5-yoar poriod thereafter to $17,500 per annum from 1939 to 1943. A uthority for this order is based on the franchise granted to President
Frosno C ity bonds have a s i n k i n g f u n d o f $3,000 por annum for first tw o G avit in 1907. w ho, lt was claim ed, offered a 3-cent fare for 5 years, after
years. $5,000 per annum for next fivo years and $7,500 por annum for tho line was placed in operation. V . 99, p . 608. N o effort has been made
next 10 years, com m encing Jan. 1 1905. Bonds cannot bo called. In­ to enforce the order.
terest payable In N ew Y ork and San Francisco.
Franchises o f old Gary Sc Interurban R y . expire as follows- In G ary, 1957.
C O M B IN E D E A R N IN G S .— Incl. Fresno C ity R y. Year ending June T olleston. 1959; East Chicago & Indiana Harbor. 1949; H am m ond. 1939.
30 1915, gross, $231,331; net. after taxes, $37,624; other incom e, §18,958:
In M a y 1916 Judge Anderson in the Federal C ourt authorized tho issu­
nterest, & c., $87,048; deficit, $30,466.
ance o f $39,000 receiver's certificates.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
R O A D .— M ileage operated (incl. 8.14 miles leased from Fresno C ity R y .),
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity
45.01 milos. Also owns 8.51 miles o f single-track operated b y Southern C om m on $4,000,000 ($100)_________
_________ $3,722,875
Pacific C o. Standard-gaugo, 75-lb. " T ” rail. 33 passongor, 2 work and Pref 6 % n o n -c$ 1,000,000($100)...............................
1 com bination car.
G a ry A In te ru r b a n R y—
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., W . F. Ilerrin. San Francisco; V .-P ., Paul Shoup- Refunding and first m ortgage 1910 5 J-J
1,000,000 July 11930
Sec. & A ud ., II. A . Culloden, Los Angeles; Gen. M g r., F . W . W ebster’
$10,000,000 gold ($500 and Int. in N. Y. or C hic.,or through Lawrence
Treas., M . S. W ado.— V . 76. p . 1192; V . 77, p. 1746; V . 78. p. 1222.
Barnum&Co., Central Tr. C o., Ch.. Tr.a
C on
notes--------------$350,000 gold 1912
6 g M-S
350,000 Sept 1 1915
— v. -------



A LAB A M A C I T Y G A D SD E N & A T T A L L A R Y .
O R G A N 1Z A T ! O N .— Incurnoratod under a special charter from tho State
o f Alabama. Operates, besides street railw ay, a light plant, an ice plant
and a coal yard.

s.S T m ooo“ »“ oo)D- t : . . ° ‘ u:
B o n d s .— T ho unissued bonds are reserved for further additions at 90%
o f cost. New bonds aro subject to call on any Interest date at 105.
R O A D .— Operates 11 miles o f track, connecting the points named In the
title. Standard gauge. 40 and 70-lb. T rail.
O F F IC E R S .— Pros.. E .T . Schuler, Gadsden, A la.; V .-F rcs
Schuler. Jacksonville. Fla.— V . 83. p. 817.

G A IN E S V IL L E R A IL W A Y & P O W E R C O .
— Incorporated In Georgia In July 1909. Issuccessor
to the Gainesville Electric R y .. sold at foreclosure. V. 89, p. 103.
nm DS~
D a te‘
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity
Stock, $150,000 (S I0 0 )_______ __
$130 500
,1 5 0 -000- K i l l 1?°9
6~g J-J
130.500 Jan"." V 1930
~"5 7 - - - . - - c
/ IuL at Cent. Bk.&Tr.Corp..Atlanta, Ga.,Trus.
to * c a llafter*et 9 ? 4 a t 8 105DdS ar° ?° r exten8I°ns and betterments. Subject
E A R N IN G S .— For calendar year 1915, $ 3 3 601
In 1914 gross 834 .
832. In 1913. gross, $34,806 V n 1 9 1 2 7 ™ , ' $35,304.
’ 8
R O A D . Operates 0 miles between Gainesville and New Holland and to
Chattahoocheo Park. Standard gauge. 70-lb T rail
O F F IC E R S .— Pres.. W . A . Carlisle; V .-P " W . H." Slack- Sec Onhelia
M erck.— V. 89. p. 1 0 3 . __________ _
’ upn el,a

r / v r i’ION
n N .—
^ hIncorp.
In M aino on M A
a v holding
H 1007
through ownership o f stock the Galveston Electric C o and the Houston
Elec. C o ., which companies do tho ontlre electric rail?vav an<lr?art o f the
electric lighting and power business in Galveston und tfic entire electric
railway business in Houston. Also owns stock ot G aly -H ous KIm R v
an interurban road between Galveston and H ouston, 50 miles and guar­
antees its bonds, p .. 1. and s. f. F r a n c h i s e s expire in Galveston In 1950 In
Houston. 1935. Tho Interurban is on private right-of-w ay
S500 000
com . stock is owned by Public Service Investm ent C o.
y‘ 5
D a te .
I n te r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g . L a s t D i e A c
C om m on, $5,000,000 ($100)..............
M -S 15 $3,988,000
See text
Pret $4,000,0006% cum ( $ 1 0 0 ) -----M -S 15
M a r ’ 16 3%
G alv Electric 1st M $ 2 .5 0 0 .-( 1905 5 g M -N 1.367.000
M a y 1 i<)40
000 gold ($1.000)____c * t f Int-. at Old C olony Trust C o .. B oston. Trus
tee. or at com pany's agency In N ow York
G nnATn?,lAs E1
lst M 8 5 -* 1909
5 g A -0 2,944 .000
O ct. 11954
IT 000J)()0 g guar_____c * & r t f/I n t . at Old C olony T r. C o ., B ost., Trustee
n ° ^ tel<)S.C^ , lst M * 2 -500-'
1900 5 B F -A
A ug. 1 1925
000 g ($1,000) sk f d . . c * t f jln t . at Internal. Trust C o ., D ost., Trustee.

($500 and $1,000)______c*\Baltimore Trust Company, Trusteo.

G a r y C o n n e c t i n g R y s .—

First mtge $400,000 gold/ 1911 5 g J-D
400,000 June 1 1921
($500and $1,000) guar..c*(W estern Tr. Sc Sav. Bank, Chic., Trustee.o
V a lp a r a is o A N o r th e r n R y .—

First mtge $250,000 ($100) g / -------5
g A-O 250,000 April 11930
callable at 105__________ Clint. at M et. Tr. Sc Sav. Bk.. Chic., Tr.a
G ary A

In te ru r b a n R R


Coupon notes $100,000 ($500J 1913
100,000 Nov 1 1915
and $1,000) (closed) gu p&ll
Receiver’s certificates_______ _____
See text
a William T . Abbott, associate trustee.
V. 99, p. 608.
S t o c k . — Authority has been given to increase stock to $7,500,000 as re­
quired. Pref. stock is to share in dividends on same basis with common
after latter has received 4% .
G a r y A I n t e r u r b a n R y . — Remaining bonds may bo issued for 90% of cost
of extensions, Improvements, &c., under certain restrictions. Subjf. to call
at 105 and int. Sk. fd. of 1% of bonds out each year from 1915 to 1920 and
2% thereafter. V. 91, p. 1385. Convertible notes are secured by deposit
of $500,000 (entire issue) East Chicago Ry. 1st M . 5s, duo 1928, and all of
Its $500,000 stock. Were convertible into said bonds at 90 and interest
on Sept. 1 1915. The East Chicago bonds aro guar., prin. and int., by the
Gary & Inter. Ry. The deed of trust provides that the Gary & Inter. Ry.
acquire the E. Chic. Ry. upon the maturity of tho notes, when an equal
amount of Gary Ac Inter. Ry. ref. 5s, due 1930 will be reservod for the re­
demption of the E. Chic. Ry. 1st M . 5s due 1928. V. 95. p. 890. Notes
aro listed on Baltimore Stock Exchange. Tho Gary Sc Interurban R R .
notes are red. at 102 and int. on 60 days' notice. Guar., p. Sc I., by the
Gary Sc Interurban R R ., the Valparaiso Northern R y. and Gary A. Inter­
urban Ry. V. 98, p . 610.
Interest due Sent. 1 1914 on the 3-year convertible 6% notes of the
Gary Sc Interurban R y . was paid Nov. 29, 1914. V 99. p. 674; V. 100.
p. 305. March 1915 interest was paid when due. Sept. 1915 int. and
prin. defaulted; see remarks above.
G a r y C o n n e c t i n g R y s . — First mtge. bonds are subject to call at 105 and Int
Int. at Lawrence Barnum Sc C o., New York. Tho bonds are uncondition­
ally guaranteed by the Gary & Interurban RR.
EARNINGS.— Of Gary & Interurban RR. for year ending June 30 1915.
gross, $278,556: net, $22,093; Interest and taxes, $152,328; deficit, $130,234,
ROAD.— Operates local lines In Gary and extension through Tolleston
to Hammond and East Chicago (connecting at Hammond with linTS running
to centre of Chicago), 22 miles; an extension to Indiana Harbor, 13 miles;
La Porte to Goodrum, 22 miles; Gary to Good rum. 16 miles; from Chester­
ton and Porter, through Goodrum to Valparaiso. 12 miles; total miles of
track. 85. Standard gauge; 60 and 85-lb. T rail.
OFFICERS.— Pres., F. N. Gavit, Whiting, Ind.; Sec., C. W. Chase.
Gary; Treas., L. E. Woodward, Gary; Gen. Mgr., J. C . Nelson.— V. 100,
p. 305, 397, 642, 733; V. 101. p. 773, 846, 1370, 1464; V. 102, p. 975.


ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. May 28 1913 as successor of the Geneva Sc
Auburn Ry. sold at foreclosure March 14 1913. Public Serv. Commission
authorized the sale of $524,000 bonds at not less than 85. V. 97, p. 298.
The Public Service Commission In May 1915 auth. the issue of $37,150
6% serial notes maturing within 6 years, the proceeds to be used for
additions. Improvements. &c. In Dec. 1915 applied for auth. to issue
$38,477 add’l notes at not loss than an average price of 96.



S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
S tock. $200.000.................................. ..........................
8157.100 .....................
B onds, $524.000— ..................... 1913
501.000 July 1 1943
Serial notes__________________ 1915
See text.
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending D ec. 31 1915. gross, $99,356; n et,$44.171.
R O A D .— E xtends from Geneva to Cayuga Lake Park through W aterloo
and Seneca Falls. Length o f main tracks 15.916 miles; sidings, .871 miles;
m iscellaneous, .36 mile; total, 17.147 miles. R ails, 70, 80. 90 and 100-lb.
T ; track standard gauge.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., R . R . Quay, Pittsburgh, Pa.: S ec.. L . G . H oskins,
Geneva, N . Y .; A ctin g Supt. & T reas., W . A . Shirley, W aterloo, N . Y .
— V . 96, p . 1629; V. 97, p . 298.

G IR A R D , P A .
C L E V E L A N D & E R IE R A IL W A Y C O .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In June 1909. Is successor to C o n '
neaut & Erie Traction C o ., sold at foreclosure. Owns all the stock and
bonds and leases the Conneaut & Erie T raction C c . o f O hio, which owns
1.99 miles o f track. F r a n c h i s e s are for 999 years.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S .— D a t e .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock. $300.000..................................................... —
$300,000 .................. ..
First m tge. $800,000, goldl 1909
5 J-J
500.000 July 1 1929
($250 and $500)_________c j l n t . at Fidelity T rust C o ., P hlla., trustee.
Incom e bonds $500,000 ($250( 1909
5 July
500.000 July 1 1929
and $500)._________________/l n t . at Fidelity Trust C o ., P hlla., trusteo.
B o n d s .— Remaining first m ortgage bonds are reserved for extensions,
betterm ents, & c. T h ey are subject to call at 105 and lnt. on 3 m onths
notice. In t. on Income bonds Is only payable If earned, and Is non-cum .
T hey are subject to call at par. Bonds have no sinking fund. N o Interest
has been paid on Incomes.
E A R N IN G S .— For 12 m os. ending Juno 30 1915. gross, $117,532: net,
$44,890; other Income, $418; in t., taxes and rontals, (including $10,248 for
depreciation and replacem ents), & c., $55,058: d eficit, $9,750.
R O A D .— Owns 31.29 miles o f track. Operates between Conneaut and
E rie. Standard gauge; 60-lb. rail; 9 passenger and 8 other cars.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., O . E . W illock, Pittsburgh; V .-P ., H . E . Fish,
E rie, P a.; T reas., J. R . M cD on a ld , Erie, P a .; S ec., J . M . Sm ith, Girard,
P a .; M g r., R . W . Palm er, G irard, P a.

G IR A R D V IL L E , P A .

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Pennsylvania on July 20 1903 and
purchased the property o f the Schuylkill Traction C o . and the Lakeside
R y . C o . V . 80. p . 1729.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
$400,000 ................ ..
S tock, $400,000 ($50).......................
First consol m tge. $1,450,000,1 1905
5 g A -O
040,000 April 1 1935
gold ($500 and $ 1 .0 0 0 )_-C */ln t. at Fidelity Trust C o ., P hlla., Trusteo.
B o n d s . — O f the remaining first consol, bonds, $760,000 are reserved t o
retire the underlying liens in statement below and $50,000 are In treasury.
Are subject to call at par and Interest.
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending June 30 1912, gross. $188,471; net, after
taxes, $78,622; Int., & c., $51,183; othor ded uc’ns, $1,917; surp ., $25,522.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Powell E vans, Phlla.; Sec. & T reas., J. A .M cK e e ;
Phlla.; A sst. Sec. Sc T reas., Chas. E . Hanna, Bala, Pa.: Gen. M g r., W . S.
L elb, P ottsvlllo.— V . 80. p . 1729; V . 82. p . 1157; V . 87. p . 286.
(1) S c h u y lk ill T r a c t io n C o . — A trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Chartered Sept. 26 1892, In perpetuity, under the
M o to r Traction A ct o f M arch 22 1887. Road oponed June 1 1893. On
Jan. 6 1893 leased for 999 years the M ahanoy C ity Shenandoah Glrardvllle
& Ashland Street R y . On O ct. 5 1893 leased for 999 years the Ashland
Locustdale Sc Centralia E lec. R y . Owns all the stock o f these tw o roads,
which Is pledged under the first m ortgage. On April 27 1900 leased for 999
years the Lakeside R y ., which connects the tw o ends o f the com p a n y’s
routes from M ahanoy C ity to Shenandoah and purchased 2,600 o f the 5.000
shares o f the capital stock. On Jan. 24 1901 leased the Shenandoah &
Pottsville Street R y . for 999 years (Incorporated A ug. 1 1900), and from
Pottsville to Shenandoah, 13 miles, and bought all Its capital stock . T he
Lakeside Shenandoah & Pottsville stock Is pledged under con sol, m tge.
S T O C K & B O N D S — Miles. Date.
Interest. Outstanding. Maturity
5 g A -O
$500,000 April 1 1943
1st M , $500,000. g ,$500 2 2 M
& $ 1 ,00 0 . s f . $ 10 ,0 0 0 In t. Is paid at Equitable T r. C o ., Trusteo, Phlla.
y ’ly after A p r. ’98~c* Bonds m ay be purchased for sinking fund at 105.
4 g M -N
150.000 N o v 1 1923
1st M . Lakeside_________
R y, g
ar’d b
y ] Interest at E quitable T rust C o .. Philadelphia,
1150.000. guar’d
Schuylkill T ra ction . .
N ew
s e e l____
4.H. . g_ J-J
July 1 1951
jw consol m tge, see^
' ' ‘
lelity Trust C o ., Phlla,
P hlla.. Trustee.
text ($1,000), g ___c*Jlnterost
at Fidelity
Power-house m ortgage---------- -------------------5,000
B o n d s . — A uth. amount o f consol, m tge. was $2,000,000, but m tge. has
been closed with $105,000 ou t. O f the outstanding bonds $36,000 are hold
In the treasury. Subject to call at 105 and Interest. S i n k i n g f u n d o f 1%
o f bonds out became operative A u g. 1 1907.
R O A D .— Schuylkill T raction D ivision, 22>4 miles o f track, beginning at
L ocustdale, thence through Ashland, Ilolm esvllle to Glrardvllle. form ing
there a Y , one branch running through L ost Creek to Shenandoah and the
other branch to M alzevllle, Gllberton and M ahanoy C ity . Lakeside D ivi­
sion. 6 >$ miles. T otal, 28 miles. 60 and 70-lb. T rail. Extensions o f 43
miles proposed and charters obtained. Operates 51 m otor cars, 4 work
cars and 2 snow sweepers.— V . 80, p . 1729.

G L O V E R S V IL L E , N . Y .
FO N D A J O H N S T O W N & O L O V E R S V IL L E R R . C O .— Stoam and
electric road.— See statement In “ Railway and Industrial” S ection.


R A P ID S , M IC H .

C O M M O N W E A L T H P O W E R . R A IL W A Y & L IG H T C O .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In M aine F eb. 19 1910 t o carry out
t h e plan outlined in V . 90. p . 108. 447, for am algam ating certain gas,
1 ectric light, power and street railway enterprises In M ichigan.
Controls through stock ownership the follow ing com panies:
Consumers Power C o .
ISaginaw-Bay C ity Railway C o .
Grand Rapids R y .
Grand Rapids Holland Sc C hic. R y .
M ichigan Light C o .
ISpringfield (O .) L t .. l i t . Sc P ow . C o.
M ichigan R a i l w a y C o .
[U nion R ailw ay, Gas & E lectric C o .
M anistee Railway C o.
. . . . . . . .
On D ec. 31 1915 constituent com panies had outstanding In hands o f
the public $66,924,000 bonds and $13,096,700 preferred stock.
On M a y 15 1913 the com pany acquired (through exchange o f now stock
on basis shown in V . 90. p . 1296) the outstanding capital stock o f the Union
B y ., Gas Sc E lec. C o . and the Springfield (O .) Light C o . (V . 96, p . 1298)
and the M ichigan R y s. C o .
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on ($ 1 0 0 ).......................- .............................. *$18,000.000’ M a y ’16,1%
Preferred (0 % cum ) ($100)-------------Q-F
16,000,000 M a y T 6 ,l
C on v bds. Sl8.000.000 ($100.1 1913
0 M -N
10.000,000 M a y 1 1918
$500 and $ l,0 0 0 )--C * -_ t f /I n t . payable In N ew Y ork and Philadelphia.
*$3 ,000,000 additional com m on stock Is Issuablo upon conversion o f bonds
Preferred stock Is redeemable at 105 and accrued dividends.
B o n d s .— T he proceeds o f the con v . bonds were used (1) to retire the
$2,000,000 notes maturing Juno 10 1913; (2) for the acquisition o f $2,100,­
000 pref. stock and approxim ately $1,600,000 notes o f M ichigan R y i. C o .;
remainder was available for com p any’s purposes.
B onds aro co u v . (In
amounts o f $ 1,0 0 0 or multiples thereof) Into an equal am ount o f prof, stock
at par, and upon conversion bondholders will also receive com m on stock
equal to 30% o f bonds so converted. V . 96, p . 1296, 1556. Bankers Trust
C o ., N ow Y ork, Is trustee.
D i v i d e n d s . — Quar. dlvs. o f I M % on pref. have been paid since organiza­
tion. First d iv. on com .— 1 % — paid M a y 1 1913; same rate quar. slnco to
and lncl. M a y 1916.
R E P O R T .— For tho year ending D oc. 31 1915 will be found in V . 102, p.

[Vol. 102

C o n d e n s e d E a r n i n g s S t a t e m e n t f o r Y e a r s e n d i n g D e c . 31.
lln cl. earnings from M a y 1 1913 only on stocks acquired that dato.)
Earnings on sub. co . stocks__________ $2,434,825 $2,501,370 $2,083,019
Interest, & c., earnings_______________

Gross e a r n in g s ..................................... $3,081,857
Exponses and taxes__________________
Interest charges_____________________
A m ortization o f debt discount______
D ividends o f preferred stock _________
D ividends on com m on stock ( 4 % ) ___



T otal d eductions.................................... $2,441,270
Balance, surplus......................................



a Includes $400,000 to cover dividend requirements since M a y 1 1913 on
tho $10,000,000 o f additional preferred stock issued as o f that date.
C om bined earnings for the 12 m onths ending D ec. 31 1915, gross, $14,­
590,124; not, $7,625,445; in t., taxes, & c., $5,329,857; surplus, $2,295,587.
P R O P E R T Y , & c.— Through Its constituent com panies, owns and op er­
ates electric railways serving 75 cities and towns with 858,27 miles o f single
track; revenuo pass, carried during year ond. D oc. 31 1915, 90,652,013;
electric light and power com panies serving 98 cities and towns with salos
during tho yoar ended D oc. 31 1915 o f 243,394,854 k. w . h .; 17 hydro­
electric plants; 19 stoam electric plants with an installed capacity o f 165,000
h. p ., high-tension transmission linos aggregating 1,208.11 milos in length;
gas com panies serving 14 cities, with salos during tho year onding D oc. 31
1915 o f 2,220,128,000 cu bic feet.
O F F IC E R S .— P ros., A nton G . H odonpyl; V .-P ., C . M . C lark, P hlla.;
V .-P ., G oo. E . H ardy; Sec. & T reas., Jacob Hekm a; A sst. Soc. Sc A sst.
T roas., O. A . Poarson J r., Phlla.— V . 99, p. 534. 969, 1130, 1366, 1597;
V . 100, p . 471, 1592; V . 101, p . 444, 1552, 2144; V. 102, p. 603, 714, 1718.
(1) M ich ig a n R a ilw a y .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— dneorp. July 22 1909 as the M ichigan & C h ica go
R y . and on M ar. 21 1914 changed its name to M ichigan R y . On Jan. 1
1916 loasod for 999 yoars the M ich . Unitod R ys. (form erly leasod to M ich .
U nited T raction C o .) and tho Grand R apids H olland & C hicago R y .
F r a n c h i s e s .— T he com pany owns in fee tho right o f way on lino from Grand
Rapids to Kalam azoo: from Allegan to Battle Creek and from Saginaw to
B ay C ity , and for 17 miles o f its line from Saginaw to F lint. Franchises
on the balance o f tho Saginaw-Flint line are regarded as perpetual.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on stock $6,000,000____ ______
_________ *$4,392,000 -------------------1st m tgo $15,000,000 g o ld / 1914
Soe text Juno 1 1944
($1,000, $500, & c )_______ \M lch. T r. C o . and Frank A . G orham , trust.
1st lien gold notes $7,000,000/ 1914
5 g J-D
6,000,000 Juno 1 1919
($1,000, $500 & $100) guarjB ankers T r. C o ., N . Y ., and D etroit T r.
rin & int______________ c * ( C o ., D etroit, Trustees.
All owned b y Comm onwealth Power R y . & L t. C o . and deposited as
security for tho 5-year gold notes (V . 98, p . 1993).
B o n d s .—-Of tho $15,000,000 auth. bonds, $7,500,000 is deposited as
part collateral for tho notes.
N o t e s .— T he remaining $1,000,000 notes m ay bo Issued only to oxtent
o f 8 0% o f cash expenditures for extensions, im pts., & c., under certain
restrictions (V . 98, p. 1993). Guar. prin. & lnt. unconditionally b y C om m on
P ow . R y . & L t. C o . b y endorsement. Int. payable in N . Y . or London at
$4 8665 per £. R od . on int. dates at 103 Sc int. in 1916; 102 Sc int. in 1917,
and 101 and int. in 1918. $ 10,307,700 par value o f stock o f soveral com ­
panies controlled b y tho C om . P. R y .& L . G o. Is deposited as collateral se­
R O A D .— Owns and operates an interurban electric railway 34.52 milos
long, extending from Flint to Saginaw, with branch to Frankonmuth; an
interurban railway from Saginaw to B ay C ity , 10.83 miles, in operation
since M a y 1 1914: a railroad from Allegan to Battle C reek, 42.42 milos,
form erly operatod b y steam but was electrified; a new high-speed interurban
lino, 52.98 miles, extending from Grand Rapids to K alam azoo. C onstruc­
tion on this lino com pleted in D ec. 1914 and regular service was bogun
M a y 17 1915. Leases the M ichigan United R y s., 256 miles, and tho Grand
R apids H olland & C hicago R y ., 77 miles. A lso owns a hydro-electric
plant o f 1,000 h. p . on M anisteo R iver.
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., B . C . C obb ; V .-P s ., II. II. C row oll, Frank Silliman
Jr. and J. F. Collins; Sec., G . B . D obbin; T reas., J. W . Glondoning,
O ffico, K alam azoo, M ich .—-V. 98, p . 1993; V . 99, p. 407, 1451, 1598;
V . 100, p . 398, 1752; V . 102, p . 522.
M ich ig a n U n ite d R y s .— A third rail and trolloy systom . Loasod to
M ichigan Hallway C o. for 999 years from Jan. 1 1916.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in M ichigan on M arch 31 1906 and
on M a y 1 1906 took over tho M ichigan Traction C o ., the M ichigan T raction
Extension C o ., tho Jackson & Battle Creek Traction C o . and tho Lansing Sc
Suburban T raction C o . T he Lansing & Jackson Railway C o . has also been
deeded to tho M ichigan U n. R ys.
In 1908 purchased! Jackson Consolidated T raction C o . V. 84, P. 1183,
and V . 87, p. 285. Latter com pany’s f r a n c h i s e s In Jackson expire In 1960.
T he C ity o f Jackson has the right to purchase tho Jackson Consolidated
Traction at an appraised value In 1930 and each 5 years thereafter.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on. $6,000,000 ($100)-----------.
. . . $6,000,000 - - - - - - - Pref $1,000,000 ($100) 6 % c u . . ____
M -S
See text
1st & ref mtge $12,500,000/ 1906
5 g M -N
9,516,000 M a y 1 1930
gold ($1,000, $500, $250,] Int. at Colum bia T r. C o ., N . Y ., trustee,
$100 and $ 50)_____ c& r.tfl or N a t. Provincial B k. o f E ng., London.
M ich T rac 1st m tge_________{ 1901
5 g J-J
348,000 Jan 1 1921
$700,000 ($1,000) g c*..ntf/.In terest at N ow Y ork Trust C o ., Trustee.
M ichigan T rac E xt 1st m tge) 1903
5 g J-D
316,000 D ec 1 1923
$500,000 ($1,000) g\ In t. at C olum bia T r. C o ., N . Y .. Trustoo.
Jackson & Battle Creek first 1903
5 g J-J
1.200,000 Jan l 1923
m ortgage, $1,200,000 ($1.-] Interest at Citizens’ Savings & Trust C o .,
000) g o l d .................... c * ..tfl C leve., Trustee, or First N at. B k .. N . Y .
Jackson Consol Trac 1st mtge ( 1904
5 g M -N
790,000 M a y 1 1934
$1,000,000 gold ($ 10 0 ,$ 5 0 0 /Interest a t Guardian T rust C o ., N ew Y ork,
and $1,000).................. c * t f ( Trustee.
. . . . .
... . .
B o n d s .— O f tho $12,500,000 first and refunding bonds, sufficient aro
reserved for prior lions and romaindor for addns., bottorm ts and im pts.
Subject to call at 110. V . 82, p . 1157. See also V . 87, p. 167, 285; V . 88,
p 1437. Bonds aro listed In L ondon. V .9 0 ,p .9 1 4 .
l ho Jackson Consol.
T ra c. C o . bonds aro subject to call on any int. dato at 105.
On the M ichigan Traction C o . bonds a sinking fund o f 5 % o f gross earn­
ings com m enced In 1903. to be used in buying bonds at not to exceed 110;
otherwise to be invested in other standard securities. V . 72, p. 391;
352,000 M ich .T ra c. 1st M .b o n d s and $184,000 M ich . T ra c. E xt. 1st M .
onds woro hold in sinking fund on M a r. 31 1916 and aro not included in
tho amounts above.
T he Jackson & Battle Creek bonds are subject to call In any amount
after 10 years at 105 and Interest. V . 75, p . 1147.
D i v i d e n d s . — 6 % is being paid on preferred stock.
R E P O R T .— Earnings are no longer reported separately.
R O A D .— Operates ail city lines In Jackson. Battle Creok, Kalam azoo
and Lansing and interurban lines between Jackson, B attlo Creek and Kala­
m azoo, and botween Jackson. L a nsln gand St. Johns, Lansing andO w osso,
and from Jackson to Grass Lake and W o lf Lake; total operatod, 250 miles.
T hrough service between Jackson and Lansing began In N o v . 1909. Op­
erates through service to D etroit ovor D etroit United R y . lines under traffic
agreement, connecting from Jackson. V . 90, p. 106, 914; V. 91, p . 1026,
1096,1157; V . 92, p. 1178; V. 93, p . 1787; V . 94, p . 68, 207; V . 96, p . 1423.
(b) G r a n d R a p id s H o lla n d & C h ic a g o R y .
Com . Pow., R y.& Lt. Co. owns all the pref. and practically all tho com . stk.
Leasod to M ichigan R ailw ay C o . for 999 years from Jan. 1 1910.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In M ichigan In July 1904 and Is a re­
organization on A ug. 1 1904 or tho Grand Rapids H olland Sc Lako M ichigan
Rapid R y . Seo V. 79, p. 627. Power is supplied to com pany b y Grand
Raplds-M uskegon Power C o ., but com pany maintains own station in roadlness to operato in case o f em ergency. F r a n c h i s e s in city o f Holland and
village streets expire in 1928 to 1930; remainder on privato rights o f w ay.
D a te.
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on, $500,000..........................................................
*^87,900 .....................
P rof. $850,000. 6 % __________ _____
830,800 ----------------1st m tgo. Grand Rapids I lo l.f 1900
5 g F -A
1,475,000 A ug 1 1920
Sc Lako M ich , $ 1 ,50 0 ,000,] Int. at American T r. Sc Sav. Bank, C hicago,
gold ($500 and S 1 ,0 0 0 ).n t f 1 Trusteo, or at Guaranty Trust C o , N . Y .



May , 1916. j


B o n d s .— A s i n k i n g f u n d is provided o f $5,000 por annum for first 5 years
$10,000 per annum for second 5 yoars, $15,000 yearly for third 5 years and
$25 ,60 0 j)or annum for fourth 5 yoars. Bonds are not subject to call.
R O A D .— Operates 77 miles o f track from Grand Rapids through Holland
to M acataw a and Saugatuck, with steamer connection at Holland for Chic.

O F F IC E R S .— Pres., J. F. Collins; V .-P ., B . C . C ob b , N ow Y ork; Sec.
G . B . D obbin; Troas., J. W . Glondening.— V . 78, p . 702; 768; V. 79, p. 627
V . 96, p . 1422; V . 100, p . 140.

(2) Union Railway, Gas & Electric Co.



for acquisition o f new proporty, additions, Im pts., & c., under certain
restrictions (V . 99, p. 1132). Sinking fund o f >4 or 1% p. a. begins April 1
1917, o f total am ount o f bonds o f this issue outstanding and all underlying
jssuos for the purchase o f these bonds (or call at 105) or for acquisitions,
Im pts., & c. V . 99, p. 1132.
Evansville Light Co. Securities.— O f remaining Public Utilities C o . ref.
mtgo., bonds, $4,358,000 aro reserved for prior liens and $4,700,000 are for
additions and im provem ents. $900,000 o f tho $942,000 bonds Issued are
pledged to secure Un. R y ., G . & E . C o. 3-yr. gold notes and $23,000 are
owned b y Union R y ., Gas & E l. C o. Int. at Ilodonpyl, Ilardy & C o ., N . Y .
Callable on any int. date at 107 % & int. T ho Evansville Gas & E loctrlc
must caH at 105 and interest $10,000 annually on Juno 1 1913
to 1922, inclusive, and $15,000 on June 1 1923 to 1932, inclusive; $30,000
havo boon rotlrod. T h e y aro subject to call at 105 and Interest. O f the
Evansvlllo & Southern Indiana first consolidated bonds, $1,600,000 are
reserved fo r prior lions. T h e Evansville & Princeton first 5s have a
sinking fund o f $10,000 por annum, which began Feb. 1 1908, said fund to
bo investod In the bonds at 105 beginning w ith N o . 1. $40,000 have been
redeemed. W hole issue o f these bonds m ay be called at any tim e at 110
, W • Prior o f Cleveland Is co-trustee o f this m ortgage. E vansviiio. E lec. R y . bonds cannot be called. T h o Evansville Public Service
C ol mt70the Cankers Trust C o .. N . Y ., to secure an iso f f I ’OOO.OOO bonds. These bonds have been issuod to reimburse the
Public Utilities C o. for im p ts,. & c., b u tn o n o outstanding in hands o f public.
Dividends.— First d iv ., 1 )4 % . on pref. paid O ct. 1909 and same am ount
quar. since to and Including A pr. 1916. First d lv. on co m .— 1% — paid
April 1 1913; July 1, 1 % ; O ct., 1 % . In 1914, Jan., 1 % . C om . P ow .. R y .
& L t. C o. owns practically all the stock and divs. no longer m ade public.
E A R N IN G S .— Combined earnings o f subsid. cos. for 12 m os. ending
Fob. 29 1916, gross, $4,931,533; net, after taxes, $2,301,635; interest charges
$1,265,894; surplus, 81,035,741.
R O A D .— R ockford & Inter-U rban operates 35.70 m .o f trolley in R o ck ­
ford , 13 miles botween R ockford and Belvidere; also 28 miles o f R ockford
& Freeport Electric R y . between points named In title, and 35 miles b e­
tween R ock ford , 111., and Beloit and Janesville, W is. T o ta l, 111.39 m .
Springfield I ly .& L t. C o . operates 42.91 miles in Springfield. Janesville T ra c .
C o . operates 5 m . in Janesville, W is., and D e K alb-Sycam ore & Intor. T r a c .,
8 m ., connecting D e K alb and Sycam ore, 111. Public Utilities C o . op erates
abt. 69 m . In Evansville and between E vansville. Princeton and P a tok a.In d .
O F F IC E R S .— Same as for C om m . P ow ., R y . & L t. C o. above.— V . 93
p . 290, 528; V . 95, p . 1747; V . 96, p . 137. 717, 1299; V . 102, p . 1541.

M e r g e r .— Under tho plan dated April 26 1913, practically all the $5,250,'
000 prof, stock was exchanged for $5,250,000 new pref. and $525,000 now
co m . stock o f tho Com m onwealth P o w ., R y . & L t. C o ., and tho $6,000,000
com . for an equal am t. o f now com . or $1,500,000 pref. and $4.5O0.OOO com
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in N ew Jersey June 29 1909 and ac
quired practically all o f stocks o f Springfiold (111.) R y . & Lt. C o., tho R ock
ford (111.) & Intor. R y . C o ., tho Peoria L t. C o ., and tho Evansville
L ight C o ., per plan in V. 88, p. 1501; also all tho stock and bonds o f
tho Janesville Traction C o. ($125,000 stock, $50,000 bonds), and all tho
stock ($497,500) and all the 1st ref. bonds ($382,000) o f the D e Kalb-Sycam oro & Interurban T ra c. C o . T he Evansville Light C o. owns the entire
$3,000,000 com m on stock and $950,000 o f the preferred stock o f the Public
Utilities C o. (incorp. June 1912), which com pany merged tho Evansville &
South. Ind. T rac. (see E lec. R y . Sec. o f M a y 1912), Evansville Gas & Elec.
L t. C o. and E vansv. P ub. Serv. C o . On O ct. 14 1912 Circuit Judge Wil­
liam Blakey sustained tho demurrer o f the Public Utilities C o . in a suit
brought to dissolve tho com pany, holding that the consolidation was in ac­
cordance with the statutes (V . 95, p. 1040). and In D ec. 1912 he dismissed
tho suit. V . 95, p . 1747. Tho Peoria Light C o. owns all tho $2,500,000
6 % cum . pref. an<Ptho $5,000,000 com . stock o f the Central Illinois L t. C o
(Vi. 99, p . 1132) which was Incorp. in April 1913 and took over the properties
o f t_______________________________
tho Peoria Gas & Electric C o ., _________
Gas &M E
loc. C o. .o.f Pekin and
Its subsidiary com pany, tho Pokin L t., H t. & Power C o ., W ashington (111.
L t. & Powor C o ., E lm w ood E lec. L t. C o ., Farm ington L t. & P ow . C o . and
tho E lec. Service System . T he Union R y ., Gas & E lectric subsidiary
com panies own and oporate street railway properties In Springfiold and
R ock ford , III., Evansvlllo, In d ., and Janesville. W is., and Interurban
lines from R ockford to Freoport and B elvidero, III., through B eloit. W Is.,
to Janesville. W is., from D o Kalb to Sycam ore, III., and from Evansvlllo
to Princeton and Patoka, Ind.; also gas, electric and steam-heating proper­
ties in Peoria, Springfiold and Pekin, 111., and Evansville, In d .; electric
light and power and steam heat In Do Kalb and Sycam oro, 111., and electric
(3) S p r i n g f i e l d ( O . ) L i g h t , H e a t & P o w e r C o .
properties In numerous othor cities and towns In Illinois.
Entire capital stock is owned b y C om . P ow ., R v . & L t. C o.
E x c h a n g e o f P e o r i a L i g h t C o . B o n d s .— Holders o f the collateral trust
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in M aino in A ug. 1908. Franchises
6 % 30-year bonds o f the Peoria Light C o. have tho option o f exchanging
their bonds for Central Illinois L t. 1st & ref. 5s (see below ), dollar for dollar, oxtond boyond m aturity o f bonds.
In Fob. 1916 tho Ohio P . U. C om m . auth. tho issuance o f $181,000 5 %
also receiving 3 % in cash. As o f A pr. 30 1916 all but $144,000 o f tho
Gen. & R ef. M . bonds and $100,000 pref. stock to reimburse the com pany
$2,500,000 bonds had boon so exchanged.
In A pr. 1916 issued $3,000,000 3-yr. 5 % notes to rofund $1,500,000 Un. for capital expenditures, & c. V . 102, p . 614, 810.
Interest. Outstanding. Maturity.
R y . G . & E . C o. 5 % notos and $1,555,000 Pub. Utilities C o. 6 % coll. tr.
notos which matured M arch 1 1916. V . 102, p . 1541.
C om m on stock ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) ..____
__________ $1,000,000 ____________
Preferred stock ( $ 1 , 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) - .____
200,000 ___________
D a te .
Interest. Outstanding.
M aturity. Spring L t, II & P gen & rof M f 1913
5 A-O
481,000 April 1 1933
Com m on $6,000,000 ($100)-------------- - - - - - — $6,000,000
See text
M ich . Trust
P ref $12,000,000 cum ($ 1 0 0 )....-----6 Q-J
5,250,000 A p r.’ lO, 1
at 105 and in t e r e s t-.c * n t f l C o ., Grand Rapids, Trustee.
------------ trust
------ m tgo, g o ld ./ 1909 -5
J-J 4,000.000 July 1 19;
Springfield Light, Ileat & / 1909
5 F-A
719,000 Feb 1 1929
r«K n nand
'in ,i«i
nnm -...cL
e * -tflC
n ercIa l Trust C o ., Phlla., Trustee.
Power first m ortgage___t f (In t. at State Sav. B k. & T r. C o ., C ol., O ., T r.
G old notos ($ l,0 0 0 jc * --_ _ _ — 1916
5 A -O
3,000,000 A pr. 11919
Bonds.— Sufficient gen. and ref. bonds are reserved to retire at or before
S p r i n g f i e l d I t u . eft L i g h t C o .—
m aturity tho outstanding 1st M . bonds. Remainder for extensions, en­
Springfield Ity& Lt coll tr M f 1903
5 g J-D
3,075,000 June 1 1933 largements and additions at 85% o f cost with certain restrictions. See
$5,000,000 g ($1,000) c * -t f)F id e llt y and C olum bia T r. C o ., L ouisv.,trus. V . 102, p . 1352. $31,000 first m ortgago bonds in sinking fund.
Springfiold Con R y consol f 1893
5 g J -D
750,000 June 1 1933
E A R N IN G S .— F or cal. year 1915, gross, $328,885; net, after taxes,
m tg $750.000g($l,000) c.tflC o lu m b la Trust C o ., Louisvlllo, Trustee
$158.439.— V . 100 p . 1923; V. 102, p . 614, 810, 1352.
R o c k f o r d eft I n t e r u r b a n R y . C o .—
R ockford & Inter - U rban-/ 1902 5 g A -O
1,710,000 O ct 11922
(4) G ra n d R a p id s R y .— T rolley.
1st m tgo. gold ($500 and/ Interest at First N a t. B k ., N . Y ., or at C onAll the com m on stock is ownod b y C om . P o w ., R y . & L t. C o .
$1,000) $3,000,000..c*..n tf l tinen. & C om , T r. & Sav. B k ., C hic.,trus.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N , & C.— Incorp . in M ich . In April 1900 as a successor
R ockford & Freoport first f 1903 6 g M -N
573,000 M ay 1 1923 com pany to tho Consolidated St. R y . Owns all street railway properties o f
m tge. $750,000, gold, gut Int. at C on. & C om . T r. & Sav. B k ., Chicago Grand Rapids and vicin ity. Franchises expire In 1921 and in 1929
p & 1 ($ l,000& $500)c*..ntf ( Trustee.
Interest. Outstanding. Maturity.
R ockford Bel & Janesville 1st I 1905 6 g A -O
996.000 O ct 1 1 9 3 0
m tgo g ($1,000) s f . . c ^ - t f / I n t . at C on t. & C om . T r. & Sav. B k ., C hic., ?,to^ S 0^mJ 2 '0 00-000 (S lO O )--A ll ownod b y C om . P o w ., R y . & L t. C o .
Q -F
81,500,000 M a y ’ 16. 144
Trustee, or First N a t. Bank, N ow Y ork. Pref $2,000,000 cum 5 % ($ 1 0 0 )____
8 ?
m tge) 1900
5 g J-D
3.023.000 June 1 191&
D e K a l b - S y c a m o r e eft I n t e r u r b a n T r a c . C o .—
$3,500,000 g ($1,000) _c*tf| Interest at N ew Y ork Trust C o .. Trustee.
D o Kalb-Sycam oro E lectric/ 1907
Bonds, eftc.— O f the now m ortgago for $3,500,000, $477,000 have been re­
first m ortgage_________n t f lin t , at C on t. & C om . T r. & S. B k ., C h ic., Tr.
tired b y sinking fu n d. Sinking fund becam e operative on O ct. 1 1905,
~e o r i’a L igahh t C o . —
Peoria Lt. C o . coll. tr. m tg5e ./
- Seo text July- 1 1936 payable 1% o f bonds out up to O ct. 1 1910, then 2 % up to 1915 (see
»• 70, p . 1149). Bonds cannot be called. Seo V . 72, p . 1187. Bonds
$5,000,000 g ($1,000) _ c * .tf (Bankers’ Trust C o ., N ew York, Trustee.
Peoria Gas & Elec. C o. 1st M.J 1903 5 J-J
2,500.000 Jan 11923 are listed on N ow Y ork Stock Exchange.
Dividends.— Dividends on preferred stock are cum ulative and 144%
$2,500,000 g ($1,000) ..c* tf IBankors Trust C o ., Now Y ork, Trustee.
C ent 111 Lt 1st & ref M $15,-1 1913 5 g A-O
3,605,000 April 1 1943 quarterly has been regularly paid up to and Including M a y 1916.
000.000 ($100, $500, $1,-{B ankers T rust C o ., N ew Y ork , Trustee.
R E P O R T .— F or years ondlng D ec. 31:
000) ..................................... c*
Gross. Net (aft.Tax.) Interest.
Pref. Dio.
Citizens Gas & E lectric 1st M l 1902 5 F-A 15
1922 }915.................... $1,176,450 $343,651 $165,187 (5% )$75,000 3103,464
$200,000 _____________ n t f l l n t . at M erchants’ Loan & Trust C o ., C hic.
1 9 1 4 - - - :............ 1,286,568 456.931
161,778 (5 % ) 75,000
E v a n s v i l l e L i g h t C o .—
R O A D .— Owns and operates 67.45 miles o f track.
Pub Util C o 1 st lien & ref M f 1912 5 J-J
19.000 July 1 1942
O F F IC E R S .— Pros, and Gen. M g r., B . S. H anchott; V .-P ., B . O. C obb;
$10,000,000 ($ 1,000)— tf{C om m ercial Trust C o , P hlla., and Charles Sec. and T reas., L . J. Do Lamarter; A sst. Sec. & A sst. T reas., S. E. W o lff,
l P . Llneaweaver, Trustees.
New Y ork. O ffico, Grand R apids, M ich .— V . 84, p . 220, 749; V . 85,
Util prof $3,000,000 cum
-----6 J-J
2,200,000 J a n ’ 16, 3 % p. 40; V. 95, p . 891; V . 100, p . 555, 1672.
E vansv & So Ind 1st con M l 1907 5 g J-J
41.000 Jan 1 1937
(5) S a g i n a w - B a y C i t y R a i l w a y C o .
$4 ,000,000 g ($1,000) ..c*tf(C om m ercial Trust C o .. Phlla., trustee.
Entire stock (except directors’ shares) is owned b y C om .P ow .,R y .& L t.C o.
Evansvlllo El R y 1st m tge/ 1901 4 g M -N
1,200,000 M a y l 1921
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— This com pany Is a consolidation o f tho Saginaw
$1,200,000 g ($1,000) -C * tf)In t. at Farmers’ L . & T r. C o ., N . Y ., trustee.
E vansv & Prince 1st m tg e/ 1903 5 g A -O
310,000 April 1 1923 Valley T raction C o . and railway dept, o f tho B ay C ity Traction & E lec. C o .
Interest. Outstanding. Maturity.
$400,000 gold ($1.000)sln k-jIn t. at C lt. Sav. & T r. C o ., C love., Trustee.
Stock, $2,600,000____________ All owned b y C om m onw . P r., R y. & L t. C o .
ing fun d _____ _____ c& I or at First National Bank. Now Y ork.
5 M -S
$1,100,000 M ar 1 1 9 3 5
E vansv Gas & El Lt 1st & ref f 1902 5 J-D
1,220,000 Juno 1 1932 First and refunding m ortgage 1910
$5,000,000 ($1,000)___c* tf/M ich tg a n Trust C o ., Grand Rapids. Trustee.
m ortgage $1,250,000 g o ld /ln t. at C ont. & C om . T r. & Sav. B k ., C h ic..
Saginaw Val T r 1st M . $850,-1 1899
5 g F-A
714,000 Feb 1 1 9 2 0
($ 1 .0 0 0 ).......................c* .t f l Trustee, or at First N a t. B k .. N ew Y o rk .
000, g ($1,000 e a ch )_ c* n tf lin t , at Boston Safe D ep . & T r. C o ., T ru stee.
S t o c k . — Prof, stock Is subject to call at 105 and accrued dividends.
B o n d s . — Tho Union R y ., Gas & E lec. coll, trust m tgo. is securod b y d e ­
Bonds.— O f the 1st & ref. bonds. $850,000 are reserved to retire Sag. Val •
posit o f practically all stocks (com . & pref.) o f subsidiary cos. Additional T rac. bonds; remainder for 85% o f cost o f additions, & c. R od. on any Int*
bonds m ay bo Issued only undor rigid restrictions (V . 89, p. 226). Interest dato on 60 days’ notico at 105 and int. In t. at H odenpyl, H ardy & C o ..
Is payable at Ilod on p yl, Hardy & C o ., N . Y ., and E . W . Clark & C o ., Phlla. N ow Y ork.
Bonds rodoomablo at par <& Int. on 60 d ays’ notice. T h ey are convertible
A sinking fund o f $8,500 per annum on Sag. Val. T ra c. bonds begins F eb. 1
Into pref. stock at par. V. 89, p. 226; V. 93, p . 528. T he 3-year notos
aro secured b y bonds o f tho U . R y . G . & E . C o. and underlying co s ., aggre­ 1907 and runs for 5 yoars. after which $17,000 per annum is payable, said
gating $4,000,000. R ed . at 10144 and int. on O ct. 1 1916; 101 and in t?o n fund to bo investod in the bonds at not above 10/44 and Int. Sinking fund
A p r. 1 and O ct. 1 1917; 10014 and int. on A pr. 1 and O ct. I 1918. Int hold on M ar. 31 1916 $155,000 o f bonds; $3,000 aro also owned b y C om m on­
wealth Powor, R y . & L igh t.
payable at offico or agency o f co. in N . Y . Bankers Tr. Co., N .Y.,trustee.
A d dit. notes m ay bo issuod with certain restrictions. Soo V. 102, p. 1541
E A R N IN G S .— F or 12 m onths ending D e c. 31 1913, gross, $642,680; net,
S p r i n g f i e l d R a i l w a y eft L i g h t S e c u r i t i e s . — O f tho Springfiold Railway &
after taxes, $230,689.
Light collateral trust mortgage or 1903, $128,000 aro resorved for addi­
R O A D .— Onoratos about 63 miles o f street railway track in Saginaw and
tions and Improvements to constituent companies and $750,000 for prior B ay C ity , lncl. Interurban lino between the tw o cities.
liens. Tho bonds aro subject to call on 60 d ays’ notice at 10744 and
O F F IC E R S .— P res., B . O . C o b b ; V .-P s ., H . T . W lckes, J . E . Davidson
Int. Intorost Is payable at Colum bia Trust C o ., Louisville, and a GLodenand J . A . Cleveland; S ec., G . B . D ob b in ; T reas., J. W . Glendening; A sst.
p y l, Ilard y & C o ., Now Y ork , and E . W . Clark & C o ., Philadelphia. Lit
on Springfield C on. R y . bonds Is payable at Fidelity and C olum bia Trust Sec. & A sst. T rea s., S. E . W olff.— V . 94, p . 983; V . 95. p . 298, 481.
co s ., Louisvlllo, and at H odenpyl, H ardy & C o ., N ow Y ork.
. M ich ig a n L ig h t C o .
R o c k f o r d eft I n t e r u r b a n R y . S e c u r i t i e s . — S i n k i n g f u n d o n R ockford &
l 6,i11 tho com m on stock is now ownod b y C om . P o w ., R y . & Light C o .
Inter-Urban bonds o f 5 % o f gross receipts com m enced In 1908. $201 O
G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in M ich . In 1914 and took over and co n ­
000 o f bonds in add’n to thoso roportod outstanding above aro held In the
tho following com panies:
sink. fd . A d d ’l bonds can bo Issued for extensions and Improvements at solidated
Gas C o .,
I Flint Gas C o .,
IB av C ity Gas C o .
85% o f cost. Tho entire issue Is subjoct to call at 105 and interest. The P ontiac Light
C o .,
|Saginaw C ity Gas C o ., IKalam azoo Gas C o.
R ockford & Freoport bonds aro assumed, prin. & Int., b y tho R ockford &
As o f Jan. 1 1916 acquired gas proporty o f tho M anistee P ow . & L t. C o .
Inter-Urban Railway C o.; $52,000 are held In sink. fund. A sinking fund
In F ob. 1916 Issuod $1,125,000 1st & ref. M . bonds to retire $857,000
equal to 5 % o f gross earnings began in 1910. Bonds are subject to call Saginaw
C ity Gas C o. bonds duo M a y 1 1916 and to reimburse tho c o . In
at 105 and lntorest. V. 78, p. 1276. A s i n k i n g f u n d on tho R ockford part for porinanont
oxts., & c., m ade.
Beloit & Janesvlllo bonds bogan in 1915 o f 2 % o f gross earnings o f that
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
Interest. Outstanding. Maturity.
division. T hey aro subject to call at 10244 and Intorost. T h ey aro guar­
__________ $3,153,100 _____________
anteed, p. & I., b y tho R ock f. & Intor-U rban. $4,000 in s. f. M a r. 31 i q i « Com m on stock _____________________
l uiuuuu u
/o L
i uuula
t i veu..................
c uum
Seo te xt
D e K a l b - S y c a m o r e E l e c t r i c . , $87,000 In sinking fund.
‘ rof M gold
5 M -S
1.125.000 M a r 1 1 9 4 6
P e o r i a L i g h t C o . S e c u r i t i e s . — Peoria Gas & Electric bonds aro subjoct to
$500 and $100)................ c*j Union Trust C o ., D etroit, Trustee.
call at 105 and lilt. Int. thoroon is payable at Ilodonpyl, Ilard y & Co
B ay C ity Gas 1st M , $500,000 1900
5 g J-D
500,000 June 1 1920
N ow Y ork. S i n k i n g f u n d o f 5 % o f gross earnings bogan Jan. 1 1 9 1 0 ’
g ($500 & $1.000)____ c * tf Interest at N ew Y ork Trust C o ., Trustee.
S i n k i n g f u n d m ay bo usod b y com pany for additions to proporty against
Flint Gas C o 1st M , $500,000 1904
5 M -N
500,000 N o v 1 1924
which no bonds havo boon issued. O f Citizons’ Gas & E lectric bonds
($500 & $1.000)____ c * n t f
at M ich . T r . C o ., Grd. R a p ., Trustee.
$35,000 havo boon rotlrod through sinking fund. Contral Illinois Light Jackson Gas C o m tge, $350,­ Int.
5 A -O
350,000 April 1 1937
bonds aro red. at 105 and accrued Int. on 60 days’ notico. T ho am ount
000 gold ($1,000)___c * n tf Illinois Trust & Sav. Bank, C h ic., Trustee.
roportod outstanding ($3,605,000) includos $144,000 rosorvod for unox- Kal Gas Go 1st M , $450,000 1900
5 JJ
400.000 Jan 1 1920
changod Pooria Light C o. coll, trust bonds. O f tho remaining bonds
1 .0 0 0 ).......................
c * n tf In t. at M ich . Trust C o ., Grd. R a p ., Trustee.
$2,500,000 aro reserved to rotlro Pooria Gas & Electric 1st M . 5s, $66,000 P ontiac Light C o consol m tge 1902
5 J-J
209.000 Jan 119 2 7
to retiro Citizens’ Gas & Eloctrlc bonds, while $8,829,000 aro rosorvod
$230,000, g ($ l,0 0 0 )..c * t f\ I n t . at M ich . Trust C o ., G rd. R a p ., Trustee



May , 1916.1


B o n d s . — $1,959,000 1st & ref. M . bonds aro reserved to retire prior liens.
Additional bonds m ay be issued for 75% o f cash cost o f permanent oxts,.
& c., under conservative restrictions. Rod. at 105 & Int. on any Int. date
on 30 days’ notice; tax-exem pt in M ich . V . 102, p. 613, 890. O f the
$500,000 Hay C ity Gas 1st At. bonds reported outstanding, $125,000 are
owned b y tho M ich . Light C o. Bay C ity and Jackson bonds are rod. at
110 & Int. Kalam azoo, Pontiac and Flint issues aro red. at 105 Sc int.
Int. on Jackson Gas C o. bonds Is payable at Ilodonpyl, H ardy & C o ., N . Y .
D i v i d e n d s on pref. have boon paid regularly since organization.
E A R N IN G S .— For 12 m os. end. D oc. 31 1915, gross, $1,627,531; net,
after taxes, $612,249.
P R O P E R T Y .— Constituent companies own and operate tho gas proper­
ties in Jackson, Kalamazoo, M anisteo, Pontiac, Flint, Saginaw, B ay C ity
Birmingham and R oyal Park.
SA L E S .— Year 1915, 1,311.147,000 cu. ft. M iles o f mains, 478.87.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres.. B. C . C ob b , N . Y .; V .-P s., W . H . Barthold and
T . A . Kenney; Sec., F. C . Potvin; Treas., A . B. Sim onoau.— V. 102. p
613, 890.

(7) C o n s u m e rs ’ P ow er C o.
All the com m on is owned b y C om . P ow ., R y . & L t. C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in M aine In 1910. and In N o v . 1914 merged
the following 11 companies (previously controlled b y stock ownership):
C om m onw . Power C o ., Grand R apids-M uskegon Power C o ., Grand Rapids
Edison C o ., Flint Elec. C o ., Saginaw Power C o ., B ay C ity P ow er C o ..
Pontiac Power C o ., Consumers’ Power C o. (M ich .), E conom y P ow er C o ..
Au Sable Electric C o. and Central Power C o.
This merger made the Consumers’ Power C o. (of M aine) an operating
com pany instead o f a holding com pany and on July 20 1915 it was granted
a certificate o f authority to d o business in M ichigan. V. 99, p. 1528, 1597;
V . 101, p . 369. A t the same time tho R R . C om m , approved the then
outstanding issues o f com m on and preferred stocks and 1st lien and ref.
5 % bonds and authorized the com pany to issue additional bonds from tim e
to tim e upon procurem ent or retirement o f the underlying bonds shown in
the table.
V . 101. p. 369.
In Jan. 1916 acquired the C adillac W ater & L t. C o . and the electric
property o f tho M anisteo Pow . & L t. C o.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
M a tu rity .
O u ts ta n d ln g .
Com m on $12,000,000.
.............. $10,500,000 .....................
P ref$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ($ 1 0 0 )6 % cu m -----„ Q-J
See text
1st lien and ref M . $35 ,00 0 .-f T1911
14,734.000 Jan 1 1936
000. gold ($1,000)____c * t f Int. at Harris T r. & Sav. B k ., C hicago.
Trustee, or Harris, Forbes Sc C o ., N . Y .
Com m Pow 1st M , $4,000,­ 1904
5 J-D
1,211,000 Dec 1 1924
000 g sink fd (31.000) .c * t f Int. at First Trust & Sav B k.. C h ic., Trustee
Grd Itap-M usk Pow 1st M
5 M -S
719.000 M ar 1 1931
$7,500,000, gold ......... . . t f Int. at 1st T r.& S .B ., C hic., or ls t N .B .,N .Y
Cadillac W & Lt 1st M .$200,___ . , 1905
5 M -S
141,500 Sept. 1 1925
000 ($500 Sc $ 1 ,0 0 0 ).- c * t f /I n t . at M ich . T r. C o .. Grd. R a p ., Trustee.
S t o c k . — Pref. stock is red. on and after Jan. 1 1920 at 10!} and a ccr. d iv.
B o n d s .— O f 1st & ref. bonds, sufficient are reserved to rotiro underlying
bonds; remainder are reserved under cortain restrictions for extensions and
additions at 80% o f cost. Subj. to call any int. day at 105 and int. Sink,
fund o f 1% o f bonds out annually began Jan. 1 1915. V. 92, p. 465, 526,
D i v i d e n d s on pref. have boen paid regularly since organization.
E A R N IN G S .— For 12 m os. end. D ec. 31 1915, gross, $3,902,069; net,
a fter taxes, $2,294,323; interest, &<;., $879,329; pref. d lvs., $404,375; sur­
plus, $1,010,619.
P R O P E R T Y .— Owns and operates electric light and power proper­
ties in Grand R apids. K alam azoo, Jackson, Flint. Saginaw, B ay C ity ,
P ontiac, B attle Creek, M uskegon, C adillac. Owosso, M anisteo and a number
o f interm ediate cities and towns. H ydro-electric plants have about 66,000
h .p . and steam plants about 57,000 h .p . capacity. T otal generating
capacity abou t 123,000 h .p .
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., B .O .C o b b , N ow Y o r k ;V .-P ., E . W . C lark, Phila.;
V .-P .. G eo. E . H ardy, N . Y .; Treas. Sc Sec., Jacob Ilekm a, N . Y .: Asst.
Treas., O . A . Pearson Jr., Phila.— V. 90. p. 1680: V. 92. p. 61, 465. 526,
1438: V . 94. p. 354. 1510; V . 95. p. 1683: V. 98. p. 304; V. 99, p. 1451. 1528.
1597; V . 100, p. 400; V . 101, p. 287, 369; V . 102. p. 253.
(8) M a n istee R a ilw a y C o.
Incorp. in M ich . In M arch 1913. Successor to M anistee L t. Sc T ra c.
C o ., sold at foreclosure in 1912. Tho M anistee Pow . & L t. C o . then took
over the gas and electric properties but in Jan. 1916 these wore respectively
acquired b y tho M ichigan Light C o. and tho Consum ers’ Power C o .
Does tho street railway business in Manistee and Flier C ity. F r a n c h i s e
30 years from 1904.
S t o c k . — $100,000, all owned by C om . P ow ., R y . & L t. C o .; also $60 000
1st m tge. 5s, due i943.
R O A D .— Operates 7.61 miles or track. Gauge 4 ft. 8)4 in
35 to 100
lb . T and 85-lb. girder rails. Operates a 50-acro park on Lako M ich igan.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., C . J. Holmes; V .-P ., W . II. Barthold- Sec G B
D obbin; Treas J. W . Glendenlng; Asst. Sec. & Asst. T r a s ^ S E ? W olff!
— V •o5* p. oo4; V •ooi p. lOo.
U N I T E D L I Q H T & R A I L W A Y S C O . — (See M a p . p a g e 48. )

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Maine in Juiv 1910, per plan in
V . 91, p . 96. Owns all except directors' shares, or a largo proportion (in
only one caso loss than 9 8 % ) o f the capital stock o f tho following com panies:
Cadillac (M ich .) Gas Light C o.
La Porte (In d .) Gas & E lec. C o .
Codar Rapids (la .) Gas C o.
Mason C ity & Clear Lako (la .) R R .
Cedar Rapids & M arion C ity R y. C o. Ottumwa (la .) Gas C o.
Chattanooga (Tenn.) Gas C o.
People’s Gas Sc Elec. C o ., M ason O ’y
Fort D odge (la .) Gas & Electric C o. T ri-C ity Railway & Light C o .
Grand Rapids Grand Haven Sc M u s­
kegon (M ich .) R y. C o.
. T h e Grand Rapids Grand Havon A Muskegon R y . was acquired in Jan.
in t o v' 9n ’i P' 202«n lh^i.rrIAC i,t y Itv - & u « l,fc Go. was taken over In June
acquired In iuly 1912. T h ° Cc<,ar Kaplds * MarIon C ,ty U y ’ C o - " a s
1“ tfeb- 1913 purchased the People’s Gas Sc Electric C o. and the M ason
C ity & Clear Lake R R . In 1913 also acquired tho Iowa Sc Illinois R y.
and the Iowa & 111. R y. Term. C o ., but in Jan. 1916 these two cos. woro
consolidated with the Davenport Sc M uscatine R y. (forming the C linton
Davenport Sc M uscatine R y.) under tho management o f tho T ri-C Itv ltv
& Light C o.
' ’
O P E R A T IO N S .— Does entire gas business In D avenport, Cedar Rapids
(supplying a so suburbs o f M arion and Kenwood Park and Intervening
territory). Ft. Dodge Iowa C ity , Mason C ity , Bettendorf. Ottum wa and

railways in Cedar Rapids, M arion, Mason C itv. M uscatine and D avenrort
la ., and Rock Isla n d M oline and East M oilne. I I L r K
aro operated between Cedar Rapids and M arlon. l a - M ason C ity and
Clear Lake, la .; Davenport and C linton, la .; Davenport and M uscatine
la .; D avenport. la ., and Rock Island, M oline and East M oline 111 Grand
R apids, Grand Haven and M uskegon, M ich . In all, 53 com m unities aro
servod. F r a n c h i s e s , with one minor exception, expire from 1921 to I960approxim ately 73% aro indetermlnato or extend boyond 1932.
T r a n s f e r A g e n c i e s .— Stock transfer agencies are maintained In N ow York
In C hicago and in Grand Rapids. Sec V. 97, p. 1358.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S .—
D a te .
I n te rest
O u tsta n d in g . M a tu r ity
Com m on $12,500,000 ($100)..............
Q -M
$6,899,947 Ju ly’ 14. 1%
1st prof $12,500,000 ($100)1
’ /0
6 % cu m ........... ..................... I ------Q-J
9.937,200 A p r ’ 16. U4
p «wt * rof
g °ld ($10 0 ,/ 1912
5 g J-D
8.451,300 June 1 1932
$500 & $1,0 00 )------ c*&\ N ew York Trust C o ., N . Y . , T r u s t e o /


Interest. Outstanding. Maturity.
N otes S3.000.000 ($ 1,0 00 ./ 1915
6 g J-J
$2,250,0001Jan 1 1918
$500 Sc $100) g o ld ---------- c * ( n . Y . Trust C o ., trustee.
/Jan 1 1920
Cad Gas Light C o 1st m tgel 1905
5 F-A
100.000 Feb
1 1925
(call, at lu5 & i n t ) --------t f /I n t . at M ich . T r. C o ., Grand R ap., Trustee.
C hattanooga Gas first m tgef 1907
5 J-J
580.000 Jan
1 1927
$1,500,000 g ($1,000)_ c* tf] Int. at C on. & C om . T r. & Sav. B k .. C h ic.,
( T rustee, or First N a t. Bank, N ew Y o rk .
Chatt Gas C o p f stock ($100)______
6 Quar
500,000 .......................
People » Gas & E1 Gen M tg e / 1906
6 A-O
370.000 April 1 1931
$500,000-------------------------t f I Int. at Central T r . C o .. C hicago. Trustee
F or

s e c u r itie s

c o v e rin g

r a ilw a y

p r o p e r tie s


s e p a r a te c o m p a n ie s b elo w

S l o c k . — 1st pref. stock is red. at 105 and accr. divs.
The 2d pref. stock
was con v. Into 1st pref. o r com . stock, share for share, in 1915. C om is
Y 11}1 votiQKPower- V . 91, p. 96. 519; V . 92. p . 1110; V . 95. p .421.
$207,700 o f the outstanding C hatt. Gas C o . pref. stock is owned by tho
United Light & Railways C o.
B o n d s . — Interest on first and refunding Is payable at o ffice o f trustee
or Continental & Commercial Trust Sc Savings Bank. C hicago. M ortim er
N . Buckner is co-trustee. $3,000,000 bonds (not included in amount out­
standing above) are deposited as security for 6 % notes. A dditional bonds
may be issued for refunding underlying bonds and for 75% o f par value o f
preferred stocks o f underlying com panies redeem ed or purchased, 75%
o f cost o f betterm ents, im provem ents and additions, and for 75% o f cost
o f additional property, under certain restrictions. R edeem able as a whole
or in part on any interest d ay at 102H and interest on 60 d a ys’ notice.
Bonds have a depreciation fund beginning 1917 o f 2 % on all bonds out,
b u t a portion o f the earnings for this fund are now being set aside. See de­
scription o f bonds in “ Chronicle” for M a y 20 1916. $95,000 o f the $100,000
outstanding Cadillac Gas Light 1st 5s are owned b y U. L. Sc R ys. C o.- S22 000 additional are held in treasury. C hatt. Gas C o . bonds have a sink, fund
o f $15,000 per annum from 1912 to 1926, inclusive, on first $500,000 bonds
and 2 % additional on any further bonds issued. Subject to call at 105 and
int. V . 84. p. 805. $6,000 o f bonds r e p o r t * !. utstanding owned by
U. L. Sc R ys. C o.
T he $2,250,000 notes o f 1915 are socured b y deposit o f $3,000,000 1st
Sc ref. 5s due 1932.
N otes due in 1918. red. at par and int.; those due in
1920 at 101 and in t., both on 4 weeks’ notice. Additional notes may be
Issued upon deposit o f additional 1st & ref. 5s. but the amount o f notes out­
standing never to exceed 75% o f the par value o f bonds deposited as security
therefor. During the life o f the notes the com pany agrees to provide a
maint. and depreciation Bind o f not less than 1 2 )4 % o f its gross earnings,
any part o f which not actually expended in any calendar year for m aint..
& c., to be used for additional property against which no refunding bonds
m ay be issued.
Dividends o f 1 )4 % have been paid quar. on 1st pref. since Oct. 1910 to
and Inch Apr. 1916. T he second p rof, received M % quar. from O ct. 1910
to July 1915. W as then converted into 1st pref. and com . stk. As to stock
d iv. on co m ., see V . 94, p . 1250. D ivs. or 1 % on com . were paid quar.
since April 1913 up to and incl. July 1914. N one since. A stock dividend
o f 1 % . payable in com m on stock , was paid April 1 1914 in addition to the
regular dividend o f 1% paid on the sam e date. V . 98. p . 525.
R E P O R T .— For cal. years (1915 report in V. 102, p. 1536, 1545):


Combined Earnings of Subsidiary Companies.
Gross. Exp. & Tax.
Interest, Ac. Surplus.

1915-------------------$6,308,776 $3,827,262 $2,481,514 $1,387,155 $1,094,359
1914-------- ----------- 6.166.959 3,797,534 2,369,425 1,314,136 1,055,289
R even u e A c c o u n t,

U n ite d L ig h t A

R a ilw a y s C o .

D e d u ct—
Sub. cos. earns. 1,079.565 1,039,783 Bond interest___ 360,494$ 333,034
D iv s. & in t.roc’d 424,116
344,294 Int. on n otes___ 154,626
Other ea rn in g s.. 122,511
123,155 B ond d is c o u n t ..
D e p re cia tio n ___ 260,235
T o ta l------------- 1,626,192 1,507,232 Preferred d i v s .. 557,420
E xpenses* taxes. 127,316
T otal d e d u c. . 1,337,790 1,147,899
N et e a r n in g s ... 1,498,876 1.392,617 Bal. for com m on 161,086
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Frank T . Hulswit. C hicago; V .-P s .. Richard
Schaddoleo. Grand Rapids; J. F. Porter. D avenport, la .: O. M . Hurd and
T . J. W eber, both o f Grand Rapids; S ec.. L. II. H einke, Grand Rapids;
T reas., C . M . H urd, Grand Rapids. General o ffice , Portland, M e .;
executive office , C hicago; operating headquarters, Grand Rapids: operating
headquarters for Iowa d istrict, D avenport, Iow a.— V. 100, p. 310, 400, 903.
1251, 2012; V . 101, p. 450, 924, 1887; V. 102, p. 155, 1536, 1545.
__(.1) G ran d R a p id s G ra n d H aven & M u s k e g o n R y .— Electric roa d .
Third-rail system . E n tire stock owned b y United Light & R ys. C o.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in M ichigan on M arch 6 1899. Owns
and operates an electric road on fenced right o f w a y , connecting the three
cities named in the title, a distance o f 39 miles. Franchises in all towns
through which it passes extend to 1929: otherwise private right o f w ay.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a le.
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock. $1,200,000 ($100)............................................... $1,200,000 ..............
1st m tge, $1,500,000 ($1,000)1 1901
5 g J-J
1,500.000 July 1 1926
g o l d ---------------------------- c * t f /I n t . at Guaranty Trust C o ., N . Y .. Trustee.
S t o c k . — Entire stock, except directors’ shares, deposited under United
Light & R ys. C o. 1st and ref. m tge.
B o n d s . — The interest on outstanding bonds was guaranteed for 5 years
b y the Security Investm ent C o. o f Pittsburgh. See V. 76, p. 479. $2 000
o f outstanding bonds held b y United Light & Railways C o.
R O A D .— Extends from Grand R apids In a northwesterly direction to
M uskegon, with a branch to Spring Lake and Grand H aven. C onnects at
Grand Haven with G oodrich Line o f steamers fo r C hicago and C rosby Line
o f steamers fo r M ilwaukee, which are in operation all the year round. T otal
track. 51.48 miles, o f which 4.22 m . in Grand Rapids and 3.43 m . in M u s­
kegon are operated under favorable trackage agreem ent with the Grand
Rapids R y . and the M uskegon T ra c. & L tg. C o . 70-lb. T rail. Operates
21 passenger, 12 express and 8 work cars. A lso does a freight, mail and
American Express business.— V . 94, p . 207: V. 100, p. 901, 1672.
(2) T h e T ri-C ity R a ilw a y & L ig h t C o .—
In June 1912 control was acquired by the United Light & R ys. C o .
T ri-C ity R y. Sc L t. com . stockholders received in exchange for their shares
$31 16 2-3 cash. $16 66 2-3 United R ys. 6 % 1st pref. and $12 50 2d pref.
3 % stock. V. 94. p. 768.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In C onnecticut M arch 3 1906 and
owns all the stock, except directors’ shares, o f the following companies
T ri-C ity Railway C o . or Iow a.
M oline-R ock Island M fg . C o.
T ri-C ity R y. C o . o f Illinois.
People s Light C o.
M oline R ock Island Sc East. T r. C o . D avenport Gas & Electric C o.
M oline E . M oline Sc W atert. R y . C o . C linton D avenp. & M uscat. R y. C o.
People’s Power C o .
Muscatine Lighting C o.
Iowa C ity Light Sc Power C o.
W atchtow er& Cam pbells’ IIs. P k .C o.
Controls all gas plants, electric-lighting com panies and street railway
linos In the cities o f D avenport, Iowa C ity. M uscatine, Bettendorf and
Rockingham . Ia ., and R ock Island, M oline. East M oline and other smaller
towns in Illinois, and an interurban connecting M uscatine, Davenport and
C linton. Population served, approxim ately 167,252. Railway f r a n c h i s e s
extend to 1930, 1935 and 1951: electric f r a n c h i s e s to 1935 and 1943, and
gas f r a n c h i s e s to 1929, 1933 and 1943.
In Jan. 1916 the properties o f the Iowa & Illinois R y. and Iowa Sc Illinois
Term inal R y. com panies (form erly owned by the United Light & Rys. C o )
woro acquired and merged with tho D avenport & M uscatine Ity., forming
the Clinton Davenport Sc M uscatine R y. All but $8,000 o f the $1,063 000
1st M . bonds o f the Iowa Sc Illinois R y. outstanding have been acquired
b y tho T ri-C ity R y. Sc Light C o.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Com m on $9,000,000 ($ 1 0 0 )........................................... $9,000,000 Jan T 6 . 1%
Prof $3,000,000 6% cum ($ 1 0 0 )-----6 Q-J
3.000.000 A pr T 6 . 1)1
Coll trust first lien m ortgage) 1906 5 g A-O
7.6S9.000 April 1 1923
$9,000,000 s f -------- c & rtf/In t. at N . Y . T rust C o . N / Y . " Trustee.
1st * ref mtge $20,000,0001 1910
5 g J-J
6.098.000 July 1 1930
g o ld ......................... c*& r*tf (In t. at Central T ru st C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.
TrT-Clty Railway 1st M ------ t f 1902
5 M -S
54.000 Sept 1 1922
Citizens R y & Lt ($500)..c*tf 1902
5 A -O
273.000 April 1 1917
Iowa C ity Light & Power 1912
5 M -S
400.000 Sept 11932
refunding m ortgage ($ 1,­ Interest at Continental & C om m ’l Trust &
000,000 ($1.000).........c * tf
Sav. Bank. C hicago, Trustee.
Iowa C ity Gas Sc Electric 1st 1909
6 M -N
See text
m ortgage
tf Int. at C hic. T r. & Sav. Bank, Trustee.
_ . $400,000-------...
-------S t o c k . — P ref. stock Is redeemable at 120 and accum . divs.
See V. 827,
p . 1213. Listed on M ontreal, T oron to and Louisville Stock Exchanges.



B o n d s . — O f the $9,000,000 coll, trust bonds, $750,000 have been retired
b yjsinkin g fund. $16,000 (not incl. In amount out) are held in treasury.
S ubject to call on any Int. date at 105 and int. A s i n k i n g f u n d o f $50,000
per annum from Jan. 1 1908 to 1913; $150,000 for succeeding 5 years;
then $250,000 per ann. to m aturity. Coupon bonds are In denomination
o f $1,000 and registered bonds In $1,000, $5,000 or $10,000 and m ultiples.
T h ey are listed on N . Y . Stock Exchange. O f the 1st & ref. bonds, suf­
ficient are reserved for prior liens, and remainder for 8 5% o f cost o f ad­
ditions and Improvements. Subject to call at 105 and int. on any int. d a te.
Sinking fund o f 1 H % o f bonds out begins Feb. 1 1924. V . 93, p . 1465.
$2,892,000 o f outstanding 1st & ref. bonds are owned b y United L t. & R ys.

Citizens’ R y . & L t. C o . bonds fell due April 1 1912 but were extended for
5 years. Are subject to call on any int. date at 110 and int. In t. at Cleve­
land T ru st C o ., trustee, or National Bank o f C om m erce, N . Y .
O f the Iowa C ity L t. & P . C o . bonds, $250,500 are reserved to retire
prior liens and $344,500 for new construction at 85% o f cost. T h e Iowa
C ity Gas & E lec, bonds mature serially $4,000 to $9,000 annually from M a y
1 1912 to M a y 1 1927 and $135,000 in 1928. S ubj. to call at 105 and int.
on any int. date after M a y 1 1919. Additional bonds m ay be Issued for
8 0% o f cost o f extensions and betterm ents.
D i v i d e n d s . — First d lv . on p ref.,
paid July 1906, and 1>S% quar.
since to and Including A pr. 1916. A dividend o f 1% was paid on the com ­
m on stock Jan. 1 1915 (practically all o f this stock is owned b y United Light
6 R y . C o. and previous disbursements were n ot m ade p u b lic), and quar.
sinco to and incl. Jan. 1916.
R O A D .— Operates over 170 miles o f standard-gauge track, connecting the
cities o f C linton and D avenport, Iow a, and R ock Island, M oline and East
M oline, 111.; including an extension to M uscatine placed in operation in
1912 and city lines in M uscatine. 80-lb. girder and 60 to 75-lb. T rail.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., J. F. Porter. D avenport; V .-P ., R ichard Schaddelee. Grand R apids; V .-P s., H. R . T ob ey , N . Y ., and B . J. Denm an, D aven­
port: S ec., H . E . W eeks; T reas., Frank T . Iiulsw it.— V . 93, p . 1465; Y . 94,
p . 280, 488, 768, 1384, 1444; V. 95, p. 818; V . 96, p . 1158; V . 100, p . 56.


(3) C ed ar R a p id s & M a rion C ity R y .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. M a y 1891 in Iow a . F r a n c h i s e . In Cedar
Rapids expires 1941 and indeterminate on interurban.
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock $1,000,000 ($100)...............................................
---------- First m tge $250,000 ($ 1 ,0 0 0 )/ 1891
5 J-J
184.000 July 1 1931
c ..n t flln t . at Am er. T r. C o .. B oston . Trustee.
B o n d s . — O f rem aining bonds, $45,000 are in treasury and $21,000 aro
held in sink. fund, t $171,000 o f outstanding bonds held b y U . L . & R ys. C o .
R O A D .— Owns road in operation. 28.90 miles in length, extending from
Cedar Rapids, Iow a, to M arion; second track, 2.28; sidings, 3.17: total of
all, 28.90 m iles. R ails. 45. 60 and 80-lb. T .
(4) M ason C ity & C lea r L ake R a ilro a d C o .— A trolley toad.
In F eb. 1913 the United Light Sc R y s. C o . acquired con trol.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N . E T C — A trolley road. Operated since July 1897.
Owns right o f w ay 33 feet wide from M ason C ity to Clear Lake, 9 miles.
Length o f line within and between the tw o cities, 18.6 m . Handles all
freight com ing over M inn . & St. Louis, C hic. R . I. & P a c., C hicago & N orth
W est, and C hic. Great W est, railways between M ason C ity and Clear L ake.
F r a n c h i s e s run until O ct. 31 1935.
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
$400,000 - .............. - ­
Stock $1.000.000.......
1st m ortgage $100,000 g o ld ! 1897
6 J-J 15................ 8,000 Jan. 1 1917
( $ 1 ,0 0 0 ) lin t , at 111. T r. & Sav. B k ., C h ic., Trusteo.
General m ortgage $2,500.0001 1912
6 g J-D
316,000 June 1 1932
gold (# 1 .0 0 0 )....... ........ c * t f Jlnt. at First T r. & Sav. B k .. C h ic., Trusteo.
B o n d s . — O f the 1st m tge. bonds, a sinking fund retires $3,000 yearly at
103. $36,000 1st ref. bonds are reserved to retire old 1st M . bonds: re­
maining $2,170,000 bonds are for extensions and betterm ents at 7 5% o f
cost, providing annual net earnings are 1 % times int. charge (incl. bonds
to be issued). R ed . at 105 and int. on any Int. d a y. Sinking fund o f 2 %
per annum began June 1 1913 to provide for additions and betterments
or for purchase o f bonds. V . 94, p . 1764.

(Vol . 102

T h e system comprises 114 miles o f road , sorving 20 cities and tow ns In
Central and Northern M assachusetts. B oth passenger and express sorvice
aro provided. Rights o f way have been partly secured on tho proposed line
from Orange to M illers Falls.
S h a res—
O u tsta n d in g .
L a st D iv .
C om m on $1,640,300 ($100) — ................ - ................ $1,619,900 O ct. ’ 13. H
P rof $1,100,000 ($100) cum (see text) Q -F ................
704.600 M a y 1 6 ,1H
S T O C K .— Additional pref. shares only to be Issued when net earnings f o r
12 m os. ending not more than 180 days prior to date o f issue shall havo been
times amount necessary to pay d iv . on shares out and applied for.
D ivs. on pref. are 5 % to N o v . 1 1914, incl.; 5 H % to N o v . 1 1917., in cl.,
and 6 % thereafter. In case o f liquidation pref. is entitled to $110 per share
up to N o v . 1 1914, $115 to N o v . 1 1917 and $120 thereafter. V . 9 3 , p . 1599.
D i v i d e n d s .— On prof., 1912 to 1914, 5 % per ann.
In 1915, 5 J 4 % . In
1916, F e b ., 1 % % ; M a y , 1 % % . On com . a d iv . o f H % was paid O ct. 15
IN C O M E S T A T E M E N T .— F or year end. June 30 1915 divs. rec’d from
sub. c o s ., $32,774; m isc. in t. rec’d , $4,622; total incom e, $37,396; expenses,
$12,218; not, $25,178; pref. d ivs., $36,991; deficit for year, $11,813; credit
balance June 30 1914, $4,957; p rofit and loss balance June 30 1915, deficit,

56^ A R N I N G S .— O f subsidiary cos. for yoar ending June 30 1915, gross,
$520,644; net, $164,198; int. & taxes, $121,187; p rof. divs. o f constituent
co s ., $16,200; com . divs. o f constituent co s., $33,138; deficit, $6,327.
O F F IC E R S .— Sec. & Treas., D . P . Abercrom bie Jr.; Greenfield, M ass.—
V . 94, p. 351; V . 96, p . 1489; V . 97, p. 365. 951; V . 100, p . 1168. 1671.
(1) C o n n e c tic u t V alley S tre e t R y .— T rolley. The M ass. C onsol.
R ys. owns 4,917 shares o f the stock .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in 1899. C om m enced Jan. 22 1900.
Is a consolidation on April 1 1905 o f the N ortham pton & A m horst Street
R y ., tho Greenfield & Turner’s Falls Street R y . and the Greenfield Deerfield
& N ortham pton Street R y .. as per plan in V . 80. p . 1111.
In M a y 1915 the Governor o f M ass, signed a bill authorizing the Northorn
M ass. St. R y . to absorb tho com pany b y consolidation or purchase.
V . 100, p . 1833.
Interest. O u t s t a n d i n g . M a t u r i t y .
D a le.
$500,000 A u g’ 1 5,% %
S tock, com , $500,000 ($100)..............
120.000 M a r. T 6 ,3 %
Pref,$120,000(6 % cum) ( $ 1 0 0 ) -----a s
120.000 S■ep t. 1 1920
5 g M -S
Connecticut Valley St R y 1st) —
m ort gold ($ l,0 0 0 )..c* ~ n tf Int. at Old C olon y T rust C o ., B oston, T rust.
5 g M -S
180,000 Sept. 1 1920
N ortham & Am h 1st m tge,; 1900
$180,000 g ($ l,0 0 0 )..c..n tf In t. at Old C olon y Trust C o ., B oston, T rust.
5 g J-J
150,000 July 1 1923
Greenfield Deerfield Sc N orth 1903
first m ort, $150,000, gold In t. at M ercantile Trust C o ., B oston, T rust.
($1,000 and $ 5 0 0 )-.c * .n tf N o sinking fund and bonds cannot be called
5 g J-D
62,000 Juno 1 1916
Turner's Falls 1896
first m tge, g , s f . . . ..........n t f Intorest at Beacon T rust C o ., B oston.
Green& T um F allsconsm $130,-?1903
5 g J-D
68,000 June 1 1923
000 g ($500, $1,000) c*.n tf\ ln terest at Beacon Trust C o ., B oston, Trus.
N otes payable June 30 1 9 1 5 - - ----------------, 175,000 ----------------B o n d s . — Greenfield Sc Turner’s Falls first m tge. (originally $100,000) pro­
vides for the paym ent o f $2,000 annually from 1897 to 1915, incl., at a prem­
ium . Sufficient o f the consols is reserved to retire the 1st m tge. bonds at
m aturity. The N ortham pton & Amherst bonds aro subject to call at 105
on 4 weeks’ notice, as aro the bonds o f the C onnecticut Valley Street R y .
T he $120,000 C onnecticut Valley bonds were issued under the first m tge. o f
the N ortham p. & A m h. St. R y ., which was originally drawn for $300,000.
Dividends.— On p ref., 3 % seml-ann. since Sept. 1910 to and Incl. M a r.
1916. On co m ., in 1906 (year end. Sept. 30), 2 % ; In 1907, 2 % : In 1912.
1 % ; in 1 91 3 ,2 j* % ; in 1914. 3 % . In 1915, F ob ., yx % ; M a y , yx % ; A u g .^ % .
E A R N IN G S .— For year end. June 30 1915, gross, $242,633; not, $77,515;
Int. Sc taxes, $51,733; prof, d ivs., $7,200; com . d ivs., $14,988; balance,
•$3 R O A D .— 0 w n g a n d 0 p 0rat;ea 47.054 m iles o f tr a c k b o tw o o n M ille r ’s F a lls ,
T u r m e r ’s F a lls , G re e n fie ld , N o r t h a m p to n an d A m h e r s t. 41 passen ger
c a r s . 2 s n o w -p lo w s , 5 o th e r cars a n d 134 e le ctr ic m o to rs .

O F F IC E R S .— Pres., C . W . H azelton; V .-P . & Gen. M g r., D . P . A bcrcrom bio Jr.; Sec. Sc T reas., II. A . Crane; S upt., J. A . T aggart.— V . 95,
p . 297; V . 96, p . 1296; V . 97, p. 298; V . 98, p . 1392; V . 100, p . 1167.
(2) N o rth e rn M a ssa ch u se tts S tre e t R y .— T h e M assachusetts C onsol.
R y s. owns all the com m on stock ($350,000).
G R EEN B A Y , W IS .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in M ass, on July 1 1894 as the A thol Sc
W ISC O N S IN S E C U R IT IE S C O .— A holding com pany.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in W isconsin on D ec 12 1911 and is p ure­ Orange Street R y . N amo changed to above on M ay 1 1913. In Jan. 1913
tho property and franchises o f tho Tem pleton Street R y . and on
ly a financing com pany (V . 94. p . 632). Controls W isconsin P ub. Serv.
C o . and owns $550,000 bonds o f that com pany placed in escrow. Also M a r. 1 1913 absorbed the Gardner Westminster & Fitchburg Stroet R y .
owns tho $150,000 outstanding com m on stock o f the Sheboygan Gas Light As a result o f these acquisitions, stock was increased from $74,500, all o f
one class, to $500,000, o f which $150,000 Is 6 % cum . pref. stock.
C o . (V . 100. p. 738.)
T h o G overnor o f M ass, in M a y 1915 signed a bill authorizing tho com ­
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
pany to absorb the C onnecticut V alley St. R y . b y consolidation or pur­
Stock, $1,000,000........................................................... $1,000,000 .......................
V . 100, p . 1833.
S h e b o y g a n G a s L ig h t C o .—
ST O C K S A N D B O N D S — D a t e .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
C om m on, $ 2 5 0 .0 0 0 --........... ($150,000 out— A ll ownod b y W ise. Seem1. C o .)
1st & rof m tge, $750,000 g / 1915
5 J-J
Seo text Jan 1 1935 C om m on $350.000.....................................................
($1,000. $500 and $ 1 0 0 )--{ln t . at First Trust C o ., M ilwaukee, Trustee P ref 6 % cum $150,000...................... ..
5 g M -N
315,000 M a y 1 1943
First m ortgage $250,000 gold ! 1901
5 g J-J
250,000 July 1 1931 Ist& refM $5,000,000 ($1,000 / 1913
red’l on 4 M % int bas _ c* tf lin t , at American Trust C o ., B oston, Trustee.
($1,000 & $500)______ c * t f Jlnt. at Union Trust C o ., D etroit, Trustee.
Gard W estm & Fitchburg 1st) 1900
5 F-A
18o,000 F eb 1 1920
B o n d s . — O f tho Gas L t. C o . 1st & ref. 5s, $250,000 aro reserved to retire
m tge ($1,000) g o I d ..c * n t f ( l n t . at Old C olon y T r. C o ., B oston, Trustee.
1st M . bds. and $50,000 are available for impts. R ed. on 60 d a y ’s notice.
_ 260,000 ---------- - —
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Clement C . Smith; V .-P s., Oliver O . Fuller and N otes payable June 30 1 9 I 5 - - -----B o n d s . — O f the $5,000,000 1st & ref. bonds, $185,000 are reserved to
W m . Bigelow; Sec. and Treas., Howard Greene; Asst. Sec.-Treas., G oorge
retire an equivalent am ount o f underlying bonds. N o sinking fund.
Allison.— V . 94. p . 632; V . 100, p . 1924.
E A R N IN G S .— Y ear ending June 30 1915, gross, $201,494; not, $59,925;
(1) W is co n s in P u b lic S ervice C o .
n t. & taxes, $52,139; p ref. d iv ., $9,000; com . d iv ., $8,760; d oficit, $9,964.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in W isconsin in Jan. 1912 as reorganization
R O A D .— 47.7 miles o f track.— V .9 7 , p . 365, 1357; V .lO O .p . 1168.1833.
and merger o f the Green B ay T ra ct. C o . and Northern H yd ro-E lec. C o .
(3) C o n c o r d M aynard & H u d so n S tre e t R y .— A trolley road. T he
Owns and operates entire city and interurban railway system (except about
1.66 m . o f track) centering at Green B ay , and furnishes gas, electric Tight and M ass. C onsol. R ys. owns 2,319 shares o f the stock.
power to Green B ay and suburbs. On Jan. 1 1914 the entire proporty o f
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Organized in M assachusetts M a r. 27 1901 A c­
the Green B ay Gas Sc E lectric C o . and the Minahan E lectric C o . was pur­ quired C oncord & Clinton St. R y . Feb. 1 1902. On Aug. 25 1911 acquired
chased. For particulars o f Green B ay Gas & E l. C o ., see V . 82, p . 573, 631, L ow ell A cton & M aynard St. R y . V . 93, p . 1786. Franchises perpetual.
and V . 86. p . 172. Street railway f r a n c h i s e is perpetual and exclusive
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
Interest. Outstanding.
M aturity.
until 1918.
Stock $235,000 ($100).........................
--------$235,000 Seo earnings
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
1st m ortgage $250,000 g o ld / 1902
5 g J-J
t 230,000 July
C om m on, $1,000,000 ($100)........................................ $1,000,000 .......................
................c& rn tf\ In t. at Am er. Trust C o ., B oston, Trustee.
PreL $600,000 6 % cum ( $ 1 0 0 ) ..................................
600,000 N o d lv . yet N otes payable Juno 30 1915-------------------------50,000 -----------------1st m tge. Sc ref. $15,000.0001 1912
5 g J-J
2,438,000 Jan. 1 1942
R O A D .— Owns 19 miles o f track between C oncord , M ayn ard, A cto n ,
gold ($1,0 00 )_________c * t f jl n t . at W isconsin T r . C o ., M ilwaukee, trus.
Green B ay G & E 1st & ref M ( 1905
5 g M -N
447,000 M a y 1 1935 Stow and H udson. A t C oncord connects with Lex. & B os. and at H udson
$750,000, g ($ 1.0 00 )____c* lin t. a t W isconsin T r . C o ., M ilwaukee, trus. with W orcester C onsol, and B oston Sc W orcester.
E A R N IN G S .— F or yoar ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $76,517; n ot, $26,­
Green B ay Light & P ow first/ 1899
34,000 Feb 1 1919
m o rtga ge_________________ (First N ational Bank o f M ilwaukee, Trusteo.
759; Int. & taxes, $17,315: d iv ., $9,400; surplus, $44.
B o n d s . — W ise. P u b . Serv. bonds are su b j. to call on any int. day at 105
(4) M illers R iv er S tr e e t R y.
, „
and int. $550,000 o f the $2,438,000 bonds issued are held in escrow (all
Rights o f way have been partly secured on this com pany s proposed line
owned b y W isconsin Securities C o.) to bo issued under certain restrictions. betweon Millers Falls and Orange.
Rem aining bonds aro for acquisitions and to retire underlying bonds under
certain restrictions. See V . 94, p . 1697. S i n k i n g f u n d o f 2 % o f bonds
outstanding, com m encing in 1917. T he Green B ay Gas & E lectric bonds
G R E E N S B O R O , N . C.
are subject to call at 105 until 1924; thereafter at par; $41,000 havo been
p a id and canceled. $34,000 Green B ay Gas & E lectric bonds aro in hands
Chartered In N orth Carolina In 1909. Purchased
o f a trusteo to retire tho Green B ay Light & Power bonds.
the Greensboro E lec. C o ., Greensboro Gas C o . and High Point E lec. Pow .
E A R N IN G S .— O f com bined properties for year ending D ec. 31 1915, C
o . In 1 9 1 1 acquired m ajority o f tho stock o f Salisbury & Spencer R y . C o .,
gross, $510,961; n et, after taxes, $246,874; Interest, $153,959; surplus,
which com pany it also leases for 50 years. V . 93, p . 1324. D oes entire gas,
electric-light and power and street railway business o f Greensboro (and its
R O A D , & C.— Owns and operates all lines in the city o f Green B ay; also suburbs o f Proxim ity, R evolution, W hite Oak and Pom ona), Salisbury,
a line from Green B ay to East D e Pere, and branch to D u ck Creek and a Spencer and East Spencer, entire street railway and electric and gas busi­
line from Green B ay to W est D e Pere, L ittle R apids, W rightstow n and ness o f H igh Point and street railway business o f C oncord. P ow er Is
Kaukauna; t o ta l,4 2 .6 8 miles o f track. 70 and 85-fb. *'T ” and girder rail; purchased from Southern Powor C om pany. In 1910 franchises had tho
26 m otor cars; 4 trailers. Gas meters, 3,450; electric meters, 2,575.
following number o f years to run: Greensboro, 28 yrs.; H igh P oin t, 59 yrs.;
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Clement O . Smith; V .-P s., L . Patton and H enry Salisbury and Spencer, 51 yrs.; W inston-Salem , 58 yrs.; also has a 30-ycar
L . R ico; Sec. and T reas., Howard Greene; Asst. Sec. and A sst. T reas., franchise in Guilford C ounty and township. In 1913 obtained a 60-year
George Allison, all o f M ilwaukee.— V. 94, p . 6 32,1697.
franchise for a street railway in Lexington and Thotnasvillo.
D ale.
Interest. Outstanding.
M aturity.
Stock $3,500,000 ($100).................................................$3,322,900
G R E E N F IE L D , M A SS.
First & re f m tge $3,500,000/ 1909
5 A-O
1,978,700 A p r 11934
($100. $500 and $ 1.000)tfc\ In t. at E quitable Trust C o . N . Y . , trustee.
5 g A-O
171.500 April 1 1932
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Organized in B oston on N o v . 16 1911 as tho M assa­ Greensb El C o 1st M g o ld ! 1902
($500 & $1,000)............c t f /I n t . at E qu it. T r. C o ., N . Y .. trustee.
chusetts Northern R ys. In M a y 1913 name was changed to the Massa­
5 g J -D
chusetts Consolidated R ailways. Is a voluntary association managed by Greensb El C o fund & lm p t( 1905
M ($500 * 31.000)------ c t f Jlnt. at Bankers’ T r. C o N . Y .. trusteo
a board o f seven trustees. V . 93, p . 1462. 1599, 1787. C ontrols through
Sallsb Sc Spen R y 1st M g o ld ! 1905
5 g M -N
813,000 M a y 1 1945
stock ownership the following com panies:
31,000,000 ($ l,0 0 0 ) ._ c * t f jln t . at M ich . T rust C o ., Grand R apids,
C oncord M aynard & Hudson St. R y . IMillers R iver Street R y . (proposed).
( trustoo, or W . N . C olor & C o ., N . Y .
Connecticut Valley Street R y .
IN orthern Massachusetts Street R y .

May . 1916.]


B o n d s .— Of tho 1st & rof. mtgo., $202,000 aro rosorvod to rotiro liko

amount of mortgago bonds of Greonsboro Elec. Co. and $1,319,300 aro ro­
sorvod for future impts. and acquisitions under proper limitations. V. 88,
p. 1128; V. 94, p. 099. Subject to call on any int. dato at 105 and int.
Sinking fund o f 1% per ann. of gross incomo, July 1915 to 1919; U 4% July
1920-1924, and 2% 1925 to maturity. The remaining $187,000 Salisb. &
Spon. Ry. bds. aro rosorvod for futuro ext. & impts. Rod. at 105 and int.
EARNINGS.— For fiscal year ond. Mar. 31 1915, gross, $488,029; not,
$203,964; int. & taxos, $156,307; surplus, $47,657.
ROAD.— Owns 27.8 miles o f track. 60 and 70-Ib. T and 90-lb. girder
rails. Standard gauge. 39 cars-. Connecting extensions between the
various cities aro proposed. Owns Lindley Park at Greensboro. Electric
plants capacity 2,800 h. p. 178 miles transmission lines. Gas plants
capacity 920,000 cu. ft., 70 milos o f mains.
OFFICERS.— Pros., B. S. Color; V.-P. & Gen. M gr., E. O. Doal; Sec. &
Treas., L. II. Hole Jr.; Asst. Sec. & Asst. Treas., E. B. Coler.— V. 94, p.
699; V. 95. p. 361; V. 96, p. 790; V. 97, p. 50.


call at 110 on any interest day at 60 days notice. The Citizens’ Railway
Light & Power Co. bonds are subject to call at 110 on any interest day on
60 days notico. Remaining Newport News & Old Point Ry. & El. gen.
M . 5s, Citizens’ R y. L. & P. 1st M . 5s and Hampton Roads Trac. 1st M .
4>$s are deposited under the Nowport News & Hampton R y., Gas & Elec.
1st & rof. M .
D iv id e n d s . — 6% is being paid on prof, stock. A div. of 3% has been
declared on tho common stock, payable July 1 1916 to holders of record
tho same day.
EARNINGS.— For year ending Dec. 31:
C a le n d a r
,r . Y r ar—

G ross

N e t (a fte r


T a x e s ).
In c o m e .
!9 1 4 - - - - - - - - - 813,861
1 — Owns and operates 48.59 miles of
r e

In t e r e s t,
R e n ts, A c .

B a la n c e ,
S u r p lu s .

track. Power plant,
s k s t k f 1>cck.

Boo tec- 1,11 or « • “ * » - » •





ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Mississippi in 1905. Purchased
Dovolopmont Co.
the Biloxi Electric Ity. & Power Co). and tho Gulfport
In 1907 increased auth. stock from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000.
In terest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock $2,000,000 ($100).....................
$1,000,000 ...................
1st mort $1,000,000 gold? 1905 6 g A -0
1,000,000 Sept 30 1935
($1,00 0)_______________t flln t. at Hibernia Bk. & Tr. C o., N . Orl., Trus
2d M gold ($1.000)___ctfl 1907
6 g J-J
692,000 July 11932
I Hibernia Bank & Trust C o., Trustee.
B H .E l.R y .& P . 1st m tge.,g.f 1903
6 g J-J
155,400 Jan 11924
($100, $500 & $1,000).. . t f lin t, at Hibernia Bk. & Tr. C o., Now Orleans
B o n d s . — Tho bonds o f 1905 are subject to call on Oct. 1 in any year at
105; no sinking fund. Interest on 2d mort. Is payable at First Nat. Bank,
Gulfport. Bonds havo no s. f. and aro not subject to call. The Biloxi
Eloctrlc Railway & Power bonds aro subject to call at 106 and intorest.
EARNINGS.— For year ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $245,173; not.
ROAD.— Oporatos 13 miles of track from Gulfport to Biloxi and 11 miles
from Gulfport to Pass Christian; also 6 miles of track in Biloxi; total, 30 m.
OFFICERS.— Pros., J. T . Jones; V.-P., W. T . Stewart; Sec., J. O. Simp­
son; Treas., P. A. Stllwell; Gen. M gr., W. F. Goronflo, all o f Gulfport.
— V. 83, p. 95.

In April 1915 B rooks* Co. of Scranton acquired control. V. 1 0 0 d 1257
Is operatod by tho United Service C o., Scranton, Pa.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. In Penna. In 1892. Its charter runs for
990 yoars. Owns all the ($100,000) stock of the Hanover Light Heat &
Power Co.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock $200,000 ($50).................. ................. ........
$135,000 Jan.’ 15, 3%
First mtg $500,000 g ($1,000) l 1908
5 g J-D
400,000 June 1 1928
subject to call at 105--C*tt/Interest at York Trust C o., York Pa Trus
B o n d s .— Of remaining bonds $100,000 are reserved for extensions. &c. ’
D iv id e n d s .—-In July 1894, 2>*%; in 1895. Jan., 2H ; 1897-1902 recdtds
lost. 1903 and 1904 none. In 1905, Jan., 6 % . In 1906 and 1907, none;
Jan. 1908 to Jan. 1913. incl., 6% per annum. In July 1913 50% stock
div. paid; Jan. 1914 (regular), 4% ; July, 2 % . In 1915, Jan., 3% .
EARN ING S.— Of tho Han. & McS. St. R y. for year ond. Doc. 31 1915.
gross, $40,732; not, after taxes, $12,038; other income, $8,841; bond, &c..
int., $20,698; accident reserve, $880; loss, $699.
ROAD.— Owns 12.22 miles of track in and between Hanover, McSherrystown, Littlestown and Conewago Chapel. Standard gauge. 60-lb. T and
girder rails.
OFFICERS.— Pres., J. A. Linen Jr., Scranton; V.-P., J.E.W eissenfluh:
Sec. & Treas.. F. B. Atherton.— V. 98. p. 1459; V. 100, p. 1257.



T H E H A O E R S T O W N & F R E D E R I C K RY. CO.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Penn, on Nov. 29 1912 and merged
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. Apr. 7 1913 In Maryland as a consolida­ tho Contral Pennsylvania Traction Co. (see "Electric Railway” Section of
tion of tho Frederick R R ., Frederick Gas & El. C o., Myersvillo & Catoc- Sept. 1912) and its subsidiaries. V. 96, p. 202,
tin R y.. Hagerstown Ity., Hagerstown & Boonsboro R R ., Hagerstown &
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Myorsville R R ., Hagerstown & Northern R R . and Frederick & Hagerstown
----------$3,000,000 Powor Co. V. 96, p. 947, 1422. In 1914 purchased properties o f tho Frost- Common $3,000,000-------------- -------2,100,000 A p r 'f6, 1 1 4
burg Ilium. & M fg. Co. fr a n c h i s e s aro pcrpotual or oxtond at least 15 Preferred cum $2,100,000--................- See text
First & ref. mtge $10,000,0001
1912 5 J-D
yoars boyond lifo o f bonds.
($1,000 and $500)_____ tf/Harrisburg Trust C o., Trustee.
D a te .
In terest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y
Citizens’ Passenger first mtgel
1894 6 g M -N
75,000 May 1 1924
Common $2,000,000 ($50)_________
$75,000 g o ld ------------------- lint, at Com ’w’th Guar. Tr. C o.. Harrisburg.
Prof. 7% cum ($2,200,000) $ 5 0 ...........................
635,000 . . .
STOCK.— Pref. stock is cum. at 5% until 1915 and 6% thereafter.
1st & ref.M $ 10,000.000 ($100\_1914 6 g A-O
1,050,000 Apr 1 1944
D iv id e n d s . — Z V \ % was paid on pref. stock in 1913. In 1914, 5 % . In
$500 & $1,000) g s f-c .c p t ) Fidelity Tr. C o., Balt., Tr. Int. pay. in Balt
1915, April, 2 'A % \ Oct., 1% (V. 101, p. 1272). In 1916, April, 1 $ % .
1,225,000 M ay 1 1954
Adjustment m ortgage.......................
REPORT (of merged companies).— For fiscal year ending Juno 30 1915,
Hager & Myers Ry $125,000-- 1904
120,000 July 11924 gross, $973,622; net, $548,615; rentals, taxes and int., divs. and better­
Hagers & Boonsb R y 1st M f 1902 5 F-A
110,000 Fob 1 1922 ments, $582,245; deficit, $33,630.
$120,000 ($500* $l,000)c*1 Int. at Maryland S. & Tr. C o., Hagerstown.
ROAD.— Owns and operates 73-51 miles of line.
Hagers & Nor RR 1st mtgo
1908 5 g F-A
200,000 Mar 11927
OFFICERS.— Pres. & Gen. M gr., F. B. Musser, Harrisburg; V .-P .,
$200,000 gold ($1,000, $500/Int. at Maryland S. & Tr. C o., Hagerstown. B. F. Myers; Sec., JohnO Connell. Office, narrisburg.— V. 95. p. 1745:
and $100)---------------------c*l Trustee, W m. Jennings.
Moyersv & Catoc 1st M ______ 1904
35,000 July 11929 V. 96. p. 209; V. 98, p. 155; V. 101, p. 1013, 1272.
Fred & Middletown 1st mtgo/ 1905 5 g J-J
126,000 Dec 11935
$250,000 gold ($1,000)___clFidellty Trust C o., Baltimore, Trustee.
Fred Gas & Elec 1st M $200,1904
5 J-J
179,000 July 11929 a „0,R 9 ^ ? IZ^ T I.0 N -— Incorporated in Pennsylvania in July 1912 and In
increasing its stock from $10,000 to $2,500,000 (of which
000 g ($500&$ 1,000) g ,p *i{ Interest at West End Trust C o., Phlladol$500,000 is 6% cum. pref.), purchased control of tho Valley Traction C o.,
by I'red RR; not sub to call! phia, Trustee.
which in turn controlled the Harrisburg & Mechanicsburg Elec. R y., White
Monocacy Valloy Ry first/ 1908
Hill & Mechanicsburg Pass. R y ., Carlisle & Mechanicsburg St. R y.. West
m ortgage------------------------ {Steiner Schley & Loonard Waescho of Fred
hairvlow & Marysville Elec. St. Rys., Harrisburg & Riverton St. R y..
erick, M d ., Trustees.
Frostburg 111 & M fg 1st M f 1899
5 J-J
50,000 July 1 1929 I'airvlow & Riverton R y. and the United Electric Co.
30-year bonds___________ lint, at First Nat. Bank, Frostburg, M d
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
S lo c k . — Tho prof, stock is redeemable at par and dividends. Common Common $2,000,000 ($100)................................
Pref cum $500,000 ($ 1 0 0 ) --------------6%
500,000 - I ...............
stock has boon placed in a voting trust. V. 98, p. 1608, 1694.
Collateral trust $1,700, 1912 5%
1.000,000 Aug 3 'l9 5 2
Bonds.— Of tno new $10,000,000 mtgo.', $800,000 aro rosorvod to rotiro
700,000 Oct 1 1933
prior lions and $8,150,000 rosorvod for addns., impts., &c., under certain Valloy Trac 1st M $700,0001 1903 5 g A-O
gold ($100 & $500) _ .c * n tf/In t. at Farmers’ Tr. C o., Carlisle, Pa. Trus
restrictions (soo V. 98, p. 1694). Reserved bonds when issued to boar
B o n d s . — Remaining coll, trust bonds ($700,000) are reserved to retire
intcrost at rato or rates not exceeding 6% or less than 4% . S in k in a fund
beginning Oct. 1 1919, payablo somi-ann.; till Oct. 1 1926, 1% of 1st & ref prior,lions. Valloy Traction bonds are subject to call at 110. A s in k in g
6s and prior lions; 1927-1934, 2 % ; 1935-1944, 3 % . Rod. at 105 and int f u n d of $5,000 per annum commenced Oct. 1 1908.
EARNING S.— For yr. end. Dec.31 1915, gross, $279,108; net, $132 052
on any int. dato. Tax rofund in Pa. Tho Hagerstown & Boonesboro ltv ’
ROAD.— Operates 44 miles of road from Harrisburg to Marysville’ and
bds. aro red. at par. Hagors. & Nor. R R . bds. aro subj. to call aft 1917'
to Carlisle.
Fred. & Mldd. bonds aro rod. at 105 on any int. dato. Frod Gas & El
OFFICERS.— Pres. & Gen. M gr.. C . H. Bishop, Lemoyne, Pa.; Sec. &
bonds aro guar., p. & 1., by Frodorick R R . Balt. Trust C o., trustoo.
EARNINGS (Inch Frostburg Ilium. & M f g . C o.).— For vear nnrilnff Treas., C . M . Davidson. General offices, Lemoyne.— V . 96. p. 64
Juno 30 1915, gross, $424,347; not, $168,974; other Inc., $9,662- Int taxes8
&c., $113,257; surplus, $65,379.
’ axes’
ROAD.— Operates street railways in cities o f Hagerstown and Frederick
M d., and an lnterurban railway extending from Frederick to Hagerstown’
ORGANIZATION.— A voluntary association succeeding the New Hamp­
with extensions from Frederick to Thurmont, M d., also from Hagerstown to shire Traction Co. on Aug. 24 1905. Owns ail the stock of the fo'lowing
Shady Grove, Pa., and with branch lines to Boonsboro and to Jefferson M d
companies: In New Hampshire, D ov., Somersworth & Rochester St R y
Mileage operated aggregates 87.5 miles.
Co.; Rockingham County Light & Power Co.; Granite State Land C o •
in Malno, Klttery Electric Lt. C o .; In Mass., Mass Northeastern St R v ’
OFFICERS.— Pres., Emory L. Coblentz, Frederick, M d.; V.-Pres
nonry Iloizapfel, Hagerstown; Sec., M . P. Moller, Hagerstown; Troas’ ’ Co. Also owns all tho bonds of the Dover, Somersworth & Rochester St
Thomas H. Hallor, Frederick; Gen. M gr., M . A. Pooler.— V. 9 0 , p . 1 2 2 8 ’ R y. (oxcept $74,000), of the Amesbury & Hampton St. R y. (except $49 0001
1422, 1488; V. 98, p. 1608, 1694; V. 101, p. 614; V. 102, p. 1346, 1 8 1 1 .’ and of the Citizens’ Elec. St. R y. (oxcept $230,000).
D a te .
In t e r e s t .
O u tsta n d in g .
Last D iv .
Common $4,000,000 ($100)....................... ...........
Pref 4% n-c, $4,000,000 ($ 1 0 0 )-----J-J
3,399,500 J u iy 'ifi'2 %
DIV ID E N D S.— Company paid 1% each 6 mos. on pref. from July 1908
(See m a p on p a g e 52.)—
to and incl. Jan. 1910. From July 1910, 1>4% semi-ann., to and includ.
T '_
*----- ~
-----, O RGANIZ AT ION .-—This company was organized in 1914 as tho consoli- Jan. 1912
dat on of the Nowp. News & Old Pt. Ry. & Elec. C o., Citizens’ R y. Light
_____ _____ _____
& 1 ower C o., Hampton Roads Traction C o., Newport News Gas Co. and Now Y o r L ,______________ , _ .
the Hampton I hoobus & Fort Monroe Gas Corporation and providas rail­ 298; V. 96, p. 863; V. 97, p. 803; V. 98. p. 236; V. 99, p. 673
way. gas and electric light and power facilities for the Virginia Peninsula.
(1) M assachusetts Northeastern Street Ry.
f r a n c h i s e s . — to r electric light and power, perpetual; for street railways,
All tho stock of this company is owned by tho New Hampshire Elec. Rys
practical y none oxpiros boforo 1944. Gas franchises in Nowport News aro
ORGANIZATION.— A Mass, corporation. Owns and operates a locai
perpotual, subject to right o f purchaso o f property by city (for 6 months in and intorurban railway in Northeastern Mass, and Southeastern N H
1927); in Hampton, gas franchise expires in 1936. lnterurban linas largely Maintains a through service between Haverhill, Lawrence, Lowell Nashua’
on prlvato right o f way.
0 * Amesbury and Newburyport. Power is purchased from tho Rockingham
County Lt. & Pow. Co. under a contract extending beyond July 1 1934
CnSJ m P n$1,125,000
« ^ i^ o ^ n N
D S _ -------D a te'
I n t e r e s l- O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
On Oct. 1 1915 asked tho P. S. Comm, for permission to increase single
---------------------SI 1 9 5 000
Sen ta-rt
cash fares from 5 to 6 cts. and the price on ticket books by about 2 0 % .
Preferred $1,250,000 6% cum.............................I
100 0
Son t o l l
1 st* rof M $7,500.000g($ 1001 1914
5 g J-J
3 499 000 Jan 1 l o L
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
$500 & $1.000)---------c*.tf/M aryland Trust Co. o f Baithnoro Trustee4 Common stock ($100)_______ _____
________ $1,500,000
Pref 6% cum ($100) — .....................
665.000 ...................
N e w p o r t N e w s A O ld P t . R y . & E l .—•
First and ref M $2,000,000/ 1914
5 g J-J
707.000 July 1 1934
($1,000) gold----------------c*\Int. at Amer. Tr Co., Boston, Trustee.
First mortgage $900,000 gold/ 1898
5 g M -N
900 000 N ov 1 iota
Citizens’ Elec St R y 1st M / 1900
5 g J-D
($1,000 each).........- - . c * tf {Interest at AIox. Brown & Sons B alt1 ru.i
Dec 1 1920.
$230,000 gold----------------- (Beacon Trust C o., Boston, Trustee.’
Goncral intge $4,000,000 gold/ 1901
5 g M-S
46 000 Mar Y 1911
Amesbury & Hampton 1st M / 1899
5 g A-O
63,000 Oct 11919
($1,000 each)----------------c* Int. at Alox. Brown & Sons,' Baltimore M l
gold $100,000 ($1,000)------\Int. at Beacon Tr. C o., Boston, Trustee.
I or at company s agency in Now Vnrk
First mtgo Citizens’ R y L& P| 1900
5 g M -N
71,000 M av 1*1040
B o n d s .— The 1st & ref. 5s of 1914 aro red. at 110 and int. on any int date
$800,000 ($1,000) gold__c*j Maryland Trust Co., Baltim oreTrustee
on 43 days’ notice. Of the remainder of these bonds auth., $293 000 are
Guaranteed prin & Int____(Interest at Alex. Brown & Sons. Baltimore
reserved for prior lions and $1,000,000 reserved for cost of additions and
nampton Roads Trac 1st M__ 1905
4H J-J
76,000 Jan 1 1 9 3 0 impts. undor certain restrictions (V. 100, p. 55).
B o n d s . — Of tho first and ref. bonds, $1,093,000 aro reserved for prior liens
EARNINGS.— For year ending Dec. 31 1915, gross. $706,635; net, after
as abovo,$ 142,000 aro in troasury and tho remaining $2,908,000 are for Impts taxes, $105,980
& oxts. Bonds subj. to call at 105 & int. on any Int. day upon ono month’s
ROAD, &c.— Owns and operates about 126 miles o f single track (80 miles
notico. Int. payable at Alexander Brown & Sons, Baltimore, or comnanv’s
Mass, and 46 in Now Hampshire), extending east and west from Haver­
agency in N . Y . Tho Maryland Tr. C o., Balt., is trustoo of both the first In
hill, Mass., entering on the oast Newburyport, Mcrrimac, Salisbury and
and general mortgages of tho Newport News & Old Point Railway & Amesbury,
Mass., and Plaistow and Newton, N. H.. and on the west
Electric. The Newport Nows & Old Point bonds o f 1898 aro subjoct to Lawrence, Methuen
and Dracut, Mass., and Salem, Pelham and Hudson


/H A M P T O N ,


'Hanjptoa Institute





V ( A 3 r r , T '» ^ m S T , s s i

Soldiers llome^
Elevators /•

\ \ \ \ \ >o «b>.' V




^Fortress Monroe

Fort Wool
(Rip Raps)

♦a' f f .

Willoughby Spiv
Sewall Point








Yacht Club

Ocean Vie v r



Ma y , 1!) 6.]


D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity
N . H. Enters Lowell and Nashua under trackage rights. Owns and oper­I STOCK AND BONDS—
See text.
ates local lines In Newburyport and Amesbury. Connects with the Hay Common $900,000__________ _____
5 Q-F
374.000 M a y ’ 16. I H
State St. Ky., Manchester & Nashua St. Ry. and the Exeter, Hampton Preferred $600,000 5% c u m ............
5 g M-S
1,043,000 Sept 1 192o
& Amesbury St. Ry. Also owns a large amusement park on Canoblo Lake First mortgage $2,500.0001 1905
In Salem, N. II. 88 open and 53 closed cars and 30 work cars and snow ! gold ($1,000)__________ c*JInt. at Columbia Tr. C o., N. Y .. Trustee.
• B o n d s . — The 1st M . bonds are subj. at 105 and int.; $1,295,000 are
for oxtens. and impts., at 85% of cost, and $21,000 in addition to
OFFICERS.— Pres., D. A. Beldon; Treas., P. E. Webster; Gen. Mgr.> reserved
amount reported outstanding are in treasury. A s in k in g f u n d of 1 4$ % per
Franklin Woodman.— V. 100, p. 53.
ann. of bonds out commenced June 1 1908. which will be increased to 24$%
per annum June 1 1918; said fund to be used in retirement of bonds at not
(2) Dover Somersworth & R ochester St. Ry.
All the stock and $226,000 bonds owned by Now Hampshire Elec. Itys. higher than 105 and int. See V .81, p. 1550. $138,000 have been retired.
D iv id e n d s . — Five per cent per annum in quarterly installments Is being
ORGANIZATION.— Chartered under the laws of New Hampshire. Is
paid on pref. stock. First dividend on common, 1% , paid Oct. 31 1906.
consolidation of tho Union Elec. Ry. and the Rochester St. Ry.
In 1907, 3 % . In 1909. 3 % . In 1910, 4 % . In 1911 and 1912. 5% . In
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
1913,5% . Nonesince.
Stock $375,000 ($ 1 0 0 ) - ..- - - - - - - .........
$375,000 . . . . . . . . . .
EARNINGS.— For 12 mos. end. Dec. 31 1915, gross, $321,198; net,
First mtge g $300,000 ( S I 1901
5 g J-J
see text July 1 1921 after taxes, $100,977: int. & sink, fund, $70,069; surplus, $30,908. In
000)’ bds cannot be ca lle d \ In t. at Amer. Tr. C o., Boston, Trustee. 1914, gross, $315,862; net, after taxes, $100,367; int. and sink, fund,
B o n d s . — A ll tho bonds except $74,000 are owned by New Hampshire $69,827: surplus, $30,540.
Elec. Rys. Co. Sink, fund of $5,000 per ann. began In 1904.
ROAD.— Operates 23.55 miles of track.
OFFICERS.— Pres., P. G. Gossler; V.-Ps., J. H. Pardee and A. Coppell;
EARNINGS.— For cal. year 1915, gross, $108,015: net, after taxes.
H. S. Collette; Treas., R . B . Marchant; Asst. Secs. & Asst. Treas's,
T . W . M offat (all of New York) and A . B. Sibley, Helena. Operated un­
ROAD.— Owns and operates about 21 miles of lino.
der tho general management of J. G. White M gt. Corp., New York City.
OFFICERS.— Same as for Massachusetts Northeastern St. Ry.
— V. 88,p. 1061; V. 91. p. 1095; V. 96. p. 1422.



ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Mass. June 11 1884. Leases the M t.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in New Jersey May 1901 and acquired
tho entire ($1,500,000) capital stock and ($1,500,000) bonds of the Wllkes- Tom (incline) R R . until June 1 1922 at 6% per annum on the $100,000 stock.
Barro Sc Hazleton R a ilic a y C o . (Pennsylvania incorporation) and deposited In 1907 purchased the Hampshire Street Ry. (previously leased). V. 85.
tho same, together with $140,000 (entiro Issue) of the Lehigh Traction C o.’s p. 40. In Aug. 1907 purchased the Amherst & Sunderland Street Ry. (V.85.
5% certificates of indebtedness and $922,200 of tho $1,000,000 stock of p. 294), giving a through connection from Holyoke to Amherst and Sun­
the Lehigh Traction Co. as security for the Wilkes-Barro & Hazleton Rail­ derland.
In Mar. 1915 Issued $850,000 20-yr. 5% 1st mtge. bonds to retire $250.­
road Co. issuo of first collateral trust mortgzge 5% gold bonds. V. 72.
p. 1281. F r a n c h is e s are 999 years in and around Hazleton and perpetual 000 bonds which matured April 1 1915 and for paying floating indebtedness.
V. 100. p. 733, 982.
from Hazleton to Wilkes-Barre.
„ .
, .
Interest N o t P a id . — Tho interest duo May 15 1914 on tho collateral trust
S tr ik e . — A strike for a 9-in-l 1-hour day with the same wages as paid for
mtge. of 1901 due May 15 1951 was not paid. In lieu of paying tho interest 10 in 12 hours, which tied up tho company’s lines for 84$ days, was called
bondholders were requested to surrender their coups., duo May 15 1914 to off Aug. 15 1915 when an agreement was reached to submit the dispute to
N ov. 15 1916, and in return tho company issued non-interest-bearing cer­ arbitration (V. 101, p. 614). On Aug. 27 the men struck again but went
tificates for tho coupons as thoy become due. See V. 98, p. 1539. Tho back to work Sept. 10 1915. V. 101, p. 923.
default was tho result of a strike of the employees of tho Lehigh Traction
D a te.
In t e r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g . M a t u r it y , A c
C o., a subsidiary— See Lehigh Trac. Co. below.
$1,342,000 J a n .’ 16, 3%
Stock ($100).................................. .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g . M a t u r it y .
First mortgage. $2,500,000,1 1915
5 A-O
850.000 April 1 1935
Common $2,500,000 ($100).................................
$2,500,000 ...............
gold ($1,000)__________ c*JInt. at Springf. Safe Dep. & Tr. C o., Trustse
Prof 6 % non-cum $700,000— ---------------185,600 ---------------- Deb bds ($500, $l,000)c*_ntf 1899 5 A-O
85,000 Oct. 11920
Collateral trust mortgage $2.-1 1901 5 g M-N 15 1,900,000 May 15 1951 Debenture bonds________ n tf 1903
5 A-O
265,000 April 1 1923
500.000 gold ($1,000)__ c*jflnt. at Guaranty Trust C o., N . Y ., Trustee Leased lino rental M t Tom RR
Collateral trust mortgage $1.-1 1905
5 g A-O
1,227,000 Oct 1 1945
stock 6 % .........................................
100,000 ...................
500.000 gold ($1,000)___ cfln t. at Guaranty Trust C o.. N . Y .. Trustee.
B o n d s . — $350,000 1st M . bonds are reserved to retire the debenture bonds,
B o n ds a n d S lo c k . — Of tho authorized issue of $2,500,000 coll, trust bonds of remainder issuable for additions and impts. under certain restrictions. Red.
1901, $600,000 are reserved to retire all bonds of the Lehigh Traction Co. A at 107 and int. on and after April 1 1920. V. 100, p. 982.
Interest on debenture bonds payable at Holyoke National Bank.
sinking fund of $20,000 per annum, which began Juno l 1908, is to bo In­
D iv id e n d s . — From 1892 to 1915, incl., 8% yrly. In Jan. 1916, 3% .
vested in the collateral trust bonds or in bonds purchasable by savings
ROAD.— Has 69.975 miles of track, including M t. Tom (incline) RR
banks in Now York State. See V . 72. p. 1281; V . 78, p. 289. Tho collateral
trust bonds of 1905 have a s in k in g f u n d of $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 per annum, which began 4,900 feet long, and connecting with tho W oronoco Street R y. to Westfield,
In 1910. Bonds can be called at 110. Preferred stock can, at option of Mass.; with Springfield St. R y. to Springfield. Mass., and with Northamp­
company be changed at any time into the bonds of tho company, at par, ton St. R y. to Northampton, M ass..and direct to Chicopee,Chicopee Falls.
South Hadley, Amherst and Sunderland. Passenger cars, 120; other ser­
said bonds to bear not loss than 5 % , or may bo red. at par in cash.
EARNINGS.— For cal. yr. 1915 (Incl. allied companies), gross, $466,675; vice cars, 27; snow-plows. 10: other vehicles, 7: electric motors, 269.
EARNINGS.— For year end. June 30:
net, $224,310; int., taxes and renewals, $226,411; doflclt, $2,101.
OFFICERS.— Pres., A. Marklo; V.-P. Sc Gon. M gr., C. B. Houck;
earnings___ $708,586 $643,861 Balance for d iv s .. $96,233 $87,497
Sec., N. C. Yost; Asst. Sec., A. Marklo Jr.; Treas., Win. II. Remick.— Gross
V. 83, p. 1292; V. 87, p. 679; V. 98, p. 1539.
Int., taxes. &c___ 97,107 . 90,145 D eficit..................$11,127. $9,127
OFBTCERS.—’Pres., Louis D . Pellisler; Sec. & Treas., S. D . Nevin. all
(1) Lehigh Traction Co.— A trolley road.
ORGANIZATION.— Chartered N ov. 7 1892. F r a n c h is e perpetual. of Holyoke.— V. 86, p. 52; V. 96. p. 652. 716: V. 96. p. 1840; V. 99, p. 816.
Owns, controls and leases for 999 years at an annual rental o f $1 each the V. 100, p. 733, 982; V. 101, p. 614. 923; V. 102, p. 153.
Hazleton & Suburban Electric R y., capital $30,000; Hazleton & South
Side Electric R y., capital $75,000: Hazleton & North Side Electric Rv.
capital $75,000. The $140,000 certificates of indebtedness and $922,200
of Lehigh 'Fraction stock are deposited as security for tho Wilkes-Barro Sc
ORGANIZATION.— Organized In 1908 and took over Houghton County
Hazleton R R . bonds of 1901.
Street R y., which latter company was incorporated in 1899. F r a n c h is e s
Strike — In terest D e fa u lted . — On Dec. 31 1913 a strike was begun which on public streets expire In 1929, 1930, 1932, 1933 and 1938. Largely on
resulted in the default of the payment of tho interest duo Juno 1 1914 on private right of way. S1OO.0OO com. stk. owned by Pub. Serv. Invest. Co.
the 1st M . 5s of this co. (int. on 1st M . bonds o f tho Wilkes-Barro Sc Hazle­
D a te .
In t e r e s t .
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
ton RIt. was also defaulted, V .98 ,p. 1539). Bondholders wore requested
See text
to surrender their coupons falling duo June 1 1914 and tho five succeeding Common $750,000 ($100)_________
interest periods, and to accept in lieu theroof non-int.-boaring scrip, payable
751,000 Jan 1 1937
before any dividends are paid and callable at par. A protective committee 1st consol mtge $1,600,0001 1908 5 g J-J
($500 and $1,000) g o ld JInt. at Old Colony Trust C o., Boston, Trust.
was formed and asked denostts of the bonds at Northern Trust C o., Phlla
349.000 July 1 1920
V. 98, p. 1694. Juno and Doc. 1915 coupons on tho $500,000 1st M . 5s Hough Co St Rv mtge $750,-1 1900 5 g J-J
000 gold ($1,000)____ c*tf)In t. at Boston Safe Dep. & Tr. C o., Trustee.
were paid; also tho April and Oct. 1915 Int. on tho Hazleton Park 5s.
Stock a n d B o n d s . — Pref. stock is redeemable at 110. $349,000 consol,
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y . mtge. bonds reserved for prior liens; $28,500 are in treas.; $417,000 for fu­
Stock $1,000,000 ($100)-.....................................
$1,000,000 .......... .
ture additions at 80% of ccst: they are subject to call as a whole or in part
First mortgage $500,000 gold) 1893
5 g J-D
500,000 Juno 1 1923 for sinking fund at 105 and int. Sinking fund 14$% or outstanding bonds;
($100. $500. $1,000)----- c*/M arkle Bkg. Sc Tr. Co.. Hazleton, Trustee. $54,500 have been canceled. Tho Houghton County Street Ry. bonds can
Certificates of indebtedness.................................
140,000 ...............
bo called as a whole or in part at 105 and int. V. 87, p. 614. $401,000
Hazlo Park bonds, $60,000— 1895
5 g A-O
have been canceled.
Equip trust ctf.s. Series A ----- 1916
D iv id e n d s . — On pref., 3% s.-a.from Oct. 1908 to Apr. 1916, Incl. On
Tho equipment trust certificates are dated Aug. 1 1916 and cover 10 common, 2% Oct. 1909. In 1910, Aprd, 24$% and same amount s.-a.
steel cars. I’enna. Co. for Ins. on Lives & Granting Annuities., Phlla., to and Including April 1914. None since.
Pa., is trustee.
REPO RT.— For 12 mos. ending Doc. 31 1915, gross, $276,661: net>
ROAD.— Operates 22 miles of track, new 90-lb. steel T rails, oak ties, well after taxos, $119,124; int., $55,232; sink, fund, $11,285; surplus, $52,607.
ballasted. Road extends from Hazleton to West Hazleton, to Yorktown
ROAD.— Owns 32.2 miles of track, including lines from noughton to
(connecting with Pennsylvania R R . and Lehigh Valley R It.), to M cAdoo Hancock
and from Hancock to Latirium, Red Jacket, Lake Linden and
(south) and Milnesville, Latimer Mines and hreeland (north).
Hubbell, and the mining legations of Quincy, Osceola. Wolverine. Allouez.
OFFICERS.— Pres., A. Marklo; V.-P.. C. B. Houck; Sec. and Treas., Ah meek and Mohawk; 34 cars and 7 plows. Standard gauge. Power sta­
N. C. Yost; Gen. M gr., C. B. Houck.— V. 99, p. 984, 1593, 1673.
tion capacity 1,000 k.w. Also purch. power from Houghton Co.El.Lt.Co.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Frederick P. Royce, Boston; V.-Ps.. F. J. Bowden
(2) Wilkes-Barre & Hazleton Ry.— A trolley,steam and third-rail road
Houghton, and T. N. Perkins, Boston; Sec., Alvah K. Todd, Boston;
ORGANIZATION.— Chartered Dec. 13 1899 under General Railroad Treas., Henry B. Sawyer, Boston; M gr., Gardner Rogers, Houghton,
Law Act of April 4 1868, State of Pennsylvania. Tho Wilkes-Barro & Mich.; Gen. Mgrs.. Stone Sc Webster M gt. Assn., Boston.— V. 87. n 614:
Hazleton R R . owns the entiro stock and bonds.
V. 88. p. 1499; V. 89, p. 666; V. 94, p. 1763; V. 99, p. 816: V. 102, p. 1436.
D a te .
In teres t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity
Stock $1,500,000 full p a id .................................
$1,500,000 - .............
First mortgage $1,500,0001 1901
5 g M-N
1,500,000 May 1 1 9 5 1
gold-------------------------------- 1 Interest at Guaranty Trust C o., N. Y ., Trus.
Equip trust ctfs. Series A ----- 1916
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Indiana on March 23 1907 and
The equipment trust certificates are dated Aug. 1 1916 and cover 10
new steel cars. Penna. Co. for Ins. on Lives & Granting Annuities, Phlla., acquired by purchase (1) Indiananolls Sc Eastern Ry.; (2) Indianapolis
Coal Traction; (3) Indianapolis Sc Western Traction, and (4) Richmond
Pa., is trustee.
Street Sc Interurnan Rv.
ROAD.— Owns 27 miles of road from Hazleton to Wilkes-Barre, and uses
On March 25 1907 leased the Terre Haute Traction Sc Light Co. fo r 999
for terminals 1 mile Lehigh Traction Co. track at Hazleton and 3 miles vears (see terms under that company below), and in April 1907 leased for
Wilkes-Barro Terminal RR. Co. track at Wilkes-Barre; total, 30 miles. 999 vears the Indianapolis & Northwestern Traction and tho Indianapolis Sc
Entiro road placed in operation May 1 1903. Rails. 95 lbs.
Martinsville Rapid Transit (see terms under respective companies).
In April 1910 purchased 46,717 of the 50,000 shares of the stock of the
OFFICERS.— Pres., Alvan Marklo; V.-P.and Gen. M gr., O. B. Houck;
Sec. and Treas., N . C. Yost.
Indianapolis Trac. Sc Term. C o., giving Its own common and pref. stock
in exchange (V. 90, p. 1103, 1240): and since that time has acquired the
(a) Wilkes-Barre Terminal RR.
remainder of this stock except directors’ shares.
Entire stock and bonds owned by VV. B. & Hazleton RR.
On Mav 1 1912 leased for 999 years the Indianapolis Crawfordsville Sc
WrORGANIZATION.— Incorporated on Oct. 9 1903. Stock authorized Danville Elec. Ry. (see terms under latter company below). V. 94, p . 1567.
F r a n c h is e s . — In a letter to bankers In Mav 1910, President of the com­
and outstanding, $35,000 (par $50). Bonds authorized, $600,000 (c&r);
pany said: “ Thegreat m ajoritvof the franchises under which tho system is
Date 1905; duo Oct. 1 1945. Int. (5 g. A-O) payable in Now York.
operated extend well beyond the life of these bonds (1st Sc ref. m tge.). The
N* ROAD.— 3 miles, between W. B. Ter. RR. June, and Wilkes-Barre. fr
a n c h is e s in the city of Indianapolis expire in 1933."
Rails, 9 5 -lb. T; gauge, 4 ft. 8)3 in. Pres., C . J. Kirschner; Sec.-Treas.,
In t e r e s t .
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
N . C. Yost.
Common *12.500.000 ($100).................... ..........
$9,100,000 ...............
Preferred $12,500,000 (M 00)______
9,100.000 See text
1st A ref mortgage $8,000,0001 1910 o A-O
6.500.000 April 1 1945
gold ($1,000) s f ____ c *tffln t. at Fidelity Trust C o., Phila., Trustee.
THE HELENA LIGHT & RAILW AY CO.— Trolley, electric light and
Indianapolis & Eastern 1st f 1902
5 g J-J
See text July 1 1927
power, gas light and fuel.
Cons M $1,000,000 goldjlnt. at Mercantile Trust C o., N . Y .t or at
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Connecticut in Sept. 1905 as suc­
($1,000)sinking fund _c*tfl Central Trust C o., Indianapolis, Trustee.
cessor to tho Helena Light Sc Traction Co. V. 81, p. 1043. Controls the
114.000 Jan 1 1929
Helena Gas Light Sc Coke Co.; comprises the city’s entiro street railways Ind Sc Green 1st M , $300,000] 1899 5 g J-J
($1,000) gold.............. c*tf>Int. atC it. Savings* Trust C o., T r., Cleve.,
and gas and electric-light plants. F r a n c h is e s expire April 4 1926.
j or at First National Bank, New York City.
D e c is io n . — The Montana Sup. Court in Fob. 1913 held that city could
S lo ck . — Pref. stock Is 5% cum. after July 1 1910. Should com. at any
not enforce an ordinance whicn required tho company to light Its trainee
tlmo pay 6% , pref. will pay the same. V. 90, p. 1555.
within the city limits without expense to the city— see V. 96, p. 1422.



[V o l . 1 0 2 .

Interest on Citizens’ consols at Fourth Street Nat. Bank, Philadelphia.
B o n d s . — Remaining 1st & ref. bonds are reserved for additions and Im­
provements, under careful restrictions. Callable as a whole on and after
The mortgage of 1899 was for $7,000,000, but $1,000,000 has been can­
April 1 1915 at 105 and int., or In part, for sinking fund only at 102J4 celed. No bonds reserved for the Citizens’ consols. The company binds
itself to pay to the Indiana Trust Co. a sum annually sufficient to redeem
and Int. on any int. date. $437,000 held In sinking fund Apr. 18 1916.
at maturity the greater part of tho entiro issuo of Indianapolis Street R y.
f. $55,000 p. a. first 5 years and $106,675 p. a. thereafter; bonds
bonds; this provision is guaranteed by the Indianapolis Traction & Terminal
acquired for s. f. to be alive and Int. added to s. f. V . 90, p. 1491.
Of the 81,000,000 Ind. & East, consols auth., .$300,000 are reserved to Co. See v . 76, p. 542; $691.000 held in sinking fund Apr. 1 1916. Equip,
retire the Ind. & Greenfieldlst 5s, $54,000 have been canceled by sink. fund. certificates Series " A ” mature $10,000 on M ay 1 and N ov. 1 each year until
O f the remaining $646,000 out, $586,000 are owned by Terre Haute Ind. & paid In full. $140,000 have been retired. They cover purchase of 54 new
East. Trac. A s in k in g f u n d , 1% o f bonds out, began July 1 1908. Fund is cars. V . 88, p. 1499. Series " B ” mature $5,000 on Jan. 1 and July 1 In
to be invested In the company’s bonds if they can be bought at not more each year until paid m full. $50,000 have been retired. They cover pur­
than 105 and Int. Bonds cannot be called. See V. 75, p. 342. On the chase of 25 new cars. Series " C ” mature $5,000 on March 1 and Sept. 1
Ind. & Greenfield bonds, $12,500 is payable yearly to a sinking fund be­ each year until paid in full. They cover 25 now cars. $30.000 have been re­
ginning Oct. 1 1904, with which bonds beginning with N o. 1 are being pur­ tired. Series “ D ” mature $5,000 on June 1 and Dec. 1 each year until
chased at 105 and accrued Int.; $186,000 were so purchased up to paid. Covers 25 new cars. $20,000 have been retired.
Stock and bonds listed on Phila. Stock Exchange. V. 69, p. 851.
Apr. 30 1916.
D iv id e n d s . — Initial div., l \ i % , on pref. paid Oct. 1910; same amount
ROAD.— 116.69 miles of track; 182 singlo-truck and 52 double-truck
passenger and 5 service cars. 90-lb. rail.
quar. to and lncl. Jan. 1914. None paid since. See V. 98, p.' 914.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Henry Jameson; V .-P., H . S. Now: V .-P ., H . J .
RE PO RT.— For e n tire system for calendar years:
Hibben; Sec. & Treas., Jos. A. McGowan: Asst. Sec. & Treas., W . F.
Mllholland, Indianapolis.— V. 79, p. 151; V. 88. p. 1499
Gross earnings_____________________ $6,436,317 $6,667,263 $6,533,014
4,261,162 3,964,864
Operating expenses and taxes. _......... 4,114,246
(2) Terre Haute T ra ction & Light Co.
. $2,322,071 $2,406,101 $2,568,150
L e a s e d . —'In March 1907 was leased to the Terre Haute Indianapolis &
, $1,628,708 $1,625,478 $1,594,732 Eastern Trac. Co. for 999 years. The latter company guarantees 6% on
Sinking funds, subsidiary companies.
150,813 tho outstanding pref. stock and 2% on common for 1H yoars, 3% for
Int. & sk. fd. on divis. bds. o f this c o .
27,500 1 year, 4% for 1 year, and 5% thereafter, and $1,000 per year for organi­
expenses. V. 84, p. 750.
$795,105 zation
The Terre Haute Ind. & East. Trac. owns all the common stock except
Interest on T. H. I. & E. T . bonds..
$325,000 directors’
Sink. fd. on T . H. I. & E. T . bonds...
ORGANIZATION.— Is a consolidation in 1904 of tho Terre Haute Elec­
B alanco________________________
$415,105 tric Co. and the Terre Haute Electric Traction Co. Principal railway
N o t e . — In addition to sinking funds as shown above, thero was paid as fr a n c h is e s expire 1952; principal lighting fr a n c h is e perpotual; other f r a n ­
Interest on bonds already held by trustees in sinking fund which was ap­ ch ises average 30 years from Jan. 1 1906. Leases Terre Haute & Western
plied to tho purchase of additional bonds, $63,215 in 1915, $80,110 in 1914 Railway Co.
and $60,540 in 1913, making total received for sinking fund account by
D a te.
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
trustees $361,616 in 1915, $.99,857 in 1914 and $278,853 in 1913.
Common $2,000,000 ($100).
See text
1,000,000 Mar T 6. 3%
ROAD.— Operates a modem highspeed electric railway over lines Pref. $1,000,000 ($100 6% cu.) . . . .
. „g M-N
3,211,000 May 1 1944
which comprise a continuous route from and Including the city o f Paris in First cons mtge $5,000,000 1904
gold___________________ tf Interest at State Street Trust C o., Boston.
Illinois through the city o f Terre Haute and towns o f Brazil, Greencastle
5 g J-J
1,500,000 July 1 1929
Amo, Clayton and Plainfield, to the city o f Indianapolis, and thence, through Terre Haute Electric 1st mtg 1899
$1,500,000 gold ($1,000) c* Int. at Boston Safe Dep, & T r. Co., Boston.
the towns o f Greenfield, Knightstown, New Castle and Cambridge City, to
tho city o f Richmond in Indiana; also a line running south from Indianapolis
B o n d s . — The Union Trust Co. of Indianapolis and the Boston Safe Doposit
to Martinsville, Ind.; a line running west from Indianapolis to Danville, & Trust Co. are Joint trustees of tho Torre Haute Electric mtge. Or the
Ind.; a line running northwest from Indianapolis to Lafayette, with a $5,000,000 consols, $1,500,000 are reserved to retire prior liens. The new
branch to Crawfordsville; a line running northwest from Indianapolis direct bonds are callable as a whole at 110 and Int. on any int. date. A s in k in g
to Crawfordsville and from Terre Haute a line north to Clinton, Ind., and a fu n d of 1% of outstanding bonds commenced M ay 1 1906. $289,000 was
line south to Sullivan, Ind. Also operates the city lines in Indianapolis, hold by this fund Apr. 1 1916. Tho United States Trust Co. of Terre Haute
Terre Haute and Richmond. Total miles in single track; city lines, Indi­ and the State Street Trust Co. of Boston are trustees of this mortgage.
anapolis, 141.08 Torre Haute, 27.63; Crawfordsvillo, 1.64, and Richmond, Seo V. 78, p. 2013.
12.81; total, 183.16 interurban linos, total, 367.03. Grand total, entire
EARNINGS.— For calendar years:
system, 550.19 miles.
Y ea r—
G ro ss.
N e t.
O t h .In c . D e d u c ’ n s . S i n k . F d .
B a la n c e .
O F F IC E R S — Pres., Robt. I. Todd; Y.-Ps., Marshall S. Morgan. E. B. 1915............ $1,296,157 $577,401 $1,000 $268,083 $32,216 $278,102
Peck and John J. Appel; Sec. & Treas., Jos. A. McGowan.
1914............ 1,419,173
267,780 33,247
D ire c to rs . — Robt. 1. Todd, Randal Morgan, \V. Kesley Schoepf, Harry
ROAD.— Embraces 87.26 miles of track in Terre Haute, including linea
S. New, J. J. Appel, Jos. A. McGowan and E. B. Peck. V. 94, p. 209, from
1567; V. 95, p. 892; V. 96, p. 717; V. 98. p. 525, 914; V. 99, p. 1911.
ford, Ind. Rails, 60 to 80 lbs. Owns 108 city passenger and 15 inter­
(1) Indianapolis Traction & Terminal Co.
urban passenger cars, 6 freight and 20 service cars.
In April 1910 control was acquired by the Terre Haute Indianapolis &
OFFICERS.— Pres., Demas Doming; V .-P ., Robt. I. Todd; Sec. & Treas.,
Eastern Traction. V. 90, p. 1101, 1239.
Joseph A . McGowan; Asst. Sec. & Asst. Treas., E. J. Davis.— V, 84, p.
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated in Indiana on Aug. 4 1902 with 750; V. 90, p. 1555; V. 98. p. 525.
$500,000 capital, which was increased in Jan. 1903 to $5,000,000 to lease
the Indianapolis Street Ry. and to provido terminal facilities for all in­
(a) Terre Haute & W estern Railway C o.— An electric road.
terurban electric roads now entering or yet to enter Indianapolis. F r a n ­
Leased to Terre Haute Traction & Light Co. for 999 years from N ov. 1907.
c h ise is for 31 years, under the terms o f which the company is to pay the
city 4 cents per car for the first 11 years, 6 cents for the next 10 years and 9
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in 1907 in Illinois. Road extends
cents for the remaining 10 years. On Dec. 29 1902 leased for 31 years the from the Indiana State line near Sanford, Ind., to Paris, 111., 10.63 miles.
Indianapolis Street Ry. Y. 75, p. 1301.
Began operation Oct. 25 1907. Is entirely on private right-of-way. Entire
Interurban railways enter the city under agreements by which they pay com. and pref. stock owned by Terre Haute Ind. & Eastern Trac. Co.
3 cents per passenger for all passengers carried in the city limits and an
D a le .
I n t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
additional 1 cent for those using the terminal station. V. 81, p. 264.
$200,000 ...................
Stock common $200,000__________
150,000 ...................
D a te.
In t e r e s t .
O u ts ta n d in g .
L a s t D i v . Preferred $150,000.........................
First mortgage $250,000 gold 1 1907
5 g M -N
250,000 Nov 1 1937
Stock $5,000,000................................
$5,000,000Dec 13 1K %
guar p & i ($1,000)___c*tf/In t. at New England Tr. Co., Boston, Trus.
1st mortgage .$5,000,000 gold! 1903
5 g A-O
5,000,000 Jan l 1933
($1,000) sink fu n d ___ c*tf JInt. at Guaranty T r. & S. D . C o., Phila., Tr.
B o n d s . — Aro guar. p. & I. by endorsement by Terre naute Tr. & Lt. Co.
B o n d s . — A s in k in g fu n d provides for the payment annually o f 1 1-5% of
EARNINGS.— For calondar yoar 1915. gross, $46,890; not, after taxes,
bonds outstanding, including those in tho sinking fund. See V . 76, p. 1085. $17,983; other income, $500; deductions, $12,500; surplus, $5,983. In
Bonds may be drawn for sinking fund at 102U and int. and are subj. to call 1914, gross, $51,235; not, aftor taxes, $20,858; other incomo, $500; deduc­
atthatprfce. See V .81, p. 264. $881,000 held in sinking fund Feb. 1 1916. tions, $12,500; surplus, $8,858.
D iv id e n d s . — First dividend on stock, 1% , was paid Dec. 31 1908; in
OFFICERS.— Pres., T . F. Grover; V .-P ., F. T . O’Hair; Sec., E. J.
1909, 2% ; in 1910, 2% ; in 1911. 5% : in 1912, July, 2% ; D ec., 2 % . In Davis; Treas., John T . Beasley.— (V. 90, p. 1555).
1913, Juno, 2% ; D ec., l ' A % - Nono since.
(3) Indianapolis & N orthwestern T raction Co.— An electric road.
ROAD, Sec .— Has completed 24.39 miles o f single track and owns 9-story
office and terminal building, train-sheds and 3 freight depots centrally
L e a se . — In April 1907 was leased to the Torre Hauto Indianapolis &
located in Indianapolis; also real estate on which same are constructed. Eastern Traction for 999 years. Tho latter company will pay the interest
This terminal is used by all interurban roads (13 in number) entering Indi­ on the bonds; also l A % quar. or 5% per annum on the $450,000 pref.
anapolis. Also leases tho Indianapolis Street R y., 116.69 miles. Owns stock and $500 per year for organization. V. 84, p. 869.
electrical and steam equipment o f 7,000 k. w. capacity. Owns 274 double
Entire issuo of common stock, except directors shares, is owned by the
truck passenger and 113 service cars. Also operates under lease 182 single Terre Haute Indianapolis & Eastern Traction.
truck and 52 double-truck passenger cars ancf 5 service cars owned by tho
ORGANIZATION.— Organized in 1902 in Indiana. Operates a modern
Indianapolis Street Ry.
high-speed interurban railroad, standard-gauge, located upon prlvato right
E A R N IN G S.— For calendar years:
of way outside of the city corporate limits. Extonds northwesterly from
Y ea r—
G ro ss.
N et.
C h a rg e s .
D iv id e n d . S u r . or D e f.
the city of Indianapolis through the cities of Lobanon and Frankfort to the
1915...............$3,362,392 $1,429,429 $1,426,230
sur.$3,199 city of Lafayette, with a branch from Lebanon to Crawfordsville, each of
1 9 1 4 ............. 3,378.757
1,383,080 1,409,591 ________
def. 26.511 which cities is the county seat of its respective county. Has trackage
.1913............... 3,321,088
1,442,144 1,371.200 $162,500 def. 91.556 rights to tho business centres of Indianapolis and Lafayotto.
O FFICERS.— Pres., Robt. I. Todd; V.-Ps., E. B. Peck, Marshall S.
Tho franchises run for 31 to 50 years from 1907 and permit tho carrying
Morgan and John J. Appel: Sec. & Treas., W . F. Mllholland.— V. 81, p. of freight, express and mall, as well as passengers.
264: V . 82, p. 627: V. 83. p. 1411; V. 87, p. 1664; V. 90, p. 1101,1239; V. 94,
D a te.
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
p. 207; V. 97. p. 1426; V. 98. p. 523.
Common $2,550,000...............................................
$2,550,000 ...............
Pref ($1,000,000) 5% cum...............
Seo toxt
(a) Indianapolis Street Ry. — A trolley system.
First mtge $3,000,000 goldf 1903
5 g M-S
2.470.000 Mar 1 1923
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Indiana March 7 1899. After
($1,000)................... c*tf/In t. at Columbia Tr. C o., N . Y .. Trus.
acquiring the Citizens’ Street R R . o f Indianapolis and the City Railroad,
&c., at 50% and 75%
made a contract with the City o f Indianapolis agreeing to surrender tho
rights and franchises o f both companies and accept a new franchise running of cost. N o s. f., but bonds can bo called on any int. date at 110 and int.
only thirty-four years. The contract also provides that cash fares aro not
EARNINGS.— For year ending Doc. 31 1915, gross, $426,808; not, aftor
to exceed five cents, with free transfers, and tickets aro to be sold at the rat
taxos, $125,914; othor incomo, $500; bond interost, $123,500; surplus$2,914.
o f six for twenty-five cents and twenty-five for one dollar.
In 1914, gross, $444,909; not, aftor taxos, $141,501; othor incomo, $500,
The company also binds itself to pay over to the city (which is to expend bond interest, $123,500; surplus, $18,501.
it on the public works) the sum o f $30,000 yearly from 1899 to 1925, and
ROAD.— Embraces 84.15 miles of track botweon Indianapolis, Zions85O.O0O yearly from 1926 to 1932, Inclusive, the contract expiring in 1933—- vilie,
Lebanon, Frankfort and Lafayette, including a branch from Lebanon
seo V. 68, n. 723. The city gets the right to purchase the property “ at to Crawfordsville.
Standard gauge; 70-lb. T rail. Owns 20 passonger,
any ttme within two years and not later than ono year before the expiration 5 freight and 5 service
Power houso and car barn aro at Lobanon.
of this contract,” nothing to be paid for the value o f the franchise. Law V. 88. p. 295; V. 92, p. cars.
sustained M ay 1902. V. 74, p. 936.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Robt. I. Todd; V .-Ps., Chas. Murdock and Harry
As to the three-cent faro case, which the IT. S. Court o f Appeals decided
In favor o f the Citizens C o.In Dec. 1897, see Supplement o f N ov. 1898.and S. New; Sec. & Treas., Jos. A. McGowan.
V. 64, p. 842, 1180; V. 65, p. 51, 181, 1172.
(4) Indianapolis & M artinsville Rapid T ransit Co.— An electric road.
Guarantees the ($400,000) bonds o f Broad Ripple Traction C o ., and owns
L e a s e d . — In April 1907 was leased to the Torre Hauto Indianapolis &
75% of its stock.
East. Trac. for 999 years. The latter co. will pay the int. on the bonds; also
L e a s e . — On Dec. 29 1902 was leased to the Indianapolis Traction St Ter.
mmal Co. for 31 years. See V. 75, p. 1301. Lease provides for dividend of $500 per year for organization. V. 84, p. 749. Tho Torre Hauto Ind. Sc
1% Jan. 1 1903, then 3% in semi-annual installments for first year, 4% for Eastern owns entire issue o f stock except directors’ shares.
second year, 5% for third year and 6% after July 1906.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Indiana on April 24 1901. Oper­
D a te.
In t e r e s t . O u tsta n d in g . M a t u r it y ,A c . ates on private right of way except in Incorporated towns.
$5,000,000 Jan’ lO. 3%
Capital stock ($100)............ _ ........
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
IndianapolisStreet R y genf 1899
4 g J-J
6,000,000 Jan 1 1933
$750,000 ($100)...........................................
$750,000 ------- -------mortgage $6,000,000 gold Interest at Guar. Trust &. Safe Deposit Co., Stock
First mtgo, $750,000 ($1,000)1 1902
5 g J-J
750,000 Jan 1 1932
($1,000) guar----- . . . c * n tf
gold...................... c*&r ntf( Union Trust Co. and Security Tr. Co. of lnCitizens Street R y 1st M 1893
5 g M -N
4,000,000 M ay 1 1933
[dianapolls, Trus. Int. at Sec. Tr. C o., Ind.
$4,000,000 g ($1,000).c* tf Central Trust C o., New York, Trustee.
B o n d s . — N o sinking fund, but bonds are subject to call aftor 10 years at
Equip, certificates Series “ A ” 1909
5 M -N
60.000 See text.
105 and interest. Seo V. 78, p. 1223.
$2(50,000 ($1,000)________ Fidelity Trust C o., Philadelphia, Trustee.
EARNINGS.— For calondar yoar 1915, gross, $155,411; not, aftor taxes,
Equip, certificates Series " B ”■ 1911
5 J-J
50.000 See text
$44,499; othor Incomo, $500; bond interest, $37,500; surplus, $7,499. In
$100,000........ ............. ........ Fidelity Trust C o., Philadelphia, Trusteo.
1914, gross, $169,330; not, aftor taxos, $58,854; othor incomo, $500; bond
Equip, certificates Series “ G”> 1913
5 M -S
70.OOP See text
interost, $37,500; surplus, $21,854.
$100,000_............................ , Fidelity Trust C o., Philadelphia, Trustee.
E quip. certificates Series •‘ D ” 1913
ROAD.— Embraces 27.54 miles of track from Indianapolis to Martins­
6 J-D
80 000
See text
ville, completed in M ay 1903. 70-ib. rails; standard gauge.

Ma y , 1916. J


OFFICERS.— Pres., Robt. I. Todd; V.-Ps., Harry S. Now, Chas. Mur
dock and John J. Appel; Sec., K. B. Beck; Treas., Jos. A . McGowan
V. 84, p. 749.

(5) Indianapolis Crawfordsville & Danville Electric Ry.
L e a s e . — On May 1 1912 was leased to tho Terre Haute Indianapolis &

Eastern Trac. for 999 years. Under tho lease tho latter company guaran­
tees p. & 1. of 1st M . bonds, 5% dlvs. on 3200,000 prof, stock and semi­
annual dlvs. on com., viz.: f t % from N ov. 30 1912 to M ay 31 1914, 1%
N ov. 1914 to May 1916, 14$% N ov. 1916 to M ay 1918 and 2% thereafter.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Indiana on April 20 1912 as successor to
tho Indianapolis Crawforsdvillo & West. Trac., sold at foreclosure. Built
entirely on private right-of-way. In cities and towns has 50-yoar fr a n c h is e s
which permit tho carrying o f freight, express and mail matter.
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y
Common 3400,000 (3100)_________
M -N
3400,000 See toxt
J -D
200,000 See text
I’ r e f $4 0 0 ,0 0 0 5 % cu m (3100)______
First mtgo 32,500,000 gold) 1912 5 g M -N
1,000,000 M ay 1 1952
($1,000) guar p& l__c&r tfj Interest at Girard Trust C o., Phlla., Trustee.
B o n d s . — Of remaining first mtgo. bonds, 31,000,000 are for extensions
and $500,000 to bo issued only under certain conditions. Subj. to call as
a wholo but not In part at 102 lA and int. on any int. day. Sinking fund of
39,000 per annum on initial 3 1,000,000 bonds out commencing March 1 1913
When add’l bonds are issued fund shall be increased by such amount as will
retiro 2-3 o f such add’l bonds issued. $40,000 held alive in sinking fund
Apr. 18 1916
EARNINGS.— For calendar yoar 1915, gross, 3224,200; not, after taxes
$59,367; other income, $500; bond interest, 350,000; sinking fund, $10,533
deficit, $666. In 1914, gross, 3225,796; not, after taxos, $57,470; other in­
come, $500; bond interest, $50,000; sinking fund, $9,000; deficit, 31,030
ROAD.— Operates 43.62 miles of road between Indianapolis and Craw
fordsvillo. Standard gauge. 70 and 85-lb. T rails. An extension from
Crawfordsvillo to western boundary o f Indiana east o f City of Danville
Ind., is proposed.
OFFICERS.— Pres., John J. Appel; V .-P., Robert I. Todd; Sec. & Treas.
Jos. A. McGowan; Gen. M gr., R obt. I. T odd. V. 94, p. 1449, 1565, 1695


B o n d s . — Remaining Ironwood & Bessemer 1st M . bonds may be issued
for 75% of cost of new property under certain restrictions. They are sub­
ject to call on any int. date after Feb. 1 1915 at 104 and int. for sinking fund.
S in k in g f u n d provides for retirement of 1 % of outstanding bonds beginning
with year ending Feb. 1 1916. Ashland L t., Pow. & St R y. bonds are
subject to call on any int. day at 104 In and after 1914. Sinking fund of 1%
of bonds out began in 1912.
D iv id e n d s .— 6% per annum is being paid on preferred. Permission has
boon granted by tho Wise. R R . Comm, to incroaso the pref. divs. to 7%
per annum.
EARNING S.— For year ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $240,030; net, after
oQoe§ h ,^ 2®’®'*'*; otller incomo, $28,332; bond Interest, $67,584; surplus,

ROAD.— Operates 7K miles of line in Ashland and .also about 7H miles
urieyand Giie; a local road in Bessemer and an interurban
In Jul y l 9 1 3 ' m e s between Ironwood and Bessemer, which was completed
in2 i F R
rPrC? ’ v £ ? , : ’ R£ id- Ashland; Sec., Geo. F. Merrill, Ash­
land, Treas., W. Louis Williams, Boston.— V. 93, p. 1260; V. 96, p. 63.


ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Maine on N ov. 19 1906 as reor­
ganization of tho Marquette County Gas Light & Traction C o., sold under
foreclosure. V. 83, p. 1037. Does gas and electric-light business in
Negaunee and Ishpeming.
F r a n c h is e s expire: Street railway, 1936; gas and electric in Ishpeming.
perpetual; in Negaunee, gas, 1933; electric light, 1921.
D a te.
In t e r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common 3750,000 (3100).................
Quar3750,000 In 1915, 3%
Prof 6% cum $250,000 ($100)______
125,000 ln 1915, 6%
First mtgo 31,000,000 goldf 1910
6 J-J
379,000 Jan 1 1930
($1,000)_____________c * .tf/In t. at First Tr. & Sav Bk., Chic., Trustee.
B o n d s . — First mtgo. bonds are reserved under certain restrictions for
BROAD RIPPLE TRACTION .— A trolloy road.
improvo’ts and extens. at 85% of cost thereof. S in k in g f u n d o f 1% of bonds
ORGANIZATION.— Organized as successor to tho Indianapolis & Broad out from 1913 to 1915, incl., from 1916 to 1929, incl., 2% yearly. Red. at
RIpplo Transit C o., sold at foreclosure July 1899. Tho Indianapolis 105 and int. on any int. day. V. 91, p. 1767.
Street Ry. owns about 75% o f stock, but organization Is soparato. Road
EARNINGS.— For cal. year 1915, gross, $1 2,538; net, after taxes,
Is jointly operated by tho Union Traction Co. o f Indiana and tho Indianap­ $53,165; charges, $22,536; dividends, $30,000 (of which $6,250 accrued but
olis Traction & Terminal Co.
unpaid); surplus, $629. In 1914. gross, S158.007; net, after taxes, $63,782;
charges, $21,779; dividends, S30,000; surplus. $12,003.
In t e r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y
Stock 3100,000 (par $100).........................................
ROAD.— Operates 4>S miles of track In and between Negaunee and
M tg 3400,000 g ($1,000) c * n t f . / 1899--------- 5 g J-J
400,000 July 1 1933 Ishpeming.
. , , \I?t. at Guar. T r.& S.D .C o.tPhlla.), Trust.
Pres., L. E. Myers; V .-P ., M . J. Insull; Gen. M gr.,
B o n d s . — Are guar. p. & 1. by Ind. St. R y.
No s. f. and bonds cannot A. C . Harrington,
Ishpeming; Sec. & Treas., W . n. P. Weston, 1117
bo called. Tho Ind. Nor. Trac. Co. (subsequently consolidated with the Monadnock
Chicago.— V. 91, p. 1767; V. 94, p. 279. 351.
Union Tr. Co. o f Ind.) guarantees p. & I. of half ($200,000) o f tho bonds
ROAD.— 7 M miles of track from Indianapolis to Broad ltipplo Park.
OFFICERS.— Pros., Robert I. Todd; Sec., Jos. A. McGowan: Treas
E . B. Pock. V .6 9 .P . 180; V. 73, p. 137, 183; V. 78, p. 1167.

I N D I A N A P O L I S & C I N C I N N A T I T R A C T I O N CO.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Indiana on N ov. 17 1910 as suc­
cessor to the> o ld Indianapolis & Cincinnati Trac. Co., sold at foreclosure
N ov. 10 1910. V. 91, p. 1385, 1025.
In 1911 acquired tho Indianapolis & Southeastern Trac. Co. (all of whoso
com. and 330,000 1st M . bonds tho o ld Indianapolis & Cincinnati Trac. Co.
had owned and to which company tho Ind. & Southeastern was leased) and
canceled its com. stock. V . 92, p. 881,956. Private right o f way except in
cities and towns. County fr a n c h is e s perpetual. F r a n c h is e s In cities and
towns are for 50 yoars (tho oldest being dated 1904), except in Indianapolis,
which is for 34 years from 1900. Has contract with Indianapolis Traction
& Terminal Co. for 31 years allowing its cars to enter Indianapolis.
In Nov. 1912 the I. & C. Light & Power Co. was incorporated with
nominal ($900) capital stock in tho interest o f tho Traction C o . to furnish
light and power to tho communities along tho company’s route.
’ In Feb. 1913 tho I. & O. Electric RR. was Incorp. with $10,000 capital
stock, to oxtend tho Traction C o.’s lines from Rushvillo to Cincinnati by way
of Brookvillo, Ind., and Harrison, O. It may later bo merged with tho
Cincinnati Harrison & Indianapolis Traction Co.
In April 1913 acquired control o f tho Cincinnati & Westwood R R ., a
narrow-gaugo road extending from Westwood, on tho boundary lino of
Cincinnati, to Brighton, within tho city, 5 1-3 miles. V. 96, p. 1297.
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y
Common 32,000,000.................................... ..........
S2,000,000 __
Pref $1,000,000 (see text)_________
1,000,000 In 1912, T%
.. . .
(31.-I 1910
5 J-J
1,400,000 July 1 lO-iO
000) gold (seo toxt)_____ c*/Interest at Central Trust C o.. N . Y Trus
I & S E pfstk $600_,000 ($100) . . . .
600,000 In 19i5 g
Ind & S E 1st M 31,000,0001 1905
5 g J-J
576,000 July 1 193
gold (31,000)------------------- /In t. at Farmers’ Loan & Tr. Co. N Y Trus'
Ind Shelbyv & Southeast lstf 1902
5 g J-J
424 000 Jan l ’ 1 0 3 9
M 3500,000 g ($1.000) s f . . /Int. at Amcr. Tr. & Sav. Bk” Chicago Trus
Stock. — Ind. & Cln. Trac. pref. Is entitled to non-cum. divs. of 2% untYi
July 1 1911. then Increasing 1% yearly to July 1 1913; thereafter
annum. Ind. & S. E. pref. is redeemable at 105 and accrued div. on any
dividend dato. See V. 81, p. 1375.
B o n d s . — Ind. & Cin. Trac. 1st M . is divided into three classes. A B and a.
Class A, $1,300,000, .all out; Class B, $200,000, none issued; and Class O
$3,350,000 (of which $100,000 outst’g), reserved for extons., lmprovcm’ ts’
&c. Entire serios o f bonds of each class is subject to call on or after Julv f
1913 at 105 and Int. As to priority of different series, sco V. 92 n 056
Of tho $1,000,000 Ind. & S. E . bonds, $424,000 is reserved for prior Hens
They are subject to call on any int. date at 105 and int. Of tho Ind. Shelby
& S. E. bonds, tho entire issuo may bo called on any Int. dato at 110. A
s in k in g f u n d on these bonds o f 310,000 per annum began Jan. l 1908, for
which bonds can bo callod at 105, beginning with lowest numbor. $76 000
havo been retired.
D iv id e n d s .— On prof, paid In 1911, 1«*%; in 1912, 1% .
1NGS.— For fiscal yoar end. Juno 30 1915, gross, $448,396; not
ot“ or incomo, $755; interest, taxes and dividends on I. & g. E
pref., $173,623; deficit for yoar, 3976.
ROAD.— Operates 58 miles of track from Indianapolis via Rushvillo to
Connersvillo and 49 miles o f track from Indianapolis via Shelbyvillo to
Grconsburg. Total, 105 miles o f track. An extension from Rushvillo
via Harrison, O., to Cincinnati is proposod. 60 and 70-lb. T rails. 20 passongcr cars and 4 oxpross cars.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Wisconsin. Is a consolidation of
tho Ashland Power Co. and tho Gogebic & Iron Counties Rv & l iglit Co
Controls tho electric light, power and street railway business in Ashland'
Iron wood, Bessomer, Hurley and Giles; the gas business in Ashland, and
tho water supply companies in Ironwood and Hurley. Also owns some of
tho most valuable natural water powers in Wisconsin. There are four
water-power stations operated by tho company; tho last being nut in
operation in Mar. 1916. F r a n c h is e s in Ironwood and Bessemer exnirn in
1941. In Wisconsin operates under indeterminate franchise
J ln
In Jan. 1913 increased its auth. pref. stock from $200,000 to *1400 non.
In Sopt. 1915 tho Wise. RR. Comm. auth. tho sale o f $100 000 Ashland
Lt., Pow. & St. Ry. 1st M . 5% bonds at not lass than 75 to defray tiio cost
o f a 1,500 k. w. turbino plant in Ashland, which was completed and nlsenri
’ operation*in*M arch 1916.
u piacou
' ^ I ’ oT m'T T n I f l 1ON DS—
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common 3500,000 (3100).................
Prof $100,000 ($100) 6% cum..........
* O'-M*
See toxt
First mtgo $2,500,000 gold( 1911
5 F-7
1,565,000 Feb 1 1936
sink fund ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) c * .c p t) Int. at American Trust Co., Boston, Trusteo
Ash Lt P & fet Ry 1st mtgef 1909
5 g J-J
600,000 Jan
$1,000,000 gold (Sl.OOOmnt. at Chicago Sav. Bk. & Tr. C o., Trusteo
c& r.cp tl (Leverett Thompson of Chic., Co-Trustee

ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. In N . Y . Mar. 30 1914 as successor of the
Ithaca Street R y. sold at foreclosure under bondholders’ reorganization plan.
Tho now co. is controlled by the Central N. Y. Southern R R . Corp., an alBteamroad. by ownership^ all the ($400,000) outstanding stock and all
(3488,000) outstanding 1st & ref. bonds. Tho Central N. Y . Southern R R
Corp. Is a reorganization o f the New York Auburn & Lansing R R . and Is
£2BLt^U£e d a a . follows : Common stock, auth., 31.275.000; outstanding
$375,000. Prof, stock, auth. and outstanding, $725,000; and 1st and coll,
trust 5s due 1964. Auth. $4,000,000; out., $1,000,000. (V. 99, p. 538.)
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Capital stock, $1 ,000 ,000 ..................................
Ist& refM $2,000,000, g. red\ 1914
5 A-O
*488,000 A p r ' 1*1964
any Int date at par&intc*tf I Columbia Trust C o., N. Y ., trustee.
Ithaca Street Railway 1st M l 1892
175,000 July 1 1922
$175,000 ........................ tff
Int. at Farmers Loan & Tr C o., N . Y .
M .$75,000_________
t f.
----- ----------------1894
75,000 July 1 1922
Cayuga Lake El Ry 1st M .t f 1894
25,000 June 1 1922
* All owned by the Central N. Y . Southern R R . Corp.
B o n d s . — Of the 1st & ref. mtge. 5s, $488,000 are Issued and are all owned
by tho Cent. N . Y . So. Remaining bonds are reserved for future require­
ments, including the retirement of the three underlying prior lien as above.
EARNINGS.— For year ending Juno 30 1915 oper. rev., 3186.498: net,
after taxes, $40,795; other income, $5,690; bond int., $34,760; misc..
$1,157; surplus, $10,568.
ROAD.— Owns and operates 11.49 miles of track. Ralls, 80-lb “ T .”
OFFICERS.— Pres., R. B. Williams Jr., Ithaca, N . Y .; V .-P ’s., H. W.
Fitz and Chas. E. Hotchkiss; V .-P., Sec. & Gen. M gr., II. A. Clarke; Treas.,
Asst. Gon. M gr. & Pur. Agent. T . P. Clancy.— V. 99, p. 538.

Controlled by American Public Utilities Co.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Miss, in M ay 1912 to combine local gas*
electric light and power and street railway properties. Has contract for
city electric lighting running to April 1923. F r a n c h is e s extend beyond
April 1 1922.
D a te .
In t e r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $1,000,000 (3100).................................
Pref 6% cum $600,000.............. ..........................
First mtgo $2,500,000 gold! 1912
5 A-O
891,000 April 1 1922
($100, $500, $l,000)sf.c*tf/C hicago Savings Bank & Trust C o., Trustee.
B o n d s . — Remaining $1,549,000 bonds are for impts., add’ns and extens.
under certain restrictions. Subject to call on any int. date on or after
April 1 1914 at 105 and int. Sinking fund of 2% of bonds out begins Feb. 1
1914. $60,000 retired. Int. in Chic, and at N. Y . office of P. W. Brooks
& Co. See V. 94, p. 1566.
EARNINGS.—For 12 mos. end. June 30 1915, gross, $290,118; net
ROAD.—Owns 14 miles of track. Standard gauge. 18 passenger cars.
— V. 94. p. 1566; V. 98, p. 1244: V. 101, p. 773

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Tennessee in July 1906, and is suc­
cessor to tho Jackson & Suburban Street Railroad Co. F r a n c h is e expires
in 1937. Also owns a park of 15 acres. Does lighting and power business
in addition to street railway.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n din g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $600,000 ($100)..
Preferred 6% cum__
First mtgo ,3600,000
g J-J
j .
_______, ____
494,000 Jan 1 1937
N o s f, "Redeem
at 10 5..c/Columbia Trust C o., Louisville, Trustee.
S lo ck a n d B o n d s . — $150,000 com. and $6,000 bonds are held in treasury.
EARNINGS.— For calendar year 1914. gross, $119,234; net, S59.113.
ROAD.— Operates 6.2 miles of track. 60-lb. rail.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Harry Weissinger; V.-P. & Gen. M gr., S. S. Bush;
Sec. & Treas., Geo. W. Lewis, all of Louisville, K y.— V. 83. p. 95.

ORGANIZATION.— Is a re-Incorporation In Mass. In March 1 9 1 1 (V.92,
. 881) of tho Jacksonville Elec. C o., which was a consolidation o f the Jack­
sonville St. Ry. Co., tho Main St. R R . Co. and the Jacksonville Elec. Lt.Co.
Stock of old company was exchanged, share for share, for stock of new com­
pany. Railway fr a n c h is e expires in 1932. Does entire electric railway busness in Jacksonville. $350,000 com. stock is held by Pub. Serv. Invest. Co.
On Feb. 28 1914 shareholders authorized $500,000 additional pref. and
3500,000 additional common, making 31,000,000 pref. and 31.500,000
common. V. 98, p. 763, 690, 611.

[Vol. 102



D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common SI,500,000 ($100).............
See text
Pref 0% cum $ 1.000,000(3100)-----6 Q-F
500,000 M ay 16. H
First consol mtge $5,000,0001 1911 5 M-S
8o0,000M ar. 1 1931
(S500 and SI,0 0 0 )
c * tfjln t. at State Street Trust C o., Boston. Iras.
Jacksonv Elec 1st M $1,250,-1 1902
5 g M -N
1,245.000 M ay 1 1927
000 gold (3 1 ,0 0 0 )- .c * .n t f/I n t . at American T rustC o., Boston. Trustee.
2-year coupon notes $1.000,-1 1915 6 M-S
750,000 Mar 1 191/
000 gold (S500 & $ 1 ,0 0 0 ).-Jlnt. at State St. Trust Co., Boston, Trustee.
S to ck. — $100,000 common stock not reported outstanding held In treasury.
B o n d s .— Of the 1st consol, bonds, $1,245,000 are reserved to retire Jack­
sonville Elec. 1st M . and $2,905,000 are for additions and improve­
ments at 80% o f cost. Subject to call as a whole or in part for s in k in g
f u n d at 105 and int. S i n k , f u n d , 1% per annum of bonds out begins Mar. 1
1917. V. 92, p. 1564. Jacksonv. Elec. Co. bonds are subj. to call as a
whole at 105 and int. on any int. date. A s in k in g f u n d o f 1% annually of
bonds out commenced M ay 1 1907, which may be used for exten. and impts.
or in purchase of bonds. $5,000 bonds have been canceled. The coupon
notes aro callable as a whole at 100 and int. on 30 days’ notice.
D iv id e n d s .— Paid 1 % quarterly on preferred to May 1915; in Aug. only
% % was paid; N ov., % % . In 1916, Feb., M % ; M ay, % % . On old
E le c t r ic Co. com. 6 % ann. from Aug. 1 1905 to Aug. 1 1910, when rato was
increased to 7% and same amt. paid to Feb. 1911. On new T ra c tio n Co.
com. initial div.— I H % — paid in M ay 1911; samo rato quar. to and mcl.
Nov. 1914. None since.
EARNINGS.— For 12 mos. ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $611,568; net,
after taxes, $182,730; interest, $165,448; impt. fund, $12,450; surplus, $4,­
ROAD.— Operates 55.89 miles o f track. Has 118 cars. Gauge 5 feet.
Power plant capacity, 2,400 k. w.
OFFICERS.— Pres.. Geo. .1. Baldwin, New York; V.-Ps., Chas. F.
Wallace and Harry H. Hunt; Treas., Henry B. Sawyer; Sec., Alvah K.
Todd; M gr., Hardy Croom, Jacksonville, Fla.; Gen. Mgrs., Stono Sc Web­
ster Mgt. Assn.. Boston.—-V. 92, p. 881, 1564; V. 97, p. 117; V. 98, p. 611,
090, 763; V. 100, p. 308; V. 101, p. 288; V. 102, p. 1625.

ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated Oct. 18 1883. F r a n c h is e runs till 1982.
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $250,000 (par $50).......................................
First mortgage $300,000 gold! 1893
6 g J-J
300,000 Jan 2 1923
($1,000)...........................c*/In t. at Guaranty Trust C o., N. Y .. Trustee.
Current liabilities June 30 1 9 1 5 ____
132,250 ---------------EARN INGS.— For yoar ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $354,664; net.
$77,801; other income, $17,804; taxes and charges, $110,977; dof., $15,372.
ROAD.— Owns 26.545 miles of track, 55 cars, 2 sweepers.
OFFICERS.— Pres., A. N . Broadhead; Sec. & Treas., S. B. Broadhoad; Gen. M gr., G. E. M altby, all o f Jamestown.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Now York on March 7 1903. Is
controlled by the samo interests as the Jamestown Street Ity.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $500,000 ($100)
$500,000 - - - - - - - - - ­
First mtge, $600,000. gold! 1904
5 g A-O
600.000 April l 1931
($1,000).............................c lln t. at Title Guar. & Tr. C o., N . Y ., Trustee
584,680 ---------------Current liabilities June 30 1 9 1 5 ____
B o n d s . — No sinking fund and are not subject to call.
EARNINGS.— For year ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $180,276; net,
$61,128; taxes and charges, $82,608; deficit, $21,480.
ROAD.— Operates 26.73 miles o f track from Lakewood, where connec­
tion is made with the Jamestown St. R y., to Mayville, there connecting
with the Pennsylvania R R .. and to Westfield, N. Y.,connecting there with
the Lake Shore & Mich. So. and the N . Y. Chicago Sc St. Louis R y., and
from Westfield to Barcelona-on-Lako Erie. Standard gauge; 80-lb. T rail.
OFFICERS.— Pres., A. N . Broadhead; V .-P ., Wm. Broadhead; Treas.
S. B. Broadhead; Sec., W. R . Reynolds; M gr., Geo. E. Maltby;


D e fa u lt . — interest on first mortgage bonds has never been paid.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in 1903. Private right of way oxcept
in cities, whore fr a n c h is e s run 50 years.
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $2,500,000 ($100).............
395,500 - - - - - - - - - ­
First mortgago $2,500,000 gl 1905
5 g M-S
301,100 Sept 1 1935
($100, $500 and $1.000) - - - 1 Int. at Amer. Tr. Sc Sav. Bk., Chic.. Trustee.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Frank J. Baker; V .-P., Chas. A. Munroe; Sec.Paul D. Sexton; Treas.. John II. Gulick, all of 72 W. Adams St., Chicago.
111. Offico at Pontiac, 111.— V. 85, p. 1004; V. 90, p. 235; V. 96, p. 651.

ORGANIZATION.— This company was incorp. in Missouri July 5 1911
and on Fob. 15 1916 took over the properties of tho Metropolitan St. Ry.,
Central Electric R y., Kansas City Elevated Ry. and Kansas City & West­
port Belt Ry. in accordance with the plan of reorganization or tho Kansas
C ity Ry. & Light Co. (V. 102, p. 88 6 ). For history of that company and
details of the reorganization plan, seo this Section for Jan. 29 1916.
F r a n c h is e O rd in a n c e , A c . — Tho ordinance for a new 30-yoar franchise
passed by tho Upper House of the City Council on Juno 8 1914 and by the
Lowor Ilouso on June 10 was carried by a voto o f 22,398 to 15,610 at tho
election on July 7 1914. It provided for the merger of the allied railways,
including M otrop. St. R y., Central Elec. R y., Kansas City Elevated Ry.
and Kansas City Sc Westport Belt Ry., and fixed tho capital value of tho
property in Missouri at $25,648,806, plus capital additions after Juno 1
i 1913.' (Valuation placed on properties in Missouri and Kansas as of
! Juno 30 1915, including, $1,000,000 now money to bo provided for forth­
with under reorganization plan, $33,412,026). On tins amount tho reor­
ganized company is to bo allowed to earn 6 % cumulative, any balance of
earnings, after tho application of $6,300,000 of surplus earnings to additions
and extensions, to bo credited two-thirds to tho city and one-third to the
company. Fares (unless reduced at oxpenso of city's share of surplus in­
come) aro fixed at 5 cents for adults and
cents for children between 8
and 12. Tho city will have tho right to purchase tho property in Missouri
at or beforo tho end of tho 30-year period on tho basis of aforesaid valuation
anil subsequent additions. Operation of tho properties to bo under the
supervision of a board of control, consisting of 1’ . J. Kealy for tho Railways
Co. and ltobort J. Woods for tho city. City also to nomtnato 5 ot th e11
directors. Seo franchise ordinance in detail in V. 99, p. 196, and also
V. 99 p. 119.
S to ck. — On April 28 1916 the shareholders of tho old K. C. Ry. Sc Light
Co. voted to place the com. and pref. stocks with two groups of trustees
who will issue pref. and common participating certificates of no specified
par value, tho character of the share determining that of tho certificate.
For each share of K. C. Ry. & Lt. Co. stock there will bo Issued a partici­
pation certificate representing 2-3 of a sliaro of Kansas City Rys. Co. stock
and a part. ctf. representing 1-3 of a share of K. C. Light & 1 ower Co.
stock. 94,069.2 of the 95,430.8 shares of common and 93,795 of the 94,075
shares of prof, stock wero represented at tho meeting. Holders of the
small amount of stock still out will bo given an opportunity to participate
in tho reorganization on tho samo basis as the others. Robert J. Dunham
and Charles W. Armour wero selected as trustees of tho railways stock and
John II. Lucas of Kansas City and T . J. Connors as trustees of tho light
stock. Each set of trustees will appoint a third trustee for each of the two
companies. V. 102, p. 1718. It is provided that whenever a corporation
can be lawfully formed with prof, and com. shares of no specified par value
witli authority to take over tho stock of another corporation as its assets,
each sot of trustees shall cause one to bo organized and shall turn over to it
tho stock in their custody, the beneficial certificates to bo canceled and re­
placed by pref. and com. shares, but tho independence of tho two trusts
shall in such caso continue to bo observed by the corporations so succeeding.

See statement and map under Newark. N . J .”

C a p it a liz a tio n u p o n C o n su m m a tio n o f R eo rg a n iz a tio n .
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .


M a t u r it y .

T tS I ooo! i l’-°.V.°>; - - ( 1915 , « «
S7 .922.000 July 1 1918
(Old Colony Trust C o., Boston, trustee.
First mortgago, red. at 1031 1915
5 J-J
Sc interest
/Cont. & Comm. Tr. Sc S. Ilk.. Cliic., trusteo.
2 d M , $5,291,000, Seres A . , f
1915 6 J-J
4,291,000 July 7 1944
Series B__
1915 5 J-J
1,000,000 July 7 1944
Redeemable at 103 and int. (New York Trust C o., N. Y ., trusteo.
Special deferred securities___ 1915
Seo text
Seo text July 7 1914
Kansas City Elovated Ry 1st ( _
_ _
, mo
mtge pref ($600,000) gold
1892 6 g J-J
Seo text
July 1 1922


2d(mt’ge general*($3.000,000)11892 ,4 g J -J

Seo text


ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Pennsylvania on Feb. 24 1910. Was
incorporated originally to take a lease for 18 years from Jan. 5 1910 of the
Johnstown Pass. Ry. from the American Rys. (Phlla.). In Jan. 1914 the
Johnstown Pass. Ry. and the Johnstown Trac. Co. were merged under the
title of the Johnstown Traction C o., tho American Rys. Co. having sold its
interests. F r a n c h is e s perpetual.
Holders of tho Johnstown collateral 5s o f Amer. Rys. had tho privilege
(until Jan. 15 1914) o f exchanging their bonds for tho now 1st Sc ref. 5s of
this company (seo American Railways under “ Philadelphia” ); practically
all availed o f the privilege.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $1,000,000 par $ 5 0 - - ---------------$875,000 ---------------Pf $1,000,000 7% cum (S100)..............................
1,000,000 - .................
First & ref M $5,000,000 s fi 1913
5 g J-J
2,000,000 July l 1943
($500, 81,000) gold--c*ntf(L ogan Trust C o., Philadelphia, Trustee.
JohnsPassRy conM .$800,0001 1899 4 g J-D
399,000 Dec 1 1929
g($ l, 0 0 0 )redatiy intday c*tf I Int. at Guaranty Tr. C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
Johns Pass Ry ref M $2,000.-1 1901 4 g J-D
1,601,000 Dec l 1931
000 gold. ($1,000)__ c*n tfj Interest at Johnstown Trust Co., Trustee.
B o n d s .— Of tho first Sc ref. mtge. $2,000,000 aro reserved to retiro Johns­
town Pass. Ry. 4s; tho remainder j $ l , 000,000) reserved for future exten­
sions, Sec. Red. at 102 and int. S in k in g f u n d of 1% annually from Oct.
1917 to Oct. 1912. incl. Of the Johnstown Pass, intgo. o f 1901. entire issuo
may be called at any time at 105 upon six weeks’ notice.
EARNINGS.— For calendar yoar 1915, gross, $656,909; not, after taxes,
$314,796; bond interest, $180,000; surplus, $134,796.
ROAD, &C.— Owns and operates under perpetual charter and franchise
tho entire street railway system of Johnstown, Pa., and vicinity. Total
trackage, 43 miles.
OFFICERS.— Pres., E. M . duPont.— V. 90, p. 698, 819; V. 92, p. 187:
V. 97, p. 1823; V. 98, p. 155.

bonds, tho exchango of which is optional); (c) such additional amount as
noedod to raiso cash required for purposes of plan; and Id.) bonds from time
to time to tako up anv of tho aforesaid Westport and Elovated bonds not
assenting to plan. (2) With int. to be fixed at time of Issue, not to exceed
6 % for capital expenditures only, $ 1 ,0 0 0 of bonds for each $ 1 ,0 0 0 expended,
with an additional $ 1 0 0 to be expended in cash or out of surplus incomo
crodltod to city for liko purposo for oach $ 1 ,0 0 0 of bonds so issuoil.
S eco n d M o rtg a g e B o n d s . — Tho $4,291,000 Sor. A bonds shown in the table
include $730,300 to tako up part of the K. C. Elovated 4s, tho exchange of
which is optional. A sinking fund of $105,820 annually from not earnings
otherwise available for dividends, beginning Jan. I 1916, is expected to
rotiro issuo by maturity.
S p e c ia l D e ferre d S e c u r it ie s . — Issuable at par in exchange for all approved
claims inferior to old bonds but superior to tho stock, for which no other
provision is made in plan. Callable at par. Bear 6% interest, cumulative,
payable only out of net earnings. Not a lien on physical property, but
status shall bo, as against owners of tho stock, substantially similar to that
1)1The* oxetamg^'of*Westport and Elevated bonds is optional. As those
Issues aro not duo tho city has consented to their remaining on tho property
and provision therefor is made in tho plan (seo under 1st M. bonds abovo).
EARNINGS.— Gross earnings of tho railway properties of the K . C.
Rv & Light Co. for year ending M ay 31 1915, $6,805,163; 1913-14,
$6,974,815; 1912-13, $6,766,189.
ROAD.— Comprises 147 miles of road and 283 miles of track.
OFFICERS.— Pros., Philip J. Kealy; Gen. M gr.. James E. Gibson.—
V. 98, p. 1845; V. 99, p. 119, 196, 269, 1597, 1673, 1832; V. 100, p. 55.
812; V. 1 0 2 , p. 8 8 6 .
K A N S A S C I T Y L I G H T & P O W E R C O.

ORGANIZATION.— This company, incorp. In 1914 In Illinois, repre­
sents the reorganized portion o f the Joliet & Southern Trac. C o., operating
between Joliet and Chicago Heights. This property was appraised by tho
Illinois l*. U. Comm., which authorized stock to bo issued to tho amount of
$269,000 and additional $31,000 for cash received. Tho company is capi­
talized for $300,000 (stock). No bonds.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y
Stock $300,000.......................................................
$300,000 ................. .
ROAD.— Total length o f all track, 25 miles, extending from Joliet to
Chicago Heights. 60-lb. T rail; standard gauge.
„ „ „
OFFICERS.— Pres., Joy Morton, Chic.; V.-P., Robt. T . Kelly, Joliet;
Sec., E. II. Stearns, Chic.; Treas., Daniel Poterkin, Chic.; Gen. M gr.,
F. C. Eckmann. V. 99, p. 1832.______
This is the division of the former Joliot Sc Southern Traction, oxtending
from Joliet to Aurora. 20 miles, and 2 miles of track in Joliet, purchased by
tho bondholders’ committee at foreclosure sale In Fob. 1914. It is boing
operated for tho benefit o f the bondholders. For tho division of tho old
Joliet & Southern Trac. Co., extending from Joliet to Chicago Heights,
see Joliet & Eastern Traction Co. above. Pres., F. K. Shrader, Chicago;
Gen. M gr., It. A. Moore.


ln l- .


ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. Jan. 3 1 9 1 6 and In Feb. 1916 took over
tho lighting and heating properties of the Kansas City Ry. & Lt. Co. as
per reorganization plan. Seo this Section for Jan. 2J 10lb. Lighting
franchises aro perpetual.

Capitalization upon Consummationof Reorganization.

Interest. Outstanding.
Stock (seo remarks under Kansas City Railways Co. abovo).
F irst m t g e r e d a t 1 0 3 a n d in t ( 1 9 1 5


I C o n t.
m tg o $ 1 ,9 1 7 ,3 0 0 red a t p a r ; 1 9 1 5


5 J -J
Com . T r.
6 J -J


$ 3 ,0 6 0 ,0 0 0 J u ly 7 1 9 4 4
Sc S a v . B k . , C l i i c ., t r u s t e e .
1 ,9 1 7 ,3 0 0 J u ly 7 1 9 4 4

and interest
...................(Central 3 rust Co., Now York, lrusteo.
Bonds.—-Additional 1st M . bonds may be issued, with int. to bo deter­
mined at time of issue, not to exceed 6% , for oxts., add’n s Sc impts., on a
fixed basis. A sinking fund on tho 2d M . bonds of $3 8 ,3 4 0 per aim. from
net earnings otherwise available for ilivs., beginning Jan. I 1910, is expected
to retire issue by maturity.
EARNINGS.— Gross earnings of the Iv. C. Ry. Sc Lt. Co. for year end.
May 31 1915.32,513,424; 1913-14. S‘2,408.736; 1912-13, $2,156,9o2.
OFFICERS.— Sec. Sc Treas., R. J. Clark.
K A N S A S C I T Y C L A Y C O U N T Y & ST. J O S EP H R A I L W A Y C O.
R e c e iv e r s h ip .— I. I). Hook and J. G. L. Harvey wore on July 14 1915 ap­
pointed receivers bv Judge Bird on application by tho Interstate By. Co.,
which on July 5 1915 was awarded a verdict for$1.500,000 against thocompany and tho estate of George Townsend by a jury In tho Circuit Court.

in tho suit brought by the Inter-State Co. It was allowed that the defend­
ant company had built its lino between Kansas City and St. Joseph on
a part of the right-of-way obtained by tho plaintiff (V. 103, p. 130, 288).
The company has appealed from tho verdict.
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorp. in Missouri in 1911 under a 200-year char­
ter. In Jan. 1913 tho lino from Kansas City to Excelsior Springs, M o., was
opened, and on M ay 5 1913 opened for operation its line between Kansas
City and St. Joseph, 5 2 A miles. V. 96, p. 1423. Also handles freight.
In Dec 1914 terminal servico was begun to the Kansas City Union station
for the Quincy Omaha & Kansas C ity llR . (C. B. & Q. system). See de^ C o m n u ittu fo r^ R a te s ^ O rd e rc d .—The Missouri P .S . Comm, on Dec. 7 1914
Issued an order reauiring tho company to issue commutation tickets begm-

SfngJan! 11915b”
Kansas < V a n d Liberty 14.4 miles on the Excelslor Snrimrs Division, and to a distance of about 10 miles on tho St. Joseph
D°vision On Dec. 29 1914, however. Judge Van Valkenburgh in tho U. S.
District Court granted a temporary order preventing the Commission from
putting tho now rates in effect. V. 100, p. 140.
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
S t o c k com $10,000,000 ($100)..........
- ...........
Sej text
1 st mtgc $10,000,000 ($ l,-f 1911
5 g M-S
3,135,000 Sept 1 1911
000 gold s f red at 105 after!Equitable Tr. Co., N . Y ., and J . F. Cp'vnSept. 1 1915________ c* tf( ing, Kan. City, Trus. Int. payable N. Y.
H ands. —'Of tho escrow bonds, $365,000 may bo issued for 80% of the cost
of permanent additions and extensions to the property. rlh o remaining
$6,500,000 can only be issued for 80% of the cost o f permanent additions
and extensions, provided that tho net earnings after all operating oxpensos
(incl. taxes, insur., doprec’n, &c.) for the preceding 1 2 months shall have
been equal to at least 1 2 - 3 times tho annual interest charges on all bond
outstanding, together with those proposed to bo issued. S in k in g f u n d of
1H % o f bonds certified, beginning Sept. 1 1917.
D iv id e n d s . — In 1914, 2 V *% paid; 1915, Juno, l % % .
In Dec. 1915 a
dlv. of l 3A % was declared payable on discharge o f receivers.
EARN ING S.— For year ending Doc. 31 1915, gross, $643,238; not, after
taxes, $291,916; int., $153,950; divs. paid, $55,000; surplus, $82,966.
R O A D __Oporatcs 52.55 miles between Kansas City and St. Joseph,
M o., and 28.24 miles between Kansas City and Excelsior Springs, M o.;
total 77.61 miles. 70 and 80-lb. T-rail; standard gauge. Passenger
equipment. 20 cars, 5 exp. motor cars, 5 express trailers, 11 othor cars and
1 Amorican oioctric ditchor.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Philip L. Saltonstall, Boston, Mass.; V .-P ., Thos.
A. Reynolds. N . Y .; Sec., I. D. Ilook; Treas., II. F. Mayer: Asst. Treas.,
W. S. Tuley; Gen. M gr., J. R. llarrigan, Kansas City, M o.;— V. 96, p.
1423; V. 97. p. 1286; V . 98. p. 523. 1157; V. 99. p. 196, 816. 1910; V. 100,
p. 140; V. 101, p. 130, 288.

C I T Y -W E S T E R N



Ma y , 191 (>. |

R A I L W A Y .— A

tr o lle y r o a d .

Formerly tho Kansas-Clty-Leavenworth Railroad and name changed to
Kansas City-Western Ity. Has long-time fr a n c h is e s in territory served.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $2,000,000 ($100)......................................
$2,000,000 ...................
1st ref mtgo $5,000,000 gold/ 1905
5 g M-S
1,650,000 Sept 1 1925
(coup $1,000, r $1,000,{Interest at Guaranty Trust Co. New York,
$5,000, $10,000).............t f l Trustee.
S lo ck a n d B o n d s . — $1,400.000 of bonds were issued to refund a like amount
of bonds outstanding of old company, ail but $42,000 o f which havo been
retired, $100,000 for general corporate purposes and $150,000 for improve­
ments; remaining $3,350,000 to bo issued for acquisitions, extensions and
improvements under customary restrictions. Entiro outstanding issuo Is
red. on any int. dato at 105 and Int. V. 89, p. 1483.
REPORT.— For year ending Juno 30 1914, gross, $302,662; not, after
taxes, $84,798: fixed charges, $82,000; surplus, $2,798.
ROAD.—'Owns and operatos 43.75 miles o f road, of which about 18 miles
are within tho city of Leavenworth and 25 M miles between Ft. Leavenworth
and Kansas City, Kan. Enters Kansas City, M o., over tracks of tho Kansas
City Viaduct & Terminal Ry., which owns and operates a steel and con­
crete viaduct connecting Kansas City, Kan., with Kansas City, M o. Has
second entrance into Kansas City over tracks o f the Metropolitan .Stroot Ry.
OFFICERS.— O. F. Holmes, Pros.; C. F. Hutchings, V.-P. and Gon. At­
torney; S. D. Hutchings. Sec. and Treas.; J. G. Herrlon. Supt.; W .M .
Bonar, Aud. General office, Leavenworth, Kan.— V. 89, p. 1483; V. 90,
p. 110, 368.

STOCK (.No B o n d s )—
D a te.
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g . D iv id e n d s .
----------7.500 shares---------------Com 7.500 shares (no par v a i ) -----Pref (6 % cum) $750,000 ($100)____
6 Q-M
$750,000 June’ 1 6 ,1 A
P r e fe r r e d S to ck .— Redeemable at 110.
EARNINGS.— For cal. year 1915 (combined companies), gross. $282,­
177; not, after taxes, $94,665; interest, $17,455; sink, fd., $5,000; pref. div(Keokuk El.), 6 % , 815,000; pref. divs. (C. Miss. V. El. Prop.), 6 % .
$45,000; surplus, $12,210.
D iv id e n d s .—-An initial dividend of 1 A % was paid on the pref. stock
In March 1914; same rate quar. since to and Incl. June. 1916.
ROAD.— Miles of track, 14.04 (incl. trackage). Cars, 20. All power is
purchased from the Mississippi River Power Co.
OFFICERS.— Pres.. Geo. Iligginson Jr.; V .-P ., Chas. F. Wallace; Sec.,
Joseph L. Valentine, Chicago, 111.: Treas., II. B. Sawyer: Asst. Sec.. Alvah
K. Todd; Gen. Mgrs., Stone & Webster M gt. Assn.—V. 98, p. 72, 610.
(1) Keokuk Electric Co.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in III. on Dec. 5 1911 as successor to the
Keokuk Elec. Ry. & Pow. Co.; Keokuk Gas & Elec. Co.; Hamilton Lt.
& Power Co. and Keokuk & Western Elec. C o., control of which was
purchased In 1911 by Stone & Webster Mgt. Assn. Does the electric rail­
way. electric lighting, power and gas business in Keokuk, Ia.; the electric
railway and electric lighting business in Hamilton and Warsaw, 1 1 1 ., and
operatos an interurban electric railway botween Keokuk, Hamilton and
Warsaw (largely on leased lines).
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $650,000 ($100).................
$650,000 May TO, H i
Pref $250,000 ($100) 6 % cum______
See text
Keokuk El Ry & Pow 1st M / 1901
5 J-J
See text
(closed mtge)_________ ntf (Cent. Trust Co. and H E. Ambler. Trustees.
Keokuk Gas L & Coke 1st M l 189S
5 J-J 15
150.000 Jan 15 1918
(closed mtge)__________ tffUnion Trust C o.. St. Louis, Trustee.
Ham Light & Power 1st M l 1902
6 M-S
4,500 Mar 1 1922
(closed mtge)_________ n tf/C on t. Sc Comm. Tr. & Sav. Bk., Trustee.
S to ck .— Common stock is all owned by Cent. Miss. Vail. Elec. Properties.
Pref. stock is red. at 110.
B o n d s .— The Keokuk Elec. Ry. & Power first mtge. 5s are due serially
1916 to 1925. Red. any int. day at 105 and int. $75,000 canceled.
D iv id e n d s . — Divs. on pref. have been paid since organization,
dlv. on com.— 2% — paid In Feb. 1914: May. I H % : Aug.. 2% (V.99.p.467):
N ov., 2% . In 1915, 6 % . In 1916, Feb., H i % ; M ay, H i %.
EARNINGS.— For year ending Dec. 31 1915. gross. $232,593; net, after
taxes, $81,437; int., $17,400; sink, fund, $5,000; surplus, $59,037.
ROAD.— See Central Miss. Valley El. Properties above.
OFFICERS.— Pros., Harry T . Edgar; V.-Ps., Geo. Iligginson Jr.; Sec.,
A vah K. Todd; Troas., Henry B. Sawyer; Gen. Mgrs., Stone & Webster
M gt. Assn.— V. 93, p. 1725; V .97, p. 1583, 1898; V. 98, p. 73; V. 99. p. 467.

ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated M ay 1902. Is a reorganization o f
tho Galesburg & Oneida Elec. Ry. Co.
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $200,000 ($100).....................................
$200,000 ...................
Pref $400,000 ($100) 6 % cum...........
- ...........
First mtge $400,000 ($500 &F 1906
5 g J-J
„ 400.000 July 2 1926
$1,000) g o ld ...............c& r/In t.atC on t.& C om .T r.& S av.B k.,C hIc.,T r.
B o n d s .— Are rod. on any int. day at par and int. No s. f.
EARNINGS.— For 12 mos. ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $66,780; net,
aftor taxes, $8,919.
ROAD.— Has city line in Kewanee and Wethersfield and interurban
between Kewanee and Galva. Total track operated 14 miles. 70-8(Mb#
T and girder rails. Gauge 4 ft. 8 A In.
OFFICERS.— Pres., W. H. Lyman: V .-P ., H. W. Crane; Sec. & Treas..
F. M . Lay; Gen. M gr.. R. H. Hayward.

J E R S E Y C E N T R A L T R A C T I O N C O .— Trolley.

N e w C o n tro l .— On March 27 1915 Laird & C o., Wilmington, Del., acting,
lt Is reported, on behalf of tho Du Pont interests, acquired control. V . 100.
p. 1168. Having been Informed that the new owners proposed certain
MISSOURI & KANSAS INTERURB. R Y .— Known as “ Strang Lino.” changos in tho management and financial plan, a committee representing
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Kansas under Gon. R R . law. In tho minoritv stockholders was formed. See V. 100, p. 1592. In May 1915
1909 receiver appointed tho provious year was discharged, and old company tho National Properties Co. took over tho management of the property.
resumed control. V. 8 6 , p. 1467; V. 89, p. 1281. Motlvo power changed
ORGANIZATION.— Chartered Mar. 26 1891. in N. J.. as the Keyport
from Strang gasolino cars to electricity in 1908. V. 87, p. 614. Has private & Matawan Street Ry.; a horse line, but has been operated as an electric
right of way about 80 feet wide from Kansas City to Olathe.
railway since July 1901. and name changed as above in Nov. 1901. Com­
D a te.
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y . pany owns franchises for the carrying of freight and transports brick,
gravel. &e., for local Industries.
Stock $1,000,000 ($100).......................................
$1,000,000 __________
Company also owns 462 of the 500 shares of stock and all of the bonds
First mortgage $600,000 gold! 1906
5 g J-J
600,000 Jan 1 1956
.($100,000) of tho Middlesex & Monmouth Electric Light, Heat & Power
($1,000)_______________ c|Fidelity Trust C o., Kansas City, Trustee.
supplies both city lighting and private power aud lighting in
EARNINGS.— For cal. year 1915, gross, $103,129; not, $38,721. In Southwhich
Amboy. Keyport, Matawan, Kcansburg, Belford and other cities.
1914, gross, $107,125; not, $40,180.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
ROAD.— Operates 20 miles of road from Kansas City through South$1,500,000 ($100),.................................... „ $1,500,000 - - - - - - - - - ­
ridgo, Morrison Ridge, Milburn Place, Overland Park and Lenexa to Olathe. Stock
1 1931
Enters Kansas City over tracks of the Metropolitan Street Ry. 70-11). rails
($500 and $1,000)______tf/In t. at Colonial Trust C o., Phiia., T ru sts.
Has 13 cars, including passenger and freight. Construction of a line from Gen
& ref mtgo $1,500,0001 1904
5 g J-D
1.270,000 Dec 1 1954
Olathe to Ottawa, 26 miles, it is stated, is under consideration.
gold ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ).............c*.tf (Int. at Fidelity Trust Co.. Newark, Trustee.
OFFICERS.— Pros., W. B. Strang; V.-P., II. C. Brent; Sec. & Treas., Gen & ref. impt & extmtge 11914
5 g M-S
None Mch. 1 1939
E. N . Daniels; Gen. M gr., Thos. Riley. General offices, Overland Park,
$5,000,000 ($1,000) g — c*/In t. at Girard Trust Co., Phiia., Trustee.
Kansas.— V. 87, p. 614; V. 89. P- 1281.
B o n d s . — Of the $1,500,000 bonds of 1904. $230,000 are reserved to retire
tile first 5s. Tho bonds of 1914 aro redeemable March 1 1917 or any Interest
dato at i 0 2 'A - $1,500,000 bonds aro reserved to rotire prior liens. Some
$250,000 of these bonds have been issued for various corporate purposes
of tho company but so far none sold to public. V. 99, p. 269; V . 98, p. 1694.
REPO RT.— For calendar year 1913 (incl. Mid. & M on. Elec. Light),
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Pennsylvania on May 24 1905, gross. $302,750; not, $113,381; taxes, $8,631; Int., $81,014; sur., $52,736.
R OAD.— Owns and operates 36.09 miles of road from South Amboy.
and is a reorganization of a company of the samo name sold under foreclosure
in April 1905. On Fob. 26 1908 absorbed the formerly controlled Oxford Keyport and Belford to Rod Bank; Belford through Atlantic Highlands to
West Grove <& Avondale St. Ry., which was to build tho extension from Highland Beach; Freneau through Matawan to Keyport, N. J. Standard
gauge 60-lb. T and 70-lb. girder rails. Nearly all over private right of way.
Avondale to Oxford. Seo V. 8 6 , p. 670.
32 passenger cars, 2 electric locomotives, 29 freight cars and 1 snow-plow.
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
An extension from South Amboy through Mechanic^vilio and over the
Common $925,000.............................
$525,000 ...........
Raritan River Bridge to Perth Ambov was completed in 1910.— V . 76, p.
Prof ($75,000) 6 % non-cum ..
75,000 ...............
First mtgo 31,000,000 gold! 1905
5 g J-D
420.000 Juno 1 1935 1300; V. 92, p. 461: V. 98. p. 1694: V. 99. p. 269; V. 100, p. 1168.
r«snn and
$1.0001 ------u
_ .C utf i mu.
lilt, m
at iiaog, T1
I). uu.,ruiiii.,
Go.-Phlla. 'IV
ami .ji.uuw
i ,i,r Tr
ir . aSr B
i r,
EARNINGS.— For year ending Dec. 31 1915. gross, $64,521; net, after
taxes, $2 0 ,2 1 0 .
ROAD.— About 20 miles of track between West Grove, Avondale, KenKEY WEST ELECTRIC CO.— A trolley road.
nett Square and Wilmington, connecting at IConnett for West Chester.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in New Jersey in 1898 and does entire
The extension from Avondale to Oxford, 12A miles, has been completed as electric
and electric-1 igiit and power business of tho city; also owns
far as West Grovo and Is in operation to that point. Gauge, 5 ft. 2 A in. fr a n c h is erailway
s for manufacture of gas. F r a n c h is e expires 1997. In .Juno 1906
60 and 70-lb. T and girder rail.
was acquired by Stone A Webster or Boston and re-capi'sHzed as below.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Geo. Kessler, Phiia.: V .-P., Clarence L. Harper. V. 82, p. 1496. Public Servico Investment Co. owns $374,100 common
Pliiia.; Sec. and Treas., Philip E. Guckes, Phiia.; Gon. M gr.. II. Baluss stock and $2 2 2 ,0 0 0 preferred stock.
Kennott Square, I’ a.— V. 91. p. 1575. 1631, 1712; V.94. p.83l; V.95. p. 177.
M a t u r it y .
Outsta rid in g .
D a te .
In terest.
Common $500,000 ($100).....................................
270.000 .........
Pref $350,000 ($100) 6 % cum ...........
491.000 Aug 1 1956
First mortgage $1,000,0001 1906
5g F A
.t flin t . at State Street Trust C o.. Boston. T r.
P r e f."S t o c k .— Remaining $80,000 pref. stock is held in trust for the benefit
, ,
ORGANIZATION.— Formed in Illinois by a trust agreement datod of the company. Redeemable at 110.
B o n d s .— Are subj. to call as a whole or in part for s. t. at 105 and int. at
Dec1. 12 1913, under which there are deposited with trusteos all tho common
stock of tho Keokuk Electric Co. (see bolqw) and all tho capital stocks of any time. A sink, fund of 1 % of bonds out began Dec. 1 1907, if earned;
$83,000 in treasury not incl. in out­
Fort Madison Elec. Co. and Dallas City Light Co. These companies do on Dec. 1 1912 became obligatory.
tho electric railway, electric lighting, power and gas business in Keokuk. standing amount. $19,000 canceled.
Ia . tho electric lighting and power business in I*ort Madison, la., and
EARNINGS.— For year ending Dec. 31 1915. gross. S112.840; net, after
Dallas City, III., the olectrlc railway and lighting business In Hamilton taxes, $30,800; interest, $24,859; sinking fund, $5,735; surplus, $206.
and Warsaw, ill., and operate an interburban electric railway botween
R OAD.— Operates 5.4 miles of track; 10 cars. Gauge 5 ft. 2 A in.
Keokuk, Hamilton and Warsaw.
, , ,
Power station capacity, 840 k.w.
F r a n c h is e s .— Tho electric railway and elec, lighting franchises In Keokuk
Georgo J. Baldwin, New York; V.-Ps., Henry G.
oxpiro in 1936, tho gas franchise In 1928- The electric lighting franchise
in Hamilton expires in 1936; the important railway franchise in 1931. Bradlee and Harry II. Hunt; Sec.. Alvah K. Todd; Treas., Henry B.
Stover, Key West, Fla.; Gen. Mgrs., Stouol&
Tho electric lighting franchises in Fort Madison and Dallas City expire
Webster M gt. Assn., Boston.—V. 82, p. 1496; V. 94, p. 1508.
in 1938.



ORGAN IZATION .— This Is a consolidation on Dec. 111901 of the Kings
ton City R R . and the Colonial City Traction.
D a te .
I n t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $200,000 ($100).....................................
$200,000 ...................
Preferred 4% cum $200,000_______
200,000 Aug. T5, 6 %
First consolidated mortgage! 1901 5 g J-J
532,000 Oct 9 1951
$700,000 ($1,000) gold c*tf (Int. at Bankers Trust Co., N . Y ., Trustee.
Second mortgage $250,0001 1909 5 J-J
None Jan 1 1939
($1,000)-------------------------- /Int. at Bankers Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
K in g s t o n C ity R R .—

Consol $150,000 ($1,000) not! 1893 5 M-S
149,000 Mar 1 1923
subj to call before mat’y .t f/I n t . at Farmers’ Loan & Trust C o., N. Y .
Mortgage on car barn_______ _____
5 quar.
6,000 On demand.
B o n d s . — $156,000 of the $700,000 consolidated mortgage is reserved to re­
tire the Kingston City R R . underlying Hens; $12,000 have been canceled.
D iv id e n d s . —4 % was paid yearly on pref. stock from consolidation up to
1908, when 2% was paid Aug. 1. None to Jan. 1 1911, when 4% was paid.
None up to Sept. 1 1914, whon 3% was paid. In April 1915 anothor 3%
was paid and in Aug. 1915 6 % .
ROAD.— Embraces 8 miles o f track. Ralls, 70, 80 and 90-lb. 40 cars,
2 snow plows.
REPO RT.— For year end. June 30 1915, gross, $147,304; net, $59,544;
Int., taxos, &c., $45,953; surplus, $13,591.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Fred. T . Ley, Springfield, Mass.; V.-P., Hency O.
Page, Worcester, Mass.; Sec., G. B. te Bow, Kingston; Treas., Abm.
Hasbrouck, New York.— V. 89, p. 225, 529; V. 90, p. 303.


Controlled by American Cities Co. (see under New Orleans), which owns
all the stock.
OR G A N IZA TIO N .— Incorporated in Tennessee on Aug. 5 1905 as a con­
solidation o f the Knoxville Traction Co. and the Knoxville Electric Light &
Power Co. Does all the street railway and all municipal and commercial
electric-lighting and power business in Knoxville and servos various noarby
communities. Also controls the Knoxville Park Association, owning two
amusement parks. F r a n c h is e s are perpetual, oxcept as to 1 ^ miles of
strcot railway, which latter run until Nov. 28 1946.
In 1911 $1,500,000 com. and $500,000 pref. stock was all made one class
and increased to $2,050,000.
Has favorable long-term contract with Tennessee Power Co. for the pur­
chase o f electric power.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $2,050,000 ($ 1 0 0 )----J-D
See text
R ef & ext mtge $10,000,000 1911
5 J-D
1,778.000 June 1 1946
($500 and $1,000)— .c * c p t Int. at Guaranty Trust Co., N. Y ., Trustee.
Consolidated mortgage $3,­ 1905
5 g M-S
1,093.000 Sept 1 1945
0 0 0 ,0 0 0 gold ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) __ c* Int. at Guaranty Trust C o., N . Y ., Trustee.
Knoxville Trac 1st M $850,­ 1898
5 g A-O
817,000 April 1 1938
0 0 0 g tax-free ($ l, 0 0 0 ) . . c * Int.
___ at
. Baltimore Trust C o.. Balt., Trustee.
Collateral notes_____________ 1915
325,000 July 1 1 9 1 7
Gold n o te s ...............................1915
100,000 Dec 1 1916
B o n d s .— Of the ref. Sc ext. mortgage, $3,000,000 are reserved for prior
lions and $457,000 are in troasury (not incl. in amount reported outstand­
ing) . Bonds are redeemable at 105 and interest on 60 days’ notice or may
bo purchased In open market at a price to net not less than 4 14 % . Annual
sinking fund, beginning Oct. 1 1915, equal to H o f 1% of total amount of
bonds out. Of tho $3,000,000 consols, $824,000 aro reservod to retire Knox­
ville Trac. Co. bonds; $1,003,000 held by trustee of ref. & oxt. mtge. and
$80,000 were in sink. fd. on Jan. 1 1916. Bonds are redeemable at 107/4
and int. on 60 days’ notice. Sink. fd. annually o f >4 o f 1% o f all bonds
put (incl. Knoxvilio Trac. bonds) began Sept. 1 1910, and after 5 yoars
Is increased to 1% annually. Tho Knoxvilio Traction Co. first mortgage
bonds aro not subject to call. $33,000 havo been canceled.
D iv id e n d s .— First dividend on common— 2% — June 29 1907, 1% was
paid Sept. 1907 and, 1% Dec. 1907; in 1908, 4 % ; in 1909. 7% ; in 1910, 8 %;
In 1911, 10%. Then stock all made one class and In June 1912 paid 3)4% ;
D ec., 3 )4 % . In 1913, June, 2 )4 % ; Dec.. 5% . In 1914. Mar., 2% ;
June, 2 % . Stock all owned by American Cities Co. and dividends no
longer made public.
REPO RT.— For calendar years.
Y ea r—
G ro ss.
N e t a fte r T a x e s . In t e r e s t, & c .
S u r p lu s .
1915........................ $939,451
ROAD.— On Dec. 31 1915 owned 54.723 m. o f track, Incl. 13.317 miles
o f double track; standard gauge; 70-lb. and over T and girder rail. Has 65
open cars, 82 closed and 11 work cars; total, 158. Power station has
6,800 k.w. capacity.
OFFICERS.— Pres. Sc Gen. M gr., C. H. Harvey; V .-P ., W . S. Shields;
Sec. & Treas.. O.J.PIeming; Aud., George F. Cooper.— V. 83. p. 38: V .85,
p. 345, 405, 793; V. 8 8 , p. 1620; V. 96, p. 716, 1021: V. 102, p. 1163.


ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Indiana on Dec. 7 1912 as a consolida­
tion of the Kokomo Marlon & Western Trac. C o., Kokomo Frankfort Sc
Western Trac. Co. and Kokomo Public Utility Co. Carries on an Inter­
urban and street railway, lighting, power and heating business. Street
railway fr a n c h is e s extend to 1953; electric-lighting, power and steam-heating
franchises are limited to 25 years (subj. to renewal) and extend to 1932 or
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ($ 1 0 0 ) .............
$2,000,000Feb’ 16,1 )4 %
Pref cum $1,000,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) - .____
6 Q-M
See text
1st & ref M sk fd $5,000,0001 1912
5 g J-J
1,180,000 Jan 1 1943
Union Trust Co. o f Indianapolis, Trustee.
5 g J-J
650,000 July 1 1933
Interest at Security Tr. C o., Ind., Trustee.
s to c k .— Preferred stock Is non-voting. Subj. to call at 105.
B o n d s .— Of the 1st & ref. bonds, $650,000 are reserved to retire the K. M .
& W . bonds, $50,000 for corporate purposes and $3,120,000 for additions,
bettermonts, &c., under certain restrictions. Red. on any int. date at 105.
Sk. fd. 1% beginning Jan. 1 1917. In lieu of retirement o f bonds, company
may at its option set aside annually for perm, add’ns, impts. & extensions,
at not exceeding 80% o f cost thereof, a sum equivalent to 1 )4 % o f total
amount of refund, bonds out. Int. payable at Spencer Trask & C o., N. Y.
V- 9 5-’ ftv,1684; ,
w - lst
bonds are subj. to call at 105 and Int.
See V. 76, p. 1143; V. 77, p. 451.
D iv id e n d s . — 6 % Is being paid on the prof, stock. On common, 1% s.-a.
to Aug. 1915 when 1 M % was paid. In Feb. 1916, 1 )4 % .
EARNINGS.— For year end. Dec. 31 1915, gross, $463,099; net, $273,­
632; other income, $2,620; int., taxes, deprec’n, pref. dlv., &c., $159,223;
surplus, $117,029. In 1914, gross, $434,721; net, $249,978; other income.
$1,111; int., taxes, deprec’n, pref. dlv., &c., $156,343; surplus, $94,746.
ROAD.— Operates 36)4 miles o f track In Kokomo and from Kokomo to
Marlon and 25)4 miles of track, Incl. sidings, between Kokomo and Frank­
fort total miles o f track, 62. Is connecting link between the Terre Haute
Ind. Sc East. Trac. Co. and tho Union Traction Co. of Indiana. Standard
gauge. 70-lb. T rail. On Dec. 1 1915 had 5,778 light and power and 113
heat consumers.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Geo. J. Marott; V .-P ., L. J. Kirkpatrick; Sec.,
Treas. & Gen. M gr., T . O. McReynolds; Asst. Gen. M gr., P .H . Palmer.
— V. 95, p. 1684; V. 96, p. 486.


In Nov. 1906 control changed hands, and the new Interests also acquired
control o f the Laconia Electric Lighting Co.
ORGANIZATION.— Formerly the Laconia & Lakeport Street R y ., but
name changed to above In 1894.
STOCK, &c.—
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y
Common $100,000 (par $50).................................
Pref 6 % cum $40,000 ($100).................................
40,000 ...............
First mortgage $91,000 ($1,-1 1899
5 M -N
91,000 May 1 1919
0 0 0 ).................... ................/Interest at American Trust C o., Boston.
Second mortgage $40,0001 1904
5 M -N
40,000 May 1 1919
($1,000)--------------------------/Interest at People’s National Bank, Laconia.

[Vol. 102.

D iv id e n d s . — In 1893-94 paid 5% ; In 1894-95 paid 4% ; none since.
ROAD.— Owns 8.87 miles of track from Laconia to Weirs. Standard
gauge. 1 1 passenger and 2 other cars.
EARNINGS.— For yearending June 30 1915, gross, $36,401; net, $5,959;
interest and taxes, $9,320; deficit, $3,361.


ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Wisconsin on Jan. 16 1913 and has ac­
quired and now owns In fee all tho property formerly belonging to the La
Crosso Water Power C o., the La Crosse City Ry. and the Winona (Minn.)
Ry- « Lt. Co. Does electric-light and power business in Winona, Minn.,
and Onalaska. W ls., and operates street railways in Winona and La Crosse.
Owns hydro-electric plant at Hatfield, Wis., with transmission linos to La
Crosse and Winona, at which cities it also has steam reservo plants.
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $1,230,000...................................................$1,230,000 .................
First & ref M $10,000,000/ 1913
5 F-A
2,200,000 Feb 1 1933
($1,000) gold------------ c*tflFirst Trust C o., M ilw., Trustee.
La Crosse City Ry lst M l 1909
5 g J-J
220,000 July 1 1929
(closed mtge) ($1,000)___c\Int. at Wisconsin Tr. C o., Milw., Trustee.
Stock. — Entire stock placed in escrow for 5 years under a voting trust
agreement for the establishment of a definite management and control of
property, tho voting trustees consisting of Fred. Vogel Jr., Frank O. W etmore, F. B. Ilixon, H. L. Stuart and Clement O. Smith.
B o n d s . — Of the $2,200,000 1st Sc ref. bonds outstanding, $800,000 have
been deposited with trustees by owners, under an agreement which provides
that, while so in escrow, they shall be subordinate and junior in ovory
respect to $1,400,000 bonds sold to the banks. Such escrow bonds can be
released from escrow only in lots of $50,000 or multiples thereof, under
certain restrictions. The mtge. provides that $2,225,000 may bo issued at
par for corporate purposes of the company. Bonds in addition to the
$2,225,000 may be issued as follows: $220,000 to retire La Crosso City
bonds and $75,000 to retire a like amount of bonds which may bo issued for
certain additional property; remaining bonds are Issuable at par (a) to
redeem at par any underlying bonds or any mtge. debt existing against
any proporty acquired, not exceeding, however, at par, tho reasonable
value of such property; and (6) for not exceeding 7 5 % of cost of any addi­
tional property, with certain restrictions. Bonds red. on any int. date at
105 and int. S in k in g f u n d , 2% per annum, beginning 1918. Int. payable
at office of trustee, or at office of company or at its New York agency.
EARNINGS.— For year ending March31 1916, gross, $402,112; not.afte 1
taxes, $172,670; int. on $1,400,000 first security bonds and $220,000 under­
lying bonds, $81,000; int. on $800,000 temporarily second security bonds$40,000; misc. int., $2,047, surplus, $49,623.
ROAD.— 24 miles o f track.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Clement C. Smith: V .-Ps., Ludington Patton and
Honry L. Rico; Soc.-Troas., Howard Greene; Asst. Sec. & Asst. Troas.,
Georgo Allison, all of Milwaukee. Operations are diroctod from Presi­
dent’s office in Milwaukee in connection with tho operations of tho Wiscon­
sin Public Service Co. and other public utility properties. V. 98, p. 692:
V. 99, p . 1750, 1830.

Common stock all owned and properties managed by American Public
Utilities Co.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Wisconsin. Dec. 2 1901 as the La Crosse
Gas & Elec. Co. (successor to tho La Crosse Gas Light C o., the LaCrosse
Brush El. Lt. & Pow. Co. and the Edison Lt. & Pow. Co.) On June 24
1914 changed name to Wisconsin Minnesota Light & Power Co. and in­
creased its auth. stock from $900,000 to $10,000,000 and merged the
Chippewa Valley Ry. Lt. & Power Co. (Incorp. in Wis. in 1898) and the
Chippewa Valley Construction Co. Owns and operates electric light and
ower, street and interurban railway, gas, domestic water, and hot water
eating properties in Eau Claire. La Crosse, Chippewa Falls and Menominle, W is., and Winona and Red Wing, Minn. Operates under an indoterminato permit granted by the Wisconsin RR. Comm, and is protected
against competition by any other public utility doing a similar business.
In Dec. 1914 tho Wise. R R . Comm, authorized the company to issue
$367,000 pref. and $244,000 common stock, chiefly for tho purposo of ac­
quiring the property or the Winona Gas Light Sc Coke Co., Red Wing Gas
Light Sc Power Co., Mlnnesota-Wisconsin Power Co. Eau Claire Gas Light
Co. and Neillsville Electric Co. V. 99. p. 1758.
Has contract with Consumers’ Power Co. o f St. Paul to supply it and
the Minneapolis General Electric Co. with electric energy for 30 yoars bo­
ginning with 1917.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g . M a t u r it y .
Common, $5,000,000________ _____
................. $1,232,000
Pref., $5,000,000 (7% cum .).............
2,859,000 M ar’ 16, l»A
1st & ref M , $20,000,000 goldT 1914
5 g M-N 4,702,000 May 1 1944
($500&$ 1,000)c * ($1,000)r*f lilt, payable in N. Y. or Chicago.
red aft May 1 ’ 19@105&lntl Harris Trust Sc Sav. Bank, Chicago; Trustee,
] Albert W . Harris C o., Trustee.
Ohipp V R y L & Pow lst M l 1907 5 g J-J
667,000 July 1 1924
(closed)$2,000,000($l,000)gjlnt. at Harris Tr. Sc Savs. Bk., Chic., Trustee
Stock. — Pref. stock is prer. as to assets and dividends. Tho pref. stock
may elect a majority of the directors whenever four consecutive quarterly
dividends remain unpaid or the property Is shown to be inefficiently man­
aged or depleted. See V. 99, p. 54.
B o n d s . — Of the lst & ref. bonds of 1914, $667,000 are reserved to retire tho
Chippewa Valloy R y ., Lt. & Pow. bonds. Escrow bonds can bo issued to re­
tire prior liens and for 75% of cost of ext. and add’ns (provided $250,000 is
expended for ext., &c., without the issue o f bonds), but only as regards the
first $2,750,000 bonds, in case the annual net earnings aro 1 ) 4 times the
total int. charge, incl. bonds applied for: balance may be Issued whon net
is I X times Int. charge. V. 98, p. 1995. S in k in g f u n d payable on the
basis of the following percentages of the bonds outstanding, including under­
lying bonds: 1% yearly 1919 to 1928, 1)4% 1929 to 1938, and 2% 1939 to
1943; either to retire bonds or for extensions and additions.
D iv id e n d s . — Initial dlv. on pref. stock o f 1)4% paid Sept. 1 1914; same
rate quar. since to and incl. Mar. 1916.
EARNINGS.— Combined earnings of constituent companies for yoar
ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $1,143,261; net, after taxes, $585,016.
ROAD, PR O PE R TY, &C.— Owns and operates 25 miles of electric
railway, incl. interurban line on privato right-of-way between Eau Claire
and Cliippowa Falls and local lines in thoso cities. Tho construction of a
72-milo lino from Chippewa Falls to St. Paul, it is stated, is being con­
sidered. Prosont rated capacity of company’s hydro-electric and stoam
plants approx. 21,000 h.p. Ultimate development 100,000 h.p. Owns
over 200 miles of high-tonsion transmission lines and has inoro than 90 milos
under construction. Also owns and operates gas properties in La Crosse,
comprising 55)4 miles of mains.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Jos. H. Brewer.— V. 98, p. 1995; V. 99, p. 54, 610,
906, 1453, 1758.



ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Louisiana in 1909. In Juno 1909
the company acquired the Lake Charles Streot Ity. Co., operating an electric
railway in Lake Charles and Lake Charles Ico, Light & Water Works C o.,
which operates an ice plant, electric-light and power department and
water system.
F r a n c h is e s expire; street-railway, 1941; electric light and power, 1926:
water-works, 1916, self-ronewing every 5 years thereafter unless city buys
I n t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $200,000.............................................. ........
$200,000 ...................
First mortgage $500,000 gold/ 1909
6 g F-A
Seo text.
($500 and $1,000)_____ c * { Inter-State Tr. & Bkg. C o., Now Orl., Trus.
B o n d s . — Remaining bonds are for Improvements and extensions on basis
of $1 in bonds for each $1 33 of improvements, &c. Bonds maturo $15,000
soinl-ann. from Aug. 1 1912 to Feb. 1 1922, both incl.; rodoemablo on any
int. day on 30 days' notice. Int. is payablo at office of trustee or at Chicago
Savings Bank & Trust Co., Chicago. $105,000 has boon retired.
EARNINGS.— For cal. year 1914, gross, $247,965. In 1913, gross,
ROAD.— Consists of 9 miles or track. 60-lb. rails.
OFFICERS.— Pres., J. A. Landry; Sec., P. O. Moss.— V. 89, p. 919.

Ma y . 191G.J



. B OAD.— Owns and operates 10 miles of street railway in Lawrence,
4.8 milos in Emporia and 7.8 miles in Parsons; total, 2 2 .6 miles. 60-70-lb.
1 ra il-, 30 motor cars, 7 trail cars and 1 combination work and snow car.
Controlled by the United Gas & Elec. Corp.— See under New York.
O lk lC E R S .— Pres., Albert Emanuel, Dayton, O.; V .-P ., Irving Hill,
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated on June 15 1901 in Now Jersey. Owns Lawronco, Kan.; Treas., L. A . Pettit, Dayton, O.— V . 101. p. 1811;
and controls the following railway, gas and electric properties, whoso stocks V. 102, p. 803, 8 8 9 . _____________________
aro placed under the mortgage of 1901:
Conestoga Traction C o.,
IEdison Electric Co
Lane. Gas Light & Fuel Co.
Also controls the Conestoga Realty Co.
r, YOUNGSTOWN & OHIO RIVER R R .— A trolley and steam road.
F r a n c h is e s are perpetual.
Does all the gas and electric lighting in cities
ryi^ai' service operated by steam; passenger sorvice by electricity.
o f Lancaster and Columbia, and practically all in Lancaster County.
1 ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Ohio on Dec. 8 1905. In 1906
99 years Salem R R . from Pittsburgh Lisbon & Western R R . Co.
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock com S i,500,000 ($50)...............
31,447,500 Mar '16. 2% for $6,000 per annum; the former runs betweon Salem and Washingtonville,
Prof $1,500,000 ($50) 5% c u m -----Q-M
1,000,000 Mar ’ 16, U f 7 miles.
In 1910 road was re-capitalized and new securities Issued as below.
Mtgo 31,000.000 gold (35001 1901
5 g J-J
1,000,000 July 1 1951
and $1,000)_____c*n tf___ (Interest at Lancaster Trust C o., Trustee.
In t e r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock common SI.000,000.........................__
5 1 000 000
S e c u r it ie s o f L in e s C o n tro lled —•
Preferred $1,000,000 5%
1,000,000 M ar.’ 16,1*4
Conest Trac 1st M 32,000,000/ 1900 4 J-J
1,277,500 Jan 11950
5 A-O
1,050,000 Apr 11935
(3100, $500&S1,000)--C*tf(lnt. at Prov. Lifo& Tr. C o., Phlla., Trustee. hirst mortgago 32.500.000f 1910
gold ($1,000)...................c*i Int. at Citizens’ Sav. & Tr. C o., Cleveland,
Lancaster City RR 1st mtge/
1890 5 g A-O
100,000 Apr 1 1920
(3100 and $500)______c*tf(In t. at Metropolitan Tr. C o., N . Y ., Trustoe.
„ „
l Trustee, or First National Bank, N . Y.
Stock a n d B o n d s . — Pref. stock div. is cumulative after July 1 1913.
W E St Ity 1st M 3225.000/ 1891
5 M -N
225,000 M ay 1 1921
(3100 and 3500)_____ c*tf lint, at Metropolitan Tr. Co., N . Y ., Trustee. Bonds subject to call on any int. date at 105 and int. Remaining bonds
aro reserved for acquisition and extension under certain restrictions.
Lancas Trac 1st M ($100,/
1893 5 A-O
225,000 Apr 1 1923
D m d e n d s .— Dividends on pref. began in 1910 and in that year 1)4% was
$500 and 31,000)_____ c*tf (Int. at Lancaster Trust C o., Lane., Trusteo.
Lane G L& F IstM $300,000/
1895 5 J-J
300,000 Jan 11925
Paid. ,*S 1? 11’
1912, 4*4% ; in 1913 and 1914, 3*4% ; in 1915,
(31,000)_____________c n tflln t. at Lancaster Trust C o., Lane., Trustee. M ar., 1%; Juno, 1 %; Sept., 1% ; Dec., 1*4% and >4 extra, account of ac­
cumulations. In 1916, March, 1 *4 %.
Second mortgage $400,000/
1906 5 J-J
100,000 Jan 1 1963
R E PO RT.— For yoar ending Dec. 31:
(3 1 .0 0 0 ) _________ c*tf\lnt. at Lancaster Trust C o., Lane., Trusteo.
G ro ss E x p . , T a x e s
N et
P r e fe r r e d
B a la n c e ,
Third mtge 3100,000 gold/
1911 J-J
100,000 Jan 1 1936
Y e a r — E a r n s . & R e n t a ls .
E a rn s.
In t e r e s t .
D iv id e n d s .
S u r p lu s .
(3 1 .0 0 0 ) ................. c * tfiln t. at Lancaster Trust C o., Lane., trustee.
1915— $290,374$187,363 S103.011
$50,095 (4*4%)$45,000 $7,916
Columbia Gas Co 1st mtge/
1911 5 J-J
75,000 Jan 1 1941
1<9,609 100,057
50,000 (3*4%)37,500 12,557
$200,000 ($1,000).-C *tfllnt. at Farmers’ Tr. C o., Lancaster, Trustee. 1 9 14... 279,666
Edison Elec Co 1st & ref M /
1913 5 F-A
1,342,000 Fob 1 1943
ROAD.— Operates from the terminus of the Stark Electric R y ., in
85,000,000 ____________ tf(Lancaster Trust C o., Lancaster, Trusteo.
Salem, Ohio, through the city of Salem to a connection withthe Salem R R ,,
Edison Elec Ilium Co 1 st f 1895
5 J-J
290,800 July 1 1925 and over tho Salem R R . from Salem through Washingtonville, Leetonia.
M 3300,000 (3100, S5001 Intorest at Lancaster Trust C o., Lancaster. Lisbon .and West Point to East Liverpool, Ohio, a distance of 36 miles.
& 31,000) ............c& rtf
At Leetonia. O., connection is made with tho Youngstown & Southern R y.,
Col El L II & P 1st M gold/ 1905
5 M -N
125,000 M ay 1 1935 Owns 32.19 miles of track and leases 6.81 miles. Standard gauge, mostly
$125,000 (31,000) .c& rtf (Int. at People s Trust Co., Lancaster, Trust. 70-lb. T rail. Pass, equip., 7 cars; freight, 3 locomotives, 15 cars.
Conestoga Realty Co 1st M / 1908
5 M -N ____
248,000 M ay 1 1958
sink fund g c ..t f l l n t . at Lancaster Trust C o., Lane., Trustoe OFFICERS.— Pros., Will Christy; V .-P., Goo. A. Stanley; Sec. & Asst.
B o n d s .— Of Conestoga Trac. 1st M . bonds, $610,000 reserved to retire Treas., Chas. S. Thrasher; Treas., Warren Bicknell; Gen. M gr., J. D .
prior lions, $112,500 reserved to bo used for the reduction o f rontals. Of Dowoos; Operating Mgrs., Warren Bicknell Co.; And., It. F. Miller. Genoral office, Leetonia, O.— V. 99, p. 409, 1912; V. 100, p. 644; V. 101, p. 450,
Lane. Gas Lt. & Fuel 2d M . 3300,000 are reserved to rotiro 1st M . bonds
Lane. Gas Lt. & Fuel 3d M . bonds aro redeemable at 105 and int. on any int’ 1887, 2146; V. 102, p. 523.
dato on 3 mos.’ notice. Columbia Gas Co. bonds aro red. on any int. dato at
105 and int. on 90 days’ notice. $125,000 reserved for futuro improvo’ts at
85% o f cost thereof. Of Edison Elec. Co. 1st and ref. bonds, $425 000
roserved to retire underlying bonds; remainder held in treasury for Impts
Controlled by the Penn Central Light & Power Co. of N. J. (V. 96, p. 493)
exten., &c., at 85% of cost thereof. Columbia Elec. Lt., H. & P. bonds are
rod. at 110 and int. on any int. date. Tho bonds aro guar, by tho Lane and operated in connection with the Penn Central Light & Power Co.
County liy . & Lt. Co. Conestoga Realty Co. bonds aro red. at par and int’ (Penna.). All of the stock and some of the bonds are subject to the lien
on any int. dato upon 3 mos.’ notico. Sinking fund an amount sot up of tho mortgages o f the Penn Central Lt. & Power Co.
monthly sufficient to rotiro bonds at maturity.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Pennsylvania on March 24 1892:
D iv id e n d s .— The first dividend on tho preferred stock (3% ) was paid on
D a te .
In t e r e s t . O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
July l 1904 and 3% was again paid on Oct. 1 1904. In 1905 Jan 3% Stock
3150,000 ($50).............................................
$150,000 ’07-’08, 5%
(BooV.79, P. 2796); July, 3% ; Doc., 4*4% . In 1906, 6 * 4 % . In’ 1907.7%" 1st mortgago
gold (3500 andf 1S99
5 g J-J
150,000 June 1 1919
In 1908 and since, 5% . On common, in 1908 to 1912, incl., 10%: in 1913
31,000) $150,000------- c&r(Int. at Merchants Union Tr. C o., Phlla., Tr.
12%; in 1914, 1114%. In 1915, 14*4%. In 1916, March, 2% .
2d mortgago gold (3500 and( 1902
5 g M -N
125.000 M ay 1 1917
REPO RT.— For year end. Dec. 31 1915, earns, (less expenses and pro$1,000) $125,000_____c&r(Int. at Com’ wealth Tr. C o., Harrisb’ g, Trus
sui'p,U!!!..?fJ3llb’ cos->- 5327,249; bond int., $50,000; prof, div.,
B o n d s .— The lsts are not sub. to call, but tho 2ds can be called at par.
$50,000; surplus, $227,249.
D iv id e n d s . — 1902 to 1908, inclusive, 5% per annum. None since.
Tho combined results o f tho subsidiary companies for tho 12 mos. end.
EARNING S.— For 12 mos. ending Feb. 29 1916, gross, $115,542; net,
Dec- 31 1915 wero, gross $1,744,617; net. after taxes, $796,981; charges. after
taxos, $13,750; charges, $13,750; balance, nono.
$435,401; surplus, $361,580.
ROAD.— Operates 10.55 miles oftrack from Lewlstown toReedsville and
ROAD.— The Conostoga Traction Co. (tho operating company) leases
163.25 miles o f track, including tho Lancaster City Street R y., 16.29 miles; Lowlstown June., with a branch to Burnham. 60 and 70-lb. T and 70-lb.
Lancaster & Columbia, 9.16 miles; Lancaster & Lilitz, 9.92 miles; Colum­ girder rail.
bia & Ironvillo, 4.38 miles; Columbia & Donegal, 5.06 miles; Lancaster &
OFFICERS.— Pres, and M gr., J. 1. Quigley, Lewlstown; V .-P ., John E.
Mechanlcsburg & New Holland, 20.76 miles; tho Now Holland Blue Ball & Zimmerman, Phila.; Soc. and Treas., Chas. Day. Phlla., Sunt.. O. E.
Torro Hill Street R y., 4.99 m.; tho Itohrerstown Landisvillo& M t. Joy R y., Gossard. Lewlstown.— V. 8 8 . p. 1128: V. 89. d . 919; V. 96. p. 487.
13.15 m.; tho Lancaster & Eastern Ity.. 17.84 m.: tho Lancaster & Quarryvillo Street R y., 8.39 miles; tho Elizabothtown & Florin Street Ry., 6.40 m .;
tho Christiana & Coatosville St. Ity., 10.69 miles; Lancaster & Millorsvillo
R y., 4.30 miles; Lancaster Willow Streot Lampetor & Strasburg R y., 11.12
miles; the Lancaster Petersburg & Manhoim Ity., 8.30 miles; tho Ephrata &
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Virginia on Jan. 23 1911 (V. 92, p.
Adamstown, 8.11 m., and tho Lancaster* Rocky Springs, 4.56 miles. The
latter four completed and leasod for 999 years at a rental o f 9 % on stock. 322) as successor to the Lexington & lnterurban Itys. Co. per plan In
Subsidiary gas and electric companies had 10,906 gas and 6,385 electric V. 92, p. 461. Owns the entire stock of the Kentucky Traction & Termi­
nal Co. and Lexington Utilities Co.
moters in use on Jan. 1 1915.
L i n e s L e a s e d to C onestoga T ra c tio n C o.
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
N am e o f Com pany—
Common $2,500,000 (3 1 0 0 ).................................
$2,031,487 .............
R e n ta l (% ). M i le s .
Lancaster Mechanlcsburg & Now Holland__ $300,000
20.76 Pref $2,500,000 ($100) 6 % f
Rohrorstown Landisvlllo* M t. Joy________ 440,000
cumfrom Jan 1 1913.........../ ............................
2,074.200 A p r’ 16,l*4
Ephrata & Adamstown____________________ 225,000
Sto ck. — Both com. and pref. are listed on Phila. and Louisville stock
Lancaster & Rocky Springs________________ 200,000
4.56 exchanges. Pref. is also listed on Cincinnati Stock Exchange. Pref.
Now Holland Bluo Ball & Tcrro Hill________ 120,000
5.00 stock is redeemable at par and accum. div.
Lancaster & Eastern______________________ 430,000
D iv id e n d s . — Initial div. on pref., 1*4%, paid July 15 1913; same rate
Lancaster & Quarryvillo___________________ 225,000
8.39 quarterly since.
Elizaboth & Florin_________________________ 220,000
Christiana & Coatosvillo___________________ 365,000
EARNINGS.— Of combined properties (Ken. Trac. & Term. Co. and
Lancaster Petersburg & Manhoim__________ 175,000
8.30 Lox. Util. Co.) for years ending June 30 (1915 report in V. 101, p. 2068):
Lane. Willow St. Lampeter & Strasburg___ 225,000
G ross
N et
Other S i n k .F u n d ,
B a la n c e •
11.12 J u n e 30.
Lancaster & Columbia_____________
Y ea r—
E a r n in g s . E a r n in g s . In c o m e . T a x e s . & c . In t e r e s t.
S u r p lu s •
OFFICERS.— Pres., W . W . Griost; V .-P ., George Bullock; Sec and 1914-15........ $811,628 $379,226 $28,288 $33,424 $203,805 $170,284
Trcas., II. Morgan; Asst. Sec. and Treas., J. S. Grayblll and M . D. Evans
369.762 32.022
1913-14........ 782.271
— V. 91. p. 463, 1447; V. 93, p. 1783.
OPERATIONS.— Constituent companies operate 95.5 miles of track.
They do the electric-light and power, gas, street railway and ice business of
Lexington. Also operate city lines in Frankfort and lines radiating from
Lexington to Georgetown, Paris, Nicholasville, Versailles and from Frank­
S a le . — On April 15 1916 tho proporty was bought in by Amos M . Landis
roprosonting tho bondholders, for $125, subject to tho mortgago o f $150 000’ fort to Versailles.
OFFICERS.— Pres., P. M . Chandler; V .-P ., John A. McCarthy; Sec. &
V. 102, p. 1540. As of April 29 1916 wo woro informod that reorganization
was to be effoctod at onco and road put in operation about May 18 1916. Treas., J. IC. Trimble.— V. 92. p. 1436; V. 93. p. 286, 1191; V. 94. p. 1185;
Operations wero suspended in Jan. 1916. Intorost duo July 1 1915 on the V. 95. p. 176; V. 99. p. 538, 1130, 1906; V. 101, p. 694, 2068.
company’s 1 st M . bonds was defaulted, duo to tho failure o f its bankers
(1) K entucky T raction & Terminal Co.
9 ° - o f Philadelphia. V. 101, p. 212.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Kentucky on May 18 1911 as a con­
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated July 22 1901 in Pennsylvania.
solidation of the Lexington Ry., Bluegrass Trac. Co. and Central Kentucky
D a te .
In te r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y . Traction Co.
V. 92, p. 1436. The entiro stock is owned by Kentucky
ist mtg gold $150,000 ($500/ 1908
5 g J-J
$150,000 Jan 11928 Securities Corp. F r a n c h is e s perpetual except those on 1 mile in Winchester
and 31,000) — ----■j--C & r(In t. at Northern Trust C o., Lane., trusteo. expiring in 1927.
B o n d s . — Aro not subject to call and have no sinking fund.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
B p A D .— Operates 12M mlhw o f track between Millorsvillo and Pequea Stock $2,500,000 ($100)........... ..........................
60-lb. 'I rail. Gauge, 5 ft. 2)4 In.— V. 8 6 , p . 480: V. 92 n. 187; V 101
1st & ref mtge $7,500,000 gf 1911
5 g F-A
2,268,000 Feb 1 1951
p. 212, 2145; V. 102, p. 153, 1249, 1540, 1625.
($1,000) guar p & i___ c*tf(In t. at Commercial Trust Co., Phila., Trust.
Lox Ry first mtge $1,500.0001 1899
5 g J-D
1,378,000 June 1 1949
gold (31,000)________ c*tf\Int. at Continental T r. C o., Baltimore, Trus.
Blue Grass 1st mtge 3700.000/ 1901
5 g M-S
294,000 Mar 11934
g /fftrnr,—
(3500 and■®
$l,0 00)..c& rtf i nt. at Cleveland Tr. C o., Cleveland, Trus.
Georgetown & Lexington first 1901
5 g M -N 15
200,000 N ov 15 1921
mtgo $250,000 gold (3100. Interest at Cincinnati Tr. C o., Trusteo, and
ORGAN IZATION .— Organized in Kansas in Sopt. 1915 to acauiro tho
$500 & $1,000).........c&rtf
__ _______
at Standard Trust C o., New York.
properties of the Lawronco Ry. & Lt. Co., Emporia Ry & Lt Co and
B o n d s . — Of tho 1st & ref. bonds, $1,872,000 are roserved to retire prior
Parsons Ry. & Lt. Co. Supplies electric light, power and streot railway
sorvice in Lawronco, Emporia and Parsons, Kan. F r a n c h is e s nxnlm in lions and remainder for extensions, improvements, &c., at not exceeding
1929, 1931 and 1938 and contain no burdonsomo restrictions
Also owns 90% of cost under certain restrictions; $149,000 are in treasury. They
all tho capital stock of tho Stdnoy (O.) Eloctric Co., Union Cltv (Ind ) aro redeemable as a whole on February 1 1914 or any Interest day there­
Eloctric Co. and United Lighting Co. o f Albion, Pa
y U
' after, or in part for sinking fund on any interest day after November 1
1921 at 105 and interest. Bonds are guaranteed prin. & int. by end. by
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a lu r it u
Kentucky Secur. Corp. S in k in g F u n d *4% per annum of bonds out.,
Stock, $1,750,000...............— ......................... —
’ tho
1921 to 1930; 1% 1931 to 1950. V. 92, p. 1564. Tho bonds aro listed on
First mtgo, $1,750,000 ($ 1 .-/1 9 1 5
5 A-O
1,150,000 O c t .'l'l9 2 5 Phila.
Stock Exchange. V. 94, p. 1119. S in k in g f u n d will retire 1% of
k 000, $500 & $100) g.c* tf Int. at Cont. & Comm. Tr. & Sav Bank Loxington
R y. bonds annually; $122,000 wero held in s. f. M ay 1 1916.
Tax refund in Pennsylvania ( Chic., Trustoo, and First Nat. Ilk. N. Y
ROAD.— Oporatos 95.5 miles of track, comprising all streot railways in
B o n d s . — Remaining bonds may bo issuod for $0% of casli cost of o’xto’ns ’
Loxington, 16.2 miles; Frankfort, 6.7 miles; Winchester, 1.2
Impts. and addns. under consorvativo restrictions. Callable on 60 days’
notico, all or part, at 10214 and int. Sinking fund beginning Jan. 1 1 9 1 7 miles; lnterurban lines radiating from Lexington to Georgetown, Paris,
of 1% o f bonds out from 1917 to 1920 incl., and 2% thoroafter. Bonds to Frankfort and Nicholasville, 67.6 miles; sidings and spurs, 3.8 miles. 50 to
bo hold alive in skg. fd. In addition a fund is to bo sot aside annually for 80-lb. rails. Standard gauge. Owns 34 closed and 15 open cars. 15 inter­
bettorm’ ts which will amt. to abt. $172,500 by 1925. V. 102, p. *803 urban passenger, 1 ice, 2 freight and 4 service cars.
E a r n i n g s . — Of consolidated cos. for yoar ond. Sopt. 15 1915, gross
OFFICERS.— Pres., Percy M . Chandler. Phila.; V .-P ., F. W. Bacon!
$290,706; not, aftor taxos, $120,550. In addition tho not earnings of con­ Loxington; Sec., T . D. Murray, Lexington: Asst. Sec., James K. Trimbletrolled cos. applicable to divs. for tho yoar ond. Aug. 31 1915 wero $23,509. Phlla.; Treas., J. Will Stoll, Lexington; Asst. Treas., Jerry W. McMoekin-



[Vol. 102.

from Little Rock. Hydro-electric developments with a capacity of 28,000
h p. are contemplated. V. 95. p. 1746.
In Feb. 1916 increased tho com. stock from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000 to
acquiro tho assets of tho Merchants’ Lighting Co., a controlling interest in
the Central Heating & Mfg. Co. and provide for further acquisitions, oxts.,
&c. $411,700 of tho now stock was sold at par; balance held in treasury.
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $2,000,000 ($100) . . ____
somi-ann $2,000,000 Jan '16, 1%
Pref 6% cum $750,000 ($100)...........
6 J-J
750.000 J a n ’ 16, 3%
1,909,000 Apr 11933
First mtgo $2,000,000 gold 1903 5 g A-O
L IM A , O H IO .
($1,000)...............- ......... c* Interest at Com. Germania Trust & Savings
Bank, New Orleans, Trustee.
W ESTERN O H I O R R .— A holding company.
1,615,000 Apr 11938
and extension mtg 1908 6 g A-O
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Ohio on June 7 1910 to take over Refunding
$5,000,000 ($500 and $1,­ Int. at Bank of Commerce & Trust C o.,
under lease the Western Ohio R y . but leaso was canceled by vote of stock­
M om phis.Tr.,or Standard Tr. C o., N .Y .
holders on Juno 28 1915 and the company’s electric light and power plant
200.000 Dec. I 1917
notes_________________I 1915
at Sidney sold to the Standard Power & Equipment Co. and all its other Gold
S to ck. — Pref. stock is redeemable at 110 and accrued dividend. $88,300
proporty and assets to the Western Ohio R a ilw a y Co. except tho stock of common stock is hold in treasury.
that company owned. Holders of com. stock o f Wostern Ohio R y . had
B o n d s . — First mortgage bonds are subject to call on 60 days’ notice on
right to exchange before Jan. 1 1911 their stock for stock o f Western Ohio any interest period at 107) j . Sink, fund of
of 1% of outstanding bonds
R R . on basisof 3 shares of R y . for oneshareof R R . V. 90, p. 1556. 29,278 1908 to 1917; 1% thereafter. On Jan. 1 1916, $91,000 were held in sk. fd.
shares were so exchanged. Stock auth., 81,000,000; issued, $972,600.
The refund. & extension bonds cannot bo called; $2,000,000 aro reserved to
retiro 1st 5s and remainder for 80% of cost of additional property if net
(1) W estern O h io Ry.— A trolley road.
earns, for 12 mos. previous have been twice the annual iut. charges on out­
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated in Ohio on Oct. 11 1900. This is one standing
bonds,inch thoseto be issued. A s in k in g f u n d of H of 1% on out
of tho Mandelbaum roads and forms a link in the through car service from standing bonds commencing Aug. 1 1913 is to bo invested in those bonds at
( Movelarul to Lima. Outside of municipalities lias private right-of-way. not higher than a 4 A % basis, bonds to be kept alive in fund. On Jan. 1
F r a n c h is e s in towns aro ter 25 years. Owns entire common and prof, stock 1916 $20,000 were held in sinking fund. The first $1,000,000 issued as
of the Lima Findlay & Toledo Ry. V. 83, p. 97, 157, 381. Has contract 6s; rate on subsequent bonds to he at discretion of baord of directors at
to furnish power until April 30 1923 to Lima & Toledo Traction, Ft. Wayne not exceeding 6% . Seo full particulars regarding bonds, property, &c..
Van Wert& Lima Traction and Indiana Columbus & Eastern Traction.
87, p. 414.
Was leased to tho Western Ohio R R ., by which it is controlled through in DV.
iv id e n d s . — On pref., 6% per annum paid up to and Including Jan. 1916.
stock ownership, but lease was canceled In 1915. Seo remarks above.
1906,2%; 1907,4%; 1908, 4 M % : 1909,8% ; 1910, 8% . In 1911.
Stockholders on June 28 1915 voted to mako the 1st prof, stock redeema­
ble at 107 A to put tho company in position to retiro tho stock whon tho 20% . In 1912 to 1915. Inch, 10%. In Jan. 1916. 1%.
EARNINGS.— For cal. years (passengers carried in 1915, 12,392,651):
$2,500,000 1st M . bonds mature on N ov. 1 1921 and arrange a compre­
S u r p lu s .
Y ea r—
G ro ss.
N e t a ft .T a x .
I n t .. & c .
hensive financial plan.
1915.................................... $881,861
D a le .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Common $30,000 (S I)_______ _____
$30,000 ---------------ROAD.— Operates 39.59 miles of track, including 12.10 miles of double­
ls t p f $500,000 ($100) 7% c u m ____
476.000 Apr’ l6,1 % %
2d pf $500,000 ($100) 6% c u m -----Q-J
450,000Jly’ 14,l>4%
1st M $3,000,000 g ($1,000) \ 1901
5 g AI-N
2,500,000 Nov 1 1921 7 work cars; total, 92. Operates Forest Park, located about 6 miles from
tho centre of the city.
$26,500 per m .........c*& rtf(Int. at Cit. Sav. & Trust C o., Cleveland,
( Trustee, or First National Bank, N. Y.
OFFICERS.— Pres.. D. II. Cantrell: V.-P. & Treas., W . L. Ilomtngway;
Collateral trust mortgage) P'lO
24,000 July 1 1930 Gen. Mgr., Clias. J. Griffith; Sec., W. J. Tharp.— V. 96, p. 1022; V. 97,
$500,000________ _____ -t f (Cleveland Trust C o., Trustee.
p. 1898; V. 100, p. 1510; V. 101, p. 2145; V. 102, p. 1163.
L F & T 1st mtge $600,000 ( 1905
5 g J-J
357,000 July 1 1925
gold ($1.000)_________ ctfU nt. at Citizens’ Sav. & Trust C o., ClevoI land. Trustee, or in New York.
L O N G B R A N C H , N . J.
B o n d s . — The West Ohio 1st M . bonds have no sink. fd. and bonds are not
subject to call. $475,000 have been canceled. S e e V .7 0 ,p . 160, for agree­
Incorporated April 1 1901 as a reorganization of
ment among bondholders. Coll. tr. bonds aro convertible into 1st prof,
Atlantic Highlands Red Bank & Long Branch Electric Ry. In Aprfl
stock and aro secured by deposit of $30,000 1st 5s. $476,000 havo been tho
to operate in Long Branch, in con­
converted. No sink, fd.; red. on Nov. 1 1921 at 110. As bonds aro con­ sideration of which tho townfranchise
Is to receive A of 1% of gross roceipts.
verted, proportionate amounts o f tho 1st 5s which are collateral will be
R eceivers— D e fa u lt .— O n April 20 1916 Charles F. Sexton of Long Branch
The Lima Findlay & Tol. bonds have a s in k in g fund of $10,500 per ann., and Win. G. Bexler of Red Bank were appointed receivers. Int. on bonds
which began in 1911. Are subject to call at 105. $43,000 have been re­ has been in default for some time.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
tired and $11,000 aro held in treas. for retirement June 30 1916. V. 80.
Stock $500,000 ($50)................................ ............
$325,000 ...................
p. 2344.
1 1951
D iv id e n d s . — On 1st pref. regular quar. divs. aro paid. On 2d prof, first
and $1,000) g o ld -..........c*/In t. at Hamilton Tr. C o., Brooklyn, Trustee.
div., 1H % . Paid Oct. 1910. and same amount quar. to and inch July 1914.
None since.
Red Bank to Oceanic. Total track, 17.71 miles.
EARNINGS.— For fiscal year ending June 30:
----- D iv id e n d s ---- - B a la n c e ,
G ross
N e t (a fte r
Y ea r—
E a r n in g s . T a x e s ).
In te r e s t.
1st P r e f. 2 d P r e f. S u r p lu s . $15,643; interest, $23,637; deficit, $7,994.
OFFICERS.— Pres., William F. Hogan, Brooklyn.— V. 72. p. 86, 391.
1914-15_______$655,593 $226,588 $169,061
1913-14............ 670,864 249,322 162.360
ROAD.— Operates from Lima through Wapakoneta and St. Marys to
L O N G IS L A N D C IT Y , N . Y .
Celina; from St. Marys to Minster, and from Wapakoneta to Piqua; a total
of 82.01 m.; also Lima to Findlay. 31.97 m.; thus completing a through line
to Toledo. Total, 113.98 m ., singlo track. Standard gauge. Owns 20
ORGANIZATION.— Entire stock is owned by tho Long Island R R . In­
pass, motor cars, 7 freight motor cars and 60 freight and express trail cars. corporated in New York and holds majority of stock of the Huntington ItR.
OFFICERS.— Pres., F. D. Carpenter, Lima; V .-P ., E. F. Gould, Clove.! and entire stock of the Ocean Electric R y., tho Northport Traction Co.
Sec. & Treas., I,. B. Webster, Clevo.— V. 88, p. 626; V. 89, p. 667; V. 90, (2.69 miles), the Nassau County Ry. and the Glen Covo RR. Also owns
p. 504, 1426, 1492, 1615; V. 91, p. 40, 155, 872; V . 94, p. 1450; V. 99, p. 895. one-half the stock (the Interborough Rapid Transit Co. owning the other
half) and bonds of N. Y. & L. I. Trac. and Long Island Eloc. Ry.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $25,000 ($100)________ All owned by Long Island RR.
L IN C O L N , N E B .
Coll trust bonds $10,000,000] 1905
\ 'A g
gold, guaranteed______n tf/U . S. Mtge. & Trust C o., N . Y ., rrustce.
B o n d s . — Are guaranteed, principal and interest, by Long Island It It.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Nebraska in 1909. Is a consoli­
OFFICERS.— Pres., Ralph Peters; V.-P., C. L. Addison; Sec., Frank E.
dation o f the o ld Lincoln Traction and the Citizens’ Ry. Co. V. 88, p. 506. n a f f , N . Y . ; Treas., J. F. Fahnestock, Philadelphia.— V. 8 3 , p . 8 9 0 .
Holders of tho old Lincoln pref. stock ($700,000) received 110 in tho new
(1) H untington RR.
_____ _
. . . .
bonds. Holders of the o ld Lincoln com. ($330,000) received, for every share
ORGANIZATION.— Chartered M ay 13 1890. Majority of stock Is
of old. two shares o f now prof, and four shares of new common. Holders
of Citizens’ Ry. stock ($415,000) received 100% in new prof, and 80% In owned by Long Is!. Consol. Elec. Cos. All tho bonds aro owned by L. I.R R .
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
new common.
F a v o ra b le D e c is io n . — On Jan. 3 1912 Nebraska Supreme Court affirmed Stock $30,000 ($10)...............................................
1 1920
the decision of the lower Court in quo warranto proceedings by tho State,
Interest paid by Treasurer, Philadelphia, Pa.
refusing to order tho cancellation of $1,500,000 stock, it havingboon First mtge $30,000 ($500).-c](Metropolitan
Trust C o., Trustee.
claimed thesamo was "pure water.” V. 94, p. 912; see also V. 93, p. 1363.
EARNINGS.— For year ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $44,958; net, after
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
taxes (loss), $6,259; charges, $1,756; deficit, $8,015.
Common $2,000,000 ($100)...............
- ........... $1,652,000 A p r .’ 16,1%
ROAD.— Owns and operates a cross-island lino from Huntington to
Pref $1,500,000 ($100) 6% cu ...........
1,138,100 M ay ’ 16,1 A Amityvillo,
via Farmingdalo, 18.6 miles. Oponed for traffic Aug. 25 1909.
1st mortgage $1,500,000 gold) 1909
5 g J-J
1,188,000 Mar 1 1939
89, p. 593.
$ 1 .0 0 0 )...................-c& rtf (Interest at Now York Trust C o., trustee.
Ola Lincoln Traction M g $1,-1 1899
5 g J-J
250,000 Jan 1 1920
(2) Ocean Electric Ry.
„ ,
, ,
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated May 1 1897. Entire stock is owned
( 00) ($250,000)______ c*tf(Interest at Now York Trust C o., Trustee.
B o n d s . — Of the n e w Lincoln Traction Co. bonds, $250,000 aro reserved by Long Island Consol. Elec. Cos. All tho bonds aro owned by Long Island
R R . On Sopt. 21 1898 acquired Rockaway Villago R R . Co.
for prior Hens and $62,000 aro for extensions and lmpts. at 85% of cost.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
D iv id e n d s . — 143 % paid quar. on pref. from May 1 1909 to M ay I 1916
inclusive. On common, 2% paid Sept. 1912. 1% paid Mar 15 1914 and Stock S50,000 ($ 1 0 0 )-.....................
--.-- a - 335,000
------20,000 Apr 1 1918
1% paid Sept. 1 1914. In 1915, March, 1%; June, 1%; Sept., 1% . In First mortgago $20,000___ ntf 1898 5 A-O
EARNINGS.— For year ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $156,130; net, after
1916, Apr., 1%.
$62,297; other income, $228; deductions, $35,027; surplus, $27,498.
EARNINGS.— For year ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $874,748; net, taxes,
ROAD.— Owns 8.42 miles of first track, 25 passenger cars and 3 others.
$260,454; int., taxes & divs., $190,311; surplus, $70,143.
Long Island Electric Ry.— A trolley road.
ROAD.— Owns 54.59 miles of track.
In Jan. 1906 control passed to tho Interborough Rapid Transit Co. and
OFFICERS.— Pres., W . E. Sharp; V.-P. & Gen. M gr.. J. M . Bramlette the Long Island Consolidated Electrical Companies, each owning ono-half
Treas., S. H. Burnham; Sec., O. J. Shaw.—-V. 88, p. 506; V. 90, p. 1363: tho stock and bonds.
V. 91, p. 94; V. 94, p. 912; V. 97, p. 521, 1898.
ORGANIZATION.—'Chartered March 13 1897 as New York & North
Shore Ry. On Oct. 11 1899 was consolidated with th o fo r m e r Long Island
Electric Ry., now company having $2,100,000 capital stock and $2,100,000
Is to construct 56 miles betweon Lincoln and Omaha, of which 7 miles bonds. On M ay 7 1902 the lines north of Jamaica were sold under fore­
from Lincoln to Bethany Heights is completed and in operation. Of the closure to the Queens Ry. C o., which company was then merged in the
7 miles just mentioned, % o f a mile is an extension into tho main business New York & Queens County Ry. On Aug. 28 1903 old name of “ Long
centre of University Place. Standard gauge. 70-lb. T rail. F r a n c h is e s . Island Electric R y ." was resumed. In Aug. 1909 stock was reduced from
99 years and perpetual. Stock auth., $2,250,000 ($100); outstanding, $2,100,000 to $600,000 by cancellation of $1,500,000 stock originally issued
$200,000. In March 1913 the Nebraska Ry. Comm, granted permission, to represent the piece of road which subsequently became the Queens Ry.
with certain conditions, to issue $850.000-stock and $2,250,000 bonds to and now forms part of the N . Y. & Queens County R y. V. 89, p. 42, 593.
complete the road, and subsequently amended its order so as to make
D a ta .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g . M a t u r it y .
restrictions and specifications moro definite.
Stock $600,000 ($100).......................
------$600,000 ................
L I Elec 1st M $600,000? 1895
5 g J-I)
600,000 Juno 1 1925
EARN ING S.— For 12 mos. end. Dec. 31 1915, gross, $35,000.
($1.000)................. c&r.ntfjH am ilton Trust C o., Brooklyn, Trustee.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Harvey Musser; Sec. & Treas., II. S. Norton;
( Interest paid by Treasurer, Now York.
Gen. M gr., J. M . Bramlotto. Office, 115 North 9th St., Lincoln.
EARNINGS.— For vear ending Dec. 31 1915, gross, $251,881: net,
after taxes, $27,006. In 1914. gross, $245,997; net, after taxes, $7,688.
ROAD.— Comprises 25.23 miles of track on 16.30 miles of road from
L IT T L E R O C K , A R K .
Crescont Avenue, Brooklyn (at the terminus of tho Kings County Elevated),
Jamaica, Hollis and Queens, and from Jamaica to Far Rockaway. 36
Amer. Cities Co. (see under New Orleans) owns 80.87% of com. and passenger cars and 8 others.— V. 88, p. 101; V. 89, p. 42, 593; V. 102, p.1540.
(4) New York & Long Island T ra ction .— A trolley road.
80.12% of prof, stocks.
On June 20 1905 control was purchased Jointly by the Interborough
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Arkansas on March 17 1903 and Is a
consolidation of the Little Rock Traction & Electric Co. (granted a new Rapid Transit Co. and the Long Island Consol. Elec. Cos. V . 80, p. 2622.
ORGANIZATION.— This was formerly tho Mincola Hempstead & Free­
franchise on Sept. 28 1901 for 50 years: V. 73, p. 784), and the Little Rock
Edison Electric Light & Power Co. (franchise unlimited). Operates all port Traction (incorp. Feb. 27 1899), but name changed as above Sept. 22
street railways in city and all the electric lighting and power business in 1902. and stock increased from $125,000 to $1,000,000.
Fare. D e c is io n . — On June 15 1912 P. S. Comm., 2d Dist., decided that
Little Rock. Argonta and Pulaski Heights.
In tho latter part of 1912 acquired control o f the Garland Power & De­ company is not obliged under its franchise to limit Itself to a 5-ccnt fare
velopment C o., which controls water powers on Ouachita River, 45 miles between Hempstead and Belmont Park. V. 94. p. 1696.

Lexington.— V. 92, p. 1178, 1430. 1564; V. 91, p. 631, 826. 11 19; V. 95
p. 1472; V. 97. p. 237; V. 99. p. 1130.
(2) Lexington Utilities Co.
ORGAN IZATION , &c.— Incorp. on June 5 1909. Stock auth. and out,
5100,000. All stock is owned by Kentucky Securities Corp. Does ice and
electric-light and power and gas business in Lexington. Light and power
fr a n c h is e s expire in 1916. Gas and ic e fr a n c h is e s are perpetual.


May , 19 iGJ

On June 22 1914 C ounty Judge James P . Niemann held that the com pany,
under its franchise, could not charge m ore than 10 cents for a 10-milo rhle.
V . 99, p . 407. T he Appellato D iv . reversed this decision and case Is now
pending in the C ourt or Appeals.
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
L a st D ie .
C om m on. $750,000 ( $ 5 0 )-.....................................
> 5 7 ,7 7 ,7
First5 m tg o n $ l 000^000^gold7 1902
4 M g M - N l.OOOioOO N o v 1 1942
(ll 000)
c & r .n t f Interest paid b y Treasurer. New Y ork
t^r.u v )
(Citizens’ Sav. & T r. C o ., Cleveland, O ..T ru s.
H a n d s .— Aro subject to call at 107 on 30 days' notice, but no sinking lund.
E A R N I N G S __For year ending D ec. 31 1915, gross, $421,604; not, after
taxes, $8 0 ,8 2 1 ; other incom e, $12,244; in t., rents, A c -, $70,546; sur.,$22,519
R O A D .— Operates an electric line connecting M ineola, Hempstead and
Freeport, 7.84 miles. Also operates line from Hempstead west 5.58
miles to Queens, where connection Is m ade with the tracks o f the Long
Island Electric Ity . C o . A lso a lino 17.01 miles long from Freeport westerly
via Bockvllle Centre, Lynbrook and Valley Stream, to a connection with tho
Kimrs C ounty Elevated B y. at B rooklyn. Also a line from Queens to
M ineola via Jericho Turnpike, 5.86 miles. T ota l, 36.29 miles. T o ta l,
including second track, 41.31 miles. 30 passenger and 10 other cars.
O F F IC E ItS .— Pres., C . L. A ddison, Penn. S ta., N . Y .; V .-I . A G en.
M g r., VV. O. W ood, Long Island C ity , N . Y .; Sec. & Treas., Frank E . H a lf,
Penn! l i lt . Station. N . Y .— V. 84, p . 868; V . 88. p. 101; V . 94. p. 1696;
V . 99, p . 407; V . 102, p . 1541. _______

32,048 shares out o f total Issue o f 32,350 is owned b y the Interborough
R apid Transit C o ., which also owns one-half o f the stock o f the Long Island
E lectric Ity. and tho N ew Y ork & Long Island T raction.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated June 29 1896 and reorganized on
June 30 1899. Purchased tho various lines o f railroad In Bong Island C ity
known as tiio Newtown Ity. C o ., tho Itiker A vo. & Sanforcls J oin t It I t ., the
Stciinvay Ity., the Long Island C ity & Nowtown B y . and the Flushing &
Collego Point Ity. In M ay 1902 the Queens B y . was consolidated with it.
n increased its stock from $2,500,000 to 3.>,000,000. 9 ho

Bayside and M anhassot. V . 74, p. 11977
T ho now Quecnsboro Ilridgo across Blackwell s Island was opened in
On Sept. 19 1909 tho C ity o f N ew Y ork's municipal trolley across
tho bridge began operation. T he round trip faro is 5 cents. On D e c. 16
1909 Now York & Queens C ounty Ity. was granted a permanent franchise
to run cars over tho bridge. Operation began on Feb. 5 1910. V , 90,
p. 373. Through passengers only aro carried across tho brldgo and no extra
faro is charged.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock $5,000,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) - - - - - - - -----$3,235,000 .....................
Flushing & College Point 1st) 1895
5 g J-D
m ortgage $50,000 gold ------ IN ew Y ork Trust C o ., Trustee.
N owtown B y first m ortgage! 1894
5 g J-D
150,000 D ec 1 1924
$150,000 gold ........... .......... /N ow York Trust C o ., Trustee.
Stein way Ity Tirst m ortgage! 1892
6 g J-J
1,500,000 July 1 1922
$1,500,000 ($1,000) g — c * /ln t . at Guaranty T r. C o ., N . Y . C ity . T rus.
N ow York A Queens C ounty f 1896
4 g A-O
1,300,000 O ct 1 1946
first consol m tg $3,000,000 M ercantile Trust C o ., N ew Y ork, Trustee.
gold $1,000 each__________ ( Interest at office o f com pany. N ew York.
First A refunding m tge, $ 1 0 ,-/ 1906
4 g M -N
See text N o v i 1936
000,000 gold ($1,000)— c* /W ln d s o r Trust C o ., N ew Y ork, Trustee.
Current liabilities June 30 1 9 1 5 ____
*4,321,227 -------- -------* Includes $3,930,931 bills and accounts owing associated companies.
O f tho now $10,000,000 m tge., $2,086,827 aro deposited as collateral for
loans from Intorborough Itapid Transit and $3,065,000 aro reserved for
prior lions. N o sinking fund and bonds aro not subject to call. Under the
V . Y . A Queens C o. 1st cons. M . thoro were originally $2,500,000 bonds out­
standing, but tho com pany having defaulted in paym ent o f int.,. reorganiza­
tion was m ade, under which tho holders surrendered $1,200,000, interest
was reduced to 4 % , and tho M ercantile Trust C o ., N . Y ., was m ade the now
trusteo. T ho said bonds are redeemable at 105 and hit. V. 6J, p. J06.
BO A D .— Tho system , with tho Queens Ballway, embraces 71.99 miles o f
trolley track. Including main lino, 37.91 mllos; second track, 32; sidings,
2.08. Bails 77 to 107 lb s., standard gauge; 203 pass, cars, 36 others.
B E P O R T .— For fiscal years ending Juno 30;
- _
C ross.

N et.

O th er I n c . I n t .& T a x e s .

D e ficit.

.$2,006 $345,321 $312,352
1 9 1 3 - 1 4 : : : : : : : : : : : 1 .3 0 1.8 8 0
2 o e .o i9 T> d e fu s e
3 3 7 .2 0 1
12 8 ,5 2 8
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., W . O. W ood; V .-P .. W . L. Pepjperman; S ec., H .
M Fisher; Treas., .1. i l . Cam pbell.— V . 83, p. 752; V. §4 . p . 804; V . 86.
p. 548; V. 88. p. 375.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp . in N . Y . on N o v . 4 1912 to take over tho
rights and property o f tho South Shoro T rac. C o. in New Y ork C ity (see
under Patehoguo, and also under M anhattan A Jamaica B y . in V . 95, p.
1207, 420; V. 94, p . 1696.)
, ,
Asked Public Service C om m , for permission to issuo $1,500,000 stock and
$1,500,000 1st M . 5% bonds, but on M arch 10 1914 tho P. S. C om m , auth­
orized only $765,000 capital stock and recommended tho issuo o f $807,000
bonds at 85. N o stock outstanding; only $20,000 subscription stock.
A ction on the bond issuo was deferred until tho com pany should have filed
its proposod in tgo. for $10,000,000 with the consent o f stockholders. V. 96,
p /90; V. 98, I). 523. In 1915 application was withdrawn.
E A R N IN G S .— For year onding June 30 1915, gross, $272,174: net, after
taxes, $76,095; other incom e, $4,811; rents, $19,140: surplus, $61,766.
R O A D .— Has a franchise In tho C ity o f N ow Y ork to operate a streot
surfaco railroad over tho Quoonsboro Bridge from tho M anhattan terminal
thoroof, along Thom son A v o., H offm an B oulovard, and other streets and
avonuos in tho Borough o f Queens to the boundary lino botweon tho C ity
o f N ow York and tho C ounty o f Nassau, together with the right to operate
upon tho Queensboro Bridge. T he lino has boon com pleted and cars aro in
operation to the intersection o f Sutphin R oad and Lam bertvillo A vo. in
Queens. T ho extension from the L. 1. B B . station at Jam aica to Lam bortvillo A vo. was com pleted April 26 1916.
,. .
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., R obt. S. Sloan; V .-P ., Harold B . W eaver; S ec.,
Treas. A Gen. M g r., S. II. Soverson; Asst. Troas., Frederick II. Adler; Asst.
S oc.. G . J. Johnstone.— V. 95. p. 1207, 1274: V. 96. p. 360, 790, 863;
V . 98. p. 523.
AH tho stock except directors’ shares is controlled b y Soutliorn P acific C o.
M r. II. E. Huntington owns considerable amounts o f tho various bond
Issues o f this com pany, and has pledged them as security under the H unting­
ton Land A Im provem ent collateral trust Issuo.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. In California on Sept. 1 1911 as a merger
o f tho following subsidiaries o f the Southern Pacific C o. (V . 93, p. 667):
P acific Electric Ity.
San Bernardino Valley Traction C o .
Rodlands Central R y.
Los Angeles interurban R y.
San Bernardino Interurban R y .
Los Angelos A Redondo B y .
Los Angeles Pacific C o.
Riverside A Arlington R y.
During 1912 acquired tho Pacific Electric Land C o. and the Ontario A
San A ntonio Heights R R .
In April 1915 It was reported that tho Riverside R ialto A Pacific R R ., or
control thereof, had been taken over.
Tho Cal. R R . C om m , has extended to July 1 1916 tho tlm o within which
to issue tho unsold portion ($1,402,278) o f $2,942,000 1st ref. m tge. 5s
authorized N ov. 23 1914 and tho unsold portion ($1,734,721) o f $6,839,000
authorized April 8 1913. V. 102, p. 251.
STO C K A N D B O N D S —• D a t e .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity ------------$74,000,000
-------------Stock $100 000,000 ($100)------ --------First ref mtge $100,000,0001 1911
5 M -S
32,675.000 Sept 1 1961
gold seo text_________c * - t f lin t , at U. S. M tge. A Tr. C o .,,N , Y7, lru stee
Pac El C o 1st m tge $10,000,-1
1902 5 l? J-J
8,439,000 Jan 1 1942
000 gold ($1,000)____c . n t f /I n t . at Union Trust C o ., San Fran., Trustee.
Los Ang A Pas El R y M $1,1898 5 B J-J
950,000 Jan 1 1928
000,000 g guar ($1,000) c * jl n t . at III. T r. A Sav. 11k., C h ic., Trustee.
Can bo called at 105. . . n t f
or at Chase N a t. B ank, N ow Y ork .
Out A San Aut Heights 1st M l
1910 6 F-A
240,000 Fob 1 1935
$1,000,000 ($1,000) s f. n t f/I n t . at Southern T r. C o ., Los A n g., Trustee.
Pas A M t L 1st M $500,000)
1900 4 g J-D
500,000 June 1 1930
gold ($1,000)............c * . n t f ( Int. at Union Trust C o .. San F ran.. Trusteo.


D a te .
I n te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Cal P a cific R y 1st m tge gold ) 1901
5 g J-J
$480,000 July 1 1941
($1,000) guar_______ c . n t f / l n t . at C o .’s office in N . Y . A Chase N a t.B k .
Los A ngeles-Pacific R R first) 1898
5 J-D
10,000 Juno 101928
m ort gold $ 1,000,000c*. n t f /i n t . at Citiz. T r. A S. B k ., Los A ng..T rustee.
Los A ng-P ac R l l 1st con m tge) 1901
5 A -O
1,465,000 Apr 1 1931
$1,500,000 g ($1,000)- . n t f / i n t . at C rocker N a t. B ank, San Francisco.
Los A ng Her B A B ed 1st M l 1902
5 g M -N
74,000 M a y 1 1942
$500,000 gold ($1,000)- n t f /T i t l e Ins. A T r. C o ., Los A n g., Trustee.
Los A n geles-P acific R R firs t) 1903
5 g M -S
3,313,000 Sept 1 1943
and rof m tge $5,000,0001 Int. at Los Angeles Trust C o ., Trustee, or at
gold ($1,000) s f ____ c * _ n tf l U . S. M tge . A Trust C o .. N . Y ., C o-T ru s.
Los Angeles P a cific C o gen f 1906
5 g J-J
1,263,000 Jan 2 1946
consol m tge $12,500,0001 Int. at U nion Trust C o ., San Fran., Trustee,
gold ($1,000) sinking fu n d ) o r at Farm ers’ A M erch. N a t. Bank, Los
c * - n t f ( Angeles, or Chase N a t. B ank, N ew Y o rk .
Los A ng-P ac C o 1st ref m tge) 1910
4 g J-J
8,298,000 Jan 1 1950
$20,000,000 g i ( $ l ,000) c* tf/U n io n T ru st C o . o f San F ran., Trustee.
Los A ng A R edondo 1st m tge! 1902
5 g J-J
500,000 Jan 15 1932
$500 ,0 0 0 g ($1,000)-C*.ntf Jlnt. at U nion T rust C o ., San Fran., Trustee.
Riverside A Arlington 1st M l 1899
4 F -A 14
200,000 A ug 14 1919
$200,000 g o l d --------------n t f /I n t . at Union T rust C o ., San F ran., Trustee.
San B ernard Vail T ra c 1st M ) 1901
5 A -O
44,000 O ct 1 1931
gold $250,000-------- c * .n t f /T i t l e Ins. A T r. C o ., Los A n g., Trustee.
San Bernardino Valley T r 1st] 1903 _ 5 g M-£L
833,000 Sept 1 1933
A ref m tge $1,000,000 gold In t. at Los A ng. T r. A S. B k. o f C al..T rustee
sink fun d ($ l,0 0 0 )c* A r.n tf
Redlands St R y 1st M g $50,­ 1899
6 F -A
50.000 Aug 1 1919
000 ($1,000, A c) redeem' T itle Ins. A T r. C o ., Los A ng., Trus.
able at par_________ . n t f
In t. at First N a t. Bank. Redlands, Cal.
Redlands St R y 1st M gold 1901
5 M -S
27,000 Sept 1 1931
n t f T itle Ins. A T r. C o ., L os A ng., Trustee,
I n t. at First N a t. B an k, R edlands, C al.
Redlands Central R y 1st M
5 J-J
110,000 July 1 1937
gold $500,000 ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ).n t f / In t. at Los A ng. T r.A S B .o f C al., Trustee.
B O N D S .— P a c i f i c E l e c . R y . 1st r e f . m t g e . are to provide fun ds to retire
underlying bonds; also fo r acquisitions and for corporate purposes. B onds to
bear interest at such rate or rates as m ay be fixed at time o f Issue b y direc­
tors, not exceeding, however, 5 % per annum. T he bonds aro Issued in
series. Series " A ” being the only series issued. D enom . Series “ A ” $1,000
— other series, $1,000, $500 and $100. S i n k i n g f u n d $10,000 per year.
Series “ A ” is subject to call on Sept. 1 1916 or any Int. day thereafter at
110 and Int. Other series subject to call after Sept. 1 1916 at price to be
fixed b y board o f directors.
P a c i f i c E l e c . C o . Is! M t g e . — A sufficient am ount is reserved to retire
prior Issues. S i n k i n g f u n d is $5,000 per annum , com m encing Jan. 1
1907, for 5 years; then $10,000 per annum to Jan. 1 1917; $15,000 per
annum to Jan. 1 1922; $20,000 per annum to Jan. 1 1927; $25,000 per
annum to Jan. 1 1932; $30,000 per annum to Jan. 1 1937 and $35,000 annu­
ally thereafter, said sinking fund to be used in purchase o f tho bonds, but
fund m ay bo invested in other securities if bonds cannot be obtained at par.
L o s A n g e l e s & P a s a d e n a 1 s t M t g e . — Bonds bear the guaranty o f the Los
Angeles R y . b y endorsement. S i n k i n g f u n d o f $10,500 per year from D ec. 1
1908 to and inch 1926, and bonds m ay be called at 105 on any int. date.
P a s a d e n a eft M t . L o w e bonds are guar. p. A 1. b y both Los Angeles R y .
and Los Angeles A Pasadena Elec. R y . A s i n k i n g f u n d for those bonds be­
gan 10 years from date o f bonds o f $5,000 per ann. for first 5 years, $7,500
per ann. for second 5 years, $10,000 per ann. for next 5 years and $12,500
per annum for remaining 5 years. R ed . at 104 and interest,
C a l i f o r n i a P a c i f i c R y . 1*1 M t g e . is fo r no stated authorized am ount, but
is lim ited to $20,000 per mile o f com pleted track. N o sin king fund and
1 bonds cannot be called. Guar. p. A i. b y Los A ng. T rac. C o .; see V . 75, p .76.
|T itle Insurance A Trust C o ., Los Angeles, Trustee.
L o s A n g e l e s - P a c i f i c R R . 1st M t g e . — R ed . on any Int. date at 105 and in t.
S i n k i n g f u n d began June 10 1908 until June 10 1926, $10,500 per year.
In t.
also payable at Illinois T r. A Sav. Bank, C h ic., and Chase N at. Bank, N . Y ,
L o s A n g e l e s - P a c i f i c R R . 1st C o n s . M t g e . — N ot callable.
S in k in g fu n d
began April 1 1911 and retires $10,500 annually to and Incl. April 1 1929.
Citizens Trust A Savings Bank, Los Angeles, Trustee.
L o s A n g e l e s I l e r m o s a B e a c h & R e d . R y . 1 s t M t g e . — Int. payable at Crocker
N at. Bank, San Fran. S i n k , f u n d began M a y 1 1913 and retires $10,500
per ann. to and incl. M a y 1 1942. N o t callable.
L o s A n g e l e s - P a c i f i c R R . 1st * R e f . M t g e . — Sufficient bonds are reserved to
retire prior liens. A s i n k i n g f u n d began In 1908, to which $50,000 per ann.
is payable firs t 5 years, $60,000 per ann. next 5 years, $70,000 per ann.
next 5 years, $80,000 yearly following 5 years, $90,000 per ann. next 5 years,
$100,000 yearly follow ing 5 years and $150,000 per ann. thereafter. N o t
subject to call.
L o s A n g e l e s P a c i f i c C o . G e n . C o n s o l , bonds have a sink, fu n d, 1911 to 1915,
$10,000 per ann.; 1916 to 1920, $15,000 per ann.; 1921 to 1925, $40,000
ann.; 1926 to 1930, $75,000 per ann.; 1931 to 1944, $80,000 ann., and 1945
to 1946, $90,000 per ann. O f the $12,500,000 auth., $5,000,000 are re­
served for prior liens. Bonds are not callable.
7,os A n g e l e s P a c i f i c C o . 1*1 R e f . M t g e . — Subject to call as a whole or in
part on and after Jan. 1 1915 on any int. date at 105 and int. on 3 m onths’
notice. Interest payable at com p a n y’s office or agency in New Y ork .
S i n k i n g f u n d o f $5,000 per annum began In 1910.
$4.481,000 o f the bonds
aro guar., p. A i., b y Southern P acific C o .; remaining $3,817,000 bonds
held in Southern P acific R y .’s treasury.
R e d l a n d s S t . R y . 1st M t g e . 5 % B o n d s . — $50,000 aro reserved for the
previous Issue o f 6 % bonds. N o s i n k i n g f u n d s and bonds are not callable.
R e d l a n d s C e n t r a l R y . lsl M t g e . — S i n k i n g f u n d began July 1 1912 and retires
$1,000 per annum to July 1 1917, $2,000 next 5 years, $3,000 per annum fo l­
lowing 5 years, $4,000 next 5 years and $5,000 following 5 yrs. N ot callable.
L o s A n g e l e s & R e d o n d o lsl M t g e . — S i n k i n g f u n d retires$10,000 per annum.
Bonds are not redeemable.
S a n B e r n a r d i n o V a l l e y T r a c t i o n lsl M t g e . bonds are subject to call at 105.
Int. payable at First N at. Bank, Redlands, and at First N at. Bank,
Los Angeles.
S a n B e r n a d i n o V a l l e y T r a c . 1 s t & r e f . M t g e . bonds are red. at 105.
S in k ,
f u n d retires at 105 and int. 12 bonds during 1913-15 (incl.) during 1916 pays
o ff 13 bonds; during 1917 14 bonds: during 1918-27 pays o ff each year 25
bonds; during 1928-30, 37 bonds; 1931 and 1932 38 bonds each year.
O n t a r i o eft S a n A n t . H e i g h t s lsl M t g e . bonds are red. at 101 and int.
S in k ,
f u n d 1914 a n d following 4 years 1% o f outstanding bonds. 2 % thereafter.
E A R N IN G S .— For year onding Juno 30 1915, operating rovenuos, $ 8 ,­
874,507: not, after taxes, $2,351,228; other incom e, $48,130; bond interest,
$2,785,600; othor h it., A c ., $297,279; deficit, $683,521.
R O A D .— Operates an interurban electric railway system centering a
Los Angelos, extending into the counties o f Los Angeles, San Bernardino
Riverside and Orange and serves the cities o f Pasadena, San Bernardino
Riverside, C olton, Redlands, P om ona, Ontario, Santa A na, Long Beach
Venico, Ocean Park, Santa M on ica. R edondo. San Fernando, Owens
mouth and Lankcrshim.
Total miles operated, single track, 1,058.37
o f which 612.33 miles main track, 320.86 miles second track and
125.18 miles o f sidings and turnouts. Standard gauge. 48 electric lo co m o ­
tives, 653 passongcr cars, 955 freight cars and 62 trailers; 3 power stations.
43 sub-stations and 3 portable sub-stations. Power purchased from P a cific
Light A Power C o. and Southern California Edison C o.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Paul Shoup, San Francisco; V .-P ., A. K . Van
D ovcntcr, Now York: Sec., H. A . Culloden, Los Angeles; Treas.. I. W .
Heilman, San Francisco. General offices, P acific Electric B ldg., Los
Angolcs.— V . 95, p. 298, 750; V . 96. p. 203, 1298, 1365, 1773; V. 97, p. 522;
V . 99. p. 467, 1367, 1598, 1675; V . 101, p . 132; V . 102. p. 251.

T h o entiro $20,000,000 stock, except directors’ qualifying shares. Is
owned b y M r. I I . E . H untington,and, along with certain amounts o f differ­
ent bond issues o f this com pany and the P acific Electric R y . (see a b o v e ), is
pledged as security for the Huntington Land A Im provem ent collateral
trust issuo— seo V. 98, p. 527.
T ho Los Angeles R y . C o m p a n y was organized D ec. 2 1913 to merge the
Los Angeles R y . C o r p o r a t i o n and its subsidiary, the C ity R y . C o. o f Los
Angolcs (V . 97, p. 1733), but on M arch 5 1915 the Cal. R R . C om m , denied
its application to Issue $20,000,000 stock in exchange for tho $20,000,000
stock o f tho R y . C o r p . and the $5,000,000 stock o f tho C ity R y . and to
oxccuto a m tge. under which $23,544,000 bonds were to be issued in ex­
change for outstanding bonds o f the tw o com panies or bonds assumed by
thorn. V . 100, p. 901, 982. T ho Los Angeles Railway C o r p o r a t i o n
was incorporated in California on N ovem ber 7 1910 as successor to Los
Angeles Railway and acquired all the city narrow-gauge lines owned
by P acific Electric Railway and Los Angeles Interurban Railway, and



those portions o f L os Angeles & R edondo R y . and California-Pacific
R y . C o . lying north o f an east-and-west line running through Hawthorne
and Athens, thus com prising all the street railway business o f Los Angeles.
V . 91, p. 1386. M ore than 85 miles o f track is on private right o f w ay. All
main line and practically all down-tow n line f r a n c h i s e s extend beyond 1940.
Owns entire $5,000,000 stock o f the C ity R y . o f Los Angeles, incorporated
in D ec. 1910 to build new lines for the corporation. V . 91, p . 1766.
F a v o r a b l e D e c i s i o n .— In a decision handed down April 6 1915 the D istrict
C ourt o f Appeals in Los Angeles sustained the right o f the com pany to
charge 10-cont fares from the city to Eagle R o ck , Glassel and other points
in that district. See V. 100, p . 1438.
D a te.
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock $20,000,000______ ___ _ ______
L os Angeles R y C o r p 1st & ref 1910
5 g J-D
14.750,000 D ec 1 1940
M $20,000,000 g ($1,000) Los Angeles Trust & Savings B ank, Trustee.
sinking fu n d ____________ c*
Los A ng R y M $5,000,000 1899
5 g A -O
5.000,000 O ct 1 1938
gold ($1,000 each)_____ c* In t. at Union T rust C o ., San F ran., C a l., T r.
Los Angeles Trac 1st cons M
5 g J-D
250,000 D ec 1 1938
gold $250,000 ($1,000)____ St. Louis Union T r. C o ., St. Louis, Trustee.
C ity R y o f Los Angeles 1st M
5 F -A
3,613.000 Feb 1 1941
$5,000,000 ($1,000) gold .c* In t. at Los A ng. T r. & S. B k ., Los A ., T ru s.
B o n d s . — In t. on 1st & ref. M . bonds is payable at office o f trustee.
Bankers Trust C o ., N ew Y o rk , and b y arrangement at A nglo & London
Paris N at. B k ., San Fran. B onds are not subj. to call. B onds have sk. fd .
o f $10,000 per m onth (incl. s. f. on underlying bonds) to be invested in
first St ref. bonds at 105 and int. or less, or in approved securities; first
& ref. bonds purchased for s. f. to be kept alive, $505,000 bonds are held
in sink. fund. Y . 92, p. 262; V . 94, p. 1383; V. 95, p. 1273. On 30 days’
notice int. m ay be m ade payable at the National C ity Bank, N . Y . Int.
on the Los Angeles T rac. issue paid at Chase N at. Bank. N ew Y ork . $300.­
000 Los Angeles R y. M . bonds in sink. fd. C ity R y . C o. o f L . A . 1st M .
bonds have a sink. fd. 2 % per annum o f principal am ount o f bonds
beginning Jan. 1 1916.
E A R N IN G S .— For fiscal years ending June 30 :
F isc a l
Y ea r—

G ross
R even u e.

N e t , a fte r
T a xes.

F ix e d
C h a rg es.

B a la n c e ,
S u r p lu s .

1 9 1 4 -1 5 .................. $6,326,053
............ 7,003,000
P R O P E R T Y .— Comprises 389.08 miles o f track; 60, 72, 87 and 116-lb.
rails. Owns and controls 878 passenger cars, o f which 474 are o f P -A -Y -E
typ e, 182 center and 222 m isc. cars, and 97 work cars, &c. Has favorable
power contract with the Pacific L t. & P. C o ., the current being distributed
through the corporation’s own transmission system , com prising 432.56
miles o f line and 10 sub-stations.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., H . E . Huntington; V .-P . & Gen. M g r., n ow ard
H untington; Sec. & Troas., C . A . Henderson.— V . 96, p . 487, 1365; V . 97,
p . 521, 1733; V . 98, p. 523; Y . 100, p . 1348, 1438; Y . 101, p . 370.

[Vol. 102

C o . are deposited under this com p a n y’s m ortgage. Has purchased the
electrical equipment o f the K entucky & Indiana Bridge C o. and leases the
bridge for 25 years, thus affording independent entrance Into Louisville.
C om pany does electric lighting and express and freight business In addition
to passenger business. R oad Is m ainly on private right o f way.
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Com m on $3,500,000...................................................
Pref $1,500,000 Series A & B ______
See text
First m ortgago $2,500,000 g f 1905
5 g J-D
500,000 D ec 1 1925
($500 and $1,000)............c * {ln t . at Am erican T r. & Sav. B ank, C hicago.
I Trustee, or at Eliot N at. B ank, B oston.
B o n d s .— Unissued bonds can only be issued fo r 8 0% o f cost o f property
built or acquired. Are subject to call at 105 and Int. V . 82, p. 868.
S T O C K .— T he Series A pref. stock is 6 % cu m ., the Series B is cu m . and
Is entitled to 2 % in 1906. 3 % in 1907, 4 % in 1908, 5 % In 1909 and 6 % in
1910 and thereafter.
D i v i d e n d s . — Dividends from July 1 1906 on both classes o f pref. stock
were paid at rates called fo r up to A pril 1909, when % % was paid on both
classes; same am ount quarterly since to A p r. 1916.
R O A D .— Operates 20 miles o f track, Louisville to Sellersburg, with a line
branching o ff at W atson and running to Charlestown. A t Sellersburg
connects with Ind . & Loulsv. T rac. R y . C o ., running to Seym our, where
connection is m ade with the Ind. C ol. & So. (Interstate Public Service C o .) .
thus form ing a through line betw een Louisville and Indianapolis. T he
lino from Louisville to Charlestown will form part o f a through line between
Louisville and Cincinnati. Standard gauge. 70-lb. T rail.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Chester P. W ilson; V .-P ., Frank Smith: S ec., Ira
E . Guthrie, all o f Indianapolis; T reas., J. F . Stratton, Now A lbany, Ind.—
V . 82. p. 509, 868; V . 94, p . 1626.

(1) United G a s & Electric Co.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Indiana In 1902 and acquired the
N ew A lb a n y Gaslight & C oke C o ., N ew A lbany Light, H eat & Power C o .,
Jeffersonville E lectric Light, H eating, Gas & C oke C o. and Jofforsonville
Light & W ater C o .; also controls the Louisville & Southern Indiana T ra c.
C o . Does entire gas and electric-lighting business in N ew A lbany and
Jefferson ville, and supplies also P ort Fulton, Silver G rove and Clarkville.
F r a n c h i s e s , 45 years in N ew A lbany and 50 years in Jeffersonville from 1902;
in other towns from 20 to 40 years. Guarantees the $250,000 first m ortgage
bonds o f N ew A lbany Street R y . C o .
D a te .
I n ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
$1,000,000 _____ ______
Stock $1,000,000 ($100)____________
First m tge $750,000 ($1,000) ( 1902
5 g J-J
See text
g o ld -----------------------;_____ c*{In terest at American Trust & Savings B ank,
1 C h ic., T ru s., and at E liot N at. B k ., B os.
First consolidated m ortgage! 1904
5 g J-J
See text
$1,500,000 gold ($500 and( Interest at American T rust & Savings Bank,
$1,000)_________________ c* { C h ic., T ru s., or at E liot N a t. B k ., B oston.
B o n d s . — $671,000 first consols are reserved to retire a like am ount o f
first 5s; and $79,000 havo boon retired. B oth issues mature serially from
1907 to 1942, but tho bonds o f 1902 m ay bo called at 105 and int.; tho now
consols are callable after July 1 1924 at 105 and Int. See V . 79, p . 2458.
Y e a r e n d i n g J u n e 30—
1914-15. 1913-14. 1912-13. 1911-12Gross earnings.......................................... $331,595 $334,730 $317,625 $312,682
Operating expenses and taxes_______ 230,304 221,579 202,361 200,702

L O U IS V IL L E , K Y .
L O U IS V IL L E T R A C T IO N C O — A holding com pany.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In New Jersey on July 5 1903 and
acquired practically all o f tho stock o f the Louisville R y . C o . Holders o f
com m on stock o f Louisville R y ., on paym ont o f $55 in cash, received threo
shares o f new com m on stock in exchange for each share o f old stock held.
N et earnings.................................... .$101,291 $113,151 $115,264 $111,980
H olders o f the old preferred stock o f the Louisville R y . received share for
share o f new preferred, with a bonus o f 20% in com m on. T h o new com ­ Interest, & c............................
pany provided the Louisville R y . C o . with needed m oney to be used for
B a la n c o ................
$36,423 $41,809 $40,587
im provem ents, the railway com pany issuing $1,100,000 com m on stock
therefor. See V . 79, p . 968. In April 1907 authorized com m on stock o f
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Chester P. W ilson; V .-I\ , Frank P . Smith; S ec.,
the T raction C o. was Increased from $12,000,000 to $15,000,000. V . 84, Ira E . Guthrie, all o f Indianapolis; T roas., J. F. Stratton, N ow A lbany.
p. 931. In April 1908 preferred stock was increased from $2,500,000 to In d .— V . 81, p . 1794; V . 82, p. 871; V . 85, p . 737, 1466.
$3,500,000 and the additional $1,000,000 offered to stockholders at par, all
o f which was taken.
L o u is v ille & S o u th e rn In d ia n a T r a c t io n C o .
T h e old Louisville R y . C o. was incorporated Jan. 22 1867, and is a K en­
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. In Indiana under the General Railroad
tucky com p any, owning all the street railways in the city o f Louisville and Laws In 1903, and is successor to the Southern Indiana Interurban Railway
its suburbs, l t has $5,500,000 com m on stock and $2,500,000 preferred, C o . Leases the N ew A lbany Street R ailway C o. for 25 years from A ug. 1
practically ail owned b y the Louisville Traction C o . F r a n c h i s e s are 1903 (with privilege o f renewal for 25 years) at a yearly rental o f $500, the
partly for 99 years from 1886 and partly perpetual.
int. charges and taxes and divs. o f 4 % on $100,000 preferred stock. V . 77,
T h e Louisville & Interurban R y . has been organized in the Interest o f p. 769. In Sept. 1904 acquired the Highland R It. for $10,000 in bonds.
the Louisville R y . to construct a system o f urban and interurban lines. N o V . 79, p. 1643. In D ec. 1905 acquired the Jeffersonville C ity R y . See
securities have been issued except $4,000,000 stock (Increased to that V . 81, p . 1792. Is controlled b y tho United Gas & E loctric C o ., which see
amount in February 1913) to Louisville R y . C o. In Jan. 1911 Louis­ above. F r a n c h i s e s owned are for 50 years; also perm itted to carry freight.
ville & Interurban R R . acquired tho Louisville & Eastern R R . (all o f whoso
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
bonds, construction notes, receivers’ certificates, & c., and about all tho
stock, was owned b y Louisville & Interurban), sold at foreclosure on Jan. 3 C om m on $2,000,000 ($10)............................. ..........
P ref 6 % cum $1,000,000 ( $ 1 0 ) ____
432,080 .....................
1911. V . 92, p . 59, 262.
First m ortgago $ 1,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 (1 9 0 3
5 g M -S15 1,000,000 Sept 151923
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
D a te .
gold ($500 and $1,000)__c * (I n t . at Am er. T rust & Sav. B ank, C hicago,
C om m on $15,000,000_______________
$11,889,700 A p r .’ 1 6,1 %
and U. S. T rust C o ., Louisville, Trustees.
P ref 5 % cum $3,500,000____ ______
p r’ 16,2)^
N ew AAlbany
St R%y $250,0001 1902
5 F-A
250,000 A ug 1 1927
Louisville R y gen m tge gold 1910
5g F
4,035,000 B*ob 1 1950
at U . S. T rust C o ., Louisville, T rustee.
• $20,000,000 ($ 1 ,0 0 0 )-.c * t f Interest at German B ank, Louisville.
B o n d s . — 1st M . bonds have no sk. fd ., but are subj. to call after 10 yrs. at
Louisville R y cons M gold 1890
5 g J-J
6.000,000 July 1 1930
$6,000,000 (listN Y ) _ . c * t f In t. at N ational Bank o f C om m erce, N . Y .; 105 & int. See V . 77, p. 769, 2339. New A lbany St. R y. bonds are su b j.
Fidelity-C ol. T r. C o ., Louisville, Trustee. to call on any int. date at 105 & int. and are guar, by United Gas & E lec.
Louisville R y 2d m tge, $2,­ 1900 4 H g M - S
2,000.000 M ar 1 1940
R O A D .— Operates 33 miles o f track, including 1 0 % miles leased from
1 .0 0 0 )-.-t f Interest at German B ank, Louisville.
________gold ($
ew A lbany Street R y. and also line between N ew A lbany and Jefferson­
Bonds.— $8,000,000 o f the gen. m tge. bonds o f 1910 are reserved to retire N
prior liens; the remainder is for extensions and Im provem ents. B onds are ville, and city lines in Jeffersonville. An extension to Louisville was com ­
pleted in Sept. 1905. Has a contract with “ Big Four” R R . for tho use
not subject to call. Fidelity-C ol. Trust C o ., Louisville, trustee.
Dividends.— On Traction pref., 5 % per annum. On com . the first semi­ o f its bridge over Ohio River and with Loulsvillo R ailw ay C o ., allowing its
annual dividend, 1 % % . was paid O ct. 1 1904. In 1905, 3 % . In 1906, cars to enter Louisville. Has erected an interurban terminal on Third S t.,
Louisville. Girder rails, 90 lbs.; T and girdor rails, 75 and 7 1 % lbs.
and 1907, 4 % . In 1908, 3 % . 1909 and since, 4 % per annum.
O F F IC E R S .— Same as for Loulsv. & N or. R y . & L tg . C o .— V .8 1 ,p .l7 9 2 .
R O A D .— T ho Louisville R y . C o. owns 175H miles o f track on 7754 miles
o f street, with 1314 miles outside city limits; all is electric. A ffords entrance
into Louisville for the L ou. & N or. R y . & L tg. C o. and L ou. & Sou. Ind.
M cA L E S T E R , O K L A .
T ra c. C o. T h e Louisville & Interurban operates 102 miles o f track In Jef­
ferson C ou n ty, incl. extensions to La Grango and to Shelbyville in Oldham
C H O C T A W P O W E R & L IG H T C O .
and Shelby counties.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in M aine in A pril 1916 to succeed the
R E P O R T .— O f Louisville Railway C o. for fiscal years ending D e c. 31. C hoctaw R y . & Lighting C o . sold at foroclosuro (V . 101, p . 1272, 2071:
C a l.
G ross
N et
O th er
I n t.A
P f .D io .
C o m m o n B a la n c e ,
V . 102, p. 1539). Stock, com m on, $1,000,000; 6 % cu m . p rof., $250,000.
Y ea r. R even u e.
E a r n in g s .
In com e.
T a xes.
(5 % ). D i v i d e n d . S u r p l u s .
B onds, first m ortgage 5s, open Issuo authorized.
1915-$2,940,501 $1,414,770 $180,000 $922,144 $125,000 $545,650 $1,976
R O A D .— Oporates in cities o f M cAIester and Ilartshom e, and an in te r­
1914- 3,166.482 1.369,818 180.000 876,225 125,000 545.650
urban lino, over private right o f w ay, between tho two cities. 23.26 m . o f
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., T . J. M inary; V .-P ., A . P . H um phrey; Sec. & track. Standard gauge; rail, 66-70-lb. T . 12 passenger cars, 7 othor cars.
T rea s., Samuel G . B oyle.— V . 94. p. 351, 826, 1179; V. 96, p . 553, 790,
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., C . N . M ason , N . Y .; V .-P ., J . A . Traw ick, B oston;
1016; V . 98, p . 832: V . 100, p. 733. 975; V . 102, p. 713, 880.
Sec.-T reas., S. M . B achm an, N . Y .; Gen. M g r., W . I I . V orco, M cAIester.
N . Y . o ffice , 71 Broadway.


O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in M arch 1912 in Indiana as successor to
the Indianapolis & Louisville T r a c t i o n C o . , sold at foreclosure on M arch 21
1912. V . 94, p. 911. F r a n c h i s e s in cities and towns are for 50 years from
1905; rem ainder is on private right o f w ay.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
C om m on stock $600,000..........................................
$596,200 .............. ......
Preferred stock $ 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 .................
576,750 ___________
First m ortgage $1,500,000 g\ 1912
5 g A-O
849,800 A pril 1 1942
($100, $500 & $ l,0 0 0 )-c* tfJ In t. at Colonial Tru st C o ., P lttsb ., Trustee.
B o n d s . — O f remaining 1st M . bonds $650,200 are for im pts. and extens.
at 8 0% o f co s t. Subj. to ca ll on any int. date at 105 and int. Sink, fund o f
2 % per annum begins O ct. 1 1917, Increasing 1% each year to and including
A pril 1 1921, then reduced to 1% per annum thereafter.
E A R N IN G S .— F or year ending D ec. 31 1915, gross, $137,902; net, after
taxes, $45,759. In 1914, gross, $142,951; net, after taxes, $46,487.
R O A D .— 40.9 miles o f track from Sellersburg (from which point cars
are run into Louisville over tracks o f Louisville & Northern R y . & Ltg. C o .)
to Seym our, from which place it enters Indianapolis over the tracks o f tho
Ind. C ol. & South. (Interstate Public Service C orp .) T hrough cars from
Louisville to Indianapolis were put into operation in 1908. Standard
gauge; 75-lb. T rails.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres. & G en. M g r., John E . Greeley, Scottsburg, In d .;
V .- P ., M ark Storen, Scottsburg, In d .; S ec., Nathan G . E ystcr, P itts­
burgh, P a .; T reas., Jas. O. C haplin, Pittsburgh, P a .— V . 100, p . 733.

Interests Identified with the M iddle W est Utilities C o. are in control.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated under the general railroad laws o
Indiana in D ec. 1905. $900,000 o f tho $1,000,000 stock o f the United
Gas & E lectric C o. and $232,700 stock o f the N ew A lbany W ater-W orks

M cK e e s p o r t , p a .
P IT T S B U R G H M cK E E S P O R T & W E S T M O R E L A N D R Y .
E . J. W iedenmann bought the property at auction on June 17 1915 for
$95,000 in the interests o f the Union T rust C o. o f Jorsey C ity and others.
T he road runs between Irwin and M cK eesp ort, abou t 11 m iles.— V . 99,
p. 467; V . 100, p . 1438.
G E O R G IA L IG H T , P O W E R & R A IL W A Y S .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Is a voluntary association form ed under M assa­
chusetts laws in Sept. 1911. Has acquired all tho com . stock o f M acon R y .
& Light C o ., practically all the co m . & prof, stocks o f M acon Gas C o .,
$3,660,000 (of tho $4,000,0001 stock o f tho Central Georgia Power C o . and
tho entire capital stock o f tho Central Georgia Transmission C o . Also
owns over $1,573,000 6 % securities o f its constituent com panies Issued for
new construction, & c.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
D a te .
In te rest.
C om m on $8,000,000 ($100)........................... .............. $7,660,000 _____ ______
P ref $2,000,000 6 % n-c ( $ 1 0 0 ) ____
Soo text
First lien m tge $6,500,000? 1911
5 M -S
gold ($1,000)............c * & r -. (N ew York T rust C o ., N ew Y ork , Trustco.
C on v debs $500,000 gold? 1914
6 F -A
500,000 F ob. 1 1917
($ 1 ,0 0 0 ).................... .......... c\ N ow Y ork Trust C o ., N . Y ., Trustee.
S t o c k a n d B o n d s . — Prof, shares are callable at 110 and are prof, as to prln.
and dividend; are listed on Pittsburgh Stock Exchango. C om m on stock
is listed on the Pittsburgh, C hicago and London stock exchanges. T he
remaining $2,926,000 first Hon bonds are reserved under careful restrictions
for acquisitions o f other securities and for extensions and linpts. B onds aro
secured b y deposit o f all the securities owned b y G a. L t. P . & R ys. lie d , at


May , 1916. J

105 & Int. on any int. date on 30 days’ notice. Prln. & lnt. payable at o ffice
o f A . B . L each & O o .. N . Y ., or Bank o f Scotland, London. Annual sk. fd .,
$50,000 1916 to 1920, $75,000 1921 to 1925 and $100,000 1926 to 1940.
V . 93, p. 1532. Bonds are listed on C hicago, Pittsburgh and London stock
exchanges. T he debentures o f 1914 arc convertible into prof, stock.
D i v i d e n d s .— Quarterly dlvs. o f 1 )4 % were paid from Jan. 1 1913 to Jan. 1
1915, incl.; none since.
E A R N IN G S .— For the 12 m os. end. D ec. 31 1915 Interest and d iv s..
$115,576, less all Income deductions, incl. Int. charges and general expenses,
& c., $182,439; deficit, $66,863. The com bined results o f the co . and its
subsidiaries, w ith inter-com pany Items eliminated, for 1915 wero: Gross,
$839,203; not, after taxes, $401,773; interest charges, $381,179; not in­
com e, $20,594.
P R O P E R T Y .— Through controlled com panies operates entire electric
railway and gas business In M acon ; furnishes electric light and power in
M a con , M on tlcello. Forsyth, Barnesville, G riffin. B ib b , Thom aston and
H am pton, G a .; also sells a large am ount o f electricity in A tlanta.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., G eo. P . T o b y , N . Y .; V .-P ., J. D . Everitt; Sec. &
T reas., F . B . Lasher; A sst. Sec. & Asst. Treas., W . E . Fulcher.— V. 94, p .
630; V . 95, p. 544; V . 98, p. 912, 1844; V . 102, p . 1436.

(1) Macon Railway & Light Co.
Entire com m on stock is owned b y Georgia L t ., Power & R ys.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Georgia on O ct. 23 1902 b y the
Railways & Light C o . o f Am erica as a consolidation o f the M acon C onsoli­
dated Street R y ., the M acon Electric Light & R y ., the N orth & South
M acon Street R y . and the M etropolitan Street R y
T h e city ordinance
perm itting the consolidation, passed on Sept. 16 1902, granted a 60-year
fr a n c h is e .
F or terms, see V . 75, p. 733.
C ontrol o f tho Goorgia Public Sorv. C orp. (incorp. in G a. in M a y 1912)
was acquired in O ct. 1913 b y interests friondly to tho M acon R y . & L t. C o.
and Central Georgia Pow . C o. V . 97, p. 1286.
in Juno 1914 Georgia R R . Commission sanctioned the issue o f $700,000
additional com m on stock, making the total $1,600,000.
On A ug. 24 1915 the R R . C om m , denied tho petitions o f the com pany
and tho Georgia Pub. Sorv. Corp. to increase electric light and power rates
in M a con . See V . 101, p. 694.
O u tsta n d in g .
D a te .
In te rest.
M a tu r ity ,
Com m on $1,600,000 ($ 1 0 0 )......................................
Prof $300,000 ($100) 6% c u m . -----6 A-O
See text.
M acon R y & L t 1st cons m tg e/ 1903
5 g J-J
_______ Jan
g $1,000,000 ($1,000) _ c* tf lin t , at E quitable T r. C o .. N . Y . , T rustee.
M acon Elec L t & Ity 1st m tg e/ 1899
6 g J-J
42,500 Jan 1 19 2 9
$100,000 ($500) g o ld -c * t flI n t . at E quitable T r. C o ., N . Y . , T rustee.
B o n d s .— M acon R y . & Lt. 1st consols are subject to call on any interest
date at 110 and int. $41,000 bonds, $12,300 com . and $16,400 pref. stock
aro hold b y Savannah Trust C o . to retire tho $42,500 bonds remaining o u t.
See V. 76. p . 212.
D i v i d e n d s . — 6 % per annum has beon paid s .-a .o n p ref., 1903 to April
1916 incl.
R O A D .— Owns and operates about 36.14 miles o f track, all o f which has
beon ro-laid with 70-lb. rails. 54 cars.
E A R N IN G S .— For years ending D ec. 31:
Y e a r e n d in g
D e c . 31—

G ross

N e t (a fte r

I n te rest o n

P r e f. D iv .

B a la n c e ,

E a r n in g s .
T a x es ).
B onds, A c .
(6 % ).
D e fic it.
191 5 .......................$430,869
- - - - - - 455,522
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., W m . II. Felton; V .-P ., P . G . Gosslor; S ec., E . W .
Cabanlss; Treas., R ichard Oudersluys.— V . 97, p. 1286; V . 101, p. 694.

(2) Macon Gas Co.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in G a. In 1852. W as form erly M acon Gas
L t. & W ater C o ., but in O ct. 1911 transferred its water plant to the city
and changed name to present title. Controls entire gas business o f M acon
Practically all tho $480,000 com . and $20,000 pref. stock is owned b y G a.
L t ., Power & R ys. Com pany has no bonds.
D e c i s i o n .— On N o v . 3 1914 Judge M athews in tho Superior C ourt sus­
tained the demurrer o f the com pany to a petition o f two m inority s to ck ­
holders asking for tho appointm ent o f a receiver and an order directing
the com pany to sovor its relations with the Georgia Light, Power & Rys. C o .
T he petition was dismissed except that part under which an injunction was
granted previously, to restrain tho com pany from Increasing its capital
stock above $500,000. See further particulars in V . 99. p . 1455.
E A R N IN G S .— For years ending D ec. 31:
D e c . 31
G ross
N e t (.a fte r
In te rest
P r e fe r r e d
B a la n c e
Y ears—
E a m in g s.
T a x es ).
o n N o tes .
D iv s .
S u r p lu s .
1915 ..................... $139,738
1914....................... 147,201
Has 3 gas holders and over 50 miles o f mains, & c. Output now exceeds
100,000,000 cu . ft. per annum.— V . 93. p . 942, 1537; V . 99, p . 1455.
(3) C en tra l G e o r g ia P ow er C o.
Georgia L t.. Power & R ys. owns $3,660,000 stock .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in G a. on M arch 4 1907 as B ib b P ow . C o.
and in Jan. 1908 changed nam e to present title. Began opor. Juno 1 1911
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te.
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r itu
Stock $4,0 00 ,0 0 0 ............................
.................. $4,000,000
M tge $3,000,000 g ($1,000,1 1908
5 M -N
2.964,000 M a y l 'i 9 3 8
$500 & $ 10 0 , or £ equiv-f Empire Trust C o ., N ow Y ork, Trustee
a le n t).........................c*& r*_)
B o n d s . — Int. on bonds Is payable at office o f A . B . Leach & C o
or Bank o f Scotland, London. Subject to call at 105 and int. for sic fd or
any or all at com pany’s option on any Int. d a y. S i n k i n g f u n d o f 1 % 'o r
bonds out began in 1913. V . 88. p . 1199.
u 1
a or 1 /o or
E A R N IN G S .— For 12 m os. end. D ec. 31 1915, gross, $355,577- not
$257,213; int. on bonds, & c., $210,946; surplus, $46,267.
P R O P E R T Y .— Owns hydro-electric plant (capacity 16,000 elec. h . p
ultimately to bo increased to 24,000 elec. h. p.) on Ocmulgoo R iver, near
Jackson. Transmission lines oxtond to M a con , Forsyth, Jackson, B ib b
Barnesville, Thom aston and G riffin, connecting at the last-named point
with tho line o f tho Central Georgia Transmission C o. (whoso entire ca p i­
tal stock and bonds aro owned b y G a. L t., Power & R y s.), running to
H am pton and^Atlanta. T otal length o f transmission linos, 125 m iles.—
M A D IS O N , IN D .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. in Indiana July 25 1896.
Operates 4
mllos o f stroot railway In M adison and supplies light and power to M adison
N orth M adison, H anover and rural district. F r a n c h i s e s expire In 1952.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock, $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 ---.................. r .................- ............... $150,000
First m tge $150,000 goid\ 1912
6 J-J
128,000 July" 1* 19 4 2
($ 1 ,0 0 0 )............................ tfjP ittsb u rg h . P a ., T r. C o ., Trustee.
Remaining bonds aro reserved for add ns and im pts. at 9 0% o f cost
S i n k i n g f u n d o f $1,000 per annum from July 1 1917 to 1922 and $2 000 anl
nually thereafter, callable at 102)4 and int.
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending D ec. 31 1915, gross, $53,538* net $16 483: insurance and taxes, $1,323; bond in t., $6,840; surplus $8 320
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Treas. & Gen. M g r., M . F . Tennis; V - P C h a s
O . Tennis; Sec. & A u d ., M . R obinson.— V. 98, p. 1767.
M A D IS O N ,

W IS .

It is roported that the co. has changed Its name to tho "M a d ison R vs "
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Successor to tho M adison & lnterurban T raction
C o ., which was Incorp. in Jan. 1905. and on Sept. 1 1905 purchased tho
M adison Traction C o ., which was itself successor to tho M adison E lectric
R y . F r a n c h i s e s oxpiro in 1932, 1938 and 1944, and aro practically exclusive.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r itu
Stock $ 100 ,0 0 0 ($ 10 0 ) .........................
- .............. $50,000
M a d & Interur T rac 1st m tge 1906 5 g M -N
620,000 M a v 'V 193?
$685,000 gold ($1,000)_c* Int. at Citizens’ Sav. & T r. G o.,C Iov. T rust
G ®?l_rtR8e 82,000,000 gold 1907 5 g J-J
565,000 Juno 25 1932
($500 and $1,000)............c* Int. at M erch. Loan & T r. C o ., C hic. Trust
B o n d s . — M a d . & Interur. T rac. m tge. was for $1,200,000, but m tge. was
closed and only $685,000 issued, tho balance being canceled. W hole issue
callable on any int. date at 102 and Int. on 60 d a ys’ notice. Originally


bonds had no s. f., but b y terms o f supplemental m tge. $10,000 was m ade
payable A ug. 20 1912, $15,000 A ug. 20 1913 and $20,000 annually on each
A ug. 20 thereafter until m aturity. V . 92, p . 1566. $65,000 have been
canceled. O f the gen. m tg e., $620,000 are reserved to retire a bove prior
* E A R N IN G S .— F or year end. D ec. 31 1914, gross. $273,085; net, after
taxes, $86,797.
R O A D .— Owns 15 m iles o f standard-gauge track. Including lines In M a d i­
son, and extension to Fair Oaks, Elm side, Lake Park Cemetery and South
M adison.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., F. W . M ontgom ery; V .-P ., D u dley M on tgom ery;
SeCrn,& ,rT o^aa-' b a r r e n M ontgom ery; S upt., D . M on tgom ery.— V . 79.
p . 501; V . 80, p . 1174; V . 83, p . 96, 156; V . 92, p . 1566.
M A N C H E S T E R T R A C T IO N , L IG H T & P O W E R C O .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in 1901 in N ow H ampshire and co m ­
prises the several light, power and street railway properties in and around
M anchester. T he com pany owns the stock o f the M anchester Electric C o .
M anchester Elec. L t. C o ., M anchester St. R y ., M anchester & Nashua St.
R y . (name changed from G offs Falls Litchfield & Hudson St. R y . in F eb.
1907), and M anchester & Derry St. R y . M anchester St. R y . stock now
authorized and issued $1,219,500. Also owns entire capital stock o f the
Nashua L t ., H t. & P ow . C o ., which does tho light, power and gas business
in Nashua, N . H .
F r a n c h i s e s perpetual.
lnterurban roads and m ain transmission lines
on private right o f w ay, except through cities and towns
The 3 -yr. 5 % notes were issued to retire $415,000 floatin g d ebt incurred
for additions to plant and to provide for the construction o f a new steam
turbine roservo station with an initial capacity o f 8,300 h. p ., including a
now steel tower transmission line on private right o f w ay, and a sub-station
at M anchester.
D a te.
In terest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu ritu .
Stock $5,000,000 ($100).......................
Q-J 15
$3,680,600 A p r ’ 16, 2 %
First consol m tge $2,000,000/ 1901
5 g A-O
1,750,000 April 1 1921
gold ($1,000)_______ c*ntt\Interest at American T ru st C o ., B oston, T r.
M anchester Electric Light C o t 1897 5 g A -O
173,000 O ct 1 1 9 1 7
first m tge $250,000..........t f I
M anchester & Nashua 1st] 1906 5 g J -D
200,000 June 1 1926
M gold $300,000 ($ l,0 0 0 )tf In t. at American T r. C o ., ilo sto n , T rustee.
M an & D erry St R y 1st m tge 1907
5 J-D
125,000 D ec 1 1927
$500,000 ($1,000) guar_t f Int. at American T r. C o ., B oston , Trustee.
C oupon
$2,000,000 1915
5 g J -D
1,000.000 June 1 1918
5 0 0 )-.c * t—
f In t. at Am er. T rust C o ., B oston, Trustee.
_______ & $________
B o n d s .— O f the new first consolidated m ortgage, $250,000 aro reserved to
retiro tho bonds o f tho M anchester E lectric Light C o. $77,000 o f that com ­
pany’s bonds have been purchased for the sinking fun d. T he M anchester
& Nashua St. R y . and the M anchester & Derryi St. R y . bonds are guaran­
teed, prln. and in t., b y M an. T ra c., L t. & Power C o. T he notes are calla­
ble as a whole at 101 and lnt. on any int. day on 30 d a ys’ notice.
P R O P E R T IE S .— Tho different roads controlled com prise 65.479 miles
o f track, as follows: M anchester Street R ailw ay, 42.726 miles; M an­
chester & Nashua Street R y ., 14.335 miles; M anchester & D erry St. R y .,
8.418 miles. 106 passenger and 18 m isc. cars. 4 hydro-electric plants
present capacity approx. 10,000 h. p .; 2 steam reserve stations at M anches-

R E P O R T .— O f the M anchester T ra c., L t. & P ow . C o . and M anchester
Street R y . for years ending June 30:
Y ea r en d .

G ross

N e t (a fte r

In te rest,

B o n d S in k -

B a la n c e ,

J u n e 30— E a m i n g s .
T a x e s ).
& c .*
f o r D iv s ., A c
1914-15------- $1,325,955
1913-14......... 1,308,541
* Includes portion o f Manchester St. R y . surplus n o t applicable to M an­
chester T ra c., L t. & Pow er. C o .

™ ° F Ei P E R S — Pres-- E - c - Foster; V .-P . & Gen. M g r., J. B rodie Sm ith;
Clerk, Edwin F . Jones; Treas., P . L . Saltonstall; A sst. T reas., Clem ent R .
P- 1787; V . 97. p. 117, 176, 1583, 1895; V . 98. p . 1157; V .
99, p . 1673; V . 100, p. 1514. 1752, 2009; V . 102. p . 66.
M A N S F IE L D , O .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Formed in 1915 b y the holders o f the $350,000
rof. stock o f the M ansfield R y ., L t. & Pow . C o . (see "E le c. R y .” Sec. for
opt. 1915), who had brought suit against the com m on stockholders o f
that com pany, asking for the dissolution o f the corporation. T he C ourt
orderod Its dissolution and the sale o f its assets (appraised at $1,430,000).
which were acquired b y the new com pany in Sept. 1915 for $10,000 subject
to tho $942,000 bonds shown In the table. V . 101, p . 1189. Com pare
V . 95, p. 1542; V . 96. p . 63. Stock o f new com pany was fixed at 3,500
shares o f $1 each. Owns entire street railway and electric-light systems
in the city. C ity f r a n c h i s e runs till 1925.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
Stock $3,500 ( $ 1 ) . . . ........................ ..............................
$3,500 ................ ..
Citizens’ flrst m tge ($400.-1 1901
200,000 April 1 1923
000) ($500) — .................... /I n t . at Cleveland T r. C o ., C lov e., Trustee.
M ans Ity L& P gen m tge $1.-1 1903
5 g A -O
742,000 April 1 1918
000,000 (S500&$1.000)-C*/Union Sav B k. & T r. C o .. C in ., Trustee.
B o n d s .— Interest on the bonds o f the M ansfield R ailw ay Light & Power
C o. Is payable at Union Savings Bank & Trust C o ., C incinnati. $200,000
bonds aro reserved to retire the bonds o f tho old C itizens' C om pany and
$58,000 for futuro acquisitions and im pts. A reservo fund o f $10,000 per
annum Is maintained, to be used for extensions and im provem ents. N o t
subject to call. See V . 76, p. 810.
E A R N IN G S .— For year end. D ec. 3 11915, gross, $248,496; net, $35,607;
bond in t., $47,100; d eficit, $11,493.
R O A D .— Owns and operates 9 miles o f track in M ansfield and an inter­
urban lino o f 12 miles to Shelby; 60 and 70-lb. T rail. 24 cars.
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., Frederick nortenstein, Cincinnati; V .-P ., R eid
Carpenter, M ansifled; S ec., S. A . F oltz, M ansfield.— V . 101, p . 1189.


M A R IO N , IL L .
C O A L B E L T E L E C T R IC R Y .
In 1904 passed into control o f the St. Louis Iron M tn . & Sou. R y . O o.
D a te.
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu ritu .
Stock $300,000 ($ 1 0 0 )................................................
$300,000 _________ _
E A R N IN G S .— F or fiscal year ending June 30 1915, gross, $74,197; net.
$8,819; taxos, & c., $1,977; Interest, $6,842; surplus, none.
R O A D .— Operates 15.33 miles or track from M arion to Carterville and
Herrin. Standard gauge. 52 to 70-lb. T rail.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., J. G . Drew; V .-P ., A . R obertson; Gen. M g r.,
J. F . M urphy; Sec., F . W . Irland; Treas., F . M . H ickm an; G en. A u d ..
J. G . L ivergood , St. Louis; S u p t., H . H . B erry, Illm o, M o .
M A R IO N , O H IO .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Ohio in M a y 1913 as a reorganiza­
tion o f tho Columbus M arion & Bucyrus R R . , sold under foreclosure per
plan V. 96, p . 1488, 1839.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te.
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity
S tock. $350,000................................. ..
$350,000 . .
First m tge, $100,000............t f 1914
6% g
G en& R of M , $356,000. g o ld t f 1914
See text.
B o n d s .— T ho 1st M . 6s are red. at 102)4 and lnt. on any int. day.
Rem aining $65,000 is held b y trustee pending construction o f power-house.
T h e interest on tho gen. & ref. m tge. bonds Is 3 % for the 1st and 2d
years. 4 % 3d and 4th years and 6% thereafter. $100,000 reserved to
retiro 1st M . bonds. V . 96, p. 1488, 1839.
E A R N IN G S .— For cal. year 1915, gross, $32,019; n et, after taxes, $6,467
O F F IC E R S .— P res., G eo. W hysall; V .-P . & T rea s., Jas. H . Caldwell!
T r o y , N . Y .; Sec. & A sst. T reas., R . C . Oswald.— V . 99. p . 196, 537.



M A R IO N & S U B U R B A N R A IL W A Y C O .
R e c e i v e r s h i p — Int. due O ct. 1 1909 Is In default.
In Feb. 1910 G eo. W hy
sail was appointed receiver. Suit has been brought against the directors
for an accounting o f the proceeds o f bonds. T he hearing was begun before
U . S. District Judge Hollister at Cincinnati on O ct. 19 1914. V. 99, p . 1528.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Ohio Sept. 25 1906 to build the
necessary extensions o f trackage to the local M arion C ity lines demanded
by the C ity o f M arlon. 1>4 miles com pleted; none In operation; no work Is
being done.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
S tock. *250,000................................... ..............
$250,000 .....................
First m ortgage. $250,000./ 1906
5 g A -O
gold ($500)_______ ________ {Interest at Cincinnati Trust C o ., Trustee.
B a n d s . — Subject to call after 1912 at 110.
Sinking fund o f $5,000 per
annum after 1912.
O F F I C E R S — Pres.. G eo. IT. H olzbog: V .-P ., J. G . W ebb; T reas., N . J.
C a trow ; S ec.. H . B . Ilane.— V . 99. p . 1528.
M A T T O O N , IL L .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorp. In Illinois In 1902 as the M a ttoon C ity R yand on A ug. 25 1910 changed its namo to the abov e. V . 91. p. 655. Up
to A ug. 1 1912 did meroly an electric light, power and heat business in
M a ttoon and an electric light and power business in Charleston and Kansas,
111., bosides operating street railways in M a ttoon and Charleston and an
interurban railway between those tw o points. But on July 29 1912 in­
creased capital stock from $330,000 to $6,000,000 ($2,500,000 p ro f.), and
on A ug. 1 1912 began acquiring additional public service properties in C en­
tral, Southern and W cstorn Illinois, doing electric light and power, gas and
street railway business. For list o f properties see V . 95, p. 1744. On
A ug. 31 1912 m ade a 1st and ref. m tge. to the Continental A C om m . T r. &
Sav. Bank, C hicago.
In N o v . 1913 increased auth. capital stock from $6,000,000 ($3,500,000
com . and $2,500,000 pref.) to $10,000,000 ($5,000,000 oa ch ). V . 97. p.
O u ts ta n d in g
M a tu r ity .
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
$4,000,000 .....................
C om m on $5,000,000__________ _____
3.225.000 ....... ............
Preferred 6 % cum $ 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .------------------4.838.000 A ug 1 1952
First and refunding m ortgage/ 1912
5 F-A
gold ($1,000)___________ c*{In terest payable In N ow Y ork.
Underlying bonds ________________
805.000 ----------------10-year gold debentures______ ______
1,257,000 -----------------3-year gold notes_____________ ______
3.000.000 ---------- . - —
B o n d s . — T he first and ref. bonds are red. at 105 on any interest dato.
Additional bonds m ay bo issued under certain restrictions. See V . 95. p.
1744. $124,000 bonds in addition to am ount reported outstanding are
in treasury.
R O A D .— Owns streot railways In A nna, M a ttoon , T aylorville and
Charleston. T he Central Illinois T raction C o ., whose stock and bonds
aro deposited under the m ortgage, owns an Interurban railway between
M a ttoon and Charleston and a street railway In Paris. It is contem plated
later to oxtend the Interurban to a connection at Paris with an interurban
lino now operating between Pari3 and Indianapolis.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Marshall E . Sampsell; V .-P ., G . W . H amilton;
S ec., E. V. Graham: T reas., Henry M . B rooks.— V . 88, p. 52; V . 91. p.
655; V . 95, p. 618. 1744; V . 96, p. 1020; V . 97, p . 1583.
C A R B O N T R A N S IT C O .— A trolley road.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in July 1908 In Pennsylvania as a re­
organization o f the Carbon Street R y . sold at foreclosure sale M a y 16 1908.
Property Is being Improved b y reconstruction, new equipm ent, A c ., in­
cluding tho developm ent o f Flagstaff Park on Flagstaff M ountain, which Is
850 feet a bove and overlooks the picturesque M auch Chunk.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a le .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock $150,000 ($50)..........................
5 g F-A
150,000 A ug 1 1938
1st m tge $i50.O0O ($100 and 1908
$500) gold .......................c * tf Int. at M auch Chunk Trust C o ., M auch
Chunk, P a ., trustee.
46.100 Juno 1 1940
m tge _________
gold 5 g J-D
($100 and $500)______ c * t f{l n t . at M auch Chunk Trust C o ., Trustee.
Current liabilities D ec 31 1 9 1 4 --------------------25.954 — — - —
B o n d s . — First m tge. bonds m ay be called at 105 and int. on any int. day.
Second m tgo. bonds are red. in any am ount on any int. day after June 1
1915 at 105.
E A R N IN G S .— For the year ending D ec. 31 1914, gross, $65,347; net,
$20,835: charges and taxes, $11,753; surplus, $9,082. In 1913, gross.
$51,637: net, $17,481; charges and taxes, $10,798; surplus. $6,684.
R O A D .— Comprises 12H miles o f track; 24 cars. Owns about 425 acres
o f valuable real estate, including 75 acres on “ Flagstaff H eights.”
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., W m . D ods; V .-P ., C . n . L otta; Sec. & M g r., J. F.
Gelser, M auch Chunk; T reas., G eo. II. M ayer.— V . 90, p. 1674.

[Vol. 102.

M E M P H IS , T E N N .
American Cities C o . (see under N ew Orleans) owns 86% com m on and
8 8% preferred stock.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Chartered in Tennessee on M arch 28 1895 and co n ­
solidated with the Citizens’ S t., East End S t.. C ity A Suburban and M em ­
phis A Raleigh Springs lines; f r a n c h i s e s run until N o v . 1945. Owns and
operates tho entire streot railway business o f the city, including suburbs o f
B ingham ton, Raloigh Springs and South M em phis and a lino to Lalco View,
M In M a r. 1913 purchased the property (excluding the building owned in
M em phis and tho car barns) o f the Lakoview T rac. C o . (sold at foreclosure
in Sept. 1912) for $160,000 paym ent to be m ade in 20-year Lakeview
T raction bonds bearing 2% int. for 2 years. 3 % for 3 years, 4 % for 8 years
and 5 % for the last 7 years. V . 96, p .8 6 3 .
D e c i s i o n a s to F a r e s .— On Sept. 7 1907 tho Supromo C ourt o f Tennessee
rendered a decision holding Invalid tho M alone ordinance providing for
certain reduced fares. V. 85, p. 654. T h e Supremo C ourt has confirm ed
the c o .’s franchises in all respects, including right to charge 5-cent faro.
T he State Supreme Court sustained tho decision o f tho C ourt o f Civil
Appeals o f Tennessee in M ay 1915, holding that tho com pany was not
obligated to issue transfers upon its tickets sold at tho rate o f 11 for 50 cents.
C i t y O r d i n a n c e N o t Y e t E n f o r c e d . — On M a r. 13 1914 Chancellor Fentress
granted an Injunction restraining the city from enforcing a vexatious and
unreasonable ordinance which was to have becom e effective M ar. 14 1914.
For details o f the ordinance see V . 98. p. 912.
T ho notos shown bolow wero issued to rotiro $1,000,000 2-yoar dobonturo
notes due N o v . 1 1915 and $906,000 Citizons’ St. R It. 1st M . 6s duo Jan. 1
1916, the balanco going to working capital. V . 101, p . 1092.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—■ D a t e .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
C om m on $2,500,000 ($100).......................................... $2,500,000
Seo text
Preferred $2,500,000 5% cuml
„ „
. rn n nn n
„ .
($ 10 0 ) red at 1 1 0 A a ccrdlvs) ____
5 Q -M
Seo toxt
Cons mortgage $10,000,000/ 1905
5 g J-J
8.406.000 July 1 1945
gold (seo text) closed _c*A r]In t. at Central Trust C o ., N . Y ., rrustoo.
Gen m tgo $30,000,000 go ld / 1915
6 g M -N
Soo toxt
N o v l 1935
($100 A $1 000) . c * ____ tf{G u a ra n ty Trust C o ., N . Y ., Trusteo.
2-yoar collateral gold notes) 1915
6 g M -N
1,500,000 N ov 1 1917
($1 000)
c * c p t{U n io n Trust C o ., N ow Y ork , Trusteo.
1-yoar guar 'g o lcf notos (Sl.-J 1915
6 g M -N
600,000 N o v 1 1916
000) c gu p A i b y Am C it Co\U nion Trust C o ., N ow Y o rk , Trusteo.
B o n d s — T ho consol. M . bonds are in donom . o f $1,000 cou pon and $10,­
000 registered. Aro not subject to call. Sinking fund $25,000 por annum,
1910-14; $30,000, 1915-19: $35,000, 1920-24; $40,000. 1925-29, and $50,000
1930-45. Seo V . 82, p. 628, 1496. $178,000 hold allvo In sinking fund;
remaining $1,416,000 dopositod as security for coll, gold notos. M ortgage
closed. $492,000 gen. M . bonds aro deposited as coll, for 2-yoar notos.
During lifo o f notos total Issue o f gen. M . bonds cannot exceed $050,000 oxcopt with consont o f 2-3 o f coll, noteholders and % o f guar, noteholders.
O fth o unissued gon . M .b o n d s , $9,822.000 aro roservod to rotiro tho con s. M .
bonds and remaining $19,686,000 aro for a d d ’ns, oxts., A c ., undor cortain
restrictions. R ed . at 102*4 and int. on any int. dato. V . 101, p. 1886.
T h o 2-yoar coll, notes aro callable in whole on 30 days notico at 101 and
int on or before N o v . 1 1916 and at 100>4 and int. thereafter. Socured by
$1 416.000 cons. M . 5s and $492,000 gon. M . 6s. Tho l-yoa r notos aro
gu ar.; p. A i.. b y the American CItios C o. V . 101, p. 1092.
D i v i d e n d s . — On pref. stock 5% was paid from lssuanco up to and Including
D ec. 1914. N o n e sin ce. V. 100. p. 1257. On c o m ., firs t d iv .— 1 % —
paid Juno 1912. In 1913, M a r., 1% ; D e c., 1 % . In 1914, June, *4% :
D e c .. 2 14 % ; n o n o s in ce .
R E P O R T .— For year ending D ec. 31:
G ross E a rn s. N e ta ft.T a z c s .& c .

I n t .O t h .D e d u c .

S u r p lu s .

. $1,684,109
1 9 1 4 : : : : : : : : : : : 2.005.963
5 3 9 .2 8 3
3 0 3 .3 9 5
R O A D .— Owns 129.56 miles o f track. Rails, 60 to 80-Ib. T to 107-lb.
girdor. 328 passongor and 27 miscellaneous cars.
O F F I C E R S .— Pres. A G e n . M g r ., T h o s . H . T u tw ile r ; V - P . , L . E
W r ig h t; S ec. A T r e a s ., W . H . B u rroughs; A u d ., L . L o M a y . — V . 88. p. 504,
V 92, p . 118; V . 94. p. 1627; V . 96. p . 863. 1022: V . 99. p. 407. 1748;
V . 100. p . 1257. 1752; V . 101. p . 370, 1092, 1553. 2145.

C IT Y ,

IN D .

O R G A N I Z A T I O N .— O rga n ized in Indian a D e ce m b e r 1901.
N o securities in hands o f public except equipment bonds. Rost all
owned b y syndicate, which has used them as collateral only.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g
M a tu r ity .
C om m on $5,000,000 ($100).......................................... ................................................
Pref $1,000,000 ($100) 6 % n - c -----.
. . . . .
1st mtge $6,000,000 ($1,000)/ 1907
5 F-A 15
4.457.000 Aug 15 1947
_ ___________ {Interest at Cleveland Trust C o ., Trustee.
Bond/.— Remaining bonds are rosorved for futuro extensions and Im­
provements. They aro subject to call at 10214 at any Int. period. Sink,
fund o f $50,000 per annum begins A ug. 15 1917 for 10 years, then 2% o f
bonds outstanding until m aturity.
R O A D .— Operates a total o f 70.86 miles between South Bond and C h i­
cago- 6.7 miles Hammond to Pullman, owned b y Illinois Contral R R .,
Is leased to Chicago Lake Shore A South Bend. 70-lb. T -rall.
O F F I C E R S .— Chairman. F. H . G off; Pros, and Gon. M g r., O . N . W ilcoxcn- VIce-Pres., S. II. Tolies; Sec. A T reas., H. O . Lang; Asst. Sec. A
T reas.. A . B orn.— V . 86. p. 51. 167, 420, 1528; V . 98. p. 386.

M E A D V IL L E , P A .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated in Pennsylvania In M arch 1911 as
successor o f the M eadville & Conneaut Lake T ra c. C o ., V . 92, p. 187 (a hold­
ing com p a n y ), and its controlled com panies, tho M eadville T ra c. C o. (V . 92,
p. 262) and the People’s Incandescent L t. C o ., V . 92, p. 1033. F r a n c h i s e s
in M eadville expire in 1944. Interurban f r a n c h i s e perpetual. Affords con­
M ID D L E T O W N , N . Y .
nection for Penn. R R . System with M eadville.
In the latter part o f 1912 purchased tho Erie Traction C o. and the M oadO
Incorporated in N ow Y ork on M arch 30 1905 as
villo & Cam bridge Springs Street R y .
, „ ,
F r a n c h i s e s . — There are 23 franchises, o f which 16 aro perpetual, 3 f o r 99
successor, under foreclosure, to the M lddletow n-Goshen Electric R y and
years, and the shortest does not expiro until 1937.
the M iddletow n-Bloom sburg Elec. R y . See V. 80. p. 1059. 142o. C om ­
pany was placed in hands o f receiver O ct 1908 on account o f a judgm ent for
D a le .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
injuries obtained by a m otorm an. but all Indebtedness having been paid o lf,
C om m on $1,000,000 ($50)............................................ $1,000,000 .......................
receiver was discharged April 23 1909.
P ref $500,000 ($50) 5% n on -c______
First m ortgage $1,250,000/ 1911
5 g M -S
650,000 M ch 11941
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
gold ($1,000)......... ......c*tf\ In t. at Central Trust C o ., N . Y .. trustee.
gf-nok S'140 000 ($50) ______ _____
$350,000 ___________
People's Incandescent Light/ 1900
150.000 D ec 1 1920 1 st m tge $350,000 gold ($ 100. / 1905
5 g M -N
300.000 M a y 119 3 5
C o 1st m tge
____ tf { Dela. C o. T r. Safo D op . & T itle In s.C o.,tru s.
$50 0 and $1.000)..........c * tf| ln t. at C o m 'w ’ lth T r.C o..H arrisburg, T ru st.
1st M (Erie D lv) $1,500,000 t f
1912 5 J-D
250,000 Sept 11947
B o n d s . __$50,000 reserved for future lraprovom onts.
Aro subject to call
2d M (Erie D lv) $305.000-- t f
1912 See toxt
305,000 Sept 1 1947
after 10 years at 105.
Erie T rac (Erie D iv) $500,000/
1907 5 g J-J
500,000 July 1 1929
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending June 30 1915, gross, $77,168; net, after
c * t f { l n t . at Secur. Sav. & T r. C o .. Erie, Trusteo.
taxes, $18,333; net corporate incom e, $2,691.
C o lla t 't r u s t 'n o t S s ''$165,000
1913 5 M -N
165.000 M ar 1 1918
R O A D .— Operates 12.84 miles o f track extending from M iddletow n.
($100, $500, $ 1 ,0 0 0 ).. .c t f l Int. at tho Sec. Sav. A T r. C o ., Erie, Trus.
N . Y ., to M id w ay Park. Goshen, Including switches, turnouts, A c . Rails
S t o c k . — Entire com m on stock Is held in voting trust.
65-lb. T and 80 and 90-lb. girder. Standard gaugo.
B o n d s . — O f the 1st M . o f 1911, $150,000 aro reserved to retiro prior Hens;
O F F IC E R S .— Pres. A Gen. M g r., D eW ltt C . M cM onaglo; V .-P ., C has.
remaining bonds are for im pts., extensions and acquisitions under certain
restrictions. Subj. to call on any int. date at 105 and int. Annual s. f. A Kunkel; Sec., J. F. Weiss. Harrisburg. Pa.: Treas.. W . M Ogtosby, H ar­
o f 1% o f bonds out began N o v . I 1914. Bonds retired to be kopt allvo. risburg, Pa.— V. 80. p. 998. 1059. 1425, 2346.
V . 92, p . 1033, 1436. O f the $1,500,000 1st M . Erie D iv . bonds, $500,000
aro reserved to retire tho Erie T ra c. bonds and $550,000 for extensions and
betterm ents and $200,000 are In treasury. S i n k . f u n d . 1% annually, com ­
M IL F O R D , M A SS.
mencing April 1917. Erie Trust C o ., Erie, trustee. T ho 2d M . bonds bear
2% int. the first year, advancing 1% yearly to 5 % . In t. J .-D . Colonial
M IL F O R D & U X B R ID G E S T R E E T R Y .— T rolley.
T rust C o ., Pittsburgh, trusteo. T ho Erie T raction bonds havo a s i n k , f u n d
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Incorporated In Massachusetts in 1901. On July
or $20 for every $1,000 1st M . b on d , beginning July 1 1917 (denom . $1,000,
$5,000 A $10,000). Tho coll, trust notes aro secured b y deposit o f $200,000 10 1902 consolidated b y purchase o f entiro capital stock with the M lirord
purchase-m oney m ortgage bonds. R edeem able at 101 and accrued Interest ttnil Eton A Framingham St. Iiy . Operates tho G rafton A Upton u t i .
from H opcdalo to N orth G rafton. 14 m iles, and tho M ed w ay A Dedham
on 4 weeks’ notice.
R O A D .— Operates 11 miles o f track in M eadville, 16J4 miles botween St. R y .. 21 miles.
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
D a te .
M eadville and Linesvillo, incl. a 2-milo extension to Conneaut Lake,
Seo earns.
and 42 miles between M eadvillo and Erie. T otal track, 70 m iles. A t Stock com $410,000 ($ 1 0 0 )..
See earns.
Preferred $100,000 ($100) —
Linesvillo connects with tho Penn. R R . System .
ifnll A Fr’am 1st m tg e./ 1898
5 g J-.I
165,000 Jan 1 1918
E A R N IN G S .— For year ending D ec. 31 1914, gross, $361,701; not, \ i $165,000
($1,000) g - . c * n t f l lo t . at Am or. Trust C o . v B o sto n , Trusteo.
$83,145. In 1913, gross $373,620; net, $106,387.
M ilford A Uxb gold b on d s/ 1902
5 g J-J
33.>,000 J»n 1 1918
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., George A . Gaston, N . Y .; V .-P ., F . F. C urtzo, Erio,
($1,000) g o l d . . . ____ c * n t f{I n t . at A m cr. T rust C o .. B oston. Trustee
P a .: S ec., W m . G oodm an, N . Y .; T reas., Charles Fahr, M eadville: M g r.,
E A R N I N G S __For fiscal year ending Juno 30 1915, gross, $255,592; net.
Charles M . H atch, Erio. General office, M eadville; N . Y . office 30 after taxes $59.404: other charges. $33,683. d lvs.. $28,000 (5 % on c o m ­
Broad St.— V . 92. p. 1033, 1436; V . 95. p. 420; V . 98, p. 74, 237; V . 98. p
* and 6 % on p re f.);d e fic it, S2.1S9.

Ma y , 191 G.j


R O A D .— Owns 36 miles o f track, from So. Framingham to U xbridge and
from M ilford to M odw ay and Ilop kln ton , A lso operates the G rafton &
U pton U R ., from H opedale to N orth G rafton, 14 miles, and tho M edw ay &
D edham St. lt y ., 21 miles. Also controls Lake N lpm uc Park. 60 pas­
senger cars, 13 snow plows and 4 m lscell.; 134 electric m otors.
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., John T . M anson, New Ila v on , C onn.; V .-P ., Joel A .
Sperry, N ow Haven; Sec., Wendell Williams; T reas., J. E . W alker, M il­
ford; Supt.. W . L . Adam s, M ilford , M ass.— V. 74, p. 1308; V . 76. p. 102;
V . 88, p. 375; V . 90. p. 914; V . 91. p . 463. 1160.
M IL L V IL L E , N . J.
M ILLV ILLE T R A C T IO N .— A trolley road.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock 8 1 7 5 ,0 0 0 ..................................................... ..
$175,000 .....................
1st m ortgage $400,000 gold ) 1894
5 g F-A
208,000 A ug 1 1914
($1,000 each)___________ c * /I n t . at Land T itle & Trust C o ., P hila., T ru s.
156,815 .....................
“ Other d eb ts" D oc 31 1914................
B o n d s .— N o t subject to call.
E A R N IN G S .— For year 1915, gross, $50,402; dof. from op or., $4,365.
In 1914, gross, $51,490; d ef. from op er., $7,254.
R O A D .— Operates 12.55 mllos o f track In M illville, Vineland and T o w n ­
ship o f Landis, o f which 8.67 miles put In operation In 1901.
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Goorgo W ood ; V .-P ros., R . D . W ood; S ec., G . H .
Thom as; T reas., Daniel O . Lewis.
M IL T O N , P A .
L E W IS B U R G M ILTO N & W A T S O N T O W N PA SS. R Y .— T rolley.
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Chartered Sept. 3 1897. In 1910 W hittaker f t
Diehl o f Harrisburg purchased control from tho Railways Com pany General.
Under contract with Ponn. l i l t ., tho Lowisb. M IL & W atsont. Pass. R y.
agreed to Install storage-battery cars on some 11 mllos o f track between
M ontandon and MifflTnburg, and to operate a lino In conjunction with
steam uso o f that section o f road, connecting with present trolley lino at
East Lewlsburg.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r itu
$150,000 _________
Stock $150,000........... - ................. - .........................
First mortgago $300,000 gold ) 1910
5 g F-A
160,000 Feb 1 1940
($ 50 0 )................................. c * j Int. at Land T ltlo& T r. C o ., Phila., Trustoo.
B o n d s . — Remaining bonds can only bo Issued for Improvements and ex­
tensions at 80% o f cost. Sub. to call as a whole on any lnt. dato after
Fob. 1920 at par.
E A R N IN G S .— For 12 m onths ending D ec. 31 1915, gross, $48,186' not
after taxes, $8,713.
R O A D .— 10 mllos o f track botweon points named In title. 11 overheadoperation cars, 2 storage battery cars run from M ontandon to Mlffilnhurir
O F F IC E R S .— Pros., John F. W hittaker; V .-I '., [,. G . Brown- Sec St
T reas., D . L. Diehl; Asst. Sec. St T reas., W . B . Rankin.— V . 90, p , 1363.
M IL W A U K E E , W IS .
O IlG A N rZ A T IO N .— rncorp. in N . Y . on N o v . 7 1912 to tako over the
N orth American C o. s holdings in Milwaukee and other W isconsin public
utilities. Owns or controls, through stock ownership, the following cos •
M ilwaukee Light, Heat & T rac. C o. |N orth Milwaukee Light & Power C o .
M ilwaukee Elec. R y. & Light C o .
i Wells Power C o.
Wisconsin Gas f t Elec. C o.
On A pr. 29 1914 tho com pany filed a certificate o f increase o f capital
stock from .500,000 to 400,000 shares, to provide for conversion o f tho co n ­
vertible bonds.
D a te .
In te r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
Stock 400,000 shares (no par
215,000sh. D c c ’ 15 $1.00
Dobons 810,000,000 ($1,000,
$500 and $100).................. c * 1914
6 g M -N
6,500,000 M a y 1 1924
Debentures convertible Into stock at $80 per share after M ay I 1916
and prior to M a y l 1923; rod. at 102 on 60 days' notice. V. 98. p. 1128.
D i v i d e n d s . — A d lv. o f $1 75 was paid Juno 1 1914; In D ec. 1914 also paid
$1 75. In 1915, June, $1 75; D ec., $1.
R E P O R T .— For cal. years ( c o m b i n e d p r o p e r t i e s ) .
C a le n d a r
Y ea rs—

O p e ra tin g
R even u es.

1 9 1 5 ...................$8,605,380
1914 ................... 8,552,808
C a le n d a r
Y ear—

N e t (a fte r
T a tes, A c .).

N o n -O p .
R even u e.

I n te rest
C h a rges




In c o m e A c c o u n t o f W is c o n s in E d is o n C o
D iv s .A ln t. E x p .,I n t .A
N et
R ece iv ed .
T a xes.
In com e.

B a la n ce,
S u r p lu s .


D iv id en d s.

B a la n c e ,
S u r p lu s .

1915 ............................... $1,058,396 $457,681 $600,715 $591,250 $9,465
1914 ................ - ............. 1.119.205
658,847 65,763
O F F IC E R S .— Pres., Jas. D . M ortim er; V .-P ., H. II.
. . . Plerco;
James F. Fogarty; Treas., G eo. It. Sheldon; Asst. Sec., Itobt. Randall’
Asst. Treas., Itobt. Soaly.— V . 95. p. 1279: 1335; V. 98, p. 528, 1070 1128’
1397, 1699; V. 99, p. 1456; V. 102, p. 523, 891, 1065.
(1) M ilw aukee L ig h t, H eat & T r a c t io n C o.
T he capital stock is practically all owned b y tho Wisconsin Edison C o
O R G A N I Z A T I O N — Incorporated D ec. 1896. D oos an oxtenslve street
and Interurban railway and electric light and power business, serving M il­
waukee, South M ilwaukee, C udahy, Racine, Kenosha, W auwatosa N orth
M ilwaukee. W hlteflsh Bay, Fox Point. West Allis, W aukesha, Powaukoo
Ilartland, O conom ow oc, W atertown, St. M artins, M uskcgo Lakes M uk.’
won ago, East T roy , W aterford, Rochester and Burlington.
T ho
This was aone in oruer i.u m<*ivu m u . m fim , n u a i oc ira cu o n u o . tho con ­
trolling Com pany instead o f T he M ilwaukee E lec. R y . & L t. C o ., as was
form erly tho caso. V. 8 6 . p. 286.
P a r e I n c r e a s e .— Seo M ilw . Elec. R y.& L t. C o. below.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu ritu .
Com m on stock $30,000,000-- ____
Soo text
M ilw Lt II f t T r C o 1st M g ) 1899
5 g M -N
5,000,000 M a y 1 1929
?u $5,000,000 ($1,000) g.c+ IIn t. at Equitablo Trust C o ., N . Y ., trustee
M ®Iw Lt 11 & T r C o ref & ext 1907
5 g J-D
6,189,000 Juno 1 19 3 7
M g $30,000,000 ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ).' M etropolitan T r. C o ., N . Y ., trustoo. Int.
at com p any’s Now York office.
1st M . bonds m ay bo called at 110 on any int. dato. T h ey are guar
prln. and int., by endorsement, by T ho Milwaukee Elec. R y . & Light C o ’
(V . 86, r
ion n n n
remaining $17,000,000 not over 5%
D i v i d e n d s . — 10% per annum paid from 1904 to 1907; In 1907, 2 % ; In
1908, 3 4 % ; ill 1909, 3 4 % ; In 1910, 4 1 -3% . N o later inform ation.
R O A D .— Total mileago, exclusive o f controlled M ilw . Elec. Ity.& Lt C o
237.57 mllos. 80-lb. T rail. 137 passenger cars. Steam power plant has
9,000 1c. w. capacity*.
R E P O R T .— Fiscal years ending D ec. 31:
G r o s s ....$1,480,625
$1,493,667 Other incom e- $698,644
E x p e n sos____
D op roclation.
53,095 Gross Inc------$1,188,693 $1,246,258
T a x e s ....
115.003 I n te r e s t.........
N o t .............. $490,019
Surplus------ S526.033
$ 60 1187
Passengers carrcd In 1915, 12,515,160, against 12,136,548 in 1914. ’
O F F IC E R S .— Pres.. J. D . M ortim er; V .-P . & G en. M g r., S. B . W ay;
V .-P . St Asst. Gen. M g r., It. B . Stearns; V .-P .. Ohas. F. Pfister; Treas.
G oo. R . Sheldon; Hoc. f t Asst. Treas., Jas. F. Fogarty, Asst. Sec. & Asst
T reas., F. J. Boohrn, M ilw .; Asst. Sec., Itobt. Randall, N . Y . G en. office
Public Service B ldg., Milwaukee; N . Y . office, 30 Broad S t., N . Y . C ity—
V . 86, p. 286, 1042, 1529; V. 94, p. 1627; V. 95, p. 1274; V. 102, p. 1350.
(n) T h e M ilw a u k ee E le ctric R a ilw a y & L ig h t C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Successor o f M ilwaukee St. R y. C o. Jan. 29 1896
per plan In V. 60, p. 1009. Embraces all tho street railway lines (except
approxim ately 15 mllos single track) In M ilwaukee. Entire com m on stock
Is owned by tho M ilwaukee Light, Heat & T rac. C o. Tho com pany, bosldos
its street railway system , owns and operates an electric-light and power


system and a central-station steam-heat system in M ilw aukee. Leases fo r
20 years from June 1 1915 the Plankinton E lec. Light & Power C o . V . 102
p . 969.
In 1909 entered Into a contract for 25 years to take a supply o f power
from tho Southern W isconsin Power C o . See V . 90, p. 372.
T he railway franchises o f the com pany run until D ec. 31 1934. V . 70,
p. 39. Electric-light and power franchises are unlimited In tim e.
L i c e n s e D e c i s i o n s .— On D ec. 5 1911 W ise. Supreme C ourt affirm ed the
tb,° lower C ourt holding that the city is not entitled to recover
~ licenses o f $15 each on street cars from 1895 to 1910. V . 93.
p . 1600. On M arch 12 1912 Judge Turner held Invalid the new ordinance
passed In April 1911 levying a license o f $15 per car. V . 94. p. 912.
1911isee V 9 3 Fp r i(H ySlCal valuatlon b y Wisconsin R R . C om m , in July
8J ? decisions handed down on A ug. 23 1912 b y the W ise.
R R . C om m ., regarding fares and wages, seo V . 95, p. 544.
.J ,
W isconsin R R . C om m ission’s order o f A ug. 23 1912,
s f 1w a s unheldnn
^ Ck;\ges,T°fa13of0r 50 cents Instead o f 25 for
wL'J.UIa0 14 191^ b y the U. S. Suprem e C ou rt, affirm ing the
decision of the W ise. Supreme Court on M a y 2 9 1 9 1 3 . V . 100 n 2085
I ' a r e I n c r e a s e .— This com pany and the M ilw . L t. H t & T r a c C o in
N o v . 1915 petitioned the Wise. R R . C om m , t o r an increase In fares to in­
sure a reasonable return, claiming that the present rates were confiscatory.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g . D iv id e n d s .
C om m on stock $20,000,000
(par $ 1 0 0 ) .- . ........................
Q -M
Preferred stock $4,500,000
6 % non-cum (par $100)_________
Q -F
4.500.000 M a y T 6 , 1 4
& (1 8 9 6
5 g F -A
,0Ul*,UUU Feb 11 1926
.c,o ns- m tK0 $8.-) Central Trust C o . N . Y .. Trustee. In t navT i P ^ ’r n 0 g piCl <5 ’0 0 0 )---C *
able at c o ’s office, 30 Broad S t., N .’ Y . y
T he M ilw Elec R y St Llghtf 1906
4 4 g J-J
6.728.000 Jail 1 1931
Oo ref & ext m tge $2 0 ,000,-1 Trust C o. o f A m erica, N ew York Trustee
000 gold (M.OOO)----------c* (
Interest at com p any's offico
Gen & ref m tge $90,000,000) 1911
5 J-D
5.305,000 Soo text
gold ($ 1,000) Ser “ A ” .c* tf I lo t . at N . Y . Bankers T r. C o ., N . Y . Trus
S t o c k a n d B o n d s . — TI10 bonds and the pref. stock are listed on tho N . Y .
Stock E xch. O f the ref. and ext. bonds, $6,500,000 are reserved for prior
liens, 86,000,000 are deposited as collateral to gen. and ref. M . bonds, and
tho remaining $772,000 are to bo Issued from time to time and deposited
as security for said gen. and ref. bonds. Bonds are subject to call on an
after Jan. 1 1916 at 108 and int. N o sinking fund. See V. 81, p . 1724
1792; V. 81, n. 508. Gen. and ref. m tge. falls due D ec. 1 1951, except that
in theeven t thocom pany has not acquired a franchise extending to 1954 on
or borore D ec. 1 1931. the m tge. becomes duo on that date. Bonds o f Series
A aro redeemable on any int. dato on and arter D ec. 1 1916 at 105 and lnt.
SI?, ,
notlce- 813,228,000 are reserved for prior lions; remaining
$71.46/ ,000 aro for extons., iinpts.and acquisitions, at 80% or cost thereof
under certain restrictions. N o sinking fund. Seo V . 93 p. 1787. Bonds
listed on N . Y . Stock Exchange. $6,000,000 ref. f t ext. bonds and $750 000
pur. m oney mortgage o f tho Central Heating C o . o f Milwaukee are deposited
as collateral for the gen. & ref. bonds.
R O A D — T otal track operated, 180.29 miles, o f which 166.22 miles
° w n « i ab<i 28.61 miles leased. Steam power plants havo aggregate capacity
o f 71,150 k. w. 537 passenger cars.
A N N U A L R E P O R T , -Fiscal years ending D ec. 31 (for 1915 report see
V . 102, p. 969):
G r o s s ....$5,971,715
$6,005,495 Other in com o.
E x p o n s e s ------ 3.085.877 3,097,207
D e p re cia tio n .
Gross in c ._ $1,836,155 $1,838,877
T a x e s ....
436,701 I n t e r e s t ..........
N et ............ $1,806,834 $1,773,071
Surplus____ $1,042,585 $1,015,503
Passongers carried in 1915, 91,400 946, against 97,874,919 in 1914.
quarterly dividends or 1 4 % have been paid on the
?ahs i w ? .^’ eb. 1900. ^On tho com . stock in 1903. 4 % 1901. 5 % : in
190o, 5 % , in 1906 to 1912, ln cl., 6 % per ann. N o later Inform ation.
o n ? I oIbIo9K ?rS’T77?am o as for M I'w . L t., H t. & T rac. C o .— V . 100, p . 474,
807, 2085; V. 101, p . 923. 1465; V . 102, p. 800, 969.
(b ) W is co n s in G a s & E le c tr ic C o .
O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— Succeeded in 1912 tho Racine Gas Light C o . (incorp. In I<ob. 1867) and acquired the Kenosha Gas f t Electric C o . and K e ­
nosha E lectric R y . Does entire gas business In R a cin e. K enosha, South
° 1 dal?y an'/ W atertown; the entire electric lighting, power and
____ Jefferson
— — - light and power business
in Kenosha is done under indeterminate perm it. F r a n c h i s e for street rail­
w ay extends until 1952. T ho com pany has tho right to con du ct Its gas
business either under an indetenninate perm it or under tho special (per­
petual and exclusive) franchises originally granted.
Intfuly 1915 increased auth. com m on stock from $1,000,000 to $2,750,000
and issued $657,500 o f tho now stock to acquiro tho W atertown Gas f t Eloc
C o . and tho Burlington Eloc. L t. f t Pow . C o. (both controlled by U10 W is­
consin Edison C o .) and to discharge $162,000 floating dobt incurrod in mak­
ing additions and betterm ents.
D a te .
In te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
C om s to c k '$2,750,000 ($ 10 0 ) ______
Prof cum $1,000,000 ( $ 1 0 0 ) . . ____
Flr„st„ l llortBa» ° Bold (S 1.000( 1912
5 g J-D
2,350,000 J u n e 'l '1952
& $500)-------------------------- c* j Interest payable In N ew Y o rk . Harris Tr
( f t Savings Bank, C hicago, Trustee.
W atertown Gas f t E loc 1st M f 1905
5 J -D
$300,000 gold . R ed at) Int. at Bank o f W atertow n. W isconsin
1 0 2 4 -------------------------------- l Trust C o ., M ilw aukee, Trustee.
B o n d s . — Additional 1st M . bonds ca 1 be Issued only for 8 0% o f cash cost
o f permanent im pts., & c., when the annual net earnings aro 1 4 times tho
int. charge, incl. bonds to be issued. Bonds red. at 105 and int. on and
aftor Juno 1 1917. $30,000 aro held in treasury.
E A R N IN G S .— For yoar ending D oc. 31 1915. gross, $950,737; not, after
taxos, & c., $255,900; other incom e, $15,416; interost charges, $137,766;
surplus, $133,550.
P R O P E R T IE S .— M iles o f single track, 7.851; miles o f gas mains, 203:
O F F IC E R S .— P res., J. D . M ortim er; V .-P ., S. B . W ay : Soc.-Treas
F. J. Boohrn.— V . 96, p. 431; V . 101, p. 375; V. 102, p. 1352.

O R G A N IZ A T IO N .— This com pany was incorporated at M ilwaukee In
M ar. 1900 with a nominal capital o f $10,000 (since Increased to $1,000 000)
for tho purpose o f uniting certain properties in the Fox River Va — v '
Secured control o f tho Fox R iver Valley Electric R y . and the A pple-on
Electric Light St Power C o ., and has consolidated them . In Sept. 1904
purchased entire capital stock o f tho Fox River Valiev Gas f t Electric Light
C o. and guarantees Its bonds, prin. St int. Seo V . 79, p. 787. 1267.

In Mar. 1914 tho WLsconsln Supreme Court sustained the State R R .
Comm. In holding, in company's suit against the city of Menasha, that the
city cannot do a commercial lighting business in connection with Its own
street-lighting service without the necessary authority from the Commission.

V. 98, p . .764.
S T O C K A N D B O N D S—
D a te .
I n te rest.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu ritu .
Stock $1,000,000 ($100)_____ _____
$699,400 S e o "e a rn s:"
First m tge ($3,000,000) $ 1 .-) 1901
5 g J-J
1,120.000 July 1 1931
000 gold no sink fund - . . c * / I n t . at First Sav. & T r. C o ., M ilw ., Trustee
Fox River Valley first m tge) 1901
5 g A-O
350,000 April 1 1921
$350,000 ($1,000) gold — c/M erch an ts’ Loan & Trust C o ., C h ic., Trust.
B o n d s .— Entire issue o f W isconsin T raction, Light, H eat f t Power C o
bonds m ay bo called on any interest date at 110 and interest. T ho Fox
River Valloy bonds aro subject to call at 105 and Int.
E A R N IN G S .— For years ending D ec. 31:
Y ear—
G ross.
N e t ( a f t . T a x . ) . O t h . I n c . I n t e r e s t . D i v s . (5 % ) S u r p l u s .
1 9 1 5 ........... $439,889
$9,824 $73,500 $34,940 $59,213
1914 ............ 425,710
34,940 44,906
R O A D .— Operates 15.82 miles o f track, connecting N eenah, Menasha,
Appleton and Kaukana, 3.57 miles locally in the city o f A ppleton and 1.76
miles sidings and turnouts; total, 21.15 miles. Owns electric-lighting

[Vol . 102.



plants In Appleton, Neenah and Mcnasha and supplies gas to Neenah.
Menasha and Appleton.
OFFICERS.— Pres., John I. Beggs; V .-P., Chas. F. Pfister, Milwaukee;
Sec. and Treas., A. K. Ellis.— V. 79, p.787. 1267; V .91, p. 96, 1770; V .98 ,
p. 764; V. 101. p. 1093.


S to ck .— Preferred stock is redeemable.
OFFICERS.— Pres. & Troas., M . \V. Savage; Sec., M . II. Boutelle.V. 92, p. 1109; V. 93, p. 731; V. 99, p. 197; V. 100, p. 1832.

ORGANIZATION.— A consolidation on Sept. 1 1901 of the Mobile Light
& Railroad and tho Mobile Street RR .; the fr a n c h is e s of both companies
were extended on Sept. 12 1901 to March 12 1955. See V. 73, p. 616.
In July 1906 tho M obile Illuminating Co. purchased tho electric-light
plant of tho company and under contract of purchase pays to tho M obile
Lt. & RR. 70 semi-annual payments of SI 1,464.
D a te .
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock $2,250,000 (par $ 1 0 0 ) . . ___
$2,250,000 A p r '16,1%
First mtge gold ($ l,0 0 0 ).n tf( 1897
5 g J-D
385,000 July 1 1937
lin t, at Farmers’ Loan & Trust C o., N. Y.
Mobile Street RR first mtge] 1893
6 g M -N
270,000 May 1 1923
gold $300,000_______ c*n tf (Farmers’ Loan & Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
Interest at National City Bank, New York.
Consolidated mortgage, gold] 1901
5 g M-S
1,505,000 Sept 1 1941
($1,000) $2,250,000__ c*tf( Interest at New York Trust C o., N. Y ., Trus.
B o n d s .— Of tho $2,250,000 mtge., $655,000 reserved for prior liens,
and $90,000 havo been retired. Amount outstanding includes $47,000
in company’s treasury. $13,000 1st M . bonds are in treasury and $15,000
havo boon retired.
EARNINGS.— For cal. year 1915. gross, $491,404; not, after taxes,
$157,834; charges, $102,002; surplus, $55,832.
D iv id e n d s .— Initial dividend— 45%— Aug. 1 1909; in 1910, July, 45 %!
in 1911, Jan., 44% Juno, 45% Sept., 245%: in 1912, June, 145% in
1913, Sept., 2 % . In 1914, May, 1%; Juno, 1%; N ov., 1%. In 1915,
July, 1%; N ov., 1% . In 1916. Feb., 1%; Apr., 1%.
ROAD, &c.— Owns 61 miles of track in Mobile and extensions to Maga­
zine Point, Spring Hill, Whistler and Monroe Park. Company also owns
Monroe Park” and water power and 260 acres of land adjoining.
OFFICERS.— Pres., J. H. Wilson; V .-P ..C . D. Willoughby; Sec. & Aud.,
M . W . Glover; Troas., C. White Spunner; Gen. M gr., J. II. Wilson.—
V. 8 6 , p. 1529.
________ .

TW IN C IT Y RAPID T R A N S IT — An electric road.
ORGAN IZATION .— Organized under the laws o f tho State of New Jersey
June 3 1891 and by virtue o f its stock ownership of tho underlying com­
panies (to wit, Tho Minneapolis Street Railway C o., The St. Paul City Rail­
way C o., the Minneapolis Lyndale & Minnetonka Railway Co. and tho
Minneapolis & St. Paul Suburban) controls the entire street railway system
of Minneapolis, St. Paul, Stillwator, and lines to Excelsior, Tonka Bay and
Deephaven at Lake Minnetonka. In 1906 absorbed the North Side Street
Ry. (Robbinsdale line) and the St. Louis Parle line; V. 83, p. 1472. In
1905 articles of incorporation wero amended so as to make tho charter
perpetual. V. 80, p. 1914.
F r a n c h is e a n d F a r e s . — Mayor Haynes of Minneapolis on Feb. 18 1907
signed an ordinance requiring street railways to sell six fares for 25 cents. V.
84. p. 451, 509. On Aug. 24 1907, however. Judge Lochren o f the U. S. Cir­
cuit Court granted a permanent injunction against enforcing the ordinance
(see V.85, p. 532). On Jan. 31910 U.S. Supreme Court affirmed tho decision
of Judge Lochron. This decision sustains the company’s claim to a 50-year
franchise from July 1 1873, with the right to charge 5-cent fares. V .9 0 ,p .lll.
The company is negotiating with tho city for a renewal o f tho franchise.
V. 101, p. 132.
Settlem ent w ith C ilu o f S t. P a u l . — For decision as to right to build now
lines in St. Paul, see V. 79, p. 271, 2087, and for settlement with City of St.
Paul by which the city relinquishes its right o f appeal from this decision and
the company agrees to pay into the city treasury real and personal property
taxes, equal to at least 6 % of gross earnings; see V. 80, p. 1175.
On Oct. 23 1914 the Minnesota Supremo Court sustained tho validity
of an ordinance passed by tho City Council in M ay 1910 ordering the St.
Paul City R y. to construct a car lino on St. Clair Avo., branching from
West Seventh St. V. 99, p. 1301.
N e w S u b s id ia r ie s .— Because o f a decision o f tho Supreme Court holding
that suburban lines, as railways, are amenablo to the Minnesota 4% gross
earnings tax, it was decided in Mar. 1910 to incorporate tho Minneapolis
& St. Paul Suburban R R . ($1,000,000 stock, increased to $3,000,000 in
Jan. 1911; debt limit was also increased to $10,000,000; V. 92, p. 187),
Was leased to tho Rock Island Southorn R a ilw a y (now Miss. Valloy R y.
the Minnetonka & Whito Bear Navigation Co. ($250,000 stock) and the
Rapid Transit Real EstateCorp., $15,000 stock, and to re-arrange matters & Power Co.) from Fob. 1 1913 to Dec. 31 1913, on which date lease was
so that tho suburban lines, tho steamer lines and tho hotels, parks, &c., of
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in 1906 under Steam RR. Act of Illinois.
the company might be handled separately for taxation and accounting pur­
Operated by electricity for passongers and steam for freight. F r a n c h is e s
poses. v. 90, p. 850.
Monmouth aro for 2 0 years.
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Application for a recoiver by tho original promotors of tho road was doT w in C ity R a p id T r a n s it —
In Sopt. 1915. V. 101. p. 1014.
$22,000,000 Apr TO, 1)4 niod
Com $22,000,000 ($100).........
B o n d h o ld e rs ' C o m m ittee. — E. J. Eddy, Chairman; Charles If. Dudley
Pref cum $3,000,000 ($100).
1895 7 Q-J
3,000,000 Apr ’ 16, IV*. and M. O. Williamson. Doposits of bonds with tho Fidelity Trust Co.,
M in n e a p o lis Street R a ilw a y C o .—
Portland, M o., and People’s Trust & Savings Bank, Galesburg, 111., have
1 st con M g$5,000,000-c*cpt 1889
5 g J-J 15 5,000,000 Jan 15 1919 boon called for. See V. 102, p. 8 8 6 .
S t P a u l C ity R a ilw a y Co —
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
First mtge on real estate and 1 1882
6 g A-O
224,000 April 1 1932 Stock $500,000 ($100)...........................................
$500,000 ...................
horse-car franchise..cpt(Exchangeable at 105 for first consolidated.
1 1947
First consol mtge g o ld .-c p t 1884 6 g A-O
456,000 Oct 1 1934
($1,000) red at 105______c/In t. at Amer. Tr. & Sav. Bk., Chic., Trustee.
Cable con gold(seo text) c p t 1887 5 g J-J 15
3,708,000 Jan
151937 ROAD.— 16 miles betweon Galesburg and Monmouth. 75-lb. rail.
M in n e a p o lis & St P a u l S u b u r b a n R y —
1st M g $500,000 guar by! 1899
5 g M-S
500,000 Sept 1 1924 Standard
OFFICERS.— Pros., M . A. Walsh; V .-P ., Will Ilalsted Clark, Chicago;
TwCy R T& StPCyc*cpt(Interest at Central Trust C o., N. Y . , Trustee Sec. & Troas., J. W. Walsh; Gon. Mgr., Geo. W. Quackonbush, Rock Island,
M i n n Street & St P a u l C ity R y —
Joint con mtge $10,000,0001 1903
5 g A-O
10,000,000 Oct 1 1928 111.— V. 101, p. 104; V. 102, p. 8 8 6 ._________
($1,000) gup & i..c*cptiC entraI Trust Co. o f Now York, Trustee.
Real estato mortgages.......................
375,000 1918 to 1923
All bonds are for $1,000 each, and, with tho exception o f the Minneapolis
& St. Paul Suburban Ry. and tho joint issuo o f 1903, interest is payable
&c. Montgomery Trac. Co. was chartered In 1893.
at Farmers’ Loan & Trust C o., Now York. Company pays Federal Income On Dec. 29 1911, having
acquired tho lighting property owned by Richard
tax on above issues.
from Montgomery Trac. Co. to above titlo (V. 94,
Sto ck. — Stock listed on N . Y . Stock Exchange.
207), and in Juno 1912 stock was increased from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000.
B o n d s . — Tho M in n e a p o lis Street R a ilw a y C o . Jointly and severally with p.
to pay for now property. V. 94, p. 1764. Stock had previously boon de­
the Minneapolis Lyndale & Minnetonka Railway C o., issued $5,000,000 5% creased
from $2,000,000 to $1,000,000 in 1909. V. 8 8 , p. 375.
30-year first mortgage and first consolidated mortgage gold bonds. See
Does entire street railway business and has an electric light and power
statement to New York Stock Exchange in June 1895. The consols aro system
In Montgomery and its suburbs. Streot railway fr a n c h is e s that are
also listed in London. V. 60, p. 1149.
The S t. P a u l C ity R a ilw a y C o . has issued $4,388,000 5% 50-year cable co n ­ not porpetual expire between 1932 and 1942. Eloctric light and power
s o lid a ted b onds (including $680,000 held by the Farmers Loan & Trust C o., fr a n c h is e runs till 1940.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
In teres t.
trustee, to redeem tho $680,000 prior lion bonds above): limit fixed by this
$2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 __________
mtge. was $5,500,000, but by the joint cons. mtge. o f 1903 no further un­ Stock $2,000,000 ($100).......................................
1,000,0)0 April 1 1942
derlying bonds can be put out. V. 77, p. 2281. Part o f theso cable 1st & ref M $5,000,000 sk f d .. 1912
Aug. 1923
6 g F-A
consols ($1,138,000) aro guar. (p. & i.) by end. o f Twin City Rapid Transit Mont Street Ry 1st mtge] 1893
$350,000 g o ld .....................(Int. at Farmers’ L. & T . C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
Co. See statement to N. Y. Stk. Exch. in June 1895. V. 60, p. 1150. Of
B o n d s .— Of tho 1 st & refunding bonds, $350,000 aro reserved for prior
tho 1st cons. mtge. of the St. Paul City, $224,000 are held by tho Farmers’
lien and $3,650,000 for add’ns & botterra’ ts at 80% of cost, or for acquisi­
Loan & Tr. Co. to bo exchanged for the $224,000 first mtge. bonds.
The M in n e a p o lis Street R y . & S t. P a u l C ity R y . consolidated mortgage of tion or refund., $ for $, of bonds of other properties which may bo acquired.
1903 is a joint Issuo o f the Minneapolis Street Ry. and tho St. Paul City Ry. Sink. fd. equal to 1% of all bonds authenticated annually began April 1
Guaranteed, prin. and int., by endorsement, by Twin City Rapid Transit 1915. V. 95. p. 47.
Co. (see V. 77. p. 2281 and 2340).
EARNINS.— Of combined properties for cal. yoar 1914, gross, $396,­
D iv id e n d s . — All dividends on preferred to and Including Apr. 1916 695: net. after taxes, $106,681.
(144%) have boon paid. First dividend of 1% was paid on tho common
ROAD.— Operates 38 miles of track (including 4 milos of doublo track) in
stock in Aug. 1899; in 1900, 3% ; in 1901, 345%: in 1902, Feb., 2% , Montgomery
and to Pickett Springs; 56 cars. Standard gauge; 70-lb. T
changed to quarterly, and 144% paid M ay 1902; Aug., 144%: N ov., 144% and 95-lb. girder
rail. Power-house capacity, 4,000 k.w.
1903 to 1909, inc., 5% per ann.; 1910 and since, 6 % per annum.
Pres., Ray Rushton; Sec., II. F. Crenshaw; Treas..
ROAD.— Consists of 440.46 miles of track, including four intorurban linos
connecting the business centres o f Minneapolis and St. Paul, an interurban Chas. E. Norton.— V. 8 8 . p. 375: V. 91. p. 1026; V. 94, p. 207. 1764:
line of 22 miles connecting St. Paul and Stillwater, and lines to Lake Minne­ V. 95, p. 47; V. 100, p. 734; V. 102, p. 1718.
tonka. Standard gauge. On tho principal streets of tho citios 90-lb. T
rail with welded joints.
P o w e r . — The company leases water-power at St. Anthony’s Falls (ca­
pacity 2 2 ,0 0 0 h. p .), which power is now used in conjunction with power
generated at now steam power plant to run tho entire railway system in
ORGANIZATION.— Chartered in Pennsylvania Juno 28 1897. Com ­
Doth citios. See V. 64, p. 704.
operations Dec. 16 1897. Owns all tho stock of tho Montoursville
ANNUAL REPORT.— Fiscal year ends Dec. 31. Report for 1915 was menced
Light Co. Stock auth. and issued, $75,000. Funded debt auth.
in V. 102, p. 796, showing results on tho entire property as follows:
and issued, $112,000 5% 30-year gold bonds (tf) dated May 1 1908, int.
Revonuo pass, carried.. 185,654,985 184,352,963 175,895,811 162,407,993 M . & N. Operates 545 m. of track from Williamsport to Montoursvillo, Pa.
EARNINOS.— 12 mos. ending Apr. 30 1916 (lncl. Mont. Eloc. Lt. C o.),
Transfer pass, carried.. 69,259,767 66,742,000
63,914,277 57,584,451
Receipts from transp’n . $9,401,233 $9,227,602
$8,818,178 $8,147,199 gross, $27,438; oxponses. taxes. Interest, &c., $27,727; deficit, $289.
Rects. fromoth.sourcos.
OFFICERS.— Pres., O. L. Peaslee, Williamsport: V .-P ., F. O. Leonard,
Coudersport; Sec. & Treas., W. P. Beobor, Williamsport; Gon. M gr.,
Total receipts............$9,477,891 $9,299,645 $8,870,336 $8,208,967
Frank Renuinger. Montoursville.— V. 8 8 , p. 375; V. 91, p. 1020; V. 94.
Operating expenses------ 6,064,628 5,832,182
4,973,001 p. 207, 1764; V. 95. p. 47._______ ____________
Net earnings............. $3,413,263 $3,467,463
Interest, taxes, &c.........$1,680,297
Miscellaneous debits__
Divs. on prof. stk. (7% )
Divs. on com. stk. (6% )
1,319,916 1,250,514

$3,309,695 $3,235,966
$1,561,440 $1,529,230

T o ta l.......................... $3,230,904 $3,040,336 $2,977,440 $2,945,230
Balance, surplus----------$182,359
OFFICERS.— Pros., Horace Lowry; 1st V .-P., E. \V. Docker; V.-P.,
John R . Mitchell; 2d V.-P. & Sec., A. M . Robertson; A ud., D. J. Strouso;
Troas., E. A. Crosby.— V. 98, p. 604 , 1768, 1847; V. 99, p. 50, 1301, 1453­
V. 100, p. 399, 728, 1439; V. 101, p. 132, 371, 2146; V. 102, p. 438, 523, 7 9 6 '
— Commonly known as “ Dan Patch Elec. Lino.’ ’ Operates a unit power
car system.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. on June 10 1907 in Maine to construct a
lino 300 miles long connecting Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., and Du­
buque, la. 45 miles of road between Minneapolis and Northfiold, M inn.,
in operation (3 miles of which is on privato right-of-way in Minneapolis),
bringing passenger and froight cars into tho leased Minneapolis terminal
(see Eloctric Short Lino Terminal Co. in V. 100, p. 1832). The loaso of tho
Chicago Groat Western R R .’s lino extending from Randolph to Mankato,
M inn., 67 miles, was canceled Fob. I 1916.
Tho proceeds o f the notes issued in M ay 1915 aro to bo used to compioto
tho line into Minneapolis terminal and add to equipment. Minneapolis
Trust Co. is trustee o f the mortgage.
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $15,000,000________ _____
_________ $4,951,800
Prof $16,000,000 6% n o n -cu m .......
................. 3,332,400
3-year notes.............................. 1915

MORRIS COUNTY TRACTION .— An olectric road.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Now Jorsoy in 1899. Charter
gives company right of eminent domain. Built mostly on privato right of
way. F r a n c h is e s through towns aro porpetual or for 35 yoars.
OnFob. 21 I913the N. J- Pub.Utility Comm, apnrovod tho plan to Issue
$300,000 cap. stock to retire tho $3,000,000 oxisting stock (ono now share
for ten old), and $4,179,000 bonds of an auth. $5,000,000, to bo socurcd by
a mtge. to the Safe Dop. & Tr. Co. of Pittsburgh, as trustoo; $3,000,000 for
refunding existing bonds and $1,179,000 for other indebtedness. V. 95, p.
1746, 680; V. 96. p. 653.
In te r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock common (see text)------- -----------------$300,000 __________
First mortgage S3,000,000( 1905
5 g J-D 15 3,000,000 Juno 15 ’35
($1,000) gold callablo atiSafo Deposit & Trust C o., Phila., Trustee.
110 ana interest__ c*& r.tfl Int. at National Iron Bank, Morristown.
General mortgage $5,000,000] 1913
5 g J-D
($1,000) gold..............c * .tf(Int. at Safo Dop. & Tr. C o., Pittsb., Trustee.
B o n d s .— Of the gen. mtge. bonds, $3,000,000 aro reservod to rotiro tho
first mtgo. 5s. No sinking fund. May bo called at 105.
EARNINGS.— For calendar yoar 1915, gross, $330,225; net, $112,596.
In 1914, gross, $310,113: not. $98,045.
ROAD.— Is to build 75 miles of road from Elizabeth, N. J., to Notcong.
with a branch from Denvillo to Boonton and other branches. Road is in
operation from Morristown to Lake Hopatcong, 2144, miles, with branches
to Boonton, 5 miles, aud to Wharton, 244 miles; also from Elizaboth to
Springfield, 6 miles, and from Maplewood to Springflold, 244 miles, and
thenco 844 miles to end of track at Danforth Road (144 miles boyond Madi­
son), total 46.95 miles of ro a d . Total track in operation, 58 miles. The

Ma y . 1916.]



3 miles o f road between Danforth Road and Morristown are owned by the
In t e r e s t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Morris HR. and aro operated under leaso. Gauge, 4 ft. H !4 In. 70-lb. Nashville St Ry 1st mortgage! 1895 5 g J-J
$907,000 Jan 1 1925
T rail in country, 80-11). girdor in citios. Tlio building o f a lino from Land­
$2,000,000 g ($l,000)c*ntf/Nashvilie Trust Co., Nashville, Tenn., Trus.
ing to Notcong is under consideration.
Nashv Ry & Lt consol mtge] 1903
5 g J-J
4.086.000 July 1 1953
OFFICERS.— Pros., Henry It. Rea. Pittsburgh, Pa.; V .-P ., Jos. K.
$6,000,000 g ($1,000) sink-) Interest at Guaranty Trust C o.. N. Y.,Trus.
Choate, Morristown; Sec. & Treas., O. G. Schultz, Morristown; Gen. M g r..
ing fu n d ____________ c*tf j
O. O. Weidman.— V. 95. p. 680. 1608, 1746; V. 96. p. 63, 653; V. 97, p. 521. Nash Ry & Lt ref & ext mtgef 1908
5 g J-J
3,310,000 July 1 1958
815,000,000 ($500. SI.000)t Int. at Guaranty Trust Co.. N. Y .. Trustee,
g o ld ------------------------- c*tf [ or at office of company, Nashville.
Gold notes, .Si,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ($ 1 ,- 1 1915 5 J-D
472,000 June 15 1916
000) Red at par and int
tint, at Phila. (Pa.) Trust C o., Trustoo,and
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated in Now Jersey on July 1 1910, as
entfj company’s office.
B o n d s . — The Nashville Ry. & Lt. consols of 1903 are subject to call on
successor to the Burlington County lty. Co. V. 90, p. 1612. Stock auth.
any interest date on 30 days’ notice at 107 46. No more can be issued
and issued, 5120,000 ($50). No bonds.
In Fob. 1916 applied to the N. J. Pub. Utility Comm, for permission to except $21,000 now in treasury. S in k in g f u n d $30,000 per annum, com­
increase tho faro from Moorostown to Mount Holly and from Mount Holly menced July 1 1913, but only If company has a surplus above charges and
div. on pref. stock; bonds to be kept alive in sinking fund. Int. on the
to Burlington from 10 to 15 cents each.
Nashville A Edgefield Consol. 6 s payable at office of company in Nashville
EARNINGS.— For year end. Juno 30 1915, gross, 573,101; net from or
Hanover Nat. Bank, N. Y. Int. on Nashville St. Ry. bonds of 1895 oayoper., $6,160; divs. (4% ), $4,750; surplus, $1,410.
e Nat. Bank, N . Y . Of the new ref. and ext. bonds,
ROAD.— About 15 miles of track from Burlington through M t. Holly J >'9|0.000 are reserved for prior liens. $861.000 are in treasury, and
and Hainesport to Moorostown. 60-lb. T rail. Gauge, 5 ft.
$4,889,000 may be issued at rate of $1,000 for each $1,250 expended for
OFFICERS.— Pres., Albert Haines; V .-P., John D. Johnson Jr.; Sec.- future improvements amd equipments, not over $700,000 to be issued in any
Troas., Armitt H. Coato; M gr.. Edwin C. Davis.
calendar year, and subject to certain other conditions. Bonds cannot be
called. Sinking fund of « of 1% of outstanding bonds starts July 1 1918.
bonds in sinking fund being kept alive. See particulars of bonds, property,
&c., in V. 87, p. 227. Tho coupon notes aro secured by ref. & ext. M . 5s
at 75% of their par value.
D iv id e n d s .— The first dividend on pref. stock— 24£%— was paid Jan. 1
. U? *’ an- 1906 almost tho entire stock was acquired by the American Light
1905 and 2 M % each six months since to and Including July 1910 In Oct
& Traction Co. V. 82. p. 49.
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated in Michigan on March 1 1901, and Is 1910 changed to quar. and paid l> f % , and same amount quar. since to and
a consolidation o f tho street railway, electric-light and gas companies of tho Incl. Apr. 1916. First div. on com.— 1%— was paid July 1 1909. In 1910.
city. F r a n c h is e s expire: gas, 1925; electric, 1930; railway, indeterminate. 3% . In 1911, Jan., 5*%; April, *4% -. July. 1%; Oct.. 1 % . In 1912,
Jan., 1%; May, 11%; special; July, 1%; Sept., 1H % ; N ov., 2% . In 1913.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Feb., I H % . special; M ay, 3% : Aug., 2 H % . None to April 1915. when
Stock $600,000 ($100)......... ..................................
$6 0 0 ,0 0 0 ________
1% was paid. None since. Practically all common stock acquired by
Preferred $100,000 6% cum
See text
Tennessee R y., Lt. & Pow. Co. in M ay 1912.
First mortgago $600,000 goldf 1901 5 g M-S
600,000 Mar 1 1931
EARN ING S.— Years ending Dec. 31:
($1,000)_______________ tf{Interest at Wyoming Valley Trust C o..
C a l.
G ro ss
N e t (a fte r
In terest.
P r e f . D iv .
B a la n c e ,
Callable at 105__________ I Wllkcs-Barro, Pa., Trustoo.
Y ea r—
E a r n in g s .
T a x e s ).
A c.
S u r p lu s .
5% .
D iv id e n d s . — On preferred stock 6% yearly from 1902 to date.
ROAD.—Owns 15 miles of road and sorves as a terminal for tho Grand 1954.................... 2,240,307 886.575
Rapids Grand Haven A Muskegon R y., which operates 40 mties of track
Rovenue passengers carried in 1915. 26,654,589 against 28,724,072 in 1914
between points indicated in tho titlo.
PR O PE R T Y.— Operates 97.46 miles of single track. Has 219 passenger
and 12 other cars. Power plants have a capacity of 18.350 k.w.
OFFICERS.— Pres., C. M . Clark; V.-P., M. S. Hopkins: V.-P. & Gen.
M gr., F. W. Hoover; Sec. A Treas., H. C. Walters.— V. 96, p. 420, 863;
V. 97, p. 887; V. 98. p. 763, 1538, 1767; V. 100, p. 1168; V. 102, p. 1626


(2) Chattanooga Railway & Light Co.

Tennessee R y., Lt. & Pow. Co. owns practically ail of the $ 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
common and $2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 pref. stock.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Tennessee on July 29 1909 as a
consolidation of the Chattanooga Railways Co. and Chattanooga Electric
Co., per plan V. 8 8 , p. 1497. Y. 89, p. 285. Own; entire capital stock of
Lookout Mountain Ry. Co. Does entire street railway, excepting one
Interurban line, and practically all tho electric-light and power business
In Chattanooga and vicinity. Suburban lines run to Missionary Ridge.
Chickamauga Park and Lookout Mountain. In 1911 made a 30-yr. con­
tract with Tennessee Power C o., under which It will obtain ail power re­
quired for its purposes and will use Its steam stations for reserve only.
franchises, with minor exceptions, without limit of time.
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Common $3,000,000 ($ 1 0 0 )... . . .
See tex t'
Pref $2,000,000 5% cum($ 1 0 0 )____
Q -j"
See text
First and refunding mortgage) 1909
5 g M -N
2.395.000 May 1 1956
$15,OOO.OOOg ($1,000).c*tflFidelity Trust Co. Philadelphia, Trustoo.
Chatt Rys 1st cons mtge, seol 1906
5 g M -N
2.165.000 May 1 1956
text ($500 & $1,000) g.c*tf| Int. at Comm. Tr. Co. of Phila., Phiia.,Trus.
8to™$500!0W)D($100) ~ - - - OU$ 5 0 0 d0 0 f l’ S o o ^ o x t ^ '
Chatt El Ry 1st M $625,0001 1898
5 g J-J
625,000 Jan 1 1919
g n otsu b toc($ l,0 0 0 )c*n tffln t. at Maryland Trust C o., Balt., Trustee.
F& | o ei T ( ^ ? C - S- - k- ^ )ln ? .12at Equitable Tr. o W
« u
5 g J-D
615,000 June 1 1917
Remaining bonds may be Issued for additions and betterments at 80% T ^ '„ ySar 5 '*> K0,d notes *1.-1 1915
000,000 ($1.000)--------cntf/P enn Co. for Ins. on Lives, A c., Trustee
of cost, with certain restrictions. Subject to call as a wliolo, or in nart ( t
S to ck. — Pref. shares equally with com. after com. has received 5% .
105 and int. on any lnt. day on 3 weeks" notice. Somt-annual sinking r.'.n.i
B o n d s .- —The $3,000,000 Chattanooga Rys. mtge. has been closed; call­
began Jan. 1 1914 or H o f 1% of all bonds outstanding V 95 d m i “ d
able any lnt. date at 107 and int. on 3 mos.’ notice. Of the 1st & ref. bonds.
D iv id e n d s . — 1908, 5% ; 1909,6% ; 1910 to 19 12.inclusive' 8 %
EARNINGS.— For year ending Dec. 31 1913, gross, $174,320; not $58 - $2,790,000 are reserved for prior liens and $9,384,000 for extensions,
betterments and improvements at 85% of cost. $431,000 pledged as
611: taxes, bond int. and other charges, $40,689: surplus $18 021 ’ lHw
1 ass' part security for Chattanooga Railway & Light Co. 5% notes due 1917.
engors carried in 1913, 3,246.696.
No sinking fund; callable at 105 and int. on any Int. date after Nov. 1 1916
ROAD.— Operates city lines, 16.13 miles, and intorurban and suburban
15.13; total, $1.26. Standard gaugo, 70 and 60-lb. T rail. 47 na^s ears' on 60 days’ notice. Int. payable at Hodenpyl, Hardy & Co. and at
(of which 34 pre payment); 2 mlsm cars and 1 elec, locomotive. 1
cara office of trustee. V. 89, p. 846.
The 2-year notes can only be Issued to the extent of 75% of the face value
skoi, ...
or the bonds pledged as security. Interest payable at office of E. W .
Clark A Co., PhUadelphia, Pa. Secured by $431,000 Chatt. Ry. & Lt.
Co. 1st & ref. 5s and $389,000 Lookout Mountain 1st M . 6 s. Red. at par and
int. on any int. date on 30 days’ notice.
D iv id e n d s . — Practically all the com. and pref. stock is owned by the
Tennessee Ry., Light & Power Co.
EARNINGS.— Years ending Dec. 31:
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Maino on April 23 101*2 V 9 1 n n o n
C d l.
G ross
Exp. A
N et
In teres t.
B a la n c e ,
Is a holding company and owns all tho stock o f Tennessee Power C o ' nine’
E a r n in g s .
T axes.
E a r n in g s .
A c.
S u r .o r D e f.
ticaliy all the common and $335,300 prof, stock o f tlioNashvillo B y ’ A Lt’ , Year—
Co. and practically ail com. and prof, stocks o f Chatt R y A Lt Co
191.4--.-rr-----, 1.085,096 699 724
45 964
O u tsta n din g
L ./n V - V '
ROAD.— Including Lookout Mountain lty., operates 73.158 miles o f
single track. Extensions to Chickamauga Park and Lookout Mountain
g ^ ^ ° o no 1 i m 0;29Ro,(* i 2 P > - - v - -.r..........$2o?ooo?(5oo
are under construction. Gauge, 4 ft. 8 4 in. T and girder rails
Ono-year 6 % note participating receipts............... 2 ,500 ( 00 Juno 2 2 1 9 1 ft motor, 12 trailers 2 Incline cable and 9 work cars. Two generating sta­
Those participating receipts aro issued by tho Guaranty Trust Co of tions; total capacity 9,000 k.w.
N. Y. and entitle tho holder to a certain interest in a l-y o a r 0 % „ro
OFFICERS.— Pres., C. M Clark; V.-Ps., M . S. Hopkins, H. L. Clark
note for $2,500,000 executed by tho Tenn. Ry. Lt. & Power Co ™7i JZ and
F. W. Hoover; Sec. A Treas.. G. L. Estabrook: Asst. -ec. A Asst.
l9t 59
, 2 ' 5 0 0 -0 00
l O l T v V1 0 2
89’ P' 285' 8i8: V ' 95' P' 543’ U22: V ' 101’ P ’
STOCK.— Pref. stock divs. are cum. from Juno l 1912 V 04 n lion
D iv id e n d s . — Initial div. on prof., paid Sept. 1912, 1>*%; same’ amount'
(a) Lookout Mountain Railway Co.
quarterly to and incl. Juno 1914. None since.
ORGANIZATION.— Owns electric line on top of Lookout Mountain
EARN INGS.— Combined earnings of constituent companiesand, through stock ownership, controls tho Lookout Incline Co. (whose
Y e a r s e n d in g
G ross
N e t (a fte r
In teres t,
* D iv s . on ' B a la n c e
and bonds are deposited under the company’s mortgage). Stack
D e c . 31—
A a ™ L n0AT a x e s ).
A c.
M in o r . Stock.) S u r p lu s ’.
owned by tho Chattanooga Railway A Light Co. Private right-of-way
1915------- -------- $3,947,268 $1,679,874 $1,320,263 $108,472 $251,139 ail
except short piece of track on which fr a n c h is e expires in 1926.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Stock ($ 500,000 )..................................................
Ry IJL*<&I1 pS 8 oW ° n stocks
constituent cos. not owned by Tonn. 1st mtge $2,000,000 ($1,000)1 1913
6 g M -N
389,000 May" l‘ 1956
I ROI E R 1 1 ', ^ 6 , I lio constituent cos. own and operate electric-light
tn- R y- bonds are rod. at 105 and int. on any
power and traction properties in Nashville, Chattanooga, Cleveland and $1,611,000 reserved M
several smaller cities. A number o f other cities Includbig ifn n L iio1 standing are pledged as part security for Chattanooga Rv. A Lt. 5% notes
Tenn.. and Dalton and Romo. Ga.. aro under contract for e S
Int. payable at offices of E. W. Clark A Co.. Phila., and Hodenpyl, Hardy
OFFICERS.— Pres., O. M . Clark; V.-Ps., H. M . Byllosbv Geo F
& Co., Now York.
Hardy and F. O. Walcott; Sec. & Treas., O. L. Estabrook; A sb S o c .A
EARNINGS.— Included in Chattanooga R y. A Light Co. earnings
Asst. Treas., William Lilley. Under management of E. W Clark Manage
ROAD.— Operates a cable road of 5,000 feet and has 9 .8 miles of electric
mont Corp— V. 94, p. 1187, 1696; V. 95, p 481, 549; V 97 i) 287 v ™
road around and on top of mountain. 1 2 passenger cars.
I). 913; V. 99, p. 539; Y. 100, p. 1593, 1667; V. 101, p.’ 1015; V .'l02 p. l719!
O F F IC E R S .-P res. O. M . Clark; V .-P .PM . S. Ilopkins; Sec. A Treas..
G L. Estabrook; Gen. M gr., F. W. Hoover.— V. 83. p. 323; V. 87. p. 226.
__(1) N a s h v i l l e R a i l w a y & L i g h t Co.— Street railway and Iliditlnv
(3) Tennessee Power Co.
« X ° . f Lt? n . fowanCoPraCtlCa" y aU ° f th 0 ~ o n itgo c k S e d by
Stock all owned by Tennessee R y., Light A Power Co.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In Tonnesseo on limn 9 ft mna
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. in Tennessee on April 24 1912 as a consoli­
reorganization or the Nashville Railway C o., sold\mderT r ^ d n r n 'o f
dation of the Eastern Tennessee Power Co. and Great Falls Power Co •
latter’s first consol, mtge. Tho Nashville Ry. was aconsolidationf1n°ionn has also acquired the property formerly belonging to Sweetwater Elec. Lt.’
of tho Nashvlllo Street Railway, tho Nashville & Suburban and the m
C o., Cleveland (Tenn.) EL Lt. C o.. Sparta Elec. Light A Power C o., Sparta
zens’ Rapid Transit, tho Cumberland Electric-Light & l W e r and the Water Co. and A. A T . Powor Co. F r a n c h is e s . — The c o .’s power plants
Union Light & Power Co. Does practically all tho street railway and*ram are owned in fee and its transmission lines are on private right of wav and
inorcial lighting and power business in Nashvillo, F r a n c h is e s porpetdaL ™
franchise limitations or restrictions.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g . M a tu ritu
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y
Common $4,000,000................................................ $4,000,000 Apr ’ 151<y Stock$20,000,000 ($100)------- — All owned by Tenn. Rv., Lt. A P. C o —
5 g M-N $7,500,000 May 1 1962
Pref 5% cum $2,500.000................ Q-J
2 500.000 Apr ’ lfi 1 w First mtge $50,000,000 golcfl 1912
guar.p A i (S l.0 0 0 )..c*n tf fJnt. at Bankers Trust C o.. N . Y . Trustee
M c O & M t V Horse R R ls tM l 1886
6 J-J
65 000 July 1 1 9 20
B o n d s — Of the remaining bonds, $2,589,000 are in treasury pledged to
($100, $500 & $ 1 , 0 0 0 ) . c n t f /Nashvillo Tr. Co., Trust, lilt at co’s office
Second series ($ 1 ,000.cntf 1887
6 J-J
485.000 July 1 1 9 3 7 Tenn. R y., Lt. A I . C o., as collateral on advances, of which 32,500,000 aro
/Nashvillo Tr. Co., Trust. Int. at co's office deposited under tho Tenn. R y., Lt. A Pow. Co. coll, note and $39,911 000
are reserved for extensions, acquisitions and improvements. S in k in g fu n d
Nashvillo A Edgefield 1st M l 1886
6 J-J
ttlOO, $500 A $1,0 0 0 ) _cntf]Nashville Tr. Co., T ru st" Int.a / c o ’s* office 1% per ann. of bonds out, begins May 1 1917; to bo used for extraordinary
replacements or additions, enlargements and extensions; also for
„n°uS« . ^ 1400.600 fJ500,l 1889
6 J-J
274.000 J a ^ l 1920
and $1,000)................entf/Nashville Tr. Co., Nashvillo, Tenn., Trustee cancellation of bonds. Rod. in whole or in part at 107 H and int. on 12
weeks notice. See V. 95. p. 549. F. N. B. Close. N. Y .. Is also trustee
^ ORG A N U .A ITO N .-Incorporated In 1904 in Indian Territory. In Oct
1912 acquired the People s Electric R y., which was merged into this prop­
erty, and issued $600,000 n ew 1st M . bonds to refund an earlier issue of
$450,000 and inj part payment for tho People’s Elec. Ry. $200,000 add!
tional bonds will be Issued in final payment when annual net earnings aro
twice tho interest charges on bonds out, including these $200,000. F r a n ­
ch ises aro unlimited as to timo.
R ig h t o f P u rc h a se by C ity .— T h o city has tho right to purchase all tho corapany s property within cltv limits in 1934 and at tho end of every 15-year
period thereafter, at a price doterminablo by arbitration, but in caso of
such purchase the bonds must be either paid off or assumed by the city
and in the latter event the company must bo allowed to operate Its cars
ba°s7 s SUScobV n 95r , ' ) 1 3 3 [ “ P°
° th° centro of tho clty on a rental
Has favorable long-time power contract with tho Muskogee Gas A El. Co.


6 8

[Vol. 102.

The trust deed provides that the stocks pledged shall not be used so as to
E A R N IN G S — For cal. year 1915, gross, $1,066,206; expensos, $402,880;
tho capital stock of any of the companies nor to create any now
taxes, $35,800; rentals, $181,708; not, $445,818; surplus oarmngs o f dis­ increase
upon the respective companies except to take up existing debt or any
tributing systems, $58,818; total, $504,636; interest (net), $465,598, liens
such company or of underlying or subsidiary companies.
surplus, $39,038.
$50,000,000 M o rt g a g e .— O f tho $50,000,000 bonds reported outstand ng.
PR O PE R TY, &C.— Owns water-power sites on the Ocoee River near $ 1 2 500,000 aro treasury bonds, $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 thereof being deposited as
Parksville, Tenn.. with an ultimato capacity of 80,000 h. p. Option has collateral to the 3-yoar collateral gold notes. For security of bonds see
been secured on sites for the development of 30,000 h. p. additional, and at V. 89, P- 1348; V. 90. p. 698. Rod. as a whole (but not In part) on any int.
Great Falls. Tenn., owns a site capable o f developing 80,000 h .p . Or the date beginning Oct. 1 1919, at 105 and int. Commencing Aug. 1 1913, an
development in operation. No. 1 was put in operation Jan. 1912 and No. 2 annual sinking fund payment of $209,500 draws bonds at 10a and int.
in complete operation April 1 1914. Total capacity, 45,000 h. p. A $758,000 in sinking fund. Bonds aro listed on N . Y . and Phila. Stock
10,000 h. p. steam plant at Parksvillo and a 13,000 h. p. hydro-electric Exchanges
V 91, p. 717, V. 92, p. 1179; V. 93, p. 1191.
plant at Great Falls are under construction. Power is also purchased from
As collateral to the notes of 1916 are deposited $10,000,000 Public
the Chattanooga & Tennessee River Power Co. Also owns 528 miles and Service Corporation general mortgage 5s. Notes are red. at par and int.
oporates 31 miles additional high-tension transmission lines. Supplies prac­ on any int. day after March 1 1917. Prin. and int. payable without
tically all the electric current used in Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, deduction for any taxes required by any present or futuro law of the U. s.
Murfreesboro, Cleveland, Athens, Etowah, Sweetwater, Renoir City, or o f any State, county or municipality; not including, however, the normal
Loudon, Franklin and Sparta, Tenn., and Romo and Dalton, Ga. Has Federal incomo tax. V. 102, p. 977.
contracts with the Aluminum Co. o f America at Marysvillo for about 50,000
D iv id e n d s . — First div. of 1% was paid June 29 1907; 1% was paid Sept. 30
h. p ., with the American Zinc Co. at Mascot for about 4,500 h. p ., and with
the Tennessee Copper Co. for between 2,000 and 3,000 h. p.— V. 98, p. 1907 and 1% Dec. 31 1907. In 1908,4% . In 1909. 444%. |n 1 9 1 0 - 5 %
in 1911 to 1914, 6 % . In 1915, March, 1H % : Juno. 1 ^ % ; Sept., 1 Hj % ,
1698, 1618.
in Dec. rato was increased to 1 M % (V. 101, p. 2145). In 1916, March,
1 H%.
REPORT.— For cal. year (1915 report in V. 102, P- 1244, 1262):
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorp. in Tennessee. Capital stock auth. and
outstanding. $750,000. Authorized and outstanding, *600,000 30-year R auTay^om pTnvT___________ ....$ 1 6 ,6 3 8 4 4 2 $16,379 310 $16,2013933
5% gold bonds (c*tf) dated July 1 1911 and due July 1 1941. Callable
10,764,878 10,555,556 10,222.668
on or after July 1 1916 at 105 and Int. Int. J. & J. in Nashville. Nash­ G a s c o m n a n v .............
S c C o m p a n y ' . : : : : : ___________ 10,487.281
ville Trust C o., trustee.
ROAD.— Operates approx. 28 miles between Nashville and Gallatin.
Total gross earnings..................... ..$37,890,301 $36,275,615 $34,970,446
Road was placed in operation for passenger service on April 5 1913. Total Operating expenses and taxes..........1122.094.6781 $19,892,708 $18,844,608
length o f track, 30 miles. 70-lb. A. S. O. E. rails. Standard gauge. Amortization charges........................ J___________ l 1,303,609
Enters Nashville over tracks of Nashville R y. & Light Co. An extension
to Springfield, Tenn., about 15 miles, is contemplated.
Total expenses
.....................$22,094,678 $21,196,317 $19,852,199
I ' . . - - - - ...........$15,795,623 $15,079,298 $15,118,247
OFFICERS.— Pres., F. W . Hoover; V .-P. & Gen. M gr., B. CL Edgar; Not earnings
Sec. & Treas.. H. O. Walters.— V. 95, p. H I ; V. 96. p. 1157; V. 99. p . 1215.
S fjiU S g iS
This company late ha'igM ^ncr^sed its authorized capital from $500,000
* • unn
__ -1 I™
KAllair linn
n Nashville.
ficnvi IIIV d
to $1,000,000
is ........I
constructing n
a ftrolley
line Iin
Kh TilllflS
built, 2 miles in operation. 3 leased cars n servico. In April 1915 it was
reported that tho Detroit interests had sold their control. V. 100, p. 1349.
H. ®a'VU
i’f iUKKa.—
j . Palmer,, noouim
■• i W.
___ \ Cn1„rakl<a
i Ofl M
rr* lG.
l( Howard,
I In
•r- <11
1 _i'res.,
1. Corp.),
yer (E.
Mr gt.
Columbus, II
O.;• lGen.
Nashville— V. 99, p. 1366; V. 100, p. 1349.

Total in c o m e .................................. $18,147,432 $17,563,943 $17,427,121
^corRrolhx^cornpanii»^--UaS-e^--^^$12,209,215 $12,097,110 *11.911.316
Fixed charges of Public Servico Corp. 3,966,965
3 ,267,605
Other deductions
Divs. on Pub. ServTCorpTsTock. (6 ' A % )1,562,500 (6)1,500,000 (6)1,500,000


Total deductions............................... Si7.863.627 $17,480,854 $17,241,180
Balance, surplus___________________
OFFICERS.— Pres., Thos. N . McCarter; 1st V .-P ., George J. Roberts;
2d V .-P ., John J. Burleigh; 3d V .-P .. Randal Morgan; 4th V.-P., Anthony
R Kuser- Sec Ed. W. Hino; Treas., Percy 8 , Young.— V. 101, p. 371,
1014, 1371,1807, 1974,2145; V. 102 p. 438. 977, 1163, 1244, 1262, 1626.

SOUTHERN R AILW AY & L1QHT CO.— Street, railway, gas and
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated in 1908 and took over Southern
Light & Traction Co. (V. 85. p. 1144), which was a consolidation of the
Natchez Electric Street R y. & Power C o., the Natchoz Light, Power &
Transit Co. and the Natchez Gas Light Co. Gas franchise perpetual; street
railway and electric lighting franchises expire In 1949. Does the entire
street railway, gas, electric-lighting and powor business o f Natchez. Has
contract with city for streot lighting which expires in 1919.
D a te .
In ter es t.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
S f ) I * f i c ' I K t *5007-1 1903 S V a -OIS
A m l ( f W33
ooo s o u <31.000).........“ V .
B o n d s . — $160,000 are reserved for betterments and extensions.
Are sub­
ject to call at l65 and Int. $5,000 have been retired. See V. 76. p. 1086.
ROAD.— Operates 6 miles o f track; 12 cars.
" OFFICERS.— Pres., Frank J. Duffy, Natchez: V .-P ., E . H. Ratcliff.
Natdhoz; Sec. & Troas., J. W . Billingsley. Now Orleans.— V. 8 6 . p. 1591.


railway, gas and electric.— (See m a p o n p a g e s 80 a n d 81.)
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In New Jersey on M ay 6 1903 and
controls, through ownership o f stock, Public Service Ry. C o., Public
Service Gas C o.. Public Service Elec. C o., Orange & Passaic Valley Ry, Co.
and United Elec. Co. o f N. J. The stockholders of the two cos. last named
and also the stockholders of certain of the cos. out of which I ubllc Service
R y. Co. was subsequently formed (namely North Jersey Street Ry. C o.,
Jersey City Hoboken & Paterson St. Ry. Co. and Elizabeth PUInflekl &
Central New Jersey Ry. Co.) were given certificate described below In exch.
for their stock. See plan in V. 76, p. 8 6 0 and also p. 1249. The Fidelity
Trust Co. of Newark financed the transaction.
__ ^
Controls practically tho entire street railway business of Northern New
Jersey and the gas and lighting interests of the greater part o f New Jersey.
Also owns entire capital stock of Middlesex Electric Light & Power C o.,
Morristown Gas Light Co. (V. 91. p. 95) Nichols Elec. Light & PowOTCo.of
Nutley, N. J.. Citizens’ Elec. Light, ileat & Powor Co. (Perth Amboy.
N. J.). Burlington Elec. Light & Power C o.. Public Service R R . and Weohawken Contracting Co.; a majority of stock of Princoton Light. Heat &
Power Co. and Shore Lighting Co. and practically all o f the common stock
of Now Jersey * Hudson River Ry. & Ferry Co.
M e r g e r o f S u b s i d i a r i e s . — In 1907 North Jersey Street Ky. C o ., Jersey
City Hoboken & Paterson Street Ry. Oo. and United Street Ry. Co. of
Central Jersey were consolidated under the name of Public Service Ry. C o.,
which see below. V . 85. p. 406 and 470. T o Public Service Ry. Co. also
have been transferred the leases of various railways formerly hold by Public
Servico Corporation. On Doc. 28 1915 the merger o f the I ub. Service
R y. and the P. S. Newark Terminal Ry. was ratified.
In Oct. 1909 all leasehold interest In gas properties and all rights under
operating agreomont with Plainfield Gas Light Co. were assigned to the
PubHc Servico Gas C o., which see bolow; also V. 89, p. 594. 721, 847.
In July 1910 all leasehold interest in electric light and power properties
w ere assigned to the Public Service Electric Co. V. 90, p. 1614.
S a le o f B erg en T u r n p ik e . — Seo Borgon Turnpike Co. on a subsequent page.
N e w T e r m in a l. — See Public Service Ry. below.
F a r e D e c i s i o n . — The U. S. Supreme Court on Juno 8 1914 affirmed the
decision of tho New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals, holding that the
Chosen Freeholders o f Hudson County. N. J., had the right to reduce fares
to 6 cents per round trip on the Port Richmond (Staton Island) & Bergen
Point (N. J.) Ferry C o., which Is owned by the Public Servico Corporation.
After operating for a year under this rate, an injunction was granted by
Sj. WWW.
DIst.Courtv and the
D. y
-----------one-way fare restored as of Jan. 1 1916.

D a te .

In te r e s t.

O u tsta n d in g . M a t u r it y .

D ed u ct—

Controlled by Public Service Corp. by ownership of ontiro capital stock.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated In New Jersey on June 13 1910.
L e a s e s .— In July 1910 Public Service Corp. assigned to Public Service
Electric Co. the leases of United Elec. Co. of N. J., Middlesex Elec. L ig h t*
Power C o., Weehawken Contracting C o., Nichols Elec. Lt. & I ower Co. of
Nutley. N. J.. and Citizens' Elec. Light, Heat & Power Co. and the electric
properties of South Jersey Gas, Elec. & Trac. C o., rIho I aterson &: Passaic
Gas & Elec. C o.. Somerset Union & Middlesex Lighting Co. and Hie Gas
& Electric Co. of Bergen County. Also leases Burlington El. Lt. & Pow.Co.
Cinnamlnson Elec. Lt.. Pow. & Heating Co. and Bordentown Elec. Co.,
and electric properties of Princeton Light, Heat & I ower Co. and Shore
Lighting Co. In addition leases and oporates the power stations owned by
PUSbt ^ k eautC
hoHzyed ?S 3 0 .000.000; outstanding. $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . all owned
(except directors'shares) by Public Servico Corp. No bonds. Ileal estate
mtgos., $202,867. On Nov. 19 1915 tho N. J. P. U. Comm, auth tho is­
suance of $3,000,000 capital stock (Incl. In amount reported out) to reim­
burse the Pub. Serv. Corp. for advances for capital expenditures.
PROPERTY, &C.— On Dec. 31 1915 had 22 generating stations with a
rinipifcv of 227 813 k. w .. and 61 sub-stations; 685 miles of transmission
ifne and 1 3 9 m i li of conduR. Meters 124,433 Number o f street arc
lamps, 13,878, and street Incandescent lamps, 24,803.
OFFICERS.— Pres., Thos. N . McCarter; V.-I’s., George J. Roberts and
John J. Burleigh; V.-P. & Treas., Percy S. Young; V.-P. & Gen. M gr.,
Dudley Farrand: Sec., E. W . Hlne.
United E lectric Co. o f New Jersey.
ORGANIZATION.— Organized March 4 1899.
L e a s e . — Leased July 1 1907 for 999 years to Public Service Corporation.
In July 1910 lease assigned to Public Service E lectrlcC o. U nderthe
lease the $400,000 surplus cash a s s e t s o t company were dlvided and a
special dividend of 5% was paid June 29 !?07 (V. 85. P- 44). Rental is
3% for two years, 4% for next two years and 5 % thereafter. V. 85, p. 44.
Public Semico Corporation owns $19,594,500 of this company s stock and
$683,000 of its first mortgage bonds.
STOCK AND B O N D S D a te .
I n t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
s;90 000 000
------- ------------------ 520,000,000
»ee text
FIrat mtge$20J30() ,000 goldl 1899
4 g J-D
18.617.500 June 1 1949
500 and $1.000) _ .c * .tf Int. at N . J. Title Gu. * 1 r. Oo., J. C ., Triis.
Con Lt Heat & Pow"$1,000- 1898 5 g J-D
308,000 June 11938
000 ($500) Int. at N. J. Title Gu. & Tr. C o., J. C .,T n « .
Nor Hudson Lt Heat & Pow 1898 5 g A-O
367.000 Oct 1 1938
$2,000,000 ($1,000)___ tf JInt. at N. J. Title Gu. & lr . C o., J. O ., Trus.
B o n d s . — In addition to the above there aro $115,000 Con. L t.. Ht. & Pow.
bonds in hands of trustee. Int. on 1 st mtgo. is guaranteed by I ub. Serv.
Corp., which also agrees to provide for paymont o f prin. by extension, roftindlnir or Otherwise V 90, p. 114. First mtgo. bonds are reserved to ref??n L t l i t & Pow. a id North Hudson Lt.. Ht. & Power Bonds.—
V. 85. p.*44.'2M*'415T V. 90. p. 114. 1106; V. 93. p. 414; V. 94. p. 987.
Middlesex Electric Light & Power Co.
DROANIZATION.— Is a consolidation of Oartaret Electric Light &
Power Co. and Middlesex Lighting Oo. Was leased May 1 1908 for 999
vokrs to Public Service Corp. for an annual rontal of 5% on stock and int.
Leaio ^signed to Public Service Electric Co. In July 1910.
Stock all owned by Public Service Corporation, which also owns $21,000
o f the first mortgage bonds.
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .

Q-M 31 $25,000,000 M a r ’ 16,lM
1903 6 M -N
♦20.047.770 Perpetual
Fidelity Trust C o.. Newark, Trustee.
ASf So . . N
e K
f V^
50.000,000 Oct 1 1959
R o n d s '— Of the*bonds, $19,000 are reserved for improvements.
General mortgage$50,000,000 1909 5 g A -0
gold ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) s f ...........c*tf Int. at Fidelity Trust C o., Newark, Trustee,
N ichols Electric Light & Power Co. of N utley, N. J.
or at offlco of J. P. Morgan & Co.
5 g M-S
7,500,000 Mar 1 1919
o r o ANTZATION — Incorp. In N. J. Jan. 3 1896. Stock $25,000 ($50);
Three-year coll notes $7,500,­ 1916
goiu ...........................
all owned bv Public ServiceCorp. No bonds. Was leased May 1 1908 for
0 0 0 gold
($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) - - ------c*-/Fidelity Trust Co., Phila., Pa., trustee.
♦Of which $864,485 owned by the Corporation;
999 years to Public Servico Corp. (1 eas1
°ni)2318necJ to P ubllc Sorvlce Elec. Oo.
S to ck .— Stock listed on N. Y . Stook Exchange. $25,000,000.
In July 1910) for an annual rental of 10% on stock.
B o n d s .— Tho trust certifs. bore 2% int. (dating from June 1 1903) the first
W eehawken C on tractin g Co.
two years, 2 H % the third year, and increased by J4% each following year
ORGANIZATION.— Inc. in New Jersoy May 9 1904. Is leased to Pub.
until 6 % was reached in the tenth year, which is tne rate now paid. See Service ( ’ oro for bond Int. and 6 % on prof, stock. Loaso assigned in July
V 80 D. 164. The following shows the terms upon which the stocks or the
constituent companies were exchanged for the trust certificates. The 1910 to Public Sendee Elec. C o. Stock all owned by Public Servico Corp,
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
stocks acquired are pledged as security for the trust certificate.
Stock com $70,000 ($50)..........................................
*1? 050 " ...............
T o ta l
T o ta l
C e r t ifi- I f A l l Stock
Fire^mVrteige5 $ 3 ^ 0 0 " gold? 1908
6 g F -A 20
30,’000 F"ob 2(M928
D e p o s ite d ,
cates. E x ch a n g ed
40%' $6,000,000 F « 2 5 0 ) - f * - - - - - - - - - - - c * t f l Interest at Weehawken Trust C o., trustco.
•North Jersey Street R y $15,000,000 $14,994,400
•Jersoy City Hoboken & Pat___
C itizens’ Electric Light, Heat & Power Co.
19.984.600 35%
erson Stroet R y--------- 20,000,000
Leased to Public Sorvlce Corp. June 15 1910 for 999 years, and in July
♦Elizabeth Plainfield & Oen900.000
to Public Service Electric C o.; rontal equivalent to
tral Jersoy Ry. C o--- 3,000,000
300.000 1 0 % on capital stock.
Orange & Passaic Val. R y. C o . 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0
United Electric C o--------2O.0OO.OOO
ORGANIZATION.__Incorp. in New Jersoy on M ar. 1 1905. Stock
$125 000 ($25); outstanding. $41,400 (n tf). all owned by Public
......................................................................$20,200,000 auth
Service^Co^. except^$225 In hands of public, incl. directors’ shares.
• Now merged in Public Service R a ilw a y C o ., which see below.

Stock $25,000,000 (*100). . .
Trust certificates $20,200,000

Ma y , 1^1(5.]



B urlington Electric Light & Power Co.
T he Paterson & Passaic Gas & Electric Co.
This company was leased to Public Service Corporation for 900 years
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated Oct. 6 1888 in New Jersey. Public
1903. Under lease, div. rate was gradually increased and is
Service Corp. owns entire issue of stock, except directors’ shares. Stock
auth., $25,000 ($50) outstanding, $17,550. No bonds. Leased for 900 now 5% per annum. In Oct. 1909 gas part o f lease assigned to Public
years from M ay 1 1911 to Public Serv. El. Co. at a rental o f $2,250 per ann. Service Gas Co. and in July 1910 electric part o f lease assigned to Public
Service Electric Co.
Cinnlm inson Elec. Light, Power & H eating C o. o f R iverton, N. J
ORGANIZATION.— Inc. Feb. 28 1899. Is a consolidation of the vari­
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorp. N ov. 28 1892 and leased to Public Service ous gas and lighting properties o f Paterson and Passaic.
Public Service Corporation owns $269,700 o f the stock.
Elec. Co. April 1 1914 for 46 years at a rental consisting of the amount
necessary to maintain the corporate organization of the lessor, the interest
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu rity .
on bonded indebtedness of lessor, and $100 per ann., payable each Apr. 1.
$5,000,000 .............
Stock $5,000,000 ($100)
All stock ($50,000 authorized and $20,000 outstanding) and bonds Cons mtge $5,000,000 gold 1899
5 g M -S
4,049.000 M ch 1 1949
($40,000) owned by Riverside Traction Co.
($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) ....................... c*tf Int. at First Nat. Bank, Paterson, or First
National Bank, New York.
B ordentow n E lectric Co.
Edison Electric 111 1st mtge 1895
5 g J-J
585,000 July 1 1925
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. M ay 28 1912, and is leased to Public Serv.
$600,000 ....................... n tf Paterson Safe Dep & Trust C o., trustee.
Elec. Co. April 1 1914 for 46 years for $100 per annum and amount neces­ I’ “ ale Lighting Co cons mtg 1895
5 g M -N
316,000 M ay 1 1925
sary to maintain corporate organization o f the lessor. All the $50,000 auth.
S 0 ,0 0 0 -------. . n t f Guaranty Trust C o., trustee.
and outstanding stock o f this company is owned by the Riverside Traction Passaic Gas Light 1st mtge 1892
6 g J-D
50,000 June 1 1922
Co. No bonds.
______ _________________
......................... n tf Paterson Savings Institution, trustee.
Paterson & Passaic Qas & Electric C o -----B o n d s . — Of the new $5,000,000 mtge. of 1899, $951,000 Is reserved for
Somerset Un. & Middlesex Ltg. C o...........
underlying liens. The new bonds are not subject to call. The Paterson
See below under Public Safe Deposit & Trust Co. is trustee.
South Jersey Gas, Elec. & T raction C o—
Service Gas Co.
Gas & Electric Co. o f Bergen C ou n ty------Somerset Union & Middlesex L ighting Co.
Shore Lighting C o ---------- -------- ---------------P rin ceton Light, Heat & Power C o - - .........
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in New Jersey on Dec. 1 1903 In the
interest of Public Service Corporation, as a consolidation of Somerset Light­
ing Co. of Somerville, N. J.; Plainfield Gas & Electric Light Co. of Plain­
Controlled by Public Service Corporation by ownership o f entire capital field, N. J., and Citizens’ Electric Co. of North Plainfield (V. 78. p. 1Q7).
stock except directors’ shares.
On Dec. 30 1903 Central Elec. Co. was also merged in the same. Public
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in New Jersey and was created by Service Corp. owns $422,400 of the stock, $573,182 Som. Un. & M id. Ltg.
changing the namo o f the old Oxy-Hydrogcn Co. of the United States Co. bonds, $21,000 Somerset Ltg. Co. 1st 5s and $20,200 Cent. El. Co. 5s.
(incorporated in Now Jersey in 1873). T.his latter is said to have had a
LEASE.— The co. was leased to Pub. Serv. Corp. for 900 years from
perpetual charter under legislative grant conveying the right to manufacture Jan. 1 1904 on the following terms, viz.: AH interest, expenses and
and distribute gas throughout the State. Company has no bonds.
taxes to be paid by Public Service Corporation,and, as rental, a dividend
L e a s e s . — On Oct. 1 1909 Public Serv. Corp. assigned to Public Service Gas on the stock accruing as follows: From Dec. 1 1905, 1% ;Dec. 1 1906,
Co. the leases o f Essex & Hudson Gas C o., Newark Consolidated Gas Co., 1)4 % ;D e c. 1 1907, 2% ; Dec. 1 1908, ? )4 % : Dec. 1 19(19,3%; Dec. 1 igiO,
The East Newark Gas Light Co. and Hudson County Gas C o., in so far 3 )4 % : Dec. 1 1911 and thereafter, 4 % . So much of lease as relates to
as they relate to tho manufacture and distribution o f gas, the leases of South manufacture and distribution o f gas has been assigned to Pub. Serv. Gas Co.;
Jersoy Gas, Elec. & Trac. C o., tho Paterson & Passaic Gas & Elec. C o., remainder of lease applying to electric properties has been assigned to
Somersot Union & Middlesex Lighting Co. and The Gas & Elec. Co. o f Ber- Public Service Electric Co.
gon County. V. 89, p. 594, 721. Operating agreement between Plainfield
In ter es t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
D a te .
Gas Light Co. and Public Service Corp. was also assigned to tho Public
See text.
$1,050,000 ($100)___
Servico Gas Co. Also leases tho Ridgewood Gas Co. and Morristown Gas Stock
4 g J-D
1,974,372 Dec. 119413
Un & Mid L t C o M I ____
Light Co., and tho gas properties o f Princeton Light, Heat & Power Co. Somerset
$2,750,000 ($1,000) g.c*tf\ln t, at Fidelity Tr. C o., Newark, Trustee.
and Shoro Lighting Co.
U n d e r ly in g b o nd s a ss u m e d —
Stock, $30,000,000; $11,600,000 outstanding all owned by Pub.Ser.Corn. Plainfield
Gas & Elec Lt gen/ 1900
5 A-O
500,000 April 1 1940
Stock will be issued (V. 89, p. 594) from time to time at par to Public
$500,000...............-tflG uaranty Trust C o., New York, Trustee.
Servico Corp. only for cash or for improvements at actual cost thereof.
Somerset Lighting Co first/ 1899
5 F-A
150,000 Feb 1 1939
No bonds. Real estate mortgages, $225,333.
mortgage $150,000_____tflFidelity Trust C o., Newark, Trustee.
R ate R e d u c tio n . — Accepting tho order of tho Board of Public Utility Com­ Cent
July 1 1940
missioners, made on Dec. 2 7 1912, tho company reduced its rates in the
000 ($500 & $1,000) g -c*tf Int. at Fidelity Tr. C o., Newark, Trustee.
Passaic division on Feb. 1 1913 from $1 10 per 1,000 cu. ft. (with a reduc­ Edison
Elec 111 o f N B 1st 1888
6 J-D
50,000 June 1 1918
tion of 10c. if bill is paid within a certain timo) to $.90 por 1,000 cu. ft.
„ $50.000____
n tf B. F. Howell and T . E. Townsend, trustees.
flat, and in pursuance of tho Board’s recommendation sot the same reduced
n d s . — $1,128,372 of the 1903 bonds have been issued In exchamge for
rate throughout tho State on May 1 1913. See under Pub. Serv. Corp. in thoB ostocks
of the companies consolidated and $846,000 for extensions and
V. 96, p. 136. Validity of order was upheld on July 7 1913 by tho Now Jer­ improvements;
$503 Is reserved for Central Electric stock not yet acquired
soy Supreme Court (V. 97, p. 238), but on appeal to tho Court o f Errors (tho company having
previously obtained the remainder of the $750,000
and Appeals the decision o f the former was reversed on Dec. 9 1914 by a vote total stock of that company),
$775,000 to retire the underlying bonds and
of 6 to 4. V. 99. p. 1749. On Juno 14 1915, however, the Court of Errors $125 for future additions and improvements.
No sinkiqg fund, and bonds
reversed its decision o f Dec. 9 1914 by the same vote, and sustained tho cannot be called. Of Central Electric Co. bonds,
is reserved to
finding o f the lower Court upholding the order. V. 100, p. 2086. Tho retire a like amount o f Edison Elec. Ilium. Co. bonds.$50,000
Central Elec, bonds
caso has been carried to tho U. S. Supremo Court, whore, it is thought, are subject to call at 110 and int. V. 78, p. 107.
it will bo reached for argument in tho early part of 1917.
The Court also reversed its decision dismissing tho appeals of tho cities
S outh Jersey Gas, E lectric & T ra ction Co.
of Passaic and Paterson, which sought to have an 80-centrate put into effect.
This company was leased to Public Service Corp. for 900 years from
D iv id e n d s .— Initial dlv.— 2 % — paid Doc. 31 1909. In 1910, 2 ) 4 % .
In June
a graded rate of dividend, the maximum of 8 % per annum
1911 and 1912, 8 % . In 1913, 6 % . In 1914, June, 4% ; Dec., 4% . having been reached
in the eighth year), and on Oct. 1 1909 so much of the
Practically all o f stock Is owned by the Public Service Corp. and dividends lease
as relates to the manufacture and distribution of gas was assigned to
aro no longer reported.
the Public Service Gas Co. Its traction business is leased to the Public
PR O PE R TY, &C.— Sold 11,231,828 M cu. ft. o f gas during 1915; on Service Ry. Co. and its electric business is leased to Public Service Electric
Dec. 31 1915 had 2,977 miles o f mains and 473,644 motors in service.
Co. Public Service Corp. owns $3,507,000 of South Jersey Gas, Electric
OFFICERS.— Same as for Public Service Electric Co. except that II. D. & Traction first mortgage 5s.
Whitcomb is the V.-P. and Gen. Mgr.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated Aug. 31 1900 to bring under one con­
trol the gas, electric light and trolley Interests in Southern New Jersey.
Essex & Hudson Gas Company.
owns the entire capital stock ($600,000) of the Camden Gloucester
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in N ov. 1898 in New Jersoy and on & Also
Woodbury R y., which has been leased to Public Service Ry. Co.
Dec. 1 1898 assumed tho lease of Newark Consol. Gas Co. to United Gas
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Improvement Co. for 999 years from Dec. 1 1898. Essex & Hudson Gas
$6,000,000 See text.
Co. was leased to Pub. Service Corn, for 900 years from June 1 1903 and Stock $6,000,000 ($100) _
12,892.000 M ch 1 1953
loaso assigned Oct. 1 1909 to Public Servico Gas Co. Under loasa, dlv.rate 1 st mtge $15,000,000 gold 1903 5 g M-S
($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) ____________ c*tf Int. at Fidelity Tr. C o., Newark,N.J.,Trust.
is now 8 % per annum. Stock auth. and outstanding, $6,500,000. V. 67,
Trenton G&E11st M $2,000,­ 1899 5 g M-S
2,000,000 Mch 1 1949
p. 1 0 0 2 , 1160.
0 0 0 gold ($ 1 ,0 0 0 ) _______ tf Int. at Equitable Trust C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
Newark Consolidated Gas Company.
Burlington Gas Lt Co 1st M 1901
5 g M -N
100.000 May 1 1921
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated N ov. 30 1898 in New Jersoy. Con"
$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 __________
n tf.Int. at Burl. City L. & T . C o.. Burl., Trust.
solidation o f Newark Gas C o., Montclair Gas & Water C o., Summit Gas
B o n d s . — Of the new $15,000,000 Issue, $2,108,000 are reserved to retire
Light C o ., People’s Gas Co. o f Irvington and Clinton Gas Co. Owns ontiro prior liens. No sinking fund and bonds cannot be called.— V. 76, p. 332,
capital stock or Orange Gas Light Co. and practically all tho stock o f Th- 544, 8 6 6 .1144,1250; V. 78, p. 1449; V. 8 6 , p. 1530; V. 95, p. 1685.
East Newark Gas Light Co. Leased all its property to United Gas Im
New Brunswick L ight, Heat & Power Co.
ncovement Co. o f Phila., Pa., for 999 years from Dec. 1 1898, and on same
date loase was assigned to Essox & Hudson Gas Co. and by last-named
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in New Jersey on Dec. 7 1899. Owns
company to Public Service Gas Co. Oct. 1 1909. Lease provides for pay­ all the stock of The Gas Light Co. of New Brunswick, except directors’
ment o f all fixed charges and dlvs. on stock commencing J4 % July 1 1900 shares. Int. on bonds Is paid by Public Service Gas Co. through lease of
and increasing ) 4 % yearly until 5% Is reached in 1910; thereafter 5% por an. Tho Gas Light Co. of New Brunswick. See latter company below.
In te r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
In t e r e s t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tu r ity
Stock $500,000 ($100).......................
See text.
See textStock $6,000,000 ($100)............................................ $6,000,000
4 g J-D 15
500,000 Dec 15 1939
Newark Cons Gas cons mtgof 1898
5 g J-D
6,000,000 Dec 1 1948 First mtge $500,000 gold? 1899
($500 and $1,000)___ c * tflln t. at Fidelity Trust C o., Newark, trustee.
$10,000,000 g ($1,000) c*tf\lnt. at Fidelity Trust C o., Newark, trustee.
Newark Gas IstM $4,000,0001 1895
6 Q-J
3,999,700 April 1 1944
(a) T he Gas Light Co. of the City of New B runswick.
($100, $500 & $ 1 ,0 0 0 ) -c*tf\Int. at Fidelity Trust C o., Newark.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated on Mar. 18 1851. Stock authorized
b o n d s . — Of tho $10,000,000 Newark Cons. Gas bonds, $4,000,000 are re­
and outstanding, $400,000, all owned by New Brunswick L t., Ht. & Power
served to retire underlying Hens.
Co. except directors’ shares. Was leased to the Public Service Corp. for
The East Newark Gas Light Co.
900 years from Jan. 2 1905 (June 1 1906 lease assigned to South Jersey
This company was ioased to Public Service Corporation for 999 years from Gas, Elec. & Trac. C o.), rental being payment o f int. on bonds of New
Sept. 1 1909 for annual rental o f 6 % on stock, and lease assigned Oct. 1 1909 Brunswick L t.. Ht. & Pow. Co. and divs. on stock o f Gas Lt. Co. of City of
New Brunswick, as follows: 2% in each of the years 1905 and 1906, 2)4%
to Public Service Gas Co.
and 1908. 3% In 1909 and 1910, 3)5% in 1911, 4% in 1912, 4)5%
ORGAN IZATION .— Incorporated In New Jersey. Stock $60,000 ($25); In 1907
1913 and 5% in 1914 and thereafter. Tho company is now controlled
all out; no bonds. Stock Is owned by Essox & Hudson Gas Co. and Newark in
Service Gas Co. by reason of assignment o f lease of gas properties
Consolidated Gas Co. Operates in Harrison, Kearney, Arlington,North of South Jersey
Gas, Electric & Traction Co.
Arlington and East Newark.
Gas & Electric Co. of Bergen C ounty.
Hudson County Gas Co.
LEASE.— Was leased to the Public Service Corp. for 999 years from
This company was leased to Public Servico Corporation for 900 years Jan. 1 1905. Dividends are 2% for first two years, 2)4% for the next
from June 1 1903. Oct. 1 1909 loaso was assignod to Public Sorvico Gas Co. year, 3% for the next two years, 4% for tho next four years and 5% there­
Under lease, dlv. rate is now 8 % per annum.
after. Oct. 1 1909 so much of lease as relates to manufacture and dis­
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in Now Jersey in October 1899, and tribution of gas was made over to Public Service Cas Co. and in July 1910
lease of electric properties was assigned to Public Service Electric Co.
is a consolidation of tho various gas plants in Jersoy City and Hobokon.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorp. M ay 31 1899. Is a consolidation of several
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity .
small gas and electric-light companies.. Public Service Corp. owns $455.­
Stock $ 10,500,000 ($ 100)...............- ..................... - - $ 10,500,000
000 of general mortgage No. 2 bonds.
First mortgage $10,500,0001 1899
5 g M -N
10,500,000 N ov 11949
D a le .
In te r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a tu r ity
g o ld .................................. tf\N. J. Title Gu. & Tr. C o.. Jersoy City, trust. Stock $2,000,000 ($100)................ ............................$2,000,000
See text.
PLAN T.— Controls all gas plants in Jersey City, Hobokon and Bayonne. General mortgage $5,000,000? 1904
5 g M -N
38.000 N ov 1 1954
— V. 78. p. 770; V. 84. p. 1555.
gold ($1,000)--------------- tf (Equitable Trust C o., N. Y ., trustee.
General mtge $5,000,000.. tf J 1904
5 M -N
2.071.000 Nov 11954
Ridgewood Gas Company.
1 Fidelity Trust C o., Newark, Trustee.
5 g J-D
1.440,000 June 1 1949
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated April 24 1900. Is leased to Public Consolidated mortgage $1.-/ 1899
500,000 gold.................... tflFidelity Trust C o., Newark, trustee.
Servico Gas Co. for 999 years from July 1 1910 at rental o f $2,000 per ann.
Englow G & E gen m tg e ..n t f. 1899
5 J-J
23,000 Jan 11939
D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Gas & El deb Ser 1 .n t f. 1897
6 J-J
3,000 Jan 11917
$ 10 0 ,0 0 0 ............... .... Hack
Stock $100,000______
. ...............................
10,000 July 1 1935
5 J-D
100,000 June 1 1925 Hack G L 1st M ($1,000) en tf 1894
First mortgage $100,000 ntf 1900
5 J-J
24.000 July 1 1934
Int. at Equitable Tr. C o., N. Y ., trustee.
o n d s . — Of the general mortgage for $5,000,000, $1,538,000 is reserved
5 A-O
85,000 April 1 1926 to Bretire
Second mtge $100,000---ntf 1905
prior liens and $1,391,000 for additions and improvements. The
Int. at Fidelity Trust C o., Newark, Trustee. gen.
mort.. of which the Equitable Trust Co. is trustee was superseded
by the similar mtge. of which Fidelity Tr. Co. is trustee. V. 80. p. 653.
Morristown Gas Light Co.
Shore L ighting Co.
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated in New Jersoy on Feb. 19 1855.
Leased to Public Service Gas Co. for 999 years from July 1 1910. Rental
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated March 21 1911 in New Jersey and is a
equal to 5% per ann. on outstanding capital stock. Stock out., $367,500 consolidation of Shore Elec. C o., Sea Bright Elec. Lt. Co. and Citizens'
($100), all owned by Public Service Corporation, except directors’ shares. Lt. & Fuel Co. of South Amboy. $104,900 of stock owned by Pub. Serv.
No bonds.



[Vol. 102

B o n d s o f C o n stitu en t C o s .— D a te .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
Eliz Plain & Cont Jer mtgef 1900 5 g J-D
$2,400,000 Dec 1 1950
$2,500,000 ($1,000) g-C*tf( Interest at Fidolity Trust C o., Nowark,
No s f & cannot be called l Trustee.
Plainfield Streot Ry first mtgf 1892
5 J-J
100,000 July 1 1922
($1,000) Call in 1904.c*ntf]Int. at Fidelity Trust C o., Newark, Trustee.
Elizabeth & Raritan Riv Stf 1904
5 g M -N
1,500,000 M ay 1 1954
Ry gen M $3,500,000__ tflFidelity Trust C o., Nowark, Trustoe.
Brunswick Trac M g ($1,000) I 1896
5 g J-J
500,000 July 11926
Cannot be called___ c*n tf (Fidelity Trust C o., Now York, Trusteo.
Middlesex Sc Somerset Trac g / 1900 5 g J-J
1,000,000 Jan 1 1950
M $1,500,000($1,000) c*ntf\lnt. at Fidelity Trust C o., Newark, Trustee.
East Jorsoy 1st mtge $500,-1 1904 5 g M -N
500,000 May 1 1944
000 gold guar p & 1______tf(Perth Amboy Tr. C o., Perth Amboy, Trust.
B o n d s .— Of tho total issue of Eliz. Plain. & Cent. Jer. R y . Co. bonds dated
1900, $100,000 is hold to provide for like amount of Plainfield Street R y. Co.
bonds. Seo V. 71, p. 1310. Of Eliz. & Raritan River Streot R y. Co.
gen. mtgo. of 1904. $2,000,000 aro reserved to retire prior liens. Pub. Serv.
Corp. owns $154,000 Eliz. PI. & Cent. Jers. 5s and $274,000 Eliz. & Rar.
River St. Ry. bonds.
D iv id e n d s .— First div.— 2-3%— paid Dec. 31 '08; In ’09, Dec., 2% ; In '10,
2% ; in 11. Dec.. l % % : in '12, Dec.. 1 % % : in ’ 13. Dec., 1 % % ; tu ’ 14,
D ec., 1X % • Practically entiro stock owned by Public Service Corporation
and dividends no longer reported.
R O A D .& c.— Owns 535.228 miles first main track, 289.856 milos 2d main
track and turnouts and 57.182 miles of connections, loops, yard track, &c.
Total, 882.266 miles of track. 435 open and 1.654 closed cars.
PUBLIC SERVICE RAILW AY CO.— (See m a p on p a g es 80 a n d 81.)
Passengers carried in 1915, 414,422,040, of which 313,923,363 wero reve­
Controlled by Public Sorvico Corporation through ownership o f all but nue and 100,498,677 transfers and passes. In 1914, 407,277,914, of which
25 shares o f stock. No lease.
310,308,660 wero rovenuo and 96,969,254 transfers and passes.
ORGANIZATION.— Organized Aug. 30 1907 as a consolidation of the
OFFICERS.— Samo as for Public Service Elec. C o., except that R .E .
North Jersey Street Ry. C o.. Jersey City Hoboken & Paterson St. R y. Co. Danforth
is tho V.-P. and Gen. M gr.— V. 85. p. 406, 1271; V. 8 8 , p. 53;
and United St. R y. Co. of Central Jorsoy. V. 85, p. 406. For basis of ex­ V. 89, p. 226;
V. 98. p. 1993; V. 99. p. 1053; V. 100, p. 557.
change o f stocks o f these companies for stock of now company, soo this Sec­
tion for Sopt. 1915. North Jorsoy St. R y. in Jan. 1898 absorbed tho Nowark
(1) Consolidated T raction Company.
& So. Orango. Tho Jorsoy City Ilobok. & Paterson was a consolidation n
incorporated Mar. 15 1893. On Juno 1 1898 leased to North Jorsoy
N ov. 1899 of tho following: Jersey City Hobokon & Ruthorford Elec. Ry. Street Ry. for 999 years, and lease has now passed to Public Serv. R y. Co.
C o., Palisades RR. C o., Paterson Contral Elec. Ry. C o., Patorson Horse V. 6 6 , p. 1141. Validity of lease was affirmod in Fob. 1902 (V. 74, p. 380)
R R . C o., Paterson Passaic & Rutherford Eloc. R y. Co., Saddlo River Trac. and again In Feb. 1903. V. 76. p. 382.
C o., White Lino Trac. Co., formerly tho New Jorsoy Eloc. R y. Co. In
Dividends under lease aro now 4% por annum.
1901 it absorbed Paterson Ry. Co. and North Hudson Co. R y. Co.
D a te .
In teres t. O u ts ta n d in g .
M a tx ir ity .
UnitedStreet Ry. Co. o f Central Jersey was a consolidation in July 1907 of
in ($ 1 0 0 )-..................
J-J 15
Seo toxt.
Elizabeth Plainfield & Central Jersey R y. Co. (which was chartered In 1900 Stock all paid
bonds— seo b e l o w .------------------- 7,308,000 ---------------as a consolidation o f Plainfield St. Ry. Co. and other companies) and Eliza­ Underlying
mortgage gold $15,000,-/ 1893
5 g J-D
15,000,000 June 1 1933
beth & Raritan River Streot Ry. Co. (which was a consolidation on April 30 First
000 ($1,000)___________ tf i Interest at Bankers Tr. C o., N. Y ., Trustee.
1904 of Middlesex & Somerset Traction Co. and East Jersey Street Ry. Co.
Tho gold bonds of 1893 are secured not only by mortgage, but also by
which latter company had previously absorbed Raritan Traction C o., doposit
of $1,000,000 stock of J. C. & Bergen R R ., $161,625 stock of
Perth Amboy R R . Co. and East Jersoy Traction Co.)
Plank Road C o., $6,000,000 stock Nowark Passongor Ry. and $99,­
M e r g e r w ith T e r m in a l C o . — On Dec. 28 1915 stockholders ratifiod the
merger (approved by tho Board of P.U.Comm.) of tho Public Service Ry. 100 stock of Jersoy City Harrison & Kearney Ry. Co.
ROAD.— Operates about 190 miles o f track. Including tho N . J. Traction
and the Public Service Nowark Terminal Ry. under tho name of tho former
through an exchange o f stock, sharo for snare, effective Jan. 1916. Tho C o., Nowark Passonger Ry., J. C. & Bergen R R ., Passaic & Nowark Elec.
Terminal Ry. Co. was incorporated In April 1913 to construct an office and Trac. C o., J. C. liar. & K. R R . and Nowark Plank Road, all of whose
terminal building and approaches in tho heart o f tho business soction of stocks are owned.
Stock, debts and mileage of the leased and controlled lines:
Nowark. (For description of property see V. 100, p. 2011.) Tho ontiro
M i le s .
Sto ck.
F u n d e d debt.
property Is leased for 50 years from date of occupancy to tho Public Sorvico
-----------Ry. Co. (with which tho co. was subsequently merged). Public Service Gas Now Jersoy Traction C o_______________None
Co. and Public Service Elec. Co. for a rental not less than a sum sufficient Newark Passenger R y ________________ 83
to pay the taxes, water rates, maintenance and interest and sinking fund Rapid Transit Streot R y ______________ 12
requirements on tho 1st M . bonds. The terminal was oponed for streot Jersoy City & Bergen R R ........................ 4 1 %
railway operation on Apr. 30 1916; offices to bo occupied about July 1 1916. Jersey City Harrison & Kearney R y ------10
In addition to above, Public Servico Ry. leases Consolidated Traction C o ., Nowark Plank Road__________________ 4 4-5
South Orango & Maplewood Traction Co., Bergen Turnpiko C o., Orango & Passaic & Nowark Electric Traction___ 1 0 %
Passaic Valley Ry. C o., Camden & Suburban Ry. C o., Camden Gloucester Port Richmond & Borgen Point F e r r y . . __
* On this $18,000 has boon paid in.
& Woodbury Ry. C o., New Jersey & Hudson River Ry. & Ferry Co. and
Riverside Traction C o., which companies soo below. Also owns all stock
(a) Jersey C ity & Bergen R ailroad.
of People’s Elevating Co.
ROAD.— Owns from Jersey City to Bergen Point, &c., total track, 4 1 %
Completed in 1912 a terminal station at Sip Ave., Jersey City, connect­
milos. Controlled by Consolidated Traction C o., all tho stock being de­
ing with tho Penn. R R . station and also with tho tunnel station there.
A terminal station at Hoboken connecting with the D. L. & W. R R . posited as part security for the Traction Co. 1st mortgage.
station and also with tunnels terminating thoro was completed In M ay 1910.
D a le .
In t e r e s t. O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
S a le o f B e rg en T u r n p ik e . — See Borgen Turnpiko Co. below.
S to c k ..................................................
................. $1,000,000 f.-p .................
L ic e n se F e e I n v a li d . — Tho Supreme Court of New Jersey Oct. 21 1911 set First mortgage $1,000,000/ 1873
4 % J-J
258,666 Jan 1 1923
aside as Invalid an ordinance or the City of Paterson Imposing a license fee
($1,000)___________ c*ntf]Int.atB krs.T r.C o.,N .Y .,or IstNat.Bk., J.O.
of $25 for every trolloy car operated within tho city limits. A similar ordi­
B o n d s .— The bonds (originally 7s) matured Jan. 1 1903. but were ex­
nance was passed by tho Hoboken City Service Comm, on Aug. 4 1915, tended as 4 % s for 20 years from that date.
but the company has obtained a writ o f certiorari and tho Supreme Court
will review tho ordinance.
(b) Newark Passenger Railw ay.— Electric.
T r a n s fe r D e c is io n . — On June 21 1912 Court of Errors and Appoals af­
ORGANIZATION.— Incorporated June 16 1890. On July 29 189 3
firmed the decision of Supremo Court on Doc. 26 1911, which sustained the leased to Now Jersoy Traction for 999 years, and so controlled by tno Con­
order of tho Public Utility Comm, requiring tho company to contlnuo the
Traction Co. of Now Jorsoy, N. J. Traction Co. having boon loasod
lssuo of transfers to all Intersecting linos in Nowark, but did not grant trans­ solidated
to Cons. Trac. Co. Jan. 2 1894 for 999 yoars. Charter said to bo perpetual.
fers on a transfer.
AND RENTAL.— Rental under the lease, $105,000 yearly.
On Feb. 18 1916 tho N. J. Board o f P. U. Comm. auth. tho issue of $7,­
500,000 additional stock, making $46,731,600 outstanding.
P a r . In t e r e s t.
O u ts ta n d in g .
M a t u r it y .
D a te .
H ate.
O u tsta n d in g .
M a t u r it y
S to c k ________________________$100 Text
$6,000,060 Own.byC.Tr
Stock $50,000,000 ($100)..................
- ...............$46,731,600 ................... Nowark Pass Ry 1st cons M f 1,000 5 g J-J
6.000,000 July 1 1930
P. S. Newark Term. Ry. 1st M l 1915 5 g J-D
5,000,000 Juno 1 1955
1890 $6,000,000 gold .c*tf]N . J. Title Guar. & Trust C o., Trusteo.
$5,000,000g($l,000)--C * Fidelity Trust Co.,Nowark, Trustee.
Tho $6,000,000 stock Is all deposited as security for tho Consolidated
Car trust certfs Ser “ A ” __tf / 1908
6 J-J
Soe text Traction Co. first raortgago.
, „
, .
lint, at Fidelity Tr. C o., Phila., Pa., trusteo.
In terest on consol. 5s is payable at First National Bank, Jorsoy City.
Car trust certs Ser “ B ” ___ t f / 1910
5 J-J
Soo toxt Tho consols aro guar. p. & I. by Consol. Trac. Co. and in Fob. 1895 the
lin t, at Fidelity Tr C o., Phila., Pa., trustee. guaranty was stamped on bonds. V. 59, p. 969; V. 81, p. 900.
Car trust certfs Ser “ C ” __ tf I 1912
5 M-S
See text
ROAD.— Embraces about 83 miles of track.— V. 81, p. 900.
\Penn. Co. for Ins. on L. & G. A ., Trustee.
Real estate mortgages_______ _____
278,435 __________
(c) Rapid Transit Street Railway Co. o f tho City o f Nowark.
B o n d s . —