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THE INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT --OF THE--  COMMERCIAL & FINANCIAL CHRONICLE. (Entered aooording to Act of Congress in the year 1902, by WILLIAM B. DANA. Co MPANY, in the office of Librarian of CongreBB, Washlngt,on, D. 0.  NE"W YORK, JANUARY 25, 1902. THE  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  The lNVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT, issued quarterly, ls furnished without  utra cAarge to everv subscriber of the (JHRONICLE.  THE QUOTATION SUPPLEMENT, issued monthly, ls also furnished loithout e:,;tra cAarge to every subscriber of the CHRONICLE. THE STREET RAILWAY SUPPLEMENT, issued seml-annually,ls likewise hlrnlshed 'Without utra charge to every subscriber of the CHRONICLE. THE STATE A.ND CITY SUPPLEMENT, issued semi-annually, ls also turnished without utra charge to every subscriber of the CHRONICLE. Terms for the CHRONICLE, including the four Supplements above aamed, are Ten Dollars per year within the United States and Thlr· teen Dollars (which includes postage) in Europe. WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, PINE STREET, C0R. PEARL STREET, NEW YORK.  DIVIDENDS ON LEADINC STOCKS.  0 n pages 7 and 8 will be found an extended compilation showin, the dividends paid during the ]a:5t seven years on leading railroad stocks, and also on the stocks of the more prominent industrial companies. CULTURE NEOESSARY IN AN ENGINEERING E/JUOATION. In the adequate consideration of any subject it is necessary to grasp the meaning of the terms under discussion. Professor J. B. Johnson, Daan of the College of Engineering of the U aiversity of Wisconsin, has defined education as "a means of gradual emancipation from the thraldom of incompetence. Since incompetence leads of necessity to failurd, and since competence alone leads to certain success, in any line of human endeavor, and since the natural or uneducated man is but incompetence personified, it is of supreme importance that this thraldom, or this enslaved condition in which we are all born, should be removed in some way." The aim of liberal education to quote Webster is "amusement, curiosity, intellectual improvement, rather than the necessity of subsistence." This definition is amplified by Professor Huxley, who says: "That man, I think, has had a liberal education who has been s:> trained in youth that his body is the ready servant of his will, and does with ease and pleasure all the work that, as a mechanism, it is capable of; whose intellect is a clear, cold, logic engine, with all its parts of equal strength_, and in smooth working order; ready, like a steam engine, to be turned to any kind of work and spin the gossamers as well as forge the anchors of the mind ; whose mind is stored with a knowledge of the great and fundamental truths of Nature and of the laws of her operations ; one who, no stunted ascetic, is full of life and fire, but whose passions are trained to come to heel by a vigorous will, the servant of a tender conscience; who has learned to love all beauty, whether of nature or of art, to hate all vileness, and to respect Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  others as himself." "It is liberal, for instance, to study under the head of political economy the laws of manufacture, trade, commerce, finance, supply and demand ; It is not liberal to learn merely the conditions of a sucoessf11l bueiness in a given community at a given time." There are two types of engineers, ( l) the engineer who i• contented to execute plans formulated by authorities above him, and (2) the engineer who strives to become the formulating authority. What is the difference between these two types and what enables the latter to reach the goal of his desires? The former type, having the general plan given, must be able to adopt methods which will accomplish the work; he must know the strengths of materials used and their behavior under given conditions; he' mu~t have command of information giving the relative cost of different methods; he muat, in short, have complete mastery of details. The second class of engineers haa a vastly wider field of operations. He needs to have a general knowledge of detalls, sup-plemanted by a broader horizon, of which his brother sees nothing. In this era of gigantic commercial undertakinga those in authority need a general engineering insight, but they mmthave also an acute executive ability coupled with a thorough .knowledge of men and an acquaintance with the science of commerce, munfoipal work bonds, political economy, et cretera. They must be able to think quickly and logically, write tersely and interestingly, and speak fluently and forcibly. All this demands a broad, deep, comprehensive preparation. H requires a knowledge of history, logic, rhetoric, literature and debate. Engineers have been slow to grasp these facts, and often engineering preparation has tended to produce "the artisan rather than the artist, the crafts man rather than the engineer." It is at j ast this point that the reason is apparent why so many works' managers have been lawyers. The engineer has been apart fro·m the buslneBB management of enterprises because he did not have a general grasp of the principles and methods; the lawyer, being better trained outside of his profession, has been able to adapt himself to' varying conditions and to comprehend the questions involved. . An engineer should be able to do things, but he should have such a wide and varied foundation for his engineering education that he shall not be obliged to do them. Farther, the engineer in common with others, is in duty bound to prepare himself for his social responsibilities, that he may be a worthy citizen of the country in which he lives.  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT. How then shall an engineer prepare himself for ;such power? Simply by not specializing early in his education, by taking a non-technical course before beginning his professional preparation, or by studying euch subjects as would come in a non-technical course contemporaneously with the technical subjects. The latter method should be adopted only in cases where the former method is impracticable. As an English writer has said, "The position of the Technical College towards the University Oollege should be more clearly defined. It is often spoken of as occupying a position somewhat between the Higher Grade Board School and the University College, and that the age of its students should be up to eighteen. No greater mistake exists. The training given in a Technical College does not of necessity fit a student for subsequent attendance at a University College, but no better preliminary training for a Polytechnic, in the right eense of the word, could there be than that furnished by a University College, for the possession of knowledge must precede its reasoned applfoation." STEAM AND ELEOTRIOITY. The relations uisting between the steam and elec trio railways in Southern New England typify the conditions which obtain in very many sections of the United States, and illustrate the general tendency tbroo ghout the country. Ever since the adoption of electricity as a motive power the railway companiea of the different large towns and cities have been increasing the extent and efficiency of their systems and projecting them into the surrounding country. By this method the States of Massaehuse~ts and Connecticut have become so interlaced with electric lines that a map of them presents the appearance of a web spun by a very busy spider. So long as these lines were owned and operated by local companies there could be no sa.tisfautory connected service over long distances. The endeavor to make such service poasi ble on an economical basis led naturally to a consolidation of ownership and management by many lines. The service thus made pos aible has very materially affected the local traffic of the steam railwaye. The tendency of the electric nilways is to constantly increase the length of the focal distance served to such an extent as to result in through service competition. Such a tendency is eeen in the lines paralleling the Boston & Albany Riil-:road and the New York New Haven & Hutford Railroad between Boston and New Y 01 k. Starting at Boston, one can travel by connecting -electric lines through Massachusetts as far as West Warren. At that point there is a gap of a few miles. Siva for this break and one or two in .Connecticut the trip can be made by e1er.tric lines between Boston and New York. The struggle in Connecticut by the New York New Haven & Hartford Riilway Company to prevent a parallel line has been particularly strenuous. For the past forty or fifty years hardly a Legislature has escaped a bill for a paralleling line. Of these schemes many died a natural death, and most did not live long enough for construction to actually begin. The few lines which were built struggled for a time on a non-paying basis, and finally came under the mansgement of the New York New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company-the New England Riilroad and the Housatonic road are cases in point. While this battle was going on the electric lines were Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  [' OL.  LXXIV.  T  gradually approaching each other to form a continuous parallel acrosa the State. The railroad company took the precaution to secure the control ·of the electric Jlnes in Stamford and Meriden, although no serious immediate competition was feared. This plan was Effective so long as the electric lines were owned by different companies with no unified plans. In the recent past, however, affairs have taken a different color, due to the c~ntrol of the e_lectric railways which has been secured by a syndicate making possible a continuous system without the use of the Meriden Railway. Under this condition it will be possibie for the electric railways to compete very seriously with the steam railroad for the local traffic. This may develop under future probable improvements of the electric lines into a competition for through or semi-through traffic. When it is not possible for the steam roads to secure control of the competing lines, it is becoming more and more necessary for them to give serious consideration to the methods by which they can protect themselves from excessive loss of traffic to the electric lines. As we have had occasion to mention in a previous discu1Sion, the Boston & Albany Rt1ilroad Company plans to regain some of its lost traffic through the establishment of a train despatcher's office, which will enable them to offer such inducements in the form of frequency and speed of service that it will be in demand for other than very short distances. The Dayton & Ohio Railroad, running from Dayton, Ohio, to Union Oity, Indiana, a distance of about forty-seven miles, derives about fifty per cent of its revenue from passenger traffic. To protect itself from the competition of an electric railway which has been built recently parallel to it, the following method has been adopted to improve the speed and quality of service rendered. The company has built two new cars whioh are much like those used on suburban lines, except they are heavier. The main compartment, forty-one feet and two inches long, seats fifty-four people; the smoking room, eight feet and six inches long, seats twelve people, and the baggage room at the end of the car is fourteen feet and eight inches long. The cars are lighted by the Avery s.rstem of acetylene gas. There are six two-light chandeliers, containing fifty candle-power lights. The generating apparatus ia placed under the oar. The cars are heated by steam and are Eqnipped with the Westinghouse brake. car fs run alone with an eight-wheel locomotive having cylinders about sixteen inches in diameter. Eich train makes two round trips at an average speed, including stops, of forty-five miles per hour. These two trains alternate with four common trains made up of a baggage car and two day cars hauled by similar locomotives. The efficiency of service thus rendered possible, together with gnatly reduced round-trip tickets, puts the company in a position to compete with the electric lines. In the study of methods which shall ba effective in meeting competing traffic, it must be recognized that the real time of transportation of passengers is not the time required for the train to traverse the distance from the station at which the passenger enters the train to the station at which he leaves, but that it is the time consumed in getting from his home to his office, or destination point. The plans devised must offer such service that the sum of the advantages offered will be greater than the sum of the advantages cffered by the competing lines.  ,JANUARY,  1902  I  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  ENGLISH AND ~MERIOAN BRIDGE PR.A.OTIOE. . . The great expansion of commercial enterprises -which has taken place in the United States during the past few years has been a source of wonderment in foreign countries. Thia sarpris·e ia fast giving place to a realization that extreme efforts must be made to find the rea~on for this remarkable growth and to formulate plans to put themselves in condition t o remain in competition in the world's inarkets. A comparison of English and American methods in -structural work may be obtained by an examination <>f the historic Atbara River bridge case. It will be .aeen that England Is at present handicapped by (a) traditional methods which have come down from long years of commercial supremacy; (b) Insufficiently dif fused technical education, and (c) a social structure <>pposed to the recognition of suggestions from subalterns. The prosecuting with requisite vigor of a war in the heart of Africa necessitated the construction of several hundred miles of railway. In the course of this con • ..atruction it was necessary to build a bridge across the Atbara River. Jn order that military operations .ahoud be delayed as little as poasible and that the erection of the bridge might not be disturbed by the .July floods, it was desirable that the structure should be in place before July. Consequently, in the summer of 1898 negotiations were opened looking to the erection of the bridge. The first design, which was prepared in En gland, together with tenders from .several English firms, reached Egypt in the latter part <0f December 1898. Upon examining the plans it was found that the desig11 was faulty, since false work was -required in the erection of the bridge. Owing to the :floods this would consume two years, which, together with the time required to build the bridge, would cause a lapse of three years before the structure was ready for nee. Four British and two American firms were then asked to tender bids. Three of the British -companies would not submit bids, but one other company asked for the privilege. These four companies :submitted bids on the new basis, bnt neither bid was 1onnd to be entirely satisfactory as to the time limit. Since it had then become apparent that no English .firm would be able to comply with the conditions, it was resolved to see what could be obtained from American 1lrms. Consequently, on January "/ 1899, without previous solicitation, terms were asked of the Pencoyd Iron Works. The company at once commenced de. .-signs and estimates. As soon as they were completed terms were forwarded, and on January 24 the order for the bridge was received. From that date until the -completion of the bridge on August 19 1899-a period <>f less than seven month-a series of operations was -commenced of which the speed, thorongbnesa and :general grasp of structural problems produced a fear -and surpri_se from which onr friends on the other side -of the Atlantic have not yet recovered. Work on the bridge was begun in the template and bridge shops on _February 6 and on March "I the total structure was ..shipped from the Penco:yci works, notwithstanding the fact that the works were closed from February 13 to .20 because of a blizzard which interfered with the coal ~npply. One-half of the structure was shipped from New York on March 22 and the remainder on March .30. The erection crew sailed from New York on April 21 and reached Atbars on June 7. The labor Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  was furnished by Soudanese, Egyptian soldiers and con• victs. The combined disadvantages of an exceedingly trying climate and laborers who spoke a foreign tongue made the task of bridge erection far from easy. To obviate using false work, one span was erected 9n crib work on shore and used as an anchor span from which the first river span was erected. It required until June 29 to get ready to erect t:b e first span. An incident illustrative of the push and intensity which made possible the completion of the bridge in so short a time was furnished when, on April 26, the Pencoyd Company received notice at four in the afternoon from the Egyptian War Department that the top chord of one panel of the bridge had been lost in transshipment and that it must be replaced immediately. At nine o'clock the next morning it was completed, packed and en route to New York. Upon· arrival at L iverpool it was delayed at least thre·e weeks waiting orders. Why was it that the English firms could not compete in time or moneJ? The best EngUsh offer waa for about $558,900 and three years for completion in place, against the Pencoyd offer of about $315,900 and one year for completion I And this, too, at a time when much other work was on hand. It was reported that on June 9 1899, besides their current work, the Pencoyd Company had 5,000 tons of steel viaduct for the Burmah Railway, twelve large steel bridges on Russian account for the Siberian Ri.Uway and 20,000 tons of steel work for the framing of Wanamaker's new store in Philadelphia; besides their current work. The answer must be, perforce, a many-sided one. The ability to do such work had come in part from the intense struggle incident to settling and developing a new country. In this task ample opportunity had been furnished for the planning and execution of time and labor-saving devices. Through these efforts the processes had been brought to a highly organized system. In England each engineer endeavors to del!ign his bridges so that they shall be different from every other engineer's bridges. 1n this country the engineers reduce as many parts as possible to standard types and avoid special forms. This makes it possible to provide special machines for particular work and makes it practicable to maintain complete and efficient plants. In Great Britain the plan ls to make a machine last as long as possible; here the plan is to work it hard and fast so that the amount of work which it is able to do will be obtained quickly and the machine worn out-before it is obsolete-to make room for a new machine with all the improvements suggested by experience and experiment. Every posaible endeavor is made to keep the whole plant entirely up to date, even at the expense of discarding machines which have become antiquated before worn ont. It is by such a method only that the plant can be kept at its highest efficiency. But to run the machinery of business advantageously the employee must be alert, interested and educated. To prepare men for these positions there are numerous colleges, technical and evening schools. One who has had the pleasure of teaching in a mechanics' evening school and has watched men of all ages ( op to and even beyond fifty years) work intensely and intelligently with T-sqnare and triangle, after days of labor, is able to see the source to which the present commercial success _is greatly indebted, and to observe the vigorous struggle that is being made by employee to improve the quality of their labor and to advance themselves And their  •  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  lVoi.. LXXIV.  to be shipped. Expenaive and heavy machinery are not required, which relieves the roads from the interruption and congestion incident to the u1e of such devices. Structures of any desirable 1hape and in places not accessible under ordinary conditions can be readily formed in concrete. The work also can be performed with unskilled labor. For ordinary structures the regular bridge carpenters can prepare the forms and then a work train can be sent with materiala to build the structure. The materials used in concrete construction are more widely distributed than stone suitable for stone work. Concrete possessea great advantages in rapidity and :,facility of construotion. Mr. W. J. Wilgus, Chief Engineer of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company, stated some time since: " 0 ar experience with concrete has been uniformly satisfactory, and we have found it especial1y valuable in the preservation of old masonry on the line of this system which bas failed, due to disintegration of the face stones, or in some cases to the re-enforcing of foundations. We have found concrete especially valuable in the construction of bridge seats in conj unction with the reconstruction of bridges on our four-track line between Buffalo and Albany. This method of con1tructlon obviates the use of derricks and other interruptions to traffic incident upon the use of stone copings." Since there are no joints to- be pointed in concrete structures and the concrete appears not to be subject to decay, the cost for maintenance is practically nothing. This is particularly advantageous where there is rapidly running water. To these advantages mnst be added the fact that the structures can be given a pleasing surface-a quality so often lacking in a great majority of the cheaperTHE USE OF OONORBTE IN RAILROAD stone structures. STR U01 UREB. The specifications to be followed in concrete conThe adaptability of concrete to structural work has struction are not entirely agreed upon, but there are been recognized for a long time, but its place baa been certain conditions which must be fulfilled. In general, considered to be in unexposed positions. Concrete natural cement concrete ia not considered desirable might be used for foundations and the core or backing where it will be exposed to the weather. Concrete of walJs, but until recently it was considered necessary made from natural and Portland cements do not bond that the face and wearing surfaces should be composed together well. It is therefore better where a Portland of brick. At present the opposite practice is fre- concrete facing is required to use that material quently seen in which stone structures have a con- throughout the structure, economizing by constructing crete facing to protect the friable stone from the the interior of a leSI rich mixture. The stone and action of the atmospheric elements. Where concrete gravel ingredients should be clean and free from dust. has been used to any great extent it has generally Any good hard stone may be used. In concrete steelgiven perfect satisfaction. The distrust of concrete work it is considered undesirable to use limestone. and unwillingness to use it has generally prevailed in The proportion of water to be used is a disputed those quarters where no definite knowledge existed question-all grades from very dry to very wet mixtures through experience in the use of it. Ra.Broad com- have their ardent champions. It would seem that a panies in general have not given sufficient thought mean condition is best, with the balance on the side and experiment to the subject to become thoroughly of more water. Since the complete setting of the informed as to th~ various fipplications which can be cement depends upon crystallization, which requires made of it and as to the most favorable conditions the presence of water, if water is not present in suffiattending its use. cient quantities the complete action is not possible. The uses which can be made of concrete on a rail- Also with dry concrete if sufficient ramming is not road are legion-nearly as great as the different obtained, the structure lacks homogeneousness. structural works to be executed. It can be used to Whether the concrete shall be mixed by machine or advantage in station platforms, facings for decaying band probably does not matter if each is thoroughly stone ledges, tanks, buildings, subway construction, done. However, in the latter method the work is apt bridge abutments and piers, culverts, turn-table cen- to be slighted so that more uniform results are genters and walls, tunnel linings, arches, retaining walls, erally obtained by machine mixing. copings, bridge seats, et cmtera. Its superiority in We may be said to be now entering on the cement these places under normal conditions has been well age, and the already extensive use of concrete is likely demonstrated. The cost of concrete is generally to be very greatly increased in the future. Thia much less than that for stone masonry of equivalent should be more particularly so when the uses which quality. This is markedly so in localities where stone can be made of the combination of concrete and steel quarries do not exist and to which the materials have are better understood and more fully appreciated.  work. Where such an esprit de corps exists, much is possible. Under such condition■ the relation■ between employers and employee are the most advantageous. Any suggested improvement is here adopted, come from whence it may; and brains are at a premium. The man who makes his heels serve his head 11 recognized as of value. In the addrese at the opening of the Atbara bridge on August 26 1899, Lord Kitchenersaid: ''ln November and Daoember every effort was made to place the order for the superstructure in England, but it was found impossible for British firms to supply so big an order in the time allowed. I think that it demonstrates that the relations between labor and capital in our country are not such as to give sufficient confi dence to capitalists to induce them to ru.a the risk of establishing great up-to-date workshops with the plant necessary to enable Great Britain to maintain her proud position as the first constructing nation of the world. Well, gentlemen, where Englishmen have failed I am delighted to find our cousins aoro■s the Atlantic have stepped in. The opening of this bridge to-day is due to their energy and ability and the power • they possess in so marked a degree of turning out works of this magnitude in leBB time than can be done by any one else. "I congratulate the American foreman and workmen on the excellent success which has crowned their efforts in the erection of this bridge in the heart of Africa, far from their homes, during the hottest months of the year, and depending solely upon the labor of men speaking a foreign tongue. They have shown by their work the real grit they are made of." Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  JANUARY, 1902]  RAILROA..D AND INDUSTRIAL DIVIDENDS FOR BEV.EN YEAR8. The following table shows the dividends paid for seven years on all railroad stocks (of steam railroads) sold at the Stock Exchanges in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore. We have also added at the extreme end of the table a statement showing the dividends for the same periods on some of the leading industrial stocks. DIVIDENDS ON RAILROAD STOCKS.  Name of Company. NEW YORK. Alabama Gt. Southern, Class A Atoh. Top. & Santa Fe, common pref..... do Do . Baltimore & Ohio, common. do pr1>f ..... . Do Buffalo Rochester & Pitts. com. pref. do Do Burlington C. Rap. & Northern. Canada Southern ..•...•...•..••. Canadian Paotilo .....••...•...•. do pref .•.•.•.••...•. Do Central of New Jersey ...••.••. Ohesapeake & Ohio ..•.•..•••••• Chicago & Alton Railroad .••••• pref ......... . do Do Chica.go &Alton Railway, pref. Chica.go Burlingron & Quincy .. Ohioa.~o & Eastern ill., common pref. do Do Ohio. Great Western pref. A .. . Chio. Ind. & Louisville, pref... . Chicago Junction Railways, &o pref. do do Do Chica.go Milwaukee & St. Paul . pref. do Do Chicago & North Western ••..•• . pref .. . do Do Chlo. Rooklsland & Pao .••..•. . Ohio. St. P, Minn. & Omaha .••. pref. do Do · Otnoinnati Hamilton & Dayton. pref. do Do n~w pref. do Do Cleve. Cin. Ohio. & St. Louis ... pref. do Do Cleve. & Pittsb., guar. (leased). Oolorado & Southern, 1st pref. Delaware & Hudson.... . •... .. Delaware Lack. & Western.... Denver & Rio Grande, pref..... Des Moines & Fort Dodge, pref Erie, 1st pref................... Evansville & Terre Haute .••... pref. do Do Geor((ia (leased) ...•...•......••. Grand Rapids & Indiana ..•.••• Great Northern, pref ....••. .•. Green Bay- & Western ..•..••••. Hooking Valley, com .......... . Pref............................ Illinois Central . • • . . • ... ••. .• •. . Iowa Central, pref . •• • . • • . • • • • • . Keokuk & Des Moines, pref .••. Lake Erie & Western, pref...... Lake Shore & Mloh. Southern. .  Long Island .............. , ••••• Louisville & Nashville-··· .••. .  Manhattan Elevated .••..••.... Michigan Central ............... . Minneapolis & St. Louts, com .. pref .. do Do Missouri Pacific........... . . . Mobile & Ohio stook trust ctfs Nashv. Chattanooga& ijt, Loulte New York Central & Hudson .. N, Y. Chicago & St. L., l8t pref. 2d pref. do Do N. Y.& .,com.&pf. N. Y. New Haven & Hartifora . . Norfolk & Southern . ...••. . ..••. Norfolk & We,.tern, common. . prt,f ...•••. do Do Northern Pactilo, common ..•.. Oregon RR. & Navtgatton .•..• . pref .. do Do Paotilc Coast ......•...•...•..••. 1st pref ......... . Do 2d pref .. . ..••.. Do Pactilo Mall .................... . Pitts. Cin. Chic. & St. L. , com .. I  Prc,f, .. .•. •••• •·•••• ......•...•  Pittsb.Ft.W.& Chi.,guar.& spec. Ptttsb. Youngat'n & Ashtabula. pref. do Do Reading Company, 1st pref .•• Bio Grande Western, com ... . •. pref ....• . do do Rome Watertown & Ogdensb'rg St. Jos. & Grand Isl., 1st pref .. St. Louis & San Fran., 1st pref. 2d pref. do Do !outbern Railway, pref .. •...•. Tenneesee Coal & Iron, com (d) Texas Central, com............ . Pref.......................... . Union Pa.otilc, common ..••..•• Do Boston & Albany (leased) . . . •• Boston & Lowell (leased)...... Boston & Maine .••... .. .••..•.. pref .... . ... Do Boston & Providence (leased).. Boston Revere Bea.oh & Lynn.. Oin. Sand. & Cleveland, pref.... Concord & Montreal all classes Oonneotiout River (ieased)..... Connecticut & P888umpsh•,pfd. European & No. Amer. (leased). Fitchburg, pref.............. . ... Ft. Wayne & Jack. pref (lea.sedJ Hartford & Conn. West. (leased1 Maine Central................. Manchester & Law'noe (leased) Nashua & Lowell OeasedL. .•. . Northern (N. H.) (leased)...... Norwtcb &WorllARt'rotd.(l~aR'd)  aoslo'~:······· ···· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Dividend Periods.  1895.  June and Dec. June and Dec. Feb. and Aug. March and Sept. March and Sept. Feb. and Aull,'. Feb. and Aug. Feb. and Aug. Feb. and Aug. April and Oct. April and Oct. Quarterly-Feb.  6  June and Den. June and Dec. Jan. and July. Quarterly-Mar. Jan. and July. Quarterly-Jan. .fan. and. Julv. April and Oct. Quarterly-Jan. Quarterly-Jan. April and Oct. April and Oct. Jan. and July Quarterly- Jan. Quarterly- Feb. Annual-Feb. Feb. and Aug. Quarterly- Feb. Quarterly-Jan. Quarterly- Feb. March and Sept. Quarterly-Jan. Quarterly-Mar.  1898.  9  6  1  ···g·· 2111  5¼  ·--s··  , 8  ... ..  ···6··  ···s··  (b)7¼ 2 7 4  7 2  ,,  ... .. 3ll,. 4  114  ' ···5·· 7  ···1·· 7  ···,-·  4  4,  2111 2¼1  2  1899.  1900.  1901. 9  8  319  4 2  8 2  8 2  ···s··  ···714  ...4.. ...6..  ...  ···s·· 7 5 7 2  ...6..  ...6 ..  2111  3111  4¼  2¼  2 7  ··;;··  6 4  6  ···s·· 6  1 8 6 5 7 5 7 5  5 7 5 7  3111  ···2i;  ···s ..  7  7  ···s--  5  ···5··  7  7  5  5  ···;··  ···is .•  ···5 ..  --·5··  7 2 6  7 2 6  7  7  2¼  '  7  6  ···2··  """i""  4111  11  11  ···5i;  ···1·· 1111  ,·--5·· 3  ···5··  ···5··  6  6  4,  '"gig 4 4  419  Boiiiliern Ry. acquired controi,"issu Ing t5 4 ••••••  3 4 5  J.&J. and A.&o. uarterly-Mar. uarterly-J an. ~ une and Deo. Feb. and Aug. Quarterly-Feb.  11  ·--1··  '""gi; 4 4 2  ···i·· 41 6  31t 3  7  .:·;;¾ 5  ···2·· ···i""  2 stock. 5 5 5 4 1 1  ···a··  ...ii;  (n)  614  10 5 5 4  5¼ 2 6  (y)  6  10 9 6 8  10 5 5 4  5¼  2 6 10 9 8 8  4 4  l¼  5  ...i .. 4  7  ···s·· 4 4 4 5  2111  1  ···5·· 5 2  4 & 1 extra  6 7  3 6 7  --·,··  3  1¼  4 6  8 4  7  10  ¼  11  2 7 & 111 extra  8 4  6¼  4 6  2 7  1111 1111  8 4  ···;··  10  5¼ 111  31.t  7 7 5 7  10& 4  ...i .. --·2··  8 7 6  2¼  ·--si;  5 7  8i;·&·4  2  8  7  3¼  8 &.4.&25  2  4  11 1  stock tru st ctia:··  4  Quarterly- Feb. Quarterly- Feb. J'an. and July. Quarterly-Jan. Quarterly-Mar. April and Oot. Quarterly-Fe\), Jan. and July. Jan. and July. April and Oot. April and Oot.  ···a··  ···4·· .  8.&.4 ...i ..  7 6 6  5  5 7  5 3 5 7 2 5 7 4 7  ·--g··  Quarterly-Jan. March and Sept. March and Sept. March and Sept.  6 7  ···4_··  4  Semi•a.nnnally.  6  6 7  5  ···4··  Jan. and July. uarterly-Feb. ua.rterly-Feb. uarterly-Feb. ~ une and Dec.  8  ···4··  4  4 414 ••••••  5-½) 6  5 4  5  ...6••  iii 190 l  1  7 7 4 5  ···i··  6  4 0  5  7  7  .••6••  l898;  2  10 (b) 6  2 7  ···5·· 5 6 4  6 5 /  6 7 5 5 7  4¼ & lOstk.  (a)  ···,··  11  Jan. and July. Jan. and July.  37  4 5  (I)  ···s·· 900:·  1 37(a)  •••5¼1  6 5 7 5 7  4  7 7  7  2 5 4 5  4 5  ...6..  ···s··  6  ···;··  6  ,..  714  8  1  4. 6  5¼  '  4 4  4 4  4  414  ...i ..  Jan. and July. Mar. and Sept. . ................ .  ···2"  ...6•.  4111  5 4 4  2 4  ...2..  2-½)  4 5  4  April and Oct. Quarterly-Jan. April and Oot, Quarterly-Feb. Annual-Feb.  Quarterly-Mar. .ran. and July. Quarterly- Jan. Maroh and Sept. Quarterly-Jan. .fan. and July, May and Nov. Quarterly-Jan. .fan. and July. Feb. and Ang. April and Oct. Quarterly- Jan. Mar. and Sept. Feb. and Aug. Quarterly-Jan. May and Nov. May and Nov. Quarterly-Jan. Quarterly-Jan.  1897.  "'4··  luarterly-Mar. uarterly-Jan. an. and July Annual-A.1lgll8t . .•••••.••.•...•.•  Feb. and Aug. Quarterly-Jan. .fan. and July. Jan. and July. Jan. and July. Jan. and July. 1 p. o. paid Feb., Quarterly- Feb. Quarterly-Jan. Ann'ly -March.  1896.  8  7111  6 6  10 2 6  7 10  5111  5 4  5¼ 2 6  10 9 11  fb>lO  8 8 6 6  10  2 6 7 10 6  5  4  5111 2 6  10 9 6 8  ···,·· 4  ···4··  ···4··  4 5 4  4 5 4  ···i··  7 6 7  7 6 7  5¼  5 3  4  2 2  3 5 5 5 3 4 2 3 6  ··-,..  ···4··  ···ai;  31g  4  8 8  *814  614 6  10 2 6 7  10 6 5 4  5¼ 2 6  10 9 6 8  2  4,  4  ·--3·· 1 'iiiooic.  8  8  7 6 10 2  6 7  10 6 5  §514 5-½)  2 6  10 9 6 8  .. 1 ·· 4  911 6111 7 4  ···ai\ 6  blt (e) 311  4  ···2i; 7111 4 4  8~ 8 7 6  10 2 6 7  10 6 5 5  t'1 2,  6 JO 9 6  8  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  lVOL, LXXIV.  DlVIDENDS O~ RAILROAD STOOKS-(C0NCLUDED). of Company.  D1v1dend Pertc:;ds.  1895.  1896.  1897.  1898.  1899.  1900.  1901.  Old Colony (leased) •.••.•••..••. Pere M:ar\uette, pref. . • . • •••• Pittsfield No. Adams (leased) Providence & Worcester .••.••• .  jnarterly-Jan. eb. aLd Ang. Jan. and July. ~uarterly-Mar. an. and July. April and Oot. Jan. and July. Jan. and July.  7  7  7  7  7  7  7 6  10  10 4 6 6 51\  f:=:i lr~assaoiius;ts· ci;se<i> Vermont Valle[i··· . .. ••.•....•  ···s··  ···s·· 10 4 6 6 5  10 2 6 6  ...5 .. 10 2 6 6 5  ···s··  ···--·  ···s··  10 2 6 6 514  ···s·· 10 2 6 6  ···s·· 3 6 6  5  Worcester Nas na & Rnohest-er. 5 4 419 PHILA.DELPHIA.. Catawissa (leased), pref. stocks. May and Nov. 5 7 7 5 5 5 5 Ohoctaw Oklaho. & Gull, com .. April and Oot. 4 2 4¼ t 5 Cho:itaw Okla.ho. & Gulli pref•. April and Oct. 5 5 ... 8 .. Delaware & BonndBr'k ( eased) Quarterly- Feb. 8 8 8 8 4-5~ Elmira & Wll11amsport (leased) . May and Nov. 4•58 4·62 4·58 4·58 4·56 4·56 6•40. 6·38 6·32 6'38 6·38 6·28 Do do .'Eref.•••• . Jan. and July . 6'38 4 1 Huntin~on & Broad op ...•.. 419 ···7·· o do pref. Jan. and July. 7 7 6 Lehigh Coal & Navigation ••••.. May and N(\v. 4 6 4 4 4 4 519 51g Little Boh~lklll (leased) .••.•. . Jan. and July. 517 7 6 5 519 M1nehlll & ohnyl. Hav. (lea.s'd) Jan. and July. 51e719 719 6'9 519 519 519 New York Phil&. & Norfolk .••. 2 •.. 8 .• ... 8 .. North Pennsylvania (leased) ... ~uarterly-.f'eb. 8 8 an. a1,a July. Northern Central .•••••••••••.. . 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 Pennsylvania Railroad ..•...••. May and Nov. 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 4 Penn2;1vania & Northwestern. Jan. and July. 2 2 4 . .. ··-· Phil& elph1a. & Erie, commoll. 2 ·y2·· ·12·· 12.. ·12·· ·12·· Phila. Germant. & Nor. (leased) Quarterly-Mar. 12 12 10· 10 10 10 10 10 Pb1lad~& Trenton (leas'd) Quarterly-Jan. 10 Phlla. goon & Balt1morP Jan. and July, 7 7 7 7 619 7 7 Pitts.Bess. & L.E., pref. (leased) June and Dec. 6 3 6 ·10·· 10.. 10° United Cos. of N. J. (leased) .... ~ua.rterly- Jan. 10 10 10 ar. and Sept. West Jersey & Bea.shore ..•..••. 5 219 5 5 5 5 BA.LTl.lf.lO.RE. A.tla.n. & Char. Air Lme (leased) Mar. and Bepli. 6 6 6 6 619 6 6 31g Atlantic Coast Line Company.. Mar. and Sept. 3 119 419 5 419 4 & 100 stk. Atlantic Coas~ Line RR., com Jan. 1rnd July. 219 ···2i; Do do pref.. Mav and Nov. 5 Georgia South. & Fla., 1st pref. May and Nov. 5 4 5 4 Do do 2d pref. May and Nov. 4 2 3 3 """ii; lg llg West Virginia. f',ent. & Pittsb .•. Mar. and Sept. 1 119 319 219 •Leased Nov.,1900, to N. Y . Cent. & Hud.R. 8 per cent per annum. +One per cent of this represents a quarterly dividend deferred from previous year. (a) Thirty per cent of this -paid from accumulated surplus earnings (b) Increase due to change of dividend period. (d) In March, 1900. stockholders voted\ to increase the common stock; part or the increase was used to r~tlre the preferred stock and p1ty the accumulated dividends thereon, amounting April 1, 1900. to 54 per cent. (n) Now leased at 7 per cent per annum to Boston & Maine. (s) ln July, 1895, old common stock was exchanged, receiving l '55 shares of new preferred and 2 shares of new common stock for each share of old stock. (v) Also 50 per cent extra dividend out of money received through the decilllon a/,?ainst the Concord & Montreal. *Also in Oct.• 190 1, a dividend on common stock payable tu common stock at the rate of one share for eacn ten shares held. 0 1 sp e~i~r~igc~ ;1Mf:tcr-:~~~~n·!Nlgi11~ii·sti;. per(~fY~£~rdi:An~~h~~ l~rg:i:,r:g_~1iit dtv\ t~~i :e~f~g~~:!~t~~at~;~~tf>Ce~~-3~~~t~t on guar,  ·---·· ···s··  ···--· ···s--  ···s··  ···s··  ...  ···s·· ......  ···s··  ···si;  ···s--  .....  0  ··io.. ......  0  ...... ··-··· ......  ----··  0  0  ......  ···-··  ···s··  ···s··  ......  ···s··  ~nrl::rt  :e1:~  DIVIDENDS ON LEADING INDUSTRIAL STOCKS.  --  Name of Company.  Dividend Periods.  I  18••- ----18••- - -1897. -1901.l  1898.  1899.  - - - - ------  1900  1901.  4 (0) 4 & 2 extra. 4 & 4 extra.. June and Deo. 8 8 8&$100bde. Adams Express ..••.•...• . .•••• 819 Quarterly. Allie-Chalmers, preferred .•.•.. !Inoorporat ed May 7, Inoorpora.t ed Apr. 27, 1 899. B Quarterly-Jan. llt&½extra. 6 & 2°extra. 6&119 extra.. Amalf◄amated C~per .••..••••. 6 6 Inoorpora.t ed in May, 1 899. 3 can Agric . Chem.,pref. April and Oot. llg 6 6 Incorpora.t ed Mar. 24, 1 899. American Beet Sugar, pref'd .. Quarterly-Jan. 15 16 15 15 15 71teeeAT&T American Bell Telephone ...... Quarterly-Jan. ···2·· 1 [Inoorporat ed Feb. 20, 1 899.) ...... American Car & Foundry, com. Quarterly-Feb. ···3t; 7 7 Do do pref. Qu&l'terly-Feb. ···3·· 3lg 2 4 Annual-Dec. American Cotton Oil, common. ...6.. ···;;·· 6 6 6 6 Do do pref ..••. June and Deo. 6 & 1 extra, 6 6 6 July 6 and 6 6 Amertoan Express .......••...•. Jan. 4. 4 [Incorporat edMar.11, 1 899.] 1 American Ice, oommon ..••..•• auarterly-Feb. 6 6 ...... uarterly-J an. ...... . 119 Do do preferred ...••.. ······ 5, 1 ed Dec. 514 Amerioa.n Linseed, preferred .. Quarterly-Mar. 514 ---i~ Incorpora.t edJnnelO.l 901. ...... American Locomotive, Ert-f ... . Quarterly-Jan. ···1·· ···1·· Inoorpora.t ed Sept.27, 1 897. American Maltlnt re erred .. auarterly-J an. ···7·· 7 & 7~; eitra. lncorpora.t ed April 4, 1 899. uarterly-J an. ll\i American Smelt. ef'g, pref. 6 I::icorporat edMar.13,1 900. American Snuff, preferred •••. Quarterly-Jan. ·12·· ""ff" 12 7 12 12 7l\i American Sugar Refining, com. Quarterly-Jan. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Do do Eref. Part Q-J part J &J Quarteriy-Jan. Stock exoha ngedforAm Bell ook-two sh ares for one. 3 & lli extra. 6&11g3xtra... American Telephone & Te eg 12 6 6,& 20 sc'p. 7,.tlOOc.stk. 8 American Tobacco, common ... Quarterly-Feb. 8 8 8 8 Do do pref~rred .. Quarterly-Feb. 8 8 8 7 7 [Incorporat edMar.29,1 899.) 312 American Woolen, preferred ... Quarterly-J Aon. 8 (d) 7 6 6 6 6 Brooklan Union Gae .... . .•.... Quarterly-Mar. 319 Colora o Fuel & Iron, com •••. Quarterlx-Jan. ·--0·· ······ 40 d di;,·1«ieiid p aid iiiiooo. 8 Feb. an Aug. Uo do do pref ••• 7 & 1 extra.. 7 & 1 extra. 7&1 extra. 7 & 1 extr11,. 7 & 1 extra.. 7 Commercial Oable .••........•• . ~uarterly-J an. 7 4 314&2~ext. 5 5 314 Consolidated Gas of Baltimore. une and Dec. 414 414 6 8 8 8 8 8 519 Oonsolldated Gas of N. Y ..•.••. Quarterly- Mar. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Annual-Feb. Consotidation Coal ...........•. 7 7 [Incorporat ed Dec. 9, 1 898.) Continental Tobacco, preferred suarterly-Jan. ll\i 10 10 10 10 10 uarterly-Mar. 2119 Diamond Match ......••..••..••. 4 5 4 4 4 414 114 Erie Tel~aph ._1i Telephone . .. Quarterly-J 11n. 4 ...... [Inoorpora.t ed Feb.15, 1 899.) General emioal, common .••. •••3½1 6 6 uarterly-J an. General Chemical, preferred ... 9 3 6~ General Electric, common ....•. uarterlv-J an. Stooir°-was re duoed40per cent"tii is98. 7 $37·4213 7 an and July. Accumulate d div. all pa id in '98-'99. $2°!Fi62s General Eleotrlc, preferred .. llg 6 6 Llnoorpors.t ed Aug. 3, 1 897.) 51e Glucose Sugar Retin'g., com .. . Quarterly - Mar. 7 7 7 7 llli Do do pref ... Quarterly-Mar. 2 [Incorpora.t ed Jan. 31, 1 898.) 1 International Paper, common ···1~ (a) 4lg (a) 419 (a) ···«na► Do do preferred Quarterly-Jan. [Incorporat edMar."24,1 899:r··· 2 Internat'l Steam Pun,p, com ... Quarterly-Jan. ...6 .• ···g·· . 6 ...... Do do do preferred ~uarterly-Feb. ...... ···3 .. 4 :i 4 Laclede Gas, common .••..•.... arch and Sept. ···1·· ···1·· ···1·· 8 (b) 5 5 5 Do do preferred .•••.•••. June and Dec. 4 [Organized ln 1898.) 1 4 National Biscuit, common ..••. Quarterly- Jan. ···5~ . ..... 7 Do do preferred .••. Quarterly-Feb. 7 7 l 1 ...... 1 1 National Lead, common ..•..••. ···7·· 7 7 7 Do do preferred.•••••. Quarterly-Mar. 7 7 7 112 6 National Starch, ~referred . .• . Quarterly-Feb. [ Consolid ati on 1n 1900of old Nat. Sta rob M~g., etc.] 51g 6 6 5 6 419 New England Te & T~leg . Quarterly- Feb. 6 6 6 6 6 219 119 People's Gas-L. & oke tChic.). Quarterly-Feb. 8 8 8 8 8 8 P. Lorillard, preferred ..•...••. Quarterly-Jan. 8 6 [Incorporat ed Jan. 13, 1 899.) 4 Pressed Steel Car, common .• auart~rly-Fel:>. ···514 7 7 Do do preferred... uarterly-Feb. 61g 28 &"f,ii stk. 8 Quarterly-FPb. 8 8 Pullman Company... . .. . . ••• . ,.8 7 ll\i Republic Iron & Steel, prefer'd Quarterly-Jan. fInoorporat ed May 3 , 1 899.] 2 3 lncorporat ed Ja.n. 26, 1 899.) Quarterly- Jan. Rubber Goods Mfg., common 7 7 Do do preferred. Q.u arterly-Mar. 514 ..30.. "'33"" 4~ 33 48 12 31 Standard on .................... ~uarterly-Mar. 8 34 (a) 7 6 6 41il 614 Swift & Company....••......... uarterly-J an. 7 (a► 7 7 [Incorporat ed Feb. 27, 1 899.) 312 Union Bag & Paper, preferred. Q.uarterly-Jan. 3 3 3 3 3¾1 United States Express..... • ••. May and Nov. 6 4 1 4l\i 5 6 6 United States Leather, vref .••. Quarterly- J a.n. 2 2 2 ..... Quar•er:y Jan. ...... 219 United States Rubber, com ..•• . """i"" 6 8 8 8 8 8 Do do pref.... . Quarterly- Jan. ........ 2 Quarterly-Mar. [ Consolidati on in 1901 of various etee 1 companies ofU. S.] U. 8. Steel Corporation, com. Do do preferred Quarterly-Feb. 319 ···5·· 5 5 5 Western Union Teletaph ..... . Qua.rterly-J an. 7 7 7 7 7 7 Westinghouse El. & an., pref. Quarterly-Jan. 7 . ....... ........ . ...... ...... Mt Do asRAnline Rtk. (.,111 >1 r1"1>.-lv- Ff\h 619 -·- --(a) Fluctuations in yearly amollllts due to variations in dates of payment. (b) Includes 3 p. c. in Feb for accumulated dividend. (o> Dividen~ period changed from quarterly to eemi-annna.1-June and Dec. (d) Div. period changed ln Sept., 1901, from semi-annual to Quar.-Mar~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ·---·· ·-·.r·  ---· ..  !Incorporat  0  ------  898.l  ····-..... ......  ......  ..  ------  ----··  ··io··  rarte•ly-Mar.  •  ......  .....  ...... ......  ......  ......  ih.  ......  ···s·· ..  ......  ......  ...... ......  ...  ···s··  ···s··  ···s··  ···s··  RAILROAD COMPANIES. (FOR MISCELLANEOUS COMP.A.NIES SEE PAGES  151  TO  171  INCLUSIVE.)  E.XPLANA.TORY.-Thls SUPPLEMENT is expressly intended for nee in oonneotion with the investment news and offlolal reports pnbllshecl -mm week to week in the CHRONICLE, Frequent reference is therefore to the volume and page of the CHRONICLE (as, v. 64, i,. 000) where fuller information may be found. Following ea.oh statement also is given a reference to the la.test news item in the CHRONICLE respecting ·the oompa.ny. As every such item contains a. reference to the last preceding item, the reader oa.n run back over the company's history at pleasure. Annual reports in bla.ok-fa.oed figures, and italics indicate a. paragraph headed by the name of some other company, Indu.-Any company not in its regular alphabetical order may be found by means of the index to roads leased and consolidated. JM1'idends.-The difJidends tabulated in the text are those actually paid during the calendar years named, irrespective of when earned. Net earnings are given after deduottng opera.ting expenses and usually taxes, but not interest, rentals or other fixed charges. Securitiu.-Tb.ese are described in tab1e at head of page [except the stock, for of space, sometimes only in text below] as follows: M:lles of Road.-Opposite bonds this means the miles of road owned covered by the mortgage. Size or Par Value.-Bhows (in dollars unless otherwise marked), the denominations or par value, "100, &c.," signifying $100 and larger. iBate Per Oent.-The Interest and dividend rate, per annum is here shown; g., gold; cur., currency; x, extra; s. stock or scrip. W/1.enPayable.-J. & J. stands for January and Jilly; F. &A., February and Augnst; M.& B., March and September; A. & O.,Aprlla.ndOctol:el'< M. &N., May and Nov.; J. &iD., June and Dec.; Q.-J., quarterly from Jan.; Q.-F., quarterly from Feb.; Q.--M., quarterly from March. Bonds,principal when due, column shows the date when the bonds mature and the amount and date of the last dividend. Abbre1'iations in table: M. for "mortga.~e;" gen. M. for "general mortgage;" con. M. or consol. M. for "consolidated mortga~e;" inc. M. or "income mortgage;" g. for "gold;' c. or cur. for "currency;" gua.r. p. & 1. for "guaranteed principal and interest; ' cum. for "oumulative;" non-cum. for "non-cumulative;" oonv. for "oonvertible;" pref. for "preferred;" s. f. for "sinking fund;" 1. gr. for "lan4 aant;" "registered;" o. "coupon;" c. * "coupon but may be rell'istered as to nrincipal;" br. "branch;" end. "endorsed;" "red." redeemable; .~ d'rn" orr. "drawn" subject to call when drawn by lot; "p. m.,'T••per mile;'; a.s'd "assumed." "x" Principal and interest pa.ya.ule without oded.notion for any tax. Mortgage Trustees and Stock Transfer Agents (TR Treasurer's Office) are indicated thus: NEW YORK CITYN. Y. CITY-(Ooncluded,BALTIMORELOUISVILLEPITTSBURG!&- Atlantic Trust. Ta-Trust Co. of America. BBa.- Bait. Tr. & Guaranty, CL-Columbia Finance & Tr. li'Pl-FldeJity Title & Trust. -Ce- Central Trust. Un- Union Trust. Co Ba- Continental Trnst. FL-Fidelity Tr. & Safety Vlt. P Pl-Pittsburg Trusfi. Us- United States Trust. FBa.- Fidelity & Deposit. LL-Louisville Trust. UPI-Union Trust. !"i=-.~~Io~f,!ls~rust. U•m-U. B. Mort. & Trust Co. MBa.- Maryland Trust. o- Continental Trust. Me Ba-Mercantile Tr. & Dep. - Farmers' Loan & Trust. PHILADELPHIABOSTONST. LOUISS Ba.- Safe Dep. & Trust Co. ·G- Guaranty Trust.  J  K- Knickerbocker Trust. Ma-Manhat;U\11 Trust. e-Mercantil" Trust. o-Morton Trust. p-Metropolitan Trt•st. N- N. Y. Security & Trust. fie- North American Trust. -8- Stt ndard l'rust.  l  AB-American Loan & •.rrust. BB- Boston Safe Dep. & Tr. IB- International Trust. MB-Massachu'tts Loan & Tr. NB- New England Trust. OB- Old Colony Trust. SB- State Trust.  FP- Fidelity Trust. CHICAGOGP- Girard Trust. EC- Equitable Trust. GuP-Guaranty Tr. & S.Dep. JC- Illinois Trust & Sav. Bk. PIP-Provident L. &Tr PeP-Penn. Co. for Insur .., MC-Merchants' Loan & Tr NC-Northern Trust. Lives & Gr. Ann. RC- Royal Trust. WP-West Flnd Tr. & S. Dei:,. UC- Union Trust.  MSt-Mlssissippi Valley Tr SSt- St. Louis Trust. USt-Union Trust SAN FRANCISCO-  CS-California Safe Deposit & Trust.  Snbscrlberl!I will conf'er a great f'avor by glvl11.g Immediate notice of any error discovered In thel!le Table8. RAILROADS.  l'or explanation of column headings. &c., see notes above.  Aberdeen cl Asheboro-Aber. & W. End lat M.S:aa Adirondack.-lst M .., gold, gu. p. &1. eni_l., U8.o*&r  .Alabama Great Soutn!n-"B" shares (English Co.). Pref. "A" shares, (English Co.) 6%, .e800,000 ..•. 1st M. (American Co.) gold, $1,750,000 .. ____ p .c  Genera.I mortgage, £1,160,000 _____ , __ .,_ •. Ce.c Debentures, gold (Engllsh Co.) ·-----·---·····-·"o Funded arrears of dividend (English Co.) ....• -.. Car trust notes, pa.ya 1le monthly ... __ •... ___ •.... ,Uabama Midland-See SAV. FLOR. & WESTERN RY. ~la. N. O. Tt.e. cl Pac. Junc.-Deferred "B" aha.res ... Preferred "A" share!'., 6 p. o. cumulative.·-·-·--·· "A" deben., red.aft. !'jov.1,'10, a.tll5-Beetext.o "B" debentures, inoome, red. after 1910 a.t 115.o "C'' deb., income,subiect to call any time at 100. Interest cert. (secured by .£34.193 "C" deb.) .. _. Alabama If Tenn. Rit1e<- 1st mort.. $1,600,000. K. Alabama cl Vicksburg-Stoclc $1,050.t000 . . _, ··--·Vicksb'g & Mer. 1st M. gold, $1,00u,000.F' .xo* Ala.. & Vicks. consol.lst M., ($1,800,000) g .. Ce.o 2d M., orig. $700,000, g ___ ··-------···-·---Ce.o Albany cl Northern•-Btook ·········--··-·--· .. ·-·-··  lat mortgage ... --- ·-· ... __ .. ·- -----· ·--· .. -· ... -· .c  4.Jbany cl Susq.-Btock,divi'dsgua.r. byD.&H.(end). Consol. M. ~ (gua.r. p.& 1. end.) currency 7s. lF.c*&r now lstM. 5 do 6s, interest only in gold._ ..  :~~~11f:~  Miles Date Size, or INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. of of Par Ou~~!g Rate per When Where Payable, and by Stocki-Last Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend. 64 57  ....  ----  1890 $1,000 $50,000 1892 1,000 1,000,000 £10 £1,566,000 .... .£10 £676,070 $1,000 $1,750,000 .£100 £526,000 1888 1886 .£100 £134,000 .£53,257 1888 Various. $172,711  .... is1s -- -·  290  . --· ··-· . --·  . ...  .... ---· .... ---· 1890 .... 1890 .... .... 1890 ....  i¥:i  143 143 143  .... . --· i¥2  142  ... . . .  1901  ·---··  .£10  .no  £2,500,000  £1~~g:ggg  £50 &c. £20 &c. .11,048,390 £20 &c. £810,652 2 4  ------  ··ioo  se: :1:  6 J. & J. Balt Mer.Tr.& Dex,Oo. 41.g g. M.& B. N.Y. 0f.,21Cortla.n tBt. London. do ain'iocn J:·;;·o. ' 6 g. J. & J. N.YdFa.rm.L.&Tr.&Bos 5 g. J. & D . Lon on,Glyn,Mills&Co. 6 g. F&A15 do do London. 4 5  .....  ·--·····  ··--··  ·--·· ·---···--· ---·--·· ·--ti°g. M:-&·N. Lon.,Glyn,Mills,C.&Co. NovX,19fo-40 5 g. -···· Nov.,'01,op. pd.Jan.,'02 Nov.1,191040 5 g. A. & O. Bee text. Nov. 1, 1940  ·-·s··  $1,050,000 6 in 1901 1,000 n 1,000,000 6 g. 100 &c. 588,800 5 g. 1889 100 &c. 601,300 5 g. 100 350,000 ·-··-· i~96 1,000 400,000 5 100 3,500,000 7in 1901 i876 $1,000 n3,000,000 7 cur. 1876 1,000 n7,000,000 6 g.  issi 1889  ..........  Jan., 1910 Dec. 1, 194.ll Dec.,1891 Deo.16,'0l, 4% Jan. 1, 1908 Deo. 1, 1927 Au~5,1906 By s 'gfund  F_--&..A. N. Y. Kniokl>:-rrrnst Co. Yearly. N. Y., Central Trust Co. A. & O. do do A. & 0. do do A. & 0. do do ·---. ·-·····--· J. & J. J. & J. N.Y.,Del. & Hudson Co. A. & 0. do do A. & O. do do  ·19iff' Aug., 1901,6% Apr. 1, 19~1 Apr. 1, 1921 Apr. 1, 1921 ·--··--· Jan. 1, 1946 Jan., 1902.., 319 Apr. 1, .1908 Apr. 1, 1906-  n No further bonds issuable. Adirondack Ry.-Bara.toga. to North Creek, N. Y., 57 m. Stock, t2._600,000 i par, $100. The bonds carry the endorsed guaranty of the i>eia.ware & Hudson; $1,000,000 bonds reserved for extensions at ,20,000 per mile of completed road. In year ending June 30, 1901,.. .gross $190,338; net,$52,573; other income, $29,; charges, $53,247; in 1899-0, gross, $200,273; net, $69,519.-(V. 59, p. 1102; V. 69, p. 1010.) Alabama Great. Southern RR.-( See Map Southern Railway.)Owns Wa.uha.tohie, Tenn. to Meridian, Miss., 291 miles; branch lines -owned, 6 miles; leases Wa.uha.tohie to Chattanooga., 5 miles, and Belt !t_y. of Chattanooga., 45 miles; trackage to Blockton, Ala.., 8 miles, and Woodlawn, 19 miles; total operated, 374 miles. O:BGANIZATION.-Controlled by Southern Ry~ but operated ind~p~nd,ently. V. 60, p. 26; V. 61, p. 375. Ala.. \:treat So Ry., Limited, -owns all of the stock and debentures of Ala. Great So. RR. , and has issued in place thereot' its own stock and debentures respeotively ·for a like amount. rhe two companies own faintly $833,300 stock of South western Construction Co. received fn exchange for $833,-SOO Ctn. N. 0. & Tex. Pac. stock. See V. 65, p. 1173. BTOCK.-O1' the capital stock of the English Co. ~he Southern Railway -Oo. on July 1, 1901, owned $1,725,000 "A" shares a nd $4,540,050 "B" shares. V. 61, p. 26. For right to dividends see March, '94, BUPP. DIVIDEND-!'90. '91. '92. '93 to '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. '00. '01. "A"shares.CM. 9 6 6 0 6 9 6 6 8 9 ·"B" shares.% 0 119 0 o o 0 0 o o o BoNDs.-General M. 6a, £484,000, will retire 1st 6s and debentures. LA.TEST EA.RNINGS-5 mos., 1901. •. Gross, $1,040,0!8; net, $305,206 July 1 to Nov. 30. i 1900.. . Gross, 893,807; net, 269,381 ANNUAL REP0RT.-Report ror 1900-01, in V. 73, p. 443, 1008, showed: -Gross, $2,198,739; net, $645,609; other income, $13,389; interest on bonds, $285,582; income tax, eto., $27,2-!9; balance for stock, -$346,165; dividends on stock of American Co. (8 per cent>, $249,405. -(V. 69, p. 1058; V. 71, p. 601,644, 1218; V. 73, p. 44~, 1008.) Alabama Midland Ry .-See Savannah Florida & Western Ry. Alabama New Orleans Texas & Pacific .Tunctlon Rall• way• Co. (Limited. )-This is an English company controlling Alabama & Vicksburg, 143 miles; Vicksburg Shreveport & Pacific, 189 miles; New Orleans & North Ea.stern, 196 in.ilea. 8ECU1UTIES OWNED.-Ala. & Vicksb $30,000 1st mort., $387,700 2d mort., $141,100 consol. 1st M. and $581,500 stock; Vioksh. Shreve. & Pa.ciflo, $3,692,000 1st M., $1,364,000 3d M., $494,860 4 p. c. in-comes and $1,594,000 stock; New Orleans & North East., $4,900,000 lst:M. and $4,320,000 stock; S. W. Construction Co., '4,48,700 stock; overdue coupons N. O. & N. E. and V. S. & Pac. Dec., 1900, £1,179,303. CoUPONS PAID-For '91. '92. '93. '94. '95. '96. '9R. '99. '00. '01 "A" Debentures .. P. c. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 "B" do .. P. c. 219 21.g 0 ·875 1 2½1 221& 418 5 Below "''0" do .. P. c. .. .. .. ····--· .. .. . . 138 0 The Nov., 1901, c~?P?,n on B debe~tures was paid Jan.,_1902. A payoent of 20s -o. c. on C debentures 1s expected for 1901. V. 74, p. 9 3 • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  EARNINGS.-Bee separate statement for of the controlled companies. In year ending Dec. 31, 1900, net from investments was £93,520; P,aid general expenses (£3,746)l.. income tax (£4,115), interest on "A ' debentures, (£35,843), on ".tS" debentures 5 p. c. ( in Jan., 1901), £49,798; balance, including .£853 from 1899, £871.-(V. 70, p. 125, 3~'7; v. 72, p. 183, 480; v. 73, p. 81; v. 74, p. 93.) Alabama & Tenne•see Rlve-r Ry.-Projected from Florence, Ala., to Clifton, Tenn., 80 miles, of which 3½1 miles were graded in November, 1901. Stock authorized, $1,000,000. Bonds are issuable at $20,000 per mile. President, J. L. Bell, 29 Broadway, New York; Treasurer, George A. Bykes.-V. 73, p. 1009. Alabama & Vickl!lburg Ry.-Owns Vicksbu.r~ to Meridian, Miss. and branch, 143 miles, all steel rails. Controlled by Alabama New Orleans Texas & Pacific Junction Co.-which see. Reorganization ot the Vicksburg & Meridian foreclosed Feb. 4, 1889 (see V. 48, p.190). STOCK.-The stock was increased ln 1900 from ljl700,000 to $1,050,000 by 50 p. o. distribution to shareholders, to represent earnings applied to additions and improvements since 1889.-V. 70, p. 632. DIVIDENDS.-'90 to'92, 3 p. o. yrly.; '96,3; '97to '99,5; '00, 6;'01, 6. BoNDs.-The new seconds were income till April 1, 1894, and are a first lien on the la.nds-62,641 acres. 01' the $1,800,000 consols authorized, $1,000,000 with trustee to retire V. & M. firsts. Right to call Vicks. & Meridian assenting bonds expired April 1, 1897. EARNINGS.-Fisca.l year ends June 30. In 1901, July 1 to Dec. 14 (5Is months), gross, $468,288, against $399,725 in 1900. Report for 1900-1901 in V. 73, p. 1157. • Years-  Gross.  Net.  Interest, etc.  Bal., sur. Dividend  1900-01. ... $920,669 $235,340 $131,384 $103,956 (6)$63,000 1899-00 .... 812,778 228,582 142,180 86,402 (6) 63,000 -(V. 69, p. 1008; V. 70, p. 32'7, 632; V. 71, p. 750; 908; V. 7~, p. 115'7.) Albany & Susquehanna RR.-( See Map Delaware cl Hudson.)RoAD.-Owos Albany, to Binghamton, N. Y., 142 miles. Lea.sea. Cobleskill, N. Y., to Cherry Valley, 21 miles, practically owned by D. & H.; total operated, 163 miles. LEASED for 150 years from Feb., 1870, to Dela.ware & Hudson Oom pa.ny. Lessee guarantees 7p. o. per annum on stook till Albany City loan for $1,000.000 is by sinking fund, thereafter 9 p. c. (Bee wording 01' guaranty in V. 56, p. 774.) The last instalment of the Albany City loan was paid May 11 1897, but the stnkmg fund tell $296,878 short of meeting the principal. This a.mount has been borrowed, payable in semi-annual Instalments up to May 1, 1902 and will be met :from sinking fund (now $70,000 yearly) before dividends are increased ANNUAL REP0RT.-Earnings tor years ending June 30: .  Gross.  Neto"tlerta:r:ea. Rentals.  Bal. 1 sur.  1900-01 .. _., ·------·-· $4,850,205 $2,524,129 $1,059,364 $1,464,765 lE99-00 .. - •. ·--- .. ·- · 4,803,246 2,535,629 1,056,633 $1,478,997 -(V. 70, p. 995, V. 71, p. 390 1066; V. 72. p 987; V 73, p. 337.)  1•  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT. RAILROADS.  l'or explanation of column headings, &c., see notes on first page of tables.  Albany cf Vermont-Stock, 3p.c. guar. by rental).. AlleaAeny cf Western-Stock ($3,500,000).......... 1st M. $~500,000, gold, gua.r.t p. & i. end G.o* .. A.lugheny vaUey_-pommon stooK for $12,000,000..  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonds-Pr:lnot• Miles Date Size, or Amount 1------,.------------ pal,When Due. of of Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable and by Slocka-Laat Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  -12 - -•••.- ----1------1-------1·----------1-----$100 $600,000 3 M. & N. Troy, N. Y. Nov.15,'01,1~  61 61 259 Preferred stock for $18,000,000, 3 per cent cum. 259 1st M.1 low grade,East'nExt., guar. Penn.RR .. o 259 Mort. io State Pa.i.fl00,000 due Jan. 1, yearly.. r 259 Gen. M. {$20,000,uuO) g:.,_guar. p.&i. FPl.x.c*&r 259 AUenloum RR. (leased to rliila. & Reading Ry.).. • •• . Allentown Term'l-lst M., gua.r.p.&i.(end.)g.Oe.xo* 3 Ann A.rbor-Stocx, $4,000,000 is 5% non·cum., pf. .••. lstmortgage,_$7,000,000,gold .••........ Mpx.o* 292 AnnapoliB-Was11,ingtoncf Baltimore.-Stook•••••••. 20¼ A.ruona cf Utah-let M •.tJ!>00,000, gold.Co •••••• O" 25 Ark.Midl'd-lstM.($6,uuup.m.)g.,red.atllO.Oe.o* 74 .d.6A1'. cf Bvart.-8.U.&C. lstM.,g.,gu. by So. Ry.Ce 134 A_,,,lana Ooald-Iron-lstref. M.,$4001000gold.N 22 Ateh. cf Ea•i'n Bridge-let M,g.,e.f.,rea., text.Oe.. .••. .Atehbon Topeka~ Santa Fe By.-Stook, com .. 7,860 Stock, preferred, $13]..,486,000, 5 p. c., non-oum.. . . . . Chic. di St. Louis 1st .m. ($10,000 p. m.) our.F' .. c 142 Chio. Banta Fe & Cal., let mort., gold.BB .. o"&r .... General mortgage., gold, see text ..•••••. Un.o*&r 7,380 M.,cum.rromJulyl, 1900, g., f'e.cA&r .. 7,380 Deb.,g.,$2,500,000dueyearly; oallatl05G o&r ... Bntoh. & Bo.:, let li., g.,red.105 aft. 1907 .OB.c* 142 8. Fr.& San Jo. Val., let M.,g.,oall aft.1915.1.Ue.c 375 Atianta ti Oharlotte-Btook(see text)........... .... 269 Pref. M. (old 7s ext. in 1897), see V. 64, p. 286.o• 265¾1 lstM. [votingpower, 10 votes for each bond] our.r 265¼ Inoom~ bonds (not cum.) extended in 1900.......  n No further bonds ls1mable.  cur.. currency.  • • •. 100 2,850.000 1898 1,000 2,000,000 50 10,544,200 •••. •••. 50 17,172,750 1870 $ & £ 9,998,000 1870 100,000 700,000 1892 1,000 5,892,000 50 1,268,884 1889 1,000 n450,000 .•• . 100 7,250,000 1895 1,000 n7,000,000 .••. 100 358.000 1899 1,000 334,000 1891 1,000 176,000 1895 1,000 1,000,000 1900 1,000 300,000 1898 500 &o. 600,000 •.•. 100 102,000,000 . ••. 100 114,199,530 1885 1,000 nl,500,000 1887 1,000&:o 629,000 1895 500 &c. 138,727,500 1895 500 &o. 51,728,000 1902 1,000 80,000,000 1898 1,000 195,000 1896 1,000 6,000,000 .... 100 1,700,000 1877 1,000 500,000 1877 1,000 4,250,000 1880 500 750,000  Algoma Central Ky.-V. 70, P• 1248; V. 72, p. 480; V. 73, P· 1110. Allegheny & Western Ry.-(See Map Buff. Roch. cf Pitts.)Punxsutawney to Butler, Pa. (about 60 miles), opened Sept. 4, 1899. An exteneion of Buifalo Rochester & Pittsburg, to which leased in perpetuity for guaranty of bonds and 6 p. c. on stock. Uses Pitts. & West. from Butler to New Castle and Pittsburg under a trackage ar• rangement, making in all 135 miles.. See application to list in full, V. 70, P• 849.-(V. 70, P· 840, 849, 12 4 8, V. 71, p. 501.) Allegheny Valley Kallway,-Owns from Pittsburg to Oil City, Pa., 133 miles; Red B_ank, Pa., to Driftwood, 110 m; others, 18 miles. Brookv1lle, Ry., 13 miles, is controlled. Bee V 6 4 , P· 1179. ORGANIZATION, &c.-Reorganization March 1 1892 of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, sold in foreclosure Dec.15, 1891. Pian ofreorganizatlon eto., was in V. 53, p. 324, 368, 520; V. 54, 'P.· 409, 524. Road con• trolled by the Pennsylvania RR. Co. as ma)onty stockholder, owning $9,653,800 common and $11,876.,656 preferred stock. Wording of pref. certificate was in editorial or SUPPLEMENT of Oct. 30, 1897, p. 3. Road was taken over under lease by the Penna. RR. Aug. 1, 1900, for 20 years, rental being the net earnings.-V. 70, p. 27; V. 72, p. 491. BoNDs.-General mortgage ls guaranteed by Penn. RR. by endorse• ment on each bond. Real estate mortgages, Jan. 1, 1901, $508,065. LATEST EARNINGS-7 mos. l 1900 ..... Gross, $1,985,087; net, $566,541 Jan. 1 to July 31. 51899 ..••. Gross, 1,750,896; net, 647,225 Report for 1900, V. 72, p. 674, showed gross $3,546 029; net, $1129,· 366· other inc. $7 061 · int. taxes etc. $1131 895· bal. eur. $1 532. -(V 72 p 6 7 4') ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' · ' · • K P R ~,.._ Allentown KR.-Toptonto utstown, a.,4¾am.; eM.lillgeystem. Allentown Terminal Rallroad.-Owns 3½ miles of railroad in Allentown Pa., connecting the East Penn. (Philadelphia & Reading) with the Central of New Jersey. Leased for 999 years to Philadelphia & Beading and Central of New Jersey (by assignment from Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co.) at interest on bonds and 5 p. c. on $450,000 stock (par 150),)>onds being gl!aranteed, princt_pal and interest, by Philadelphia & 11eaamg (foreclosed) and Lehigh Coal & Na,vtgation. The Phila. & Reading Ry. Co. in 1896 assumed the Readings share of the old lease. Alpena Ga7lord & We•tern KR.-V. 73, p. 956. Ann Arbor BH.-RoAD.-Owns road from Toledo, o., north· westerly to Frankfort, on Lake Michigan, 292 miles· operates oar ferries between Frankfort, Mich., Kewaunee and Maintowoo, Wis., and Menominee and Gladstone, Mich. The Pere Marquette uses the Toledo terminals. ORGA.NIZA..TION.-Successor Nov. 1, 1895, to Tol. Ann Arbor & Nor. Mich. foreclosed under Quintard Lawrence plan in V. 59, p. 782. ' STOCK.-Pref. stock certtilcate in editorial in SUPP, Oct. 30, 1897, p. 3. E.AB.NINGS.-5 mos., ~ 1901. ..••..••. Gross, $801,172; net, $255,884 July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900 .......... Gross, 715,267; net, 163,856 ANNUAL REPORT-Report for year ending June so 1901 was given in v. 73, p. 493, showing: Grose, $1,754,148; net (operating expenses including $178,614 spent for improvements),$444,986; interest, $281,· 331; taxes, $49,733; bal., sur., $113,922; in 1899·00, gross,$1,721,45 ,. DIRECTORS include; President, W. R. Burt; J. Edward Simmons• Fra.n.k lln B. Lord, H. Ashley, eto.-(V. 73, p. 442, 493.) Annapolis 'Washington & Baltimore KR.-Owns road from Annapolis to Annapolis Junction, 20¼ miles. Controlled by the Balt. & Ann. Short Line, which owns the stock. (V. 64, p. 1223.) D } '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 1900 IVRIDteENDS. · 9..· !'L 51 :. . : • · · ,·. 4 ,_· 4 ,: 4 41"'Jc 5 , 6 '4 4 ~ 41"'Jc 5 a P· o. , . 6 36 ,. ~ 3 EA.RNINGB.-5 months, l 1901. ..••.... Grose, $38,263; net, $16,002 July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900...•..••. Gross, 26,677; net, 7,118 REPOB.T.-For year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $66,089; net, $20,152. In 1899·0, gross, $72,184; net, $22,033; dividends, $21,480; bal• surplus $5 530. Pres. J. Wilson Brown Baltimore. (V. 65 p. 410.) • • ' ' ' Arizona & Utah. Ky.-Owns Mcconnico to 31g miles beyond Chloride, Ariz., 25_miles, opened Aug. 18, 1900; trackage, Kingman to MoConntco, 4 miles; t-0tal, 29 miles. Extension from Chloride to St. Thomas, Nev., about 82 miles, is expected to be constructed in 1902. Stock, $600,000; outstanding January 10, 1901, $467,000;, $100. Of th_e bonds _$334,000 were i~sued on first 25 rmles, and balance 18 to be issued on completion of 1·emaining 25 miles. The loan is not subject to call as an entirety, but a sinking fund will retire at 110 (drawings by lot) one ~er cent semi-annually, commeno-; ing June 1, 1903. For 9 mos. ending June 30, moo, gro~s. $30,962. nett $8,188; .charges, $13,605; balance, def., $5,417. President, F. L. Unaerwood. Seo. and Treas., R.H. Eggleston. 31 Nassau St., N. Y. Arkansas & Choctaw By .-Ashdown to Arkinda (owned), 24 miles; Texarkana, Tex., to Ashdown, Ark., trackage 20 miles; Poteau, I. T., to Bonanza, Ark., 19 miles; total, 63 miles. In Aug., 1901, ex• temlon reported to be let from Arkinda, Ark., to Wichita Falls, Tex., about 250 miJes. Stock, $1,500,000; par1 $100; outstanding June 30, 1901, $260,000. No bonds had beenissuea July1 1901. For year ending .Tune 30, 1901, gross, $71,474; net, $14,963; taxes, $885; dividends, e18,088; balance, deficit, $4,011. Pree., R.H. Keith; Seo. and Treas., E. E. Riley, Kansas City, Mo.-(V. 73, p. 898.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  6 g. J. & J. NewYor~,36 Wall St. 4 g. A. & 0. N. Y., Gauatin Bank. ••• • • . . . •. . . • . . • •• . . •  Jan. 2J '02, 3 Oct. .1, 1998, . .•.•••.  6g.-or7 A_-·&·o. Phil.,Pa. RR.Co.&Lon. Aprll·i:·i910 5 J. & J. Philadelphia,Pa. RR.Co Jan. l ,'03, eto~ 4 g. M. & 8. do do Moh. 1, 1941 incl. $1, 0711400 underReadingCo.mort. of 1896. 4 g. J. & J. New York and Phila. July 1, 1919 •••.•. . .•. . . .•..••. 4 g. Q.-J. N.Y.,Metropol.Tr. Co. July 1, 1995 See text J. & J. Stk.own.byB.&A.Sh.L. See text. 6 g. A. & 0. N. Y.LContin.Trust Co. Apr. 1, 1929' 6 g. j. & J. N.Y.,H.Tallmadge&Co. July 1, 1911 4 g. J. & J. N.Y.,J.P. Morgan&Co. Jan. 1, 1995 4 g. M. & N. N.Y.,N.Y.Beo.&Tr.Co. May 1, 192l>4 g. J. & J. N. Y., Cent'l Trust Co. July 1, 1928' See text. J. & D. Checks mailed fr. N. Y. Deo.2,1901,2: 5 in 1901 F. & A. do do Feb. 1, •02, 219. 6 Olll' M. & 8. N. Y., 59 Cedar Street. Moh. 1, 1915 5 g. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1937' 4 g. A. & O. do do Oct. 1, 1995, 4 g. See a do do July l. 1995 4 g. F. & A. New York. Feb, 1903·14< 5 g. J. & J. Atch. o1f.,59Cedar,N.Y. Jan. 1, 1928 5 g. A. & O. N. Y., Laidlaw & Co. Oot. 1. 1940· 6¾ain 'Ol M. & 8. N.Y.Cent.Tr.Co.,54Wall 8ept.6,'01,319, 4 A. & O. do do Jan. 1, 1907 7 c. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1907 4 A. & O. do do Jan. 1, 190'i"  a Partly No .v. 1: pa. rtly M. & N.; see option of ex change V. 69, p. 954; V. 70, p. 944.  Albany & Vermont KR.-Owns road from Albany to Waterford Junction, N. Y., 12 miles, Leased to Rensselaer & Saratoga in 1860 and now operated by D. & H. Canal Co. Annual rental, $20,000.  w.  [VOL. LXXIV.  j Arkansas Midland KR.-Owns  from Helena, Ark., to Clarendon, 50 miles; Pine City to Brinkley, Ark. 24 miles, changed to • standard gauge in 1899·0. :Mortgage 111 for $516,000, but $516,000oan be issued only in case the entire 86 miles is laid with 56•pounct eteel rails. Capital stock, $1,625,000 (par $100.) Dividends paid: In• 1895·6,1. 1·348 per cent; in 1896·7, ·74 p. o.; in 1897·8, 1·92 p. o.;. in 189r:s·9 (!); in 1899·0, 0·61 p. c. Bills payable June 30, 1900, $20,· 000; bills receiv., $18,850. In 1901 control was acquired by Mo. Pao. EARNINGS.-11 months, l 1900 .•• ...••. Gross, $110,155; net, $14,174 Jan. 1 to Nov. 30. 51899 .••...•.. Gross, 120,930; def., 4,529 Year 1899-00, gross, $121,286; net, $19,092, after deducting $8,554expended for steel rails; interest and taxes, $15,775: dividends, $10,000. President, GeorgeJ. Gould.-(V. 6~,p.1300; v. 72, p. 935.) Arkansas southwe•tern Ky .-Srmthton to Pike City, Ark., 34,. miles; branch, Gurdon Jot. to Gagetown, 28 miles, opened Oct., 1901; also in Oct. 1901, acquired Ultima Thule Arkadelphia & .M:tss1sstppl: Ry., Daleville to Camptown, 43 miles; total, 105 miles. A reorganiza• ti.on of the Southwestern Arkansas & Indian Territory Ry., sold in foreclosure Mar. 13, 1900. V. 70, p. 532, 895. In March, 1901, sold: to new owners. President, William Gr~yson, St. Louis, Mo.; Secretary, George H. Grayson.-(V. 70, p. 895; V. 73, p. 1060.) Asheville & Spartanburg RR.-(See Map of Southern Ry.)-8-partanburg J"unc., 8. c., to Asheville Junction, N. c., 66 miles: Alston to Spartanburg (formerly Spartan. Un. & Col.), 68 miles. The Southern Ry. owns $1,047,982 of the $1,050,000 A. & s. stock and' guarantees the 8. U. & U. bonds, which cover entire property. (V. 63, p. JOO.) In year 1898 gross, $452,277; net, $112,589.-(V. 63, p.36o.) Ashland Coal & Iron Ky.-Ashland to Straight Creek Junction, Ky., 22 m. Ches.&. Ohio has trackage over this road. The coal and ironinterests were in Jan., 1902, transferred to the Ashland Iron & Mining Co. V. 74, p. 93. Stock, $1,547,000. Bonds see v. 71, p. 27. Year ending Maroh 1, 1900, gross, $385,512; net above interest, improvements, etc~ $332.093; in 1898·9, gross, $111,674; net, $59,780. Dividends in li:s95·96 4 p. o.; in 1896·7, 4 p. c.; in 1897·8, 4 :v. o.; in 1898·9; 4 p. o.; in 1899·0, 4 p. o.; June, 1900, to Deo. 20, 1901, 6 p. o. yearly (l¼ p. c., Q-M).-(V. 71, p. 27; V. 74, p. 93.) A•torla & Columbia River RK.-Goble to Seaside, Ore.• 79 miles; branch, Warrenton to New Astoria, 2 miles; trackage, Goble to Portland, 40 miles; total, 121 miles. Stock outstanding, $1 619,000;: par, $100. Bonds authorized, $8,000,000 100.year gold 4s, due Aug. 7, 1996, interest F. & A., issuable at $40,000 per mile; outstanding.. $3,280,000. Central Trust Co., Trustee. Year ending June 30, 1900,. gross, $190,716; net, \!50,736; charges, $159,710; bal.,def., $103,974. Pree., A. B. Hammond, Astoria, Ore.-(V. 67, p. 426.) A tchl8on & Eastern Brld&r;e.-Owns railroad and wagon bridgeat Atchison Kan., connecting with the union station. Used by the Atoh. TJ. & Santa Fe, the Chio. R. I. & 1=·1 the Mo. Pao. and the Chio. Burl. & uin. A reorganization ot the Cmo. & Atch. Bridge Co. tore· closed ar. 4, 1898, per. plan V. 65, p. 366. Stock, $700 000; par, $100 per share. A sinking fund equal to the difference between the annual interest on the outstanding bonds and $30,000 will retire bonds yearly nt par and interest (by lot if not purchasable in the open market). Year ending J11 ne 30, 1900,1. gross, $86,898, net, $63 404;. other income, $10,607; charges, 30,~37; bal., sur., $43,774. President and Treas., Howard P. Ee-Us, Cleveland, 0.-(V. 67, p. 578.) (The) Atchison Topeka & Santa Pe Kallway.-(Su MapJ- _ The system operated July, 1901, comprised 7,809·76 miles of' railroadkand embraced an unbroken line of track from Chicago, Ill.• via ansas City, Mo., and Albuquerque, N. M., to thePaoifl.cOoean; also to Galveston Tex. and the Gulf of Mexfoo ' ' · 0RGANIZA.TION.-Th1s company was organized on Dec. 12, 1895 under the general laws of Kansas, by the pur~hasers at foreclosure sale of the property and franchises of the Atchison T. & Santa Fe RR. Co. in accordance with a reorganization plan. (V. 60, p. 658.) The railway company in Dec., 1901, owned in fee 4,668 miles of the· system, including the line from AtobiBon to the western boundary ot Kansas, 471 miles, and also all, or nearly all, the bonds and stocks of the various coippanies in which th~ title to the other lines is vested. v. 68, p. 974. A list of s~ch holdings 1s in the general mortgage (in V.62, p. 732,733,andsucoessiveannualreports). SeeV.69,p.1300;V.71,p 27 Foroperatingandstatisticalpurposesthesyetemis divided as follows; . . • Mile•. Miles. Atchison T ..& S. F .. •···· .4,818·08 Santa Fe Pacific........... 875·30 Gulf Colo. & S. F.:········1,177:81 8. F. & Ban Joaquin Val ... 372·48 Southern Califorrua....... 487 37 I South. Kans. Ry. of Tex.. 129·17 Total of all ....•....•••.•••••••..••••.••.•••.••••••.••..••....•••. 7,860•21 Ban Francisco & San Joaquin Valley Ry. (operated from Jul 1 1900 and merged in June.1901) embraces 373 miles of road ~nd affords the Atohlson an independent connection of its own to Ban Francisco. v. 68, p. 426; V.67,p. 841, 1355; v. 71,p. 60 5 ; v. 72 ,p. 1134. In Oot., 1899, acquired entire $2,876,000 stook of Hutchinson & South• ern.-V. 69, p. 954. In July. 1900, a majority of the stock of the Gulf Beaumont & K. C. was acquired and in Dec., 1900, over two•thirds of the $2,916,000 bonds and 97 per eent of the stock of the Pecos Valley & Northeastern, the latter at a cost of $2,687,526 and in Oct. 1901 nearly all the stock and $2,963,000 of the $2,964,000 second mo~tgage bonds of the Banta Fe Prescott & Phoenix Ry., 225 miles at a cost of $2,833,108. Possession of the latter was taken Nov. 8 '1901 In 1901, the Kansas Southwestern Ry., Cale Jct. to Anthony Kansas;. 59 miles, was jointly purchased. with the St. Loui& & Ban Franoisoo.-  I  rri  ~  ~  ~  Reveille 0  Pio•ihe\  ~0 ~  rtl  ~  0  ~ MAP OF THE  ~  ATCHISON, TOPEKA ..-i  AND  Cl  0 Cl:>  .... ~ ~  p  z~  SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM.  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  o Alamos Jlmunez o81Daloa  UL F  OP  ME.XI  O  0  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  1.2 RAILROADS.  Miles Date Size,or  [VOL. LXXIV.  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS.  Bon.aa-Prinol pal, When Due.  ot Par •or explanation ot oollllll1l headings, etc., see notes of on first page ot tables. Road. Bonds Value.  0 ~~~g Rate r,er When Where P.;R'ble, and by 8toc1"-La8t  Atlan. Kno:n,.  $1,000,000 See text. 1,232,200 1,232,200 500,000 2,200,000 75,000 350,000 39,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 14,890,200 1,000,000 18,850,000 3,000,000 14,000 657,000 1,600,000 5,547,()00 868,000 800,000 840,500 300,000 ,,000.000 2,500,000 380,000 1,800,000 500,000 500,000 1,320,000 400,000  cf  No. Ry.-lst M"{ $1.000,000, g . Ce  Consol. mort., $10,000 per m le. Us . .••••••.•••  Atlanta cf West Point-Stock ..•••••••.••••••••••••••.  Debenture oertiftoates ..•••••.•••.•••••••.••....••. A.tlan.cfBirmingh.-lstM.,$1,400,000,g.,text.F.o* A tlantic Oity-lst M., $2,200,000, gold •.. GuP.xc* Atlantic City purchase money mort.•-P ........ . Sea Coast, prior lien mortgage ($350,000) gold .. Camden County 1st morttage...•..•••. . •••. .•••. Atl. Ci~ 1st con. M., $4,5 0,000, -p.& 1.iu.GP Atlantic oastLint Oo.(Oonn.)-Stoo ,$30,0 0,000 Ctts. ot indebt., inc., non-cum .• $6,000,000.r.SBa. do do do red. atl05 att'r 20 yrs.sea Atlan. Coast Line BB.-Btk., com., $20,000,000. Class "A" com. stk. tax exempt (Rich. & Pet. otts.) Preferred stock, 5 per cent, $20,000,000.......... Certs. of indebtedness, $3,000,000, 4% if earned. Oheraw & Darl. and Manchester & Aug. bonds .. No. East (B.C:l._, cons. M., g., Flor. to Charlest'n.o Wilm. Col. & ug., 1st M., $Wilm. to Columbia) . At.C.L.of S.O., gen. 1st M., 8,000,000, g.Sea.c* Petersburg M.., class A, gold............ . .•... Do cla.1:1s B, g., (Petersb. to Weldon). Blohm d & Petersb., 1st mort. ($24,500 are 7s) .. Oon. M., g. (Rich. to Pet., etc.).Ce .••••••••••. o* Wilm. & Wei. gen. M.($938,000 are4s) SBa.g.*c, Certs. of lndebt.for div'd in '87,non•cum., inc .•. ~ i a l trust certificates........ •••••• . ••••. ad.Div. ,1st 11(,,g. (San. to Wil.,N.C.&o.) .sea.o* Wil. & New Bern, 1st M., gold, assumed.Sea. Alb.& Ral ,1st M., ~ass'd( Plym.)Sea Nor. & Car., lstM.,g.( .Pt.,Va. toTa.r.,N.O.).Ce.c" 2d mortgage, gold .Sea .•.•••••••..••••••••••• o·  t•  -22q 228 86  ·-..;i 83  1896 $1,000 1902 100 1,000 1900 1,000 1889 1,000 1900 1,000 1898 1890 1901  issi  ...... ...... ·--· . --· ··ioo .. -· .... i897 100 &o. .... 1900 100 &o. .66  .... .... .... -... .... . --· iooo  100 100 100 100 &c.  io2 iss3 i:ooo 192 1880 1,000  674 59 59 23 27 468  1898 1,000 1881 1,000 1881 1875 56d~. 1890 1,000 1885 1,000 100 1,000 i899 1,000 1897 1,0C,O 1894 1,000 1889 1,000 1896 1,000  .... ··-·  i77  86 68 110 102  V. 73, p. 842,898, 1009, 1061, 1263. In Aug., 1901, the Eastern Okla· homa Ry. was incorporated to build 14 ltnes in Oklahoma, in all 815 m., 225 being under construction Jan., 1902.-V. 73, p. 736; V. 74, p. 150. STOOK.-The :i,referred stock has preference as to dividends and assets, and entitles the holders to non-cumulative dividends arter .rune 30, 1896, not e:xceeding 5 per cent per annum, as declared by the board of directors out of net profits. No other mortgage and no lnorea.Re in the preferred stock can be made without the consent of a majority of all the preferred stock and of all common stock repre• 1ented at a meeting:. The total authorized amount of preferred stock is ,181,486,000, of which $10,800,000 is reserved to acquire other lines; also $6,486,470 in special trust for improvements, exten• 11ions, etc. Pref. stock certificates i11 SUPPLEMENT of April, 1897, page 3. Oommon stock authorized, $102,000,0GO. DIVIDENDS.-On preferred, 1 p. c.,paidJa.n. 26, 1899; July 20, 1899, 114 p. c.; in 1900, Feb., 1¼ p. o.; Aug.,2-¼lp. c.; in 1901, 5 p. o. (F.&A.); n 1902, Feb., 2¼ p. c. Div. on com., June, 1901, lit p. o.; Dec. 2, 2 p. o. Boims.-The Gen. Mort. (Ab8tract V. 62, p. 731-739, see also V. 68, p. 974) is to the Union Trust Co of N. Y. as trustee, and gives a lien, either by direct mortgage or by collateral trust, on the entire system of 7,380 miles of rallioad owned, together with all the equipment and terminals owned by the company, and future acquisitions. General mort. bonds can never exceed $165,..490,500, including $96,· 990,500 tssued in reorganization and remainaer issuable as follows: ,--.Reserved.----. In 1895. In 1001. a To retire guarantee fund notes paid and car trusts at not exceedinir tl,260 for each $1.000 of o'd bonds . .. tl5,500,000 t2,861,000 II Non assenting bonds from reoriranization of 1889 (tl,559,Y50, since reduced to t68b,210)................. 1,500,000 676,000 c: Chicago & St. Louis 1st mortga!le 6s...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500,000 1,600,000 F~d1:P~V:~1 ~~~~:1ds, r!:~~~flo~~~~• n~lu~~Jee~f~ic t8,000,(l()O yearly, of which not over $750,000 for extensions .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. 30,000,000 14,600,500 For acquisition of Atlantic & Pacific and other lines...... 20,000,000 7,826,500 The Adjustment Mortgage (Abstract V. 62, p. 739) is to the Central Trust Co. as trustee. Interest is payable ouly out of net earnings for the fiscal year up to 4 per cent and the rate is to be determined on or before October 15 in each year ; interest was non-cumulative till July 1 1900, and cumulative thereafter. Present issue is limited to $51,728,000, but when the $30,000,000 gen• era.I 4s authorized for improvements as above have been issued (l. e., not before June 30, 1905), $20,000,000 additional a.dfustment 4s may De issued for the same _purposes at not exceeding $2,000,000 in any one year, but oJtly by a m9Llority vote of the adjustment bondholders. Interut-In Nov., 1897, paid 31?· o.; since, full 4 p. c. yearly. .8an1Francisco ff San Joaquin bonds may be drawn at 110. The $30,00 ,,ooo d.ebtntur• 48 of 1902 were issued to pay for $13,000,000 equipment ordered since July 1, 1901, and to cover the cost of securities of Banta Fe Pres cott & Phrenix, and construction of new mileage already made or authorized, amounting to $5,000,0001 and additional equipment, terminal facilities and other permanem; irn• provements made or Incurred s1noe July 1, 1901, or hereafter to be in• curred. No new mortgage on lines now owned can be iss ue dunlessprovision is made for securing debentures thereunder. -Bee statement, V. 74, p. 150, and official statem~nt in CHRONICLE, Jan. 25, 1902, show• ing respective positions of debentures and adjustment bonds. GENERAL F!NANOES.-Capital expenditures from date of organiza• tion to Sept. 30, 1901.1 see V. 73, p. 1311. The company in Jan., 1902, issued $3u,OOO,OOO aebentures, payable $2,500,000 ye!l.rly. In 1901 dividends on common stock were begun.-V. 73, p . 7S3 The total funded debt per mile of road July 1, 1901, was $25,283; interest charge, $1,024.-V. 73, p. 734. LA.TEST EARNINGS.-5 l 1901 ... Gross, $25,547,304; net, $11,161,247 mos. July 1 to Nov.30. S190J Gross, 22,189,9~7; net, 8,930,367 Deducting- taxes and rental~, balance for interest in 5 months of 1901 was $10,318,448, against $8,113,503 . Road operated 7,860 miles in 1901, agatnst 7,808 miles in 1900, the operations of the San Fran. & San Joaquin Valley RR., 373 miles, being included in bot h years . REPORT.-Annual meeting secona Thursday in December. Report for year 1900·01 was given in V. 73, p. 718, 734; see also pa. ire 700. Average fre ight train load, 242 tons in 1900-01, against 221 in 1899-0. Year• end. June 30- 1901. 1900 1899. 1898. Aver.milesoperated 7,807 7,341 7,033 6,936 Gross earnings .•..•. $54,474,822 $46,2:i2,078 $40,513,499 $39,214,101 Operating expenses 32,262.946 27,521,499 27,606,681 28,506,336  --  ----  Net earnings .• .. $22,211,876 $18,710,579 $12,906,818 $10,707,765 1900-01. 1899·00. , 1"00-01. 1899-00. Net earninlls.... ,~i,211,8:6 tlS,710,579 Taxes, etc ...... f2,2S9,096 tl,892,928 Other income. . .. 332.657 266,820 Interest ....... . 7,830,Hl 7,345,167 Net income . ••. t22,544,433 118,977,399 Bal., surp ..... . $12~7~ ms9.304 Dividend on preferred stock.. ........................... (5%)6;108,1100 (2'4)3,139,556 Dividend on common stock ............................ (l~")L529,331 . . ..... . :Balance, surplus for year ......................... ....... 15,286,5015 t6,599,788 OFFICERS.-Chatrman of Executive Oommtttee, Victor Morawetz; E. P. Ripley, President; D. L. Gallup, Comp.; H. W. Gardiner, ..A.~st. Treas Dtrectors.-Charles Steele, R. Somers Haves, Edward J. Berwln, Geo. G. Haven, Jobn G. McCulloa11h, H. Rieman Duval, Tbomas P. Fowler, Victor Jd.orawetz, o~ New York; B. P. Cheney, Boston; Eli ward P. Ripley, Byron L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  Cen .  Payable  om.  Dividend.  J. M. J. J. J. M.  &' D. N. Y., Man. Co., 40 Wall. Dec. 1, 1948 ~ g. New York. Mar. 1, 200Z & S. & J. Atlanta, Ga. July 10, '01, S 6 in 1901 & J. do do Co's option. 6 5 g. & J. Wayoross,Ga.,andN.Y. July 1, 1920 & N. Phtia.,Read. Ter. Bldg. May 1, 1919 5 g. do do Apr. 1, 1930 412 A. & 0, Apr. 1, 194.8 Philadelphia. 5 g. A. & 0. Apr. 1, 1920, A. & 0 do 5 do July 11. 19M 4 ff; J. & J. 412 in ' l M. & S. Baltimore. Bep.16, 0l~lg, 5 our. J. & D. In 1901 paid 5 p. o. Irredeema le. 4 J. & J. In 1901 paid 4 p. o. JaB. 1, '02,21:; 212 in '01 J. & J, Treas. Ot., Wilm., N. C. Jan.10.'02,1 do do Jan. 10,'02,l-'9, 212 in '01 J . & J. 5 in 1901 M. & N. do do Nov.15.'01,214 J. & J. do do Jan., 1902. 5 g. sem1•an. Ch'ston. People'sN.Bk. 1938 & 194 6 g. J. & J. N. YYOuylerM. & Co. Jan. 1, 1933 6 J. & D. New ork&Baltimore. Junel0,1910 4 g. J. & J. Ba.It., Safe D. & 'Ir. Oo. July 1, 1948 5 g. J. & J. Richm'd and Peterab'g. July 1, 1926 A. & 0. do do Oct. 1, 192& 6 M. & N. Richmond, Office. May l, 1915, 6 & Apr. 1, 1940t 419 g. A.• & O. N. Y., Brown Bros. 4g.&5g. J. & J. N.Y.,Balt.andWilming. July 1, 1936' do do Irredeemable.. A. & O. 7 6 M. & N. Wilmington, N. C. 1937 4 g. J. & D. Balt., 8. Dep. & Tr. Co. June 1, 194.t> do do Aug. 1, 1947 4 g. F. & A do do Jan. 1, 1944. 4 g. J. & J. 5 g. A. & 0. N. Y., Central Trust Co. Apr. 1, 1939' 5 g. J. & J. Balt.SafeDep.&Tr.Co. Jan. 1, 194&  2f  f  I E.filmlth. Chlcairo: Andrew C. Jobes, Rowel Jones, Charles S. Gleed, Topeka;D. Kenna, Chicago. OFFIOE.-59 Cedar St. New York.-(V. 74, p. 93, 150.) Atlanta & Charlotte A.Ir Line Ky.-(See Map Southern Rau· '°"11 Bu•tem.J-Owna Charlotte. N. C., to A.tla.nta, Ga., 269 miles . The operating contract of 1881 (made with Richmond & Danvtlle) was assigned to and accepted by the Southern Ry. Oo. It requires the payment of interest on At. & O. debt and 5 p. o. on stock ; if gross eai'Jl.ings exceed $1,500,000, dividends to be 6 per cent; and if they exceed $2,500,000, 7 per cent. DIVIDENDS, l 1881 to 1889. 1890. 1891 to Mar,.z.1901,inol. Sep., '01 Per cent- 5 5 yearly. 512 6 yearly (M. & 8.) 319 EARNINGS.-For year ending March 31, 1901, gross, $2,722,198, against $2,481,663 in 1899·0. Apr. 1 to Oct 31, 7 mos., $1,640,820 in 1901; $1,472,515 in 1900. Pres., c. 8. Fairchild, N. Y.-(V. 73, p. 553,) Atlanta Knoxville & Northern Ry.-Ro.AD-Ownsfrom Knox• ville, Tenn., to Marietta, Ga., 205 miles; and Murshy to Blue Ridge._ 25 mile~; trackage, Marietta, Ga., to Atlanta, Ga., 2 miles. HISTORY.-A reorganization per plan in V. 62, p. 1040, of the Marietta. & North Georgia, foreclosed. Stock, $3,000 000. Stock, common, $3,000,000; preferred, 5 per cent, $1,500,000, l~sued in 1 ~01 in e:xohangefor second mortgage incomes. Of the oonsol. 4s, to be dated Ma.r. 1, 1902, $1,000,HOO will be reserved to retire the first 5s, now limited tothat amount, the balance being issuable for 2eneral purposes. Bllls. payable June 30, 1901, $279,000. E.ARNINGS.-5 months, 51901 •.•••••• Gross, $262,59~; net, $103,982 : Julyl to Nov. 30, l 1900.•.••••• Gross, 205,070; net, 66,551 Report for year en<'m ~ June 30, 1900, V. 73, p. 1109, showed: Gross, $482,592; net, $1;;~,785; int.,$54,421; improvements, $329,578 OFFIOERS.-Pres.,H.K.MoHarg,40 Wall St.,N.Y. (V. 73, p. 1311. Atlanta & West Point RR.-Atlanta, Ga., to West Pt., Ga., 86 m. Ga. RR., June 30, 1900, owned $494,500 stock anf1 $388,900 deb. cert. Operates a belt line around Atlanta, 519 miles, at rental of 4 p, o. on its-cost, viz., $410,535 V. 71, p. 963; V . 73, p. 1354. DIVIDENDS begun in 1855 were for many 8 per cent per annum. From July 1.z. 1884, to July, 1901, inclusive, 6 per cent yearly, JU;. Oct. 1, 1899, ~5 p. c. extra CV. 69, p. 590). In 1900-1 ~oss, $740,689; net, $255,008. In 1899-0 grosR, $702,~475; net, $267,705; other mcome, $10,621; charges, $182,141; dividends, $73,932; surplus, $22,253 -(V. 69, p. 590; V. 71, p. 963.) Atlantic & etrmln2'ham RR.-Wayoross, Ga., to Fitzgerald.- . 71 miles. 1n Oct., 1901, extension under construction from Fitzgerald to Cordele, Ga., 38 miles. Projected from Cordele to Macon, Ga., 53 miles, and 1rom Waycross to the Atlantic Coast at Brunswick or Bt. Mary's, or both, a.bout 85 miles. In Oct , 1901, it was noted to extend the road northwesterly from Cordele, Ga.., toward Birmingham, Ala., a.bout 124 miles, and from a point in Meriwether Oount.y, at or near Warm Sprln~s, a.bout 75 miles; total to be 397 miles. Name was also. . changed from Waycross Air-Lme RR.-V. 73, p. 899. LATEST E.ARNINGS.-For 6 months ending Dec.31.1901 : 6 -rnos.  Gross.  Net.  Oharges.  Bal., su,.-.  1901. ..••...•...•..••••. $60,630 $24,559 $12,500 $12,059 ~ 1900 ..•••..•••••.••..••. 3l,737 11,548 12.500 det.952 . STOCK, BONDS, ETO.-Stook, $7,080,000; issued, common, $504 000; preferred, $700,000; par, $100. Of the bc,nds $150,000 are prior liens . sub)ect to call after 5 years at 110 and interest. Balance above $500,• . 000 bonds shown in table above can only be issued at $5,000 per mile of completed road over 70 miles. Car trusts, $28,386. For year end• ini:t June 30. 1901 (52 -.verage miles), gro3R, it;81,470; net, $26,561; interest on bonds, $23,272; balance, surplus, rt-3,289 .Prest.bW. G Raoul, 1 Nassau St., New York; Vice•Pres. &: Gen. Man. Geo. . Wad: ley; Seo. & Auditor, W.J. Swain; office, Waycross, Ga.-(V. 73, p. 899, ► Atlantic Olty KR.-Cam(lentoAtlantio City, 57m. (double track); branches, 3-1 m.; Winslow Junction, to Cape May, N. J., Bea Isle City Ocean City; total, 167 miles A consolidation in June, 1901, of the Atla ntic City RR., Bea.coast RR., Camden County RR and Ocean City RR companies, per plan V. 7"t, p. 1278. STOCK, common, $2,6:.15,000; preferred, $1,000,000 (par, $50). The Readin~ Co. owns the greater . pa.rt of the stock, and guarantees the new consol. 4s, principal and interest. Of the latter, $3,500,000 are reserved to retire the old • bond11 shown m table above and $75,000 real estate mortgages and for improvements. See V. 73, p 81.-(V. 73, p. 31, 811.) A tlantlc Coast Line Co.-Thls company, or~anized May 29, . 1889, under the laws of Connecticut, owns a majority of the capital stock and a large amount of the bonds in a system of railroad com• panies denominated for convenience the Atlantic Coast Line System. The system includes about 2,233 miles as follows in addition to a ha.11 · interest in lease of Georgia RR. system (615 miles) acquired in July, 1899, from the Louisville & Nashville and a sixth interest in the Rio}}! mond-Washington Co. (115 miles), purchased in Sept., 1901. v. 73• . p. 493; v. 69, p. 385,591,748. Oompany-'!TBeethls Co. Miles. OompanyMilu Atlantic Coast Line ~R.,r 1801 Other lines .•.••.••••••.••••••••• 50 Central South Carollna .,r..... 40 Chas. &Western Carolina ,r. 342 ( fSeethlsoompany. 8TOOK.-As to rights of certificates of indebtedness, see editorial. Oct., 1897, SUP., page 3.-V. 65, p. 564; V. 71, p. 1310. In Nov., 1898 stoc.s: was increased to $10,00o,OOO, the additional $5,000,0 oo being ·  I  r,J  l1Q  I  ~  C)  ~  =  "-I  I  ~  ~  ., ~  I  C  u  G  ( '  E  -~ '-  F  0  M  ,  p  L  X  I  (J  ~  ~  0  MAP OF THE  AND  ...., ci  ... 0  ~  ~ ~  ~  t"""'  0  ~  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  E  .x  I  (J  0  l'1  INVESTORS' SUPPLEM:ENT. RAILROADS.  l'or explanation of column head.lngs, &o., see on flrst page of tables.  -  Miles Date Blze,or of of Par Road. Bonds Value.  Atl. ti Dan1'.-lstM.,g.,$4,425,000,int.rental.lffe.c* 278 AU, ti Gulf Slwrt Line-1st ft{., $4 000 000 gold.K Atlantic ti No. Oarolina-Btook, $1,800,000......... 1st mo~age, $325,000. . lffeBa .... .............. Atiantic ti t. Lawrence--8took,6:(rental Grand Tr'k i72 Allantic Valdosta ti W.-lst M.,g., red. atllO.Ce.o* 118 Augusta ti Satiannah-Btock 5% rental Central Ga .. 53 ~"lfl"ta So.-lstoonsol. M.,,o.,gn.,p.&1. end. Ce.xo 85 AtlOtl Gmue-0 ti Mt. Morris R.-Stock (see text) ... Bald ll<J,gle Val~took, $2,600,000 ............... 1st M. orig. $4 ,000 (s. f., drawn at 100) ... FPxr ·93 Baltimore cf Annap.S.L.-Btook, common..... . . .•••• lstM. $400,000, gk subj. to call a.tll0 .. , .. lffeBa* "213 87 Baltimore Ohesa_;/~°' e cf Atlan.-lst mort., foldAo* Balt. cf Oumb al. Ry.-lst mort., interes rental. 3 Balt. cf Oumb. Vat. RR.-lst mort., interest rental 5 Balt. fl Oumb. Val. RR. Ezten. Stock, 7 p. o.,guar. 1st mortga~ interest rental....•...•.......• . .••. 32 Baltimore cf arriBtrurg .RR.-id., gold. Me Ba.o* lstM. West. Ext. ($16, 00 m.), g., gu.lffe Ba.o* 15 BalUmore .e Ohio-NEW ECURITIE8 0UTSTA.ND CNG. Oommon stook, authorized $84,ooo,ooo.... .••• •• . ••. Pref. stock,, p. o., non-cum, auth. 60,000,000.. . ... Prior lien mort., gold, not s u ~ oall.Me .. o*&r 1,017 1st mort., gold, red., at 105 r 1923.1J11 .. o*&r 570 Southwest'n Div. 1st M., $45,000,000, g.F . . o*&r 921 Pitts.Jo.&Mid.Div.($20,000,000) lstM.Ei.ce.o*&r 37R Pitts.L.E.&W. V·8J6'· ret.,red. 100 aft. 25 Ung 1,633 Conv. deben., $15, 0,000, gold, red .• see text. . · UNDERLYING BONDS-UNDER 1st mort. 319 %. Loan&1853, ext.ended 1n 1885, golL • . ••••.••.••• , 380 Pitt. Con.,lst M.,ext. in 1896 in gold............. . ••. BONDS UNDERLYING SOUTHWESTERN DIV. 3128. B. & 0. 8. W. RR., 1st M., gold, $10,667,000 •. o* 281 Ohio & Mississippi, all issues....•.............. . c* 393  1900 $1,000 1901  .... ··ioo .... i887 1,000  ....  £&$100 i899 1,m i894 1,000 100 . 50 isso 1,000 100 isos 1,000 1894 1,000 1879 1879  ...  "27 issi  §·  I ....  1886 1888  ·--· ---·  1898 1898 1899 1898 1901 1901  -----i:ooo 1,000 ···50  [Ve.t.. LXXIV.  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS.  o~~~g Rate  r  Cen  When Where P-wiiable, and by Payable om.  4 g. J. & J N. Y., Mercantile Tr. Co. July 1, 1948 (!) Y. ltniok. Trust Co. Aug. I, 1931 5~9 A. & 0. N. 1,797,200 2 in18 Check from Co.'s office. J ...&.. J • Balt.,Nl.F'rm'rs' &P.Bk Sep.15i99, 325,000 6 July , 19 5,484,000 M.& 8. London and Portland. s:fct., rnot,83B 6 1,282,000 ch. 1, 19 g. M.& 8. N. Y., Central Trust Co. 1,022,900 J. & J. Savannah, Ga. Jan. 5, '02, 219 0400,000 J. & D. Doo. 1, 192.& N. Y .• J.P.Mo~an&Co. 5 12 J. & J. New York, 225,000 219to e RR. Jan. 1, 1902 10 1,535,000 F.& A. Aug. I, '01, 5% 316,000 6 our. J. & J. Phila.,F.Ins.Tr.&S.Dep. Jan. 1, 1910 358,000 6in 1901 J. & J. Baltimore. Jan. 2, '02, 4% 334,000 5 g. J. & D. Balt., A. Brown & Sons Dec. 1, 1923 5 g, M.& R. Phlla.,road St. ~tat'n. B~t.1, 1934 1,250,000 6 J. & J. Balt., arm. & Meo. Bk. J y 1, 1929 1 48,500 72,800 6 J. & J. do do July 1, 1929 270,000 7 J. & J. do do Jan. I, '02,319 230,000 6 J. & J. do do July 1, 1931 5 g. M.&N. 650,000 do do Nov. 1, 1936 240,000 5 g. M.&N. do do May 1, 1938  $3,925,000  2J  g  I'  100 75,996,200 4in1901 M. & s. Co.'s0ffice,2Wal1St.N. Y 100 59,361,267 4in1901 M.& 8. do do 31.g g. 500 &o. 69,798,000 ,r do do 4 g. 500 &c. 65,970,853 do do 312 g. 500 &o. 41,990,000 do do 500 &o. a 6,175,480 312 g. do do 1,000 20,000,000 4 g. M.& ·N. New York. 1,000 6,541.000 4 g. M.& S. 1st coup. pay. Mar., '02  j  1853 500 &o. 1868 1,000  ~Pr1ncl\l~Dne. Last Dividend.  120.000 69,000  I  0., N.  4 g. A. & Y.,Speyer & Co. 4 g. J. & J . N. Y. Office, 2 Wall St.  Sept. 3, 190~ 2 Sept. 3, '01, % July 1, 1925 July 1, 1948 July 1, 1925 Nov. 1, 1925 Nov. 1, 1941 Moh. 1, 1911 Oct. 1, 1935 July 1, 1946  24,000 1889 1 ,000 419 g. J. & J. N. Y., Farmers' L. & Tr. Jan. 1, 1990 8.000 4 to 7 Various do do 68-'91 1,000 1905-1947 ,r Coup., J.-J.; r"g., Q.-J. ~ Coup., A.-0.; reg., Q.-J. * Coup., M.-N.; reg., Q.-F. a In addition $7,635,050 are pledged as part collateral for the Pittsburg Lake Erie & West Va. System 4s.  distributed as a 100-per-cent dividend.-V. 67, p. 954. In December, 1900, were distributed $10,000,000 4 per cent certifloates of indebted• ness (including $2,500,000 of Atlantic Coast Line R.R. Co.)as a 100-p c. dividend to represent the profits from the consolidation by which the Atlantic Coast Line RR. was formed, $2,500,000 of which were pu~ chased in the open market in Sept., 1901.-V.71, p. 697; V. 73, p. 493. As to securities pledged to secure equally tte certifl.oates of indebtedness of 1897 and 1900, see V. 71, p. 1310. CASH DIVIDENDS, 51895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. Percenti 11.g 3 31g 4 419 ~ 412 Full interest has been paid on the certificates of indebtedness to 1902.-(V. 71, 697, 1166, 121~, 1310; V. 73, p. 493, 899.) Atlantic Coast Line RR.-Operates a system extending from Richmond and Norfolk:, Va., on the north to Wilmington, N. c., Charles• ton, S. c., and Augusta, Ga., on the south, with numerous branches: Lines oumed. Miles. , Lines owned. Mite•. Richmond, Va., to Charleston, Branches, etc................. 807 8. C . .... • ... • • • - •· . • •.. •· - • .392 j LeasedNorfolk: Va., to South Rocky Central RR. of S. CarolinaMount ..........• ••....••..••. 1151 Lane to Sumter, s. o....... 42 Contentnea. to Wilmington .... 105 Other lines.................... 12 Florence, s. c., to Robbins ..... 138 TrarkageSumter to Columbia. . .....•.... . 431 Robbins to Augusta, Ga., etc. 31 Wilmington N. c. t o Sanford.116 __ ' ' Total 1 801 . . ··· · ·· · ·· · ·:··· · ·· · ··· ' Also owns one-~ixth m terest in t he R~chmond-Wash~gton Co. and one-ha.I! interest m Atlanta lGa .1 B elt Lme Co., 5 12 m iles. ORGANIZ.A.TION-.Originally the Atlantic Coast Line of Va. (change of name being authorized in Jan., 1900); in April, 1900, absorbed by consolidation (per plan V. 70, p. 840, 893) the following allied properties: Wilmington & Weldon RR., South Eastern RR., Atlantic Coast Line railroads of South Carolina and Virginia Norfolk: & Carolina. RR. The Atlantic Coast Line Co. (of Conn.) owns a maj ority of the stock, inoludtn.g $10,8~000 of the preferred i:tock; also, $1,550,000 Atlant ic Coast Line of S. u. gen. 1st 4s, &c.-V. 70, p. 893; V. 71, p. 1116, 1310. SEoURITms.-Atl. Coast Line RR. of Va., class A, tax-exempt stock was assumed as so much of the common stock of the new company. The A. C. L. of So. Car. 4 percent general mortgage of 1898 iB for $8,· 000,000; $182,000 were on June 30, 1901, reserved tor improvements, extensions,eto, and the balance unissued ($2,271,000) to retire,$ for $, at or before maturity, the underlying bonds. DIVIDENDS.-Dividends on pref., 212 per cent paid Nov. 15, l900; 1901, 5 p. o. (paid M •N.) On common, including class "A" stock, 1 per oeI1t paidiJa.n. 10, 1901; July, 112 p . o.; in 1902, Jan., 11g p o. On certs. of indebtedness, Jan., 1901, to Jan., 1902, 4 p. o. yearly (J.-J.) LATEST EARN'S-f> mos. t 1901. .• Gross, $3,124,828; net, $1,077,789 July 1 to Nov 30. 51900 .Gross 3 004 255· net 1 166 902 · ·· ' ' ' ' ' ' ' REPORT.-ReportforyearendingJune30,1901,waslnV.73,p 1353: Gross Net Other Interest, Batance,  earnings.  earnings.  income.  lazes etc.  surplus.  1900-1..$7,915,098 $3,270,269 $62,916 $1,567,527 $1,765,658 1899-0 .. 7,586,746 3,2i5,147 131,012 1,253,753 2,152,406 From surplus as above in 1901 were paid dividends on preferred (5 'P· c.) $931,007 and on common (2 'si p. o ) $397,255, leaving balance surplus for year $487,396.-V. 73, p. 1263, 1353. Atlantic & DanvilleRy.-(See Map Southern .Ry.J-West Nor• folk, to Danville, Va., 205 miles, three branches, 26miles; James River Junction to Claremont (3 feet gauge) 51 miles; total 282 miles. Leased to Southern Ry. from Sept. 1, 189'!,_ to July 1, 1949, tor taxes, repairs maintenance and cash rental sumcient to cover interest oharges ana1 for years ending June 30, 1909, $31,000 annually in excess thereof; for remainder ot term, $61,000, with privilege of renewals for terms of 99 years. In addition the Southern Ry. agrees to pay the same rate of dividends on the common stook as may at any time be on its own common stook.-V. 71, P, 447. STOCJL-Common, $2,180,000; pref., 30,992 shares, par originally ,100, but reduoed 60 per cent by payment from proceeds of sale of bonds, viz, 40 per cent in 1900 and 20 p. c in Nov., 1901; further pay• ments to be made latter part of 1904 and 1909, when it will be entirely oanoeled. See V. 71, ~- 181, 862; v. 73. p. 722, 956. BOND8.-0t the $4,425,000 tours of 1900 $3,925,000 are outstanding the rema.ining5!500,000 oa.n be issued only for improvements upon request of Sout1iern .Ry. In 1898-99 gross, $596,900; net, $160,245. Report tor 1897-98 was 1n v 68 p 184.-(V 71 p 862· v 73 p 722 899 956 1061 ) • • • • ' • ' • ' · ' ' ' • A.tlantlc & Gulf Shor~ Line RR.-Owns from Ohoopee River to Midvale, Ga., about 32 miles. Extension proposed northeas~erly to Augusta, about 54 miles, and southwesterly ~ 8~. Andrew s Bay, Florida, a.bout 335 miles in all. Successor to Midville Swainsboro & Red Bluff RR. Stock, (1). In September.tyl901, a mortgage for $4,000,000, as shown in table above. ~. Y. office, 35 Nassau St.V. 73, p. 613. Atlantic & Lake Superior Rf..-In Apr'.! 1900, operated Meta_pedia, Que., to West Paspebla.o, 98miles; owned~t.Gregolre to Nioolet, 7m.; St. Francis to,, 6 m.; Yam.a.ska to Sorel, 10 m.; Laohute Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1  to St. Andrews, 7 m.; total, 128 miles. Also under construction, West Paspebiac to end of wharf, 4 m.; Paspebiao Juno. to Port Daniel, 21 m.; Pierrevllle to Nioolet, 15 m .; St. Gregoire to Chaudiere, 67 m.; total, 107 miles. Extension proposed in 1899 from St. Francois du Lac to Levis, Que., 89 miles, of which 7 built and 23 graded in March, 1899. Extens1on also proposed from Paspebiao, Qne., to Ga.ape, 80 miles. Stock authorized, $10,000,000; par, $100. Bonds, $20,000,000, 4s, none issued to April, 1901. F~r 8 months ending June 30, 1900, ~rose, $271668; net, $1,088. President, Hon: J. R. Thibaudeau; Seo., EdgarN.Aml.8trong,Montrea.l.-(V.68,p.329;V.70,p.1148.) Atlantic & North Carolina RR.-Morehead City to Goldsboro. B. C., 95 miles. In Dec. 1900, branch from La. Grange to Snow run, 15miles,wa.sproposed. N.Carolinaowns$1,266,500,$1,797,200stook. DIVIDENDS.- i '92. '93. '94. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900 Per cent. 5 2 2 2 O 2 2 2 2 o EARNINGS -For year ending June 30 1900 gross $218 166· net $89,268; charges, $26,090; dividends, $35;972;!e'xtraordina.ry expenses: $113 355 · balance deficit $86 149.-(V. 68 p 472 ) ' ' ' ' ' ' • · Atlantic Valdosta & Western ~y.-(See Map,) Valdosta, Ga., to Jacksonville, Fla., 118 miles, inoludii?g termin&.l lines; opened for thr~ugh operation July, 1, t 899; extens10n propo~ed from Valdosta to a pom~on t h e Chattahoochee River on the w estern ll~e of)the State. a.bout 14 0 miles.-V. 73, p. 956. lioad runs through a timber section, and m akes a short route from Valdosta to Jacksonville, Fla. Uses Jacksonville Terminal Ry., and owns one-fourth intt-rest.-V. 71, p . 134. At Valdosta connects with Ga. Southern & Fla.. RR. and sav. Fla. & West. RR.; at Haylow with Sa.v. Fla. & West; at Crawford with Fla. Cent. & Penin.; at Jacksonville with Jacksonville & Southwestern, Fla. East Coast, F. C. & P., Plant System and Clyde Company ocean and riv er steamers. -V. 68, p. 1022. STOCK AND BONDS.-Stock authorized, $1,750,000 each of com• mon and preferred; 'l', c·ommon, Sll,000.000; preferred, $1,000,000. Par of shares, $100 each. Mortgage is for $5,000,000, to retire the $711,000 old 5s, extensions, etc. - (V. 68, p. 1022). E.ARNINGS.-Year ending Jun.e3 (1, 1900, gross, $198,294; n et, $52,833 fixed charges and taxes, $65,109; add surplus June 30, 1899, $19,738; surplus June 30, 1900, $7,462. Gross earnings June 30, 1900, to June 30, l901, $ 2 48,397. Financial agents and transfer agency, G. S. Baxter & <;Jo .. 18 Wall St., New York. General office, Valdosta, Ga.-(V. 71, p. 134, V. 73, p. 956.) Augusta & Savannah RR.-Millen to Augusta, Ga., 53 miles, In 1895, re-leased to Cen. of Georgia at 5 p. o. on stook.-V. 61, p. 239. A.ugu8ta Southern RR.-Owns from Augusta to Sandersville, Ga., 80 m. (standard gauge), and Sandersville & Tennille RR., 4 miles. Formerly leased to the South Carolina & Georgia, which guarantees the bonds"- principal and interest, by endorsement. The Southern Ry, in Jan., luOl, acquired about four-fifths of the stock, and so controls, although the lease was annulled April 25, 1901. V. 73, p. 343. Com• mon stock $400,000· pref. $350000· par $100.-(V 72p935 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ,· A. ustln & North-western RR.-See Houston & Texas Centr 1 R7. A. von Geneseo & Ifft. lfforrl8 RR.-Mt. Morris to Avon, N. Y., 18 miles. Leased to Erie RR. Feb. 26, 1896, in perpetuity at 219 p. o. on stock for 4 years from Jan. 1, 1896, 3 p. o. for 1 year more and 319 p. o. thereafter.-(See V. 63, p. 512; V. 62, p. 318, 589.) Bald Eagle Valley HR.-Owns from Vail Station, Pa. to Lookhavent Pa., 51 miles; branches to Sugar Camp, etc., 42 miles. Leasea to Penn. RR. Co. for 99 years from Deo. 7, 1864. Rental, 40 ~r cent of gross earning':\, Rental 1900, $261,870; other income, $6,189; int., taxes, etc., $41,252; dividends (10 p. o.), $140..r.625; bal., sur., $86,182. Rental in 1899, $190,049. Pennsylvania R.1'. Jan. 1, 1901, owned $706,250 stook.-(V. 66, p. 708.) Baltlm.ore & Annapolis Short Line RR.-Owns road from Clitfords to Annapolis, Md., 22 miles. In 1897 acquired control of Anna-poll!~ Washiligton & BaltimoreRR. Co., owning 3,575 out of 3,580 shares of its stock, all pledged under the mortgage. Common stook issued $358,000; there is afso $500,000 of preferred stock authorized. DIVIDENDS- i 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902, Per cen t. 5 6 5 6 6 Jan 4 For year to June 30 1901 gross $93 1 022· net $34 151 · oth iii,0 $16 110· int on bonds $16 700· taxes $3 947· betterments $2 857! div.: 6 o., $21,480; surl)lUS tor year, $5,277.-.:(v. 67, p.1159.) ' ' Baltlm.ore Ches k & A.ti ti R O wns 01a ib orne to i1apea e an c Ocean City, Md., 87 miles; branch, 1 mile; tota , 88 miles; from Clal• borne to Baltimore, 42 miles, transfer is made by water; steamer lines owned, 1,426 miles; total mileage owned and ooerated, 1,514 miles• Controlled by Penn. RR. and allied lines. v. 69;p. 541,590. A reor ga.nlza.tion of Ba.It. & Ea.stern Shore, sold Aug. 29, 1894 (V. 59, p. 37l); etc. Pref. stock, $1,500,000 5 p. o. cumulative; common $1,000,000. ANNUAL REPORT -Report for year ending Aug 31 1900 in v 71 p. 1164. In 1900-1:gross, $67n,090; net, $150,449; other ino.,$2,052; taxes, $6,752; oharges,$62,500; extraordinary expenses $61805• bal surp., $21,444.-(V. 71, p.1164.) ' ' ' ·• Baltimore & Cumberland Valley Ry.-Baltlmore & Oum• berland Valley RR. Extenslon.-Baltlmore & Harrl•bur,r Ry.-All.under 50-year leases to the Western Maryland RR.,whioh see. ·  p.  r.•- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAP OF THE  BALTIMORE  &  OHIO  RAILROAD SYSTE_M•  ..  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  16  Bcmd1-PrinolINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. pal,When D ue. Amount of Par Outstanding Rate of When Where P~ble, and by Btocka-Laat Road. Bonds Value. Per cent. Payable om. Dividend.  RAILROADS.  Mlle1 Date Size, or  ~r explanation of column headings, &o., see on first page of tables.  ~ffmore ~ Ohio-( OonctudedJ-  --  BONDS UNDERLYING PITTSB. JUNO. & Mm. D CV. 319 8 . rOent.O., $2,500,000,con.lst M.(lstl'n) ~-l'tieBa.o 137 1886 $1,000 $1,009,000 638,000 ;Sand. .Mans. & Newark, $2,300,000, ls M. Un.o* 116 1869 1,000 *959,000 'P ittsb. Juno., lstmort., $1,400,000, gold.1'1.e .. o.t 7 1882 1,000 *270,000 1894 1,000 2d mort~age, $300,000, cf.old.l'tie•.....•••.•.. o* *219,000 ettts. Jo. er. let M., $50 ,000, g., gu. p.& 1.l'tie .••. BoNDS UNDERLYING PITTSB'g LAKE ERIE & WEST v·i:iox NIA.48: -cmev. Lor. &Wheel. Cons. M. bnow let) g. Uem.o* 192 1893 1,000 5,000,000 893,000 General mortga e, $1,000, ood gold.N ......•. o 192 1896 1,000 950,000 Con. ref. M.,$10, 00,0L o. g., re . at102½!. CoJ.o* •.•. 1900 1,000 1,000 5,491,000 1895 "'(Jlev, Term'! & Valley lot M., (text) \Ue..,• 75 1,000 700,000 Monon\iRiver RR., lat M., g., gu. . & 0.Ce ... o'" 32 1889 228,000 · Ohio & ttle Kanawha Ry., lat M , $250,000, g 80 1900 1,000 2,000,000 -Obio River, lat mort. ($2,000,000), gold FP .. o* 169 1886 1,000 2,941,000 Oen. M. ($3 000,000), gold, 1st on 39 miles o* 209 1&87 1,000 376,000 ,Rav.Sp.&Oi. lat M., $400,000, g., gu. l&i.FPo* 33 1890 1,000 303,000, 1,000 .Huntington & Big S. lat M. ($400,001.J , g., gu o.. 11 181J2 1,000 50,000 Ripley & Mill Cr'k 1st M.•j·• gu. p.&i.,end.o*&r 13 1888 2,400,000 "'Pittsb. Cle-ve & Toledo lat gold ••••.•..••.. 77 1882 1,000 60,000 fittsb. Painesv. & Fairport ls M., g. -.....••.. o* 63 1886 1,000 83,000 Pittsb. Newcastle & L. E ., lat mort., ext. in gold 30 1878 100 &o. 3,718,000 Pittsb. & West.t 1st (cons.) M. $10,000,000, g .. o* 210 1887 1,000 300,000 Ellwood Shor Line, lat M., gold, $300,000..... 3 1890 1,000 4,000,000 W. Va. & P., 1st M. g. 5s, scaled; red .1'.leBa .. o* 159 1890 1,000 LEASED LINES, ETC,, SECURITIES. x350,000 Balt. & N. Y. RR., lat M., p:old, guar .1'.leBa.o&r 5¼ 1889 1,000 955,000 Mon. Riv. Coal M., $1,500,000, g., s. f, red. at par 1895 1,000 4,500,000 11 1886 1,000 Schukl. R. E. S. RR. lat M., g., red. (text). PeP .. 11 1883 1,000 xl,000,000 8. I. ap. Tr., lstM.,$1,000,000, g., $ or £,Us.o* 2,500,000 11 1899 1,000 2dmortgage, gold$guar., $2,500,000.S .••••. o* 511,000 s. I. Ry., 1st mort., 1,000,000, gold.Me .••... o.t 13 1893 1,000 B. & 0. EQUIPMENT OBLIGATIONS2,183,069 Real estate, car trusts, etc., .Tune 30, 1901 ....... 9,000,000 Car trusts, gold, $1,000,000 due annully .!i .. ... o* 1901 3,360,000 Ban.gor ~ Aroos.-lst M., ($16,000 p. m.) g.G .••. o• 211 1893 1,000 157,000 211 1895 1,000 2d mortgage, gold. U sm...........................  ....  3  w'•·  &rl  .t  ---·  ..tlargely owned by or for Baltimore & Ohio.  i:ooo  13alt. to Wheeling, Belpre, O., etc ...683 Staten Island Rapid Tran11lt...... of Pitts.) .. 834 Baltimore to Philadelphia. and brs.118 Mononlla.hela River RR............ -Chica.go, Ill., to Akron 0 ............ 369 Clev. Terminal & Valley ......... Branches to Fairmont, W. Va.,etc..• 93 Operateazom A"OW'. 1901-  ~~i!~:.  ·-········  417 6 5 5  g. M.& 8. J. & J. g. J. & J. N.Y.,N.Oity Bk. &Pitts. g. J. & J. do do g. A • .& O. Pittsburg.  5 5 4¼ 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 5 4  g. g. g. g. g. g. g. g. g.  g. g. g. g. g. g. g. g.  5 g. 5 g. 5 g. 6 g. 4 g. 4½!g.  A. & J. & J. & M.& F. & M. & J. & A. & F. & J. & F. & A. & J. & J. & J. & F. & A. &  0. D. J. N. A. S, D. O. A. J. A. 0. J.  Sept. Jan. July July Oct.  1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1930 1909 1922 19 22 1907  New York. do do N.Y., Off'. B.&0.,2 Wall. N. Y. Central Trust Co. N. Y., Kniokb. Trust Co. N. Y., Cent'l Trust Co. do do do do New York or Phila. Phila., E. W.Clark & Co. N. Y., Cent. Trust Co.  Oct. 1, 1933 June 1, 1936 Jan. 1, 1930 Nov. 1, 1995 Feb. 1, 1919 Moh. 1, 1950 June 1. 1936 .Apr. 1, 1937 Aug. 1, 1920 July 1, 1922 Aug. 1, 190 8 Oct. 1, 1922 July 1, 1916 D. Allegheny-Afa.lstN.Bk. June 1, 1917 J. N.Y.NJ.P. organ&Co. July 1, 1917 A ew York City. Aug., 1920 0. Apr. 1, 1990  ··-· ......  M.&N. N. Y., J.P. Morgan & Co. J. & D. Balt.,Am.. Bond'g & Tr. J. & D . A. & O. N. Y.,footWhitehallSt. J. & J. do do J. & D. New York Oity.  May Deo. Dec. Jan. July Jone  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1939 194 5 1935 1913 1904 1943  ...4.g.  J ...&.. J. New York, 2 Wall St. ToDeo:si',•10 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., Ouar. Trust Co. Jan. 1, 1943 5 g. J. & J. do do July 1, 1945  * Bala nee ot outstanding amout s showni n firstl eft hand column are ow ned byB.&O.  Baltimore & Ohio HK.-(BeeMapJ.-RoAD.-Operates from Balti· more to Philadelphia and Baltimore to Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis, the total mileage leased, owned and opera.tea. being in July, 1901, 3,221 miles. The "Royal Blue Line" (see Central RR. of N. J.) .gives the road access to New York, near whioh, on Staten Island, it has freight terminals. When the pending reorganization of the branch lines is completed the B. & O. will own and operate about 4,128 miles of roads, subJeot to the severalmortgap:es, as follows; (1T See these companies.) Prl.or lio.n 8¼% M.-(1,017miles) Mau. OtMr  Pits~ini~YA~~o~<J::f  LVOL, LXXIV.  24  ir::b~~~gl°~:sre~~~~.~~::::::::. Aig 81 76  ciw;:~~ft~g  Be1~;~0~ ~St. L .. etc. 918 ~a.6fe~ela~~~~~ -~~: '1192 Pitt,a. June. 3¾% M.-(3& mlles)Mitea Ohio River RR. Lines. Bella.ire to ~lidland City, O•..... l 877 1 Benwood to WbeeJ\ng, etc...... 1270 :Shawnee to Sa.ndusk}i 0 ........ 5 West Virginia Short Line RR..... 60 Pittsburg Junction R .... ....... 7 80  IOh1:r&~{[:1r;::w~al~::-.....  Total of all (addina: Baltimore Belt and other llnes)... .... ..... .. ..... .  ,.20R  Of which to be issuable only at the rate of not exceeding $1,000,000 per year for the enlargement, better• ment or extension of the properties covered by lien... $5,000,ooo Of which in partial exchange tor old bonds.............. 35,540,QIJo Sold to syndicate for cash requirements................. ,t.,4.S<),oao (4) B. ~ 0. Pittsburg Junetion ~ Middle Di'MSion 3¼ per oents. E r • peoted to be ultimately a first lien upon the railroads of the Centro.I Ohio system and Pittsburg Junction RR. Co., 385 miles in allTotal authorized issue in no case to exceed............... $20,000,000 Of which to be issued only at the rate of not exceeding $1,000,000 per year for the first two years and thereafter at the rate of not exceeding $500,000 per year, for the enlargement, betterment or extension of the properties covered by the first mortgage........... .s,ooo,ooo Of which in partial exchange tor old bondl... •• • • • •• • ••• 1 o,.stx;,ooo Sold to a syndicate tor cash requirements ..•••• ·-······· 4,ooo,ooo Balance for contingencies................................. 41z,ooo Note.-The underlying bonds still outstanding in July: 1900 are in Gable above. The underlying stocks still in the hands <fr the 'public were: Central Ohio common stock, $23,784; preferred, $4,550; New.i-k Somerset & Straitsville common, $90,450; preferred, $39,050. Pitts. Jct. common, $845,150; preferred, none. (5) Pittsburg Lake Erie d Weit Virginia System mortgage will 88· cure $7 f> ,OOO,OOO refunding 4 per cent ~old bonds, of which $20 o oo OOo have tieen sold to tinance the recent acquisitions of the' Ohio River, Cleveland Lorain & Wheeling, Pittsburg & Westun, etc., and t i e balance to prodde for underlyfu1;t issues as they mature, extensions and improvements. In Jan,, 1902, about $22,000,000 in bonds and $42.000,000 in stocks were deposited as collateral for the $20 . 0110.000 ot nonds. Thi.a oo tlateral molude~ $7,635,050 B. & O. Pltis. Junction & Midland Div. 3½s and all underlying bonds owned by the Baltimore & Ohio, and will include all additional underlying b onds as retired.-V. 73, p, 1207. (6) The 4 per cent debentures of 1901 are convertible at the option ,f the holder into common stock at par on 30 days' notice (see v 73 p. 1~59); tbey may be o!),lled for :payment at par and interest· ori tlD.Y mterest day, begin.nmg Mar. 1, 1902, either wholly or partly 1n the inverse order of their numbers.-v. 72, p. 282; v. 73, p. 337, 1158. LE.ABED LINES.-Sohuylldll River East Bide bonds, stamped [V 68 p. 40], and treated as follows: 'Ihe road is leased at a rental equiva: lent to interest at 5 p. o. on the exist,ing bonds, but the new company has the riJzht to purchase all the Schuylkill bonds at 110 and accrued interest at any time after Dec. 1, 1900 and prior to Dec 1 1903, on 30 days' notice. U not so purchased, the company wni assume the ultimate payment of the principal wben due. V 69 p 1063 The Staten Island Rapid Transit property was sold under' toreoiosure ln April, 1899, subject to the $1,000,000 first 6s, part of which were purchased for the B, & O. (V. 68, p. 189), The new 4s the B. & o. RR. agrees to purchase at par and interest in cash within 5 years and meantime to guarantee interest thereon at 4 per cent. V. 68, p,' 189, 333, 525; V. 69, D 696 The West Virginia & Pittsburp: (see agreement in V. 67, p. 1310), has been operated since Sept. 1, 1899, under a 99 years' lease for 4 per cent on the mortgage, to be appropriated to payment of bond interest the B. & 0. having the option for 5 years to purchase the bonds at par and accrued interest on tiO days' notice. V. 69, p. 439. The B. & 0. in March, 1~00, agreed to purchase on or before Feb. 1 1903, at 125 per cent and mterest the $2,400,000 Pittsburg Cleveland & Toledo bonds (or not less than 70 per cent thereof), with the option by the bondholders to exchange tor new securities under any reorganization plan approved by B, & 0. prior to that date. V. 70, p. 632. FlNANCES.-Holders of common stock subscribed in May 1900 to $6,~·m8,900 common stock at$o0. In Sept., 1901, the a11thorized common stock was increased from $45,000,000 to $60 000 000 to provide for conversion of $15,00Q,OOO debenture 4s then in progress of which $8,459,000 had been converted in Jan., 1902. Both classes' of stockholders thereupon subscribed tJ new common stock, viz. $22 537 200 at par to the extent of 20 p. o of their holdings, raising the amount outstanding to $75,996,20J. The new common stock w'ill be mainly used in connection with the acquisition of the Ueveland Lorain & Wheeling, Ohio River and Pittsb}ll'g & Western (see.each company). V. 73, p. 1159; V. 74, p. 150. Votmg trust dissolved m August 1901 In 1901, stockholders subscribed for $15,ooo;ooo 4 per cent deben: tures at. par, the proceeds to be used for construction and improve• ments; m Jan., 1902, all except $6,541,000 converted into comm.on stook.-V. 72, p. 282, 337. In April, 1901, $10,000,0CO equipment bonds, $1 000 000 due yearly Dec. 1, 1901 to 1910, covering 9,01.10 cars, etc., a-s aboJestated. In Nov., 1901, equipment was ordered aggregating in cost about $7 000,000. v. 73, p. 1159. '  1n 1901 acquired majority of stock of Cleveland Lorain & Wheeling Ry. (V. 72, p, 480), Ohio River RR. (V. 731 p. 81) and entire stock of West Va. i:short Line RR (V. 73, p. 235), m all 522 miles of road, t1nd began operating them on Aug, 1, 1901. The Ohio & Little Kanawha, 80 mil1-s. was acquired in Nov., 1901, operation being be~un Jan 1, l.902.-V. 73, p. 1263, 1356, HisTORY.-Receivers were appointed in February, 1896, but on July 1, 1899, the road proper was returned to the company, the reorganization plan (in V. 66, p. 1235,) having been consummated without tore-closure and the road and equipment vastly improved in physical con• dition. All direct obligations, except those shown in the table, were either declared due and payable per order of Court and discharged, or -exchanged for new securities (see V. 69, p. 25, 30, and V. 68, p. 1022. The reorganization of the B. & 0. Southwest. was effected and new eeourities issued in Sept., 1899, per plan in V. 67, p. 688, the consol. mortgage of 1893 having been foreclosed, and the road virtually merged.-V. 71, p. 1218. In January, 1900, new securities were issued pder the plan ot reorganization of the Cent. Ohio and other leased lines. V. 67, p. 688, 1109, 1206, 1356. In Dec., 1899, acquired sub"tan• t1ally all the stock of the Monongahela River .ttR., Fairm nt to Olarksburg, W. Va., 31 miles. V. 69, p. 1345. On Oct. 9, 1901, the Pittsburg & Western was purchased at foreclosure sule.-V. 73, p. 785. PENNSYLVANIA. RR. <·ONTROL. - On Jan. 1,1901, the Pennsylvania RR. proper owned $16,000,000 and the Northern Central $1,000,000 addi· tional preferred stock, since which the holdings of Penn. interests have been increased to a preponderating amount.-V. 70, p. 229; V. 72,p.480,531,580,935,956. BTOCK.-Autnorized issues: Common, $84,000,000, see "General Finances" below.; pref. 4 p. o. non•oumula:iive, !jl60,000,000; outstanding, see table above and "General Finan ,es." Pref. stock dividends are limited to 4 p. o. (See V. 71, p. 1166, and edit., p. 1143; V. 72, p. 1186.) Votingtrnstdissolvedin Aug., 1901. DIVIDENDS.-Dividends on preferred, 1900, 4 p. o.; 1901, 4 p. o. .M.&S.). On common, 1900. Sept, 2 p. o.; 1901, 4 p. o. (M.&B.) BoNDS.-(1) Prior Lien 3¼%, a first lien on main line and branches, Parkersburg branch and Pittsburg division, about 1,017 miles of first track, and 964 miles of second, third and fourth tracks and sidings, and also all the equipment now owned of the value of upwards of e20,000,000, or hereafter acquired. Total authorized, $75,000,0<><], of -which $5,000,000 to be issued only after Jan. 1, 1902 (at not exceerung ,.1,000,000 a year) for the enlargment, betterment or extension of the 'l)roperties covered. See application to list, V. 69, p. 30. (2) First Mortgage 4per cent Gold Bonds, Due Juty z IQ,18, but subject to call, in whole or in part, after July 1, 1923, at 105; a first lien on the Philadelphia, Chicago and Akron divisions aud branches and the iFa.irmont Morgantown & Pittsbura; RR., covering about 570 miles of l'!rst track and about 332 miles of second, third and fourth tracks and @!dings: also on the B. & 0. Terminal property and the Baltimore Belt RR. They are also a lien subject to prior lien mortgage upon main line, etc. See application to list, V, 69. p. 30. Total authorized issue in no case to exceed.. - •..••..••.••. $165,000,000 Of which to retire prior lien bonds in 1925. ...•... •.. .•• 75,000,000 Ofwhiohissued or issuable for reorganization purposes. 56,0()(),000 For the enlargement, betterment or extension of the properties covered by mortgages (1) and (2), or tor es.tensions, additions or equipment, at not exceeding $1,500,000 a year for the first four years and at not exoeedmg $1,000,000 a year thereafter .• _. ............ 117,000,000 Reserve for new company, all issued (V. 71, p. 83). ... • 7,000,000 (8) Southwestern Diviston zst Mortgage 3¼ per cents. Virtually a first lien upon the properties oonsti• EARNINGS-From July 1, 1900hto Nov. 30, 1901 (5 months) includtnting the B. & 0. Southwestern RR. system, or the ing B. & 0. Southwestern in bot years, were: ' securities representing the same, covering about 921 miles of .first track and about 305¼ miles of second 1901. ..•..•••••.••••••••. ·-···· .....• Gross, $21,762,804; net, $8,546,995 track and sidings. Totalissue • •• • • • . . • . ••••• •• • •• • •• • •• $45,000,000 1900 ................................. Gross, 19,480,3:H; net, 6,484,855 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J.A.NU.A.RY,  1902.] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  17  C,  0  r  C MAP OF THE  BANGOR  &  AROOSTOOK  RAILROAD A.ND CONNECTIONS.  IS  INVESTORS' SUPPLE~rl.  rvor... LXXIV.  I  RAILROADS.  .Por explanation of oolumn hea.dings, &c., see notes on fl.rat page of tables.  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonda-Princi Mllea Date Size, or Amount - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pal,WhenDue. of of Par Outstanding Ra.te per When Where payable, and by Road. Bonds V a.lue. oent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  Ban.d!Ar.rOon.J-lstM.Plso.D.$1,500,000,g.G.o* 77 1899 $1,000 $1,500,000 5 g. A. & 0 N. Y., Guar. Trust Co. Jan. 1, 19(3, Van Buren Exten. 1st M., $5C10,000, g •..•.. G. o. * 33 1899 1,000 500,000 5 g. A. & 0 do do Jan, 1, 1943 Aroostook No. let M., $225,000, gold........ G.o* 15:Jg 1897 1,000 225,000 5 g. A. & 0. do do Oot. 1, 1947 Consol. refund'g mort., $20,000,000, gold.OB.o* 359 1901 1,000 2,303,000 4 g. J. & J. N.Y.,BrownBros.&Bos. July 1, 1951 Car trusts.G . ........ ..... ..•. ..•••. .•.•...••. ..•. ••. '96-'00 1,000 920,000 5 g. & 6 A. & O. N. Y., Gua.r Trust Co. eemi•annually Bath d! Hammondsport-lat mortgage, gold........ 10 1889 1,000 100,000 5 g. J. & D. New York City. June 1, 1919 Seoond mortgage, gold. Ce......................... 10 1893 1,000 200,000 5 g. A. & O. do do Apr. 1, 1923 Buch Oreek-Btock (guaranteed 4 per oent by end.) 1 6 0 . . .. 50 5,665,000 4 Q.-J. N. Y., Grand Cent. Sta. Jan., 1902, 1% 1st M.t g, p. & 1. (end.) K .............. o&r 1 60 1 8 8 6 1,000 5,000,000 4 g. J. & J. do do July 1, 1936 2dM.rorljll,OOO,OOO,g,gu.p.&1.(end.).Un.o&r 160 1892 1,000 500,000 5g. J. & J. do do July 1, 1936 Clearf.Bi\um.CoallstM., byBh. Cr.,gold.o ••.. 1891 100 &o. 77',000 4 g. J. & J. N. Y., Kniokerb'r Trust. Jan. 1, 1940 Buch Ot·. Ext.-lstM. 1 $1,500,000, g., go..p.& 1.G.o* 60 1901 l,OOO&o 3,500,000 3¼ g. A. & 0. N. Y., Gr. Cent. Station. Apr. 1, 1951 8eltaireZane811illed! Oin.-Prlorlienmort.,red.atl05 . . •. 1889 1,000 216,000 6 J. & J. July,'94, coup.last paid. July 1, 1899 let M. ($262,000 reserved for prior lien bonds).. . . . . 1890 1,000 1,138,000 4 J. & J. . • •. .. . • . • Jan. 1, 1940 Bef.tingh.Bayd!Brit.Oot.-lst M.,$1,000,000,g.,s.t. 39 1901 500,000 5 g. J. & D. .••••. .••. Dec. 1, 1932' Belt R.R. d! Stock Yard of Indianapolis-Stock...... •••. •••• 50 1,000,000 5 in 1901 J. & J. Indianapolis, Co. office. Jan., 1902, 21g Preferred stock, cumulative....................... ..•. .... 50 500,000 6 Q.-J. do do Jan, 1, '02, 119 let mortgage for $1,000,000,ourrenoy............ .•.. 1881 1,000 1,000,000 6 M. & N. Phila.t)V• H. Newbolds. Apr. 30, 1911 But Ry.-lst M.(red. aft. July 1, 1903) g.ltleBa.o* 25 1895 275,000 5 J. & J.,ro.ero. Tr. & Dep. July 1,. 1945 Bel1'idere Delaware-Stock ($4,000,000)......... •• . . . . . .... . .. 50 1.253,000 5 in 1901 Feb. Philadelphia., Pa. RR. Feb.20, 01, 5% let mortgage, ext. in 1877, guaranteed........•. o 64. 1853 1,000 1,000,000 6 J. & D. Philadelphia, Pa. RR. June 1, 1 ~ Cons.mort. guar. by United Co's & Pa. RR., s.t.. r 67 1885 1,000 500,000 4 M. & 8. do do Sept. 1, 192& otl875 .. guar. byUnitedCo's&Pa.RR., s. t .. r 67 1887 1,000 749,000 4 F. & A. do do Feb. 1, 1927 $4,000,000 issue $600,000 reduced bys. t .... . r 67 1893 1,000 500,000 4 J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1933 Birmin.gham d! .Attantic-lst mort., $500,000. .. ... 35 1891 1,000 500,000 6 M. & N. In default. Nov. 1, 1931 Bism. Washb'n fl Gt. Falls let M .. g., see tt.xt.Cc&r 46 1900 1,000 Bee text. 5 g. J. & J. New York. Jan. 1, 1930 Bloomt>'g fl Bull 11an R.R.-lst M., ljl400_i000 . .•. FP 30 1898 1,000 400,000 5 J. & J. Phila., F. I. T. & S.D.Co. Jan. 1, 1928 2d mortgage, income, non•cum., $20u,000 ... FP 30 1898 1,000 200,000 5 J. & J. Phila., when earned. Jan. 1, 1928 Boone Rotkw Oityte No w·n.-lstM, g.. .•..... ....•. ..•. . .. 1,000 See text. 5 g. M. & N. Am.Tr. &Sav. Bk.,Chto. Nov. 1, 1913Boont,il/e St. L. "Sou1h . .R11.-lst M.g $1,000.000.o.. 44 1881 1,000 400,000 6 g. F. & A. N. Y., Amer. Ex. Bank Aug 1, 1911 Boston d! Albany-Stock ($30,000,000 authorized) . . 3··9·4· . . .. 100 25,000,000 See text. Q.-M. Boston, Of. Ter. StationlPec.31,'0l, 214 Bonds (not mortgage) .••..........•.......••..••. ~ 18 8 2 ...... 3,858,000 J :; A. & O. do do Apr. 1, 1902 Newretundingbonds ...•.:······················ 5 1902 ...... Bee text. 319 A. & O. .......••. . Apr. 1, 1952'  l  v.1 Jersey Beech Oreek KK.-(Bee Map adjoining N. Y. Oentral.J-ROADShore, Pa.,to Mahaffey,113 m; branches, to Philipsburg, to mines,  ANNUAL REPORT.-Reporttoryea.rendingJune 30, 1901, was in 73, p. 1108, 1115. The re1,,ults (the Balt. & Ohio Southwestern bein11= included in the preceding year for the purposes of oomparison) are shown below. (See also editorial, p. 1084.) Average rate per ton per mile, 4:98 mills in 1900-1, against 4•71 mills in 1899•0; average reve nue train load, 3Sl tons, agalnat 366 in 1899-0. Year endi,ng June 301900-1. 1899 o. "21 3 200 3 •" Miles··•·································· .. ···· · .Freight ..••••.•••..•••..........•..••......•... $35,553,872 $31,324,792 Passengers............................. . ....... 9,054,602 8,335,695 Mall, express, etc ........................... • 2,505,957 2,456 928 ---- ---Total gross earnings .•••.••..•......•..... $47,114,431 $12,117,405 Operating expenses ..•••••••.•••••...•••.••••• 31,046,23L 27,641,130 ----- ---Net earnings. • ................. •····· •· $16,068,200 $14.473,275 Other income (net) ••••. .........• ...••••..... 688,429 812,701  Total net income ...........•.•••..•..•••• $16,756,629 $15,285,976  Deduct-  Interest and rentals.................... . •. • . • $3,148,512 $7,475,171 Taxes . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . ... ... . . . 970,504 879,176 Discount. com:nts<,ions, etc................... 448,627 317.837 Dividends on pref. s :ook .....••..•..•••••.•• (4)2,400,000 (4)2,400,000 do common stock ..••••.••••• . •• . x(2)900,000 (4) 1,673,560 Additions and improvements, . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . 2,500,000 2,540,231 Balance, surplus . .......................... $1,388,985  x Semi-annual dividends are being paid, but only one here included. BALTIMORE & OHIO PROPER.  Yr. end. Juru 30- 1900·1. 1899-0. 1898·9. 1897·8. Miles............ 3,221 2,278 2,047 2,047 Gross earns .••.. $47,114,431 $34,890,227 $28,404,922 $27,72 ,787 Net earnings ..•. 16,068,200 12,359,444 6,621,599 7,446,695 Executive Commlttee.-L. F. Loree, Chairman; J. K. Cowen; 8. M. Prevost, John jP. Green and James McCrea.; Pres., L. F. Loree; Vice• Pres., Oscar G. Murray; Seo., C. W. Woolford; Treas., J. V. MoNeal. The Pennsylvania RR. is represented on the board by 8. M. Prevost, John P. Green, Same! Rea and James McCrea. Other directors:  John K. Cowen, Hartin Erdmann, Edward H. Harriman Norman B. Ream, Jacob H. Schlfl', Charles Steele, James Stillman, Edward R. Bacon. Representing State of Md., L. Victor Baugnman, A. P. Gorman.  N. Y. Office, 2 Wall St.-V. 73, p. 337,390,553,662,783,956, 1108, 1115, 1159, 1206, 1263, 13L2, 1356; V. 74, p. 150. Ba1'11Dore & Potomac KK.-See Philadelphia Wilmington & Baltimore. Bangor & Aroostook KK.-(See .ltCap)-Oldtown, Me., north erly to Van Buren, with branches. · Lines ownedMiles. Milu. Brownvllle to Caribou and br.. 205 Aroostook Northern, Caribou Ashland Jot. to Ashland ....... 431 to Limestone ..•••••..•....•.• 16 Oldtown to Greenville and B. & K. Iron Works ...........•.... 95 Total operated ..•••••.••••. 359 ORGANIZATION.-Organized Feb. 13, 1891. State of Maine refunds 95 per oent of all taxes levied. For organization see V. 66, p. 855. The Fish River RR., Ashland, Me., to ~ort Kent, 51:Jg Iniles, will be leuedon completion.-(V. 74, p. 150.) 8TOCK.-Common, $1,050,000; 10,400 shares full paid and 100 Iha.res, 5% paid; pref., 5%, non•oum., only $88,300 remain outstanding. BoNDs.-Fordesortptlon of gold 5s on Pisoat. Division see v. 67, p. 1159; V. 68 p. 84., 329. Van Buren Extension let 5s of 1899.V. 69, p. 952. In May, 1900, sold $800,000 ten-year five per oent car trust notes to purchase 1,626 flat, box and stock oars. V. 70, p. 893. Of the consoL refunding gold 4s, $12,ftOO,OOO reserved to pay off the outstanding bonds, including those of controlled roads, car trusts and preferred stock and to acquire such controlled roads, $3,· 000,000 tor improvements over a series of years and $4,500,000 tor extensions at $25,000 per Inile including equipment. V. 73, p. 286, 896; v. 74c, p. 93. LA.TEST EARNINGS.-5 mo., 51901. ••.. Gross, $693,090; net, $275,683 July 1 to Nov. 30. i 1900..•.• Gross, 596,087; net, 236,716 ANNUAL REPORT-Report tor year ending June 30, 1901, in V. 73, p. 896, showed: Gross, $1..,449,454; net, $536,086; charges, $106,488; betterments, $80,000; ba.i., surplUB, $49,608. In 1899-0. gross, $1,· 230,423; net, $483,882.-(V. 73, p. 286,896, 1111; V. 74, p. 41, 9a, 150.) Ban~or & Portland Ky.-Portland to Bath, Pa., 29 miles; Nazareth Jot. to Martin's Creel{, 5 m.; other branches, 5 m.; total, 39 miles. Stock, $510,000, all acquired in 1900 by Delaware Lacka• wanna & Western RR. Bonds,seetable. Dividend (6p.c.) paid Jan.15, 1901. For 5 mos. ending Dec. 31, 1900, gross, $109,762; net, $53,952; interest and renta.18, $16,319; div. (6%), $30,600; bal., sur., $7,033. Bath & Hanunondsport KK.-Owns road from Bath, N. Y., to Hammondsport, N. Y., 10 fulles. Chartered in 1872. STOCK $100,000; par, $100. EARNINGS.-For year 1900, gross, $38,463; net, $17,718. Bay of (l,nlnte Ky.-V. 74, p. 150. Beaumont Wharf & Termlnal.-V. 71, p. 287,865. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  &o., 47 miles; total, 160 miles; trackage, 33 miles; total, 193 Iniles. LEASE, &c.-From October 1, 1890, leased to the N. Y. Centra.1 & Hudson River RR. for 999 years at 1.nterest on bonds and 4 per cent on stock, and since May 1, 1899, operated directly as a part of it.& Pennsylvania division. V. 68, p. 872. Carries mostly coal and coke. See guaranty V. 52, p. 570. The bonds are endorsed with the New York Central's guaranty of principal and interest. See V. 52'p . 570. (V• 69 • P• 128·' Beech Creek Extentitlon KR -(Su MapadjoiningN.Y.Oentral.J -Clearfield, Pa., to Keating, 55 miles; point near Eibell, Pa., to Ros· alter, 3·2 miles; trackage oyer Phila. :& Erte to Youngdale, 45 miles. Youngdale connrotion, 1·3 miles; total, 104·5mlles. Alow•gradeooal line leased to N. Y. f:ent. & Rud. River RR. (which owns entire $4,· 500,000 stock) tor 999 years from May 22, 1901, bonds being guaraneed, nrin. and int.-V. 73, p 790, 1111, 1356.  Bellaire Zanesville & Cincinnati Ky.-Owns Bellaire, O., to Mill Run, 0., 111 Iniles, three•foot gauge; trackage to Zanesville, 1 mile. In June,'95, Gen. Manager J. K. Geddes was made receiver; in· terest due Jan. 1, 1895, on the prior lien bonds being in default. V. 61, p. 239. In Dec., 1901, a large majority of the securities "V'a& deposited with the reorganization committee (Frank ,S. Hambleton, Chairman); Mercantile Trust & Deposit Co of Baltimore, deposltary.V. 73, p. 615, 1312. Stock: Common, $832,000; preferred, $795,910; par $50. In year e~dinp: June 30, 19~1, gross, $192,772; net, ($42,057.-(V. 61, p. 239, V. 73, p. 615, 1312.) Belling-ham Bay & British Columbia KR.-Whatoom to Hardan, Wash.,39 miles; extension to be built in 1902 from Hardan to Cornella, 7 miles: a further exteI! sion of over 50 miles being also proposed. Stock, $1,000 000, all owned Jan., 1902, by New York and Ban Francisco parties. Bonds cannot be called. Year ending Sept. HO, 1901 130 average miles), gross, $109,929; net (over taxes, etc.), $l5,32l.-V. 73, p 1356. Belt Railroad & Stock Yard of Ind.lanapo1ls.-Owns 14 miles of belt road, etc. Leased for 999 years to Ind. Union-which see. DIVIDENDS.-) Preferred in Common '95. '96. '97. '98toJa.n.'02. Since 1894 . .••• 5 full to date. stock p. o. 5 4:Jg o - 5 yearly. In 1892 the " common stock had not paid less than 3 per oent semi•annually (J. & J.), and at times more, tor past fifteen years.'' Pres., 8.E. Rauh, Indianapolis, Ind.-(V. 63, p.153; V. 66,p.334..) Belt Railway (ofOhattanooga, Tenn.).-Owns 25 miles of belt railroad in Chattanooga, Tenn. V. 67, p. 72. HISTORY.-A reorganization of Union Ry. foreclosed June 17, 1895. Leased till July 1 1945, to Alabma Great Sonthern RR.; rental guar anteed to meet interest on let .M. 11onrls, taxes and maintenance. STOCK Is $300,000, owned by Oreat So. Ry. There are also $24000 second income 4s, due 194.5, but subjeot to oa.11 at par July 1, 1903; no interest ever paid thereon.-(V. 63, p. 699.) Belvidere Delaware KK.-Owns from Trenton, N. J., to MaD.u.nka Chunk, N. J., 67. m.: FlemingtonRR.,&o., 14 m.; operated out-off 1 m.; total operated, 82 miles. T..eased to United Companies, and transferred to Penn. RR. March 7, 1876. Net earnings paid as rental. 8TOCK.-Author1zed, $4,000,000 ; outstanding Feb., 1900, $1,253,· 000; par, $50. Dividends: 1897 to 1901, both inolusiYe, 5 p. o. yearly. BoNDs.-First 6s of 1853 and the $1,249,000 4 per cents of 1885-7 are guaranteed by the United Companies, and their guaranty assumed by the Penn. RR. under its lease. Bonds of 1885, 1887 and 1893 are aeoured by the oonsol. mortgage of 1875 tor $4,000,000, whi<.'h provides tor a sinking fund of 1 per cent of outstanding bonds if earned. EARNINGS.-In 1900, gross, $1,221,500; net, $381,451; interest, etc., $199,086. In 1899 gross, $1,186,012; net, $403,327. Bennington & Rutland Ky.-See Rutland RR.-(V. 70, p. 685.) Berkshire KK.-West Stockbridge, Mass., to Connecticut State Line, 21 miles. Road opened 1842. Leased April 1, 1893, for 99 years to N. Y. N. H. & H. RR. tor expenses, ta:xes and 6 p. o. on stock, paid Q.-J. 15 at Housatonio Nat. Bk., Stockbridge, Mase. Lease to Housa. ton1o RR. suspended but not canceled. Stock, $600,000. Bessemer & Lake Erle KR.-See Pitts. Bes. & L. E . and v. 72 p.136. Birmingham & Atlantic KK.-Talladegato Pell City, Ala., 23 Iniles; branches, Rogans to ore beds, 9 m.,and Furnace to Weisingers, 3m.; total, 35 miles. Stock, $1,000,000, all common; par or shares, $100. Year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $35,040; def. under oper., 1813,067; bond interest not paid. President, Sidney H. March; Sec. and Treas., John Carlsen, 25 Broad St., N. Y. Bll!lmarck Wa■hburn & Great Falls Ry.-Bismarok, N. D. to Washburn, 46 m., completed Nov., 1901; projected thence to Great Falls, Mont. Stock authorized, $500,000; outstanding, $200,000; par of shares, $100. Of the bonds (authorized issue $7,000,000) $600,000 are issuable on the first 46 miles under oonstruction and the balance at $12,000 per Inile. President, W. D. Washburn, Bismarck, N. D.; Seo. and Treas., C. C. Crane, Minneapolis, Mlnn.-(V. 70, p. 1248.) Bloomsburg & Snlllvan KK.-Owns Bloomsburg to Jamison City, Pa., 30 miles. Stock ls $600,000; par, $50.-V. 66, p. 80, 952. Year ending_ June 30, 1900, gross $63,299; net, $32,835; interest, . taxes, etc., l!l29,64.0; bal., surplUB, $3,195••-(V. 66, p. 80, 952.)  JANUARY,  19  RAILROAD STOOKS A.ND BONDS.  1'902.J  Subscr1ber" will conCer a great Cavor by glvi~ IJDJDedlate notice of any error discovered In these Tables. Bonda-PrtnciINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Miles Date Size, or When Due. Amount Rate r r When Where P~able, and by pal, For explanation of column headings, &o., see-notes of Par Outstanding 8tocka-La8t of Cen Payable om. Road. Bonds Value. on first page of tables. Dividend.  ~~toJToy. . . . . . - - - ··1  Bost. d (not M.) $5,000,000•. o  ~~  Bonds, not mortgage .. Bonds, do Bonds, do Bonds do o* Boston & Ma.ine gives • *· · a rental guarantee Bonds, do o for 99 Bonds, do .... Bonds, do Bonds, do o ... J Boston d Maine-Stock, common and scrtfi.o B ... . Preferred stock, 6 per oent, non•oumula ive.OB. Improvem't bonds, s. f., not mort. or subj. to call lmprovem•t bonds, s. f., not mort. or subj. to call Bonds (not mortgage) for imp. & ref........... o&r Bonds, not mort~age, gold............. _....... o&r Bonds, $5,454,000, g., secured bl: Fitchb. stock .. Improvement bonds, not mort., 1,000,000...... Eastern RR.certs.of indebt.lstM., g.,s.f.,notdrn.o Portsmouth Great Falls & Conway lat mort•..•. o Central Massachusetts, lat M. ID, assumed .... c., Debentures, !500,000, assumed ................. Charleston Ian mortga\e notes.................•. Port. & Roch. Terminal onds (no mort.) ass'd.o BoBton d Prm,,-Stock, 10 p. o. guar. 99 yrs., Old Col. Bonds, not mortrge......•..........••.......•.. o* Boston Be'DereBeae d Lynn-Stock ................. New lat mortgage, $1,000,000, goldSB..... . o· Boston Winthrop & Shore lat mort assumed.ID Boston Terminal Oo.-lat mott., ourrency.OB .. c&r Brad. Bord. & Kinzua-lat M., $300,000, g.Mp.c* Brooklyn &Rockaway Beach.-lstM., $350,000,g.o ..  --1  -....- - ...... 1893 .... 1901 .$ioo ---· isss 1,000 .... 1885-9 1,000  ---·  ---· 1893 .... .... 1895 .... 1896 .... 1897-8 . --· '99-'0l .... .... ·-··  ---·  ---· .... ..... --ii"i 73 99  ....  -·-· .68  ---·  ···9 5  ·27 3¼  1892  1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 100 '85-;87 1,000 1887 1,000 1892 lOOO&o. 1894 1,000 1900 1,000 1901 1876 if&.£ 1877 500&0. 1886 1,000 1895 1,000 Var. Var. 1892 500 100 '8fP93 1,000 100 lOOO&o. 1886 1,000 1897 l,OOO&c 1892 500 1,000 1891  iso1  Boise & Ow-yhee Ry.-Nampa to Murphy, Idaho, 30·451 miles, completed July, 1899; sidings, ·87 miles; total, 31 ·32 miles. In 1901 extension was completed from Nampa north to Emmett, 28 miles, under charter of Idaho Northern Ry., to be further extended to Horse Shoe Bend, Idaho, 26 miles. Stock, $1,000,000; par, $100; all common and all outstanding. In Oct., 1901, company stated that no bonds were to be is;iui>d "at present." Year ending June 30, 1900, foss, $34,219; net, $16,746. President, W. H. Dewey, Nampa, Idaho; eo., R. E. Gfeen. Boise. Boone Jlockw-ell City & Northwestern Ry.- Gowrie to Fraser, Ia., 21 miles; extensions proposed to Boone and Rockwell City, making a total of 52 miles. The mortgage (A.mer. Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago, trustee,) cover.a the road amt also 3,5~0 acres of coal land, and coal rights, buildings, machinery and eqmpment, stated to be valued at over $1,000,0~0. In Dec.• 1901, $1,300,000 was offered.-V.. 74, p. 1~0 7 • Pres., Hamilton Browne, Boone, Ca. Office, 218 La Salle St., Chicago, Ill.-V. 73, p. 1207. BoonvilJe St. Loul8 & Southern Ry.-Boonville to Versailles, Mo., 44 miles. Leased to Mo. Pac. for 30 years from July 1, 1880, at annual rental of $25,000, taxes, expenses, eto. Stock, $250,000; par 01. shares, $125. Earnings not reported separately. Boston & Albany RR.-Owns from Boston, Mass., to Albany, N. Y. , 202 miles; numerous branches. 104 miles; leased lines, 88 mile11; total operated, 39-1 miles. A consolidation of December, 1867. Taken over under lease on Nov. 10, 1900, by the N. Y. Cent. & Hud. Riv. RR. See below. V. 71, p. 697, 963. The lease runs for 99 years from July 1, 1900, the N. Y. Cent. & Hud. Riv. RR. guaranteeing rental of 8 per cent per annum on the $25,000,000 stock, payable quarterly [Mar. 30, etc.], organization expenses, interest on bonds, taxes, expenses of maintenance, etc. The B. di A.. received for certain property not included in the lease $5,500,000 in N. Y. Cent. 3¼1 per oent 100-year debentures, thus adding ·77 per cent per annum to 8 per cent guaranteed on stock. See lease in V. 69, p. 282. -V. 69, p. 1061, 1102, 1246; V. 70, p. 74; V. 71, p. 645, 963.) In Jan., 1901, the issue or $2,5001000 of 319 per cent 50-year bonds for increasing the terminal faciltties at Boston was authorized; no bonds issued thereunder to Jan., 1902.-V. 71, p 1218; V. 72, p. 44. In Jan., 1902, authority was given to issue $1,358,000 50-year 3¼is to refund the 5s maturing April 1, 1902.-(V. 74, p. 150.) DIVIDENDS-Cash dividends at the rate of 8 per cent yearly were pa.idformanyyears prior to the lease. Under the lease 8!\i per cent paid, 2 p. o. each in Mar. and Sept., 2¼ p. o. in June and 2~ in Dec. Stock dividend, 10 p. c. in 1883 and 3~ p. o. in 1886. REPORT.-Report for 1899-00 was in V. 71, p. 388. See V. 73, p. 791. Year.  Gross.  Net.  Ohargu.  Di'Didend,.  Bal., 1ur.  1900-1. .. $9,931,396 $2,622,282 .. . . . • •. See above. 1899-0 ... 9,956,138 2,439.666 415,980 (8\$2,000,000 . $23,68(J° -v. 72, p. 935; v. 73, p. 1312; v. 74, p. 150. Boston & Low-ell RK.-RoAD-Owns Boston to Lowell, 27 miles branches-Salem and Lowell, 17 miles; Lo;well and Lawrenee, 12 miles; others, 59 miles; Middlesex: Central, 11 miles; leases-Connecticut & Passumpsio, 147 miles; Nashua & Lowell 15 m.; Peterborough, 10 m:1 Northern N. H., 83 m. (and subsidiary itiies 90 m.); Stony Brook RH., 13 m.; Wilton RR., 15 m. Leases were mostly assumed by Boston &Maine. LE.A.SES.-Leased in 1887 for 99 years to the Boston & Maine at 7 per oent per annum on stock till Jan. 1, 1897, and 8 per oent thereafter. STOCK AND BONDS.-Stock authorized, $6,529,400. The debentures were described OD page 2t.. SUPP. of April, 1895. (V. 68, p. 84,) The $100,000 note to Nash. & LOwell was off at maturity July 1., 1900, by temporary loan. The $319,000 3¼1 per cent bonds of 190.1 were issued to pay off the $100,000 note due July 2, 1901, and for improve· ments.-(V, 71, p. 1218.) Boston & :H aine RR.-RoAD-The system with its many branch lines covers the territory from Boston, Mass., to Portland, Maine, (two divisions), Springfield, Mass., Sherbrooke, Can., Rotterdam Jct. and Troy, N. Y., Worcester, Mass., to Portland, Me., and all important places in Now Hampshire:  A. & o. $3,627,000 4 None,Jan.02 319 J. & J. 6,529,400 J. & J . 8 250,000 419 M.& N. 3,675,000 4 Various 1,000,000 4 A. & O. F. & A. 1,000,000 4 500,000 4 M.& S J. & J. 750,000 4 414,000 4 A.& 0 939,000 312 J. & J. 23,637,280 7 in 1901 Q.-J. M.& S. 3,149,800 6 F. & A. 1,500,000 4 1,919,000 4 F. & A. F. & A. 2,500,000 4 6,000,000 4¼ g. J. & J. 5,454,000 3 g. J. & J. 1,000,000 3¼1 M.&N. 8,110,941 6 g. M.& 8. 998,000 4¼ J. & D. 2,000,000 5 A. & O. 100,000 5 A. & O. 594,800 4 J. & J. 113,500 4 A. & 0. Q.-J. 4,000,000 10 2,170,000 4 J. & J. 850,000 2 in 1901 J. & J. 561,000 4¼g. J. & J. M.& 8. 289,000 5 14,000,000 3¼ Text. 249,000 4 g. A. & 0. 338,000 6 fl. M. &N.  Boston,Offioe Term.Sta. do do Boston, at Offioe. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Boston, at Offioe. } Causeway St. do do do do do do do do do do do do Bost.; Lond., Baring Br. Boston, at office. Boston Office & Fed. Tr. do do do do Boston Term., room526 do do Boston. Boston, State St. Tr. Co. Boston, State Nat'l Bk. Boston, State Nat'l Bk. N. Y., Met. Trust Co. See text.  Oot. 1, 1913 Jan. 1, 19~1 Jan. 2,'02,~ Mai 1, 19 1 05·6-7-9 Apr. 1, 1932 Feb. 1, 1913 Moh. 1, 1915 July 1, 1916 Oot.,1917&,18 1919 & 1920 Jan. 1, '02, lllt Mar. 1, '02, 3% Feb., 1905•07 Feb. 1, 1937 Aug. 1, 1942 Jan. 1. 1944. July 1, 1950 Nov. 1, 1921 Sept. 1, 1906 June 1, 1937 Oct. 1, 1906 Oct. 1, 1906 Sept. 1, 1906 Oct. 1, 1907 Jan. 1, '02i 219 July 1, 918 Jan. 1, '02, 1~ July 15, 19 Se°8,t. 1, 1906 Fe . 1, 1947 1942 May l, 1931  STOCK.-In April, 1901, stockholders subscribed to $1,464,300 new common stock to acquire the Central Massachusetts RR., $270,900 additional being sold sinee July 1 for that purpose.-V. 73, p. 721. Of the $23,637,280 stock outstanding July, 1901, $1.t128,200 was held by trustees as collateral for Eastern RR. certs. of inaebtedness.-V. 69, p. 129,642,794; V. 68, p.427. DIVIDENDS. 5'87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 to Jly, '99. FromOct.,'99 On common. i 10% 9 9 9¼ 9 8 8 6 yearly. See below. Dividends Oct., 11-99, to Jan., 1902, 7 per cent yearly.-V. 69, p. 64:2. On pref., in full to date (paid M.-S.) BoNDs.-As to ct.ebentures see SUPPLEMENr of April, 1895. Under the lease of the Fitchburg RR. the B. & M. issued its $5,454,000 fifty year 3 per cent gold bonds to pur<'hase, $ for $, the same amount of Fitchburg common stock held by the State of Massachusetts and by private persons.-V. 70, p. 175. In 1901 $1,000,000 bonds were sold for permanent improvements upon various leased lines.-V. 73, p. 55::l, 783, 1111 Notes payable Sept. 30, 1901, $300,000. B. & M. guarantees $1,328,000 tl.rst 5s of St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain. Also interest on $274,000 Manohester & Lawrence 4s. Jointly with Maine Central guara.ntees $300,000 Portland Union Ry. Station bonds. LATEST E.ARNINGS.-For 3 months ending Sept. 30: 3 mo,. Gross. Net. oa,. inc. I,,t., lazes, etc. Bal .. BUr. 1901•... $8,680,462 $2,870,6 i7 $111,871 $1,999,811 $lJ82,707 1900.. ·-· 8,363,583 2,812,884 118,618 2,010,284 921,218 ANNUAL REPORT.-Annual meeting second Wednesday in October. Annual report 1900·01 in V. 73,p.721, 1007,showedresultsasfollowe: Year Ending June 30, 1901. 1900. 1899. Miles operated June 30........ 2,265 1,787 1,715 Passenger department ......... $11,147,757 $9,069,118 $8,522,202 Freight department ............ 17,880,747 11,986,441 10,286,339 Mails, express, etc............. 1,378,302 1,093,043 1,082,066 Total gross earnings ....... $30,406,906 $22,14!:S,602 $19,890,607 Net earmngs ................ $8,888,120 $6,543,584 $6,141,963 Net, inolud. otherincome....... $9,856,833 $7,260,95lJ $6,841,184 Interest......................... 1,268,588 1,088,163 1,091,635 Rentals......................... 5,199,234 3,220,159 3,296,655 Taxes............................ 1,547,315 1,200,599 1,105,649 Dividends....................... 1,645,000 1,515,304 1,234,002 Sinking fund.................... 151,285 64,717 67,829 Balance, surplus................ $45,411 $172,017 $45,413 -(V. 73, p. 235, 335, 337, 553, '721, 783, 100'7, 1009, 1061, 1111, 1312.) OFFICERS.-President, Lucius Tuttle, Boston; Treasurer, Herbert E. Fisher, Boston; Comptroller and General Auditor, W. J. Hobbs, Boston; Clerk, W. B. Lawrence, Boston. Directors-Lucius Tuttle, Richard Olney, Walter Hunnewell, Henry R. Reed• Boston; Joseµh H. White, Henry M. Whitney, Brookline, Mass.; L. C. Ledyard Henn F . .Olmock, C. M. Pratt, New York: Samuel C. Lawrence, Medford; A. W. Sulloway, Franklin, N. H.; William Whiting, Holyoke, Mass.: Alexander Cochrane, Hoston. Boston & Providence KR.-Owns Boston, Mass., to Provtdenoe,  Miles.  R. I:z 44 miles ; branches, 20 miles ; leases 4 m. Leased for 99 years, Apru 1, 1888, to Old Colony RR.; rental, 10 p. o. yearly on stock. Boston Revere Beach & Lynn KR.-Owns narrow-gauge road from Lynn to East Boston, Mass., 9 miles, oonneottng with-:Soston by company's ferry boats; Boston Winthrop & Shore Div., East Boston to Winthrop, 5 miles, with branohes 3 miles. Of the 4¼1s of 1897 $289,000 reserved for Boston W. & 8. 5s; balance untssued is for improvements. (V. 65, p. 68.) Notes payable Oot 1, 1901, $120,000. DIVIDENDS.~ 1888-91. '92. '93. '94. '95. '96. 1897 to Jan., 1902. Per cent. 5 7 yearly. 5¼ 5 4¼ 4 3 2 yearly. EARNINos.-Year ends June 30. Report for 1898·9 ln V. 69, p. 953. Year. Gross. Net. Int. d taus. Di'D.paid. Bal.,1urp. 1900-01. ...... $407,395 $73,085 $56,085 $17,000 .••••• 1899·00 ....... 374,340 70,024 53,024 17,000 -(V, 65, p. 68,568; V. 67, p. 1000; V. 69, p, 953.)  Boston,Mass.,toPortland,Me. Nashua & Lowell............. ,r15 W. Div...................... 1151 Worcester Nashua & Roch... ,r94 Boston to Portland, E. Div.. 108 Connecticut River RR........ ,r80 Conway June., Me., to North Other......................... 7"/. Conway, N. H............... 73 Trackage rights...... . .••••• 9 Portsmouth Elec. Ry. -- ...... 16 Total operated July 1, 1901. .2,264 Portland, Me., to Rochester, Doubletrack(3rd&4thtr). 512 N.H................. ........ 54 No. Camb. Jct, to Northamp• Controls Me. Cent. (which see).822 ton, Mass.................... 991 St.Johnsbury &LakeChamp.131 Sundry branches ............. 152 York Harbor &'...... 11 Lines leased. Vermont Val. of 1871. ....... 24 Boston & Lowell.............. ,r 470 Sullivan County .• _........... 26 -Concord & Montreal ......... 'IT449 - Fttohburg..... . .... • ..... ,r458 ,r See this company, The lease of the Fitchburg RR. is for 99 years from July 1, 1900. ORGANIZATION, ETO.-An agreement with N. Y. N. H. & H. regard• Ing division of territory was made in 1893. (V. 56, p. 464.)  Boston Terminal Co.-Owns Southern Union Depot in Boston opened in 1899. V. 68, p. 40; V. 69, p. 591. Boston & Albany:, New England, Boston & Prov., Old Colony and N. Y. N. H. & Hartford RR. Cos. each owns one•fifth of the $500,000 capital stock and pay as rental in monthly instalments sums sufficient to pay all expenses, charges, interest on bonds and 4 per cent on stock. These companies jointly liable for any deficiency i!1 case of foreclosure. Registered interest payable Q.-F.; coupons F. & A.-(V. 69,.p. 129, 591.) Bordell & Klnzua Ry.-(3-fl. gauge.) Owns Bradford to Smethport, Pa., 26·11 miles. Leases Ormsby Jc. to Mt. Jewett, Pa. (Big Level & Kinzua RR.), 10·48 miles, and Mt. Jewett to Kane, Pa, (Pitt". & West.) 11·49 miles; also leases for short term from Nov. 1.l 1901, Pittsburg & Western narrow-gauge line, Foxburg to Kane, 8;:s miles. V. 73, p. 1009. Total operated, 131 miles. Stock, common, $300,000 authorized; $249,000 issued; par, $50. Year 1899-0, gro<Js, $91,842; net, $25,127; int, taxes, etc., $25,172; bal., det., $45. President, George L. Roberts, Pittsburg, Pa..; Secretary, J. B. MoGeorge, 30 Broad St., N. Y.-v. 73, p. 1009.  Lines owr~ed. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Miles. ,  I  Lines leased-(Oonel.)  MAP OF THE  · ~BUFFALO PITT ' ROCHESTER  SBURGH RAILWAY  AND CO NNECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JANUARY,  21  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  1902]  Snb•crlbers will conf'er a "reat f'avor by pvlng Immediate notice of' any erro:r discovered In these Tables. RAILROADS. on fl.rat page of tables.  ~r8 Road.  Brunsw. ti Birmingh.-latM.,$6,750,000, gold.Ko*  .. . .  For explanation of column heading, &o., see notes BrunBUI. ff We,t.-SeeSAV. FLA. & WESTERN ..•..... BuifaJo Oreek-lat ..•.••.••..•....•..•••. r Cons. :M., $1,000,000, ~old ...•..•.•....•.•.•••.•• c· Buffalo N. Y. d Erie-SEE ERIE RAILROAD.  Buffalo Bocheste'I' & Pittsbu'l'g-Com. stock. T:r Pref. stock'-~on-oum.; oom. 6%; then pro rataTr R. &P. 1st .Ill g., Roohesterto Salamanca. Un.o* R. & P. consof. M., $20,000 per m.,gold, g. Un o* B. R. & P. 1st general M. ($10,000,000) g ... Uno* Debent.i-'3,000,000, currency, oonv.,red.. G.c* Lincoln Yark & Charlotte 1st M., gold, gu. Un.c* Perry Railroad 1st mortgage, gold, guar ... Un. Real estate mortgages........................... B. R. & P, oar trusts, gold......................... Equipm't bonds! $500,000,_g., s. f., Ser. A ... G.o* Equipment bonas, Ser. B., $1,000,000, g., s. f . . G  Securities of Altied Ooat Properties.  8  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonds-Prinol• D:rte S1j.~ror Amount Rate Per When When Payable and by P;fa~enfa~t• ndin Bonda Value. Outata g Cent. Payable Whom: Divici;nd.  ---  1901 $1,000  $225,0uO  5 g. J. & J. N.Y.,Knioker.Trust Co. Jan. 1, 1951  1882 1891  1,000 1,000  250,000 374.000  J. & J. N. Y., Farmers' L. & Tr. Jan. 1, 1907 6 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., Farmers' L. & Tr. Jan. 1, 1941  . ...  . ...  ios 276  issi  100 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000  6 6  1882 276 1887 •• • . 1897 1 0 1889 1 1882 . ... Var'ns • ••• '90-'98 •••• 1899 .... 1900  i:ooo  1,000 1,000  u,,  6,000,000 4in 1901 F. &A. N. Y., 36 Wall Stre~t. Aug. '01 2 6,000,000 6 ln 1901 F. &A. do do A.uft15f Ol,3if 1,300,000 6 g. F. & A. N. Y.AJJnion ~ i t Co. Fe . , 19 1 6 g. J. & D. 3,917,000 Deo. 1, 1922 4,407,000 do do Sept. 1, 1937 : g. M. & 8. 1.000,000 J. & J. New York. Jan. 1, 1947 5 g. J. & J. 350,000 do do Jan., 1939 20,000 7 g. J. & D. June, 1902 do do 304,000 Rochester, N. Y. Various. 5&6 Various 454,000 J. & D. 1902·1908 5 4lgg, M.&N. N. Y., Gnar. Trust Co. May 1, 1919 500,000 41g g. M.& N. May 1, 1920 l,0 '.J 0,000 do do  1,1500,000 5 F. & A. • • •• Jeff'eraon & Clear:fleld c. & I., pref. stock......... .... 100 1,749,000 5 g. J. & D. 1st M., g., sinking fund, drawn at 105 ..... G.o* .... 1 8 9 6 1,000 1,000,000 5 g. J. & D. 2d M., gold, s. f., drawn at 105 ....••••• Usm.c* .... 1896 1,000 907,000 5 g. M. & 8. Roch. & Pitts. Coal & Iron, 1st M., g., s f ..... .. o . .•. 1886 1,000 l ,085.000 5 g. M. & N. Helvetia purohasemoney1 M.,g.,s. f . .... Oe.o* ..•. 1896 1,000 3,518,000 See text. Q.-J. Buffal,o ti Busquehanna-Stoo.s::, $16,037,500 auth. 50 575,000 5 g. A. & O. let M., g., s. f., red. at par................ Me.o*&r ioi is93 500 &o. 4 g, J. & J. 1st retun.1 ing mort.,_gold (see text).Mp ...•. o*&r 172 1901 1,000&o 3,021,000 7,121,740 6 in 1901 F. & A. Burtington Oedar Ra'[>id,s d Northern-Stock.... Tr. 100 5 J. & D. lat mortgage, lawfnl money ............... F.o"&r 86(l is76 lOO&o. 6,500,000 1,905,000 5 g. A. & O. <Jed. Rap. I. F. & N. W.1 con.1st M.,g., guar.Ce.o .••. 1881 1,000 5 g. A. & 0. B.C.R.&N. oon. latM. ~ ool. trust,gold ..•. F.o*&r All 1884 1,000&o 7,803,000 150,000 7 g. J. & D. Minneapolis & St.Louis, 1st M., gold (assumed). Ce 12 1877 500 Burlingtora ff Missouri Valley-See CHICAGO BUR LINGT ON&QIUINCY. Oalgary ti Edmonton-lat mert. 6a, red. at 110. .. . 295 1890 £100 £1,121,700 See text. J. & J.  B:rooklyn & B:rlghton Beach RR.-V.68, p. 1179; V.69, p. 228. Brooklt:n & Rockaway Beach RJl,.-Owna road from East New York (Brooklyn) to Canaraie Landing, Jamaica Bay, 3¼ miles (of which 3 miles double track), and operates ferry to Rockaway Bea.oh. Operations suspended during winter months. Payment of interest on first mortgage bonds has been deferred to early part of 1903, a ayndi• cate meantime holding option to purchase property; 11 option is exer• cised a majority of bondholders has agreed to aooept new bonds for present holdmgs. V. 73, p. 783. STOCK is $150,000; par, $50. Loans and bills payable Sept. 30, 1900, $85,900; real estate mortgage, $55,· 877. In year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $8,609; def. under operating, ,7,183; other income, $3,801; int. and taxes, $26,528; balance, deficit, $29,910.-V. 73, p. 783. Brnn•wlck & Blrmln:rham R R.-Projeoted from Brunswick, Ga., to Birmingham, Ala., 373 mtles, with branches, making a total of a.bout 450 miles, of which about 75 miles graded in July, 1901, (28 miles of track being laid),,_ operation of a portion of the line having been beFa Aug., 1901. vonstruotion was said to be "proceeding rapidly.' Stock and bonds authorized, ea.oh $15,000 per mile. Pree., E. C. Machen; Seo. and Treas, J. S. MoMaster, 277 B'way, N. Y.-(V. 72, p, 531.) Brunswick & Western RR.-See SAV. FLOR. & WEST. RY. Bnff'alo C:reek KK.-Owns 6 miles of terminal road in Buff'alo N. Y. In January, 1890, leased for term of charter less one day, to the Lehigh Valley and the Erle RR .• which together own entire capital stock of $250,000. Dividends in 1898·99 to 1900·01, inol, 7 p. o. yearly. Bnff'alo Kocheste:r & Plttsbn:rg Kallway.-(See Map.J-Oper ates from Buff'alo and Rochester, N. Y., to the bituminous coal regions: O'IDned in fuMile,. Leased-Entire st' k ou,n'<l- Milet. Buff'alo Creek, N. Y., to Howard Johnsonburg & Bradford RR.·· June., Pa ..••.••••••......••••• 85 Howard Juno. to Mt. Jewett. 20 Clarion Juno., to Walston, Pa. 62 Lincoln Park & Charlotte ...••• 10 Rochester to Ashford, N. Y. ••• 94 Perry RR........................ 1 Four branches to mines........ 16 Leased-Stock not owned. Trackage,Allegheny & Western-,r Eri&-Mt. Jewett to Clarion J .. 21 Punxsutawney to Butler, Pa. 60 Pitta. & West.-Butler, Pa., to Clearfield & Mahoning-,r Newcastle ••••••••••.••...•••• 44 Clear:fleld to Beech Creek RR. 26 Ribold Jo., Pa., to Allegheny Mahoning Valley RR........... 2 Ctty, Pa .••••••.••.•••.•••••... 31 Total July, 1901 msee separate statementfor this oompany) ••• 472 ORGANIZATION, ETC.-Suooessor in March, 1887, to the Rochester & Pittsburg, which was foreclosed in Oot., 1885. Plan of reorganization in V. 41, p. 516. The entire capital stock ($4,000,000) of the Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & lron Co. is owned (V. 661 p. 1088) and through that company in May, 1896, control was aoqmred of Jeff'erson & Clear• field Coal & Iron Co. (see Misoel. Cos.) with $3,000,000 stock. For bonds of these coal companies see table above. Clear:fleld & Mahoning securities are guar. Allegheny & Western, see below. In Ang., 1901, allied interests purchased 20,000 acres of ooa.l lands in Indiana and Armst~ong Counties, Pa.., which will require tho building of a 32•mile extens1on.-V. 73, p. 444. STOCK.-Common st'>ok wa,s authorized in Nov., 1901, tobe increased from $6,000,000 to $9,000,000, to provide if necessary, for conversion at par of $3,000,000 debentures.-V. 73, p. 1009. DIVIDENDS (p. o.)} 1892. '93. '94-96. '97. '98. '99. 1900. '01. Preferred....... 5 114 u 1 2 2 6 6 Common........ .• .• .. .. .. .. .. 4 BONDS.-General 5s for $5,593,000 are reserved for prior bonds, eto.: The $3,000,000 debentures of 1897 (mterest reduced to 4 per cent from Jan. 1, 1902) are convertible into common stock at par and sub• jeot to call at 102½1; they are to be secured by any subsequent mortgage made except if made for refunding- existing prior liens or for ex• tensions exclusively. $384.000 of the $2,000,000 tn the treasury Nov., 1901, are to be used to build a. 32-m1le 01ai branch. See v. 64, p. 706; V. 73, p . 1009, 1111. R. & P. income 6a, $5,000. A sinking fund of 5 per oentwill J.tetireequipment bond~annuallyon May 1, if purchasable at or below par, otherwise to be applied to the purchase of a 1ditional equipment. V. 68, p. 1131; V. 71, p. 501; V. 73, p. 348. EARNINGS.-5 mos., { 1901. .•. .. . Gross, $2,88~,611; net, $1,364,568 July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900 ....... Gross, 2,49.>,62:l; net, 1,049.939 For 3 mos. ending Sept. 30, 1901, net, $792,222, again st $609 ,732; other income, $4,144; charges, $349,218; bal, sur., $447,848. ANNUAL REPORT.-Fisoal year ends June 30. The annual meeting is held at New York on the third Monday in November. The report for 1900-01 was given at length in V. 73, p. 335, 347. In 1900·01 carried 4.,590,527 tons of bituminous coal (out of 6,771,074 total tons of freight moved), against 4,561,172 in 1899-00. Yearen.d.June301901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Miles June 30 .•. • • .. 4?2 472 338 336 G.ross earnings•.....•. $5,803,693 $4,992,147 $3,788,456 $3,683,590 Net earnings ..•••••.•. $2,394,661 $1,863,267 $1,172,843 $1,122,018 Other income.......... 26,926 19,988 13,512 22,514  Lines  I  Total receipts •.••. $2,421,587 $1,88? ,255 $1,186,355 $1,144,532 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Checks malled.  Aug.15,'0l,2¼  do do N. Y., Gallatin Nat. Bk. do do Buff'alc,, N. Y. N. Y., H. Fisk & Sons. N. Y., Fisk & Robinson. N. Y., Corn Exch. Bank. N. Y., Central Trust Co. do do do do N.Y., Hanover Nat. Bk.  June 1.t 1926 Nov. 3u, 1907 May 1, 1946 Jan 15,'02_,114 Oot., 19.13 Apr. 1, 1951 Feb. 1, '02, 3% June 1, 1906 Oot. 1, 1921 Apr. 1, 1934. June 1, 1927  N. Y., Guaranty Trust. June 1, 1926  J,on .• Chpl.M.G.Co.Lim. July 1, 1910  Year end. June 30-  1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Interest on bonds.... $710,158 $683,321 $668,110 $665,966 Int. on floating debt.. 33 421 330 4,264 Rentals· ............... 473,726 303,114 127,964 121,981 Bpeotal appro'ns, eto. 552,365 330,425 .. .. . . . ........ . Dividend on pref.. (6%) 360,000 (4%) 240,000 (2%)120,000(2%)120,000 Dividend on oom .. (2%) 120,000 . ••. .. •••• . ••• . • .••. • •••.•.••• Balance ............. ar.$205,305 sur.$325,974 er.$269,951 ar:$23.2,321 OFFICERS.- President, A.G. Yates, Rochester; Vioe•President, Adrian Ieelin Jr., New York; Treasurer, J. F. Dlnkey, Rochester; Secretary, J. H. Hooart, New York.  Bi1i~-:~~~~it;!r !~g~iUa~?Z: t; ,t~:fi~,' .t-J. ~~cfrt' 1\ffclia~~~~?1E:iln Roosevelt, ~rnest Iselm. Oscar Grlscb, John L. Riker. 8  N. Y. Office, 36 Wall St.-V. 73, p. 335, 84'7, 956, 1009, 1111. Buff'alo & Susquehanna KK.-rSee Map.)-Owns from Keat· ing Summit to Ansonia, Pa., 62 miles; Galeton to New York State· line, 27 miles; Gaines to N. Y. State line, 31 miles; Wharton to Siff· nemahoning. 20 miles; Cross Fork Branch, 12 miles; leases State line to Wellsville, 10 miles, and State line to Addison, 10 miles. Total operated. 172 miles. A conaelidation in April, 1901, of several lines. The stocks and bonds of leased lines are owned. V. 73, p. 619. In April, 1901, control of large ooai property at Tyler, Clearfield Co .• Pa. was acquired . . Extension to Buffalo, about 120 miles, proposed 1n 190~.-v. 74, l). 150. 8TOCK.-Inoreased on April 1,190 l, from $1,518,000 to $3,518,000. DIVIDENDSi 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898 . ],899. 1900. 1901. paid in Jan.,% 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 Below. In 1901, Jan:, 5 p. o.; Apr., 1901, to Jan., 1902, both inclusive, 114 p. o. quar. (Q.·J.). BoNDs.-The sinking fund retiree ea.oh year as many 5 per cents as indicated by dividing total outstanding by number of years the bonds have yet to run, purchasable in the open market, or sub.1eot to call at par in order of numbers, beginning with the highest.-V. 65,p. 234. The 5s are now being refunded into 4 per cent bonds of 1951.-V. 72, p.674,871,1034, 1279. The 4 per cent bonds cover the entire property, subject to the lien or the 5s on 112 miles. They also cover 3,000 a.ores of bituminous coal lands at Tyler, Pa. Of the bonds not exceeding $3,760,000, inolud• Ing bonds set aside for refunding purposes, oan be issued on the 172 miles of road and the coal properties now owned. Further amounts may be issued for the oonstruotion or acquisition of additional road at not over $25,000 per mile, for new termini>l!_t control of ooa.l properties and for new equipment.-V. 73, p. 619. ·.1·otal authorized issue. $15 000,000, but additional amounts at $15,000 per mile may be is• sued for double·traoking mileage already covered by the mortgage.V. 73, p, 619, 899. EARNINGS.-5 months, i 1901-02 .... Gross, $36!,<'55; net, $169,953 July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900·01. ... Gross, 302,999; net, 139,977 For 3 mos. ending Sept 30, 1901, net, $83,599, against $68,463 in 1900; other lncome,.$3,493; charges, $39,826, against $24,346; baL, sur., $52,266, against $45,148. REPORT.-Report for year endin~ June 30, 1901, was given at length in V. TJ, p. 608, 619, showmg: Gross, $721,965; net (over taxes), $301,565, other income, $6,428; interest and rentals, $94,445; dlvidendspaid (7-½!)per cent. $138,850; bal., sur., $74,698. Cn 1899-00, gross, $732,991; net, $347,990.-(V. 73, p. 899; V. 74, p. 150. "Burllngton."-See CHICAGO BURLINGTON & Q oINCY RR. Burlington Cedar Rapids & Northern Ry.-Operates:  Lines owned in fee-  Leased-AU stock owned-  Burllngton, Ia., to Owatonna, Iowa. City & Western RR..•.• . 73 Minn. (less 25jointlyleased).264 Cedar Rapids, I. F. & N. W., Branches owned to Postville, Holland, Ia., to Watertown, Riverside, Holland, eto...•••• 310 So. Dak., &o................. 510 Jointly ownedCed. Rap. & Clinton RR., &o. 105 Manly Jo. to Albert Lea .•• • •• . 25 -Total operated Jan.1, 1901.1,28'7 Extension from Germania, Ia.. to Albert Lea, Minn., 44 miles, oom• pleted about August, 1900. Extension from Albert Lea north to Fari• bault, about 48 miles. completed in Sept., 190 L, giving with south St. Paul Belt Ry., purchased in 1901 (:possession being taken Mar. 5) entrance to the St. Paul Union depot.-V. 72, p. 392, 532. Of the road, Manly Jct. to Albert Lea, 25 miles, is owned jointly with the IowaCent.ral.-V. ':'3, p. 1218. HISTOBY.-Suocessor to the Burl. Ced. Rap. & Minn., foreclosed 1876. BTOCK.-Authorized, $30,000,000; outstanding, $7,150,000, as increased in Deo., 1900; par,$100-V. 71, p . 1066, 1219. The Rook Isl• and Co. is understood to be a large stockholder. DIVIDENDS- 5 '93. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. '00. '01. ' 02 Per cent. l 3 3 3 4 4 4. 8 8 6 Feb., 3 BoNDs.-Oedar Rapids I. F. d N. W. bonds are guaranteed (p. & 1.). and so endorsed. V. 68, p. 185,721. · Of the B. O. R. ti N. 5s of 1884 (Central Trust Co., Trustee), bonds are reserved to retire. if deemed best, all prior and divisional bonds. For extensions bonds may be issued at $15,000 per mile for sin~le and $7 • 500 per mile for second track, the total author. issue not bemg limited.  • MAP OF THE  BUFFALO & SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JANUARY,  1902.]  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  Bon<ts-Prtnol INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Due. Miles Date Size, or Amount Rate per When Where Pw;able, and by pal,When Par Outstanding Stocka-Last For explanation of column headings, &c., see note!!l of of Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable hom. Dividend. on first page of tables. Oaliforn; a East'n-lat M., gold, $15,000 per mile . 30 Oal. Northw.-lat M., g . ($2,000,000, gu. p &i.) s.f. 60 Oalifornia Pacific-SEE SOUTHERN p ACIFIC RR. Oambria d Olearfi,eld-lat M. ($2,000,000) g.G P .c· 102 Oam-den d Atlantic-BEE WEST JERSEY & SEA SRO RE. 09.mden d Burlington Oounty-Stock, 6 p. ct. guar. 30 30 lat mort.,$350,000,gold,gu.p.& P.RR.GP c* Oanada -lat M., 11;., Ottawtt, to Lacolle, &c . Fe• 138  Ottawa Arnprlor & Parry Jound, 1 st mortgagE'. Central Countle'k 1st mortgage, interest rental.  Oanada Mich. ti O ic.-lst mort. See V. 63, p. 838 Oanada Southern-Stock .••••. .•••••.••.••.•.•••.••.  261 38  459 404 404 16  - - - ---- - - -  1896 $1,000 1898 1,000  $441,000 250,000  5 g. J & J. New York. July 1, 192 5 g. A. & 0. San Fran. & New York. Apr. 1, 1928  1891  1,279,000  5 g. J. & J. Phila., Broad Bt. Btat'n. Jan. 1, 194.l  1,000  381,925 6 J. & J. Philaa:road Btd~tat'n. 4 f;!. F. & A. 350,000 !', g. J. & J. N.Y.,Bk.Mont., & Mont. 3,450,000 1889 1,500,000 5 -... .. -· ... ··-·· .. 3811,000 5 ---······· .... 1,000 Worthless. 100 15,000,000 See.text. F:·&:·A. N. Y., Gr. Cent. Station. 1,000 14,000,000 J. & J. N. Y., Union Trust Co. 5 M. & 8. N. Y., Union Trust Co. 1883 l,OOO&c 6,000,000 5 4 g. A. & O. Montreal, Bk. of Mont . 1895 1,000 130,000 (1) 4 g. 1900 ---······· 1900 £700,000 419 J&DJO London and Toronto. 100 65,000,000 5 in1901 A.. & o. N. Y., 59WallSt. &Lon. ..... 4 A.. & o. London, Co.'s Office. £1 31,171,000 1880 £100&0 973,333 Various Montreal. 6 7,000,000 do '82·'83 4120 A. & 0. 5 g. A. & 0. Montreal,N. Y.or Lond'n 1881 500·&0. 2,331,000 5 g. J. & J. London, Baring B. & Co. 1885 £100&0 34,998,633 5 g. J. & J. do do 1888 £100&0 3,650,000 do do 1888 £100&0 15,000,000 ri3g. J. & J. 1889 .£1 &o. 60,369,083 J. & J. London, Comp'ys office. (1) . 1901  Jan., 1902, 3~ Feb. 1, 192 Jan. 5, 1909  5 g. J. & D. N. Y.,59Wall&London g. J. & J. London, Baring B. & Co. do do A.. & o. (6) 4 15J.&D• Can. Pac. office, London. J . & D . . Montreal and London . 6  tJune 1, 193, Jan. 1, 1937 A~r. 20, 1904 ee text. D ec., 1901, 3%  is91  ---·  25 1,000 1,000  ......  is1s  lat M. $14,000,000 (Can. money). BeeV.631188. 2d M. for $6,000,000. Canad'n money. Do. o.c&r Lea.m. & St. Olairlst M., gold,t;t·• E.&i.(end) .... c* Oanaa•n Nor1h'n-Win.& Sask. lv. ds.g.(Seetext) Ontario Division, 1st mortgage debentures ...... Oanadian Paciftc-Btock (See text) ............•.. Pref. stock limited to 4p. o., non•cumulative ..•. r Canada. Central RR. 2d mortgage (now 1st) ..... . 269 3uebec Prov. due on~ M. 0 . & O. and N. 8 . RR. 370 a.n. Pa.oiftc, land mo , gold (redeem at 110) .... 1st debenture sterlin~ .....••.......•. 3,22i 1st mort. on Algoma. Branch, ~o d .......... c*&r 183 La.nd ~ t bonds, int. gu. by an. Gov't ... o*&r Conso da.ted perpetual debenture stock.....•.. Steamship bonds, £480,000 .................... SECURITIES OF PRINCIPAL LEASED, ETC., LI NEB. Ma.nitoba 8. W. Col. R'y $12,000 p. m., int. guar.g 218 1884 1,000 2,544,000 Atlantic & Northwest-1st mort. gold, ~ar .. c*&r 350 1887 £100&0 £1,330,000 £100 $616,120 North Shore Rr-lst M. 0. P. owns$ 10,767... 205 1883 58 1876 .&50&o £200,000 Bt. Lawrence Ottawa-1st mort., ~Id, see text & Quebec stock guaranteed perpetuity .... $100 $2,000,000 · •-  ---· .... ....  -- ....  --·  :iioo  ......  ......  .....  .........  g  .... ·-·· ....  ---·  Feb:·i;;o~ llg Jan. 1, 908 Moh. 1, 1918 Oct. 1, 19451930 June 30,193O• Oct. 1, '01, 219 0Gt. 1, '01, 2% Nov. 1, 1910 Mar.1, 1904·06 Oct. 1, 1931 July 1, 1916 July 1, 1937 July 1, 1938 Irredeemable•  ----- --·  Minneapolis d St. Louis bonds due June, 1927, numbered from 1,101 STOCK, $6,200,000 common and $1,000,000 preferred, all issued, together with $6,158,300 common. Report for year ending June 30, 1901,. In V. 73. p 954, showed gross, n,786,a38; net above taxes a nd rentals, E ARNINGS.-11 mos., } 1901 ... ... G r O8 8' $4 ' 778 • 018 ; net ' $1 ' 561 ' 373 $374,905; net earnings of steamships, etc., $36,649; n e t r evenne for Jan. 1 to Nov.30. 1900..... Gross, 4,433,647; net, 1,190,941 inte t t $4 $ t $S6 ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends Dec. 31. Annual meeting is held res 'e c • 11 •554 · In 1899· 00• gross, 1 , 62 4 , 865 ; ne , 6,037. 7 on last Tuesday in Ma.y. Report for 1900 was in V. 72, p. 818. -(V. o, P• 279 i V 73 , p. 95 4 .) Year ending Dec. 31- 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. Canada Michigan & Chlcago.-Bonds worthless. V. 63, p. 838. Miles oper. Dec. 31 1,287 .1,171 1,136 1,136 Canada Southern Ky.-( See Map New York Oentral d Hudson R. Gross ea.rnings ..•... $4,848,277 $4,926,933 $4,545,643 $4,292,162 Raitroad.J-RoAD-Main line from Susvension Bridge station. includ• Net earnings ...•...• 1,250,842 1,432,761 1,430,821 1,243,330 Ing the Cantilever Bridge to Windsor, Ont., 226 miles; branches to • Other receipts...... 260,981 123,101 60,123 40.031 Co!~~ht, Ont., etc., 231 miles; total, 457 miles, of which 100 miles T ta.I tin $1 511 823 $L 555 862 $1,4~0,944 $1 283 361 no Y owned by proprietary companies. Trackage, St. Thomas to 1nt!resfoendeti~~:: $791;150 · $795;275 $799,400 $799;400 London, Ont., 15 miles. Double track. 98 miles. Dividends...••••.••. (8)440,000 (8) 440,000 (4) 220,000 (4) 220,000 ORGANIZATION, CONTRACTS, ETC.-The Company was chartered in Miscellaneous...... 19,977 _ _ _ _ 66.893 472 Canada February 28, 1868, and debt read1usted in 1878. In Nov., 1882, s 1 $260 696 $320,587 $404,ti51 $263 489 a close contract was made with the Michlgan Central for 21 years from Casp~roavs!e!mise·nptrseve:tyro·:$11,937201:496598 $1,362,292 $62500.,138768 $5,106:768914,elo8~!f p~vied~~iog~r.aymu~1:i\~o ~e~~padp~:tY~~ne:tf oonfe--i>hirecedmjboienrt, 347 820 Im , · ' · • ---~ ' 1892, it was agreed to give the Canada Southern 40 per c~nt and the Tot. snr. Jan.1,'01.*$1,233,926 $1,335,059 $1,034,842 $789,402 Mich. Cent. 60 per cent of the· first $1,000,000 of net earnings, any • Includes $1,621,740 received in 1900 from sale of stock. amount over that to be divided on the basis of one•third and two·thirds OFFICEBs.-Chairman, R. R. Cable; President, c. J. Ives, Cedar as before. But under the original contract each company is still accorded Rapids, Ia..-Treasnrer, H. H. Hollister, 17 Broad street, New York, all benefit from the reduction in its :fixed charges; consequently as the Michigan Central to Jan. 1, 1898, had reduced its charges a bout $327,• N · Y .; S ecret ary, s · s · D orwart ' Ceda rRapids ' Ia. · ooo. that amount is credited to it before division is made v. 64, p. 5. 0 0 0 ria!~lta~i<is.~~~·v.·l~~~ss, J~ffiri~;t~!~~; j: 8a~~~~!: DIVIDENDS.- 1888 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97•01 1902 den, Musc11tine, Ja.; R.R. Cable, J . C. Peasley, W. G. Purdy, <'hlcago, lll.; G. Since 1887 ..... 212% 212 312 212 3 3 3 212 212 2 yearly. Feb.,119 W. Cable, DavenportJ...Ia.; A. Kimball, Davenport, Ia.: R. Mather, Chicago. -(V. 71, p. 1066, 1;.::;19; v. 72, p. 86,532,721, 818; v. 74, p. 93.) BoNDs.-Bonds are payable in Canadian currency.- V. 63, p. 188. Butte A.naconda & Pacific Ky.-Butte to Anaconda, 26 miles; ANNUAL REPORT.-Prel. Report for 1901 was in V. 73,p.1260; Canada spurs, ~2 miles; Anaconda to Stuart, Mont., formerly pa.rt of Mont. Bo. share of earnings, $380,000; dividends (2 p. c.), ~37~ .000; bal.. Union Ry., 8 miles; total, 56 miles. Bonds authorized at $40,000 per surplus for year, $ 5,000. In 1900 Canada Bo. ~hare, $300,852. Total1 mile. Oap1tal stock, $1,000,000 (pa.r $100). On June 30, 1900, the sur. Jan. 1, 1902,$20,217.-(V. 72,p. 1134; V. 73, p. 615, 1260, 1263.) Grea.t Northern own('ld $490,000 stock and $1,000,000 bonds; Ana· Canadian Northern Ky.-Port Arthur, on Lake Superior to the conda Copper Mining Co. owned $510,000 stock. Great Saskatchewan River at a point west of Cedar Lake, main line For year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $826,569; net, $363,668; inter• being 800 miles long, with branches, 120 milee; entire line practically est, rentals, etc., $59,499; balance, surplus, for year, $304,169. Divi• completed in .Jan., 1902. The Manitoba branch lines of the Northern dends at 6 per cent per annum in 1899·00. Pacifto Ry., aggregating 354 miles, with terminals at WinnJpeg, callCornla Eastern Ky .-Owns 30 m., from Blake to ManveJ sub•let from the Provincial Government for 999 years from May Nev. en July 1901, extension under construction from Manvel 30, 1901, at a. rental of ;t;210,000 a.nnually for the first ten years, then towards Good Springs, 10 to 20 miles. A reorganization in 1896 of $225,000 for ten years, then $275,000 for ten years, and thereafter the Neva.da Southern Ry. Stock, $588,800. Mortgage trustee is $300,000, with the option of purchase at any time for $7,000,000, International Trust Co., Denver, Col. Year ending June 30, 1900. the line to Port Arthur to be completed October, 1901, and one to be gross, $29,911; net, $12,141, Pres., R. w. Woodbury, Denver, Col. constructed from Spra~eto Duluth, to insure a winter rail route for wheat. The Manitoba. Government ha.a the option to purchase the en• California l.'flldland BB.-V. 7 3, p. 899. tire property in 1929 a,t pa.r value and gua.ra.ntees certain of the bonds. CallCornla & Nevada KK.-V. 73, p. 82, 1263, 1312. See below and V. 72, p. 437; V. 73, p. 615. OallCornla Northwestern By.-Operates under lease the Ban BoNDs.-The Ontario division 4111s will be a first mortgage on the Francisco & .North Paciftc Ry., extending from Port Tiburon, Cal. main line, f that division, from Port Arthur to the Rainy River at the (whence ferry to San Francisco, 6 miles)~ to Ukiah, Cal., 106 miles, and western boundary of tb e Province of Ontario, the terminals at Port bra.nches1 59 miles. Also, in Sept., 190u, bef;!an to build an extension Arthur and on 550,000 acres of land grant, and will constitute a gen• 60 miles mto the redwood forests of Mendocino and Humboldt count- eral charge on the whole undertakfug, subject to fl.rat mortgage . ies, Ca.l.,of which Ukiah to Laughlin, 10 miles, are in operAtion, and charges created or to be created at not over $10,000 per mile ou tlie Ukiah to Willitts, 25 miles, to be a.bout Jan., 901. various branches of the Ontario division and on the Winnipeg and Stock. $3,000,000; iBsued, $1,500,000: par, $100. Bonds are iBsnable Saskatchewa.n divisions and branches. Trustee is Nat. Bk. of Com• at $25,000 per mile, to be guaranteed by Ban Francisco & North Pa.oiflc, merce, Toronto. Interest ts guara.nteed by the contractors, Mackenzie lea.sed for net profits for 20 years from Sept. 20, 1898. Pres., A. W. Mann & Co., of Toronto, Can. until one year after the line is opened Foster; V.·Pres., Geo. A. Newhall; Sec, and Comp., Thoe. Mellersh. for traffic. The principal ($20,000 per mile on the 290 miles) a.nd in· -(V. 67, p. 370, 688, 788; V. 73, p. 444) terest a.t 4 per cent will be ~uaranteed by the Government, but the California Pacific Ky.-See SOUTHERN PACIFIC RR. bonds are not to be issued until the construction and operation of the cambrla & KK.-Cresson Jct. to Hoover's Mill Branch lines, and the present outsta.nding bonds are delivered in exchange, . for which the Government has a mortgage on the entire property, in· Jct.,52 miles; b ranch es, 50 m. St00k (par $ 50)paid 1n $ l,300,550all cludingNorthernPa.c.leaseandoptiontopurchase.-V.72,p.338,437. owned by the Pennsylvania.RR.Co., which operates the property under Bonds on Winnipe~ and Saskatchewan divisions, guaranteed princi• an arrangement terminable a.t option of either party. Net earnings di t tb t G t f M it as rental. A full abstract of the mortgage was in v. 52, p. 976. Of pa1 an n eres Y e overnmen an oba, have b een issued at the bonds, $632,000, were on Jan. l, 1901 • owned by Penn. RR. $~,OOOpermile,whichmay beincreasedt-0$10,000later.-V.71,p.235. In year l900, gross, $457 , 403 ; net, $ 144,351 ; interest and taxes, Total land grant to be 2,455,466 acres. On t he main line in Mani• toba 6,400 a cres and in Sask a tchewan 12,800 acres p er mile. $119,810. In 1899 gross $380,133; net, $131,354. President, Frederic Nicholls; Sec. and Treas., J.M. Smit h, Toronto, Camden& Burlington County KB;.-Owns from Camden,N. J., Canada..-(V. 72, p. 1079, 1134; V. 73, p. 615 ; v. 73, p. 93.) to Pemberton. N • J •, 23 miles; branch, Burlington, N · J ·, to Mount Holly, Canadian Pacific Kr, .-RoAD-Own a trans.continental railway 7 miles; total, 30 miles. Operated by the Pennsylvania RR., which from Montreal to the Paciftc Ocean, made up as follows July 1, 1901. guarantees 6 per cent on stock. Stock, $381,925; par $25. Dividends m January and July. In 1900, gross, $277,488; net, $42,352; profit to Montreal to Vancouver ...... 2,9051 Under construction July 1, lessee under rental, $&,937. In 1899,gross, $260,413.-(V. 64, p. 373.) Branches a nd auxiliaries . ••. 1,911 1901.. ...... . .... . ......... .. 60 Canada A.tlantlc Ky.-Ot:e Map Great Northern .Railroad of Leased lines .................. 2,653 Operated acct. of owners .... 732 4 Oanada.J-Owna Depot Harbor, Ont ., on Georgia n Bay, v ia Ottaw~ t o Used Jointly·· ........ ·····--· 9 Also controlled but op. sep.1 Vermont St ate line, 399 miles; trackage to S wanto n, Vt ., 6 miles; ,rMinn. 8 t · P. & Sault Ste. M.l, 4 09 leases for 99 years from the Central Co unl ies Ry. branch from Glen - - ,rDulut h South 8. & Atlant ic 568 Robertson to Ha.wkesbnry , 21 miles, a nd b ranch, South India n to .rotal in traffic returns.···· 7 , 563 ,rsee each co•s statement. Rockland, 17 miles, and from Pembroke & South ern R y. branch from HISTORY, J<..;Tc.-mcor_porated Feb. 18, 1881, under charter from Do Pembroke to Golden L ak e, 20 miles, a t 25 p er cent of gross earnin g!!· minion of Canada, receiving $25,000.000 in cash a s a subsidy, also total, 466 miles. The company runs through trams to Mont real, u sing 25,000,000 acres of land, all to be flt for se~lement. 'l 'he Ontario the Grand Trunk Ry. from Cotea u, Montreal, 37 miles, under a traffic & Quebec. Montreal to Toronto Junction, 334 miles, w a s leased in 1883 contract. Consolidated in Aug., 1899, with Ottawa Arnprior & Parry for 999 years, and its stock a~d bonds guaranteed. I n Aug., 1901, Sound Ry. control was purchased of th"' Km gston & Pembroke Ry., Kingston , The Cana.da Atlantic Transit Co., organized about Oct., 1899, with Ont., to Renfrew, with branches, 113 miles.-(V. 73, p . 444.) In Oct., . $1,000,000 stock, will operate a, fleet or steamers from Parry sound to 11901, two branches, aggregating 36 miles, were opened. Duluth, Milwaukee and Chicago.-V. 69, p. 954. The Great Northern STOCK.-The company bought of the Dominion Government an annn• Ry. of Canada will, together with the Canada AtJantic, form a short tty of 3 p. c. per annum on the common stock for the ten years 1884through route for ocelm•bound freight from Parry Sound to the deep 1893, the last payment ha.ving been made 1n August, 1893. The issue • water docks at Quebec.-V. 70, p. 279. of preferred stock must never exceed one half.the common stock.  to 1,400, for $500 ($150,000 in all), have been assumed.  to~~t;.! a~i.t,!: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  °  l  INVESTORS' SUP.PLEMENT.  [VOL. LXXI V.  Sub8crlbers will con.t'er a great favor by giving Immediate notice of any error dl•covered In  the ■e  Table••  BGMM-Pr1nof. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Dne. Miles Date Size, or Amount Rate r,er When Where P~a.ble, and by p&l,When Stocks- Last of Par For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of om. Dividend. on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Outstanding Cen . Payable  ----  <lanat:Uan Paelftc-( Ooncluded)Ont. & Que. deben., interest irna.r. in perpetuity .. 671 £1 Toronto Grey & Brnce, 1st M., gold, int. as rental. 191 .&100 New Brunswick R{"lstM.,gold,int.fromrental.o* 174 1884 .&100 Perpetualconso. debent. stock, int. gua.r ..... . . £1 Minn. St. P. & S. Ste. Marie-See statement of that·c ompa ny. Duluth So. Shore & Atlantic-See statement of that o ompa. Cane Belt- lat mort., $824,000, red. aft. 5 yrs., g . . 69 1901 ntooo -Oape Bret01'f, Ry. (Exten.)-let M. $2,400,000 g . . . s 1901 Carolina Oentral-Bonds-See SEABOARD AIR LI N&RY Carolina Northern-1st mort., $500~000.GuP .... 41 1899 500 &o. Carolina cl Northwest.-lat mortgage, $450,000•.. . 110 1897 500 General mort., gold, $14.,000 3er mile . Ta .. . o*&r 110 1900 1,000 1,000 Car•on cl Ootorado--lst M., ~ol , sink. fd.Mp.o*&r 300 1892 Carthagecl..4.dir.-lstM.$1, 00,000g. gu.,Un.o*&r 43 1892 1,000 Carthage Sack.Har.-lst M. g.,gu.p.&i.end. 29 1891 1,000 1898 1,000 Catasauqua cl Fogelsville-lst mortlaie, g.PeP.o* Cata1Cissa--Pref. stooks,5%gu.P. & . y. See text. 50 1st mort~age . .••........•.....••.••.......•...•. r* 500 lat conso . mort., $2,215,000, gold.PeP . ....•. o"" 1898 1,000 Cat/Jkill Mountain-First mortgage•....••.....•.... 16 1885 1st income bonds•.......••...••••....•......•...... 1885 Oavuga cl Susq.-Stocki 9 p. o. rental D. L. & W . • .. ·34 -Oedar Rapids Iowa Fa lscl Northweste1-n-See BUR LINGT ON..CE DAR RA Central Branch-Cent. Br. U. P. 1st M., g. Un ... o* 100 1898 1,000 Oentra.l Branch, 1st mort., gua.r., iold..... ••. Me 288 1899 1,000 Cent.of Georgia.Ry.-lst M.,$7,00 ,000,g.G.c.. &r 312 1895 1,000 Consol. mortg~e, $18,500,000, gold Me .•.. o*&r 1,132 1895 1,000 Mob. Div. 1st .(Columbus to Andalusia) g.G.o* 138 1895 1,000 Macon & No.Div. 1st MM$840,000,gold.MBa.c* 102 1895 1,000 Mid. Ga. & At. Div.1st .,$9,000 m.dur Go* Text. 1897 1,000 Eatont. Br. 1st M. not gua,r. by en. a., g •.••. 21 1896 500  isss  ·--···  ·gs ioa isa2  ·----·  ···ao  &·  l  Canada Paclftc Ky.-(CONCLUDED.) DIVIDENDS- '85. '86·'89. '90--'93. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. '00. 1901. Common p. o. 4 3 y'rly 5 y'rly 5 0 2¼ 2¼ 4¼ 4 5¼ Below. P.referredp.o. Issued in 1894. 4 p. ot. yearly (2 A. & 0.) On com. in 1898, April, 21g p. o.; Oct., 2 p. o.; 1899, Apr., 2 p. o.; Oct., ~ p. o.; 1900, Apr., 3 p. o.; Oct., 21g p. o.;'01, Apr.,2¼p.o.;Oot.,2lgp.o. BONDS, DEBENTURE STOCK, GUARANTEED BONDS, ETC.-In May, 1888, the company relinquished its exclusive rtght to operate in Manitoba lines to the lnterna.ttonal Boundary receiving the Dominion Gov• ernment guarantee of interest on $15,000,000 of land bonds. These bonds a lien on 15,444,200 acres of land subject only to $3,426,000 land grant bonds of 1881, which redeemable at 110. List of securities held against consol. debenture stock in V. 70, p. 536. In June, 1890, company agreed to guarantee the principal and. inter• ~t of $20,000,000 4 per cents, to be issued by the Duluth South Shore & Atlantic; also 4 per cent interest on oonsol. bonds of the Minneapolis t3t. Palll & Sault Ste. Marie and in 1899 interest on the 2nd mortgage 4s of the latter, and in1901 interest on $1,254,000 Mineral Range 4 per cent bonds. (See V. 50, p. 874; V. 51, p. 239; V. 52, p. 608; V. 68, p. 66~1 770; V. 73, p. 556.) Owns Dul. 8. 8. &At. oonsols. $15,107,000. To me .Atlantic cl Northwest Railroad, orossin-" the State of M.~-~ the Dominion Government grants a. subsidy of $186,000 per year tw1 1906 and Canadian Paciflo guarantees the balance of interest money. St. Lawrence cl Ottawa bonds endorsed with the Canadian Paoiflo's acceptance of a, 999 years' lease at a rental sufficient to pay 4 per cent tnterest ou bonds, and the bondholders' agreement to accept interest .at 4 per cent (instead of 6 per cent as formerly), and to refrain from -demanding payment of principal during oonttnua.noe of lease; the ma• turity of the bonds is June 15, 1910. The New Brunswick Raitway oonsollda.ted debenture stock has interest guaranteed by C. P.; interest on the first mortgage bonds, though not irna.r. is uaid out of rental under 990 year lease of 1890. LAND8.-Lands unsold June 30, 1901, were 15,071,916 acres of Can· Pa.oiflo grant and 857,831 acres of Manitoba South Western grant and 174,656 a.ores of Columbia. and Kootenay grant. Total ealesin 1900-01,notinolud. C.& K. grant, 399,808 acres, for $1,262,224. GENERAL FINANCES.-The stockholders in Oct., 1901, authorized £480,000 bonds for the acqutsition of steamships for use on the Pa.-oiflo Ocean, the lease of certain lines and the guaranty of interest on $1.J254,000 Mineral Range RR. 4 per oent bonds.-\ V. 73, p. 556, 722.) in 1900-01 £900,000 of 4 per cent preference stock and £430,000 consolidated debenture stock were sold, and proceeds applied to pur~hase of railways, extensions, additions, improvements and equipment; also .£830,000 4 per cent consolidated deb. stock for purchase -of securities of the Manitoba. & Northwestern Ry., 253 miles Land Great Northwest Central Ry., 70 miles, formerly leased lines.-(V. 70, p. 535,995; V. 73,p. 556.) Extension propm,ed in 1901, see V.73, p. 556. E.ARNINGB.-5 mos., { 1901 ••.... Gross, $16,399,817; net, $6,662,148 July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900...... Gross, 13,296,131; net, 5,14.1,272 ANNU.AL REPORT.-Fiscal year now ends June 30. Annual meeting ls held i.t Montreal on the first Wednesday in October. The report for 1900--1 in tull was in V. 73, p. Ml, 556. See a.lso editorial p. 530. Yenrend.June 30, ,--. -Oalendar years.----. 1901. 1899. 1898. Miles operated end of year. . .. 7,563 7,000 6,681 Passengerearnings............ $8,083,370 $7,098,097 $6,538,590 Freight ........................ 18,983,186 18,738,885 16,231,445 Mail, express and misoell. .... 3,788,648 3,393,056 a,368,942 Total earnings .•.••••..•••. $30,855,204 Perot. of oper. exp. to ea.rn' gs. 60·7 5 Net earnings ••.•••••.•.•.••..•. $12,109,376 Interest received.............. 933,425  $29,230,038 58·16 $12,230,166 1,150,198  $26,138,977 59·92 $10,475,372 423,367  $13,042,801 $13,380,364 $10,898,739 Fixed charges .••••••••••.....• $7,305,835 $6,816,676 $6,774,320 For steamships........ . ....... 150,000 155,000 • •.. Dividends on common stock. t5)3,250,000 (5)3,250,000 (4)2,600,000 Dividends on pref. stock... (4) 1,222,506 (4) 954,840 (4) 472,708 Ba.lance, surplus ••••..... . . $1,114,460 $2,203,848 $1,051,711 -V. 72, p. 820, 87l;V. 73, p. 335,444, 55 I, 556,722; V. 74, p. 93.) Cane Belt KK.-Bealyto Bay City, Tex.,69 miles, completed July, 1901; bran ch, Llano City to Garwood, completed Jan., 1902. Exten• elon proposed from Bay City 1o Quintina, 35 miles. Lincoln Trust Co. -Of Bt. Loujs is the mortga~e trustee. Year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $51:f,844; ne~t.$27,712. President, Jonathan Lane, Houston, Tex.; Sec., I. P. Fell. Omoe, Eagle Lake, Tex.-(V. 69, p. 645; V. 70, p. 1290; V, "73, p. 444, 956.) Cape Breton Ry. (Extenslon).-ln Jan. 1£ 02, about to build from Louisburg , on east coast of Cape Breton Island, N. S., southeast 86 miles to Hawkesbury, on Straits of Canso, wit h branch to Sydney (steel works, etc.) Subsidy, a.bout $8,000 per mile. Controlled by the Dominion Securities Co. (see V. 73, p. 393), which is understood to -own 95 per cent or the stock and all the bonds. Stock, $1,000,000; mortgage for $2,400,000authorized in July, 190~. President, Dr.W. Seward Webb. Office, No. 51 Ea~t 44th t;t., N. Y . C1ty.-(V. 73, p. 183, 1010.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .4,007,381 .&719,000 £630,000 .&858,300 693,000 (1)  J. & D. London, Morton, Rose. 5 4 g. J. & J. Toronto and London. London. g. F. & A. J. & J. do  i  Irredeemable. July 26, 2881 Aug. l, 1934 Irredeemable.  5 g. J. &D. Lincoln Tr.Co , St.Louis June 1, 1921 J. & J. IS"ew York. July 2, 2001 5  g  $425,000 g. A. & 0. Phlla., Gu. T. & S. D.Co. 340,000 M.&N. Exch. Bk., Chester, S.O. 5 g. M.&N. N'ne J'ly '00 2,000,000 4 g. J. & J. 1,100,000 4 g. J. & D. N. Y. Grand Cent.Sta.t'n 5 g. J. & J. 300,000 do do 4 g. J. & J. Phlla.delphia., Pa. 135,000 See text. M.& N. Philadelphia. Co.'s offloe 5 195,500 F. & A. do do 6 4 g. A. & o. 2,019,500 do do 50,000 5 F. &A. C'sk:lll,N.Y~, Ta.n.Nl.Bk. 238,000 6 Dtvid'd pd. Sept.10,'97. J ...&..J. New York, 52 Wa.11 St. 589,110 9 PIDS & NORT HWESTE RN. 2,/'\00,000 4 g. J. & D. N. Y., Mere. Truat Oo. 3,459,000 4 g. F. &A. Do do 7,000,000 5 g. F. & A. N.Y. Guara.ntyTrustCo. 16,700,000 5 g. M.&N. do 1,000,000 5 g. J. & J. do 840,000 5 g. J. & J. do 41::l,OOO 5our J. & J. do 5 g. J. & D. 168,000  ··-· ......  ..........  Apr. 1, 1929 1927 May 1, 1950 July 1, 1941 Dec. 1, 1981 July 1, 1931 July 1, 1928 Nov 19i01, 219 Aug. , 1902 Apr. 1, 1948 Aug. 1, 1905 Aug. 1, 1915 Jan., '02, 4¼% June 1, Feb. 1, Nov. 1, Nov. 1, Jan. 1, Jan. 1, Jan. 1, June 1,  1948 1919 1945 1945 1946 1946 1947 1926  Carolina Central KK.-See Sea.board Afr Line Ry. Co. Carollna Northern KK.-Projeoted from Lumberton, N. 0., to Ma.rion,S. 0., 41 miles, completed Nov. 1901. Stook, $500,000, a.11 outstanding; par of shares, $10. Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Augustus Mellier, 318 Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia., Pa.-V. 73, p. 662. Carolina & North-western Kf..-Owns narrow-gauge road v1lester, S. 0., to Lenoir, N. C., 110 miles. Reorganization Feb. 28, 1897, of Chester & Lenoir1 foreclosed. In Ma.rob, 1900, nearly all the stock and a. majority of lihe bonds had been acquired by a syndicate. The stockholders voted on April 24, 1900, to inoreaee the capital stock to $1,000,000 common and $1,000,000 preferred; to issue a new general mortgage at $14,000 per mile (including $2,000 tor equip. ment in 1903 and 1904) to standard.gauge the road and extend the same to a. oonneotlon in East Tennessee. Of the $1,320,000 issuable on the 110 miles now operated,. $4.40,000 were to retire old bonds, dollar for dollar. V. 70, p. 840, t:193. In Oct., 1901, standard-gauging was in progress. Year 1900-1901 (110 miles), gross, $144,412; net, $45,186; ohargee1 $49,079; ba.l., eur., $3,894. President, Wm. A. Barber, 35 Nassau Sti., N. Y.-(V. 70, p. 893, 1095.) Carson & Colorado Ky.-(3-foot ga.uge.)-From Mound House, Nevada., to Keeler Cal., 294 miles; branch, 6 miles. In 1900 substantially all the stook .and all the bonds were acquired by the Southern Paoi.flc and the road will be broa.d•ga.uged and extended northerly to a connection with the Central Pa.oUlo and southerly to Mojave on the Southern Pacific, a.bout 100 miles. V. 70, p. 381,685; v. 72, p . 287. For year 1900·01 gross, $182,590• Carthage & A.dlroadack Ky.-(See Map N. Y. Oentral.J-Owna fr11m Carthage to Newton Falls, New York, 46 miles. The entire stock, $500,000, is owned by the New York Central RR., which in A~i:!1 1893, leased the property in perpetuity and guaranteed its $1,600,uuu bonds, of which $500,000 were for e:x:tensio:Q.s, etc. (V. 57, p. 218.) tJarthage Watertown & Sack.e1;-11s Harbor KK.-(See Map N. Y. Oentral.)-Owns from Carthage to Saokett'sHarbor, N. Y., 29 miles. Controlled by N. Y. Central, which owns $483,800 of the stock and guarantees the bonds. Leased to R. W. & O. for 37¼ p. o. of gross earnings. Rental in 1900-01, $39,825; in 1899-00, $43.?~58; in 189899, $43,875. Capital stock $465,845 common and $21,5uu preferred. Catasauqua & Fogelsvllle KK.-Roa.dfrom Catasauqua, P!!-.,.to .Rittenhouse Gap, Pa., 29·5 miles. Opened in 1857; in 1890 the Pnuadelphia. & Rea.dmg acquired control through ownership of a. majority of the capital stock of $426,900 (par, $25.) Of the stock $254,125 is owned byP. & R., $251,625 being deposited as pru·t security for Read. coll. trust deed of 1892. For year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $86,050; net, $49,462; other income, $1,281; total deductions, $9,313; .dividends, $29,883;, surplus, $11,547. Oataw-18sa KK.-Owns from Tamanend, Pa.., to Newberry Jo., Pa., 98 miles, and branches, 5 miles. Re-leased Dec. 1, 1896, for 999 to Phllaaelphia. & Rea.ding Railway. Rental, interest on the bonds, 5 p. o. dividends on the preferred stock, all taxes, and $8,000 for organization expenses. Bee also V. 63, p. 9691 1116. Of the preferred stocks in 1901 $2,200,000 was first prefe-rrea and $1,000,000 second preferred and common was $1,159,500; oar $50. Of the new 1st oonsoL mort. 4s or 1898, $195,500 reserved to retire the 6s due 1902.(V. 70, p . 429; V. 71, p. 134; V. 72, p. 1187.) ilatsklll Mountain Kall-way .-Owns narrow-gauge road from Catskill, up the Catskill Mountain, to Palenville, N. Y., 16 miles; lea.sea Cairo RR., Cairo Junction to Cairo, N. Y., 4 miles; total, 20 miles. Stock, $89,000. There also second incomes for $15.z!JOO 6 p. o. First incomes have one vote for eaoh $100. EARNINos.-1:ear ending June 30, U!Ol, gross, $56,236; net, $19,187; interest, etc., $13,368. Cayuga & Susquehanna KK.-Owns from Susquehanna. River t.> Ithaca, N. Y., 34 miles. Leased during length of charter and renew&ls thereof to the Delaware Lackawanna & Western a.t a rental of $54,600 a year. On Dec. 30, 1897, the corporate existence of this company was extended for the period of 50 years from Jan. 1, 1900. Central Branch Ky.-Owns Lenora to Atchison, Kan., 293 miles; Jamestown to Burr Oak, Kan., 33 m.; branches, 62 m.; total. 388 miles. A consolidation in July, 1899, of the Central Branch Union Pacific Ry., Atoh. Colorado & Pao. and Atoh.Jewell Co. & West. Stock, $7,585,000. The $3,459,000 1st 4s of 1899 guaranteed, pr1n. and tnt., by the Mo. Pac. (see V. 68, p. 329). Form of gua.r anty V. 70, p. 279. For 4 mos. ending April 30, 1901, gross $395,405, net, $85,751; other income, $2,486; charges..,_ $80,067; balance, surplus, $8,170. For calendar year 1900 (38t:1 miles), gross, $1,335,615; net, $351,654; other receipts, $7,382; interest, $238,360; taxes, including $41,921 prior to 1900, $88,306; miscellaneous, $469; ba.l., sur., $31,901.-(V. 70, p. 75, 279, 1148; V. 73, p. 31.) Central of Georgia Kall-way.-( See Map). ORGANIZATION-Organized Oot.17, 1895, and Nov. l suooeeded to the properties of the Central Railroad & Banking Oo. of Georgi~ sold in foreclosure and reorganized per plan in V. 60, p. 1008 and V. ul, p. 68. Mid. Ga. & At. was puroha.sed Jan. l, 1897. V. 65, p. 324; V. 62, p. 456; V. 64, p. 82, 180; V. 70, p. 279. On July 1, 1900, the Bruton & Pineora. Ry., Bruton to Register, 58 miles, was merged.-V. 67, p. 687.  r,J  ~0  Cl  ~  ~ ~  ~ 0  A LA ,  0  ~  ~  ~  a.l  ~  t  "r  !  C  ~ Q  "'  OF THE  --, C\l  ii ..-4  .  ~  ~ Iii ~  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  u  L  F  ~ND CO NNECTIONS 0  F  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  96  [VOL. LXXlV,  Subscrlber8 ff'ill confer a great f'avor by giving hnmediate notice of any error discovered In these T a ble s . 'Bonds-Prtno•. RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or pal,When Due, Amount or explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par Rate per When Where Payable, and by Stocks-Last. Outstanding on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  .  Central of Georgia .Ry.-(Onnr,luded)Ooonee Div. M., Bruton to Oover,$6,000 p.m.S.o*  Chatt. Div. pm ob. money M. $2,400,000, g s.o* Chatt. Rome & So. M. $500,000, ~old. U .. . . .. c• 1st pref., inoomes} Interest up to 5 p. o., 1'Ip... 2d do do ~old, if earned, c ·e .. . 3d do do non-oumulative. Ma. Cent. RR.& Bk. b'ds, g., red. at 110.Ce.o·  Guaranteed, etc., seciirities.  - -- 77 163 138  ---· --·· ---·  . . -·  Ooean 88. Co. 1st mortga~, golcl, guar . Ce ...... c Augusta & Savannah stoc (no bonded debt) ..... 53 Southwestern Railroad stock (no bonded debt) . . 333 Chattahoochee & Gul1, stock ...................... 1st M., ~.• $2,000,000, int. rental, s.f.,red.102 ½i . 68 Oentrat Massachusetts - See BOSTON & MAINE RR. Oentrat New Enatand-Common stock. . . . . . . . . . . Preferred stock, 4 per oent .......•••••....... . .... lat l\f., $l,250,000, call at 105 after I 904. FP c* ·5s Gen'l mort.. 5 p. c. incomes, $8,500,000. F P . ... r 58 12 Dutchess Co. RR., 1st l\'I., g., gu. (see text) .1'Ie.c* 0 enwal Ohio-~ee BALTIMORE & OHIO. Central Pacific-Common stock, $67,275,500 . Preferre d stock, 4 p. c., cum., $20,000,000 .. ..... 1st ref. M., $100,000,000, g., gu., p.& i.en.Ce.c-'&r l,3-i9 New 312s, $25,000,000, g., gn., p.& i. end, Us.c*&r 1,349 Notes for U.S. debt,due $2,940,635 half-yearly. OLD SECURITIES NOT EXCH.L-..GED. See toot n<>te. Ca.L & O. tst M., ser. A, g. (ext.). } $10 340 ooo { 296 Series B, gold (extended)...... • • 296 Mort. g., 5s, 1939, Id.Ji·• s. f., $10,245,000.c 1,360 Oent. Pa. ct West'n.-w· es . & West., lat M., g.o* 31 0  --·  --·  r.-·•  a Balance, !¥39,Bo:i,ooo retatnerl aR collateral  for  "J  ---·  5 g. $462,000 4 g. 1,840,000 343,000 5 g. 4,000,000 5 in 1901 7,000,000 Opto 5g 4,000,000 Upto 5g. 4,880,000 5 g.  J. & D. J. & D. J. & J. Oct. 1 Oot. 1 Oot. 1 M.&N.  1890  1,000 100 100 100 1,000  1,000,000 1,022,900 5,191,100 273,400 ~94,COO  J. J. J. J. J.  100 100 1,000 1,000 1,000  3,41-0,000 } To be h 3,150,000 is pai 650,000 5 g. 7,250,000 5 g. 350,000 4¼ (6) g.  .... .... ...  1900  .... isgo  1899 1890  1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000  eld in tr don gen F. & .A. Oct. 1. J. & D .  ust for ten years, or un eral mort1rnf>e ft r two Fid. I.T.& ·s. .Co., Phil. Yearly, if earnerl. Fid. I.T.& S.D.Co., Phil.  194i 1951 1947 1945 1940 1945 1937  July 1, 1920 Jan., '02, 2¼1% Jan.. '02, 2¼% Jan. 2, '02, 21g July 1, 1930 til 4 per oent years. Feb. 1, 1919 Feb. 1, 1949 June 1, 1940  }  537,ooo{ 156,000 620.000  5 5 5 5  g. g. g. g.  J. J. A. J.  & & & &  J. N.Y., 8.Pac.Co., 23Br'd. J. N. Y.,8.Pao.Co.&London 0. N. Y. & San Francisco. J. .. ·-··  ---·  Jan. Jan. Apr. July  1, 1, 1, 1,  1918 1918 1939 1926  per c.- nt notes lw,M by U. 8. Gover nment.  $1,800,634 ~15,218  $2,111,321 $2,015,852 Total ........................ $2,116,515 DEDUCTIONS FROM INCOME FOR YEAR 1900•1. Interest on funded debt$1,558,587 Total deduct's from ino.$1,915,163 Rentals, eto............. 356,576 Net income............. 201,352 OFFICBRS.-J. F. Hanson, Chairman Board of Directors, Ma.oon, Ga.; President, John M. Egan, Savannah, Ga..-(V. 7"&, p. 840, 1061, 1263. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  f:  1, 1, 1, l, 1, 1, 1,  ·--·  1868 1872 1889 1886  --1  I  & J . N.Y., Guaranty Tr. Co. &'t~~hd ~aoon. & Savannah, Ga. & J. & J. Sav., Ga., Citizens' Bk  Dec. Juno July Nov. Nov. Nov. May  ··i·oo  I  $1,879,858 231,463  5 g. 5 5 5 5g  New York. do N. Y., Union Trust Co. N. Y., Gu. T. Co. or Sav. New York, when earned do do N. Y., Guaranty Tr. Co.  .... 67,275,500 Held by South'n Pacific Company. ...... 12,000.000 Held by South'n Pacific Company. 1899 500 &o. a58,060.000 4g. F. & A. N.Y., S Pao.Co., 23 Br'd Ang. 1, 1949 31g g. J. & D . 1899 500 &o. 19,219,500 do do Aug. 1, 1929 1899 ...... 39,80:l,458 3 ..... Aug '02·Fb. '09 ......  Lines ou,ne<t in fee. Mites. Lines leasedMilu. Savannah to Atlanta......... 295 Southwestern RR.Gordon to Porterdale . ....... 86 Macon to Eufaula.......... 144 Columbus to Birm'~ham,Ala. 156 Fort Valley to Perry....... 12 Columbus to Americus....... 62 Fort Valley to Columbus... 71 Montgomery to Eufaula, Ala. 79 Smithville to Columbia.... 85 Columbus to Greenville, Ga. 50 Cuthbert to Fort Gaines... 21 Opelika to Roanoke.......... 36 Augusta & Savannah RR.Eufaula to Ozark............. 60 Millen to Augusta.......... 53 Griffln,Ga.,toChat., Tenn, eto 1991 Chattah. & Gulf RR.Chickamauga to Durham.... 17 Dothan to Sellersville..... 68 Savannah to Tybee........... 18 Columbus to Andalusia .•.... 1381 Macon to Athens............. 102 Br11ton to Dover.............. 771 Barnesville to Thomaston.... 16 Total oper. July 1, 1901. .. 1,845 Ooean Steamship Company, Tota.I owned (and oper'd) .. 1,391 estimated equivalent of.... 300 In addition owns in fee Meldrlm to Lyons, 58 miles, now leased to Seaboard Air Line Railway. The Chattahooohee & Gull, completed in Jan., 1901, trom Columbia, Ala., to Sellersville, 68 miles, is leased. V. 70, p. 1194. The Bruton & Pineora Ry., Bruton to Register, 58 miles, was extended to Statesboro, 9 miles, there conneoting with the Dover & Statesboro RR., Dover to Statesboro, Ga., 10 miles, pnr• chased in Jan., 1901, the entire 77 mile" forming the Oconee division, on which a divisional mortgage at $6,000 per mile was issued. The Chattanooga Rome & Southern RR. was merged June 1, 1901.-V. 72,p.674,721,987,1134. STOCK.-$5,000,000 held by interests allied with Southern Ry. BoNDs.-The first mortgage of 1895 (described in V. 63, p. 1160) is a Jtrst lien on the main line from Atlanta to Savannah, inoludmg the Milledgeville branch (312 miles in all), all equipment and appurtenances and the equity in $1,995,000 of the oapital stock of Ocean Steamship Co. of Savannah. Trustee, Guaranty Trust Co. of New York. Application for listing firsts and consols. in V. 63, p. 1160. The consolidated mortgage (see abstract in V. 61, p. 873, also see V. 63, p. 1160) is a first lien upon 580 miles [inoluding former Mont. & Eufaula RR., Rav. & Western and Sav. & Atl.]; also on the leases of the South Western and Augusta & Savannah roads and the stock of New England Steamship Co., and a second lien upon the main line, its equipment, etc., and also on the Macon&. Northern and Mobile & Girard. It alsoooversall leaseholds, securities, etc. Itmaybe increased $2,000,000 from $16,500,000 to $18,500,000, at not more than $500,000 in any one year, for bettarments and for equipment. Macon & Northern Dimsion bonds are also direct obligations of the Cenliral Ry., with Ii.rat lien from Ma.con to Athens, Ga., 105 miles. Middle Georgia & Atlantic Division bonds issued at $9,000 per mlle, of which $8,000 was for purchase of road and $1,000 retained by Cent. of Ga. for betterments; subject to the Eatonton Branoh bonds, $168,000 on 21 mHes, the firsts of 1897 cover the 65 miles of M. Ga. & At. Division.-(V. 65, p. 823; V. 64, p. 180; V. 65, p. 324.) The 1.J1•eference income bonds, subjeot to the pr1or mortgages, oover the mam fine and the former Savannah & Western, Columbus & Rome Montgomery & Eufaula..1.. Mouile & Girard, Macon & Northern and Savannah & Atlantic 1'Rs., and their equipment, eto.; also all leaseholds, securities and equities of properties acquired by the new company. They are non-cumulative and bear interest not exceeding 5 per cent in any one fl.seal year, but payable only out of net earnings as declared and s~cured by the deed of trust. DIVIDENDS~ 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. moo. 1901. On 1st pref. income. 5 llg 214 2 2 3~ 5 Ootlateral trust mortgage abstract was in V. 45, p. 242. The Ohattanooga Dn,ision mortgage is a first lien on the former Chattanooga Rome & Columbus RR., Carrollton, Ga., to Chattanooga, Tenn., 138 miles, and Durham to Chickamauga, Ga., 17 miles, with branches, in all 163 miles, subjeot to $343,000 old 5s, for whioh a like amount of bonds is reserved; $217,000 being also reserved for addi· tional equipment and improvements.-V. 72, p.1134. LATEST EARNS., 5 mos. i 190l. •..• Gross, $3,306,008; net, $1,0~1,783 July 1 to Nov. 30. S1900 .... Gross, 3,019,642; net, 1,008,0l 7 Operated 1,845 miles in 1901, agamst 1,670 in 1900. ANNUAL REPORT.-Reportfor 1900-1 in v. 73, p. 841. Years end. June 301901. 1900. 1899. $5,767,346 Gross earnings ................. $6,920,715 $6,086,263 3,759,978 Total operating expenses ...... 4,778,148 3,997,748 ~06,734 Taxes............... .... .. . • .... 213,411 208,657 Net earnings from operation .. $1,929,156 From steamships, eto.......... 187,359  --- ---  1901 $1,000 1901 1,000 1897 1,000 1895 1,000 1895 1,000 1895 1,000 1887 1,000  Central lllaHacbusetts KR,-See Boston & Maine RR. For year ending Mar. 31, 1900, gross, $958,213.-\V, 72. r, 532.) Central New England By.-Owns from Campbell Hall, oross· ing the Hudson River at Poughkeepsie by its own bridge to SU· vernails, 58 miles; and leases and controls Hartford & Conn. Western RR., Hartford to Rhineoliif, 109 miles; total, 167 miles; also Dutohess Co. RR., from Poughkeepsie to Hopewell Juno., 12 mlles; trackage, 1 mlle. The extension from Tariffville, Conn., to Springfield, Mass., 18 miles, is completed, the East Granby & Suffield RR. being incorporate d in August, 1901, with $100,000 stook to build four miles of road around disputed right of way, but litigation pending, See V. 70, p. 739; v. 72, p. 1279; v. 73, p. 337. ORGA.NIZATION.-Inoorporated in January, 1899, per plan in V. 66 p. 574, and V. 67, p. 789, as sucoessor of Phil. Read. & New E n g. RR. sold in foreolosure Oct. 6. 1898.-V 68, p. 84: In January, 189 9, p er sons friendly to Boston & Albany acquired a large interest. V. 68, p. 41, 84. Owns $1,390,000 Hartford & Conn. Western stook. BTOCK.-The stook is to be held in trust for ten years, or until 4 p, o Interest is paid on general mort. for two years. BoNDs.-01 the first 5s $650,000 were issuable at once for assess• ments, line to Springfield, eto,, and $600,000 will be reserved for lm· provements. Interest on .Dutohess Co. RR. firsts reduced to 4¼ p. o. E.A..RNINGS.-5 months ending Nov. 30: 5 mos.Gross Net. Oharges. Bal., sur. 1901. ............... $268,8 i7 $66,989 $64,818 $2,171 1900 . . . . . . . ... .. . . .. 303,889 64,918 62,334 2,584 .For years ending June 30 earnings were as follows: Year to June 30Gross. Net. Oharges. Balance. 1900·01 .................. $711.759 $176,656 $155,718 $20.938 1899·00······-······--··· ~04,093 146,117 150,921 def.4,803 OFFICERS.-John W. Brook, of Phila., President; J. K. 0. Sherwood, of N. Y., Treas, and C. A. Heller, of Phila., Sec'y.-(V. 73, p. 337.) Central Ohio BB.-See B. & 0. RR. Co.; also V. 70, p. 75. Central Pacific Ry.-( See Map of Southern Paciftc,J Lines ownedMiles. Miles, San Francisco, Cal., to near Branches to San Jose, etc.... 35 Ogden, Utah................ 871 TrackageLathrop, Cal., to Goshen, Cal. 146 Northern Ry,, Mam Line..... 6 Roseville Junction, Cal., to Union Pacitto into Ogden.... 5 Oregon State Line .......... 2961 - Total. ....................... 1,359 URGA.NIZATION.-lncorporated in Utah in July 1899, as successor of the railroad under the plan of readjustmentin V. 68, p. 378 . bywhioh the Southern Pacific acquixed the entire capital stock and guaranteed the principal and interest of the two new Central Paoifl.o bond issues shown above. The old indebtednesst _inoluding the U S. loan, excepting about $693,000 bonds, has been rusoharged. STOCK-(1) Oommon stock, $67,275,500, all held by So. Pao. Co. (2) Preferredstock,4 per oent oumulative, authorized issue $20,000,000, to be delivered to Southern Pacifio Co. in consideration of issue of equal amount of Southern Pacifl.o Co. 4 per cent oollateral trust gold bonds; of which delivered on completion of readjustment, $12,000,000; reserved to be delivered only to provide addi· tional funds, if required, for the payment of 3 per cent notes to the United, and thereafter only for betterments and additions, $3,000,000; reserved to be delivered for improvements and additions at not exoeeding $200,000 yearly, $5,000,000. BONDS-First refunding .H. gold 4s, $100,000,000, seoured by all the railroads, terminals and equipment now owned including about 1,349 miles of first traok, etc., by deposit as collateral security of over 95 ver oent of the old mort~age bonds. Of the authorized issue $39,808.t..OOO is held by the Umted States as oollateral for 3 per cent :;ee ABSTRACT, v. 69, p. 808, and V. 70, p. 739. Thirty_•year gold 312s, $25,000,000, seoured by a second lien upon all the properties covered by the 1st ref mortgage, and also by deposit with the Trustees as acquired of all securities and moneys held in any sinking fund of the Central Paoifl.o RR., consisting Jan. 1, 1899, of $12,553,000 in seourities and $86,459 cash, and by a trust deea upon all the lands covered by the mortgage dated Oct. 1, 1870. See Mortgage Abstract, V. 69, p. 858; also seep. 851. From the pro• ceeds of these sinking funds and land sales cancellation of bonds will be made from time to time; in Fel>ruary, 1900, $2,505,000 312s were canceled, and to Jan., 1902, $1,979,000 additional had been canceled reducing those outstanding to $19,i19,500.-V. 70, p. 739; V. 70,p. 1194. Twenty three·per-cent notes, aggregatin~ $58,812,714, issued to the Government in settlement of i:,ubsidy debt; $19,004,714 paid, leaviu~ $39,808,000 to mature, of which $1,577,733 Aug., 1902, and $2,· 9!0,635 half·vearly thereafter to Feb., 1909. First refunding 4s are deposited to retire them when due. LA.ND GRANT.-Total land grant was about 12,000,000 aores, of which i.bout 6,839,608 a.ores remained unsold on June 30, 1901. Bales in 1900-1, 98,633 a.ores; cancellations, 18,880 a.ores. Land contracts on hand July 1, 1901-prinoipal of deferred payments, $805,259; aver• age price per acre, $4 15. GENERAL FINA.NCES.-Cancellation of the 3~8 of 1899 is being effected from time~to.time from the proceeds of the sinkine: funds and also from land salei:,, $2,505,000 of the bonds being thus retired early  I I  JANVARY,  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  1902. J  Sub.erlbere will cont'er a great f'avor by giving ID1JD.edlate notice of' any error dl•eovered In these Table•. Bond-s-PrtnolRAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or Amount 1>al,When Due. Per explanation of column hea.dtngs, &o., see notes of of Par Outstanding Rate r.r When Where P~able, and by Btoclu-Last on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cen • Payable om. Dividend.  --- --- ·  - - - -·---·  Cent. BB. of N. J.-Btook ($3?f OOO,OOO author) .. Bonds, secured by consolidate mortgale of 1874 Convert. debentures, convert. into stoc till 1907 Cent.RR.of N.J ., Gen.M.fOD$50,000,000,g.Ce,o&r Eqnipm't mort., $170,000 due yearly June 1 ..••. Real estate bond and mortgages .•......•...•...•.  Guaranteed Bonds-  ....  $100 $27,282,800 See text. 2.-F. N.Y.Off'.,143 LibertySt. Feb. l,'02i114 ---- 1,000 1,167,000 7 M.&N. N. Y., Liberty Nat. Bk. Nov. 1, 902 ---· 1872 1883 1,000 197,000 6 M.&N. N. Y., Liberty Nat. Bk. May 1, 1908 Ali: 1887 !100 &o. 43,924,000 N. Y., Liberty Nat. Bk. Juli, 1, 1987 1f ~ g. 1,000 1899 Y'r y to 1909 1,360,000 do do J. & D. --·· do j.o Various date, 199,100 5 Various ··-· . --· ......  --·  Leh.& Wukesb.Coa.l con.M., gu.,p.&1.,ext. in 1900 Am.Dock&Imp.Co.lstM.,gu.,redeem.atllO... o~ . N. Y. & L. Br. ien. M., g. (~192,000 5s) ...... Ce Leh. & Hud. R v.,gen. M., g., ~ar.jointly.Ce.c* .... J. City bonds, guar. (part year y Dec. 1) see text Cent. RR. of Pe1insyl11ania-lst M., $1,200,000.FP Ce>itral, South Oarolina--lst mortgage, gold ... c ·40 Central, ermont-Btock, $3,008i000 ............... 1st M., $12,000,000 gold, tra. c gua.r.A. B c & r. ill Montreal & Province Line Rf, 1st M., gu. p. & 1.. c 40·6 Ohart. Olend.cfSut.-lstM.g., 30,000p. m.W.P.o"" West. Oar.-lst M.,g,($8,000 p .m.) .Ce .. c•&r 340 Income M., g., non•cum., ($7,000 per mile) G . . o* :Augusta.Ry. Terminal 1st M.,g., gu.,p,&i. end.Ce. Charlotte Oolumbia cfA.ugmta-SeeSOUTHERNRY. .  ·as ··-·  i  ·-·· --·  Ohartiers-Stock . ............ ........................  1st mortre1e, guar. p. & 1. by Penn. RR ......... c  Chateaugay R.-Stock ......... -.................... ChateaugayR'y-lst M., gu. p. &i.(seeV.73,p.1263  -,r-On  1875 1,000 b 6,059,000 do do 4¼ Q.-M. 1881 1,000 do 4,987,000 5 do J . & J. 1891 1,000 1,692,000 4& 5 g. M.& 8. do do 1890 1.000 a 1,062,000 ~ g. J. & J . N. Y., Nat. Exch. Bank. 1898 199,002 J. & D. 1893 500·&0. 600,000 6 M.&N. Phil.,Fid.I.Tr.& B.D.Co. 1881 1,000 6 g. J. & J. N. Y., Cuyler, M. & Co. 300,000 100 3,000,000 $2,185,1 00 held by Grand Trunk Ry. of i899 1000&0. 11,000,000 4 g. Q.-F. Bosd Am. L. Co. 1900 100 &o. 4 g. A. & 0. 200,000 0 1894 1,000 1,500,000 5 g. A. & 0. Phil.WstEnd T.&S.D.Co 1896 1,000 2,720,000 5 g. A. & 0. N. Y., Chase Nat. Bank. 1896 1,000 2,380,000 If earned. 5 October 1897 1,000 N. Y. Cent. Tr. Co. 600,000 6 g. A. & 0 .  ~!·  ·2a iooi ·sg  iss1  June 1, 1910 July 1, 192] B~t. 1, 1941 J y 1, 1920 Deo.1'1902-03 May 1, 1943 July 1, 1921 Canada. May l, 1920 Oct. l, 1950 Oct. 1, 1944 Oct. 1, 1946 Oct. 1, 1946 Apr. 1. 1947  Oot.1 '01,3¼% 645,300 7 in1901 A. & O. 500,000 3¼ A. & 0. Philadelphia, Penn. RR. Oct. 1, 1931 75,000 ...6.. F ...&..A . Plattsburg, N. Y. Aug ."1:·i907 200,000  50 1,m 1,000  coupon bonds J &J; on registered bonds Q.-J. a Guara,nteed jointly with Le high Co al & Navigation Co.; tional not guaranteed. b $6,116,000 additional are olutstan dlng, but owned by C. RR. of N.J.  $62,000 addt-  I  in 1900. V. 70, p. 279,739. Payment of one of t he notes for $2,940,· 635 held by the Government was anticipated in Feb., 1900, and a second in Feb., 1901, in each instance releasing an equal amount of 4s deposited as collateral, which were sold; tn Mar., 1901, fl,496,090 was paid on account of a third note due Aug., 1902.-V. 70, p.429, 480; V. 72, P· 4.37; V. 73, P• 82, EARNINGS.-4 mos. ~ 1900-1. •.. Gross, $7,675,592; net, $3,292,336 July 1 to Oct. 31. ~ 1899-0 ...• Gross, 7,248,764; uet, 3,225,999 REPORT -In 1900-01 gross, $19,328,289; net $7 655 083 ; other income, $920,542; int., taxes, sinking funds,~eto., $6,029,131; construe· tion, imp'ts, eto., $906,164; bal., sur., $1,6401330. Abstract of report for year ending June 30, 1898, was given m V. 67, p. 1157, 1163, showing gross, $15,766,3-19; net, $6,544,679.-(\f. 72, p. 437; V. 73, p. 82.) Central KR. of'N ew :,ersey .-(Su Map Phila. ti Beading By.)Operates from Jersey City, opposite New York City, westerly to Wllkesbarre anr Scranton, Pa.., and the neighboring anthracite coal fields; also southerly to the seashore resorts a.long the coast of New Jersey, eto.: Lines owned in fee. Miles. Lehigh & Susquehanna, Phil• Jersey City to Pliillinsburg.... 72 lipsburgto UriionJunc.,teto. t .171 Sundry branches .... · .......... 87 Wllkesbarre & Scranton ,r .... . 5 Entire stockoumed. Lehigh & Lackawanna ......... 36 Long Branch & Seashore....... 6 Other llnes. .... .•. .............. 9 New York & Long Branch RR., Allentown Term. (oper.jointly) 3 Perth Amboy to Bay Head .. 381 TrackageNew Jersey Bouth'n RR., Long Union Coal RR ................. 10 Branch to Atsion, etc . .... •·· 71 Lehigh & New England........ 2 Other lines (no debt) ............138 I Tresckow Branch.............. 5  Leased(mostlyfor999yrs.)Miles.  I  Ogden Mine RR. ,r.............. 10 Total operated Jan. 1, 1901..680 Nesquehoning Valley ,r ........ 17 11 See this company. 1 Bee Lehigh Coal & Nav. in ''Misc. Comp~nies." There are 261 miles of second and 30 Dllles of four tracks. With the Balt. & Ohio and the Phila.. & Reading operates the "Blue Line" be· tween Washington and the Southwest and New York, the B. & 0. tracks being used to Philadelphia, the Reading to Bound Brook and the Oen• tral N. J. to Jersey City. HISTORY.-Cha.rtered in 1849. From May, 1883, to Jan. 1, 1887, leased to Philadelphia & Rea.ding. Receivers were in possession from Jan. 1, 1887, till January, 1888. Reorganized in 1887 without fore• olosur&-see plan V. 44, p. 714, 716. Concerning coal properties see Lehigh & Wilkesbarre and Lehigh Coal & Na.v. in" Miscellaneous." In Jan., 1901, control passed to the Reading Ry., which acquired $14,500,000 of the stock.-V. 72, p 86,136,241,391, 721. STOCK.-Inorea.sed to $27,053,800 in May, 1899, by ea.le of $4,· 503,800 at par to retire bonds, and since increased $209,000 in ex• change for convertible debentures. DIV.- 5'90. '91. '92 to '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99, '00. 1901. 1902. P. o, { 6 6¼ 7 yearly. 5¼ 5 414 4 4 5 5 Feb., 2 In Jan., 1902, a quarterly dividend of 2 p. c. was paid.-V. 74, p . 93. BONDB.-For general mort. abstract see v. 45, p. 402. Jersey City bonds (V.68, p. 128) will be ta.ken up by c. RR. of N. J .: In 1902, $76. 616; 1903, $122,385. ' The L. & W. Coal mortgage is for $15,000,000; the bonds, formerly 7s., were in 1900 extended at 4¼ p. c. and guaranteed, principal and interest; $6,116,000 owne<;I by the C. RR. of N. J. were in Ao~•• 1900, held in the treasury as available a ssets.-V. 71, p. 390, The remainder ts reserved for future requirements. For guaranty see V. 71, p. 26. Jointly and severally with the Co!tl & Na.~. Co guarantees $1,062,000 Leh. & Hud. River Ry. Gen. 5s, prm. and mt. See V. 67, p . 788. E.A.RNINGS.-11 mos., { 1901 . ... . .. Gross,$15,573,724; net, $6,798,117 Jan. 1 to Nov. 30. s 1900. . . . Gross 13 927 525· net 5 409 705 ••· ' ' '. ' ' • ' ANNUAL REPORT-Annual meeting ls held on Friday naxt precedlng eeoond Monday in May. Or the 16,256,821 total tonna ge in 1900, 6,252,628 consisted of ant hracite coal and 10,004,193 of general freight, against 5,736,912 anthracite and only 5,784,510 general freight in 1895. The report for 1900 was in V. 72, p. 434. Year ending Dec. 31. 1900. 1899. 1 8 98, Passenger and freight ......... $8,794,145 $8,417,741 $7,267,032 Anthracite coal................ 5,935,898 5,983,848 4,826,9~0 Mall, express, etc .. . . .... ...... 611,874 665,419 584,865 N. Y. & L. B. Division.......... 506,873 503,232 480,876 Trackage .. ...... ...... ...... ... 4,272 20,959 27,548 ·-----  Totalgrossea.rnings ........ $15,853,062 $15,591,199 $13,187,271 Net over expenses and taxes... $6,153,158 $6,246,250 $5,118,958 Income from investments···~ 1236 318 658,288 596,526 Do premium account..... 5 ' ' _____ _____ Total net income ........... $7,389,476 $6,904,538 Interest on debt ................ $2,760,252 $2,881,490 Rentals paid.................... 2,009,861 1,960,698 Dividends.................... (5)1,355,615(414)1,104,484  $5,715,484 $2,996,809 1,585,940 (4)899,880  Bala.nce................... sur.$1,263,748 sur.$957,666 sur.$232,854 -(Directors, May, 1901, V. 72, p. 987; V. 74. p. 93.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  Central KR. of Pennsylvania.-Owns Bellefonte (Penn. RR.) to Mill Hall, Pa.. (on Beech Creek RR.) 27 miles; branch, 4 miles; operates Nitta.ny Val. RR. 7 miles. Current liabilities June 30, 1900, $401,474. For year 1899-01 . gross, $77,034; net, $19,723; charges, $36,585; deficit, $16,862. Swck, $1,200,000; par, $50. Central KR. of South Carolina.-Owns from Lane, B. C., to Sumter, S. c., 41 miles. Leased to the Atlantic Coast Line RR.; rental $31,000 yearly. Stock, $170,000, par $50. In year 1897-98, gross, $95,286; net over taxes, $36,019.-(V. 64, p. 887.) Central Verm.ont Ry .-Operates from Rouse's Point, at north end of Lake Champlain,. to New London, Conn., with branches 531 miles in all of which 218 mues leased, viz.: New London & Northern (see that oompan:n, 157 miles; Montville Branch, 3; Montreal & Province Line Ry., 58. ORGANIZ.A.TION.-Succeeded May 1, 1899, as a reor~aniza.tion per a.mended plan in v. 67, p. 735, the Central Vermont Baitroaa, sold under foreclosure March 21, 1899. V. 68, p. 1076. In Sept., 1900, a.uthorityhad been obtained to absorb the Montreal & Province Lille Ry., the Sta.nstead Sheffield & Chambly and the Montreal & Vermont Junction, now held under lease, etc. The first-named in Nov., 1901, co~leted extension from Farnham to Freleighsburg, Queb., 18 miles.- • 71, p. 697,857. SECURITIES, ETC.-The Grand Trunk Ry. holds $2,185,100 of the $3,000,000 stock, and under a traffic contra.ct will make good any defl.oiency in earnings to meet interest on the new firsts up to 30 p. o. of Grand Trunk gross receipts from traffic interchanged. Montreal & Province Line Ry. bonds, see above.-V. 71, p. 390,697. REPORT.-For year ending June 30, 1901, in V. ,73, p. 1261, showed:  Year.  Gross.  Net.  0th. inc.  Oharges.  Bat. sur.  1900·1. ..... $3, ·' 62,133 $662,297 $10,400 $669,893 $2,803 1889·0.. . . 3,382,723 783,439 10,845 665,435 128,849 Officers.-P.resident, E. C. Smith, St. Albans; Clerk and Treasurer, w H Chaffee st Albans Vt -(V. 72 p. 44 86· v. 73 p. 956 1261. l • · ' · ' • ' ' ' ' ' Centralia &: Chester KR.-See Ill1nois Southern RR. Charleston Clendennln &: Sutton RK.-Owns road, completed in December, 1891?1 from Charleston, W. Va., via Clendennin to Clay Court House, 51 mues, and under construction via Clay Court Houseto Sutton 49 miles additional; inDeo., '97, graded 12 miles from Clay C. H. Cap1tal stock authorized, $3,000,000; par, $100 ; outstand• ing July, 1900, $1,867,300. First mortgage is for $3,000,000. EARNINGS.-Year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $98,424; net , $51,458; total deductions, $78,885; balance, deficit, $27,427. President, T . H. Given, Pittsburg, Pa.; Secretary and Treasurer, Samuel L. Harman, Philadelphia, Pa..-(V. 61, p. 1012.) Charleston&: Savannah Ky.-Absorbed in 1901 b y Sav Flor. & Western Ry.; V. 73, p. 83. Charleston &: we 11tern Carolina Ky.-Port Royal, 8. C. to Augusta., Ga., 112 m., and Spa.rta.nb'g, Greenville and Anderson, 228m. HISTORY.-A reorganization and consolidation Oot. 3, 1896, of the Port Royal & Augusta and Port Royal & Western Carolina, purchased at foreclosure safe by Thomas & Ryan, who sold the entire capital stock and large portion of its issue of income bonds to Atlantic Coast Line in December, 1897. V. 66, p. 38, 335. STOCK.-$1,200,000; par, $100. A full statement a s to Augusta. Ry. Terminal Co. and its bonds was in V. 66, p. 383. EA.RNINGS.-For year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $963,297; net, $232,753; other income, $2,474; taxes, $12,700; char ges. $18 2,905; surplus, $9,622. President, J. B. Cleveland, Spart anburg, s. C.; secretary, James F. Peet, Baltimore, Md.-(V. 73, p .120 7.) Chartiers Ky .-Owns from Carnegie, Pa.! to Washington, P a. , 23 m., Leased till 1971 to the Pittsburg Cincinnati & St. Louis (now Pittsburg Cincinnati Chica.go & Bt. Louis); the rental is net earnings. Capital stock, $645,300 (par $50); Pennsylvania. RR. ow ns $333,850. D , , , , , , , , , , , , rvp>ENDS- ~ 87; 89• 90• 91 • 92 · 93 • 94 · 95 · 96 · 97· 98 · 99 ; 01 · since 86 (p.c.) 55 Y rly. 5¼ 7_¼ 8 10 10 8 9 10 10 7 Y rly. Of the new 312s authorized m Sept., 1901, $500,000 were u sed to refund a like a.mount ~f 7s, due Oct. 1, 1901, and the remainder reserved for future reqmrements.-V. 73, p . 615. EARNINGS.-For year ending Dec. 31, 1900, gross, $417,996; net $135,406 ; other income, $11,251; int. and taxes, $40,983; dividends, $45,171. In 1899, gross, $316,414; net, $114,468.-V. 73, p. 615. Chateaugay KK.-Opera.tes narrow•ga.uge road from Pla ttsburg, N. Y., on the Dela.ware & Hudson, to Sl:lranac Lake, in the Adirondack Mountains, 73 miles. Of this it owns from Dannemora to Ly on Mt., 18 miles, and 1ea1;1es the Chateaugay Railway, Lyon Mt. to Saranac Lake, 39 miles, and the Plattsburg & Dannemora RR. (so-called), Plattsburg to Dannemora., 16 m . The latter road is leased from the State of N. Y. for one dollar and the free transportation of freight to the state's Prison at Dannemora.. The Chateaugay Railway 18 leased for lnterest on its bonds, which are guaranteed principal and interest by the Delaware & Hudson Co. (Bee V. 73, p. 1263.) Built in interest of Chateaugay Ore & Iron Co., and to carry summer travel to the Adirondacks. In January, 1897, the Sara.nae & Lake Placid, 10 miles, was leased for 17 years Jointly with the Chateaugay Ore & I ron Co. Stock, $75,000 (paJ $100.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  KAP OF THE  CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY AND ITS CONNECTIONS.  JANUARY,  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  1902.J  Sub11crlber11 -will con.fer a great favor by glvln,: Immediate notice of any error d111covered In the11e Table•. RAILROADS.  l'or explanation of oolumn headings, &o., see notes on first pa,~e of tables.  0  t:~~~~~~~:~.~!.~!:~~:~~.~.i~.~:.~~·!::: Inoome mortgage, non•oumula.tive $750,000....  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonda-PrlnoiMlles Date Size, or Am t - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - pal,When Dne. ot of Par Outs~ll£ng Rate per When Where Payable, and by Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  ·sg  is9s 89 1895 30 1898  .~~~  $3,000,000 -----. .•. . .••. .••..• . ••...•. none issued. 5 g. J. & J. .•••••.••• 1925 none issued. 5 1! earn. . . . . . 1925 i:00 ···00 1,000,000 5 g. J. & J. Offloe,Washington,D.C. July 1, 1923 1 100 60,541,100 1 in 1901 ..•.. N.Y.,J. P. Morgan & Co. NoT,27i'Ol,1% 1,000 2,013,354 6 g. A. & 0. do do July , 1908 1,000 2,000,000 6 g. A. & o. do do Jan. 1, 1911 500 &c. 142,000 6 g. J. & D. do do June 1, 1921 1,000 25,858,000 5 g. M. & N. do de May 1, 1939 1,000 6,000,000 4 g. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1989 1,000 1,000,000 4 g. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1989 1,000 650,000 5 g. J. & J. do do July 1, 1940 1,000 400,000 5 g. M. & 8. do do Moh. 1, 194.l 1,000 28,826,000 419 g. M. & 8. do do Moh. 1, 1992 200,000 5 . . •••••••• .•••.••• 3,007.000 5 g. M. & 8. do do Moh. 1, 1902 1,931,744 ....•. ..••. ...•••.••. To 1903 •·· • •· . .•... 1,U00,000 . . .• •• .••.. ••• • •• . • • . To July, 1905  <Jhuapeake Beach-1st M., $1,000,000, gold.()o.o* <Jhesapeake.t Ohio-Stk.(transf'ragt.J.P.M.&Co.) Mortgage 6s, gold, ser. "A & B" Bee text •. Ce.o* 5 428 is7·8 1st mort.,of 1911, Penin. Ext., gold. See text.o" ?. 75 1881 Ter'J 1st m.,1922, covering 8 m., to Phoebus.g.c* 8 1882 1st oonsol. mort. for $30,000,000, gold .. Ce.c*&r 664 1889 Rich. &All Div. 1st con. M., g. Bee text ... Ce.o~ 252 1890 2d oons. M. Rich. via. Lynchb. to Clifton F . Ce 252 1890 Craig Valley branch 1st mortgage, gold ..•. Ce.c" 26 1890 Warm Springs Branch 1st mortgage, gold .. Oe.c* 25 1891 General mort. (for $70,000,000, etc.) gold .. Oe .c" 1,174 1892 Kineon Coal mortgage, assumed, sinkiDg fund. .. Eliza.. Lex. & Big Bandy 1st M., g., guar. p. &1..c* iS72 Car trusts, payable monthly on 4,400 cars....... . . •. . . . • -Car trusts on 25 loco. and 1,000 cars, pay. ann'ly . • •. 1 9 00 GUARANTEED BONDS. Elevator Co. 1st M.,gold,p. &1. guar ........ Oe.c* •••• 1888 1,000 830,000 2d mortgage, for $500,000, income, non- cum. c* . • • . 1888 1,000 450,500 £100 -0. & 0. 88. 1st M. deb. red. at par, gu., p. & 1. ••• •••• 1893 a£80,000 Greenbrier & New River RR. 1st mortgage..... ..•. 13 1,000 533,000 Lo.&Jeff.Bdg.lstM.,$5,000,000,gu.p.&i.,end.,r,•c .. • . 1895 1,000 ,r3,000,000 Norf. Term'l & Trans. 1st M., $500,000, gu. p.&i. 500,000 9 6 1898 1,000 Greenbrier Ry. 1st mort., $3,000,000, g ... CoI.cA .... 1900 1,000 2,000,000 Passenger & Belt Ry. (Lex., Ky.) , 1st mortgage.. 4 .... 150,000 ~hesapeake ~ Western-Stock ($50,900 is pref.).... 584,400 1st mortgage, gold ($25.000 per mile) Co........ · 27 is96 500 &c. 666.000 New mortgage, $1,435,000, gold ................ c* 41 1901 1,000 See text.  ioo  i:ooo  ··ioo  ,r Guaranteea Jointly and severally with Clev. Cin. Chio. & St. L. EARNINGS.-In year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $264,139; net, $22,702; rentals 3,nd taxes, $26,760; balance, surplus for year, ~4,058. In 1899·00, gross, $238,196; net, $44,386.-(V. 73, p.1263.) Chathun & Lebanon Valley KR.-See Rutland RR. V. 73, p. 1207. Chattahoochee & Gulf KK.-Almost completed in Oct., 1900· from Columbia, Ala., to SellerRvllle, about 68 miles.-V. 71, p. 806. LEASE.-Leased in perpetuity to Cent. of Georgia Ry. for 6 per cent on "$273,400 stock and $300,000 bonds, of which 1 p. c. to be used as a .sinking fund for retirement of bonds, upon completion of which rental w1ll be 5 p. c. on stock, payable J.-J.-Hee Central of Ga. Ry.-(V. 70, .p. 1194; v. 72, p. 820.) Ohattanooga Rorne & Southern KK.-Merged June 1, 1901, in Central of Georgia, Ry. Chattanooga Southern KH.-Owns road, completed in June, 1891, from Tennessee State line to Gadsden, Ala., 87 miles; Round Mt. branch, 3 miles; trackage to Chattanoo~a, 5 miles ; sidings and spurs. 10 miles; total of all track, 105 miles. Successor to Chatta· nooga Southern Ry., sold in foreclosure Feb. 14, 1895; plan in V. 61, p. 830, but m Jan., 1901, the new securities had not been issued. 'The new lats were to be $5,000 per mile on present mileage and $10,· -000 on extensions. V. 63, p. 401. EARNINGB.-5 mos., ?. 1901. ... -•• Gross, $40,717; op. def., $20,465 July 1 to Nov. 30 .. 51900...... Gross, 45,421; op. def., 13,948 Year endlng June 30, 1901. gross, $92,843; def. under oper. exp., $38,512. In 1899-00.1..~ross, $95,086; def. under oper., $22,721.-(V. ~3, p. 823.) Sec., E. u. Osborn, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. Chesapeake Beach Rallway.-Deanwood,D. C., to Chesapeake Beach, Md., 30 miles, completed in July, 1899. Stook. $1,000,000, all outstanding; par, $100. President, Otto Mears; Vice•Pres., Chas. Pop· per; Sec. and Treas., Fred. W. Moffat. Office, 1420 New York Ave., Wash., D. c.-(V. 69, p. 228.) Ohesapeake & Ohio Ky.-(See Mttp.J-Operates from Newport News Va., and Washington, D. C., to Cincinnati, Ohio, with branches.  Lines oumed infu,-  Miles.  Lines contr'd by stock, etc. Mites,  Old Point Comfort and NewElizabethtown Lexington & port News via Charlottes• Big Sandy RR.........•...•. 109 ville to Ashland, Ky........ 512 Greenbrier Ry. Richmond via Lynchburg to Whitcomb to Cass, W. Va.. 81 Clifton Forge, Va .........•. 232 Sundry branohes. . ..... ...... 144 Branches in Va. and W Va .. 134 LinetoWashing.(V.73,p.493) 85 Lines controlled by stock etc.Trackage to Louisville....... 84 Maysville & Big Sandy RR. Leased........................ 13 Ashland, Ky., to Covington, 143 Other trackage................ 23 Bridge-CovinA'ton, Ky., to Cincinnati, Ohio ........... . 2 Total system June 30, 1901 l ,562 Second track........ . . • . . . . . 129 Of the above mileage 19mlles is narrow·gauge road. Of the "leased" '9 miles is on Washington line and 4 miles on Passenger & Belt Ry. at Lexington, Ky. The branch from Whitcomb ·up the Gref'nbrier River to its forks, 95 miles, to a connection with the West Va. Cent & Pitts., was opened to -Cass, 81 miles, on .June 1, 1901, the balance to bA completed about Nov. 1. Extent ion of Greenbrier & Ntiw River coal branch, 6 miles, was opened Oct. 1, 1901.-V. 73, p. 678. In O~t., 1901, purchased Ktneon Coal Co. terminals in Cincinnati, :assumrng $200,000 bonds.-V. 73, p. 956, 1159. HISTOHY, &c.-The former Chesapeake & Ohio was sold in !oreolosnre April 2 1878, and this company organized. In 1888, under the direction of Drexel, Morgan & Co., reorgariized without foreclosure, and the road extended to Cincinnati. The consolidation with the Rich• mond & Alleghany was consummated in .January, 1890. The Elizabeth• town Lexington & Big Sandy and other roads were absorbed in 1892. CAPITAL BTOCK.-l.Jommon stock is $60,529,500; tnoreased trom $45,000,000 to this figure since 1892 throush exchange of practically all the $25,000,000 of preferred stooks for common stock and general mo~age 419 per cents in certain proportions. First preferred for 'fll,700 and second preferred for $900 only was outstanding June .80, 1901. Bee terms of exchange in V. 54, p. 642. Stock maybe reduced by majority vote of stockholders if deemed desirable.-V. 70, p. 175. DIVIDENDS.-First div., 1 p. c., paid Oct .• 1899; Nov., 1900, 1 p. c.; Nov., 1901, 1 p. c. BoNDs.-Abstract of consol. mortgage of 1939 in V. 49, p. 147; of Richmond & Allegheny mortgages in V. 51, p. 144. The general mortgage of 1892 (Central Trust Co. and H. T. Wickham t rustees) is for $70,000,000, but additional amounts at $25,000 per mile may be issued for double-tracking. Of the $70,000,000 as above, $32,691,000 bonds were reserved to provide for the $30,000,000 con• -sols of 1889, issued or to be issued, etc. The balance unissued may be sol<t for new acquisitions, rolling stock, etc., but not more than $2.000,000 thereof in any one year. The mortgage covers the entire property of the company, real and personal, at the time the d"e<l was made, and all additional property and mileage aco uired with the proceeds of the bonds. See full abstract of mortgage tn V. 54, p. 644; also V. 54, p. 642; V. 55, p. 335. In Jan., 1901, $28,809,000 had been list.ed on New York Stock Exchange, $1,500,000 having late in 1900 been sold for additions, improvements and double tracking.-V. 71. p. 5f-3. · The LouiBVille & Jeffe1·sonville ~ridge bonds, of which $3,000,000 re outstanding, are guaranteed jomtly and severally by the Chesa• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  t g. gg.  A. & 0. do do Oct. 1. J. & J. London. F. &A. Richmond. g. M. & 8. N.Y., J.P. Morgan & Co. F. &A. 4 g. M. &N. New York. 5 ..... ..........  i  ·--irg. F:·&·A. 4 g. A. & 0.  Contin. Trust, N. Y. New York.  Oct. Oct. Jan. Aug. Moh. Feb. Nov.  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1938 1988 1909 1942 1945 194.8 1940  . .......  Ang:·i,..i945 Oct. 1, 1951  a£10,000 called ye arly at par. peake & Ohio andCleveland Cincinnati Chicago & St. Lows; any deficit on acoount of the bridge is payable by them in the proportion of one• third and two•thirds respectively-see V. 60, p. 130; V. 61, p. 327, 559: V. 62, p. 84 and sevarate statement for L. & J. Brid.J.7e Co. Of the Greenbrur Ry. 4s of 1900, _guaranteed principal and interest, $1,000,000 are reserved for extensions and improvements. See guar• anty, V. 72, p. 626; see also V. 71, p. 554, 602, OPERATIONS, FINANCES, &c. -Sinoe the reorganization in 1888, when the oontrol of the company was placed for five years in the hands of trustees, the property has been greatly enliµ-ged and improved• In Jan., 1900, Pennsylvanla interests purchased a large block of stock, and with the Morgan•Vanderbllt interests now own a maJority of the stock.-V. ,;o, p. 75, 632; V. 72, p. 480, On June 30, 1900, the N. Y. Cent. & Hud. Riv. and Clev. Oin. Chio. le St. Louis owned stock representing outlays respectively of $1,638,455 and $2,453,569. V. 71. p. 398, 51,5, On Jan, 1, 1901, the Pennsyl• vania RR. proper owned $7;000,000 and the Northern Central $1, 500,000 of the stock. The C. & O. 88. Co. line was formally opened Sept. 7, 1893, and owns six steamers, using the railroad wharves at Newport News. The Coastwise BS. Co., whose $636,800 bonds were purchased in 1899·0, owns 3 ocean tugs and 15 barges and leases 3 steamers. V. 71, p. 554. EARNINGS.- 5 mos., ?. 1901. .. . .. Gross, $7,226,428; net, $2,874,s,o July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900 ...... Gross, 6,629,835; net, 2,744,901 ANNuAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends June 30. Annual meeting ia held at Richmond on the Tuesday preceding the last Tuesday in October. Report for 1900-01 was given in full in V. 73, p. 659,.677, and showed the following. See also editorial p. 639. Traffi,c.-Of the total tonnage (10,125,497) m the year 1900·01, ooal and coke furnished 5,450,514 tons, or 54 per cent of the whole; products of agriculture furnished 9 per cent. The average rate received on seaboard coal was only 2·72 mills per ton per mile; on all treight, 3·88 mills. Average train•load, 259 tons in 1892, 511 in 1900-1. Year ending June 301901. 1900. 1899. .Miles operated........... 1,561 1,476 1,445 Passenger earnings .••••• $2,826,813 $2,681,076 $2,422,053 Freight.................... 11,842,213 10,095,144 9,062,879 Express, mall and miscel. 702,516 625,850 524,908 Total earnings ..•..••. $15,371,542 $13,402,070 $12,009,839 Oper.expenses and taxes $9,967,180 $9,087,639 $8,077,384. Per ct. expenses to earns. (65) (68) (67) Netearnings .•••••.••. $5,404,362 $4,314,432 $3,932,455 Other income............. 149,925 14.M,371 100,157 Total and net income. $5,554,287 $4,462,803, $4,032,612 Interest on bonds, &c .... $3,552,490 $3,306,2tl $3,326,481 Extraordinary expenses 1,304,172 348,69d ...•. Ba.lance, surplus..... $697,725 $807,886 $706,130 *Dividends, 1 p. c ........ $605,287 $605,287 $605,287 * Paid from accumulated surplus. Ba.lance to credit of income account June 30, 1901, $1,062,325. OFFICERS -President, Geor~e W. Stevens, Richmond, Va..; VioePresident, D• catur Axtell, R10hmond, Va ; Treasurer, C. E. Potts, Richmond, Va; Secretary. C. E . Wellford, Richmond, Va.; Comp• troller, L. F. Sullivan, Richmond, Va. Di •ectors•-Decatur Axtell, John P. Green, S. M. Prevost, Georire W. SteTens r.bauocey M. Depew, William H. Newman, i:,amuel Rea, H. McK. TwombleT H. T. Wickham.  -(V. 72, p.1236; V, 73, p, 609,659, 671', 956, 1159.) Chesapeake & WP-8tern KK.-Owns road from Elkton to Bridgewater, Va., 26·67 miles; trackage, Norfolk & Western to Elkton Junction, 0·33 mile. Road opened in April, 1896. Projected to tidewater on Chesapeake Bay, and westerly into the West Virginia coal fields, of which 14 miles from Bridgewater to North River Gap waa almost completed in 1901 by a separate oorporation. Of the outtltanding stock1 $533,500 is common; $50,900 preferred. In June, 1900, a New Yors: syndicate headed by De Witt Smith acquired control by purchase of majority of stock and bonds. V. 70, p. 1248. (n Oct., 1901, made a mortizageto the Bowling Green Trust Co. of New York to secure $1,435,000 bonds.-V. 73, p. 899, 1356. Year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $31,159; net after deductinl,!' taxes, $677; no interest paid, bonds being held by construction company.-(V. 70, p.1248: V. 72, n. 820; v. 73, p. 899, 1356 .) Chestnut Hill KR.-Owns from Germam;own liO OJlestnUli J:tlll Pa., 4 miles. Re·leased in 1896 to Phila. & Reading Ry., the rental being reduced .from 12 per cent to 6 per cent on stock Ohlcago & Alton Hy.-rsee MapJ-ROAD-Chicago to St. Lonie, Kansas City, etc., in all 918 miles. of which about 110 double tracked.  Road Owned-  Milts. ,  Leased linu.-  Miles.  Springfield,. Ill., to Grove, Ill.. 58 Roodp.ouse, Ill., to Kansas Ltasea LinesCity, Mo ..•••••.....•• . ...... 251 Chicago to East Bt. Louis, Ill . 280 Bloomington to Wann, via Coal City Line, Ind............. 25 Jacksonville Godfrey & Dwight, Ill., to Washington Upper Alton (all in Ill.) .•.. 159 a.nd Lacon, Ill . .... . .....• 80 Trackage to Peoria, Ill., etc .... 17 Mexico, Mo., to Cedar City, Mo 50 Total of all owned, leased and operated in system •.•••.••..•.••• 918  I I  .MAP 0.lf THE  CHICAGO & ALTON RAILROAD. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JANUARY,  ]902 j  a1  .RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  Sub ■ crlbers  will confer a great favor by giving hnmediate noitce of any error dlscovered In the•e Table•. Bonds-Prin,ciRAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. When Due. Miles Date Size,or Amount Rate r,er When Where P~able, and by pal, Por explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par Outstanding BtookB-Last Cen . Payable om. on first page of tables. Dividend. Road. Bonds Value.  - - --. ·-· ....  Chestnut Hilt .1rn.-Stock, rental P. & R. Ry ...•••• Chic. & Alton Ry.-:-Com. stock, $20,000,000 ....  4 57 Pref. stock. 4 per cent,non-cnm, $20,000.000 ... 57 First lien M .•$22,000,000,g,sub.eall at par.F.c&r 57 Ch. &Alton RR. refund'g M., g. See text.10.c' &r All UNDERLYING SECURITIES, ETC. Gen. M. JoL to E. St. Louts & br.,ster~.Us c* 322 B.f.bonds(K.C.St.L.&C.lstM.col.),f.,not n Us.c* 162 Miss. Riv. Br., 1st M.,J.·•'d, s .. , dr'n at 100.c* Kansas~ St. L. & • ire:f. stock, guaranteed .. i62 Joliet & c., 7 p.c.stoc ,~rpet.flguar. by C.&A. 37 Louisiana. & Mo., guaranteed pre erred stock .... 101 Ohl,oago Burlington & Quincy-Stock, 7 p.o.rental .... Con. M. oov'ng Ch. Term. (now 1st lien) see text.c ... 826 Illinois Div. mort:Sage, $85,000,000, our. NB .... 1,642 Sink. llllld, Iowa iv., 5s, (col. tr.) drawn at 105 .• Sink. fund mortgie 4s, drawn at 100 .•••.... o&r 901 Blnk.:fund4s (So. . Div.) drawnat.100..... . c*&r Denv.exten. (coll. tr.\ b'ds,s.:f. dr'nat 100.NB.c* 415 Debentures for Han. & St. Joseph stook . ....... c* Nebr'skaext.,$20,000p.m. (s . .t., notdr'n)NBc*&r 1,472 Chicago & Iowa Div., collat trust. ...... .. NB.o• 121 Convertible debentures (See remarks) .......... o*  --  ---  $50 100 100 1,000&0 iooo 1899 1,000&c  $120,650 19,542,800 19,544,000 4 22,000,000 31,988,000  £200 1T4,379,850 1,000 1Tl,663,000 1,000 1T425,000 100 1,750,000 .... 100 1,500,000 .... 100 329,000 .... 100 110,718,300 isfa 1,000 21,709,000 1899 1000,&c 27,930,000 S1879 1,000 b2,640,000 cS,544,000 ~ 1879 1,000 1881 1,000 d4,300,000 1881 1,000 e7,968,000 9,000,000 1883 1,000 1887 1,ooo&c 26,077,000 2,320,000 1895 454,000 1890-2 1Joo:. 1873 1878 1877  6  Q.-M.  in.i9()1 J. ...... & J.  Phila., Treas. of.  N. Yd 120 Broadway. 312g. J. & J. o do 3 g. A.. & 0. do do  Dec. 4, '01, 1¼ Jan:2,io2, 2'July 1, 1950 Oct. 1, 1949  6 g. J. & J. 6 g. M.&N. A. & 0. ~.-F. .-J. 7 7 F. & A.. Q.-J. 7 7 J. & J. 3¼ J. & J . A. & 0. 5 4 A. & 0. 4 M.& 8. F. & A. 4 M.&N. 5  P·  4  5 5  Lond'n,J.8.Morgan&Co. July 1, 1903 N. Ydl20 Bro~~way. May 1, 1903 Oct. 1. 1912 do do Feb.l,'02,1¼~ do do Jan., '02, 1~ do do .A u~.1, '01, 3 N. Y., Boston and Chlo. Jan. 1, '02, llf& NY., Bk.o:fCom.&Bost. July 1, 1903 do do July 1, 1949 do do Oct. 1, 1919 do Oct. 1, 1919 do do do Sett. 1, 1921 do Fe . 1, 1922 do do May 1, 1913 do M.& N. do May 1, 192, do F. & A. do Feb. 1, 1905 do M. & 8. do Sept. 1, 1903 do  b, $360,000, and c, $4,053,000 canceled not inolud ed. d, $1,383, 000, and e, $2,442,8 00, are in sinking ru i:d uncano eled and are here included. 1T Oash deposited to rotire these at maturity. -V.69, p. 178. I  I ORGANIZATION-This railway co. mpany was organized in April, 1900, and purchased snbstantial!y all the stock of the Uhlcago & Alton Railroad Company, viz., $18,322,400 of the $18,751,100 common and $3,472,200 of the $3,479,500 preferred stock, all of which has been deposited as seC\urity under the first lien mortgage of 1900; also the line of the Bt. Louis Peoria & Northern between Springfield and Grove, 57 miles. The railroad, whose separate existence is maintained for leKal reasons, has been leased for 99 years from April.19001 the rental being the net earnings, atter payment hy the lessee of all mterest on bonds, taxes and other charges, etc. (See V. 70, p. 686, 995.) STOCK.-Authorized, $20,000,000 each of common and 4 per cent .non•cum. preferred; issuf'd in amounts as shown in table above, the unissued stock being reserved to exchange for the outstanding stock -of the railroad company not -'n ow owned • · DIVIDEND8.-First semi.annual dividend on preferred, 2 p. o., paid Jan. 10, 1901; July,~ p. c.; 1902, Jan., 2 p. c. BOND8.-The first hen 312s of 19~ are secured by practically the en• tire capital stock ol the C. & A. Railroad. as shown above, and by a diJ'ect flr~t lien on Springfield to Grove, 57 miles.-V. 70, p. 894, 944. (Bee appli~ation to list hi full in V. 71, p. 1021.) The railroad mortgage securing the 3 per cents of 1899 will retund bonds marked "'U" in table maturing during next tour years and alsofrovide fund for improvements and extensions. Bonds in ~xcess o $40,000,000 may be issued thereunder on vote of threequarters of stockholders for extensions ot not over 500 miles, malntraok,atnotexceeding$20,000permile,tofundleaaedllnerent• tal obligations and for future betterments not to exceed $5,000,000 at not over $1,000,000 per annum from Jan. 1 1900. Stockholaers in 1899-00 purchased $31,988,?00 ot the new 3 p. o. bonds at the rl!-te of $650 cash lor each $1,( 00 face value; V. 70, p. 739. See official ·-Oiroula.r in V. 69, p. 178; also p. 26, 129, 541; V. 70, p. 429,995; V. 72, P, 183. GENERAL FJNANCES.-'l'he new management has made large expend!· tures for the deTelopment of the property, having purchased 14,000 new freight oars and 77 heavy locomotives, and undertaken important work in the reconstruction of bridges, etc.-V. 70, p. 686,894,944,995. The money to pay all the existing 6 and 7 per cent bonds having been deposited with the United States Trust Co., together with the Interest thereon to the maturity of the several loans, the annual interest charge ot the C & A. RR. Co. is vtrtual1y 3 per cent on the $31,· 988,000 new bonds, viz., $959,640.-V. 71, p. 1012. LATEST EARN's-5 mos ~ 1901 Gross $ 4 142 332 . net $l ,H S 356 July 1 to Nov 30 ·• 51900 .... Gross' 3 •9 72 \ 01 : net' 1 •349 •880 · · ... ' • ' ' ' ' ' ANNUAL R~PORT.-Fiscal year now ends June 30. Report for year 1900·01 was m V. 73, p. 839. ,--Oalendar year--. ..-Year end. June 30.~ 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. Miles..................... 843 843 855 920 Gross earnings ....••..•. $6,693,295 $7,155,962 $7,796,449 $9,036,655 Oper. expenses ....... ••• . 3,976,638 . 4,163,577 4,541,118 _ 5,595,668 Net earnings . .. . •••. $2,711- ,657 !;l2,992,385 $3,255,331 $ 3,440,987 Dividends (7 p. o.) on Chicago & Alton RR. stock owned. x$1 525 622 Miscellaneous income .................. ···· ~·.. . .. ........... ' 5' 759 - - - - •_ Total income ..... .. .. . ..................... . .............. $4,972,368 Rentals to C. & A. RR....•.•.••. .. . .......................... x$3,341,901 Taxes on company's line not covered by lease.............. 11,560 Interest 312 per cent bonds 770 000 • • • • · · • .. • • · · • • .. · • • · · · · .... •• · · • •• ' All charges ... .. . ....................................... , ••. $4,123,461 4 per cen t preferred dividend................................ 781,760 ---Surplus....... . . ............... . ........ ........ . . . .... $67,147 x Under Its lease of the Railrnad, the Rail way company operates the line and as rental P!lid in 1900-01 $3,841,901, viz.: Inrerest, taxes and rentals, $1515,444; balance of net earnings, '1,826.457. From this last was paid 7 per cent ($ 1,563,64,) by the Railroad. on its stock. This stock Is nearly all owned by the Rallway company, which therefore treats the dividends received thereon ($1,625,622) as "otherlnc<-me," as here shown. The Railroart, after paying dividends and adjustments ($35,S2J) bad a surplus for the year of $227,491 and a tota.J surplus June 80, 1901, $1,181,&:ll. OFFICERS.-Chairman of Board, E. H. Harriman; President, s. M. Felton; Vice-Pres., Wm. D. Cornish; Treas., F. V. S. Crosby; Secretary, Alex. Millar, 120 Broadway, N. Y. Executive Committee, E. H Har• r1man (Chairman), James Stillman, George J. Gould and M. L. Schiff. Directors-George J. Gould, M. L. Schiff, James Stillman, E. H. Harriman F. S. Wmston, New York; C.H. Chappell, S. M. ll'elton, D.R. Francis, Jolln Mitchell, N:B. Ream Chicago; James P. Forgan Sr. Lo11ls. -(V.71,p.1021,flil9, 1166; v. 72,p.241; V.73,p.183, 235, '120,839.) Chicago Burlington & (lnlncy BK.-(SeeMap.)-RoAD.-Ope rates a great system of roads extending from Chicago westerly, reaoh ·tng St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn., St. Louts and Kansas City, Mo. ·Omaha, Neb., Denver, Col., Cheyenne,Wyo., Black Hills, S. D., and Bil llngs, Mont. The aooompanying map shows clearly the system, viz.:  Linueastof Missouri.Riv. Miles.  West of MusouriRiver.  Miles.  -Owned (standard ga.uge) ..... 3,987 Securit's all owned, leased in Controlled (narrow gauge).. 179 1 perpet'ty(B.& Neb.).3,797 Leased and operatedjohitly. 1751 Kans.C.&Omaha.(controlled) 203 Total operated in system June 30, 19Jl. ....................... 8,171 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  ORGANIZATION, &c. T1:1-is w:as a co_nsolida.tion 1n July, l.37~z..of the Chicago Burlington & Qwnoy m Ill1n01s and the Burlington & MJssourt · River m Iowa. Chicago Burlington & Northern and other subsidiary lines in Illinois were absorbed in May, 1899. V . 68, p. 975. In Dec., 1889i.Jcquired Chicago Ft. Madi~on & Des M. RR. V. 70, p. 75. In .Tune, loo0, control of the Kansas City & Omaha was acquired. V. 71, p. 134. Stockholders voted Nov. 7, 1900, to purchase the remalmng leased lines in Iowa. and Missouri held under lease'--viz.: Kans. C. St. Jos. & Co. Bluffs, St. L. K. & N. W :.,_Chic. Burl. & K.. O., Han,&. St. Jos., K~okuk & W est. and Chlo. Ft. mad. & Des Moines, Burl. & Missouri River, etc.-V. 71, p. 697,863,963; V. 73, p.137, 899 • In July, 1901,!f!107,577,200 of the $111,200,000 stock had been ex• changed for the Joint 20-year 4 p. o. bonds of the Gt. Northern and Northern Pao. secured by the deposit of the stock in trust, on the basis of $200 in bonds for each $100 stock, or an equivalent of a guaranty of 8 per cent on the stock. See circular, V. 72, p. 871, and application to list, v. 73, p. 294, and description of bonds under Great Northern. A branch from Alliance, Neb., to Guernsey, Wyoming, and from Brush, Col., north to a junotton therewith at Northport Neb., about 150 miles, was opened Sept., 1900, ot whloh 23 miles is Union Pacific trackage. V. 71, p. 437. Extension trom Toluca, Mont., to Cody City, Wyoming, 120 miles, was completed in 1901, In Mar., 1901, the Davenport Rock Island & Northwestern Ry .• Moline, Ill., to Clinton, Ia., 40 miles, was aoquiredjointlywith the Chio. Milw. &St.Paul Ry.v. 72, p. 532,675. For legal reasons the road is leased to the Chic. Burl. & Quincy Rau· u·ay (~hich see below)for 999 years from October 19ul at 7 per cent per annum on stock, payable Q.-J .-v. 73 p.' 842, 1011 1061 1207, 1312. ' ' ' CAPITAL STOCK.-The stock has been increased for the acquisition of new lines, retirement ol over $15,000,000 convertible debentures, etc.; in 1880 a 20p.o. distribution was made. See "Organization" above. DIVS.-) '81-87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95-'97 '98 '99 to Sep., '01 Per cent. 58 yrly 5 4 5 414 5 5 4¾ 4 yly. 51g 6 yearly. On June 15, 1901, 2 p. c. was paid for the 4 months ending July 1, 1901, when interest on the new Great Nor.-Nor. Pao. collateral trust 4 per cent bonds began; Sept., 1¼ p. o.; ttrst quarterly dividend under leas0, 134 p. c., paid Jan. 1, 1902, dividends hereafter to be Q.-J.-V. 74, p. 41. BINK.ING FUNDs.-Includea in the bonds outstanding in the table ilbove are sundry bonds of the company whlch are field alive and drawing interest for aoco~~ of the various slnk:ina- funds. Boims.-For full description of each loan see the editorial article on pages 3 to 6 of SUPPLEMENT of Oct., 1896, andOlmONICLE v. 63, p. 775. The mortgage of 1899 for $85,000,000 secures bonds dated July 1 1899, mi.tu.ring July 1, 1949, and to bear interest at not to exceed 5 per cent. Such bonds as may be issued bearing 312 per cent interest will be subject to call at 105 per cent and accrued interest and those bearing Interest at less than 3 p. o. at par and interest on any coupon day after thirty years. The issue is limited to $85,000,000, and the Hen securing the bonds will become an absolute first mortgage. oovering all hnes east ot . the Mississippi River, upon the pay• ment of $28,924,000 consolidated mortgage 7 per cent bonds due July 1, 1903, and of $2,320,000 Chicago & Iowa Division 5 per cent bonds due Feb. 1, 1905. Sufficient of the new loan ls reserved to take up these $31,24-1,000 bonds and $23,238,000 were issued in 1899· 1900, as below stated. The remainder of the loan will be available for additions, eto.-See V. 68, p. 771; abstract, V. 69, p. 283; V. 69, p. 795. The Iowa Division bonds are a first mortgage on the main line in Iowa from Burlington to East Plattsmouth on the Mo. River, 278 miles and on 122 miles of branches; they are also a first collateral lien on 420 miles of branches and 86 miles of second track. These bonds have a, sinking fund of 1¼ per cent ($203,800) yearly, for which the 4s are sub,Jeot to call at 100, the 5s at 105. The single main lme and branches covered "shall not exceed in the aggregate 900 miles," at $16,000 per mile; on second track (of which June 30, 1901 there were 86 miles) may be issued an additional $14,000 per mile. ('v. 65, p. 462.) Denver J;Jxt. bonds can be increased only for 2nd track at $10,000 p. m. The collateral trust Nebraska extension bonds of 1887 are issued at $20,000 per mile for single and $10.000 per mile for second track on not exceeding 1,500 miles. A. b•tract of deed V. 45, p. 441. Burlington cl Missouri RR. in Nebraska consot. mortgage ot. 1878 ls for $14,000,000, and is now a 1st M. or 1st collateral lien; all except the $5,000,000 of exempt bonds are subject to call for the sinking fund at par, $278,600 having been retired in 1900. The" exempt" bonds may be ca.lied after 1908. The 5 per cent debentures of 1890-92 are converti"/!le $ tor $ nto stock any time prior to Deo. 1, 1902, except when books are closed. $15,543,• 200 had been th118 converted up to Oct., 1901. V. 67, p. 842. Bee terms ot conversion on page 5 ot the SUPPLEMENT for Oct., 1896. GENEIU.L FIN.A.NCES.-The Chicago .Burlington & Quincy Railroad. llas been one of the most profitable in the country, as its numerous branches tributary to the main line were built into choice agricultural territory. Com, however, being one of the principal articles carried oy it, its earnings vary greatly according to the size of the crop. In A.pril, 1899, stookholaers subscribed for $16,166,000 new 3¼ per cent bonds at 75 and $4,041,500 stock at par. LATEST EARNING8.-From July 1 to Nov. 30 (5 months) earnings, Including lines controlled, were: 5 montltB. Gross. Net. Oharges. Balance. 1901. ................ $24,223,664 $9,752,385 $4,000,000 $5,752,385 1900 ........... ~ . •••• 22,355,043 8,816,783 3,986,301 4,830,482 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAP OF THE  CHICAGO ;  BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILROAD  - JANUARY,  RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  1902.J  33  subscribers will con.f'er a great favor by giving lm..medlate notice ot any error dlseovered In these Tables. RAILROADS.  ror explanation of column hea.dings, &c., see on first page of tables.  Ohicago Burlington~ ~incy-(Oonctuded)-  !  B.&Mo.RR.inNeb. { 'd gr., s. f., dr. atl00.NB Con.M$14000000 Exempt, not dni. till 1908 Burl. & Mo. RR. tnNeb., s.f. tor At.&N.RR.stk.NB Hannibal & St. Jo., consol. M ., now let M . . F . o• K.C.St.J.& Coun. Bl., con. M. (Nos. 1 to 500 cr>o* lstMs.Nod.a.nd Ta.rk.Val.RRs.s.f.(dr.atl O).o* Rep. Val., lstM.,~.,(dr. at 100) s. f.,$14,000 y'ly.c A.toh.&Neb., let .,At. toLin.,Neb., eto.,~ar.o* 2d mort. on Atoh. & Neb. RR. (lat M. on ridge) Ltnc'n &N.W.RR.lstM. guar., s.f.1 p.c.,notdr'n .. Ohic• .J East. Illinois-Com. stk. ($15,000 p. m.)ltlp Pf. st'k, $10,000,000,6 p.c.non•oum($10,000 p.m.) letmort. (8, f. $20,000,nodra.winjs) ........ Ce.c• Danvllle&Gra.peCreekRR.-lst ., asraumed .. o* Extell81on, let mortga,e ........•.............•. c* COnsol. mortgage (for$ ,000,000),{old ..••. Ce.c* COlla.t.eral trust bonds, sinkinJ fun .....•...... c* Gen'l oonsol. and let mort. $ 0,000,000 .. Ce.c&r Chic.&Ind.Coal-lstM. $25,000p.m.,'d.1'.lp.c* Eva.nsv. T. Ha.ut.e & Chio., income mortgage..... Indiana Block Coal, 1st mort. s. f., call at par•.. Ohica·§I.° " Erie--Stook (all held by Erie) ............ let ., gold, int'st fia.r. till principal is pd•. Ce.c* Income bonds for 10,000,000 5 p. o. non•oum.N Terminal let mortgage, gold.......................  INTEREST OF DIVID'°ENDS. Bonds-Prln Miles Dat.e Stze,or Due. Amount Ra.t.e When Where Payable, and by paJ,When Par Outsta..nding of of .stocks-Last Road. Bonds Value. Oen . Payable Whom. Dividend. $600&0. 585 11878 1878 600 &o. 1880 1,000 1881 1,000 248 1877 100 &c. 62 1880 1,000 90 1879 600 &o. 145 1878 100 &c. 1887 ·73 1880 1:000 100 . 100 ioi 1877 100 &c. 7 1880 1,000 15 1881 1,000 127 1884 1,000 1887 1,000 380 1887 1,000&c 174 1886 1,000 4.9 1881 1,000 1878 500 &c. 100 249 isifo 1,000 249 1890 1,000&o 1888  2s·o  --· ---·  ....  ---·  ......  g8,520,000 6 J. & J. Boston, Bk. of Com'roe. July 1, 1911 5,000,000 6 J. & J. do do July 1, 1918 4, h3,347,000 J. & J. do Jan. 1, 1910 do 8,000,000 6 M.& S. N. Y.,Bk.ofNo.America.. Moh. 1, 1911 5,000,000 J. & J. Boston, 2d Nat'l Bank. Jan. 1, 1907 7 377,000 J. & D. do do 7 June 1, 1900 kl,078,000 6 J. & J. Boston, Bk. of Com'rce. July 1, 1919 1,125,000 M.& 8. Boston, Bk. of Com'roe. Moh. 1, 1908 7 J. & D. Boston. Bee text. Dec. 1, 192' 6 600,000 J. & J. Boston, Co.'s Office. Jan. 1, 1910 7 7,197,800 5lgin'01 J. & J. N.Y., Hanover Nat. B'k Jan. 2, '02, 3 6,830,700 6in 1901 Q.-J. do do Jan. 2, '02, lls 2,989,000 J. & D. N. Y., 4th Nat. Bank. Dec. 1, 1907 6 97,000 M.&N. N. Y., Central Trust Co. May 1, 1920 6 91,000 J. & D. N. Y.,FourthNa.t.Bank. Dec. 1, 1931 6 2,788,000 6 g. A. & 0. N. Y., Central Trust Oo. Oct. 1, 19~ 42,000 do do Feb. 1, 19H 6 g. F. & A. 12,986,000 M.&N. do do Nov. 1, 1937 5 4,626,000 J. & J. N. Y., Met. Trust Co. Jan. 1, 1936 5 150,000 M.&N. N.Y., Farm. L. &Tr. Co. May 1, 1920 6 146,500 J. & J. do do July 1, 1908 7 100,000 M:·&..N. New York, Erie RR. May· 1,--i982 12,000,000 ...5 10,000,000 Mos y owned ht-Erie RR. Oct. 1, 1982 ew York, Erie RR. 300,000 5 g. J. & J. July, 1918  .it  The Chicago Burlington & Quincy sinking funds for the several loans resp~otively held alive June 30, 1901, of the bonds given above u outstanding: Of g, $5,458,500 Jan. 1, 1902; h, June 30, 1901, $1,931,000; k, $386,400 July 1, 1901. ANNUAL REPORT.-Fisca.l year ends June 30. Report for 1900•01 was In the CHRONICLE, V. 73, p. 780, 787, (see also editorial, p. 759), 8howing operations, including results of the O. B. & N., etc. 1900·01. 1899·00. 1898·99. Miles operated June 30........ 7,993 7,661 7,4 1 9 Freight.......................... $33,~62,221 $32,557,999 $29,270,942 Passenger ... . ........... . .... 1 L,624,746 10,384,408 9,469,018 Mail and miscellaneous........ 4,765,022 4,593,013 4,649,465 Gross earnin 11 s ................. $50,051,989 $47,535,420 $43,389,425 Expenses and taxes ............ 34,069,908 31.422.342 28,135.465 Net...•..••..........•.....•. $15,983 081 $16,113,078 $15,253,960 Prop. of exp. to gross earnings· (68·07) (66·10) (64·84) Otherinoome.................. 380,797 382,195 487,822 Totalincome ............... $16,363,~78 $16,495,273 $15,741,782 Int.,rent, etc.................. 8,238,471 8,566,512 9,013,482_ Balance $8125 4.07 $7 928 761 $6 7:l8 300 ···················c·6 ·,_)6'652'557 (6)5 829 678 (6)5'239'371 Dividends · •• • · · •• · · · · · · · · · · · · ~ • ' • ' ' ' S1!fplus •······ ........... ··· $l,4 7 2,8 5 0 $ 2 ,099 , 083 $l,489 •929 Pre_ t, Geo, B. Harris. lh~~•t~!~£.RJ:°i[fr~~•=~j~~~~-'s~~1 JJ~i}o~:J.i~\~'}; 0 and Robert Banon of .New York; James J. Hilf and Jame11 N. Hill of St. Paul and J. Malcom Forbe~ of Boston. (V. 73, p. z1rn, 294,390,494, '780, 78'7, 842,899, 1010, 1061, 1111, 1207, 1312; V. 74, p. 41.) Chicago Bnrllngton & quincy Katlwa:,.-Leases the Chic. Buri. & Q. Railroad, 11ystem for 999 from October, 1901, at 7 per cent on its stock, Incorporated in Iowa on Oct. 16, 1901.-V. 73, p. 842, J 207. See C. B. & Q. Ru,lroa,rt above and -.Jorthern Seourittes item, V. 73, p.1357. Stock autborlzed, $100,000,000. an<~trs~f~~r-;!t~t~~tj:r~~~ilB~~~~:io~~c1;:;r1ii:~\L~~rlx_:s~iM:~: J.e~: Howland. of Chlc11,zo; Asst. Treas., A.G. Stanwood, of Boston; A~st. Sec., George H. Harl, of New Vork Directors.-George ., _Harris; Cen. Charles J. Pain", Charles E. Perkins, John ~i,:a~~M~f:. \v~1i~in~'.l~o'fn&r~1~~~1ja~~i:l!1f~:n~rttins, E. H. Har• Execurlve Commtttee.-Messr11. Perkins, Hill, Harriman, Clough and Schiff'. -(V. 73, p. 842, ::499, 1312.) Chicago & Eastern 1Ulnol8 KK.-(Su Map.J-Operates road (double track to Danville Jot., 106 miles) from Chica.go, Ill., to Terre Haut,e Ind., and the bituminous coal fields; also to Thebes and Joppa  ';l,  1~:. P~~kJ~;~t !-gr;  i~1::?J  m.  '  '  j une from Rossville via Bidell to Thebes, etc.; also o:a equipment valued at $2,657,000, and upon real estat.e in Chicago cost/ ing over $1,200,000. They also cover 106 miles of double track from Danvllle to Dolton, Ill., and rest of property subject to prior liens. GENERAL .FINANCES.-Th1s company owns most ot the capita.lstoc-k of the Brazil Block Coal Co., and carries all its coal. It carries the coal of the Danville Clinton and Williamson county fields OD July 1, 1901, Chicago P.' & M. car trust notes (including interest), $155,548. In Jan., 1901, $1,000,000 each of common and preferred were issued for equipment, improvements, etc.-V. 72, p. 86. EARNINGS.-For 5 months, July 1 to Nov. 30: 5 mos.- Gross.  Net.  Other inc.  Int., tic.  Bat.,aurf).  1901. . .. $2,579,586 $1,171,52-0 $89,'Z57 $656,318 $604.,459 1900 .... 2,332,254 930,957 91,145 653,657 378,44.5 ANNUAL REPORT.-FisoaJ year ends June 30. Annualmeetln~isheld in Chicago on the first Wednesday in June. The annual report fOI' 1900-01 was in V. 73, p. 552. The company receives low for lie freight, the rat.e per ton per mile being 0·493 ots. tn 1900-01. Year end. June 30. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Miles operat. June 30 727 711 648 648 Gross earnings ....... $5,659,446 $5,148,897 $4,581,560 $4,221,438 Oper. exp. & taxes.·· 3,471. 2 9 4 ~63,627 2,712,920 2,619,63i Net earnings ...••.. $2,188,152 $2,085,270 $1,868,640 $1,601,806 ·p. o. op. ex. to earns.. (61·34) (59·50) (59·22) (62·05) Net(inol.oth.inoome).$2,407,215 $2,300,159 $2,065,329 $1,768,092 lnt.erest ......... 1,201,671 1,126,139 1,066,399 1,083,052 Rentals............... 137,578 183,648 231,567 229,651 Div. on pref. stock . . (6) 379,842 (6) 349,842 (6) 349,842 (6) 289,84.2 Div. on com. stock .. (5-½1)370,879 (4½)278,901 (312)216,923 (212)154,945 Constr'n,depreo'n,eto. 317,245 129,205 100,000 Ra.lance.•.•..... •· · .... . .•.••• sr. $232,424 sr.$100~598 sr.$10,602 OFFICERS.-Chahman, H. H. Porter, Chicago; President, M. J. Oar• penter, Chica.go; Vioe·PresJdent, 0. 8. Lyford, Chicago; Treasurer, C. W. Hillard, Chicago; Secretary, A. M. ~m:th, 355 Dearborn Street, Chica.go. . Dlrectors.-A. R. 1' lower . R. M. II,oe, H. Se1beril G. S. Brewster,~- S. Flower, ; °fJ:r;e~i~~: ¥;_ "15~Y./J{e~•l/i.: . Porter, C. W. Hlll~rd. M. J, 1 11 (V 72 86 338 820 1079 1185· v 73 ns6 552 660 1207) • 'p. ' ' ' ' ' •. 'p.,. ' ' ' •· Chicago & Erle KR.-( See Map EneRR.J-Owns from Marion, O., to Hammond, Ind. Z49 miles and leases trackage over Chicago & West. Indiana to oii.ioago, 20 i'irtles. Practically merged in Erie. RR CO. BoNDs.-The first mortgage (trustees Central Trust Co. and Edward Daniels) covers 249 miles of road, the contra.ct with the Chicago & West.ern India.naL $1,000,000 of that company's stock and $240.zOOO stock of Chicago .tselt Ry. See a.bstraots V. 51, p. 911, v. 61, p. 75u. Ohlcago & Grand Trunk Ky -See Grand Trunk Western R..,. • J• , Chicago Great West~rn Ky.-(See the •Maple Leaf" _route, radiating from Oelwein, l:a., northerly to St. Paul, easterly to Chicago and southerly to Kansas City, and embracing: Lines Owned Mites. Trackage, et!}. Hilu. Chic. St. P. & Kan. City Ry.St. Paul to Minneapolis ........ 11 Chicago to St. Paul, Minn.,,p. 442) 10 and St. Joseph, Mo ......... 690 Dubuque to Aiken ......•......• 18 Branches to Hayfield, etc .... 131 Des Moines terminals.......... 3 Bee Creek to Beverly (no bds.) . 23 Leavenworth to Kansas City.. 48  &it!il::3~: "8.~Et:;;  Lines owned in fee. Miles. , Coal Bluff', Ind., to Casey, Ind. 7 Dolton to DanviUe, m ......... 107 Branohe11 to Coal Mines........ 15 Da.nvllle, Ill., to Brazil, [nd.... 61 Double track .................... zoo Momence Jo.,Ill.,to Brazil,Ind.130, Bide tracks ..•..••.............•• a9r Danville Jc., Ill., to Thebes, Ill.2771 Joppa, Jct. t-0 Joppa, Ill.··· · ·· l 6 Trackage, etc. 0188naJc.toOissna. Park, Ill•. 11 ChioagotoDolton,Cb.&W.Ind. 17 Rossvllle Jo. to Sidell Jo., Ill .. 341 Otter Creek June. to Terre H.. 6 Percy Jct. to La Crosse, Ind ... 46 _ Milford Branch . ................ 11 Total opera.tied Dec., 1901. ..• 738 HlsTORY LEASES, &c.-Reorgantzed under existing title in 1877· In Nov., 1887, consolidated with two other oo's (V. 46, p. 135), and en June 6, 1894, with Chicago & Indiana Coal RR. v. 58, p. 987; also v. 48, p. 334. Also owns $1,000,000 stock of Chio. & Western Indiana-having all the local traffic of the latter road from Dolton into Chicago. In 1901 the traffic contract made in 1890 with the Evansvllle & Terre Haute for the operation of a. through line between Operated under agreementChicago and Evansvllle was still in force. (V. 55, p. 995.) In Mar.,'97, ,r w~oh eee. the Chio. Paducah & Memphis, 100 miles, was purchased. In Dec., Mason C_1ty & Fort Dod_ge .... ,T104 1899, merged the controlled companies, the Evansville Terre Haut,e & Wisoonsm Minn. & Pacific .•.. 1T246 Total opera.t.ed. .••••••.•••.• 930 Chica.go and the Indiana Block Coal RR. v. 71, p. 389. An ext.ension As to new mileage operated in 1901, see FINANCES below. from Marion, Ill., to Thebes, 63 miles, connecting with the St. Louts HISTORY.-The Chicago St. Paul & Kansas City was organized iJl Southwest.ern, was completed in Jan., 1900. V. 68, p . 231: V. 68, p . May, 1886, and in December, 1887 merged with Minnesota. & North• '171 Extension to Joppa, Ill., 16 miles, completed Dec., 1900,-V. 73, west.ern. In August, 1892, reorga~ed per plan, Vol. 55, p. 856. Eaoh p. 660, $1,000 of Minn. & N. W. and Chi. St. P. & K. C. first mort. bonds waa In Dec., 1900, thA Southern Ill. & Missouri Bridge Co. was incorpo- given $500 debenture stock and $600 pref. "A" stock. in the interest or the C. & E. m. to build. a. bridge across the On Sept. 7, 1893, the Great Western acquired by deed the title of the Mississippi River, at or near Thebes, at an estimated cost of $1,500,· Chicago St. Paul & Kansas City Ry. (815·67 miles), subject to the 000 or $2,000,000, connecting with St. Louis Southwestern a direct mortgage bonds, of which it owns all except $1,000. It also acquired line to Texas points.-V. 71, p. 1219. the title totheLea.v. & St.Joseph Ry. (23mUes).whiohlsunenoumbered. CAPITAL STOCK.-The common stock ($15,000,000 authorized) ts en• SECURITIES.-The holders of debenture and pref.erred .A stock aptatled to all surplus atter 6 per cent on the preferred stock. In addition point the finance committee, which exercises general supervision of to the amounts outstanding in the table, $4,847,000 common and finances. Additional securities of said issues can be put out, but only '865,900 preferred were held In the company's treasury in July, 1901 with consent of a mai.1orityofboth said classes of stock present at a meet-DIVIDENDS- }'88. '89. '90. '91. '92-'7. '98. 'ft9. •oo. '01. 1902. lng. Beouritiesofotherissuesha.vtnga.lienpriortopreferredAoanbe On pref., p. c.... 712 6 6 stk. 41g 6 yrly 6 6 6 6 Jan., 112 orea.t.ed, but only with consent of two-thirds of both classes. The sev• Common, p. o.... O O o o o 21g 3½1 419 512Jan. 3 eral classes in case of liquidation will have principal paid in gold, a.o. ' cording to their priority right to dividends. At extraordinary general Dividend on common In 1899, Jan, 119 p. o.; July, 2; 1900, Jan., 2; meetings of holders of debenture stock and preferred A stock oolleotJuly, 219; 1.901, Jan., 21ia P· o., including i. extra; July, 3 p. o,, inolud• lvely, holders of one-tenth of said stocks outstanding, present or reping 1 extra, 1902, Jan., 3 P· o.-V. 72, p.1079. reeented. oonstltut.e a quorum and by a majority vote have power to BoNDs.-•1·ne general consol. and 1st mortgage of 1887 ( Oen• 1anction any modiftoation of the rights of stocks. The provisions tral Trust Co.) provides for the retirement of $6,042,000 prior bonds and of the several classes of stock were fully set forth in the editorial for issue of bonds on new road at $18,000 per mile for single track article of the SUPPLEMENT for October, 1897; see also V. 711 p. 441. also for bonds for equipment at $7,000 per mile and for double track at In 1898 the authorized issue of 4. p. o. debenture stocx: was in$8,000 per mile. In 1897 the total issue of gen. consol. bonds wa.e creased from $15,000,000 to $30,000,000 for future refunding and Im• limited to $30,000,000 and bonds were reserved lor Chicago & provements. Bee General Finances below.-V. 66, p.133, 663, 1088. Indiana Ooal firsts. Bee V. 64, p. 1088. The gen. console are interest resumed on all debenture stock and ail the prefel'l'ed a first mortgage on 380 miles of road, lnoluding the · "A" is entitled to dividends since July 1, 1899.-V. 67, p. 1206. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J.NVESTORS' SUPPLE:M fi!:NT.  CHICACO &  s  0  u  CHICACO &r  Zalina  DELTA.  EASTERN I L L I N O I S ~ Zeta  RAILROAD  .,.~<J  CONNECTIONS.  Shaded Portion Shows Coal Territory. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Hardy  Bloomfield  ;f "'1"· "'  [VOL.  LXXIV.  J.AlfO'ARY,  1902.~  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  MAP OF THE  CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILWAY.  35  86  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  [VOL. LXXIV.  Sub•crlber• -will conl'er a great .favor by giving Immediate notice of any error dl•covered In the•e Table•• .Bon<U-PrtnolINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Miles Date Size, or pal,When Due. Amount of Par of hr explanation of oolumn headings, &o., see notes Rate r r When Where P~able, and by Btocka-Laat Payable om. Dividend. Road. Bon~ Value. Outstanding Cen on first page of tables.  - -·- -  OAwgo & Gr. Trunk-See GB. TRUNK WEBT. Ry. UMeago (1-,reat Western-  .... ··-· ... ---· .·-··  Deb. &took, oum., g., f:0,000,000, div. in cash, g. .... Debenture scrip (not terest-bearing) ..•..••..••. Preferred stock A, $15,000,000, 5 per oent, gold. Pref. stook B, 4 cent $10,000,000 .•••••••••••• .... Common stock, $30,000,000 .•••••.•••...•..•••••. .... Sterling 5•yea.r notes 6s (no mortgage) gold..•••. . ... Sterling 5•yea.r notes 5s of 1898 (no mortgage) .. .... Sterling 5•[ear notes 5s of 1899 (no mortgage) .. .... Eq~men lease warrants, 1900 .•••.•••••••• . .•. Ohk. ammond ~ West'n-See cmc . .JUNCTION RY • Ohka10 ~ Indiana Ooal-See CHIC. & EA.STERN IL LINOIS OAk. net.~ East.-lst mort., gold (see text) .N .o• 43 fJ'ltMJago In<Uanap. ~ L.-uis1'ille-Com. stock. •. Preferred, 4 per oent, non-cum., $5,000,000 •..••• L.N.A.& Line.-N.A. to Mioh. o• 289 1st M., o. & Ind. Div., Chio. to Ind., gol . . o• 162 O. I. & L. re:fu.ndin~ mort., $10,300,000, gold..Ce 509 Do iold 6s, ssued for old oonsols . •••. ••... 509 Pe~ Mat ews Buskirk Stone Co., 1st M., ~ar.. .... Con. toneOO.lstM.,$250,000,g. ,gu.,p.& Indiana Stone RR. 1st M., gua.r........•••••.••••. ~ o Junction-Common stock ...•.•.•••..•..... ObJc. Ham. & West., 1st M., $2,500,000, g .. . o ..&r 24:43  $100 $23,287,000 J. & J. 4,489 No t!tf~t 11,372,,00 5inl901 J ...&· J. 9,468,000 { None 100 23,376,895 paid. £100&6 484,848 6 g . sem1:an 5 g. Semi-an 1898 Various 1,124,242 1899 Various 808,333 5 g. Semi•a.n M'nthly 1900 Various 338,937 5  ---· iso1  ....  Cif«I..  ··ioo 100  1900  isso 1881  1897 1897 1898 1900  ---· iso1  1,000 l,OO'l,000 5 g. J. & J. 100 10,500,000 100 5,000,000 4, ii1i90l A.··&:·o. 1,000 3,000,000 J. & J. 6 2,300,000 1,000 6 g. F. & A. 1,000 3,842,000 5 g. J. & J. 1,000 4,700,000 6 g. J. & J. 1,000 200,000 6 g . F. &A. 168,000 1,000 6 g. M . &N. 1,000 In treasury. 5 g. M.& 8 . 100 2,200,000 All owne d by Ch. 500&0. 2,090,000 6g J. & J.  Chicago Great We8tern-(CONCLUDED.) DIVIDENDS.-On pref. "A." Ja.n.,1899, 2p.o.; in July, 1899 2p. o.; FINANCES.-The deb. and pref. "A" stockholders voted Jan. 30 1899,  to tesue $8,000,000 debenture stock, in order to refund the 01L St. P. & K . C. priority loan (the only mortgage debt), which was paid Jan.  11 J.900, and then outstanding lease warrants and sterling notes ; of tms stock there remained unissued March, 1901, $2,150,000, to pro• vide for paying sterling notes and lease warrants maturing, addi • tions and improvements. In 1901 the company was issuing a.n addltlona.l $2,500,000 of 4 per cent dellenture stock for oapi r.a.l expendt• iures in 1901, oar trusts, etc.-V. 72, p. 580,935, 1279; v. 73, p . 1263. By improvements of the permanent way, eto., opera.ting expenses were reduced in 1900·1901 to 68•88 per oent of earnings, a.~ainRt 66·81 per cent in 1899·0; 70·13 in 1897-8 and 77·47 in 1894•5.-V. 71, p. 441. Early in 1901 Vermilye & Co. became the fl.seal a.gents of the company, their Mr. Read entering the directory. See V. 72, p. 580. In Ap11., 1901, a, syndicate acquiring all the stock and bonds of the Ma.son City & Fort Dodge RR .• Mason City to Fort Dodge, Ia.., 92 miles1 tihe purchase including coal fields near Ft. Dodge, arranged to extena the road in 1901 from Manly Junction to Mason City, 12 miles (com• pleted Nov., 1901), and Hampton to Clarion, 30 m., to connect with the C. Gt. W , and also in 1902 to build southwesterly to Omaha, and westerly to Sioux City, a, total of about 250 miles. The WisconRin Minnesota. & PaJiflo RR., Red Wing. Minn., to Ma nkato, 94 miles, also purchasd the Duluth Red Wing & Southern Ry. and the Winona & Western Ry., making a total of 246 miles then owned, and;ed to bUlld a. 27•mile connecting link. Both of the roads will be operated for 100 years under agreements dated Apr. 1 , 1901. the Chic. Gt. West. to receive their entire net earnin~R above interest on bonds and own their entire stocks-V. 73, p. 566,722. The company in 190.t issued $2,060,0?5 common stock on account of acquisitions namect. abov e. V. 7,, p. 93. EABNINGS.-5 mos., i 1901 •.••. Gross, $3,393,299; net, $1,032,184 .July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900..... Gross, 3,047,870; net, 1,009,764 For 4 mos. ending Oct. 31, 1901, net, $795,317, against $788,087; int. and rentals, $ 4 78,197; div. on pref. A, $189,540; bal., surplus, $127,580. .A.1Tlro..u REPOBT.-Report for 1900·01 in v. 73, p. 551, 565. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Year enwtng June 30. $ 1B $ $ Total gross earnings ..•.... 7,013,861 6,721,037 5,867,739 5,386,044 Net income ................. 1,978,346 2,026,814 1,720,224 1,435,671 Rentals (incl. equipment). 440,604 463,930 450,177 448,613 Interest 188,973 272,255 299,120 252,219 on 4% deb. stk. 780,610 568,650 498,002 396,524 Div. on pref.stock "A".{5%)568,620 (5)568,620 (4)454,896 .lillsoellaneous........... .. . 8,645 9,574 8,873  Bala.nee. ............. .. def. 9,106 143,785 9,156 338,315 0.l'FICEBS.-A. B. Stickney, President, St. Paul, Minn.; Treasurer, 0, 0. Kalman, St. Panl; Auditor, W. B. Bend, St. Paul; Secretary , R. O. Wight, St. Paul, Minn. Dlrecton-A. R. Stlcmev. A. Oppenheim. S. C. Sticknev. F . W eybauser. J W. Lulk. H. E. Fletcher, T , H. Wheeler, Wllltaru A. Read. R. C. W1gbt. New 0 6~g_e.;~t V . 73, p. 137, 183, m. 493, ~~ 1,  ~ ~st2i7~\·25~i"-ef~7f.'  Chlea~o Hammond& w. KK.-SeeQHIC.A.GO JUNCTION RY. Clalcago Indiana & Eastern Ky .-Owns Converse, Ind., te lluno1e, 43 miles, of which Matthews to Muncie, 15 miles, completed l:n Doo., 1900. In Oct., 1901, extension under construction from )[uncle to Richmond, 36 miles. Projected from Chica.go, Ill., to Co• lumbus, 0., and from Richmond, Ind •• to Cincinnati, O. Stock authorized, $15,000 p. m.; issued Mar., 1901, $645,000. Of the bonds, $1,000,000 were Issued to retire the old 5s and to complete the road from Converse to Muncie, additional bon~ beings issuable at S20,000 per mile for extensions.-V. 71, p. 675; V. 71, p. 437. Pres., Paul Brown.1...100 Wa1,1bington St., Chicago, Ill.; Sec .• J. H. Miller; Gen. MJrr.• H. E. vrew. Office, Matthews, Ind.-(V. 72, p. 44, 675). Chicago Indlanapoll• & Loul•vllle Ky.-(See Map.)-Upt,r• aies the "Monon Route" from Chica.go, Ill., via Monon, Ind., to Indian apolis, lnd., and Louisville, Ky., with branches. A lease for 999 years with Chioa.go & Western Indiana (of whose stock 1ihis oo. owns $1,000,000) gives entrance to Chioa,go on a, mileage basis. Owns one-third interest in Kentuoky & Indiana. Bridge, having bridge at Lowville, Ky. v. 71, p. 599. The system includes .  Lines ownedMiles. New Albany to Michigan City .289 Bedford to Switz City.......... 40 Orleans to Fr. Lick Springs ..•• 18  Qper. under contractJlUu. Chica.go to Ind. State Line ....• 20 New Albany to Louisville...... 6 Conneotion in Indiana.polls.... 2 ClearOreektoHarrodsb'g,Ind. 10  Total of all ..••.•.•••••..••••..••••••••••..••••••.•••••••••••.••••••••••• 54.6 llisTOBY.-Successor July 1, 1897, of the Louisville New Albany & Chioa.go Ry., foreclosed per plan in V. 63, p. 922. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ·1002· London,R.Benson & 00. London. 1903 London or New York. 1904 St. Paul. $6,685 m'n'hlJ  0  ta 1900, 5 p. o.; in 1901, 5 p. o.; 1902, 21.g p. o.  1r:.  I  London,R.Benson & Co. Jan.15,'02,2'6 London, R.Benson & Oo. J an°.si;•o2,211  N. Y., N. Y. Seo, & Tr.  July 1, 1948  N. Y.,J. P. Morgan&Co. do do do do do do do do ~ . Tr. & Sa.v.Bk.,Chio do do New York. J. Ry. & Un. Stk. Yds. N. Y., Cent'l Trust Co.  Oct:i~: ;01, 2~ July 1, 191 Aug. 1, 1911 July 1, 1947 July 1, 1947 Feb. 1, 1908 May 1, 1920 sit· 1, 1948 v. 8,p. 326. Jan. 1, 192'7  In July, 1900, the legality of the foreolosure was sustained; appeal taken to U.S. Circuit Court of 70, p. 686; V. 71, p. 83, 599, 1119; v. 73, p. 611. DIVIDENDS.-On uref., Mar. 30.1899, 1 p . o.; in 1900, Oot. 15, 2 p. o.; in 1901, Apr., 2 p. c.; Oct., 2 p. o. · BONDS.-Refunding ·m ortgage oovers road, equipment, eto. (inoluding $1,000,000 stock of Ch. & W. Ind and $240,000 stock of the Belt Ry. of Chioago); total authorized issue is $15,000,000, of whioh reserved to take up existing divisional bonds a.t maturity, $5,300,000; to be issued only for betterments and equipment, not to exoeed $300,· 000 in any one year, $2,091,000, of the latter of which $933,000 had bAAn issued to Sept. 30, 1901. Of the Consolidated Stone bonds ($250,000 authorized issue) $25,000 are suhject to call yearly, Jan., 1903 to 1906, inclusive, and the balance Jan. 1, 1907.-V. 73, p. 41. Car trust notes, $124,931, paid off since June 30, 1901, GENERAL FIN.A.NCES.-See statement to N. Y. Stock Exchange in .July, 1897.-V. 65, p. 194. EA.RNINGS.-5 mos., t 1901. .••.. Gross, $2,012,481; net, $839,517 July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900 ..•... Gross, 1,761,736; net, 670,285 ANNUAL REPOBT.-In v. 73, p. 611, showed; Year end. June 30- rnoo-01. 1899·00. 1898·99. 1897·98. Gross earnings ..••..•. $4,150,470 $4,177,888 $3,501,120 $3,323,671 Net earnings.......... 1,496,929 1,549,683 1,146,170 967,663 Dividends received... 135,776 109,787 86,687 75,038 Total net income. $1,632,704 $1,659,470 $1,232,857 $1,M2,701 Interest on bonds..... $771,294 $761,950 $752,700 $745,450 Rentals, eto.. ••• . • •• . . 208,636 210,833 205,409 208,122  ----  --- -  Total. ............. $979,930 $972,789 $958,109 $953 .572 Surplus............... $652,774 $68tl,681 $274,748 $89,129 Div. of 1 p. o. ($50,000) on nref. wa.s paid Mar. 30, 1809, and semi• annual div. of 2 p. o. ($100,000) in Oct., 1900; 2 p. c. ($100,000) Apr., 1901, and 2 p. o. ($100,000) will be paid O.:it., 1901. OFFICERS.-Presldent and General Manager, W. H. MoDoel, Chica.go; Vice•President, A. J. Thomas, New York; Treasurer, W. H. Lewis, 198 Custom House Place, Chicago; Secretary, J. A. Hilton, 80 Broadwar, New York .  cf I:1~itg~:;i~~¥e~.'tba~~~all1cr~~dm,;:iJg~~~e1! Iii.!?·~~J~l\ic~~:f. !: B. Sha Chicago; J. Murdock. Lafayette. lnd.; Volney T. Mallott, Indlanap8  0  0  iv,  olls.-tV. 73, p. 183, 611, 662; V. 74, p. 41.)  Chicago Junction K•llway.-Owns and operates a belt line a.round Chica~o from Whiting, Ind., to Franklin Park, ill., from Cha.ppell,Ill., to U . S.Yards, and m the Union Stock Yards district connects with industries and all diverging roads. Total mileage operated, 87·60 m., of wnich Chic. June. Ry. owns 26·98, the balance being operated under lease, trackage rights and other agreements . OBGANIZ.A.TION.-Formed in March, 1898, as a consolidation of tbe Chicago Hammond & Western and Chicago & Indiana State Line in the interest of the Chicago Junotton Rys. & Union Stocks Yards 00. BoNDs.-First mortgage of C. H. & W. is for $2,500,000 (trustee, E, Francis Hyde, N. Y.)-V. 64, p. 287. EARNINGS,-For year ending June 30, 190l, gross. $1,880,956; net, $780,382_; taxes, $18,285; charges, $55~,887; dividends (6 p. o.), $132,000, surplus, $78,210.-(V. 67, p.1262, V,6g,p. 326). C/Wcago Kalamazoo & Sa,rlnaw Ky.-Owns 45 miles, Kalama.zoo to Woodbury, in operatfon. In January, 1900, $450,000 stock was outstanding. The first mortgage is for $225,000 to Union 'l.'rust Co. or Detroit, as trustee; Londs all in treasury; bills payable Jan. 1, 1900, $531,425. In 1899, gross, $72,567; net, $19,904. Operated by Kalamazoo & Hastings Construction Co. President, E. Wood• buJ:y; Treas. and Secy. H. C. Potter, Kalamazoo, Mich.-(V. 61, p.1063.) Uhlcago Lake Shore & Ea1Jtern Ky.-Embraoes 159·04 miles of traok, connecting the various works of the Illinois Steel Company at Chicago, Joliet and Milwaukee with diverging trunk lines, and also with steamship lines, stone quarries, industrial establishments, eto.i also by trackage rights over 149·54 miles of roads reaches the OOIM fields of Illinois and Indiana and Joliet, m., handling betwi>en South Chicago and these points a large traffic for the Illinois Steel Co. The stock, $600,000, and the bonded debt ($3,230,000) are owned by the Illinois Steel Co., and thus controlled l>y Federal Steel Co. · Equipment, Dec. 31, 1899: Locomotives, 54; freight oars, 3,077; oabooses, 11; steam wrecker, 1.-(V. 64, p, 422; V. 67, p. 428,483). Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Ky.-(See Map.J-Opera.tes rrom Chicago westerly to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Lake Superior Omaha., Neb., and Kansas, City, Mo.M~~h lines, traversing Illinois' Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, esota and the Dakotas, viz.: Road. Miles. Road. Milu. Unes owned (of which 26 2nd & 3rd tracks ...•••.•..•••• 280 miles ownedJointly) .....••• 6,597 Trackage (includ. 2d track) ... 169 HISTORY, &c.-The Milwaukee & St. Paul RR. Co. was orga.nized May :S1 1863, and on Feb. 11, 1874, took its present name. The system has emoe been greatly extended by the construotion and a.oquisition of other lines. The sale of the Milwaukee & Northern to the St. Paul was ra.tifl.ed in September, 1893. In Mar., 1901, the entire stock of the  I  J.&NUARY, 1902 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  MAP OF THE  CHICAGO, INDIANAPOLIS -AND-  LOUISVILLE RAILWAY.  37  MAP OF THE  CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ~ST.PAUL RAILWAY B  ~ 0  r  E ~  C, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  W aldo  :<  JANITA!r.Y, 1902,1  .RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  39  Subscrllters -will confer a great favor by giving lm.m.edlaie noitce of any error dl•covered In theee Table•• Bonda-Prinol• RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Mlle1 Date Size, or Amount pal,When Due. Par Outl!!tandlng Rate When Where Payable, and by Btock#-Last of For explanation of column heading!!, &o., see notes of Road. Bonda. Value. Per oent. Payable Whom. on first page of tables. Dividend. flh#,ca,go .JCUt0111-Ukee ~ St. PauZ-CotnmOll  ---· ---· ---· ---·  stock. Preferred stock7i;roentyearly, not cumulative. Milwaukee & Bt. aul loansHas~ & D&kota 1st M., conv. tnto ~ef. st'k .... Ohio. & • let morti. (oonv. into pref. • ok) .. o* 83 Ohioago Milwaukee & Bt. Paul loans• Prior lien comols, convertible into pref ....... 1,4.35 <Jouol. mort., oonv. into pref. stook. ...... F .o* I. A: D. Ext. 1st M., convert. into ,Bref ...•. F .o* '8. W. Div. 1st mortga{e Wel!!tern nion RR .. o* 212 eo. MinneaotaDiv. ls mortgage........... F.o* 419 'Mineral Point Division 1st mo~aie .•. .•. F .o* 133,ext.,lst M. ($9 0, 00 5s).F'.o* 395 Lacrosse & Dav. Div. 1st mortga~········F .o* 185 Wiso.Va.l.RR.Co. lstM., Tomah to errlll, Wil!!.O 107 Wis. Val. Div. 1st M. s. f., not dr'n.. ••. NB.o* 161 Dub. Div. 1st M., s. f., not dr'n ........•.NB.o... 351 'Chio. & Pao. Div. 1st M. (Ch. to Kittredge) .F .o* 120 do Weat'n Div. 1st mort., (see text) gold.F.o* 1,1~i <lli1o. & Lake Superior Div. 1st mort. gold.F.o• Wis. & Minn. Div. ll!!t mortgage, gold. F ........ 230 Far~& Southern 1st mort.,gold, as8umed .....•. 119 Ch. • & St. P. Terminal mortg=gold .. . F .o* Dakota & Great Southern 1st mo age, gold .. F i59 Chio & Missouri River Div. ll!!t mo age ..• . F .o· 77 Gen.. M(for $150,000,000J, gold Ber. A. .• 1J•.o*A:r 5,722 do do "R" ¼s .••.••••.•..••.•.•• o* 5,722 Milw. & North'n 1st mort., Gr. Bay.. c* 126 Consolidated ....................... o* 362 a Including July, 1 01, $3,570,000 in trea.sury and n 11 Coupon interest J &J; regll!!tere(l Q-J.  L,~:g  1872 1873  $100 $55,8:11,800 100 4.5,7M,4.00  6 7  19.000 352,000  7 7  i:ooo  1874 1,000 56,000 1875 1,000 3,151,000 1878 1,000 1,4311,000 1879 1000 4.,000,000 1880 1:000 7,U2,000 1880 1,000 2,84.0,000 1880 1,000 6,670,000 1879 1,000 2,500,000 1879 500 1,100,rmo 1880 1,000 2,179,000 1880 1,000 6,007,000 1880 1,000 8,000,000 1881 1,000 25,34.0,000 1881 1,000 1,360,000 1881 1,000 4.,755,000 1883 1,000 1,250,000 1884. 1,000 4.,74.8,000 1886 1,000 2,856,000 1886 1,000 8,083,000 199g 1,000 2'.000,000 1889 1,000 al0070,000 1880 1,000 2,155,000 1884 1,000 5,092,000 ot list ed, see text.  Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Ky .-(CONCLUDED.) Davenport Rook Il!!l&nd & Northwestern Ry., lloline, ID., to Clinton, Iowa, 40 mile!!, was acquired jointly with the Ohio. Burl. & Qulnoy RR , and the road will be used as pa.rt of a out off to be built in 1901 from Davenport to Oitum:wa, 119 miles, between Ohica.go & Kansas City. T. 72, p. 437, 532, 675; V. 73, p. 562. CAPITAL BTOOKS.-The preferred stock has a. prior rit;ht over the -oommon stook to a dividend of not over 7 per oent from net earnings in ea.oh year, but if not earned it hal!! no cumulative right. After payment of 7 per cent on preferred and 7 on oommon, both olal!!se8 l!lhare pro rata. Common stock raised to $55,821,800, by stockholders subscribing at !P&r to 10 per cent increase, ($8,673,200) in April, 1901. Bee GE1'ERAL FINA•c1:s below. V. 72, p. 437. stock on Deo. 31, 1873, was $12,274.,4.83: it has been inoreaaed to present flgurM almol!!t .entirely by exchange of convertible bond.I!! for stock, only about ,9,000,· .a<> having been il!!sued for other purposes (improvements, etc.) In .July, 1901, $6,494,000 prior lien bonds outstanding were exchangeable for preferred. Drvs. since '89. '90. '91. '92. '93. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99, 1900. 1901° On common. 0 0 2 4 4 2 4 5 5 5 5 6 On preferred. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 In April, 1901, t he dividend rate on oommon wa.s increased to 6 p. o• BONDS.-Abstraote of some of me older mortgages were pub• Ushed in the CHRONICLE, v. 45, pp. 85, 114., 1«, 212, and v. 4.8, p. 830. The following bonds are convertible into preferred •tock at any time within ten days after a dividend ■hall have been declared and beoome payable on the preferred: Iowa & Dakota Extension 7s, Chicago & Milwaukee 7s or 1903, Hasting & Dakota 7s of li03 and Chio-.go Milwaukee & Bt. Paul console of 1875. The oon11ols of 1874 a.ho are convertible into preferred within 15 days after dividend day. The convertible bonds were fnlly described in BUJ>PLEMENT for Mar. '93, p. 2. Ohicago ~ Pacijlc Western Dinsion ■ee BUPPLEMB•T of Ja.n. 1901. Terminat ftve per cent bonds of 1884 cover terminal property of several hundred acres in Chfcago and Milwaukee, The general mortgage of 1889 (1ee ab•tract in V. 48, p. 830) is for $150,000,000, to the United States Trust Oo., of New York, as trustee, and covers the entire rail way property and franchises of the oompany (therein del!!oribed) snbJect to prior liens as balow mentioned. The prior lien bond!! cannot be extended, but will be paid off at maturity. On June 30, 1901, the following amounts of genera.I mortgage bonds -b.&d been ieened or were reserved for the purpose indicated, viz :Listed on New York Stook Exchange.................... $30,276,000 In treasury of the·oompany (unsold) see below......... 3,794,000  I  Tota.I reported by the company as outstanding•.•••• $34,070,000 ReeerT ed for prior liens.................................. . $88,102,500 Available or eventually to become available !or im•i provements, there being included in this a.mount the 27,827,500 bonds origind.lly reserved !or prior liens, which have since been converted into pref. and common stock ..•.  -----  Total authorized .•••.•.••••••...••...•••••••••••••.•••. $150,000,000 The $34,070.000 outstanding include $6 000,000 issued to pay for 178 miles of sundry !!mall branches on which the general mortgag-e is a first lien, and to retire the $2,500,000 first mortg~e bonds or <Jhioa.go Evanston & Lake Superior Ry., a Chteago suburban road, •8,908,000 issued to replace prior bonds paid and oanoeled and $19,· •10,000 for additions to property. GENERAL ..FINANCES, &c.-cay1taltzation per m1le of road June 30, 1901: Stock, 115,233; bonds, $19.244.; interest charge, $990. In Apr., 1901, stockholders subscribed to $8,673,200 new stook at par, 25 per cent being paid at once and 25 per cent payable each on J"une 18, July 18, and Sept. 5, the proceeds to reimburse the company tor 301 miles of new road built during the past two years, and pronde for Kan11a,1 City out-off and other necessary new construction, to cost ,,,soo,ooo. V. 72, p. 437, 935. In April, 1901, the rate of dividend en oommon wal!! in.creased to 6 per cent. The .fullded debt was increased during the year 1900·01 by the issue •f $92,000 of general mortgage bonds a.nd was decreased $4,297,· 100 by uiderlytng bond!! retired and canceled ; of the latter $4.,203,· 100 were conTerted into preferred stock and $2,000 into common •took. Of t1le funded debt there waa in the treal!!nry June 30, 1901, f4,,883,000 (ag&im1t $8,891,000 June 30, 1900), of which $3,570,000 was general mortgage 312s and $224.,000 g-en. M:. 4s. During 1900-01 '4,000,000 of the general 312s held in tlte treasury and $100,000 «enera.l 4s were sold.-V. 71, p. 1119; V. 78, p. 563. Average freight tram load in 1900-01 was 236 tons; rate per ton per •Ue, 0·86lc.; in 1899-0 train load, 209 tons; rate per ton perm. 0·9290. EARNINGs.-5 mos. ? 1901. ••••. Grosl!!, $20,394,991; net, $7,556,079 July 1 to Nov. 30. ( 1900 ••• _ .Gross, 18,610,322; net, 6,930,589 ANNUAL REPORT.-Fisoa.l year ends J~e 30. Annual meeting ts Jleld in September. Reporti for 1900-01 was given at length in V. 73, p. 550, 562. See also editorial, p. 528. In 1900-01 of 18,010,683 tons of ,freight carried, grain furnished 28 p. o.; other agricultural products, . 2 p. o.; coal and coke, 13 p. o.; lumber, 10 p. o.; other forest products, ~ p. o., and miscellaneous, 4.0 p. o. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  7 7 7 6 6 5 5&7 5 7 6 6 6 5 g. 5 g. 5 g. 6 g. 5 g. 5 g. 5 4. g. 319 g. 6 6  A. & 0. N. Y .Offloe,30 Broad St. Oct. 29, '01, 3~  A. & O.  do  do  Oct. 29,-0l, 3  J. & J. N. Y.,Offloe,30 Broad St. Jan. 1, 1903 do do J. & J. Jan. 1, 1908 J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J. J.  & J.  & J. & J.  & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. & J. 'If  ,r  J. & D. J. & D.  do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Bo1ton Lee Hffigin.Bon. N. Y. Office, 30 road St. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do N.Y., Ch.Mil.& Bt.P.Ry. do do  1900-01. Aver. miles operated June 30.. 6,512 Passenger earnings ...•••....... $7,939,216 Fretghi earnings ................ 31,357,992 ~ . ex.pres!!, &o., earns....... 3,071,804.  Jan. 1, July 1, July 1, July 1, Ja.n. 1, July 1, Jan. 1, July 1, Jan. 1, July 1, July 1, Jan. 1, Jan. 1, July 1, July 1, Jan. 1, July 1, Jan. 1, Jaly 1, May 1, May 1, June 1, June 1,  1899-00. 6,347 $7,698,514. 31,220,217 2,965,961  1904 1905 1908 1999 1910 1910 1910 1919 1909 1920 1920 1910 1921 1921 1921 1924 1914 1916 1926 1989 1989 1910 1913  1898·99. 6164 $6,778,921 28,773,222 2,758,4.89  Total earnlngs .•••••.....••• $4.2,369,012 $41,884.,692 $38,310,632 .lrlaint.enanoe of way............ $6,505,864. $7,503,380 $3,04.5,697 3,2~9,700 3,04.8,66'7 oars a.nd engines . .. . .... 3 ,024,725 Transportation, gen. exp., etc.. 13,982,064 12,761,567 11,702,325 1,322,047 1,2,8,34.9 TaxM.............. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. l,4.03,M3 1,550,000 1,925,000 Renewal account................ 1,185,000 1,475,305 ..l.dditional equipment........... 1,111,256 759,871 lfisoe:U.a.neous.... •• . .. . . . • . . . •• . 814.,951  sii:;,aa  Total expenses .•••••.••••••. $27,977,503 $28,420,837 $28,962,837 Net earnings .............. ...... $14, $13,4.63,8M $14,347,795 (62·55) Perot. of op. exp. to (6t> 03) (67·85) 117,4.10 Otherinoome.................... 174,683 144,756 0  Tota.I net inoome ...•...••••• $14.,566,192 $13,608,611 $14,4.65,206 Interest on debt, etc...... . . . . . . 6,383,086 6,633,170 6,890,120 Ba.lance for dividends...... $8,183,157 $6,975,«1 $7,575,085 DIVIDENDS PAID DURING FISCAL YEAJt. Common .••......•.••....... (5¼)$2,593,123(5)$2,351,530(5)$2,318-'980 Preferred ..................... (7) 2,81'.il,058 (7)2,516,528 (7)2,27ts,931 Total dividends........... $5,«4, 181 $4,868,058 $4.,597,911 0FFIOER8.-0ha.irman, Roswell Miller, 30 Broad Street, New York; President, Albert J. Earling, Chicago; Treasurer, F. G. Ranney, Chicago; Seoretary, P. M . .Hyers, Milwaukee.  ~~~~~r;:i:::11J.YJ~g~'n  0  1:  ~~~o!~.r~bi~·~J . ..,~:~~ ~~°d':"%srtd~l~~ bank, William Rockefeller, Peter Geddes, August Belmont, Samuel ~pencer, Jame11 H. Smith, Charles W. Harkness, Henry H. Ro~ers. New York. Ez:eoutlve Committee.-lioswell .Hiller, A. J. Earling, Peter Geddes, Wllliam  R~:: ~~~°k80~:~~io~~oad 11  St. -(V. 72, p. 935,1187; V. 73, p,550, 562, 842.) Ohlcaa;o &: North. PaeUlc KK.-ohioago Termina.1 Transfer RR. le, North We•iern Ky,-(Su Map.J-Operates an im• portaut 171tem of roads unitiDK Chicago ill., with Omaha, Neb,, Bt. Paul llin.n., with the great wheat belts ot bakota, Nebr&sk:a., etc;, and wtth the m1n1ng regions of Michigan and the Black Hilll!!, inolurungJ/,oa,d  owned infu -  Milu. , Oontroll-ed by stock,  Kain llnec, etc ..........•..••. 5,608  Entire •tock ow,ied,-  Prtneeton ~Western......... St. Paul.Eastern Grand Trunk (lea■ed) . . . • .... • • • . . . . . . . . . .  op&-ated separately-  Mile..  Fremont Elk Horn& Mo. Val.1,362 16 -Total or a.11 Aug. 1, 1901.. .. 7,046 60 2d track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714.  Al•o has large in Chi-  Total incl. in earns ......•.. 5,577 ca.go Bt. Paul Minneapolis & Oma.ha., 1,578 miles. During the fiscal year 1900-01 259 miles were completed and added to the road proper. In June, 1900, Princeton & Northwestern RR. was incorporated to build a line from Princeton, Wis., to Mareb..tleld, etc.-1 105 mile!!, and in lfov., 1900, the Peoria & Northwestern Ry., to buila from Peoria, IIL, ~ear Nel11on, 85 miles; both were completed in 1901. V. 73, p. 294.. Of the Southern Iowa. Ry., 56 mile■, ~l mile!! were completed in June,;1901. In Dec., 1901, the Chicago Iowa & Dakota Ry., Eldora. Jot. to Alden, Ia., 26 miles, was purcha.sed.-V. 74, p. 93. t!IaTO:aY, &c.-The Chicago & North Wel!!tern Railway was orgaruzed tn 1859, and has 11inoe absorbed many other roads. In Deeember, intereat was acquired in the stock of Uae Oh1oago St. Paul ea.polis & Omaha Co., which l!!ee. In July, 1884. the capital atook (except a few aha.rel!!) of the Fremont Elkhorn &1 Ho. Valley was acquired ou the terms stated in the SUPPLEMENT of June, 1885, and prior issues. Its securities, except those hell\ bv Chlo. & N. W .. are in table above. On June 20, 1901, purchased Sioux City & Pa.oiflo RR. at Government 1a.le.-V. 72, p. 721, 1236; V. 73, p. 4.U.) In December, 1891, the Milwaukee Lake Shore & WMtern RR. was 1>ought by an exchange of stock. Bee V. 57, p. 375; V, 56, p. 792. In 1900 various proprietary roads were purohated and 1n 1900 and 1901 others tauilt in the interel!!t of the C. & N. W. were aborbed. -v. 71, p. 291, 294; v. 73, p. 294, 1010. C..&.PIT.!L erocx..-Of the oommon 11took $2,333,688, and preferre4 '3,795 remained in '1le oo's treuury in July, 1900. Pref. stock has a prior right to 7 p. o.; then common 7 p. o.; then preferred 3 per cent; then c,ommon 3 per cent; then both classes share. DIVIDE!fDI- '83. '84. '85. '86to'P3, '94. '95. '96to'99. '00. '01. '02. Common.. 7 7 619 6 yearly 3 4 5 yearly 6 6 Jan., 3 Preferred. 8 8 719 7 yearly to Jan., 1902, 1nolustve. BoNDs.-General Mortgage.-See Absiraci in V. 65, p. 11'75. The authorized issue is $165,000,000 (United States Truet Co., truatee) $131,645,000 were reserved to retireunderlyingbonds, a.n.d remainder-  MAP OF THE  CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY SYSTEM. 8,550 Miles.  _  +■  Chicago & North-Western Railway St.Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. ■ + ■ + ■ ■ 1Fremont Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad  rm  - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  w  ■ Chicago  N  JANUARY, 1902.J  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  41  BMwu-Prlnol• RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or pal, When Due. Amount of Par hr explanation of column headings, &o., see note& of Rate r,er When Where P~able, and by Btocka-Laat Road. Bonds Value. Outstanding Cen . Payable on flrst page of tables. om. :»ividend. ~ / 1 0 It North Western-Common stock•.• Tr 4,273 Preferred stock (7 p. o., not oumulative) ••.••.. Tr 4,273 Oil. & N. W. con. s.f. M. ($11UOO,OOO), not dr.F.c" 788  ---· ......  1865 150 1866 122 1884 129 1871 114 1871 62 1872 1,637 1872  CJedarRaplds&Missourt v.-lstmort.3dDlv. M. of 1884, Ced. Rapids to Des Momes River.. Madison ext. 1st M., g. (s.f. $23,000,not dr'n).F' Me•omtnee ext.lstM., g. (s. f. $20,000,not dr1F Northw. Union 1st M., g., Fond-du-La,o.F' Oh. & N. W. gen. con. M., t·<J·f., not dr'n c. *&r. -Un General mortgage of 1 , aee next page. Winona & Bt. Perer :t.u mv.. L. (now 1st) assumed.. 139 let mort. ext., gold, land grant, s.1., ass'd.o.F'" 184 Plainview RR. and Minn. Val.1st mortgages ..•. Boch. & No. Minn. 1st mort., guar. (assumed) .... ·24 71 Dak. C. lst M., ~· (Watert•n to Redfield, S. D.)F' Dak.C,lstM..on o'eastDlv.(tollawarden) gu.Vn 125 Henomtnee River 1st M., two series (assumed). F' 31 HU. & Mad. 1st M., Mil. to Madison (assumed) Pc* 82 Ohloago &. Tomah 1st mort., guar. (assumed). F' 152 Ohlo~o Milwaukee & N. W.oonstruo. do .F' 57 Des oines&Minn.lst M.,Des M.toJewellJo.F&o, 64 ottum.C.F.& Bt.P.lst M.($25,000 p.m.), gu. Vn.o* 76 No. DL 1st M. ($20,000 p. mile), assumed . Vn.o* lfil. L. Sh. & W., Consol. M. (now 1st) gold.Ce.c* "13 Mich. Div.1st mort. (for $3,000,000), g .. Ce.c~ 82 40 Ashland Division 1st mortgage, fold ..... Ce.o* Deben. (see text) sec. by mort o '89, g ... Ce.o" 693 Ext.& Imp.M.for $5,000,000,g., s.f. not dr.Ce.e* 693 Income bonds (not cum.) ............. .......••. r ·-·· Marsh. Ex.lstM.$600,000($15,000 p.m.). Vn.c* 40 O.&N.W.s.f.bdsof'79($15,000p.m.)r'd.at105.Fc&:r 1,041 Iowa. Div. 1st M., $20,000 per mile.Un•.... o.. 71 Slnkin g fund debentures. 1933 -Un.... o*&r ....  !  si  $100 $39,114,678 6in 1901 J. & J. N.Y.,Co.'sOffloe,52Wall Jan. 3, '02, 100 22,395,120 Q.-.J. 7 do do Jan. 3,'02, 1 12,832,000 9,-F. do do 7 Feb. l; 1916 5Jo~. 2,332,000 7 Ill. & N. do do May 1, 1916 769,000 J. & D. 7 do do June 1, 1908 500··&0. b 2,977,500 7 g. A. & 0. do do Apr. 1, 1911 500 &o. C 2,546,500 7 g. J. & D. do do Jone 1, 1911 500 &o. d 3,365,000 7 g. M.& 8. do do June 1, 1917 500&o. 7,454,000 7 g. J. & D. do do Dec. 1, 1901  1867 1,592,000 1871 16oo~. k4,038,500 1878 . 250,000 1878 200,000 1882 al,007,000 1882 2,000,000 '76-'80 560,000 1880 1,600,000 1,528,000 11880 1882 e601,000 1882 600,000 1884 1,000 1,600,000 1885 1,000 1,500,000 1881 1,000 5,000,000 1884 1,000 1,281,000 1885 1,000 1,000,000 1887 1,000 436,000 1889 1,000 4.,148,000 1881 1,000 1892 1,000 400.000 6-00,000 1879 l,OO0&o 12,860,000 1891 1,000 162,000 11883 l,OO0&o 9,800,000  ..... ...... ...... ......  i:ooo ...... i:ooo  I  7 7 g. 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 7 5 5 6 g. 6 g. 6 g. 5 g. 5 g. 6 5 5 &6 419 ~  M.&N. J. & D. Seml•an M.& B. M.& 8. M. & N. J. & J. M.& 8. M.&N. M.&N. F. &A. M. & B. M.& B. M.&N. J. & J. M.& B. F. & A. F. &A. M. & N. A. & 0. A. & 0. A. & 0. M.&N.  do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do  do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do  Nov. 1, 1907 Dec. 1, 1918 1908 Sept. 1, 1908 Sept. 1, 1907 Nov. 1, 1907 July 1, 1906 Sept. 1, 1905 Nov. 1, 1906 Nov. 1, 1906 Feb. 1, 1907 Moh. 1, 1909 Moh. 1, 1910 May 1, 1921 Jull. 1, 192' Mo 1, 1926 Feb. 1, 1907 Feb. 1, 1929 May 1, 1911 Oct. 1, l!J22 Oct. 1, 1929 Apr. 1, 1901 May 1, 1938  Ohlcaato & North Western Ry,-(CONCLUDED.) , Ill. to Merchants' Junction, 3.m.; tn city of Sprinrield, 112 m. Owns for additions and improvements, $4,000,000 at once and $1,000,000 and operates Litchfield & Madison Ry., Litchfteld :rct. to MadJson, « ,. year thereafter. see v. 65, p. 1070. The first issuEI, llf $20,000,000, m.; trackage, J. & St. L. Jct. to Litchfield, 1 m.; total 292·50 miles. Rebears 3¼per cent (reg. interest Q.-F., coupon M.&N.) '<f. 65, p. 69, organization of Ohioago Peoria & St. L. RR.and St. L. Chio. & St Paul 111,571. Up to Jan., 1902, $12,520,000 had lJeen llsted.-\T. 67, p. Ry., sold tn foreclosure Jan. 8, 1900, per plan 1D vol. 68, p. 722. 125; V, 72, p. 86. BONDS.-Of the $2,000,000 prior lien 419s (City Trust Co. of N. Y., The rinking fund bonds of 1879 are secured by deposit in trust trustee), $750,000 are reserved for future extensions, improvements, of $15,000,000 of 1st mortgage bonds at $15,000 per mile on sub- etc. Stock, com., $3,600,000; pref., $3,750,000. 1ldiary lines, the most important being described in SUPPLEMENT of NEW ~ECCJRITIES, ETc.-InJuly, 1901, tt was proposed to exchange May, 1894. Of the slnk:ing fund bonds of 1879 $~,069,000 6s; the Ch. P. & St. L. incomes dollar for dollar for new 1st pref. stock, &he sln1dng fund is at least 1 per cent of outi8tanrung oonds, which present preferred to be seMnd preferred; also the L. & M. incomes are sub.1eot to call at 105; and through its operation the amount for new L & M. prer. stock In Dec., 1901, all the common stock of euti81anding has been reduced from $151000,000 to the :fl.gure in table. both roads 79 per ,•ent of the preferre<l stock 85 per cent of the C P The rinking fund debentures ot 1933 nave a slnklng fund of $20<!,000 & St. L. inJomes and 75 per cent of the L. & M.'inoomes had been depos: per year, if they can be redeemed at 105. See description of &11 the ited under this a~eemf'nt in trust with a security holders' committee debentures OJ! page 2, SUPPLEMENT of April, 1895. (Thos. Ca,michael, 27 Pine St .• Chairman), with authority also to sell The eztension bonds of 1886 are secured by deposit in trust of ti.rat the same on ur before Aug. 1 190l at prices therein named. See V. mortgage bonds at a rate not exceeding $20,000 per mile. Included in 73 p 183 ' ' '1le collateral June 1, 1896, were $10,675,000 Fremont Elk Hom& Mo. Year to. June 30, 1901, gross, $1,347.353; net, $308,402; other in• Valley lats and $2,560,000 lats Wyoming Central lets [oonsolldated come, $19,529; fixed charges, $271,026; bal., sur., $56,905. For6 with F. E. & M. V. lt etc. Se~ F. E .. & M. V. bonds below. mos. ending Dec 31, 1901, i;,;ross. $730,358, against $709,4.61 in 1900. The Fremont ElkMrn d Missouri Valley console have a flrst llen on President, Oharles E. Kimball, New York; Secy. and Treas. Ralph 1,170 miles (Fremont1 • Neb., to Deadwood, D. T., 557 miles, and Blaisdell, Springfield, ·Ill.; Asst. Sec. and Asst. Treas , T. C. Wellman. branches to Hastings, Albion, &~.1 613 miles), but besides the amount -(V 71 p 913· v 73 p 183 ) of issue given as outstanding in me table $10,675,000 are held as part • ' · ' · ' · · collateral.for Chicago & Northwestemextension bonds of 1886. The Chicago Kock Island & PacUlc Ky.-(Bu MapJ-ROAD.Northwestern assumed $3,600,000 of the Fremont Elkhorn & Missouri Operates rrom Chicago, m, Via Omaha, Neb., to Denver and Colorado Valley bonds and guarantees the rest. Bee guaranty V. 56, p. 650. Springs, Col., and via Kansas City, Mo., to Terral, I. T., with branches. The Boyer Valley Minnesota & Iowa, Boone CoBnty Mankato & New Lines ounuaMile, L•,,.•ed etc (.,Which aee) ~·•Ulm Minneso1a & South Dakota and Iowa Minnesota & Northwestern · ......, ' .- 11 • ......, - . bonds were assumed in June 1900, the roads beinf absorbed upon Chlc.,lll., to CounollBlu1fs,Ia. 500 Peoria & Bureau Valley···· ,r 47 a th I th p & N rth tDavenp't, Ia., to Atoh'n, Kan. 341 Keokuk & Des Moines ..•.•• ,r 169 O .ampletion; also in 1901 ' h e ..,ou ern owa e eor a wes Elwood to Liberal, Kan...... 440 Des Moines & Fort Dodge•. ,r 14, ern and the Princeton & Northwee~rn and. the Sioux City & Pac1flo Herlngton,Kan.,toTerral,I.T. 349 Trackage to Kansas City, (see description of its bonds V. 73, p. 444. 1159). See V. 71, p. 28, Horton, Kan., to Roswell,Col. 569 No. Topeka, Kan., Denver, 291, 29,J,, 340; V. 73, p. 294, 1010. Gowrie to Sibley, Ia .. .. . ••. 110 Col., Pueblo, Col., etc...... 338 GENERAL FINANCEB.-The first issue of ($20,000,000) refunding bonds Branches...................... 820 at 319 ~er cent interest was 11old to provide for $18,015,500 olif bonds Other lines (see below). maturing up to Dec. 1, 1902. If the entire issue of $20,000,000 is re· quired to refund these old bonds the saving in interest charges will be Total owned Apr, 1, 1901 .3,128 Tot.lines oper. Apr, 1901..3,819 about $530,000 per annum-see" bl,nds" above and V. 65. P• 69. 111. In Dec., 1900, the Chicago Ro~k Island & Mexfoo Ry. and Chic. B. I. In June, 1901, !jll21,315,000 old bonds were still unconverted, the & El Paso Ry. were incorporated to build an extension from Liberal, balance, $10,330,000, having been exoha»ged. See V. 72, P• 86. Kan., to Banta Rosa, N. M., 269 miles, at a connection with an exten· In 1900·01 the average freight train load was 237 tons, against ston of the El Paso & Northeastern (New Mex. Ry. & Coal) to be built !35 tons in 1899-00; rate per ton mile, 0·85 of a cent. from Carrizosa, thus aff'ordin~ a through route to the Pacitlc coast, via EARNINGS-For 8 mos. ending Nov. 30, 1901, $24,965,330 gross in El Paso and the Southern Pacitlc, and a through line to the City of 1901, against $22,867,625 in 1900. Mexico Via the Mexican Central. v. 71, p. 1219; V. 72, p. 820. 111. ANNUAr, REPORT.-Flscal year ends May 31. The annual meeting 11< Feb., 1902, extension wm be completed. The Enid & Anadarko held the first Thursday in June. The report for 1900 -01 was given at Ry. wa11 completed in Dec., 1901, from Enid, o. T., southwesterly, to length t n V. 73. p. 285, 291. Bee also editorial, l). 261. Watonga, 55 milea and ts to ~e further extended to Anadarko, about Of the freight carried in 1900-1 (total 25,527,575 .tons), ores fur- 60milee. TheAnadarko-FortSillbraDchwa.sw.socompletedinSept., nished 23 per cent; lumber and logs, 15 per cent; grain, fl.our and mill 1901, Anadarko to Lawton, 36 miles. 1tuffs, 13 per cent; other agricultru-al and dairy products, 3 per cent; Chicago Rock Island & Texas, TeITal to Fort Worth, Tex., 93 miles; coal and ooke1 lo per cent; metals and machinery, 5 per cent: stone, bonds are all deposited as collateral for the general mortgage bon.da, eand, brick, ero., 5 per cent; llve stock, 4 per cent; misceL, 17 p. o. but the road is operated separately.-V. 61, p. 793. CWOAGO & NORTHWESTERN PROPER. HI8TOBY.-The present Chicago Rook Island & Pa.0111.o WIMI a oo• Tear ending May 31. 1901. 1900. 1899 1898. aolldation June 2. 1880, with $50,000,000 stock authorized. In 1901 Averagemilesoper.. 5,507 5,218 5,077 5,071 the Moores of Chica.go increased their holdings, but the Flower-Cable Passenger earnings .. $9,718,191 J9,002,688 $8,067,627 $7,256,299 interests are reported still in control. 2 ,008 , 684 28 ,156, 677 27,o35,io5 4 , 945 l'relgh~ ............... 31,86 BTOCK.-In July, 1901, stookholderl!I subscribed to $10,000,000 llail, express, &c ..•. 2 ,015 ,451 t,939 , 433 l,793 ,oio 1 •759 •156 additional stocJr, raising the amount to $60,000,000. See below. 5 2 5 016 314 6 050 561 8 38 Total earnings.· .$43,098,1>87 $4 ,9 0, 0 il! , , $3 , , DIVIDENDS ? '91 '92&'93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 1901 1902 Oper. exp.&taxes .. 27,229,998 26,994,013 24,828,714 23,746,485 l!llnce' 9 0, P.ot., 3 Feb.,l14, 4 2 219 4.¼ 5 319 2 5 5 Netearn1n2B...•..... $15,8 6 8,58 9 $ 15,956, 792 $ 13 •187, 599 $l 2 ,3 o 4 ,o76 Also in 1898 a dlstributton of 10 per cent was made in atock P. e. exp. to earnings (63·18) (62·85) (65·31) (65·87) Totalnetrecelpts .... $16,445,669 $16,486,582 $13,731,677 $12,761,010 represent earnings expended for extensions, etc., in 1880-85. (V. 68, "'T t 1 d bt $6 324 752 $6 069 384 $6 232 235 $6 488 605 p. 1136.) 1881 t1 '87, 7 p. o. yearly in cash; '88, 6111 _p. o. ae nrereston e · • • in 1898·9 above 4 per cent were charged to Addition and 3 ',914•, 294 3 ', 523', 270 3 '•519'•823 Ir, Dividends Dividends . •. • • -• • •·· 3,914, 394 1provement Account, which also stands pledged to pay a 14 per oeni 630 355 ,640 34o, 745 517•260 "flpecial" 81nlong fund, etc.•• 299, dividend quarterly up to and inoludlilg the next regular 4 , 542,041 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ diridenddayfollowlngJan.1, Bealest.,oonst.,&c. 4 , 1 69,5 2 6 1903. V. 68, t>.1136. 121 367 6 5 636 366 2 235 323 7 Balance, surplus •• •• $l, 37, $l, 0 , $:i, • $ , • BON )8.-The refunding mortgage ls for $100,000,000 (Central Trust FBEHONT ELKHORN & HISSOUJU VALLEY. Co., trustee), of which $64,972,600 were reserved to retire $62,712,000 Yr.end.May31. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. exi8ti1Jg bonds (including $50,212 000 paid in 1898-9); $2,000,000 Gross earnings ..••••• $4,287,806 $4,121,458 $3,885,489 $3,881,340 were immediately available for ad<litions or improvements; $500,000 Net earnings .•••••... $1,307,781 $1,246,124 fl,274,687 $1,237,948 have been issued to facmtate the issue of refunding bonds; $5,500,· Total charges........ 1,021,945 1,021,391 1,020,879 1,020,908 000 will be available after 1902 a.t$18,000 per mile,toretire bonds on Balance .... .......... sur.285,1:!36 sr.$224,733sr.$253,8o8 sr.$217,040 llnes purchased, and rematnder are issuable at not over $1,000,000 OFFICEBS.-Chairman, Albert Keep, Lake Geneva, Wis.; President, per annum for permanent improvements and additions, including Mat'Vin Hughitt, Chicago; Vice-President and Secretary, E. E. Osborn; equipment. See Mortgage A.bstract in V. 66, p. 522. 52 Wall St., New York; 2d Vice-President, M. M. Kirkman, Chicago; GENERAL FINANCEs.-Av. freight train load in 1900-1, 182tons.i rate Treasurer and Assistant Secretary, B. O. Howe, New York; General per ton mile, 0·99c.; in 1899-0, 177 tons; rate per ton mile u·99c. Mar.ager, W. A. Gardner, Chicago. In July, 1901, stockholders subscribed at par to $10,000,000 new Directors.-W. K. Vonderbllt, F. W. Vanderbilt, H. McK. Twombly Samuel stock, to be usdd in part to pay for extension from Liberal, Kan2 F.. sar1ter, Chauncev M. Depew. James Stillman, J~mes C. Fargo, M. L.~Sykes, southwest to a connection with the New Mex. Ry. & Coal Co., 25v ~ew York: Albert KP.eo, Lake Geneva. Wis.: llarvm Huirhltt, N. K. Faubank, miles.-V. 72, 1135; V. 73, p 184. The refunding during 1898·99 Byron L. Smith, Cyrus H. McCormick, Marshall Field, Chicago; David P. Ktm• reduced annua interest oba~e over $400,000.-V. 65., p. 571,• V. 67, p ball. Oliver Ames. Boston: Zenas Crane. Dalton, Ma~s. -(V. 72, p. 1236; v. 73, p. 285, 291,444, 1010, 1159; v. 74, p. 93.) 55. In Jan., 1902, $55,581, 0 new general 48 had been listed. Chicago Peoria & st. Louis Ry.-RoAD.-Owns from Pekin EABNINGS.-From April 1 to Nov. 30 ( 8 months). to Granite City, ID., 180 miles; Madison to Bridge Juno., 3 m.; 8 mo,. Gross. Net. Int., etc. Balance. Havana to Jacksonville, m., 42 m.; branch, Lookhaven to Grafton, 8 m.; 1901·2................ $20,248,807 $7,409,712 $2,552,000 $4,857,712 total owned, 233 m.; trackage, Pekin to Peoria, 10 m.; Granite City, 1900-1. ••..•.••••.... 17,669,803 6,174,180 2,535,976 3,638,204 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  l  r·  •-  •-•-41 0  o_,.-- N __ _ YELL?WSTONE NATION I. .ARK!  'I 1-------J :r 11  I  I  i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAP OF THE  CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND  PACIFIC RAILWAY SYSTEM AND ITS CONNECTIONS.  JAN'S.A.RT,  1902.]  43  RAD,BOAD STOOKS AND BOND8.  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bond6-Prmot• RAILROADS. Miles Date Size, or Amount - - - - , - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - pa.l,WhenDu.e. ~or explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Pa.r Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, and by BtockB-Last on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  --------------------1·-- - -  --  ·C . ,e N. W. roon.)-Ch.&N. W.25-yeardeb.Un o*&r •••• 1884 1,000&o {$5,369,000 5 M. & N. N. Y., 52 Wa.11 St. Nov. 1, 1909 30-yeardebentures . . . ............... Un.o*&r •••. 1891 1,000&o g9,819,000 5 A15&0 do do Apr.15, 1921 Exten. 4s. $20,000,000 ($20,000 p. m.).1J'n.o&r ..•. 1886 1,000&o bl 74.89,000 4 F 15&A. do do Aug.15, 1926 Gen'l gold bond, mort., $165,000.000.. Us.o*&r 1897 1,000&o 12,520,000 3¼ g. ,r do do Nov. 1, 1987 Boyer Val. Ry., 1st M., ,., $16,000 per m.F.c*&r "'90 1898 1,000&o 1,«0,000 3¼ g. J. & D. do do Dec. 1, 1923 Minn. & Ia. Ry., let M., g., $16,000 perm. F.o*&r 119 1899 1,000&c 1,90i,OOO 3¼ g. J. & D. do do June 1, 1924. Mankato & New Ulm, lstM., g., $416,000.F.o*&r 26 1899 1,000 416,000 3¼ g. A. & 0. do do Oct. 1, 1929 Southern Iowa, 1st mort.. $1,120,000, g .F c*&r 56 1900 l,OOO&o N'ne Deo.'01 312 g. M. & B. do do Sept. 1, 1925 Princeton & North., 1st M., $2,100,000, g.F.o*&r 105 lPOl 1,000&o 1,940,000 3"9 g. J . & J. do do Jan. 1. 1926 Peoria. & Northw., 1st :\I., $2,125,000. g.F .. o*&r 85 1901 1,0oe&o 2,125,000 312 ,z. M. & S. do do Moh. 1, 1926 Sioux City & Pao, 1st M., g., $4',000,000 F .. o"&r 125 1901 l,OOO&o 4,000,000 3¼ g. F, & A. do do Aug 1, 1936 Minn. & Bo. Dakota., 1st M., gold, $528,000.. F.o* 33 1900 1,000 528,000 319 g. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1935 Iowa.Minnesota&NorthwesternlstM.,g.F.o.. &r 195 1900 1,000&o 3,900,000 3lgg. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1935 Frem.Elk.&M. v.oonsolM.$20,000p.m.seetext. 1,170 1883 1,000 7,725,000 6 A. & O. do do Oct. 1, 1933 .Chic. Peo. ~ St.L.-Pr. lienM., g.,call at 10719.0l.o* 230 1900 1,000 1,250,000 4lgg. M. & S. N.Y. office, 27 Pine. Moh. 1, 1930 Consol. M., $2,000,000, g., called at 105.<Jol .. o* 230 1900 1,000 2,000,000 5 g. J. & J. do do July 1, 1930 Income M., g. (text) non-onm , called at pa.r .EC 230 1900 1,000 2,000,000 Up to 5 p er cent when earned. July 1, 1930 Litch & Mad. (Inc.) M. (text) 5%, non-oum. .... Cl 44 1900 500 500,000 Up to 5 per cent, when earned. July 1, 1930 Chicago Bock Isla.&: Pae.-Btk. (for $60,000,000) . . . . 100 60,000,000 5 in 1901 Q.-F. New York and Chicago. Feb. 1, '02J 114 lstM.,Chio.,lli.,toCounoilBln1fs&br'ohes.Us.o* 736 i877 1,000&o 12,500,000 6 J. & J. N. Y.,13Will1amBt. July 1, i.917 General mortgag~., $100,000,000, gold. .. Oe.o*&r 3,128 1898 1,000&o 56,581,000 4 g. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1988 f1hicago St Louis~~ ew Orleans-See ILL. CENTRAL. -Ohieaqo St. Paul Minn. &: Omaha-Com. stock.. . .•. 100 18,559,053 5 in 1901 Feb. N. Y., Office, 52 Wall Bt. .Feb. 20, '01, 5 Pref. stock, non-cum., inolndinlil: scrip (11ee text). 100 11,259,912 7 in 1901 F. & A. do do lAug.20,'0l,lf½i St. Paul 1-'tillwater & Taylors' Falls 1st mort ...• o . 2i is7·8 500 &o. 334,800 7 J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1908 Hud.&RiverFallslstM.,HudsontoRiverFalls.o 12 1878 500 &c. 125,000 8 J. & J. do do July 1, 1908 Ch.8t.P.&Minn.lstM.1g.,ElroytoL.Bt.C.ass'd.o" 177 1878 500 &o. 1,959,000 6 g. M. & N. do do May 1, 1918 St. P. & Sioux City, lsliM., ~.. $10,000p.m .. Oe.o 607 1879 1,000 6,070,000 6 g. A.. & O. do do Apr. 1, 1919 No.Wl.8.lstM.LakeBt.C.tonrBpoonerass'd.Oe.o" 80 1880 1,000 789,000 6 J. & J. do do Ja.n. 1, 1930 Bault !te. Marie & Bouthwest'n 1st M., a.ssumed.c 37 1890 1,000 we,ooo 5 M. & N. do do Nov. 1, 1915 C.Bt.P.M.&0.11.,$30,0001 000 ($15,000 p.m)Ue.o.. .... 1880 1,000 14,46!'>,000 6 J. & D. do do June 1, 1930 -Ohic. Term'l Tr. RR.-Ch.&Gt. W.,lst M., g.,ass'd.c* ..•. 1886 1,000 394,000 5 g. J. & D. N. Y., Mercantile Trust. June 1, 1936 City of Chicago purchase money mort., as11umed 650,000 5 M. & N. To City of Chicago. May 1, 1938 Chfo.Term.Transf.lstM.,g.,$16,500 OO0U11.o"&r '9i is97 i°OOO 13 635 000 4 g. J. & J. N. Y. Mercantile Trust. July 1, 1947 In addition the sinking tund June 1, 1901, held, a, $58,000; b, $172,600; c, $160,500: d, $1a5,000; e, $149,000; C., $521,000 (and $10,000 on hand): g., $181,000; h, $1,143,000: k, $202,500. ,r Coupon interest M. & N.; regist.ered Q.-F.  I  <Jhlc~o Rock Island & Pacldc Ry.-CONOLUDED. ANNUAL REPORT.-The fl.Boal year ends March 31. Annual meeting ts held in Chicago on the first Wednesday in June. Report for 1900-01 at length was in V. 72, p. ll33, 1141-see also editorial, p. 1104, Year ending March 311901. 1900. 1899. Miles operated................ 3,819 3,647 3,619 Passenger ea.rnings........ •... $6,400,014 $5,Ml,037 $5,053,581 Freight ........................ 17,730,398 15,881,092 14,351,656 Mail, express, rentala, etc.... 1,234,283 1,228,475 1,262,677 Gro11s ea.rningl'l ............ $25,364,695 Bet earning8 .................. $8,199,602 From la.nd department....... 7,500 Income :from lo&nS, etc....... 693,879  $22,650,604 $7,668,153 3,000 698,440  $20,667,914 $6,991,804 6,000 704.,468  Total inoome.............. $~900,981 $8,369,593 $7.l702,272 Rent lea.sed roa.da............. :,74.7,227 $717,417 :i;716,802 lnt.ere!'lt on debt............... 2,911,980 3,055,313 3,084,616 .Missouri Ri'ver bridges....... 144.,756 134,802 127,737 Dtvidends ..................... (4) 1,999,692 (!)1,999,586 (4) 1,960,389  108 miles; 2d track, 54 miles; sidings, 111 miles; total a.11 tracks, 273 miles. HrsTORY.-A reorganization in June, 1897, of Chicago & Northern Pacific and Chlo. &Calumet Term., planV. 6!, p. t188. 898. In Feb., 1901, Harriman syndicate acquired control.-v. 72, p. 241, 580. TENANTS.-Balt. & Ohio, Chioairo Great Western, Chicago Hammond & Western, Suburban RR. Co. of Chicago. In 1898·99 the St. Louis Peoria & Northern Ry. Co. (see Chicago & Alton) contracted to become a t.enant under a 99-ye&r lease, but !'lubsequently Edward H. Harriman, Jaoob H. Schiff, James Stillman and George J. Gould a.,n-eed that on or before Jan. 1, 1904, "they will 011,uae the Chicago & Alton RR. Co., or some other corporation sati11faotory to the Terminal Com• pany as to responsibility, to become the 11uocessor to the St. Lonis Company u lessee under said of Oct. 1, 1898.'' V. 68, p. 1225; V. 69, l). 708; V. 71, p. 652. In NO'\·., 190L, theLake Shore & Mioh Bo. Chio., R. f. & Pao. and N. Y. Chlo. & St. Louis made short oontraots pending repairs to their old station.-V. 73, p. 1111. BECURITIES.-Stock-$13,000,000 common and $17,000,000 4 p, o• non·cumulative pref. Bondtt-Of the t16,500,000 1st 4cl'l, $1,305,000 are reserved t.oretirethe aMumed bonds; $1,560,000 for new property.  Ba.lanoe............. ...... $3,097,326 $2,,62,475 $1,812,728 OFFICBRS.-Chatrman of the Boa.rd, R. R. Cable, Ronk Island; Prest· ent, Wm. B . .Leed.3; Treasurer and Assistant sec., F. E. Bayne; Seoretary, Geor,ze H. Crol!lby, Chicago; Asl!lista.nt TreaR. and Assistant .secretary, Geo. T. Boggs, 13 William street, New York. 0 B. te~°<J~.r~;a:y Man.ball Field. a•lt Jas. H. Moore, Chicago; R. R. Caole, Rock Island; F. H.  LATJ~ -E ~ G s - / mos. ~ ½~~... --gross, $g~g,gg~; net, $i5I•:½i Y to ov. 0 · 5 · •... roes, , ; net, , REPORT.-Report for year ending June 30, 1901, given at length in V. 73, p. 738, shows gross, $11 4.30,990; net, after deduoting taxes, $603,322; interest, $591,200; oal., sur., $11,422.  H.Ele~r:~1~~g~J1:l~~- ~.RM~g~~~~~h;.~:~·- 1i!'r!!ower. Marshall Field,  <Jhlcago 1J'nlon Tran ■ fer Ry.-V. 72, p. 872; V. 73, p. 1207. Ollteaco & Western Indiana RH.-Owns a valuable tel'Illinal 17!'lt.em of roads &1fording entrance into Chicago to the roads named below. Its lines extend :from Dearborn Station, Polk Street, Chieago, t.o Dolton, 17 miles, also to Indiana. State Line, 10 milM, to CraJdn 16 milel'l, and to Bouth Chicago, 5 miles ; total, 48 mile!'l; total traos:, ~eluding 2d, 3d, 4th tracks and sidings, 221 mile!'l ; alao owns 880 acres of real eata.t.e, passenger a.nd :freight ya.rda warehoues elevators, etc. The Belt Ry. of Cliioa.go leases and operat.e!'l 99 mile!'l o} the 221 miles owned by the Ch. & W. I., its l'leourities being all held by the companies leasing the Chicago & W. I.; see V. 60, p. 1058. LEll:SS.-This oompany's road and t.erminall'l lea.!'led under perpetual oontra.ets to the Wabash, the Chio. & Grand Trnnk, the Chioa.go & East.em. Illlnol.8, the Chicago & Erie and the Ohioago Indianapolis & Louiavllle, each of which ftve oompa.ntes owns $1,000,000 stock. They are also leMed to the Atchison, the Ellil:in J ollet & and the Belt Ratlwa.y. The annual rentals mlll'lt always exceed by at leal'lt 20 per cent the int.erest on the bonds outstanding. DIVIDENDS,-11892·94. '95, '96. '97. '98 '99, '00. '01. 1902, Per oent. S6 yearly. 7¼ 6 6 6 6 6 6 Jan,,119 B01ms.-81n1dngfUndpayments (amounttngin year 1900 to $206,000> annually retire a portion of the flrl'lt mortgage bondl'l at 105 and in~r• est, &nd after thefu:f: a.11 drawn the general mortgage bondl'l become subteot to same a g fnnd and will be dra.wn at same price in such annual amounts as 'Will retire the debt by maturity. Of the conl'lols authorJzed in 1901, a portion will be issued to pay for traok elevation and other improvements, sufficient of the balance to be reserved to retire old bonds outstanding.-V. 73, p. 31. ANNUAL R&PORT-Fieoal year ends Dec. 31. Report for 1900 was ill V. 72, p. 1185, 11howing gross income, $929,963; illterest, etc., $638,· 769; dividends, $300,000; baL, deficit, $8,806.-(V. 73,p. 31,4.4.4,662,· 1U59.) Clllcqo & We•t :n:lch.-See Pere Marquette RR Ch.lcqo WI ■ • & l!llnn.-Bold in 1899 to Wisoon11in Central Ry. Chlhnahwa & PacUlc RB.-Completed Apr., 1900,from Chihua• hua, lle:x!co to Minaca, 125 miles. Projected to Port Stillwell on the Gulf of caillorn1a (Pacifto coast) in two sections of 155 milesea oh, to be complet.ed April, 1903, and April, 1905, respectively, and to form connecting link of the proposed new line of the Kansas Cit,: Mexico & Orient RR., from Kansas City to the Gull. Bubsidie!'l by Mexican Government in its ~ per cent interior !'linking fund bonds On 125 miles completed (already received), $1,(00,000; on second and third seoUons will a.ggregat.e $4,750,000. These subsidies were in Oct., 1900, transferred to K. C. M. & O. from Chica.go to Pa.cifto Bee K. C. M. & O. statement i.nd V. 71, p. 181. Stock is $2,500,000, all 18sned. No bonds il'l!'IUed to Jan., 1901.-(V. 66,p. 573; V. 71, p.181.) Ohoctaw Pl'o.rthe:rn RR.- Geary, 0. T., on the Choo. Okla. • Gull, northerly to Alva., about 103 milel'l, operated in Sept., 1go1, Branch from a point in Woods County north t.o All~ony, K&JlUI, 133 milea, was under oonstruotion. Controlled IJ7 tke same interests as the O. O. & G., though entirely independent. Bonds are i11'lu&ble at $12,500 per mile of main and branch line!! and may be ealled at 110 on any interest day at six weeks' notice, Stock author• ized, $20,000 per mile; no preferred. Pres., C. E.Ingersoll, Phila.; Seo. and Treas., J. Parke Hood. Girard Bldg., Phila.-(V. 72, p. 1279. Choctaw & Dl.emphl8 RR.-SEE Choctaw Oklahoma & Gulf RR.  fr~!~hf~it1:f~~:,rlm~~- i:~~! ~~~\J~o~a!tcr.w;~;•v'cirt 1111.) an~F~~:t~~i~.~8w~~~ i~n:.~d, Jaf:s~:~~i~N~~V.·1j!~.  Grl,rgs, Da..,.en.port, Ia.  -(V. 72, p. 820, 1133, 1135, 1141, 1187; V. 73, p. 184,286, 1263. Ohlcago St. Paul DDnneapoll11 &; Oma.ha Ry.-(See Map Ohi· eago ti North lrutern.J-ROAD.-Main line-Elroy, Wis., to Omaha, Neb., 593 mil81! ; other lines, 966 miles ; total, 1,578 miles, of which 1,509 miles owned and 69 miles leased. V. 69, p. 1147. In May, 1901, purchased the .IIU-.neaota & Wisoon1in RR., Spring Valley to Emerald, Wis., 21 miles, included a.bove.-V. 72, p. 872. In Apr., 1901, the Chippewa Valley & Northwestern RR. was incorporated to construct a line 1from Ried, Wis., northeast about 100 miles, of which 17 miles were operated in Nov., 1901. HlsTORT.-This was a. •consolidation July1 1880, of the Chicago Bt. Paul & Minneapolia, the North Wisconsin ana the Bt. Paul & Sioux City. In November, 1882, a. controlling int.erest in the stock was purchased or the Chioap;o & North West.em Railway by the aoqnisition of 93,200 aharel'l of eommon and 53,800 sharM of preferred. BTOOK,-Authorised common, ,21,4.03,293; preferred, $12,646,833, Held by the oompany Dec. 31, 1900, common stock and scrip, '2,8«,· 240 preferred st.ook a.nd scrip, $1,386,921. Preferred l'lt.ook has a prior aight to no•-oumulative divfclend of 7 per cent; but common is never 1iO receive more than is on preferred. DIVIDENDS since '88 }'89 '90 '91 '92 '93 to '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 Commonzin Feb.,% •. .. .. .. None. 2 2 3¼ 5 5 Preferroo.. P. ot.... 3 4 4 6¼ ..__7 per ann. (3¼ F&A.)---' BoNDs.-There are $75,000 Minnea.polls Eastern 1st m. guar. 7s .clue Jan. 1, 19()g; ,1,500,000 Superior Short Line Ry. bonds are owned. •Chica.go St. Paul & Minneapolis 1st 6a, due 1918, and North Wisoonsin 1st 6s, due 1930, are exchangeable atf()ption of holder at any time, collar for dollar, for oonsol. 6s of 1880, due 1930.-V. 68. p. 521. .LANI>s.-Sa.les 1900, 4.6,"37 a.ores, f71,0ll; unsold, 298,828 a.ores. LATEST EA1UiING8.-From Jan. 1 to Nov. 30 (11 months) gross ;$10,216,1"2 in 1901; $9,452,246 ln 1900. A.NlmAL REPORT.-Report for 1900 was in v. 72, p. 720, Year ending Du. 311900, 1899. 1898. -Gro!'ls earn11lg8 .••...••..••••.• $10,34c2,000 $10,488,814 $9,590,992 ,Opera.t'g expenses and taxes. 6,4.89.154 6,518,136 6,091,563 Net ea.rnings ................ $3,852,846 .Net rentals 110,243 Net int.on debt (less other inc.) 1,34.4,478 Div. on pref. stock ............. (7)787,976 rnv. on com. stock .............. (5)927,750 Appropriation for imp'ts...... 500,000  $3,970,678 $3,499,429 114,861 111,523 1,36',483 1,393,852 (7)787,976 (7)787,976 (5)927,730 (312)649,285 500,000 420,173  iSurplns of RR. Co.............. $182,399 $275,630 $136,621 Net:from landl'lalel'l............. $71,011 $63,738 $30,360 -(V. 70, p. 892; V. 72, p. 6'2'1, '2'20, 872; V. 73, p. 1159,) Ohlcago Term.lnal T.ran11f'e.r BB.-PROPERTY.-Censists of ,.passen~er and freight terminal.8 in city of Chica.go, lines f/l• way leading thereto, a.nd a belt Hne a.round the city. Company o'W118 760 acres of land 1n a.nd ad.1acent to the city, of which 50 acres .are ln the centre of the business district; also inlludes 7,500 feet of 4.ook property on Ohicago River. Nearly all land, inoludhig that npon which traeJai been bnilt. is owned in fee. Track owned, 90 miles; eases from Chicago Junction Ry., 11 miles; trackage, 7 mtles; total, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  =:  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  [ VOL. LXXIV.  Bonaa--.PrmolRAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or Amount t>a.l,When Due. Par Ou_teta.nding Rate r,er When Where P~a.ble, and by Btoc~La.8, of For explanation of oolmnn headings, &c.• eee notes of on fl.rat page of tables. Road. Bonde Value. Dividend. Oen . • Payable om.  Uh,ieago tf Western Indiana-Stock (eee text{·····  let mort., gold, sink. fund, subject call at 05.c* General mort., gold, sinking fund, see text .••.. o* Consol. mortgage, $50,000,000, gold..... . . . . . • • •  $100  ·49 i879 1,000 48 82-92 1,000 . ••. ··-. ·-····  Oh.icago ~ West Michigan-See PERE MARQ. RR. Olicago Wisconsin cl Minne,ota- See W1scoNSIN C E N TR AL. OAoctaio cl .Memphis-See CHOC. OKLAH. & GULF. lJAoctaio North'n-letM., g., (textJ call 1 10.OP.c* Text. 1901 Choe. Oklah. fl Gulf RR.-Common eto<'k•......•... . ... . ...  Preferred etook, 5 per eent cumulative....•....•• General (now flret) mort. $5,500,000, gold.GP.c"" Choo. & M. let M , $3,750,000, assumed.GP L.Rook B'ge let M., aes'd, g .• red. (text) .. . GP .c* Consol. mort. 1see text1. gold •...•••••.•••. ... GP Car troete, gold, $50,000 Oct 1, yearly.... GP.o* Ser.B,$140.000 e,a,. to Au~'06then$150,000GP Gold, $1,500,000 author ed ..•.....•..•••....•.• White <\> Bl. Riv.Val., let M., g , int. gu., end.P.c• Oin. Doyton fl Ironton-See OIN,-HA.H. & DAYTON. Cincinnati Georgetown cl Portsmouth-let M., g ... Cincinnati Hamilton cl Dayton-Common stock. .•• Pref. stock, A & B, 4 p.o. cum., gua,r. (call at par) do "Eagle" 4 p.c. cum., gua.r. (call at par) New preferred 5 per cent non-cum., $8,000,000•. Consol. mort. (now ldt) $ & .&, sink. fund. .. U8.c* do do $376,000 5 p. c.o* Second, gol<1•............•.•••..•....•. o* General mo g ~ $7,800,000, gold ..••.. . l'f.le.c* Cin. Dayton & cago, ht mortgage ..•••••.••.• Cin. Day. & Iron., let M., g., gu (aeeumed) .. Ce.o· Oin. Hamilton cl Indian~.g--lst M., gua.r. p. & 1•.. General mort. for $3,80 ,000, gold, to be guar ...  283 i894 282 1899 .... 1899 ..... --·  ·a1  1902 1900 1901 H102 1900  42  1900  ....  .... .... .... . --·  . --· .... ·60 i876  1875 1887 1892 ·95 1892 164 1891 99 1873 99 1893 60 69  1,ogg 50 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000  i:ooo 1,000 100 100 100  i:i>oo  1.')i)()  l,vOO 1,000 1,000 1,000 1, •')0 1,000  I  Choctaw Oklahoma & Golf' RK.-(See .Map.J-Operates: Road OwnedMiles. LeasedrMiles. Sayre, Okla. Ter., to MemWhite & Black River Valley,  phis, Tenn..... . . . • • • • . • • • •• 638 BrinJdey to J'ksonport, Ark. 64 Tota.I Nov. 1, 1901 ..••.• ·-····........................ •• . . . . •••••• 702 In Oct., 1901, extension was in progress from Weatherford, o. T., to Amarillo, Tex., 198 miles, of which 40 miles under charter of Western Oklahoma. RR. [together with a branch 117 miles long, from near Ha.rte• home southweRterly to Ardmore, near Indian Territory line] and 112 miles under charter of Choctaw Okla. & Texas RR. from western ter• minus of Western Oklahoma at Texas State line westerly to Amarlllo, 112 miles. See STOCK below. V. 72, p. 935. or the extension 52 miles to Sayre, 0. T., was in operation 1nSept., 1901. In May, 1901, the Hot Springe RR., Malvern to Hot Springe, Ark. 23 miles, was acquired in the interest of the company, forming, with 20 miles exten• elon and 27 miles leased from Little Rock to Hot SprinJ.Zs Western, a, through line from Little Rook to Hot Springs. See V. 73, p. 722. In Jan., 1901, extension was a.bout to be commenced from Hartshorne, I. Ter., northwest to Guthrie, o. T., a.bout 140 miles.-V. 73, p. 1312. HIBTORY.-A reorga.nization of the Choctaw Coal & Rall way Co., sold In foreclosure Sept. 9, 1894. Holds valuable coal leases. The Choota.w & Memphis RR., formerly leased, was merged in .June, 1900. V, 70, p. 944. The White & Black River Val. RR. is leased for 80 years from ~uly 1, 1900, interest on $500,000 five per cent bonds being guaranteed for fl.rat ten years and on $600,000 thereatter.-V. 72, p. 189. 8TOCK.-Ae to pref. see V. 62, p. 588,778,821, 868-(V. 64, p.134.) In 1900 $2,000,000 preferred and $2,250,000 common stock wa.R issued to absorb the Choctaw & Memphis and for other purposes. V. 70. p. 944, 1290; V. 71, p. 83. In Aug., 1901, $2 000,000 additional common atook was sold to stockholders at par, ra.iehlgthe amount outstanding to $8,000,000, for the construction of the 112·mile extension from Texa.e State line to Ama.rillo.-V. 73, p. 137. On Oct. 31, 1901, $800,· 000 additional common stock was distributed as a lO·per-cent dividend on the common stock.-V. 73, p. 783. VOTING TRUBT.-A. majority of both common and preferred shares has been dPposited with Effingham B. Morris, Wm. H. JenJ. i;, Charles E. Ingersoll, George H, Colket and Samuel Dickson as voting true• iees, until July 1, 1904.-V. 68, p. 427. DIVIDEND8.-0n pref.: 1898 to 1901, 5 p. o. ye11irly. On common, 2. Oct.• 1899; 1900, 4; 1901, Apr., 2; Oct., 2¼ p. o., and also a 10 p. o. distribution in common stock.- V. ? 3, p. 783. Bmms.-Tbe coneol. mortgage of 1902 is for the authorized amount of $1,000,000 on the coal properties and $15,000 per mile for t>ach mile of railroad now owned or hereafter constructed, an a.mount equal to the outet11inding ~en. and C. & M. 5s being reserved to retire the same. Of the consols. $2,435,000 were issued for the Western Oklahoma. RR. See above.-V. 74, p. 151. After 1902 the Little Rock Bridge 6s subject to call at 105 for einkinil{ fund of $20,000 yearly. -(V,71, p. 602.) Car trusts, see table above and V. 73, p. 1312, 1356. LATEST E.ARNINGS.-For 1 month, Nov. l to Nov. 30: 1 monthGross. Net. Oharges. Bal., sur. 1901. ............. ............ $558,784 $206,607 $50,807 $155,800 1900 ....... . . ............... ·• 412,852 187,495 42,914 144,581 REPORT.-Reportfor 1900-01 in CHRONICLE or Jan. 25.  Year end.  Gross  Gross of  Net  Interest  Balance,  Oct. 31- of railroad, mining. of both. and taxes. for year. 1901. ..•... $4,611,351 $655,462 $2,025,044 $607,419 $1,417,625 1900. ... . .. 2,7~2,019 741,486 1,228,738 497,834 730,904 Average miles opera.ted,'643 miles in 1900-01, against 565 in 1899-oo. From surplus above shown werepatddividends as follows: In 1900-1, on pref., 5 p. c. ($300,000), and on common 419 p. o. ($320,000), and $120,000 for equipment renewal funds; in 1899-0, on pref. 5 p. o. ($248,382). and on common 4 p. o. ($184,745) and $75,000 for equip• ment renewal fund.. Coal output 1n 1900-01, 448,497 tons. Pree., Francie I. Gowen,Phila..-(V. 73,p. 1261, 1263, 1312, 1356; V. 74, p. 149,151. Olnelnnatl Georgetown & Portsmouth RR.-Cinoinna.ti, eonthea.sterly to Geor~etown, 42 m. In Oct., 1901, Comstock Brothers of Detroit purchased control and the road will be changed to standardgauge electric by June, 1902. V. 73, p. 722. Stockholders voted on Dec. 3, 1901, to increase the common stock from $100,000 to $1,500,000 and to make a mortgage to secure $1,500,000 of. 5 per cent bonds, of which a portion will be reserved to retire the 4s of 1900. The $125,000 preferred stock was retired. V. 73, p. 1010, 1207, 1263. v. 71, p. 643, 863. Year endin~ June 30, 1900, .cross, $81,434; net, $18,986: total deductions, $13,005; bal., sur., $5,981. Presidentl A. W. Comstock; Seo. and Treas., R. E. Fleld.-(V. 73, p. 722, 1010, 207, 1263.) Cincinnati Hamilton & Dayton Ky.-(See Ma.p.)-Operatee a, direct line between Cincinnati and Toledo, Ohio with branches to Indiana.polls, Ind., and Ironton, on the Norfolk & Western, etc. HlsTORY, ETC.-In July, 1895, consolidated with the Cin. Dayton '6 Ironton and Cin. D. & Chica.go under the name of Cin. Ham. & Dayton Railway. V. 60, p. 1104; V. 61 p. 68. Indiana Decatur & Western la operated in connection with the C. H. & D. system. V, 61, p. 10d4. In Nov., 1901, the Findlay Fort Wayne & Western Ry., Findlay, O., t0 Fort Wayne, Ind., 80 miles, was acquired, but no plane had been matured as to the financing of the purchase. The bonds of the Findlay road have not been a.eeumed.-V. 7a, p. 1111. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $5,000,000 259,000 9,868,666 N'n .. ,Deo'Ol  6 Q.-J. Chica.go. Jan. 1, '02i 119 6 g. M.&N. N. Y., J.P.Morga.n & Co. Nov. 1, 919 6 g. Q.-M. do do Dec. 1, 1932 ,.. 50 -  ......  ...  -··· .. ---  Bee text. & 0. Of., Gira.rd BJdg., Phlla.. 5 t1 A. 8,8 , 0,000 4¼in' A.&03r Phila.d Of., Gira.rd Bldg. 6,000,000 5in 1901 A.&0,31 o do 5,500,000 5 g. J. & J. do do 3,525,000 5 g. J. & J. Phlla.delphia, and N. Y. 375,000 6 g. J. & J. do do 3,4~5,000 5 g. M.&N. do do 200,000 6 g. A. & O. Phlla., Girard Trust Co. 1,000,000 5 g. F. & A. do do (1) 412 g. 500,000 5 g. J ...& . J. N. Y., First Na.t'l Bank.  Apr. 1, 19lSl Oct. 31,'01,219 Oct. 31j01, 219 Oct. , 1919 Jan. 1, 1949 July 1, 1919 May 1, 1952 To Oct., 1905 To Aug., 1908 To 1909 June 30, 1980  252,000 4 g. J. & J. UnionS.Bk.&Tr .Co.,Cin Jan. 1, 1950 8,000,000 Cincinnati. 612,100 41n.i90l Q:.:.:j. Jan:;;;;02·, do 462,400 4in 1901 do Dec., 1902, 1 6,925,500 5in 1901 .-F. do Feb. 7, '02, 1~ 927,000 A. & 0. N. Y.,Keeeler&Co54Wall Oct. 1, 190f:» 7 1,668,000 5&6 A. & o. do do Oct. 1, 1905 2,000,000 4¼g. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1937 3,000,000 5 g. J. & D. N.Y.,,33Wa.ll June 1. 1941 1,200,000 4 A.-0. N. Y.,Keeeler&Co54Wall Apr. 1, 19'9 3,500,000 5 g. M.&N. do do May 1, 1941 1,800,000 J. & J. N. Y.,Keeeler&Co54Wall Jan. 1, 1908 7 5 g. J. & D. Treae.,offlce, Cinoin.,10. June,1943 See text.  lt  g.-M.  Roadownedr-(,i SeethiB Oo,).Jliles. Cincinnati to Dayton, O........ 60 IDayton to Deane, O .•••••••••• 176  Proprietary roadsMilu. Cincinnati Hamilton & Ind ... ,r 99 Cincinnati & Dayton........... u. Dayton to Delphos, 0.......... 98 ColumbueFindlav & Northern. 18 Trackage . . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . • . . • 13 Bowling Green RR .. . • • . .• • •• . 21 Piqua & Troy Branch . ......... 8 Roads leasedJ'u,·rha.~ed N111J, 1901Da.yton & Michigan ..•••••••• fil421,rFindlay,0., to Ft. Wayne. Ind. 80 Home Avenue RR..... .. ........ 3 TotM of all ......... . .....•.• 73~ Owns jointly with Clev. Cinn. Ch. & Bt. L. the Dayton & Union. An extension of the Indiana. Decatur & Western, from Decatur to Springfield, 42 miles, was completed in Dee., 1901.-V. 72, p. 1236. STOCK.-N ew preferred ts Antitled to 5 per cent, then common to 6 per cent; then both share eq119,1ly. V. 69, p, 1300. DIVIDENDS since consolidationNov., 1895 to Feb., 1902 New preferred, issued in 1895...... •• ..•. ..•••• 5% yearly (Q-F) BoNDs.-General mort. covers the perpet1tal lease of the Dayton & Michigan, the profits under which are 1arg(\. V. 54, p. 799; V. 55, p. 373. The stockholders voted on Dec. 11, 1900, to a.uthortze a, refunding mortgage at not exceedin~ 4 per cent to take of the maturing indebtedness and convert the fixed leasehold and other obltgatlone; to purchase railroads held under lease or 01,era.ting contract; also to reduce the interesi on the Cin. Dayton & Chicago treasury bonds from 5 to 4: per cent and sell the 71, p. 1012, 1219; v. 73, p. 840. GUARANTIES.-Gua.ra.ntees securities of Cin. Hamilton & Ind. and Dayton & Michigan; also $933,000 Indiana Decatur & Western tlret 5s. V. 69, p. 79~. As to control of Cin. N. O. & T. P., see that Co. REPORT.-FiecaJyear ends June 30. Report in V. 73, p. 839, allowed: Yearend. June301901. 1900 1899. Gross earninge ..................... $5,837,916 $5,735,530 $5,241,503 :N'et earnings ..•..•••..••..••...•.•. 1,806,002 1,728,848 1,582,097 Deduct interest on bonde.......... $865,747 $846,970 $846,970 Div. pref, stock D. & M. RR...... 96,900 96,900 96,900 Div. com. stock D. & M. RR..... 84,066 84,067 84,067 Div. com.stock Home Ave. RR.. 2,923 3,2L9 3,4.60 Div. pref. s~ook C.H. & D. Ry... 389,211 387,138 380,340  Total. ...••..•.....•.•••......••. $1,438,848 $1,418,294 $1,411,737 Surplus.............................. $367,154 $310,554 $170,360Pres., M. D. Woodford, Cincinnati, 0.-(V. 73, p. 839, 1061, 1111. Cincinnati Hamilton & Indianapolis Ky.-(See Map 0. h. ti D.)- Owns Hamilton, Ohio, west to Indiana.polls, Ind., 99 miles. Common stock ($2,500,000) ts all owned by the Cincinnati Hamilton& Dayton. V. 57. p.144. Preferred non-cumulative 7 per cent stock, $281.679. The first mortgage bonds are guaranteed by the C. H. & D. (authorized $2,500,000), but $700,000, under an agreement of 1880, Wlll not be issued. General 5s, $1,333,000, issued, 1n treaelll"J', EARNINGB.-In year e11d1ng June . 30, 1900, gross, $896,177; net, $188,~ll; interest, $126,000; ba.lanc_e , surplus for year, $62,4.11. Cloelnnatl .:rack•on & Mackinaw BK.-See Cin. Northern. Cincinnati Lebanon & Northern Ry.-Cinoinnati, 0,, to Dodds, 36 miles; branches, 2 miles. Controlled by Penn. RR. inter• es~. Operated from Oct. 1, 1901, by Pitt-1. Cincin. Chic. & St. Louie Ry. V. i3, p . 662. Stock authorized, $1,000,000: outstanding, $993,· 000. Consolidated mortgage bonds for $500,000 were authorized to retire tlrst mortgage bonds and for improvements, all in treasury. Bllle payable issued to retire "special mortgage bonds," $120,000, Year ending Dec. 31, 1900, gro1111, $176,135; net, $50,281; charges, $16,246. -(V. o2, p. 502,548, 91:18; V. 73, p, 662.) Cincinnati & Licking River KK.-Brooksville to Wellsburg, 10 miles, and Hillsboro to Johnson, 17 miles. In Aug, 1901, under construction from Brookeville to Johnson Jct., 2t; miles. ~xteneion also proposed in 1902 from Hillsboro to Morehead, 20 miles, making 75 mile,s in all. Stock, $200,000. All old bonds will be retired. Vice• Pree. and Gen. Mgr., Y. Alexander, Brooksvtlle, Ky.-(V. 70, p. 1194.,) Cincinnati & 1'.ln8klngum Valley KR.-( See map of Pittsburg Oincinnati Ohicago fl St. Louis.J-OwnelMorrow, Ohio, to Trinwa.y, o., 148 miles. Successor on Aug. 1, 1898, to the Cm. & Musk. Val. Ry., foreclosed June 29, 1898, and purchased in the interest of Penn. RR. V. 67, p. 27. Of the bonds $500,000 reserved for future needs; sinking fund retires yearly one per cent of those outstanding, 1f offered at par or lees. Stock, $2,000,000; par $100; all issued. Dlvl· dends: 2 p. c., June 25, 1900; Dec. 31, 4 p.10.; 1901, Deo.31,2p.c. Pennsylvania RR. owns $754,000 of $1,500,000 bonds. V. 55, p. 1078. EARNINGs.-Flscal year ends Dec. 31. Report for 1900, V. 72, p. 984..  Yr.end. Dec.31. Gross.  Net.  Interest.  *Balance.  1900 .•.•••...... $541,629 $103,442 $60,000 $48,«2 1899 ....•••••.•• 513,227 122,847 60,000 62,847 * In 1900 6 p. c. was from accumulated eurplue, leaving surplus Dec. 31, 1900, $22,985.-(V. 70, p. 1045; V. 72, p. 984.) Cincinnati New Orleans & Texa8 Pacific Ky,-RoAD.-Oper• a.tee Cincinnati Southern Ry., Cincinnati to Chattanooga,, Tenn., 336 m.; trackage, 2 m. Lease Cin Bo RR. owned by city of Cincinnati. In 1901, lease was extended 60 years to Oct. 12, 196d; rental under present term was modified beginning July 12 1902, to $1,050,000 yearly, the remaining $50,000 per quarter to be deferred as tt accrues . and to be qua.rttlrly at rate of $40,000 yearly, with interest on deferred payments at 3 per cent; rental under renewal to be $1,050,- .  <)  0 ~  ~  i  ~ aJ  ::s=i 0  0  ><  Mage nta  .A  w  ~  ?I)  I  P lo i n s l , w ~  z MAP OF THE  CHOCTAW, OKLAHOMA AND  ~  C'l ~  GULF RAILROAD  .-4  5  ~  AND THE  CHOCTAW & MEMPHIS R.R. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --  M.APOl!"'THE  CINCINNATI., HAMILTON· I,,  AND  DAYTON RAILWAY A.ND CONNECTIONS. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  47  RAILROAD STOCKS AND .BONDS.  JANUARY, 1902,J  Snhcrlbers will conf'er a great favor by gtvtn.r lm.m.edlate :aotlce of' any error discovered In these Tal,le•• RAILROADS.  ror e:X!_Plana.tlon of column hea.diigs, &o., see on flrst page of tables.  Oincinnati Lebanon fl Northern--lst mortgage•.. o Oin.d Muskin(J'Um Val.RR.-lstM.$2,000,000,g.Fo* Oincinnati'N'orthern-lst M., $3,000,000, g.G.o*&r Oin. Richmond " Ft. W.- 1st mort., gold, int. gn. o* Otn. Rich. ~ Mun,-lst M .• $10,000 p. m., g.OB.o*  Miles Dat.e Size, or of of Par Road. Bonds Value. 38 148 • 86 168  1886 '$1,000 1898 1,000 1901 1,000 1871 1,000 1900 1,000 .... 50 1893 1,000 1887 500 &o. 1900 1,000  OJearftel,d fl Mahoning-Stock, 6 per cent rental .. lat mortgage, goldl guar. B. R. & P ......• G.o*ctt Ole•el'd, Akron <I Oo umb.-Gen. M. (now let,) g .. o 177 let consol. M., $4,0001000, gold, s. f., see t.ext.... 188 C}N9elan4 OW&<>fflnah Ch'-cago ct St. LoubCommon stook ($28,700,000 authorized) •••• Preferred stock, 5 per oent, non•oumulative....... . ••• C. I. St. L. & 0. oon. M .• drawn at 1051 s.f.1 p. o.o"' 175 Gen. lstM.. $10,000,000 noli dr'n.oe.o&r .. • • 1886 Cleve. Col. Ctn. & Ind. Conso . mort. (11ee text) ... 3 9 1 1874 Gen. oonsol. mort. ($12,000,000) gold.. U•.o*ctt 391 1884. Indian & St. L. let M., in 3 ser. of $667,000. tJs.o 72 1869 2d M:. ($2 000 000), gold, Indianap. to Terre H o. 72 1882 Cl.Cin.Ch.&St.L., Whit.a Wat. Val. mv, lllt, g.Oe.o~ 6lil 1890 Spr. & Col. Div. (Col. Sp. & Cin.)~..!-st M., g.Oe.o* 45 1890 Cairo Division let M., $5,000,0uu, gold .. Oe.o"' 267 1890 Bt. L. Div., ooll. tr., g. ($351,0001n s. f.)Ce.o&r 194. 1890 C1n. Wab. & Mich. Div. let mort., gold .. . U•.o" 203 1891 Gen. mort. 100 year for $50,000,000 g .Me.o· &r 1,808 1893 OBLIGATIONS FOR PROPRIETARY LINES. Cincinnati Sandusky & Cleveland-Pref. stock... . .•. Collllol. (now 1st) M. ($3,000,000) gold .. • AB.o 170 Oar trmta, payable monthly .......•••••...••...•. 1900 Louillv. & J effersonv. Bndge 1st M.-See that Co. Olne. Oolumb. Gin. fl Indianap.-Bee OLEVB. OIN. Omc. & BT. Ole'le. Inctianap. St. Louis fl 0,\ic.-See 0LEV. CIN. Cmc. & ST.  ·2a  isso  isss Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $200,000 1,500,000 (I)  1,800,000 1,680,000 750,000 650,000 1,800,000 1,800,000  100 100 1,000 1,000&o 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 &c. 1,000 1,000&o 1,000 1,000 50 1,000  ::I,~~c:: Btocka-Laat Dividend.  5 J. & J. Oinn., Oen. Tr.&S.D.Co. Jan., 1916 4 g. F. & A. N.Y., Farm. L. & Tr. Oo. Aug. 1, 194.8 4 g. J. & J. N, Y., Guaranty Tr. Co. July 1, 1951 & D. N. Y., Winslow, IJ. & Co. & O. Bost., o. Col. Trust Co. & J. Checks mailed. &J.N.Y.,GuarantyTr.Co. M. & 8. Hamilton Tr., Bk'lyn. F. & A. N. Y., Winslow, L.& Co.  June 1, 1921 Oct. 1, 1950 Jan. 1, 1902 Jan.1,1943 Moh. 1, 1927 Aug. 1, 1940  27,989,310 3¼ in '01 M. & 8. N.Y.,J. P. Morgan & Co. 10,000,000 5 in 1001 ~.-J. do do 682,000 6 M. & N. do do 7,684,000 4 g. Q.-F. do do 4,138,000 7 or 6 g. J. & D. do do 3,205,000 6 g. J. & J. do do 2,000,000 7 Vari0118 do do 500,000 6 g. M. & N. do do 650,000 4 g. J. & J. do do 1,103,730 4 g. M. & B. do do 5,000.000 4 g. J. & J. do do 10,000,000 4 g. M. & N. do do 4,000,000 4 g. J. & J. do do 15,629,000 4 g. J. & D. do do  Sept. 2, '01_, 2 Jan.20,'02, 1.lit, May 1, 1920 Aug. 1, 19S6 June 1, 191' Jan. 1, 198' July 1, 1919 Nov. 1, 1912 July 1, 19'0 Sept. 1, 194.0 Jan. 1, 19S9 Nev. 1, 1990 July 1, 1991 June 1, 1993  428,997  ·---·· ie!~1e'~O  7 g. 5 g. 6 5g. 5 g. 4 g.  6  gg.  J. A. J. J.  M. & N.  J •••~..J.  do  do  do·········~o  :Nov.1, '01, 39' J~o  foo1i8  Lours. Lours.  000 yearly for flrst 20 years, then $1,100,000 for 20 years, thereafter $1,200,000.-V. 73, p. 722. Stock, $3,000,000, controlled in interest of Southern Ry. and Cin· omnati Hamilton & Dayton Ry., to be increased to $5,000,000 under modification of lease, the new stock to bf\ preferred. V. 61, p. 26; V. 65, p.1173. Oartrusts 30, 1901, $2~2,4.~7. l.,A.TEST E.A.RNS.-5 mos., 51901.. .. .Gross, $2,327,1168; net, $614,495 .July 1 to Nov. 30. i 1900.. .. ,Gross, 2,055,183; net, 554,266 ANNUAL REPOB.T.-Report for 15'00-1 Wd.8 in V. 73, p. 1354, shOW· Ing, gross, $5,045,596; net, $1,299,827~ (against $1,421,657 in 1899-00); rentals, $1,102,000; Interest, •18,695: balance, surplu&, $179,132, against surplus f322, 724 in 1899·0.-(V. 73, P- 1')61, 13 5 4.) Olncinnatl Northern JtR,-Owns from Franklin, O., via Addi· son Juno., to Jackson, Mich., 205 miles; trackage (0. O. O. & St. L.), ll'ranklin to Cincinnati, 42 m. Owns terminal property in Cincinnati. Proprietary line Detroit Toledo & Milwaukee, Allegan to Detroit, Mich., and branches, 200 miles. The Ohio Division, 205 miles, will, it is, be operated by the Oincin. Northern, but controlled by the CleTe. Cin. Ch. & St. L., while the Michigan Divl&ion will be operated jointly by the Lake Shore and the Michigan <..Jentral.-V. 74., p. 151. Successor in June, 1897, of Cincinnati Jackson & Mackinaw, foreolosed.-V. 61'>, v. 621; V. 72, p. 338, 1034, 1135; v. 73, p. a1. Iu July, 1901, President Ingall.B or the Cleve. Cinn. Chlo. & St. Louis was elected President, control having been acquired by or 1a the 1n· terest of that road. The holdlngs of Clev, Cin. Cb. & St. L. are valued in balance sheet of June 30, 1901, at ,377,852.-T. 73, p.137, 497. HTOCK, reduced to !3,000,000 from $6,800,000 in Sept,, 1901. Boims.-ln Oct., 1901, made above $3,000,000 mortgage.-V. 73, p. 783. REPORT.-For calendar year. partly estimated: In 1899,1 groes, $835, 4.46; net, $158.086; in 1898, groM, $798,428; net, $24,47u. Preeident, M. E. Ingalls. See report, V. 70, p. 581. (V. 74, p. '1~2.) Cincinnati Klchmoncl &: Port Wayne RK,-Owne from Rich• mo•d, Ind., to Adams, Ind., 86 miles; leases 5 miles of P. F. W. & C. ~w operated (Dec., 1901), b:, Grand Raplde & Indiana Ry. ~•utal, net earnings. Int.erest ls guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Co. and Pltteburg Cin. Chloa~o & St. L. Co. jointly (the P. 0. 0. & Bt. L. talrulg the place of the Cln. Hamilton & Dayton in 1888). Stock, $1,· 709,313-par, $50, of which Penn. Co. Jan. 1, 1901, owned $1,256,900. Due guarantors Sept. 30, 1901, $1,386,787. .Te•re1td. Dec.31. Gros11. Net. Interul,clc. Balance. 19ff......•....... $514,113 $121,739 $126,000 def.'4,261 1899 ....•..••...•. 494,020 101,682 126,150 def. 24,468 Cincinnati Richmond & Muncie KR.-Cottage Grove, Ind., to North Judson, 168 miles almos, completed Jan., 1902. Laid with 70-lb. steel rails. Stock authorized, $2,656,000. Jlond& are sub1eot to call at 110 m 10 years on .30 days' notice. See ofl.clal Atatement, v. 71, p. 1066. President, W. A. .'Bradford Jr.; IH. and Treas., Roger N. Allen, 40 Water St., Boston.-(V. 73,p.1312; V. 74, p. USO.) Olearfleld &: Mahontn• Ry.-( See Map Buf. Roch. fl Pitts.J-Own1 road, eompleted in 1893, from Du Bois Juno, Penn., on .Bu1l'. R. & P., to Clearfl.eld on Beech Creek RR. 26 miles. Leased du.ring corporate, extatenee and renewals thereof to Buffalo 41 Pittsburgwhich see-at a rental payable in gold and equal to 6 per cent on $750,000 stock, par $50, and 5 per oent on bonds, the latter being guar. p . ..t 1., by tndorsement on eaoh.-See v. 61, p. 710. OleTelaad Akron &: <Jolnlllbus Kallw-ay .-Owns from Hud• so:a, O. to Columbus, O., 144 miles; Dre8den branch, Kilbuck to Trinwa:,, 33 Jllile11; Apple Creek branch, 9 miles; ooal spurs, 11; total O'Wlled, 1g7 mllee; trackage Trinway w Zan08'Vllle, 17 miles. Penn. Co. took control June 1, 1899, purohasin,; $2,237,500 of the $4.000,000 stock (par $100) . Of the 1st consol. gold 4.s of 1900 (Cemmereial Trust Co. of Philadelphia, trustee), il,800,eoo are resened to retire the gen. 5s due 1927. V. 71, p. 390. Report for year e•cl1agJune30, 1901, was In V. 73, p.155, showing gross, $1,111,312; :aet, $288,821: other income, f4,485; charges, $200,466; div. (2 p. o.) paid Sept. 10, 1901, $80,000; ba.l., sur., 112,83!;l.-(V. 73, p. 965.) Cleveland Cincinnati Ohlcago &: St. Loul8 Ry.-(SuMap.JHil!ITOltY, ETC.-A consolidation of the Cincinnati Indiana.polls Bt• Louis Ii Chicago Railway Company, the Cleveland Columbus Cinoill· n.aU & Indianapolis Railway Company and the Indianapolis & St. Loult Bailway Compa.ny, made in July, 1889, per plan in V. 4.8, p. 427. Of the common stook, 111,225,4.00 was on Jan. 1, 1901, owned by the Lake Shore & Mich. So. Ry. this amount, to&-ether wUh the priTate 1lold1ngs 1n both stocks of the Va.nderbllt family, being understood t,o oo:astltut.e a majority of the entire share oapital.-V. 72, p. 86. a syst.em of roads radiating from Indtanapolls, Ind., westerly to Chicago, Peoria., Cairo, m., St. Louis, and easterly to Sandusky, Cleveland, Co1umbus and (..,'inoinnati, Ohio, and southerly to Louisville, with branches. In July, 1901 control of the Cilleinnati Northern RR., Franklin, 0., to JaoKson, Mich., 205 miles, WM! acquired by or jn the int.ereet of the company. V. 73, p.137, 497. As shown on map the sy11t.em eomprises: f, See this company. Otomd directlyllilu. Owned directlyJlilu. Olevela.nd, 0., to Columbru1,0 .. 138 Cincinnati toLa:tayett.e ...•••... 175 Galion, 0., to Indianapolis••••. 203 Indianapolis to Terre Haut.a .••• 72 Delaware to Springfteld.. ••• • •• 50 Harrison Branch............... 7  I  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS.  Ra.tie per When Where Payable, and by 0~~~g · Cent. Payable Whom.  Leasedr--entire st'k oumed-Milu. Leased and controlled,. MUu. Cinoin. Lafayett.e & Chlo. Ry.- 57 Colum.Hope&Greensb'gRR.- 26 Oalro Vincennes & Chio. Ry.Trackage into Cincinnati, &o. 31 0 ~t'i~J~ni~~r.~1~it Tr:~:as~ttv.~~.~?~~~~~~: 53 Columbus Springfield & Cin.-Columbus, 0., to Springfield.. 45 Total included in earns•.. 1,891 Whit.a Water-Harrison, uid., to Operated; earns. kept ,eparaie-Ha.gerstown, Ind.............. 62 Peoria & East'n Ry. (1T).S52 Ctn. Wabash & Michigan Ry.Kankakee & Beneoa RR.U Benton Harb. to Rushv. & Br.249 Mt. Gilead Short Line........ 2 Other lines (a) ..•.....••••..•••• 44 -Cinoin. 8and11Sky & Cleve. Ry.Total of syst.emJune 30,'01.2,287 Ba.nd'sky, 0., to Darl'n, O.eto.170 Trackage ·n1. Cent. into Chlo .• i Leased and conirot'lea. On percentage .....•.. 5 Cincinnati & Bpringfl.eld Ry.Operates indep"ndentlyLud.G've( Day'n 48 Dayton & Un. RR. ('IT) ••••••••• a No debt, or bonds all owned. Double track . . . • • •• . .• • • • . • •• • • 60 The compari.y is also one-fourth owner of Peoria & Pekin Unto1 Ry., (through the Peoria & East. Ry.), one·seventh owner in Terminal BB. Aes'n of St Louis and two•flfths owner of Indiana.polls Union By. and part owner of Dayton & Union, which is opera.tied independent!:,. CAPITAL STOCK.-On Jan. 1, 1890, the common stock was $20,500,000; it has been increased to pre@ent figure to acquire stooke of lines ab11orbed, etc. Dividends on common stock were resumed in 1900. DIV'DB,1890 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 Common ... i 4 p. o. 3 3 3 0 O O O O O 3 319 •••• Preferred .. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2¼ 5 5 5 5 Jan.11' In 1901, on common, Mar., llg p. c.; Sept., 2 p. o.-V. 73, p. 82, BOND8.-Tb e fund provision of the Ole-oeland Oolumb'U1 Oi• cinnati ~ Indianapolis consol. bond11 (stamped) has been oan.oeled. The principal of these bonds is payable in gold, but the int.erest is payable at option of holder either in lawful money at 7 per oent per annum or in British st.erling at 6 p. o. Of the IndianapoKs <I Bt. Louil$ 7B series "A" are J, & J.; series "B," M. & 8.; series "O," M.& N. St. Louts Division bonds, see deed of trust V. 52, p. 42-45. As to the OincinnatiWabash fl Mich. 4 per cents, see V. 52, p. 718. The 100 year mortgage of 1893 is limited to $50,000 000. In Jan., 1902, $22,623,000 general 4s were reserved for prior llene (exclusive of Cairo division Peoria division, Michigan division and the St. Louia division west of Terre Haut.a), and $11,748,000 for equlpmeni, con• structlon and bett.erments, etc., at the rate of $1,000,000 a year. -In. Apr., 1901, $2,000tOOO gen. 411 were so1d to replace the $2,000,000 Cinoin. & Springflela 7s paid and in ~ept., 1901, f870,000 to replace tlle Col. Springf. & Cin. and Cin. Laf. & Chio. 7s. GENERAL FINANcEs.-Guarantees interest on Louisville & Jetfe1'8onville bridge bonds jointly with the Ches. & o. V. 68, p. 822. In Mar,. 1900, dividends were resumed on common stock-flee v. 70, p. 75. On June 30, 1900, owned stock in Chesapeake & Ohio representing an ou• lay of $2,453,569. -V, 71, p. 398. ln Deo., 1900, purchased 2,4.00 freight ca.r_E!, to be paid for in 60 monthly payments, with 6 per oenl tntereBt.-v. 71, p. 1269. LATEST EARNINGS.-From July 1 to Nov., 30 (5 montha.)5 mos.Grosa. Net. Int.,clc. Bal.z.n1r. 1901. .•...........••. $8,388,762 f2,430,562 $1,163,537 .l,26·1,025 1900...... ••• . . .. . . • . 7,608,492 2,292,506 1,217,084 1,075,422 AfflmAL REPORT.-Annual meeting last Wednesday 1n October. Report for 1900-01 in V. 73, p. 491_, 497. See al.lo editorial. p. 4.72. Year end. 301901. 1900. 1899. 1898, l\liles operat.June 30 1,891 1,891 1 888 1 838 Passenger earnings. $4,979,652 $4,653,224 $4,245,036 '3,850,121 Freight.............. 11,640,003 10,867,502 9,226,534. 9,237,507 Mail, express, etc... 1,257,885 1,286,124 1,247,792 1,232,'60  tf~i  l  Total earnings ... $17,877,490 $16,806,861 $14,719,36t ,u,s20.oo, Oper'g exp. & taxes. 12,755,638 11,749,264. 10,645,556 10,968,367, Net earnings ..•• $5,121,852 $5,057,587 $4,073,807 Total net income..... $5,24.9,506 $5,140,520 $4,097,398 Interest on bonds ... $2,685,056 $2,661,442 $2,672,644 Rentals,eto.......... 231,907 224,471 201,165 Dividends on pref... 500,000 500,000 500,000 Rat.a of dividend.... (5%) (5%) (6%) Dividend on oom..(3¼9')979,626 (3%)839,840 •••••••••••• Freight care, etc.... 567,852 821,567 ••••.•••.•••  $3,351,726 '3,386,916 $2,708,691 196,833 875,000 (SlfiLC,.) • ••••••••••• • •••.•••••••  .  Balance.••..•.• sur.$285,065 snr. $93,200 sur.$723,689 •ur$106,89'1 OFFICll:RS.-President, M. E. Ingalls, CinoinnatI..l. O.; Vice-President. J . D. Layng, New York; Secretary, E. F. Osborn, umoinnati O.; Treasurer, Ohae. F. Cox, Grand <..Jentral Station, New York; Auditor, P.A. Hewitt, Cincinnati, O. Directors-William K. Vanderbllt, Fred'k w. Vanderbilt. Chauncylrf. Depew.  ~a~•~~i~~rif:!s~-l';~ i~~~~eia~~:~ 1r1°o·o~:!J.'1cfa:;.1l1l:11:nl:• B~~= "alls, Oinctnnati; James Barnett, CleTeland. O. -(V. 72, p. 86,580; V, 7S, p. 82.137, 390,441,481,497,956, 1061, 1356.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAP OF THE  CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RY.  RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  JANUARY, 1902.j  49  ~ub ■crlber ■  will conf'er a great favor by giving Immediate notice of' any error discovered In these Table ■ • Bonds-PrlnoiINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Miles Date Size, or Amount pal,WhenDue. Par Outstanding Rate Per When Where Payable, and by 8tock8-Lut of For explanation of column headings, &o., see Of Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable o• first page of tables. Whom. Dividend. <net1eland Lorain ti Wheel.-Pref. stook$5 000,000.  isifa  $100 1,000 1,000 1,000  Consol. mort. (now 1st) $5,000,000d. g. ih,m ... o· Hi2 General mortfage, $1,000,000, gol , N .......... o 192 1896 Con.ref. M. , $ 0,000,000, g., red. at 102¼.Col.o* 1900 Car trusts (due $6,302 monthll,> June 30, 1901 .. 1,000&o Clef/. ti M. V.-Con. M. (now 1st) $ ,000,000,g. Ce.c&r Ole,,. ti Mar.-lst M., s. f., not dr'n, gold, guar.F.o* 103 1895 1,000 00 Oletle. rl P£ttsb.-Btock, 7 p . o. '£tar. by Penn. RR.Co 1,000 Gen. M., $10,000,000,P, lo Series A & o" 2oi Guar. p. & 1. (end.) Pa. R . Series O & D . .. c• 201 '98-'00 1,000 Ooahuita t! Pacy:e-lat M., gold, $2,500/00 . ... c• 200 1900 1,000 13 1868 100 &c. Oolebrookdale,- stM.,lt,593,400,und.Rea .M.of'96c Colorado Midland- let mort., $10,000,000 . Ce .. . o* 259 1897 1,000 1897 1,000 do stamped, interest 4% inoash . ... Colorado rl Northwestern-lat M., gold. lUe .. ...... 26¼ 1897 1,000 Colorado t! Southern- Common stock, $31,000,000 .... .... 100 1st pref., 4 per cent, non-cum. , $8,500,000....... 100 100 2d pref., 4 per cent, non-cum., $8,500,000 . . ..••. lat mortgag e, gold, $20,000,000.Ce ...... . ...•. c* 1,086 1899 1,000 Car trust notes Oct. 31, 1901, due monthly....... 1900 Col. Bp,d Crip. Or, Dist. Ry.-lstM. $2,000,000.Ce 1900 2d mort~age, $1,000,000, gold, sinking fund . .••. 70 1901 1,000 Ool. WKoming t! Gt. No.-lat M., $6,000,000, g . . o* 1895 Oolum i a Southern-lat M., gold, $2,100.000.N .. . ·;.;i 1898 Columbu s d Greenvi lle-See SOUTHERN Rv . ..... •. Columbua Hoek, Val. &: Toledo-See Hockinfr Valle yRy. 40 1889 1,000 Columbus Lima d Milwaukee-1st mort,, gold.A.,c  --·  i2:i  di  B...  isss  is92  ---· iss2 ·;.;o  i:ooo ......  ------  ----- - - - - - 1J!5,000,000 ···5·g. A:·&: ·o. 5,000,000 893,000 5 g. J. & D. 950,000 tlgg. J.J. && J.J. 98,852 2,935,000 1,250,000 11,226,150 5,000,000 4,713,000 1,250,000 600,000 1,4 46,000 ,r7, 500,000 500,000 31,000,000 8,500,000 8,500,000 17,903,Q.()O •61,555 1,992,000 1,000,000 500,000 700,000 5!5,000  New York. do do do  5 g. 4:lgg. 7 4:lgg. 3:lgg, g.  See text N.Y.,Winslow,Lan.&Co. M.&N. N. Y., Farm. L. & T. Co. Q.-M. N. Y., Winslow, Lanier. X do do y do do F. & A, N. J., Title Guar. & Tr. J, & D. Phlla., Read. Co. Office. 4 g. J. & J. N. Y., Central Trust. 4 g. J . & J. do do 5 g. M. & S. N.Y.,MercantileTr. Co.  g  Oct., '96,196 Oct. 1, 1933 June 1, 1936 Jan. 1, 1980 M'thly to 1908 Jan. 1, 1938 May 1, 19815 Deo.1, '01,llfl, Jan. 1, 1942 1948·1950 Feb. 1, 1930 June 1, 1898 July 1, 1947 July 1, 194.7 Sept. 1, 194.7  . . ·-· see.ieit. ..... N . Y., Hallgarten & Oo. Oct:i;,oi;i19% ···~rg. F ...&..A . N. Y., Central Trust Co. Feb:· 1; ·i929 Sept., 1906 ...5.g. J ...&.. J . N.Y.. mi:·.sii:& ·co1. Sp. ToJan. 1, 1930 5 g. A. & 0. Int.Tr.Co.Den.&CoLSp. Apr. 1, 1921 5 g. M.& N. Philadelphia. May 1, 1925 5 g. J. & D. N. Y., N.Y. Sec.&Tr.Oo. Dec. 1, 194.8 5 g, M. & N.  In default.  May 1, 1929  ,r In 1901 and 1902 the intPrest ls payable $15 i nJan. and $25 in J uly. x Series "A" J, &. J ; ''B" A. & Q.; y "0" M. & N.; 'D"F. & A.. Cleveland Lorain & Wheeling Ry.-(Su Map B . ct; O.J-Owns trom Lorain, O., to Bridgeport, 0., opposite WbeelinJi:, W. Va.., 158 miles ;  Lester to Cleveland1 28 miles, and branch to Bella.ire, O., 6 miles; total, 192 miles, baa tracka.Ji:e into Wheeling, HIBTORY.-Thia rai lway is a. consolidation Nov. 23, 1893, of the C. L. & w. rai lroad, and the Cleve. & Southwestern. (See V. 57, p. 979.) On Aug. 1, 1901, Ba.It. & Ohio, hav ing acquired a, majority of stock, began operating the road.-V. 72, p. 480; V. 73, p. 236. STOOK.-Common, $8,000,000, and preferred, non-cumulative 5 p. c., ,5,000,000, par $100. After dividends of 5 p. c. have been paid on the preferred and common, both stocks share allke.-V. 60, p. 1058. DIVIDENDS.-Onpreferred in 1896, 3 p. o.; none since. BONDs.-ot the $10,000,000 consol. refunding gold 4¼s_, $5,000,000 are reserved to r etire first bs, $1,000,000 for general 5a uue June 1, 1936, remainder for improvements, etc. v. 70, p. 230,480. On July 1, 1901, bills p ayable forequipm't, $403,140; real t-state morta., ,100,000. LA.TEST EARNlNGS.-One month, July l to July :n : 1 month.Gross. Net. Oharges. Balance. 1901. ......••.•...•••••... $2lfl,768 $100,822 $28,117 sr.$72,705 1900.. .• . . . . ... . . • . . . .. • • . 169,802 22,500 28,117 def. 5,617 REPORT.-Report for year ending June 30, 1901 , was in V. 73, p. 9'13, ebowi og gro1s,$2,063,653; net, $685,285; interest on bonds, $337,40o; interest on car trusts, etc., $37,415; balance, $310,470. 1899-0, gross, $2,092,57~; net, $631,415.- (V, 72, p. 480; V. 73, p. 236, 953.) Oleveland & Mahoning Valley Hy.-Owns from Cleveland, 0 ., to Sharon, Pa.,81 miles (57 double track]; Niles, O., to New Lisbon, O., and branches, 44 miles. Leased to Nypano RR. (formerly N. Y. 1 Penn. & Ohio) tlli 1962; rental $514.180 per annum. Coupon intereeli ts J. & J., registered int-erest, Q.-J. Stock is $3,259,200, of which $2,758,250 is held by "Atlantic First Leased Lines .Rental Trust Co., :ttinited," of London. Dividends in 1897, 13~ p. o.; 1898 to 1901, both Inclusive, 13¼ p, o. yearly.-(V, 63, p. 968,) Cleveland & Marietta Hy .-owns from Marietta O., to Canal Dover, 103 miles, and branch 7 miles, Zoar, 0.1 to Canal bover, leased. Pennsylvania Co. obtained control inNov., i893, havtng purchased about two-thirds of the stock, and took charge Jan. 1, 1900 the net •r evenue over operating expenses, taxes and interest on bonds being returned to the company.Stook,$2,000,000-par$100.-V. 69,p.1346. BoNDs.-Gua.ranteed principal and interest by the Penn. Oom• .,any (trustee, Farmers' L. & T. Oo., N.Y.). Sinking fund of 1 p. o. REPORT for 1899 in V. 70, p. 1045. In 1900gross $593,735; net, $132,841; interest on bonds, $56,250; improvements, etc., $73,14U •balance, l!IUr, for year, $3,449. In 1899, gross, $507,980; net, $46; ~89.-(V, 69, p.1345; V. 70. p. 1045.) Cleveland & Pltt■burg HR.-( Bee Map Pennsylt1ania Rai lroad.) Olevela.nd, 0., to Rochester, Pa., 124miles; branchee-Baya.rd1.0.,to New Philadelphia, 31 miles; Yellow Creek to Bellaire, 43 m.; Sati.nevtlle to -Ooal Mines, 3m.; trackage, Roch,ater to Pittsburg (Pitteb. Ft. Wayne .& Chic.), 26 miles; total, 227 miles. LEASE-Lea.aed for999yeara, Dec. 1, 1871, to Penn. RR. Co., and lease ,t ransferred to Pennsylvania Co. Rental, 7 p. o. on $11,226,050 stock, •Interest on bonds and oraanlzatlon expenses. are all eQ11ally secured; guaranty, V. 56,p. 604. EARNINGS.-Report for year ending De~. 31, 1900, was given in V. 72, p. 773, ehowinf gross earns., $4,813,057; net, $1,660,185; profit to lessee was $493,1 6.-(V, 72, p. 86, '2''73; V. 73, p . 783, 1159.\ Cleveland Terminal & Valley RH,-See Map Baltimore ,1 OAio. Owns from Cleveland, Ohio, to Valley Junction, 75 miles; eidings, 67 miles. Successor, as per plan in V. 60, p. 437 and V. 61, p. '7~ to Valley Ry. (of Ohio), sold in foreclosure Sept. 10, 1895. tsTOCK-Of the $5,200,000 common (par $50) B. & 0 . owns $4,594,300 oommon and of the $2,200,000 preferred, $949,200; par $100. BONDS-The ti.rat mort. bonds are guaranteed principal and interest, by the B. & 0., endorsed; interest is paid regularly from earnings. A majority is stamped as subject to call on 60 days• notice at par and interest on or before May 1 1901.-V. 71, p. 913. Car trust lease war• rants (5s), $219,000, due $27,000 May 1 yearly to 1909, inclusive. EA.RNINGS.-Year 1900·1901, gross,$1,106,763; net income $370,419; interest, etc.. $262,343; surplus, used for improvements, $108,076.1 V, 71, p, 913.) Coahulla & Pacific Ry.-Saltlllo to Parras, Mexico, 100 m 'les; under construct ion from Parra.a to Torreon, t o be completed about Mar. 1, 1902, 100 miles. St ock, aut horized, $1,600,000; out atii nd t og, $1,49 8,000; pa r of shares, $100. Mo ,t gage trllatee, New JerRe , U'itle Guarant ee & Trust , :o. See V. 72, p. 8n. President, J . J. Detwtller; Treas., H. T Lillieodahl, 259 Washington St., J ersey City, N. J. -(V. 72, p. 872; V. 73, p. 1263.) Colebrookdale HR.-Pottstown to Barto, Pa., 12·84 miles. Leased to Phila. & Reading Ry. Common stock, $297,215; pa.r$50. Colorado lUldland Hy.-Owns from Colorado Springs to New Oa.stle, Col., 234 miles1 including Snowden to Leadville, 8 m., not op. erated; Snowden to Arkansas Jct., 6 m .• Jerome Park branch, 15 miles; Aspen branch, 20 m.; spurs to quarries, 2 m.; Busk Tunnel, 2 miles; total owned, 279 miles. Leases New Castle to Rtlle Creek, 14 miles, and Rio Grande Junction RR., Rifte Creek, Col., to Grand Junction, 63 miles; total owned and leased, 356 miles. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ORGANIZA.TION.-Bucoessor Oct., 1897. to the Colorado Midland Rail,.oad. foreclosed and reorganized per plan in V. 64, p. 1224, 1226. In Ma y, 1900, a majority of stock was purchased in the joint interess of the Colorado & Southern and Rto Grande Western (socceeded to by the Gould interests), the new ownerA ta.king posReaaion July~. 1900.V. 70, p. 686, 791, 997, 1290; V. 71, p. 28; V. 73, p. 1111, No stock, it was stated, is held by the public. BoNDs.-In June, 1900 the $7,500,000 2, 3, 4a were made full 4 per cent bonds, and the right to issue $500,000 prior lien4a was waived; V. 70, p, 1290; see also V. 71, p, 139.-iV. 72, p. 821.) REPORT.-Report for year ending June 30, 1901, in v. 73, p. 841 : Y'rs. ena.June30-0ross.  Net. Oharges.*  Burp.  WOO-I ••••••. • ••. $2,385,184 $61(3,215 $34,269 $515,709 $201,775 1899-0.. .•••••. .•. 2,197,037 625,992 15,448 565,001 76,439 * The charges in both yea rs include full 4 per cent Interest on the first mortgage bonds. OFFICERS.-Presldent, Frank Trumllull; Vice-Pr~s, Geo. W. Kramer Treas., H. B, Henson; Seo, Harry Bronner, 28 Broad St., New York. ntrecters.-GrPnvtlle M. nod1te, Henry Bud1te, J. Keaoedv Tod, E. C. Hen· ders n . Georfle J. Gould, Edwin Gould, Winsl ,w 8. Pierce, Lawrence Greer, E. T . Jeffery and Frank. Trum bull. -(V. 71, p. 139; V. 72, p. 821; V. 73, p. 841, 1111, 1312.) (Jolorado & Nortb,vestern Hy.-Boulder to Ward, Col,, 26¼ miles, operated from Oct., 1898. Branch projected from Sunset t,e Eldora, Col., 19 miles; total, 45¼ miles. Stock, $500,000; par $100; all issued. In Jan., 1902, Col. S. B. Dick had an option on the road, which was proposed to be used as part ot extension to Salt Lake City. V. 73, p . 66~. Year ending June 30 1900, gross, $57,601; net, $5,530, Pres., W. 0. Culbertson, Girard, Pa.-V. 73, p. 662, Colorado & Southern Hy.-(See Map )-Operates from Orin Junction, Wyoming, through Colorado to Fort Worth, Texas, vtz. I.Anu nwned.  I 1281  Milu.  Mile,.  Cheyenne to Orin Junction. . .. . ... 154 Other lines, br., etc. (1<'6 na:r. •an.) 886 Denver to Bessemer Junct, Col ... Tracka(le-Pueblo to Wal11enborg Ri::toei,ti'f:.8a.a~';i ~~:cw V;tigei: (Denver & Rio GHn41.e) ......... · ~ Trinidad, Col., to Texas State line 135 I Total owned and leased .. ..... . l,UI Alao has larue interest in Fort Worth & Denver Ctt7 R7., 461> miles . Hae tra.fflc and trackage agreement with Union Pacilio, connecting the Cheyenne & Nor. Division with the system at Greeley and Denver; also trackage over Atchison tracks, Denver to Pueblo, Col. V. 69, p. 179. In Sept., 1899, opened 21 miles of new branohel!I and in Jan., 1901, had completed 4 miles on extension up South Platte Canyon. ORGANIZA.TION.-Bucceeded on Jan. 11, 1899, per plan in V, 67, p. 748, the Union Pactllc Denver & Gulf and Denver Leadville & Gunni11on. Owns a large majority ot the common stock of Fort Worth & Denver City Ry., which see. Colorado Midland is controlled jointly by friends of Ool. & So. and Rio Grande Western.-V. 70, p, 739. VOTING TRUST.-All classes of stock are vel!lted in the voting tru■• tees, Grenville M. Dodge, Frederic P . Olcott, Harry Walters, Henry Budge and J. Kennedy Tod nnttl Jan. 1, 1904, and then until the first preferred stock shall have received a. 4 per cent cash dividend for three consecutive years. The voting trustees ma.y, however, dellve~ the stock at any earller date.  m  DIVIDENDS.-Div. on lat pref., 1900, 2 p. c.; in 1901. Feb., 2 p. o. out of earnings for calendar year 1900: Oct. 1, 1901, a aemi-annuai dividend of 1~ per cent was paid.-V. 73, p. 444. BoNDs.-The new mortgage is a first lien on all the road, equipment and other property, $1,950,000 being reserved for the acquisition of coal properties, and for future additions, betterments, equipment■ , etc., at not exceeding $300,000 a year. Statement to the New York Stock Exchange in V. 68, p , 102 7. EA.RNINGS-5 mos,, 51901. ......... Gross, $2,377,987; net, $653,392 July 1 to Nov. 30. { 1900 . ......... Grose, 2,078,416; net, 550, • 29 ANNUAL REPORT,- Fiscal year ends June 30. Second report of new company covering operations for fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, was in V. 73, p. 611, showin~: 12 M on ths, 12 M•nlM. ff Month•. Year end ing June 301900-01. 1899-00. 1899. Gross earnings -. . . . .. •...•. $4,794,649 $4,237,743 $1,804,507 Operating expenses & taxes •. 3,712,300 3,330,774 1,402,259  ---  Net earnings . .. . ...•••..••. $1,082,349 Total net income .. . .• . ...... $1,124 ,524 Interest on bonds, etc......... 718,876  $906,969 $945,390 700,046  B ala nce, surplus. . . • ••• • • $405,648 $245,344 *Dividends on 1 st pref . . (31-%)$297,500 (2%)$170,000  $402,248 $418,224 293,770  ----$124,454  * Paid from total surplus, which June ao, 1901, was $435,446. OFFICERs.-Chairman, Grenville M. Dodge, New York City; Preai-dent and General Manager, Frank Trumbull, D enver, Col.; Secretary ud Treasurer, Harry Bronner, 28 Broad Street, New York City.  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  [VOL, LXXIV.  G R A N  S  A  G  U A  C  E  0  H  H  0 t,I\. ~  :M.AP OF  THE COLORADO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  &,  SOUTHERN RY.  I  Des Moines Grande Greenville ..So(; Mt.Dora . Royce  C  Clayton  0  b  •J"J.-:  ..L... V 1  I0  r=• I  •  T  fl,-~  V ----·-  E  TEXLINE  X  A  S  JANT.A:JiY.  lQOO. I  Al  RAILROAD STOCKS AND .BO.«DS.  s ubscrlber8 will conf'er a e;reat f'avor by giving lm111.edlate notice of' any error dl8covered. In the8e Ta1'les. Bonds-Prtnot· INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Miles Date Size, or Dne. Amount Rate Per When Where P~ble, and by pal,When Par Outstanding of For explanation of column headings, &o., see note of Cent. Payable om. Road. Bonds Value. on flret page of tables. Dividend. Col. San. ll Hock . RR.-New reo's otfs., $1i200,000  . --·  let mortgage (prior lien), $2,000,000 go d.Me.o* 227 General mortgage, $10,000,000, gold.Mp ..•.. O" 227 Income bonds, non•cumulative, ~old ......... . ... Zanesville Term'l Co. let m. for$ 00,000, gold.c* . Col. Ter. & Transf. mtge. $350,000, gu. C. S.& H. .... Receiver's certificates (old Co.) outinJuly, 1896 .... Columbiu" Toledo-See HOCKING VALLEY RY. CotumbuB ll Xenia-Stock, 8 per cent rental ........ 55 ·Combination Bridge ( Sioux Oit11, Ia.)-lst M...... Concord" Olaremont (N. H.)-lElt mort~aie ...... c "ifi •Ooncord ~ Montreal-Stock, Class I. (B. . M. pf.) .... Stock, Class II (B. C. & M. new) .•......•......••••. .... Stock, Class III. (B. C. & M. old stock) .....•....•. Stock, Class IV. (Concord) $6,000,000 Text Bost. Con. & Mon. improvement mortgage ...... c Concord&Montrealoon. M. for$5,500,000.BB.o* 262 Debenture bonds, $1,150,000, currenoy .•...•.. o" Do do $1,000,000 . .........•.......•. Concord fl Porta.-Stock, 7 p.o. rn'l, 99 yrs. Conc'd .. io¼ Conn. fl Passum.-Pref. stock, 6&· o. rent'l,99 yrs.o" let mort. (White Riv.Juno. to ana.da line) !old.o* Massa.wipji st 'k, guar.same div. as Conn. Pass. 37 Newport Richford 1st mort. guar. by C. & P .c* 22 Connecticut River-Stock ($2,670 000 authorized) .. 80 Boris, redeemable in ten years hl cash or bonds . . 80 Bon s, not mortgage, for $1,000,000, gold .. .... c .... Bonds1 not m_ortgaie. . .... .............. .. •· ·••· Oonnecti~ ( Phila.)- st M., gu. p. & i. Pa. RR. en. o 6·75 let mo gage, refundintti $1,000,000, gold ..... o* 6·75 Phil. Germ, & Chest. Hi 1st M., gu. by Pa. R.y.r 7 OrwnwaU, ~ Lebanon.-Stook ........................ 24  ··,  --- - - -  1897·8 $ ...... 1895 1,000 1895 1,000 1895 1890 1893 1,000 1895  i:ooo ---···  isgi:;  1894  ---· ---·  ---·  ilo  i:ooo 100  issi  100 100 100 1,000 1,000 1,000  ....  ·Too 100  ---· -·-·  i66  50  1890 •97.•99 1900  is9a issi is9a  1893 1901 1864 1900 1883  ....  1,000 100 1,000 100  i:ooo  1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 50  $1,056,000 707,874 7,466,770 1,632,899 4,53,000 3H,000 500,000  ----6 Semi•an Colnmb's,O.,Reo'rs' 01f.  5 g. A. & 0. Apr.,'97,coup.last paid. ooi:·r,--i900 4 g. J. & J. None paid in cash. Jan. 1, 1946 4 F. & A. 1945 5 g. J . & J. Jan.,'97, July 1, 1940 5 M.& S. 1943 ..... 6 ..... ......  ·······-·· ---·  --·  1,786,200 See text. Q.-M. Columbus, 0., Treasurer Dec. 10,'01,2'9 517,400 5 J. & J. N. Y., Hanover N. Bk. July 1, 1915 500,000 419 J. & J. Bost., N.Bk.of Redemp. Jan. 1, 1914 800,000 Q.-J. See text. 7 Jan.1'02, 54c0,4c00 Q.-J. do 7 Jan. 1'02, 1~ 459,600 do 7 Jan.1'02, 1~ ~.-J. 5,397,600 .-J. do 7 IJan.1'02, 1~96 500,000 J . & J. B'ston,Faneuil HallB'k Jan. 1, 1911 6 5,000,000 J. & D. Boston Safe D. & Tr.Co. June 1, 1920 4 1,050,000 319&4 J. &D. Bos. S.D. & Tr., Boston. June 1, 1920 N'e Dec.2 '01 J ...&.. J. 350,000 Manchester, N. H. 7 Jan:;;o~f,"3¼% F. &A. Boston, S. Dep. &Tr. Co. P'eb. l, '02, 3% 2,500,000 6 1,900,000 4 g. A.. & o. do do 1, 1943 400,000 F. & A. 6 do do Feb., 1901, 3% 350,000 5 J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1911 1 2,630.000 10 J. & J. Boston, Mass. Jan. 1, '02. 5% 1,290,000 J. & J . Springfield or Boston. Jan. 1, 1903 4 4 g. M. & S. 1,000,000 Boston, Mass. Sept. 1, 1943 do do 290,000 3¼ J. & J. Jan. 1, 1921 M.15&8 do do 6 599,000 Sept.15 '02·'04. 3¼ g. Hl5&S Philad:road S\~tat'n. Sept. 15, 1 930 193,000 1,000,000 4¼ M.&N. May 1. 1913 800,000 512in '01 F . & A. Co.'s off., Lebanon, Pa. July 31 '01,3%  llll!  "\  Dlrect ors.-GrenTllJe H . Dodl{e, Henrv B11d1te, J . Keane~y Ted, Frederic P. -Olcott, Jolln J. E mery, Kdward J. Berwind, Edward C. Henderson, Adol oh Lewisohn a n d Harry Bronner, New York rn t y; Oliver Ames, B oston, Mass.; H a.rry Waltem, Balti•ere, Md.; Norman B. Ream, Chicago, Ill.; F r ank Trumltull, DenTer, Cot. -(V.71,p. 599; V.72,p.86, 532; V.73,p.«4, 611; V. 74, p. 91.) C~lorado Sprlng8 & Orlpple Oreek Dl•trlct Ky.-Colorado  Springs to Cripple Creek, Col., 4'5 miles; bra.nohee, 25 ailes; total, 70 miles, the main line being operated from April 9, 1901, and balance in Nov., 1901. Of this, 7 miles between Cripple Creek and Victor, is the former Cripple Creek District (Electric) Ry., absorbed. V. 70, p. 328; V. 72, .:.>, 6!.s6. Owned by the owners of principal mines of (.;ripple -Creek District. Stock, all outstanding, common, $1,200,000; preferred, 5 p. o. non• onm., $800,000. Par of shares, $100 Beginning Jan. 1. 1901, a 1hlk:ing fund of 5 per cent of gross earnings :for preceding year can retire first mortga ge bonds yearly at 110 for the tirst 15 years, then at 107¼ for 5 years , then 105 for the next ttve,,then 1021il for three years, thereafter ~t par. Of the second mortgage bonds the [nternational Trust Co. of Denver is truetee. ij,900,000 been sold. Pres., Irving Howbert; Sec., E. J:<'. Draper; Treas., F. M. Woods.-(V. 69, p. 1147; V. 70, p. 75,175,328; V. 72, p. 626,675; V. 73, p. 1111.) Oolumbla Southern Ky.-Owns from Biggs, Ore., south to Sha• niko, 71 miles. In Apr., 1900, also under consn-uotion to Prineville, <l7 miles. Of the 5s of 1898 $272,000 was issua ble at once, and re• mainder, it was said, at $10,000 per mile on additional road. Stock, ~00 000. Bonds all reported to be owned by Oregon RR. & Nav. Co. Year ending Dec. 31, 1900, gross, $114,738; net, $44.452; taxes and interest, $31,24'3; bal., sur., $13,209. Pres., E. E. Lytle; sec., May Enright, Wasco, Ore.-(V. 71, p. 341.) Oolumbu8 & Cincinnati Midland KR.-V. 69, p. 743. Oolumbu8 Hock. Valley & Tol.-SEE HOCKING VALLEY RY -Oolumbu8 Lim.a & Milwaukee Ry.-Owns railroad fro~ Lima, O.. to Defiance, 40 miles; almost completed. On Dec. 1, 1899, H. G. Baker was appointed receiver on ground of defa ult in $42,000 loan. V. 69, p. 1103, ll93. On Oot. 26, l901, foreclosure sale w a s -ordered.-V. 73, p. 956. Stock authorized, $1,000,000; par, $100.(V. 69, p. 1103, 1193; V. 73, p. 286, 956.) Oolambu8 Sandu8ky & Hocking KR.-RoAD-Sandusky via Columbus to Zanesville and southerly to Gloustier, Shawnee and Shawnee Junction, with branches; total, 269 miles, of which 218 lD.iles are owned and 51 miles leased. Trackage to Toledo, 51 miles. RECEIVERSHIP -Joseph Robinson is now receiver. As to receiver's .aertifloates and last oou\>on paid on the bonds, see table above. In March, 1900, Joseph Robmson, receiver, was appointed special mas• ter to sell tlle road, but an appeal was taken, certain minor matters rematnin~ to be decided before a sale can be had.-See decision v. 72, p. 675. V. 70, p. 531. Stock of the Hooking Val. Ry. was reserved to acquire interests in the Col. Sand. & Hock. or successor company if at any time practicable or desirable. v. 68, p. -to. In Dec., 1901, a fore-closure dftcree was madt<.-V. 7~. p. 553, 1263. .John G. Carlisle and Joseph F. Randolph of New York and Charles 8. Hinchman of Philadelphia represent bonds deposited with the North American Trust Company. V. 69, p. 26, 78; V. 67, p. 842, 1160. STOCK, ETc.-Common, $7,500,000 authorized; outstanding, $3,348,. 392; pref. 4a p . o., cum., $4.041,000; par, $100. First M. scrip, $79,873 A.mroAL REP0RT.-For year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $1,064..150• ..July 1 to Deo. 31, 1901, (6 months), $631,563; in 1900, $534.,753. Report for 1895· 6 was in V. 63, p. 600 and 835. Fears e,iding June 301901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Gross earnin~ .....•..••. $1,06~,l~0 $1,064,028 $837,368 $795,793 Net earnings........... . .. 164,8=--0 192,545 80,187 113,0« -(V. 69, p. 4,91, 541,695; v. 70, p. 531; v. 72, p. 675; v. 73, p. 553, 1263.) Oola•••s Wellston & Southern KR.-Lancaster Junction -0., at a oonneetien with the Penn. RR .• to South Bloomingville, si miles. Extension proposed north from Lancaster Junction to Columbus, 20 mlles, and south from South Bloomingville to Wellston, 17 mllee.V. 72, p. 86. Soldo• Dec. 4, 1901, under order of court and bid in by .J. G. Reeves, of Lancaster, O., for himself and Boston capitalists, who propose to complete the line. V. 73, p. 1206.-(V. 72, p. 86; v. 73, p. 1207.) . Clolumltus & Xenia RK.-Owns from Columbus, o, to Xenia o., 65 miles. Operated as a division of the Little Miami, and is leased' for 99 years from December, 1869,in connection with that road, to the Pitts• burg Cincinnati Chicago & St. Louis, which pays 8 per cent on stock but in Mareh, 1901, the 25 per cent from assets was discontinued tlhe present. The lease is guaranteed by the Pennsylvania. RR. Co. The C. & X. formerly paid 825 per cent dividend (26 out of assets) per annum, 215 per cent ~arch 10 and Sentember 10 and 2 ner cent June 10 and. Dec. 10, bnt m March, 19tl, the 25 per cent from assets was discon• tinned for the present.-(V. 72, p. 532.) Combination Bridge (Sioux Olty, Ia.)-Own s steel bridge 1940 feet long over Missouri Rive~, with approaches, 1 mile, used by nilroads and street cars and as a highway. Stock, $1,500,000, all oom• mon and all outstanding . ~ort~age trustee, Union Trust Co., Indian• ~lie, Ind. Prest., Johil.Ellls, Kewaunee, ill; Treas., T. A. Stoddard, at., llo.; Secy., F. L. Eaton, Sioux <.,1ty, Ia.-v. 70, p. su. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  for  Ooncord & MontreaJ RR.-From Nashua, N. H., via Con• eord, Plymouth, etc., to Groveton and the White Mountains, 450 aiiles in all, (including Manchester & Keene, 30 miles, owned jointly, 4.14 miles; 35 miles double track . A. branoh :from Concord to lludson, N. H., about 35 miles. to be operated electrically, is under consvuotion (10 miles completed in Dec., 1901); $1,000,00o bonds will be issued thereon. V. 71, p. 698,751. On June 29, 1895, leased to Boston &Maine for 91 years at rental of 7 p. o. per annum on all stook.-(V. 73, p. 956,) Concord & Port8Dlouth KR.-Owns Portsmouth, N. H., t.o Manchester, N. H., 4012 miles. Leased to Concord RR. in 1862 for 99 years; rental, $25,000; 7 p. o. on stock and organization expenses. Oonnectlcut & Pa88Ump81c Klver8 KR.-White River June., Vt., to Canada Line, 110 m.; leases 999 years Massa.wippi Valley, 37 m. LEA.BE.-From January 1, 1887, leased to the Boston & Lowell for 99 years on a basis to pay Connecticut & Passumpsio stook 5 per cent till January, 1897, inclusive, and 6 per cent thereafter, August, 1897, dividend being 3 per cent. In October, 1887, the Boston & Lowell, carrying this road, was leased t,o Boston & Ma.ine. Stook authorized, $3,000,000; outstanding, as in table. SECURITIES.-Massaw1pp1 stock receives same dividends as stock of lessee and $400,000 of it [not included h the amount outstandin~ ls pledged as part security for 4s of 1893 [$1,900,000 authorized which replaced $1,500,000 o:f 7s due April 1, 1893. Ot the $2,500,0 preferred, $500,000, as also $50,000 Massawippi Valley Ry. stock, are represented by Connecticut Trust & Safe Deposit Co. of Hartford 5 per oent trust oertifloates, under which the Vermont Valley the right for 45 years from Aug. 1, 1885, to purchase the trust stock at par and interest and in the meantime reoeives all divldends above 5 per cent per annum on the stock deposited in trust.-(V. 57, p. 1040.) Connecticut River KK.-Owns from Springfield, Mass., to Keene, N. H., 74 miles (double tracked, 36 miles); branches, 6 miles. LEA.SE.-Leased for 99 years from Jan. 1, 1893, to the Boston & Maine, annual rental (as amended Oct. 10, 1895) being 10 per cent per annum on capital stock), payable directly to the stockholders in semJ. annual instalments .Tan. 1 and July 1, and in addition thereto interest on bonds and scrip and $2,000 for organization expenses. Lessee pays all taxes, operating expenses, etc., but lessor shall issue its stock or bonds for permanent improvem ents.-(V. , 2, p. 86.) Connecting Ry. (Phlladelphia).-Owns from Mantua Junction to Frankford Junction, Pa., 7 miles; Germantown Junction to Chest• nut Hill, 7 miles; branches, etc., 23 miles; total, a.bout 37 miles. A consolidation Jan. 1, 1902, with the Philadelphia Germantown & Chestnut Hill, Kensington & Ta.cony and other subsidiary roads of the Pennsylvania RR.-V. 73, p. 390. Stock authorized, $5,800,000; outstanding, $3,613,650. Of the 3¼s, $193,000 were isaued to retire the 6s maturing Sept. 15, 1900. A new mortgage will probably be made, but details not decided upon in Jan., 190~.-(V. 73, p. 390.) Oornwall & Lebanon KK.-Owns Lebanon, Pa.., to Conewago, 22 miles ; branches, 3 miles. In June, 1901, the Pennsylvania Steel Co. acquired control.-V. 72, p. 1241, 1283. DIVIDENDS- 5 To 1893 '93 '94 '95. '96 '97 '98 '99 1900 1901 (Per cent) ...•. ~ 4 to4¼ yrly. 6 2 2 -4 3 4 419 5 519 Also in 1892-3 paid spacial div. of 133/e; in 1901, Feb., 219,-;,,3%, EA.RNINGS-5 months. 5 1901............ Gross, $162,869; net, $81,112 July 1 to Nov. 30. ~ 1900............ Gross, 105,826; net, 41,016 In year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $279,876; net, $122,982; ad dition account expense of car trust, $113t24.b; interest and charges, $4,7,813; dividend (519 p. o.), '44,000; aepreeiatio• of equipment, $63,125; balance, surplus, $81,289.-(V. 72, p. 675.) Oorvalll8 & Eastern KK.-Ownsfrom Yaquina te Ida.nall, Ore., 14:2 miles. Land grant was 850,000 acres. Organized i1I. Dec., 1897, to purchase a.nd ext,end the Oregon Central & Easter•, wllioa was the successor of Oregon Pa.oiflo, sold in foreclosure Dec. 22, 1894. Stock, $11,i50,000; outstanding, -'112,115,000. Mortgage provides for ex· tension eastward to Snake River in Malheur Ce., a•d will cover all railroad lines hereafter acquired up to 750 ailes. EA.RNINGS.-In year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $112,55G; net, $26,814; total deductions, $60,843. 1898·9, gross, $126,036; net, $14,292. -(V. 66, p. 335, ~73; V. 68, p. 474.) Ootton BeJt.-See St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Oo,reJlo & Oolumbla River Ry.-Projeoted to exte11.d from Co· vello to Riverside, Wash., 35 miles, and thence to Wallula, on the Co• lumbia River. Stock authorized, $1,000,000. In Ma.y, 1900, filed a mortgage to the Bowling Green Trust Co. of New York, as trustee. In Oct., 1901, construction was expected to commence soon. Prest• dent, J. A. Thronson, Dayton, Wash. Ouba Oompany,-V. 70, p. 841, 995; V. 71, p. 1166. Oumberland & Ohio KR., North. Dlv.-V. 70, p. 1095, 1249. Ou.m.berland & Penn8ylvanla KK.-Owns from Cumberland Md.., t.o Piedmont, Md., and several branches, 57 miles. Owned and oper~ a.tea by Consolidation Coal Co., which guarantees by endorsement the first mortgage. V. 52, p. 390. Stock. il,500,000; par, $100. For _,:ear endin,; ~une 30, 1900, in-oss, $572,354; net, $164,102; charges, $81,· 134.; dividends, $207,780; bal., def., $124,812. In 1898 9, net,$288,102. Ou.m.berlandValleyRR.-OwnsfromHarrisburg,Pa.,toPotomao River, Md., 82 miles (and with leased lines operates to Winchester a total distance of 116 miles). It leases-Cumberland Valley & Hartlns-  . INVESTORS' SUPPLE~T.  MAP OF THE  DELAWARE & HUDSON RAILROAD SYSTEM. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --  [VOL. LXXIV.  RAILROAD _STOCKS AND .BONDS.  JANUARY, 1902,J RAILRO.ADS.  ror explanation ot column hes.dings, &o., see notes on first page of tables.  Oornw. fl Leban-(Oon.)-lst mort. for $800,000.r Oon,aUi11 d! Eastern-1st mort.($11,250,000).Ce.o* Oofluto d! Ootumbia Rifler-lat mort., $700,000, g. Oumbertand tl Pennsyl11Q111,ia,- lst mort., g., Oumberland Valley-Common stook...... .... .. . .. .  Pref. stook ($243,000 is 2d pref,) . . . . . .......... 1st and 2d ms., gold (2d$96,500due, 1908.) Dakota PaciP,o-lst M., ~·• $650,000 ......... . IB.o Dayt.ond!Muh.-Com.stk(3¼p.o.guar.C.H.&D.).. Preferred (8 p. o. gua.r. C. H. & D.) endorsed...... 1st mortga.~e, guar. p. & 1. end by C. H. & D ..•. c.Dayton fl 11num RB.-lstM., s. f. (not dr'n) ........ u Dayton Union Ry.-lst M., s. f., oall at par. F'... . . ~':'!:'~t~~.s.:~::~~:.~:~.'.~~.~:~.~:~ Gen. M,, $2,000,000, gold.PP ...... ............ o• Delaware & 1st M., assumed, our .. o Det. d! Bound Br.-Btook-8 p. o. gu. Phila. & Read. 1st mortgage................. . . .. .. ... • .. . . .. .. . . • . 2d mortg~e, extended in 1899. ...... ...... ...... 0 Df:t"'r:t~:Pe~';i;t~ Equipm't M., $150,000 payable May, y'rly .11 sm Equipm't deb.,$2,500,000, $200,000 a.n'ly, Ja.n.1  INTEREST OR DIVlDENDS. ~Wh-PrinDolMiles Da.tie Size, or .A.mount - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - p..., en ue. ot ot Par Outstanding Ra.tie Per When Where Paya.ble, and by 8tockB-Laet ijoa.d. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend. 24  1891 $100&0. 1898 1,006 1900 1,000 57 1891 1,000 .. . . . .. . 50 .. . . . . .. 50 8 2 1 8 5 6 500 &o. 40 1899 1,000 . . .. .... 50 . . .. 1 8 7 1 50 142 1881 1,000 32 1879 1,000 . 1899 1,000 38 224 1~88.9'!:"2 1,o~g 117 1,000 54 1882 1,000 . . .. 100 • 27 1 8 7 5 1,000 27 1879 100 &o.  ·35  irv:($lO:ooo;ooo)u·o·o&r :::: .. ..  Guarant,.ed Bonda.-  ....  $766,400 2,115,000 (t)  1,000,000 1,292,950 484,900 239,000 650,000 2,401,900 1,211,250 2,728,000 225,000 495,000 495,000 2,987,125 500,000 400,000 1,800,000 1,500,000 300,000 84,65t$,200 iS77 1,oiJ>20 5,000,000 1899 1,000 1,200,000 1900 10,000 2,500,000  5 A. & 0. 4 g. F. & .A. 5 g. .A.. & O. 5 g. M. & N. 8 in 1901 Q.-J. 8 Q,-J. 8 g. A. & 0. 5 g, A.. & O. 3¼ A. & o. 8 Q.-J. 5 J. & J . 7 J. & D. 4 g. J, & J. 6 & 7 J & J. 6in 1901 J. & J. 4¼ g. J. & J. 4 F. & .A. 8 Q.-F. 7 F. & .A.. 4 M. & N. 7 inl901 Q--Moh. 7 ?tl. & B. 3½1 g. M.15&N 4 J. & J.  Co.'s off., Lebanon, Pa. Apr. 1, 1921 New York City. Feb. 1, 1998 New York. A.1>r. 1, 192e Gua.r. Trust Co. of N. Y. May 1, 1921 Phila.. & Chambersburg. Jan. 1, '02, 2~ do do Jan. 1, '02, 2 do do 1, 1904Boston, Inter Trust Co. 1, 1929 <,'incinnati. Oct. 1, '01, 12'1, do Jan., 1902.J 29' N.Y.,Kessler&Co., Ctn. Ja.n. 1, 1.911 N.Y.,A.m.Exoh.Nat.Bk. Deo. 1, 190~ N. Y., Farm. L. & Tr. Co. July 1, 194,9 N. Y:.t.Ba.nk of America. Jan. 1, 1903 u.neoks mailed. Jan 2,'02,8% Phila.,Broad St.Station July 1, 19g2 do Feb. 1, 1912 Phila., 240 So. Third St. Nov.20/01,2% Phila.,Gua.r.T.&S.D.Co. Aug. J., 1906 Phtla.,240 So. Third St. Aug. 1, 190~ N.Y.Of.,21CortlandtSt. Deo.16,'01,12'1, do do Sept. 1, 1917 do do Yearly to 1909 do do 1903 to 1915  Rud. Coal Co. deb , gu., p. & i. end., $100,000 y'ly .... 1901 •••••• 1,600,000 4 M. & N. do do May 1, '02•17 Blu1f PointLa.ndlmprove. Co. lstM.,gold,JCna.r.c* .... 1890 1,000 300,000 4 g. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 194.0 Cha.teauirayOre& tr1n1·0,nPwM.,$1.7n0,000 . . . . . 1902 .... See te.xt. 4 g. ... New York. 1942 Adirondack Ry., Alh. & 8111; RR,, N. Y &Ca-nada RR ,Chateaugay RR. ,UtioaClin.& Bing.RR., Schen ectady&Dua.Desburg- See those cos. Delaware Lacknwa1uu, tt Western-t:ltock . .......... .... ···- 1 50 ~6.200,000 71n 19011 Q.-J. N. Y., 26 Exchange Pl. Jan.20,'02,12'1, Con. M. DOW 1st on roan &equip ($10,000,000) Fe 194 1877 1,000 3,067,000 7 M. & 8. do do Sept. 1, 1907  Delaware Maryland fl Virgima-  Junetion & B.-lst mortgage..................  39  1860  All.  185,000  3  J. & J. Ph1la., Broad St.StR.t,ion Jan. 1, 1931  I  burg Railroad, 34 mlles; Dillsburg & Mechanicsburg Railroad, 9 miles; Under the Chateaugay Ore & Iron Co. reorganization plan, that com Southern Pennsylva.nia Railroad, 21 mlles; leases Cumberland Valle7 pany will issue $1,750,0u0 4 per cent 40•year gold bonds, guaranteed & Waynesboro RR., 18 mlles; total operated, 165 miles.-(V. 61, p. 152.) ..,Y the D. & d .. or which $250,000 are to be rt-served for future pur• STOCK.-Pennsylva.nia. RR. owns $975,850 com. and $237,200 pref. po~ea and $200,000 to retire at ma~urit,y in 1907 $200,000 Chateau~ay Rv 6 per cent bonda.-V. 73, p. 1203. In Jan., 1902, all except $2,000 D IVIDENDB.-In 1880 to 1884, lo per cent year1y; fr om 1885, t o 1 of the old bonds had been deposited. Ja,n., 1902 , both inclusive, at ra.tie of 8 per cent yearly. . GE"IERAL FINANCES.-On May 9, 1899, the stockholders votied to sei EARNINGB.-11 mo_nths, ~ 1901. ..... Gross, $1,014,374! net, $365,839 aeide t1very year, as a sinking fund to retire stock and bonds and Jan. 1 to Nov. 30. ~ 1900 ...... Gross, 941,466, net, 339,836 guaranteed securities, an amount equal to at lea.1ot five cents per ton of REPORT tor 1900 was in V. 72, p. 532. Earnings entire line as follows: coal sold or $175,000 to $200,000 per annum, to be charged aga.insi Year. Gross Net Int., etc. Dividends. Bal .. surp income account ea.oh year. (V. 68, p. 926. Bee ordinance in full, V. 68, 1900 .... $1,052,378 $255,218 $42,536 (8 p.c.)$H2,228 $70,454 p. 1180. Examination in 1898 showed tons of coal owned in fee bv 1899.... 960,281 240,58l 42,ij08 (8 p.c.) 142,22~ 55,445 company, 165,186,393; tons of coal under lease, 58,361,400; total. -(V. 66,p,706;V. 68,p. 668; V. 70, p. 580; V. 72, p.391, 532.) 223,!>47,793. In 1900 $200,000 stock was retired tromprooeeda of the Dalla• Terml•lal Ry. & Union Depo~ co.-See SOPP, of Oct., sinlnng fund and $141,800 in 1901.-V. 72, p. 434. 1899,-(V. 72, p.1080; V. 73, p. 337; V. 74, p. 93. EARNINGB.-Earnlngsof leased lines in New York State for9 months Dayton & lUlchlgan DM-.-(See Map Oin. Ham. d! Day.-Owns ending Sept. 30 were: Dayton, o., to Toledo Junc ...t 0., 141 mllea. Trackage into Toledo.114m. ,--•.,tlb.&Susq.---. r-N. Y. & Gan ••-. ,--Rens.&: Sar.---. LEASE.-Leased May 1, hs63, in perpetuity to Cincinnati Hamilton & D months. 190f, 1000. 1001. 1000. mot. 1900. 2 Dayton. Rental is the intierest and sinking fund of debt, and ~ per ~:~~:~~ oent on preferred stock and 3½1 per cent on common. Bal. over chgs.sur. 1,04l,bl u.857,676 sr.82,125 sr.72,661l df.28!,838 df.294,876 SECURITIEB.-Guara?lty on preferred is secured by mortgage of 1871. .ANNUAL REPORT -Fisoa.l year ends Dec 31 Annual meeting 1 held but the preferred carnes DO voting power. V. 56, p. 813. ~ortgage of · . • • s 1856 is held under mortg. of 1881, which is therefore a fust lien; on the second Tuesday m May. Report for 1900 was in CHRONICLE, Central Trust 1, Safe Deposit co. or Cincinnati, Trustee. V. 72, p. 434. Coal (anthracite) carried 1n 1900, 6,228,770 tons; in EA.RNINGS.--Gross ea.rnin~s 1n year ending June 30 1898 (including 1899, 6,430,050 tons; in 1898, 5,613,186 tons. . Piqua. & Troy branch. 8 mllesl, were $1,576,293; net, $579,783; inYear ending Dec. :n. 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. terest.i. $136,400; dividends, $180,967; ba.l., surplus, $262,416. In Receipts from coal. $7,351,113 $7,617,840 $7,207,345 $7,709,441 1896-~7-, gross, $1,459,519. Due lessee July 1, 1898, $1,222.887. Railroads......... 11,485,188 11,011,126 9,907,357 10,061,167 Dayton 1Jnlon Ry.-Union depot at Dayton, O. Stock $321,000, Miscellaneous ... · 551,432 452,288 607,189 589,442 all common, all outstanding. Pres., M. E. Ingalls; Sec., Ralvh Peters; Total ............ $! 9 ,387 ,734 $! 9 , 081 , 254 $l 7,721,892 $18,360,051 1312 73 1263 Treas., O. G.Waldo, Otttce, Cincinnati, 0.-v. , P, · Net.............. $6,129,264 $5,870,421 $4,794,297 $5,274,389 Dayion & 1Jnlon KR.-Owns from Dodson, O., to Union City, Int., taxes & rentals 2,941,872 2,879 575 2,923 478 3 132 968 Ind.. d2 mlles; leases Dayton to Dodsdon, 15 miles; total opera.tied, 47 ____ ' ' ' ' mlles. Operated by Cleveland Cinn. Chica.go & St. Louis, which,Jointly Ba.lance tor stock. $3,187,392 $2,990,846 $1,870,819 $2,141,421 with the Cincinnati Hamilton & Dayton, owns the oa.pital stock. Dividends .......... $1,750,000 $1,750,000 $1,750,000 $1,750.000 All eurplus earnings over intierest goes to a sln.k1ng fund for the re0 FFICERS.- President, !:tobert M. Olyphant; Treasurer, C. A. Walke:r; demption of bonds a.tnot above 100 Ca.pita.I stock $86 300 For year $149 337· t $45 ~49· 'th· in Secretary, F. M. Olyphant, 21 Cortlandt St., New York. 1 1900 endin g_ O c t • 3 , , gro~s, , , ne • ,1:1 • 0 er come, Managers-Robert M. Olyphant, Wtlllam H. Tillinghast. Alexander E. Orr, 1118,000, cha.rg~s, $35,353, balance, surplus, $lij,496. Chauncey M. Depew James w. Alexander, Horace G. Young, Job• Jacob AeDayion & Wesiern KK.-Owns from Dayton, O., to Sta.tie line tor, R. Somers Hayes, Frederlc Cromwell, David Willcox, R Suydam Grant, Ind.. 88 mlles, and leases 4mlles to Richmond, Ind. Leased from Jan. 1 George I. Wilber, v. A. Peabody.-(V. 78, p. 1111, 1159, 126:i; v. 7f, p. 118,) 1865 tor 99 renewable forever, to Little Mia.mi, and so operatied Dela-ware Lackaw-anna & Western KR.-( See Map.)- Operby Pittsb, Ctn. Ohle. & St. Louis. Under tt-rms of the lease, upon pay• a.tiesma.lnlinefromHoboken, N.J., oppoaiteN. Y. City, to Butfalo,N. Y., ment of the D. & W. bonds the Little :Mia.mi will become sole owner 410 mlles, with branches to coal region, etc., 490 miles, including: of the D. & W. Of bonds $32,000 are 7s. Stock, $309.276. Linea ownedMiles. Lines leased-,r See each co. M(t.-. Delaw-are RR.-Shellpot Crossing, Del., to Delmar, Md., 95·22 N. J. Sta.tie line to N. Y. line .... 114 ,rutica. Chenango & Susq ....... 97 mlle-s; branches, Centreville, Md., to Townsend, Del., 35·15 mlles; Clay• Br'J?-Chesto N'rthum.berl'nd,&c. 80 ,rva.lley RR. of N. Y ............ 11 ton-'- Del., to Oxford, Md., 54·30 m.:, Del., to Cambridge, Md., Lin~ leased,,rwarren ........................ 19 32·117 m.; other branches, 6·74 m.; total, 224·38 mlles. V. 67, p. 1356. ,rMorns &Essex and branchea.157 ,rsussex, &o ..................... 48 Leased till May 1, 1927, to the Philadelphia. Wilmington & Ba.It. ,rN.Y. Lackawanna. & Weatern.214 Bangor & Portland Ry. (V. 72, which owns $1,664,475 of the stcck; rental net earrunga-see V. ,rcayuga. & Susquehanna. ...... 341 p. 435, &e.).................. 47 64, p. 1000. Dividends 1898 to Jan., 1902, inclusive, 6 p. c. yearly. In 'ITOswego & Syracuse........... 35 year endmg Oct. 31, 1901, gross,i. $1,606,660; net, $450,428. In ,rSyra.cuseBing. &N.Y......... 811 Total operated Jan.., 1901 .. 947 1899·00, gross, $1,646,660; net, :,534,220. In 1898-9», groae, $1,· .1::1.ISTORY, ETc.-Th1s is one of the moat important of the anthracite 191,537; net, $402,793; other income, $14,110; intiereat, taxes, etc., coal roads. No sub•companlea (coal and mining) controlled, the rail• $184,513; div., $179,228; bal., sur., $53,162.-(V. 68,p.129.) road owning ts mines. Original company chartiered in 1832 ; presen• Delaw-are & Bound Brook KR.-Owns from Bound Brook title assumed 1n 1853. Its leased lines ue mostly held under long (Central of N. J.) to Dela.ware River, 27 mlles; branches to Trenton, 7; leases, a._nd the systiem i~ compact. In 1894 representatives ot the second track 27 mlles; all track 77 miles. In May, 1879, leased for 990 Va.nderbilta entiered the dll'ectory. See V. 57, p. 721. to Phila.. & Reading RR. for $267,000, paying intierest and 8 p. c. DIVIDENDSS 1881 '82·'84 '85 '86 to Jan., '02. on stook; lease assumed by Phila. & Read'g Railway.- (V. 68, p. 722.) Since 1880, p. c. ~ 61\i 8 yearly 7¼ 7 yearly. Delaw-are & Hudson Co.-(See Map.J-Opera.tes ra.llroad linee FINANCES.-The refunding of Morris & Essex bonds maturing prior to trom Wilkeaba.rre, Pa., via Albany, N~ Y., to Rouse's Point, on Nov., 190~. will reduce the lo?Uar. interest oha.rges of the lattier about Canada line, with branches, 664 miles in a.11. Name changed from $200,000 yearly; Warren RR. refunding in 1900· and 1905 will reduce Delaware & Hudson Canal Co•• April 25, 1899. V. 68, p. 871, The charges a.bout $50,000 annually.-V. -;o, p. 477; V. 71, p. 1066. aystiem is well shown on the adjoining map, and includes: EARNINGB.-Earnings of leased lines in New York State for g montba Lines oionedMites. Linesleased-,r Seetheseco,. Mile&. ending Sept. 30: Lackawanna. & Susquehanna .. 22 1]Alba.ny & Susquehanna ....... 142 9 months. Gross. Net. Oharges. Balance. Valley RR. of Pa ............... 17 ,TNew York & .......... 150 1901. .............. $6,392,978 $2,931,6lf) $1;856,301 $1,075,318 Honesdale Branch ............. 28 , & Sa.ra.toga ........ 192 1900............... 5,511,136 2,4'2J,576 1,811.636 611,940 Bohenecta.dy & Mechanicville. 10 ,runion RR...................... 22 ANNUAL RE O Fi l d D 31 Ann ·1 ti i ,. , Oherry Val. Sharon & Albany 21 ,rJefferson RR. (trackage) 35 P RT.- . sea year en s ec. • ua mee ng s hel~ e h t d & D b 14 0th 11n ...... on the Tuesday preceding the Friday in February. The report fo:r ,r 0 enec a Y 7 uanes urg · · er es ... • .. · ... ·• ...... ···-·-- 1899, with balance sheet, was in CHRONICLE, V. 72, p. 388, 435. The fol• Total operatied ................._..................................... 660 lowin1r includes all lines except Syr. Blngh'ton & N. Y., Sussex RB., Also lea.sea Utica Clinton & Bmghamton and Rome & Clinton RR., Bangor & Portland aua Lackawanna. & Montrose RR.: « The mlles, sub-let to New York Ontario & Western. . canal ceased to be opera.tied in 1898, its coat was charged off' and Year end,. Dec. _;:n. 1900. 1899. _ J.898. bed solo in June, 1899. V. 69, p.1061; v. 68, p. 566. In Mar., 1901, Passenger earrungs ............ $4,186,232 $3,951,0ol $3,501,708 additional ooalpropertieswere acquired, estimated to produce about Freight earnings ............... 15,195,510 15,707,945 16,008,321 500,000 tons annually.-V. 72, p. 437, 1159. Miscellaneous.................. 1,506,021 1,666,126 2,658,315 .RISTO.RY, ETc.-This company was chartered April 23, 1823. It 18 $20,887,763 $21,325,122 $22,168,344. one of the largest miners and carriers of anthra.citie coal. Net after taxes................. !6,265,484 $8z753,912 $7,889,793 DIVIDENDS S '83 '84 '85 '86 '87 '88 '89to'96 '97 to '00 1901 Coal department (net)......... 1,200,082 904,173 def.1,726,093 Binoe , 82, p. 0: t 7 · 7 · 6 · 5 · 5 · 6 · 7 y'rly. · 5 y'rly. • · Other miscellaneous income.. 641,943 577,181 602,132 7 Dividends for 1902 tl..x:ed at 7 p. c., payable quarterly.-V. 74, p. 93. Total net income........... $8,107,509 $10,235,2i6 $6,765,832 BoNDs.-In 1899-00 issued $4,000,000 equipment trust 319s and de• Earnin~s of the coal department in 1900, $22,261,887; expensee, benture 4s, of which $300,000 bave been paid and th~ balance is pay a,. $21,061,805; net, $1.i.200,082. 1899, $23,136,863; expenaes, $22,· ble $350,000 yea.rly.-V. 68, p. 670; V. 69, p. 1193; V. 70, p. 125. 232,691; net, $904,17~. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~~i~~::::::::::::::·.'t1m·.s%  s;gg:~~: 'ilf:~Jt ' •gztm $l,~~i:~~g Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAP OF. THE  DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ~ WESTERN R.R. AND ITS CONNECTIONS.  JANUARY,  190~.]  RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  Sulllserlber11 will cellCer a great f'avor by glvln,r: Im.mediate notice oC any ·error c11scovered In these Talllle11.. RAILROADS INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. BonM-Prillot · · Miles Date Blze,or -;al,WhenDue• Por explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par ~t!zi~g Rate per When Where Payable, and by Stoeb-Last on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. 0 Cent. Payable Whom. Dtndend.  --------------------1-- --- -- - -·1------1---- ---- __________,.._____  Dela,ware Maryland fl Virgtnia-( OoncludedJ19 1874 AIL $200,000 3 J. & J. Break. & Frank.1st m. to State, red. aft. Jan.'95. Other mortgages ...••••..••••...•••..•••••••••• o* •••. . ••. 650,000 4 ....• Ddaware Rit1er RR. ti Bridgfr1,300,000 4 g. F. & A. lst M., $1,800,000, g., gu. p.,ti.,Penn. RR.GP.o• 10 1896 $1,000 1,500,000 4 in 1901 M. & N. Delt1,ware lmsq. ti B. RR.-Stook (auth. $1,500,000) 50 550,000 6 g. A. & O. lat mortgage bonds ($1,500,000) gold... .. •.•. o* · 48 i894 1,000 627,000 6 ..•.. De14t1er LaU,wood ti 6olden-lst mortgage.F .... .. •• •. 1890 •• •• • • . .. . ..... 1 0 0 38,000,000 Den.t1er cf Rio Grande-Stock, com., (see text) ... Tr. .. .. Pref. stock, 5 per cent non•oum., $-U,400,000.Tr ..•. .... 100 4j,146,890 5 in 1901 J. & J. 4 g. J. & J. 1st cons. mort. for $42,000,000 i gold U• o•ctr 1,621 1886 500 &o. 28,717,000 (now 1st mortgap:e) ............ 5 .. · 1,621 1886 1,000 6,382,500 J. & J. 8,120,000 5 g. J. & D. Improvement mort. ($5,000 per mile) g .. Us.o"&r 1,621 1888 500 4 g. J. & J. Rio Grande South'n 1st mort., guar.Ce........... 180 1890 1,000 x2,277,000 1,850,000 5 g. J. & D. Rio Grande Junction 1st mortgage, guar .. Ce.o* 62 1889 1,000 Rio Grande Western-See that company. Den1Jer ti &>uthwe,tern-Common stock.... ..•..••. .... . .•. 100 3,000,000 6 in 1901 Q.-F. Preferred stock, 5 per <'ent, non-cum. ............ .••. ..• 100 2,000,000 5 in 1901 Q.-F. Mid. Term. 1st mort., gold, sink. fund ...•.•. F . o* 41 1895 1,000 509,000 5 g. J. & D. Gen. M., $5,500,000, s. f., not subj. to call.Co.o* 127 1899 1,000 14,923,000 5 g. J. & D. DuMoinescl..FortDodge--Commonstook........... •••• •••• 100 4,283,000 ..•. ..•.. Pr&ferred stock, 7 p. <l. non•onm....... .... .• . ... .. . . .. . ••. 100 763,500 7 in 1901 August. lstM. ~ secures } SeriesA,int. guar., end..F l 88 S 1874 1,000 1,200,000 4 J. & J. Do. 5both equally l Serles B, int. guar.,end..F 5 ~ 1874. 1,000 1,200,000 2¼ J. & J. 1st mort. on exten., Tara to Ruthven, int. gu .. Ii' 55 1881 1,000 672,000 4 J. & J. IJ.Mo.Ia. F.cfNo-lstM.,$1,200,000,g.,red.Col.o* •••. 1901 1,000 80,000 5 g. J. & J. Du Moines Un.ion-Stook, $2,000,000.... ...... .. .. .. . . . ... 100 400,000 ...... ... . . 1st M. for$800,000, gold .................... Ce.o3·7 1887 1,000 671,000 5 g. M. & N Detroit Grana Ha11en. cf .Mil.-lst equip. M. gu .... o* 189 1878 1,000 2,000,000 6 A. & o. Consol. mo:rt~ guar. (option-see text) ......... o• 189 1878 200 &o. 3,200,000 6 A. & O. DetroitHill.aaieflB.W.-8t'k,'l,L.S.&M8. 65 . ... 100 1,350,000 4. J. & J. Detroit Grand, Rapids ~ We•tern-See PERE M.A1lQ UETl'E RR. ,r O! which $100.000 on Nov. 30 1900 in treaeur y and $91 000 in the sinking fund. x Also $2,2  Phila.,Broad St.Station Jan. 1, 1932 do do Overdue. Philadelphia. Pa. Aug. 1, 1936 Drifton, Pa. Nov. 1, '01, 2%, Phlladel., Co.'s Ofll.oe. Apr, 1, 1909 .......... .. .... .. . .•..... Office, 195 B'way, N. Y. Ja1t.15,'02,21il N. Y.,FourthNat.Ba.nk. Jan. 1, 1936 do do Jan. 1, 1986 do do June 1, 1928 N. Y., Maitl'd, 0. & Co. July 1, 1940, do do Dec. 1, 1939' N. Y., Kessler & Co. Nov.10,'0l,llg_ do do ~ov.10,'01,114 N. Y., Farm. L. & T. Co. Dec. 1, 192b N. Y., Kessler & Co. Deo. 1, 1929 . ••..••. Chicago, C. R. I. & Pao. Aug. l,'01,7% N.Y.,Chio.R.I.&Pao.Co. J&n. 1, 1905 do do Jan. 1, 1905 do do Jan. 1, 190l'> N.Y.,ColonialTrustCo. July 1, 1931 .... .. . ... • ••.•••• N. Y., Central Trust. Nov. 1, 1917 5 Nat. Bk. of Comm'oe i Nov. 14, 1918 ~ N. Y. and London. 5 Nov.151 1918 N.Y.,Farm.L.&Tr.Co. Jan.5,'o2,2% 88,000 not ~aranteed.  1898. \ shares of Weatern for 11 shares of Denver stock. Through the RI• ,5,406,239 1 Grande Western the Utah Fuel Co. was acquired.-V. 72,p. 775. 35,328 LATEST EARNINGS.-From July 1 to Nov. 30, 5 months: 1,834,000 5 m.-0s.Gross. Net . 0th. inc. Onarges. Bal,. Bur. 1901. . ..... $5,845,168 $2,117,798 $34, ~•4 $1,026,465 $1,125,877 f $ 509 ,7 35 1900....... 5,1'7,760 1,921,734. Balanoeafterdividends ...... sr.$896,232 sr. $ 1,607,172 d e. 27,807 1,023,605 925,93S · OE.J'IOBRS.-President, W. H. Truesdale; Chairman of Board, Samuel ANNUAL REPORT.-AnnuaJ meeting is held at Denver the third Tues• Sloan; Seo. and Treas., Fred F. Chambers, 26 Exchange Plaee, N. Y. day in October. Full report for 1900-01 in v. 73, p. 492,506 Bee also BO ARD,-Sam11.el Sloan (Chairman), Fredk. W. Vanderbilt, Wm. W. Astor, editorial. p. 470. Construction account was closed in September, 1891, Eugene Bl£glna, Henry A. C. Ta1lor J. Rogers Maxwell. Geo. F. Baker, Wm. since which all improvements been charged against i1toome. 1 1 1 0 ~. ::~~ee~r:c:~!~~ }~•n.M. Taylor Pyne,Harrll Year ending June 30- 1901. 1900. 1898. 1899. -(V. 72 , p. 282,388,435,935; V. 73. p. 287, 1010.) Averagemilesoper'ted 1,6:8 l , f4 1:70 1,\66 Dela~are lllaryla.~d & VlrglniaKK.-O'_VIlB :trom Harrington Gross ......... ll,452,40410,246,080 9,270,2-ii S,342,926 to Rehoboth. Del., 44 miles; Georgetown to Franklin City, Va., 54 miles; Net ea.rninga. ... •. •••.. 4,328,:106 3,760,241 3,509,897 3,325,326 total, 98 miles. Controlled by Phila. Wilm. & Balt., whlch owns $326,· Other income.......... 111374 113 684 110 327 62 403 200 of the $526,7b8 stock (par $25), and so by Pennsylvania RR. _Bee ' ' ' __ ,_ V. 50, p. 498. Loans and bills payable, Oct. 31, 1900, $184,800; other Tolialnetincome ..••••• 4,439,880 3,873,925 3,670,224 3,387,729 floating debt, $460,200. In year ending Oct. 31 19t0, gro11, $268,91-i; In ne; $64,141; interest, ta.xesi etc., $4.8,190; balanoe, surplus for year, terest on bonds...... 1,855,112 1,882,106 1,900,819 1,997,950 $10,951, but this does not inc ude int'st on the :floating debt, $4-60,200, Taxee and insura.noe.. 396, 4 71 357,5 2 7 337,552 362,098 A~ New equipment........ ........ 130,161 177,598 Uelaware River KR. & Brl-.e Co.-Owns a bridge over the Miscellaneous.......... 274,864 319,829 275,1.33 179,179 Delaware River »ear Philadelphia a.nd about 10 miles of connecting Dividend on pref. stk.(5)1,182,500 (4)9-i6,000 (4)946,009 (21s)591,25e railroad. Capital stock ($1,300,000) is all 0W11.ed by the Pennsyl<vania RR., trhioh guarantees the bonds, principal and interest, by endor1e- Balance, surplus.... . .. 730,923 238,302 33,U9 257,252 . ment on each. Dividend for 6 moe., 2 p. o., Deo. 26, 1900. Sink· 0 FFIOERS-Chairman of Board, George J. G~uld; Preside11.t,E. ing fund is one per cent but bonds cannot be called. Bee bonds and T. Jer-, g1Jaranty in v 63 p 1062 1159 . fery; Vio&-Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Russell Harding; Treas., ;J. w. Gilluly; · • ' · ' • ~ Seo.and Comptroller, Bteph• Little. Office, 195 Broadway, N. Y. Delaware Su•quehanna & Sc1luylklll KK.-Owns main line • Directors -Goorire J C!lould Jacob H Schiff'. Bdward H Harrlma■ Wtnslo.,,, from Drtfton, Pa., to Gowen, Pa.., 31 miles; bra.nohee, 17 miles; total s. Plf'rce and ArtburCoppell, New York: E.T.Jeff'ery,Denver,CeL;C. G. Warner owned,. 48 miles. Tra.okage-½high Valley RR., eto., 133 mile■• and Rua8ell Harding, St. Louts. Openea Feb.151 1892. The road 1s controlled by Coxe Brothers & Co., -(V 72 p 1135· v 73 p 137 184 286 492 50G 615 842 1010) Inc., the coal mmers. DIVIDENDS Oct. 18, 1892, 4.0 p. o. in oash; Nov. ' · ' • ' · • ' .' . • ' ' • · 25, 1893, 20 p. o. in cash and 50 p. c. in stock; Sept. 26, 1894., 26lls p. o. ) Denver & Sout•w-este:r:n Ky.-D1vide, Col., to Cripple Oreek 1n cash; Nov. 1, 1899, to Nov. 1, 1901, 4. p, o, cash yearly (paid J.-J.) and Florence,eto., 77 miles; V1otorto Isabella, 6 m.; branches &11d spurs Mortgage trustee Trust Co. of North.America, Phila. to mines, etc., 4.7 miles; total, 130 miles, of which 43 miles standard 9 0 E~INGs.-In year 1900-01 gross, ~l,U5/l62i_net, $141,482; inter. {~~g~o~°:e11°~~l~Cr~~;'i~~~ 01~8 ~~1t!dBilt~~ est, $35,267; depreciation, $50,000, b&l., surpms, $58,215. Water & Power Oo,, Colorado Trading & Transfer Co. and to own Denver Lakewood & Gol••n KR.-Embraoes 27 miles of three•qu»rters mterest in Metallo Extraction Co. See prospectus, V. track, of which 22 steam, Denver to Ralston, and 5 trolley, Denver to · 69, p. 851, 1011, 1108; V. 72, p. 984'; also adv. in CHRONICLE of lllaroh Barnum. In Sept.. 1901, W. W. Borst was still reoeive:r; no reorgani• 3, 1900, p. ix. zation p~a.o yet formulated. Stock, $1,000,000. For 1899·00, gross, STOCK A.ND BONDS.-Common stock, $3,000,000; 5 p. o. non•cum. pre$40,460, net, $5,290. President, Samuel Newhouse. ferred stock, $2,000,000; all issued. Of the gen. mort 30-year 51 $577,· Denver & Kio Grande KR~-( See MapJ-ROAD-The lines ot this OOOwere reserved to redeem .the outstanding $577,000 Midland 5e, the oompany, well shown on the adjoining map, reach all the important only underlying bonds remaining unretired; $91,000 have been purpolnts in Colorado.z while its standard gauge line from Den vervia Pueblo chased by the sinking fund, aBd $100,000 purchased from surplus westerly, via Leaaville and Grand Junction, forms a link in the trans· earnings are held in the treasury as an asset. v. 71, p. 696. Sinking Continental route to Ogden, B~t Lake City, &o., including: . fund of $95,000 yearly will retire bonds purchasable in the open marJLilu. Miles. ket at not exceeding 110. Road owned and operated. · .1,64. 2 Of the preceding: DIVIDENDs.-On common 119 p c quarterly May 1 1900 to Nov 1 62 sta nd arcf gauge.···· .. · ... ··· 810 1901 incl.· pret. 1~ p o quarterly May 1 1900 to Nov 1 1 1901 tn"l Rio Gr. Jo. RR., et.1. (leased)• Leased to Rio Grande West.. 18 (Of which 34.6 is 3d rail.) ' ' • · · • • • • • - - Narrow gauge only........... 912 EARNINGS-8 mos., ~ 1900-1. ...••. Gross, $1,330,299; net, $:528,250 Total June 30, 1901. ....... 1,722 2d track and 3d rail.......... 381 Dec. 1 to July 31. 51899-0 ... . ... Gross, 1,657,056; net, 651,722 The standard•ga.uging of the 3.foot lines is bein~ gradually accom• For 10 mos., ending Se..t. 30. 1901, net (over taxes), $579,972; fixed pllshed.-V. 71, p. 394.; v. 73, p. 507,615. Tbe U. P. Denver & Gulf charies (1nclud sink. fund, $16.,887), $331,798; bal., sur., $248,174. uses traoks into Pueblo, 57 m., at $4,5.000 per annum.-V. 61, p. REPORT.-Report for year ending Nov. 30, 1900, was in v 72 Branch, Texas Creek to Silver Cliff, Col., 26 miles, was opened in p. 98,, showing gross. $2,4.81,567; net, $973,395; interest on bonds' .June, 1901, and another from MoA'a.t, Col., to Crestone, 18 miles com- $274.,008; sinking fund. $132,508: div. on pref. (3~ p. c.), $75,000; div~ plated in Nov., 1901. Rio Grande Western, see that co., also below. on com. (4¼1 p. o ), $135,000; ba.l., sur., $356,879. President, w. K. HISTORY.-Reorganlzation of a, railway company of same name fore- Gillett; Secretary and Treasurer, J. P. Cobb. Office, 52 Breadway, olosed July 12, 1886. The Rio Grande Junction is leased jointly by N. Y.-(V. 71, p. 696; V. 72, p. 282,984, 1237, 1279.) thi11 com-pan:,- and the Colorado Midland, and its bonds guaranteed. •e• Molne11 & Fon •odge KR.-0Wll8 Des Moines to Ft. Dodge. The Missouri Pacific early in 1901 acqW1'ed$U 800,000 common an• Ia., 88 m., and Tara to Ruthven 55 miles; tra.okage, Illinois Central, Tara $7,300,000 preferred stock, this, together with the Rockefeller inter- to Fort Dodge Junction, included above. Leased Jan. 1, 1887, to Chio. ests, it is understood, consti tutine a considerable majority of the en- Rook Isl. & Pao. for 18 at rental of 30 per cent·of gross, with tire stock.- V. 72, p. 338, 580, 1238; V. 73, p. 506. a guarant;ee of 4 per cent interest on the Series A bonds, and 21g per DIVIDENDS since '91 ~ '92 •93 '94 '95 '96 •97 '98 •99 '00 •01 19.02 cent per annum on the Series B bonds, both series being equally secured on pref., percent....... ~ o 2 o o 2 2 21s ~ 4 5 Jan 21.g by the mortga~e of 1874,. The series B were originally 6 per cent m. ' comes, but then- ooupone haTe been stamped, reducing th&;in.terestrate In Jan., 1901, dividend rate increased to 5 p. o.-v. 71, p. 1166. to the 219 p. o. guaranteed. Preferred stock is entitled to 7 p. 0 • nonBoNDs.-Consols for $6,900,000 originally reserved for extension to cumulative dividends, then common to 7 p. o. after which both share Ogden (made unneoess~ry by acquisition 01 Rio Grande W08tem) may equally. In June, 1901, newpa.rtiee obtained oontrol.-V. 72, p.1135. be used for other capital requirements. V. 73, p. 507. See abstract DIVIDENDs.- i 1893 '94 •95 '96 to '93 1899 to 1901 of mortgage in CHRONICLE, V · -!7, p. 228. on pref. (p. c.) 5 2 4 4 6 yearly 7 yearly The 'lmpr019ement mortgage abstract was in CHRONICLE, V. 47, p. 229. Rental for ye.-r ending Dec 31 1900 $189 894· for 1899 was $174. The stockholders voted on May 1~ 1901, (1) to acquire the com• 563 (V 71 81 • v 72 h35 1 n3'5 ) ' ' • mon and preferred stocks of the Hio Grande Weetem Ry., (2) .- • 'p. • • 'p. ' "" • to cancel the D. & R. G., $4 350,000 vreferred and $7,500,000 ».11 M•lneelowa Pall• & Rort•ern Ry.-Underoonstruotion oommon treasury sto&ik reserved to acquire the Rio Grande Western ~ Nov., 1901, from Iowa Falls, Ia, to Des Moinss, 74 miles. traoklay• and thereupon (3) to increase the preferred stock from $23 650 ooo to mg being in progress from Iowa Falls to Buckeye, 10 miles. Stock $44,400,000, (4) to issue $6,900,000 consolidated mortgage bonds for authorized, $16,()(JO per mlle. Bonds are subject to call at 105 on and future requirements and (5) to authol'lZe the directors by a two.thirde after July 1, 1906. Pres., E. L. Elsworth, Iowa Falls; Seo., J. H. Funk; vote to revoke or amend by-laws. Of the new preferred stock, $12,· Treas., W. H. Woods.-V. 73, p. 1159. · 500,000 was subscri•ed by stookholders at 90 and used to acquire Dee 1'Iolne11 lJnlon Ky.-Terminal road in Des Moines; owns 3,7 practically the entire Rio Grande Westem common st.ook. About $7,• miles main track and branches, 9·7 miles 2d and side tracks, bridge 300,000 of the $7,500.000 preferred stock of the latter was exchanged aorosa DPs Moines .River and 25· acres of land in Des Moines. see 1n 1901 for preferred stock of the Denver Company on the bas1i1 of 10 statemetitto N. Y. Stock Exchange V. 65, p. 1173. Lease«t t,o Wa.bae11. Year end. June 301900. Interest and rentals ............ $5,865,012 Aooountsoha.rgedoft',etc....... 12,265 Dividends (7 p. 0).............. 1,83-i,OOO  1899. $5,891,990 1,40~,104 1,834,000  \-fo~~-- .fot~J. rdAr:::i1~~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  J :t~i!  M  0  Claremont  PAC .  § rJ.J  .-; 0  ~  rJ.l  ~  FE  Halls Crossing  ,.  · ······-··· .  "'  S"n  Barton House  ••  ~  ••  •  ~  .  ~  •  0  :  ;  ' '  .,  ...  .,  q  A  R  ' "i.....  MAP OF THE  DENVER & RIO GRAN·DE  SYSTEM DE:NVER 4  CC:ci::::cc::::c:c::c:cii RIO GRANDE WESTERN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  : ,,  •: l •.  :  •  •  RIO GRAND£  .  ; ,  ...  I ~  ... .. . - ... . ..:···.  ' "'  .La.Inar  , ,,,  '.  -~  . .... :,  ·al.  I  :.  ,,  , _.  . ··■  .'  .'  ~~  .  ..  ' •  e "  .' .,  . . . .. :.  .  .  ~  '  '  '  I  JANUARY, 1902,]  t,'7  'RAD,ROAD STOOKS . AND l3ONU&  Subscribers will confer a great f'avor by giving notice of' any error discovered In the11e Table11. RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bon ds-Prinoi- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1Mllee Date Size, or Amount paJ,WhenDue. For explanation of column headings, &c., see notes of of Par Outstanding Rate Per When Where Payable, and by on ti.rat page of tables.  ---------  Road. Bonds Value.  Cent.  --  Detroit Lansing" Northern-See PERE MA.RQUETT E R R. Detroit ti Mack.-" 1st lien," $1,500,000. g _.Mo_c· All 1895 "Mort. bonds" $2,500,000 gold, par.Mo.c*  All  1895  1,000 1,000  Det. 80.-lst M., g., $4,500,000, red. to '06 at 105.CP Mortgage, $10,000,000 gold •••••• _.. .. .. . .. Co . . o-' Ohio Bouth'n, equip. notes, due $6,560 monthly. Do11er ti Rockaway-Btock,6 p. c., rental 999 years .  263 408 . .. .  1901 1901 ••••  1,000 4,000,000 1,000 2,750,000 ab out 300,000 100 140,000  Detroit Monroe " Toledo-Bee L. f:lHORE & MICH. s. ,.  ~i~~i~~1~ni:ceii:;w:iines:·isi·l\i:,g.u;.o* &r Iowa Falls & Sioux City 1st M., Ia. F. to 8. City. .  Oher & DaJr.,C. R. &O. and OmahaDiv.,etc .. lst M. Dululh ti Iron .Range-1st mortgage ...... l'f.lp.c&r 2d mort., currency, red. at 105, $5,000,000.Ce.c* Duiuth Missabe ti North'n-lst mort., gold, s. f. ... lstconsol.M.,$3,500,000, g., callat105 ....... Ce 2d mort. ($5,000,000) gold, red. at 105 ...... ce.c  Duluth8o.8h.t1Allanti4>-Marq.H.&On.gen.M.Ce.c" Duluth South Shore & Atlan., 1st M., gold.Ce.c&r  Firetconsol. mort., gold, interestguar.Ce.c*&r Inc. certs. ($3,000,000 held by c. Pac. July, '01)  ~;g  184 328 184 184 65 130 130 156 416 572 • •• .  ~':itti~r:~~hl~!ri: tor $2:0,,0,000:nii::: · •io Dunk. At. vai. Pittsb.-lei M., old 7s, to be refund. 35 .Ea,i Ttnn. Ya." Ga.-Bee SOUTHERN RY. JlastTenn,tfW.N.Oar.-lstM.$250,000.GuP.cur.c.  4 g. J . & D . N.Y.,J. P . Morgan&Co. June 1, 1995 4 g. J. & D. do do June 1, 1995 4 g. 4 g. 5&6 6 6 4 g. 7 Deposite 5 6 6 g. 6 g. 5 g. 6 5 g. 4 g. 4  M. & 8. N.Y.,CO'l.onial Trust Co. Mch. 1, 1941 J. & D . do do June 1, 1951  A .. .&..O. J. & J. F. & A. A. & 0. d to see A. & 0. J. & J. J. & J. J. & J. J. & J. A. & 0. J. & J. F. & A.  N. Y .• 143 Liberty st. do do N. Y.,Offlce,214B'way. do do ure Ill. Central bonds. N. Y., Of., Empire Bldg. do do  To 1905 Oct., 1901, 3% Jan. 1, 1906 Aug. 1, 1951 Oct. 1, 1917  Oct. 1, 1937 Jan. 1, 1918 Jan. 1, 1922 N. Y., Central Trust Co. Jan. 1, 1923 do do Jan. 1, 1918 New York, 44 Wall St. 1, 192:i Jan. 1, 1937 do do New York or London. Aug. 1, 1990 Dec. 31, 1912 ..... New York. 1903 to 1908 J." &.. J. July, '95, coup. last pd. Jan., 1921 N. Y., N. Y. Cent.& Hud.  . . ••  1.t~&:i88 2,900,000  •••.  1873  1,000  500,000  4 5  J. & J. Jan., '85, int'st last pd. July 1, 1903  31 ..•.  1881 . ...  ··ioo  250,000 3,447,300  6  M. & N. Phlla. Gu. T. & 8. D. Co. Nov. 1, 1906  ···a·g.  • •• • ••  gg 1J~b:I~8 1,000 495,000  RR., Chicago Great Western and Ohio. Mll. & St. P. Ry. Rental equal to expenses and fixed charges paid monthly by lessees on wheelage basis. Bills payable June 30, 1900, $59,000. Earnings for year 1899·00, gross, $162,615; net, $53,596; interest and taxes, $36,385; bal, surplus, $17,211.-(V. 70,p. 230.) Detroit Grand Haven & Milwaukee Ky.-Owne from Detroit to Grand Haven, Mich., 189 miles. A reorgahlzation of Beptem• ber, 1878. The principal and interest on the bonds are guaranteed by the Grand Trunk of Canada. Stock, $1.500,000; par, $50. R~al estate bonds or mort~es, $226,000. On June 30, 1901. sundry outstanding accounts, $356,520. Grand Trunk of Canada owned Dec. 31, 1900, the $1,500,000 stock. A.a to offer to bondholders in 1900, see V. 71, p. 84. For 6 mos. endin~ June 30, 1901, gross, $472,881; net, $92,934, against $70,640 in 1900; charges, $181,557; balance.! deficit $88,623, For year ending Dec. 31, 1900, gross. $1,000,3::.1:3; net, $225,599, charges, $363,427; ba.L, def., $137,828. For 1899, gross, $1,002,875. Detroit Grand Kapld11 & We11tern.-See Pere Marquette RR. Detroit Hillsdale & Southwe8ternKK.-Ownsfrom Ypsllant1, Mich., to Bankers Mich. 65 miles. Leased in perpetuity from July 1 1881, to the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Co.; the rental is $54,000 per year-4 per cent on stock. Detroit & Lima Northern Ky .-See Detroit Southern Ry. DetroU 1'Iacklnac & Marquette KK.-SEE MISCELL.ANEOUSCos. Detroit & Mackinac Ky .-owns from Bay City, Mich., lO Tower, 178 mlles; Rose City Branch, 32 miles; Prescott Branch, 12 mlles; Val. Branch, 26 miles; various logging branches, 70 rnlles; total, 318 miles. La Rocque to Onaway, Mich. 19 rnlles (which forms part of the extension to Mackinac), operated from July 1, 1898. Much of the logging branch mlleage is temporary, built only to bring out lumber. Bee v. 61, p. 558. In 1900-01 carrted 917,132 tons. of which lumber and other forest products furnished 77·88 per cent. .HISTORY, ETC.-Formed in December, 1894, to succeed the Detroit Bay City & Alpena, sold in foreclosure. "Mortgage bonds" for $500,000 are reserved for betterments, etc., at not over $50,000 per year. The common stock and $750,000 "mortgage bonds " are held in trust and if deemed best the principal of the latter and any interest waived may be converted into preferred stock; they may be sold at the discretion of the D. B.O. & Alpena reorganization com~e for the benefit of the holders of the beneficiary or delivered i..t any time not later than April 1, 1905. Bee V. 60, p. 130. STOCK.-The capital stock is $3,000,000, ot which $2,000,000 com• mon and $165,000 preferred has been issued, leaving $835,000 pre· terred issuable only for conversion of bonds as above. LATEB'l' EARNINGS.i 1901 ........ Gross, $331,310; net, $63,861 5 mos., July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900......... Gross, 336,920; net, 96,534 EARNINGB.-Reportfor year endtng June 30, 1901, in V. 73, p. 1261. showed: Gross, $865,747; net, $275,362; taxes, $24,775; interest, $122,000; miscellaneous, $14,144; ba.l., surplus, for year, $114,443. 0FFICER8.-Pres1dent,J. D. Hawks of Detroit.-(V.73,p. 660, 1261,) Detroit Southern Ky.-Operates from Detroit, Mich., to Well&· ton, o .. via, 343 miles, with , branches, 80 mtles, a total of 423 miles, including about 15 mlles of trackage, and thus constitutes a route from the bituminous coal fields in Southern Ohio. 0:aGANIZATION.-A consolidation of the Ohio Southern RR. and the Detroit & Lima Northern Ry. on June 1. 1901, after foreclosure, per plan V. 72, p. 4.38.-V. 72, p. 626,722, 1034, 1080. ..,srocx.-Common $10,500,000; present i&sue, $10,000,000; of which $3,000,000 deposited with Colonial Trust Co. of New York, as trustee, pending the settlement of certain claims of the stockholders of the old companies not affecting the Detroit So. Ry.- V. 73, p. 1261 ; preterred 4 per cent, non.cum., $6,500,000; present issue, $6,000,000. VOTING TRUST-Both classf's of st.ock are vested until June 1, 1906 (unless surreDderedearlier at their discretion), in the following voting trustees: Frederick J. Lisman. John E. Borne, Evans R. Dick, Cyrus J. Lawrence and Leopold Wallach. Bmms.-The $t,500,000 40 year 4s aresecured by a purchase money lien on the Ohio Southern Ry. (Lima to Wellston and branches, In all 263 miles) ; upon their retirement, for which ~,500,000 of the fl,ft11 year 4s reserved the latter will be a first mortgage on all the consolidated properties. Of the 50•year 4s $2,750,000, to• gether with $500,000 of preferred and common stock, reserved for extensions and improvements, and $500,000 of the 40 year 4s for improvements on, and equipment notes of, the Ohio South• ern RR See official statement, V. 71, p. 1237; V. 73, p. 1261. LATEST EARNINGB.-5 mos., t 1901. ..... Grois, $539,888; net, $148,601 July 1 to Nov. 30. ~ 1900...... Gross, 480,624; net. 114,379 For 3 mos. ending Sept. 30, 19ul, net, $":l· ,349; against $44,429 in 1900; interest, $67,500; balance, surplus, $12,849. EARNINGB.-The earning;s of the Ohio Southern ltR for the year end ing .Tune 30, 1900, were reported as gross, $824,820, and ne ,,, $306,· 123, and those of the Detroit & Lima Northern Ry., on a b ;, sis of 197 miles, including 58 miles since sold, as ~ross. $383,745, and def. under operating expenses, $6,198. Directors May, 1901. V. 72, p. 1080.-(V. 72, p. 626, 1080, 1187, 1237; v. 73,p. 723, 956, 1159, 1261.) Dominion Atlantic Ky.-(V. 71, p. 29, 84; V. 72, p. 86, 1279) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Dividend.  i:ooo 1,000  f:!f f;t:;'lla!!=8~::iJ·p~o·iu:0oo'irs.PhlL&R: ·s·G ··•· lstM., gold, guar. p.&1. byP.& R. RR. (end.) ••. c.. 36 iSBS  Eastern Kentucky Ry.-Btock ($1.779,500 is pref.) Eas~ Ry, of Minnunts-See GREAT NORTHERN.  ½:888 M~g:888  1869 500 &c. 2,800,000 '88-00 . ... . . 8,430,000 1887 1,000&c 6,732,000 1896 1,000 See text. 1892 .... .. 1,174,000 1893 1,000 1,933,000 1898 1,000 4,658,000 1885 1,000 1,077,000 1887 1,000 3,816,000 1890 1,000 15,107,000 1892 •••• •• 3,000,000  Whom.  is0i  fl  Dutchus Oount11-Bee CBNTR.AL NEW ENGLAND. But Broad Top RR. ti Ooal-lst mortgage ..•.••.. r  f~~~  $1,050,000 2,000,600  Payable  0  J.& 0.11> Phlla., Pa., Read. Term. Dec.15,'01, 219 6 J. & J. Phil., Phll. & Read. Ry. Jan.16,'02, 3" 4 g. M. & 8. do do Moh. 1, 19:SS  Dominion Securities Co.-Organized 1n May, 1901, under New Jersey lawa to finance railroad enterprises in Canada., with the right to acquire and sell securities and loan money thereon. The first enterprise nnderta.ken is the Cape Breton Ry. (Bee V. 73, p. 183, 392.) Stock, all outstanding, $1,500,000; par of shares, $100. Net earnings for d months ending Nov. 30, 1901, $149,436. First dividend of 212 per cent, paid therefrom Jan. 15, 1902, calls for $37,500. V. 73, P• 1312. President, W. Seward Webb; Secretary and Treasurer, Arthur L. Meyer. Office, 15 Broad Street, NewYork.-V. 73, p. 393, 1312. Dubuque & Sioux City KK.-(Btt Map of nttn.oi• Oentrai)Owns Dubuque, Iowa, to Iowa Falls, 143 rnlles; Iowa Falls to Sioux City, 184 miles; Manchester to Cedar Rapids, -i2 rnlles; Onawa, Iowa, to Sioux Falls, Dakota, 155 miles; Cedar Falls to Minnesota State Line (merged by consolidation in 1896), 76 miles; Tara Station, near Fon Dodge, Ia., to Council Bluffs, 130 mile&, former Fort Dodge & Omaha, purchased June 16, 1900; total owned, 730 miles. ORGANIZATION.-Controlled since Aprll, 1887, by the ill.Central RB., which owns all except a few hundred shares of the $15,000,000 stock \as increal!ed June, 1900). and has issued its own bonds on the road; the only D. & S. 0. bonds held by the public are the 7e issued under Iowa Falls & Sioux City mortgage, $2,800,000. DIVIDENDS-In 1888, ¼ of 1 per cent; in 1891, 2; in 1892, about 15 of 1 J>.C.; in '93,114 p.c.; in '94, 2¼; '95, Dec., 1; '96, 3; '97, 2; '98,319; '99,. 1¼; 1900, 3; 1901, 11il; 1902, Jan.16, 1.-(V. 70, p. 1290.) Duluth & Iron Range KK.-Owns Duluth to Ely, Minn. 119 miles, with branches to Mesaba Range Mines, Fayal, etc., 65 miles. Owns ore docks and yards on Lake Superior costing over $1,500,000. STOCK, ETc.-Btock authorized, $10,000,000, outstanding $3,000,000; par $100. Land grant from Minnesota about 506,000 acres, of which 201,790 acres had been patented to It prior to A.prll 30, 1895-V. 64, p. 1041. Federal Steel Co. (see U. B. Steel Corp.) owns the stock and $3,500,000 of the $4,500,000 2d mortgage bonds. (V. 66, p, 1237.) The first mort. bonds are authorized at tlie rate of $25,000 per mile fo~ construction and $7,000 for equipment. Dividends prior to 1900 aggregated 100 per cent. EARNINGs.-For 10 mos.ending Oct. 31, 1900, gross, $3.980,490; net. $1,862,619; other income, $379; interest, $505,500; balance surplus, $1,357,498. In 1898-9, gross, $3,581,920; net, $1,797,884; bal· ance, surplus over charges, $1,313,382.-(V. 67, p. 'fl.) Duluth l'f.ll88abe & Northern Ky.-Owns from Duluth to Moun• Iron, Minn., 77 miles; branches and spurs, 69 miles; trackage to Union Depot, Duluth, 2 miles; total, 148 miles. Entire $2,512,600 stouk and $2,305.000.of the bonds are owned by Lake Superior Consol• idated Iron Mine1:1, and so by United States Steel Corporation wit. $1,100,000,000 of capital stock.-V. 72, p. 1038. EARNINGS.-For year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $3,64.0,3131; net, $2,024,510; other income, $81S,952; charges, $659,373; bal., surplus,. $1,451,089. (V. 70, p. 175; V. 72, p. 183.) Duluth South Shore & Atlantic Ky .-operates Duluth to Ban1' Ste. Marie, 415 miles; "Boo" Junction to St. Ignace, 4.3 m.; ether,, 120 m .; total, 578 rnlles. Controlled by Canadian Paoiftc. CAPITAL 8TOCK.-Common stock is $12 000,000 ; preferred, $10,000, 000; par both $100. Preferred stock is 6 per cent non-cum. Ca.nad1a.. Paciftc July 1, 1901, owned $6,100,000 com. and $5,100,000 pref. stook, $3,000,000 mcomes and $15,107,000 console. BONDS, &c.-Abstractfl,r,t mortgage, V. 45, p . 274. The first consolidated mortgage of 1890 has interest at 4 per cent.. guaranteed by Canadian Paciftc, which Jan. 1, 1898, held the entire outstanding issue [$15,107,000] in its treasury M security for its -i p. o. debenture stock; console for $4,893,000 are reserved for prior bond& and additional amounts may be issued at $20,000 per mlle of new l1n ea. GENERAL FINANCES.-Of the tonnage in 1900, ores fnrnished 50 p. c., lumber, etc., 21 p. c. LATEST EARN'S.-5 mos., ) 1901. . ... Gross, $1,176,642; net, $441,783 July 1 to Nov. 30. ~ 1900..... Gross, 1,134 .277; net, 394,363 Surplus over 5 mos. charge@, $t0,977 in 1901, a.get . $4,810 in 1900. REPORT.-Report for year ending Dec. 31, 1899, was in V. 70,p.1148. Fiscal year now ends June 30.  Year.  Gross.  Net overtaxes. 0th. inc.  Interest.  Balanu.  1900-1 .$2,484,211 $740,430 $5,900 $860,023 def. $113,693 1899-0 . 2,613,943 983,062 5,129 859,700 sur. 128,491 -(V.70, p. 1148; V. 72, p. 627.) Duluth Tran11f'er Ky.-Operates 24 miles of track. The mortgage for $2,000,000 is to the Metropolitan Trust Co. of New York, as trustee. Interest due January 1, 1896, was not paid. John Eliot Bowles wa.e appointed receiver m September, 1896. Sold in foreclosure to the bondholders' committee on Jan. 2, 1902. V. 74, p. 41. BONDHOLDERS COMMITTEE.-Thomas 8. Krutz, Thomas G. Hill• house, W1lliam W. Cook of New York, C. Lippitt of Norwich, Oonn•• and John Foster of Providence control all the bonds. STOCK, $2,000,000; par $100.-(V. 73, p. 1356; v. 74, p. 41.) Dunkirk Allegheny Valley & Pltt11burg.-Owns from Dunkirk, N. Y., to Titusville, Pa., 91 miles. A consolidation in 1872. Operati-d since Oct. 1, 1901, by the Lake Shore & Mtch. So. Ry. tor account of New York Central, to which leased for 500 years from 1873 at 1¾3 p. c. on stock. Capitp,l stock, $1,300,000, N. Y. Central &  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  (Vot,LXXIV,  gtnn: lnunedlate notice o, any error discovered tn these Tables• .&md.8-Pr.t.noiINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. When Due. Miles Date Size, or Amount Rate Per When Where Payable, and by pal, Par Outstanding •or explanation of oolumn headings, &o., eee notes of of Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable on first page of tables. Divideud. Whom. Subscribers will conf'er a great f'avor by  JClgin Joliet ti .Easter~lst M. ($10,000,000) s,ce.o* 181 El,izabt. L~. " Big Sandy-Bee CHESAP. & mo. &lmAra Oortland <I North,en1r-See LEIDGH VALLEY RR.  RlmiratfLa/uOnt.-SodusBay&So.-letM.,tc,Uno Mlmira fl William~ort-St'k, oom., 5 p. o. ren'l, N.C. Preferred etook, p. o. rental, 999 yre., No. Cent. let mort~age.......•.....•.• . .••.•.•••••..••••.••••• Inoome onds, 999 years to run ................ o* Eru,. Oentra, N. Y.-lst mort.,Jold, $800,000 .. o* Jcirie ,. PUtB.-Stook, 7 p. o. rent ,999 yre. .PennCo. General mort. (now 1st) $4,500,000, g., gua.r.Un •Brie Baillroad Com,pany-COmmon etook..•..••• 2d pref. stock. 4 p. c. non•oum ....... . ··~ 1st pref. st,ook, 4 p. o, non-oum.. •••. . ••••• A.-Old Bonds AsSUMED-ROADS CONSOLIDA N. Y. &E. 1st M.,Pierm. to Dun., ext., '97, gold..o.. 2d mortgage, (extended in 1879) gold .••..••. o"' 3d mortgage, (extended in 1883) gold .••..••. o* 4th mortgage, (extended in 1880) gold ....... o* 5th mo~i;e (extended in 1888), gold ...•••. o* Erie R'y,le .,Buff. Br., Hornellsv. toAtttoa,g.o* let ooneol. mort., $30,000,000, gold, $&•.P.o* N. Y. L. E. & West. funded o~on bon~ld.o" But. N. Y. & Eriei let M. (B a.lo to Co g .. o* Bd. & Southw., st lll., Buff. to Jamestown, g.o* Newburg & N. Y. 1st mort., extended in 1889 . . o* II-Bond• ON PROPERTIES CoNTROLLED BY *Bergen Co. RR., letM.,Ruth. Jo. toRidt;_W, N.J. *Ch.&ErielstM.,gJMarion,O.,toHam'd, dOe.o .. Chioa,go & Atla.n o Terminal, 1st mort., g,Ce •. tElmira State Line Railroad, 1st mortgage ...... fGoeh. & Deck't'n, 1st & 2dM's.,($60,000a.re2d)  100 75¼ 75¼ 75¼  ·20 85 81  1891 ,1,000  ---· isao 1863  g  1,ogg  isifo  ......  ·-·. ---· ....  ....  ---- N. Y., 71 Broadway.  5 g. M. & .N.  500,000 g. 500,000 50 500,000 7 1,000 963,000 6 500 570,000 5 6 g. 300,000 1895 100 &o. 50 2,000,000 7 1,000 3,768,000 319 g. 100 112,378,900 100 16,000,000 100 4.7,892,4.00 sie.ieit, . 1884  --·  May 1, 194.1  J. N. Y., Nat. Bank Com. July 1, 1924. .N. Phlla.., Broad St. Sta. Nov., 19el do do J. Jan., 1902 J. Jan. 1, 1910 do do do 0. Oot. 1, 2862 do &; A. Aug. 1, 1915 In default. Q.-M . N. Y.d.Jlnion rrr;:t Co. Deo.10,'0l, H1 July 1, 1940 J. & J. J. M. J. J. A. F.  & & & & &  ---·  F ...& A •  .......... . --· ·---·· .·-· -----·  . .......  Aug.30,'tl,l¼  TED. 2,4.82,000 44.6 184.7 1,000 4. g. M.&N, N. Y°A;l CortlTodt St. May 1, 1947 2,14,9,000 «6 1879 1,000 5 g. M. & 8. Sept. 1, 1919 1,000 4.,617,000 1853 «6 do 4.¼g. M. & 8. Hoh. 1, 1923 clo 2,926,000 4.65 1857 5 g. A. & 0. do Oot. 1, 1920 do 709,500 4 g. J, & D. 465 1858 566~. do June 1, 1928 do ... g. J. & J. 182,600 60 1861 200 &o. do July 1, 1931 do 526 1870 1,000 16,891,000 do 7 g. M.& B. Sept. 1, 1920 do 3,699,500 526 1878 500 &o. 7 g. H.& B. do Sept. 1, 1920 do ;J, & D. 2,880,000 140 1876 1,000 do 7 do June 1, 1916 1,500,000 67 1877 50 &o. do do July 1, 1908 g. J. & J. 250,000 12 1868 1,000 do J. & J. do Jan. 1, 1929 OWNE RSHIP 01!' ENT! RB (")OR.A. II ..lJOKITT (t)OPOA PITAL STOCK, Ol!l BT (,r) LEAS&, ,6 200,000 10 1881 1,000 A.& 0. N. Y., 21 Cortlandt St. ~r. 1, 1911 249 1890 1,000 12,000,000 5 g. M.&N. do do ay 1, 1982 1,000 300,000 1888 5 g. & J. July 1, 1918 do J. do . ··,; 1875 500 &o. 160,000 7 A. & 0. Elmlra.,ChemungCo.Bk Oot. 1, 1905 24.6,500 Various '88·'89 ....... 6 1928·29  g  ---·  Hudson River.Co. owning $1,067,600: par $100. For year ending .June 30, 1901, gross, $267,624; net, after deducting taxea ($16,074), $45,940; oha.rgee and dividends, tlle latter, $19,500 (l½p. o.), paid by . N. Y. Central.-(V. 70, p . 1290.> Bast Broad Top KR. & Coal Co. (Pa.)-Uwns trom Mount Union, Pa.. , to Woodva.le, Pa., 31 miles, and leases Shade Gap, 11 miles and branches to mines, 3 miles: total, 45 miles. A ooal road openea1 In 1874.. Btook $815,589 (par$50), ofwhioh $247,189 is 6 p. o. pref.; current liabilities June 30, 1900, $326,867. Bonds in addition to 1st M., $42,888, int., 6 p. o., payable M.•N. Year 1899-00, gross, $76,458; net, · $9,200; interest, eto., $24.,449; hal., de.fl.cit, $15,249.-(V. 67, p. 177). East Lout s iana KK.-Pearl River, La., to Covington, 24 miles bra.noh Mandeville Jct. to Mandeville. 12 miles; total, 36 miles. In Jan., 1901, control was changed. V. 72, p. 87. Extension proposed to Franklinton. L a ., for whioh bonds may be issued. Stock. $1,000,· 000; issued, $340,300; par, $100. Year to June 30, 1900, gross, $89 · 628; net, $34,394; inr. and taxes, $8,444: bal., sur., $25,949. President, F. B. H a yne, New Orleans, La.; Treas., C. K. Mulllngs, Covington, La.-(V. 72, p. 87). East Mahanoy KK.-Owns from East Mahanoy June. to Bt. Nicholas a n d branches, 11 miles. Re·leased Dec. 1, 1896, for 999 years to Little Sohuylkill Nav. RR. and Coal Co. at 5 per cent on stock, and lease assigned to Phil. & R. Ry. Of the stock $283,650 is owned, ·$280,000 being deposited by the Reading under its general mortgage_ East Penns ylvania KK.-OwnsRea.ding, Pa., to Allentown, Pa., ~5 miles; seoond track 18 miles; all track 73 miles. Leased for 999 years from Ma,y 1, 1869, to the Philadelphia & Rea.ding RR. at a rental of 6 per oent per annum on the etook and interest on the bonds. Lease as• eumed in 1896 by the Phila. & Reading Railway Co. Of the stock $878,850 is owned by the Reading Company, $875,000 of which is d~· poeited under its general mortgage of 1897. East St. Loul8 & Carondelet Ky.-East St. Louis to Falling Springs and E. Carondelet, 12 m. Stook, $420.000. First 7s. $200,-000 were in '97. Unfunded debt Jan., 1900, $130,000. Year ending June 30, 1901, gross, 9'15!1,979, agst. $159,394 in 1899-0. Year 1899,z gross, $81,333; net, ~65,471; charges, $9,849; div. (3 p. o.), ·$12,tjOO; balance, surplus, $17,148. Ea11t Sia.ore TerDlinal Oo.'s KK.-RoAD.-Owns terminal road tn Charleston, 8. C., 3 miles double traok with 60 pound steel. Company also owns 14 wharves, 30 warehouses, about 30 acres of land, ~ cotton oompresees, eto., on the city's water front, these being aonneoted by it& own road with the other railroads entering the city. In February/ 1898, the interests controlling sold their holdings to C. C. Cuyler, o Cnylert Morgan & Co., New York, in the interest c,f the Plant eystem ana associates. Bonde have been deposited with the Metropolitan Trust Company. Bonds are $1,000,000 first gold 5s, $166,4.80 funded coupon sorip and $277,000 second 8s. RECEIVERSHIP.-W. E. Huger was appointed receiver in January, 1.896.-V. 62, p. 138. Btook outstanding, $1,120,000. EA.RNINGS.-Net earnings for year ending June 30, 1899, were $21,· 4'91; in 1898, $21,149.-(V. 62, p.138; V. 66, p. 4.25; V. 69, p. 1300.) East Tennes ■ ee Vlr~nta & Georgta.-Bee SOUTHERN RY. Co. East Tennes•ee & Western North Carolina KK .. -A nar• row•~ange road from Johnson City, Tenn., to Cranberry, N.C., 34 miles, tn.oludint; 3 miles leased. Stook June 30, 1900, $501,900. Extellilion 1io Linoolnton, N. C., about 75 miles, projeotect. For year 1899, groee, $77,848; net, 522,005; int., taxes, eto., $18,870; bal., sur., $3,135. Bast & West Kallroad.-Ca.rtersville, Ga., to PellCity,Ala., 117 milee; branches, 5 miles. Stook, $1,500,000, all owued by the Kelly --estate. Pres. Edward Kelly, N. Y. i. year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $U2,668; net, $15,145; tot. deduotiona, $15,108.-(V. 71, p. 602.) Ba.stern Kentucky Ky.-Road from Riverton to Webbville, Ky., 36 miles. Chartered iri 1866 and opened through in 1889. Stook ie common $-1,697,800; preferred $1,779.t.1!00. There are n0 bonds. Bills and aooounts payable June 30, 1897, ~3,613. Earns. for year 1899·0 gross, $52,588; net, $9,887. In 1898·9, gross, $37,685; net,,$766. Eel River KK.-iee Logansport & Toledo Ry. Elgin Sollet & Eastern Ky.-Owns from Waukegan, Ill., on Lake Michigan, via Spaulding and Joliet, to Porter, Ind., 130 miles, and branches Norma.ntown to Aurora, 10 miles-Walker to Cos· ter, Ill.-32 miles; Hammond to Whiting, Ind., eto., 9 miles; total main line owned, 181 miles; spurs to ooal mines, eto., 16 miles; (L. N. A. & Chicago, 912; Chicago & West Indiana, 4·8; Belt -Ry. of Chicago, 2), 16 miles; side tracks and yards owned, 93 miles. total track operated, 320 miles. ORGANIZATION.-An outer holt line at Chicago for transfer of freight without breaking bulk. Also reaohes ooal fields. Entire capital stook owned by Federal Steel Co. and so controlled by United States Steel •Corporation. V. 67, p. 578, 633. 8TOOK.-8took, $6,000,000, par, $100. Dividend, 4 p. o. 1n 1899. BONDS, Ero.-Firet mortgage balance unisBUed can be disposed of "1'.01· extensions, betterments, eto. EARNINGS.- 8 months, 51900·1 .. •Gross, $1,288,911; net, $501,697 July 1 to Feb. 28. i 1899-0 ... Gross, 1,274,44.9; net, 557,858 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $8,352,000  Year end. June 30. 1899·00. 1898-99. 1896-97. 1897·98 . Gross earnin/B·..... $1,923,173 $1,674,979 $1,390,695 $1,184,64.6 Expenses an taxes. 1,118,4.93 993,490 901,768 772,064.  Net earnings ..... Net,ino.otherinoome Interest, rentals,eto.  ------·- ----$804,680 $681,489 $488,927 820,378 387,940  37i;{}92  370,699  $412,582  sii.,s69  -·------------------  Balanoe......... eur.$432,438 eur.309,4.97 sr.$118,228 sur.$40,913 President,,A. F. Banke.-CV. 70, p. 230; V. 7'1, p. 872; V. 74, 151.) Elmira Cortland & Northern Ky.-( See !Cap Lehigh Valley.)Owns Elmira, N. Y., to Canastota, N. Y., 118 miles, and leaeee during corporate existence, Canastota Northern, Canastota to Camden, N. Y., 21 miles. In 1896, the $2,00(!,000 stock was purchased and 5 per oent bonds guaranteed by the Lehigh Valley. (V. 63, p. 4.02,) Elm.Ira & Lake Ontario KK.-Ownsfrom Canandaigua,N Y., to Chemung Junction, 64 miles; Sodus Point to Stanley, 34 miles; other 9 -total, 100 miles. A ooneolidation in December, 1886, of the Sodus Ba.7 & Southern and other railroads. Leased at oost of operating to the Northern Central, whioh owns all the $1,500,000 etook. Lease may be terminated on thirty days' notioe. Year ends Deo. 31. Eat-nings. Gross. Net. Interest,tlc, Bal., def, 1900 .•••.•..••••. $774,716 $47,64'0 $74,223 $26,583 1899 ...•...•... .. 734,216 20,926 65,236 44,310 Elmira & Wllllamsport Ky .-Owns from Willlameport, Pa., to Elmira, N. Y., 75¼ miles. Leased to the Northern Central Railway for 999 years from May 1, 1863. The dividends on the common stook are 5 p. o. and on the preferred 7 p. o., less taxes, making dividend on common 4:521per oent and on preferred 6•40 per oent. Year ending Deo. 31, 1900, gross, $1,173,652; net, $290,367; rental $196,404. El Paso & Northeastern KK.-See NEW MEXICO RY. & COAL. Erle 81: Central New York Ky.-Cortlandt, N. Y., to Cinoin• natus, 20 miles; completed l'day, 1898. Btock, $800,000; par $100, issued, $56-i,300. Bonds are subject to oall at par after Aug. 1, 1900. On May 12,1900, John R. Bland,mortgagetrustee, assumed control. V. 70, p. 114.9. For year ending June 30, 1901, grosi!I, $32,992; net, $1,76-i; 1nterel8toharges not paid. President (Sept., 1901), Charles 0. Scull, Baltimore, Md.-(V. 66, p. 857; V. 67, p. 319; V. 70, p. 114.9.) Erle & Pittsburg KK.-Owns New Castle,Pa., to Girard, Pa., 81 miles; branch, to Erie Dooks, 3 miles; trackage, to Erie, 17 miles; total operated, 101 miles. Leased to the Pennsylva.nia Railroad tor 999 years from Ma.roh 1, 1870, at a rental of 7 per oent on stook and intereet on the bonds, and the lease transferred to the Pennsylvania Company. Tax smt, see V. 71, p. 135. EARNINGS.-The lease was unprofl.table to the lesSOOl!I in former, the deftctency befng in 1897, $39,781; in 1898, $137,967, but in 1899, profit, $32,873; in 1900, profit, $118,216.-(V. 71,p. 135.) Erle Kallrou.-Bee Map on adjoining page.-Embraoes trun1r line from Jersey City, opposite New York City, to Chi~a.go, m., 986 miles, and branches 1,332 miles; total, 2,318 mileij; eeoond track, 701 miles; 3d and traoke, 24 miles; total, 3,042 miles. The tetal of 2,318 miles oomprieee: Linu owned in fee. Miles. Leased lines. Milu, Piermont, N. Y., fu Dunkirk .... 4.-i7 Avon Gen. & Mt. Morris ••.••• 1Tl8 BuJralo to Jamestown .•••••.••• 67 Montgomery & Erie........... ,r10 Bdalo to Oorning .•••••••.•.••. 140 Northern N. J ................. 1T26 Other bra.nohes ................. 112 Goshen & Deokertown........ ,r12 Block alt * or nearly all t owned. Rooh. & Genesee Valley...... 1fl8 •Chioa.go & Erie............... 1T249 Le<Ued to Nypano BR. *Jderson RR. ................. ,r4,5 Oleve. & MahoningVal ........ ,rs1 tN. Y. &GreenwoodL. &bra .. 1151 Sharon Railway............... J32 tNew Jersey & New York .••. ,r37 Other lines. . .................. 98 * RR .•••••..••••...••• ,r 430 Trackage...................... 168 tTtoga RR.......... . . . . • • . • • • • • 58 ,r Ree this company. -Other lines.................... 219 Lines in system .rune ao, '61 .. 2,318 N. Y. Susquehanna. & West.. 236 HISTORT.-On Deo.1, 1895, suooeeded to the property or the old New York Lake Erie & Western RR. Company, sold in foreclosure oa Nov. 6 under it.e @econd oonsolidat,ed mortgage. The new oompa.ny holds in or through ownership of all or pra.otically all the stock of the inde• pendent oompaniee, the line from New York to Chicago (inoluding the Nypano RR. and Chica.go & Erie oompanies) and al!!o all branch and aa.bstdtary lines except a few small properties. The reorganization plan of 1895 was in V. 61, p. 368. In January, 1898 control of the N. Y. Susquehanna & Western wae obtained. The road is operated as an independent line.-V. 66, p. 83, 335, 573, and editorial p. ~3. See STOCK below. In Marca., 1901, nearly entire stook ef Pennsylvania Coal Co. wae aoquired, the purohase including valuable ooal mines, Erie & Wyoming Valley RR., Scranton, Pa., to Laokawaxen, 64 miles, 48 miles of ~a.vity road with term.inm1 at Hawley, Pa., and the Hawley bra.nob, 13 miles, formerly leaeed to thb Erie. See BONDS below.-V. 71, p, 1219, 1311; V. 72, p. 136, 241, 532, 627; V . 73, p. 398. In 1900-1 a.n interest in the stook of the Lehigh Valley RR. was purchased.-V. 73, p. 391. COAL .6.ND STEAKBOAT PROPERTY.-The Erie ooal properties rep~ sent an aggregate of 10,500 acres of anthracite1 of whioh about 9,000 a.ores are held in fee ; also 53,000 acres or bitum.inous ooal  «.  JANV.ARY,  1982,]  RAILROAD BTOC.KB AND BONDS  A9  RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. J1onds-Pr1no1• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1Mlles Date Size, or Am t - - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - pal,when.Due. For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par Outst~~g Rate Per When Where Payable, and by .81ociw-Last on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dlrtdend. Brie Bail-road-( Ooncluded)-  -------------- ------1---------------  11-Bonds ON PROPERTIES CONTROLLED BY OWNER SHIP OF ENTIR E(*)OR.A.MAJ ORITY (t) OF OAPI TALBTOCK,ORBY (,i)LE ASE.-Oenel. *Je:ffers'n,lst&2dM's.,'87&'89(H'daleBr.)o 8 1867 $500&0. $300,000 419 & 6 J. & J. Phlla., Fidelity Tr. Co. July 1, 192'1 1st mort., Carbondale to S. depot, gold .. FP.o* 37 1889 1,000 2,800,000 5 g. A. & O. N. Y., 21 Cortlandt St. Jan. 1, 1909' •Leng Dock Co.oons.M.,g. (now 1st M.) (seetext)o* .••. 1885 1,000 7,500,000 6 g. A.. & O. N. Y~J. P. Morgan & Co. Oct. 1, 1935,rMont. & Erie, 1st & 2d morts. ($40,500 are 2ds) .. . . '66-'67 ...... 170,500 5 Various N. r., 21 Cortlandt St. 1926-27 4 0 1896 100 &o. 1,500,000 'IJN.Y.&Greenw. ½,PrlorlienM.,$1,500,000.N,g. 5 g. M. & N. do do May 1, 1'946tNewJerse_y &N. r., 1st M. (reorganization) ... o* 34 1880 500 &o. 400,000 6 M. & N. do do May 1, 1910 Gen.M., ll!.!,200,000 (red.105 after 5 years) ... ~ ..•. 1893 500 &o. 580,500 5 J. & J. do do 1932 N.Y.L.E.&w.C.&RR.lstM.,''la.wfulmon."MJtO 1882 1,000 1,100,000 6 our. M. & N. N. Y., 21 Cortlandt St. May 1, 192Z. *N. Y. L. E. & W.D.& I. Co. ls M., V. 56,. p. 82.F.o* .... 1883 1,000 3,396,000 6 J. & J. do do July 1, 1913 *N. Y. Pa. & Ohio, prior lieti ,1. , gold, if; & £.P.o* 431 1880 500i.&o. 8,000..,000 419g. M. & B. do do Mar. 1, 193fto Do. Leased lines-see separJ.te statements for Clev. &Mah. Vauey RR. ana Sharon Ry. ,r N. Y. Susquehanna & Western-Northern New Jersey-Tioga RR. -Bee each o ompany. 0-Erle RAILROAD COMP ANY NEW BONDS. 2d mort. on Buffalo & Southwest'n, gold .. Mo.o* 67 1895 1,000 1,000,000 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., 21 Cortlandt St. Jul}" 1, 1908• let oonsol. M. for $175,000,000 seourin~ :Prior lien bonds, $35,000,000, gold ..•.. P.c*&r .••. 1895 1,000 34,000,000 4 g. J. & J. New York & London. Jan. 1, 1996> Gen. lien, $140,000,000, g. 3 % to J'ly,'98) .c*&r .••. 1895 1,000 a,,857,000 4 g. J. & J. N. Y .• 21 Cortlandt Bt. Ja.u. 1, 1996' Pa. coll. tr. M., $36,000,000, g., e.f., text.llle.c&r •• • . 1901 l,OOO&o 32,000,000 4 ~- F. & A. do do Feb. 1, 1951, N.Y.L.E.& W. oar tr.,B. to G. inol., part pd. an.o* •••. ..•. 1,000 857,230 5 & 6 Various do do :Yearly to 19ff N.Y.Pa. & Ohio eq. trusts, snk. fd. 31,, dr'n at 100 . .•. '88-'90 £100 1,235,135 5 g. Various London. 1908 & 1910 New Erie RR. equipm't trust, gold, part yearly.. . .•. 1900 .••... 3,805,145 5 g. Various New York. To 1907 Avon Geneseo & Mt. Morris and Rochester & Genes see Valley Stooks-SEE TB osE Cos. .Eureka Bprings-See St. L. & No. Arkansas RR. &tianmllecfindiana_poUs-T.H.&Sout1l.1BtM.Pc* 40 1879 1,000 251,000 7 M.& B. N.Y.,Farm.L.&Tr.Oo. !el)t.1, 1909> Evansville & Indianapolis 1st M., gold, guar.P.o* 55 1884 1,000 647,000 6 g. J. & J. do do July 1, 192-&. Con.M.($2,500.000) .Fo~ 135 1886 1,000 1,602,000 6 g. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1926 .E-oam• .t Terre Haute-Common stoo~ $4,000,000 . .•. . .•. 50 3,987,383 llg in '01 M. & N. ETansvill•, Ind.d office. May 1..t '01,, Preferred stock, non·oumula.tive. i:see text...... 50 1,282,417 5 in 1901 A. & 0. do o ()et. lu,'Ol,21t Consol. mortgage (let lien) gold................. . ff5 iSSO 1,000 30,000 6 g. J. & J. N. Y., Thomas & ,Poat, July 1, 1910 let consolidated mortgage, gold. F ...•...•...•. o* 144 1881 1,000 3,000,000 6 g. J. & J. do do July 1, 1921 Mt. Venon Branch mortgage, gold ....... P.c* .. 25 1883 1 000 375 000 6 g A. & O. N. Y. Par. L. & Tr. Oo• 1 1923· Erle Kallroad,-CONCLUDED. lands held in fee 14c,OOO acres of bituminous held under mineral rights. Its coal t,onnage in the [.ear 1900-01 aggregated 12,274,207, out of the 25,999,602 tons haule . The Union Steamboat Co. has its terminal and other properties in Buffalo and a fleet of eight lake steam• ere. Bee v. 63, p. 514. The Pennsyl-oania coal properties acquired in 1900 are additional. Bee above. . STOCK.-The stock is to be held by J. Pierpont Morgan, Louis Fitz• gerald and Charles Tennant, Bart., voting trustees, for five, and thereafter until the new first preferred stook shall have received 4 per oent oash dividend in one yeat'. The new company reserves the right to redeem either olass of its preferred stook at par in cash. Pro• visions of voting trust and prefel'l'ed stock oertifloate were given in '3UPPLEMENT of April, 1897, page 3. In Mar., 1898, Erie 1st pref. stock was ~ncreased from $30,000,000 to $43,000t~OO, and common stock .from $100,000000 to $113,000,000, to acqu.ire~ewYork Susq. &Western stook.-Bee V. 66, p. 335,573. The 1st pref. stock was further increased in 1901 $5,000,000 1n connection with the purchase of the Pennsylvania Coal Co. - V. 72, p. 136. DIVIDENDS.-First semi•annual dividend on 1st pref., 119 p. o., from earninglil of six months ending June 30, 1901, was paid Aug. 30, 1901.-V. 73, p. 137. BONDS.-The new first consolidated mortgage is for $175,000,000 [Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. trustee]-see abstract of deed V.62, p. 89, andseoures $35,600,000 prior lien and $140 000,000general lien bonds. Of the $140,000,000 general lien bonds, $91,003,000 are reserved for the ultimate acquisition of bonds and guaranteed stocks left undis• turbed on various parts of the system [see list V. 62, p. 89], and $17,· 000,000 were reserved for new oonstruotion, betterments, additions, etc., after 1897, under carefully guarded restrictions, not over $1 000,000 to be used in any one year. The position of the first consolidated mortgage is substantially as follows: It is a first lien [mortgage or collateral, the prior lien bonds1 however, preceding the general lien bonds] upon the company's chier coal properties (except Penn. Coal Co.) upon its water rransporta• tion lines, including valuable terminal properties appurtenant thereto, and upon a number of profitable local lines in New Jersey and near Buffalo; it is a second lien upon certain minor coal properties and upon the railroads lea.ding to all the coal properties, upon the terminals at Jersey City, upon the Buffalo New York & Erie Railroad (the main line to Buffalo) and the Buffalo terminal properties other than those upon which it is first lien and upon the entire line from Salamanca to Chicago; it is a second consolidated mortgage upon the lines between Piermont and Dunkirk (446 miles.) The collateral trust 48 of 1901 are secured by 51 per cent of the entire New "'.'ork Susquehanna. & Western stock ($26 .000,000 total issue), nearly all of the Pennsylvania Coal Co. stock, and the stock of the Erie & Wyoming Valley RR, Scranton, Pa., to Lackawaxen, 64 miles, and the Delaware Valley & Kingston RR. or the bonds $32,000,000 were issued to acquire these stocks (exuepting the N. Y., Busq. & Western, already owned), the remaining $4,000,000 being re• served for improvementR to the properties represented by the stocks acquired. A. sinking fund of 10 cents ver ton of coal sold will purchase bonds at not exceeding 105, otherwise to be applied to the drawing of bonds by lot, all such bonds to be kept alive and the accruing interest thereon to be added to the sinking fund. which, it was estimated, will be sutlloient to retire the whole issue at or before maturity.-V. 71, p. 1219, 1311; V. 72. p. 44, and circular, p. 136, 532 257. Real estate mortgages outstanding June, 30, 1901, 31771,400. Old Bonds-Under the :first consol. mortgage ot 1895 the company coven.lnts to pay the interest regularly on all the old •onds in the table that, marked with a* or at (exoept N. J. & N. Y. bonds,) and to take '"11.em up and pledge them with the trustee at maturity. Long Dock 68 see March, 1894, SUPPLEMENT under N. Y. L. E. & w. For N. Y. Lake Erie cf W. Ooal cf RR., see SUP. January, 1895. FIXED OHARGES.-The fixed charges of the System were reduced by the reorganization from $9,400,000 to $7,860,000 per annum. GENERAL FINANCES.-To June 1, 1901, $4,000,000 ot $5,000,000 prior lie:r:. bonds reserved for construction and new equipment were sold; also $1,903,000 general lien bonds issued for construction, eto., during 1900·1. -V. 71, p . 754, 1219. The ttrst dividend on first pre• ferred was declared 1n July, 1901.-See above and V. 73, p. 137. The purchase of the control of the Pennsylvania Coie·co. late h1 1900 removed the danger of an independent anthrac-,. coal line• tidewater. The acquisition was :financed by the issue of $32,000,000 collateral trust 4 per cent gold bonds and $5,000,000 first pref. stook. -v. 71, p. 1219, 1311; v. 72, p. 44,136, 532. E.A.RNINGS.-5 months,! 1901. •.. Gross, $111,217,373; net, $5,934,271 July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900 ...• Gross, 16,146,043; net, 4,593,430 For 3 mos., to Sept. 30 1901, net $3,812,368; other income, $52,· 395; charges, $2,5U7,396, against $2,213,257 in 1900; surplus, $1,· 267,368. ANNUAL REPORT.-Fieoal year ends June 30. Report for 1900-1 ,oven in full in V. 73, p 389, 395; see also editorial on page 366. Average freight train load, 400 tons, against 392 in 1899·00. 1900-1. 1899·0. 1898·9. 1897·98. Miles operated...... 2,318 2,272 2,271 2,271 Gross ea.rnings ...••. $39,102,302 $38,293,031 $33,752,704 $33,740,860 Working expenees .. 28,406,974 28,448,605 25,169,926 25,438,038  I  1900·1. Net coal oompa.niesx$1,274,830 Other ifl.oome........ 221,247  1899-0. $236,642 · 183,466  1898·9 $298,479 259,097  1897·98. f209,785 203,583  Total net inc.... $12,191,405 $10,264,534 $9,U0,354. $8,716,19& Interest•..•....••.••. $7,541,730 $6,921,623 $6,842,679 $6,4,65,831 Rentals............... 1,139,483 1,158,387 1,093,538 1,077,857 P. c. due leased lines 223,409 233,396 355,086 3t4,«3 Int. on equip. trusts. 269,599 24c5,106 174.,777 213,193 Int. on mortgages . . 194 027 42 592 20,475 20,S47 · ' ' Total charges••.• $9,3e8,t48 $8,601,104 $8...t-4c86,555 $8,082,271 Balance, surplus•... $2,823,157 $1,663,430 .:p653,799 $633,918Divs. on 1st pf... (1½3%)$718,386 x Represents the profits of the PennsylTa.nia Coal Co. for 5¼ mOllths en din~ June 80, 1901, and of the other coal properties for the two :rean from. July 1,  1899, to June 30, 1901. The correspondm~ !tem under lSW-00 emltraees tae income from the latter properties for 1898-Q, and 80 in the earlier years tlle preceding yea.r's income In each case.  OFFICERS-Chairman of Board, E. B. Thomas; President, F. D. Un• derwood; lat V.•P., G. M. Oumm1nf; _2d v.-P. and Secretary, J. A. Middleton; Treasurer, J. W. Platten; uditor, J. T. Wann. DIRECTORS.-Chas. Steele, J. J. Goodwin, Abrams. Hewitt, John G. MoCullouih, D. 0. Mills, Alexander E. Orr, F. D. Underwood, Samuel Spencer, Francis Lynde Stetson, Eben B. Thomas, J. Lowber Welsh. J. J. Hill. Norman B. Ream, Robert Bacon, H. MoK. Twombly.-(V. 73, p.137, 236,389,391,395,444,615, 1010.) Evansville & Indianapolis KK.-Owne Evansville to Terre Haute, Ind. (via Worthington), 134m.; leases branob, 12 m. HlsTORY, ETc.-A consolidation in 1885. Of the consola $898,000 held to meet prior liens. The consols. and the bonds of 1924. are guar• anteed by Evans. & Terre Haut,e, which owns capital stook, $2,000,000. This company owns no equipment. LATEST EARNINGS-6 mos., t 1901.•...........•••..•. Gross, $173,512 July 1 to Dec. 31. 51900.......•••.••........ Gross, 178,760 REPORT.-Fisoa.l year ends June 30. In 1900·01, gross $305,683; net, $89,433; interest, taxes, eto., $176,038; bal., ilefl.oit for year. $86,605. In 1899·00, gross, $34.0,146; net, $122,891-(V. 63, p. 8'2'8,) Evansvllle & Terre Haute KK.-The system includes: Roadownedandoperated. Miles. Oontrolled-<>p. separately. JlUu. Evansville to Terre Haute.. 109 Evansville & Indianapolis Branches to Mt. Vernon, etc. 48 Evansville to Terre Haute Evansville Belt (stock held). 5 via Worthington, etc....... 146 Leased to other co.'s Rook• Tota.I in earnings........... 162 ville extension............. 23 With Chicago &Eastern Illlnoie, lorme route to Chicago In Oot.,1901, E . R. Thomas and others obtained oontrol.-V. 73, p. 901. DIVIDENDS- } '87•'90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 1901 Common stock. 5 y'rly 7 71T 719t .. . . .. .. .. 2% 3 119 Preferred stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 419 5 5 ,r Also 5 per cent in bonds. ! Also scrip dividend; see stock above. On preferred 5 p. o. declared in 1901, payable 2111 p. c. Oot • 1901~ and 219 p. o. April 16, 1902. Semi•annual dhidend on common, Nov.,. 1901, was passed. BONDS. GUARANTIES, ETC.-Certain Evansville & Indianapolis bonds are guaranteed. See that company. General mort. 5s for $3,855,000 are held in trust to retire the prior bonds and oar trusts a.t maturity. LATEST EARNB,-6 mos., 51901. .....•...•. ····-· .••••. Gross, $760,530, July 1 to Deo. 31. { 1900 ........................ Gross, 7-43,480 ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 1900-01 was given in V. 73, p. 612. Year end. June 301901. 1900. 1899. Gross earnings, ............... $1,393,943 $1.392,760 $1,259,485 Net earnings.................. 601,640 621,631 562,356 Other income................. 45,917 37,248 49,264 Total net income............ $647,557 $658,879 Interest on debt............... $337,950 $337,950 Taxes and miscellaneous..... 77,253 70,528 Evansv. & Ind. deficit........ 86,605 53,768 Dividends on preferred ...... (5%)64,167 (n%)64,161 do common ..... (119%)59,794 (319%)139,500  $611,620 $337,95069,271 53,821 (4%)51,333:  Balance. surplus ......•...•. sur.$21,788 def.$7,034 $99,745 OFFICERS-President, E. R. Thomas, New York; Chairman of Direo• tors, W. F. Carleton, N. Y.; Vice-President, E. S. Hooley; Treasurer. C. A.. Nones. Directors (Oot., 1901).V. 73, p. 901.-(V. 73, p. GI 2, 615,843, 899.) Evansville Terre Haute & Ohlc.-See Chio. & East. Ill. Pall Brook. Rallway.-(See Map Ntw York Central fl Hvdson Ri'Der RR.-Owne from Corning N. Y., to Antrim, Pa., 53 miles; branoa to Ulysses, Pa., 40 miles; Fall Brook branch, 7 miles; total 100 miles., LE-'.SE.-The railroad and its rolling stook was leased to N. Y. Oen• tral & Hudson River RR. for 999 years from May 1,11899, for $175,000yearly, payable quarterly tn gold, beginning Aug. 1, 18991 also taxes and repairs, the leases of the Syracuse Geneva & Corning Ry. and Pine Creek RR., formerly held, being canceled and new leases made to, N. Y. Central, which also assumed the guaranty of the $3,500,000 PineNet earninp:s ..•. $10 695,328 $9,844,426 $8,582,778 $8,302,822 Oreek bonds. The lease does not include the eoal properties of Falli Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAP OF ''.rHE  RAILRO AD  JANUARY,  61  RATT,ROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  1902.J  Sub•crtber• will conf'er a great favor by giving Immediate notice of any error discovered In these  Table ■•  B<>7UU-PrlnOl• RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Da.te Size, or pa.I, When Due. Amount o! Par of l'or explanation of column hea.dinge, &o., see notes Rate When Where ~•ble,and by Stocka-Laat Roa.d. Bonde Va.lue. Outstanding Cen Dividend. on :flret pa,ge of tables. Payable om.  ,  .... -1890 $1,000 1892 1,000 ioo 50 .... i894 1,000  Jffanst2.,IT.H.(0•n.J-3ullivanCo.Coalbr.M.,g.Fo* lBli general mortgage for $7,000,000, gold .F . . o* Pait Brook-Stock ($5~too ts 7 per cent, pref.) ... l\ndla11 Fort Wayne cl • Bail10ay-let M. g.l'tie.o• 2d mortgage, income, non•oum., gold.l'tie .•..••. r 1894 1,000 100 Nch&urg-Pref. 5 per cent rental..••..•.•.••....... '81_;88 1,000 Bonde,'500,000yr'ly,1902 to'03 incl.,bal.1908.o* 1887 Bonds·t,o State of Maes. 4 o. since Feb., 1897 .. '84-'87 Bonds ($1,500,000 due 19 7, interest A. & 0.) ... 1890 1,000 Bonds, not mortga.~e ............................. o 1893 1,000 Bonde, (Bee text. $ 4,000 4s), not mortgage. 1894 . Bonde, not mortgage............................... 1895·6 Bonde, not mortgage............... ................ 1897·8 Bonde, not mortgage•.••.••.••••.•..••......•••••.. . 1900 Bonde, not mortgal[e...•.••..••••........••••• •. ••. 1901 New Donds, I.lot mortgage, $2,000,000.••••••••••. Troy & Boston 1st mort. (V. 53, p. 405) .........•. 35 1874 1891 Brookline & Pepperell plain bonds, guar. (end) .. t lint " Pere Marquette-See PERE MARQUETTE STA TEKE Nr. Florida OentralclPen.-SEE SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Ftorida South.-lst M., $5,000,000,J:·• ~ar.AB.o* 244 1895 J?,000 &o. londa Johmtoum cf Gloversv.-Con. ., 500,000.• o 26 1881 1 26 1897 1,000 let consol. refunding mort., $700,000, ffgld . N .o* 26 1900 1,000 General refundin/i:ortgage, $1,500,0 .N ... o"" 4 1893 1,000 Johnstown G. & ~sboro let M., assumed ...... 1892 1,000 CayaduttaEleo. lst,p.&i.,byF.J.& G.N .. ,g. ···4 ... ... . 1898 Amsterdam St., let ., ($50,000 are 5s) ~o .. . o• 1901 1,000 Do New M., $1,250,000, g.,red. at 110.N.o* ·gs 100 Fort Wayne cf Jackson-Pref. stock, 512 p o. rental . 100 ,ort Worth cl Dtnv. Oii-Pf. stk. "stamp. otfs." 4% 1,000 let mort 6 age, gold, 18,000 per mile Me . .... o* 455 issi Ft. Worth cf Ri-0 Gr.-lst M., g., old 5s, int. red.Ceo* 146 1888 1,000 Prank f . ti oinc11n.-lst M. ,$200 000,g. . s.f. r.-1d.c* 40 1898 100 &o  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ·-·· --· ....  8·  i:ooo ..... ......  i:ooo i:ooo ......  ·-··  ...  Brook Coal Co. Prior to tbe lease dividends had been paid quarterly alnoe 1891 at the rate of 7 per cent per annum on preferred and 6 p. c,. on common; since the lease, 7 per cent on preferred and 212 per cent on oommon.-(V. 68, p. 379, 573, 773, 872.) Fayetteville & Albemarle.-See SUP. July,'01, and V. 69, p.743. Findlay Fort Wayne & Western Ballway.-Owne road in operation from junction with the "Big Four" at Findlay, O., to Ft. Wayne, Ind., 80 miles. Uses Penneylva:Ii.ia terminals in Ft. Wayne. Purchased in Nov., 1901, by the Cmcinnati Hamilton & Dayton by. HIBTORY.-A reorganization of Findlay Ft. W. & W. RB., foreclosed and extended to Ft. Wayne, 20 m. Stock, $2,000,000; par $100. BoNDs.-Fir,t mortgage is $1,20.~tooo, at $15,000 per mile; no interest paid to Ja.n., 1~01. Meroanrue Trust Co., N. Y., and Allen Zollars, Ft. Wayne, Ind., are trustees of both mortgagee. EARNIXGS.-For year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $106,358; net, fl7,111. In 1899·0, gross, $116,178; net, $15,897.-lV, 73, p. 1111.) FUchbnrg RK.-Byetem extends from Boston Maes. to Troy, N. Y., 190 miles; branches-to Worcester, Bellows Falls, etc., 268 miles; 4.58 miles in all, of which 56 miles (Fitchburg to Greenfield) leased from Vermont & Maes. and 8 m. from other cos.; second track 172 m. LEASE.-Leased for 99 years from July 1, 1900, to Boston & Maine tor 5 p.o. on pref. and 1 p. c. on common stock, payable quarterly [Jan. 1, etc.], organization expenses, interest on bonds, taxesz. expenses ot ma.1.ntenance, etc. The B. & M. purchased with its oO•year 3 per oont gold bonds, $ for $, $5,454,700 of Fitchburg common stock held by the State of MaEsachueetts and by private persone1 the remainder ef the $7,000,000 common stock being held by the B. & M. unt1er the lease as a treasury asset or the Fitchburg. V. 70, p. 76, 125,176,583, 1291; v. 71, p. 29, 54:3; v. 72, p. 532. BONDS.-The debentures were described in V. 60, p. 967. The stock• holders voted on Stipt. 25, 1901, to issue $2,000,000 bonds to retire the $500,000 bonds due Oct. 1, 1901, and t500,000 due Apr. 1, 1902, and for improvements.-(V. 73, p. 615, 661.?, 1112, 1812.) ANNUAL REPORT,-Report for 1899·1900 was in v. 71, p. 909. Ju>ie 30Gross. Net. Oharge,. O"I. pref. Bal.,sur. 1899·1900 ••• . $8,071,441 $2,390,569 $1,213,113 (4)$679,688 $497,768 1898·9......... 7.647,080 2,019,189 1,232,392 14)674,532 112.21'\5 -(V. 71, p. 341, 543, 646, 699, 809, 909, 913; V. 73, p. 615, 662, 1112, 1312.) Flint & Pere Marquette RR.-Mezged in Pere Marquette RR. Flor. & Orlpple Creek RR.-In 1899 oonsol. with Denver& 8. W. Florida Central & Penln•ular RR.-SeeSeaboard Atr Line Ry Plorlda East Coast Rl.-Operate i> from Jacksonville, Fla., via St. Augustine, to Miami, 36 miles; branches to Palatka, San Mateo, eto., 7 miles; Atlantic & Western, Blue Springe to New Smyrna, Fla., 28 miles; Titusville branch, 48 miles; Jacksonville to Mayport. 25 miles; total, 474 milee.-V. 69, p. 591. Syett>m ow11ed by Henry M. Flagler. June 30, 1899, etook, $1,000,000; $6,700,000 bonds issued. For year 1899-00grose ea.rllings $1,'U,3,865; net, $431,f>86, agst. $507,269 in 1898·99; charges $275,097.-(V. 61, p. 112,470, 591.) Florida Southern RR.-( See Map Savannah Florida ti Western.) -Owns from Palatka, Fla., to Brooksville, Fla., 145 mllee; Bartow to Punta. Gorda, 74 miles; branches, 25; total, 244. miles. The road is •ow part of the Plant system and the bonds are guaranteed by Savannah Florida & Western. For year 1900-01, gross, $427,360; :aet, $113,768, against $15,858 in 1899·00.-(V. 63, p. 153.} Fonda .Johnsto-wn & Gloversville RR.-Owns from Fonda, N. Y., to Northville, 26 miles; leased lines, 26 miles; total, 52 miles. Btook$600,000; par, $100. Of the ~en . ref. 4s, $200,000 were issued '6 retire 7s and $200,000 for improvements; $700,000 are reserved for prior bonds, remainder available for improvements, etc. V. 71, p. 84.. Aleo guarantees $30,000 Gloverevtlle & Broad Albin let 5s. Owns f60li000 of the :t-1,000,000 stook of Amsterdam <Electric) l:itreet Ry .• whion is building an extension from Amsterdam to Schenectady and '6 Ha.gamans, and made a new $1,250,000 mortgagA in Sept., 1901 (V, 73, p. 31, t93, 1355.) Aleo owns Ca.yadutta Eleotrto RR. flee 73,p. 31. Owns entire $105,000 stock of Coal Co. of .Fulton Co. and $200,000 of Qaya.dutta Eleo. Ry. let oonsol. 5s. (V. 71, p. 1167.) In 1896 parties tntereetedin the N. Y. Central entered the directory, Loans and bills payable June 30, 1901, $340,000. For year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $314-,927; net, $96,:i81; other income, $58,968; interest, axes, etc., $105,148; div. (8 p. c.), $48,000; bal., sur., $2,:101.-(V. 71, p. 84, 182, 1166.) Fort Wayne & .JacJuon RR.-Owns Jackson Mich., to Fort Wayne Ind., 98 On August 24, 1882, leased perpetually to Lake Shore & Michigan Southern at a rental of $126,027, equal to 5¼ per cent on the preferred stock (see V. 56, p. 812), and after 1887 any Diet earnings over 8 per cent on pref. stock to be paid as dividends on oom.mon, bnt not exceeding 2 p. o. a year. Common stock, $436,132. Fflrt Worth & Denver Olty Ry.-owns Fort Worth, Tex., t,o Te:x:line, 454 m. Owns stock and bonds of fi. Worth &Den. Term.Ry. . STOCK, ETC. -Colorad• & South. Ry. owns a majority of $6.820,000 common. Pref. etook,''etamped," see T.63, p.1063. Cartrusts,$160,000. DIVIDENDS.-Onpref. 2 p. o. Mar., '98; Mar., '99, 2 p. o.; none since.  Di".  v. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  f_""[  $150,000 5 g. A. & 0. 2,223,000 5 g. ;A. & 0. 5,000,000 Bee text, ' Q-F. 5 1,200,000 5 g. 'J. & J. 800.000 5 Bept.1. 17,360,000 5 Q.-.J. 3,000,000 5 Various 5,000,000 4 F. & A. 2,500,000 4 Various 4 500,000 J . & D. 1,932,000 4-5 Semi·an 500,000 4¼ M.&N. 1,859,000 4 Semi·an 4,200,000 4 Semi•an 500,0011 319 A., &O. 1,000,000 A.. & o. 573,000 J. & J. 7 100,000 J • & D. 5 4,241,000 46g. 200,000 4,lg g. 500,000 400,000 ~ g. 50,000 350.000 6 159,000 4&5g. (!) 5 g. 2,291,4-16 5¼ 2,555,000 2in1899 8,176,000 6 g. 2,923,000 3 to 4 g. 4 fl.  J. & J. A. & 0. J. & J. J. & J. J. & J. A. & 0. A. & O . M. & ~. M. & 8. March. J. & D. J. & J. J. & J.  N. Y., Fa.r L. & Tr. Co. do do Office, Corning, N. Y. None to July, '01 . ..•••.... Offiee, Bos. & M., Bos. Boston, Office. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do  Apr. 1, 1930 Apr. 1, 1949 Feb. 5, 1902 Jan. 1, 1946 Jan. 1, 1945 Jan. 1, '02, 114 Var.1902to'08 Feb. 1, 1937 1904-5·7 June 1, 1920 Vartous, 1903 May 1, 1914 1915 & 1916 1927•1928 Oct. 1, 1920 Oct. 1, 1921 Julf 1, 1924 Dec, 1, 1911  Jan. 1, 1945 Apr. 1, 1921 July 1, 1947 Jul~iia 1950 Oct. 1, 1922 Oct. 1, 1920 . ...... N,Y., N. Y. Seo.&Tr.Co. Bepli 1, 1931 N. Y., Farm. L. &'IT.Co• Sep. 1, '01, 211t. N. Y., State Trust Co. Mar.10f1899 2 Dec. , 1921 N. Y., Mercantile Tr. N.Y.,H.B.Hollins &Co. July 1, 1928 State N. Bk:., Frankfort or office 1922 N.Y.,12 W.23d &Savan. N. Y., N.Y. Seo. & Tr.Co. do do do do do do N. Y,, Farm. L. & T. Co.  --·  Bmms.-Ftnanoes readjusted in 1896, the let 6s agreeing (ll to reduce interest to 4 per cent for five years from December 1, 1895· (2) to take $312 stock for five overdue coupons and the 2 p. o. deferred interest. Plan V. 63, p. 75 A b•tract of mort11age V. 45, p. 440. Interest at 6 per cent was resumed in June, 1901.-V. 72, p. 988. EARNINGs.-11 mos., 51901. ...... Groee, $1,956,006; net, $523,878 Jan.1 to Nov. 30. ~ 1900 ....... Groes, 1,624,956; net, 347,336 AllNUA.L REPORT.-Report for 1900 was in v. 72, p. 819, showing: Year end,. Dec. 311900. 1899. 1898. 1897. Grose earnings ....... $1,807,089 $1,610,852 $1,479,435 $1,319,830 Netoverta.xes . ....... 346,410 340,157 406,522 414,146 Other income......... 17.083 15,750 17,881 14,520 From total net income, as above, in 1900 ($363,493), deduct interea, on bonds, $349,767; rentals, $10,000; bal., $8L726. President, Frank Trumbull, Denver, Col.-(v. 72, p. 352, 819, 988.) F'ort Worth & Kio Grande Ry.-Owns from Fort Worth, Tex., to Brownwood, about 146 miles; completed in August, 1891. Stock: outstanding was $3,108,100; par, $100. The stockholders voted June 13, 1901, to morease the stock to $6,250,000 to pay for extension from Brownwood to Ran Antonio and the Mexican border. V. 72, p. 1237, No floating debt :May 1, 1901. In May, 1901,.substantially the entire stock was acquired by the St. Louie & Ban Francisco RR., which operates th• road as its Rio Grande divleton.-V. 72, p. 532, 580; V. 73, p. 137,912. INTEREST ADJUSTMENT.-In May, 1897, let mortgage 5 per cent bondholders a.greed to accept 3 per cent interest from Jan. 1, 1897, to Jan. 1, 1902, inclusive, and 4 per cent thereafter. Old coupons will be held alive by trustee for benefit of bondholdere.-See V. 64, p. 888. E.J..RNINGS.-8 mos., S 1901 ......... Gross, $1,371,275; net, $359,321 Jan. 1 ro Aug. 31. ~ 1900 .. .••••. Gross, 1,035,780; net, 218,579 For year endmg June 30, 1901, gross, $661,308; net, $293,196; int., $88,195; taxeR, :Hl.669; betterments, $4.0,063; bal., sur., $153,269.(V. 72, p.1237; V.73,p 137). Fraukf'ort &. Cincinnati Ry.-Frankfort, Ky., to Paris, 40 miles. In August, 1901, all the securities were scqmred by parties represented by Chas. E. Lewis of New York. V. 73, p. 391. Stock, $40,000; par of shares, $25. Year ending- June 30, 1900, gross, $67 315; net,$ ll/)28; int., taxes, etc., $11,701; bal., def., $173. Presi• dent, Geo. B. Harper, Frankfort, Ky. Fulton County Narro-w Gange Ry,-See Apr., 1900, SUPP. Gainesville & Gulf' Ry.-Sam.vson City to Fairfield, Fla., 48 miles. Stock authorized, $1,000,000: par $100; issued July, '01. $300,· 000. LoanR and bills payable outstandin~ June 30, 1901, $30,278; oar trusts, $19,309. Year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $60,8:H; surplus above charges, $6,1126. President, J.M. Graham. Office, Gaines• · ville, Fla.-(V. 73, p. 616. 783.) Galne••llle .Jeff'er•on & So. RR.-See Apr., 1900, SUPP. Galve•ton Harrl8borg A:. San Antonio Ry.-(See Map South Paeiftc.J-OwnsHouston, Texiitoeast bank of Rio Gr. River, 835milee; branches, 73 m.; total. 918 m es. ORGANIZATION, STOCK, ETC.-Operated by the Southern Paoifl.c Company, which owns $27,044,800 of the $27,08-i,372 stock (par, $100). Bmms.-.Firet mon. has a sinking tnnd of 1 p. o., but lt ts optional with holders to surrender their bonds if drawn. Western Div. 2ds by 111peo,al a,zreement are treated as income bonds. V. 58, p. 719. On June 30, 1901, there was due the Texas & New Orleans RR. $6 091,999. For statue of old claims ot the school fund see V. 64, p.1137. Appeal has been taken. V. 66, p. 471. .EARNINos.-4 mos., ~ 190l ......•... Gross, $2,414,690; net, f740,633 July 1 to Oct. 31. ~ 1900 ......... Grose, 2,135,4'58; net, 480,061 Year ending June ao, 1901, gross, $6,698,272; net, incl. other in• come, $1,372,364; charges, $1,728,643, including $192,352 tor improvements; bal., def., $356,280. In Ul99-00, gross, $6,212,646; net, $1,216,752.-(V. 66, p. 471.) Galveston Hou•ton & Hender•on RR. o~ 1882.-0wna trom Gal veeton, Texas, to Houston, Texas, 50 miles. ORGANIZATION.-TheM. K. & T. and Interna.tlona.l & Great North, have need the road jointly since December, 18951 under a contract providing for payment to mortgage trustee 01 $100,000 yearly to meet fntereet on G. H. & H. bonds and an additional rental ot $24,000 per annum for dividends or other purposes-see V. 61, p. 1064; V. 63, p. 697. M. K. & T. owns 4,999 sliaree of G. II. & H. stock -see V. 61, p. 1013. Stock, $1,000,000 ; par $100. For year ending Dec. 31, 1900, gross, including $124,000 for trackage as above, $332,· 740; net, $147,416; l)therinc., $19,116; int., taxes, etc.• $188,454, in• eluding $88,45l miscellaneous charges, mainly on readjustment ot accounts for previous years; ba.lanoe,defioit,$21,922.-(V.65,p.1114.) Galveston Houston & Northern Ky.-owne from Magel'&, suburb of Houeton, Texas, to Galveston 53 nillee. Suooessor May 1, 1899, of Galveston La Porte & Houston Ry., sold under foreclosure. Capital etook is $500,000; issued $200,000, of which the Southern Paoifl.o owns $199,000, together with all the bonds. V. 72, p. 287. Year ending June 30, 1901, groBs earnings were $389,079; deficit under operating, $173,439.-(V. 70, p. 126, 176; v. 71, p. 1311.) Galve•ton & Wt-•tern Ky,-Galveston, Tex., to Nottmgham, 13 miles, completed in 1889. Stock, $500,000. On June 28, 1800, the  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  62  [VOL. LXXIV.  Su1'scrlbers will confer a ~reat favor by glvin2" Immediate notice of any error discovered In t.11.ese Tables. Bonds-Prm.oiRAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or Amount, pal,When Due. Par Outstanding Rate of or explanation of column headings, &c., see notes of When Where Payable, and by Road. Bonds Value. on first page of tables. Per cent. Payable Whom. DivideJld. Fr~nt Elk"/i. cl Mo. Ri11er-Bee Cmc. & NORTHW. ~  48 1899 $1,000 $150,000 6 g. J. & J. N. Y., Standard Tr. Co. 256 '71-'80 1,000 4,756,000 ; g. F. & A. N.Y.,Bo.Pao.Co., &Bost. 225 1880 1,000 1,000,000 J. & D. do do 671 1881 1,000 13,418,000 5 g. M. & N. N.Y.,8o.P.Co.,120B'w'y 671 1881 1,000 6,354,000 6 J. & J. 50 1883 1,000 A. & 0. N. Y., Mero. Trust Co. 2,000,000 5 56 1900 . ....... 800,000 New York, g . J. & .J. 16 1899 1,000 500,000 A. & 0 N. Y., Knick. Trmt Co. Georgia II Alabama-Ga. Oarnlina <I North'n,-See SEAB. Ara L INE RY. GtorgiaFZor.11.,Hab.-lst M.,$550,000, g .. .,. a.o" Text 1901 1,000 5 g. J. & J. New York & Savannah. 200,000 fleorgia M"uU'd Ry.-lst M., g., $1,650,000, int. gu. 98 1896 1,650,000 3 g. A. & 0. N.Y.,J.P,Morgan&Co. Georgia Paciftc-See SOUTHERN RY. 6eorgia Railroad cl Banking Oo.-Btook ..•..••...•. 307 100 4,200,000 11 in '01 Q.-J. Au~ta; mail'd to N.Y. Bonds, refunding, not mortgage, currency ..... c• .... i897 1,000 1,000,000 5 J. & J. N. .,Am. Ex. Nat. Bk. Bonds, not mortgage, currency ..•........•... o*&r . 1880 1,000 1,000,000 6 J. & J. N.Y.,Am. Ex.Bk.&Au--f' Bonds, not mort., our., $200,000 are 5s of '87o"&r .... 1882-7 1,000 500,000 5 & 6 J. & J. All Augusta; 6s in N. . 6eorgia iJO'Uthern If Fta.-Com. stock, $1 000,000 100 . 1,000,000 ...... ..... .......... 100 lat pref., red. aft. June 1, 1905, $684,000, 5 p. o. 684,000 5 in 1901 M. & N. Balt.M.T.&D.Oo.&N.Y. 100 1,084,000 4 in 1901 M. & N. do do 2d pre~l,084.,000, 5 ger cent ................... 1st mo gold, $4, 00,000.lTieBa......... o• 285 i895 1,000 3,801,000 5 g. J. & J. Balt.M.T.&D.Co.&N.Y. 1,000 6ettys&urg ti arrisburg-So. Mt. 1st mortgage .••• .... 100,000 4 A. & O. Phila., Reading office. iss·2 1,000 250,000 6 A. & 0. Phila., P. & R. office. Gettysb'~ & Harris bi 1st mortga5.e, old issue ... Consol. mortgage, 65,000, gol , see text ..... ·35 1891 1,000 215,000 5 Various do do 1,514,000 5 g. M. & N. New York. Gila Vaitei Globe ti North'n-lst M., g., text .. ltl~ 125 1894 1,000 12 1888·9 500,&c <Jo11hen ti eckert'n-lst & 2d M. ($60,000 are 2ds 246,500 6 Various NBkOrCo,Goshen,N.Y. 13 1892 1,000 6ou1'erntur ti OB10egatchi&-lst M.,g, gu. p.& 1. Un.o 300,000 5 g. J. & D. N.Y., Gd. Cent.Station. 6r. Rap. Belding .t Saginaw-lat mort., text, gold 28 1899 1,000 260,000 5 g. M. & S. lnt'l Trust Co., Boston. 100 Grand .Rapids ti Indiana Ry.-Btook, $6,000,000.o' 5,794,700 2 inl901 A. & 0. Of., Gr. Rapids, Mio1l. 920,000 3111 g. J. & J. N. Y., Winslow, L. & Co. lstM.,mostlyl. fe·•g., ext. in 1899 ............. c• 335 is9i 1,000 let mort., e:xten ed, gold, guar. by Pa. RR ..... o• 335 1891 1,000 4,455,000 4111g. J. & J. do do 1,000 1896 2d M., $5,000,000, g .............................. o• 387 8,962,000 4 g. A. & 0. Philadel8hia, Pa. 32 1897 1.000 Grand Rapi,ds Kalkaska~ iJ. E.-lst M., s. f., IB.. 200,000 5 g. A. & O. Int'l Trust o., Boston.  6aines1'iUe  Gur-lst mort.1 $150,000, ~old... so•  Gal11eston Harris • II S• .A.ntonw-lstM.,g., andgr.o•  2d mortgage, Harrisb. and Houston to Ban Ant.o• West..Div. lstM.,g.,Ban.A.toElPaso,636 m.&br.o• 2d mo1foage (see remarks) .................... o• Galt7eston ouston II Hend. of1882-lst M., 1'Ie o• 6al11eston HO'l,l,St. cl North.-lat M., $800,000, gold. Genesee~ Wyoming RR.-lst M., g., $500,000.K..  af,  g  --· ... Taxi ....  stockholders authorized a mortgage for $500,000, of which $300,000  was approved by the RR. Commission.J for reoonetructlon, extensions and improvement8.-(V. 71, p. 29; V. 7 J., p. 29, 492.)  Genesee & Wyoming KK.-Retsof, N. Y., to Pl~blll.'g & Leblgh Jot., 11 miles; Retsof Jot. to Gr~lgsville, 4 m.; branch,:& m.; total, 16 In 1899-0, ,.5 p. o. dividends were paid; in 1901, 5 p. o. (paid A.·O.) Year endini. June 30t 1900, gross, $99,176; net, $64,449; tnt. and taxes, $26,816; dividenas (5 per oent),$25,000; bal., sur., $12,634. Pres. and Treas., E. L. Fuller, Scranton, Pa.; Seo., H. D. Fuller, 115 Broadway, N. Y. Georr:e's Oreek. & Oumberland.-See Apr., 1900, SUPP.  m. Stock, $500,000, all issued, par of shares_. $100.  I  July 1, 1951 Apr. 1, 1946 Jan.15,'02, 2l!il Jan. 1, 19!l2 Jan. 1, 1910 Jan. 1, 1922 .. ...... Nov. 4,'01, 21NOT. 4','11 2J July 1, 19 5  0oi: · 1,..i912 Oot. 1, 1926 NeT. 1, 1924 1928·29 June 1, 1942 llo1l. 1 19!M Oot.25,111,1% July 1, 1941 July 1, 1941 Oct. 1, 1986 Oct. 1, 1907  Gila Valley Globe & Northern Ky.-Bowie Ara. to Gleb&,  miles. Road was opened in 1894 (48 miles) and oom,pieted F~•• I 125 1899. In Sept. 1899, extension from GlobE' to Pinto Oree.14 10 mlles, was reported to be proposed. Stock, $2,000,000, all outatandag, ot which Southern Paoltio Co. owns $1,097,000. V. 71, p. 13U. Par, I $100. The bonds,limited to $15,000 per mile ($1,514',000 outstancllng), are guaranteed, principal and hlterest, by the Southern PaoiJle Co.  Georgetown & Western.-See Apr., 1900, SUPP. (V. 71, p. 913.) Georgia & Alabama Ky .-Bee Bea.board Air Line Ry. Georgia oarollna & Northern H.y.-See Seaboard A.Ir Line Ry. GeorglaF'lorlda & Alabama Ky.-ArllDgton to Bainbridge, Ga., 40 miles; extension to Tallahassee, Fla., 41 miles, is expected to be completed about Feb., 1901. Further extension projected from Arlington to Columbus, Ga.., 90 miles 01'. which 25 miles from Arling• ton to Cuthbert, Ga., to be completed by Aug., 1902. Name changed in 1901 from Georgia Pine Ry. Stock, $350,000, all outstanding; par, $100. For year ending June 30 1901, (~0 miles, mortgage issued later), gross, $68,470; net, $28,223; taxes, $1,138; improvements, $13,573: bal., sur., $5,706. Presidt'nt, J.P. Williams; Seo. and Treas., J. O. Hatch. Office, Savannah, Ga.-V. 73, p. 32. Georgia Midland Ky.-Owns road from Columbus to McDonough, tla., 98 miles. Leased from July 1, 1896, for 99 years to the Southern Railway Co. for $49,500 annual rental (being Interest on the fl.rat mortgage bonds, etc.,) and $2,500 for Columbus t~rminal property. Stock ts ,1,000,000, owned by Southern Railway Co.-(V 63, J). 36r.) Georgia Kallroad.-Underthisnameareoperated thelines leased from the Georgia RR. & BankingCo.-whiohsee.-V. 67, p. 1260. Georgia Railroad & Bank.Ing Company .-Owns from Augusta, Ga., to Atlanta, Ga., 171 miles; branches to Was~n and Athens, 58 miles; Macon & Augusta RR. (proprietary road), Camak, Ga., to Macon, Ga., 74 miles; trackage, 4 miles; total, 307 miles. ORGANIZATION.-Owns also one•halfthe stock of the Western Railway of Alabama (the Central of Georgia Railway owning the other half), and a 40 per cent interest in the Atlanta & West Point (which see), G~antees (jointly with Central RR. & B. Co. of Georgia) the $1,543,000 first mortgage 4¼ per cents of Western Railway 0£Alabama. In April, 1881, the railroad (307 miles) and its intt,rest in the other railroad companies were leased for 99 years to W. l\I. Wadley and 8o880oiates, for the Central of Georgia and the Louisville & Nashville, at · $600,000 per year, but in April, 1"899, the L. & N. was held to have acquired all rights under the lease; the Atlantic Coast Co. in July, 1899, acquired a halt interest.-V. 68, p. 722; V. 69, p. 385, 591. Seou.ritles deposited undar lease, V. 70, p. 125. Dec. 31, 1892, the banking department was turned over to "Georgia .Railroad Bank," a majority [$198,200] of whose stock is owned. DIVIDENDS~ '81. '82. '83 to '87. '88. '89 to Jan., 1902. Since 1880, P. Ct. 5 9¼ 1014 10 yearly 10:\ 11 p. c. yearly. COMPANY'S REPORT.-ln year ending March 31, 1901, rental, eto., was $600,000; interest $138,000; other e:xpenses. !11252; dividends p111td (11 per cent), $462,000; loss on Union Point & White Plains bonds, $59,000; total surplus being reduced $59,252. EARNINGs.-307 miles, ! 1901 ....... Gross, $836,862; net, $28~,976 J'uly 1 to Nov. 30.-5 mos. 51900....... Gross, 777,134; net, 267,425 Railroad earns. for year ending June 30, 1901, in-oss, $1,834.,679; net, $560,306; divs. received. $117,423; advances. $16,937; rental to Ga. RR. & B. Co., $600,000; balance, sur .. $50,791. In 1899-0, gross, $1,658,339; net, $541,112.-(V. 70, p. 125.) Georgia Southern & F'lorlda Ky.-(See Map of Southern Ry.)Owns from Macon, Ga., ~o Palatka. Fla., 285 miles. HISTORY.-A reor~anization of the Georgia S. & F. Railroad, so!.d in .foreclosure April 2, 95. (Per plan in V.60, p. 928; see also V. 59,p. 551. DIVIDENDS.-On bt pret.,'96, 4 p. o.; '97 to Nov,,1901, 5 p. o. yearly. On 2d pf. in '97,2 p.o.; '98,3p.c.;'99,3p.c.; 1900,4p.c.; '01, 4p.o. BONDS.-Abstraot of 1st mortgage of 1895 was in V. 61, p. 429. The mortgage is for $4,000,000 and covers all of the property and franohtsee and provides also that tbe $684,000 first preferred stock authorized shall constitute a Uen upon the second only to the bonds and oou• pons. The unissued firsts are reserved for old claims. improvements,ete. LATEST EARNINGS.-· 5 mos., 51901. .... Gross, $523,274; net, $1.(9,372 July 1 to Nov. 30, ~ 1900... Grose, 503,636; net, 145,708 ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends June 30. Report for 1900•1 was in V. 73, p. 442, showtng gross. :tn,t203,811: net, $800,667; other Income, $12,789; interest on bonds, :i;l90,050; dtv. on pref. 1took, $99,240. In 1899-0, gross earns, $1,180,411; net, $810,749. Pres., Samuel Spencer, N. Y.-(V. 71, p. 909; V. 73, p. 391, 442.) Getty8burg & Harrisburg RK.-Carllele to Gettysburg. Pa., 31 miles; branch to Round Top, Pa., 3 miles. Tne Reading Oompany owns $540,700 of the $600,000 capital stock, $535,000 of which deposited aa part security for its general mort1?ag-e of 1896. The consol 5s of 1891 were guaranteed by Phila. & Read. RR. (foreclosed oo.). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1929 Feb. 1, 1910 June 1, 1905 May 1, 1981 July 1, 1931 Apr. 1, 1913 Jan. 1, 1930 Apr. 1, 1929  v. 69, p. 27.  Bee form of guaranty in v. 68, p. 232.  DIVIDENI>.-Dlvidend, 1901, Jan., 4 per cent; 1902, Ja.n., 4 p. o. E { t $ G $ 19O1 ........ ... ross, 152•887; ne , 78 •550 · ARNINGS- 5 mos., Jan. 1 to Nov. 30. 1900.......... . Gross, 156,034'; Det, 84,726 Year ending June 30, 1901, in v. 73, p. 1108, viz.: Gross, $365,835; net, $195,024: interest, $75,700; div. (4 p. o.), $80,000; balance, surplus, $39,324. Prealdent. William Garland; Seo. and Trea.s., A. C. Laird,LosAngeles,Cal.-(V.71,p.1184,1167; V.73.p. 616, 1108.) Gouverneur & Oswegatchie KH..-Owns from Gouverneur to Ed wards, N. Y., 13 miles. Stock, $350,000, all owned by N. Y. Cent. -which guarantees the bonds. Bee V. 55, v. 810 and V. 56, p. 581.  Grand Canyon K R.-See V. 73, p. 185. Grand Rapids Belding & SaJr;lnaw H.K.-Freeport to Beld· ing,Mioh.,28 mile. Mortgage is for $260,000 on 28 miles and$9,0I~ -r,ermile for additional construction. Leased from Jan. 1 1900, to Pere Marquette RR. for 30 years, rental covering interest.-(\'. 70, p. 39.) Grand Rapids & Indiana Ky.-(Su Map of P~1tNt1Jl11ania RR.) -Owns from Fort Wayne, Ind., to Mackinaw City, 367 miles· Ma.nistee Branch, 19; other branches, 42 miles; total owned, 428 miles; op&"ates the following roads but has not assumed tile old company's leases thereof: Cinclnnati Richmond & Fort Wayne RR., 86 m; Traverse City RR., 26 m.; Muskegon Grand Rapids & Indiana RR., 37 m. HrsTORY.-Buooessor Aug. 1, 1896, of Grand Rapids & IKiana Railroad, foreclosed under second mortgage per plan in V. 63, Jt. 153. DIVIDENDS.-Dividend, 1 p. o., Apr., 1900; in 1901, ~ p. o. (A. • 0.) STOCK.-Btook, $6,000,000, of whioh Penn RR. Co. OW11.8 $2,64,4,,540 BONDS.-The fl.rat mortgage bonds extended at 4111 per cent endorsed with the guaranty of the Pennsylvania RR. Co. to purcllue the coupons as they mature, and the bond itself at maturity. They l:l.aveno-lien on land grant. See guaranty V. 56, p. 6-49,-V. 69, p. 1193. Of the 2ds $3,687.000 were owned Jan. 1, 1901, by Penn. RR. Real estate mortgages, $150,000. REPORT.-Report for moo was in v. 72, p. 773. ln 1900 carried 2,· 13~,34.2 tone freight, of which 46 p. c. was lumber, ete.,a.nd 11 p.o. ooal. Year tndJg Dec. 31. 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897, Miles operated........ 430 428 434 4.30 Gross inoome . . ....... $2,661,433 $2,!64,284 $2,171,717 $1,978,567 Netoverexp's&taxes 585,316 634,847 596,622 525,086· Interest charge for 1900, $397,455; other, $104,386; dividend (1 p. o.), $57,917; balance, surpl118, $25,558.-(V. 73, p, 84.3.) Grand Trunk Ky. o~ Oanada.-Operates from Quebec, Can., via Montreal, to Chicago, ID.; also to Portland. Buffalo. Detioit,eto.; SYSTEM PROPER. REPORTED SEPARATELY. Miles.1 Majorit11 Stock Owned. Mau,  Lines owned . ....................... 3,0811 Central Vermont~ .................. 4''70• Leased--partl11 ownedI Grand Trunk Wei!tern f ........... 886 Atlantic & St. Lawrence, PortEntire stock owned. land. Me., to Island Pond, Vt... 150 Detroit Grand Ha.ve11 & Mllf.. ... 189Bufla.lo It Lake Huron.............. 1621 Michigan Air Line.................. 1418 ' Cincin. Sa.~. a; Mackinaw.......... 53 other lines ........................ ~ , Total road ........................ !l,661>· Total in earnings ............... 8,569 I fSee separate statement Co.  I  ORGANIZATION.-A consolidation, in Aug., 1882, of the Grand Trunk and Gt. Westeru railways. Owna $2.185,100 of the $3 000,000 stook and $1,583,300 of the bonds of the Central Vt. Ry.-V. 68, p. 427, 1076. As to traffic agreement with latter see V. 68, p. 1076. STOCK, ETc.-The authorized capital on June 30, 1901, wa.e £41,· 656,364 stock (£40,813,834 issued and £842,530 unissued), aclvanoee from the Canadian Government in aid of construction amoUll.t to £3,111.500. Perpetual consolidated 4 per cent debenture steel,;. authorized by Act of 1882 and later Acts, has been issuei :from time to 1lime to acquire securities of companies consolidated oon• trolled, amounting June 30, 1901, to £7,291,573, and bearing a an, nual interest of $379,485. V. 71, p. 84. DIVIDENDS since 1893: Guar., 4o/t stook-1894-97, nil; Oct., '98, 2%; 1899, 4%; 1900, 4%; 1901, 4% On 1st pref.: In 1899, 4%; in HH)•~· April, 4%; Oct., 1¼%; 1901, May, 8¼%; Oct., 2¼%, On 2d pref.,Apr., 1900, 314 p. c.,the let div. smce April, 1888; 1901, May, 3 p c. EARNINGS- fl mos., t 1901 ..... Gross,$10,581,488; net, $3,741,955July 1 to Nov. 30. 5 1900•.••• Gross, 9,849,5U; net, 3,542,3~8 For 6 months ending June 30, 1901, net, £748,183; net charges, £524,461; advances, £24,431: div. (2 p. c.) on guar. stock, £1N,395;_ div. (2'9 p.c.) on 1st pref stock, £85.420; adding £2,54.5 bal. on hand Dec. 31, 1900, leaves b:tl. sur., £7,018.  ••cl  JANVAR~  RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  1902.]  63  RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. .Bond.B-Prmet- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1 Mlles Date Blze,or Amount - - - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - - - - pal,WhenDne. l'or explall.atlon of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par Outstandhul; Rate per When Whe-e Payable, and by Stocks-Last. on first page of tables. Road. Bonda Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend. ~  .2'rwnh By.--COnsol. stock, £23,318,309.. .••. 1882 £100 £22,4'75.985 ...... ..... NoneeverOO: Four per cent guar. stock, non-oum.. ..• . . . ..•• •. . . •. 1884 £ 100 5,219,794 4 in 1901 A. & 0. Oheok from Co.'s office. Oot. 23,'0l, 2% 3,420,000 See text. A. & 0. do do Oot. 23,'0l, 219 1st preferellce 5 per cent stock, £3,4'20,000.. ••• •••• 1873-4 £ 100 2,530,000 3 May'0l May 15, '01, 3 ~d preferenee stook, £2,530,000............ •• . . . . . • . . 1873-4 £ 100 7,168,055 ... ..• . .... . ... .•.••• May, 1884 .ad pref&-enoe 4o ver cent stock, £7,168,055 .••• } £ 100 Debeniure 11tock, £4.,270,575.. .• . .•. .• •. . .•. . . 3 512 i874 £ 100 4,270,375 5 J.&J.14 Irredeemable Con.sol. debenture stock (col. trust), oum...... • 1874 £ 100 12,515,678 4 Q.-J. Irredeemable 2d equipment M. (subject to let M. in trust) .. c 1869 £ 100 414,300 6 J. & J. July 1, 1919 SECURITIB8 OF LINES CONSOLIDATED WITH G rand Truo k Ry. Great Western perpetual debenture stook ...... c 83619 Var. 100 2,723,080 5 F. & A. Irredeemable Northern Ry. 1st M. sterling 5s, £850,000 ... c* 1877 ... . • • 611,100 5 J. & J. Glyn, Mills, Currie July 1, 1902 3d preference A & B bonda...•..••......•.... c 490~ 1868 •...•• 15,900 6 A. & 0. & Co., London. Irredeemable Debenture stook,4p. o.. perpetnal, £425,850. 1884 ...••. 34'7,990 4 F. & A. Irredeemable -Grand Tr. Geo. Bay & L. E. lstM., £310,200.c*&r 189~ 1883 £100 &o 187,500 5 F. & A. Aug. 1, 1903 Midla.ndof Oanada.lstM.,seotiona.1,£525,000.c ~ 455 1878 £ 100 4'58,600 5 M. & N. May 1, 1908 ConsoL let M:., £3,164,700..... . .......... o 5 1882 £ 100 1,072,100 5 J. & J. Jan. 1, 1912 Montreal & Champlain Juno. let M., £172,600.. 62 1882 £100&0 101,100 5 J. & J. Jan. 1, 1902 Wellin~D.Grev & Bruoe 1st M., £532,000 ...•. o 16814 1874 £ 100 96,200 Varies. J. & J. July,'90, op.pd.Ja.n.,'Ol Not ft.x:ed. '6rand TrMnk lTest'n-Northwest Gr. Tr., 1st mort. 66 1880 $500&o. 563,000 6 J. & J. N. Y., Meroh. Nat. Bk. Jan. 1, 1910 1st M., $15,000,000, int. gua.r., g., $ (our.) & £.F' 330 1900 £100 14',437,000 4 g. J. & J. London or New York. July 1, 1950 2d M., inoome, g., $1,500,0CO, red. (text) .... Col. 330 1900 $500&0. 1,500,000 4 IZ• ••••• New York. July 1, 1950 6reat Eaai.rn-lst mortgage, fS,000,000 .••.....•. Text. 1901 1,000 See text. 5 g. J. & J. New York. Jan. l, 1931 -flt. NortheNI--SiOok, to be $125,000,000..... •. . .. •.•. .... $100 123,778,000 See text Q.-F. N. Y. Offloe, 27 Pine St. Feb. l, '02, 1, St. Paul Mbul. & Mau.-Stook,orig. $20,000,000. . .. . ... 100 d54,600 6 Q.-F. do do Feb. 1, '02, 119 Bt.P.M.4'll.2d(now 1st M.)~.doesnotoov. l'ds)o* 624 i879 1,000 7,80t,OOO 6 g. A. & 0. New York and London. Oct. 1, 190~ Dakota Extension 1st M., gold........••••• ce.o* 1,221 1880 1,000 5,625,000 6 g. M. & N. New York, 27 Pine St. Nov. 1, 1910 COl!_BOl. lll. tori (nowlstM. on lands) gold.Ce 5 2,655 1883 1,000 13,34'4',000 6 g. J. & J, do do July 1, 1933 $00,000,000 5 ~ 2,655 1883 1,000 20,727,000 4:lgg. J. & J. do do July 1, 1933 MontaaaExten. l11tM.($25,000p. m.),g.Ce.o*&r 4:20 1887 1,000 a7,go7,000 4 g. J. & D. do do June 1, 1937 Pa.otll.o Extension M. £6,000,000, gold Oe •. o*&r 819 1890 £100&0 b£3,000,000 4 g. J. & J. N.Y.&Lon.,Ba.ringBros July 1, 1940 ·O.B.&Q.o'Ltr.M.g.(11u.tooa.lla1.Ja.'06at105)Go&r •••. 1901 $1000it 215,153,000 4 g. ,r New York, etc. July 1, 1921 Minn. VI.RR.1st M.,g.,gu.($650 000 5s .ce.o* . • .. 1882 $1,000 $2,800 000 5 & 6 g. J. & J. New York 27 Pine Bt. July 1, 1922 a $11,5e2,000 additional pledged for Pao. Extension bonds of 1890. c Great Nor. has acquired all exoept $4,54,600 ot $20,000.000 stock of Bt. P. Millll. & Man. b £3,000,'lOO additional held by Great Nor. d Subject to oa.11 after .April, 1928. ,TCoupon bonds J. &J.; reg., Q.-J.  I  REPOXT.-Bta.telllent for 1900 was in V. 72, p. 871. Ye«rsen«ing Dec. 31 1900. 1899. 1898. Gross earningl! ........•..•.... £4,558,910 £4,i07,016 *£4,012,314 2,671,883 Transportation . . . 3,075,066 2,892.994 £ 1,34'0,431 Net e&rAings ...••••• •••••.. £1,483,844 £1,51~,022 £1,548,11a2 Total iioome.......... £1,690,700 £1,72-1,367 14.6,349 Rentals .•••...... ,. . . . . . • • . . • •• 146,34.9 U6,3(9 1,038,153 IJl.terest on b'ds and deb. stk. 1,0M,514 l,04'3,542 DivideB.d en gua.r. stook ....• (4~)208,792 ((%) 208,792 (4%) 208,792 Do on 1st pref. stook.... (5 )170,84'2 (5%) 170,84.2 (3%) 102,504 Do OI 2d pref. stook .•••• ( 9'l75,852 (314%) 82,225 Balanee...••...•..........•. sr.£34..351 sr.£72,617 sr.£53.134 * After deduotin~ £171,602 for tolls, traffic advances, eto. President, Sir 0. Rivers Wilson, London; Second Vioe•Pres. and Gen. llgr., Chas. M. Hays.-(V. 72, p. 8 71; V. 73, p. 391, 1112.) Grand Trunk Western Ry.-Owns from PortHuron,Mioh., to Ollio. & West. Ind. RR., 330 miles, and Chica.go & West. In• diana., 5 Illiles; total, 335 mile11. Stock, ,6,000,000, all owned by Grand Trunk. A reorganization per plan (V. 6~. p. 954; V. 71, p. 28) of the Ohlcage Ii Grand Trunk Ry., foreclosed Oct. 31, 1900. BOND&.-The Grand Trunk absolutely and unoonditlona.lly guar• otees tke interest on the new 4s, reoetvin~ in consideration the S6,000,00t new stook. Of the new 1st 4s, $4,500 000 were issued tor double•tra.oklng and other capital purposes and $563,000 reserved fer Northw. Grand Trunk tis. The new incomes are subject to call at 85 a.Jl.d any interest then due, within the first ten For 6 mos. ending June 30, 1901, gross, $2,125,667; net, ~244,678; -Ollarges, $274',952; ba.l., def., '30,274, paid by Grand Trunk under traffic a~eement. For year Dec. 31, 1900, gross ea.rnlngs were $4,298,751; net, $7«,735. In1899, gross, $3,900,011; net, $612,047. -(V. 72, p. 1034.) Great Northern Ry.-(Sflle Maps.J-Operates a. low•gradetrunk Hne extending from St. Paul, Minn., aoross the great wheat belt of the lted RiTer Valley and across the State of Montana, tapping its silver aad copper minin~ district, to the Paoifl.o Coast at Seattle, Wa"h.,Portland, Ore., We11tminster, British Columbia, etc. From Duluth, the head of navigation on the Great Lakes, the steamers of the Northern Steam, ehip Ce. (whose $1,500,000 stook is ownedl run east to Buffalo, N. Y. .i,ine,s leased and operated-Duluth Watertown & PacificSt. Paul Minn. & Man. Ry., Watertown to Huron, Dak. 70 St. Paul to Lowell, 1,790 Stock owned-oper. separatelyBranohee in Minnesota., the ( Oonctuded)Dakotas and Montana. ...•. 2,013 Eastern Ry. of Ml.nn.Easter:e. Ry. of MinnesotaHinckley to Duluth....... 72 Fosston to Cass Lake...... 60 Hinckley to Fridley .. . •• 65 ParkRap.&LeeohLakeRy.New Dul. to Lake .. 140 Park Rapids to Cass Lake. 49 Missie., Minn., to Hibbing 49 Otc-ne~, unbonded-Brook Pk. to lCoon Creek Seattle & Montana RR.i Juno., etc.............. 72 .Seattle to Westminster .•••. 5 143 Minneapolis Un. Ry., etc... 28 Montana. CentralTotal operated directly .. 4,055 Great Falls to Butte, etc... 261 Block oume,d-oper. ae,parately- Spokane Falls & Northern ... 207 W1llma.r I., Sioux FallsWillmar to Yankton, S. D.. 205 Total road July, 1901. ..• 5,451 Garretson, R. D., to Sioux 2d and 3d traok and sidings.1,090 City,Ia..,a.ndO'Neill,Neb. 228 I In 1911 Great Falls & Canada. Ry., Great Falls to Sweet Gra.1!8, Mon1., 13& milee, wa.s purchased.-V. 73, p. 682,904. See V. 72, p. 1187. Montana & Great Northern Ry., see V. 72, •· 1187. Wa.ah. & Gt. Northern, Seattle & Northern R:v., Victoria Vancouver & Ea.stern Ry. & Nav. Co., eto., see V. 73, p. 184,904. STOCK, LEASES, ETC.-This corporation In February, 1890, leased the 8t. Paul Minneapolis & Manitoba for 999, assuming lts funded 4ebt a.1111 guaranteeing 6 p.o. per annum in gold on its $20,000,000 stock.· In 1898 $15,000,000 new Great Nor. preferred, was sold at par to .aJaarekolders to retire $15,000,000 coL tr. 4cs of 1892, oalled for re• demption Sept. 1, 1898, and $10,000,000 was exoha.n~ed for the -$12,500,000 stook of the Seattle & Montana RR. See "Dividends " In Ooto•er, 1898, the stockholders 11urrendered the right to issue ·$20,000,000 common stock in addition to the $50,000,000 preferred taen outstanding, -and made all the stock "of a single olass, with uni• term ri,:hts a.nd privileges." Also authorized the purchase of the $20,· '600,000 of guaranteed 6 per cent stock of the St. Paul Minneapolis & Manitoba, on the basis of $125 Great Northern stock for $100 Manitoba stook, thus increasing the Great Northern stock to $75,· -000,000. In 1901 $457,700 of 1\fanitoba. stock wall unexehanged.(V. 68, p. 129; V. 67, p. 1356; V. 67, p. 370, 788, 84'2.) I11 April, 1899, sold $15,000,000 preferred to acquire all the ·bond11, debentures and i.took of the Spokane Falls & Nor. Ry., Nelson & Ft. Sheppard Ry., Columbia & Red Mtn. Ry. and Red Mtn. Ry., and $!,500,000 new stock of East Ry. of Minn. V. 68, p. 772, 822, 1181. J..D Jan., 1900, $9,000,000 addltiona.l stock was sold at par to stockholders to acquire $3,500,000 further stook of the East Ry. of Minn. and $5,500,000 stook of the Willmar & Sioux Falls Ry., issued tor purchase of Sioux City & Northern and Sioux City & Western. V. 71, p. 655. In 1900 $1,000,0t:•O stock was offered to Employee' In• v011tment Oo., or which $285,000 paid for in Inly, 1901.-V. 71, p. 654. In 1901 stockholders subscribed at par to $25,000,000 new stock, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  --  raising total issue to $125,000,000 ($20 per share to be credited oll account for advances to St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba Ry.), the proceeds to acquire 500 miles of additional road and control of Great Northern Steamship Co.-V. 72, p. 580; V. 73, p. 184, 903. See below. LANDs.-Land sales In April, 1897, had retired all the 1st mort. bonds and were then a.pplioable to consol mort. of 1883. Bales for year ending June 30, 1901, were 221,532 a.ores for $1,978,· 214 and 3H town lots for $10,013. The net a.mount due on land con• tracts June 30, 1901, was $3,194,701; lands unsold, 938,605 a-0res, to be reduced about 600.000 acres by a final adjustment with U.S. Minneapolis & St. Cloud grant was 476,864 acres: unsold July 1, 1901, 355,380 a.ores; sales in 1900·01 were 36,021 a.ores, for $366,207 DIVIDENDS, ~ '90 '91 '92 to '96 (inclusive), '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 Gt. No. pf.% 5 1 4~ 5 p. o. yearly. !'>lg 614 7 7 Below.Feb.,111& .A.110 in 1898 50 p. o. in Seattle & Montana stock, whioh wa,s then exchanged for 40 p. o. in Great Northern pref. V. 66, p. 1044, 1188. In 1901 llli p. o. ea.oh qua.rterlf (O.. ·F.) was paid; also in May¼ p. o. extra from surplus earnings o La.1re Superior Co.-V. 72, p. 872. BOND8.-8t. P Min. & Man. consol. mort. of 1883 is for $50,000i>OO, or whioh bonds reserved to :v.a.y prior liens. It is a. first lien on the land grant and on 670 miles of railway in Minnesota. and a seoond lien on the remaining 1,873 miles in Minnesota. and the Da.k:o• ta.s, the prior liens on whioh average only $7,300 per mile. V. 64, p. 518. Montana Extension mortgage ts for $25,000,000 tor extensions and for second track. .A. bstraci V. 45, p. 342. Paci~ extenswn mort.£6,000,006 v.rovides for bonds at £6,000 per mile in Montana and £7,000 per mile west of Montana; £3,000,000 of this issue, in addition to those given in the table above, were reieased upon payment of collateral trust bonds Sept. 1, 1898. V. 66, p. 1044, 1188. Bee abstract of mortga~e, V. 52, p. 82. Easter-n Railway of Minnesota.-First mort. covers road, equipment, terminals and elevators. The Northern Div. $15,000,000 mo:r::e of 1898 provides for extension building from Fosston, , to the head of lake na.viga.tlon at Duluth, and also for future require• ments, including the retirement of the $4,700,0001st 5s at maturicy. They are redeemable at 105 on three months' notice after I, 1928. -V. 66, p. 4'71. Jlontana Oentral bonds cover several roads. (Bee adv. CHRON. Dec. 12, 1891.) The Manitoba. guarantees these issues, and the Great Northern assumes the guaranty. The Willmar ti Sioux Falls bonds endorsed with joint and several guaranty of the Manitoba. and Great Northern companies. Further issues may be at $17,500 p. m. for additional road. V. 56, p. 247. Jlinneapotis Western first mortga.ire is for $1,000,000. V. 60, p, 835. GEl'fERAL FINANCES.-The Northern Securities Co. (whioh see below)· formed in Nov., 1901, to ensure harmony among Northwestern railroad interests, had in Jan., 1902, acquired over $90,000.000 of the stook by ~iving in exchange $180 Sf'louritles Co. stook per $100 share; it had acquired also nearly all of the stock of the Northern Paoiflo.(V. 73, p. 1011, 1062, 1181, 1357., In 1901 the Great Northern and Northern Paoiflo a.oquired $107577,200 of the Chica.go Burlington & Q.uincy RR. $111,200,000 stock in exchange for their joint 20.year 4 per oeut gold bonds, secured by thfl deposit of the stock in trust, on basis of $200 in bonds for ea.oh $100 stock. See circular, V. 72, p. 871, 1034, 1135l.. and appllca• tion to list. V. 73. p. 294, 903. In 1900·01 received $1.u20,000 (12 p. c.), in 1899·00, $1,600,000 (10 p. c.); in 1898•9, $1,250,000 (10 p. o.) in dividends on Ea.stern Ry. of Minn. stock; in 1900-01 on Montana. Central stoclr, $500,000 (10 p . o.). Total funded debt per mtle of main track ((,740 miles) in the hands of the publio, $20,396. V. 73, p 910. Train load 1900-01, 381 tons. EARNINGS.-Grea.t North'n system (incl. Bt. P. M. & M., of Minn. and Montana Central) Julyt 1 to Deo. 31, 1901, 6 mos., $20,559,915, against $15,760,269 in 1900. . A.NNUALREPORT.-Fisoal year ends June 30. Annual meeting is held at Bt. Paul on the second Thursday in September. Report tor 1900-1 was given at length in V. 73, p. 895, 903. See al!!o p. 874. (1) OPERATIONS GREAT NORTHERN SYSTEM PROPER. Year end. June, 30. 1901. 1900. 1899. Av. miles operated........... 5,202 5,076 4,786 Gross earnings ....••......... $28,350,690 $28,910,789 $25,017,903 Net earnings ................. $11,537,628 $13,0'2,H4 $1~:~~542 P. o. of u:p. and taxes....... 59·30 54'·89 (2) GREAT NORTHERN INCOME AOCOUNT. Year ending June 30. 1901. 1900. Net earns. St. P. M. & Man... $8,028,871 $9,530,776 Interest on bonds owned..... 395,548 350,422 Dividends on stocks owned... 3,126,504. 2,958,855 Profit on Treas. seour. sold . 337,554 689,076 Rentals of leased lines........ 172,752 166,765 Bills receivable................ 2,014 3,740 General int. & other inoome.. 212,845 436,4'56 Total receipts ............. $12,274,088 rental St. P. M. & Man. $3,687,656 Great Northern dividends ..•. (7)6,897,369 Renewal, eto., funds.......... ......•....  1899. $8,902,225 105,017 2,134,620 68,152 166,318 3,616 196,102  $14,136,090 $11,576,050 $3,709,54'8 $4,137,824 (7)6,408,778(6l\i)3,851,034 1,800,000 1,800,000 ·  Balance ••••••.•••••••••••..•. sr.$1,689,063 sr.$2,217,764 sr.$1,787, 192  A  s  s  0  A  MAP OF THE  ., ·• . . ,. . --~1-~~ ~-· .. . . . •··■ ... ' ." . .,~- .. ' •· .~~.... ---~-JI-  .. •  GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY (EASTERN SECTION)  ENTIRE SYSTEM 5,492 MILES. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ••  .,. . .  • •  ·· •  •  •  u • •• ••  =■· ·  •• •••- • ·,'>! •. • ·, • • ••• •  ··~-  ~-.  II ■  • •.•  ,!iilill!.~., ~--·• · · . ~ ~ ~. ." .. ~ ~-." ~~,:liiL·· ·· •.~'l-lila~ A\'V··· · . , ·■ ·f~j-~ ~~i  &~.- ·, ·  · • • • ·, • • o •· •  ~·flJP-·  ,  :i ·■ ·-••111 I  , ·•  J~  ·.  --1~,- ~i_ ~!lil•a;· illlii ~---  ~ - · - . . ~ · \ - ~ -• ~.,,"!~ ,.-  .  .  '  ':... iL._,,._,l~ ~  ·lfl..-a1 · ·•· ~ ~  ~  • . . . ,_ •• ·~ ~  la  .  ~  ~  0  > t:,  ~  00  R,,  "--i  ~  0  a  ~  -v a Q  00  > § 0:,  ()  ~  0  ~  t:,  rn  ~  ~  MAP OF THE  GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY (WESTERN SECTION)  ENTIRE SYSTEM 6 1492 MILES, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  68  [VOL, LXXIV,  Sub8crlbers will conCer a 2")'eat f"avor by giving l.m.medlate notice of" any error discovered In these Tables. RAILROADS. INTEREST FOR DIVIDENDS. Bonds-Prinoi• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1Miles Date Size, or Amount -----------------1pal,WhenDue. fror explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par Outstanding Rate Per When Where Payable, and by Stocks-Last on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  '1reat Northern-( Oonctuded)-  $ of Minn. lat M.($50,000 p. m.), g., gu.Ce.o*&r 72 1888 1,000&o No. Div. mort., $15,000,00<.', gold, guar.Me.o*&r 299 1898 1,000&0 Mont. Cen. lat Milg.($6,000,000 are 6s)gu.Ce.c&r 256 1887 1,000&o Wlllmar&Si'xF' s lstM.,g.,gu.p.&1,(end)Oe.o*&r 205 1888 1,000 1,000 Minneapolis Western lat mort., gold, guar...•. o* ..•. . ... Duluth Superior & West. oar trusts, assumed . .. . 6reatNor. Ry. of Oanada-lst M., g., s. f., text.Ce. i'77 i900 Quebec Term'l M., $300,00~ auth. (V. 71, p. 698) .... 1900 ~quipment bonds, due seID1-annually .•• .....• ••. _ . 100 6reen Bay d Western RR.-Stook. See text........ .... . .•. Debentures, Class A, incomes, text, non·oum. . O"" • • • • 1896 1,000 Class B, incomes, after stock, non•oum ....... o* ..•. 1896 1,000 100 6reene RR. ( N. Y.J-Stock........ .. . . • . • . . . • . . . .. . . . . • . . . ... First mortgage..................................... 8 1872 500 GuiJ Beaumont d K. O.-lstM.,$10,000p.m.,g.A.B.o 75 1893 500 500 2d mort., $10,000 per mile($ l 76,000 are 6s) A.B.c 75 1893 Gulf B. & Gt. No.,gold,p. & i. gu.,end.AB .text.o Tex t. 1900 1,000 Gulf d Brazos Valley-1st mort.,$1,340,000 . "ll St,o* . . . . 1899 Gulf it Ship Island--lat ref. & term'l M., g.N .. o*&r 253 1902 1,000&o Hannibal d St. ,:oseph-See Chicago Burlin_$ton & Quine y. 8,amstJ. Portsm th Mt. Joy d Lanc.-BtookilP, 53 ..•. 50 lstmort.(ext'din1883),gua.r.p.&1.Pa.~R.GP.r 53 1853 500 &o. flartford d Oonnecticut Western-Stock.......... . .. 109 .... 100 lat mortgage....................................... 109 1883 1,000 Henderson B'dge Oo.-lst M., g., d'wn at 105.Ce.o* ..•. 1881 1,100 Hibernia Mine RR.-Stook.......................... 414 •••• 100 Hooking Valley By.-Stock. com., $11,000,0CO. . . .. . . .•. 100 Stock, pref., $15,000,000 4 p . o. non-cum . .•.... . . ... . ... 100 Columbus & Hooking Valley 1st mort., gold ... o* 76 1867 500 &o. Col. & Toledo lat M. (Columbus to Walbridge).o~ 118 1875 1,000 Ohio &West. Va. lstM. (Logan to Pomeroy)o*.. 85 1880 1,000 * About $30 000 old 5s of tR97 and 1900 rE>ma in out standi n£.  i:ooo i:ooo  (3) OPERATIONS OF WHOLE SYSTEM. Yearend.June30,'0l.  Gross.  Net.  0th. inc. inc.  Great Northern Ry .. $20,~81,o:n $",026,87l $1,155,591 $9,182,462 llliastern Ry. of Minn. 3,735.020 2,040,762 390,458 2,431,220 M:ontana.CentralRy. 2,196,550 982,401 28,280 l,010,68l Will, &Bioux:FallsRy 1,481,587 480,911 8,490 489,402 Dul. Water.&Pao.Ry 56,481 6,680 208 6,888  ----------  --·-·-  Tot. Ry. sys. proper$28,350,689 $11,537,626 $1,5-13,027 $13.120,653 Falls & !\or.Sys. $355,900 $i82,732 $27,062 $309,794 ea.polis Union.... 227,002 171,756 9,673 181,430 Minneapolis Western. 57,214 24,011 13 24,024 Duluth Terminal..... 39,471 13,500 ...... •• 13,500 Northern Steamship. 1,03i,110 238,279 238,279  ~~~·  --·------  Tot. for thesystem.$30,564,387 $12,267,905 $1,619,775 $13,887,680 From this last result ($13,887,680) were payable the total interest charge of all the companies, and the guaranteed dividends on St. Paul Minneapolis & Manitoba stock, a tot~l of $5,051,456, leaving a balance of $8,836,224, from which have been dividends or $6,897,370 on the stock of the Great Northern Ry. Co.,ba.lanoe. $1,938,854. OFFICERS.-President, James J. Hill, St. Paul; 1st Vice-PreRident, W. P. Clough, St. Paul; 2d Vioe•President, R. I Farrington; 3d Vic~•Presi• dent and Secy, E.T. Nichols, New York; 4th Vioe•Pres., J . W Blabon; Treas'r and Asst. Sec'y, E. Sawyer, St. Paul; N. Y. office, 27 Pine St. Dlrectors.-.J . J. Hill, Frederick We yerbau~er, El. Hill, E. Sawyer, M . D. Grover, R. I. Farrin,11:ton. St. Paul; H. W. Cannon. NewYor ... : J .N. Hill, St.Paul. -(V. 73, p. 184-, 287, 294, 662, '2'80, 783, 895, 903, 1061, 1160, 1207• 1356; v. 74, p. 94. Great Northern Ky. ot Canad11.-rsee Map.J-Operates main line between Riv-a-Pierre, on line of Quebec & Lake St. John's Ry., and Hawkesbury, on the Canada-Atlantic Ry., 172 miles, with l1oth of which roads it has twenty-year contracts for interchange or traffic on a mileage basis; also a branch to Shawinigan, 4~ miles; all com• pleted Dec. 31, 1900. A branch from Joliette to Montreal, 36 miles, under the charter of the Chateauguay & Northern Ry., will be leased when completed. In Uec., 1901. contract for an extension of main line from Garneau Jct. to 1, t. Catherine. 63 miles. waR let. Has 5•year contract with Leyland line, expiring 1905, in connection with which and Canada Atlantic Ry. it forms a throu~h line from Chicago and Duluth to Liverpool and London, England, 800 miles shorter than via Buffalo. Owns its own elevator at Quebec, oar and repair shops at QuPbeo and other places. V. 71, p . 1220. 1''1rst tiscal year ends Dec. 1, 1901. STOCK AND BONDS.-Stook authorized, common, $4,550,000; deben · tnre stook, $3,00C•,OOO; preferred stock, $450,000. Issued Apr. '-, 1901, $3,000,000 common ia1tock. Of the $6,000.000 first mortga~e !5s, series A, h•suable at $20,000 per mile of completed road, $3,fl 02,000 are outstandinµ:. and also $500,000, F-erit·s B. issued on account of bridge across the Ottawa River at Hawkesbury. The stockholders voted on Jul:r 17, 1901, to issue equipment bonds; also to a.uthorize ex• tensioos from Grand Mere or Garneau Jct. to a point on the Lake St. John Ry., in PortneuforQuebecCounty,1:1ndfrom Hawkesbury to e outh Indian, and bonds on these extensions at $20,000 per mile.-V. 73, p. 32. Earnings from Apr. 1 to Oct. 1, 1901, first 6 months of operations, gross, $216,688; net, $91,009. President, Pierre Garneau, Quebec; lBt Vice•Prest., James MoNaught, NewYork; 2d Vice-Pres., H. H. Melville, Boston; 3d Vice-Pres., Victor Chateauvert, Quebec; Gen. Mgr., J. G. Scott, Quebec; Seo., Louis G. Scott, Quebec; Treas., Ernest E. Ling, Quebeo.-(V. 72, p. 988; V. 73, p. 32.) Green Bay & Western KR.-Road owned from Green Bay, Wis. to Marshland, Wis., 209 miles; branches, 13 m.; trackage to Winona, 4 m HISTORY.-A reorganization June 5, 1896 (per plan in V. 61, p. 471), of the Green Bay Winona & St. Paul, sold in foreclosure May 12, 1896. 8ECURITIES.-There are no :fl.xed charges on the property other than taxes, nor can any be placed thereon, or the property be sold or leased without consent of 75 per cent of stock. Class A debentures are entitled to 212 per cent interest, if earned, then common stock to 212 p .o., then the two share ratably; but after 5 per cent has been paid on both, olass B bonds are entitled to all surplus earnings. Bee V. 61,p. 471. DIVIDENDS} 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. Class "A" deb., p. c. .•..... 2½1 212 2~ 3 4 Btook, p. o...... . . ....... ... .... 1¼ 2½1 3 4  EARNS.-Passen'r. Freight.  Gross.  Net.  Oharges. Bat.,su r.  1899-0... $121,270 $362,836 $484,106 $102,503 $25,808 $76,695 1898-9 ... 110,774 343,719 459,456 80,534 20,074 61,461 From balance in 1898-9 was paid on common stock, 1½1%, $37,500; in 1899-0, 212%, $62,500. DIRECTORS.-8. S. Palmer, Pres.; Mark T. Cox, Seo. and Tre :1.s., 40 Wall St., N.Y.; C.LedyardBlair, J. A. Jordan, W. J. Hunt.-(V. 74, p. 94.) Greene KK.-Owns road from Chenango Forks to Greene, N. Y . 8 miles. Leased to Delaware Lack. W. for term of charter for 6 per cent on stock and interest on bonds. Capital stook, $200,000; par, $10. Guayaquil & Quito Ky.- V. 71, p. 135; V. 'i2, p. llis7, 1279. GuJf Beaumont& Kansas City Ky,-Beaumont, Tex., to Roga.nsville, Tex., and branches, 75 miles. Gulf Beaumont & Great Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $4,700,000 d5,000,000 9,300,000 3,646,000 500,000 146,868 4,002,000 60,000 233,000 2,500,000 600,000 7,000,000 200,000 200.000 749,500 750,000 65,000 88,000 *2,750,000  5 g. A. & o. 4 g. A. & O. 5 & 6 g. J. & J. 5 g. J. & D. 5 g, J. & J. ...... .•... 5 g. J. & J. 5 ..... 6 J. & J. 4 Feb.'02 Feb. 4 Feb.'02 Feb. 6 7 6 5 &6 5 6 5  g. g. g. g. g.  1,182,550 7 700,000 4 2,709,800 2 , 700,000 5 1,597,000 6 g. 200,000 6 J 0,421,fl25 See text. 14,000,000 14 in 190l 1,401,000 4 g. 2,500,000 7 1,584,000 7  J. J. F. F. J. J. J.  & & & & & & &  D. D. A. A. J. J. J.  N.Y.27Pine;Bos.,Lee,H do do New York, 27 Pine St. do do N.Y.&Lon., BaringBros  Alp9r2.81·';}914980. 8 J.  July 1, 1937 June 1, 1938 July 1, 1911 To Feo.1,1906 lstoouponJulyl,1901 Jan. 1, 1950 Montreal, Can. 1950. N.Y., Central Trust Co. To 1905 N. Y. of., 40 Wall. Feb. 1, '02, 4% do do Feb. 1, '02, 4% do do D.L.&W.o1f.26Exoh. Pl. Dec., 1901, 3% do do Dec. 1, 1962 N. Y., 59 Cedar St. Aug. 1, 1913 do do Aug. 1, 1.913 do do July 1, 1930 Jan. 1, 1929 N. Y., Fisk & Robinson July 1, 1952  J. & J. Phlla.,Company'sOffioe Jan., '02, 319% J. & J. do do July 1, 1913 F &A.31 Hartford. Feb. 28,'02,l % J. & J. do July 1, 1903 M. & 8. N. Y., 120 Broadway. Sept. 1, 1931 A. & o. See Central of N. J. Oct.10,'01,3% J. & J. N. Y., J.P. Morgan & Co Jan.18,'02, 119 J. & J. do do Jan.18,'02, 2% A. & O do do Oct. 1, 1948 F. & A. do do Aug. 1, 1905 M. & N. do do May 1, 1910  N"orthern, of which Hogansville to San Augustine, 60 miles, under con• s truotion, 12 miles bein~ completed Oct., 1901. Stock, $500,000 par $100; in July, 1900, the Atoh. Top. & 8. Fe acquired a majority. - V. 71. p. 236. Car trusts June 30, 1901, $119,687. Year end. June 30, 1901, gross, $280,049; net, $53,847; int. on bonds, $82,30L; mis• oellaneous interest, $5,337 .•-\V. 71, p. 236.) Gulf & Brazo8 Valley KK.-Projeoted to extend from the Red River, Tex., vta. Henrietta, Lampasas, etc., to Houston, and from Lampasas via San Antonio and Ea~le Pass into Mexioo. In July, 1901, operated from Peck City to Mineral Wells, Mex.. 10 miles, and 20 miles additional partly constructed. Stock a.nth. $1,000 per mile. Mortgage to cover 110 miles. Pres. E. B. Carver, Henrietta., Tex. Gulf & Inter•State Kalhivay oC Texas.-Port Bolivar, on Galveston Bay, to Beaumont, Texas, 70 miles, was owned, of which 27 miles from Port Bolivar to High Island was washed away by flood in Sept., 1900, but in Oct., 1901, it was reported, was about to be rebuilt. Improvement & Loan Co., Galveston, is trustee under fl.rat mortgage, which secures $829,000 5s of 1895 in default. Capital stock, $71,· 000. Year ending June 30, 1900, gross. $152,342; net,$7,200.-V. 70, p.1249; V. 71, p. 182, 698. In Sept., 1900, receiver was appointed; Jos. P. O'Donnell is now reoeiver.-V. 72, p. 1237.-(V. 72, p. 1237.) Gulf & Manitoba Ky.-V. 70, p. 531, 1194. GulC & Ship Island KK.-(See Map.)-Owns trom Gulfport on Mississippi Sound, GUlf of Mexico,to Jackson, Miss., 160 miles; branch to Handsboro, 4 miles; branches. Maxie to Columbia, 48 miles, and Saratoga to Laurel. 41 miles; total, 253 miles. The road was extended as above in 1899 and 1900, the entire line being operated from Sept., moo V. 69. p. IOU. Laid with 60 and o5 pound steel rails, for former of which 80-lb. rails are to be 1,ubstituted. Important harbor lmprov~ ments are being confltructed at Gulfport, including an extensive system of docks, warehouses, etc.; also a channel 6 miles long extending to deep water. Charter is perpetual. STOCK.- Capital stock, $5,000,000 (par of shares. $100) all outstand• ing and deposited with N. Y. Sec. & Trust Co. under a voting trust. BONDS.-Of the new 1st 5s, $2,750,000 have been used to refund the old bowls (only $30,000 of tne latter rP-maintng outstanding), $750,000 are r eserved to complete the terminals at Gulfport . $500,000 for new equipment and the remaining $1,000,00, ► fori3u•lb, rails and other im• prov ements to roadbed and structureR. A sinking fund of one per cent yearly accruing from Jan. 1, 1904, may purchase bonds at not exceeding 110. but the latter can:::.ot be drawn. See V. 73, p. 1312. EARNINGS.-For 4 mos. endiniz Oct. 30, 1901, gross, $486,400: net, 120,108 Year ending Jun~ 30, 1901 (2 '- 0 average miles), gros~, 1,035,429; net, $ 232,t:S74 In 1899·00 (154 avera~e miles), gross, !56,13 ~; net, $99,819. Pres., ;J. T. Jones, Buffalo, N Y., who, in April, 1901, was reported to own practically all the stock.-(V. 'i3, p.1312.) Hancock & Calumet KR.-See Mineral Range RR. Hannibal & St • .Joseph KK.-In 1900 merged in C. B. & Q. Harriman & Northi>aster., Ky.-Harriman to Petros, Tenn., 22 miles. Hond_E!_, $300,000, 20 year ~old 6s, dated Dec. 13, 1895; Cen• tral Trust ,o., l.'I. Y., tl'uRtee. Year to June 30, 1900, gross, $72,495; net, $36,724; charges, $37,000: bal., def .• $:t76. Pres.. Bird M. Robin• son, N. Y.; Sec. and ·. rreas., W. B. Winslow, 253 Broadway, N. Y.(V. 72, p. 988.) Harrl8bnrg Port8month Mt. Soy & Lancaster KK.-Owne from Dillerville, Pa., to Harrisburg, Pa., 35 miles; branch Middletown, Pa., to Columbia, Pa., 18 miles; total operated, 53 miles. Leased to the Pennsylvania RR. Co. for 999 years from January 1, 1861, the rental being 7 per cent on the stock and interest on the bonds, taxes and e:x• penses of organization. Stock, $1,182,550; .var $50. Hartf'ord & Connecticut We8tern Ky.-OwnstromHa.rtford Conn., to Rhineollif, N. Y., 109 miles. Leased till August, 1940, to the Central New England Ry.1 the rental paying charges and 2 per cent pe1 annum on the stock. Of tne stock $1,390,100 is owned by lessee. Hender8on Bridge Co.-Owns bridge aoros_s Ohio R. at Hendereion, Ky., and 10 miles of road. Stock is $1,000,000 (par, $100), of which the Louisville & Nashville Co. holds about $$30,000, a part bein~ in the Bridge Co. treasury(V.73, p. 960). The Bridge Co. ts guaranteed gross receipts of $200,000 per year by the several roads nRing it and dividends of 212 p. o. were paid each F. & A. to Feb.. 1901. The Au~., 1901, dividend was passed.-V. 73, p. 391. See official circular. V. 73, p. 444. Protective meas ures V. 73, p. 723. $!03,000 bonds in sinking fund in Oct., 1900. For year 1900-1, grose, $257,li5; net, $200,790; ohar~es, $128,000; dividends, $25,000. (V. 71, p. 287; V. 73, p. 391, 444, 723; v. 73, p. 960.) Hibernia J.Ulne KK.-Owns from Rockaway, N. J., to Hibernia Mines, N. J.,414 m. Leased to Cent. of N. J. in 1890for$12,000peran. Hocking Valley Kallway-(See Map.)-This company owne main line frcm Pomeroy, 0., to Walbridge, 0., 250 miles, with track• age (Penn. RR. System) Walbridge to Toledo, 6 miles; branches to Athens, Nelsonville, etc., 73 miles; lea.SAS Wellston & Jackson Belt Ry., Junction to Jackson, 18 miles; total, 347 m.; 2d track, 25 m. HISTORY, &c.-Successor on Feb. 25, 1899, per plan in V. 68, p. 231, to the Columbus Hock. Valley & Toledo Ry., sold under foreclosure Feb. 24, 1899. V. 68, p. 231, 379. The oo!Ll lli,nds, from which the bul  1  l&I  r,j  I ~  z  ~  ~ ~ ~  C  I ~  ~  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  GREAT NORTHERN RY. OF CANADA AND CONNECTIONS.  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  68  [VOL. LXllV.  MAP OF THE  GULF & SHIP ISL.AND R.AILRO.AD  ~  ~  ffi  r  I-  ~  :::,  £  ~  C  I I  ~~  I  ~ 6'c\.,~  ◊ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  '  I  l  #:~\ -.,:e,I ,:::.  l~~l  ~51 <:.>,g \  3£  a  0  JANUARY,  1902,]  RAUJUJAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  MAP OF THE  f·HOCKING VALLEY iI r RAILWAY .  i  __..........,__  i I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  89  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  70  [VoL. LXXIV,  Bond8-Prlnc1 INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Miles Date Size, or pal,When Due Amount Par of Rate per When Where P~able, and by Stocks-Last For explanation of column headings, &o., see note 8 of Qutstanding om. Cent. Payable Road. Bonda Value. Dividend. on fl.rat page of tables.  Hock 'Val.-(Oon.)-lat con. M., $20,000,000, g.Ce K.&II.C.&C.lstM.-,N ,$3,fiOO,OOO,'ll Car trust bonds an scrip, s. f., red. at par, g•.. A Equip. notes, payable montbly.....................  oosac Tunnel cl Wilmington-Stock •......•.. .•..•. lat mortgage, $250,000, gold. OB ............... .  Hot Springs-Lat mortgage...... . . . ........... o* oust. E. cl W. Texas- { gu. p. & i. by So. P. On .. o' lat mortga~e, iold..  not ~aranteed ............ Tex. .R .-State of ex. 8r. lien lat 75 m.,g.,red.110,,$1, 04,000 pd.. o*&r Con. M., 1. g., g., red. at 110, int. gua.r ..•. o*&r ... Gen. M .• ~old,int.guar. ,end.,$8,000 paid.1'.lpow&r Waco & N.W.Dlv., lat M.,g.,$2'",000 p.m.Ce.o*&i· .Austin &Northwest { lat mort. 11;.,gu.p & t.A .o*&r Ft. Worth & New Or , 1st M. <Wax. to Ft W.) •.. C. Tex. & N.W., lat M .• gu 8. Pao. (Gar. to Wax.) H untingcton cl Broact, Top-Common stock .....•.... Preferred stock, 7 per cent, non•oumulative .•.... lat M., extended in 1890 (int. only in gold) .. GP 2d M., old 7s, extended in 189\f- & 1., g.) .•• GP 3d mortgage, oonsol., ext. in go in 1895 .GP.o* Consol. oar trust, $68,000 due Oct. 1 yearly .... . 14th ser. oar trust, $29.000 yearly Dec. l.PeP .. I,beria d! 'Vermilion-lat mortga1,re ...•••............ n lmoi,s Central-Stock to be $79,'200,000 ..•..... Leased line 4 per cent stock, guar. (see remarks.)  lot mort  of  1 8 7 4 ·f O r $15 000 000 secures ' all equally IJs ·  rt,,rllng  -·· -346- -1899 $1,00J &c $10.237,000  22 192 192 75 453 453 453 58 103 41 12 64 64 64 64 64  ....  ·i's  ....  bde. old 6s ext. 1n 1895}  Sterl. of '03, £10 OOOdr'nyrl.o* Sterling bonds, due 1905 ......• 4s of 1 86, due 1951 gold .... o* 312e of 1886ddue 19 51, gold .. o* 3s of 1895, ue 1951, gold.o*&r  412g. J. & J. N. Y., J.P.Morgan & Co. July 1, 1999 1,000 5 g. J. & J. 2,750,000I July 1, 1951 ••..•.. .•• 1,000 552,000 6 g. Q.-J. N. Y., Atlantic Trust Co. Apr. 1, 190. Various Various 1,654.830 5 To July 11908 Various. 100 250,000 2in 1901 Dec. 31. Deo.31/01,2% Holyoke, Mass. 1,000 250,000 5 g. M. & S Bost.• Old Colony Tr.Co. s:y,t, 1, 1922 1.000 465,000 5 g. J. & J. Mort. L. & Tr Co., Chio. J y 1, 1933 1893 1,000 5 g. M.& N. N. Y., 120 Broadway. May 1, 1938 2,199,000 1893 1,000 5 g. M.&N. 501,000 1893 May 1, 1933 do do Bee text. 6 1870 Annua.ll,. Houston, Texas. 6,160,000 5 g. J.--1··J. N. Y., Central Trust Co. July 1, 1 37 1890 1,000 2,961,000 6 g. A. & 0. 1890 Oot. 1, 1911 do do 1,000 4,287,000 4 g. A. & 0. Apr. 1, 1921 do 1890 do 6 g. M.& N. N. Y., Cent. Trust Co. May 1, 1930 1,105,0(10 1.000 1900 1,000 1,920,000 5 g. J. & J . 1891 July 1, 1941 do do 1,000 6 709,000 J. & J. 1895 Deo. 31, 1925 ........... 1,000 180,000 A. & 0. 6 Oct. 1, 1911 1881 .....•..•. 50 1,371,750 1 in 1897 .... Phll.Of.,4th&Walnut8t. Feb. 8, '97, l 50 2,000,000 5 in 1901 J ...&.. J. Jan. 29,'02,2 do do 500 4 g. A. & 0. 416,000 Se~t. 30, 1920 do do 500 4 g. F. & A. 367,500 Fe . 1 1925 do do 1857 1,000 1,497,000 Moh.31.1925 do do 1865 g. A. & 0. 1,000 A. & 0 . Phlla.. ,Mercha.nts'Trust Oct.1,'02·1906 3i0,000 1896 J. & D. Penn. Co. for Ins., &o. To Dec. 1, '11 1,000 321,000 4 1899 322,000 F. & A. N.Y.,So.Pac.Co.120 B'y Aug. 1943 ...... 5 1893 79,200,000 M.& S. N. Y., 214 B'way &Lon. Mar. l,'02,3~ 100 inl901 6 100 10,000,000 4 J. & J. N. Y.,214 B'way&Lon.Jan.,1902,2 g. 4 2,500,000 Apr. 1, 19 1 A. & O. London. •200 5 g. A. & 0. London,Morton,C.& Co. Apr. 1, 1903 3,150,000 £200 1874 £200 1,000,000 D. & J. g. 5 Deo. 1, 1906 do do 1875 4 g. J. & J. New York, 214 B'dwa.y. Jan. 1, 1951 1,500,000 1,000 1886 1,000 1, 1951 2,499,000 J. Jan. & J. do 31il g. do 1.886 3 g. M. & 8. £500,000 Mar. 1, 1951 £200 London. 1895  ---· 1901 1894 --·· 1900-1 ---· ·25 is92  7061  i:oo;)  f!  is54  g  .... is7s  Hockln~ Valley .Ralhvay.-(CONCLUDED). of the company's business is derived, aggregate about 20,975 acres, and are covered by the new consol. mortg11ge. In Dec., 18\J9, acquired control of the Toledo & Ohio Central Ry., but that road ls operated separately. See STOCK below. STOCK.-There was reserved $5,000,000 each or preferred and com• mon stock to acquire interests in the 'l'olt>do & Ohio Central Ry. and Col. sand. & II. railways, if practicable or desirable. In Dec., 1899, of this reserved srock $4,421,600 common and $4,000,000 pre• ferred stock was ,et a.side to acquire the entire issue of $8,421,000 Middle States Construction Co. collateral 3s, which are secured by deposit of aimost the entire capital srook of the Tol. & Ohio Cent. Ry.: $1,219,100 of the said $4,000,000 prefttrred was set ,. side for T . & O. C. oar trusts. improvements, etc., and in Oct., 1900, $500,000 thereof was Issued, and balan<'e in June, 1901. In June, 1901 aJl except $54,100 Tol. &Ohio Central common and $11,600 preferred stock had been a.o· quired. l:3ee V. 69, p. 1345. Rights of pref. stock are: Preferred stock Is to be oreferred both as to dividends and assets In case of liquidation and subj.,ct to the statutory rhrht of the company to redeem the aame at par. After• per cent o ~_both common and preferred shall have been g:~de~ir it°'bgts:~ll~;!.' further dividends for such year shall be for the equal DIVIDENDS.-On pref., 1900,119 p. c .. .Jan; July, 2; 1901, Jan., 2; July, 2;1902,Jan.,2p.o Oncom.July i901 l¼ip.o.· Jan. 1901 11ilp.o. ' ' ' ' • Th B ONDS.- e oonRo 1s ($20,000,000 authorized! besides a lien on the entire property, subject only to $6,274,000 pr10r bonds, have a fl.rat lien on all the coal lands (from which the bulk of the business ts derived), estimated at 20,974 acres; $6,274,000 oonsols are reserved to retire the existing bonds (these existing bonds, however, may be ex• tended at maturity) and $5,645,000 (estimated) for the acquisition of new property and betterments, of which $2,230,000 sold in 1899·1901. V. 72, p. 338. Substantially all of the bonds and stock of the Ohio Land & Ry. Co. and the Wellston & Jackson Belt Ry., 18 miles, deposited under said mortgage. Description of bonds in V. 68,p. 823. Guarantees Ka.nawha. & Hooking Coal & C->ke Co. bonds. (See CHRONICLE of Jan 25 1902. ) GENERAL FINANCEs'.-The annual fixed charges before the reorganlzation were about $1,200,000. LATEST EARNINGS.-For 5 months ending Nov. 30: Balance. 0th. inc. Oharges. Net. Gross 5 mos.$t>28,688 $964 094 $29 950 $365 356 1901 .••..... $2,'.·12,124 502,409 12;166 364:806 855;049 1900 ..••••.. 2,034,903 ANNUAL REPORT.-Trafflo is mostly frelght,and 62 percentofthisls bituminous ooa.l. Average train load ls large-in 1901, 645 tons. Report for year ending June 30, 1901, was given at length in v. 73, p. 659,675; see also editorial, p. 635. 1898·99. 1899-00. 1900-01. $2,874.035 $4,417,267 Gross earnings .....•........... $4,653,258 1,959,520 2,641,207 Operating expenses and taxes 2,785,286 ---------$914,515 $1,776,060 Ne~ earnings from oper'n •. $1,8fl7,972 24,223 _295,388 ~4,084 ..... Other Income ..... ••••••••• $938,738 $2,071,448 Total available income .•.. $2,342,056 Fl d h $149,175 $902,900 xe c arges.... •• . . . . . . . .•••. $987,879 ..•..••...•. Dividends on p1eferred .••..•.. (4)560,000 (3¼)430,000 .:.::·...:.:....:.:.:.: :..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: Dividends on common ..••.. . (112)156,324 Ba.Iance, year's surplus... $637,853 $789,563 $738,548 OFFICERS.-President, N. Monsarrat, Columbus; Seo. and Treas., W. N. Cott, Columbus; Aaa't Sec. and Treas., A.H. Gll ,a.rd, New York. DIRECTORS-Charles B. Alexander, Robert Bac:on;R. M. Gallaway, Thomas F Ryan and <'harles Steele, New 'rork; Myron T. Herrick, Ralph W. IItckox and James H. Hoyt, Cleveland: P. W. Huntington. Cb>trles G. Hickox, N. Monsarra.t W. F. Goodspeed and R. S. Warner, Columbu11, O. -(V. 73, P· 234,236, 659, t>'7 5,957, 1112, 1356; V. 74, p. 94.) Hoosac Tunnel & a llmlngton KR.-.NARROW GAUGE.Owna road from IIoosao •runnel, Mass., to Wilmington, Vt., 25 miles. Bille payable June 30, 1900, $5,000. Earnings for year 1899-00, gross, $56,172; net, $20,981; charge11, $1 'l ,613; dividends (2 p. o.), Dividends in 1896, 1 p. o.; In 1897 to 1901, Inclusive, 2 p. o. yearly. Hot Sprln~s RK.-Road from Malvern to Hot Springs, Ark., 22 miles, opened m 1875. In May, 1901, acquired in the interest of Choe• ta.w qklahoma & Gulf RR.-V. 72, p. 1080. Extension under construct10n from Malvern to Benton, 20 wiles. See V 73, p. 722. Stock $600,000; par, $100. Year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $174,239; net, $67,006: interest, $23,425; dividends (7 p. c ), $42,000; bal., sur., $1,581. Loan" payable June 30, 1900, $35,952.-(V, 72, p. 1080.) Housion Ea81 & Wesi Texas Ky.-Owns from Houston, Texas, to Babine River at Logansport, 191 miles, where it connects with the Houston & Shreveport RR., Logansport to Shreveport, 39 miles. Reorg1tnized in 1896 without fo, eclosure. Bond issue limited to $3,000,· co. d b s0 p 000 Stock $1 920 000 of hi h $1 905 000 i • ao. >Y guaranteed s owne • Pacific • w cthe South. • 1900, · · p. 287. •·ln July, Co. had V. 72, $2,199.000 of the oonds, principal and interest, by indorsement, re• serving the right to rede~m the bonds at 105 and interest at any time on six months' notice; guaranty, v. 70, p. 841; see also v. 71 , p. 236 . For year 1900·01, gross, $847,113; net, $245,481; charges, $ 183 ,669 ; bal., sur., $61,810. v. 71, p. 236. Hou8ton & Texas Central IC.alJroad.-(See Map of Southern. Pacifi,c)-Owna lrom Houston, Texas, to Denison, Texas, 338 miles, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Hempstead, Tex. to Llano, Texas, vta Ausnn. 214 mllee: Bremond to I RosA. Tex., 55 iiilles (former Waco & Northwestern acquired July 1,  1898); Garrett to Fort Worth, 53 miles: other branches, 20 miles; total owned, 670 miles. HISTORY.-Suooessor April 11, 1893, to a railway company foreo~osed Sept. 8, 1888. Reorga.~zation plan V. 45, p. 792, 820. On Aug. 22, 1901, various controlled lmeewere merged, including the Austin & Northwestern to lie extended from Burnett to Lampasas, 50 miles, within two years. V. 72, P• -4~0, 821; V. 73, p. 137, 494. BoNDs.-The bonds are being gradually reduced with proceeds o1 land sales. The first mortgage was for $8,634,000, of which $570,000 resened against claim of State of Texas upon 75 miles of the road.. The Southern Pacitto Co. guaranteee interest on all the bondP. There are $57,000 debentures of 1897 dU(1 Oct. 1, 1902. The first mortgagt bonds and the consolidated mortgage bonds may be ealled for redemp• tlon at 110 with proceeds of land sales. See full abstracts of all the mortgages in V. 52, p. 242. Ofthe$5,068,000oonsolldated 6s authorized $1,149,000 (not included in the amount outstanding above) held a.a part security for the genera.I 4s. Stock, $10,000,000, of which the So. Paoifto Co. owns il9,596,000; par, $100. A.8 to school fund claim for $673,100, see v. 64, p. 1137; v. 66, p. 471; v. 70, p. 6 86. LANI>s.-The lands June 30, 1900, consisted for fl.rat m() ot 1,940,596 acres;,1,345,110 a.ores; genera. mort• gage, 11,289 acres. Deferred payments were: For 1st mort., $231790; consol. mortgage $218 648. general mort $4 705 v 65 p 869 · ' · · · ' ·• ' ' ' LATESTEARNS.-4 mos., ~ 1901. ••..• Gross, $1,927,367; net, $790,538 51900 .. ..... Gross, 1,Ssr.,236; net, 888,972 July l to Oct. 31. Fiscal year changed to end June 30. Report for 1899-00 in V. 72, p. 671. In 1900·01, gross, $4,9 ~,392; net, $2,004,821; total charges, $1,028,258; balance, surplus, $9, 6,563. In 1899·1900, p:roStl, $3,886,· 617; net, $1,094,483.-(V. 73, p. 137,236,287,391,494, 957.) Hud8on Tunnel Ry.-V. 70, p. 996, 114P; V. 73, p. 1313. Huntingdon & Broad Top Mt. HK. & coal co.-Owns from Huntingdon Pa. to dount Dallas Pa 45 miles. branches 19 mlle8 • • ' ., ' ., ' Drv.-'90. '91. '92. '93. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99 •oo. 1901. 1902. 0 0 0 0 1 5 412 4 5 4 2 On com. 0 7 7 7 7 5 Jan., 212 5 512 7 6 7 On pref. 512 7 ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 1900 was given ln.V. 72, p. 1184.  Gross.  Net.  Interest. Dimd'nds.  Balance.  sur. $1,252 1900 ..•...... $643,904 $247,442 $106,190 $140,000 274 ,051 1899 ········· 6 ~ 4 81 sur. 57,861 ll0,000 l06 ,l 9 0 72 7 282 3 , l l S-l.) -(V. o, p. so, · • p. Hutchinson & South. Ky.-See Atoh. T. &S.F.,a.nd V. 71, p. 607. Iberia & Vermllloo KR.-Salt Mine Jct. to Abbeville, La.., 16 mlles. Stock, $300,000, of which $298,500 owned by Morgan's Louis• lana & Texas RR. & Steamship Co. (So. Pac. system). Year ending June 30, 1901, gross $1.4,830; net, $23,610; int., taxes, etc., $19,527; bal., sur., $4,083. Illinois Central KK.-(SeeMap.)-RoAD.-Operates from Chicago, Ill., southerly to New Orleans, La.., 912 miles, and westerly to Sioux City, Ia.., 509 miles, with numerous branches. Its road, clearly shown map, is up as follows: (1Twhioh see.) on the accompanying Mitu. Miles. Road owned in fee. Mem., Ten.1 to Grenada,Miss. 100 Chicago to Cairo, ill . . { Main} Centralla,m., to East stem 71)6 Yazoo & Mississippi Val. RR. ,J'Memphis to N. o. and brs.1,091 · Dubuque, Ia .... ... Dubuque & Sioux City ,i-... •• 730 st. Louis Alton & Terre H... 239 Entire stock owned,, 88 Switz City to Efflngh'm, Ill.. Branches .......•••.••..••..••• 846 Springfield to E. St. Louis, Leased. 98 JU. CV. 71, p. 547) ·· · ••. · 46 Loulsv. Br. from L. & N..... ..d.rquired-Oct., 1901, 80 Ohlcago & Texas (Sept.'97.... Peoria, Ill., to Evansville, Ind., with 6 tn. branch (V. Total system June 30,1901.5,3~7 73, p. 391, 665).......... ..• 251 Of which earns. keptseparateLeased.-Oontrolowned. 1 091 Yazoo & Miss Vall RR Chicago St. L. & N. 0. RR. · · · ••· ' · · 547 Orleans. New to Cairo, ill., Total included in earns. Line to Louisville, eto .... 1 396 July 1, 1901. ....•••. .4,266 (C. O. & S. W. & br'ches) .. ~  4'  Evansv. Line (Ohio Val. RR. 139 On Dec. 1, 1899, took over portion of St. Louis Peoria & N'orthern Ry. from Springfield to Ea1:1t St. Louis Ill., 98 miles. V. 71, p. 547. extension, Tara Statton, The Fort Dodge & Omaha. RR. near Fort Dodge, Ia., to Council Bluffs, Ia., 130 miles, was purchased by the Dubuque & Sioux City RR. on June 16, 1900, aJ¥l leased for 50 years to the m. r.entra.l for its net earnings above inte~est on Ill. Ce~t. bonds issued thereon (see below). V. 71, p. 547. Durmg 1900·1 various branches of Yazoo & Miss. Val., aggregating 90 mileR, were completed, and in July, 1901, several, lncludln~ one from Lake Cormorant to Tutw1ller, Miss , 68 miles, were under oonstruotlon. ExtenE<ion from Lyle, Minn., to Albert Lea., 19 miles operate(! in Dec.. 1900. SteamBhip c.onnections at New Orleans. V. 72,'p 533, 872. Th~ stockholders vote_d on Oot. 16, 1901, to acquire the former Pt?oria Dec~tur & Evansville Ry., Peoria, Ill., to 'Evansville, Ind., 244 miles. previously operated by Illinois Cent. as agPnt, with6•mile branch, the cost to be represented by a new bond issue.- V. 73, p. 391, 665. The Kentucky Western Ry., Bla<'kford to Dixon, Ky., 111 miles, was taken over as agent for the owners in Dec., 1901.-V i3. p. 1163. In Jan., 1902, obtained control of the Omaha Bridge & Terminal Ry. (V. 74, p. 151.)  JANI/ARY,  1902] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  71  72  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  [VOL. LXXIV.  Bonds--Prino1INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Miles Date Size, or Amount pal, When Due. Par Outsta nding Rate Per When Where Payable, and by .StockB-Last of For explanation of column headings, &e., seenotelil of Cent. Payable Whom. on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Dividends.  ----  Illinois Oentrafr-( Ooncluded )-  Trust bonds sterl. (sec. by Ch. St.L.&N. O.oons. l. Us 1st M.,Sp.Div. ref. m., (V.66, p. 1237) g. U s .xo*&r i"ii 1st M., Middle Div.,Otto to Norman Juno. & brs.r 131 Collateral trust bonds, ~old, $ •.. • ...... _•. U so*&r 857 Cairo Bridge bonds ~ol (see remarks) . . Us.o*&r, $25,000,0 O,g.,onL. N.O.& T.Us.o*&r 798 Western lines, 1st M., g. Us . . . ................ o*&r 218 St. L. Div. & Term'l Mv' $10,000,000,g. Us.xo"&r Do $5,000,000(See . 65,p.11 '73),g., Us.:x.o*&r !239 Louisv. Div. & Term. M .• $25,000,000, g. U s.xo* &r 535 Chicago St. Louis & New Orleans, 2d mortjCage •. 567 Consol. M. ($18,0001000), gold 1 int. guar. c*&r 567 . . Po guar. p. & 1. •••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••..••. 567 Memphis Div.1st M., g., gu. p . & i, (end.). Us .c• 100 Omaha Div., 1st M.'J·• $5,000,000. Us ........... 130 98 Litchfield Div., 1st ., g. $4,000,000.F .. •.•... c•  £200 1886 1897 $1,000 1881 1,000 1888 500 &c. 1892 1,000 1892 500 &o. 1894 1,000 1897 500 &o. 1897 1,000 1897 500 &o. 1877 1881 1897 1,000 1889 1,000 1900 1,(00&c 1900 1,000  ---·  l  i",ooo  !  Underlying St. Louis Div.  ~  Terminat oonds.  Bt. Louis Alton & T. H.-Stock (not held by Illln ois Ce ntral). 17 1883 Bellev.& Carondelet, lstM.,Belle. to E.C.,gold.o' 51 1880 Bellev. & El Dor., 1st M. (LC.owns $100,000)o* 30 1886 St. Louis Southern., 1st mort., fold ...... Me.o* 17 1887 Carbondale & Shawneetown st M., ~old . . . o" Iowa Falls & Sioux City-See statemen of Dub uque & Siou x RtinoiB .Southern-1st mort., gold, $2,000,000.EC. 96 1901 Ind Dec ~ West -{ 1st M. ~., ~ not guar•....... . Ce 11895 • • · red. 110. guar. p. & 1. (end.)o' }~80 1895 Car trusts June 30, 1901. ... . .................... . . .... 1898 lttcUana Illinois ~ Iowa-Stock. $6,000,000 ...... 1st mo1·tgage, gold, $12,000,000, gold . 10.... c&r 203 i900  $5,266,000 2,000,000 968,000 15,000,000 3,000,000 25,000,000 5,425,000 8,377,000 4,939,925 21,388,000 80,0tJO all,289,000 1,359,000 3,500,000 5,000,000 3,000,000  100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 City. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 1,000  80,000 470,000 88,000 538,000 241,000  3¼ g. J'. & J'. London, Barinl Bros. ~¼lg. J. & J. New York, 214 'dway. F. &A. do do 4 g. A. & 0. do do 4 g. J. & D. do do 4 g. M.&N. do do 4 g. F. &A. do do 312g. J. & J. do do 3 g. J. & J. do do do do 31 g. J. & J. J. & D. do do 5 g. Jrr&Du do do 312g. Jr5&Dr5 do do 4 g. J. & D. do do 3 g. F, & A. do do 3 g. J. & J. do do 214 6 g. 7 4 g. 4 g;  J. & J. & J. & M.& M.&  4 g. A. 825,000 5 g. •J. 1,824,000 933,000 5 g. J. 244,000 5,fl00,000 4 iii..iiio1 4,500,000 4 g. J.  J. D. J. 8. 8.  do do do do do  July 1, 1950 Jan. 1, 195li Aug. 1, 1921 Apr. 1, 1952 Dec. 1, 1950 Nov. 1, 1953 Aug. 1, 1951 July 1, 1951 July 1, 1951 July 1, 1953 Dec. 1, 1907 June 15, 1951 June 15, 1951 Dec. 1, 1951 Aug. 1, 1951 Jan. 1, 1951  lle{i  do do do do do  Jan., '02, June 1, 192 July 1, 1910 Sept. 1, 1931 Moh. 1, 1939  & O. Equitable Tr. Co.,Chio. Oct. 1, 1951  & J. N. Y., Central Trust Co . Jan. 1, 1935  Jan. 1, 1935 do do Monthly. New York. From Treas. of., Chic. Oct. 1, '01, ~ & J. N. Y., Red., Kerr & Co. July 1, 19 0  & J.  4:..::j,  -a In addition $5,266,000 consol. 5s are pled1;,ed to seo ure Ill inois Ce ntral collate ral trust  bonds o.t 1886.  1  Illinois Central RK.-(CONCLUDED). HISTORY, LEASES, &c.-Cha.rteredinDecember, 1850. The company pays to the State of Illinois 7 per cant (in 1901 $815,093) of grou of the 706 miles owned in fee yearly in lieu of taxes. The Chicago St. L. & N. O. is leased for 400 years from July 1, 1882, at 4per cent per annum on its $10,000,000 stock deposited to secure th(\leased line stock. In 1892 practically all the stock and bonds of·the Louisv. New Or1eans & Texas were acquired, and the company merged in the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley. A lease of the St. Louis Alton & Terre Haute sys tem was taken in April, 1896. v. 62, p. 636,684. In May, 1897, the Chesapeake Ohio & Southwestern and allied lines were merged in the Chicago St. Louis & New Orlea:as, forming the Louisville Division. CAPITAL STOCK.-The leased line stock is secured by deposit of $10,000,000 Chicago st. Louis & New Orleans stock, and in case of default for sixty days in the payment of any semi•a.nnual dividend of 2 per cent, the stockholder is entitled to his share of the stock pledged. Early in 1901 the stock was increased from $60,000,000to $66,000,000 and in Nov 1901 to $79 ·wo 000 to provide additional equip meJt and facilit1es.-See v. 71, 1066; v. 72, p. 241, 282; v. 73: p. 82,138, 666. The new stock wa1o sold at par pro rata to shareholders of irecord. Of the stock, over a majority is now held in a.merica, $8,000,000 being owned by the Railroad Securities Co and pledged as security for its bonds.-See page 121 of this SUPPLEMENT.-V. 71, p. 698,779. DIVIDENDS. ~ 1885. '86. '87. '88. '89. '90. '91 to '99. 1900. '01. '02. Oommonstook. 5 8 p.o. 7¼ 7 7 5¼ 6 5 y'rly. 5¼ 6 Mar. 3 BoNDs.-Main Line $15,000,000 mortgage of 1874 covers property described in v. 63, p. 76. Oairo bridge bonds are secured by deposit of a like amount of LJhioago St. Louis & New Orleans 1st M. Cairo Bridge 5s. The rental for the bridge is $180,000 in gold annually, of which $30,000 goes to a contingent and sinking fund till 1902, then $20,000 to regular sinking fund. See adv. in CHRONICLE, May 7, 189'l. The trust bonds of 1886 are secured by deposit of $5,266,000 Chicago 8t. L. & N. 0. console of '81, and to be included in any new mortg The collateral trust bonds of 1952 are secured by pledge with the U. S 0 6 8il:ib::nie~SJsr~r1:!t~:. The, $25,000,000 collateral trust bonds of 1953 were issued on pledge of the securities of the Louisv. N. O. & Texas (now Yazoo & Mississippi Valley RR.) purchased in 1892. Trustee of deed, U. 8. Trust Com· pany. All the $16,900,000 L. N. 0. & T. 1st mortgage bonds, except 11168,000, 1111 the $9,104,000 mortgage incomes and all but $96,000 of the $10,000,000 land grant income bonds were owned by the Illinois C entral July 1, 1899, andl./,ledged to secure this loan. See adv. CHRON· ICLE, June 11, 1892, and · 54, p. 964; V. 61, P• 112. For the Ohicago St. Louis ~ New Orleans the lessee guarantees the principal and interest of all the outstanding bonds prior to the 5s of 1881, and by an endorsement on the latter bonds guarantees the ent of the interest on the same until the principal iBJ;;_aid. Of f:ym ese oonsol. 5s $ 5,266,000 additional to the amount outstan g above are pleged as security for the Illinois Central trust bonds of 1886. The 312s of 1897 are guaranteed, p. & i., by endorsement-see form of guar· anty in V. 65 p. 1071. Illinois Central owns entire $10,000,000 cap· Ital stock of C. St. L. & N·. o., which is held in trust for the Ill. Central leased line 4 per cent stock. (V. 65, p. 1071.) L · es l of 1894 is for $10 000 000 but $4 575 000 The Wi Ste bonds o:n {eniss~~d o':i1; when the road from low~ Falls to Sioux City, 184mlles, nowsub.1ectto $2,800,000 of Iowa Falls & Sioux City bonds (see Dubuque & Stoux City RR.) due in 1917, shall be transferred to the trustee without encumbrance. See SUPPLEMENT of Jan., 1899. The St. Louis Division ~ Terminal bonds are for $15,000,000 authorized, of which $5,000,000 are three per cents; $3,500,000 were issuable for improvements, equipment; etc., and $1,499,000 are held to retire $1,400,000 underlying bonds still outstanding on the St. Louis Alton & T. H. system; see table above. See abstract of mort• gage in V. 66, p, 13 8. See also V. 66, p. 133; V. 71, p. 546. Louisville Division d Terminal mort. is for $25,000,000. Of the loan $1,112,000 are reserved to purchase the 46 miles (Cecilia branch) from Louisville & Nashville and to retire the L. & N. bonds thereon; $2,500,000 for new a c quisitions, additions or extensions. The Chicago St. Louis & New Orleans, which took title to t he Louisville Division, joins in making the mortgage. See V. 66, p. 136, for abstract, See allilo SUPP. ofJa~·•. 1_899. (V. 65, p . 367,516; V. 66, p. 133; V. 67 p. 581.) . The Omaha Divi~ion mortgage eovers the former Ft. Dodge & Omaha RR., Tara to Council Blu:ffs, Ia., 131 miles.-V. 71, p 547. To purchase St. Louis Peoria & Northern Ry., Springfield to East St. Louist 98 miles, a mortgage thereon Peouring $4 ,000,000 3 per cent Litohflela ~iviFion bonds, of whieh $1,000,000 for improvements, etc., was authorized in 1900.-V. 71, p. 547, 64.6. GENERAL FINANCES.-In 1901 the stock was increased to $79,200,000. See paragraph headed "Cavital Stook" a7bove. Fort Dodge & Omaha RR., 130 miles, opened Nov. 1, 1899. \i • 67, P· 956; V. 69, P• 130, 595, 1011; V. 70, p. 1249; V. 71, P· 547. EARNINGS.-5 mos., 51901. ..... Gross, $17,221,go4; net, $5,409,666 July 1 to Nov. 30. ~ 1900 ...... GrosB, 15,188,99•; net, 4,138,303 Mileage operated 4,265 in 1901, against 4,246 in 1900. ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends June 30. Annual meeting is held at Chicago the third Wednesday in October. Report for 1909-01 was published at length in V. 73, p. 658, 665 See also editorial, p. 637. The following does not include Yazoo & Mississippi Valley.  p.  =t  ~l~~t:t'!:i; :!~~al~ J!~~~~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Year ending June 301901. 1900. 1899. Miles operated. . •. . • • . . . . . . • • • 4,265 3,996 3,679 Passengerearnings ............ $7,327,742 $6,177,654 $5,409,538 Freight earnings.......... .. ... 24,876,339 22,280,420 19,251,344 Mall, express & miscellaneous 4,696,379 4,153,897 3,453,808 Total earnings ......... . ... $36,900, 4 60 $32,611,967 $2 8 ,1 14, 690 Opera.ting expenses ......... -.. $25.841,792 $22,869,396 $19,652,262 P. ct. op. expen. to gross earns (70·03) (70·12) (69·58) Net earnings .................... $11,058,668 $ P,742,571 $8,552,428 Net rec'pts from interest, &o. .. 2,476,575 2,411,721 2,547,658 Miscellaneous...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,608 30,090 33,4.20 Total receipts ............... $13,563,851 $12,184,382 $11,133,506 Deduct[nterest on Ill. Central b'ds... $2,930,925 $2,775,925 $2,902, 4 6 5 Int. on Chi. St. L. &N. 0. b'ds... 2,421,090 2,421.Ci>90 2,361,874 Rental Dub. & Sioux C. RR.... 533,9l3 627,568 981,646 Net rental St. L.A. & T. H.... 507,525 507,F>25 506,020 ~iscellaneous ........ ·· ·· · · ·•· *452,738 95,000 50,000 Divid'ds on Ill.Centralstook ..• (6)3,780,000 (5½>3,300,000 (5)2,812,500 Balance, surplus .............. 1T$2,937,660 1T$2,457,274 $1,519,001 *lnoludes $250,000 for pension fund, $145,238 rent of Peoria div,, etc. ,r Includes $2,945,400 betterments, against $2,416,674 in 1899·0. YAZOO & MISSISSIPPI VALLEY-Results on 1,057 miles in 1900-1; 1,001 miles in 1899-0. See report at length, V. 73, p. 672. Yea1'-  Gross.  !Vet.  Other inc. Interest, etc.  Bai., sur.  1900-01. ... $6,127,942 $2,069,870 $515 $1,004,306 $1,066,079 1899·00 ..•. 5,300,890 . 1,905,176 363 946,240 959,299 Surplus in 1900-01 as above, $1,066,079, of which $1,016,079 was paid Sept. 1, 1901, to Ill. Cent. as owner of entire $9,104,COO Louisv. New Orl. & Tex. 2d mort. income bonds on account of arrears of interest ($o,213,n22l on July 1, 1901. OFFICERB.-President, Stuyvesant Fish; Treas., E. T. H. Gibson; 3d Vice Pres. and Seo., A.G. Hackstafl'. 214 Broadway, N. Y. Directors.-B. F. Ayer, Walter Luttgen, J ohn W. Auchincloss, J. T. Harahan,  ii~ Grinnell, ~~~ 1 lt~ r::i!:ls~~r~ ~a~s x~~~°ato~;uJ:.~s1~:n]jb .\v~ftt~~dJ!·M~~~~ aml Ex officio Hon . .Rt chard Yates, Gov. of Jilt nots. 8  8  -(V. 73, p. 391, 65 s, 665,843, 1112, 1263; v. 74, p. 151.) Illinois Southern Ry.-Owns Chester Ill., to Salem, Ill., 91 m., and Sparta to Rosborough, 5m.; total, 96 m. Successor June 1, 1900, of the oentralia & Chester RR., foreclosed. v. 70, p. 1048; v. 71, p. · d O f th build' t · d th, 29 • F rrnn s e company are m~ an ex ension, un er · e name of Southern Missouri Ry., from Little Rook Landing to Blsmarck, Mo., 43 miles; and in Feb., 1~01, incor:porated the St. Louis & Southern RR. to build from Mis,muri Jct. to the Mississippi River at Moro Landing, near st. Genevieve, 6 miles. st k $2 oo·o ooo 11 i d F s th 8 di F b 28 1901 oc $76,536; • ' ' ne'li, 1 a saue · Fororyearmon · enJune ng 30, e · 1901 • (ol<i "l gross, $11,592. ending compa ny), gross, $113,229; oper. expenses, $96,285; taxes, $8,013. President, c. H. Bosworth; Auditor, c. F. Weinland, 204 Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill.-(V, 71, p. 29, 287, 445.) Indiana Decatur & Western Ky. (.See Map a ,;,ncinnaU Hamilton ~ Daytonl.-Indianapolis, Ind., to Deoatur, Ill., 152 miles. The Chicago & Ohio River RR., Sidell to West Liberty 78 miles, was aoquired Jn 1899 and is operated as tb,e Ohio River division; trackage, West Liberty to Olney, 8 miles; total, 238 miles.-V. 68, p. 523. Suocessor in 1894 of Indianapolis Decatur & Western, foreolosed.-V. 61, p. 1064; v. 64, p. 41,953; V. 65, p. 27. Extension from Decatur to Springfield, abont 42 miles, under name of Springfield & Decatur RR., was completed Dec., 1901.-V. 72, p. 1236. See BONDS below. l:3TOCK AND BoNDS.-Stoo~ $912,000 common and $912,000 preferred, all owned by Cin. Ham. & vay. interests. V. 61, p. 1064. New srock will be issued to reduce floating debt incurred for improvements and on account of Springfield extension. The first mortga~e of 1895 is authorized a t $12,000 per mile for additional road built or acquire<l; the bonds are redeemable by lot at i.10, at anytime on eight weeks notice; $933,000 issued for Ohio River r division are guaranteed by Cin. Ham. & Dayton; additional bonds und er the mortgage will be ir1sued to cover ex tension from Decatur to Springfield, 42 miles.- (V. 69, p. 795). , DivIDENDS.-In 1897 to 1900 incl. 3 p. o. y early paid on preferred.  I  ' '  ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 1899-00 was in V. 71, p. 909.  Years.  Gross.  Oper. Ex.  Net.  Oharges.  Div.  Bal.  1900-01..$70'3,938 $518,771 $188,167 $138,550 ..•• ·•- · $l9,616 1899·00.•. 674,213 500,115 174,098 137,850 $11,400 24,848 Prest., M. D. Woodford; Vice-Pres., Hy. F. Shoemaker.-(V. 72, p. 338; v. 73, p 957.) Indiana Illinois & Iowa KK.-Owns from south Bend, Ind., to Seatonville, Ill., 192 miles, with branches, lOmtles; trackage over C. B. & Q., Ladd to Fulton, 62 miles; other trackage, 2 m.; leases 50years from Feb. 23, 1900, the St. Joseph Sout~ Bend & Southern RR., South Bend, Ind., to St. Joseph, Mich., 39 rmles; rotal 306 miles, the extension from Streator to Churchill being operated from Jan., 190 l. Extension from St. Joseph to Benton Harbor was .to be completed Oct., 1901. In Jan., 1902, the Lake Shore & Ml~hi11an Southern Ry. purcharnd 90 per cent of the stock. V. 73, p . 1306; V. 74, p. 41. DIVIDENDS.-Oot., 1900, to Oct., 1901, inollllllllive, 1 p. o. quarterly.  JANUARY.  RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  1902.j  '13  RAILROADS. INTEREST OR Bonda--Prlnot--------~ - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Miles Date Size, or Amount ,_ _ _ _____ _ DIVIDENDS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pal,WhenDue. For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, by StockB-Last on first page of tables. . Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  Indianapolis Un.-lst M., g., s. f. not oall.o· lndianapoliscf Vincennes-1st M., gu. p. & i.(end) c. International cf Great Northern-lat mort., gold.... 2d mortgage, gold. F. ... . .. .... .. . . ........... c* 3dM.($3,000l000)(form'lyino.),g.inol.sorip1'Ie.o• Colorado Briage bonds, sinking tund.:F..... .. . .. . lnteroceanic Ry. of Mexico-Ord. shs., £1,700,000. Preferred stock, 7 per cent, cum., £1,000,000... Pr. lien deb., subj. to call at par aft. Mch. 1, '97. Four p. o. deb. stock, sub. call, par, £1,150,000. Deb. stock, 7% "A," subj. to call, 110, non-oum.. Deb. stock, 7% "B," subj. to oall, 120, non•oum.. Second deb. stock, red. at 105 after 1911, teYt Mex.E.deb.stk.,.£450,000,guar.,red.l05beg.'14 .lOIOa Oent.-Common stock, $11,000,000 a.nth..... Preferred stook,'$7,400,000, 5 p. o., non-cum.... lstM. for$7,650,000, g,(abstr.,V.49,p.582,:Me.o,. Refund'g M., $25,000,000, g. See text.1'.lo .. o•&r  Iron Railway-Stock................................. .Tack8on'l7ill'e cf St. Louis-Stock Trust Certifl.oates. Jaoksonv. Southeast. 1st M., Jack, to Litchfield..  93 133 885 885 885 ••• . •••. .... .... .... .... • .. . •••. •••. ·~·· .... 503 Ml 20  1886 1867 1879 1881 1892 1880 •••. ••• •••. •••. •••. •••• •••. .... .... .... 1888 1901 ....  ·54 1880  1st consoL mortgage, $650,000, ~old .. PePo• 112 Income M, gold, non-oum., $1,650,000 .• PeP... 112 .Tackson'fJitle Ter.-lst M., $500,000, g., gu 1'Jp .. o* Jamestoicn (Jh,aut. cf L. E.-lstM.,$750,000.Co.o." ·ii ,TeJferson-lst & 2dMs,ext. in '87 &'89 (H'dale Br.)c 8 Ist M. Carbondale to 8. depot, g., gu. p. & LP P .o" 37 loliet cf Northern Indiana-lat M. gu. p. &1. M. C.o 45 Junction (Philadetphia,J-lst m.,guar.p.&i.(ext'd). 3·62 General ~ortgage, gold., coupon, $750,00~ ·····;. 3·62 Mich.-lst M.$15,000 p.&I.Ce.c 164  1896 1896 1894 1901 1867 1889 1877 1882 1900 1890  $1,000 $954,000 1,000 1,700,000 300 &c. 9,051,000 500 &c. 8,151,000 500 &o. 2,721,052 1,000 198,000 £10 £1,700,000 10 1,000,000 50 &o. 400,000 699,886 100 735,392 100 469,459 100 150,000 . •. . . (11 10 0 8,522,900 100 5,673,100 1,000 7,650,000 1,000 2,000,000 100 600,000 100 1,500,000 1,000 300,000 .•. . . . 350,000 .....• 1,582,000 1,000 500,000 1,000 600,000 1,000 300,000 1,000 2,800,000 1,000 800,000 1,000 425,000 1,000 300.000 1,000 2,469,000  419g. 7 6 g. 5 g. 4 g. 7 .••••• 5 4 7 in 1901 37 18in'OO 419 5 .....• 1¼ in '00 5 g. 4 g. ......  M. & N. Phila., Fidelity Trust.  & A. & N. & 8. & s. & N. ..... ..... J. & J. M&S 15 .•••. . ... . •••.. •···· ..... M. & S. J. & D. M. & S. ..... F. M. M. M. M.  ...6.. J:·&-·J.  May 1, 1926  N. Y., Fa.rm. L. &Tr. Co. Feb. 1, 1908  N. Y., office, 195 B'way. N. Y., office, 195 B'wa.y. See remarks. N.Y., office, 195 B'way. ..•••••••• . ........ .  Nov. 1, 1919 Sept. 1, 1909 Sept. 1, 1921 May 1, 1920 • .••••••  Moii."si",·fa12 Sept. 15, 1950 Sept. 15, 1950 Sept. 15, 1950 1950 1989 . ...... . N.,25 Broad St. Mar.1,'00,111 N. Y., Mercantile Tr. Co. June 1, 1938 Ma.r. 1, 1951 Boston. July 10,·1891 London. do . ........ . • •••.•.••. •·········  see·ieii:  Juiy·1;·fa10 5 g. A. & 0. Phlla.,Penn.Co.for Ins. Oct. 1, 1925  J. & J. None paid. Jan. 1, 1935 4 5 g. J. & J. N.Y., Guaranty Tr. Co. July 1, 1989  4 g. J. & J. N. Y., Contin. 'l'rust Co. 4¼& 6 J. & J. Phila., Fidelity Tr. Co. N.Y., Erie RR. ~ g. A. & 0. J.lO&J. N. Y.,Farm.L.&Tr.Co. 41g  3¼ g.  J. & J. Phila., Broad St. Sta. A. & 0. do do  4 g. A. & 0. N. Y., Central Tr. Co.  Jan. 1, 1951 July 1, 192'7 Jan. l..z 1909 July lu, 1907 July 1, 1907 Apr. 1, 1930 Apr. 1, 1990  BoNDs.-Of the 1st 4s of 1901 $4,500,000 were issued to retire I HISTORY.-R.,organization (by plan in V. 44, p. 653) of the Central. the $3,000,000 fives called for payment on Feb. 1, 1901, and the exrowa. sold in foreclosure in 1887-88. In June, 1900, Minneapolis & St. tension from Streator to Ladd, the balance being issuable only for ; Louis interests obtatned control through purchase of the common stock; new property and improvements. V. 71, p. 1269; v. 72, p. 87,722. the two properties are operated in close conneotion.-V. 70, p. 1249. Current llabtlities June 30, 1901, $426,489. CAPITAL STOCK.-The preferred is entitled to 5 per cent (non-oumu• EARNI1'G8.-4 months, ! 1901. •..•••• Gross, $562,796 ; net, $206,159 lative), then oommon to 5, then both pro ra.ta.-(V. 62, p. 548.) July 1 to Oct. 31. 51900 .•••••••. Gross, 400,392; net, 151,351 DIVIDENDS.-On preferred stock in 1892 paid 1 per oent; in 1899. EARNniGS.-Report for year ending_ June 30, '01, was in v. 73, p. 840, Maroh, l¼_p. o. ; Sept., l¼ p. o.; in 1900, March, 119 p. o. The Sept., showing: gross, $1,419,116; net, $559,281; other income, $5,230; 1900, dividend was passed, the surplus earnings to be apvlled to 11ew interest, taxes, rentals, $264,716; dividends (4 p. o.), $200,000; equipment, etc. V. 71, p. 258,342. balance, surplus for year, $94,794. In 18~9·0,gross, $1,226,150; net, BONDS. The refunding 4'! of 1901 are secured by a mortgage on the $468,085.-(V. 73, p. 660, 662, 840, 1356, V. 74, p. 41.) entire property now owned or hereafter acquired, subject to the $7,· Indianapolis Union Ry.-Owns 3 miles of track, ·93 of a mile H50,000 first 5s, for which an equal amount is reserveri. In 11:101 of road, with termina~s at Indiana.polls, Ind.: and leases for 999 year• $2,000,000 were issued to retire tbe $555,oOO Iowa O,mtral & Western the Belt RR. of Indianapolis-12½ miles (wnioh see). 5s and the $591,000 Kelthsb11rg Bridge 6s (1he latter called for pa,y. Formed in 1850 and furnishes terminal facillties to the several ment on Deo.1, 1901,) and for improvements and equtpment. The railroads enterin~ Indianapolis. CAPITAL-The Cleveland Cincinnati bala.noe are issuable for future extensions at not exoeedinll $25,000 Chioago & St. Louis, the Pittsburg Cincinnati Chicago & St. Louis and per mile, improvements, equipment or additional property at pa,r for the Terre Haute & Indianapolis are virtual proprietors, they having in· the aotaal oost thereof,-V. 73, p. 901. vested in it $859,175 to June 30, 1898. No stock outstanding. BONDS. EARNINGs.-5 months, ! 1901. ...• Gross, $1,063,015; net, $188,070 -Trustee of mortgage is the Fidelity Ins. Trust & Safe Deposit Co. of July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900 ..... Gross, 956,797; net, 102,792 Philadelphia. Bonds for $46,000 have been canceled by sinking fund. For 12 months end. June 30, 1901, gross, $2,298,254; net, $469,428. For year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $601,189; net, $232,079; other income, $12,080; charges, $168,936; balance, surplus, $75,223. In ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends June 30; report for 1899-00 was 1898-9, gross, $568,218; net, $230,697; other income, $15,855. In V. 73, p. 1206, 1217. Soft coal tonnage in year 1900-01 was 666,578 Indianapolls & Vincennes RR.-Owns from Indianapolis, Ind. (40 1p. o. of total tonnage). Ton•mile rate in 1900-01 was 0·709 oents, against 0·696 cents in 1899-00; train load 1900·01 226 tons. to Vincennes, 117 miles; branches, Bushrod to Dugger, eto., 16 miles. Year ending June 30. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. SECURITIES.-Stock, $1,402,000; par, $50; of which Pennsylvania 506 513 509 509 Company on Jan. 1, 1901, owned $1,401,l:JOO. The $1,400,000 guaran• A.v'ge miles of road oper. teed 2d 6s were purchased by Penn. RR. May 1, 1900. pending a arose earnings .•.•.••.... $2,284,123 $2,325,919 $2,120,575 $1,868,349 Net earnings (over taxes) 387,lH4 551,459 559,719 531,541 merger with other Western lines of the system. V. 72, p. 490. 566,780 ' 574,694 543,318 Y'rend.Du,3I: Gross. Net. Interest,etc. Balance. l'ot. net rec'ts (incl.rents) 438,757 431,709 397,701 389,780 377,589 1900 •••.••••• . . $639,595 $104,284 $179,667 def. $75,383 Interest, rentals, ~o...... . ••• ·-·· er. 6,895 er. 2,586 er. 1,697 1899 .•.....•.•. 595,051 114,029 203,000 def. 88,971 Int. a.cot. I. o. & W. Ry... Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . • • •• • . • . . . • . . . • • 13 61,948 -(V. 70, p. 739.) . ...•••• (3) 170,024 (119)85,005 International & Great Northern RR. (See Map Missouri Pa- Dividends on preferred. Balance, surplus...... $7,049 $5,950 $102,482 $105,478 cift,c).-Longview on Tex.& Pao. (near Shreveport, La.,) southwesterly to Houston and Galveston, also to Laredo, Tex.,on Mex. National RR. President (July, 1901), Edwin Hawley.-(V. 73, p. 184, 236, 494, 899, Lines ownedMiles. , Line8 OperatedMiles. 957, Jo.; 9, 1061, 1206, 1211. Longview, Tex., to Laredo, .••. 496 GalTeston, Houston & Hen. Iowa & St. Louis RK.-Novinger, Mo., to end of track, 10 Palestine to Houston,Tex ..... 1511 t1ointlywith M. K. &T) .•.•. 50 Mineola, Columbia, eto., Other lines ...•..•......••.•.... 26 miles; extension projected north to a point at or nt\ar Oentre, ille, Ia.., and southerly through Adair and Macon counties, Mo., to a point ator branches .................•.... 1021 Bryan to Marlin.. • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • 66 Total system, Deo. 1, 1901.. 935 near Elmer, Mo., 40 miles in all. Stock authorized, $750,000; par of shares, $100; outstanding Jan. 1, 1902, $50,000. Stookholders on Bryan south ....... - . . . . . . . . . . 4 I ORGA.NIZATION.-Reorganized without foreclosure in 1892 under plan Dec. 30, 1901, authorized a mortgage at $15,000 per mile. President, In V. 54, p. 203,366. Stock authorized is $25,000,000; outstanding, H. F. Reddig; Secretary, H. H. Kendrick. Office, Kansas City, .Mo. $9,755,000; par, $100; controlled in interest of Mo. Pao. On May 1, v. 73, p. 1010•• 1901, the Calvert Waco & Brazos V. Ry., in operation from Marlin to Iron Rallway.-Owns road. Ironton, 0., to Centre, 0., 13 miles Bryan, 66 ~es, was merged, and will be extended from Marlin north and branches, 7 miles. I.Jividend in 1891, 1½ per cent. No funded to Ft. Worth (Of which about 15 miles to Waco was operated in Oct., debt. Bills payable, June liO, 1900, $4,987. In year ending June 30, 1901), and from Bryan, south to Spring, 22 miles north of Houston, 1900, gross, $73,108; net over taxes, $30,911. · making through line Honston to Ft. Worth, 280 miles.-V. 72, p. 872. Jacksonville & ~ ,. Louis Ky.-Owns Jaokeo:n.v1lle to Centralia, BONDS.-The second, mortgage interest, soaled to 41.g per cent, until and IIJ:·J miles. A reorgauization July 1, 1896, of the J aokson vllle Loui&including Sept. 1, 1897, is now 5 per cent; but in case of default the vwe112 Louis RR., foreclosed June 10, 1896. Voting trustees, rate reverts to 6 p. o. as formerly. In Aug., 1901, $657,00o each of Robt.&F.St. Kennedy J. H. Dunn1 eto".l. see v. 63, p. 30. The first and second mortgage bonds were sold to pay for extensions from first consol. bonds ana may be inoreasea to :i;650,000, but only to ta.Ke Marlin to Bryan, 66 miles, and arrangements were made to sell $380,- up Jacksonville Southeastern bonds. Year 1900·01,, gross, $224,963; 000 of ea.oh additional to cover 38 miles to be completed in the fall. net, $37,262; interest, $35,500; bal., sur., $1,762.-(V. 63,p. 880.) V. 73, p. 445. On April 1, 1901, equipment lease warrants, including Jacksonville & Southwe11tern KR,--.Ta.oksonville to Newberry Interest, $430,551, payable montWv to 1906. 88 miles, operated July, 1900; extension, Newberry to Manatee EARNINGS,-Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, gross, $5,02it,408 in 1901; in 1900 Fla., Springs, Suwanee River, 20 miles, under construction Apr., 1901. In $4,438.576. For 6 mos. ending June 30, 1901, gross, $2,363,408; net, July..z 1899, bonds had been taken by officials and immediate friends. $4,95,454; other income, $5,288; int. oharges and taxes, $481,293; V. 61:J, p. 80. Bonds reported to be outstanding, $300,000 first and payment of equipment notes, $48,641; bal , def., $29,192. $200.000 seoond 6s, due July 1, 1911, Michigan Trust Co. of Grand Year. Gross. Net. Other inc. Oharges. Balance. Rapids, Mioh., Trustee. Year ending June 30, 1900 miles), gross, 1901. . ...... $5,024,4.08 ..... _. . . •. . . . . . .. . _. . . ... . $69,207; net, $23,303. PresidAnt, J. M. Barnett, (86 Grand Rapids, 1900........ 4,438,576 $1,137,382 $8,157 *$1,108,546 sur. $36,993 Mich.; Seo., A. G. Cummer, Jaoksonville, Fla.-(V. 70, p. 1195). 1899 ••••••. 4,177,808 1,157,868 4,977 *1,128,223 sur. 34,622 Jack.Tampa&K.W.Ry.-SeeSav.Fl.&West.andFl.E.CoastR;v ~arges in 1900 above include about $156,131 equipment notes Jacksonville Term.Ina} Ry.-Owns union freight and passen• paid off'; in 1899, $164,311.-(V, 73, p. 784, 1356; V. 74, p. 151.) depots fthe latter opened Feb. 1, 1895,] and terminal properties at Interoceanlc Ry. of ltle:xlco, Llm.-See SUPPLEMENT for Oct. ger Jacksonville, Fla., including 20 miles of track, used by Savannah 1901, and V. 73, :p. 1264. Florida & Western, Seaboard Air Line, Jacksonville St. Augustine & Iowa Central Ry.-Operates from Peoria, lll., westerly to Oska~ Indian River (now Florida East Coast Ry.), which companies guaran• loosa, Ia., thence northerly to Albert Lea, Minn., and branches, viz., tee by endorsement the principal and interest of above QOnds, and OwnsMiles. , LeasesMiles own the entire stock, andAtltmtio Valdosta& Western Ry. V. 71, p. 135. Iowa Juno., m., to Manly Jot., Belmont to Algona............ 37 For year 1899-00, gross, $92,983; net, $10,465; other inoome, $31,640; Ia. (inc.KeithsburgBr.,212m.)340 Track, Iowa Junot'n to Peoria. 3 deductions, $36,270. (V. 71, p. 135.) Branches to Belmond, eto •..•. 151 j -Jamestown Chautauqua & Lake Erle Ry.-.Jamestown, Ow,i.ed jointt-vTotal in earns. June30,1901.558½ N. Y., to Chautauqua, 26½ miles; branch to Falooner, 31.g miles; extension, Mayville to Westfield, 11 miles, to be completed about Feb. ~~~~~·:.~:::.~~~-e.~~~~:2712 1902; total, 41 miles. Incorporated in Sept., 1900, and purchasec1. The Iowa Central & Western RR. from Belmond to Algona, 37 miles, the stock and about 95 per cent of the $250,000 bonds (5s) of the ts leased for 50 years from July 1, 1901, tor taxes and 20 per oent of Jamestown & Lake Erie Ry. and entire stock of Vhaatauqua Steam• gross earnings.-V. 73, p. 1218. The money necessary for construe• boat Co., operating 11 steamers on Chautauqua. Lake. Stock, $600,000. tion was advanced by the Iowa Central, wbioh received $900,000 stook all common. Combined earnings of properties for year ending Deo, and $555,000 first mortgage 5 per cent bonds. V. 71, p. 858. The 31, 1900, were: Gross, $116,478; net, $34,795; int. and taxes, $19,· extension from Manly Jot. north to Albert Lea, Minn., 25 miles, at a 689; bal., sur., ' 15 106. Railroad earnings alone were: gross, $57,· connection with the Minneapolis & St. Louis, is ownedj1,lntly with the 694; net, $15,377. For 4 months ending April 1, 1901, RR. earnings Burlington Cedar Rapids & Northern RR.- V. 73, p. 1218. were: gross, $17,717; net, $4,164.-(V. 72, p. 338). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  I  I I  Ruby Hill'  ·U  VADA  I  I I  Frisco  I  I  I  r-- -- -  1  0.  MAP OF THE  KANSAS CITY, MEXICO & ORIENT -J  RA;ILWAY & CONNECTIONS. Shortest Line from Kansas City to Pacific Ocean. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •..·•·  .  .. --~-. . .-.:··. · ■., .· •·■ •  •  1  -···  •ta  · • I 11  •  •  Z4 VJ.  ,~1•~0  -~  0  '\)  1->  F  F  M:  E  :a 0  X 0  .r  ~  ~ .....  ~  JANUARY,  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  19f2,] RAILROADS.  f'or explanation of column headings, &o., see notes on first page of tables.  fl'an. a. Belt-lat ($534,000 gu. K.C.F.8.&M.).NB.o* ICan. Oity Olin. d ~ng.-lst M., g., guar.NB .o* Pleasant Hill & e Boto 1st rnortgageJold. NBKan. City Ft. Scott & Memphis By.- om. stock Pref. stook$ln,000,000, trust otts., gu., 4.% (text) Ref. M., $60,000,000, 1r., gu.p &1.end.x.Me.O'•&r•. UNDEHLYING BONDS K. C. F. 8. & G. 1st M., I'd. gr.,s. f.drdr'n at 110.o* Ft. Scott Bo'eastern & M .. 1st M., 'wn at 105.o* Memphis K. & Col. lstM.·--·-····--·---·········o• Kansas & Missouri RR. 1st mortgage ..• _ ··-·"* K. C. F. S. & M. RR oon. M.($25,000 p.m.)NB.o"' Current Riv. RR. 1st M., $20,000 m., guar. NB Kan. C.& M. R'y &B'd~lstM.g.,s.. ,dr'n at 110.o.. Kansas Eiuip. Co. 1st ·J.uary s. f., red. at 110. Ft. Scott quip. Co , 1st ., ca I at par .•..••..•. Ozark Equip. Uo.lst M.,u.,$1,000,000, oallat par K. C. Mem. & Bir ~en. ..$4,500,000, cur.OB.o* Ino., non-oum. To be stamped-see text.OB.o* Birmin~am equipment M., g.,gu. (red. at 110) .. o* Mem& Equipment Co., guar., red. at 110 . .... o* Kan. ity Mex. d Orient-1st M., g., $22,500 p. m .. Kan. Oity Northw.-lst M.,pf.,"A."g.,rel\a.t 105.Me Kansas Oity Southern-Stock, com., $30,000,000 Pref. stock, 4 per cent, non-oum., $21,000.000... 1st mortg-ajle, g-old, $30,000,0110..•.•.... . Me .. o* Equipment trusts, June 30, 1901. ................  ¥"  JJonds--PrinotINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or paJ,When Due. Amount of Par of Stocks-Last Rate fer When Where Payable, and by Road. Bonds Value. Outstanding Cen . Payable Whom. Dividend.  - - ---  ---  10 1886 $1,000 174 1885 1,000 500 1877 100 100 1,  $2,050,000 6 5 g. 3,192,000 7 g. 58,000 15,000,000 All owne 13,510,000 4 g. 4 g. 11,650,000  J. & J. A. & 0. A. & O. d by St. Q.-J. A. & O.  Boston, Of., 50 State Bt. Boston, Old Colony Tr. do do St. Louis & San F. RR. N. Y. Mero. Trust Co. New York.  160 1879 103 1880 50 1884 26 1882 719 1888 81 1887 1889 1889 . 1899 1900 1894 277 1894. 1888 1890 1900 1894  2,151,600 *571,000 492,000 390,000 13,736,000 1,606,000 3,000,000 582,000 '266,000 944.,000 3,32~.390 6,322,780 ~13,000 120,000  J. & D. M.& S. M.& s. F. &A. M.&N. A. & O. A. & 0. J. & J. J. & J. M.&N. M. & S. Sept. 1 M.& 8. F. & A. J. & J. J. & J. ela in v A. & 0.  Boston, Old Colony Tr. do do do do do do N'. Y., Mero. Tr. & Bost. Boston, Old Colony Tr. N. Y., Un. Tr. Co. & Bost. Bost., Nat.Webster Bk. Boston. do Boston, Old Col Tr. Co. f\ p. o. pd. Sept. 1, 1901 Boston, Old Col. Tr .Co. do do  .... .... .... ....  ---· ---·  .. 277  ---· .... .... . --·  ---·  isoi  100 &o. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 &o. 500 &o. 1,000 1,000  &c.  500..  ---· .... ---· -----iooo i:ooo .... ......  . --· . --·  (t)  1,032,500 29,993,500 21,000,000 26,19 7,500 l1)]  7 7 7 5 6 5  gg. 6 5 4 5 6 g. 6 Bee text. 5 g. To beh 3 g.  !  ......  . ·-· .  July 1, 1916 Oot. 1, 1925 Oot., 1907 Jan. 2, '02, 1% Oct. 1, 1936  June 1, 1908 Sept. 1, 1910 Sept. 1, 1910 Aug. 1, 1922 May 1, 1928 Oot. 1, 1927 Oct. 1, 1929 Jan. 1, 1905 July 1, 1909 Nov. 1, 1910 Moh. 1, 1934 Moh. 1, 1934 Moh. 1, 1903 Augi 1 1905 9 50 N.Y.Merca.ntlle Tr. Co. ~a.n. 1, 1933 oting trust for 5 years. N. Y., Mere. Trust Co. Apr. 1, 1950  . .. . -.....  1 ----· --·  . .......  * Includes $398,COO held alive in sinking fund .  .Tefl"erson RR.-Owns Lanesboro, Pa., to Carbondale, Pa., 37 miles double track; branch, Hawley, Pa., to Honesdale, Pa.., 8 miles. Leased in perpetuity to the Erie RR. Co. for $140,000 per annum for main line and $14,940 for branch. Used by Delaware & Hud· sou to reach Carbondale. Stock, $2,095,450; all owned by Erle RR.  I for refunding purposes, $5,000,000 for improvements, betterments and new eqmpmeut at the cumulative rate of $600.000 pt-1r annum,  and the restdue, as well as any bonds not used or required for refund• lng purposes, wlll be reserved for tsime for additional lines and exten• sions, at not exceeding $22,500 per mile thereof. As to guaranty on bonds of 1901, "ee .. or.zantzat1on" above. .Tollet & Northern Indiana RK.-Owns Joliet, m., to La.kt In Jan., 1902, the St. L. & San Francisco, it was reportfld, was Station, Ind., 45 miles. Operated as part of the Michigan Central sys• about to offer to guarantee the princip ,l of the Kansas City Mem. & tem. Road opened in 1854 and leased to the Michigan Central. Birm tnc ,1me bonds and interest thereon at 5 p. c , the bonds to be ($300,000, par $100) carries dividends of 8 per cent per annum. stamp d with a provieion making them subject to call at any time at . .Tunctton KR. (Phlladelphla).-Owns Belmont, Pa., to Gray's 9 .j and interest. REP<>RT.-The earnings or thA combined properties (including also Ferry, Pa., about 4 miles. Leased lor 99 years from March I, 1899, to Phila.. Wilm. & Ba.It.; lessee to pay fixed charges, keep road '1lose of the K. C. Olin. & Springfield Ry not owned) were: In repair and pay bond interest and 6 per cent on stock. Stock YearGroH. Net. 0th. tnc. Oharges. Bat., sur. $250,000; (par :ti50), now all held by Phil. Wilm. & Balt. and the Penn., 1900 01. .. $8,840,857 $3,4.27,913 $77.087 $2,v54,983 $1,450,017 -v. 68, p. 428. DIVIDENDS-in 1891, 40 p. o., in 1892, 35 p. c .. in 1893, From surplus as a.hove were p~id in 1900·01 div. on Kan C. Ft. 8. 30; 1894, 15; in 1895, none; 1896, lo p. o.; 1897. 10 p.o.; 1898, 20 p. o.; & Mem pref. (8 p. o.), $219,934; div. on common (4 p c.), $395,920; ainoe 6 per cent yearly under lease.-(V. 68, p. 428.) int on K. C M & B . incomes (5 0.0.1, $316,863; charged otf, 63,032; Kanawha & .Michigan Ky.-(See Map Toledod Ohio Oentral.J- leaving nal surpluq of $454.218. In 1899-0, $190,118 was paid on Owns Corning, 0., to Gaulef on the Ches. & Ohio, 172 miles, less 17 Kao. C. M. & B. incomes.leaving- a.surplus over all or $83,735.-(V. 73, miles, Pomeroy to Gallipolis, and 1 mile, Athens to Armitage, where p. 236, 3~n, 84.3, 900, 1160, 1165, 1264; v. 7 4, p. 94, Hook. Val. Ry. tracks are used. Also owns branch of 11 miles leased Kansas City Memphis & Birmingham KK.-See Kansas to Toledo & Ohio Centr!IJ. and Col. Shawnee & Hocking Ry. companies. HISTORY, ETc.-Reorganization in April, 1890, of the Kanawha & City Fort Scott & Memphts Ry. above.-(V. 73, p. 337.) Ohio Railway sold in foreclosure. (V. 50, p. 451, 483.) In Oot., 1890, kansas City Mexico & Orient KR.-(See Map.)-Projected a large intereRt in the stock wae aoq_utred by the Toledo & Ohio Central. to extend from Kansas City, Mo., to Port Stilwell, l\tex., on the Gulf which has guaranteed the bonds, principal and lnterest. (Bee V. 52, p. of California, about 1 500 miles. In Oot., 1901, work was in prog. 165, 351.) Oapital stock $10,000,000 ($1,000,000 in treasury July, ress along the entire distance rrom Kansas City, Mo., to Sweetwater, 1901). The first mortg-age bonds are limited only to $15,000 per mile Tex , about 650 miles, and about 110 miles in Mex.too, but of the of road constructed. Ju11e 30, 1901, oar trust notes, $327,746; special latter a.bout 35 uiles east from Chihuahua completed. Bee CHRONICLE equipment and betterment loan, $160,000. of July 28, 1900. The t ~hihuahua & Pao , completed from Chihuahua LATEST EARNS.-5 mos., i 1901 ...••. Gross, $165,~Q; net, $101,526 to Minaoa, 125 m., will be used as the southern portion of the line, the July 1 to Nov. 30. 5 1900 ...... Gross, 381,630; net, 71,483 concessions for building the uncompleted portions of which(see V. 71, p. 181) having been transferred to this company.-V. 73, p. 662. See' O, Bur. over 5 mos. ohges., $48,460 in 1901,· agst. $21,002 in 1900. & P. statement. or the road, 75 mtles frorn Port Stilwell northeast to ANNUAL 8TATEMENT.-Report for year1900-l, in v. 73, p. 660, showed: El Fuerte, is expected to be operated in the Fall of 1901, and from Gross, $924,624; net, $227,300; other income, $6,800; int., taxes, eto., Kansas City to Sweetwater, Tex., about 700 miles, hi summer or 1902. $159,053; balanoe, surplus, $75,047. In 1899·00, gross, $759,069; net, SECURITIE8.-The company is to issue the following stock and bonds $177,046.-(V.73,p. 23-l, 660.) to cover each mile of completed road and equipment, viz.: $2l,500, Kansas City Belt Ky.-FromArgentineto Valley of Blue River, 10 first mortgage 4 per cent gold bonds, running fifty years from their miles. Stock authorized $2,500,000 (par, $100); outstanding date, interest payable semi-annually (but probably incomes for the $100,000 (par, $100); owned one-half by Atchison Topeka first three years) and $20,• ·OJ per mile each in common and non-cum& Santa Fe and three-tenths by Kansas City Fort Scott & Mem- ulative 4 per cent preferred srook. and in addition $2,500,000 bonds phis and two-tenths by Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul. Double-tracked for extra work ln the Sierra. Madre Mountains. President, A. E. Stlland used tor a term.Ina.I road at Kansas City, being leased for 99 years well.-(V. 72, p. 1080, 1237; V. 73, p. 82, 662.) trom 1888 to C M. & St. Paul and Atchison Top. & S. Fe (jointly with Kansas City & Northern Connecting KR.-Sold in fore. other companies) for payment in each oase of 3 p. o. per annum of oost of property used with equal proportion of cost of conducting closure on Oct. 25, 1901, and purchafled by J,1hn W. <:¾ates and associates, who in Nov .. 19111, incorporated the Kaoi:as City Peoria & transportation and maintenance according to wheelage. The mort see below). Year endinjlJunP 30, 1900,gross,$193,744; gage is for $2,500,000. EARNINGS.-For year ending June 30, 1900, ChlC.Ry.(whi,·h def. under oper., $16,792.-(V. 73, p. 494, 84.3, 957, 1061, 1207,1 gross, $271,330; net, $155,305: interest, taxes, etc., $135,239; bal., Kan ■as City Northwestern KK,-Road &.a.nsas City to Vireur., $20,066. Pres't. B. L. Winchell. Kansas City Clinton & Springfield Ry.-Owns from Cedar jOnia., Neb., 162 miles, of whioh Seneca to Axtell, 11 miles, and South Leavenworth to Leavenworth, 1 mile, are traokag~. and 20 miles, Junction, Kan., to Ash Grove, Mo., 164 miles; Arcadia, Kan., to s ..ring• Celd, Mo, 85 mlles (a"quired Sept, 1901, from Kansas City Fort Scott Summerfield to Virginia, was formerly the Kansas uty & Beatrice. Branches, 12 mtles. Total, 174 mtles. A reorganization of the K. c. & Memphis RR.); bra.nob to Pleasant Hill, Mo., 10 miles; total, 25\l miles. Stock, $1,775,400. Bonds were guaranteed by the K. C. Ft. Wyandotte & N. W., roreolosed Jan. 5, 1894. V. 59, p. 152. Entire stock, $4,016,000 (par +:100), and $2,983,000 "B" bonds were pur• Scott & Mem RR. (o1d co.) Pres., H. S. Priest, St. Louis, Mo.-(V. 72, chased in November, 1900, by Mo. Pao. Ry. p. 581; v. 73, p. 184,236, 723.) BoNDs.-Of the $i,016,000 bonds, $900,000 are series "A," "pre• Kansa8 City For• Scott & Memphis Ry. (The)-Owns road exten'1ing from Kansas , tty, Mo., to Memphis, Tenn., and br ,nches, ferred" as to principal and interest, and are redeemable at 105. EARNINGS.-For year ending June 30, 190t (on 174 miles) gross 7ti7 mtles. Uses as tracka~e 85 miles from Arcadia to Sprtngtield, $426,877; net, $109,591; other income, $1,441; total deductions, $78,· Mo, wh ch was sold in SPpt., 1901. by the K C. Ft.~- & Mem RR (old co.) to K •. Clinto,, & Sprin~tltild Ry. (which see u.bove1. AlFio 636; balance, det1oit, $3.2,396. In 1899 0, gross, $415,709; net, $107,has a controlling interflst in stock of th.., K. C . .Mem. & Birm. RR., 938.-(V. 71, p. 1120.) ownin~ line from Mewphis, Tenn., to Birmingham,, with bran h City & Omaha Ry.-In 1900 purchased by O. B. & Q.296 ruHeR, it,nd of the K ansa .. City & MempliiR Ry. & Bridge Co., ownin~ (V.Kansas 71, p. 698.) bridge aorof's Missi>'SlJ•Pi River at Memphi1<, 3 n,iles. Tota1 operated, 1,141 mtles. Also to construct connectm~ line from Jacques Jot., Kan., Kansas City Peoria & Clllea~o Ry. - To operate from Kansas to the 8t Louis & San Francisco RR. at Oswego. Kan., about 24 miles City, Mo .. to Quincy, Ill., with branch, 263 mile,,. Incorporated in ORGANIZATION.-lncorporated on June 14, 1901, and is vestf'd with Nov., 1901. as a con,.,olidation of the KanFias City & Northern Conthe property formerly the Kansas City Ft. S. & Mem. Railroad other nellting RR, Quinoy Omaha & Kansas City RR anct Omaha Kansas than t.he l:!5 ruiles from Arcadia to Sprmgfteld, but not the K1msas City City & Ea~tern RR by 1 oho W G ,tea and assoo ·ates. Stook autho Clinton & Sprmgtl,.ld, and controls other mlleage. V. 7j, p.12H7.-See rized, $3,94.5,000.-(V. 73, p. 106l.) V. 72, p.4 •8, 532. ti75, 988. The St. Louts -' San Francisco RR. owns Kansas City Sonth.-rn Ky -(See Map.)-Operates a line ex• the entire stock and leases the road, guaranteetng the bonos of 1901 tending from Kansas City, Mo., to Port Arthur, Tex., (thence by itl! principal and Interest, and 4 p o on preferred stock trust oertittoates: ship canal 7 miles to deep water on the Gult of Mexico), with branches SToCK.-Common authorized, $45,000,000. Tbe pref. stock is depoe- and extensive terminals used by various roads entel'ing Kansa.e City. ited In escrow and against it are issueo trust certificates of the St L. & Lines owned-Miles. Lines ow,,edMile,. San F. RR., the latter uavtni;t the option to retire the oertitloates at any Kansas City, Mo., to Belt Jot .. 12 Branches to Fort Smith, De t-ime at par, and obligating itself to pay off the whole issue in 2() years Terminal tracks around Kan• Q •incy, La., etc . . . . .••...•. 79 from date meanwhile obl1gatmg itself to pay quarterly rtividends of sas City.. ..•. . .. . . ...... 18 Trac11age-Io Gr'd View,Mo. 11 1 p. o. th,-reon, heglnniog Jan., 1902. Of the certttlcates, $13,.no,ooo Grand View, Mo., to Port Arwere sub1<oribed for in June, 1901, by Mt. L. & 8. F. stockholders, per thur, Tex..•.•.....•.....•...•. 765 Total.... .................. 873 terms tn V. 72, p. 1238. ORGANIZATION.-A reorganization of the Kansas City Ptttsbur~ & BONDS.-The refunding bonds of 1901 (limited to $60,000,000) are Gblf RR., foreclosed Mar. 19, 1900. per plan V. 69, p. 1012, 1062, to be secured by all prnperty now owned, or hereafter acquired with In Oct., 1900, control became vested in the Harriman synd1oate.-V the prooflPds of the reru, ding issue. or the bonds, $11,650,000 were 71, p. 913, 963. Geo. J. Gould is Vto ... Prflstdent. Clear title to the subscribed for in June, 1901, about $31,025,770 will be re~erved for Kansas City Suburban Belt and other terminal properties was acexchange against the faoe amount or underlying bonds, $3,000.000 quired in Deo., 1901 and Jan., 1902.-(V. 73, p. 1356; v. 74, p. 94.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I I  -  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT  76  MAP OF TH;E  KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN 'RAILWAY. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  [VoL. LXXIV.  JANUARY,  77  RA.l..L.1'UAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  1902 I  Subscribers will con.fer a great t'avor by giving Immediate notice of' any error discovered In these Tables. RAILROADS. Mil D t,e Biz INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. ~:r#ii-~o£. es a. e, or Am t , en ne., Por explanation of column headings, &c., see of of Par Ontst:U~g Ra.tie r,er When Where P~a.ble, and by Stocks-Last, on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Oen . Payable om. Dividend. . --·  - --  Kansas Oity St. Joseph cf Oouncit Bluffs.-See CeIC. BURL, &QUI NCY. ,Can. Oi~ Sulntrban Belt-See KANSAS CITY SOUTH ERNR Y. 98 1890 $&£ Kama, i~ Watkin, cf Gulf-lstmortNgold .. F.o• Kentucky entrat-See LOUISVILLE & ASHVILLE. Ken.~ I. Br. cf RR. -K. & I. B. 1st M., g.d assumed .. .... 1881 1st consol. mortgage, $2,500,000, gol ....... S.o*  Ky. WeBt.-lst M., g., oa.11 a.tpar..•....• Feb. 1, 1902 Keokuk~ Des Moines-Preferred stock, 8 per oent 1st mo~ge, mt,erest ra,ar. C. R. I. & P ....•••.. o"  Jleokuk cf amilton ...•.... o Kewaunee Green Bay~ Kingston ff Pembroke-1st M., gold .•••.••..•..•.•••. Kn<n:'O. ~ Ohio-1st M., gold, gua.r. by rent. Ce.o*&r Lake Erie «e Western-Com. stock, $20,000 p. m.  ·10  1900 1900  ....  1869 1891 1882 1885  162 162  ils 69  is1s  725 .... Pref. stock, 6 per cent lnot cum.) ($20,000 p. m.). 725 let mortgage, ($10,000 per mile) gold ...... Ce.o* 725 2d mort., for $3,625,000 ($5,000 p. m.) gold.Ce.c 725 1891 Lake Shore «e Michigan SoutheN1,-Stook ...•.. . Guar.10 per cent stock (Mich. So. & No. Ind.) ... .... Consol. 2d mort. do ................... c&r 859 M.ortg:/ce, $50,000,000, fold. Us ......... .. o*&r 1,000 1897 Detroit onroe & Toledo st mortgage, guar... c 55 1876 & Whit.e Pigeon 1st mort. guar. Un .. o 37 1890 41 1889 Bat. Cr. & Btur. lstMLg.,f!ari.f."& LcseeM.Cen.) Sturgis Goshen & St. • ls mo ., g., p. & 1. gna.r. 36 1889  iss1  --· ·--·  isfa  --z N. Y. Central bolds $45,289,200 of this.  Gross.  Net.  Taxes.  See v. 73, p. 32.  Jan. 1, 1930•  ---· ....  rupons  ......  •harges . Bal., sur.'  1900-01. .•• . .. $4,753,066 $1,384,186 $114,600 $790,902 $478,683 1899·00 .••••. 4,118,763 792,749 . .•. .... .•.. . The net earnings in 1900·01 of the Kansas City Suburban Belt RR., operated separately but accruing to the Kansas City Southern, were $183,813; total, $662,496. DIRECTORS.-Pres •• Stuart R. Knott: Vice•Pres., G. J. Gould; ,T. W. Gates, John Lambert. of Chicago; Edward H. Harriman, Otto H. Kahn, George J. Gould, Edwin Gould, Laurence Greer, of New York; John J. Mitchell, of Chicago; William F. Harrity, of Philadelphia; Julius Walsh, 8. W. Fordyce, H. C. Pierce, of St. Louis.-(V. 73, p. 616, 723, 1206, 1207, 131•, 1356; v. 74, p. 94.) Kansas City Pittsburg & Gult' RK.-See K. C. Southern Ry Kansas 0lty St. Joseph & Council Bluff's KK.-In 1900 absorbed by Chicago Burlmgton & Quincv.-(V. 70, p. 1048.) Kansas 0lty Suburban Belt RR.-See SUPPLEMENT of Aprfl, 1900, and Kansas City Southern Ry.-(V. 69, p. 1346; V. 71, p. 492; v. 73,.p. 616, 1010; v. 74, p. 94. St. Louis Iron Mt. & South. Ky .-see Mo. PAC. RY. SYSTEM. Kentucky & Indiana Bridge & Rallroad Co.-Owns st.eel cantilever bridge over the Ohio River at Louisville and 5 miles of rail• road between Louisville, Ky., and New Albany, Ind .• and 5 miles of belt line in Louisville; also owns Louis. & New Albany Ferry Co. and N. Albany Street Car Co. Successor on Jan. 31, 1900, to the Kentucky & Indiana. Hr1dge Co., purchased in foreclosure subject to the $1,000,000 first mortgage. The Southern Ry., Ba.It. & Ohio South· western (B. & 0.) and Chicago Indianapolis & Louisville own the $75,000 capital stock; par of share , $100. Of the $2,600,000 fl.rat consol. 4s, $1,000,000 are reserved to retire the old 5s ali maturity and $500,000forimprovements and betterments. V. 71. p. 492. EARNINGS.-For year ending Deo. 31, 1899, gross, $278,610; net, $120,885. President. H. B. Spencer; Seo. and Treas., H. :q . Heazlett, Gen. Mgr., B. S. Josselyn.-(V. 70, p. 1249; V. 71, p. 29, 287, 342.) Kentucky Western Ry.-Blaokford, Ky., to Dixon, lij miles, complet.ed Jan. 12, 1901. The Illinois Central took over the op~ra.tlon as in Deo., 1901. V. 73, p. 1264. Stock, $100,000, all outstand• ing, was authorized in May, 1901, to be increased to $200,000; par of shares, $100. The $200,000 bonds were called for payment on Feb. 1, 1902. V. 74, p. 94. For 3 mos ending March 31, 1901, gross earn• ings were $7,982. President, Irving H. Wheatcroft, Blackford, Ky.; Seo. and Treas., F. A. Siefert, Dixon, Ky.-(V. 72, p. 627, 988; V. 73, p. 957, 1264; v. 74, p. 94..) Keokuk& Des Moines Ky.-Owns from Keokuk, Ia., to Des Moines, ca., 162 miles. Leased for 45 years from October 1, 1878, to the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Railway, th€\ lessee to pay 25 per oe:nt of the gross earnings, but guarantees the interest (not the prin• oipal) on the bonds. Stock is $1,524,600 8 per cent preferred and $2,· 600,400 common (par $100), a majority of which is lifild by the lessee. DIVIDENDS.- i 1893. 1894, 1895. '96 to '98. 1899. 1900. 'Ol On pref. p. o. 5 2·4 95 cts. 90 cts. None. fiO ots. 50 cts. 1 · .Rental: In 1895·6, $139,521; in 1896·7, $137,500; in 1897-98, $144,855; in 1898·9, $144,875; in 1899·00, $159,068.-(V. 68, p. 772.) Keokuk & HamUton Bridge Co.-Owns bridge across Mis• sissippi Riv-er at Keokuk, Ia., tor railroads and foot passengers. The property was originally leased to four companies, but only two com• pa.Dies now use it. these being the Toledo Peoria. & West.ern and the Wabash. Re~arding guaranty see V. 59, p. 969. On judgmf'nt of 1889 $203,000 has been collected; on judgment of 1894, $142,000; in Apr., 1901, $142,000 wa11 awarded. V. 72, p. 821. Stock, $1.000,· 000; par, $100. Coupons are in default, but mortgage haa ntwer been foreclosed, and part of overdue interest is as earnings permit. coupon paid was No. 36, due Oct. 1, 1888. EARNINGS.-Yea.r ending June 30, 1900, gross, $35,768; net, $22,· 279; total deductiom, $22,832; bal., det., $553. In 1898·9, gross. $38,553; net, $25,377. President, Andrew Carnegie; Treas., Theo• dore Gilman, 62 Cedar St., N. Y.-(V. 71, p.135; V. 72, p. 821.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  5 g. J. & J.  1,000,000 5 g. M. & B. Ma.rob, 1911 Louisville. 4 g. A.& 0. N. Y.,Sta.nda.rdTrust Co. Apr. 1, 1950, See t.ext. 100 &o. 200,000 6 g. J. & J. N. Y., Central rrust ·co. Feb. 1, 1902 100 1,524,600 Beet.ext. See t,ext N . Y., Office, 13 Wm. St. Seut. l,'Oli 19', 100 &c. 2,750,000 A. & 0. Oot. 1, 92~ 5 do do 1,000 1,000,000 A. & o. 62 Cedar St. As earned. April 1, 1899. 8 1,000 378,000 J. & D. N. Y., Office 40 Wall St. June 1, 1921 5 1,000 572,000 3 g. J. & J. N. Y., 45 Broadway. Jan. 1, 19U. 1,000 2,000,000 6 g. J. & J. N.Y.,J.P.Morgan&Co. July 1, 1925, 100 11,840,000 ..... . ......... 100 11,840,000 41n·ioo1 J. & J. N.Y. Offioe,Gr.Cen. Sta.. Jan.15, '02,2J.t 1,000 7,250,000 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., Chase Nat. Bank. Jan. 1, 19 7 July 1, 1941. 1,000 3,625,000 5 g. J. & J. do do 100 z49,466,500 7 inl901 J. & J . N. Y.,Grand Cent. Sta.t'n Ja.n.29, '02,319 100 533,500 10 F. &A. do do Feb, 1, '02, 5J! 1,000 6,312,000 J. & D. Deo. 1, 19 7 at Grand l,OOO&c 43,119,000 Cent. Sta.•n, N. Y. { June 1, 1997 3~ g. J. & D. 1,000 924,000 F. & A. Ref!f:t.ered int'st on Ang. 1, 1906 1,000 400,000 2 by Un. Trust; Jan. 1, 1940 5 J. & J. 1,000 79,000 3 g. J. & D. on new 3¼s by Deo. 1, 1989 322,000 3 g. J. & D. U. B. Trust, N. Y . Deo. 1, 19.89  NEW SECURITIES -Of the new 1st 3s, $3,802,500 are reserved for future requirements. The reorganization plan provided oash to pay oar trusts, $1,900,000, and for working capital and expenses of reorganization. $2,150,000. VOTING TRUST.-By modifledplan both classes of stock will be Tested for in the following voting trust.ees: E. H. Harriman, Geo. J. Goul • Otto H. Kahn, John W. Gates. Herman Bieloken, Louis Fita· gerald and James Stillman. The voting trustees may, in their dis· cretion, deliver the stock at an earlier date. INTEREST CHARGE.-The annual fixed interest charge $785,· 925, a~ainst $1,134,000 under the former plan of the Philadelphia Oom.m1ttee. (See V. 69, p. 384, 440.) LATEST EARNINGS.- 5 11901. .••. Gross, $2,151,735; net, $638,207 mos.,July 1 to Nov. 30 ( 1900 ..••. Gross.t. 1,847,016; net, 385,840 For 3 mos. ending Sept. 30, 1901, net, $3ul,215, against $165,209 in 1900; Kansas City Suburban Belt, net results, $32,414; total available for fixed charges, $383,629. Report for year ending June 30, 1901, in V. 73, p. 1310, on 833 miles, not induding the Kan. City Suburban Belt RR. or allied propertit"S, showed:  Year.  $1,967,400  -----· 1,000  Keokuk & Western KK.-In 1899 acquired by O. B. & Q. Kingston & Pembroke Ry.-0wns fromKingston,Ont.,Can., to, Renfrew on the Can. Pao., 104 miles; branches, 9 miles In 1899 was reorganized per plan in V. 67, p. 274, by which $1,000 000 (par $50) first pref. 5 p. c. non•oum. stock (V. 67, p. 1309; V. 68, p. 130) and $150,000 second pref. 3 p. c. stock issued, floating debt paid and int.erest on bonds reduced to 3 p. c. In Aug., 1901, the Canadian Pao. Ry. purchased control. ( V. 73, p . 445, 1160.) Com. stock, $2,500,000; par· $50; issued, $2,204,000. First div. on 1st pref~ 1 p. o., paid April 2, 1901.-V. 72, p. 480. Year ending Dec. 31, luOO, gross, $164,368; net, $38,693; int., $17,160; div. on 1st pref. (1 p. c.} paid April, 1901,. $10,000.-(V. 68, p. 130, 927; V. 72, p. 338, 480; V. 73, p. 4~5, 1160.) Knoxville & Bristol KR.-M.orristown, Tenn., to Corryton via. Ta.tie Sprln~s (Bean Station), 40 miles. Road when complet,ed to ex• t.end from Knoxville via. Corryton and Bean Station (including 29m.lles of present line) to Bristol, 120 miles, with branch Bean Station to Morristown (remainder of present line). Reorganization of Mor, ristown & Cumberland Gap RR. sold under foreclosure in Feb., 1898. V. 66, p. 810. Stock authorized, $1,000,000. In Apr., 1898. a mort~age to secure bonds to be issued at $20,000 per mile. President, Henry J. Braker, 100 William Street, New York; Treas., J.B., Providence, R. 1.-(V. 66, p. 810.) Knoxville & Ohio KK.-Owns Knoxville, Tenn., to Jelllco,Tenn., and branch, 69 miles. Stock, $1,122,200; par, $100. Southern Ry, · owns $1,118,300 of the stock, of which $1,111,300 is pledged unde:rits consolidat,ed mortgage of 1894. Earnings not report.ed sepa.rat.ely. Lake Erle Alliance & Wheellog BR.-(V. 73, p. 184, 784.) Lake Erle & Detroit River Ky .-(V. 70, p. 739; V. 73,p. 616.) Lake Erle & Western Kallroad.-RoAD-Owns San• dusky, o., to Peorla,m., 420 miles, and bra.noh to, 10 miles~ Indiana.polis to Michigan City, 162 miles; Fort Wayne to Connersville and branch to Rushville, 133 miles; total owned, 725 miles, of whiob 701 steel; leased from Oot. 1, 1895, the Northern Ohio RR., Akron to Delphos, 165 miles; total opera.tied, 890 miles. HISTORY, ETc.-Formed in 1887 after foreclosure of the Lake Erle & Western Railway. (See V. 50, p. 590.) In 1899, control passed to the Vanderbtlts, and on Jan. I, 1901, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southera owned $5,940,000 common and $5,930,000 pref. stock. v. 71, p. 1269. DIV. SINCE '89 5 1890 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02, on pref.i 4% 4 4ll.a. 5 5 5 5 5 5 O . 2 4 Jan., 2 Dividends suspended in 1899 on account of advances to Cleveland & New Castle Ry., were resumed in July, 1900.-V. 70, p. 1291. BoNDs.-Abstraot of first mortgage in V. 46, p. 45; of 2d mortgage 1n V. 54, p. 444. Guarantees $2,500,000 5s Northern Ohio, whioh see. EARNINGS.-For Jea.r ending Dec. 31, 1901 (partlyestlma.t.ed): Year. Gross. *Net. •Oharges. Di,,,, on.pref. Bal. BU'.1". 1901 ••. $4,370,335 $1,157,573 , $668,750 (4)$473,600 $15,223 1900.... 4,284,780 1,359,918 634,270 (4)473,600 252,048 * Operating expenses in both include expenditures for new equipment, construction and betterments. ANNUAL REPORT.-Preliminary statement for 1901 (partly estimated) was in V. 73, p. 1260. Annual report for 1900 was in V. 72, p. 819. Year end. Dec. 31. 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. Gross ea.rnings ....••. $4,284,780 $3,787,301 Change in methods of Net earnings..••..••.. 1,646,987 1,588,190 accounting. Increase Deduct taxes........ 187,069 195,879 in gross 1n 1899 Intierest on bonds.. 543,750 543,750 over two previous No. Ohio int. guar. .• 100,000 105~000 was over $300,· Dividends .••.•.•... (4)4.73,600 000 yearly; in ne~ - - - ---a.bout $170,000. Bala.nee, surplus. $24.2,568 $74.4,561 -(V. 72, p. 675,819, 1237; V. 73, p. 1260,) Lake Shore & llllchlgan Southern Rallway.-(Su Map N. Y. Oentral.)-Operates from Buffc1,lo to Chicago with branches. The main line (540 miles) includes 26 miles between Toledo and Palmyra. Mich., under lease from the Erie & Kalamazoo. Road 01.0ned direcUy. Miles. Leased, [,rBU thi1 Oo.] .Miles. Buffalo, N. Y., to Chica.go, m .. 540 Kalamazoo A. & G. R........ 58 Sundry branches .•.••••••..••.. 327 Jamestown & 51 Entire stock owned. Central Trunk................ 5 Detroit & Chicago (see below). 26 Mahoning Coal RR........... 47 Detroit Monroe & Toledo .••••• 55 Erle & (26·m.) •••• Te.xt. Kalamazoo & White Pigeon... 37 Detroit Hillsdale & s. W ••• ,r 65 Northern Central Michigan.... 61 Fort Wayne & Jackson .•••• ,r 98 Sturgis G. & St. L .••.•••.••...•. 36 Elk:bart & West.em .•••••••••• ~  Franklin......  1 Grand tot. oper. Jan. 1, '01.1,411 Of the main line 513 miles has double track. By control of "Nickel Plat.e" the Lake Shore has still another line from Buffalo to Chicago. Operates Dunkirk Allegheny Va.lit y & Pittsbur11, Dun.kirk, N. Y ., to Titusville, Pa.., 91 miles, since Oct. 1, 1901, for account of New York Central.-(V. 73, p . 663) ORGANIZATION, &o. A consolldationon Aug.16,.1869. The N. Y. Oh. & St. Louts (Nickel Pla.t.e) road has been oontroued by ownership ot  .lNVESTORS~ SUPPLEMENT.  78  LVoL, LXXIV.  I  ;:;:;;;--.:;"l:.:!  RAILROADS. Mile• Date sne, or INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. . For explanation of column headings,&c., see notes of of Par ou'fu~~~g Rate per When Where P-Miable, and by 8toc7" on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable om. Dividend. Lake Shore ~ .Mich. South'n-( Ooncluded)Kal . .Allegan & Gr. Rapids stock, rental gua.r.•••. 58 let mortgage, guaranteed. Un . ... . ............ c 58 Erie & Kalamazoo (l'sed) et'k, Toledo to Palmyra 26 Lake Shore System-Mahoning Ooal RR.-Stock .... 43 Pref. stock, see text._........ . . . .....•......•...•. 43 lstM.,Younge. toAnd.,eto., ~ar. v.&l.(end).Uno 43 L.Sup.&Ishpem. Ry.-lst M.,$1,200,000 . \is.f.F .c 20 Lea'Denworth Terminal R1t: & Bridge-lat ., g.t~e. 3 Lehigh &Hud. Ri'Der-lst .,g.,'c'd to 5p.c.Ce 42 2d mortgage, gold . ....•••....................... . .. 63 Warwick Valley 1st mort., extended in 1900.Ce. Text. 2d mortgage.Ce .....• . ... . ..•.•..........••...•. 22 L .& Hud. R Gen.M. $3,000,000, g. (see te.xt) Ce.o+ 63 Lehif/ d NewEngl'd-lstM.,$1,000,000,gold. PP gh Falley- tock ($106,300 ts 10 p. c. pf.)Ge> let mortgage, o. and r .• ext. in gold. in 1898 .. GP 2d mortgage . ............•........... . ......•...•. . r 101 Consol. mort.,} coup. & ref, $4,762,000 412s.c&r 461 { $40,000,000 annuity,$ ,338,000 are 412s. FP Mtge. and Coll. Trust, g., calla.t 1071sl ... G P.o*&r •••. fl Coal purchase bond, 2 series ..•••...•..••••...... Lehigh & N. Y., 1st M., g., guar. & 1. Mp . . . c*&r ili Leh.Val. ofN.Y., 1st M., ~-• gu.p. 1.(end.)GPo*&r 283 Leh. Va.l. Ter.,lstM.~o d,gu.p.&i.,end.Ce.c*&r 31 Ea.ston & Amboy,lst .Ea.ston to P .Amboy, ~- .. 60 Easton&No., lstM., gold, guar. byL.Val.~Po*&r 12 Middlesex Valley, 1st mort., $600,000, gold . Ce.o~ 22 Penn. & N. Y. Can. & RR.-lst m., endors .. . c*&r. .... Console (see text) guaranteed p.& i.(end.).GPr ....... . Elmira Cortl'd & No. 1st f.ref. mort., gold..Ce.o* 119 1st M., fold, gua.r. p. & . (end.) . Ce .... .. ....... 119 stM .• ~.,g u.p.&1.byE.C.&N. (V.6A;p.R2)  ....  --------------.isss 1,000 610,000 5·95 A . & O. See J>;ecedingloage . $100 Oct., 1901 840,000 J. & J. 5 July 1, 1938 300,000 50 10 F. & A. N.Y., Trease 24 Thome. Feb., 1902, 5~ ---· 1,500,000 10 in '01 F. & A. N. YY. Gr'd ent. Stat'n. Aug.1, •o~ 3 50 .... 661,850 50 5 J. & J. N . ., Union Trust Co. Jan.,'02, 19 iss4 1,000 1,500,000 J. & J. do do 5 July 1, 1934 1,00 1896 690,000 6 g. J. & J . N.Y., Farm. L. & Tr.Co. Jan. 1, 1926 I  1893 1,000 1,000 1881 1,000 1887 1879 500 &c. 1881 500 &o. 1890 1,000 1,000 1895 50 1,000 1870 1,000 1,000 1873 1,000 1873 1897 1,000 1901 1895 1890 1,000 1891 1,000 1,000 1880 1895 500 &o. 1,000 1892 1,000 1866 1888 1,000 1,000 1884 1,000 1884 1RR6 ---· -·  ioi isas  t·  i:ooo  stock since 1882, Lake Shore now owning $6,240,000 of its oommon. $6,275,000 of its 2d preferred a.nd $2,503,000 of its 1st preferred stock. The company also controls and leases the Mahoning Coal UR. [see L&ke Shore "System" below] and owns (besides the entire stock of the pronrieta.q lines) $2,050,000 Pittsburg & Lake Erie stock. N. Y. C. & H. R. RR. m 1899 had acquired over nine-tenths of the capital stock of the Lake Sho re, as stated below. In l!=lOO the coll!pa ny purc~ased $11,224,000 of the $2.?1.989,310 Cleveland Cin u hlo. & St. Loma oommon stock and ,S!\940,uuO of the $11,840,000 common a.nd $5,930,000 of the $11,840,000 Lake Erill & Western preferred sto~k, b t> lng the entire hold1n~ of the Vanderbtlt roans tn these compames, the whole at a cost ?f $12,958,08 , of which $6,958,082 was paid fro_m surplus earnings m ~8~9 and 1900, and $2,000,000 in 19ol, lea.vrng f4,000,000 to be paid m the future-V. 71, p. 1269; v. 72, p. 870. In Jan, 1902, purchai;,ed 90 per cent of the stock of the Indiana Illi nois & Iowa RR., operating line from Seatonville, Ill., to St Joseph, Mich., 306 miles.-V. 73, p. 135 b; V. 74, p. 41. . OIVIDENDS.-Since ~ '89 '90 '91 '92 '93-97 '98 '99 '00 1901 1902 1888. P. Ct. ~ 5 5 612 61sl 6 y'rly 6¼ 7 7 7 Jan.,3 Lg The oonsol. mortgage of 1897 (United States Trust Co., N. Y., and John T. Dye of Indianapolis, Il!d., trustees,) is for $50,000,000 of 31sl per cent gold bonds, tax free, authorized to retire the several lstmes of 7s maturing from 1898 to 1903 (see abstract in V. 64. p. 1182) amounting to $43,192,0001 and the balance, $6,808,000 for use in re funding said bonds and ror general :purposes of the company. The mortgage covers 829·54 miles of marn line a.nd branches-a considera.ble portion being double tracked-and 181 · l 1 miles of leased lines. To Dec., 1901, $43,119,000 of 312s had been listed.-V. 66, p. 1140; V. 68, p. 1182; V. 73, p. 1261. GUARANTIES.-As to ~uaranttes additional to those shown in table above see Detroit Hillsdale & S. W. and Fort Wa..vne & Jackson. GENERAL FINANCES.-Notwng nas been charged to construction or equipment account since 1883, the outlays charged to operating ex· penses for new equipment amounting il1 1900 to $2,267,825, and in 189~ to $1,865,817 and for construction to $711,918 in moo. against$ t 34,• 073, these items being exclusive of expenditures for renewals. Profit and loss surplus Jan. 1, 1901, $11,248,633. Low grade" permit large train loads; average for l!JOO, 455 tons, aga.inst 42 · in 1899. In Dec•• 1901, $30,880,000 of the $43,192,000 7 per cents due in 1903 and ea.rlier, and outstanding in June, 1897, had been retired and $43,119,000 new 3½is issued, fl.xed cha~~es being reduced $1,072,000 per1annum, or over 2 -per cent on the capital stock. In Feb., 1898, a majority of the capital stock was purchased by the N. Y. C. & H. RR., which gave in exchange its 3¼ p. c. bonds at the rate of $200 in bonds for $LOO in stock. V. 66, p. 288. In Dec, 1901, $45,289,200 stock had been exchanged. V. 69, p.1237. EARNINGs.-For 9 mos. ending Sept. 30. 9mos. Gross. Net Other inc. Int., tax. etc. Bal., sur. 1901. ... $2 I ,4H4,239 $8,090,530 $82:l.797 $2 ,847,797 $6,05 -. ,n30 1900 .... 19,36 L,3 :38 8,002,909 411,456 2,901,357 5,513,008 ANNUAL REPORT.-Preliminary s tatement for 19 1 (partly estimated) was in V. 73, p. 1260. For 1900 was 1n V. 72,p. 87v. Year end. Dec. 311901. UOO. 1899. Total gross earnings ..••.••. $29,3b6,000 $26.466,514 $23,613,946 Oper. exp. & taxes .••••.••• 20,286, 00 17,307,795 15,832,146 Net earnings ..•...••••. $9,070,000 $9.158,719 $7,781,801 tiet, incl. oth. income.... . •••. 9,90~,3,10 $8,157,857 Rentals paid •••....••.••••. ~ $l 856 650 5 9 ~3, 47 732,488 tnterest on debt ......••... 5 ' ' ~ 2,273,312 2,314,753 Dtvid's on guar. stock...... 53,350 5~,350 53,350 Otvidends..........•••...•• . (7)3,462,€55 (7)3,462,655 (7)3,462,655 Surplus over divs •....•. . . . $3,697,345 $3,195,776 $1,594,611 -(V. 73, p. 391,663, 1061, 1260. 1264, 1356.) Lake Shore ~ystem.-Mahonlna Coal KK.-Owns from Youngstown to Andover, 0., and branc'ii, 50 miles. Leased in per etuity for 40 per cent of iross earnings t-0 Lake Shore, which Jan. 1, 900, owned $865,900 common and $399,500 preferred st ock. DIVIDENDS.-~ 1889. '90. '91. '92. '93. '94. '95 to Aug., 1901. On common. 5 412% 5 412 812 8 8 10 (Feb. 7%,Aug. 3 %) The preferred stock certificates are 5 p. o. guaranteed and contain a clause making them redeemable at par at option of company . For year endin~ June 30, 1901, rental, $4H2,520; surplus over int. and 10 p. c. on com . .and , p c. on pref., $156,358. In calendar year 1899 rental $37i,860 .-(V. 66, p. 897 .) Lake Superior & lshpemln2' Ky.-Marquette to !Ahpeming, Mich. 20 miles; leases, 1 mile; total, 21 miles. Stock, $1,0" 0,000; par of shares, $100. Bonds are subj t1ct ro call for th ~ sinkin ~ fund b ~ lot at 105 and interest. Year ending Dec. 31, 1899, $169,63 ~; net, $10 · 197; taxes, $5,989. PreAident, Ww. G. Mather, c·1eveland, O. ; Treas'., W. G. Pollock. Office, Cleveland, 0 .-V. 73, p. 1207. Lake Tahoe Ky & Transportation f'o,-Trut>k ee to Ta hoe, Ca.l , narrow gauge oper a ted durmg tourist i,eason in c , 11nPction with steamers and hote s, also owned. In Nov 1901, a $ -'i00,00 0 m ,,rt~a~e was prop_o sed to the ~ercantile Trl?st Co. of San Franci sco, as trustee. Pres1d~nt, D. L. Bhss , Sa:a Franci sco, Cal. V. 73, p. lltiO. LaramlP Hahn'~ Pea-k & Pacific Ry.-In Dec, 1901. gra1Hng almost completed from Laramit>, Wyomin~, to CeIJtennial, 32 milt-a to be operated in 1902; contract also let for 68 miles beyond Centen'  f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  600,000 5 g J. & J. N. Y., Central Trust Co. J a.n. 1, 1923 800,000 5 g. J. & J. July 1, 1911 164,000 & J. N. Y., Nat'l Exch. July 1, 1917 5ff" J. Bank, and Firlilt 145,000 412() A. & O. July 1, 1911 N a.tton al Bank, 240,000 6 A. & 0. Apr. 1, 1912 Warwick, N. Y. 1,124,000 5 g. J. & J. July l, 1920 431,000 5 g . J. & J. Phila., 927 Chestnut St. July 1, 1945 40,441,100 1893 J."·&·n. Rfili.atofflce; op.Bk.N.A. June 1, 1948 5,000,000 g. M.& 8. P a. 0~ 228 So. 3d St. Sept. 1, 1910 6,000,000 10,400,000 4¼&6 J. & D. o ce;cp.Bk.N.A. Dec. 1, 1928 12,400.000 412&6 J. & D. P a., Of.,228 So. 3d St. Irredeemable, 7,900.000 Philadelphia. 5 f!. M. &N. May 1, 1997 1,215,000 ··4·g·. M.& 8. Phil.,Leh.Val.Of.&N.Y. s~i:i:,--i945 2,000,000 15,000,000 412g. J. & J. N.Y.,Merch.N. Bk.&Ph. J y 1, 1940 10,000,000 5 g. A. & 0. do do Oct. 1, 1941 6,000,000 M.& N. Phila.dc?f., 228 5 3d St. May l, 1920 51.000 412g. M.&N. 0 Nov. 1, 1935 375,000 5 g. M.&N. N. Y., Central Trust Co. Nov. 1, 1942 1,500,000 J. & D. Phila., Bk. N. America.. June 1, 1906 7 8,500,000 4,41sl, 5 A.. & 0. PhiladoLehigh 1~1. RR. Apr. 1, 1939 ,6 g. A. & O. 750,000 Apr. 1, 1914. 1,250,000 5 g. A. & 0. do do Apr. 1, 1914. 300.000 do do July 1, 1906 6 ~- J . & J.  f  Jj  l  *  s3  I nial ; entire projecte,i line, 600 mile•. Stock autll orized, $10,000,000 all common; outsta nding, $3,500,000; p ar of shart-s, $10. No bonds.  President, Isa ac Van Born, 7 Congress St., Bos ton, Mass.; Treas., L. W. Thomp:-1 on.-V. 72, p . 988 . Leavenworth Terminal Railway & Brldge.-Owns high• way and railroad bridge (opened Jan. 1, 1894), 1,110 feet long, over Missouri River at Leavenworth, Kan., and valuable terminal property Ln that city. The mortgage contains a, sinking fund provision. Kan• sas City st. Joseph & c. B. (Chicago B. & Q.. ) and Chicago R. I. & P. ase the bridge at an annual rental of $16,000 each, under a 30-year contract l'.rom 1894, and Chicago Gt. Western from Sept. 1, 1895, for 30 vears: rental $14,250 For year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $51,678; net, $37,779; int. on bonds, ;t30 000; bal. sur., $7,779. Capital stock $600.(l'OO.-(V. t 9 , p. 49-1.) ' ' ' Lehigh & Hudson River Ky.-Owns from Greycourt, on Erie RR., to Belvidere, N. J., on the Pennsylvania RR., 63 miles, Proprietary Unes: Orange County RR. (entil'e stock owned-no bonds issued), Hud• ~ou Junction to Mavhrook, N. Y.,on Cent. 'I .E. Ry. (Pou~hkeepsleBridge), including trackage, a total of 13 miles; S. E. & P. RR.1 ..~!J.illipsburg to Easton, 1 mile; trackage, Penn RR., Ben idere to PDlillpsburg, 13 miles; total oper., 90 miles. The Central RR. of N . J. and Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co. control the road. - V 68 . p. 568. Stock, $1,340,000; par, $100 · BONDS.-Warwiok Valley Lst 111ort. covers 15 miles of road; 2d mortgage covers 22 miles and bonds mature April 1, 1912 Genera.I mort. is for $3,000,000; of tile $1,124,000 out, $1,062,· 000 gua.ra.nteed joint,ly, prin. and interest, by the Cent. RR. of N .J and Leh Coal & Na.v. Co. A.n additional $1,535,000 are re . served to take up prior liens a.nd $330,000 for extensions or a.oquh11. tions of connecting roads See form of e:uaranty, etc., in V. 67, p. 788. ANNUAL REPORT.-lncluding orange County RR.-V. 73, p.1157. Year end. June 30. GrnBs. Ne:. Int., tax, etc. Bal., sur. 1901 ...•.••.•••.••••.... $442,251 $17R,529 $138,175 $33,354 l900 · · · ·····:············· 487,749 235,254 14:i,271 91,983 Lewis A. Riley, President, N. Y. Ctty.-(V. 73, p. 1157, 1261.) Lehl~h & New England KR.-Operates road from Slatington, Pa., to vamJ?.bell Hall, N: Y., 96 miles, of which two sections, a.ggre• gating 16 miles, belong to other companies, leaving 60 miles owned. N. Y. Susq. & W. operates New Jersey Division (Campbell Hall to HainPsburg, 61 miles). and Lehigh Valley RR. operates Pennsylvania. Division (Hainesburg to Slatington, 35 miles.) BranC1h from Wind Gap to Nazareth, Pa., 10 miles. was expected to be cowpleted Oct., 1901. H1sToRY.-A reorganization July 1, 1895, of the Pennsylvania Poughkeepsie & Boston. sold in foreclosure Dec. 14, 1894. SECURITIEs.-Stook is $1,500,000, par $50. Mortgage ts for $1,000,· 000, of which $569,000 for improvements and exten's.-(V. 62, p.134.) Loans and bills payable June 30, 1900, $101,500. There were also June, 1900, $7 fl,OOO collateral trust bonds and $20,000 equipment 6s. EARNI NGS.-For year ending June 30_, 1900, gross, if:88,22!): net, $25,726; cha.rges, $34,085; balance, defl01t, $8,359. -- (V. 73, p . 138.) Lehigh Valley KK.-(See MapJ-Main line, Jersey City,N . .I., opposite N. Y. City, to Bu1fa10, N. Y., 442 miles; branches to Audenried_, Tomhicken, Hazleton, &c., 751 miles; Lehigh & New York RR., 11::> m.11es ; State Line & Sullivan Railroad, 24 miles ; total main line, 1,332 miles; branc!ies, etc., 846 miles. Total system 2,178 miles; second track. 569 miles. Trackage: Penn. RR., 13·6 miles; N. Y. Central, 15 miles; sundry trackage, 34·8 miles. HISTORY, ETC.-ln Ma.rob, 1897, arranged with J.P. Morgan & Co. of N. Y. for a general r ea ijuliltment of tlna,nces, including the holding of voting power for a lar~e b 1ock of the stock.-See V. 64, p. 517. 7 54; V. 68, p 474. F'or list of securities owned, see V 66, p. 187. In June. 1899. J. P . Morgan & Co. purchased ab ,,ut 7 ->,000 eharesd stock, b~mgone-half of the h ,ldmgs of the Asa Packer eRtate, and 1n Jan., ~901 the . emaining half, tl:lese, together with other acqui ...itions, pla.omg them tn praC1tical control.-v. 68, p. 1226; V. 0, p . 10'19; V. 72, p. 87. In 1901 representatives of the Erie, Lac kawanna, Cantral of New Jersey, Readin~ and Vanderbilt interests entered the directory, but the pr, 1perty will continue to be operat.,.d indepen<lentlJ , though in harruony with the other anthracite roads.-V. 72, p . 137, 391. COAL PROPERTY.-The Lehigh Valley RR. Co. owns 3,619 a.ores ot coal lands and all the ($650,000) stock of the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., which in December, 1893, owned anthracite coal and surface lands: Total acres. Ooat acres. Est'd. yield. Owned in fee . ..•.••.•.•••.••..••• 15,217 7,242 124,000,000 Perpetually leased ....•••.••..••. 8,123 5,741 111,000,000 Term lea.Res . ...••.....•..•••• . .•. 1,708 1,708 47,00v,OOO <:ontr~ls through 11tock OWlled.. 9,229 4,519 50,000,000 Collieries 54 daily capacity about 30,000 tons. (V. 62, p. :i64,) The H azelton Coal Co. (chartered in 1896) stock is owned and its $2,000,· 000 tlrs t mortgage 5s allilo owned are guaranteed-see V. 64, fl . 137. In 1900 Delano Land Co was merged in Leh. Va.I. Coal Co.-V 71, p. 287. Thfl Coal Co. shipped from collieries owned 3 .758,58l tons in 1900 01, again At 2,8 ,., 3,136 tons in 1899-00; total coal tonnage tn 190001 was 6,673,136. DIVIDENDS.- ~ '86. '87. '88. '89. '90. '91. '92 '93. none Since '85. P. ct. 5 4 412 5 5 5 5 514 4 since. BoNns.-The $15,000,000 rnortgage and col. trust 5s of 1897 were a.u• thorized to provide for floating debt and for future improvements, $7,000,000 (which may bear a lower rate of interei-t than 5 per cent) being reserved for improvements or acquisition of stocks or bonds of other companies at $1,000,000 a yea.r after 1900. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  oWstertowu oCsmden  :.•  ~-  LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD  ,  : ,•..,J. ~" -  I  '  I  •  •  ~·111'11:  ••  e  '  .. ·  . I· .. ··. ·-- _  :lltl-•·• II • •  :  .,'  .  ,  f  1  .  . ..... . _~ .·.  ~ :  ..  ...  i  ,  • ..  •  ~ '  I  . ~  . f  •  1:,_  ····· . .,  ' '  I :_  ~  •  ro•  . . ' Ll!!!llill¾.  I  .  . :  .  ..  .  ... , '  ·.·•  I • I  1. ,.4· )  I  .  =; .•  •  .. .·- .. """"  ~  '.,  ·: :  '  80  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT. RAILROADS.  l'or explanation of oolumn headings, &o., see notes on first page of tables.  uMgh Yailey-( Ooneluded)Morris Canal stock, 4% guaranteed 999 .•.. Preferred stock, 10 p. c., ~ar. 999 years .....•. L. V.Coal M.$12,000, O,g.s.f.,not drn.c*&r Snow Shoe, lat M.,not guar.GP ............... r Delano 1/d lstM., g., gu.• 8. f. $30,000y'ly.GP National 8tora~e Co. trust certs ...•••••••••••.••. Oar trusts,} $5 ,000 due each F. &A ........... c* lold.GP $500,000, due $25,000 each F.&A .. imp. trusts, gold, due $200.000 year1J';.PeP .. o jold, ser. "D" &,"E," due $382, 00 y'rly. Le:oingt. d ast'n-latM., g.,'Ol,red.102Ce.c* General mort., gold•.••••••.•...•..•......••••. co.r Littk Kanawha-lat mort., gold, $15,000 m.K. Littu Miami-St'k,com.,gu.8 p.c.,99 yrs.,P. .&St.L.  E·  osci.:~  ~!-eM~<fs~=~>-.::v: ·12: ·p: 1s4·,·24·i; i L. B.ock d Hot Sp. West.-lat M.~ $1~40,000.!IIISt LUtk&huylkutNav.RR. d Ooa too (rentalgu.) I.,ong Ialand-2dmortga~·······················o* Consol. mortgaged. gold, ,000,000.Ce : .•••••.••. do o do . ••..•••.••••• General mortgage, gold Ce.... . .•••••.•••..••. o" Metro/Joi. Ferry Co. 1st M., gold,red. at 110.Ce.o.. L. I. R. M. on ferry for $2,75~000,N,olcl.Ce .. o* Mortgage bonds of 1932 for $5 0,00 , gold Ce •• Debenture ($:ii5~00) gold, not subject to call.. New York & us g lstmortg8'§8, assumed .•.. B'klyn & Montauk 1st M., $250, are 6s.Ce.o* 2d M.ili; ass'd, Bus. Sta. to Ea~. & brs.Ce.o' Leng Is d City & Flushing 1st ., assumed .. o• Oonsol. gold, assumed.Ce•.•.•.•.•.. o' Unifted M., $45,0 0,000, g. call 110 Vsm .... c&r  [VoL.LXXIV•  .Bontta-Pnno,• INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Dat,e Size, or pal, When Due. Amount Par of of Rat,e r,er When Where P~able, and by Btocu-Last Outstanding Road. Bonds Value. Cen • Payable _ om. Dividend.  --- - - -  ---· ....  . --·  ---· ----  . --· ....  ---· .... ----  ·92 30  ·si  84 57 32 155 156 156 163  ....  ·1s ···2 76 76 12 19  ....  --·  $100 $1,025,000 4 F. & A. Phil. office, 228 8.3d Bt. Feb., 1902, 2~ . 100 1,175,000 10 F. & A. do do Feb., 1902i 5 isgs 1,000&c 11,514,000 5 J. & J. N. Y. and Philadelphia. Jan. 1, 93 375,000 1880 500 5 g. J. & J. , Phlladelphla. Ja.n. 1, 1910 1,000 1,104,000 1892 5 g. J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1931 5,000,000 F . .&..A. Phll.,Girard L.I.A.& Tr. Feb:; 1902·08 i895 1:000 450,000 1896 1.000 250,000 5 g. F. & A. do do Feb., 1902-08 l,6U(J,000 1899 1,000 419 g. J. & D . Phila., Penn. Co.for Ins. To June 1, '09 3,356,000 '99·'01 1,000 Various Philadelphia. 1902 to 1910 419 #l. 1,000 1895 850,000 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., J. K. Tod & Co. July 1, 1911 1895 l,OOO&c 1,500,000 See t.ext. F. & A. 1 p. ct. cash pd. Feb.,'02 Feb. 1, 1936 (!) 1,000 1898 5 g. J. & J. . . . . ....•• Jan. 1, 1948 50 4,943,100 825 Cinn.,Offlce, 1st Nat.Bk. Dec.10,'01, 21 5 iss2 1,000 1,500,000 5 . & N. N. Y., Ba.nk of America. Nov. 2, 191~ 1,000 1,417,000 1901 319 F. & A. do do Feb. 1, 1951 1,140,000 1899 1,000 4 g, J. & J. St. Louis and Phlla. July 1, 1929 50 2,487,850 5 g. J. & J. Phlla., or., 410 Walnut Jan.10, '02,219 is1s 100 &o 268,703 7 F. & A. N.Y.,U.S.Mort.&Tr.Co. Aug, 1, 1918 1881 1,000 3,610,000 5 g. ~.-J. do do July 1, 1931 1881 1,121,000 1,000 4 g. .-J. do do July 1, 1931 3,000,000 1888 JoOOO 4 g. J. & D. do do June 1, 1938 1887 5 1,250,000 &c 5 g. M. & N. do do Nov. 1, 1937 1,000 1,494,000 1892 4lgg. M. & 8. do do Moh. 1, 1921 1892 1,000 332,000 4 g. J. & D. do do June 1, 1932 1894 1,000 a 1,135,000 5 g. J. & D. do do June 1 193, 1880 1,000 125,000 6 M. & 8. do . do Moh. 1, 1920 1881 1,000 1,000,000 5 & 6 g. M. & B. do do Moh. 1, 1911 1888 1,000 600,000 5 g. J. & D. do do June 1, 1938 1881 1,000 600,000 6 M. & N. do do May 1, 1911 1,000 1887 650,000 5 g. M. & N. do do May 1, 193'7 1899 l,OOO&o 5,660,000 4 g. M. & 8. do do Mar. 1, 1949  ...5.g.  covers 791 ·69 miles of single track, including branches and sidings, real estat.e in Philadelphia, and also stocks and bonds of various com• pa.mes. Lehigh Valley _bonds with lien prior to these bonds may be extended or new prior lien bonds issued, but not to increase the aggregat,e prinoipa.l sum or rate of int.erestof surh bonds except as provided fu the oonso~dat.ed mortgage. List of collateral pledged to secure bonds was given in V. 65, p.1114-see also V. 66, p. 187. The bonds are subject to call at 10719 P• c. Gu.A.JUNTIEs.-Easton d liorthern RR.-RoadfromBelfa.stto Easton Pa., 8 mile~; branch to Lehigh Valley RR. at South Easton, 4 miles Capitalstook1s$300,000. Lehigh Val. guarantees bonds. (V. 62,p.135. Bl-mira aortland d NortlwYrn RR.-Thla road, with the oanastota Northern, runs from Elmira to Canastota and Camden, N. Y., 140 miles The stock $2 ooo 000 18 owned-V. 62 p. 364 1177. •. ' . ' ' ' ' Leh1,gh Valley Rail Way Oo. of New York.-Owna Bu1falo,N. Y., to near Sayre, Penn., 175 m. double track, a.i:d branches to Ithaca, Auburn, et.o. 110 m.; total, 285 m. Stock owned by Lehigh Val. RR. Mortgage abstraotV. 51, p. 114. (V. 65, p. 412, 1071.) Car trusts, $900,000. LehighValleyTerminalRailway. -Ownsdouble-trackroadfromBouth Plainfl.eld, N. J., to Jersey City, withabout125 acres at Jersey City and a large front there, eto.; its stock of $10,000,000 ls owned by LeValley RR. (V. 53, p. 640, 880.) Middlesu: Valley RR.-Nafles to Geneva, N. Y., 29 miles. Bonds due 1942, guaranteed, prinoipa and interest <end orsed).-V. 62 • p. 134· Morrts Oanae.-Leaaed for 999 years and dividends guaranteed. Bonds all owned by Lehigh Valley. See V. 50, p.137. Pennsylvania d New York Oanal d Railroad.-Leaaed for 99 years from December 1, 1888, to Lehigh Valley, which has assumed its debt and owns all its stock. Consol. mortgage bonds of 1888 are reserved to take up prior bonds when due. The console include $4,000,000 of 5 per cents, $3,000,000 of 48, $1,500,000 of 4¼s.-V. 62, p. 950. Lehigh d New York RR.-Near East Waverly to Fairhaven, on Lake Ontario, 115 miles.-V. 61, p. 558,750; v. 62, p. 134; V. 71, p. 1311. Lehigh Valley Ooal Oo.-See "Coal Property" above. GENERAL FIN.A.NCES.-Real estat.e mortgages, $214,520. In May, 1900, aold to Drexel & Co., of Philadelphia, ~3,000,000 4½1 per cent oar trusts, $300,000 to be retired yearly. V. 72, p. 141. In Dec., '99, purchased National Dock11 By. and Nat.ional Storage Co., having terminals and warehouses in Jersey City, a.nd became responsible for $5,· 000,000 Nat. Storage Trust certs. V. 72, p. 141. ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal yea.r to end June 30. The report for 1900· 01 was given in CHRONICLE of Jan. 25. See also editorial. l'earend. Nov. 301901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Earnings from ooal.$11,6~3,276 $9,413,472 $9,553,950 $8,436,392 Misoel. freight •.•••• 14,255,961 9,659,172 8,236,505 7,571,978 Passengers.......... 3,635,061 2,959,378 2,760,401 2,718,859 Mall, express, etc... 1,109,234 1,017,260 1,019,645 1,015,310 Total gross .•..•• $26,683,534 $23,049,282 $21,570,502 $19,742,538 Op.exps., 20,069,876 19,242,421 16,648,829 14,188,228  Net eamtngs. ... $6,613,658 $3,806,861 $4,921,673 $5,554,310 Otherincome........ 1,105,898 1,055,785 1,117,728 1,244,945  ----  Total netinoome $7-,719,556 $4,862,646 $6,039,401 $6,799,255 Sta.tie taxes.......... $625,937 $632,~06 $650,639 $360,000 Bal. of int. aooount. 298,120 254,883 20,393 19,8fi3 Lo88 Mor. Canal,etc. 222,608 290,684 239,989 230,073 Int. and rentals..... 5,172,578 4,936.370 4,824,270 4,844,166 Int. Leh. Val. Coal. 825,700 825,700 827,304 831,058 Total charges .•. $7,144,943 $6,940,443 $6,562,595 $6,325,154  Bala.nee ....... ...... sr.$574,612dt.$2,077,797 df.$523,194 sr.$474,104  I Oot., Ky., to oannel coal fields in Morgan Co., over 26 miles, since late in 1901. Capital stock, $500,QOO; par, $100. Reorganized with•  out foreclosure in 1901 per pla.n V. 73, p. 663. BONDS.-Under the reorganization in 1901 the first mortga11;e 58 (which matured Jan. 1, 1900) were extended at same rate of interest to July 1, 1911, the company having the right to call and redeem all or any of them at102 and interest. All mterest on the general mortgage bonds was waived to Aug. 1, 1901, interest thereatter to be paid m cash Feb. and Aug 1, as follows: 2 p. o. yearly for 5 years then 3 p. c. for 5 years and 5 p. o. yearly thereafter to maturity. Deferred deben• tures will be issued from time to time for the balance of the interest not paid in cash on the general mortgage bonds accruing after Aug. 1, 1901, such debentures ($375,000 eventually) being payable without interest whenever the company shall decide, either in or general mortgage bonds, but to become payable immediately in O-tSf\ any divi• dend iE> declared on the stock. Loans payable June 30 1900 $23 938 ' • ' • EARNINGS.-5 months, S 1901. ........ Gross, $168,-174; neli, $63,184 July 1 to Nov. 30. { 1900 ..•.•.... Gross, 145,867; net, 50,898 Year ending fune 30, 1901, gross, $357,881; net, $136,844; other income, $1.397; mterest1 $50,000: taxes, $6,000; rentals, etc., $24,437; bal., sur., $57,804. President, Robert E. Tod, N. Y.-(V.73,p. 663,843; V. 74, p. 94.) Little Falls & Dolgeville KK.-V. 68, p. 1077; V. 72, p, 1188. Little Kanawha KK.-Parkersburg, W. Va., to Palestine, 30 mlles, thence by steamer, 20 miles, ro Creston; total, 52 miles. Line operated from May, 1898. Stock, $2,000,000 authorized; issued$426,• 000. J. T . .Blair, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr., Parkersburg, W. Va.-(V. 71, p. 1167, 1220; V, 72, p. 776; V. 73, p. 1061, 1112.) Little lUlaml KK.-Owns Cincinnati, 0., to 8pr1ngfteld, 0., 8~ miles branch, Xenia, O., t-0 Dayton, 0., 16 miles; leases, Columbus & Xenia.RR., Xenia, 0., to Columbus, O •• 55 miles: Dayton & West. RR., Dayton, 0., to Ind. State Line, 38 m.; Cin. St. Con.RR., 2 m.; tot. 195 m. LE.A.SE.-011 Deo. 1, 1869J. leased to Pittsburg Cincinnati & Sti. Lowa (now Pittsburg Cincinnati uhioago & St. Louis) for ninety-nine years renewable forever. The PeD11.. RR. Co. ts a party to the contra.ct and guarantees its faithful execution. Rental is 8 per cent on $4,943,100 stock and interest on debt. Lessee's report for this road shows net loss to lessee : In 1897, $230,645; in 1898, $222...t225 ; in 1899, profit, $54,725; in 1900, $65,g89. Stock authorized, $i:s,OOO,OOO. Be~ g Deo., 1899, 15 per cent extra has been paid Dec. and June from the surplus invested fund, making dividend 825 per cent yearly. -(V. 69, p. 852, 1147; V. 70, p. 230; V. 72, p. 44, 184, 241, 1080). Little Kock & Hot Spring" Western KR.-Little Rook, Ark., at a connection with the Choctaw Oklahoma & Gulf, to Hot Springs, 57 miles; opened April, 1900. Organized in 1899, and com• pleted the partially constructed Little Rock Hot Springs & Texas RR., sold in foreclosure on Ja.n. 4, 1899. V. 68, p. 85; v. 69,p. 283. The Ohoota.w Oklahoma & Gulf on Sept. 29, 1901, took ovM the ,portlon from Little Rock to Benton, 27 IDiles, under lease.-V. 73, p. 722. Stock, $1,140,000, all outsta.nding; par, $100. Ooupone, including July, l 900_, ~e;e clipped. Pres.& Trea~., W. C. Fordyce, Chemical Bldg., St. Louts, .1n.o., Seo., W. S. Mitchell, LittleRock,Ark.-(V. 70, p. '791.) Little Kock & Mem.phls KK.-See Choctaw & Memphis RR. Little Schuylkill Navigation KR. & Cloal.-Owns from Port Clinton to Tamanend and Beevesdale, 32 miles. R.e-leased on ·Deo. 1, 1896, to Phila. & Read. Ry. for 999, and rental reduced from 7 p. c. on stock to 5 p. o., gold from Jan. 1, 1897; in 1898, 519 p. o.; in 1899, Jan., 2-½l p. c; July, 3 p. c.; in 1900, 5 p. o.; in '01, Jan., 3 p. o.; July, 21ii p. c.; 1902, Ja.11., 2-½l p. o. Lessee pays taxes and organ. exp. Bonds issued are deposited as security for Reading Coal & Iron bonds. -(V. 73, p. 554,)  Loo-ansport & Toledo Ky.-Logansport, Ind., to Butler, Ind., Deficit in 1900 is explained by large expenditures for additions and 94 mi'res Successor on Sept. 12, 1901, to Eel River RR., aold under bett.erments, $1,331,271, against $1,029,884 in 1899, besidE:s large ex• order of Court and purchased in the Interest of the Pennsylvania RR., and operated from Jan. 1, J 902, as a part of the Vandalia system. In penditures for equipment in both years. The report for 1901 as above does not include the ooal properties, Jan., 1902, t~e details of the_new securitieshad not been decided !!POn. -V. 74, p. 41, V. ?2, p. 1187, V. 73, p. 391,553. Stock,$ (I). (V. 73, for the improvement of which a large amount was expended in the p. 553, 1010; v. 74, p. 41.) year and on whose operations, eto., there was a deficit of $491,577. Other income as above in 1900 ($1,05,5,785) includes dividends on Long Island KK.-Operalies all the st.eam surface roads o:n Long etooks owned, $312,888; intierest on mortgages, $41,417; sundries, Island, adjoinmg New York City, the syst.em including: $84,869, and interest on bonds, $616,620, the bonds embracing: OwnsMites. Leasu-• mWhich see.) Jlilu, ·l~too,ooo Leh. Val. Coal Co., 1892; $6,Cl00,000 Leh. Val. Coal Co., 1897; 12~,· Long Island City to Greenport. 94 MontaukExt. &N. Y. Bay Ext. 27 0 Long IBl&l\d City to Gt. Nook .. 14 l!inw York & Rockaway........ 5 ~ c~~:r.r~Mtehii{Jo~~l.cM·>J~c~:s?: ~ dlesex Valley RR~o., $850,000 Greenville & Hudson Ry. Co., $384:,500 Coal Bushwick to Bag Harbor ••••••. 96 N. Y. B'klyn & Man. ,r .• 19 Sundry branches ...•.•.•••..•.. 80 Gr't Neck & Port Washi11gton. 4, Ridge lmpt. & Coal Co. . Pres. (Jan., 1901), Alfred; Treas., W. c. Alderson; Secretary, Total owned•••••••.••..••••• 284 Total June 30, 1901. .....•. 380 .John R. Fanshawe, 228 So. Third St., Phila, Executive Com. : Chair• LeasesDouble track . ....•..•.•••.•.••• 108 ma.n, Eben B. Thomas; Geo. F. Baker, E.T. Stot.esbury, Charles Steele, Brooklyn & Jama.lea RR ....••• 11 Oontrol•-earnings kept separau. H. MoK. Twombly and Alfred Walter. North Shore Branch RR........ 30 N. Y. & Rockaway BJ. ,r 12 Directors-Alfred Walter. Edward T. Stotesbury, Joseph Wharton. Beauveau ORGANIZATION.-In May, 1900, a matlority of the stock was purohued Borla. Charles Steele. Irving A. Stearns, Abram Nesbitt, H. McK. Twombly, :llbell B. Thomas, George F. Baker, J. Rogers .Maxwell, George Jl'. Baer and by the Pennsylvania RR.-V. 701 p. 894, 946, 996, 1149; T. 71, p. 914; Robt. C. Lippincott. v. 72, p. 480,491. Decision as ro right of way, V. 73, p. 32. -(V. 72, p. 532, 722; V. 73, p. 138,391,663, 1207; V. 74, p. 148.) BTOCK.-$12,000,000; par, $50. Lexln~ton & Ea8tern Ky.-Owns from Lexington, Ky., to Jack• DIVIDENDS.- S1882. '83 to '90. '91. '92. '93. '94. '95. '96. None &0n, Ky., about 92 miles. Opera.ties Ohio & Kentucky Ry., Jackson, , Per cent. { 1 4 yearly 419 5 5 434 4 4, e!noe. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  fo~tl~!~ i 8t It~:&&& M?~:  JANUARY, 1902.J  RAILROAD STOO.K.S AND BONDS.  RAILROADS.  For explanation of column headings, &c., see note11 on first page of tables.  81  Miles Date Size, or Amount INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. BondB--Prinoi• of . of - Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, and by palJ When Due. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. St'u-LaatDiv.  Long Island-(Ooncl.)-LEASED LINES, PRINCIPAL OR I NTERESTGUAR ANTEED.  5 g. Q.-J. N.Y.,U.S.Mort.&Tr.Co. L.I.RR.N.Sh.Br.cons.M.$1,500,000,gu.p.&LCeo* 30 1892 $1,000 $1,425,000 N. Y. B. &Man. B.lstcon. M.$1,726,000 g.,gu.Ce 19 1885 1,000 al,601,000 5 g. A. & 0. do do - N. Y. & Rook. B., 1st M. $984,000, gu. p. & I.Ce. .... 1887 1,000 a883,000 5 g. M. & 8. do do N. Y. Bay Extension, $200,000, 1st M., gu. p. & 1. 6 1893 ..•••• a 100,000 5 J. & J. do do 5 J. & J. do do MontaukExtens'n,$600,000, lstM. 1 gu.p.&1.0e 21 1895 a315,000 P. P. & C. I., 1st and 2d, ($96,000 2us) gu. p. & 1. , 10 '86·'91 436,000 412 Semi·an do do 5 g. J. & J. N.Y.,Boody, McL.&Co. Lou-i.siana cf Northwest RR.-First mort., gold..... 36 1895 1,000 100,000 5 g. M. & S. N. Y.,R.Winthrop&Uo. La. Bouth'n-lst M., g., red. at 105 after 1902 Ce.c 45 1897 500 250,000 6 g. J. & J. N. Y., 8. Pac.Co., 23 B'rd Louuiana Western-1st mortgagei gold ........... ok 112 1881 1,000 2,240,000 5 g. M. & N. N. Y., Knick. Trust Co. Louin. cf Atlantic-1st mort., god, $1,000,000.K •.•. 1901 1,000 1,000,000 Louisville, Ky. LouiBmlle Bridge Oo.-Stock...... .•.... ..•.•• ...... . .•. .... 100 1,500,000 See t ext. F. & A. Louin. Evan. cf St. Louis Oonsot.-See SOUTH'N RY. 100 4,000,000 to be hel d in voting trust for ten years. Louts.H.cf8t.L.-St'k($2 000,0001spf.5%non•cum..) 500 2,200,000 5 g. J. & J. N.Y.,Bk.ofAm.&Louis. 1st mortga_ge, $2,500,000, gold.Mo.... . . •. .... .. i65 1896 1,000 3,000,000 4 g. M. & 8. N.Y.,J.P.Morgan&Co. Loui111,.cf Jeff.Br. Oo.-$5,000,000, p.&1.,end.c• . . •• 1895 100 55,000,000 51n 1901 F. & A N. Y., 120 Broadway. Louiaville ~ Nashville-Stock, $60,000,000...... .. . . £200 cl,994,660 6 g. F. & A. London and New York. Mem.Clarks.&L. lst M.,£,Guthrie to Paris,Tenn.o* 8 3 i872 325,000 7 M. & 8. N. Y.-1 120 Broadway. Oeoll.Br.lstM.,Cecil.toLouis.,s.f.,dr. at 100. Un c~ 46 1877 $1,000 1,840,000 6 g. J. & D. (10 do E.H.&N.lstM., Hend.toNash., g, dr'na.tllO.Ce.c* 151 1879 1,000 9,221,000 6 g. J. & D. do do Louis. & Nash. gen'l M., gold, drawn at 110.Ce.c* 802 1880 1,000 892,000 7 A. & 0. do do L. O. & Lex. 2d m. s. f. not dr'n, Louis. to N ewp't.o• 175 1877 100 &o. 3,258,000 412 g. M. & N. do do Gen.111.ort. L. C. & L., gold (formerly 6s),1'.l.o.o* 175 1881 1,000 6 g. A. & O. do d'o L. & N. bds., 8.& N. Ala. RR., 2dM. as col. g. Un.c* 189 1880 1,900 dl,926,000 Pensacola Div., 1st M., gold (dr'n at 105).F .. c* 45 1880 1,000 e544,000 6 g. M. & 8. do do 5,000,000 6 g. J. & J. do do N. 0. & Mob. Div. let M., N.O. to Mobile, g . .F.c* 141 1880 1,000 2d mortgage, gold ................ _.•......•• ••c 141 1880 1,000 1,000,000 6 g. J. & J. do do 8outheast'n & St. Louis Div. let mort., gold. ... o* 208 1881 1,000 3,500,000 6 g. M. & 8. do do 2d M.,gold, East St. L. to Evansville & hr .... o* 208 1881 1,000 8,000,000 3 g. M. & 8. do do 5 g. M. & N. do do 1st M. (50-year 5s), $15,000 p. m., gold. Us . .. o• 118 1887 1,000 f'l,749,000 5 g. M. & N. do do 1st mort., collateral trust ($7,000,000) gold.. Fc• .... 1888 1,000 g4,940,000 Untiled mortgage for $75,000,000, gold.t ;e.c*&r Text. 1890 l.OOO&c b28,394,000 4 g. J. & J, do do a In hands of public; total issued shown in left hand column; balan ce under uni.fled mort . b. c, d, e. f', :;r;, see foot note  i:ooo  BoNDs.-The/errymortgagefor$2,750,000covers all the real and per E.onal propercy pertaining to the oompa.nY's ferries (34th Street and Jamee Slip); $1,250,000 bonds being reserved to re.tire the Metropolitan Ferry 5s. As to debentures see page 2 of SUPPLEMENT of April, 1895. The unified mortgage (U.S. Mortgage & Trust Co., N. Y., trustee,) 111 tor $45,000,000, secured by a. lien upon the entire property, $28,· 000,000 being reserved to r~tire all prior liens, $~1 500,000 for change of motive power to electricity or other power, u rteemed advisable, $4,500,000 for other improvements, a.nd the $4,000,000 remaining, with any unused balance for permanent improvements and additions at not exceeding $400,000 per annum. Bonds are subject to call at 110 in whole or in part on any interest da.y.-V. 68, p. 618. Loans and bills payable June 30, 1901, $695,000, since reduced to $95,000; morts. on real estate $281 238 ' ' • GUARANTIES.-ln ad.d.it1on to guaranteed. bords in table above guar· antees 5 p. c. on $650,000 New York Brooklyn & Manhattan Beach preferred stock as part rental; also 412 p. c. on $50,000 P. P. & So. Br. stock, and 412 p. c. on $82,500 of the N. Y. & Coney Island stock. FlNANCES.-L. I. RR. Terminal Co. incor. in 1899. See V. 70, p. 39. In Dec., 1901, the Atlantic Avenue (Brooklyn) improvement was begun, the total cost of the work being estimated as about $2,500,· 000, of which one.half will be borne by the city. See V. 72, p 722; V. 64, p . 469; V. 6 5, p. 512; V. 66. p. 471; V. 73, V· 613, 1011, 1207. An agreem ent with the Brooklyn Rapid Tra.~s1t Co. in Apr1l, 1899, provides for t he operation of trains from J~mawa. to Brooklyn Bridge. andfromRockaway Park to Broadway fe~ies. V.~8,p.669; V.69,p.654. In June, 19 01, the extension of the Rapid Transit tunnel [being con• structed b y the city) was authorized from Manhattan under the East River and t h ence to the Flatbush A venue Station, Brooklyn. On Dec. 11, 1901, the Pennsyl vania•N. Y.Extension RR. was incor porated, with $1,000,000 stock, to construct and operate by electricity, to• gether with a New Jersey company about to be organized, an underground tunnel r ailroad as an extension of the L. I. RR. from Long Island Cit y and thence under the E a st River to a central p a ssenger station at 33d Street and 7th to 10th A venues, and thence under the Hudson River t o New Jersey at a connection with the Pennsylvania RR.-V. 73, p. 1264 . • LATEST EAIDHNGS.-July l to Sept. 30, 3 mos . S ystem, 391 miles. 3 moa. Gross. Net. Oth,e,r lnc. Ohargea. Batar,ce. 1901. ..••. $2,106,310 $988,612 $94,632 $506,914 $576,330 1900.•.••• 1,81>1,733 816,817 88,150 491,565 408,402 ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends June 30. Annual meeting is held the second Tuesday in April. Report for 1900-01 was in v. 73 , p. 612 . YearendinpJune30- 1901. 1900. 1899• 1898. Gross earnings . .•.••.. $4,862,347 $4,557,259 $4,622,475 f4,333,l94 3 276 073 3 311 370 2 989 3 7 3 Operating eTnenses 3,516 705 -~ ·• ' • ' • • ' • Net earnings ...•.. $1,345,642 $1,281,186 $1,311,105 $1,343,821 Totalnet ....•...•..... $1,631,552 $1,557,098 $1,473,103 $1,473,690 Interest on bonds..... 837,280 837,2i;O 624,096 638,629 Taxes.................. 258,700 232,084 202,957 205,865 Rentals................ 322,800 322,800 322,800 312,800 Miscellaneous......... 16,962 5,440 73,177 72,521 Reserve fund.......... 195,809 100,000 _ _ _ _ - - - ~ - --Balance.......... • ..•.....•• sur.$59,494sur.$250,073sur$243,875 President, W. H. Baldwin Jr. Treasurer is Robert Smith, Broad street Sta.Mon,Philadelphia.-(V. 73, p. 32,389,391,612, 1011, 1160, 1264 ·> Lo8 A. ngeles Term. Ky .-See San Pedro Los Ang. & Salt Lake Ry. For 9 mos. ending Mar. 31 $128,104 In 1900·1, $91,612 in 1899-0. Year 1899-0, gross, $160,245; net, $41,894.-(V. 72, p. 184.) Louisiana & Arkansas KK.-Stamps, Ark., to Salt Works, 107 mlles, with branch Taylor Junotion, Ark., to Fomby, 28 miles; t.otal, 135 miles. Extensions were proposed northerly from Stamps to Hope, and southerly from Salt Works to Trinity, La., and Alexandria, La., on the Red River. Stock issued June, 1900, $600,000. Year ending June 30, 1900 (135 miles), gross, $203,234; net, $91,806; t.otal deductions, $9,282; dividends, 8.120,500; bal., def., $38,476. President, William Buchanan, Texarkana., Tex.-(V. 70, p. 1049, 1291; v. 73, p. 1207.) Louisiana & Northwest KK.-Owns Magnolia, Ark., to a point 8 miles south of Bienville; trackage, Magnolia., to McNiel, 6¼ miles; total, 86¼ miles. Extension from soa.therly terminus to Natchitoches, La., 36 miles, is to be completed by June 30, 1902. Lease to J. D. Beardsley canceled. Stock, $3,000,000 authorized; issued Jan., 1896, $700,000, par, $100. Loans and bills payable June 30, 1901, $ 166,· 530. Trustee of first mortgage bonds, People's Trust Co., Brook· lyn, N. Y. There are also 50•year gold console at $7,500 per mile, all owned by company. Year ending June 30, 1901 (7812 miles), gross, $122,999; net, $62, 202; int., ta.xes and rental, $14,695; bal., surplus, $47,507. Qeneral Manager, J. D. Beardsley, Gibsland, La.-(V. 71, p. 1012; v. 73, p. 957.) Louisi ana Southern Ry.-Operatesfrom New Orleans to Belair and Shell B each, 45 miles. A reorganization of New Orleans & South· em, fo reclosed October 26, 1896. See V. 64, p. 83. In Jan., 1901, the United R y . Trading Co. ot England acquired control, together with the Kenilsworth Sugar Estates, Lim., a.bout 10,000 a.cres. v. 72, p. 87. Btock, $300,000, all outstanding; par $100. Year ending June 30, 1900, gross,$69,785; n et, $21,409; mt. and taxes,$19,632; bal., sur., $1,776. -(V. 7'1,, p . 87.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Oct. 1, 1932 Oct. 1, 1935 Sept. 1, 1927 Jan. 1, 1943 Jan. 1, 1945 1926·1931 Jan. 1, 194.5 Mar. 1, 1950 July 1, 1921 May 1, 194.1 See text. SeeV.62,p.138 Jan., 1946 Moh. 1, 1945 Feb.10,'02,2lg Aug. 1, 1902 Mc.Ii. 1, 1907 Dec. 1, 1919 June 1, 1930 Oct. 1, 1907 Nov. 1, 1931 Apr. 1, 1910 ~oh. 1, 1920 Jan. 1, 1930 Jan. 1, 1930 Moh. 1, 1921 Moh. 1, 1980 May 1, 1937 Nov. 1, 1931 July 1, 1940 on next page  I rrom Louisiana Western KK.-(SeeMap of Southern Pacijtc,)-Owns Lafayette, La., to Orange, Tex, 112 iniles; branches (2), 35 mlles; total, 147 miles. Operated independently, but in connection with Southern Pacific Co. system, which owns all the $3,360,000 stock. EA.RNINGS.-4 months, i 1901. ....... Gross, $606,036; net, $267,474 July 1 to Oct. 31. 51900 .•••.... Gross, 514,752; net, 206,983 In year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $1,646,730; net, includin~ other Income, $742,654; eurp. over charges, $366,925; amount of net profit due this company as per lease, $394 513. In 1899·0, gross $1 349.537 ' , ' '. '. Louisville~ At. KK.-Versailles,Ky., to Mlller s Creek, 68 miles. Incorporated m July: 1899, as successor of the Richmond Nicholas rille Irvtne & Beattyville RR.; aold under forecJo~ure Ma.y 1, 1899 't'be Beattyville & Oum.berland Gap RR., Beattyville Jct. to Cumber land Gap, Ky., 8 miles, was in JUly, 1900, absorbed by consolldation. v. 71, p. 236. In July, 1901, extension under construction from Miller's Creek to Beattyville, 27 miles, and to be extended later 55 mlles additional to a connection with Norfolk & Western. Stock, $1,000,000; par $100. Bonds, see ta.bJe. Year endin~ June 30, 1900, gross, $93,228; net, $12,055; total d eductions, $14,108. Pres., Jamel'l B. McCreary. Richmond, Ky.; Sec., D. A. l:lhanahan, Louisville, Ky.; Treas., James P. Amsden, Vers ailles, Ky. Office, Amsden Block, Versailles, Ky.-(V. 70, p.1291; V. 71, p. 236.) Louisville Bridge Co.-Owns bridge 5,294 feet long over Ohio River at Louisville, Ky., and about 2 miles track additional in Lows• ville. Used by several railroads, P. C. C. & St. L. Ry., Louis. & Nash• ville, etc. Surplus earnings are paid back to roads usmg bridge. . $ . STOCK is 1,500,000,_ Penn. RR. o~ed Jan. 1, 190~, ~901,400. Div• idends, 1 8 9 6, 6 12 p. c., l897, 7 p. C?·• in l898, 6 P~ c., In 1899, Feb., 3 p. c. In June, 1900, the Coll!t. decided. that the mmority stockho~ders were entitled to 8 per cent dividends smce 1877, b1;1,t_an appeal will be taken. (V. 71, p. 84.) In July, 1900 •.paid 8 p. c. dividendfo: the first half of 1900 and last half of 1899, May 15, 1901, 3 p. c., Oct. 10, 3 p. c.- V. 73, p. 957. In year 1900, gross, $2 4 3,236; net, ~155,775; taxes, e~., $ 61 , 35 0; dividends, $120,000. (V. 70, p. 233, 1249, V. 71, p. 2 9, 8 4 , V. 73 , p. 957 •> Louisville Evansville & st. Louis KK.-See Southern Ry, Louisville Henderson & St. Louis>.-Louisvi.lle to Henderson Ky., 142 miles, of which West Point to Louisville, Ky., 21 miles, is trackage; owns also Irvington to Fordsville, Ky., 44 miles. HISTORY.-.4, reorganization June 1, 1896 (per plan in V. 62, p.138). of the Louisville St. Louis & Texas, sold in foreclosure. SECURITIES.-The stock is to be h~ld by J~hn J. McOook, Brayton Ives and Oscar Fenle_y , for ten years, m a voting trust, unless earlier terminated by unammous vote of trustees. See terms V. 62, p. 138. Of the bonds ~300,000 are reserved to build to Louisville. Bills payable June 30, 1899, $57,000. 1 EARNINGS-5 months, 51901. .•..••.•• Gross, $300,558: net. $86,317 July 1 to Nov. 30. H900 .•...•.... Gross, 280,613; net, 93,349 For year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $6681 484; net, $155,517; in• terest, $105,926; taxes, $16,000; balance, surpms, $33,591. In 1899-0, gross, $630,354: net, $163,816.-(V. 71, p. I I 65; V. 73, p. -14.2.) Louisville & .J"eff"ersonvllle Bridge Co.-One•half mlle long and the approaches one mile; opened for all business Ja.n. 1, 1896. The company also owns about 40 acres of la.nd in Louisville and 100 aores in Jeffersonville. The Big Four and Chesapeake & Ohio uae the bridR;e. Capital stock is $1,425,000; par, $100. BONDS.-The mortgage of 1895 is for $5,000,000 (trustee U. B. Trust Co. of N. Y. and Union Trust Co. of Indianapolis); bonds for ,2,oootooo are reserved for future construction, etc.; the bonds are guaranteeu by the Chesapeake & Ohio and Cleveland C. C. & St. L. roads, in whose in• terest the entire stock is owned. See V. 61, p. 559. In July, 1899, earnings sufficed to meet both expenses and charges.-(V. ,62, p. 84.) Loul11Tllle &; NashvllleKK.-(SeeMa_p.)-ROA.D.-Operatesmain line from Cincinnati. O., to New Orleans, La., 921 miles with branches to St. Louis, Mo.,Memphis, Tenn.• etc., 2,352 miles, makbig toial BJ'I· tem proper June 31, 1901, 3,273 miles. The system l Lines owned absolute 'JI or Reported,eparately. .Jlilu. thr'::IJ.ih capitalstock .••••• Miles. fl Nashville Chatt. & St. Leui1 .. 942 Louis · e to Nashville ...•••• 185 ,rGeorgia. Railroad syit.em ...•. 624. Sundry other lines ..••••.•••• 2,859 Operated for other 00'11 •••••••• 62 Lines leased, de. Owned but leased to othe:r oo's. 71 ,rsouth & North Ala. RR..... 189 Do. Paducah & Mero. Div .. .. .. 254. ,rHenderson Bridge .••••••••• 10 Birm. South (half st'k owned). 67 Otherlines.................... 30 I:sirm. Selma & New Orlea•s ... 31  Total system proper .••••• 3,273 mSee this company.) Total of all June 30, 'tl .. 5,324 The line of 40 miles between Pineapple and Repton, Ala.., oompleted in Mar., 1900, furnishes a direct route from Selma to Pensaoola.-V. 68, p. 524. In Oct., 1900, extension completed from Andalusia, Ala.., to Geneva, about 45 miles, and in Oct., 1901, being further ex• tended to Marianna, 45 miles. In June, 1900..! extension proposed from Attalla to Oneonta, Ala., 35 miles, of which~ m. completed; also pro• posed to purchase 7 ¼I miles of graded road extending from Camden, Ala., southeast.-V. 70, p. 1291. In June, 1901. acquired control of Birm. Selma & New Orlflans RR., 20 miles, and in Aug., 1901~ the Shelbyville Bloomfield & Ohio RR., 26 miles.-V. 73, p. 391. ORGANIZATION, &c.-This company was oharoored March 2, 1850, and opened between Louisville and Nashville November, 1859. The lla.bill· ties for interest on the au.x:illary roads are treated mostly as belonging  S2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  lNVIRl.'O.RS~ SUPPLEMENT.  RAILROAD SYSTEM.  [VOL, LXXIV.  -RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  JANUARY, 1902,J  S3  RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonds-Prtnei Miles Date Size, or Amount l)al,WbenDue. • or explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Pai Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable and by Stocks-Last on ~st page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend. Loui81'ille & Nash11ille-(Ooncluded)t on. trust, call at par in 5 years., g., s ... ..... . c+ ..•. l 898 $1,000 h$6.919,000 St. Louis property, 1st M., ~old, $650.000.SSt o ..•. 1891 1,000 617,000 L.&N.andMob.&Mont.Jointbds.,lstM.,g.Ce.o~ 179 1895 1,000 4,000,000 Pens.&At. 1st M .. gold,s.f.,dr'n at llOassumed.o* 160 1881 1,000 11,731,000 Kentucky Central-Maysv1lle & Lex. RR. mort... 49 1876 1,000 400,000 New mortgage ($7,000,000l 11;old .J.Up . ........ o* 220 1887 1,000 j6,700,000 Nashv. Florence & Sheff., 1st M., goln, as<1u.Ce.o 105 1887 1,000 kl,996,000 So.& No.Ala.,lst M., s.f., not dr'n, guar. by L .& N. 189 187 3 £200 .£645,400 2d M., gold, s.f., $2,000,000, (owned by L.& N.) 189 1880 $1,000 Own. L. & N. Consol. mort. (for $10,000,000), g., tzuar.Ce.o* 189 1886 1,000 $4,779,000 l,ouisTJitle New Alb •tt'JI & Ohicago. See CHICAGO lNDI A.NAPO LIS & LOUISVILLE. J..11kens Valtey-Stock. Rental pays 5 per cent..... 20 . . .. 20 600,000 MM<m ti Birming.-lst M., $500,000. gold.OB •.. o 97 1 8 9 6 1,000 500,000 Macon Dub. t1Sa1i.-lstM.,$1,500,000 g.,red.atllO 94 1901 1,000 1,410,000 .Jlu, Central-Stock and scrip \$.l.2,0l. 0,000}. .. ..•. 100 4,977,000 1st oonsol. mort., { ($269,500 5s) ...••...•••.. c&1· l 304 51872100 &o. 4,193,500 $9,000,000 ...•. 5 1$3,~61'1,500 4s) ....•...•... c&r 5 {1872100 &o. 4,790,500 C-ollateral trust bonds for Mt. Desert Branch A Bo 41 1883 1,000 669,000 fUnking fd. 10·20s, gold, old 6s, ext. Feb. 1, '95 .. c . ••. 1885 1,000 600,000 Improvementbonds,".A," gold,notmort., s. f,NB .... 1886 1,000 200,000 Do do "B"cur.,notmort.,s.f.BB •••. 1887 1,000 250,000 Me. Cent. Eu. & No. Am. refunding mort., gold... 56 1893 1,000 1,000,000 let M. Penobscot Shore Line RR. Co., assumed. 48 1890 1,000 1,300,000 K. & L. 2d mortgage (tor $400,000) assum. BB 48 1891 1,000 -i00,000 European & N. Am. stock, 5 p. o. rental 999 years 120 .••. 100 2,4S4,100 p.-,rtland&Oi;rdens. stock (2p. o.rental,999years) 109 ..•. 100 4,392,538 Con.M.,($800,000are31ias)r.1P· &i.end.BB.o 109 1888 1,000 2,119,000 Portland Un. Station M.,ser. • A" & ·'B" texts. f. . ... 1887·9 1,000 300,000 Dexter&Pisoataquisstook5p.o.rental999yearR. 17 ..•. 100 122,000 1st M., Dexter to Dove1, etc., guar. by end.BB 17 1889 1,000 175,000 b Also $9,520,000 are pledged to secure collat'l trust bonds of 1898 and $3,250 were owned by the Co.on Jan.,190 2,viz.: c$2,000, d$34,000, e $36 000, f'$15,000, g  4 g. 5 g. 412 g. 6 g. 7 4 g. 5 g. 6 g. G g. 5 g.  A. & 0. N. Y., 120 Broa/fway. · Apr. 1, 1918  M. & 8. St. Louis, ~t. L. Tr. Oo. Moh. 1, 1916 MF.• && AS . N. Y. 120Broaddway. Sept. 1, 1945  a10  Aug. Jan. July a0 Aug. 0 M. & N. Lond., Baring Bros.,L'd May A. & 0. N.Y., Office, 120 B'way. Apr. F. & A. N.Y., Office, 120 B'way. Aug. 0  J. & J. do do JF.. && AJ .. N. Y.-1 120 Broadd way.  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1921 1906 1987 1937 1903 1910 1936  5in 1901 Q.-J. 8. Y., Office, 13 Wm. St. Jan., '02, 114% 5 g. J. & J. BoRton. Old Colony Tr. July 1, 1946 5 g. J. & J. N.Y., 1st N. Bk. & Ch'o. July 1, 1951 6 Q.-J. Portand, Me., Uttioe. IJan. 1, '02, 1¼ 5 & 7 A.. & 0. { Boston, 2d NattonalS Apr. 1, 1912 4 & 4¼ A. & 0. 5 Ba.nk & Portland ! Apr. 1, 1912 5 J. & D. Bost., Am.L.&Tr.; Port. June 1, 1923 4¼ g, F. & A. Portland Tr. Co., Port. Feb. 1, 1905 4¼ g. J. & J. Bos.,2d Na.t'l Bk.; Port. July., 1916 412 J. & J. do do July, 1917 4 g. J. & J. Boston and Portland. Jan. 1, 1983 4 F. & A. Boston, Seo. Nat. Bk. Aug. 1, 1920 5 F. & A. do do Feb. 1. 1921 5 A . & 0. Bangor, Treas. Office. Oot.15,'01, 2Js 2 Q.-F.28 Portland, Me. Cent. Of. Feb. 28. '01, ¼ 312&5 M.&N.Bos.,2dNat'lBk.&Port Nov . l, 1908 4 J . & J. Portl'd, Me., & Boston. J'ne27,Jan.29 5 J. & J. Dover,Me.,Ottice. Ja.n.,'02,21e% 4 J. & J. IBos., 2d .Nat'l Bk., Port. July 1. 192~ 000 were in the tr easury Oct•. 1901. Add iti'n'l amounts $189,000, h$581 ,000, 1$884,000, j$42 0 00, k$100,000  dlrectly to the Louisville & Nashv1lle Co. A list of the securities owned \ In year 1900-01 gross, $108,381 ; def. under op. exp., $4,778. In and in sinking fund June 30, 1900. was in V. 'il, p . 703, 707. 189° •00, gross, $79,904; deficit under op. exp., $7,821; int. on bonds, On July 1, 1900, the Nashville Florence & Sheffield Ry. was merlled $25,000, not 62, p. 1040.) tn L. & N., its first morw:age bonds beiniz assumed. V. 71, p. 646. 1'1.acon Dublin & Savannah KR.-Owns road completed from STOCK.-lnoreasfl from $55,000,000 to $60,000,000 authorized in Macon to Dublin, 5 t- miles; projected to Savannah, 99 milN1 adrt.itional, 1893.-V. 57, p. 596,809. of which 7 miles eas, from Dublin, togetherwtth branch from eastern n 1 v.- { '83-'87. '88. '89. '90. '91. '92. '93. '94·'98. '99. '00. '01. '02. terminus of lioe to Vidalia. 33 m., completed in Jan.! 1902; total, 94 P. c. 5 None. 5stk. 5stk. 6 5 4 4 None. 3¼ 4 5 Feb. 2¼ m. Owneo by the Ill. & Ga. Improvement Co. of Chicago. V . 60, p. . • 711, 794, 873. In July, 1901, made a $1,500,000 morti;rage to the In 1890, of the 6 p. c. paid, 4 9 10 p. o. was m stock. Amer. T. & Bav. Bk. of as tru!'tee. V 73 p. 184. Bills payable .BONDB.-The EvansTJ. Hender. d! .Nash'D. bond.s are drawn at llObylot Juue 30, 1899, $39,673. In yearendini,r June 30, 1900, gross, $68,506; annually in October, tor payment Dec. l in amounts increasing each net$21 881. stock $1 250 OOO·par.$100.-(V. 60 p.1058: v .73 p.184) ftve years until $150,000 per year is finally reached ; in 1901, $55,000. • ' ' ' ' ' ' The Pensacola Division bonds are subject t;o a drawing s1nkinB: funtl Maine Central KK.-Lineot road, Portland to Vanceboro, Me., via ,5.000 till 1900, inclusive, then $10,000, and 80 inoreasiniz. A.ugusta, 251 miles; branches. Cumberland Junotio~ to Skowheizan, The general mortgage bonds of 1880 are called at 110 in in , reasing via L~wiston 91 miles; Bath to Lewiston and Farm11:1gton, 76 miles; amounts each year; $294,000 to be paid June 1, 1901.-V. 72, p. 627. branches- ~elfast, Dexter, Bucksport and Mt. Desert. rnoludlng ferry, In June, 1890, the "unified" mortgage (trustee, Central Trust Com• (7·7 miles), ... 3 2 miles; .Portland & Ogdensb~g _Ry., Portland, Me., to pany) for $75,000,000 was authorized, $41.917,660 bonds being re- Lunenberg, 110 miles, small branches, 7 ~es, Upper Coos and Here• served to retire ~11 prior liens (none of the prior liens cau be extended), ford railways, Lunenberg, N. H., t;o Lime Ridge, Quebec, 108_ miles; the balance tor rmprovements, extensions (at the rate of $32,000 per Bath to Rockland (including steam ferry, 6·10 miles,) 49 miles, total, mile. including equipment), and tor other purposes. The mortgage oov• 824 miles, of which 395 miles owned, 388 miles operated under 999 ers (besides 1,232 miles of road and its equipment) $25,992,535 stock year leases, a:n-d owned; 33 miles operated under 50•year ,of companies controlled, and $3,150,000 bonds tree from a.nJ lien. Bee leases and 8 miles ferry lines. abstract of mortgage in V. 51, p. 613; also V. 72, p. 1<'34.,, 1188. In STOCK.-Bt;ook tor$2,516,000 owned by Bost;on & Maine. V. 72, p. 988. Oct, 1901, company reported ,$41,164,000 issued, of which .i,3,250,000 DIVIDENDS-~ 1882. 1883. 1884 to Jan . 1902 m the treasury. Total. listed on N. Y. Stock Exchange $28,394,000 Per cent { 2 5¼ · 6 yea.riy tn Oct., 1901. See V. 72, p. 722, 1188, 1280. B G c d>A f 1872 d 1 1 L<Yuisville Oincinnati & Lexington general mortgage bonds are ONDS, UARANTIES.- onso s o were ssue to retire q,-,o4l ,· now limited to $3,258,000. v. 63, p. IOLO. 500 6s due Oct. 1, 1901. V. 67, p. 59; V. 71, p. 342. Mobile ~ Montgomery-Louisville ti Nashville Joint mortgage is for There were also July, 1901, $81,000 Maine Shore Line 6s, due 1922; $5,000,000, a first lien on 17812 miles Mobile to Montgomery; $1,000,· also $118,500 Belfast & Moose~ead Lake mortgage bonds, due 1920, 000 reserved for improvements. v. 61, p. 196,750. not guaranteed, interest and sinking fund paid out of the rental; Kentucky oentral mortga~e abstract v. 45, p. 372. Androsc~g~n & Kennebec stock and bonds, $11,000, exchangeable Pensacola & .Atlantic first mortgage bonns (assumed) are gradually for _M. u. stock. Jointly with B. & M. guarantees $300,000 Port. being called for the sinking fund at 110. Uruon Station bonds. St. Louis terminal property bonds rover freight terminals. A.NN:TAL REPORT.-Fisoal year ends June 30. Annual meeting 3d The collateral trust bondlf ot 1898 (see below) are secured by deposit Wednesday in October. Report for 1900-01 was in V. 73, p. 1007. with the U.S. Trust Co., as mortgage trustee, of $9.5~0,00<l L. & N. Yearsend •.June30: 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. nnitt.,d 4s and $.2,720,000 L. & N. Paducah & Memphis divisi(?n bonds, Gross earnings .$5,868,547 $5,612,923 $5,022,098 $4,758 801 the latter oovermg th~ road. from Paducah, Ky., to Memphis, Te~., Net earnings .... 1708,863 1,711,248 1,617,037 1,647:436 254 miles. The loan 1s subJect to call at par on and after April 1, Other income... 92,390 85,744 81,071 63,040 1903.-V. 66, p. 3 3 7; V. 6 8, p. 8 7 . N t in $1 801 253 $1 796 992 $1 69 1 8 FINANCES.-Btnce July 1, 1894, tne "construction account" e come. , , :1. , , ~ •• O $1t710,476 has been closed. Amou11t .of permanent improvements chari;red in Interest.. ········ 604,222 .i,584,870 $599,365 $633,907 operat ing e:xpenses in 1900·1 -was $1,474,503; in 1899-0,$1,021,843. Re~ts............ 592,922 646,526 647,090 648,121 d . . Divtdends..... . 298,554 298,544 298,531 298,527 E. ARNINGS.-For 6 months (DMemb,.r Ps~1mate I earnmgs were: Sinking fund... 29,440 29,440 2~,440 2~,440 6 mos. ~ro~s. Net Other inc. 0 lta1•yes Bala nee Inv e st m en t 8 il.901. ..•$15,141,3"9 $4,758,028 $512,629 $3,077,587 $2,193,070 charged ott· 200,000 15q,41,7 70,003 2 19 6 6 $5::J,679 $100,4.81 0. f;/!:c~ ~t t::7 :al1~~~r ~1.3~5~~go;YJ Bal., sur;: ·.· $76,115 $84,146 1901, ag-ainat $ l .320,000 in 1900, leaving surplus of $818,070, against -(V. 72, p. 988; V. 73, p. 4 -I 2, I OOT .) =$1,045 .507 in 1900. ManaosKJ.-V.73, p.1208. ANNUAL REPORT.-Annual meeting is held in Louisv1lle the first Wed1'.lancbe!!lter& La'ftrenceKK.-Owns tromManohester,N. H. to nesday in Oct. Report 1900·01 in V. 73, p. 719,726; see also p. 699. Methllen (State Line), 2 ~¼ miles. Leased for 50 years from September .Year end. June 30. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898 1, 1887, to Boston & M .tne at a rental paying 10 p . o dividends. In Average mileage.... 3,169 3,007 2,988 2,988 1895 a divir -md of 50 p. ct. was from proceeds C. & M. sutt.-(V. Freight earnings .••. $20,41~,162 $20,H99,779 $17,100,715 $15,854,802 70, p. 532; V. 73,p. 1264, l Passengers........... 5,742,681 5,238,314 4,90'>,584 4,557,729 62, p. 869; Manhattan Ky. (Elevated).-RoAD-Owns all the ,1evated railMail, express, etc... 1,R60.4114 1,SOi,286 1.753,1R7 1,584,122 roads in borou11bs of Manhattan and the Bronx, N.Y. City, main line Gross earri.tngs .••. $28.o~:.i, :.. u7 $27,742.3':"9 $23,759,485 $21,996,65a Oper. expenses ..••.. 18,233,0:, 3 18,603,406 15,731,587 14.921,731 and branches. 37¼ miles, donbled•traoked. Extension of 1½ mile!!, completed in 1901. V . 70, p. 176. 633. In Jan., 1902, op • t'> Fordha.111 Net earnings........ 9,789,176 9,138,973 8,027,898 7,074',922 Net, incl. invs'ts., &o 10,493,861 9,789,018 8,568,543 7,665,698 eration as a third•ratl electric system was beginning gradually. HISTORY, ETC.-Formed Nov. 24, 1875. DeductTaxes .....•.-:. • . ••• • •• $813,538 $785,568 $735,330 $640,252 STOCK.-Increased in Maroh,1899, from $30,000,000to $48,000,000 to Interest and rent... 6,1:>1,7.;6 4,996,612 4,971,702 4,972,592 meet cost of electrical equipment, eto.-V. 68, p. 2&2, 282, 380,428, 617. Georgia RR. deficit. 12,687 162,620 BONDS.-Oonsolidated mortgage (trustee, Central Trust Co.) is limited Loss on other roads.. . 3,641 ••• . ..•. 12,480 present mileage to $40,000,000, and will provide tor prior bonds Adv'stoS.&N.A.,etc 118,574 253,690 94,744 82,847 on when due. Amounts beyond $40,000,000 may be issued tor extensions Sinking f'dpaym'ts. 128,900 130.270 127,180 162,008 at the rate of $30v,OOO per mile of single and $600,000 per mile ot Dividends ..•....••. (5)2,6Q!'i,000(4)2,112,000(312)1848000 ilouble track. <See abstract ot mortgage in V. 51, p. 248, and appllcaBurp. over dlvid'ds. $1 ,5dti,ll3 $1,507,i37 $778,900 $1,632,901 tton to New York Stock Exchange in V. 52, p. 353.) Of the console OFF[CEHS.-Chairman, Au~uRtBelmont,N. Y .; President, M. H. Smith, the company itself tn Oot., 1901, held $300,000 agai.nst "special acLouisville; Treasurer, W.W. Thom~•son; SPoretary, J. H. Ellis, Louis- count" and $42.000 consols to redeem convertible oert.-V. 69, p. 131. ville: Assist. Seo. and Assist. Treas., A. W. M,,rrtss.120 n road w .. y, N. Y. GENERAL FINANCEB.-In Jan., 1902, electric Rervice waR begun on Dtrecto rs.-W. G. Oak man, I{'. A. H o r~ey, August Belmont, H e nrv Hentz, W. tbe Sec_ond Avenue line, and will be gra••ually extendeo over all the -G. Baoul, H. E. Ga.rtb, Jonn I. W1tterbury, Ne w York : J o hn M. A t herton, M. H. o th er lioes.-(V. 74, p. 94.) The new method or operation 1tis believed t~~~~B~~~aiuoltit~o~~j~51l~iiJiri~tt·b~:i:. Helm, Elizabe th town, Ky.; G. M. will increase the efficiency and economy of the service and net -(V. 73,p so, 82,335, a37, a91, 719, '726,900, 1160; v. 74, p. 94.) earnmgs of th e system and nlace the stock, as increr.sed to $48,000,· 000, upon a 5·per•cent basis: See "stock" above. Has tralfrc agree• Louhlv. Ne·w Albany & Cblc.-See CHICAGO IND. & LOUISV. m ent until 1904 with Third Avenue RR system providing for trans• Lyken!!! Valley KR. & Coal Co.-Owns from Millersburg, Pa., to ters to and from both lines.-V. 68, p. 672; V. 'iO, p 1249. Willlamstown, Pa., 20 miles. New lease to Northern Central made To May, 189~. claim .. aggregating $8,847,854 b~d been paid as dam. April 20, 1896, terminable on 60 days' notice by either party. Rental a~es to a.butting property and other oases were before thfl courts. Bee $35,000 per annum.-see V. 64, p. 330. CRROl'iICLE, V . 66, p. 954, and V. 67, p. 789. As to personal property lUacon & Birmingham Ky.-Owns Sofkee Junction to La tu assessment, see V. 66, p 954; V 67, p. 222: V. 68. p. 1282, and -Orange, Ga., 97 miles. A reorganization of Macon & Birmingham V. 71. p. 1120, Amount ot taxes In litig-ation Sept. 30, 1901, per bat• a.nee sheet, $2,345,411.-(V. 67, p. 1053) .Railroad sold in foreclosure Deo. 27. 1895. Of the proceeds of the $18,000,000 increased s1ock, the unused porEARNINGS.-5 mos., { 1901 •...••.•••••••••... Gross, $52,387; $6,396 tion. along with other funds (in all $8,239,416 on Sept. 30, 1901), July 1 to Lllov. 30. 0900 .••.••....•••..... Gross, 46,007; l,OJ7 was loaned out on collateral.  ,?!~s.  Jf;{Jenl~·f~~~~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  v.  0  I I  I I I I I  I I I  I  I  I  o:  F  0  F  I  I I  X  ----  MAP OF THE  0  MEXICAN CENTRAL RAILWAY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  AND CONNECTIONS.  1  I I I  C  ---  •..... -------- 0  JANUARY, 1902,j  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  RA[LROAD8. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. 1Jonas- .P11n01- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Miles Date Size, or Amount -----------------,pa.l,WhenDue. of of Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, and bj Stocks-Last on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes Maine Oentralr-(Oonr,ludedJ-  Hereford R'y stock (4 p. o. rental for 999 years) .. 1st mortgage, guar. p. & i. (endorsed) .......... . Upper Coos RR. stock, 6 p. o. rental 999 years. 1st mort., guar. p. & 1. (endorsed) .............. .. Extension M., $21,000 p. m., guar. p. & 1.(end.). Dexter & Newport, stock, 5 p. o. from Nov. 25, '98 1st M. (old 6s refund, in 1897) gu. p. & 1, end.* Eastern Maine, stock, 412 p. ot., rental 999 years Manches. rt Law.-Stock,10'l till 1937,B.&M. Real estate bonds (not mort,) int. gu. by B.& M·c Manhattan Etevated.-Conaol. stock, $48,000,000 .. Metropol. El. 1st M., $600,000 p. m., ass'd.g.Ot>,C* N. Y. El. deb.1 secured by oonsol. mort. of 1890 .. Manhattan E1evated consol. mort., ~old.Ce.o*&r. Man. rt Pikes' Peak Ry.- lstM.,$500,000, g .Mp.c Mansfiel.d Savan. rt Wetl.-lst M., $1,nOO,OOO .. No Mar. rt Pkamue d! S. Ri'O. V. RR.-M.&P. lstM. g .. c M.&P.& S.R.V.M.,g.,$750,000 (V.67,p.1357).F.o Ma,sawippi-Btock guar. same div. as Conn. &Pass. Maryland rt Penn.- York & Peach Bot. M. (text).. 1st I\!:., to be $1,200,000, g., call at 105.MeBa.c.,. Inc. m., $900,00v, 4% cum., call at par.M Ba... Meadiitle Uonneaut LaketR Liuesvitle-lst M......  Mealican Central-Stock, $25,600 per mile....... 1st M. (unassented) . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • ••• .. . . . . . . . Consol. mortgage, $32,000 per m., gold.BB.c*&r 1st oons. ino. & sorip,n.-oum.($9,600p.m.),g.ABo* 2d oon.ino.$6, to Aug.'29AHo* Registered income bonds and scrip, unassented.r Equipment bonds, $50,000 called yearly at J)ar.. do$50,000y'ly Aug.1); re i 102¼ beg.'lOOH.o* Coll. tr. bonds, fl,, RM. by oonRol. 4!1, call at par..  - - - - - ----1-----•1---- ----1----------1---- -$100 $800,000 4 M. & N. Portland, Me. Cent. Of. Nov,, 1901, 2~ g~ isgo 1,000 800,000 4 M. & N. Boston, 2d Nat'l Bank. May 1, 1930 100 350,000 55 6 M. & N. Portland, Me., Office. Nov., 1901, 3% 350,000 22 isgo 1,000 4 M. & N. Bost., 2d.Nat. Bk.; Port. May 1, 1930 33 14 14 19  22  693,000 4111 M. & N. Portland, Me., Office. May 1, 1930 122,000 5 J. & J. Treas'rs Offioe,Portland Jan .. '02, 212% 175,000 4 M. & 8. Seo. N Bk., Bos.& Portl. Sept 1, 1917 200,000 419 M. & N. Rocklan , Me., Office. Nov., 'Ol, 214% 1,000,000 100 10 M. & N. Manchester and Boston. Nov.1, •01, 5% 1,000 274,000 4 J. & J. Boston, B. & M. RR. Jan. 1, 1922 100 47,999,700 4in1901 Q.-J. N. Y.iJ.95Broadway. Jan. I, '02, 1% 10,818,000 6 g. J. & J. N. Y.,ro.eroa.ntileTr.Co. July 1, 1908 & $ 1886 1,000 1,000,000 5 M. & 8. N. Y., Mercantile Tr.Co. Moh. 1, 1916 1890 l,OOO&o 28,065,000 4 g. A. & o. do do Apr. 1, 1990 1891 1,000 500,000 5 A. & O. See text. Oct. 1, 1909 (1) 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., Nort,hAm. Tr.Co. Oct. 1, 1931 1901 500 &c. 1886 1,000 540,000 6 g. M:. & N. N.Y.,Farm.L.&'l'r.Co. Nov. I, 19161895 1,000 7!:!.000 5 g. M. & N. do do Dec. 23 1925 100 800,000 6 F. & A. Boston, 8. D. & Tr. Co. Feb. 1, '02, 3% 249,950 5 Text. Apr. 1, 1932 550,000 1901 4 ~- M. & S. N.Y.,BrownBros.&Balt Moh. 1, 1951 900,000 Up to 4 per cent 1901 ... . . Apr. 1, 1951 200,000 1891 5 J. & J. Mer._Nt. Bk., Meadv.Pa. July 1, 1921 47,954,100 "{ii ·4 .&.. J. Boston,SafeDep.&Tr.Co Juiy·1;·i911 1,000 290,000 4 g. J. & J. do do 1889 1,000 66,675,000 July 1, 19ll 1889 1,000 20,562,500 : g. July 10 Bosto~,.~~~~.~arned. Jan. 10, 19391889 1,000 11,280,000 Ja.n. 10, 193~ 3 Juiy··1 377,200 1881 1,000 July 1, 1911 800,000 5 g. A. & 0. 01.Col.T.Co.,Bos.&Lon, Apr. 1, 1917 1897 1,000 fi g. A. & 0. do do 900,000 Oct. 1, 1919 1899 1,000 1902 10,00P,OCIO 4½/!. F. & .A. . ..... .. Feb. 1, 1907 1890  is91  1,000 100  "ioo  ·s6 is92 18 is1s • 32 32 9  "34  43 37 40 84 84 23 . ••. . ... 2,153 2,153 2,153 ... . . .. . ... . . .•.  iss2 iss1  ioo  lllanhattau K) .-(Coucluded.1 DIVIDENDS.- { '87. '88. '89. '90. '91-96. '97. '98. '99. •oo. '01. 1902· Since 86. P.Ct. 5 6 5 Bee_belo'Y'. ~ yrly. 412 ~ 4 4 4 Jan., l In 1889 l in cash and 412 m scrip; m 1890, 4½ cash and 112 sor1p. EARNINGS,-For 3 months ending Sept. 30: . Gross. Net. 0th. inc. Int.,tax,cfc, Bal., S'IJ,r. 3 mos. 1901 ............ $2,093,277 $781,147 $191,287 $632,351 $340,083 1900 •··········· 1,889,601 652,890 192,362 626,924 218,328 ANNUAL REPORT-Annual meeting is held the second Wednesday in November. Report for year 1900-01 was ~iven in V. 73, p. 336, and report for year ending Sept. 30, 1901, in V. 73, p. 1057. ..,. -d· -r: 30 1901 1900 1899 iear e,=ing .,une • · · 9 1:ross earnings .. ··········--··" $ 4 $g,ig~•~ig $~,74 et over operating exp.········ •340 •836' 383 ' 831 ' 325 • ' 600 Other income.······ · · ··· · · · • • 2 •6 •4 6 07,•765 m~1es\rentals a nd taxes.... 4 12 •~72 706 4 V1 en s................ ··· · < > , ,OOO ( ) • 2 o,ooo <4 )l, 3 ,O O Balance after dividends ... sur.$4.02,335 '!ur.$109,513 def.$259,488 Yr.Sep.30. Passengers. Earnings. \ Passengers. Earnin/lB1895·96 .. 182,437,244 $9,352,115 1898-99 .. 177,204,558 $9,325,111_ 1896 97 183 184 641 9 359 732 1899 oo 183 788 851 9 950 73 1 ' 28' ' ' · '"19 '1 '31 10'45 5's 7 ~ 1 89 7··98 .. ' •• 7 9 , 7 ,356 9 , 204 , 466 11900·0l.. 4 • 52 • 6 ' -(V. 73, P, 138, 336, I 05 7, 1061, 1208; V. 74, p. 41, 94.) Manitou & Pike's Peak Ry.-Manitou, Col., to summit ol Pike's Peak, 8·9 miles standard gauge. Operated from April to No· vember, yearly, Stock, $500,000: par of shares, $100. In Jan., 1902, all coupons due had been paid . . For year endin~ Nov. 30, 1900, gross, $69,571; net, $3 7,990; interest on bonds, $25,000. President, H. 8, Cable; V.·P. and Treas., Z. G. Simmons; Sec., J. B. Glasser. Office, Manitou, Col.-(V. 71, p. 646.)  •f~~•i~i l• t•J  ~~•i~~ ig• 5  Mansfield Savannall & W elJlngton RK,-V. 73, p. 900. Marietta Columbn11 & Oleveland KR,-Owns from Moore's Junction to Palos, Ohio, 42·08 miles; branches, 7·42 miles; total owned, 49·50 n.iles; trackage to Marietta, 8·20 miles. Extensons, it is reported, are projected. Successor on Nov. I, 1900, to the Toledo & Ohio Central Extension RR, foreclosed. V. 71, p 810, 1012. Stock authorized, $250,000. Year ending June 30, 1900 (old Co.), gross, $80,· l 04; net, $2,874. President, H. H. Isham; Vice•Pres. and Treas., H. A. Clare; Sec. and Gen. '\'.lgr., Robt. H. England.- (V. 71, p. 1012.) Maricopa & Phoenix & Salt River Valley KK.-See SUP· PLEMENT for July, 1901. Maryland & Pennsylvania RK.-Baltimore, Md:, to York, Pa, 80 miles, with branch, Delta to Peach Bottom, 4 m.; total 84 m11es A consolidation early in 190 t of the Baltimore & Lehigh RR. and York Southern RR. per plan V. 72, p. 339. STOCK AND BONDS.-Stook authorized, $a,600,000, of which $2,275,000 reserved for future requirements. In Jan., 1902, the author1ze<1. issue of the first 4s was being reduced from $2,700,000 to $1,200,000, of which $250,000 are reserved to retire the York and Peaoll .Bottom 5s and $400,000 additional for future purposes. V. 74, p. 94. York and Peach Bottom, Series "A," bonds are for $47,500, interest A. & O.; "B" bonds for $202,450, int. M. & N. E.ARNINGS.-The properties consolidated for the year ending June 30, 1900, showed: Gross, $237,781; net, $76,021; int. charges of new com pany, $34,500; bal., sur., $41,521; int. on income 4s calls for $36.000 For 8 mos., ending Oct. 31, 1901, gros@, $187,298; net, $63,680; charges, $22,998; bal., sur., $40,682. OFFICERS.-President. John Wilson Brown; Seo: and '.rreas., Jonn McHenry.-(V, 72, p. 339, 532, 988; V. 74, p. 94.) 1'Ia11on City & Ft. Dodge KK.-Owns road from Mason City, Ia., to Lehlgh, Ia., 88 miles, and branch, 4 miles. In M.a.r., 1901, Chicago Gt. Western interests acquired all the stock and bonds. and will extend the line in 1901 northerly from Mason City to Manly Jot., 12 miles (completed Noy., 1901), and from Hampton to Clarion, 30 miles (to be comuletert Jan., 1902), at connections with the Chio. Gt. West.; also in 1902 southwesterly to Omaha and west to Sioux City, about 250 miles additional. The road is operated as a part of the C. G. W. system uncter an agreement dated Apr. 1, 1901, running for 100 years, providing that all ntt earnings above 4 per cent interest on new bonds to be issued shall go to the latter, the stock to be exchanged for Chio. Gt. Western stock, dollar for dollar. (V. 73, p. 566, 616, 722.) In year ending June 3(1. 1900, gross, $239,527; net, $94,435,-(V. 68, p, 977; V.,72, p, 581; V. 73, p. 616.) · Ma•11awlppi Valley Ky.-Province Line to Lenoxville, Que., 34 miles, with branch, 3m; trackage to Sherbrooke, Que., 3m.; total, 40 miles. Leased for 999 years from July 1, '70, to the <.Jonnectiout & t>as• eumpsio Rivers RR. Stock, $800,000; par of shares $100; dividends payable Feb. and Aug. 1. Dividends formerly 5 p. o.; 6 p. o. since Jan. 1, 1897. Of the stock. $400,000 owned by the Conn. & Pass. River is deposited under its :mortgage and $50,000 is represented by Connecticut Trust & Sate Deposit Co. of Hartford 5 per cent trust oer• tificates. (See SUPPLEMENT o.f October, 1901.) Meadville Oonneaut Lake & Llnelilville.-Meadville to Lines• ville, Pa., 21 miles, and branohfS, 2 miles; total, 23 miles. Leased to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J:  I June 8, 1989, to Pittsbnr~ Bessemel' & Lake Erie RR.; rental, 25 per· cerit of gross earnings. Stock, $200,000. '  I  Memphi11 Helena & Louisiana Ry,-V. 73 p. 1160. ' l'lexlcan Central Ky. LiJDited (llie~ico).-(&eMap.)-Mlleage -Main line Mexico City north to Juarez City, 1,224 miles, 407 mlleson Tampico Division, 12 miles on Guanajuato Branch, 161 miles on Guadalajara Division, 55 miles on A.meca Ext., 44 miles on Paohuoa Division, .Har extension 6 miles, 40 miles on Laguna Ext. and other branches 12 miles; Mexico City Belt Line, 6 mil~; Parral extension, Jiminez to Adrian, 67 miles; Zamora extension, Yuruouaro to, Tareouato, 61 miles; La Vega to San Marcos, 29 miles; total Jan. 1, 1901, 2 124 miles, standard gauge All 56-pound steel. Leases Mex. Union Ry. Rincon de Romos to Cobre, 10 1fl miles, from Mar., 1901. The Zapotlan extension was completed in Nov., 1901, to Tuxpan, 115 miles from Guadalajara, the Parral extension to El Rosario, 97 miles, and the Rio Vercte exteasion, San Bartolo to Rio Verde, 25 miles.-V. 72, p. 880. In Oct., 1901, extension was propoF>ed from, Junction City, Tex., to Sierra Mojada, Mex., 260 miles.-V. 73, p. 900. In .Tune, 1901, the Monterey & Mexican Gulf RR .. Tampico to General Trevino, 389 miles, was acquired.-(V. 73, p. 337, 957.) ORGANIZATION.-IncorporatedFebruary 25, 1880, under the general. law of Massachusetts, and also holds a charter from the Mexican Government. Debt readjusted in 1889-see V. 48, p. 191, .292, 327. See also Mexican Central Ry. Securities Co., Limited, below. In Mar.,. 1901, the syndicate controlling- the St. Louis & San Francisco RR. headed by H. Clay Pierce or St. Louis, acquired a majority of thestock.-V. 72, P, 627,873. SUBSIDY.-Jan. 1, 1901, there was left of the subsidy in. trust $2,458,· 493, to be used whenever necessary for the payment of principal and interest of the consolidated mortgage bonds, $111,579, having been eo used in 1900. Of the $3,000,000 of Mexican Government bonds re· ceivable under Tampico Harbor concession for a depth of 22 feet, $2,790,000 (in Mexican Government 6 per cent bonds) had been received in April, 1895, corresponding to a depth of 20 feet, and thes& were exchanged in 1895 for $2,934,600 of 51). c. Government bonds. BONDS.-Of the priority bonds $1,403,000 were paid off'with proceeds of subsidy collections, interest ceasing April 10, 1891; th.e balance, $5,597,000, is held as an investment by the trustee of the 0011.soli• a.ated mortgage. See V. 52, p. 390. The oonsol. mort., 4 p. o., covers. the entire property, all old firsts deposited, and the subsidy earned and to be earned. (See abstract of mortgage in CHRONICLE, V. 49, p. 177.) In Mar., 1901, in addition to the $65,643,000 oonsol. 4e shown above $3,268,000 had been certified bythe trustee. of which $322,000 held for exchanges, $1,775,000 as collateral for equipment ~ond11, $1,000,· 000 purchased by trustee under subsidy trust fund and $171,000 issued to and owned by the company.-V. 71, p. 1220. Both· series of incomes ar~ non-cum. and secured by onA indenture to the Amert1Jan L. & T. Co. of Boston. First incomes received 3 IJ, o. interest in 1890,. 1891 and 1892 ; none since. In January, 1902, the company arranged to issue$10,000,000 oolla.teral trust 5·:vear 419 per cent bonds, secured by ahout $16,000,000 · consolidated 4s held in the treasury, from the proceeds of which will be retired the $6,000,000 notes i!lsued in payme1,t or Monterey & Mexican Gulf RR. See V. 73, p. 957. FINANCES.-Retirement of income bonds suggested.-V. 72, p. 873; v. 73, p. 900. In March, 1901, $3,200,000 first incomes were ll11ted, raising the amount outstanding to $20,511,000, the proceeds, it was stated., bemg applied to the reduction of the notes payable to $508,705, again~~$1,594,000 on Dec. 31, 1900.-V. 72, p. 627,880. E.ARNINGS,-Mexican our.~ 1901.. Gross, $15,821,336; nAt, 14.335,536 Jan. l to Nov. 30 (11 mos.) ~ 1900.. Gross, 15,851,653; net, 4,919,741 ANNUAL REPORT-Fiscal year ends Dec. 31. Report for 1900 was given at lene-th in V. 70, p. 870, 877; see also editorial, i,. 848. The gross earnings below are Mexican currency; all other :figures U.S. currency. The company received for its Mexican dollars an ave.rage ol 48·92 cents in 1900, 48·41 cents in 1899, 46·59 oentsi:Jl 1898. INCOME ACCOUNT-(U. S. CURRENCY EXCEPT AS INDICATED), Year ending Dec. 31- 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. Av'ge miles operated. 2,054 2,016 1,956 1,956 Gross earns.Mex.our$17,223,878 $15,602,065 $13,588,966 $12,845,819 · Net earns. Mex.cur.. $5,373,683 $5,199,095 $4,427,534 $~,016,318 Do do in U.S. cur. 2,628,577 2,516,961 2,062,805 1,937,483 . 115,720 187,110 142,858 97,037 Misoel. in U.S. cur..  ---- - - -  Net income ....•. $2,744,297 $2,704,871 $2,205,662 $2,034,520 Fixed charges....... 2,738,204 2,604,873 2,676,65~ 2,573,467 Balance .......... sur.$6,093 sur.$99,198 df.$410,990 ~.$538,947 . Subs'yac'tin U.S.our None. 49,223 477,947 650,000  --- --- --- -- -  Result, sur . . . . . . $6,093 $148,421 $66,957 $111,058-Chairman ·of Board, H. Clay Pierce; Pres't, A. A. RobiJl.sen; aompt. J. T. Harmer.-(V. 73, p. 337, 494, 900, 9t>7.)  Mexican Oentral Ry. Securities Co .• LiJDlted.-This depositary company was formed in 1899,perplan in V. 68,p. 331, to acquire the 4 per cent oonsols of the Mexican Central Ry. "and to issue in theirplace two classes of securities." The share capital is raised by a, pay•.  IVVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  86 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  w  E  X  I  [VOL. LXXIV.  JANUARY,  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS  19(12 J RAILROADS.  Pc,r explanation of column headmgs, &o., see notes on fl.rat page of tables.  Mea:. Oent. Ry Securities Oo. ,Lim.-A deb. stock 4%  B deb. stock, 4%, oum ....•••...•••.••.•...•.•...•. Mex. Jnt.-Pr. llen,£1,200,000, par. Un.xo*&r 1st oonsol. mort., $16,000,000, gold ... lUp.xo*&r Income 4% bonds (no mort.), non-cumulative....  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonds-PrtnolMiles Date Size, or Amount - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pal,When Due. of of Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, a.nd by Stocks-Last Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend. • • •• . . •. 615 848 .••.  1899 £ 1 00 £3,840,606 1899 100 3,840,606 1897 £ lOO&o $5,850,000 lb97 $500&0. 6,983,000 •••. .••••• 4,499,000  4 4 412 g. 4 g. .•••••  J & J 15 London. J & J 15 London, when earned. M. & B. London, Speyer Bros. 8ept."'1,""i947 M. & S. N. Y., 23 Broad St. Sept. 1, 1977 Sept. 1 .......... . ...... .  llC~toan NationalNEW SECURITIES WITH Al\lOUNTS TO BE 0UTST ANDING ON COMPLETION OF READJUSTMENT. Prior lien mort., $23,000,000, g., sub. call at 105 1,505 1901 .••• •• 20,000,000 412 g. A. & 0. First con sol. mort., $60,000,000, gold (see text). 1,505 11:}01 ••• • • . 15,000 000 4 g. A.. & 0. Pref. stock, 4 per cent, noli-onm., $32,000,000... .••. •••• a.bou t25,000,000 .•.... .••.• Common stock, ;:33,350,000. .. . . . .. . .•. .•• •••. •••• •••••• 33,350,000 •••••• •••.. OLD SECURITIES RF.TIRED UNDER PLAN. 100 33,350,000 ••• • • • . . . •. Btoolr, voting trust oertifioatt s........ . . . •. . • . . • • . . ••. 1st M .• subsidy, gold, called at par June 1, '02.o* 1,064 1 8 8 7 11 oo&oo. 10,779,000 6 g. J. & D. 2dM.,ser."A," g., ino. aooum. (for $16,675,000)o* 1,064 1 8 8 7 50u 12,165,000 6 g. Ann'ly. 2d M.,ser. "B," g., ino. non-ao. (for $16,675,000) .r 1,064 1887 500 &o. 12,165,000 6 g. 3dmortgage, deb.(inoome not cumulative) gold.r 1,064 1887 1,000 7,040,000 6 ~. Ma.v 1 HexicanNorthern-Btook ..••..•.................•... 83 . . •. 100 3,000,000 4½!in'Ol Q.-M. 1st mort., U. 8. gold ooin, s.f. not oalled.Mo.o*&r 83 1 8 9 0 1,000 al,153,000 6 g. J. & D. Mea:ican So. Ry., Lim.-Ordinary she:/ £1,000,000. .. • . . . •. •••••• £1,000,000 212in '01 Nov. 1st M. 49t- deb. stock, £700,000, rea. 110. (Text) 2 2 8 1 8 9 6 •••••• 650,000 4 F. & A. 2d M. 4% deb. stock, £600,000 red. at par, 90 y'rs ~2 8 1 8 9 6 .., .. . • 694,786 4 F. & A.. Mex. Ouerna'O. ~ Pac.-lat M., g., $25,000 p. m.lUe. ., 1 0 1 8 9 3 1 0 0 0 (1) 5 g. A. & 0. llCiohigan Oentrai-Stook.......................... .. . . .••. 100 c18,738,000 4 in 1901 J'. & J. Consol M.-now 1st M. ($2,000,000 are 5s) .. F .o* 2 7 0 '72-'82 1,000 10,000,000 7 & 5 M. & N. M. C. Michigan Air Line, 1st mortgage. Un .. . o&r 115 1890 1,000&o 2,600,000 4 J. & J. M.C.lst M. on Det. & Bay City ($4,000,000). Un.o 152 1881 1,000 l 3 576 OOO S 5 M. & S. do do do ... r 152 1881 1,000&o ~ ' ' ~ 5 Q.-M. M. C. 1st mort on Grand River Val. RR. Un ... . c* 84 '79-'86 1,000 1,500,000 6 M. & S. M. C. 1st mort. on Kalamazoo & 8. Haven. Un .. r 39 1889 l,OOO&o 700,000 5 M. & N. M. C. 1st M. Term. $1,500,000 (V. 64, p. 886),Mr 1896 1,000&o 725,000 4 g. J. & J.  -a-Exclusive of $490,000 held by sinking fund.  87  Int'st from Oot. 1, 1901 do do . ••••..••• • •••••..••  1926 1951  • ••..••. N. Y., Nat. City Bank. June 1, 1902 412 p.c. Apr., 1901 July 1, 1917 See text. July 1, 1917 .•••••.••. July 1, 1937 N.Y.,offlce,27Wm.St.Dec.2,'0l,1% do do Deo. 1, 1910 .•••••.••. Nov. l,'01,219 •••. •••••• • ••••••. •••••• •••• • ••••••• Oot. 1, 1943 N. Y. Gr. Cent. Statton. Jan. 29, '02, 2 N. Y., Union Trust Co. May 1, 1902 Rg.atG.C.S.;op.atU.Tr. Jan. 1, 1940 N. Y., Uuion Trust Co. Moh: 1, 1931 N. Y., Gr'd Cent. Station. Moh. 1, 1931 N. Y., Union Trust Co. Sept. 1, 1909 N. Y., Gr. Cent. Stat'n. Nov. 1, 1939 G.C.S.; U.Tr. July 1, 1941  c Of which $16,610,300 held by N. Y. Central & H. R. RR. Co. ~ent or £2 for each $1,000 bond deposited, for expenses, eto. Ea.oh The two new issues of bonds _w_i_ll_b_e_s_e_o_ur_e_d_b_v_a_.flr_st_a_n_d_s_e_o_o_n_d $1,000 bond deposited will receive £102 "A" and £102 "B" debenture lien, respectively. on all the property of the National Company now stock, constituting a first and second charge respectively upon the owned or provided tor under the readjustment and the El Salto extendeposited securities, both secured by the same deed of mortga~e to sion when oonstruoted, and also upon the securities of the Texas MexRight Hon. Lord Hillingdon, Right Hon. Lord Revelstoke and H. W. loan Ry., the total mileage on completion of standard-gauging of the ~mithers, trustees. Frederick M. Spankie, Secretary, 3 Graoeohuroh preRent Une to comist of at-i()ut 953 mile~ or standard ~auge and Street, London, E. C.-(V. 68, p. 331, 524.) 452 miles narrow-gauge track. A syndicate has been formed to pro• tuexlcan International RK.-(See Map)-ROAD .-Owne tn vide the cash requirements of the plan. Mexico a standard gauge road from the centre or the International VOTING TRUBT.-Both classes of stock (except sufficient to qualify Bridge over the Rio Grandt'! between Eagle Pai,s, Tex. (where oonneo- directors} will be veFted in three voting trustees for five years or unt11 tionic, made with the s.. uthern Paoii101, at Ciudad Porfirio Diaz, via the preferred stoo11 shall bave paid 4 per cent oash dividends yearly Torreon, on Mexican Central, to Durango, 540 ,u., with branches, 90 for two successive yt>ars, but the voting trustees may, in their dism.r_Reata to Monterey, 72 m.; branch to Tlahualilo, 43 m ; new branch, cretion, deliver the stock at an earlier date. lJurango to Santta~o Papasquiaro, 103 miles, built i_n 1900, was being TERl\IS OF EXCHANGE.-The basis of exchange was as follows: furtlln extended m Jan., 190.2, towards GuanaoeVI, total, 848 miles. ,-Eacn $ t ,OOO wilt recei'Oe new securities--. Or~a~ed under laws of Connecticut. . Existing bonds and stock Prwrlien tJonset. mort. 1:ref. Oomm()n In ::sept., 1901, Speyer & purchased control. See Mexican Na10 be deposttedOash. bonds. bonds. atock. stock. tional RR. plan below. V. 13, p . 553. t · Ii 1 t 6 *$2 0 00 $1 000 :::!TOCK.-Authorized $25.000,000; issued Jan., 1901, $20,708,200, of 21 Rf_,~\o~ia.~:: 121 88 ' .$625 $937 50 which So. Pao. Co. owns $4,164,100. 2d mort •'B" bonds 900 l:SoNDs.-In 1897 reorganized, reducing fixed charges on 659 Income bonds · ·••· ·••··• 300 miles from $605,360 to about $448,650. Consol. 4s for $3,690,000 Capital stock · ·••· · • •· · · ·•·• ·· may be issued at $10,000 per mile on 369 miles of proposed branches · · • •· · · · · · · · · • · • • • and $800,000 are reserved for bettennents, etc. The total issue of "Payable on the plan being declared operative, and provided the oonsols ie limited to $16,000,000. The prior lien 4¼s are secured on bonds are deposited within thirtv days fromOot. 12, $15 additional line from Cu1dad Porfirio Diaz to Durango, 540 miles and 75 miles of will be paid. 1Payable on completion of the readJmtment. branches. See details in V. 65, p. 151, 1071. Consol. 4s of 1897 llsted In oonneotton with the plan, the ri1,1ht to oall tile presentontstanding on N. Y. Stock Exchange Feb., 1898. See application in V. 66, p. 3 4 1. 6 p. c. prior Uen bonds at par amt interest has been exercised. EARNINGS-Mex. cur'oy. l 1901. .•• Gross,$5,413.786; net, $2,232,032 Position of New Oompany.-Tbe plan presents the following [in Jan. 1 to Nov. 30, 11 mos. 51900 .... Gross, 4,904,145; net, 1,963,930 United States currency]: ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for year endlng Deo. 31, 1900, was given at Net earnings for the calendar year 1900, according to the length in V. 72, p. 869, 881; see also editorial, p. 850, showing earnings annual report................... . .. . ........ . ..••••.. $1,208,634 ae follows: Gross on average of 802 miles, $51 378,977 (Mexican our- Extraordinary expenditures charged to operating expt-nses renoy); net, $2,131,237; in U. S. money, net, mcluding other income, or against current income, but properly c-hargeable to $1,00 , ,534; interest, eto., $556,579; bal., surplus, $445,955. Pre:,ident, capital account (according to sta ement oontlrmed by Wm. Mahl. N. Y. ottioe, 25 Broad St.-(V. 73, p. 553, 784.) Meesrs. Price, Waterhouse & Co .•. .••• .•••. .•. .••..••..••. 363,932 Mexican National KK.-(See Map.)-Owna narrow gauge road Total actual net earnings in year 1900 .......•......... $1,572,566 from Laredo to City or Mexico, 839 miles; Aoambaro to Uruapan, 14 3 miles; El 8alto branch, 45 miles; Matamoras to San Miguel. 76 miles; Estimated net earnings after the main line baa been made standatd gauge, the proposed El ~alto extension built, small branches, 5 miles; total owned, l, 10d miles; controls through and other improvements accomplished, about•...••..••. $2,100,000 owner imp of stock, Texas Mexican Ry., Corpus Christi to Laredo. Annual fixed charges after readjustment (estimated): Texas, and branch, 163 miles; bein~ standard-irauged in Jan., 1902; Int. on $20,000,000 prior lien 4¼ p. o. gold bonds . $900,000 leases Miohoaoan & Paoifio Ry., Maravatio to Zitaouaro, 57 miles; Ir:,terAst on $15,<-00,000 first consolidated mortother lines, 5 miles; total 1,33.-3 miles. Gauge, 3 feet; rail (steel and gage 4 per cent gold bonds . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . 600,000 iron) 40 and 45 pounds to the yard. ---$1,500,000 HISTORY.-A reorganization of the Mexican National Railway fore• "It thus appears that the fixed charges will on completion of the closed May 23, 18!:j7. Regarding subsidy, see SUFPLEMENT or July, readjustment be well within the net earnings of the property." 1901. EARNINGS-] 1 mos., ( 1901. .•••• GrOBi, $6,991.693; net, $2,629,025 READJUSTMENT PLAN.-The readjustment l'lan dated Oct. 8, 1901, Jan. 1 to Nov. 30. 5 1900 ...... Gross, 7,184,847; net, 3,381,394 Issued bv ~peyer & Co. and Kuhn, Lot-b & Co. of New York and Speyer Brothers of London, given in v. 73, p. 784, provides for tlle formaNet available for int. (11 mos.), $2,216,711 in1901; $1,417,634 tn tion of a new company, whiol1 "'hall authorize the securities shown in 1900. Above figures are in Mexic-an currency, valued at 80 cents on the table above in exchange for old securities, the standard-gaug- the dollar in U.S. money, all other depreciation having been allowed for. ing of the main lir•e from City of Mexico to Laredo, and the con· ANNUAL REPORT-Fiscal year ends Deo. 31. Report for 1900, with struction of the El Salto extension, about 150 miles. In Deo., 1901, the balance sheet, etc., was ~ven in full in V. 70, p. 720, 730: see aleo over 99½1 per cent of the" A.'' and" B'' tonds, all the income bonds ed.1torial p. 69~. Gross below are in Mexican currency, all other figures and over 9719 per cent of the stock had been deposited. in U.S. currency. Mexican currency is reduced to U.S. ourrenoy at 80 The new securities are to be ai,plied a,~ follows: p. c., all loss abo'Oe this being charged off in exchange aooount. . Prior tien 412 p, r cent (IOld oor,ds,to beaT interest from INCOME ACCOUNT-(U. S. CURRENCY EXCEPT GROSS EARNINGS), Oct, 1, 1901. Total issue fexcept to refund,$ for$, Mexican International RR. prior lien bonds, now Year end'g Dec. 31- 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. 1,289 1,242 1,218 1,218 $5,850,000] not to exceed ... J••.• •••• . .••.•••••••••••••. $23,000_,000 Miles operated........ Ofwhiouinpart1alexoh'ngel'orexistingbonds t • resent 5 10,77lJ,OUO Gross (Mex. our.) .... $7,--66,699 $7,087,675 $6,330,920 $6,080,663 Puroh. bysyndioatetoprovijeoashrequire'ts. 5 bsue. ! 9,221,000 Net tU. t-1. our.) ...... 3,010,898 2,728,321 2,393,431 2,388,991 Reserved for general purposes under proper restrio• Int. onlstM. bonds.. 660,300 667,400 674,110 680,720 tions, but not to be sold before Jan. 1, Hl04, except Int., dis & exoh •...•. 1,617,009 l,28!.,851 1,180,000 1,156,792 Misc., betterm'ts, eto. 158,934 20·, ,573 129,187 114,456 to meet any unexpected inoreaf'e in expenses of changing the gauge and building El Sal to extension. 3,000,000 Sundry char/les... •. . . 26,318 26,084 15,565 1£4,658 Cnt. on "A" bond1:1,. (4¼)547,425 (412) 547,425(312)425,775(312)425,776 First consolidaled mortgage 4 per cent gold bonds. Total Office, 1 Nassau St., N. Y.-(V. 73,.p. 1169, 1208 . > Issue [except to refund,$ for :ii. Mexican International RR. let oonsols, now :il6,783,000] not to exceed.. . . 60,000,000 Mexican "National Ry. Co, Llmlted.-See SUPPLEMENT of In partial ex.change of existing seour11ies .... ( Pres~nt S 11,404,687 Oct., 1901.- (V 73, p. 785, 900.) Purch by syndicate to provide oasb rt'quire'ts 5 hsue. i 3,f 95,31 ·~ lUexlcan Northern Ry.-Owns from Escalon, Mexico, on the Re, erved to retire new prior lien bonds when due . .• . . .. 23,000,000 Mexican Central Ry., to Sierra Mojada. 83 miles. all steel. In October, Issuable, i1 deemed bi-st. with $7,000,000 preferred 1901. reported as acquired by the Pierce syndicate, controlling the stock to acquire junior securities of Mexican InterMexican CPntral. and will be used in connection with the proposed 7,000,000 ex:ten~ion of the Fort Worth & Rio Grande to form a through line national R~. (including majority of its capital stock) Reserved for improvements and new equipmenr, at from Kansas City and St Louis to the Gulf of Mexioo.-V. 73, p. 1011. 6,000,000 not exceeding $500 1000 a year..... .... . ..... STOCK.-Capital stock is $3,000,000; see application for listing on Reserved for acqmsitions of new property and for exN. Y. Stock Exchange in full, V. 64, v. 619. tensions at not exceeding $10,000 per mile or stand· ard gauge line, or $7,500 per mile of narrow gaujle DIVIDENDS .••. l 1892. 1893. 1894, 1895 to 1899. 1900. 1901. 9,000,000 line, on which the consol. mortgage will be a fl.rat lien Per cent ..••. S 612 6¼ 6 4 yearly. 5 Below. Priferred stock. 4 p c. non-cumulative ..... . .... ....... . a21 000_,,ooo In 1901, Mar., 114 p. o.; June, 114 p. o.; Sept., 1 p. o.: Dec., 1 p. o. :.:0,663,625 or which in partial exohan~e for existing securities .. . BoNDs.-The mortgage is for $1,660,000, of which $507,000 held by 1,000,000 the sinking fund in June, 1900. See V. 60, p. 482. Sold to syndicate for cash required by plan .....•.....• 1,400,000 For all rights of the Mexican National Uonstruotion Co. EARNINGS-11 months,~ 1900-01. ••.• Grose, $596,506; net, $243,963 Issuable, it deemed best, for acquisition of Mexican July 1 to May 31. 51899-00 .••.• Grose, 576,079; net, 225,968 International junior securities..... . .. . . .. . . ••.•••. 7,000,000 For contingenoit'B /any surplus to new company.) .• . •• 1,936,375 For 6 mos. ending Deo. 31, 1900, net, $145.670, against $116.z.546 In Oommon stock in exchange for existing stock,$ for$.. 33,350,000 1899; other income, $17,071; charges, $72,402; bal., sur., $u0,339. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I I  90.  .:;:g;t:  ,  88 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  LVOL, LXXIV.  -~------  MAPOFTHE  MEXICAN NATIONAL RAILROAD AND ITS CONNECTIONS.  JANUARY,  RAILROAD STOCKS AND  1902,] RAILROADS.  Por explanation of column headings, &c., see notes · on first page of tables.  JICl,ohlga,n. Cent'l'a1r-(OoncludedJ-  - - ---  $2,000,000 2,000,000 491,200 274,000 150,000 250,000 421,000 800,000 150,000 250,000  ·s4 ·--· ·1s  i  i·•  ---· ----  --  a Of which $282,000 held in treasury June 30, 1901.  ANNUAL REPORT.-Earnlngs as follows in U. s. currency: G1·oss.  Net.  Other inc. Oharges.  Di1Jid.  M. & 8. M.& B. J. & J. M.&N. M. & N. J. & D. J. & D .,ro M.&N. J. & D.  Rg.atG.O.B.; cp.atG.Tr. ISept . 1. 1951 N. Y., Gr. Cent. Station. Sept.1, '01~2'& J aokson, Mich. Jan.,'02,2 "N. Y., Union Trust Co. May 1, 1902 do do May 1, 1908 N. Y., Union Trust Co. Dec. 1, 1989 N. Y., Union Trust Co. Dec, 1, 1989 N. Y.,Farm..L.&Tr.Co. July 10, 1987 N. Y., N. Y. Busa. & W. Nov. 1, 1911 do o June 1, 1910  Philadelphia,. 10 J. & J. Jan., '02i 5'6 5 g. M. & 8. N.Y., Mercantile Tr.Co. Sept. 1, 94.7  4,210,200 5¼ J & J, Phlla.,Offloe, 119 8. 4th. 593,000 4g.•5 g. J. & J. New York,44 Wall St. 1,000,000 do do 4 g. J. & J. 325,000 5 g. J. & J. New York, 44 Wa.11. St. c6,000,000 Bee text. J. & J. N. Y. Central Tr. Co. do do d4,000,000 5in 1901 J. & J. 455,000 7 g. J. & J. do do 950,000 7 g. J. &D. do do 1,015,000 7 g. J. & D. do do 636,000 7 g. J, & D. do do 1,382,000 6 g. A. & 0. do do a5,282,000 5 g. M.&N. do do b8,151,000 4 g. M. & 8. do do  b $!551,000 • Surplus.  3¼g. 31g 5 8 8 3 g. 3 g. 7 5 g. 5  323,375 405,000  i:ooo  1899·1900 ..• $638,552 $255,185 $31,226 $131,804 $142,500 $12,107 1898·9 ..•••.. 749~59 347,834 41,161 137,772 120,000 131,223 - (f.65, p. 6'2'9, v. 69, p. 1012; V. 70, p. 280; V. 72, p. 581, 1011.) Mexican Kall way, LhnUed.-See SUPPLEMENT for July, 1901. Mexican Southern Ky., LIDl,-BeeSUPPLEMENTforJuly, 1901. Mexico Ouernavaca & PRC. KR.-M ex1 co to R alsas RIver, 182 miles, in operation, and projected to Acapulco, about 153 miles.-V. 69, p. 332. As to subsidy from Mex. Gov't, see v. 67, p. 901. Stock, $6,000,000; par, $100; outstanding:, Oot.,1898, $2,432,000, Pres. and Gen. Mgr., J. Hampson, Mexico City, Mex.; Seo. and Treas., Charles Wheeler, Denver, Col.-(V. 69, p . 332.l .Michigan Central KK.-(See Map adjoining New York Oentral page,J-Lll(E OF RoAD.-Main line-Kensington to Detroit, 270 miles and Windsor to Suspension Bridge (Canada southern) 226 miles. total main line, 496miles. Branches ownedandleasedl,125mile11; trackage (ill. Cent.) into Chicago under perpetual lease, 14 miles; total, January 1, 1901, 1,635 miles There are 262 miles of second track• and 969 miles of side tra.oks. ORGANIZATION, LEASES, &c.-Re-inoorporated under general law. See in Dec., 1901, V. 73, p. 1208 Control was acquired by the N. Y. <J & H. R. R~. Co. 1:n. April, 1898, as stated below. CANADA SOUTHERN CONTR.A.CT.-See that oomr.any. DIVIDENDS,! '83 '84 '85·86 '87·89 '90 '91 92·94 '95 to Jan.,'02 Per oent--S 5 3 nil. 4 yearly 5 5 519 y'rly 4 yearly BONDB.-BaUle Greek cf Sturgis bonds for $500,000, but of this $79,· 000 was sub-guaranteed by the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. 7 miles of the B. C. & s. oeing operated by that company. The $2,· 000,000 34s of J 901 are a first mortgage on the Jackson Lansing & Saginaw RR., Jackson, Mich., to Straits of Mackinac, 295 miles, with two branches, a total of 350 miles, a :portion having been used to pay off the $1,661,000 oonsol. 5s at matlll'1ty, Sept. 1, '01.-( v. 73, p.1061.J GENERAL FIN.A.NCES.-All betterments and improvements to the road have been charged to operating expenses, except $70,000 set aside in 1898 fo:r 2d tracks, $165,000 m 1899 and $80,000 in 1900. N. Y. C. & H. R. RR. Co. in '98 gave in exchange its 3¼ per cent 100-year gold bonds at the rate of $115 in bonds for $100 in stock. V. 66, p. 759.' In Oct.., 1901, :t,16,610,300 of the $18,738,000 stock had been acquired by tne N. Y. O. & H. R. RR. V. 66, p. 1238. .ANNUAL REPORT.-Preliminary statement for ~901 (partly estl• mated) wa~ in V. 73, p. 1260. Report for 1900 w a s m V. 72, p. 932. Year ending Dec. 31. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Gross e s •. ..•. $18,312,0( 0 $16,731,131 $15,504,062 $14,046,149 Op exp~axea 14 556.000 13 229 490 12 004 116 10 545 973 • · .. ' ' ' * ' ' -•--•Net earnln~s•..•. . ... $3,756,0uo $3,500,641 $3,499,946 $3,500,177 Net,incl'g otker lne. 3,823,000 3,545,735 3,544,624 3,544,854 Rentals paid ........ ? 2,456,000 5 184,310 184,310 184,310 Interest on debt .. . . . ~ i 2,219,908 2,229,975 2,235,625 Can. Southern share. 380,000 300,852 300,574. 300,667 New seoond track.•· 80,000 65,000 70,000 Miscellaneo11s. .. . . . . 4,402 10,326 D1v1dcmds ............ 14)749,520 14)749,520 (4)749,520 (4)749,520 Surplus . ...... $237.480 $6,743 $4,919 $4.732 -(V, 72,p. 932, 1238; V. 73, p. 337. 616, 1208, 1260; V. 74, p. 94.) 1'.llddletown Unionville & Water Gap HK.-(See Map N. Y. Busquehanna ti Western.J-Owna from Middletown, N. Y., to Unionville, N. J. State line1 ~3·65 miles. Stock, $149,850; par, $50. Controllea through ownersrup of stock by New York Susquehanna. & Western, which pays interest on bonds. In year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $63,2?'4; net, $12,584; charges $21,923; bal., deficit for year, $9,339. In 1899·00, gross, $61,759; net. $14,589.-(V. 64, p. 664.) Mill Oreek & Mine Hlll Navigation & KK.-Mill Creek Jo. to Broad Mtn., Pa., 3·8 miles; branch 3·3, second track 3·8 miles; total track, 33 miles. Leased Jul y 25, 1861,for 999 to Phila. & Read• Ing RR. and leased assumed in 1896 by Phila. & Reading Railway; rental $33,000 and all t a x es. Mllwaukee Henton Harbor & Oolunabus Ky.-Completed (Apr., '00), Benton Harbor to Buchanan, Mich., 27 miles, to extend to, Ind ..,_ a total of ti3 miles. Capital stock, $600,0~0; par, $100; outstanamg Apr., 1900, $ 270,000. On Dec. 31, 1899, bills pay• able, $83,767; oar trusts, $10,300. Year ending Dec. 31, 1899, gross, $24,709; def. under operating expenses, $1,839; int. on bonds, $20,· 250. President, A. A. Patterson, Jr., Benton Harbor, Mich.; Vice· P:res., D . H. Patterson; Auditor, Jos. W. Johnston.-(V. 71, p. 751.) 1'.lllwankee & Lake Winnebago KK.-(Bee Wisconsin Central.) Mine Hill & Schuylkill Haven KK.-From Schuylkill Haven t,o Ashland and Enterprise Jot., 42 miles; 2d track, 21 m.; total tra.ok, 136 miles. In 1897 rental reduced to 6 p. o. on stock under ne~lease for 999 years from Jan. 1, 1897, to Phila. & Reaq. Ry. Co. Dividends paid stockholders are 2¼ p. o. m Jan. and 3 p. c. lil July, 12 P• o. being deducted for taxes.-(V. 63, p. 1011.) Mineral Range KK.-Houghton, Mich., to Calumet, Mich., 14. miles; Hanceok to end of traclr, 27 miles; branches, 24 miles; south Range extension, Keweenaw Bay to Riddlet Junction, 36 miles, opened Deo. 24, 1900; traokage, 26 miles; total, 127 miles. HISTORY, ETC.-Reorganized in 1891. On June I, 1901, the Hancook & Calumet RR. was Illerged, its bonds being assumed and road changed to standard gauge (V. 73, p. 785J. In year 1895 paid dtvt• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  89  .&nuu-Pr1ne1INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or Due. Amount Rate per When Where P~able, and by pal,When Par Outstanding of of StockB-Lael Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable om. Dividend,  Mich. Cent. lstM. on Jack.Lana. Baginaw,g.,c· &r 350 1901 $1,000 Jaok:.Lans.& Bag.,stock, 3¼p.c. y'rly,guar.byend. 100 .... Grand River Valley stock, rental in perpetuity... 100 Det. & B. City bonds, endorsed, no mort. lien . . . o is72 1,000 1873 1,000 Brid~e bonds, endorsed, no mortiage lien ...... Ba{ Ci y & Bat. C., 1st M., g., gu.p. 1. end.Mp.o" 1889 1,000 Ba. C. & Sturgis lst:M.., g., gu. p. &i.• 41 1889 1,000 J@llet & North.Indiana lstM., guar. ti_&i. (en .).o 45 1877 1,000 Jfiddletown Un. cl W. Gap-lstM., ext. '86...... o* 13 1866 100 &c. 2d moniage, int. r-ar· ext. in 1897 (see text) . . o• 1871 500 &o. Midland R. N. .-See N. Y. SUSQUEHANNA & wiisi-. Mill Oreek cl ine Hill Na,,,. cf RR.-Stock . ........ .... ...... Mil. Benton Harb.fl Ool.-Cons. M., g., $900,000. JJ e 27 1897 1,000 Milwaukee Lake Shore cf Western-Bee CHIC.A.GO & NORT H·WE8 TERN, Jlilwaukee "Lake Winnebago-Bee WISCONSIN CE NTRAL RY. Milwaukee cf Northern-Bee Chicago Milwaukee & St. Pa nl. 50 Mine Hill cf Schuylkill Ha'IJ.-Btook (6 p, ct. rental). 52 66 is0i 500 &o. Abneral Range-Cons. mort., text, red. at 105 .. c 66 1901 General mort!age, intJ.uar. by an. Paolflc . F. 20 1891 Hancock & Ca ., cons., . gC red. at 105, ass'd ... 100 JICfflllleapoUa ~ St. Louis- ommon stock.Ce .... .. ... 100 Pref. stock (V. 70, p. 1150), 5 p. o., non•oum.Ce .. 1st M., Minn. to Merriam Jnuo., gold.PP ..... . o* ·21 1877 1,000 1st M., Merriam Junction to Albert Lea,gold. F .o* 81 1877 500 &c. Iowa ext. 1st M., g.(Al. Lea. to Ft. Dodge)g.Ce.c* 102 1879 1,000 Mort.on Southw. exten., g. ($12,000 p. m.)Oe .. c" 53 1880 1,000 Paotftc extension 1st mortga1,e, gold.Ce . ...... o* 92 1881 1,000 First consolidated M., $5,28 ,000, gold.Ce. o"&r 1894 1,000 1st & :refund. M., $25,000,000 ($18,000 p. m.).Ce. 283 1899 1,000  Year.  BONDS.  c$174,300.  Jan.15,'02,219 Jan. 1, 1931 Jan. 1, 1951 .Jan. 1. 1931 Jan.15,'02,219 Jan. 15,'02,219 J&ll. 1, 1907 June 1, 1927 June 1, 1909 Dec. 1 1910 Apr. 21, 1921 Nov. 1, 1934. Moh. 1, 194.9  d$ 39,600.  I  dends 1019 p. o.; in 1896, 7; 1897, 7 p. c.; 1898, 319 p. o.; none since to Jan., 1902. In April, 1901, authorized etoo.k was increased to $800,outstanding, $743,400, par $100. BoNns.-Consols f or $7,000 are reserved for $11,100 old bonds. Of the $593,000 outstanding, $339,000 are 5s and $254,000 are 4s, interest on the latter guaranteed by Canadian Pacifto. In 1901 $1,000,000 general mortgage 4s were i~sued, interest guaranteed by Can. Paoi:flo See v. 73, p. 556, 616, V. 73, p. 785. Of tonnage in 19GO 60 p. o. was oreR and mining products. . E.A.RNINGB.-For 5 months endmg Nov. 3~: $ nc. $ 1901 · · ·· ·• · 2 4" 1 7 5 • 89 23 327 54' 274 1900 ··•••• 345 77 •256 · 27 • 29 , , REPORT.-For year ending June 36, 1901, including former Hanrook & Calumet for 1 month only, gross, $344,338; net., 42,921; interest, etc., $31,434; bal., surplus t.or year, $11,487. In oalenda.ryear 1900, gross, $307,215; net,$78,453-V.73,p.32,616,785. 1'.llnneapoJls & St. Louis KR.-( See Map,J-Owns main llne Minneapolis to Angus, Ia., 260 miles; Western Div., Hopkins to Watertown, B D., 215 miles; Ka.lo Branch, 1 ~ miles; Lake Park Branch, 119 m.; Wlnthr:JE:nMinn., to Storm Lake, Minn., 154 miles. Leases trackage from ea.polis to St. Paul over St. Paul & North. Pao. RR., 10 miles; total operated, 632 miles. Also owns, but lea868 to Bur. C. B. & Nor.,Albert Lea to Iowa. State Line, 13 m. In Jan., 1902, branch from Minneapolis to White Bear Lake, 13 m., was sold to Northern Pacl:flc -(V. 74, p. 94.) In Feb., 1899, purchased (V. 68, p. 672,) from the Rook lilland 123 miles, Morton to Watertown, So. Dak., part of the 217 miles of the unbonded Wis. Minn. & Pao. theretofore operated by Minn. & Bt. Louis, but accounts kept separate. Also built extension New Ulm branch through rich grain and live•stook country to Ill. Central RB. at Storm Lake, Ia.., 135 miles, which was completed about July 1, 1900. V. 68, p. 130. In JUJ1e, 1900, persons iden1lfl.ed with Minn. & St. L. obtained control of the Iowa Central Ry. V. 70, •· 1249. HIBTORY.-A reorganization in Oct., 1894, per plan in V. 59, p. 371, of Railway foreclosed under improvement and equlpme:at mortgage. STOCK.-The oaJ>ital stock ls, common, $6 000,000; preferred,5 p. o., non•oumulative, $4,000,000. The preferred is enlitled to dividends at 5 per cent, and then common to 5 per cent, then beth 111.a?'e pro rata. The $2,500,000 first pref. was off at par on June 1, 1899 • DIVIDENDS (p. c,) 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. Preferred....... 3 3 319 419 5 5 Ja.n.,219 Common None 114 Jan 21•······ · · ~ ·• ,. BONDS, ETC.-Bonds issued under the mortgage due June, 1927, numbered from 1101 to 1,400, for $500 each, additional to thoae above were assumed by the Burl Cedar Rapids & Northern RR. As to first oonsol. mortgage see abstract V. 59, p. 1145. 'l'he re• funding mortgage of 1899 llinits the first consol!! to f5,282 ,000. First refunding mortgage of 1899 ls for $25,000,000, of whicJ>. $10,000,000 reserved to retire underlying bonds and $6,84 9,000 for future extensions, improvements etc., under severe reati-iot ions. The mortgage is a. first lien on 277 miles of road. etc., and a. blanket lien on rest of property.-V. 68, p.187, 332. Seea.pplioation to list, T. 69, p. 32. GENER.AL FIN.A.NCES.-InJan., 1899, sold$5,100,000 ofla.ew4ato pur· chase 123 miles of road and to build and eqmp 135 milee e.rle:asion of New Ulm branch-see above and V. 68, p.130, 187,332. E.A.RNINGB-5 mos., i 1901. ......... Gross, $1,567,456; • et, $681,773 July 1 to Nov . 30.) 1900. ·.....•. .. Gross 1 381,805; net, 610,066 . ' ' .ANNUAL ~ EPORT.-Annual meeting 1st Tue~day in Oct. Report for 1900·01 is giv en a.t length in V. 73, p. 953, 961, eee also edii., p. 934.. Year E n d ing June 30 1900·01. 1899-00. 1898·99. Average miles operated............ 633 514 436 Passengers · · · · · ·· ·· · • •····· • •· · · · ·· $703,8 2 6 $601,838 $494 ,03l Freight····························· 2, 4 1 3 , 1 3 4 2,117,5?3 1,860, 2 58 Mail, express, &o............... . ... 158,544 143,921 145,715 Gross earnings .•• .... •...•... . $3,275,504 $2,863,310 f2,500,004 Net taxes .......•.•...•...... . $1,318.887 $1,163,922 $977,299 Other m oome . . . . ··•···· · ··· •······ 188,807 200,266 196,597 Tot a.ln ~t income ..•.•••.. . . .•. $1 ,507,694 $1,364,188 $1,173.896 Interest p a id..................... . 897,220 892,540 659,540 Dividend on pref stock .•.....•.. (5)200,000 (5)200,000 "!l94,583 Dividend on common stook ........ (41240,000 (1½1)90,000 Rentals, etc. ..•. ..•......•........ 56,711 57,024 ···55,694 Bal. surplus for year.......... . $113,76i $124,624 ,164,079 * Includes dividends on former first preferred stock, which w a s re tired June 1, 1899. OFFICERS.-President, Edwin Hawley, New York; Vioe•President, L F. Day; secretary, Joseph Gaskell, Minneapolil§; Treasurer, F. H Davis, 25 Broad Street, New York. Dlrectors.-E. Hawley, w. Strauss, E. Lan~don, F. l!I. Pallller, P.H. Davll!; John E. Searles, Ne• York; L. C. Weir, New York; Geerge Cwclr.e•, New York, L. F. Day, Minneapolis. -(V. 72, p. 87, 1238; V. 73, p. 95 S, 961, 1264; V. 74, p. 94.) .Minneapolis St. Paul & Sault Ste. ltlarle Ky .-Owns Mlnneto Sa.ult Ste. Marie, Mich., 492 miles; branches, ff2 miles; from eapolls northwest to Kulm, No. Dak., 308 miles; Hankinson to International Boundary Line, No. Dak., 344 miles; trackage in Minne11,poJts, St. Paul, etc., 20 miles In July, 1901, extension hem Kulm,  j 000;  to!~  f ;'  I  :B~~  °t{65  ~rt~•  ~f2~l0  MAP OF THE  MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD & CONNECTIONS.  ~ 0  r  MO .  t"  I  I CJ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •Syracuse T OP.  ~ .....  ~  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  JANUARY, 19()2,]  91  RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. .Bonas-.Prlnol• Miles Date Size, or Amount - - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - pal,WheR Due. f:i'or explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, and by Stocks-Last on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend. ff S. Ste. M.-Stook (13 7% pf. n.-oum.) .••. Minn. Bault Ste. Marte & Atlantic 1st M.g. Ce . . oK 495 Minneapolis & Pacific. 1st M., $15,000 p. m.ue.oK 286 Consol. M., gold, Int. guar. (end.)-See text Ce.c* 1,307 2d M., $5,000,000, ~old, int. guar . . t ·e ........... 1,307 Car trusts Dec 30, 1901.. __•••.•. _.•. . ............ Minnesota Transfer-] st mort.-($4.81,000 are 4s\c · M~ss. Oo_lesb.tfMan.Ry -lstM.g.,$200,000s.f. IB,c* . ·20 Mus. River Hamb. d W.-lst M.,g.,$400,000.c ol o 40 Missouri Kansas d Eastern-See MISSOURI KAN SAS & lf.£issouri Kansas & T~-Common sroc.k...... . .•. Preferred stock, 4 per cent non-cumulative .. .... . ... Tebo. & Neosho 1st mort., gold, s. f., red. at 100.. 100 M. K. & T. 1st mortgage, gold, Ce . . ............... 1,601 2d M. (formerly incomes), see text, gold l.Ue . . . t,601 lstM. exten. bonds, gold, $20,000 p. m_t e .. c• St. Louis Div., ls1i, ref'g M, $6,000.000.F ... o* .. • . Mo. K. &East. lstM., $4,000,000g., assum.Ce. 1 6 2 Sh. Sh. & So.1st M., $20,000 p . m., ft., assu .Ce.o" 202 Kan. City & Pacific 1st M., gold, assumed.Ce .•. o. 130  Minn. St. P  Guara·nteed bonds-  Dallas &Waco 1st M.,$20,000p.m. g.p.& o* M.K.& T.of Texas lstM., $20,000p.m., g., gu.<.'e c* Boonv. Br., 1st M., g., gu. p. & i., end, s. f . Ce .. . c*  Guar. bonds of companies operat'd separately-  iss6  1886 1888 1899  ---·  1886 .1899 1897 TEXAS.  ---· 100 100 isfo 1890 5J-ti~.  1890 1894 1901 1892 1893 1890  67 1890 180 1892 •••• 1901 ....  1889  Pao. RR. of Mo. 1st M., extend. in 1888, gold.Me 2d mort. ext. in 1891 in gold, St. L. to K. C .. o* 1st M., St. Louis real estate, ext. in 1892, gold . 1st M. Carondelet Br., g., gu. p.& i. (end.)ext.'93  2s3 283  isss 1871  · 13  55,!.'.80,300 13,000,000 187,000 39,813,000 500 &c. 20,000,000 1,000 1,668,000 1,000 2,000,000 1,000 4,000,000 1,000 1,689,000 1,000 2,500,000 1,000 1,000 1,000  1,340,000 3,597,000 1,000,000  4·g:·&5 4 (5) 4 g. 4g.  .....  ----·-----  . ....  ······--··  J. & J. N. Y., B'k of Montreal. J. & J. do do J. & J. do do do J. & J. do New York & Chicago. ,·&·5 F."·&--A. lstN.B'k, St. Paul,Minn. 5 g. J. & J Boston. 5 g. M. ,&N. N. Y., Col. Trust Co.  ...... ···1·g. 4 4 5 4 5 5 4  g. g. g. g. g. g.  g.  J. ··&·n. N. Y. Office, 49 Wall St. J. & D. do do F. & A. do do M.&N. do do do do A. & o. A. & 0. do do J. &D. do do F. & A. do do  5 g. M.&N. 5 g. M.& 8. 4 g • .M. & N.  968,000 6 J. & 1,000 100 76,402,~75 See text. J. & 7,000,000 4 g. F. & 1,000 2,573,000 5 g. J. &. 1,000 1872 500 &o. 800,000 5 g. M. & 237,500 419 g. A. & 1873 500  B. W.C.&Imp.,s.f.,oall at 125.F  lf.£issouri Paciffe,-Stock ($100,000,000 auth.) .. .  $100 $21,000,000 1,000 8,239,000 458,000 1,000 1,000 22,452,000 1,000 3,500,000 426,388 ·---·· 1,000 1,385,000 1,000 NoneJ'lyo'OO 400, 00 1,000  do do do  do do do  J. do do J. N. Y., 195 Broadway. A. N. Y., Mercantile Tr. uo. J. do do N. do do o. do do  Jan:·i·,--i926 Jan. 1, 1936 July 1, 1938 Jan. 1, 1949 1903 & 1907 Aug. 1, 1916 July 1, 1919Nov. 1, 1917  . --··-·· June·1,--i9os June 1, 1990 June 1, 1998 Nov. 1, 1944 1, 2001 Apr. 1, 1942 June 1, 1943 Ang. 1, 1990 Nov. 1, 1940 Sept. 1, 1942 Nov. 1, 19~1 July 1, 1929 Jan.20,'02, 219 Aug. 1, 1938 July 1, 1938 May 1, lfJ38 Oct. 1, 1938  N. D., to Wishek, about 77 miles, in operation. and being completed to Jan., 1902, $39,718,000 had been listed. Payment of interest on · towards Bismarck, of which 70 mHes to PoUock was opened in Nov., the second morjgage of 1890 is obligatory since the coupon ofAug.1,. 1901; also new b1anch from Summit, Wis ., to Frederic, 22 miles; total, 1895; previously ltreceived 2 p. o. interest yearly. The Missouri Kansas ff Eastern bonds originally guaranteed were 1,394 miles; also has terminal trackage in :Minneapolis, St. Paul and assumed 1n June, 1896, the road forming the St. Louis extension from Sault Ste Marie aggregating 19 miles. HISTORY.-Formed June, 1888, by consolidation of the Minneapolis Franklin, Mo., to Texas Junction, Mo .. 162 miles. See V. 63, p. 30. Of the St. Louis division 1st refunding bonds; $4,666,000 were reSa.ult Ste. Marte & Atlantic, the Minnea,pollil & Pacific, etc. (Bee V. erved for the retirement of both issues, the balance being for extenC.6, pp. 538, 609.) Controlled by Canadian Pacific, which July 1, 1901, sions and improvements on the division. V. 72, p. 1034. owned $7,066,600 common and $3,533,400 pref. stock, etc. The Sherman Shreveport d Southern mortgage is f(\r $6,000,000 at BoNDs.-Can. Pao. guarantees by endorsement 4 per cent interest on $20,000 per mile; i ssued, $1,689,000, of whicb $1,611,000 pledged, all the bonds assenting to a reduction of interest to 4 per cent. (See under M. K. & T. morli. of 1890. The bondE', formerly guaranteed, were V. 50, p. 784; V. 51, p. 239. .A.bout one-half the Minn. & Pac. bonds assumed upon consolidation in May, 1901.-V. 72, p. 1034, 1115. and practically all of the other issues assent,ed. V. 54, p. 799.) GUARANTIES.-Interest ls guar. on Boonville Bridge 4s, and prln Abstract of 1finmapolis Sault Ste Marie cEA.tlanticmorligage 1n V. 45, and interest on Dallas & Waco bonds (issue limited 1io $1,340,000), p. 243. The consol. mortgage of1888 (trustee, Central Trust Co., morli cipal $334,000 Boonville Bridge 7s were called for payment on Nov. gage abstract CHRONICLE, V. 47, p. 142), was for $21,000,000 on 800 1,The 1901, a new issue of 50•year guaranteed gold 4s bemg made there01iles (sufficient of this amount being reserved to retire the prior A sinkini:dfund begins in 1911.-V. 73, p. 494. bonds) a.nd for $20,000 per mile on all additional mileage. See V. 73, on. The M. K. ff- ~. in Texas mortgage securt a $10,000,000 of bonds at p. 185. Real estate mortgagf s June 30, 1901, $ 33,000. per mile for extensions In Texas, They art, guaranteed prln· Of the $5,000,0UO 2d 4s of 1899 $3,500,000 werfl Issued to take $20,000 cipal and interest. Be-e above, and guaranty V. 56, p. 604. ap certain maturing interest-bearing obligations and current capital The Southwestern Ooal ff Improvement Oo.'s bonds are guaranteed. expenditures and for equipping of terminals and additions, the re- Mortgage covers the coal on. 51,000 acres in Indian Termaining $1,500-tOOO to be issued hereafter from time to time only as ritory, and($1,000,000) the company also owns 2,350 acres additional, the Deni• requlred.-V. 6!j, p. 669,771,977; V. 71, p. 645. son & Washita Ry., 20Jmlles, mines in active operation, eto. LATEST EARNS.-5 mos. i 1901. .... Gross, $2,882,172; net, fl,651,191 Equipment Notes.-On June 30, 1901, these aggregated $912,257, July 1 to Nov. 30. S 1900 .•... Gross, 1,923,391; net, 803,4.41 payable pal't yearly till Aug., 1905. A contract was made ror 2,000 REPORT.-Report for year ending June 30, 1901, was in V. 73, p. 897. oars to be delivered during 1901-2 on deferredpayments.-V. 73, p. 609. LATEST EARNINGS.-5 months ending Nov. 30: Year. Gross. Net. Int.,taxes,etc. Bal., aur. Surplvs •. Gross. Net. Oharges. 1900-01. •••••••••. $4,517,075 $1,952,737 $1,624,864 $327,873 $1,010,7361899·00 .••.••••••. 5.tl51,188 2,596,605 1,715,733 880,872 19 01·2 ...•••.••••• . $7,566,987 $2,511,390 $1,500,654 949,882 1900-1. ••••.•••••• 6,626,793 2,396,837 1,446,955 -(V. 68, p. 977; V, ti9, p. 906: V. 71, p. 645; V. 73, p. 185, 891.) Operated 2,480 miles in 1901-2, against 2,222 1n 1900-1. Minnesota Transfer Ky.-Union road, owning 12·7 miles, exANNUAL REPORT.-Annual meeting first Thursday after first Monday tending fromjunotion with Chio. MU. & St. Paul at Merriam Park to Fridley (with stock yards. etc.); side tracks about 44·3 miles; total 57 in April. Report 1900-01.-V. 73, p. 609. Bee also editorial, p. 587. miles.-(V. 67, p. 956.) Stock, $63,000, equally owned by: Year end. June 30.- 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Chicago Mtlwaukee & St. Paul, Northern Pacific, Chicago St. Paul Minn. & A var.miles operated. 2,265 2,218 2 200 2,197 1 1 0 1 Passenger earnings. $2,658,245 $2,152,768 $1,943,123 $1,919,551 ~. hhi~~-G~e P~ Freight.............. 12,097,618 9,886,995 9,394,922 9,559,000 Addit.ional bonds can be issued for property and improvements as Mail, express. etc... 647,220 586,749 592,289 568,681, required. Prinmpal onlv is payable in gold. Mortgage trustee, St. Gross earnings .... $15,403,083 $12,626,512 $11,930,334 $12,047,237" Paul Trust Co., St. Paul, Minn.-(V. 66, p, 1238; V. 67. p. 956.) Ope. exp.and taxes. 11,134,147 8,7t-5,470 8,012,829 8,182,388 1'.IINsbslppl Colesburg & Manchester Ky.-Under construe· t!on in Jan., 1901, from Dyersville to Colesburg, Ia., 20 miles. To be Net earn., 1f$4,307,0731f$3,904,251,r$3,979,0931f$3,933,939'· Interest on bonds.. 3,118,015 3,082,093 3,063,593 3,061,760 completed in 1901. Stock authorized, $100,0uO; outstanding, July, Rentals., &o......... 389,142 371,292 366,817 397,422 1900, $20,000. President, James Prentice. Ba.lance . ......... sr.$799,916 sr.$450,866 sr.$548,683 sr.$tl74,757 lUlsslHlppl River Hamburg & Western Ry.-Control purchased in 1901 by or for Mo. Pacific. 11 \~8,137 in 1901, $43,209 in 1900, $61,588 in 1899 and $69,090 1n. Missouri Kansas & Texas Ky.-Ro.A.D.-Operates a line with 18 9 northern termini at St. Louis, Kansas City and Hannibal, Mo., extend• OFFICERS.-Chairman and President, Henry C. Rouse, New York; Ing southerly across the Indian Territory and the Texas cotton belt to tidewater at Galveston, on the Gulf of Mexico, and to San Antonio, Vice-Pres. and Gen . Manager, A. A. Allen, St. Louis, Mo.; Vice•Pres. and Treas, C. G. Hedge, New York; Secretary, 8. Halline, 49 Wall St., Tex., and Shreveport, La., with branch€s. m See this company.) New York. Road owned. Miles. Operate<lr--1iot owned. Mites. 8 0 Missouri Kan, & Tex. Ry.Wichita F alls R y .... ... ...... 18 a1l!rift~r~ii{~~~ ~~~~e1~~~\r St. Louis to Red River, Tex 629 Denison & Washita Val. Ry. 20 f; c,tter and Herbert r,. Satterlee, Ne w Vork; Myrnn T. Herrick, C1evelaod, 0,;_ Hannibal to Franklin Jc... 1041 Ope1·atedjointty. F.N. Finney, Milwaukee, Wis.; B. P. McDonald, Alfred J. Poor and 'J'. N. SedgBranch sto Paola and Par8t. Louis to Texas Junction.. 24 wick, of Ka , sas; R. J. De Marez Oyens, Amsterdam, Holland, sons, Kan .. and Stevens, Kansas City to Paola......... 43 -(V. 73, p. 389, 494, 609,843,957, 1160; V. 74, p.151.) I. T .. &c . . . .. . . . 430 Whitesboro to Ft. Worth..... 71 lUl8sourl Pacific Ky .-(See Map.)-Operates important system of Mo. Kan. & T. Ry. or Tex.Galveston Rous. & Rend .... ,r50 roads extending westerly and southwesterly from St. Louis, Mo., tnRed Ri ver to Houston, Tex. 5<18 o!uding main lines from St. Louis to Omaha, Neb., 495 miles, and from Denison to Henrietta...... 112 Kansas City to Denver, Col., 758 miles, with many branches in KanOther branches............. 431 sa s, etc. Throug-h the St. Louis Iron Mt. & Southern, which it con~rols, Total owned ..•.••..••...•. 2,254 Totaloperated June30,'01.2,480 connection is had with Texas and the lines of the Texas & Paoifl.c, tional & Gre11t Northern and tne St. Louis Southwestern, the Extension of Mineral Branch eastward to Galena, Kan., and Joplin, Interna whole forming what is known as the "Gould System," in which the Mo., under construction in Oct., 1901.-V. 73, p. 609. The D enison heirs of Gould are la!J{ely interested (ijee list of Mr. Gould's hold• Bonham & New Orleans Ry., Denison to :Bonham, Tex., 29 miles, has ings, V. Jay 60, p. 83.) The ro.o. Pao. property includes: been operated under contract since Dec., 1901. Lines owned and controlled. Mites. Leased lines and trackage. Mites. ORGANIZATION, &c.-Reorganized in 1890, without foreclosure, [plan St. Louis to Omaha........... 495 Boonville St. L. & Southern... 44 In V. 49, p. 719,) the old first mortgage being paid off at par. Pleasant Hill to Joplin, Mo.. 133 Verd. Valley Ind. & West...... 81 The $12,890,000 stock of the "M. K. & T. Railway Co. of Texas" branches owned ...•.....•. 450 Leroy & Caney Valley ......... 52 18 deposited with Central Trust Co. as trustee for the M. K. & T. seou• 12 Proprietary lines [entire st'ok Kansas City & 8. W............ 48 rity holders. (V. 54, p.1047; V. 55, p. 298.) M. K. & Eastern was ab own'd]form'glinetoPueblo, Trackage to St. Joseph, etc.... 27· sorbed in 1897, K. C. & Pao. in 1899 and Sher. Sh. & So. in 1901.-V. Col., etc ..................... 1,833 -63, p. 30; V. 73, p. 609, Total Mo. Pacific and branch lines .. . .••••..••••..••••.•••.••••• 3,163 In Jan., 1902, the Missouri Kansas & Oklahoma Ry. was organized Also owns all capital stock of Central Branch Union Pao., etc., 388 m.; by friendly interests to cons truct a line from Stevens, southwest to St. Louis Iron Mountain & Southern and leased lines, 1,773 miles. Oklahoma and Uuthrie.-(V. 74, p 151.) Grand total Missouri Pacific mileage January 1, 1901, 5,324 miles. In LAND GRANT.-Land grant in Indian Territory 3,110,400 a.ores, sub - 1901 extension building from Oronogo to Webb Clty, Mo., 40miles, and· Jeot to extinguishment of Indian title. For status in 1897 and 1898, Boonville to Jefferson City, 22 miles &ee V. 67, p. 222; V. 65, p. 542, 594. (V. 55, p. 937; V. 61, p.1155.) Early in 1901 a large interest was aoqn.tred in the Denver & Rio-BONDS.-M. K. &. T. 1st and 2d mortp:ages of 1890 [abstracts in V. Grande RR. and so in the Rio Grande Western Ry., extending the 61, p. 495) cover line trom Hannibal, Mo., to a point 80 miles trom 11ystem as !a,. west as Oe;den, Utah. The Gould and Rockefeller hold• Houston, Tex., 941 miles [except 71 miles of trackage] and sundry ings In the Denver & Rio Grande are together understood to cons titut&· branches, the total mileage mortgaged being 1,601 miles, including the a. large majority of the entire capital stock• .A. more or less oompre• Sherman Sb.reveport & So., but see below. hensive consolidation of the Gould, or Gould-Rockefeller, lines, it le These mortgages also cover the rl~ht to the land grant in the Indian understood, is in contemplation, though in Oct., 1901, not expected• Territory. Firsts are reserved for T. & N. firsts, on Stock Exchange to be announced for several months.  8:~y~•~;l1!r~J>~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  a~ ~e~~;g~~~ Ji'ii°1.r?l: i°:\~Jt'1J~~~~:.  I  J:  ~w~~!:a~. tt:!~e&_ ::~:. ~·a!~~ \r~~t  Benso n  j  D c111111ti  o T ombstine  co.  r•--••  ---·· _j -·--'!Cr·ud:1dJ11 E z  £  7  cz  ~  i  ./'  MAP O F T HE  MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY ST. LOUIS, IRON MT. & SOUTHERN RY. AND LEASED, OPERATED & INDEPENDENT LINES Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  0  F  M  E  X  I  0  0  J ANU.ARY, 1902  I  93  RAILROAD S'rOOKS AND BONDS  RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonct.r-Pr1no1• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • M i l e s Date Blze,or Amount - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pa.I,WhenDue. Tor explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Pa.r Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, a.nd by Btoeka-Last on :tlrst page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  --------------------1-- ------- ------ ----  •Pac. RB. of Mo.- Missouri Paciftc-( OonctudeaJ-e  3d M. (cover'gallprope.of Pa.cifioRR.of Mo.)C 296 Mo. Pacific 1st M., Lexington to Sedalia, Mo gold 55 Consolidated mortgage, $30,000,000, gold ... ~* 1,076 Gold collateral trus~.1Jn . ..................... o*&r 1,120 1st oolla.t. mort. bonds for $10,000,000 g.Me . .. o* 671 Ler. & Camey Val.1st M.,g., gu. (V. 70,p.1095).o* 52 Verdigris Val. Independence & W. l st M.,g.,gua.r. 81 .Jf~souri Pacijtc System-St. Louis Iron. Mt. ti So. Gen. oonsol. dr L gr. M. ($45,000,000) g .... Me.c* 1,428 Do do gold, stamped, gua.r. p. & 1..o* 1,428 Unifying & ref. M., gold, $40,000.000.1'.lp ... o* 1,428 Car trust.8 Dec., 1901, due yearly................ . Ba.ring CrossBridgeCo.,lstm.,gold,red. to 6p.<'. .... Little Rook & Ft. Smith 1st M gi-. 165 Little Rock June. 1st M., gu. p.& 1. by Ir. Mt.1'.le.o* 2 Mobile ti birmingh. RR.-Pref. stock ($900,000).... .. Prior lien, gold, $600,000 ...•••••.•.....•.••.. ce.o 149 1st M., $1,200,000... : ........................ tne.c 149 Mobile Jackson <I K. O.-lstM.,g.,$4,000,000.Ce.o* 75 .Jlobile ~ ($10,000,000 authorized) gold lstM.,Mob. t,o Col.(prin.g,,int.lawfulmoney).F.o* 472 55 ll'lt M.., exten.,Colum. to Ca.iro & branoh,goltl. F .o• General mort. for $16,500,000, (now gold) s. f. Fe 527 Montgomery Div.,lstM., $4,000,000, gold Ce.o* 189 Colla.t. trust..tgold, ($2,500,000) call a.t par .G.o* .. . . St. Louis & uairo 1st mort., gold, int. guar.G ... o 1 6 1 Mobile & B.Sh.lst M., $200,0QO, gu.,p.& i.,g.F.o.. 38 Equipment bonds ($465,000 are 6s).. .•. . ••• •.. . . • . . . . Equipment trusts "A'· & ''B" (V. 71, p. 749), s. f. Jfoh.llMal.-lstM.,$15,000p.m.,g.,gu.p.&1.(en.) Mo>- isi /Income bonds non•oum., 5 per cent (see text)1Jn ..•.  1876 $1,000 $3,828,000 650,000 1880 500&0. 1880 1,000 14,904,000 1887 1,000 14,376,000 9,636,000 1890 1,000 520,000 1886 1,000 1886 1.000 806,000  s  Bala.nee ..••..••.... sur.$3,386,761  $10,362,035 $5,696,750 1,412,441 2,096,172 x 515,745  $8,407,689 $5,346,195 1,410,817 470,778  sur.$640,927 sur.$1.179,899  x This offsets a srmilar item included with "other income, etc .."  above, the surplus ($3,386,761) for the year being the total earnings •<>f the system arter deducting all charges. The a.otual surplus, how• ever, was $3,957,000, as shown in V. 72, p. 1238. QFFICERS.-President, George J. Gould; Secretary and Treasurer, A, H . Calef, 195 Broadway, New York. Dlrectors.-&eorge J. Gould, Russell SaQ'e, Edwin Gould, Samuel Sloan, Job.n P. Muna, Louts Fiugerald, Howrad Gould, J. De Wolf Cutting, t<'red. T. Gates and Frar.kJ. Gould, New Tork: C. G.Warner, Rus~ell HardiL,g, W. K. Bixby, St. Lome, Mo.-(V. 72, p.1280; V. 78, p.186, 1160, 1356; V. 74., p. 94.). ff.U11111ourl PacUl.c System-st. Louis Iron lffountaln & Southern Ky.-(Su Map,J-Owns St. Louis t,o Texarkana, Tex. Line, 490 m.; ora.nohes to Belmont,Mo., Bird's Pt., Mo. (Cairo), Camden, Ark,, Selena, Ark.1 Cushman,. Ark., Arkansas City, Ark., Warren, Ark., Mem• pais, Tenn.1 &o., 747 mues; Houston Central Arkansas & Northern Rail• way, MoGenee, Ark., to Alexandria, La.., 190 miles; rota.I owned Janu• ary 1, 1900, 1,427 miles. Leases Little Rook & Fort Smith and Little Book Junction railroads, 176 miles; Kansas & Arkansas Valley RR., 170 miles, Total operated December 31, 1900, 1,773 miles. In Dec., 19-00, holders of $22,267,000 of the $23,172,588 Texas & ·P a.oiflo seconds exchanged their bonds for 65 per cent in new Iron 1 Mtn. gold 4.s bearing interest from July l, 1899. See BONDS below, ,also V. 68, p. 329, 380, 474, 520, 572. 619, 725, 774. Brocx.-81i0ok wa.s $25,787,730, of which $25,732,935 Ja.n.1,1901, JW&S owned by Missouri Paoifto-mostly acquired in 1881. Authorized Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Nov. Ang. .Nev. Ja.n, Ang. July Moh.  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1906 1920 1820 1917 1920 1926 1926  5 g. A. & O. do do Apr. 1, 1931 '8lt.o'7 1,000 36,418,000 6,936,000 5 g. A. & O. do do Apr. 1, 1931 . .. . 1,000 4 g. J. & J. do do July 1. 1929 1899 1,000 24,195,000 1,741,000 6 Qua.r'ly. do do 1901-1905 .. . . . •••.. 200,000 6 do do Apr. 19, 1898 1873 ..••.• 2,342,500 7 J ...&.. J. do do Jan. 1, 1905 1875 500 &o. 435,000 6 A. & 0. do do Apr. 1, 1916 1891 1,000 900,000 See text. J. & J, London, Eng. Jan. 1, 1902 .... 100 600,000 5 g. J. & J. N. Y.,J.P.Morgan&Co. July 1, 1946 1895 200, r,ooo 4 J. & J. do do July 1, 1945 1895 aoo, r,ooo 1,200,000 1896 1,000 1,500,000 5 g. J. & D. N.Y,,Colonial Trost Co. June lb 1946 100 5,820,600 See text. A. & 0, N. Y.,J.P.Morga.n&Co. Oot., 19 1.., 1% i879 500 &o. 7,000,000 6 J. & D. N. Y.,Farm.L.&Tr.Co. Dee. 1, .1927 1,000,000 6 g. Q.-Jan. do do July 1, 1927 1883 1,000 See text. 4 g. M. & 8. N. Y., Gallatin Nat. Bk. Sept. 1, 1938 1888 500 &o. 4,000,000 5 g. F. & A . do do Feb. 1, 1947 1897 1,000 2,494,000 4 g. Q.-F. N. Y., Guar. Trust Co. May 1, 1930 1 900 1 ,00&~. 4,000,000 4 g. J. & J. N. Y.,Fa.rm.L.&Tr.Oo. Jan. 1, 1931 18 8 6 50 0 v 200,000 5 g. M. & N. 1st Na.t.Bk.,Mobile,Ala May 1, 194.9 1899 500 &o. 592,000 5·6 Va.rious. N. Y., Farm. L. & Tr. Co. To 1908 '94·'98 1,000 1,000,000 n ,r do do 1919 1899 1,000 2,500,000 4 g. M. & 8. N. Y., Knfokerb. Tr. Co. Sept. 1, 1991 1892 1,000 3,900,000 5 on Sept. 1, 1901 N. Y., Gr. Cent. Station. Sept. 1, 1992 1892 1,000 I ~ .. .A," M. & N .; "B," A. & 0.  In Feb., 1901, control of the Nt,w Orleans & Northwestern Ry., Bastrop, La.., to Natchez, Miss., 102 miles, was acquired, the road to be extended from Natchez to Little Rook, Ark., about 150 miles; also · of the Arkansas & Southwestern RR., Smithton to Pike City, 43 miles; of the Ark. Midland RR., Helena, Ark., t,o Clarendon, etc., 74 miles, and of the Mississippi Hamburg & Western Ry. Hamburg t,o Luna, · Ark., 43 Imles. In 1901 the White River RR. and the Memphis Helena & Louisiana were incorporated to build extensions.-V. 73, p. 1160. ORGANIZATION, LEASES, &c.-The Pacific RR: of Missouri was sold ill . foreclosure September 6, 1876. The present company was a consolidation in August, 1880, embracing the Missouri Pacific and mi.nor roads. · The bonds of the proprietary lines are practically a.ll pledged to secure Mo. Paoifto loans. The Iron Mountain stock is mostly owned by the Missouri Pacific. Control of the International & Great Northern was secured in 1892 and of Central Br. U . P. in 1898·99. -See V. 68, p. 329,520. In Nov., 1900, purchased · entire stock of Kansas City Northwestern Ry. V. 71, p. 1121. As to Texas & Pao., see b'e low. STOCK.-In July, 1901. the authorized capital stock was increa.sedfrom $70,000,000 to $100,000,000. The amount outstanding on Dec. 31, 1900, was $50,432,150, and this latter was increased to $76.402,· 875 in 1901 by.the conversion of $11,218,000 collateral trust bonds and by issue of $2,983,500 for purchase of entire stoolr,and$2,983,500"B" bonds of K. C. Northwestern, and by further issue of :1!14.422,000 [partly at par to stockholders] to purcha~e i!14,800,000 common a.nd $7,300,000 vreferred stookof Dt>nver & Rio Grande and for other pur· · poses.-(V. 72, p. 1188, 1238, 1280; V. 73, p. 185, 1356 ) DIVIDENDS- l '81 '82 '83 to '87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 to '00 '01 '02 Percent•.. 6 6147yearly;514 4 4 3 None 219Jan.212 On July 20, 1901, 212 p,o. wa.s paid; '02, Jan., 212 p.o. V. 73, p. 1356. BoNDs.-The comotidated mortgage is for $30,000,000-trustees John F. Dillon a.nd Edward D. Adams-the balance nnissued is in trust to redeem prior bonds due if deemed best. Abstract in V. 47, p. 287. The collateral trust bonds due 1917 (U;nion Trust Company of Ne-w York, trustee) secured by mortgage bonds of new rqads at $19-,000 or $15,000 per mile; these embracing the line from Fort Scott, Ka.n. to Pueblo.Col. etc. For securities pledged, etc., see V. 46 ,p.678. OoU.ater"1, trmt bonds due in 1920, see V. 50, p. 669,874. GENERAL FDU.NCES.-In Dec,, 1900, $22,267,000 of the $23,172,588 Texas & Pacific 2ds had been exchanged for 65 per cent in a new St. L. & I. M, bond. (V. 68, p. 283, 619, 725, 774.) In July, 1901, divl· • dends on stock were resumed. V. 72, p. 1238. The $11,218,000 con· vertible debentures o.f 1900 were retired in 1901 from the proceeds of the new stock. See above. InJuly, 1901, dividends wereresumed.-V. 72, p. 1238, EARNINGS-10 months, l 1901. .• Gross, $30,450,828; net, $11,025,7Ig Ja.:n.1 t,o Oct. 31. S 1900 ... Gross, 26,390,473; net, 8,850,46:> ANNUAL REPORT.-Fisoa.l year ends Dec. 31. Annual meeting is held at St. Louis in March. Report for 1900 wa.sin V. 72, p. 529. Earnings of Missouri Pacific ,rystem have been as below. "Other income" in 1900 includes: Dividends St. L. I. M. & 80. Ry .• $1,543,971; American Retrigerat.orTransit Co., $20,615; Pacific Express Co., $228,000; int. •· on funding notes, $14,437. Year ending Dec, 31. 1900. 1899. 1898. Miles operated...... . • . . . • 4,938 4,938 4,938 Total earnings ............ $30,511,313 $28,079,820 $26,744,822 Net earnings............... 10,653,147 8,447,707 7,572,254 Other income, &o.... .. •.. 2,709,619 1,914,328 835,435  Total net income..••.. $13,362,765 Interest paid on bonds ... $6,372,328 Rentals and taxes........ 1,273,174 Bnndry accounts.......... 783,260 Divs.on.St.L&I.M.&So.stk x 1,547,242  M. & N. N. Y.,Meroa.ntneTr.Co. g. F. & A. do do g. M. & N. do do g. M. & B. do do g. F. & A. do do 5 g. J. & J. do do 5 g. M. & 8. do do  7 5 6 5 5  limit increased in 1899 to $80,000,000. V. 69, p 27. Dividend in 1899, 2 p. o.; in 1900, 6 p. o. BONDS.-Genera.l oonsol. for $45,000,000, Nos. 11,001 t,o 18 1• 000 inolUBive are endorsed with the Missouri Paoitl.o's guaranty of prinm• pal a.n.d interest; form of guaranty was in V. 56, p. 650; they are a :tlr1t Hen on the entire system. (V. 68, p. 85, 233, 520.) The new gold 4s of 1899 (first issue $30,000,000) may be increased not over $10,000,000, a.t $12,000 per mile, for construction or aoquis1tion a.nd equtpment of branches a.nd extensions. They are secured by a lien (subject only to the general consols on aJl the rail• roads, and equipment of the oompanyl and also a :tlrst and only lien on all stocks and bonds now embracea in the trust of the gold funding note indenture upon satisfaction thereof, all leased and bra.nob lines, or their bonds a.nd stocks acquired by the loan, and all Texas & Pa.oiflo seconds aoq_uired, and a.11 future extensions and branches constructed or aoqmred. Of the $30,000,000 at pres• ent authorized $16,250,000 were issuable to retire the entire issue or Texas & Pacific seconds, and $12,114,000 to retire at once $3,952,000 gold funding notes and $3,412,000 Kansas & Arkansas Valley 1st 5s, and also eventually $2,596,000 Little Rook & Ft. Smith bonds, $435,000 Little Rook Junction 1st 6s, $683,000 oa.r trusts, and $200,000 Barmg Cross Bridge ..bonds a.nd the balance, $1, 636,000 available for improvements. (V. 68, p. 619; V. 69, p, 27; V. 70, p, 997.) REPORT.-Report for 1899 in V. 72, p. 577, showed: Year endling Dec. 311900. 1899. 1898. Gross earnings ....••.....•••••• $14,581,037 $13,806,118 $12,633,545 Net earnings................... 6,033,022 5,029,581 4,302,966 Other receipts.................. 399,235 997,051 44,856 Total net income............... 6,432,257 6,026,632 4,347,822 Interest on bonds.............. 3,070,598 2,638,313 2,287,758 Taxes, bridge exp., rent'ls, &o. 1,205,547 2,631,519 887,821 Dividends .•••••.•••.••.•••... (6%)1,547,242 (2~) 515,745 Balance for yea.r ..•........ sur.$608,870 sur.$241,055 su.$1,172,243 -(V. 69, p. 27; V. 70, p. 329, 947, 997, 1292; V. 71, p 1121.) Jnoblle & Blrrnlna;harn .ll.K.-Moblle to Marion Junction, Ala., 149 miles; opened in July, 1888. Leased to Southern Ry. from June 1, 1899, for 99, the latter agreeing to meet the interest on bonds, and to guarantee a diVidend on the $900,000 preferred st,ook of 1 per cent for first year, 2 per cent for second year and 3 per cent for third year, and 4 per cent for the fourth year a.nd thereafter. The $900,000 common stock is owned by Southern Ry., and the voting power on the preferred irrevocably assigned t,o the Southern Ry. during the term of the lease. V. 68, p. 429, 1134; V. 69, p. 391; V. 71, p. 1013. Earnings now included in those of Southern Ry. Reorga.n· ized after foreolosurein 1895 per plan V. 60,p. 657. (V. 72, p, 137.) Mobile .J"ackson & Kansas City KK.-Owns from Mobile to Merrill, 50 miles; extension from Merrill to Hattiesburg, Miss., about 50 miles, under construction in Ja.n., 1902. In :N°ov., 1901, acquired the Kingston & Centl'al Mississippi RR., Laurel, Miss., to Bay Springs, 25 miles. V. 73, p. 1011. Extension also proposed from Augusta, Miss., 13 miles south of Hattiesburg, north to Memphis, Tenn.; con. tract being let for 100 m. to Junction with Alabama & Vicksburg Ry. Stock, $4,000,000; issued Jan., 1902, $1,000,000 par of shares, lj!lOO. Bonds limited to $20,000 per mile.-V. 70, p. 687. Report for year end· ing June 30, 1901, in V. 73, p.1008, showed (50 miles), ~oss, $140,730; net, $76,272; in 1899-0, gross, $114,363; net, $56,900. P.resident,F. B. Merrill.-(V. 71, p. 232; V. 73 p. 1008, 1011.) Mobile & Ohio KK.-(See Map Bo. By.)-Owns from Mobile, Ala., to Oolumhus, Ky., 472 miles, proprietary line, Kentucky & Ten• neseee RR. to E. Cairo, 21 miles; branches to Columbus, Miss.t.~o., 34 miles; Columbus, Miss., to Montgomery, Ala., 167 miles; with warrior Branch, 9 miles, and Blocton Branch, 12 miles; total owned, 715 miles; St. Louil! & Cairo (leased), Ca.iro to St. Louis, 152 miles, with branch to Millstadt, 7 miles; total operated, 874 miles. On Dec. I, 1899, the. Mobile & Bay Shore Ry., whose entire stock is owned and bonds guaranteed, was completed from Pritohards to Portersville on the Gulf of Mexico and Alabama Port. a distance of 38 miles.- (V. 69, p. 856.) HISTORY, ETC.-Opened in 1861; securities readjusted in 1879, Lands June 30, 1901, were 303,102 a.ores, valued at $167,368. In 1901 the Southern Ry. had acquired $7,858,000 of the $9,472,000 gen. 4s and $4,898,500 of the $5,320 600 stock, issuing, dollar for dollar, its collateral trust 4 per cent gold bonds in exchange for the M. & 0. gen 4s, secured by a. pled~e of the latter anrt also stook trust certificates for stock, dividends being payable (A. & 0.) at 2 per cent for one year, 3 per cent for the second year and 4 per cent in per• petuity thereafter. The first div. of 1 per cent was paid Oct. 1, 1901. The road will be operated independently.-V. 72, p. 241,483. DIVIDENDS.-First div. (1 p. o.) paid Feb. 28, 1898. As to dividends on stock trust certificates see paragraph above STOCK.-Stook authorized, $10,000,000; outstanding, $5,320,600; par, $100. The voting power on $4,984,200 of the stock is exercised by the general mortgage bondholders by virtue of the deposit in trust under the general mortgage of the old debentures of 1879, upon which this voting power wa.s conferred. BoNDs.-Under the general mortgage of 1888 there can be no fore• olosuretlllfourooupons in default. Mortgage abstract, V. 47, p. 83. V. 60, p. 967. Interest on $4,000,000 St. Louis & Cairo 4s is guaranteed. As to Mont. Div. 1st 5s, see application V. 66, p. 1045. Of the $2,500,000 collateral trust 4s of 1900, $2,167,000 were is• suable in exchange for the $6,500,000 St. Louis & Cairo st.ook. See  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  [VOL, LXXIV,  Honas-.t'r1nc1INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Miles Da.te Stze,or Due. A.mount Rate per When Where Payable, and by pal,When Par of For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of Road. Bonds Value. Outstanding Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend, 9(,. on first page of tables. onongahela Ri'f7er RR.-Bonds-See B. & O. RR. ontana Oentrol-See GREA.T NORTHERN. ontana RR - lat M.'J·• $2,0006800 .......•. Ce.o• Montgom'yBettL.-lst .,$200,0 ,lawfulmoney.o Montgomery tt Eru Ry.-lst m. (old 7s ext. in '86)  2d mortgage (old 7s extended in 1887) ...........  oore Oo. ,t West.-Const. M.,,., $350,000, ext.lB organ's La. tt Texas-lstM.( Or.toMorg C.).Fo•  1st mortgage, Alexandria Extension, gold. F ..... General mortga~. fl' •.•••••.••.••••••.•••.. .••.•••. ck, 7 p. o. guar. D. L. & W ......  Iforris ,t Essex-S  0  gtISr.·D.-L.·&w:ii-:o*&r  ~~-mM~:!$25,00(),000) let refunding mortgage, g., $35,000,000........ F Hoboken Land & Improvement, 2d ser.. ••. . . .•. :Fceotal real estate bonds .......................... orris & Essex Extension stock guar. 4 per cent. Mt. Oarbon d Port Oarbon RR.-Stock (rent'! guar.) Mmcatine No. d So.-lst M., $450.000~old ....... N Mu.Jugan Gr. Rapids d Indiana-1st M., ~old.Ce. Narra.g ansett Pier RR.-lst mort., $100,000 ....... Nashua tt Lowell-Stock, 9 p.c. rental, 92 yrs.B.&M. Na,shf7itle Ohatta1Woia tt St. Louis-Stock ........... lat mortgage (for 6,800,000) . ............••. o*&r lat M. on Fayette. andMoM.brs.($6,000p.m.)o*&r lat mortgage on Lebanon Branch .....•......... o* lat M. on Jasper Br. ($90,000 are 8s, due '06)Ce.c* lat mortg~e on Centreville Branch, gold.Ce.o*&r 1st M. on aoy City Br. (Tenn. C. & I. RR.) .o*&r Duck R. RR., ~d mo~a;e, now lat mort~age, g. vonsol. M.($20,000,0 ) 20,000 p,m•• gol .Us.c* W. & At. incs ,iil520,000),$26,000due y'ly,g.Ce,o  uoo $1,000 See text. 5 g. J. & J. N. YMCentral Tr. Co. 1890 1,000 $200,000 6 J. & J. N. Y., etropol'n Tr. Co. 1866 130,000 5 M.& N. Goshen, N. Y. 1867 40,500 5 A. & O. do do 1898 100° &0. 350,000 6 g. M.& s. In default. io2 1878 1,000 5,000,000 A. & O. N.Y.,S.Pao.Co.,23Broad 7 157 1880 1,000 1,494,000 6 g. J. & J. do do 204 1893 1,000 1,000,000 5 J. & J. do do 50 15,000,000 7 J. & J. N.Y., Del. Lack. & West. "g5 500 &o. 5,000,000 M.&N. do do 7 120 1875 1,000 11,677,000 J. & D. do do 7 6,400,0 0 .... 31sl g. J. & D . do do 100,000 4 . ·- .. do do 419 ···2 V~us M:·&··N. --ioo 1,800,000 221,000 4 do do . 50 282,350 12 J.&J.15 Phila., Read'g Term'l. ·2s 300 &o. 398,000 5 g. J. & J. N.Y.,N.Y.Seo.&Tr. Co. 37 1886 1,000 750,000 5 g. J. & J. July, '00, pd. Dec., 1901 8·5 1896 1,000 ?0,000 F. & A. R.I.Hosp.Tr. Co., Prov. 4 100 15 . .. 800,000 M.&N. Nashua, Indian Hd. Bk. 9 100 10,000,000 4 for '98 Q.-F. N. Y. and Nashville. 340 1,000 6,300,000 J. & J. N.Y •• Hanover Nat. Bk. 7 125 1877 1,000 750,000 J. & J. do do 6 29 1877 1,000 300,000 J. & J. do do 6 43 '77-'83 1,000 461,000 6g. &8 J. & J. do do 46 1883 1,000 376,000 6 g. J. & J. do do 20 1887 1,000 380,000 6 J. & J. do do 22,000 48 1881 6 g. M.&N. do do 798 1888 7,412,000 5 g. A. & 0. do do 1895 1,000 In treasury 5 g. J. & J. do do  100  ·- .. ....  -----·  ....  0  is&.1  ... ---  ---· ....  --·  isos .  isfa  ....  i:ooo  V. 70, p. 532. In Dec., 1901, $6,489,000 stock had been exchanged. v. 73, p . 663. REPORT.-Report for1900-0l, V. 73, p.1058, including Montgomery Division, 188 miles, in 1901 and 1900. 1898. Year end'g June 30- 1901. 1900. 1899. 688 874 ~76 688 .Miles operated .... . . Total gross earnings.$6,1~9,912 $5,Sl96,731 $4,531,153 $4 207 319 1'300'745 Net earnings ......... 1,807,061 1,663,105 1,451,631 1;300:745 Net, incl. oth. income. 1,922,012 1,756,273 1,451,631 1,074,880 lnterest and rentals. 1,555,310 1,418,645 1,144,527  branch, Denville, N. J., via Morris & Essex Tunnel, to Hoboken, N. J., 35 miles; leases 37 miles; total operated, 157 miles. LEASE.-Leased in perpetuity to Delaware LaBkawanna & West.,which assumed all liabilities and pays 7 p. c. per annum on the stock; whenever 30 p. o or gross earnings are sufflc·ient to cover interest on bonds and 10 p. o. on stock, 1 p. o. additional must be paid . BONDS.-Of the $35,000,000 lE>t refunctrng 3½ s, $23,968,000 were re· served to retire existing bonds, the remaining $11,032,000 belng ap· pltcable to addltions and improvements. Tile first issue is $6,4.00,000. -v. 70, p. 480. 477; v. 71, p.1167. EARNINGS.-The road ts important to the Delaware Lackawanna & Western as a route with terminal facilities on New York Harbor, but the earnin~s show a lar'1.'e annual deficit, viz : After the payment of rental in 1900, $1,990,853; in 1899, $972,000; in 18!l8, $1,784,000. Mount Carbon & Port Carbon RR,-Owns Mt. Carbon to Pon Carbon. Pa., 3 miles; second track, 21sl miles; total traok 16 miles. Leased March 5, 1860, for 50 years to Phila. & Reading RR. and lease assumed in 1896 by Phila. & Reading Railway. Rental $36,250 yearly. Muscatine North & South HB.-Musoatine, Iowa, to Elrick, on Iowa Central., 28 miles, with which has traffic contract. Stoc,k, $450,000; par, $100. Years 1899-'0, gross, $34,975; net, $716; oha.rges, $22,500; bal., def., $21,784. Pres., Walter M. Gorham, Phila., Pa. Muskegon Grand Rapids & Indiana BB.-Owns road, Grand Rapids to Muskegon, Mich., 37 miles; trackage, G. R. &llnd. at Grand Rapids, 3 miles. Road opened 1886, and leased to Grand Rapids & Indiana RR., which was foreclosed 1n 1896. Stock, authorized, $350,000; par, $100; issued, $1,000. Coupon of July, 1900, was paid in Dec., 1901. Earnings for year ending Dec. 31, 1900, groBB, $145,096: net, $40,590; interest on bonds, $37,500.-(V. 72, p. 1188; v. 73, p . 1061, 1313.) N a111h ua & Lowell BB.-Owns double track road from Lowell, Mass., to Nashua, N. H., 15 miles. On Oct. 1, 1880, leased for 99 years to Boston & Lowell. In 1887 lease was transferred to Boston & Maine, which pays a rental of $73,000 (9 per cent on stock), Na11hvllle Chattanooga & St. Loul11 Ry.-(See Map.J-Owne tron Chattanooga, Tenn., to Hickman, Ky., 320 miles; branches to Lebanon, &o., 447 miles; leases Western & Atlantic, Chattanooga, Tenn .• to At.lanta, Ga., 137 miles. 1D 1896 the N. C. & St. L. director& leased the Memphis & Paducah Division (consisting of Paducah Tennessee & Ala., 119 miles, and Tenn Midland, 136 miles,) of the Louisv. & Nashv. for 99 years, but the lease was not ratifl.ed by the stockholders until Sept. 12, 1900, Its earnings being kept separate until July 1, 1900 (see V. 71, p. 544,664, 864.) Middle Tenn. &Ala.,Shelby• vill~ Tenn., to Decatur, AI3:.1 79 miles, was purchased in October, 189·,, and portion from FayeTiieville, Tenn, to Limestone Creek, Ala., 36 miles, was completed July 1.J 1900; balance building-V. 67, p. 748; V. 69, p. 807. Total operated July 1, 1901, 1,195 mile~. ORGANIZATION.-A majority of the stock ($5,500,500) is owned by the Louisville & Nashville, and pledged under its mortgage, etc., so that the two systems are operated in close harmony. The Western & Atlantic is leased from the State of Georgia for 29 years from Dec. 271 1890, at $420,012 per annum. Jointly with L. & N. leases terminaa property in Nashville for 99 years (V. 65, p. 278); V. 67, p. 221,320; v. 71, p. 664. DIVIDENDS i 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 '94 '95 to Nov., '98 since 1887 ... 5 414 5 5 5 5 3:\1. 319 4 p. o. yearly. The 1899 and 1900 dividends were passed, surplus earnings to be used tor new equipment and reduction of floating debt -v. 68, p. 187. BoNDs.-The Tracy City branch 6s fall due $20,000 yearly on Jan. 1 to 1916 inclusive, and $100,000 on Jan. 1, 1917. Consolidated mort. of 1888 provides that all prior bonds shall be paid off at maturity; sufficient 01 the $20,000 p. m. are reserved for them. GENERAL FINANCES.-Bllls payable incurred for lease of Western & Atlantic RR. and new equipment June 30, 1901, $1,062,046. LATEST EARNINGS.-July 1 to Nov. 30 (5 months):  I  Balance, surplus*.. $366,702 $337,629 $307,104 $225,865 ~quipment and new construction (additional to operating expen· sea) cost $180,697 in 1897-8; $271,748 In 1898-9; $314,990 in 1899-0; $389,416 in 1900-1. Out of acoum. sur. paid $53,000 on lat dehs. in 1896-7 and $53,206 ,1 p. o.) on stock in 1897-8.- (V. 73, p. 120, I 05 8.) Mohawk & MalonP BR.-( See Map N. Y. Oentral.J-Owna from Herkimer, N. Y., on the N. Y. Centra.l's main line northerly to Ma.lone, on the Central Vermont, with branches, 181 miles in all. HIST0RYz LEASE, ETC.-ln 1893, N. Y. Central leased the road and guaranteea its first mortgage bonds. The surplus in any year after payment of the first mortgage interest for that year to pay not exceeding 5 per cent interest on the incomes. N. Y. Central owns the $4,500,000 stock, and has the option of retiring the incomes at any t,,me, issuing in lieu thereof 2d mort. gua.r. gold 4e. V. 56, p. 501. In Dec, 1901, it was reported that the !¥3,900,000 mcomes had been purchased in the intereet of the New Y<,rk gentral & Hudson River RR.-(V. 73, p. 1313.l Bonds, see V. 56, p. 78~. DIVIDENDS ~ 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900, 1901. on inco10es. ~ 2 1 2 3 312 5 Year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $973,4.51; net, $343,171; first charges, $131,360; int. on incomes (5 p. o.), $195,000; bal., sur., $16,811 -(V. 72, p. 873; V. 73, p. 445, 1313.)  "Monon."-See CHICAGO INDIANAPOLIS & LoUISVILLE RY. Monongahela River BB.-Road from Fairmont to Clarksburg, W. Va., 31 miles. Road opened in 1890. B.&O.owns all of the $1,300,· 000 stock (par $100), the coal bonds bein~ reduced ta $1,000,000. Uar trust 6s, principal Apr. 1, 1901, $4.47,000. EARNINGS.-Repor·t 1899 in V. 70, p.1092, showing, gross, $288,910; net $111,635; int., taxes.t..eto., $42,318. Earnings from Apr. 1, 1900, inc1uded in those of B. & u.-(V. 70, p. 1092,) lDontana HH.-Lombard, Mont., to Harlowton, 94 mile11, and from Summit to Leadboro, t, miles; total, 100 miles. Stock authorized, $2,500,01 O; Issued, $1,574,000; par of shares, $100. Of 1he $2,000,000 bonds, all reported as outstanding. $999,000 are stam.J!ed redeemable at 105 and interest on 6 months' notice, the remainmg $1,001,000 bein~ held June 30, 1901, by the Northern Pacific Ry. as collateral for $303,670 notes. The $1,500,000 first consolP, dated July 1, 1896, were redeemed by the new iEsue. President. H. D. Moore, Philadelphia, Pa.; Vice-Pre11. and Treas., Richard A. Harlow, Helena, Mont.; Seo., W. J. Fuchs, Helena, Monr. (V. 71, p. 1167.) Monterey & Mexican GuUHB.-Owns road completed in Aug ast, 1891, from General Trevino (on the Mexican International RR.) via Monterey to Tampico, on the Gull, about 390 miles. See V. 62, p. 85. Purchased in June. 1901, by the Mexican Central Ry., the stock receiving 1,900 francs per share.-V 72, p. 1238; V. 73, p.185, 337. EARNINGS.-E e.ven mos. ending Oct. 31, 1901, gross, $1,276,387; net, en,267,549. Year endin~ Dec. 31,Hl00, gross, $1,389,854; in 1899 gross, $1,294..40-1 (Mex. our.); ·net, $321,221.-(V. 72, p. 1238.) Montgomery Belt Line Ry.-Owns real estate and a belt line in Montgomery, Ala., about one mile of track on Tallapoosa, Bell, Perry and Columbus streets. Alabama Midland Ry. pays an annual rental of $15,525. The Plant Investment Co. owns 90 per cent of the stock. Capital stock is $200,000; par, $100. nontgomery & Erle By .-(See Map Erie Railroad.)-Owna road from Montgomery to Goshen, N. Y., 10 milm1. Road opened 1867. Leased in 1872 to N. Y. L. E. & W. (now ERIE RR.-which see.) Rental ls $16,000 per annum. Stock, $150,000. Dividends (412 per cent per annum) are paid May 10 and Nov. 10. Sinking fund $6,500 per annum. Moore Co. & Western HH.-V. 69,p. 695; V.71,p.182,236,437· Morgan's Louisiana & Texas HR. & SteamshlpCompanp -( See Map of Southern Paciftc.J-ROAD-Owns Algiers to Cheneyville, 205 miles; branches, 95 miles; trackage to .Alexandria, 24 miles; total railroad lines, 324 miles; steamship lines and ferries, 3,176 miles. ORGANIZATION.-The Southern Paci.fl.o Company owns all of the $15, 000,000 ~tock. The road has been operated independently since Jan. 1, 1902. but in connrotion with do. Pao. system. Company has 8 iron steamships and 6 ferry a.nd river steamers and 6 tugs plying between New York and New Orleans and between Gulf ports; also wharves and warehouses. EARNINGS.-4 months, ~ 1901. .. Gross, $2,787,718; net, $1,057,788 July 1 to Oct. 31. S1900 ... Gross, 2,455,691; net, 875,737 In year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $8,013,139; net, including other income, $3,172,206; surplus over charges, $1,325,839; net due co. under leaee to Bo. Pao•. $1,038,425; in 1899·0, gross, $7,0Jl,114. Morris & E88ex BB.-(See Map OJ .lJuaware Lackawanna tt Western.J-Owns from Hoboken, N. J., to Philllpsburg, N. J., 85 miles; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  July 1, 1930 Jan. 1, 1910 May 1, 1g26 Oct. 1, 1927 Sept, 1, 1900 Apr. 1, 1918 July 1, 1920 July 1, 1913 Jan. 1, '02, 319 May 1, 1914. June 1, 1915 Dec. 1, 2000 Nov. 1, 1902 1912 Nov., 1901,2~ Jan.15,'02, 6 Jan. 1, 1929 Jul~li/926 Nov.,'01,419~ Nov.1, '98, 1 July 1, 191 Jan. 1, 1917 Oct. 1, 1917 Jan.,1906&'23 Jan. 1, 1923 Jan.1903to'17 Nov. 1, 1909 Apr. 1, 1928 Jan, 1, '03-'20  5 mos.  Gross.  Net.  Interest, etc.  Bal.,rur.  1901 .................. $3,290,64.0 $1,047,306 $762.549 $284,757 1900 . .•... ······••··•· 3,217,781 1,1'23,279 804,706 318,573 ANNUAL REPORT.-Re,vort for 1900·01 in v. 73, p. 781, including Paducah & Mempbts division, 254 miles, in 1900-01. Year ends June 30. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Mlleage end o! year... 1,195 935 935 905 Gross ea.rnings ..••••.. $7,620,128 $6,'187,318 $6,081,766 $5,646,549 Net earnings .......••. 2,509,002 2,246,734 1,982,059 1,982,724 Investments, etc...... 22,253 26,178 30,482 Net Income•....••. $2,531,255 $2,272,912 $2,012,541 ljll,9~2,724. Int. on debt and tax ... $1,231,484 $1,2fl2,005 $1,203,391 $1,102,187 Rentals............... 625,877 422,268 422,268 420,012 Dividends............. .. . ... (1%)100,000(4%)4.00,000 Miscellaneous........ 54,514 42,731 3.l,347 Balance •.••....•. sr.$619,380 sr.$525,908 sr.$254,535 sur. $60,52f> -(V. 71, p. 864, 1220; V. 72, p. 87; V. 73, p, 336, '781, 1313.) Na11hvllle & CJarll,tvllle BB,-Bee V. 73, p. 337. Nashville & Decatur RH.-(See Map Loui81Jilte tt Nashtril,te.)Owna from Nashville, Tenn., to Decatur, Ala., 119 miles. Leased te Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAP OF THE  c.NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA  STo LOUIS RAILWAY  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  96  [Vor.. LXXIV.  Boncts-Pnnoi INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Miles Date Size, or t>aJ,When Due Amount 8tock1-Last Par of by1 and P~able, Where When Rate ~or e.xplanatio:n of column headings, &o., see notes of . Dividend. om. Road. Bonds Value. Outstanding Cen . Payable on first page of tables.  -----isss  $25 $3,567,382 7¼ J. & J. lfMh1'ille ti Decatur-Stock gu. 7½ p. o. by L. & N. 119 M.&N. 1,737,000 1,000 6 87 Na8'1,'IJiU,e fl Knwrnlle---lst M.for $2,000,000.1'.le.o" Na8Afll4e Florence ti Sheffl,eld-See LOUISVILLE & NASH VILLE. Naugatmk-See N. Y. NKW HAVEN & HARTFORD. M.& 8. 1,418,600 5 50 18 Nuquehoninf., Val.-Stook subj. to call 8e8. 1, 1904 450,000 6 g. text M.&N. 1,000 Ntoi14a-Oa if.-Ore~.-lst M. $1,500, 00, gold. 130 1,000 94 1888 750,000 Ntoaaa 0entral--lat . g., non-cum., inc.. (s. ~).Ce g. J. & J. M.&N. 226,000 59 1891 500 &o. Neuiburg Dutchus ti 0onnecticut-Col. trust bds.Ce 6 1,164,500 59 1877 1,000 Income mortgage for $1,625.000 .........••..... r J ...&..J. 1,000 7 6,000,000 1876 321 NeUJ En/J~an<l RR.-N. Y.~~- E. lfJt J. & J. 6 321 1876 1,000 4,000,000 5 g. J. & J. 5,000,000 1st oons.M..8$17,500,000,j·• gu., i., end.1'.la.o* 361 1895 1,000 A. & O. 1,000 4 1889 1,500,000 00,000.AB.o· .for$1, os.Term.lst N.Y.&N.E. Nw, HafJen ~ Northampton-See N. Y. NEW HAVE N&.H ARTFORD, F. & A. 1,700,000 4 5 1886 1,000 New Jersey Junction-lat. M., ~ar., $4,000,000.o&r Nev, Jersey ti New York-BEE RIE RR. Co. Q.-J. 100 9 121 1,500,000 New .um,dor,,Northern-Stook.•• ...•.•••..••.•••.•••. 1,500,000 4&5 J. & J. 1,000 Consolidated M., now 1st M. ($688,000 are 4s) .o* 121 & O. A. 5 g. 3,000,000 N.Me:r:.Ry. ttE 0oal--Co1. ~ - ($3,000,000) red.105.N 165 1897 1,000 5 g. A. & o. 322,000 36 1898 Alam. & Sao. Mt. 1st ., $900,000, g., ~uar ... N N'ne Deo.'01 1901 ElPaso&Rook r., lstM.,$2,500,000,g.,,m.Col.ow 5 ~- J. & J. 5 g. J. & J. 1901 1,000 N'ne Deo. '01 Dawson Ry. & Coal, Coll. tr., g., gu. p. & i.Col.o* 6 g. A. & O. 1,320,000 New Orlean, d North Eastern-Prior llenM., g.Ce.o• 196 1885 1,000 5,000,000 J. & J . 1,000 6 1st mortgage, §Old. F' ........................ ...... 196 1881 5 g. J. & J. 500,000 N. 0. ~ Northwest n-CoJ.L trmt M., (·• $500,000.Ce 102 1898 1,000 1,500,000 100 Newportd 0incin. Bridge.-Stook, 1,500,000 ..... ··4;i~·g. J. ··&:· J. 1,000 1,400,000 s. f. gu. p. & i. end by Pa.F' 1st M., $1i500,ooo, 100 350,000 If. Y. Brook yn ~ Man at. Beach-Common stock .. 5.. A:·&-:·o. ... 100 650,000 Preferred stock. non-cumulative...••..••....•.•.. ·20 1,000 5 g. A. & 0. 20 1,726,000 let con. M. (now 1st M.) gold, guar. oy L. I.Ce.o*  isoo  g  ~o~~·::.:~:  isso  i:ooo  iso  1•  co:o• i895  ---· isss  Louisville &Nashville for 30 years from July 1, 1872, at a rental of 6 p. o. per annum on stock, but lease was terminated July 1, 1900, and under new lease for 999 the rental will be 7½ per cent on stock, the 7s due July 1, 1900, being retired and new stock Issued therefor to the L. & N., which July 1, 1900, owned $2,179,650 of the stock.-(V. 68, p. 928; v. 69, p. 1012; v. 70, p. 1195.) Nash. Flor. & Sheffield Ky .-See Louis. & Nash.-(V. 71, p.646.1 Nashville & Knoxville KH.-Lebanon to Monterey, Tenn., 79 miles; branch, Junction to Carthage, Tenn.,7·8 miles; total, 86·8 milee. The Tennessee Central Ry. will lease the road jor 99 years on completion of 30 miles between Nashville and Lebanon in Feb., 1902 -V. 74, p. 151. Stock outstanding, $373,000; par, $100. Year ending June ~o. 10011 gross, $148,881: net, $54,821; lnt. on bonds paid, $9,750. Presidenli, A. J. Crawford, Terre Haute, Ind.; Seo. & Treas., J. A. Crawford, Newcastle, Pa.-(V. 72, p. 480; V. 74, p. 151.) Nesquehoning Valley KK.-Owns from Nesquehoning Junction, Pa., to Tamenend, Pa., 1 7 miles; Tunnel Branch to Lansford, Pa., 1 mile. Leased for 999 years (with 5 p. o. guaranteed on stock tlll 1904) to the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co., which under its option proposes to retire the stock at J)ar and interest on Sept. 1, 1904; see item "Delaware Di· v181on Canal" in V. 66, p. 1139. Nevada•Callf'ornla•Oregon Ky.-Reno, Nev., to Termo, Cal., 180 miles; under construction to Madeline, Cal, 15 miles. Stock, com• mon, $1,450,000; preferred, $750,000, all outstanding. During 1901·2 exchange or 6 per cent bonds for 5s is propostid. EARNINGS-5 mos., ~ 1901 .•••••.•••••. Gros11, $78,890; net, $33,851 July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900 .•••••.••.•••• Gross, 73,899; net, 30,913 Surplus over charges, $22,681 in 1901, against $19,661 in 1900. Year 1900-1 (estimated), gross, $152,636; net, $55,058; int. on bonds, $27,000; biLl., sur., $28,0513. Pres , D. 0. Moran, 54 Wm. St., N. Y. Nevada Central KK.-Battle Mtn., Nev., to Austin Nev., 94 miles, narrow gauge. A reorganization of Nevada Ry. Stock. $750,· 000; par $100. Interest on $717,000 bonds which paid an assessment ot $120 per bond, izuaranteed from July 1, 18~8, by the Nevada Co. of New Jersey, is paid at office of registrar, New Jersey Title Guarantee & Trust Co., Jersey Citv, N. J. Earnings for 1900-01, gross, $32,953; net, $3,241; no interest paid by railroad. Newark Somerset & Stratts.-Sold to B. & 0. See V. 70, p. 792 . N ewbu_r__g Dutchess & Connecticut KK.-Ownsfrom Dutchess Sunotion, N. Y., to Millerton, N. Y., 59 miles. A reorganization in 1877. STOCK, ETc.-Common, $500,000; pref., $600,000; par $50. There were June 30, 1900, $226,000 coll. trust 5s; $1,164,500 income 6s, and $32,000 of 5 p. o. real estate M. notes. In year ending June 30, 1901, gros~ $158,:331; net, $34,083; other income, $510; interest, taxes, etc., ~19,980, bal., surplus, $14,613.-(V. 65, p. 568.) New England KK.-New York New Haven & Hart. RR. owns nearly all of the stock, and since July 1, 1898, has leased the road, viz.: Mile,. , Leased etc., lines. r,r See this 0o.J Linu O'Wned. Boston to HopewellJuno 1 N.Y.214 *Norwich & Worcester RR.,r ... 72 W1oopee to Fishkill La.ndmg... 2 Rhode Island and Mass. roads. 14 Providence to Willima.ntio..... 58 Rockville RR................... 4 Newton to Woonsocket, R. I. .. 29 Providence & Springfield RR.,r 28 Th~son to Southbridge 1 7 Woonsock~t & Pascoag RR. ,r.. 9 East Ha. ort, Ct., to Springf'd 28 Milford branches ...••..•...••. 20 Other lines .••..••...••...•..••.. 12 Trackage .••..•.....•.••.•...••. 29 Total. ...•..•...•.•.•...••...•. 536 Double track ...•...•......•.••. rr4 * Controls Norwich & New York Trans. Co.'s steamers, J 25 miles. HISTORY.-A reorganization of the New York & New Engiand (sold in foreclosure July 9, 1695) per plan V. 58, p. 762. In June, 1900, there had beoo exchanged or was held by the lessee all except $52,500 of the $20,000,000 common and $71,500 of the $5,000,000 pref. stock. Preferren stock not exchanged receives dividends of 3 per cent per annum under 99-year lease.-V. 66, p. 384, 617, 1002; V. 69, p. 1012. BoNDs.-See guaranty of console by N. Y. New Haven & Hartford RR. V. 64,p. 611; $10,000,000reservedtoretirelsts.-(V. 69,p.1012,) New Jersey Junction KK.-Terminal road through Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken, about 5 miles. Leased for 100 years from June 30, 1886, to New York Central which guarantees the bonds absolutely and owns $100,000 stock. Connects with National Docks Ry. New J et"sey & New York KK.-Owns from Erle Junction, N. J., to Garnerville, N. Y., 29 miles: branches to New City, etc., 5 miles; operates to Haverstraw, eto., 14 miles; total operated, 48 miles. Erie RR. in .April, 1896, purchased control. Stock, $1,440,800 common; $787,· 800 preferred; par, $100. Control is with preferred stock and first mortgage till 6 per cent has been paid on preferred for three years. EARNINGS-Year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $321,664 ; net, $102,431; interest, etc., $59,317; balance, $43,084.-(V. 65, p. 822.) New London Northern KK.-Ownstrom New London, Conn., to Brattleboro, Vt., 121 miles, and lea~es Brattleboro & Whitehall RR., Brattleboro to South Londonderry, Vt., 37 miles. LEASED for 99 years from Dec. 1, 1891, to Central Vermont. The rental is $211,000 per annum, which leaves a small surplus after providing for inter., eto., and 9 per cent dividends. Taxes and improvements met by lessee, without claim on New London Northern. DIVIDENDS.-1888 to .Apr., 1892, 7 p. o. yearly, then 8 p. c. yearly to 893, inclusive, and since to Jan., 1902 (inolu.), 214 p. o. quar. (9 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Jan., 1902, 3 Nashville. N. Y., Mercantile Tr.Co. May 1, 1918 Phlla., 108 So. 4th St. N. Y., Moran Bros. See text. N. Y., Central Trust Co. None ever paid. Boston, 8. Dep.& Tr.Co. do do do do Boston, Co.'s office.  8ept.,'Ol,2lgC}a May 1, 1919 July 2, 1938 May 1, 1921 June 1, 197 Jan. 1, 190 Jan 1, 190 July 1, 194 Apr. 1, 193  N. Y. Cent. & Hud. Riv. Feb. 1, 198 New London, Office.  Jan., 1902, 2  N. Y., Bk. of No . .Amer. July 1, 191  N. Y.,N. Y. Seo.& Trust. do do N. Y., Colonial Tr. Co. do do N. Y., Central Trust Co. N.Y.,Miiller,Sohall&Co. See text. Pittsburg, Pa. N.Y.,Farmers L.&T.Co.  Oct. 1, 194 Apr. 1, 192 Jan. 1, 1951 July 1, 195 Nov. 1, 191 Jan., 1911 Jan. 1, 190 Oot.l,'00,llt July 1, 194  Checks mailed. Oot:iooi;2~ N. Y., Corbin Ban.k'g Co. Oct. 1, 19 5  New Mexico Ky. & Ooal.-(See .Map).-Owns El Paso & NorthRy., from El Paso, Texas, northeast 165 miles, to the Salado I eastern Ooal fields: controls and operates Alamogordo & Sa<>ra.mento Mt. Ry.,  Alamogordo, N. M., to Cox Caiion, 36 miles. Completed Oot. 1, 1899. ln Dec., 1900, the El Paso & Rook Island RR. was incorporated with $2,500,000 stock, of whtch 60 per cent owned by the N. M.. Ry. & Coal, and $2,500,000 5 per cent guaranteed 50-year boad11, to extend the road from White Oaks, N. M., to Santa Rosa, 130 miles, at a connection with an extension building by the Chio. Rock Isld. & Pao., with wnioh a. close traffic agreement ha.a been made. In J an.,!1902, the road was about oompleted.-V. 71, p. 1219. In Oct., 1901, the Dawson H.y. & Coal Co., with $3,000,000 stock, was proposing to build from Liberty, New Mex. nort herly to Dawson, 130 ID.ilea, its collateral trust bonds to be guaranteed principal ana interest, and to be secured by the stock and bonds ($3,000,000 each) of the Dawson Ry. and those of the Dawson Fuel Co. ($1,• ·00,000 each) the la'tttlr owning about ~3.000 acres of coal, minPral a.tJd timber lands. -v. 73, p. 900. SECURITIES.-Stook, $4,000,000, ot which $1,000,000 non•oum. 5 p. o- . pref. The coll. trust 5s are secured by deposit of all the l!ltocks- and bonds of El Paso & Northeastern Ry. of New Mex.($2,700,000 ofeaoh), the stock of the El Paso & N. E. RR. of Texas, $300,000 (no bonds issued), and all the stock ($2,500,000) and all the bonds ($1,500,000) of the New Mexico Fuel Co., the latter covering 3,500 acres ef coal lands. The bonds of the Alamogordo & Sacramento M't'n Ry., of the El Paeo & Rook Island and those of the Dawson Ry. & Coal Co. are to be guaranteed. See a.hove. Equipment trust notes Feb. 28, 1901 $175,912; notes payable, $221,985. Net earnings for 8 mos. ending Feb. 28, 1901, $236,410; for 6 mos. ending June 30, 1900, $179,695; int. on bonds, $75,000: bal., sur., $95,695. New York office, 76 William St.-(V. 72, p. 1035; V. 73, p. 32, 900.) New Orleans & North Eastern KK.-New Orleans, La., to Meridian, Miss., 195 miles; 64 are 60 and 131 are 75 lb. steel rails. Stock $5,000,000 (par, $100), of which $4,320,000 and $4,900,000 1st 6s are held by Ala. New Orleans Texas & Pao. June. Ry., to which was due May 1, 1901, $1,111,000 on coupon and $1,069,518 on •ther aoo'ts. EARNINos.-In 1901,July 1 to Deo.14 (5lgmonthsJ, gress, $901,819, against $879,184 in 1900. Report for 1900-01, V. 73, p.1262. Yr. end. Jum30.  Net.  Gross.  0tlterinc. Int., etc.  Balance.  $90,547 1900-01. ..•••..•• $1,929,812 $475,883 $5,864 $391,200 139,411 3,402 38?,606 1899-00.......... 1,856,200 519,615 -(V. 71, p. 751,910; V. 73, p. 1262.) New Orleans & NorthwesternKy.-OwnsfromNatohez, Miss., to Bastrop, La., 102 miles. On Feb. 14, 1901, control was uansferred to the Missouri Paci.fl.o Ry. V. 72, p. 339, 391. Stock, paid in, $4,500,000; par $100. In July, 1901, 1ore!"leflure of underlying mortgage was begun. V. 73, p. 185. Year '99: Gross, $171,142; neli, $42,535; 0ther inc., $15,369; int., $25,000; taxes, $7,527; bal., $25,377.-(V. 73, p. 185.) New Orleans Belt & Ter:rnlnal Co.-Owns a 'belt railroad encircling the city of New Orleans and connecting with all the rail roads entering that city. Entrance to business centre is ha.d over th& tracks of the East Loui&ana Railroad. Owns a large terminal property at Port Chalmette, containing about 2,300 acres, with 80 eetton warehouses, capacity of 250,000 bales, a ~ain elevator, etc. A. reorganization of the New Orleans & Western RR Sold in foreclosure on April 9, 1901, to F. J. Lisman & Co., New York. Stock authorize~ $1,000,· 000, and $2,500,000 4 per cent bonds, Standard Trust uo., N. Y., trustee, of $1,000,000 were reported as outstanding. In June, 1901, property was owned by a syndicate. Pres., W. C. Dotterer, New Orleans; Seo. and Asst. Treas., G. MoD. Nathan.- (V. 72, p. 722, 12St.) Newport & Cincinnati Bridge Co.-Owns bridge from Newport, Ky., to Cincinnati, O. Louisville & Nash. is undel' contract to us&• bi:1d_ge; annual rental, $115,000, Penn. Co. owns $1,34.0,000 stock. D1v1dends paid Oct., 1899, 119 p. o.; 1900, 112 p. c. EARNINGS.-For year 1900 gross, $157,155; net, $121,937; interest, $63,QOO; balance, surplus, $58,037.-(V. 63, p. 1159.) New York Brooklyn & Manhattan Beach Ky.-Owns from Fresh Pond Junction to Manhattan Beach (Coney I sland), and branches to Bay Ridge and Greenpoint, 20 miles, of which 16 miles double track. LEASE, ETc.-A consolidation August 27, 1885. Leased for 99 yea,n., from May 1, 1882, to the Long Island RR. Co. at 35 per oent of gross, earnings. Rental guaranteed to be at least 5 per cent on pref. stock. :BoNDs.-The L. I. RR. bas attached to the bonds its unconditiona. guaranty.of prln. and int. in addition to facts as to lease.-(V. 73, p. 32 New York & Canada KK.-Whitehall, N. Y., to Rouse's Point, . N. Y., 113 miles; branches, 38 miles, Stock, $4,000,000, par $100. LEASE, ETc.-Leased for long term by The Delaware & Hudson Co., which guarantees the bonds, and has $3,768,642 mvested in the property. See debenture guaranty, V. 64, p. 181. Gross.  Net.  0harges.  Batanu.  Year to S 1900-1. •.••• $1,183,133 $421,750 $281,109 sur. $140,461< 98,432 319,563 sur. 417,995 June 30. 11899-0...... 1,146,575 -(V. 70, p. 995; V. 71, p. 390, 1066; V. 72, p. 987; V. 73, p. 337.) Map.JSee New York Central &Hudson River KR.-( HIBTORY, &c.-Control ot the Lake Shore and Michigan Central roada was acquired in 1898, as stated below. Their earnings were reported· SPparately, but the dividends on their sbaree held by the Central are in• eluded in the item)'' other income," offset by a like a.mount of mterest1 on the oollaterl;l-1 bonds issued for their puiehase. V. 71, p. 502.  JANUARY,  1902,J  RAILROAD  STOCKS AN O BONDS  97  NEW MEXICO RAILWAY ~ COAL COMPANY. PROPERTIES. M. EX Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  E.L PASO & NORTHEASTERN RY,_ - - EL PASO & ROCK ISLAND RY, ____ • • • • • COAL LANDS SHADED-----------  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  9ii RAILROADS.  'l'or explanation of column headings, &o•• see notes on first page of tables.  [VOL. LKXl.V.  :~m~~~!:  Mlles Date Size, or Amount INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. of of Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, and by BtockB-Laat Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  - - -------1-----1  6 g. M. & N. London, BaringBros. May 1, 1904. •· Y. cl Oanada--lst M., sterling, gn. D. & H. Un.c• 151 1874 •100&0 $4.,000,000 Debentures, g., gnar. p. & 1. end. Del. & H. Co •••• 1896 1,000 1,000,000 412 g. M. & N. N.Y.,D. & H. Canal Co. May 1, 1904. x,- York Cenu-al ~ Bvuon Bi11er-Btock.Tr.. . ... ..•. 100 115,000,000 51n 1901 Q.-J. N. Y., Gr. Cent'l Btat'n. Jan.15./02,1~ 7 J. & J. N. Y., Gr. Cent. Station. Jan. 1., 190S 11. Y. O. & H., S $30,000,000 ! coupon or reg S 819 1873 1,000 al8,327,000 lat mort. __ . ! •2.000,000 5 • ! 819 1873 1,000 a5,775,761 6 g. J. & J. London, Union Bank. Jan. 1, 190S Debt eertifs., (N.Y.Central), gold, $6,450,000.c&r .••• 1853 500 &o. a3,662,500 4 g. M. & N. N. Y., Gr. Cent. Station. May 1, 1905 1884 1,000&c a4,527,000 5 M. & 8. do do Sept. 1, 1904 Debentnres, 1884, $10 000 000 All eq'ly { .. c&r } Debentures, 1889, $1,000,000. secured ....•r 649,000 5 M. & 8. do do Sept. 1, 1904. 1889 1,000&c Debent•s, g., s. f., $13,194,000. by mort. . c*&r 819 1890 1,000&c a5,24-l,000 4 g. J. & D. do do June 1, 1905 Befund.M., $100,000,000, g.Oe J of 1897. c*&r. 312 g. J. & J. do do July 1, 1997 1897 1,000&c 40,173,164 Oollat. trust, g. ($100l000,000) t. Sh. stk.G.c*ctr 1898 1,000&c 90,578,400 3¼g, F. & A. do do Feb. 1, 1998 do do ($21,050,000) Mich. Cent. stk.. G 1898 1,000&c 19,336,«5 312g. F. & A. do do Feb. 1, 1998 Debentures issued under B. & A. lease. ......••••• ~~g• J ...~.. J. d~ ........ ~o J~:-~•--~009 lf. Y. 011,icago,I St. Louis-Common stock ..•....•..•• 523 1900 1 2d 1>referred (5 per cent, non-cumulative) ....... . 523 100 11,000,000 3 in 1902 March. N. Y., Gr. Cent. St.i:i,tion. Moh. 1,•02, 3" lat preferred (5 per cent non-cumulative) ...... _. 100 5,000,000 5 in 1902 March. do do Moh. 1,'t2 5~ 1st II., gold, sinking fund not drawn ..... ce.c*ctr 1,000 19,425,000 4 g. A. & o. N. Y., Union Trust Co. Oct. 1, 1937 :Equip. tr., "A" gold, $60,000,Sept.1, yearly Oe. 1892 1,000 60,000 5 M. & S. N. Y., Central Tru.etCo. Yearly to 1901 Equip. tr. •'B" g. $23.t0OO due yrly Feb.U>.,Oe.octr 1896 1,000 235,000 5 F.&A 15do do Yearly to 1911  i  ··ioo ~:&88:88i ...  g~g iss1  Eqlli::,meni notef!, ,~o,ooo due semi-annna.lly... JI. Y. ,1 Greenw.L.-PriorllenM.,gn.p.&i ... N,g:xc* JI. Y. fl Harlem-Common, 14 p. c., 10% guar..... .. Preferred stock, 14 per cent, 10% gnar •..•.••••.. :&etlmfllng M. (now 1st), $12,000,000, g ... Go*&r •· Y . ,1 Wutern--8tock, guar. 5 p. ct. 1st mortgage, gnar. by Del. Lack. & West .•.. F.o"' Oeaatr. mort., guar. by Del. Lack. & West.F' ... c* Sd M:. Term. Imp. (for $5,000,000), go.. p. & 1... F. 6et11 r ..k Lake Erie ,1 Wutern-See ERIE RR. 11. Y. fl L. Jtr.-Ge:n. M. (llO'W 1st) ! $2 500 000 g C" u do Oe S • ' • •  1900 20,000 360,000 4'12 J. & D. N. Y., Nat. Olty Bank. To Deo.31,'U) 1896 lOO&c 1,500,000 5 g. M. & N. New Yor\:. May 1 1946 50 8,656,050 Bee text. See text N. Y., Gr. Cent. Station. Jan.1, '02, 5~ .... 50 1,343,950 See text. Bee text do do Jan, 1, '02, 5" 1897 1,000&c 12,000,000 312 g. M. & N. do do May 1, 2000 214 .... 100 10,000,000 5 Q.-J. N.Y.,,'02,114'9 214. 1880 1,000 12,000,008 6 J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1921 214 1883 1,000 5,000,000 5 F. & A. do do Ang. 1, 192S 214 1890 1,000 5,000,000 4 M. & N. do do May 1, 1928  "53  145 145 136  38 38  1891 1891  1,000 1,000  192,000 1,500,000  5 g, M. & B. N. Y., Liberty Nat. Bk. Sept. 1, 19'1 4 g. M. & 8, do do Sept. 1, 1941  , a As reported Oct. 1, 1901: the amount out standi n~ w en refu n<lin~ began is given in first left hand column.  ! I  New Yerk Central & Hnd11on River KR.-Concluded. In Jan., 1900, control of the Lake Erie & Western was acquired, also a large interest in the Cleve. Ctn. owe. & Bt. Louis, increasing the Vanderbilt interest in the latter to an absolute majority. The Central has since transferred its holdings in these companies to the Lake Shore, which see. In 1900, also, an understanding was reached between the Vanderbilt and the Pennsylvania interests, by which the latter beoame Jointly interested in Ches. & Ohio Ry.-V. 70, p. 7i, 125, 1049. HoldiDgs ofVa.nderbllt estate, V. 71, p. 1221. The Boston & Albany RR., 894 miles, giving a through line to Boston, was ta.ken over under lease Nov. 10, 1900, its operations being inelatled in eal'Il:lngs of system from July 1, 1901. See that company. In Deo., 1901, the $3,900,000 Mohawk & MalonE' income bonds were re11orted to have been purchased in the interest of the N. Y. Central & Hudson River RR.-V. 73, p, 1313. J! company's system consists of the follow1ng: .Linuc»tmed. Miles. Operated under contract.•ew Yerk to Buffalo......... 442 Terminal Ry. of Buffalo ... ,r 11 lbanel!es...................... 378 Pitts-burg & Eastern......... 13 Lfflu lecued. ,r Ree this co. Other.............. . . _......... 3 West Shore .................. ,r 495 Trackage...................... 107 'l'roy & Greenbush ....••... ,r 6 BPllrt,en. Duyvil & pt, M •.. ,r 6 Total in earnings .........•. 8,357 l!few Yerk & Harlem ..•..•.. ,r 136 Oontrolledr-()peratea separately. Sew Jersey Junction...•••• 11" 5 Lake Shore & Mich So •••••• ,n,413 Bome Watertown & Og..• _. ,r 624 Michigan Central ........... ,rl,658 lloh1nrk 6 Malone...•...••. ,r 182 N. Y . Ohio. & St. Louis RR.. ,r 513 (Jartha,ge & Adirondack.... ,r 46 Lake Erle & Western . ... __ ,r 725 QouverBeur & Oswegatchie,r 13 Northern Ohio . ............. ,r 165 llew York & Putnam ....... ,r 61 "Big Four" System ......... ,r2,234 Boston. I,, Albany .......... ,r 3941 Dunkirk All. V. & Pitts .... ,r 91 Fall BreokRy .• etc .••.•..•. ,r 241 Pitts. & Lake Erie system .. ,r 180 Beeeh Creek RR. ............ ,r 160 St. Lawrence & Adlro:e.dack,r 56 Wallldll Valley ........... _... 33 -Tota.I ewned and controlled July 1, 1901 (319 miles 4-tra.cked) 10,391 TM Beech Creek Extension RR., Keating to-Karthaus, Pa., 60 miles, t,o be cempletea in 1901-2), with trackage to Youngdale, 50 miles, is leased fei,, 999 years. See V. 71, p. 1121; V. 72, p. '1035; V. 73, p. 790, STOOK.-Dlvidends on stook registered in London are pay8ible in gold at 49lgd. to dollar. As to new issues in 1900 and 1902 see "General Finances" below. DIVIJ)IllND8 since 5 (91. '92. '93. '94. '95. '96 98. '99. '00. '01. 1902. 1890. Percent. !412 514 5 5 414 4yrly. 4 5 5 Jan.,l.¼ DiTiieiul rate increas6'l from 4 to 5 p. c. per annum in Jan., 1900. Boims.-Descriptio:n of debentures was on page 3 of SUPPLEMENT ef April, 1895. They are a.ll seonred by the refunding mortgage of 1897 equally with the 811as. Ref. mortgage is for $100,000,000, of whioll $701377,333 reserTed to retire all existing bonds atorbeforematm1ty $14,622,667 for premiums; the remainder ($15,000,000) 18 110served for :new construction after 1908. In 1901 3¼s of 1897 bee» iSBued to retire about $32,000,000 of old bonds. Oellateral trust 3¼s of 1898 are secured respectively by deposit in trnst with the Guaranty Trust Co., mortgage trustee, of stock of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern and Michigan Central RRs. at the rate of $100 of L. S. & M. S. stock for each $200 of bonds and $100 of M:ioh. Cent. stock for each $115 of bonds outstanding. The total aut.horized issues of 312s $100,000,000 for Lake Shore and $21,ll!I0,800 for Michigan Central. The loans are secured by separate ~eeu of trust. eee v. 66, p. 288, 336, 760, 811. ·The N. Y. Cent. issued 1n 1900 $5,500,000 of 100-year 3-½l per c,ent debentures for certain property not included in the Boston & Albany lease. See v. 69, p. 1102; V. 71, p. 502,964. 81JililTIB8.-The company ·guarantees the securities of its leased ·nes te a considerable aggregate-see separate statement for company marked with a 'ff in the table of lnileage preceding. It also gua.r• meas Western Transit Co. -t12s for $1,000,000 due February, 1903. GBNiB&AL FINANCES.-The refunding of the $70,377,000 of old high~at-ltearing bonds into the 3¼s of 1897 during the years 1898 to 1905 will effect a savmg of $1,200,000 per annum in interest charges ; 10 JllJle 30, 1901, $32,H!1 1060 old bond8 had thus been retired; eavblg in cllarges by refunding in 1900-01, $538,597.-V. 73, p. 790. 1n July, 1901, the company had acquired $45,289,200 of the capital nook ef the Lake Shore road in excha._I!ge for 3 ls p.c. bonds (see above), leaving $4,177,300 a.float, including $533,500 guaranteed 10 per cent dividends (see V. 66, p. 288, 336, 1238), an<1 also $16,814,300 of Mich. Central stock, leaving $1,88a,600 still outstanding. In A.Jlril, 1900, $15,000,000 stock was issued at par to provide new roll1ng stock, and on Jan. 15, 1902,t the direc,tors voted to the stock from $115,000,000 to $15u,0OO,OOO, $17,250,000 of the new stock being offered to stockholders of record Mar. 31 until May 1, inclusive, pro rata at $125 per share. Payment .for the new stock must be made by May 12, the new stock to receive all dividends payable after Apr. 15. V. 74, p. 151. A portion of the proceeds will probably be used for the substitution of electricity for steam on New York suburban division and the construction ot a loop under the Grand Central Station exclusively therefor.-(V: 74, p. 151.) From 1urplus for year ending June 30, 1901, $1 500,000 was ap11roprtated for renewal of bridges in addition to $2,000,000 appropriated til 1899-00.-V. 72, p.1188. A.Terage train load for entire system, including company's freight, ,raa 392 tons in 1900-01, against 361 tons in 189~-9. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  E.A.RNINGs.-For 6 mos. ending Dec. 31 partly estimated): Gross. Net. 0th. Inc. Oharges. Bal., sur, 6 mos. $ $ $ $ $ 1901 (est.) ... 37,974,500 13,829,500 2,(n4,100 10,415,500 15,878,100 1000 (act) .. . 3!,464,323 13,070,730 2,435,383 10,368,997 5,137,116 Dividends of 2¼ per cent call for $2,875,000 for the 6 mos. A.NNU.A.IAREPORT.-Fiscal year ends June 30. Report for 1900-01 waa ,ctven at length in V. 73, p. 720, 7'19, 790. See also editorial p. 757. Of tlle freight (-i2,401,356 tons) carried in 1900-01, about 36 p. c. was coal and ooke. V. 71, p. 503. Years end. June 30. 1901. 1900. 1899, &Illes Ju11.e 30....... .. ..••. 3,357 2,829 2,39~ Frei~llt earnings.......... $89,550,399 $34,273,141 $27,529,964 Pa-ssen~r earnings....... 20,866,367 15,464,294 13,723,115 \f.all, express, etc ..... __ •. 5,916,855 4,825,517 4,931,578  'Jiletal gross earninga.. Net earnings............... Ot.her iicome..............  -----i66,333,111 $23,74•,895 4,530,294  $54,562,952 $20,511,365 4,716,745  ------  $46,184,657 $17,055,676 4,82-t,672  llTet ineom.e ... ••••••.••• $28,275,189 $25,228,110 $21,880,348 Deduct-Rentals paid ....• $9,204,619 $6,939,127 $6,908,1508 Interest 01l debt ....... . 7,767,548 7,664,430 7,5~,'3· 853,231 343,196 24,5,167 Taxes on earn. & stock.. . Taxes on real estate.•.. 2,389,094 1,936,907 1,738,12'7 68,514 65,423 U. 8. Int. Rev. tax...•... 55,064 300,000 300,000 800,600 Reserved for deb'tures.. .. Dividends ................ . (5)5,7fi0,000 (4:\i) 4,937,500 (4)4,000,008 1,500,000 2,000,000 Special impr'ment fund ..  Balance from operat'n... $492,183 $1,0U,527 $1,615,062 President, Wm. H. Newman; Chairman of the Board, Cllauncey M. Depew. Directors (April, 1901): William K. Vanderbilt, Frederlok W. Vanderbilt, Chauncey M. Depew, Samuel F. Barger, J. Pierpont Morgan, W1llia.m Rockefeller, Hamilton McK. Twombly, Wllllam H. Newman, Charles C. Clarke, D. O. Mills, Wllllam Bliss, Samuel D. Baltooek and.George 8. Bowdoin.-(V. 73, p, '119, '1'19; v. 74, p. 151.l N e-w York Chicago &: St. Loul11 RR.-( Su Map of Neu, York Oen tral d Hudson Ri1'er.J--Owns from Buffa.lo, N. Y., to Illinois S:ta.te Line, except 8 miles leased between Dunkirk and Silver Creek leaviig 49, miles; leases the proprietary line, Chicago & State Line RR.i Ill., State Lineto Grand Crossing, 10 mlles; also leases Dunkirk to St ver Creek 8 miles; total, 512 miles; trackage in Buffa.lo, N. Y., 1¼ miles, and Grand Crossing Chica.~o. m ( Shore RR.), 9 miles. HISTORY.-"Nickel Plate" road, foreclosed and reorganized in 1887. STOCK.-Lake Shore & Michigan Southern owns $6 240,000 common $6,275,000 2d preferred and $2,503,000 let preferred stock. DIVIDENDS.--On ! '91. '92. '93. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. 'ff. 'Gl 1st pref. in March S 3¼% 3 3 . 4 0 5% 0 2% 8 5 6 Div. on 2d pref., 2 p. c. in 1901; m 1902, Mar., 3 p. c.- V. 74, p. 151. f BoNDS.-A sinking fund of $100,000 per year is provided when net earnings are $900,000 or upwards, if bonds oan be bought at or below 102; 1fnot, the sinking fund lapses for that year, thus leaving $100,000 more for dividends. The original issue of bonds was $20,000,000, alld it has been reduced to present amount by the sinking fund purchases. Statement of road under mortgage in SUPPLEMENT of Sept., 1894. Bee abstract of mortgage.-V. -45, p. 541. LA.TEST EARNINGS.-9 months ending Sept. 30: 9 mos. Gross. Net, Other inc. Int.,taxes,etc. Bal., sur. 1901 ..••. $5,488,189 $1,360,146 $18,090 $933,863 $444,374 1900 ..•.. 5,119,406. 1,290,514 14,848 903,519 401,843 ANNUAL REPORT.-Advanoe statement for 1901 was in V. 74, p. 119. Report for 1900, V. 72, p. 932. Principally a freight line, freight in 1900 contributing $5,785,206 out of $7.023,359. Year ending Dec. 31190L 1900. 1899. Gross earnings ..................... $7,485,484 $7,023,359 $6,919,985 Netearnings........................ 2,273,926 1,729,681 1,300,208 Other income ... _... _... _........... 32,291 26,721 11,351 Net, including other income .... .. _. $2,306,217 $1,756,402 $1,311,557 Additions, bet'm'ts and renewals. 756,000 398,587 97,673 Interest on bonds.. . . . •. .••••• •••. 777,000 777,000 777,000 Equipment trust charges ..... _.... 154,217 104,092 108,242 Dividend on let pref.* .............. (5) 250,000 (5) 250,000 (5) 250,000 Dividend on 2d pref.• ... _.......... (3) 330,000 (2) 220,000 Balance, surplus................  39,000  $6,723  $78,642  * NOTE.-Dividends from earnings of year given are paid in Ma.roll  of following year. Pres., Wm. H. Canniff.-(V. 74, p. 148, UH.) New- York Oonnectlng RK.-V. 71, p. 913; V. 72, p.1280. New- York & Green-wood Lake Ry.-(See JCap of ErieRR.)Owns from Jersey City, N. J., to Greenwood Lake, 41 miles, anti branches to Ringwood, etc., 8 miles; Watchung Ry. Forest Hill to Orange, N. J., 4 m.; total owned, 53 m. Stock, $100,000; par, $50. LE.A.SE.-OnMayl, 1896,wasleased toth.e Erie RR. for999}"e&l'8 from May 1, 1896. Prior lien bonds are guaranteed, principal and inienat, by Erie. See V. 63, p. 513; form of guaranty V. 65, p. 463. New York & Harlem RR.-Owns New York City to Chatham, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NEW YORK CENTRAL & HUDSON RIVER R. R. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN R'Y NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST LOUIS R. R. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. I  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  100  LVOL, LXXIV,  :~~:!  _____________R __ A_U_.R __ O_AD __s_.____________ l Miles Date Size,or Amount INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. l'or explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, a.nd by 8tockB-La8t on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. $ Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  I  1- - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1  :New York New Haven & Hart.-Stook. See text .••. ..•. $100 $54,685,400 8 in 1901 Q.-M_;,o NewHaven,Co.'sOffloe. Dec. 31,'01,2% 1st mortgage (for $5,0001 000) .•.•................ r 123 1883 1,000&o 2,000,000 4 J. & D. N. Y., Chem'al Nat. Bk. June 1, 1903 Debentures, exohangeab1e for stock 1903 ...... o* •••• 1893 100 &o. 16,397,200 4 A. & O. N. Y., Lincoln Nat. Bk. Bee text. Deben. ($5,000,000 t'aOh), our., non·oonvert .. o&r •.•. '97·'01 ...... 10,000,000 319 &4 g. M. & S. New York. Moh. 1, 1947 N. Y. Prov.& Bos.,gen. M. (now lst).g.,ass'do&r 62 1892 1,000 1,000,000 4 g. A. & O. do Apr. 1, 1942 .ohore Linelst M.,N. Hav. toN.London,assumed 49 1880 l,OOO&o 200,000 419 M. & 8. N. H., Nat. N. H. Banlc. Moh. 1, 1910 Housatonio old consolidated mort. (assumed)... 90 1880 500 &o. 100,000 4 A. & 0. New Haven, Conn. Apr. 1, 1910 Sew oonsol. M. ($3,000,000) g. (assumed) F .c* 90 1887 1,000 2,839,000 5 g. M. & N. N. Y., Farm. L. & Tr. Co. Nov. 1, 1937 .New Haven Steamboat, lstmort.,gold, assumed .... 1892 500 &o. 139,500 6 g. J. & D. N. Y., Lincoln Nat. Bk. Apr. 1, 1902 Do mort., g., ass'd, sub. to oall aft. 1904 . . . . 1899 500 &o. 225,000 5 g. A. & O. do do June 1, 1919 BONDS OF PROPRIETARY, ETC., LINES! Bos. &N.Y. AirL. lstM.,N. H. to Williman.,Ct.o* F. & A. N.Y.,LincolnNat. Bank Aug. 1, 190~ 500,000 5 51 1880 1,000 July 1, 1907 Oolohester RR. 1st mortgage..................... J. & J. 25,000 New Haven ,Conn. 3¼ 1877 7 July 1, 1920 Danbury & Norwalk oon. M. ($100,000 are 6s) .o* 500,000 5&6 J. & J. 36 1880 do do Apr. 1, 1925 Genl. M.,Danbury,Conn.,to Wilson Point,&c.o* A. & O. 150,000 36 1883 do 5 do 100 IHarlemR.&$1,000,0006s).F.c&r 2,000,000 6&7 A. & O. N. Y., Chem'al Nat. Bk. Oot. 1, 1903 12 1873 1,000 June 1, 1911 2dmortgage,guar. (BeeV.56,p. 813).F. o&r 4 J. & D. 1,000,000 do do 12 1881 1,000 augatuck lstM., Nauga. Juno. to Winsted, ct.r J. & D. New Haven, Ct., Treas. June 1, 1913 4 150,000 55 1883 l,OOO&o May 1, 1918 New Haven & Derby, oonsol. mort. (Nov. lst) .. o* M. & N. New Haven, Conn. 575,000 13 1888 1,000 5 Apr. 1, 1909 .N.H.&No., con. s. f. $15,000p. yr.,notdrn."Un.c* A. & 0. 1,200,000 do do 98 1879 1,000 6 Apr. 1, 1911 Northern Extension bonds ..........•......... o* A. & o. 700,000 28 1881 1,000 do 5 do July 1, 1904 Deb'tures ext. in '96, non-conv.,V. 62, p. 548.o* . .. . 1886 1,000 J. & J. do do 700,000 5 Holyoke & W., leased, mtge. $200,000, guar.. o* Apr. 1, 1911 10 1891 1,000 A. & O. 200,000 do do New England and Old Colony-See those oos. Providence & Worcester 1st mortgage, currency 51 1897 1,000 1,500,000 4 A. & o. Prov.,R. I. HoRp. &T.Co Oct. 1, 194'1 Nantasket Beach, 1st mort., extended in 1901... 7 1880 250.000 219 A. & 0. Treas. Old Col., Boston. V.72,p.675 N. W.-Ref. (1st) M. $20,000,000, g. 1'Ie.c*&r Text. 1892 1,000&o 16,937,000 4 g. M. & 8. N. Y. Offict\.56 Beaver. June 1, 1992 Gold notes, sec. by 1st M. on Scranton Coal Co.. . . . . 1899 1,000 2,325,000 5 g. ..... New York. Do g., seo. by 1st. M. on Elk H. C & I ,due s·a.o* .••. 1900 1,000 3,350,000 5 g. J. & D. Ito J'nA'02T;ne'15 Equipm't trusts, 1 10 payable semi-annually Ma 1901 1,000 570,000 419g. M. & 8. N. Y., Manbat. Tr. Oo. To Moh., 1906 1' l'. cf Ottawa RR.-Reoeivers' oertif., $~85,000.. i28 1900 . 436,500 6 J. & J .. Of.reo.,27PineSt.,N.Y. ByJuly,1903 btM.,_$3,500,008•.........•........... Mo.x.c*&r 128 1897 1,000&o l,ii~:888 g. Nov.,'9~:~~~:::~stpaid. f:Ji"!j 2d M. .moomes (01un. after July 1, 1900), g.1'.lo.r . •.. 1897 1,000  i:ooo  '  i M:.~. ~·  .N'. Y., 136 miles (four-tracked 7 miles north or Harlem River). Also owns Fourth Ave. St. RR. LEASE.-The property (except the horse ratlroad) was leased April l, 1873, for 401 years, to the N. Y. Cent. & Hudson River RR. for interest -0n bonds and dividends at rate of 8 p. o. yearly, ,ince increased to 10 p. o. through refunding of bonds. V. 70, p. 740, 1049, V. 71, p. 29, 1220. The street railway was leased in July, 1896, to Metropolitan Street Ry. Co. for 999 years at $350,000 yearly (3½, p. c. on stock) for ~ years a.nd $400,000 (4 p. o.) thereafter. V. 62, p. 1088. REGULAR ANNUAL DIVIDENDS 1901. Guaranteed by N. Y. Central .••.••••..•.•.••.•... 10% (Jan. 5%, July 5%, From Metropolitan Stl'eet Ry. rentaL.. 319% (April 1:\/.%, Oct. 1:\/.%) Extra as tnt. on investments (V. 67, p. 178) .. . ¼% (April 14%, Oct. 14¾> .Al8o in Oot., 1899, a surplus distribution of 25 p. o.-(V. 71,p.29,1220.) Ne-w York Laeka-wanna & Western Ry.-Binghamton toBn1• lalo and Intemat'l Bridge and branches, 214 miles, of which the main line, 213 miles, is double track; Delaware L. & W. has a lease for duration of charter from October, 1882, giving a guaranty of the bonds and S per oent yearly on the stock, bonds and stock being endorsed. Bee form ,of guaranty of terminal bonds in V. 67, p. 1357; see also V. 68, p. 283. Ne-w York Lake Erle & Western RK.-SEE ERIE RR. Co. Ne-w York New Haven & Hartf'ord RK.-Covers Southern ew England and the only direct routes between New York and Boston.  I  Leased (part Owned.)  Miles.  .uines Owned in FeeMiles. New Eng. RR. (which see) •..... 536 .lunotion near N. Y. City to Old Colony RR. (which see) .. 616 Springfield, Mass ........•.... 122 Litchfield, Conn., to Bethel. .•. 38 l.d.:ries to Providence, Pittsfield, Lints LeaHedLitohfleld, etc .............. __ .316 Providence & Worcester ...... 48 LM-seAl and OontrotledOther lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Lines to Turner's Falls, eto..•. 268 Trackage to N. Y. City, etc ..•. 30 Otherlines ....................•. 43 -Total oper. July, 1901(87 miles has four and 667 two tracks) .. 2,037 Oontrols Fall River, Prov. & Stonington, 'lew Haven, New London nd Norwich 88. llnes.-V. 70, p. 842; V. 71, p. 643; V. 73, p 721. IIIsTORY.-A consolidation in 1872 of the New York & New Haven nd the Hartford & New Haven. In years 1892 and 1893 acquired oontrol of several companies whose bonds given in table above. ~eHousatonio, Shore Line, N. Y. Prov. & Boston and the Shepaug Lltohfteld & Northern have been absorbed by consolidation. v. 69, p. 742. See also Old Colony. Four•tl'acking, etc., at Bridgeport, Conn., to cost perhaps $3,000JOOO, progressing in 1901.-V.69, p. 955; v. 71, p. 644; V. 73, p. 138. m 1895 acquired control of New England RR. Euctric Railways.-Controls Stamford ~t. Ry., Meriden Electric Ry., eleotric railway between Hartford and New Britain, 10 m., 14 miles between Providence and Bristol, etc.-V. 67, p. 732; v. 69, p. 742; V. 71, p . 644; V. 72, p. 137. CAPITAL 8TOCK.-8took authorized, $100 0001 000. It may be tssued tor improvements, buying stocks and 1oonas of leased roads, &c.; 16,397,200 will be needed to take up the convertible debentures in l.903. (V. 56, p. 289, 373, 579.) DIVIDENDS.-~ 1873-1893. 1894. 1895 to Dec., '01, (incl.) Per cent. ~ 10 yearly. 9 8 (2 per cent quar.) BoNDs.-The contJertible debentures of 1893 for $16,397,200 are ex• ehangeable at option of holder ''on April 1, 1903, or within 60 days thereafter and no longer," for company's stock at par. ll not then exchanged they will be paid in cash April 1, 1908. See V. 55, p. 1035, and description page 4 SUP. of April, 1895. Under the Lease New Haven road "assumed" the debt of Old Colony. In Mar., 1901. $10. 000,000 non•oonvertible debentures were authorized, $5,000,000 of which were sold, the vroceeds to be u sed in part for improvements at Bridgeport, Conn.-V.72, p. 627; V. 73, p. 721. LEASED LINE STOCKS.-The stocks of the leased lines unexchanged on June 30, 1900, or later, and the dividends payable thereon are shown below, the shares being all $100 each excepting Danbury & Norwalk, which are $50 each. The leases are for 99 StocksTotai issue. Uneuh. Divid' d. Period. Berkshire....................... $600,000 $599,000 6 p. o. Q.-J. B. & N. Y. Air Line pref ......• 2,998,500 1,396,000 4 p. o. A. & 0. do do common .. 898,500 154,700 Pays no divid'd. Danbury & Norwalk........... 600,000 152,925 5 p. o. J. & J. !!Ta~atuok ..................... 2,000,000 1,006,400 10 p. o. J. & J. N. . & Derby.................. 447.000 21,600 4 J. & J. New England, common ...••• 20,000,000 52,500 Pays no divid'd. do do preferred ..•... 5,000,000 74,100 3 po. Oct.31,&c N. H. &Northampton...•..•••. 2,460,000 None. 4 A. & O. Old Colon:r .••..•.......•.•.••• 16,608,900 11,089,900 7 Q.-J. Pawtuxet Valley (par,$ CY))... 100,900 100,900 7 p. c . .f. & J. Stockbridge & Pittsfield •. •·••· 448,700 437,700 6 Q.-J. EARNINGS .-For 3 mos. ending Sept. 30: a mos. G1·oss. Net. oth. inc. 1nt.,t.a:e.,clc. Bal. sur. 1901 ...... $11,207, '297 $4,010,853 $68,798 $2,036,452 $2,043,199 1900 •••••• 10,389,506 3,759,4rn 44,0.!3 2,012,835 1,790,681 ANNUAL REPORT.- Annual ineeting is lleld third Wednesday in Oct. .Report for 1900·1901 was in V. 73, p. 721. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ½;  }8U  Yr. end. June 30. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Miles operated.. 2,038 2,038 2,047 1,464 Passengereams.$19,853,093 $19,764,755 $18,384,831 $15,901,669 Freight . •• 19,864,701 20,164,753 18,381,849 14,081,857 M111oellaneous... 414,517 395,643 377,237 339,212 Gross eamin~ .. $40,132,311 $40,325,151 $37,143,917 $30,322,738 Net ea.mings .... $12,083,332 $12,100,311 $11,562,661 $9,431,052 Otherinoome.... 562,559 546,121 623,423 601,068 Tot.netincome$12,646,391 $12,646,432 $12,186,084 $10,032,120 Int. on bonds.~. $1,166,967 $1,062,435 $1,100,119 $1,024,138 Other interest... 1,858 521 10,953 28,995 Rentals.......... 4,451,634 4,476.258 4,537,875 3,370,477 Taxes............ 2,367,636 2,484,605 2,171,167 1,688,871 Dividends ....... (8)4,294,738 (8)4,231,278 (8)4,158,688 (8)3,809,816 Balance ......... sur.$363,548 sur.$391,3 ::15 sur.$207,282 sur.$109,823 OFFICERs.-President, John M. Hall, ~ewHaven; Secretary, W. D Bishop Jr.; Treasurer, Wm. L . Squire, New Haven, Conn. Dtrectors.-L. Brainard, Hartford, Conn.; W. D. Bishop, Bridgeport, Conn. Carlos French, Seymour, Conn.: J. Pierpont Monau, W1lllam Rookefel1er  ~~t::,CS~r~g~:t:t~~:~r~t~f~ f. 11b'°{o~:Wa!gr~1ti~~:I p!f:ri'a/!;,e~1;:i%/ Royal C. Taft, Providence; C. F. Brooker, Torrlnirton, ('onn.; J.M. Hall, Arthur 1  I>. Osborne, I. De V. Warner and Gen. J. Brush, New Haven, Conn.; Frank W  Cheney,1,.South Manchester, Conn.; Edwin Mlln~r. Moosup, Conn.  -(V.7~.p.936;V.73,p.612,616,,~l,1U62) New~ ork & Long Bra.och RK.-PerthAmboyto Bay Hea.d,N.Jf. 38 miles. Leased in 1888 for 99 years to Penn. RR. and Cent. RR. o N. J ., which Jointly a.nd severally guarantee interest and 7 per cent on $2,000,000 stock, all owned by Oen. RR. of N. J.-v. 72, p. 438 • New York Ontario & Western Ky.-(See Map.J-Operatea from Weehawken, opposite N. Y. City, to Oswego, on Lake Ontario: Road OwnedMiles. Road OontrolteA1,cfc. Milu. Oswego to Cornwall, N.Y...... 272 Peoksport Conn. (all owned).. 4 Branch to New Berlin......... 22 Ontario Carb, & S. (all owned.) do to Delhi................ 17 Cadosia,N.Y., toSoranton,Pa. 54 do to Ellenville . . . . . • . . . . 8 Rome & Clinton (leased) ...... ,rl3 Utica Clinton & Biug. (leased). 'lf31 Total owned .................. 319 Wharton Valley (owned)....... 7 Trackage (till 2079) W. Shore RR.: 1T Bee this Co. C'nwalltoW'h'ken(V.61,p.425) 53 Total operated July 1,1901..481 In 1899 acquired nearly all the bonds and about three-quarters or the stock of the Port Jervis Monticello & New York RR. (which see) also began extf>ndingthe Ellenville branch from Ellenville to Kingston 27 mile.i, to be operated in spring l!-102, and to form part of a through line from Port Jervis to Klngston.-V. 71, p . 556; V. 73, p. 501. ORGANIZATION.-'rhe New York & Oswego Midland was sold in fore· olosure Nov. 14, 1879, and this company organized. 8TOCK.-8took is $58,118,982, (par, $100), of which $5,000 ts old pref. VOTING TRUST.-The preferred was originally $2,000,000, but all ex cept $5,000 has been exchanged for bonds under act or June 8, 1885d. The exchanged preferred stock is held alive under a voting trust a.n elects eight of the thirteen directors unoer a provision of the "Articles of Association,'' until a dividend shall have been and paid upon the common stock. The voting trustees elect directors in the interest of the common stock. See V. 61, p. 425. 426, and editorial, V. 65, p. 495 BONDS, ETC.-Refunding mortgage for $20,000,000 covers 319 miles of road owned, a.If the securities of the Ontario Carb. & Scranton Ry., 54 miles, and all other property hereafter acquired. The balance unissued is available for additions, improvements, eto.-V. 72, p. 87. G~-NERAL FINANCES.-Early in 1899, the coal properties at Scranton, Pa., of the Lack. Iron & Steel Co., (the capacity of the collieries then open being about 700,000 tons per annum) were purchased by th,. Roranton Coal Co., aided by loans .f rom the N. Y O. & W., the latter issuing its $2,5« 0,000 5 p. o. notes (reduced to $2,325,000 in 19001~01 ), extending over a period of years secured by tlrst mortga~e on the coal property, and loaning $1,4.75,000 (of which $305,000 has been repaid) secured by a second mortgage thereon, the 0. & W. ob taining a contract for the entire tonnage. V. 68, p 41, 429. The c~al companies are expected ultimately to take care of all the obliga t10ns created.-V. 69, p. 604, 646. In November, 1900, eight indPpendent anthracite properties with maximum output of 2,000,000 tons annually were merged as the Elk Hill coal & Iron Co., the N. Y. O. & W. issuing its $3, ::.oo,ooo 5 per cent sinking fund first lien gold notes secured by the Coal & Iron Com pany's fl.rat mortgage, these notes maturiog $75,000 each 6 mos., begin ning .June 1, 1901. to June 1, 19 , 1, and thereat'ter $200,000 semi an nua lly to Dec. 1, 1915. In the event of any additional mortgages beln~ placed on the railroad properties besides the refunding mortgage, the notes are 10 be secured pari vassu with Buch new obliga gations. The Elk Hill Co. also rriade a second mort1.?:age to the N. Y. 0 & W . .for $2,400,000 at 5 per cent. V. 7l, p. 1270; V. 73, p 501. The company's coal tonnage is derived from the following source~ Scranton and Elk Hill companies (as above stated), total maximum capacity, 2,700,oOO tons; other companies, 300,000. EARNINGS-5 months,~ 1901. ...•. Gross, $2,628,932; net, $847,60 July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900 ..... Gross. 2,100,242; net, 662,35 F nr 3 mos. ending Sept. 30, 1901, net, $:573,766, against $512,375 other ino., $63,375; charges, $269,873; surplus, $367,208, agains $293,421. ANNUAL REPORT.-Fisoal year ends June 30. Annual meeting la 1 • Wednesday in September. Report for 1900 01 was given at .. n. th tn  --  MAP OF THE  0  NEW YORK, ONT ARIO & WESTERN RAILWAY & CONNECTIONS.  r,j  A  z0  ~ -  A  ~ r:n  ~ 0  0 ~ r:n  A ~  Montrose  0  ~  H  1--4  ~  ~  c-l  0  .I  0)  ..-4  ~ -cl p  z  -cl  ~  14  I  "Loruisport O ..:i  '  Lar!yett°e  ....  <(/  ,.,  I  ~·h,eling  i  r .,_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  THROUGH ROUTE 0  Cincinnati  NEW YORK to CHICAGO  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  102 RAILROADS.  Por explanation of column hea.dmgs, &c., see notes on first of table.  Neu, York ti Pennsyl11ania,-lst M., $500,000 ....•.. N. Y. Phila. ti Norfotkt-Stock, $2,000,000 .....••....  lat M., $3,000,000, gold .. FP .... . ...... . ...... . c* Income mort., g., non•cnm., reg,($1,000,000) F'P N. Y. ti Putnam.-N.Y. & No., lat mortgag4:i p;old.o N. Y. &P. con., $6,200,000, g., gu. Oi.&i. en . Un.o* N. Y. ti.Rock. B'h.-lstM.,$lf00,0 0, g., gu.Ce.o* Income bonds, non•oumula. ve.Ce ............... r N. Y. Smq. ti Western-Mtdla.nd RR. lat M., g,Ce.o" Patel'l!on Exten. RR. lat M., rea.l estate, a. f.,g.o* N. Y. Susquehanna & Western, lat mortgage..•.. 1st mortgafe{,Jetnndin!, gold. Ce ...... . ..... o* 2d mort. ($ , 0,000 \o d) 3d M. on 73 m.Ce.o* General mortga~ for 3,000,000, gold .... Ce.o" Collateral trust onds, subJeot to oa.11, our.Co. Termina.1 lst mort. for $2,00 ,000, gold.. Us.o*&r Oartrusts .•......•..••.....•••.••..••...•...•....... Allied co~anies-  Wllkesb. & ast'n, 1st M., gold, guar.Ji. & i.G . . o* Bue~Connect. RR. ht M. g.,red. at 1 5, gu.Mp.o Mid etown Un. & W. G.-See that company. Paesato & N. Y., lat mort., (999, rental) •.. lllaoopin RR., lat mort. (br'ch to Macopln N. Y. B. & W. Coal Co lat M. (1,050 acres, s.f.).c .. N. Y. & Wllkesba.rre 0oa.l Co. lat mortgage ... Co •• :r. T~ascfMex.-lat. M.,g.,$or £,gu.bySo.Pa.o.o" lforfotk" Oarolina -Bee ATLilTIC COAST LINE RR. Norfolk & Southern Oo.- Col. Tr. M., $3,500,000 ... Norfolk ti Southern-Capital stock .................. lat mort~e, $10,000 per mile, gold.... • ••. . A.. o* Norlolkct eat. .By.-Common stock, $66,000,000 A juetment pref. 4 p. o. non.cum. $23,000,000 .. a There are also $53,000 not guaranteed.  Bonds-Princl• INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. pal,When Dne. Miles Da.te Size, or Amount Pa.r Outstanding Ra.te per When Where p~ble, and by Btocka-Laet of of Dividend. om. Cent. Payable Road. Bo11ds Va.lue  -52 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Hornellsville,N .Y .office Checks mailed. Phlla.., 26 So. 15th St. Ohecks malled(see text) New York City. N.Y., Gr. Cent. Station. N. Y., U. 8. M. & Tr. Co.  July 1, 1917 Jan. 3, '01, ~ Jan. 1, 19 Jan. 1, 1989 Oct. 1, 1927 Oct. 1, 1993 Sept. 1, 1927  ---- ..  4 $500,000 J. & J. 1,714,375 See text 2,600,000 J. & J. M.&N. 4 1,000,000 1,200,000 5 g. A. & 0. 4 g. A. & 0. 4,025,000 984,000 5 g. M.& B. 1,000,000 A:·&··o . 3,500,000 6 g. J. & D. 250,000 5,000 6 g. J. & J. 3,745,000 5&6g. J. & J. 4¼,g. F. & A. 453,000 2,547,000 : g. F. &A. M.&N. 273,000 2,000,000 5 g. M.&N. ..... 56,691 5  65 1892 10 1897  1,000 1,000  3,000,000 300,000  1885 1896 1887 1893 1882  500 1,000  J. & D. 40 40 J. & D. do M.& 8. do do M.&N. do do 4 g. A. & O. N. Y .. B.Pao.Co.; London.  Deo. 1, ltle Dee. 1, 1911 Koh. 1, 1111 NOT. 1, 11213 1, 1912  --ioo  (9) 5 g. 2,000,000 51n 1901 9:.::J. N. Y., Atlantic Tr. Co. do do 1,350,000 M &N. 64,469,200 2 in 5ft; 19 1 J. & D, N. Y., 01f., 40 Exoh. Pl. 22,745,500 4inl901 F. & A. do do  1952 JaI,10,'02,;it May 1, 1 Deo. 19, '01~ Feb.21,'02,  ia4  i887  ·--,·g. ...6.g.  i:ooo  134 1887 1,000 134 1890 1,000 .... 1895 1,000 .... 1893 l,OOO&o  .... ··-· 3 2  . --·  ·gi  i«  1902  . --· . --·  ---· ....  144  is9i  70,000 44,000 428,000 ··500 450,000 £ &$ al,465,000  1,000 100 100  $1,548,566 $1,822,258 6171 480 153,471 192,282  $1,370,054 $1,543,973 625,207 46,319 186,081  $686,366 $859,024 Balance, surplus.............. $879,233 Pres.,Thos. P.Fowler.-(V.73,p. 336, 338,492,501,1062.) New York & Ottawa RR.-TupperLake,N. Y., to Ottawa, Can., 128 miles, the new bridge over the Bt. La.wrenoe at Cornwall being opened for traffic about Nov. 1, 1900. V. 71, p. 64t>. OWil8 portion ol line in New York State directly and all the eeourities, except sufficient to qualify directors, of the Ottawa. & New York Ry., in which title to Canadian part is vested, and of the Cornwa.11 Bridge Co. Stock outata.nding, $2,540,000. In Apr. 1900 Henry W. Gays wae appointed receiver. V. 70.., p. 842. In Jitly, 1900, $436,000reoeivers' oerti.llcates were authorizea, of which $400,000 were issued. V. 71, p. 135. Yea.r endin~ June 30, 1900, gross, $77,807. Coupons of May, 1899, and ainoe m default. In Jan., 1901; it waa stated that no reorganization ]llan would be issued until the ran, when the earning oapa.oity as a. Qrough line may have been determined.-(V. 71, p. 646.) l'f ew York & Pennsylvania RR.-Bhingle House, Pa.., to Canlolteo, N. Y., 52 miles, including extension from Millport to Sbmgle Ho'D.l!e, 5 miles, completed a.oout Nov. 1, 1900. Stock, $500t000 (pa.r, ,100); a.11 outeta.nding. For year 1900-01, gross, $85,162; aef. under oper., f7,772; oharp;ee, $29,953; bal., def., $37,72b. Ca.UBe o.t small earnings was stated to be extensive repairs, eto,-(V. 62, p. 1178.) New York Pennsylvania & Ohio RR.-See ERIE RR. J!lew York Philadelphia & Norfolk RR.-Delma.r, Del., to Oape Charles, Va. , 95 m., and King's Creek, Md., to Crisfield, 17 miles. Reorganued In 1898-99 without foreclosure, per plan In V. 66, p. 760. SECURITIES.-Btook, $2,000,000; issued, $1,714,375; par, $50; repreaented by negotiable trust oertifloates issued by Fidelity Insurance Trust & Safe Deposit Co. of Phila. Of the $3,000,000 lat 4s, $400,· 000 are reserved for imp:rovemente.-V. 68, p. 773, 978. As to 1ncome11c.,~ee V. 68, p. 978. First int. on incomes, 2 1>. o., vaid Nov. 1, 18g9; may 1, 1900, 2 p. o.; Nov., 1900, 2 p . o.-v. 71, p. 809. First AIT. on stock, 2 p. o., Jan. 3, 1901.-V. 72, p. 45. EARNINGS.-Yea.r ending June 30, 1900 gross, $1,199,842; net, '486,460; other income, $960; charges, $290..,}-05; ba.l., sur.,$179,315. -(V. 69, p. 906; V. 70, p. 842; V. 71, p. 809; V, 72, p. 45.) Ne-w York & Putnam BR.-Owns 155th Street a.nd 8th Ave., •· Y. City (terminusMa.nha.ttan Elevated), toBrewsters,N. Y., 54 miles; Couble-tra.ok branch to Yonkers, 3 m.; opera.tea 4 m.: total, 61 miles. HI8TORY.-Suocessor to the N. Y. & Northern sold under foreclosure of 2d mort. Dec. 28, 1893, and purchased for N. Y. Central & Hudson River RR., which operates it under lease-see V. 63, p. 754, 820, 1159. STOCK.-Capital stock ts $6,500,000; par, $100. BoNDs.-The New York Central guarantees the new consolidated mort. bonds, of which $1,000,000 were reserved for improvemente; also $1,200,000 to retire at maturity the ti.rat 5s.-(V. 66, p, 83, 135.) New York & Rockaway Beach Ry,-( See Map Long Island RR.) -Owns from Glendale Junction to Rooks.way Park, with branch, 12 miles, of which 10·31 miles double track, mostly 80·lb. steel; leues, 1·90 miles; total, 13·90 miles; trackage to Long Island City, Brooklyn, Fa.r Rockaway, etc., 18 miles. Stock, $1,000,000; pa.r, $100. Con• trolled by Long Island Ra.ilroad Company, whose endorsement 11! printed on ti.rat mortgage bonds, ol which in July, 1901, $101,000 owned by L. I. RR. a.nd deposited under its uniG.ed mortgage, together with $871,000 of the incomes. For year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $356,411; net, $143,050; interest, taxes, etc., ljl7l,501; balance, sur• plus, e71,549, a.ppropriatedfor improvements.-(V. 66, p. 1046.) Ne-w York Su•quehanna & We8lern RR.-(See Erie Jfap.), Busq. Connecting RR . .•.•..•••• 10 Oicned(infee)orentire 8tk. Jersey City to Gravel Pl., Pa .. 101 Other branches................. 24 Miles. Lines leased etc. (Double track 19 miles.] TwoBridges,N.J.,toUnionville 211 Middletown Un. & WaterGap,r 14 Wilkesbarre & Eastern......... 65 Trackage........................ 3 Tota.I roa.d operated msee this co.) June 30, 1901. .•••.....••.••. 238 HISTORY.-Consolldationin June, 1881, of theMidla.nd of New J. In 1898 nearly all of the capital stock was exchanged for stock of the Erie RR., which operate1 the line as an independent outlet to New York. Bee V. 66, p. 53, 83 and 759. BTOCK.-Pref., $13,000 000; com., $13,000,000 or which the Erie owned June 30, 1901, $12,378,900 common and $12,892,400 preferred" of which $6,630,000 common and $6,630,000 preferred are depositea under its Pennaylvania oolla.tera.1 trust mortgage. None DIVIDENDS.- ~ Nov., 1891, to 1893. sinoe. 2¼ yearly. 0.11 pref., p. ot. 5 Bo.NDs.-Gemral mortgage 5s, bonds are reserved to retire the aecond mortgage 4¼,s. t!ee mortgage abstra.ot, V. 52, p. 84. The .uond, are exoha.ngeable for generals on payment of $60 per bond.  Miles.,  ---  1897 100,&c. 50 ii"2 1899 1,000 112 1899 1,000 57 1887 1,000 57 1894 1,000 12 1887 1,000 12 1A87 1,000 72 1880 500&0. 1 1881 1,000  V. 'i3, p. 492, 501; see also editorial, p. <l67. Ooat traffic in 1900· 01, 2,361,026 tons (out of 3 508 508 tons), against 2,157,553 in '99-00. 1899. 1900. '1901. ' :Year ending June 30. $4,346,164 $4,963,483 Gross earnings ................ $5,322,884. 2,970,110 3,414,917 Operat'gexpensesandtaxes. 3,777,137 Balance, net earnings .... $1,545,747 Tot. netinoome,inol. "other." $1,962,991 654,133 Interest on mortgage bonds.. 232,092 Misoell.interest a.nd discount 197,533 Rentals paid .. •• . . • . . . . . . . . . . .  (VoL. LXEV.  5 g. J. & D. 6 g. M. & B. 6 5 6 6  I  N.Y.,Of.21 Cortlandt St.·1;·i91, June 1, 1918 do do Jul7 1, 1911 Jan. 1, 1987 d.o do Feb. 1, 1987 do do Aug. 1, lNI do do Kay 1, 1906 do •o Hay 1, 19U do do de do  ······-·  do do  de de  ••  June 1, 1H2 Kar. 1, 1"7  -'..1 to terminal bonds listed in Sept., 1893, see SUPPLIDCENT of Jan., 1898, aI>rl abstract of mort. V. 57, p. 512. The Wilkesbarre ti Eastern lit 511 unconditionally guara.nteed.-V. 60, p. 481. Susquehanna. Connecting 6s are ca.lied, $25,000 each M&S. The New Jersey Midland junior eeourities are exchangeable into stock on certain terms, and have mostly been so exchanged. EAllNINGS.-5 IDOi!., .~ 1901 .......... Gr6BB, $1,248,611; net, $603,473 903,468; net, 357,033 July 1 to Nov. 30. ~ 1900•.....•••• Gross, REPORT.-Report for 1900-01 in V. 73, p. 441, showed on 238 miles. 0th. Inc. Oharge,. Bal. Sur. Net. Gro,a. Tear. 1900-01 ........ $2,IW4,887 $1,047,249 $29,570 $930,238 $146,581 205,072 1899-00...... .. . 2,582,116 1,115,350 25,890 936,168 -(V. 71, p . 236,698,751, 808, 1013; V. 72, p. 936; V. 73, p. 441.) New ~ork Texas & Mexican Ry.-(See Map of Southern Pacifl,e.)-Owna from Rosenberg to Victoria., Texas, 91 miles; branoll from Wharton, Tex., to Van Vleok, 31 miles, opened Sept. 29, 1900. StookJ $630-1040, of which Southern Paoifl.o Company owns $615,000. There are a.l80 $53,000 old sixes outstanding, and 30•year Matagorda diT1sion bonds issued at $15,000 per mile, due Jan. 1, 1931, Int. J.&J., Operated by on the bra.nob from Wharton to Van Vleok, 30 miles. Pao. Co., which guarantees the 4s. EARNINGs.-4 months, ~ 1901. ........ Gross, $131,796; net, $56,652 90,617; net, 36,554. ~ 1900 .••...••. Gross, July 1 to Oct. 31. In year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $288,623; net, $82,320; bal., def. under oha.rges, $70,384. Due Bo, Paoifl.o Co. June a., 1901, $681,4.18. Norfolk&; Southern <,o.-ORG.ANI.Z.A.TION.-Inoorpora.ted in New Jersey in Jan., 1902, a.nd was about to acquire the entire or greater pa.rt of the stock of the Norfolk & Southern RR. ($2,000,000) and ihe Drummond Canal & Water Co. $1,000,000), and the $1,000,000 bonds of the latter. Stock authorized, $1,500,000; present issue to be $1,300,000. Bonds to be $3,500,000 50-yea.r gold 5s. Bee CIIRONI· CLE of J a n . 25, 1902. Norfolk. & Southern RR.-Owns Norfolk, Va., to Edenton, N. o.,. 74 miles; (ferry across Albemarle Solllld to Maokey•s Ferry 9 miles;) thence road to Belle Haven, 30 miles; Norfolk to Virginia Beach, 11 m.; Kempsville to Munden's Point, 22 m.; total main lfne, 144. mtles. In Jan., 1902, a.ll or the greater&art of the $2,000,000 etook wu about to be acquired by the Norfo & Southern Co. (see that company aboTe), which will also control the Drummond Oana.l & Water Oo. On Nov. 1, 1899, the Nerfolk Virginia. Beach & Southern RR.,411 miles, inoluded a.bove, was purchased, $520,000 bonds being t1111u•• therefer, making amount outstanding, $1,350,000. (V. 70, p. 76, 381, 532, 1195.) DIVIDENDS.--July, 1892, to Jan., 1902, incl., at 4 p. o. per anilDI, and in July, 1901, 1 p. o. extra wa.s a.lso paid.-(V. 72, p. 1238.) Other Inc. Oharge•. Sur. forai'I. Net. Gro11s. REPORT.$G9,650 $140,279 $6,124 $203,805 1899-0.......... $738,999 135,H5 40,233 3,596 171,902 1898·9 .......... 552,041 In each yea.r paid dividends of $80,000. Earnin~s on buts ot 144 miles in1899-0, against 104in 1898-9.-(V. 72, p. 1238.) Norfolk. & Western Ry.-See Map.-System extends from Norfolk, Va.., westward to ColmnbUB, Ohio, and northward to Ha.gersto~ Md., with branches to the various coal fields in Virginia andWest Va. MUu. Milea. Road oum-ed. Sundry branches............. 12e Norfolk, Virginia, to Columbus, 0 ..............•..•.••.••. 708 Total owned June 30, 1901.l,5t8 Radford, Va., to Bristol, Tenn.107 , !~!':~!ieiJ'i'o~:.~!~~~~:i~ Columbus Conn.& Term. RR. Tota.l. ......•_. ••••••••••..•. 1,587 Nor. Car. Juno. to Iron Ridge. 45 88 Lynchburg to Durha.m,N. c .... 115 Doubletra.ok............ .....• Roanoke to Winston.......... 121. Oin. Ports. & Va. (see below) 13e the to succeeded 1896 1n company Railway ORGANIZATION-This property and franchise of the Norfolk & Western RR., etc., foreoloae41 per _plan, was in V. 62, p. 641. The old stock an a.seessmeni of $12 50 per, common receiving 75 p. o. and the old pref. 112:W. p. o. in new common. In 1900 the Penn. RR., together with co•• trolled company, a.oqlllred $2!,500,000 of the stock, its represen-. tives entering the directory. v. 70, p. 687, 1150, 1195; V. 71, I). 809; v. 72, p. 184,480; V. 73, p.957. In 1901 the entire stock of the Oinoinna• Portsmouth & Virginia, So1otoville to Cincinnati (of which 4 m. traek• age) with 18 m. branch to Hillsboro, leased to another company, a tllal of l 30 miles, was acquired, and tbe road merged July 1, 1901. (V. 72 p. 1 37, 438, 532; V. 72, p. 503.) Branches building June 30, 1901, 2i miles; also _p,:oposed extensions in North Carolina; see V. 73, p, 503. STOCK.-Provisions of prefei:red stock oertifloates were given In SUPPLEMENT of April, 1897, 4, said stock being 4 p. o. non-cumulative, with preference a.a to assets and dividends. 1902. 1901. 1900. 1899, 1898. 1897. DIVIDENDS, p. o. Feb.,2,. 4% 4% 4¾ 3¼ 1% Preferred.... 2'61 •• Common...... BONDS.-The first consolidated mortgage of 1896 is limited to '62,· 500,000, ofwhioh an amount equa.l to tne underlying bonds oan be issued only on the retirement of the same. The ts or ,ru reserved a.a follows: For new oonstruotion,1. acquisitions and improv• mente, not exceeding $1,000,000 yearly :,9,690,436 and $3,500,00. additiona.1 for similar purposes. The right to issue prior lien bon•• has been annulled.-V. 73, p. 502; V. 74, p. 151.  I  "• 0  kt; ~  ~  c  .,  ,0  $ Q s:  ai  ~0  ~  i:q  & ~  ~  <II  ~  '\,  rf1  ~  ~ 0  ~  0  E-➔  00  ~0  ~  ~  C  !  Q  '}  -v  ~  ► O F TH E  & WESTE RN RAILWAY --,  a-l ~ ~  ~  i:i::  ~  ::>  ~ lo-:, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  {;Q_;._  NEOTIO  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  10.S  [VOL. LXXIV  Bonds-- .Prtn<. IINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS, Miles Date Bize,or Due. Amount Rate per When Where Payable, ana by -pal,When Par For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Stocks-Last Whom. on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Outstanding Cent. Payable Dividend.  --·  I  £'  i¥s  i  ---·  --  ---  ·--·  Norfolk~ Western By.-(Ooncludedt!f.&W.Gen. (nowlst) M.Norf.toBris.,eto.g.FPo* 428 New River division 1st mortgage, gold.FP.o* 160 Improvement & Extension Mort., gold FP .o* 588 Boioto Valley & New En~.,lstM.,assum.,g.Ce.o* 129 N. & W. 1st oonsol. M., $ 2,500,000, g.ltle . .. o*&r 1,677 Pocahontas ,oint mort., $20,000,000, i,told. GP .. .... Col. Con. & Term. 1st M., g., gu. p. & 1. (end.) A.c* ... Equip. trust of 1893, gold, not sub to call. F P. o* .... Equin. trusts, ~old .•--P .. ___ ········-· ............. o North Oarolina-Stook, 7 per cent rental •...•.•.... 223 NorthPQ,C?,jtc Ooast................. ············-· General M., (now 1st), for $1,500,000, gold .... o 90~5 No. Penn.-Btk., 8 p. c. gu.990 yrs.,$6,000,000 auth. 86 OJ!l 2d M., now 1st M.( 7s extended in 1896) .... o 56 General mort. bonds (option. V. 73, p . 1160) .o&r 86 Consol. bonds secured by $1,200,000 stock..... . r .... Funding loan boo<ls, $109,000 ................•.. . Real estate mortg~es June 30, 1900 .. .......... No. EastPenn.-lst .,g.,gu.P.&R. (end.) GuPo~ ·26 North'n Ala.-lst M ($350,000 are priorlien).K.o 107 83 Northern, (N. H.J-Stook, 6 o. rental. ............. Northern Oentrat-(Stook $ 2,000,000 authorized) 1st mort., State of Maryland loan-V. 70, p. 895 .. Consol. fen. mort. gold, s.fc drn. at 100, A&B.o 148 ot 187 gold, se- gold, $, & D. F P ..... .... o 148 ouresaii equally. ~old, E ...................... 0 148 2dl,en. M., series ".A' & "B" (A $2,565,000).FP 148 Nort 'n New Jersey-Stock, guar, (see V.69,p.81) 3d mo gage, now 1st, interest ~uar ............. o ·2i Gen. M., $1,000,000, g., Int. gu. by lease.U•m.o,..  1881 $1,000 $7,283,000 2,000,000 1882 1,000 5,000,000 1883 1,000 5,000,000 1889 1,000 1896 500 &o. 33,204,600 See text. 1901 ··500 600,000 1892 68,000 1893 1,000 52,000 1892 1,000 4,000,000 100 -  --·  iso2 i:ooo 50  6 g. 6 g. 6 g. 4 g. 4 g. 4 g. 5 g. 5 g. 5f 619-  M.&N. A. & O. F. & A. M.&N. A. &O. J. & D. J. & J. Q.-J. Q.-J. F.& ···5·g. J ...&•.J. Q.-F. 8 4 M.&N. 7 J. & J. 6 M.& B. 4 M.&N.  N. Y., Mercant. Tr. Co. May 1, 1931 Apr. 1, 1932 do do Feb. 1, 1934 See text. N. Y., Mercant. Tr. Co. Nov. 1, 1989 N.Y. Mercantile Tr. Co. Oct. 1, 1996 Dec. 2, 1941 N.Y.,AtlantioTrustCo. Jan. 1, 1921 N.Y. Mercantile Tr. Co. Q'lyto Jan.'03 Q'ly to Oct. '02 Burlington, N. C. Feb., '02, 3199. Ban Fran., Co.'s Office. Jan:·1;·i912 do do Phila. Of., 240 Bo. 3d St. N ov.25i01,2(3 do do May , 193 do do Jan. 1, 1903 do do Sept. 1, 1905 do do Nov. 1, 1928  1,498,000 4,721,250 1,500,000 4,500,000 1873 1,200,000 1881 302,000 1898 122,608 ...... - ...... isgo 400,000 5 ~- A. & 0. Phila., Phila. & Read'g. 1,650,000 See text. J. & J. N.Y.,J.P.Mo~&Co. 1896 1,000 Boston, 19 · At, 3,068,400 Bee text. Q.-J. 100 .... 50 11,462,300 Sin 1901 J. & J. Baltimore, Treas. Office 1,500,000 Q.-J. Annapolis. 6 i855 580,000 6 g. J. & J. London and Baltimore. 1874-5 $'&·£· 2,000,000 6 g. J. & J. Baltimore, Treas. Office. 1876-7 $1,000 1,757,000 do do 1885 1,000 ilgg. A. & O. 3,565,000 J. & J. Baltimore,Treas. Office. 76&82 1,000 100 1,000,000 4 Q.-M. N. Y., 21 Cortlandt St. 654,000 6 J. & J. N. Y., U. S. Mort. & Tr. iss1 100 &o. 4lgg. J. & J. N. Y., 21 Cortlandt St. 154,000 1900 1,000  i866  500 &o.  ·----· ---- .. ......  i:ooo  ---·-  ---  ---. ---·  Apr. 1, 1920 July 1, 1928 Jan 1, '02, 119 Jan.15,'02.4% irredeemable. July 1, 1904. July 1, 1904 Apr. 1, 1925 Jan. 1, 1926 DAO., 1901, 1 % July 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 2000  I  The new 4 per eent first consots are a first mortgag_e on a large year 3310 per cent gold bonds.-V. 73, P: 1160. Current llabil. "tes June pa.rt of the system, viz., upon 833 miles of railroad; u~on im- 30, 1900, $212,734:-(V. 62, p. 462,870, V. 73, p.1160.) , P(?rtant terminals at Norfolk and Lamberts Point; upon the Ohto North-East Pennsylvania KK.-Ownsroadfrom Glenside to River ~ridge and the Roanoke Mao~e Works; besides being a New Hope, Pa., 26 miles. Controlled by P. & R. Capital stock, $400,oonsolldated m~rtgage upon the remamder of the system, sub 000, of which $318,950 owned by Readmg Co., $315,000 being deject to the undisturbed liens. They are further secured by tbt' posited under Its gen. M. of '97· par $50. squipment, certified to have cost over $11,000,000, covered by the oar ' ' trusts and equipment bonds to be taken up under the plan. UndiR· Northern A.lab~ma Ky .-Sheffie~d to Parrish,, and branches, turbed bonds which cannot be taken up at maturity on satisfactory 119 miles. In .April, 1899, a majority of stock and bonds purterms by use ot the oonsols reserved for that purpose may be ex - chased by the Southern Ry. V • 68, p. 824,873. See also V. 69, p. 391, tended or renewed. See abstract Inv. 64, p. 3'76.-(V. 72, p. 137, Stock is $2,000,000. Under supplemental mortgage of 1898 $400,· 438,532,723, 1080.) 000 ot the 01;1tstanding $1,700,000 1st 5s were.made prior liens. Re• The N. &W.-Pocahontas joint bonds are secured by about 3fl0.000 maining $1,300,000 general lien bonds bear mterest for two year& acres of coal !ands owned and held by the Pocahontas Coll! & Coke Co., from July 1, 1898, at 2 per cent, then 3 per cent f'?r two years; there• whose stock is ownt-d or controlled of wbioh bbout 50 000 acres have after 5 per cent. (V. 67, P, 1208.) In year ending June 30, 1900, been leased to companies whose' stock is all owned by the United gross, $337,152; net, $13,784. In 1898·9, gross, $233,828; net, $72,Btates Stei-1 Corporation, the royalties under such leases alone being 132.-(V. 68, p. 233,824,873, 1224; V. 69, p. 28). expected to be stJtlioient to almost meet the fixed charges. Sinking Northern (New Hampshire) KK.-Owns Concord, N. H., to fund 2~ cents per ton mined.-V. 73, p. 845,902; V. 74, p. 41. White River Jot ,.vt., 70 miles; branch to Bristol, N. H., 13 m; total. GENERAL FINANCES.-The reorganization reduoen the tixed ohargea 83 miles. Subsiruary lines, Concord & ClarPmont RR., 71 miles; Pe from $3,214,037 to $2,218,450, a reduction of $995,587, making the terborough & Hfilsborough RR.. 19 miles. Lease to Boston & _Lowell annual charges ahead ot the new common stock smaller than thos• tor 99 years from Jan. 1, 1890, was assl~ed to Boston & Maine, rental ahead of the old preferred stock. Of the traffic in 1900·1901 58 per was 5 per cent on stock till July 1, l897, and now 6 per oent, paycent (6,277,133 tons) was bituminous coal and coke. able in gold. Untll July, 1897, in addition to 5 p. o. rental 1 p. o exIn Maroh, 1899, $5,000,000 1st oonsol. 4s were sold, of which $1,· tra was paid re~arly :from contingent fund. ~so in 1894, Jan., f> 500,000 to be used for betterments, double-tracking and additional p. o. extra was paid; In 1896, July, 2 p. o. extra; m 1897 5 p. o. extra.. rolling stock; remainder to retire underlying bonds maturing to July -(V. 65, P• 463). 1, 1900. V. 68, p. 619; V. 70, p. 176, 1195; V. 71, p. 497 During Northern California Ky.-See Southern Paoifto RR. 1900-01 $2,000,000were sold tor improvements. V. 73, p. 502. Div1· Northern Central Ky.-Owns Baltimore, Md., to Sunbury, Pa,. dends on the common stock were be~un in June, 1901.-V. 72, P• 878. 137 miles, of which 130 miles double track-branch, 9 miles; leasesEARNINGS-For 5 months ending Nov. 30: Shamokin Vallf'y & Pottsville Railroad, 38 miles; Elmira & Williams• Gross. Net. Int., tazes, tEc. Bal., ,ur. port Railroad, 76 milf's; operates at cost-Elmira & Lake Ontario Rall· 1901. •........... . .. $7,311,463 $3,144,471 $960,567 $2,183,904 road, 100 miles; Lykens Valley Railro~, 19 miles; total operated, 1900 .................. 6,828,300 2,754,632 938.025 1,816,607 381 miles. Also uses New York Lake Ene & Western tracks, 7 miles, .ANNUAL REPO.RT.-Fiscal year ends June 30. Annual meeting is and Phila. & Erie tracks between Sunbury and Willlamsport, 40 miles. beld at Roanoke, va., on second Thursday in October. Average rate OBGANIZA.TION.-A consolidation ot several roads 1n 1854 Con• per ton mile 0·46 cent in 1900-1901, against 0·43 in 1899·00; average trolled by the Pennsylvania RR., which owns a majority ot the stook. load of revenue freight, 461 tons, against 435. Report for 1900·1901, SECURITIES OWNED-On Jan. 1, 1901, among the assets held were V. 73, p. 492, 502 (see editorial p. 473) showed: Balt. & Potomac stock (par) of $704,450; Elmira & Lake Ontario stock 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. (all), $1,500,000; Shamokin Valley & Pottsville stock, $619,650; 'Union Years end. June 30$ $ $ $ RR. stock, $1,225,000 (the balance of $875,000 being held by Phil a.Passenger earnings. ..... 2,046,455 1,857,305 1,608,414 1,467,532 Wilm. & Ba.Ito.), etc. Also the following acquired in 1900, ChAsapeake Freight earnings .•••••... 13,214,16411,753,062 9,749,094 9,306,899 & Ohio stock $1,500,000; Balt. & Ohio pref. stock, U,000,00o; Nort. Mail, express, &o... ••. . . 524,824 480,638 469,630 461,692 & West. pref. stock, $500,000, and common, $1,000,000; Erie & West. Totalgrossearnings .. 15,785,44214,091,005 11,827,138 11,236,123 Transportation Co. stock, $500,000. Operating exp. & taxes .. 9,445,459 8,501,096 7,939,102 7,886,099 STOCK,ETC.-Authorizedissuewas lnoreafled in Feb., 1900, from $8,· P. o. of exp. to earns.... (59·84) (60·33) (67·12) (70 18) 000,000 to :,112,000,l 00. Of the stock, the Penn. RR. on Jan. 1, lflOl, Total net earnings .. ~ 6,339,983 5,51-9,909 3,888,036 3,350,024 owned $6,267,950. The $1,126,000 our. 6s were paid at maturity Total net income....• 6,408,600 5,663,471 3,911,400 3,382,987 Apr. 1, 1900, the $2,804,000 gold 6s July 1, 1900, and the $600,000 Interest on funded debt. 2,238,480 2,257,239 2,219,477 2,211,075 Union RR. of Haltimore 6s Ma} 1, 1900.-V. 72, v. 443. Interest on oar trusts.... 11,238 16,400 22,137 28,358 LIABILITIEs.-Mort. and ground rents on Jan. 1, 1901, were $112,386 Dividends on pref ..•... (4%)909,924 (4)909,748 (4)909,588 (2)454,198 DIVIDENDS.- 11888. '89. '90. '91. '92. '93. '94 to 1900. '01. 1902. Dividends on com ...... (1%)644,692 ... .. ... ··1··,4··4·4· ··4··,6··0·5· Per cent ... S 7 8 7 7 8 8 7 yearly 8 Jan., 41 Miscellaneous . .. . . . .. 1,051 1,520 G $ t $Z 0 Betterment fund ......... 1,500,000 1,500,000 EARNINGS.- 1 1 ~os., ~ 1901 • •· • •· ross, 7 .624 , 108 ; ne , , 351 •"' 39 Flood fund................ 250,000 .... Jan. 1 to Nov 30. i 1900•.••. . Gross, 7,088,708; net, 2.077,53l> :!'>iscount, etc............. 31,185 470,626 ANNuAL REPOBT.-Fisoal year ends Dec. 31. .President's report for --- -- - - - - - - - 1900, given at length 1n V. 72, p. 434,442, showed the followin~: Balanoe .•••••••••••.. sr.$822,030 sr.$507,938 sr.752,654 sr.684,751 Year end. Dec. 311900. 1899. 1898. 1897. OFFICERS.-President, Henry Fink; Chairman ot the Board ot Di· Gross earnings ........ $7,845,412 $7,233,417 $6,664,028 $6,732,703 rectors, F. J. Kimball, 27 William ~t., N. Y.; Seo., A. J. Hemphill, 40 Net earnings .......... 2,347,874 1,950,523 1,852,786 1,934,336 Exchange Place, New York Citv. Otherreoeipts........ . 632,194 533,109 504,154 366,788 Dlrector@.-Frederlck J. Kimball, Henry Fink and Victor Morawetz, New Totalnetlncome .... f2,\180,fl69 $2,483,631 $2,356,940 $2,:iOl,124 ~lJ~;~si>'. Pa.:i!~rJ:!~str~~~~!,· fi't~sir:r~· Rentals, &o.. .. . .... ••. 535,61g 480,14t 4i0,078 4,304 H. 'l'a.ylor, Norrolk, Va. Interest on debt....... 651,11 775, ~ 7 6,574 34,153 -(V. 73, p. 495, 502, 843, 957, 1208; v. 74, p. 41, 151.) Dividends ..•....•...•. (7) 684,033 (7)526,267 (7)526,267 (7) 526,267 9 69 796 North Carolina KK.-Owns from Gold•boro to Charlotte, No• Misoell:us ......... • 1 ' Caro Una, 223 miles. Leased from Jan.1, 1896, to the Southern Ry. Co, Extrao ary ........ ' • tor 99 years at $266,000 (612 p. o. on stook) per year till Dec. 31, 1901. Balance, surplus.... $247,810 $203,:H 7 $396,604 and $286,000 (equal to 7 p. o. on stock) balance of lease; also taxes, ~ludes $397,926 "extraordinary expenditures not properly V. 63, p. 361. Of the stock the State of North Carolina holds $3,000 000. chargeable to capital account." Dividends, Feb., 319 p. o. and Aug., 3 p. o.- (V. 65, p. 27; V. 66, p. 665). (V. 72, p. 434, 438, 442, 533,723, 1188.) North Pacific Coast KR. (Narrow Gauge)-Owns Han Fran• Northern KR. of New .Yer8ey.--Owns from Bergen, N. J., to oisoo to Cazadero, 87 miles; branches to Sa11 Rafael and Mill Valley, 4 Bparkill, N. Y. 21 miles; leases Bparkill to Nyack, 5 miles. Leased miles; leases to San Quentin, 3 miles; total operated, 94 miles, lnolud• to the Erie RR. from June 1, 1899, for the term of its corporate exi11ttng terry to San Francisco, 6 miles. Stock authorized, $3,000,000: is• ence, for interest on bonds, 4 per cent on $1,000,000 stock, p,1,yable sued, $1,500,000; par, $100. In Jan., 1902, a syndicate composed of quarterly, taxes, and all corporate expenses. Of the $1,000{000 new R.R. Colgate, R. M. Hotaling, William M. Pierson. C. A. Grow, E. J. 412 per oent general mortgage bonds, guaranteed by the Ere, ~654,· De Sabla. Jr. and John Martin purchased the entire stock. Parts of the 000 are reserved to retire the tis due July 1, 1917, and the remainder road will be converted to electric lines. - V. 7 4, p. 94, 152. for improvements and betterments or equipment for operation by eleoFor year ending June 30, 1901, gross,$457,720; net, $123,237; inter- trioity of the leased properties. See V. 69, p 8l.-(V. 71, p. 30.) est, $80,356; balance, sill'. for year, $42,881. In 1899-0. gross, $423,· North. Ky. Costa Klca.-See v. 71, p 1067, and United Fruit c~ 124; net, $135,195.-(V. 63, p. 400; V. 69,p. 906; V. 74. p. 94., 151,) Northern Ohio Kallwa!l.-(See Map Lake Erie tE Western.J:North Pennsylvania KK.-Owns from Philadelphia, Pa. to o oad from Akron to De phos o 165 miles branches 2 mil""a. Bethlehem, Pa., 56 miles; branches to Dela.ware River, &o., 31 miles; R:= i~ leased 1n perpetuity to L. E.' & v. 62, s26. ' "° second track, 5419 miles; total track, 220 miles. Ground rents STOCK.-Common stock (all owned by L. E. & W.) $ 3 ,l5?0,000; pr July 1, 1901, $47,854. Leased tor 990 years from May 1, 18791 to ferred non-cumulative 5 p. o. stock, $650,000·, par ot eaoh $100. Phila. & Reading RR. at 8 per cent on stock, and lease assumea in 1896 by Phila. & Reading Railway. The $4,500,000 general 7s, due BONDS.-The first mortgage is tor $4,000,000 ot which $1,500,000 Jan. 1, 1903, will be refunded at ma111rity by an equal amount or 50- only to be issued at not to exceed $15,000 per mile for completed road  l~~t!ii Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  S!':e~~ R/:u~·ef  f  W!Tfe~  *t rt1i  ~it,•~  ~&&•i~  w.  l  JANUARY,  .H.AJ.LH.OA.U STOOKS  1902.J  .a.s-D  J:S0~1Jt:s.  103  Bonds-Prmc1• RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Blze,or pal,When Due Amount of Par Por explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of When Where P~able, and by .stocks-Last Rate r.r on fl.rat page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Out.standing Cen. Payable om. Dividend.  - - ---  No.Ohio-lat M., g. ($15,000 p. m.) gu., p.& 1.Ce.o* Northe'IJfl, Pacifi,c By. -Com. stock, $155,000,000 Western RR. Minn. 1st M., gold, assumed ........  167 1895 $1,000 100 -.. 601g 1,000 1,000 St. Paul & N. P. Gen. M., I'd ~ant, ass'd.Ce.o*&r 182 1883 New mortga.11:ea of Northern acitlo Ry.Prior lien M. $130,0uO,OOO gold,',O*&r Beet 1896 500 &c. Gen. lien M. $190,000,000, g., land gr. F o*&r See t 1896 500 &o. 1,000 St. P.•Dul. Div pur. money M., $20,000,000 G.c* ~26 1900 O.B.&~: tr.M .. ~. (red.aft Jan.'06 at 10;\ )Gu&r .... l!:101 l,OOO&o 1st M. & Dul.,Minn.toW.B.Lake,g-.aas'd FP· 15 1877 1,000 BONDS UNDERLYING 8T. PAUL &DULUTH DIV. MORT GAGE. St. Paul & Duluth lat mortgage, assumed . ... o* 167 1881 1,000 :&d mortgage, assumed . c., ..................... o* 167 1887 1,000 Taylor's F. & L. Sup., 1st M., a. f. not dr'n.Ce.o* 21 1884 1,000 Duluth B. L. latM, p. & i., a. f. not dr'n.Ce •.. <'~ 25 1886 1,000 Consolidated mort., ass'd, $5,000,000, g.Mp.c* 238 1898 1,000 Car trusts, including interest, Jnoe, 1901... . . .. .... '98·'99 lllorth'n Pac. Ter.Oo.-latM., gold, red., atllO.F.o• 1883 Northern Railway ( Oal.)-SEE SOUTHERN p ACIFIC IiiC Northwestern Ooal Ry.-lat M., guar. enrt., g F .c* 1893 1,000 Northweste,·n RR. of So. Oar.-lst M., $375,000 . .. ·1i 1900 1,000 t11orwich ti Worcester-Pref. stock, 8 p. c. rental. ... 72 100 Bonds (not M.),int. gu. under lease, ourr'cy... o&r ·-·· 1,000 ~  is17  i:ooo  i897  i·  $2,500,000 A. & 0. N. Y., Chase Nat. Bank. 5 1 Q.-F. New York and Berlin. 155,000,000 4in 19 M.3%&N4 352,000 7 New York. ,i 8,021,000 6 g. do 96,844,500 56,000,000 8,439,000 215,153,0oO 280,000  4 3 4 4 7  g. Q.-J. N.Y.,J.P.Morgan&Bert Jan. 1, 1997 g. Q.--F. do do t Jan. 1, 2047 g. J. & D. New York. Deo. 1, 1996 § g. do July 1, 1921 g. M.&N. do Jan. 1, 1907  1,000,000 5 5 2,000,000 210,000 6 500,000 5 1,000,000 4 g. 287,789 41g & 5 3,741,000 6 g. 794,000 285,000 3,000000 1,200,000  i g. 8 4  Oct. 1, 1945 Feb. 1, '02i ~ May 1, 9 7 Feb. 1, 1923  F. & A. & J. & M.& J. &  A. N.Y.,J. P.Morgan&Co. O. do do J. do do B. do do D. do do do do ..&..J . N. Y. Winal'w,Lan'r&Co. J.  Aug, Oct. Jan. Sept. June To July  1, 1931 1, 1917 1, 19U 1, 1916 1, 1968 1909  1. 1933  M.&N. N.Y., Farm's L. & T. Co. May 1, 1928 A. & 0. Balt , S. Dep. & Tr. <Jo 1949 Q.-J. Mech. Nat. Bk., Wore. Jan. 1, '02, 2% M.& 8. Boston, Co.'s office. Moh. 1, 1927  ,r Coupon bonds F. & A.; registered bonds Q.-F. § Coupon bonds J. & J.; regil'ltered bonds Q.·J. t Berlin at 4·20 marks per dollar. t 5,L:SO miles, including 40 miles not operatied.; spurs, 261 miles. hereafter constructed or purchased. For year ending Dec. 31, 1900, gross i,arnin~s were $196,765; net, $_4 4,746;. taxes, $10,266; int. on -'bonds, $125,000.-(V. 66, p. 337).  LAND GRANT.-The land grant was 12,800 acres to the mile in the States of Minnesota and Oregon and 25,600 acres per mile in the (then) intermediate territories. The a.ores on June 30, 1901, not yet sold were: Minnesota.............. 236,7791 Washington ..........•• 5,077,341 1.,orth Dakota.......... 4-.,012 Oregon.................. 208,209 Montana ..••••.••.....•. 13,041/ 46 .. Idaho . . ......•......••.. 1,646,461 Total west of Mo. Riv.20,255,568 Land sales in year 1900·01 a~gregated 2,757,443 acres; net amount received from sales and lanrl contracts, $1,620,582 . GENERAL FINANCES.-The fixed annual charges of the property as thfn constituted were reduced $4,770.206 by reorganization of 189tJ. ln 1901 ~he Northern Pacitto and Great Northern aoq u1red $107,5 77 ,· 200 of the ;t;lll;W0,000 11tock of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy RR. in exchange for their joint 20.year 4 pt'lr ceut golo. honds seonred by the Jtipo11it of the stock in trust, on the basis of $20( in bonds for each $100 ~took. See circular, V. 72. p. 871, 1034, 113r>; application to list, V. 73, p. 294; V. 73, p. 610. A fond of $3,000,000 to assure dividends on preferred stock till 1902 was set aside in 1898. See V . 67, p. 579, 588. On Jan. 1, 1901, the voting trust was dissolved. See report of vot• ing trustees, V. 71, p. 1013, 1016. Capital expenditure, see V. 73, p. 610. EARNNGS.-5 mos., ~ 1901. •. Grosa, $19,10'>,905; net, $10,147,507 July 1 to Nov. l10. 51900, .. Gross, 14,772,810; net, 7.695,885 Total nt>t income for the 5 months, after deducting operatmg charg-ea. taxeR, rentals and improvements, and adding other income (exclusive of land sales), $8,653,182, against $6,954,110 in 1900. ANNUAL li.EPORT.-Report for 1900 01 in V 73, p. 610. See also editorial. p. 586. First report of reorganized company, for ten months ending June 30, 1897,infullin V. 65, p. 680. See also p. 650. Yrs.endingJ,me30. 1900·1. 1899-0. 1898·9. 1897·8. Aver. miles operat. 5,100 4,714 4,579 4,362 Passenger earnings. $7,247,000 $6,219,996 $5,050,356 $4,~53,799 Freight earnings .... 23,481,713 22,140,180 19,485,960 17,432,755 Mail, express, &o.. •• 1,832,270 1,661,142 1,512,358 1,393,164 Groaaearnings .. $32,560,984 $30,021.318 !lh 6,048,674 $23,t>79,718 Net earnings......••• $15,920,840 $15,626,690 $13,699,222 $12,584,347 Taxes................ $920,352 $850,590 $750,133 $682,800 Rentals, eto... ... . 134,690 112,852 61,520 Add'ns and imp'ts.. 2,011,285 3,000,000 2,176,619 811,709 ~!~ifJ!::!~,~~oc~~:12,854,513 $11,663,247 $10,710,950 $11,089,838  Nortltern Pacific Rallway.-(See Maps.J-Operates one of the leading lines to the Pacific, having its eastern termini at St. Paul, Minn., and Duluth, Wis. (the head of Lake navigation), and run• ning thence we~terly, traversing the great wheat belt of Minnesota and North Dakota, the mining district of Montana and the farming -country of Washington to Tacoma and Seattle, and to Portland, Ore• .gon, with branches to Winnipeg, etc. The system comprises: Main line. Miles. Lea.sea to others. Mites. Ashland, Wis., to Portland, To other companies.......... 13 Ore. (incl. 5 m. terminals) 2,171 To .Province of Manitoba.... 354 Brainerd and Staples to St. Not operated................. 39 Paul. ........••........••. 181 -Other lines.................... 595 Total owned ...•....•••••. 5,395 o,.ntr(JI led properties. Total main line ......••..••. 2,947 Beat. & Intern.(V 72,p. 675). 176 Various branches•.••••.•••... 2,042 Wash. & Col. River, ...• :..... 163 Mmn & Internation&l . ...... 91 Total owned (operated directly) .... . ........... .4,989 Total system July 1, 1901 ..•. 5,649 Second track...... .. . . • . • . . . . 61 The Marutoba. nranches, a11:tll'egattng 354 miles, were leased for 999 yPars from May 31, 1:901 to the Prov ncialGovernmentandsub-let hy the ,atter to the Canadian Northern Ry. at a rental of $ >10,000 annually for thfl first 10 years, then $225,100 ior 10 years, then :t-275,000 for 10 yf'ars and thnear , er $300,000, with the option of pur• cha.Re at any time for lfl7.000,000 -V. 73 . p. 610. In Jan., 1902, pur• -0haaPd branuh fr .. m Minne::i,oolis to White Bear Lake, Minn, 15 miles, tormnly lPa~ed. asi>uming $2-10,000 hond:-1 -V. 7-1., ,. 94. Durinl( 1900·01 brtmQheR a.nd exten,ions a.ggr .. gating161lmilea were put into operation. and l2719 miles had been auth rized but not com· pJetedJune 30, Hl<H.-V. 7::J, p. 610. Minnesota & International Ky.- See V. 73, . 610. 'l"'he ortgi.!1al Northern Pat1it1c Company was chartered by Congress July 6, 1864; 450 mil... a to Bismarck were foreclosed in 1875. On Feb. 1, 1898, til•ok over Seattle & International, and in July, 1898, the Washington Central under lease (V. 66, p. 856), and in February, 1898, purchased the entire capital stock and all of the income bonds of the Waahin~on & Columbia River Ry. See separate atatewenta for these Waal.iington companies. S attlP & International Ry. was on Apr. 1, 1901, merg-ed in system. On July 1, 1900, the tit. ~•auI & Duluth RR., not sales. 74::1,787 685,521 1,001,607 887,190 St. Paul to Duluth, etc.• 238 miles, was merged, its bonded debt being Bal. for interest ..•.. $1:-i,598,300 $1~,348, 768 $11, 71 ~,557 $11,977,034 aaaumed.-V. 70, p. 1250; V. 71, p. t48. Interest.... . . . . . . .. $6,395.6Fll $n,Hti4,l-150 $6,079,2-3 $6,079,160 HISTORY.-Thia Wisconsin company on Sept. 1, 1896, succeeded to the Div. on pref stock .. (4)3,000,000 (4)3,000,000 (4)3,000,000 3,000,000 grant and other property of the Northern Pacitlc RR., Div. on com. stock .. (4):i,200,000 (312,400,000 (2)1,600.000 _ _ _ __ foreclosed in July, 1896, and reor~ani-ied per plan in V. 62, p. 550. Bal.,aur.foryear $1,0 2,619 $1,083,819 $1,033,284 $2,897,874 In the reorganization the $49,000,000 ol<l common stock paying as· OFFICERS ( uly 1, 1901).-President, Charles S. Mellen, St. Paul, seaament of 15 per cent received 100 per cent of nllw common. '.rhe $35,000,000 old preferred oaying assessment of 10 per cent received Minn.; Vice·Preaident,Dan. S. Lamont,NewYork; Seo., GeorgP H. Earl, 50 per cent in new common and the same of new preferred. New York; Treas, C. A. Clark, St. Paul. New York offloe, 49 Wall St. Dirertors.-Hl. E. Harriman, William Rockefeller. C'harles Steele, Daniel S. 8TOCK.-The preferred stock wa,,<1 call, d ann paid off at par on Ja.n, 1 1902, by th1> issue of $75,0 0.(J00 corumon stock at p;,r, the anthorized I am nt, James Stil,man, Eben S. Thomas, II. McK. Twombly, Ueo. F. Baker D. Willis JaruP.s, J. S. Kennedy, Samuel ~penc.. r and Brayton Ives, New York: .amount of the latter be ,ni,£ inc, eased from $1'.l0,000,000 to $155 ,000,· and t ·barle~ 8. Mel1en, :,t. Paul; Samu.-1 Rea. Philaael1Jbia. 000 -V. 73, p. 1062, 160; V. 74. p. 41 In Januar.h 1902, nearly Hll oft ,e capital stock had been Required -(V. 73, p. 287 294, 445, 61 O, 1264, 1313, lii57; V. 74, p 41, 94.) by tht-1 North,rn Securit ei- Co. (which ... ee b11low) through exchauge of Northern Paclttc Terminal Company, oC oregon.-owns $115 in Se.-iuritH'S Co. srock f,ir eauh $100 Northern Pacific ahare.-V. terminals on the Willamette River, Ore., at Portland, East Portland and 72, p. 1081; v. 73, p. 138, 185, 10 11, 1062, 1161, 1357. Albina, comprising lands 270 acres, trackage 32 miles, dock frontage 7,904 feet. Station at Portland, Ore., opened 1896.-V. 69, p. 230,441. DIVIDENDS (p. 0,)} 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 On common ...........•... o 2 4 4 Feb., 1 LEA.SE.-Leaaed for tl.fty years from Jan. 1, 1883.., jointly and severally On preferred ..... . ........ 5 4 4 (Q.•M.) 4 to Northern Paoiflo, Oregon Ry. & Navigation ana Oregon & California, BONDS.-A.bstracts of the new Prior Lien and General Lien mort- with guaranteed rental to pay interest, sinking fund and taxes; leases gages of 1896 were in V.G3, p. 1012·1019, and the statement to New assumed in 1899 by new Nor. Pao. and Or. RR. & Nav.-V. 69, p. 230. York Stock Exchange, was in V 63, p. 1072, showing: 8TocK.-Stock <$3,000,000) owned by said three companies (40 p.o.) •iv Oregon Ry. & Nav. Co., 40 per cent by No. Paoitlo and 20 per cent by Prior lien 4%s purchasable with land sales at not ex• Oregon & Cal. RR.), and hel<l by Central Trust· Co. of New York to be ceeding 110, but are not subject to call, not over $500,000 cash yearly to be so applied. Total issue ..... $130,000,000 delivered after payments to the sink. fund, which is to cancel the bonds, Issued . ............................. . . .... . ... ... . .. . .•.. 94,007,~oo BONDS.-The :first mort~age is for $5,000,000; in 1902 $4,097,· Reserved to retire St. Paul & N. P. and West. RR. bonds.. 8,373,000 ~00 had been issued, of which :f:356,000 rfltired by ainkin~ fund, draw• For new construction, etc., onaer mga at t 10 and mterest.-(V. 73, p. 139, 237; V. 74, p. 152.) carefully guarded provision~, but not exceeding $1,500,· N.,rtlaern Sf'c•urlllt>s Co -Incorporated on Nov. 1 , 1901, as a 000 per annum. urigina,lly $25,000,000-atill held..... 2r,500,ooo part of the plan for harmonizinl( the Northwestern railroad interests General tien M. (Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., truatee) .••• $190,000,000 to acquir,· and ho ,d a majorit.v of the Northt>1n Pacific and Great Of which reserved for prior lien bonds...... . .•. ...•••. •••. r30,ooo,ooo Nort11rrn stooka 'l'he Morxan Hill inter, sts, controlling those roads Issued to carry out reorganization. . ............ . . . . . . •• • •• 56,000,000 and the Chicago Burl ngtou & Quincy, anrt the Harriman-Kuhn Loeb For new <1onatruction, betterments, equipment, etc....... 4,000,000 ( Unio,, Pacitl•· ) inttreRts, are reprnentect in the di1 ectory See 'v. ' 3 The Rt. Pa·ut & Duluth Division mortgage secures $20,000,000 our• p. 1011, 10ti2, and Presiden1 H1ll'R ata,temeut. V.73 13 ' 7. Oppoai: chase money bonds on the former St. Paul & Duluth, of which $9,'215,- tloo to Ian t,y Wf'atnn States. V 73, p ll12, 12 ,· 4; V. 7-1, p. 94, 152. Stock authorized, $400,oc,o,OOO; par of aha.res. $100. In Jan. 1902, -000 were issued to acquire the ro,i,d, $ ,2133,000 are resArved to retire exiatlnll St. P . & D. bonds and the balance for improvemeuta to the substantially all 1 tie North.-rn stock and over $90,000,000 property.-V. 70, p. 1250; V. 71, p 1167. The lan'1<1 inclurted in the GrPat Northern stook had been acquired b .v exchange at th1-1 rate of grant of the former St. Paul & Duluth are estimated to be worth $ll5 $ll-·O, respectively, in Northern Securities Co. fltook: to re. about $4,000,000, and were not covered by the ol,t mortgages. They tire the ~nti re 11tocka of 1,oth companies would require $403,250,000 are to be sold an11 proceeds applied to purchase of the bonrts at not of Securities Co stock. over 105 and interest, or it not purohasft.ble at that price, then to bet• t FFICERS.-Preaident, James J. Bill; Vloe•President, John s. Ken• termenta, iml)rovemeuts or ad itions to the mortgag .. d premi11es or necty; ~eoond Vire-Presidtnt, Geor~e F. Raker; Third Vice President, equtpment therefor. To July, 1901, $776,000 had been thus purchased D. Wuliti James; Fourth Vtce•President, W. P. Clough; Secretary and and oanceled.-V. 71, p. 1167; V. 72, p. 339, Treasurer, E. T.Nichola; General Counsel, W. P. Clough. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  -- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAP OF THIil  NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY (EASTERN SECTION)  ENTIRE SYSTEM 5,371  MILES  ...0 = Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  C-j  B  ~II>-  R  ~  v~  .....  ~  0  0  w ..:...,  ~  ec-· ~  0  b>  C, 00 ~  0  0  ~  )>  00  ~I:, td  0  ~ C,  ?J  w  I  v\/  \ • •• Undel' Construction  c)},v,\\O  McCam:mo  O  Ii NORTHERN  PACIFIC RAILWAY  (WESTERN S E CTION)  Soda Sprs.  !  ENTIRE SYSTE M 5 , 371  MILES  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  108 RAILROADS,  ror explanation of oolumn headings, &o., see notes on first page of tables.  Bonas-Pr1nolINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date 81ze,or pal, When Due. Amount of of Par Outstanding Rate rer When Where Payable, and by Stocks-Last Road. Bonds Value. Cen Payable Whom. Dividend.  0 {den Mine RR.- Stook (5 of N. J.) ... 10 26 0 io <t KV,,-lst M ., g., s. f., call at 110.Ce.•...... c· 0 hio <t L1,ttle Kanawha Ry.-lst M., $250,000, g. K 80 0 h,io <t Mississippi-See BALT. & OHIO SOUTHWEST. 1/ Ri1'er-lst mortgage ($2,000,000), gold.FP.c* 169 Gen. M.($3,000,000), gold, 1st on 39 miles.FP.o* 209 Rav.Sp. & Glen.1st M.,$400,000,g.,gu.,p.&i.FPo* 33 11 Huntin~on&BigS. lstM. ($400,000),* Ripley&MillCr.lstM.g.,~. p.&i.,end.FP.o*&r 13 0 hio <t West Virginia -See OCKCNG VALLEY RY. ()ld Oolony-Stook, 7 p. o., guaranteed by rental.o* Bonds for Framingham & Lowell bonds ....•.... o Bonds not mortgage....•••.........•.•.•••........ r .... Bonds, not mortgage..........•.....•........... . . r .... Bonds,notmort. (authorized $3,000,000), g ... o*r Bonds, not mortgage .••..••. . ..•........•••.... o&r Boston Clin. F. & N. B. mortgage.NB•. .. . ..•.. o i25 21 Om aha Brulge cl! Terminal Ry.-lst M. ($5,000,000) Omaha K. O. cl! Eastern-Stock ($1,500,000 auth.). 36 Receiver's certittoates, $300,000 .••............... 1st mortgage, gold . G . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...• o* ·s·6 Second (income) mort., $15,000 per mile, g. A. .. r 36 Omaha <t St. L. h:R.-Receiver's otfs .• $130,000 .••• 1st mortgage, gold, subject to oa.ll at par.G .• . . i45 /"Jregon <t Oal.-lstM., g.,dr'natlOOgu.p.&i.Un.o* 667 Oregon BB. & Navigation-Common stock . . ... . Preferred stock, 4 per cent, non•oumula.tive ...•. Consol. M. (now 1st) $24,500,000, gold.N ...... o* 1,063 Oregon Short .Li't1e BB.Common stock, $27,460,100 ............••.........  ---- -$100  - -·  ....  1900  1,000 1,000  $450,000 250,000 228,000  5 J. & J. Phila., 608 Chestnut St. Jan., '02. 2¼% 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., 1 Broadway. July 1, 1926" 5 g. M.& 8. N. Y., Kniok. Trust Co. Moh. 1, 1960'  1886 1887 1890 1892 1888  1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000  2,000,000 2,94.1,000 376,000 303,000 50,000  5 5 6 6 6  i  isoo  i:ooo ......  i:ooo  i896  --·· ....  J. A. F. J. F.  &D. N. Y., Central Tr. Co. & O. do do & A. do c do & J. New York or Phila. &A. Phila., E. W.Clark & Co. Boston, Offloe. do do do do do Boston, N. E. Trust Clo. Prov. L. & T. Co., Phlla.  ...........  II  June Apr. Aug. July Aug.  1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1936 1937 1920 1922 1908  Jan. 1, '02, ll\J, Apr. 1, 1904 July 1, 1904 Jan. 1, 1938 Feb. 1, 1924, Dec. 1, 1925 Jan. 1, 1910 Feb. 1, 194:¾  . --- ....  ········-· Sept_- i, 1926 Interest 1n default. Int. payb. only if earn'd Oct. 1, 1926 Jan., 1900 coup. in def. N. Y ., South Pa.o1tio <10. N. Y. Office, 120 B'way. do do New York & Germany.  July i,--i901 July 1, 1927 July -.!, '98, 1% Jan. 2,'0:l, 2% June 1, 1946  ..... --·  27,460,100 mostly o wnedby Union Paciflo.  100  Dlrectors.-D. Willis James, Samuel Thorne. James J. Hill, E. T, Nichols• George II'. Baker. R ubert Bacon. George W. Perkins. Daniel f'I. Lamont, E. H· Harriman. Jacoo H. ""'cblff'. James Sttllman, W. P. Clough, George C, Clark, f2.Tirnt·1264, 1357; V, 74, p. 94, 152. Northwestern Coal K,:.-Allouez Bay, Wisconsin, to Allouez Junction Wis 2·53 miles with coal wharf covering about 80 acres ol land. v.'71, 698. owiied by the Pittsburg Coal Co., which guarantees the bonds. See official statement, V. 71, p. 69~. Capital stock, $1,000,000. For year ending Dec. 31, 1899, gross, $34,048; net, $10,· 058; misoel. receipts (rents and dock earnings), $43.982; int. and taxes, $43,357; balance, surplus for year, $10,683.-(V. 71, p. 698.) Northwest.-See Chicago & North Western. Northwestern KR. of South Carollna.-Wilson Mm. s. c., via Sumter, to Camden, 67 miles, ot' which tiumter to Camden completed in 1900; »ranch, Millard to St. Paul, 4 miles: total, 71 miles. Stock, $100,000, a.11 issued. Uividend 6 11er cent, paid Dec., 1900. Year ending June 30, 1900 (4.1 miles), gross, $ , 6.306; net, $35,685; charges, $7,011; dividends, $6,000; bal., sur., $~2,674. Norwich & Worcester KR.-Owns from Norwich, Conn., to Worcester, Mass., 59 miles; branch, Norwich to Groton, 13 miles; t,otal, 72 miles. Also owns entire capita.I stock ($500,000) of the Norwioh & New York Transp. Co., operatmg boat line to N. Y. City. Lf<a.sed t,o New England RR. for 99 years from Feb. 1, 1869, and accepted by N. Y. N H. & H. RR. since July l, 1898; rental is 8 per cent on preferred stook.-See V. 64, p. 664; V. 65, p. 726; v. 69, p. 1194; V. 70, p. 76.-(V. 69, p. 1194; v. 70. p. 76, 125.) Nypano RK.-V. 63, p. 2aQ; V . 67, p. 223. Ogden :tnlne KK.-Owns Nolan's Point (Lake Hopatcong) to Sparta (or Ogden Mine), N. J., 10 miles. Leased for 999 years from Ja.n. 1, 1882, to Central RR. of N. J. for 5 p. o. per annnm on capital stock and$500 yearly for organization expenses. Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain Ky.-See Rutland RR. Ohio & Kentucky Ky.-Owns from Lex. & East. Ry. a.t Jack· son, Ky., to cannel coal fields in Morgan Co., Ky., 26 m. Operated oy Lex. & East. Ry. since late in Oct., 1901. Com. stock, $200,000; pref. stock, $100,000; bonds as above, $250,01,0; junior securities to be taken by stockholders, $175,000. The bonds are l{Uaranteed by the Kentucky Block Cannel Coal Co., whose $400,000 l~t mortga~e bonds are deposited with the trustee as additional security. Pres., W. de L. Walbridge, 1 B'way, N. Y.; Seo. and rreas., M. Baxter Jr. Ohio & Little Kanawha Ry.-Zanesville, 0., to Marietta., 80 milef,\, including branches, 3 miles. Successor on March 1, 1900, of the Zanesville & Ohio River Ry., sold in foreclosure Jan. 20, 1900, per plan V. 69, l'· 907. A.oquJred by the Halt, & Ohio, which nas pledged under its Pittsburg Lake Erie & West Virgin.a mortgitge $57~,500 c 1lmmon and $815,000 pref. stock. V.73, p. 1264. Stock, all outstand· ing, common, $1,000,000; preferred, $1,250,000. IL year 1900-01, gross, $178,252; net, $39,691; bond interest, !f,11,410; taxes, $5,601; internal revenue, $457; bal., sur., $21,222.-(V. 73, p, lltil, Hti4.) Ollio River & Charleston Rv.-In operation from Johnson Clty, Tenn., to (Janey River, N. C., 33 'ii miles; also ~raded from Johnson City, Tenn., to Gate City, Va.., 40 miles, and from c Jlinchport, Va., to Minneapolis, Va., 40 miles. Stock, $600,000; outstanding. $551,000; par or shares, :SlOO. No bonds. Year ending May 31, 1900, gross, $19,512; def. under oper., $2,163; taxes, $1,545; total def., $3,708. Pres., Samuel Hunt; Seo. and Treas., John J. Collier.-(V. 71, p. 343,) Ohio KlverKR.-RoAD.-Owns from Benwood, West Va.., to Huntington, West Va., 209 miles; trackage into Wheeling, 4 miles; leases Huntingten & Big Sandy Ra.ilroad, ffuntington to Kenova, West Va.., 11 miles; total in earnings, 224 µtiles; operates Ravenswood Spencer & Glenville Ry., Ravenswood to Spencer, 33 m.; Ripley & Mill Creek Valley, 13 m.; total, 270 miles. In July, 1901, puroha~ed by the Bait. & Ohio RR., which has 1,lerlged $!'>,880,800 of the ~5,915,4W capital etock as part security for its own Pitts. L. E. & W. Va. 4s.-V. 73, p. e2. 8TOCK.-Authorized, $6,000,000; outstanding, $5,915,430; par, $100. FlNANCIAL.-July31, 1900, bills payable, $167,000, and in treasury were $l56,000 of bonds issued; equipment obligations, $71,4t> 9. - EARNINGS.-On 224 miles,? 1901. .. .. Gross, $761,755; net, $234.065 Jan. 1 to Julv 31 (7mos.) 51900 ..... Gross, 792,460; net, 237,962 REPORT.-Report for 1900 is in V. 72, p. 985, showing on 224 miles: Year Dec. 31: Gross. Op. ex. cl! taxes. Net. Int., etc. Balance. 1900.......... $1,453,018 $981,863 $471,155 $290,099 $181,056 1899 ........ ,.1,192,596 755,551 437,04.5 298,332 138,713 Ravenswood Spencer & Glenville gross for 1900, $59,127; deficit under oper. charges, $14,:• 31. Ripley & Mill Creek Valley ~ross, 1900, $'40,599; sur.foryear, $15,777,-(V. 72, p . 985; V. 73, p. 83,237,287.) Ohio Southern KK.-See Detroit Southern Ry. Old Oolony KR. (M.ass.)-Owns road from Boston to Provincetown, Mass., Newport, R. I., etc., 508 miles; leases, 108 miles. LEASE.-ln 1893 leased to the New York New Haven & Hartford ror 99 years. About $5,500,000 of the stock, included in table above, ls held by the lessee. The lease provides for dividends of 7 p. o. per annum on stock not "XOha.nged. v. 56. p . 247, 374. Stock 11,uthor• ized, $20,000,000. In Dec.. 1901, issued $150,000 additional ~tock for extension from North Attleboro station to a point near Adams• dal M (V 73 1208 V 70 176 V 73 957 1011 e. ass.- • , p. ; · • p. ; · • p. • • l:cOS.J Omaha Bridge & Term. Ry.-Bee April, 1899,ISUP.; V.74, p.152. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  g. g. g. g. g.  100 16,758,900 Q.-J. 7 1,000 498,000 4¼ A. & 0. 1884 1,000 750,000 4 J. & J. 1888 1,fOO 4,000,000 4 J. & J. 1894 l,OOO&o 3,000,000 g. F. & A. J. &D. 1895 l,OOOto 5,100,000 1,912,000 J. & J. 1880 1,000 5 1,000,000 1893 1,000 5 J. & J. 100 1,428,000 ..... ... 5 .. 51,000 816,000 5 g. M:·&:· s. 1896 612,000 5 Oct. l 1897 100 &o. 130,000 5 1900 2,376,000 4 g. J."·&··J. 1896 19,792,000 5 g. J. & J, 1887 100 24,000,000 100 11,000,000 4<iii1•01 J:·&··J. 4 g. J. & D. 1,000 19,968,800  --- ----  p:  - - - -·-  i896  .... .... i884  ~{}~ ~3~;~1 si~:~i  [VOL. LXXIV.  Omaha K a .n sas City & Eastern RK.-Bee the Kansas City Peoria & Chicag, Ry. For year ~nding Ju ne 30 1900 g ross $~03 863· net $132 087· total deductions, $109,361.-(V. 71, 492; 73,. 1062.) ' • ' Omaha & st ! Loo hi KR.-On Nov. l, l90l, the Wa.baFlh RR. took over the ro 4 d aft~r foreclosure. - V. 73, P• 338, 1314,-V. 70, p. 946; V. 70, p. 39 · Year l899 oo, gross, $476,640; net, $1 ,205. V. 73, P► lOl l, 1314· Onta.rlo & Rainy River KR.-V. 68, p. 1077; V. 69, p. 334. Oregon & California KR.-( See Map ;outhern Pac J Portland Ore., to California otate Lt~e, 367 _miles; Albany Juno. to· Lebanon, 12 miles; Portland to norvallis, 97miles; Woodburn to Natron, 93 miles; Portland, Ore., to Airlee, 'lre., and branch, 85 miles. Total,654 miles. In June, 1901 , t>ra.noh under oonstruetion from Sprlnglield to Wendling, of which l5 miles were oompleted.-V. 74, p. 43. LEASE, ETc.-Leased to Southern Pa.oiflo Co. for34 year~ from Au,rust 1, 189?, the lessee guaranteeing_ interest on the bonds, a.nd the lessor reoeivmg any net profit and bemg charged with any deficit after pay• ment of charges. Betterments are payable by lessor. Sout~ern Paoiflo owns the bulk of its $19,000,000 stock, $12,000,000 of wmob ,~ 7 p. o. pref. V. 72 , P• 2 B7. Due So. Pao. Co. June 30, 1901, $4,524.413. BoNDs.-Land grant was about 4,000,000 acres, part of which ie covered by the mortgage, proceeds of land sales goinl{ to redeem bond& (su ,jeot to call at par). The Southern Pacific guaranty of prinoipal and interest is pri•,ted on ea.oh of the 5 per cents. In 1900-01 net land sales sub_jeot to mort. were $222,076.-See v. 63, p. 754. EABlfiNGS.-Yea.r ending June 30, 1901, gross. $2.952,401; net, $801,· 002; interest, taxes, etc., $1,435.117.-(V. 72, p. 10 ➔ 1, 1188.) Oregon Improvement.-See PACIFIC COAST Co. (Miscell. Co's). Oregon Railroad & Navigation.-( see Map Uni•,n Pac.; Portland, Ore., to Huntington, Ore., 403 m.; Umatilla., Ore., to 8po► ka~e, Wash., 245 m.; bra~ohes ~8.7i leases 2 _m.; ootal, 1.136 m ., of which 19 aa.rrow: 11;a.ui:;ce; river diV1Bion water linas, 353 miles. Ocean line to Ban Franmsoo, 660 miles. V. 63, p. 969; V. 71, p. 391, 603._ In May, 1901 extension from Portland to St. Joh~s ttnd o1her exten~1ons were propoi1-1d. In Jan · l90l! a. new S!eamslup line was e stablished· from Portland, Ore., to the Orrnnt.-V. ,2, p. 184. 0RGANIZATION.-Organ1zed in July, 1896, per plan in V. 61 p. 325 !'Dd V. 62, p. 41, as successor of the Oregon Ry. & Na.vigation Co. sold m foreclosure. Controlle<'! by Un~on Paoifl.o Ry., direotfy and through ownership of the Or. Sh. Lme, which owns $16,281,4~0 of the cou,rrwn s~ook.- V . 69 , p. l8l. Own~ $ 7 00,000 ~rst 5s (e_ntire 1ssue, of Columbla ~ou th ern Ry., Biggs, Ore., to Shamko, 71 ruiles.-(V. 73, p . 1 63.) STOCK.-ln October, 1899, the U. P. issued its oooomon stock to retire, $ for $, the $7,718,600 _Or. RR. & Nav common stoc ~ not owned by the Short Line Co. and its preferred stock to retire the $11,· 000,000 Or RR. & Nav. pref. stock.-V. 69, p.492. 597. In July, 1901, all exct-pt_$59,0C7 common and $24,800 prefeired stock was owned by the Um,,n Pacitto system.-(V. 70, p. 177.1 _DIVIDl:')NDS.-On preferred: 1897, 2 p. o.; 1898 to 1901, both inclusive, 4.p. c. yearly; '02, Jan.,2 p. o. On common paid 1 %July 2, 1898, BoNDS.-The consolidated mortgage of 1896 (abl!ltract v 63 p 928; trustee, New York Security & Trust Co.) covers all the property: Of the $24,500,000 authorized, $575.2001n 1900 were reserved for retirement through sinking fund or otherwise of $409 ooo firsts of 1879 $1,106,000 for betterments, etc., and $2,830,000 toi the construction of additional road at the rate of not more than $20,000 per mile of consti ucted road. The last of the 1st 6s of l 879 were retired by th& sinking fund Jan. 1, 1902. REPORT.-Report for 1899-1900 in v. 71 p. 960. . ' .i:-ear end· June ao1901. 1900. 1899. Rail lin~s.... · ·· · · ·· · · ·•· ·····• $7,542,954 $6,683,115 $6,258,282. Water lines .. ·•····· · · ······ 8 49 ,346 839,277 747,697 Gross earnings.~---··...... $8.392,300 $7,522,392 -$7-,-00-fi-.9 7 9 Net earnings over taxes..... $3,688,543 $3,522,003 $3, 14~,790Other income ..•..••...•.••••• Included in 158,245 6ti,115 Union Pac. -- ----Total net income........... reeultlil.$3,680,248 $3,214.905 Fixed charges .......... . .... See V. 73, p. $1,069,308 $1,094,997 Dividends(4%)on pref. stock . 1353, 1364. 440,000 440,000  p.  v.  p.  ____  _ _ _ __  Bala.nee, surplus for year.. $2,170,940 $1,679,908 - (V.71,p.233,391,960;V.72,p.45,184.) Oregon Short Line KR.-( See Map Un. Pac.J-Granger, Wyo., to Hun111ngton, Ore., 542 m.; branch to Ketchum, Idaho, 70 m.; Ogden to McCammon, Idah(?, 111 m_lle~; Pocatello to Silver Bow, Montana, 256 miles; Lehi Junction to Tintic, Utah, 54 miles; Ogden Utah to Frisco 27 ~ miles; ~undry bra.n~s , 107 miles, including 6 'mu s 1leased 1of which 40 miles nax:row gauge); Silver Bow to Butte, Mont., trackage, 8 m.; B';ttte to Garrison, Mont., 57 m., owned, but operated by North· ern Pacific; total, l,480 mlles. In A~r., 1901 , p~chased the Utah & Pacific Ry., forming a 76 mile extension, fro~ Milford southwest to the boundary line of Utah a.t Uvada, a nd will extend the branch 4-&0 miles to a point on the South ern Pacific between Beanmont and Banning, Cal., forming a direct lin& between Salt Lake and Los Anl\eles, the Uta.Ii Nevada <JI.California RR. with $f>,OOO,OOO stock, belug moorporated to build the extension. V. 72, p. 1136; v. 73, p. 1361. In Oct►, 1901, 41 miles from Uvada. to  JANUARY, )902.]  109  .UAlLROA.l) STOCK.ts A.ND .BONDS.  iton<.ts-PJ'tnol INTERE8T OR DIVID.ENDt:1. RAILROADS. Miles Da.te Size,or pal, When Due. Amount of Pa.r Outstanding For of column headings, &o., see notes of Ra.te When Where Payable, and by Road. Bonds Va.lue. Cen. Payable Whom. on first page of tables. Dividend.  --  Oregon Short Line BB.-(0oncluded,JOr. Bh.L. 1st M., p. & i.~old-see V.63, p.602 ... o* 600 1882 $1,000 Utah&North'n lstmo ,$12,000per mile .... o* 477 1878 1,000 Con. M .• gu., $15,000 p. m., s. f. not dr'n,g. .t Bo* 477 1886 1,000 Con. lstM.,$36,500,000,g. (lstM.on400m).G.o* 1,479 1897 500 &o. Non-cumulative Income bondsSeries A, 5 per cents, $7.185,000.0B ....•••..•. .... 1897 500 &o. 1897 500 &o. Series B, $15,000,000.llio ..••. .....•............ Oncego cl Syracuse- Stock, 9 p. o. gua.r., D. L. & W. ·35 50 1,000 35 Consolidated mortgage (guar. D. L. & W.) F .... 35 1883 1,000 Construction M., ~ar. p. & 1. (for $1,000.000) .. F Owensboro cl Nashmlle--lst mortgage, gold ... Ce.c* 88 1881 1,000 20 1901 1,000 Oz.cf0.0e.-lstM ,$2,000,000,gred lOaaft '11.IC<'* 48 100 t'anama-Btook. ...........•... .................• ..••. 48 1,000 1st Md$4,000,000, s.f.,g, red. at 105(text) .. . Ce.o• 1880 1,000 Bubsi y bonds.,g., drawn at 100. BeeV.64,p. 705.o* 50 Paterson cl Hud,.Riv.-Btk., 8 p.o. rent. N.Y.L.E.&W. .i"4 ..... Paterson cl Ramapo-Stock (rental guarantee) . .... Pecos Val. d Northeast.-lstM.,$8,000,p m., g.Ce.o* 370 100 Pemigewasset Valley RR.-Stook (rental guarantee) .... .... 50 Pennsywanl.a BB.-Btock, $251.700,000.Tr..••. $ or£ General mort. bonds, $1 1000 and £200 each .. o&r 568 1,000 1875 568 f,;, reg,stered bonds ........... r 568 1875 1,000 be iii~ i,,:. Currency coupon bonds .......•.•.•.. o Sterling bonds ....•• •....•••....•••.... 0 568 1873-4 £200 t-- i Gold registered bonds .. ............... r 568 1879 1,000 .~ ~ g. Gold coupon bonds ...•••.......•...... o 568 1879 1,000 §....0 0 <D Gold sink. fund, 1 o., not drawn .. o* 568 1893 1,000 £200 r~ Bterling(s.f.in19 )notdrawn.o*&r 568 1895  is11s  i897  isos  ,~ =:;  r=•Y  ·iooo  i867  & -• $876,000 additional 4½s authorized for payme nts in  Callentes wall in operation. Branch Blackfoot, Idaho, to Maoli ay, 85 ru., opened Oct. 1, mo 1. J?ecision as to right.or way, V. 73, p. 237. In l::lept., 19011, tne 'Yyorumg & Western RH.., moorporated by officers of the Jregon Shor~ Lme, hat under construction a line ~rom Kem• merer, Wyo .• 40 nnles,. to Happy H?llow, on U. P., of which 19 com• pleted.-V. 71 • p. 864 • V. 72 ,P· 627 • V. 73 • P 1361. Hl8TORY.-8ucoessor M . arch 16, 1897, 0 ~ the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern Ry., for~olosed. per plan rn V. 62, p ..504, 5~5. Con• trolled by Union Pacific, whioll holds nearly the entll'e capital stock and the greater part of the Income A and B -bonds. CAPITAL STOCK.-A.uthorized $27,460,100, of which new Union Pacific Ry. co. has acquired •27,444,100.-V. 68, p.188, 381,474. BONDS.-Of the $36,500,000 new first co1,sots, $22,029,000 are reserved to retire at maturity the loans not disturbed, the remaining $2,143,000 being in the treasury. Series A, incomes, non cumulative 5 per cent~, have received: In Sept., 1897, 4 p. o.; Sept. yearly since, the full 5 per cent, at Guaranty Trust Co., N.Y. or Old Colony Trust, Boston.-V. 6 " , p. 492. Oregon RR. & Nav:igation stock, viz., $16,281,40~ common and $976,9~0 preferred, 1s o"'.n~d and pledged as spect').l security ~or the Series B incomes, but d1v1dends thereon are to go to the Short Lme company except as needed. to pay to Series B th(:11' f~ interest. In Oc:t., 1898, 3 ~er cent and ~11 O,·t., 1899 to 1901, rnclus1ve, 4 per cent yearly was paid on the Serie~ B inoo.mes. V. 65, p. 572; V. 66, ~· 114l. In Oct, 1899, the_ U. P. issued its preferred stock to acqull'e, dol· lar for dollar, the series "B" bonds and also its treasury 48 for the "A" bonds. In July, 1901, $6,652,000 of the $7,185,000 Tnoome "A" bonds and $14,635,000 "B'' had been aoquired-V. 70, p. 176. In 1900·1901, $11,085,000 Northern Pactilo preferred and $37.023,· 000 C'omruon sto1·k were purobaEed, the comp ny issuing $61,000,000 four per cent oertiflca.tes of inde tedness, all owned by the Union Pa· cltle.-V. 73, p. 1361. The company ali,o had outRtanding June 30, 1901,."lf>23, ·t O'l,247 balanc~ of 1nd':'bteduess incurred i~, acquisition of seour1t1es of other co~pamPS and rn new construction. Report for 1899·0U m V. 71, p. 961. Year ended, June 301901. 1900. H 99. Gross earnings. ................. $9,673, '.!79 $8,578,398 $7 ,577,lf 8 Net earnings over exp. and taxes o,012,274 4,473,464 3,778,280 Other income..................... Included 282,148 437,649 Total net in U. P. re- $4 755 611 $4,215,9~8 Interest and s·inklng.funii.:····::sults. See an:963:883 $1,963,883 Paid Sept. 1 on "A" incomes ..•. V. 73, p. (5) 359,250 (5) 359,250 Paid Oct. on" B" inoomes.. ...•. 1353,1364. (4) 593,640 (4) 5!-J3,640 $1 ,838 , 838 --Balance, surpl us.............. $1,299,155 Financial Office, 120 Broadway, N. Y. City.-(V. 73, p. 237.) Oswego & Syracuse KK.-Ownsfrom Oswe~o N. Y. to Syracuse 'hn-+n' d f N . Y ., 3 mil es. L eased in 1869 d lll'ing lJen gth o o ""-""r a.n renewa thereof to the Delaware Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company tor 9 per cent per year on $1,320.400 stock and interest on bonds. Utls Py. -Otis Otis Summit, N. Y.,1·35mtles. Successor June 23 1899 to Otis Elevating Ry. foreclosed. V. 69 p. 81 Bonds $71,ooo' first 'mort. 40•yr. ~s, dated July 15, 1899, outstanding: Year ending June 30. 1900, gross, i-7,948; net, $3,824; int. and taxes, $3,71)1; bal., sur., $73. Pres., Oha.s. L. Rickerson. N. Y; Bee. and Treas., Chas. A. Beach, Catskill. N. Y.-(V. 69, p. 81.) Ottawa Northern & \I estern Ky.-V. 73, p. 1161. Owensboro & Nashville Ry .-Owns from Owensboro, Ky., to Adairville, Ky., 84 miles; Mud River Branch, 4 miles. Overated by Louisville & Nashville Railroad. which owns the $1,156,518 stock (par $100) and $1,200,0~ of the fi.rst mortgage bonds-all these bonds and most of the stock bemg pledged under its trust deeds. ozark &. Oh-,roke~ o.-ntra] Ry.-Fayetteville to Lincoln Ark., 20 miles. in operation; under oomitr.uction from Lincoln, Ark 1 to Mus· cogee, I. T, 80 .mtles. Stock authorized, $2,~.000; outstandmg Dec., 1901, $200,000, par, $100 In Dec., 1901, made a $2,000,000 mort· gape.-V. 73. p. 1264. President, H W. Seam3:n of Ulinton, Ia..; Vice· Pres. and Gen. M;gr., E. E. Hug~es of F~yetttivtlle, Ark.; Sec, & Treas., A. W Cooper, Clmton, la.-V. 7'd, p. 1264; V. 74, p. 41. Panama RK.-Colon to Panama and La Boca, 50 miles. The Panama Canal Co. owns a controlling interest in capita.I stock. In December, 1900, the agreement with Pacific Mail s. s. expired by Limitation, and the railroad company began operating steamsnips between Panama and Ban Francisco and New York, and also mad ti other arrangements for carrying passengers and t'reight between Mexico, Cent. and South Amer. ports.-V. 71, p. 1270; v. 72, p. 773. DIVLDENDS.- S '85 '86·7 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 to '00 1901 Stnc 1 '84 p ct < 10 nil 23 9 None Mar 2 5 2 2 5 c • • • ·• The Panama Coal Co. owns $6,8f0,000 of the stock. B •1NDB.-The new mortgage or 1897 ts for $4,000,000; sn1k1ng fund ls $150,000 yearly and bonds may be drawn for s. f_. at 105; the entire issue may be called for payment on and after April 1. 1903, at 105.V. 65, p. 516. In D(?O., 1901, $897,000 bonds were in the treasury. See also description m V. 66, p. 1043. The sutJsid;y bonds are secured by an assignment and pledge by the of Colombia to the trustees of $ 225 , 000 annually, of the annual subsidy or rental tothat ex tent payable to said government bythecompany,a.ndaredrawnandpaido:ffonNovemberlyearlywith any surplus or the subsidy not needed fo.r interest; $206.000 bonds now in treasury. Bee statement as to subsidy bonds in V. 64, p. 705.  u. s. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  6 g. F. & A. N Y J.l20 Bro~~way. 7 J. & J. 5 g. J. & J. do do 5 g. J. & J. do do  Feb. July July July  ],, 1922 1, 1908 1, 1926 1, 1946-  7,185,000 5 p. o. in Sept.'01 N.Y & Bost.,when earn. July 1, 1946 do do July 1 1946 14,841,000 4 tn 1901 Oct. F.-A.,20 N. Y., Del. L. & W. RR, Feb. 20, 1902'. 1,320,400 9 do do Moh. 1. 1907 M. & 8. 438,000 7 M.&N. do do May_, 1923 668,000 5 2,000,000 6 g. M.& N. " Y., 120 Broadway. Nov. 1, 1931 200,000 4 g. A. & 0. Ill. Tr &S. Bk,Chic.& Ia. Oct. 1, 1941 N. Y., 24 State St. 7,000,000 ....•• Mar. 25,'0l, 2 *1,504,000 412 g. A."·&··o. do do Oct. 1, 1917 6 g. M.&N. 1,202,000 do do Nov. 1, 1910 J. & J. N. Y., 44 Exchange Pl. Jan.,1902,i 630,000 8 298,000 J. & J. N. Y., 44 Exchange Pl. Jan., 1902 4 8 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., Central Trust Co. Jan. 1, 19 8 2,916,000 F. & A. Tre's.o1f.,Concor~N.H. Feb., 1902, 3~ 541,500 6 203,611,400 6in 1901 M.&N,31 Philadelphia, 0 oe. Nov.3f01,3 1910 19,997,820 6 Bee x Phila. Office & London. July 1,961,000 Philadelphia, Office. June15,190~ 6 2,757,000 do do June 16, 1903 6 .&D.¥. 22,762,020 J. & . Phila.. office and London July 1, 190ff 6 Philadelphia, Office. 5 g. ~.-M. Sept. 1., 1919 3,498,000 do do 1,500.000 5 g. . & B. Sept. 1, 1919 4 g. M.& N. N. Y., Farm's L. & T. Co. May 1, 1943 2,882,000 4,850,000 312g. J. & J. N.Y., Far.L.& T. & Lon. Jilly 1, 190  J.-M.r5  1902, or earl1 er, on acoou nt of con struotio n of La Boca terminal.  x On coupon bonds J. & J.: on re~sMred bonds A. &O.  all  $14,931,000 4,993,000 1,802,000 12,328,000  1  II  ANNUAL REPORT.-The report for 1900 in V. 72, p. 773, showed: Year Gross RR. Net RR. ~et of SurplusJ Dec.31. Earnings. Earnings. Steamsh·i ps. 0harges. Incl. Other Ine. 1900 .••.. $1,270,996 $708,9 -14 $137,886 $802,191 $446,769 1899 ..... 1,098,966 611,225 182,639 832,239 295,234. The charges above in 1900 include: Lighterage, $144,727; subsidy payment. $25,000: intttrest on bonds, $164 846; redemption of bonds, $286 080 eto -(V 72 p . 533 1'73· v. 73 p. 495 554 616·V. 74 p 9~ ' ' · • ' ' ' ' • • • • • Parral & Durango KK.-V. 71, p. 1270. Paterson & Hudson ~lver.-Owns from Marion, Jersey City, N. J. (south of Bergen Junction), to Paterson, N. J., 14 .miles, double track. Leased ~ perpetuity, at $48,400 per year !or road, $5,000 fo:r land in Jersey City and taxes, to Erie RR., forming part of main line. .Paterson & Kama po KK.-Owns from Paterson, N. J. to New York State Line 14 miles, double track, part of main line of ~le BR.. to which lea11ed Sept., 1852, during legal existence, at $26,500. Peco 8 vaney & Northeastern Ky.-RoA.D.-Owns from Pe-cos City, Texas, to Amarillo, Texas, 370 miles. In Dec., 1900. the Atohi11011 Topeka & Santa Fe acquired over two•thirds of the $2.9t6,000 bonds and 97 per CP.nt of tbe common and 6 per cent non•oumulative prefnred sto,·ks 1$3.162,000 each), but the road will be operated independently for the present.-V. 7'1., p. 88, 137; v. 73, p. 736. Successor company to the Pecos Valley Ry. Co. sold in :foreclosure April 19 1898 and reorganized as per plan (V. 66 p. 438). ' • . ' REPORT.-Report for the year ending June 30, 1900, was in V. 71, p. 339. Year 1!'00-01: izross, $452,730; net, oyertaxes, $96,063; other rnoome, $!,047: ~ed ohar~es, $150,877; de~c1t, $52,767. See above. - V. 71, p. 33», 964, 1311, V. 72, p. 88, 137, V. 73, p. 900. Pemlgewas8et Valley KB.-Plymouth, N. H., to Lincoln, N. B . .,. 23 miles. Leased to Concord & Montrealfor 6 p. o. on stock. Pennsylvania KK.-(See MapJ.-Thesystem asshownontheadJoining map, extends from New York City, westeriy via Philadelphia. to Pittsburg, Erie, Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago and Burlington on the· north, and to Washington, Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis on the south. The total system on Jan. 1, 1901, aggregated 10,444 miles, of which 3,7.16 ~iles reprt>sen.t the mileage oper,ated d,irectty under the , caption the lines east of P1ttsblll'g and Erie and 2,964 miles the , mileage operated dirPotly under the caption "the lines west of Pittaburg and E:r;ie," the latter being more ~ y described nnder the title Pennsylvarua 0ompany and Pittsburg Cmoinnati Chicago & St. Louis... The balance of the system is operated independently. East nf Pittsbura- & Erle. Mila ... Main Line and BranchesMiles. Other lines (lncl.ud. D. &R. Canal, Philadelphia to Columbia, Pa..... 81 66 m., and ferries, 2m )........ . 703' HarrisburJ;?, Pa., to Pittsburg, Pa. 248 Total tn Penn. RR, sta.ttstics,3,71i~ Branches and spurs . . .. .. . 210 Trackage....... . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . 84 Total m tn line and brancbeB ~ REPORTED SEPARATELYLtnes op~rated by lease orco~i;act- Phil. Wilm. & BaltimoreV .... ...... 670 Bar. PortR. M.t. Joy & Lan. RR., Northern Central Ry.V ........ ... . . 89)1 DillersvtlletoHarrisb., Pa.,etc.. 63 West !er.& Seashore RR.funcl. 382 Tyrone & Clearfield !iy ............ 134 ~~~!:r~a!fiaiiey·iiii,·;,· . ...•••~ 163 ~:it1i:.:~1:i~~~aiiJR.f ...... lS!, Long Island f....... . :.:::::::::: ·39~ Trenton to Jersey City, etc ...... 146 Balt. &C Delaware Bay RR........ 46Philadelphia & Trenton RR.t..... 26 Bait. hes. & Atlantic Ry .......~ Scbuylkill & Juniata RR,f .... . .. . 289 Grand total east of P. & E ... .. .. 6,79'7 Allegheny Valley Ry.f .. · ......... 2111 West ot Pittsburir & Erle. Wes1.. New York & Pennf .......... 64A (fSee each Co) MU.U.. Connecttng Railway,..... . . . .. . 7 REPORTED Dm'ECTLYLines operated under contractPitts. Cln. Chtcago & St. Louisf ... 1,601 Bald Eagle Valley ....... . ... Pennsylvania. Oont'Pafi'II linest ..... 1,868 1 ~g~t~~: ~~~::l~a~fi!'· 1 Total reported directly ....... .fl,96-t 1:15 Pittsburg Va. & Charleston Ry.f. 82, REPORT~D SEPARATE~Y~~rrid~ Del:cre ~ Pbil!deh:-b'fa & Loi:i~. Brincb Rli: 49 Other lines (see Pa. Oo.statemiini) 60~ Delaware River R.H.. & Brtctge1.... 10 Total system Jan.1, 1001. . . .... . lO,~ Philadelphia& Erie RR.f .......... 305 ORGANIZA.l'ION, LEASES, &c.-The charter of the Pennsylvania Ran. roa.d wa~ da'ted April 13, 1846. The Pennsylvania 001npany controls all the line~ west of Pittsblll'g and Erie, the Pennsylvania RR. co, holding all its stock. In 1900·1 the Penn. RR. purchased a, large interest m the stock of Baltimore & Ohio RR., Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. and Norfolk & Wes~rn Ry. V. 70, p. 7H, 231, b87: V. 72, p. 481 .. 58t. In 19()0 acquired most of the $20,000,000 Western N. Y. & Penn. Ry. stock at $9 per $50 share and also the $10;000,000 income bonds at $300 per $1 ,000 bond.-V. 72, p. 481. The Western New York & Pennsylvama Ry. and the Allegheny Valley Ry. wer.e taken over under lease August 1, 1900, adding about 829 miles ~o ~he system proper. (V. 72, u. 491•.) In May, 1900,. purchased a maJor1ty of the Long Island RR. stock. V. 72 ,p. 481. See GENERAL FINANCES below.-V. 70, p. 1248; V. 70, p. 842, 1095. SECURITIES OwNED.-The total cost of these to January 1 1901 waa $164,965,438,manyof which are pledged to secure Pennsylvania 1SSUOP. Revenue derived from these securities in 1900 $5 781 297 CAPITAL STOCK -Stock authorized $251700 000· the ~mo t o t . · , . • , , un · n standinfc has been lnore!lsed from time to time, chiefly by sale 1<> stookho ders for new acqmsitions,eto. See Gen. Finances below. DIVS. 5'83 '84 '85 '86 '87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 to '99 1900 'OlL per cent. <8¼ 7 5 5 5¼ 5 5 512 6 6 5year]y 6 6 In 1893 paid also 2 p. o. in scrip. In Nov•• '1900 and' 1901, 2¼ p. ~ each and 1 p. c. extra was paid; in May, 1901~ 2~ :g. o.-¥. 73, p. 957.  Ito  8~ l :v:::: r~lli'ii.R ,... ~i Ii~;~i::~;~sf1~~':i~~c:t····  110  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  [VOL. LXXIV.  Bonds-PrinOl· RAILROADS. CNTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or pal,When Due. Amount Po:r explanation of column headings, &c., see notes of Par Outstanding of Rate perl When Where Pwbaole, and by on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. .Payable om. Dividend.  Pen-n. BB.-(Oon.J-donds(P.W.&B. stk. as ool.)r  Navy Yard M. 5s. (ext. 30 years in 1901).FP ... r Collateral trust lo~ gold, not drawn .......••.. o* ~nip. Trnt>ld bon s (s. f. 5 p.o.) not drawn .... o• Pe:an. Ro g Stock Trust (1·10 payable yearly). do do (1·10 yearly) .....••••. do do do .......... Penn. Car Trust .••.•••.••••......•.••••••••........ do do do •.•.••..•. Pe•n. Equipment Trust....••••..••••.•••..•.•••••. do do ......••••••.............. Del. Ave. Market 1st mortgage.........•...•...•. r Dela.ware Ave; Bloodgood property.............. r Fenn. RR. real estate puroh. money g. M.F P .o*&r  ....  ---·  ---· .... . ·-· .... .... .... .... .... ..... --·  ....  1881 $1,000 1901 5,000 1883 1,000 1889 1,000 1892 1,000 1898 1899 1899 1,000 1900 1,000 1900 1,000 1901 1,000 1889 5,000 1892 1,000 1893 1,000 50 1,000 1897 1,000 1901 1,000 1901 1,000  $7,702.000 4 J. & J. 1.000,000 31g J. & J. 9,900,000 J. & D. 2,728,000 4 g. M. & 8. 400,000 4 2,100,000 319g. .-J. 2,400,000 2,700,000 319 g. .-F. 6,300,000 31.g g. .-F. 2,000,000 319 g. Q.-M. 3,271,000 319 g. ~.-M. 300,000 4~10 M. & 8. 200,000 4410 M. & 8. 2,000,000 4 g. M. & N. 40,000.000 ...... ..... 19,467,000 419 g . .T. & J. 4,950,000 319 g. M. & 8. 10,000,000 3111 g. F. & A. 20,000,000 3111 g. M. & N. .... ···50 1,907,018 Various Various 2,250,000 4in 1901 J. & J. 1,000 81,000 6 F. & A. 145,000 1883 500 &o. 6 A. & O. 1,000,000 1886 500 &o. 6 J. & J. 1890 1,000 1,021,000 5 J. & J.  a,-J. §.-J.  i:ooo  ---· issi ---· l .... ----  Ptm~ania Oompany-Bt,ook ..••.•.•.•....•.••..•. Bon , ~d, seo. by g~e & guar. bi{ Pa. RR.o*&r Qu. tr. o .,$20,000, g. gu.Pa.R Bser.Ao*&r do do do ae-r. .GP.c*&r do 115 dr. rrly a.t par, g., gu. Pa.. RR.GP C&rirusts (June, 901) ..• . ..•.••••.....•...•.•....  Pm~k,ania ~ North Westert1-Stock, $2,500,000.  Bells Ga.yst mo~age.Qul= •.••••...•.•...... o• Consel. . (for $5 0,000) a. f. not dr'n.GuP.o* Olearfteld & J etl'erson 1st mo:1/I,age . Gu P ...... o* General mortga.~e for $2,500, 0.GuP ........ o* Pt;fl,Bacota fl Atlan ic-See Lotn8VILLE & ATLANTIC Peoria~ Bureau Vat.-Btk., 8 p. o. rent'l C. R.I.&P Jleoria, ti Eastern-Ind. Bloom. & W. 1st M. pf.Cec&r Ohio Indiana & West. 1st M., pref., g.t int. gu. Ceo* P. & E. oonsol. M., $10,000,000, in -~-Ce.o* 2d oonsol. mort., income, non-ou.mula ve .• Ce .. c Peoria~ Pekin Union-1st mortgage, gold .. -.Oe.o 2d mortgage, gold.Oe........ _.•••.........•••..•. o  ---· ·1a 30 30 46 76  47 202 342 342 342 20 20  isso  100 i879 100 &o. 1888 500 &o. 1890 1,000 1890 1,000 1881 1,000 1885 1,000  Pennsylvania KR. Co.-Concluded. BoNDs.-Oonsolidated mort. of 1873, Sf-6 supplement of October, 1901. The 4 per cent loan of 1881 is secured by Pn.ila. Whm. & Ba.It. stock. llortga.ges and ground rents payable Oct. 1, 1901, $6 ,262,696. SU~EED BoNDS.-See SUPPLEMENT of April, 1899. GENERAL FINANCES.-ln 1901 the authorized capital st-0ck was in• OI"eased by $100,000,000 to $251,700,000; $50,f-00,800 thereof beillg a11.b111oribed for by stockholders at $60 per $:SO share, raising tile amount outstanding to $202,200,800. The new stock was entitled to dividends be,zinnillg Nov. 1, 1901. The proceeds W6..-e used to pay o•the collateral investment obligations of the oompany for construe• tton and equipment expenditures on the main and leased lines and branches and tor other corporate purposes.-V. 72, p. 392,533, 627, 1238, 1280. In Nov., 190 , , $1,392,600 additional stock was being issued to acquire the minority stock of the Philadelphia Wilmington & Baltimore RR., with a view to consol1da.tion with tihe Baltimore & Potomac RR., and in Jan., 1902, $1,000,000 Pennsylvania stock was offered for the entire stock of the Pennsylvania & Northwestern RR. V. ':'4, p. 152.- (V. 73, p. 723, 900.) h June, 1901, the company for itself and controlled and affiliated Nada obtained control of the Pennsyl <ra.nia. and Cambria Steel com• panies, thus insurillg purchase of rails and other steel and iron materials at a sat1sfa.otory rate.-V. 72, p. 1280; V. 73, p. 843,957. Order for 1902, eee V. 73, p 900 ln Deo .• 1901, the company was propesing to construct an underground electric tunnel railroad from New Jersey under the North River toa central passenger station at 33d St. and 7thAvt\., "N"ewY01k City. and thence under tihe East River to a. connection with the Loni{ Island BR. in Long -Island City. Completion of the work. estimated to cost about $35,000,000, will take several years. The tunnel will not only atford entrance int,o New York City for the Pennsylvania RR. and :Long Island RR but enable the sending of throu~h trains by rail direct from the South and West to all points in New England vla the bridge from Mott Haven to Long lslani, which 1'! to be built by the Long Ialand 0onneoting RR. (see V. 71, p. 913; V. 72, p. 1280; V. 73, p. l.a64.) LATEST EABNINGS.-Jan. 1 to Nov. 3.0, (11 months) directly <Yperated: Lmes east of Pitts•i 1901. ......... Gross, $85,493,008; net, $30,744,765 lturg & Erie. 1900•.••..•••• Gross, 77,759,008; net, 26,380,965 Lbl.ea west of P. & ., im. or dec •. Gross, +5,196,100; net, +2,554,900 .AmmAL REPORT.-Fisoa.l year ends Dec. 31. Annual meeting is held at Philadelphia on second Tuesday in March. The report for 1900 was given at length in V. 72, p. 478, 489; see also editorial p. 460. REPORT OF PBNN8YLV.A.NIA RAILROAD COMPANY, l"Mr ernUng Dec. 311900. 1899. 1898. lllles operated............... 3J650 · 2,781 2,755 GNss earnings................. $88,089,828 $72,922,985 $65,603,738 Net earnings .••..•.••••.•••.•.. $30,440,622 $22,578,351 $21,098,722 Int. on Pa. RR. investments.. 5,781,297 4,739,506 4,636,057 lat. on United N. J. seou.ritiee 245,188 253,884 225,631 J:nt.1or use of equipment .•... 390,732 384,034 340,333 Interest, genera.I aooount..... 87,539 105,666 Miscellaneous.................. 73,928 64,320 158,958 B!!OCf Gross income•.••••••••••••• $36,931,766 11128, 107,635 $26,560,367 .Deduct-Rentals .•.•••...•••••• $12,224,620 $10,314,118 $9,325,433 Interest on funded debt..... 4,267,639 4.,265,505 4,263,459 l•terest on stock allotment. 172,503 lllt. on morts. & gr'drent.a... 149,367 isi:558 i33°,604 Interest on car trust.a........ 939,901 640,387 437,828 Interest, general account.... 566. 779 EcJ.uip.trustloan sink. fund.. 186,400 i36:4oo i36:400 State taxes and mtsoellan.... 1,197,227 1,125,864 1,044,575 Total. •••••.•••.•••.••••••••• $19,664,236 $16,61:i,833 $15,341,299 Balance......................... 17,277,530 $11,493,802 $11,219,068 Payments-To trust fund..... $103,341 $91,438 $92,000 Oouol. mortgage redeemed.... 402,690 354,480 354,780 Buraordina.ry expenses....... 6,540,785 1,995,559 1,664,197 $7,046,816 $2,441,477 " $2,110,977 Balance to credit of income .•. $10,23Q,714 $9,052,325 $9,108,090 DIYidends .. . .................... (6) 8,781,171 (5) 6,465,266 (5) 6,465,236 Bnra Betterment Fund....... 1,449,544 1,500,000 $1,800,000 T-e oredit of profl.t and loss..... . .•.. _.. $1,087,059 $842,854 Bal.profit and loss Deo. 31. .••• $22,485,305 $22,380,734 $22,445,998 liUINGS ON ALL LINB8 BOTH EAST AND WEST OF PITTSBURG AND ERIE. Te.rending Dec. 311900. 1899. 1898. Gftss earnings. __ .......... $172,924,739 $152,220,106 $136,130,272 Net earnings . . . . ..... •. . . . . 54,075,557 45,672,655 41,459,415 OFFICERS-President/ A. J. Cassatt; 1st v. P., John P. Green, 2d T. P., Charles E. Pugn; 3d V. P., S. M. Prevost; 4th V. P., Samuel Bea; Secretary, Lewis Neilson; Treas., Robert W. Smith. N. Y. head• «rnal'ters, 85 Cedar St.-(V. 73, p. 723, 843, 900, 957, 1112, 1208, 1264, 1357; v. 74, p. 42 ) •treotors-.Alexander M. Fox, N. Pal·ker Sbortridge, William L. Elkins, Alexan•e:F J. Cassatt, Clement A. Griscom. Amos R. Little. William H. Barnes, Geo. Weod, C. Stuart Patterson,_ Bfllngbam B. Morris, Thomas DeWitt Cuyler, Jas. llfilh'ea. Ltnool.I Q-Qdft-ey, Joa.a P. Green, Charles E. Pugh, Sutherland M. PreTffl, Samuel Ilea. Pennsylvania Company.-( See Map Pennsylvania RR.J-Own11 no road in fee but has charge of all the system of the Pennsylvania Bailread Co. west of Pittsburg, viz.: (1T See this company). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1,500,000 981,500 500,000 8,500,000 4,000,000 1,495,000 1,499,000  8 4 5 g. 4 4 6 g.  Pblla..,Pa.Co.for Ins.&o. Pblla., Co.'s office. Pblla..,Provid'tL.&T.Co. Pblla., Girard Trust Co. Pblla., Gira.rd Trust Co. do do do do do do do do Comm'l Trust Co., Phil. do do Pblladelrihia. Philade phia. N. Y., Farmers' L. & Tr. Pittsburg, Co.'s Office. N. Y., Nat'l City Bank. N.Y.,Union Tr.& Phila. N. Y., Am. Ex. Nat. Bk. N. Y. and Philadelphia. Phlla., Gu. Tr. Co., etc. Pblla., Gu.Tr.&8.D.Co. Phlla., 26 So. 15th St. PhlladGu.Tr.&8.D.Co. o do do do  July 1~ 1921 Jan. 1, 1931 June 1, 1913 Sept. 1, 191, 1902 1902 to 1908 Nov., 1902·'09 Feb., 1902·10 Feb., 1902·10  ........  Moii:1;·i909 Sept. 1, 1912 May 1, 1923 Deo.30,'01,3Jf July 1, 19 1 Se~t. 1, 1937 Fe . 1, 1941 Nov. 1, 1916 Various dates. Ja.n.10, '02, 2 Aug. 1, 1905 Apr. 1, 1913 Jan. 1, 1927 Ja.n. 1, 1930  F. & A. N.Y.,Ch.R.I.&Pao.RR. Feb.,1902, 4% A. & 0. N.Y.,J.P.Morga.n&Co. Apr. 1, 1940 Q.-J. do do Apr. 1, 1938 A. & 0. do do Apr. 1, 1940 Aprll 1 N. Y., when Apr. 1, 1990 Q.-F. N. Y.,· Central Trust Co. Feb. 1, 1921 M.. & N. do do Feb. 1, 1921  Leased by transfer from Pa. ~R.:  Mile,. Plttsb. Ft. W. & Chicago .• fi469·89 NewCastle&Bea.ver Val•. ,r14·98 Massillon & Oleveland.... 12•23 Erie & Pittsburg ..•...••.• ,rs4·47 Clevela.nd & Pittsburg ..•. f.201 ·41  Leased directly by Pa. Oo.:  Pitts. Youngs. &Ashta .... '11125·09 Toledo Wal. Val. & Ohio._. ,i 125°40 India.nap. & Vlncen. RR. •,r133•11  Oontrollw by stock or otherwise:  I  Oontrolled by ,tock, ek.: Mile, Pitts. Cin. Chio. & St. L. ,r~347·89 Cin. & Muskingtlill Val.. • 11148•45 Waynesburg & Washing. . 28·15 Cin. Leb. & Nor............ 31•76 Grand Rapids & Indiana.. 425•72 Musk , Gr. Rap. &. Ind.. 36·85 Traverse City RR....... 26·00 Cin. Rioh.& Fort Wayne ,r85·60 St. L. Vand. & Terre H .... ,r158•30 East St. L. & Carondelet.. ,r13·25 Terre Haute & Lolf&nap't. 159·38 Cleve.Akron &Columbus. 187·88 Wheeling TH1ntna.l Ry.... 9•65 Newport & Cincin. Bdge. . ·73 Louisville Bridge......... 2·46  I  Cleveland & Marietta .••.. ,rl03·13 Pitts. Ohio Val. & Cin...... 15·27 Roch. Beaver Falls & W... ·55 Marginal RR.,Bea.v.F.•Pa. 2·96 Rollfng MillRR.,Toledo,O. ·71 Oontrolled jointly: South Chio. & Southern... 22·24 Pitts. Chartiers & Yough. . ,r16•91 N.CastleBr.W.N.Y.&Pa.Ry. 37•62 Tol. Peoria & Western .... ,r230·70 Total Penn. Co. lines ... 1,349·06 Trackage...... ......•••••• 143·48 Total of all lines...•.. .4,402·19 * Operated by P. C. C. & St. L. Ry. ORGANIZATION--Chartered in Pennsylvania April 7, 1870. Its stock is owned by the Pennsylvania. Railroad. On Dec. 31, 1900, the Pennsylvania. Co. owned sundry bonds having a par value of •11,027,400 and stocks of par value of $72,677,213, valued a.t $U,419,630, and yielding from Jan. 1 to Deo. 31, 1900, an income of $2.316,008. BTOCK.-Stock, $40,000,000, being increased Dec. 5, 1901, from $21,· 000,000 in return for stocks of oontrnlled cos. Bee V. 74,p. 41, 95. DIVIDENDs.-In 1883, 4 p. o.; then none till 1892, when 4 p. o. wa.s; in 18931,. March, 4 p. o.; in 1894, June, 4 po.. ; in 1901, Dao., 3 p.c. -(V, 73, p. l.157.) BONDS.-The gold bonds of 1921 seoure<t by leases of P. Fort W, & C., the Cleve. & Pittsb. and Erie & Pittsb. railroads, and of bonds a.nd stocks having a par value in 1881 of $24,171,630, as well as real estate. The guaranteed trust certificates, "A" and "B" were issued by Girard Trust Co., Philadelphia, as trustee, under a. deed of trust made by the Pennsylvania Company and the Pennsylvania RR. Co., whereby the Pennsylvania Company has pledged $15,000,000 a.t pa.rofthe7per cent guaranteed special stock of the Pittsburg Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railway Oo. The total authorized issue of the trust certifloatt>s is $20,000,000, each series to be secured by deposit of shares of the special guaranteed stock to an a.mount equal to the par value of the series. See V. 65, p. 368,572, 1116; V. 67, p. 122; V. 72, p. 339,490. The $20,000,000 gold 3 '9 p . o. trust bonds of 1901 were issued to pay for the cost of acquisition of stock• of the Penns, lvania & Cambria Steel companies. They are also guaranteed, principal and interest, being secured by deposit of $15,000,000 Pitts. Oillcin. Chica.go & St. Louis preferred, $5,000,000 Norfolk & Western preferred and $5 000,· 000 Ba.It. & Ohio preferred stocks, and are subject to call for redemption by lot a.t par in 15 equal annual drawings.-tV. 73, p. 843, 957.) REPORT.-Report ror year 1900 was in V. 73, P. 335, showing gross on 1,~96 miles, $25,407,562; net, $7,401,599; other income, $2..t816,· 008; mterest, rentals, etc., $8.598..1004; bal., sur., $1,119,60::&. In 1899, gross, $22,986,827; net, $7,0~7,616; other income, $2..t076,452. In year 1895 profit, $947,034; ln 1896, r,roflt, $238,267; in. 18~7, profl.t, $1,009,821; in '98, profit, $658,575; in 99, 1,146,931; in 1900, $1,119,· 602.-(V. 73, p. 335,843,957, 1357; V. 74, p. 41, 95.) Pennsylvania & North Western KK.-OwnsBellwood, Pa.,to Horatio, 62 miles; total, including branches, 76 miles. A oonsolida.tion Jan. 1, 1890, of the Bells Gap a.nd Clea.rfleld & Jefferson roads. In Jan., 1902, the PennsylTania. RR. offered$1,000,000 of its stock in exchange for the $2,250,000 st.ook. V. 74, l>, 152. DIVIDENDS. i 1890 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 to '98 '99 1900 '01 '02 Per cent. 5 5 5 519 6 2 2 none. 2 4 4 Jan. 2 EARNINGS.-For year ending Deo. 31, 1900, gross, $701,577; net $277,478; other income, $5,042; int., taxes, eto., !Sl42.t236; dividends, $90,000; bal., sur.• $50,284. Year '99, gross, $670,23~; net, $260,84.1. -(V. 59, p. 1008; V. 74, p. 152.) Peoria & Bureau Valley KR.-Peoria. to Bureau Juno., m., 47 miles. Leased in 1854 to Chicago Book Island & Pacific RR. for $125,000 yearly; dividends, usually 8 po. yearly, occasionally more. Peoria Decatur & Evansville Ry.-Beeillinois Central.-(V. 71, p. 1221; v. 73, p. 957.) Peoria & Eastern Ry.-( See Map OlefJ. Oin. Ohic. ~ Ht. Louu.JOwns trom Pekin, m, to Indianap01is, Ind., 202 miles, a.nd has a lien of $5,000,000 on Sprhudleld Division, Indianapolis ro Springfl.eld, Ohio, 141 miles; traokage,Pekin to Peoria., 9; total operated. 352 miles, LEASE, ETo.-Formerly Ohio Indiana & Western, sold in foreclosure in 1890, reorganized per V. 49, p. 616. Leased till Apr. 1, 1940, to Cleveland Cincinnati Ch. & St. L., which guara.ntees interest, but not principal, of the first oonsols and the underlying bonds, and owns one-half the $10,000,000 stock, par $100. See S~PLEHENT of Jan., 1894, as to provisions respecting any surplus over charges. In Mar., 1901, the debt for advances due the Oleve. Cln. Chio. & St. L. was paid off. V. 73, p. 497; V. 72, p. 581; V. 73, p. 497. Company owna $125,000 stock of the Peoria & Pekin Union Ry., on which 6 p. o. yearly was paid 1895·1901, $125,000 additional formerly held being sold in Jan., 1902. V. 74, p. 152. BoNns.-See abstracts of mortgages of 1890 1D V. 51, p. 246 and of 0. Ind. & Western mortgagA, V. 47, p. 201 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAP OF THE  PENNSYLVANIA R. R. SYSTEM. 1901.  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  119  l.YOL. LXXIV. • RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or pal,Wben Dne. Amount Rate per When of Par Outstanding .For expla.nation of column headings, &c., see notes of Where P~ble, and by swcu-Laat Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable on first page of tables. om. Dividend.  ---  ,ere MaT3uette-Common stock, $16,000,000•... .... .... Preferre , 4 per cent, non-cum., $12,000,000 .••. Grand Rapids Newaygo & Lake Sh.1st M.2d Div. ·10 i875 Chfc.&WestMich. gen. M. ($12,000p. m.).NB.c* 480 1881 D.Gr.R. &W., 1st con,(now 1st) M.,law.m.OB.c* 380 1897 Flint& PereMarq. M. ($1,000,000are 4s) gold..o 280 1880 Consol. mortgar, ~.Ce . .. .................... o• 400 1889 pt. H. Div. 1st • ($3,500,000), g., Ce ...... . c* 235 1889 19 1897 Toledo Division, 1st mort., '{,old, IB ...... o• -ch.& N.Mi. lst M.,gn.p.&1.end y Ch. & W.M.OBc* 89 1891 Mich. EEl_uip. Co. lstM., gu.p.&i., s.f. red. at 100.r. . 1892 Western Equipment Co ...•...•.••..•.....••..•••• .... iooo 'Marquette eq uip't 1st M., guar., s. f. call at par. 1901 Pel'e Marquette consol. M., $50,000,000. . . F c&r 1897 •Pere Mar~Transportat'n Co., gold, p. & 1. guar. 66 1900 Saginaw' s. & Buron, 1st M., p. & i. ~uar.Co .. Ur. Rap. Beld. & Sag., Lst M., gold, int st rental. 28 1899 ·P er/Ciomen-lstM., ser.I (lstl'n)g., f.1;·P,&i. PeP.o.. 38·3 1888 1st M., ser. 2 (2d l'n) ~• gu. p. & . (end.) PeP.c* 38·3 1888 -Peterborough RR.-Stoc (rental 4 per cent) .....•. .... 'Petersburg RR.-See ATLANTIC COAST LINE RR. f!1'u.<fBatt.Cent.-lstM.$2,500,000,$1,200,0004¼s 73 1881 1888 t'kila. ii Ohes. V.-lstM., ,old 5s, red.'96,g. Pe Po* . 1888 1st m., old 4s, not pf., t. reduc' in '96, g.PePc* Ph.ila. ii Erie-Common stock ~$10,000,000 author.) 305 ~eclal stock, 7 per cent ........................... 305 n. M. dnow ls1&J;old, ffoar. p. & 1. by Pa. RR..o 305 is69 do o ( ,263, 00 are 5s) ...............r 305 1869 eAua. <I Frank[/rd-Ist M., $500,000, g_:-GnP .c• ·30 1892 ~ila. Germ. tf orrist'n-Btock rental., . & R. Ry. 47 i890 ila. HarriBoorJ. <I Pittsburg-1st mort., gold.c*&r Pm,l,, Newt'n<fN. .-1st M., gold (see text) ....••. c+ 22 1892 Ph,1,1,ad,elphia & Beading By,-BEE READING 0 OMPA. NY. Pldl,a. <I Trenton-Stock 10 p. o. rental, Penn RR .. 27  --· ---· ---· 0  ----  E;·  ---  ---·  $100 $14,145,500 . --·. 100 10,512,200 Bee.text. N.Y.R.Winthrop &Bos. J:·&·n. N. Y., Un. Tr.& Boston. 19,000 500 &c. 7 1,000 5,751::l,OOO 5 J. & D. do do 5,380,000 4 500 &c. A. & 0. 2d Nat. Bank, Boston. 1,000 5,000,000 4 g.&6 g. A. & 0. N. Y., R. Winthrofc & <Jo. 1,000 2,850,000 5 g. M.&N. do o 5 g. A. & 0. 1,000 3,500,000 do do 400,000 5 g. J. & J. Intern'l Tr.Co., Boston. 1,000 1,000 1,667,000 M.& N. Bos., Nat. Webst,er Bk. 5 1,000 157,000 J. & D. 6 Boston. 1,000 105,000 6 A. & 0. no 1,000,000 1,000 A. & 0. 5 do 4 g. J. & J. N. Y ., R. Winthrop&Oo. lOOO&c. 2,200,000 120,000 1,000 6 g. J. & J. do do 4 g. F. & A. N. Y., Oont'l Trmit Co. 1,000 1,000,000 1,000 260,000 5 g. M. & B. lnt'l Trust Oo., Boston. 100 &o. 799,600 5 g. Phila. Reading Ter.Bld. 1,125,000 5 g. 1,000 .-J. do do A. & 0. 100 385,000 4 Nashua, N. H.  Aug.i°5:•oi,2% June 1, 1906 Dec. 1, 1921 Apr. 1, 194.6 Oct. 1, 1920 May 1, 1939 Apr. 1, 1939 July 1, 1937 May 1, 1931 June l, 1902 Apr. 1, 1909 Oct. 1, 1!>10 Jan. 1, 1951 $20,000 y'rly Aug. 1, 1931 Moh. 1, 1924 Jan. 1, 1918 Jan. 1, 1918 Oct., 1901, 2%  2,200,000 419 &5 M.&N. Phila., Penn. RR. Co. 280,510 4 g. A. & 0. Philadelphia. 100,000 3 g. A. & 0. do do 7,985,000 Phila., Broad St. Stat'n. 2,400,000 11n·io"oo Yeariy. Phila., Broad Bt. Stat'n. 8,680,000 do and London. 6/i. J. & J. 11,143,000 4g.& g. A. & 0. Phila., Broad St. Stat'n. 500,000 4 g. F. & A. Phila., Oomp'y's office. 2,246,900 12 Q.-M. Phila., 132 So. 3d St. 2,000,000 5 g. A&015 Phila., Comp'y's office. 1,417,000 See text. A. & 0. do do  Nov. 1, 1911 Apr. 1, 1938 Apr. 1, 1938 Dec.31,'01.2~ Deo.31,'01;7 July 1, 1920 July 1, 1920 Aug. 1, 1922 Dec. 4, '01, 3% Oct. 15, 1925 Oct. 1, 1942  8.-J.  1,000 500 500 50 50 1,000 1,000 1,000 50 1,000 1,000 100  EARNINGS.-5 months, ~ 1901 ..• Gross, $1,095,169; net, $278,150 July 1 to Nov. 30. 5 1900 ....• Gross, 975,033; net, 294.788 Sur. over 5 mos. charges, $1u9,709 in 1902, a.get. $126,038 in 1901. ANNUAL REPORT.-For 1900-01 see lessee's report in V. 73, p, 500. Year end.June 30. Gross. Net. Interest, etc. Balance. 1900-1. ............. $2,488,303 $821,950 $404,075 $417,875 1899-0......... .. •• . 2,35t!z416 765,656 420,000 315,656 -(V. 72, p. 339,581; v. 7"6, p. 4<11, 554; v. 74, p. 152.) Peoria & Pekin TerJDlnal Ky.-See STREET RAILWAY SUPP'T. Operates a steam terminal road used by the various tronk lines entering Peoria and Pekin, Ill.; also an electric street railway. Owns union stations in both Peoria and Pekin. Peoria & Pekin Union Ky.-Owns Pekin to Peoria, on both sides of Illinois River, and yards at and opposite Peoria. Mileage main track, 18·14; second main track, 8·80; total main track, 26·94 miles. Mileage of side and yard tracks, 53·71. Capital stock, $1,t.00,000. Ownea by Peoria & Eastern 10levelan'1 Cin. Chlo. & St. Louts system) -Oh.lea.go & Northwestern, Chio. Peoria. & St. Louts, Illinois Central syst,em, Lake Erie & Western and Toledo Peoria & Western companies. Dividends 1895-1901, 6 p o. per annum. Earnings for year 1900-01, ~oss, $729,181; net, $284,532; char~es, $195,444; dividends, $60,-000; balance, sur., $29,088. In 1899·0~, gross, $770,369; net, $356,.362.-(V. 70,p. 584; V, 74, p.152.) Peoria & Springfield Ry.-In Jan., 1902, partially constructed trom Springfield to Peoria, Ill., a.bout 55 miles. Incorporated in May, 1901, to take over the Peoria & St. Louis Ry. ano complete the road. Stock authorized $2 000,000. There were outstanding at last accounts $50,000 Peoria & St. Louts gold 5s, due Aug. I, 1936, the Aug. 1, H.01, -ooupons being paid by Cummings & Co , 20 Broad St., N. Y. V. 72, p. 937; v. 73, p. ld57 A mortgage for $1,500,000 has been authorized bv the new company, a portion ot the 5 p. c. gold bonds due 1951, i11t, .1:&J ., being offered in Dec., 1901. An issue of collateral gold certifl.. -0ates, it is stated, will be made on completion of the road. T. 73, p. 1357. t-ere Marquette RK.-(See Map.)-A network of lines lying ohiefly in Michigal!t the eastern termini being at Tolfldo, 0., Detroit-1 .Mich. and: Port .Huron, Mich. (connecting there with the Grana Trank Ry.),and the western termini at La Orossei Ind. [through partor -ears also running to Chicago, Ill.], and a.t Grana Haven, Lullington, Muskegon, Manistee in Michigan, on Lake Michigan.  Lines owned in fee.  Miles.  I  Miles•  Alexis (near Toledo) to LudTrackage,etc.. .....•.. ......•. 7 ington on Lake Michigan.. 2681 Leased~ ,G. R. Beld.&Sag.)La Crosse, Ind. to Bay View, Freeport to Belding........ 28 Mlch. ................. . ...... 380 i 118aginaw ruscola& HuronDetreit to G'nd Rapids Mich. 152 Saginaw to Ba<i Axe . . . ,r66 Port Huron to Howard City.. 172 Other.......................... 4 pt, Hur"n to Grindstone City. 921 --Grand Rapids to Bi~ Ledge.. 94 Total (incl, 34 m. 3-ft. gauge).1,821 Allegan to Pentwater........ 1021 Bidings. _................ •. 530 •Other lines, branches, etc.... 456 ,r See this company. Also owns car ferries MilwaukPe to Muskegon, and Ludington and Manistee to Milwaukee, etc., forming part of a short line from ~t. Paul to tidewater, opened Jan., lii97, and four steamers valued at $443,564. ORGANIZATION.-lncorporated Nov. 1.t 1899, as a consolidation of ,Chicago & West Michigan Ry.. Detroit lirand Rapids & Western RR. .and Flint & Pere Marquette RR., per plan in V. 68, p. 1024, 1181. The Saginaw Tuscola & Huron RR. is leased.-V. 70, p. 895. BTOCK.-Authorized $16,000,000 common and $12,000,000 4 p. c. non-cum. pref.; consent of a majority of each is necessary to increase. DIVIDEND.-First div. on pref., 4 p. c., paid Feb. 11, 1901, out of profits of year 1900; Aug. 15, 1901, 2 p o tor 6 moo . ending June 30, 1901.- V. 73, p. 237. BONDS-The oonsol. 4s of 1901 (total issue $50,000,000) are limited to $20,0 "' per mile ot compl .. ted single track line, including underlying bonds, or $25,000 per mile douhle-track. Of the bonds, $26,656,· 000 were reserved to retire tile same amount of old bonds; a portion of the issue was sold in 1901, for ex.tensive imurovements in progress, 'the balance being held for future requirements. V. 72, p. 675. Of the Marquette Equipment bondi;i 0_1,e•~enth will be retired yearly by 1he sinking fund at par, and the entire issue may be called at that price on ,.;o days' notice.-V. 72, p. 1184. LATEST EARNINOS.-For 11 months ending Nov. 30; 11 monthsGross. Net. Oharges. Balance, 1901. ............ $8,427,059 $1,961,046 $1,352,604 $608,442 1900............. 7,55!'>,361 1,'i95,431 1,212,811 582,620 REPORT.-Report for 1900 was in V. 72, p. 1184, showing:  £ear-  Gross.  Net  Ohm ges.  Di'IJ. on  pref.  Bal., aur.  1900 .... $~,296,112 $1,965,519 $1,319,330 (4%)$480,000 $166,189 ·1 899.... 7,368,794 1,70 ,.973 1,289,420 ..•.. .•. 411,553 OFFICERS.-C'ha1rman of Board, W. W.Urapo; President, Charles M. Heald; Gen. Mgr., S. T. Crapo; Seo. and Treas., Charles Merriam; Oomptroller, H. C. Potter Jr.-(V. 72, p. 118-1; V. 73, p. 237, 445.) PerkloJDen KK.-Owns from Perkiomen Junction, Pa., to .Junotton, Pa., 38·3 miles. Stock, $1,500,000 \par value of shares, :$50); owned by the Reading Co. and mostly deposited under its Jer,aey Central collateral 4. per cent mortgage of 1901.-V, 72, p. 283. Re• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Bee text.  10  Q.-J. Phila., Company's Office Jan., '02, 219%  organized in 1887. tn year 190<'-0l, gross. $374-,734; net over taxes, $143,429; interest, $99,830.-(V, 71, p. 1013; v. 72, p 283.) Peterborough KK.-Wllton to Greentl.eld, N. H., 1012 miles, Leased April 1, 1893, to Boston & Lowell for 93 years at 4 p. o. on stock and expenses. Capital stock $385,000; par,$100; div., A.O. Peter8bnrg KK.-See Atlantic Coast Line Co. of Virginia. Philadelphia & Baltimore Central RK.-Wettt, .t'Illla.. to Ootoraro Jo., Md., 63 miles; Wawa to West Chester, Pa., 9 m. (double track, 13 m.); branch, 2 m.; leased, Oheswr Creek RR., 7 m. Phila.. Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad holds $2,497,150 of the $2,499,193 stock, and road is a part of Pennsylvania system. Fii;1cal year ends Oct. 31. For 1899-00 in-oss earnings, $885,755; net, $133,384; int. on deposits, etc., $22,742; def. undercharges, $15,193. PhiJadelphla & Cheto1ter Valley RK.-Road from Bridgeport to Downington, Pa., 22 miles. Chartered in 188i;. Capital stock (par $50) is, common, $550,000; preferred, $205,100; total, $755,100, of which Reading Company owns $454,450 common and $205,100 preferred, of which ,S4f>O,OOO common and $205, 1 oO pr.-1fflrrert are deposited under its general mortgage of 1897. The Reading "Company" guarantees the bonds, with interest reduced. See V. 6.i, p. 1064. Philadelphia & Erie KR.-( See Map Pennsytvania RR.JROAD- owns Sunbury to Erie, Pa., 288 miles; branches, 17 m.; double track. 88 miles. ORGANIZATION, LEASE, &c.-Formerly Sunbury & Erie. Leased ro Pennsylvania RR. Co. for 999 years, and actual net receipts paid ae rental. Pennsylvania RR. owned Dec. 31, 1900, $3,499,800 common and $2,400,000 special stock and $3,944,000 general mortgage bond8, and city of Philadelphia (sinking fund) $2,250,000 common stock. DIVIDENDS.-On conm.on in 1892, 2 p. o.; 1894, 2 p. o; 1901, 2 p. o. On ·•special," 18i;8-93, 7 p. o. yly.; '94 to '96, nonti; '97, 2 p. o.; '98 and '99, 4 pc .; 1900, 7 p. c.; 1901, 7 p. c • EARNINOS.-ll months, t 1901 .... Gross, $6,293 .64ij; net, $2,601,374 Jan. 1 to Nov.; 0 51900... Gross, ll,301::!,352; net, 1,943,304 ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 1900 was given in V. 72, p. 388, 671. Year end Dec. 311900. 1899 189~ 1897. Gross earnings ..••••..••. $!'i,824,626 $5,348,629 $4,574,443 $4,601,257 Total net income......... 2 086,010 1,664,235 1,317.918 1,235,187 lntereston debt ..•.....•• 1,019,150 1,orn.150 1,019,150 1,047,470 Interest on special stock. 168,000 96,000 96,000 48,000 Interest on equipm't, &o. 757,491 447,l::!64 200,454 125,564 Balance......... . ...... sr.$141,369sr.$101,221 sur. $2,314 sr.$14,153 -(V. 70,p. 42'1, 532; V. 72, p. 340,388, 671.) Philadelphia & Frankf"ord KK.-Owns from Orescentville to Frankford, Pa., 2·6 miles. The $500,000 stock is own"'n by Reading Oorupany of which $498,950 is deposited under itR mortµ-age of 1896. In 1898 inwrei,,t on bonds reduced from 5 to 4 per cent. principal and interest being guaranteed by Reading Oo.-(V. 67, p. 1358, 1357.) PbUadeJphia GerJDantow-n & Cbe8tnnt Hill KK.-See Connecting Ry. Philadelphia Germantown & Norrhltown RR.-Phlla., Pa., to Norristown and Germantown, Pa., 20·66 mileEI; second track, 20 miles; 3d track, 2·59 miles; total track, 102·4 m.; !Pases Ohet.tnut Hill RK., 4 03 m., and Plymouth RR., 9 miles. Leased November 10, 1870, to Philadelphia & Reading Railroad tor ~9\j yt•!lJ's at a rental of $269,623 and $8,000 yearly for organization expenses. Lease assumed in 1896 by Phila. & Reading Ry. PhiJadelphia Harrhbnrg & Pittsburg HH.-Harrisburg, Pa., to Shippensburg, on the Western Marylaud RR. 4-; m.; 2d track, 3·38 m.; sidings and laterals 17·47 miles. Leased Octobtir 15, 1890, for 999 · years at 5 p. o. on stock, int.. rest on bornls, taxes and expenses to the Philadelphia & Rea.ding RR., which by endorsement on each guaranteed the bonds, principal and interest. Lea~e assumed in 1896 by Philadelphia. & Reading Railway. Stock, $2,000,000 (par $50),owDAd by Reading Co., of which $1,995,000, along with $1,472,000 of the bonds also owned by the Reading Oompan} are deposited under its general of 1897. Mortgage is for $2,000,000. Philadelphia Newtown & l\ew York BB.-Pbiladelphiato Newtown, Pa., 22 miles; sidings and laterals . 3·42 miles. btockcornmon, $1,225,000; preferred, $400,000; par, $50 1Jf the bonds, $849,100 (with coupons only partly paid-see V. 64, p. 331), are owned by the Reading Co. and deposit,ed under its general mortgage of 1897. In October, lli98, interest on $507,000 bonds was reduced to 3 per cent, from April 1, 1897, and made a first charge, that on remainder of issue being left at 5 per cent subject to said a~reement.-V. 68, p. 773. Current liabilities June 30, 1900, $293,808. Philadelphia & Keadin~ KK.-See READING COMPANY. Phila. Reading & New Eng.-See Central New Enl;(land Ry. Philadelphia & Trenton KK.-Phila. (Kensington), Pa., to Morrisville, Pa., 24 miles, mostly four-tracked, and brancn. 3 miles. On Dec. l, 1871, leased, with the United Cos. of N. J., for 999 years to the Penn. RR. at 10 p. o. on $494,100 stock, the total issue being $1,259,· 100, the balance being owned by the United RR. of N. J. Philadelphia WIIJDlngton & BaltlJDore KK.-(See Kap Penn. RR.J-Operates from Philadelphia ro Washington, D. O., and from Wilmington, Del., to Delmar, Del., with branches as follows:  JANUARY,  1902,] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  113  STOCKS AND' BONIJS.  MAP OF THE  PERE MARQUETTE RAILROAD CONNECTIONS.  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  114  [VOL. LZDV.  RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. B°"'4B--Pr1llol Miles Date Size, or Amount 1 - - - - - - - - , - - - - -- - - - - ~ 1pal,When Due. For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of gf Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, and by 8tocb-La8t on fl.rat page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dhidend.  P'Ailadel'Phia Wilmington ~Baltimore-Stock.......  Plain oomts, s. tund $20,000 yearly, not drawn .. r Plain bonds ...•....••....••••..••.....•••.....•..•. r Plain bonds................•.......••..•........... r Plain bonds, gold .................................. r Plain bonds, gold .................•................ r Ba.It. & Potomac, lstM.(tun.)g.,s.f.,notdr'nx.o* 1st M., road, guar., gold, s. fd., not drawn ... xo• Consolidated mort., $10,000,000, gold.SBa.o*  .••. . . •• .••. 1 8 8 0 .••• 1887 .••• 1887 • • • . 1891 .... 1892 11st 1871 92 1871 93 1889  ~~:i:a~~:n::-J~~t!~ ~~fi~~.~~~~.~~~~~. ·29 0  Pine Oreek-lst M., ~ar. prin. and interest (end.)r Piqua~ Troy-1st M., $2!'.>0,000, g,, gu. p. & 1•.... o Pitt.burg Bessemer~ L. E.-Com., 3 p. o. rental.... Pref. stock, 6 per cent cum., guar. by rental..... Pittsb. Shen. & Lake Erie, 1st mort., gold.Ce.. o.. Consol. 1st mort., for $4,800,000, gold.Ce . .. c* Pitts. B. & L.E., oonsol. '.M., $10,000,000, g. Vs.o* Debentures, gold, $2,000,000. See text. lJPI. .. Bessemt,r eq. trust, $75,000, g., ea. July 1. UPI. Conneaut eqU;ip. trust, Part due yearly, g.FPI.. Pt,ttsburgOharturs fl Yough y-Stook, $1,000,000..  75 8 •••. • .•. 134 151 193 193 . ... ....  • •. .  $50 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000  See text. 7in 1901 J. & J. Phila., Broad St. Stat•n. Jan.1,'02.14'6 1,000,000 5 J. & D. Phil.Of.;Bost.,Kid.Peab June 1, 1.910 1,000,000 4 A. & 0. do de Apr. 1, 1917 1,000,000 4 M. & N. Phlla., Broad St. Stat'n Nov. 1, 1922 930,000 4 g. J. & J. ao do Jan. 1, 1926 1,000,000 4 g. A. & 0. do do Oct. 1, 1932 1,500,000 6 g. J. & J. Bait.Office andLondon. July 1, 1911 3,000,000 6 g. A. & 0. do do Apr. 1, 1911 3,000,000 5 g. J. & J. Ba.It. Office, Calvert St. July 1, 1929  issa 1,o&8 1,000  1885 1900 ..•• . . •. 1890 1893 1897 1899 1897 1898 .. . .  1,000 50 50 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 50 50  ~iz:gzg  A~~~11:JJtooo,tg.;gu.p.-&i:cend.)FP18.eeiexi rn rn~~ 1~ot8· Pitt6b'g Oincinnati uhu. fl St. Louis-Com. stock _ 1,095 .••• 100  g J:J. 1& tD. ~~~~:a1:m~~~:0~1'6'!; F.::/·{?2il1l N. Y. Gd. Cent. Station. Dec. 1, 1932  g. 3,500,000 6 225,000 4 g. 10,000,000 3 2,000.000 0 3,000,000 5 g. 800,000 5 g. 6,200,000 5 g. 1,500,000 5 g. 375,000 6 400,000 6 700,000 4Feb.'01  i~i:zgg  M. ct N. A. & O. J. & D. A. & O. J. & J. J. & J. J. & D. J. & J. M. & 8. . .. . .  : I-.: t:  Un. Sav. Bk. & Tr., Cin. NOT. 1. 1939 Check from Co.'s office. Oct. 1, '01, 1111 do do Dec. 1, '01, 3~ N. Y. Central Trust Co. Ojlt. 1, 19-D do do J1Uy 1, 19~ N. Y., U. B. Trust Co. ·Jan. 1, 1947 Un. Trust Co., Pittsb'g. June 1, 1919 Un. Trust c•o., Pittsb'g. J'ly 1, 1902-09 Fld. Tit. & Tr., Pittsb'g. Mch. 1, 1902·8 Pittsburg, Offioe. Feb.15,'01~'6!  ag  gg  g. 24,754,607 See text. See text N. Y., Farm. L. & T. Co. Preferred stock...... . ........................ 1,095 ...• 100 22,698,566 4in 1901 J. & J. N.Y.,Farmers' L'n&Tr. l. &Ind. Cent. lstM. (Colum. to Ind. & br.).o* 208 1864 1,000 2,446,000 7 J. & J. N. Y., Union Trust Co. ol. & Indianapolis Central 2d mortgage ..... o* 208 1864 1,000 70 ; ,000 7 M. & N. do do Union & Logansp'tlstM.(U'nCitytoLogans.)o* 93 1865 1,000 715,000 7 A. & O. do do o. St. L. & Pitts. oon.M. ($22,000,000)g. Un.o&r 580 1883 1,000 1,506,000 5 g. A. & 0. do do Jeft'nville, Mad. & In.1st M. (s. t. drawn atllO).o 222 1866 1,000 al,154,000 7 A. & 0. N.Y.,Farmers'L'n &Tr. 2d mort., JefferRonv., Kv .. to Tndianap. & br'h.o 222 1870 1,000 1,975,000 7 J. & J. do do a B'inktnll fund Nov. 30, 1901,held $1,7!;9,000 a<lli.lti onal and$225.000 drawn for redem T1tionon Oot. 2, 1901 .  i.f  .Lt.nes ownedMiles. Delaware RR. ,r .••••••.••••••••. 224 Philadelphia to Baltimore ..••. 95 Delaware Md. & Va. 'IT •••••••••• 98 (all double track.\ Baltimore & Potomac 'IT........ 93 Branches to Delaware City, etc. 22 u ther lines (5 ) ···••• ··· · • • ··• •·• 58 Lines controlled, leased, etc.Philadelphia & Ba.It. Central,r. 80 Total ('IT see this company) ... 670 ORGANIZATION.-Penn. RR. owns $10,890,950 stock (mostly purchased in 1881). and controls the operation. -V. 68, p 482. The 1tockholders voted on Jan. 13.1902, to increa~e the stock from $11,819,350 to $19,819,350 to effect consolidation with the Baltimore & Potomac RR.-V. 74, p. 152. DIVIDENDS. 5 1868·87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 to '02. Per cent. <. 8 yearly. 7 7 6 6 7 712 7 612 7 In 1901, Jan., 4 p. c.; July, 3 p. o.; in 1902, Jan., 4 p. o. BoNDs.-All to be !'lecured by any future mortgage; see page 4, SUP. of April. 1895. Mortgages and ground rents 1900, $163,765. The $800,000 six per cent bonds, due Apr. 1, 1900, were retired. from the proceeds of the sinking fund.-V. 70, p. 687. EARNINGS-12 mos., i 1900-1. .... Gross, $11,808,249; net, $3,948,721 Nov. 1 to Oct. 31. \ 1899·0 ..•. Gross, 11,324,249; net, 3,735,521 ANNUAL REPvRT.-Year ends October 31. Report for 1899·00 was in v. 72, p. 933. In 1_900·01, gross, $11,808,6(9; net, $3,748,8~7!; other income, $612,600; mterest, taxes, rentals, etc., $2,072,665; dividends, $827,354; bal., sur. for year,.$1,461,388, appropriated to extraordinary expenditure tund.-(V. 73, p. 723, 1161; V. 74, p. 152.) Plednlont & Cumberland Ry .-Road from W.V. C. Junction, W. Va., to Cumberland, Md., 29 m. Under thenewlease of '99 the W. Va.. Oo. ~ Pitts Ry. receives all revenues and pays all expenses,~ p. o. int. on bonds and 5 p. c., F.&A. on stock, of which it owns 92 per cent. V. 69, p. 590, 5l-<2; V. 73, p. 785. Pl'evious div1dends: 1894, 5p. o.; 1895, 6; 1896, 6; 1897, 5; 1898, 4; 1899,4.-(V. 69, p 492; V. 73, 785.) Pine Creek Ry.-Owns Stokesdale Junction, on the Fall Brook Road, to Newberry Junction, Pa., 75 miles. ORGANIZATION.-N. Y. Central controls the cayital stock and leases the road for 999 years, from May 1, 1899, for $35,000 yearly, payable quarterly, Q.-F., bond interest and taxes.-V. 68, p. 379,573,773, 872. The 1st mortgage is guaranteed by the Readin11: and the New York Central, jointly and severally. See form of guaranty, V. 56, p. 650. Stock, $1,000,000 (par, $50); July 1, 1901, N. Y. Central owned ;p999,000.-(V. 68, p. 573.) · Pittsburg BeHeJDer & Lake Erie RR.-( See Map.)-Owns line completed in August, 1897, from Bessemer, near J>i.ttsbur~, Pa., to Conneaut Harbor on Lake Erie, and Wallace Junction, Pa., 155 miles; terminal in Erie, etc., Pa., 2 miles; branches, 11 miles; leases Meadville Conneaut Lake & Linesville RR., Linesville to Meadville, 22 miles; trackage to Cascade, near Erie, etc., 13 miles; total, 203 miles. ORGANIZATION, ETC.-A oonsolldation Jan. 14, 1897, of the Pittsburg Shenango & Lake Erie and the Butler & Pittsburj{. Carries iron ore south and coal north. See V. 63, p. 1159; V. 60, p. 152. Controls boat lines for coal transfer to Canada. See V. 60, p. 872; V. 61..t p. 241. 795. uf the stock $5.,500,500 com. and $ 500,100 pref. are owned by the Oarnepie Co. ana del)osited under tts collateral mortgage. Leased· for 999 year11 from Apr. 1, 1901, to the new Bessemer & Lake Erie RR., a subsidiary organization of the Carnegie Co. for 6 per cent on pref. and 3 p. o. on common stock, tnterest on bonds and orp:anization expenses, etc., the lease being guaranteed by the Carnegie Co.-V. 72, p. 137. Through Carnegie Co is controlled by U. 8. Steel Corpo'n. STOCK.-Con:anonstock is $10,000,000; par$50. Astopref.,see below. DIVIDENDS.-On pref., 3 p. o. 1899. In 1900, 6 p. c.; since under lease, 6 per cent yearly on pref. and 3 p. o. on common. BoNDs.-The old first mortgage ot $3,000,000 covers the line from Butler to Wallace Junction, 106 miles, and branches 28 miles. Debentures of 1~99 may be called after June 1, 1909, upon company paying lg per cent for each year ot unexpired term. The P. B. & L. E. mortgage of 1897 is tor $10,000,000 (trustee United States Trust Co., N. Y.), covering all the railroad, property, rights and franchises of the consolidated company, including the a£Teement with the Carnegie Steel Co., Limited, and the Union "RR. Co. Of the new bonds $4,800,000 reserved to retire Pittsburg Shenango & Lake Erie bonds. Car trusts Dec. 31, 1899, $1,851,417; bills payable, $432,562. EARMNGS.-Jan. 1 to Mar. 31, 1901, gross, $376,519, against $32i • 093 in 1900. Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1900, 12 months, gross, $2,338,332. REPORT.-Report for 7ear ending Dec. 31, 1899, was in V. 71, p. 285. Of 3,492,163 tons o freight carried in 1899, through ore contrib• uted 2,426,476, against 1,605,768 in 1898; coal and coke, 601,096, ·against 418,228. Average train•load of reTenue freight in U!99, 781 ions; ton mile rate, 0 ·364 cent. Train-load tn 1900 about 950 to11s. Other Intere•t, Dii,, Balance, Year.  Gros..  Net.  income. ta:1:e1J, ete. on pref.  defl,cit.  1899 .••.. $1,854,287 $774.568 $2,106 $753,858 $48,407 $26,591 1898. •••. 1,311,531 246,645 Pres., James H. Reed, Pittsburg.-(V.71. p.1221, 1270; V. 72, p. 137,) PUt•burg Carn,.2'fe & We8tern RY,-Under construction as an extension of the Wheeling & Lake Erie RR., from Steu}Jenville, u., to Pittsburg, Pa., 60 miles, To form, in connection with the Wabash, an independent route to Pittsburg for the Misaouri Pacific and asso• ciated lines. A contract providing a large tonnage is reported to have been with the Carnegie Co. (now controlled by the U. S. Steel Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I~~: ½: ½I~  Feb.15,'02, 119 Ja.n.15,'01, 2'6 Nov., 1904. Nov., 1904. Dec., 1905 Oct. 1, 1932 Oct. 1, 1908 July 1, 1918  Corp.). Stock authorized, $2,000,000. all nf one class; all outstanding. No bonds had been issued in Ja.n., 1902. a 11yndioate supplying the funds for construction for the present. V. 73, p. 445, 616, 663. Plttsbura & Castle Shannon RB.-(V. 72, p. 43!.)  ...  Pittsburg Chartiers & Yonghlocheey Ry.-OwnsfromChartiers to Beeohmont 16 m. ; trackage (Chartiers Ry.), 1 m.; 17 miles in all. STOCK a.uthortzed, $1,000,000; par, $50; outstanding, $700,000, owned jointly oy guarantors mentioned below. DIVIDENDS-In 1896. 4 p. o.; 1896, 11 p. o.; 1897,none; 1898, 7 p. o.; 1899, 1 p. o.; 19091 4 p. o.; 1901, 4 p. o. Of the 4s issued, or to be issued, one-hau: are to be endorsed with the guaranty of the Pitts. Cin. Chicago & St. Louis, the other half with the guaranty ot the Pittsburg & Lake Erie. See guaranty, V. 56, p. 650. In year endin~ Dec. 31, 1900, gross, $193,917; net, $71,742. In 1899 gross, $187,928; ne~ $92,803. Pittsburg Olnclnnatl Chicago & St. Louis Ry.-( See Map.)Lines owned. Milu. Li1, es leased-Oon.Mile,. Pittsburg,Pa., to Chioago,Ill. 509 Ohio Connecting Ry .......... 3 Rendcomb Jo. to Anoka Jo... 166 Pitts. Wheeling & Ky........ 28 Bradford Jo. to Indianapolis. 104 Eng. Connecting Ry. in Chio. 2 Indianapolis to Jeffersonville 108 Other lines.................... 6 Branches . . . . . • . • • . . • • • • • • . . . . 208 Operated under t7t.eir oun organizationTotal owned .•...•..••....•• 1,095 Trackage-Pittsburg Chartiers & You~h· Indianapolis to Kokomo..... 55 iogheny Ry ........... . ..... . 18 Louisville Bridge, eto.. ....••. 5 Cincin. & Musk. Val. RR .... . 149 Linesleard('ITSeetheseco's.) Miles Waynesburg & Wash. RR._ .. 28 ,r Chartiers . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • . . • 23 ,TLittle Miami.... . ........... 192 Tota.I of all Dec. 1,tlBM .. . l,6el In June, 1900, extension of New Cumberland branch from Kellll• worth to Chester, W. Va., 4·72 miles, wae put in operation. ORGANIZATION, &c.-Formed in 1890 by COD.l!Olida.tion (per terms in v. 50, p. 875) ot Chicago St. Louis & Pittsbur~, Jeffersonville Madisoa & Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Richmond an.d Pittsburg Cin. & St. L. Con• trolled by Pennsylvania Company through ownership of Btoek. CAPITAL 8TOCK.-The stock authorued is: Common, $45,000,000; preferred, $30,000,000; par, $100. Outstanding "fov. 30, 1901. oommo:a, $24.754,607; preferred, $22,698.,566. Stock listed to NoT., 1901, common, $25,539,300; preferrea, $24,000.000. ! V. 68, p . 381; v. 69, p. 1248; V. 70, p, 126. Of the preferred sto, k. $1!'\,000.000 ls pledged as collateral under the Penn. Co. 3 '9 par cent trust certificates of 1901.-V. 731 p. 957. The preferrea stock is "non-oumulatiTe and entitled to a d1.viden4 of 4 per cent per annum out of the net earnings as declared by the Board, with the right after 3 per cent has been declared on the common to an a.dd.ltional 1 per cent, making 5 per cent in all.'' After 5 per cent on both common and preferred, the two share pro re.ta. DIVIDENDS.- t '91. 1892·93. '94. '95. '96. '97-'98. '99. '00. '01. 1902. On pref. p. o.- 5 3 4 yearly. 2 o 2 0 3 4 4 Jan.,2, On com., 1 p.o., Aug. 15, '01; in '02, Feb. 15, l¼a p. c. V. 73, p.1357. STOCK OF OLD COMP.UUES unexohanged Nov. 30, 1901: Pittsb. Oin. & St. L. common, $27,000, Chio. St. Louis & Pittsb., common, $448,· 467, and preferred, $6,053; Steubenville & Indiana, common, $81,072, and preferred, $750; Jeff. M. & I., $5,000. BoNDs.-The C()'MOlidated mortgage for $75,000,000 (Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. of N. Y. a.nd W. N. J aokson, trustees,) covers the eatire property. Sufficient console are reserved for the purpose of retiring all sectional bonds at maturity, at which time they must be paid e1f. The remainder are issuable for improvements, additions etc. They are guaranteed unconditionally as to principal and interest by the Penn• sylvania Company, in accordance with the vote of its Board of Directors, and so endorsed. The five series are all equally See adv. CHRONICLE May 21, 1892, and guaranty, v. 56, p. 604. LATEST EARNINGS.-For 11 months ending Nov. 30: 11 months- Groll. Net. 011,arges. JalanM. 1991 ··········$18,904,658 $5,545,700 $3,776,912 $1.768,788 1900 .......... 17,291,i36 4,573,563 3,427.964 1,145,599 ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 1900 at length in V. 72, :,. 719, 726. Ytar ending Du. 31. 1900. 1899. 1898. Miles operatedl(system proper) 1,156 1,151 1,151 Gross earnings. ................. $19,012,677 $18,104,426 $li,236,979 Netearmnge.................... 4,948,651 5,043,190 4,644,019 Miscellaneous.................. 141,351 :s:77,996 46,702 Totalnetearnlngs .•••••..•• $5,090,002 $5,121,186 '4,690,791 Interest on bonds .............. $2,260,180 $2,417,666 $2,487,620 Rentalspaid.................... 131,193 133,132 119,854. Car trusts (including interest). 205,830 88,582 3~,811 St. L. V. & T. H. 67 of loss..... .......• ... . .••. 13,4.61 Miscellaneous.................. 1,037,386 *770,725 *8J~.1!« Dividends on preferred ........ (4%)907,670 (3¼%)793998 (l¼'6)MV.143 Balance, surplus................ $547,743 $917,083 $825,763 * Inoludee expenses in elevating tracks at Chicago, eto. x Includes profit in operating Little .Miami RR. and St. L. V. & T. H. RR.-(V. 71, p. 135,698; V, 72, p. 719, 726, 1280; V. 73, .P• 663, 785, 967, 1357.) Pittsburg Oleveland & Toledo RR.-From Newoa.stle Jllllotio•, Pa., to Akron, 0., 77 miles. In Jan., 1902, the Baltimore & Ohio RR. pledged as part security for its own Pittsburg Lake Erle I.Wesi Virginia system 4s $1,505,000 of the $3,000,000 stock.  JANWA.&T ,  GR,_,.D  1902,]  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  113  TRUNK Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  PITTSBURG, BESSEMER AND  LAKE ERIE RAILROAD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  R  G  MAP OF THE  PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS RAlLWAY.  JANUARY, 1902,l  RAILROAD ·STOOKS A.ND BONDS.  117  iubscrlbers -will con.fer a great favor by giving Immediate notice of any error discovered In thes e T ables. Bonds-Prtnc,i RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or pa.I, When Dll Amount Par Outstanding Rate per When Where P~able, and by 8tockt-Last of For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable om. :Bividend.  ---  p itts. St.L.-(Oon.)-Bteub. & In., 1st M.r 116 1864 $1,000 1,000 r"A,"g.o" } 1892 1890 1,000 "go* Con. M., $75,000,000, gold, guar. p.&t. "B 1892 1,000 0 •,, g'o* 1,095 (end.) by Pennsylvania Company. F " IJ',,, g:o* 1895 1,000 "E,'' g.o• 1899 1,000 p ittsburg Olevefand" Toledo-Bee BALTIMORE & Omo RR. p,ttsb.Ft. Wayne di 0.-Gen. stk., 7 p. o. guar. Pa. RR. 470 .... 100 100 Guaranteedspeoialimp. stock, 7p. o,r,ar. by end 470 1871 lstmortgage,seriesA to F} Bink. fun , oumula,-} 468 1862 500 &o. 2d do seriesGtoM tive, notdrawn.o* 468 1862 500 &o. 468 1862 500 &o. c·rrer.iiii~.i"siM.g:,gu ·p~&i·,i 3 1901 200 &c. Pi 50 Pi·ttsburg Junction-Stock, ~ommon . . .•......... . ••. .... 50 Pref. 7 per cent. cumulative (bonds see B. & 0.). .... 50 Pi·ttslJurg ti Lake Erie-Stock, auth. $8,000,000 .••. 1st mortgage, gold .....••....••...•....••••...•.•• o ·-,;i is1s 1,000 71 1889 1,000 2d mortiage, gold, Series A. & B. N ••••.••.••.••• o p ittsburg isbon di Western-I st mortgage. . . ..•. 25 1896 ···50 1884 t'i·ttsburg McK. ti l'outh.-Btock, guar., see text . . ..• lstmortgage,guar. yP. &L.E. andL. 8. &M. 8.o ·57 1882 1,000 2dM.,gu.p.&i. (end.) byP.&L. E.andL.8.&M. 8.o 57 1884 1,000 McKeesport & Belle Vernon, 1st M., g., ass'd. F Pl 28 1888 1,000 p itts. OM,0 Val.ti Oin.-lst M. g., s.f. not drn F P.c* 15 1890 1,000 p ittsburg Painsesv. ti Fairport- See BALTIMORE & OHIO RR. Pi·ttsb. Shawmut & No.-lst M. g., $12,000,000Colc* 1899 1,000 p ittsburg Shenango & L. E.-Bee PITTSBURG BESSE MER& LAKE ERIE. p ittsbur~Virginia di Oharleston-Stook ($6,000,000) 82 50 Cons. .,nowlst, g., s. f., not dr'n, ser. A GP C" 82 is95 1,000 p ittsbu rg & Western-See BALTIMORE & OHIO RR.  $3,000,000 10,000,000 8,786,000 1,379,000 4,983,000 9,254,000  .. 1  ~1:/J.~~:i~..:·K.&B  .... ··-·  EARNINGS.-Yearl900·01, gross, $1,318,301; net, $467,151; interest and taxes, $385,532; balance, surplus, $86,619. In 190l, July 1 to Oct. 31, gross (4 mos.), $565,275; in 1900, $414,668.-(V. 70, p. ti33). Plttsburg Fort Wayne & Chica o Ky.-(See Ma Penn.RR.)RoAD.-Owns from Pittsburg, Pa., to ~oago, Ill., and 470 miles. Doubletraok, 271 miles,of which part was built in 1893. In July, 1900, 66 miles of additional second track was under oonstruotton. LEASE, &c.-Foreclosed Oot. 24, 1861, and reorganized. From July 1, 1869, leased in perpetuity to the Penn. RR.; rental pays in· terest, sinking fund of debt a1,1d 7 per cent on stock, payable Q.-J. The lessefl keeps •oa.d in repair and pays taxes and eXl)enses. In Ju1y, 1901, a.n extra. dividend of 2 per cent was declared on both stocks, but it will be paid on the gua:r:anteed special stock on1y ln case the courts hold that stock entitled to 1t.-V. 72, p. 821, 1188. CAPITAL STOCK.-The special improvement stock is issued to Penn• eylvania. RR. for improvements, &o., under article 16 of lease, which provides that the lessor may issue special bonds or stock. Bee V. 50, p. 139, and wording of endorsement in V. 56, v. 774. The special stock ls in all respects subject to the general or prior stock a.nd "to the rights oi holders of satd genera.I or prior stock to have distributed to them in quarterly instalments an annual dividend fund of $1,380,000 tree of all taxes." This special stock is issued from time to time for betterments; in 1898, $335,300; in '99, $824,907; in 1900, $1,002.700; in 1901, $1,291,200. or the $21,323,900 guaranteed speoial stock outstanding Dec. 1, 1900, the Penn. RR. and Penn. Co. owned all but $1,17<!,400. BoNos.-The first mortgage is in series of $875,000 each and second mortg;age of $860,000. Of the above 1st mortgage bonds, $3,7J0,033. and of the second mortgage $3,954,360, and $2,632,071 cash, were held tn the sinking funds Jan. 1, 1900. REP<>RT.-Report for 1898 in V. 69, p. 127. In 1900 profit to lesqee was $349,305; loss in '99, $562,804.-(V. 72, p. 1188; V. 73, p. 663.) Pltt"'bnrg Johnstown Ebensburg & Eastern KR.-Owns Frugality to Phillipsburg, l'a., 34 miles; extension Frugality to Juni• a.ta w1t.s proposed in 1901; leases for 990 years Alto na & Beech CrP-ek Terminal RR., Junta.ta. Junction to Alwona, 314 miles, guaranteeiug its $150,000 5 per cent gold bonds, prin. and 1Dt - V. 73, p. 81, 139. Stock authorized, $1,500,000; outstanding:. $1,200,300; no bonded or floating debt in July, 1901. In Aug., 1901, operat ion was temporarily suspended. Year ending Aug. :H, 1900, gross, $65,469: net, $22,396. Cbairma.n of board, John F , Finney; President, Samuel P. Langdon. Philadelphia, Pa.-(V. 73, p. 139, 445.) Pittsburg .Tunctlon KK.-See V. 67, p. 688, 788, 954, 1056. B. & O. is in control, owning all of the securities except $845,150 oom• moo stock, $909,000 ttrst 6s $270,000 second 5s and $219,000 Termi• nal Co. 5s. Bee B. & 0. and V. 69, p. 1063, 1192 and V. 70, p. 77. Plthburg & Lake Erle KK.-Owns from Pittsburg, Pa., to Youngsoown, 0., 68 miles; branch lines to Newcastle, Pa., 3 miles; total owned, 71 miles (of which 67 double track); leases Pitts. McKeesport & Yough. (which see), 103 miles; Mahoning State Line RR., 3 miles, and Beaver & Ellwood RR,, 3 miles; total ·operated, ltW miles. Extension from Fayettfl City to Brownsville, 9 miles, under construction in Oct., 1901. Owns $139,850 stock of Pitts. Chartiers & Yough. P. & L. E. is operated in Interest of L. 8. & Mloh. Bo., which owns $2,000,0!'iO of stock. The stockholders were to vote Jan. 23, 1902, on increasing the stock to $8,0U0,000, to providA for improvements, inclu i•ng the four-tracking of the line from Youngstown to McKeesport, etc., $2,00o,000 of the new stock, it said, to be issued in July, and balance as required. V. 74, p. 152. Real estate mortgage Deo. 31, 1900, $187,500. DIVIDENDS.-51884 to 1891. 1892. 1893 to Aug. 1901. Per cent. i 6 yearly. 8 10 yearly. ANNUAL REPORT.-For year ending Deo. 31, 1900, gross, $7,145,023: net, $1,699,510; taxes, $115,700; interest, $220,000; rental, $473,422; other, $9,462; dividend (10 p. o.), $400,000; bal., surplns, $480,924; In 1!:!99, gross, $5,875,271.-(V. 72, p. 1185; V. 7<1, p. 152.) Pltt8burg Lisbon & Western Ry.-New Galilee.Pa., to Lisbon. O., 25 miles; traollage, 3 m.; total, 28 miles. Stock, $200,000; out• standing, $150.000; par, $50. Year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $~6.422; net, $13,685; charges, $9,912; ba.l., sur.. $3,7 73. Pres. and Treas., A. S. Comstock; Seo., R. W. Taylor. Office, Lisbon, 0. Plttsbura McKeesport & Yonghlogheny KK.-Owns from Pitts. !iO N. Ifa.ven, Pa., 57 m.; McKeesport to Fayette City, Pa., 31 m.; branches, 13 m.; leases 2 m.; total, 103 m., of which 31m. doubletraok. LEASE.-Leased to Pittsburg & Lake Erie RR. for 999 years. Rental ts 6 per cent on the stock, principal and interest of the Pittsburg McK. & Yough. bonds being guaranteed by Pittsburg & Lake Erie and Lake Bhore&Mlohigan Bouthernoompanles, the guaranties being endorsed on the share certifloates and bonds. The guaranty of the stock is on the express condition that the holder shall accept par for the same on July 1, 1934. Bee wording of guaranty in V. 56, p. 774. Stock authorized, $4,000,000; first mtj.?e. bonds authorized, $2,250,000; 2d mtge. bonds authorized, $1,750,000. Profit to lessee in 1900 $2,098, of which one-half was payable to the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. Pittsburg Ohio Valley & Cincinnati KK.-Owns road Bell• aire, O., to Powhatan, 0., 15 miles. Operated for cost by Pennsylvania · Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  19,714,286 22,615,100 5,250,000 5,160,000 2,000,000 150,000 1,460,000 480,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 150,000 3,959,650 2,250,000 900,000 600,000 290,000  ifr.,  5,000,000  5 4¼g. 4lgg. 4lgg. 4 g. 31i!g.  J. & J. N, Y., Nat'l City Bank. A. & 0. N. Y.,Farm.eJ1s' L'n & Tr. A. & 0. do do M.&N. do do M.&N. do do F. &A. do do  See text. ~.-J. N. Y., Winslow, L. & Co. .-J. See text . do do 7 Various do do 7 Various do do 7 A. & O. do do 5 g. J. & J. Com.Ttt.I.&Tr.Co Phil. 2in 1900 October 7 10 in '01 F:·&:A. Pittsburg, Co.'s Office. 6 g. J. & J. do do g. A. & 0. N. Y., Security & Tr. Co. J. & J. N. YU: 81 New St. 6 J. & J. N. Y., nlon Trust Co. do do 6 J. & J. J. & J. do do 6 6 g. J. & J. Pittsb'g, Fidelity Tr.Co. 5 g. A. & O. Phila., Broad St. Sta.  ..........  g  5 g. F. & A. N. Y., Colonial Tr. Co.  3,772,400 7in 1901 M. &N 41g g. A. & 0. 3,431,000  Phlladelphia Office. do do  Jan. Oot. Apr. Nov. Nov. Aug.  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  191 194 1942 194 1945 194  Jan. 7, '02,1 l\ Jan:2, '02, 1 July 1, 1912 July 1, 1912 July 1, 1912 Jan. 1, 1931 Oct. 9, '00, 2% May, 1901,3'9 Aug.l,'01, 5% Jan. 1, 1928 Jan. 1, 1928 July 1, H+2 Jan , 1902, 3% July 1, 1932 July 1, 1934 July 1, 1918 Oct. 1, 1920 Feb. 1, 194 Nov.l,'01,3 Apr. 1, 192:S  I  Compa».y in connection with Cleveland & Pittsburg siDoe Deo.1, 1892•. Stock, authorized, $1,500,000; outstanding,i$300,000: par, $50. Trustee of mortgage (for $1,500,000), Fidelity Ins., eto., Co. of Phila. Yea.:rending Deo. 31, 1900, gross, $6,481; tlef. under oper. exp., $33,710. Pittsburg Painesville & Fairport KK.-Owns Fairport, o. to Youngstown, eto., O., 53 miles. In January, 1902, the Baltimore &Ohio RR. pledged the $800,000 common 1,1took and$ n~,300 of the $_2 ~0,000 prefe_rr~d _stock as part seo~rity for its own Pittsburg L~ke .Erie & West V1r~m1a ~y~tem 4s. V. !2, p. 1188. For 4 mon hs endmg Oct. 31, gross, ~196,4'll lil 1901. agamst $~05,262 in 1900. For year endm11: June 30, 1901, gross, $475.277; net, $119,746; int, and taxes, $86,552; balance, surplus, $33,194. In 18 49·00, gross,. $460,713; net, $122,209.-(V. 71, p. 182, 343; V. 72, p . 1188.) Pittsburg Shaw-mut & Northern HH,-RoAD-Projeoted asa short route from the bituminous coal fields in Elk and Jefferson counties, Pa., northerly to Macedon (on the N. Y. Central & Hudson River RR.), includm,z- branches, 350•miles. Of first division, Wayland to Shawmut, Pa., [228 miles], 168 miles in operation, viz.: OwnedMiles. Hydes to Clermont, Pa . ............. 46 Mt . Jewer.t to uorryvllle, Pa . . .. :tS Olean to Bolivar .. . .. .. .......... U! Angelica. to Wayland . . ........ . ...... 85 c;;{:fs,et;to Halton. Pa ... ...... _•. Paines Jct. to Cardiff'. Pa.. .. •••• 13  IHornells L eas, a-(Onncl.) Miles •. •.Jct. to Hornellsville ..... 10 ,,.a kaoej Hydes to Shawmut, Pa . . .. .. .. r, Brockport ro Brockwayville, Pa .. . .  4  Pa., to Larabee . ........ _! 121·Corryville. Total operated .. . .. . ........ . .... 168·  ORGANIZATION.-A consolidation in 1899 with proposed extensions of the Central New York & Western and Buffalo St. Mary's & Southwestern RR., with contiguou.. lines in Western Pennsylvania and New York. See remarks or President Byrne. touching failure ofbrokerswho purchased the bonds, in V. 72, p . 1280;. v. 73, p. 663. STOCK AND BoNDs.-8toe.k, all common, authorized, $12,000,000; issued, $6,000,000; par $100. Of the bonds, $6,000,000 were authorzed on the 228 miles above mentioned, built and proje(lted; they arefurther se.oured by first mortgage upon the 9,814 acres of coal landsowned by 8hawmut Mining Co., whose stock is owned by the Railroad Co., and has been deposited with the trustee under the mort~age. No bonds in excess of $6,000,000 are to be issued until additional coal lands capable of producing 1,500,000 tons of coal per annum have been placed under the lien of the mortgage. EARNINGS.-On the completed portion, 158 miles, earnings for the year ending Jan. 31, 1901, were: Gross. $550,733; net, $251,544; in-· terest, taxes, eto., $241,000; bal,, sur., $10,544. OFFICERS.-Prestdent, John Byrne; Vioe-Presirlent, General Counse and Assistant to the Pres.,. Frank S. Smith. Office, 4;> Wa.11 St.-(V. 71, p. 1013, 1270, 1280; v. 73, p , 237, 663.) Pitts. Shenango & Lake Erle.-SEE PITTS. BESSEMER & L. ERIE. Plttsbure: Virginia & Charleston Ry.-South Pittsburll', Pa... to Brownsville, &o., Pa., 82 miles. Oper. by Penn. RR., which owned Jan. l, 1901, $3,382,050 stook, and all the bonds, and pays net earnings as rental, the bonds being pledged und~r "coll. $rust of 1883." DIVIDENDS.-~ '92. •~3. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. 1900. 1901. Per cent ... 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 EARNINGS.-Yea.r ending Deo. 31, 1900, gross, $2,347,860; net, $937,797; other income, $15,756; fixed charges, $689,4 93; dividends (7 p. c.). Pittsburg & Western KK.-(See Map of Bait. ti Ohio.J-ROA.DLines owned in feeMiles. Elwood Short Line-Allegheny, Pa., to N. Sewiokly. 46 N. Sewickley to Rook Point. 3 Rook Point, Pa., to New Castle 11 Leased and controlled.Jfilu. Frisco to Crowthers............ 6 Pitts. Cleve. & Toledo ,r .• . ••• •• 77 Callery Juno. to Foxburg ....•• 44 Pitts. PainAsville & Fairport ,r. 53 3-ft. gauge lines to Jewett, eto.108 Trumbull & ·Mahoning ..•. ·-· · . 11 (Double track .• _. . . • • •• . • • . . . . • . 41 _ Pittsburg & Northern . .. . ...... 3 1 Total rn see this oo.) .••..•••• . 362 Of the narrow•ga ug-e division, Foxburg to Kane, 83 mile@, has been• lea sed for a shor t term from Nov. 1, 1901, to the Bractford Bordell & Kinzua RR.-V. 73, p. 1011. Status.-R oad sold on Oot. 9, 1901, under the 2d mortgage to B. & o. which in 1902 pledged. as part security for its own Pittsburg Lake Erie & Wes t Virginia Aystem 4s, the en!iire $13, '1 00,000 Pittsburg & Wesforn RR s 1ook. $5,982,000 of the $9,700,000 firtit mortg1:1ge 4 s of 1887, $8t ,OOO old 6s (all), $.136,000 of the $219,000 Pittsburg New Castle & L ak e Erie 4s due 1917, and $3,500,000 mortgage bonds of Pittsburg & Western.RR.-V. 73, p. 445, 7ti5.  I  EARNINGS.-5 mos., 5 1901. ....••. Gross,$1,672,300; net, $644 ,473 July 1 to Nov. 30. U900 . .•.. _.. Gross, 1,378,180; net, 49~,304 REPORT.-For 1899·00 (V. 73, p. 1109), including leased lines: To June 30Gross Net. Othe ~ inc. Int. &taxes Balance. 1900·01.. .•. . $4,0~0,687 $1,534,029 $3,000 $1,078,729 sur.$348,300 L899-00.. . . . 3,835,034 1.337,861 3,726 1,076,652 sur. 264,93~ 1898·99 .. . . • . 3,309,935 1,075,265 ... . . . 1 ,C52,951 sur. 22,312 - (V. 72, p. 873, 1~38; V. ,3, p. 33,445,785, 1011, 11,09,)  JNVESTOBS' SUPPLEMENT.  118  [VOL, LXXIV.  Subscril,ers ·will confer a great 1'avor by giving binned.late notice of any error discovered In these Table•. RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonas-Princl- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -1Miles Date Bize,or Amount - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pal,WhenDne. of of Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Pa.yable, and by Stocks-Last on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  For expla.nation of column headings, &c., see notes  --  Pittsb. Youngst. cf Ashtat>.-Com. stock, $2,000,000 125 ..•. $50 $1,333,342 6¼ in '01 M. & 8. Preferred stock, $2,000,000.... ...... .... .. . .... .. 125 . . .. 50 1,700,000 7 in 1901 M. & B. Ashta. & Pittsb. 1st M., Y'ngst'n to Asht.c*&FPr. 62 1 8 7 8 1,000 1,500,000 6 F. & A. Consol. M. (for $4,000,000) s. f. 1 p.c., not dr.F .o.. 125 1887 1.000 1,562,000 5 M. & N. PlymouthcfMiddleboro,lstM.,int.~.byOldCol.c* 15 1892 ...... 225,000 5 J. & J . Pontiac Ozford d! North.-lstM.,g.,$400,000.IY.le.c* 100 1896 11 000 400,000 6 g. J. & J. Pt, Jerms Monticdlo d! N. Y.-ls't M.,($225,000) g.Ce 42 1894 lOu &c. 225,000 J. & D. »,($75,000)gold ...........•. 42 1896 lOO&c.N'eJune,'00 5g. J. &D. cortland cf .Rochester-See BOSTON & MAINE RR. Portland cf Rumford Falls.-Stock.................. .. .; . . •. 100 1,500,000 6inl901 Q.-M. 6 -. 1 8 9 6 Consol., now \~io~ort., $1,000.:000, gold .. OB.c* 1,000 992,000 4 g. M. & N. Plain bonds, s · g fund, gola, $350,000 ...... c . •.. 1897 500 &c. 350,000 4. g. F. & A. PorUand Union Ry. Sta.-lst M., eer. "A&B,"llu.s.f .... 1887-9 1,000 300,000 4 J. & J. PortRMili~-lstM.,g.,gu.byoldP.&R.PeP.c*&r 21 1891 1,000 1,500,000 5 g. J. & J. Potomac Val -lstM,$2,000,000, a-,gultleBac*&r 15 1891 1,000 (t) 5 g. J. & J. Potosi cf Rio erde-lst M., $15,000 p. m.,s.f.Mo.c* 40 1898 1,000 400,000 6 g. A. & 0. Prosp. Pat·k d a. J.-See STREET RAILWAY SUPPLEMENT (Brooklyn Rapid Transit.) Pro1'-ulence cf Springfield-1st M. gold. ......•..••. c' 28 1892 1,000 750,000 5 g. J. & J. Pror,idence <I Worcester--Stock (10 per cent rental). 51 100 3,500,000 10 Q.-M. 1st M.(refund'g),our., $1,500,000. V.63, 51 iS97 1,000 1,500,000 4 A. & 0. Quakertown~ Eastern-lat mort., gold GuP .. o• 15 1897 500 180,000 5 g. J. & J. Quebec Southern-I st M., $12,000 per mile......... ..•. 1902 ...••• (1) 4 g. ..... Income 5 p. o. bonds, $8,000 per mile............ .. . . 1902 ...... (1) •••••• ••••• Queen. d.nne's R.R.-lst mon., $12,000 per mile... 1895 1,000 (1) 5 J. & D. 60 Prior lien M., rf'ld. at 103 to 1906, then par....... ..•. 1901 ....•• 330,000 5 M. & 8. ConsoL mort., $1,400,000... .......... ...•.•.••••• .... 190t ...... (t) 4 to 5 ...•. Incomemort., IF600,000.............. ..•..•.••••. . .•. 1901 ...••• (t) 4 .....  t?~ 1fi1tl;ft-;·,io.'.:stooir.:·io·i>·ero·ent·rentai: :::: :::: Railroad, Securitie•-Stock, com., $12,500,000..... .••• .••. Pref. stock, 4, per cent cum., $7,500,000 . .. ..... M.,g.,(Ill.Cen. st. ooll.,'Sl0,000,000,red. atl05Us  ..•. ..•.  100 100 ..•. 100 1901 l,OOO&c  PUtsb1lrg Youngstown & Ashtabula RR.-Owns Kenwood,  Pa., to Ashtabula. Harbor, 0., 99 miles; Niles to Alliance Junction1_o., 15 miles; Ca.n.1leld Brn.nch, 1 mile: trackage, 3 miles. Total, 128 mues.  ORGANIZA.TION.-Leased August 1, 1887, to Pennsylvania aompany, which Jan. 1, 1901, owned $375,000 common and $1,550,000 prel'erred stock; rental net earnings. Lease terminable at either's opt10n DIVIDElCDS. i 1890. 1891. 1892-95. '96. '97 to Mar., 1901, Bept.,'01. Oommon, p. ct. 5 2¼ 3 6 yearly. 6¼ 6 p. o. yearly. 3 '9 On preferred, 1888 to Sept., 1901, 7 per cent yearly (M. & 8.) BoNDs.-Bonde of 1887 are reserved to retire 6s, EARNING!!.-In year 1900, gross, $2,089,688; net, $739,982; other tnoome, $9,073; int.,11168,100; tmprovements,$86,685.-(V.73, p. 616.) Plant System..-(See Map, page 128).-This system, so•called beeanse of the large interest owned in it by the Plant Investment Co., of which control is held by the eetate of the lateH. B. Plant, under whose will the executore and trustees have the 1;>ower during the trust (eee V. 69, p. 82) tom anage and dispose of it at their discretion. Robert G. Erwin is now Preeident. It unites Charleston, S. C. with Montgomery, Ala., and also with Tampa and other Florida points. The system includes the following roads, described under their own titles. Mi"es, Mites. Savannah Florida & Westernl,635 Other lines.................... 98 Florida Southern............. 244 -Sanford & St. Petersburg .... 1531 Total. .•••..•....•......••. 2.178 St. Johns & Lake Eustis..... 48 -(V. 69, p. 82.) Pontiac Oxford & Northern RR. -Operates road from Pontiac Mich., to Caseville, Mich., 100 miles. Successor to Pontiac Oxford & Port Austin RR., sold in foreclosure in 1889. In year 1900 gross, $170,404; net, $64,965; interest. $24,000; dividends, $40,000; balance, sur., $965. Dividends: In 1890, 1 p. c.; 1891, 3 p. c.; in 1892, 4 p. c.; n 1893, 6 p. c.; '9-i, 4 p. o.; '95, 312 p . o.; 1900, 4 p, c. President, Hugh Porter. N. Y.  I  ~~;5~1to 3,600,000 2,000,000 8,000,000  N. Y.,Farm.L. &Tr.Co. N. Y., Far. L. & Tr. Co. Phila., Fidelity Tr. Co. N. Y., Farm. L. & Tr. Co. Boston. N. Y. Merc'Je Trust Co. In default. ......••••  Sep. 25,'01,319 Sep. 26 '01, 3¼ Aug. 1, 1908 Nov. 1, 1927 Jan. 1, 1912 July 1, 1916 June 1, 1944 June 1, 1916  Portland, Me. Boston, Old Colony Tr. Boston and Portland. Portl'd, Me. & Boston. Philadelphia.. Baltimore, Hillen St'n. N. Y., Co.'s of., 27 Wm.  Dec.16101,11Nov. ~. 192lJ Aug. 1, 1927 Jly'27,Jan.'29 Jan. 1, 1941 Jan. 1, 1941 Oct. 1, 1918  Prov., R. I Hospital Tr, Providence, Office. Prov., R.I. Hosp. Tr. Co. Quakertown, Pa. .......... Baltimore. ....••.•..  July 1, 1922 Dec.31,'01, 2¼ Oct. 1, 1947 Jan. 1, 1927 1952 1952 1945 Mch. 1, 1951 . ..•.•..  .•........  . ..•....  ••••••••••  ·10··  J_..&.. J. Boston. Jan:1;.-02: 596 .••••• •••.. •••.•••••• . ••..••. •••.•• ••••. . ••..••. 3¼g. J. & J, N. Y., office, 120 B'way. Jan. 1, 1951  Boston & Providence; branches, 7 miles; total owned; 51 miles; From July 1.z_1892, leased for 99 years at 10 per cent per annum on the stock to the~. Y, N. H. & Hartford.-(V. 63, p. 1064.) quakerto-wn & Eaatern RR.-Quakertown to Riegelsville , Pa., 15 miles. Stock, $180,000, all outstanding; par of shares, $50 , Year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $25,317; net, ij;l4,805. President, John Jameson; Sec., Henry S. Funk; Treas., J -a mes H. Shelly; Gen. Mgr., A. F. Baker. Office, Quakertown, Pa. Q.uebec Bridge Co.-Bee V. 70, p. 946; V. 71, 603. Q.uebec Central Ry.-V. 72, p, 88, 1035; V . 73, p. 663. Q.uebec & Lake St . .:JohnRy.-V. 71,p.183, 391; V. 72, p. p. 989 V. 73, p. 1208. Q.uebec Southern Ry.-Owns Borel, Province of Quebec. to Noyan, 89 mtles; St. Lambert to St. Francois, with branch, 55 miles; total, 144 miles. Extension east, 85 miles, to be built in 1902, making short line between Montreal and Quebec; also 30 to 40 miles from St. Lambert to V&lleytleld, with canal transportation near that po1nt; to b• managed in the same interest as the Rutland RR. and thus furnish the latter an entrance int.o Quebec. See V. 74, p. 95. A consolidation Jan 14 190~, with the South Shore Ry. V. 7 4, p. 152. Stock is to be increased to $4,000,000. Under ttrst mortgage, provisiou will also be made covering portion of line which may be double-tracked. President, H. A. Hodge, Hontreal, Can.-V. 74, p. 152. Queen A.nne's · RR.-Queenstown, Md. to Lewes, Del., and Refi.oboth Beach on Atlantic Ocean, 60 miles. Pennsylvania tracks used between Lewes and ' Rehoboth, 6 miles; branch, Queenstown to Centerville, 6 miles; branch, Queenst.own to Love Point, 12 m. Completed Jan., 1902; total, 84 miles. Stock, $720,000. Guaranty Trust & Deposit Co. of Balt. is trustee ot first mortgage, In Feb., 1901, were issued f330,000 prior lien bonds for extensions from Queenstown to Love Point, 12 miles, and to Centerville, 6 miles, ana for equipment, etc.; also, c.o nsols, baa.ring interest a.t 4 per cent for three years and 5 per cent thereafter, of which $732,000 to rettre the old 5s, balance to retire prior lien bonds and for improvements and t!600,000 i.ncome bonds.-V. 72, p. 283. Year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $103,697; deficit under op. exp., $8,836. [n Nov., 1901, th!} company was "earning its fixed charges on all bonds," net earni11gs from July 1 to Nov. 1, 1901, $3~000. President. William H. Bosley, Baltimore; Sec., A. H. Taylor.-,( v. 70, p. 532; v. 72, p. 283.) Q.ulncy CarroJlton & St, Loni• Ry.-Owns Barnett to Colum• biana., m., 52 miles; trackage, Barnett to Litchfield, 6 miles; Successor to Litchfield Carrollton & West. RR., foreclosed Nov. 26, 1898 (V. 68, p. 40); V. 68, p. 233. On Jan.17, 1900, transferred to Dwight 0. Morgan, of Dwight, Ill., representing the Ohioago & Alton interests. Stock, $500,000. Year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $44,609; def. under operat'g expenses, $11,660.-(V. 70, p. 176, 1292.) Q ulncy Om.aha & Kan11a11 City KK •...See Kansas Peoria & Ohfoago Ry. YEARLY EARNINGS.- Gross. Net. Int., taus, etc. Balance. 1896•7 ...........••... $290,952 $72,646 $127,879 def. $55,233 sur. 87,835 1895-6 ... ············ 289,741 112,111 24,276 -(V. 71, p. 288, 5«; V. 72, p. 723; ,V. 73, p. 1062.) quincy RR. Bridge Co,-Owns bridge 1 •4,3 mllelii long over the Mississippi River at Quincy, ill. Leased Jan. 1, 1869, durtng life of charter, probably 100 years, to C. B. & Q. RR. at annual rental of $175,000, which pays 10 p. c. on stock.  Port .:Jervis 1'Iontlcello & New York RR.-Owns Port Jervis, N. Y., to Monticello, N. Y., 24 miles, and Huguenot to Summitville, 18 m.lles. Stock authorized, $500,000; outstanding, $409,100; par, $50. June 30, 1900, loans and bills payable, $~9J..253; car trusts, $2,204. In year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $58,5i:,l; def. under oper. exp., $57,011.-(V. 67, p. 275; V. 70, p. 946; V. 71, p. 556.) Portland & Kumf'ord Falls Ky.-Owns Rumford Jct. to Rumford Falls1 54 miles; branch to Otis Falls, 10 m.; trackage (Me. Cent.) Rumford ro Lewiston, 4. m.; total operated 68 miles. Controls Rumford Falls & Rangely Lakes RR., 31 miles of track.-V. 69, p. 954. DIVIDENDS- i 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 Per cent. 5 5 4 4 6 4 6 ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 1900·1 was in v. 73, p.1008. YearGross. Net. Int., taa:., etc. Di'Didends. Bal., Bttr. 1900-01. .••. $4.61,493 $175,lq6 $64,480 (5) $65,000 $45,716 1899-00...•. 377,178 129,729 59,127 (4\ 40,000 30,602 1898-99 ....• 33(,741 150,475 61,576 (!3) 60,000 28,899 -(V. ,69, p. 954,; V. 71, p. 91 I; V. 72, p. 1188; V. 73, p. I 008.) Portland Union Kallway Statton.-Stock, $50,000. Bonds guaranteed jointly by Boston & Maine and Mame Central. Port Reading RK.-Owns 21 ·21 m. of road, cowpleted in Sept. 1892, from Bound Brook, N. J., to Staten Island Sound; sidings and laterals, 27"79 m.; total, 49 00 m. Capital stock authorized $2,000,000par $100, all owned by Reading Company, $1,555,000 being deposited under it!! general mortgage of 1897 and $440,000 under Jersey Central collateral mortgage.-(V. 55, p. 544,639, 680.) Railroad SecurUle• Co.-Organized by interests understood to Port Royal & Augusta KR.-V. 72, p. 676. Potomac Valley KR.-Opened in Sept, 1892, Potomac Valley be allied with the Illinois Central to acquire and hol• securities of .Tunc.1-.Md., to Cherry Run, W. Va., on the B. & O., 14 miles, and railroads. Stock, common. $1~~00.000; pref., 4, per cent cum., $7,from rortere, Pa., to York, Pa., 17 miles; total, 31 miles. Capital 500,000; outstanding, $3,600,0w; pref., ,2,000,000. 'l'he $8,000,1k>ck, $500,000 ($50 shares). Leased to Western Marylana, the bonds 000 present iRsue or the 3 'ts are seoured by a like a.mollllt of Illinois Cent. stock. See official statEment, V. 73, p . 953.-(V. 72, p. 340,843, ef 1941 lla.ving pr1ncipal and interest guaranteed, jointly aB.d eever• 900, 953,) ally, by tlle Western Maryland RR. Co. and theBaltuuore & Harrisburg R7. Oo., an.d bein~ soend-Orsed. The bonds have a sinking fund of 7-10 Kaleigh & Augusta Air Line RR. i SeeSeaboa dAirLin R Raleigh & Gaaton RR. 5 r e y• .r one per oent. Earninge for year ending Sept. 30, 1900: Gross, $307,121; net, $172,237.-(V. 66, p.130.) Rapid Tran•lt Sub-way Con•trucllon Co, of New York Potosi & Kio Verde Ky.-Owns a narrow-gauge road from City Olty.-[ncorporated on Feb. 19, 1900, in New York to construct, of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, to Hacienda Alvarez, 40 miles. Has con. eqmp and operate the rapid transit tunnel railroad in New York. V. cessions for 99 years, expiring Nov. 4, 1985, when railroad becomes 70, p. 38~. Oonstruction is in progress, and road is expected to be the property of the Mexican Government. Company is exempt from oompleted by the end of 1903. V. 72, p. 481. In Sept., 1901, work taxes and import duties for 15 years. Bonds are subject to call at 110 was more than on&-quartf}r completed. As to contracts let, etc., see and interest on any interest day. Pres., Robert S. Towne; Sec., C. J. V. 73, p . 663. See terms of . oentraot, V. 6 \l , p. 1063. In Jan,, 190~, extension of tunnel to Brooklyn under tb.e East River wae approved. Nourse Jr., 27 Willlam Street, New York. V. 72, p . 1035, ll36; V. 73, p 616; V. 74, p, 152. Providence & Springfield KK.-Providence R. I., to Douglas, - Stock, $6,000,000; par of shares, $100, of which $60 paid ill Mass., on the New England main line, 28 miles. Stock is $517,450 (par December t, 1901. and the balance payable as called. V. 70, p. 280, $100), mostly owned by the N. Y. New H. & Hart. V. 61, p. 1014. Road 126; V. p. 392. In Dec , 1901, almost the entire stock had been leased (terms mod.ifl.ed in July, 1896,) to New England RR. till July deposited72, for exchange for the fuJl·paid shares of the operating com1, 1989, at 4 per eent on stock. Bee V. 63, p. 30, and New England pany shortly to be organiz3d, each $100 par value to receive $160 RR. report V. 63, p. 698. The bonds were guaranteed by the N. Y. & stock of the operating compmy and have the to subscribe to New England (since foreclosed).-(V. 63, p. 30.) $150 stock additional. V. 73, p . 1357. Pres., August Belmont; ViceProvidence & Worcester KR.-Owns from Providence, R. I., to Pres., W. G. Oakman; Treas., Wm. C. Emmet; Seo., Fred'k Worcester, Hass., 44 miles, of which 5 miles are owned jo1ntly with 73, p. 663, 1357.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JANUARY ,  Jti.ILROAD  1902.J  STOCKS AND  119  BONDSo  Sul H1crlber11 -will conCer a g reat favor b y givin g ID11Dedlate n o tice of any e rror discovered In these Tables. RAILROADS.  For explanation of column headings, &c., see n otes on first page of tables.  Bon....-PrillotINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Size, or W1len Due. Amount Rate £.er When Where Payable, and by fl>al, of of Par atoou-Laet Outstanding Oen . Payable Whom. Road. Bonds Value. Dh1dend.  ---BoJ,e1,gh, ti Augusta-Raltigh ti Gaston-Bee SEA.BO ARD .A IR LIN E RY. .kritan Ri•tr Ry.-lst mortgage, gold ... __ .. __ •.. c  18 40 2d m ortgage, coupon (extended in 1884J.--··--·c 40 Deb entures . . . ___ ---- · -·-·-·.·--· .................. c &ad'g Belt-lstM.g.,$750,000, gu.p.& i.end.GP.c* ·fl, Beading Oo~i;"ny-Oommon stock ..•• _•..•...... . 1st pref. stoc , 4 per cent, non-cum .............. 2d pref. stock, 4 per oent, non cum.........•...•. Gen. M.,$135,000,000,g., s.f.not"&r. Text. Jars. Cent.col. tr. M.g .,red 105aft. '06.PePc*&r Wilm. & North'n stk tr. ctfs., g., red. at 105. GPr Car trusts, $3,600,000, $252,000 s a. beg. 1901 .. Car. & mar. trusts, $200,00~ s. a., beg.1902.GP Old Phlla. & Read. R. BONDS UNDER LYING Dela.ware River Terminal Pur. Money M., gold.c* Delaware River Term. Ext. Pur. Mon. M., gold.c* tBonds and mortgages on real estate ............. Old Phlla. & Read. KB. BONDS UffDER LYING tlst M., ext. in '60, Philadelphia to Pottsv. $&£. c 94 1Mortgage loans of 1844, 1848 and 1849 ......... c 94 t Mortgage loan of 1857 convertible .....•........ c .... tMortgage loan of 1868, gold, extended in 1893.c 148 tCoil.801. mortgage ($8,162,000 are goldl6s).PP .c 254 timpr't M.,~.,ext.1n'97.l'P See V. 65, p. 870, g. 325 1Consol.M.o 1882, \ ' 5s, ext. '97 (V. 65, p.278)c* 327 tTerminal mort, gol . Bee V. 64, p. 85 ....•• c*&r tMo~ages on real estate .......................... .... Phlla elphiaC'tySubwayLoan,guar.,$3,000,000  1889 $1,000 1862 100 &c. 1,000 1864 1,000 1877 1,000 1900 50 . ... 50 . 50 1-89°7 lOOO&c. 1,000 1901 1,000 1900 1899 1901 GE.N. MORT, 1,000 1892 1,000 1892  Jkading ti Oolumbia-lst mort. (ext. In 1882) ... c*  --· ....  --·  i:ooo  ....  ---·  --··  -N ote.-General mortgage  ltonds marked  t above.  ·-··  G&N. 1843 1844-9 1857 1868 1871 1873 1882 1891  MORT. $&£ 1,000 500 &c. 1,000 200 &c.  1894-8  ------  500&c. 1,000  ......  of 1897 requires th,at the Rea.di ng Co. ,r Only $16,000 are 3s.  Raritan River Rallway.-South Amboy to New Brunswick, N. J., 13 miles; branches, 5 miles; total, 18 miles. Stock authorized, $1,000,000; issued, $375,000; par, $100. Loans payable Dec. 31, 1900, $20,121. Year ending Dec. 31, 1900, gross, $78,072;, $27,480; Int., taxes, etc., $22,147; surplus, $5,332.-(V. 68, p. 573.) Rea din" Belt RR.-Belt rallroad, 7•4 llllles in length. around Reading, Pa.., completed Jan., 19ol. v. 71, p. 751. stock, $750,000, all owned by Reading Company. .Road leased to Phila. & Reading Ry. at 4 per cent on the stock, interest on bonds and taxes.- (V. 71, p. 7 51.) Reading & Colunibia RR.-Owns from Columbia to S1nking ijprings Pa., 40 miles; branches, 14 miles; operates Marietta Jun.ction to Chickles,6miles;totaloperated,60mlles. Stook,$958,373(par,$50>,of which $788,200, together with $9,500 1st mtge., $35,000 2d mtge. and l,000,000 debentures, are owned by Reading Company, all except 3,200 stock being deposited under its general mortgage of 1897. ear ending June 30, 1901, gross, $300,740; net, $197,289; charges, $119,696; bal., def., $l50,780, Beading Com.pany-PhlladeJphia & Reading Ry.-(See Map.)-The Philadelphia & Reading Ry. operates in connection with the great anthracite coal properties of the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co. in the Schuylkill region, Pennsylvania, a large system of roads centerin~ at Philadelphia, extending westerly to Hazleton and Wllllam11port on the north, and Harrisburg, Shippensburg and Gettys• burg in Pennsylvania and Wilmlngton, Del., on the south; alao easterly in New Jersey to Atlantic City and Cape May, on the Atlantic ocean, and to tidewater a.t Port Reading on New York harbor, viz.:  i  Lines owmd in fee.  Milts. ,  Leased lines-(Oon.J  Milts.  $375,000 650,000 350,000 1,000,000 750,000 70,000,000 28,000,000 42,000,000 63,146,000 23,000,000 1,29il,000 3,096,000 3,200,000 OJ' 1897, 500,000 809,000 1,048,191 OF 1897. 1,512,700 954,000 79,000 2,696,000 18,811,000 ~,363,000 5,76~500 8,50 ,000 632,406 2,700,000  5 g. 5 5 6 4 g. All stock 41n 1901  ...4.g.  4 g. 4 g. 4 g. 412g.  J. & J. M.& 8. J. & D. J. & D. M.& B. in vot'g M,& S. J ...&.. J. A. & O. Q.-M. J. & J. M. & 8.  5 g. M.&N. 5 g. J. & J.  ......  ··-··  6 6 419 5 g. 6 g. &7 4 g. 4 g. 5 g.  J. & J. J. & J. J. & J. A. & 0. J. & D. A. & 0. M.& S. Q.-F.  ,r ii&.312  ····.....  and Reading Coal & Iron Co.  Holland Tr. Co., N. Y. .Tall. 1, 1939 Philad:hil,& R1 d. RR. !Cch.1, 1911 0 JUD.e 1, 1904. Dec. 1, 1917 . Phlla., Read. Ter. Bldg. sept. 1, 190• trust for 5 years or mo re . N.Y., J. P.Morgan & Co. ~ept. 10, '01, 2  --- ......  N. Y.,J.P. Morgan&Co. Jan:·1,"i997 ~r. 1, 1951 Phila., Girard Trust Co. en draWL Drexel & Co., Phila..,Pa.. J an'02-J'ly'07 Phila., Read. Ter. Bl~. Mar'0i-Sep'09 Phila., Guar. Trust. do do  ....... ---  May 20, 1942 July 1, 1942  ..... ---  Philadelphia & London. July 1, 1910 Philadfead. Te~ Bldg. J ~ 1, 1910 J ,., 1910 0 do do Oct. 1, 1933 Phila., do & London. June 1, 1911 Phila., Read. Ter. Bldg. ~r. 1, 1947 do do ch. 1, 1937 Phila.., Prov. Life & Tr. May 1, 1941 City Treasury. shall be responsible  190~i921 for  a.11  old  I Real Railway equip.leased to Ry.Co.for8p.c.yearly .. _.......•.. $18,601,078 estate not appurt. to RR. (ann. revenue ab't $175,000). 16,516,199  Colliers and barges leased to Ry. Co. for $115,000 yearly... 2,107,650 Phila. & Reading Ry. stock $20,000,000 and bonds, $20,· 000,000 par (annual int. to Reading Co., $1,200,000) ...• 40,000.000 Phila. & Read. Coal &. Iron stock at par· · · · - • · · · - · · -· · · · · · · • 8,000,00~ Miscellaneous securities at par (in 1896 yiel~ed ,$765,000). 69,268.93;) Morts. and ground r,ents at par (not under ~6:- 97 mort.). 267,715 Int. in Phila. & Read g Coal & Ir. above secµr1ties owned.. 78,798,654 Claims against other comp antes, etc.......................... 2,831,103 Total July 1, 1901. (See V. 73, p. 849) ..... --· · •· • ........ $23 6 •38 6, 33 4 SINKINGFmm.-Whenever,in any year,a dividend ls paid on the stock. an amount must be paid simultaneously to the trustee equal t,e 5 cents per ton on all coal mined by the Coal & Iron Company during the preceding year, if the aggregate of dividends so declared exceeds that sum; otherwi11e such lesser sum as shall equal the dividends so declared. Under this provision $383,525 was set aside in Mar., 1908, and $433.000 general mortgage 4s canceled. and in 1901 $366,371 was paid and $391,000 bonds canceled.- V. 73, p. 848. DIVIDEND8.-Divldends on 1st preferred 112 p. o., paid March, 198tJ Sept., 1900, 112 p. c.; 1901, Mar., 2 p c.; Sept., 2 p. c. V n a BoNDs.-The General Mortgage 4s (abstract . 6 4, p. v 1 • ) are secured by mortgage and pledge of all properties and seourtties embraced in the reorganization, and also all other property acquired thereafter by u~e of the new bonds. They a.boTe sinking tund out of the revenues from the Coal & Iron Company, but not subject to compulsory redemption prior to maturity. The •ewmortgage is also, l'lUbject only to the bonds for which reservation is made, based upon properties or securities of all the lines of railroad owned, including the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company proper, 365 miles; various lease!iold lines, 635 miles; all the property of tlle Coal & Iron Company, or the securities thereof, reµresentln~ nearly 200,000 acres of coal ana timberlan<1; equipment valued at about $18,· 000,000, also marine equip. See application to li11t in V. 64, p. 709. Furthermore, it has a first lien upon a m&.1ority of the capital stock of various companies in the system owning 453 miles of railroad, and also on various bonds of system-list in V. 64, p. 613. Of tbe $135,000,000 fours of 1897 $51,692,500 are reserved to take up undisturbed bends and $17,000,000 for future construction, equipment, etc., at not over $1,500,000 per annum. Improvement mortgage 6 p. c. bonds or 1873 due Oct. 1, 1897, were extended at 4 p. c. for 50 years from Aprll 1, 1897, payable in U. 8, gold and guaranteed p. & i. by the Reading Co. v. 64,p. 470; V. 65 p. 516. The consol 5a of 1882 for $5.1.673,042 were also extended at 4 p. c. till Mar. 1, 1937, the Rea.ding uo. and Coal & Iron Oo. becoming responsible. see v. 65, p. 870, for contract. v. 65, p. 152, 870. Terminat mortgage bonds, see V. 64, p. 85 and V. 60, p. 732. For ten-year sinking fund loan see January, 1895, SUPPLEMENT. Holders were offered the option to June 1, 1901, of havln~ the bond& extended to Feb. 1, 1932, at 4 per cent, principal and interest to beguaranteed by the Reading Co .• the sinking fund to he reduced t.e $30,000 yearly from Feb 1, 1902. (V. 72, p. 242.) The coat trust certijtcatts under agreement of May, 1895, are not redeemable until April. 1904-see V. 63, p. 838 and .Jan., 1895, SUPP. The Philadelphia Subway Loan is payable after ten years from date in 20 annual lnsta.lments, to secure which $ ,00,000, bearing Interest, has been deposited, and $100,000 yearly is being set aside 1n monthly Instalments. See V. 58, p. 1110; v. 62,p. 950; v. 63, p. 881; V. 71,p.758. The J,r•t1J Oentral collattral tnut bonds ($23,000,000 present issue) are secured by deposit of $14,500,000 Cent. RR. of N J. (cost $23,200,000) of the 127,213,800 stock outstanding, $1,49:\,000 Perkiome:a Ktock and $440.000 Port Reading RR stock, the remainder of the $45,000,000 authorized being reserved to acquire the minority stock of the Central Company. They are subject to call on April 1, 1906, or anr interest day thereafter, at 105 and interest. on 60 days' notlee. See ab ■tr•ct of mortgage. V. 72. p. 487; v. 73, p. 847. The lfilminnton ti Northern stock trnst certiftca.tes eeoured b'l. " v 34. depo11it of Sl,495,000 out of $1,500,000 W. & N. stock.--.. 72 'P • Ca.r trusts of 1899 see V. 69, p. 1846; V. 71, p. 759. The $3,200,00. car trusts of 1901 cover 10 paesenger and 38 freight looomotives, l,OOO steel coal and 500 gondola cars, 500 box They addi+~•tionally iecured by $833,000 of the general mortgage ,., eer,,.......... a.mounts of which may be withdrawn as the nar trusts paid oft'.V. 72, p. 822 • COAL PROPERTIES.-These aggregate about 194,000 acres, 1M1 :followa: Coalla.nds owned(acres) .... 95,144 j Tlmberlandsowned(acres) 70,489 Coal lands leased (acres) ..•. 7,429 Iron ore lands (acres) ...••• 21,008 Gmn:JU.L FINANCE>S.-In Jan., 1901, a majority of the stock: o:f tile ~nt. RR. of New Jer■ey waa purchased. See above and v. 72, p. 86. The refunding of the North Pennsylvania ~neral mortgage bonds on Jan. 1, 1903, will save the Reading Co $166,500 yearly.-V. 73, p.1160. LA.TFiJT ~os.-From Julh 1 to Nov. 30 (5 months) results were i t .. • b aa follows on bas s o pres~n. c argall m oth years: 6 m-0s. to ,--P. d: R. Rv.·--~ Coal d: Iron.----, Rta.i.. Co • .All Cos. Nov. 80. Gross. Net. Gross Net. Ntt. total net.  Phil. to Mt. Carbon, etc. & ScLnylkill & Lehigh RR ..•... ,r 43·9 branohes....... .... .... .. Phila. Har. & Pitts. RR ...•.. 1[47·2 · {104,01 double-tracked) .. 125·13 j Wilmington & No:rth. RR .. ,r 88·4 Lebanon Valley branch..... Phila. & Reading Term. RR. 1·3 (53·74 double-tracked). . 59·441 -Lebanon dt Tremont branch 65·28 Tot.leased (2dtrack238•9).634·7 Mahanoy & Shamokin bra'h Lines controlled-(See each Co.) (23·84 double•tracked) ..• 60·47 Entire stock owntdSchuylkill~ Susq. branch .. 53·371 Chester & Delaware .RR..... 5·3 West Readmg branch....... i ·86 RMi1;1pdlertet~nB&lHooummmsburelsgt.'n .. R ..R... 1 :6 6 3 d◄ '.rota.I (2 tracks 182 m) .. 365·55 Tamaqua Hazleton & N. RR. 9·9 Lines ltastd (See each Co.) Oo'l'•trolledOolebrookdale RR. . ......... 12·8 Reading & Columbia RR .... 'lf39·6 Pickering Valley RR......... 11 ·2 Lebanon & other branches 13·8 East Pennsylvania. RR ...... ,r35·4 Read. Marietta. & Han. RR. 6·4 Allentown RR ............... if4•5 North Penn. RR. ....... ,r25•7 Little Schuylkill Nav. & RR. if31 ·5 Phlla. & Chester Valley RR. ,r21 •5 Mine Hill & Bchuy. Haven .. 11'42·0 AtlanticCityRR.&branches,rl67·4 Mt. Carbon& P~. Carbon RR. ,r 2·5 Catasauqua & Fogelsv. RR .• 29·5 Mill Creek & MmeH. RR .... ,r 3·8 Camden County RR.......... 7·3 Schuylkill Valley Nav.&RR. ,ru ·o Gettysburg & Harrisb Ry ... 1[34·1 Mahanoy RR ........... 1fl0·9 Perkiomen RR ...•....•...... 1[38·3 Shamokin Sunbury & L. RR. if31·3 Phil. Newtown & N. Y. RR .. ,r21•7 Phila.. German. & Nor. RR ... 1[29·6 Port Reading RR ............ 1[19·7 Chestnut Hill liR ............ ,r 4:0 Stony Creek RR.............. 10·1 Oatawissa RR·--·········-·. 11"103·0 Phil. & Frankford RR ....... ,r 2·6 Norristown Juno. RR....... 0·4 lif See this company.) North Pennsylvania. RR ..... ,T86·2 Delaware & Bound B. RR ... ,r83·8 Total controlled ........... 4.53·5 Total system July, 19ul (2d track, 471 miles) ................... 1,454 mSee this company.) From the company's docks al the extensive terminal at Port Rlchmo, d it operates a line of s~amers aud barges tn coast wise coal traffic and provldea berths with elevators and ample a.coommodations for several trans•Atlantic steamship linea. In Jan., 1901, control of the Central RR of New Jersey was acquired. v. 72, p. 86, 340, 392, 676; V. 73, p. 847. VOTING TRUST, ETC.-All claRses of stock of the new company are to be held by vo tin g trustees (J . Plerpont M organ, Fre d erlc P. Olcott and c. S. W. Packard) for five years, and thereafter until 4. p. c. div!· dandier annum shall be paid on the first preferred stock for two con· ""S thou h the tru 8 te ay i th Ir di ti d seou v e Ye ..... , g es m n e sere on sn.rren er the stock at an earlier date. The company may, after dividends of 4% have been paid on the first preferred for two consecutive years, convert the !lecond preferred stock into one•half first preferred and one-half common stock. As to rights, see v. 6 4 , p. 709 . Votln~ tru■t, V. 64, p. 95 5, and SUP. of April, 1897, page 15. ORGANIZ.A.TION.-The Philadelphia & Reading RR. (chartered April 4, 1833) and the P. & R. Coal & Iron Co. were sold in foreclosure Sept. 23,'96, and reorganized per plan tn V. 61, p. 1109. Bee v. 64, p. 709. In the reorganization the 41 millions of old stock and the 56&1 m.1111ons of old preference income bonds were assessed 20 per cent, the stoolc then receiving 100 per cent In new common and the prefer• ence lnoomes, common and preferred stock in certain proporttone. The "Reading Company" in the reorgaruza.tion acquired the seourity holdings. real eAtate, ~quipment, eto. , ot the old Phlla. & Reading RR. Co.; aleo the $20,000,000 stock and $20,000,000 bond8 o:f the Phila. & Reading R'JI. and the $8,000,000 stock of the Coal & Iron co., and again.It all this property ll'llues it..8 own securities. see v. 64, p. 709. 1 The property of the Reading Comp any, as distinguished from tb property of the Phila.. & Reading Ry. Co. (which owns the railroad but Charges all Cos. Ii mos. 1001 ....... . ...... . .. $(,310,000; balance, Sill'., $1,!llS,611 no equipm ent), and the Coal & Iron Co., consists of t h e following : do do 1900.. .. .. . .. .. ...... 3,964,898; balance. Illa;.. 578,613 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I I  I  t~&L:::'lr:m:~~: •~:~~::ri •ti:~kl~~ •  ·=~~ •m:~ s::m:m Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JANUARY,  RAILROAD STOCKS  1902.] RAILROADS  For explanation of column headings, &c., see notes on first page of tables.  fsz:~~~i~~ir~~-~~~~~. ~~~~~::: :: ~!· Consolidated 1st mortgage .Mp ..............•.•. r  '72-'92 $500&0. $380,000 5, 6 &7 1,000 1894 6 g. 3,600,000 1,000 1892 5 g. 1,484,000 1,000 1902 4 g. Bee text. 100 10,000,000 8 i87i 1,000 2,000,000 7 100 . .•• 1,316,900 8 in 1901 100 ...• 1,072,000 8 in 1901 7 500,400 __ 1.•0.0. ,;;,: · - 66 5 lll,590 1890 $1,000 500,000 1,000 1898 4 g. 315,000  iss0  1897 1890 1890  -·-·  iss0 1H99 1898 1901 1898  iss2  ·1s ~~~~  n~ ... .  tr~i!!Fit i~t J::i:.~:.:~~·~:_::.~3fil!!J!i f!:fli  ....  iss5 .  ~=1:·:1=~~:;t  11 (1£{.f 383,525 366,371 General M. sinking fund ..••. ···· · ··· · ·· Surp. end of year (all cos.). $3,871,72 4 $2, 2 53,498 OFFICERS.-Pres., Geor~e F. Baer; Vice-Pres, and Sec., W.R. Taylor; Treas., W. A. Church; Comptroller D. Jones. Offlce-Readin~ Terminal Building, Phila .•-(V. 73, p. 83'7, 846, 1208; V. 74, p 95, 152.) I~!~ef'Bi~:~ son., harles SteeJe. Ren11selaer & SaratogaKK.-Ro.AD.-Embraces 192 miles, viz: Mites. Leased (OontinuedJMiles. Road ownedToy to Lake Champlain ...•••• 79 Ft. Edward to Caldwell ........ 15 Vermont line to Castleton, Vt. 7 Leased,Troy to Waterford Juno., etc .. 14 Eagle Bridge, N. Y., to Rutland , Vt.······················ 62 Boheneotady to Ballston. ......• l5 LEASE.-Leased in perpetuity March 1, 1871, to the Delaware & Hudson, which, JUDe, 1901, owned $800,000 of stock; rental, 8 per cent on the stooir and interest on bonds. Guaranty on stock, V. 56, p. 773. Bal., def. Reutals. ltet (overt~u). Gross. Year. $319,262 $l,O <3,683 $714,421 1900-1.. .•..••. $2,636,183 215,460 1,0 ,9,875 814,415 1899·0....... . . 2,656,035 -(V. 70, p. 995; V. 71, p. 390, 1066; V. 72, v. 987; V. 73, p. 337.) Richmond & Danvllle.-See Southern Railway Co. Klc.hinond Frederlcksbura & Potomac KK.-Owns fr•m Rlohrnond, Va., to Quantico, 79 mtr'es; James River branch, 3 m.; leases Quantico to Junction, eto., 3 miles, total 85 miles. The dividend obll• izations carry no voting power. Rich. & Petersb. Connection RR. stock et $140,000 receives 8 p. c. dividends under lease. The guaranteed stock is secured by mortgage. Console are reserved :tor prior bonds maturing. The Rtohmond-WaBhlngton Co . (see below) in 1901 took over a, majority or the 011,pital sto, k, but the '' union " line of that company has been operated by Rich Fred. & Pot. officials since Nov. 1, 1901, and the separate corporate existence or the latter will be fully maintained. V. 74, p. 149. DIVS.on i,tock & t '91 to '93. '94. '95 '96. '97. '98. '99. '00. 1901. 1902. Jan.,4. 8 div. oblliz. p.o. 5 7 yearly. 61.g 7 7 619 7 7 8 EARNINGB.-4 months, 51900-1. .• . .. Gross, $340.095; net, $128,943 ~ 1899-0 .... Gross, 308,761; net, 1:t2,68i July 1 to Oct. 31. REPORT.-l<eport for year ending June 30, 1901, was in V. 74, p. 149, shi,wing: Hross, $1,06~,758; net,$374,645; otler ineome, :t-23,420; interest, $49,546; dividends, $228,520; miscellaneous, $60,000; bal., nr., $59,999. In 18Hl-0, gross, $993,2fi2; net, $421,202; other income, f18,210.-(V. 73, p. 33, 1011, 1113, 1161; V, 74, p. 149.) Richmond & Mecklenburg KK.-Keysville, \Ta., to Clarkesville, Va., 31 miles. Road is leased by South. Ry. Co. ror 50 yt>ars from Nov. 1, 1898, for interest on bonds. (V. 6ij, p. 391.} Stock, $357,· 900 (par $100), of which $300,000 owned by So. Ry. Co. -(V. 71, v. 1121.) Richmond Nicholasville Irvine &; BeattyviJJe KK,-See Lomsville & Atla'io RR.- (V. 69,p. 180, 696; V. 71, p. 85; V. 7 t,p. 776.) Richmond & Petersbur:r KR.-See A.tlantioCoast Line RR. Colllehmond• Wa111hlneton Company.-Controls a "union" line Washington, D . C,, to Richmond, Va., 115 miles, in the joint interest of the following roads. viz .. the Pennsylvania RR .. Baltimore & Ohio RR .. Atlantio Coast LinP Co., Southern Ry., Seaboard Air Liue Ry. and ChesapAake & Oh10 Ry .. each of which owns one-Rix th of the $ :-.!,000,000 capital stoc•k; operation began Nov. 1, 1901. Incorporated on Sept. ft, 1901, a,,d acquired a majvrity of the voting capital st.ock of the Ril-hmond Fredericksburg & Potomac RR. and the entire stock of the Washington Southern Ry • the latter's line extendinJr from south end of Lon~ Bridge across the Pot(lmao River to Quantico, 36 miles.V. 73, p 843; V. 73, p. 495, t-!43, 1011. Kio Grande .Junction Ky.-Owns road Rifle Creek, Col., to a c:onnection with the Rio Grande Western at Grand Junction, 62 miles. This is a connecting link in the standard-gauge route between Ogden and Denver and Colorado Springs. Leased by Colorado Midland Raiiroad (since foreclosed and reorganized as Oolorado Midland Railway, and Denver & Rio Grande at 30 percent of gross earnings, which companies lointly and severally guaranteed the bonds, prin. and int. First div., 1898, soots.; 1899, $1 20; 1900, $1 96; 1901, il3 75. For 11 mos. ending Oct. 31, 191 Oi p;ros .. , $522,257. Year ending Nov.30, 1900, gross, $558,679; renta , $167,604.-(V. 66, p. 237.)  w~~::~~~;:-;;·c~~\!m~!tii!n~·l·n!;~~\~·H~:;g~. t:cf::1·. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  191  Various Q.-J. F. & A. F. & A. J. & J. M. & N. J. & J. J. & J. M. & N. J. & J. A. & 0. M. & N.  Phila.iPenn.Co.forins. do uo Phila., Read. Ter. Bldg. do do N.Y.,Del.&H.CanalCo. do do Phila. and Richmond. do do do do do do N. Y., Phila. or Richm'd. J. P. Morgan & Co.  1902-1904 Apr. 1, 1904 Feb. 1, 1902 Feb. 1, 1932 Jan., 1902,4% May 1, 1921 Jan., 1902, 4% Jan., 1902, 4% May, 1901 July 1, 1902 Apr. 1, 1940 Nov. 1, 1948  100 ~.000,000 3~ tn '01 Jan'ary Jan. 25 '01, 3~ New York. 1,000 1,850,000 5 g. J. & D. N.Y.,Mait.,Coppell& Co Dec. 1, 193~ 1,000 July 1, 1917 N. Y. Co.'s office. 2,000,000 6 g. J. & J. 1,000 2,233,000 4 g. J. & J. N.Y.,Mait.,Coppell&Co July 1, 1940 1,000 2,277,000 July 1, 1940 do do 4 g. J. & J. 100 10,000,000 5 in 1900 Sept. N. Y., Office, 11 B'way. Sept.1, '00, 5% 100 7,500,000 5 in 1900 Q.-F. Aug. 1, '01, 114 do do 1,000&c 15,200,000 4a g. J. & J. N. Y., Morton Trust Co. July 1, 1939 l,OOO&o 10,000,000 4 g. A. & o. N. Y., Morton Trust Co. Apr. 1, 1949' 1,000 650,000 4 g. A. & o. N. Y., office R. G. W. Jan. 1, 1917 1,000 750,000 Moh. 1, 1931 . • •• . • . • . • 5 g. M & S. 1,227,001) 1,000 July 1, 1928 . .. . ...... 5 g. J. & J. 50 300,000 M. & N. AllownedbyPenn.RR. Nov. 1, 1901 5 1,000 May 1, 1912 Phila., Co.'s Office. 212,000 41.g M. & N. Dec. 3 l 1903 84,000 J .80, D.31 All held by Pa RR. 4 100 555,200 J. & J. N. Y., by Erie RR. Co. Jan., 1902, 3~ 6 100 1,500,000 J. & J. N. Y., Corn Exch. Bank. Jan.1'02, 21.g~ 5 5,000 Jnly 1. 1925 do do J. & J. 6 450.000 100 345,360 614 J. & J. Clinton, N. Y., byoheok Jan., '02, 31e~  The Readiniz System always shows small earnings in the winter months. The largest earnings are in the autumn. ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 1900·1 was given at length in V. 73, p. 837, 846. Bee also editorial, p. 814. 1899. 1900. 1901. Years Ending June 30. Railwayoompany-Reoeipts ... $29,234,044 $27,783,751 $23,756,461 Expenses (incl. renewals, etc.). 18,566,351 18,134,193 14,t>34.038 $!-f,122,42J Net earnings .....•..••.••. $9,777,818 $9,649,558 Coal &Iron Co.-Receipts ..... $2ij,917,858 $27,884,643 $23,643,838 Expenses ....... .•••••....••..•• 27,993,149 27.567,580 22,742,103 $901,735 $317,• •63 $924,709 Net earnings............... 3,3fl8 543 4,336,4~4 Reading Co.-Net income...... 4 881444 .. ' -....:.....~-~ ' ' Net earnings all Cos .••.... $15,583,971 $ 14, 303 , 115 $l 3 ,::!8:l,?Ul Fixed charges and taxes....... 12,920,884 12,365,115 12,217,492  I  BONDS.  Bonds-Princ1· INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date ------------------,pal,WhenDue, Bize,or Amount Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, and by of of Dividend. Whom. Cent. Payable Road. Bonds Value.  Reading Company-(CONCLUDED)tP. & K.Coal & I. morts. See list V. 64, p. 619. . ••. Coal trust certificates, gold. See V. 65, p. 278. . . . . !Col. sink. f. gold loan(RR.) option, v.n, p.242 .... s. f., guar., p. & i.. .... do do Bensselaer cl 8ara.-Btock, 192 79 1st mortgage, consolidated. ................... c*&I' Richmond Fredericksb. cl Potomac-Common stock . ... .... Dividend obligations (same div. as com. stock).. Btook, guar. 7 p. o., except $19,300 guar. 6 IJ. o. . .. . . 82 .. ..•••..... ..........•• 2d mortgage.Ce.. 82 Consol. mortgage for $2,000,000, gold. Oe .. . o*&r 31 Rich. cl Meck.-lst M., $315,000, g. (V. 69, p. 391). c Biehmond cl Petersburg-BEE ATLANTIC COAST LIN E RR. Ria Grande Jitnction-Stock .•••. •••••..•••...•..•• . ~st mor.tgage, gold, guaranteed. Ce •........... ')* ·02 R10 Gr. Surra M. cl Pac.-lst M. g.,$20,000 p.m.Ce 156 Bia Gr. Smdhern--lst M.,g.,$25,000 i not guar ... 5 180 . ... ~guaranteed ~ 180 per mile.Ce........ ..... Bio Grande Western-Com. stock, $15,000,000 ..... . Preferred stookJ. $7,500,000 ...............•...... 657 lstM. limit'd to .i,15,200,000, g. (V.69, p. 284)0e.c" 436 1st oonsol. mort., red. at par, see text, gold. lll.o.c* 606 33 UtahCent. lstM.,$850,000,gu.V.68, o. 724,g Mo Utah Fuel Co. , 1st M ,$ ,000,000,red. a.tllO,Mo •.•. Pleasant Valley Coal, 1st M., s. f.,red at 115.llio .•.. River Front-Stock, 5 per cent, guar. Penn. RR ..•. 1st mortgage, gua.r. p. & 1. by Penn. RR ...•••.... 4·62 Debentures ............•...............••..•.•.•....  B<nne cl Otinton-Stook (rental guaranteed) ....... .  AND  Grande Sierra Madre & Pacific KK.-Organized in Mex I looBio in 1896; incorporated in N. Y. State in June, 1897, when completed  trom CiudadJuarez via the San Blas Mountains, Lake Guzman, Sabinal and ::;an Pedro mining region, to Casas Grandee, 156 miles. Extensio propostd to Guerrero, 156 miles, to meet the Chihuahua & Paoifto, and a projected line to Paci.flc Coast. Capital stock is $3,120,000 ($20,000 per mile) and bonds are authorized at $20,000 per mile, of which $2,000,0110 issued for construction to J11ly, 189_8 Interest on bonds began July, 18~9. El Paso Southern RR. orgamzed to build El Paso terminals and Rio Grande bridge. DIRECTORS.-Pres1d~nt, A. Fos~e~ Hii.tgins; Vice President, Edwin D. Morgan; 2d v_ice-Pres1dent, A. G1ttordAgnew; Secretary, George RowJana; 81del Tilghman, John B. Lawrence Jr., W. Morton Grinnell Edward M. Shepard and John T. Terry, New York offices at 100 Broadway.- (V. 64, p. 611, 1138.)  o ~:n':.:r~:~~u~~-::::ria.:.~(~-;!:e:a1:ia:&dg~~~i~or:a::eth-;  Oenver & Rio Grande, southerly to Durango, 162 miles. and branhes to Tell11ride and coal fields near Hesperus, 18 miles. Stock, $4,510,· 000; June 30, I 901, :1>2,255,600 owned by Denver & Rio Grande and placed in trust. Bee V. 63, p. 404. Mortgage trustee, Central Trust Co.; abstract, V. 54, p. 163, and ap• plication to N. Y. Stock Exchane:e in V. 54, p. 446. Of the bonds, $2,277,000 former-¥. owned by the Denver & Rio Grande are guaPanteed by tl.te latter.- . 70, p. 791. Bee form of guaranty, v. 70. p. 1295. EARNINGS-For 3 months ending Sept. 30: .Bal.,n,r. OhargeB. Net. Gross. 3 mos. $9,903: $55,028 $64,931 1901. .................. $143,819 6,131 54,426 60,557 1900 ....•••.....••••. 141,418 For year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $539, '129; net, $252,749; other income, $R,696; interest, taxes, eto., $213,493; surplus for year $45,952. In 1899•00, gross, $525,137; net, $243,474.-(V. 71, p. 389, ► Kio GrandeWesternKy.-rSeeMap.J-LINEOFROAD-OwnsOre• vasse, Col.., to Ogden, Utah, 310 m.t to Wasatch, Bingham, Coal Mines, etc., 117 m.; San--Pete(branoh, Thislile to Manti, 62 miles; Bevier Railway (proprietary line-all securities owned), Manti to Marysvale, 71 miles; Tintio Range Ry. (proprietary line, all securities owned)-Bpringvfile to Mammoth, and spurs, 48 miles; total owned, 595 miles; Utah Central (stock owned), ~alt Lake City to Park City, with spur, 34 miles, changed to standard gauge in 1900. V. 71, p. 3'13. Mine spur& jointly owned with Union Pacific, 2 m. Leases Crevasse to Grand Junction, 18 m. Total oper., 662 miles, besjdes 9 m. of tramways. HISTORY.-Formed in June, 1889, to succeed the Denver & Rio Grande Western, by plan of March, 1889. V. 48, p. 429; V. 52, p. 941. The Colorado Midland is controlled by parties interested severally in the Rio Grande Western and Colorado & Southern.-V. 70, p. 739. In June, 1901, practically all of the com. stock was sold to repre• sentativeR of the Denver & Rio Grande at $80 p1-1r share less a proportionate share of banker's guaranty against 1iab111ty of company lil suit involving title to certain spurs, to be held in a special trust pending the outcome thereof. In Jan., U102, about $7,300,000 of the $7,500,000 preferred had beeIJ exchanged for preferred stock ot the Denver company on the basis of 10 shares of Western for 11 shares of Denver stook.-V. 72, p. 676; V. 73, p. 139. CAPITAL BTOCK.-Preferred stock is entitled to 5 per cent dividend, non-cumulative, then common stock to 5 per cent, after which both classes of stock share pro rata. In V. 67,_p. 435, 579; V. 69, p. 492, 695. '99. '00. 1901, 0ASH DIVS.- i 1891. '92. '93. '94-6. 97. '98 ••ll., . . .• 2 pf.stk. 1 pf. stk. 5 .. . • Com., v. c. 5 •• 5 51.g 5 3 -. 5 3~ None. ~ Pref., p. c... 3~ Also paid in preferred stock on preferred: In 1891, 219%.; in 1897,4%. First cash div. on common, 5%., paid.sept. 1, 1900. V. 71, p. 343. BONDS.-Bee abstract of 1st mort. in V 49, p. 237. and statement to New York Stock Exchanll,'e in V. 50, p . 7?; also V. 69, p. 284. The fi1•st consol. 4s, authorized in 1899, are secured hy a first mort• p;age. eitherd1rectly orb) alt their securities, on 173 miles ot branch lines, aod further by a Recond lien on 438 miles of main line and othe:r road, and on all new mileage to be uonstruoted and rolling stock purchased, including 50 miles of branches to Heber and coal mines built in '99; $15,200,00U are reserved to retll'e the 1st 4s, $2,163,00fl were exchanged for $2,850,000 treasury branch line bond ➔; $10.000,000 have been sold; $8,000,000 were ismable at not exceedin11 $500,0UO per annum for equipment and improvements. They ara also secured by a first lien on the eutire $10,000,00u stock of the Utah Fuel Co. Addi· tional oonsols may also be issued at $20,000 per mile tor future branches and extensions or for underlying liens of acquired roads. See a.vplication to list in full, V. 72, p. 537.-V. 72,p. 775, 1189. EARNTNGS.-For six mos. ending Dec. 31, 1901, grose, $2,768,847,. against$2,!\42,100 in 1900. ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 1900-01 at length in v. 73, p. 1157,. 1164. 1898, 1899. 1900. 1901. Year end. June 30584 566 620 662 A. verage mileage..... Gross earnings ....•• $4,907,208 $4,510,604 $3,352,988 $3,362,288 1,293,112 1,268,464 1,794,!'195 1,683,96q earnings......... Net ~3,294 50,400 Other income.........  ---  -----  Net income ...•••. $1,734,368 $1,817,889 $1,268,464. $1,293,112:  ,ll,JVESTORS'  Tecoma  Montrllo.  .  /.//  c f.. . -·  J  '·i ••,.\ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  SUPPLEMENT.  [VOL,  LXXIV,  JANUARY,  STOOKS AND BONDS.  1902,]  RAILROADS. Miles Date 81.ze,or For of column headings, &c., see notes of Par of on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Bmn6 Watertown <I Ogdensburg-Btock,guar. (end.) 1st M.iWat. & R.,Rome to Ca{le Vin.,s.f.,not dr'n.c* Conso . M. (int. only in gold,$500,000 31ss) F .c. Oswego Bridge Co. lstmortfage ..............••.. Syracuse Phenix & Oswego st mortga~e.llle .... Norw'd&Mont.lstM.,g.,$360,000; 1 ,OOOp.m. R. W. & Og.Term. RR. 1st M., gold, assumed .... c* Oswego &Rome [Leased in perpe~],htM.,gua.r. 2d M.,,., ~ p. & 1. (end) by R. w. & O . . N. Falls r. R. stk., ($243,000own. by R.W.&0.) Utica&BL Riv. st'k,7p.c.perpet. gu. byR.W.&O. U. & B. R. lst M., $2,000,000, g., gu. p.&1.. Ce.c Butland-Stock, sreferred (for com. see text) ...... 1st mortga.fe (a so $900 2d 5s) ................... c First conso. mort. for $3,500,000, gold lJ• .c*&r Ogd. & L. Oh 1st M., $4,400,000, assu.ce .. c* Rut.-Oa.n.-lst M.,/.·• assum., $1,3 0,000. OB.c* Benning & Rutlan -lstref. M. assumed.N.o*r 2d M., gold, assumVI subj. to ca aft. 1901 Co.c* Ohath. & Lebanon alley, 1st M., $350,000 g . . c Consol. M., $500,000, g., p. & i., guar . .....••. s Equipment trusts, g., maturing $33,000 yearly .. RuSland Transit 1st M.,not guar. (V. 70,p.534)0B utland ,1 Whitehall RR.-Btock (no bonds, ....... .Tuscola t!Huron-lstM.,g.,rsc,P·&i.,end.Co.c* • O.Jla,d,.flSt.L.Bett.-htM.,g., 800,000,r'd.SSt.c* Bt. JohnslJ,ury 4 L. Oham~.-Stock, $1,298,500, pf. 1st M., $2,500,000 ($1, 28,000it by B.&M.) g.c* St. Johns ,1 Lake 11/ustis-lat M., 00,000 g.Mp.c* Bt• Joseph ~ Grana Island Ry.-Common stock•.. 1st prefe1Ted stock, 5 per cent, non•cum .......•. 2d ~eferred stock, 4 per cent, non•cum .......... 1st . ,g' . 2 p .c. 2 yrs. , 3 p .c. 3 y rs. ' then 4.Cec*&r  f·•  t•  Year end. June 30-  "97 All  0  17  13 7 28 28 9 150 150 120 120 120 127 4319 59 59 58 58  .....  ···1 66  . --i3i  47  ...... --·  25i  .u:~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS.  Bonds-Prfnoi-  pal,When Due.  O~~~g Rate r r When Where Payable, and by Stoclu-Laet  --- --- - - -  $100 $10,000,000 417,800 is5s 100 &c. 9,576,000 1874 1,000 1885 100,000 175,000 1885 1886 130,000 375,000 1888 350,000 1865 1,000 1891 1,000 400,000 250,000 '68:71 1,103,000 1,950,000 1890 1,000 100 9,057,600 1,059,100 i872 100 &c. 1891 1,000 2,440,000 4,400,000 1898 1,000 1,850,000 1899 1,000 500,000 1897 1,000 500,000 1900 1,000 1899 1,000 850,000 150,000 1901 1,000 445,000 666,000 i900 i:ooo 255,700 100 1,000,000 i900 1,000 768,000 1900 1,000 50 3,848,500 2,500,000 is94 1,000 491,000 1897 1,~gg 4,600,000 100 5,497,600 100 s,430,uoo 3,500,000 i897 1000  ----·· ......  i:ooo ··ioo  --· ---·  I  1901. 1900. 1899. 1899. Interest on bonds•.... $798,511 $683,069 $610,83~ $608,000 Rental, etc............ 180,654 172,275 170,786 140,043 Div. on pref........... 374,888 348,561 334,810 324,778 Total payments .. $1,354,053 $1,203,905 $1,116,429 $1,072,821 Balance ..•••..••. sur.$380,315 sr.$613,983 asr.$152,034 sr.$220,291 a From surplus on common stock in Sept., 1898, 2 p. c. ($200,000) and in Sept., 18R9, 1 p. o. ($100,000), both in preferred stock; in Sept., 1900, 5 p. c. ($500,000) in cash.-(V. 73, p. 139, 115 T, 1164.l River Front HH.--Junction withPhila. & Trenton RR., Lehigh Ave., Kensin~on~ to Dock St., Philadelphia, with branch; total 4·62 n L easeato r ennsy1vani a RR. f or 50 years fr om M ay 1 , 1882; m es. rental now $28,000 and taxes, 5 p. c. being guaranteed on stock. Roche8ter & Gene•ee ValleyKK.-.A.vontoRochester, N. Y., 18 miles. Lea.sad July 1, 1871, in perpetuity to Erie Ry. Rental, $34,012. "Kock Island,"-See Chicago Rock Island & Pacific. Rock I•land & Peoria Ky.-Owns from Rock Island, Ill., to Peoria, ID., 91 miles; R. I. & Mercer County RR., 22 miles; branch, 5 miles; total 118 miles. In year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $783,ts99; net, $61,44c6; other income, $7,303; interest on bonds, $27,000; taxes, $U,777; div. (5 p, c.), $75,000; bal., deficit for year, $75,030. Dividends at 5 c. per annum are r,aid; in 1892 an extra 10 p. c. was paid; in 18 6 an extra 5 per cen • President, R. R. Cable. Rockaway Valley KK.-V. 70, P, 12 6Rome & Clinton KK.-Owns road from Rome to Clinton, N. Y., 13 mile11. Organized in 1869. Leased in perpetuity in 1891 to Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. and operated by N. Y. Ontario & Western. Rome Watertown & Ogden■barg KK.-(See Map New York Oentral ti Hudson Ri'fJer Railroad.J-Owns from near Niagara Falls to Massena Springs, N. Y., 301 miles, less 27 miles, Richland to East Oswego,lea.sedfrom the Oswego & Rome RR. and Suspension Bridge to Lewiston Jct., 9 mile11; and trackage to 8uspeD8ion Bridge, 2 miles; Richland to Rome, 41 miles: branches to Cape Vincent, Ogdensburg, Pulaski, Fulton, etc., llOmiles; total owned, 414 miles. Leases Utica & Black River Railroad ($1,120,000 of $ 2 , 223 , 000 stock owned), Utica to Ogdensburg, and Clayton branch, 150 mHes ,· Oswe"'o & Rome Raile road ($202,200 of $214,900 stock owned), 27 miles, and Niagara Falls Branch RR.. 9 m.; Ca.rth. Watert. & Harbor, 29 m.; total, 629 m. LEABE.-In 1891 leased during corporate existence and renewals to N. Y. Central, which assumes the debt and ~ua.rantees 5 p. c. on stock; guaranty., see V. 52, p. 463 Utica cl Black Ri'fJer is leased in perpetuity, 7 per cent on stock guaranteed.-(V. 72, p. 1238.) Kutlan• KK.-Operates from Bellow's Falls, Vt., via Rouse's Point, N. Y., to Ogdensburg, with branches to Bennington, Vt., and Ticonderoga, N. Y., etc. Controls the Rutland Transit Co., operating steamers on the lakes between Ogdensburg and Chicago, Milwaukee, Duluth, etc., and so forms part of a through route from the western port1 of the Great Lakes to the New Englann sea.board. Opera.tea trains into Montreal from Noyan Jct. over Canadian 7 0 8 P~f. ~~e~~ • Miles. Leased- ( Ooncluded.) Bellow's Falls, Vt., to OgN. Y.-Oanada boundary to den11burg, N. Y . . .. . .•. · - · 279 Noyan Junction ........... 3 Rutland,Vt. toChatham,N.Y.116 Proprietary Lines. Miles. Leased. Alburg to Canada boundary. 3 Leicester June., Vt., to Tioonderoga N y 15 Tot 1 0 ted A16 ' · ·· ·········-· a pera .................. ORGANIZA.TION.-Lea.sed in 1870 to Central Vermont, but having become independent in 1896 set a.bout developing a system of its own through the purchase, lease or construction of -the following lines, w1t.ich 1n 1901 were absorbed by consolidation, viz.: The Bennington A; Rutland, Rutland•Canadian and Ogdensburg & Lake Champ fain. Also owns entire $100,000 stock and $100,000 4 p. 0 bonds of the Rutland & Noyan RR. and entire $1,000,000 stock of Rutland Transit Co. (See v. 73, p 437; v . 72, p. Ss;J, 822. Addison RR., see "General Finances" below., In Dec., 1901, the Chatham & Lebanon Valley : RR., Chatham, N. Y., to Bennington, Vt., 58 miles, was merged.-V. 73, p. 1357. In Dec., 1901, W. Seward Webb obtained control. The Quebec Southern Ry. w111 probably be brought under the same management in order to secure an entrance into Quebec. V. 74, p. 95. STOCK - Preferred stock, outstanding, Jan., 1902, $9,057,600. including $2,790,000 of $3,578.400, sold to etockholders at $90 per share, prooeeds to be used tor improvements, payment of $1,500,000 floating debt incurred :tor additional property and extensions. See circular, V. 73, p. 1011, 1062; V. 74, p. 95. In Jan., 1~02, all but $208,400common etock had been exchanged for pref. on the basis of ten shares of common for one share of preferred-V. 72, p. 439. Dividends ~ Year '90. '91. '92 to '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. '00. '01. '02. on pref.... SP. C. 3 2 4 yearly. 2 1 2 2 3 4 2 Accumulated cUvidends on preferred said to aggregate 130 per cent. BoNDs.-Consols of 1891 for $1,365,000 can be issued only ln pay. ment of 1st 6s in 1902. V. 66, p. 1190. Rutland•Ca.nadian mortgage is for $1,350,000 (see advt. in CHRONICLE of July 15, 189il). or the f500,000Chatham & Lebanon 4s of 1901, $350,000 are reserved to retire the 5s of 1899.-V. 73, p. 1061. GENERAL FINANCES,-The Addison RR. is leased for 99 years at 3 p. o. on the $500 000 stock, of which the Rutland owns $435,000. On Jan. 2, 1902, there were $1,045,000 notes payable, offset by $2,760,899 cash in treasury. (See V. 73, p. 781.)  J:·  I  1~3  Cen .  5 6 5&319 6 6 5 g. 5 g. 7 5 g. 7 7 4 g. 4in 1901 6 (8) 419g. 4 g. 4 g. 412g. 5 g. 5 g. 4 g. 412g. 5 g. 6 4 g. 4 g.  Payable  Dividend.  Whom.  Q.-F. N. Y., Gr. Cent. Station. N ov.15,'01,l :i.. Sept. 1, 1910 do do M.& 8. JUly 1, 1922 do do A. & O. July 1, 1915 do do F. &A. Feb. 1, 1915 do do F. & A. do A. & 0. do ~r. 1, 1916 ay 1, 1918 do M.&N. do May 1, 1915 do M.&N. do May 1, 1915 F. & A . do do do do M:·&··s. do do Sep: s~•oi,3¼ July , 1922 do do J. & J. Jan.2,'02,2% Company's office. J. & J. Nov. 1, 1902 Boston, Nat. Shavr. Bk. M:.&N. J. & J. N. Y., U. 8. Mort. & Tr. July 1, 1941 J. & J. N. Y. Nat. Bank of Rep. July 1, 19-il J. & J. Boston. Nat. Shaw. Bk. July 1, 194.9 M.&N. N. Y.,Na.t.Ba.nkofRep. .IS'OT, 1, 1927 lllc1t.. 1, 192e do do M.& 8. M. &N. N. Y.,Nat. B'way Bank. Nov. 1, 1919 July 1, 1951 New York. J. & J. M.&N. Ju.:· i,--i9H Boston, Mass. J. & J. j--F.lf> Troy, United Nat. li'nll:. Fe&.15, '02,119 . &A. N. Y., Contin. Tr. Co. Feb. 1, 1931 Jan. 1, 1951 J. & J.  ···5·g, M:·&··s. Boston, CoW.'ys Office.  4 g. J. & J. N. Y., 12 . 23d St. All stoc kin vot in\ trust for period s 5 in 1901 J. & J. N. ., Centr1lJ Trm1t Co. 2:3:4--g J ...&.. J. N. Y., Central Tr. Co.  Mcii:1;·i9« July 1, 1922 tated in t.x.t. Dec.30,'01, 219 Jaii."i:·i947  EARNINGS.-4 mos. 5 1901. ..••••.... Gross, $778,206; net, $814,963 July 1 to Oct. 31. U900 .. . . ...... Gross, 671,UO; net, 250,491 For 6 mos. ending Dec. 31, 1901, gross, $1,132,817; net, $405,016; charges, $291,732; bal., sur., $113,284. REPORT.-Report for year ending June 30, 1901, was in V. 73, :p. 1007. 1900-01. 1899·00. AGveragernimiles operated.················ $l, 3 3 $l,iif, 155 8 6 , 236 ross ea ngs. · · ·• •· · · · · · · · .. · · • ... -- -- · ; 71 233 653 809 NToettaelarntinini 50···e···· · ····················· 81·,.,726 67 4 161 9 ne c m ········•···· ...... ·•••·• 8"',892 82 ,.67 Deduct-Taxes and rentals........ . .. . .. .,. v Ioterest on bonds. ............ 390,783 884,500 Divid. on preferred stock..... (4%) 169,564. (2%) 84,782 --------Balance, surplus................ . ..... $31,805 $263,052 OFFICERB.-Cbairman ot Board, W Seward Webb; Pre11ident, PeretvalW. Otement: Vice-President and Clerk, Henry G. Smith. Director~.-Percival w. Clement, Rutland, Vt.; Geo. a. llall. Ed:ar Harlili.Jtc, Boston. Mas~.; John W. Stewart, Middlebury, Vt.: W. Sewar• Weltlt,Baelbume, Vt.; Chauncey M. Depew, E. V. W. Kossiter, George Bir«. t.-d S. It. Calla.way, 73, p. 958, I00T, 1011, 1062, 1113, 1357; v. 74, p. 94.) Butland & Whitehall HK.-Owns from New York State line to Castleton, Vt., 7 miles. Leased Feb. 1 , 1870, in perpetuity te the Rensselaer & Saratoga RR. (rental $15,342-6 per cent-o• 11tock) and so operated by Delaware & Hudson. Sau:tnaw Tuscola & Huron.-Owns Saginaw, Mich., to Bad Axe. 66 miles. stock, $600,000; par, $100. In year 1898·9, gross, $14.7,448; net, $45,644; other income, $5,495. Leased to Pere Marquette RR. for 999 years from Feb. 1, 1900, for ~ara.nty of principal an• interest ot bonds (form v. 71, p. 30) and mamtenance.-(T. 72, p. 88.) St. Olalr Madison & st. Loul8 Belt RK.-Owns bridge co~ pleted across the Misslssi p1 River at Alton, Ill., in 1894; also 2 mile■ f d bl tr k h O roa d · The b r id ge 18 , • lOO f eet l ong an d 1~•d f w. or ou e- ac · Apr., 1901, reor~anized without foreclosure, per plan V . 72, p. ~81, the old 5s receivmg 125 per cent ln the new 4s, which are subjeot M call at 105 after 5 yea.r1, $32,000 having been reserved tor to.ture quirements. In 1900 gross earnings were $80,89-l; net oTer taxe• an<1 extraordinary expenses, $32t321, v. 72, p. 676. stock, $500,00e; par $100. Treasurer, L.A. Ha.nay, 800 No. Fourth St., St. Lome, Me. -(V. 71, p. 30; V. 72, p. 242, 284, 676, 822, 1081, 1238.) st. J obos & Lake Eustl• KR.-( Bee Map Sa'fJan. Fl•r. t! 1'ut.) Astor to Leesburg, Fla., 38 miles, with branch, Ft.• to La.• Park, 9 miles; total, 47 miles. Part of Plant system. Stoc,k, (f), Bonds see table above. Year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $13,371; ae:t. under oper. exp., $8,907,-(V. 71, p. 288, 391.) st. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain KK.-Owns Lunenberg, Vt., to Maquan Bay, on Lake Champlain 120 miles, and branch :fro• North Concord, Vt., to Haven, 11 iiines; total, 131 miles. The roaC is operated independently although a majority of the stock ts ow:aed b7 the Boston & Lowell, leased to Boston & Maine. In year 1900-01 grosa, $306,644; net, $2,404; def. under charges, $78,334. Mst. JOG8epdhI&l Gd.-aNnbd I2s511andil KyTr.-LmkE OFBtRJOAD-hB!._JGosepll, o., to ran s an , e ., m es. ac age, . o11ep .,. ower, Mo., over S. F., 20 miles, and Gower to Kansas City, over K. 0. It Nor. Conn., etc., 41 miles; total trackage, 61 miles. HISTORY.-A reorganization Feb. 23, 1897 (per plan tn V. 62, p. 784,950), of the St. J. & Grand Island Railroad, sold in foreclosure. STOCK.-The voting trust expired Ja,n. 1, 1902.-V. 73, p. 1314. DIVIDENDS (p. c.) l urns. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. On 1st pref ......... 5 5 3 3 5 Jan. (pa.idDec,30.) BoNDs.-The 1st mort. interest is 2 p. c. till Jan. 1, 1899; then 8 p. •· till Jan. 1, 1902 and thereafter 4 p. c. Bonds for $500,000 reserTM for uses of new company cannot be issued to exceed $1001000 yearly, and $1,000,0(?0 can be sold only for new mileage a"t not exceeding $6,000 perm.1le. See listing in V. 64, p. 1138. LA.TEST EARNINGS.-5 months ending Nov. 30: 5 monthsGross. Net. Int.,taxes, etc. Bat., BUr. 1901 ........•........ $642,582 $227,573 $43,750 $183,823 1900 ...•••.......•••• 584,038 219,806 43,750 1'16,056 ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends June 30. Report for rneo-01 with balance sheet in V. 73, p. 1059 showed: Gross, $1,399,955; net, $588,300; interest, taxes, etc., $188,016; div. on 1st pref. (5 p. o.) $274.,880; balance, surplus, $125,404. President, William L. Bull; Treasurer, Henry Budge; Sec'y, W. S. Wilson.-(V. 72, p. 1136; V. 73, p. 1059, 1314.) st Jo•eph South Bend & southern KB -owns South Bend, Ind.: to st. Joseph, Mich., 39 miles. .A. reorganizition of the India•• & Lake Michigan Ry., foreclosed and sold D ec. 8, 1898. V. 67, p. 1263. Stock, $500,000 common and $250,000 5 p. c. pref., to be held for five years in voting trust. Leased to Indiana Illinois & Iowa RR. fer 50 years from Feb. 23, 1900, at a rental of $ 20,000 per annum taxes. No bonds.-(V. 70, p. 481; V. 73, p. 554.) st. Lawrence & Adirondack Ry.-From Malone, N. Y. (e.a Mohawk & Malone) to Caughnawaga, 56 miles, connecting there witll the Canadian Pacifto at its St. Lawrence River bridge for Mo•treal. The South Shore Ry. is owned by the same interests.-V. 78, p. 495. stock, $1,615,000, being increased from $1,300,000 by sllle te shareholders to take up $300,000 debentures itSsued for equipment.-  l,  ~·(t:  8  r•  u•  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  (VOL.  LXXIV,  Bond8-Prioo1· RAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. paJ.,When Due. Miles Date Size, or Amount Por explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par Rate per When Where Payable and by 8tockB-Last Whom. Dividend. on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Outstanding Cent. Payable  - - - ---  llt. Lawrence d Adirondack Ry.-Stock, $1,615,000  1st mortgage, $800,000, gold.(:o .••..•........ o~ .56 2d mortgage, $400,000, gold.Co ........... . •••••• 56 Bt. Louis Bridge See T~.RM. RR. ASS'N OF ST LOUIS. :,St. Louis cf Oairo-See MOBILE & OHIO. St. Louis cf Hannibai-lst mort., $600,000 ....... c 103 St. Louis Kansas~ Northern - See WABASH RY St. L, llan. Oity cf Oot.-lat M , $ 20,000,000, g U st 102 20 St. Louis Ken'nett cf Southern.-lat mort., gold ... o* 25 Pemiscot Div. lstM., gold. USt . ...... . .... . .... o* 20 Kennett & Oso. RR.1st~-, g .,int. renta1USt.o* t\t. Francois Valley, 1st mort.• gold, int. rental.. 10 Bt. Louis Merch. Br. Term.-lat M., gu.p.&i., g .SSr .c . Meroh.B'gelstM.,red.att.Feb.1,1909,atltO.SSt . St, L. & No. Ark.-lst M., ~., $25,000 p. m.text.Us .... St. Louis ~ San Francisco BB.Oommon stook, $64,000,000 ..................... . 1,691 1st preferred stock, 4 per oent, non-oum ......... 1,691 2d pt. stk. 4% n.-cu. $3 L,000,000 . . ... ..... . ...... 1,691 Refunding mort, gold, $85,000,000.ltlo •..•. o*&r 1,902 UNDERLYING BONDS. 2d mort. (now 1st), A, gold (Paoifl.c to Seneoa,o* 294 do Series B, gold...... Mo.,& branches, o* 291 do Series c,-§_c.°ld...... 294 miles. c• 29 Mo.&W. Div.1st .,g.,$5,000yearlydr.at105 .. c* 82 St. L. & San F. ool.trustgold,s. t. not drawn. Us.o• 104 Gen,M.:/i.(lston365m.)$3,715,000 are 6s. Uso* Collat. rust mort. on branches, gold , , n ... . c* ·57 Consol. mort., $50,000,000, gold, no option.Me 1,691 Southwest Div. M. $1.500,000red. at par, g.(Je c .. 112 Cent.Div., st.M., g,$3,462,000, 102¼.<'o.c* 103 N. W. Div.M. (Wioh. to Ellsw.), $1,300,000,g.Co.o* 106  -----·  I  i896  1896  $100 1,000 1,000  1886  1,000  1901 1,000 1891 1,000 1894 1,000 1897 1,000 1899 1,000 1890 500 &o. 1889 1,000 1900  ·-----  f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  380,000  7  See text. 135,000 150,000 80,000 50,000 3,500,000 2,000,000  4 6 6 6 5 5 6 5  (1)  J. & J. Jan.,'91,oouponlastpd. ~g. g. g. g. g. g.  J. F. A. J. J. A. F.  & J, N.Y.,Morton Tr.&St.L, &A. St. Louis, Mo. & O. do &D. do & J. Chicago, Ill. & o. N.Y.,F'rsL.&Tr. &St.L. & A. N. Y.,Farm.L.&Tr.Co.  ··-· -  ....... .. .  1936 July Feb. Apr. June Jan. Oot. Feb.  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1951 1921 191' 1917 1919 1930 1929  ---· ....  i  i9oi  100 27,408,700 ..... 100 5,000,000 See text Checks mailed. 4 Jan:·i;;o2: 100 16,000,000 See text. See text Deo 2,'01, 1 do 1,000&0 40,514,000 4 g. J. & J. N. Y., Morton Tr. Co. July 1, 19 1  1876 1876 1876 1879 1880 1881 1887 1896 1897 1899 1900  100 &o. 500 &o. 500 &o. 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500&c.  ---· ....  v. 73, p. 495,958. rirst semi-annual dividend ~n stock, 212 p. c., paid Sept. l, 1901.-V. 7';j, p. 287; V. 73, p. 33 . .Bills payable June 30, 1901, $203.339; equipment trusts, $104,918. Rt-port for year ending .June 30, l!:101, in V. 73, p. 840, showed: Gross, $223,330; net, $104,918; other income, $10,346; charges, $81,536; dividend (2~ p. c.J, $32,500; bal., sur., $9,254. President, W. Seward Webb.-(V. 73, p. 33, 287, 495, 84'0, 958, 1161; V. 74, p. 42.) St Lonls & Cairo KK.-See Mobile & Ohio RR.-(V. 70, 532.) • St. Louis Iron Mt. & South. Ky.-See Mo. PAC. RY. SYSTEM. St. Louis Kansas CJty & Colorado RK.-Forest P11ork (St. Louis) to Belle, Mo., 102 miles; branch, 3 miles; trackage, Forest Park to Union Station, St. Louis, 4 m.; also under construction westerly 76 miles to and beyond Versailles, Mo.; projected thence west to Kansas City. Stock authorized, $20,000,000; outstanding June 30, 1901, $1,· 600,000: par, $100. Bonds are issuable at $30,000 per mile of main line. Presi,1ent, John Scullin, St. Louis, Mo.; Sec. and Treas., W. P. Kent1ett.-(V 72, P• 33.) St. Loutlfl Kansas & Southwestern Ky.-V. 73, p. 900. Louis Kennett & southern KK.-Campbell to Caruthers· ville, Mo., 44 mileto; leases Kennett&Osoeola RR., Kennett to Arbyrd, 14 miles, and St. Francois Valley RR .• Campbell to Callgon, 10 miles; total, 68 mt,es. Stook, $430,000. Year ending June 30 1900, gross, $110,001; net, $41,609; int., taxes and rentals, $31,927; bal , sur., $9,· 682. Pres., Loma Houck. Offloe, Cape Girardeau. Mo.-(V. 71,p.1179) st. Loui 8 Iff,-,mttbts & Southea 8 tern KR.-To extend from st. Louts, at a connection with th r1 St. Louis & San Francisco RR., to Luxora, A1k, with hranohes in all about 420 miles, forming in conneotton with that system the shortest line between Birmingham, Memphis and St, Loma. Ofthts, 2d6 miles are completed, and balance, 154 milt·s, including extension trom Cape Girardeau. Mo., to St. Louis, 1 W mil"t1, are under <1~nstruction, to be ~ompleted in 1902. Incor~orated on Jan. 8, 190~, as a consolidation of the Southern Miss1•ur1 & Arkansas RR., Cape Girardeau & Northern Ry. (V. 73, p. 1161), Hoxie Pocahontas & Northern RR (V. 73, p. 95~), St. Loui3 & Memphis Ry. and _p a · t of t:hester Perryville & St. Genevieve Ry., and to build. exten ,10ns namect above. Stook authorized, $12,500,000 OFFICERB.-Chairman of, Frederick Prince; President, New. man Erb; \"ice-President, E. F. Blom eyer; Stcretary and Treasurer, Van R. Caldwell. Directort1, V. 74, p. 95. St. Louis Merchants' Brlcbre Terminal Ky.-ORGANIZATION. Double•track road from near tfnion Depot, via Street, Hall Street, &o., to Ferry Street, opposite the Merchants' Bridge, 7 miles. It owns and controls the Madison ill. & St. L. Ry., oonneotlng the town of Madison and East St. Louis, 8 miles; total, 15 miles. Leases Merchants' Bridge tor interest on the Bridge Company's $2,000,000 bonds. Stook authorized, $3,500,000; issued to July 1, 1899, $2,939,500; ar, $100. On Dec. 31, 1900, there was due to Terminal RR. of st. L. !z.OOR,489 tor advances under its guaranty. In No-y., 1893, Terminal .K. Association of St. Louis ac<J,uired control of tms company and guaranteed by endorsement the prmcipal and interest of its $3,500,000 fl.rst mort. bonds and the interest on $2,000,000 Merchants' Bridge 6s. The 6s are subjf'Ct to call after 20 years at 110 and interest. EARNINGS.-Year 1900, gross, $762,510; net over taxes and rentals, ,188 344; interest $193 270; deficit, $4 926.-(V. 62 p. 362.) ' ' ' ' ' St. Lo~is & North Arkansas RK.--Sell~an, Mo., connecting with the 8t. Louis & San Francisco Ry., to Ha.r.r:_1son. Ark., 68-'s miles. Succe-1sor bJ _purohase Feb. 1 , l900, to E~reka Sprin~s Ry. In Apr., 1901, extens10n was completed to lead mmes at Harrison, Ark., 50 m., a new tirst mortgage to secure $3,212,500 5 p. c. 50 or lOO•year gold bonds on entire propost-d line o:I' 128 ..., miles, at $25.000 per mile, being filed per plan V. 69, p. 645. Stock,$1,250,000; par, $100. "New flecurlties wm not be i ~sued until e 11tire projected line is built." Loans and bill~ payahle June 30, 1901, $57 ,36~. F , ur mos. endlng Oc t. 31, 1901, gross. , 8 ,ltiO In year ending June 30, 1901 \2812 miles ), IZ'ross, $11 , ,174; net. $42,"< 51; taxes, $2,728; bal., sur., $39, f:> 23.-(V. 70, p. 281; V. 72, P, 4 l ; V. 73, p. !:JOO). St. Louis & OklahoJDa City Ky .-See St. Louis & Ban Fr. RR. St. Lonil!I & San Francisco RK.-(See Map.J-1!:mbraces: Lines owned,.Mites. TrackageMiles. St. Louis, Mo., to Paris, Tex. 584 Kan. City Sub. Belt, Knoche Springtleld, Mo, to Knoche Jct. to K. c . ...... .. ........ 4 Jct. 1Kan. Cit.)), Mo ........ 186 Denison to Sherman, Tex.. . . 9 Monett, Mo., to Oklahoma, City, 0. T ....•... ...... 261 1,915 Sapulpa, I. T. to Denison LeasedTex .. ..... . : ........... : 198 Kan. City Ft. Scott & Mem. Peir. eCity,Mo.,to Ellsw'h,K. 323 and tr~okage ..... .. . . . . . . 853 Beaumont, Kan., to BlaokOvera.ted inclep~n,tentlywell 0. T .... ... .. ... . 79 Kan .•City Mem. & Birm.. . . . 286 Branches in Missouri, Kan• Fort Worth & Rio Grande.... 146 sas and Arkansas.... .. .. 269 - - Tot. syst.>m Dec. 1. 1901 3,200 1 On Mar, 17 Sapulpa to Derison, Tex., was openerl to all tr 1fflc.-V. "71 p . 137, In Jan., 1902, extension was com1-1leted from Sherman to -Oar, ollt11n, T11.1.., f'> t miles, whenct1 trackage o , er St Louis Southwest-ern atlords entr nee into Fort Worth and oonntction with Fort Worth .& R io Gra ndt'.-V. 7 ;:j, p. 9l 2 , ORGANIZATION-Orga.mzed June 30, 1896, to succeed to the property .and franchises of the .Railway company sold in foreclosure and reor.  s,.  ~ept. l,'01, 2¼ $1,615,000 See text. M,& s. 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., Cont'l Trust Co. July 1, 199t> 800,000 6 g. A. & 0. N.Y.,ColonialTrustCo. Oot. 1, 1996 400,<'00  i  6 g. 6 g. 6 g. 6 ll, 143,000 6g 215,000 !),533,000 5 & 6g. 44.1,000 5 g. 1,595,000 4 g. 5 g. 830,000 141,000 4 g. 4 g. 51,000 2.052,500  1  M.&N. M.&N. M.&N. F. &A. F. &A. J. & J. A. & O. J. & J. A. &O. A. & 0. A. & 0.  New York, Meroan. Tr. do do do do do do N. Y., United States Tr. N. Y., Mercantile Trust. N. Y., Union Trust Co. N. Y., Mercantile Trust. do do do do do do  Nov. Nov. Nov. Ang. Ang. July Oot. July Oct. Apr. Apr.  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1906 1906 1906 1919 1920 1931 1987 1996 1947 1929 1930  I ofperAtl. plan in V. 62, p. _829 and 1140-see &!BO p. 742. Central Division & Pac., 112 miles, was purchased m July, 1897.-V. 65, p. 150.  The Kansas City Fort Scott & Memphis Ry., Kansas City. vta. Mamphis, Tenn., to Birmipgham, Ala., with branchei:1, a to1al of 768 miles, whose entire stock was acquired in 1901, with 85 milf>B t · aokage, is leased for int. on bonds and 4 p. c. on pref. stock trust certificates, the new re:l'undin~ bonds bein~ guaranteerl, p •incipal and interest. See K . C. Fort Scott & Mem. in this SUPPLEMENT, and V. 72, p. 438, 532, 581, 1238. In May, 1901, 11 cqutred over ~O per cent of the stook of the Ft. Worth & Rio Grande Ry .. Fort Wor1h to Brownwood, Tex., 146 miles. The Kan C. Mem. & Birm.. RR., Memphis to BirminRham, Al ,., and uranches, 286 miles, is operated separately.-73, p. 139. The Kansas City Suburban Belt terminal affords an entrance into Kansas City. The St. Louis & Oklahoma. City Ry. Co., Sapulpa, Ind. Ter., to Oltlahoma City, 103 miles, was purcha.1.1ed in 1899, formal possession being tak.en on Maroh 28.-V. 68, p, 332, 674. STOCK.-In May, 1901, an increase in the stock from $!>0,000,000 to $100,000,000 was authorized ($15,000,000 of the new stook being 2d pref.) in connection with the authorization of the refllDdtng mortgage, in order to comply with existing laws. None of the ad11itional stool[, it is understood, will be is1med at present. V. 72, p. 723, L081. The company reser:ves the ri~ht at anr time to redeem either or both cl_asses of its preferred stock at par m oash. Provisions of the pref. certi.tioates werein SUPPLEMENT of Aprll. 1897, page 6. DIVIDENDS.1897 1898. 189 ➔• 1900. 190t. 1902. First preferred ...... 2 p. ct. 4 p. ot. 4 p. ct. 4 p. ot. Below. Below, Second preferred... .. •••• 1 p. ot. 2 p. ot. 2 p. ct. Below. Below. In 1901, on first preferred, Jan., 2 p. c.; July, 2 p. c.; Oot., l p. o.; 1902, Jan., 1 p. o.; on seoond preferred, Mar., 112 p. o.; Sept., 1 p. o., Deo., 1 p. o. In latter halt of 1901 dividends on both preferred stooks were changed from seml•annual to quarterly. BONDS-The consc,lidated mortgage (trustees, Mercantile Trust Co., N. Y., and Paschal P. Carr, of st. Louis) tor $50,000,000 (abstract in v. 64 , p. 186,) is secured upon all properties and securities embra.oed in the reorganization The refunding 4B of 1901 are limited to $85,000,000, of whtoh $62,500,000 were reserved to refund tne underlying bonds and the remainder for extensions, acquisitions, improvements, P-tc. On Deo. 1, 1901, $37,182,!iOO of the $51,589,000 old bonds, in1•luding the entire issues of the Kansas City Divi@ion tl '17 miles, and St. Louis Oklahoma & Southt-rn Ry. (S ,pulpa to _Denison, Tex., 197 mi tes), to~ether 'Ylth $3,044,000 F, rt Worth & Rio Grande ~Y. stock, bad been depo1nted under the mortgage : . when _th~ remauung $15,406,500 exchanRed th_e refunding 1s~ue will become a ttrst an,l. only direot or colla~ral lum o n 1~02 nnles of road. Of the un~erlymg bonds out• standing $2.052,500 . (first mort_ga~e on th~ lme from Paciflo to Seneoa _and branche~, m all 294 miles) mature 1!1 1908 and $1,642,000 are subJeot to rt demption at the company's opt1 •n on short notice. GENERAL FINANCES.-As to new acquisitions in 190 t see "organizatlon" above. In June, 1901, no floating debt. The proposed refund• ing will on completion save $70,000 in int.erest charges annually, unity debt and enable company to finance to advantage its additiona and improvements. V. 72, p. 723, lObl. See BONDS above. The voting trust was dissolved July 1. 1901. . Stockholders of reoor~ June 30, 1901, subsonbed to $11,650,000 4 per cent gold retundmg mortg a l!'e bonds of the Kansas City Fort Scott & Memphis Ry. due 1936, guaranteed principal and interest by the st. L. & s. ti'., and $13,5t0,000 in 4 per cent preferred stook trust certificates of the K. C. Ft. S. ~ M, iesued against the pre:l'erred stook deposited in trust -V 72 p 1238 See K c. Ft. s & M • · ' · • • · · EARNINGS.-For 5 months, July 1 to Nov. 30: _Ou1,er Oharges Balance, 5 mos. Gross ..Vet. income. cf taxes. surplus. 1901. .. ..$9,466,453 $4,279,333 $ 25,409 $2,14~,279 $2,157,463 1900. . . 7 ,853,105 3,445,664 38,976 1,88o,OL5 1,598,015 Road operated 3,190 miles in 1901, against 2,839 in 1900. ANNUAL REPORT.-Fifth annual report of reorganized company was given at length in V. 73, p. 896,911. See also editorial, p. 875. Year ended lune 30- 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Average miles....... 1,686 1,4.01 1,334 1,221 Grossea:r:mngs, ..... $10,173,697 $7,983,246 $7,22~,662 $6,886.467 Net earnm~s •......• 4,32~,690 3,290,719 2,88v,471 2,856,358 Total net mcome. 4,439,860 3,408,722 2,962,632 2,926,118 Payments-interest. 2,281,803 2,176,335 2,130,517 2,037,997 T ~Xf' B...... ........ 273,104 227,479 207,976 188,404 M1seellaneous . . •. 75,097 30,648 39,339 13,272 Div. on lstpref... (4) $200.000(4%)200,0<O (43i>)200,000 \4%)200,000 Div. on 2d pref.... {212)400,000(2%)320,000 (1%)160,000 (l'}t)l60,000 Extex.forcon. &o. 180,556 77,896 -- -Balance, sur . ... $1,029,300 $376,364 $224,800 $326,445 OFFICERS-President, B. F. Yoakum; Vioe•Pres, and Gen. Mgr.• B. L . Winchell; Vice- President and General Auditor, Alexander Douglas; Secretary Executive Committee, Fred'k Strauss: Vice-Prei:1. and Asst. Gen. Mgr., IJ. H . Beggs; Secretary andTrea.Rurer. Frank H. Ha.milton; Asst. Seo. and Asst. Treas., J. S. Ford. New York offloe, 25 Broad St . DIRECTORS-(Nov., '01) Isaao N. Seligman, J. A. Blair, E. C. Henderson, Fred'k Strauss, Mark T. Cox, of New York; Nathaniel Thayer, Benj. P. Cheney, Riobard Olney, of Boston, Mass.; H. C. Pieroe, Geo. A.  JANUARY, 1902.] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  fv1ap of  . 19v1s  51-  AND  s~ F  AN~~~~c~~ LINES. RANCISCO  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  1~8  (YOL. LXXIV.  B<mds-PrinotINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Miles Date Size, or pal, When Due. Amount Pa.r Outstanding For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Rate r,erf When Where P~a.ble, and •Y Stoc/u-Laat Oen . Payable om. Dividend. Road. Bonds Value. on first page of tables.  Bt. Loma & San Francisco BB.- Oonctuaed)8ti. L. Wioh. & w. lat M .. red. at 105, gold ...•..... o" Ft. 8. &V.B.Bridge lat M.,g.,dr.a.t 105,gua.r.p.&l.c* Equipment notes, payable s. a.. Bee text .•...... IN. Lou. S<ntthw.-latM. otfs., $16,500 p. md g.Oeo* 2d M. 4% inc., $10,000,000,non·oum., gol . .llle.o* Ca.rtrusts Deo., 1901 •.......•................••.... Gray'11 pt. Term'l, lat M., i.&1.ej.SSt.o·&r Bt. Louu Wichita ~ West'n- ee T. L. S. FRAN. •. Paui ~ Duluth-See NORTHERN PACIFIC. Bt. Paul Ea,tern ~ Gr. Trunk-lat M., int. gu.o* Bt. Pam Jlinn. tf Manitoba-See Great orthemBt. Pawl tf No. Paci1l,c-See NORTH'N PACIFIC RR. Salt Lake ti Los Angeles-lat mortgage, gold .••• c 8tJ£n Antonio ~ Aransas Pass-Stock .....•....••.... lat K. foi: $21,600,000 g gua.r.p. &1. (end.).o*&r Ban Antonio ti Browns,,.-1st M., g., $16,069 p. M. Ba,n Diefo Oiiyamaca tf East'n .Rg.-1st mort., gold llcndtu y Mon8tf!eld tt Newark- ee BALT. & Omo. 8 Word ti St. P rr.-;lstM.,fnotriar.PeP .•.... Do guar~. & ., end. 8 • • & .PeP .......... Ban Pretn. ti o, P a ~ lat M., gold, s. t.Me.o*&r Cal. Northw., 1st .,$2,000,000, g., gu.p.&i.,s.f. 6att. Tr•n. "'- Ban Joaqvin Vat.-See ATCH. TOP. & Fe Pru.ti Pkami:D--1 st M., $5,000,000,g..llle.o* 2d .K., gold, (Cent. Tr. beneftoia.l oertfs.).Oe.. ... Prelloott & Eaat.l lst 111., $375,000 p. & 1. gu.Ce Bsi-anac ~ Lake P acid-lat M., $120,000,g., Oe.o* 2d mortgage, •24,000, Oe...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BaNuz« tf Schenectady- Stock (rental guara.nt'd). Bault te.MarieBridge-lstM., g.,s.f.,dr'natllO. o I" $2,994,000 additional deposited under refund  c·•  i'  - - --- ---  ---  6 g. 1879 $1,000 $315,000 82,000 1885 1,000 : g. . 1901 5,000&o 1,310,000 1,2·27 1890 1,000 20,000,000 4ft; 1,227 1891 500&0. 10,000,000 4 in 19 1 804,004 '91·'01 various 5&6 ·16 1897 1,000 5g. 339,000  M.& 8. A. & 0. J. & D. M.&N. J. & J. Various J. &D.  145  --·  56  1883  15  1893  1,000  275 25  Sept. 1, 1919 Apr. 1, 1910 Dec., 1902·11 Nov. 1, 1989 Nov. 1 1989 To June, 1905 Deo.1, 194.7  6g. J. & J. Offlce,C.&N. W.,52 Wall. Jan, 1, 1913  1,120,000  1,000 300,000 100 . ... 5,000,000 1893 1,000 18,900,000 1900 N'neMa.r.'01 1888 500·&0. 550,000  687  N.Y., Meroa.n. Trust Co. do do N. Y., Blair & Oo. N. Y~ Central Trust Co. N. ., Mero. Trust Co. N. Y., Central Trust Co. N. Y.,B. Gr. Tr. & St. L.  :  Sa.It Lake City. 6 g. J. & J. J . .&.. J. N. Y., Cent. Trust Co. 5 g. J. & J. NewYGrk. 6 g. J. & J. In default.  ···4·g.  153 1894 100 375,000 4 g. 153 1894 1,000 300,000 4 g. 165 1889 1,000 3,996,000 5 g. 5 g. 60 1898 1,000 NoneMar'OO 8. FE. 198 1892 1,000 4,940,000 5 g. 1,000 198 1893 2,964,000 5 g. 1,000 375,000 26~ 1898 5 10 1893 1,000 120,000 5 (6) g. 500 10 1896 2-1,000 5 .. .. .... 100 450,000 7 per an. 114 1887 1,000 900,000 5 g. ing m ort~ag e .  Ja•. 1, 1913 Jai:·1;·fa43 1930 July 1. 1918  J. & J. N. Y., 12 West 23d St. do do J. & J. J. & J. N.Y.,25Broad,&Fr'k'ft A. & O. •ean Fran. & New York.  Ja.:a. 1, 1924. Ja.. 1, 1924. Ju.. 1, 1919 1, 1928  M.& 8. N. Y. Mer'tile Tr. Co.  B~t. l, 1N2  J. & J. N. Y., Central Trust Oo. J y 1, 194.3 do <lo A. & 0. ~r. 1, 1928 a.y 1. 1918 M.&N. N. Y., 21 Cortlandt St.  May 1, 1913 do do M.&N. J. & J. Tr'1., United Nat'l Bk. Jan.15,'02,319 . Y., 44 Wall St. July 1, 1937 J. & J.  1  .Madlll,Riohard C. Kerens, B. F. Yoakum. James Campbell, St. Louis. , St. Paul.-See Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul. -(V. 73, p. 287, 392. 896, 900, 911, 1062, 1113, 1160, 1208, 1265, St. Paul & Duluth. KK.-Purcha.sed July 1, 1900, by North. Pao. 1314,1358. . -cv. 70, p. 126,895,947, 1096, 1250; v. 71, p. 30.) St. Louis Siloam & Southern HK.-See V. 63, p. 30. St. Paul Eastern Grand Trunk Ky_._-(See JLap Ohuago fll St. Louis South-western Ky. - (See Map.) - Bird's Point, N. lr.J-Owns from Oconto to Olintonvllle, Wis., 56 miles. Leased .llo., opposite Cairo, ill., to Texarkanf;l,., Tex., 418 miles, and thence by Oct. 30, 1884, for 99 years to Milwaukee Lake Shore & Western. Ille Texas road to Gatesville, 305 Illlles; total, main line, 723 miles; .Rental 30 per oent of gross earnings, interest on bonds being gua.ran• branches, Mt. Pleasant to Sherman, 110 miles; Tyler to Lufkin, Med. Lease acquired Aug. 16, 1893, by Chicago & North We11ten 89 miles; Corsicana to Hillsboro, Tex., 40 miles; Commerce to ta.rough purchase of Milwaukee Lake Shore & Western. Fort Wortll, 97 miles; Lewisville, Ark., to Shreveport, La., 60 miles; St. Paul & Northex-n Pacific Ky.-Merged in Nor. Pao. RR. Altheimer to Little Rook, Ark., 42 miles; Stuttgart to Greenwaldt, Salt Lake & Los Angeles HK.-Road from Salt Lake to Sa.ltArk., 35 miles; Malden, Mo., to Delta, 51 miles; Gray's Point Terminal m Bea.oh, Utah, 15 miles, standard gauge-see V. 65, p. 824. Stock Ry. (entire stock owned), Delta to Gray's Pt., Mo., 16 miles, completed 1150,000. In 1901 $300,000 first 6s were outstanding. For yeM" in Oot., 1898; trackage rights to Cape Girardeau, 15 miles, Wylie, Tex., eading June 30 1901, gross, $52,688; net, $22,835, against $19,506 in 1 to Dallas, and Wolfe City to Sherman, in all, 99 miles; other, 6 miles; 1899·90; other moome, $6,024; oha.rges, $19,836.-( v. 65, p. 824.) total, July, 1901, 1,293 miles. Of the 1,268 miles of track, 104 San Antonio & Aran•as Pass Ky.-Owns trom Kerrville to are laid with 75•lb., 1,028 with 56-lb. and the temainder with 35, 55 Houston, 308 miles; Kenedy to Corpt18 Christi, Tex., 90 miles; Yoa.k:• And 60·lb. steel rails. On Jan.3.1901, purchased at foreclosure sa.le the Stuttgart & Ark. River RR., 35 miles, included above. V. 72,p. 88. um to Waoo, 171 miles; Skidmore to Alice, 43 miles, Shiner to Look• hart, 54. m.; branch, 21 m.; total, 687 m., all 50·lb. steel. ORGANIZATION.-Reorganiza.tion per plan in V. 50, p. 141, 561 of St. HISTORT.-Reorganized without foreclosure sale in 1893, ma•age· Leuia Arkansas & Texas, sold in foreclosure in October, 1890. Consists ot two col'porations-the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co., and the ment passing to So. Pao., which owns $2,000,000 stock. BoNDs.-Mortgage is for $21,600,000 (trustee, Central Trust Co.) st. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. of Texa.s.-V. 69, p. 64.6. STOCI.-Stock issued, common, $16,500,000; pref., 5 p. c. non•cum., and the So. Paolll.o Co. by endorsement on ea.oh bond guara:nteea nn• ll201000,000 ,of which m treasury June 30, 1901, common, $143,900; conditionally .. the punctual payment of the principal and interest." Bonds for $2,700,000 reserved for extensions, llmited to 100 mile11 prer&Ted $106,350. Par ot sharea, $100. at $27,000 per mile, equipped. Bee full abstract of mort. in V. 5i, a<>J1ID11.-The first mortgage certificates issued against a llk:e p. 54.0. Due South. Pa.oifl.o Co. June 30, 1900, $2,200,057 amount of first mortgage bonds eeoured upon the constituent lines at EARNINGS.-5 mos., i 1901. ...•..... Gross, $1,184,332; net, $4,21,805 a rate not exceeding $16,500 per mile. and the second mortgage oertifl.· July 1 to Nov. 30. 5 1900 .••....••. Gross, 1,206,227; net, 44.2,060 oates a.~ainst second mortgage bonds at $8,250 per mile. Toterest on b.comes, not exceeding 4 per cent non.cumulative for the calendar A.NNuAL REPORT.-FisoaJ year changed in 1897 to end June 30. Re• year, is declared (11 in Oct. and, from the net ea.rnings o! port for year to June 30, 1900, was in V. 72, p. 627. Cn 1900·1, gross, t.ta.e half ealendar ytar nezt prtceding, and is payable on the Jan. 1 or $2,618,377; net, $731,241; oth. income, $3,807; interest en bonda, July 1 following such deolara.tion.-V. 70, p. 1292. First interest pay• eto., $947,954; balance, defloit for yea.r, $212,906.-(V. 72. p, 627; ment on 2d mortgage incomes, 2 p. o., July 1, 1899; 1 ·678 p. c. v. 73, p. 1011.) paidJa.n. 2, 1900; 2·322 p. o. July 2, 1900, making4 p. o. for 1899. V. San Antonio & Brow-nsvllle KK.-Projeoted to exte•._ froa 7e, p. 687, 1292. In 1901, Jan., 2 p. o.; July, 2 p. c.; 1902, Jan., 2 p. o. San Antonio, Tex., to Brownsville, near the mouth of the Rio G:rande Gray'11 Point Terminal guaranty in V. 69, p. 1062. St. L. So. W. OWlllt River, 275 miles. Stock authorized. $1,000 per mile. In May, 1900, aH stock and leases road for fifty years. (V. 65, p. 413.) the Texas Railroad Commission authorized the issue of bonds at $US.· GENElt.A.L FINAlfCES.-In Feb.l 1899, $1,000,000 additional 4. per 069 per mile. In Mar., 1901, no bonds had been issued. President, H. oent income certiflca.tes sold ror improvements and betterments, M. Aubrey, San Antonio, Tex.-(V, 70, p. 997. ) and in Mar., 1901, $1,000,000, making total listed $10,000,000.-V. San Antonio & GulC KK.-San Antonio to Stockdale, 37 milea. 72, p. 534. Interest payments on 2d M. were begun in 1899. Suooessor in April, 1897, to San Antonio & Gulf Shore Ry. Capi~ EABNINGS.-5 mos., ~ 1901. ....•. Gross, $3,190,823; net, $930,492 stock authorized, $1,000,000, issued Oct.• 189 8, $32,000. In Aug., 1901, Julyl to Nov. 30. 51900 ....... Gross, 3,073,286; net, 1,307,4.83 wa.11 owned by a syndicate, no bonds had been issued, and tAere wa1 A.NNuAL RBPORT.-Annual meeting is held at St. Louis, Mo., on the no floating debt. The Texas RR. Commission has approved the iaaue of $250,000 bonds. For year ending June 30, 1899, ~011s, $4,0 085; ftrst Tuesday in October. Report for 1900·01 was in v. 73, p. 721. net, $14,928; deductiom,, $2,939; ba.l., sur., $11,989. Presideat, rear enaing June 30- 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. George W. Breckinridge; Secretary and Treas., Joh1l. A. Fraser, Sa• Gress earnings .. , ...... $7,387,174. $5,908,284 $5,862,338 $5,279,332 Antonio, Tex.-v. 64, p. 708; v. 69, p. 591. expenses ... 4,682,892 4.156,073 4,209,088 4.,173,328 Sandu ■ky Mansfield & New-ark KK.-8ee B. • 0. statemeat Net earnings ....... $2,754,282 $1,752,211 $1,653,250 $1,106,004 and V. 69, p. 743, 851.-(V. 69, p. 743, 851; V. 70, p. 77.) P. o. op. ex. to (62·72) (70·34) (71·80) (79·05) Sant'ord & Mt. Petersburg Ky.-(See Map Sav. Flor.~ lrut,) Tet. net,inol.otherino.$2,836,478 $1,847,896 $1,737,708 $1,114.,911 -From San!ord, Fla., to St. .Petersburg, 153 miles. Formerly Ora11.~e Taxes................... 155,771 151,567 133,4.95 131,007 Belt Railway, which was sold at foreclosure in Maro1t., 1893. Stook ls ht. on. 1st M. bonds.... 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 $600,000; par, $100. First mortgage is for $1,000,000 of 4. p. e. bonda1 Int. 011 2d M. bonds.... 400,000 360,000 180,000 interest reduced from 5 p. o., of which $675,000 have been issued, an• E•uipment payments.. 258,825 204,889 171,061 Rentals, eto...... ...... 66,907 61,148 44.,536 26,613 of these $300,000 guaranteed principal and interest by end. ot the Savannah Florida & Western (see copy of guaranty in V. 64., p. Bala.nee.......... sr.$1,154,974 sr.$270,292 sr.$408,617 sr$157,291 843.) The balance of the loan unissued ($325,000, Jan. 1 1899) ill 1 0Fl!'ICE:rt8.-Pres1dent, Edwin Gould: Tice·President and General deposited with the Metropolitan Trust Co., New York, for 1mpr0Ting, Manager, F. H.Britton; Treasurer, U. K. Warner; Sec., Geo. Erbelding. equipping and broa.d•gauging the road. For year 1900-01, gross, Director11.-Edwtn Gould, lrvinirton, N . Y.; R. M. Gallaway, Thomas T. Eckert• $122,294; deficit under opera.ting, $7,454.-(V. 64, p. 888.) San Francisco & North Pacific Ky.-Point Tiburon, CaL, to Murray Ukla.b, Cal., 106 miles, and branches, 59 miles. Consolidation ot Ma.roll Office, 195 Broadway, New York.-V, 73, p. 720, 723, 901, 1314. 19, 1889. Has steamer connection (6 miles) with San Franoisoo. Leased to the California & Northwestern Ry., Incorporated in March, St. Louis Vandalia & Terre Haute KB.-( See Map Pittsb 1898. The S. F. & N. P. guarantees $2,000,000 Cal. & Nor. 5 per oenli Oincin. Ohic. fl St. L.J-East St. Louis to Indiana State line, 158 miles· bonds, to be iasued at $25,000 per mile. V. 67, p. 370,688,788. Stock CAPITAL 8TOCK.-8took, $2,379,358 common and $1,5«, 700 of issued, $6,000,000; var of aha.res, $100. per cent oumula.tive pref. ; par $100. The Terre Haute & Indian• BoNDs.-Issued at $25,000 per mile; sinking fund, $25,000 yearly apolls owns $326,000 preferred and $500,000 common stock, the Penn• bonds drawn at 110 and interest. [Mortgage abstract V. 49, p. 241.i 11ylvania RR. $837,000 preferred, and the Pennsylvania. Co., Dec., Stock reported in Nov., 1898, owned by President A. W. Foster, 1900, 1,350,000 common and $381,700 preferred. Dividends paid on Director Geo. A. Newhall and others. V. 67, p. 1111. pref. stock 1891·1899 aggregated 70 per cent. (See SUP. Jan., 1900.) LATEST EARNINGS.-For 5 months ending Nov. 30: BoNDs.-The first mortgage bonds due Jan. 1, 1897 ($1,896,000), 5 men. Gross. Net. Ohargts. lfal,, sur. were purchased at maturity by the Pennsylvania RR. Co. V. 64., p• 1901. .....•...••••••... $543,094 $234.,017 $113,855 $120,162 420. The $2,600,000 second mortgage bonds were purchased May 1, 1900 . •• . ••• • .• . • •• • •• • 493,137 225,318 11-i,314 111,004 1898, by Pennsylvania Company. V. 66, p. 761, 811 ; V. 68, p. 4,77. ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 1900-01 in V. 73, p. 442, s1t.owed gro111, Both issues are carried at 4 p. o. pending adjuatment of funded debt. $1,039,000; net, $337,579; charges, $224.,513; bal., surplus, $113,06&. EARNINGS.-For l month ending Nov. 30, gross, $176,741 in 1901, In 1899·00 gross, $958,223; net, $319,287.-(V. 73, p. 442.) $159,077 in 1900, San Fran. & San S oaquln Val.-See Atoh. Top. & Santa Pe. Amro.AL REPORT.-Report for year 1899-00 in V. 70, p. 529, showed: San Pedro Los Angeles & Salt Lake Ky.-Projeoted fro• Yr.end.Oct.31. Gro••· Oper'ge:r.,p's. Net. .Rental. Salt Lake Oity, Utah, to the Paoifto, with branches, making •• 1901...•..••... $2,04.4,777 $1,303,~66 $740,911 $613,.t33 aggregate of about 1,100 miles, the Los Angeles Terminal Ry., 51 1960.... ...... 1,943,524 1,394,229 549,295 583,057 miles, being acquired and was formally merged about Apr. 1 1901, as 1 In 1900 other income, $13,733; charges were: Taxes, $63,71 O; in• a, part ot the new line. In Deo., 1900, active work was gomg on ta serest, $179,840; oar trusts, eto., $70,957; balance, surplus, $282,284. oonstruotion from Los Angeles to near Redlands, Cal., 71 miles. V. -(V, 70, p. 529.) 71, p. 1067, 1220, 1312. Decision as to right of way, V. 73, p. 237.  rai-l!l::, 'ir.t~eii~?it:Ui~~actil;;{!':P~:soa~~ st1t~;is~oeb, New York; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  7  JANlJARY,  1902 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J  RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  12'7  0  C 0  F  F  M E MAP OF THE  1  ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY.  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT  12!1  [VOL, LXXIV.  Subscribers will conf'er a great favor by giving IDUD.edlate notice of' any error discovered In these Tables. RAILRO_ADS. Miles Date Size, or INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonds-PrinclAmount - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - :pal,When Due. explanation of column headings, &o., see notes of of Par Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, and by on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend. Ba'Dan'h Florida <i West.-Stook, com., $12,500,000 Pref. stk., no vot. power,4%, n.•cum.,$12,500,000 Now 1st mortgage, gold ($2,444,000 5s)llip.o*&r Consol. mortga~e ($20,000,000) gold . .......... o* St. John's R. 1st M., g., red. at par till '05.Ci o" L-'harleston & Savannah, gen. mort • gold.SBa,o.. 1st and 2d pref. inc., $1,000,000 each, non-cum Brnns.&W. lst M. Bruns. to A.lbany, g., gu. 1,1 p.c Mid., 1st M., g.CBainb. to Montgom,) Mp.xo lstM.,SpraguetoLuverne,gold........ llip.xo* Sil.Sp.O.& G., 1st M.,g.(Ooalla to Invern. & br.)o* New mortgage. .. . ....... ... ·-·· .••. ··-· ·-·· Guaranteed Loans.  Florida So. 1st M., $5,000,000,g., gu., 4% aft. '99 Sanford & St. Petersb., 1st M., g., S"Uar., end.AB 8chenectady d Duanesb.-lat mort., mterest guar..  - - - - - ----1------1- - - -  .... .... $100 $12,500,000 4in 1901 Jan. N. Y., Oft., 12 W. 23dSt. . ... .. . . 100 12,500,000 do & Savan. 5 4 5 1884 1,000 6,500,u,10 5g~&tig. A:·&··o. N. Y., 819 1893 1,000 7,162,000 5 g. M. & -N. do do 130 1899 1,000 bl,450,000 4 g. J. & J. do do 103 1886 1,000 1,500,000 7 g. J. & J. N.Y.,12W.23&Savan. 103 1886 1,000 2,000,000 7 April. do do 171 1888 500 &o. 3,000,000 4 g. J & J. do do 175 1888 1,000 2,800,000 5 g. M. & N. N. Y., Metropol. Tr. Co. 33 1890 1,000 500,000 Montgomery, Ala. 6 g. J. & D. 75 1888 1,000 1,112,000 4 g. J. & J. N. Y., 12 W. 23d St. ··-· 1902 ...... See text. 4 .••.. ·••••··••· . . . . 1895 1,000 4,241,000 4 g. J. & J N.Y.,12W.23dSt &Sav. 4 g. J. & J. do do .. . . 1 8 9 4 1 ,oo&oo. 1T300,000 1 4 1 8 74 100 500,000 6 M. & 8. N. Y., 21 Cortlandt St.  8chuylkilt cl Juniota-  Jan. 15, '01,4 Apr:·1;·i934, May 1, 1943 July 1, 1934,. Jan. 1, 1936 Irredeemable. Jan. 1, 1938' Nov. 1, 1928 Dec. 1, 1929 July 1, 1918 Jan. 1, 1945' Jan. 1, 1924. Sept. 1, 1924 May 1, 19281 May 1, 1938 July 1, 1936 Dec. 1, 1935· May 1, 1948Jan.13,'02,219 • •....•.  Bunb. Raz. & Wilk., 1st, Ser. A, drawn at 100... o 43 1878 100 &o. 2d mortgage, income ................. _....... o&r 43 1878 100 &o. Sun. & Lewh1., lat M., $600,000, p.& 1., g.GuPo* 56 1896 1,000 Pennsylv. Schuylkill, 1st M., (owned by Pa. RR.) 101 1885 1,000 Behuytkill d Lehigh,-lst M., guar. by Read'g Co... 44 1898 1,000 Bellluylkill Valley Na'Digation d RR.-Stook........ . •. . . . •. 50 Seaboard Air LineRy.-Stook, com., $37,500,000.. .... ..•. 100 Preferred stock, 4 p. c., non-oum., $25,000,000.. .•.. .... 100 1st M., $75,000,000, g. (see text) ...... CoHa.c&r .... 1900 l,0O0&c Gold bonds sec. bycollat.(V.71,p. 699) guar.N.o* .... 1900 1,0(·0 Col tr. ref. M., g., $10,000,000, red. at 105.Ce.c* .... 190l 1,000 Equipment trust, duequarterly... .. ..... ........ . ... 1900 5,0u0 OLD LoANs,exoluding amounts (*)pledged under cons olidat ed mort Carolina Central old bonds, non-assented........ j . . . . '81·'94 1,000 1st oonsol.M.,$3,000,000,gold, gu.p.&i.end.F 267 1898 1,000 ,r NoTE.-There are $375,000 additional 4s ung uaranlteed a Inolu  M. & N. Phila., Broad St. Stat'n al,000,000 5 1,350,000 M. & N. do do 6 500,000 4 g. J. & J. N.Y.,Am.Ex.N.Bk.&Ph. 31g ,T. & 1 •. 5,000,000 600,000 M. & N. Phila.,Phil.&Read.RR. 4 576,050 J. & J. Phila., Read'g Term'l. 5 29,107,6fi0 To be In voting t rust. 16,695,100 To be in voting t rust. 12,775,000 4 g. A. & 0. N. Y., 32 Nassau St. 2,000,000 do do 5 g. A. & o. 8,000.000 New York. g. M. & N. 2,143,687 J. & J. . .. . . . . . . . gage. 115,233 6 J. & J. Balt., Mer. Tr. & D. Co. 3,000,000 4 g. J. & J. N. Y., Farm. L. & T. Co. dlng$124 50 0 bonds held all vein sink. fd . b $1,n0  Stock authorized, $25,000,000; issued, Dec., 1900, $2,501,600. Bonds, $20,000,000 fours, of which $2,500.000 111sued to acquire Los Angeles Terminal Ry., together with $2,500,000 stock. In Jan., 1902, $6,000,· 000 had been paid in by subscribers to stock. V 7 4, p. 95. President, W. A. Clark; Secretary, l'. F. Miller; Treas., W. K. Rule.-(V 74, p . 95.) San Pete Valley Ky.-Nephi, Utah, to Morrison, 51 miles; Quarry Branch (opened Aull., 1899), Nephi to Cooper, Utah, 5 mlles; total, 56 miles. Stock, $510,000; par of shares, $100. Bonds. $565,000 lat gold 4s, datea 1894, due 1923, interest J.J, and $250,000 2d mort. 4s, d.ated .June 1, 1895, due 19.!l, interest J.J, Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., New York, Trustee. Year ending June 30, 1900, gross . $21.448; def, under oper.exp.,$2,769. Theo. Bruback, Gen. Mgr., Salt Lake City ,Utah,  B0NDS.-The stockh·•lders, it was reported, wm vote on Feb. 26.1902: to authol'ize a new 4 per cent consolidated mortgage, about $26,000,· 000 of the bonds to be reserved to retire the outstt.1ndlng bonds, balance for improvements and extensions. DIVS.- l '87. '89. '90. '91. '93. '94. '95. '96. '97 to '98. '99. '00. '01. 8ince'86,%5 2 4 0 2 3Ig 6 4 2 0 2 llg 4 EARNINGS. -1,635 miles. l 1901.Gross, $3,173,132; net, $912,576· July 1 to Nov. 30 (5 mos.) 51900 .Gross, 3,022,370; net, 880,579· REPORT.-For year ending June 30, 1901, earnings of roads oonsol· idated, were: Gross, $7,94 f>,831; net, $2,4fi7, 700; interest, taxes, etc., $1,4.fi8,47fl; bal., sur., $999,225. rn 1899·0, gross, $7,269,660; net, $2,076,022; int., taxes, etc , $1,470,242; bal., sur, $605,780. For ola Sav. Fla. & Western the results were: 1898. Yr.end.June 30- 1901. 1900. 1899. Gross earnlngs ....•$5,150,490 $4,491,760 $3,9H2,196 $3,642,058 1,071,365 Net income ..•• . ... . 1,581.-i 53 1,289,605 1,022,676 874,711 Interest and taxes.. 930,086 947,465 858,965 $196,654 Surplus .... _...... 651,;, 66 $342,140 $163,711 -(V. 72, p. 88,138, 18i, 1035, 1280; V, 73, p. 83,237, 4.95.) Schenectady & Dnanesburg.-From Quaker Street Junction, N. Y., to Schenectady, N. Y., 14 miles. Owned by the Delaware & Hudson Co. Stock, $100,500. ~chnylk.lll & .J'nnlata KK,-Philadelphia to New Boston Pa.. 101·30 miles; Wilkesbarre to Sunbury, 64 ·13 m .; Selinsin-ove Jo. to LewiRtown Jo., 44·74 m.: branches, 79·15 miles; total, 289·32 miles. A consolidation in June, 1900, per plan V. 70, p. 842, of the Nescopec RR., North & Wflst Km.nob Ry., Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley RR., Sunbury Hazleton& Wilkesbarre Ry. and Sunbury & Lewistown Ry. V. 70, p 895,997. Entire stock owned by Pennsylvania RR., which leases the road for its net earnings and owns all the $5,000,000 Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley319s, and $1,400 000 of the $L,500.000 North & WeFtBranch 6s.-V. 71, p.136. Dividend July 2, 1901, 2p.o. In Apr., 1901, a consolidated mortgage had been executed, but no bonds were to be issued "at present." Tbe $1,500,000 North & Wt-st Branch Ry. 6 per cent bonds were paid off Sept. 1, 190l. Rental 1900, $1,561,82-!; other incomfl, $12,304; int., etc., $689,541; dividends, $405,080; bal, sur., $479,507. .Presidflnt, Samuel Rea; Treasurer, Taber Ashton,-V. 71, p. 864; V. 72, p. 873. Schnylk Ill & L"high KK,-Owns from High's Farm, near Reading, Pa., to Slatington, Pa., 44 miles. In 1883 leased to Phila. & Reading RR. for 999 years and in 18»6 lease assumed by Phila. & Reading Ry. Rental, $27,000 per annum. Reading owns the stock ($600,000), of which $598,000 is deposited under its general mor , gage of 1897. SchuylklJI Valley Navfaatlon&KK.-PortCarbon to Reevesdale, Pa., 11 miles; 2d track, 5' m; branches, etc., 11 ·41 m.; total track, 28 miles. Leased July 25, 1861, for 999 years to Phila. & Reading RR. Lease assumed in 1896 by Phila. & Reading Railway Co. Rental $29,450, which pays 5 p. o. on stock and State taxes. Seaboard A.Ir Line Ky,-(Hee Map.J-This company owns a. line from Richmond, Va., to Atlanta, Ga., and Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla;, with bunches to Rutherfordton and Wilmington, N. C. Augusta, Ga., etc., comprising in all 2,600 miles, of which 2,542 owned• and Meldrim to Lyons, 58 miles, opArated under perpetual lease. Under agreement with the Pennsylvania RR. through oar service has been estahlished between New York, Philadelphia, Washington and the South. Of the lines owned in Jan., 1902, 1,11W miles were consoltdated, these embracing all lines north of Savannah and east of Atlanta.. exoPptthe Seaboard & Roc1,noke RR., 81 miles. from Portsmouth, Va., to Weldon, N. C., of which over 921i1 per cent of the sto1•k is owned. The rest of the system is owned through stock, 490 miles to be consolidated! aho tly, including tb.e Georgia & Alabama Ry. and Logansvllle & Law· rence RR. on Feb. 8. V. 73, p. 1012; V., 4, p. 96, Also owns a onesixth interest in the Richmond·Washington Co. controlling the road from R!ohmond, Va., to Washington, D. C. V. 72, p. 340, 534; V. 73, p. 33,493. ORGANIZATION.-An amalgamation in 1900 of various "Seaboard" lines (see list V. 69, p. 907), including those whose securities are shown in the table above, the Richmond Petersburg & Carolina, etc. In July, 1900, the entire syi;tem was in operation; 200 miles of new connect:. ing lines having been built. The following companies were absorbed1 by consolidation in Nov., 1901:  Santa Fe & Grand Canyon KK.-See V. 73, p. 185. Santa Fe Prescott & Phoenix Ky .-Owns Ash Fork on 8anta Fe Pacific (Atchison system), via Prescott to Phoenix, Arizona, 198 miles: opened in March, 1895. P. & E. Jot. to Mayer, Ariz., 2ti•4 m. built under charter of Prescott & Eastern, was completed in Oct., 1898, and 1s leaE"ed for 99 years and its $375,00o bonds guaranteed. Stock, $7,904,000. rhe road is tax exempt by legislative en"'otm ..nt for 20 years from 1891. The Atoh. Top. & S. Fe took possession Nov. 8. 1901, having acquired $2,963,000 of the second mortgage bonds and practically all of the stock. See official statements, V. 73, p. 898; V. 74, p. 150. See otticial statement to N. Y. Stock Exchange on listing of $4,940,000 lat 5s in V. 68, p. 326. LATEST EARNINGS.-4 mos., l 1901. .. Gross, $324,:,44; net, $171,236 July 1 to Oct. 31. 5 1900 ... Gross, 300,083; net, 158,830 E.ARNINGS.-Report for 1900-1 was in V. 73, p. 954. 1898. Years ending June 301901. 1900. 1899. Gross earnings ............... $956,624 $987,132 $875,288 $764,124 Operating expenses .......... 439,975 437,584 455,285 365,270 (47·80) Per cent of op. exp. to gross. (45·99) (44·33) (52·02) Net earnings.................. $!'\16,649 $549,548 $420,003 $398,854 Total net income ............. lf52!'i,711 $55f>.477 $430,957 $399,416 Renta.l of P. & E. RR1........ 17.637 17,154 11,829 ....... . Interest on bonds, etc....... 395,621 395,2U0 395,257 365,560 Balance, surplus .....••.. $112,453 $143,123 $23,871 $33,856 F. M. Murphy, Pres., Prescott, Ariz.-(V. 73, p. '781, 844,900. 954.) Saranac & Lake Placid KK.-Owns from Saranac Lake to Lake Placid, N. Y., 10 miles; operates under contract N. Y. Central" Saranac branch, 5·6 miles; total operated, 15·6 miles. December 19, 1896 leaaed to Chateaugay RR. and Chateaugay Ore & Iron Cos. Jointiy for 17 years, and interest on bonds reduced from 6 to 5 p. c.; rental 35 per cent of its gross receipts and one·half net profit from transfer business at Lake Placid- at least $7,200-to pay 5 per cent interest on bonds, which inLerest is guaranteed jointly at 5 p. o. to and in~luding Nov. 1, 1913, by endorsement. Stock, $250,000 (par $100.) Dimde11ds.-In 1893, 3 p. o.; in 1894, 2 p. o.; in 1895, 2 p. o.; none since to June 1, 1901. For 1900·01, rental, $8,-192.-(V. 64, p. 182.) Saratoga & Schenectady K K,-Saratoga to i::loheneotady, 21 miles. Leased in perpetuity m 1861 to Rensselaer & Saratoga and lease assigned to Del. & Hudson Canal, by which it is operated. Rentf'l,$31,750 per year. Stock, $450,000. Dividends, 7 p. o. yearly. Sa, Jt Ste. Marie Bridge.-Own Bault Ste. Marie Bridge, includ• Ing t 421 feet of main track. The Canadian Pacific. Duluth South Shor• & Atlantic and Minneapolis St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie RR. cos. agree to pay for use of bridge an amount equal to operating expenses, and interest and sinking fund of debt. Mortgage, $1,000,000; sinking fund. !Bf>,n00 yearly. Stock. $1,000,000 In 1900·1 earnings were equal to operating expenses, Interest on bonds and sinking funds. For year H,98·9 gross earnings, $64.,394.; net, $51,512. Savannah Florida & Western Ky.-(See Map.J-Charleston, 8, O., to Tampa, Fla., with branches to Bainbridge and Albany, Ga., and Jacksonville, Chattahoochee and Gainesville, Fla., etc.; also Jack sonville to Sanford, Fla., and branch (part of former Jacksonville Tampa & Kt1y West, purchased under foreclosure Apr. 4, 1899), 129 mlles; Bainbridge, Ga, to Montgomery, Ala., with branch, 208 miles; Brun11wiok to Albany, Ga.. 170 miles: total owned, 1,665 mJles; leases 39 miles. Operates Sanford & Lake Eustis Ry., Sanford to Tavares, 29 miles. Total mileage, 1,694. In 1900 sold steamship line.-V .70, p. 1292. PLANT SYSTEM.-This road belongs to "Plant system," which see. The main line of the Jacksonville Tampa & Key West, 129 miles, was puroha11ert at forecloRure in 1899, in interest or system. giving a throu~h line from Tampa to Charleston via JaoksonVJlle. V. 68, p. 672. Tbe Charleston & Savannah Ry., Brunswick & We!"tPrn RR., Ala• bama Midland Ry. Silver Springs Ocala & Gulf RR. llond Tampa & Thonotosa.Fsa RR. were merged in July, 1901, adding 568 miles to the road own+-d in fee, and various additional lines, aggregating 60 miles, 1n 8ept., 1901-V•72, p. H35, 1280; V. 73, p. 237,495 . STOCK.-In June, 1901, common was increased from $9,432,900 to $12,500,000 and $12,500,000 4 p. o. non•oumulative preferred stock, issued to purchase the properties named above.-V. 72, p. 1035, 1280; v. 73, p. 83. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  g  Apr:·1;·i950, Oct. 1, 1902 May 1, 1911 To Julyl,1918 1920 Jan. 1, 1949 0,000 auth.  c!t~~Ig~R& c~~s~~r:i!·c~~0Ii~!1i~~rfh~~;~tt.~rs~~i~!lft~·t~:~ Ai:1t' 0  mt 2~:: b~~~::otl:\t ~~d ~Pt~:t~r~e~.f. 1:::t~':.:!1te'iiw)~d South Bound  In Nov., Hl0l, the Seaboard Co was incorporated -with $5,000,000, authorized stock, to acquire, it was supposed, a majority of the stock of the Seaboard Air Line in exchange tor debenture bonds. V, 73, p .. 1062. STOCK.-Authorized $62,500,000, of which $25,000 000 pref. Outstanding Oct., 1900, common, $29,107,650,'and pref. $16,69:>,100. BoNos.-The 4s of 1900 will upon merger of certain lines mostlyeffected in Jan., 1902. be a first and only lien on apout 350 miles ot road, including 102 miles of main line from Richmond to Ridgeway and 108 miles from Hamlet to Columbia (subject only to $155,000 prlor lien bonds on two branches); also a direct mortgage on the whole 1,210 miles of consolidated road, subject only to l)rior lien outstand  RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  JilUARY, 1902.J  AND ALLIED LINES.  PLANT  SYSTEM  RAILWAY & STEAMBOAT LINES.  MILEAGE TABLE.  MILES.  Savannah, Florida & Western Ry, 1,038 Alabama Midland Railway , , , 208 ~~~~~~~~~~7mr~ Florida Southern Railroad , , , 244 Brunswick & Western Railroad , 170 102. Charleston & Savannah Railway Sanford & St. Petersburg Railroad 153 Silver Springs Ocala & Gulf R, R. 65 48 St, Johns & Lake Eustis Railroad 111 Other Lines , , , , , , Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  PLANT STEAMBOAT LINE: Port Tampa & Ellenton , , • , 36 Punta Gorda and Fort Myers , , , 80 10 Port Tampa to St, Petersburg ,  RECAPITULATION:  1~9  JNVESTORS> SUPP.LEM.ENT.  130  MAP OF THE  SEABOARD AIR LINE SYSTEM FLORIDA CENTRAL & PENINSULAR SYSTEM ~  GEORGIA & ALABAMA RY. AND PROPOSED EXTENSIONS . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  KE-Y::CWES  L\'ot. LXXIV.  JA'NU.A.RY.  1902 ]  181  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  Sub ■crlbers  will conf'er a &"reat t'avor by glvln&" Immediate notice ot' any error discovered In these Tables. Bond8-Pr11',ol• RAil,ROAlJ~. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Date Stze,or pal,When Due. Amount of Par When For explanation of oolumn hea.dings, &o., see notes of Stocks-Last Where P~a.ble, and by Rate fer Road. Bonds Value. Outstanding Cen. Payable om. on first page of tables. Dividend.  - - --- · - - - ----- ----  &aboard, Line R11.-( Oond,ud,ed,J 42 Durham &Northern, lstmort., $150,000 .•••.••'. 32 Roanoke & Tar Riverl\1$260,000 .•.••••..•••....•. Flor. Cen. & Pen. 1st . $5,226 ~- m., gold Ce.o* 575 2d M. (1st on ext., 92 m.) $5,2 6 p. m., gold.A.o.. 666 Consol.M:,$7,800,00 ($10,000 p.m.), gold.G.c· 780 South Bound 1st .,gold, int. rental.Me Ba.c* 136 Ga.. & Ala., 1st M. con., $10,000,000, SoBBa .. c~ 400 Ga. & Ala. Term. 6o , 1st M., $1,000,0 , tp.& i. Ga. Carolina & Nor., lsli .M., g., guar.Me ac* .. 268 Raleigh & -Augusta, lstM., gua.r. ~- & i.. R. & G. c* 107 Raleigh & Gaston, 1st mort., $1, 00,000, gold .. c Seaboard & Roanoke-1st M. $2,500,000 .. . c*&r ·si Debent. $690,000, to be secured by any 2d .M.r .... Oar and equipment trusts ....................... IIAamok:m Sunburrc ti Lewiliburg-lst mort ..•. o*&r "'3i 31 2d mortg~e, go d ...•••••••••.••.•••..•.•.•..... . o* 38 Shamokin al. ti Pottmlkr--Btook, gua.r. by No. C.. 38 1st M., $2,000,000, g., sink. fund (not drawn).o* 34 81&.aron-Brook ($800,000) 6 p.o., guar. by rental.F 16 Sharon, 1st M. g. (Sharon to Pymat.M.eto.) ... .. F 17 New Castle & 8henan~o Valley-1st ., Int. jrll . . Bhrtoeport ~ Red Ri'oer alley-1st M., g., text. F.o* 76 Skrra Ry. {of Oat.)-lBt M., g., $1,860,000, B.f.5% 58 Surra Valleys-1st M. <Cal. Safe Dep. Co. trustee) 31 8iltJer Spr. Ocala ti Gulf-See SAV. FLA. & WEST. RY. 1/karuateles RR.-lst mortgage, $100,000, gold.... 5 Somerset Railway -1st mortgage .........•......... o 42 ConsoL mortgage, $420,< 00, p;old... . ....• . ....... 42 Bo.Oar. fl Ga. Ezten.-lst ~ $1,800,000, g.Co .. o* 182 South Oarotina if Ga.-lst , $5,250.000, g.Ce .. o* 242 Sumt. & Wateree Riv.1st M.,$100,000,g., gu.N .o* 16 South Oarolina l'aciftc-lst M., our., int. r ental... 10  1888 $ .•.••• 1887 1888 1890 1,000 1893 1,000 1891 1,000 1895 1,000 1898 1889 1886 1,000 1897 1,000 1886 1886 1010:.  i:ooo i:ooo  1882 1890  ioo"i  iss9 1887  1900 1897 1895  i:ooo  1,000 50 1,000 50 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000  ·--···  1,000 1898 1887 500 &o. 1900 500 &o. 1899 1,000 1894 1,000 1899 1,000 1884 ··---  I  *$100,000 *50,000 3,000,000 415,000 4,372,000 2,033,000 2,922,000 1,000,000 5,360,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 2.z500,000 290,000 625,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 869,4..5 0 2,000,000 657,M>O 164,000 250,000 1,520,000 870,000 300,000  M. & N. Balt.• Mer. Tr. & D. Co. Nov., 19~8 A. & 0. do do 1917 J. & J. N. Y., 32 Liberty St. July 1, 1918 J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1930 do do J. & J. Jan. 1, 1948 A. & 0. N .Y.32L1b'tyl'lt ,orBalt Apr. 1, 1941 J. & J. N. YN::v::~st. Oct. 1, 1945 .J. & D. Dec. 1, 1948 .J. & J. Balt., Mer. Tr. & D. Co. July 1, 1929 do do .Jan. 1, 1926 J. & J. do do Jan. 1, 1947 5 g. J. & J. do do J. & J. July 1 1926 5 do do F. & A. Alt. Jul7,1916 6 ...... M:·&-·N. 5 Phlla..d Phil. & Read.RR. May· i,..i912 July 1, 1926 o de 6 g. J. & J. 6 IF. & A. P1lllad Bread St. Stat'n Feb., '02, 3CJ. o do July 1. 1931 361g g. J. k J Sharon, Pa. M. & B. Sept., '01, 419 g. J. & D. N, Y.,Far.m..L.&Tr.Co. June 1, 19 9 6 g. J. & J. N. Y.,Fa.rm. L. &Tr. Co. July 1, 1917 July 1, 1950 4 g. .J. '1, J. 6 g. A. & o. Crooker-Woolworth Bk. Apr. 12. 1937 ........... 1915 F. &A. 6  100,000 225,000 172,flOO 1,092,000 5,250,000 100,000 10!,600  F. & A. 5 J. & J. 5 4 g. .J. & J. 41g g. M & S. 5 g. M.&N. 5 g. A. & 0. A . & 0. 6  6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6  g. g. g. g. g. g• g.  si1  N. Y., u. s. M. & Tr. ro. Boston & Oakland, Me. Boston, Nat. Shaw. Bk. N. Y ., 1·ontin'l Tr. Co. N. Y.,J.P.Morga.n&Co. do do Fayetteville, N. C.  Aug.1, July 1, July 1, Moh. 1, May 1, Apr. l, Oct. 1.  1918' 1917 1950, 1929 1919 1919 1914  log bonds thereon not exceeding $12,748,000 (or an average of Opened November 10, 1897. Branch, Jamestown to Tuttletown, 4111 $10,500 per mile) and a consolidated collateral lien on the remaining miles, was comvleted Aug. 1, 1900. Stock authortzed.t $5,000,000; is· mileage of the system. sued, $2.750,000. Beoond mort. income bonds $15,00u per mile. For The 4s of 1900 have been issued, pledp;ed or reserved as follows: 6 months ending June 30. 1900, gross. $100,534; net. $45,485; int. on Total authorized Issue in no case to exceed ..•..•...•.• $ T 5,000,000 bonds. $27,810. Year 1899, gross, $206,365; net, $103,620. President, Of whlcb outstandtn11: .. ..... . . .. ...... ... . . . ..... .. . ...... . ... l \?,775,ooo A. Poniatowski; Secretary, L. Rickey, San Fra.noisoo, Cal. Deposited or to be deposited to secure the e10,ooo,ooo coll. tr. Sierra Valleys KK.-Plumas to Cla.irville, Cal., 31 miles. Stock, 2o,ooo,ooo R~!~~!d retire 'ai,'maturtty: "cioii~~•:for· dollar,' ~·1i. the. $945,000; par, $100. Pres .. Henry A. Bowen, Ban Francisco, Cal. 29 725 1 1s1lu~~1~°o~ct; ~ft~~eJ~1; i1~1&;, ;~~n!iaAfi::is~r~perti'es:iin:. • ,ooo Silver Springs Ocala ~ Gulf" KK.-See Bav. Flor. & West. .Ry. provements, extensions, etc., at not exceeaing $1,000,uuo for Silverton KK.--Owns Silverton, Col., to Ironton_, 22 miles. In four years and e1,uoo,ooo per annum t oereafter. . .... .. . . ...... 12,roo,000 July, 18991 .a..Iexa.nder Anderson was appointed reoe1ver.-V. 69, p. The collateral trust refunding gold 5s of 1901 will be secured by d&- 132. Stoox., $350,000; par, $100. Bonds. $425,000 1st gold 20-yea.r posit with the trustee of $20 000 000 4s of 1900 and will be applied to 6s, due Oct. 1, 1908. Year 1898-99, gross, $10,885; net, $1,899; infund the $3,400,000 6 per ceiit o~rtiflcates (V. 70. p. 842), oitlled for terest and taxes, $27,120.-(V. 69, p. 132.) payment on Aug. 28, 1901, to purchase a, one-fifth interest In the road Somerset Ky .-Owns road from Oakland to Bingham, Me., and from Richmond, Va., to Washington, D. C., and minority stocks of sub- branch, 42 miles. Road opened in 1890. Capital stock is $736,649 sidiary lines, and to provide for retirement of maturing car trusts, (var. $100). Of the 4s of 1900 Maine Trust & Banking Co., Gar• floating debt, future betterments, etc., and to retire the $2,000,000 diner, Me., trustee, the balance are reserved to retire the old 5s at or collateral trust 5s, due Oct., 1902, (V. 71, p. 69l), for which an equal before maturity.-V. 70, p. 1096. Bills pay ab eJune30, U,01,$20,5319 amount or collateral trust 5s are reserved. V. 72, p. 1280. The $2,EARNINGS.-Report for year 1900-01 in V. 73, p. 1008, showed: 483,000 Ga. &Ala. 5% preference bonds were Oct 1, 1901. Gross, $109,123; net, $30,(29; char~es. $17,760: balance, 1urplus for GENERAL FINANCES.-Capitaliza.tion per mile is reported as $19,380 year, $12,659.-(V. 70, p. 895, 1096; v. 73, p. 900, 1008,) bonds, $6,560 preferred and $11,450 common stock. South Carolina & Georgia Extension KR.-Owns Camden, LATEST EARNS.-5 mos., t.1901. ... Gross, $4,70fl,372; net, $1,5i0,813 8. C., to Marion, N. C., 17lmiles; Blacksburg to Gaffney, S. 0., 10¼ m. Jan. 1 to Nov 80 .•..•. 5 1900.. Gross, 4,305,547; net, 776,795 ORGANIZATION.-A reorganization in Sept., 1898, of the Ohio River EARNINGS, CHARGES, ETc.-For 11 mos. ending May 31, 1901. gross, & Chitrleston foreclosed. V. 67, p. 635. Stock, $500,0~0. For year $10,008,773, against $8,801,936 in 1899-0. Upon retirement of the 6 e n ctlng ~une 30, 1901, gross, $2!:!0,011; net, $64,037; mt. and taxes, per ct1nt certificates called tor payment on Aug. 28, 1901, the annual i64,126, bal., def., $89.- (V. 68, P· 979.) interest on outstanding bonds and rentals of the system wil1 a.mount ~outh Carolina & Georgia KK.-(SeeMap Southern Ry.)to $2,524,900. The net earnings (after deducting taxes) for the 5 Charlel!ton, S. C., to Augusta, Ga., with branches to Columbia, S. O., months ending May 31, 1901, were, as shown above, $1,538,145, or at eto.; total owned, 242. the rate of about $3,691,548 per annum. v. 72, p. 1280. HISTORY, ETC.-A reorg-anlza.tion in May, 1894, of the old South CarOFFICERS.-President, John Skelton; Vice-President and olina RR. per plan given m V. 58, p. 867. In April, 1899, control was Gen. Mgr., J.M. Barr; Secretary, D. C. Porteous; Treas.,John H. Sharp. acquired by the Southern Rv .. which leased the road for 30 years toDirectors.-John Skelton Willlams, Richmond, Va.; Jame~ M. Barr. ~ orfolk, May 1, 1929. Under the lease the Southern agrees_to apply the ~et Va.: E. H. Addison, or Richmond, Va.; J. w. Mid<1enctorf. Wm. A. Marbury, s. earnings of the road towards thf' payment of operating expenses, mDavies Wnrfleld 1And Robert C. Davidson, of B1dti11J or e. M!I.; Ge,,. W. Watts, terest on bonds , oar trust obligations, etc. The Southern may, at itsDuroam N. C.; James H. Doole,:, Richmond, Va.; F, R. Pemberton. New York; option, meet any deficiency, receiving in return certifleates of indebt· Wm. F. Oocbrll.Il, Yonkers, N. 1., C. Sidney Shepard. of New Haven, N. Y, edness payable on dema.nd.-V. 68, p. 873.-See also V. 69, p. 390. Main office. Richmond; N. Y. office, 32 Liberty St-(V. 72, p. 1280; STOCK.-Btook $5,000,000; outstanding $3,622,500, mostly OWDAd V. 73, p. 33, 1012, 1062; V, 74, p. £6.) by Sou1h . Ry. Car trusts June 30, 1900, eto., $63,230.-(V. 69, p . 8 2 .) Seaboard&KoanokeKK.-See Seaboard Air Line Ry. abov e. South Carolina PacUlc Ky.-North Carolina State line to BenSea Coast KK.-In June, 1901, merged in Atlantic City RR. n~ttsville,, 8. 9., 10·5 miles. Leased till Dec., 1924, to Atlan tic Coast 8eattle & San Francisco Ky. & Navt~atlon.-ORGANIZATION. Lme RR. for rnter e st on bonds. Stock, $100,000. Bonds, see t able. -Incorporated in March, 189,9 , to own 1,931 acres of coal lands 25 Southern Indiana Ky.-Terre Haute, ~fi:d., to Westport, 1 50 m.: miles southeasterly from Seattle, Wash. 24 3icres of terminal and dock Operat es Bedford Belt Ry .• Bedford ~ Oolitic, Ind .. 4 m., under per-· property at Seattle, etc.; also steamship iines and 35 runes of railroad p e tual contract, by which all the earnmgs above int~rest on $350,000, if bullt.-V. 68, p. 929. V. 69, p. 386, 852. In July. 1901, the conflict 5 p. o. bonds go to South~rn Ind. Ry.; total, 154 miles. Coal branch between opposing interests was reported settled -V. 73,p . 83. under construction from Jasonville, Ind., rnuthwest, 813 miles; alsoBtook, $3,000,000. Bonds, $1,500,000 1st 40 year gold 5s,dattld Apr. b~a.n ch to Incli?,n Springs Hotel, 1~ miles. A reorganization of Evans1, 1899, int. A-0 at Metropolitan Trust Co., N. Y., trustee; $825,000 ville &r. Rich. HR., foreclosed Mar., 1897. issued. See full particula rs in v. 69, p. 182, and advertisement in STOCK.Common, :r 3,000,000; pref., $500,000; :par, $100; all ts_sued. B o NDs.- Of the 1st 4.s of 1901, $5,000,000 are issuable to ret ire theCBBONICLE or July 22 1899. President w. E. Guerin.-(V. 73, p. 83.) • ' old $1,500,000 5s, construction expenditures in 1901, additional 24 Sebastlcook & 1'Ioos~head KR.-V. 68, p. _1078. 0~ June , equipment, eto., and further bonds at $20;000 per mile for single1899, A. B. Thompson, of Pittsfield, Me., was appomted receiver. tra.ok and $10,000 per mile for second track constructed or aoq uired Sb.&JDokln Sunbury & Lewisburg KK.- '""'arbon _Run Jct. to in addition to 150 miles from Terr~ Haute to Westport -V. 72, p. 1082. West Milto~t Pa., with iron bridge over Susquehanna., 31 miles; second EQutp't notes, Incl. int., June 30, 1901.$307,906; billl' payable $35 610. trao~, 15 mues; total of all track, 57 mlles. Leased to Philadelphia & Report for year endin~ June 30, 1901, was in V.173, p. 1261, 'sho~ing:: RelMllilg RR. July 2, 1883, for 999 at 6 per cent on the stock, gross, $439,b28; net. $145,741; char~es. $112,410; smplus, $33,330. and lease assumed in 1896 by Philadelphia, & Reading Ry. Used for In 1899-00, gross, $3tj3,895; net, $213,998. President is John R. coal tra.tflo northward. Stock, $2,000,000 (par, $50) owned by Reading Walsh; Secretary, C. F. Weinland, 204 Dearborn St., Chica.go, m.-tV. Co., of which $1,995,000 is deposited under mort. of'97.-(V. 51,p. 21.) 73, p. 389, 1261.) Shamokin Valley & Pottsville Ky.-(SeeMap Pa. RR.J-SunSouthern 1'Ilssonrl & Arkansas KK.-Owns from Cap& bury, Pa., t,o Mt. Carmel, Pa., and branches, 38 miles. Leased Feb. 27, Girardeau, Mo., to Hunter, .Mo., 94 miles; leases, branch, 619 miles. 1863, for 999 :to the Northern Central Railway Co., with a guar- Extension from Mingo to Poplar Bluff, 18 miles, was opened Oct.~ 1mtee of taxes, interest on the bonds and 6 per cent on the stock, of 1901, and extension from Poplar Bluff, Mo., to Pocahontas, Ark., 52 m , which $619,650 is owned by the Northern Central. The $2,000.000 was let Aug. 14, 1901. Stock, $1,000,000, all outstanding; par, first 3.ts, were issued to retire the 7s at maturity- July 1, 1901.-(V. 73, $100. A reorganization per plan in v. 68, p. 233, of the St. Louie p. 139, 1061, 1314.) Cape Girardeau & Fort Smith R .v .• sold under foreclosure on May 1, Sharon Ky.-Owns from Newcastle, Pa., via Sharon, to Pyma.tun- 1899.-V. 68, p. 872. ln Jan., l \ 02, consolidation was pending with lng, Pa., w1lih oranches, 34 miles in all. Consolidated with New- the St. Lonie Memphi3 & Southeastern RR, which see.-(V. 74, p 96.) castle & Shenango Valley RR. and thereupon leased to the Erie RR. BONDS, ETc.-Of the lets of 1899 $600,000 bear 5 p. o. interesli from for 900 years from Deo. 1, 1900, for interest on oonds and 6 per cent July 1, 1899, and the remaining $400,000 for five years are to be nonon stock, the old l eases being canceled.- V. 72, p. 88; V . 73, p. 399. cumulative incomes, but thereafter entitled to 5 p. o. fixed interest. Shore Line Ky. ot' Ne,vBrunswlck.-V. 73, p. 664. -V. 73, P- 83.) Shreveport & Red Rlvf>r Valley Ky.-Shreveport, La., to LATEST EARNINGS.-11 mos., S1901. .. . Gross, $202,452; net, $84 ,544. Pineville, 122 miles. operated in Oct., 1901. Extension from Pineville Jan. 1 to Nov. 30 ... . .... l HIOO •.•• Gross, 169,759; net, 63,407 to Mansura, La., about ~O miles, was under construction and further Year ending Deo. 31, 1900, gross, $184,846; net, $76,647; int., taxes, extension proposed to the Mississippi Rlver and to New Orleans. In et<'.,i28,000; bal.. sur., $48,647. Pres., Newman Erb, New York,:N'.Y. Jan.. 1901, stock was authorized to be increased from $600,000 to Treas., Van R. Caldwell, Cape Girardeau, .Mo.-(V. 73, p, 83, 958, $1,000,000, Of the bonds, $20,000 are authorized to be issued per 1161; V. 74, p. £6.) mile and $300,080 additional for a lJridge over the Red River at Alexsouth Pacific Coast Ky .-NARROW GAUGE.-Alameda to andria. V. 72, P l l 89. Stock, $800,000 authorized. President, Wm. Santa Cruz, 77 miles; lmmcbes, 27 mile!'; ferr.v, 3 m .; total 104 miles. Edenborn, C.nioago, Ill. -V. 72, p. 1189. Leased for 55 years from July 1, 1887, to Southern Pacific Company, Sierra Railway (of Callfornta).-Owns road from Oakdale, which ~a.rantees the bonds and owns all the $6,000,000 stock. Year on line or Southern Paoiflo, to Carters, Tuolumne County, 58 miles. 1900 01, gross,$911,673; net, $64,742; def. under charges, $207,923.  to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  under.:  s  s  MAP OF THE  SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY A TLANTIC SYSTEM.  . I  I I  .I  I .I  N  I  ,,  M  E Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  X  I  B C  o· I I  I' _ __ _  ,Big Spring  _J Midland Stanton "(E.1-•  < 0  l  r  L  F  0  %  i:-  I  0  0  ~  1-4  ~  JANUARY,  19 2. ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  STOCKS AND  BONDS.  133  D  A  PACIFIC SYSTEM.  D  A  134  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT. RAILROADS.  Por explanation of column headings, &c., see notes on first page of tables.  [VOL. LXXlV.  Bond8-PrtnolilH.EREST OR DIVIDENDS. pa.I,When Due. Miles Dat.e Size,or Amount of Par OutstandinF Rate per W.nen Where P~able, and by BtockB-Last of Oent Payable om. Dividend. Road. Bonds Value.  ----  - - --- ----  6 g. M.&N. Lon.,Bar.Bros.&Co.,L'd Bo.dNo.Alabama-lstM.,s.f.notdr'n;guar.byL.&N. 189 1873 £200 £645,400 6 g. A. & 0. N. Y. Of., 120 Broadw'y 2dmort. gold, s. f. $2,000,000 (owned by L. & N.) 189 1880 $1,000 $2,000,000 5 g. F. & A. N. Y., Office, 120 B'way. Consol. mort (for $10,000,000), gold, guar.Ce .. c* 189 1886 1,000 4,779,000 4 g. F. & A N. Y., Phenix Nat. Bk. &mth'n Indiana-1st M., gold-See text .. EC .. .. c* 150 1901 2,750,000 1,m Southern Missouri d Arkansas-Stock, $1,000,000 889,000 J ...&.. J . N. Y., Knick. Trust Co. 1st mortgage, 5 per cent K ..... .................. '94 500 600,000 400,000 do $400,000 income, 5 years ..... . .... 94 1899 500 5,500,000 J. ..&.. J . N. Y., 8.Pac., 120 B'way South Pac. Ooast-lstM.,_J-, gu. (8. f. 1912) ..... F.c 104 1887 1,000 Southern Pacific OOMPA Y-Stock($200,000,000) .... 100 197,847,788 500 &c. 28,818,500 J. ..&.D. 1st coup. paidDec.1899 Col. trust mort.,gold, call at f;ar. Un.. c*&r Steamship 1st mort. bonds, Ser. A, 3,000,000 ... 2,286,000 J. & J. N. Y., 120 Broadway. 1891 6 41.g g. J. & D. do do Coll. tr.mort., ~-, sec. by Pac.Mail, '02.Ce* 15,000,000 19f0 1,000 6 g. J. & J. N. Y.,~.Pac.,120B'way Bouth. Pac. of Anzona-. lst M, ser. A, Nold, gua.r.. c&r 392 1879 6,000,000 6 g, J. & J. 1,000 4,000,000 do do do do Series B, ~ol , guar ..... c&r 392 1880 Bouthern Pacific RR.-Stock, $12 ,455,000 auth ... 100 101,424,160 A:·&--0. N. Y.,S.Pac.,120B'way 500 &c. 12,637,500 All M., series A,gold grant. .o•} Series B, old....... sink'g fund.c* 1,045 do do 1875 500 &c. 4,525,000 6 g. A. & 0. do do 1876 500 &c. 7,931,000 6 g. A. & 0. ~~ Series D, gold.. not su:i'iect.c* do 1882 500 &c. 5,124,000 6 g. A.& 0. do Series E & F,"5°ld.. to C . . . . c* do do 1,000 3,533,000 6 g. A. & o. 8. Pac. Br.1st M.ii'.'' s.f., 0,000 in 1897, not dr'n 187 1887 So. Pac. gen. mo . ($38,000,000), gold ....... c*&r 1,587 1888 do 1,000 1,000 5 g. A. & O. do do 26 1875 500 &c. 500,000 5 g. J. & J. do Stockton & Copper. 1st M., (guar. by C.P.) ...... 1st eons. M., guar., gold, s. . not drn .......... c*&r 1,982 1893 500 &c. 6,809,000 do 5 g. M. &N. do do g.,gu.,st p. oall 1071il, aft. 1905.c*&r ..... 1893 500 &c. 20,420,000 do do 5 g. M.&N. BONDS ASSUMED IN CONSOLIDATION OF 1898. J. & J. do do Ca.lifornia Paciflc 1st mort.,~old (ext'd in 1887) 1,000 2,232,000 79 1867, J. & J. 2d M., gold,gu.p.&i., end. by en. Pac., ext. in '91 114 1871 do do 1,000 1,595,000 3d M .. gold, guar. by Cent. Pac. ($1,000,000 are 3s) 114 1875 do do 2,998,500 3g.&6g. J. & J. 500 Northern Ry. (Cal.), 1st mort., int'st guar., gold. 149 1877 do do 1,000 6 g. J. & J. 5,156,000 Cons. M. ($21,000,000), g., lstM.on 225 m.c*&r 373 1888 do 1,000 5 g. A. & O. do 4,751,000 Northern California, 1st mortgageJ.old•...•...•. 1,000 5 g. J. & D. do do 1,074,000 54 1889 Southern Pacific of New Mexioo-lst ., gold ... c&r 167 1881 I 1,000 N. Y., 120 Broadway. 6 g. J. & J. 4,180,000  ...5.g. ...4.g. ...4.g.  isoo  .... isoo ....  r•t  rand  Cl  ---·  i:ooo  ···.rg.  rs••  f.·  Southern Pacific Company.-(See Mapa.)-ROAD.-Thls com· pany owns no track in fee, but principally through ownership of stock, partly by lease it operates a great system of roads extendin1Z from Ban Francisco to New Orleans (thence by company's steamers to N ew York, etc.), and to Portland, Oregon, to Ogden, Utah, with branches. ORGANIZ.ATION.-Organized under laws of Kentucky. In Febru ary, 1901, the Unton Pacit:lc acquired $75,000,0UO of the capital stock, a strong working control, but the road will continue to be operatf'dindflpendently. V. 72, p. 242, 284. Under plan for readjustment of Central Pacific securities, the Southern Pacific in 1899 acquired the entire capital stock of tlle Central Pacific. See that company's statement: also see below. In July, 1~01, iti was proposed to expend la.r~e amounts in 1.IDprovements during the next two or three years.-V. 73, p. 33. System comprises the following fully described under their own titles. Cl) PROPRIET.ARY J,INES. Miles. CONTROLLED ~.AL!OC~~ASED J :·str':;e~~;rsRW.:::::: Central Pacific RR . .. .... . ... ... 1,859 IS) CONTROLLED BY MORGAN'S L.A. & South Pacific Coast Ry . .. ... ...... 101 TEX.-OPER.ATED INDEPENDENTLY. Southern Pacific HR. of Arizona. 3113 U-ult Western 'l'ex. .t Pac. Ry .. .. 111 Southern Pacific RR. of Cal .. 2,718 lberia & Vermilion RR......... . . 16 Southern \ac. RR: 0f New Mex.. 1117 Total Proprietary Lines .. . . . .... t:1,6tlts Oregon & Ualiforma RR ... ..... ... t7L Tot't,deduc.242m. lea~. t o Atch.S,<l!l4 2 ( ) i~;~;~~°-r~1tfN~iP:~utN~1y~O.- (,l) LEASED AND 9PER.ATED, Galv. Harrisb'g & San Anton. Ry. Sl17 New Mexico & Anzona RR...... 88 New York Texas & Mexican 1-ty .. 122 Sonora Ry•• .. ••••••• .... •........ •~  BYitfirP~:  I  : g~:tg~  l~i  mI  TJt~t~~~u~·. ~~~~::~~i fg;;i!~~~:J:;t8e~~e;nr~.1. Morgan's La. & Tex. RH.. & SS.. . 824 Steamship Lines...... ............. 5,865 TeKaS &, New Orleans BR . . 374, AFFILIATED LINF.8, ETC, Galveston Housten & Northern,. 5tt t:lan Antonio & Arani,as P ass Hy. I\R7 Carson & Colorado Rv............. 300 Gila Valley Globe & North'n Ry.. 124 Grand total of owned, eased and affiliated ines ........... ...... ..... »,a~ti In Jan., 1900, Southern Paciflc interests acquired control of the Galveston Houston & Northern, Houston to Galveston, 53 miles. In Feb., 1900, substantially all the stock and bonds of the Carson & Colorado were acquired and the road will be broad-gauged and eventually extE-nded as a link in a new line made from Los Angeles, in Southern California, easterly towards Salt Lake, Utah. In Nov., 1900, a ma• jority of the Paciflc Mall SS. stock ($10,005,000) was acquired. V. ~ 1, p. 1013, 1312. PROPRIETARY LINES.-These, with a total mortgage indebtedness June30,1901,of $307,29P,529.aremostlyowned-only $12,341,377 out of their total stock of $303,924,572 not being held on July 1, 1901, by the Southern Pacific Co. "OMNIBUS LE.A.SE," see SUP'T of Jan., 1899. STOCK, ETc.-Total stock authorized, $200,000,000, including $67, 275,500 exchanged in 1899 for Central Pao1flo stock-see Central Paoiflc and V. 68, p. 378, 725; V. 69, p. 131?; V. 70, p. 740. BONDS.-The fifty-year 4 per cent collateral trust gold bonds author• tzed by the Southern Pacitlc Co. in 1899. in connection with its ac quisition of the stock of the Central Pacific, are for the total authorlzed amount of $36,819,000, and are subject to call a t par on si:i: month11' notice. The first issue of $28,818,500 secured by t he $67,274,200 common and $12,000,000 preferred stock of the Central Pacific, was issuable forthwith. The remaining $8,000,000 can be issued from time to time only as an equal amount of Central Pacific preferred is received and added to the collateral, $5,000,000 of this stock being reserved for improvements and additions on the Cent. Pac. at not exceeding $200,000 yearly-see Cent. Pac. and V. 68, p. 378. See Mortga1rn Abstract, V. 69, p. 859. The first refunding 4s and 30-year gold issued by the Central Paciflc are unconditionally guaranteed, principal and interest. The two•five-yearp collatAral trust of 1900, limited to $30,000,000 (present i11sue, $15,000,000>, are secured by deposit of $7,174,000 par value of various bond11 and $59,487,000 stocks of companies con• trolled, inclu ing Pacific Mail etc., and $1,!>30,000 Wells, Fargo & Co stock; other $15,000,000 is issuable against tbe deposit of additional stocks and bonds of companies controlled or acquired up to 90 per cent of the actual cost thereof. See Mortgage Abstract, V. 71, p.1314. EARNINGS-For 5 °months ending Nov. 30:  1::~.:::  ft;~~s. ;~Ii  I  5 mos.  Gro,s.  Net.  0th. ine.  Oharn"s.  Bal., su,•.  1901. .. ..... $:-rn,322.497 $13,759/l92 $431 878 $ll,067,259 $3,124,011 1900 .... -... 32,l30,794 11,798,397 ... . .... .... .. ...... Oharges in 1901 mclude $4,256,191 expended for betterments. ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year now ends June 30. Report for 1900-1 at length in V. 74, v. 43 to 52; editorial V. 74, p. 67. Average freight train load, 305 tons in 1900-1, a~atnst 289 in 1899-0; average receipts per mile. ·997 cents, against ·976 cents in 1899·0 .Receipts-  1900-1.  1899 o.  Aver. mlles-Proorietary snd non rroprietary........... 8,654•117 7,54,;•17 Gross receipts from proprietary and non-proprietary lines and misce1. receipts of prop. companies: Traflsportati<m receipts.... . ...... .................... . . 177,244,898 $68,920,41 4 Track11ae and other rentals..................... . .... . .. .. IH9,045 48 .311 Income from Fiuk. funds pied.ired for redemprnof bonds 416,0n7 652.646 Income from investment s.. . . . .... . . ..... .. ..... 92,365 1 1,888 Income from lands and securities n ot pledged for re841',693 .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. •.. .. . . . . . 620,852 demption of bonds Interest on open accounts .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . 637,1~4 432 :i?6 Miscellaneous rec eh,t"... . . . ... ........... .. .... 5,462 12,152 Gross receip1s South. Pac. Co. from 1,ources other than operations of lensea liues..................... . ... . ....... 1,668.3158 2,147.710 Total recelnts . . ......................................... .f81,ll•?,672 $tl8,12i,,140 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  May Apr. Aug. Feb.  1, 1, 1, 1,  1903 1910 1936 1951  Juiy"i."i939 1939 July 1, 1937 Aug."i;°i949 Jan. 1, 19.11 Dec. 1, 1905 Moh., 1909 Moh. 1, 1910 Apr:·1;·i905 Oct. 1, 1965 Oct. 1, 1906 Apr. 1, 1812 Apr. 1, 1937 Oct. 1, 1988 Jait. 1, 1906 Nov. 1, 1937 Nov. 1, 1937 Jan. Jan. July Jan. Oct. J111le Jan.  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  19H 1911 1905 1907 1938 1929 1911  1899-0. Expende1 for account of proprietary companies, viz.: 1900-1 Operating e.-.:penses . ....... . .... . ...... . ......... . .......... $49,09R,027 $11,400,800 l,6'ZS.656 Taxes ....... . . ... ..... . ........... .. ............... ...... 1,780.987 1,225,028 Trackage and other rentals........................... ....... 1,828,56" Interest on funded debt................. . .............. 1~,795,480 11,616,268 1,409,718 Interest on Central Pactllo RR. notes ........ . .. ..... . ••-• 1,275.2011 315,6M Interest on open accounts . ............. .. . .. . . . .. . . .... .... 479,774 82,841 General administration and misceJJaneous expenses..... 46,6Jll 2os,e01 Land department expenses and taxes . ...... ... .. .... 18?,612  1  ~i~t~~~~~~i~ ;~dm:;;; ~~t::~we!~~1ftr:ieiiis:: :: :::::::::  6.~~:~~J  s,oo3.0oti  Central Pacific RH. Co.,.............. .... . . . .. . . . . . ..... 632,998 Otl1er ch11rges against Southern Pacific Co.. viz.: Interest on funded debt of Southern Pacific Co.......... 1,629,810 1,200,242 Rinking fund contributions . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . 76,000 Ins urance, taxes and all othPr accounts except for de!144,827 ficits In operations of leased lines . ......... ..... ... .. 601,560 Dl•count on Southern P11ciflc Co. 4~ per cent bonds..... 165,GOO Advances to San Antonio & Aransas Pass Ry. Co........ 465,60\J 63i:oi2 Surplus over all disbursements ......................... $8,456,660 18,918,680 The gross transportation receipts for the year ending June SO, 1900, lncludtn,z- Houston & Texas Central RR, and subsidiary lines (8,215·32 averaire miles) and CromwPII Steamship f'o. were $68,689,817, against Ji7,244,898 (on 8,664·97 average miles) In 190ll-l ; net, $~.785,60i, against 128,U.6,871 in 1899-o. President, E. H. Harriman.-(V. 72, p. 281, 284, 28'1, 340,439, 628,676,822; v. 73, p. 33,392,415,723, 958; v. 74, p. 41, 43.) Southern Pacific RR. of A.rlzona.-(See Maps,)-Own Yuma to New Mexico boundary, 393 miles. The stock is$1~,995,000, all held by Southern Pacifl.c Co., which pays all charges and 12 per cent of net profits under "omnibus lease." E.A.RNINGS.-4 months i 1901. ...... Gross, $1,388,122; net, $730,423 July 1 to Oct. 31. 51900 ....... Gross, 1,146,410; net, 569,633 Year 190C-Ol, gross, f4,351,72i; net, $2,302,774; surplus over charges. $1,078,881. Southern Pacific RR.-( See M11ps.)-Ro.A.D.-Owns all the California lines of tile Southern Paciflc system except the Central Paciflo and the South Paciftc Coast. The roarl owned aggregates about 2,712 miles, embracing a through line from Yuma, Arizona, via Los Angeles, tian Francisco and Oakland, to Tehama in No. California, with numerous branches. Of the liDes owned and leased in July, 1899 (7 miles leased), 2,323 were operated in the So. Paciflc system, 2,470 miles (Mojave to The Needles) being held under long lease by Atchison in exchange for leases of 350 miles of roads in New Mexico and Arizona. V. 65, p. 931, and Atch. T. & 8. F. item, p. 1113; see v. 64, p. 609. The construrtion of 55 miles from Ellwood, Col., to Surf opened in Mar., 1901, furnishes coast liDe from Los Angeles to San Francisco. (V. 68, p . 617; V. 72, p. 582,) ORGANIZATION.-A consolidation in April, 1898, of Southern Paciflc RR. of California, Northern Ry. of Cal., Northern Cal. and Cal. Pac. The Southern Pac. RR. of Cal. was leased to Southern Pac. Company for fixed charges, betterments and additions and a certain percentage of the surplus income under the "omnibus lease." STOCK.-Of stock So. Pac. OompanyJune 30, '01,lbeld$100,771,769. BoNDs.-OonsoLidated Mortgage of Sept., ~893, (see full abstract V. 57, p. 1041), provides for all prior liens and new construction. Bonds may be issued not exceeding $30,000 per mile, of which $7,500 a mile is reserved for additions and betterments. Bee V. 57, p . 469. Thie mortgage in January, 1899, covered 1,982 miles, of which it is an absolute 1st lien on 724 miles. The supplemental mortgage issued in 1898 limits this loan to $30,000,000; (exclusive of bonds to be issued against underlying securities). Most of the console stamped subject to call at 1071g after 1905 as shown in table above. tV. 67, p. 1111.) LAND GR.A.NT.-The land grant was 12,840 acres per mile, and proceed I of sales go to retire bonds, but a large proportion of the lande bar• ren and useless for agricultural purposes without irrigation. In 1900-1 sales were 75,527 acres for $135,843 and 56,924 acres were surren• dered: interest on deferred payments, $24,921; land notes outstanding June 30, 1901. $2.097,432. See So. Pac. item V. 65, p. 778. In Jan., 1902, the U. 8. Supreme Court confirmed the compan3'a claim to about 3,000,000 acres in dispnte.-(V. 74, p. 152,) EARNINGS.-4 months, t 1901 . .• Gross, $,7,294,330; net, $3,121,429 July 1 to Oct. 31. 51900 . .... Gross, 6,271,894; net, 2,675,274 ANNUAL REPORT.-Annual report for year ending June 30, 1898, was given at len~h in V. 67, p. 1052, 1062. In 1900 1, . gross, $18,· e91,487; net, $7.~93,467; other income, $744,261; charges, $7,824,• 430; sur., $213,298: net vrofits. under lf>ase, $1,250,706. In 1899-00, 1?ross, $17,514,960; net, $6.693,841.-(V. 70, p. 995; V. 71, p.136; V. 72, p. 582. 628; V. 74, p. 152.) Southern Pacific RR. of New 1Uexico-(Se8 Maps.)-Owns Arizona State Line to Rio Grande bridge, etc., 167 miles. The Southern Pacifl.c Oo., aR lessee, pays all char~es and 6 p. c. of net protits under omnibus lease. Stock, $6.888,800 (par, $100), all held by Bo. Pacific Co. Bink. fund June, 1901, $976,489, EARNINGS.-4 months, i 1901 .......... Gross, $824,937; net, $523,168 July 1 to Oct. 31. 51900.......... Gross, 626,999; net, 365,115 In year 1900-01, gross, $2,393,761; net, includ. other inoomfl, $1,· 532,079; sur. over charges, $873,643; net profits under least1, $797,126. Southern RaUway (Jompany.-(See Map, pages 144 and 145,J-Company operates 6,416 mile@, extending from Washington, D. C., and West Point and Richmond, Va., to Danville, Va., Greensboro, N. C., Norfolk, Va., Charlotte, N. C., Columbia, N. 0., and Atlanta, Ga., thence northerly to Bristol, Tenn., southeasterly to the coast at Bruns• wick, Ga., and westerly across the States of Alabama and Mississippi  RAILROAD STOOKS AND BONDS.  JANUARY, 1902 I  13:i  Sub8crl ber11 will c o n.fer a ::reat favor by pvlng immediate notice o< any error dbcovered In the 11e T able11. .BondB-PrtnolRAILROADS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS ------------1pal,When Due. Miles Date Stze,or A.mount I'or of column hea.dings, &o., see notes of Pa.r Outstanding Wh en Where Payable, and by 8tock8-Laat of Rate Whom. Dividend. on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Oen. Payable  southern .Railway-f'om. stock, $120,000,000 .••  ---.... ....  $100 120,000,000 & 0. N.Y.,J.P.Morga.n&Co. Oot.·is,"•01, 2 Preferred. 5 per cent, non-oumu., $60,000,000 ... 100 60,000,000 4 in.i90l 1st cons. M., lt:it on 900 m. ~($120,000,000io*&r 4,502 1,000&o 33,706,000 5 g. J. & J. N.Y.,J.P.Morgan Co. July 1, 1994 Equtv. trust, ser. A go1d .doe a.y and Nov.Pl P .o* 1900 1,000 2,225,000 4 g. M. & N. Prov.Li.&Tr.Lo,,Phila.. ToNov.1,1907 do do ser. B., due Mar. and Sep.PIP ..... do Qo To t:!ept. 30 ,'08 1901 1,000 2,400,000 M. & S. 4 A..-PROPERTIES MERGED INTO SOUTHERN RAI LWAY co. Atlantic Tennessee & Ohio 1st mortyge ..••..... 150,000 A. & O. N.Y.,J.P.Morgan&Co. Apr. 1918 6 44 1883 July 1, 1909 Ohar. Col. & Aug. lstM. (int. in gold); • 59,p.1006 191 1869 500·&0. l,!'>78,000 do do ~ g. J. & J. 1902 or 1910 2d mortgage .. ••.. . ••.•••.•••.•••.•••.••..••••••. 191 1872 1,000 A. & o. do do 500,000 Jan. 1, 1916 Col. & Greenv. let m .•.•••.•••.••.••..•...•••. g .. o* 164 1881 1,000 2,000,000 do do 6 J. & J. Jan. 1, 1922 Ga.. Pa.oifl.c 1st mort ...••..•••••.••••.....••••...• o* 566 1882 1,000 5,660,000 do do 6 g. J. & J. 175,()0i) Various. Equipment mo~ge, gold, s. f., subj. to oall.o.. do do 5 g. F. & .A. 1889 1,000 Ja.n. 1, 1915 Richmond & D a n e cons. mortgage, gold ..••. o 5,997,000 do do 1874 1,000 g. J. & J. 1, 1927 Debenture mort., old 6s (no longer incomes) ..• . 3,368,000 A. & O. do do 1882 1,000 Sept. 1, 1909 Equipm't Trust bonds, gold, s.f.,subj. to call o* do do 595,000 5 g. M. & 8. 1889 1 ,000 Jan., 1910 Rlolimond York River & Chesapeake let mort . G 400,000 J. & J. do do 1873 1,000 5 Nov., 1910 2d M., extended trom 1900...•••.••..••..•••. G 500,000 do do 38 1880 1,000 419 M. & N. Virginia. Midland-Serial mortgages .•••••.•••.••. 7,635,000 4, ~ 6 M. & s. ,Safe D. & Tr. Co., Balt. Var.190~31 1881 1,000 M. & N. N.Y.,J.P.Morga.n&Co. May, 1936 347 1886 lOO&o. 4,859,000 w~:i~~~ir:roaf iiit. Feb. 1, 1924. F. & A. do do 4 50 1884 1,000 al,025,,0 00 July 1, 191' Western North Carolina, let con. mort., gold .. o* 309 1884 1,000 b2,531,000 6 g . J. & J. do do Tennessee Virginia & GeorgiaJuly 1, 1930 3,106,000 do do 5 g. J. & J. Divis'n'l M.~.,(Brlstol, Tenn. to Selma,* 552 1880 1,000 Nev. 1, 1968 do do E.T. Va. & a. oonsol. M~. ($20,000,000).o&r 1,020· 1886 1,000 12,770,000 5 g. M. July 1, 1918 Cent. let M., Selma to eridian, gold ........ 1,000,000 do do 6 g. J. 95 1879 1,000 B .-SOUTHERN RAILWAY DIVISIONAL SECURITIES .• Moh., 1938 East Tennessee lien, gold. . •.••....••..........••. 4,500,000 5 g. M. & S. do do 1894 July 1, 1996 let mort. on Memp. & Ch., $8,000,000, g .• G.o* 292 1898 do do i:000 5,083,000 4,412,5 J. & J. Oct. 1, 1996 A. & O. Owned by Southern Ry. 1898 LOOO&o. 1.500,000 2d mort~e, $\500,000, gold.Ce .•..•...•. o&r ~ g. Cha.rlottes e & ~idan, let mortgage...•..•• . 293,900 J. & J. Phil.,Tr.SafeD.&Ins.Co. July 1, 1913 1879 lOO&o. All!en Branch, 1st ., gold A. (V. 68, p. 826) ..... 24 1898 500 150,000 4 g. J. & J. N.Y.,J.P.Morga.n&Co. July 1, 1998 Apr. 1, 1902 Venice & Carondelet let mortgage....... ..... o* 7 1882 1,000 A. 50,000 6 Also additionalamounts pled~edJune30,1901, under first oonsolid ated mortgage: a $2 25,0&oo~·I b $1,32·5:cioo:·  A.:··  iso4  ---· ---· --·  g  ·as  westerii ::::::  :~:I  ·2s  Southern Railway Company.-CONCLUDED. to the Mississippi River at Greenville. Water lines-Balt. Ches. & Richmond S. B. Co., 200 miles. Owned in fee,Miles. Leased-Oontinued. Miles. Alexa.ndria(nearWashing'n) Sumter & Water6e River RR. to Greensboro, N. C ...••••• 280 Wateree Jot. to Sumter..... 16 Cha.rlotte,N.C.,'sta,Ga. 191 ,rNorth Carolina RR.Col'mbia,8.0.,to Greenv.,S.C. 1441 Goldsb., N. 0., to Greensb .. 130 W. Point, Va.., to Nea.polis... 179 Greensb. to Charlotte, etc.. 94 Salisbury, N.C.,to Morristo'n, Atlantic & Danville Ry. Tenn........................ 228 Norfolk to Danville, Va., Memphis to Stevenson, t272 and branches _........... 282 Bristol to Chatt'ga, Tenn.... 242 Operated under agreementKnoxville to Cumb'd Gap,Ky 62 tRoswellRR. (narrow g-auge) 10 Ooltewah Junction, Tenn., to Oontrolled by securitiesBrunswiok, Ga...•...•..•••. 415 t,rA.shev. & Spartanb'g RR .. 134 .A.ustell,Ga., to State L., Miss. 261 State University RR......... 10 Atlanta Juno., Ga., to York, Elberton Air Line RR........ 51 Ala .......... . ............... 271 t1TKnoxville & Ohio RR...... 69 Atlanta, Ga.,t@Ft.Valley.Ga. 102 North Carolina Midland..... 54 E. St. L, Ill., to N . Alb., Ind. 263 Carolina Midland............ l37 Branches, eto..•••••..•....••. 1,450 Other roads................... 85 Trackage RightsTotal owned . ...•........ .4,360 Hardeev'e, S. C., to Sav., Ga. 23 Washingt'n,D.C., to A.lex., Va. 7 LeasedStevenson to Chatta.noo~a.&o 39 ,iA.tlanta. & Charlotte Air L. York, Ala., to Meridian,Miss. 27 Cha.rl.• N.C .• to Atlanta., Ga. 268 Birmingham toMobileJo.. &o 18 1TGeor,na Midland Ry .•••..•. 98 Kentucky & Indiana Bridge. 10 Franklin & Pittsylvania. .••.. 30 Selma.,N.O.,toPinnerspt.,Va.. 155 t,rRiohmond& Meoklenb.RR. 31 Other ..•......•...•.••••••.... 20 1f"Mobile & Birmingham RR.Selma,, to Marion Jot.. 149 Total mileage op July, '01.6,729 'l)"South Carolina & Ga. RR.Oontrolled-r,perated separately. Charleston, 8. 0., to AngusMobile & Ohio • . . • . .•.•• . . ••. 874 ta, Ga., and branches..... 241 Augusta Southern . • • • . . . . • • • 82 r All or nearly all of the capital stock owned. ,r See this company. t Except 35 miles in Mississippi whose securities all owned. Also bas interest in P.iohm'd-Wa@hington Co , owning union line between Richmond and Washington, 115 miles -V. 73, p. 493. AFFILIATED BUT OPERATED SEPARATELY (See ea.oh Co.) .Alabama Great Southern.... 3571 Northern Alabama........... 119 Oinoin. N. o. & Tex. Paoiflo.. 336 Georgia. Southern & Fla...... 285 On Deo. l O, 1899, a new line was opened from Columbia, 8. C., to Savannah, Ga., about 160 miles, of which the Carolina Midland, Perry to Allendale, 52 miles, forms a part, the Co. building from Columbia. to Perry, 31 miles, and ui,ing Atlantic Coast line and Plant system trackage from Allendale to Savannah, the latter being partly replaced by the construction of its own lme from Allendale to Hardeeville, 8. C., 51 milei;i, opened Dec., 1900, V. 73, p. 343. In Oct., 1900, extension from Burgin toJellioo,Ky., 115 miles, andother extensions were proposed, including one from Chattanooga, Tenn.• to Stevenson, Ala., about 38 miles, under the charter of the Memphis• <.,~attanooga RR., for which $3,00o,OOO bonds were reserved under Mem. & Charleston first mortgage. V. 69, p. 956. The Louisville Evansville & St. Louis Consolidated RR. was taken over after tore· closure on Jan. 1, 1901, and io 1901 a maj •rity of the stock and general mortgage bonds of the Mobile & Ohio were arquired. See below. V. 70, p. 792. 1292: V. 71, p. 603; V. 72, p. 45 . Ensley, .Ala., to War. rior River, 25 miles, about completed in Jan., 1902. V. 71, p. 448 ORGANIZATION, Erc.-A. reorganization in 1894 of the old Richmond & West Pt. Ter. Railway & Warehouse system. The reorganization plan presented in May, 1893, was ,nven in full in V. 56, p. 858, 874, and certain ohan~es thereof in pp. 1016, 1058, and V. 57, p. 61. The modifl.ed plan of 1' eb. 20t 1894, was given in full in V. 58, p. 363, 385. As to OinoinnatI New urleans & Texas Paoiflo, see V. 65, p. 1173. On July 1, 1898, absorbed Memphis & Charlest,on.-V. 66, p. 39,185. Mobile & Birmingham RR. (149 miles) was leased from June 1, 1899, for 99 years.-V. 68, p. 429, 1134; V. 69, p. 391. In, 1899, purohaElea the Northern Alabama, Sheffield to Parrish, Ala.., and branch, 119 miles (V. 68! p. 824. 873); also acquired control of and leased the South Carolina & Georgia.-V. 69, p. 390. Atlantic & Danvi1Je l1as been leased for 50 years rrom July 1, 1899. STOCK.- Authorized $120,000,000 common and $60,000,000 ji,'IJe per cent non-c-umulati'IJe preferred stock. No additional mortgage can l:>e put upon the property, nor can the amount of the preferred stock be lnorPased without the consent of holders of a m3'jority of the preferred. As to question whether the _preferred stock ts subject to call, see V. 72, p. 1136. In Jan., 1900, reduction of the stock was authorized by the Vir~a. Legislature, on majority vote. whenever deemed desirable. v. 70, p. 177, 947, 1150. Both classes of stock of the new company (except sufficient to · qualify directors) are deposited with three stock trustees. The stock shall be held by the stock trustees and their suooessors, jointly till July 1, 1899~ and for such further period (if any) as shall elapse before the preferrea stock shall have paid tive per cent cash dividend In one year, aJtoough the stock trustees may, in their discretion, deliver the stcok at an earlier date. Stock trustees. J. Piervont Morgan, Charles and Geore:e F. Ba.kE'lr. ProviJions of voting trust and pref. stock cert. in SUP. of April, 1897, page 6. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  DIVIDENDS.-On preferred in 1897, Jan., 1 p. o.; in 1898, Jan., 1 p. o.; In 1899, Jan.• 1 p. o.; Oct., 1 p. o.; in 1900,, 112 p. o.; Oct., 119 p.o.; in 1901, April, 2 p. o.; Oct., 2 p. o. BONDS.-The new first consolidated mortgage, Central Trust Co., N. Y., trustee (see abstract in V. 59, p. 783), is secured by mortgage and ple.dge of all the property; of the company. The total authorized l"sue is $120.000-000 gold bonds. (V. 70, p. 1150), as follows: Issued to June 30, 1901 (of wlnch $2,!'i38.000 in treas) ... $36,053,000 Issuable only to {" prior bonds" (see V. 59, p. 785) .•••••.. 65,531,000 retire certain stocks (see v. 59, p. 786) ... ••• . ... . .. . •• 5,700,000 equipment obligations (see V. 59, p. 786) 773,700 To be issued hereafter only for extensions and additions at not exceeding $2,000,000yearly, with a. single exoep• tion as to $4,000,000 (see V. 59, p. 786) .•••••. •. ••• . .•• •• 11,942,300 Prior bonds must be paid by maturity. Di'IJisional First Mortgage bonds, issued in 1898 on account of purchase of Memphis & Charleston Ry .. bear 4 per cent interest from Jan. 1, 1898, to July 1, 1901 ; then 4¼ per cent to July 1, 1906, and 5 per cent thereafter. The total authorized issue is $8,000,000, but$ l,500,· 000 can be used only to build a line replacing trackage between Stevenson and Chattanooga, 38 miles. Of the remainder of the loan, $5,083,· 000 were issued to retire old mortgage indebtedness. The bonds cover the 292 miles of main line and branches, at $17,408 per mile. The bal· a.nee ($1,417,000) is held for betterments at not exceeding $100,000 yearly. See desorlption of loan in V. 67. p. 179. Second mortgage on former Memphis & Charlflston secures $2,500.1· 000 of 5 per cents, of which $1,500,000 owned by So. Ry. June au, 1901, and $1,000,000 reserved for improvements. St. Louis Di1,ision mortgage covers the former Louisville Evansvllle & St. Louis RR., consisting of 374 miles of main line and branches, the balance un• Issued, $4.250,000, being reserved for extensions, improvements or additional equipment--V. 72, p. 138. The collateral trust 4s of 1901 will be issuea dollar for dollar in exchange for the Mobile & Ohio general 4s as acquired, by a pledge of which they will be secured. Stock trust oertif:l.oates for 1\1. & Ohio sto(lk will also be issued, upon which dividends will be payable at 2 per cent for one year, 3 per cent for the second year and 4 per cent in perpetuity thereafter. V. 72. p. 242, 822. In 1901, $7.855,000 of the $9,472.000 bonds and $4,896.900 of the $5,3lW 000 stock had been deposited. V. 72, p. 439; V. 73, p. 664, The date or maturity of the Charlotte Columbia & Augusta second mort~age, as given therein, is Oct. 1, 1902: in the bonds themselves, .Jan. 1, 1910. V. 71, p. 85. Equipment trusts mature as follows: Series A, $225,000 each in Ma.v and Nov., 1901, and $213,000 May 1 and $212,000 Nov. 1 in each year thereafter; Serles B, $180,000 each, Mar. 31 and Sept. 30, 1902 and $170,000 each M.&S. thereafter. In Jan.,1902, console were being issued in exchange, dollar for dollar,for the $2,000,000 Charlotte Columbia & Augusta 1st :Se; $428,000 had · then been exohanged.-V. 73, p. 1265. GENERAL FINANCES.-Certifloates of indebtedness incurred for purchase of properties June 30, 1901, :¥4,180,000. V. 73, p. 341. During 1900-01, $4,742,000 oonsol. 5s were issued. Equipment notes of old companies June 30, 1901, $134,873; misoel. equipment obli!latlons additional to those above, $1,227,9 L7. Tne Louisville Evansville & St. Louis Consolidated RR., acquired per plan V. 70, p . L291, fur. nishee the Southern a new iine into St. Louis. Under the plan the Southern issued its St. Louis div. ~old bonds. V. 72, p. 138. The acquisition of the Mobile & Ohio in 190 L a1fords a line to Mobile and Montgomery,, et,o. See BuNDS above.-V.72, p. 242; V. 73, p, 343. LATEST EARNINGS-5 51901 ••.. Groes, $!5,852,415; net, $5,150,207 mos., July 1 to Nov. 30 ? 1900 . .•• Gross, 14,995,405; net, 4,906,70'7 Opera.ting 6,741 miles in 1901, against 6,821 in 1900, ANNUAL REPORT.-Fisoal year ends June 30. Annual meet1nglsheld the fourth Tuesday in October. The report for 1900-01 was given at length tn V. 73, p. 334, 840. See also editorial p. 315. Traffic.-The freil!ht tonna~e ts widely divers1fl.ed, which ts an ele• ment of strength. Agricultural products in 1 1,00-01 furnished only a.bout 14 per cent (cotton about 5 per cent), while over 38 per cent was from mining industries (28 per cent being coal) and about 29 per cent was product of manufaotories. Ton rate, 0·947 cents perm.: train load, 223 tons. Earnings. etc.. tinolodiogin 1901 the St. Louis division, 374 miles, for the 6 monthR endinsJune 30, 1901, and sundry mileage for various periods, see V. 73, p . 340), have been as follows: Years end. -lime 30. 1901. HOO. 1899. 1898. Average miles oper 6,612 6,306 5,377 4,837 $ $ $ $ Freight............... 22,929,496 21,006,730 16,099,293 13,679,164 Passengers........... 8,818,'287 7,737,465 7,083,253 5,394,518 Mail, express, etc... 2,912,700 2,456,685 2,171,140 2.022,157 Gross earnings...... 84,tj60,483 31,:W0,870 25,353,686 21,0~5,!j39 Oper'g exp. & taxes. 24,343,625 21,831,447 17,356,355 14,501,864 Op.exp. togross,p.o. (70·23) (69·98) (68·45) (68·74) Net earnings ..•... . • 10,316,857 9,369,423 7,997,331 6,593,975 Other income........ 498,706 318.805 328.470 348,376 Total net income 10,815,563 9,688.~28 8,325,801 6,~42,351 Interest and rentals, 7,181 296 6,755,442 6,207,253 5,862,768 C•ther deductions.... 93,767 l5,535 24.028 72.571 Bal .. sur. for year.... 3,540,500 2,917,252 2,094,520 1,007,012 Dividends on pref ... (4)2.400,000 (3)1,800,000 (2)1,172,904 (1)543,000  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  136  [VOL. LXXIV.  Sub•crlber• will conf'er a great favor by giving Immediate notice of any error dlsceverecl In the•e Tab~e•• RAIT,ROAD s.  Miles Date Size,or  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS.  Botid1-Prtnolpal, When Due.  A.mount Rate fer When 'Where Payable, and by Stock8-Laat Par of Por explanation of column headings, &c., see notes of Road. Bonds Value. Outstanding Cen . Payable Whom. Dividend. on first page of tables.  8outh 1 n By.-(Oon.J4 g. J. & J. N.Y.,J. P. Morgan& Co. Jan. 1, 1951 St. Louis div. 1st m., $15,500 ,000, g.IC •..•. c*&r 365 1901 $1,000 $11,250 000 1901 l,OOO&c 7,855,000 4 g. M. & S. Sept, 1, 1938 Col M.,g.,$9,500.000, s.f., sec. M.&0 gen.4sGc*&r dd do Mob. & Ohio bonds and stock trust cert. See Mos. &oin oRR Co. 0.--0N PROPERTIES PRACTICALLY OWNED BY (*) OB L.1!,ASE DT0(1T ) SOUTH ERN RY. Northern Alahama. Ry.-See t hat Company. 4 g. A. & O. N. Y., J.P. Morgan & Co . Apr. 1, 1949 • Atlantic di Yadkin 1st M., g . , /imar...•..••. ce.c" 166 1899 $1,000 $1,500,000 1,000 31 1899 315,000 4 I?, M.&N. 1TR1chm. & Mecklenb., 1st M. , $315,000, gold•. . c do do Nov. 1, 1948 100 1,700,000 6¼in'Ol M. & 8. N. Y., Central Trust Co. Sept.6, '01, 319 1TAtla.nta & Charlotte-Stock 500,000 Pref. M. (old 7s ext. in 1897, V.64, p 286) cur.o·· 265¼! is117 1,000 4 c. A. & 0. do do Jan. 1, 1907 4,250,000 1st mortgage ........•...... ·····················r 26512 1877 1,000 7 J. & J do do Jan. 1, 1907 500 750,000 Income bonds (not cum.) 6s , ext. at 4 p.c...•.. r 1880 4 A. & 0. do do Jan. 1, 1907 1,000 1,650,000 1896 3 g. A. & 0. N. Y.,J. P. Morgan & Co. '"Georgia Midland 1st mortgage, interest guar... 1946 100 4,000,000 612to7 F. & A. 1TNorth Carolina-Stock, 612 t o Dec., 1901; then 7 Burlington, N. C. Feb., 1902, 319 1,000 iss5 2,000,000 *Knoxville & Ohio, 1st mort. , ~old ..••••...•. c*&r 66 6 g. J. & J. N.Y., J. F. Morgan&Co. July 1, 1925 1,000 5,250,000 ,rso. Carol. & Ga., 1st .In., g., $,,,250,000.Ce .... c* 245 1894 5 g. M. <\L N. N. Y., J.P. Morgan & Co. May 1, 1919 1,000 100,000 16 11-99 Sumter & Wateree River RR . 1st M ..... . .... .. 5 g A. & 0 . do do Apr. 1, 1911> ,rMobile & Birmingham RR .. prior lien, g.Ce .... c 149 1895 200, r,ooo 600,000 5 g. J, & J. do do July 1, 1945 1st mortgage, $1,200,000.If.l e ..............•.•. c 149 1895 200, T,000 1,200,000 4 J. & J. do do July 1, 1945 900,000 Preferred stock .•...••••.. . .... isgi; 100 2 to 4 J. & J. Jan. 1, '02, 1% do •• • do 1,000 1 .000,000 4 g. J. & J. '"Spa.rt. Union & Col., $1,000,000, gu. Ash. & Sp.g. Jan., 1995 278 1900 1,000 3,925,000 1TAtlantic & Danville 1st M .. 1'(A ............. . 4 J. & J N. Y.,Mercant. Trust. July 1, 1948 50 1,499,900 10 in ' 1 A, & 0. Phlla., Broad St. Stat'n Oct. I, '01, 5% Southwest Pennsyl1,ania-Stock ~$3,000,000 auth.]. 135 1,000 900,000 let M., sink. fund $5,000 year y, not drawn ..... r 13:> is111 7 F. & A. do do Feb. 1, 1917 100 5,191,100 Southwestern ( Ga.J-Stock (see text).! .•.........••. 333 ..... 5 J. & J . Sav., Ga. & Macon, Ga. J an.4,'02,212;t_ 100 &n,,yten Duyviltf P'tMor.-Stock ,8 Y.Cent. 989,000 6 8 J. & J. N. Y., Gr'd Cent.Station Jan., 1902, 4 1,000 24 isos Blate Line cl Sulli1'afl--1Btmort. , $300,0 , g. Unc* 275,000 412 g. J. & J. N. Y., Union Trust Co . Jan. 1, 1929 1,000 Staten Ist. Ry.-lst M., $1,000,000, gold, gu. If.le.. c* 13 1893 511_.ouo 4¼ g. J. & D. N. Y.,offl.footWhitehall June 1, 1948 Btaten Island Rap. Tr.-See BALTIMORE & OHIO... 100 llf,ockbridge & Pittsfteld-6 p.c. r entalN.Y.. N.H.&H. 23 .... 448,700 Q.-J.15 Stockbridge, Mass. 6 Jan., '02, l¼~ ,4 1,000 8ulli1'an Oounty RR.-lst mortgage, $400,00 1 , • • • • c .••. 1894 357,000 A. & 0. Bos. Safe Dep. & Tr. Co. Apr. 1, 1924. Sunbury Hazle. <I Wilkesb.-Su nb'ry & Lewistown- See S c~~~LIKrLiot JUNIATA RR. lluncook Valley-Stock, 6 p. c. r ental Con. & Mon.. . ... 240,000 J. & J. M'nch'st'r,N.H.,Nat.Bk Jan.,'02, 3% 6  ·os 0  i  OFFICERS.-President, Samuel Spencer, 80 Broadway, New York; Sec'y, R. D. Lankford, 80 B'dway, N. Y.; Treas'r, B. C. Ansley, 1300 Pennsylvania A venue, Washington, D. C.  1  DIVIDENDS stnce 1891: In 1892, 10 p. c.; in 1893, 12 p. c.; in 1894~ 7 p. c.; in 1895, 8 p. c.; in 1896, 8 p, c.; in 1897, 6 p. c.; in 1898, 6 p. c. . in 1899, Mar., 3 p. c. Under new lease. 319 p. c. per annum is 68, p. 573; V. 73, p. 1063.) Directors.-A. 8. Andrews, Raleilz-h, N. C.; Joseph Bryan, Rtcllmond, Va.; W. W. Finley, Washington, D. U.; S. M. Inman, Atlanta, Ga.; .Adrian lselin Jr., Tacoma & Columbia River Ky.-See V. 71, p. 646, 1811. Samuel l'lpeocer Charles Steele, James 'l'. Woodward, Harris C. Fahnestock, Robert M. Gallaway and G. W. Ml\slin of .New York:, Tacoma Eastern KR.-Under constructon from Tacoma, Wash., southeasterly toward Eatonville, Wasn ., about 30 miles. of which 14 -(V. 73, p. 334,340,392,664, 1161, 1208, 1265, 1314; V. 74, p. 96.) miles completed in .Apr, 1901, Stock, $250,000. all issued. Bond& South. Shore Ry.-See Quebec Southern Ry . are subject to call at 103 on any interest day. President. Edward: Southwest Pennsylvania Ky.-Greensburg, Pa., to Fairchance, Cookingham, Portland, Ore.; Secretary, E. M. Hayden, Tacoma, Ore. Pa., 45 miles, and branches, 90 m. Leased to Penn. RR., which pays -(V. 71, p. 343 ) net earnings as rental and owns $1,057,250 stock and $600,000 bonds. Tallahassee Southeastern KK.-V. 71, p. 964. DIVIDENDS.-? 1892. '93. '94. '95. '96. 1897 to Oct., 1901. Tehuantepec National Ky.-V. 72, p. 283; V. 74, p. 94. Per cent .... { 10 10 10 11 11 10 per cent yearly. Tennessee Central Ky.-Line is projected from Clarksville. Yr. Dec.31. Gross. Net. Int.,taxes,d!c. Divid'ds. Balance. Tenn., Nashville to Harriman, with brancbe11, about 280 miles. 1900.... $1,424,956 $3~4.059 $214,069 $149,990 . ..... In Dec.,via constructioR of the entire line reported to be let, th& 1899.... 1,006,444 224,706 106,799 149,990 def. $32,083 59 miles 1898, at eastern end from Emory Gap to Crossville and thence by 1896.... 713,793 165,528 104,100 164,989 def.103,561 branch to Monterey being completed in Sept., 1900, anct branch John*Includes $19,909 other income m 1899; $17,513 in 1900. son Stand to Tsoline, Tenn, 9 n,iles, being completed in Mar., 1901, Southw-estern Arkansas & Ind. Ter. Ky.-See Arkansas and one from Ozone to Millstone, 5 miles, in June. 1901. V. 67, p. 179; V. 68, p.674; V. 69, p. 542. Southwestern Ry.-(V. 70, p. 532, 895.) A new company (" The Tennessee Central Rv.") wtll lease for 9~ Southw-estern KK.(Ga.)-OwnP Macon, Ga., to Columbus and years the Nashville & Knoxville RR:, Lebanon to Monterey, Tenn.. Eufaula; Fort Valley to Columbia, Ala., etc., with branches; total, 189 m . 79 miles, with b-ranch, Junction to Carthage, 8 miles, upon comLeased for 101 years from Nov. 1, 1895, to t1entral of Georgia Ry. at pletion by such i: ew company of 30 miles from Nash ville to Lebanon a rental of 5 p. c. on stock. As to stockholders' suit, see V. 71, p. 809; 1n Feb .• 1902. The ~ tockholders of The TennesEee Rv. on May 7, v. 73, p. 1062. 1901, voted to lease the Kingston Bridge & Terminal Ry. and CumSpokane :Fal18 & Northern Ky.-In June, 1898, the Spokane berland Platean RR., both of which authorized bond issues, and on Falls & No., together with the allied lines, was acquired by the Great May 15 to authorize a mortgap;e on its prope:rty to secure bonds. V. 72, p. 481, 582. Capital stock authorized $25,000 per mile on the 60 Northern.-(V. 67, p. 179; V. 68, p. 772;V. 68, p. 725.) miles operated. V. 71, p. 1270. Equipment notes Dec., 1900, $316,Sprlngflelcl .Teff'erson City & ChlcaKO Ky.-(V. 73, p. 958.) 681, including interest, payable $5,278 monthly. Spuyten Duyvll & Port ltlorrl• KK.-Owns 6 m. double track In Oct., 1901, it was proposed to consolidate the Tenn. Cent. Ry., and connects the N. Y. Central & Hudson with the N. Y. & Harlem. The Tenn. Cent. Ry. and the Nashville & Knoxville RR. under the Le&Sed to New York Central till Dec. 31. '1970, at 8 per cent on stock. charter of the Nashville & Clarksvilie RR., the consolidated company State Line & Sullivan KK.-Owns Monroeton, Pa., to Berenice, to issue stock and 5 per cent bonds at the rate of $25.000 per mile Pa.i24 miles. Stock, $980..,250 (par $50.) Mortgage covers 5,000 acres each. The contract from Nashville to Clarksville is expected to be let ooa lands. The new 1st 4-'i!earesubjectto callfor sinking fund require- in Feb., 1902. V. 74, p. 96.-(V. 71, p. 964; V. 72, p. 481,582, 723; ments at 105 unt11 Jan. 1, 1914, and thereafter a.t par. V. 67, p. 1209. v. 73, p. 338, 446; v. 74, p. 96.) Road leased till 1934 to,Penn. & N. Y. Canal & RR. (rental, $40,000 per Terminal KR. Association of St. Loul•.-PRoPERTY.ann.), and so oper. by Lehigh Valley.-(V. 68, p. 233; V. 69, p. 1248.) Owns and operates extensive terminals at St. Louis, with belt lines and Staten Island Ky.-Clifton to Tottenville, 12·64 miles. Formerly bridges..,. and a tunnel 4,800 feet in length. The station is leased to th& . leased to Staten Is. Rapid Transit Co., but ~ince July, 1899, operated tenoo.t unes for $325,000 per annum on a basis. Owns entire stock ($336,000) of St. Louis Electric Street RR. by its owners. STOCK.-$1,050,000; par, $75. Of the 419 per cents no more than $511,000 to be issued exoept on two-thirds vote of stock. ORGANIZ.A.TION.-Orga.nized in 1889. The following companies Year ending June 30, 190l, gross, $177,924; net, $36,009; int. and sole owners : Cleveland Cincinnati Chica.go & St. Louis, Louisville & taxes, $33,367; bal., sur., $i,642.-(V. 61, p. 737.) Nashville St. Louis Iron Mountain & Botithern, Balt. & O. SouthStaten Island Rapid Transit Ky.-Purchased at foreclosure western, Missouri Pacific, Wabash and Pe:qnsylva.nia, the last named April 20, 1899, subject to the first mortgage by the B, & o.-V. 69, p. having acquired its interest in Jan., 1902, V. 74, p. 152. These com• panies have agreed under contract to use the property forever and to 284. See B. & 0.-(V. 70, p. 585, 895; V. 73, p. 186.) pay as tolls interest, taxes, rentals and other charges and eaoh lineStockbridge & Pittsfield KK.-Va.ndeusenville to Pittsfield, will contribute its proportion to the extent of one-seventh of $1,000,000 M&Se., 23 m. Leased for 99 years April 1, 1893, to N. Y. N. H. & H., at make up any deflciency from unforeseen circumstanoes. Control& 8 p. c. on stoc,k. Lessee pays taxes. Lease to Housatonic suspended. to St.L.Mercbants' Bridge Term. RR.-seethatcompany.-(V. 57,p.1084.> ~uJJlvan County KR.-Road from Bellows Falls to Windsor LEASE~.--The leases of the Bridge and the Tunnel are for their Vt., 26 miles, of which 1 mile trackage. Road opened 1849 ; operated cor_porate existence, and were July 1, 1881, to the Missouri Paoiflo 1inoe April, 1893, by Boston & Maine. Net earnings, less taxes, paid and the Wabash, which companies they were assigned to the present lessor. Stock, $500.000, owned by Vermont Valley RR. For year association. Thebv guaranteed 6 per cent on the Bridge Co's $2,· 1900-01, gross, $272,116; net, $67,867; interest, etc., taxes, $27,700; 490,000 first stock, 3 p. c. on itl' $3,000,000 second pref. and 6 dividends (8 p. c.), $40,000.-(V. 65, p. 86'7.) p. c. on the Tunnel Co's. $1,250,000 common stock. Sunbury Hazleton & Wllkesb. Ky.! Bee Schuylkill & Juniata STOCK..-Capital Rtock outstanding Dec. 31, 1900, $1,441,200. Sunbury & Lewistown Ky. 5 RR.-V. 70, p. 842. BONDS, ETc.-The mortqage of 1889 (trustee, Central Trust Company, Suncook Valley KK.-OwnsroadSuncooktoPittsfleld, N. H., 17 was described in advertisement in CHRONICLE of February 13, 1892. miles. Leased till 1912 to Concord & Montreal for 6 p. c. on $240,000 The 1st consol. mortgage of 1894 (Central Tr. Co., of N. Y., trustee,) ie of capital stock; total stock issued is $341,700, of which $101,700 is for $12,000,000 of 5 p. c. gold bon<ls, of which $7,000,000 reserved non-dividend paying. President, Hiram A. Tuttle, Pittsfield, N. H. to retire firsts of 1889 and $500,000 for completion of Belt Line. Sussex RK.-Owns road from Waterloo to Franklin, N. J., and of the latter of which $100.000 has been eold.-V. 71, p. 914, 964. branch, 30 miles. Road opened 1854. Since 1881 operated by Del. Guarantees the $3,500,000 St. L. Merchants' Bridge Terminal 1st 5s, Lack. & W., which owns a majority of the $1,638,600 stock. Dividends and the interest on the $2,000,0001st 6s of Merchants' Bridge proper. paid from earnings of 1899, 3 p. c.; 1900, 4 p. c.; 1901, Aui;i;., 2 p. c. <See those Co's.) On Dec. 31, 1899, there was due from St. L. & MerFor year ending Dec. 31, 1900, irross, $187,963; net, $83,415; charges, chants' Br. Terminal Co. $1.008,4,89 for advances under l?Ua-ra.nty. fl6,555; dividends (4 p. c.), $65,544; balance, sur•• $1,316. Bills payable Dec. 31, 1900, $763,897; real estate bonds, $90,000. Syracuse Binghamton & N. Y. KK.-Geddes, N. Y., to BingANNUAL REPORT.-Yea.r ends Dec. 31. Report in v. 7'1, p. 578, showed:hamton, N. Y., 81 miles. Controlled since 1869 by Delaware Lack. & Year-Gross Net. Otherinc. Oharges. Balance, W., which, June 30, 1900, owned $1,901,900 stock and guar. the bonds. 1900 ..•. $2:127,090 $1,329,322 $348,219 $1,431,728 sr.$245,813, DIVIDENDS ...•. ! '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 to Nov., 1901,inclus. 1899.... 2,119,209 1,360,265 348,630 1,428,343 sr.280,553 Per cent ...••••• 5 12 8 8 13 8 yearly'(2 p. c. quar.) 1898. ••. 1,997,753 ,1,263,467 348,346 1,375,383 sr.236,43O President, Julius S. Walsh (March, 1901); Secretary, James Hanna;. EARNINGS. Gross. Nel. Int. Dividends. Bal., sur. 1900 ......... . $950,397 $346,780 $137,620 $200,000 $9,160 Treas., A.H. Calef.-(V, 71, p. 914,964; V. 72, p. 5'2'8; V. 74, p, 152,) -(V. 65, p. 5 68.J Terminal Ky. ot Butralo.-Bla.sdell, N. Y., to Depew, ErleSyracuse Geneva & Corning Kl.-Corning, N, Y., to Geneva, Co., N. Y., 11 miles. Opened Sept. 15, 1898. v. 67, p. 530. Stock i& $1,000,000; par, $100. Lake Shore& Michigan Southern and N. Y. C. N. Y., 58 miles; Penn Yan to Dresden, m. Formerly leased to Fall Brook Ry., but lease canceled and new lease made from May 1, 1899, & H. R. RR. each own 5,000 shares of the stock. Year to June 30, 1901, gross, $66,441; net, $52,342; interest and taxes, $43,871; fol' term of corporate existence to N. Y. Central, for $46,37/'i per annum, payable quarterly, interest on bonds and other obligations,taxes balance, surplus, $8,471. Secretary, E. V. W. Rossiter, New York and repairs, the N. Y. C. owning $802,~75 of the $1,325,000 stock par City.-(V. 64, p. 1138; V. 67,p. 530.) $100. This rental is equivalent to a 3¼ per cent dividend on the stock. Terminal KR. & Tunnel Co. of New- York.-V. 70, p. 281 .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JANUARY,  1902.J  RAILROAD STOOKS ANlJ .a!U.lfDS.  137  Subscribers will concer a great favor by giving lmmecllate notice of any error discovered In thel!le Tables. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. .Bonda-PrlnolRAILROADS. Mlles Dat.e Bize,or Am t 1-----------------1pal,WhenDue. •or explanation of column headings, &o., see of o Par Outs~~g Rat.e per When Where Payable, and by Stocki-Last on first page of tables. Road. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  Btu~ BB.-lst mortgage...........................  OonsoL M.(p.a.ndi. gu. (end.) byD.L.&W.).:F.o*&r Byratt,ue <Jtne11a cf Oorning-Stook t3¼p. o.rental) lstmortp:age, s. f., dr'n at par ..••...•...•..•.... o 2d ......•....•..•.•.•.•.•••••••••..•..... o raeomaEcutern-lstM g.,$20,000 l'ffltieBBU Oentral Ry.-lst M., $5,000,000.1'.ISt.o* .l'/1.eTennesseeCentralRy,lstM.-seetext....... f'erminat Railroad Association-lstmort-:,, gold .. o* lit oonsol. mortgage, $12,000,000, golu........ o* Bt. Louis Bridge Co. 1st pref. stook, guaranteed. 2d »referred stook, guara.nt.eed, endorsed...... 1st mortgaget gold. .••.•••..••.••.•••....•..••. c* TunnelRa.llroa.uofBt. Louis, stook, gua.r. (end.). f'erminatBy. (Bu.traloJ-lstM.,$1,000,000,g.,N.o* l'en-e Haute <t Inaianav.-Con. M., now 1st M.,:F .g. 2d M__, oon. g., red. aft. July 1, 1902, at 105. F .. o l'erre .11aute cf Logansport BR.-18t mortgage...... Obligations convertible Into mortgage bonds.... l'en-e Haute ti Peoria.-Ftrst mortgage, gold. Un.. let oon. M., $2,500,000, g., gu. p.& I. (end.). Un.o* I ' ~ Oentrcu-Common stook. ...... •••• .• . • .. ... . ..  30 81 81 •.•. 57 57 .... 250 • ••• •••. •••. •••. • •• . .••. ..•. 11 116 116 93 159 138 138 •. . .  r::::~~a~~~!r$i~oi~o·goici,·reci:ai"iio::o•  204  IIJlra,cu8e Binghamton cf New York-Btook...... . •• .  f'e:rcu Mid(and RB.-lst mortgage.................. 2d mortgage........................................  J'u,cfN.O.of'74-L'dgr.s.f.notdrn ..,lstM,A..o*&r Sabine Division 1st mortgage1 golu........... o*&r Consol. mortgage for $4,19n,uOO ............. o*&r Dallas Dlv.lstM., g.,$20,000 perm. (text)Un .. o" Texas Transportation Co:.t 1st mortgage......... Texas sohoolfund June 3u, 1901 ................  52 52 105 104 209 .••. . ... ....  - - - - - -----1 1873 $500&0. .... 100 1876 1,000 ..•. 100 1875 100 &o. 1879 1,000 1900 1,000 1898 1,000 1901 •••... 1889 1,000 1894 1,000 •••. 100 . ... 100 1879 500 &o. .... ...... 1896 1,000 1885 1,000 1892 1,000 1879 1,000 1898 ... . .. 1887 1,000 1892 1,000 . ... . . . ••.  isos U>oo 1893 1,000  1893 1875 1882 1893 1900 •. • . ....  1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ••.. .. .••••.  I  $236,500 7 A. & 0. N. Y., D. L. & W. Office. Apr. 1, 1903 2,500,000 8 In 1901 Q.-F. N. Y., D. L. & W. RR. Co. Nov. l,'01. 296 1,966,000 7 A. & O. do do Oot. l.t 1906 1,325,000 3¼ Q.-F. N.Y., Gr. Cent. Station. Feb. l,'u2, '799', 417,100 7 Ml5&N. N. Y.,Farm. L. &Tr.Co. Nov.15, 19b5 600,000 5 M. & B. IN. Y., Gr. Cent. Station. Moh. 1, 1909 130,000 6 g. M. & N. Tit.Guar. &Tr.Co.:1Port. May 1, 1905 1,550,000 5 g. J. & J. St. L. Miss. Val. "J.T. Co. Jan. 1, 194.8 See t.ext. .....• •••.. . ....••. 7,000,000 4¼g. A. & 0. N.Y., J.P. Morgan& Co. Oot. 1, 1939 4,600,000 5 g. F. & A. do do Aug. 1, 194' 2,490,000 6 J. & J. do do Jan., 1902.J; 3,000,000 3 J. & J. do do Jan., '02, 1.Jg 5,000,000 7 g. A. & 0. New York and London. Apr. 1, 19 9 1,250,000 6 J. & J. N.Y.,J.P.Morga.n&Co. Jan., 1902,3% 1,000,000 4 g. A. & O. N. Y.,Gra.ndCent.Sta.'n Apr. 1, 19'fS 1,900,000 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., Farm. L. & Tr. Co. July 1, 1925 600,000 5 g. J. & J. do do July 1, 1925 500,000 6 J. & J. N.Y.,Farmers'L.&T.Co. Jan. 1, 1910 1,242,500 4 g. J. & D. ..•....... • ••...•• 36,000 5 g. M. & B. In default. Mar. 1, 1937 2,194,000 5 g. M. & B. Sep.,'96, ooui;,. Sept. 1, 194,1 2,e49,400 See text. .. . . . N.Y.,Farm.L n & Tr.Co. Jan,15,'02, 219 1 1 111 5  ·~ii:&88 150,000  750,000 1,094,000 2,575,000 1,620,000 1,470,000 350 000 349,lSl  i:; t: l:  ~~  i~  5 J. & J. None In 1897·98 5 J. & J. None in 1897-98 7 F. & A.N.Y.,B.Pao.,120B'way 6 g. M. & S. do do 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., Central Trust Co. 4 g. F. & A. New York, 5 F. & A. ••••.•.... 6 M. & N. ..........  J_:;i-~19~3 1_ttl2l  1993 Aug. 1, 1905 Sept. 1, 1912 July 1, 1943 Aug. 1, 1930 Aug. 1, 1923 2 p. ot. per an.  Terre Haute & Indianapolis RR.-(Su Map Pa. RB.J-Own11 Sabine Pass.-V. 68, p. 1026. In Oot., 1900, the Texas RR. CommlsIndlanapolls to Illinois Bta.t.e line, 80 miles, with ooal bra.nohes, 4.3 ston a.p-oroved the issue of $1,470,869 bonds at $13,500 per mile on mlles; total, 123 miles. Lea.sea St. Louis Vandalia. & Terre Ha.ut.e, 158 109 miles of Dallas extension, of whioh $890,000 owned by So, mlles; Terre Ha.ut.e & Peoria. (less trackage rights on 28 miles and halt Pao. Co. V. 71, p. 438. ownership In 8 m.), 174 m.; E. St. L. & Carondelet Ry. (op. under oon• SECURITIES ETC.-A reorga.niza-tlon In 1874. The stook ls $5,000,000 traot) 13m.; total, 468 m. Pa. Co. owns a. blook of the $1,988,150 stook. all of it being owned by the Southern First 7s puroha.sed REOEIVERSHIP.-On Nov. 13, 1896, Volney T. Malott, of Indiana.po- ~ t~~~i~!;~: fund a.t not over 110. Lands unsold Jone 30, 1901, 11 l18, Ind., was appointed receiver. See statement in V. 63 , p. lOll. The first morgage of 1900 seoures bonds a.t $20 000 per mile on the Deolston lnOot., l900.-V. 71 , p. 810· line of railroad reoently puroha.sed and under construotion from RookDIVIDENDS: 1878 to 1884, 8; 1885 to Feb., 1894, 6 p. o.; none since. land to Dallas, Tex., about 218 mlles, and ext.enstons and branohes On Oct. 31, 1900, bills payable, none; accounts payable, $2,053. hereafter acquired or construoted up to 40 miles and also upon the GUAJUNTIES-Interest on T. H. & Peoria bonds went to default, but line recently purchased from Orange to the Sabine River, a.bout 7 Interest on Terre H. & India.nap. consol. 5s of 1885 and 1892 has been miles.-V. 'i0, p. 997; V. 71, p. 183. Due Bo. Pao. June 30, 1901, paid when due.-V. 67, p. 30; V. 70, p. 992, 1049. $3,724,778. ANNUAL REPORT.-Flsoal year ends Oot. 31. Report for 1898-9 was EARNINGS.-4 mos., ) 1901 .•.••..•• Gross, $981,695; net, $256,359 In v. 70, p. 992. In 1900-1, on 123 miles owned, gross, $1,588,· July 1 to Oct. 31. 0900 .....•.. . Gross, 817,437; net, 290,663 216; net, $627,047; oth. lnoome, $144-,920; lnt.erest, $125,000; loss In In year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $2,709,185; net, inoluding operating leased lines, $32,971; balancei surplus for year, $613,996. other inQome, $151,581: surplus over oharges and taxes, $218,018. Iii 1899·0, gross, $1,620,015; net, ,577, 76; other Income, $12,400.- In 1899-0, gross, $1,801,303; net, $583,805.-(V, 73, p.1209.1 (V, 72, P• 138.\ Texal!I & Pacific Ry.-(Su Map Mo. Pac,)-New Orleans, La. Terre Haute & Loganl!lport Ry .-Owns from South Bend, Ind., west to El, Tex. 1,142 miles; Marshall via Texarkana Juno. and to Rookville, Ind., 159 miles; traokage, Rookville to Terre Haut.e, 23 Whit.esboro to Fort Worth, 316 m.; branches, 220 miles; total, 1,690, miles; st.eel, 60 and 70 lb. Successor on Deo. 1, 1898, to the T. H. & of whioh 92 miles, Sierra Bla.noo to El, is, leaving 1,598 L. Railroad, sold Nov. 18, 1898, to J. T. Brooks, of Pennsylvania. miles owned. In Nov., 1901, branoh from Port Allen to New Roads, Oo., under foreclosure or extension mortgage or 1893. Capital La., 50 m., lnoluded above, was oomplet.ed, and In Mar., 1901, bra.nob 11took, $2 OOCJ,O<,O. neport for oa.lendar year 1900 was given In from Donaldsville to Thibodaux, La., 29 miles. In Feb., 1901, purV.72,p.985, showing gross, $817_,4.57; net, $158.,_275; int. and rental, oha.sed the Texarkana. Shreveport & Na-tohez, Texarkana. to Bhreve$87,415; betterments, $4}~,642; oa.l., sur. $22,~18. In 1899 gross, port, La., 70 miles, and projeoted to Na.tohtiz, Miss ., about 200 miles f766,563; net, $146,64'7 .-(V. 70, p. I 046; V. 71, p. 183; V. 72, p. 985.) in all. V. 72, p. 284. hi Julyit 1901, extension under oonstruotlon Terre Haute & Peoria RR.-( su Map of Penruyl1'ania RR.J- troic New Roads, La.. to Vida. a, 90 miles; also bra.nob from NatohiBoad operated from Terre Ha.ut.e, Ind. via Deoa.fur, to Peoria, m., 174 toohes to Shreveport, 75 m • mlles, of whioh 138 mlles are owned and half lnt.erest owned in 8 ORGANIZ.A.TION.-In 1888 reorganized bythe plan In V. 43, p. 164, an4 miles and 28 miles ls by trackage over other roads. From Oot. 1, 1892.i V. 4.5, p. 401, without having the foreolosure sale oon:tlrmed, thus preleased for 99 to the Terre Ha.ut.e & Indianapolis at rental of 3u serving the original Federal oha.rter. Land assets Jan. 1, 190]..t were per cent of gross earnings, with a. m.inimum suffloient to pay Interest 75.033 acres, a large number of town lots and land notes ~8,4.36 on debt. See V. 55, p. 766. Lessee owns $544,200 of the $1,837,400 and $10,371 oash. preferred and $1,388,000 of the $1,926,800 oommon. STOCK.-Mo. Paci:fl.o Deo. 31,1900, owned $6,525,000 stook, pledged aa Oo:m,crr.rEE. - Interest due Sept. 1, 1896, was May 1, part securityfor its 5 per oent gold debentures of 1900. 1901, b,Y order of oourt; later ooupons unpaid - V. 72, p . 937. Bond• BoNDs.-(See 188~ mortgage abstra.ots, v. 47, p. 82.) Jlolders Committee-Chairman, Mark T. Cox, James A. Blair, James The Louisiana. Branoh Lines mortgiJ,ge will oover all bra.nohes oonW. Paul Jr. Deposlta.riesj N. Y. Security & Trust Co. N. Y., and struoted or aoquired In Louisiana. at $12,500 per mile, but not. to Drexel & Co., Phila. A ma ority of bonds has been deposited and re• exoeed 1n the aggregate$ ,,000,000.-v. 72, p. 577, 1189. oelver appo~t.ed for the T. H. & I; RR. (lessee). lnt.erest sorip, income and land grant bonds (a stook llabllity, rettrThe oonsolE fUnion Trust Co., N. Y., trustee), oa.rry the guaranty of able under reorganization agreement), $142,232; other ser1p, $8,880; the T. H & Indian ;qio ts. In May, 1900, the U • S. Ciroriit Comt of $438,000 East.em Division 1st 6s were oa.lled tor redemption on Oot. Appeals affirmed the validity of the guara.nty.-V. 70, p. 992, 1049; 1, 1898, $105,000 on Oot. 1, 1899, $118,000 on Oot. 1, 1900 and $123,· V, 72, p. 481,_ 873. Fiscal year ends Oct. 31. In 1900-01, gross, $560,· 000 on Oct. l, 190i..,-V. 73. p. 723. Equipment, $567,554, pay621; net, $9~i793; rental from !essee, $168,186; bal., loss to lessee, ble monthly Deo, 1900 to 1905. v. 72 p. 88. $69 693. In 1899-00, gross, 1!.'49.:>,086; net, $60,025; rentals to T. H. & ' ' p $148 526· balance loss t-0 lessee $88 MO -(V. 70 p. 993 1050· FlNANCES.-On seoond 5s there is no right to foreolose unless default v''72 p' 4 si 8"'3 937) ' ' ' ' ' ls made on first mortgage. Holders of one•third of the outst,e.ndlng • • · ' • ' · seconds, however, oa.n req111re the trustee to enter upon and operate Texa• <JentraJ KR.-RoAD-Runs from Ross, In MoLennan Co., the property. The oompa.ny has been spending its earnings In needed to Albany and Stamford, Tex., eto., 215 miles, of whioh Ross to Waoo, improvements, but In Ma.rob, 1900, its first payment on lnoomea. 11 mnes, Is Houston & Texas Central tra.okage, and ext.ension Albany vtz., l¼ per cent, a.ndin Mar. 1901. 4 per cent. to Stamford, 40 miles, was oomplet.ed Feb., 1900. Projeo~d further In Deo., 1900, a.11 except $905,588 of the Texas & Paoi:fl.o seoondll to Las Vegas, New Mex. Buooessor in Jan., 1893, of the railway fore- had been exohanged for 65 per oent In new st. Louis Iron MountalJl :osed. On July 1, 1901, $650,000 additional firsts were he_ld In & Southern gold 4s, bearing interest from July 1 1899. See Iro• p I Mountain stat.ement following Missouri Paoi:fl.o. 68, p. 525,619, easo.ry. D IVIDENDS ON REFERRED.- n 1896 , 3 p. o.; 1n 1897j 3 p. o.; 1n 725 774· v. 70 p. 533. 1898,3p.o.;lnl899,4p.o.; 1nl900,Jan.,4p.o.;lnl901, a.n.,5p.o.; E~~os-J' to Deo 31 12 th $ In 1 11713550 .July, 2¼ p. o.; in 1902, Jan., 219 P o. On common, 2¼ p. o., July 15, 1901 $9 7-1· 12alnln, 1900 F. 10' mondlns, Ogrtoa3s'1 190'1 't Cl!2 1901; In 1902, Jan., 2Js p. o. , , a , • or mos. en g o . , , ne , q, ,T • . E ., { G $ t $ 783,751; other inoome, $289,965; oha.rges, $2,215,612; bal., sur., $858,· .MATEST A.RNs.-~ mos., 1901 •••••••. rose, 211 ,841 ; ne , 91 , 876 554-V. 74, p. 42. July 1 to Oct,. 3l. l900........ Gross, 199, 602 ; net, lO~,OOO .ANNUAL REPORT.-Annua.l meetln is held In New York on the third Report for year endin,1 June 30, 1901, was in V. 73, p. 954, showing, Wednesday in Ma.rob. Report tor 19io was in v. 72, p. 576. Net earn• on 226 miles: Uross, $107,591; net, $265,787; other income, $2,724; lngs for 1898 are as far as possible revised to same basis as 1899-00. fnt.erestt. $25,000; dividends, $66,225;, s.urplus, for year, Year ending Dec. 31_ l898. 1901, 1900. 1899. t177,28o. In 1899:00 (194 miles), gross, $375,573, net, $129,615.- Gross earnln ft., 751122 300186 (V. 71, J), 860; v. 72, p. 45; v. 73, p. 33,664, 954.) gs.......$ll •7l 3,550 $39 ,169 ,490 $82 ,451 ,320 $S,006,5v-.. 2 , 2 9 9 ,03 9 Texa• 1'.lldJand RR.-Road from Ennis on Houston & Texas Net earnings .... ·•··· •••· ·••••· , • • , , Central Ry. to Paris, Texas, 125 miles (of whioh 52 miles Greenville INCOME ACCOUNT. to P&ris oomplet.ed In Oot., 1896.) Of the 125 miles, 14 are traokage 1900. 1899. over St. Louis Bouthwest.ern. Formerly part 01 Texas Central Total lnoome (incl. other reoe1pts) .•••.••. $3,358,668 $2,581,895 .Ry.; In 1893 puroha.sed by Mrs. Hetty Green. Interest on first mortgage bonds .......... $1,289,756 $1,283,SM STOCK.-$500,000; par, $100. Total current llabllitles July l.1 1900, Int.erest on 2d incomes .••..•••••.•••••.. (4%) 928,692 (11t%t 375,000 505 265 e2,1os 640, lnoludlng $176,866 unpaid coupons. Fo~ ,:ear 1~99·00, Betterments, equipment, eto .•• • ... • •····· 635,042 249,344. gross, $435,334; net, $11,511; oha.rges, $73.744; def., lj!62,233. Pres., Taxes..••••• ·····--···········--············· 276,328 96,437 E. H. R. Green, Terrell, Tex.-(V. 63, p. 839.) M1soella.neous. •····· •····· •··· •· • •· • •···. ••• 20,265 Texa11& New Orlean11RR.-(See Map Bo. Pac.)-Houston, Tex., B 1 1 m2os "'86 $71,982 to Orange (Babine River), 112 miles; and Babine Pass to New Homer, a72a.nee,576 surp937 ns .•. -·••••••••·••••••• "' ,., 128 miles; Houston to Clinton, 8 miles; Dallas to .Frankfort, 102 m; -(V. • P• , • 1189; V. 73, P• 723, l358; V. 74, P· 4.2.) Booklandnorthwardly, 25m.; total June 30, 1901, 374 mlles. Texas Sabine Valley & Northwestern Ry.-V. 73, p.139. In May, 1899 purohase and oonsolldatlon of the Babine & East Tl.Ron Thomasville & f;ultRy.-Tifton, Ga.. to Thomasville. Texas, the Louisiana Western Ext.enston and the Texas Trunk RR. (the 55¼ miles. Stook authorized, $11000,000; issued, $55~000; par ot latter Dallas to Cedar, Tex., 52 milt-a), was authortz~, provided a oon- shares. $100. Bonds llm1t.ed ro $10,000 per mile. rrealdent, H. necttng l1Dk be bullt to form with them a oontlnuous nne from Dallas, M. Atkln1mn, Atlanta, Ga.; Vice-President, J. w. Hightower, ThomaaTex., to present t.ermlnus ot Sabine & East Texas Ry. at or near ville, Ga.; s~cretary and Treasurer, W. M. Otla, Moultrie, Ga. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  v.  13ii  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  [VOL. LXXIV.  Sul>11crlbers -will conCer a Kreat f'avor by glvlnK Immediate notice oC any error dlacovered In theae Table•. Bonds-Pr1no1· INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. When Due. Miles Date Size, or A.mount Rate When Where P~able, and by pal, Slocka--Last of Par Outsta.ndinK l'or explanation of oolumn headings, &o., see notes of Oen . Payable om. Dividend. Road. BondH Value. on first page of tables.  re:w,s ti Pacijlo--Btook , $ 5 0,000,000 ........... ... ...  - - - - -----·-- -- - - - - $100 $38,760,000 is15 1 ,000 3,000,000 ···s·g. M:·&·· 8.  1,598 1st M. (Ea.stern Div .), ~old, s. f. red. at 100 . . .. o* 519 1st oonsol. mort. for $ 5,000,000, gold . FP . .. .o• 1,387 2d cons. inc. M. ($25,000,000),g. (see rem.).l-'le.o* 1,387 Louis. Div. Br. Lines, lRtM., g. $12,500 perm.lfle 220 J!i,fton Thomas. ti Gu lf-lstM.,g ., $1,000,000.0Bo* 5519 fioga BB.-Btook 1$189,700 is preferred) . .....•.... 1st M., due 1882 and extended, gold . ....... . ....• .46 46 Extension bonds .• ................................. 7 Elmira State Line R a ilroad 1st mortgage, guar . . J'otedo fl Ohio Oentrat-lstM.,g. (V. 5 , p.436).Ce 196 Western Div. 1st mort. for $2,500,000, gold. N .o* Text. General M. (V. 62, p. 594) $$2,000,000), g. Ce .. c* 335 58 St. Mary's Div. lRt M ., 500,000.1'.lo ....... o* do 1st pref. inc., ~ 00,000, non cum.4%.Sr 58 Tol. & 0. C. Ext., 1st M. (foreclosed), int. only gu. ··-· Car trusts, June 30, 1901 (principal) ..............  f•  iss2  1875 1875 1885 1892 1894 1901 1911 1 1888  ---· ....  Guaran:eed Bonds.  K.&B.C.&C.M.g.,3,flOO,'111':lo Kanawha & Michigan Ry.-See tha t company. Jotedo Peoria ti West.-latM., (for $5,000,000), g.o* Deben. scrip (Bf\cured by 1st M. coups. in trust). 2'oledo St. Lou is ti Western -Com. stock , $10,000,000 Preferred stock, 4 o., non•oum, $10,000,000 .. Prior lien mort. , $ 0,000,000, gold . . . ... .. F .c&r 1st M., g. $6,500,000, red. a.ft. July,1925.Col.o&r r<,ted,o Saginaw ti Musk egon-1st mortgage•...... •. f'oLedo Walhondin8 Valley ti Ohi o-Stock . .......... Gen. M. ($20,00 m.), A, guar. p. & 1.F . .... o* $4,000,000, gol ...... B, do ...•.... o" !'or. Ham. ti Buff.-lst M., g., $40,000 p. m. A B.o* 2'ransyl'Dania-lst M., g., $160,000, gu. p.&i.end.o f'ra'Derse Oity BR.-First mortgage, gold. • ...•.•....  f·  j·  1888 1888 1901 1899  l  5 g. 1,000 21,926,000 1,000 23.217,300 5 g. 5 g. 1,000 2,4 2 4,000 5 g. 1,000 555,000 50 580,900 500 &o. 239,500 0 265,000 7 7 5o1cs 160,000 5 g. 1,000 3 ,000.000 1,000 2,500,000 5 g. 1,000 5 g. 2,000,000 1,000 425,000 4g. 1,000 500,000 Oct 1, i1 1,000 300,000 5f ·-·-·· 1,091,248 5,6&  ...5.g.  i~.  517,651  $846,091 484,536  1887  . ...  45i iooo  451 96 125 125  ·ss  32 26  Fi:r;ed  --·  .. -. ··----  5 g. J. & J.  --i·oo 100  is0i  lfiles.  Bal., ind.  - -$626,268 - - - -$544,173 --497,956  2,750,000  1,000  4.64.,536  Bala.nee for yea.r.sur.$210,355 sur.$361,555 sur.$128,312 sur.$79,637 Chairman of Boa.rd-D. Axtell; President, N. Monsarra.t.-(V. 73, p . ~34, 617,660, 1358.) To1. & Ohio Cent. Exten.-See Marietta Columbus & Cleve. Toledo Peoria & West,rn Ky.-(SeeMap of PennsylvaniaBB.J -Owns from Effner. Indiana. State line, to Warsaw, Ill. 220 miles; La. Harpe to Iowa, Ill., 10 m.; jointly with Wabash, 1 mile; trackage to Peoria and Burlington, Ia., 17 m.; total, 248 miles. ORGANIZATION.-In 1894 joint ownership and management by Pa. BR. and C. B. & Q. was arranged. Stock $4,500,000 (par $100), of which $423,100 in treasury in 1900. Mort. abstract, V. 45, p. 242. In October 1894 (3 coupons), were paid $5 in cash and $15 in deben• tare scrip. (Bee V. 61, p. 514.) Equipment trust Juue 30, 1901, $171,· 712; bills payable, $331,191 EARNINGS-6 mos., i 1901. .......•... Grose, $604,123; net, $160,099 July 1 to Dec. 31. 51900 ....•... ... . Gross, 606,139; net, 158,050 Burp. over 6 mos. oh'ges, $21,796 in 1901·2, agst. $21,548 in 1900·1. ANNUAL REPORT.-Reportfor 1900-01 in v. 74,p. 91: Year. Gross Earn'gs. Net Be'Denue. Int. <I Tazea. Balance. 1900•01. ....... $1,157,079 $278,443 $277,180 $1,263 1899-00. •••... 1,077,904 271,008 270,263 745 -(V. 67, p. 948; V. 71, p. 961; V. 72, p.1189; V. 74, p. 91.l Toledo St. Louis & K. c.-see ToJedo St. Louis & Western below. Toled& Saginaw & Muakegon Ky.-From Muskegon, Mich., to Ashley, Mich., 96 miles. The Grand Trunk of Canada owns the $1,600. 000 steok issued, and operates the road; above bonds have a traffic guaranty. V. 71, p. 85; V. 72, p. 338. Year Dec.31. Gross. Net. Interest, Deficit. Traf. guar. 1900 ..•.•••. $129,204 $56,770 $83,100 $26,330 $50,753 1899 ........ 133,328 78,973 83,100 4,127 53,783 -(V, 71, p. 31, 85.) Toledo St. Louis & Western Ky.-ROAD-Owns from Toledo t,o East St. Louis, 4-f\l milflB (6119 lbs. steel); sidings, etc., 72 miles, also has trackage to St. Louis and Toledo Union depots. ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated in July, 1900, as successor or the Toledo St. Louis & Kansas City RR. (foreclosed-see that company above), per plan V. 70, p. 1196. Took possession in August, 1900. VoT::NG TRUST.-Both classes ot new stock will be vested for five Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ..........  4,895,000 4 g. J. & J. N. Y., Am. Ex. Nat. Bk. 220,275 5 Jan. N. Y., Farm. L. & T. Co. 'DOtingtr u st for ji:oe years . 9,995,000 To bein ··-· ' D oting tr ust for jl'De years. 10,000,000 To be in l.OOO&c 9,000,000 312 g. J . & J. N. Y., Cent. Trust Co. 4 g. A. & 0. do do 1900 1,00 &o 6,500,000 1,000 1,662,000 1888 J. & J. N. Y., Office, 271 B'way. 5 100 2,500,000 1,000 1,500,000 ··4;i~· g. J_..&.. J. N.Y.,Farmerii•I}n&Tr. 1,000 419g. J. & J. do do 1893 978,000 4 g. J. & D N. Y., Bost. & London. 1 ,000 1896 3,280,000 5·4 g. M. & N. Mero. Trust Co., Pittsb. 1899 1,000 160,000 3 11:. J. & J . N.Y.,Winslow,Lan.&Co 1883 1.000 250,000  .... ....  EARNINGS.-5 mos. Earnings. Earnings. Oharges. otherincome July 1 to 51901.... ;t;l,273,26l $313,305 $199,430 sur.$115,824 Nov. 30 .. ~ 1900..... 1,098,255 292,070 170,803 sur.121 ,983 ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends June 30. Annual JDeettng is held at Toledo on the first Monday in Sept. Report for 1900·1 was in V. 73, p. 6 t O. Of total tonnage 68 p. o. in 190 l was bituminous coal. Years end. June 30- 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Gxoss ea.rnmgs ... $2,571,722 $2,368,912 $1,897,868 $1,779,614 Net earnings.... . 720,582 832,902 601,413 533,918 Other income..... 7,424 13,189 24,855 10,255  -$728,006 ---  Nov:1;·i915 Oct. 1, 1905 Oct. 1, 1905 July 1, 1935 Oct. 1, 1935 June 1, 1935 Feb. 1, 1951 Feb. 1, 1951 Nov. 1, 1938  230  1,000  Toledo toBremen ...••••••.••.• 173 In Toledo (L. 8. & M. 8.)....... 1 AllPD Creek to Truro Juno.... 4 Bremen to New Lexington ..•• 11 New Lerln~n to Corning.... 131 To Millfl.eld and to Ca.rringron 25 Prentice to"Thurston .•........ 145 Peoria to St. Mary's............ 581 Total operated ..•••••.••••• '.430 Kanawha.&Mioh. (whiohsee) •. 164 Total owned ............... 393 ORGANIZATION.-Successor in 1885 of Ohio Central foreclosed. In June, 1901, the Hockin~ Valley Ry. had acquired all except $54,100 common and $11,600 preferred stock in exchange for 70 per cent of Hooklng Valley st(?Ck of tne ~ame cla ss. V. 69, p. 1347; V. 71, p. 810. See also Hockrng Valley item, V. 69, p. 1345; V. 71, p, 865. The properties are operated separatt'ly. On Ma r. I, 1901, t,ook over the former Columbus & Northwestern Ry., extending from Peoria,O., to St. Mary's, 58 miles. V. 71, p. 1068; V. 73, p. 660. STOCK.-Preferred ls entitled to 5 p. o. non•oum., then common to 5, then preferred to 2, then common to 2, then both share, pro rata. DIVIDENDS.-On common: In 1891, 2 p. o.; 1892, 4; 1893, 2; none linoe. On pref. April, 1890, to July, 1896, inclusive, 5 p. o. yearly. BONDS.- Western Di'Dision mortgage covers the road from Toledo to Truro Junction, 139 miles, and also (subject to the first mortgage of 1885) the rest of the property. See V. 55, p. 322. 545, 590, 625. The Toledo & Ohio Central guarantees the principal and interest of the Kanawha & Michigan first bonds (Bt:e that company) and Jointl.v With Hocking Valley Ry. the K & Hock Coal & Coke bonds (see that co., CHKoN. of Jan. 25, '02); also guar. int. only on $300,000 T. & O. Oen. Ext. 5s (foreclosed). The St. Mar}!'• Di1'i8ion bonds cover the lme from Peoria., O. to St. lla.ry's, 58 miles.-V. 72, p. 284,628.  Total net income Interest,taxes,eto.  M:·&--N. Phil. ,Newbold's Son&Co A. & 0. Elmira.,Chemun~Co.Bk. A. & 0. do o J . & J. N. Y., Central Trust Co. A. & 0. do do J. ·& D. do do F. & A. do do earned. do do M.&N. Various - ... ....  1901  Toledo & Ohio Central Ky.-(See MapJ-This road, well shown  Net.  Moii:1;·i905 June 1, 2000 Dec. 1, 2000 Jan. 1, 1931 Aug. 1, 1929  .....  on the aooompanymg map, 1s made up as follows: ~nes owned. Miles. , Trackage (37 miles.)  Gross.  N. Y., Mero. Trust Co. D . N. Y , Mer. Trust Co. 1. 4 p. o. pd. Moh. 1, 1901 J. N. Y., Mer. Trust Co. A. Boston, Old Col. Tr. Co.  J. & Moh. J. & F. &  . --· .....  July 1, 1951 July 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 1905  ---·· ...  Jniy. i·; -i925 Apr. 1, 1950 July 1, 1918 Juiy·1;·i931 July 1, 1933 July 1, 10.6 May 1, 1919 Jan. 1. 1933 in the following votini;? trustees: Frederic P. Olcott, Thomas H. Huobard and William A. Read, who m!:\y sell the stock at any tlm&, subject to the approval.of a ma.1ority of ea.oh class. :NKW BONDS.-Of the prior lien 319s $1,000,000 is reserved to be issued after Jan. 1, 1902, at not over $250,000 ser annum. Additional first mortgage bonds, not to exceed $10,000,00 , may be issued at any time to retire the prior lien bonds. EARNTSGS.-July 1 to Dec. 31, 1901 (6 months), gross, $1,319,35,2 a.JZainst $1,135,M4 in 1900. For 3 mos. ending Sept. 30, 1901, net, $208,351, against $142,837 in 1900. REPORT.-Fhoal year ends June 30. First report for 1900-01 was in v. 73, p. 896.  Fi,cal  Gross  Net  Other  Bond  Balance,.  Year. earnings. e11rnings inr.ome. interest T~B. surplus. 1900-01..$2,4~0,!'>66 $090,614 $6,341 $500,000 $104,4.00 $82,555 1891!-00.. 1,940,379 379,297 OFFICERS. -Chairman of the Board, Wm. A Read; President and General Manager, Benjamin Norton; Seo. and Treas., Joseph H. Sea.• man. Executive Committee-Wm. A. Read, F. P. Olcott, J. Kennedy Tod, Henry Budge and C. H. Tweed. DmECTORS.-F. P. Olcott, Henry Budge, J. Kennedy Tod, Wm. A. Read, John J. Emery, C. H. Tweed. c. S. W . Packard, J. Crosby Brown. Benjamin Norton, Alfred Pick and Thomas H. Hubba.rd. Offloe,44 Pine St., N.Y.-(V. 72,p. 243,340; V. 73,p. 844,896, 1C62. ► Toledo Terminal KK.-V. 71. p. 698. Toledo Walhondlng Valley & Ohio KK.-Owns road in operation from Toledo Junction to Toledo, O. 80 miles, and from Loudonvllle to Coshocton, 0., 45 m.; total owned, 125 miles; trackage (Pitts. Ft. W. & O.) Toledo Jct. to Mansfield, 0., 7 m.; total, 132 miles. LEASE, ETc.-Leased for net earns. to the Penn. Co., which guarantees the bonds. Pennsylvania RR. owns $1,920,000 of the stock, the remainder being owned by the Pennsylvania Co. EARNINos.-For year ending Dec. 31, 1900, gross, $1,028,821; net, $270,375; other income, $19,488; interest, etc., $146,510. Toronto Hamilton & Buff"alo RR.-Road Hamilton to Waterford, Ont.1 43 miles, and Hamilton to Welland! 38 miles, total, including bra.nones. 88 miles; connects at Hamilton w th Grand Trunk of Canada. and Canadian Pacific Ry. (See V. 62, p . 319.) Unde:t traffi c agreement made in 1895 with N. Y. Central, Michigan Central, Ca.nada Southern and Canadian Paoiflo, Interest is practically guaran• teed. See V. 68, p. 475, and advertisement in CHRONICLE of March 11, 1899. Of the stock, $2,5001900, 19 per cent is held by the Canadian Pacific and 51 per cent by the l.'j. Y. Centra.1.-See V. 61, p. 753; V. 63, o. 359; v. 68, p. 475, 1134; v. 69,p. 29. Trana-Alaskan "y.-V. 73,p. 786. Transylvania KK.-Hendersonvllle to Eastatoe Ford, N. 0., 33 miles. A reor~a.niza.tion of the Hendersonvllle & Brevard BB., sold in foreclosure May, 1899. Stock authorized, $320,000; par $100; all outstanding. V. 68. p. 926. Mortgage trustee is Mercantile Trust Co., Pittsburg. Bonds are guaranteed, principal and interest; by Toxawa.y (land) Co. of North Carolina. V. 6~. p. 182. For year end• ing June 30, 1900, (22 miles) gross, $16,507; net, $8,534; int., $6,237 ba.I., sur., ~2,297. Pres., W. P. Potter, Pittsburg. Traverse City KR.-Owns road from Walton to Traverse City, Mich., 26 miles; opened in 1872. Leased in 1883 to Grand Rapids &Indiana RR., but not included in the reorganization of that company in 1896. Coupons 1st mort. a.11 paid to Jan., 1901, incl. There ar& $190,000 of 5 p. o. incomes outstanding. Capital stock is $205,000; par $100. For year ending Dec. 31, 1900, gross, $55,540; net,$11,721; Interest on bonds, $7,500; bal., surplus, $4,221.-(V. 67, p, 75, 1310.) Troy & Greenbush RR.-Owns from Troy to Albany. 6 milesdouble track; leased to N.Y. Central in 1851 at7p.c. on$275,0001t,ook. Tuscaloosa Belt Ry.-Owns about 612 miles of Belt road In Tusoaloo11a, Ala., and suburbs. Capital stock authorized, flOO 000; issued, $26,000 ($100 shares.) General Manager, J. W. Woollolk, Tuscaloosa, Ala., or 15 Wall Street, New York. Tu•carora Valley KK.-Owns narrow•gauge road (3 ft.) from Port Royal to Blair's Mills, Pa., 2'i miles, propo11ed to be changed to standard gauge during 1901. Extension from Blair's Mills to McCon. nellsburg, 31 miles (Tuscarora RR. stoolr, $310,000; par, $50).lya,tially built in 1899, but never completed. Stock. $300,000; par, l!SDO; outistanding. $150,000. Year ending June 30, 1900, gross, ,23,683; net, $12,526; total deductions, $12,299; ba.l., sur., $227. Pres., T. 8. Moorhead; Seo., D. B. McWilllams.- (V. 67, p.1162.) t1ls1er & Delaware KK.-Owns from Kin~ston ·Point (Hudson River), N. Y. to Oneonta, 109 miles, with branches, a total of 130 miles. A consolidation Jan. 1, 1902, with the Delaware .&Otsego RR., Stony Clove & Catskill Mt. RR., Hobart Branch RR. and Kaaterskill RR. - V. 74, p. 42. Loans and bil.18 payable June 30, 1901, $lti6,000. Yrs.end.June 30. Gross. Net. Other inc. Int., tazes,etc. Bal .• Bttr. 1900 1901 .. $607,423 $177,793 $4,868 $157,263 $25,39S 18991900 .... 473,663 142,376 11,400 136,658 17,118 -(V. 69, p. 382; V. 71, p. 136; V. 72, p. 628; V. 74, p. 42.) t1nadllla Valley Ball-way.-Owns road from Bridgewater to New Berlin, N. Y., 20 miles; opened in July, 1895. Connects D. L . .& W. with New Berlin branch of N. Y. O. & W. Income bonds, $30,700  MAP OF THE  TOLEDO & OHIO CENTRAL R'Y AND OF THE  KANAWHA&, MICHIGAN Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILWAY. "  ST.  INVESTORS' SUPPLE~NT.  140 .RAILROADS.  l"or explanation of colm.:m headings, &o., see notes on first page of tables.  f'roy ti Greenbush-Stock, 7 per cent rental, N.Y.C. !Pu.Bcawosa Belt-lat mortgage, $100,000, gold.Ko f'uscarora Valley-let mortgage,$150,000, gold ...  Tnsoarora RR., let M. (Oll ext.), $310,000,fd'Il.o e ) .. Consol M. for $2,000,000, gold ................. o•  UlltertlDelaware Bt.ook ($3,000 000 autho  Bornu-PrmoINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Miles Dat.e Size, or pal,WhenDue Amount of of Par Outstanding Rat.e rer When Where p-w:ble, and by Stock1-Laat Road. Bonde Value. Cen Payable • om. Dividend. 6 6¼ 27 31  isos  1897 1898  $50 1,000  i:ooo  $275.000 100,000 160,000 (f)  Troy,N. Y. 7 J.&D.r.5 5 g. J. & D. N.Y., Kn1ckerb, Trust. 5 g. J. & J. 5 g. J. & J. N. Y., Metropol. Tr. Co. J. ··&·n. N. Y., Central Trust Co. M.&N, Rondout, N. Y. 5  100 1,794,600 1,000 1,997,000 500,000 1,000 ~ ·20 -·-· 100 200,000 1893 500 &o. 250,000 let M.,$250,000,$12&00 p.m.,g., red. at 110 o*&r lTmon Paciftc BB.- ·ommon stock,$196,178,700 100 104,051,400 4in 1901 . . Pref. stock, 4 ~er cent, non-cum $100,000,000 .. 100 99,537,800 4in1901 ,r lat M. Ry and and roant, $100,000,000 g •.. . Me 1,835 99,556,000 4 g. 4 g. l!tLconv.M.R$100, 00,000,~i"ted.t.ext.lffe •c&r 1,300 1901 1,000&c 91,952,000 Vn,ited. N. J. R • ti Oanat Oo.- tock, 10 p. o. guar.. 100 21,240,400 10 1,000 841,000 6 g. General mort,age of} loan ot1908, gold .•..•• . r ) ~-;_; '71 for $20,000,000, loan of 1923, gold ....... r 1883 1,000 1,824,000 4 g. (now 1st mortgage) loan of 1929, gold..••. c&r di 1889 1,000 6,020,000 4 g. F'P, secures all loanof1944,gold..... o&r 00 0 1894 1,000 5,646,000 4 g. equally. I loan of 1951, g. p. & . ~ ~ 1901 1,000 5,669,000 31t g. Utah Oentral-Bee RIO GRANDE WESTERN. Utica ti Black Ritier-See ROlllE WATER. & OGDENS BURG. 97 100 4,000,000 UffcaOhen.tlS~. byD.L.&W 6 . Utica Olinton ti inghamton- took ...•.....•••.... 100 849,285 See text. 1,000 800,000 lstmort\'ge,~ar. p &i. by D. & H., end .... No ·si 5 'Yalky (N. .)- tock, 5 p. o. gua.r. by D. L. & W ... 11 100 750,000 5 1st mortgage (for $500,000) ...•....••.••.•••••.. F' 11 1,000 400,000 5 'Falley (Virginia)-lst M., $1,000,000, see text.... o 62 1881 1,000 750,000 6 Vermont ti Mass.-Btook, 6 p. o. guar. by Fitohbur§ 100 3,193,000 59 6 Bonds, not mortgage (guar. byFitchburgRR.).o 1,000 1,000,000 5 Yermont of 1871-Stook ................•..•.. 24 50 1,000,000 6 1st M., with 500,000 Sul. Co. RR. stock as col .. o* 24 1,000 800,000 5  v~R~~~f;ti::sicioir· <$2oo;oiio ·authorizeci>:::  io2 isss 1899  ---· --- .. is91 is7s  f' ~ s  -,r  --iss9 issi isss isso  Valf:¥  !VoL. LXXIV.  ·--s·g. ···s·g.  ·----- --·  Deo.15,'01,319 1933 July 1, 1917 July 1, 1928 Junt;1,--i92& May 1, 1919  ---·· --·  J.'·&··J. In default. A. & 0. N. Y. Office, 120 B'way. A. & 0. do do J. & J. do do M.& N. do do Q.-J. Phlla. and N.Y., Offices. M. & 8. Ph1ladelph1a Office. F. & A. do llo do do M. & 8. M. & 8. N. Y.,N. Bk.Com. & Phll. do do M. & S.  Jan. 2, 1938 Oct. 1, '01, 2% Oct. 1, 1901, 2 July 1, 1947 May ll 1911 Jan. 10, 02,21il Seit. 1, 1908 Fe . 1, 1923 Be~. 1, 1929 Mo • 1, 1944. Moh. 1, 1951  N. Y., Del. L. & W. RR. Utica, N. Y., On. N. Bk. N. Y., Security &Tr.Co. N. Y.,Del.Laok.&West. do do N. Y .• Mero. Tr. & Balt. Bost., 53 Devonshire St. Boston, Fitchburg RR. Bellows Falls. Boston, 8. Dep. & Tr.Co.  Nov., 1901. 3% Feb.8, '02i l¾ July 1, 939 Jan., '02, 219% Ang. 1, 1911 Oot. 1. 1921 Oct., 1901i 3% May 1, 908 Jan.1, '02,3% Oct. 1, 1910  M.&N. F&AlO J. & J. J. & J. F & A. A. & 0. A. & 0. M.&N. J. & J. A. & 0.  $500 and $1,000.  20-[ea.r 5s. Interest on firsts was not paid, but funded for 5 years, an in April, 1901.t foreclosure suit was brought. V. 72, p. 776. Year 1899·0, gross, ;i;31,904; net, $1,586; interest, $12,500; balance, de11oit.• $10,914. Pres., Everett M. Culver; Vioe·Preeident, Ralph Brandreth; Seo., Clarence Goadby, 135 B'dway, N. Y.-(V. 72, p. 776.) 1Jnlon Depot Br. & Ter. RR. oC Kansas City.-V • 72 , p. 989 • 1Jnlon Pacific Rallroad.-(See Map.)-The syst.em embraces: Linu 011J11.ed directlyMiles. OontrolledOounoll Bluft's to Ogden ..... 1,033 Oregon ShortLine RR., GranKansas City to Denver ....... 640 ger, Wy., to Huntington, Denver to Cheyenne......... 106 Ore., Helena, Mon., to FrisLas&lle, Co., to Julesburg .. 151 co, Utah..t etc .........•.. 1,481 Branches •......•............. 1,028 Oregon &Navigation .... 1,136 Trackage to Sioux City, Ia... 75 Tot. me.inline and br'nohs.3,033 I Total all lines Julyl,1901.5,650 HISTORY.-lncorporated in Utah June 23, 1897, to succeed per plan Of Oot.15, 1895 (V. 61, p. 704,705, and V. 6~ p. 4.24), the Union Paoif• lo Ry. A full statement to New York Stock ..l!.xohange as to the organ• lsation of the new company was in V. 66, p. 618; see also V. 67, p. 790. Owns over 99 per cent of the stock of the Oregon Short Line RR. Oregon RR. & Navigation Co. is controlled through ownership of a mtJority of its stock by the Oregon Short Line and the Union Pao. V. 69, p. 181. In February, 1901, purchased $75,000,000 stock of the Southern Pacitto Co., a strong working control.-V. 72, p. 243, 284; v. 73, p. 44.6. During the fl.seal year 1900-1, $41,08!5,000 prefened and $37,023,000 Northern Pacific common stock was purchased, the title being vested 1n the Oregon Short Line RR., which issued $61,000,000 4 p. c. certificates of indebtedness, a 1 owned by the U. P. The Short Line Co. had also outstanding June 30, 1901, $23,202,247 "balance of indebtedness Incurred in acquiring securities of other companies" and in new construction. On Jan 1, 1902, the Northern Pacitlc preferred stock was paid off at par and the common stock wa~ increased and exchanged for stock of the liortbern Secmrities Co. at the rate or $115 per $100 share. See Northern Securities Co, V. 73, p 1010, 1062, 1358. 8TOCK.-Artioles of association ~rovide: "Buch preferred stock shall be entitled in preference and priority over the common stock of said corporation to dividends in each and every flsoal year at such rate not exceeding 4 per cent per annum, payable out of net profits, as shall be declared by the board of dh·ectors. Such dividends are to be non• cumulative, and the r,referred stock is entitled to no other or further share of the profits. ' In 1899 the st.ookholders authorized the increase of the common stock from $61,000,000 to $96,178,700, and of the preferred sto<.'k from $75,000,000 to $100,00u,ooo in order to complete the company's eontrol of the Oregon RR. & Navigation and Oregon Short Line RR. companies and take up the latter's income bonds See each company. On Mar. 24, J 901, the common stock was further authorized to be increased by $100 000,0 ' 0 to provide for the conversion at the option of the holderR of the 1st lien 4s of 1901.-V. 72, p. 392, 628. In July, 1901, $0,043 000 had been issued in exchange for the bonds.-V. 73, p.1360. DIVIDENDS p. 0,)} 1898. 1899. lPOO. 1901. On common . .•.. .. . .••. .•.. . ... 312 4 On i,referred...... .••••. l 12 312 4 4 BONDS.-The mortgage (Mercantile Trust Co., trustee), covers the 1,854 miles composing the former Union Paeitlc and Kansas Pa.oifl.o lines, including the telegraph, terminals, eqntpment, an~ directly or indirectly, land grants. Statement to N. Y. Stock Exch., v. 66, p. 618. The first lien contiertible 4 per cent gold bonds ol' 1901, limited to $100,000,000 is secured by practically all the collateral formerly in the treasury, including $75,000,000 Southern Pacifl.c stock, and by :first mort~age on about 1 025 miles of !branches. They are convertible at the optio.R of the hoider lat any time before May 1, 1906, into eommon stock at par, and redeemable after that date in whole or in part by the company at 102½1 per cent (in the latter case to be chosen by lot) To July, 1901, $6,043,000 bad lJeen exchanged. V. 73, p. 1360. See ab8tract of mortgage showing securities pledged. value of collateral, etc. V. 72, p. 1084..-V. 72, p. 392,776. LANDS. The first 4s 1897 oovor directly or throu,rh beneficial ownership over 6,0D0,000 acres of land, situated in Nebraska, Wyo• ming, Colorado, Utah and Kansas, tho value of which was estimated June 30, 1901, at $4,985,455; also further notes or contracts for lands sold aggregating $6,320,597, and the lands for which, if not paid for, revert to the company. l:3ee V. 67, p. 791. Total esti• mated value of lands and land aseet1:1 .Jnne 30, 1901, $12,34.9,339. During 1900 -1, 876,928 a.ores were sold for about $1,754.,24.2. GENERAL FINANCES.-To provlrte for the purchase of the Southern Pao. stock and other properties, stockholders in 1901 subscribed at par to $100,000,000 first lien convert. 4 p. c. gold bonds.-V. 72, p. 392,340. LATEST EARNINGS-For 5 months endin,z: Nov. 30 on the 5,739 average Jnll~s, against 5,679 in 1900, after deducting taxes: --Gross Earnings.---..  .---Net Earnings.---.  July 1 to Nov. 30. 1901. 1900. 1901. 1900 UnionPao.System.$21,548,859 $19,910,992 $10,658,740 $9,063,614 ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends June 30. Report for 1900-1 1n V. 73, p. 1353, 1360 (see also editorial, p. 1335). Average train load including company's freight, 354 tons in 1900-1, against 329 in 1899·0. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I Average miles .••••......•........  Gross earnings ........ . .....••••• Operating expense and taxes .••.  1900·01 5,543 $43,538,181 24,587,1~5  1899·00 5,432 $a\l,147,697 21,427,546  Net receipts .........••••.••••• Income from investments .••.•••.  $18,951,036 3,220,965  $17,720,151 2,743,519  Total income.................. Fixed charges.....................  $22,172,001 $7,621,341  $20,463,670 ,6,923,191  (4%) 440,000 Ore. St. L. incomes................ 952,890 Union Pacific pref•.....••.•••...•. (4%) 3,979.580 do do common ••••..•.•••. (4%) 4,000,014  (4%) 440,000 952,890 (4%) 3,952.870 (31i%) 3,350,757  Dividends onOre. ltR. & Nav. pref. ........ .. . .  Balance, surplus.............. $5,178,176 $4,843,961. The figures for 1901 do not include dividends on Northern PaoUlo stocks owned from Apl'il 1 to June 30, 1901, viz., $781,080. which , have been collected and will appear in results for fl.seal year 1901-2. OFFICERS, ETC.-(July, 1901.)-President, Horace G. Burt; V1oePresident. William D. Cornish; Seo., Alexander Millar; Treasurer, F. V. S. Crosby; Directors, H. G. Burt, Winslow B. Pierce, James Stillman, Marvin Hughitt E. H. Harriman, Thos. T. Eckert, James H. Hyde► Otto H. Kahn, T. Je1ferson Coolidge Jr.• George J. Gould, Oliver Ames, J. H. Schiff, Louis Fitzgerald, Obas. A. Peabody and H. H. Rogers. OFl.l'ICE, 120 Broadway, N. Y.-(V. 73, p. 786, 1012, 1063, 1353> 1358, 1360; v. 74, p. 96.) Union Pacific Denver & Gulf Ry.-See COLORll>O BOUTHEJlB Union Termlna1 Ry. oC Sioux Clty.-Owns t.erminal road at, Sioux City, Ia.; total track, 13 miles. Incorporated June, 1900, a&suooessor of the Sioux City Terminal Ry. & Warehouse, sold in foreclosure Aug. 22, 1899.-V. 70, p. 1292. Operated by the company itself, charges being made for switching on a wheelage basis. Stock,. $2,500,000, of which $1,870,250 outstanding, all fssued to the olo bondholders. Over two-thirds of the stock has been deposited in a.. voting trust.-V. 71, p. 31. No bonds. Pres., Sydney L. Wright; Seo•._ Walter T. Bilyeu, 508 Walnut St., Ph1ladelphia-(V. 71, p. 31.) United New- Jer•ey Railroad & Canal Co.-(See ma_p Penn• •vl"ania R.R.) Controls an important syst.em of roads in Northera, N. J. having a four•traoked line from N. Y. to Philadelphia, also a. line Perth Amboy to Camden opposite Ph1ladelphia, and branches to • Long Branch, Berkeley, etc., N. J., and to Manunka Chunk, Pa. TotaL. mileage 470 miles. The principal lines owned directly are Jersey Cityto Trenton, 56 miles (four tracks), and from Camden to South Amboy . 61 miles, of which 26 double track; 9 branches. 29 miles; total (owned, directly) 146 miles. Also owns the Del & Raritan Canal, 66 miles. Ph11•. & Trenton and Belvidere Del.--wh1ch see-are principal leased lines. LEA.sE.-Leased in June, 1871, to the Pennsylvania Ra.llroad for 999 · years, a.t a. rental of 10 per cent on the stock, besides interest on bonds. EARNINGS.-For year ending Dec. 31, 1900, gross, $20,454,571; net $4,092,619; other income, $245,188; interest, rentals, etc., $1,968,579;. dividende, t2,124,040; balance, suplus for year, $163,960. In 1899 gross,$21,660,510; net, $5,810,874.-(V. 72, p. 392.) Utica Ch.,nango & Susquehanna Valley Ry.-Owns Utica, N. Y., to Greene, N. Y., 75 miles; branch to Riohfteld Springs, 22 miles; total, 97 miles. Road opened October, 1872. Leased to Delaware-, Lackawanna & Western at 6 per cent on stock. Has no bonded debt. Utica Clinton & Binghamton RR.-Owns Utica, N. Y., to Randallville, N. Y., 31 miles. Leased during continuance of and renewals thereof to Delaware & Hudson Company, which pays rental of $61,500 per annum. Operat.ed by New York Ontario & Western. The street lines owned are leased to Utica Belt Line Street RR. for $15,000 per annum. Capital stock, $849,285 (par $100), . dividends on $200,000 of which are guaranteed by Del. & Hudson at 59' per an.; balance variable, 3¾ p. o. paid in 1898 to 1901, incl. Valley (N. Y.) Rallroad.-Owns from Binghamton, N. Y •. to , State Line of Penn., 11 miles. Opened 1870. Leased to Delaware Lackawanna & West.ern at 5 per cent per annum on stock, the lessee assuming the int.erest on bonds. Valley RR. (Vlrglnla)-OwnsHarrisonburg to Le:nngton,Va.,62 m. Stock, $2,712,200 (par, $100), of which B. & 0. owned June 30, 1899, $1,020,600 and $223,000 of the bonds. In year 1900-1, gross, $127,672; net, $17,685; interest, $45,000; taxes, $2,298. Velal!lco Brazos & Northern Ry.-Road from Chenango Jo.notion t.o Velasco, Tex., 20 miles. Successor in July, 1901, to Velasco Terminal Ry., foreclosed May 7, 1901, and proposes to extend the road. Stock authorized, $200,000. In Nov., 1901, application was maoe to issue bonds at $11,376 per mile. V. 73, p. 1113. For year 1899-00, ~oss, $17.026; deficit under oper. exp.,$2'i ,579. Pres., I. H. Kempner, Galveston,Tex.; Sec.,D. B.Henderson.-(V.72,p.1239; V. 73, p. 1113.) Vermont & 1'la8&achu8etts RR.-Road, Fitchburg to Green d.eld, Mass., 56 miles of double track; branch, 3 miles. The road ta leased to the Fitchburg RR. for 999 years at 6 per cent on stock. Vermont Valley RR. oC 18'71.-0wns Bellows Falls to Brattleboro, Vt., 24 miles. Controls the Bnll1van County_ RR., Bellows Falls . to Windsor, Vt., 26 miles. Operated by Boston & Maine. Earnings of Vermont Valley for year ending June 30, 1901, gross $246,012; net, $56,882; div. on Sullivan Co. RR., etc., $49,394; totii ,  MAP OF THE  UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Union Pacific Railroad Oregon Short Line Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co, Southern. Pacific Co, -  ct.i ~  z 0 ~  ~ ell  ~ 0  0  E-4  ell  ~0  ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ilf allteur Lake  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT. RAILROADS.  •hr explanation of column headings, &c., see notes on first page of tables.  . Vicksburg <I Meridi an-See ALA. & V rnKSBURG. ":Vicks. Shret1e. cl Pac. RR. -let M. on land, g.Ce.c* "'Vick. Sk. <I Pac. Ry.-Stk. ($2,142.800 pf., 5% n.-c.) General mort1?age, $3,500,000 F .. . ....... . . .. x o ' V. 8. & Pao. RR. prior lien mort., gold .•. . Ce .c • Virginia Midland-SE !t: SOUTHERN RAILWAY. I v,rainia <I Truckee-Stock . - - ••• -••• - . - - - ••. -. •••.•• . fW'abashRR.-dt.L.,K &N.on8t.Charles Brldge,g .c" 2d mort~11ge . ................•............•.....  ~~~~~ -'~~~:~~:~~~':: ~ ~~  B011.lU- .1:-'rlnci• INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. pal, Wh,·n Due. Miles Date Size, or Amount Par of Btock6-Laat of by and P~able, Where When r,er Rate om. Dividend. Road. Bonds Value. Outstanding Cen . Payable  -- - - - - - 188  1886 $1,000  is·s  iooi i:~oo 1885 1,000  188 52  i878 . --· 1878  $1,760,750 4,9P9,300 1,422,000 1,323,000  5,000,000 100 1,000,000 1,000 388,500 500 &c. 1,000 31,664,000 1,000 14,000,000 3,500,000 1,000 1,000 26,500,000 3,392,000 1,000 1,600,000 1 ,000 3,000,000 1.000 3,000,000 500 &c. l,000 3,000,000 100,000 1,000 100,000 1,000 200,000  1,542 1889 ~:: 1,009 1889 W :~':~r\~~e~~fl.~: ~eb. mort., inc., non-oum.,serles A, red. at par. 1,542 1889 Do do tno. non-cum., series B, red. at par. 1,542 1889 Det. & Chio. Exten. let M.;f.', red. at 110.CE'. O* 150 1891 96 1899 DesMoinesDiT. lstM., gol • $1,800,000.. Co.o" 1901 Toi. & Ch. Div. M ., gold, $3.000i0O0 . K . .. c&r Omaha Division, $3,500,000, go d . ........ . e&r ii5 1901 1901 Equipment bon<1s, $3.000,000 s. f., Co . ..• . c&r & Nor. M., g., guar... .. . . . ···9 1901 Kans. Oity Excels. 22 1873 e 1st mortgage, int. guar . . Boone Co. & Boone 22 1901 New M. on Boone Co. & B, $300,000, g., gu.p & 1. LEASED LINE BONDS1,000 42 1878 St. Louis Council BluJfs & Omaha let mortgage .. Bruns. & Chilli. lat M., 8% fr. Aug.1, 1900,int. gu. 38 1878 100 &c. 1,000 42 1888 JrabaBh O"hestff fl W-estern,-lst mortgaie, gold .. o* 65 1893 1,000 lat consol. mo~ge, $1,000,000, gol . .. USt. c* 100 Wallkill Valley-8 ok, 31s: per cent, guaranteed ... let M. (formerly 7s) guaranteed................... "3"3 i877 1,000 33 1877 1,000 2d mortgaJ.e income, 319 per cent, guaranteed •.. 50 65 Warren ( .N. .)-Stock, 7 p. o. perp., guar. D. L. & W 18 is11i> 1,000 1st consolidated (now 1st) mortgage. F ........... 18 1900 1,000 lstref.M.,$2,000,000,gold; gu. p. &1 . .. . F.o*&r lf'as11burn Bayftela ti wes,. R"' -M., $535,000, g .. 65 1898 ··-···  :Bi  ·--- ..  net, $106,276; interest, taxes, etc., $46,169; dtV:idends, $60,000; balance, surplus for year, $107.-(V. 63, p. 8'7'7, V. 65, p. 86'7. ) Vlck 8 bure: Shreveport & Pacific KK.-The O'lmpany's road was sold under foreclosure of the first mortgaJl'e in 1901 and ts now owned by the v. s. & P . Railway Company (see below). The above third mortgage bondfl, however, are a first lien on lands which on .June 30, 1900, aggregated 178,698 acres. The first and @eoond. ooupons only have been paid (the latter, viz., that of Jan. 1 , 1889, in July 1899). ·1•he bonds are received in payment for lands, [at 20 per cent or par for year 1899-00] and to July 1, 1900, inclusive, the bon1ls outetandtng had been reduced from $2,483,625 to !j!l,760,750 thereby. Vlckl!lburg Shreveport & Pacific Kl.-Delta, La., on Misstssippi River, via Shreveport to Texas line 18 miles. Of this, 17 miles, Shreveport to Texas State line, is leased to Sherman Shreveport & southern (Missouri Kansas & Texaa system) for 25 years from July 28, 1900. Successor on May 1, 1901, to v. s. & P. Railroad, foreclosed per plan v. 72 p. 628 676. • ' ' STOCK, ETC.-Stook authorized, common.$3,000,000; pref., $2,200, · 000. Of the $3,500,000 general 5s $1,323.000 are reserved t o take up at maturity the prior lien 6s and $755,000 for f uture requirements. EARNINGs.-July 1 to D ec 14, 519 mos., p:ross, $446,660 in 1901; _f394,094 in 1900. Report for 1900 01 tn V. i3 , p . 1157. Year.  Gross.  Net.  Lt&nd Bales, Ete.  Interest Accrued.  Bal., Def.  .... $280,571 1900-1. ... $896,940 $168,863 $408,8$9 $56,807 1~3,219 181J9-0.... 691,531 -(V. 71, p. 751,911,914; V. 72, p. 392,628,676,822, 937; v. 73, p, ! 157.) Virginia Midland Ky .-On June, 21,'98, merged in Southern Ry. Wabash Kallroad.-(See.M"ap.J-Embraceslineaa.s follows.viz.. • Own , Wut of Miss. Rit1er. Owns East of Mi81. River. Mile,. Moberly to ottumwa, Ia . __.. 13 1 -:roledo, o., to East Hannibal, 15 etc Ia., Glasgow, Sal.1sburyto 536 ill. Camp pt, and Elvaston, Decatur, ill., to E. St. Louis.. 110 Des Moines to Moulton, Ia. . . 9~ 18 Other lines.................... Juno. near Chicago to Efflngham and Altamont, ill...... 216 Hrunswiok, Mo., to Council Bluft'11, Ia.......... . . .. .. .. . . 225 31 Streator to Fairbury.......... 9 8 Excelsior Spr to Milw.Juno. Edwardsville Bra.nob. ........ Delrey,near Detroip1 to Butler 110 2,073 .••• leased and owned Total Mon~eller, O., on nne to De::.!r•c~o~::rke Junction, 150 Chioa~o ~~!:f!•f~otion.. 15 Mober Y to Hannibal (V. 69, 26 •tt1ca to Covin1gton Sidi · • • ... ·•• · ... ~~ Ef,it6J~:riiii1iai.ti>iiuincy:::: ~13ei::,~~tp:iY:l,-o·::::·. Ft. Wayne to Butler, Ind . .. _ 27 8 short lines to Quincy, De45 trott, &c.......... . .......... Own, Wut of Misa. Rit1er. 8t. Louis to near Kansas City. 275 Windsor, Ont., to BuJfalo . .•. 270 21 Oentralia to Columbia Mo Grand total Jan, 1902 .••. 2,502 11 St. L. Levee to Ferguson, Also 7 miles awned, but leased, not included above. The new line from a point near Toledo, O., to Montpelier 57 miles, g,llrlng the company a continuous line from Toledo to Chicago, was .completed in Jan, Hl02; also a line from New Haven, Ind., to But ler, 27 miles, replacing tbe Eel River RR. V. 73, p. 569. The Omaha & ~t. Louts RR, Council Blu1fs, I a.., to Pattonsburg, Mo ., 145 miles, mclnded above, was taken over Nov. 1, 1901.-(V. 73, p 1012.) HlsTORY, &c.-Buooessor in 1889 to the Wabash St. Louis & Pacific, which was sold in foreclosure. See SUPPLEMENT up to January, 1889. LEilE.-Entranoe to Chicago is secured over the Chicago & West In• diana, of whose stook this company owns $1,000,000. CAPITAL BTOCK.-The stock is $24,000,000 preferred 7 p. c. non-cum. . and$28,000,000oommon; par, $100. Holders of the •'A" and "B" debenture mortgage bonds are entitled to one vote at stockholders' meeting for every $100 of principal, and to nominate one-half of the l)il.ghest even number of the board of directors. BOND8.-Abstraot,s of the mortgages of 1889 were in v. 49 pp. 170-273. The Jtr,t mortgage covers an the lines owned both east and west of the Miseis81ppi at time of reorganization (1,542 mllee), and .enough bonds are retained to retire the prior liens on roads west; but the •uond mortgage covers only lines east o1 the river at time of or.ganization in 1889, 1,009 miles. As to the Compton decree ($339,929 with 6 p. c. from May 1,1888,) see V. 65, p. 926; V. 66, p. 39. Of the .fkbenture mortgage bonrui, $3,500,000 are series A (preferred in respect to interest pa.yment,s only) and $26,500,000 series B. See stock above. INTEREST on i 1890 to 1893. '94. '95. '96. '97 to '99. '00. '01. •02. 4 6 Jan., 3 6 0 1 0 0 'A" bonds% 5 6 yearly. The Detroit " Ohicago Exte-nnon bonds cover 150 miles completed ln May, 1893 from Montpelier Ind. to Clarke Junction 26 miles trom Chicago/ Mortg:a~e ts for $3,500 000; abstract in v. 54 p. 1049 . ' The Des Moinu Dims-um bonds ofl899 ($1,800,000 autho~ed) cover 96 miles, equipment costing $250 000, etc. Bee V. 68, p. 574, and advertisement in CHRON. March 18, 1899: also V. 69, i,. 335, 796, 124.8 The Totwo " Ohicago Di1'ision 4s of 1901 secured by a ttrst lien on extensions constructed in 1901 from Toledo, O., to Montpelier 57 miles, and from Fort Wayne, Ind., to Butler, 27 mlles, and by a :iten subject to the Detroit & Chicago ext. 5s on the present line from :Montpelier to Chicago, 150 miles. In Jan., 1901, also sold $3,000,000 equipment bonds. A sinking fund may retire $100,000 equipment Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  i~  Mo:  (VoL. LXXIV.  I  577,000 304,500 300,000 390,000 330,000 250,000 330,000 1,800,000 496,000 908,00C 2315,000  4-5 g. J. & J. Jan., '89, coup. last pd. Jan. 1, 1918  '""5""  M :·&- N. N. Y.,Farm.L. &Tr Co. May. 1,..i94.l 6 g. M, & N. N. Y., Central Trust Co. Nov. 1, 1915  (!)  6 g. 7 5 g. 5 g. 6 6 5 g. 4 g. 4 g. 3lgg. 5 g. 4 ~7 4 g. 6 8 5 g. 5 g. 31g 319 3111 7 7 3lgg. 5 g.  A:·Jr:·o. N. Y., Office 195 B'way.  A. & O. M.& N. N.  & & & & & & A.. & M. & J. & M.&  F. J. J. J. J. M.  Y. ~entral Tr~st Co.  do A. do J. Jan., 1902, paid 3 p. c. J. Noneever~d. st Co. J. N. Y ., Central J. N.Y., Contin'l Trust Co. New York. S 0. do do ~St. Louls, Office. J. N. N. Y. , Office, 195 B'way  M.&N.  & J. & A. & J. & J. ..... J. & J. M. & S. A.15&O M. & 8. F. & A J . & J.  J. F. J. J.  N. Y., Office, 195 B'way Boston,Bank Redemp'n N. Y., Nat. Bk. Com. J ~ '94, pd. July 1, '96 N. ., Gr. Cent. Station. do do do do N. Y., Del. L. & w. RR. do do do do In default.  Oct. Oct. May Feb. July July July Jan. Mar. Oct. Mar. Jan. May Nov. July Aug. July Jan.  ,,>  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1908 1903 1939 1939 1939 1989 194.1 19311 194.1 1941 1921 1928 1903 1941  1, 1, 1, 1,  1908 1908 1918 1928  ........  Aug. 1, 1917 Aug. 1, 1917 Oct. 15f01,31ti Moh. , 1905 Aug. 1, 2000 Jan. 1, 1918  bonds a.nnu~ll.f at 108 for 5, then $1?0,000 for 1 0 years and thereafter $ l 00,000.-V. 72, p. 185,582.822, V . 73, p . 567. The Omaha Divisio , 3¼s 1Bo_wllng Green Trust Co. of New York, trustee,) are secured by a first lien on the former Omaha & St. ;r..ouis RR : Council Bluffs, Ia, to Pattonsburg, Mo., 145 mil , s; of the issue, $500,000 are reserved for improvements The stockholders voted on Oct. 8, 1901, to purchase the Boone County & Boonville RR., Centralla to Columbia, Mo., 20 mUes, and to ,marantee $300z000 four per cent gold bonds thereon, of which $100,000 to retire tne old 7s.-(V. 73, p. 338, 786, 1012.) GENERAL FINANCEs.-June 30, 1901, there were bills payable, $64:~t871, including $180,009 notes payable and $4.65,~61 rolling stoc.a: notes :payable monthlf to Nov., 1904. (V. 71, p. 440.) In Jan., 1901, sold $6,0° 0 000 bonds, see above. In April, 1901, a syndicate representing the Gould interests a~quired control of the ~beelin~ & Lake Erit-ii and in Jan •. 1902, a lioe was under construction from Sttmbenvi e, q., to Pittt1burg, 60 mile:1, to fo rm in connection wit h the Wabash an 10dependent route to Pittsbur 5 for the Missouri Pacitto and associated lines. See map.-(V. 72, p. 776 874.1189; v. 73 p. 186.) See also West Va. Cent. & Pitts. v. ' 96. 7 4, In March, 1898, began running trains into BuJfalo, N. Y., ll8ing 246 miles of Grand Trunk Ry. under Joint trackage agreement. The Wabash Co will pay the Grand Trunk a rental commencing at $275,000 per annum, to be increased at the end of every by $25,000 a year, until it reaches $350,000 per annum. Wabash alao pay its quota of cost of operation and maintenance.-(V. 66, p. 812.) Trafftc,-In 1900-1 oMTied 8,354194.9 tons; grain furnished 20·12 p. c., bituminous coa.l 20·47 p.'c.; lumoer5·73 p. c., and live stook4·00p.c. EARNINos.-5 mos. i 190 i . . . . . . . . <lross, $8,345,2'.?A; net, $2,666,867 Julyl to Nov. 30. 51900 ••••••.. Gross, 7,567,5 , 7; net, 2,278,490 ANNuAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends June 30. Annual meeting at Bt. Louis second Tuesda.y in September. Report for 1900-01 was gtven at length in CHRONICLE, V. 73, p. 550,567; editorial, P• 531, 8hQwing: 1899. 1900. 1901. Year ending June 302,278 2,358 2,367 Average mileage . • • • • • . • • • • • • Gross earnings ......•.•.•.•.. $17,554,464 $16,440,990 $14.,893,974. 1,686,363 1,896,131 2,335,371 Maintenance of way......... 3,129,737 3,605,625 3,909,316 Motive power................. 891,527 1,334,758 1,457,151 Maintenance of oars.......... 4.,703,847 5,110,902 5,050,207 Transportation and general.. Total oper. expenses ...•. $12,75~,011,o $11,947,4.16 $10,.Ul,474. $3,982,500 $4,493,574 Net ea.rnings. .•••••. .... .••• .. $4,802,419 (72·33) (72·67) (72·64) Per ct. oper. exp. to earn'gs. . 249,811 339,522 3(8,836 From rent of tracks, &o...... $4,232,311 $4,833,096 Total net income......... ~.146,256 567,163 $567,327 $586,199 Taxes . ........................ 825,717 1,129,863 1,496,849 Tr~ok, bridge rent., &o....... 2,691,495 2,715,796 2,760,571 Int st on bonds and rentals.. 210,000 210,000 Div. on "A" deb............. Balance.. -· - - ....• -· --- -.. - ••. sur.$93,136 sur.$210,099 sur.$147,936 OFFICERS.-Cha1rman of Board, O. D. Ashley; President and General Manager, Joseph R amsey Jr.; Treasurer, F. L. O'Leary; Secretary, J . C. Otteson Dlrectors.-Mesers. 0. D. Ashley,,_ Thomas H. Hubbard,.._Edgar T. Welles, Francis Pavy. J oseph Ramsey Jr., u-eorge J. Gould, s. c. neyaeld1, John T. J:ef~~~~!~n Sage, P. B. Wyckoff', Edwin G-ould, Henry K. McHarg aad Cyrus Offlce.-195 Broadway, N. Y.-v. 73, p. 1012, 1314; v. 74, p. 152. Waba 8 h Chester & Western KK.-Cllester, ill., to Mt. vernon, ill., 65 miles. Stock $1,250,000; par, $100. Coupons due Jul:v, 1894, paid .July, 1896. For year ending June 30, 1900, gross, $77,508; net, $10,123; interest, etc., $40,849; bal., def., for year, $30,726. Warren&CorsleanaP.cttl · Kv.-WarrentoCampwood,Tex., 20 miles; ex~nsion projected from Warrt>n to Corsicana, about 150 runes Stock, $100,000, par of shares, $100. In Nov, 1901, appl!cation was made for authority to issue bonds at $15,000 per mile Prestdent, J . T . Campbell of Houston, Tex.; Treas. and Uen Man., r. L. Campbell; Secretary, Y. W. McNeil - (V 73, p. 1209.) Warren KR., N. s.-New Ham£ton Juno. to Dela. Brid,;e, N. J • 18·8 m. Leased in perpetuity to Dela. . &W. at7% onstockand"interest on bonrui In July, 1900, $2 000,000 319s were authorized to retire the $7501000 first 7s due Oct., 1900, and to provide for the $600,000 con• sols aue Mar. 1, 1905, balance bemg tor improvements. See form of guaranty.-(V. 72, p. 628; V. 72, p. 45, 428.) Wal!lbburn Bayfield & Iron River KK.-Washburn WiB., t.o Iron River, 35 mlles, with branches, 30 miles. On Dec. 24, 1898, A. c. Frost was appointed receiver. On Oct. 12, 1901, the court ordered the removal ands ale of rails and certain of the oars1 and distribution of p roceeds among creditors V. 73, p. 901. Year 1.899, gross, $110,65~ def. under operating, $10,056.-V. 73, p 237, 900. Wal!lhlngton Central Ky.-Owns road, Cheney to Con.lee City, Wash., 108 miles. Reorganization of the Central Washington RB. sold in foreclosure Jan. 19.t..1898. Leased in 1898 to Northern Pacfflc, for 999 years at rental aumcient to pay interest on new 50-year gold 4s to be issued at $15,000 per mlle. (See full particulan v. 66 p. 953.) The Northern Paciftc owns the entire $1,000,000 of capital a1iook and $282,000 bonds.-(V. 67, p. 127, 691.) wa 8 hln,rton & Columbia River Ky.--<>wns road from Dayton, Wash., to Pendleton, Ore., 128 mnes; branches, 35 miles; t.ota.l,  I  p. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MAP OF THE  WABASH RAILROAD AND CONNECTIONS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  [VOL, LXXIV.  JANUARY, 1!;)02. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  HAP OF THE  SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. SYSTEM. Southern Railway- owned or leased Controlled, but operatert separately. mal:lma:11:mi::nzam:111 Other lines in which the Southern_Railway is interested. _______ Principal Connections. ==== Trackage Rights 111::11ca:::a:::11c-=s  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMEN't.  i-16  LVOL. LXXLV.  Sub11crlber• will cont'er a great f'avor by giving Immediate notice of' any error dl•covered ln the•e Tablea. Bonds PrinoiINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. RAILROADS. Miles Date Size, or val,When Due. Amount oy and PayLoble, Where When Par per Rate of StockB-Laat of For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes Whom. Road. Bonda Value. Outstanding Cent. Payable Dividend. on fl.rat page of tables.  - --- - - -  Wastiington Oen t't--lat M., g., $15,000 p er mile.K Washington Oount11,-lat M-j_J.·• $ 2,320,000.C e .. o: Wash. cf Uotumb. River-lat ., $2,500,000, g.F . c  Income bonds, non-cum, $2,500,000.F ... .. ... .  Wash. cf .Frank.-lat M., $225,000, g ., int. ren tal.r Washington Ohio cf Western - See SO0TH!l;RN RY. Waycross Ai r Lin e-latM $1,400,000, g.,text.F o* Wut Ohester-lat mort., int. guar. by Penn. RR ... West Jersey cf Sea Shore RR.-Common stock, ...••.  Bpeoial guaranteed etock (West J ersey RR.) •. .•. Camd.&Atl. con. M. ($650,0005a; bal.6acoup.) West J erae& uonaol, mort. ($1,600 is scrip) ... r Woodstown Swedesboro lat mortgage . ...... ow W. Jersey & 8. 8., lat consol. M., aeries "A," g .c* Gold, Series '·B," $1,500,000, iold ............ o* West Shore-lat M., gu. p.& 1., end. yN.Y.C. Un.o&r West Virginia oen:rat ti httsb.-Btock, $ 2 5,000,000. 20-l) . llip . .. 0 .. lat M., gold, $ 3,600,000 (V. 52, Piedmont & Cumberl'd, l at M., nt. rental, gold. Coal & Iron Ry. ,lat M. V.71,p.1166,~u.,g lT.leBa West Virginia ti Pittsb.-lat M., gold. lUe . Ba . . .. c• West'n (Ala.J-latM.,f~f.~· bdC. Ga. andGa . RR.c* . an pref. 2d M. (end'd) . Western Maryland--Ia 5th mortgage, held by City of Baltimore, sink' g f'd City of Baltimore loan ............................. New mort. in return !or Citv of Balt. stock. text EquipmeLt bonds, payable $3,824 monthly .. . •• . LEASED LINES-See atatementof each company.  fi·  108 137 163 0  14 71 5  1898 $500&0. $1,5 38,000 2 ,1 42,000 1,000 189 8 2,500,000 1,000 1895 1,000 2,245,000 1895 150,000 1899 1,000  t  g  5 00,000 1900 1 ,000 g. 75,000 1879 100 &o. 4 ,952,050 5 in1901 50 104,000 6 50 issi 1,000 999,000 5&6 750,000 6 1879 500 &c. 90,000 1,000 6 1882 1,600,000 4 g. 1896 1,000 1 ,500,000 1896 1 ,000 31 g. 1885 l,000&c 50,000,000 100 11,000,000 319 in'0l 6 g. issi 1,000 3,25 0,000 650,C00 5 g. 1886 1 ,000 5 g. 1,000,000 1900 1,000 4,000,000 (5) 4 g. 1890 1,000 1,543,000 1 ,000 419g. 1888 222,000 6 58-' 68 500 &c. 1,704,000 3~ 1887 4 684,000 319 i900 ...... 1,875,000 ...... 130,007 ...... 1901  .... . ·-· "79 128 11 310 310 450  i32  29 45 159 132 90 90  ·--·  ioo  ...... ......  163 miles. Stock ts $3,000,000; par, $100. Additional first 4 s may be issued for extensions at $20,000 per mile. (V. ~1, p. 70.J In Feb., 1898, the Nor. Pao. Ry. purchased the entire oaptmi stock and all of the income bonds. Interest paid on incomes: Inl898·9, $55,000. EARNINGs.-Year ending June 30, 1901, gross, $419,965; net (over taxes), $204,705; int. on let mort., $100,000; impta. and betterme:nta, $56,267; surplus for year, $48,438.-(V. 66, p. 426.) Washington County KK.-Owna Washington Junction, on the Maine Central Railroad., northeasterly to Calais, Me., 103 miles., with branch to Eastport, 15 miles, and Princeton, 19 miles, a tot&J length of 137 miles. Stock, common, $1,500,000. The preferred, $500,000, 5 p. o. non-cum., is all owned by Wash. County. Year ending June 30, 190 .,, gross, $227,189; net, $29 .996; total deduotiona, $108,326; bal., det., $78,330. Frederick W. Whitredge, Pres; Frank E. Randall, Treas., 69 Wall St., New York.-(V. 73, p. 186.) Washington & Franklin Ry.-Hageratown, Md., to Qulnaonia, Pa., 14·37 miles; was bullt in 1898 and extended from Quinaonia to Zumbro, 5 miles. The line is leased to Wea tern Md. at 5 p. o. on ooat . Stock, $ l14,000, was increased for improvements authorized tn Apr, 1901 estimated to coat $78,750 In Aug., 1901, made a mortgage to the R eading Trust Co • as trustee, to secure $475,000 fl1·at mortgage 5 per cent gold bonds, covering the A itenwald cut-off of the Western Marylana..-(V. 72, p. 676; V. 70, p. 478; V. 73, p. 392.) Washln~ton &Potomac HK.-V. 71, p.136, 699; V. 73,p.664. Waycross•Llne KR.-See Atlantic & Birmingha m RR. (V. 73,p. ~oo. Wellington Grey & Bruce Ky.-V. 68, p. 1228; V. 70, p. 1250 . West .Jersey & Sea Shore KR.-( See Map Penn8'1Jl'D ania RR.) -Owns all the lines of tne Pennsylvania. System in SouthernNew Jersey, including line from Camden, opp.Philadelphia, to A.tlantic City (59 m.), Camden to Cape May, 81 m., etc.; total owned 330 miles. ORGANIZATION.-A oonaolidation in 1896 per pla n V. 62, p. 366, 871. STOCK.-Common stock authorized, $8,076,000, of which the Penn. RR. held Jan.1.1901, $1,692,950. V. 67, p. 188. DIVIDENDS,-On common ln 1896, 2-½! p. c.; in 1897, 5 p. c.; 1898, 5 p. o.; in 1899, 5 p. o.; in 1900, 5 p. c.; in 1901, 5 p. o. BoNDs.-Firat co11aoJ1dated mortgage is for $7,000,000, of which in Jan., 1901, $1,840,000 are reserved for prior lien bonds when due. and $2,0ti0,000 for improvement s, etc., V. 62. p. 1179. Mortga ge trustee, Commonwealth Title Ins ur. & Trust Co. Philadelphia. EARNINGS.-11 mo.:1., 51901. ....••• Gross, $3,465,!'>84; net, $930,905 i 1900 .......• Gross, 3,276,084; net, 915,105 Jan. 1 to Nov. 30 REPORT.-Report for 1900 was in v. 72, p. 933. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. Years end. Dec. 31. Gross ea.rnings ....... $3,490,457 $3,114,192 $2,682,122 $2,5e0,940 591,923 680,476 872,2 40 934,276 Netearnings-..... . ... In 1900, other income, $23,396 interest on funded debt, rent als, taxes, eto. (including $272,881:! eitraordinary expenditures), $576,615; balance for dividends, $381,057. Dividends at ~ p. o. on com mon (and 6 p. c. on special guaranteed) call for $253,808. -(V. 68, p. 972; V.69, p. 907; V. 70, p. 896; V. 71, p. 234; V. 72, p. 4~1, 933.) West Shore RR.-( See.Map N. Y. Oentrat cf Hudson Ri-,,er.J-Line of road from Weehawken N. J., opposite New York City, to Buffalo, N. Y., with branches to Albany City and Rochester City, 450 miles; Syr. Ont.& N. Y.RR. (owned),SyraouaetoEarlville,45 m.; total,495 m. Suooeaaor in 1885 to the New York West Shore & Buffalo, foreclosed . LE.ASE.-Leaaed in 1885 for 475 to the New York Central & Hudson and all earnings, &o., included in that company's report. The $10,000,000 of stock la owned by the New York Central Company. BONDS. - The bonds oover the line of road, Weehawken to Buffalo, with branohea, 450 miles in all, and also the terminals at Weehawken by ownership of all the stock and bonds of the Terminal Company. Abstract ot mort. in V. 42, p.176.-(V. 68, p.332.) We•t Vlrdnla Central & Pttt■burg By.-A railroad and coal "°mpany tn West Virginia in the 11pper Potomac region-the Elk Garden Coal Field. Owns road in operation from junction near Piedmont, W. Va., to Belington, W. Va., 102 miles; Elkins Junction to Huttonavllle, 17 miles; branches to Elk Garden, &o., 13 miles; total owned, 132 m. Leases Pied. & Cumb. RR., of which 92 p. c. of stock is owned. 29 m., under new lease of 1899, providing for interest on t650,000 5 per cent honda, 5 per oent on $650,000 stock, eto. V. 69, v. 490. Total operated, 161 miles. In Jan., 1902, the Coal & Iron Ry. Co., whose entire stock is owned and $1,000,000 bonds are guaranteed, was building from Elkins, W. Va., to the F orks of the Green brier River, in Pocahontas Co., W. Va., 45 miles, to a connection with a branch of the Chea. & Ohio from Caldwell, completed in July, 1901.-See V. 71, p . 860 and form of guaranty p.1166. HISTORY.-Main line completed in 1889. In Dec., 1899, by acquisition of $2,700.000 capital stock of Davia Coal & Coke Co., the Railway Co. acquired a.bout 50,000 acres of excellent steaming and coking ooal and nearly 700 coke ovens; 103,852 acres of ooal, iron and t1mber landa are now owned and 1.76, leased, the mines producing about 5,000 tons of coal and 1,000 tons of coke dally. In Jao., 1902, tne sale of the road was reporteu to havtt been arranged to a syndicate generally believ, d to be the one building the Gould (Pittsburg Carnegie & Western RR.) extension into Pittsburg. V. 74, p. 96. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4 g. 5 g. g. 5 g.  Q.-M. N. Yor k, Knick. Tr. Co. J. & ., . None J. & J. N.Y.,Farmera'L.&T.Co. Payable as ea rned. See text. P hiladelphia, Pa. J. & J.  Moh. Jan. July July Jan.  1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1948 1948 1935 1935 1939  J. & J Waycroi;a,Ga. , and N . Y. July 1, 1920 M.& 8. Phila., Broad St. Stat'n. Sept., 1919  M. & S. Philadf road Std.~tat'n. Sep. 16,'0l, 219  J. & D. J. & J. M.& N. M.&N. J. & J. J. & J. J. & J. Semi-an J. & J. F. & A. F. & A . A. & 0. A. & 0. J. & J. J. & J. J. & J.  .....  . . ...  Dec.15'01, 3% July 1, 1911 Nov. 1, 1909 May 1, 1912 July 1, 1936 July 1 1936 Jan. 1, 2361 Sept., 1901, 2 July 1, 1911 1, 1911 Aug. 1, 1920 Apr. 1, 1990 Oot. 1, 1918 1890 & 1895 Ba.It., N. Meoha.nioa• Bk. Jan. 1, 1927 July 1, 1925 do do Jan. 1, 1950 .... To May, 190i ..........  do do do - do do do do do do do N. Y., Gr. Cent. Station. o.tltce. Co.'a Check from N.Y.,FiratN.Bk.&Balt . Balt., Hambleton & Co. Balt.,Mer.Tr.&Dep.Co. N.Y.B.&O.Of.,2 Wall St. N. Y. GuarantyTruatCo.  ·--  ·-·  STOCK.-Aut horized by la w, $25,000,000. The stockholders in August. 1901, voted to increase the outstanding stock fro .n $10,000,000 to $15,000,000, a portlon or the new etock to be used to acquire certain coal and other properties connected with the company's mining operations, and also to purchase the Braxton & Landatreet Co. v. 73, p. 392. Of the new stock $1~000,000 was issued in Oct., 1901; see V. 73, p. 786. Bills payable June 30, 1901, $UO,000. DIVIDENDS { 1889 to 1894. 1895 to '97. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 3¼ 219 1 ¼ 1¼ Jearly. (Per cent.) 5 1 yearly. In 1901, Mar., 119 p, c.; Sept., 2 p. c-V. 73, p. 392. LATEST EARNINGS. -For 3 mos. ending Sept. 30, including coal dept. 3 m i s.  RR. gross. RR. net. Ooal. etc, Total net. Oharaes . Balance.  1901. ..... $309,588 $111,153 $135,666 $2~6,819 $76,498 $170,321 223,755 77,233 1900 ...... 286,546 125,119 175,869 300,988 ANNUAL REPORT.-Ftaoa.l year ohanged to end June 30. The annual report for 1900-1 was in V. 7 3, p. 661. Earnings have been: Interest <t Bal. for Other Net over Gross of  Year.  Raifroad.  t2:ies.  Gross  Net  income.  rentals.  di-,,,, etc.  $150,750 $867,572 1900-01. ••••. $1,182,181 $l33,924 $60i,398 501,129 256,202 350,248 407,083 1899-00 .•••.• 1, l 08,392 From surplus above shown in 1900-01, were paid as follows: Betterments, equipment, etc , $505,191; dividends (319 p. o,), $350,000; bal., aur., $l2,381. "Other income" includes protita of Davia Coal & Coke Co. ($503,656) and real estate department 1$100,742) Tot al coal and coke shipments for year 1900-01, 1,827,433 tons; in 1899-00, 1,795,894 tons; 1,508,335 tons in 1898-99; 1,353,564 tons in 1 ~97-118; 1,219,869 tons in 1896-97; 1,176,372 tons in 1895-96. Prest., H. G. Davia, Elkins, W. Va.-(V. 'i3, p. 392,661,786; V. 74, p.96,) West Virginia & Pitt.bur~ RR.-rsee Map Batt. ti Ohi<>.JClarkaburg, West Va., to Richmond, W. Va., 120 miles, with branoh, 6 miles; also from Weston via Buckhannon to Pickens, 50 miles; to· tal, 176 miles. Leased to reorganized B. & O. for 999 from Sept. 1, 1899, per plan in"\"", 67, p. 1310, for tour per cent on the mortgage, all except $10,000 bonds being stamped with an agreement reduoing the interest from 5 to 4 per cent and the B &O. having option to purchase bonds at par within 5 years on 60 days• notice.-V. 69, p. 439, 646. Com., $2,500,000; pref., 5 p. c., $900,000. All deposited by Balli. & Ohio under its own Pitta. L. E. & West Va . system mortgage. BoNDs.-Firat mort gage covers road and its equipment and 134,842 acres of timber, ooal and minerallanda in West Virgirua.-(V. 71, p. 810.) Western {The) Ky. oC A.labama.-Selma to West Point , 132 m. Georgia RR. and Cent. RR. ot Ga. eaoh own.a hal.f the $3,000,000 stock. 1901, 1900, 1899. 1898. DIVIDENDS l 1894 to 1896, 1897. Jan., 2 4 5 O 3 (Per cent.) S 2 yearly. EARNINGS.-12 mos., { 1900-1. ......•. Gross, $821,088; net, $286,327 July 1 to June 30. 5 1899-0 .....•.. Gross, 739,745; net, 262,425 E ARNI N"GS.-For year ending June 30, l900, gross, $739,745; net. $262,426; other income, $1~533; inrereat, $69,435; dividends, $210,000; taxes, etc., $31,344,-(v. 72, p. 45, 134,) Western Maryland RK.-RoAD-Baltimore to Williamsport Md. etc., 93 miles. Leases-Baltimore & Cumberland Valley Railroad anti extension, Edgemont to Shippensburg, Pa., 34 miles; Baltimore & Harrisburg Railroad, Emory Grove, Md., to Orrtanna, Pa., 59 miles, and branohea, 6 miles; western extension, 15 miles; Potomac Valley RR., Williamsport to Cherry Run on the B. & 0., 14 miles, and Portera to York, 17 miles; Washington & Franklin Ry., Hagerstown, Jrld., to Zumbro, Pa., 19 miles; total, 258 miles main line. STOCK, ETc.-Common stock is $684,950: par, $50; 6 p. o. ti.rat pre• !erred stock, $324,000. Report or city direotore, in V. 73, p. 1012, showed debt due city of Baltimore on Sept. 30, 1901, as follow!': Prin• oipal (net1 $4,622,577; interest advanced (1889 91) or accrued to einking fund, ,3, ~20,676; interest on advances. $J,!'>32 .001i1; total, iU2,075,26l; also further investments in company of $776,6~8. v. 73, p. 1012. Of the thirteen dtreotora the oity has appointed eight and the county two. V. 69, p. 1302. From July 1, 1900, to Jan. 1, 1902, interest on a.11 city loans wae paid.-V. 71, p. 31. PROPOSITION TO PURCHASE.-Varioua propositions have been made to purchase the city's holdings, and in Jan., 190.!, the question of selling was being much discussed. ANNU.A.L REPORT.-Btatement for 1899-0 was in v. 72, p. 4.79.  Year en d.  Interest,  Di'D.on  Bal.,  earnings. earnings. rents, tic. B.tlH. pref. sury. Sept. 30. $234,449 1900 .....•.••.. $1,823,741 $670,529 $433.037 $3,043 80,131 3,043 449,145 532.319 1899 ........... 1,608.347 -(V. 72, p. 4'79, 676, 1081; V. 73, p. 33, 3~2, 1012; V. 74, p, 153.) Western New York & Pennsylvania Ry.-Owns Buifalo to Emporium, Pa., 118 miles; Buffalo to Oil City, Pa,..,, 136miles; Oil City to Olean, 110 miles; Rochester to Hinsdale, 99 miles; Stoneboro to Mir honingtown 38 miles; branches, including proprietary lines, 85 miles; total owned, 586 miles, of whioh 14 are narrow ~a.uge; leases, 45 miles. ORGANIZATION.-Reorganization March 18, 1895 (per plan iD BUPPLEllENT of January, 1895), of the Railroad, foreclosed Feb. 5, 1895. In 1900, the Pennsylvania RR. purchased $19,402,686 o! the stock a.t $9 per · share, $9,123,576 income bonds at $300 per I orui, and  JANUARY,  RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.  1902.]  Sub111crlber111 'Will confer a great favor by giving hnmedlate notice of any error dl111covered in the111e Tables.  I  RAILROADS. Miles Da.•~ Size, ~r INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. lBonds-Prlnot..., Amount 1>aJ.,WhenDue. ror explanation of column headings, &o., see of of Pa.r Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, a.nd by Stocks-Last on first page of ta.b1es. Road. Bona.e Va.Jue. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  Western N. Y.  <t Penn,tvania-Btook \Bee t.ext) ..••. 588 West. N. Y. & P. lst ., ($10,000,000),gold.'lle.o* 588 General M., $10,000,000, gold, see t,ext.l.ln .... o* 588 Income bonds, $10,000,000, gol<1, non•oum.FPo* ·--· Mortgages a.nd ground rents payable .........•••. Western Nor/II, OaroUna -See SOUTHERN RY. Western .Penn.-Stook, lease rental. ................• Consol. M. ($5,000,000) ,gold,guar. p.&1.Pa..RR.O" isi Wheeling <t Lake Erie-Com. stock, $20,000,000 ..• . 1st pref. stock, 4 p. o., non•cum , $5,000,000 ..••. .... 2d pref. stock, 4 p. c., non-cum., $12,000,000 .... 1st M., Lake E. Div., Bowerston to L. E., g. fie . . c* isi 50 1st M. Wheel'g Div.,$ & .£ (2d on 187 m.)g.Ce.c* 5 Toledo Belt Railway 1st mortga. e, gold . ........• Ext.en. and Impr. mort. ($1,900, 00), ~old. Ce .. o" 260 1st consol. mortgage, gold, $15,000,0 0 .Me .. . c,* 451 Ca.rtrusts, Aug;-n, 1901, pay'ble mo'ly, qr . & an. Wheeling Termu,al-1 st M , $2,000,000, g., s. r. c&r ·i·o 67 White <t Bl'k Riv. Vat. lstM.$800,000,g., . F.o* White Pass <t Y ·u kon-Btock .£1,700.000 ...... . ..... i"i2 Consol. lat mort. deben. stock, red. after 1920. Mortga,~e debentures (navigatlon bonds) red .... Wich.itu. Falla-1st mort., fl., red. at 1, 5, s. f. USt.o ·1s 51 Wic11,ita Val.-lst M.,int. red. to 3%for5f;s.g.o~&r Wilkesbarre <t Eastern-See N. Y. SUSQ. WEST. 5 Witkesbarre <t Scranton- Stock, 5 per cent rental.. 5 First mortfage gold, guar. p.&1. by L. C. & N. Co. 45 Witliam~r ~ No. B1·.-lst M., $750,000 g.FP.c* Witm. Oo m. ~ ..ilug.-See ATLANTIC COAST LINE CO.OF Willmar" Si<>'la Fults-See GREAT NORTHERN.  iss1 1895  1895  $~0 $20,000,000 1,000 9,990,000 1,000 10,000,000 1,000 10,000,000 317,199  .... .... ...... 50 isss 1,000 100 --· .. ·-· --- 100 100 1,000 issa 1888 1,000 1888 1889 1899  8  ...  1900 1900  iooo 1901  1895 1890  isss  1901 8. c.  ···5·g.  t g.  J ...&.•J. N. Yd~ontine1f Tr. 1io*.  P.·  1,775,000 6 A. & o. 4,000,000 4 g. J, & D. 20,000,000 4,135,800 ll,~67,900 ···5·g. A ...&..O. 2,000,000 894,000 5 g. J. & J. 1,000 85,000 5 g. M. & B. 1,000 343,000 5 g. F. & A. 1,000 .. 9,946,000 4 g. M. & S. 899,336 .•.... ..... 1,500,000 4 g. F. & A. 1,001) 600,000 5 g. J. & J. £10 .£1,375 000 Bee text. See text .£10, &o .£715,000 5 J. & J . .£255,555 6 J. & J. $i00 $2~0,000 6 g. J. & J. 1,000 769,000 3 (5) J. & J.  i:ooo  50 1,000 1,000  500,000 500,000 500,000  Office-When earned.  Jan:·1,..i937  Apr. 1, 1943 Apr. 1, 1943  Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 15,'0l, 3% Phila.,Broad St. Station June 1. 1928 N. Y., Mercantile Trust N. Y., Central Trust. do do do do N. Y., Mercantile Trust ... ...... Office, Pittsburg. N. Y., First Nat'l Bank.  ooi:·i·,--i926 July 1, 1928 Moh., 1902·03 Feb. 1, 1930 Sept. 1. 1949 To April, 1911 Aug 1, 1940 June 80, 1980 Bee text. do Dec.31, 1980 Jan. l, 1911 Bt.. Louis, Mo. Jan. l, 1925 N.Y. Mercantile Trust. July 1, 1940  5 Dec. 31 Phila., 108 Bo. 4th St. Deo.3 l ,'81, 5% 4¼g. M. & N. do do May 1, 1988 4¼g.J. & J. Phila.,Fid.I.,Tr.&S.D. Jaly 1, 1931  -* Of which $266,000 in treasury June 30, 1901.  on Aug 1, lP00, took the road over under lease, together _with the Allegheny Valley RR., with which it ma.y la.fer be consolidat.ed.V. 71, p, 31, 85. See full statement, V. 70, p. 843, 1096, 1150. BONDS.-Abstraot of West.em N. Y. & Pa. 1st mortgage in V. 47, p. 109. The generat mortgage carried interest till April 1, 1897, at 2 per oent, then till 1901 at 3 per cent and now a.t 4 per cent. On June 30, 1899, $159,000 general mortgage bonds and $395,000 income bonds were in the treasury. ANNUAL REPORT.-Report tor 1900·01 was given in V. 74, p. 149. Years ending June 30. 1901. 1900. Gross earnings ..•.•.•.....•......•.....••.....•.. $(,075,089 $3,813,·7 13 Netea.rnings....................................... 429,122 914,4tl Other income •.••.•••... _........... . . . . • • . . . . . . • • 7,091 24,265  - - - -$938,705 ---  $436,213 Net income.••.. Interest charges on 1st mortgage~ •......•.•..... $-199,500 323.807 Int. on gen. mtg. (see above) .....•.•..••...•••.. 90,336 Taxes..............•............••••••............ 22,069 Int. on real est. and equip. notes ..••••.••...••.• Miscellaneous and extraordinary .••.•••.•••... 88,497  $499,500 294,037 107,190 20,148 ······-·  Bala.nee, surplus •..•....•••....................•df.$587,495 $17,830 -(V. 71,p. 339,343,544, 1064; V. 7:1,, p.138; V . 74, p. 149.) Western Pennsylvania RR.-Owns from Bolivar to Butler, 71 miles, and Butler Junction to Allegheny City, 28 miles, double track; branches, 39 m.; total, 138 miles. New lease of Jan. 1, 1897, to Pennsylvania. RR. in place of lease of 1888 provides for fixed rental Insur• Ing 6 per cent dividends per an. EARNINGS.-In 1900 rental,$300,103; expenses and taxes, $33,603; interest, $160,000; balance, $106,500, being 6 p. o. dividend. Penn. RR. owns the $1,775,000 stook. Wheeling Terminal Railway .-Owns a. railway bridge at Wheeling, W. Va.., complet.ed in 1891, and a.bout 10 miles of t.erminal track, connecting various RRs. A reorganization of the Wheeling Bridge & Terminal Ry., purchased at foreclosure sale on May 27, 1900, 1n the illLereet of the Pennsylvania. RR. BTOCK.-$2,000,000, all outstanding; par $100. Of the bonds 1¥500,00J are re, erved tor additions and improvements; morti, trustee, Commercial Trust Co. ot Phtla. For 6 mos. to Dec. 31, 1900, gross, $83,743; net, $47,· 805. Pres., Joseph Wood; Sec., B. B. Liggett; Treas., T. H. B. ,McKnight.-(V. 70, p. 1096, 1197, 1292.) Wheeling & Lake Erle BK.-(See Map.)-The syst,em includes: Linea owned.- · Miles. Miles. Toledo, O., to Martin's Ferry ..• ~18 Cleveland Belt .•• • . • • .......... 6 Cleveland to Zanesville, 0 ..... 1441 Branches owned..•••••••.....•. 44 Canton to Sherrodsville........ 45 Branch leased.................. 8 ~oledo Belt Line................ 4 -Total. . ............................. . ............................... 469 The stockholders voted May 1, 1901, to purchase or leaee the Adena 1RR, under construction from A<1ena, O., to Bellaire and Martin's Ferry, opposite Wheeling, W. Va., 26 miles (see V. 72, p. 534),a.nd the :Zanesville Belt Terminal Railway, or the a.iding of said companies or .either or them; also to construct a. branch line from Fuller's Statton in Carroll County, 0., to Craig's Stone Quarry. V. 72, p. 676. An exten-sion is under construction from Jewett, 0., to Steubenville, 60 miles, .under the charter of the Pittsburg Carnegie & Western Ry., whence ·trackage rtghts have been secured over a.n existing line to Pitts· ,burg, V. 72, p. 874, 1189; V. 73, p.186. HISTORY.-Succeseor Ma.y 1, 1899, per plan in V. 66, p. 1142, of W.& JL. E. Railway, sold in Feb., under foreclosure of consol. mortgage, subject to underlying 1st mortgagee. V. 68, p. 830. In April, 1901, ..a syndicate controlled by the Gould int.erests acquired control,throu~h of the common stock in the open market, a.nd the road will ·be allied with the, although as a. separate property. V. 72, p. 723,776,874. The Cleveland & Canton and the Cleveland Belt & Terminal were ao• . quired by purchase in August, 1899, a,nd the Coshocton & Southern, Coshocton to Zanesville, 0., 29 miles, wa.s purchased and put in .operation July 1, 1900.-V. 70, p 531, 632, 843. Bee V . 71. p. 542. ,Own, majority of the stock of the Pitts. Wheeling & Lake Erie Coal Co., leased in 1900 for ten years to other partiee.-V. 70, p. 799,741. STOCK.-The stock was increased as above in June, 1899. V. 68, p. 1027; V. 69, p. 29. In March, 1901, $400.000 second preferred issued on account or purchase of Coshocton & Southern RR and $600,000, together with $1,000,000 comm"n stock, to be used in constructing ex.tension from Adena, 0., to Bellaire and Martin's Ferry, 26 miles. BoNDS.-The mortgage of 1899 secures $15,000,000 gold 4s, of which $6,400,000 to refund or retire existing bonded debt, $3,850,000 for the Cleveland Canton& Southern a.nd Cleveland Belt &Term., $1,750,· 000 to retire equipment trusts, extensions and improvements, and $3,000 000 to be reserved in the treasury. V. 68, p, 1027; V. 69, p. 29. Under the consol. mortgage. all underlying bonds, as exchanged, must be canceled. (V. 71, p. 391; V. 70, p. 896. 998.l See application to 11st new securities V. 71, p 34 . 542. Early in 1901 $1 529,000 first .eonsols were issued. mostlyforimprovements.-V. 72, p. 534,628. In Oot., 1901, it was proposed to ar.ra.nge for 2,000 to 2,500 40•ton coal and 20 to 25 freight locomotives, to be paid for under a. 20.year mortgage, with sinking fllnd p!ovisions.-V. 73, p.1058 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  LA.TJJ:ST EARN's.-5 mos. ~ 1901 ... Gross, $1,53"i,026; net, $483,652 July 1 to Nov. 30. 51900 ••.. Gross, 1,295,565; net, 439,528 REPORT.-Report for the year ending June 30, 1901, was in V. 73, p. 1018. In 1900·1, of 4,285,310 tons of freight carried, products of mines furnished 60·37 per cent (bituminous coal, 42·14 per cent); manufactures, 22·56 per cent; products of ai,riculture, 6·65 per cent; lumber, 4 ·01 per cent; balance, miscellaneous.  Year-  Gross.  Nd.  0th. inc.  Int ,tax.,etc. Bal., aur.  1900-1901 ... $2,954,105 $877,591 $44,058 $774,697 $146,952 1899-1900 ... 2,670,024 765,031 40,070 598,867 206,234 DraECTORS.-George J. Gould, Edwin Gould, Cyrus J. Lawrence, Winsluw 8. Pierce. Alvin W. Krech, and W. E. Connor, of New York; Joseph Ramsey Jr., of St. Louis; Myron T. Herrick, George A. Garretson, E.W. Oglebay, H.P. McIntosh, Robert Blickensderfer, Dan. R. Hanna and William G. Mather or Cleveland, and C. M. Spitzer of Toledo. O. OFFICERS.-Chairman of Board,Myron T. Herrick; President, Joseph Ramsey Jr.; V.-P., A. W. Krech; Treasurer, H. B. Henson, New York; Sec'y, J. H. Dowland, Uleveland. Offices, 195 Broadway, N. Y -(V.72,p.874,937; V.73,p.1058.) White & Black River Valley KK.-Brinkley to Jacksenport, Ark., 67 miles. Leased for 80 from July 1, 1900, to the Choctaw Oklahoma. & Gulf RR. for guaranty or interest, indorsed on b.Jnds. Stock authorized, $1,875,000; paid in, $323,000. Ol the $600,000 bonds outstanding,$ L00,000 have coupons cut oft" for the :first ten years a;td $200,000 are reserved fo.r extension from Jacksonport to Bates· ville.-V. 72, p. 189. White PaH & Yukon Ry.-To own a. narrow•ga.uge line 312 miles in length. extending from Skaguay Harbor, Alaska, to Fort Selkirk, on the Yukon. Also projected from Fort Selkirk, 125 or 150 miles, to Dawson, and to Atlin gold fields etc. Of this, Skaguay to Lake Bennett, at the head of navigation on the Yukon Ry .• 43 miles, completed in July, 1899, and 71 miles from Bennett to White Horse opened Aug. 15, 1900. V. 69, p. 335; V. 67, p. 1162, 1138. In Feb., 1901,purchased control of the Canadian Development Co., eper• at1ng steamers on Lake Bennett and the Yukon Rlver betweeB White Horse and Dawson City. V. 72. p. 392; V. 73, p. 443. ORGANIZ.A.TION.-Incorporated under English Companies Act. SECURTTIEs.-Capital stock authorized, £1,700,000 as increased in Mar.. 1901. Of the £700,000 new stock, £255,555 will be reserved to rfltlre a like amount of debentures issued to the'1ian Develop• ment Co. in payment of their fleet, good-will, etc. V. 72, p. 582 The debentures issued to Canadian Development Co. are a first eharge on the flee~ and a second charge on the securities of the looal rail wa.y comparues. , The consolidated 1st mortgage 5 p. c, debenture stock of 1900 is a .£750,000 issue, secured by a first mortgage on the £752,873 bond~ and the entire stock of the local companies owning the railway. It was created to convert into one security a.ll the .£460,830 old deben~ ure stock, to provide cash to pay for the seoond portion of the railway and tor capital purposes . DIVIDENDB.-First dividend of 5 per cent paid Mar. 22, 190 l, and also in August a 25 per cent stock dividend, the two toi,rether rep· resenting the profits or the first three to June 30, 1901, and a.bout 10 per oent was expeot.ed to be paid in the fall of 1901.-V. 73, p. 392. REPORT tor year ending June 30, 1901, was in V. 73, p. 4.J.3, showing net profit above interest on debentures a.nd debenture stock, £261,058; brought forward from last year, .£83,315; total, .£344,373; dividend (5 p. o.) paid Mar. 22, 1901, £50,000; stock dividend (25 p. c.), repre• senting earnings used for improvements, £275,000; ba.l., sur., £19,373 . Pres., S. H. Gra~es, 1016 Chamber of Commerce Building, Chicago, ID.; Bee., F. C. Elliott, Treas., John W. Probert.-(V. 71, p. 136, 1168, 1221; v. 72, p. 392,582; v. 73, p. 339,392,443. Wichita Falls Ry.-Henrietta., Te1':., to Wichita. Falls, 18 miles. Operated oy Missouri Kansas & Texas Ry. under contract extending to Jan 1, 1930. Stock, $20.000. Sinking fund of $2,500 is payable Jan. l yearly to trustee under mortgage. 1 For 6 mos. ending Dec. 3 L, 1900, gross, $37,401; net, $20,94'4; int. and sinking fund, $9,580; dividends, $11,364. Year endin"' June 30, 1900, gross. $16,363; net, $15,016; lint. and sinking tuna, $L6,765; dividends, $18,251. -V. 73, p. 1161; JV. 71, p . 865. Wichita Valley.-Owns frQm Wichita Falls to Seymour, Tex., 51 miles; complet.ed in Sept., 1890. Stock, $6,000,000; outstanding, $1,020,000; par, $100. ln 1898 int.erest was sea.led to 3 per cent to July 1, 1902, inclusive, Land and income notes (68), $123,617. V. 67, p. 224. Year 1900, gross,$63,730;net,$33,935; oharges,$29,818;ba.l., sur. $4,116. Wilke111barre & Scranton Ky.-( See Map Oentral RR. of N. J.) Owns from Scranton to Minooka. Junction, Pa., 5 miles, of which 119 miles ls double track. Leased from May 1, 1888, to Lehigh Coal. & Nav oo. (see "Miscellaneous Companies") during oorporat,e existence less one year, at $47,500 per annum and taxes. Lease a.ssigned to Central of N. J. a.t 6 per cent on cost of road ($1,065,000) and taxes. L 3high Coal & Na.v. Co. holds a.11 the stock.  MAP OF THE  WHEELING & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JANUARY,  1902, I  AND BONDS.  BAILROAD STOCKS  149  Subscribers -will cont'er a great Cavor by giving lln.m.edlate notice ol.' any error discovered In these Table•. RAILROADS.  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonds-PrtneiAmount Ra.te Per When Where Payable and by Pti:,~enfa!t Road. Bonda Va.lue. Outata.n cling Cent. Payable Whom.' Dividends.  Por explanation of column headings, &c., see notes ~ea D:;e Biz_:~ or on fl.rat page of tables.  WUmtng.  ti North.-latM.,call in 1907, int. gua.r .. r 88 Genera.IM., $1,000,000, g, p.& 1. gu., end. PeP.r 88 Ca.r trust certs., due $8,000 yearly. V. 66, p. 950 lVUmington cf Weldon-SEE ATLANTIC COAST LIN ERR. WinonaBNdge-lat M., gold, a. f., r'd. at 110 aft. '98 1·03 lrweas. Water1'. cf Farm.-lst M., $1,000,000, redeemable alter IO years at 105 ••••• ,.--·······c• 1"'iaconain Oentral Raitway-SECURITIES TO BE Is SUED Common stock, $17,500,000 .• _..•....••....•. · -· Pref. stock, 4 Rer cent non•cum., $12,500,000 ... 1st gen. M.'J.o d, $27,000,000 Us ................ i..'ii Minn. Ter. ., g., subj. to call a.t 105 after 1910. M:a.rsh.&S .E.diY.latM.,g., call at 105. Us ·33 UNDERLYING SECURITIES NOT EXCHANGED. Chlo. Wisconsin & Minn. 1st mortgafce, gold ... o• 122 M::llw. & Lake Win. lat mortgage, go d .......... c• 66 Wis. Cent. RR. consol. M., 1st series, gold ... . . c&r 416 54 lrilconsin ~ Mich.-lstM.,~.• $15,000 p. m •... .. A Wisc . .Jfinn. ~ Pacijlo-lst M. (see toxt), gold.JJ.le.o• 2<16 Woonsocket cf Pasc.-lst M., int. gu. City of Woon.c 9 1'orcuter Nashua cf Rochester- Stock ($3,600 000) .. 94 Wor.&Nas. Wor. Nashua & Roch. RR. bonds ... c* 47 lstM. of do do do •.... 47 79 secures Clo do do ... c* 47 all equauy. l do do do ..... 47  1  1887 1892 1897  $500 1,000 1,000  1890  1,000  1901 100 &c. UNDE R PLAN.  ·-··  i899  1900 1901  100  100 1,000 1,000 1,000  1885 1,000 1882 1,000 1879 500 &c. 1895 1,000 HOO 1,000 1890 1,000 100 i886 1,000 1893 1,000 1,000 1890 1895 1,000  Wlllla.m.8Port & North Branch KK.-Hall's to Batterfeld, Pa.., and br., 45 miles; leases Eagles' Mere RR., 8 miles; total, 53 miles. Stock (authorized, $2,000,000) common, $925,362; preferred, $400,000; par $50. The 41ts of 1901 cover the road and 3,000 acres of eoal lands in Sullivan Co., Pa.~ $250,000 being reserved for exten · stone. The old 5s were cancelea.-V. 72, p. 990, 1280. Year ending Jnne 30, 190li gross, $115,278; net, $39,576; interest on bonds, $22,600; bal., surp us $17,576. In 1899·00, gross, $109,209; net, $35,000. President, B. H. Welch, Hughesville, Pa.; Sec. a.nd Treas., H. C., N. Y.-(V. 71, p. 603; V. 72, p. 676, 990, 1281.) WU. Col. & Aug. KK.-See Atlantic Coast Line RR. of S. C. Wllm.lngton & Northern KK.-Owns Wilmington, Del., to Highs Junction, Pa.., 71 miles; branches, 17 miles; tota.l owned, 88 miles; trackage to Reading, Pa., etc. 4 miles. Also controls by own• ershlp of majority of capita.I stock ihe Westchester Electric Ry, 5·57 miles. General mort. bonds are reserved to retire first mort. a.t maturity. STOCK authorized, $1,500,000; outstanding, $1,278,050; par, $50. The Phlla. & Reading Ry. owns practically the entire capital stock, which · le deposited under its collateral trust mortgage, and leases the road for 999 years from Feb. 1, 1900, for interest on $750,000 bonds and 319 p, c. div. on stock, payable quarterly (Q·F·15). V. 70, p. 127, 998; v. 71, p. 758. No report since 1898, in V. 68, p. 1021. (V. 72, p. 340.) Wll.m.ln~ton & Weldon KK.-See Atlantic Coast Line RR. Winona Bridge Kallway.-Owns oridge between Winona, Minn., a.nd Buffalo, Wis., I ·03 mile, opened Bept. 1, 1891. Leased to Winona & Western, Green Bay Winona & St. Paul and Chicago Burl. & No. for 30 years. STOCK.-$400,000: par, $100. Yea.rending June 30, 1901, gross, $20,152; $16,550; charges, $19,604; bal., def., $3,054. In 1899-00, gross, $21,887; net, $17,150. Winona & Western Ky.-On Sept. 12, 1901, sold to Wisconsin lllnnesota & Pacific Ry.-V. 73, p. 617. Wlsc11sset Watervllle & Farmington HH.-Wiscasset, Me., to Albion, 4312 mites (2-foot gauge); also partially constructed from near Waterville west through Oakland and New Sharon to Farmtngton, etc., Me. A consolidation in 1901 under special act of the Maine LegisJa.ture of the Wiscasset & Quebec RR. (see V. 71, p. 603; V. 69, p. 233; v. 66, p. 185), Waterville & Wiscasset RR. and Fran~lin Somerset & Kennebec Ry.-V. 73, p 392. Stork autnorized, $1,000,0, O; par of shares, fl00. The Real Estate Trust Co. of Philadelphia ts mortgflge trustee. President, Leonard Atwood, Bullitt Bldg., Phlla., Pa.; Treas., Joe• eph C. Gill.-V. 73, p. 39~. Wl8COD8ln Oentral Kall-war•-( See 1fapJ-8YSTEM extends from Chicago to Ashla.nd, Wis., and ake Superior iron mines, also to St.Paul and Minneapolis. By the extension to Manitowoc and the car terry across Lake Michigan, connects with the Pere Marquette a.nd has a short line to the East. V. 63, p. 117. The system includes: Lines owned.Mites. , Liries owned.Miles. Ohio. to Trout Brook Jct.. Wis.452 Other branches ...•....•••...... 49 .Abbottsford to Ashland, Wis... 133 trackage to Ohio., Minn., etc .. 32 Branch 1i<l Bessemer. . .......... 341 Rugby to Milwaukee..? etc... . 28 Stevens Point to Portage City. 71 Spurs to industries (t>5 miles Neenah·toManitowoc(14jntly) 441 unoperated) ........ . ....... 167 llarsbfleld to Nekoosa ...•. . ••. 33 Gra.nd total (incl. spnxs operated 102 miles and unop. 65 m) .. . 1,043 ORGANIZATION.-Successor July 18, 1899, of Wisconsin Central Co. after foreclosur.e per plan V. 68, p. 725; has acquired by deed all the leased lines. V. 6 \-', p. 29, 83,133, 182. Uses Ill. Cent terminals in Chicago. V, 69, p. 1249; V. 71, p. 547. See application in full to list securittes.-V. 70, p. 433. STOCK-VOTING TRUST.-Both classes of stock are v~st ed in the voting trustees, <:ierald L. Boyt, John Crosby Brown, William L. Bull, Fred. T. Gates and Francia R. Hart, for five years. The voting trustees may, however, deliver the stock at any earlier date. After 4 pe!' cent diviaends on both common and preferred shall have been paid in any year both shall participate equally in any further dividends for such yea.r. After the termination of the voting trust the preferred is to have the right to 0lect a majority of the di.rectors whenever for two 1uccessive years dividends upon the preferred at the rate of 4 per cent per annum shall not have been paid in cash. BONDS-'l'he new 1st gen. gold 4s ($27,000,000 authorized) are secured by a. mortgage upon all the lines of railway, terminals, equip ment and other property a(•quired thereby, and also by deposit or all securities owned or acquired under the plan;in July, 1901, $2,255,000 were reserved to retire underlying bonds still outstanding, and about $110,000 remained available for betterments, _purchase of equtp• ment, etc, In May, 190~ ::,de a ~urchase money mortgage on Min1 eapolis Trust Co., a.s trustee, to secure neapolis terminals to $500 000 of 319 per cent bonds, and in May, 1901, on the Marshfield & Southeastern Ry., Marshfield to Nekoosa, 33 miles.-V. 70, p . 896; V. 72, p. 937, 1035; 73, p. 861. GENERAL FINANCEB.-The reorganization provided $5,060,257 for new equipment, improvements, expenses of the reorganization, etc. In Mar., 1901, $908,000 additional first console, issued for improvements, were listed, ma.king the total amount outstanding, $24,635,000. V. 72, p. 628. E.A.R:KINGB,-For 6 months ending Nov. 30:  v. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $354,000 406,000 44,000  5 g. 5  6  J. & D. Phila., Rea.d'g Term'l. 1907-1927 Q.-F. do do Au5i. 1, 1931 Q.-F. FiratN. Bk., Wilm.,Del. 1 02-1906  384,000  5g  M.& S. N. Y., J. Walker & Son. Sept. 1, 1916  531,800  5 g. J. & J. Phila., Real Estate Tr. July 1, 1931  16,168,S<OO 11,267,200 24,635,000 500,000 450,000  ...... ...4.g.  776,000 6 604,000 6 fl63,500 5 951,000 5 3,960,000 4 100,000 5 3,099,800 5l\,a. in 150,000 4 511,000 4 735,000 4 4, 380,000  5  mos.-  --------·  J. & J. 31gg, J. & .J. 4 g. M. &N. g. g. g. g. '01  Gross.  M.& J. & J. & J. & A. & A. & J. & J. & J. & J. & A.&  l  ---------· -----·  . -..  --- .. --· Jui:v·r;·i949 I Jan. 1, 1950 May 1, 1951 (  i  New York, I > Maitlan~Coppell B. & . J. J J. J. See Text. 0. New York. 0. R. I. Bos. Tr. Co .. Prov. J. Bos., Am.Loan & Tr.Co. do do J. do do J. d() do J. 0. do do  I  Net.  Moh. 1, 1916 l July 1, 1912 Jan. 1, 1909 Jan. 1, 1945 Oct. 1, 1950 Oct. 1, 1910 July 1, '01, 2ll,l July 1, 1906 Jan. 1, 1913 Jan. 1, 1930 Oct. 1, 193'  0th. inc. Interest, etc. Bal., sur.  1901. ....•..•. $2,609,226 $9f-0,656 $H1,62i $700 959 $290,321 1900 ........ _. 2,332,130 866,477 6,663 674,888 198,252 REPORT.-Report for year ending June 30, 1901. at length, was in V. ?3, p. 838,850; see also edit., p 815. Of the total freig-httrafflc in 1899·0, 37 p. c. was iron ore and 20 per cent lumber and forest products. Average rate per ton mile in 1900-1, 7·42 mills, ag-ainst 9·74 mills in 1893-4. Statement for 1900-01 was in V. 73, p. 720. 1900·01. le99-00. 1898-99. 1897-98. Gross earnings ......... $5.324,274 $5,637,416 $5,118,018 $4,939,725 Operating expenses. ... 3,446,463 3,580,936 3,057,489 3,020,807  - - - - - --- -----  Net earninga ..••••• $1,857,811 $2,056,4fl0 $2,060,529 $1,918,918 Total net income ...... $1,882,574 $2,064,75.3 New company took Fixed char.,ta.xes, etc. 1,636,455 1,571,843 possession ---- -- - July 18, 1899. Bur. for the 12 mos. of. $246,119 $492,915 DIRECTORS.-JohnCrosby Brown, WilltamL. Bull, James C. Colgate, Fred. T. Gates, Gerald L. Hoyt, E.W. Sheld()ll and Joseph 8 . Da.le, New York; Francis R. Bart, Boston; Henry F.Whitcomb and Howard Morris of Milwaukee; William F. Vilas, Madison, Wis OFFICERS.-Chalrman of the Board, Wm. L. Hull; PrPsident Henl'7 F. Whitcomb, Milwaukee; Comptroller and Auditor, Robert Toombs, Milwaukee; Treasurer, William R. Hancock, Milwaukee; Secretary, Ohaa. M. Morris, Milwaukee; Asst. Secy., Joseph B. Dafo, New York; General Counsel, Edward W. Sheldon, New York, and Howard Morris, Milwaukee. Office, 24 Exchange Place, New York.-{V. 73, p. ~38, 850.) W18consln & JJ.llchlgan Ky.-Owns from Faithorn Junotion, Mich., on Minneapolis St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway to Peshtigo, Wiac.,49 miles, with branch, 5 miles. Opened for traffic Jan. 1. 1895. From Peshtigo cars are taken by Lake Michigan Car Ferry Transportation Co. to Chica.go. Stock authorized and issued, $951.1500; par value, $100; equipment trusts (June 30, 1898). $118,52u; other unfunded debt, $308,028. In Jan., 1901, two courons, it was stated, were in default. A plan to scale the rate of interest had been proposed, but no result haa. been reached in Julv, 1901. In 1899·00, gross, $115,287; net, $8,133; charges, $48,4.4.3, .t>res., C. H. Bosworth, Ohicago.-{V. 66, p. 185.) Whcon•ln Mlnnesot" & Pacific KR.-Red Wing, Minn., to Mankato, 95·7 miles; Reel Wing to Zumbrota, Minn., 25 m.; branch to Clay Banks, 3 m.; Winona, Minn., to Osage. Ia.., 115 m.; Simpson, Minn., to Rochester, Minn., 7•5 m.; total, 246·2 mile!!,I The above mileage includes the Duluth, Red Wing & Southern Ry., 28 miles, purchased July 1, 1901, and the Wmona & Western Ry., 115 miles, acquired Sept. 12, 1901, a 30-mile connecting line from Zumbrota to Rochester to be completerl in the summer of 1902. ~tocll, $2,000,000, all owned by the Chicago Great Western Ry., which <'Ompany operates the road a.s a part of its system under an agreement dated Apr. 1, 1901, running for 100 years, providinl!' that all net earnings above interest on bonds shall go to the Great Western, the accounts of this road to be kept se_parately.-V. 7 ,-i, p. 56tl. REPORT.-The combined earnings of the roads constituting the present mileage (246 mil""'), while operatedseparately,for the ye:i,rending June 30, 1900, were: Gross, $534,636; net earning!! (over taxes), $212,015. (V. 73, p. 844.,) Wisconsin w-,stern KK.-Owns from Wauzeka., Crawford Co., to La Farge, Wis., 51 ·7 miles. Incorporated in Dec., 1899, as successor or the Kickapoo Valley & Northern RR., foreclosed. V. 69, p 1148. Stock authorized, $600,000. No bonds had been authorize;{ Dec. 31, 1899. From Nov. 24, 1899, to June 30, 1900, gross; $25,507; def. under oper., $5,148. Pr6sident, Horace A. J. Upham; V. P ., Wm. E. Black; Sec., Charles E. McClure: Treas., Charles W. Norris.' Office, Old Ins. Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis.-(V. 69, p. 1148.) Woonl!locket & Pascoag KK.-Owns road from Woonsocket, R. I., to Harrisville, 9 miles. Incorporated 1889. Leased to N. Y. & New England, but in July, 1896, the New England RR. purchased the entire capital stock-see V. 63, p. 698. Stock, $200,000; par, $100. Worcester Na11Jhua & Rochester KK.-Ownsfrom Worcester via Nashua to Rochester, 94 miles. Leased for 50 years from Ja.n. 1 , 1886, to the Boston & Maine; rental $250,000 and taxes. DIVIDENDS- ! 1887·93. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. '00. 190L Per cent....... 5 6 yearly 5 5 5 5 514 419 4 5ll& Total profit and loss deficit June 30, 1901, $346,796. Current liabilities July 1, 1901, $70,000.-{V. 60, p. 749; V. 71, p. 1271,) · Wrightsville & Tennille KK.-Tennille, Ga., to Hawkinsville 76 miles, of which Dublin to Hawkinsville, Ga., 40 miles, was former Oconee & Western RR., merged Feb. 1, 1899. V. 69, p. 189. Stock, common, $230,000; preferred, $70,000. Par. of shares $25. Cent. of Ga. Ry. owns all the preferred and $104,300 ot the common stock. Dividends (J.&J.) were paid on bothstocksatrate of 7p. c.; 1900,i Jan., 3 p. c.; June 20, 1900, 4 p. c.; Dec. 21, 3111 p. c.; 1901, Juno 22. if p. o.; Dec., 3 p. c. For year to June 30, 1900, gross, $169,492, net. $55,552; taxes, ~.823; div. <7 p. c.), $21,000; other deductions, $22,438; bal., $5,291. Pres., A. F. Daly, Tennille, Ga.-(V. 68, p.189,) York Southern KK.-See Maryland & Pennsylvania RR. Zane•vllle & Ohio River Ky,-See Ohio & Little Kanawha Ry,  MAP OF THE  WISCONSIN RAILWAY SYSTEM Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MISCELLANEOUS COMPANIES. The following pages (Nos. 151 to 168 contain the leading industrial companies. Some additional statements will be found on pages 169 to L71, while various gas companies are on page 172. and an index to still other industrials is on page 171. MISCELLANEOUS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bond8-Pr1ao1• Date Size, or Amount -pal,When Due. l'or explanation of column headings, &o., see notes on of Par Outstanding Rate Per When Where Payable, and by Stocka-Last first page of tables. .Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  -------------'---4----''------·l--·----·1------1-------$100 $12,000,000 8 in 1901 J. & D. New York, 59 Broadw'y 4 g. M. & 8. N. Y., Mero. Trust Co. Collateral trust mortgage, gold.Me ......•...•.......... isos 500 &o. 12,000,000 100 20,000,000 .....• . . •. . . . . . . . . . •. Allis•Ohalmers-Common stock, $25,000.000 ........... ..  Adams Ezpress-Btook ...••..••......•..••••.••..••..•...•..  Pref., 7%, cum. (as to assets & div.), $25,000,000, text. Amalgamated Oopper-Stook, $155,000,000 ..••........... Amer. Agricul. Ohemical Oo.-Stock, com., $20.000,000. Pref. 6 p. ct. cum. (as to assets and div.) $20,000,000 .. Ameman Alkali-Stock, common, $24,000,000 .....•....  100 16,250,000 100 148,540,200 100 16,715,600 100 17,153.000 50 24,000,000 50 2,400,000 50 3,600,000 100 15,000,000 100 4,000,000  Preferred. 6 p. c., cum. See text. ($15 00. paid in) ... .  American Bank Note-Stock (no bonds) ........... .. ..... .  American Beet Sug,1.r-Common stock, $1/'i,000,000 ..... .  Preferred stock, 6 per cent, non-cum., $5,000,000 ...... .  Amer. Betl Telephone-See Amer. Teleph. & Telegraph Co. Ameri,an Bicycle-Pref. stooki 7 p. o., cum..•••....•.•... .  Binldng fund debentures, go d lV. 69, p. 696). Us1n .o"  American Oan- Stock (half is 7 p. o. cum., pref) ......... . Ameman Oar ti Foundry-Common stock $30,000,000.  Preferred stock, 7 per cent, non-cum., $30,000,000 .••.  American Ohicle-Stook, common, $6,000,000 .•..••••••••  Pre~erre~ 6 p. c. cum., $3,000,000...................... . American uott,,n-Stock, common, $4.,_000,000 .••..•.•... Preferred stock, 8 per cent, cum., $;:j,000,000 ......••••. American Ootton ~Common stock, $20,2 J7,100 ...... . Pref. stock 6% non·oum., sub. call at 105, $14,562,300. Debentures, extended in 1900 (V. 71, p. 237, 1010) .. o• A meriean Di,i,frict Tel..,graph-Stock, $4,000,000 .•..• . .•.. Ameriean Express-Stock............................... . . .  iso9 ---· ..... -... . ...  ··-· ....  -- .. ....  isoo .... ·---  100 1,000 100 100 100 100 100 ]00 100 100 100 1,000 100 100  Acetylene.-Bee Electro Gas, V. 61, p. 1107; N. Y. Carbide & Acet., V. 61, p. 1155; Un. Carbide, V. 66. p. 762. A.da.Dls Express.-ORGANIZATION.-An association formed in 1854 but not incorporated, operating on about 28,000 miles of railroad, including Penn., C. B. & Q., Ches. & Ohio, N. Y. N. H. & H., etc. In, 1901, President L. C. Weir was elected a director of the United States Express Co. See American Express Co. bell>w-V. 72, p. 777. BONDS.-ln 1898 treasury securities were pledged with Mercantile Tr. Co. to secure \subject to prior indemnification of shareholders from &ny loss by reason of personal liability) $12,000,000 of 4 p. o. bonds. These last were then dist.ributed as a 100-p. o. dividend. V. 66, p. 470. DIVIDENDS.-For many years 8 p. o yearly, but reduced in 1898, on payment of 100 p. o. dividend in bonds, to 4 p.o. In Dec., 1900 and 1901, an extra 2 p. o. was paid from investments (see V. 66, p. 470; v. 73, p. 1265.) Albemarle & Ches. Canal,-See page 169. Allls-flhal1ners Oo.-ORGA.NIZA.TION.-lnoorpora.ted in N. J. on May 7, 1901, to manufacture heavy engines, mining and other ma· ohinery. combining Edward P. Allis Co. of Milwaukee, Fraser & Chalmers of Chicago, (V. 72, p. 1137) etc. Has a working capital of $10,000,000, including $2,509,000 to be expended in doubling the A.lllsflant Properties taken over as of April 1, 1901. Vermilya & Co. o New York were interested, V. 72, p. 874, 937, 990. DIVIDBNDS.-Firstdiv. on pref., ll\J, p.o., July 25, 1901; Nov. l, 1~ p .o• STOCK, ETc.-Preferred entitled to 7 p. c. cumulative dividends and a further preference of 1 p. o. non•oumulative after 7 p. o on common, into which it will be co• vertible, share for share, on any May 1 up to 1921, inclusive. Combined profits for two years, 1899-00, said to have exceeded 7 p. o. on the $16,250,000 preferred stock. There are no bonds. Pres., Charles Aills; Sec'y, J. W. Young; Treas., W. J. Chalmers. Offloe, Broad•Exohange Bldg., N. Y.-lV. 73, p. 84. A.1nal~a1nated Oopper Co.-ORGANIZA.TION, ETC.-lnoorporated on April 27, lij99, in New Jersey and purchased control 01 Anaconda Cop. Co. (V. 67, p. 953), Parrott Sliver & Cop. Co., Washoe Cop Co., Col. Smelting. Bost. & Mont. Con. Cop. & Sliver Min. Co. and Butte & Bos. Consol. Min. Co., etc. See statement to N. Y. Stock Exchange showing securities owned, etc, V. 72, p. 1281. Stock was authorized in June, l!:101, to be increased from .$75,000,000 to $155,00 ,,ooo, ro purchase the stocks of the two last• companies, per terms V. 72, p. 1082; balance unlssued reserved to acquire rem >1.m ing shares of those com anies. In January, 1902, litigation with F. A Heinze was pending. I rt Dec, 1901, and Jan., 1902, the price of copi•er was reduceit from 17 to 111@ cents per pound. V. 73, p, 1265, 1314. See also v. 73, p. 1283. See V. 73, p. t6-l, 723, 84-1, 1161, 12U9, 1265. The only bonds are Bos. & Mont. 7s, $600,000, due :1!100,000 yearls, beginning 1902, and Butte & Bos. 6s, $1,500,000.dueApr. 1, 1917.V. 721 p. 1281. See V. 71, p. 54;. See V. 72, p. 777. Dividends, 2 p. o. quarterly (Q.-J.). Oct., 1899, to July, 1901, both inclusive. In O ·t ., H:101, 119 o. o., and in Jan., 1902, 1 p. o. See official explanation, V. 73, p 13l4 See V. 73, p . 664,773. OFFICERS.-President, Henry H. Rogers; Seo. and Treas, William G. Rockefeller. Directors, H. H. Rogers, Wm. Rockefeller, Wm. G. Rocke· feller, A. R. Flower, F. P. Olcott, Robert Bacon, Jas. Stillman and A. O. Burrage. Office, 52 Broadway, New York.-(V. 74, p. 42, 153.) American Agrlcnltnral Chemical Ce.-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in May, 1899, in Connecticut, under special oharter.z_and acquired control of fertilizer companies (including Listers' of .l'iew ark) named in prospectus in V. 68, p. 974, and a.ppUoation to list, V. 72, p . 672; V. 73, p. 664. See V. 71, p. 545. Dividends on preferred Oct., 1899 to Oct, 1901.., 6 p. o. yearly (A.& 0.) .Bonds, $25,00i.J. REPOBT.-Report for year ending June 30, 1901, tn V. 73, p. 614, showed: Total n .. t income, $1,603,746; impNvements, betterments,' etc., $543,951: div on pref. 6 per cent, $1,024,740: balance, $J5,051. Pres., John F. Gibbons, New York; Seo., Albert French: Treal!I., Wm. H. Gra.ffiln. N Y . ollloe, 26 Broadway.-lV, 73, p. 614, ti64,) A1nerlcan A.Hi all Oo.-See page 169. American Bank Note Co.-Inoorporated in N. Y. in 1858. DIVIDENDS- t 1892 to 1894 1895 to 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901 Per cent......... 5 8 yearly 6 yearly 7 6 6 In 1900, 1 p. c. each in M. & S. and 2 p. c. each in J. & D. OFI!'ICERS.-Chairman James Macdonough; President, Augustus D. Shepard; Vice-Pres. and Treas .• Theo. H. Freeland 2d V.-P., Warren L. Green; Seo., John E. Currier. Office, 78 to 86 Trlnity Place, N. Y. ADlerlcan Beet Sugar co.-Inoorporated on March 24. 1899. Dividends from Oct., 1899, to Jan, 1902, both inclusive, 6 p. o. 1,early ( 1 ½ Q,-J.) See prospectus in V. 68, p. 280,616; "Beet Sugar' item, V. t)9, p. 1249. Report for year Pndin~ Dec 31, 1900, in V. 72, p. 676, showed: Total income, $1.931,707; profltfrom operation, $668,166; cost of maintenance, $242,580; general expenses and in• terestabout $130.000; div. on pref. (6 p. o.), $240,000; surplus about $55,635. Pres., Henry T. Oxnard; Seo., James G. Hamilton; Treas., John E. Tucker; 32 Nassau St.,N.Y.-(V. 72, p. 676; V. 73, p. 238.) · American Bell Telephone Co.-See A.mer. Teleph. & Telgr. Co. American Bicycle Co.-ORGANIZATION-lncorporated in New Jersey on May 12, 1899, and acquired concerns mentioned in V. 69, p. 177,493, including Pope Mfg. Co. (Columbia bicyol.e), Crawford Mfg. Co., West'n Wheel Works, Automobile & 01 ole Parts Co. (V. 72, p. 284, 537), ate. See application to list. V. 72, p . 536, and V. 73, p. 782, 1858. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  9,294,900 9,500,000 (t)  30,000,000 30,(100,000 6 :000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 20,237,100 10,198,600 3,000,000 3.844,';00 18.000.000  Deo. 2,'01, 4% Moh. 1, 1948 . •...••. See text Quar. N. Y., Br.-Exoh Bldg. Nov. 1, '01, 1, 712in'Ol Q.-J. Cheoksmailed. Jan.27,'02,1~ . ..... .. -·. . ••..... 6in 1901 A. & O. N. Y., Office, 26 B'way. Oct.1, '01, 3% . ••• • • . -- • . . . •. •. ••. • ...... . ···6··· By check.  ° 6° 00  0  Checks mailed.  ...5.g. M:·&·· 8. ......  2in 1901 7 8 in 1901 6in 1901  .... -  Q.-F. Q.-F. Q.-J . Q.-J.  New York.  0  8i.n..i9oo M:·&·N. 2 in 1901 . • . . . 6in 1~01 J. & D. 4½ g Q.-F. 21g in '01 M. & N. See text.•T. & J.  Bept:1;·i919  N. Y.Afuar. Trg~t Co. Feb:i·,;0·2,"ts~ Feb. l, '02, 1 N. Y., Park Row Bldg. Jan. 2, '02, 2~ do do Jan. 2, '02, 1  Nov:2;;00:  Off., 27Wniiam. "t.,N.Y. 4%» N. Y., Winslow, L. & Co. Dec. 2, '01, 2~ do do Dec., 1901, 8 do do Nov. 1, 1915 Treas. off.,6DeySt.,N.Y. Nov.15,'0l,1½ N.Y.,Co.'s0f.,65B'way Jan. 2, '02, 4%  Stock authorized, common, $20,000,000; outstanding, $17,701,500; par of t1hares, $100; pref. 7 p. o., cum., and bonds, see table above. :Stockholders voted on Oct. 30, 190 I, to reduce the authorized stock from $30,00 ,000 to the amounts ou1,standing as shown above.-V. 73, p . 844,958 . Sinking fuod ouys $250,000 bonds yearly Sept. 1 at not over 105. In March, 1901, $500,000 was retlren. V. 72, p. 185. Report for year ending July 31, 1901, with balance sheet. was in V. 73, p. 71i2, showin~ protlts of $850,682; interest on bonds.t $500,000; ba.l• a.nee, surplus, $350,682. Total surplus July 31, 1901, :i;956,262. OFFICERS.-R. L. Coleman, President; C. W. Dickerson, Secretary and acting Treasurer. Office, Park Row Building, New York.-(V. 72, p. 534, 536, 937; V. 73, p. '782, 786, 844, 958, 1358.) American Bridge Co.-See UNITED STATES STEEL Co&p'N, AmPrlcan Clan Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated in New Jersey on Mar. 19, 1901, as a consolidation, embracmg, it is said, a bout 85 per cent of the tin can business of the country, including about 100 concerns. Bee partial list, V. 72, p. 682, Closely allied with the American Tin Plate Co. (now a. S. Steel Corporation). Stook authorized, $44,000,000 each of common and 7 per cent cum. pref., of w hioh part to remain in the treasury. Moore Brothers interested. OFFICERS.-Presldent, Edwin Norton; Be<', and TreaP. , F. S. Wheeler; Asst. Sec. & Asst. Treas., H. B. Wheeler, 11 Broadway.- (V. 72, p. 628.) Alllerlcan Car & Fonndry.-ORGANIZATION, ETC.~Inoorpora.ted in New Jersey on Feb. 20, 1899, as a consolidation of the Michiga.nPenlnsular Car, Ohio Falls Car Mfg. etc., mfg. freight and ,P.assent,ter oars. V. 68, p. 280,377, 1029; V. 71. p. 86,547; V. 72, p. 93,; V. 73. p. 958. DIVIDENDS.-On pref., 1~ p. o., July 1, 1899; Nov. 1, 1899, to Feb._, 1902, both inclusive, ll\i p. o. quar. (7 per an.) Div. on common paia Aug. 1, 1900, to Feb. 1, 1902, inclusive, ¼I p.o. quar. (2% per annum). E~RNINGS.-Net e~logs 7 mos. ending Nov. 30, 1901, $2,025,,&75, agarnst $2,547,226 m UJOO.-V. 74, p, 42. Report for year endin1t April 30, 1901, was in V. 72, p 1236, showing net earnings April 30, $4,05~,826; dividends on preL 1;tock, (7 p. o.), $2,084,075; on common (2 p. c.), $595,450; surplus, $1,373,301. OFFICERS.-Pres., Fred'k H Eaton; Chair. of Exec. Com., w.1x. Bixby; Treas., 8. 8. De Lano; Sec., F. F. Webber, St. Louis, Mo. Directors, V. 70, p . 1247; V. 72, p. 1239. N. Y. office, 71 Broadway.-(V. 73, p. 723, 958, 1266; v. 74, p. 42.) A1nerlcan Chicle Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated m New Jersey on June 2, 1899, and consolidated the leading ohewmi,r gum in• terests.-V.68,p. 871, 1130. SeeV. 71, p 545. Div.: On prer.,Oot.,'99. to Jan., 1902, l½ p. c. qu. (6 p. c. per an.). Common l½ p. o. Oct., 1899; Dec. 4 p. o.; 1900, 6½ p. o.; 1901, Jan .• 2½!p. <1.; Apr., llg p. o,;July, 2 p c.: Oct., 2 p. c.; 1902. Jan., 2 p. o. President, W. J. White, Cleveland; Vice-Pres., l➔ eo. H. Worthington, Cleveland; Sec., Jonatbau P. Primley,Chicago; Seo. and Treas., He Rowley. Office, Park Row Bldg., N. Y.-(V. 73, p. 1266, 1315; V. 74, p. 96.) A1nerlcan Coal-Seep. 169. American {'lgar Co.-Bee American Tobacco Co. American Cotton r.o.-ORGANIZATION.-Makes and leases a pa.tented machine for producing cylindrical bales of cotton. See V. 68, p. 821. Io 1900 handled over 500,000 cylindrical bales. In Jan., 1902, over a majority of each class of stock bad been deposited wtth a :proter.tlve committee lOornelius N. Bliss, Chairman, and Thos. E. WmlZ", 20 Nassau St, Seo.J, under an a.llreement continuing for three years. See V. 73, p. 1266. All accum.divs. on pref. stock paid May, 1899; Nov., 4 p. o; 1900, 8 p. o. Action on dividends was deferred in 1901. V. 72, p. 1240. Year 1899-00, gross profits, $,522.142; net, $259,294. PrE>sident. Albert C. Clase: Treas., Hampden E. Tener Jr. Direotore, V. 7 •1,, p. 1240.-(V. 73, p.1266; V. 74, p. 153.) American Cotton on.-Inoorp. Oct. 14, 1889, in N. J ., to 1ueceed Amer. Cotton Oil Trust. Has works in various southern citie1, ete.,for manufacture of crude and refined cotton oil, lard, soap, fertilizer&. etc. STOCK, ETc.-In Nov., 1901, over a majority of the stocks had been deposited with a committee (Geo. A. Morrison, Chairman), with a view to united prote1·tive action . power being given for three years to 1ell tbe deposited stock at 10;) for the preferred a.1d 60 for the eommon. -V. 73, p. 288, 724, 901. Dividends on pref. stock June, 1892, to Dec.. 1901, inclusive. 6 p. o. per annum. On common, 1898, 3 p. o.; 1899, 4 p. o.; 1900, 3½ p. o.; 1901, 2 p. o. REPORT.-Report for 1900·01 at length in V.73, p.1059,11065,showed profits $1,214,357, after meeting expenses of administ.• interest, &c.; int. on deb. bonds, $152,500; balance, net income, $1,091,857; dividends on pref. (6 p.o.), $611,916; div. on common (2 p. o.), $404,742; bal., surplus for year, $75,199, against $176,968 in 1899-0. Profits: year 1898·99, $1,883,255; 1899·00, $1,739,449; '00-'01, $1,244,357. OFFICERS-President, George A. Morrison; Vioe•President, Roberti F. Munro; Seo. and Trea11., Justus E. Ralph. 27-29 Beaver St., N. Y. Tranter agents, Winslow, Lanier & Co. - (V. 73, p.1012, 1059, 1063, 104"~-) American District Telegraph.-RAe SUPPLEMENT of Jan., 1893, Annual report for year ending Dec. 31, 1900, was in V. 72, p. 673, showing gross, $590,536; net, $86,846; dividends (214 p. o.), $86,497. DIVIDENDS,- { '91. '92. '93. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. 1900 1901 Per cent. 5 1 212 312 1 3 1 2 2 214 214 2½ O~oe. 6 Dey Bt., N. Y. City.-(V. 72, p. 185, 6 7 3; V. 73, p. 901; V. 74. p. 42, 153.)  IA2  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT. MISCELLANEOUS.  Por explanation of column headings, &c., see notes on ti.rat page of tables.  Amer. Hide cf Leather-Common stock, $17,500,000 ......  &md8-Pr1notINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Due. Date Size,or A.mount Rate Per When Where P~able, and by i,al,When of Par Outstanding Bonda Value. Dividend. Cent. Payable om.  ·---  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---  $100 Pref. stock, 7 per cent cum., $17,500,000 ............... 100 let M., $10,000,000, g., 11. f., subj. to call st 115.Col.o* isoo 1,000 Amer. Ice-Com. stock, $25.000.000 (V. 72. p. 392, 534) .. ··-· 100 Pref. stock, 6%, cum., $15,000,000 (V. 72, p. 392, 534) 100 . .... . Underlylng bonds, incl. Kniokb. 5a due Feb. 1, 1905 ... .... Amer. Linseed-Pf. stock, 7 p. o., non-cum., $16,750,000. .... 100 American Locomoti'l'e-Common stock, $25,000,000...... .... 100 Pref. stock, 7%, cum., $25,000,000. (Bonds, see text). .... 100 American .lfalting.-Preferred stock (7 p. o. pref., cum.\ . 100 lat M., $5,000.000, g., sink. fund, subj. to call at 105.c• isoo 1,000 American Pntumat1e Ser'l'ice-Stock, com., $10,000,000 .. 50 Preferred, 6 :per cent, non-cum., $5,000,000 ............. ..... 50 100 American Radiator-Pref. stock, 7 c., cum., $5{100,000 ·-·American8ewerPipe-lstM.,$2,5 0,000, a.f.,oa 105.K 1900 500 &c. American 8hipbuilding-Btook, common, $15,000,000•... . 100 Preferred, 7 per cent, non·cum., $15,000,000 ....•....••• . 100 An,er. Smelt. cf Rettning-Common stock, $50,000,000 ... 100 100 Pre~. stock, ~er cent, cum., $50,000,000.........•..••. American Snu -Stock, common, $12 500,000 .••.••.••••• . 100 Preferred, 6 per cent, non-cum., $1 2,500,000 ..........•. .... 100 American Steel Oasting-Stock, common, $2,750,000 .•••• ··-· Preferred stock, 7 per cent, non•cum., $1,450,000....... . . ... 1st mortgag4? jold.. •• . . . . . • . . •• ..••......... .. . . • . . . • . . . . 1897 American Stee oop-&.mer. Steel cf Wire of N. J. - SEE U NITED STAT.ES American Straw Board-Stock, common . ................. . ... 100 1st M., gold, slnkin~ fund, subject to call in 1901. ...... 1891 ....  ---·  J::  [VOL, LXXl:V.  -- -·  --·-· ---·-·· ·-·  --··  A.merlcan Express.-An "Association" formed under the la,we  I  $11,500,000 13,000,000 8,375,000 22,921,900 13,327,200 1,705,000 16,750,000 25,000,000 24,100,000 14,440,000 3,893,000 4,727,650 3,951,350 3,000,000 1,648,500 7,600,000 7,900,000 50,000,000 50,000,000 11,001,700 12,000,000 2,143,000 1,195,700 0 STEii 6,000,000 567,000  ci~  ......  .....  ---------· bl  See.tei:t.  Q.:.::M. 4:-=-:j_  ···a·g.  J. ··&·n.  7 in.iiioo  By check from Chicago. Sepi.°i5'00,13'  ....  Jan.21,'02, ll\i Cheoiis mailed. Check from Co.'s office. Oot.15,'99, llli N. Y., Guaranty Tr. Co. Deo. 1, 1914.  . .........  6iri.iocn 4·.:.:j. Jan: 20,;02, 119 71n 1901 Q.-F.15 Off.,Lake&Dearb.St.Ch. Nov.15,'0l,ll\i Mch. 1, 1920 6 g. M.&N. N. Y. KnlOK. Tr. Co. 7 i:ri"iiio1  Q:.:.:j.  Cleveland, Ohio.  Jan:i5,;02, llli  1i:ri.i9·01  Q~-=-:j.  N. Y., 71 Broadway.  Jan:i4,;i>2, ll\i  6 iiii9·01 J:·&-·J. N. Y., Morton Trust Co . Jan:2:•02: 1¼ 6in 1901 M.&N. Checks mailed. Oot.31, '01,8~ De<'.20,'01, 3 7in 1901 J. &D . Checks mailed. Nov. 1, 1912 ·--· ·-·· ... RATION. Deo.27,'00, 1% See text. Q.-M. 6 g. F. & A Boa., Inter, Trust Co . Feb. 1, 1911  ---··  E.A.RNINGS.-Report of investigating committee for year as changed Profits above interest on bonds, $383,261 . See also committee's report for 1899-0 and that ooverilur period from Oct. 11, 1897, to Dec. 31, 1899, with balance sheet, ill T. 70, p. 4.78. OFFICERS.-Pres't, Chas. A. Stadler; Sec'y, Geo. F. Neidlinger; Treas., Louis Lee Stanton; Directors, Nov., 1901, V. 71, p. 1068; v. 73, p. 1063. New York office, 63d St. & E. R.-(V. 72,p. 185; V. 73, p. 236, I 060, 1063.) American Pneumatic Service Co.-ORGA.NIZATION.-Incorporated in June, 1899, under laws of Delaware.-(V. 68 p. 1130, 1179.) Is the owner of the whole, or nearly all, stock of the Lamson Consol. Store-ServJce Co. (V. 68, p. 1073>. the Intern. Pneum. Service Oo., ero. STOCK.-Dividenda on pref. stock to Jan 20, 1902, inclusive, 6 p, o. per an. (l¼ Q-J). Underlying bonds Mar. 31, 1901, $516,000 Lamson sinking fund gold 6s, less a ainkin~ fund of $164,577. Report for year ending Dec 31, 1900 (V. 71, p. 1166), sl_lowed net, $283,616; div. on pref., $223,~51; bal., aur., $65,065. Office, 115 Cbauncy St., Boston, Mass. Arthur S. Temple, Treas.- (V. 72, D. 89, 534.) A.merlcan Kadlator,-Inoorp. in N. J. on Feb. 14, 1899. See V. 68, p. 329. Common stock, $5,000,000; outstanding 1 $4,893,000; pa.r, $100. Dividends on prel-, May, 1899, to Nov, 1901, molusive, ll\i p. o. quarterly (Q·F 15). Report for year ending Jan. 31, 1901, with bal. sheet, V. 72, p. 673, showed: Net profits, $527,998; 7 p. o. on preferred, $210,000; balance, $317,998. Seo., C. M. Woolley.-(V. 72, p. 6'73,J American Sewer PJpe Co.-See page 169. Amerlean Sheet Steel -see UNITED ST.A.TES STEEL CORPORATION • • American Shipbuilding Co.-O_RG.A.NIZ.A.TION. - Incorpora1ed in New Jersey on March 16, 1899, to unite the ahipbuil~g and kindred interests of the Great Lakes.-V. 68, p. 770; V. ,o, p. 89t,J V. 71, .P· 344, 1014; V. 73, p. 390. Div. on pref., July, 1899, to Jan. 15, 1902, molu., 7 p. c. per an. (ll\i Q·J.) Purch~se money mo rtgage 6ll Buffalo plant, $150,000. Rep_ort for year endmg June 30, 1901, in y, 73, p. 39~, ahoweo: Net earmngs. $1,998,542; div. onprer., $55~; depreciation and maintenance, $271,905; bal., sur., $1,173,638 r:1-1?~·, W. L. Brown, Chicago; Bee. and Treas., R. C. W etm.ore. Directors, V. 73, p. 390. Offices, Cleveland, 0.-(V. 72, p. 243; v. 73, p. :u,o.) American Smelting & Kefl.nlog Co -ORGANIZATION, ETO.Incorporated April 4, 1899, under laws of New Jersey, v. 68,Jt. 668. Controls the Kansas City Smelting & Refining co., the Omaha. & Grant Smelting Co., etc. For list of plants, rights of stock, etc., see V. 68, i,. 975.-V. 68, p. 471, 523; v. 70, p. 232, 281. see v. 71, p. 545• In Apr., 1901, the property of M. Gug~enheim'a Sons was, the stock b~ing increased from $27,400,000 each of commo• and p:r&ferred to $50,000,000 each. The output of lead and silver, it is sta~ is now about 85 per oen~ of the production in the U. 8. - . 7 1, p. 1217'1; V. 72, p. 138, 724; see c1.roular m V. 72, p. 185.-V. 71, p . ! 271. Omaha & Grant Smelt.1st 6s, due March 1, 1911, $1,0.J3,000 retlrab1e about $70 000 annually by sinking fund are the only bonda. ' ' DIVIDENDS on pref. to Jan., 1902, inclusive, 7 p. c. per a.n. (ll\ Q·J). REPORT.-Report for year ending April 30, 1901, including earntng,s of Guggenheim plants tor 4 months, was in V. 73, p. 552, showinflll Gross, $5.988,049; net above repairs, etc., $3,828,-4. ll: net earninp of Guggenheim plants for the 8 mos, not included, were $2,756,66~ dividend on pref. (7 p. o.), $1,918,000; bal., aur., $1,910,4.ll. DmECTORS.-E. W. Nash (President), Daniel Guggenheim (Chatrman), Isaac Guggenheim (Treasurer), Solomon Guggenheim, Murray Gu~genheim and Simon Gug~enheim, Walter S. Gurnee, Grant B. Schley, A. R. Meyer, D. H. Mojfat, M. D. l'haroher, J. B. Gr~nt, Guy 0. Barton, Dennis Sheedy, N. Witherell, R. 8. Towne, A. Eilers, H. L. Terrell and Barton Sewell. Office, 71 Broadwa,y.-(V. 73, v. 552.) American Snuff" Co,-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in New Je~aey on M-u. 13, 1900, in the interest of the Amel1.can Tobacco a.nd Contin~ntal Tobacco companies, whose snuff properties it acquired. and which own $7,!500,00~ common and $2,500,000 pre_ferred atoQl and have 8 of the 17 directors. For list of. properties merged.i_ claimed to have an output of about 15,000,000 pounds of snu:n: yearly and to control a.bout 95 per cent of the output of the country, etc., see V. 70, p. 533, 634; statement to N. Y. Stock Exchange, V. 7i, P·. 625, 672. Fn:st div. on pref., 3 p. o., paid Jan. 2, 1901; July, 119 p. o., Oct., l¼p. o, 1902,Jan., 1¼ p. o REPORT.-Report for 9¼ mos. ending Dec, 31, 1900, with bal. sheet_ showed: Net earnings, $531.668; div. on pref. (3 p. o.): $360.000; bal., sur., $171,668. Pr~s., Geo. A. Helme; Sec., Otis Smith; Treas., Geo. D. Woodside, 111 FifthAve.,N. Y.-(V. 72, p. 625, 672, 1137.) American Soda F'ountaln.-See page 169. A..merlcan Spirits 1'.lfg.-See DISTILLING. Co. American Steel Casting co.-ORGANIZATION.-Inoo-rporated 1n New Jersey. Plants at Thurlow, Sharon, Pittsburg and Norristown, ra.; Alliance, O., and Syracuse, N. Y. As to consolidation suggested. m Aug., 1901, see V. 73, p. 238. DIVIDENDS1894. 1895, 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901, Preferred stock ..•. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Common stock..... .. •• .. •. 6 6 6 6 President, Daniel Eagan; Vice-Pres., John A. Middleton; Seo., R. O. Foster; Treas .• J. H. D. Eagan, Chester, Pa.-(V. 73, p . 238.) American Steel Hoop Co,- t See UNITED STATES STEEL COBAmerican Steel & Wire Co.- 5 PORATION. American straw Board.-Inoorporated under the l&ws of rm. nois. Dividends in 1893, 4 per cent; Dec. 23, 1898, 1 p. c.; June ~5-. 1900, 1 p. o.; Sept. 29, 1 p. o.; Dec. 27, 1 p. o. The Mar., 1901,dtvidend was paased.-V. 72, p. 682. See V. 62, p. 587. In June, 1901, deposlt.a of stock were asked under a plan approved by the direotors for oou-solldation with concerns not named. See V. 73, p. 34 and t96.  of New York State in 1859 and 1868. Not an incorporated company. , to eRd Aug. 31, 1901, was in V. 73, p. 10 60, showing:  Qperated in Dec., 1900. on about 45,000 miles of railroad in the United Statea includmg Boston & Maine, nearly all the Vanderbilt lines, Illinois 6entral, etc. In Apr., 1901, President .T. C. Fargo was elected a director of the United States Express Co.-V. 72, p . 777. Dividends, 6%per annum since 1882; in July, 1901, and Jan., 1902, p. o. e::tra was paid from tnvestm~nta. V., 73, p. 1063. Pres.,J. C: Fargo, Treas.• Charles G. Clark. Office. 65 B way.-(V. 72, p. 777, 937, V. 73, p. 1063.) • Amerlcan Hide & Leather Co.-ORGA.NIZATION.-Organized In New Jersey in 1899. V . 69, p. 493. In Jan., 1901, said to control abo-qt 75 per cent of the upper leather output of the country, including companies mentioned in V. 68, p. 925 except Wehater & Co. and R. Buhm L. Co. See V. 70, p. 77, and adv. in CHRONICLE of Jan. 13, 1900, and application to llt,t V. 72, p. 673. BONDS, ETC.-Sinktng fund of $172,500 retires bonds Sept. 1 yearly, If purchasable at 115 or less, or if not will be invested in other securi• ties. J. & W. :Seligman & Co. financed the consolidation. Balance eheet of June 29, 1901, was in V. 73, p. 493, showing surplus over in· terest charges for period from MA.y 31, 1901, to June 29, 1901, of $377,139. Pres't. Thomas W. Hall; Sec. and 1.'reas .. G. A. Hill. Di• rectors, Sept, 1901, V. 71, p. 493; V. 73, p. 495. Office, 96 St., N. Y.-(V. 73, p. 493, 495.) American Ice Co.-ORGANIZATION.-lnoorporated in New Jersey on March 11, 1899. and in October, 1899, had acquired most of the $10,000,000 stock of the Consolidated Ice Co. 0~ New York (see V. 65, p. 461) and the $10,000,000 stock of the Knickerbocker Ice Co. of Maine. For list of plants in 1899, etc., see official statement, v. 69, p. 793; V. 70, p. 58b; V. 71, p. 1014, 1121, 1168, 1271; v. '/2, p. 1036. Transacts a wholesale and retail business in New York, N. Y.; Phila• delphia, Pa; Boston, Mass.; Baltimore, Md.; Washington, D. c.; camden, N. J.: Lakewood, N.J., and Atlantic City, N. J. Action to annul right to do business in New York State, v. 73, p 724; v. 71, p. 1068; v. 73, p 958. On Dec. 24, 1901, the American Coal Oo. was organized in New York to carry on the sale of coal -(V. 73, p . 1358.) t J , Q J D IVIDENDS.-,O n pref'd O ct • 99, 0 an , 1902, 6 P• o. Lear1Y ( •• ). On com., Nov., 99. to Nov., 1901, inclusive, 4 p. o. year Y (Q FJ. DmECTORS, ETc.-J. D. Schoonmaker (Pres.), Charles W. Morse. C. '.r. Barney, F. K. Sturgis, Wm. H. Gelshenen, H.H. Morse, all of New York; J. Manchester Haynes, of Augusta, Me.; D. W. Hun~, of Philadelphia; Wesley M. Oler, of B~ltimore; Thomas Sturgis, Orm Dennett, John R. Bennett, R. W. Hopkins, James McCutohen, R. W. Poor, E. H. Rodd and J. W. Scott. Treasurer is J. T. Sproull. Office, 133 East 23d Bt., New York.-1V. 73, p. 617,724,958, 1358.) American Iron & Steel Mf'g.-See p. 169. American Lia-ht & Traetlon.-See page 169. .,, Amerlcan LI ■eed,-ORGANIZ.A.TION, ETC.-Inoorporated on Dec. IS, 1898, under the laws of New Jersey, as a. consolidation of the National Linseed Oil Co. with thetenleadin~ outside linseed oil companies in the U. 8., per plan in V. 67, p. 1161; V. 69, p. 697. See V. 71, p. US• For list of plants, etc., see V. 70, p, 631. Com. stock authorh:ed, $16,750,000, all outstanding; pref. stock as in table. The $6,· 000,000 :five.year notes were called for payment at par on Aug. 1, 1901. V. 72, p. 3\:1 2, 439; V. 73, p. 34. In June, 1901, Standard 011 Interests acquired a majority of the atoolr. DIVIDENDS.-On pref., June 15, '99t to Sept., 1900, 1~ p. o. quarterly. The Dec., 1900, dividend was passea. V. 71, p. 1014,. REPORT.-Report for year ending July 31, 1901, was in v. 73, p. 663, 955, showing loss from operations of $1,402,491. Pres., Frederick T. Gates; Seo., w. H. Jones. Directors Sept., 1901, v. 73, p. 555. Main office, 100 William St., N. Y ; stock transfer office, 26 B'way.-(V. 73, p. 34,238,555,662,955,959, 1209, 1315; V. 74.. p. 96.) American Locomotive Co.-ORGiliIZATION.-Inoorporated in N. Y. on June 10, 1901, as a consolidation of the Pittsburg (Pa.) Loco motive Works; Brooks Locomotive Worka,Dunkirk, N. Y.; Cooke Loco· motive & Maohme Works, Paterson. N. J.: Schenectady (N. Y.) LocomotiT'e Works; Richmond Locomotive & Mach. Works; Rb.ode Island Loo. & Mach. Wka.; manufacturing 1,700 engines (to be increased to 8,000) yearly, or about two-thirds of the output of the country (see liet v. 73, p. 801.-v. 72, p. 1189; v. ?S,:p. 84,186,724. Harvey Fisk & Sons financed it without public offermg. DIVIDEND-First quarter y dividend on pref., 1~ p. c., paid Oct. 21, 1901; 1902, Jan, ll\i p. c. Bonded debt as follows: Dickson Mfg. Co. 5a, $562,500, maturing Nov. 1, 1927, and Rtchm'd Locomotive 5a, $750,000, due Apr. 1, 1929. E.lRNINGs.-Earnings on the constituent properties for a aeries of years were said to cover 5 per cent or over on the common stock. OFFICERS.-President, S. R. Callaway; lat V. P., A.. J. Pitkin; 2d V. P., R. J. Gross; S~o., Leigh Best; Treas., C. B. Denny; Comptroller, C. E. Patterson. D1.rectors, June, 1901, V. 72, p. 1240, 1281; V. 73, p. 84, 80,186. 664, 724; V 74, p. 96. American llialtlng Oo,-A consolidation incorporated Sept. 27, 1897,inN.J.-V. 65, p. 619; V. 70, p. 478. The investigatm~ committee in Oct., 1900, recommended a reduction of the stock, but no deciston to Jan., 1902.-t V. 71, p.1014, 1068, 1221; V. 73, p. 1060.) 8TOCKS.-Authorized, $1~,000,000 each common and preferred; issued, common $14.,500,000; pref., as in table. Diliidends-On pref.: Jan., 1898, to Oct., 1899, incl., 7 p. o. per an. (ll\i Q.·J.); none since. BONDS. -Of the bonds tWa!ter G. Oakman and Geo. R. Turnbull, trnatees)z $4,000,000were issued in Dec., 1899, to retire the floating debt and rorworking capital. A sinking fund equal to one-half of the dividends on the preferred stock will retire bonds at or below 105. Bee V. ~9,p. 956, 1013, 1195. On Aug. 31,'0l, underlying mortgages, $256,000. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ---· ....  Sept:·Ci919 6 ~- M:·&··s. N. Y., Colonlal Tr. 4in 1901 Q.-F.15 133 E 23d St., check Nov. 15, '01 1 Jan.15,'02, I¼ 6in 1901 Q.-J. 15 do o  J.Al(UARY,  1902,]  MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS AND  BONDS.  1A3  MISCELLANEOUS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonds-Prmct• Date Size, or Am t pal, When Due. For explanation of column headings, &c., see notes on of Par Outst~g Rate per When Where payable, and by first page of tables. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  -American Sugar Refining-Common stock, $45,000,000. -•••.-  Pret.stock1 7p.c.cum.(notpf.astoass't),$45,000,000 American Tetegr_aph ~ Gable-Stock, 5 per cent rental.... American Telephone~ Tetegraph-Stoc!J $150,000,000 .. Collateraltrustmortgage,cur.OB (v.70,p.40l. .•. c• Am. Bell deben.OB. V. 67, p. 72, 1355; V. 70, p. 40.c• .Amer. Thread-Pref. stock, $6,000,000 5 p.c., cum.,g.or £ lst coll. trust M., $6';000,000. g. or£...... . . .... G.c~ American Tin Plate Oo.-Bee UNITED STATES STEEL CORP Amertcan Pobacco Oo.-Com. stock, $56,000,000 auth.... Pref. stock, 8 p.c. non•cum.; pref. as to assets and divs.. Dividend scrip (V. 70, n. I 096) div'ds after pref. div.. Am. Cigar, gold notes, $5,000,000, gu.p.&i., red. 102¼!.c American Type Founders-Stock . ..... .... .. . .. . .......... Pref. stock, 7 per cent, cumulative, $2,000,000.. . . .. . Deb., g., $1,000_&00, s. f., $20,000 yrl.v., beg. Sep., 'OOitie Amer. Waltham watch Oo.-Btock, $4,000,000. . ... .. . .. American Window Glass-Stock, common, $13,000.000.. Preferred stock, 7 per cent, cumulative, $4,000,000.... Ameri,can Woolen-Pref. stock, 7 p. c., cum., $25,000,000 A.mer. Writing Paper-Pref. stock, 7% cum.,$12,500,000 1st M., s.f.. g.,$17,000,000,call. aft. July,'09,105 . 0B . c* A11ociated Merchants-Common stock, $5,000,000. ...... 1st pref., 5 p. c. cum., $10,000,000, convert. at par .. text 2d pref., 6 p. c. cum., $5,000,000. . ..... ...... ... .... . Bay State Gas-Boston Un. Gas lstM. ,s.f.,callatl05,g.c* _ do do 2d M., gold ($4,000,000)............  •••. ....  i899  1898 ....  1899 OR.A.TI .... •.•• .... 1901 .. .. .... .. . . .. .. .... .... .... .... 1899 .... .. . . 1889 ....  $100 100 100 100 1,000 1,000 5 500 &c. ON. 50 100 ...... 1,000 100 .... .. .. .. . . 100 100 100 100 ...... 1,000 ...... .. .. .. ...... 500 &c. 1,000  A.NNuAL REPORT.-Report for 1900 in v. 72 p. 389: 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. Profits ...................... $292,525 $242,544 $115,862 $89,703 Per cent on stock . ........ 4·87 4·04 1·9 1·49 Bills payable Jan.1, 1901, $510,000. President, R. F. Newcomb. Old Colony Building, Chicago.-(V. 72, p. 582, 1281; V. 73, p. 34, 495.) American Sugar Ke:fl.nlng.-A N. J. corporation, successor tn J&n., 1891, of the Sugar Refineries Co.organized in 1887; plan, V. fil, p. 609. Capita.I stock, originally $50,000,000, was increased 1n Jan., 1892, to $75,000,000 (half pref.) to acquire the capital, stock of the four Philadelphia refineries and a controlling interest in the Baltimore refinery. Bpreckels's refinery in California has been held under lease to the "Western Buga.r Refuung Co.," of which the "trust'' owns one-half the stock. Beet-su~ar interest acquired in April, 1897, V. 64, p. 841; coffee plants. V. 63, p . 1157; V. 64. p. 40; V. 70, p. 688, 1051; V. 71, p. 914; V. 72, p. 1137.) Beet sugar refineries In U.S., V. 66, p. 132; V. 68, p. 280; V. 69, p. 1249. In Aug., 1899, the sugar war was renewed, and in April, 1900, the quarterly dividend on the common stock was reduced from 3 to l¼ p. c., but raised to 121.l p. c. in Oct.• 1900. In June, 1900, three of the independent reflnery concerns were consolidated as the National Sugar Refining Oo. (see v. 70, p. 1096; v. 71, p. a 1). See v. 70, p. 482, 634,998, 1051; V. 71, p. 136,237,699. Independent plantei, Aug., 1901.-V. 73,p.238. In 1901 estimated to have supplied about 58 per cent of the output of refined sugar in the U. s., as against 90 p. c. formerly.-V. 64, p. 328; v. 71, p. 31; v. 67, p. 632; v. 69, p. 1104; v. 74, p . 96. STOCK.-In 1901 each class of stock was being increased from $37,IS00,000 to $45,000,000 by call at par to shareholders of same class, subscriptions payable Oct 7 and Nov. 7, one-halt each-V. 73, p. 617. DIV.-P . .ct.1'91. 1892. 1893. 1894 to 1899. '00. '01. 1902. Common..... 4 10¼ 21¼ 12 yearly (3 Q.·J.) 7:\a 7 Jan.,1, Preferred... 7 p. c. yearly to date; nearly all Q.-J.-V. 71, p. 1168. REPORT.-No recent report. Annualmeetingin1901,~ee V.74,p. 96. BALANCE SHEETDec. 31, t900. Dec. 31, '99. Dec. 31, 98. ~eal estate and machinery. $36,891,221 $36,412,652 $37,2ij5,545 Cash and debts receivahle. 15,737,388 15,306,596 27,563,965 Investm'ts in other comp's. 35,054,171 30,423,680 31,058,142 Sugar, raw and refined..... 22,488,799 20,340,609 22,243,224 Tetal assets............. $110,171,579 ·$102,483,537 $118,150,877 Capital stock............... $73,936,000 $73,936,000 $73,936,000 Debts........................ 27,443,372 21,152,323 32,987,200 Reserves.................... 8,792,207 7.39/'i,214 11,227.677 Total llabllities ......... $110,171,579 $102,483,537 $118,150,877 DIRECTORS.-H. O. Havemeyer, Chas. H. Senff, Arthur Donner, Lowell M. Palmer, John Mayer, W. B. Thomas, John E. Parsons; Treasurer, Arthur Donner. N. Y. office, 117 Wall Bt.-(V. 73, p. 1358; V. i4, p. 96, 153.) American Telegraph & Oable.-Owns two cables between Nova Bootia and England. Leased until 1932 to Western Union-which see. American Telephone & Telegraph Oo.-ORGANIZATION.Formerly owned the long-distance lines of the American Bell Telephone Company; in 1900 took over its other assets, including the securities owned in local companies (see V. 69, p. 826,907, 1149), also eircular, V. 70, p. 585. See series of tf'lephone articles, V. 69, p. 674, 826, 1034. 1222; V. 70, p. 817. Capitalization of licensee companies, see Y. 73, p . 446, 555, 7ll4. On Dec. 20, 1901, 2,526,010 instruments were in use, against 1,952,816 on De<', 20, 1900. Decision adverse to Berliner pa.tent, V. 72, p. 439; V. 73, p 186. Pupin patents, V. 72, p. 677. In Dec., 1901. the company arran~ed to acquire control of the suoce1,sor to the Erie Tel. & Telep. Co. V. 73, p. 1267; V. 74, p. 42. BTOCK.-On June 3, 1901, the authorized stock was increased from $100,000,000 to $150,000,000. Of the new stock, $20,700,900 was eubPcribed for by stockholders at par, raising the outstanding amount to $114,946,500, one-halt paid Aug. 1, 1901, and the balance Jan. 15, 1902.-V. 72, p. 1137, 121:'2. Thts amountJncludes $32,110,200held in the treasury of the Amer. Bell Teleph. Co., whose stock is sub3tantially all owned. . DIVIDENDS.-On American Bell Telephone stock, previously 15 to 18 per cent yearly, were from Jan, 1895, to April, 1900, 15 p. c per annum. The A. T. &-T. Oo., as successor of the Bell, is paying at rate of 7¼ per ,,entper annum, viz.: 2~ p. c. paid July 16, 1900; Oct. 15,119 p. c.: Jan. 15, 214 p. c., etc. See V. 70, p. 1250. BONDS.-The collateral trust mortgage of 1899 provides for the im• mediate needs of the company and for future extensions as required, and I ecures equally the coll. trust bonds and the $10,000,000 Bell de• bentures. V. 70, p. 40; V. 72, p. 874. On deposit of additional collateral further bonds may be issued, but to an amount not exceeding 75 per cent of the estimated value of the collateral; and the issue at any time outstanding must not exceed the amount of the company's capital stock then paid up. V. 69, p. 1195, 1249; V. 70, p. 40. In 1900, sold $10,000,000 bonds, and in May, 1901, $5,000,000 additional.V. 70, p. 741; V. 71, p. 86, 344, 874. REPORT,- Report for 1900 in V. 72, p. 625, showed: Year ending Vee. 31. 1900. 1899. Total gross earnings ......................... $9,534,499 $7,687,381 Surplus over interest charges............... 5,486,058 4,270,509 PaJd dividends.. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . 4,078,601 3,882,940 Pres.,FrederickP. Fish.-(V. 73,p.1209, 1266; V. 74, p. 42, 97.1 American Thread Oo.-Incorporated in N. J. March 10, 1898. (V. 67, p. 1158.) Stock, $6,000,000 common ($3 50 per $5 share paid 1n, understood to be entirely owned by the English Sewing Cotton Co:-) ; $6,000,000 five per cent cum. pref. (gold or £); issued $4,• 890,475, par of shares, $5. Dividend on pref. July, 1899, !O Jan., 1902, inclusive, 5 p. c. per annum (2½! p. c. semi·an). Firsli div. on Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $44,246,100 44,068,300 14,000,000 Bee text. 15,000,000 10,000,000 4,890,475 6,000,000  7 in 1901 7inl901 5 7¼ 4 4 5 in 1901 4 g. or £  Q.-J. Beetext Q.-M. Q.-J. J. & J J. & J. J. & J. J. & J.  N. Y. Office, 117Wal1 Bt. Jan. 2, '02, llla do do Jan.2,'02,llla N. Y., West. Union Tel. Dec., '01, 114% Jan.15,'02, 2 14, NewYorkandBoston. July 1, 1929 Bost.. Nat. Bk. ol'. Com. July 1, 1908 Guar Trust Co., N. Y. Jan. 1, '02_, 21do do Jan. 1, .1919  54,500,000 14,000,000 3,014,490 5,000,000 4,000,000 See text. 950,000 4,000,000 13,000,000 4,000,000 20,000,0.00 12,500,000 17,000,000 5,000,00o 5,000,000 5,000,000 8,159,500 3,000,000  6 in 1901 8 in 1901 6 4 g. 4 in 1901 ...... 6 g. 10 in '01 See text. 7 in 1901 7 in 1901 ...... 5 g. ...... See text. See text. 5 g. 5 g.  Q.-F. Q.-F. M. & N. M.&S.15 Q -J. l.lUar. M. & N. M. & B. Text. M . & B. Q.-J,15 ..... J . & J. Q.-J. Q.-J. ~.-J . J. & J. J. & J.  N. Y., Farm. L. &Tr. Co. do do N.Y. Farm., L. & Tr. Co. New York. .. • . .... •• N. Y., Mere. Trust Co.  By company's check. Checks mailed. do do N, Y., Guaranty Tr. Co. .......... Boston, Old Col. Tr. Co. .......... Hud. Tr., Hoboken,N.J. do do N.Y.,Merc. Tr. &Lond. do do  Feb. I, '02, 119 Feb. 1, '02, 2% May 1, 1902' Mch.15, 1911 Jan.15,'02, 19', .. ...... May 1, 1926 Sep. l 6,'01, 6% Jan.15,'02, 1~ Sept. 3,'01, 319 Jan.15,'02, 12\ . ..... .. July 1, 1919 • ..... .. Jan. 15, '02,l¼. Jan.15, '02,11Jan. 1, 1939 Jan. 1, 1939  common, 30 cts. per share (or 10 per cent on amount paid in) paid out of earnings of 1899-0; in 1900-01, 35 cts. (10 p . c.) Bonds, see application to li~t in full, V. 70, p. 179. Underlying bonds, £519,937. KerrThread 5s, due July 1, 1902, at 105 p. c. In Au,z., 1901, purchase(} control of Wool Exchange Co., owning building 260 West Broadway. subject to a first mortga~e of $500,000.-V. 73, p. 289, 393,446. REPORT. - Report for year ending Mar. 31, 1901. with balance sheet,.. tn V. 72, p. 1079, showed: Total profit , $1,~rn2,299; balance from last year, $160,?61; total deductions, including $300,000 depreciation, $559,112; divs. (10 p. c. on com. and 5 p. c. on pret.), $664,524; balance forward, $168,914. Pres., Lyman R . Hopkins; Pee. and Treas.,.. Theo.M.Ives, 260 W. Broadway, NtiwYork.-(V. 73,p. 289, 393,446.) AIDerican Tin Plate.-Bee UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION. AIDerlcan Tobacco Oompany.-Organized in 1890 under law& of New Jf'lrsey to manufacture and sell tobacco.-Bee V. 64, p. 515. In Dec., 1898, sold its plug tobacco interests to the new Contmental Tobacco Co., receiving therefor $30,274,200 pref. and com. stock of the latter. V. 68, p. 820. See below. (V. 68, p. 128, 1138.1 In Feb.,1899, acquired Union TobaccoC'o.-V. 69, p. 128; V.70, p. 533,896. InJau., 1902, the common stock had been mostly exchanged for 200 per cent in collateral trust 4 per centR of the Consoltdated Tobacco C'o., which see V. 72, p. 1137. In Nov., 1901, the D. H. McAlpin & Co. propertie& were purchased. V. 73, p. 1113. Together with the Continental Tobacco Co. controls the American. Snuff Co.-see statement below-of whose capital stock, they own $10,000,000, together with $7,000,000 of the $10,000,000 stock of the American Cigar Co.-V. 72, p. 531. The American Cigar Co. 4 p. o. gold notes are guaranteed jomtly and severally by the American anti Continental Tobacco companies.-See V. 73, p. 1113; V. 72, p. 1037. BTOCK.-See pref. certi.flcate in editorial of May, 1893, Snr. In 1899 authorized $35,000,000 new common stock, making total $56,090,000, of which $21,000,000 wa,s paid May 11, 1899, as a 100-per-cent stock dividend, $12,500,000 was is1med to acQuire Union Tobacco Co. and $1,500,000 balance is issuable for other purposes. V. 68. p. 426,471, 617, 669,925; V. 69, p. 25. Preferred authorized, $14,000,000. DIVID'S.- '93 to '95. 1896. '97. '98. '99. '00. '01. 1902. Common.... 12% yrly. 6 & 20% scrip. 9 8 *7 6 6 Feb.,119 Prefened .. 8% yearly (2% quar.) to Feb., '02, inclusive. lV, 69, p. 21) . ► "Also 100 p. c. in common stock paid on common May 11, 1899. LATEST EARNINGS.-For 3 mos. ending Mar. 31, 1901, net earning& were $1,314,661, against $1,542,849 in 1900. ANNUAL REPORT for year ending Dec. 31, 1900, was in V. 72, p. 531: 12Mos. NetEarns. Div.onPref. · Div. on Oom. Int.on scrip. Surplm. 1900 .. $6,303,498 $1,120,000 (6%) $3,270,000 $180,834 $1,732,664 1899 .. 5,202,384 1,120,000 (6½) 2,872,500 192,143 1,017,741 OFFICERS.-Pres., James B. Duke; Bee., C. N. Strotz: Treas .. H. D. Lee. N. Y. office, 111 Fifth Avenue.-(V. 73, p. 446,617, 1113, 1358, ► American Type F'oundersCo.-Incor'd ln1892under laws of N J. V. 55, p. 625 and adv. In 1896 decreased the $5,000,000 common and $4,000,000 pref. stock to $4,000,000 (par $100) common stock. -V. 62, p. 682. On ,Tan. 10, 1902, authorized $2,000,000 seven per cent cum. pref. stock, of which present issue $1,000,000 to be subscr ,bed for by stockholders at equivalent of '$ 76 per share to pay th& floating debt. (See V. 73, p. 955). V. 73, p. 1358. Bills payable Au11. 31, 1901, $871,4.71. Dividends on stock: Oct., 1898, 1 p. c., first since readjustment;.,, Jan., 1899, to Jan, 1902, incl., 4 p. c. per an. (paid Q·J). ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for year ending Aug. 31, 1901, was in V. 73, p. 955, showing gross profits after deducting expenses, $419 • 038; interest 'cbarges, $95,568; net, $323,470; divs. (4 p. o.) $160,000. President. R. W. Nelson, 27 William Bt.-(V. 72, p. 534; V. 'i 3, p. 95 5,.. 1315, 1358; v. 74, p. 97.) American Waltham Watch.-Incorporated in Massachusetts in 1854; manufactures "Waltham" watches; factory situated at Wal• tham, Mass. Daily output of watch movements, 2,200. DIVIDENDS.-! 1879-95. 1896. 1897. 1898, 1899. lPOO. 1901, Per cent. 5 8 yearly. 6 6 6 25:¾s 10 10 In 1899 paid extra cash dividend of 1613 p . c., the stock being increased from $3,000,000 to $4.000,000 by sale to stockholders at par. In 1900 and 1901 Mar., 4 p. c.; Sept., 6 p. c., including 2 extra. Balance sheet Mar. 28, 1901, V. 72, p. 996. (V. 72, p . 986; V. 73, p. 446.), American Window GlaH.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated in Pennsylvania on Aug. 2, 1899, to consolidate window-glass plants, excluding plate glass Said to have 70 per cent of the capacity in the U.S. (V. 69, p. 335. 744, 1013.) Dividend on pref. 7 p. c. yearly Mar., 1900, to Sept., 1901, inc]. (3¼ M.-8 ) Div. on common, 119 p. c., Oct., 1901; 1902, Jan., 11.g p. c. REPORT.-Report for the year end.inf. Sept. l, 1901, in V. 73, p. 956, showed: Net, $1 '12,160; div. on pre • (7 p c.), $280,000; bal., sur., $1,132,160. OFFICERS.-James A. Chambers, President; E. I. Phillips, Secretary; W. G. McCandless, Treas. Office, Pittsburg, Pa.-(V. 73, p . 844, 955. ► American Woolen Oo.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated Mar. 29, 1899, under laws of New Jersey as a consolidation of the Washington Mills, Lawrence, Mass.; National Providence Mills, Providence, IR r.. etc., see V. 68, p. 472; see also p. 617; V. 69, p. 77; V 73, p . 446; V. 73, p. 446; V. 71, p. 54..5. Statement to Stock Exchange, V. 71, p. 1316. STOCK.-Authorized by charter, common, $40,000,000; preferred 7 per cent cum., $25,000,000. Authorized by stockholders to aoquir& and finance properties above named and additional plants, $20,000,· 000 prefeued and $30,000,000 common. Outstanrtin~ preferred, as 1n table; common, $29,bOl,lOO. Dividends on ,,referred, July. 1899, to, Jan:.,, 1902, both inclusive, 7 p. c. per ann~ (Q.•J. _15). Only liens are. $40.'.>,000 bonds of.National-Providence and Uhase M1lls.-V. 71, p.1316..  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  Ul4 MISCELLANEOUS.  LVOL. LXXIV.  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bfn'l.ds-Prtno1 Date Size,or Amount ------,------,-----------1pal,WhenDue. Par Outstanding Rate Per When Where Payable, and by Stocks-Last Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividex:d•  For explanation of oolumn headings, &c., see notice on Boonfds first page of tables.  .BethleMm Btut-Stock, $15,000,000 ($t per sh. paid in) •. Purch. mon. M. for Beth. Iron,$7,500,000, g . GP.c*&r.  Beth. Iron.1st M .• assum ....... . ................ .•. F'P.c* .Brooklyn Ferry-Stock, $7,500,000 ....................... . Brooklyn & New York Ferry 1st mortgage .......... .. Consol. mortgage, $7,500,00◄0. K .... .................. c* Brookl,yn Union 6as-Stock, $15,000,000 ................ . 1st con., $15,000,000, g. (for underlying bonds see text) Buffalo Gas-Stock, common.... .. .. . .. . .......... . ... . Preferred stock, 6 per cent, non-cumulati-ve. .......... . 1st mortgage, $5,900.000, red. at 115 N .gold ........ c* Oambria Iron-Stock (4 p. c. guaranteed) ............ .... . Bonds, g., red. July 1, '02, p.& 1. p:u. V. 64, p. 753, 951.c* Oambria Stul-Stock, $50,000,000 . . .. . .. .. . .. ... . ... -(}arnegie Oo.-See UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION -Oellulold Oo.-t:!tock, $6,000,000 authorized .. . ... . ...... . ·Central Foundry-Sto•k, $7,000,000 is 7% cum. pref . .. . Debentures, $4,000,000, subj. to call after 1901 at 105. Central~ South American Telegraph-Stock $8,000,000..  ioin  1886 1898  i895 1897  i897 . --·  $50 $15,000.000 Bee text. 1,000 7l00,000 6 g. 1,000 1,351,000 5 6.500,000 1,000 000 6 1,000 6,500,000 5 g. 100 15,000,000 8 in 1901 1,000 14,493,000 5 g. 100 7,000,000 100 1,630,000 ...... 1,000 5,805,000 5 g. 50 8,468.000 4 ln 1901 1,000 206,100 6 g. 60 45,000,000J ......  5,925,000 14,000,000 4 ,000,000 100 7,725,600 .... tJh,icago Junction Railways ti Union Block Yards-Stock . . .... 6,500,000 100 100 . 6,500,000 Preferred, 6 per cent cumulative, pref. also as to assets . Collateral trust, gold, $ or £ ...................... Ce.o• i890 1,000 10,000,000 Moi:t. and coll. trnst ref. gold bonds, $14,000,000.S.o*&r 1900 l,OOO&c 4,000,000 100 Olaftin (H.B.) Oompany-Common stock ................. . .... 3,829,100 1st pref. 5 per cent, gold, cum ..•. 5pref. as to princi- c. .... 100 2,600,300 100 2d pref, 6 per cent, cumulative.... c. pal and dividends. 5 2,570,600 100 23,000,000 <Jotorado Fuel ti Iron-Common 1c1tock. :fl38,000,000. . .. H99  ---·  100 100  ..... .  Q.-M. Phila., Girard Trust Co. Ag.13,'0l, 250. Q.-F. Aug. 1, 1998 I'. & A. Phila. Fidelity Trust. Feb., 1907  J F. Q M.  & J. Jan. 1, 1911 & A. N. Y., H.B. Hollins & Co. Aug. 1, 1948 -M. By check from Co.'s off. Dec. 2, '01, 2% & N. N. Y., Chase Nat. Bank. May 1, 1945 ...... .. ..... . ..... .. A. & 0. N.Y.,ContinentalTr Co. Oct. 1, 1947 A. & 0. Philadelphia. Oct. 1, '01, 2% J. & J. do July 1, 1917 Q -F. ....... ... Feb U'02,75o.  7in 1901 Q.-J. .. • . • • .. . . . 6 M. & N. 6 g. Q.-J. 8 in 1901 Q.-J. 6 in 1901 Q.-J. 5 g. J. & J. 4 g. A. & 0. 8 in 1901 5in 1901 .-F. 6 in 1901 .-F. See text. Q-J.  l.-J.  N. Y. Of., 30 Wash. Pl. Dec.31,'01,219 .. ...... NY.Bar'g,Magoun&Co. Ma.y 1, 1919 N. Y., Offlce,317 Wall St. Jan. 8, '02, 119 N.Y.,Offloe,25 BroadSt. Jan.~. '02, 2% do do Jan. 2, '02 11, N.Y., Cent. Tr.; London. July 1, 19lfN. Y., Standard Tr. Co. Apr. 1, 1940 N.Y.,Offioe-Church St Jan.15.'02, 2% do do Feb,, '02, 114 do do Feb., '02, 1~ ..... . .... Jan.1-', '02,ll\  EA.RNINGS.-Report of Jan. 1, full in V. 72..1 p. 3 'l 6, 388, 11n V. 67, p. 688, leasin11; the Cambria. Iron Co. for 999 years at 4 p. o ..394, showed: Net profits, Jan. 27 to VPC. 31, 1900, $~,839.051: pre- on its $8,468,000 stock. (V. 68, D, 128.) vious surplus and adjustment of aoots., $1,192,511; dividends at 7 per I In Jone, 1901, a oontrolUng interest was acquired by the Pennsyl• -cent per annum, $1,400,000; plant values charged off, etc., $525.912; I vania. RR. and affiliated roads. V. 72, p. 1282. Under t,he plan of re• net eurplus, $2,105,650. President, Frederick Ayer; Treas .. W. M. adjustment \V. 72, p. 1190), the stock was increased from $16,000.Wood. Office, Ames Building, Boston, Mass.- (V. 73, p. 34, 186, 446.) 000 ($13 50 per $50 share paid in) to $50 000.000, of which $5,000,000 American Wri-tlng Pa.per Co,-ORGANIZ ATION.-Incorporated remains in tbe treasury. Of the proceed':'! of the stock soi,,, $1~,680,000 in New Jersey on June 25, 1899, as a consolidation of fine writing was used to pay off the $3,500,000 existing dt"bt incurre!1 for 1mprove,paper mills, producing, it was stated, over 84 per cent of the output of men ts for 'lddltiona.l new construrtion and working oap1ta.l.-(V. 73, p. New England Sta.tea and over 76 per cent of that of the U.S. V. 69, 84. 393.) . i>• 25,128. See prospectus, V. 69, p. 128,227. Common stock, $12, D1VIDENDS.-F1rst div. on stock,. as reor~anized, 119 p. c., payable 500,000; issued, $11,500,000; pref. stock and bonds a s in table. See Fe tl. 15, 1902, understood to be sem1•an~ual. V. 74, p. 153 V. 70. p. 998. Report for 17 mol'I. ending Jan. 1, 1901, with balance Report for year endlng Oct 31, 1900, m V. 72. p. 1:;5, show~~ gross .sheet, in V. 72, p. 578, showing: Net income, $1,551,737; int. on profits, $3,943,258; net ove7 depreciation, etc .• $3,092,387; d1v1dends, bonds, construction, depreciation, etc., $1,490,057; bal., sur.,$61,680. 1112,560,000; bal., sur., $532 387; total surplUs Oct. 31, 1900, $1,735,· OFFICERS.-President, Elisha Morgan; Gen. Mgr., W . N. Caldwtill; 517. Directors, Aug., 1901, v . 73, p. 339, 844; V. 74, p. 153. "Treas'r, George B. Holbrook; Secretary, E . H. Hall, Springfield, Mas@. Carnegie Co.-See UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION. -(V. 72, p. 578.) CeJlulold Company.-ORGANIZATJON.-Incorporated Nov. 28, Anaeonda Copper 1'.llnlng.-(V. 7S, p. 664.) 1890, in N. J. Stock, $6,000,000; issued $5,925,000; par, $100. Asphalt Co. ofAm.-SeeNat.Asph. Co.and v. 74, p. 42 ~IVIDENDS.-c. 1892. '93. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. 1900. 1901. 4 4¼ 4 4¼ 6 5 12 4 7 6 Al!iSOClated ,llerchanhl' Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorpor11.ted in er cent ..... 5 7 .Apr., 1901, in Connecticut, under special charter, and acquired the On De~. 31, 1900, and 1901, each 119 p. o. and 1 p. c. extra was following interests in dry goods businesses in the city of New York, Fa~tor1es at New3:rk,N. J.: office, 30 to 36 Washington Place, N. Y. viz.: $4,500,100 of the $9,<.00,000 stock of the H.B. Claflin co.; 12,- President M. C. Lefl'erts; Vice•Preaident, J. A. Bartow; Treasurer, F. 000 or the t8,000 shares o~ preferred and 6 o JO of the 18,000 shares R. Lefferts; Secretary, J. R. Halsey.- (V. 69, p. 1195; V. 71, p, 1168,) of common stock of the Adams Dry Goods Co. and the bnsiness of Central F'oundry.-Incorporated In New Jersey on July 11 • .James McCreery & Co. of 23d St. In Dec , 1901, purchased the bust- 1899, and acquired manuractories of soil pipe, said to control 95 per .nese of Posner Broe of Baltimore. V. 73, p . 1358. J. P. Morgan & cent of the trade in the United States. V. 69, p. 178. V. 71, p. 1222, Co. offered stook.-:-V. 72, p. 724. The 1st pref. is exchangeable at President, Johh R. Reid; Secretary, G. Schumacher; Treasurer, W .. .Par at the hC\lder's option into either common 'lr 2d pref. stock. L. Rogers. Office, 116 Nassau St, New York.- (V. 71, p. 1222.) DIVIDENDS-On preferred stocks, in full to Jan., 1902 (Q -J.) Central & South American TeJegraph.-Owns cable line from President JohnClaflin.-(V. 72 p. 724 777· v. 73 p. 1266 1358.) Vera Cruz, Mexico, to Valparaiso, C.lllh, 4.,750 miles, and land lines ' ' ' ' ' ' 850 miles, etc. Also the Trans-A.ndini, te1egraph lines, 1,200 miles. Bay State Gas Co.-Stock, $100,000,000; par, $50. Seep. 169. VOnneots at Vera Cruz with Mexican Telegraph Co., and owns an inter• Barney & Smith Oar Co.-See page 169. est in cable between Galveston and Coatza.ooaloos, 825 miles, etc. Bethlehelll Steel Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated in Pennsyl• DIVIDENDS, c. 1885. '86. '87. '88-'96. '97. 1898 to Jan, 1902 . Per cent. ~ 4 4 6 7 y'rly 6~ 6 yt>arly (Q.-J.) va.nia. April 17, 1899 (V. 68, p. 770). In Sept., 1901, most of the Steel -CO. stock was purchased at $24 per share ($1 paid 1D), by President In 1890 20 p. o. in stock. For 9 mos. ending Sept. 30, 1901, gross, Chas M. Schwab of ~he U. S. Steel Oorpora.tion. ·The Bethlehem Iron $710,763; net, $416,537; div. (412 p. o.), $347,652; bal., aur., $68,885. Co. properties (prev1onsly leased) were purchased in Au!!:., 1901 See Year 1900, gross, $927 888; net, $475,691: dividends, $463,536. --circulars, V. 72, p. 1282; V.72, p. 1240; V. 73, p 339, 446,72'.',, Offloe,37 WallSt.-(V. 65' p. 666· v. 71., p. 1312.) Stock, $15,000,000, in $50 shares, on which $1 has been paid. Divi' ' dends, 50 cents per share, paid quarterly, Sept., 1899, to June, Central Union Teleph_one (Ohfc~go)!-Thisoompany controls 1901. incl.; Aug., 1901 (see plan, v. 72, p. 128 2), 2 5 cents. For the Bell Telephone business m India.n8!, m Ohio wit!t the exception of year ending 30, 1901, net $1,082,492; Iron Comp'iliny rental, Cleveland 8!nd Cincin!1ati, and in Illinois exceptmp: Cook and four $450,000; Steel Co. dividends, $600,000; other payments, includmg other counties. A _maJortty of the stock is held by Amer. Bell Tele• $183,538 charged off, $251,088; bal., def., $218,596; previous sur., $ 3 ,. phone Co. ~ubscribers Nov. 1, l 901, 91,485. In Oct., 1901, the out463,726; total aur., $3,245,130. v. 72, p. 1Z40. President, E M Mo - ~tanding f-took was reduced one half, to $3,481,500, and the author• nva1ne; Seo. H. s. Snyder; directors and officers, v. 'i3, p. 4 46 _-(V. 72 , 1zed amoant increased to $10,000,000; $3,481,500 of the new stock ,p. 1282; v. 73, p. 80,339,393, \l46, 721,786, l013.) being offerf d to stockholders at par, 1he proceeds to be usPd for im• provf'ments. V. 73, p. 901. See circular, V. 72, p. 1190; V. 73 . p. 618. Boston El. Lt.-(V. 72, p. 629, 677, 1190, 1282; V. 73, p. 443 ) Of the $6,000,000 10-20-yea.r gold consol. 5s due Jan. 1, 1919, $2,· Brooklyn Ferry ,-ORGANIZATION.-Owns ferries from Roosevelt 500,000 are reserved to retire lat 6s subject to call at 105 after St., Grand St., 23d St. and 42dSt.. New York, to Broadway, Brooklyn, July 1, 1906. -V. 73, p. 446; V. 68, p. 379, 472, 570; V. 71, p. 86. See and trom Grand St., New York, to Grand St., Brooklyn; also leases also advertisement in CHRONICLE of Mar. 25, 1899. In 1901, "'Tenth & Twenty-third St. Ferry for 99 years from Dec., 1898, at 5 p. o. gro!ls ea-r nings were $220,435. against $192,889 in Jan., 1901. Report -on $550,000 bo Lds anil 5 per cent on $1,000,000 gtock. V. 67, p. 1206. for 1900 in V. 72, p . 479, showed, gross earns •. $2,307,742; net, $,H7,· The new ferry from East 42d St. to Broadway, Brooklyn, was opened 613. Pres., John I. Sa.bln.-(V. 73, p. 619, 7!;6, 901, 1209; V. 74, p.153.) ~ec. 2, 1901. V. 73, p. 1162. Statement to N. Y. Stock Exchange Che 8 apeake & Del. Canal.-Bee page 169. ,V. 69, p.1102). Surplus over cbargesin 1900,$97,981. Balance sheet Ch k •. Ohl c al SUP l890· v 72 875 Dec. 31, 1900, v. 72, p. 773. elilapea e o an . , . , p. • SECURITIES.-Mortgage covers real estate in Brooklyn and N. Y. Chicago Edlson.-V. 72, p. 986,990, 1190, 1240. :and 16 steel boa.ts.-(V. 71,p.1069; V.72,p. '7'73;V. 73,p. 1162.) Chicago .Junction Hallways & Union Stock Yards.-OB· Brooklyn Union Gas,-Incorporated in New York State Sept. 9 GANIZATION.-lncorporated in 1890 in Ne-w Jersey, and l!urcbased 98 1895. See plan v. 61 p. 831 and v 62 p 1141 ' per cent of the stock of Union Stock Yarde & Tra!lsit Cd". of Chioa~o. Oontr«ct.-Under ft;e-J"ear 'contra~t .;1th .oiiy' in 1897, city receives ~::t'!t1'i3~tro~a~!T:o~~2s ac~::d~f i!:~d (~!h ~e ~!n?~o1:t:r gas at $1 per 1,000 cubic feet for first year,and reduction of 219 cents oattle, 30'8.000 hogs etc~ See Chicago )unction Ry. in "Railroads}• pe~ 1,000 each year, paying 90 cents the last year. Private consumers ' ' ' i>egan at $1 20, with reduction of 5 cents yearly, t<' $1.-V. 64, p. 887. DIVIDENDS.-?n pref., 6 p. c. yearly (Q.-J.l. On common 1891, 10; DIVIDENDS.-1896 to June, 1900, 6 p. o. yearly, paid semi-an. (J-D); 1892 to Jan, L 02, incl., 8 p. c- yearly <Q-J).-V. 70, p. 328. 'Dec 1900 4 p c . 1901 June 4 p O • Sept 2 p O • Dec 2 P O BoNDs.-The collateral trust bonds are secured by pledge of over ·• ' · ·• ' ' · ·• ·• · ·• ·• · · 90 p. o. of the stock of Union Stock Yard Transit Co Of the $14,000,BoNDs.-Mortgage of 1895 is for $15,000,000 of bonds, subJect to: ooo 4 per cent bonds, $! o 000 000 are reserved to take up the col• B01tds. .Interest. Outstanding. Maturity. lateral trust 5s. See V. 70, p. i251; V. 72, p. 389. Cittzene' Ga.s,con.(now 1st M.).5?6 F. &A. $30 7 ,000 Feb. 1, 1940 REPORT.-Live stock receipts for cal. year 1901, V. 74, p. 154, Be" Union Gas L. con.(now ~st M.).5% J. & J. 200,000 Jan. 1, 1920 port in v. 72, p. 389. showtd: Pres., James Jourdan, Treas., E. R. Chapman.-(V. 73, p. 1063.) Year ending Dec. 311900. 1899. 1898. Brooklyn WharC & Warehouse.-See New York Dock Co. Dividends of U.S. Y. Co., &o....... $1,854,311 $1,768,485 $1,699,382 Buffalo Gas.-Organlzed in Oct., 1899, and consolidated the Balance previous year............. 84,049 28,382 43,379 Buffalo City Gas Co. and Buffalo Gas Light co. owns entire ftook and General expenses, rents, &o........ 73,845 66,768 64,756 ·bonds of the Mutual Gas Light co .. and about 27.000 of 30,000 shares Interest on bonds................... 627,603 646,050 649,625 of stock and $1,980,000 of $2,100,000 bonds of People's Gas Lip:ht & Dividends........................... 910,000 910,000 910,000 ·Coke Co. (see V. 67, p.1262). Bills payable Oct 1, 1901. $60,000. Depreciation........................ 90,000 90,000 90,000 October 1 to Nov. 30, 1901, 2 months, net, $66,019. Report tor year Balanoe,surplus.................... $236,912 $84.049 $28,381 .,ending Sept. 30, 1901, in V. 73, p 1158, showed net, $303,939;int. on Un Stock Yds.dTr.Oo.- 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. bonds, $290,250; bal., SU[J?lus, $13_,689 . .A.. C. Humphreys, 31 Nas- Gross earnings..... $4,154,481 $3,977,139 $3,731,542 $3,321,423 ..sau St., Pres.-V. 71, P, ~65, 1066, V. 73, P, 1158. Net earnings........ ..2,085,005 *2,042,743 * 2,023,386 1,932,231 Calumet & Hecla :'Ilnl~.-Stook, $2,500,000; par $25. Divi*Includes Chio. Juno. Ry. in 1898, 1899 and first 3 months of 1900. dends 1895-96, HlO p. o., 1896-97, 120 p . o.; in 1897-~8, 160 p. c.: in 1898-9, 280 p. c.; 1899-00, 320 p. c.; H-00-1, 260 p. o.; Deo .• 1900, 80 p. DIRECTORS.-Chauncey M. Depew (Chairman), E N. Foss, Boston; -0.;1901,Anr.,6op.o.; ,Tuly.60p.o.;Oct.,60; 1902,Jan.,40 (V.74,p. National Thayer, Boston; John Kean ,Jr., _N. J.; F. H. Prince, 42). As to dividend policy in 1901, v. 73, p. 393. In 900-01 produced Boston; Albert H. Veeder and P . .A.. Valentme1 of Chioa1to: Wm. D • . ...36,327 tons of refined copper, against 49,312 in 1899 a nd 44,450 in Guthrie and William C. Lane, of New York; George Peabody Gardner. 1898-99. Report for year ending April 30, 1901, in v. 73, p. 235.- (V. Boston. N. Y. office. 40 Wall.-(V. 73, p. 140; V. 74, p. 154.) '73, p. 235,393; V. 74, p. 42.) f'blca20 Pneumatic •.rool,-See page 169. Cambria Steel Co.-lnoorporated In Penn. in Nov., 1898, per plan Cb lea go Telephone Co,-(V. 73, p. 447, 1266.) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  riiJo  JANUARY, i90]  MI8CELLANEOUS STOCKS AND .BONDS.  J  /  0  TA  V F RE M  •  I  SHOWING LOCATION OF PROPERTIES,  The respective properties are indicated by a STAR and NUMBER, the latter corresponding to the number in this index. O. General Offices. 1. Iron lands. 2. Steam coal lands.  8. Laramie Steel Works.  V  0  4.. Dry domestic coal lands.  5. Elk Rea.d Mountains. Anthracite lands. 6. Domestic coal lands. 7. Semi-caking steam and domestic coal lands. 8. Semi-caking steam and domestic coal lands. 9. Dry domestic and steam coal lands. 10. Coke Ovens. 11. Semi-caking domestic coal lands. 12. Semi-caking steam and domestic coal land& 13. Coking coal mines, U. Coke Ovens. 15. Coking coal mines. 16. Anthracite mines. 17. Anthracite mines, 18. Coking coal mines. Coke Oven& 19. Clay properties. 20. Iron lands. 21. Iron lands. 22. Iron lands. 23. Iron lands. 24. Lignite lands. 25. Iron lande. 20. Iron lands. Z7. Domestic coal lands. 28. Steel Works. 29. Limestone Quarries. SO. Domestic coal mine. " " 31.  N  N  I..  I  A  L  E  1.~~-  w  a:  I  u. B6. 86.  . .)a  37. Domestic and steam coal mine " .. .. " .. 38.  se. 4.0. 4.1. Iron lands.  4.2. Coke Ovens. 43. Domestic and steam coal land& u. Anthracite mines. 4.5. Lignite coal mines. 4.6. Iron mines. 1.7, Iron lands.  LOCATION OF THE  COAL & IRON PROPERTIES .  THE COLORADO FUEL & IRON Co. IN  COLORADO, WYOMING UTAH AND NEW MEXICO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  :,  E S  32. 8S.  OF  I , ••  ■-~~-"'  INDEX TO MAP  ■ ·I  E  I-  y  ---  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  IG6  VOL.  LXXIV.  CNTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bu ,tAJ.1,1 - r- 1 wul• MIBCE LLANEOUS. Date Size, or pal When Dae. l'or explanation of column headings, &o., see notes on of Par 0 ~~!tln_ Rate per When Where Payable, and by Stocks-Last first page of tables. Bonds Value. g Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  -Col.Fuel cf Iron (Oontl.)-Pref.atk,8 p. o. cum.,$2,000,000  i9<>1  Convert. deben., $15,000,000, red. at 105, text..... . .•. Col. Coal & Iron let M., g., ext.. . ........ . . ... . . o* Colorado Fuel Co's gen. mort., gold, s. f. red. at 110 .. o• CoLFuel & Ir. gen. M. ($6,000,000) g.,s.fd., red.105.o*&r Gr. River Coal & Coke 1st M .. g. ($125,000 are guar.)o* Col. Coal & Iron Devel., 1st M., g., gu., red. a.t 105.o*&r Rocky Mtn. Coal & Iron, 1st M, g., gu ......•...••.••.••• Hoc_k. Goal cfiron-lstM.g.(old6sint.reduoed)C.o• Oommercia~Oable-Stook ($15,000,000) ..........•......•. First M. (mol. deben. £ stoc·k), $20,000,000, gold ... o&r -Oommercial UnioKTelegr.-Stk.,gu.,6p.o.,Post.Tel.Cab. Oempressed, $755,000 is 6% non-oum. pref... let mortgage, $500,000, gold.ltto. V. 70, p. 844. ...•.. Oonsol. Gas of Baltimore Oity-Stook.......... •• . • • . . . . . . . let mortgage bonds ................... . ................. . 0 Consol. let M., gold, $7,000,000. lffeBa ............. o" Oonsolidated Gas (N. Y.)- Stock-$80,000,000............ Debentures .............. ................ . .............. r BONDS OF COMPANIES CONTROLLED. N.Y.Ed.-N.Y.G.&E.L.H &P.lstM.$15000000,g,lttoo*&r Pur.mon.M.,$21,000,000,g., call to Fefi'02Ce.o* Edison Eleo. lll., N. Y., let mort.. gold, red. at 110 .. o~ First consol. mortgage, $15,000,000, gold .......... o* Mt. Morris Eleo. Lt., let M., g., red. at 105 Oot. 1, 1900 United Eleo. Lt. & Power, let mort., $5,370,000. lJn... Brush Eleotrio Illuminatin~, let mortgage. .... ...... .  1880 1889 1893 1889 1889 1901 1887 . . .. 18 97 ..•.  iSOO isso 1888  iS88 18~8 1899 1890 1895 1890 1894 . .. .  $100  $2,000 000 10,000.000 2,488,000 1,000 880,000 1,000 3,369,000 1,000 934,000 1,000 673,000 ...... 750,000 1,000 876,000 100 13,333,300 $ &£ 20,000,000 25 500,000 100 7,110,100 1,000 155,000 100 10,770,968 500 &o. 3,584,500 1,000 3,253,000 100 72,886,200 1,000 1,469,000  i:ooo  Claflin (H.B.) Company.-Inoorporated under the laws o.r New Jersey in May, 1890, and deals in dry ,oods. Its premises have a trontage of 375 feet on Worth Street, N. Y. City.-V. 71, p. 83. Asso• -elated Merchants' Co. ownR $4,500,100 of the $9,000,000 stock. See that company above. V. 72, p. 724. DIVIDENDS.-1890-1892. '93. •94 to Apr.,'99. J'y.&0.,'99. •oo. '01 '02. Common p o 8 yearly 712 6 (112 Q.-J.) 2 each 8 8 Jan.2 Preferred stocks -In full to Feb 1902 .  ..  ·  <Y·  REPORT.-Report for half-year_endin~ Dec 31, 1901 ';"4, p. 154). Net for dividends, $347,4~6? agamst $30?,045 in 1900; mterest on let -and 2d pref., $142,125; dividend on common (4 p. o.), $153,164; baianoe, sur., $52,167. Reserve for com. stk. Dec. 31, 1901, $1,193,072. Profits for calendar years before deducting any dividends: In 1901, -4>.a50 554· 1900 $914 354· in 1899 $1 247 851-(V 74 p 154) 'PV  '  '  '  '  '  '  '  '  •  •  '  •  •  Colorado Fuel & Iron.-(See Map) -A Colorado corporation formed in Oot,, 1892, by consolidation (V. 55, p. 373, 639,] of Colorado Fuel and Colorado Coal & Iron compamei>. eee V. 62, p. 4.61. In Apr., 1901, John W. Gates and others formerly identified with the Amer. Steel & Wire co (now u. s. steelf'orporation) purchased a large block ..of the stook.-V. 72, p. 724. In 1901 the annual capacity of :finished Steel P roducts was shortly to be 550 000 tone v 73 p 5..:1 • .- • ' • v • 8TOCK.-Preferred is $2,000,000 8 per cent cumulative (par $100). On Sept. 25, 1899, the stockholders voted to increase the common stock from $11,000,000 to $23,000,000, for important additions and improvements, all being iesuet from time to time as required, and on .July 13, 1901, to further increase the same to $38,000,000 to provide for conversion of the debentures. See below.-V. 69, P 494,540, 697; see also circular in full, p. 652, 653, 794, and circulars v. 72, p. 1284. BoNDs.-See application for listing bonds v. 62, p. 461. The $10,000,000 debentures are convertible at the option of •the holder into common stock at par from Feb. 1, 1902, to Aug. 1, 1906, inclusive, and redeemable at the option of the company at 105 .after Aug. 1, 1906. The proceeds will be used for the construction of auxiliary plants to manufacture tin plates, hoops, rods, wire, nails, -etc., the rematnin~ $5,000,000 being reeerved for aaditional property. -V. 72, p. 990 and circular V. 73, p. 561. DIVIDENDS.1893. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98 '99. 1900. 1901. Oommon......... 114 % 0 0 O O O O O Below Preferred ........ 8 (4 so.) 4 so. 0 8 4 O O '-Bee below.-' During 1900 40 p. o, was paid on oreferred, completing payment of -overdue dividends V. 71, p. 544, fiOl, 1069. In Feb., 1901, 4 p. o.; .Aug. 4 p. o.; 1902, Feb. 20, 4 p. o. On common, quar, erly dividend of p. c_. paid July 15, 1901; Oct. 15, llli p. o.; 1902, Jan., llli p. o. LATEST EARNINGS.-Report for 1900-01 at length in V. 73, p. 552, -~59. ____  1.,  ,..... ---Gross------..  Net-----.  - Tear tnd'g June 30. 1901. 1900. 1901. 1900. .Fuel department ..... $5,l'i89,353 $5,105,302 $969,233 $1,137,696 Iron department ..... 6,266,877 4,928,652 1,333,088 1,387,845 Retall dept., etc...... 390,316 316,076 39,733 26,045 ------- - Total ............ $12,246,546 $10,350,030 $2,342,059 ii2,551,l'i86 inc. aoot. aft. deduot'g gen. expenses $2.14.2,671 $2,349,682 Interest, $329,926; taxes, exchange, etc., $~3,8fl6; sinking fund, :$426,938; div. on pref. (32 p. o.), $640,000; balance, $651,921. OFFICERS.-J. c. Osgooa, Chairman; J. A. Kebler, President; John L. Jerome, Treas. 'Jllioe Denver. Col. New York office, 71 Broadway. -(V. 73, p. 140, 393, 5 62, 5 69, 1266.) Columbus & Hocking coal & Iron Company.-Organized at Oolumbus, 0., Jan. 26, 1883, and owns large ooal and iron properties (13,250 acres of land) in Ohio. Bee V. 44, p. 278; V. 63, p. 559. OBGANIZ.ATION.-Reorganized in 1898 without foreolosu ..e per plan 1n V. 65 p. 976, interest being reduced from 6 to 5 per oent.-V. 65, p. 367, 976; V. 67, p. 28-see end't on bond V. 66, p. 81. Stock author<I.zed, common, $7,000,000 tpar $HO), increased Apr., 1901; outstand• ing, $6,907,600; balance reserved to retire $24,100 remaining 5 per -i>ent preferred stook.-V. 72, p. 1185. REPORT.-Report for year ending Mar. 31, 1901, v. 72, p. 1185 : l'r. to Mar. 31. Gross. Net. Oharges. Bal.J. aur. 1900·01 ............ $576,156 $101,673 $52,825 $rn,S48 1899-00 ...... -. . . .. 450,979 101,138 51,062 49,076 President, Wm. H. Ziegler; Seo., A P. De Vennieb, Columbus, 0 .-(V. "72, p. 243, 341, 4.40, 724, 1185; V. 73, p. 1209, 1315.) Commercial Cable Co.-Owns three cables from Nova Sootta ,to Ireland; one from Ireland to Havre, France; one from Ireland to Brlst-01, England; one Nova Beotia to New York and one to Rockport, Mass., &o.; and one from Fayal (Azores), and New York, via Canso (Nova Scotia), opened), Aug. 1, 1900. V. 72, p. 578. Jan. I, 1897 Postal Telegraph Cable Co. was purchased and its stock of $15,000,000 mostlyexobanged, $for$,for4p. o. bonds. The first mortgage covers all the property and leases and also the stocks owned of the various -0ompanies controlled- see V. 64, p. 951; V. 72, p. 535. Postal Co. Dec. 31, 1900, hadl69,236 miles of wire (landlines), 2,970 offices. 8TOCK.-InDeo., 1899, stock was increased from $10,000,000 to $16· -000,000 and $3,333,300 1mbscribed by stockholders.-V. 69, p. 1195. DIVIDENDS.-'89. '90. '91 to '96. 1897-'98. '99. •oo. '01. '02 ~er oent ....... llg 6 7 yearly. 8 8 8 8 Jan., 2% REPORT.-Fiscalyear ends Deo.31. Report for l900 in v. 72 , p. 578 .  Years.  Gross.  Net.  Int., etc.  Div'ds.  Reserve.  1.900 ..•.. $3,696,151 $2,679,667 $720,000 $1,066,664' $900,000 1899 ..... 3,356,204 2,343,601 720,000 800,000 1,000,000 J. W. Mackay President 253 Broadway New York-(V 72 P 629) ' • • · · • • · Compressed A.Ir Co. of the Borough of ltlanhattan.-OR· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  11,500,000 20,929,391 4,312,000 2,188,000 988,000 4,838,000 275,000  1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000  I- - - - - - - 8 in 1901 'F. & A. 5 F. & A 6 g. F. & A. 6 g. M. & N. 5 g. F. & A 6 g. A. & O. 5 g. J. & J. 5 g. M. & N. 5 g. J. & J. 8 in 1901 Q.-J. 4 g. Q.-J. 6 J. & J. .. . . .. .. . .. 5 g, A..&O. r6 314 in '01 J. & D. 6 J. & J. 5 g. J. & J. 8 in1901 ~-M.15 5 . & N. 5 4 5 5 5 5 5  g. g. g. g.  J. F. M. J.  .... ..•. Feb. 20,'02.4% 1st coup. due Aug., '0 2 Aug. 1, 1911 N. Y.,Kniokerbocker'l:r. Feb. 1, 1902 N. Y.,AtlantioTrustCo. May 1, 1919 N. Y., Chase Natl. Bank Feb. 1, 1943 N. Y.,KnickerbockerTr. July 1, 1919 New York. Apr. 1, 1909 N.Y.,KnlokerbockerTr May 1, 1951 N. Y., Central Trust Uo. Jan. ~• 1917 N. Y., 253 Broadway. Jan. 2, 02, 23' N.Y., F.L.& T.Co. & Off Jan. 1, 2397 New York. Jan.,1902, 3% . . .. . ...... . N. Y., Off.~ 621 B'way. Apr. 16..t 1920 Baltimore. Dec. 1, 'ul, 119 First Nat. Bk.d.Balt. do o N. Y.,Offlce,4IrvingPL Dec. 14,'01, 2 N. Y., Offlce,4 Irving Pl. May 1, 1908  .j~YY f•,  l~~g  & D. N. Y., Morton Trust Co. Deo. l, 1948  & A. B. J. 8. J. J  & & £. M. & - J. & .J. &  N. Y., Central Trust Co N. Y., Guaranty Tr. Co. N. Y .. :Morton Trust Co. N. Y .. Cent. Trust Co. N. Y., Union Trust Co. New York.  Feb. Moh. July t:iept. July  1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1949 1910 1995 1940 1924.  G.ANIZ\TION.-Incorporated in New Yol'k on April 9, 1900, as a con· solldation of the American Air Power Co. of New York <see V. 69, p. 1060) and the Compressed Air Motor Co. of Illinois (see V. 70, p. 685), to manufacture compressed-air vehicles, street and railroad oars. etc. V. 70, p. 741. In Jan., 1901, acquired control of Rome Locomotive Works, of Rome, N. Y. The Rome Co. had $75,000 6 per cent bonds, due 1904; interest pa.yable at Atlantic Trust Co., N. Y., and $150,000 first comol. go~d 08 due Jan. 1, 1921, Morton Trust C_o., N. Y. truetee, $75,000 bemg reserved to pay off the 6s at matur1ty.-V. 71, p. 1168. President, Henry D. Cooke; Treas .• Henry A. Himely, 621 Broadway New York.- (V. 71 p. 184 86t>, 116ts.) ' ' ' . <'onsolldated Car Heating ~o.-Bupphes _steam and hot water apparatus for heating raUway trams and electric h• .aters for street oars, eto.-V. 7~, p. 232. Stock, $1,250,000; outstand1ng, $1,130,400; par $100. Dividends F. & A. Drv's- ~ 1892 1893 1894 1895 '96 '97 '98 '99 1900 Slnoe, Per cent. 5 3 3 6 1 312 112 3 4 712 Below In 1899, Feb., 112 p. o.; Aug., 212 p. o. In 1900, 2¼ p. o., including 1 p. o. extra; Aug. 1, 5 p. o., including 3¼ p. o. extra; 1901, Feb., 2¼ p. o., incl. 1 p. o. extra; Aug., 3 p. o., incl. 112 p. o. extra; 1902.t Feb. 1. 3 p. o., incl. 1¼ p . o. extra. Officers and directors June, 190u, V. 70, p 1252. Office, 413·423 North Pearl Bt., Albany, N. Y .-(V. 70, p. 232, 1252; v. 73, p. 289.) Consolidated Gas of Baltimore City .-Incorporated May 5 1888 under the laws of Maryland. STOCK. -Authorized tll,000$000. Price of gas was to be reduced on June 1, 1900, from $1 26 to 1 10 per 1,000 cubic feet. V. 70, p. 431,635,794, 1097. DIVIDENDS.-~ 1891. 1892. 1893 to 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. Since. Per cent ... 5 3 4¼ 5 yearly. 414 414 4 Below In 1900, June, 2 p. o.; July, 2¼ p. o. extra; Deo., 114 p. o.; 1901, June, llli ~ o.; Dec., 1¼ p. o. EARNINGB.-Statement for year ending June 30, 1901, was in v. 73, p. 662, showing, gross, $1,639,433; net earnings, $720,821; fixed charget'I, $377,720; bal., sur., for div., $313,101. OFFICERS.-President, Ferdinand C. Latrobe; Seo., N. T. Meglnness _Treas., Jos. W. Clarke; office, 19 South St., Balt.-(V. 73, p. 66i.) (Jonaolldated Gas of New York.-Thls company was organizecl Nov. 11, 1884, as a consolidation, and in 1899-00 secured contl'ol of all the other gas companies and of all the electric lighting properties in Manhattan, New York City. The comnanies controlled ue described below. Law regulating price ot gas, see V. 64, p. 1000. DIVIDENDS - Formerly 6 per cent; trom June, 1893, to 1898, 8 p. o. yearly; in 1899, 519 p. o.; 1900, March, 1 p. o.; June. 1 p. o.; Sept., 1900, to Dt'lc., 1901, both inclusive. 8 p. o. yearly (2 Q.-J.). In. June, 1900, price of gas was restored to legal rate.-V. 71, p. 137. BTOCK.-ln Mar., 1900, stock increased from $39,078,000 to $54t595,• 200, and in July, 1900, to $80,000,000 to complete the control 01 the gas and electric light business in Manhattan, to provide for improveruents,eto. Of the last issue, ~13,648,800 was sut:>soribed for by stookholders at $150 per share and $900,000 was isRuedin Feb., 1901; $6, 822,900 to remam in the treasury. The controlled properties acquired in 1899 00 are desoril:>ed below. Bee also V. 70, p. 1293 (see also p. 1051. 1097, 1197; V.71, p. 184,544). Office, 4 Irving Pla.oe. Balance sheet Jan. 3L, 1901, v. 72, p. 436; meeting, V. 7~, p. 186. OFFICERS-President, Harrison E. Gawtry; Sec., Lewis B. Gawtry; Treas., G. w. Doane. TRUSTEES-Wm. c. Whitney, H. E. Gawtry, Samuel Sloan, J, P. Huggins, W. Rockefeller, M. Taylor Pyne, Ge•. F. Baker, Jas. Stillman, S. Palmer, Frank Tilford, F. A. Schermerhorn. A. N. Brady, T. F. Ryan.-V. 72, p. 1282; V. 73, p. 186,495. (1) NEW AMSTERDAM GAS. Incorporated Nov. 1, 1897, and consolidated N. Y. & East River and Eq. 6ae Light, per plan V. 66, p. 133. Owns entire $7,000,000 stock of New York Carbide & Acetylene Co. BECURITIES.-The stock authorized is $13,006,000 of common. stock, $10,000,000 of 5 p. o. preferred cumulative after Nov. 1, 1900, Newoo11sol. 5sfor$1J..365,000, preferred stock ~1,000,000 and common $835,000 in June, luOO, were in treasury available for future needs. Par of shares $100. In Sept .• 1900. over 80 per cent of the outstanding stock bad been exchanged for $6,436,598 Consel. Gas 6 per cent debentures at the rate of $50 and $26, respeotlvelyt in debentures for each $100 preferred and common stock. These deoentures have been exchanged ror Consolidated Gae stock taken at $198 per share.v. 70, p. b97, 948, 1052, 1197,1252. (2) NEW YORK EDISON COMP.ANY. OrganizPd May 23, 1901, as a consolidation of the N. Y. Gas & Eleo. Light, Heat & Power Co. and the Edison Eleo. Ilium. Co. of N. Y., the former haviug in 1898·99 acquired all, or practically all, the capital stock of the other leading companies controlling the electric-light and subway business of New York City and Yonkers V 72 p 1038 In 1899 contract was awarded for power plant locat;d on ist Ave.' between 38th and 39th Streets.-V. 69, p. 704; 68, p. 1025; 70 p. 283, 482. Btook, $45,200,000, all issuable for $36,000,000 N. Y. Gas stock, all owned by Consol. Gas Co., and $273,000 Edison stock not already owned.-V. 72, p. 1038. BONDS.-The first 5s of 1898 (authorized issue $15,000,000) are secured oy a first lien on the company's new power plant and otherproperty and by pledge of various securities; for list see V. 68, p. 773, 824. The 4s of 1899 are secured by a purchase money lien on the former Ed. Eleo. Illum. pr~perty, subject to ~onds ot 1890 and 1895, an_d by a second mortgaire lien on tbe remaining property of the consohdated coml)any.-V. 7 2 , p . 939, 1038. (3) NEW YORK JIUTU.AL GAS LIGHT co. Inool'J)_orated in New York Apr. 17, 1866, under special charter. Stock, $3,!'i00,000, of whloh over a majority, it is understood ts held in the interest of the Consolidated Gas Co. Par of shares, $1Q().  I  v.  I  v.  JANUARY,  190t]  MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS AND BONDS.  IA'7  MISCELLANEOUS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonda-Pr1no1Da1ie Size, or Amount - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ pal,WhenDue. l"or explanation of column headings, &c., see on of Par Outstanding Rat.e Per When Where Payable, and by StookB....,..Lut :fl.rat page of tables. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend. Consolidated Gas (N. Y.)-(Ooncluded) Equitable Gas Li consol. (now 1st) M. ·  1  Assumed by{ Debentures, sub.,ect to call......... . ... New N. Y. & East River Gas 1st mort.. gold.c* Amsterdam 1st consol mort., ($5,000,000),gold.* J Gas Co. New Ams'dam 1st cons. M., gold, $20,000,000.. 0e.c*&r Central Union Gas, guar. p. & 1., N. Y. & E. R . ... Oe.c* No. Union Gas.i lst M.., $1,500,000, g., not guar.K ... c" Standard Gas Light, 1st mortgage $1,500,000, gold ... c Consolidated Lake Superior-Com. stock, $82,000,000•.. Preferred stock, 7 p. c. non-cum., $35,000,000 . . ....... . Consol. Ry. Lighti11g <I Refriqerl.l,tirig-Stock, $22,000,000. Qon11olidatea Tobacco-Stock, $30.000,000 ...••..•••••.. . Coli. trust M, $!58,000,000 (see text) .Mo ... c*&r Con•ol. Water uo. nf Utica-1st M., g., $2,500,000.0o •.• c*  $1,000 100 1894 1,000 1,000 1895 1898 1,000&c 1,000 1897 1,000 1897 1890 1.000 100 .... 100 . ... 100 ....  isoa  iooi  100  50&c. 1,000 100 Consolidation Ooa~tock .. ••••••...••..•••••...••..•...••. 1,000 1st M., $750,000, g., sink. f<l., red. each Jan. at 105.G ... isifr 100 Continental Tobacco-Stock, common, $50,000,000 ......• Stock, pf. (as to assets and div.) non-cum., $50,000,000 100 100 &c Gold debentures, $2,000,000 (V. ~O, p. 331) .. . ..... Crucible Steel Oo. of Amer.-Pref. stock, 7 per cent cum 100 St. Clatr Furnace, 1st M., g., p.& i. guar. (end.).PPl.c* 1901. 1,000 1,000 St. Clair Steel, l st M., µold, guar., $2,250,000. UPi .c* 1901 Cumberland Telephone & Telegraphr-Stock, $10,000,000.. ...... 1,000 1st mortgage. gold. (other bon<rs see text)..... . . .. . 1898 1.000 Denver Gas~ Elect1·ic-lst consol. mortgage, gold.Co ... . 1899 Den'Der Union Water Oo.-lst mortgage, $8,000,000, gold 1894 lOO&c. 1899  ---iooo  DIVIDENDS- { 1894 to 1897. 1898, 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. Stnce 1893, p c. 5 9 yearly. 8 7 3 9 Jan., 4 In 1900, Jan., 1 p. c., July, 2 p. c.; 1901, Jan., 4 p. c., July, 5 p. c.; 1902, Jan., 4. (4) STANDARD GAS LIGHT CO. Organized 1n 1886. Owns 160 miles of 11;as pipes north of 13th St., New York. The Consolidated Gas Co., it is understood, owns a two• thirds of the stock.-V. 70, p. 1099. DIVIDENDS-1891. '92. '93. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. 1900. 1901. Common% --·· .. .. .. .. 1 4 5 8 5 0 June, 2 Preferred% ... 3~ 112 4 4 512 4¼ 6 8 6 Dec.,2¼1 6 In June, 1901, dividends on common stock were resumed, and 1he preferred increased to a 6 pe! cent rate: V. 72, p. 1241. Office, Thtrd Ave. and 49th St., N. Y.-v. ,1, p.1273, v. 72, p. 1241. (5) UNITED ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER CO. OF NEW YORK, In Jan.i 1900, Consolidated Gas tnterests were officially stated to be In oontro. Common stock, $4,000,000; pref. stock, $2,000,000. COD8ol. Ga8 of' Pltt8burg.-l!!ee Pittsburg in BT. RY. SUPP. Con•ol.Lake Super.-Seep.169.-0onsol, Iee.-Bee Am.Ice Co. COD80lldated Hallway Llghtlug & Kef'rlgeratlng Co. -Incorporated in New Jersey in Mar., 1901, to take over, per plan, V. 72, p. 677, the Consol. Ry. Electric IJghting & Equipment Co. (see SUPP. Jan., 1901, and bal. sheet, V. 72, p. 578), the Safety Third Rall Co. and the European Ry. Refrigerating Co., and control In addition the chloride of ethyl system of car refrigeration. Of the stoc1k, $1,400,000 was to remain in the treasury for fnture requirements. Opposition stockholders' committee, V. 72, p. 7771 1236; V. 73, p. 1266. Contest, Jan., 1902, V. 74, p.154. Factory m Derby, Conn. No bonds. President, Isaac L. Rice; Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr., S. Marsh Young. Balance sheet of Dec. 31, 1900, V. 72; p. 578;V. 73, p. 84, 1266; V. 74, p. 154.) Oon•olldated Rubber Tire Oo-See page 169. Oon8olldated Tobacco Oo.-ORGANIZATIOr-T.-Incorporated in New Jersey on June 5, 1901, and acquired the greater part of the common stocks ot the American and Continental Tobacco companies and through them control of the American Cigar Company, V. 72, p. 1138. 1190. V. 72. p.1282. See BONDS below. In Sept., 1901, the company, or its officials, arranged to acquire, for about $4,000,000, the £400,000 stock and £60,000 4 '9 per Cbnt debentures of the Ogden's, Limited, of Liverpool, England manufacturing 73, p. 618, 724. In Dec., 1901, the Jasmatzt cigarette works of Dresden, Germany, were purchased -(V. 73, p. 1359.) STOCK & BONDS.-Stock, $30,000,000; all paid in; par of shares, $100. The bonds are issuable only to acquire common stocks of American and Contmental Tobacco companies at the rate of $200 in bonds for $100 of American Tobacco stock and $100 in bonds for $100 of Continental Tobacco, and are secured by stocks of those companies acquired, upon which, as also other Eroperty of the Consoltdatf'd Co., they are a lien.-V. 73, p. 339. Ba ance sheet of Aug. 31, 1901.-V. 73,p. 662. OPFICERS.-James B. Duke, President; Thomas F. Rvan, First VicePresident; J. B. Cobb, Second Vice-President; C. K. :l'aucette, Third Vice-President; William R. Harris, Treasurer; C. S. Keene, Secretary. Dtrectors, V. 72, p. 1138.-(V. 73, p. 844, 1210, 1359. , Oonsolldated Water Oo. of UUea, N. Y.-Incorporateit 1n Nov., 1899, and by purchase of existing properties acquired control of practically all the water avatlable for city of Utica, N. Y. V. 69, p. 956, 1064. Stock:, common, $1,500,000; pref., 5 p. c. non-cum., $1,000,· 000; par of shares, $100. Pres., Geo. L. Record.-(V. 69, p, 1847.) Con8oltdatlon Ooal Oo,-rncorporated 1n 1864. Baltimore & Ohio RR. owns $3,810,000 stock. Coal mined in 1900, 1,166,810 tons, 1899, 1,536,4.68 tons. Owns $1,500,000 stock of CUmberland & Penn. RR. (which see) and gus.rantees its $1,000,000 bonds. DIVIDENDS since 1883: tor 1884 and 1885, 1; for 1886, ~; tor 1887, 119; for 1888, 214; from 1889 to Feb., 1902, inclusive, 2 p. c. yearly. EARNINGS.-For 1900 in V. 72, p. 436. Pres., C. K. Lord; Seo. and Treas., T. K. Stuart, 44 South Bt., Baltimore, Md.-(V. 73, p. 1210) Oontlnental Cotton Oll.-See SUPPLEHENT for July, 1899. Continental Tobacco Co.-Incorporated Deo. 10, 1898, under $he laws of New Jersey. Acquired by purchase the enttre business and assets of the leading manufacturers ot plug chewing tobacco, includtng with others Drummond Tobacco Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., St. Louis, Mo.; plug bustness of Amer. Tob. Co. and $3,000,000 P. Lortllard Co. common stock.-See V. 69, p. 745; v . 71, p. 545, 1168. Also has acquired $1,581,100 of $2,000,000 Lorlllard preferred stock at par in exohan~e for its 7 per cent gold debentures. v. 70, p. 3:n, 1051; V. 71, 646. Jointly with American To bacco Co. controls the American Snuff Co.-eee statement of latter, of whose capital stock the two cos own $10,000,000, together with $7,000,000 of $10.000,000 stock of American Cigar Co.-V. 70, p. 533. The $5,000 000 Ameril an Cigar Co. 4 p. c. gold notes are guaranteed jointly and severally by the Continental and American '.robacco companies. See V. 73, p. 1113; V. 72, p . 1037. In Dec. 1901, the Wilson & McCallay Tobacco Co. of Hamilton, 0., was acquired.-V. 73,p.1359. STOCK.-Apr. 21, 1899, increased the common and preferred stocks lrom $37,500,000 to $50,000,000 each. V. 68, p. 670,771. In July, lQ0l, 99 per cent in intere11ts of the common stockholders agreed to exchange tb.eirholdings for a like amount ot collateral trust 50-year • p. c. gold bonds of the Consolidated Tobacco Co., which see above. DIVIDENDS.-On pref., Oct., 1899, to Jan, 1902, at 7 p. c. per annum. J!'trst dividend on common, 2 p. c., paid Jan. 27, 1902. LATEST EARtnNGs.-For 3 months ending Mar 31, 1901, net earnings were $975,091, against $1,273,074. in 1900. REPORT.-Report for year ending Dec. 31, 1900, with balance sheet, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $3,500,000 500,000 3,500,000 1,500,000 9,635,000 3,250,000 1,250,000 1,3tl2,000 64,826,fOO 14.4.04,687 17,500,000 30,000,000 13 ~,orn,ooo 2,100,000 J 0,250,000 489,000 48,844,600 48,846,100 l.581,100 2n,OOO,OOO 3.000.000 2,250.000 See text. 939.000 2,400,000 7.500.000  5 g. 5 5 g. 5 g. 5 g. 5 g. 5 g. 5 g. ••.••• .••••. •••• •• . •. • • . 4 g. 5 g. 2 in 1902 412 g. .... .. 71n 1901 7 g. 7 in 1901 5 g. 5 fl• 6 14 in '01 5 g. 5 g. 5 g.  M. M. J. J. J. .J. M.  & & & & & & &  S. N. J. J. J. J. N. M. & N. . .. .. Q.-M. .. •. . .•. . F. & .A.. J. & J. Feb. 1 J. & J. .. .. . Q.-J. A. & 0. Q.-M. F. & A J. & J. Q-M. J. & J, M. & N. J. & J.  N. Y., Central Trust Co. do do N.Y.GuarantyTrustCo. N. Y., Knick'b'r Tr. Co. New York Office. N.Y.,H.B. Hollins &Co. N. ~.1 H.B.Hollins & Co. N. l:'. ., Mero. Trust Co. .... ..•.. .•.•.•••.. ••••••....  New York. N. Y., Contin. Trust Co. N. Y., Guaranty Tr. Co. do do N.Y., Manhattan Trust. do do Baring, Magoun & Co, Checks mailed. N. Y., Colon. Tr.& Pitts. Union Tr. Co., Pittsb'g. Checks malled. , N. Y., Washington Tr. N.Y., Em., Mo. M. & Co. N.Y. Fourth Nat. Bank.  Moh. 1, 1932 May 1, 1908 Jan. 1, 194.4. Jan. 1, 194.5 Jan. 1, 1948 July 1, 19,27 Nov. 1, 1927 May, 1930 . ...... . Dec.16,'01,1-., • •••..•• •••.• -- . Aug. 1, 1951 Ja11. 1, 1930 Feb. 1, •o; 2% Jan. 1, i.929 Jan 27,'02, 2" Jan. 2, '02, llf& Apr. 1, 1905 Dec.30,'0l, Aug., 1910-39 Jan., 1904.-25 Jan. 2, '02, llla, Jan. 1, 1918 May 1, 1949 July 1, 19U  r,-  was in V. 72, p. 721, showing: Net earnings, $4,480,858; div. on pret• (7 p. o.), $3,419,122; bal., sur., for year, $1,061,736. OFFICERS.-President, James B. Duke; 1st Vice-Pres .. Chas. E. Halll· well; 2d Vice-Pres., Frank H. Ra;v; 3d Vice-Pres., C. c. Dula; Treas., H. D. Kingsbury; Sec.• W. H. McAllster. N. Y. office, 111 Fifth Ave.(V. 73, p. 447, 1210, 1266, 1359.) (Wm.) Oramp & Sons' Ship & Engine Building Oo.-Inoor. 1n Penn. m 1871-72. V. 71, p. 234. Stock, $5,000.JOOO: outstanding_, $4,f:148,000; par $100. First M. gold 5s of 1899, $1..475,000 (int.eresi M. & S.), due Mar. 1, 1929, but subject to call $25,0CO yearly at 110 for a sinking fund.-V. 67, p. 1310; V. 68, p. 383. DIVIDENDS.- ~ '92. '93. '94, '95. '96. '97 .f98. 1 99. 1900, 1901. Percent. S8&20sc. 10 18 7 None•.. 114 5 5 5 Dividends payable Q.-M. 15 at Philadelphia office.-(V. 67, p.1112.) REPORT.-Report for 1900-1 in V. 72, _p. 1134, showed $7,319,000 gross, over 6 per cent ($291,772, agatnst $536,262 in 1899-00) earned on stock; $20,627,000 orders on hand. Dividends paid, $242,40(), 5 p. c., surplus, $49,372.-(V. 71, p.1169, 1313; V. 72, p. 139, 4.40, I 134..) Crucible Steel Co. of' A.merlca.-0RGANIZATION.-Incorpora1ied on July 21 1900, UDder the lawsof New Jersey to consolidatel3 properties, tnclu~g the Park Steel Co., etc., named in the prospectus, v. 71, p. 32, claimed to represent about 95 per cent of the output of oru01ble steel in the U. S Bee also V, 73, p. 842. Stock authorized, common, $25,000,000; pref., 7 per oentoum., $25,000,000; par, $100. No bon~ Owns enttre stock and guarantees bonds of St. Clair Steel and St. 01air Furnace companies. Bee V. 72, p. 824, 1285; V. 73, p. 89t., 447, 618, 841. Dividends on pref., Dec., 1900, to Dec., 1901, 7 p. c. y'rly. (Q.-~., REPORT.-Report for year ending Aug. 31, 1901, was in V. 73 p. 841, showinfl: Net earnings, $3.,:!90,438; other income, $30,861,i div. on pref. stock (7 p. c ), $1,750,uuO; div. on outside holdings ,i,576.300; Park Steel Co. pref. stock (7 p c.), $10,341; hal, sur, $1,730,958 President, C. H. Halcomb, Pittsburg, Pa.; Chairman or Board and Treas.• Reuben Mlller, Pittsburg, Pa.; Secretary, Frank B. Smith, Pittsburg, Pa. Dtreotors, V. 71, p.184; V. 73, p . 844.-(V. 73, p. 841, 844, 901, 1210, 1359.) Cumberland Telephone & Teleo-raph.-Organtzed in 1885, and operates under dlrect hcense from American Bell Telephone Co. through Southern Indiana and Illinois, Western Kentucky and Teunessee, and the enttre States of Mississippi and Louisiana. Am. Bell Telep. & Teleg. Co. owns $3,898,680 of the stock. Subscribers Dec. 31.1900, 57.080. The directors in Dec., 1901, authorized an increase ot 25 per cent 1n the stock to provide for extensions and improvemeots during 1902, rc:1,ising the outstanding stock to $9,356,400, the new stock to be sub-scribed for at par by stockholders, payable In four instalments-on Jan. 25, Apr. 1 and July 1, 1902, and Jan. 1, 1903.-(V. 73, p.131.;5.) DIVIDENBs.-From 1892 to 1897, both inclusive, 4 per cent; 1898, I p, o.; 1899, 6 p. c.; 1900, 614 p. c.; 1901 \7 p c. Q -M.); '02, Jan., 1 =I& p. o. BONDS. These consist of $939,000 fl.ret 5s (see table above); $239,000 20-year deb. 5s (int .A.&0), due Feb. 1, 1920; $150,000 East Tennessee Telephone gold 6s (int. .JIU). due July 1, 1918. and $16,000 Ohto Valley Telephone gold 6a (int J&J), due Jan. I, 1908. EARNINGS.- Report for year 1900, in V. 72, p. 625, showed: Oroee, $1,884,014; net above fixed charges, $515,561; dividends (6 p. o.), '339,155; balance, surplua, $176,406.-(V. 73, p. 84, 238, 724, 131~.) Denver Gas & Eleetrlc.-Sel\ page 169. Denver lJDlon Water Oo.-See p. 169. Detroit City Ga•.-See p. 169. Detroit Back. & Marquette Land Grant.-See p, 170. Detroit Union KR. "Depot,-See BUP., Oct., 1997.-V.69, p. -t94.. Diamond Match.-OBGANIZATION, ETC.-Organized in 1889 under laws of Ill.iJ?.ois. Owns factories at Barberton, o., De1.rofi, Mich., Oshkosh, Wis., Oswego, N. Y., etc.; also store pro1)61'ties at Baltimore and Philadeiphta, and saw mills at Green Bay, Wla.; Athol, Mass.; Keene, N. H., etc., Miss., with extensive pine stum~ See list, V. 73, p. 135. DIVIDENDS.l 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896toDec., ;l.901. Since 1892, p. ct. S 20 10 2119 10 (2¼ qua.r.) BTOCK.-lncreased 1n 1895 to $11,000,000 (V. 59, p. 1058); in 1899 to $15,000,000 to extinguish the $1,250,000 floating debt, increase the working capital and acquire properties,~etc.-V. 69, p. 592. ANNUAL REPORT.-For 1900 in v. 72 p. 336, showed net, $2,014.,• . 839; in 1899, $1,513,767: in 1898, $1,155,997. President, O. C. Barber; Treasurer, J. K. Robinson; Sec'y, R. E. Wirt; Aud., H. C. Cranz. General office, 56 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. N. Y. office, 27 Wlll1am St., N. Y.-(V. 73, p. 84,135,140,238, 4.95, 724, 1063; V. 74, p. 98.) Dlstllllng Co. of Amerlca.-ORGANIZATION.-lncorporated In. New Jersey on July 11, 1899, under the laws of New Jersey and acquired control of the American Spirits Mfg. Co., Kentucky Distilleries & Warehouse Co., Splrits Distributing Co. and Standard Diatilling & Distributing Co. per plan in V. 68, p. 1224-V. 69 p. 130. .A. numoer of rye whiskey concerns, tncluding Hannis Distilling Co., were acquired in July, 1899 (V. 69, p. 179. 494,745). List of constl~ uent propt,rtles, V. 7.1, p. 136; V. 71, p 815. In Nov., 1899, it wu claimed tbat three-fourths of the Kentucky whiskey product and abou, 85 per cent of the spirit product of the country were controlled. V. 69, p. 957. Independent distilleries, V. 74, p. 154. STOCK ETc.-Stock was reduced in Dec., 1901, to commo• $50,000,· 000, and preferred 7 p. c cumulative, $35,000,000, of which $3,57~000 common and $3,750,000 pref. were in the treasury, leaving the. outstanding amounts $46,427,000 common and $31 250,000 preferred stock. Of these last-named amounts, $1,957,028 common and $1,821,407 preferred held for exchanges of securities of constituent  UIS  LVOL, LXXI V.  Bottds-Prh:oiINTERE~'l OR DIVIDENDS. MISOELLANEOUB. Due. Date Size, or Amount Rate per Whhn Where P-Miable, and by pal,When .8tock6-Last Par Outstanding J.l'or t,.X.l)lfilu1onon or column headings, &o., see notes on of om. Cent. Payable Bonds Value. Dividend. first page of tables. Detroit Oily Gas-Stock, $5.000,000 . .. ...•..••..••..••..••  . •• . .•• . o* Prior lien mortga~e, $6,000,000, ~ld. Co. ,500,000,Jiold.•. o&r Detroit Gas oonso . 1st mort. for Diamond Match,-Stook, $15,000,000, list. in O o & N. Y. Distilling Oo. of America-Common stock, $50.,000,000.. Preferred stock, 7 per cent, cumulative, $35 000,000 .. Am. Spirits Mfg., 1st M., g., call at 105, s.f., 5%. Ma.o* Coll tr.M.,g., $5,000,000,• · 0 pay. yrly.,oall atpar•.Me.o* Dominion Ooal-Pref., 8 p. o. (com. stook is $15,000,000) 1st mortgage, sinking fund, NB ..................... .. . Domtnionlroncl 8teet-lstM., g.,$8,000,000, s.f.,seetext EJdison Electric Illuminating-Bee KINGS Co. ELEC. LIG Electric Storage Batte~-Pref. stk.,l p.c.cum. $5,000,000 Electric Vehicle Oo.- ommon stook, $11,000,000 ......• . Preferred stook, 8 per cent, non-oum~9,000,000 ....•. g fund ...••. -Un Mortgage, subject to call at par, sin New mortgage, $2,250,000.Mo ............ . ........... ......... $5,000,000 Empire Steel cl Iron-Stock, common, Preferred stock, 6 per cent, cumulative................. Equitable Ill. Gas L. Oo. of Phila,-lst M.g.. 105.N Brie Telegraph cl Telel.hone-NEW SECURITIES TO BE OUT Common stook, $1 ,000,000 .••••••••••..••...••••••.•• Pref. skck, $16,000,000, 6 p. c ., cum., after 2 years •.. Gold bonds, $10,000,000 ..•••••.••.•.••••..••.•......•••. Fe<ural Steel-See ONITED STATES STEEL CoRPORA.TION. General Ohemical Oo.-Common stock, $12,500,000..... Preferred stock, 6 per cent, cum., $12,500,000 . ....••.  $50 1,000 1,000 100 . ·-· 100 . ·-· 100 1,000 1901 1,000 ]00 .... 1893 500 &o. 1899 HT & Powiii. 100 100 100 i9o"i 1,000  isos  1893  iso5  ...--·..  ··ioo  100 ---· 1,000 1898 STAND ING UND 100 .••. 100 ••••  ....  .. .. ---·  ·--~--  100 100  I  Dlstllllnl{ Co. of A.merlca.-{Concluded.) companies.-tV. 68, p. 1224; V. 70, p. 385, 794; V. 71, p. 646; V. 73, p, 844, 1315.) In Jan., 1901, $4,080,000 5 per cent ten-year collateral trust gold bondswere sold, the same belng secured by the stocks of the constituent companies owned, and $5,000,000 (being the entire issue) Kentucky Distilleries & Warf'house 1st mort. flei; $920,000 remain in the treasury, $500,000 having been retired Jan. 1, 1902. (See V. 72, p. 90, 186; V. 73, p. 897 ) REPORT.-Grosssalefll of constituent companies tor year endingJune 30, 1901, were $~1,70!l,8 : 8. Report for the year ending June 30, 1901, with balance sheet, profit and loss account, eto., was given at much length in V. 73, p. 897, show1ng net earning1:1 of constituent companies, $1,657,850, and net profits of Distilling Co. of America, $81,087. Balance sheets or proprietary cos., V. 73, p. 898. DmECTORB.-Samuel M. Rice. President; Thomas Dolan, E. F. c. Young, R. A. c. Smith, Samuel wooloer, wm. F. Harrity, Walters. Wilson, Edson Bradley. Chailes E . Ayer, John. M. Atherton and Alvin w. Krech; secretary, Thomas H. Wentworth. Executive Committee: Alvln w. Krech, Wm. F. Harrity, s. M. Rici>, Edson Bradley and R. A. c. Smith. omce 27 William St. N. Y.-(V. 73 p. 136· v. 74 p.154) Dominion C~al Co.-Do~lnlon Iron& Steel:-see ~age 170. Edi son El , II] • o f B roo kl yn.-S ee K INGS Co. E L. L • & Po w .E R. Edison Electric Illum1natlng Co. of New York.-See N. Y. GAS & ELECTRIC LIGHT, BEAT & POWER; also April, 1899, SUP. ' Electric Boat Co.-ORGA.NIZATION.-lnoorporatedin New Jersey on Feb. 25, 1899, and acquired all of the capital stook of the Electric Launch Co., the Holland Torpedo Boat Co. and the ElectroDynamic Co .. etc. V. ti 9, p. 697, Par, $100. Issued, common, $4,999 ,· 600; pref., $1,745,000. V. 69, p. 697. President, I. L. Rioe, 100 Broadway.-(V. 70, p. 178,742, 9119; V. 71, p. 32, 1271.) Electric Co. oC Amerlca.-ORG.ANIZATION.-Incorporated in Jan. 1899, in New Jersey. V. 68, p. 85. In 1899-00 purchased control of electric light plants in several cities, later selling some of them. Bee list, V. 70, p 943; V. 72, p. 820; V. 73, p. 238, 289, 495. Stock,: $25,· 000,000; par $50; Issued, $20,4.03,405, ofwhioh $7 50, or $3,0o0,511, paid in Jan. 1, 1901. In June, 1901, consolidation with American Ratways Co. proposed, per plan V. 72, p. 1033; plan failed. Underlying bonds $84,000 Canton ,o.) Lighu, Heat & Power Co. 6s and $308,000 Auburn tN, Y .) gold 5s V. 73. p 238,495 DividendR, 50 cents per share, each paid July, 1899. to Ja.n. 21, 1901, inclusive (J.-J); Julj 31, 1901, 25 cts,; Jan. 31, 1902, 25 cts. Report for l900 was in V. 7 , P, 8 2 0, 0FFICER8.-President, A. Loudon Snowden. Directors, V. 72, P 823. 0.fflce, Land Title Bldg., Phila.-(V. 73, p. 84,238,289, 495.) Electric Storage Battery.-Incorporated in 1888 under laws of New Jersey. Owns basic patents for storage batteries. (V • 69, P• 76, 850,) Acquired in 1899 about $4,000,000 stock ofEleotrio Vehicle Co, 8TOCK,ETC.-Common, auth.,$13,000,000; outstanding, $11,875,000 (par $1.00). Preferred, 1 per cent cumulative, see table. After 1 p. c. on preferred, common and !referred share equally. On Jan. 2, l 901, 6 p. c. was paid on preferre in full to Dec. 31, 19i0; Apr. 1,114 P, n common. Apr. , .Jn1y, 114 p. c.; Oct. 114 p. c.; 1902, Jan .. 114 p. o. 1901,l¼p. o.; Julyl,114 p.c.; Ott. 1,114 p. c.; 190Z,Jan.,114 P · c. In 1899 increased the common stock from $8,500,000 to $13,000,000, $3,375,000 being allotted to the stookhold8rs at par.-(V. 69, p. 76.) REPORT.-Report for year ending Deo. 31, 1900, in V. 72, p. 578, showed: Gross profits, $1,447,520, fixed charges, depreciation, etc., $297,760; other income, $168,105; net income, $1,317,8 65. President, Herbert Lloyd; Seo. and freas. , Wm. G . Olapp, Phila. Faotor:r, Hartford, Conn. Offlce,100 Broadway, N. Y.-(V. 72, P, 4&2, 578; V. 73, p. 1159.) Electric Vehicle Co.-OBGA.NIZ.A.TION.-lncorporated in 1897 under the laws or New Jersey. On June 20, 1900, the stockholders voted to increase the stock from $12,000,000 to $18,000,000, and in Deo., 1900, to $20,000 ,000, tbe latter increase being to acquire the $7,000,0011 stock of the Riker Eleotrio Vehicle Co. V. 70, p. 1197, l252; V. 71,p.1169. See V. 69, p . 850. As to financial status and investments in Sept., 1901, see V. 72, p. 495. BECURITIES.-After 8 p. o. on common, dividends are to be divided pro rata between the common stock and the preferred stook. Electric Stora.geBatteryCo. inl899ownedabout$4,000,000 of stock. The new mortp;agt- secures, $2,250,000 bonds, of which $1,675,000, it is understood, will be 11,sued only to take up the ltil,675,000 issued early in 1901. Bee V. 74, r. 98. REPORT.-Report for 8 mos. ending Aug, 31, 1899, n v. 69, p. 850. DIVIDENDS.-On preferred, April, 1899, s per cent; April, 1900, 2 per O n common, i n 1899' A pril ' 2 p. 0 .; July ' 2 p. 0 .; Oct·• 2 P · C.; oent · 29 0 - None since. , 2 P•Grnrge Dec. H. Day. Executive Committee, Phllip T. Dodge, President, H. M. BJllesby, Geo. H. Day and Thos. J. Regan. Office, 100 Broadway. Directors, Oct., 1901, v. 73, p. 959.-(V. 74, p. 98.) Empire Steel & Iron Oo.-Incorporated in New Jersey on Ma.rob 14, 1899. v. 68, p. 524. Dividends at rate of 6 p. 0 , per annum, paid July 1, 1899, to July 1, l 900; 1901, 3 p. 0 ; 1902, J a n., 1 ig p er cent; see v. 68, p. 926. Net income for calendar year 1900, after deducting $57,517 for e.xtraordin.,ry repairs, $350,918; depreciation, etc., $14.0.000; dividends on pref. (4-½! p. o.), $106,395; bal., sur., $104,523. The Oriskany Ore & Iron Co., being orp;a,nized in ,January, 190.l, to oontrol 30,000 acres of mineral lands, will be controlled by the same interests. The tourth div. for the year of l½ per cent calls for $35,550 additional. President, Leonard Peckitt, Catasauqua, Pa.; Sec'y, J. M. Fitzgerald, CatMauqua, Pa. N. Y. office, 71 Broadway. New directors, Deo., 1901, V. 73, p. 1210.-(V. 72, p. 629; V. 73, p. 902, 1210.) Equitable Gas Ll~ht (oCN. Y.)-SEE OONSOL, GAS CO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  °i;  $-!,!\30,nOO 5,055,000 365,000 15,000,000 44,542,927 29,4ii 2,318 1,873,000 3,580,000 3,000 000 2,711.000 8,000,01,0 AND CONSOL. 4,500,000 10,450,000 8,125,000 See text. Bee text. 2,280,000 2,:'170,000 7,126,000 ER PLAN. 16,000,000 16,000,600 10,000,000  2½in '01 5 g. 5fi I 10 in'  ···-··  ···s·g. ~ g.  6 5 g. GAS Co. See text.  Cheoks mailed. M. &N. J. & J. N. Y., Emerson, MoM. F. & A. N. Y., Guaranty Tr. Co. Q.-M. By oheok fr. N. Y. office.  May 15f'Ol,219 Jan. , 1923 Feb. 1, 1918 Deo.12,'01, 21-  M:·&·· B. J. & J. J & J. M.& B. J. & .J. OFN.Y. Q.-J.  Sepi: l,--i915 Jan. 1, 1911 Jan. 1, '02i 49' Moh. 1, 913 July 1, 1929  .....  . .........  N. Y., Manhat. Tr. Co. New York. Bost., Am. L. & Tr. Co. New En~nd Trust Co, Bank of ontreal, Can.  2"iii Ap 11J·;faoo M.& N. 6 -----· . -- .. 0  -----·  .--· .  ......  . . -·.. .....  . .......  Checks mailed. Jan. 2, '02, 114 N. Y., 100 Broadway. Dec. 29,'99,2~'00, 2 do 1o Apr. 30, 1904  .......... . ......... .·-· ...... ('hecks mailed.  ........  Jan:'i?<fa, 119 5 g. J. & J. N. Y. Security & Tr. Co. J&L 1, 1928  8 inl901 J. & J.  ···5·g.  7,167,900 4in 1901 9,086,000 6  ---·. i,-M. .-J.  ······ .... ...... ---· ---· ......  3'  N. Y., 32 Liberty St. do do  Deo. 2, •~1. 1 % Jan. 2,'02, 119  ··-·· ...  Equitable Ill. Gas Light of Phlla.-See page 170, Erle Telegraph & Telephone Co.-ORGANIZATION-OW.aa 77 per oent of the Cleveland Telephone Co., 82 per cent of the Nort1nrestern Telephone Exchange Co., and 83 per cent of the Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Co., also contro 1mg interest in Miehigan Tel Co. and Wisconsin Tel. Co. These companies operate in Ohio'- MiIDesota, North and South Dakota. Texas, Arkansas, Michigan Wisconsin, under licenses from Am. Bell Co., which owns the balance o1 the stock. REORG.ANIZ.ATION.-The reorganization plan (V. 73, p. 1359; V. 74, p. 421 iRsued bv Kidder, Peabody & Co. in DPo., 1901, and operative in Jan., 1902, approved by the directors and tha American (Bell) Telephone & Tdegrapn Co., provides for the organization of a new company a nd the issuance of the securities shown in the table a bove and the retirement of all the t xistin~ stock and bonds, The new bonds will be secured by au the securities now bt'hind the severa 1 issues of debenture bonds and behind the $9,000,000 ot notes, excep~ so far as the1:e may be an excha nge of stock tor notes o.f the subeid1ary compames an~ except the shares and notes or the M1obtgan Tel epho~e 90. The American Telephone & Telegraph Co, have purr.based a maJor11y of each class of stock and from the proceeds the $9,000,000 notes due Jan. l~, 1902, were paid off atd $6,000,000 cash will be provided for . extensions au d improvement. TERMS OF EXCH.A.NGE.-The basis of exchange is 8,8 follows. Per  inoo stock. $1,000 bonds.-  Jfpaying AHu,•t.  ,---Wilt recei1'e--""' Pref. Oom. New Stock. Stock.  Bonds.  $25 $75 ...... ...........••. $J5 Stock ($10,000,000) :WO $800 Bonds of 1928 29, $ ~1,000,000 ..• . ... . . 1,050 Bonds of 1909 and 1~26, $5,000,000. . . BONDS OF CONTROLLED COMPA.NIES.-Bonds of proprietary com ;ia.nles: Mich. Teleph. 1st fs, due 1917, $285.'lOO; do thirty-year oonsol. itold 5s, due Jan. I, 1i,20, Old Colony Trust Co.. Boston, trustee. $4,715.OoO; Detroit Telepoooho.~eu~aru. tphrtonr.l!enddisinsuteer$els,to.ooby'o~(c~8-\,2ef?ceo~r. g~~t::i· i~:sn~:.'i/l~.2t'r:~~~c ~ "' ~ 2 u~'. ioFs:~«:-tmst~~~an1:~er::ii:r:bi~.?~ts~fsl~t:X:: ~h~ fund tsufflcient to retire bond s at maturity) under contract of May, 1900 1901, 1900. '99. '90. to '98. '89. DIVIDENDS .. l 1888. 114 5 414 4 yearly 4 Per cent ..• 5 4 REPORT.-Report for 1899 in v. 70 , p. 1093 , 1100 . OfflM, Boston, Mass.-(V. 73, p. 1210, 1267, 1316, 13511; V. 74, Jl, 42, 98, 154. ) Federal Steel.-SEE u. s. STEEL CORPORA'N.-V. 72, p. 139,285,440. Fl8herles 170. General Chemical Co.-ORGANIZATION, ETC ·-Incorporated in New York on Feb. 15, 1899, as a consolidation or the Nichols Chemioal Co., N. Y., Jacnes L. Morgan & Co., N. Y,-V. 68, p. 571. STOCK -In Oct.. 1901, the preferred stockholders subscribed to $826,000 n ew preferred stock at par, raising the amount outstanding to $9,086,000, the proceeds being applied towards expenditures for new plants and new.,constructton. V. 73, p. 724. REPORT.-Report for year ending Deo. 31, 1900, with balance sheet, i n v. 71, p. 281, showed: Net profits, $1,258,946; ohargP.d off, $69,4 71; div., 6 p . o. on preferred, $493.715; div., 4 p. o. on common, $285,364; baJ., sur., $369,8(0, On pref., Oct., '99, to .Jan .. '02, both inol.,6p.o.peran. (l¼Q.-J.) On common, lp. o.,paid ,1uarterlyon March 1, June 1, Sept, 1 and Deo. 1, 1900, out of earnings of 10 mos. ending Dec. 31, 1899; 1901, 4 p. o. (paid Q. M.) OFFICERS,-Pres., William H. Nichols; Treasurer, James L . Morgan. Jr.; Se o.,Alb ert Winter, N. Y. 25 Broad Bt.-(V. 72, p. 281,285, 823.) General Electrlc.-ORGA.NIZATION.-OrganJzed under a special charter of New York, Apr. 15, 1892, and mauufactures outfits for eleotrio railways and all kindea of electrical supplies. In 1896 pooled patents w1th Westinghouse Eleotrio & Mfg. Co. v. 62, p. 502. 635, 1040; V. 65,p.151; V.68,p.1024. (Bee V. 68, p. 927).-V. 70, p. 6 ?-9. Contraoi for power, V. 72, p. 583. In June. 1901, obtained controlling interest in British Thomson -Houston Co., Ltd., of Loudo;n.-(V. 72, p. 1283. STOCK.-Stookwas reduced on Aug. 17, 1898, 40 p. o., viz., from$34,712,000to $18,276,000 common and $2,551,00 o preferred.-V. 67, p. 28, 125, 177, 319, 578, 634. In 1900 increased the common stock by $4-,415,000, to redeem the $5,298,000 debenture", which have !Jeen largely oonverted.-V. 70, p. 1293; V. 71, p.137, l015, 1122. The preferred stock has been mostly exchanged for oommon stook, for share.-V. 72, p. 778; V. 73, p. 339. In Jan., 19l2, it was understood to be proposed to 1estore to the stockholders. in part at least, the reduction in capital in 1898.-V. 72, p. 1240; V. 73, p. 140. DIVIDENDS.-The accumulated dividends on old preferred to Aug. 13, 1898, aggregated $1,527,654. This amount was hy March 8 1899, and regular dividends at 7 per cenr, from Aug. 17, 1898, resumed t k • V • 67 , p . 900 , 1160, D'1v 1d an ds on re d uo ed on tbe preferred soc com., July 15, l !-- 99, to July, 1900, 11il p. c., quar. (6 p. o. per annum); Oot., 1900, to Ja.n., 1902, incl., 2p. c. quar., and in Jan., 1901, l p. o. extra.-V. 'il, p. 604, 1222 · A.NNUAL REPORT.-Fisoal year ends January 31. Annual meeting ls held the second Tuesday in May. Report for l 900-01, with balance sheet of Jan. 31, 1901, was given at length in V. 72, p 721, 8,5; see editorial, p. 798. 1000. 1001. lJed:uctmoo. Yearmul.Jan.31- 1901. Income-Sales .. $28,7Mll, 7-' $22,379,~61 Op.exp.&taxes .. $23,685,213 $18,573,00S 240 041 {853,384 SfS,70 ' Patent expenses 21)!,1,866 Royalties, etc. 281,667 ' Int. on debent.. . i~1e~¥~e~;~:;ci c. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ Bal.for div.,&c. '6,001,399 $5,197,'63 Tota.1. ... . .... $19.829,652 $21,406,067 Balance 1900-01, as above, $6,00S,752; div. on pref. stook (7%), $178,584; div. on oom. ·stook (8%), $1,549,665;; bal., sur., Jan. 31,  f:~~ i~~~~t1f  :i9:~~  ~:I!~  1  JANUARY  1902,J  .MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS AND BONDS.  U i9  MISCELLANEOUS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Boruts-PnnotDate Size, or Amount paJ,When Due. For explanation of column headings, &c., see notes on of Par Outstanding Rate Per When Where Payable, and by first page of tables. Bonds. Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Divid end. 6tner -d .Flectric-Common stock, $25,242,200....... •• . •• . • ••• 100 $24,784,600 8 in 1901 Q.-J.,15 Check from Co.'s office. Jan.15,'02, 2% 100 10,000 7 J.-J.31 do do Jan3l,'02,319 Pref. stock 7 per cent cum. (option, see text) ..... - - • • - - • - - -Debentures, g., convertible ($100 stk. for $120 bonds) .c 1 8 9 2 1,000 525,000 5 g. J. & D. N.Y.,Guar. Trust&Bos. June 1, 1922 Birard Point Storage-1st M., gu. p. & 1. Pa. RR ........••• r 1890 1,000 2,214,000 319 A. & O. Philadelphia. Oot. 1, 1940 Glucose Sugar Refining-Common stock, $26,000,000.... . ••. 100 24,027,300 See text. Q.-M. Chica.go Of., Rookery. Dec. 2, '01, 1% 100 13,638,300 Preferred, 7 per cent, cumulative, $14,000,000......... . ••. 7 Q.!...M, do do Dec. 2, '01, 1% Grand Rapids Gas Light-1st M., g , subj to call at 110.. 1895 1,225,000 5 g. F . & A. N. Y.,E.McMlllln&Oo. Feb. 1, 1915 HaTJana Oommercial---Pref. stock, 7%, cum., $7,500,000.. . ••. 6,000,000 See text. Q.-J. 100 Apr.16,'00,1% Hoboken Ferry-See N. Y. & HOBOKEN FERRY. Hudson Oounty Gas-1st mortgage, gold, $10.500,000.... 1899 100 &c. 8,150,000 5 g. M. & N. Tit. Guar.&Tr. Co., J.C. Nov. 1, 1949 IUinoiB Steel-See UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORA.TJON. 100 !Intern't NafJigat.-Pret. stock, 8%, non-cum., $10,000,000 .... 9,205,"00 4in 1901 J. & J. By check. July 1,'01, 2% 1st M., gold, $20,000,000, subj. to <'all text. FP ...... c... 1899 1,000 13,686,000 5 g. F. & A.. N'. Y ~ Company's office. Feb. 1, 1929 International Paper-Stock, common, $20,000,000.. .•••• . .•. 100 17,442,800 uhecks mailed. July 1, '99, 1% ···6·· Q:.:.:j, do do Dec.30.'0l, 119 100 22,406,700 Pref., 6 %, cum., $25,000,000 (underlr,ing bonds, text) •.• . 9,303,000 1st con.M.,$10,000,000, g. U8, red. af. 07 at 105.conv.c .. 1898 6 g. F. & A. 1,000 N. Y., Met. Tr. Co. Feb. 1, 1918 100 1nternationat Power Oo.-Common ($7,400,000 auth.). .. . ••. 6 ---6-- Q..~F. Providenoe;R. I. May.'is;•oi,71g Preferred, 6 per cent, cumulative. (V. 71, p . 137.) ..•. . ••. 100 100 Jnt,-rnational Salt-Stock, $30,000,000....... ...... ...... . ... New York. oci:"i;"i951 M., g.,$12,000,000, U8m,red. at 105, s.f.,$200,000 yrly. 1901 "ioo 9,944,700 fnternational SitTJer-Btock, common, $11,000,000..... •• . .•. ....•• ..... . •••.••• 100 Stock, preferred, 7 _per cent, cumulative, $9,000,000. .. . .•. 5,107,500 Bee text. Q.-J. N. Y .. Cont. Trust Co. Jan. l, '02, 19' 3,900,000 6 g. J. & D. N. Y., T.& P., 71 B'wa.y. Dec. 1. 1948 1,000 1st M., $4,500,000; s. t., called at 110, beg. 1901.Co.c..1 1898 100 12. 262,500 See text. Q. - J. Internat't Steam Pump Oo.-Com. stock, $15,000,000.... . .•. Jan. 2, '02, 1 % 8,850,000 6 in 1901 Q. - F . N. Y., Of., 26 B'dway. Feb, 1, '02, 119 Preferred stock, 6 per cent, cumulative, $12,500,000.. . ••. 100 2,000,000 7 per an. M. & N . N. Y., Guaranty Tr. t.o. Nov.,1901,Slg Worthington, pref. stock, 7 p. c. cum. ("ee also text)... 100 .. (11 HollyMfg.,lstM.,$700.000,g.,gu p.&i.end (V.73,p.1117) 1901 5 g. ....•• .... 1921  'i88:888  ~!! t~t  1.901, $4,276.150. Jan. Si, 1901, $2.373,683; notes and accounts receivable and work in progress, $10,652,246; securities owned, $6,· 012,300; accounts payable, etc., $8::J6,983 OFFICERS.-President, C. A. Coffin; Treasurer, Henry W. Darling; Bee., M. F. Westover; N. Y. office. 44 Broad Bt.-(V. 74., p. 98.) Gluco8e Sugar Refining Co -Incorporated in N. J. Aug. 3, 1897, and purchased nearly all the glucose properties of importance 1n the country-see V. 65, p. 327, and application to list in V. 67, p. 1263. Grinding na.pactty Aug., 1899, 100,000 bushels daily. lndepen• dent plants, V. 73, p. 960 . ·sToCKS.-Common stock, ($26,000,000 authorized) entitled to 6 per oent per annum after the preferred stock has received 7 per cent, and thereafter to share equally with the preferred in all other dividends. Preferred, authorized, $14,000,000. No bonds issued. DiTJidends.-On p-ref. Dec., 1897, to Dec., 1901, 1 ~ p. c., quar. (7 p c. per annum). On common, Dec. 1, 1898, to Sept., 1901, both inclusive (6 p. c. per an.); Dec., 1901. 1 p. c. (V. 73, p 960) LATEST EARNINGS -Net earoin~s for the Quarter ending Sept. 30, 1901, approximated, $700,000 - V 73, p. 1013. EARNINGS.-Report ror year ending- July 31,'01, was in V. 73, p. 72 ~. 842, showing: Profit (after writing off $6:i6,990 tor betterments and repairs), $2,123,t6"10; 7 p. c. on pref., $954,t581; 6 p. c. on common, $1,441,632 ; dencit. $272,673. C. H. Matthiessen, President; Chas. L . Glass, Secretary and Treasurer. General office, The Rookery, Chicago, (V. 72, p. 1190; V. 73, p . 289, '722,842,960, 1013.) Gold & Stock Telegraph Co.-See WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH. GramercySu:;arCo.-SeeV.68,p 232;V.72,p.393,986; V 73.p 960. Grand Kapld8 Ga8•Llght Co.-See AMERICAN LIGHT & TRAC· TION. Great Lake8 Towing Oo.-ORGANIZATION.-Tncorporated in New Jersey on July 6, 1899, as a consolidation of towboat companies along the Great Lakes. See V. 69, p. 79, 593; V. 72, p. 778. Stock authorized., common, $2,500,000; pref., 7 per cent non-oum:.t $2,500,000. Isenea Apr., 1901, $1,675.000 common and $1,852,85u preferred. Par of Phares$100. In19007%div.on pref.was paid; in 1901, Feb. and 'May, none; Aug. 20, 1¾ p, o. V. 73, p. 187. Pres. and Treas., T. F. Newman; Bee., M. H. Wardwell, Cleveland, 0.-(V. 73, p. 187.) G. H. Hammond Co.-V. 71, p. 664. Jlarrll!lon Brother8 & Co.-V. 73, p. 393,4i7. Havana Commercial Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorpora.ted in New Jersey on March 4, 1899. V. h9, p. 4 73. Manufactures and exports Havana cigars and Cuban leaf tobacco (owning also tobacco lands). V. 68, p . 926; See V. 71, p • .54.5. Capacity said to exceed 100,1)()0,000 cigars annually V. 69, p . 4~8, 92t5. DividendR on pref., Oct., 1899, to April, 1900, 1~ p. c . quarterly (Q.-J. 1 ,,: none since. Common stock ts $12,500,000; outstanding, $10,600.000. In Dec., 1901, over four-fifths of the stock was deposited with a -0ommtttee consi8ting of Frank Tilford (Chairman), William H Butler, Henry R. Wilson, H. B . Hollins, Phillp Lehman and R R. Govin .<Gu tranty Trust Co ., depos itary), with a view to adjusting the fl.oat,,.ng debt and extending the company's operatioos: the three ttrstnamed being connected with the Univexsal Tobacco Co -V 73, p .902. sheet of Dec. 31, 1899, was in V. 70, p. 840; bills payable, $1,747,500. No report of earnings in 1900. Bee V. 72, p. 482.-(V. 72, p. 482; v. 73, p 902, 1013, 1063, 1210 ) Ha-wallan Commercial & Sugar Co.-V. 72, p. 820, 823. Herrlng•Hall-1'.larvtn Co.-Bee p. 170. Hudson CountyGas.-ORGANIZATION-Incorporated in N. J. in -O ot., 1899, as a consolidation of J.C. Gas L. Co., Peoples' Gas L. Co. -of J.C., Hudson County Gas. L . Co., the Consumers' Gas Co. ot. J. c. and Bayonne & G . Gas L. Co.-V. 69, p . 80,796. Stock, $10,500,000, mostly owned by Unit. Gas. Tmpt. Co. Of the 5s, $600,000 are reserved to take up May I, 1904, Consumers' Gas Works 1st tis; and$1,750,000 reservedfor ruturerequirements. Presi~ent, E. F. O. Young; Treas., Lewis Lillie-(V. 69, p . 957.) Intern. Automobile & Vehicle Tire-See page 170 International Navigation Co,-ORGANIZATION, ETC.-lncorpora.ted in N. J. on June 6, lfl93. Owns Red Star and Americ11n ti , es of steamshipti between New York, Philadelphia, Southampton, Liverpool and Antwerp. Bonds for $6,314,00.) reserved for new property. Loan is subject to call at par after 1909 and a sinking fund of $250,000 to $500,000 will retire bonds annually, beginning May l, l!:.105. See V. 68, p. 1076. First div. on pref. , 2 p. c., July, 1900; In 1901, Jan., 2 p. o,; July, 2 p . c. Common stock is $5,000 000.-(V. 73, p. 960) International Paper.-Incorporated Jan. 31, 1898, and took over by purchase twenty five of the principal pulp and paper mills of the U.S., see V. 67, p . 42~ and V. 69, p. ~91; also applications to list tn V. 67,p. 1359, and V. 68, p. 726. Daily output of finished paper abontl 1,500 tons. dee prospectus in V. 66, p. 288 and V. 67, p. 177, also official statement V. 69, p. 281. The Continental Pa.per Bag Co., a majority of whose $5,000,00<, stock is owned, has built a factory at Rumford Falls, Me.; its capacity was being increased tn Oct., 1901, from 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 bags daily.-V. 70, p. 742; V. 69, p. 494, 908; V. 73, p. 786. The American Realty Co., organized in 1901 to handle some 250,000 acres of land in Maine belonging to the International Company, has made a. mortgage for $500,000.-V. 73, p. 392. DIVIDENDS.-Onpref.,July,1898, to Jan., 1902, 1nclusive,6p.o. yearly (llg quar.) OJ> Dec. 31, 1898, paid on common, 1 p. c.; in 1899, 2 p. c.; none sino.e to Dec., 1901.-V. 69, p. 593. 957; V. 72, p. 1037. BONDS.-Bonds underlying 1st con~ol. 6s of 1898, Dec., 1901: $1,500,000 Hudson River Pulp & Paper Co. 6s. subject to call at 106, In whole or in pa.rt Jan. I or July J, of any year after U!Oi; Glens Falis Paper Mill, $:160.000: Otis Falls Pulp Co .• l:147,000; Remington Paper Co. b:mds, J.111.000: C. R. R~mln11ton & Sons Co., t!~6.000; Olcott Fallt1 Co. bonds, fl62,0 00.-V. 67, p. 18.>II; V. 68, p. 7t6. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ...5.g.  :::::  The first mort~age gold bonds issued since the formation of the company for properties acquired are: Brmd,9--  Interest.  Where paid. Outst'·lno. M11turtt11. N.Y. ,Met.Tr.Co. 1270,000 Sept, 1, '13 Ontario Parer, 1st M ....... . f'g. F·A do do 150,00l Feb. 1, '18 Rumf'rd Falls Sulphite 1st M. 6g, J-J do do 350,()00 July 1, '18 P~~~;~iu_i_~ Fal_I~.. Pa~~~: 1st 4g. F-A do do 161,500 Aug. 1, '18  4  :::Uf~~~~e-~~..~~~~-~~-~~:.~J 41!', M·S  f  REPORT.-Report for year ending June 30, 1901, in V. 73, p. 390: Fiscal  Gross  Oost raw ma-  Interest,  Dividends.  Balance,  year. income. teri, ,,ts, mfg. etc. laxes, et,·. (6%) on pref. 11t,rplus. 1900-1 $20,711,902 $16,750,245 $907.267 $1.34 L,402 $1,709,988 1899-0. 18,707,635 15,581,759 842,302 1,344,402 939,172 In June, 1900, entire floating debt was paid off. V. 70, p. 482. OFFICERS.-President, J;lugh J. Chisholm; 'First Vice-President, F. H. Parks; Treasurer, A. N. Burbank; Sec'y, E. W. Hyde. 30 Broad St., N.Y.-(V. 71, p. ~67; V. 72, p. 143, 1037; V. 73, p. 390, 39!, 447, 794, 845, 1163.) Internaitonal Po-wer Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated in New Jersey on Jan. 14, 1899, as the International Air Power, and name changed in Mar., 1899. In 1899 purchased plants of Rhode Island Locomoti ve Works. (sold in HOl); American Wheelock Engine Co. of Worcester, Mass., and about June, 1900, acquired Corliss Steam Engine Works of Providence, R. I. V. 68, p. 671. First mort. bonds, 4s, $225,000. due 1919, were issued on R. I. Loe. Wks. and Amer. Wheel. Eng. Co. and $140,000 mortgage on Corliss plant. First dividend on.preferred, 6 p. c. for the year 1899, was March 15, 1900; on May 15, 1901, 6 per cent ror 1900 and 11g p. c. for first quarter of 1901. See official statement, V. 70, p. 432. Report tor year ending Dec. 31, 1900, with balance sheet, in V. 72, p. 626, showed profits of $254, t51. Pres., Joseph H . Hoadley, 253 Broadway, N. Y. Directors, June, 1901, V. 72, p. 1240.-V. 72, p. 626,629, 939, 1240. lnt.-rnatlonal SnU Co.-ORGANIZA.TION.-lncorporated in New Jersey in Aug., 1901, and In Nov., 190L, had acquired a. ma.1ority or the stock of the National Sal~ Co. (see page 161) and Retsof Mining Co., per pla.n V. 73, p. 724. STOCK, ETC.-Of the $30,000,000 stock. $11,350.000 will be used with $7,500.000 bonds to a<'quire the stock and bonds of the National and Retsof companies, so far as may be, and $7,400,000 stock will be issued for expeoses of organization, providing $1,000.000 working capital, etc. The remaining $11,2f>O,OOO stock with $:l,500,000 bonds, are reser"ed, and may eventually, H deemed best, be used to purcha.@e the stock, propertieR or securities of Canadian, Porto Rico, Great Britain and minor U. S . salt companies, etc. Underlying bonds, $280,000 Hutchinson Kansas Salt Co., due Jan. 1, 1912, and any uoexchanged bonds of Retsof Mining Co .. being 5s due 1925 of an issue of $2,500,000. United Salt Co. of Ohto tru .. t certificates (form, V. 72. v. 286). see SUPP. of July, 1901 Chairman of board, A 8. White; President, E. L- Fuller -V. 73, p . 902, 1064, 1163. International Sllver.-ORGANIZATION, ETc.-Incorporated in Nov., 1898, under the laws of New Jersey and acquired control of silver-plating properties-see list in v. 67, p. 1160; also V. 68, p. 232, 334 1024. In 1899 estimated output about 55 or 60 per cent of the total silver-plating output in the U. s. Also has a large sterling silver output. 8ee application to list in v. 68, p. 334, as to rights of stock, plants, etc. V . t>7, p. 1160; v. 68,p. 1024; v. 71, p. 54.5. Div. on pref., 1:\i p.c., paid Apr .. '00; in '01, none; in '02, Jan., l p,c V. 73, p.1'.!67. Underlying bonds,$127,600 Holmes & Edwards,lst 6s; Rogers & Hamilton, Waterbury, $30,000; Middletown Plate, Meriden, $8,000. Balance sheet Nov. 30, 19011, V. 72, p. 579. President, Samuel Dodd; Treas., Geo. M. Curtis; Office, 11 Maiden Lane, N. Y.-(V. 70, p. 233, 582, 1197; v. 72, p. 482,579,583. v. 73, p 1267.) International Steam PUID.p Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated on Mar. 24, 1899, under the laws of New Jersey as a consolidation of five companies estimated to do 90 per cent of the steam pump business of the country, exclusive of hi~h duty engines. Official statement in V. 68, p. 723; V. 72, p. 67::J; V. 71, p • .5,1.5. STOCK.-Div. on pref: Aug. 1, 1899, to Feb. 1, 1902, both incl., 6 p.c per annum, l¼l Q,. J.; on common, 4 per cent from the earnings of the year ending Mar. 31, 1901, payable quarterly, beginning July 1. V. 72, p. 1191. The stock umss ,aed is set a.part to retire the $2,000,ooo 7 per cent cumulative preference shares of Henry R. Worthington Co. and .£241.800 6 per cent debentures, and .£100.000 8 per cent preference shares or the Blake & Knowles Co. As to Holly Mfg. Co . bonds, see V. 73, p 1117. Report for year ending Mar. 31, 1901, in V. 'i3, p. 81, showed net; prottts, $1,772,632; dividend on preferred, (6 p c.), $531,000; interest, etc., $247,000; balance tor common, $994,632 . President, John W t>unn; Treasurer, Max Nathan. Temporary office, Van Brunt and Rapalyea. sts., Brooklyn, N. Y.-(V. 71, p. 235, 1070, 1223; v. 72, p. 6'73, 1191; v. 73 , p 1114) Iron Steamboat.-Bee page 170. Jeff"er8on & Clearfield Coal & Iron. -Bee page 170. Kansa8 City, Mo., Ga8 Co. -Organized in April, 1897, In Missouri and acquired all the property, franchises, etc., of the Kansae City Gas and Missouri Gas compames. Capacity of 4,000 000 cubic feet a day; 257 miles of main pipe; meters in use March, 1900, 21,120. Capital stock, $5 000,000: par, $100. Bonds outstanding, $3,942,008 gold 5s, due April 1, 1922, subject to call at 105. Interest is payable A. & 0. at N. Y. office of C'Juaranty Trust Co. or M. & N. in London. Report for year endin~ Apr. 30, 1901, in V. 73, p. 136, showed net, $290,310; interest, $191,783; bal., $98,527. Pres., Hugh McGowan.(V. 73, p, 136.) Kings County Electric Light & Po-wer.:-This company, owning a. new power station on the water front 1n Brooklyn, and other  INVESTORS'  16• MIBCELLANEOUB,  For explanation of oolumn headings, &o., see notes on first p'age of tables.  K,ngs Oounty Electric Light cl Power-Stook, $2,500,000.  --  --·  ---·  $100 $2,474,900 1,000 2,500,000 1,000 5,176,000 1,000 4,275,000 100 8,500,000 100 2,500,000 100 &o. 10,000,000 100 &c. 500,000 50 14,366,650 Various 5,000,000 Various 1,992,833 500 &o. 1,842,500 1,000 2,470,750 1,000 3,686,000 1,000 1,500,000 1,000 1,155,<'00 1,000 12,175,000 1,000 2,691,000 AILROA D COMPANIE 100 1,885,005 10.000,000 1.9 l2,600 50 20,000 000 9,965,000 50 1,000 9,479,000 5 963.020 100··&0. 30.000,000  ··ioo  property in that borough, acquired in 1898, per plan in V. 67, p. 482, the entire $5,000,000 capital stock of the Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Br~oklyn._ The ~gs County Co. therefore has control of all the electr10-lightmg busmess in Brooklyn-See V. 69,p.177, 957. The Edison co. operates entire combination. v. ,;o, p 483. In 1901 contraoted to sell 10 ooo horse-power daily to the Brooklyn Rapid Transit eo.-V. 72, p. 1283. SECURITIES.-The $5,176,000 purchase money bonds are secured by deposit of $5,000,000 Edison stock in trust, by a second mortgage lien on the Kings County plant as now owned or herea.fwr acquired, and by $1!000,000 cash guaranty fund to be invested in eeo~ties ~pproved oy the committee-see V. 67i.P· 482, 1309. As to Edison Co. s oom:ol. mortgage, see V. 67, p. 48~, 842; V. 71, P• 493, 86t!. On Nov. 21, 1900, $520 000 stock was issued to stockholders at par, making amount outstanding, $2,500,000. V. 71, p. 1015, 1169. Dividends June, 1900, to Dec., 1901. llg p. o. quar. (Q.·M.). EARNINGS.-Net earnings of combined properties for year ending nee. 31. 1899, making allowance for income from the investment of guaranty fund, it is stated, amounted to about $625,000; fixed charges , $587,000; bal. for divs., about $38,000. Statement of May 1, 1900, V. 70, p. 1047, balance sheet of Nov. 1, V. 71, p. 1218. President, Anthony l'i. Brady; Treasurer, A. W. Dater; Directors, .Jan.. 1900, V. 72, p. 1283; V. 73, p. 794. Knickerbocker Ice Co. of Chlcago.-V. 72, p. 389 Laclede Gas Llght.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporatedin 1857, and tn 1889 secured control of all the other gas companies in St. Louis. In 1896 the price of gas was reduced from $118 to $1 per 1,000 feet for Illuminating and 80 cents for fuel gas. Suits V. 66,p. 760; V. 70.p 534. STOCK.-$1,000,000 new common stock was sold in 1900·01 [raising ~e amount to $8,500,000] for improvements. V. 70, p. 178. DIVS.- }'90. '91. '92. '93. '94. '95to Dec., '97.'98. 99. 00. 1901 Pf. 5% cum. 212 0 5 5 6 7 (3lg semi-an.) 8 5 5 5 -Oom.,p. o.. O O O O O O 3 3 4 4 BONDS.-See application to Btook Exchange in V. 49, p. 657. ANNUAL REPORT.-Statement o1 March 31, 1900, with balance sheet, wu in V. 70, p. 1017. For year 1900 (including Carondelet Branch, net earnings were $1,000,730; in 1899, $1,021,373; in 1898, $1,020-, 873; in 1897, $883-l059. For 11 months ending Nov. 30, 1901, net, f934,692, against :i;865,584 in _!.900. New York office, 40 Wall Street. -(V. 70, p. 104'7; V. 72, p. 53.>; V. 73, p. 141.) Lehlgh Coal & Navtgatlon.-Owns canal from Coalport to Ea&• '°n, Penn., 48 miles, and leases Delaware Division Canal, 60 miles. Also owns Lehigh & Susquehanna Railroad, Phillipsburg, N. J., to Union Junction, Pa., 105 miles, with branches, 60 i:¢les, and leases _for 999 years Nesquehoning Valley Railroad, 17 miles; .rreskow :i;tailroad, 7 miles; other lines, 17miles; total, 206 miles, of which 115 miles double tracks; but all these roads are leased for 999 years from 1871 to Central of New Jersey RR., rental being 3313 per centof gross earnings, with a mtnimumrentalof$1,414,400. Delaware Div.Oanalisleasedfor99years trom1866 at interest on the bonds and 4 p. o. on stock, paid as rental. BoNDs.-General M. of 1884 covers, subj. to prior bands, 7,460 acres c,oal land, 48 miles canal and 161 miles railroad; bonds are reserved to retire all prior issues. Ground rents and mortgages, $123,665. As to collateral tiustbonds of 1895, see full statement. {V. 61, p. 154.) For mortgage of 1898. see v. 66, p. 1139 (under "Del. Dlv. canal"), also v. 67, p. 125; $2,085,000 were issued July 1, 1898, by the trustee rorettre $480,000 Del. Div. Canal 6s and for other purposes, but of ihese $980,000 int Jan., 1901, were reserved in the treasury to prondefor floating debt and working capital. v. 70, p. 428. Jointly and severally with Cent. RR. of N. J. guarantees $1,062,000 Leh. & Rud. River Ry. gen. 5s, prin. and int. (V, 67, p. 788.) , , , , , , , , , , DIVS · s ince 1 889 • · · · -i 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 1900 01 Per cent ... •••••• - • - - 5 5 519 6 419 4 4 4 4 4 5¼ 6 In 1900, May, 2¼ p. o.; Nov., 3 p. o.; 1901, May, 3 p. o.; Nov. 3 p. o. ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 1900 was in V. 72, p. 389, 579. Coal produced in 1900, 2,098,890 tons; 1899, 1,807,733 tons; '98, 1,450,964. Year ending Dec. 31. 1900. 1899. 1898. 1897. l'rom rallroads•......•.. $1,926,175 $1,878,224 $1,504,200 $1,546,138 Oanals.................... 10,734 7,403 6,089 11,433 Netprofl.t on Leh. Coal.. 500,462 139,060 156,891 296,400 .lliaoollaneous ....••..••. ~ 3 3 9 179,435 192,602 235,764 Total reoetpts.•.••.. $2 623 709 $2 204123 $1859782 $2 089 735 ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' Int.1 rentals, taxes, &o . . $1,317.799 $1,299,610 $1,300,432 $1,329,601 Dividends ......•..... . • (5¼) 789,066 (4) 573,866 (4)573,866 (4)573,866 Balance..•...••...•....•. sr. 516,843 sr. 330,647 def. 14,516 sr.186,268 Sinking fund............. 97,576 83,802 87,709 92,295 100:000 • • • • • · •· - • • -• •· • · •··· •·· De_p_reoiation ..••_. •·· • •· -CV. 70, p. 1151, V. 71, P• 965, V. 72. p. 389, 4:iO, 5 '79, 778, 939.) Lehigh & Wilkes barre Coal.-Controlled by Central RR. of New ;Jersey and owns 28 909 acres of anthracite coallands and holds 2,847 additional acres under lease. It operates thirteen collieries and leases about 4,000 a.ores of its ooal lands to various operators. V. 71, p. 26. BTOCK.-$10,000,000, of which $9,212,500 outstanding, $6,600,000 of this being owned by central RR. of N. J., control of which was acquired by the Reading Ry. in Jan., 1901. In 1897 Inined 2,132,042 tons. B ONDS, E TC.-The oonsolid a~e d (now fir s t > mo.rtgage o f 18751s f or $15,000,000; the bond_s, origmally 7s, matured m 1900 and were ex• tenaed at 4¼ per cent mterest, both principal and lnttrest being guar• anteed b~ endorsement by the Central RR. of N. J. 'Ihe balance unlssued 1s available for improvements, etc. The Central RR. of N. J. holds in its treasury $6,116,000 oonsols and $2,353,000 income B bonds. See V. 71, I>· 26, 390, EARNINGS.-10 months, i 1900 .••••• Gross, $7,623,768; net, $917,887 Jan. 1 to Oot. 81 51899 ...... Gross. 7,105,657; net, 660,474 Balance sheet of June 1, 1900, was in v. 71, p. 26. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  [VOL, LXXl V.  Bonds-PrlnotINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Date Size, or Amount pal,When Due. P ar Outstanding Rate Per When Where Payable, and by of Bonda Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  1st mortgage, fld, $2, 00,000.Col. .••..•......••..... o i897 Parch. monil{ ., gold, secured by Ed. stock, &o .. Ce.o~ 1898 Edison El. Aeons. M., now 1st. $10,000,000, g.Mo.c~ 1898 Lacude Gas Lig t-Common, $8,500,000•.......•.••..•... . Preferred stock, 5 per cent, cumulative ......•....•. .. 1st M., g. (There are also $125,000 Car. Gas 6s). Ce.o· iss·9 Coupon notes, gold, $500,000•.•......•.••.•••..•..••...•. 1901 £eh,igh Ooat cl Nam,ation-Btock, $14,366,650 ............ 1st M., canal, 6&0 O acres coal and 76 m. L. & 8. RR ... r is64,Leh. Bus. RR.(V. 64, p. 41,)gold.FP ....... r 1867 2dM. lstM.Nant.RR.1 (V. 65, p. 367,) !old. . ..... . . o* 1867 Cons. d M. Canal, Coa & 122 .m. RR.; 2 M. 26 m. RR.r 1871 General mortgage for$15,000,000, gold . ... .... F.P •. r 1884 Collateral trust for $1.500,000, gold ..... .. ........... o.. 1895 Fund. & tm"/&sM., $7,50~, g .(ser."A," $2,085,000).o* 1898 Lehigh cl Wil barre Oo on. M. guar., ext. in 1900... 1875 5s of 1912, sinktng fund (not drawn) ................... c 1888 LouiB'Dille Bridge Oo. and Louisv. If Jejfer. Bridge Oo.- SEE R MaryL9,nd, OoaL-Btook, preferred (no bonds) .............. .... Merqenthaler Linotype-Stock .••.•...••. .•......•...•.••• Me:ncan Tetegrap~took .••. . ••.. ..... . ......•..•.. . ....... --·· Mono11g. RiTJ. Oons. Ooal ,i; 0 '1 ke-C'om . stock. $20,000,000 -... Preferred, 7 per cent, non-cumulative, $10,000,000 .. .. . 1st mortgar, $1~f00,000, gold, s. f., fee text. UPI c* 1899 Nationai Asp alt- ollat. trust ctfs., $6,000 000, iold ... Asphalt Co. of America, col. trust ctfs .. $30,000, 00, g. i899  •  SUPPLEMEN'l'.  I  6 in1901 Q.-M. Deo. 1, 'Oy ll• 5 g. A. & O. N. Y., C(l lonia.l Tr. Co. Oct. 1, 937 6 g. A. & 0. N. Y., Central Trust Co. Oct. 1, 1997 4 g. J. & J. N. Y., Morton Trust Co. Jan. 1, 1939 4in 1901 M.& S. N. Y. ,H.B.Hollins; Bt.L. Sept. 16, '01, 2 5in 1901 J. & D. do do Deo.16,'0l, 219 5 g. Q.-F. do do May 1, 1919 5 g. Feb. 1 1911 6 inl901 M:·&-·N. Philadelphia, Office. Nov.27, 101.3% 4lg Q.-J. do do July 1, 1914 4 11:, 3:-F. do do April 1, 1914. 4 g. .J 5&D. do do June 15, 1914 .J. & D . do do .June 1, 1911 7 4lg g. Q.-F. do do May 1, 1924 do do 4¼g. M.& S. S~t.1, 1905 4 g. J. & .J. do do J y 1, 1948 Q.-M. do do June 1, 1910 419 5 M. & N. do do Nov. 1, 191:.s S. 5lg in 'O ' .J .30&D. New York, 1 B'dway. Dec. 31, '01, 3 N.Y., 114Tribune Bld'g Dec. 31, 'Ol. 6 13 l<> 1901 10 .-J. N. Y., Office, 37 Wall St. Jau.15,'02, 219 · ····· .. .. . 7 In 1901 J. & .J. S mailed. Jan:i'5.-'()2,316 g. A. & O. Unlou Tr. , ·o., Pitts .. Pa. Oct. 1, 1949 5 g. J. & .J. July, 1901, int. last pd . .Jan. 1, 1951 5 g . A.. & 0. See text. Apr. 1, 1949  i-M.  Cbeck  0  Louisville BrldgeCo.-Lou. &:leff"'erson Brldge.-SPeRRs. Madison Square Ga:rden.-Owns in fee a block of land in New York City and building thereon. stock $2 000 000 (p11,r $100). ' ' ' ' BONDS.-$1,250,000 first 20•year gold 5s, due Nov. 1, 1919, and $750,000 ~d gold 6s; last coupon paid on latter being that of Nov., 1896, in Feb., 1897. Second morygage bondholders' committee: F. K . Sturgis and W.O. Gulliver; depos Y, J.P. Morgan & Co.-V. 65, p. 620. DmECTORS (Oct., 1901): F. K. Sturgis , .J. Pierpont Morgan, D. o. Mills , Charles L a nier, H. H. Hollister, W. F. Wharton, S~anford White, W. C. Gulliver, .James T. Woodwa rd, W. C. Jordan and James C. Young.-(V. 67, p. 690; V . 68, p. 85; V. 71, p. 137.) Manhattan Beach Hotel & Land Co.-See page 170. ,., J.Uarsden Co.-See page 1 ,o . Maryland Coal Co.-Controls 6,000 a.ores of land in Alleghany and Garrett counties, Md. STOCK.-Preferred as in table, and in add.I· tion old common, $11,100, and treasury stock, $103,895. The last of the b onds was paid off in 1897. Coal produced was: 321,558 t ons in 1900, 480,856 tons in 1899; 383,879 tons in 1898. Annual report for 1899, with balance sheet, was in V. 70, p. 685. Surplus earnings in 1900 over Interest, etc., were $140 335; m 1899, $157,248; in 1898,. $11~851; dividends m 1900 (5 p. o. ) $94,230; sur. for year, $46,105. DIVIDENDS-l '93. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. 1900. 901. New pf., P, c. 5 219 31g 419 5 4 4 719 5 Below. ln 1899, Jan., 219 p. c.; July, 2 p. c.; Dec., 3 p. o., incl. I ex.; in 1900, June, 2 p c.; Dec., 3 p. o., incl. 1 extra; 1901, July 1, 2~ p . o.; Dec. 31,. 3 p . o. Dividend period changed in 1899.-(V. 71, p. 1169.) Mergenthaler Llnotype.-Listed in 1898 Report for 1900-01 in v 73, p. 1110, showtd: Total n ~t profit~, $2,0'13.0:~3; dividends (12½1 p o ), $1,250,000. Statement as to rival oo's, V. 67, p. 371. DIVIDENDS, i 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899 & 1900. 1901. Per cent. 5 3 b 14¼ 19 25 20 yea,ly. 13:lg In Mar .. June and Sept., 1901, only 219 per cent regular dividends wne paid, but in Dec. the 31i> p. c. extra dividend was resumed -V. 73, p. 845, 1267; V. 72, p. 535; 845, 1110; 1267.1 Mexican Telegraph.-Company organized in1878 under laws of New York State. HasaoablefromGalveston to Tampico and Vera.Cruz. 738 miles; land. line, Vera Cruz to Mexico City, 267 miles. Also direct cable from Galveston, Texas, to Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, 825 miles. duplicating the Mex. Tel. and Cen. & So. Am. Co.'s Gulf cable system. Own& 2,125 shares of the Central & Bo. Am. Telegraph ""·• which see. DIVIDENDS-In 1882 to 1886, inclusive, 8 per cent yearly; from 1887 to Jan., 1902, both inclusive, at rate of 10 p. o. per annum. (219 Q · r.) EARNINGS.-Gross earnings for year 1900, $441,980; net, $283,685; divs. $191 260. J.A. Sorymser Pres. 37Wall8t. N. Y.-(V.62 p.68~.) ' ' ' ' ;.. ' Mil.& Chic. Brew-erles.-V. 69,p.1299; V. ,1, p.345; V. 74, p. 99. 1'.lonon:?;ahela River Consolidated Coal & Coke Co.(" River Coal Consolidation.'')-Inoorporatedin Penn. in June, 1899, t.o consolidate coal interests along the Monongahela River, and coal traf• fl.o to New Orleans, etc., including 200 steamers and 4,000] coal boats and barges, and coal elevators, etc. Owns between 361000 and 37,000 acres of coal, exclusive of surf~oe. Repol'lied to have an agreement as to territory with P1ttsbur~ Coal Co. (" Rail Coal Consolidation ")-which· see. For full list of constituent concerns taken over Oct. 2, 1899, see V. 69, p. 1065; see also V. 72, p. 876,939; V. 74, p. 99. In May, 1901. control was purchased of about 7,000 acres of coal land near Bilmingham, Ala., the Corona Coal & Iron Co. being incorporated to take over the property.-V. 72, P• 1191. Dividends on pref., 7 p. o. yearly, July, 1900, to.Jan., 1902 (.J.-J). A sinking fund of 5 cents per ton of 1 ¼a inch coal mmed and shipped will retire bonds annually about Dec. 1 if purchasable in the open market at a reasonable price; during 1900 $184.000 was canceled. REPORT for period ending Oct. 31, 1900, with balance sheet, was in v. 72, p. 390. In 19.00·1. undivided profits over all charges and divldends on :preferred were $361,374; total surpluq Oct. 31, 1901, $857.061. President, John B. Finle:v; Treas., Geo. I. Whitney, Plttsburg1 Pa. -(V. 71, p. 33,604; V. 72, p. 390,876, 939, 1191; V. 74, p. 99, .155.) Mount Vernon-Woodberry cotton Duck co.-See United States Cotton Duck Corporation. National Asphalt Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated in New .Jersey on May 3, 1900. V. 70, p. 897. In Oct, 1900, acquired oontl ol of the Asphalt co. of America, and other properties per p.Lan v. 71 p. 545,700: v. 72, p. 244, 286; see also V. 73, p. 290. On Dec. 28, 1901, Henry Tatnall and .John M. Maokof Philadelphia and John F. Shanley of Newark, N. J., were appointed receivers of the National Asphalt Co. and Asphalt Co. of America., on default in payment of interest on bonds of foraer and of sinking fund payments, etc, on b onds off both companies.-V. 74, p. 42. On completion of examination by Audit Co. of N. Y. City a reorganization plan will be prepared. In Dec., 190 t, over a maJorit;v of the Asphalt of America 15s and of the .National Asphalt 5s common and preferred stocks had been de• posited with the fo~owing committees~ Asphalt of A mer tea 5R.- Henry W. Biddle, Chairman; Mercantil~ Trust Co., N. Y ., and Commercial Trust Co. of Philadelphia, depos1tarles . See V. 73, p. 1064-, 1316. National A1phalt securitie•. -William F. Harrity, Cb airman; Equit• able Trust Co. of Philade1phia and Guaranty Trust Co. of New York, depositaries.-V. 73, p. 1114, J 316. For securities owned by the Asphalt Company of Amerloa, see offlolal statement v. 70, p. 993; statement of that company December 31, 1899, with balance sheet, v. 70, p. 5SO. stock authorized ($50 shares), common, $12,000,000; pref., 6 p. o. cum., $10,000,000; of which $42:i,OOO common and $1,975,000 preferred in treasury.-V. 71, p. 816. As to Venezuelan dispute, see V. 71, p. 1272; V. 72, p. 46,.. 143, 1087, 1283; v. 74, p. 99.  JANUARY,  1902,j  •••  MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS AND BONDS.  ·- --···· Bonds-Prmol INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. MISCELLANEOUS. Date Size,or paly When Due. Amount Rate rer When Where Payable, and by Stocks-Last Par 'Por explanation of column headingsi &o., see notes on of first page of tab es. Bonds Value. Outstanding Oen . Payable Whom. Dividend. ~ -,  - - - - -·  --·  $100 . 100 Pref. stock, 7%, cum., $25,000,000. For bonds see text --·· 100 National Oarbon-Common stock, $5,500,000.... ..•. . . • .... 100 Preferred stock, 7 per cent, non-cum., $4,500,000.. . .... . 100 Nat'l Enameling~ Btamping-Com. stook.'$20,000,000 .. . . .. 100 Pref. stock, 7 per cent, cumulative, $10,000,000 •.••.•• 1st mort., g., $2,500,000 auth., 110 payable y'rly •.. SSt iooi ·l,000 50 National Glass-Stock, $4,000,000 ...... . ... . ............... 1st mort., gold, $200,000, payable Nov., yearly. UPl.c* isoo 1,000 General mort., $2,500,000, g., s. f., d'rn at 105. UPl.c* 1901 1,000 100 Nationat Lead Oo.-Btook, common, $15,000,000 auth'd,. . Preferred stock (7 per cent, oum.) $15,000,000 auth .. .. 100 St. Louis Smelt'g &;Re:fl.n'g, mort., red, in 1905, gu .Me iooo Nati onal Salt-Stock, common, $7,000,000 . ....• . ....••••• .... Preferred stock, 7 per cent, non-cum .. $5,000,000 .. _.••. ..... 100 100 Nationat Starch Oo.-Com. stock, $5if00,000 .....•••... .. .... . Prer. stock, 6% oum., $4,500,000, v. from July , 1900. 100 Debentures, g., s. fund, $4,000,000, call at 105 . . . Usm iooo 1,000 United States Sugar Re:fl.nery, gold. 1st mortgage ....•• .... 1,000 Nat'l Starch Mfg. Co., 1st mort., gold (sinking fund) ... 1890 1,000 National Steet-National Tube-See UNITED STATES STEE L COR PORAT! Newark Oonsol. Gas-Newark Gas lstM., $4,000,000 ..•. . 1895 Consolidated mortgage. $10,000,000 ..... . ...•........ o* 1898 1,000 New Eng. Ootton Yarn-Pt. stock, ($5,000,000, 7% cum.) 100 1st M., $6,500,000, gold.NB.a. f. subj. to call at 110.o* isii9 1,000 New Enal'd Gas tf Ooke-lst mort., $17,500,000, gold.Ce. 1897 1,000  National Biscuit-Common stock, $30,000,000 ...........  --·  --·  ioo  The $6,000,000 coll, trust 5B of 1 901 are issued by the Equitable Trust Co. of Philadelphia, as trustee, and secured by the deposit of $29,922,800 Asphalt Co. of Amer. stock (20 per cent paid in). Bonds of controlled companies outstanding (not owned), $1,oqo,ooo Barber Asp. Pav. deb. 6B, due April 1.1916; £338,000 New Trnndad Lake debenture 6B, due Jan. 1. 1930; $400,000 Alcatraz Co. debenture 6B, due Jan. 31, 1939, and $275,000 Gilson Asphaltum 25 year 1st 5s, dated July 1, 1901, subject to call at 107.-V. 70, p. 993; v. 71, p. 545; see also securities owned, V 73, p. 290. Statement of Deo. 31, 1900, with ha.lance sheet, V. 73, p. 136. Di rectors, V. 72, p . 341. President, F. V. Greene; Seo, and Treas.• Arthar W. Sewell.-( v. 72. p. 393, 1087.1139, 1240, 1283; V. 73, p. 186,290, 1064, 1114, 1316; V. 74, p. 42, 99.) National Blscult.-Organized in 1898 and purchased N. Y. Bis. Oo., Am.Bis. & Mfg. Co., etc.-V. 66, p. 288, 901; V. 71, p. 54.s. DIVIDENDS.-On pref., in 1898, 514 p. o.; 1899, to Nov., 1901, 7 j), c (1~ Q-F). On com., Jan., '99, to Jan., 1902, incl., 4 p. c. (1 p, o. Q-J)' BoNDs.-These include N. Y. Biscuit first 6s (M&S.), due Mar., 1910; $952,000; Am. Biscuit & Man. 1st 6B (F&A.), due Aug., 1911, $545,000, and$50,000 5B due $5,000 yearly inOotober.-V. 67,p. 274. ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for year ending Jan. 31, 1901, was in V. 72, p. 390, showing: Sales for year, $36,439,160; net profit, $3,318,· 355; dividends, 7 p. o. on pref. and 4 p. o. on common, $2,843,651; bal., sur., $474,704. President, Benjamin F . Crawford; Asst. Seo, and Asst. Treas., J. A. Lewts,-(V. 70, p. 326; V. 72, p, 390,) National Carbon Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in New Jersey on Jan. 16, 1899. V. 68, p. 85, 130. Dividends on pref. July 15, 1899, ll\i p. o.; Oct., ll\i p. o.; 1900,Jan..:1 l~ p. o.; Mar.15, ll\i p. c. Dividend period changed in Feb., '00, to Q.-.11·. 15; May '00 to Nov., '01, p. o. quar. Report for year ending Jan. 31, 1901, with bal. sheet, in V. 72, p. 479, showed: Net earnings, $508,739; dividends (7 p. o.) on preferred,$315,000; depreciations, eto., $151,456; ba.l., sur.. $42,~83. Pres.,James Parmelee; Treas., H. E. H a ckenberg ; Seo., H.J. Davies. Main office, Cleveland.-(V. 70, p. 428,432; V. 72,p. HO, 479.) National Enameling & Stamping Oo,-URGANIZATION.-ln· corporated in New Jersey on January 21, 1899. Bee prospectus in V. 68, p . 187. V. 68, p. 474; V. 72, p. 678. Div. on pref., 1900j-7 p . o.; 1901, Apr., 12'i p. c.; June 30, ll\i p. o.; Oot. 1, 1~ p. o.; 1902, an., 1~ p. o. First div. on common stock, 4 p. o.t._payable 1 p. c. on Jan. 1, 1902, and 1 p. c. quarterly thereafter.-v. 73, p. 1267. The $250,000 bonds due Deo. 15, 1902, were paid off Dec., 1901. V. 73. p. 1267. Report for 18 months ending June 29, 1901, was tn V. 73, p. 336, showingnet,$1,127,506; dividends on pref., $817,068,leaving a surplus of $310,438; total surplus, $1,110,417. President, Fred'k G. Niedringhaus; Seo., Wm. H. Matthai; Treas., Jas E. Ingram. N. Y. office, 81 & 88 Fulton Bt.-{V, 'tO, t>, 283, '2'90; V. 73, p. 239, 336, 348,1496, 725, 1267.) National Glass Co.-ORG.A.NIZATION.-Inoorporated in Pennsylvania on July 5..1. 1899, as a consolidation of tableware manufacturing Interests. V. 6~, p. 61. For list of 19 companies taken over Nov. 1, 1899, including the ten largest factories outside of the U. 8. Glass Co., V. 69, p. 1015. Present capacity, 678 pots. For 8 outside concerns, capacity 280 pots, see v. 69, p.1015. BoNDs.-First mortgage bonds of 1899 are payable $200,000 yearly Nov.1,in numerical order beginning with number one, at Pittsburg. Of the general mortgage bonlls dated Nov. 1, 1901, $1,800,000 were reserved to replace the first mortga~e bonds (including the $200,000 retired Nov. 1, 1901), the remainder for improvements. They are subject to call at 105 on 30 days' notice for a Finking fund, which is tf> receive 5 per cent. of the eamlngs yearly. V. 73, p. 239, 348, 618. EARNINGS.-From Nov.1, 1899, to July 14, 1900, including inventories, $2,574,518; operating and gensral expenses, $2,251,012; net earnings, $323,506. V. 71, p. 345. President, Frank L. Stephenson; Vice-Pres., A. W. Herron, Pittsburg; Seo., Addison Thompson; Treas., Myron L. Case. Office, Pittsburg, Pa.-(V. 73, p. 339, 618, 725, 84.5.) National Lead Company,-ORGANIZA.TION.-Organized under the laws of New Jersey on Deo. 7, 1891. It controls extensive plants in different States for manufacture of white lead and other products. In Aug., 1900, the St. Louis Smelting & Re:fl.ning Co., whose stock is owned, filed a $1,000,000 mortgage.-v. 72, p. 390. SECURITIES.-The preferred stock is entitled to 7 p. o. per annum ou• mulative. Seeeditorialof May,1893,SUPPLEMENT, and v. 60, p. 349. DIVIDENDS.- ( 1892. '93, '94. '95. '96. '97, 1898 to 1900 1901. Common, p. o •. .S O 2 3 1 O O 1% yearly. o Preferred, p. o. 7 per cent yearly (1~ Q-M to Dec., 1901, inclusive). ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends Deo. 31. Annual meeting is held on 3d Thursday in February. The annual report for 1900 in V. 72, p. 890, gave the following statement: Net earnings, $1,076 441; divi· dendB on preferred, $1,043,280; dividends on common, $149,054; balance for year, de:fl.c1t, $115,893. In 1899, net, $1,373,906. DIRECTORS.-W. H. Thompson, E. c. Goshorn, F. w. Rockwell, L. A. Cole, R, R. Colgate, A. P. Thompson, D. B. Shipman, J. A. St evens, George 0. Carpenter, Edward F. Bea.le, J. L. MoBirney R . P. Rowe and CharlesF. Wells. Pres., L.A. Cole; J. L . MoBirney, Treas.; Charles Davison, Seo. N. Y. office, No. 100 William St.-(V. 72, p. 390.) National Salt Co.-ORGANIZATION.-lnoorporated in New Jersey on March 18, 1899. Annual output increased Oct., 1899, from 6,300,000 to about 10,000,000 barrels, claimed to be over 90 p. o. of total output of the U . s., of which ~850,000 bbls. produced at plants owne~J and balance puronased. V. u9, p. 853. Official statement to New xork Stock Exchange was in V. 71, p. 1118; V. 68, p. 524. In Oct., 1901, stockholders were offered for every $1,000 preferred one $1,000 per cent gold bond of the Int.ernational Salt Co. and one share ($100) of its capital stock, and foroommon stock of the National Salt Co. all equal amount of International Salt Co. stock. See Inter• national Salt Co. and V. 73, p. 725.  1, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $29,236,000 23,825,H,O 5,500,000 4,500,000 15,4U,800 8,396,600 2,250,000 2,250,000 1,600.000 Bee text. 14,905,400 14,904,000 50,000 7,000,000 5,000,000 2,594,315 4,027,000 3,724,000 1,000,000 3,002,000 ON. 4,000,000 5,274,000 5,000,000 5,577,000 16,370,000  ---  4in 1901 Q.-J. 15 Chicago & New York. Jan.15,'02, 1% 7in 1901 Q.-F. do do Nov.30,'0l,l l\& 7 i;{i9·01 See text. 7inl900 5 g.  ...6.g.  Q.:.F:i5 Company's office. Q.-J. N. Y d~olonial Co. ~.-J. M.& S. St. L. Tr. Co., St. Louis.  le;·  N ov.i"s;•oi,I % J a n. 1, 1!102, I Jan. 1, '02, 1-.,. Sept. 1, '02, 11  M: & N, Mellon & Sons Bk, Pitts. 6 g. M.&N. do do lin 1900 March, N. YdiOO Willid~m St. 7 inl901 Q.-M. J. & D. do do 5 Checks mailed. 6 inl901 See text 7 inl901 Q.-F. do do  rno2 ·io ·ioo9' Nov. 1, 1921' Moh. 1, '00, 1 % Deo.16.'0'l., 111& June l , I 920 Nov. 9, '0'1, 1111 Nov. 9,'01, l! ~ "-  6 in.i90l c;i:.::F'. N. Y .. U.S. Mtg. & Tr, 5 g. J. & J. do do 6 g. J. & D. Boston, Int'l Trust Co. 6 g . M.&N. N. Y.,ChaseNationalBk.  Nov:i;•oi: 1~ July 1, 1925 Deo. 1, 1921 May 1, 1920  Q.-J. Newark. J. & D. N.Y.,41 Wall&Newark. J.-J. F. & A. Bost., N. Shawmut Bk. J. & D. New York.  Apr. 1, l9U Deo. ] , 19~81 Jan. 1, '02', 3~ Aug. 1, 1929·· Deo. 1, 193?'"'  6 g. 5 g. 7in 1901 5 g. 5 g.  0  0  0  STOCK, ETC.-Of the stock, $1,250,000 ea.oh of common and preferred, together with the entire $1,000,000 stock of the United Salt· Co. of Ohio, is deposited in escrow with the American Trust Co. of Cleveland, and $1,250,000 7 per cent preferred and $1,250,000 10 per · oentoommon trust oertifl.oates issued against same, interest at these · rates (payable J .-J.), being prat tioally guaranteed to and including · July 1, 1904, by oertiftoates of the National Salt Oo. attached theret&. V. 71, p. 1272; V. 72, p. 186, 286. In Apr., 19011 A. W. Lamson and ' J.B. Zerbe were appointed receiverE. of the Uruted Co. See V. 72, p. 725; V. 73, p. 960. DIVIDENDS.-On pref. in full to Nov., 1901, onoommon, 1½ p. o. an(I extra½ p. o. Aug., 1900; Nov., llia p. o.; 1901, 6 p. o. (Q.-F.) BONDS.-$260,000 Hutchinson-Kansas Salt Co., due Jan. 1, 1912. REPORT for 1900, with bal. sheet, in V. 72, p . 626, 934, shows: Net earnings calendar ,ear, $1.267,570. Dividends. $586,981; ba-1',sur., $680,589. V. 72, p. 24f, (V. 73, p. 725, 794, 960, 1163.) National Starch Co,-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in N. J. on' May 2. 1900, as a oombinaiion per plan in v. 70, p. 742. Hasi ' oapa olty of over 45,000 busheli of corn daily, or more than double tha~· of old Nat. Starch Mfg. Co., and is said to do about 90 per cent of the starch business of the U.S. V. 71, p. 392. Operations of the new · company date from Aug. 1, 1900. See list of plants, V. 70, p . 742. STOCK AND BoNDs.-Of the new stock, $2,405,685 common was' reserved in treasury of new company. Earmngs over interest, 2 per cent sinking fund, and dividends on· preferred stock, may be used to purchase debentures or preferred stock. Bee V. 72, p. 187. Div. on pref.1½ p. o. Q. -F., Nov. 1, 1900 tcv· Nov. 1, 1901, inclusive. EARNINGS.-Net earnings for 1900 were reported as $1,191,239;· interest charges, $440,000; sinking funds, $203,000. OFFICERs.-Chairman of Board, Joy Morton; President. Wm. F. Piel .. Jr.; Vice-Presidents, T. P. Kingsford and Wm. H. C. Coles; Seo. a.n tl• Treas., J. D. Higgins, New York.-(V. 72, p. 91, 187, 725, 1191.) , National' Steel Co.-See u. s. STEEL CORPORATION. National Sugar Refintng,-See page 170. National Tube Co,-See UNITED STATES STEEL CORPOR'A.TION: National Wall Paper Co,-Dividends paid in liquidation on · $7,500,000 debenture stock, 65 per cent, including 15 per cent, paid Sept. 12, 1901. N. Y. office. 418 Broome Street.-(V. 73, p. 794.) Newark Consolidated Gas,-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in• New Jersey on Nov. 30, 1898, and owns or controls all the gas plants tributary to Newark between Passaic and Elizabeth, N. J. Stock, $6,000,000, all common. Of the $10,000,000 oonsol. 5B, $4,025,000' are reserved for prior bonda and $701,000 for futm·e improvement& and extensiolli\. Dividends increasing from lg percent per an.1n190001 to 5 p. o. in 1909-10, and thereafter, are guaranteed on the $6,000 • 000 stock. Price of gas reduced to $1 per 1,000 cubic ft. April 1, 19~ V. 70, p. 534. There are $25,000 Montclair Co. bonds due July, 1903. Leased for 999 years from Dec. 1, 1898, to United Gas Impt. Co. and lease assigned to Essex & Hudson Gas Co. ($4,325,006 stock of' latter being owned by the U. G. Impt. Co,), but the U . G.; Co. will for the first six years be directly responsible for all payments underlease. Terms o_f lease, dividends on stock, eto., see V. 67, p. 1002. Pres., T. A. Nevms; Seo. & Treas., U. H. MoCarter.-(V. 72, p. 11.39,) New Central Coal (Md.).-Owns coal lands in Allegheny Countr ·. Maryland. Tons mined in 1898, 203,677; 206,262 in 1897, 188,453 1n 1896, 201,826 in 1895, and 151,002 tons ln 1894; net pro:ftts. in 1898, $37,397; in 1897, $32,006; in 1896, $23,018. N. Y. office, l · Broad way. In 1898 reduced the stock from $5,000,000 to -$'1,000,000, ILild shares from $100 to $20.· V. 66, p. 901, 1140; V. 64, p. 515. DIVID'DS.- ~ '86. '87, '88. '89. '90. '91-'94. '95-'97. '98. '99, '00 '01 Binoe'84p.c. S 1 1 1 o o 1 o 2 4 Apr.,2 o· The Oot., 1900, dividend was passed and none itaid since to Jan. , . 1902.-(V. 67, p . 29; V. 71, p. 700.) New England Cotton Yarn.-A consolidation of 9 yarn millit of New Bedford. Fall River and Taunton.-V. 69, p. 28, 81,181; v. 70, p. 587, 1294. In August, 1900, the plant was increased from 583,000to 620,000 spindles. V. 71, p. 345; V. 73, p. 443. SECURITIES.-Stook authorized, common, $5,000,000; pref. (as t~ assets and div. and subject to redemption after Jan. 1, 1900, at $140 per share), 7 p. o. oum., $6,500,000, outstanding, as in table. Noteepayable June 29, 1901, $2,947,000. REPORT.-Report tor year ending June 29, 1901, with balance sheet,. was in V. 73, p 443 (no income accou nt). First report for 11111 mos . ending June 30, 1900, was in V. 71, p. 286, showing: Net, $l,398,709; other income, $5 289; int. and sink fund, $317,125; div. on pref. (7 p.o.), $337,500; adaitions, etc., $629,990; bal., sur., $119;383. DIVIDENDS.-First div, on pref., 314 p. o. for 512 mos. from July 15. to Dec. 31, 1899, paid Jan. 1, 1900; July, 1900, to Jan., 1902, tnol., 7 p, o. yearly (J.-J.) Pres., Andrew G. Pierce, New Bedford.-(V. 71, p. 866; v; 73, p. 443.)· New- England Gas & Coke.-A voluntary association formed in 1897, and contracted with Dominion Coal Co., with mines in Nov Scotia, for a large supply of coal (800,000 tons or over per asnum) at a very low rate. This coal is converted into coke, aw«J the gas, which would otherwise be a waste product, is sold a11 ir, low price (20 cents per 1,000 feet) for heating as well as light· ing purposes. The output in Nov., 1900, was stated to be 5 200. 000 oubio feet of gas daily and 1,300 tons of coke daily. v. 72, 43. As to cost of making gas, contracts, ete., see V. 70, p. 483. In Jan., 1902, a plan of reorganization was expected to be issued shortly, J. & W. Seligman & Co. having the matter under oonsidera.tion.-V. 73L p. 1114, 1211. The plan must provide for funding the floating debt ox · about $1,800,000, and obtaintng additional capital for new coke ovens.: 0,  p.  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  16~  [VOL, L.X~IV,  I  MISCELLANEOUS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. ,.,,.,,._Pm,o,. Da.te Size, or pal,When Due. Amount p or of column headings, &o., see notes on of Rate per When Where P~a.ble, a.nd by 8tockB-Laet Bonds v~~e. Outstanding Cent. Payable first page of tables. om. Dividend.  I  ---  England, Telephone <I Telegraphr-Stook, $20,000,000. Bonds, Ber. 3, 4 & 5, $500,0 O ea., oalla.ft.10 yrs. at102 Bonds, Series 6, 7, & 8, $500,000 ea.oh, not subj. to call Bonds, $1,000,000 (see text) ..••••....•••..••••.••••••••• tuJ York Air Brake-Stock, $10,000,000 •.•••••....••.••• ew York Dock-Stock ($10,000,000 non-cu. pf.) Usm let mort., $13,000,000, red. at 1 5, text. Usm . . c&r • Y. Gas Etec. Light Bea cf Power-See CONSOL. GAS. ; Y. cf Hoboken Ferry Oo.-Stock•...••••••••..••.•...•••.. Hoboken Fer., let cons. M., red. at 110 ($4,500,000) .c* N. Y. & N. J. Ferry, two morts. ($600,000 are let 4s) .. N. Y. & Hoboken Ferry, gen. mort., gold, $4,000,000 .. N.• Y. Mutuat Gas Light-Stock (bonds, see Cons. Gas) ... N .Y.MutuatTet.-Mutual Un.Tel. lstM.,~,~-,notdr'n.c Niew York <I New Jerseg Telephon&-Btoc , $15,000,000.. M. (nowlst) $1,500,0 o,i,s.f.$20,000y'rly,notdr.A..c* N. Y. Telihone.-Met. T. . T., 1st M., a.!......... o&r iagara 'alls Power Oo.-lst M., $10,0 0,000, g.Ce.c&r Debentures, gold, convert., $3,000,000 (text).ll.lp .... c do do convertible, $3,000,000 (text) ....••. Niles•Bement-Pond Oo.-Stock, common, $5,000,000 ..... Pref. stock, 6 %, cum., $3,000,000, call in 1911 at 105 .. Pratt & Whitney, 6 c. cum. p-ref. stock, guar., text•.. North American-Stoa , $12,000,000 ..•.....•.....•••••..•. 0 hio <I Ind. Nat't & Illum. Gas-Stock, (Bonds see text) .. 0 tis Elevator-Stock, pref., 6 p. c., non-cum, $4,500,000 .. tuJ  f•  5Jl  t•  l·  $100 $18,023,500 6in 1901 Q.-F. 1,000 1,500,000 6 A. &O. 1,000 1,500,000 5 A. & 0. 1,000 1,000,000 4 J. & J. 100 7,812,500 Sin 1901 Q.-J. 100 17,000,000 1901 500 &c. 11,580,000 F. & A.  1891-3 1895-9 1900  ··-·  1896 1896 1898  issi isso 1888 1891 1900 1901  ...4.g.  3,300,000 4,100,000 1,000,000 3,300,000 100 3,500,000 1,000 5,000,000 100 Bee text. 100 1,364,000 1,000 1,925,000 500 &o. 10,000,000 1,000 1,500,000 300,000 5,000000 100 2,000,000 1,225,000 12,000 000 100 9,000,000 100 4,000,000  i:ooo i:ooo  ---· --ioo  ..... --· ..... --· . --·  --ioo  The new company purchased practically all the stock of the Brookline, Dorchester and Jamaica Plain Gas Light Companies, which pur  chase carries with it the control (through right to vote the stocks de·  posited as security for the Boston United Gas bonds-(see Bay State Ga.a statement pa,ge 170) of Bay State Ga.a Co. of Mass., Boston Ga.a Light Co., South Boston Gas Light Co. and Roxbury Gas Light Co.; briefly, all gas companies in Boston. As to litigation with Bay State Gas Co., see V. 68, p. 1179. STOCK AND BONDS.-Capital stock authorized is $17,500,000; issued, $14,000,000, par $100. First mortgage is for $17,500,000 (redeemable at 105 after Dec. 1, 1902), of which $16,370,000 have been is• -sued (V. 68, p. 85) and are secured by amortga~e on all the company's property (coke ovens, land, etc.), and by pledge of the following: Totat 1: tt,ed.  Pledged.  Brookline Gas Light stock ....•. ·-·········· $2,0001)00 $1,998,600 " certificates of indehtedness.. ·--· 1,615,•100 1,615,000 Dorchester Gas Light stock (V.73,p.1161). 519,6,lO 517,600 Boston United Gas bonds, 1st series....... 9,000,0uO 1,000,000 Jamaica Plain Gas Light Co................ 250,000 139,808 Massachusetts Pipe Line Co.(V.67, p. 275) 1,000,000 1,000,000 EARNINGB.-Companies controlled for 1899·00 in V. 71, p. 1117. Statement for first year en<ling Dec. 1, 1900, (ovens beina in full operation from Mar. 5, 1900, only) shows net earning-A sufficient to meet fixed charges and expenses within $8,174, interest at the end ot the year being more than earned. TRUSTEES.-Trustees of N. E. Gas & Coke Co. as follows: George G. Haven, Robert C. Pruyn, Stephen Peabody, W. L. Elkins, Jr., Wil· llan Flinn, H. M. Whitney, Henry F. Dimock, Wm. L. Elkins, A. N. Brady, Em. McMillin, R. W. Lord. Almerio H. Paget.-(V. 73, p. 1211.) New- England Telephone & Telegraph.-This company does a telephone business in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachu• eetts under license from the American Bell Telephone Co. On January 1, 1901, it had 75,121 stations in all, against 60,711 in 1900. Of capttal stock a majority is owned by American Telephone & Telegraph {Bell) Co.-V. 70, p. 40. The bonds are debentures, but are to be secured by any mortgage placed on the property. Authorized stock increased in 1900 from $15,000,000 to $20,000,000, the proceeds to be used tor construction in 1901 and 1902.-V. 72. p. 1241. DIVIDENDS.-1 1886·93. 1894. 1895. '96. '97. '98. '99. 1900. 1901. Per Cent. 5 312 yearly. 4 41.g 5 51.g 6 6 6 6 ANNUAL REPORT.-Fiscal year ends Dec. 31. Report for 1900 --;vas in V. 72, p. 934, showing gross earnings $4,518,396; net over inter· est, maintenance, taxes, etc., $896,752; dividends (6 p. c.) $838,635; balance, sur. for year, $58,117.-(V. 71, p. 33; V. 72, p. 934, 1241.) Ne-wport & Cincinnati Bridge Co.-SeeR.AILROAD Cos. New York Brake,-Incorporated under laws of New Jersey, Works at Watertown, N. Y.; capacity. 300 sets of car brakes a day. In 1896 dividend 6 p. o.; in 1897 and 1898 none; Oct., 1899, to Jan., 1902, incl., 2 p. o. quar.(8 p. o. per an.). The stockholders voted Aug. 16, 1899, to increase the stock from $5 000,000 to $10,000,000. Of the new stock $1,250,000was subeoribed '/.or by stockholders at par {$100) for extension of business, and $1,562,500 additional for the same purpose in May, 1901-V. 69, p. 181,388; V. 72, p. 876. In March, 1900, had no bonded or :floating debt. As to patent litigation with , westinghouse Air•Brake Co., see v. i9, p. 181,442; v. 70, p, 636; v. 73, p . 1359. DIRECTORS.-President, C. A. Starbuck, 66 Broadway; Vice-Prest., Daniel Magone; Secy. and Treas., John C. Thompson; Asst.·Treas., 0. H. Chaffee, Fred. Flower, H. A. Rogers, J.C. Younfl, Anthony N. Brady, Thomas·C. Purdy and George B.Massey.-(V. 73, p. 1064, 1359). New York Dock Co.-ORGAl'ifJZATION.-Incorporated on July 18, 1901, as successor of the Brooklyn Wharf & Warehouse Co., foreclosed June 11, 1901, and reorganized per plan V. 72, p. 937. Possession taken Aug. 1, 1901. V. 73, p. 239. Owns water frontage in Brooklyn "frontage of more than 214 miles,'' of which 157 feet leased. Official statement, V. 73, p. 1355. STOCK .AND BoNDs.-After 5 p. o. on preferred both stocks to share equally. Of the bonds, $1,420,000 are reserved for future extensions and improvements. Property not needed may be sold and proceeds applied to improvements or cancellation of bonds. EARNINGS.-Offloial statement with balance sheet in V . 73, p. 1355, showed for 3 mos. ending Nov. 1, 1901, gross (partly estimated), $459,281; operating expenses, $172,610, int. on 1st 4s, $115,800; int. on Baltic realty mortgage, $4,383; taxes, $87,000; bal., sur., $79,487. The accounts of the receiver of the old company for the year ending July 31, 1901, showed earnings, $725,228. Interest charges under the plan will be $467,750 yearly, to be increased by interest on $1,420,000 first mortgage 4s (or $56,800 annually) when sold tor improve• ments. The earnings are expected to be largely increased upon completion of improvements provided for by cash ($2,745,000) raised under plan. Pres:.t David H. King .Tr.; Seo., Richard M. Hurd; Treas., Clark Williams. ufflcfl, 66·68 Broad St. (Manhattan), N. Y. Directors, V. 73, p.141, 1114.-(V. 73, p. 1114, 1163, 1355.) New- York & East River Ferry.-Ownsthe "Astoria" FerrybetweenAstoria1 L. I., and foot of 92d St., New York, and has three ferry. boats. Capitru stock, $750,000; dividends are payable Q.-M. DIVIDENDS,-~ 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899, 1900. 1901 (Q·M)P.o. 5 3 4 419 5 5 519 6 Bonds, $750,000 let 30-year gold 5s due Nov. I, 1922, interestM.-N., at Kings Co. Trust Co. Directors-William A. Nash. Theo. F. Jack· son, H. K. Knapp, E. Lehman and Roswell Eldridge.-(V. 71, p. 392.) New- York & East River Gas Co.-SeeNEW AMSTERDAM GAS Oo. New- York & Hoboken Ferry Co.-Incorporated Nov. 10, 1898, under the laws of .New Jersey as successor of the Hoboken Ferry Co., operating from Barclay Street, Christopher St. and West 14th St. to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Text. Q.-M. 5 M.&N. 4&5 .r. & J. 5 g. J. &D. 9in 1901 J. & J. 6 g. M.&N. 7in 1901 ~-J.15 5 g• . & N, 5g. M. &N. 5 g. Various 6 g. A. & 0. 6 . A. & 0. 6 in1901 Q.-M. 6 in 1901 Q.-F. See text. Q.-F. 41n 1901 6  r::ru:. .-J.  Boston, 125 Milk St. Boston.Bank of Repub. Bost., Nat. Bk. Com•rce. do do Office, 66 B'way, ~- Y.  Nov.15,'0l,1¼ Ajr., 1906-7-8 1 15,'16&'19 Jan. 1, 1930 J an.15,'02, 2%  N. Y., U. S. M. & Tr. Co. Aug. 1, 1951 N. Y.yu. s. Mort. & Tr. N. ., Cent. Tr. Co. N, Y., U. 8. Mort. & Tr. Checks mailed. N. Y., West. Union Tel. Bklyn,81WilloughbySt. N. Y., Atlantic Tr. Co. N. Y., 18 Cortlandt St. N. Y. Wins., Lan. & Co. N. Y., Metropol. Tr. Co. N. Y.,Winslow, L. & Co.  ...... -... ........... ..........  Dec. 2, '01, 114 May 1, 1946 Jan. 1, 1946 May 1, 1946 Jan.10,'02, 4% May 1, 1911 Jan.15,'02, 219 May 1, 1920 May 1, 1918 Jan. 1, 1932 Apr. 1, 1910 Oct. 1, 1911 Dec. 5, '01, llg Nov.15,'01,119 Nov.15,'0l,llg  ;oi:  1S N. Y., Corn Exe. Bank. Dec: ·:f N. Y.Off., 71 Broadway Jan. 15,'02,119  Hoboken. Stock, $4,000,000; outstanding, $3,300,000. Ot the new $4,000,000 gen. 5s $700,000 were reserved for improvements; gen. 58 are redeemable at 110 on any interest day. Dividends, Dec., 1899, to Mar., 1901, inclusive, 1 p. o. quarterly (4 p. c. per annum); since to Dec , 1901, 114 p. o. quarterly (5 p. o. per annum),-(V. 71, p. 1070.) N. Y.lliut.GaeLlght.-BeeCon.Gas. N. Y. ll.lut. Tel.--Seep.170• New York & New- .J'ersey Bridge Co. N. Y.-(V. 72, p. 991,) New York & New- .J'ersey TeJephone.-Operates telephone lines under perpetual license from the Bell Company in Staten Island, Long Island (including .Hrooklyn), in New Jersey in counties of Bergen Essex, Hudson, Mid -Uesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset and Union. Its total st:, tions on Jan. 1, 1901, were 35,176 (of which 15,826 1n Long Island), 2F .071 in 1900, 22,065 in 1899 and 18,093 in 1898. STOCK.-Btockholders voted Mar. 1, 1901, to increase the author• lzed stock from $8,000,000 to $15,000,000, $1,875,000 of the new stock being offer id at par.-V. 72, p. 583. This increased the amount outstanding to $9.375,000. DIVIDENDS.-- t 1892. 1893. 1894 to Jan.. 1902, inclusive, Per Cent. 5 6 6 7% yearly (incl. 1% extra in Jan.) EARNINGB.-Report for year ending Dec. 31, 1900, was in V. 72, p. '41, showin~ S!OSS, $2,827,481; net, $808,876; interest, taxes, etc., $174,731; dividends, $490,650; balance, surplus, $143,496. In 1899, gross, $2.381.36R-IV. 72. p. 244, 441, 483, 583.) N. '7. & q,. Elec. Light & Pow-er Co.-See page 170. New Yark Suburban Ga111.-See V. 68, p. 474; V. 70, p. 844. New- York ·releph.-Nlagara Falls Pow-er Co.-See p.170. N. Y. Transportatlo n.:-See page 170. Nlles•Bement•Pond Co.-ORG.A.NIZATION.-Incorporated in New Jersey on Aug. 11, 1899, as a consolidation of the Nlles Tool Works Co. ,etc. Does much of the heavy machine trade of the country. V. 69, p. 388. In Jan., 1901, took over entire common stock ($1,· 525,00U) of the Pratt & Whitney Co., guaranteeing 6 per cent on the $1,225,000 preferred stock of the latter, provided that it earns that amount on its own stook.-V. 71, p. 139; V. 70, p. 1253; V. 72, p.143. First quarterly dividend May 15, 1901. Stock, common, $5,000,000; pref., 6 per cent cum. (subject to call 1n 1911 at 105), $3,000,000, of which $1,000,000 remains in treasury to acquire minority interest in Niles Tool Works Co. DiT. on preferred paid Nov., 1899, to Nov., 1901, llg p. c. quarterly, (Q.-F.) On common, Sept., 1900, llg p. c.; Dec., 112 p. c.; 1901, 6 p. o. (Q.-M.), For year ending_June 30, 1900, net, $1,116,361; reserve for depreciation, $46,361; div. on pref. (3 p. o.), $60,000; on common (3 p. c.), $150,000; bal., sur., $800,000. V, 71, p. 290, Pres., R C. McKinney; Treas., Chas L. Cornell; Sec., E. M. C. Davia, 136 Liberty St., N. Y.(V. 72, p. 143, 286.) North American Company .-ORG.A..NIZATION.-Organizedin 1890 under laws of New Jersey, as successor to the Oregon & Trans-Continental Co. Is interested in street railway and electric enterprises. In 1901 the authorized capital stock was decreased from $40,000,000 to $12,000,000 by the issue of one share for each 313 shares of. outstanding stook.-V. 73, p. 30. · ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for 4 mos. ending May 31, 1901, was in V. 72, p. 1236, and V. 73, p. 30, showing "unrealtzed" prottts, a.a per balance sheet, $1,547,446. Fiscal year ends May 31. Report for 18991900 was in v. 70, p. 1247; v. 71, p. 27. ASSETS Feb., 1901: Owns entire $3,000,000 stock of the Union Light Heat & Power Co. of Covington, Ky., eto .. (V. 72, p. 922; V. 73, p. 394) and of the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. (V. 72, p. 938, 734, 724) -V. 72, p. 30. On May 31, 1901, owned: Stocks, $8,361,429; bonds, $881,850, and its ba'ance sheet showed Milwaukee Elec. Ry. & Light stock, $3,500,215; Cin. Edison El. stock, $850,800; other stocks, etc., $2,429,516; loans, payable, $1,528,823; accts. rec., $480,000; cash, $547,328. DmECTORS.-Edward Q. Keas bey, John I. Beggs, C. W. Wetmore, s. w. Burt, J. R. de la Mar, Wm. Nelson Cromwell, G. R. Sheldon, Edmund C. Converse, Henry C. Payne. Robert Bacon, Charles Pfister and Chas. A. Spofford. Pr~sident. C. W. Wetmore: Vice-President, Charles A. Spofford; Seo., Silas W. Burt; Treas., <¾eo. R. Sheldon, 30 Broad Bt.(V. 73, p. 30, 394, 794.i Northern Union Gas Co. (Ne,v York Ctty.)-V. 65, p, 621. North-western Telegraph.-Owns 8,000 miles of wire and is leased to Western Union for 99 years, which guarantees dividends a.t 6 per cent on $2,500,000 stock (par $50) and interest on 1st mort. 7s, due Jan. 1, 1904, interest J. & J.-(V. 72, p. 143, 6.:W.) Ohio & Indiana Natural & Illuminating Gas.-ORGANIZA• TION.-A consolidation incorporated in N. J. on Dec. 29, 1899 per pl:~n V. 69, p. 1251. Stock $10,000,000, of which $1,000,000 to aoqmre n~'Y gas field~, See statement to N. Y. Stock Exchange, v. 70, p. 994. Dividends paid Mar. 1, 1900, to Dec. 2, 1901, one p. c. quarterly. Underlymg bonds, $820,000 Ind. Nat. & Ill. Gas 6s (int. M-N), due 1908; $1,705,000 Logansport & Wabash 6s, J~D, due 1925; $1,955,000 Fort Wayne, 6s,J J, due 1925; $970,000 Lafayette 6s, M-N, due 1924.· $1,955,000 Ohio & Ind. 6s (J-D), due 1926. Earnings of conl'ltit~ uent companies for year ending Dec. 31, 1899, were: Gross, $1 961 • 371; net, 1,332,613; interest on bonds, $454,875; divi<1ends, $362:500; ~onstruction, $486,962; bal., sur., $28,276. Prest., Chas. F. Dieterich; Treas., A. B. Proal, 45 Broadway, N. Y.-(V. 71, p, 1015.) Omaha Water Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Sucoessorin 1896 of American Water-Works Oo. of Illinois, per plan in V. 62, p. 1085. Stock Common, $2,500,000,notissn~d; outstanding, first pref., 5 per cent non-cum., $750,000; second pref., 5 p. c. non.cum., $1,000,000, Par of shares, $50. Preferred stocks are subject to call at par, dividends being paid at Farmers' Loan & Tru_st Co., New: Y(lrk. Decision, see V. 71, p. 915; V. 73. p. 1211. Dividends paid on fl.rat preferred: 1898, 5 per cent; 1899, 5 p. o.; 1900, 5 p. c.; 1901, 5 p. c. On second pref. 1 p. o. paid Aug., 1899; 1900, 2 p. c.; 1901, 2 p. o.  JA~UARY,  . MlSCELLilEOUS  1902.]  MISCELLANEOUS.  For explanation of column headings, &c., see notes on first page of tables.  Pacific Ooast Oo.-Btock, common, $7,000,000 ............ let preferred stock, $1,525,000, 5 p.c. non-cumulativ&. 2d preferred stock, $4,000,000, 4 p. c, non-oumulative. let mortgage, $5,000,000, .............•..••. c*  163  STOCKS AND BONDS.  Bonds-PrmoiINTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. pal, When Due. Date Size, or Amount Par · Stocks-Last Rate per When Where Payable, and by of Dividend, Bonds Value. Outstanding Cent. Payable Whom.  ..... --·  ---$100  Q-F. N.Y.,Manhat. Trust Co. do do ~.-F. .-F. do do J. & D. do do J. & D. N. Y. Mercantile Trust. F. & A, M. & S. N.Y., First N. Bk.&Pat.  Feb, 1, '02, l t Feb. 1, '02, 1 Feb, 1, '02, 19(, June 1, 1946 Dec. 1, '99,119 1902 to 1911 Moh. 1, 194.9  1,000 2,282,000 6 .r. & J. Phila.,BroadSt. Station Checks mailed. 100 16,500,000 See text. M. & N. Old Penna. Steel 1st M., cur ............................. r 1,000,000 t,000 5 M.& N. Philadelphia Office. Maryland Steel 1st mortgage, currency. f1 P ........... r 1892 1,915,000 do do 1,000 5 F. & A. Penn. Steel Co., Consol. mort., $7,000,000, gold.GP c* 1895 500 &c. 3,482,000 6 g. M. & S. GirardL.r.,A.&Tr.,Phil. Collateral trust loan Cornwall properties .........•..... 1901 m N. Y., Tr. Co. Pe<>ple's Gas Lilht d: Ooke (OhicagoJ-Stook, $35,000,000 100 32,969,100 6in 1901 Q.::F. People's Gas ight & Coke 1st mortgage, gold, $ & £ .. c 6 g. M. & N. N. Y., Cent. Tr. & Chio. 500 2,100,000 '2d mortgage.. . ...................................... o 1874 500 2,500,000 6 g. J. & D. N. Y., Cent. Tr. & Chio. ilst oonsol. mort. for $10,000,000 gold ................. *c 1893 1,000 4,900,000 6 g. A. & O. N. Y., Central Trust Co. Equitable Gas Light & Fuel 1st mortgage ............. o" 1885 1,000 2,000,000 6 g. J. & J. N. Y., Cent'l Tr. & Chio. Chicago Gas Light & Coke 1st mortgage, g.(FP) ...... o 1887 1,000 10,000,000 do do 5 g. J. & J. Consumers' Gas 1st mort., gold. Bee v. 66, p. 472 .... o 1886 1,000 4,246,000 5 g. J. & D. N. Y., Central Tr. & Ch. Dlinois L. H. & Power 1st mortgage ...•••.............. o 1885 Chicago, Chio. Nat. Bk. • . . . . 1,000 500,000 7 6 g. J. & J. Ill. Tr. & Sav. Bk., Chio. 1885 1,000 300,000 Lake Gas & Light 1st m~rt~geUiold ........••.•...• 1,000 5 g. M. & 8. New York. P. G. L. & c.-Refunding 5 0,000,000, g.F .. . c &r 1897 2,500,000 Mutu al Fuel Gas 1st mort., $ ,000,000, gold, assume.I. 1897 1,000 5,000,000 5 g. M. & N. N. Y ., Cent. Tr. & Chio. Hyde Park Gas, 1st mortgage, assumed................. 1884 500 &o 200,000 M. & 8. First Nat. Bk., Chicaso. 6 1,000 Calumet Gas Co.1st mortgage, assumed................. ·-·· 250,000 6 g . •T. & J. Chicago Eq. Trust o.  July 1, 1910 Nov. l, '01, 319 Nov. 1, 1917 Feb. 1, 1922 Sept. 1, 1925  is91  Pacific Mail Steamship-Stock ............................. Pacific Pack d: Nav.-Deb., $7,000,000, g., s. f., text. K. i9C)l Paterson d: Pas,aic Gas d: Elec.-Cons. M., $5,000,000, g. 1899 Underlying bonds $1,044,000-See V. 71, p. 37.  100 100 1,000 100  i:ooo  $6,738,800 1,502,800 3,904,200 4,446,000 20,000,000 3,000,000 3,632,000  4in 1901 5 in 1901 4in 1901 5 g. 3in 1899 6 g. 5 g.  Penn,sylvania Oanal-Gen. M., $5,000,000, int. guar... c* 1870 Pennsytv. Steel Oo.-Pf. stock, 7%, non-cum., $25,000,000  iss1  ceiitrai  is74  JC  Securities.  Par. Interest.  Outstand'g.  Last di1'., ete. I Paterson & Passaic Gas & Electric Co,-ORGANIZATION....... .......... I and A consolidation in 1899. Has perpet_ual franchise, and supplies gas electricity in Paterson, Passaic. etc. Bee V. 71, p. 36.  Oommon stock .......... $50 None. 1st pref,, 5 p. o....... 50 F&A $750,000 Aug. 11,'0l, 219 2d pref., 5 p. c. .•. . .. 50 F&A 1,000,000 Aug. 11, '01,1 July 1 1916 Prior lien gold 5s, l 1 000 J &J 793,000 $1,500,000 .......... 5 ' • Consol. gold 419-5s, l 1 000 J &T 3,577,000 1946 $6,000,000 .......... 5 ' "' Both tssues of bonds are subject to call at 105 per cent. Consols bear interest at 5 per cent from July, 1901. President, Theodore C. Woodbury, New York; Bee., B.arry Miguela Verrill; Treas., Stockton Heth, Omaha, Neb.-(V. 73, p.1211.) Oregon Improvement Co.-SeeP.ACIFIC COAST Co. Otis Elevator Co.-Inoorporated Nov. 28, 1898. under the laws of New Jersey and was to take over every standard elevator manufacturing company in the U. B., about 13 in all, comprising about 85 per cent of the business. See V. 71, P•5-'5• Stock $6,500,· 000 common and $4,500,000 non•oumulative 6 per cent preferred; $500,000 of each of which is retained in the treasury. Dividends on pref., Apr. 15, 1899, to Jan,, 1902, both inclu.sive, 119 p. o., quar. (6 per annum). No bonds. In Mar., 1901, 4 per cent notes l1ad been is·s ued extending over a period of 7 years, all the floating debt and underlyIng bonds being retired. Office, 71 Broadway, N. Y.-(V. 72, p. 1241.) Pacific Coast Company.-This company controls the Paciftc Coast Steamship Company (owning its entire capital stock) and operates steamship lines running between San Franci!loo. Portland, Victori~ Sitka, Fort Bragg, San Diego, &o. Aleo owns all the eoourities of the volumbia & Puget Bound RR. (now standard gauge), Seattle to Franklin, etc., with sldings, 57 miles, and its New Castle mine; the Paoifto Coast Railway (narrow gauge), Port Harford, Cal., to Los Olivos, 80 miles; the Port Townsend Southern RR.; Port Town· send to Quilcene, Wash., 28 miles, and Olympia to Tenino, Wash., 15 m.Ues ; oplil'ates the Franklin Coal Co. owning the Franklin mine, with 3,050 acres coal lands at Franklin and 2,083 acres at New Castle. See V. 60, p. 954. In 1901, purchased Wash. & Alaska fleet.-(V. 73,p. 447.) HISTORY.-Sucoessor on Dec. 1, 1897, to the Oregon Improvement Co., sold in foreclosure and reorganized p. plan in V. 65, p. 412,463. DIVIDENDS- } 1898. 1899. 1900 to Feb., 1902. Com., per ct.. 2 2 1 Q-F (4% per an.) 1st pref., p. o. 5 41 11 114 (1-F (5% per an.) 2d pref., p. c.. 4 313 1 Q-F (4% per an.) E.ARNINGS.-5 mos., 51901. ...••. Gross, $2,385,116; net, $'48,494 July 1 to Nov. 30. { 1900 ...... Gross, 2,428,486; net, 635,250 REPORT.-Rep. for year ending June 30, 1901, in V.73, p. 953, 963, showed gross earnings of steamships and colliers, $3,214,581; net, $418,134; rail lines, gross, $653,655; net, $337,232; coal department, etc., gross, $1,270,310; net, $39'5,505. Detailed results were: Gross earnings ......... $5,137,546 j Interest on bonds ........ $222,300 Op.expenses and taxes. 3,986,676 Depreciation, etc ......•.• 239,806 Div. on 1st pref. (5%).... 76,250 Net earnings .......... $1,150,870 Div. on 2d pref. (4%) .•..• 160,000 Interest and discount.. 52,849 Div. on common (4%t•••. 280,000  -----  I  ----  Total net income ...•. $1,203,719 Balance, eurplus .•••... $225,363 For year 1899-00, gross, $5,290,443; net, $1,404,782, contrasting with $5,137,546; as above, in 1900-01, OFFICERS, of the board, Henry W. Cannon; President, J. D. Farrell; Treas.,John Kean; V. P. and Sec., H. H. Durand, Executive Committee: Henry W. Cannon, E. H . Harriman, Daniel 8. Lamont. T. Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., and Grant B. Schley.-(V. 71, p. 912, 1010, 1018; V 73, p . 447,902,953, 963.) Pacific Mall Steamshlp.-In Nov., 1900, the Southern Paoitio Co. acquired $10,005,000 of the stock.-V. 71, p. 1015. DIVIDENDS.-No dividends from 1887 until Dec., 1896, when 1 p. o. was paid; in '97, 2 p.c.; in '98, 219p. o.; in '99,June, 112p.o.; Deo.,119p.o. none since, surplus being invested in new vetaselR, etc.-V. 70, p. 331. REPORT.-Reportfor 1900-01 in V.'72,p.1079; V.73,p. 234. On Apr. 30, 1901, current liabilities were $432,885; current assets, $745,231. l'ear ending Apr. 30. 1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. Steamships ........... $2,868,969 $3,509,840 $3,959,013 $3,668,477 Subsidies.............. 13,878 12,282 15,707 55,917 Miscellaneous........ 188,319 195,498 165,994 339,827 Total earnings .•.• $3,071,166 $3 817,620 $4,140,713 $4 064,221 Net earnings.......... $167,821 $830,189 $1,116,336 $620,543 Dividends (3 p. o.) in 1899-00, $600,000; baL, sur., $230,189. DmECTORS-C, H. Tweed, President; Jos. Hellen, Seo. and Treas., Mills Building, N. Y.-(V, 72, p. 1079, 1087; V. 73, p. 235, 845.) Pacific Packing & Navigation Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in New Jersey in July, 1901..z. and acquired about 12 of the leading salmon•oanning concerns in vregon, including Paoifto-A.merican 1!'ls~eries Co (V. 70, p. 999), etc .• but not the Alaska Packing Asso01a.t1on (V. 72, p. 672; V. 73, p. 34).- V. 73, p. 142,394. Charles R. Flint of New York arranged the oonsolida.tion. The Pacifto Selling Co., with $1,000,000,1.000 stock, is selling agent.-V. 73, p. 960. Stock authorized, :i;l2,500,000 each of common and 7 per cent cum. preferred; present issue, $6,000,000 each. All the stock will be held for 5 years in a voting trust. (V. 73, p. 239.) or the debentures (authorized issue $7,000,000), one-tenth are retirable by a t1inking fund yearly either by purchase in the open ma.rket or through drawings by lot at 105 and interest. Net earnings are estimated at $1,300,000 for the current; year, or equal to 12 p. o. on common 1took. OFFICERS.-Prel!I., Charles Counselman; Vice-Pres, Thomas B. McGovern; Chairman of Board, Richard Delafield; Treas., Frederick F. .Carey; Sec., Roland On:tfroy; Directors, V. 73, p, 618.-(V. 73, p. 960. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Nov.25i'Oi,119 Nov. , 1904 Dec. 1, 1904 Apr. 1, 1943 July 1, 1905 July 1, 1937 Dec. 1, 1936 Nov. 1, 1915 July 1, 1915 Sept. 1, 1947 Nov. 1, 1947 Sept. 1, 1904 July 1, 1917  1  Underlying bonds, V. 71, p. 37. Net earnings for 12 months ending Mar. 1, 1900, $275,272; interest, $219,987; bal., sur., $55,285. Stock, $5,000,000, all outstanding (par, $100), of which large maJor-  :tie t~~~g 1~i94~4~:ier~~! J~Erf>!;1:s1it&clru~fci~i~~~~t/1~: 044,000 reserved to redeem underlying bonds and $324,000,for improvements and acquisitions . . President, William Barbour, Paterson, N. J.-(V. 72, p. 441.) Pennsylvania Elec. Vehlcle.-See page 171.  Pennsylvania MCg, Light & Power,-See PHILADELPHIA. ELEC. Pennsylvania Steel Co,-Chartered in New Jersey on Apr. 29, 190 L, and acquired ·per plan of recapitalization, v. 72, p. 46, 91t almost entire $6,500,000 stock of Penn. company of same name entire stock of Maryland Steel Oo. Thus controls 555 aoree at Steelton, Pa. and 1,000 acres at Sparrows Point, near Baltimore, Md., with stee1 plants, including blast furnaces, having annual capacity or 750,000 tons pig iron: two Bessemer plantR, capacity 800,000 tons, and one open•hearth plant, capacity 250,000 tons or ingots; two rail mllis, capacity 640,000 tons, a shipbuilding and a bridge-building plant,eto., etc. Owns e.half interest in Juragua (Cuba) Iron Co., Ltd. (V. 62,p. 776; V. 71, p. 393) and ii347,900 each of common and preterred stock of Cuban Steel Ore Co. V. 72, p. 579. In Apr., 1901, purchased entire $2,400,000stook of the Spanish-American Iron Co., shipping 300,000 to 350,000 tons of ore annually and owning about 5,000 acres of land, and in June, 1901, a 3896 interest in the Cornwall Ore Banks Co., Lebanon Co., Pa., and a controlling interest in the Cornwall & Lebanon RR., at a purchase price reported as $4,500,000, of which a part, it was stated, is to be met from the treasury and the balance to be raised by a collateral trust loan. V. 72, p. 1241, 1283: V. 73, p. 1364. In Aug., 1901, a further 89 6 interest, it was stated, was purchased for $1,200,000. (V. 73, p. 239.) Otticial statement showing securities of controlled companies owned, their properties, balance sheet of Oct. 25, 1901, etc., see V. 73, p. 13M. In June, 1901, control was aoquire<l. by the Pennsylvania RR. and affiliated roads by purchase of $10,000,000 each of common and preferred stock from the underwriting syndicate; the same intereHts control the Cambria Steel Co.-(V. 72, p. 678.) STOCK.-Common stock authorized, $25,000,000; outstanding, $10,750,000 (par $100). Preferred, see table aoove. V. 72, p. 1241. DIVIDENDS.-First dividend on preferred stock since recapitalization, 312 per cent, paid Nov. 1, 1901. BoNDs.-Oonsolidated joint mortgage covers the plau ts at Steelton,Pa. and Sparrow Point, Md., all of ·the $1,000,000 stock of the Marylana1 Steel Co. and $697,500 of the $1,500,000 capital stock of the Juragua Iron Co.; $3,000,000 are reserved to retire the prior liens. Car trust notes Dec. 31, 1900, $250,000. V. 72, p. 579. REPORT of old co. for year to Dec. 31, 1900, in V. 72, p. 579, showed: Profits, $2,829,117, against $2,330,170 in 1899; int., taxes, depreciation, etc., $1,426,806; div. on pref. (Sll& per cent), $131,250; bal., sur., $1,271,061. Directors, Oct. 1901, V. 73, p. 1355.-(V. 73, p. 239, 618, 845,902, 1211, 1355, 1364.) People's Gas Light & Coke (Chlcago),-An absolute oonsoli• dation on Aug. 2, 1897, of the companiel!I forming the old Chicago Gae. Trust.-V. 64 p. 1088; V. 65, p. 235. Mutual Fuel was purchased in November, 1897, and early in 1898 consolidated, as was also the Hyde Park Co. with the People's Gas-Light & Coke Co. The Universal Gas Co. (stock:, $1,500,000) is controlled in the company's interest.-V. 67, p. 179; V. 68, p. 474. On Nov. 1, 1900, made a contract to purchase tbe property of the Ogden Gas Co. tor $7,000,000, at the exniration of the latter's franchise -on Mar. 4, 1945. V. 72, p. 91, 244, 630, 779; V. 74, p, !:19, 155. In May, 1901, control of Cicero Gas Co., and in Nov., 1901, control of the Northwestern GasLight&Coke Co. of Evanston was acquired in the interes~ of the company. V. 72, p. 1087; V. 73, p. 1064, 630 As to Indiana Oil & Gas Co., see V. 67, p. 690; V. 68, p. 825, 1182; V, 71, p, 33, 1123. PROPERTY.-In ser~ce January, 1901: Street mains~ 1,729 miles; meters, 300,077; publlo lamps, 24,980.-See V. 66, p. 3i:,2. In June, 1901, a. settlement was reached with the city on the basts of the latter receiving on account of its percentage of the gross r&oeipts (viz., 312 p. o. from illuminating aud 5 p. c. from fuel gas) free gas for 25,000 street lamps (this service to be valued at $350,000) and for these lamps Welsbach burners (valued at $25,000), these to be maintained by the city; any surplus in the percentage above $375,000 to be paid in cash. The contract forbids the city to attack the company's franchise, but reserves to it the right to continue the Ogden gas and 75-oent-gas suits. See v. 72, p. 1283, 1087; V. 74 p. 155. In Aug., 1901, suit was brought by the State to test the constitutionality of the Consolidation Act of 1897.-(V. 73, p . 349.) BTOCK.-In Sept., 1901, stockholders subscribed to $4,300,300 stock, raising the amount outstanding to $32,969,100.-(V. 73, p . 496.) DIVS.- { '89. '90. '91 '92. '93. '94. '95. '96. '97 to Nov. '01 Per cent. 5 4 3 3 514 412(1½.!so.) 6 212 112 6y'rly(l 19Q·F) BONDS, ETC.-Of the $40,000,000 issue of 1897 $26,546,000 bond• were reserved to retire prior bonds. The balance may be issued tor additional property, improvements or betterments.-(V. 65, p. 572.) EARNINGs.-For 9 mos. ending Sept. 30, 1901 gross,$6,728,594; net, $3,254,868; depreciation, etc., $369i672; bond interest, $1,392,660; dividends (419 p. o.), $1,290,096; ba ., eur., $202,440. REPORT-Report for year ending Dec. 31, 1900, in V. 72, p. 337; balance sheet of Oct. 1, 1901, V. 73, p. 953.  164  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  [VoL. LXXIV.  MISCELLANEOUS. Date Size, or INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bondspal,Whe~:!: Amount Rate per When Where Payable, and by Stocks-Last For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes on of Par Outstanding first page of tables. Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend. Ph,ilade[,J)hia Electrio--Stook, $5 per in ..... .  Phila. Blee. Trust Ctfs.1 _gold, $17,500,000 (see text) .. . EdisonEleo. Trust Certmcatea, g. (Edison stock as coll.) Old Phila.. Eleo. Tr. Otts. (Penn. H. L. & P. stock as col.) Pitt8lnt,rg Ooat-Common stock, $32,000,000 .........••. Preferred stock, 7 per cent, cumulative, $32,000,000 .. Pressed, Steel Oar Oo.-Stock, common, $12,500,000 ...•.. Pref. stock (as to assets), 7 p.c., non-cum., $12,500,000 McKee's Rooks purchase money mortgage .....•••..••• . ls\ M., gold notes, red., due $500,000 y'rly, Feb.Dio.o• Procter cl Gambte.-Common stock, $4,500,000 ........•.. Pref. stock (8 p.o., cum.). Bee terms in ed. May,'93,BUP. Pullman Oompany-Btook, $74,000,000 ..•••••....•...•••• Quicksilver Mining-Preferred stock, 7 ~- o., not cum ..••. Btl)'Ublic Iron cl Steet-Common stock, $30,000,000 ..... . Preferred. 7 per cent, ~'.llllulative, $25,000,000 . . ...... . .Royal Baking Powder-Common stock, $10,000,000 .•.•. Preferred stock, $10,000,000, 6 per cent, cumulative .. Rubber Gooas Manufacturing-Com. stock, $25,000 000. Pref. stock, 7 p. o. cum., $25,000,000 (bonds, see text). Ht.Louis Ter. Oupples Sta. cf P.-lstM. g.,red.102aft.'02.o* Bhelbv Steel Tube-Common stock, $9,000,000 .........•. Prelerred stock, $6,000,000, 7 per cent cumulative .... Binger (Sewing Machine) Manufac'g-Btock, $30,000,000  $25 $25,000,000 15,000,000 : ··,i°g. iso9 ioo&o. 1,994,300 5 g. 1,000 ll,233,000 5 g.  1896 1898  100 100 100 100  i9oi i:ooo .... 100  .... 100 .... 100 ..•. 100 .••. 100 •••• 100 •••. 100 ··-· 100 .... 100 .... 100 1897 500 &o. 100 100 . . . • ..  YEARS ENDING DEC, 31. 1900. 1899. 1898. Manufactured gas sold, oubio feet............... 7,425,979,698 6,879,419,985 6,114,587,880 Gross income............. $9,090,837 $8,096,320 $7,265,526 Net over oper. exp....... $4,642,550 $4,283,282 $8,470,225 Interest on bonds........ 1,857,800 1,857,300 1,842,800 Depreciation............. 584,175 464,409 ••• . . . .  Balance for stock.... $2,201,075 . $1,961,578 $1,627,925 Dividends, 6_p. o........ $1,720,128 $1,720,128 16 p. o. OFFICERS.-Chairman of Board, C. K. G. B1111ngs; President, Geo. o. Knapp; V.•P., A. N. Brady, 2d v.-P., Walton Ferguso~ 3d v.-P., C.K.,; Treas., W. S. McCrea; Seo., L.A. Wiley. Omoe. 54 Wall .St. N. Y.-(V. 73, p. 953, 960, 1064, 1114; V, 74, p. 99, 155.) Philadelphia Company.-See Pittsburg, in STREET RY. SUP, Philadelphia Electric Co.-See page 171. Pfil•bury•Wa•hburn Flour 1'Illls Co.-(V. 74, p. 99.) PIU•burg Coal Co,___.:(" Rall Coal Consolidation.")- 0RGANIZATION.-lnoorporated in N. J. in Sept. 1899, and in Oct., 1899, acquired praotloally all the large coal mines tributary to railroads in the"Pittsburg district, together with coal and ore docks, loading and unloading plants at Duluth, Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Ashtabula and other lake ports. Owns about 130 coal mines, with equipment, and about 125,000 a.ores of coal lands in, or within a radius of 40 miles of Pitts· Durg, together with some 4,000 coal oars operating over railroads radiating from Pittsburg, The estimated tonnage for 1899 20,000,000 tons. Has arrangement for division of territory with Monongahela River Coal & Coke Co.,whioh see. Owns Northwestern Coal Ry,, whose 6 per cent bonds it guarantees. See that company under "Railroads." -V. 71, p. 713. In J"an., 1902, leased Shaw Coal Co. properties (about 4.,200 a.ores), 20 miles west of Pittsburg for 40 years, V. 74, p. 100, and various other properties were reported to be purchased. V. 74, p. 156. Bonds and mortgages as11umed, $2,038,340. Dividends on pref., 1900, to Jan,, 1902, 7 p. o, (Q.-J. 25). REPORT.-Report for 16 mos. ending Dec. 31, U100, in v. 72, p. 390, showed net profits after deducting expenses and all losses, $5,480,690; royalty and depreciation, $1,238,599; div. (7 per cent) on pref., $2,074,709; undivided prottts Dec. 31, 1900, appropriated for preferred stock dividends and working capital, $2,167,381, OFFICERS.-Franois L. Robbins, Chairman of the Board and President; Treas., John D. Nicholson; Seo., F . J Le Moyne, 232 5th Ave., Pittsburg. Directors, Jan., 1902, V. 74, p 100-(V. 74,p. 99, 156.) Planter•' Compress Co.-See page 171. P. Lorillard Company.-V. 70, p. 331, 1052; V. 73, p. 1267. Pocahontas Coal & Coke.-See Norfolk & Western Ry. and V. 78,p.1014,121l;V.74,p,52. Po•tal Telegraph Cable.-See COMMERCIAL CABLE Co. Pressed Steel Car Co.-ORG.A.NIZATION.-Incorporated in New Jersey on Jan. 13, 1899, as a consolidation of the Fox Pressed Steel, Equipment Co. of Joliet, Ill., and Pittsburg, Pa., and Schoen Pressed Steel Co. of Pittsburg. Prospectus in V. 68, p. 188, 131. Bee V. 71, p. 545. Capacity of the works about _100 oars a day of largest size.v. 69, p. 745; V. 70,p. 1000. Competition, V. 73, p. 1316 BoNDs.-The first mortgage gold bonds are subject to call at par and interest on any interest day on 6 weeks' notice. V. 72, p. 343. DIVIDENDS.-On pref.: to Jan., 1900. 1:\i p. o. paid quar. (7% per an.) Div. period changed to Q.-F.; May, 1900, to Feb., 1902, l:\i p. o. quarterly. On com., 1900, 6 p. o.; in 1901, 4 p . o. (Q -F.); in '02, Feb., 1 p. o. REPORT.-For year ending Dec. 31, 1901, net. $1,927,925; depreciation, $148,635; div. on pref. (7 p. c.), $875,000; balance, surplus, $909,290. ln 1900 net earnings $2,075,181. Bal. sheet Dec. 31, 1900, v. 72, I>• 837. President, F. N. Hoffstot. N. Y. Office, 71 Broadway.-(V. 73, p, 725, 902, 1014, 1316; v. 74, p. 52, 156.) Procter & G.t.mble Co.-Formed in 1890 under laws of New Jersey to carry on soap, candle, oils and glycerine business. In 1900-1 stock was increased and bonds ofl'.-V.71, p. 713,817,915. DIVIDENDS ..... ~ 1891. 1892 to 1897 incl. '98. '99. '00. '01. '02. On common ..... 5 8 12 per cent. 20 20 20 12 Feb.,3 On pref. in foll to·Ja.n., '02, incl. Office, Cinoinna.ti. (V. 71, p. 713, 915,) (The) Pnlllllan Co.-On Jan. l, 1900, the Wagner Palace Oar Co. sold its assets to The Pullman Company, representatives of the Van• derbilts entering the board of directors of the latter company, the capital stook being increased from $54,000,000 to $74,000,000, to retire the Wagner Company's $20,000,000 stock. See V. 69, p. 854; V. 70, p. 40. Dividend, reduced to 6 p. o. yearly in 1898, was restored to 8 p. o. in Nov., 1899.-V. 69, p. 909, 1197. CASH DIVIDENDS,- ? 1877•80. '81-83. '84·98, '99. 1900. '01, 1902. Since 18.7 7-P. ot. ( 8 yrly. 9¼ y'ly. 8 yrly. 6¼ 8 8 Feb., 2 In 1898 paid an extra. cash dividend of 20 per cent and atook divi· dend of 50 per oent ($18,000,000), in order to distribute surplus assets. -V.67,p.75,789,840,902. REPORT.-Re:port for 1900-01 was in V. 73, p. 898, including Wag• ner Company srnce Jan, 1, 1900. Years ending July 31. 1901. 1900. Earnings from · · · · ·, • · • • .. · &o · • ....... • -- • 5 ~ $17' 996•782 $15 •022 •858 Patent royalties, ma.nut. Total revenue .......................... $17,996,782 Operating expenses ....................... $7,878.199 Depreciation on oars, oto. .•. ........ •• . ... 1,485,602 Paid other sleeping oar assooia.tioll....... 846,760 ~vidends on oapitalstook................ 5,919,886  $15,022,858 $6,112,655 1,699,188 587,544 5,519,720  ----  Net surplus foryear ....................... $2,866,335 $1,103,756 Pres., Robert T. Linoeln, Chio. N. Y,, 15 Broad Bt,-(V. 74, p. 100,) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  J ...&-·J. Philadelphia. ..... Philadelphia. A. & O. LandTit.&Tr.Co .. Phila. .... .. ..... 7 in 1901 Q.-J. Checks mailed. 4 in 1901 See text 5Tradesmen's Build- l 7 See text { ing, Pittsburg, Pa. 5  30,030,700 29,701,200 12,500,000 12,500,000 235,000 4. ..... 5,000,000 5 g, F. & A. 4,500,000 12 in '01 Q.-F.r.5 2,250,000 8 in 1901 Q.-J.r,s 74,000,000 8 in 1901 Q.-F. 4,291,300 ...... .. . •.  ~b:~i~:ggg 1iii."i9"01 .... ..  10,000,000 10,000,000 16,941,700 8,051,400 3,000,000 8,151,FiOO 5,000,000 80,000,000  Q:·'.j_ . . • ..  6 in 1901 Q.-J.  See text. 7 in 1901 419 g. ...••• See text. 7 in 1901  Q.-J.15 Q.-M.15 J. & D. Q.-J. Q.-F. Q-M.  Oct.·,--i949 Aft. Apr.,1946 Apr. 1, 19'8 . ...... . Jan.25,'02,1~ Feb., '02, 1 Feb,, '02, 1909 To 1911. Cincinnati,O.,Co. Office. Feb.15,'02, 3%, do do Jan.15,'02, 29' N. Y., Farm. L. & Tr. Co. Feb.15,'02, 2~ N. Y., Of., 20 Nassau St. Hay 10'01,111% GeneralOffioe,Chioago. . •. • • . . . . . Checks mailed. Checks malled. do do New York and London. . ....... .. . ........ . .. ...... ..  1,  Jan:2;;02: 18-1 . ...... . Deo.31,'0l, 11st Julyl5,'0l, 1% Deo.17,'0l, 18-1 June 1, 1917  Qulck•llver 1'Ilnln.e;.-See SUPP. of Oct., 1897; V. 68, p. 724., 1017; v. 70, p. 12f>3; v. 72, p. 1241. quincy llilnlng.-V. 71, p. 185; V. 72, p. 187, 390 Rapid Transit Ferry.-SEE SUP., Oct., 1897; V. 68, p. 1134. RepubJlc Iron & Steel Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in New Jersey on May 3, 1899, to consolidate 29 plants making bar and forge iron, being practically all the plants in theCentral and Southern States west and south of Pittsburg. V. 68, p. 872. Also owns 7 blas1i furnaces, mining properties in the Mesaba range, in the Lake Si:erior region, extensive iron and coal lands, including those belon g to Pioneer Mining & Mfg. Co. of Birmingham, Ala., and the coke p ant. of the Connellsville Coke Co. (See V. 7r, p.545.) For list of properties merged see prospectus, V. 68, p, 674; v. 68, p. 1227; V. 69, p. 339, 850, 1151; statement, V. 70, p. 228; report, V. 71, p 454. In May, 1900, sold sheet steel mills to American Sheet Steel Co, V, 70, p. 898. STOCK. -Common. $30,000,000; pref. (as to assets and dividends), 7 per cent oum., $25,000,000; of which $2,809,000 common and $4,693,· 100 preferred, reserved to purchase additional properties. Annual capacity of finished material over 1,000,000 tons. V. 71, p. 453. DIVIDENDS.-Onpref., July l,'99, to Ja.n.,'0Z, 7 p.o. yearly(l:\!Q.-J.); REPORT.-Report for year ending June 30, 1901, in V. 73. p. 552, showed: Net profits $1,034,238; improvements, renewals, depreciation, etc., $725,149; div. on pref. (7 per oentl, $1,421,679; baL, def.• ,1,112,384. August Belmontis a director. OFFICERS.-President, Alexis W. Thompson; Secretary, Y. B. Haaga • ma; Treasurer, John F. Taylor. Main office. Stock Exchange Bldg., Chio. Directors, Sept., '01, V. 73, p. 555, 1268.-(V. 73, p. 555, 1268,) Rhodeilsland Perkins Horseshoe.-Bee page 172. Royal Baking Powder Co -ORGANIZATION.-lnoorporated in Feb., 1899, under the laws of New jersey, and merged Cleveland Bak, ing Powder Co., Royal Baking Powder Co., New York Tartar Co., Tartar Chemical Co. and Price Baking Powder Co. See V. 71, p.545. DIVIDENDS.-On pref., to Jan., 1902, incl. 6 p. o. per an.-119 Q.-J. Dividends on the common stock at the rate of 8 per oent yearly, it 1~ understood, have been paid. Pres.. Chas. 0. Ga.tea; Vioe-P., A.H. Porter, Jr.; Treas., John Morris; Seo., W. L. Garey. Office, 100 William St., NewYork.-(V. 72, p. 679. ► Rubber Goods 1'Iannfacturing Co.-ORGANIZ A.TION.-lnoor• porated in New Jersey on Jan. 26, 1899, and acquired 9934 per cent of the stock of the Mechanical Rubber Co., 75 per cent of the stock of Morgan & Wright, Chicago, ID.; the entire capital stocks of the Peer• less Rubber Mfg. Co. of N. Y. and of the India Rubber Co.of Akron, O., and the entit-e stocks of Sawyer Belting Co., Hartford Rubber Works Co., Indianapolis Rubber Co. and Peoria Rubber & Mfg. Co. V. 68, P~ 189. See offloial statement in V. 68, p. 872. V. 68, p. 774; V. 71, p . .545In Feb., 1900, acquired capital stock of Am. Dunlop Tire Co. STOCK, Etc.- Stock authorized, common, $25,000,000; pref., 7 p. c,, cum., $25,000,000; par $100. Outstanding, common, $16,941,700; "£ref,, $8,051,400. Dividends on pref., June, 1899, to Dec., 1901, , p. o. per a.n. (l:\!% Q.-M.) On common, July, 1900, to July, 1901,l p. o. quar. The bonde<i debt of companies oontrolled consists of: $846,500 Mechanical Rubber Co. 1st slnkinir fund gold 6s, due Jan. 1, 1918; 1808,125 N Y. Belting & Packing 1st mort. sink. fund deb. 6s, due Jan, 1, 1918, subject to call at 110, and $111,000 Amer. Dunlop 'l.'lre 6a, due 1908. In April, 1901, there were liabtllties in the form of guaranties upon $427,(){)0 preferred and $135,700 common stock issued on account of purchase price of properties aoquired.-V. 72, p. 939. EARNINGS-For 6 mos. ending June 30, 1901, net, $1,209,564; div. on pref. (319 p. o.), $281,799; div on com. (2 p. o.), $338,834;_ paid to Amer. Bicycle Oo. to ca.noel guaranties, $120,000; bal., sur., $468,931. Second report for year ending Feb. 1, 1901, in V. 72, p. 337, showed: Net income, $769,808; aivldends on preferred (7 p. o.), $541,180; div. on common (3 p. o.), $472,233; earnings reserved, $714,486; aur. of previous year, $1,014,965; baL, sur., $1,485,846. OFFICERS.-A. L Kelley, Pres.; Ulysses D.Eddy, Vice-Pres.; AldenS. Swan, Treas., and W. A. Towner, Bee. and Assist. Treas. Gen. office. New Brunswick, N. J. New York, 27 William St.-(V. 78, p.187, 496, 1318, 1364.} SaCety Car Heating & Llahitng.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorpor• a.tedin 1887 in New Jersey. Manufactures "Pintsoh" light apparatus. whioh in 1901 was in use on 17,500 oars in the United States, including 2,488 Pullman oars. Stock authorized, all common, $5,000,000 ($100 shares); outstanding, $4,849,600. Dividends: 1889 to 1892, 4 p . o. yearly; '93 to '97, 6 p. o.; '98 and '99, 8 p. o.; 1900 to Dec., 1901, inoluaive, 8 p. o. yearly (2 p. o. quarterly); also in Oct., 1901, 3 p. o. extra. div. in cash and on Sept 2, 1901, 10 p. o. in stock. v. 73, p. 394. No bonds. Pres., .Robert Andrews. Directors include: A. P. Hepburn, Thomas C. Platt, Edward Laut.erbach and Robert Andrews,. of East Orange, Mall! Office, 160 B'way, N. Y.-(V. 73, p. 447, 1268, ► Shelby Steel Tube co.-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in New Jersey on Feb. 8, 1900, to take c--;er the Shelby Tube Co. of Penney}. va.nia. and most of the other prinotva.1 manufacturers of hollow seam• ies, steel tubing in the U. B. See list in fprospeotus, V. 70, p. 381, 949. Capacity about 100,000,000 feet. As to a-llianoe with Amerioa.n Bicyele Co., see V. 69, p. 286; V. 68, p. 1026, 1183. In June, 1901, a majority of the stock was acquired by the U. S. Steel oorpora.tion, on the basis of $100 U. S. common for $400 Shelby common and $100 preferred for $26628 Shelby preferred, the minority stockholders betugoffered the same terms.-V. 78, p. 349; V. 72, p.1285; V. 73,p. 86,349. 8TOCK.-Authorlzed, common, $9,000,000; :ereferred, 7 per cent cum., $6,000,000; present issued, common, ljj8,151,500; preferred, $5,000,000. No bonds. Dividend on pref., llli per cent, pafd May 15,. 1900; Aug. 15, 1116 -p. o. The Nov , 1900, and Feb., 1901, divs. were paBBed. V.71,p.1074; V, 72,p,286. BalancesheetofApr.1,1901,V. 73, p. 4.44.  JANUARY,  1902]  .MISCELLANEOUS. Date Size, or For explanation ot oolnmn headings, &c., see ·notes on ot Par :first page of tables. Bonds Value.  llloss•Hheffleld .'Ueel d! Iron-Common stock, $10,000,000.  Preferred stock, 7 per cent, non•cum., $10,000,000 ..•. Sloss Iron & Steel Co. 1st mortgage, gold.oo .. ......... . General mortgage, gold, subject to call at par.Co ... . /lo'Ut'hern Ootton Oil-Stock.....•...............•...•....... Bouth Yuba Water Oo.-lst mortgage bonds .........•••.•• Consol. mortgage, gold.-1, $1,500,000 .............•......•. Standard Mtll'g-Stock (:i;6,900,000 is pref. 5% non•cum.) First morigage, gold, $6,250,000.IU:p •......•••••••••. c* Underlying mortgages undisturbed .••••••.••.•.•••.•••. Btandar<1, Oil-Stock, $100,000,000 ..•..... . .........•..•. Bta:nd. R&pe d! Twine-lstM., g., s. t., to call at 105.Ma.c• Oonsol. M.,non•cum.,incomes, g., to call at par... Ce.c• llus!(IU,h'na Ooal.-lstM.,gu. p. & 1., s. f. not sub. to call.c Swift d! Oo.-Stock, $251 000,000 .........................•. 1st M., $5,000,000, go1d, call after July, 1910 .. AC .. .. l'emple Iron-Stock, $5,000,000, guar. See text ...•...•. Mort. & coll. tr. bonds, $15,000,000, g., gu., s.f., text.G.o* l'enn. OoalI. d!RR. Oo.-8took($248,000is 8%cum. pref.) South Pittsb'g Purchase, let mort., to be pd. Feb. 1,' 02 Pratt Coal & Iron Co., Ala., let M., s. t., not drawn ..•. c• B:lrmingham1 Ala., Div., con. M., ~·• s. f.1%, not d'rn.. c* Tennessee Div. bds, gold, s.t. 112 %yearly, notdr'n ... c .. De Bard. M., g., assum., s. f., $30,000y'ly, not dr'n.c•  iss, 1899 isoo 1893 iooo i896  1896  $......  ···50  50 1,000 . ... abt 1000 ab  ··roo 1,000 1,000 1,000 100  isoo ··ioo 1,000 is99 iss2  1883 1887 1887 1890  100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 &c.  OFFICERS.-Pres., C. T Boynton; Treas., W. 8. Miller; Seo., H. H. -Cockley. V. 70, p. 331. Office, Cleveland, O. (V. 73, p. 444.) Sliver Bullion Certlflcates.-See SUPPLEMENT ot Jan.• 1898, Singer (Sewing Machine) Mfg. Co.-ORGANIZATION.-lncorporatea in 1873 in New Jersey under special act. Plants are located at Elizabeth, N. J., and .Kilbowie, near Glasgow. Stock, $30,000,000, having been increased in Dec., 1900 by 200 per cent stock dividend, eapttalizing surplus. V. 71, p. 1224, 1273, Cash dividends, as re• ported, were: In 1898, 30 p. o.; in 1899, 100 p. c.; in 1900, 20 p. o. Dividends on stock as increased in 1901, 7 p. c. ( Q.-M.). Office, 149 Broadway, New York.-(V. 72, p. 483.) Sloss•Sheflleld Steel & Iron Co.-ORGANIZATION.-lnoorpor• ated in New Jersey and in Nov., 1899, acquired several properties or stock representing the same. See prospectus, V. 69, p. 286; V. 70, p. 1099; V. 71,p.185,.545; V. 72, p . 779. Stock, $2,500,000common and $3,300,000 pref. was reserved for a steel p1ant and future requirements. See application to list, V. 70, p . 164, showing properties, rights ot preferred shares, balance sheet, etc.; also V. 72, p. 774. Dividend on preferred, Aprilt.1900, to Jan., 1902, 7 -p. c. yearly (Q.-J.) Earnings for 3 mos. enamg Nov. 30, 1901, net, $200,062, aga.inet $203t092 in 1900; bond 1nt. and taxes, $57,469; div. on pref., $114,000; b&1., sur., $28,593. Report for year ending Nov. 30, 1900, tn V. 72 p. 774, showed, net, $1128,313; int. on bonds and taxes, $280,463; div. on pref., 514 p. o., $351,750; surI?lns, $546,099. Pres., :E. 0. Hopkins; Seo. & Treas., J. H. McQueen, Birmingham, Ala.-(V. 72, p. 531, '7'74, 779, 1191; v. 73, p. 1268.) Southern & Atlantic Telegraph.-Leased to Western Union ~which owns $390,475 of stock) and stock guaranteed by rental 5 p. c. Southern Cotton 011.-See V. 70,p. 1248; V. 72, p. 1285. fiouthern New Eng. Telephone.-(V. 73, p. 856; V. 74, p. 156) 8o•th Yuba Water Co.-See SUPPLEMENT of January, 1898. Standard 1'Illllng Co.-ORGANIZATION.-lnoorporated in New Sersey on Oct. 31, 1900, as successor ot the United States Flour Mil• ling Co., per plan in V. 70, p. 284_, V. 71, p. 185, and owns 19 mills in Minneapolis, Duluth West Superior, Milwaukee, Buffalo, Syracuse and New York See V. 68, p. 873,929; V. 69, p. 29, 1010; V. 71, p. 817. In May, 1901, it was arranged to lease certain of the mills to the DuluthSuperior Millin'{ Co., formed under Minnesota laws.-V. 72, p. 940. Foreclosure of the properties ot the old company is set for Feb. 14, 1902. v. 74, p.100. STOCK AND BONDS.-Stook authorized, $4,600 000; pref., 5 per cent non-cumulative, $6,900.tOOO. Ot the new let 5s,$2ii261,000 is reserved to retireatpa.r the $1,4::,6,000 Hecker•Jones.Jewe lst6sand$765,000 Northwestern Consolidated Milling let 6s (see V. 70, p. 283). The plan :Hmits the new mortgage to $5,750,000, but permits increase ot this by $500,000 tor working capital, the bonds to be sold at not less than 95. OIIARGEl!z... ETc.-Interest charges, $310,110; sinking fund tor bonds, "4,5,000. Tne net earnings, it is claimed, will be at $700,000. 0ll'FICER8.-ohairman ot Board, Brayton Ives; Pres., Samuel Thomas; 1st Vice•Pres., Wm. L. Bull; 2d Vioe·P., J. C. Klinck; Seo. and Treas., .J. A. Knox. Office, 37 Wall St., N. Y.-(V. 72, p. 940; V. 74, p, 100. Standard Oll.-ORGANIZATION,-This New Jersey corporation sucooeded in June, 1899, to the Standard Oil properties, held by Uquidat• 1ng trustees. Bee SUPPLEMENT tor April 1899, and v. 68, p. 1227; V. 69, p. 28. Controls petroleum oil refineries in all the prineipal Northern cities of the United States, and produces about 65 per eent of the country's total output ot refined oil: also controls oil wells in Pennsylvania., Ohio and West Virginia, and has pipe lines for transmitting its oil to tidewater. V. 66, p . 1239; V. 69, p. 745; V. 71, p.1273. STOOK.-Common, $100,000,000; $10,000,000 preferred canceled. DIVIDENDS- 1891-95. 1896. 1897. 1898, 1899. 1900, 1901. Per cent.•••..... 12 a year, 31 33 30 33 48 48 In 1900, March, 20 p. c.; June, 10 p. c.; Sept., 8 p. c.; Dec., 10 p. c.; in 1901 Mar., 20 p. c.; June, 12 p. c.; Sept., 8 p c.; Dec., 8 p. o. OFFICERS.-Presldent, J. D. Rockefeller; Treasurer, W. H. Tilford; Secretary, C. M. Pratt. Office, 26 Broadway, N. Y. DmEOTORs.-J. D. Rockefeller, William Rockefeller, H. M. Flagler, 3. D. Archbold, H. H. Rogers, W. H. Tilford, C. M. Pratt, 0, H. Payne.z Paul Babcock, C. W. Harkness, T. C. Bushnell, J . .A.. Moffett ana F. Q. Barstow.-(V. 73, p. 1014, 1212, 1364.) . Standarcl Rope & Twine Co.-Inoorvore.tedNov.8 1896 under• laws of New Jersey. Successor after foreclsosure of the United States Oordage Co,, reorganized, V. 60, p. 1012; V. 63, p. 1064. Union Belling Co. acts as selling agent.-V. 67, p. 484; V. 69, p. 644; V. 71, p. 601. Owns 3 mills in operation, viz., Sewall & Day mill at Boston (Alston), Mass., and the Waterbury and Lawrence mills at Brooklyn, N. Y ., be· sides two idle and partly dismantled; also entire stock of Cannabis Htg. Co., owning 5(mills-the Chelsea, Standard and Boston mills in Boston, Wm. Wall & Sons of Brooklyn and Victoria of Dayton, o; see V. 73, p. il-4. Reports ot committees in V. 72, p. 987, 1140. STOCK AND BONDS.-Capital stock is $12,000,000 (par $100). The ftrst mortgage is for $3,000,000, yearly sinking fund 1 per cent ot bonds outstanding; firsts purchased for sinking fund and canceled to Oct. 31, 1901, $215,000. The consols are non-cumulative incomes, and entitlea to one vote tor each $100 of bonds. REPORT.-Year ends July 31. Report for 1900-01, in V. 73, p. 614, showed: Lose on the year's operations after paying interest on bonds and borrowed money, $630 994; surplus Aug. 1, 1900, $143,293; balance, deficit, to profit and loss Aug. 1, 1901, $487,701. Gross sales 1n 1899-00, $4,255,342; in 1898·99, $4,999,275; in 1897-98, surplus •ver obarges,$223,563, against defloit'ot.$167,836 in 1896-97. President, Thomas Russell; Vice-Prest. Alfred R. Turner, Jr.; Treas. and Sec., Joseph G. Taylor, 14-20 State St., N. Y. Directors: Thomas Russell, William Barbour, W. R. Potts, James B. Clews, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  16G  MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS AND BONDS.  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bo n dB-Prlnoi• pal,WhenDue. Rate per When Where payable and by Stocks-Last ng Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  8 0~~~  $7,500,000 6,700,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 466,000 540,00u , 11,500,000 t. 3,489,000 2,261,000 97,500,000 2,785,000 6,805,330 1,471,000 25,000,000 5,000,000 2,500,000 3,084,000 22,553,600 120,000 182,000 3,399,000 1,251,000 2,741,500  ...... 7 in 1901 6 4¼ 8inl901 6 6 g. 5 g. 6 48 in '01 6 g. 5 6 7 in 1901 5 g. 6 4 g. •.. . .• 6 7 6 g. 6 g. 6 g.  ..... Q.-J. F. & A. A. & 0. J. & D. A. & O. ,T. & J. .. ... .M. & N. Semi-an Q.-M. F. & A. ... .. J. & J. Q .- J. J. & J. J. & J. J. & J. Q.-F. F. & A. M. & N. J. & J. A. & O. F. & A.  ···· ·· · N. Y. Guaranty Tr. Co. N. Y., Central Trust Co. do do FromCamden-byoh'ok N.Y., Holland Trust. N. Y. Farm. L. & Tr. Co. .... ..... . New York. N. Y., 26 Broadway. N. Y., .Manhattan Trust. . . . . .. .. .. Phila. Co.'s Office. N.Y.,N.Bk.otRep.&Ch. N. Y., Guar. Trust Co. N. Y., Hanover Bank. do do do do do do do do do do  ··· · ··•• ;Jan. 2, '02, 1 llj, Feb. 1, 1920 Apr. 1, 1918 Dec.15,'01,496 Apr. 1, 1910 July 1, 1923 . .. . ... . Nov. 1, 1930 1911 & 1922 Dec. 16, '01, 8 Aug. 1, 1946 Aug. 1, 1948 Jan., 1911 Deo 30,'0l, 11\ July 1, 191" Jan. 1, '02_., 39' Jan. 1, 1925 See text. Feb. 1, 1902 Nov. 1, 1903 Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 1917 Feb. 1, 1910  John Kean, A. R. Turner Jr., Joseph G . Taylor, Jos . C. Rei:ft' and E. Le B. Gardiner.-(V. 71, p. 817; V. 72, p. 987, 1140, V. 73, p. 614, 1364.) Standard Table Oil ()loth.-V. 73, p.142. Susquehanna Iron & Steel Co.-Bee SUPP. tor Oct., 1901. Swift & Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated in Illinois April 1, 1885. Has packing plants at Union Stock, Chicago; at South Omaha, Kansas City, East St. Louis, South St. Joseph &nd South St. Paul and branch houses for distribution of its goods in nearly every large city in the Union. V. 68, p. 87. See also SUP. of Oct., 1900. STOCK AND BONDS.-Stock was increased in Jan., 1899, from $15,· 000,000 to $20,000,000, and in Jan., 1901, to $25,000,000, the new stock being subscribed for by stockholders1 full payment to be made on or before Feb. 3, 1902.-V. 73, p. 1212. Dividends since 1888; '89 to '94, incl., 8 p. c.; •~5 to July, '98, incl., 6 p. c.; Oct., '98, to Deo., 1901, 7p.c, REPORT.-Report tor year ending Sept. 30, 1901, with bal. sheet, was in V. 74, p. 92, showing: Sales (over), $200,000,000, against $170,· 000,000 in 1900 and lfj160,000,000 in 1899. Net earnings in 1899·0 above depreciation, repairs, etc., $1,919,622. Pres., G. F Swift; Treas., L.A.Carton; E!eo.,D.E.Hartwell; Asst.Treas., I. A.Vant.-(V.72, p,245; v. 73, p.1212, 1268; v. 74, p. 92,100. Tamarack Mining Co.-V. 71, p. 1124; V. 72, p. 483, 5'79. Telephone, Telegraph & Cable Co.-ORGANIZA.TION.-lnoor• porated in New Jersey on N-Ov. 9, 1899 (V. 69, p. 1016,) and owns $21100,000 of the $10,000,000 stock of the Erie (Bell) Telegraph &Tel· epnone Co. See V. 72, p. 187. V. 70, p. 432 ~took. $9,000,000; outstanding, $4,686,465; par ot shares, $15. V. 71, p. 1170; V. 72, p. 535. In Sept, 1901, Chairman Charles W. Morse or the American Ice Co., purcha~ed at one-half of the amount paid in over two•thirds ot the stock. V. 73, p. 448, 555, 725. Directors, V. 73, p. 856.-(V. 73, p 86, 448, 555, 725, 856.) Temple Iron Co.-Bee page 171. Tennes ■ee Coal Iron & Rallroad Company.-ORGANIZATION. -Owns blast furnaces, coal mines, iron mines, foundries, &c., in Ten• nessee and Alabama.-V. 55, p. 60,463. V. 63, p. 31. On July 1, 1899, purchased for $850,000 the Sheffield (Ala.) Coal, Iron & Steel Co., including three furnaces, eto., and on July 5, 1899. the Ensley Land Oo., owning 75,000 acres of land. With these acquisitions included, the Tenn. Coal, Iron & RR. Co. is the owner ot 20 iron furnaces (several not in operation) of a total capacity of about 850,000tonsot iron annually, and also of coal and iron lands aggre• gating 450,000 aores.-V. 69, p. 82; V. 68, p. 1227; V. 70, p. 588. On Nov. 30, 1899, the Alabama Steel & Shipbuilding Co. plant was opened at Ensley City. The plant will have ten open hearth furnaces ot 50 tons each and a capacity of 1,000 tons of steel billets and slabs daily, and will be leased to the Tenn. Coal Iron & RR. Co., which guarantees its $1,100,000 6 per cent bonds, and $440,000 6 per oen1i preferred stock. V. 70, p. 591. The common stock, all owned by the Tenn. C. I. & RR. Co., carries control of stock.-V. 66, p. 1002, 1235; v. 67, p. 127, 801; v. 70, p. 1196; v. 72, p. 584. DIVIDENDS.-On common in 1887, 1 per cent; in 1900, 6 p. o.; none since to Oct., 1901. Preferred patd in filll to Feb., 1902; see below. STOCK.-The stockholders voted on March 14, 1900, to increase the common stock from $20,000,000 to $23,000,000. Of the $3,000 000 new stock, $1,800 000 to be used to retire the $1,000,000 of 8 11er cent preferred stock and 5i per cent accumulated dividends and the remaining $1,200,000 was sold at par to the stockholders to pay for three Sheffield furnaces, improvements, eto.-V. 70, p. 382, 483, 589. BONDS. Of the $15,000,000 ,:eneral gold 58 ot 1901, $3,000,000 were sold to completelihe steel mill at Ensley, having an annual capacity of 100,000 tone of rails and 200,000 tons or steel and other forms, $10,653,500 being reserved tor existing bonds bearing 6 and 7 per cent interest and the balance for improvements. The making of rails was begun in January, 1902.-V. 72, p. 876, 940, 989; V. 73, p. 86, 534, 1117. REPORT.-Btatement for 1900 was in V. 72, p. 871. Report for 1899, at length in V. 70, p. 581, 588, showing output: Coal, 4,151,496 tons; coke, I,182,286 tons; pig iron, 651,145. Year end. Dec. 311900. 1899. 1898. 1897. l'ot. net profits ....•••• $2,347,027 $1,865,705 ~868,383 $62.3,823 fnt. on bonds, &c.... •• 705,282 577,832 616,434 649,830 Bad debts, &o........ (1) 76,962 26,974 13,928 Dividends .....•••..... 1,497,876 •••. .••• .•••..•. . •••••.  ---- ----  Balance tor year •••. sr.$143,869 sr.$1,210,911 sr.$224,975 df.$39,935 The dividends as above in 1900 incluae 6 p. o. on $15,964,600 com• mon stock and 54 p. c. accumulated and other dividends on $1,000,000 preferred stock, since mostly retired. DIRECTORS(Mar.,'00)-CordMeyer,JamesT. Woodward,D. H. Bacon, B. F. Tracy, O.H. Payne, E. R. Chapman, James H. Smith, William Barbour, A. B. Boardman, F. S. Witherbee, G. McCoy and Henry 8. Manning, ot New York; Walker Percy and Charles McCrery of Birmingham, Ala. ; Chairman ot Board Don H. Bacon; President, (vacancy); Secretary and Treas'r, L. T. Beecher, 100 Broadway, N. Y -(V. 73, p. 1117; V. 74, p. 100.) Terminal RR. Association of St. Louls.-BEE RAILROADS. Texas & Pac. Coal Co.-See SUPP. of Jan., 1898, V, 71, p.117lS. Texas Pacific Land Trnst.-See page 171. Tidewater Steel Co.-V. 72, p. 46; V. 73, p. 36, 1,2, 856. Trenton Potteries Co.-Stock, $3,000,000, SUP. April, '97, Div. on pref., 2 p. c., April 10, 1900; last previous June 11, 1894; July, 1900, to Jan., 1902, both incl., 8 p. o. yearly, 2 Q.-J.-(V. 70, p. 5951,) Trow Direct. Print. & B'kblnd.-V. 69, p.1060; V. 71. 1>. 9  166  INVES~ORS' SUPPLEMENT.  (Vo1 . LXXIV.  Bonda-PrinoiMISCELLANEOUS. INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Date Size, or Due. Amo11.J1t Rate per When Where payable and by t>al,When For explanation of column headings, &o., see notes on of Par Outstanding Cent. Payable Whom. Bonds Value. Dividend. first page of tables.  Tenn. Ooai Iron fl BR. Oo.-(Oonc1udtd.)Tenn. Coal IJ-on & RR. gen. M., g., $15,000,000. Un ... o ... 1901 $1,000 Ala. Steel & Shipbuilding, rref. 6 p. o. oum., guar ....•. lat mortg~e, ~arantee , gold. 1'.la....... ............ is9s Cahaba lat ., $ ,100,000 gold, gu., a. f., red. at 110 .. o* 1892 1,000 Union Bag ~ Paper-Stock, common, $16,000,000 . ...... .... 100 Pref. stock (as to as. and div.), 7 p. o., :)Um., $11,000,000. . 100 100 "r~M~e~~~~~!i·i:io·afierNov:i:·iso5:::::::::::::: is90 100 &o. Unum Typewriter-Common stock......................... . 100 lat 7 per cent preferred stock, cumulative.............. . 100 2d preferred stoek, 8 per cent, cumulative ............. 100 llnited Elutric Oo. of N. J.-lst mort., gold. See text •.. is99 500 &o. . .. United Fruit-Stock, $20,000,000...•............•...•••.. 100 Deben.,$5,000,000,g.,OB,oonv.,red.atllOaft.Jan.,'03 1901 1,000 No.Ry.ofCostaRioa,lstM., s.f.&* 1900 1,000 United Gas Impro-,,ement Oo-Stock, $ 22,500,000 ......... 50 Debenture bonde, (currency) ..•........................ o* . . 500 25 United Shoe Machinery-Common stock $12,500,000 .... ..... 25 Preferred stock, 6 per cent, cumulative, $12,500,000 .. .... U. 8. Oastiron Pipe~ Foun Oo.-Pref.stk., 7 p.c.,non-cum. . 100 Underlying bonds-Bee text. ¥nited States Ootton Duck. 001-p.-Com. stk., $25,000,000. .... Preferred stock, 6 per cent oum., $25,000,000 ...... Mt. Vernon-Woodberry 1st M.,,old, $8,000,000 .•••• o* i899 i:ooo do do income M., 6,000,000........••..... 1899 1,000 U. S. En-,,elope-Pref. stock, 7 p. o., cum., $4,000,000 .... .... 100  i:ooo  --· --· ---  ....  --  -·  ·-····  Union Bag & Pap.-r Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorpora.ted in New Jersey on Feb. 27, 1899, as a consolidation of over 90 p. o. of the paper bag business of the country. V. 68, p. 430; V. 69, p. 182. See V. 71, p. ,;45. Assets and list of properties eee prospectus, V. 68, p. 333; rights of stock, eto.. V. 68, p. 675. Statement tor year ending Ma.r. l, 1901..t witb balance sheet, was in V. 72, p. 774-z sbowtngnet earninge, $893,008; diTidend on pref. (7 p. o.), $770,000; oalanoe, $33,063. DIVIDEND8.-0n pref., July, 1899, to Jan., 1902, 7 per an. (1 ¾ quar.) OFFICERS.-Preeident, L. G. Fisher; let V.·P. I. B. Hosford; 2d V.·P,, L. G. Fisher Jr.; Treasurer, Geo. R. Sheldon. Office, 1 Broadway, N.Y. -( v. 72, p. '7'7 4; v. 73, p, 794; v. 74, p. 156.) Union Depo& Co; oC Columbus, o.-The P. c. c. & st. L. owne a halfinterestin this property.-(V. 63, p. 117; v. 64, p. 304 .) Union :Ferry.-Operates five ferry lines between Sew York and Brooklyn. Capital stock is $3,000,000; par $100. The mortgage covers 19 ferryboats, real estate, eto. Dividends: In 1894, 4 p.o.; 1895, 4; in 1896, 4; in 1897, 4; in 1898, 3½; in 1899, 3; 1900, to Jan., 1902, 2 p. 0 _ (.It p. c. Q.-J.) As to proposed new ten-year lease, see v. 72, p. 940, 1038, 1140; V.73, p.86, 187. Pres., J. D.Fa.lrohild.-(V.73,p.1064.) Union ~ead & 011.-See v. 72, p. 492, 884, 940, 1038, 1191; ·v. 73, P• 1067, V. 74, p. 100, "Union Switch & Slgnal.-V. 70, p. 428; V. 72, p. 444,479. Union Type Wrlter.-Organtzed in 1893 in New Jersey. A eombination including Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict (Remington) Yost Writing M~hine, American Writing Machine (Caligravh), Smith Premier Typewnter and Densmore Typewriter oompanfes. As to decision in July, 1899, see V. 69, p. 82. See also V. 69, p, 1305. DIVIDENDS. '93. '94. '95. '96. '97. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. lstpreferred,p.o ...•. 319 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2d preferred, p. o ...•. 0 0 6 6 8 8 8 16 16 In Apr., 1901, the overdue payments on second preferred were completed. V. 72, p. 584, Pres., Clarence W. Seamans; Seo., Geo. K. Gllluly. Office, Jersey City, N. J.-(V, 72, p. 584.) .., d El -unite ectrlc Co. of'New Jer 111 ey.-See page 171. United Electric Securities Oo.-V. 72, p. 195,584; V. 73, p. 86. United Fruit Co.-OB.OANIZ.A.TION.-Inoorporated in New Jersey on March 30, 1899, to control the tropical f:ruitbusiness. V. 68, p. 620, 979, 1134; V. 69, p. 909, 1016. Stock authorized, $20,000,000; all common; par $100. Issued, $12,369,500, as increased in Deo., 1900. V. 71, p. 393. Boston Fruit bonds, $55,000, retirable $30,000 May 1 annually. V. 70, p. 799; V. 71, p. 1020. Official statement, V. 69, p. 854. Properties owned, see reports V.171, p, 101~ 1020, and V. 73, p. 1060. As ta Northern Ry. of Costa Rica, see V. ·11, p.1067. Dividends, October, 1899, to April, 1901, 10 p,c. per annum (2¼ Q.·J. 15); July, 1!301, to Jan., 1902, 6 p. o. yrly. (Q.·J.) BoNDs.-Debentures for $3,000 000 were issued 1n 1901; they are convertible into atock at the option of tbe bolder after Jan.1.1903, and are subject to call in whole or in :part at the option o! the company after Jan, 1, 1903. V 73, p. 240,295,496. REPORT.-Ftrst report tor fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 1901, with ba.l· aneesheetandremarksintull, wasinV.71,p.1060, 1066. Net Earnings Other Mt.eel Di •dend Balance Pisral Earnings. Sub. 0 .,•. Income. Oharge~. ton"'Jtock. Surptus: Ytar $ $ $ $ $ $ 1900-1..1,304,027 def. 52,051 68,161 221,580 (9)1,084 767 13,790 1899·0.. 1,5»4,669 net 219.141 18,005 260,022 (10)1,119:257 452,535 Total surplus Aug, 31, 1901, $1,163,933. Andrew W. Preston, Prest.; Vice .Prest., Minor C. Keith; Treas'r, Charles A. Hub bar?; Beo'y, ~radley W. Palmer. Directors Oct., 1901, 8 7 0 S t ate 8t ·• Bo sto n, Mass.-(V. 73 , p. 24 0, 9 (The) United Gas Improvement Co.-Organtzed 1882 inPennsylvanta; reorga.ntzed in 1885. Charter is perpetual and business is th• building, lea.sing and 01,erattn~ of gas works. In 1900 operated in e..-er30leading cities in the U.S. See list v. 70, p.1000, 944. In 1900 htoreased stock from $15,000,000to $22,500,000.-V. 70, p. 87,592,944. Owns control of the Connecticut Ry. & Ltghttng Co., a oomolidatton 1n 1900; also of United Lighting & Heating Co. V. 70, p. 944; V. 71, P, 609, 1273; V. 72, p_. 679. In A;pril, 19~0, obtained practical control t>f the gas and electric-light busrne_ss adjacent to New York City except Lon~ Island.-(V. 70, p. 850, v. 71, p.1175) InDeo.,1901, secured control of tbe Delaware County Gas Co., having $225,000, 1tock and $2,000,000 five _.;er cent bonds.-V. 73, p. 1318. s-Sin 1889 8 bl l ~ DIVID END . ce . , P• o. per ann_um, paya e qua.~er y • .rn .Tan., 1896, extra dividend of 15 p. o. m convertible scrip. REP(?RT for 1900, in V. 72, p. 934, showed profits. of ~~_,386,771. President, Thomas.Dolan; Secretary and Treas;.: Lewis Lllile, Broad & Arch Sts., Phila. Directors, V. 70, p. 1053.-(V. , 3, p. 964, 1318.) United Shoe 1'.lachlnery Co.-Inoorporated in Feb., 1899, in N. J. V._ 68, P· 333, 430. Stock, common, $12,500,000; par, $25; outstandmg, $10,758,500, stockholders _in April, 1901, having sub• scribed to $~,829,350 ~~w cornm«;>n at ~ar, pref. cumulative. 6 per cent $12,500.tOOO, par, $25, outstandmg, $9,360,800. Balance sheet Mar. 31, 190u, V. 70, p. 11~4. ynde1lying bonde, $250,000 International Goodyear Shoe ~achinery, mort~age assumed, $60,000. ., DIVIDEN»s.-First diyidend, ¼percent on preferred and .oaperoent on common, paid April 15, 1899. V. 68, p. 525. On common, July, 1899, to Jan., 1902, ipclusive, 8 p. c. yearly (2 Q·J). On preferred, July, 1899, to Jan., 1902, molusive, at 6 p. o. per annum, payable quarterly, Annual state~ent March, 1901, V. 72, p. 584. President, SHlney W. Winslow of Boston; Treas. and Gen. Man., Geo. W. Brown of Boston. Shoe & Leather Bl'dg., Boston, Mass.-(V. 70, p. 1194; V. 71, p. 393; V. 72, p. 584.)  i9J. 4lf5, ,ft fJ6J, fOG~.fO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1·  -  $3,000,000 440,000 1,100,000 930,000 16,000,000 11,000,000 3,000,000 2,200,000 10,000,000 4,000,000 4,0lfi,000 16,110,000 12,369,500 3,000,000 1,600,000 22,500,000 1,000,000 10,758,500 9,360,800 12,500,000 See text. See text.  -----  5 g. J. & J. New York. July 1, 1951 6 J. & J. N, Y., Hanover Bank. Jan. 1, '02, 3% 6 g. J. & J. ao do July 1, 1928 6 g. J. & D. do do Dec. 1, 1922  ......  .....  ..........  . ... - ......  . ...........  ---····· Oct. 1. '01, 319  7 Q.-J. N. Y., First Nat'l Bank. Jan 2, '02, ll\ 2 in1901 ~.-J. Co. office, Brooklyn. Jan 2, '02, 0 g. M.&N. N. Y., Oorn Exch. Bank. Nov. 1, 19 O  19J8  11n."ioo1 Bee text. 4 g. See text. 5 g. ~ g. 6 8inl901 6 7  ...... ...5.g.  A.··&··o.  ---·······  A. & 0. .J. & D. Q.-J.n M. & S. M. &B. ~.-J.15 . & J. Q.-J.r.5 Q.-J.r.5 Q.-M.  Tit. Gu::i°Tr:co., J.C. Boston, Mass. Boston, Old Col. Tr. Co. do do Philadelphia, Office. Phila., First Nat. Bank. Boston. do N. Y., Tho was & Post.  Oot. 1, '01, 4 June 1. 1949Jan 15,'02, 119, Sept. 1, 1911 Sept. 1, 1915J an.15,'02, 2% July 1, 1902 Jan. 15/02, 2f! Jan.15,'02. l Mar. 1, '02, 1  .....  .... ·- ---·  ........  . ....  -------  M.& S. Cont'l Truet Co., Balt. Sept. 1, 1949(1) 5 J. & J. See CHRON. Jan. 25,'02. Jan. 1, 195 3,750,000 514 in '01 Q.-M. N. Y., Prod. Ex. Tr. Co. Aug.31,"0l,ll\ l1)  United States Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co.-ORGANIZA· TION.-lnoorporated in New .Jersey on Mar. 13, 1899, to unite oompantes controlling the larger pa.rt of the caet-tron pipe business of the U. B V. 68, p. 430. For list of properties see prospectus in V. 68, p. 233; V. 69, p. 757; V. 71 p. 1124. Dividend on preferred, l l\ per cent Dec., 1899, to June 1, 1900, inclusi~eJ 1 ¾ p. o. quarterly (7 per cent per· annum); next div., 1 p. o., payable, 1902.-(V. 73, p.156,) Com•. and pref. stks. authorized, $15,000,000 ea~h; outst'g, $12,:100,000 ea.oh, BONDS.-Underlying bo!}dS, American Pipe & Foundry Co., $1,194,· 000 6s (int. J. & J.); Anniston mortgage bonds, $87,500. V. 70, p. 87• Bala.nee sheet May 31, 1901, V. 73, p, 336. DIRECTORB.-Samuel Thomas, Geo. B. Hayes, Colgate Hoyt, A. C. Overholt, B. F. OverholtMC. E. Burke, E. C. Fuller, Anthony N. Brady ir°o~a1tJY~!·a:-d :.·R. ~i~~a?eorge J. Long, A. F. Ca.Jlahan, A. . . .. OF~ICERS.-Pres., Samuel Thomas, let Vice-President, Geo B. Ha.yes, 2d Vice-President, A. F Callahan; Seo. a_nd Treas., B. _F. Haughton. Office, 80Broadway, N.Y -(V.71, p. 1124, V. 73, p. 336, V. 74, p.156.) United States Cotton Duck Corporatlon.-ORGANTZATION, 0 f~s~t\ef1.~s :~:-n::J~~~ii: ;f~:/·J~g!t p~~fi:!-~~.Wo!a~!i!i Cotton Duck Co. (see list 14 mills. V. 69, p. 129.) Stark Mills, (V. 72, p. 940, eto, ot-rtain additional properties to be operated under option of purchase to Jan. 1, 1903.-V. 72, p. 1140. STOCK.-Authorized, $25,000,000 each of common and 6 per cent cumulative preferred. Present issues to be common. $10,000,000 and preferred $16,100,000, thelattertnoluaing$8,060,000 provided undertbe plan for the exchange {optional with tbe holders) of Mt. VernonWoodberry 1st 5s and $5,000,000 for $6,000,000 income 5s of tha.t co. EARNINos.-l'he net profits of the Mt. Vernon-Woodberry Cotton Duck Co. for the year ending Dec. 31, 1900, were $1,103,673; those of" new properties to be acquired were reported as $300,000 yearly; dividend on $16,100,000 preferred (amount to be outstanclmg on retirement of all the old bonds) calls for $966.000 yearly, leaving over· $400,000 available for the common stock, or 4 per cent. Chairman of Board, s. Davies Warfield; Pres't, Trenor L. Park, Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md. Directors and officers, V. 72, p. 1140; V. 73, p. 964.-(V. 73, p. 964, 1318.) United States Envelope.-Inoorpora.ted in 1898 under the lawsof M&ine. Absorbed ten companies named in V. 66, p. 1003 producing over 90 per cent of the oommeroial envelopes in the Unitid States. Output 17,000,000 daily; capacity over 20,000,000 dally. Stock $1,000,000 com., i8sued $750,000; par, $100; pref.,$3,750,000; par, $100. Bonds, $2,000,000. See V. 66, p. 1003; v. 67, p. 179. Notes Jan. 1, 1902, $200,000, payable $25,000 yearly. Deo., 1898, paid 2 p. o. on pref.; June, 1899. to Sept., 1901, incl., 7p. o. per annum, (Q•M.). Bal. sheet June 30, 1899, V. 70, p. 685. OFFICERB.-President, C.H. Hntchins; Treas.,R. W.Day,8pringfield, Mass.; Seo., Frederick Plimpton, Springfield, Mass. (V. 73, p. 1167.) United State11 Expre111•.-An "association" organized under the laws of New York State in 1854; not incorporated. Operated Deo., 1900, on about 30,000 miles of railroad in the Unned States. In 1887 the stock was increased $3,000,000, to $10,000,000, and the Baltimore & Ohio Express was purchased. As to Metropolitan ExpreasCo., organized in 19?0 ~th $?00,~00 s~ook,, see;· 72; p 9:l., DIVIDENDS. { '88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96 to 00. 1901. Since '87,p.o.} 5 5 4 2 2 4 2 0 3 yearly. 3½ In 1901 repres~ntatives of the Adam~ and American Express compa.ntes and other mterests entered the directory.-(V. 73, p. 794.) United States Flour 1'.lllllng.-See Standard Milling. United. State■ Leather.-Incorp. Feb. 25, 1893, in N. J.-V. 56,p, 757; V. 57, p. 23; V. 61, p. 114; V. 71, p. 557, _817. O_ntput, so~e leather. STOCK,-Wording of pref. certificate ts in editorial m May 1, 93,SUPP. DIVIDENDS. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. Preferred, p.o.. 6 1 4 4% 5 6 6 .Jan., llg.. Overdue on preferred: May 1, 1893, to Jan,, 1902, 357111 p. o. BONDS.-dinking fund 4 p. o. of issue yearly.t the debentures to be purchased or drawn at 110. Debentures for$9,o53,000 have been certifled by the trustee, but on Dec. 31, 1900, only $5,280,000 outstanding•. Bee adv. in CHRONICLE of May 6, 1893, and application V. 57, p. 23. ANNUAL .REPORT.-Fiscal year ends Deo. 31. Report for 1900, in v. 72,p.436,gavemerely balance sheetshowingprofitandlosssurpln& of $4 5 40 870 on Dec 31 1900 In 1899 surplus was $4 855 487 ' • · ' · ' ' • OFFICERS-President, James Horton, Middletown, N. Y.; Sec'y, Josiah T. Tubby, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Treasurer, James R. Plum, N. Y • City. N. Y. Office. 26 Ferrv Btreet.-(V. 71, p. 557, 817; v. 72, p. 436,)United States Mortgage & Trust oo.-Chartered in 1871. Formerly u. s. Mortgage Oo.; present name assumed Feb. 23, 1895. STOCK.-Capital stock is $2,000,000; par, $100. Surplus, $2,250 000· undivided profits Jan. 1, 1901, $174,525. DIVIDENDS.-In 1894, p.o.; '95. 6; '96, 6; '97, 6; '98, 6½.; '99, 9; 1900, 10; 1901, 11; 1902, 6. BONDB.-The series of mortgage trust bonds, $1,000,000eaoh, ar& secured by deposit with trustee of first mortgages on improved oitv real estate "in amounts at least equal to the bonds outstanding.l• See application to list $5,000,000 bonds given in full in v. 67, p. 487. OFFICERs.-President, George w. Young; Treasurer, Clark Wiillama., Secretary William p Elliott -(Y 68 p 1:129· v 73 p 681) ' · · • ' · ' · ' · · United States Oil Co.-S~e page 171. United States Kubber.-0:&GANIZATION A.ND PROPERTY.-Organized under la.we of New Jersey in October, 1892, tor the manufaoture of rubber boots and shoes, eto. Application to N. Y. Stock Exch.. in 1892, V. 55t p. 1039; see V. 56, p. 539; v. 71, p. 54.5. In 1893 aoquired five aaditional concerns. In Sept., 1898, purchased th&  m::  e;  MISCELLANEOUS  JANUARY, 1902 I  STOOKS AND  BONDS  167  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonds-PrtnotDate Size, or Am t , - - - - ~ - - -- - - - - - - -pal,When Due. of Par Outs~~g Rate per When Where Payable, and by Stocks-Last Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  MISCELLANEOUS.  For explanation of column headings, &o., see note on first page of tables.  U. 8. En,,,ei. (concl.J- lst M., g., red. aft. 1908 a.t 104, s. f.. 1898  United StatesExpress-Stook................................ United, States Flour Milling-See STANDARD MlLLING. United States Leather--Com.mon stock, $64,000,000 . .. Ce  •.•.  $1,000 100  $2,000,000 6 g. J. & J. Boston, Old Col. Tr. Co. Aug. 1, 1918 10,000,000 312 in '01 M. & N. N. Y., Office, 49 B'way. Nov.15,'01,2%  .... 100 62,882,300 Preferred stock, cumulative, 8 p. o., $64,000,000... ••. .••. 100 62,282,300 Deb.$10,000,000,g.,s.f.,4p.o.,sub.tocallatll0.Ce. 1893 1,000 5,280,000 United States Mortgare & Trust-Stock..................... .••. 100 2,000,000 let mort. trust "E" & "F" g., red. after 10 yi·s.o"'&r 1897-8 1,000 2,000,000 bonds. "G" to "K" g., red. after5 years.c* '98·'01100 &c. 6,000,000 United States .Rubber-Common ($25,000,000 authorized) •••• 100 23,666,000 Preferred ($25,000,000 authorized) 8 p. o. non•oum..... .•.. 100 23,525,500 Boston Rubber Shoe Co., gold, bonds.................... 1898 1,000 4,800,000 United 8tate1 Steel Corporation-Com. stk., $550,000,000 • . •• 100 508,363,800 Preferred stock, 7 per cent cumulative, $550,000,000 100 510,196,400 Oollat tr M $304 OOO OOO 5red.atll5,s.f.(text)Usc*&r iooi l,OOO&o >3 0lOOOOOO • · '\ • • ~ not red., s. f. (text) ... o*&r 1901 l,OOO&o S BONDS OF CoMP.A.NIES CONTROLLEDllllnois St.eel debentures, (no longer convertible) ..... c* 1890 1,000 2,922,000 Non-convertible debentures, A & B .................. c* 1893 500 &c. 6,900,000 Elg. Jol. & E. 1st M. ($10,000,000) g .. Ce ............ c"' 1891 1,000 7,852,000 Duluth & Iron Range, 1st mortgage.ll!P············o&r 18fl7 l,OOO&c 6,732,000 2d mortgage, currency, red. at 101>, ~.000,000.ce.o* 1896 1,000 1,000,000 Johnson Co.of Pa.lstM.,red.$100,000 Sep.l,y'ly.Us .. o 1894 1,000 1,300,000 American Steel & Wire mortgages....... ..... .......... . • •. •••••• 101,656 American Steamship 1st mort., $5,630,000, g., guar. 1 9 0 0 ...... 5,530,000,$or£,s.f.,redatl05af.'05.Uso> 1900 l,OOO&o 3,000,000 Frick Co. M., s. f., red. at 105, $100,000 yearly. . . . . .•. ...... 1.R00,000  stock of the Boston Shoe Co. for $1,000,000 cash, $4,125,000 pre•  .••. .. ..•.. None paid. 6 in 1901 Q.-J. Office, 26 Ferry St, N.Y. Jan. 2, '02, 1¼ 6g. M.&N.N.Y.,ParkBk.;Boston. May 1, 1913 11 in '01 J. & J. N.Y.,Offioe, 59 Cedar St. Jan. l, '02, 6% 4 g. Vartous do do 1917-1918 4 g. Various do do 1918·1921 2 in 1900 Office,9MurraySt.N.Y. Apr.30,'00,1% 8 in 1900 Q.-J. do do Jan.31,'0l, 1 % 5 g. F. & A. do do Aug. 1, 1908 See text. Q.-M. N. Y., Ott'. Empire Bldg. Moh.21,'02,1 % See text. Q.-F. do do Feb.13,'02, 1~ 5 5 g . Various N.Y.,J.P. Morgan&Co. April 1, 1951 t. 5 g. do do do April 1, 1951  I  5 5 5 g. 5 6 6 ... •• g.. 5 5  Jan. 1, 1910 Apr. 1, 1913 May 1, 1941 Oct. 1, 1937 Jan. 1, 1916 To 1914 • •• . . . •. 19 20 A. & 0. N.Y.,U.S.Tr.Co.,orLon. Apr. 1, 2000 !l g. .T. & .T . .......... ,Jnlv l. 1919  I  ferred and $3,500,000 common stock, the !:l}!oe Co. having first issued $5,000,000 gold bonds to its stockholders; see V. 67, p. 905. V. 66, p. 691, 738, 802, 905. Companies outside "trust" June, 1900, see V. 68, p. 574, 675,725; V. 71, p. 37, 1317; V. 72, p. 92; V. 73, p 1316; V. 74, p. 100. In 1899 sold rubber tire business to Rubber Goods Mfg. Co.V,69, v. 1106. Exports of rubber boots and shoes for 1901, 1900 and 1899, see V. 73, p. 622. ~TOCK.-Preferred stock has preference as to assets and earnings and no bonded or mortgage debt can be created withGut consent in writing of holders of three-fourths of ea.oh class of stock. Common is entitlea to all surplus after eight per cent on preferred. See wording of pref. oertiftoate in editorial of May, 1893, SUPPLEMENT. DIVS., p. ot. 1893. '94. '95. '96. '97. '98. '99. 1900. 1901. · Common ..•... i O O 212 0 2 0 2 2 None Preferred ..... 5 '-8 p. o. yearly-' 1f6 8 8 8 Jan., 1 ,r In 1897 l'aidon preferred in Jan., 4%; July, 2%. In Jan., 1901, dividend on preferred stock was reduced; none has been paid since. V. 72, p. 118, 679, 1033. ANNuAL REPORT.-Fisoa.l year ends March 31. The annual statement for year ending March 31, 1901, was giyen in V. 72, p. 1033. 1901. 1900. 1899. Gross income.............. $265,622 $3,233,773 $3, 416 ,38 1 Rent, expenses, etc........ 203,016 225,886 189,867  J. A. .M. A. J.  & J. do do & 0. N.Y.,011:., Empire Bldg. & N. do do & 0. do do & J. do do M. & s. N. Y., U. 8. Trust Co. ·.·.•.•.·. ..........  BONDS.-The collateral trust 5 per oent bonds are secured by all the securities owned. Of the $304,000,000 bonds, $160,000,000 were issuable$ for$ in exchange for the Carnegie Co. bonds and the ba.1anoe, together with a portion of tne common and preferred stock, for the $160,000,000 stock; $154,000,000 of the bonds (series A, C and E) are subject to call In whole or part at 115 per cent after Apr. 1, 1911; a &inking fund of $3,040,000 yearly, beginning June 1, 1902, can puroha11e bonds if obtainable at not exceeding 115 and interest, and after April 1, 1911, may be applied to the redemption of series A, 0 and E bonds to be drawn by lot. Particulars as to the principal properties owned may be found as follows. reference to the last report being given in heavy type: Federa! Steel, V. 67, p. 483-.:83, and Jan., )901, SUPPLEMENT; v. 70, p. 684. v°:318: ~~ f~';,?~t:b. ~40. National Steel. ScPP., Jan., 1901, v. '70, p. :i82. American Bridge, V. 71, p. 86; V. '7-l, p, 163; Do report. Steel & w1;e, v. 66, ll. .6,6; V. 67, p. 632; V 69, p. M3, 6i6,-7'4,; v. 70 2 ~!~ca!'·,J~ 68, p, 829; v. 69, p. 1M7; v. 10, p. Sis; v. 71. p. 13~: v. 72, p, 69. , .Americau Steel Boop. v. 68, p. 870; v. 69, p. 862; v. 70, p. 1093, American Sheet Steel, V. 71, p. 183; no reoort. Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines; V. 72. p. 1038; no report. Shelby Steel Tube, V. 70, p. 881,919; Do report. TERMS OF EXCHANGE.-The basis of exchange was as follows:  'ititfiN~Y ~~b:  :~4~. •;~7t ~?~1-o;  ii~f;, v~l~.Pi2lt~. Exchangeuor  Exchanged for  N~/'/.  E h$lOO f Newt/. ew E hllOO ,J ~i:;:::' Fed!~al Stee'i ~~- Am:. Steel 'koop pref .. do common... 4 S107¼ do. com.. .. .. iioo Am. Steel & Wire pret... 117¾ . . . . Amer. Sheet Steel pref .. 100 do. do. com . . . . . . 102¾ do. com ..... . Ba.lance for year ..... def.$643,159 $179,207 $1,344,474 .. • • American Bridge pref ... 110 Previous surplus.......... 832,703 823,522 108,913 National Tube pref .... 12~ do common.. 8 4-5 126 do do com ..... .. Dopreoia.tion and losses... 161,531 170,026 629,864 8 Natio~o~teel ~~~ 125 L~~ted f 135 136 Surplus Aprill......... $25,013 $832,703 $823,523 Amer. I~~ Plate i'is Shelby/~eel Tub.pp~~!. ~ii 60 25 The "gross income" in 1901 was made up of results from operaE .uumms.-Statement for the nine months ending Dec. 31, 1901 tions of plants and dividends on investments, $231,355, and of net (December estimated), was in V. 74, p. 101, showin,r: Total net earn• income from commission on sales or rubborboots and shoes, $34,267. DIRECTORS.-Samuel P. Colt, H. E. Converse, James B. Forti, ings, $84,779,298; sinking funds and maintenance, $11,958,994; inter· J. Howard Ford, J. D. VermeUle, Henry L. Hotchkiss, Lester Leland, est on bonds, $11,400,000; div. on pref. (5¼ p . o.), $26,752,894; div. on Frederiok M. Shepard, E, t). Converse, Costello C. Converse, Frederick common (3 p. c.), $15,227,812; div. on outstanding stocks or subsidO. Sayles; President, Samuel P. Colt; Vice-Pres., Costello C. Converse; iary cos,, $25,lOl;Jbal., applicable to surplus, or new construction, Seo., Samuel Norris Jr.; Treas., James B. Ford: H. M. Sadler Jr., $19,414,4fl7. DIRECTORS. Ass't. Treas. N. Y. Office, 9 Murray St.-(V. 74, p. 52, 101.) FoT Thru Y,ars. For Two Years. 'Fur One Year. United State• Steel Co,-ORGANIZATION.-lnoorporated in West J.P. Morgan, Francis H. Peabody, Marshall Field, Va. on Sept. 5, 1899. V. 69, p. 909. Manufactures "Jupiter" steel D. Rockefeller, Charles Steele, Darnel G. Reid. from steel aorap or refuse by patented processes; plant at Everett, John Henry H. Rogers, William H. Moore. J. D. Rockefeller Jr., Mass. V. 69, p.1017. Stock authorized, $3.000,000; par of shares, Charles M. Schwab. Norman B. Ream. Alfred Clifford. $5; outstanding February, 1901, $1,780,000. Dividends from De• Elbert H. Gary. Peter A. B. Widener, William E. Dodge, James H. Reed, Nathaniel Thayer, oember, 1899, to Jan, 27, 1901., inclusive, 12 per cent yearly (changed Robert Bacon, Henry C. Frick, Abram S. Hewitt, to Q.•J.). Balance sheet Mar. 31, 1900, V. 70,.__p. 1094. President, Edmund C. Converse, Roberts. William Eden born. Clement A. Griscom. H.B. Whall: Treas., Chas. S. Miller; Seo., H. ~- Bradstreet. Office, Percival 0.FFICKRB.-Presldent, Charles M. Schwab; Secretary and Treasurer, Rich145•147 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass.-(V. 73, p. 240, 290.) ard Trimble. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE -Elbert H. Garv. Chairman; Daniel G. Reid, WilUnited State• Steel Oorporatlon.-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in New Jersey on Feb. 25, 1901, and aoquieed per plan in V. 72, liam Edenborn, Edmund C. Converse. Percival Roberts and Cll11orles Steele. COMMITTEE.-Robert Bacon, Chairman: Henry H. Rogers, Norman p. 441, 679, practically all tbe stock of the leading steel companies of B.FIN.ANCIC Ream, P.A. B. Widener. the Central West, viz.: Office, 71 Broadway, New York City.-(V. 73, p. '122; V. 74, p. 101.) 'I otal stock. Total stock. Federal Steel, com .......... . ue.~.soo Amer. Tin Plate, com ........ 2t!,OOO,OOO Virginia-Carolina Ohetnlcal Co,-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorpordo 6 p. c. prer... 68,260,900 do. 7 p.c. pref. 18,816,000 ated on Sept. 12, 1895, and has acquired most of the successful manuCarnegie ..................... . 106,800.000 Amer. St. Hoop, com. . . . . 19,000,000 National Tnbe, com ........ '°,000,000 do. 7 p. c. pref.. H,000,000 faotories of commercial fertilizers from Balt. to Atlanta and Savannah. do 7 p. c. pref.. f0,000,000 Amer. Sheet St., com ........ 2f,600,000 v. 68, p. 431; V. 69,p. 232,964; adv.tnCHRON. Mar.4, '99; V.72,p.444. National Steel, com ......... 81!,000,000 do. 7 p. c. pref. 24,600,000 See application showing properties owned, etc.. V. 72, p. 1186; V. 72. do 7 p. c. pref•.. 21,000,000 L. Sup'orCon. [.Mines . ...... 29,4t5,940 p. 1191, 1285; V. 73, p. 137, 240 The Southern Cot. Oil Co., $7,992,200, Amer. Bridge, com .......... 80.027,800 Shelby Steel Tube, com . 8,175,000 of whose $10,000,000 stock is owned, operates the cotton oil proper• do. '7 p. c.:llref ... S0,627,800 do do 7 p. c. pf. 6,000,000 ties owned by the Chemical Co., and also various outslde properties. Amer. St. & Wire, com.. . 50,000,000 See V. 73, p. 240,137, 1365. do. do. 7 p.c:pref. 40,000,00ll The syndicate represented by J. P. Morgan & Co. agreed to provide STOCK.-The stockholders voted on July 17, 1901, to authorize an In· the new company with $25,000,000 working capital. V. 72, p. 483. crease in the common stock from $12,000,000 to $38,000 000, the new PROPERTIES OWNED,-The properties owned are described unoffi- stock to be issued for cotton on, eto., propexties, reoentiy purchased, cially in a general way as follows: 78 blast furnaces, with a. capacity and from time to time as required; outstanding Dec., 1901, $27,984,of upward of 6,500,000 tons of pig iron yearly, or half that of the 400.-V. 73, p. 36,137. United States in 1900; 149 steel works and 6 finishing plants, includ• DIVIDENDs-(P.c.)} 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. ing bar mills, structural steel and plate mills, tin plate works, sheet, Common........ Dec.. 1 4 4 4 4 4 wire rod and nail mills, with an annual capacity of about 9,000,000 Preferred, 8 p.o. In full to Jan., 1902, inclusive (paid Q.-J. 15). tons of finished material; 18,300 coke ovens; about 70 per cent of the Report for year ending June 15, 1901, with balance sheet, in V. 73, ore mines of the Lake Superior region, producing in 1900 12,724 900 136, showed net earnings. $1,783,955; div. on pret. (8 p. c.), $809,tons; 70,830 acres of coal land!!, about 30,000 a.ores of surface lands in p. 525; div. on com. (4 p. o.), $390,000; bal., sur.,.$584,430. the coke region, and 125 lake vessels, etc.-V. 72, p. 483, 1038. In OFFICERS.-President, S; T. Morgan; Secretary, S. D. Crenshaw; June, 1901, a majoritv of the capital stock or the Shelby Tube Co. was purchased on terms, V. 73, p 349.-V. 72, p. 1285; V. 73, p. 86. Coke Treas., S. W. Travers, Richmond, Va.-(V.73, p.136; V. 74, p .101,156.) properties, V. 73, p. 290. In Jan,, 1902, 50,000 acres of coal lands Virginia Iron Coal & Coke Oo,-ORGA.NIZATION.-Owns furwere leased by constituent companies from the Pocahontas Coal & naces at Roanoke, Pulaski, Buena Vista, Radford, Graham, Max Coke Co. on a royalty basis, on which will be erected at least 3,000 Meadows and Reed Island, Va.; Ilristol, Embreeville and Johnt!lon modern coke ovens, with a capacity of at least 1,500,000 tons of coke. City, Tenn., and Middlesborough, Ky.; Radford Pipe Works, Radford, -V. 74, p. 52. Va.; Crescent Horseshoe Works, Max Meadows, Va.; steel works at STOCK.-Of the $550,000,000 each of common and preferred Atook, Middlesborough, Ky., and certain foundry and machine works. Also $508.4b6,300 preferred and $506,473,400 common were issuable to owns about 132,000 acres of coal lands, and owns and controls about acquire the stocks of the constituent companies above named [except 209,000 acres iron ore and timber lands, together with all the bonds Shelby Company since acquired], aggregating $247,613,700 preferred and all the capital stock of the Virginia & Southwestern Ry, Big Stone and $299,234,100 common, and to supply working capital, the new Gap to Doe Mountain, via. Bristol and Elizabethton about 135 mlles.collateral trust bonds being also issued in connection with the purchase V. 68, p. 675; V. 69, p. 388. In 1901 Archer A. Phlegar of Christianof the Carnegie Company. In April, 1901, over 98 per ot'lnt of the old burg, Va.., and Henry K. MoHarg of New York were appointed stocks had been acquired. The purchase of Shelby Steel Tube required receivers. V. 72, p. 286, 679. Stock authorized, $10,000,000, all common; outstanding, $8,970,000; $2..!..037,800 common and $1,875,000 preferred. V. 73, p. 349,394,448. .UIVIDENDS-Dividends on preferred, 1~ p. o., quarterly, paid Aug., par $100. Of the 5s of 1899 about $500,000 unissued is reserved to 1901, to Feb., 1902, incl. On common, 1 p. o., quarterly, Sept., 1901, retire an equal amount of Carter Coal & Iron bonds. Besides bonds as in table above, there is outstanding a $1,000,000 loan secured by to March, 1902, incl. Ba.lance................ $62,606 D!V1,dends on preferred. (3) :jl705, 765 Dividends on common.... ............ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  $3,007,887 (8)$1,882,040 (4)946,640  -----  I  I  I  $3,226,514 (8)$1,882,040 ............  ;.et....... s11ioe . . ~~~mon::  ':,~8!:::: ~g  sfo'o •  ft~i~ln~~~~?~:  .  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  168 MJSOELLANEOUS.  For explanation of column headings, &o., see note on first page of tables.  INTEREST OR DIVIDENDS. Bonas-Pr1no1Date Size, or Amount -------,------,,-------__;_ _ pal, WhenDue. of Par. Outstanding Rate per When Where Payable, and by Stocks-Last Bonds Value. Cent. Payable Whom. Dividend.  U. 8. Suet Oorporation-(Couol.)-Amer. T1n Plate morts. . .. . . ... .. $195,000 .NaUonal8teelmortgages($250,000are5s) .. ..... .•.. .... . ...•• 4,172,000 Pittsburg JJessemer & Lake Erie RR.-See that oompa nyunder RRs. ~irginia-uarotina nhemical-t:itook, oom., $38,000,000. .... $100 27,984,400 Pref. (also as to assets) 8 p. o., oum., $12.,000,000....... ..•. 100 12,000,000 Virginia Iron Ooat<f Ooke-CarterCoal & uon bond.s..... .... abt. 500,000 Va. Iron Coal & Coke, 1st M., I{., $10,000,000 ... Iffa.o* 1899 8,853,000 Mortgage to secure notes, $700,000.Iffo...... ........•. 1900 .•. . 575,000 Wells, Fargo <I Oo.-Stook ..•...•........•...•.............•. . . .. 100 8.000,000 WtJ,Bbath Oo.-Coll. trust mort., p:old, $7,000,000, s. f..... 1 9 0 0 100 &o. 6,383,000 Wutchater Lighting-1st M., $10,000,000, gold.Ool •.. o* 1900 1,000 3,555,000 Wuurn Gas-stock $4,000,000 ........ . ................... .... 100 4,000,000 Collateral trust 1st M.,$4,000,000,gold, 110.0 ... 0 * 1893 1,000 3,998,500 Wutern Transit Oo.-Bonds, gu .b y N. Y. C. ext. in '94 1884 1,000 1,500,000 W'utern Union Pelegraph-Btook.... .• • . .•.. .• .•. . . . . .•. • .. . . .. 100 97,340,589 Bealest.bds.,g. (lienonW.U.Bldg.,N.Y.C.)s.f.(not.dr.). 1 8 7 2 1,000 1,158,000 Collateral Trusli1 bonds.Me .••••...•..••................ o* 1888 1,000 8,502,000 Fo.nd'p; and real estate mort., $20 000,000, gold.F .o&r 1900 1,000&o 10,000,000 Brake-Stock, $li,ooo,ooo............. .... 50 10,950,000 TY.utinghouse Electric <I Manufactur' g.-Old oom. stook... . . • . 50 37,050 Asse~g stock (see v. 71, p. 1274)..................... .... 50 10,536,716 Firstpref.($4,000,000) stock, 7p.o., oum.(see remarks). 50 3,997,450 Debenture oertiftoates, $3,500,000, gold (see text).Iffe 1898 1,000 3,~00,000 W~er Co. 1st m<? (see text)........ ..... ..•. 1898 1,000 850,000 ut1:nghou6e Machine-$5,000,000 (to be all one kind)... . ... 50 3,000,000 Mortgage .......................... ·······•······•··••··••· 1·9·9-·9 .....• 350,000 New mortgage, $1,500,000, gold....... . . ........ .....• Bee text.  i:ooo  -$h000,000 Virginia & Southwestern Ry. 5 per oent bonds as collateral. -v. 72, p. 286. Offices, Bristol, Tenn., and 80 Broadway, N. Y,-lV, ?2, p. 286, 679.) Warwick Iron & Steel.-V. 72, p. 479, 1140; V. 73, p. 915. Wells Farao & Co. (Expres8).-Incorporated under the laws of Colorado February 5, 1866. On January 1, 1901, operated on 35,791 miles of railroad, 1,305 miles of 11tage and 5,574 miles of &teamer routes; total, 42,670 miles. Dividends of 8 per oent yearly were paid tor many years, but the semi-annual dividend paid ln July, 1894, was reduced to 3 p. o.; 1895, to Jan., 1902, 6 p. o. yearlv(3 J.&J). and in Jan., 1902, 2 p. "· extra. V. 73, p. 1318. E. H. Harrtman is a director. Acting Pl'esident (Jan., 1902J, Dudley Evans.-(V. 63, p. .563; V. 71, p. 1317; V. 73, p. 1313.) Welsbach Co.-ORGANIZA.TION.-lncorporated in New Jersey Apr. '28, 1900, as a consolidation per plan (V. 70, p. 898) of the Welsbach Light and Welsbach Commercial Com.i,anies. The United Gas Im· i,rovement, it is understood, owns control. Stock, $3,500,000, par $100, DITIDEl'IDS,-First div., 2 p. o., paid June 28, 1901; Deo., none. BONDS.-Of the $7,000,000 gold 5s (Provident Life & Trust Co., l?hiladelphia, trustee) $409,000 reserved for working capital, eto. REPORT.-For year ending May 31, 1901, profits were $625,837; in· <t.erest and sinking fund, $i32,410; depreciation, $13,546; dividend, ~ p. o. paid June 28, 1901, $70,000; bal., sur., $109,81'1. Pres, tHdney Mason; Seo. and Treas., Lewis Lillie. OtHce, N. W. cor. Broad and Aroh Sts., Philadelphia.-(V. 73,p. 555; V, 74, p. 101.) Westchester Llghtlng.-See page 171. Western Gas Co. (ltllhvaukee).-Organized in 1893 under the !awe of New York. Owns entire capital stock of Milwaukee Gas Light Oo., this latter company being entirely free from encumbrances. Sea &tatement to N. Y. Stock Exchange in Mayil897, in V. 64, p. 1182. In Aug., 1901, 75 per oent of the stookho ders had received in ex.i,hange per $100 share $100 In preferred and $30 in common stock of the American Light & Traotion Co. v. 72, p. 725. See that company. -(V. 70, p. 692; V, 72, p. 679, 725.) Western. Transit Oo.-Owns piers in Buffalo, N. Y., fleet of 13 oteamers and also barges used on the Great Lakes. Has valuable real utate 1n Buffalo. The N. Y. Central owns its $1,000,000 capital stock. Western Union Telegraph.-Orgaruzed under the laws of New Vork State as the N. Y. & Mississippi Valley Printing Telegraph Co., on April 2, 1851, and name ohanged in 1856. On Jan. 19, 1881, was dated the grand oonsolidat10n, in which the Western Union raised tte stook to $80,000,000, giving par, or $15,000,000, for the stock and bonds of the American Union, 60 per cent in new West. Un. for At. & Pao. stock and a stock distribution of 48¼ p. o. to West. Union ehareholders, 10 p. o. of which for A. & P. stock owned by W. U. and a8¼8. o. for surplus earmngs expended on the W. U. property. In otober, 1892, the stockholders voted to increase the stock from '86,200,000 to $100,000,000, of which $8,620,148 was then as eorip div. to represent surplus earnings expended on the property. In July, 1894, $550,000 stock was issued for purchase ot American Rapid Tel. Co. lines, until then operated under lease. In June, 1897, $2,000,000 stock (making total $97,370,000) was sold for improvements, eto., made in 1893 to 1896 flsoal years-V. 64, p. 1139, The remainder ($2,630,000) is still unissued. DIVIDENDS.i '87. '88. '89. '90. '91. '92. '93 to Jan.,'02, incL -Since '86, p. o.. 5 2 5 5 5% 5 15 (lOso.) 5% (114 Q-J.) BoNDs.-On June 30, 1901, the following stocks (par value) were ,pledged for the collateral trust bonds : Gold & Stock Telegraph, $1,· 111,800; Internat. Ocean Tel., $1,961,500; N. Y. Mutual Tel., $2,385,· 700; and bonds, Mutual Un. Tel., 6s, $3,043,000. The funding and real estate 4¼s of 1900 are secured upon real estate in New York and Chicago and provide .for the $6,800,000 of 6s and 7s due in 1900 and 1902, construction, eto. In the event of a mortgage being placed upon any part or the system, they wlll be given a prior lien thereunder. Of the $10,000,000 bonds issued (see V. 70, p. 384) $2,242,499 were used to acquire new property and for construction of new lines from and arter June 30. 1899. V. 70, p. 284,884. Ol the remaining $10,000,000 $1,163,000 are reserved to l.'etire the real estate 7s, due 1902.-V. 70, p. 1203; V. 71,750. LEASED COMPA.NIES.-Under leases the company aside from other rentals pays interest and dividends as below. On June 30, 1901, the company owned the following stocks of the several issues included below as outstanding: Franklin Tel., $632,900; Gold & Stook Tel., $1,443,800; Int. Ocean Tel., $23,100; Ill. & Mississippi Tel., $100,350; Paoiflo & At. Tel., $1,458,125; Southern & At., $390,475. Lease Int. or div. Bonds Oompany, <le.  expires.  .A.mou11t.  % Period.  mature.  Am. Tel. & Cable stock. 1932 $14,000,000 5 Q-M No bonds. Empire&Bay State, st'k 1989 300,000 4 Q-M No bonds. Franklin Tel. stock..... 1975 a267,100 219 M&N No bonds. Gold & Stock Tel. stook.Jan.,1981 b2,444,400 6 Q-J ...•••.....• Bonds $500, notmort. 500,000 4¼ M&N May 1,1905 Dllnols & Miss. Tel . . perpetual. cl,830,145 4 J&J None. Int.ern.Ooean Tel.stook.Jan.,1981 dl,015,400 6 Q-J No bonds. N.Y.Mut.Tel.stook($25)Feb.,1982 ell4,300 6 ........•••.....• Mutual Un. Tel.1st.. f'l,957,000 6g. M&N May, 1911 Northw. Tel. stk. ($50).My7,1980 2,500,000 6 J & J ...•••....•• lstmort. int. ~ar.... 1,180,000 7 J &J Jan., 1904 Pao. & Atl. stock ($25). 99 years _g541,875 4 J & J No bonds. Sou. & Atl. stock ($25) .999 years h558,400 5 A &O No bonds. This table excludes amounts owned by West. U. directly or through collateral trust, viz.: a $632,900; b $2,555,600; c $100,350; d. $1,984,600; e $2,385,700; C$3 043,000; ~~1,458,125; h $390,475. LATEST EARNINGB.-Revenue for 6 mos. ending Deo. 31, 1901: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  [VOL. LXXIV,  ..... . 5&6  ----------  To  ·oeo.:.i912  4 in 1901 Q.--M. Richmond, Va. Deo. 1, '01, 1% 8 in 1901 Q-J.15 do do Jan.15,'02, 2% .....• ..••• ..••••..•. . .•...•. 5 g. M. & 8. Sept.,1900,int. lastpaid Moh. 1, 1949 6 ..... . .....•..• Feb. 1, 1901 6in 1901 J. & J. N. Y., Office, 63 B'way. Jan.15.'02, 5% 5 g. J. & D. Phil. Prov. L. & Tr. Co. JUDe 1, 1930 5 g. J. & D. N. Y., Colonial Tr. Co. Deo. ~• 1950 6in 1901 J. & J. Cheoks mailed. Jan.20, 02, 3% 5 g. M. & N. N. Y., J. & W. Seligman. May 1, 1938 4¼ F. & A. N.Y., Grand Cent.Stat'n Feb. 1, 1903 5 in 1901 ~.-J. N. Y., Offioe, 195 B'way. Jan.15,'02, 114 7 g. M. & N. N. Y., Union Trust Co. May 1, 1902 5 ,T. & J . N. Y., Office, 195 B'way. Jan. 1, 1938 4¼ g. M. & N. New York. May 1, 1950 24 in '01 Q.-J. Pittsburg, Pa. Jan.10,'02,6% . . . • •• ... .. . ..... _... . .....•. See text. Q.-F. N. y,, Office, 120 B'way Nov.15,'0l,l!l\ 7in 1901 Q.-J. do do Jan. 2, '02, .ll$i 5 g. J. & J. N . Y. Mero. Trust Co. 1913 6 g. J. & J. N. Y., Central Tr. Co. Jan. 1,, 1916 6 in 1901 Q.-J. .... .•.••• Jan.10, 02, 119 ...... J. & D. Fid.Tlt.&Tr.Co .. Pittsb. 1914 5 g. J. & D. do do 1919  6mont•sNet revenue. Cnterest. Oividend. Bat-.z. BUr. 1901 (partly est) .. $3,799,316 $488,040 $2,434,010 $88~,266 1900 (aotua.l) .•. .•. 3,418,587 478,080 2,434.t..001 506,506 Total surplus Deo. 31, 1901 (estimated). $10,201,55~. ANNUAL REPORT.-8tatement for 1900-01 was 1n V. 73, p. 782. 1900-01. 1899-00. 1898-99. 1897-98. Year ending June 30. $ $ $ $ Kevenues for the year ..•. 26,354,151 24,758,570 23,954,312 23,915,732 Oper.exp's,rent.,t'xes,&o.19,668,903 18,593,206 18,085,579 17,825,581  Remainder ..••...•••• 6,685,248 6.165,364 5.868,733 6,000,151 Dividends paid ......•.... 4,868,007 4,867,984 4 ,867,949 4,867,911 Interest on bonds. . ... .. 956,160 896,306 897,092 896,555 81nk:ing funds............ ......•. 9,797 ......•. 9,991  - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - ·  Surplus........ . ... . . . 861,680 391,277 103,692 815,694 Miles of Miles of No. of Year. Poles&C'bl's. Wire. Offices. Messages. Receipts. Profits. 1866-67 .. 46,270 85,291 2,565 5,879,282 $6,568,925 $2,624,919 1879-80 .. 85,645 233,534 9,077 29,215,509 12,782,894 5,833,93'1 1892-93 .. 189,936 769,20121,078 66,591,858 24,978,443 7,496,037 1898·99 .. 189,856 904,633 22,285 61,398,157 23,954,312 5,868,732 1900-01..193,589 972,766 23,238 65,657,049 26.354,150 6,685,248 Office, 195 Br'dway, New York City.-(V.73,p. 555,782,794, 1268.) Westinghouse A.Ir Brake,-ORGA.NIZATI0N, ETC.-A Penn sylvania corporation. V. 67, p. 843, 1065. Stock formerly $5,i 000,000 (par $50) was increased to $10,000,000 in July, 1891:1 $5,0001~00 being distributed among stockholders a.s a. 100 per oent stook ruvidend (V. 67, p. 128; see also V. 66, p. 955; V. 67, p. 1044). Up to 1898 dividends of 20 per oent per annum had been paid tor some years. In 1899. Jan., 5 p. o.; Apr., 5 p. o.; July, 5 p. o.; Oot., 10 p. o. in 1900, 719 p. o., quarterly (Q.-J.) incl. 5 extra; since to Jan. 1902, 6 p. o. quarterly, incl. 3¼ extra. As to litigation with N. Y, Air Brake Co., see V. 69, p. 181, 442; V. 70, p. 636; V. 73, p. 1365. Re pors tor year ending July 81, 1901, was in V 73, p . 722, 842 showing Gross, $7.869,857; oost of operation and other expenses, $4,888,515 net proflts, $2,981,342; div. (25¼%), $2,792,250; bal., sur., $189,092 -(V. 72, p. 1039; V. 73, p. 722, 84-2, 1365.) Westinghouse Electric & Iffanuf'acturlng Oo.-ORGANIZ.A! TION.-A Pennsylvania corporation manufacturing and selling a gen era.I line of appliances used in the oommeroial applications of eleo tricity for lighting and power purposes. Statement to N. Y. Stock Exchange was in V. 54, p. 763. The company owns exclusive rights to the Tesla. patents on alternating ourrents.-V. 61, p.25, 153. In March, 1896, an agreement was made with the General Eleotrio Co for pooling patents. See V. 62, p. 502, 635, 1040; V. 68, p. 1024. In Sept., 1898_, purchased substantially entire oapital stook and a» but $850,000 or the $2,500 000 20-yr. bonds of Walker Co. By an ar rangement then made, the $850,000 bonds are secured by a first and the $1,650,000 bonds held by the Westinghouse Co. by a second mortgage. V. 68, p. 87. As to British Co., see V. 69, p. 232, 802; V. 73, p 1114. Traotion & Power Seour1ties Co., Limited, and Sooiete Anon yme Westinghouse, see V. 73, p. 1318. CAPITAL STOCK, ETc.-Stook authorized is $25,000,000, increased from $15,000,000 in Feb , 1901, $3,000,000 of the new stock beingt sold to stockholders a.t $55 per $50 share. V. 72, p. 631. The preterenoe stock carries oumulative dividends of 7 per oent per an num, with right to participate aqua.Uy with other stock after the same shall have received 7 per cent, and preferential as to prinolpal. Bee wording of preferred oertlfloat,e in editorial of May, 1893, SUPPLEMENT. As to the debenture certifloates of 1898 see V. 67, p. 324, 691t. Sinking fund of $150,000 yearly from 1900 to pay off debentures a 105, to be drawn by lot. No Uen is to be placed on property without providing for debentures. V. 67, p. 1112. DIVIDENDS.-On pref. Feb., 1892, to Oot., 1901, inol., 7 p. o. per an Dividends on assentin~ stock, Feb., 1900, 114 p. o.; May. 1900, w May 1901, inclusive (6% per an.), 1¼ p. o. quarterly; Aug., 1901, 1~ p. o. Nov., 1901, 1~ p. o.; 1902, Jan., ll\t p. o. ANNUAL REPORT.- Fiscal year ends March 31. Net shipments ill 1899-1900 (lar~ely exceeded in 1900-01), $11,963,646; in 189d-9, $6, 901,760; in 1897-8, $4,378,060; surplus, balance, Deo. 31, 1900, $4, 693,197, after writing off from current earnings, $2,786,719, and in addition was paid int,erest, $891,293; dividends, $1,654,635.-(V. 69, p. 232. Balance sheet July 31, 1899. V. 69, p. 694. DmECTORS.-Brayton Ives (Chairman of the Board), Charles Francis Adams, Lemuel Bannister, August Belmont A. N. Brady, N. W. Bumstead, B. H. Warren, Marcellus Hartley, G. Hebard, James H. Hyde, Brayton Ives, Geo. O. Smith and George Westinghouse. President, George Westinghouse; let Vice-President, Lemuel; 2d VicePresident, B. H. Warren; 3d Vice-President and Treasurer, P. F Kobbe; Asst.-Treas., T. W. Siemon. N. Y. office is at 120 Broadway. (V. 72, p. 631; V. 73, p. 964, 1114, 1818; V. 74, p. 101.\ Westinghouse Iffachlne Oo.-ORGA.NIZA.TION, ETC.-A Pennsylvania corporation manufacturing gas engines, eto., under Westing house p atents. Stock authorized to be increased from $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 in Jan., 1902, formerly part preferred, but to be all of one kind. V. 74, p. 101. Par value of shares, $50. Dividends have been paid since about 1895. Dividends on common and preferred, July, 1900, to Jan, 1902, both inclusive, 6 p, o. yearly (Q .J.) BoNDs.-Of the $1,500,000 5 p. o. gold bonds, $350,000 reserved to retire existing bonds due 1914, and balance tobutldasteelfoundryand forging plant at East Pittsburg, having a daily capacity of 80 tons •t steel castings and forgings. V. 69, p. 854. (See also V. 69, p. 802.) V. 69, p.1252. President, George Westinghouse; Seoy., T. J. Brown Office, 25th St. and Liberty Ave., East Pittsburg, Pa.-(V. 69, p.1252°; v. 73, p. 1014; v. 74, p. 101.) Wbeelln~ Lake Erle & Pittsburg Coal.-V. 72, p. 584,924; v. 73, p. 36 394.  w.  JANUARY,  1902,]  UbeJDarle & Ches. Canal.-Owns canal between Bay and Albemarle Sound, 14 miles. Stock is $558,200 <$100 shares). Dividends in 1893-96 each 11.g p. c. yearly; in 1897, none; in Feb., 1898, c.; none since. Bonds, $500,000lstM. 7s, due Julv, 1909. In Nov., 1901, a large nu ober of bonds had been deposited with a pro•tective committee with a view to a reduction in the interest ra.te, but -all coupons were paid in full to Jan., 1902. See report, V. 74, v. 92; V. 72, p. 10a5. In 1900-1, gross, $51,905; net, $33,417. In 1899-0, .gross, $35,539; net, $16,512. Pres., Warren G. Elliott. Office, Nortolk, Va.-(V. 72, p. 1035; V. 73, p. 139; V. 74, p. 92.) American .1.1.k.all.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated in New Jersey on May 4, 1899. V. 68, p. 925, and official statements, V. 69, p. 1194, and V. 73, p. 955. Manufactures at Sault Ste. Marie, by an eleotro,lytic process (protected by patents), caustic soda and bleaching powder, operations for demonstration begun in 1901. V. 72, p. 138. The ,stockholders voted Oct. 30 to the outstanding preferred stock 'full paid by issuing 2 shares of full paid (par $50) stock for 5 shares ll)reterred on which $20 per share shall have been paid in, thus reducing the preferred stock from $6,000,000 to $2,400,000. In Jan., f.1902, the preferred stock was $15 00 per share called up, including -$2 50 called for payment on. Jan. 20, 1902, two additional assessments -()f $2 50 each being payable quarterly thereafter. V. 73, p. 664, 555. -Office, 815 Drexel Building, Phlladelphia, Pa.. Directors, Oct., 1901. v. 73, p. 955; v. 73, p. 555,664; 955,958, 1265; v. 74, p. 96. AIDerlcan Cement.-A consolidation in 1899; incorporated in Prospectus, V. 69, p. 1249. First div. for 4 mos. to Dec. 31, 1899, 3 p. c. (1 extra), paid Jan., 1900; July, 1900, to Jan •. 1902, both incl. 8p.o. yearly (2extra). See statement of Dec. 31, 1900, V. 72, p. 672. Bonds, $930,000 first mort. and coll. tr. gold 5s, due Oct. 1, 1914, s. f. $30,000 yearly; int. A. & 0. at &irard Trust Co., Philadelphia, trustee. Pres., Robt. W. Lesley; Treas., Fred'k J. Jiggers, 24 So. 15th St., Phila. 71, p. 180; 72, p. 672.  N. J.  -v.  v.  American Coal.-Mines at Barton and Lonaconing, Md. Stock, ~l,500,000; par, $25. Dividends (M. & S.) 1894, 619 p. o.; 1895, 7; '96, 8; '97, 8; '98, 9; '99, 10 p. o.; 1900, 9 p. o.; 1901, Mar., 5 p. o.; Sept., .:; p. o. Office, No. 1 Broadway.-(V. 72, p, 340.) American Iron & Steel lUanufacturlng.-In Aug., 1899. ab11orbed properties at Reading and Lebanon, Pa. See list in statement of April 30, 1900. V. 71, :p. 180. Stock, common, $17 000,000, '6 per share paid in; pref., 5 p. c. cum., $3,000,000, full paid; par of share~, $50. Dividends on pref., Jan., 1900,1 12.s p. c.; Apr., 19?0, to .Jan:, 02, 114 p. o., Q.-J. On com., Jan., 19u0, 50 cts. per share, May 31, oO ots.; 1901, Jan., ~5 cts.; May, 15 cts.; Sept., 15 ots; 1902, Jan. 29, 15 ots. No bonds. Report tor 16 mos. to Dec. 31, 1900, in V. 172, p. 673, showed: Profits, $1,220,907; div. on pref. (551 2 p. o.), $162,1500; div. on com. ($1 per share), $340,000; depreciation charged off, $591,568; bal., sur., $126,839. Office, Lebanon, Pa.-(V. 71, p. 673.) American Light & Traction Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in New Jersey in Apr., 1901, by Emerson MoMillin and asso elates to or bring under closer control lighting and traction companies in various cities or the Untted States now held in the same interest, including Western Gas Co. (Milwaukee), Grand Rapids (Mich.,, Gas Light Co.1 Madison (Wis.) <fas & Electric Co., St. Joseph (Mo.) Gas Oo., Bingnamton (N. Y.) Gas Works, Southern Light & Traction Oo. of San Antoruo and St. Paul Gas Light, upon terms mentioned in V. 72, p. 724; V. 72, p . 871, 987; V. 73, p. 235. The greater part of the etooks of the seven companies named has been acquired. Stock authorized, common, $15,000,000; preferred 6 p. o. cumulative, $25,000,000, of which $7,337,800 preferred and $4,380,100 common have been issued. First quarterly dividend on preferred, 119 p. o., paid Dec. 2, 1901; Ft-b., '02, 1 ~- Bonds of the constituent properties aggregating $10,821,000, see V. 72, p. 724; see also V. 73, p. 1013. For 6 mos. ending Dec. 31, 1901, net, after div. on pref., $187,952. President, Emerson McMillin; General Counsel and Secretary, W. F. Douthtrt; Treasurer, H. B. Wilson. Directors, V. 73, p. 235. -(V. 72, p. 871, 987; v. 73, p. 235, 897, 1013, 1063.) American Se'W'er Pipe Co.-ORGANIZ.ATION.-Incorporated in New Jersey on Feb. 17, 19001 as American Clay Mfg. Co. as a con.solidation of 27 vitrified drain-pipe plants said to contro1 :rrom 80 toJ85 per cent of the industry, and name changed, Feb. 1, 1901. For 11st, .,to., see V. 70, p. 482,688, 874. The bonds are subject to call at 105 .and interest up to $100,000 yearly after Mar. 1 1901. See official statement V. 70, p. 688. Stock authorized, $10,000,000; outstanding, $7,794, 7\ O; par, $100. OJ'FICERS.-President, Alvah Trowbridge, New York; Secretary, Thomas D. Brown, New Brighton, Pa.; Treasurer, ffiysses D. Eddy, New York. Office to be a.t Pittsburg, Pa.-V. 72, p. 874; V. 74, p. 96. American Soda Pountaln.-Formedin '91 in N.J.-V.66,p.382. Stock outstanding: Common, $1,250,000; 1st pref., 6 per cent, cum., $1,250,000; 2nd pref., 8 per cent, cum., $1,250,000; par, $100. DIVIDENDS.-On preferred in full to Nov.,1896, incl.; in 1897 to 1899 ino.,none; Nov., 1900, 3 p. o. on tat pref.; Nov. 20, l90L, t> p. o. on 1st pref,, leaving accumulated dividends unpaid of 21 p. o. on 1st pref. and 40 p. o. on 2d pref. V. 71,p. 1014. On com. to 1895, inclusive, 10 yearly; 1896, 7l!i; none since. GENERAL FINANCES.-On Aug. 31, 1901, there were notes payable, $182,885. ANNUAL REPORT.-Report for year ending Aug. 31, 1901, V. 71. p. 1009. In 1900-1 profit was $146,4.18, ag~inst $179,006 for 1898. Pres.• James W. Tufts; N. Y. office. 449 First Ave.-(V. 71, p. 1014, 1065, 1068; v. 73, p. 1009. 1013.) Barney & Smith Car.-Incorpora.ted in 1892 in West Virginia. Stock outstanding, common, $1,000,000; pref. 8 per cent, cumulative, $21 500,000; par, $100. P onds, $1,000,000, 1st 50-year gold 6s 1J.&J.) suojeot to call at 110 afte r 1902. Dividends on com. in '98, 5 p. c.; on pref. 8 p. c. till Mar., '95; dividends resumed Dec. 1, 1899, then 8 p. c. yearly to Dec., 1901, incl. (Q.-M.). Report year ending Mar. Sl, 1901, in V. 73, p. 80. Bay State Gas Co.-lnco.r porated 1n 1889 under the laws ot Delaware, and acquired $995,000 of the$1,000,000 stookot the Bay State Gae Co. of New Jersey, which latter company owned substantially all the eapital stock of the following companies supplying gas to the city of Boston: Bay State of Mass.; Boston Gaslight, Roxbury Gaslight and South Boston Gaslight. The stocks of these four opera.ting companies were pledged to secure the bonds below mentioned_, but their voting power was acquired in Nov., 1897, for New Englana Gas & Coke Co.,rhich see on a preceding page-also V. 65, p. 1221: V. 68, p.1179. Assets Feb., lfl98, V. 70, p. 843. Beatable on a preceding page. Oiroular to shareholders V. 73, p. 339; V; 73, p. 1113. STOOK.-Btook (par $50) increased from $5,000,000 to $15,000,000 in October, 1895, to $50,000,000 in 1897, and to $100,000,000 m 1899. See V. 68, p. 84, 1179. Authorized amount stated as $1,000,000,000. BONDS.-'l'he "Boston United Gas" mortgage or 1889 was issued by ~e B. 8. Gas Co. of New Jersey and guaranteed by the Delaware company. The mortgage is for $12,000,000; Mercantile Trust Co., 11rustee; of the issue $2,000,000 was reserved forimprovements. Each registered $1,000 bond is entitled to 5 votes. There is an annual sinking fund of one per cent of the entire issue, and bonds can be drawn at 105. All the bonds issued are deposited with the Trust Co., which Issues its trust certs. therefor. V. 67, p. 221; V. 68, p. 84; V. 70,p, 688. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  189  MISCELLANEOUS STOOKS AND .BONDS  EARNINGS-Reports of operating oompames m V. 71, p. 1117, show:  Year.  Gross.  Net.  Di?Jidends.  Bat., sur.  1899-00. --·. -- ...... $3,048,183 $961,878 $817,864. ,r$22,188 ,rA1ter deducting int.,oharges,etc.-(V. 73, p. 339, ?86, 1113.) Bo ■ton & 1'.lont. Consol. Mln.-(V. 73, p. 664, 724, 1162, 1209, 1315.) Bruns'W"lck (Ga.) Dock & ImproveJDent Co,-Sucoessor to Brunswick Co.reorg. per plan in V. 65, p. 326; see also V. 66, p. 1034. President, Henry E. Howland, 85 Wall St.; Seo. and Treas., G. A. Kraetzer, Jr., 142 Pearl St., N. Y.-v. 68, p. 1022. Canton CoD1pany.-See SUPP. of Apr., 1897, and V. 70, 794,1251; v. 71, p. 1222; v. 72, p. 823. Chesapeake & Delaware Canal.-Owns canal from Dela.ware City to Chesapeake City, Md. In June, 1893, bondholders were asked to accept 4 per cent interest (in place of 5 per cent) until contingent fund, reduced to $49,613, should again amount to $100,000. Bonds, $2,602,950 (extended in 1886); due July 1, 1916; int. J . & J. Interest is payable at the office in Philadelphia. For year ending May 31, 1899, gross receipts were $144,340; maintenance of canal, $45,119; net, $99,121; interest charges, $104,118; deficit, taken from contingent fund, $4,898. Stock, $1,903,238; ~ar, $50. President, Joseph E. Gillingham. Office, 528 Walnut St., Philadelphia.-{V. 69, p. 26.) Chlcaf(o P neumatlc Tool Co. -ORGANIZ.A.TION.-Inoorporated in New Jersey on Dec. 28, 1901, and took over the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., Boyer Machine Oo. of Detroit, Taite-Howard Pneumatic Tool Co., England, etc. The properties acquired are supposed to control about half the output or pneumatic machinery in the United States. Max Pam of Ohloa.go arranged the consolidation. Working capital at outstart, it was stated, over $1,000,000. V. 74, p. 97, Btook authorized, $7,500,000, all of one kind; present if:1sue, $5,000,000. Bonds, $2,500,000 first sinking fund 20-year gold 5a, ($1,000 each) due Dec. 81, 1921, of which $2,500,000 to remain in the treasury; int. J. & J .. Central Realty Bond & Trust Co. or N. Y, Trustee. Aggregate earnings or constituent companies were reported as $700,000 per year, leaving 1 L per cent for the stock . OFFICERS.-President, J. w. Duntley; Vice-President, w. o. Dunt• ley; Second Vice-President, Edward Y. Moore; Treasurer, Ernest P. Wenger; Secretary, Le Roy Beardsley. Directors, V. 7-1, p. 97. -V. 74, p, 97, 154. Consolidated Lake Superior Co.-Has Connecticut charter, and in June, 1901, absorbed Ontario Lake Superior Co. V. 72, p. 938 . Controls and is developing the water-power, estimated at 200,000 hydraulic horse-power, at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, and Ontario tor use in connection with its own manufacturing enterprises (st.eel, paper, etc.) and under lease to other companies, inoludin~ Union Oaraide Oo., American Alkali Co., etc. Owns all the capital stock of the following-named companies, capitalized as follows : Michigan Lake Superior Power Oo., common stock $500,000, and 50-year first mon· 5s (see v. 69, p. 386) $3,500,000; Lake Superior Power Co. of Ontario, preferred $500,000, common $1,500,000; Sault Ste. Marie Pulp,t& Paper Co. of Ontario, preferred $750,000, common $1,250,000; Ta.gona Water & Light Co. of Ontario, $200,000. Algoma Tube Co. authorized stock, $30.000,000. (V. 74, p. 97.) See prospectus, prior to consolidation, V. 68, p. 1075. The properties acquired through the Ontario Lake Superior Co. consisted of about 2,000 square miles of timber and mineral lands, etc., and the entire stock of the Algoma Oentral & Hudson Bay Ry. (unbonded). V. 69, p. 909; V. 70, p. 4.0, 1252; V. 72. p . 483. The steel business is to be carried on under the charter of the Algoma Steel Oo., Lim., with $20,000,000 stock ana a capacity on completion of the plant under construction at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, of 2,500 tons of steel daily. V. 72, p. 874, 938, 991, 1036, 1082. As to Helen iron mine, Michipicoton, see Algoma Steel Co. V. 72, p. 1082; also V. 72, p. 991; v. 73, p. 1110. STOCK.-Stook authorized, common, $82,000,000; outstanding, $62,000,000; pret., 7 p. o. non-cum .• $35,000,000; outstanding, $14,475,800. The remaining $20,000,000 preferred, to be used for enlargement of steel plant and substdiary undertakings col lateral thereto, was offered to stockholders of the two old oos. at par, with 100 p. o • bonus in common stock, equal quarterly payments to be made May 31, 1901, Jan. 5 and July 5, 1902, and Jan. 5, 1903, with the right to pay in full at any instalment period. Preferred stock outstanding Oct. 31, 1901, $14 475,800; during 1901-2, average outstanding is expected to be about $18,000,000, and durln,t 1902-3 about :t,7,000,000 will probably be issued, making $25,000,000 in all. V. 73, p. 1110. DIVIDENDS.-On preferred in full to Dec., 1901 (payable (Q.-M.). REPORT.-Report tor the year ending June 30, 1901, was in V. 78; p. 1110, showing: Dividends received, $684,916; preferred stock dividend, $255,628; div. on common, $420,000; general expenses, $8,044, bal., sur., $1,244. President, E. V. Douglas, Phila.; Seo., W. P. Douglas, Phila.; Treas., F. s. Lewis. New directors, May, 1901, V. 72, p. 1037. Office, West End Trust Building, Phila., Pa.-(V. 73, p.786, 1109; V. 74, p. 97.) Consolidated Rubber Tire Co.-Inoorporated in N. J. in Apr., 1899. See V. 71, p. 545. Stock, common, $4,000,000; pref. 6 p. o. cum,, $1,000,000; all issued. Par of shares, $100 ea.oh. In June, 1901, $3,000,000 debentures were being issued in place of an equal amount of preferred stock and $2,000,000 treasury stock was retired, per plan, v. 72, p. 341, 391. They are entitled to 4 p. o interest if earned. Dividends on preferred, Sept. 1899, to Dec., 1900, 11il p. o. quarterly (Q. M.). Last div. paid Dec. 1, 1900. Checks are malled. Earnings for 6 mos. ending Dec. 31, 1899, see V. 70, p. 794. President, Isaac L. Rice; Sec., Frederick A. Seaman. Office, Jersey City, N. J. EmersonMoMillin & Co. were interested.-(V. 73, -p. 34.) Denver Gas & Electric Co.-ORGANIZATION.-lncorporated in Apr.. 1899, as a consolidation of the Denver Consolidated Gas and Denver Oonsolidated Electric Companies. Stock, $3,500.000. Bonds, $5,500,000 1st 50-year oonsol mortgage gold 5s, interest M-N., due May 1, 194.9; Continental Tru ■ t Co.,New York, trustee. The $2.6!'>0,• 000 outstanding stock a.nd $2,400,000 bonds were issued to effect the consolidation and provide $250,000 working capital. Bonds for $2,440,000 were reserved to retire a like amount ofunderlying bonds, viz.: $1,500,000Denver Consol. Gas 20-year gold 6s, due Nov. 16, 1911, int. J.-J. at Atlantic Trust Oo.t N. Y.; subject to call at 105; $75,000 Denver Oonsol. gold deb. 6s, aue Oct. 1, 1911; $590,000 Denve,:- Com~l. Eleo. 1st gold 6s, due Jan. 1, 1910, subject to ca.11 after Jan. 1, 1895, mt. J.-J., at Chemical Bank, N. Y.; $190,000 Western Electrical Conslr'Uotion Company 1st gold 6s, due October 4, 1915, int. A.-0., at Mass. Loan & Trust Co., of Boston; subject to call at 103 after 1895 and $35,000 Montclair Electric Light & Power l!!t 6s. Mar. 1 to May 31, 1900, 3 mos., net, $76,685, agst. $89,797 in 1899. For 12 mos. ending Feb. :. 8, net, $407,286 in 1900; $863,441 in 1899. Dividen_d_, 119 I!er ct., paid Feb. 1900; Aug. 20, 11g p. o. Chairman, Emerson ro.oMillln, 40 Wall St., N. Y.-(V. 72, p. 341, 482.) Denver Union Water.-A consolidation Oct., '94. Franchisee run until 1910. uwns the water supply of the city of Denver, Col. and vicinity. Capital stock ls $5,000,000 common and $2{500,000 0£ 5 p. o. non-cumulative preferred. Bonds $7,500.1000. Pres dent, W. S. Cheesman; Treasurer. D. H. Motfat.-(V. 72, p. ~85.) Detroit City Gal!I.-Organized in March, 1898, and owns all the gas properties in Detroit, Mich. Has a contract till 1923 with the city. In Dec., 1901, a city ordinance was passed reducing the price ot gas to 70 cents per 1,000 cubic feet. -V. 73, p. 1266.  :0,  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.  170  STOCK. -Authorized, $5,000,000; $4,560,000 outstandlllg; par, $50, Dividends, 219 p. o. Nov, '99; 1900, 5 p. o.; 1901, May, 212 p. c. The Nov., 1901, dividend was pa.esed.-V. 73, p. 1063. BoNDs.-The new prior lien mortgage is for $6,000,000, o:t whioh $564,000 retained for future extensions and improvements and $381,· 000 to retire the $365 000 Det. Gas 5s, not yet exchanged, and $16,000 income 5s. Prlor lien bonds are subject to call at 110. EARNINos.-Jan. l to Oct. 31, 1900, net, $363,913; against $309,308; net :tor :fl.seal year ending Dec. 31. '99, $427,320, agst. $332,715 in '98. OFFICERS.-President, Emerson MoMillln, New York; Gan. Man., H. D. Walbridge, Detroit, Mich. (V. 73, p. 1063, 1266, 1315.) Detroit Mackinac & Marquette BK, Land Grant.-Land grant unsold. 1,209,409 acres in Northern Michigan, along the line of the Detroit Mackinac & Marquette RR., foreclosed Oct., 1886. Lands were free from taxation till 1898. Of the total issue of $4,560,000 30-year bonds, due Oct. 1, 1911, $1,215,000 have been purchased !or $427,781 (about 35 per cent per bond) and $324,000 have been received :tor land and canceled, leaving outstanding Jan. 1, 1901, $3,021,000. From Oct., 1892, to Oct.i 1901, 2 ner cent interestwae paid (1 p. o. each in A & 0) at Centra Trust Co., N. Y. See report Feb., 1879, to Jan., 1900, V. 70, p. 684. Report for year ending Dec. 31, 1900, in V. 72, p. 580. showed: Gross receipts, $160,899; "dis· bursements," taxes, eto., $90,720; int. on bonds, $60,420; bal., sur., $9,959. In 1899, gross, $170,881; def. under bond interest, $22,243. -v. 71, p. 751; v. 72, p. 580, 677; v. 73,p. 786, 964. Dominion Ooa] Oo., Llmlted,-ORGANIZATION.-Inoorpora.ted in 1893. Contract with Dominion Iron & Steel Co. provides :tor sup-ply of coal at $1 ·20 per ton (subject to revision every ten years), the Steel Co. to have right to 1903 to lease the property.-V. 69, p. 79. Common stock, $15,000,000; pref. stock and bonds, see table p. 159. Loans and bills payable Sept., 1901, $1,105.000. Output in 190C.•l, 2,044,877 tons; in 1899-0, 1,739,374 tons; estimated output in 1901-2, 2,600,000 tons. Dive. on pref. paid in full toJan.• 1902, incl. (4'6 J. & J) Report for year ending Feb. 28, 1901, in V. 73, p. 30, showed: Net earnings, $687,294; int., renewals and sinking fund, $209,761; div. on pref. (8 per cent), $213,333; additions, improvements, etc., $104,018; bal., sur., $159,182. Pres., Henry M. Whitney, Boston, Mase.-(V. 73, p. 30.) Dominion Iron & Steel co.-ORGANIZA.TION.-Organized under the laws of Nova Scotia on June 17, 1899; is building iron and steel works at 8ydney, Cape Breton, to ha..-e, it is said, a dally capacity ol 800 tons of steel. On Dec. 30, 1901, two o:t the 10 steel :furnaces staned up. V. 74, p. 98; V. 70, p. 1051; v. 73, p. 661-'- 959. See prospectus V. 72, p. 583. Stock, common, $15,000,00u, all iasued; par $100. The stookbolders voted Dec. 29, 1900, to construct a plate and rail mill and to issue $5,000,000 seven per cent cumulative preferred stock, subject to call at $115 per share or convertible into common stock, at holder's option. V. 72, p. 778. First semi-ann. div. on pref., 31g p. o., paid Oct 1, 1901; V. 73J..p. 680. Mortgage trustee, National Trust Co. of Ontario, Montreal, uanaaa. Bonds may be purchased or called (drawn by lot) at 110 and interest for sinking fund or in such amounts as may be desired on July 1 yearly, beginning 1902. See V. 71, p. 1122. Balance sheet of Ap_r., 30, 1901, V. 72, p. 1236. Report of June 1, 1901, V. 73, p. 661. In Dec., 1901, James Ross and associates of MontreaJ acquired oontrol.-V. 73, p.1267.-(V. 72, p. 1236; v. 73, p. 661, 680, 959, 1267; v. 74, p. 98.) Equitable IDumlnatlne; Gas Light Oo. oCPhlladelphla.Oianized in 1898 by United Gas Improvement Co., which owns a m ority of the stock, to operatA the gas works leased :from city of P adelphia. See :tull particulars in V. 66, p. 426. Common stock Issued, $3,125,000; preferred stock, 4 per cent for first year and 6 per cent thereafter, $3,125,000. Sinking fund of $124,000 yearly is to retire bonds at 105; and beginning in 1908 the Improvement Co. agrees to create a sinking fund to retire the stock in 1928, when the property Is to revert to the oity. Lease may be terminated by city in 1908 on making certain payment. 1901. 1898. 1899. 1900. DIVIDENDS. Common, per oent..... •••• . . 4 6 6 Preferred, per cent.......... 4 6 6 6 (J.&D.) For 9 mos. ending Sept, 30, 1901, gross revenue, $3,109,204, against $2,774,169 in liOO. For calendar year 1900 gas sales in city of Philadelphia, as reported to city authorities, were 3,911,599,400 cubic feet, as against 3,564,810,610 in 1899; receipts ($1 00 per l,OOOfe~t), $3,911,599,ot which city received 10 p. o.-(V. 72, p. 244, 875; 73, p. 393, 959, 1210.)  I  v.  Fisheries Co.-ORGANIZATION,-Incorporated in New Jersey on May 25 as a reorganization of the American Fisheries Co. (see v. 66, p. 132) per plan in V. 70, p. I 050; V. 70, p. 1052. Stock, authorized, common, $1..,000,000; pref., 7 p. c. non-cum., $2,000,000; par of shares, $100. Bonas, $500,000 first mortgage 5-yea.r 6s, subJeot to redemption by annual drawings :from profits after payment or mterest, 6 p. c. on pref. and 5 p. c. on common stock. Directors: Thomas Russell, Nathaniel B. Church, L. E. Warren, Wm. M. Ivins, Charles B. Bobbs a n d - - - - . First dividend, 3½ p. o. on pref., Jan. 1, 1901. V. 70, n.1052. Fort St. lJnlon Depot (Detrolt)-See SUPPLEM'T of April, 1897. Herrlng•Hall•Marvln Sat'e Oo.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated tn New Jersey on Aug. 3, 1900. and successor Dec. 20, 1900,per plan in V. 68.tP· 232, and V. 70, p. 689, of Herring-Hall-Marvin Co. V. 71, p. 23M. Stock, common. $1,650,000; 7 per cent non-cum. 1st pref., $600,000 and 7 per cent non-cum. 2d pref., $1,050,000; par ot shares, $100. Pres .• H. A. Tenney.-(V. 72, p. 46,186, 1191; V. 73, p.1316.) Int.-rnatlonal Automobile & Vehicle Tire Oo.-ORGANIZATION,-Incorporated in New Jersey in April, 1899; factories are at Chelsea and Newton, Mass. (see V. 68, p. 772). Stock authorized, common, $1,500,000; pref., 7 p. o. cum., $1,500,000; par of shares, $100 each. On Mar 1, 1900). $2,368,000 stock had been issued. Bal. sheet Mar. 1, 1900, V. 70, p. 1:199.-(V. 68, p. 772; V. 70, p. 999.) Iron Steamboat Oo.-Propertyconsists of seven iron steamboats. On Apr. 9, 1901, Chas D. Thompson of Jersey City was appointed temporary receiver, and in July, 1901, foreoloeure action was begun. -V. 72, p 725; V. 73, p. 35 For year ending Oct. 31, 1900, gross receipts were $236,935; operating expenses, $133,006; terminal charges, $15,881; rentals, $23; interest on bonds, etc., $27,651; bal., sur. :tor year, $37,176. In 1895-6, gross, $224,152; sur. :tor year over chargee, $21,654. In January, 1897, stock was reduced from $2,000,000 to $500,000. Dividends since 1886-In 1887, 212; in 1888, nil; in 1889, 2; in 1890, 2; in 1891, none; in 1892, l; none since. Bonds, $500,000 1st 6P, due July 1, 1901; interei,t J. & J. President, Allen c. Washington.-(V. 71, p. 1118; V. 72, p. 725; V. 73, p. 35.) .Teff'erson & <'learfield Ooal & Iron Oo.-ORG.A.NIZATION.Organized under the laws o:t Pennsylvania in May, 1896, to acquire the coal and other properties of the Bell, Lewis & Yates Coal Mining Co. See V. 62, p. 908: V. 63, p. 115. The securities of the new com• pany are included in the table on page 21 of this SUPPLEMENT. The property mortgaged consists of about 7,800 acres of lands in fee and coal righti:1 and 4,000 acres of leasehold lands. The present capacity of the mines is about 10,000 tons per day, but the greatest amount so far shipped in one year was 1,541,000 tons. 8TOCK.-The $1,500,000 common and $300,000 of the $1,500,000 o:t 5 p. o. non-cumulative preferred stock is owned by the Rochester & Pittburg Coal & Iron Co., wbich places the control of the output from the p1operty with the Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburg Railway Co. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  [VOL,  LXXIV.  Di'Oidends -On preferred in 1897, Aug., 5 p. c.; 1898 to Aug., 1901,,. 5 p. c. yearly (F. & A.). On common, first dividend, 2 p. o., Aug. 15, 1900. BoNDs.-Trustee for first mortgage is the Guaranty Trust Co. of New York; for the second mortgage, the United States Mortgage & Trust Co. The sinking fund is 3 cents for each ton of coal mined, the payments not to be less than $50,000 per annum, and the bonds to be drawn at 105 and accrued interest, if not purchasable for less. Any bonds so purchased or drawn are to be held uncanceled by the trustee, and the interest on them invested for the sinking fund. It is estimated that with these accumulations the :firsts will be retired in twenty-three years and the seconds in twenty-eight years and six months. As further security for the bonds there is pledged with the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, Reynoldsville & Falls Creek RR. Co. first mort~age 6 per cent bonds $170,000, and $170,000 stock bein~ the total capital and securities of that company. The Reynoldsville & Fa.Us Creek RR. Co. owns about 28 miles of track, connecting the mines at Falls Creek with Buff. Roch. & Pitts. Ry., Penn. RR., Erie RR., Western N. Y. & Penn. RR.-(V. 71, p. 238.)  .Tonrneay & Burnham.-See plan. V. 70, p. 1293; V. 72, p.1139. Manhattan Beach Hotel & Land (Llmlted).-Owns the real estate and premises known as Manhattan Beach, with the Manhattan and Oriental hotels, music amphitheatre, 446 acres of' land, &o. Stock, $2,000,000, of whlch $500,000 is preferred 5 p. o_ non-cumulative ; preferred outstanding, $400,000. Bonds, $1,500,000 general gold 4s, due Nov. 1, 1940; int. M. & N. Commencing with May, 1894, four years' coupons were funded into 10-year scrip. A few of the coupons have not yet been funded. N. Y. office, 192 Broadway. -v. 62, p. 869. Marsden Oompany.-Incorporated in February, 1897, to manufacture products from cornstalks-see V. 65, p. 235, for uses of produoi. In Feb., 1900, the outstanding common stock was increased to $33,782,200; authorized, $35,000,000. Pref. stock, 6 p. o. cum., authorized, $15,000.000; issued, i!l,530,000. Report for 1900 in V. 72, p. 285. 0-wns majority of stock of Internat. Smokeless Powder Co., a part beiDg pledged to secure $300,000 notes due 1902. See V. 71, p. 1123. In July, 1901, obtained control o:t Amer. Mill1ng Co., with $100,000 stock and plant at Riverdale, Chicago. V. 73, p. 35. President, E.G. Buckner.-V. 71, p.1123; V. 72, p. 285; V.73, p. 35, 794.} National Klee Mlllln,:.-See full statement V. 55, p. 49; V. 71,. p.1123, 1223; 72, p. 91,135, 73, p. 1163. National Sugar Keti.nlne;.-ORGANIZATION. -Incorporated in, New Jersey on June 2, 1900, and took over the New York Sugar Refl.ning Co.'e (Doscher) refinery, Long IE1land City, the Mollenhauer refl.nery, Brooklyn, N. Y •. and the National refl.neries, Yonkers, N. Y. Th& oapaeity of the new company will be 10,000 barrels daily. V. 70, p. 1098; V. 71, p. 31. Stock, $10,000,000 6 p. o. cumulative preferred) and $10,000.000 common stock; all outstanding; par of shares, $100. Div. on pref., 112 p. c. (Q.-J.),paid Oct. 2, 1900, to Jan. 2, 1902, incl. No bonds. President, .fames H. Post; Vice-Pres. and Treas., F. D . Mollenhauer; Sec., H. D. Cory.-(V. 72, p. 483.) New York & Texas Land.-This company took the lands granted to the International and Houston & Great Northern railroads, about 5,000,000 acres. .June 30, 1897, had 2,054,541 acres unsold. Stock $1,500,000; par $50. The mortgage of Dec., 1897, is for $500,000. Agent was J. S. Wetmore, 2 Wall St., N. Y.-(V. 66, p. 83.) l'lfew York Tran8portatlon Oo.-ORGANIZ.A.TION.-Inoorporated in New Jersey on Feb. 23, 1899, and operates under license from th& Electric Vehicle Co. Name changed as above Jan., 1902. Stock authorized, $5,000,000; par. $20, as reduced in Jan., 1902; outstanding, $4,700,000. V. 74; p. 99. Owns Fifth Avenue Stage line. In Jun~ 1901, purchased Newport plant and control of the Metropolitan and uentury Express companies, payiDg fo.r the latter two $500,000 in bonds o:t the Metropolitan company, guaranteed by the Transportation Co., with two years' coupons out off. V. 72, p. 1139, 1191; V. 73, p. 35. v. 70, p. 8«; V. 71, p. 290; V. 73, p. 35. Statement for year 1899, with balance sheet, was in V. 70, p. 840. President, Harry Payn& Whitney; Vice-President, E. D. Morgan; Seo. and Treas., Arthur Phillips-V. 72, p. 939, 1139, 1191; V. 73, p. 35; 1316; V. 74, p. 99. New York Mutual Telegraph.-Sucoessor to the Mutual Union Telegraph Company. The stock carries dividends of 6 per cent per annum under a lease for 99 years from February 15, 1883, to Western Union Telegraph, which owns $2,385,700 of the $2,500,000 stock. New York & Queens Electric Light & Power oo.-ORG.A.NIZATION.-A consolidatioll. Incorporated 1n Jul]', 1900; supplies entire borough of Queens outside of Rockaway. oee official statement to New York Stock Exchange, V. 72, p.1039. STOCK AND BoNDs.-Stook, common and pref. 5. o. non-cum., $1,250,000 each, all issued. Par of shares, $100. Bondi', $2,500,000 30-year ~old 5s, dated Aug. 1, 1900; int. F&A; Union Trust Co., N. Y., trustee. Of the bonds $2,121,000 are outstanding, $200,000 are reserved to retire the $200,_000 N. Y. & Queens Ga.a & Eleo. gold 5s, dueJan. 1, 1949, and $179,0uO for extensions. EARNINGS.-For 8 mos. ending Mar. 31, 1901, gross, $193,206; net over taxes, etc., $99,247; i,nterest o, bonds, $65,600; sur.• $33,64.7. DIRECTORS.-Frank Tilford, H. E. Gawtry, T. W. Stepbens, Henr:y R. Wllson, James T. Pyle, Julian D. Fairchild. Abram M Hyatt and L. B. Gawtry, of New York; Frank Tilford, President. New York office. 41 Wall St,-V. 73, p. 187, 680. New York Telephone.-In 1896 this company took over the business of the Metropolitan T. & T. Co, with exclusive rights under a perpetual license from the American Bell Telephone Co. to the telephone business in city of New York and suburbs.-V. 63, p. 229. In 1901 stock was increased :from $16,000,000 to $30,000,000 (pa.r, $100) of which Amer. Teleph & Telegraph Co. owns $19,329,400 and Western Union Telegraph Co. on July 1. 1901, $6,164,300. V. 71, p . 139, 290. Dividends paid in 1899 and 1900, 6 p, c. yearly. V. 71, p. 139, 290. Niagara Falls Power Oompan~., The.-Organizedin 1886 and has authority by special acts of New York State to use the water o:t Niagara River and also to transmit any power, heat or light developed from such water to practically any point in New York State. It has 1,071 acres of land. Tunnel first opened January 1, 1894. The 50,000 horse--power from wheel pit No. 1 is all in use and in Jan., 1902, wheelpi~ No. 2 was practically ready for the :first installation of 80.000 horse power and contracts were btin~ let for the remaining 20,000. A plant on the Canadian side of 100,000 horse power is to be completed in 1903, and 8,000 hydmulio horse power in addition on the American side. V. 72, p. 939; V, 73, p. 35. customers, April, 1901, in v. 72, p. 678 . Stock authorized by charter $10,000,000; by stockholders $6,500r 000. Issued, $3,231,000. Mort~age, $10,000,000. covers 1,071 acres 1n city of Niagara Falls, tunnels, :franchises, etc.; also the majerity stock of the Cataract Power & Conduit Co. Buffalo, and the Tonawanda. Power Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y. Coupon mort. bonds are $1,000 each; int. J & .J; registered; $500 or multiples of $500; int. Q.-J. For the construction of power house and wheel-pit No . 2 with connecting tunnel wne authorized $3,000,000 debentures, dated April 1, 1900, convertible into stock. $ for $, at holder's option on or before Aprll 1, 1905; of these, $1.100,000 were outstanding Dec. 31, 1901. Stock• holders in July. 1901, subscribed at par to $2,664,800 naw debentures, payable in instalments, to build plant on Canadian side, convertible at holder's option after Oct. 1, 1903, and before Oct. 1, 1908, into  v.  v.  JANUARY, 1902,]  stock, $ for $: They will be secured by deposit of an equal amount of debentures of Canadian Niagara Power Co.-V. 73, p. 35. ~ee V. 70, p. 689. President, D. O. Mills; Seo., V.-P. and Treas .• William B. Rankine. N. Y. o:ffl.ce, 15 Broad St.-(V. 72, p. 678, 939; V. 73, p. 35.) OgdenGas(Chlcago).-SUPP. of Jan.,1898.-V. 74, p. 99,155. Ontario & Lake Superior Co.-See Consol. Lake Superior Co. Pennsylvania Electric Vehicle- ORGANIZATION.-Inoorporated in New Jersey as Philadelphia Motor Wagon Co. and name changed about March, 1899. Stock, common, $800,000 all outstanding; preferred, 6 per cent, cum., $400,000. Par of shares, $10, as reduced Dec., 1901. HaslicensefromEleo. Vehicle Co. tooperatein Penn. Pres., W.W. Gibbs, Drexel Bldg., Phila.-V. 68, p. 430; v. 73, p. 1211. Phlladelphla Electric Co.-ORGA.NIZATION.-Incorporated in New Jersey on Oct. 6, 1899, Controls nearly all of the electric-light propertiesofthe city; also in West PbiladelpWa and Chester. InSept., 1901, control of the Kensington Electric Light Co. was purohased.(V. 73, p. 496, 680.) STOCK.-Autborized, $25,000,000; 20 per cent paid In; 10 per cent additional called, one-half payable Mar. 1 and remainder Sept. 1, 1902. -V. 74, p . 156. BoNDs.-Collateral trust 4 per cent gold fifty-year oertiftca.tes, dated Oct. 16, 1899, amounting to $17,500,000 have been authorized, of which $15,050,000 were used to purchase the entire $15,000,0UO Penn. M'f'g. L. & P. stock ($1,500,000 paid in) and practically all the $17,500,000 Nat. Elec. stock ($4,375,000 paid in), the balance to be retained to acquire other electric properties in Philadelphia and ad1aoent counties. See V. 69, p. 797, and official circular, p. 853. In Feb., 1900, about $2,000,000 old Phila. electric oertilioates bad been purchased, reducing the amount outstandinir to about $11,200,000.V. 70,p. 331. In Aug., 1900, purchased $2,000,000 fours, mostly in the open market, the same bein,r placed in the treasury uncanceled and held available as collateral for loans.-(V. 74, p. 99.) REPORT.-For 15 months ending Dec. 31, 1900, with balance sheet, wa-s in V. 72. p. 774, showing: Total gross income, $1,717,326; general expenses. $30,429; interest. $1.555,400; balance, sur.. $131,497. President, Joseoh B. McCall; Vice-Pres., William F. Harrity; Seoy. A. V. B. Coe; Treas., Wm. P. Conover, Jr. Office, N. E. oor. 10th ana1 Sansom Bts., Philadelphia, Pa.- (V. 73, p. 496,680; V. 74, p. lM.) Planters' Compress Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated in West Virginia on July 19, 1897, to own the Lowry patents for compressing into eylindrioal bales cotton and other substances. See V. 68, p. 573, 825, 872. In J ,une, 1899, $15,000,000 stock trust certificates were issued to take up all outstanding securities, under agreement of May 19, 1899. In Jan., 1901, $5,000,000 new stock was issued to take up the $500,000 6 per cent notes due Feb. 1, 1901 etc. Notes and bllis payable Mar. 1, 1901, $66,195. See v. 71, p. 1170. Report tor 13 mos. ending Deo. 31, 1900, with balance sheet, was in v. 72, p. 986. Trustees, T. Jefferson Coolldge, Henry E. Howland, Stephen M. Weld, Walter Hunnewell and Robert Bacon. V. 70, p. 283. Stephen M. Weld, President, 183 Essex St.. Boston.-•(V. 72, p. 986.) Rhode Island-Perkins Horse Shoe Co01pany.-ORGA.NIZA· ftON.-Manu1aotures horse shoes and toe oalks at Valley Falls, B. I., 6 miles from Providence. V. 61, p. 1014. Stock-Common (or general) stock, $1,000,000; pref., 7 per cent cum., Q J, $1,750,000; par, $100. DIVIDENDS.1892. 1893-'95. '96. 97, 98. '99. '00. '01, '02. Common, p.o. 121g 10 yearly. 419 .. . . . . • . . . . • . . • .. Preferred,p.o. ..__7 p. c. yearly,---' 6% 5 4 4 4 Jan.114 St. Louis Terminal Cupples Statton & Property .-Incorporated in Missouri in March, 18~71 and owns several blocks of modern slow combustion buildings, adjoimng the Terminal Railroad Association's tunnel in St. Louis. The buildings contain a union freight station connected with the Terminal BB., and enable the twenty large wholesale boUBes which use them under lease to avoid the delay and expense incident to the usual system of carting to and :from depots. See 1n11 statement in CHRONICLE. Oot. 16,11897, p. 730. STOCK AND BONDS.-Common, $2,000,000; preferred 5 p. o. cumulative, $1,000,000. Entire stock now owned by Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.-V. 70, p. 1151, The bonds are redeemable at 102 after June 1, 1902. DITIDENDS.-On pref., 5 p. o. dividends have been paid, on common 2 p, c. paid May 25, 1899. REPOBT.-Beport for year ending May 1 in V. 72, p. 1032, showed:  est against same. Bonds ·are secured by stocks of properties owned and are subject to call by sinking fund of 15 cents per ton on coal mined at 110 and interest; they are ~uaranteed, but severally in different proportions, by the railways above named. Of the bonds th& $11,916,000 remaming unJssued are reserved for additional properties.-(V. 71, p. 1124, 1170.) OFFICERS.-President, George F. Baer, Beadimr, Pa.; Secretary, A. F. Law. Directors v. 71, p. 1170.-(V. 71, p. 1124, 1170.) Trenton Potterlel!I. United Electric Co. of Ne-w Jerl!ley.-0RGANIZATI0N.-lncorporated on March 6, 1899, in New Jersey,in the interest of the United Gas Improvement Co. of Philadelphia, and absorbed 21 electric-light. heat, and power cos. of Northern New Jersey. Stock, all common:, $20,000,000; all outstanding; par $100. Bonds, $20,000,000 50year gold 4s, interest guaranteed for t,h e first five years by the United Gas lmpro'rement Co. (see V. 68, p. 476,620, 1134; V. 72, p. 1038). Bonds are $500 a.Rd $1,000 each, interest being payable J-D at New Jersey Title Guarantee & Trust Co., Jersey CJty, trustee. President, A. B. Carlton; Seo., L. D. H. Gilmour. O:ffl.oe, Newark, N. J.-(V. 71, p. 1293; V. 72, p. 286,679, 1038; V. 73, p. 187.) United States 011.-v. 67, p. 1001. Stock, $2,5001000: par $26. Dividend of $1 (of which 50 cents extra) per share pain April 1, July 1 and' Oct. 1, 1899; 1900, Jan. 1, $1 25 (of which 50c. extra); Apr. 2, 500.; July 2, 50 ots.; Oct. 1, 50 cts. The Jan., 1901, diviaend wa& passed. V. 71, p. 1273. Report for 1900-01, V. 74, p. 92. Acting Pres• ident, Edward R • .A ndrew1e; Sec'y and Treas'r, F. W. Batohefder, 4 P. 0. Square, Boston.-(V. 70, p. 32'7, 592; V. 71, p, 817, 1273; V. 72, p. 391; v. 73. p. 856; v. 74, p. 92.) We•tchester Llgh&lng.-ORGANIZ.ATION.-Inoorporated on Nov. 6i 1900, and absorbed various gas and eleotrlo-Ught l'Ompantes suppi ying territory in Westchester County north of New York City. See V. 71, p. 1023, 1175, Stock (of which a controlling interest is owned by the United Gas Improvement Co. of Phila.), common, $10,000,000; preferred, 5 per cent (cumulative after Jan. 1, 1904), $2,500,000; par of shares, $100. Of the gen. 50-year 5s, $5,550,000 are to be used from ttme to time for additional extensions and new properties an(} $460,000 to redeem an equal amount of underlying bonds outstanding, viz., $23,000 Municipal Gas Co., $343,000 N. Y. Suburban Gas Gas Co. and $95,000 New Rochelle Gas dr Fuei C •.-see list, V. 71, p. 1175. Net earnings of merged companies in 1899, $238,103. President, Wm. W. Sorugham; Seo., B. w. Stilwell; Treas., Lewis Lillie. Directors, V. 71, p. 1175; V. 71, p. 1175, 1224.  INDEX TO ADDITIONAL COMPANIES. Vol.Page.  Ala. Consol. Coal & Iron ...... 73 968 A1abama &Georgia Iron ...... 69 007 .Alabama Steel & Wire ....... .70 533 American Brass ................ 73 901 American Caramel ............ 72 676 American Cement............. 72 672 American Confectionery ..... 71 1014 American Cereal.. ............. 73 1266 Amer. Elec. Heatlng .. SUP. July, 1898 American Grai:h-o-phone .... 72 5lli American Grass Twine ....... 74. 116 Amer. Hawaiian Stea.mship .. 71 1068 American Lime & Stone....... 73 617 Amer. Laundry Machinery ... 78 1118 .Amert can Lumber .... .••••• 7i 96 American Mail BS ............. 68 1228 American Market .............. 68 1178 Amer.Mutoscope & 481 .American &y. Equipment ... 68 Sl7i American Rice..... . . . ....... 70 585 American School Furniture.. 72 1079 American Rcrew ...............72 673 American Switch .............. 69 1803 Amer. Woodworking Mach .. 73 1868 Ames Shovel. .................. 78 398 Armour & Co................... 72 6ll8 Atlas Tack ....... ............... 74 Y7 Atlantic Transport ............ 72 000 Raltimore Brlck ................72 282 Birdsboro Iron & Steel........ 69 908 Consol. Limited ........ 71 96:5 Year. Receipts. E:cpenses. Interest. Bal.,sur. Borax Boston Elec1 rte Light ......... 72 1282 1900-l.-···--··----··--··-···-··$314,764 $86,475 $135,000 $93,289 Boston Quicksilver............ 70 635 1899·0.... ____ . __ ... _._·-········ 309,640 71,456 185,000 103,184 Brooklyn Borough Gas ....... 70 686 Brooklyn Development ....... 68 870 ; ~~n pref. in both years, 2 p. o. on common in 1889, 1 p. o. in Brooklyn Dock & Termtnal ... 68 975 1 9 9 Pres .• Bobert B. Brookings.-(V. 71, p. 1070; v. 72, p. 1082.) && 548 Silver Dnlllon 0ertlftcatcl!I.-The silver bullion certiftcates Canada Cycle & Motor ........ 69 Canada Furniture ............. 72 482 dealt in on the N. Y. Stock Exchange represent ~oh 1,000 ounces of Carter-Crume Co .......... 71 lll7 flnesilver bullion deposited with the Mercantile Safe Deposit Co. of New Casein Co. of America ........ 78 186 York, and are each subject to a storage charge of two cents per day; bar Central Fireworks.............. 72 341 Central Hudson dteamboat .. 71 sliver storage is one cent per day. Av. weight of bars ls 1,080 oz. 288 Oil. .................... 73 186 South Yuba Water Oo.-Owns 20 storage lakes and reservoirs in Central Chicago Pack. & Provlsion .... 72 1082 Placer and Nevada.counties, Caillornia, 12 distributing reservoirs and Ctnctnnatl :Edison Electric.... 72 724 500 miles of canal and pipe lines. Incorporated in Caillornia in 1854 Cincinnati Gas & Electric .... 74 97 lM and in New York in 1880. Supplies water for household and municipal City of Chic. Brew. & Malt ....74 Cleveland & Sandusky Brew .. 66 1188 purposes, power and irrigation, electric power and light. Area Columbian Elec.CarL.&B,ke.70 178 supplied about 2,000 square miles. (0.> Edison ....... 78 1162 Bonds are $44.0,000 first 6s, due Apr. 1, 1910, int. A. & 0., and $1,- Columbus Compr.Gas Capsule(Spark's).72 1282 500,000 30-year oonsol. gold 6s, due July 1, 1923, int. J. & J. at Computing Scale of America.78 1013 Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., trustee; outstanding, $560,000; of the Consol. Telephone of Penn ... 73 1013 688 balance, $44.0,000 are reserved to retire the flret 6s. Mortgage trus- Continental Cotton Oil ........ 70 Contra Costa Water Co ........ 72 1083 tee, Farmer's Loan & Trust Co. ApplioaUon to N. Y. Stock Ex- Cramp Steel ................78 85 change for llsting bonds of 1893 in V. 59, p. 700. For year 1899, Cu ban Steel Ore................ 73 85 gross, $193,5001 net, $114,595; int. on bonds, $60,000. In 1898, gross, Diamond State Steel.. ....... .'i3 1359 $179,774; net, :i,103,428. Danville Be semer Co ........ 72 991 Union Depot.......... 69 494OFFICERS.-President, Warner Van Norden; Seoretar~ Warner M. Denver Eastern Milling & Export .... 78 901 Van Norden. O:ffl.oes, 25 Nassau St., N. Y.; Nevada uity, Cal. and Eastman Kodak . .. .. .. . . . . .. 73 1114 Auburn, Cal.-(V. 59, p. 6.5r, 697, 700.) Edison Elec. Illum. of Boston.74 92 F.lectric Corporation . . .. .... 70 684 Susquehanna Coal.-See SUPPLEMENT of January, 1898. Electrical Lead Reduction ... 72 58a Texa• & Pacific Coal.-Owns 33,000 acres of coal lands in Electro Gas ..................... 61 1107 915 Texas. Business consi1ets of mining coal and manufacturing coke, Electro-Pneumatic Transit .. 71 9~ etc. Capital stock $2t500,000, full paid. Quarterly dividends of 1 per Fairmont <'oal. ................ 7i cent (Q.•-J.) are pata; Apr., '98, 1 p. c., last paid. Mortgage is for 1~ $500,000 of 6 p. o. bonds, due 1908 ; bonds for $139,000 in sinking Forward Reduction ............ 73 187 fund (in Jan., 1897), leaving $361,000 outstanding; interest A. & o. Fowler Bros .. Lim ............. 72 244 at Central Trust Co., N. Y., the mortgage trustee. President, R. D. General Carriage.............. 7R 1162 Hunter, Fort Worth, Tex.; Vice-President, Edgar L. Marsten, 33 Wall Gottlieb-Bauern. Straus Br'w.78 H67 Great Northern Papar ........ 78 1063 Street,New York.-tV, 71, p.1175.) Great Western Cere11.l. ........ 78 f6 Hammond (G. H.) Co ......... 73 1210 Virginia & TenneHee-ooal & Iron.-SUPP. ot Oot., 1897. Harper & Bros ................. 78 1010 Temple Iron Co.-ORGANIZATION.-Incorporated 1873 in Pennsyl- Hudson River Telephone ..... 72 1083 vania, and in March, 1899, purchased anthacite coal properties of Hudson River Water Power.74 98 Simpson & Watkins around Scranton, Pa.-V. 69, p. 231. Uontroll~d Illinois Telep. it Tele~ . ...... 73 394 98 in the interest of anthracite coal roads, Del. Lack. & West., Cent. RR. International Car Wheel ..... 74 International Crude Rubher.74 98 ot N. J., Reading Co, Lehigh Valley.., Erie and N. Y. Susq. & West., Intern. e:mery & Corundum .. 71 101:5 which guarantee both stock and bonus. See V. 71, p. 1124, 1170. International Fire Engine ... 71 845 141 STOCK AND BONDS.-Stock authorized, $5,000,000, guaranteed 6 per lnter.Smoke.Powder & Dvna.73 187 cent, subject to call at par and aoorued interest on Jan. 1, 1904, on 6 Inter State Telepb. of N. J ... 78 Kansas City Stock Yards ..... 78 1163 months notio~ but absolutely payable by the RR. oo's Dec. 31, 1906; Kern Incandescent Gas L.... 70 53, present issue ljj2,500,000; par of shares, $100. Held in voting trust Knickerbocker (Ind.) Telep. by Gua.rantyTrusteo., which Issues its oertifioates of beneficial inter& T. ofN. Y................... 71 545  I  i~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  171  MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS AND BONDS.  t~ir:1Ce~~8c EJ~';,~1~~~.','i: i~  Jri:I~klo~&~Yiecoire::::: Ji  Vol. Paa&. 98  Lackawanna Iron & Steel ..... 74' LanstoP Monotype Machine. 73 Lincoln Gas & Electric ...... 78 Magnus Meta.I .................. 71 Manhattan Oil. ................ 72  111, 85238  186  ::~~f!~t~rllftubil~~:::::: :?: Manville Co . . .. . .............. 72  m 1037  ~Pe  1t  1  Massillon Coal Mintng ........ 78 Hl Michigan TPJephone .......... 78 1211 1 trn:i:~ejl ;.a~i.o~rirr:d1 Monongahela Light & Power. 78 1168 Mosler Safe Co. of Boston .•.. 70 840 National Cash Register........70 1161 National FtreproofinK ....... 78 1359 National Fish .................. 7o 68C)  ::f 1r~it:i: &1~:~tlng::~ National SugarReflntng ...... 0  72  National Typewriter ..........68 National Witch Hazel ......... ':'2 New England Brick ........... 78 New Haven Iron & Steel..... 73 New Jersey Zluc ............... 7i  ~::8~}:!~! !~:tfyctf~:::·:::  i!i 4.83 872  726-  900  86  99-  6~  .New Orleans LIJ<'htlng ......... 73 '725New York Auto-Truck ...... .. fl9 1196 N. Y. & Ontario Land .. SUP. Jan., 1900 N, Y. & Penn. Tel. & Tel..... .71 1128 New York Shipbutlding....... 71 557 New York Steel & Wire ....... 72 680 New York Suburban Water .. 7, 99North. Ala. Coal, Iron & Ry .. 72 242 Nova Scotia Steel & Coal 74, 92 Oceanic Steamship ............. 72 3980irden Gas Co. of Chicago. . 74 155 Peonsylvani& Furnace ........ 72 ~1 it1fs\~J';'iJS:e::h6:,~~.'.'.'.'.'.'.'}1 11:J l'ittstmrg Plate Glass ......... 73 1211 Pittsburg 8tove & Range ..... 73 725 Pitts. Valve & Constr ..... 71 1015 Pure 011 ........................ 72 8'76 Railroad Equipment . ........ 73 SO Railway Automatic Sales .... 69 797 liap. Tr.Sub. Con.Co.of N. Y.71 699Reece Buttonhole Machine .. 72 679 St. Joseph Stock Yards ........ 78 856 St. Louis Consol. Elevator .... 6§ 75?, St, Louis Nat. Stock Yards .. 78 1211 St.L.Term . Cup. St,,t. & Prop.72 1039 Schoenhofen(Peter> Brew.Co.71 289Scott-Janney Electric Co .....69 854 Seacoast Packing..... .. . . .. . . 72 143 Sharon Steel . .. ............ ?i 100 Shillito (John) Co. of Cincln.69 229 Sprague Electric ............... 70 1000 Standard Chain ................ 72 690 Standard Shoe Machinery ... ?8 1268 Standard Typewriter.... . ... .72 U4o Standard Underground Cable.69 182 Stet>l Tired Wheel ............. 72 '"'  ~i~~!i~ (tg!~r~.'!.?~.:·.:::::·.:;i  Street'sWest.Stable CarLine.73 Street Ry. & Ilium. Prop ...... 67 Sunday Creek Coal Co.of Col.66 ~usquehanna Iron & Stfoel, ... 78 Tacoma Land & Improvem't.71 Teleph. Telegr. & Cable ...... 72 Temple Iron. ................... 71 Tennessee Copper ..............72 Torrinf;?ton Co ... ......... ...... 78 Tripler Liquid Alr............. ?3 Union Brick Co. of New Eng.70 Un ton Steel. ................... 78 Union Steel & Chain .......... 72 CJ. S. Bobbin & Shuttle . ....... 72 United States Finishing ....... 72 United States Glass ........... 73 U. S. Pneum. Horse Collar....78 Unlted States Printinsr ....... n U.S. Reduction & Reflning .. 73 Universal Tobacco ....... . .. 74. Utah Fuel...... . .............. 72 Washburn Wire ................ 72 Whitebreast Fuel ............. 69 White Mountain Paper .......'18 Yakima Investmer.t Co........ 70 Youn1<"stown Iron Sheet & Tube . . ...................... 7,  1  ~  126S 1056 884:  1064 970  92  1170  1140 12C6 (48  81 1268 1184: 246 1286 89' 8'  1S18 1212 100 779 196  1252 1067 5811  101  BANKS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, TRUST COMPANIES, &C.  172  NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN TRUST COMPA.NIES. CHRONICLE of Feb, 1, 190~.)  NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN BANKS. (* State banks.) Surplus& DIVIDENDS. CAPITAL. undivid'd Par Amount. proflts.t Period. 1900. 1901. Latest. % --$- ~-$Ne-wYork 15 Jan.'02. 8 Amerloa* .... l~O 1,500,000 3,177,1500 J. & J. 14 Am.Exoh •.. 100 5,000,000 3,378,400 M.&N. 719 Nov '01. 4 7 ....... Feb.'02. 5 430,900 Q.-F. Aator ....... 100 350,000 12 Jan.'02. 6 Bowery* .... 100 250,000 759,900 J. & J. 17 ~,300 12 Jan.'02. 6 J. & J. 12 Broadwa.yi 25 1,000,000 1,63 68,300 J. & J. 3 None Jan.•oo. 3 Butoh's'&Dr 25 300,000 8 Jan.'02. 4 Central ..... 100 1,000,000 601,700 J. & J. 8 61,300 Org. A!. r.'01. V. 72 ,p. 755. Century* ... 100 100,000 12 Jan.'02. 6 Chase....... 100 1,000,000 2,688,000 J. & . 12 16 Jan.'02. 4 Chatham ... 25 450,000 997,200 Q.-J. 16 Ohemioa.l.... 100 300,000 7,047,700 Bi•m'ly. 150 150 Jan. '02.25 6½ Deo. 'Ol. 3 7 Of.tlzens' k .. 25 600,000 404,000 J. & J. -tov '01. 3 6 Olty ......... 100 10000000 6,603,300 M.&N. 6 Colonial* ... 100 100,000 148,400 None None Deo.'97. 5 8 Jan.'02. 4 Columbia.* .. 100 300,000 223,100 J. & J. 8 8 Jan.•o~. 4 Oommeroet. 100 10000000 7,155,700 J. & J. 18 ()ommero'l. i 100 300,000 See foot note i. 3 Jan. '01. 3 J. & J. Oontinent'ld 100 1,000,000 6 12 Aug.'01. 6 OornExoh*b 100 1,400,000 1,ss2:ooo F. &A. 12 Jan. '02. 4 East River.. 25 250,000 163,000 J. & J. 8 8 11th Ward*. 25 100,000 130,700 J. & J. 8 Jan. '02. 4 8 816. 590, 93,217 V.73,p. Emp.State*. 100 100,000 116, 94,000 See v. 71,p. 735, , l-17. Fidelity* •.•. 100 200,000 12 Jan. '02. 6 Fifth ........ 100 200,000 375,700 J. & J. 12 F1:tt1l Ave* .. 100 100,000 1,424,100 Q.-J. 100 100 Jan. '02.25 t,85i,400 First .••••••. 100 hl0,000 000 hl 100 100 Jan. '02.10 7 J ~n. '02. 31g Fourth ...... 100 3,000,000 2,615,500 J. & J. 7 82,900 M.&N. 6 Nov '01. 3 14th Street* 100 100,000 6 12 Oct. '01. 6 Gallatin .•.. 50 1,000,000 2,004,600 A. & 0. 12 27,900 F. & A. None None Feb.'96. 21g Gansevoort* 50 200,000 12 Deo.'Ol. 3 Garfield..••. 100 poooooo 1,204.800 Q.-M. 50 6 Feb. '02 . 3 Germ'nAm.* 75 750,000 416,800 F. & A. 6 6 Jan '02. 6 Germ'nEx.* 100 200,000 586,700 J. & J. 18 Germania* .. 100 200,000 836,300 M.&N. 16 18 Nov '01.10 6 Nov '01. 3 Greenwtoh*. 25 200,000 175,800 M.&N. 6 Hamilton* .. 100 200,000 102,500 J. & J. 6 Jan. '02. 3 6 Hanoverd .. 100 3,000,000 5,641,200 J. & J . 10 10 Jan. '02. 5 Hide&L'th'r 100 500,000 382,500 100 1,500,000 6,2 't4,900 J. & J. ·20·· ·20·· Jan '02.10 8 Jan.'02. 4 8 50 500,000 491,800 J. & J. 55,300 Org.Ma r.'01. v. 72 ,p. 367,753. Jefferson* . . 100 200,000 10 Jan. '02. 5 Leather Mfr. 100 600,000 517,300 J. & J. 10 Jan. '02, 5 Liberty ..••. 100 500,000 776,700 18 Nov '01. 9 Lincoln •..•. 100 300,000 1,037,900 Q.-F. 10'01. 5 Manhattan* 50 2,050,000 2,016,400 F. &A. 10 10 Jan. '02. 5 Mkt & Fult. 100 900,000 1,038,500 J. & J. 10 8 Jan.'02. 4 Meohanios' . 25 2,000,000 2,394,800 J. & J. 8 Mech. &Tr* 25 400,000 130,400 J. & J. None None July'98. 3 Meroantile .. 100 1,000,000 1,386,500 J. & J. 6 Jan. '02. 3 6 Merchants' . 50 2,000,000 1,176,400 J. & J. 7 Jan. •oi. 319 7 Meroh. Ex .. 50 600,000 261,500 J. & J. 6 Jan.'02. 3 6 1,153,700 Deo. '01. 6 12 300,000 12 &D. 100 J. i\letr~lis*. 76,500 J. & J. None None July,'94. 3 Mt. orris*. 100 250,000 Mutual* ..•. 100 200,000 167,300 Nov '01. 4·· Nassau* .••. 50 500,000 289,400 M.&N. N.Amst'm.e 100 250,000 659,800 Q.-J. 10 100 oeo. 'Ot.60 New York .. 100 2,000,000 2,218,100 J. & J. 10 10 Jan. '02. 5 N. Y.County 100 200,000 598,400 J. & J. 50 150 Jan. '02.25 N. Y.N.Ex. 100 j500,000 j336,900 F. &A. None None Feb.'97. 2 r-0,000 J. & J. Nlnthk ..••. 100 750,000 2 None Jan.'OO. 2 Nlne'th W'd* 100 200,000 151,000 J. & J. None None Jan.'97. 3 1,105,700 7 Jan.'02, 4 J. & J. N.Amertoaz 100 1,000,000 6 10 Jan.'02. 5 Oriental* ... 25 300,000 415,400 J. & J. 10 8 Feb.'02. 2 ;paoifto" .••. 50 422,700 519,600 Q.-F. 8 13¼ Jan.'02. 7¼ Park ........ 100 2,000,000 4,080,000 J. & J. 12 10 Jan.'02. 5 People's* ... 25 200,000 353,600 J. & J. 10 Phenix ..... 20 1,000,000 273,· 00 J. & J. 6 None July'OO. 3 V.67,p.275 Plaza* ...... 100 100,000 216,700 Oct. '01. 3 Prod.Exoh.* 100 1,000,000 420,800 A. &O. .Republloh .. 100 1,500,000 8 Jnly'Ol. 4 J. & J. 8 Rlverslde* .. 100 100,000 i29,ioo Q.-J. 8 Ja.n.'02. 2 8 Bea.board ... 100 500,000 1,037,400 J. & J. 6 Jan.'02. 3 6 12 Ja.n.'02. 6 Beoond ...... 100 300,000 1,052,000 J. & J. 12 18,500 J. & J. Beventhg. 100 1,700,000 6¼ None Jan. '01. 31g 4 Jan.'02. 1 Shoe& L'thr 100 1,000,000 228,200 Q.-J. 4 18 Jan.'02.10 State* ....... 100 100,000 318,000 J. & J. 10 6 Nov '01. 3 Bt'teofN.Y*l 100 1,200,000 540,400 M.&N. 6 55,000 J. & J. 3 None Jan. '02. 3 i'we'f.Ward* 100 200,000 76,500 5 Aug.'01. 2 F. &A. 5 23d Ward* .. 100 100,000 Jan.'00. 5 5 Uniont .••••. 100 1,200,000 6 Dec.'Ol, 3 Union Sq.* .. 100 200,000 860:200 J. & D. 6 82,200 Beganb ueine es No v. ·01,11 United .•••• . 100 630,400 59,300 Be~a.nb U8ine 88 Ja, n. 2, '01. Va.rick*..... 100 100,000 32,900 v. 1,p. 215. Washtngt'n• 100 100,000 98,200 Beganb uslne es Se pt. '01, a Wash. H'ts. * 100 100,000 None None Jan.'94. 3 Western .••. 100 2,100,000 2,548,500 12 Jan.'02. 6 West Side* .. 100 200,000 451,000 J. & J. 12 Yorkville* .. 100 100,000 231,100 . Brooklyn 12 Nov •01. 4 8 Bedford* ... 100 150,000 127,311 M.&N. 10 Jan.'02. 5 Broadway*. 100 100,000 186,156 J. & J. 10 7 Jan.'02. 3 7 Brooklyn* .. 50 300,000 160,567 J. & J. 14 Jan.'02. 7 City ........ 50 300,000 582,387 J. & J. 14 33,177 8th Ward* .. 100 100,000 77,441 J. & D. ···5i; ···g·· Deo.'01. 3 5th Avenue* 100 100,000 12 Jan.'02. 4 First ..•.•••. 100 300,000 540,700 Q.-J. 16 62,163 J. & J. Kings co~ .. 100 150,000 5 5 Jan.'02, 2 10 Jan.'02. 5 Manutao'rs' 30 252,000 465,665 J. & J. 10 10 Jan.'02. 5 Meohan•s•: 50 500,000 359,908 J. & J. 10 10 July'Ol. 5 Meoh.&Tr* 100 100,000 187,570 J. & J. 10 27,103 . . . ... Estab. 1895 Merchants' . 100 100,000 16 Jan.'02. 8 Nassau ..••. 100 300,000 647,500 J. & J. 12 7 Jan. '02. 3 6 North Side.• 100 100,000 144,766 J. & J. 8 Nov '01. 4 Peoples'* ... 50 100,000 126,126 M.&N. 8 78,514 F. &A. None None Jan. '02. 3 17th Ward*. 100 100,000 248,802 J. & J. 6 Jan.'02. 3 6 SRia~e ..•. 100 200,000 56,767 J. & J. 7½ Jan. '02. 3 6 2 h a.rd.* 100 100,000 63,751 J. & J. None Union*••••.. 100 100,000 719 Deo. 'Ol. 2 61,157 J. & J. 5 Jan.'02. 2 5 Wallabout* .100 100,000  (For detailed statements see  00MPANIE8.  ·-----  ~:~~~:  ·1s··  ···s·· ···s··  ···s·· --·s··  --- ..........  1  ..  ...... ........  t Dec. 10, 1901, for National, and Dec. 8, 1901, for State banks. *Nat.Bank of -Oommerce and Nat. Union B'k consol'd. See V. 70, p. 69, 16tJ, 459, 508. l Capital I V. 78, 690, 818, 937. increased from J200h000 m March, 1001. V. 721 p. 462. 1¾r :~. a~~~~~!?o~~ta~ri&i!txih:1!t~ l~~I~s•, e Chani,;ed from a 111'. 758, 668, p. 72. V. See sorbed by Hanover National. t In State to a National institution in April, 1901. V. 72, p. 658. V, 7a, p. 18. AvrU, 1901, Scbemerhorn B,mk meuted with Mechanics' Bank. V. 72, p. 412, 800,068. a Seventh Nat. Bank closed in June, 19Ul. Reorganized and resumed bnslness under old name in Nov., 1901. V. 72, p.126:.;; V. 73, p, 18, tJ8. IM, 6-!3, 816,878.986, 1 41, lu90. h In July, 1901, capital Increased from 1500.000 to $10,000,000. and surplus and undivided profits from $9,616,100 to $10,0UO,OOO; also ab• sorbed the Nat. Bank of the Republic in Aug., 1001. V. 78, p.115, 164, 216. 317. , The Nat. Commercial Bank (formerly Domestic Exchange Nllt. to be merged with Nat. Broadway. V. 78, p, 1140,878 j Capital increal!ed from $800.000, and surplus to $200,1100 in Sept., 1901. V. 78, P. 422, 648. kMerl!'er of Nat. Citizens' and Ninth Nat. B'ks formally ratified in Dec., 1001. V. 78, p. 987,986. l Bank of the State of N. Y.consol'd with Nat, Bank of N. A. and liquidated. V. 74, p. 228,  ~t· ~~·l: ~21i/l!~~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  r;,a:,•~~l  8·  [VoL. LXXIV.  ('-OMPA.NIES.  't~f~•~t  Dm;>:~fs~~~~~;~d::3. 'Ol, CAPITAL. Profits Par Amount. Deo3 l '01 Period. '00. '01. CJ6  Atlantic t ..••. 1001,500,0001,030,063 Q.-J. n'ne 6 Deo30'01.l¼ Ba.nkers't ..... 100 1,500,000 V. 71, p. '-89, 10 44, 119 9; V. 72, p . 29 BowllngGr'n . 100 2,500,000 2,895,399V.69,p. 624. 127 7. July,'99.35 Cent. R.B.& T. 100 1,000,000 1,705,024 V.68,p. 909; V.6 9, p. ~71. Central ....... 100 1,000,000 12351148 Q.-J. 60 60 Deo•.'11 01.15 .... , ... Feb., '02. 4 City...... . •.. 100 1,000,000 1,485,270 •• . . Colonial ...•.• 100 1,000,000 l,218,423J. & J. 10 10 Jan.,'02. •5 7½ Dec31 '0l.119 Continental. ... 100 500,000 1,048,450 Q.-M. 6 Farm. L. & Tr. 251,000,000 6,t-06,545 Q.-F. 30 35 Feb., '02.10 Fifth Avenue .. 100 alOOOOOO 1,091,664 Q.-M . ..•.. 20 Dec. 30, '01.~ Guar.Tr.,N. Y. 100 2,000,000 4,758,601 Q.-J. 18 16 Dec. 31, '01.4 ...... V.70,p. 213,263,411,666,772. lnter.B.&Tr." 100 1,000,000 7 Jan., '02. 319 Kniokerbook'r 100 1,000,000 1,508,399J. & J. 7 6 Jan., '02. 3 Manhattan... 301,000,000 l,737.019J. & J. 6 Jan., '02.10 25 19 Mercantile .••. 100 2,000,000 5,312,897 Q.-J. Merchants ..•. 100 500,000 1,260,677 See V, 69, p. l 131, 1227. '02. 5 Jan., Metropolitan. 100 1,000,000 2,033,568 J. & J. 10 10 Mortont ....... 100 2,000,000 4,562,193 V.69,p. 9, 2 09, 676. N.Y.Ll.I.&Tr. 100 1,000,000 4,000,524 J. & lJ. 40 40 Deo.,'01.20 N. Y. Bee. &Tr. 100 1,000,000 3,038,931 Q.-F. 20 20 Feb., '02. 5 No.American* 100 2,000,000 2,784,840 J. & J. 212 7 Jan., '02. 319 8 Jan., '02. 4 Real Estate... 100 500,000 566,541 J. & .T. 8 Standard ..... 100 1,000,000 591,9151J. & J. ...•. 3 Deo. 30, '01.3 ....... J . & J. 3 ••••. Jan., '00. 3 Btatet. .•.. . .•. 100 1,000,000 Jan., '02. 3 Title Gu.&Tr.. 100 2,500,000 3,559,983 Q.-J. 110 h Tr. Co. of Am. 100 2,500,000 2,919,345 J. & J. 319 7 Jan., '02. 3¼ 26,859 V.69,p l.726 ,113 1; V. 70,p. 60 Tr. Co.o.tN.Y." 100 1,000,000 Union ......•. 100 1,000,000 6,905,587 Q.-J. 32 32 Jan., '02.10 U.S.Mort.&Tr. 100 2,000,000 3,050,798 See Mj soel lane ous Cos. United States. 100 2,000,000 llt966!!9J. & J. 45 50 Jan., '02.25 Washington .. 1001 500,000 826,970J. & J. 10 10 Jan.,'02. 5 Brooklyn. Brooklyn ..••. 100 1,000,000 1,822,385 Q.-J. 16 16 Jan., '02. 4 Fla.tbush ..•••• 100 200,000 127,029 ....••.•....•..•. Jan.,'02. 219 Franklin ...•.. 100 1,000,000 1,334,324 Q.-J. 10 11 Jan., '02. 3 8 Feb ,'02. 2 Hamilton .... 100 500,000 840,016 Q.-F. 8 Kings County. 100 500,000 1,126,708 Q.-F. 10 10 Feb.,'02. 21g Lon~I.L.&Tr.. 1001'1000000 U337355 Q.-J. 10 10 Jan., '02. 219 Man rs',Bklyn 100 500,000 892,464 Q.-M. 10 14 Dec., '01. 4 6 l<'eb.,'02. 3 Nassau .••..... ,100 500,0001 416,166 F. & A. 6 People's ....... 100 1,000,000 1,569,74, M'thly. 13¼ 12 Jan., '02. 1 Williamsburg. 100 700,000 470,130J. & J ..... 6 Jan.,'02. 3 • International Banldnll & Trust Co. and TrusL Co. of N. Y. absorbed by the 1 ~f~~ttnm~~inc~.r:~~ nd 1 1 ~~: i~~ a ,r Capita.I increased to 11,000,000 and 1un>l u11 to 104f 1199: V. 72. p. 211. $1,_500.000 See V. 72, p. 855, 1~15.i.. V. 7a, p. 164. a Capital increased in Dec., Hivl. from $600.000 to 11,000,000. v. 78. p. 1188. 11187. NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES.  f  ~2:  iiat:rrJ°st &~cgii~ori,at~1Ju~el~~-i:·rS.o:l!;/,';,~: rir~~':1e:~\~~~lg~. ~~~~~~:~-bi.J?agti~ :1:~i· s~~· ~.W:~: CAPITAL.  COMPANIES,  Par. Amount.  DIVIDENDS. Nets~., Deo.3, 1900.* 1899. 1900. 1901. Paid. %  -- --- ---  8 JuJy,'01. 4 8 8 Citizens' ..•. $20 $300,000 $106,110 6 Jan., '02. 3 6 6 Com'nw'lth . 100 500,000 289,469 25 Jan., '02.1219 25 Continental. 100 1,000,000 4,510,539 25 12:lg None Oct., '00. 719 40 300,000 782,83~ 15 Eagle .....•. 21,243 6 None July,'00. 3 6 Empire City. 100 200,000 30 Jan., '02.15 30 GermanAm. 100 1,000,000 4,267,712 30 6 Jan.,'02. 3 Ger.Alllanoe 100 400,000 340,784 50 1,000,000 2,275,975 15° 15° 15 Jan., •02. 8 Germania ... 10 Jau.,'02. 5 10 25 200,000 200,517 10 Greenwich .. 47,784 6 Jan.,'02. 3 6 15 150,000 6 Hamilton ... 8 Jan., '02. 4 10 50 1,000,000 485,663 10 Hanover ..•. 13 Jan.,'02. 7 10 Home ..••••• 100 3,000,000 5,297,499 10 92,552 5 5 Deo.,'Ol. 5 20 200,000 5 Kings Co .••. 10 Jan., '02. 5 10 50 200,000 249,757 10 Nassau ...••. 71,100 6 Feb.,'02. 3 6 6 NewYork ... 100 200,000 10 .fan.,'02. 7 10 50 500,000 811,835 10 Nl~ara .•••. 211,122 Oct., '01. 4 8 8 350,000 25 8 No hRiver. 10 5 Jan., 'O•. 5 25 200,000 121,143 10 Paolfto .••... Feb .,'02. 5 10 10 20 150,000 104,092 10 Peter Cooper 10 Feb.,'02, 5 10 50 1,000,000 1,533,780 10 Phenix .•.••. 3 Ja.n.,'02. 3 6,788 6 25 200,000 6 Stuyvesant . 8 25 250,000 140,020 8 Unit'd States 7 Jan.,'02. 3 16 Feb.,'02. 8 16 10 300,000 1,219,258 16 Westohest'r. 24 Jan., '02.12 24 50 250,000 1,120,895 24 W'msb. City * Over all llabllities, inolU<Ung re-meuranoe, capital and sor1p. GAB COMPANIES-SEE ALSO MISCELLANEOUS Dividends and Interest. Par. Securities Period. COMPANIES. afloat. '00. '01. *Date. ¼  -- --  2 July 20, '01, 1 Blngh. (N. Y.) G. W . . $100 $450,000 J. & J. 2 5 Allr, 1, 1938 528,000 A. & 0. 5 let M. 5s, ~ ....... 1,000 (lg 6 Jan. 21, '02,3 Col'mb's(O.) .L.&H. 100 1,699,325 6 Deo.23, '01, 3 Pref., non-cum ..•. 100 3,242,800 J:··&--o: 6 Con. Ga.s (N.J Stk .. 100 1,000,000 Jan. 1 , 1936 971,000 J. & J. ·s·· 5 Con. M., gol .... o* 1,000 6 Jan. 15,1914 15,000 J. & J, 6 let M.6s. 1,000 L. Br. (1) (!) 6 50 2,000,000 Q.-J. Indiana.po s Gas .. . . 19:W 6 1st mortg~e ...••. 1,000 2,750,000 M. &N. 6 6 Deo.31, ' 01, 2 250,000 J. & J, 2 50 Jaok.(Mioh.) as Stk 310,000 A.. & o. 5 5 Mar. 1 , 1937 let M. 5s, g ..•...•. 1,000 400,000 J. & J. 5 Madison (Wle.)G&Et 100 5 July20'01,219 350,000 A. & 0. 6 6 Apr. 1, 1926 let M. 68, g .••..••. 1,000 100,000 A.&O 10 6 6 v. 71, p. 392. Deb., sorlp,[,6 p.o. 25&0 50 800,000 J. & J. 8 Minneap. G. ., Btk. 8 Ja,n.l,'02,4 600,000 M. & 8. 6 6 Mar. 1, 1902 let mort. 6s ........ 1,000 1910-1930 6 1st con. fold 6s .... 1,000 2,300,000 M.& S. 6 Mun'lGas Alb,N.Y) 100 2,000,000 Q.-F. lO 10 Feb.l, '02, 219 1, 1906 July 6 1,000 . J & J. 500,000 6 let mortgage,ff:··· New Orleans G. .t .. 100 3,750,000 J. & J. 5 519 Ja.n. l,'02,3 Various. 5 76,000 J. & J. 5 let mortgage ...••• 1,000 6 Oot.15, '01,3 Rooh'st'r G.&El.oom 100 2,150,000 A. & 0. 3 6 Aug.1.'01,3 Preferred .••..••••• 100 2,150,000 F. &A. 6 5 Nov. 1, 1912 1st cons. mort .•.•. 1,000 2,000,000 M. &N. 5 2dmort ..•••..•..•• 1,000 1,000,000 M.& S. 412 419 Mar. 15, 1920 (!) Mar20'01119 St.Jos.(Mo.)Gas Stk; 100 1,000,000 M.& S. 3 752,000 J. & J. 5 5 July 1, 1937 1st Mort. 5s, g ..... 1,000 3 Aug.15,'01,l St.P.(Minn.)G.L.Stk. 100 1,500,000 Q.-F. 4 650,000 J. & J. 6 1,000 6 July 1, 1915 0 6 1,000 J. & J. 600,000 6 July 1, 1918 ~~~~~:::: Gen. mort. gold.... 1,000 2,633,000 M.& S. 5 5 Mar. 1, 1944, 20 2,600,000 Q.-F. 15 15 Feb,1, '02, 219 Wash'n (D. C.) G. L.. 300,000 J. & J. 6 Reg., 6, Serles A, g Va.r's 6 J'ne 30,'02-27 300,000 J. & J. 6 6 Deo.31,'04-2_9 Reg., 6, Serles B, g Va.r's on l>ond-1. maturity sn1 stocks. on dividend last * 'l'his column shows t In A.prll, 1901, leased tlll April, 1925, to New Orleans Lighting Co. at 6% per ann. on stock, payable Jan.& July.-V.72, p.678, 630,393, 91. t Now controlled by Amertoa.n Light & Traction. See page 156.  L't  6~~!i.  J  173  RAILROAD EARNINGS.  JANUARY, 1902,J  MONTHLY GROSS EARNINGS OF PRINCIPAL RAILROADS. Jan. la. Gt. Southern-  •  -Feb. --  •  166,979 158,686 182,804 200,012  March.  April.  I  •  May. July. June. --------  •  '  8,289,470 8,420,847 U,051.036 U,837,478  a,ooo,5oo 8,219,918 ,s,946,956 U,617,455  2,766,998 ,f,8,242,426 ,8,697,061 '4,763,502  182,548 162,968 167,919 174:,482  1898-•• (6,985 to 6,ll81S m.i. 9,860,449 8,066,389 18@ . ... (6,986 to 7,402 m •. 8,228,828 2,1159,7li9 1900,••• (7,784 to 7,808 m.). ,8,721,264 ,f,S,658,688 1901. ,_(7,808 to 7,860 m.). ,f, 4,416,.886 i4,Hl,989  S,368,f-41 8,861,844 ,8,900.,06 H,688,71!2  8,212,989 8,fd36,2UO ,f,3,846,367 U,874,746  Baltimore & Ohio-  •  150,882 170,802 l'iS,484 200,720  124,790 187,855 140,089 176,686  A. t. Top. & S. Fe Sy11.-·  Auir.  185,211 163,134 164,070 170,1'5  135,882 162,821 181,755 190,782  1898 ••..••••••••••• ~SlO m.). 1899............... 310 m.). 1900............... (810 m.). 1901 ............... (310 m.)  •  183,857 167,066 14.9,685 181,876  14~.'769 181,601 163,646 188,917  Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total. -------------t  •  •·  •  159,842 196,821 201,440 220,951  •  170,]95 196,648 204,008 •2Hl,932  1.766.'98  151,804 181,884 173,869 196,820  154,489 200,449 196,8?9 289,683  8,004,107 ,£3,638,660 ,4,258,H!lO i4,9ll,070  3,425,582 ,s,983.886 ,4,889,665 -£5,01>3,230  8,995,267 U,609,948 ,f,5,070,U7 (6,390,922  .........  ........  8,108,147 S.898,763 4,085,881 ,,415,335  8,287,786 8,558,999 8,921.258 4,S49,547  8,134.656 8,071,150 4,246,898 4,672,614  3,067,486 3,S48,610 8,886,241 4,889,142  8,082,193 8,417,614 4,076,026 4,209,576  85,486,147 37,877,69' 46,SlH,209 49,694,965,  851,769 409,769 500,937 696,750  888,231 409,698 494,648 564,818  849,672 425,888 686,957 648,998  840,710 418,231 488,898 628,106  288,858 850,867 489,911 •471.382  8,811,729 4.074,560 5,669,600 6,269,,076-  1.998,866 1,088,HS 2,858,SC>G,  4,008,908 8,886,778 89,871S,981 i!4.296,861 it,14.2,266 ( 48,289,848U,779,096 U,756,tl211 i 49,ln7 ,81~ ,f,5,439,679  1898/............ (2,969 m.). 1899/.,. (2,969 to 8,UIO m.). 1900/ •• (8,180 to 8.200 m.) • 1901/ ••• (8,l!OO to 8,2'.!0 m.J.  2,576,078 2,72d,187 8,650,011 3,997,1127  2,440,090 2,336,825 3,201,114 3,517,881  2,~5,224 s,o,4,888 3,741,762 4.133,617  3,055,062 2,966,9111 8,681,752 8,879.746  3,079,825 2,895,'182 8,736,010 4,007,106  2,947,917 2,908,441 8,794,SOd 4,023,128  2,822,281 8,'U4,199 8,618,606 4,060,697  1898............... (884 m.). 1699............. ,(834 m.j. 1900 . ............. (472 m.J. 1901... . ........ (472 m.).  283,199 297,966 885,749 463,788  268,858 260,648 St:16,257 403,807  295,754 828,!142 488,243 48tJ,96d  825,037 849,989 161,191 489,8611  818,806 835,filO'l 571,478 518,987  825,096 228,642 491,146 632,721  886,245 288,d78 476,686 667,489  1898............ (1,184 m.). 1899 •••• (1.184 to 1.170 m.J. 1900 •• -(1.170 to 1.291 m.). 1901. ••• (1,991 to 1,824 m.).  808,829 863,472 860,968 '26,007  808,861 855,647 860,688 SSS,018  857,201 886,218 428,269  886,'52  :U0,982 806,880 882,013 8'8,178  847,819 879,949 867,S49 899,772  801,821 884,008 898,413 407,518  808,826 893,704 855,742 lb7,2416  455,430 483,659 428,415 529,~4  538,698 560,016 467,134 487,666  497,948 556,021 669,886 566,563  427,449 441,11110 885,324 461,023  437,803 887,669 4H,684 460,810  4,588.561 f,9:d6,982 4,848,280 6,288,827  1898.••• (6,E48 to 6.68 l m.). 1,672,872 UW,597 2,0?9,479 1899•••. ~6,952 to 7 001 m.). 1,864,570 1,763,388 2,109,668 1900.. • 7.001 to 7.467 m.). 2,152.071 1,954,087 2.294,787 1901-•• (7.(67 to 7,590 m.). 2,054,.016 l,977,189 2,500,619  1,958,462 2,196,812 2,491,19' ~,661,812  2,252,900 2.402,151 2,662,898 2,664,847  2,188,110 2,362.,278 2,617,760 2,702,177  2,051.368 2,886,626 2,471.170 2,851,465  2,210,865 2,474.,087 2,657,IJ88 S,118,561  2,896,885 2,649,786 2,663,492 8,261,024  2,6&1,780 8,084,606 :il,774,8.116 3,582,408  2,524,497 2,977,404 lil,748,6611 8,683,883  2,671,117 2,970,219 2,1188,911 •3,461,000  26,138,976 29,230,087 80,467,841 84,480,97e  811,180 887,92S 408,287 448,707  886,Sn 870,618 400,788 470,04'8  866,255 871,061 407,600 477,100  449,625 428,702 523,084 570,017  417,012 4,84,447 497,276 '"'8,089  468,224 652,964 648,6116 589,848  649,891 610,706 782,724, 796,703  61!1,852 577,291 617,868 751,!106  557,597 568,296 GS...777 ..,,0,949  · 1,055,699 885,291 918,815 955,801 1,054,068 883,643 1,092,568 867,698 1,247,500 1,142,884 1,170.~ 1,250,666 1,808,419 1,089,955 1,143,828 1,236,9111 1,262,185 1,353,217 1.406,018 l,164,482 1,863.106 1,840,189 1,816,04,4 1,608,780  1,084,644 1.812,888 1.809,284 1,401,787  1.146,069 L449,655 l,67ll,490 l,57',597  1,165,8110 1.834,293 1,247,128 1,443,845  1,245,052 1,443,586 1,028,815 1,648,880  1,221,992 l,3116,7a8 1,880,2&1 1,613,047  Buff. Roch. & Plttsb.-  Bari. Ced. R. & No.-  anadlan PacUlc-  0 entral ot Geoririauws.. .. .. .. . .{1,524 m.). 1899•••• (1,524 to 1,540 m.).  1900.... (1,MO to 1.670 m.) . 1 ~~ 189So •••••••••••••• (628 m.). 1899g ••• , ......... ,t628 m.). 190Qa.............. l628 m.). UlOlg••••••. , •••••• (62i m.).  o!9:c1: ·;;N  W.,~~ei;~·  Central Paclfto-  1898 ............. (1,369 m.~. 1899............. (1,869 m •• 1900 ............. (1,869 m.). 1901 ............. (1.859 m.). & Oblo-  522,698 509,214 550,895 671,2.ffl  1,061,818 1,188,S46 1,265,280 1,807,873  495,603 447,878 569,039 626,701  1,062,118 1,047,977 1,169,715 1,222,200  954,853 1898............ cl,860 m.). 913,890 924,410 775,998 1899 .... ~1,880 to 1,445 m.). 190t.... 1,445 to l,l71S m.). 1,101,250 888,788 1901 •••• (1,582 to 1,607 m.). 1,228,200 1,126,192  Ohle. Burl. & ~ulnoy-  441,546 526,1154 582,822 672,60ll  1,187,676 1,299,12! 1,444,794 l,5!19,277  1,886,468 1,482,662 1,400.465 1,661,912  1,47.1,385 1,845,806 1,800,llG 1,456,023 1,498,976 1,412,911 1,608,618 1,680,448 1,910,IIS'T 1,878,827 1,420,707 1,597,188 1,746,111 1,850,834 1,819,049 1,81tJ,l61 l,8" 129& 2,021,773 1,874,070  ........  5,617,764 5,781,0,~ 6,678,275  '7,818,BU  ....... 118,187,270 Z15,591,199  ........ l 15,868,062 ........  1,606,560 1,486,048 1,270,075 16,971,012 1,888,195 1,610,288 1,831,805 18,084,152 1,898,414 1.625,067 1,475,018 18,748,00S 1,936,466  ........  ·······- ........ n:ri8:!~  1,000,978 961,689 1.088,805 1,022,201 1,085,975 1,051,155 1,105,2911 l,128,641i l,27a,061 1,198,63;-J 1,864.179 1,858,tl02 1,318,711 1,346,706 l,499,:t78 1,456,053  1,085,!194 1,176,598 1,454,714 1,667,154  1,020,128 1,121,445 l,253,70d 1,307,288  8,551,597 8,424,624 8,671,2:'.16 41,345,886  8,192,949 8,761,825 8,994,910 4,.088,967  8,086,197 8,&>0,278 8,907,297 4,480,790  4,05£,595 4,858,664 4,645,718 4,979,672  8,929,553 4,652,258 4,772,004 4,970,884:  4,684,207 4,816,612 6,16t,2ll6 6,196,608  8,980,489 8,627,202 .l8,163,948 4,065,983 8,772,988 45,588,908 3,966,786 4,110,875 48,¼89,169 4,.596,266  912,938 956,847 1,002,789 1,007,488 967,655 989,628 1,046,099 1,100,0.IO l,124,6t6 1,284,878 1,171,198 1,810,903  1898h........... ( ,a59 m.). 8,044,456 S.189,716 3,667,666 8,255,366 18Wh •• (7,859 to 7,688 m.). 8,193,'52 3,026,776 8,420,691 t.249,862 1900h .. (7, 7.967 mf 8,510,248 3,887,865 8,1:152,060 ,607,900 19011' .. (7,967 to 8i171 m•. 8,784,661 8,CIH,687 8,9l0,067 8,861,81tj  I  1,180,988 1,l!II0,151 1,327,130 l!l,490,088 •1,2s1.~93 16,878,299"  .........  ........  1898 ............... (648 m.). 1899 •••••..• (MS to 711 m.). 1900 ..... ,_(711 to 727 m.~. 1901 ............... (727 m ••  ~.474 898,284 470,817 528,040  837,011 361,848 424,257 473,081  853,918 401,684 456,696 '80,098  296,896 837,845 868,668 438,2S5  842.498 855,249 81.16,714 4U,72il  81~331 863,864 892,254 ,,8,611  821,008 386,078 !107,641 670,002  379,854 447,988 459,970 6ll6,317  896,276 «2,626 472,657 506,071  '14,934 488,098 619,813 1:>!7,893  407.9Q6 489,738 472,174, 630,742  444,419 475,971 l:>22,396 •648,052  4,868,108 4,898,078 6,828,0!1'1 6,927,4:81  1898......... . .... (980 m.). 1899 ............... (931) m.). 190t .......... •..• (980 m.). 1901. • ............ <980 m.} .  369,286 448,445 Oie,987 531,733  415,585 451.038 521,543 524,868  490,502 530,245 591J,92C, 588,100  400,662 465,511:1 50t,035 669,319  445,489 475,764 628,t91 598,189  472,890 524.784 5:53.602 607,120  891,126 486,500 Ml,050 tt05,2U9  626,440 687,702 621,834 788,941  551,646 670,915 629,429 664,lj20  548,529 649.691 698,689 787,179  476,951 550,397 567.017 647,259  48~.255 548,348 658,666 4'610,137  5,566,511 6,889,S48 6,832,018 7,US,769'  1S98............... (537m.). 1899 •••••••••••••• ,(587 m.l. 1900...............~M7m •• 1901 ............... 547m••  225,858 2!14,100 882,619 816,612  215,465 227,197 287,164. 275,844  265,308 289,843 S44,957 33d.012  279,209 2911,014 849,94,9 86CS,139  274,452 828,006 818,806 874,578  280,521 829,663 3i>S,857 366,692  294,643 840,326 822,968 887,693  809,280 871,621 363,1197 424,618  328,e24 871.141 858,283 398,G61  807,542 870,9411 378,t79 420,142  274,109 360,622 888,008 381,868  274,147 836.601 861,462 •s48,617  8,828,605 8,868,980 4,189,1129 4,391!,871  1898........... (6,153 m.>. 2,861,297 2,894,660 2,916,378 1899 •••• (6,168 to 6,271 m.). 2,0W,410 2,078.816 a,138,78.) 1900•••• (6,876 to 6,071 m.). 8,210,818 2,867,741 8,427,82i! 8,818,669 8,093,905 8,530,905  2,585,546 2,916,8911 3,264,104, 8,244,196  2,755,182 3,009,9!16 8,lOd,668 8,232,194  2,746,824, 3,896,981 8,419,204 8,555,989  2,535,198 8,384,476 8,2~0.127 3,582,041  3,010,787 8,876,693 8,594,690 8,964,054  3,692,184 3,S79,400 8,728,462 4,150,!Gll  4,078,466 4,827,691 ',278,887 4,521,265  8,500,448 4,022,686 8,783,005 4,177,189  8,504,277 8,595,898 3,782,980 8,991,252  86,088,727 40,666,626 41,691,598 4~862,000  2,561,557 1899-.• (5,077to 5,827 m.). 2,szg,s9s 1900-•• (5,82'7 to r,,oe, w.). 2,991,824 8,160,79:S 6 6  2,586,872 2,691,421 3,10!1,002 3,10!1,787  S.051,836 8,152,812 3,449,061 8,531,118  2,711,697 2,853,016 8,874,.641 8,'78,060  3,086,809 2,995,884 2,819,284. 8,414,854 8,887,228 8,685,304 8,tl92,275 8,601,414 S,458.257 8,688,178 8,6tll,M4. 8,928,869 S,6GS,ll81 8,91d,102 3,88t,66ll 4,29d,4.25  8,598,274 4,177,4ti8 4,002,118 4,276,720  3,676,663 4,270,022 4.18',2:il:'> 4,M6,106  8,374.871 8,172,914. 87,151,015 8,704,642 3,291,889 41,487,098 8,48:i,189 8,293,0S4 42,588,486 4,046,828  1,891,021 18997c •• (8,568 to 8,619 m •.> • 1,419,!lU 1900k .. (8,619 to 11,819 m.). 1,695,090 2,024,780  1,590,881 1,SS0,5M 1,579,781 1,816,187  1,568,155 1,685,745 1,870,479 2,058,!j67  1,628,147 1,468,168 1,782,1188 1,972,987  1,698,273 1,629,530 1,788,161 B,201,99t  1,576,709 1,765,355 1,991.531 2,124:,921  2,051,063 2,228,76~ :.l,41S9,77, 2,809,895  2,030,8t3 2,883,8011 2,468,272 2,685,776  2,161,7i9 2,868,013 2,tl08;1U5 2,916,881  1,621,918 1,741,712 20,881,680 1,988,811 1,882,1182 21,885,998 2,116,662 2,173,1!07 24,820,jOO 2,478,188  1899 •• -(1,492 to 1,619 m.). 1900. ,_(l,:'.119 to l,~7 m.). 1001 ....(1,51)7 to 1,578 m.).  567,479 828,809 791,825 77S,3ll6  591,272 710,619 671.055 755,183  694,792 811,972 802,959 850,149  598,063 651,846  800,465  678,IIBS  658,798 788,086 771,230 797,269  614,141 860,082 78l'!f,466 887,047  712,200 881,726 870,197 IJW,768 974,ao7 733,426 8t7,287 1,119,321  1,061,640 l,OW!,984 1,080,907 1,083,681  1,178,931 1,089,242 l,14i,7i4 9119,719 l,286,4ti3 925,40¼ 1,261,630 1,079,878  1898 ............... ~886 m.). 1899 ............... 886 m.). 1900 ••••••••••••••• (836 m.). 1901 .............. (886 m.).  8813,885 856,716 480,541 410,733 .  821,161 822,897 892,194, ,l02,001  839,094 8'70,1118 444,31' 445,672  820,561 864,470 897,~63 '19,449  468,644 406,492 44.2,479 f59,609  411,047 400,48d 4.11,576 H0,679  400,589 897,663 421,786 462,946  Ohle. & .Kast. I lluot.-  Ohlcaso Gt. West.-  Chic. Ind. &  Loul ■v .-  Ohle. M.llw. & St. P.-  oit~·&<~~.\~ ~~t~· 1898--.......... (5,077 m.).  -,~t~· ii:~ 1~~ i ";7.:c':!:.> · 181J8k............ (3,571 m.). oi\~~\ii: :e:·m·.'arn.~·>. 1898 ............ (1,492 m.). 01n. N. O. & Tex. P.-  1,671,784 l,8d0,388 2,180,4116 2,696,4.61  417,846 428,2011 415,767 4CJ6,287  408,382 4511,207 482,211 478,529  449,019 443,812 3111,227 4,(10,800  ........  ........  419,672 440,097 89U93 474,107  ........  ........  94'i,705 9,690,989 794,572 10,488,813 l::109,768 10,342,001  ........  ........  375,844 48d.286 il.2,86• 429,893  4.658.,91M 4,825,764 4,986,5l3l3 5,881,10&  01. Ola. Ohle. & !!It. L.1898.•.....•. ..... (1,888 m.~. 1,098,1)73 1.061,718 1,191,679 1.164,7135 1.178,302 1,209,216 1,146,058 1,809,650 1,400,826 1,825,216 1,249,601 1,852,4:02 14.682.500  981,788 1,192,128 1,lM,493 1,:.100,691 1.364,242 1,204.798 1,865,612 1,504,:d~ l,6t8,686 l,502,65d 1,605,8211 16,612,823 1899-...... .....• (1,888 m. • 1,041,832 1900., •• (1.888 to 1,8111 m.). 1,801,189 1,229,880 1,417,582 l,Sl'l6,098 1,866,188 1,469,504 1,862,6'8 1,449,931:1 1,52a,887 1,668,703 l,t108,81:S6 1,684,068 17,1'02,691 1901 ....... ...... (1,891 m.). 1,850,841 1,278,4.SO 1,385,863 1,567,864 l,61~495 1,706,950 1,596,196,19a 1,602,5~ 1,782,097 1,618,749 •1,614,789 18,608,491  Denv. & Rio Grande-  804,9S4 898,872 849,905 784,090 721.272 711.724 957,275 111::10,085 716,939 708,468 860,181 93U,tl77 1117,052 9~.174 952,653 1,045,496 1,039,l!5l 1,12a,:.188 989,21>2 1,086.0ll 1,osa,So1 1,114,168 1,131,987 1,011,506  1898 ••••••••..•• (1,666 m.). 1899.... (1,66G to 1,678 m.) • 1900............ (1,673 m.). 1901 ... (1,678 to L,722 m.).  644,626 7'.lfl,757 882,414 8'tt,276  566,716 5~.848 708,894, 783,740  638,856 793,845 817,169 909,748  647,788 765,022 780,620 888,038  658,247 810,468 872,576 930,IU8  .1898t •• (2,165 to 9,271 m.). 189~•••••••••••• (2,;&71 m.). 1900*··<2,271 to 2,818 m.J. 1901* . ........... (:.1,818 m.).  2,868,702 2,489,886 2,998,710 8,189,894  2,247,191 2,214.629 2,582,586 2,737,lO'J  2,724.,988 2,766,674 2,9118,&70 3,899,634  2,604,544 2,61:18,830 lil,9t6,68ll 8,2'7,ISM  2,826,828 9,,992,759 8,161,117 3,641.472  8,882.)af>B 3,il5,008 3,484.272 3,118,901 8,161:1,837  lt:198•. ,{4,108 to 5,116 m.). 1,366,415 1,1174,805 1899• •• (5.115 to 5,209 m.). 1,651,253 1.455,188 1900•-·········· (5,:l09 m.). 1,1184,098 1,779,830 1901* .-(5,20II to 5,246 m.). 1,1:127,9!19 1,740,508  1,648,078 1,874,458 2,470,81:SII 2,865,347  1,721.488 l,Sa8,294 2,153,054 2,2711,000  1,872.,874 2,029,938 2,2119,059 2,SO'i,Ois  1,691,263 2,077,469 :d,413,~2 2,1185,021  1,789,011 2,266,030 2,263,1)47 2,679,558  ),940,761 2,297,814 2,413,555 8,117,297  2,781,592 3,118,272 2,876,860 3,6'16,962  8,106,248 8,416,655 3,0lIB,826 4,168,408  2,636,8U 2,9!16,185 2,714,!'.117 8,770,416  2,232,709 2.301.233 2,467,872 8,232,272  24,061,025 27,26lll,669 28,&Sl,774 88,865,263  .Brl-  Gt. North'n 8yatem-  Hocklnir Valley-  814.306 8,740,88'7 880,734 9,714,724 961,677 11.0~.16' •011.000 11,669,936  2,733,200 2,570,096 2,Q78,007 2,964,928 8,116,148 2,9!18,480 2,738,458 82,806,010 8,281:1,866 8,302,58:i 8,671:1,087 8,410,690 3,4811,llJO 3,886,005 8,186,215 86,800.,09 8,169,025 8,ll::171096 87,278,167 3,552,tl07 8,622,693 8,8lS0,66S 8,061,644 3,767,162 3,045,220  ........  ··--·····  1898 ........ ....... <846 m.). 1899............... (846 m.). 1900.-........ .. . (346 m.). 1901 .............. (846 m.).  209,888 229,i86 861,893 380,240  171,889 199,612 825,170 884.,272  285,257 231,~28 868,561:1 845,7118  191,908 229,391 882,803 828,978  224,,867 262,504. 40&,195 3119,864  229,lBll 282,665 4.87,881 43b,tf26  198,980 815,782 886,874 429,987  230,0111 335,663 398,400 461:1,008  241,689 845,600 3111,01>6 ,6a,744  244,960 892,1184 &tll,749 500,617  281,764 881:1,653 t07,776 469,920  246,748 367,466 398,88:1 •885,115  2,701,086 8,581,677 4,716,748 4,916,718  1898t .• (8,808 to 8,667 m.). 1899t •. (8,tt67 to 8,996 m.). looot •• (8,996 to 4,¥65 m.). 1901t ............ ~IW6 m.).  2,276,720 2,428,792 2,912,879 8,220,478  2,188,898 2,152,880 2,IS84,416 2,959,856  2,277,769 2,442,207 2,871:i,7!15 8,221S,!la4  2,119,890 2,113,577 2,411,206 2,953,758  2,935,658 2,1154,184 2,626,699 3,173,806  2,137,584 2,828,795 2,771,71>9 2,910,4::!4  2,05:.S,074 2,881,790 2,tl86,89o 3,176,702  2,871,996 2,617,275 2,881,721 3,388,178  2,S&.l,6H 2,787,105 8,lJ.~621 3,!125,2711  2,466,787 8,012,461 s,,14,9:.!, 3,762,881  2,563,749 2,821,763 8.H.2,ti~ 8,495,864  2,560,585 2,!U0,670 S,267,71J6 •8,89!1,118  27,630,274 30,096,899 84,687,708 89,0511,782  1898 .............. (775 m.). 1899............... (776 m.). 1900....... (775 to 820 m.). 1901 ....... (820 to &l5 m.).  831,295 835,662 878,544 409,7811  299,189 27i,970 339.740 S42,218  801,IS15 200,825 806,629 8113,741S  294,488 828,780 261,041 862,78a  283,648 277,695 261,526 8~:J,008  201,667 242,808 266,073 829,110  216,!100 273,392 291,679 8l6,262  232,879 807,299 807,ldO 835,965  422,598 442,1:161 885,215 405,490  583,009 4!'.!5,2"1'8 f>9U73 603,246  481.920 485,667 585,615 473,624  188,729 162,806 177,888 128,482  148,847 158,419 170,708 209,0811  14.9,003 176,780 200,467 194,082  140,482 167,109 167,1::188 163,609  168,939 171,554 160,259 163,009  167,850 190,242 186,453 177,8119  186,386 196,928 11S6,&19 177,177  226,WS  194,543  194.167 206,011  208,510 237,881 206,1:129 206,861  205,455 ld'Jfl,42:I 211:i.248 265,521  183,467 195,1195 178,391 217,955  189,214 194,166 200,780 *207,977  2,015,875 2,291,538 2.225,892 2,401J,t62  1,807,684 1,1128,687 2,892,508 2,IS12,ISU8  1,754,984 1,651,840 2,183,978 2,377,690  1,854,195 2,067,1'1 2,452,227 2,619,287  1,7'iS.966 1,918,061 2,U8,371 2,8'30,685  1.851,649 i,120,164 lil,2tl0, 7tl8 2,52d,279  1,880,859 2,188,298 2,177,312 2,871,86a  1,827,667 2,100,\!20 2,053,721 i,.:11l,8llll  1,866,746 2,2110,009 2,190,796 2,4d6,ts40  1,940,95i 2,:J27,216 2,215,729 2,4!16,418  2,102,886 2,bl0,805 2,652,864 2,776,304,  2,099,004 2,4:67,171 2,418.682 2,707,607  2,048,538 2.805,997 2,425,028 •2,462,700  22,808,685 00.001,10, 27,471,778 30,()()lf,870  Illlnol ■  Central.-  I ntern'I & Gt. or,h.-  1·owa Central1898 ... ........... C512 m.). 1899....... . (512 to 510 m.). 1900.............. (610 m.i. 1901 ........ (610 to 5i8 m.). Leut ■vllle & Na11bv .1898.......... . .. (2,985 m.). 1899.,_(2.985 to 8,088 m.). 1900 •• -(8,038 to 8,154 m.). 1901 .... (3,164 to 3,818 m.).  441,599 8,990,201 428,625 4,177,762 612,392 4,437,115 496,686 a6,024,408  • Approxlmateflgures. * Includes results on Erle and branches, N. Y. Pa. & Ohio and Chicago & Erie. t These figures include tb.e earnmgs of the th 0 \,~~1~~~n~;3~e~~f395?hesapea!e11:~ig~acfn:~~;~e~f~~!~o~A n~:;~~:na'h~~1::iri!ti~~ but ey,~~1c:i~~c~ir:~~etsIno~~ Southwestern for all the years. a Figures do not tnclude N. Y. & Lonll Branch Division. n. lncludea for all the years all the roads owne<l or controlled, not exce11_tlng the Chicago Burlington & North'n, which latter was tormerly reported sep&l'atel1. , After July 1, 18119, operations et San B'rancisoo & Sau Joaquin Valley are included. k We give here only the fi,iures of gross earnfil'l,{IB; OTHER income whloh forms part of the monthly returns bein& exolnde4 ao as to make the comparison with previous years correct. l These figures tnclade the earnings of the New York & Long Branch Division. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  !~n:1iw:~:s.  17.t:  INVESTORS  SUPPLEMENT.  (VOL. LXXIV•  .MONTHLi" GROSS .EARNINOS OF PRINOIPA.L RAIL.ROADB-(Oonohtded).  -Mexican Central-  May. June. Jan. Feb. March. April. ---------- ---- -----s  '  •  •  189& •. .••••••• (1,956 m.). 1,087,022 1,052.097 1,186,510 l ~ ••• (1,956 to 2,017 m.). 1,282,560 1,093.122 1,269,418 1900e... (2.0l 7 to 2,054 mJ. 1,533,29? 1.389,291 l,Ml,677 19018 .•• (2,0G4 to 11,186 m.). 1,460,977 1,870,881 1,636,856  Mexican Jnternat'I-  •  •  July.  •  1,143,752 1,191,598 1,462,400 l,4'6,529  l,1!15,65:S 1,284,302 1,591,614 1,614,483  1,104,257 1,248,440 1,511,795 1,436,762  1,018,536 1.375,920 1,839,020 l,876,8C6  Sept.  Dec. Nov. Aua-. Oct. ------- ----------Total. -- -  •  •  •  •  1,075,479 904,506 1,286,907 1,!34,521 l,289,19l 1,183,219 1,411,849 1,426,115 1,290,430 1,3:32,462 1,481,1159 1,428,707 1,301,~'U 1,826,1100 1,456,159 1,494,673  •  •  1,879,722 1,546,836 1,372.225 •1,665,466  18,588,96' 15,602,066 17,223,8'77 17,476,792  18\1& •.••. -<659 to 781 m.}. 1800e •.••.•• (731 to 745 m.). 190011 . .••• (745 to 848 m.). 19018 .......... (848 m.).  270,800 384,317 434,091 485,6()g  258,011 363,890 426,882 476,927  810,916 418,723 503,482 512.201  283,812 365,859 416,4.28 ,85.247  270,505 S62,04S 451,RBO 5U,Oll  271,929 381,459 439,468 456,lU  268,010 893,908 409,042 461,225  281,492 386.9S6 410,056 498 549  271,379 S57,011 435.428 ,66,222  281,462 390,772 483,923 501,070  818,993 8114,672 493,670 566,583  41',764 48tU67 474,852  ........  5,878,967  Ul\18e ............ (l,2HI m.). 1899e •.• (l,219 to 1,266 m.). 1900e . .. (1,266 to 1,323 m.). 10018 .. ....•.... (1,328 m.J. '1UnneaD. & St. Louis-· lSQS ••••••••.....• (888 m.). 1800 . ...••.. (388 to 508 m.). lGOO ..... ·-(508 to 643 m.). 1901 . .........•.... (648 m.). Mo. Kan11aa & Texas 181}8 ............. (2,197 m.). 1899 •••••...••. (2,Hi7 m.). \900.... <2,208 to 2,222 m.). 4 2  510,750 523,940 634,380 64',845  485,452 503,866 599,060 589,824.  586,842 618,027 i25,185 675,816  400,728 571,232 683.581 667,465  506,650 681,n27 ?35 576 689,56P  505,177 576,999 682,454 659,\159  509,!!29 564,371 622,842 632,388  !500,799 07l,66i 650,785 589,775  506,100 576,451 624,4.75 679,601  575,561 68!,199 617,976 687,822  585,630 622,26'3 608,593 623,629  618,408 643,633 681.863 •641,217  6,850.921 7,087,676 7,866,700 7,682,909  146,512 172,781 197,562 260,77~  148,297 175,108 181,169 259,600  192,637 235,035 241,950 282,499  153.779 188,9!7 218,0H 267,989  18!!,547 :ass,716 124,18/i 259,001  175,173 247,625 208,049 300,348  150,682 24.0,160 251,296 297,401  192,881 2S9,800 24R,388 807,717  223,310 276,080 274,449 801:i,793  284,5S5 308,4!!4 336,411 810,318  222,61ffi 260,072 278,260 816,282  216.819 222.744 27a,4113 •28a,870  2,243,837 2,806.522 2,i,71,166 3,471,565  906,652 1,258,378 1,638,52:t 665,'721 '767,068 1,024,492 878,495 820,510 846,479 752,805 770;846 1,007,528 '776,269 872,013 1,100,534 1,323,477 l.i48,203 895,899 822,634 894,165 l,OUl,019 851,691 929,894 ~:~ 936,876 944.900 1,141,515 1,825.661 1,690,775 1,368,850 1,186,0119 1,259,702 1,159,762 1,251,\199 1,201,618 1,255,044 1,882,626 1,4.68,101 1,891,466  1,261,310 1,303,506 1.528,~3 1,574,752  1,129,827 l,07S,t<83 1,363,36, 1,883,1194  11,850,260 12,204,205 13,495,306 16,8CIB,912  m:exlcan National-  ol!?1l-"a~!·l l~o2u. r:. :;:!. · 1898 ••••••••••••• (5,326 m.).  8,497.073 4,645,557  ........  2,379,169 2,376,884 2,815,055 2.8117-SM  2,170,221 2,128,234 9,186,020 2,674,&U  2,181,579 2,298,367 2,417,606 2,790,636  2,004,'762 2,214.331 2,486.148 2,703,809  2,100,444 2,255,193 2 .539,258 3,242,74.5  2,458,412 2,701,790 2,999,180 3,519,4'5  2,485,68R 2,794,664 2,900,279 3,216,605  2,786,847 2,947,349 3,143,641 8,726,4116  2,1124,908 2.881,321 2,872,103 0 3,405,000  2,577,561 2,667,908 2.993,120 •3,0tll,000  28,022,791 29,842,874 81.846,928 86,916,828  864,860 441,500 510,019 502,468  818,871 899,700 423,007 '43,516  855,950 466,400 4.71,047 509,567  808,004 '16,300 4113,289 481,026  9 494,900  323,856 480 736 -181,227  328,640 400,184 466,288 ·,~2,700  356,894 478,809 -175,922 •470,500  398.508 527,041 666.764 *664,600  431,3()9 572,736 6i;L,91J3 *556,400  416,170 ~9.502 5~4.716 •558,700  4,826,S22 5,682,708 6,01'-,653 6,136,882  460,314 513,583 683,239 664,668  428,865 468,52a 5"6,885 M15,t85  526,089 584,681 576,839 640,l'iO  422,286 441,640 5:-!5,666 532,263  1>49,531 498,080 609,853 622,974  525,932 524,815 648,667 tlo0,181  528,178 567,789 630,286 625,4.74  540,763 590.471 720,791 706,j98  504,362 546,127 608,234 685,714.  549,720 527,166 tlStl,496 "622,678  5,984,206 6,137,888 7.800,466 7,679,071  19984.... . .• (2,68i1 m.). 8,557,283 S,498,752 3,907,080 18911(% ... (2,585 to 2,828 m.). 3,789,St!l 3,377,862 4,099,8118 1900<1.-Clil,82d to 3,2:.>.a m.l. 4,250,819 4,010,370 4,340,698 5,182,978 4,400,269 6,32~,556  8,921,513 3,760,245 4,253,361 5,188,746  4,066,118 4.3113,816 4,650,877 5,788,869  8,664,918 4,877,715 4,614.,761 5,898,870  8,420,748 4,435,407 5,891,396 6,940,096  4,107,090 4,906,211 5.980,876 6,796,467  4,234,062 4,843,781 6,874,849 6,686,672  4,87',105 6,005,877 5,911,210 8,916,819  285,380  275,719 387,1136 383,859 493,622  315,734 403,334 425~77 503,070  849,887 422,966 452,655 543,528  885,862 503,427 626,5b9 571,618  353,R30 4511,519 878,611 .190,768  868,S27 41:i4,265 288,022 521,701  2,205,681 2,098,000 1899-... . . . ....• (5,326 m.). 2,187,407 1,890,486 1900 .••• (5,826 to 6,M9 m.). 2,483,173 2,261,351 J~\ie·~5:hi.~7°' m.). 2,800,676 2,602,467 1898-••••••••••••• (687 ut.). 873,184 851,126 1800a. ••••• (687 to 876 m.). 408,800 1'100a••••••••••••• (8'76 m.). 642,9¼1 477,470 1001a. •••.•••••••• (876 m.). 595,078 481,'87 lla■ bv. Chatt.& l!lt.J,.1898........ (905 to 936 m.). 462,072 486,144 515,088 409,817 64,,838 580,2'73 190lc .•••••••• . • (1,196 m.). 710,076 628,040  l=;;::::.-:::::::ct~~ :1  11(.  Y. C. &Bud. Riv.-  IN~~oiii:·&·~~:,::!.· 1898 ............... (481 m.). 1899 •••••••••••••. \481 m.). 1900............... (481 m.).  .~9:loiii'&:weiit~~~-> ·  287,787 322,374 S91,9b6 488,020  1898 .... (1,5'i0 to 1,581 m.). 915,74'7 lt.199 .• _(l,561 to l,6r>l m.). 961,666 1900 •••• (1,551 to 1,554 m.). 1,201,365 1901..-(1,554 to 1,675 m.). 1,840,474 R orthern Ceatral1898............... (380; m.). 506,536 189t... ............ (890 m.). 558.~6 667,236 684,486 ft ortbern Paclftc1898b •• (4.34.6 to 4,593 m.). 1,440,049 1899b ••• (4,620 to 4.746 m.). 1,572,266 1900b . • (4,7t9 to 6 0 065 m.). 1,918,892 lOOlb.-(5,181 to 6,087 m.). 2,256,660  258,945 800,182 354,836 885,041  808,489 408,018 Sli5,980 446,284  384,674 363,181  t60,86~  824,772 945,227 1,018,976 1.071,157 9110,820 918,989 876,868 865,271 977,770 773,480 1,000.107 1,022,412 1.118,283 1,010,684 1.~2,184 1,144,869 1,222,870 1,204,948 1.060,015 1,172,187 1,128,614 1,281,591 l,Sl0,888 1, 2,986 1,368,0'7 l,827lJ77 1,4U,829 1,286,003 1,391,619 1,24.9,497 1,848,976 1,212,t:lOO fl,387,607 /1,437,5U /1,466,318 /1,632,059  4,275,745 47,010,809 4,795,493 52,162,0iV 5,?04,612 5,601,381 60,584,094 5,887,016 6,690,120 64,976,651  :::~~:i~3  351,134 426,327 460,:fflS 501,422  836,8l~ 411,91 450,84  ........  8,877,699 4,878,932 4,836,150  ........  1,006,955 1,032,921 11,404,478 1,114,758 12,828,028 l,~l,Hflfi 16,165,69!4 /l,44'7,972 /1,278,526 16,364.,447  i:m:zi:  509,?79 404,679 562,279 581,779  515,510 546,510 624,710 M6,lll0  481,002 497,602 651,?•~ 692,202  492,865 556,065 661,965 G79,966  607,802 584,501 652,102 tl67,201  530,815 614,115 598,515 666,616  560,736 630.836 673,036 692,9S6  632,919 676,419 626,619 761,019  669,907 772,407 618,107 819,707  648,537 726,787 772,637 742,937  61S,61~ 664.74 756,81(  6,664,048 ?,233,448 7,846,548  1,517,386 1.512,920 1,855,719 2,066,718  1,847,346 2,061,805 2,862,043 2,548,090  1,850,818 1,885,814 2,296,118 2,687,792  1,918,194 2,005,692 2,,97,SlO 2,839,878  1,730,814 2,228,135 2,497,076 2,~9.o.l3  1,916,699 2,850,163 2,6ll!,508 3,105,176  2,180,575 2,568,585 2,889,925 3,629,0i6  2,804,779 8,152,267 2,965,k95 3,825,966  3,049,318 3,368,951 8,889,966 4,553,641  2,826,096 2,958,882 2,914,517 4,092,085  2,009,573 2,200,817 2,640,492 •3,266,812  25,091.099 27,860,797 80,785,456 S7,620,897  5,089,071 5,812,17L 6,'24,271 7,466,171  4,829,584 4,568,834 6,153,384 e,686,684  6,438,382 6,8'J0,982 7,0U,932 7,615,182  6,358,172 5,661,372 6,909,37:.l 7,537,9?2  IS,S99,767 6,018,887 7,116.567 7,770,667  5,248,435 5,766,735 7,lg2,83fi 7,804,0811  5,162,295 6,081.6115 6,700,095 7,621,896  5,723,061 6,586.461 7,401,961 8,388,161  5,790,139 6,644,439 7,238,589 7,927,489  6,001,778 6,97fl,278 7,718,578 8,IJ61,278  5,826,024 5,737,004 M,603,611 6,867,224 6.617,704 72,922,712 7.788,524 7,816,904 85,575,912 R,073,524  458,828 618,710 596,332 688,896  444,264 486,882 677,4.92 595,3,2  578,067 624,846 682,116 695,215  522,938 IJ20,262 671,641 798,031  518,917 598,278 648,315 759,012  487,822 583,970 667,949 732,670  491,118 597,640 67U,088 776,816  622,265 6g2,406 788,517 001,236  667,961 678,862 780,681 884,7Si  GSU64 6112,714 '769,459 857,031  1,724,472 1,864,654 2,297,0U 2,490,817  1,400,115 1,500,663 1,811,710 2,040,166  l,733,654 1,879,648 11,091,412 1,415,71)2  1,634,618 1,845,267 2,170,848 2,222,265  1,697,546 1,899,702 2,829,1142 2,574,734  1,820,264 2,018,172 2,461.469 2,623,834  1,688,072 t.998,864 2,189,748 2,139,681  1,009,540 2,~78,189 2,667,547 2,594,250  1,G90,601 2,2'4,7'74 2,362,114. 2,461,900  2,214.,018 2,517,143 1,878,281 2J!70,887  2,185.462 1,006,794 22,095,156 2,387,878 2,865,428 24,749,877 2,476,476 2,55:l,424 97,187,810 2,666,265  1,944,401 2,272,851 2,225,162 2,826,SM  1,444,422 2,042,618 l,696,294 2,337,610  1,194,893 1,851,266 1,718,604 2,043,820  1,545,000 1,471,844 1,4511,0117 2,345,039  1,802,851 1,44.9,570 1.817,801 2,840,616  1.595,103 2,2lffi,Sl:.! 2,810,752 2,602,621  1,356,243 2,800,008 2,097,001 1,8"9,506  1,659,538 2,805,054 2,465,231 2,424,988  1,932,654 2,757,161 111,712,918 2,304,213  2,842,422 8,3811,460 1,021,046 8,166,134  2,4'76,572 2,553,947 21,848,046 2,836,210 2,568,970 27,979,398 2,680,148 8,096,058 25,160.107 3,084,645  1898 ....................... 18~........................ 1900 ••.•••••••••••• 1901. ................ :::::: Plttsbura- & West'n18138•••••••• . .••.. (886 m.). 1899 •••••.. (336 to 343 m.;. 1000 ..... -(848 to 352 m.). WOl •..•••••.•••••• (852 m.).  8,668,873 4,137,005 4,522,206 :'.>,817,171  2,934,537 3,54a,2Bl 8,508,004 4,377,776  2,928,54.7 8,730,909 3,810,016 4,459,072  S,171J,618 3,316,611 8,61!9,440 4,567,304  8,500,897 3,349,272 4,147.043 6,416,850  S.415,867 4-,258,484 4,772,211 0,226,860  3,044,815 ,,298,4S2 4,236,74g 4,132,187  3,569,078 5,083,243 6,082,77~ 5,019,~3  8,993,255 5,001,985 5,075,042 4,766,113  4,556,440 5,006,603 2,899,827 6,036,021  4,662,084 4,560,741 43,943,20B 5,174,01!7 4,IJH4.,81J8 52,729,270 5,006,R24 5,648,477 52,287,917 5,700,810 .  188,398 226,701 298,':'02 2911,004  188,247 195,349 246,659 281,848  269,1104 ~.810 SS7,812 867,798  282,876 258,675 8511,978 845,748  804.839 286,964. 898,449  331,602 350,661 403,626 40:l,212  261S,6D7 311,828 831,788 (03,858  298,252 315,456 866,3llS 432,725  299,904 296,766 317,779 418,767  299,653 821,599 862,809 '16,960  1898 ••• , .... 1.550 to 082 m.). 1899••••... (582 to 610 m.). 1000 ••••••• (610 to 64!$ m.l. 1901 •••••••••..• (646 m.). St. L. & S. Fr. S•s.1898 •••• (1,274 to 1,282 m.).  281,588 872,358 818,761  208,725 219,882 831,662 292,146  254,4i8 280,0i6 842,987 400,731  274,456 284,425 878.928  ,so.,oo  297,691 808,1)86 868,066 436,658  805,112 302,'81 455,861 9 4@,400  271,S07 885,226 890.973 •42'1,400  272,963 873,9i!8 421,928  801,580 877,552 460,978  336,892 428,153 &;08,849 •459,447  524,818 604.670 651,lU 856,706  554,898 522,085 607,765 768,250  579,208 626,261 677,326 8S0,60S  533,819 582,776 596,617 779,018  577,204 597,759 666,002 864,667  I=::::::::::::::}=8 :.t  Pennsylvania-  (All lines east of P. & El.) 1898+••• (2,757 to 2,765 m.). 1899+... (2,765 to 2,80S m.). 1000+ •• (2,803 to 2,977 m.). 7 m.). 1898....(1.~7 to 1,722 m.). 1899.... (1,722 to 1,76d m.). 1900.. •• . • ••• • (1,766 m.). 1901 •••• (1,766 to 1,821 m.J. Phlla. & 1teadlna-1898............... (914 m.). 1899 •••••••.••• .•••• (915 m.). 1000 .•••• (915 to 1,000 m.). 1001. ••.•••••••• (1,000 m.). Ooal & Iron Co.1898 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1899 ....................... 1900 ..........•..........•. 1001. ......................  p1_,"u."ei':e'~  Total both Co.'•-  Rio Grande West'n-  t=: :::a:~~ l:~8~ :t  1901 •••• (1,61f7 to 3,201 m.).  St. Louis l!!loutb we11t.-  286,844.  84.>i.,859  .......  ........  .........  ........  580,150 649,(28 712,771 791.067  588,767 627,782 740,?50 •700,111  .......  ........  .........  ·······•  6,685,241 '7,360,739 8,296,110 9,186,159  ........  ........  .......  .......  -1M:t~  255,575 297,865 311,499 •266,817  3,264,648 3,4'52,952 3,992,268 4,807,175  28a,098 8111,081 401,1114  255.406 355,81)0 866,062  3,288,806 8,887,594. 4,799,281  285,346 804,388  . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . 1  ........  506,779 497,585 601,266 627,995 '711,206 660,679 607,600 6,983,098 586,785 561,915 700,961 754.880 770,473 689.867 676.327 'i,674,739 6'1,9¼1 712,433 857,808 867,897 977,895 871,468 910,922 9,027,210 866,036 U,681,592 *1, 764 511 *1,811,489 *2,177,812 *2,031,049 *1,689.619 16,131,262 4.15,233 335.440 869,206 521.812 666,456 684,879 6S2,023 5,646,172 403,&9 52j,162 455,693 428,148 601.597 596,283 617,045 5,845,651 420,2811 481,368 467,835 651,418 771,703 79'1,708 0,555,354, 800,1165 494,989 5!!1,062 607,865 609,195 774,743 '737,968 658,007 7,l:66,004  478,494 1898 ••••••••.••.. (1,228 m.). 461,858 860,101 420,072 850,598 502,654 18119 .... Cl,223 to 1,258 m.). 424,160 469,746 387,lll 485,308 1000............ (1,258 m.). 502,832 449,697 t27,868 471,580 '13,091 1001••• (1,258 to l,~93 m.J . 677,71:d 616,6.49 574,739 621,487 681,668 Southern t'acUlc Co.18118..... ... . .....•.....•.•.. 5,052,667 1899h •• (7,781 to 8,088 m.). l'.>,7113,689 5,028,795 6,oia.002 5,~02,999 5,200.600 5,849.200 6,355,670 6,608,380 6,ssiiJilis 19t0h .. (8,088 to tl,635 m.). 6,s,1.iio5 5.607.7311 5,40!$,076 5,4·12.859 5,754·,,,52 6,786.016 5.997,86& 6,361,271 7,417,177 6.,27,799 6,11is.s"ii 71,579,987 6,521,421 7,338,857 7,14.2,1S1 6,285,247 6,63l!,095 7,184,692 7,067,319 7,891,099 7,41::!4,~8 1901h ·-·--····•<8.635 m.). Cl,212,708  ........  ........  ........ ........  ........ ........ ........ ········ 2,507,682 25,450.978  Southern Railway1898.••• (5,255 to d,285 :n.). 1,852,680 1,852,848 1,952,481 1,740,726 1,967,'21 1,833.,807 2,114,130 2,126,026 2,437,508 2,543,8"5 2,522,904 18119 ... (6,286 to 6,417 m.). 2,256,008 2,059,612 2,459,061 2,114.404 2,852,!S26 2,201,255 2,279,165 2,649,010 2,682,310 2,966,199 2,805,147 2,749,4t6 29,475,84.3 1000_ •• (6,416 to 6,727 m.). 2,631,926 2,5f>8,8U 2,857,6l!8 2,892,074 2,475,080 2,430.167 2,675,863 2.860,841 3,000,478 3,402.~9 3.0t\5,875 8,112.881 S3,462,976 1901. .•• (6,434 to 2,522,685 3,058,976  tl,74.0 m.>. 2,913,701 2,785,994 3,008,583 2.67?,581 2,621,377 & Paclftc1898 ••••••••••••• (1,499 m.). 714,715 518,382 652,878 573,298 622,179 18911 •••..••••••• (1.499 m.). 5g,i,750 718,118 586,289 574,343 678,835 1900.... (1,492 to 1,570 m.). 786,621? 730,141 683,365 663,808 581.891 1001..-(1,570 to 1,665 m.>. 1,073,516 959,700 884,128 9u8,100 886,672 Toledo & Ohio Cent.1898 ............. (a?l m.). 140,161 147,712 167,669 114,025 145,850 189ll............... (871 m.). 138,529 130,867 152,189 149,668 168,867 102,120 19t0 •••••••• (871 to 430 m.). 179,407 176,828 206,546 285,fit!2 1901 ••••••••••••••• (430 m.). 200,418 285,915 179,064 193,017 202,902 'l'exa■  Wabash-  1898 ••• (1,985 to 2,32R m.) • 941,752 952,SlS 1.157,541 1899 .... . ...... (2,826 m.). 1,188,488 1,011,499 1,251,051 1900. ••• (2,326 to 2,358 m.). 1,314.tSS 1,209,155 1,354,261 1001. .•• (2,3:)8 to 2,491 m.). 1,518,685 1,270,496 1,467,307  Wlacon ■ln  Central-  1,110,0U 1.189,026 1,810,885 1,354,585  1,141,676 1,196,426 1.292,869 Lill,083  2,898,4llt  3,071,684 3,555,SdS 3,272,444 •3,102,665 35,479,902 666,356 912,605 954,708 984,018 8,006,500 718,285 842,554 910,645 888,898 8,300,184 844,805 1,118,808 1,175,896 1284,119 9.751,121 919,360 1,167,442 1,190,112 •1,298,321 11,713,547  437,84.9 584,692 603,188 736,SG3  479,849 581,133 593,118 748,764  537,668 623,642 685,403 847,0b9  156,889 164,t.98 222,1~7 250,82V  150,671 168,421 211,251 250,713  170,598 186,2tl6 225,442 265,630  154,700 190,310 2ll',413 247,770  168,959 194.746 283,249 258,898  187,208 200,012 217,000 250,252  166,819 204;852 207,811 •2u1,SS6  1.871.636 2,044,025 2,528,246 2,748,79'  1,081,160 1,255,285 1,809,577 1,406,"°5  1,079,211 1,273,185 1,360,106 1,562,340  1,283,21:13 1,462,9511 1.527,818 1.686,879  1,288,689 1,497,840 1,615,569 1,661,284  1,813,185 1,574.1116 1,e,s,001 1,805,698  1,212,451 1,410,460 1,481,684 1,639,573  1,222,892 1,430,458 1,fi.16,236 1,692,341  18,784,106 15,640,870 16,896,141 18,367,226  451,873 842,508 ,22,680 *446,970 •406,795 854,955 18138 .••••••••••••• (950 m.). 887,675 378,848 486,784 476,345 3!!6,776 397,4.41 4,938.694: 559,61)1 499,490 S54,222 1899 ............... (950 m.). 500,700 429,297 464,016 316,412 434,806 558,710 559,450 464,118 896,937 5,636,808 505,463 4'90,918 450 205 445,777 388,S2\J 1900 .•••.... ....•.. (950 m.). 431,583 840,104 470,981 488,803 489,683 4.30,39!4 412,11112 5,844,4.l!l UQ.807 1901. ....... (g6o to 982 m.). 621,1117 549,370 856,927 419,561 528,158 432,106 489,254 492,319 656,975 482,303 •4i3,500 6,612,577 Yazoo & Ml ■■• Vaa.294,363 479,228 842,839 297,747 863,368 4G7,288 812,129 480,89S 18118••••. -<947 to 1155 m.). 809,506 Si9,064 584,358 540,579 4,821,307 408,732 304,055 815,122 449,064 325,906 821,463 1819 •••••• (115Ho 1,001 m.). 358,956 3411,383 448,8ai 695.849 654,669 612,701 5,l!W,718 817.ltl2 384.,758 816,711 330,854 600,652 19t0 . . _(l,001 t:> 1,047 m.). 405,180 356,612 4~.884432,570 653,857 689.013 787,959 6.500,1611 362,843 411 ..,063 582,530 42l!,991 410,805 506,000 440.8t5 646.101 1001. --<l,047 to 1,091 m.). 464,710 666,484 775,403 *630,607 6,817,832 • Approximate ttgures. + And u6 miles of canal. a. Includes Montgomery Dtv1ston after Jan. 1, 1899. /J rhese figures cover the main system only; the earnings of the proprietary lines are not included, as they are not obtainable for the years previous to 1899; results on St. Paul & Duluth are added Ill after July 1, WOO. c After Jan. 1, 1900, flirures include results on Padnoah & Memphis Division. d Includes for all periods the Beech Oreek RR • after May 1. 1891}, the Fall IlrO(!II: System and after July , • 1900,_th~ 13ost<!n & Alb!l.IlY RB.. e Figures are ,z)ven in Mexican currency. ; A.fter July 1, 19oi: the earnings of the Kan. Cit:, J! t. Scott & Mem. and Ft. W. & Rio Gr. are mclucted, m addltton to the St. Louis & San Fran. prover. h Earntn,zM here given tnclude Houston & Texas Central and lines subsidiary thereto. g Includes results on ~herman Shrevport & Southern, Missouri Midland and San Antonio extension etnce .May 15, 1901. / Includes Cincinnati Portemouth & Virglnta from July 1, 1901, only. I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  17:5  INDEX.  JANUARY, 1902. I  INDEX TO  COMPANIES-CONSOLIDATED,  &c.  ·Companies not given in the SUPPLEMENT tables in their alphab'3tical order may be found by reference to the Index below, NA.ME.  WILL BE FOUND UNDER-  A.labalil'.la Central....•..••........... Southern Rail way Co. Alabama Midland ..•...••••. ..•••• Savannah Florida & Western. Albema.rle & Raleigh ..••..•...•..••. Atlantic Coast Line RR. American Air Power .....•••.....••• Compressed Air Co. American Bell Telephone....•.•.... American Telephone & Telegraph. American Biscuit & Mfg ............ National Biscuit American Bridge ....••.•••.•••••.••. United States Steel Corporation. American Cigar...................... American Tobacco. America.n Dock & Cmprovement Co.. Central of New .Jersey. American Sheet Steel _.••......•... United States Steel Corporation. American Spirits Manu:facturing ... Distilling Co. of America. American Steel Hoop ..•..•..•..••.. United 8tates Steel Corporation. American steel & Wire .•...•..••••. United States Steel Corporation. Amert can Tin Plate ..•.•.•••••.••••• United States Steel Corporation. Ashtabula & Pittsburg•.•.•.•...•.•. PittsburgYoungstown & Ashtabula Atchison & Nebraska .•....•..••..••. Chica~o Burlington & Quincy. Atlantic & Northwest..••...•....•• .. Canadian Pacific. Austin & Northwestern••••••••••••. Houston & Texas Central. Baltimore & Lehigh .••••••••••••••. Maryland & Pennsylvania. Battle Creek & Sturgis .•.••..••..••. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. Bay City & Battle Creek............. Michigan Central. Bell's Gap .••...•..••..••..•••.••..••. Pennsylvania & Northwestern. Bennington & Rutland. .••..••...••. Rutland RR. Birmingnam. Equipment ..•...••.••. Kansas City Memn. & Birmingham. Boonville Bridge ..••.•••..••..••..••. Missouri Kansas & Texas. Bosto11. Clin. Fitch. & New Bed .•••. Old Colony. Boston & N. Y. Air Line .•••.•••.••. N. Y. New Haven & Hartford. Boston Rubber Shoe ................ United States Rubber (Miscel, Co's) Boston Winthrop & Shore..••.•.•••• Boston Revere Beach & Lynn. Boyer Valley ••.•...••••.••......... Chicago & North Western. Brooklyn & Montauk .••..••..••..••. Long Island. Brush Electric lliuminating •.•••••. Consol. Gas of New York. Brunswick & Chillicothe .•••••.••••. Wabash. Brtmewick & Western .••..••...•.••. Savannah Florida & Western. Buff'alo & Southwestern.•••..••.•••• Erie RR. Burlington & Missouri River .••..••• Chicago Burlington & Quincy. Cairo Vincennes & Chicago •..•...•. Cleveland Cin. Chicago & St. Louis. California & Oregon ....•...•.•....•. Central Pacific. California Paci.fl.a .•...•••............ Southern Pacific RR. Oalumet Gas .....•.•...•••••.••....•. People's Gas Light & Coke. Camden & Atlantic .................. West Jersey & Sea Shore. Canada. Central. ....•...•....••.•.... Canadian Pacific. Carnegie Co ......••.•...•......•.••.. United States Steel Corporation. Carolina Central. .•......••...••••.. SeaboardAir Line. Oedar Falls & Minnesota ...•...•.... Dubuque & Sioux City. Cedar Rapids Iowa Falls & N. W ... Burlington Cedar Rapids-& North'n. Cedar Rapids & Missouri River ..... Chicago & North Western. Central Branch Union Pacific ...... Central Branch. Oentralia & Chester. . ...••...•..••. Illinois Southern. Central Massachusetts ..••.....•... Boston & Maine. Central New York &Western•...•.• Pittsburg Shawmut& Northern. Central of Ga. RR. & Banking ...••• Central of Ga. Ry. Central Ohio ..•.......•••••..••...•.• Baltimore & Oluo. Central Texas & Northwestern•.... Houston & Texas Central. Oentral Union Gas..... . •..•.•••..•. New Amsterdam Gas. Charleston & Savannah•.....••..... Savannah Florida & Western. Charlotte Columbia & Augusta .... Southern Railway. Charlottesville & Rapidan ..•....... Southern Railway. Chateaugay Ore & Iro'l •.••••.••••. Delaware & Hudson. ,(Jhatha.m & Lebanon Valley ••..•••. Rutland RR. Chattanooga Rome & Scuthern . ... Southern Railway. Chicago & Atlantic ...............••. Chicago & Erie. Chicago Burlington & Northern .... Chicago Burlington & Quincy. Okicap;o Clinton Dubuque & Minn .. Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul. Chica.go Gas ...............••.•.....•. Peoples Gas L. & Coke. Chicago Gas Light & Coke ...•.•... . Peoples' Gae L. & C. (Miscel. Co's.) Chicago & Grand Trunk ...... ..Grand Trunk Western. Chicago & Great Western ......•.... Chicago Terminal Transfer RR. Chicago Hammond. & Western ..... Chioago Junction. Chicago & Indiana Coal. ..•...•...•. Chicago & Eastern Illinois. Chicago Milwaukee & N. W .•••...•. Chicago & _North Western. Chicago & North Michigan. ...•..••. Pere Marquette. Chicago & Northern Paci:tic.......•. Chicago Terminal Transfer. Chicago & Ohio River ...•••.••...••. Indiana Decatur & Western. Ohioago & Pacific .....•....•......•. Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul. ehicago Santa Fe & California ....•. See Atchison System, Apr.,'96,SuP. Chlcago & St. Louis ..•.•••........••. Atohison Topeka & Santa Fe. Chicago St. Louis & New Orleans ... Illinois Central. Chicago Bt. Louis & Pitteburg ..•..•. Pittsb'rg Cincinnati Chicago & Bt. L. Chicago St. Paul & Minneapolis ..•. Chicago St. Paul Minn. & Omaha. Chicago & Tomah ................••.. Chicago & North Western. Chicago Wisconsin & Minnesota .••. Wisconsin Central. Choctaw & Memphis ..•.•••••. Choctaw Oklahoma & Gulf. Cincinnati Connecting Belt .••...... Cincinnati Portsmouth & Virginia. Cincmnati Ind. St. Louis & Chicago.Cleveland Cin. Chio. & St. Louls. Cincinnati Sandusky & Cleveland .. Cleveland Cin. flhio. & St. Louis. Cincinnati Southern .............•... Cincinnati New Orleans & Tex. Pac. Cincinnati Wabash & Miohigan ...•. Cleveland Cin. Chio. & St. Louis. Olearfteld Bituminous Coal. ••....... Beech Creek. Cleveland Canton & Southern ....•. Wheeline: & Lake Erie. Cleveland Columbus Cin. & Ind ..•. Cleveland Cin. Chio. & St. Louis. Coal & Iron Ry . .•...••••.••..••... West Va. Central & Pittsburg. Columbia & Greenville ......••.....• Southern Railway. Columbian El. Car Ltght. & Brake.. Consol. Ry. El. Lighting & Equip. Colorado Bridge ......•..••..••...•.. InternationaJ. & Great Northern. ColumbW! Connecting&Terminal .. Norfolk & Western. Columbus & Hocking Valley ......•. HockingVallt,y. Columbus & Indianapolis Central. .. Pittsb. Cincinnati Chio. & St. Louis. Columbus & Toledo...••...•...•..•.. Hocking Valley. Commercial Union Telegraph .••••• Commercial Cable, CJoncord.................•.......•...•. Concord & Montreal. Con1luenoe & Oakland ..•..•••.•.••• Baltimore & Ohio. Consolidated Ice ..•..•..•..•..•...••. American Ice. Consol.Kan. City Smelt'g & Refln'g.American Smelting & Refining. Consumers' Gas ........•••........... Peoples' Gas L. & C. (MieceL Co's.) Curren.tRiver..•..••.......•.......•. Kansas City Fort Scott & Memphis. Dakota Central.. ...•....•...•..•.••. Chicago & North Western. Dakota & Great Southern ...•.. •..•. Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul. Dallas & Waoo ..•.•••.....•..•.••.... Missouri Kansas & Texas. Danbury & Norwalk ...••..•.•...••. New York New Haven & Hartford. Danville & Grape Cr~k ........•.... f'!llioap-o & East lliinois. De Bardeleben Coal & Iron...•..••. Tennessee Coal & Iron (Miscel.) Delano Land ..........•......•....... Lehigh Valley. Denver Consolidated Gas ....••• . ... Denver Gas & Electric. Denver & Rio Grande Western ...•. Rio Grande Western. Des Moines & Minnesota ...••....••• Chicago & North Western. Detroit & Bay City .•...•••••••.....• M1chigan Central. Detroit Bay City & Alpena .••.. . .•. Detroit & Mackinac. Detroit Grand Rapids & Western•.. Pere Marquette. Detroit & Lima Northern ..••..••••. Detroit Southern. Detroit Mackinac & Marquette .•••. See Miscellaneous Companies. Detroti Monroe & Toledo .•••.•••..•. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. Duluth Short Line .••..•••.••.••••..• Northern Pacitto. Durham & Northern .•••••.••••••••• Seaboard Air Line. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  NAME.  WILL BE FOUND UNDER-  Dutchess Countv .•.•.•.••........•.. Central New England Railway. East Line & Red River .......•...... Missouri Kansas & Texas. East River Gas ..••.•...•.•...•••.... New Amsterdam Gas. East Tenn. Va. & Ga . ........•..... Southern Railway. Eastern of Mass. (also East. of N. H.)Boston & Maine. Eastern of Minnesota....•.•.......•. Great Northern. Easton & Amboy-Easton & North.Lehigh Valley. Edison Elec. Ill. of Brooklyn .....•• Kings Co. Elec. Light & Power. Edison Elec. Ill. of N. Y ...•••..•••• N. Y. Gas & Elec. Lt. Heat & Pow. Electrio Axle Light & Power ..••.•. Consol. Ry. Eleo. Light'g & Equip. Elizabethtown Lexing. & Big Sandy.Chesapeake & Ohio. Elmira State Line .....•......•...•.. Tioga RR. El Paso & Northeastern RR ......•. New Mexico Railway & Coal. Equitable Gas Light & Fuel. .....••. Peoples' Gae L. & C. (Miscel. 00'1.) Equitable Gas Light Co. (N. Y.) ... . New Amsterdam Gas. Erie & Kalamazoo ...•••............. Lake Shore & Mlohi1?an Southern. Erie & Western Transportation Co.Pennsylvania RR. Eureka Springs ..•.. . ........•..••.. St. Louis & North Arkansas. European & North American ......• Maine Central. Evansville Henderson & Nashville.. Louisville & Nashville. Evansville Terre Haute & Chicago.Chicago & Eastern Illinois. Fargo & Southern .....•.......••.... Chicago Milwaukee & Bt. Paul. Eederal Steel. .•.•....•.•.••.••.••••• Unite11. States ::;teel Corporation. Flint & Pere Marquete ......•..•.••. Pere Marquette. Florence & Cripple Creek ..•....•.• Denver & Southwestern. Florida Central & Peninsular ....•• Seaboard Air Line Ry. Florida. Southern ...•.•............... Savannah Florida & Western. Fort Scott Equipment .•....•..•.••. Kansas City Ft. Scott & Memphis. Fort Smith & Van Buren Bridge .••. St. Louis & San Fra1;oisco. Fort Worth & New Orleans ..•...•.. Houston & Texas Central. Fremont Elkhorn & Missouri Val. .. Chicago & North Western. Georgia & Alabama ...•.•..•...•••• Seaboard Air Line Ry. Georgia Carolina & Northern .• ..•. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Georgia Midland & Gulf ........•••• Georgia Midland Ry. Georgia Pacific ...•.......•.•....•. Southern Railway. Grand River Valley.....•......•..•.. Michigan Central. Green Bay Winona & St. Paul ...•.• Green Bay & Western. Hancock & Calumet .•••.••.....•••. Mineral Range. Hannibal & St. .Joseph .......•..•••. Chicago Burlington & QuiPcy. Harlem River & Portchester ....••. New York New Haven & Hartford. Hastings & Dakota ......•..••..••..• Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul. Hereford .........•.......•......•..•. Maine Central. Hoboken Ferry . .•........•.•..•..••. N. Y. & Hobok. Ferry (Misoel. Co's) Holly Manufacturing Co...... ••••. International Steam Pnmp Co. Housatonic ....•••....•••....•.•.••.•• New York New Haven & Hartford. Hudson Coal.. .•..........•.......••. Delaware & Hudson Co. Huntington & Big Sandy ..•.••...••• Ohio River. Hutchinson & Southern..••• . .• . ..•• Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe. Hyde Park Gas .•••••..••••.....•.••• People's Gas L. & C. (Misoel. Co's.) Indiana Bloomington & Western ... Peoria & Eastern. Indiana & Lake Michigan...•...•..• St. .Joseph South Bend & Southern. Indianapolis Cin. & Lafayette .••.... Cleveland Cin. Chio. & St. Louis. Indianapolis & Louisville•.•.•••.... Chicago India.nap. & Louisville. Indianapolis & St. Louie ............. Cleveland Cin. Chio. & St. Louia. Iowa & Dakota .••...............•... Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul. Iowa Falls & Sioux City .•••...•..••. Dubuque & Sioux City. Iowa & Minnesota ...........•...•... Chioago Milwaukee & St. Paul. Iowa Minnesota & Northwestern .. Chlcago & North Wastern. Jackson Lansing & Saginaw ..•...•• Michigan Central. Jacksonv. St. Aug. & Indian Riv ... Florida East Coast. .Jefferson Clearfield Coal & Iron.••. Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburg. .Jefferson Madison & Indianapolis .. Pittsburg Cincinnati Chio. & St. L. .Johnson Co. of Pennsylvania .••••• United States Steel Corporation. .Joliet & Chicago .........•.•.•.•.•... Chicago & Alton. .Junction & Breakwater.•••..•...•.. Delaware Maryland & Virginia. Kalamazoo Allegan & Gr. Rapids .. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. Kalamazoo & White Pigeon .•...••. . Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. Kanawha & Hocking Coal & Coke.Hocking Valley. Kansas City Eldorado & Southern Missouri Kansas & Texas. Kansas City Fort Scott & Gulf ..•... Kansas City Fort Scott & Memphis. Kansas City & Memphis Ry. Bridge.Kansas City Fort Scott & Memphis. Kansas City Osceola &.iSouthern... St. Louis & San Francisco. Kansas City & Pacific ....••..••.••.. Missouri Kansas & Texas. Kansas City Pitts. & Gulf .••..••••• Kansas City & Southern. Kansas City St. J. & Co. Blu1fs ..••. ChicagoBurlington & Quincy. Kansas City St. Louis & Chicago .••• Chicago & Alton. Kansas City Suburban Belt ..••..•. Kansas City Pittsburg & Gulf. Kansas City Wyandotte & N'th'w'n.Kansas City Northwestern. Kansas Midland . .•••••..•••..••.•••• St. Louis & San Francisco. Kansas & Missouri. ..•.•..•...•..••.. Kansas City Fort Scott & Memphis. Kansas Paci.fl.a .....••..•••..•...••... Union Pacific. Keithsburg Bridge ..•..••..•••.••... Iowa Central. Kentucky Central ..........••.....••. Louisville & Nashville. Kentucky Distilleries & Warehouse. Distilling Co. of America. Knox & Lincoln ..••..•••..••..•..••• Maine Central. Lake Superior Consol. Iron Mines. United States Steel Corporation. Lamson Consol. Store Service ...••• American Pneumatic Service. Lawrence ............•..••..•••....... PittsburgYoungstown&AehtablllA. Leamington & St. Clair.....•....•••. Canada Southern. Lehigh & New York ..•...•..••..••.. Lehigh Valley. Lehigh & Susquehanna .•.•••..•....• Lehigh Coal & Navigation (Misoel.) Leroy & Caney Valley..•.•••..•...•. Missouri Pacific. Lexington & Frankfort .•••••..••••. Louisville & Nashv'le (L, C. & Lex.) Lincoln &Northwesrern ...•.•...•••• Chicago Burlington & Quincy. Lincoln Park & Charlotte ...•...•••• Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburg, Little Rock Bridge. . . .••......•.. Choctaw Oklahoma & Gulf. LittleRockJct.-LittleR.&Ft.SmithMissouri Pacific. Little Rock & Memphis .•••••..••••. Choctaw & Memphis. Long Dock Company ..•...•..••..••• Erie RR. Long Island City & Flushing ...•••.. Long Island. Loufsiana & Missouri River ...••..•. Chicago & Alton. T,01lisville Cincinnati & Lexin~on .. Louisville & Nashville. Louisville & Frankfort ....••..••.••. Louisville & Nashv.-L. C. & Lex. Louisville New Alby.ny & Ohicago .. Chioago Indianapolis & Louisville. Louisville New Orleans & Texas ..•. Illinois Central (Yazoo & M. v., Louisville Southern .•.•••.•••••.••.. Southern Railway. Mahoning Coal .•••••...•••.•..••..•. Lake Shore & Michigan Bo. System. ManitobaSouthwest'n Colonization. Canadian Pacific. Mankato & New Ulm ...••••..•...•.. Chicago & North Western. Maricopa & Phamix....•.•.•.••...•. Maricopa& Phmnix & '1ait Riv. Val. Marietta & North Georgia ..••••.••. A.tlanta Knoxville & Northern. Marquette Houghton & Ontonagon.nuluth South Shore & Atlantio. Ma.ssawippi .•••.•....•..••..••..•••.• Connecticut & Passumpsic. Maysville & Lexington ..•..•••.•••.. Kentucky Central.-Louis. & Nash. McKeesport & Belfe Vernon•..•••.• Pittsb.MoKeesport&Youghiogheny. Memphis & Charleston ..••••......•. Southern Railway. Memphis Clarksville & Louisville .. Louisville & Nashville. Memphis Equipment.•.•••..••.••••• Kansas City Memphis & :Hirming'm. Memphis Kansas & Colorado........ Kansas City Fort Scott & Memphis Merchtt.nts' Bridge ••••••.•.....•••••. St. Louis Merch'ts'Bridge Ter. RR.  17&  INDEX. NAHE.  WILL BE FOUND UNDER-  [VOL. LXXIV. .NAME  WILL BE FOUND UNDER-  Raleigh &Augusta-Ral.&Gaston Seaboard .Air Line. Ravenswood 8pencer & Glenville .. Ohio River. Republican Valley.•••..•...•..••.... Chicago Burlington & Quincy Richmond & Danville ......••.••.••.. Southern Railway. Richmond & Peinsburg ... . ..•...•. .Atlantic Coa,st Line RR. .Midland of New Jersey •••...•...•.. . New York Susquehanna & Western, Richmond York River & Ches....•.. Southern Railway. Roanoke & Tar River ..•..•••••.••.. Seaboard .Air Llne Midland Terminal. •.........•...•.. Denver & Southwestern. Rochester & Pittsburg ............••. Buffalo Rochester & Pittsbur'1.' Milwaukee & Lake Winnebago ..•. WisconsUl Central. Rochester & Pi~sburg Coal & Iron.Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburg. Milwaukee Lake Shore & Western .. Chicago & North Western. Milwaukee & Madison .••.•.••••.••.. Chicago & North Western. Rutland•Canadian ....•.•...•.•...... Rutland. Milwaukee & Narthern .............. Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul. Milwaukee & St. Paul. ••••••.•••••... Chlca~o Milwaukee & St. Paul. St. Charles Bridge ...•.••••...•...•.. Wabash. Minneapolis &Duluth .•••••••.•..... Northern Pacific. Minneapolis & Pacific~··· •••........ Mbmeap: St. P. & Sault Ste. Marte. St. Lawrence & Ottawa ....•...•...•. Canadian Pacific. St. Louis .Alton & Terre Haute .••.. Illinois Central System. Minneap. SaultSte. Marie & .Atl'tic.Minneap. St. P. & Sault Ste. Marte. St. Louis .Arkansas & Texas ..••. . .•. St. Louis Southwestern. Minneapolis Union, Minn. Western.Great Northern. St. Louis Bridge & Tunnel•.••..••... Terminal Association of St. Louie-. Minnesota Central. ••..••..••..••.... Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul. St. L. Cape Girardeau & Ft. Smith.. Southern Missouri & Ar.iransas. Minnesota & Iowa ................... Chicago & !forth Western. St. Louis Chicago & St. Paul.. • •.. . Chicago Peoria & St. Louis. Minnesota, & Northwestern.......... Chicago Great Western. Louis Council Blu:ffs & Omaha... Wabash. St. :Minnesota, & South Dakota .•••.•••. Chicago & North Western. St. Louis J.ron Mount'n & Southern.. Missouri Pacific System. Minnesota Valley..•.......•..••..•.. Chicago & North Wt1stern. St. Louis Jacksonville & Chicago .••. Chicago & .Alton. Missisq_uoi Valley ..•..••.•••..••..••. Central Vermont. St. Louis Kansas City & Northern... Wabash. M1ssiss1:ppi River Bridge.••..••.•••. Chicago & Alton. St. Louis Kansas & Southwestern Kansas Southwestern. Missoun Kansas & Eastern .•.•.•.•.. Missouri J{ansas & Texas. St. Louis Oklahoma & Southern .... St. Louis & San Francisco. Missouri &Western .••...•...•....•.. St. Louis & San Francisco. St. Louis Southern ..•...•.•........•. Illinois Central System. Mobile & Bay Shore ..•.......••...•. Mobile & Ohio. St. Louis Wichita & Western ..•...•. St. Louis & Ban Francisco. Monongahela River RR .•........•. Baltimore & Ohio. "Monon Route" ...•.........•••...... Chicago Indianapolis & Louisville. "St. Paul" ..•.••••.••.•..•...•••••.••. Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul~ St. Paul & Duluth .•••.....•..•••••. Northern Pacttlc. Montana Central ..•......•....•...... Great Northern. St. Paul Minneapolis & Manitoba ... Great Northern. Montauk Extension RR..•..••.•.... Long Island · St. Paul & Pacific .....•....•..••..••. Great Northern. Morris Canal ..................••..... Lehigh Valley. St. Paul & Sioux City bonds ...•..••. Chic. St. Paul Minn. & Omaha. Mount Morris Electric Light.•.••••. Consolldated Gas ·or New York. St. Paul Stillwater & T. F ..•...••.•. Chic. St. Paul Minn. & Omaha. Mt. Vernon Woodberry Cot.Duck •• United States Cotton Duck. Sandusky Mansfield & Newark... .. Baltimore & Ohio. Mutual Fuel Gas ..••..•••••..•••..••. People's Gas Light & Coke. San Francisco & San Joaquin Val .• Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe. Bault St. Marie & Bouthwestorn..••. Chic. St. Paul Min.neap. & Oma.ha... Nantasket Beach RR ...•.•.••••••••• New York New Haven & Hartford Schuylkill River East Bide..••..••.•• Baltimore & Oh1o. Nashua & Lowell ••....•••.•••••.•••. Boston & Lowell. Scioto Valley & New England .••••.• Norfolk & Western. Nashua & Rochester .••••...••...•••. WorcesterNashua & Rochester. SealJoard & Roanoke .•••••••.•••.••. Seaboard .Air Line. Nashville Florence & Sheffleld ••• ,.Louisvllie & Nashville, Sea Ooast . . . . . . ••..••..••.•••••• .Atlantic City. National Cordage ..••.••••.••••••.••. Standard Rope & Twine. Beattle & Northern..••.• . ••.••.••.••. Pacific Coast (Miscel Companies.► National Electric..•.••.••.•...•••.•. Philadelphia. Electric. Sherman Denison & Dallas ..•••.••. Missouri Kansas & Texas. National Linseed Oil ..•••.••••••.•.. .American Linseed. Sherman Shreveport & BoutherD, •.. Missouri Kansas & Texas. National Mteel. ••.•..•••••••••••••••. United States Steel Corporation. Shore Line .••••...•...•...•.••••••.••• N. Y. New Haven & Hartford. National Tube .••..••..••••••..•••••. United States Steel Corporation. Silver Springs Ocala & Gulf .••...•. Savannah Florida & Western. Nebraska ...... ....................... Chicago Burlington & Quincy. Sioux City & Nor. and S. City & W. Great .Northerii. New .Amsterdam Gas .•••.•... . ••••. Consolidated Gas of New York. Sioux City & Pacific ..•••.....••..•. Chicago & North Western. Newark Somerset & Straitsvllie ..•. Baltimore & Ohio. 8Inithtown & Port Je:fferson. .••..••. Lon~ Island. New Brunswick ..•...•..•••...•••.•• Canadian Pacific. Sodus Bay & Southern ..•......•..••. Elmira & Lake Ontario. Newburg & New York .•••....•...••. Erie RR. South Carolina .......•.••.•••..••... South Carolina & Georgia, New Haven & Derby .•••....••••.... New York New Haven & Hartford. Southeastern & St. Louis ............ Louisville & Nashville. New Haven Steamboat ......••••••. New York New Haven & Hartford. Southern Iowa -· .••..••..•••••.••. Ohicago & North Western. New Jersey Midland ......••..••..••. New York Susquehanna & Western. Southern Minnesota ..•....••..•.••.. Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul. New Jersey Southern ..••.•..•.•••... Central of New Jersey. Southern Pacific Branch .•.•..•..•... Southern Pacific of California.. New Orleans Mobile & Texas .••...•. Louis. & Nash. (N. 0. & Mobile Div.) E!outhwestern Ark. & Indian Ter•.• .Arkansas Southwestern. New Orleans Pacific ..•..•••.•••..••. Texas & Pacific. 8pil'lts Distributing ..•......••.••••• Distlllilfg Co. of .America,. Newport & Richford .•••..•••.•••••.. Connecticut & Passumpsic. Spokane Falls & Northern ..•..••••• Great Northern. New York Bay Extension. .••••••••. Lon~ Island. Rtandard Dtstilling&Distrlbutlng.Distillin~ Co. of .America. New York Biscuit ...•.....•...•.•... Nat10nal Biscuit. Standard Gas .......••.•..••••...•... Consolidated Gas. New York & Brooklyn Ferry ....... Brooklyn Ferry (Miscell. Co's.). Steubenvllie & Indiana ..•..••....••• Pittsburg Cin. Chic. & St. Louie. New York Elevated .....•....•....... Manhattan Elevated. Stillwater & St. Paul ........•..••••. Northern Pacific. New York & Erie ..................... Erie RR. Stockton & Copperopolis ...•..••...•. Southern Pacifl.c of California.. N. Y. Gas Elec. Lt. Heat & Power.. Consolidated Gas of New York. Sturgis Goshen & St. Louis .•.•••.•.. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern • . New York Lake Erie & Western ..... Erie RR. Sugar Trust ....•......•..••••..•..•.. American Sugar Refining. New York & Manhattan Beacn . ..... N. Y. Brooklyn & Man.bat. Beach. Sunbury & Erie.....•....•.•....••.••. Philadelphia & Erie. New York Mutual Gas .....••....... Consolidated Gas of New York. Sunbury Hazleton & Wilkesbarre . . Schuylkill & Juniata. New York & New England ..•..... . . New England RR. Sunbury & Lewistown .•••••..•.•••• Schuylkill & Juniata. New York & Northern .....•........ New York & Putnam. Superior Short; Line ..............••. Chicago St. Paul Minn. & Oma.ha. New York Pennsylvania & Ohio .. .. Erie RR. New York Providence & Boston.••.. New York New Haven & Hartford. Taylor's Falls & Lake Superior ..•.. Northern Pacific. New York & Oswego Midland ...••.. New York Ontario & Western. N. Y. & Queens Gas & Electric ..•.. N. Y & Queens Elec. Lt. & Power. Tarkio Vallay •••.••.•.•..•••.•••••••. Chicago Burlington & Quincy. Tebo & Neosho ....................... Missouri Kansas & Texas. New York & Rockaway .......•...•.. Long lsland. Terre Haute & Southeastern ........ Evansville & Indianapolis. New York & Wilkesbarre Coal.. .••. New York Susquehanna. & West. Nodaway•Valley .....•••••.•........ Chicag-o Burlington & Quincy. Texas Mexican ..... ·-···············Mexican National. Toledo .Ann .Arbor & No. Michigan.Ann .Arbor Railway. Norfolk & Carolina . .............•.. .Atlantic Coast Line RR. Toledo Belt ....•...•...••.•........•. Wheeling & La.lie Erie. Norfolk Terminal & Transportat'n.Chesapeake & Ohio. Toledo.St. Louis & Kansas City•.••. Toledo St. Louis & Western. Northeastern RR. of So. Carolina .. .Atllantic Coast Line RR. Toronto Grey & Bruce..•..••..••••• Canadian Pacific. Northern Alabama ..•..••.•••....... Southern Ry. Troy & Boston .....•.......•.••••••. Fitchburg. Northern lllinois ...•.........••..••.. Chicago & North Western. Tunnel Railroad of St. Louis ...•••. Terminal Ass'n of St. Louis. North Missouri. ...........•••....•.. Waba~h. North Shore ........•........••.•••••. Canadian Pacific. North Wisconsin ..•.....•.•.••.•••••. Chio. St. Paul Minn. & Oma.ha.. Union .....••......••...••.•••..•..••. Northern Central. Northern California .••.•••..••...... Southern Pacific RR. Northern Ry. of Costa Rioa..••..••. United Fruit (Misoel. Companies.) Union Pacific Denver & Guif .•••... Colorado & Southern. Union & Logansport ...•....•..••... Pittsburg Cincin. Chicago & Bt. L. . Northwestern Grand Trunk •••..•••• Grand Trunk Western. . Union Tobacco ......••••..•••....... .American Tobacco. Northwestern Union..•••.•••.•••.••. Chioago & North Western. United Elec. Lt. & Power o:f N. Y .. Consolidated Gas. United States Cordage ......••••.... Standard Rope& Twine(Misc.Co'&.)4! . Ooea.n Steamship ..•..••..••..••.•••. Central of Georgia Ry. United States Flour Milling .••..••. Standard Milling. Ogden Gas ................ . .......... People's Gas Light & Coke. United States Sugar Refinery...•••• National Starch. Ogdensburg & Lake .••• Rutla.nd RR. Upper Coos .•••.•.•.•••..••.••..•••••• Maine Central. Ohio Central. ........•...••.•••..••.. Toledo & Ohio Central. Utah Central. .••.••.••• , ...••.••.•••. Rio Grande Western. Ohio Indiana & Western .••.•••.•••.. Peoria & Eastern. Utah Fuel...•.••••.••••.•••••.••.... Rio Grande Western. Ohio River & Charleston .•••...••.. So. Carolina & Georgia Extension. Utah Nev. & Cal..••..••..••...••.•.. Oregon ShortLine. Ohio Southern.......•..••..••. •••••. Detroit Southern. Utah & Northern.••....•..••..••.... Oregon Short Line. Ohio & West Virgin1a ..•.•••..•••.••. Hocking Valley. Utah ct Pacific....................... Oregon Short Line. Omaha & Grant Smelting .••.•••.•. .American Smelting & Refl.ning. Utica & Black River .••..••...•...•.. Rome Watertown & Ogdensburg. Ontario & Quebec .••..••..•••.••.•••. Canadian Pacific. Oregon Central & Eastern .•••••.••. Corvallis & Eastern. Oregon Improvement .••.•••.••••••. Pacific Coast Co. (Misoel. Comp'es.) Valley Ry. of Ohio .••..•••.••..••••• Cleveland Terminal & Valley. Venice & Carondelet .••.....•...•••. Southern Railway. Oregon Short Line & UtaJiNorthern.Oregon Short Line. Verdigris Val. Independ'ce & West .. Missouri Pacific. Oswego & Rome ..••.•.•..•...•...••. Rome Watertown & Ogdensburg. Vicksburg & Meridian .....•••••.•••. .Alabama & Vicksburg. Ottumwa Cedar Fa.11.s & St. Paul.••• Chicago & North Western. Ozark Equipment ••••••••••.•••••... Kansas C'ity Ft. Soott & Memphis. Virginia & Southwestern Ry •••...• Virginia Iron Coal & Coke. Menominee River.•........ . .•....•.. Chica.go & North Western. Metropolitan Elevated ..••••.•...... Manhattan Elevated. Metropolitan Ferry . ••...•....•...••. Long Island. Mexican Eastern .•.•••.•..•••.••••. . Interoceanic of Mexico. .Michigan Equipment...•.........•.. Pere Marquette.  Pawtuxet Valley ••...•.••..•••••.... New York New Haven & Hartford. Pennsylvania Mfg. Light & Power .Philadelphia Electric. Pennsylvania & N. Y. Canal .••.•••. Lehigh Valley. Penobscot Shore Central. Pensacola & .Atlantic ..•••••.••••••.. Louisville & Nashvllie. Peoria. & Northwestern •.••..•••••• Chicago & North Western. Petersburg . •. .•••••••••.••..••...••• .Atla.ntio Coast Line RR. Pbila. Germant'n & Chestnut '.Hlli. Connecting Ry. Philadelphia & Reading ..••.••..••• Reading Company. Phil. Reading & New England •••.. Central New England Rallway. Pittsburg & Connellsvllie............ Baltimore & Ohio. Pittsburg Junction .•.•••.•••••..•••• Baltimore & Ohio. Pittsburg Shenango & Lake Erie•.. Pittsburg Bessemer & Loe Erie. Pittsfield & North .Adams ••••••••••. Boston & Albany. Plea.sant Hill & De Soto .••..••..••.. Kansas City Clinton & Sprlngfleld. Pleasant Valley Coal ...••••••••.•••. Rio Grande Western. Plymouth & Middleboro .••..••..••. Old Colony RR. Portland & Ogdensburg ...•••••..••. Maine Central. Portland & Rochester•.••.•••.•••••• Boston & Maine. Portland Saco & Portsmouth..•.••. Boston & Maine. Portsmouth Great Falls & Conway .Boston & Maine. Postal Telegraph Ca.ble .••••••••••••. Commercial Ceble. Pratt & Whitney •••.•••••••••••••••. Nlles•Bement-1 ond Co. Prescott & Eastern .•••••••••••.••••• Santa Fe Prescott & Phrenix. Princeton & Northwestern .••..•••. Chioago & North Western. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Waco &Northwestern ..•.••••••.••.. Houston & Texas Central Railway,., Walker Co ..•.•••..•••••.•••••.••••••. West'ghouseEl.& Man.(Misc.Co'a.). Ware River ..•.....•...•••••.••....... Boston & Albany. Warwick Valley ..•........•.•••.•••.. Lehigh & Hudson River. Washington Ohio & Western .••..••. Southern Ry. Wellington Grey & Bruce .•••••.••.. Canadian Pacifl.c. Western & .Atlantic .•••••••.••..•••• Nashville Chattanooga & St. Loullt, .... Western Equipment••••••••••••• •••. Pere Marquette. Western Minnesota ...•.•.•••••.••••• Northern Pacific. Western North Carolina .••••..••••.. Southern Railway. West Jersey ..••..••••.•••.•••••••.••. West Jersey & Bea.shore. West Wisconsin .••.....••••.••..••••. Chio. St. Paul Minnea.p. & Omaha. Wllkesbarre & Eastern .•.•••••••.••. N. Y. Susquehanna & Western. Willmar & Sioux Falls .............. Great Northern. Wilmington Columbia. & Augusta... .Atlantio Coast Lilte RR. WUm.& Weldon-Wilm. &Newbern.Atlantic Coast Line RR. Winona & Bt. Peter.•••.••.•••..••.•. Chicago & North WMtern. Wisconsin & Minnesota .••..••.•••.•.Wisconsin Central Company. Wisconsin Minnesota & Pacific .•••.•Minneapolis & St. Louis. Wisconsin Valley .......... .. .......... Chicago Milwaukee & St, Paul., Worthin~en, Henry R. Co •••••.••• International Steam Pump Co. York & Peach Bottom............... Mary1and & Pennsylvania.. Za.nesvllie & Ohio River •••••••••••• Ohio & Little Kanawha. Zanesville Terminal ••••••••••••••••• Columbul' Sandusky & Hooking. _  JOHN MUNROE & CO., FOREIGN BANKERS,  No. 32 Nassau Street, New York, (MUTUAL LIFE BUILDING),  No. 4 Post Office Square, Boston. FURNISH EXOHANGE FOR OOMMEROI.AL AND TRAVELING PURPOSES ON PARIS, LONDON, BERLIN, ZURIOH AND BT. GALL.  CABLE TRANSFERS ON PARIS.  TRA. VELING CREDITS IN POUNDS STERLING AND IN FRANCS.  HOUSE IN PARIS: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MUNROE & CO ·,  BY WHOM ACCOUNTS WITH AMERICAN BANKS AND BANKERS ARE OPENED ON FAVORABLE TERMS.  Tracy & Co., Bankers, ~•~  La Salle Street, CHIC.&GO.  ,tO Wall Street.  96 Mlchll'BD St~eet,  NEWYOBK.  MILWAUKEE.  DEALERS IN HIGH-GRADE BONDS. Circular containing Prices_and Detailed Informatwn furnished on reque,t,  Con1mission Orders Executed in All Marketf. MEMBERS:  New York Stock Exchange-Chicago Stock Exchange.  WILSON  &  STEPHENS,  BANKERS,  41 WALL STREET, NEW YORK.  Investment Bonds.  JNVESTORS SUPPLEMENT ' (QUARTERLY,) QtrOTATJON ,SUPPLEMENT /MONTHLY)  STREET RAILWAY SUPPLEMENT (sEMl-.,\NNUALL)1  STATE. AND CITY SUPPLEMENT (sEMl-.,\NNUALLYj  · WILLIAM DaDANA COMPANY, Publishers. PINE STREET CORNER PEARL STREET,  NEWYORK~  T HE CHRONICLE  is a weekly newspaper of 64 to 72 pages, published for the earliest mail every Saturday morning, with latest news by telegraph and cable from its own correspondents relating to the various matters within its scope. · A unique feature of the CHRONICLE is its  FOYR SUPPLEMENTS. 1. The INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT, 175 pages, issued quarterly on the last Saturday of January, April, July and October, containing the latest available information respecting t.a.e property, stocks, bonds, earnings, di.vidends, interest payments, &c., of every Steam Railroad of importance and of the leading Industrial Corporations, &c., in the United States.  2. The in April and indebtedness laws relating  STATE AND CITY SUPPLEMENT, of 190 pages, issued semi-annually October, containing among other things about 3,000 detailed reports of the . and general financial condition of Statea, Counties and Cities; also digests of to investments by Savings Banks, &c.  3. The STREET RAILWAY SUPPLEMENT, of about 100 pages, issued three times a year, containing a complete description of Street Railways in the different cities of the country., their stock, dividends, bonded indebtedness, earnings, &c., &c. 4. The QUOTATION SUPPLEMENT, a monthly publication of 64 pages issued the first week in each month, giving the most complete and comprehensive tables of Quotation■ ever issued, embracing prices of Railroad Bonds and Stocks, Bank Stocks, Municipal Securities., Street Railway Stocks and Bonds and Miscellaneous Securities.  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