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Quotation -Supplement (Momwy) Street KailwaySupplement
Investors Supplem ent(o uarterly) Stale and City S u p p l e m e n t s ^






19 02 .

C l

14 -

E D I T O R I A L A N D C O M M U N IC A T E D A R T I C L E S .






P age.
frica. See “Boer Wai” and “Peace."
B anks , T rust Co .’s, etc ., I tems.
B anks , T rust Co .’s, etc ., I tems.
frica’s Gold Production.... .............. 297
Banks—( Continued).
Banks (Continued)
Araal. Cop. Co. Reduces Divirtends(F.8.). 801
Citizens’ National.......... 72,182, 407, 657
Exchange, National (Milwaukee)....... 131
America, European Friendliness for...... 174
Citizens’ National (Akron, O.)............
Exchange National (Providence)...... 1119
Amer.Car & Found. Co., An.Report(F.S.). 1331
Citizens’ Nat. (Cincinnati) 240,508, 610
Exchange National (Tampa) ............ 184
American Steel & Iron.......................... 402
Citizens’ National (Los Angeles)....... 306
Farmers’ & Merchants’ (Los Angeles).
Anthracite Coal Production in 1901....... 177
Citizens’ National (Pensacola).......... 610
Federal National (Duluth, Minn.).£66,1175
Anthracite Coal Strike—Operators’ Side
Citizens’ Nat. (Pittsburg)...407, 1175, 1284
Federal Trust <teSavings (Cnic.)..305,1175
Given to Carroll D. Wrighr, ; f . S.) ......1218
City (New Rochelle).......................... 305
Fifth Avenue.
Anthracite Coal Trade and Companies
City (Richmond).
Fifth National (Cincinnati). ... ____1066
Prosperous (F. S.) . ............................
City & County (San F ran..918,1067, 11- 38
First Commercial & Sav. ( Wyandotte). 183
Anthracite Miners Strike. For further
City H all (Cincinnati).................. ... 966
First National.
. 28,73,129,181, 239
particulars see “Strike.”
City. Nation»l.. .861, 917,1061,1174,1282
First National (Akron, Ohio) ............ 609
Anthracite Mining Strike, Motives of. ... 1061
City National (Buffalo)
First National (Albany, N. Y.) ......... 183
Anti-Trust Law, Illinois, Supreme Court
C ityN a ional (Evansville) ...456, 658 863
First National (Albert Lea, Minn.)..... 183
Deoisioa Against................................. 602
City National (Grand Rapids)........... 1232
First National (Austin, Tex.)..73, 966, 1233
Anti-Trust Law vs. North. Securities Co. 450
City National (Kansas City, M o)....... 864
First National (B altim ore)..508, 558,
Anti-Trust Law—See North Securities Co.
City National (Knoxville).................. 758
707 917 1119
Australasian Gold Production............... 298
City National (Paris. T e x .)................ 919
First National (Belmont, O )...’..456, 610
City Savings (Detroit)....................... 360
First National (Birmingham)............. 708
aldwin Loco. Works Celebration...... 552
Cleveland (O.) Savings and Banking. 131
First National (B iston)
............... 457
ank Clearings, Course of (F. S )..288,
Clinton (N. J.) National.................... 185
First National (Brooklyn)........ 1119, 1174
498,699, f 08
Coal & Iron National (Cleveland)....... S61
First National (Chicago)......184, 360,
Bank Clearings, Monthly 307, 509, 919, 1173
C olon ial..................................... 556, 607
Bank Clearings and Sneculation in 1901.
Colonial National (Cleveland).. .457,1066
First National (Cincinnati)................. 1017
Bank Clearings by Telegraph 28, 307,
Colonial Tr. & *av. (Chic). 863,1120,1284
First Nat (C uneil Bluffs) ...72,306, 361
Columbia Nat. Buffalo).
.182. 758,1283
First National (Detroit) ................... 707
Bank Notes, Contraction in (F. 8.)........ 748
ColumbiaNat. (P itts )...659,707! 863, 1284
First National lEvau sville)___________ 863
Bank Notes (U. S.). Changes in (monthly)
Columbus (Ga ) National ................
First National (Great Falls, Mont.)... 609
136,410, 862, 811, 960.1290
Commeroe (Salt Lake C ity)................ 306
First National 1Jer ey C ity).............. 130
Bank Operations, Inc. of Loans, merely a
Commerce, National ................ 862,1016
First National (Johastow-n, P a .)....... 708
feature o! Industrial Development .
Commerce Natioual (Baltimore)..
First National (Keesport).................. 456
Bank Stock Sales 23, 71, 128, 181, 238,
Commerce National (Chicago). .918, 966
First National (Los A ngeles)............. 306
304, 359, 405,454. 507, 556, 607, 657,
Commerce National (Minneapolis)___ 758
First National (Lowell) .....................
705, 756, 807, 861, 916, 964, 1016,
Commerce National (St. Louts) .1120, 1176
First Natioual (Lynn, .......................
Commerce National (Seattle)............ 609
First National (Macon, G a .).........! !. 757
B anks , Trust Co.’s, etc., I tems .
Commercial ...................................... 757
First National (Milwaukee) .............. 131
Commercial (Albany, G a.)................ 183
F ir-t National (M inneapolis)............ 306
Alabama National (Birmingham)...... 703
Commercial, National (Albany (N. Y .)
First National (Montgomery, A la.)... 1067
Albert Lea (Minn.) National............. 183
75.130, 360, 1017
First National (Norwich) ................ 240
Allegheny National (Pittsburg)........ 966
Commercial Nat’l (Chicago). 132,181, 918
First National (Norwood, Ohio).1066, 1284
Commercial National (Columbus, O ). 306
First National (Pa’ erson) ............... 360
AmericanExchangeNat, (Cleve.).503, 966
CommercialNat.(Det.)131, 457,1017, 1336
First National (Philadelphia)........... 863
Ameri an National (Baltimore) 240, 757
Commercial National (Houston)
... 12*5
First National (Pittsbu rg).................. 1336
American National (Dallas, Tex.)___ 608
Commercial Nat. (Kan as ity, Kan.) 1337
First National (Pitt’-ton, Pa..) _______ 360
American National (Helena, Mont.)
Commercial National ( Pittsburg).809, 1284
First National (Portl nd. O re.)..966,1119
American Nat. (Indianapolis)...1120, 1284
Commercial National (Saginaw).. ... 456
First National (Providtnce)....... .
American National iMaeon, G a.)....... 553
Commercial Savings (Toledo)............ 210
First National (Richmond,............ 74, 184
American National (Richmond). 659, 966
Commercial State( Kansas City, Kan.) 966
First National (Sioux City)................ 361
American National (Vicksburg)........ 361
Commercial Trust & sav. (New Or.). 1176
First Natioual (Springfield, 111.)......... 360
American Trust & Sav. (Chicago). .76,
Coney Island & Bath Beach............. 808
First National (Syracuse)............ 129, 1119
, ,
Consolidated Exchange
........129, 182
First National (Toledo) ........
Anchor Savings (Pittsburg*............... 1175
Consolidated N a tio n a l.................... 1118
First National (Vicksburg) ............... 609
Astor Naiionai......................
Consolidation National (of Phil.)...... 1065
First National (Wh te P lain s)......
Augusta (Ga.) National .................. 757
Continental National (Balt.).130, 361, 608
First National (Woonsocket).. ..131, 360
Banc i A emanTransatlantic (Mcx.). 706
Continental National (■ liicago). 76,
First National Exohange (Pt. Huron). 240
Banco National do Cuoa (Havana)... 184
132. 457, 758, 862, 918, 919, 1017
Flour Citv National (Rochester, N. Y.) 1017
Bank Elections ...............
Continental National (Denver).
Fort Pitt National (Pittsburg) 1232, 1283
Bankers’ National (Chicago)... .". 74, 132
Continental National (St. Louis). 407,
Fourteenth 'tre e t........................ 12^, 1231
Bankers’ National Cleveland).......... 7o7
456, 1120, 1176
Fourth > ational ....... ...406,1231,1282
Birmingham (Ala.) Trust & Sav.Co... 708
Continental Savings (Memphis)....... 456
Fourth National (Boston)_______ 130, lu65
Boonton (V ..I.» National.................. 808
Corn Exchange......... 238, 508, 659,
Fourth Natioual (Columbus, Ga.)...... 610
Borough Hall (Brooklyn)................. 863
757,80S, 862, 965, 1016, 1174, 1231
Fourth National (Grand Rauids)....... 1018
Bowery Savings................ ...
Corn Exchange National (Chioago)..
Fourth National (St. L o u is i.............. 3 r'5
Brighton German (Cincinnati)'!..."."."! 133
407, 658 .707, 863, 1284
Fourth Street National (P h ila .)......... 130
Bristol (Tenn.) National................... 966
Corn Exchange Nat (Phila.). . lbO, 9rf5
Franklin National (Phila.) . 305, 603, 917
British North America (Canada)...... 558
Cosmopolitan Nat. (Pitts.)...185, 757, 965
Freehold (P ittsb u rg )...... .................. 707
Broad way National......................... 406
Culm S-e Banco Naoional.
Gallatin Natioual ............................. 705
Brooklyn...........................455, COS, 1017
Detroit (Mich.) National.............183, 1284
Galveston (Tex.) National.................. 609
Calvert (Baltimore) ................
Detroit (Ml It.) Savings. .. .............. 133
Gansovoort................................ 182, 1233
Cambria National (Johnstown, Pa.)"..’. 708
Detroit River savings (Detroit)......... 183
Gardiner (Me.) Savings..................... 129
Canton G.»8tate...........
„. ____ ... 456
Deutsche (Berlin) ......................455, 609
Garflehl National ..................
Capital City State (lies Moines). __ 240
Diamond Nat. (Piits.).240, 965, 1066, 1175
Genesee R iver National (Mt. M orris).
Carnegie (Pa.) National .......... 758, 965
Dime savings (Cleveland) ..............
Georgia Railroad (Augusta, Ga.)....... 758
Caxton Sav. & Banking (Cleveland).. 131
Dime Savings & Banking (Cleve.) ... 183
Centra National .............. 917, 961. 1174
Dime Savings (Toledo)...................... 1337
German American.............................. 128
Centra National(Ronton). .............. 90T>
Dresel State (Chicago,.........................1284
German Natioual (Cincinnati).......... 758
centra aVational (Columbia, S. O.)___ 009
Drovers & Mechanics’ Nat. (B alt.)... 610
German Nati mil (Newark) ............ 659
r£ilHa Rational (Phils.)................. II |!)
Drovers’ Trust Sc Hav. K'hio.)___184, 306
German Sav. & Deposit (Pittsburg),.. 758
Central Savings (Toledo) ...■....456, 1120
Eighth Ward (Brooklyn).......
80*, 965
862, 965
Century National (Cleveland)........... 457
Eleventh Wa d ....................... 862, 1016
Geimantowu, National (Phila.).........
l {'Artemi of India, Australia AChlna. 1067
Eliot National (Boston)....... 131,80s, 1174
Girard National (Phila ).............. 75, 130
m .ott......... . /
VVL* ................. .
Globe National (Boston). . . ............ 965
Chattanooga (Tenn.) National ... !”" 1176
Empire state .................
Grand Rapids (Mich.) National......... 183
( hem lea I National.......
405 1118
Equitable National .................1016,1119
Greenwich........................... 556,607, 658
Chicago (111., Nath tiar.V.V.." .'.V. ’. 1837
Essex (Jo. National (New ark,N.J.).75, ) 30
Chicago (11! ) Savings
........ 609, 1337
Euclid Avoinic National (Cleveland).. 757
Hamilton, National (Boston)............. 610
c ilcopf-.o National (dprtn/Held,Mass) 1232
Euclid Trust Sc Savings (Cleveland)..
Hanover National....... ...... 556, 607, 1174
Evansville itnd.) Trust Sc Savings......1337
Hih. rnla National. ................... 965,1017
CHl/ens (Ke/ziing, Pa.)........ .......... 360
Exchange National (Boston)............
Hibernia Nat tonal (New Orleans)... .1333
Citizens’ (8a annah, Ga.)__ !!! !!!!” 1018
Exchange, National (Dallas, T e x .)___ 918
Hibernian Itlig. Assn. ( C h i c a g o ) 31, 867
Enteral according t,o the Act of Congrass In tbo year 1902, by WILLIAM II. DANA OOMPANV, Ihoffldeof Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C.




[V ol. LXXIV.

P age .
P age
Page .
Ba n k s , T rust Co.’ s, etc ., I tems .
B anks , T rust Co.’s, etc., I tems.
B anks , I HU >T C o . ’ S, KT< I tem s .
Hank* <<h,ntin ite.d i
Trust Companies--(Continued).
ui11 inned ).
Second National (Hoboken).............. 130
Dollar Sav. F’d A (Allegheny,Ta.).707, 1120
Hide A Leathiet- National. 10135, 1174, 12«2
Second National (Newark)........... 130, 182
Dover (N. J .)..................................
i title A Libittiler, National (B oaton)... 130
Eastern.................................... l u g , 1174
Second National (Paterson).-........... 360
Houif} Saving)s (Chioag3>)
Empire State............................. 1119, 1231
Second National (St, P a u l)............... 240
Hong KuUgAIShanghai Bkg. t’ore 304, 658
Second National (VViuona, Minn.)___ 1337
Equitable.......................... 558, 862, 1174
... 708
Howard, Natlanal <BaUimon
... 758
Hilda ou Coignty N it110ti,al (Jet•sey
Security savings (San Jose, Cal.).300, 707
Erie Dime Sav. & (Pittsburg) ... 918, 1232
U Linnis 1rust A Sav. (c hioagO).. 183, 359
Essex County (Orange, N .J . ).............1017
Seventh National .................... 508, 657
......305, 361
I milerial (t a audit)__
Shawmut, National (Boston) —
I moilTiers’ A ‘Lr atiers* N atiojual .807. 802
Exchange Bank. & (Charleston, S.C j 608
Shoe A Leather, Nat.. 405, 965,1282, 1336
laternational Hankiiu£(.’ore oration..
Farmers’ Loan Trust C o __
Shreveport (La ) National................. 609
is 1,455,,508, 607 .1 58,86V. 1174. 1337
Southern Trust & Banking New Or­
Frderal(Chic ).361,609, 658, 758,809, 1017
Inter -State Tii". A Bank. 'New Orleans) 1337
Irviu g Naiional. 73, 607, 658, 1174, 1336
Fidelity (Kansas C ity).............. 240, 361
Southwestern National (Los Angeles). 306
Jefferson (St. Louis)..........
....... 131
Sovereign or Can. (Canada) 132, 658, 1174
Fidelity (Newark) .......... 28,72,182, 007
Jefferson Co. Sav (Birmingham, Ala.) 708
Fidelity (Tacom a)...........................
Springfield Savings (N ew ark! .......... 659
Kings Coumy (Bklyu.) 350,455,558, 706
Fifth A\ euue..................................
Standard National (Pittsburg)......... 305
Lake Shore Bkg. A Sav. (Oieveland).. 185
Fimrnce (Trenton)............................ 668
State (Chicago)......................... 1233, 1284
Liberty National................... 28, 568, 1282
Franklin (Brooklyn) ................... 75, 182
State National (Cleveland)_____
Lincoln National....... .
............... 706
Garden City Banking & (Chicago)__ 1233
State of New York.......128, 304, 807, 917
Lincoln National (Pittsburg) — 808, 1110
German-Amer. Title & (Phila. 1 1119,1232
State Savings (Detroit)
1" 3, 918,1336
Loan A Exchange (Columbia, 8. C )... 306
Germania (ct. Louis)___74, 183, 361
Stock Yards, National (East St. Louis)
MoCornick A Co. (Salt Lake C ity......1121
Stuyvesant Heights (Brooklyn)........ 607
456, 608, 659, 1066
McKinley National— — ...............1017
Girard (P h ila .).................... .28, 863, 1118
Suffolk, National (Boston) — 73, 130, 239
Maddox Rucker (Atlanta, G a .)......... 610
& ..............
Manayunk National (Phila.)............. 130
G uaranty......................................... 1174
Teutonia (Now Orleans)....................1176
Manufacturers’ Nat. (Brooklyn). 23^, 1282
Third National (Allegheny)....... 1066, 1175
Manufacturers’ & Traders’ National
Guardian (Cleveland)................ 864, 1175
Third National ( Baltimore)...... 917,1119
(Buffalo)... 559,650,707, 917
Guardian (Kansas < B y )..................... 1176
Third Nationnl (Chattanooga, Term.). 1176
Marine Nat. (Buffalo).. .558, 757,917,1283
Hamilton (Brooklyn)........................
Third National (Cincinnati)............. 305
Marine National (Pittsburg)........... 707
Hibernia Bank & (New Orleans)......1065
Third National (Columbus, Ga.;...74, 183
Maryland Nat’l (Baltimore) 240, 608, 965
llllnois-Jersey (Eastorange, N. J .).. 706
Third National (Jersey C ity)............. 130
Massachusetts Nat’ l (Boston)... 1017, 1232
Indiana (Indiana,polls)..................... 863
Thirty-fourth Strett National--------- 862
Mechanics’ National.........................
(Providence). . . , ............ .......... 456
Mechanics’ National (Pittsburg).1232,1336
International (Denver)..................... 306
Toronto (Can.) .................
Mech. Nat. (Sr. Louis). 183, »0 9 ,1176,1232
International of Maryland (Balt.)__ 183
Traders’ National (Scranton) — 306, 707
Mechanics’ & Traders’ ........... .
Inter-jltare (New Jersey).................. 455
Tradesmen’s National (Phila.).......... 965
Mellon Nat. (Pittsburg). ..1119, 1175,1232
Jersey City <N. J.) ....................
Troy City (N. Y.) Natioual................. 1174
Mercantile National..
.129, 1174, 1282
Knickerbocker....... ................
Twelfth Ward..................................
Mercantile National (Cleveland)....... 183
305,557,706,862, 917
Twenty-third Ward.............. ...508, 808
Mercantile National (Pueblo)........... 609
Lincoln (St. Louis)......................185, 361
Union (Brooklyn)................ .455, 558, 706
Merchants’ (Kansas City, Kan.)........ 184
Long Island....................................... 1('65
Union (Buffalo).................................. 1232
Merchants’ (Nashville) ....................
Island Loan & .73,184,359,609, 757
Union Central Savings (Toledo)....... 1120
Merchants’ (Newport R. I . i ....... ...... 1336
Manufacturers’ (Biooklym __
185, 1174
Union Natioual (Baltimore).............
Merchants’-!aeled© Nat’ l (St. Louis).. 1232
Massachusetts (Boston) '3r 5,457,659, 863
Unlou National (Boston)...................
Merchants’ A Manufacturers’ Na­
Mechanics’ (Bayonne)........ ........ 182, 706
Union National (Lowell) ..
tional (Pittsburg) ......................... 184
Mechanics’ Loan & (Chicago)......183, 361
Union National (Mt. Holly, N. J .)--- 457
Merchants’ National) Allentown, Pa.) 610
Memphis (len n ) ............................... 407
Union Nat.(Newark).965,1474, 1231, 1283
Merchants’ National (Baltimore)...... 659
Mercantile (Little Rook),.................. 433
Union National (N Orieans).185, 306, 862
Merchants’ National (Chicago) .407,
Mercantile (St Louis)................. 609,1284
Union -avings (Pittsburg)....... 1175, 1284
658,707, 863, 1281
___ 1067
Mercantile (San Francisco).
Union Savings (Toledo).................... 132
Merchants’ National (Indianapolis)... 183
Mercantile Trust & Deposit Balto.).. 610
Union Square.....................................1231
Merchants’ National (Lowell) ..........
Merchants’ ......................
Union StationTr. & Sav. (St. Louis).. 361
Merchants’ National (Newark).......... 608
Merchants’ (Philadelphia)_____ 1284, 1336
United Banking & Savings (Cleve.),.. 1066
Merchants’ National (Providence)—
Merchants’ Loan & (Chicago)___758, 863
United National (Troy, N. Y .).......... 305
Merchants’ Naiional (Richmond,Va.) 1285
Metropolitan....... ...........
United States National (Pittsburg)... 240
Merchants’ National (St. Paul)..........
Mississippi Valley (St. Louis).......28, 361
United StatesTrust & Sav. iCldo.)
Merchants’ & Planters’ Nat., Sher­
Missouri (St. L .)...........174, 407, 456,
Utica City (N. Y.) National....... .360, 965
man, T e x .)..................................... 183
608,659, 966
Vandevemer (St. Louis) ............608, 918
Metropolis .......................
Missouri Valley (8t. Joseph).............. 1176
Washington National (Boston).........
Metropolitan (Minneapolis).............. 559
Washington National (Beattie)............1067
Metropolitan (New Orleans).............
Morristown (N. J.)............................ 239
Waukesha (Wis.) National................. 1018
Metropolitan of Virginia (Richmond). 131
Morton............................... 128,304, 1282
Western National.............................. 607
Metropolitan Nat (Chicago)..71, 457,
Mound (St. Louis).......................
Western Pennsylvania Nat. tPitts.).. 1066
Mount H olly (N. J.) Tr. & Safe Dep.
Western Savings & Deposit (Pitts ).. 360
Metropolitan Nat. (Cleveland)... . 184, 508
Mount Vernon (N. Y .)................ ... 455
Western State (Chicago) .. 74,131,
Metropolitan Nat. (Helena, Mont.) ... 705
Mutual Alliance......................... 917,1336
407, 658,918, 1175
Metropolitan Trust & Sa\. (Chicago). 1017
Nassau (Brooklyn).....................
. 1282
Wilber National (Oneonta, N .Y .)...... 184
Middlesex Co.„(Perth Amboy, N. J.).. 1283
Nashville (T e n n .)............................ 456
Winnebago National (Rockford, 111.). 758
Montreal (Canada)..........117©, 1233,1235
National (Louisville) 185,361,558, 863
Wisconsin Natioaal (Milwaukee)— . 809
Moss National (Sandusky, Ohio) ...
National (Toronto. Can.).................. 457
Y orkville................................
. 658
Mutual ........... .............. ...... 706
New Brunswick 'N .J.)
Trust Companies—
National of Virginia (Richmond)...... 608
New England (Providence)___1119,1283
Albany (N .Y .).............. 182, 457,758,1283
Neal Loan & Banking (Atlanta)....... 1120
New Jersey (Hoboken)...................... 1119
v America........................................28, 659
New Amsterdam National. .359, 508,
New Jersey Title Guarantee & (J. C.).
American (Cleveland) ................ 864,1175
558, 1016,1017
Newton (N. J .)............... .......... 74, 457
American Bank & (SanFran.)....660, 966
Newark (N. J.) Nat. Banking. 182. 808, 1017
New York Life Insurance & .............. 706
American Central (St. Lords)............. 185
Newark (N.J.)0ityNat,lS2, 808,1017,1283
New York, New Jersey..................... 129
Amerloan Loan & (Boston)................ 360
New First National (Columbus,O.)... 240
New York Security &.................... 72, 705
American Savings Bank A (Memphis) 185
New York. N B A ...
..1 8 2 , 557
North Ameriea (Phila.)....... 918, 965, 1065
A tla n tic ............
609, 965,1282
New York National Exch.72,559,863,1283
North American. ..................... 1174,1231
Attleboro (R. I.)................................ 306
New York Produce Exeh’ge 455,608, 706
North American (Chicago)............... 758
Bankers’ (St (Louis)......................... . 183
New York State National (Albany)... 183
North End (St. Louis)........................ 183
Banking a (Kansas City, M o.).......... 918
Norfolk (Va.) for Savings A Trust
Northern Saving Fund Safe Deposit
Bay State i Boston)..................... 182, 406
North America, National,.! 28, 182,
& (Philadelphia)......... ................. 659
Bayonne (N. J .)...................239,406, 862
757, 807, 917, 1065, 1176
Old Colony (Boston)......75, 130, 239, 406
Beacon (Boston)................. . .. 862,1065
North America, Nat. ( ( hioago)..1233,1284
Omaha (Neb.) Loan &........................ 609
Bergen & Lafayette (Jersey City)508, 917
Northern National ...757, 808, 1017, 1065
Paducah (K y.)................................... 185
Boston (Mass.) Safe Deposit &.......... 360
Northern National (Toledo)........ —
Palisades Trust & Guaranty (Engle­
Bowling Green..................................
Northern Trust t o Chicago) ..45 7, 608
wood, N .J .)....
455, 1118
Braddook (Pa.)...................
-- 240
NorthwesternNat’l (Minneapolis).559, 864
Bank & (Columbia, S. 0.}..
Broadway........................... 557,757, 965
Northwest’n Trust & Savg’s (.Chicago) 918
Broadway Bank & (Los Angeles)----- 609
Ohio Valley (Allegheny Pa ) .............1017
Pennsylvania-New Jersey...........
Brooklyn.......... .......... .................
Old National (Grand Rapids).....
People’s (Brooklyn)................
Bucks County (Doylestown. Pa.)....... 863
Old National (Providence)......... 132, 1017
Perth Amboy (N. J . ) ___
659, 707,1175
Camden (N, J.) Safe Deposit & ........ 130
Old National (Youngstowo, O .)..
Pittsburg (Pa ) ............................184,1066
Central .................................. -73
Old Town National (Baltimore)..457, 757
Plainfield (N. J ) ................ 659, 707.1175
Central (Baltimore)...........
183, 707
Omaha (Neb ) National— ....... 456, 708
Portland (Ore.)...................
Cent.of 111. (Chi.) 1017,1066.1231,1233,1337
Park (Albany, N. Y ). ............... 183, 558
Princeton (N. J.) Safe Deposit A .......H 75
Central Missouri (Jefferson City)..... 131
Park, Natioual
304, 607, 658, 706, 808
Provident (Allegheny, Pa.) ......... —
Central Pennsylvania (Altoona)..608, 864
Paterson (N. J.) National ............... 360
Provident (Cin.) ....
Central Realty Bond & ........... 1016
People’s (Americus, G a.).................. 660
Cen. Tru.-t & Safe Dept. (Cincin.) 809,1066
People’s (Brooklyn).............503,1118
Prudential (Cleveland).240,305, 707. 863
Chester County (West Chester, Pa )... 610
People’s National (Dover, N. J . ) ....... 130
Real Estate
............................ 129, 1282
Chickasaw (Okla. T er.)..................... 508
People’s Savings (D etro it)................ 609
Real Estate (Phila.)....... . —
Citizens’ (Orange, N. J.)........ .......... 864
People’s Savings (Painesville, O .)---- 131
Real Estate (Pittsburg).......
1120,11 To
C ity .................................................
People’s savings (Pittsburg)
......... 1066
455,657 965
City (Boston)
..................130,184, 508
Perkiomen Nat. (East Greenville, Pa.) 306
Rhode Island Hospital (Providence).. 707
City (Cleveland).........................183, 1175
Philadelphia (Pa.) National....... 917,1175
City (Pittsburg!................. 808, 965, 1066
Phoenix National
......................... 1174
St. Louis (Mo.) ............ 131, 305, 361, 809
Colonial (Baltimore)......................... 707
Phoenix National (Arizona).............. 708
St Paul (Miuu ) ............................ ‘3
Colonial (Chicago) ....
Pittsburg, (Pa.) National.................... 1283
Savannah (Ga.) .................. 184.863, Joe
Colonial (Pittsburg) — 185, 360, 456,
Pittsburg (Pa.) S vings ...
Savings A (1 lowland)
.. . 71, 361
558.7117,808,966, 1066, 1232
Port Richmond (N. Y .i National..306, 659
Schenectady (N. Y.) .183. 707, 10c 3. VJ32
Colonial (St. Louis).- .185, 305,608, 659
Preston Natioual (Detroit)..... 1017,1336
Securities (Newark)...........
Columbia Finance & (Louisville) . ... 456
Producers’ National (Woonsocket)—
Security Loau A (Des Moines)....
in ­
Columbian Banlt’g A (Charleston,S.C.) 660
Providence (R. 1.) Banking.........
Commercial (Indianapolis)........ — 1337
Provident Savinas (Cm.). ....... 1066.1175
Security (Troy, N. Y.) 305, 707,94., 9o9
Commercial (Philadelphia)......... 456, 658
PynchonNat (Spring.,Mass.).558,1232,13s6
Sharon (Pa.) Savings A
Commercial (Prescott, A riz.)........—
Railroad National (Lowell)
. .........
Southern Banking A (New Orleans! _ 86'i om.of N.J. (J. C.)...74.130,360. 406, 1283
Real Estate Savings (Pittsburg)..... . 305
Spokane (Wash.) A Eastern..-----do, lo t!
Commonw. Real Estate & (Pitts.).809,1065
Republio, National (Chicago).74, 456,
Springfield (Newark) . .. .......
Concordia (St. L ou is)................ 457, 863
707, 918, 966, 1176, 1233
...... 1282
Republio,National (Pittsburg)..........
Standard Security (Pittsburg).. ...73, 609
Continental (Baltim ore).....
Saginaw (Mich.)................................ 240
State (St. lands)
---- ....... 306
Corporation of Delaware (Dover)...... 607
St. Joseph (Mo ) Natioual.................. 758
State Savings, l oan A pv dnoy 111.).. 188
Corporation of No w Jeraey................ 860
St. Louis (Mo.) Safe Dep. & Savings.. 1284
....... 184
State Street (Boston)
Dallas (Tex.) Loan & ....................... 609
Scranton (Pa.) Savings..................
Superior (Houghton, Mich.'
Diamond State (Dover, Del.)—
Second National (Allegheny)......757, 96(5
Surety (Kansas City).. . ...... .......
1 'sA
Dollars Savings Bank & (Los Angeles) 150


January-June, 190i
B anks , T rust Co.’s,

etc., Items.

Trust Companies—( Honetud'tl).

Tacony Savings Fund, Safe Deposit
Title A (Philadelphia) ' ............
Tlllo Gurantee & (WashtoBton, Pa.).. 1175
Title Guaranty & (Scranton)............. 808
Treuiont (Boston) .........
Trenton (N. J.) Trust A Safe Deposit. 700
Trust Company Elcotions.................. 129
Trust Company of Now Jersey.......... 609
Trust Co. of the Republio..................
U nion........................................... 73, 123
Union (Albany, N. Y.)..305, 300, 457, 508
Union (Chicago) . ..............................1060
Union (Elizabeth, N. J.) ............ .... 304
Union (Little R ook)......................183, 300
Union (Pittsb.).. 128,240, 1017,1060,
Union (St. L o u is )................131, 305, 809
Union (San Francisco)....................... 457
Union (Springfield, Mass.).................. 608
Union Savings Hank & (Cincinnati).. 966
Union Trust & Sav. (Montgo’ry, Ala.). 610
United States ... 359,406,455,609, 7<>6
United States A M exican.................. 863
United States Mtge. &...76, 239, 558, 862
Valley (Pittsburg) ..............................1067
Van N orden ................ 305, 058, 757, 1231
Virginia S a v Bank & (N orfolk ). .457, 609
Washington ...................................... 657
Washington (P a .)................................ 1175
West Chester (Yonkers).................... 864
W. Hud. (Har’n, N. J.).. 300,508, 707, 965
West Side (Newark)
.. 863,1119, 1175
Western Reserve (< leveland)............ 184
Williamsburg (Brooklyn) ..................1331
Wyoming Valley (Wilkesbarre)......... 808
Amer. Bankers’ Ass’n .550, 861, 917, 1338
American Deposit & Loan < o.72, 658, 705
American Institute of Bank Clerks..
306, 361, 455, 457, 660, 864
Arkansas Bankers’ Ai-sociation ....... 863
Atlantic Crust* Deposit (N orfolk )... 610
Banks N ot Required to Pay Special
T a x This Year ..................................1065
Banks, Tax on Undivided Profits....... 406
Bankers’ Money Order Association.
Baring, Magoun A Co.......
Birmingham (Ala ) clearing House. 1067
British Cons., £32,- 00 000 Issue.808,1174
California Bankers’ Ass’n .......... 919,1176
Chicago Clearing House............ 128,
184, 305, 753, 1176
Chicago Stock Exchange.............658, 1285
Cincinnati Stock E xch an ge............. 808
Citizen^’ Loan t o. (Galveston)..........
CitHens’ Sav. & Loan Assn’n (Cleve,). 131
Cleveland Stock E x ch a n ge............... 558
Colorado Bankers’ ■ onvention...___ 965
Comptroller of urrency and Retire­
ment of <lirculation......................... 238
Connecticut Bankers’ Association......1336
Dallas, Texas, a Reserve City............ 861
Dominion Securities C o .................... 1231
Ga,Bankers’ Assn.361,1016,1120,1176,1232
German Imperial 3 Per ot. Loan 128, 181
Government Warrants, Payment of . 862
Holidays on the N.Y. Exchanges.607,1016
Illinois Bankers’ Ass elation
....... 1233
Indian Territory Bankers’ Associa­
tion ........ ........................ 965,1018, 1064
Integrity Title Insurance Trust & Safe
Deposit Go. (Pirila ) ......................... 703
Internal Revenue Ite m s ................... 239
Inter-State Bankers’ Association...... 660
Iow a Bankers’ Ass’n ..809, 918,1018,1120
Jacksonville (Fla.) 1learing House... 918
Kansas Bankers Ass’n 240,965,1018, 1064
Louisiana Bankers’ Ass’n ..240,863, 919
Maryland Bank Examiner ............. 1176
Massachusetts and Hank Officials...... 305
Metropol. Inv. Co. (Charleston, H. C ). 608
Michigan Bankers’ Assoc ation .966,1232
Minn. Bankers’ Association 306, 863, 1285
Mississippi B nkers’ Association ___1066
Missouri Bankers’ Assn 240,965,1018,1064
Moiris.Josiah, & Co. Mo 4gom’y,Ala.) 1285
National Safe Deposit Co. (Chicago).. 559
New York City Depositories........
New Y ork Clearing House Associa­
tion...........239, 304, 508. 557, 917,
1118,1282, 1336
New York Mortgage & Security < o .. 863
N e w Y o k Stock Exchange .. .71.72,
360. 457, 706, 757, 862, 1016, 1336
North Carolina Bankers’ Association.
361,1016,1120, 1176, 1282
Ohio Bankers’ Ass’n ............
918. 965
Oklahoma Bankers’ Ass’ n. 965,1018,1064
Petersburg (Va.) Savings & Ins Co.
Philadelphia (Pa ) Savings Fund Hoc.. 1065
Philadelphia Stock Exchange . 508, 1065
Philadelphia (Pa.) Tr. S. u. & Ins. Co .1016
Pittsburg Stock Exchange.. ........75, 360
Prussian Royal Slate 3 p o. Loan.
. 128
Savings and National Banksin Massa­
chusetts; Separation of
406.50s, 706
South Carolina Bankers’ As’n.361, 863, 1018
South Dakota Bankers’ As’n..707, <120,117 6
Spokane (Wash.) clearings Show
Large Gains ................................... 861
Standard Safe Deposit Co
Stock Exchange Seats and Stock E x­
change Creditors.
................... 457
Tappen, Frederick I)., D ath of 508, 557
Tax on 1ollateral Loans, Commission­
ers’ Ruling...........
407, 808
Ta xes, Comptroller Grout on Time of
Payment ..................................804, 557
Texas Bankers’ Ass’n..........240, 306, 659
Union Discount « o. (London)............ 1H4
United Realty Co. (Pittsburg)............ 1336
U. B. Bond Purchases t > be continued
by Secretary Shaw ....................... 304
Va Bankers’ As’ n.361,1016,1120,1176,1282
Wall St. Exchange Building Ass’ u__
War Tax Repeal..........
Wash, r,tai.r; Bankers’ Ass’nlO07, 1121, 1336
West Virginia Bankers’ Ass’n ... 456,

P aoij .
Bunks (Clearing I louse Committee) An­
nouncement Affecting Reserve of Trust
Companies and New Banks................ . 908
Banking System, Our, and Its Irnprovem’t 179
Bankruptcy Law, Proposed Amendm” so f 1LI3
Basoom (Prof.) on tlio Power to Make
Railroad Rates..................................... 910
Battle Ships, How Soon They Become Antiquatod
...... .................................
Beveridge (Congressman) — Benefits of
Combination of Capital to Farmers (F S.) 850
Bids, A ll or None. Sen 8 &
hupp . Apr. 12.
Bituminous Mine Workers Call of Con­
vention to Consider Strike (F. S.).
Boer Delegates and Peace Proposals An­
ticipated (F. S.)................................... 1000
Boor War, The Effort to End................... 292
Boor War—Proposals for Peace by H ol­
land (F. S .)............................................ 230
Boer War—Terms of Peace Signed (F. S.). 1160
Boer War Vicissitudes............................. 551
Bond (U. S.) Purchases—Suspension of by
Secretary Shaw ( F. S.). ..................... £98
Bond (U. S.) Purchases by Treas’yin 1901
Bonds. See Title ‘‘State,” ‘‘Municipal”
and “ United States.”
B ook N otices :
A B C of Banks and Banking................ 861
Bank of New York, A History of the. .. 1286
Commercial Trusts—The Growth and
Rights of Aggregated Capital..........
Copper Handbook.
......... 861
Iron and steel Works of the U. 8.......... 861
Manchester Chamber of Commerce......1285
U. S. Steel Corporation, A Study of.
Boston Freight Handlers’ Strike (F.S.) 548, 598
Bo-ton Stock Exchange Price Record En­
Boston Trust Companies....................... 241
Branch Banks—Missouri and Kansas
Bankers’ Strong Declaration Against
Branch System (F.S.) .......
Breadstuff's Receipts at Lake and R iver
P rts (monthly).301,352,554.755,1014,1228
Brcadstuifs Sales at New York in 1901...
Bridge Practice, American and English.
See I nvestors ’ S upplem ent Jan. z5,
Brine company in Boston and the
Freight Handlers’ Strike (F. 8.). ...
British Budget Proposals and Their Re­
ception. &c., &e. (Man. Cor.) ............... 915
British War Loan, New
....... — ........ 803
B okers in Massachusetts Taxable on Cus
to nuers’ Stock?........
............. ........ 509
Brooklyn Trust Companies...................... 241
Business Stability—Failures a Gauge of..
able (Pacific) B ill as Reported to House
Unwise iF. S.)....... .
............. .
Cable (Pacific) B ill Defeated (F. S.).........1218
( alifornia Municipal Bonds, Taxing....... 916
Canadian Gold Produ ction.................... 298
Capital Combinations—Benefits o f- B e v ­
eridge, <
see ‘‘ Railroad Cars,” “ Street
< ars” and “ Vestibule Cars.”
("entralof New Jersey RR. Annual Report 551
Cent. o fN . J. Incieases Dividends (F.S.)
( bio. & N. W. Rv. Increased Div. (F. S ). 1160
Chicago & North Western Ry., Results
for Calendar Y ear................ ...... .... 293
Chic. R. I. & Pac. Ry. Acquires St. Louis
Kansas i ity & Colorado RR. (F. S.)___ 908
Chic R I. & Pacific Ry. Annual Report.. 1167
Chinese customs Tariff Revision (M. C.).. 653
Choc. Okl. & G. RR. Ann. Report (F. S.).. 173
Ch ronicle ( com . & F in .) Eighty Pages.
City’s (New York) Tunnels and Bridges.. 962
( learing House Committee’s Announce­
ment. See Banks.
Clearing House Exchanges. See Banks.
i oal Production (Anthracite) in 1901___ 177
Coal Strike (Anthracite) ........................ 1009
Coal Strike, Motives of the ......................1061
Colorado & Southern Ry. Acquired by
Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry. (F. S.)...... 643
Commerce With Our New Possessions
and South America, Promoting of ....... 1012
Commercial Expansion and the Railroads 1222
Commodity Prices, Course of ...... .........
Concrete in Railroad Structures, Use of.
see I nvestors ’ Supplem ent Jan. 25.
Congress—Most of Highly-Seasoned Ru­
mors Untrue (F.S.)
Congress. Salaries Should he Raised (F.S.) 288
“ tonspiracy BUI” —Amendment by Sen­
ator Hoar (F. 8.).................................... 598
Construction, The Huge in. Nee I nvest ­
ors ’ S upplem ent April 26.
Copper Pegging Price Working Its Own
Cure (F. S.) ...
Copper Situation (F. S.).................. 1008,1275
Corporations — Taxation of by State
Should Not be Retaliatory (F. S.)
Cotton Acreage and condition June 1,’02. 1168
C otton -Fall River M ill Dividends___
Cotton—Fall River operatives Threaten
to Strike (F. S.).......................
...... 548
Cotton Future Contracts in South Caiolina, Validity o f.....................................1279
Cotton Receipts at Southern Ports
(M onth ly)___ 302, 352, 555, 755, 1014, 1229
Cotton Supply and1 onsumpt’n in Europo 237
Crop Situation (F. S.) ............................. e50
Crops, Condition of (F. 8.) ... 74.9, 1007, 1219
( Tops of the United States in 1901.. l i n , 1117
Crossings. See (trade Crossings.
Cuba Becomes Member Family Nations.. 1060
Cuban Sugar Concessions— ................. 651
Culture Necessary in Engineering Educa­
tion. See I nvestors ’ hu pp . Jan. 25.
“ Curb" Market, Hysterical Break in Prices 959
Ourrenoy Bill of * ongressman F ow ler,... 600
Currency in the Philippines.................... 120


ant Indian Gold Production. __
and Steam. See Isvi.-ri
. Jan. 20.

P a or .
.. 2Si!)


Electric Roads as Merchandise Carriers.
See Street R aii.w a y S c pp ., June 28.
Engineering Education, 1 ulture Neces­
sary in. See I n v . S upp . Jan. 25.
England. Business In, in 1901. ___


England, ill nets of King Edward (F, 8.) ’ ’ 13; 0
England’s Dependence on Foreign Fooa
English Markets, Revival o f................. .. ] in
England, Results of Peace to ...................1166
European Friendliness for Am erica....... 174
Everett-Moore Syndicate (Cleveland) Em­
barrassed (F. S.)....................................
Exchango. see Foreign Exchange.
failu res a Gauge of Business Stability.
ailures Greater Than in 1901 (F. 8.).. 908
Fall River M ill Dividends......................... 1015
Fall River Operatives’ Demand for In­
crease in Wages (F. 8.)___
.. ..548, 598
Financial Situation. See First Article
each week.
Fish (Stuy.), Interviews About RRs (F. S.) 172
Fish (Stuy ) at Locomotive Celebration... 552
Forei gn Com merce of 901.......... ............ 121
Foreign Exchange as Affected by Foreign
Buying 01 Commercial Paper............... 698
Foreign Exchange Rates in 1901............
F oregnTrade. See. also Trade Figures (U.S.)
Foreign Trade of United 8tates(mr nthly).
132. 610, 809. 1018, 1287
Fow ler’s (Congressman) Currency B ill... 600
French Premier, Resignation o f .......... 1112
Future Contracts. Cotton, in South Caro­
lina, Validity o f...................................... 1279


ates Speculation in Louisville & Nash­
v ille - H o w Disaster Averted (F.S.)
General Electric Co. Annual Report (F. S.)
Germany- European Friendliness for
America ............................. ................
Germany—Prince Henry’s Visit to the
United States......................................
Goln Production of the World,1881-1901.
Gold Russian Production—St. Peters­
burg Correspondent...............................
Government Bonds, Purchases in 1901...
Governor’s (Odell) Message (F. S.)
Grade Grossings, Safety at. See Str e e t
R a il w a y Su pp le m e n t Feb. 22.
Grain, Flour and, Check Duty in Great
Britain (Man. Cor,) .............................
Great Britain. See English,
Great Britain, Business in, in 1901.........



ighway Improvement.
See I nves ­
tors ’ Su p p le m e n t April 26.
Holiday, W all Street Speculation Re­
stricted in Prospect of L o n g ................. 1110


| llinois Anti-Trust Law, Supreme Court
® Decision Against.-.......
Illinois Central’s Increase in S tock ...... 1278
India. See East India.
Industrial (. ommission, Work o f..........
Industrial Corporations, An Instructive
Lesson for .....................................
Industrial Development—Its Effect on
Bank Operations....... ........ ................. 500
Industrial Dividends fo r Seven Years.
See I nvestors ’ Su pp le m e n t Jan. 25.
Industrials Discredited by Break in Pow­
er Company (F. S.). ............................. 908
Internal Revenue Commissioner’s De­
mand for Tax of Money Lenders on Tax
Collateral (F. S .). ................................ 346
International Power Company—Break in
Price from 198 to 85 (F. S.).. ............... 908
Inter-State Commerce Com. Asking for
More Power to Cripple Roads (F. S.)172, 231
Inter-State commerce Commission—Its
Power to Make R a tes......... 910, 1116, 1226
Inter-State Com. Com. Proposal to Enforce
Their Rates Whether Just or Not (F. S.) 288
Inter-State Commerce Commission P ro ­
posal to Make Railroad Rates Not Up
to Standard. ..................290, 347, 650, 910
Inter-State Commerce Commission Re­
verse d—Ter minal Charges on L ive Stock
Excessive (F. S.) ..........................1160
Inter-State Commerce Commission, Shall
Unlimited Power be Granted to i ......... 650
Inter-State Com. Law, Amendments o f’91 306
Inter-State Commerce Law Amendments
—N ot Up to National Standard ...288,
, „
290.306, 347
I nvestors ’ S u pple m e n t for Jan. 25 and
A pril 26 See end of this volume.
Iron Furnaces in Blast (F. S.).._116, 346,
549, 749. 1007, 1210
Iron Production in the United States
Calendar year 1901.............................. 235
Iron and Steel. American
.................... 402
iron and Steel Mat kets—Their Condition
a Unique Feature (F. S.)....................... . 288
Isthmian Canal and Volcanic Risks.. 1010
abor Demands le a v e no Chance for
J Invested Capital (F. S .).............1160
Labor, Perverting into Politioal Issues.. 1062
Labor Wages—Voluntary Advances in,
Frequent (F. 8.).................................. .
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. Re­
port and its Showing...................... 354
Luko Shore & Mieli. S. Half-yearly State­
Lebigii Valley Ry. Annual Report__ ... 175
Loans, Popular. See State and City
S upplement April 12.
Loulsv. & Nash. Stock Fluctuations (F.S.) 749
Low (Mayor) Reform Administration In­
stalled (F. S.)..................................


obt Statement of United States (month­
ly ).......... 132, 407, 660, 864, 1019, 1177
Delaware & Hudson Annual Report ..
452 [M anchester Correspondent.......... 653, 915
Delaw. & Hud. Income Statement (F. 8.). 231 i f Manufacturing in the United States,
Del. Lack. & West RR. Annual Report
Progress o f...................................... 960
Dividends, Railroad mid Industrial, for
Market, “ Curb” —Hysterical Break In
Seven Years. See I nv . S u pp . Jan. 25.
Prices................................... ............... 950


MUidfiftCilUSotts Brokers taxable ou CustoHi61‘b’ btuuks.
Metre>polit an aud Distr let RalIways. See
a ilw ay S up PLEAIE,NT Feb. 22.
Mexi,.‘iirtl Clantral Ry, A-imual Report..- -. 963
Mexii an ii1terns,! tonal RR, 1Conorl
MbJtii>an National Rib. Repor 1(F. 8.)..... 801
Mexii30 - Giold Product! on ...
Mtotiig »n Ctentra.1 Halt- pea-ly State menc* 1334
Min in (Cl) al) Htrike, Motivea o f..... .
U 01
is Ac St. Lotlia Rj7. Acquires
Ooli>rado Ac Southern
Ml uintaota Governor’s Cruaade Agaiust
Hal lroadi3 (F. H.)..
Minn tiriotli School Di strict Bonds in
Slliiill Denominations (F. 8. 1 .......
Montiy Mm kotin Near FuturiS(Jan. 4)...
Monoy Miii,'ket Reason18 for Hardening
Tendene)7 (F. S.) ---748
Money M01■e Active (F. 8.) ... 908, 956, 1006
Morgan (J. P.) & Go. and tiro Cates Spec
illation in Louisville & Nasliville (F. 8 ) 800
Municipal Bond Sains (Monthly).. .109,
308, 541, 740, 998, 1209
Municipal Bond Sales in 1901. See. State
AND C m BumKMENT April 12.
Municipal Bonus, California l asing o f.. 916
Municipal Bonds, Negotiability o l......... 704
"[V' atioual Salt Co.- An Instructive Lesson
-1* lor Industrial Corporations............
___ 701
Negro Population, Increase o f .............. 126
New York Ceutr I 4 H. K, Annual Rep . 1335
New York Chicago A St. Louis lilt - In­
creased Dividend on 2(1 Pref. (F. S .)___ 117
New York City Bond Sale (F. 8.)____ 399, 957
New York City Bonds in Small Denomi­
nations (F. 8)...................... 957, 1038, 1330
Now York City Popular Loans Not Prov­
ing Successful (F. 8 . ) . .......................... 957
New York City Tunnels and Bridges....... 962
New York City Reform Administration
Installed (F. 8.)....................................
N. Y, Stock Excli. See Stock Exchange.
New York Trust Company Returns___... 350
New York Trust Companies ................... 241
Nicaragua and Panama Routes—Compar­
ative Advantages....
.......... .. 403
North. Pac RR Increases Dividend (F. S.) 909
Northern Pacific RR. Preferred Stock,
Retirement ©f (F. S ) ...........................
Northern Securities Co.—Application of
Minnesota to File Bill Against, Argued
at Washington (F. S.) ...
No. Securities Co.—Decision of U. S. Court 450
Northern Securities C . Examination of
Lea ers in Organization................. . 648
Northern Securities Co.—Filing of Bill
Against, by Government (F. S ) ........... 543
Northern Securities Co. Leave Granted
State of Washington to File Bill (F. S.). 850
Northern Securities Co. and Other Influ­
ences Adverse to Market (F. S.)
...... 116
Northern Securities Co , President Roose­
velt and A tt’y-Gen. Knox (F. S >....398, 448
cean Trade Situation............ .
dell’s (Governor) Message - Mortgage
Taxation (F. S.)............................
aoitlo Gable Discussion in Congress
(F. S.)
. ....................... 399
Packing Houses and Western Roads —
Agreement Between (F. S.)...................
Panama Canal Bill Passes the House (F.S) 1330
Panama and Nicaragua Routes—Compar­
ative A dvantages............................... 403
Peace in Africa-Results of to England., 116«
Pennsylvania RR, AnnualReport........... 502
Pennsylvania RR. Bond Issue of $50,000,000 (F. S.) ..................................... 549
Pennsylvania RR. Earnings and Expenses
(F.S.) .... .......... 2S8, 498, 699, 909, 1161
Penn. RR. Increases Dividend (F. S.)__ 109
Phil a. & Reading Pension System (F. S.). 1059
Philadelphia Trust Companies .............. 241
Philippines-The Army i n ....... ............. 854
Philippines Ci vil Government for . 1221, 1390
Philippines Civil B ov’t Bill Passes(F. S.). 1330
Philippines’ Commerce .......................... 1012
Philippines, Currency in ........................ 120
Pooling and the Railway Problem.......
Population, Negro Increase o f ............. 126
Power Company. See Internat. Power Co.
Prince Henry’s V isit............................... 451
Problems Old and N e w ......... .........
uotation Supplement (monthly) for
Jan. 4. Feb. 8, March 8, April 5 May
3, Juno 7. Nee end of volume. Monthly
Review, etc.



[Vol. LXXIV,
P age .

Cars, New Method of Compenf th ailroad
................ ....1115
sation for Use of

Storm Interfered with Telegraphic Com- A01t‘
muni cation (F. 8.) ............... .......448, 498
Street Cars, Sanitation in. See Street
R a ilw a y Supplement Feb, 22.
Street R a il w a y S upplements for Feb.
- and June 28. Set end of t his volume
Strike Call of Natio al Conv. to (let, Aid
of Bituminous Mine Workers (F.S.).. 1274
Strike of Anthracite Mine Workers. For
oilier reference See * Anthracite,”
Strike Boat. Freight Handlers (F.S.),.548, 598
oirilce Mine Workers Convention and
Threats of
Strike of Mine Workers- Detaiis iis" Vo is ­
sue of Order (F. $,) ...
Strike of Mine Workers and Wail St. (F.S.) 1058
Strike Order to Anthracite workers Issued
and threat callout Bituminous Miners. 1009
Strue t rest.Mitchell on the Coal Strike. 1332
Strike Situation First Week April (F. 8.) 098
Strike Threatened by the Anthracite Mine
Workers (F. S.).
.......... 956
Strikers cull out Firemen, Engineers and
Pumpmen ......
.. ..
structural Work, The Aesthetic in."See
I nvestors’ Supplement April 26.
ripappen, Frederick D .......................... 501
A ax-M ortgage Tax Law heforo Legis­
Taxes—Nee Internal Revenue Commission!
Taxes - ProposotlRepealof War Tuxes. 32, 233
Taxes(U. S.) Reduced 70 Millions! F. S,).. 172
Taxes (U. 8.) War Revenue Repeal Bill
Passed (F. S .)........
.............. 748
Taxation (Mortgage) Gov. Odell’s Mes­
sage (F. S.) .
Taxation (State) Principles, Not a Whim
or Miff Should Regulate (F. S.)__
Texas & Pacific Ry. Annual Report (F.S.) 598
Trackless Trolleys. See Street R ailw ay
Supplem ent June 23.
Trade. See also Foreign Trade.
Trade Figures for May, Large Decline in
Exports (F. S ) ..... ...........................1275
Trade Figures (U. S.) for April, Shoving
Favorable Results (F 8 ) __
Trade Figures (U. S.) Decreasing Exports
(F .S .)........................................
... 800
Trade (U. S.) for Dec. aud 1901 (F. S.) ... 116
Treasury Bond Purchases in 1901 .........
Nee Street R a il w a y
Trusts and Capital Combinations Bene­
Supplem ent June 28.
fits to Farmers (F. s.) .... .......
... 950
St. Louis Kan. City & Colorado RR., ac­
quired by Chic. R. I. & Pae. Ry. (F.S.) 908 Trust Company Returns—Boston. Phila­
delphia, New York and Brooklyn........ 241
St. Louis Stock Exchange Sales
....... .
Tru st1 ompany Returns, New Y o rk ....... 350
San Francisco Effect of Transferring
Law, Anti See Anti Trust.
Monev to for facilitating trolley lines
consolidation (F. S.)..................
.. 498 Turbine, steam. See street R a il w a y
Su pplem ent , Sune 28.
San Frau cisco—Imports and Exports of
Gold and Silver
..................... 1067, 1286
ndertakings (New) Overloading the
Sanitation in Street Oars. See Street
Stock Market (F. S.)....................... 116
R a il w a y Supplem ent Feb. 22.
United Mine Workers Convention and
Sav ng Bank Ii vestment Law, Neod for
Threats of Strike (F. S.)........................ 648
New Method of Amending ..........
751 United
States Bonds in 1901....... ...........
Savings Banks’ Share in the General
S. Buds, Purchases by Treasury in 1901 68
605 U.
States Debt and History. See
Ship Subsidy R ill................................... 601 United
State and City " Su p p *emknt Apr. 12.
Silver Prodit tionof World.......... ..... .... 299 United
Stages Foreign Commerce. See
Smoko Abatement. See iNV. Sup . Apr. 26.
Foreign Commerce.
Snow Storm in N. Y .- Puts Embargo on
United States Gold Production............... 297
Trade - Machinery to Remove Snow
U. S. Steel Corp. Ann. Repoit .230, 233, 957
should be obtained (F. S.) ................. 393 United States Steel Corporation, Earn­
South American Commerce See Commerce.
ings Last Quarter (F. 8.). ....................
South Africa. See Boer War.
U. S. Steel Corporation—Plan for Reduc­
Southern Pacific Ry. Repoi t ................
tion Preferred Stock Declared Illegal,
Southern Ry. Inc. Div. on PL Stock (F. S.) 549
Vice-Chancellor Emery (F. S.L.
. 1274
Speculation and Clearings in 1901..........
68 United States Steel Corporation, Proposed
Speculators IIow They L ose................. 1110
New issue ef $250,000,000 Bonds (F S.) 851
State Bonds in 901.............
24 United States Trade Figures (F. S.).. 116, 800
State and Cit y Supplem ent April 12.
UTanderbilt Western Roads Half-yearly
See enn of volume.
statement ...
Steam and Electricity. See I nvestors ’
Vestibule Cars. See St . R y . Sup . Feb. 22.
Supplem ent Jan. 25.
Steel and Iron, American......................... 402 Volcanic Risks and the Isthmian Canal.. 1010
Steel Production in 1901, Large....... .. 604 \ % T ages, Advances in, the Order of the
Steel Production, Open-Hearth, Groat
Day tF .S .)................................
Expansion in......................................... 806 War and Peace. See Boer War.
Stock Exchange (N. Y.l Listings in 1901. 123 War Revenue Repeal Bill Passed (F. S.).. 748
Stock Exchange (N. Y.) Seats and Stock
War Tax Repeal. See Taxes.
Exchange Ox-editors.............................. 457 War Taxes, froposed Repeal of. ........ .
Stock Exchange (N. Y.) Share and Bona
Washington Salaries Should be Raised
Sales .........70, 76, 30 7, 509, 703, 919,1173
iF. 8.). .. ...................
...... 288
Stoea Market Influences (Jan.) (F. S.) ...
62 Washington, State of, Granting Leave to
Stock Market Influences first week of
File Bill Against North. See. Co. (F. S.>. 805
April (F. S .).........................
Sudden Col­
Stock Market, Northern Securities Oo.
lapse of. ......
and other adverse Influences (F. S.)___ 116 World’s Gold and Silver Production...... 295
Stock Market Overloaded with New Un­
Wright, C arroll D., an Investigator in
dertakings (F. S.)..........................
Coal Strike (F. 8.).................................. 1218
Railroad Dividends forSeven Yours. See
I nvestors ’ Supplem ent Jan. 25.
Railroad Earning*, Character of Current
Returns (F. 8.) .................
.. 418,1275
Railroad Earnings, Gross (monthly). 127
299, 352, 505, 553. 751, 1013, 1228
Railroad Eariungs, N< t (monthly) . 178,
105,505, 606, 806, 1063, 1281
Railroad Gross Earnings Year 1901 299, 65 2
Rairoad Gross and Net Earnings for the
< alendar Year .
........ 505
Railroad and Miscellaneous Stocks and
........ 17,
Bonds in 1901........
Railroad Rates Has the Decline Bene­
fited the Publici..... ................... ........ 1103
Railroad Rates Stability in, as Affected
by Packing House Agreement (F. 8.)__ 230
Railroad (structures —Use of Concrete in.
Nee I nvestors ’ (supplement Jan. 25.
Railroads. Nte North. Pac. Pref. Stock.
Railroads. See 1 ish (Stuy vesaut).
Railroads and Commercial Expansion.. 1222
Railroads the Huge in Construction.
See I nvestors’ S upplement A pril 26.
Railroads Rates. See Inter State Com.
Rail way Problem and looting
....... 400
Reading Co. Pension System (F. S.) . ... 1059
Rebate Payments bn Exports (F. S.) ... 698
Reorganization Plan, Powers of a Com­
mittee Before Submitting..................... 804
Retrospect of 1901..................................
Revenue (Government), April 1 (F .S .)... 698
Revenue—Proposed Repeal of War Taxes.
172,232, 698
Revenue (U. S.) Receipts and Lisbursemeuts (monthly)....................811, 9s9, 1289
Revenue—War Revenue Repeal Bill
Passed (F. S.)....................................... 748
Rhodes, Cecil, Death o f........... 648,702, 703
Rumors (Vague) Often More Unset.ling
Than Real Disclosures (F. 8.)............... 116
Russia, Gold Production in ..............298, 753
Russia The Great Siberian R a ilw a y ___1224
Russian Budget for 1902.....
Russian stock Companies, .Now Legisla­
tion Regarding..................................... 856


F O R E I G N C O R R E S P O N D E N C E , F IN A N C IA L , C O M M E R C IA L , R A IL R O A D S , &c.
(A N N U A L R E P O R T S A R E IN D E X E D I N B L A C K -P A C E D F IG U R E S .)

P age.
bell Engine & Machine Co................ 579
kron & Barberton Belt Line RR..
Alabama Consol. Coal & Iron Co___7 2 4 ,1091
Ala.N.O.Tex.A Pae.Juno. Rys. Co.93, 477, 678
Alabama Steel & Wire Co...................... 381
Alaska Central Ry. ................ ............... 935
Albany & Hudson Ry. <&Power Co........ 678
Albany & Susquehanna R R .... ..............1088
Albemarle & Chesapeake Canal Co......... 92
Albina Light & Water Co., Portland, Ore. 153
Algoma Tube Works, Lim ited.................
Allegheny Valley R y ..................
S29, 934
Allegheny & Western R y ..... ................. 774
Alliance Realty Co , New Y o r k .............. 381
Allied Securities C o..... ................. ...... 831
Allis-Ohalmers Co __ 269,885. 1136, 1144
Arnal’d Copper Co. 12, 153, 269, 579, 831, 885
Amor. Alkali Co .96, 632, 831, 885, 938, 989
American Beet Sugar Co .......632, 723, 885
American Bioyolo Co ..................... 729, 989
Amer. Brake Shoe & Foundry Co___ 579, 831
American Bridge Oo............................. 153


P age.
American Can Co....................881, 885, 1091
American Car Co..................................... 479
American Oar & Foundry Co..... 42, 207,
632, 729,938,1253,1357
American Cement Co .......................
American Cereal Co...................
428, 7 7 4
American Chicle C o ....... ..... 96, 885,1141
Amerioan-China Development C o .......... 381
American Cigar Co.................
American Clay Mfg. Co...........................
Amerioan Coke <fe Gas G o ..............
Amerioan Cotton Co ................153,832, 885
Amerioan Cotton Oil Co..............
832, 938
Amer. Dis. Tel. Co.
. 12, 153, 203. 207, 885
American Elevated RR ... 149, 528, 829,1088
Amer Fruit Product Oo. of Rochester.... 1198
American Gear & VehioleOo....................1141
Amerioan Grass Twine Co.............. . 96, 479
American Hard Rubber Oo..................... 153
American Hardware Co.................... 529, 579
Amerioan-Haw aiiau SS. Oo............... 270, 179
Amerioan Hide A Leather Oo..........2415, 729

P age .
American Hominy Co.................... ...... 882
Am. IoeCo.575,579,729, 885, 1253, 1309. 1357
American Iron <fe Steel Mfg. Co...... ....... 5 70
Amer. Laundry Machinery Mfg. Co....... 179
American Light &> t raction Co ------ .... 679
American Linseed Co..............
- 96
American Looamotav© Co .... . 96. 207, 270
Am erican Lumber Co................ 96,885, 989
Amer. Mach. & Ordnance C o... 179, 682, l i l t
Amerioan Malting Co
.................... 988
American National Watch Co................. 11 it
American Packers’ Association ............ l,\ t \
American Palace Car Co
........... ..
Am. Pnemnat io Service Oo. ISO, 1091 1699. I.*.*
67 7
American Radiator Co. ........... .....
American Railways.

882.985. ••• ’ t

American Rubber Corporation......... l
American Rubber ( Tire) Works
H’91 ! ’ s
Amerioan Screw Oo,
. r-o ■ 1 100
Amerioan Sewer Pipe Co ................
American Smelting A Refilling Go

A m e r ic a n

Snuff tV ..

___. . . . 128. >26


January-Jane, 1902.]


P age.
Soda Fountain Oo................... 529 Bonds, Prices of All ( lasses. See Bank.
Chicago & Northw. Ry..93,204, 267, 320* A<jK’
109 1
Holderless Can Co.............. .
Gaz, (wkly). See Quo t . Hue. (m’thly).
1103, 1194, 1250
Sparklets Co .......................... 885 Bonds. Sre Titles, U. 8., State, etc.
Chicago Packing & Provision Co......632, 729
Spirits M1V. O o...... -•........938, 1091 Booth Se Co. (Fish)...............................
1040 Chicago Peoria A Sfc. Louis K y ___
. .. 323
Standard Type Oo ................. (188 Borden’s Condensed MUk C o___ 97, 428, 579 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co ___97, 154
steamship Oo. of W. Va.. .88<i, 114 1 Boston A Albany RR ......................150, 629
208, 529,777,1310
Steel Casting C o ......
.836, 114 1 Boston Elevated R R ;....................... ....
9 | Chicago Ry. Term, Elevator Co____ 208, 480
SteeLFoundries O o . l l l i , 1198,1357 Boston oas Companies........................... 723 Chicago Ko ik Island & Gulf Ry
Htove Co —
153 Boston & Maine R R ................ 326, 936, 1354 Chicago K. 1. A Pae. Ry
Straw Board O0..207, 270. 328,
Boston A Montana Consol Copper A Sil­
679, 727, 775, 829, 883, 934,936,1037,
3 7 r>, 529, 579. 632. 939, 1010, 1141
ver Mining Co........................ .......579, 886
1139, I 103, 1191, 1201, 1250, 1307, 1354
Amer. Sugar Kollo. Co.90, 153, 207,628, 082 Boston, Phila. and Balt. Stock Exc hange
Chicago Rock Island & Texas R y___ .. 1195
Am. To lop. A Telee:. Oo ...... 42, 97, 207,
Prices (weekly), see Bankers’ Gazette.
Chicago St. P. M. A Omaha R y ___ .627, 1250
270, 328. 579. 02 8, 082, 729, 988, 939,
Boston A I'll Ila, Steamship Co..
1253,1309 ( liieago & South Side Rapid Transit RR.. 477
1091,1141, 1193 Boston Suburban Elec. Cos.
.377,426, 679 Chicago Telephone C o ........... 270,527, 529
American Tobacco Oo....... ..... 208, 5 75, 082 Boylston Street Laud Co., Boston
.... 886 Chicago Union Trac. Co,.775,1037, 1251, 1.307
American Trading Oo ............................ 208 Breadstuffs, Agricultural Reports on ...
Chicago A Western Ky. ......... ............... 204
Amerioan Transportation Co..................
165,221, 790, 1047,1264 Chicago A Western Indiana E l i ............. 629
Amerioan Tube A Stamping Co ...............1141 Breadstuffs, British Prices, etc. (weekly).
CliUlicotUe (Mo ) Water Co .............
Amerioan Type Founders’ Oo.................
jS e Monetary aud Com English News.
Choc.Ok.A G olf RR. 140, 151,203, 212,
American Vulcanized Fibre C o .............
97 Breadstuffs Market and Statistics (week­
679, 727, 775, 829, 883, 986, 1195,
Amerioan Waltham Watch C o.................1193
ly). See Commercial rimes.
1307, 1354
American Window Glass Co.................... 880 Breadstuffs, D. 3. Exports........................ 165 C111 Dayton A Toledo Tract. Co ......936, 1037
Amer. Woolen Co. 527, 534, 832, 939,1198 Breadstuffs. U. S. Gov’t Weekly Reports
Cincinnati & Eastern Elec’ rio R y ........... 679
American Writing Paper Co. ...... .......... 575
on........ 841, 898, 948, 99?, 1047, 1101,
Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. .. 97,729,1092
Amlierst & Sunder'and Street R y ............
1152.1208, 1264. 1318, 1365 Cin. Georgetown & sorts. (Elec.) RK .. 727
Anaconda Copper Mining Co................... 832 Bridgeport (Conn.) Gas Lt. Co. 153, 480, 939 Cm. & Lndiana Western K R ............ 883, 1195
Ann Arbor RK.
................................1088 Bristol (Term.) Gas & Electric Co...........
97 Cin. Jackson & Mackinaw R y ................ 151
97 British Columbia Packers’ Association .. 1306 Cin. Lebanon A Northern R y _____ 1195, 1251
Ansonia Brass A Copper Co....................
Anthracite t'oal Co. of West Virginia. ... 990 Brooklyn Ferry C o............................... 1250 Cin. N. O. & Tex. Pac. R y ...... 3 78, 526,
Anthracite Coal Roads......629. 079, 935,
Brooklyn Heights R R ...................... 477, H 88
727, 829, 1251
986, 1037, 1138, 1194, 1250, 1307, 1354 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co ....204,3-7.
Cin. Newp. & Cov. Lt. & Trac. Co 576,986,1307
Arkansas Valley & Western RK__ 1194, 1354
477, 629, 935, 1133 Cm. Newp. A Cov. R y ...... 326, 426, 528, 576
Arkansas Water Co., Little Rock .
. 682 Brooklyn & Rockaway Beach RR .........1194 Cin. Northern R R ..................... 151, 326, 378
Armour & Co. (Packing)
..1040, 1091, 1198 Brooklyn Union Elevated R R ................ 204 Cin. Rich. & Muncie RR ..150,267,528,1195
Asliev lie & Spartanburg R R .............. .. 629 Brunswick & Birmingham R R ....... .378, 774 Citizens’ Etec Light A Power Co
....... 1254
Ashland (K y ) Coal a- Iron R y .......... .93,1307 Buffalo A ttica & Arcade R R ......... 986, 1088 Citizens’ El. Ry. L. A P. Co., Mansfield.O. 204
42 Buffalo Gardenviile A Ebenezer R y ....... 774 Citizen’s Ry. & L ig’ c. Co., Muscatine, la. 1354
Asphalt Co. of America........ ..................
Associated Merchants’ Co........ 328, 381,
Buffalo Iron Co. of Nashville Tenn.1141, 1309 < irizens’ Teleph Co. Grand Rapids.Mich. 1092
476, 1091,1253 Buffalo A Nlag. Falls Else. Lt A P o w er' o. 97 City of Chicago Brewing A M a ltin g Co... )54
Atchison Topeka A Santa Fe R y ...... ...
Buff. Rocli. A Pitts RR.326, 726,829,935, 1250 City Gas Co. of N orfolk............................1092
93, 150, 204, 323. 882, 1037, 1088, 1194 Buffalo & Susquehanna Coal Co___ _____ 886 City Heat & Light Co., Fostoria, O . ........1198
Atlanta Ry. A Power Co ; also Rap, Tran. 377 Buffalo A Susquehanna Iron Co..... 1040, 10 *2 City Lighting Co. of St. Louis............. . 1254
Atlantic & Birmingham RR......................1138 Buffalo A Susquehanna RR. ........... 150, 1037 Clafli (H. B.) Co .................................... 154
Atlantic Coast Llectric R R ...... ........150, 325 Bunnell A Euo Investment Co ... .. ___ 682 Clairton Steel Co..................................... 1092
Atlantic Coast Line Co......................726, 774 Burlington Cedar Rapids A N or. R y.. 93,
Cleveland Ctn. Chic. A 8t. Louis R y ...... 679
Atlantic Coast Line RR..829, 1037,1307, 1354
1194, 1249, 125o, 1354
576,629 936, 986,1355
Atlantic Coast Lumber Co...................... 208 Burlington County (N. J.) tract. Co..426,1138 CJ.CityRy.93,205,378,
Cl.Elec Ry.41, 93,151, 205,426, 528, 576,1355
Atl. L t & Water Co., Virginia Beach, Va. 1198 Burlington (la.) Railway & Light Co......1307
eve Elyria A W.Ry.267, 326, 679, 1195, 1307
Atlantic (Copper) Mining Co........... 428, 579 Burlington (Iowa) Water Co.................... 1092 Cl
Cleveland (O.) Furnace Co
.1092, 629, 936
Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co.........203, 480 Burrows Light, & Heat. Co. of America
97 Cleve. Painesv. A East. Elec. Ry.267, 576, 829
Atlantic Pulp & Paper Co........... ..... 632, 939 Bush Terminal Co...............
477 Cleveland & Sandusky Brewing C o ........ 939
Atlantic Rubber Shoe Co................. 97, 886 Butte City Water Co................................
97 Cleveland Street R y .......... ............ ........
Atlantic Transport Co............................. 8-6 Butte Electric A Power Co.,................... 153 C oal& Coke R y ............. .
................ 1251
Atlantic Valdosta & Western R y ...l0 8 8 , 1307 Butterick Co............. .................153, 270,1198 Coin and Bullion. Prices in N ew York,
Atlas Engine Works .............................. 632
see Bankers’ Gazette (weekly). Prices
Atlas Tack Corporation....... 97, 328,428, 579 /~iabanas (H. de) y Carbajal
in London, see Monetary and Commer­
Auburn (N. Y.) Gas Co....................... 42,
97 ® ^affrev
daffrey Cent. Sus-ar
Sugar Refinina
Refining & RR. Co. 267
cial English News.
Auburn Interurban Electric R R
.. 679 Californ. Cent. GasAElect.Co.lC40, 1092, 1357 Colorado Fuel & iron Co .208, 632, 682,
Augusta (Me Hallowell & 6-ardiner RR. 1194 California Fruit Canners’ Association.... 881
Augusta Winthrop & Gardiner Elec. RR 1194 California Gas & Eleotric Corporation. . 990 Colorado 729,731,832,939,
Northwestern RR.
....... 936
Aurora Electric Li gat & Pow er Co .
1309 California A Nevada R R ...................378, 576 Colorado &
727, 986, 1355
Aurora Elgiu A < hie St. R y . 325,726, 1194 Calumet A Heela Mining Co.... ....... 42, 939 Colorado (Bell) Telephone Co .................
Aurora Gas Light C o .......................
1309 Cambria Steel Co..... 153, 203, 270, 324,1253
Ry. A Navigation Co. ...... .1 1 9 5
Austin ( Tex.) Elec R y .. 426, 576, 1037,1194 Camden (Me.) Land Co.................. 886, 1092 Columbia
Columbia A Yakim a (Ore.) Irrigation Co. 777
Automatic Weighing Machine Co............ 153 Camden & Trenton R y .................... 150, 679 Columbus
Buckeye Lake A Newark Trac­
Automatic Train Controller Co.............. 1141 Canada Atlantic R y . . . . . . . 204, 426, 576,
tion C o............ ...................477,1195, 1355
Automobile Co. of A m erica.................... 323
679,935, 986,1194 Columbus (O.) Citizens’ Telep. Co . 480,1040
Canada Southern R y .....................1136, 1354
Delaware A Marion Elec RR.. 883
aldwin Locom olive Works ............... 20“ Canadian Colored Cotton Mills Co.......... 428 Columbus
Columbus (0.) Edison C o......... 529, 682, 1357
allston Terminal (Electric) RR ...93, 266 Canadian Copper Co ____
_______ 729, 832 Columbus (0.) Gas L. A Heat. Co.480,579, 632
Baltimore & Ohio HR ___ i 50, 204, 266,
Canadian General Electric Co., Toronto.. 1309 Columbus A Hocking Coal A Iron Co
325, 377, 383, 528, 726, 1037 Canadian Northern R v..
93.477,882, 1250
886,990,1040, 1038,1141.1193
Baltimore Pittsburg A Western R R ........ 326 Canadian Pacific R y
93 267,378,426,
Columbus Lima A Milwaukee R y .
Baltimore Shipbuiluing A Dry Dock Co .. 1141
679, 775, 829, 935, 1194
4-06 679 9-6 -lids 1307
Baltimore A Southern R R ...................... 150 Canastota & Morrisville (Electric) R y__ 9“ 6
Bangor & Aroostook R R .............. 41, 93, 150 Cauda Ca tie Car Co......................... 480, 529 Columbus Sand. A Hocking R R 883,986,' 1307
Commercial Cable Co.............. 527, 529, 1357
Bank of England Statements (w eekly).
Canton Akron Electric R y ___ ..1088,1307 Commercial Epitome. See Com. Times.
See Monetary and Commercial English
Commercial Light A Power Co , Duluth.. 429
529, 629, 1088 Commercial and Miscellaneous N ew s..29,
Bank Statements, New York, Boston and
Cape Breton R y ........................775, 9-6, 1083
78, 134. 187, 252, 3 9, 362, 409,459,
Phila (weekly). See Bankers’ Gazette.
Capital Freehold Land A Investment Co. 331
511,560, 611, 662, 710, 759, 811. 866,
Bank and Trust Company Stocks, Prices
Capital Traction Co. of Washington, D.C. 723
921, 968,1020,1069,1122,
in New York. See Bankers’ Gazette
Carnahan Tin Plate & Sheet Co.............. 428
1178,1234, 1288, 1339
(weekly), in Leading Cities, Ste Q uo­
Carolina Rice Mills
..... 208 Commercial Pacific Cable Co.. ......1040,1310
tatio n Su pp le m e n t (month y).
Central Coal & Coke Co. of Kansas City..
Commercial Telephone Co., Texas, etc.. . 832
Banks of England, France, etc., Specie
331,430, 386, 990,1141 Commercial Times ___53,102,160, 216,
Holdings (weekly). See Finan. Situa’n.
Cent. Dist. Printing & Telegraph Co 381, 1141
275,332.386,435, 485, 535, 5-4,635,
Banks, National, Abstract-) from Reports
Central Fireworks C o ....... .. .............
685, 733, 786, 836, 893, 94 L 992, 1042,
to the Comptroller
........ 436,437,
433 Central Florida & Gulf Coast R y ,........... 726
1096,1147, 1203. 1259, 1313, 1360
Banks, National, Organized (weekly).
Central of Georgia R y ............................. 477 Commonwealth Electric Co., Chicago, Hi.
S e CommercialAMi-cellaneous News).
■t’entral Lighting Co ............................. 430
990, 1 137. 1198, 1254
Bankers’ Gazette (weekly). .3 ), 80, 137,
Cent. Market St Ry..Colurabus,0.679,726, 883 Commonwealth Hygienic Ice Co., Boston. 1357
189, 254, 311, 364, 411,462,513,562,
Central Massachusetts R R ................... 1354 Compressed A ir Co. of New York............ 579
613, 664,711,761, 813. 863, 923, 971,
Central Ontario R y ................................ 13 5 Compi’d Gas Cap ule (sparklets) Co.682, 886
1022,1071, 1124, 1180, 1237, 1291, 1341 Central Pacific R R ....
8“ 3
(N H ) Electric Co..... ......... 97, 480
Barney & Smith Car C o ................1198, 1250 Cent. Phosphate Co. of Dales Creek, 8. C.. 1193 Concord
Concord A Montreal BE.......................... 727
Barre ( V t ) R R ..................
1250 Central RR. of N ew Jersey—
Counecticut Ry. A Lighting Co. ............. 426
Bath (S. Y.) Electric A G ai Light Co..’ ” ’ 729
5 7 3 ,5 76,5 8 1,679, 726 |Connecting Ry. of Philadelphia.............. 1088
Bath (Me.) Gas & Electric C o................. 729 Cent. Un. (Bell) Telep.
C o.. 153, 429, 682, 82 8 Cons olidated Cattle Car Co
................ 480 .
Batopilas Min ng Co ...............................1309 Chagrin Falls A Northern RR.............
Battle Island Paper Co ....................
777 Champion Coated Paper Co ................... 930 Consolidated Coal. Iron A Land Co.........1310
Bay City (Mich ) Gas f o ....
............ 579 Champion International Co.................... 480 Consol. Gas Co , Balto... 832, 1254, 1310, 1358
Consolidated Gas t o. of New Yrork ....... 2 6 6
..........................1141 Consolidated Lake Superior C >. 97, 270,
Gas A Elec. Co . 829
777, 886, 990, 1010, 1254
Heat & Power Co. -130 Consolidated Land Co
.................... 480
Water Co ____1309 Consol. Lt.A Pow . Co.,Redwood City,Cal 1041
Chateaugay Ore & 1ron Co...... . 97, 203, 529
Beatrice Coal & Mining Co_______ ______ 153 Cueboygan (M idi.) Paper C o .................. 886 Consolidated Match Co ......................... 1092 ,
Ry. Elec. Lt. A Equlpm’t Co....... 328
Beaver Valley Traction Co
2o4 Ohemi ial Co. of Amer ica .........................1092 Consol.
Beaver Val ey (Pa.) Water Co....... 1091, 1253 Chesapeake & Ohio Canal .................... 323 Consol. Ky. A Light Co. of Delaware — 1195
Bell Telephone Co. of Buffalo.................. 886 Chesapeake A Ohio Fuel Co. ---- .*. . . 886 - onsol. Ry. L. A F. O o..W i)„ N A . . . 936, 1308
Conso idated Ky. Lighting A Refrigerat­
I'.i'.l TH* phone Co. of Canada................ 1309
Cliesap. A Ohio R R ... 326, 378, 528, 679, 1194
ing Oo ................
15 A, 208, 328, 632
Bel) I el op. Co. of Phila 208,423.886,990,1091 Chesapeake & Western R y ................... . 930
Bernls Bros. Bag Co , 8t. Louis .........
480 Chestnut H ill R R .............................936, 936 Consolidated Ro-endale Cement Co.
B rkshireStr et Ry................726, 1088,1307 Chicago A Alton R y ............................. 326 ConHoi. Kubb r Tire Co 632,1092,1198,1251
......... 270
Consolidated Sehuvlkill1Gas Co
Bessemer Coke Co........
Best Mfg C o ........................ '
j '{4] Chic. Burl. A Quin -,v Ry 41,204,426,1088, 13"7 Consolidated Stone Co. of Indiana__ ___
Beth 1(diem steel Co........... ... ... 032 1309 < hloago Cit- Ry.
.... ..........426,775, 354 Consolidated Tobacco Co . .270, 480, 530,
Bienville. (Ala.1 Water Siinnlv tin
’ 1 ain
632,682,729, 777, 1111
Consolidated Traction Co (P liila .)______ 528
Consolidation Coal Co. of Maryland .429, 724
Consols, Dally Prices of in London. See
Mon and Com. English Nows (weekly).
Continental (impressed Air Power Oo.
Continent'1Tobacco Co.
530, 57Jf
ContinentalZmo A Lead Min. A Sm. Co.. 1142
Convertible Oar Oo.
............. 939
Ohio Juno Itvs. A Union Stock Yds.154, 47<( Copley Square Trust Co , Boston .......... 990
Blue Mt Iron A Steel Co. Of B a it___939, Off" Chicago & Milwaukee Elec. R y.............. 2 I
bon Air Coal, Land & Lumber Oo......... 130-* Chicago Mil. A St. P. Ry...........378, 426, 679
Copper Range Consolidated Co..............





P age.
P age
P age .
Electric Railways Corporation................ 826 Hartford A Springfield Street By.... 151, 1355
Corn l?iod.uiits Oo.„ ,,,320, 331, 42$, 480,
530, 632, 7177, 888, 108 0, 1092, 1310 Electric Storage Battery C o ...........682, 677 Hartman Mfg. Oo - .............. ..............1254
1139 Ificetrie Vchicle Co..... ................. ...1)8, 940 Havana Commercial C o ..... . . . . . . ___.... 1142
Ooit witl1 ]| r ......
1310 Electro-Pneumatic Transit Co.................. 1092 Havana Electric B y ......... ...... ....... 728, 1251
OorrlHgt 01;i A ir Bra!Ins Co., H6W Y ork
y.ju Elgin Joliet & Eastern B y ........... ...151, 206 Havana Tobacco Co ..................... . — 1112
Coslioeci A Southiil‘xi RR -. -..
Uosoiopt>11tan Powe ■r (Jo., Jo.rsoy Oity..... 1310 El Paso Electric C o.....................881,1251 Haverh. Plaistow & Newton (Mass.) S. By, 883
Hawaiian Com. A Sugar Oo..... ......329, 429
Eli ria Grafton & Southern B y .............. 1106
<ie also Li Litorial Index.
990 Hawaiian Sugar Oo ........... -...............
A grl. Repo rts on.. .-....,...1207, 1262 Empire State Sugar Co .........................
& Florida Southern Ry---- 775
840 Empire Steel & Iron Co .. -..........208, 630
Gi3)1SUS Oitice Crop Estimate..—
C( -utral As1
tan Crop Decrease.... 638 English Corresp. and Cable Reports
Helena (Mont.) Water works Co — .. ... . 154
(weekiyi. See Mon. and Com.Eng News.
Gt>n u in E urope ..,389,588, 897, 1046
Etna table lias & Elec. Co.. ...940,1041,1358 Hock. Valley By.1)4.267. 036.1038,1089,1196
C<onsump. anxl Overland MoveHodgenvilte A Elizabethtown KB ........ 1139
rnent I t )5, 276, 488, 737, 947, 1206 i ,.tillable Gas Light Co, of Memphis...... 990 Home
Telep. Oo. of Los Angeles,Cal — ..1041
Equitable III. Gas Eight Co. of Phil a. ___ 270
Cui tailmeiit Recommended in
. 205, 326, 628, 576, 986,987,1308 Home Water Co. of Little jR^gk............ 683
Lancashi r c ........ ...-..,..,5 8 7 , 639 I Erie HP.
E ast India C r o p ..................... 106 Eric A Central N, Y. By. .378, 727,1139 1195 Home,stake Mining Co— .---- 580, 887,1142
East India:n Mills ................ — - DO9 Erie Tele. & Telephone Co,42,98,154,208 270 Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Oo....... . 1251
426 Hoosac Valley St By., North Adams,Mass. 1308
E gyptian ttrap..... 737, 840, 995, 1363 Eureka & Palisade B y .,..,.........
— ............................. 329 Houston Beaumont & New Orleans By... 1038
B sports... .................................. 165 Eureka Silk Oo
Eureka (Cal.) Water Co....................... . 1254 Houston Biee. (By.) Oo., 629, 680, 1086,
E sports of Y aims and Cloths from
1089, 1139
Great B tfitatn...- ___. . ... .. .. 103 Evansville (iud.) Gas A Elec. Lt. Co..886 , 1310
- 98, 329
E sports Y :aims, India to China... 688 Evans. & T. II RR. ..477,577,680.727, 775 Houston Oil Co .......................
Houston & Texas Central B B .. .267, 680, 936
F all River Mill Dividends.. ... .. . 638 Exchange, Sterling, Market and Prices.
Hudson County Gas Oo .. .................... 580
gee Bankers’ Gazette- (weekly), gee
Galveston Exchange.............. - ■ 163
Hudson Pelham A Salem (Mass.) St. By.. 883
Q uotation Sum-lb went (monthly).
Govt. Weekly Beports. 731 , 840,
Hudson River Electric Oo. .......... — ...
Exports and imports of Merchandise and
896, 946, 995, 1046, 1099,
Hudson River (Bell) Telephone Co......... 329
Specie at New York, Value of (weekly),
1150. 1207,1262, 1317, 1363
Hudson River Traction Co.................... . 680
See Commercial A Miscellaneous News.
Liverpool Exchange--..... 1316
fa ilu r e s ......................................... .
76 Hudson River Water Power Co..........98, 1311
Manufactures, Exports of, from
Tunnel Ry
.. 379, 577, 987, 1038
4 air Haven & Wcstvilte. B B ........ ........ 987
United S ta tes....... .........105, 335
Huntingdon A Br. T. M. RR. & Coal. 477, 723
Memphis Exchange..,...........
163 Fairmont Coal Co . ...... .........98,829 H I
New Eng. Mill Situate..438, 587, i l l Fargo (N. I),) Edison Oo.; also Gas AEl.Co. 1254 Illin o is Anti-Trust L a w ........................ 580
Farmington (Me.) YVater Oo. ___________
98 i Uinois Car & Equipment Co .........729, 832
New York Exchange...433, 638,
..... 5so Illinois Central RR. ------151, 326, 775, 1308
1046, 1099,1150 Fay-Sholes Typewriter Co-............
Cowcn & Greenbrier B R ............
326 FayettevT A WUiaingt’n (N.G.) St’mbt. Co. 683 Illinois Sugar Refining Co , . ..........
Fecteral Boiler & Supply Co...................
98 Imperial Electric Lt. Heat & Power Co 1255
Cramp (William) & Sons Ship & Engine
................1358 Imperial Tobacco ( ’0.............. ......429, 481
Building ( ’■>...... 729, 990, 1142,1194, 1198 Federal Sugar Refining Co.
Cramp Steel Co , Limited..........208, 480, 12; >4 Federal Telephone Oo..208,429,4.81,580, 940 Independent Distilleries ...........
Crescent Ship-Yard Co,............-........ . 1142 Fire Brick Consolidation......1254, 1092,1199 independent m s& Pow .O o of San Fran. 382
Crompton A Knowles Loom Co.,W orcester 771 Fisheries (Menhaden) Co........................ 984 Indiana Illinois A lowa B y ..... . 41, 205,1251
Crucible Steel Co, of America..777, 1092, 1198 Fitchburg RR ........................................ 629 Indiana Water Co., New Albany, ...990,1255
Flemington Coal A Coke Oo.................. . 729 Indianapolis & Eastern Traction C o ...... 205
Crude Rubber Co............ ..97,, 270
Comb orland (Bell) Telep. and Telcg, Co,1137 Flint & 'Oo_________ ________ ______ 208, 530 Indiana®). A Martinsville Rau. Tran. Co.. 94
Cumberland & Ohio BB.—Northern Div.. 477 Flint Eddy & Amer. Trading Co .98,154, 208 Indianapolis Northern Traction Co .883,1251
Cumberland Valley Telephone Co.......... . ■l o t Florence (Ala.) Iron.Plios. & RR.326,727, 93G inclianap. Shelby v. & Southeast. Tract. Co. 477
.......... 936,1196
Cuyayoga Steel A Wire Co ....... ....... . i 854 Florida Southern RR .............................1038 Indianapolis Street RR
Cuyahoga Telephone C o ................ -.42, 939 Fonda Johnstown A Gloversvillc BB ... 987 Industrial Stocks, eto.: Prices of; Insur­
ance Stocks; Prices in Leading Cities.
Cuyahoga Wire & Fence Co ........... .
12o4 Fore River Ship A Engine Co., ............... 832
Fort Plain & Richfield Springs B B ........ 829
See Quotation S upplement (monthly).
wwalias Consolidated Street B y..........
829 Fort Wayne Elec. Works of Schenectady. 729 Inland Steel Co. of Chicago-.............. ..... 940
I F alias Electric Light A Power Co.......1358 Fort Wayne A Southwest’n Trac. Co.326,1196 Interborough B. Tran. C0..N.Y. Clty.987,1089
Dallas Fort Worth A Gulf B y ................
93 Fort Worth & Denver City By ..528,57 7, 675
Bell Telephone Co.— ------ 940
829 Fowler Brothers, Packing................ . 4 358 International
Dallas Street Bail way Franchise.
international Car Wheel Co ..............98, 271
93 Fox River Light, Heat A Power Oo. of 111. 1311 International
Dallas Terminal By. A Union Depot Co..
Crude Bubber Co. -..........
Daly Gold Lining Dental Co. .......... . — 1092 Fox Typewriter Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1254 International & Great Northern RR.151,
98 Franchise Tax in Illinois
Dartmouth Mill Corp. (New Bedford) —
........... 775,1251
267, 379, 829, 1038, 1139
Davis Creek Coal & Coke C o .................. 481 Franchise Taxation in New York State.. 987 Internat. Nav. Co..... 208,329,382,632, 887
Dayton Ft. Wayne & Cin (Electric) B B .. 205 Freehold (N. J.) Gas Oo...................... ^ .530 International Nickel Co. -.......... .....730, 832
Dayton Lebanon A Cincinnati B R ....... .
93 Fries Mfg. & Power, Winston-Salem, N.C. 1088 International Power C o .........832, 940, 1137
Dayton A T ro y Electric R y ..................... 1251 Frontier Telephone Co., Buffalo ............ 886 International Salt Co..320, 382, 530, 778, 940
Dayton & Xenia Transit Co.................... 205 Fuller (George A.) Co......... 1041, 1087,1142 international silver Co ............
Deadwood Terra Mining Co ................. 1092 Fulton Chain B y ........................93, 378, 477 I n f nat- Smokeless Powder A Dyn. C o.... 1359
Del. & Hudson Co ...93, 265, 475,1037,1088 Fulton Coal Go......................... ......... -•
481 Inteinational Steam Pump Co........ 1255,1311
Del. Lack. & Western B B ...... .326, 474, 1139
as & Elec. Co.. Bergen Co.,N. J.42.329, 530 International Telephone Co ........... 330,1093
Delaware River Ferry Co ................. 98,1198
as A Elec. L. A Bow. Co., Van Wert, O. 98 Internat. Trac. Co. of Bufl'alo.......... 326, 427
Denison Bonham & New Orleans R y ......1195 Gas Light Co. of Augusta, G a ....... ...... 270 interoceanio Ry. of M exico..................... 680
Denison A Sherman (Elect.) By........... . 1355 Gas Stocks. See Corn, and Misc. News
Inter-State Commerce
.94, 629, 680,1196
Denver City Tram w ay.......... .........426,1037
(weekly). Nee Quor. Su p . (monthly).
Inter-State Indepen. Telep. & Teleg. Co.. 940
Denver Gas & Elect. C o..530, 990,1142,
General Carriage Co 481, 886, 940,1092,1199 Interurban Ry. Co, of Des Moines ......... 630
1198,1310,1358 Gen. Chem.Co.325, 3 !9,.990,1041, 4093, 1094 Interurban St. By., N. Y. C ity...379,427, 775
Denver Lakewood & Golden KB .. ......... 1139 General Electric C o...98, 724, 729, 777,
Inv. and BR. Intelligence .. 39, 89, 146,
Denver & Northwestern B y ............
881, 889, 990, 1142, 1199, 12o4,
193, 263, 320, 373, 420, 471, 522,571,
Denver & Bio Grande B R ..,,......... 477, 576 Georgetown (S. C.) Electric Co............... 329
622 67b, 720, 770, 822, 877, 932, 981,
727 Georgetown & Lexing'ton (Ky.) Trac. Co. 1089
Denver A Salt Lake B R .......................
1032, 1081. 1134. 1190, 1247, 1301, 1351
Denver A Southwestern B y ... 727, 880, 936 Georgetown (Ky.) Water, G-., El. A P. Co. 382 I nvestors’ supplem ent for Jan. and
Denver Tramway C o ............................ 1195 Georgia A Alabama B y................... ----- „ f |
April at end of this volume.
Des Moines City R y .................... .......... 936 Georgia Electric Lt. Co. (Atlanta).. . . l o 4, 382 Iowa Central By ..................................936
Des Moines A Fort Dodge B B .............. . 1038 Georgia Florida A Alabama B y .............. 1089 Iowa & St. Louis R R ...............................1196
Des Moines Iowa Falls A N o rth ern R y... 1038 Georgia Co................-......... ,
1355 Iowa Telephone Co ............................ -- 990
Detroit City Gas City Co.........
1254 Georgia By. & Electric Co. (Atlanta). -93,
Iron R y ........................-......................... 26 ?
Detroit & Mackinac B y ...................629,1088
378, 477,
987Co........... 730, 778, 887,1041
Det. Maok. & Marquette BB. Land Grant. 7 75 Georgia Southern & Florida By .. . . . . . . . 987 Isthman Canal ..............................13U, l3o9
Det. P. H. & Shore Line B y .......205, 2 67, 326 Grant Powder Co., San Fxanoisco........... 1254
ackson (Mich.) A Battle Cr. Trac. Co .. 1355
Detroit Southern B y......................... .
267 Gleuvood & Polytechnic Street B y.. 151, 577
ackson iron & Tin Plate C o................ 887
Detroit Street Railways................. 528
CJueosc Sugar Refining Co.. ---....... 329, 382 Jacksonville & St. Louis R y .......... .— 1308
Detroit & Toledo Shore Line R R .......93,
Gold Car Heating & Lighting Co........... 1311 Jacksonville (Fla.) Street B y .................. 1038
205,326,629,1251 Gold Exp orts and imports at New York
Jam lien, (N. Y.) Turnpike Co.................. 93b
Detroit United B y......41,151, 205, 323,
(weekly). See Com. and Mis. News.
326,378,727,775, 936,1038,1195, Goodrich Transp’tatte Co. ofChicago.329, 481 Jamestown. (N. Y.) Water Supply C o....... 88"
Cdv Hoboken & Paterson (Elec.) By. 326
DiamondMafeh C o .................98, 324, 381 Goodyear Tire A Rubber Co........... 1093,1199 Jer.
Diamond Rubber Co ........................... .1 5 4 Goillieb-Bauernschmidt-StraussBrew.Co. 725 Jersey City Water Supply Co.......... .481, 730
Steel Co...................................... loo
Diamond State Steel Co------- ------ -- — 1306 Grand Crossing Tack Co. of Chicago ...... 940 Jessup
Johns-Manville Co. ,
Dillon (Mont.) Elec. Light & Power Co... 1092 Grand Rapids Edison C o ........... .
1199 Jones & Laughliu Steel Co,..........1 1 4 2 ,12ot>
Distilling Co. of America........ 154, 324,
Grand Rapids Holland & Lake Michigan
Journeay A Burharn Co............... . —
682, 777, 939,1092, 1198,1358
Rapid Ry ............. 47’ , 528, 629, 728, 775
anawha & Hook’g Coal ACokeCo.271, 481
Dixon (Joseph) Crucible Co........... .
729 Grand Rapids A Indiana R y........... 676, 72s
anawha A Michigan B y ........... 267,1089
Dominion Coal Co,----- ,...,.832,1092,1254 Grand Trunk By....................... ............. 880
Dominion Iron & Steel Co.......... 98, 429,
Great Britain Rys. Development Corp— 577 Kansas City Ft. Sootf A Memphis Ky..si4,
20S 477, 577, 728, 936
530, 729, 832, 990,1092, 125 i Great Eastern RR ............................ 57 ” 1196
Dominion Securities Co.......... 267, 528,
Great Northern Paper Co ........-.......... 1311 Kansas City-Leavenworth Electric B y ...
679,986,1038,1139, 1251, 1310 Great Northern of Canada Consol. O o.... 936 Kan. City Memphis & Bmning’m By,-177, 829
Kansas City M e x ico * Orient Ky ...1038, 1251
Dover (N. J.) Water Co............... ......... 208 Great Northern By..— 94, 267, 629, 680,
Dow Composing Machine. Co — ......
829,883,1251,1308 Kansas City Peoria & Chicago Uy_------- 267
Driggshfe S. Gun A Am. Co......481, 580, 683 Great North. By. of Canada.267, 426, 936, 987 Kan-as City Southern B y....94, 5,7, 6S0, 680
Duluth General Electric Oo ..... — 633,1359 Great Western Cereal Co — ............ --- 1311 Kansas City Suburban Belt By ---Duluth Missabe & Northern R y .. . . . . . . . . . 205 Green Bay A Western B R ............. - 676 Kansas City Watkins & Gulf By.268,60O, 680
Duluth Transfer By —............. .......41,1139 Greensboro (N. C.) Gas A Elec, Lt. Co,... 1199
Duluth Virginia & Balny Lake By... 679,- 936 Greenwich (Conn.) Tramway Co............. o26 Kansas & Texas Co..... ....... ...... 481
_____ 728
Dupont (E. 1.), D® Nemours C o ............ 580 Greg’er Manufacturing Oo..............-...... l o t Kenosha Street By...........
Durham (N. O.) Light A Power Co .....98,1199 Groton (Conn.) Water Oo.............-— --- 329 Keat’ y Wagon Mfg. Oo., Louisville. 1041,1093
Kentucky Wes tern B y .................. ...94, 7 75
^ast CoastMilling C o . . . -.-.270, 990 Guayaquil & Quito By ...................1196,
205 Keystone Coal A Coke Oo, .... — ......
2ast Jersey Water C o ................481, 729 Gull A Brazos S’ alley BB,........... •••
ej stone Telephon- Oo. of PM la., .......
East St. lo uis & Carondelet By — ...... 477 Gulf A Inter-State Ry............... •••••’ ??' H 9 § K
Watch Case Oo............. 830, 780
East St. Louis Electric B B -......426, 576, 829 Gulf & Shin) sld.BR.378, 425, 426. 12ol, 12o7 Keystonv
ackensack Meadows Co,....... - - .990,1142 Kings Co. Elevated HI! .......... ............... 205
East St. Louis & Suburban C o ,......1195, 1355
aokensack Water Oo..............- - • •• - 13 u Kings Co, Gas & 111. Oo .............. ..... — L-’ou
East St. Louis & Suburban B y . . . . . . ...... 680
ton (N. Y .) Gas & Electric Oo___... 1093
East & West. BB., A lab am a ................... 1088 Habne & Co. (Dept. Store) Newark,N. J. 1251 King
12oi KiySy Lumber Oo. . -----...... ..-. 98,
Eastern Milling A Export Co....
270 H all Signal Co....................
Eastern Ohio Traction Oo........ 26/, 629, 630 Hamburg (Elect.) Ry. of Erie Co., N. Y .. lo55 Knickerbocker Ico Co. of Chic .880, 87 5,
94 Knoxville Jelltco o Luti-oUto BR ...
Eastern Paving Briok Co., Cat skill, N. Y. 1092 Hamilton & Linden wald Elec. TransitCo.
Kroger Grocery A Bakery Co.. ' iuohvuuts
Eastman Kodak Co. of N. J .939,1092,1306 Hamilton (O ) Otto Coke Oo..... 683
a Belle Iron Woiksot Wheeling,'5 ,V » •
Eastman’ s, L im it e d . . . ...... --.........
832 Hammond (G, H.) Co_...,........ ,329, 382, 836
iU'kHW’ nu Steel Co.98, . 0 8 , 8 . ! 79,580, 117‘7
Eddy Electric Co., Windsor, Conn .........13.>8 Hammond Distilling Co....... .......... ...... 154 l.ucomho
Bleetrie Oo----...
. . . . . . . . . iso9
Edison El. 111. Co.,Boston..92, 990,1041, 1310 Hammond Ico Oo, of Delaware.......—
Crosse (Wis.) (ins A Electric Co —
- too
Edison illuminating Oo.......... ......... .
Edison Storage Battery Co....................1199 Harblaon-Walker Refractories Co---- .... loos Lake Drummond Gaunt A Water Co .....
Egyptian Portland Cement Co................ 530 Hardware Consolidation.......... ......778,11 i - Lake Erie A Western BR — . . . — 821, X8oh
Hargadine-McKlttrtck Dry Goods Co...... 154
Electric Oo. of A m erica...325, 777, 832,
tot, .
98 Lake Shore Electric Ry
880, 935, 1041, 1199, 1310 Hargraves Mills of Fall R iver.......-........
Southern By
Harrisburg (Pa.) Gas Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683 Lake Shore A Michigan
Electric Co, Stocks. See Qtjot. Son.
879. ±76, 680, S 7 9, uW9, \,,
Elec, Improvement Co., San Jose, Cal— 1041 Hartford Street B y. . . . . . . . . . . . . .








January-June, 1902.
P ag in.
LakeSt.El.RR.151.a65, 208, 1089, 1308, 1855
Lake Superior & M ipem ing Ry .............
Lake Tahoe Ry. & Transportation Co---- 478
Land & River Co., Superior, Win............. 887
Lansing (M idi.) Gas Light Co. .......... 083
Leavenworth (Kan.) Lt. & Heat,^©o.... 99 lo5
Leavenworth City <te Ft. Lear on. Wat. Co. 1255
Lebanon Springs RR
■ -■ ..... ........ 8®3
Lehigh Coal & Navigation C o ...... ...429, 527
Lehigh & New England R R ............ -- - 478
Lelugh Valley % ......... 1 ^8, 203, 209. 883
Lehigh Valley Traction Co
Lehigh & Wjlkesbarre Coal C o.........5 76, 724
Lexing ton & Kastern R y ..........................
Lexington (Ky,) Qns Co
............... 1199
Lexington (Ky.) Hydraulic & Mfg. C o.... 481
Lexington (Ky.) R y . . . .....................
Lovlahd Lino
- ...........................
Lt.' Heat A P ’w ’r Co. of New Albany, Ind. 730
Lima. (O.) Electric Ry. & Light Co . 829,1089
Lincoln (ill.) Water Lt. & Power C o..940, 1255
Litchfield (ill.) Gas A Electric Co—
Little Falls & Dolgeville R R ............577,1252
Little Miami HR
L ittle Rock (Ark.) Traction & Electric Co. 1089
Little W olf River Telephone Co..... ........ 940
Locomobile Co. of America.......... .. .... 155
Logansport * Toledo R y .........................
London United Electric Ry ... .......... 1252
Lone Star & Cres. Oil Co., Beau’nt.Tex... 990
Long Island RR ..829,1089, 1139,1196,1252
Long-and-Short-Haul L a w ....................... 268
Los Angeles Franchises, &o..................... 427
Los Angeles & Redondo R y .................... . 268
Louisiana & Arkansas R R ....... ............... 883
Louisiana Western R R ............................. 268
Louisville Anchorage & P . V. R R .......... 987
Louisville (Ky.) Home Telephone Co...... 1142
Louisville R y ....... ...................... 94, 205, 828
Louisville & Nash. RR.94, 268, 326, 327,
528, 577,680,775, 830,883,987, 1038, 1089
cCloud River Electrical Power Co., 940
aeon (Ga.) Consol. Street R R ............. 1355
Maeon Electric Light & Ry. Co ............. 1355

Madison Co. (N. Y.) Gas & Electric Co.... 940
MahoniDgVal. Ry., Youngstown, O .987,1139
Malta Vita Pure Food Co.. ................ .
Manchester & Haverhill Street R y ......... s83
Manchester (N. H.) Street R y ........ 205, 478
Manhattan Ry 41, 94, 427, 577, 680, 776,1038
Manhattan Transit Co. .
Manistique Masquette & Nor. R R __ 883, 1089
Manistique <fe Northwestern R y ....... 776, 884
Mankato & St Peter Ry. & Lighting Co... 884
Manufactured Rubber Co ...........
Manufacturers’ Coal & Coke Co............... 632
Manufacturers’ & Consumers’ Coal Co.99, 330
Manufacturers’ Light & Heat Co., Pitts.. 13i l
Manuf. Stocks. See Quo. Su p . (monthly).
Manville Co
Marcellos (N. Y .) Electric R R ............
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of Amer­
ica . . . . ............................ 155,580,887,1093
Marinette Gas Elec. Light & St. R y ........ 478
Marion (Ind.) Light & Heating Co.......... 730
Maritime Canal Co......................... ’ 311,1359
Market Street Elevated Pass. Ry., Phila.. 884
Market Street Ry., San Francisco............ 478
Marsden Co..............................................1 3 5 4
Martin’s Creek Portland Cement Co.........1255
Maryland Coal Co .
Maryland Electric. Ry., Baltim ore......... 151
Maryland & Pennsylvania R R .. 94, 427,1139
Mass.Elec. < os,26',427, 1089,1196, 1308,1355
Massachusetts Securities C o.............776, 830
Massachusetts S. S. Co
............. ... 1311
Medina Quarry Co .................................. 481
Memphis (Tenn.) Light & Power C o.. 833, 990
Memphis (Tenn ) Street R y ......987,1089
Memphis Telephone O o..................
Menominee Elec. Lt. Ry. & Pow er Co—
Merchandise Stocks at N ew York (month­
ly) ...........53, 332. 535. 733, 943, 992, 1203
Merchants’ Refrigerating Co. of N. J.
Mergenthaler-Horton Basket Mach’e Co. 330
Meriden Southing. & Com pounce Tram. 427
Mershon Printing Co., Rahway, N. J ...... 1359
Metropolitan R R of Oklahoma...... 327
Metropolitan Secur. Co— 379, 427, 630, 776
Metropolitan Street Ry. of Kansas C ity.. 988
Metropolitan St. Ry. N. Y . C ity....... 205,
327, 379, 427, 478, 528, 630, 680, 728,
776, 830, 988, 1 139, 1196, 1252, 1308, 1355
Metropolitan West Side Elevated Ry.,
Chicago.. . 151, 327, 528, 577, 828,1252
Mexican Central Ry..205, 528, 728, 08 3
988,1034, 1196
Mexican Eastern R y ......................... 268, 478
Mexican International R R ............. 772, 783
Mexican National R R ___030, 826, 834, 936
Mexican Northern Ry . ..................... . 1089
Mexico Cuernavaca & Pacific R R ............1196
Miami Valley Rv. ................. ..............1252
Mich. Cent.RR.94,728,988, 1035, 1139, 1355
Michigan & Ohio Belt Line R R ___ ____
Michigan Stove Co................................... 155
Michigan Traction Co...............................1190
Middletown & Cincinnati R R ...................1196
Milford Hollht.on & Framingham St. Ry.. 1308
Milford & Uxbridge (Mass.) Street R y ___1308
Mi 11en & Southwestern R R .................... 776
Milton (Va.) India Rubber Co................ 887
Mi i wankee ffe Chicago Breweries Co.......
Mil waokre, Elec. Ry.
Light Co
425, 478
Mil. Gas Light, Co..,481.530, 1199, 1311,1359
Milwaukee & Minnesota HR___
Mincola Hern;,. A Free,port TraC.Co.1038, 5355
M r,/;! apolls 1leneraI Electric Co............. 481
Minneapolis Hr, St. Louis UR.. ........ 94, 1089
Minneapolis Hup. St. P Hr, Winnipeg Kit.. 1194
a <fe Northern Wisconsin K it.... 379
M)nn< rota Thresher Oo ... ..................... 48)
Mi -:is iippi Hr, Little Rock RR.................. 206
Mississippi Valley RR
________ 206
Missouri Fan as ifc Oklahoma Ry. .151,1038
Missouri K;u a i Hr, Texas. Ry.. 151, 379,
iff4, 1038, 1089, 1139, 1252
Missouri Hr. Kan , i (Bell.; Telep. Co.. 429, 1199
Mis on/) Pacific. Ky. ..94, 206, 379, 573, 630
Mobile f aek on Hr. Kansas City UR. ..206, 1196



Nicholson File Co...........................
Nickel Corporation .......................
.. 730
Niles-Benient-Pond Oo................... 325, 330
Nlver Coal Oo
Norfolk Ports. Hr, Newport Mown C o. 108'-,
1140, 1197, 1308
Norfolk Ry. He Light Co...
830, 1090, 1) 97
Norfolk Refrigerating Storage & Ice Co. 683
Norfolk Hr, Southern Co--------------- 206, 830
Norfolk & Southern RR ..........
206, 830
Norfolk Hr, Western Ry. 41,151,880, 528,
630, 681, 987, 11.40, 1197
North American Co .............. .... 430, 1306
North Amer. Lumb. & Pulp (Jo..887, 991,1143
North Jer. Ht.Ry 268, 380,4.28, 677,081, 1140
North Pacific Coast RR .......... 94,151, 827
North Sh. Tty..827, 830, 937, 1039, 1140, 1252
Northeastern Telep. Co., Portland, Me. . 730
Northampton RR. ( Penn)............... 478, 1.252
Northampton (Mass.) Klee. Lighting Co.. 1199
Northern California Power Co....— 94), 1200
Northern Central R y .......428, 473, 483,
770,1090,1140, 1197
Northern Ohio Trac. Co...,..208, 380, 680,1308
N. P.Ry.41, 94, 3*0,681, 937, 1140, 1252,1356
Northern Pacific Terminal Co
No. Securities Co c4 ,152, 268, 327, 380,
428,478,577, 630, 681, 776, 884, 937, 988
Northern Texas Traction Co.. ..95,528,1356
Northwestern Com. Co. of Seattle______ 330
Northwestern Elevated R R --------- 152, 375
Northwestern Gas Light & Coke Co.. 1041
Norwich (Conn.) Gas & Electric Co........ 1312
arragansett Electric Lighting C o.... 580 Norwood & St. Lawrence R R ......
^o ashua (N. H.) Street R y ....................
94 N ovaS cotia8teel& C oalC o.,Lim .9 2.330, 632
Nashville (Tenn.) R y ................................1252
akland (Cal.) Gas Light & Heat Co. .. 991
Nashville & Clarksville R R ..............577,1089
akland Hz East Side R R ...................... 577
Nashville & K noxville R R .. .................. 151
Nashville Terminal Co...... .. .......... 577, 830 Oakland (Cal.) Transit Consolidated.830,1308
Nat. Asphalt Co.42,99,730,887,940,1255, 1311 Offerman & Western R R .......................... 776
National Biscuit Co. ..........
425 Ogden Gas Co. of Chicago...................99, 155
National Bread Co....................330, 580,1311 Ogilvie Flour Mills C o.............................. 1255
National Carbon Co.
...................... 476 Ohio & Indiana A ir Line Ry. .................. 681
National Cereal Milling C o .................. 1143 Ohio Northwestern Electric R R ....... 478,1197
National Civic Federation.... ................ 683 Ohio River Hz Charleston R y ............. 830,1090
Nat. Enameling & Stamping C o................1359 Ohio Steel ( o. ......................................... 941
........1 2 5 2
National Fiber & Cellulose Co....... ......... 1041 Old Colony R R ............
National Fire-proofing Co............. . 382, 429 Old Dominion Iron & Nail W orks............ 941
Old Dominion SS. Co........................ ......
Olvmpia Cotton Mills, Columbia, S. C .
National RR. of M exico.. .630, 681, 776,
830, 937,988,1038, 1089, 1139,1252, 1355
National Salt Co......330, 382, 678, 683, 730 Omaha Packing Co ......... .— .............. .1255
National Starch Co.......... .
271,330, 382 Omaha Street R y ............................. 728, 988
Nat. Telephone Co. of New Y o r k ........... 1255 Oneonta Cooperst-’wn & Rich. S.Elec. RR. 988
Natural Food Co ........................... ......
99 Oneonta (N. Y.) Light & Power Co.......... 887
Nebraska-Iowa Creamery C o ............... 430 Ontari o Sugar C o ...........
Nebraska (Bell) Telephone C o................ 1255 Orange & Northwestern R R ...... .....93 7, 1252
Nevada-California-Oregon Ry..776, 988, H 96 Oregon & California RR. . . . . . . . . ----.... 1090
Nevada Midland R R ......
379 Oregon General Electric Co.. .................. 155
Nevada Power, Light & Water Co
___ 941 Oregon RR. & Naviga. C o..206, 380, 830, 884
N ew Albany Water Co.
............. 990,1255 Orford Copper C o.............
Newark tO.) & Granville St. Ry.427,478, 1355 Osceola Copper Mining Co....-.887,1143,1200
New Bedford & Onset Street R y ............. 327 Oskaloosa Traction & Light Co.......... .
New Castle (Pa.) Traction Co...................1139 Oswego (N. Y.) Water Works Co...... ....... 887
New England Consol. Ice C o...... 1255,1359 Otis Elevator Co................... .........271, 628
N. E1G.& C.Co.778, 833,887,1199,1311, 1359 Ottawa Northern & Western R y ....... 937, 988
Ottumwa (Iowa) Traction & Light C o ....
New England (Bell) Telep. & Teleg. Co.833,
991,1137,1312 Owensboro (Ky.) Water Works Co.......... 887
Ozark & Cherokee Central R y ................
New Hampshire Traction Oo............ 94,1355
New Harrison Telephone Co., Toledo, O. 683
acific Elee.Ry.of Los Angeles.327,528, 884
New Haven Iron & Steel Co................... 580
acilic Gas Improvement Co................. 683
N. J. & Staten Island Junction R R ....... . 1252
Hardware & Steel C o....... ........... 155N. J. Steamboat Co. (People’s L in e )...... 1093
N ew Jersey Zinc Co......... .......................
99 Padific Light Hz Power C o....................... 580
N ew London (Conn.) Street R y ................
94 Pacific Mail Steamship Co...................... 1255
N ew Mexico Ry. & Coal Co.............. 776, 827 Pacific Packing & Navigation C o.. 113 8,1143
N. O. & Carrollton RR., L .& P.Co......94, 937 Pacific Sugar Planting & Refining Co---- 887
N ew Orleans City R y ..........41, 206, 268, 681 Pacific States (Bell) Telep. & Teleg. C o... 330
New Orleans Lighting C o.-.............. 941, 991 Paducah (Ky.) City Ry.(also Ry.& Lt.Co.) 1140
N ew Orleans & Northeastern R R . 268, 681 Page W oven Wire Fence Co. .................. 833
Panama Canal... 99, 215, 530, 888, 1312, 1359
N ew Orleans Ry..206,268, 427, 728, 937,
988,1089, 1139,1252 Panama R R .......-............ 95, 827, 1090, 1252
N ew Orleans Sewer Co. ..
................ 482 Paris (Texas) Light & Power Co............. 1143
New Orleans Shipbuilding & Docking Co. 683 Paris (Texas) Transit Co.....................
New Orleans Water Supply C o..330, 991,1041 Park Row Building.................................
Newport & Fall RiveiyStreet R y
... 427 Parker Match Co....................................... 1143
Parker Mills.............................................
New port News & Old Point Comfort Ry.
& Electric Co................................. 327,1089 Parrott Silver & Copper Co ...................
New Y ork A ir Brake Co........................... 887 Paterson (N. J.) Iron Hz Steel Co.........
New York & Canada RR................
1089 Pawtucket (R. I.) Gas Co................. 991,1041
Peninsula Pure Water Supply Co— 155, 530
N. Y. Cent. & H ud,R .R R. .151, 268,327.
630, 681. 776, 830, 937, 1196, m o , 1356 Penn Plate Glass Co...........
N. Y. Chic. & St. L. RR.. 148,151,1988, 1035 Pennsylvania C o....................41,95,478, 525
New York City District Water Supply Co. 833
New York City Foreign Trade................. 135 Pennsylvania Furnace Co ............. 580, 634
Now York City Inter-Borough R y .......... 681 Pennsylvania R R ....... 42,152, 268, 327,
380. 478, 5a 5, 531, 577, 830, 884,
New York Connecting R R ....................... 830
937,1090,1197, 1308,1356
New York Dock C o ................................. 1312
New York Elec. Vehicle Trans. Co..........
99 Penn. & Mahoning Val. (Elec.) Ry. .1140,1197
New York Glucose C o..................... 330, 1093 Pennsylvania N. Y. & L. Island RR .884, 1308
Pennsylvania & Northwestern RR...152, 428
New York & Harlem R It .. . - .............1252
New York & Hoboken Ferry Co. ........... 730 Pennsylvania & Ohio R y
534,833, 881,1255, 1312
New York & Jersey K R ....380, 577, 884, 988 Penn. Steel Co ..
N. Y. & Jer. C. Term. Underground |Ry.. 884 Penobscot Cent. Eleo. Ry. of Bangor.327, 478
— 382
New York Loan & Improvement Co.......
99 People’s Oo-operative Ice Co ...
New York & Long Island Traction Co— 1356 People’s Gas & Electric Co. of Burl! ngton. 1312
People’s Gas Light & Coke Co. of Chicago.
New York New Haven & Hartford RR.,
99, 155, 376, 778, 1041,1255
380.1038, 1196, 1252
New York & N. J ersey Telephone Co. 580, 98 4 People’s Ry. Co. of Cleveland....428 ,988, 1356
152, 428
New York & North Shore (Elec.) RR 988, 1139 Peoria & Eastern R y ..................
Peoria.& Pekin Union R y .... ..... ...........
New York Northern R R . ......................1197
32 2 , 983
New York Hr, Northern RR.........
380 Pore Marquette R R ..................
New York Ontario & West. R y...427,830,1039 Petroleum Exports - - . ........................ 165
New York & J.’onns ylvania RR 428,i()89, 1139 Philadelphia & Bristol Passenger R y ......
New York Phila, & Norfolk R R ..... 380, 988 Philadelphia Bristol Hz Trenton Pass. R y.
New York Hr. Port Chester (Electric) R y.. 884
New York He, Putnam R R ............. ......... 380 Philadelphia (Jo. of Pittsburg. . 95, 380,
428,431,478,988, 1036, 1039, 1253
New York Hi Queens Oo. R y .................... 1197
New York Realty Corporation................
99 Philadelphia Electric Co. . 156, 215, 778.
881,888, 1093, 1249
New York A Richmond Gas Co .. ........... 271
380, 526
New York Hr, Staton Island Electric C o... 1093 Philadelphia & Erie RR .... .......
New York Stevedoring Oo ......................
99 Philadelphia Rapid Trans. Co.989, 1039,
1090, 1309
New York Suburban Water Oo .............
Now York Kusque. Hr. Western Coal Co___ 683 Philadelphia Wlim. & Balt. R R ......152, 526
New York Transportation (Jo— 99,215, 482 Phosulx Gas H Electric Co., Phronlxville. 271
New Yojksfc Westchester Water Oo......... 833 Plilsbury-WaHhburn Flour Mills Co-----156
Niagara FaiIs Gan <fc Electric Co
....... 155 Pittsburg & Allegheny Telephone C o—
Niagara Falls Hydraulic & Mfg. Oo........
99 Pittsburg Carnegie A Western R R ..... .
Pittsburg (to Castle Shannon RR......
... 1309
Niagara K;i Us Power Co ......... .... ........ 1113
1039, 1090
Lt. 11ostt <fe Power (Jo.,Tonaw’a,N.'V. 1199 Pittsburg Hz Charleroi Street Ry
Nicaragua <'anal..
.99, 530, 580 P. 0. C. & St, L. Ry..478,722, 7 7 2,779 , 1356
P ago .
Mobile & Ohio R R ............................... -- 1038
Mohawk & Malomo Ry ............630,830, 937
Monetary <feCommercial English News .
29, 76, 133, 185,251,307,361,408,458,
510.559,610,061,708,708. HIO, 864,
919,966, 1019, 1067, 1121, 1177, 1233,
Money Markot(w’ly). See B’kors’Gazetto.
Money Market In London, etc., Cities
(w ’ly). See Mon. He Com. English Nows.
M orey Stook in 'U. H. .410, 6 6 c 81 ', 970, 1289
Monou. Riv. Con. OoalA Coke Co.99,155, 2 6 0
Monterey & Mexican Gulf Ry
........... 937
Montgomery (Ala ) Light & Power Co.. . 13 u
Montgom’y (Ala.) New Trolley Enterprise 080
Montgomery (Ala.) Street R y........ 681,1139
Montgomery (Ala.) Terminal R y ,............ 630
Montreal Light Heat A Power Co . ..155,
208, 580, 632, 940, 1199, 1255
Montreal Street R y .... ........................... 630
M oore County & Western RR.
........ 77«
Morgan’s Louisiana & Texas RR___ ____ 268
Morris <fe Essex R R ......
206, 681,881, 1308
Mortgage Taxation in New York State__ 6h2
Muncie H artford & Ft. Wayne Trac. Co . 1355
Municipal Bonds. A’eeQvoT. Su p . (month­
ly.) See Sta t e & Cit y Su p ., April.
Municipal Ga« & Elec. Co. of Rochester..
Munsey Co. (.Frank A ).. .. .............833, 1311
Muscatine (la.) Electric R R ...................... 1355
Muskegon Grand Rapids & Indiana R R .. 1196
Muskegon (Mich.) Trac. & Lighting C o ... 937




[ V ol . LXXIV.


P age „
Pa g e .
Faild) C’0 „m„„.
1200 8t. Louis Aj Suburban R y __—
1356 Syracuse Gas Co.................................... 4g2
Pltl urg (;oal Go ..
>, 15(a , 376,, 833, 1312 8t. Louis '1’erminal, Oupples Station <Jo... 1143 Syracuse Coneva & Corning RR
Pitt urg <A Latkb 1
Erie E:R... ...152, 268, 8 80 St. Louis 'i‘ransit < b ............... ..... 578, 67 7 Syracuse Lighting C o .............. 215, 382, 1359
Pitt >urg JL-l.sbion. & vvohtei’ii R y ....
/£0 St. Louis Y alley Ry
— - 207, 269. 3-0 Syracuse Rapid Transit Co ..........
Pitt . MolKee*►purt tfe Co nnellsviile
207 St. L. Walli1us & Gulf KK..630, 681,
abb Co
330, 725 j St. Paul Li nion Depot Co........ .
1090 iffNaeoma (Wash.) Co............................. 835
,rli.) Ry 8. ( ’0 ..
42 j Salem (Muss.) Electric Lighting Co.
1143 ■ acoma (Wash.) Ry. A Power Colli 97, 1356
maw mu4 A N<Ji tiieun HR
Pitt »b
578 Halinas (Ctd.) Water, Light A Power Co.. 684 Tamarack Mining Co . 835, 882,1143, 1200
Pitt sb
■Reaiwall ip Co.
1143 Halt Lake A Ogden Ry .. ...........
479 Tarry town White Plains A Mam’neck Ry. 3al
Kaiigt) Co
7^0 Sanford A Ht. l'ete sburg Ry.. . ...
1039 taxation in New Yoric State............... .
Pitt ttburg 'Tolddo tfc \V6Stern HR...
1197 Han Franc iseo Gas A Electric Co___ 120, 530 Tehuantepec National Rv......
Pitt dburg tfc VVibateru RE
268 1Ban Franc iseo Oahlauii A San Jose R y.,. 1309 Telephone Co. of America
Pitt;sfld d ( MasB.) ISlectriu Ht. R y .... 1253,, 1309 Han Gacritel Eleotric Co. of Eos Allge les.. 583 Telephone Tele’ll & Cable Co. of America. 331
P I*Llt<dr8* CJomi^res18 Co .
...634 , 833,
Ban Joaqu in Electric Co. of Fresno, Cal.. 330 temple. Iron Co.....
034 732
888, 1143,, 1200 Ban J o8e L9gilt A Power Co
1041 Tenu. Central R y . .96, 479, 578, 83l’ ,i09t! 1309
FI aittamou th ( f* eb. ) Gas <A Eli30. L. ()0 ... 530 I San Paulo Tramway, Light A Power■Co.,|1039 rennessee Coal Iron A KK, Co..100, 985, 1143
Ply LLH>uth (Joi'ilag*i Co. _
.941,, 1255 1San Pedro Los Angeles A Salt Lake RR.,
Tennessee Copper Co...........
Pue>IUnatlc1sig nal Co
.482, 888
95, 269, 938 Tennessee Mfg. Co ____ 100,
Poeahtoiiia s Coal A5Coke C o.
.52, 1194 Saratoga(N. Y.) Telephone A Telegraph Co 1041 Terminal HR. Ass’n of St Louts.i52, 479, 1312
Poo ahLGiita8 Colliel[*ies Ci) —
....... . 941 Savannah (Ua.) Electric Co..42, 152, 207, 1039 Terminal Warehouse Co. of N. Y
Point Pleasant ( N. J.) t raction Co... .,. .» 1140 Savannah Florida & Western Ry
Terre Haute Electrio Co
Ponce Electric Co
................2 0 8 , 478
479,728, 776, 831, 1039 Texarkana (Tex.) Water Co..
Pontiac (Mich.) LiglitC o.................. 100, 215 Savannah Union Station Co .......... 1039, 1253 Texas A Louisiana National Oil Co.
Pope Glucose Co . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Schenectady (N. Y.) Rv .........................
96 Texas A New Orleans RR.................... . 681
Port Hood Coal Co., H a lifa x ......__..... 1255 Schuylkill A Juniata R R .......... ...... 328, 989 Texas Oil Companies............................. 1095
Port Jervis (N. Y.) El. Lt. Pow. Gas A Bit. 380 Schuylkill Valley Illuminating C o ......... 271 Texas A Oklahoma RR ..........
Portland (Me.) Lighting & Pow. Co..150, 330 Sohwarzehlld A Sulzberger Co......... 684, 785 Texas Pacific Land Trust....... 725,’ 941, 1256
Port Royal A Augusta RR........... .......... 479 Seullen-Galhigher Iron & Steel o....... 100 Texas A Pacific Hr. 42, 381, 626, 1039, 1253 Berkley & Suffolk (Va.) Water Co. 683 Seaboard A ir Line Ry. 96, 269, 328, 380,
Texas Short Line R R ............................. 578
Portsmouth A Exeter Street R y .............. 884
729, 773, 776, 938, 989, 1090, 1197 Texas Southern R y................................. 578
Postal Telegraph Cable Co., Texas.. 382, 430 Seabrook A Hampton Strtet R y .......
884 Third Avenue R R ................................... 528
Pottsville (Pa.) Gas Co........................... 941 Seattle Electrio Co...........................207,1143 Thomas Iron Co., Easton, Pa.................. 1095
Presidio & Perries RR., San Francisco... 1253 Selma (Ala.) Street R y............................ 1140 Tidewater Steel Co ......................... 535, 991
Pressed Steel Car Co..52, 156, 203, 215,
Sharou Steel Co........................ 100, 330,1200 Timber Certificates....... ....................... 100
580, 835, 888, 941. 991, 1255 Shelby Iron Co........................................ 941 Tol. Bowling Green & South. Trae. Co... 152
Procter A Gamble Co......330, 991, 1143, 1200 Shickle-Harrison-Howard Iron Co.......... 100 Toledo Home Tele' hone Co
583,684, 785
Providence Gas Co ........................... 583,1200 Sierra Valleys R y................................... 776 Toledo A Maumee Valley Ry. (Elec.)......
Providence Ice Co................................... 330 Silver and Gold Coins, Prices in N. Y.
Toledo a Monroe Electrio Ry................. 207
Provisions Exports..................
(weekly). NeeBankers’ Gazette. Prices
Toledo & Ohio Central Ry ............ 152, 269
Poughkeepsie <N. Y.) Lt. Ht. & Pow. Co.. 1041
inLondon. See Mon. ACom. Eng. News.
Toledo Peoria A Western R y.................
Pullman Co...................................... 100, 215 Slmpson-Crawford Co............... .
156, 215 Toledo Ry. & Torm. Co............ 428, 479, 1140
Sloes-Sheffield Steel A Iron Co.583, 627,
Toledo Ryu. A Light Co..42, 96. 269, 630,
fk u a k e r Oats C o............................430, 634
633,732, 888, 1255
885, 1197, 1253, 1309
uebec SouthernRy................ 95, 152, 989 Suap Hook A Eye Co...................... 156, 991 Topeka Water Co.................. 430,1200, 1256
Queen Anne’s RR .........................2u6, 728 Somerset Coal Co.......................... .382, 430 Toronto R y ......................
............. 265
Queen of Arizona Copper Co.................. 156 So. An er.Transport’ll Co. of Baltimore.. 271 Townsend-Downey Shipbuilding Co , ... 535
Queen City Telephone Co. of St. Louis. .. 482 South Brooklyn RR. & Terminal Co....... 479 Traverse City Leelenau & Manistique RR. 777
Queens Boro. (N. Y.) Elec. Light & Pow.Co. £35 South Carolina A Georgia R R ........ 630, 1039 Trenton & New Brunswick lElee.) RR .. 381
Queens R y.............................................. 1140 South Jersey Gas, Electric A Trac. C o... 428 Trenton Potteries Co.......................583, 1256
VRiincy Mining Co..............................
376 South Omaha RR. A Bridge Co.............. 152 Trigg (William B.) Shipbuilders............. 1312
Qu o tatio n Su pplem en t for Jan. 4, Feb.
South Side Elevated R R ..........152, 375, 479 Troy Steel C o .......................................
8, March 8, April 5, May 3, June 7, will
South A Western R R ..............................1091 Truckee River General Electric Co ....... 892
be found at end of this volume.
728 Trust Co. Stocks. See Bank & Trust Cos.
Southern California R R ____ ____
Southern Indiana R y ....... 428, 676, 776,1197 Tubular Dispatch Co.............................. 1095
ailroad Construction in 1901.............
95 Southern Illinois A Missouri Bridge Co.. 938 Tuscarawas Trae. Co. of New Phil., Ohio.
allroad Earnings. See Editorial arti­
Southern Missouri A Arkansas R R ................. 96Twin City Rapid Transit Co__ 323, ‘ 77,
cles (monthly).
s<-e Bankers’ Gazette
South. New Eng. (Bell) Telep.Co.156, 271, 476
989 1039 1253
and Inv. and RR. Intelligence(weekly).
South. O. Traction Co..96, 328, 884, 938, 1039 Twin City Telephone Co............ .52’.
Railroads Consolidated. See I nvestors ’
So.Pac.Co.4 1,43,152,269,380, 578, 777, 1197
Supplem ent (quarterly).
Southern Paciflo R R ........................152. 269
lster A Delaware R R ............ ...........
Railroads Securities Co..... 428, 937, 989,1039 Southern R y......... 96, 578, 630, 681.777,
nderground Elee. Rys. Co. of London,
Railroad Stock and Bond List. See I n ­
831,885, 989,1039, 1090, 1253, 1309
L im ited ......................................... 777
vestors ’ Supplem ent (quarterly).
Southwestern Coal & Improvement Co. 1143 Union Bag A Paper Co................... 156, 774
Railroad Stocks and Bonds. Prices of.
Spirits Distributing Co.................... 785, 1200 Union Elee. L. A P. Co.. St. Louis...1256,1312
See Bankers’ Gazette (weekly)
Sprague Eleotric Co.................................i:4 3 Union Gas A Electric Co ...............
Quotation Supplem ent monthly).
Springfield A Eastern Street Ry ......630, 1356 Union Ht., L. & Pow. Co. of Covington.430, 584
Railway Steel Spring Co....330, 382, 430,
Springfield (O.) Light & Power Co .........1143 Union Lead A Oil Co ...................... 100,1146
482, 730, 984, 1041, 1200 Springfield fe Xenia (O.) Telephone C o... 271 Union Light A Power Co., Fargo, N. D... 1256
Randlonteln Estates Gold Mining Co.156, 157 Springfield & Xenia Traction Co ...........
96 Union Lumber Co............................ 100
Rapid Transit in NT. Y. City. .95,152, 268, 528 Spring Val. Water Works Co., San Fr 330,1200 Union Mills Co........................................1312
Rapid Transit Subway Construe. Co.268, 989 Squire (John P.) & Co (Packing) .......... 100 Uniou Pacific R R ...........................96,1197
Reading Co..........95, 152, 206, 479, 681
Stainlaus (Cal.) Water A Power Co.......... 1312 Union Ry., Power A Electrio Co...... 885
937,989,1090,1309,1356 StandardElec. Co. of Cali....... 534,1041, 13 2 Union Switch & Signal Co ................. 678
Standard Light A Power Co., Dallas, Tex, 215 Union Terminal Co. of New York.... 269
Reading (Pa.) Stove Works...................... 1200 Standard Milling Co............... 100,785, 1095 Union Trac. Co. of Indiana.381, 428, 885, 989
Realty Co. of New York ....................... 482 Standard Oil Co...................................... 330 Union Traction Co. of Phila.. 152,269,
Record Publishing Co. ofPhila..482,1093,1143 Standard Pneumatic Tool Co.................. 100
428, 479, 528, 831, 989,1039
Reece Buttonhole Machine C o............... 888 Standard Rope A Twine Co ...................1255 Umon Typewriter Co....... .................... 634
Rensselaer & Saratoga R R ..................
1088 Standard Steel Car Co.100, 382,583, 732,1095 Union Water Co., Beaver Falls, Penn ... 1256
Rensselaer Telephone & Telegraph Co . 482 Standard Undergr’d Cable Co .430, 888,1255 Union Waxed Paper A Parchment Co.634, 684
Republic Iro n A Steel Co............... 305, 1143 Stanley Works (New Britain, Conn.)...... 535 Unit. Box B’d & Paper Co. 382, 634, 991, 1146
Rhode Island Co.......... 578, 884, 1090. 1356 Star Telephone Co.......................
330 United Button Co., Yew York ............... 1256
Rhode Island Securities Co .......... 1140, 1356 Stanley Electric Mfg. Co...72 5, 732, 785, 1256 United Cigar Manufacturers’ Co.. ......... 156
Richm’d Fredericksburg & Potomac RR. 149 State Bonds. See Bankers’ Gazette (week­
United Coal A Coke Co., Pittsburg........ 684
Richmond Passenger Power C o ............. 884
ly. See Quotation su pe . (monthly).
United Coke & Gas Co..... .....
........... 1146
Richmond & Petersburg Electric R y ___
327 State & City Department. ..58, 109, 166,
United Copper Co. of Montana.942,1146,1200
Richmond (Ind.) Street & Interurba'n Ry. 1197
222, 281, 338, 392, 441, 491, 541, 590,
United Eleotric Co. of New Jersey ---- 482
Richmond (Ya.) Telephone C o ...,.......... 13 2
641. 691, 740, 792, 843, 900, 949, 998.
United Elect. Gas & P. Co., Los Angeles.. 331
Richmond Traction Co............................ 884
1049, 1102, 1153, 1209, 1266, 1320, 1366 United Eleotric Securities Co.................. 216
Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works.. .730,1143 State & City Department Index... ........ 794 United Express Companies..................... 382
Rochester Gas & Electric Co........... 778, 835 State & Cit y Supplem ent for April 12
United Fruit C o .......... ....... .
1095, 1256
Rochester (N. Y.) Ry .. .
at end of volume.
United Gas A Elee.Co., New Albany, Ind. 1256
Rochester (N. Y.) Telephone Co..'..’ " ' ” '
52 State Line A Sullivan R R ...................... 479 United Gas A Electric Co. of New Jersey. 584
Rockaway (N. Y.) Electric R y........... .. 937 Staten Island Electric HR..... 479, 1091, 1253 United Gas & Eleo. Co., San Jose
Rockford A Belvidere (ill.) R v . .
630 Steamship Amalgamation 888,941, 991,
United Gas Improvement Co
Rockingham County (N.H.) Lt. A Pwr. Co. 330
1093, 1200, 1255, 1312
684, 892, 942, 9S5, 991, 1146, 1256, 1359
Rook Island & Peoria R y .... ......... 1197 1253 Steamship Traffic A greem ent..........684, 785 United Lumber Co., Lim., Nova Sootla ... 892
Rockland Thomaston A Camden St. R y ... 95 Steel Steamship Co ................................ 156 United New Jersey RR. & Canal <o —
68Rocky Mountain Telephone Co....... 583, 1041 Steel-Tired Wheel C o ....................
1041 United Powrer A Transports Co.328, 377, 682
Rogers Locomotive Works Co .
. 156, 730 Stetson (John B.) Co. of Philadelphia ... 6*3 United Railroads of San Fran 479,529,
Rubber Goods Mfg. Co___730. 774, 778,1200 Stillwater (Minn.) Un. Depot ATransf. Co. 1140
630, 831, 885, 939, 1039,1091,1253, 1356
Rub el Parer A Litho. Co.,Nutley, N. J.941, 1143 Stilwell-Bierce & Smith-Vaile Co..
.. 684 United Railways & Electrio Co. of HaitiRutland RR....
95, 207, 26S, 728, 884,
Stock and Bond Market and Prices
more..................................... 428, 52 *, 1309
938, 989, 1039, 1090, 1197, 1356
(weekly) see Bankeis’ Gazette.
United Railways Investment Co. of San
Stock and Bon>l Tables. See I nvestors ’
Ctacrainento El Gas & R y ...578, 984, 989
Supplem ent (quarterly).
United Shoe Machin’y Co.430, 892, 935. 1312
S a fe t y Car Heat. & Lighting Co.. 1041, 1087 Stock Collateral Subject to War Tax . .. 100 United States Bark Notes, I'kangrs in
Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Co.......... 888 Stocks and Bonds, General Quotations
Total, e t c ....... 130, 410, f-62 8 •1, 969, 1290
Sagadahoc Light & Power Co...........
all classes (monthly). See Quo. Su p .
United States Bobbin & Shuttle Co......... 1095
Saginaw City Gas Co........... ................... 1143 Stocks, Range in Prices of. Nee Quota ­
United states Carbon Co ... .............. 12os
Saginaw Valley (Mich.) Traction Co.428, 1356
tio n Supplement (monthly).
United States Cast Iron Pipe A Foundry
St. Albans (Vt.) Street RR.....................
268 Stockton (Calq Eleotiio RR..............989,1140
Co.. . .................. 156,785, 828, i>91,1359
St. Charles St. RR. of New Orleans ..207, 328 Storage Power Co
.1143 United States Coal Co.. ......................... 084
St. Clair Steel Co
..................... 1095 Street R a il w a y Supplem ent for Feb.
United States Coal A Oil Co...............
St. Johns A Lake Euetis R R ....... .......... 1039
22 and June 28 at the en i of this volume.
U. S. Cotton DuckCorp’n ....... 216. SSI, 385
St. Joseph & Grand Island R y ............... 38<> Street Ry and l paction Co. Earnings, see
United States Debt Statement r-2, 407,
St, Lawrence A Adirondack R y .. 42, 207, 989
O 'O, 864, 10’ 9, 1177
inv. and uR. Intelligence (weekly).
St. Lawrence Power Co
.683 , 1041, 1143 Street’s Western Staide Car Line
.382, 4S2 U. S. Envelope C o.......... 2 1, 385, 142. 678
8t. Louis A Belle' ilie Traction Co___
578 Sub-Treasury, New York, Dally TransacUnited States Flour Milling Co. 101,382,
St. Louis Belt A Terminal R y ......... 681. 776
442, i'84, ?S5. 892, 1859
actiou at (wkl\). Nee Bankers’ Gazette
St. Louis Cotton Compress Co................. 534
or Commercial and Miscellaneous News.
U. S. Gov. Rev. and Exp’di un-e. 811, 999, 1-89
St. Louis A East bt. Louis Elect. Ry. 578, 1090 Suburban Traction Co. of Cincinnati...... 528 U. S. Imports and Exports, Merchandise.
St. Louis & Gulf Ry. .....
. . ....... 1039 Sugar Bounties
etc........................ 132. 610, 809,1018, 12 0
St. Louis Kansas City & Colorado RR. ." 938 Summit hr nch Coal Co ........................ 156 United States Gypsum Co .........
1 *38
St. Louis Memphis A Southeastern RR.95,
United States Leather Co ... 177, 482.
Summit Branch Mining- Co................ 15e
T , xr
207, 268, 380, 938, 1140 Superior Consolidated Co ........ 52,480, 732 United States Light & Heating Co------l
St. Louis National Stock Yards C o ....... . 1095 Superior Consolidated Land Co. Si, 480, 732 United States Mining Co.
.......... 9t-.
St. Louis St. Charles & Western RR.
<341 Susquehanna Iron A Steel Co.
331, 535 United States Mortgage A Trust Co........
St. Louis A San Fran. RR.479, 728, 1140, 1197 Sweetser, Pembrook A Co., New York
1256 United States Navigation Co__
St. Louis Southwestern Ry..
207 328
Swift A Co................................ 92, 100, 1359 United States Oil Co............... 92. U46. I ’-Off
578, 630, 831, 884, 1140,’ 1356 Swift’s Refrigerator Trans. Co. .684, 941, 991 United States Printing Co....... . .............




J atmary-J one, 1902. J
Pag e .
U n it e d S tates P ro je c t ile C o . ..............535, 634
U . S. R ed u ction At. R o li n 'i i g G o —
-.3 3 1 , 8 8 i l
U lilt e d S tates Rubber* C o . . f *2, 101. 634,
084, 733, 835, 901, 1 0 8 7, 1095
U n ite d S ta te s Securities, M a rk e t and
P ric es (w e e k ly ). S e e B a n k e rs G azette.
D a lly P ric e s in L o n d o n (w e e k ly ). 8 e
M on. a n d Com . E n g . N e w s (m o n th ly ).

See Q u o t a t i o n S u p p l e m e n t -

U n it e d States s h ip b u ild in g C o ......... 12r>8, 131
U n ite d States Steel C o rp o ra tio n .
156, 216, 2 6 5 , 2 *1 , 2 7 2, 3 8 2 ,4 3 4 ,5 3 5 ,
584 6 14 684, 7 2 6 , 733, 785, 836, 892,
942, 9 8 5 , 991, 1042, 1095, 1146, 1200,
1 2 5 8 ,1 3 1 3 , 1359
13 3
U . S. T ele p h o n e Co., O h io, etc
U . S. T r e a s u ry C u r. H o ld in g s .. .811, 969, 1290
U n ite d States T u b e C o .................................
U n ite d T e le g ra p h , T e le p h o n e & E le c t ric
Oo. o f H y d e P a r k . . . . .......... .271, 331, 1357
U n ite d Telep. & T e le g . C o ....... 1 0 1 ,1 3 0 7 , 1313
U n ite d T ra c tio n & E le c t ric Co. o f P r o v i ­
den ce.
............5 7 8 ,1 1 4 1 , 1193, 1357
U n ite d V e rd e C o p p e r C o .............................. 434
U n ite d W i r e & S u p p ly C o .,.._ ............... . 166
U n i v e r s a l T o b a c c o Co ............. 271, 5 3 5 ,1 1 4 6
U p p e r N e w Y o r k C ity W a t e r C o ..............
U t a h S u g a r C o..
. . .........................
U t ic a E lec . L ig h t & P o w e r ____ 101, 942, 1042
U t ic a G a s & E le c tric C o .
..1042, 1258, 1359
a lle y C oun ties P o w e r Co. o f C a lifo r n ia 942
an C no ate E le c t ric C o ..
............ ........ 836
V e la s c o B r a z o - & N o r t h e r n R y .................. 207
V e n a n g o P o w e r Ac T ra c tio n C o ......... ........1253
V en an go W a t e r Co , F ra n k li o , P a ___ 733
V e rm o n t E le c t ric S ecu rities Co ................. 207
V ic k s b u r g S h re v e p o rt Ac P a c ific R R ..3 8 1 , 684



V ir g in la -C t o o lin a C h e m ic a l O o .. 1 01,836,*
942, 1042, 1095
V ir g in ia E le c t ric Ry. A t D e v e lo p m e n t Oo. 893
V ir g in ia P a s s e n g e r & Power* Co.682, 885, 1357
V u lc a n D e t lm m ig C o ...... ...................942, 1359
a b a sh R R .......... 152, 4 79, 938, 989,
1 04 0 ,1 09 1. 1141, 1357
W a b a s h , R iv e r T ract ion C o ........ 207, 269, 989
W a ltlm m G a s L ig h t C o ..................... 207, 386
W a r n o r -Q u ln la n A s p h a lt, S y ra c u s e ..101, 4 82
W a r w ic k ir o n A t S teel O o....................434, 893
W a s h b u r n B a y fie ld <fc 1. R. R R ..2 6 9 , 777,
9 3 8 ,1 3 5 7
W ash . A le x a n d r ia At M t. V e r n o n R y ___ 1198
W a s h in g t o n G a s L ig h t Co ........ ............. 104 2
W a s h in g t o n R a ilw a y s & El. C o .1 5 3 ,328, 428
W a s h in g to n (1). C.) T e rm in a l Oo .............. 529
W a t e rfo r d C ohoes (N . Y .) T e le p h o n e Co.. 216
W a t k liH o n (G e o r g e ) At C o .o f P h ila d e lp h ia .
W a u k e s h a W a te r C o ..................................... 482
W a x P ap er Co. o f A m e r ic a ........................
“ W e b b -M e y e r ” S y n d ic a t e .............................1309
W e is s in g e r (H e n r y ) T o b a o C o .o fL o u ls v T . 893
W e llm a n S e a v e r-M o rg a n E n . Co., C le v e l’d 1200
W e lls , F a r g o Ac C o ........................................
W e lsh a c li O o
........... ........... 331
W e s t B a d e n S p r in g s Co. ( I n d H n a ) ........... 893
W e stc h e s te r (P a .) S treet R y ............. . . . . . 1040
W e s tc h e s te r
T ra c tio n C o.,
O ssin in g,
N Y . . - . ------------ ------------- ------- 428, 938, 1040
W e s t E n d S treet R y . ............................. 1091
w e s t J e rs e y Ac S ea S hore R R ........... 328, 1 1 3 6
W e s t V irg in ia C e n tra l Ac P it t s b u r g R v .. .
96. 207, 269, 729, 777, 989, 1253
W e s te rn C o n s o lid a te d G ra n ite C o _______ 1146
W e s t e rn E le c t ric Co. (B e ll T eleph o n e
M f g . C o n c e r n ).......... . ..............
385, 484



W e ste rn G a s C o., M ilw au icee. ..
W e ste rn M a r y la n d H i t .
1 5 3 ,2 0 9 ,3 2 479, 529, 6 3 1 , 6 7 6 , 728, 777, 83 1,
9 3 8 ,9 8 9 , 1091
W e s te rn N e w Y o rk A t P e n n s y lv a n ia B
1 i9
W e ste rn N e w Y o r k W a t e r Co. ...........
W e ste rn O h io R y
......... ............. _ 632, 8 3 1
W e ste rn R a ilw a y E q u jp m e n t <i d . . . . . . . .
W e s t e rn S te e l G a r Ac F o u n d r y Oo*
. 991
W e ste rn T e le p . <fe T e le g . Go. .271, 3 85, 893
W e ste rn U n io n T elegrap h . Co
584. 684 ,
765, 1095, 1258, 1359
W cstln gh O U ee Elec. Ac M fg . C o., 101, 9 12, 1095
W e stin g h o u se M a c h in e C o .......... . .
1 0 1
W h e e lin g A t L a k e E r ie R R 207, 529, 578,
885, 989, 1040
W h e e lin g T r a c t io n C o ............ .
....... 428
W h ite K n o b C o p p e r C o ................................ 271
W h ite P a s s A t Y u k o n R y ........ .....................
W ichita. (K a n .) W a t e r C o ..........................
W ick e (W illia m ) R ib b o n Co .
104 2
W ig g in s F e r r y Oo., St, L o u is .942, 1095. 1359
W ild w o o d W a te r C o ...................
W ilk e s b a r r e A W e s t e rn R R .........................
W ilm in g to n (N . C .) S treet R y ............. 269
W in n e b a g o T ra c tio n C o .....
W in sto n -S a le m (N . C .) R y. A t E le c . C o ____ 1091
W o l v e r ine P o rt! a n d Gem exit C o . .......... 684
W o rc e s te r R ys. A t In v e st. Co. .1 5 3 ,7 2 9 , 989
W y o m in g D e v e l. Ac T r a n s p o r ta t io n C o ___ 1200
o u n g Sm ith F ie ld Co. o f P h ila d e lp h ia .
o u n ^stO w n (O h io ) I r o n Sheet A t T u b e
C o . . . . ................... 101, 331, 385,
Y o im g s to w n -S h a r o n R y. A t L ig h t C o ........


a n e s v ille T ern ainal R y ................... 682, 885
enith P o rt la n d C e m e n t C o ....................
Z en ith T r a n s it C o ........


INDEX TO $T/»T£ /*WD CITY 0 £?*flTW£NT
I n the fo llo w i n g in d e x r e fe r e n c e is m a d e b y th e p a g e n u m b e r to e v e r y ite m r e g a r d in g S tate, city, t o w n o r c o u n ty fin a n c es p u b lis h e d in
i n c l u d i n g m a t t e r c o n t a in e d i n th e c u r r e n t n u m b e r .
F u ll-fa c e ty p e s r e le r to la t e s t
re p o rts o f t o t a l debt, assessed v a lu a tio n , & c .
I n th e C h r o n ic l e o f A p r i l 12, 1 » 0 2 , p a g e s 794 to 797, inclusive, w i l l b e found an
in d e x to th e item s a p p e a r in g fr o m th e b e g in n in g o f J a n u a r y u p to a n d in c lu d in g A p r i l 5. T h e t w o in d e x e s t o g e t h e r t h e r e fo re c o v e r e v e r y ­
t h in g p u b lis h e d in the St a t e a n d C i t y D e p a r t m e n t in th e p r e s e n t v o lu m e .

the Ch r o n ic l e s i n c e t lie i s s u e o f A p r i l 5 , 1902,

A bington, Mass .949, 999,
A .
1049, 1102
Adams, Mass__ 900,1102, 1158
Adams Co., le d ................ .1210
Addyston, Ohio................ 919
Adriaa. M ich................... 900
Akron, O ........ 949,1049.1821
Albany, Minn.............. 949, 999
Albany, N. Y,-.......
Albuquerque Sch. D., N.
........................... 1049
M ex
Aledo, 111 .............
Alexandria, V a ........ 1050,1321
Alaonac, Mich......... 1102, i210
Allegan, M ich......... 1102, 1210
Allegheny 15th W ard Sch.
Dist.. P a ....................... 1050
A llerton School District,
Iow a
............... 792, 999
Alma, Mich ....1060, 1210, 1260
Alma, W is..............
Alm onte, Ont...... . ......... 843
A lta Irrig. Dist., Cal ..900,
1050, 1266
Alton, 111......................... 999
A lton Sch. Dist., 111. 1153, 1210
Altoona, N. Y . ...................1102
Ambler, P a .............. 1050,132'
A m bler Sch. Dist., P a .......1321
Amherst, Mass. ............... 1153
Anaconda, M ont.............. 950
Anaconda Sch. Dist. No.
10. Mont...............
Anderson. S. C......... 843,1153
Andover, Mass............950, 999
Angola, N. Y ..................... 1158
Annapolis Ro>al, N. S. .
99°, 1260
A n n Arbor Sch. Dist. No.
1, M ich......................... 1260
Appanoose Co., Io w a ....... 1102
Arapahoe Co. Sch. Dist.
No. 7, Col..............
Arapahoe Co. Sch. Dist.,
No. 17, Col.................... .1821
Archer Co., T e x ................ 843
A rgyle, M inn........... 1050,1260
Arizona Territory.
Arlington Sch. Dist., Tex..lB21
Arm ington Sch. Dist., 111.. 9^9
Asheville, N. C...................1102
Ashland, Ohio..... 900, 950, 999
Ashland, O re.................... 1153
Atlantic City, N. J ........... 999
Attleborough. Mass........ 1153
Audubon Co., Io w a ..........1321
Aurora, i l l ........................ 999
Aurora, Mo..............
Aurora Sch. Diet., M o ......1050
A u s tin .T e x .................
Avalon, P a ...................... 1153
Avondale, A la .................. 843
aca Co., C ol................. 848
aJtimore. M d. .843, 009, 1321
Barberton School District,

Ohio........................ ?92, 900
Barboursville, K y .....900, 999
B arrett Sch. Dist., No. 33,
........................ 843
Basalt, C ol.........................1050
Ba «»rop Co., T e x .......843, 1321
battle Lake. M inn............ 1321
Bay City, Mich. 1050, 1102,
Bay Co., M ich................... 1266
Bayonne, N. J ....... . 792, 060
Beatrice, Neb............ 950, 1050 ,
Bedford, /nd.. ..... ...........
Bedford, Iowa .
Bellevue, Pa........... 1102,1260
Belmont. Muss........ 1P-3. 1210
Be Itra/n 1 Co., M inn.... 848
. .
000/lO5O ;
Bel view. Minn........... 999 ] ](y/j
Bennington, V t ..
Bennington Sch. District,
V t .........
8/3, 950 I
Benton Co., Mo. .900, 000, JSififi
Ban ton Harbor, Mich ___
900, 1050, J102

Cincinnati S. D., Ohio..792. 999 Des Moines, W est Des
B eresford Sch. D., S. Dak.
1050, 1210 Cisco, T e x ..................901, 1153
Moines Sch. D., I a ......... 1051
Berlin, N. H .............1102,1210 Clackamas Co., Ore.......... 949 Detroit., M ich..1049, 1211, 12*7
Berlin, Wis. .....................1321 Clackamas Co. S. D. No.
Dike Sch. Dist., Io w a ., — 1211
48, Ore .......................... 999 Donora, Pa
Bessemer, A la ................ 900
..........844, 1322
Beverly. M ass.................. 900 Clarke, G a.........................1153 Donora Sch. Dist., P a ....... 901
Bevier, Mo ...................... 1158 Clarke Co., Iow a............... 999 Dougherty Co.. G a............ 1154
Bibb Co., A la . . . . . . . . ........ 1366 Clarksville, V a . . ___
901 Douglas Co., N eb..... 1260,
B iggsville, 111.................... 1102 Clay Co. S. Ds No. 70, Neb. 901
Biloxi, Miss.950,1050,1321,1306 Clearfield Sch. Dist., P a ...
Dover, N. J ............... 1103, 1267
Birmingham, A la ............. 90 •
901, 950,1103 Dresden, O nt....................1307
B1 air, W is ....................... 1206 Cleveland, Ohio...901,1103,
Dublin, T e x ................
Boise City, Id a... 950,1050,
1153, 1867 Duncansville, P a ............. 1322
1210, 1306 Cleveland S. D., O h io .....
Dunmore, Pa.. .1103,1211, 1267
B olivar Sch. Dist., P a ......1200
1050,1103, 1211,1266 Dunn, N. C ....*..........1051, 1322
Booneville, Miss...900, 999,
Clinton, L a ...... .901,1103,i m
Duquesne, P a _______1322, 1307
1821. 1366 Clinton, Tenn ..................1211 Dyersburg, Tenn............. 1267
Boonville, M o - ....1210,1266 Clinton Co., M o ................ 1360
BowliDg Green, O ....... 844,
Clinton Co., N. Y ..... 1153, 12^7
astchester, N. Y....901,1000
950,1102,1153,1210,1321,1366 elu tier Sch Dist., Io w a ..,1367
asthampton. Mass....... 1154
Bowling Green S. D., Ohio.1153 Clyde Sch. Dist., N. Y ......1103 East Hart,ford Fire D „ Ct 1267
Bradford, Ohio................ 950 Cohoes, N. Y---- 901, 1103,
East Liverpool, O hio....... 1211
Bradford Sch. Dist., P a .... 900
1267, 1367 East Liverpool Sch. Dist.,
Brandon Sch. Dist., T e x ...1050 Coleman, T e x .................. 1*21
O hio................. 90L, 950, 1051
Brenham, T e x ................. 900 Colerain Fire Dist., C al— 1321 East M cKeesport S. D., Pa. 950
Brewster, N. Y ..................126* Collins. Iowa..........1321, 3867
East Mapleton Sch. D., Ia.1322
Bridge port Sch. Dist., Tex. 9 0 Collinwood, Ohio......... .. .11*4 East Rutherford S. D..
Brigham, U tah................. 1154 Colorado Co., T e x ............. 999
N. J.........................1051/1211
Bristol, R. I ___1102, 1266, I860 Colorado Springs Colo.9il.
EcorseTw p. Sch. Dist. No.
950, 999, 1050, 1103
Bristol, V a ............... 900, 1102
4, M Ph .........................1322
Brockton, Mass................. 1102 Columbia Co. Sch. Dist.
Eden Valley, M inn— 951,
No. 2, O re..................... S44
Brookhaven, Miss...... 792,
1211 1322
1102, 1153, 1208 Columbia Sch. Dist. No. 2,
Edgerton, M inn....... H 5 4 ,1307
W ash...............................950,1103
Brown Co., S. Dak........ .
Edfnboro, P a ............
Brown Co., T e x ........ 1050, 1102 I Columbus, G a....... ........... 1267 Edmonton, N. W . T ...........1154
Columbus, Ohio.. .792, 844,
Brown’s V alley Irrig. D.,
Edwards Co., T e x .... ...... 843
950,1050, 1821,1367 Elk River, M in n ................ 1154
Brunswick, M e .................. 900,1102
Columbus Grove, Ohio... 1322 Elk RiverS. D.. Minn..951, 1154
Buffalo, N. Y ..... 900,1050,1102 Comal Co., T e x ............. ...1103 Ellwood City S. D., P a ......
Buffalo Sch. Dist., M inn... 1260 C manche. T e x ....... 1103,1211
1051, 1154
Burlington, Jowa__ 10a0. 1260 Concord, N. H ............950,1322 Elm Flat Sch. Dist., Mo . . .1051
BurriJlvUle, R. 1................ 1102 Conneaut, Ohio................. 1050 Elmira, N. Y ............1211,1267
Harwell, N eb .....................1210 Connecticut. ...1049, 1320,1366 Elmwood Place, Ohio...... 901
Butler, O hio......900,1153, 1266 Conway, Mass................... 90l El Paso Sch. Dist., T e x — 1322
Butler Co., O....... 792.844, 950 Corniug, Iow a................... 1267 Elyria, O h io ....... ............. 844
Cortlandt S. D No. 8. N. Y 792 Emporia, K a n .................. 901
Butte Sch. D. No. 1, Mont.
900,1050, 1208 Cortlandtville N. Y .......... 901 Englewood, N. J............... 844
p a ld w e ll, N. J ......... 990, 1102 Coryell Co , T e x ...844, 901, 950 Enid. Okla ....................... 1103
V Calhoun, G a................... 1210 Corydon, Ind................ .... 999 Erie, P a .................... 1154, 1267
1103,1154 Essex, Iowa ...........
Calhoun Co., Io w a ...1050,1260 Coshocton, Ohio.
California......................... 949 Council Bluffs S. D., Iowa.. 844 E-sex Co., Mass................ 1822
CGloway Co., M o...............1386 Covina Sch. Dist.. Cal.......
Essex Co., N. J ........ 1103,1322
Cambridge, M assll53,1321,1360
n stelline
D., S. D a k ..... 792
Cambridge, Ohio..792,950,1102
Eureka, Utah.................. 901
Camden, N. J ..... 844, 900, 1821 Covin* t n, Ten n .............. <207 Eureka Sch. Dist., Kan ...1154
Cameron, M o .................... 843 Grafton, P a ..................... 1322 Evansville, W is ................ 844
Campbell Co., T e n n . .900, 1‘ 50 Crawiord Co., P a .............. 949 Evart, M ich.............. 1211, 1322
Canton, Ohio....... 792, 900, 1153 Crawford Sch. Dist., T e x ..
Everett, Mass ..792, 1103, 1211
Capac, Mich..... 900,950,1321
Cape Girardeau S. D.,Mo.. 949 Cridersville, Ohio............... 844
airfield Co., Conn.......... 843
Cape May, N. J ..........999, 1102 Cripple Creek School Dist.,
airfield S. D., Cal. .1154,1322
Carlstadt, N. J ..........950,1102
No. l, Colo..
792,950,1051 Fair Haven, Vt..901, 1051, 1103
Carman S. D .N o. 170,Man.i331 Crookston Sch. Dist. No. 1,
Fairmont, W . V a ...............1322
Minn....... ..................... 1367 Falrview Twp., K a n ......... 844
C artervlile S. D., M o..999,1102
Cascade Co. Sch. Dist. No.
Fall River, Mass....... 951, 990
35, M ont................ 1153. 1360 Crystal Falls, M ich.......... 950 Falmouth, M a ss .......901,1267
Casey, 111.......................... 1821 Culpepper Co., V a............. 1322 Farmington, M o ......1103, 1211
Cass Co., M inn....... 1050, 1306 Cumberland, Ont. ............ 1211 Fayette, M o....................... 1164
Castana, Iow a....... ............1321 ( umberland Co., N. J...... 792 Fergus Co., Mont — 1360,1307
Center Sch. Dist., Cal....... 1321 Custer City, 8. Dak........... 1322 Fergus Falls, Mont..... : .. 901
Center S. D. No. 48, T e x ...
Cuyahoga Co, O ................ 1211 Fernandlna, F la .........844, 1267
950, 1200
Findlay, O h io .................. 901
allas Co., T e x .............. 843 Fitzgerald, G a............ 951, 1211
Central Covington, K y ..... 1153
alton, G a ... .901,1061,1211 Flathead Co., M ont...........1103
Central irrig. Dist., Cal ... 949
Central Lake, M ich.......... 702 Danville, III....................... 1154 Flath ad Co. S. I)., Mont, ,1322
Charles City, Iow a........... 950 Davidson Co., T en n ......... I860 Flemington, N. J...............1211
Chatham, N. B .............. .1050 Davies Co., M o................. 950 Flint, M ich......
Chehalls Co., W ash..........1049 Dayton, O .901, 999, 1211,1322 Flint Sch. !>., Mich.. .1051,1211
Decatur, A la .......... 1154, 1822 Florence, S. C ............ 901,1103
Chehalls Co. Sch. D. No 4,
W ash............................... 792,1260
Decatur Co., Iow a........... 1051 Foley S. D. No. 45, Minn. 1207
Dedham, Mass.
— 901,1164 Fon du Lac, Wis.
Chelmsford, Mass......900,
........ 1822
J153, 1321 Deep River, la ..950, 1051, 1322 F or res ton, III....................1267
Chester, 1IJ.........................1821 Deer Lodge Oo., Sch. Dist.
Fort Madison, Io w a ......... 1307
Chester, N. Y ...........1266, v m
No. 10, Mont.................... 844 Fort Morgan S. D. No. 3,
Chester, Ohio.............
Col............................... 1207
Cneyenno, W y o ................ 901 Delhi, Ohio........................ 792,1207
Fort William, Ont............. 1108
Chicago, 1)1..............1 50, 1306 Deloraino Sch. Dist., Mari 1164 Fort W orth, T e x .............. 1061
Delray, Mich...... ... 1154, 1822 Frankfort. N. Y ......... 001, 1000
Chicopee, Mass__ 960, 099,
1153,1210 Delta Co , T e x .................. 001 Franklin, N. I I ...................1322
Denton, Md....................... 1000 Franklin Sell. Dist., P a — 1051
Cincinnati, Ohio...949,1950,
Denver, Colo.................... 1108 Fresno S. J>„ Cal,..844, 951,
1321, 1808 De Buy ter, N. Y ................ 1211 |
1164, 1807




Frostburg, M d ...................1154
Fruitvale Sch. Dist.. Cal.. .1051
Fulton, N. Y ...............
N ainesville, F l a ............ 1337
Tainesville, Ga
..951, 1307
M o..................— 1051

Gallia Co., Ohio ..............1*22
Galveston, T ex..900, 1102,1200
Galveston Co., Tex... .901,1103
Gardner. Mass............ ... 1051
Garfield Sch. Dist., N. J — 1211
Gary, Minn........................ 1103
Girard Sch. Dist., O hio— 901
Girardville, P a ............ . I f 07
Gladwin Co., Mich............. 901
Glen Ridge, N. J ................ 1051
Glenvilie, Ohio.................. 1051
Gloucester, M ass......1000.
1103, 1211, 1267
Gloucester City, N J ....... >f2
Grand Island, N Y .,.. ... .1322
Grand Rapids, Mich .951, 1051
Grand View, Manitoba — 1051
Grant Co., In d ...........1051, 1807
Grant Co. Sch. Dist. No. 33,
792, 951
Great Barrington Fire D.,
Mass .................. 1L 3,1822
Great Falls, M o n t.......782,
1051, 1367
Green Bay, W is ........1051, 1211
Green e Co., M o ........... — 1306
Greensburg, P a ..,...... 901, 3822
Greenville, N. H ............... 901
Greenville. P a .................. 951
Greenwood, S C............... 844
G roveport S. D.. O...1103, 1322
Guadalupe Co., T e x .......... 792
Gueydan Drainage Dist.,
La..................... ...1154, 1322
Gulfport. Miss.......... 1154, 1322
ackettstown, N.J.1103,1211
all Co., ^ e b ................. 1154
H all Co., T e x . . . . . ..............1103

Hamilton, Ohio— ; .1103, 1320
Ham ilton Sch. Dist., Ohio.
Hammonton, N. J............. 1367
Hancock Co., O hio............1000
H anford Sch. Dist., C al...1211
Hanson Co., S D ak...........1322
Hardeman Co., T e x .......... 843
Hardin Co., T e x ................ 1108
Harrisburg, P a ................. H03
Harrisburg S. D., Pa..951, 1103
Harrison Co„ In d — 1031,1154
Harrison Co., Iowa - ..... .1154
H artford, Northwest, Sch.
Dist., Conn............... , ...1323
H artford, South Sch. Dist.,
Conn........... .......... 951,1051
H artford, W est Middle,
Sch. Dist., Conn............. 1322
Haskell C
T e x ... .. . . . . . . 843
Havana, Cuba...,901, 1000,
Haverhill. Mass................ 1108
H a vre de Grace, M d........ 1211
Hazlehurst. Miss.............. 792
Hazleton, P a ..................-.1300
Hempstead, N. Y .................. 951
Hempstead School Dist.
No. 9, N. Y ..................... 901
Hendersonville, N. C . . .1051
Hendrum, Minn......... 792.
1000, 1211, 1323
Henrico Co.. Va .
— 951
H enry Co., Ohio..792, 902,1051
Highland Sch. Dist., Cal.. .1207
Highlands Sch. Dist. No. 2,
N. Y ........................ 951, 1051
Hillsboro, T e x ................... 1828
Hillsboro, Wis,. .
Hillsboro Oo., Flu.814,901,1154
Hillsboro S. !>., N. Dak.,
951, 1000
Hillsdale, M ich ................. 902
Hoboken, N, J...............
Holland, Mloh..... 793,814.

I N D E X
H olly, Mm
...................... 1321
Holyukrt, f i|HSrt. .151, 1207 1328
Homes tea 1 Pa. . , . .
Hopkiciovi lie, K
Hopkhuoj L V| 3 3 ..........1108

Y f cKeespo rt. Pa ..... 798, 1323
e l cKinney , Tex. . . 902 1165
McLean Co. 111... ........ 902
McLean Co.
McLennan C( ) r rJ x. .1155, 1208
- . . . . 84-’>
M aback Sch Dist.
. 1208
How ard C
l ( U L . ...1328, 1307
Mac lend tie!1. Dist . No 47.
Hubbard, Ohio. . . . . . . . .
Alberta ..
............ 1307
Hudson Ci>, N , J .. .002, 961,
Macon 80h. Dist., Mo
.. 061
H04 1307 Madison, Mi nu ...
Hughes C
JJak . . . . .1104 Aladifj n Nt b___
Hull, Que bee. . .
Madison Co. , Miss .......... I3r.8
H ULii ph cm Neb
m 1061
Madison Co. ohlu ..120* 1308
Hunter's Tw o. Bch. Dist.
Madison Bet . Dist , >**. Dak. 902
kJ.1 ft -J
. . .......... 1U0O
Malden, Ma SIS , -, .b902.Wui.
iiu n tiu g u >n Scti . Dist. No.
1052, 1308
4, N . Y
...... 1207, 130 7 Malden City , Mo
...... 1800
H y arts v ill
....... .. . 1UOO Malheur Ci 8. B. No. 8.
H yde Part t, Ohi j 051,1104,
O re .......
....... 1104
i 154,1211 Malung s , d . No. l, Minn.. 8i5
Manassas, V a. ... ........... 1155
Idah o Fa Is , i d
VIan <'hes t e r N. H ... 1208, 8c8
lm la y ( i
L-h.....902, lOOo
Manistee, Mich. 902, 1<04, 1208
W is ....... liO i
Manitowoc, YV is,. .. 1104, 1208
lngersoll, Ont . ...................... I v f l 7
Manlius, N. Y
.. 1165, 1323
Inyo Co., t l i l - . , ............ 1062 Mansfield, (J .845, 951. 1104,1155
Iona, Mini 1 ...... ........ 951. 1212 Maquon Sch. D St. . H i .
Io w a .......
................ 843 Marat non 0 0 ., Wis. . 902, 1155
10 w a Fall S, low a ...
...1104 Maricopa C‘o. 8c h. Dist.
Iroquois C 0. Sot . Diet. No,
No. 1, Ariz ..
............. 902
82, 111.
...................... 1 2 1 2
Marion Co., Ohio. ........ ...1052
Isle o f Wi ght CO., Va....... 1307 Marion Co., T e x . .............902
Ithaca, i n .
951 Marl ooroug b, Mass........ 1343
lvanhoe, 6linn. ......1052,1212
Marquette t.’o.. Mi Cb.
Marquette School District,
act son, Mis*
.844. 902
Kan ..................... ......... 1155
aekson Center 8. D., O.,
Marquette School District
1154, 1323
No. 1, M ic h ........... 1054, 1212
Jackson Sch. Dist, Miss__ 1212 Marshall Co., Minn.......... 845
Jaffrey, N. H ___ __ ........ 1323
Marshalltown S. D.,la ,__ 1101
Jamestown, N. Y .. . ......... 902 Mart Sch. Dist., T e x ....... 1212
Jamestown s. D.» N. Dak .1207 Maryland............ 792, 843, 1212
Jefferson, W is......... .1L54,1207 Mason Co., W ash.........
Jefferson Co., Ala..,. .902, 1164 Massachusetts......... 1212, D66
Jefferson Co., lnd. .. ........ 1101
Massillon. Ohio..798. 1052, 1213
Jefferson Co., N. Y .. ...844, 951 Matagorda Co., T e x ...... 502
Jefferson Co., T e x __ .1104,1807 Matawan, N. J. .................1212
Jennings, La
Mattoon 8 D. No. 100, III .1808
Jersey City, N. J...... ......... 902 Mauch ( hunk. Pa____ 7^8, 951
Jewett, Ohio. ..
........ 1207
Maynard, Mass................. 902
Johnson Co., T e x
1154, 1267 Mayvtile, Mich. ........
Johnstown 8. D., Pa ..1154,
Meehanicsville, Iowa, 845,1000
1212, 1207 Mechanicsville, N. Y.1268, 1323
Meade Co.. S. Dak___813,1323
alum azoo. Mich. .1154. 1212 M ed ina, o h io ................... 1*18
XVane, P a ...... ...... .........1154
Melrose, Mass................... 951
Kansas.................... ...... 1000 Mercer County, N. J . . .793, 845
Kansas City, M o ____1000,
Mercer Co., O hio............... 1208
1155,1267 Merehantsvillo, N. J ........ 1323
Kansas Ciry Sch. D., M o...1323 xUerideu, Conn........... 902,1156
K aysville Sell. Dist., Utah.ll£5 Meridian, Miss.1052, 1104, 1868
Kearney. N eb.....................1104 Merkel Sch. D., T e x ......... 902
Kearney Co.. K a n ............ 949 Methuen, M ass................. 1104
Kearny. N. J..............1212, 1367 M iddlesex Co., N. J.......... 1212
Kennedy H eights, O...
1212 Midland, M ich .............
Kent Co.. Md...........1000.1104
Miles City, M ont........902, 1368
Kenton, Ohio.......... 1155, 1267 M ill ward Twp., M inn....... 1368
K enton Co., K y ............
1155 Milnor, N. Dak.......... 1165, 1208
Kewanee, 111. . ........951,1000 Miuon, Mass.. _____1323, 1308
Kevstone, W . V a ....ll0 4 , 1367 Milwaukee, W is..952,1049,1052
K illeen Sch. Dist., T e x ... .1333 Milwaukee Co., W is .......
Kincardine, Ont.......100 >, 1C52
1268, 1368
King Co. Sch. Dist. No. 105,
Mineola, T e x .....................1323
W ash...............................1268 Mineral Wells, T e x .. .902,
King Co. S. D. No. 116,
1155, 1208
W ash.......................1000, r<68 Minneapolis, Minn ...903, 1104
K in g Co. S. D. No. 182,
M innesota.................... ...1268
W ash ...................
844 Missoula, M ont................. 845
Kingston, N. Y . . . . . ...........1212 Mobile, A la ....................... 1320
Kingston, O nt................... 902 Modesto Irrig. Dist.. C a l..
......... 951
Klttery, M e .......
903, 952, 1212
K ittitas Co., W ash___ .... 843
Monaca, P a ....
K n o x Coun:y, ln d ....P 5 1 ,1155 M<messen Sch. Dist., Pa... 70S
K n ox Co., Ohio........... 951, 1212 Moniteau Co., M o....... .
Monroe City. M o.052,11C4, L68
ackawanna Co., P a ..... 1052 Monroe Co., Io w a ... .1062, 1212
a Crosse, W is ...... 951, 1104 Montclair, N. J.1212, 1208, 1868
L a Crosse Co., Wis. .1320,1323 Montgom ery, A la ...........1268
L a fa yette, L a .................... 902,L 2M
3 ontgom ery Co., Y a.
1323 Montgom ery Twp., Ohio..
L a Grange, Ga............
L a Grange, Ohio.... .........i 268
193,952, 1000
Lake Benton, Minn
.. 1367 Monticello, 111................... 1155
Lake Charles, L a ............. 902 Montreal. Quebec..... 1104,
La k e Co., Ohio.................. 951
11 368
Lake Preston S. D , S.Dak.1367 Montrose, S. Dak.............. 1212
Lakew ood, O hio..793, 90*,
Morgan. Minn..........1213, 1368
1052, 1268 Morgantown, K y ......
.. 1368
Lamberton, Minn......151,
Morgantown, W. Va..ll55,
1052, 1212,1268
13S3, 1368
Lampasas, T e x ..................1320 Mount Pleasant, T e x ____
Lampasas Co., T e x ___844, 951
1155, 1268
Lancaster, O hio..........
1212 Mount Vernon, l o d ___
Lancaster, T e x ................. 1104 Mt. Vernon, N. Y ......... .. 845
Lancaster School District,
Multnomah C<>., Ore. >43,1049
S. C ................. 951,1000, 1212 Munball Sell. D:st., P a ..... 1155
Larchm oat, N. Y .............. 844 Muscatine Sch. Dist. la ... 903
La Rue, O hio..................... 951
Muskegon, Mich.. ___315,136'
Las Anim as Co. Sell. Dist.
Muskegon Heights, Mich.. 845
No. 1, col
.................... 951
Latim er. Iowa
'YTaeogdoches, T e x .......1323
Laurinburg, N. C...............1000 -Li acogdoches Co., T e x ...
Lavaca Co.. T e x ................11*5
952 1155
Lawrence, K a n ................. 1052 Napoleon. Ohio....... 1052’ 1323
Lawrence, M ass..____1052,
Nashua, N. H . ................... 1824
1323, 1367 Nashville, T en n ............ .1320
Lawrence, N. Y ..............:.U55 Nassau sch. Dist. No. 79,
Law rence Co., S. D ak...... 1360
M in n ...............................1324
Lebanon, M o ..................... 1052 Natick, Blass...............90S, 1321
Lebanon, P a ....... ..1155,1212
N avajo Co., A riz................ 1324
Lebanon, Term.......
... 902 N avarre Sch. Dist., Ohio.. 1104
Ledyard S. D. No. 6, N. Y..132S Needham, Mass.................1824
L e Grand Sch. Dist., Cal... 1323 Neisonville, O hio............. 952
Lenark, 111......................... 902 Neptune Tw p., N. J
.... 1324
Lew is and Clarke Co. S. D.
N ether Provide nee Twp.
No. 9, M ont.................... 844
Sch. Dist., Pa ---- 952, 1104
Lew is Co. S. D. No. 9, Wash.1104 Newark. Ohio............ 903, 1155
Lewiston, Idaho......... 844, 1366 N ew Bedford. M a ss......... 7^3
Lew istow n, P a ................
>155 N ew Berlin, N. Y ............... 1324
LexingtOD, Mass........844, 1052 New Blooming on, Ohio. ,.1824
Liberty, N Y .................... 1052 N ew Bremen, O hio..1001, 1155
L ib erty Twp., 0.1000,1155,1367 N ew Britain. Conn . .903,
Lima, Ohio....... 793, 844, 1212
1268, 1368
Lincoln, Neb ................... 845 Newburgh, N. Y .......... ......1324
Lincoln Co., W ash............ 902 Newbury port, Mass.. .903,1324
Lincoln Co. S. L). No. 105,
Newcastle, M e ................... 903
W a sh ................................ 902 Newcastle, N. B ................1001
Lindsborg, K a n ...............1366 New Castle, Pa................ 1324
Linneus Sch. Dist., Mo ... 951 N ew Glarus, W i s ............. 1104
Lisbon, Ohio.
793,1000, 1312 N ew H artford Sch. Dist.
L ittle Falls S. D., N. J___ 1323
No. 1, N. Y ........................8*5
Llano Co., T e x ............ 793, 845 N ew H a v e n .C t...903, 052,1155
Lock H aven Sch. D., Pa... S45 Newport, K y..............1213, 1324
Logan Co.. Ohio ............. 1212 Newport, R. 1.................... 903
Lon g Branch S. D.. Cal ... 1323 New Richland, M inn.703, K OI
Lorain, Ohio..................... 1166 Newton, Mass..........1213, L2»vs
Los Angeles, C al........ 1052,
N ew Ulm, Minn . ..1101,1052
New Vienna, Ohio............ 95
Low ell. Muss ....................n 52 New ville, P a ........................903
Lucas Co., Ohio ....
845, 951 New York ......... 792, 843, 999
Ludlow, V t........................ 1052 New York, N. Y...903, 949,
Lusk, W y o ........................ 845
052. .1001, 1213, 1324. 1308
Lynchburg, V a .................. 1866 Noz Perces Co. Sch. Dist.
Lynn. Maas....... 845, 1155, 1268
No. 32, Id a h o ................. 903


[ V ol. LXXIV.

Niagara Falls, O n t... 10f2, 1218 Richland Center 8. I).,W is.il05
Tarent urn, Pa. .1270, 1820, 1870
Niagara Falls School l)ist.,
Rldgway, Pa
................ 1269 Taunton, Mass........ 1270, 1320
.................. 703, 052 Riverside Co., Cal ......
1825 Tazewell Co., V a ............... 1008
Nlies, Mich,, ................... 0o8 Riverside S. IX, Cal .1218, 1825
Ndes, Ohio ...
......... .1324 Roane Co., T e n n ............. 845 Tecumseh, Okla................ 1008
Temple, G a.............. 1008, 13*0
Niles 8. D.No. 1,Mich. 1052,1155 Roberts Co., S. Dak ........ 845 Tennessee
N r borne Sch. Dist., Mo. 1052 Roby Sch. Dist., T e x ........ 1386
Tewksbury, Mass ... ‘ “'1157
Norfolk, Va.
Rochester, N. H ........ U05, 1203 Thomasville, N. C .......... 1054
1208, 1824 Rochester, N, Y .......... 846
Timpson 8. D. No. 5, Tex.
N orfolk Co., Mass............. 1308
952, 1166/1326
Norristown P a .. ...............846 Rock bridge Co., VU...908, 1150 rn
Tioga, P a ......... ................ xi67
Northampton, Mass .903,
Rock Hill, S. C...................1105 Toledo, O hio... .904,1049, 1320
962, 1001. 1324, 18H8 Rockpon, Mass.................. 1105
.904, 1157, 1214
North Bergen S. 1)., N. J . .1368 Rock port, T e x ............ .... 848 Topeka,
er Cit y Sell, Dist., Pa.. 904
North Cypress, Manitoba.. 903 Rockwall, T e x .............952, 1105 Tow
North Plainfield, N. J $*43, 1*94 Rocky R iver Sch. Diet,, O 840 Trent* n, N. J ....................1157
North port Sch, Dlst.,N. Y.1268 Rogers Soil. Dist., Mich.. 1002 Troy, N. Y.
1157,‘ 1370
Norton, Mass.................... 793
Holla, Mo .............. 846, 1002 Troy Soil. Dist, Kan. ........1320
Norwalk, 0.793, 1001,1156,1268 Rome, N Y ........
840, 1106 Tuscaloosa, Ala.. 794, 904,1064
Norwich, Conn.........1019, 1200 Rome Sch. Dist., N. Y
Norwood, Ohio. .952, 1052, 1324 Roneeveito, W. V a ........ 1326
hricsville, Ohio ...847,1054
Nottingham S. D.,O.10Ol, 1213 Roseville, i l l . ..
903, 1002
nton (Tow n) Sch. Diet.,
Royalion School District
N. J...............1270. 1320, 1370
( kuk Cliff, T e x ...848, 846, 1166
No. 40, Minn. ................ 793 Union Twp,, in d .............. 054
* "akland, Cal................... 1824 Rushford, M in n.............. 903
Alton S. D., Ill, . .1820
Oakland, M e .................... 1156 Rush Twp. Soli, Dist., P a ..1269 Upper
Upper Sandusky, <»hio..... 794
Oakland 8. D. No. 110. I11..1H&4 Rutherford, N. ,1........793, 810
UrbauaSch. Dist,, 111. 1064. J370
Oaklawn S. D. No. 110,111.1104 Rye N. Y ............... ..95 5,1053 Utica, N. Y..105, i54, 1003, 1100
Obt-rlm, O h io... 903,1001,1824 Rye Sch. Dist. No. 1, N .Y ..
Ocean City, N. J ..... 1062, 1165
1053, 1166, 1270
allejo, Cal.................. 794
Ogden S. 1>., Utah....... 900, 903 Rye Sch. Dist. n o . 3, N. Y.. 1100
alley City, S. D ak........1214
O hio.................................. 1049,1820
Velasco Sell. I)., T e x .847, 1370
Ohio State University.
Q t. Clair Co.. M o,..............182t Venlco Sch. 1). No. 1, 111..,
1001,1155 O t. Croix (Jo., W is..............949 „
Oil City Sch. D., Pa .1052. 1218 St. H ilaire Sch. Dist., Mirin.H00 Vernon Twp., M o ............. 949
Okanogan Co. S. D. No. 17,
Si. John, N, tt...........1063, 1213 Verona Sob. Dial., N. J .. 1271
W ash...............................1052 St, Louts, Mich ......... 958, 1156 Vicksburg, Miss.......... 964, 1167
Okolona. Miss............ ...1269 St . Louis, M o .................... 1053,1218
Victoria Co., T e x .............. 1327
Omaha, N eb...................... 903,1001
St, Louis 1 o., M in n ...---- 1150 Villi sea Soli. Dist, Iowa
Oneida, N. Y ...............962, 1321 St. Louis Park S. 1)., Minn.
Virginia............................. 1321
Oneida Co., N. Y ...... 1104,
953,1213 Virginia, 111.........................906
1213, 1209 St. Matthews School Dist.
Voorheesvllle, N. Y....847, 954
Ontario Co., Ont................ 1104
No. 8, S. C ................ 903, 1213
Orange, N. J.. .1052, 1213,1308 St. Paul, Minn............ 840,
akefield, Mass........... 847
orange, T e x ..................... 1104,1821
1002, 1206, 1326
alkerCo.. T e x .......
1049 Salamanca Twp., Kan...... 0i9 Walkill Fire l)ist., N. Y....1327
O r e g o n .....................
Oriental Sch. Dist., Cal___ 845 Salem, Mass...................... 846 W alla Walla, Wash. .1107, 1327
Oriskany Falls, N. Y .........1104 Salem. O hio............ 1160.1270 W allingford, Conn.. 1157, 1271
Osceola Co., Iow a ............. 962 Salisbury, M d ...........1106, 1156 Waltham, Mass..
Ossining, N. Y ............. ...1824 Saltcoats Sch. D. No. 140,
Walton Graded Common
Oswego, N. V ......... ......... S46
Northwest T e r .............. 903
Sch. Dist., K y ..... . .... 817
Otsego Sch. Dist., M ich.. .1104 Salt Lake City, Utah. .^40,
W alton Sch. Dist., Ind ...1157
Otsego Twp., In d ............. 1269
1054, 1213 Wapakoneta, Ohio... 1055,1214
Ottawa, K an ...................... 1213 San Bernardino, C al.........1150 W are. Mass........................ 794
Ottawa, Ohio..................... 793,1001
Sandstone, Minn............... 1369 Warren, M inn............ 847, 1107
Ovid, Mich ....................... 798 Sandusky, O hio........ 1106, 1326 Warren, Pa ............. 1157,1371
Owatonua S. D., M inn...... 952 Sangamon, Co., I l l .....840,
Warren, R. I ....1214, 1271, 1371
Owen Co., ln d ................... 1155
963, 1160, 127C Warren Co., lnd..
Owensboro, K y ..................1821 San Miguel Co., Col ......... 1325 W arren Sch. Dist., Ohio...
Owenton Graded Common
San Saba Co., T e x ............. 846
905, 954, 1157, 1271
Sch. Dist., Ky. 1004,1104, 1213 Santa Anna, Cal................ 903 Warrick Co., lnd___ 1158,1271
Owosso, Mich.................. 793 Santa Cru2 Co., A r iz ........ 003 Washington . .......... 843, 949
Ozark Co., M o.......... ....... 843 Santa Monica S. D., Cal— K70 Washington, O hio___ 906, 1065
Saranac Lake, N. Y. .1218,1325 Washington, P a .......1214,1371
ainesville, Ohio..... ... 952 riaratoga Springs, N. Y —
Washington Co., M d........ 1827
alatka. F la ....903,1001 1156
840,1106 Washington Co., N. Y ...... 954
Palestine, T e x ................... 1105 Saugatuck Twp., M ich...... 903 Washing!on Co., N eb.......1158
Palo-Alto. Pa ..
845 Sauit Ste. Marie, M idi. ..
Washington Twp., Mo...... 843
Park Co. Sch. Dist. No. 4,
1325,1309 waterbury Coun............. 794
M ont.........
793 Scarsdale, N. Y ................... 903 W aterloo Scb. Dist., Ia ___ 906
parker Twp., Ill ............... 1001 Schenectady, N. Y ___ 904,
W atertown, M ass...... 794,
Pasadena, Cal............
1002, 1326
1214, 1271
Pascoag Fire Dist., R. I .. .. 848 Schneider Sch. Dist., Cal.. 1106 Watertown, N. Y ......<905, 954
Paterson, N. J .......... 1052, 1105 Scotland Co., Mo............ .1306 W aterville, K an................1008
Pattonsburg S. D., Mo
Scotland Sch. Dist. No, 4,
W aterville, M e................. 1827
1105, 1269
S. D a k .................. 1150, 1809
Watkinsville, G a...............1003
Paulding, O hio......... 1052,12 L3 Scranton, Pa
..793, 9t 4, 053 Waukegan Sch. Dist., III.. 847
Pawtucket, R. I .
962 Sea CllffS. D. No. 24, N. Y .
Waukesha, W is ........13*7, 1371
Payne Sch. Dist., Ohio... 1209
11 6,1270 Waynesboro, G a.............. 954
Pease Two., Ohio ......— 1105 Seatrle, W ash— *46, 1150, B 69 Waynesooro, P a ............... 905
Peoria, 111.......... 903,1058,1369 se ittle School Dist. No. 1,
Waynesboro Sch. D., Pa... 1055
Perry Co., Ohio..................1269
W ash................................ 900 W eber Co., U tah__ 1107,
Perth, O n t..................
1053 Sebewaing Twp., Mich___1002
1158, 1214
Petaluma, Cal....... ............1053 Sedgwick Co., K a n ............ 1*60 W ebster Groves, Mo. 1055,1327
Petaluma Sch. Dist., Cal.. 1324 Senoia, G a................1054,1325
W eim ar Sch. Dist., Tex.... 1271
Peterborough. Ont......
703 Sheboygan, Wis
. ...840,
W eir Scb. Dist., Kan........ 1300
Petersburg, 111...........
904, 1156, 1213 Wellsburg, W.Va.905,954,1827
Petrolia, O nt.................... 1369 Shelby, O hio............ 1270,1326 Wellston, Ohio......... 1003, 1271
Philadelphia, P a .962,1324, 1369 Shevlin Sch. )ist., Minn.. 1309 W ellsville. Ohio..................906
Phoebus V a....................... 1001,1053
Short Creek Twp., O h io...
W est Chicago Park, 111— 949
Pickens, Miss.................. .1369
1003. 1166, 1*214 Westfield, N. Y.......... 794, 906 Sch. Dist., M o.. 13*4 Sioux City, Io w a ............... 1049 W estfield S. D.. III...1158, 1827
Pierce, N e b ....................... 1105 Siou x Co., l a ..................... 953 W est Freeport, ill___ ____ I860
Pierce Co. Sch. Dist. No. 10,
Snohomish Co.. W ash...... 1049
West Hazleton, Pa ........ 954
W ash..........
- ___ 843 S >dus Sen. D. No. 4, N. Y . 816 West Homestead, P a ...... 1887
Pierce Co. S. Dists., Wash.1049 Somerset Co., M d....... 847,
Westminster, Md— 1008,1871
Pierre, S. D ak............. ..110*
1054, 1106 Weston, Ohio.................... 1271
P b iv e Sch. Dist., S. D ak...1053 Somers worth. N. H ......... 847 W est Orange. N. J .. .1214,1371
Pierson Sch. Dist., Man... 1369 Somerville, Mass.904,1106,1369 West Point, Ga ...............1271
Pim a Co., A riz .......... 845, 952 Sound Beach S. D., Conn.. 9>>4 W est Pome, N eb .............. 954
Pine Island, Minn......
>52 Southampton, Mass..........1106 W h eeler Co., T e x ............. 905
Pittsfield, Mass.
____ 903 Southampton, N. Y ...........1054 "Wheeling, W. Va.794,847, 1327
Plainfield. N. J....843, 952, 1< 53 South Bend, ln d .... .......... 847 W h ite Co., lnd ............. .1107
Plato. Minn....................... 1209 South Bethlehem, Pa ....... 794 W h ite House, Ohio...954,1337
PI tte Center, Neb.......... 1105
Sour h Bethlehem School
W h ite Pigeon, M ich......... 848
Platte f'o., Neb ....... 845,12^9
Dist., P a .........904, 1002, 1106 W hite Plains, N. Y ......... 1215
P latteville, W is ...... 1155,1324 South Brooklyn Sch. Dist.,
Whitestown, N. Y.
848, 1008
Pleasant Ridge, Ohio..793, 816
W hitew ater Twp. Sch. D.
Ohio.......................1156, 1320
Pleasantville, N. Y....952, 1001 South D akota........... 904, 953
No. 1, Ohio......................1055
RjvmotiT-h, lnd
___952,1155 South Deerfield Fire Dist.,
W hitm an < o., W ash........ 949
Point Pleasant, W . V a ___1269
hittier, Cal..............848, 1055
Mass................................ 1156
Polk Co., Minn..................1369 South H adley Falls, Mass.
W h ittier Sch. D., Cal..848, 1158
Pi-Ik Co., O re.............. .. 949
1054, 1370 Wiarton, Ont.................... 1216
Ponca City, u k la ... ..903,1001 Southington, Conn............ 1370 W ichita, K an .................... 1107
Pony Sc*. D. No. 11, Mont.1105 South Omaha, N eb ___847,
W illiam sport Pa.. . 954,1107
Poplar Bluff, M o ...... 1105, 1213
1100,115* W ill its Scb. D., Cal. ,.1107,1871
P o rt Dickinson, N. Y . .
1155 South Orange S. D., N. J 13?0 Wilmington, Del.794,1053, H 68
P o t Huron, Mich.. ..952, 1053 Spencer, Mass................... 1054 Wilmont, Mum................. 1827
Portland, M e ... .003, 919.
Wilson, N. C ......................1107
Spokane, Wash ..843, 949,
1001, 12-3,1324
1049, 1866 Wilson Graded S. D., X. 0.1215
Portland, O re.......... 1'5‘h isgi
Winchester, Conn.794.848, 954
Spokane Sch. Dist, No. 81,
Pori smouth S. r>., 0 ............952
W ash.794, 904,1002,1157,1214 Winchester, Mass..... 1003,
10tv, 1107
P ottsvilie Sch. Dist., Pa...
Springfield, Mass...............1326
1269, 1324 Springfield, O... .794, 1002,
Winnipeg, Man................. 1216
P rairie du Chien, W is ___ 1213
1170,1370 Winona, Minu........ 1107, 1271
Pulaski Co., V a ................. 1213 Springfield Sch. Dist., Mo.. 1049 Winslow Sch. Dist., I ll..... 1271
W ood Co., Ohio................ 848
Spring Garden, P a ............1054
Q u a n a h , T e x ................... 1155 Springhill, N. S........ ,.953, 1326 W ood hull, III............ ^48, 1327
— 1107
Springville, N. Y . . ..1270, 1370 Wo^ullawn. A la.
St an wood Sch. D., la. .968, 1106 W ool stock Sch, IX, Iowa. .1371
acine, W is ............. 003, 952 Staunton. V a ......... ...... 904 Worcester, Mass..SiS 954,
1065, 1871
acme Sch. Dist., W is... 908 Sterling, K a n .....................1366
W i andotte, Mich — .848, 1158
Ramsey Co., Minn...... ..... 903 Stevens Point, W is ... .958,
Randolph, W is ............
1054, 1214
enia School District,
Rappahannock Co.. V a
. 903 Stillwater*, Okla................ 847
Ohio .848, 1055, 1215, 1371
Raymond Sch. Dist, No.
Stoddard C >., Mo ............1054
49, M inn...... 1C53, 110-, 1213 StaufiYille, Ont..................H06
Rayne, La. ....................... 1324 Stow, Mass
. ............. 1326 \ 7 aklma Co. Sch. Dist.
794. 1158
Red Cloud Sch. Dist., Neb.
Sturgis Sch. Dist., K y ....... vgl4
952, 1053 Sullivan, 111................
1820 Y'auoo, Porio Rico.
Redding Sch. Dist., C al__ -213 Sullivan Go., In d ................ 794 \Tazoo Mississii»p| Delta
Revee l)ist., Miss... .848,
Redfleld, S. D a k ............... 1209 Sumner t o.. Kan........
1215, 1371
Redlands, Cal........... 008.1824 Superior, W ia.................... 1102
mu, T o \...................
Redlands Sch. Dist., Cal... 1053 Sutton Co,, T e x . . ............ 1167
Yonkers,N. Y *18,906,1916.18* \
Redondo Beach, C al........ 949 Swansea, Mass................ 1157
York 8etv. Dist.. P a .........
Red R iver Co., '! e x .......... 843 Swantun, Ohio.. ......1008,1214
Redwood Co. 8. D. No. 17,
Swisher Co., T e x .............. 818 Yorkvllle Sch. Dtst. 8. 0 <13.2;
Youngstown, O. 848, 906,
M in n ...............................1001 Sylvan Soli, Dist., Cal.......116/
1008, 1107. 1168, 1397
Refugio Co., Tex.952,1105,132
Syracuse, N. Y. .. .1-04, 958,
Regina, Northwest Ter__ 845
1008, 1870 Ypsilantl, M ic h ........ 848, 900
Renfrew, O nt................... 793
Rentoi 1, W ash..................182 > r Pakomn Park, Md............1370 y m land, MtOh....... U07 1971
Revel stoke. B. C............... -105
I alhot Co., M d......... 79l, 818
Revere, Muss.....................1318 Tamaqua, P a ...........904, 1211
$ See PlaiufloM, N >
Rhode Island.................... 792 Taos Co., N. M ex..., Ul08, 1270