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,OFFIVE OF THE  ATLANTIC  MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.  I  I  #  NEW YORK, January 24, 1888.  The Trustees, in conformity to the Charter of the Company, submit the following Statement of its affairs on the 31st  01  D~camber, 1887.  Premiums on Marine Risks from 1st January, 1887, to 31st December, 1887............ . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .  $3,642,969 09 1,417,600 13 ·  Premiums on Policies not marked off 1st January, 1887 . . . ............. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Marine Premiums ....... ·........... .-.............. . ............................. .. ............... L088as paid during the same period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ . ........... .  $5,060,569 22 $3,672,331 21  Premiums marked off from 1st January, 1887, to 31st December, 1887 ...................... .  $1,599,468 25  • j  $788, 846 38  Return~ of Premiums and Expenses.........................................  The Company has the following Assets, viz. : United States and State of New York Stock, City, Bank and other Stocks...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $8,622,565 00  Loans s'-11.: ,uEc-d by S tocks and otherwi.Be ..... . ....... ... .... ....... ..... .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1,559,100 00 474:,439.i.88  Real F.stat . . -..0.d oJ~ims due the Company, es.t imated at ..... . ................... . . . ...................... . Premium Noteo and Bills Receivable ....................... . ........... ....... ... ...... ..... ...... .  1~362,986 07 ,n Bank . . . . . . . : ......................... . ............. . ............... .. .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. .. ....... . !\UlOl>.llt • • .. • • . • . • . • . . • • . • . • . . . . . • . • . . • • . • . • • . . • • • • . . • • . • . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...•.. .• , •.  .:.;rx \J.e1r  218,192 40  -~$12,237,283 35  PER CENT INTERESr on the outstanding certificates of profits will be paid to the holders thereof or  I  legal ~epresentatives, on and after Tuesday, the 7th of F~bruary next.  iii"'  1'8.F~ OlJ TSrANDING CERTIFICATES OF THE ISSUE OF 1883 will be redeemed and paid to the  holders thereof, or their legal rnpresentati ves, on and after Tuesday, the 7tb. of February next, from which date · all interest thereon will cease.  The certificates to be produced at the time of payment and canceled.  A DIVIDEND OF FORTY PER CENT is declared on the net earned premiums of the Company for the ,,e»,r ending R 1st December, 1887, for which certificates will be issued on and after Tuesday, the 1st of May next.  By order of tbe Board, .J. H. VHAP.MAN, Secretary.  TRUSTEES: V. JONE6. W. H. H. MOORE. A. A. RAVEN . JAMES LOW, WM. STURGIS, 8ENJAMIN H. FI'ELD. JOSIAH 0. LuW, .J.  E UM  =-~:.~~-:· - -. · Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  WILLIAM E. DODGE, JOHN ELLIOTT, C. A. HAND, JOHN D. HEWLErT, WILLIAM H. WEBB, CHARLES P. BURDETT, HENRY E. HAWLEY, CHARLES H. MARSHALL, JAMES G. DE FOREST, CHARLES D. LEVERICH, ,JOHN L. RIKER,  JOHN V\-' ..  GEORGE BLISS, ANSON W. HARD, N. DENTON SMITH, ISAAC BELL, EDWARD FLOYD-10NESJ THOMAS MAITLAND, IRA BURSLEY, JAMES A. HEWLETT, GEORGE H. MACY, LA W.RENCE TURNURE.  D. JONES~ President.  H. H. M<JORE~ Vice-President.  . .. A.  1:t,_4_ VE1'.,  2d Vice-President.  I 1  \.  W A_L TER T. HATCH.  NA1~R'L  W. T.  HATCH.  HENRY PRESCOTT HATCH.  ARTHUR M. HATCH  Members ~ew York Stock. and Produce E:xchan1res.  W. -T. HATCH & SONS, Bankers and Brokers, No_ 14 Nassa1..1-St_:, Ne-vv- ~ork:, (CONNECTED BY PRIVATE WIRES WITH)  BRANCH OFFICE,  808 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. DEALERS  IN  UNITED STATES SECURITIES, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, &c. PERSONAL  A'I'TENTlO;N  GIVEN  AT  THE  NEW  YORK  EXCHANGES  TO  THE  Purchase and Sale on Commission or STOCKS, BONDS, &c. LOANS MADE OR NEGOTIA'l'ED UPO.S SATISFACTORY SECURITIES.  INTEREST  LIBERAL  ALLOWED  UPON DEPOSITS,  ARRANGEMENT8  SUBJECT  JVIADE  1'0  WITH  .CHECK  WITHOUT  NOTICE.  BANKS AND BANKERS.  SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS FOR INVESTMENT.  KOUNTZE _BROTHERS, EAN~ERS:,  120 BROADWAY, (EQUITABLE BUILDING), .  '  NEW · YORK. Deposits received subject to Check at Sight, and Interest allowed on Balances. Government and other Bonds and Investment Securities Bought and Sold on Commission. Telegraphic Transfers made to London and to various places in the United States. Bills Drawn on the Union Bank of London. State and Municipal Bonds Negotiated. Advances inade upon Availabl~ Collateral. Approved Business Paper Discounted or Received as Security for Loans~ Collections made throughout the United States and Territories, the British Provinces, and Europe. Dividends and Coupons Collected. L~tters of Credit and Circular Notes Issued for the use of Travelers, available in all parts of the World.  L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Capital, $6,000,000 ; Surplus, $500,000.  J. H. GOADBY & AI"'EX. LAIRD, AGENTS,  No. I6 Exchange Place, N. Y.Bny and Sell Sterling Exchange, Cable TransCers, Etc. Issue Commercial Credits, Available in all Parts of the World. GEO. COPPELL.  THOS. MAITLAND.  GERALD L. HOYT. Member N. Y. Stock Exchange.  MAITLAND, PHELPS & CO .. BANKERS AND  COMMISSION MERCHANTS Nos. 22 & 24 Exchange Place, New York. Bills of Exchange~ Letters of Credit~ Telegraphic Transfers o:t Money on. LONDON, PARIS, MEXICO, CUBA,&c.,&c.  BANKERS, 18 WALL STREET,  Transact a General Banking Business, including- the Purchase and Sale of Stocks and Bonds for Cash or on Margin.  •  BUY AND BELL  INVESTMENT §E«J1JRITIES. A . M . K IDDE R, H. J . MORSE,  I  WAYLAND TRASK, WM. C. HILL.  KISSAM, WHITNEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS,  11  BROAD  STREET,  NEW  YORK.  (Mills Building.)  INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS SUBJECT TO DRAFT AT SIGHT. Government, State, Municipal and Railroad Securities Bought and Sold on Commission for Cash or upon Margin. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  WM. FAHNESTOCK, MembPr N. Y. Stock Exchange.  GIBSON FAHNESTOCK.  FAHNESTOCK & CO. BROKERS IN  STOCKS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES, UNITED BANK BUILDING,  No. 2 WALL STREET. NEW YORK. Dominick & Dickerman, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 14 BROADWAY AND 9 NEW STREET, NEW YORK.  BRANCH OFFI0B_S,  PRIV.A.TE WIRES,  348 BROADWAY AND 6M' FIFTH AV.  I  w. G. DO\lINCCK, B. DOMINI ~K. W. B. DICKERMAN, G. F . DOMINICK. Members of N. Y. Stock Exchange. WM. EDWARD COFFIN.  WALTER STANTON,  COFFIN & ST ANTON, BANKERS,:  1 1 WALL  STREET,  NEW YORK.  Dealers in State, Municipal and Railroad Bonds. · MONEY ADVANCED ON NEGOTIABLE SECURITIES. HIRAM DEWING.  CLARK DEWING, Member New York Stock ~xohange.  FREDERIC T. BONTECOU.  H .. DEWING & SON, BAN~ERS AND BROKERS, 18 WALL STREET, NEW YORK~ Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Particular attention given to information regarding Investment Securities. Accounts received and Interest allowed on Balances, which may be checked for at sight.  Iowa Loan & Trust Co. 5 per cent and 6 per cent Debentures bought and. sold. Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. 6 per cent Debentures bought and sold. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JOHN H. DA VIS & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Astor Building.  No. 10 -W-ALL STREET" N.-Y•  MeJUbers oC Ne-w York and Philadelphia Stock  Exchange ■ •  PRIVATE WIRES TO BOSTON, PHILA.DELPHI~ BALTIMORE AND CHCCA.GO. Our BOND DEPARTMENT is organized and conducted with great care, and our BUREAU OF RAILWAY INFOR M.A.TION is unusually complete. We are thus enabled to give valuable aid to those seeking safe and profitable  INVESTMENTS.  J. 8. FARLEE.  ROBERT D. FARLEE.  J. S. FARLEE & BROTHER, No. 7  P.O. Box 1466.  NASSAU STREET,  (Continental National Bank Building-)  NE-VV YORK.  BROKERS AND DEALERS IN  INVESTMENT BONDS. State, Municipal and Approved  RAILROAD  BONDS  On hand for immediate Delivery, Suitable for Savings Banks, Trust Funds and other Conservative Investments. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. GEORGE LEASK.  JULIAN W. ROBBINS.  HENRY S. WARNER, Member N. Y, Stock Exchange.  LEASK & . CO., STOCK BROKERS, 35 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. All Securities Current at the New York Stock Exchange Bought and Sold on Commission. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  GEORGE L]1:ASI{ & CO., DEAL~RS IN COMMERCIAL PAPER~  CHARLES HEAD & CO., BANK:ERS .AND BROK:ERS:, Mills Building, 17' Broad Street, New York. 60 Devonshire Street~ Boston. CONNECTED BY PRIVATE TELEGRAPH WIRE.  Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. CHARLES HEAD.  S. ELIOT GUILD. JAMES S. McCOBB.  THOS. L. MANSON, JR. HARRIS K. SMITH. HARRY V. LONG.  BOODY, McLELLAN & co., BANKERS, No. 57  BROADWAY., NE"'W" ·v o R K .  .Branch House., Grand Pacific Hotel!> 241 La Salle St., Chicago.  All Securities Dealt in at the New York Stoc~ Exchange Bought and Sold either for Cash or on Margin. RAILWAY BONDS AND OTHER INVESTMENT SECURITIES A  SPECIALTY.  Accounts Received and Interest Allowed on Ba.lances, which may be Checked for at Sight.  P. O. Box 4-4?". D..A. VID A. BOODY.  C. W. MCLELLAN.  REUBEN LELAND.  W. F. LESSLIE.  JAMES WHITELY. THOMAS H. BOLMER,  HENRY T. BOODY  H. CRUGER OAKLEY, MAYNARD C. EYRE.  PRINCE  & WHITELY  BANKERS AND  BROKERS,  64 · Broad vv ay:,  Ne~  All Classes of Railway Stocks, _also Grain, Provisions and Cotton, Bought and Sold on Commission.  CHRYSTIE  &  JANNEY  BANKERS,  25  Nassau. St . :, Ne \AT -Y-o:rk:_  Receive Deposits and Allow Interest on Daily Balances, Deal in Railroad and Other Investment Securities,  Make Collections throughout the United States and Canada, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  And Invite Correspondence-.  MOORE  &  SCHLEY,  BANKERS AND  BROKERS~  No_ 26 Broad St.:, Ne \A/ -Y0r-k:._ MEMBERS OF THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. PRIVATE WIRE CONNECTIONS WITH CORRESPONDENTS AT  Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, D. C., Chicago, Baltimore and Richmond.  GEORGE  M.  HAHN  (UNITED BANK BUILDING,)  No. 4 Wall Street, New York, Negotiates First-class Railroad, State an~ Municipal. Bonds. ·Buys and Sella all Securities Dealt in at the New York Stock Exchange. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.  G. J. WETZLAR, Member N. Y. Stock Exchange.  J. D. PROBST, Member N. Y. Stock Exchange.  J. D. PROBST & CO., STOCK AND . BOND BROKERS,  No_ 52 Place:, N_.-y_ Stocks, Railroad Bonds, Governments and Miscellaneous Securities BOUCHT AND SOLD.  F. E. TROWBRIDGE, BANKER ANl..>  BROKER~  Nos. 3 & 5 Broad St. or No. 29 Wall St. Connected by Private Wires with Branch Offices, 290 Broadway, and 92 Spring St., Cor. Bnadway. Member of the New York Stock Exchange. ' Director of Merchants' Exchange National Bank, American Savings Bank, . American Safe Deposit Company, &c., &c.  SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION FOR CASH OR ON MARGIN. ALL INQUIRIES GRATUITOUSLY RESPONDED TO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.  WALSTON It. BROWN.  FRED. A. BROWN.  HERBERT P. BROWN.  WALSTON H. BROWN & BROS., BANKERS:, No. 20 Nassau Street, New York. Accounts of Corporations a:n.d Individuals  Received  on.  Liberal "rerms.  SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION.  P. W. GALLAUDET & CO., Ba:n..k:.ers:, UNITED BANK BUILDING, WALL ST., fJor. BROADWAY. STOCKS, BONDS AND COMMERCIAL PAPER. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission at New York Stock Exchange. ADVANCES MADE  ON BUSINESS PAPER.  R. T. WILSON & CO., Bankers and OOmmission Merchants, 2  Exchange Court, New York.  NEGOTIATE  RAILWAY  AND  OTHER  SECURITIES .  .AOOOUNTS REOEIVED .AND INTEREST ALLO W..1!.,'D ON BALA.NOES, WHIOH MAY BE OHEOKED FOR AT SIGHT.  ALLEY, DOWD & CO., BANKERS .  AND  STOCK  COMMISSION  BROKERS,  No. 70 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. WM. S. ALLEY, WM. B. DOWD, GEO. D. PATTEN, JR., HIRAM W, HUNT, Special. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JOHN PATON, } CORNELIUS C. CUYLER, General Partners. BENJAMIN GRAHAM,  MORRIS K. JESUP, Special Partne.1'.  J0HN PATON & CO., Successors to JESUP, PATON &  co.,  52 -W-illiam St_:, Ne \AT ~ark.. ACCOUNTS AND AGENCY OF BANKS, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS RECEIVED UPON FAVORABLE TERMS.  Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold on Cmnmission, and full information given regarding Securities.  DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST COLLECTED AND REMITTED. Act  as  Agents  for  Corporations  Dividends;  also  as  in  Paying  Transfer  Coupons and  Age nts  SOUND RAILROAD '.AND MUNICIPAL BONDS NEGOTIATED_  Foreign . Exchange Bough_t and Sold. Draw on the Union Bank or London, British Linen Company Bank- London and ~1cotland.  GEO. K. SISTARE'S SONS, BANKERS AND BR<)KERS,  16 &18 Broad, &S. W. Cor. 125th St. & 5th Ave., New York, i9 GRISWOLD · STREET, DETROIT, 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. BUY AND SELL ON COMMISSION,  FOR CASH OR ON MARGIN,  All Securities Dealt in at the. ~ew York Stock Exchange. Dealers in. all First-Class  S~at~, City, Town, County· and Miscellaneous Bonds. IN1EREST ALLOWED oN DEPOSITS, SuBJE.cT To  COUPONS  AND  DIVIDENDS  CHECK.  COLLECTE .D ,  And a complete Financial Report Issued W to our Customers and Correspondents. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  FINANCIAL REVIEW. -{ANNUAL.)  .. .....  1888.  <.  COMMERCE, BANKING, INVESTMENTS. •  WILLIAM B. DAN.A. & CO., Publishers, 0 FF I C E  O F T D E C O JI ltl E R C I A L A N D F I N A N C I A L C H R O N I C L E,  102  WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK.  Entered acoordtng to Act of Congreae, In Ute year 1888, by WILLIAM B. DANA & Co., Pnbllshers of the COMi\lERCCAL CHRONICLE, in thf' office of ihe Librarian of Cengrees, Washington, D. C.] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  AND FINANClAL  CONTENTS: PAGE.  Retro8pect  or 188?'  ................................ . ....•........ .  .. . . . . .  l  Failures in 188?' . ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . ...... . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6  Clearin;-!i and Speculation in 1§87 . .·. .. . . . . . . ...... .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . ..... .. .. .. ... . .. . ..  8  Hankin;- and Financial-Stattstics-Home and Foreign-Report of the U. S. Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . 11 RHport of the Comptroller of the Currency........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12  New York City Bank Movements.......... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  13  Great Britain in 18!:i'i. . . . . ............................... .. ... . . . ....... . ......... . ............................. .  13  Trade and Commerce- Commerce of the United States .. , ........... . ... . .. . ..•.................................  16  Comparative Prfoes of Merchandise, 1860, 1879-1888 ............................................................. .  16  Values of Exports and Imports and the Trade Balance, 1860-1887 ...•.... . . .... . ...... .. .....•  17  Exp::>rts of Leading Articles of Domestic Produce for Four Years .......................... . .................. . .. .  17  Imports of Leading Articles of Merchandise for Four Years ............................ -.................. . ..... .  18  Values of Imports aod Exports of the United States for the-calendar years 1886 and 1887 •......... . ............•  18  The Money Market-Review of the Market..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . ...... . . . . ........ .  ),9  Prices of Call Loans _and Commercial Paper. 1880-1887 (■ ol(l  . .... .... .... .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. ...... ... . .. .. ... . .. ..... . ..  and Silver-Production since 1851......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20  21  Pro1uct of Gold in Australasian Colonies .... .. ..... . ....... . .. .  23  World's Gold Production . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . ... . ........... · . ........... . ... . ....... . .. . ................. .  23  World'::i Silver Production .. . ..... . .......................... . ........ .. . .. ............. . . .. . ................. . 22  Forei;-n Excllange-Prices in New York, 1872-1887. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .  24  Investments and Speculation ...... .......... . .. . .............. ..... .......... .1• •  • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •  30  Compound-Interest Table, Showing the Accumulation of Money in a Series of Years . .............. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30  Table Showing the Rate Per Cent Realized on Securities Purchased at Different Prices.. . ........... . ...........  31  Stock Speculat.i,,n in New York................ . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . .. . . . .  33  United Sta_tes Debt and Securities-Debt of the United States, 1793-1887......................... . .... ... . . ....  34  Prices of United States Bonds, 1860-1887. . • • . • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . .  ..... ..... .  • State Securities-State Debts and Immunity from Prosecution....................................................... Prices of State Securities, 1860-1887 ....... ....• . ........ ; . • . . • • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .  Railroads and ·1.'1teir Securities-Railroad Statistics for the United States..................................  36  43 43 47  Railroad Earnings .... . ....... •••••••••• - - • • • • • - •. • •. • • • .. ........ - ..... . ..... . . . - ..... - . - ... • ........ .. . . . . . . . . 48 Prices of Railroad Bonds, 1883-1887. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 New York Stock Market, 1883-1887.................... . ..... .. ..........  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  Prices of Railroad and Miscellaneous Stocks, 1883-1887.... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . •..... Bost(in Bonds in "1887.......... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . ... . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . ..... .. ............................. . Boston Stocks in 1887. • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . Philadelphia B1>nds in 1887.... . . . .. . . . . . ...... . . . . .. . ... . . . .  . ........ . ..... . ... _.. . . .............. ..  Philad,..lphia. Stocks i.n 1887. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... .. ..................... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ba.ltimore Bond,i in 18 ~7 .. . . .. . Baltimore Stocks in 1887 ..... .  The Investors' Supplement ... .. .... . . . ... . .. . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  72  THE  F.IN AN CIAL REVIEW. 1888. RETROSPECT OF 1887. During the year 1887 some 12,724 miles of railroad were constructed in the United States. This furnishes the key to the situation, for although there were many other incidents affecting trade, finance and transporta.tion, there was no other single fact of such commanding importance in its bearing upon the various business interests of the country. About $254,000,000 must have been disbursed; steel rails advanced to $40; the earnings of 110 railroads increased over $44,000,000 for the twelve months; gold was imported to the, net amount of $35,633,522. On the other hand seats at the Stock Exchange declined from $30,000 early in the year to $20,000 in December, and mercantile failures in the year were $167,560,944, against $114,644,199 in 1886. Other matters worthy of mention were the Inter•State Commerce law, the extraordinary course of foreign trade and the gold imports, the speculation in merchandise and in wE:-stern real estate, the sluggish movetilent at the Stock Exchange, the railroad reorganizations, the activity in iron and steel interests, the out.turn of the crops, and finally the unparalleled activity in railroad transportation, leading to heavier gross earnings in 1887 than were ever before recorded m a single year. For the purpose of showing at a glance the industrial and financial statistics, which present a sharp comparison of the two years 1886 and -1887, the table below has been compiled. The figures relating to the production of wheat, corn and cotton for the year 1887 are final except as regards cotton, and the estimate of the best authorities is taken in each case. 'rhe aggregate mileage operated on the one hundred and ten railroads whose earnings for the year are reported was 66,332 miles on December 31, 1887, against 62,837 miles December 31, 1886. The immigra• tion statistics are given exclusive of immigrants from Canada and Mexico.  ---I  1886.  I  1887.  Coin and currency in U. 8. Nov.I . . $ 1,586,271,000 1,678,009,959 Bank clearings in United States .... $ 49,19J,261,051 51,051,818,743 Mercantili, failures ............•.... $ 114,644,1191 167,560,944 Imports of merchandise ....••....... $ 663,429,189 708,807,311 Exports of merchandise .....••..... . $ 713,404,021 715,320,956 Gross earnings 110 roads ......•..••. $ 316,046,237 360,251:J,567 Railroad constructed ..... . ..... miles. 9,000 12,724 Wheat raised . .. . . .• ....•. •... bushels. 457,218,000 456,329,000 Corn raised .........••....... bushels. 1,665,441,000 1,456,161,00u Cotton raised ..•................. bales . 6 /513,623 6,650,,100 Pig iron produced. (tons of 2,000 lbs.). 6,365,a28 7,187,206 Steel rails, Bessemer (tons 2,000 lbs.; 1,749,899 2,295,594 Anthracite coal. .. (tons of 2,240 lbs.) . 32, 136,362 34,641,017 Petroleum (runs) production .... bbls. 26,043,645 21,819,027 Immigration into U. 8................. 386,6::H 509,281 1  It is estimated by some of the best authorities that complete returns of railroad construction have received, it will be iound that the new road built in approximated 13,000 miles; but for the present, to  when been 1887 be on  the conservative side, we adopt the current statement of 12,724 miles, which, added to the 9,000 miles built in 1886, makes 21, 724 miles of new railroad constructed in the United States during the two years from January 1, 1886, to January 1, 1888. The significance of this exhibit in its bearing upon general business interests is evident at ·a glance. It is not safe to put the cost of rail• road construction, taking the whole country together, at a figure much below $20,000 per mile, including bridges, tunnels, stations, terminal property, transporta• tion of men and material, and all incidental expenses. Hence the building of 12,724 miles of road means the disbursement in one way and another of about $254,480, · 000 in the year. If it be assumed that a similar amount of bonds or stock per mile is issued on the new road constructed, then we have the above amount of $254,480, 000 in new securities to be fed out and digested by the investing public wi_thin the twelvemonth. The fact that some such am unt of securities was probably fed out m 1887, and remained in bankers' hands par,ially undis· tributed at the close of the year, should be most thought• fully considered in endeavoring to form any rational diagnosis of the prolonged attack of indigestion under which the Stock Exchanges were suffering in the last six months of that year. The Inter.State Commerce law, of which a full copy was published in the CHRONICLE of Feb. 12, 1887, was pendiog for some time in Congress and threw a shadow over the stock market, as the effect of its provisions when put in force could not be predicted with any certainty. The bill finally became a law by the President's signature on Feb. 4 and went into effect on April 5. The Commis• sioners appointed under it by the President were men of high character, and, without going into the details of their proceedings, it is sufficient to remark here that the law had· not up to the close of 1887 worked as injuriously as had been feared. The strike of the coal ,handlers in Jersey City began early in January, and the strike of freight-handlers in New York on the 23d of the month. At the same time the fear of a war between France and Germany exerted much influence on the markets at home and abroad during January, and until the 21st of February, when the German elections took place, and Bismarck's policy was fully sustained. This put an end to most of the war rumors and the markets were no longer disturbed. The first half of the year was marked by extraordinary speculations in some leading articles of merchandise, par• ticularly in coffee and wheat. Gigantic efforts were made by cliques to corner the markets of the world in the supply  [Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1888, by WILLIAM B. DANA & Co., Publishers of the "Commercial & Financial Chronicle " in the Office of the Librarian of Congrees, at Washington, D. C.] ' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  BETROSPEO!l'. of these great staples, and, though quite separate, each terminated in June with very disastrous results to the parties interested and also with heavy losses to many out· aiders who had gone into the speculation on their own account. The real estate speculation in town lots became very active in some of the Western and Southern cities, and the wave of inflation in this direction reached its maximtini later in· the year, probably in September or October. The foreign trade movement of the United States in 1887 was quite extraordinary, and the excess of exports of merchandise over imports, commonly designated as the trade balance, amounted to only $6,513,645 for the twelve months, against $49,974,832 excess of exports in the corresponding twelve months of 1886. But notwithstanding this small balance in favor of the country, there was a net import of gold in the same period (all in the last six months) amounting to $35,633,522, against a net import in 1886 of only $25,959. There was great activity in the iron and steel trade, as a result of the large railroad deman~, and during the first half of the year profits must have been very large. Steel rails were sold as high as $40 per ton in March, but this was the maximum, and from that point prices receded to $32 50 in December. The crops of 1887 turned out fairly, the corn crop being the least favorable of the great staples, while wheat was estimated by the Agricultural Bureau about the same as in 1886, and cotton was estimated by the CHRONICLE and other authorities as being larger than the crop of 1886, without fixing any definite figures. Pursuing the method heretofore adopted in this review, and taking the arbitrary standard of values in New York City about the 1st of January following the crop, we find that if the whole of each crop could have been laid down in New York on the 1st of January, the values would have been approximately as follows.  Railroad earnings were large beyond precedent, and the gross earnings of 1887 much exceeded the record of any previous year. For the twelve months the total for one hundred and ten roads was $360,259,567, against $316,046,237 in 1886. Net earnings were not relatively as large as gross, but many roads showed a remarkable mcrease in both gross and net business. To the activity in railroad com;truction and in general business, together with the fair maintenance of rates, was chiefly attributable the large increase in railroad traffic. The following summary shows the condition of the New York City Clearing-House banks, rates of foreign exchange and prices of leading securities and articles of merchandise, about the 3d of January, 1886, 1887 and 1888. STAT1STIOAL SUMMA.RY ON OR ABOUT JAN. 3, 1886, 1887 AND 1888.  1886. New Yorlc Oil~ Banks-  1887.  1888.  ·1  Loan, and d eoonnte ........ 339,909,800 343,687,500 356,!540,000 89,721,100 82,718,100 71,139,300 B;peoie .••..••...•..• a••······· Circulation .••....••..••.•••. 8,077,300 9,979,800 7,911,500 Net deposits .••..••...••..••. 376,959,300 359,268,600 35Q,359,800 Legal tenders •••..••..••..••. 19,370,400 27,259,800 28,808,200 94,239,825 89,817,150 89,839,950 Legal reserve .••. Reserve held .•••.••..••..••. 118,529,300 102,08S,500 98,399,100 Surplus reserve •••..••..••••. $ 24,289,475 12,271,350 8,559,150  ············f  ~~~~~~-:  Mc~io1!:~~~~~~:. •.•••• Prime paper, sixty days .••... Silver m London, per oz ..•... Prime sterling bills, 60 days .. United States Bonds-  2¼! @5 4 @5 46lii19d . 4 86  6s, currency, 1898 .•••.••..... 4¼s, 1891, coupon .•••.••..••. 4a of 1907, coupon .••..•••..  132 79 11234 123  New York Central&Hud.Riv. Erie (N. Y. L. E. & W.) .... . . Lake Shore & Mich. Southern. Michigan Central. ••..••...•. Chioa~o Rook Island & Pacific Illinois Central. .•...•...•...•. Chicago &Northwestern,oom. Chicago Milw. & St. Paul, com. Delaware Lack. & Western ... Central of New Jersey .••.... .  106 2634 88 78 7nl\J. 12834 140 1103s ~63s 12512 44  Railroad Stocks-  Merchandise-  4 @6 512@6 449it· 4 3~  4 1»8 5 @61.g 4ti14d. 4 8112  I I I  Cotton, Middl'g Uplands.fl lb. 914 Wool, American XX ..••• ~ lb. 37 Iron, A.mer. pig1 No. l..~ ton. 18 00-Wl8 50 20 Steel rails at mills ..••......•. 34 00 , 35 00 Wheat,No.2red - · " bush. 92¼ Corn,West. mix.No. 2.~ bush. F012 Pork, mess .•••..•.. .••. w bbl. 10 00'@10 25 12 Petroleum pipe line oertiflo'a. 9118  131 79 11014 12712 1133s 345s 9534 9J14 126 13312 115 90 79 13714 56  l I  125 10712 125¼ 10734 2818 9434 8714 112l\& 11814 10734 75 78 12934 75  109]6 9¼ 34@38 31¼'@ 3212 0011) 21 00 21 00@'H 50 37 32 00'@ 33 00 93'\i 92 48 1 s 63 25@12 75 15 501v l6 00 7014 9018  I  I. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS.-The yield of cereal products in 1887 was fair except as to corn, in which there was a seriPrice, Value of Price, Value of ous loss from drought after the season had so far progressed Yield. Yield. Jan . '87 Cr op. Jim.'88 Crop. as to promise the best crop ever gathered. Wheat turned out cts. $ cts. $ Wheat.bush. 457,218,000 93¾ 428,641,875 456,329,000 92 419,822,680 much better than expected according to the Bureau report, 801,493,481 l,466,161 ,000l 6S Corn .. . busb. 1,665,441,000 48¼ 917,SSl,<SO which increased its estimate in October about 30,000,000 300,783,974 6,650,000 10 9-16 887,155,000 bushels over previous months. Cotton.bales 1,530,861t,8SO ........... _' ......... I1,674,S59,110 Total values In regard to cotton there were widely different estimates, but the CHRONICLE and other good authorities place the crop The reorganization of insolvent railroads was one of the of 1887 as in all probability above that of the previous year, great features of the year in financial circles. A number of In the following table are given the yield of wheat, corn, oats roads were sold in foreclosure, while Philadelphia & Read• and cotton for a period of twelve years past, and also the totals for the year 1866: ng and New Jersey Central were successfully reorganYear. zed without any foreclosure and their respective receivers Wheat. Corn. I Oats. ~~ Bush. Bush. Bush, Bales. discharged on the first of January, 1888. There was not 1866 .••....... 151,999,906 867,946,295 ~68,141,077 2,059,271 a new default by any prominent railroad during the year, 1876 . ..... • . . . 289,356,500 .1,283.827 ,500 320,884,000 4,485,423 1877...... . . . . 364,194, 146 1,34.2,558,000 406,394,000 4,811,265 but the Baltimore & Ohio became slightly embarrassed by 1878 .... . ..... -420,122,400 1,388,218,7!'10 413,578.560 5,07::J,531 1879 (census). 459,483,137 1,7ll4,591,676 407,858,999 5,757,397 floating debt and suspended its dividend in November, 1880. ... .. . .. . 498,549,868 1,717,434,!543 417,885,380 6,58H,329 1881. .•....... 383,280,090 1,194,916,000 416,481,000 0,435,845 while the Chesapeake & Ohio, which had not paid full 1882 ..•. . ...•. 504,185,470 1 1,617,025,100 488,250,610 6,99~,'234 .•••...••. 421,086,160 1,551,066,895 &71,30~,400 5,714,052 interest for some years, was placed in the hands of a 1883 1884. ••. •. •• • . 512,763,900 1,795,528,432 583,628,000 5,669,021 1885 .•.••.. • .. 857,112,000 1,936,176,000 629,409,000 6,550,215 receiver at the suit of its managers. Mercant1lt, failures 1886 .••....••. 457,218,000 1,665,441,000 624,134,000 6,513,623 during the year were larger than might have been antici- 1887 ..•. . ... _. 456,329,000 1,456,161,000 659,618,000 6,650,000 The exports of wheat and flour in the fiscal year ending June pated, the total liabilities footing up $167,560,944, against 30, 1887, were large, although exports were checked in the $114,644,119 in 1886. spring months by the great speculation in wheat caITied on by the Chicago and California cliques. After the price broke on lat Quarter. :ld Quarter. 3d Quarter. 4th Quarter. Total Year. Years. Amount. Aruount. Amount. Amount. Amount the failure of the cliques in June and July the price of No. ---·· -----1876. $64,644,156 $43,771,273 $47,857,371 $34,844,986 $191,117, 78 6 red winter wheat in New York went below 79 cents, and the ex1877. 54,538,074 45,068,097 42,346,085 48,717,680 190,669,93 1878. 82,078,8 :.1 6 48,753,940 66,378,363 37,172,003 234,383,13 ~ ports were greatly stimulated ; during the quarter ending Oct. 1879. 43,112,665 22,666,725 15,275,550 17,094,113 98,140,05 3 1 the shipments reached very large figures, but with the ad1880. 12,777,074 20,111,689 12,121,4i2 20,741,815 65,752,00o 1881 . 24,447,250 16_.49-1:1,395 10,112,365 30,096,922 81, 155,93·:.i vance in prices they again fell off in the later months to a 1882. 33,338,'2 71 17,242,649 18,942,893 32,023,751 101,547,56 1883. 38,372,643 27,fl l6,39:i. 5~,072,884 54,612,254 172,874,17 ~ moderate volume. 1884. 40,186,978 84,204,304 56,627,821 45,324,324 226,343,427 For the Government fiscal years ending .fune 30, the follow1885. 46,121,051 28,601,304 23,874,391 25,623,575 1 2,1,220,32 1886. 29,681,726 20,752,734 27,227,630 36,982,029 114,644,11i ing table shows the exports of wheat, wheat flour, corn and 1887 . 32,161,762 22.976,330 73,022,556 39,400,296 167,560,944 cotton for the last nine years : Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Crop of 1886.  . . 6:~~-~·~-~~1 . . ~~.  Crop of 1887.  9  RETROSPECT. EXPORTS OF FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN AND COTTON.  I  Wheat Flour. Wheat. Corn. Cotton Year ended June 30. Barrels. Bushels Bushels. Bales. 1879......... ..... .. .. 5,629,714 122:353,936 86,296,252! 3,462,741 1880... ... .. .. .. . . .. 6,011,419 153,252,795 98,169,87713,811,153 7,945,786 150,565,477 91,~08,175 4,549,743 1881... ... .. .... ... ... 1882 .. ·. .............. . 5,915,686 95,271,802 43,184,915 3,694,706 9,205,664 1106,385,828 40,586,82~ 4,626,808 1883.. .. .. ............ 1884.. .. .. .... .. ...... 9,152,260 70,349,012 45,247,49013,884,233 1885... . .. .. . ... . . .. . . 10,648,145 84,653,714 51,834,4lti 3,969,568 8,179,i41 57,759,209 63,655.433 4,283,723 1886 .. ······· · ········ 1887............ .... .. 11,518,449 101,971,949 40,307,252 4,489,920 II. MANUFACTURES, MINING, &c.-There was much activity in manufacturing early in the year, especially in all branches of the iron and steel industry, and as prices were well sustained, No. 1 pig iron selling up to $21 50 per ton and steel rails at $40, the profits must haYe been large. Much was done in developing new iron and coal districts, particularly the Birmingham district in Alabama. The estimate of the number of furnaces in blast on Dec. 81, 1887, was 326, with a weekly capacity of 132,617 gross tons of 2,240 lbs., against 323 furnaces with a weekly capacity of 123,284 tons on Dec. 1, 1886.· The production of pig iron, steel and steel rails in the United States has been as follows for eleven years. The figures are those of the Iron & Steel Association, except in the case of steel ingots for 1887 which are estimated: Bessemer Bessemer Pig Iron. Steel Ingots. ·steel Rails. Years. Tons of 2,00o lbs. Tons of 2,000 lbs. Tons of 2,000 lbs. 1877........ . . . 2,314,585 560,587 432,169 1878........ .. . 2,577,361 732,226 550,398 3,070,875 928,97'.l 683,964 187fl.... ...... . 1880........ ... 4,~95,414. 1,203,173 954,4,60 1881. ... .. .... . 4,641,564 1.539,157 l,_,330,30:l 1882.... . ... . . . 5.178,122 1,696,450 1,438,155 5,146,972 1,654,627 1,286,554 1883 .... . . . . . . . 1884.... 4,589,613 1,540,595 1,116,621 1885. .. . . .•. . .. 4,529,869 1,701,762 1,074,607  ·······1  1886 .... ... . ... 6.365,328 1887 ......:..:.:...;..-.: _ _7,187,206  2,541,493 3,300,000  1,749,899 2,_2 95,594  than by the negotiation of heavy loans in London and on the Continent. The following table shows the trade movement in the first half of the year to July 1 and in the full twelve months-in both 1887 and 1886: 6 mos. Jan. 1 to July 1. 1886. 188"?.  12 mos., Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. 18g6. 1887.  $ $ $ $ Exports .. 330,a90,064 327,610,874 715,320,956 713,404,021 Imports .. 357,480,191 328,589,612 708,807,311 663,429,189 978,738 Ex. 6,513,645 Ex.49,974,832 Excess .... Im.27,090,127 Im. 25,959 .Gold (e:KC.) Ex. 1,166,173 Ex. 34,349,628 hn. 35,633,f>22 Im.  IV. RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION AND RAILROAD EARNINGS.The construction of numerous railroads begun or projected in 1886 was carried on with great vigor in 1887, and the total number of miles built, as reported by the Railway .Age, reached 12,724, as made up from returns received to Dec. 31. With possible additions to be made by reports from other roads not heard from at that date, the total for the year may be run up to 13,000 miles. A good part of this mileage was west of the Missouri River and was constructed by the large corporations competing for business in that territory. Such road was built at the lowest cost per mile and with bonds at a low rate of interest, so the annual charge for interest to the companies will be at a minimum. Railroad earnings were the heaviest ever known, and gave evidence of the great activity in transportation business in all sections of the country. East of Chicago rates were generally well maintained and the roads had good profits: but west from Chicago there was some cutting to meet the competition arising from new roads, and consequently profits were reduced. For the year our figures show that one hundred and ten roads earned $360,259,5_67 gross in 1887, against $316,046,237 in 1886, the mileage operated by these companies being 66,332 miles in Dec., 1887, against 62,837 in Dec., 1886.  The petroleum production in 1887 was quite small. Prices were low most of the year, and on November 1st the agreement among leading producers to restrict the output went into BANK MOVEMENTS. effect. As a result, the runs of crude oil were only 21,819,027 In the national banks of the country there was a considerbbls .. against 26,043,645 in 1886. The runs and deliveries in able reduction of circulation (caused by the calling in of each year since 1879 have been as follows: Deliveriee. bonds deposited by the banks as security for circulation); on Runs. Deliveries. Runs. Barrels. Barrels. Barrels. Barrels. 1880 ...... 24,790,164 15,765,800 1884 ...... 23,704,510 24,053,902 January 1, 1887, the amount of national bank circulation 1881. ..... 29,674,462 20,240,121 1885 ...... 21,225,203 24,086,104 outstanding was $296,486,877, and on January 1, 1888, $268,1882 ...... 31,789,195 22,094,300 1886 ...... 26,013,645 26,396,483 1883 .•.... 24,385,968 21,967,636 1887 ...... 21,819,027 27,347,998 168,234, showing an actual decrease of $28,318,643 ; but in The anthracite coal mining was carried on with much vigor, addition to this there was an increase during the year of $11,and the out-put was much ahead of any previous year, the 791,739 in legal tenders deposited with the U. S. Treasurer to total for 1887 being 34,641,017 tons, against 32,136,362, in 1886, redeem bank notes yet to come in, making a total reduction which was the largest previous year. The price of coal in national bank circulation present and prospective of $40,was advanced in the later months, owing to the long strike of 110,382. The total amount of Government bonds deposited miners in the Lehigh region and the very large demand for by the banks to secure circulation was $184,444,950 on Jan. shipment West and from the trade at large. 1, 1888, against $229,438,350 on Jan. 1, 1887. The aggregate production of coal for 1870 and for the last The New York City Bank movements of the year did not eight calendar years has been as follows. We use Mr. John present any features of unusual importance. The city banks H. Jones' figures on anthracite for all the years, and those of were apparently well managed, the demand on them for the Coal Trade Journal on bituminous, except for 1887. We loans was heavy, and the only complaint from customers was have divided the anthracite so as to show the amount coming the common one of late years, that the banks loaned so largely from each region, Wyoming, Schuylkill and Lehigh, that on securities that they could not give sufficient accommodation on mercantile paper. The maximum surplus reserve was being an interesting point: reached on Jan. 29, when it was $22,298,450, and the minimum COAL PRODUCTION IN UNITED STATES. on June 25, when it was $3,345,900. Deposits reached the Anthracite. highest point on Feb. 12, at $392,771,200, and loans and disBitumi-Total. Wyoming. Schuylklll Lehigh. Total. ____ ,____ - nous. - - -1- - - - counts were highest on April 9, at $370,917,500. Tons. Tons. Tons. 'l'ons. Tons. I Tons. The following were the totals of the New York City Clear1870........ . 7,974,660 4,968,167 S,2311,374 16,182,191 [ 16,681,4119 32,863,690 1880........ . 11,419,279 7,554,742 4,463,221 23,437,'242 41,761,160 65,198,402 ing-house banks about the first of each quarter in the year 188\. ....... . 13,951,383 9,268,958 0,ZW,676 28.500,017 47,621.917 76,121,IJ34 1887 and also at the close of the year: 1882........ . 13,971,3711 9,459,288 5,689,4371 211,120,096 67,729.540 86.849,636 1883........ . 15,604,492 10,074,726 6,113,8001 31,793,027 65,082,857 96,875,884 Loans and Specie Net Legal Surplus Discounts. · Deposits. Tenders. Reserve. 1884.... . 15,716,455 9,478,3141 5,562, 2261 80,7513 ,995 68,686 ,067 99,443 ,062 - - · 1885. . ...... . 16,236,470 9,48B,426 6,898,638 31,623,621J 70,501.024 102,124,553 $ $ $ $ $ 1886.. . .. .. 17,031,826 9,881,407 5,723,129 32,186,362 74,643,f371106,780,03~ Jan. 8, '87 348,479,300 85,509,200 370,188,900 21,812,200 14,786,675 1887..... . 19,tl84,929, 10,609,028 4,3i7,060 34,Ml,017 *81,000.000 115,641,017 April 2, '87 365,6~9,700 77,91:!6,100 372.414,700[19,4.87,40014,379,825 July ~, '87 363,553,200 73,288,200 367,081,300 22,133,200 3,651,075 Oct. 1, '87 344,795,400 75,144,800 345,>!26,000 20,328,800 9,017,100 "Estimated. III. FOREIGN COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES.-The Dec 31, '87 356,540,000 71,139,300 359,359,800 27,259,800 8,559,150 foreign trade of the country presented features which were The following table shows the maximum and minimum of quite unusual, and contrary to anything witnessed in recent deposits and surplus reserve in each of the past ten years : years. For the twelve months •ending with December there DEPOSITS. was an excess in the exports of merchandise over imports Maximum. Minimum. amounting to only $6,513,645 and in the face of this small 1878 .... ······•·· ... .... . $223,432,700 Aug. 10 $198,985,300 May 25 balance there was an import of gold amounting to $35,633,• 1879 ........ . ........... . 254,770,700 Aug. 2 193,121,700 April 5 .................... . 307,796,700 Nov. 6 242,087,100 Jan, 3 522 m-t. This condition of affairs was almost phenomenal 1880 1881 ..•.................. 352,658.800 July 23 271,668,800 Mar. 12 1882 .... ········ . ....... . 322,863,200 July 29 277,930,000 Nov. 25 in our trade statistics, and it was only accounted for on the 1883 ............. .. ..... . 327,326,700 July 14, 279,944,200 Mar. 31 theory that a large amount of our stocks and bonds had been 1884 .... ········ ........ . 363,544,400 Feb. 16 280,698,100 June 21 1885 ........ ·••······ ... . 391,804,900 22 340,816,300 Jan. 3 quietly absorbed abroad and taken from our market rather 1886 .........•....... ... 396,080,800 Feb. 13 345,708,"500 Sept. 11'. 3~2,~71,200 l/'eb, 12 34l,935,~00 Sept. 24 by purchases at the Stock E~cha,nge and in the open market 1887 .... .. . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  RETROSPECT.  4 SURPLUS RESERVE.  Maximum.  1878 ........ ········ . . .  1879 ..•...•.. .......... . 1880 ........... ...... . 1881 ........ ........... .  ½~~~·:::::::. ::::.:: :.:: :: I 1884 ........ ... ......... . 1885-. ................... . 1886 .... ·••· ............ . 1887..... . ...... ········ ·  U, S. BONDS OUTSTANDING.  Minim1tm.  $24,232,475 July 20 $3,531,600 Oct. 12 17,877,300 Feb. 1 def. 671,225 Dec. 8 18,471,275 July 17 def. 2,461,875 Dec. 4 16,728,575 May 20 def. 3,333,275 Oct. 7 10,895,600 April 29 def. 3,024,950 .Nov. 11 10,007,575 Jan. 27 def. 6,770,875 Mar. 17 42,297,450 Dec. 4 def. 6,607,125 May 22 64,724,100 July 30 24,712,650 Dec. 24 36,156,425 Jan. 30 4,008,200 Dec. 18 22,298,450 Jan. 29 3,345,900 June 25  THE MONEY MARKET.  The money market during 1887 worked more closely, taking the whole year together, than at any previous period for some years past. The banks and other regular money lenders reaped good profits on a demand for money which kept up from March to December. The tendency of operations was to draw funds away from the Atlantic cities to the interior, and keep them there, as the railroad building in the far West and South, the speculation in town lots, and the wheat corners in Chicago and San Francisco, all called for a large amount of money. On the other hand, the demand in New York and Boston, to carry new railroad bonds in the hands of bankers and syndicates, was very large, while the call for money on stock speculation was moderate. Rates were easy in this market till March, when they began to harden, this tendency increasing in April, when stock borrowers sometimes paid 7@8 per cent for call loans, and once as high as 15 per cent. There was no further stringency in money till after the middle of June, when the markets were greatly unsettled by the collapse of the coffee bubble here and the wheat bubble in Chicago, and the consequent demand for money. On the 24th of June there was a sharp calling in of loans, and rates on cal~ advanced to ¼@¾ per centfor money loaned from Friday till Monday, the rates continuing very sensitive and irregular till after the first of July. During the last half of the year there was never any great stringency in money, but there was great trouble in August and September in borrowing on any railroad collaterals except those that were first-class, and the fear of tight money influenced the stock market. The Treasury came to the relief of the situation, first by purchasing on proposals over $25,000,000 of bonds and then in October by offering to place its surplus with depositary banks on Government bond security, on the basis of 110 per cent of money so deposited for bonds at par; up to the close of the year $52,199,917 had been so deposited with national banks. Call Prime Week ending Call Prime Week ending Friday. Loans. Paper. Friday. Loans. Paper. Jan. 7.. ...... 1 '@ 8 5 @612 July 8 ....... . 3 @10 " 15 ....... . 3 'i/) 6 " 14 ..... ·-· 3 1i.> 6 5 @6 " 21... . .... 2 1t 6 5 11>6 ,, 22 ....... . 2 @ 5 " 28.. ... .. . 212'@ 5 5 @512 " 29 ....... . 3 @ 6 Feb. 4 ..••..•. 212@ 5 4¼@512 Aug. 5 ....... . 31:,i@ 6 " 11. .. ..... 3 @ 5 4¼@5 " 12 ....... . 3 @ 8 " 18. .. ..... 11211> 412 41211>5 " 19 ....... . 3 @ 7 " 25.. .. .... 2 1i> 5 4121!5 " 26 .. · ····· 3 @ 7 Moh. 4........ 2 @ 7 -1lg'lb512 Sept. 2 ....... . 3 @ 8 " 11... ..... 2 'ii> 7 5 11>512 " 9 ....... . 3 @ 7 5 '@6 " 16 ....... . 3 @ 7 " 18..... . . . 3 1i.> 7 " 25 . . .. .... 2:lg@ 8 5 @6 " 23 ....... . 3 @ 7 April 1.. ...... 3 1D 9 5 @6 " 30 . . .... . 4 @ 7 " 8 . . ..•••. 3~@15 5 @6 Oct. 7 . . ..... . 3 @ 6 " 15.. . .. ... 3 ·@ 9 5 @6 " 14 ....... . 3 @ 5 5 @512 " 21. ...... . 212@ 5 " 22... . .... 3 @ 6 5 @512 " 28 ....... . 3 @ 6 " 29. . . . .... 212@ 7 5 '@512 Nov. 4 ... . .•.. 3 @ 5 May 6... . .. . . 3 @ 8 " 13 .. .. . ... 3 @ 7 5 @512 " 11. ...... . 3 @ 7 " 20.. .. . .. . 3 @ 6 5 '@512 " 18 ....... . 3 @ 6 " 27 .. ...... 3 @ 8 4%@5½ " 25 .... . .. . 3 @ 7 June 3.. ...... 4 @ 7 4%1Dfl½ Dec. 2 .. .. ... . 2 1i.> 7 " 10.. .. . ... 3 '@ 5 412'@514 " 9 ....... . 4 '@ 6 .• 17 . . .. .... 2 @10 412@514 " 16 ....... . 4 @ 5 " 24 .... . .. . 3@6+3sp d 412@5½ " 23 ....... . 4 @ 6 July 1. ... . .. . 3@6+ 14p.d 5 @6½ " 30 ....... . 4 1i.> 7  Description.  I  Jan. 1, 1888.  Jan. 1, 1887.  Decrease,  $250,000,000 412s of 1891. ....•.. I $230,544,600 4s of 1907 ......•. . 732,593,630 737.971,950 63,899,000 3 percents ....... ... 14,000,000 Navy Pension Fund 64,623,512 Currency 6s ........ 64,623,512 Total.. ............ $1,041,761.742 $1,130,494,462  ··i4,ooo:o"Jo  $19.455,400 5,378,320 63,899,000  ······-·--·---·-··-····  $88,732,720  FOREIGN EXCHANGE.  In some respects the course of foreign exchange, as an index to the movements in trade and securities, was one of the most remarkable ever known. The trade movement in the twelve months of 1887 showed an e~cess of only $6,513,645 in exports of merchandise over imports. Notwithstanding this small excess there was a net import of gold in the same time amounting to $35,633,522, These results were accounted for by the borrowing of sterling during part of the year to use the money here at higher rates, but secondly, and mainly, by the export of a large amount of our stocks and bonds to the foreign markets. In January and February the strike of freight-handlers stopped ahipments of produce, and for a short time rates of exchange were pushed up, but they fell off when the strike failed, and never again ruled near the specie-exporting point. In July the imports of gold began and kept up till the middle of October, when exchange rates began to harden and remained firmer till the close of the year. The Bank of England rate was 5 in January, reduced to 4 on February 2, to 3½ March 9, to 3 March 23, to 2½ April 13, to 2 A_i>ril 27; advanced to 3 Aug. 3, to 4 Aug. 31, and so remained till the close of the year. RAILROAD AND MISCELLA1'EOUS STOCKS,  The price for feats at the New York Stock Exchange declined during the year 1887 just about one third 1 or from $30,000 early in the year to $20,000 in December. Perhaps this furnishes the best comment that can be made very briefly upon the character of the business. The particular events of the year are refern d to beJow under the respective months in which they occurred, but as to the general course of the market it may be said that there was no panic or sudden break except that of June 24, and there was no period of real buoyancy, unle~s a single week in November was entitl~d to be called such. The year opened with depression, owing to the coal-handlers' s 'rike, soon followerl by that of the freight-handlers in this city. The Inter. ._ tate Commerce bill and European war 1 umors also bad an unfavorable effect, and stocks were generally depressed till the end of February, when therP was a recovery. During March the market was stronger, influenced to some extent by the movement in special stocks and by some foreign buying. The Inter-State Commerce Jaw went into effect April 5th, but the Com.missioners soon decided to su,-pend for ninety days the operations of the fourth section relating to the long-andshort haul in its application to a number of leading railroads having the competition of water routes, and this, elieved the apprehension. The tendency of prices was generally upward till the middle of June, and this period was practically the best of the year, with a decidedly strong tone. On June 14 came the break in the coffee speculation here and on the 15th the coJlapse of the wheat corner in Chicago, leading to the bad failure of the Fidelity NationalBank of Cincinnati. These events shook confidence very severely, and they were followed by the tumble of ltfanhattan Elevated stock in this market about 41 points, when Mr. C. W. Field sold out a UNITED STATES BONDS. block of 50,000 shares to Mr. Gould at 120. Money became very There was no special feature in governments in the first active, loans were called, and on June 24 the market was half of the year; the last of the 3 per cent bonds were retired almost in a panic and remained very sensitive for sometime by the call for redemption issued on May 21. On A u2ust S afterwards. the Secretary offered to anticipate interest payments on the 4 The bears organized a strong party in June, and in July and 4½ per cent bonds to and including Jan. 1, 1888, and also to stocks generally declined, the famous Baltimore & Ohio deal purchase 4½ per cent bonds for the sinking fund. On weekly with H. S. Ives coming to an end by the positive announceofferings he purchased $11,565,000 of 4~ per cent bonds up ment of Mr. Garrett that the purchasers were unable to fulfill to Sept. 21, and on Sept. 22 decided to purchase prior to Oct. 8 their agreement. But the whole Baltimore & Ohio transac$14,000,000 of 4 and 4½ per cents for the sinking fund, of tion hung over the market for so long a time, and disclosed which he actually- bought about $13,500,000 . . In October he such weakness on the part of one of the great trunk line raildecided to deposit funds with the national banks, as men- roads, that it exerted over the stock market one of the most tionedabove under "Money Market.'' The net debt less cash pernicious influences of the year. in the Treasury was on January 1, 1887, $1,341,984,495, and In August the market had spasms of strength, as the fear of on January 1, 1888, $1,225,598,401, showing a decnase of tight money was somewhat relieved by the action of the $116,386 1094. The Government bonds outstanding decre~d I Treasury in purchasing bonds. Late in the month Grove .. '88,732;720 as follow ·, Btee11 & P U, the bankers of the Rome ~ t>ecatur Railroad, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RETROSPECT.  5  failed, and this gave rise to much caution among the lenders pended the long-and-short-haul clause for ninety days in the of money on railroad collaterals. The purchase of the Balti- case of many prominent railroads. Among the notable railrnad events were the plan for the Norfolk & Western and more & Ohio Express business by the United States Express LouisvHle & Nashville connection; the increase of $1,200,000 Co. immediately followed, and then the announcement of the in Western Union Telegraph stock; the increase of $10,000,Baltimore & Ohio Syndicate to relieve the company from its 000 proposed in Illinois Central stock to purchase its Iowa embarrassmement of a floating debt of about $10,000,000. leased lines and .for other purposes; and the junction of the Atchison and Gulf Col. & Sante Fe lines in the Indian TerriThe bears conducted an active campaign and made large tory; the lease of Oregon Navigation to Oregon Short Line, profits, and after experiencing a stronger tone in the last part with a guarantee of interest and dividends by Union Pacific. of September prices again became weak and feverish. The The Bank of England rate was twice reduced-from 3 to 2½ for easy money were more permanently assured by on the 14th and to 2 on the 28th._ . P rospects . . . . . . , MAY.-FortWorth& Denver City was active, and fluctuated the action of Secretary Fairchild m October m offermg to widely, and St. Paul & Duluth was conspicuous for a sharp deposit money with the national banks, taking the 4 per cent advance. The Saturday half-holiday law went into effect on Government bonds -3 collateral at 110, instead of 90, as for- the 21st and 1 he Stock Exchange closed thereafter at 12 erl The bears appeared to have covered their contracts o'clock each Saturd~y. ::r:ncke! Plate road so!d in foreclosure m Y· . . ' on the 19th. The Missouri Pacific Company issued $5 1000,000 and early m November the market was strong, prices adv~nc- new stock for extensions. Default was made May 1 on Dening, and the business of the second week, on general buymg, ver South Park & Pacific bonds; the sale of Boston Hoosac was one of the best of the year. This did not continue, how- Tunne~ & Western was made to the Fitchburg R. R.; the pro. prices fell off again and December was a very dull posed issue was announced of $4,000,000 preferred stock.and ever, . . I $2,500,000 bonds by Norfolk & Western to build the Clinch month, the volume of sales at the Board much of the time Valley Division to connect with Louisville & Nashville. The being near a minimum. The year closed with depression Bank of England rate remained at 2 per cent. among stock brokers, notwithstanding the excellent stateJUNE.-On the 14th the coffee specul~tion failed he~e and on ts of the. Vanderbilt roads and the remarkable record of th e l5th came the ~ollapse ?f the Chicag_o w:heat chque, f?lmen . . . ' lowed by the sensational failure of the F1dehty Bank at Cmthe _year m railroad earnmgs. cinnati. Money was very tight during the excitement anti as Sales at the Stock Exchange have been as follows since 1879: high as¼ and¼ per cent a day was paid on the 24th, when the panic occurred led by Manhattan. The sale of 50,000 shares of Manhattan stock by Cyrus W. Field to Jay Gould at RR.andMis. Government 1 State RR. and Mis. 120 was announced afterward. St. Paul announced the issue bonds. bonds. bonds. stocks. ---- - $-------of $10,000,000 new stock. The Western Union Telegraph Co. Shares. $ $ 1879 ... . . '/2,765,762 412,309,400 11~,571,850 22,643,150 resumed dividends and declared one per cent. The Inter-State 1880 ... . 97,919,099 569,910,200 58,459,600 15,497,400 Commerce Commissioners decided that rnch railroad must in1881 . . . 114,511,248 385,889,500 3:'\,395,850 49,569,300 terpret its own liability under the long-and-short-haul clause 1882 _.... 116,307,271 246,769,410 18,555,850 26,571,260 0f the law. Denver & Rio Grande declared its first dividend 1883 .•• . . 97,049,909 284,768,100 17,046,150 6,986,500 1884.... 96,154,971 499,9f>5,200 14,905,150 2,826,900 upon its preferred stock. The plan for reorganization of the 1885 . . . .• 92,538,947 660,659,400 15,261,200 114,678,053 Central Railroad of N. J. was brought out. The Bank of Eng1886 ·-·" 100,802,050 587,237,500 12,793,500 20,394,411 land rate remained at 2 per cent. 1887 ..... ~.~_!,6_1_6_ _3_4_7.:...,1_2_7.:...,3_3_0......;..__7...;,'--1-l0_,'--4_0_0__1_5-'-,3_0_6-'-,8_00 JoLY.-DPpression ruled at the Stock Exchange. The BalTaking the course of the year by months, the principal limore & Ohio negot;at ons finally came to an end on the 20th, when Mr. Garrett's letter was made public, in which he events bearing upon the stock market were as follows : declared all negotiations with Ives terminated. The speculaJANUARY.-At Cleveland, 0., January 3, in Common Pleas tion in cotton culminated without serious failures. Gold Court, a decision was rendered against the New York Chicago began to come from Europe. The Bank of England rate re. . & St. Louis Railway (Nickel Plate), declaring the first mort- mained at 2 per cent gage void and the second mortgage valid. The Inter-State AuoosT.-On the 3d Secretary Fairchild issued his circular Commerce Act passed the Senate on the 14th and the House 1 ffering to prepay inter~st on the 4 and 4½ per cent bonds up on the 20th, but remained unsigned in the President's hands. to Jan. 1, 1888, and also to purchase $26,000,000 of 4½ per Richmond Terminal was active all the month, and the terms cents on weekly offerings to the Government. Under this of agreement between this company and the East Tennessee arrangement a little more than $6,000,000 bonds were vurVirginia & Georgia, giving control of the latter to the Rich- chased during the month. On the 11th the failure of H. s. mond Terminal, were made publie. An extensive strike Ives & Co. was announced and greeted with cheers at the among coal-handlers in Jersey City began on the 8th. and the Stock Board; the Cincinnati Hamilton & Dayton and other longshoremen in New York struck on the 23d. The 146th call railroads were involved. Later in the month Grovesteen & for bonds was issued on the 22d, retiring $13,887,000 of the Pellfailed, having b en the negotiators of the East & West 3 per cents on March 1. Rumors of war between France and Alabama and Rome & Decatur railroad bonds. Gold was imGermany were rife, and disturbed the foreign markets. The ported to the amount of some $5,700,000. New York City & Fitchburg Railroad purchased the Hoosac Tunnel of the State Northern Railroad was sold under foreclosure. On the 31st of Massachusetts and prepared to consolidate. A master's re- the Bale of the Baltimore & Ohio Express to the United States port was r\:lndered in favo~ of the Missouri. Kan~as & Texas Express Company was announced, and also the sale by the income mortgage bond-scrip holders on their claim for pay- Oregon Trans-Continental Comp my to a syndicate of foreign bankers of $6,000,000 securi1 ies. relieving the company of all ment in cash. FEBRUARY.-The Inter-State Commerce bill was signed by pressing obligations. The Bank of England raised its rate the Presi<)ent on the 4th. The Bank of England rate was re- from 2 to 3 per cent on the 4th. duced on the 3d from 5 to 4 per cent. War talk from Europe SEPTEMBll:R.-On the 2d of September announcement was was very loud until the German elections on the 21st, which made of the syndicate of foreign and American bankers to went favorably to Bismarck's policy. Exchange rates were relieve Baltimore & Ohio from its floating: debt of about high in the early part of the month, and a little gold was sent $10,000,000. Secretary Fairchild on the 21st issued a circular out, though due to special causes. The strike among Reading's offering to purchase 4s at 124 and 4½s at 108¼ to the amount coal-handlers failed and the strike among longshoremen in of $14,000,000. On the 1st the Bank-of England advanced its New York ended on the 11th. Among the principal railroad rate from 3 to 4 per cent, which was maintained up to the events of the month were the issue of Atchison circular close of the year. Gold came from abroad freely. No. 59, for building new roads in Kansas, Colorado and CaliOcTOBER,-There was general depression in stocks early in fornia; the Nickel Plate Company's proposed plan of settle- the month. The Secretary of the Treasury now made a new ment; the Missouri Kansas & Texas settlement with scrip arrangement in regard to the deposit of receipts from internal holders ; the Texas & Pacific adjustment with income bond- revenue in National banks. The 4 per cent bonds were made holders ; the Corbin purchase of Jersey Central stock, and the a security for deposits at 110, and the 4½s at par, instead of 90 new arrangement between Pacific Mail and the Panama Rail- per cent, which had been the rule for all bonds before. Unroad. The 147th call for bonds was issued on the 21st, retir- der this $52,199,917 had been thus loaned the banks up to Dec. ing $10,007,750 3 per cents on April 1. 31st. The lowest point of stocks was generally touched on MARCH.-Congress adjourned on the 4th without having the 14th and days following, after Mr. Depew's St. Louis passed any law: for . disposing of the surpl:iis revenue. T~e interview. 'The Balt. & Ohio Telegraph lines were sold to WestBal1imore & Ohio Railroad rumors were active-first that it ern Union for $5,000,000 W. U. stock and an annual rental of would be taken by Richmond Terminal and Mr. Sully, and $60,000 per year for 50 years. A settlement was made with then that other parties held an option for purchasing a controll- the Wharton-Barker holders of Reading 1st series 5s who had ing interest, afterwards known to be Henry S. Ives in the in- opposed the reorganization. Baltimore & Ohio passed its terestofCin. Ham. &Dayton. The Chicago&.Atlantic and the semi-annual dividend. On the 28th a receiver was appointed Pittsburg & W eFitern reorganization plans were announced ; for the Chesapeake& Ohio on the application of Mr. Huntingthe Mexican National Loan was offered in New York and ton. The Union Pacific and Northern Pacific companies London; the Wabash purchasing committee were put in pos- made an agreement for a joint lease of the Oregon Railway & session of the lines west of the Mississippi; the period for de- Navigation lines. The Northern Pacific fisked the consent of positing securities under the Reading plan expired March 31, its preferred stockholders to issue a $12,000,000 new 3d mortand a very large proportion of the stock and bonds had been gage. Rumors prevailed of the possible appointment of a deposited. The Indiana Bloomington & Western road w_as receiver for Missouri Kansas & Texas, and Mr. Jay Gould sold in foreclosure March 28. The Bank of England reduced its sailed for Europe on the 29th, Gold imports continued during , rate from 4 to 3½ per cent on the 10th and made a further the first half of the month. NovE.MBER.-There was a Jnuch healthier tofie to the stock reduction to 3 per cent on the 24th. ~ APRIL.-The Inter-State Commerce law went into effect market. There was a clit by the Grank Trunk on dreesed 811 he 6 d G9 . miBSio ers alm.os ~media ecy BY.ti• from e W, · The Pei naylv nia r . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  F.AJI,URES.  6  being for the years since 1882 as follows-in 1883 they were 9,184, in 1884 they were 10,968, in 1885 they were 10,637, in 1886 they were 9,834, and in 1887 they were 9, 634-making the average number of casualties for the five years 10,051, in spite of the trade recovery which began with July, 1885, and has contmued since. In the feature of total liabilities the recent revival of business is more distinctly marked, but not by any means as clearly so as in previous revivals. Thus with 1879 the drop in this item was to $98,149,053 from $234,383,132, and for the four years from 1879 to 1882, both inclusive, the average liabilities were only $86,651,137. The next year (1883) severe depression sot in and the total went up to $172,874,172, and in 1884 to $226,343,427; then for 'two years it was considerably smaller, but the lowest was Olosing. 5614 in 1886, when it touched $114,644,119; yet now (1887) 7514 327s notwithstanding the good year's business, it has not only 13014 risen again, but has reached the very large total of $167,76 108 560, 944. Such figures do Iiot accord with or iook very like 113 4014 10318 real or unmixed prosperity; that is to say they represent 129 7s 1018 a marvelo:us waste going on for a period of active, profit6019 able production. Suspended accounts in the amount of 94 79 613s 167½ million dollars in one year and a casualty rate which 96¾ 87 strikes out in 1887 on the average 1 in every 103 p:>rsons r-5 183s in business throughout the whole country, and for the three 8934 78 years ending with 1887 takes 1 in every 95 persons, no 10812 2814 one would cite as evidences of robust commercial health. 375s g This anomaly we are unable to explain on the basis of 16 increased number of individuals and firms in business. 43 223s 4612 There is a growth in that item every year, but in 1887 24;ls only 8912 it was smaller than usual, the increase being 213s 24,440 over 1886, against an increase in 1886 over 1885 7 35 s 65 34 Besides, the proportion of failures to the num2318 of 49,851. 5418 ber in business is large, as we have-already pointed out. 37 723s To further illustrate that fact we give the following state62 100 ment showing the number of persons and fir ms in business, 2834 583s the number of failures, and the proportion of failures to 1514 2818 the number in business, each year since 1880. 777  increased it~ semi-annual dividend from 2½ to 3 per cent. Tne Orernn Navig<1tion neg;otiated 5 per cent bonds with bankers ,-. broad through Mr. Villard. TheTexas&Paciflc and Central Iowa roads were sold in foreclosure. Some $'-,000,000 of the new 3d mortgage on the Northern Pacific was placed. The. U. S. Circuit Court entered orders for the discharge of the receivers of the Philadelphia & Reading, the J ersey Central and the Buffalo New York & Philadelphia roads on Jan. 2, 1888. DECEMBER.-Dulness ruled at the Stork Exchange. Money was easier than expec1 ed, owing to the Government deposits .with ta• ks. M. Grevy resigned as President of the French Republic and M. Sadi-Carnot was chosen without disturbance. Congress assemb!ed on the 5th and President Cleveland's message was devoted exclusively to the question of surplus revenue. Late in the month a strike by Philadelphia & Reading erripluyes took place. There were some rumors of war abroad owing to the movement of troops in Russia toward herweste1n fr( •ntier. RANGE OF PRICES IN  Opening. Canada Southern. . . 6312 Central .N'ew J ersey. 56 Central Pacific . . . 4314 c :hie. Bur. & Quincy 13714 Chic. Mil. & St. .P . . 9079 Chic. & Northwest .. 115 Chic. R. I. & Pac .. 126 Chic. St. P.Minn.&O. 4 878 D elaw are & Hudson 10334 D el. Laclr. & West .. 13714 East T , nnessee 1634 Do 1st 11ref . 8012 Lake Shore ·----·-· 9 534 Louisv. & Nashv .... 66¾ Manhattan .......... 15812 l\Iicbigan Central... 93 14 Mil. L . S. & West • . 6612 3312 Mo. Kan & T exas l\li ssomi Pacific l0!:l14 Nash. Chat. & St. L . 88 N. Y. Central ...... 1133s N. Y. L. E. & W..... 34:lg N. Y & New En~ ... 5512 N. Y. Susq. & West 1218 Norfolk & Western . 2314 Do pref. 5278 Northern Pacific . . . . 2778 Do pref. 6114 Ohio &Mississippi . 2914 . Oregon R 'y & Nav . 10414 Ore~on Trans . ...... 34 Pacific Mail. • • .. 5114  tti~·lw~~~~r.~e~: :i Do pref. 81  St. L. & San Fran . 32 Do pref 65 St. Paul & Duluth . . 5812 Do pref 10812 Tc>nn. Coal & Iron.. 4412 Union Pacific.. ..... 62 Wabash . .•. . . .. . . 1812 Do pref. 35 Western Union..... 7534  1887,  Hinhesr. 64:lg May 19 8614 April 10 433s April 12 156 May 17 95 May 18 127:lg June 7 140 79 May 17 5412 May 17 10612Nov. 25 13912 June 1 17 Jan. 3 8212 Jan. 13 9834 Juno 30 70 14 April 14 161 79 April 20 9512May 19 9412 May 18 3414 April 9 112 May 19 8834 Jan. 3 1145s May 19  ~g:5stfa~l ~~  14 Feb. 14 233s Jan. 3 55 7s M~y 16 34:lg July 18 6312 May 19 3212 April 4 10534 May 19 355s April 7 583s April 7 7134Nov. 16 · 53 Jan. 17 8712Jan. 17 4434 May 26 8412 May 26 95 June 20 11434 May 23 54 14 Jan. 14 63~ May 18 223s May 6 3814 May 18 81 79 Nov. 17  Lowest.  49 July 30 55 1s Jan. 3 2812 Oct 14 123 7s Oet. 17 695s Oct. 17 104 14 Oct. 17 109 Nov. 1 34 Ort. 17 9612 Sept. 21 123 18 Oct. 14 918 Oct. 17 52 Sept. 21 89 Oct. 14 5419 Oct. 13 9212 Dec. 13 80 Aug. 1 6612 Jan. 6 1612 Dec. 10 84¾ Nov. 1 68¾ Oct. 14 101¾ Oct. 14 2412 Oct. 14 3434 Oct. 17 7 34 Sept. 20 13 Oct. 17 3412 Oct. 15 20 Oct. 12 413s Oct. 18 21 Oct. 17 7918 Oct. 13 16 Oct. 13 32 14 Sept. 21 34 Feb. 1 203s Sept. 21 43 Sept. 20 30 Jan. 27 6112 Feb. 2 55 Oct. 14 99 Aug. 2 2112 Sept. 19 44 Oct. 17 1318 Ft'b. 1 2334 Feb. 1 6712 June 24  8  NOTABLE FEATURES IN THE FAILURES OF 1887. There are some facts calling for special notice in the record of mercantile failures which we give in full on a subsequent page for the past year. One would call the yeartake the average of the whole twelve months-a pretty good one from an industrial point of view. During the first half of it prices of all commodities were well sustaiLed, the quantity of goods marketed being immense, while durmg the last half production did not decrease, though in many departments prices gradually grew less And yet notwithstanding such condisatisfactory. tions prevailed, the record of failures gives the remarkable results of (1) larger liabilities than during either of the two previous years, and (2) number of failures very full compared with the previous recvrd. On this latter pJint, number of failures, it is quite noteworthy that there has been no very essential drop since the last cycle of business activity began. In that particular there is not another period like it during the whole time Messrs. R. G. Dun & Co. have issued their very valuable reports. For instance, going back no further than the revival of 1879-it will be found that in the previous year the number of failures reached 10,478 and for the three years previous to 1879 the number averaged 9,480; yet in the latter year they at once dropped to 6,658, and next year (188u) to 4,735, while for the fo 1!' years ending with 1882 they averaged only 5,928. After that, the period of contraction and liquicja.tion set in and the inc:re~s~ was rapid, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Years.  1887. Number in business . .. Number of failures .. Proportion of failures .. 1886. Number in business .... Number of failures ..... Proportion of failures .. 1885. Number in business .... Number of failures ..... Proportion of failures .. 1884. Number in business .... Number of failures .. . . Proportion of failures . 1883. Number in business ... Number of failures. .. Proportion of failures •• 1882. Number in business ..... Number of failures ..... Proportion of failures . . 1881. Number in business .... Number of failu•es .... Proportion of failures .. 1880. Number in bu11iness ... Number of failures .... Proportion of failures ..  ] Pacific, Eastern. Middle. South'rn Western &c.  Total.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --102,282 1,144 1 in 88  279,267 150,492 2,2'J4 2,845 llnllO 1 in 68  892 733 2,948 1 in 183  69,557 994,281 073 0,634. 1 In 72 1 in 103  100,1}75 1,110 1 in 91  293,862 2,271 1 in 180  142,014 2,349 1 In 61  869,768 8,091 1 In 120  1 In 62  9,884 lin 98  96,414 1,261 1 in 78  261,564 2,498 1 In 105  142,175 2,846 1 in 61  858,619 8,802 1 in 109  61,218 1,230 1 in 50  919,990 10,637 lin86  1142,894 2,291  836,910 3,860 1 in 100  54,481 1,841 1 in 41  1 in 83  53,60:'> 1,046 1 in 51  92,881 1,875 1 in 67  278,005  2,502 1 in 107  1 In 62  68,5~7 1,013  969,841  904,759 10,968  262,021 2,131\ 1 in 128  135,159 1 in 73  822,!:177 2,961 1 In 100  88,689 248,742 1,667 772 1 in 114 1 in 149  126,231 1,618 1 In 78  808,485 1,91:0 1 In 151  50,059 781 1 in fl8  linh?2  87,321:1 772 lin118  241,878 1,372 1 in 176  118,606 1,489 1 in 82  291,849 1,504 1 in 19!  43,083 495 1 In 87  781,6811 5,582 1 in 140  83,774 728 1 in 118  237,062 1,472 1 in 161  109,821 88> 1 in 181  275,672 1,171 1 in 235  38,494  746,823 4,735 1 in 158  00,381  1,197 1 in 75  1,844  034  1 in 72  863,993 9,11:14  1 iniH 822,256 6,738  In the above we have the proof of the statement made that not only is the number of casualties large, but the proportion also is larger. The best years of the previous period of industrial activity gave a far better record. For instance in 1880 the proportion for the whole country was only 1 in 158 and in 1881 it was 1 in 140, whereas  FAIL t!Rl§S. in 1886 it reached, as already stated, 1 in 98, and in 18871 it was 1 in 103. With such results as these it seems difficult to find any escape from the conclusion that the risks of business are increasing. The extra risks might come from greater venturesomeness or from smaller profits. Perhaps both of these suggestions have some truth in them. Most certainly the speculative tendency has developed in recent years. The growth in facilities and opportunities for such dealings through the purchase or sale of futures in almost every kind of produce, is an evidence of it. Perhaps we may assume, therefore, that merchants and bank· ers do to a greater extent than formerly take part in chance operations. Some of the more prominent failures of the year appear to point in that direction. We have as an illustration the closing of the doors of the Fidelity Bank in Cincinnati in June after those in control had diverted the funds of the institution to speculative purposes. This is only one case among quite a number, for •the collapse of banks, National, State anri private, has been a feature of the events of the past twelve months. And how many individuals and firms have been crippled  by reason of these occurrences, and succumbed as an indirect consequence, it would be impossible to determine. But we are inclined to give even more importance, as an influence affecting the number of failures, to the smaller margin left now-a-days for net returns to the merchant and the manufacturer. This is acknowledged to be the condition in almost all trades. It is only the mill well situated, intelligently managed, with modern machinery and abundance of capital, that is able to earn its dividend with regularity. So also with the merchant-he needs good credit, large means, immense sales and the closest watch fulness to secure a profit. All this tries the trader in a double way-it gives him very little room for average losses while callin~ for more intelligence or judgment than formerly in conducting business. The latter requirement bears with special force on the new additions, for any man can go into trade, whatdver his qualifications, whereas new comers are very apt to be inexperienced and venturesome ; and with the narrower limits prevailing making the test of survival so much more severe, a worse result than formerly of the weeding-out process ought to cause no surprise.  FAILURES FOR 1887, 1986, 1885, 1884, 1883 AND 1882. 1887.  N1tmber  fnBusi- States and Ter-  nessin  ritories.  1887. ---  Eastern.  14,266 Mame .. . . ... . 8,434 N. Hampshire. 6,603 Vermont . .. . .. 48,703 { Massachu't's Boston .... 7,306 Rhode Island. 16,920 Connecticut . .  -102,232  l!fiAmount of ut·es, Liabilities. 162 48 4:\ 375 275 122 117  $ 1,811,778 203,650 236,088 4,106,140 4,848,617 3,127,662 3,500,4.84  1886.  1885.  I  1884.  No. A'!fW~t7!-t_ of No. Amount of No. FailFai l,. Fail,. ures. Liabilities. ·iires. Liabilit-ies. ures. 167 48 45 341 285 92 182  -- - - - - ~--  $  3,225,279 4~9,712 543,494. 2,109;802 9,319,040 725;547 1,906,684  - - - - - - --· $ 205 1,050,181 79 063,392 44 256,558 360 3,223,707 271 4,373,518 126 1,248,591 176 1,714,486  231 96 48 390 305 1.36 169  - - - ·- - -  Tot. Eastern 1,144. 17,834,419 1,110 18,259,558 1,261 12,430,433 1,375 Middle. P8,244 New Yotk .... 553 8,273,224 621 5,894,088 677 7,999,:Hl 7C6 52,933 N.Y. &B'kn. 516 40,841,506 528 16,571,667 506 19,874,996 718 120 1,722,971 29,849 New Jersey . . 111 622,218 122 949,649 119 617 58,481 Pennsylvanin,. 694 7,056,083 5,523,064 748 9,864.137 653 25,084 Philadelphia 240 8,252,109 2,M9,017 204 2,991,969 ~05 225 26 4<l5,219 4,297 Delaware . . ... ~5 176,500 23 l!-15 ,250 27 16,495 M::iryland .... 152 3,050,461 129 3,631,971 177 3,777,804 112 44 288,8ti5 3,884 Dist. of Col. ... 35 280,463 41 212,694 32  -279,267  -----  Total Middle 2,3!5 69,980,433 2,271 35,368,988 2,498 Soulhern. 223 15,450 Virgina ... .... 138 1.046,606 1,750,737 270 57 385,631 8,513 West Vir~inia. 77 548,783 96 9,755 No. Caro ina . . 145 1,098,932 113 969,961 169 78 1,073,827 111 6,973 So. Carolina. .. l,05~,774 119 215 11,265 Georgia ... .. .. 195 1,713,462 1,872,763 212 4,~91 Florida .. ..... 107 564,469 78 603,302 49 93 1,637,477 118 9,587 Alabama . . .... 1,878,716 39 140 1,133,134. Mississippi. .. . 173 8,68a 1,127,102 157 11,341 Louisiana. . . .. 193 2,36"{,374 205 2,780,313 215 19,084 Texas .. ....... 503 7,098,241 507 5,313,727 3R8 90 837,900 100 1,178,651 9,817 Arkansas . ... 94 22,153 Kentucky ..... ~81 3,274,244. ~75 2,444,040 276 154 1,679,639 282 12,875 Tennessee .... 198 1,480,664  -150,492 6;J,870 37,786 67,814 35,868 29,404 29,686 26,197 52,041 26,914 17,158  -392,733  --994,28r  1882. Number in BuriNo. Amount of fa'ti- Amount of Fail,. Amount of ness in L iabilities. iwes. Liabilities. ures. Liabilities. 1882. $  875,267 572,072 683,707 4,010,791 6,332,329 3,285,269 1,464,396  -- - -$- -  223 2,253,110 75 418,799 45 5,724,263 391 4,560,833 235 20,908,~58 109 3,251,792 119 744,242  61  54 39 327 107 96 88  $ 942,014 12,704 7,639 395,045 6,ti07 147,348 2,888,161 } 41,660 6,064,450 5,608 2,155,419 14,411 8!!)8,963  -- - - - -88,689  17,223,8 31 1,197 37,861,897  7i2 13,491,400  10,949,894 77,875,721 1,310,339 12,3'10,133 6,892,032 553,900 2,028,189 896,852  444 7,144,217 455 21,212,308 113 l,B71,998 431 5,655,815 109 4,005,887 12 79,400 1,261,140 80 23 154,887  ----  585 10,794,708 545 28,210,225 121 2,182 ,425 531 10,062,071 174 3,509,349 15 206,757 127 1,864,502 38 278,497  79,432 39,548 22,786 67,586 19,215 3,598 13,500 3,077  45,865,840 2,592 112,856,060 2,136 57,108,534 1,6ti7 41,385,652 248,742 7,646,023 751,327 1,044,113 1,428,578 2,566,235 366,103 l,017,H5 998,150 5,035,411 3,394,460 818,H25 1,941,589 1,806,619  193 66 170 102 238 44 68 155 1!;4 493 121 219 238  2,415,254 605,560 1,241,621 877.065 3,412;571 670,534 1,453,311 3,001,254 5,408,916 4,365,375 1,149,164 2,0R3,265 1,654,861  134 55 154 93 213 34 55 151 177 3'20 84 154 220  5,570,728 2,095,1580 2,435,528 3,510,241 2,348,612 2,018,315 1,259,006 2,354,757 1,539,093 928,006 1,790,100 1,377,177 819,854  552 112 304 374 329 303 170 412 220 191 85 97 220  9,710,039 2,985,8~2 5,775,113 h,714,951 6,946,986 3,786,041 4,252,470 2,435,653 4,510,101 997,041 5,849,406 50!:!,954 1,400,396  536 10,485,273 79 1,765,575 270 3,426,182 .328 3,188,733 277 13,203,279 275 4,347,095 173 2,867,432 420 2,249,651 116 1,129,982 155 865,669 71 2,252,262 161 726,670 100 350,700  - - - ----  1,448,815 407,053 1,357,806 1,151,666 2,180,839 297,677 650,710 2,658,722 3,335,678 3,057,865 596,723 1,667,727 1174,326  137 45 134 93  ms  17 85 197 178 204 95 131 164  2,235,299 389,458 931,822 908,542 1,930,563 167,320 1,188,276 2,335,957 3,162,948 1,644,254 754,724 3,716,096 1,632,864  12,030 ti,791 8,585 5,794 11,215 2,M8 7,364 7,187 9,399 17,246 6,593 19,352 12,217  ---Tot. South'n 2,224 23,707,961 2,349 23,201,508 2,346 28,814,068 2,2:n 28,318,557 1,844 19,785,607 1,618 20,998,123 126,281 Western.  L~'lnciniiaii 0  diana ....... {Illinois .... .. Chicago .. Michigan . ... . Wisconsin .... Iowa . .. . ...... Minnesota .... {Missouri . ... St. Louis .. Kansas . ....... Nebraska .... .  398 118 212 30d 320 189 152 302 269 140 55 289 196  4,405,~96 4,419,254 1,838,494 2,459,744 5,997,4.78 1,875,915 2,380,950 1,976,822 3,222,800 904,222 2,140,700 1,702,286 644,94'8  -- ~---  489 91 235 371 275 202 188 373 202 164 69 297  rn5  4,279,101 2,562,457 2,739,089 3,923,672 4,263,684 2,269,007 1,940,167 1,932,313 2,205,740 994,897 847,035 1,059,736 844,723  588 91 293 372 312 238 169 370 190 182 71 285 14.1  Tot. Western 2,948 33,969,509 3,091 29,842,615 3,302 Pac. & Ten.,,,t's. 516 Indian Ter .... ·-·· · · ··- ... -...... 647,200 ""iii 6,167 Oregon . ....... 129 717,900 '"i6i 272 1,660,700 343 1,544,000 447 .. 26,522 { California S. Francisco 183 15,282,606 211 2,756,400 225 479,368 8,216 Uolorado . . .... 79 82 69S,520 62 14 45,800 1.370 Nevada ....... 12 134,800 25 39 213,557 2;675 Utah ......... . 9 20,307 22 1.7 253,199 1,943 N;l Mexico .. 12 373,400 20 11 1,367,400 919 W ming ..... 11 44,100 6 165,700 2,44.9 Idaho . .•...... 16 7 9,800 20 11,073 Dakota. . ....... 114 l,lfll,850 100 765,973 88 534,823 39 2,737 Montana ..••. 19 231,800 22 54 233,500 3,861 Washington •.• 63 420,650 113 33,000 1,007 Arizona ..•.•• 6 17 253,800 18 102 .•••..•. .............. . ............. ......  -69,557 --  1883.  .....  Tot. Pac.& T.  973 '22,068,617 1,013  Grand totals 9,634 r67,56o,944  9,834  ---- - - - - - - - - -  28,047,097 3,369 54,872,983 2,961 738,100 2,631,700 2,454,400 765,182 328,500 308,910 361,100 39,700 112,736 404,890 220,765 588,200 108,700  ··220 353 220 139 23 36 25 2 8 117 30 143 25  1,457,500 2,411,400 3,755,500 2,259,385 196,800 201,921 189,808 72,500 74,000 729,642 353,640 841,200 528,700  ········ ·-- - ...... ---·· -····-· ----  ''"93 281 148 182 35 51 31 5 18 90 26 50 36  ... . ...  ro,637  r24,220,32r  ro,¢8  ----  226~143,427 9,r&J  955,106 1,599,600 2,832,300 1,986,664 310,200 305,220 544,32! 13,300 173,300 1,075,780 315,000 546,837 582,100  '35  237 138 169 2~ 15 12  ···5 33 7  21)  31  . -.... -..... ....  272 io3:5oo 4,027 1,552,000 } 20,007 2,195,000 7,825 1,260,191 1,471 182,200 2,357 274,071 1,377 135,500 584 'fai;oo 937 194,952 6,744 71,000 1,638 128,300 1,~i~ 454,000 21  ······-· '  731  6,653,214  50,059  r72,8'14,r72 6,738  ror,547.564  822,256  8,587,657  61,133  74,266 Dom. of Can .• 1,382 16.~11,74!', 1.252 10,386,884 1,266 8,861,609 1,327 19,191,306 1,384 15,949,361 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  if~  2,680,817 } ~9,433 765,734 1,688,565 32,488 1,193,740 } 58,051 2,239,586 1,456,~70 31,787 1,106,942 24,411 1,415,773 28,217 355,990 14,088 1,446,450 2,701,720 } 37,449 14,713 1,!"H0,967 7,848 450,023  46,878,403 1,950 19,019,175 303,485  7,971,450 1,230 9,062,883 1,341 13,071,996 1,046 11,239,731  -----II,t.,644,II9  288 47 124 158 103 189 97 194 70 221 79  787  ·--  8  OL.EARiNGS A .NlJ SPEOtlLA'l'ION.  CLEARINGS AND SPECULATION IN l 887. An examination and study of the records of bank clearings always reveals interesting results, and this time the investigation offers a greater number of features and suggestions than usual. We have just closed a year of great industrial activity. Whatever may be said of the margin of profit or the course of price~, there can be no doubt that the volume of business was of very large pro po1;tions. We mined more coal and produced more iron and built a greater amount of new mileage than ever before in our history-the increase over the year 1886 (a year of heavy aggregates) amounting in the case of the first two items to 8@10 per cent, and in the case of the new mileage to about 45 per cent-and yet the total of bank clearings for the year is less than 4 per cent greater than the year before. To one unacquainted with the causes that have been 1:at work and the various factors and elements that enter into and affect the totals of clearings, such a result might suggest the reflection that perhaps, after all, business has not been as active in the United States as current reports have led one to suppose. But when we come to analyze the figures and find that in this city there has been no increase at allrather a. slight decrease-and that outside of New York the increase amounts to over 13 per cent, it is easy to see that some special agency or circumstance of an unfavorable nature has offset the increase in clearings arising from the ex 1 ension and development of trade and business at this centre. This view, too, is in harmony with the reports of large earnings and heavy traffic by the railroads which have been one of the principal features of the year, and which could hardly be explained on any other supposition than a large and active trade. The agency which has served in part to obscure the business activity these figures should reflect, is the cessation and absence of speculation on our Stock Exchange for which the late year has been so distinguished. Obviously stock speculafrm is more quickly felt and seen in clearings than are the operations and dealmgs connected with ordinary trade. Hence the fact that almost all through the late year the stock market was depressed and inactive, prices sinking lower and lower, has played a very importan_t part in kE;eping down the aggregates of exchanges. It is hardly necessary to call attention .to the condition itself, for that is familiar to all our readers, but the extent of the falling off is not so generally known. Here is a statement showing the number of shares sold in each year back to 1875, the approximate market value of the sales and the average price per share. NUMBER .AND VALUE OF SHARES SOLD AT NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE  Year.  Stocks,• Av'ge Valuel!lt Stocks,• Av'ge Values+ Shares. _P_r_ic_e (ap'rox~m-•t_e) _Y_e_ar_. . ~-ar_e_s._ Price (ap'roxlm'te)  1887 ... . 84,914,616 61·1 $4,508,778,899 1880....  97,919,099 69·60 $6;819,086,0M  1886 . ••• 100,802,050 65'6  5,885,662,200 11879 .•. ·172,765,762 56"85 4,1~6,683,570  1885 .••. 92,588,947 64·1  5,479,859,840 1878.... 39,875,593 54·10 2,157,269,581  1884. •. . 96,154,lf71 61"77 5,9 9,500,000 1877.... 49,832,960 52·20 2,601,280,512  1888.. .. 97,049,900 64·51 6,260,809,961 1876 ... ·189,926,990 53•40 2,132,050,483 1882... 116,307,271 66°12 7,689,453,486 1875.... 58,818,987 53·20 2,862,908,683 1881. ... 114,511,248 71-59 8,197,506,408  * The shares of stocks we take from tbe record kept by the Journal of f'ommerce, except for 1885, 1886 and 1887, whkh are our own compilation. t The values of sales are the figures madAup by The Public, except for 1887, 1886, 1885, 1884 and a part of 1883, which are our own.  According to this the sales in the late year comprised less than 85 million shares, against nearly 101 mHlion shares the year before. The value of the sales was only about 4-½ thousand million dollars, against about 5¼ thou. sand millions in 1886, the falling off being 1,377 millions. A better idea of the depression prevailing, however, is obtained when one observes that both in the number of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  shares sold and in the value of the same the totals for 1887 ale the lowest of any year since 1879. The average price is, of course, governed by the relative quantity of high-priced and low-priced shares sold, and in recent years the latter have been quite prominent; nevertheless, it is interesting to observe that this average also is the lowest since 1879, or $61·1 per share of $100, though in 1884 it WB,s nearly as low, or $61 ·77 per share. In 1881 the average was $71 ·59. The latter was the year of very heavy speculation, and compared with the totals then reached the number of shares sold in 1887 records a de. crease of about 30 million shares, while the value of the sales has declined no less than 3,689 million dollars, or from 8,197 millions to 4,508 millions. From the follow· ing table giving the sales and values for each month of the last two years it will be seen that while the transac· tions were small all through 1887, it was during the last two quarters that speculation was especially stagnant, July and December recording the smallest aggregates since June, 1885,-that is, if regard be had to the par value of shares sold; if the actual value of the sales be considered there is no total even in 1885 as low as those for December and July. SALES OF STOCKS AT THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. (  1887. onth. Number M of Shares.  -  Jan ....  6,147,127  Feb .... 7,214,112 March. 7,147,305  Values.  Par.  •  '712,998,400 687,698,950 646,1:185,850  1886. Value,.  Number  Actual.  of Shares.  •  414,449,880 8,672,lM 872,85-1,481 9,410,897 879,602,56i 10,152,078  Par.  •  790,688,975 818,717,825 853,778,952  Actual.  •  570,361,69? ti87,469,815 608,511,278  Total 22,508,544 1,997,683,200 1,166,496,878 28,285,lZQ 2,468,175, 7{>2 1,766,842,290  .. !prll. ay, ...  P,467,679 6,560,087 J une .. . 6,988,882  804,299,750 608,803,800 617,742,450  472,41t,,416 871, 187,05S 893,074,204  6,410,551 6,689,303 7,111,197  584,167,700 608,092,850 654,423,225  876,762,878 422,700,926 4~2,180,080  Total 23,0ltl,598 2,025,846,000 1,286,677,678 20,161,051 1,841,683,275 1,251,789,829 mos .. ~ uly ... A ug ... sept....  45,525,142 4,028,52Q,200 2,408,174,051 48,396,180 4,304,859,027 3,018,081,619 4,655,571 409,020,800 260,59i ,521 5,067,84~ 473,266,225 805,874,478 6,388,154 £>47,471,250 842,864,173 5,045,025 470,150,425 305,537,168 7.884,268 629,650,500 891,287,800 8,536.641 749,168,700 476, t36,060  l  Total 18,427,9&3 1,586,142,050  094,748,ll94 ll:!,649,~09!1'692,582,850 l,f.87,047,699  9 mos. rS,953,13{> 5,609,671,250 3,397,9z8,045 67.045,681:lr.91">7.441.377 4,105.129,818  oct.....  447,102,728 10,738,718 979,198,200 618,444,154 899,505,127 10,876,952 950,581,825 683,211,223 o,c .. ·1-5,164,'801427 ,150,2''51 ----- - 264,2<8,004 lll, I t0,89111,048,158,<751~-877,505 Total 20,9fll,481 1,771,766,200 1,110,855,854 38,756,861 2,970,933,500 1,780,532,882  N OV.  •.  8,300,235 7,496,266  703,725,075 640,890,850  Year... 84,944,616 7,881,437,450 4,508,778,899 100802050 8,973,374,877 5,885,662,200  With a falling off of 1,377· millions in the stock sales at New York (remembering that each transaction embraces the use of two or three, and sometimes even more checks) it is easy to see why the total of clearings shows such a small percentage of increase over the previous year, notwithstanding the greater industrial activity that has prevailed. It may be well to note that railroad bonds show a further decrease of 200 million dollars1 the value of the sales in 1887 having been only $292,413,287, against $496,670,111 in the twelve months of 1886. Taking, however, only the stocks, and considering each sale as representing on the average the use of 2½ checks, some important results are disclosed. In New York for instance, after eliminating the stock transactions on that basis, we have left a total which compared with a similar total of a year ago shows a large increa~e (over 17 per cent) instead of as before a small decrease. Treating the aggregate for the whole country in the same way-that is, taking out the New York stock sales-we get instead of an increase of less than 4 per cent, an increase of n, arly 15½ per cent, which of course puts a different phase on the matter. Disregarding New York altogether, stock sales and all, we find an increase in the clearings outside of this centre of 13·2 per cent. In the following table we present the totals for 1887 in a.11 these various ways in comparison with similar totals for the nine years pre• ceding.  tJ.t.EARJNGS AND SPEOULATJON. NEW YORK CLEARINGS. Year.  ~  Total  Per Ct, Inc. or  2¼ Times  /Per Ct. Clearings Per Ct• Inc. or Less 2½ Times Inc. or  $:::::.:::~7, _::~~  1887 ,::::::~~68 ~ \ $::;::.:~~;~1 1886....... . ss,670,s29,012 +1~0 14,714,155,500 +7:4 18,962,674,112 lSSIS ...•. . . 28,152,201,836 -91 18,699,649,600 -7 7 14,452,551,7361 1884.... ... 80,985,871,170 -17·2 [ 14,84.8,7i>O,OOO -5·1 16,137,121,170 1888........ 37,484,S00,872 -20:2 15,052,024,002 -18:6 2!,782,275,910 1882... ..... 46,916,955,081 -5 0 19,223,683,590 -5 9 2,,693,321,44.1 1ss1... .... 49,376,882.888 +27·1J 120,418,766,001 +18·2 28,958,116,8761 1880........ 88,614,448,223 +82·1 17,047,715,185 +64·9 121,566,733,088 1879........ 29,285,678,829 +47:~ 10,341,583,925 +94:5 18,894,089,904 1878.... 19,858,671,807 -6, 5,818,178,952 -18 2 14,540,497,855  : : :.1 +81:2 -10 4 -25·9 -21:s -4 6 +84·3 +14·1 +2?:9 -,12  Total Clear- Per Ct. _ c_L_EA_RIN_G_S_IN_TH_E..,..W_n_o_L_E_C_o_u_N_TR_Y_._ Year.  1887..... ... 1886........ 1885........ 1884...... . . 1888........ 1882....... . 1881.. •• . . 1sso........ 1879........ 1878., •,. • •,  Ct·1  iogs Outside Inc. or ~es., 2½ Times Per New York. Dec. New York Inc. or Stock Sales. Dec" ti7,567,262,475 15,516,481,439 13,287.894,252 13,020,778,203 14,209,194,801 13,794,577,518 1s,l!60,S17,S17 11,s7MOO,ooo e.200,soo,ooo ~.95t'l,100,000  ~A  Including Stock Sales.  +ia·2 $39,7711,871,496 -t-15·4 $51,051,818,743 +10·8 34,479,105,551 +24•3 49,193,201,obl +2·1 27,740,445,988 -4-9 41,440,095,588 -8·4 29,15,,594,878 -19·0 44,006,644,878 +s·o 85,991,470,771 -18·2 51,648,495,678 -1·2 41,487,898,959 -3·8 60,711,532,549 +22-7 42,9t8,48-l,193 +so·3163,837,200,200 +22·4 s2,942,1zs,oss +10·u 49,989,848,228 +10:s 28,184.889,904 +25:s 88,526,!78,~29 -13 2 1 22,495,597,855 -4 1 27,818, f71,u07  Per Ct. Inc. or Dec. +3·8 +18·7 -5·8 -14"8 -14·8 -4•1 +20•7 +20·7 +ss:~ -6 V  further point the above statement makes prominent is the heavy falling off in the clearings at New York as compared with the preceding era of revived industrial activity. Thus, as against the total of 33,484 millions for 1887, the aggregate in 1882 was 46,916 millions, and in 1881 49,376 millions. We have already seen that as compared with those years, there has been a heavy con• traction in stock speculation. Still, while that accounts for a good part of the reduction in clearings~ it does not seem to account for it all.. Taking out 2½ times the stock sales, we get an aggregate of 22,212 millions for 1887 which contrasts with 27,693 and 28,958 millions respect' ively for 1882 and 1881, showing even on this basis a con: siderable falling off. Altogether apart from the Stock Ex. change, however, the speculative spirit in those y~ars was very apparent, whereas in the late year-barring the operations in one or two articles-there was little of it in New York or in the East generally, and during the past six months there has been considerable liquidation in progress. Another feature of the above table worthy of note is, tbat outside of New Y or11tthe total of clearings is not only larger than in 1886 (13·2 per cent, as already stated), but decidedly larger than ever before. In fact, there have been but few recent years when the total has not shown growth. The development of the newer and remote sections of ~-he country of course tends steadily to enlarge the vo)ume of exchanges. It will perhaps attract notice, how• ever, that the present ratio of gain is not quite so heavy as in the years 1879-81. Thus while in 1885, 1886 and 1887 the increase was respectively 2· l per cent, 16·8 and 13·~, in the other period a.a increase of 16·8 per cent in 1879 was followed in 1880 by an increase of 22·4 per cent, and in 1881 by a further addition of 22·7 per cent. Still, there would seem no question that the recent period of activity has covered a much wider circle. The South certainly has had a larger share in it than at any former time. In this we refer not merely to the increased railroad construction, but more particularly to the de. velopment and extension that has been going on in iron and other manufactures, and in general industry. There are very few clearing houses in the South-none at all in the great iron centre-and hence a good part of the increased business in that section of the country does not find repre entation in our totals. The cities that do report do not all indicate this growth very clearly. At New Orleans the gain over the previous year reaches 11 ·7 per cent, which is not particularly sig• n1ficant, especially as there was scarcely any gam at all Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  the previous year, while at Norfolk the gain is only 7·6 per cent, and at Galveston there is actually a lO per cent decrease. But at every one of the points mentioned the exhibit for the last quarter is much better than for the fu~l year. Furthermore Memphis and Louisville furnish much better indications of the new growth. Here we find in the one case a gain of 22·4 per cent this year, after a gain of 22·1 per cent the previous year, and in the other case an increase of 20 ·5 per cent after an increase of 7· l per cent. The improvement is more note. worthy at Memphis because that point has in some measure also had the benefit of development in the West. In the following we have arranged the figures so as to indicate by geographical divisions the results in each quarter of the last three years, thus covering in full the period of revival since the West ~hore settlement in July, 1885, as well as the half.year preceding that event. Clearings Reported. (000s omitted.)  First Second Third Fourth Quarter. Quarter. Quarter. Quarter.  Total Year.  ---- - - - - - - - - -  -----  $ , $ $ $ $ { 1887. 8,272,388 8,7611,062 7,772,015 8,651,141 33,484,556 New York... ... .. ... .. 1886 . 8,526,113 'i,565,466 7,536,017 10,049,284 38,676,830 1885. 6,098,312 5,788,162 6,518,641 9,747,086 28,152,201  Total New England . .  1,200,844 1,342,188 1,129,855 1,295,484 4,1167,821 r887. 1886 . 1,157,428 1,103,5Ll 1,062,6<"'0 1,806,851 4,630,470 932,229 1885 . 907,643 924,893 1,216,545 8,981,810  Total Middle. . . . .. .. . .  r887. 1888. 1885.  Total Western........  1,883,820 1,253,202 1,405,261 5,129,565 r887 . 1,187,782 935,092 1,041,078 1,118,058 1,253,467 4,847,695 1886 . 898,186 1885. 789,482 888,262 1,iOl,622 3,617,552  Tot. South. & Southw.  { 1887. lf86. 1885.  568,469 475,970 426,162  555,853 460,111 397,160  509,280 449,607 865,264  642,754 2,275,856 572,098 1,957,786 504,137 1,692,728  San Francisco.... . . ..  { 1887. 1886. 1885.  166,671: 137,848 189,072  208,497 143,156 184,578  283,820 170,116 140,474  220,190 191,102 148,221  To al al l........ .... .. .  { 1887. 12,402,150 13,855,166 11,943,751 13,850,751 51 ,051,818 1886. 12,163,766 11,234,744 11,808,6S0 14,486,071 49,193,261 1885. 9,130,154 8,942,94.2 9,632,185 13,678,430 41,878,711  Outside New York...  { 18S7. 4,lW,812 4,566,104 4,171,786 4,699,610 17,567,262 1886. 8,637,653 8,669,278 3,772,663 4,486,837 15,516,481 1885. 8,031,842 8,154,780 8,113,!'\44 3.926,344 13.226,510  1,056,042 1,126,746 1,046,079 1,186,971 4,364,888 {,21,422 972,202 1,113,319 8,988,2t.8 931,315 792,62': 794,651 955,819 8,312,580 769,4~  829,182 642,222 562,345  This shows gains for two successive in every section, excepting only New York city. To indicate more clearly the changes during the year, we give below the clearings by months both with and without New York. . .  Month.  MONTHLY CLEARINGS.  Oleartngs Outside Neiu York.  Clearings, Total .AU.  ----  1887.  Total .... April •.•.... May . ...... . June ..... ..  12,401,879,053 4,513,017,992 4,299,625,922 4,54.1,691,382  1886.  '  P.Ot.  18S7.  1886.  P.Ot.  -  $ $ $ $ January . . . 4,870,822.843 4,148,139,849 +5·5 1,408,136,783 1,267,610,9M +11·1 February .. 8,695,294,t.65 8,848,019,l32 -4'0 1,222,010,794 1,102,511,291 +10-s March ...• . 4,335,761,645 4,172,610,767 +3·9 1,499,898,166 1.267,5S4,S2ti +18·8  12,168,769,648 S,610,313,360 8,610,281,542 4,014,0 0,056  +2·0 +26·0 +rn·1 +JS•l  4,129,540, 74f S,687,656,57<ris-• 1,480,1413,532 1,189,838,412 +24·5 1,508,857,585 1,199,958,881 +25·7 l,576,269,40i 1.279,917,154,+28·2  Total ..... 13,354,335,246 11,234,674,958 +18'9 4,565,278,474 8,669,209,447 +2N 6 months July ....... August .... September.  23,758,214,299 4,023,906,785 8,843,054,732 4,076,793,467  23,898,444,606 +10·8 S,798.494,300 +5·9 3,1149,962,tS16 +s·2 8,859,825,968 . +5·6  8,694,814,217 1,428,650.l,l67 1,849,156,995 1,893,931,839  7,800,866,017[ +10·0 1,322,453,001\ +s·o 1,195,785,287 +12"8 1,254,026,211 +11·2  - - - - - - - - --  Total. .... ll,9-(3,75;1,98T1,so,,,2S2,890 +o·8 <,171,?39,801 s,r.2,200,899 +10·• 9 months 87,699,969,288 S4,706,n7,496 +s·o 12,866,554,018 11,079,181,416 +10·1 October .... 4,537,91l2,652 4,698,-al4,001 -s·a 1,559,052,246 1,444,895,940 +7-9 November. 4,5~7.384,375 4,640,871,146 -2·5 1,596,183,946 1,458,936,285 +0•4  Dooombe,,., <,285,762,«1lj 5,15',«8,<08 -18:8 1,'45,872,265, 1,583,<8'1,79S -w8 Total. ... 18,851,149,460 t4,4e6,533,555 -71 14,700,608,457 4,437,800,023 +5 g Tot. ye~r 51,051,818,743[49,193,261,051 +3·8 17,567,2112.475 15,516,481,431:1 +1s·2  ·~s the falJing off in stock speculation was most de · cided in December, so that month makes the worst com· parison of the year, there being a decrease of 16·8 per cent, including of course New York. But even outside of New York the showing is the least favorabl~ of any month of the year, the increase being hardly more than nominal. The comparison, it should be said, is with a very heavy total the previous year. But in 1886 the December aggregate outside of New York was.)arger than the November aggregate, while in 1887 it is smaller,  10  CLEARINGS ANIJ SPECULATION.  We have remarked above upon the absence in 1887 of the cereals is 310 million bushels smaller than in that that general speculative spirit which was so noteworthy year, though with that exception _the heaviest given. and conspicuous in 1879-81, but in certain articles and SALES C'F FLO~R, WHEAT, &C., AT NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGB. cQIDmodities there has been at times, as stated, consider[Two ciphers (00) omitted from the figures for Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley and Rye.] able activity and excitement during 1887. Wheat especially was subject to speculative influences once or twice Total. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Barl'y Rye. Flour. in the year. For this reason the record below of the &Malt --- -Bush. Bush. Bush. Bush. Bbls. Bush. Bush. transactions on our New York Produce Exchange will 1st quarter, '87 771,495 3R9,194,1 50,177,0 19,502,0 1,808,8 109,0 463,76i,657 possess more than the usual degree of interest. It is un48,6 840,029,914 '86 651,792 254,788,2 70,266,3 11,426,1 668,6 " '85 870,915 829,048,0 86,139,0 82,520,5 1,194,2 258,4 453,069,217 " derstood, of course, that these transactions have very 2d quarter, '87 787,455 524,534,7 46,758,5 19,911,0 492,6 194,1 595,434,448 '86 769,890 400,!i70,5 55,112,6 15,622,0 254,4 159,8 475,482,110 little effect upon the totals of clearings, as they are settled 67,0 470,524,485 828,830 842,580,0 93,183,0 80,S08,0 206,7 " for on the Exchange. The table includes flour, wheat, sd quarter, '85 2,2 896,472,Ml '87 886,698 803,466,0 64,7tS5,0 22,726,0 528,2 77,0 477,205,969 '86 972,282 387,815,7 61,159,3 23,564,0 214,7 " corn; oats, rye; and barley and malt, and covers seven 11,0 M,7 453,174,848 '85 882,814 850,158,0 69,371,0 84,607,0 " years. It appears that the dealings in fl.our and every 4th quarter,'87 981,165 521,211,6 94,885,3 80,347,0 1,720,1 10,6 652,589,898 597,736,895 22,268,0 851,5 29,6 1,016,910 507,189,9 62,871,8 '86 " one -of the cereals were larger than in the year preceding; i0,5 500,658,528 '85 791,005 382,220,5 85,820,0 27,'i~0,0 1,263,0 " -------- --- -only in wheat, however, is the increase very heavy. In Total 1887 . ... . 3,426,818 1,788,406,4 21i6,585,8 92,486,0 4,044,7 315.9 2,107,259,1;89 1886 . •.•. 8,410,874 1,550,lll4,8 l249,409,5 72,880,1 1,889,2 314,5 1,800,454,388 that case the gain reaches 188 million bushels, and the total Total Total 1885 ..... 8,878,564 l,403,951,5 834,518,0 125,655,5 2,674,9 445,6 1,882,421,518 is larger than in any other of the seven years given. The Total 1884 ..... 18,560,098 1,168,842T55,812,11128,519,9 2,780~2,628,11,668,548,810 Total 1888 ..... 4,646,985 1,524,745,0 623,668,0 241,202,8 2,567,6 4,682,1 2,417,726,988 sales of corn, on the other hand, were 367 million bushels Total 1882 ..... 5,166,465 646,470,5 445,172,2 152,687,0 1,700,0 ...... 1,269,228,748 below those of 1883, and hence the aggregate for all Total 1881. .... 5,198,800 488,364,2 238,889,0 62,765,5 2,067,4 1,619,1 812,048,00~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  1  I  BANKING  AND  STATISTICS-HOME  FINANCIAL. A.N"D  FOREIGN.  NATio NAL BANKS, CURRENCY, COINAGE, &c. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, ACT OF JUNE 8, 1872. During the fiscal year there were issued, under the provi• From the report of Mr. James W. Hyatt, Treasurer of sions of the act of June 8, 1872, upon deposits of United States the United States, the following extracts are made : notes received from national banks, certificates amounting to RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITUitES.  The net receipts for the fiscal year were $371,403,277 66 and the net expenditures $267,932,179 97. The receipts were $34,963,550 60 greater and the expenditures $25,449,041 47 greater than the year before. The excess of the revenues over the expenditures was $1'03,471,097 69, an increase of $9,514,509 13 over 1886. A comparison in detail between the two periods is made in the following table : 1886.  Inc.* or Dec. t  1887.  - - - - - - ---1-------1-------- - - - - - Revenue from$ $ $ Customs ... ---········· 192,905,023 44 217,286,89313 *24,381,869 69 Internal revenue ...... 116, 05,936 48 118,823,391 22 *2,017,454 74 Sale of public lands... 5,630,999 34 9,254,286 42 *3,623,287 08 Miscellaneous sources. 21,097,767 80 26,038,706 89 *4,940,939 09 - - - - - -------,-----Total.. ............... 336,439,727 06 371,403,277 66 ....... .. ..... . Net increase ..... ..... .•.................. ..... .. .... *34,963,550 60  Exvendit's on aoo't ofCivil & misoellaneou : Cust'ms, light-hous's, puhlic bldngs, &o .. Interna.l. revenue .... Interior civil (lands, patents, &o.) ...... . Tr easury proper (legislative, executive and other civil\ Diplomatic (foreign relations) ......... . Judiciary and qua,i·terly salaries ..... . War Department ..... . Navy Department .. .. . Interior Department (Indians & pensions) Interest on public delJt  24,165,246 36 23,795,933 12 4,113,319 90 4,070,126 59 7,306,224 44 7,821,225 31 33,323,749 66 1,332,320 88 3,926,068 61 34,324,152 74 13,907,887 74 69,504,022 20 50,580,145 97  t369,313 24 t43,193 31 *515,000 87  38,342,337 73 *5,018,588 07 7,104,490 47 *5,772,169 59 4,130,712 37 *204,643 76 38,561,025 85 * 4,236,873 11 15,141,126 80 * 1,233,239 06 81,223,624 48 *11,719,602 28 47,741,577 25 t2,838,568 72  $34,900,000. There were redeemed $43,990,000, leaving outstanding at the close of the year $9,020,000, which is a much smaller amount than has been outstanding at the close of any year since the commencement of the issue. Their limited use may be attributed to the change in the bank reserves from notes to gold coin, and also to the great demand for notes caused by the increased busineS.13 activity. The amount outstanding September 30, 1887, was $6,615,000. * * * GOLD CERTIFICATES,  Of the issue of gold certificates under the act of March 3, 1863, there were redeemed during the fiscal year $51,720, reducing the amount outstanding to $2,375,700. The certifica~es authorized by the act of July 12, 1882, outstanding at the close of the year, amounted to $119,111,117. There were held in the cash of the Treasury offices $30,261,380 of both issues, leaving $91,225,437 actually in circulation, an increase of $15,181,062 in thA year. The amount held in tho Treasury cash decreased $24,868,490 in the year. The certificates actually in circulation on October 31, 1887, Increased to $99,684,773. and those held in the cash at the same time amounted to $32,858,158. The following table shows the issues and redemptions by denominations and the amounts outstanding at the beginning and close of the fiscal year : Denomination.  -  -·--  UNITED STATES NOTES.  The following table is Rlven in order that comparison may be made of the amount of United States notes of each denomination outstanding at the end of each of the last three fiscal years and on Septtmber 30, 1887: 1886· 1887· Sept. 30,' 87· Denominati~ _ 1881?_:_ $  $  $  $  Ones................. 24,952,061 17,603,922  8,797,376 7,667,871 9i:8i~:~l~ 9U~f:~~~ Tens.::::·:::.:::::::'.164,539,386 66,658,661 80,371,471 ,83,269,839 Twenties.. .. . . . . . . . . 55,126,509 55,078,379 63,929,3611 68,792,345 Fifties ... .. . ... .•••.. 23,459,895 23,291,265 21,90 ,985 1 21,295,455 One hundreds. ...... 32,896,790 31,359,700 29,643,400 29,743,000 Five hundreds....... 16,557,000 12,424,000 7,704,500 7,484,000 One thousands...... 28,716,500 37,361,500 31,197,500 27,402,500 Five thousands. . .. . 100,000 60,000 45,000 45,000 Ten thousand s...... -~~ooo _ _:_~ooo ---~•ooo __ lo,ooo Total.. .......... 347,681,016 347,681,016 347,681,016 347,681,016 Less unknown denominations destroyed in subtreasury in Chicago fire..... ........ 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 ____ - - - - ----- - - - Outstanding ... . 346,681,016 346,681,016 346,681,016 346,681,016  ri~~!---- ............ ~~:ii~:izg §~:~gt:~n  *  * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  *  *  *  *  *  *  Issued dm-- Redeemed Outstanding fiscal during fiscal ing June year. year. 30, 1887.  - - - - - - - - - -------1-----1------ - --- - -  Twenties .... ·····-·· Fifties..... . . . . . ... . . One hundreds . ...... Five hundreds . . .. . . ----- --One thousands...... Total ................. 242,483,138 50 267,932,179 97 .......... ...... Five thousands ...... Net increase ...........•............................. *25,449,04147 ren thousands .......  Surplus available for reduction of debt 93,956,588 56 103,471,097 69 *9,514,509 13 Tbe receipts on accou ri t of the Post-Office Department, not included in the above statement, were $54,752,347 42, which is an increase of $1,755,212 16 over the receipts of last year. The expenditures increased from $50,682,585 72 in 1886 to $53,583,835 03 in 1887, or $2,901,249 31. Of the total receipts $28,031.949 72 was received and disbursed by postmasters without having been deposited in the Treasury, * ,·<- •x-  Outstanding June 30, 1886. $  11,976,890 9,717,955 9,013,400 13,440,000 18,496,000 13,820,000 54,710,000  *  $  1,104,828 1,492,600 ........ 1,056,000 . ... . . . . 1,409,000 .... ····11,120,oool ... .... 625,000 ........ 2,8 0,000  ---- ---- -----  Total. ........... 131,174.,245  *  $  ... ....  ·X-  $  10,872,062 8,225,355 7,957,400 12,031,000 17,376,000 13,195,000 51,830,000  9,687,428 121,486,817  *  *  *  SILVER CERTIFICATES.  There was a large increase in silver certificates outstanding, the amount at the close of the fiscal year being $145,543,150, as compared with $115,977,675 June 30. 1886. The amount held in the Treasury cash at the close of the fiscal year was $3,425,133; the amount held at the s ame time in 1886 was $27,861,450; and the amount in actual circulation June 80, 1887, was $142,118,017, against $88,116,225 last year. The increase of $54,001,792 in circulation was partly due to the demand for notes of small denominations caused by the discontinuance of the issue of $1 and $2 legal tender notes. Under the requirements of the act of August 4, 1886, which directs the issue of silver certificates in denominations of $1, $2 and $5, there were issued durin~ the fiscal year $14,156,000 in ones, $8,976,000 in twos and $7,760,000 in fives. Their issue has, to a considerable extent, satisfied the want for a small paper currency, and has therefore proved of great public convenience. Tbe Treasurer has been only partially able to meet the ded f th 11 t'fi t f th th t th man or ese sma cer 1 ca es, or e reason a ey have not been furnished to him. It is very desirable that a liberal supply should be printed and available for the regular demands on the office at certain seasons. It is the experience of the department that paper money put into circulation, freshly printed, as much as that lately issued has been, will not wear so well nor last so long as when seasoned b_v remaining a reasonable time in the vaults. It has been necessary to put the notes into circulation as rapidly as they could be prepared, and many complaints have been received in regard to their easy defacement, which is undoubtedly attributable to their being put into use fresh from the presses,  BANKING .ANJJ FINANCIAL. The issues and redemptions of these certificates by denominations during the last fiscal year are shown by the following table : Outstanding June  Denomination.  30, 1886.  Issued dur- Redeemed 1 Outstand: ing fiscal during fiscal ing June year. year. 30, 1887.  1- ,'-.  Number Bonds hel_d toBosnedcurshe~dldef b k Total of Jo an s to sec111:e mr- posits of bonds held. une 30. culation. public funds.  National bank notes outatanding as reported by Comptroller the _ Currency. 1 - - - -- 1 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ ,of ___ _ __  .$ ~  ~  1>,  -- - - -  $  $  $  $  '63. 26 1,185,750 . ....... . .... 1,185,750 ··-········· ·· ..•• '64. 467 44,266,900 30,009,750 74,276,650 25,825.665 $ $ $ $ 1,294 235,989,700 32,707,500 268,697,200 131,452,158 Ones.. ... ...... ..... . 14,156,000 176,503 13,979,496 '65 . 1,634 327,310.350 38,177,500 365,487,850 267,798,678 Twos .. .... . . .. .. . .. . 8,976,000 70,003 8,905,996 '66. 1,636 340,607,500 39,177,950 379,785,450 291,769,553 Fives ...... ... .. .. .. . 7,760,0001 31,758 7,728,24.1 '67. 1 1,640 341,495,900 38,517,950 380,013,850 294,908,264 Tena.... ........ .... . 50,269~387 10,440,000 6,508,517 54,200,870 68. 1,619 342,851,600 25,423,350 368,274,950 292,753,286 44,957,628 9,520,000 3,848 ,612 50,629,016 '69 . 1,612 '70. 342,278,550 16,072,500 358,351,050 291,183,614 7,384,840 1,000,000 3,188,74 0 5,196,100 '71. 1,723 359,885,550 1 5,536,500 375,422,050 307,793,880 One hundreds ..... . . 9,610,820 5,897,390 3,713,430 1,853 380,440,700 1 5,329 ,000 395,769,700 3 27,092,752 '72. Five hundreds ..... . . 1 ,835,000 ........ 1,166,000 669,000 1,968 390,410,550 1 5,210,000 405,620,550 338,788,504 One thousands ..... . 1,920,000 .• • . . . . 1,399,000 521,000 '73. '74. 1,983 391,171,200 15,390,2001 406,561,400 338,538,743 1- - - - - 1- - - - - - 2,076 376,314,500 14,547,200,390,861,700 318,148,406 Total .....•...... 115,977,675 51,852,000 22,286,525 145,543.150 '75. 2,091 341,394,750 14,578,000 355,972,750 294,444,678 '76. 2,()l78 1338,713,600 15,377,0001354,090,600 '77. 290,002,057 The amount of silver certificates is!"lued and redeemed dur- '78. 2,056 349,546,400 13,858,0001363,404,400 299,621,059 ing each fiscal year from 1878 to 1887, the total amount issued '79. 2,048 354,254,600 1 4,421,400 368,676,000 307,328,695 2,076 361,652,0501 14,777,0001376,429,050 318,088,562 and redeemed, and the amount outstanding at the close of '80. 2,115 360,505,900 15,295,5001375,801,400 312,223,352 '81. each year, are exhibited in the following statement : 2,239 1360,722,700 15,925,0001376,647,700 308,921,898 '82. 2,417 356,596,500 17,116,0001373,712,500 311,963,302 Issued durRedeemed \Outstanding '83. 2,625 334,147,850 17,060,000 351,207,8501 295,175,334 Fiscaly'r. ing fl.seal Totalissued. duringfl.sdTotald at close of '84. 2,689 312,145,200 17,607,000 329,752,200 269,147,690 '85. year. cal year. re eeme · fl.seal year. 2,809 275,974,800 19,659,900 295,634,700 244,893,097 ·86 3,014 191,966,700 26,485,500 218,452,200 166,625,658 '87. $ $ $ $ $ 1878. .. . . . 1,850,410 1,850,410 ...... .. . . . .. . . 1,850,410 * * 1879.. .... 9,149,590 11,000,000 8,460,0501 8,460,050 2,539,950 1880 ...•. . 10,018,000 21,018,000 183,680 8,643,730 12,374,270 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 1881. ... .. 40,912,000 61,930,000 2,119,740 10,763,470 51,166,530 1882 ...... 24,300,000 86,230,000 9,369,820 20,133,290 66,096,710 The following extracts are from the annual report of 1883 .. .... 35,040,000 121,270,000112,519,879 32,653,169 88,616,8:-n 1884 ...••. 52,280,000 173,550,000 20,005,1401 52,658,309 120,891,691 Mr. W. L. Trenholm, Comptroller of tbe Currency: 1885 ... ... 40,000,000 213,550,000 20,990,045 73,648,354 139,901,646 * 1886.. .... 4,600,000 218,150,000 28,523,9711102,l 72,325 115,977,675 .1 887 ..... . 51,852,000 270,002.000 22,286,525 124,458,850 145,543,150 Sl'ATE, SAVINGS AND PRIVATE BANKS, AND LOAN AND TRUST COMPANIES.  - - · - -----1•---- - - - -  ~!:.~~:: ·:.::::::::  -----  ········1  ·I  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  STANDARD SILVER DOLLARS,  The amount of standard silver dollars coined in the fiscal year was $33,216,831, an increase of $3,377,926 over 1886. The amount held in the Treasury June 30. 1887, was $211,483,970, and the amount in circulation, $55,456,147. The amount held by the Treasury October 31, 1887, was $214,175,532, and the amount in circulation $62,540,625. The present storage vault in this city was completed and turned over to the Treasurer in September, 1884. It now contains $56,000,000 in standard silver dollars and $215,000,000 in gold coin, and is entirely filled. The new vault in course of erection in the Treasury building is urgently needed to transfer the accumulations from overcrowded vaults in the Treasury offices at other points. The amount of silver dollars coined, on hand and outstanding at the close of each fiscal year since the coinage was resumed will be found in the following table: Annual coinage.  Fiscal year. 1878 .....•..........•.. 1879 ..... •..... ... ..... 1 880 ....... . ... ... .. . . . 1881 .............•..... 1882 .................. . 1883 •............••.... 1884 .......... . . .. .... . 1885 .........•......... 1886 ................• .. 1887 .... . .... . ..... . . . .  Total coinage.  On hand at Outst"g at close of y'r. close of y'r.  $ $ $ $ 8,573,500 8,573,500 7,718,357 855,143 27,227,500 35,801,000 28,358,589 7,442,411 27,933,750 63,734,750 45,108,296 18,626,454 27,637,955 91,372,705 63,249,300 28,123,405 27,772,075 119,144,780 87,524,182 31,620,598 28,111,119 147,255,899 112,362,510 34,893,389 28,099,930 175,355,829 135,810,368 39,545,461 28,528,552 203,884,381 165,535,854 38,348,527 29,838,905 233,723,286 181,253,566 52,469,720 33,216,831 266,940,117 211,483,970 55,456,147  *UNITED* STATES*  *  *  BONDS HELD FOR  * * * NATIONAL B.A NKS.  The United States bonds held in trust by the Treasurer at the close of the fiscal year to secure circulating notes issued to national banks amounted to $191,966,700, a decrease of $84,008,l0Q from the amount held on the same account last year. The amount of bonds held for security of deposits of public funds June 80, 1887, was $26,485,500, an increase of $6,825,600 over the amount held at the same time in 1886. The amount of bonds deposited during the year was $'i7,432, 150, and of bonds withdrawn $134,614,650, a total movement of $192,046,800 and a total decrease of $77,182,500 in bonds held in trust for national banks, The following table contains a description of the bonds on hand June 30, 1887: To secure Per To secure Total. cent. circulation. public monClass of bonds. eys.  I  --·--· -----·1--  $  $  $  Bonds issued to Pac. RR. 6 3,175,000 175,000 3,350,000 Funded loan of 1891.... 412 67,743,100 9,434,000 77,177,100 Consols of 1907.... . . . . 4 115,842,650 15,568,500 131,4.11,150 Loan of July 12, 1882.. 3 5,205,950 1,308,000 6, 513,950 - - --·-----1- - - - - -1- - - - - Total .. . ................. $191,966,700 1$26,485,500,$218,452,200 The following table shows the amount of bonds held by the Treasurer of the United States to secure circulating notes issued to national baoks, the amount of notes outstanding thereon, and also the amount of bonds held to secure deposits of public funds with national bank depositaries at the close of each fiscal year, from the commencement of the present national banking system, under the law approved February 25, 1863, and subsequent laws. It is given in order to show the changes that have taken place in the amount of securities held, and in the outstandin~ circulation, caused by business ac~vity or depression, and d~ring the last few years by the rapid decrease of the bonded mdebtedness of the Governmeµ.t. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  In order to comply with the fourth requirernent of Section 333 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, the Comptroller has obtained, through the courtesy of the authorities of 21 States which exact returns pf this nature, all the information received by them, This information, transmitted some'liimes in detail and sometimes compiled by the State officers, embraces the affaird of 1,620 incorpoated institutions and 182 private banking concerns, making 1,802 in all. * .* * It was desired to make a classified report of the holdings of gold, silver, legal tenders and national bank notes, but as only a comparatively small number of associations outside of the national bank system separate the items composing "cash on hanrl," and as the majority of the State reports simply show " cash on hand" and ' cash in bank," the result is not as satisfactory as was hoped for, From the reports in which" cash on hand" is classified, it appears that the amount held by 1,360 such associations in gold coin is $27,015,952; in gold · certificates, $937,710; in silver coins, $1,824,657; in silver certificates, $598,313; in specie (not classified), $13,744,878 ; and in legal tenders and national bank notes, $35,462, 589. For purposes of comparison, reference is made to the following table : GOLD, SILVER, &C., HELD BY NATIONAL BANKS AND OTHER BANK.ING ASSOCIATIONS AT DATE OF LATEST RETURNS. 1,360 other banking asso• ciations.  National banks.  CLASSIFICATION.  Total.  ------ - -  Gold coins ..... ............. $73,782,489 Gold certificates ... ... . ..... 53,961,690 Gold clear'g·house certifl.c's 23,981,000 Silver dollars ... .. ....•..... 6,683,368 Silver, fractional ........... 2,715,526 Silver certificates ... ...... 3,961,380 Nationn.l bank notes ........ 21,937,884 Legal tenders. . .. ......... 73,751,255 Specie (not classified) ...... . --. -- .. --- . --Total ......... ...... ... .... $260,774,592  *  *  *  *  *  $27,015,952 937,710  1,824,657 598,313 } 35,462,589 13,744,873  $100,798,441 54,899,400 23,981,000 11,223,551 4,559,693 131,15 1,728 13,744,873  79,584,094  340,358,686  ···-····------}  *  *  *  The following table gives the number of national banks organized in each State and Territory during the year ending October 31, 1887. with their aggre1?ate capital : States and ter- No.of Capital. j'sta~s a!1d ter- No.of Capitn.l. ritories. banks. I r1tor1es. banks. ----1----Maine.. ........ 2 $100,000 Ohio........... 11 $2,030,000 Massachusetts. 1 100,000 Indiana........ 2 H0,000 Connecticut... 2 200,000 Illinois......... 12 1,500,000 - - - ------1Michigan...... 4 800,000 Div. No.1. .. _ _5 _$400,000 11 Wisconsin ..... 8_ 580:000 New York .... . 8 4,065,000 Div. No. 5... 37 $5,010,000 NewJersey... . 7 825,01 10 ---- · Pennsylvania.. 12 2,135,000 Iowa.... .•. . . . 5 350,000 . - - - - - - - - - Mtnneso_ta..... 4 1,450,000 Div. No. 2. .. 27 $7,025,000 M1ssour1. ...... 7 3,100,000 -Kansas.... . . . . 4l 3,392,000 1 50,000 Nebraska...... 13 710,000 Delaware ..... . 3 150,000 Maryland ..... . Dist. Columbia. 1 250,000 Div. No. 6... 70 $9,002,000 W. Virginia ... 1 50,000 --~ - - - - - - - Colorada... .. . . 4 350;000 Div. No. 3. .. 6 $500,000 Arizona. .•... 1 100,000 =California..... 7 750,000 N. Carolina. .. . 1 50,000 Oregon . •. . . . . 5 310,000 S. Carolina. ... 1 5 0,000 --- ----¥~J~·.·:::::: Div. No. 7... 17 $1,~10,00~ .Alabama... . ... 8 1,409,000 Dakota......... 9 500,000 Mississippi..... 4 300,000 Montana. . . . . . . 1 50,000 Louisiana...... 4 400,000 Washington ... 2 250,000 Arkansas . . . . . . 2 150,000 Wyoming...... 1 100,000 Texas.......... 18 2,140,000 - - - · --Tennessee. ... . 6 1,200,000 Div. No. 8 ... 13 $900,000 5 0 $6,199,000 Div. No. 4 .•. Grand total .. 225 $30,546,000  =  t  f88;888  BANKING  13  AND FINANCIAL.  Eight national banks, with an aggregate capital of $1,550,· The following shows the average loans, deposits, specie and 000, failed and were placed in the hands of receivers during egal tenders and surplus reserve over and above the legal the year. * * * * requirement of 25 per cent of the deposits in each week of SUM.MARY OF NATIONAL BANKS ORGANIZED AND DISSOLVED SINCE FEB• the year 1887. In each column the :figures indicate millions 25, 1863, AND THE NUJ\IBER EXISTING NOV. 1, 1887. and hundred thousands, the last three :figures being omitted: Dissolved. - - --1NOWCJdst'g NEW YORK CLEARING HOUSE BANKS STATEMENT-00Js OMLTT~D. Banks organized. Num- In liquidation. ber.  I  Co8t~!~i:~::~~I Other banks .. _____  *I~ I  I  Total number  N:~ IP~:· 1N:J:·1dissol::l::.1  586 1 3,219 556  17  100] 3  Rate of Week Loans. Deposits Specie. Legal Surplus Reeerve Interto tenders. reserve. deposits. end'd tSt. - - $ ---85 Jan. Percent. Per Ct. $ $ $ $  No. P. c.  656 12,563  80  8 .. 15 .. 22 .. 2l:t ..  348,4'7"9 348,067 351,44 8 353,051  Total·--··· ... 3,805 625 16 119 3 744 3,061 80 * Voluntary or by expiration. Feb. Of 625 banks which have gone into voluntary liquidation, 471 took 5 . . 359,185 that step for the purpose of winding up their affairs, 71:1 for the purpose 12 .. 3ti5,58 6 of reorganization, and 75 went into liquidation by reason of expiration 19 .. 367,350 of charter, 38 of them having since been reorganized. ~6 •• 368,113 Mar.  *  *  * LOA.NS. *  *  *  The following table gives a classification of the loans of the national banks in each of the cit :es of New York, Cllicago and St. LJuis, and in the three cities of Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, in the other reserve cities, and in the rest of the country, at n9arly the same dates in each of the last three years : CJasslflcation.  OnUnlt'd On other States stocks, b'ds, bonds on &c.,on dedemand. ma,nd.  OCT. 1, 1885. $ NewYork ..•..... 3,286,124 33,400 ~~litt>oii·1s· : ::::: 388,0HJ 'J hree cities . . . . . . 11)0,195 Other cities . ..... 168,735 Country .......... 504,134  On s·nglename paper witho't other security.  $  80,tl87,285 lU,967,875 1,197,060 3;j, 157 .319 13,256,157 34,0JtJ,U.:Jl  $  25,331,820 10,226,583 123,550 34.ti06,254 8,130,100 92,873,780  Total ........... 4,5tl5,607 173,302,6\!7 171,492,0li7 OCT. 7, 1886. New York .....••. 2.002,551 ~!>titt'ouis·:: : : : : '.rhree cities ...... Other cities ...... Co:intry ... . ...•• .  85,900  262,355 400,198 563,717  ---  91,636,791 24,646,007 10,663,006 12,593,921 355,373 1,028,430 35,741,645 37,315,993 16,336,793 12,539,705 41,008,812 110,677,534  All other lua us.  Total.  $ 127,518,389 24,761,567 7,473,788 150,270,503 74,713,604 567,057,152  $ 236,823,598 . 45,989,425 9,182,417 218,424,271 96,263,596 694,471,997  951,795,003 1,301,155,304 135,447,027 32,058,515 8,291,~•6~ 156,261,282 86,900,964 626,841:1,753  253,732,376 55,401,342 9,675,771 229,5bl,275 116,177.660 779,099,816  Total .......... . s,au,121 11:16,415,477 198,128,533 1,045,809,509 1,443,668,240 OCT. 5, 1887. New York ........ 1,445,~gg 95,075,844 17,585,496 10,821,735 15,498,986 ~:;i:1?oii1s·:: '.::: 1,1~2,214 279,603 'l'hree cities ...... 50,225 35,0~1,531 36,078,453 Other cities . ..... 122,910 . 19,551,230 18,598,269 Country .......... l,413,91b 44,335,893 124,035,463  143,906,941 34,754,972 8,920,936 162,346,995 115,167,352 693,790,201  258,014,181 61,076,193 10,3.~2,753 233,557,204 153,439,761 863,575,555  T otal .. . ........ 3,033,453 206,048,447 212,076,270 1,159,887,477 1,580,045,647  NEW YORK CITY BANK MOVEMENTS. The returns of the New York Clearing House banks were observed with greater interest during the year 1887, owing to the fact that business was more active, particularly at the West and South, where the demand for money was large, and a consequent dram on Eastern cities occurred. The banks held their own very well and added a third year to the two preceding in which their surplus rP,serve had not fallen below the required limit. This point, howe,er, is rather technical than otherwise, for the banks were at times pressed for loans by their customers, and in October, prior to Secretary Fairchild's determination to increase the Government funds in depositary banks, there was much apprehension amoDg the bank officers of serious trouble in monetary affairs. The maximum surplus reserve was reached on Jan. 29, 1887, when it was $22,298,450, while the minimum was reached on June 25, 1887, when the amount was $3,345,900. · The table below shows that the clearings in New York during 1885 were smaller than in any other year since 1878, and this is to be accounted for by the fact that the increased activity in business after July, 1885, did not equal the heavy transactions during part of the panic year 1884. In 1886 there was a decided improvement, and the increase in activity of both speculative and legitimate transactions was well reflected in this large volume of bank clearings. In 1887 the clearings fell off a little from 1886, owing to the small Stock Exchange business. The following table shows the clearings for nine years past in New York City, the clearings in other cities, and the total clearings for all cities : New York Clearings.  Year.  $33,484,556,268 33,676,829,612 28,152,201,886 1885 ........ . . ······ · 80,985.871,170 ]884 .... . ... .. ... . ......... . 1883 ..... . , . .. .. .. .... . ..... . 87,434,800,872 \882 .. .. . . . . .. ... . ..... ...... 1 46,916,955,081 1881. ........ ... ......... . . .. 49,876,882,888 38,614,448,223 1880 ... .. .. .. ..... . ...... . . .. 29,235,678,ij29 1879 ..... . .................. . 1887 ..... .. ...... . , ......... . 1886 ........... . ... . .. . .... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ········1  Total Outside NewYork. $17,567,262,475 15,516,431,489 18,287,894,252 18,020,778,203 14,209,194,801 18,794,577,518 18,960,817,817 11,875,400,000 9,290,800,000  Total All Cities. $51,051,818,748 49,193,261,051 41,440,095,588 44,006,644,373 51,648,495,678 60,711,582,549 68,337,20.0,200 49,989,'!48,228 88,526,478,829  370,138 374.187 3 80,060 ::, 2,961  85,509 88.088 89,798 ~2,851  21,812 24,070 24,013 25,187  14.,786 18,611 18,796· 22,298  28·9!) 29·97 29·94 30·82  4  388,634 392,771 391,778 387,462  93,4'20 93,53t 91,647 87,0tiS  24,210 23,270 21,776 21,189  20,471 18,609 ]5 ,479 11,::J93  30·26 29·78 28·95 27·94  4 4 4 4  5 5 4  r>  5 . 12_. 19 .. 26 ..  369,487 369,501 368,811 :!65,403  385,325 38-1,181 38'3,144 374,702  85,278 84,100 82,852 79,6v2  20,141 19,942 20,018 20,259  9,088 7,998 7,335 6,186  27·35 27·08 26·63 20·65  5 4. 5  2 .. 9 .. 16 . . 23 .. 30 .. May 7 .. 14 .. 21..  365,659 :no,!H7 368,562 362,71~ 360,611  372,414 377,.l~O 376,46!) 371,181 371,685  77,996 79,408 77,688 77,670 77,t:,27  19,487 18,989 20,917 21,786 22,433  4,379 4,115 4,48 8 6,66v 7,l::J9  26·17 26·09 26·19 26 ·79 26·92  6 6 6 5 5  ~s ..  365,420 3ti5,481 365,843 364,4ti3  378,633 375,742 374,656 371,4ti0  76,850 7·5 ,161 74,439 73,'i55  21,830 2Z,935 23,882 24,889  4,522 4,161 4,657 5,779  26·20 26·10 26 ·24 !l6·55  5 5 412 412  4 .. 11 . . 18 .. 25  365,231 365,105 ::J66,373 36b,4.84  371,307 B70,~65 :-i72,347 369,lb4  72,499 72,171 73,013 72,530  24,65424,989 24,690 23,103  4,327 4,4:lO 4,616 3,3-15  26·16 26·19 26·24 25·90  5 5 5 6  363,553 360,173 358,4.87 355,249 355,294  367,0Ql 369,007 368,416 ·364,3bl 361,765  73,288 77,530 77,757 77,033 75,648  22,133 21,074 22,272 22.551 22,924  3,651 6,352 7,926 8,497 8,130  25·99 25·63 27·15 27·33 27·24  6 6 5 412 6  ti .. 356,137 359,221 13 .. 352.925 352,743 ~0. - 350,710 347,214 27 .. 348,-!3~ 345,482  73,973 70,:-.154 68,816 G:!,693  22,754 22,565 22,252 22,54.3  6 ,922 4,733 4,265 4,865  26·92 26·35 26·22 26·4.0  5 6 5 5  Ap1il  June  July 2  9 .. 16 .. 23 .. 30 ..  Aug.  Sept.  3 .. 10 .. 17 .. 24 ..  344,838 347,442 347,096 346,428  344,447 342,837 342,880 341,935  68,679 68,120 68,931 70,521  22,7-15 21,743 :.!0,608 20,778  5,212 4,154 3,819 5,816  26·51 26·21 ~6·11 26·70  6 6 6 6  1.. 8.. 15 .. 22 .. 29 ..  344,795 348,leS 351,842 351,032 350,196  345,826 350,374 355,.:55 356,989 357,866  75,144 74,974 74,559 76,822 78,816  20,328 20,731 21,514 21,788 22,612  9,017 8,112 7,260 9,363 11,962  27·60 27·31 27·32 27·62 28·34  6 6 6 6 5  5 .. 12 .. 19 .. 26 ..  352,360 :15:i,9;;7 352,168 353,277  353,763 356,2ti8 353,774 351,6!:ll  77,086 74,801 71,710 70,006  22,390 22,852 24,\120 24,581  9,786 8,587 7,488 6,66<1  27·72 27·69 27·11 28·89  5 5 5 5  3 .. 10 .. 17 .. 24 .. 31..  354,116 352,!-!43 350,261 350,409 356,540  353,789 351,705 351,566 351,846 3 :i 9,359  68,146 68,359 69,083 70,332 71,139  26,146 25,774 26,73ti 26,665 27,259  5,845 6,207 1;928 9,036 8,659  26·65 26·76 27·25 27·56 ~l7·38  5 5 5 5 5  Oct'r  Nov.  Dec'r  GREAT BRITAIN IN 1887 . .· [Communicated by our London Corres9ondent.] The business conditions during 1887have proved more favorable than during previous years, the later months especially so and 1888 opened with quite an improvement in feeling and prospects, prices in many departments being better and the volume of trade much larger and expanding. It will be remembered that 1885 was a very unsatisfactory year; 1886, though in a great degree a period of deferred hopes, recorded a distinct.move forward; but in 1887 the revival acquired decidedly greater force. While saying this, we are compelled to add that there have been important drawbacks in the past twelve months. Foremost among these was the political excitement on the Continent. In January and February it appeared as if a bitter conflict between Germany and France was inevitable, and when Prince Bismarck demanded a large increase in the German army because of the growing military power of France, the tension became very severe. A semi panic was precipitated on the Continental bourses, and realizations were forced tp a large extent on the London Stock Exchange. This feeling of alarm was kept up until after the German elections in February, and in fact until the Chancellor's demands had been granted by the new Reichstag. With that · event the political outlook became more pacific, but the relations between the two countrieFI continued strained, with periodic outbreaks, until in June, when the ministry of M. Rouv·i er was formed in France aud General Boulanger was dropped out; by that act a decided step towards continued peace was felt to have been taken.  14-  BANKING ANJJ FINANCIAL.  This excitement had no doubt a restrictive and depressing influence on our trade-more so probably than would have been caused from the revival of the eternal Eastern Question, pure and simple. We have become hardened into almost indifference at alarming reports of that deseription ; but this was a somewhat new development, and for the time being the feeling, especially on the side of Germany, was apparently very intense. This effect can be traced in the course of prices, and also in our foreign trade, both of which developed an upward tendency with the opening of the year. But in February prices had lost their buoyancy, and in March, with a few exceptions, there was a decline. Thus Scotch pigiron warrants advanced sharply in January, but receded continuously in February and March, As to the effect on foreign trade one would not expect it to be immediately observable, since the volume of that movement depends so largely upon orders given- months previously. Still, in March the totals were less satisfactory and in April and subsequent months the tendency in the same direction was even more marked. In fact, general trade did not seem to have fully recovered from the set-back it received by the war scare and other influences until September; from that date, however, there has Leen a continued improvement. It is not to be inferred from the foregoing that the situation has not all along continued more satisfactory than in 1886. The year opened so very much better that great hopes of a highly prosperous twelve months were entertained ; and the reverse, which we have referred to, consisted mainly in a loss of that special buoyancy. Speaking in general terms, we believe that relative prices have throughout afforded the producer a more remunerative return, and home consumption has been more active. One feature which has had a helpful effect has been the greater steadiness of silver. It will be remembered that in 1884, and the first half of 1885, prices of the white metal were quite regular, the changes in July, 1885 being 49 3-16d. as the highest, 49¼d, the lowest and 49 3-16d'. the average, which shows a decline of about ld. from January, 1884. .After July, 1885, the retrograde movement was constant, and in 1886 the fluctuations were very wide. In Janu• ary of that year the highest price was 47d. per ounce ; from that point the decline became more rapid, until in August the quotation touched 42d., then recovering and reach_ ing 46_%d. in December. These wide and rapid changes were of course very embarrassing to the shipper of goods to silverusing countries, and a prominent cause of the unsatisfactory returns on the trade of that year. For like reasons the return of more stable values since March, 1887, have proved a very favorable feature. Below are the highest, lowest and averageprices of silver for each monthof the past three years: 1885.  I  High: Low._ Aver. d.  d.  50 491g  493s 48~  d.  4934 4918  !i~~ f~ ii~s 50 ire 49710 l~~ 4918 !~!~: !~~6 !~~6 !~~16 479 47-¼ 477 g~ t~~! !~~ 6  78  6  16  6  16 6  - - -7- - - 50 46 a 48~ In the above one can easily note the strong contrast in the particulars mentioned between the periods referred to. The direction from which the main impulse to trade has come this year has, as usual, been the Unlted States. In the metal trade this fact is particularly prominent. Of iron and steel the gain in our total exports is 758,413 tons,or about 22¼ per cent, and about one-half of this is due to larger takings by the States, So also our trade with the East bas advanced, though our shipments to India show a considerable loss; but to China and Japan the improvement is marked, the total increase compared with 1886 being about £2,600,000. To South Africa there has also been a very important gain, while to Australia the falling off is large, being due to severe drought and bad harvests. For a clear exhibit of the total exports of British and Irish produce the past twelve months we give the following monthly statement of increases and decreases of each year over tl:(e previous year for five _years taken from the Statist. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Exports 1887 compared with  1886  1885  1884  1883  Compared Compared Compared Compared with 1885 with 1884 with 1883 with 1882  1886.  -•-l·Di1fere'ce - - --. .£.,....---1- - - - - - - -1- - - - 1 - - - Percent. Percent. Percent. Percent. Percent. Jan ... Feb .. Mar .. April.  May ..  June. July .. Aug ..  Sept .. Nov..  Oct... Dec ..  + + +  595,9n4 871,126 492,0ll 6,142 + 196,814 -1,215,635 + 701,021 + 1,043,440 + 904,855 + 5ll,378 + 1,607,669 +3,231,954  -  + 3·46 + 5·31 + 2·65 - 0·04 + 1 ·20 - 6·55 + 3·79 + 5·56 + 4 ·78 + 2·80 + 9·15 + 18·83  Year. + 8,965,686 + 4·22  -4·95 -2·76 +1 ·80 + ·14 -5·15 + 4·62 -3·61 +1·35 +1·65 -2•40 + 6·71 - ·88  - 6·4 -10·9 - 9·5 -12·5 -13·6 - 4·9 - 8·8 - 6 ·6 - 9·1 - 8·5 - 7·0 - 3·5  -  -  ·82  8·6  -  6·1 3·3 + ·o + 1 ·7 + 1·8 - 6·9 + l ·O - 7·4 + ·O - 3·4 -11·7 - 5·9  +4·0 -3·4 -4:2 +0·4 - 2·7 - 0·4 -2•6 -0•8 -2·0 +1·2 -1 ·l +4·4  +  --- - 2·8  -0·6  These figures are indisputable evidence that the year's trade has been not only a decided improvement upon 1886, but shows in its results a marked break in the years of decrease which preceded it. As to imports, the aggregate for the year was £361,935,506, or a gain over 1886 of £12,553,920. The complete trade figures for three years are as below. f EXPORTS.  Home products ..•.•..... Re-shipment of imports ..  1885. £  f  1886. £  1887. .£  213,044,500 58,359,194  212,432,754 56,234,263  221,398,440 59,1U6,598  Total merchandise . .....  370,404,314  349,381,086  361,935,006  Excessofimp.overexp.  99,000,620  80,714,069  81,429,968  Total exports..........  1------1------:----271,403,694 268,667,017/' 280,505,038  IMPORTS.  With regard to prices, among the more prominent features of the trade we may mention the boom in copper during the closing months of the year. This has influenced other metals also to a greater or less extent, except Scotch pig iron, which after opening at 44s. fluctua 1 ed between 39s. 9d. and 47s. 3d., and ultimately closed at 43s. 4d,, or rather under the last price of 1886. Copper, on the other hand, which was about £39 at the end of 1886, rose in the twelve months to £85, and Straits tin at the same time moved from £100 to £167. Of course it is well understood that these changes are not due to legitimate business, at least only in quite a minor degree. Stocks were found to be diminishing, while the demand was improving. The position was at once accurately gauged by an influential speculative combination, who have so far succeeded in firmly commanding the market, though how long they will continue to do so has yet to be decided. Lead has risen from £13 to £15 15s., but steel rails, which were worth £4 5s. pert-on at the end of December, 1886, were only quoted at £4 3s. 9d. at the close of the year j11st concluded. With the exception of those m iron and steel, the movements in which were not favorable, the changes in metals have indicated greater steadiness, even apart from speculative influences .Turning to textiles we find that cotton at the commencement of the year was quoted at 5¾d. for middling upland and that the year finished up at 5¾ i. per lb., while Southdown wool fell from ls. per lb. to l0¼ d,, and ultimately recovered to 11½d, per lb. West India sugar has risen from 11s. to 14s. 3d.; coffee from 74s. to 88s.; rice, from 6s. l0½d, to 7s. 2¾d, The movements in produce during the year cannot, indeed, be accepted as being otherwise than favorable to the development of trade. As may be gathered from what has been already said, the export of textile fabrics has been large. There is, however, a feature of the trade as disclosed by the export figures which in part explains the complaints of lack of profit which are so widely heard. We refer to the falling off in the shipmeots of yarn in almost every department. For instance, take cotton: in that case the total yarn exported was 251,037 ,-200 lbs. in 1887 against 254,343,100 lbs. in 1886; but reducing the cotton cloth also to lbs., we find the total of all is much larger than in the previous year, The explanation of this is that the first half of the year the spinning trade ~ragged. That was in part due to the corner in cotton, but was attributed in part also to the competition of India in the China and Japan markets; and Lancashire spinners began to think there was truth in the report that India was going to supplant them in the yarn trade of those countries. ;But the last three months has been a further revelation, for the purchases on the part of China and Japan were astonishing, being for December alone 3,750,700 lbs. of yarn against 2,138,300 lbs. the same month of 1886 But, as said, the total export of cotton yarns. for the year is less than last year. And, what is a little remarkable, this is also true of jute yarn and also of woolen yarn, while in piece goods every one of the articles shows an increase, This is all nd1cated m the tollowmg table,  13  1JANEIN0 .AND FIN.ANOI.AL. YEAR'S EXPORTS.  1885 .  l - - 1_8_8_6_._ _ 1_ _1_8_8_i_._ _  QUANTITIES. Cotton yarn ... . . . .... lbs. 245,809,900 254,346,100 251,037,200 Piece goods ....• . yds. 4,374,516,500 4,8 50,030,200 4 ,904,109,200 Jute yarn .... . ........ lbs. 30,702,800 30,717,000 23,583,300 Piece goods . . .... yds. 215,078,500 216,182.100 244,188,600 Linen yarB . .... .. ..•. lbs. 16,600,200 15,890,900 16,370,900 Piece goods . ..••. yds. 149,468,600 163,773,200 164,511,400 Woolen yarn ......•... lbs. 43.491,600 45,627,100 40,165,100 Woolen fabrics ...... yds. 86,830,500 89,779,700 95,815,700 Worsted fabrics . ..••. yds. 157,88 8,100 160,167,500 161,400,800 VALUES. £ £ £ Cotton yarn . ............. 11,865,294 11,488,803 11,379,485 Piece goods........ . .. 48,276, 855 50,170,634 51,743,314 Jute yarn................ 272,027 273,591 227,576 Piece goods........... 1 ,904,3GO 1,807,335 2,057,571 Linen yarn . . • • .. • • . . . . 986,538 935,083 939,877 Piece goods ........... 4,043,791 4,156,850 4,211,931 Woolen yarn.............. 4,382,898 4,406,676 3,970,205 Woolen fabrics........... 8,907,320 9,155,491 9,837,892 Worsted fabrics .. . . ...... 6,536,310 6,943,261 6,9-!5,263  In the hardware industries the animation has been more or less distinct throughout the year. Ship•building has been decidedly brisker. On the Clyde 185,526 tons were turned out, against 172,440 tons last year, being an increase of 12,922 tons, but the prospect for the new year is yet more encouraging, the work in hand being 206,041 tons, or 88,366 tons larger than a year ago. The improvement in nearly all branches was certainly more clearly defined during the closing months of the year than during the first six months. The annexed statement shows the exports of iron and steel from Great Britain:  1887 .••...•..••.. • .. 1886 ... .. . . .. .. . .. .. 1885 .... . ...... .. ... 1884 .•...... ... ...•. 1883 .... . . . . .. . . ... . 1882 .. .. ... . .. .. .. . . 1881 .. . . .. .. ... . .•. . 1880 . . • . .. .. .. . .. .. . 1879 . .•..·. ..... . .. . . 1878 . . •.. . ..... . .. . . 1877 ·· ···· ·· ····· · ·· 1876 ..•. . ••....... . . 1 1875 . . . . .•....... ... 1874 .•• ... ...•. . .•.. 1873 . . ..... . .•. . ....  Pig Iron.  Rails.  Other Descriptions.  Tons. 1,159,500 1,044,2(:;7 960,931 1,269,576 1,564,048 1,758,072 1,480,196 1,632,343 1 ,223,436 924,646 881 ,442 910,905 947,827 776,116 1 ,142,065  Tons. 1,012,681 739,651 714,276 728,540 971,165 936,949 820,671 693,696 463,878 441,381 497,924 414,556 545,981 782,665 785,014  Tons. 1,974,726 1,605,289 1,455,475 1,497,4.39 1,508,095 1,658,531 1,517,458 1,466,055 1,196,170 933,193 965,285 899,809 963,498 621,741 1,030,734  Total. Tons. 4,146,907 3,389,197 3,130,682 3,496,991 4,043,308 4,353,552 3,820,315 3,792,993 2,883,484 2 ,296,860 2,346,370 2,224.,470 2,457,006 2,487,522 2,957,813  It will be noticed that the year's average is the hi~hest sine 1883. The following statement shows the situation of the Bank of England each week of 1887 with the Bank and market rates of discount: DANK OF ENGLAND IN 1887.-(00,000s omitted.] ~  DEPOSITS,  ~.$  ~..c1S "3~~  c3 ~ .c  l=Q.c ~  Pot  0  £  £  .£  £  24,8 24,4 24,0 23,7 23,9 23,5 23,3 :.i3,2 23,7 23,4 23,3 23,3 23,8 24,7 24,4 24,4 24,3 24,8 24,6 24,5 24,5 24,9 24,7 24,4 24,2 23,3 25,5 25,3 25,1 25,0 25,5 25,2 25,0 24,6 24,7 24,7 24,3 24,2 24,4 25,1 24,8 24,5 24,2 24,5 24,3 24,1 23,7 23,8 23,8 23,5 23,9 24,0  19,3 19,5 20,0 20,8 21,4 21,8 22,5 23,0 23,2 23,6 24,0 24,6 24,7 24,2 24,1 24,3 24,4 23,9 23,3 23,4 23,6 23,5 23,7 24,1 23,7 23,1 22,5 22,4 22,4 21,7 20.9 20,7 20,8 20,6 20,6 20,3 20,2 20,5 20,5 20,l 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,l 20,3 20,3 20,2 20,3 20,4 20,5 20,4 19,9  9,0 4.,6 4,1 3,7 3,6 4,7 6,3 7,9 8,9 9,5 10,5 10,1 10,5 8,2 6,4 6,3 6,0 5,7 4,3 4,7 4,9 4,7 5,1 4,9 6,0 7,4 6,0 4,6 4,0 3,6 3,1 2,9 3,8 4,1 4,0 4,2 4,1 4,9 4,9 6,7 3,5 3,4 4,0 3,4 3,2 3,3 4,2 4,l 4,4 4,7 5,5 1',4  23,9 23,8 23,7 23,5 23,8 22,9 22,6 22,9 24,1 22,8 23,0 24,0 23,7 25,0 24,l 24,7 24,8 24,7 26.1 26,0 26,1 26,0 25,9 26,9 25,8 24,7 27,1 26,8 27,7 27,2 25,7 24,7 23,7 23,5 23,4,9 21,!) 21,6 22,0 22,0 23,4 23,0 22,3 22,3 22,5 22,3 21,9 22.1 22,5 23,6 22,6 22,3  0,  ~~  0~  1887.  ~A~  ,.; Q  ~  ::l  z ------ -·-- Jan. 5 .. 12 .. " 19 " 26 .. .• " Feb. 2 .. 9 .• .. " 16 " 23 .. Mar. 2 .. " 169 .. " 23 .... " 30 .. " Apr. 6 .. " 13 .. .. " 20 27 .• " May 4 ..  ..  11 .. " 18 " 25 .... " June 1..  .. "..  8 .. 15 . . 22 .. " 29 .. July 6 .• ,. 13 •• •• " 20 " 27 .. Ang. 3 .. ", 10 .. 17 .• 24 .• " 31.. " Sept. 7 .• " 14 .. " 21.. " 28 .• Oct. 5 .. 12 .. .. " 19 26 .. " Nov. 2 .. " 169 .... " 23 .. " 30 .. " Dec. 7 .. 14 .. " ,," 21.. 28 . .  .  ..  SECURITIES,  ~  -::5  Po  .cl  0  +"  .s :!8  ~c.oczi  G>  "o  ~  ~..c:13  ~Zrc  1  ~~= ~M~  10,2 10,8 11,7 12,8 13,2 13,9 14,9 15,5 15,3 15,9 16,4 17,0 16,7 15,2 15,3 15,6 15,8 14,7 14,4 ]4,6 14,8 14,3 14,7 15,4 15,1 14,1 12,8 11,5 13,0 12,4 11,l 11,2 11,i) 11,7 11,6 11.3 11,6 12,0 11,8 11,l 11,3 11,7 12,0 11,8 12,2 12,3 12,7 12,7 12,7 13,1 12,7 12,0  5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 31sl 311} ·3 3 3 21sl 2¼ 2 2 2 2 2  33s 312 314 3 27c3 2~ 318 318-14 318 21ls 238-12  ~  ~0  s:I  Q  .... j~  0 l=Q - ----£ - -~ -£ =- -Pr.ct. Pr.ct. £ {!)  17,9 16,8 15,i 13,6 13,5 13,l 13,1 13,1 13,6 14,1 14,1 14,l14,2 14,4 14,4  14,f 14,  14,7 15,2 15,2 15,4 15,4 15,4 15,5 15,5 15,8 17,4 17,4 17,1 17,l 16,5 15,3 15,1 15,1 15,1 14,0 13,0 13,0 12,7 13.~ 13;7 12,9 12,6 12,3 12,5 12.4 12,4 12,4 12,4 14,0 14,0 14,0  22,7 18,8 19.0 18,7 18,9 18,7 19,0 20,3 22,5 20,8 21,4 21,5 21,8 21,4 18,5 18,8 18.5 18,7 18,7 18,8 18,6 18,7 111,6 18,7 18,8 20,5 20,9 19,1 19,5 19,2 19,2 19,0 1a.9 18,9 19,0 l9,l 19,8 19,9 20,7 21,4 19,7 19,6 19,4 19,4 18,9 18,8 18,9 18,9 18,6 18,9 19,2 19,5  2  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3  llls  112-lls 118 118-14 1-118 118 1·118 1 1 7s·l 7s-1 1-118 1 114  Ills  118·14 114·3s 13s 13s-1sl 214 218·14 212-lls 2~-78 314 315s 3lls-~ 3~- 78  3  a  3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4  3 75  358 314 318 3¾ 318 3  The range in the Bank of England rate of discount during the year has been from 2 to 5 per cent. There has been less disturbance about bullion movements than usual. Our ex3 ports have been £4,400,000 less than in 1886, namely, £9,323,614, 31s against £13,783,706, while our imports were £9,939,934, against 318-14 £13,392,256. Practically, therefore, the deficiency in the im2 7s·3 2 78 ports has been counterbalanced by the contraction in the ex215s ports. The Bank rate opened at 5 per cent, at which it 4 215s remained until February 3, when it was reduced to 4 per cent. Colonial and Indian borrowings have been hardly up to the On March 10 it was lowered to 3½ per cent and on March 24 to 3 per cent. On April 14 it was reduced to 2½ per cent average this year. They have fallen below the total of 1886, and a, fortnight later to 2 per cent, at which it remained until wluch fell below that of 1885; but they still form an ap_lJreAugust 4, when it was advanced to 3 per cent. The next ciable financial item. Annexed is the list : mo~e was on September 1, when the rate was fixed at 4 per Avera,re cent, no further change being made during the year. The Date. Rate Amount Amount MlnlDescription. mum rate of P. C. requir'd off'ered. ~C_:_ allotm't . average rate for the year was 3·34 per cent, against 3·05 per cent for 1886. The following shows the Bank of England rate .£ £ j£ S, d . £. s . d, City of Auckland debent's .. Jan. 11 6 25,000 47,000,105 0 0 105 18 g of interest for the past eight years :  I  I  BANK OF ENGLAND RATE OF INTEREST. Rate Number per of days, cent.  Year.  Year.  Rate Number per of days. cent.  -- - - - -------· - - ------1880. 1884.  168 days Apr. 2 to June 19. J an. ltoJunel7. 3 J une 17 to Dec. 9 . 212 175 days June 19 to Oct. 9. Dec. 9 to Dec. 31. 3 23 days Oct. 9 to Oct. 29. Oct. 29 to Nov. 5. ··Year's average •••. 2·76 366 days Nov. 5 to Dec. 31.  ---  Jan. Jan. Feb. Apr. AUg. Aug. Oct.  1881. 1 to Jan. 13 to Feb. 17 to Apr. 28 to Aug. 18 to Aug. 25 to Oct. 6 to Dec.  t3. 17. 28. 18. 25 . 6. 31.  13 days 3 35 days 312 70 days 3 219 112 days 7 days 3 4 42 days 86 days 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -- - - -  -- ---  -- ---  Year's average •... 2·96 366 dayt1 1885. 1 to Jan. 29 to Mar, 19 to May 7 to May 14. to May 28 to Nov. 12 to Dec. 17 to Dec.  Jan. 29. Jan, 19 . Mar. 7. May 14. May 28 . May 12. Year's average .••. 3·48 365 days Nov. 17. Dec. 81. 1882. Jan. 1 to Jan. 30. 5 30 days Year'eaverage ... . Jan. 30 to Feb, 23 . 6 24 days Feb. 23 to Mar. 9. 5 14 days 1886, Mar. 9 to Mar. 23. 4 14 days Jan. 1 to Jan. 21. Mar. 23 to Aug. 17. 3 14'7 days Jan. 21 to Feb. 17. Aug. 17 to Sept. 14. 4 28 days Feb. 17 to May 6. Sept. 14 to Dec. 31. 5 10B days May 6 to June 10. June 10 to Aug. 26. Year's average .... 4·15 365 days Aug. 26 to Oct. 21. Oct. 21 to Dec. 16. 1883. Dec. 16 to Dec. 31. Jan. 1 to Jan. 24. 5 24 days Jan. 24 to Feb. 14. 4 21 days Year's average .•.. Feb. 14 to Feb. 28. 31g 14. days Feb. 28 1iO May 10. 3 71 day:, 1887. May 10 to Sept. 13. 4 126 days Jan. 1 to Feb. 3. Sept. 13 to Sept. 27. 3lg 14 days Feb. 3 to Mar. 10. Sept. 27 to Dec. 31. 3 95 days Mar. 10 to Mar. 24. Mar. 24 to Apl. 14. Year's average •••. 3·57 365 days Apl. 14 to Apl. 28. Apl. 28 to Aug. 4. 1884. AUK, 4 to Sept. 1. Jan. 1 to Feb. 7. 3 38 days Sept. 1 to Dec. 31. Feb. 7toMar. 13. 3-¼ 35 days Mar. 13 to Apr. 2. 3 20 days Year's average .••.  -- ----  212 78 days 2 112 days 3 20 rlays 4 7days 5 56 days  5 4 319 3 2¼ 2 3 4  29 days 49 days 49 days 7 days 14days 168 days 35 days 14 days  4 3 2 3 212 3¼ 4 5  21 days 27 days 78 days 35 days 77 days 56 days 56 days 15 days  ---2'92 365 days  ---3·05 365 days 34 days 35 days 14 days 3 21 days 211} 14 days 2 98 days 3 28 days 4 121 days  5  4  3¼  -----· 3·34 365 days  Borough of Brunswick (part of Melbourne) deb's. Province or Manitoba ...... Victorian Gov't loan . ... ... . ~ueensland Gov 't Joan . .. . . engal-Nal,(purRy.Co.(Lim.)  Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Jan, 20 Feb. 18 Feb. 24 Mch. 23 t~~ife~lg:?1~!~:niaa">· i•ii Mch. 29 Auckland Harbor Board . ... Mch.81 Apr. 1 i~fr3Y:i~~r ioiiii: May 10 ist. Lucia Gov't loan . . ... ... May HI Wellin~tonJN.Z.) Gas Co ... May 19 Austra ian as-Light Co. of Sydney . ... .... .. .... . .. .. .. June 7 Prov. of British Columbia .. June 8 Metropolitan Gas, Melb'rne June 15  fo~~t  WJ?fci~  l). -~-..~~~~~~:.~ June 17  0  C~elg~uin~),~!~ . ~~~~~ . -~~ June 28 Borough of Hastings . .... . . June 30 Colony of Victoria (Melb. l Tramways) trust .. . . ..... . July 7  l:l~I;  :-:~~'t.~'f?::.~~-~:: 11 Indian Gov 't loan .... .. .. .... Aug. 2  Borough of Redfern (part of Sydney) ..................... Oct. 10  6 6 4 4 4 4 4 5 4  28,000 35,600 104 118,000 3,000,000 10,200,0001½~ 2,500,000 2,683,400 100 .. . .. . 24 8,000,000 380,000 623,100 100 160,000 150,000 9; 100,000 100,000 100 200.000 787,400 98 4 850,000 2,841,600 101 79,700 824,000 99 4¾ 5 50,000 126,300 100  0 0 104 12 1  102 ili ..4 gg 0 100 0 10  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  101 97 100 100 103 105 103  . 6 "ii 0 0 11 0 14 9 2 6 1 1 3 0  5 4¼ 5  800,000 "1,443,000 108 0 0 106 14 0 205,400 1,205,000 102 0 0 105 8 2¾ 60,000 127,200 108 0 0 110 10 U  6  120,000  5  75,000 25,000  6  4¼  ~ 4  •  141,500 100 0 0  123,8001107 10 0 107 19 6 .. . ... 100 0 0  200,000 656,000 105 0 0 50,000 69,400 97 10 0 102,900 .. .. .. 1100 7 tl 2,000,000 4,540,000 97rp.4an  106 6 8 97 12 9 100 9 2 97r6al0p  50,000 4 189,0001 91 0 0 98171 CiUe?lo:r~:r~~~~. .<~~~--~~ Oct. 12 6 65,000 176,100 107 0 0 108 H • Tenders at par received about 84 p. c, and those above in full.  The situation of the Bank of France, as to its stock of gold and silver, according to the last returns of each month of 1885, 1886 and 1887 was as follows, stated in pounds sterling ; GOLD AND SILVER IN DANK OF FRANCE.-fOO,OOOs omitted.] Gold. Stlv'r Tot3, 1886. ---- -.£ .£ £ 1887.  Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.  27 24 31 28 27 24 28 25 29 27 24 29  48,6 48,9 47,7 47,5 48,0 48,4 48,2 48,1 47,1 46,8 4f>,4 44,6  45,6 45,8 46,0 46,8 411,9 47,8 47,8 47,7 47,7 47,6 47,7 47,7  94,2 94,7 98,7 P3,8 94,9 05,7 95,5 95,8 94,8 08,8 98,1 ~2.8  Jan. 28 Feb . 25 !Mar 25 Apr1129 May 27 I.June 24 I.July 29 Aug. 26 Sept. 30 Oct. 28 Nov. 25 Dec. 30  Gold. Sllv'r Total .£  46,1 47,6 60,6 52,1 65,4 55,4 64,8 5'1,6 54,7 58,6 62,4 40,6  .£  Silv'r Total - .£ -1885. - Gold. .£ £ .£  48,8 89,4 Jan. 29 40,0 43,7 91,8 Feb. 26 40,1 44,1 9!,7 Mar, 26 40,4 44,8 96,9 April 80 42,1 45,'3 101,0 May 28 48,6 45,l 100,5 June 25 46,0 45,1 90,4 July SO 46,8 45,3 09,9 Aug. 27 46,8 45,5 100,2 Sept. 24 47,0 45,6 90,2 Oct. 29 46,9 45,6 08,0 Nov. 26 46,5 45,8 95,4 Dec, 81 46,8  41,1 41,6  42,4 42,5 42,9 48,8 48,8 44,1 44,2 48,8 43,'. 43,4  81,1 81,7 82,8 84,6 86,5 89,S 89,6 90,9 91,ll 89,7 00,2  89,7  TRADE  AND  COMMERCE  EXPORTS, IMPORTS, PRICES.  In the calendar year l 887 the foreign trade movement was before the war excitement had begun to effect the of the U oited States was quite extraordinary in its results. markets; on Jan. 1, 1879, when the Government resumed The total value of imports of merchandise was $708,807,- specie payments; and for the past five years-1884 to 1888. 311, the total value of exports $715,320,956, and the The period of greatest depression in prices after the crisis resulting balance in favor of the United States was of 1873 was in 1878-79-the cost of the necessaries of life $6,513,645. In the face of these figures and when from being then at a minimum, with such prices as $7 per bbl. fo1mer experience a considerable export of gold might for pork, $2 per ton for anthracite coal at tide-water, naturally have been expected, we find a net import of $3 50 per bbl. for wheat flour, $17 per ton for American gold amounting to $35,633,522. This unusual difference pig iron, &c., &c. The recovery was rapid, and during from previous years was mainly accounted for by the the years 1879, 1880 and 1881 the tendency was towards supposition that a large amount of our railroad stocks higher rates. But from 1882 to 1885 the movement was and bonds had been quietly taken by the foreign markets. again downwardJ and in l 886 and 1887 prices of many Our regular statistics in this article have to do with articles were at the lowest points reached on this ebb. the Government fiscal year ending with June 30. In the January 3fiscal year ended June 30, 1887, the imports of foreign 1860. 1879. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. merchandise into the United States increased about $57,------ --- - - - - - -$ -c.- ---$ $ c. c. $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. 000,000 as compared with the previous year; the exports Breadstuffss so 3 75 3 50 3 00 3 90 S 75 *Flour--Sp.wh 't,ext.b bls. 4 so 5 75 5 40 5 00 5 50 7 75 6 75 Patents . ..... . .....bbls. 7 50 of merchandise were about $'37,000,000 more than in the S 20 3 70 S 55 S 50 S 10 S 65 Rye, superfine ... . . bbls. 4 00 3 15 8 25 3 so 2 85 S 90 2 85 8 45 Br'ywine.bbls 93 preceding year; thus leaving the trade balance, or excess Cornmeal, 97 88 95 111 111 tWheat-White, No.l .bu. 1 50 92 92 95 86 Red Winter, No. 2 .. bu. 1 so 1 gr4 113¾ 91 92 93 85 1 06 West'n Spr'g, No. 2.bu. of exports over imports of merchandise, $23,863,443 in ."ii2 68 59 69 66 74 60 Rye, Northern . . ..... bu. 40 42 40½ 83 42 86½ 46¼ Oats, No. 2, white ... .. bu. 1886-7, against $44,088,604 in 1885-86, $164,662,• Corn51 64 49¼ 47 90 54½ West. mixed, No. 2 .. bu. 65½ 426 in 1884•85, $72,815,916 in 1883-84 and $100,658,488 55 65 M 54 49 88 71 White Southern •••. bu. ;Cottonin 1882-83. The firnal years ending in 1882 and 1883 11 9 7-16 10 9-16 11¼ 9¼ 9¼ 10 9 16 f6~~B!R&::~piancdt 11¾ 9 1-16 10 S-16 10 13 § 81S -i6 9 1-i6 10 1:16 showed the largest imports on record, the two years vary Cotton goodsBrown sheetinl!'s . .... yd . ~ g:ki s 7~ s 1s~ s·~ J-ss i¾ Print cloths, 64x64 .... yd. ing but little in their respective totals, which approximated Fish4 50 4 25 5 75 4 50 4 25 3 62½ 5 87½ Dry cod (George11) .... qtl. $725,000,000. No.l(Ma11s.)mackerel.bbl. i ·oo 16 ~ 2\go 23 ~8 22 ig 24 gg 19 gg .. .... 100 lbs. From 1856 to 1875, inclusive, the exports of merchan- Hay-Shipping 6¾ 10½ 9¼ 8 8 9 Hemp-Manila . .......... lb. ffl ~ ~ 11 ~ IB Hops, prime State .. . ..... lb. Irondise had been in excess of the imports only three times, Scotch pig ...... ... .... ton. 24 50 22 00 22 50 21 50 19 50 21 00 21 ~5 17 00 20 00 18 00 18 00 21 50 lU 00 American pig ......... ton . and in those years the amount was comparatively small. Lead-Domestic 860 470 420 4 90 ... .. 100 lbs 4011 395 But with the fiscal year 1875-76 a new era commenced, Leather19¾ 80 Hemlock sole1 light . . . . lb. l~½ 29½ so Oak sole, light ........ . .lb. and the exports of merchandise began to show a decided Lime1 00 ~o 85 Com. Rockland. bbl. 75 48 48 45 40 Molasses-N. Orleans ..gall. 58 37 55 Storesexcess over the imports, which excess increased largely Naval SO½ 87½ 88 Spirits turpentine ... gall. 38¾ 44¼ 27½ 85 1 05 122½ 107½ 100 Common rosin .. . ..... bbl. 1 65 135 150 in the following ye&rs. In 1876-77 the exports of mer- Oils. a ~ M 38 M M 52 whale ...... .. . . gall. chandise exceeded .imports by $151,00o;ooo; in 1877-8 by Crude fil ~ n 85 n m Crude sperm . ..... .... gall. 1 40 68 o8 52 50 86 56 57 Linseed .... . .. .. .. . ... gall. $258,000,000, _and in the year 1878•9, by $265,000,000, PetroleumCrude ............ ... ...gall. 3~ ~ ~ ~ making a total excess of exports over imports of merchan- Refined . .... .. . ........ gall. Provisionsmess ..........•.. bbl. 16 37½ 7 05 14 75 12 50 10 25 12 75 15 75 dise for the three fiscal years to June 30, 1879, of Pork, 7 50 7 51) Beef, plain Western ..bbl. 9 50 10 00 12 25 11 00 10 00 hams .... . ....... bbl. 14 50 17 00 24 00 18 00 116 75 19 50 17 00 $674-,000,000. This for~ign trade movement had an im- Beef 9¼ fl 11¼ 9 8½ 9¾ 10 Hams, pickled ......•.. .Jb. 10½ 5•75 9 s-16 1·10 6~a 6¼ s 1-rn Western ......... lb. port'l.nt. bearing on the financial situation during the three Lard, M ~ ITT 24 85 ~ ~ Butter, prime State ... lb. 11 8¾ 12½ 11½ 10¾ 13 12 Cheese, fine factory ... .lb. years prior to 1879, while the Treasury was preparing Rice-Domestic ....•.•... lb. 4¼ 6)4 6 5¾ ~ 5¼ 5¾ SaltW W ~ ~ M ~ Liverpool ground .... sack. 1~ for the resumption of specie payments. lW 250 250 250 250 i50 250 Liverpool,.A.shton's .sack. In the year ending June 30, 1880, the excess of exports s~:~; fair refining ..... lb. Refined hards . ....... .. .lb. ~ ~~ ~~1 ~ ~~ over imports fell to $168,000,000, owing to the heavy Tallow ......... .. 18½ sg¾ il~ J s~ ~ J¾ Wool-Fine Ohiofleece •. lb. imports an~ high values of merchandise in the prosperous years 1879 and 1880. But imports fell off again, and "FLOUR-"Spring Wheat Extra" is now the common shipping :flour to Britain, and is about the same as the "Wheat Flour, State,'' in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, the excess of ex• · Great quoted in 1860 and previous years-" Patents'' are the highest grade, ports over imports of merchandise amounted to $260,000,and correspond with Extra Genessee of 1860 and previous years. 000; in 1881-82 the excess of exports was only $26,000,- t WHEAT-" White No. 1" probably corresponds as nearly as any present grade with White Genessee in Old Classification-" Red Winter No. 2'' 000; in 1882-3 this excess rose again to $101,000,000; would probably rank with ''Red Western" of Old Classification. The other grades mentioned for breadstufls cover same as quoted in 1883-84 it was $73,000,000; in 1884·5, $164,000,000; in old lists of prices in "Hunt's Merchants' Magazine." in 1885-86, $44,000,000, and in 1886-87, $24,000,000. t COTTON-On Oct. 1, 1874, grades of cotton as quoted were changed by  t  il1Fo 1!  z.~ :~  ...~'¼, ;  COMP ARA.TIVE PRICES OF MEROHANDISE.  The table following shows the prices of leading articles  of Jnerchandise about the first of January in 1860, which Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  the National Cotton Exchange. According to the new classification , every grade was reduoeJ, so that (for illustration) Middling according to new classification was on that day quoted Sso. lower than Middling of the old olassifl.cation. UTIie brown sheeUnga quoted are Atlantic Mills. § 1orn18•  TRADE .AND TOTAL VA.LUE OF IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF THE UNITED STATES.  For the purpose of showing the total amount of exports and imports of merchandise, and the total of specie, in each year since 1860, the table below has been compiled. In the columns headed '' Excess " are given the differences between exports and imports each year, showing at a glance the so-called trade balance of the country. The merchandise and specie are separately stated, as the specie exported or imported in each year is regarded rather as a settlement of the balances occurring from the trade movement; the values of domestic merchandise and specie exported are also stated separately from the re,exports of foreign goods and specie. The year 1876-77 was the first to show that change in the course of our foreign trade which has ever since been conspicuous, and which culminated in 1880-81 with an excess of $259,712,718 in the ·e xports of merchandise, together with a net import of $91,168,650 in specie, In 1881-82, the excess in exports was $25,902,683 ; in 1882-3, the excess was $100,658,488; in 1883-84, $72,815,916; in 1884-85, $164,662,426; in 1885-6, $44,088,694, and in 1886-7, $23,868,443. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~~,-d  ~ e.i g;~!il  >,l  ~  t' t."l a,  ~  ~8 .  ~  ('t,l::r  l:d  ~  ~  0  ~  @.s·  t;:o  ~ p,  ~  0~  ~~  0  0  lzj  ~  t,:J  0  ~  ,,,  a,  t."l  ~  ~ ;;  0  "l  re. (JJ  ~ l::f~ t."l  "l  <p  t."l  !  0  "l  00.  =:  ~ t."l  t."l 0::0 a,  0  l,j  c+  = > z ~  ~;  ~  ~ t."l ;,,, = >,l  ~  e.a  ~~  0  ~  ~g  t,,j  ~  Animals ... . •. ......... value$ Bacon and hams ........•. lbs. do value . ... $ Butter .. . •...•.•..... . ... .. lbs. do value ..... . ..... . .. . .. $ Beef, fresh and salted ....lbs. do value .................... $  t,:J  ~  t:1  cc, a,  r,i  t."l . a, ~ 0 ~ "'1  I=' • I=' p, ~ ~  ,,, ~  ~ >,l lzj  r:n 0 :Ii t."l  g  zs  ~  t."l  z  0  ,,,  8  >  00.  t."l = ~ 0  rn  t:i::  e.a  .~~ ~  ~  ~g  0  >  Q "l  ~ p,  8  0 c+  @.S. tii' o·~  ~ p,  ~  ts ~  t."l  ~  lzj  ;;  i :,=  tr,  ~ =  s  :Ii ►  ~  1883-84.  Ji~  0 0 l:d  ~  EXPORTS OF LEADING ARTICLES.  ARTICLES,  ~  "ti  0  EXPORTS OF LEADING ARTICLES OF MERCHANDISE.  The following table shows comparative exports of leading articles from the United States for the last four fiscal years. The relations between quantities and values of exports in a series of years taken altogether ia particularly striking. Thus, in the leading articles of cotton, corn, pork and wheat, it will be observed that the quantities exported in different years varied widely, and an increase in quantity was not always accompanied by an increase in values, owing to the lower prices current.  l:d  0  ss· s o·~  In speaking in the review of last year of the movement of stocks and bonds between the United States and foreign countries, it was remarked that the difficulty of forming an opinion as to foreign exchange prices was likely to increase rather than diminish. More American stocks are being listed on the stock exchanges abroad, and since amounts of very large volume can be transferred quietly from one country to the other within a short space of time, it will become less and less easy to forecast the course of the exchange market from month to month. This prediction was fully warranted by the course of affairs in 1887, for there had not been for years so 1arge an import of gold on so small a trade balance in favor of the United States, and this result was only accounted for by the supposition that a large amount of securities had gone abroad. While the movements of merchandise and specie between the United States and foreign countries are tolerably well shown by the Government statistics, an uncertain element exists in this movement of stocks and bonds. It has greatly increased of late years, and the absence of any record what• ever of the amount of securities going out of our markets or returning from abroad is something which forbids any approx.. imate estimate as to the course of foreign exchange, and needs greatly to be remedied, The tables below of the imports and exports of leading articles of merchandise in each of the past four years present in themselves a brief history of the course of merchandise movements, and show, as to domestic products, that a small quantity of merchandise frequently brings a larger profit to the seller than a much larger quantity at lower prices. The tables are also interesting in showing the growth of trade in certain specified articles and the decline in others. The export of certain manufactured goods in 1878-79 was one of the results brought about 'by the low prices in the United States, which placed our goods in foreign markets in competition with those of England and European countries. But not again till the year 1884 were prices on a level where competi• tion with European manufacturers was practicable.  0  ~  0  &l  :'  0  8  >,l 00  ==  0 l:d  0 ,,, l:d  ~  ~g ~s·  l::f 0  0 ... l::f 0 Cl z  p,CC>  ~  ij  ~  0  ~  0  ~  8  r,:i  8  ;·8 .ct>t:r  >,l  ... t."l  00 ~  0  0~  ~  'P  I;!~  ij  ~o  =: 0  00.MMEROE.  a,  "'"'l"l 00 ~ O'l >,l  ~i~:l:~~~:):::): : :_-i ~;;;:  Cotton, Sea Island ...•.... lbs. do do value . . .. $ Cotton, other ........ . .... lbs. do do value ......... $ Cotton manufacturesColored. , ................ yds. do value .............. $ Uncolored ......... ... .. yds. do value . . ... . ..... $ All other ................... $ Flour {wheat) ............ bbls. do value .. ............ .... $ Ir,,n and steel, and manufactures of* ..... total valu,i $ Leather, value ............... $ L~~d·vaii{e. · ::::: :: Lumber and timber .. value.$ Oil cake and meal ....... .lbs. do value .. . $ Oil, illuminating .. ..... gals. do do value ...... $ Cotton-seed oil .... .. .... gals. ro do •••••.... value.$  :::::::~~~i  :: :: :: :::::: :~~.Si o= pi~\;aii;;;:::: Rosin, pitch, tar, &c . .•. bbls.  >,l  1:.111  0  t."l ~ 00 ,,, 00 0  ....  .:-1~  ti1  0  £ !1l  ~ ~  00  0  l,j  ,,,  do do value.$ Tallow ....... . ... ... .... . . lbs. do  v&luo ...... • .. , ........  21,021,002 7,023,570 265,094,719 25,805,958 18,IH5,U44 524,847,831 7,115,158 415,tll5,603 88,195,849 3,605,046 1,57U.lm 60,548,730 4,7t12,71f> 1,642,014 3,119,200  ,I ~:~8A:~~~  Tobacco (leaf) ............ lbs. do value ............... $ Wheat ... .. .............. bush. do value ...•............. $  1884-85.  1885-86.  1886--8?'.  12,518,660 10,598,862 14,567,081 20,298,529 889,409,868 400,127,119 419,788,700 419,922,955 88,814,670 81,640,211 87;088,048 89,684,845 18,958,990 12,531,171 21,688.948 20,627,874 2,058,457 1,988,698 8,648,646 8,750,771 168,805,188 164,496,978 159,151,687 119,848,062 9,200,658 12,921,1188 H,892,521 15,257,864 81,255,Q94 lll,877,285 112,869,575 111,992,990 7,662,145 7,594,633 10,444,4011 11,668,71::1 68,655,433 40,807,252 51,884,416 45,247,510 81,730,922 10,847,361 28,003.863 27,648,189 8,021,497 4,613,tl75 6,764,033 8,508,866 1,798,27j 1,176,025 1,685,635 1,160,678 2,053,428,769 2,161,485,888 1,858,978,664 1,884,895,489 Hl5,854,581 200,276,828 203,909,617 204,428,785 67,'illS,018 51,293,878 32,788,128 85,441,296 4,008,77j S.140,091 2,280,567 2,570,866 99,750,450 114,806,595 142.51-,980 136,809,074 9,256,486 S,,;!1! .... ,1-;:g 7,019,670 7,508,3111 1,669,084 l,:579,673 1,686,354 1,801,984 11,518,449 8,179,241 10,648,145 9,152,260 51,950,082 88,442,955 52,146,336 51,189,696  192,180,820 17,405,281 70,849,012 75.026,678  16,605,046 8,539,8711 283,2tt\839 22,595,219 16,670,842 498,664,241 6,67i,466 458,24 ,192 40,074,827 6,864,279 2,614,592 72,073,468 5,208,948 1,828,054 2,~4,563  50,431,719 8,822,476 219,221,207 21,71!9,251 84,653,714 72,088,097  15,958,502 15,745,569 9,ltl9,519 7,552,534 293,728,011! 821,583,746 22,70::1,921 20,861,786 15,020,904 15,925,1179 585,947,181 622,295,288 7,3011,tl91 7,053,714 469,471,4!51 480,&45,811 87,808,997 40,684,831 4,067,188 6,240,1311 1,578,1185 2,115,117-1 85,803,297 87,267,715 5,641,<!27 5,123,411 1,899,728 1,163,925 2,870,678 2,032,2118 68,278,403 40,919,951 2,836,800 2,144,400 281,787,120 298,666,99r, 25,687,983 26,926,544 57,759,209 101,971,U49 90,716,48 50,262,715  • Including machinery, but not mcluding ll'Oll ore. IMPORTS OF LE.A.DING ARTICLES OF MERCHANDISE,  The table following shows a comparison of the imports of leading articles of merchandise, both quantities and value~, Iii! into the United States, in the last four fiscal years. 1his ► comparison will be found extremely interesting to those wh_o § watch carefully the com·se of merchandise movements, as it  11.1  ~  TRADE A.ND  18  shows not only the quantities of the principle articles of com. merce impo1ted in each of the years named, but the values also, thus exhibiting the relation between quantities and values as a:ff ected by the change in prices of many articles. · The large decline in prices of merchandise has been one of the salient points in the four years preceding July 1, 1879, and after the close of that year there was a very decided change in the import movement. The improvement in prices led to a considerable increase in orders for foreign goods, and the growing volume of the imports was one of the features of the fiscal year 1879-80. But the largest imports of foreign mer· chandise ever made into the United States were recorded in the fiscal year ending June  30, 1882, amounting to a tota1  value of $724,639,574; and in the next year, 1882-53, the total value was nearly the same, being $723,180,914; in 1883-84,  COMMERCE.  shipments from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 were about 2,465,000 bales, against 2,300,000 bales in the same period of 1886. MERCHANDISE.  I  Forth-el2 For the For the6 month of Months ended Months ended Deeembtr. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. 1  $71,963,925 $379,342, 173 $703,339,603 11,981,353 1,267,0381 5,588,719 $n,230,963 $384,930,892 $715,320,956 52,100,1801 351,327,120 708,807,311 $21,130,7831$33,603,772 $6,513,645 •• - . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . •. . ••. . ••..••••••• $84,104,021 $379,025,493 $699,519,430 13,884,591 1,313,303 6,767,654 Total ................ $85,417,324 $385,793,147 ~713,404,021 Imports .••••••••.••••••. 56,278,102 334,839,577 663,429,189 Excess of exports over imports $29,139;222 $50,953,570 $49,974,832 Excess of imports over exports •• _•.•••.••. . ......... - . -·. -- . - .  1887.-Exports-Domestic .•••. Foreign •••••. Total.. •.••••.•••••• . Imports................. Excess of exports over imports Excess of imports over exports 1886.-Exports-Domestic .•••. Foreign......  --·  IlIPORTS OF LEADING .A.RTICL"ES,  1883-84. ARTICLES. 1884-85. 1-1_88_5-_86_._ l_l_SS_tJ...8 __ 7._ _ 9,986,507 10,197,lln 10,!:155,59! 8,596,122 Barley ................. bush. 6,622,092 7,177,887 6,17.:J,2118 5,922,144 do value ................. $ 919,984 1,016,0::13 l,llf>.491 81H,769 ctg~r\~i'ti!~:~~~.~•. ~~:::. ~ 8,133.945 8,289.471 8,:!45,0tlO 8,189,2:.!5 Co1Iee ..................... .lbs. 534,785,542 572,699,552 564,707,583 526,10~J,17U 46,728,318 42,672,IJ87 5!),847,oOO 49,686,705 do value .................. $ Cotton manufactures ofBleached and unbleached, dyed, colored, btained or 21,192,897 25,180,494 St,728,149 27,950,100 pa.lnte<1 . ......... !lq.yds. 8,61,2,5&! 8,8:15,n82 2,756,520 2,861,367 do do val ... $ 6,910,10! 6,858.072 6,IJ94,841 6,807,:.!89 Hosiery ,shirts,dr'wers,&<:$ 18,133,4tl2 19,158,1101> 18,61J4,667 20,5t12,077 5,716,IJ27 4,1:147,621 4,887,71<2 4,954,813 E~At~rn ~:g;J&~~f!!~iriil 22,769,091 20,492,376 20,968,135 21,1183,020 20,601'.',406 ~~J 19,754,005 16,706,574 17,818,259 4,15W,112 6,3::lti,01.l7 6,266,194 7,552,49.:i ,,.Hass and 1Classware value.$ 8,8:-sl,716 7,Sll:l,ti1J5 8,014,f\76 4,091J,271 Glove& • .tid and i'ther, val..$ 8,ti17,8i6 2,616,ll!8 4,938,84:.l 4,227,876 Hemp, ci-•·., raw ...... ,alue $ 24,2lll,101 20,686,448 26,t1U9,813 22,350,906 llides and skins ............. $ 2:.,64ll,446 24,674,025 24,208,148 29,20::s,632 Ind. rub'r & gutta percha.lbs. 18,756,'i b8 11,888,192 9,09.'>,26!1 13,736,004 do do val..$ Iron and manufactures 0141'l,919 261,674 151,959 288.172 Pig iron ............... tons. 4,056,621 6.;i28,795 2,6a9,26s 4,932,698 do value .............. $ 74,1172,lt·O 75,074,661 86,432,339 73,878,128 Bar iron ............... lbs. J.,1S67,7'5'i l,«8,52:! 1,742,066 1,486.999 do value .............. $ 77,026 10,476 4,177 7,884 Railroad bars, steel .. tons. 1,487,884 274,5tl2 103,604 do do value .. $ 284,6971 Iron and steel, 11nc! maoutac 88,610,093 87,534,078 49,203,104 turee of* .. . .. total value.$ 40,147,053 69~,28.! H65,b20 •86,436 141,784 Lead, and manuf's of .. ... . . $ 6,449,6i5 7,518,522 7,336,116 6,732,0t-!2 Leather ...................... ;t; 415,179 1,034,576 2,849,220 2,548,864 Linseed ................. bush. 418,1102 1,099,477 2,817,715 8,070,848 do value . ....... ... ..... $ 7,85l:l,859 7 t17tl687 7.HSJ,Hl5 b,779,IJ55 Lumoer ............... value.$ 84 ,128,8~0 31:s92:s9s 89,079,1:0E 8~,007,700 Molasses .................. gals. 5,855,475 4,191J,21.l6 5,600,685 do value .. ............. ijl t>84,4U5 88!,484 331,17.l Opium and extracts of ... lbs. J,916,2~6 1,318,<'.71 1,449,957 861,763 do do val..$ 1,342,6911 2,o05,IJ98 1,766,718 1,192,204 Paintlna;s, statuary, &c ..... $ Precious btones and 1mitatloos, uoset ..... ... . val e.$ 8.~54,015 5,704,252 7,984.21\5 10,557,557 Rags . . .... ... ....... .. . .. .lbs. 167,585,100 134,51:11,262 113,528,994 120,1.>71,U49 do v11lue ........... . ....... $ 4,027,267 3,091:l,tl27 2,Sti0,248 2,lll,4 t l! Rice aLd rice meal. ..... .lbs. 101:l.tlSO,o:!8 lllJ,074,[>7, 97,562,35 1 103,95U,359 do value ................... $ 2,471,437 2,596,418 2,047,~16 2,0611,879 Sugar, nrown ... ... ...... .lbs. 2,756,416,896 2,717,884,653 2,61-11,881,705 3,180,443,~0 ao value ... ... . . . $ 98,262,tlO? 72,610,514 80,7i8,744 78,411;,24 Silk, raw .................. . lbs. 8,22.l,546 8,424,070 4,754,tl2n 4,t-119,574 do value ............... $ 12,481.4.96 12,4l!l,'i39 17,232,505 18,6ti7,245 Silk, manufactures of, val..$ 36,678,046 2i,467 560 27,V57,IJ39 81,847.923 Salt.. . .................... lbs . 927,122,4~4 81>7,680,07:.: 847,737,215 780,8ii6,362 dovn.lue .................... $ 1,663,881 1,610,1:1118 l,41J9,182 1,48-..,0::n Tea.. . .................. lbs. 67,665,1110 72,104,05(1 81,887,9Uti 89,1-31 ,221 do vu.lue ................... $ 18,631>,068 14,047,583 16,020,888 lll,771,802 Tin... . . ........... .. .... cwt. 260,139 239,tl06 271J,605 296,45;> do value .................... $ 5,430,054 4,283.400 5,873,75~ 6,1<27,61:Jti Tin plates ................ cwt. 5,078,947 5,071,541-1 5,72ll,52fl 5,722,208 do value ............ $ 18,182.687 16,665,730 17,654,565 16,910,8110 Tobacr.o, leaf ............. lbs 12,1:155,01'7 12,924,265 15,• 95,07u 17,519,194 d1, value ......... $ 5,062,163 6,301,IJ88 7,830,007 8,704,1150 Watcb"'s and movements .. $ 2,062,l'i04 1,144,102 l,08i,8.,o 1,508,040 Wine 111 casks ........... gals. 2,774,771 3,419,582 8,787,420 8,883,593 do value ......... $ 1,971J,fl53 2,241,1>8·, 2,519,0.!4 2,346.565 Wine In bottles .......... doz. 452,903 467,1161 491>,757 508,788 value ...... . $ 3,680,880 4,034,021 4,4:W,417 4,710,520 dn Wool 11.nd woolen goodsWool, raw ............... lbs. 78,350,651 70,5911,170 129,084,fl58 114,038,030 16,~2~,4i9 do value ............ $ 12,884,709 8,879,923 16,74~1,0·il Cloths ...................... $ 12,921,840 10,102,354 il,731,003 10,282,481 l,Ofl6,63~ Shaw•s ................ .. .... $ 962.543 1,056,483 l,002,!j2C, 960,775 6 Ca~etsvaiue.':.::::~~:.~?. $ 1.~~:8~ 1,m:m 1,4211,296 I Dres11 "oods ..... . .. sq. yds. 59,482,436 69,51J8.&;0 68,657,750 78,1142,186 17,211,934 All~~her wvoaif:iaiiufiici:l 14,li:.!5,869 " lllcluding ma.cllmt"l'.l' . 1,ut n • t 1uclud1ng iron ort,,  ?~$  J~~tt::.~Jntf~~:.•.~~~·.  5,m:~~  1.~~i:~~i rn:8~:~8~ rn:tt:rJ U:~l:~~  IMPORTS AND EXPORTS FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED WITH DEC., 1887 AND 1886, AND FOR THE SIX MONTHS. JULY TO DECEMBER, IN EACH YEAR.  --  -  --  GOLD AND SILVER-COIN AND BULLION,  $667,697,693; in 1884-85 it was 1887. -Exports-Gold-Dom .•. $577,527,329; in 1885-86, $635,436,136 and in 1886-7, $692, Foreign Total. ••.•• 819,768.  the total value of imports was  ~352.652 125,213 $477,865 Silver-Dom .... $2,944,354. Foreign. 588,549 Total ...... $3,532,903 Total exports ........ . $4,010,768 Imports-Gold •••..••.. $1,805,276 Silver ........ 1,496,453 Total. ••••••.••••.••••. $3,301,729 $709,039 Excess of exports over imports Excess of imports over exports ······---·-· 1886.-Exports-Gold-Dom... [ $299,517 Foreign 5,830 Total...... $305,347 Silver-Dom... $1,776,551 Foreign 1,711,875 Total •••.•••. $3,488:426 Total exports •••••••.. $3,793,773 Imports-Gold .••.••••. $11,655,807 2,027,868 Silver .••...•. Total. ••••••.•••.•• • ••. $13,683,675 Excess of exports over imports Exl'ess of imports over exports $9,889,902  •  $1,892,859 201,299 !f2,094,158 $10,422,149 4,871,056 $15,293,205 $17,387,363 $38,893,853 9,244,635 $48,138,488  $5,091,551 4,164,754 $9,256,305 $19,718,967 7,814,142 $27,533,109 $36,789,414 $44,889,827 16,772,086 '61,661,913  $30,751,125 $2,506,612 32,428 $2,539,040 $7,708,'218 6,348,382 $14,056,600 $16,595,640 $36,914,627 9,732,740  $24,872,499 $32,388,509 8,894,713 $41,283,222 $16,252,347 10,803,629 $27,055,976 lt,68,339,198 $41.309, 1.81 17,223,465 $58,532,646 $9,806,552  ~~:~.~~~~~.~\ $30,051,727  TOTAL MERCHANDISE AND COIN AND BULLION,  I  I  --.. -.... -. --  ---  For""of \ Monthsended For the 6 For IM 12 month Monthsenaed December. Dec. 31. Dec. 31.  1887.-Exports-Domestic •••. Foreign •••.•. Total .•••..••.•••. Imports .••••••..••...•. Excess of exports over imports Excess of imports over exports 1886.-Exports-Domjlstic .••. Foreign .••...  $75,260,931 $391.657,181 $728,150,121 __!--!980,800 J0,661,074 23.960,249 $77,241,731 $402,318,255 $752,110,370 55,401,909 399,465,608 7'i0,469,224 lti21,839,822 $2,852,647 ----. --..... --········· .. $18,358,854 $86,180,089 $389,240,323 $74.8,160,286 3,031,008 13,148,464. 33,582,933 Total ... .......... $89,211,097 $402,388,787 $781,743,219 Imports .•••.••.•••••••. 69,961,777 381,486,944 721,961,835 Excess of exports over imports $19,249,320 :t,20,901,843 $59,781,384 Exeess of imports over exports •••••••..••. - --...... - . -··-·. -  .. .  --  -  ':['h~ following has also been issued, showing; by prmc1pal customs districts, the values of merchandise importea into, and exported from, the United States during the month of Dec., 1887, and during the twelve months ended with December in both 1887 and 1886; also the total stock of goods remaining in the United States warehouses Dec, 81 1886 and 1887, ' IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY PRINCIPAL CUSTOMS DISTRICTS, CUSTOMS DIS· TRIOTBAND PORTS,  DECEMBER, 1887.  Im""'"•!  IMPORTS.  EXPORTS,  12 months ending D ec. 81.  12 month8 enatno Dec. 81.  1887.  1887.  1886.  1886.  E_,-t,.  I --,$ I I $ Baltimore.Md. 692,985 8,982,126 18,055,880 11,78~,118 49,828,105 46,810,888 Boston, Mass. 4,0tb,507 5,110,688 62,50!1c.425 60,:¼2,862 56,666,811> 58,t127,028 liuttaloCk,N.Y 81,470 6,55!:l,446 tS, 148,514 738,8 UJ 8i8,068 424,::'69 Champl'n, N. Y 2ll0,005 68, i75 3,844,26.'> 3,147,IJ44 l,6U2,658 1,621,51:ll 74,016 2,0511,494 4~1.566 t\86,07:'l 15.2&!,816 17,410,~36 1,031,IJ22 2,513 12,38-1,2111 ll,H>U,078 l,5U7,782 l,950,2M Ctnctona1i,O.* ........ 2,422,79t, 2,20K,178 207,277 Detroit, Mich. 232,854 802,017 :.!,862.3U2 :.l,519,U4C, 4,sis;wt'1 4,955~987 Duluth, Minn. :&,551 13 rno,044 t>9,:i9a 3,98fl.lb9 2,4::ltl,UtU Ge.lvest'n, 'l'ei88.870 8,724,93Ci 71'6,711:l 658.182 18,8t0,814 16,994,106 Milw'kee,Wi&. 60,t\81 ....... 631,778 u10.892 Minn 's'a,Minn i;sz·s2i !ffl2,()09 84,666 46,484 2,168,778 1,251.010 Mobile, Ala ... 4,01>8 54U,21Jl 71:l,022 4;"),283 8,a2,:a68 2,tS14,f>o0 New Orl'ns,La 607,701 11,24cU,ll54 10,211,3tl8 ~.760,550 88,IJ77,li64 81,805,876 NewYork,N.Y 34,370.1129 29,044,505 4t5.133,272 437,462,207 318,148,814 318,lb,881 Niagara, N. Y .. 410,74.5 + :J,807,37i ~.097,698 t4t,181:1 ttltt,715 Norfolk, Va... 86,854 2,467,652 1U/,261l 80,075 U,714,404 15,205,Q20 Oregon, Oreg.. 89,477 2.!8,587 ll>tt,368 1,208,111> 1,527,117 94,14.J, ,_ 2,8111,247 2,578,840 1,71>8,83.J, 1,1161,106 Oswega'le,N. Y ici8,846 Oswego, N. Y.. 16.'i.~'17 15,538 4,1!54,053 4,877.463 l,80t,71:1t 1,887.470 P.biladel'a, Pa. 2,886,61;5 2,8e3.81:18 311.5tst-,48,.. 87,997,520 3::S,889,187 38,rf>IJ,674 Portland, Me .. 4.0,214 561,018 1,770,128 2,025,999 2,4:.l4,f>64 2,568,628 27&,1114 St. Louis,Mo.* 3, 1011,880 2,979,tl87 San Fran., Cal. 3,311tl,974 2,7'ii,'iii; 41,tlO:l,0!8 89,080,887 28,667,454 36,050;i2i 88,143 2,755,105 35f>,4li8 ~tl,0111,9011 :.ll,604,882 181,111 505,88\J i~~~g:t~'v~~: 121:1,321:' 5,9~~.484 5,592,140 1,483,564 1,784,714 S2,11J7 604,292 Wlllamette,Or !lcl6,i2d 857,719 3,61>2,210 6,461>,llli ll,401:1 836,718 HJIJ,941 7,047,003 5,IJ6I,10:-J 188,238 Wilmi'g'n,N.C 40,20! 1,452,812 478,129 99,8U7 9,652,7ot 6,0l:ll:l,176 Yorktown, Va.  8tf:i!:~~'fh ~·:  The Bureau of Statistics bas issued its detailed statement of the foreign commerce of the couotry for the month of Decem• ber, the twelve months ended with December, and the six months from July 1 to December 31, 1887, These statements are decidedly int~nsting as showing the Jatest returns of the trade movement for the calendar yec1r 1887, and also for the last six months of that year, since all the tables and statistics in the preceding article are made for the fiscal year ending June 30, to compare with the regular Government statistics Totals, (inof prior years. The calendar year 18ts7 was peculiar in respect eluding all to its exports of domestic produce, imports of merchandise oth'r Dlsts.) 52,100,180 73,280,983 708,807,811 863,429,189 'i15,320,956 713,404,021 and ilrports of gold. The trade balance in favor of the United Remaining in warehouse December 31, 1886 .••••••••••..••. $32,077,063 States, that is the excess in value of merchandise exports over Remaining in warehouse December 31, 1887 ••••.•••••.•••.• $30,34.8,620 import:1, was only $6,513,645 for the twelve months lending r Lnterior portR to which merchaad11m can be transported wu.uout Dec. 31, 1887, and yet the net import of gold in the year was appraisement, under act o:t Jane 10. 1880. t Incomplete ill the absence or law providing the means of collecting $35,633,522. From July to October the breadstu:ffs exports the statistics or ex~orts to adjacent foreign territory by railroad oan were very heavy, but fell off in later months. The cotton a.nd other land vehicles. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --- -·  THE  MONEY Q U OTAT I ON S  l 8 8 0-  1 8 8 7.  The money market during the year 1887 continued to years 1886 and 1887, when railroad construction and reflect the increased activity in business throughout the other industrial and speculative enterprises called for a country. The transactions at the stock exchanges in very large amount of money, there was no severe and New York and other cities were reduced in volume, but long-continued stringency in the money market. notwithstanding this, there was so large a demand for It is estimated that the amount of gold and silver in funds at the West and South, to supply -the wants of rail- circulation in 1860 was about $'200,000,000, and the State road contractors, speculators in wheat, speculators in bank paper about $207,102,477. On the 1st of January, town lots, etc., etc., that the banks in Eastern cities were 1879, at the date of resumption, there was in circulation k~pt down to a moderate surplus, and were able to get fair $ 670,472,680 in paper money-greenbacks and national rates for money throughout the year. The particular currency-besides the gold and silver in various shapes phases of the money market from month to month which became available as currency when specie payments touched upon in the retrospect of the year, which will be were resumed by the Government. found on a previous page. 'fhe total increase between January 1, 1879, and Nov. The national bank circulation in the country still con• 1, 1887, amounted to $626,589,034. In the COMMERCIAL tinued to decrease, owing mainly to the redemption ot & FrN.ANCI.AL CHRONICLE of December 24, 1887, a stateGovernment bonds which formed the basis for circula.tion, ment showing the volume and form of the currency at and on January 1, 1888, it was down to $268,168,234, various dates since the resumption of specie payments was against $296,486,877 on Jan. 1, lb87, an actual decrease given as follows: in the year of $28,318,643; but in addition to this there was Jan. 1, 1879. J uly 1, 1884. July 1, 18!'!5. Nov. 1, 1887. an increase during the yearof$ll,791,739 in legal tenders - - $-- - ------$ $ $ deposited with the United States Treasurer to redeem 0 old coin and bulllon . .... *278,810, 126 545,500,71:!7 588,e. 97,036 6{!5,180,875 175,355,St0 203,88i.~8 I 276,7L6,157 bank notes yet to come in, ma.king a total reduction in 8 llver dol tars .... . . ... . . . . 22,4\15,550 9,1:.!l,417 4,950,785 4,654_58t1 11,683,032 B liver bullion .. ...... .. . .. . national bank circulation present and prospective of $40, - F ractional s ilver . . .. ...... 71,021,162 75,261,528 74,939.820 75 ,75R,186 atlonal Ba nk not es . . .... 323,791,ts74 839,499,883 318,:'°>76,711 272,04 l,203 110,382. The total amount of Government bonds depos- ~egal t enders ..... ..... ... . 346,t!Sl 006 346,681,006 346,P.8 l ,006 346.681,016 1ted by the banks to secure circulation was $184,444,950 To~ in United State s .. 1,051,i 20,985 l ,487,2i9,828 1,5a7,4a3,5JO 1,678,0u9,969 on Jan. 1, 1888, against $229,438,350 on Jan. 1, 1887. Of w hi :hTreasury ........ ..... . .. 223,704 886 2U,934,189 278,488,~22 811,891,621 The money market from 1883 to 188.5 was little dis. ~: hands of people ........ 827,7lfS,M9 1,272,815,68, 1,258 ,944 ,718 1,866,118,848 -turbed by any irregularities except the extraordinary Total as abovl' .. . ........ 1,051 420,935 1,487,219,828 1,587,433,M0 1,678,009,969 pressure which occurred at the time of the financial panic * The gold for J an. 1, 1 879, we gfre as est imated at t hat time. Mr. in May, 1884. During the rest of those years the main Kimball, the present Director of the Mint, has made deductions in t his item since, and we see t hat he now estimates the amount in t he country feature was the extremely low rates for call loans which on July 1, 1 879, at only $245,741,837. We have n ot his :figm•es for J an. generally prevailed. The :financial crisis in May, 1884, 1 of that year and hence make no change. Tne principal acts of Congress relating to the currency, and the whole depression from 1881 to 1885 took place when the money market was glutted, and the forced coin· and affecting its volume from time to time, were the folage of silver, exceeding $2,000,000 per month, was lowing: The national bank actof June 3, 1864, authorized steadily in progress. Up to November 1, 1887, the total the issue of $300,000,000 national bank currency, and amount of standard silver dollars coined under the act of required banks in redemption cities to keep reserves of 25 per cent of deposits and circulation, and other banks 15 1878 was $276,716,157. Taking a historical review and looking back to January, per cent; the act of July 12, 1870, authorized the issue of 1866, the first complete year after the close of the war, it $54,000,000 additional circulation; the act of June 20, is observed that there were then outstanding $426,231,390 1874, abolished reserve on circulation, required 5 per cent in United States legal tender notes and $213,239:530 in deposit at Washington to redeem circulation and authornational bank notes. The full amount of $300,000,000 ized the withdrawal of bonds on deposit of legal tenders in national currency authorized by the act of June 3, 1864, in place thereof; the act of January 14, 1875, repealed all was issued hy the close of 1867. An extraordinary limit to bank circulation, and authorized cancellation of stringency in the money market began about October, 80 per cent of greenbacks for new circula.tion issued; also I 871, and continued with little intermission for nearly two authorized purchase and issue of silver in place of frac· tional currency, and· fixed the first of January, 1879, for years, till the financial bubble burst in September, 1873. Aft~r the immediate influence of the crisis of 1873 had redemption of greenbacks in coin; the act of February 28, passed away, the money market relaxed, and the ease 18 78, directed the purchase of silver bullion to the amount which prevailed in New York, with few interruptions, of $2,000,000 to $4,000,000 per month and its coinage from January 1, 1874, to January 1, 1879, was a feature into legal-tender dollars, under which act the coinage of quite unprecedented. The construction of railroads in over $2,000,000 per month has since been carried ·on, the 1880-83 far surpassed that of 1870-73, both in the length amount ef dollars so coined up to Jan. I, 1888, being of road built and the amount of capital invested; but there $282,901,35.7 ; the· act of May 3, 1878, prohibited the was no similar pressure in the money market, and in the further retirement of greenbacks. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  20  MONEY  THE  MARKET.  QUOTATIONS FOR CALL LOANS AND COMMERCIAL PAPER. The following quotations are compiled from the rates current each week for call loans in the New York money market. The lowest prices show the best rates on prime collaterals, while the highest prices show the extreme points reached on temporary spurts in the loan market 1884. 1880. Call Week ending Prime Call WeeH: ending Prime .Prime W'k end'g Wk end'g Loans. Friday. Paper. Loans. Friday. Paper. Call Loans. 5 @6 & 116 p. d. 5¼@6¼ 4 @6&l32p,d.5 '1z6 5 @6 3 '@6 5 @5¼ 4 '@6 5 '@512 3 @6 5 @5¼ 3 'w6 5 '@5 12 4 @6 5 @512 3 '@6 5 '@6 3 '@6 4 @6 & 116 p. d. 5 '@6 4 '@6 & l:i2 p. d. 5 @6 4 'il6& 1 16P•d.5 '@6 4 @6 & 116 p. d. 5 @6 4 "a>6 & 116 p. d. 5 @6 4 @6 & 1a p. d. 5 @6 "16::)i @6&11GP·d·5 @6 " 23 .. 3 @6 & 116p. d. 5 @6 5 'a'6 " 36 .. 3 '@6 5 @6 May 7 .. 3 @6 5 @512 " 14 .. 3 'i!6 5 @512 " 21.. 2¼@5 412'@5 " 28 .. 2 '@5 4¼'@5 June 4 .. 2 1z,5 412"@5 " 11 .. 2 '@4 4. @4¼ " 18 .. 2 @4 4 @5 " 25 .. 2 @3  Friday. Jan. 2 .. 9 .. " " 16 .. " 23 .. " 30 .. Feb. 6 .. " 13 .. " 20 .. " 27 .. Mch. 5 . . " 12 .. " 19 .. " 26 April 2 .. 9 "  Friday. July 2 .• 9 .. " " l6 .. " 23 .. " 30 .. Aug. 6 . . " 13 .. " 20 .. " 27 .. Sept. 3 .. " 10 .. "17 .. " 24 .. Oct. 1.. 8 .. " " 15 .. " 22 .. " 29 .. Nov. 5 .. " 12 .. " 19 .. " 26 .. Dec. 3 .. ''  10 ..  " " "  17 . . 24 .. 31. .  Call Lo&ll.l, 2 @4 2 @3 2 @3 2 @3 2 '@3 112@3 1¼@4 112'ti>3 2 •@3111 2 @5 2 @3 2 @3 2 @3 2 @3 2 @3 2  r«J3  212@4 2½'@4. 3 @5 3 @5 4 @6 5 @6 6 @6 5 •aJ6 f; . ®6 5 @6 4 @6  & l32P• & 1111 p. & 3sp. & 11 11 p. & 116 p.  d. d. d. d. d.  Paper. 4 @5 4 @5 4 @5 3¼@5 4 @5 4 @5 4311@519 5 'iz5¼ 5 @51t 5 @5¼ 5 @5111 5 @5¼ 5 @5¼ 5 @5¼ 5 @5~ 5 'lil5¼ 5 'll5¼ 412'@5 5 @5¼ 5 @6 5 @5¼ 5 @6 6 6 @6¼ 6 @612 5½]@6¼ 5__!:_(!  1881. Call Loans. Wk end'g Friday. Jan. 7 .. 4 @6 " 14 .. 4 @6 " ~l.. 4 @6 ,, 28 .. 312'1z5 Feb. 4 .. 3 @6 " 11.. 3 @6 •• 18 .. 3 @6 " 25 .. 3 @6 & 1 ~. Mch. 4 .. 5 @6 & ¼ p. " 11 .. 5 'ti,6 " 18 .. 4 @6 & 16,P• " 25 .. 4 @6 Ap,,ril 1. . 4 1@6 & 11 6 p. 8 .. 3 @6 " 15 .. 3,¼'alG .. 3 @6 22 •• ' 29 .. 3 @5 Maf 6 .. 3 @6 " 18 •. 2 @4 " 20 .. 2 ®4 " 27 .. 2 'w4 .June 3 .. 2 @4 " 10 .. 2 @4 'ft" 17 2 @6 "24::2 w3¼ July 1.. 2 @4  Prime I Paper.  d. d. d. d.  5 @519 5 '@5¼ 5 '@512 5 @512 5 @5½ 5 ct6 5 @6 5 @f>12 5 'iil ti 512'al6 5 '@6 5 @6 !i @6 5 @6 5 '@512 5 @512 4¼@5 4 @5 4 @4¼ 3lg'al412 3¼'@4 3 ·@4 3 @4 3 •@4 3 @4 3 @4  Wk end'g Friday.  Prime Paper. 4 '@4¼ 2121iJ6 4 @412 212W4 3 @4L2 w4 3 @412 212'@4 3 @4½! 2 1z>--.l 4 @5 2 '@319 2¼'a>6&316p.d.5 '@6 5 @6 & 116 p . d. 5 @u 5 @6 & 116 p . d. t> @6 5 @6 4 'tl16 512·@6 4 @6 5¼'al6 4 ·a,6 5 '<i:6 & l1s p. d . 512@6 5 @6& J.sp.d. 6 @O½ 4 @6 & 116 p. d. 6 @6¼ 6 @0¼ 3 @6 6 @612 4 'ii6 6 '@612 3 @6 6 @6½1 3¼'al6 @6¼ 6 3:t..,'ti'6 3¼'@6 & 132 p. d. 6 ·@6½1 312'@6 & 116 p. d. 6 @6¼ 3¼@6 & lap. d. 6 'al612 3½11t6 & 116 p. d. 6 $6½1 3 '1il6&116P d.B @6~ 2¼@6 & ll6 p. d. 6 '1il6½ Call Loans.  Call Loans.  "  9 ....• ••.  " 16 .. . .. .•. " 23 .....••. Mch. 2 ....... . "  9 ......•.  " 16 . .. . ... . ,. 23 ....... . " 30 ....... . April 6 . . . . .. . " 13 ... .. .. . " 20 ....... . " 27-..... . May 4 ....... . " 11 ....... . " 18 ....... . " 25 . ... . .. . June 1. ..•.... "  8 .••••••.  •• 15 ...•..•. " 22 ...•.••. " 29 ....... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Prime Paper. 5¼@6 5¼@6 5 @6 5 @519 5 @512 2 @ 5 5 @512 5 @5¼ 2 @ 5 5 @5¼ 2 @ 5 5¼@o 3 @ 9 6 @6¼ 4 @15 6 @7 5 '@ 17 6 @7 5 @25 4 @12 6 '@6¼ 4 @20 6 w6½ 5¼'@6 4 @ 7 512@6 3¼@ 6 @6 5 3 1iJ 6 5 @6 3 @10 5 @6 2¼@ 5 5 @6 2 @ 4 1 @ 31.g 4¼?16 1 @ 312 4 '@6 1 @ 3 4 @5¼ 1 @ 3 4 @5¼ 1 @ 3 4 @512 1 ·@ 3 4 @5½1 Call Loans. 3 11>12 2 @ 6 2 11J 6 2 @ 5 2 @ 5  Prime Paper.  - -----------!¼@5 .July 7 .. l¼W 4  -1¼ @5 4 @5 4 'al5 5 @5¾) 5 @6 5¼'al6 5¼'al6 5¼@61! 6 @6½ 6 @6½ 6 @7  " 14 . . 2 @ 4 " 21. . 2 @ 312 " 213 .. 2 •a) 5 Aug. 4 .. 2 @ 4 " 11.. 2 @ 4 " 18 .. 2¼@ 7 " 25 .. 2 '@ .7 Sept. 1.. 3 @ 6 8 .. 4 @10 " " 15 .. 4 @ 8 " 22 .. 4 @ 8 •· 29 .. 5 @20 Oct. 6 .. 5 @20 " 13 .. 3 @ 7 " 20 .. 3 @ 6 ,, ;_7 .. 3 1l' 6 Nov. 3 .. 3 '@12 " iO . . 4 @25 " 17 .. 3 @ 7 " 24 .. -1 @30 Dec. 1.. 3 @10 8 .. 3 @ 6 " " 15 .. 3 @ 6 " 22 .. 3 @ 6 " 29 .. 2 @ 8  7 7 6 6  ~  @6 @6 @5¼ @519 @512 @512 @5¼ @512 @5¼ @5¼ @5¼ @5¼ @514 @514 @5¼ @5¼ @5½1 @5½1 @5¼ @512 '46  5 4  4  4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4  Julyll. ....... " 18........ " 25........ Aug. 1... .•••• 8.. . .. ... " " 15.... ..•. ..•. 22.... " " 29.. ... . .. ... ... Sept. 5.. " 12 ..... ... " 19... .. ... " 2ti....... . Oct. 3.. ...... " 10.. .... .. " 17 ........ " 24 .... .... " 31. .... ·•· Nov. 7. .. . . .. . " 14.. .. . ... " 21........ " 28 . .......  @ 219 ½@239 12'@ 2 12@ 2¼ 1 @ 2 ¼.@ 2 1 @ 3 1 @ 312 1 @ 2 1 @ 3 1 @ 2 1 @ 3 1 @ 3 1 @ 3 1 @ 2 1 @ 3 12'@ 4 1 @ 3 ¼@ 2 lq@ 1¼ 12@ 212 1  \g: 3  ~~:i  ID?.c·1L::::::I ½; " 19... .. .• . 1 @ 1¼ 512@6 1 @ 3 " 26...... . . 1 @ 1½ 512@6 " 20..... .. . 1 @ 3 " 31 (4 dys) 1 @ 112 512@6 " 27 . . ... .•. 1 ·@18 : - - - - : : - : - - - - - - - - - -6,,' ,--July •.L . ...... 1:_@::__6_ __:.5..:12=-:-@ i And ½I per diem. . * And 3 per di m. Call Loanlil.  Weekending Friday.  Prime Paper.  4lg'@5¼ July 10 .•.••... " 17.·-····· 4 @512 ., 24 ....... . 4 @5 " 31. ...... . 4 @5 Aug. 7 .... ... . 4 @5 " 14 ....... . 4 @5 " 21. . . .... . 4 @5 " 28 ....... . 4 @5 Sept. 4 ....... . 4. 'il5 " 11. . . ...•. 4 @5 " 18 ....... . 4 @5 " 25 ...... . . 4 @5 Oct. 2 ..... .. . 3¼'al5 9 ....... . " 3¼1i>412 " 16 .. . .... . 312'@4¼ 312'iil4¼1 " 23 . ...... . " 30 .... ..•. 3¼a>4 3¼'@4 Nov. 6 .....••. " 13 ....... . 3Ig@4 " 20 ... .... . 3 14@4  Jan. 9 .••••••. •• 16 ......•. " 23 .•...... " 30 ....... . Feb. 6 ......•. " 13 .. ..... . " 20 ....... . " 27 .....••. Mch. 6 ..•...•. " 13 ....... . " 20 ....... . " 27 ....... . April 3 ... ... . " 10 ....... . " 17 ......•. " 24 ....... . May 1. .. .... . 8 •..••••. " " 15 .. ...•.. " 22 ....... . " 29 ....... . .June 5 ..•.. ••. " 12 ... .... . " 19 ....... . " 26 ....... . July 3 ....... .  :~!! 314@4 3  '@4  3  @4  3 @4.  Call Loans.  Week ending Friday.  Prime Paper.  @ 2 ½@ l¼ ¼@ 2 1 @ 2  1  l  @  2  l @ 2 1 @ 2 1 @ 2 1 @ 1¼ 1 @ l¼ 1 @ 1¼ 1 @ 3 1 @ 3 1 @ 3 1 @ 2 1¼@ 3 l¼'@ 4 1 @10 l¼'al 3¼ 2  @  4  1¼@ 4  ID:•c. 2L:::::: I 2 " 11. ...... . 1  @  3  'W 3 -, .. 18 .... .•• . 1¼@ 2¼ •• 25 ....... . 1¼@ 6 " 31. ...... . 2 (~ 5  @8 @7 @7  Call Loans.  Weekending Friday.  Prime Paper.  Week ending Friday.  Call Loans.  Prime Paper.  - - - - - -1-----1----11--- - - -1- - - - ·1---  Jan. 8 .••..••. " 15 ....... . " 22 .•...•.. " 29 ....... . Feb. 5 ....... . " 12 .... ... . " 19 . ...... . " 26 ......•• Mch. 5 ....... . " 12 ....... . " 19 ....... . " 26 .. . .... . A-pril 2 . .•..•. " " "  .July 9.. .. ..•. 1 @ 3 4 @5 " 16.. .... •. 1 @ 3 3¼@5 •• 23 . . .. . . .. 112'al 4 3¼@5 " 30 ..... ..• l¼'al 3 3¼@5 Aug. 6.. . . ... . l~@ 6 3¼@5 " 13. ... .... 2 @10 314@5 " 20..... .•. 3 @20 3 @414 27 ........ 2 @ 8 " 3 @414 cl @4~ Sept. 3 ........ 2 @ 8 ... ... 1 @ 7 10.. " 3 @4¼ 4 " 17 .. . ..... 4 @10 3 '@4¼ 4 " 24. .... ... 3 @ 7 3 @5 5 Oct. 1... ... .. 4 @15 3¼'@5 3 8. . .... .. 3 @10 " 3¼1t>5 llg@ 2¼ 312@5 " 15 . . .. . ... 2 @ 7 1311'@ 4 " 22........ 2 @ 8 3¼'@5 1¼1il 4 " 29 . ....... 12¼'@ 6 3¼@5 1 @ 5 Nov. 5.. . ... .. 4 @ 7 3¼@5 1¼@ 3 " 12 ......•. 4 @ 6¼ 3½@4¼ 112@ 2111 3¼@4¼ " 19..... ... 3 @ 7 1¼@ 7 " 26 .. .. . . . . 4¼@ 9 312~4¼ 112@ 3 312@-l¼ [Dec. 3 ........ 15 @ 9 1 @ 7 " 10..... .. . 3 @ 9 3¼@4¼ 1 @ 6 " 17 .. . ..... 4·10+12p.d. 31i!'al412 l @ 3 " 24.. .. . . .. 2 @ 8 314@4 1 a> 9 " 31........ 3 @ 8 3¼'al4 l  'iJJ 5  1 @ 1 11J 1 @ 1 @ 1 @ 1¼·@ 112@ llg@ 1 @ 1¼·@ l½I@ 11£@ 9 .....•.. 1 'a)  J 6 . .. . .••. 2~ ..•••••.  " 30 ....... . May 7 .. ..... . " 14 .•...... " 21 ....... . " 28 ....... . June4 ....... . " 11 ....... . ., 18 ....... . " 25 ....... . July 2 .....•••  3 3 2 3 2 4 2½1 4 2¼  314@4 3¼@4 334'@5 312@5¼ 3lg@514 4¼@6 5 @6 5  @6  5 @619 5¼'alfllg 5¼·w6 5¼'alo 5¼'@6 5¼@6 53s'@6¼ 6 @6¼ 6 @61g 512@tJ¼ 5lgaJ6~ 5¼@6¼ 5 @619 5 ®619 5¼'@6311 5¼1zl6¼ 6 @619 5 @619  1881.  Weekending Friday. .July t> •••• •••• " 13 ....... . " 20 .. . .... . " 27 ......•. Aug. 3 ..•..•.. " 10 ....••.. " 17 ......•. " 24 ... . ..•. " 31. ...... . Sept. 7 ....... . " 14 ......•. " 21. ...... . " 28 .... ... . Oct. 5 ... .... . " 12 ..•.•.•. " 19 ...... •. " 26 ... .. .. . Nov. 2 ....••.. "  ~9  6 @6½ 6 @7 6 @7 6 @7 6 @7 6 @7 6 @6½ 5~@6 5¼@6 5¼@6  1883. Weekending Friday. Jan. 5 ... ..••. •. 12 ..... .. . " 19 ....... . " 26 ......•. Feb. 2 ....... .  J1~~/i:::::::: " 13...... ••  3 212 212 212 3 219 212 2½ 212 2 2 212 2½1 2¼ 2 2 312 3¼ 6 5* 6t  1886.  Prim_e Wk end'g Paper. Friday.  Jan. 6 .. 3 @6 & 1a p. d. 6 @6¼ 5¼'@6 " 13 .. 2 '@6 5 @512 " 20 .. 2 @6 5 @512 " 27 .. 2 '<1,5 5 @6 .B'eb. 3 .. 2 @6 @519 5 @6 2 .. " 10 •' 17 .. 2 @6 & 13 2 p.d. 5½'@6 512'al6 '' 24 .. 2¼@6 & 1a p.d. Moh. 3 .• 2¼'@6&164·l16P•d 512'@6 512@6 " 10 .. 3 '@6 5 'tv6 •• 17 . . 2 @6 512'@6 " 24 .. 212@6 5 -@6 " 31. . a @6 April 7 .. 4 @6 & 132 p.d. 5 @6 5 @5¼ " 14 .. 212'al6 4)g@5 " 21.. 2 @5 412'@5 " 28 .. 2 '@f> 4¼'cll5 May 5 .. 2 @4 4 @5¼ " 12 .. 2 @-l -1¼'@5 " 19 .. 2 @4 5 @5¼ " 26 .. 2 'al4 4¼@5. June 2 .. 2 @4 4¼'@5lg 9 .. 2 '@4 " 5 @.. " 16 .. 2 @3¼ 5 @5¼ " 23 .. 2 @4 a '@5¼ " 3o . . 2 @9  l @ 1 @ 1 @ 1 @ 1¼@ 1 @ 1 @ 1½@ 119@ 1 @ 1 @ 1111@ 11£@ 119'@ 112@ llg@ 119@ l½cil 1¼@ 1¼@ 1 @  188:i.  Wk.end'g Friday. July 8 .. " 15. " 22 .. " 29 .. Aug. 5 .. " 12 .. "19 .. " 26 .. Sept. 2 .. 9 .. " '' 16 .. " 23 .. " 30 .. Oct. 7 .. '' 14 .. " 2l. " 28 .. Nov. 4 .. " 11. . " 18 .. " 25 .. Dec. 2 .. 9 .. " " 16 .. "23 .. 30 ..  1882. Ca ll L oans.  .Jan. 4(3d'ys) " 11..... ... " 18........ " 25.... . .. . Feb. 1...... .. 8.. .. . . . . " " 15..... .. . " 22.. .. . ••. " 29.. .. . ... Mch. 7.. .. .. .. " 14 ........ " 21...... . . " 28 ........ April 4..... .. . " 11. ....... " 18.... .••. " 25.. .. .•. . May 2........ 9.. .. .. .. " " 16... . .... " 23 .... ... .  9 .... .••.  " 16 ......•. " 23 .... ..• . " 30 .... •••. Dec. 7 .....••. " 14 ...•.••. " 21 ..•..••. " 28 ....... .  Call Loans. 1¼@ 3 1191i> 3 1½@ 3 1 @ 212 112@ 2111 1¼'@ i 112@ 6 1¼@ 3 l¼'al 3  2 2  @ @  l¼W 2 @ 1¼@ 1¼'@ 1½'@ l¼@  2  '@  1 @ 1 @ llq@ 1¼@ 1 @ 1 @ 1 @ 1 @  a 3  3 3 4 219 4 412 4  3 3 212 212 5 3 3 3  Call Loans.  Weekending Friday. Jan. 7 ........ •• 14. .. . .... " 21........ " 28. . . .. ... Feb. 4 ........ ., 11........ " 18....... . " 25..... .. . Mch. 4........ " 11. ....... " 18 .. .. . .. . " 25 ........ April 1.. .. . .. . 8 ........ " " 15 ......•. " 22..... .. . " 29.. .. . .. May 6..... ... " 13 .. . ..... " 20....... . " 27 ....•.•. June 3.. •. .•.. " 10...... •. " 17 •••.•••. u , 24 ..•..... July 1 ........  ~  Prime Paper.  5 @6¼ 8 6 5 @6 5 '@6 2 11J 6 5 @5¼ 2¼·@ 5 4¼@519 2¼@ 5 4¼@5 3 @ 5 l¼'al 412 4¼@5 412~5 2 @ 5 4¼@5¼ 2 @ 7 5 @512 2 -a> 7 5 @6 3 @ 7 5 @6 239@ 8 5 @6 3 @ 9 5 @6 31£@15 5 @6 3 ·@ 9 5 @5¼ 3 @ 6 5 @5¼ 2111@ 7 5 @5¼ 8 3 @ 5 @5¼ 3 @ 7 5 @512 3 @ 6 4~@5½ 3 1JJ 8 4%11>5¼ 4 @ 7 412@5¼ 3 •@ 5 4¼@514 2 @10 3@6+3sp.d 4¼@512 3@6+14p.d 5 @6¼ 1  3  w  Weekending Friday. July 8 ......•. " 15 ......•. " 22 .•...... " 29 .....•.. Aug. 5 . ... .. . . " 12 .. ······ " 19 ....... . " 26 .....••. Sept. 2 ....... . 9 ....... . " " 16 .... . .. . " 23 .. ..... . " 30 ...... . Oct. 7 ....... . " 14-....... . " 21. ...... . " 28 ....... . Nov. 4 ....... . " 11. ...... . " 18 ......•. " 25 ••••.••. Dec. 2 .•••••.. 9 .••••••. " " 16 ..•••••. " 23 .....••. " 30 ..••.••.  Call Loans. 3 @10 3 @ 6 2 @ 5 3 @ 6 312@ 6 3 @ 8 3 @ 7 3 @ 7 3 @ 8 3 @ 7 3 @ 7 3 @ 7 4 @ 7 3 @ 6 3 @ 5 2¼'@ 5 3 @ 6 3 @ 5 3 @ 7 3 @ 6 3 @ 7  2 4 4  4 4  @ @ @ @ @  7 6 5  6 7  Prim() Paper.  MOVEMENTS OF GOLD AND SILVER. UNITED  STATES  GOLD AND SILVER PRODUCTION SINCE 1851. The gold and silver production of the United States for 1887, as made up by Mr. Valentine, of Wells, Fargo & Co., was issued in January, 1888. It shows that though mining, like all other industries, has been active the past year, the outturn for silver is less than the similar total issued by him for 1886. The gold he gives "for the States and territories west of the Missouri River" at $32,500,067, against $29,561,424, and the silver at $50,833,884, against $52,136,851. The statement in full (which includes arrivals from British Columbia and west coast of Mexico, and covers gold, silver, lead and copper), is as follows. We add for comparison Mr. Valentine's statements for previous years. PRODUCT OF GOLD, SILVER, LEAD .AND COPPER.  States and Territories.  1884.  1885.  1886.  1887.  15,2l2,988 15,o/6,672 14,6~0,385 13,6!2,923 8,888,939 555,167 9,213,121 607,405 9,169,920 703,217 10,232,453 950,000 70,125 109,050 164,694. 160,000 115,014 251,ooo 609 ,000 44.4,975 3,542,177 4,423,356 7,733,500 8,240,ooo 11,862,000 14,224,512 20,840,000 25,483,275 U tah ·······•••••·•••••· 7,389,836 8,926,734 8,63 1,595 7,637,730 Colorado .............. 20,233,749 21,372,000 25,uOO,OOO 23,293,000 Ne:w Mexico ........... 3,660,614 3,825,763 3,821,871 4,229,234 Arizona ................ 7,056,379 6,595,146 6,103,378 5,771,550 Dakota................ 2,986,U7 2,726,623 2,856,687 3,05~,605 Mexico (W.CoastBt'tes)l 2,554,400 2,261,0114 2,108,694 762,035 British Columbia...... 787,719 608,834 742,845 51>6,154 Total ..•.....••.... 84,975,954 90,181,260 103,0ll,761104,645,959 The gross yield for 1887, shown above, segregated, is given approximately as follows. Gold (31 61-100 per cent) . . .••.. .... • . . . . • .. . . . . .. . .. $33,074,022 Silver (49 29-100 per cent) ..... ... ..•.. .•......••.. ... 51,578,118 €op~er ( 9 90.100 per cent)............................ 10,362,746 20 9 100 9•631 •073 Lea < · per cent)··························-· California. .............. Nevada................ Oreg~n ........ ..•..... Wasbmgton.. . . . . . . . . . Alaska... . ............. Idaho•················· Montana. ......•.......  lrI~i;~;~·fig~·;~~··~~i~ci~;·~~·-~t~t~·d~·;;"ji;iti;:~~i~:,~f: " and receipts by express from the West Coast States of Mexico." Deducting these we have left for the United States production in the "States and territories west of "the Missouri river" for the four years given above the following amounts. For comparison we add a column to show the United States Mint estimate for gold and silver for the same years.  I  j _ M r . Valentine's estimates. ~ , Copper.  1884... 1885...  I  snver.  Gold.  Mint estimates. snver.  Gold.  a,ss1,091 ia,oao,252 $43,529,925 $25,18.'3,567 $48,soo,ooo $80,soo,ooo s,562,901 7,888,osa 44,516,599 2a,s0S,756 51,doo,000 s1,soo,ooo 1886... 9,185,102j 9,276,7551 52,186,851 20,561,424 51,000,000. 85,000,000 1ss7... 9,681 ,073 10,862,746 50,833,884 82,500,067 49,5oo,ooo ss,ooo,ooo The last line in the above, g1v1ng the totals for 1887 under the head of "Mint estimates," are not estimates of the Mint but simply Mr. Valentine's figures for 1887 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  AND  EURUPE .  with changes similar to the usual differences between the Mint estimates and Mr. Valentine's estimates. For instance, Mr. Valentine has given the gold for the previous three years at just about 5½ millions less each year than the Mint figures, which are prepared some months later. This fact is disclosed by the above statement, and estab. lishes a relation between the t vo authorities, which if continued this year will make the gold aggregate say $38,000,000 for 1887 . . There is, therefore, no authority whatever for assuming that the Mint total will be so large, except so far as a presumption Jies in favor of the continuance of a relation in the results of two methods that has existed three years. But whether 38 millions will be reached as the Mint's estimate of the year's gold product or not, there can be no doubt in the light of Mr. Valentine's returns that the Mint gold results when made up will at least be larger than in 1886, and that the silver product is likely to be smaller. In other words, does it not look from these d1·sc1osu res as 1·f a porn · t h a d fi na11 y been reac hed a t which the demand for both of these metals was materially affecting production. So far as gold is concerned the year of least yield was 1883, according to the Mint when its estimate was 30 million dollars, and 1884 according to Mr. Valentine when his estimate was a little over 25 millions. Since then the annual gold product has 8 hown a constant growth as evidenced by both authori• ties. As to silver the case is not so clear, for the yield has been increasing all the time until 188 7. But the fact h h ld t at t ere shou have been a falling off during a twelve months of so great business activity as the last is signifi• cant ; and what makes it of still greater significance is that the decline has come in the face of an enlarged pro. duction of the co•existing metal gold, leaving the inference that mines producing silver wholly, or most silver and least gold, are rapidly reducing their output. With regard to the gold and silver production of the world there is not very much to add to our previous reviews. So much is being published on these matters and so many statements are being put out, that we should not attempt to contribute anything, did we not think there were errors in many of the current estimates. It is ex• tremely surprising that authorities should differ so widely with regard to the world's present production of gold and silver. Uncertainty in the earlier years when the large discoveries were being made, would not be at all remarkable; no records were kept then, the results being almost wholly estimated and well tinctured with the exaggerat10n incident to such surroundings. The data given out  MOVEMENTS Oil GOLD AND SIL VER.  22  officially for our own country at that time is good illustration of this statement. But why estimates of production now, that bear evident marks of the purest romance, should be incorporated into statistical tables we cannot understand. Silver is the metal the yield of which is at present being chiefly exaggerated. For instance, take the silver;ipro· duction of South and Central America (exclusive of Mexico), the general estimates put it at about 8 million pounds sterling, nearly 3½ million pounds of which are credited to Bolivia alone. If any one will examine the English, French and American foreign trade figures (the three countries through which the commerce of the South American continent is almost wholly transacted), he can find no trace whatever of this eight million pounds sterl ing-America some years nets a few hundred thousand dollars from that source, England a little more and France generally less than either. The commercial world there, fore receives substantially none of it, and the currencies of the countries credited with the production do not show it. Hence, it becomes those who claim to have discov. ered this large contribution to the world's annual supply of silver to give some evidence indicating where it goes or what is done with it, and in defa.-alt of evidence on that point to keep it out of statistical tables. In preparing the following statement of the world's production of silver we have allotted to every country the highest yield which, according to our belief, there is the least warrant for. The record is as below since 1851. WORLD'S SILVER PRODUCTION,  1 · United States. (  Silver.  ---  £ 10,330 10,330 10,3,iO J0.330 10,330  1851 ...... .. 18fl2 .••..... 1 853 ..•..... 1 854 .....••. 1 655 ..•..... Total 51-5E  1 ~56 ·••···•· 1 857 ··•····· 1 858 .••.•.•. '] 859 ..•...•. 1 860 .••..... Total 56-60  2 Mexico. £ 4,185,4.0f. 4,185.40f 4,185,405 4,185,40[) 4,185,40 "  3 Germany. £  439.438 4:-rn,438 439,43· 439 438 439,43b  • I  .All o ther countries.  £ 3,255,818 3,255,818 3,255,818 3,255,818 3,255,81&  5 Total. £ 7,890,991 7,890,991 7,890,991 7.890,991 7,890,991  -----  51,650 20,927,025 2,197,190 16,279,090 39,454,955 10,330 10, ,30 10::J,306 20,661 30,991  4,041,322 4 ,041,32~ 4,04l,::J22 4,041,322 4,041,322  --175,618 20,206,610  1 861 ..•.....  413,223 1-29,; 52 1,756,19 -c 2,272,,27 1 806 .•...•• . 2,324,380 1 f-6'2 ··•· ·•• · 1 863 ....... . 1 864 ........  555,124 555,124 555,12-1 555,124 555,124  3,515,008 ::J,5lf>,008 3,515,008 3,:H5,008 3,515,008  8,121,784 8,121,784 8,214,760 8,132.115 8,142,445  - - - - - - - - - - ----4,24.5,273 4,245,27:i 4,2-15,273 4.245,273 4,245,273  2,7i5,620 17,575,040 40,732,888 613,190 613,190 613,190 613,190 613,190  3,462,R93 8,734,579 9,251,108 3,462.893 3,46~,89:5 10,077,554 ::J,462,8fl3 10,594,083 3,46i,893 10,645,736  It will be noted that the total production now is £24:, 126,032 or $116, '169,995-a slight decrease from 1886, owing to the small falling off in the total for the United States. The gold production of the world is the only re. maining inquiry ; and as to that we have not much to add to our statements of last year. Our later reports from Australia are very full and interesting for Victoria and Queensland. It has been noted in previous reviews how Victoria has decreased its production almost uninterruptedly for many years. Tb.rough Mr. Hayter, the Government statistician at Victoria, we have obtained the total yield both in quantity and value of that province since 1851 and the annual yield since 1871, the latter of which is as follows. VICTORIA GOLD YIELD, 1871 TO 1886,  Year. 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  Ounces.  Values.  -  1,355,477 .£5,421,908 1,282,521 5,128,0d4 1,241,205 4,964,820 1,155,972 4,623,888 1,095,787 '4,3>i3,148 963,760 3,855,040 809,653 3,238,612 775,272 a,101,088  Year.  1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886  .... .... ... . .... .... .. .. .... ....  Ounces. 758,947 829,121 858,850 898,536 810,047 778,618 735,218 665,l9u  Values.  --· £3,035,78 8 3,316,48 4 3,435,40 0 3,594,144 3,240,18 8 3,114,47 2 2,940,87 2 2,060,784  Down to 1879 the decline appears to have been rapid and without check, that year's product being 44 per cent less than that of 1871. In 1880 there was a recovery, temporary in its nature and not large, as it culminated in 1882 with an increase of 139,589 ounces. Since then there has been a constant loss, the product of 1886 being the smallest in the record and about 51 per cent less than the product of 1871. These figures look as if this source of supply was destined soon to lose its importance. conclusion, however, may not be wholly warranted, judging from the fa.ct that the product per miner bas been increasing as the total yield decreased, being larger the last two years than in any year since 18'71, as the follow. ing statement shows. Year. 1871.. .. 1 872 .••. 1873. ... 1874.... 1875 ....  Valuer@Mine1 11 Year. £ s. 93 6 93 17 96 16 99 8 104 4 .  d. 11211876. .•. 112 [1877 .••. 212 1878. .•. 3 L879.... 4 1880.. ..  Value:@Mlner £  8l} 82 82 76 81  Year. lValue:g!Miner  s. d. £ 19 6=4 1881.... 95 6 l:\i 11882.... 1 !•5 12 11¼ L883.... 95 1 214 188!.... 106 18 11:\i 1885 .... 108  s. 11 19 6 14 15  d. 91g 7lli  31g  614 914  We have not received the corresponding data for 1886, though we have the report for the first quarter of that Total 61-65 7,606,280 21,226,365 3,065,950 17,314,4(:5 49,303,060 year which indicates a further falling off of 144 in the 1 866 ........ 2,066,llfi 4.623,521 791,058 3,799,488 1 1,280.183 number of miners. But taking the exhibit as it stands 1 867 ·••···· 2,7b9,256 4,62:i,521 791,058 3,799,488 12,003,323 the conclusion to be drawn from it we presume is that 2,479.33!1 4,623,521 7\Jl,058 ll,693,4U6 3,790,488 1868 ··•···• 1 869 ··•···•· 2.479,J38 4,62::J,521 7n,0f>8 3,799,488 11,69::J,406 1 870 .••..•.. 3,305,~ 85 4,623,521 791,058 a,799,488 12,519,1'52 the main loss in product and in miners is in the alluvial ------- ----·-· · Total 66-70 13,119,835 23,117,605 3,955,290 18,997,440 59,190,170 deposit workings, and next in the poorest yielding quartz. l 871 .••..••. 4,752,066 5,222.231 1,241,603 3,924,041 15,139,941 The respective proportions of quartz and alluvial gold l ·•··•••· 5,!-140,083 5,222,231 1,141,603 ~,924,041 16.3~7,958 raised were 60 per cent quartz and 40 per cent alluvial 1 872 7,386,364 5,2, 2,231 1,241,603 4,024,041 17,874,239 873 •••··••· 1 874 ........ 7,, 06.611 5,222,231 1,241,603 4,124,041 18,294,486 The 1 875 ·····••· 6,549,51:,7 5,2t:.!,23! 1,24.1,60::J 4,124,041 17,137,462 in 1884 and 62 quartz and 38 alluvial in 1885. --·-Total 71-75 32,334,711 26,111,155 6,208,015 20,120,20!) 84,774,086 higher average yield per head may therefore indicate a 1 876 •••.•••. 8,016,52!l 4,678,860 1,088,182 4,200,000 17,983,571 more constant product hereafter, if not a new develop• 1877 ..•..... 8,223,140 5,09 i ,959 1,185,77!l 4,200,0t ,0 18,701,878 ment in subsequent growing out of the better 1 878 ......• . 9,3:-l9,050 5,131,611 1,291,140 4 300,000 20,061.801 1 879 .•..•••. 8,42~,752 1,337,901 4,300,000 Hl,25f!,769 return for the labor employed. Queensland on the 1880 ........ 8,099,174 g~g~~ 1,420,463 4,400,000 19,456,827 other hand is increasing its total outturn, the increase Total 76-80 42,107,645 25,631,736 6,323,405 21,400,00G 95,462,846 coming wholly from the "quartz reefs," the alluvial 1 881 ........ 8,884,298 6,040.08::l 1,418,628 4,400,000 20,743,009 1 882 .•..•••• 9,669,421 6,059,711 1,631,157 4 ,400,000 21,760,289 workings havh1g dwindled down to very small propor1 883 .••..••. 9,545.868 6,109.298 1 ,748,380 4,500,000 21,903,546 This will be seen in the following statement for 1 884 ··•···•· 10,082,64;, 6,548,554 1,845,521 4,600,00() 23,076,720 tions. 1 885 ........ 10,ti61, 157 6,864,876 1,985,083 4,700,000 24,211,116 five years, in which the yield of the two classes of mines Total 81-8 5 4 8,848,389131,622,5221 8,628,769 r 2,600,000 111,69!,680 is given separately. 1 886 .••..... 10,537,190 7,047,934 *2,000,000 4,750,000 2'1,335,124 1 887 •••..... 10,227,272 7,148,760 *~,000,00l •4,750,00U 24,126,0.!2 Queensland. Years. Column 1.-From the report of the Director of the Mint. Column 2.-From Soetbeer's Materiallen, etc., for 1851 to 1877, in- 1882 ..••.•••...•••..••. elusive. For subsequent years rrom Wells, Fargo & Co.'s statcme11ts. 1883 .......••••. ·•·••·· Column 3.-From Soetbeer's Mate.rtalien, etc. 181'i4 .••••.. •••••... .... Column 4.-IncJurles South America, Europe other than Germary, 1885 .••..••..•....•...•. etc., made up from 1851 to 1870 from Soetbeer's!Materialien; for 1886 ..••.•••••••••••.••. the later years in part from Mint Report, but mainly other sources.  * Es1imated. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .Alluvial ounces.  Quartz ounces.  Total ounces.  Total value.  52,038 35,327 26,175 21,936 15,361  172,855 177,460 281,629 28fl,005 325,637  224,893 212,787 307,110( 310,941 34t>,998  £787,125 744,848 1,077,315 1,088,293 1,193,493  23  MOVEMENTS OF GOLD .AND SIL fTEll..  WORLD' GOLD PRODUCTION. Thus we find that the alluvial workings have been reduced to almost a nominal figure, while the quartz returns have 5 4 1 2 3 been growing so much more productive that the total of Total Produc- Producti'n Produc- Productl'n Gold. in Othf'r Production tionin in Uni~ed tionin the latter in these five years has increased over 88 per Russia. Countries. in World. Australia. States. cent. As therefore the alluvial returns have now almost -·----1----11----1----·-----1----£ £ £ £ £ wholly disappeared from the table, there seems to be good 1851 ........ 1,7~0,388 11,363,636 3,315,035 1,500,000 17.95P,059 12,543.258 12,396,"94 3,074,134 1,500,000 29.514,086 ........ 1852 reason to suppose that the output of Queensland is destined 1853 ........ 13,269,711 13,419,752 3,29.!,093 l,!'00,000 31,491,55fJ ........ 10,020,7u5 12,3»6,694 ~,591,466 1,500,000 27,508,865 to figure in the product even more conspicuously here• 1854 1855 ..•..••. 12,097,649 11,363,636 3,709,790 1,500,000 28,671,075 after. The following is an interesting summary of the Total '51·55. 49,711,711160,950,412 l6,982,518i 7,500,000 135,144,641 total quantities and values of all Australasian mines since 1856 ........ 13,05fl,9A4•U,363,636 11 3,723,736 1,500,0001 29,646,356 1857 ..•.•.•. 12,19fl,507111,363,636 3,899,401 1,500,000 28,959,544 the first discoveries down to the present time.  I  l  1858 ··•··••· 11,729,866 10,330,578 ~,847,6ti5 1,500,000 27.408,109 1859 ........ 110,908,978 ,10.330,578 3,461,240 1,500,000 26,200,796 1860 .....•. 10,626,192 9,504,132 3,354,624 1,500,vOO 24,984,94.8  PRODUCT OF GOLD IN AUSTRALASIAN COLONIES. 1851 to 1886.  Colony.  Es ' lmated Quantity.  Value.  £ Oz. Victoria ..... 58,727,981} 214,911,944' N. So.Wales. 9,642,428 35,744,480 Queensland .. 4,840,22 l 16,940,773 172,063 888,031 So. Australia  ------  Total of Australla ....... 68,383,508 268,280,228 4.le,s85 1,505,494 Tasmania .... New Zealand 10,760,311 42,191,170 Total of Aus• tralasia . ... 71;1,559,294 312,066,001  During 1886. Estimated Quantity. Oz. 665,lllfl 101,416 840,{198 24,115  Value.  Total. Estimated Quantity.  Value.  -£  £ Oz. 2,660,784 54,893,182 217,572,728 385,949 9,743,844 86,130,429 1,193,493 6,181,219 18,184,266 778,261 107,078 95,280  --- --I  1,181,725 31.014 226,668  4,335,466 60,515,323 272,615,684 446,899 1,714,619 119,126 888,765 10,986,979 48,079,944  1,389,407  ti,843,346 80,948,701 317,410,247  --- ---  --  Total '56-60· 58,520,527 5~,892,56'0 18,286,6661 7,500,000 137,199,,53 1861 ........ Ui62 ........ 1863 ·····•• · 1864 ..•..•• . 1865 ..• . .••.  10,9ll5,858 8,884,298 ll,t74,0'i9 8,099,174 11,304,192 8,26-1,463 9,956,192 9,!124,793 10,204,178110,996,900  3,275,02111,7:10,000 3,285,777 1,750,000 3,282,87! 1,750,000 3 144,105 1,750,000 3,544,IJ80 1,750,000  24,84~,177 24,409,030 24,601,526 24,375 ,090 26,496,058  Total '61·65. 53,674,499 45,76l),6'.:?8 16,532,754 8,750,000 124,726,881 1866 ........ 1867 ......•. 1868 ........ 1869 ........ 1870. .. . . . ..  10,456,794 11,053,719 10,024,946 10,685,942 10,481,673 9,917,355 9.826,937 10,227,272 8,584,263 8,264,463  3,732,n3 3,710,465 3,849,266 4,563,401 4,86-1,590  - - - - 1- - - - - - -  2,000,000 2,000.000 2.000.000 ~.000,000 2,000,0)0  27,243,246 26,421,353 26,2-18,294 26,tH7.610 :.i3,713,316  Total '66·70. 49,374,613 50,148,751 20,720,455 10,000,000 130,243,819 1871 .. .. . . . . 1872. ....... 1873 ........ 1874 ........ 1875 ........  9.E83.P05 9,03\J,057 8,::!1<0,828 7,275,138 6.938,944  8,057,851 1- 5,400,373 7 .887,810 1 5, 192,09() 8,101,0331 4,554,632 7,947,521 4.,561,830 8,257,851 4,489,070  2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000.000  25,342,129 24,ll8,IJ57 23,036.49.3 21,784,4!:l9 21,635,865  With regard to the Russian gold product we have been able to obtain nothing whatever direct from Russian --- - - 40,~52,066 24,197,995 10,000,000 115,967,933 official sources. The returns received by the Mint Bureau Total '71·75. 41,517,872 - - - - - - - - - - - 1----•1----·-18'76 ...... •. 6,156,442 8,860,950 4.620,310 2,000,000 21,6::17.702 through our State Department show remarkable changes 1811.. ...... 5,5ti8,783 9,2»7,5:nl 5,628.2s1 2,0 , 22,494,585 ... . ... 5,999,105 8,057,~51 5,785,253 2,000,000 21,842,209 in the total from year to year, but we know no reason for 1878. 1879. ... . ... 5,949,198 6,869,8::!5 5,919,506 2,000,100 20,738,539 quest1oniDg them and therefore adopt them in our table. 1880 .... .... 6,209,361 6,869,835 5,932,120 2,200,000 21,211,316 For 1887 of course we have as yet no returns from any Total' 76-80. 29.882,889 39,955,992 27,885,470 10,200,000 107,924,351 country except the United States and Mexico, and hence 1881 ........ 6,257,121 6,611,570 5,047,73712.500,000120,416,428 1882 .•... ... 6,053,89, 6,1.98,847 4,931,391 2,500.000 19,6 3,635 for all other sources of supply we simply repeat the 1886 1883 .... .... 5.594,304 5,785,124 4,8::15,733 2,500.000 18.715,161 1884 ..•... .. 5,i:s2o, 156 t;,363,636 4,507,914 2,5l 0 ,000 19,197.706 figures. For the United States we use the Mint figures 1885 ........ 5,653,312 6,570,248 5,235,169 2,500,000 rn,958,729 - - - -1- - - -1----·- - - - - --for all the years, and for 1887 assume that they will Total '81·85. 29,384,790 3.:.,528,925 24,557,944 12,500,0t!O 97,971,659 exceed Mr. Valentine's returns in the same amount that 1886 ........ 5,343,346 / 7.231,405 4,239,256 2,150,000 rn,564,007 they hM e the last tb1ee yean, as explained in the early 1887 ........ •5,343,34.6 7,747,934 *4,239,256 *2,750,000 20,080,536 part of this article. With these suggestions we give our •Estimated. NOTE.-The production of Queensland for the years 1851 to 1877, usual compilation of the world's annual gold product, inclusive 1£10,299,i,86) was ginm as a single item at the close of 1877. We have, however, divided it equally among the years named, addmg which is as follows. to each of those years' production £381,477. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  FOREIGN EXCHANGE. PRICES  1872-1887.  The demand for foreign exchange, and the consequent range in prices, depends upon the condition oi financial relations between the United States and other countries, Lhe extent of exports and imports, the sale of securities abroad or their return to the home market, and some other circumstances which affect the actual balances between this and other countries. The course of trade is tolerably well known in the markets from month to month, and the volume of exports and imports of merchandise and gold are shown with more or less accuracy by the Government statistics. But the element of greatest uncertainty affecting the exchanges is the movement of securities to or from the foreign markets. This movement is incr·e asing every year, and will probably continue to increase as the London and Continental markets have a greater number of Ameri an securities listed on their stock exchanges. As any requirements of the Government for a registry of stocks and bonds expor,ed and imported would p~obably be deemed an extraordinary iterference with private rights, it does not seem likely that any information on this matter will be obtainable, and the difficulty of forecasting the course of the exchange market at any given time will increase rather than diminish. The methods of quoting sterling exchange have varied widely in the past, and a glance at the changes which have occurred is somewhat interesting. In the early history of the country the pound sterling was valued at $4·44 4-9 based on the worth of the Spanish dollar then current here as a standard. Exchange was then quoted at its real value, the dollar being worth alm.ost exactly 4s. 6d. English money. From 1792 to 1834 our gold coin was of the same standard as the pound sterling-viz., 22 carats, or 916 2-3 parts in 1,000; and at its legal weight of 27 grains, the dollar was worth about 97 1-3 cents, and the pound sterling in our money about $4·56l In 1834 there was a material reduction in the value of our gold coin, so that the dollar was worth only about 91-¼ cents and the pound sterling about $4·87. In 1837 another slight change made the dollar worth intrinsically about 9 l 1-3 cents, and the pound $4 86 2-3. In 183-4: the Custom House valuation of the sovereign was put at $4·84, and so remained till January 1 1874. During the changes from 1834 to January 1, 1874, the London Stock Exchange continued to reckon the dollar at 4s. 6d., about 9 to 9-½ per !cent too high, and involving the practice of quoting American securities about 8-g- per cent below their actual value. To correspond with the English custom, bankers in New York from 1834 to 1874 quoted sterling exchange at 109·45-g. asJ par. By the law of Congress of March 3, 1873, the Custom House valuation of the pound sterling was placed at itS true value of $4·8665, and from January 1, 1874, E!terling exchange has been quoted accordingly, the quotation when at par being $4·8665. The London Stock Exchange also made a change in their method of quoting early in the year 1874, but unfor• tunately valued the dollar at 4s., or about 97 1-3 cents. This valuation, being 2 2-3 cents below par, is equal to a quotable premium of about 2¾ per cent, and accordingly the present London quotations of American securities are about 2¾ per cent above their actual value-a bond worth 100 being quoted there at 102¾187'2. January. February. Marcb. Aprll. :May. June. August. Ser,tember. Nov~ llc1:,tla:,1>er. October. uUl,1• 60 3 GO 3. 50 3 60 3 60 3 60 60 3 60 3 60 60 60 3 3 3 60 3 3 days. days. dais. days. dais. days. da_ys. days. days. days. days. days. days. days. days. days. da:ys. days. days. duys. days. days. dayl:!. days,  l .... Holiday. 109 · 109¾ 109¾ 110¼ 109¾ 110¼ 109¼ 110¾ 109,¾-110¾ 110 I ..•. 109¾ 110¼ 103¼ 109¼ 109¾ 110¼ 109¾ 110¾ 109~ 110¾ 8. 110  109¾ 110 109¼ 109¼ s. 4 .••• 109¾ 110 s. 109¾ 110¼ !', •••• 109.J,.( 109¼ 109¼ 109¼ 109¾ 110¾ 6 ..•• 109¾ 109¼ 109¼ 109¾ 109¾ 110¼ 7 •••• s. 1CJ9¼ 109¾ 109¾ 110¼ 8.•• : 1091,( 1(,9¼ 109¼ 109¼ 109¾ 110¾ 9 .••• 109¾ 110 109¼ 109~< 1"!!),¼ 110¾ 10 .••• 109'4 109¼( 109¾ 110 s. 11. ••• 109¼( 109¼ s. 109¾ 110¼' 12 ..•• 109¼' 109¼ 109¼' 110 109¾ 110¾ 13 .••• 109¼' 109¼ 109),,,( 110 109¾ 110¾ 14 . ••• s. 109¾ 110¼ 109¾ 110¾ 15 .••. 1091,{ 109¼ 10.1¾ 110¼ 109½ 110.J,.( 16 .••• 109¾ 109¼ 109¾ 110¼ 109,½ 110.J,.( 17 .••• 109¼' 109¼ 109¾ riO¼ s. 18 ..• . 109¼' 109¼ s. 109¼ 110¾ 19 . .•• 109,l,.( 109¼ 10!1¼ 110.➔.( 109¾ 110¼ 20 .••• 109¼' 109¼ 109¼ 110¾ 109¾ 110¼ 21.. •• s. 10~ 110.➔.( 109¼ 110.J,.( 22 .... tr.Ill,.( 109¼ oliday. 109,½ 110¼' 23 ..•• lU!J¼' 109¼ 109¼ 110¾ 109,¼ 110¾ 24 .••• 109¼' 109¾ 109¾ 110¾ s. 25 ..•• 109¾ 109¼ s. 1C9¾ 110¼ 26 .•• 109¼ 109¾;' 109¼ 110.!,( 109,l,.( 110 27 .•• 109¾ 109¼ 109¾ 110.¾ 109¾ 110¾ 28 .••• s. 109¾ 110¾ 109¾ 110,¼' 29 .••• 109¼ 109¼ 109¼ HO¼ Holiday. ao •••• 109¾ 109¼ 109¼ 110~ i1 .••. 109 109¼ _,. s. 3 •••• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .......... .......  110¼ 109¼ 110_¾ 109¼ 110¾ 110¼ 109,.110¾ 109¼ 110¾ 110 109¼ 110¾ 110 109¾ 110¾ 10!!¼ 110¾ s. 109¾ 110¾ 109¼ 110¾ 109¾ 110 10!1¾ 110¾ 109-lllO¾ 109.J,.( 110 109¾ 110¾ 1093,i 110¼ 109¼ 110¾ 109¼ 110¾ 109¾ 110¼ 109¾ 110¼ 1n9¼ 110¼ 1093'.( 110¼ s. 109¼ 110¾ 109¼' 110¼ 109¼ 110¼ 109¼ 110¾ s. 109¾ 110¾ l".19¼ 110¾ 109¾ 110¾ 109¾ 110¾ 109¼ 110¾ 109¾ 110¾ 109¾ 110¾ s. 109¾ 110¼' 109¾ 110¾ 109¼ 110¾ 10'.1¾ 110),( 109¼ 110¼ 109¾ 110¼ s. 109¾ 110¼' 109¼ 110¾ 109¾ 110¾ 109¼ 110¼ 109¾ 110¾ s. 109¾ 110¾ 109¾ 110¾ 109¾ 110.l,{ 109_3-( 110¾ 109l11oy. 109¼ 110¾ 109¾' 1:i.O¾ 109¾ 110,½ 109¾ 110_¼ 109¼ 110¾ 109J,i 110¾ 109,¾ 110¼ 109¾ 110¾ s. 109¼ 110¾ 109¼ 110¾ 109¼ 110¾ 109¼ 110,½ 110 110_¾ s. 109~110.¾ 110 -110¾ 109¼ 110¼ 109¾ 110¾ 110 110¼ 109¼ 110¼ 109¼ 110¾ ./ s. 109¼ 110¼ 109¾ 109¾ 109.J,.( 109¾  ..... .....  ......  .....  109¾ 110.¼( 109¾ 110¼' 109.J,.( 110¼ S. 109.J,.( 110¼ 109¼ 110 10;!¼ 110 s. 110 110.¾ 109 109¼ 110 110¾ 108¼ 109¼ 110 110¾ 108¼ 10!!¼ 110 110¾ s. 110 110¾ 108¼ 109¼ 110 110¼ 108¼ 109¼ s. 108¼ 109¾ JIO 110¾ 108¼ 109¾ 110 110¾ 108¼ 109¼ 110 110% 108¼ 109¾. s. 109¼ 110¾ 109¼ 110¾ 109 109¼ 109¼ 110¾ 109¼' 109¼ s. 109¾ 109¼ 109¼ 110¼ 109 109¾ 109¼ 110¾ 109 109¼ 109¼ 110¼ 109¼ 109¼ 109¼ 110¾ s. 109¾ 110_¼ 109¼' 110 109¾ 110,½ 109¼ 109¼ s. 109 109¾ 109¾ 110¾ 109¼ 109¼ 109¾ 110_¾ 109 109¼ 109,¼ UJl¼ 109 109¼ 110¾ 110¾ 110 110¼ Holiday. 110 110¾ 110 110¾  s.  108¼ 108¼ 108¾ 108¼ 108¾ 108¼  109¾ 109¾ 109_¼ 109¼ 109¾ 109),  108¾ 108¾ 108¼ 108¼ 108¾ 108.),("  1~ 109 109 109 109¼ 109.J,.(  108¾ 108¼' 108 108¼ 108¼' 107¼  109¼ 109¾ 109 109¾ 109¼' 108¼  s.  s.  s.  107¼- 109¼ 107¼ 109¼ 107¼ 109¾ 107¼ 109¼ 10i¾ 108¼ 107_¼,108¼  .  ;;.  107_¼-108"  ..............  108¼ 108¼ 110¼ 108¾ 108¾ 110 s. 108¾ 108¼ 108¼ 109¼ Holiday. 108¾ s. !08¼ 110 108 109¾ 108¾ 110¼ 108~ 110 108¼ 110¼' 108¾ 109¼ 108¼ ll0J, 10&¼ 1101.( 8. 108¼ 110¾ 108¼ 110), 108¼ 110¾ 108¼ 110), s. 108¼ 110), 108:V. 110¾ 108¼ .110¼ 108¼ 110¾ 108¼ 110¾ 109 110,½ 108¾ 1!0¼' 109 110¾ s. 109 110_¼ 108¾ lB ➔.( 109 lli),½ 108¾ 11')¼ s. lOx¾ 110¼' 109 110¼ 108¾ 110¼ 109 110¼ 108¼ 110,¼' 108¼ 110¼' 108¼ 110¼ lO!J 110¾ 8. 109 110¾ 108¼ 110.l,{ 109 110¾ 108¾ 110~· 8. 108¾ 110 109 110¼ Iloliday. 109 110¾ 10'3¼ 110 108¼ 110¼' 108¼ 110 108¼ 1101' . 107.¼ 107½' 107¾ 107¼ 107¼'  ...........  S. 108¼ 108¼ 108¼ 108¾ 108¼ 10.:i¼  110J. 110¼' 110.¼C 110¾ 110¼ 110}£  108¼ 108¼ 109 109¼ 109¼ 109¼  110¼ 1103,( 110¾ 110¾ 110¼ 110~  109¼ 109):( 109),( 109),( 109,¾ 109¼  110¼ 110~ 110,¼  109¼ 109¼ 10!),½ 109,½ 109), 109¼  110¾ 110¾ 110ta 110¼ lJO¼ 110)9  s.  ~-110.J,.( 110¾  1 IGJ{  s.  s.  109¼ 110¾ 10!!¾ 110_¾  FOREIGN .EXOHANG.E. In 18i3 foreign exchan~e opened firm, and so continued during the early months .of the year, till th~ extraordinary money stringency, culminating in April, depressed the price to 107¼ for prime 60 days' sterlmg . One of the curious features of the market was the large amount of 60 days' sterling bills borrowed by stock operators, who were accustomed to sell the same, and thus obtain currency for their speculati9ns, and repay the bills with short sight when the time ca:n~ for settlement. During th e financial crisis of September, 1871:5, the price of exchange was greatly depres~ed, a~d the market was for some time at a dead-lock, it being impossible to negotiate bills at any price. Bankers' 60 day sterlmg blils were r eported as sold down to 103, sight at 104, and cable transfers at 104@105½; commercial bills at one time were reported at 101@102. In 1~74 rates for sterlir:g bills were unusually stead)'.', and duri!1g a large Pct;rt of the yeac were very firm .. Tbe rates reache~ i-pecie shipping point several times, leading to cons1~erable Rh1pments of com. The return ~ovement late m the year of United States Government bonds to this country was estimated by some of the most competent Judges here to amount to about $8,000,000. In 1875 there was little to disturb the course of exchange so far as the transactions between the United States and oreign countries were concerned; but the rates were greatly depressed at times by the scarcity of cash gold in New York, nd the consequent high rates on gold loans forced by speculation.  1873.  t ....  I ....  8 ...• 4 .••• 5 ..•  January. 60 3 dis. days. ( oliday.) 109½ 110½ 109¾ 110;1 109¾ 110¼  s.  109¾ 110½ 109¾ 110¼ 109¾ 110¾ 9 ..•• 109¾ 110¼  6 ..•.  7 ... . 8 .... 10 .•••  109 ¾ 110½  11. ...  109¾ 1'10¼  12 .. ••  13 .... 1L .. 15 .... 16 . ... 17 ....  l···  1 .... 20 •••  s.  109¼ 109¼ 109¾ 109¼ 109¼ 109¼  110¾ 110¾  110¼' 110.¾ 110¼  110¼  s.  110¾ 21. ... 110¾ 22 ..• 110¼ 23 .... 110¾ 24 ... . 110¾ 25 .... 110¼ 26 . .. . s. ~7 .. . . 109¼ 110¾ 28 .. . 109¾ 110¼' 29 . . . 109¾ 110¼' 30 .... !09_¼ 110.¾ 31. .. . 10\1,½ 110¼  109¼ 109½ 109¼ 109¾ lO!H, 109¾  Februar.). March. April. 60 3 60 3 60 3 days. ilays. days. days. days. days. 109¼ 110¾ 108Ys 10!1¼ 107¼ .08¼ s. s. 107¼ 108¼ 109½ 110¾ 108.½ 109¾ 107¼' 108¼ 109,½' 110¾ 108¼' 109¼ 107¾ 108¾ 109½1 110¾ 108¾ 109¾ 107¾ 108¾ 109½ 110¾ !Od¾ 109¼' s. 109¼ 110¼ 108 108¼ 107¼ 108¾ 109½ 110¼ 108 108¼ 107¼' 108¼' s. s. 107¾ 108!,( 109¾ 110¼' :08 108¼ 107½ 108¾ 109¾ 110¼ 108¼ 108¼ (Holiday.) 109¾ 110¼' 108 108¼ 107¼ 108¾ 109¾ 110¼' 108 108¼ s. 109¼' 110¼ 108 108¼ 107¼ 108¼ 109¼' 110¼ 108 108¼ 107¾ 108¾ s. s. 107¾ 108¾ 109¼ 110 108¼' 109 107¼' 108¼ 109¼ llO 108¼ 109 107¾ 109 109¼ ]10 108¼' 109 108 108J{ 109 109½ . 108¼' 109 s. 10!) 109¼ 108¼ 108¼ 108¾ 109% (Holiday.) 108¼ 108¼ 108¾ 109¾ s. s. 108¾ 109¼ 109 109¼ 108 ►• 108¼ 108½ 109,½ 109 109¼ 108¼" 109 108¾ 109½ 108¼ 109¼ 108.¾ 109¼' 108Ys 109¼ 108% 109¾ 108½ 109¼' s. 108¼ 109¾ 108}.( 109¼ 108¾ 109~, 108¼ 109¾ 108J,{ 109¾ s. 108Ys 109¼ 106¾ 109 ...........  May. June. 6C 3 60 3 days.days. days days. s. 108¾ 109½ 108¾ 109¼ 108¼ 110 108¾ 109¼ 108;/a 110 s. 108¼ 110¼ 108¾ 109¾ 109 110¼" 1083-, 109 ¾ 109¼ 110¾ 108.½ 1(,9¾ 109¼ 110¾ 108,¾ 109¾ s. 108¾ 109 ¼ 109¼ 110¾ 108¼ 109¼ 109 1101( :,... 109¼ 110¼' 108¾ 109¼ 109¾ 110¼' 108¾ 109¼ 109¼ 110¼' 108¼ 110 109¼ 110¼ 108¼ 110 s. 109¼ 110¼ 109¼' 110¼ 109¼' 110¾ 109¼' 110¼' s. 109¼' 1101,£ 109¼' 110% . 109¼' 110¼' 109¼ 110¼' 109¼' 110¼' 109¼ 110¼' 109¼' 110¼ 109¼ 110¼ s. 109¼ 110¼' 109¼' 110¼' 109 110 109_1/a 110¼' s. \ 109 ~ 110¼' 108½ 109¼ 109¾ 110¼' 108¼ 109¼ 109¾ 110¼' 108¾ 109¾ 109¾ 110¼' 108¾ 109¾ s. (Holiday.) 109¾ 110¼' 108¼ 109¼  July. 60  3  days .days. 109¼' 110¼' 109¼' 110¼' 109¼' 110¼ (Holiday.) (Holiday.)  s.  109¼' 109¼ 109¾ 109¾ 109¼ 109¾  110¼ 110¼' 110¾ 110¾ 110¼ 110¼  109¾ 109¾ 109¼ 109½ 109¾ 109¾  110¼ 110¼ 110¼ 110¼' 110¼ 110¼'  109¾ 109¾ 109¾ 109¾ 109}.( 109¼  110¼' 110¼' 110¼'  109¼ 109 10:} 1011  109½ 109¾ 109?-i t09¼  s.  s.  110¾  110 110  s.  August. 60 3 days.dayl!I. 109 109¼ 109 109¼  ·s eptember 60 3 days. days. 107"' 108½ 107½ 108¼" s. 107¼ 107¼ 109 109¾ 107¼ 107¼ 109 109¾ 107½ 108¼' 109 109¾ 108 108¼ 109 109Ys s. 109 109¾ 108¾ 109¼ 109 109¾ 108.¾ 109¾ s. lOf ¾ 109½ 109 109Ys 108½ 109¼' 108¾ 109¾ 108 ¾ 109¾ 108¾ 109¼ 108¼ 109¼ 108% 109¾ s. 108½ 109 ',( 108¾ 109¾ 108¼ 109}.( 108Ys 109¾ s. 108¾ 109¾ 108¾ 109¼' 108.½ 109¼' 108¾ 108½ 108¾ 109¼' 108¼' 108¼ 108¼ 109¼' 108 108¼ S. 107¼ 108¾ 108¾ 109¼ 107¼ 108¾ 107¼ 108),{ s. 107 107¼ 107¼ 108¾ 105¾ 106¼ 107¼ 108¾ 105¼ 106½ 107¼ 108¾ 105½ 106½ 108¾ 108¼ 8. 108 108¾ 105½' 106½ 108 108¾ 106¼ 108  s  October . November December. 60 3 60 3 t60 3 days. days. day11. days. iays. days. 107¾ 109 100¼ 108¼' 11•8¼ 10\J¼ 107½ 108¼ s. !09¼ 110½ 107 108}.( 100!,( 108 108¼ 109¼ 107¼' 108 >.,i (Holidu{") 108 109 s. 106 10 108¼' 109¼ lO'i½ 108¼ 105¼ 108 108½ 109½ 107!,( 108¼' 105¾ 108¼ s. 107 108 106 108½ 108.% 109¾ 107 108 s. 108¾ 1()1.,1,¾ 106¾ 107¼ 100 108¾ 108½ lO!J½ 106¼ 107¼ 106 108.J,€ !08¾ 109½ s. 106¼ 108¼ 108¼ 109¼ 106¾ 107J' 10';" l()(J 108¼ 109¼ 10';" 109 107 108 s. 107 108 107 109 109¼ 110 106 107 s. 109 109_¼ 106¼ 107¼ 106½ 108½ 109 109¼ 106.¾ 108 106¼ 108½ 109 109¼ s. 107 108J, 108½ 109¾ 106¾ 108 107¾ 108¼ 108¼ .109% 107 108¼; 107 108½ 8 106¼ 108 107 108½ 108¾ 109¼ 106:J,,i 108 s. 108¾ 109¼ 106""-( 1087-( 107¼ 108½ 108¼' 109¼ 106¾ 108}.( 107½ 108¾ (Holiday.) s. 107¾ 108¼ 108½ !Oil':{ 106¾ 108¼' (Holidaf) 108¾ 109¾ 1Cfi¾ 108 ),( W1½ 10 ¼ s. 106¼ 108),( 107½ 108¼ 109 109~ 7 106¼ lOS¼' s. J0.~ ~ 109•~ 106½ 108!,( 10$; 4 lW¾  1874. Jannary, Day of 60 3 Month. days. days. 1.... Holiday . 2 ..•• 4.83 4.87 8 .... 4.82¼ 4.86¼ 4 .••...... S . ...•• 5.. .• 4.83 4.87 I .•• 4.82¼ 4. S6½ '1 • . .• 4.62 4.86 8 ..•• 4.82¼ 4.86 9 .... 4.83¼ 4.87 10 .• •• 4.83¾ 4.87 11 . .••.... S •. . .. . lt .. .. 4.83¼ 4.87 ld . ... 4.83¼ 4.87 14 ..•. 4.83 06¾ 15 ... 4.83 4.86¼ 18 .... 4.84 4.87½ 17 . ... 4.84 4.87¾ 18 ...• .... . S •. . .. . 19 ..•. 4.114 4.87.½ IO ..•• 4.S.1 4.86¼ 11 .••• 4.83 4. '6¼ 12 .... 4.84 4.88 13 ..•• 4.S4¾ 4.88 14 .•. 4.84,½ 4.88 25 ...• .. . . S•...•. 16 . ..• 4.83½ 4.87 fl . ... 4.84 4.87¼ 18 ... . 4.84¼ 4.88 !9 ..•. 4.84¾ 4.b 30 . •• 4.84 4.87¼ 31. .•• , .84 4.873'  February. March. 60 3 60 ~ days. days. days. days. . ... . S.. . . ..... . . S.. . . 4.84 4.87½ 4.84½ 4.88 4.84¼ 4.88 4.84¼ 4.88 4.85 4.88¾ ~.84 4.87¾ 4.85 4.88¾ 4.84½ 4.88 4.84¾ 4.88 4.84¾ 4.88 4.84¾ 4.88 4.84_½ 4.88 .... S ... .••.•... S .. . 4.84 4.87¼ 4.84½ 4.88 4.84½ 4.SS 4.84¾ 4.88 4.85 4.88.!,:( 4.84;{ 4.88 4.~5 4.88½ 4.84½ 4.88 4.85¼ 4.89 4.84½ 4.88 4.85¾ 4.89 4.85 4.88¼ . .S . . ..••.•... S •.••. . 4.85 4.88¾ 4.P.5 4.88)<; 4.85 4.88½ 4.85 4.88,¾ 4.85 4.8S¼ 4.85 4.88½ 4.85 4.P8¾ 4.85 4.88 4.85 4.88¼ 4.85 4.88 4.85 4.88¼ 4.85 4.88 . ... . S ........... S •. ... . Holidav. 4.85 4.88 4.85 4.88¼ 4.85 4.88 4.84¼ 4.S8 4.85¾ 4.88.)f 4.84 4.87¼ 4.85¾ 4.~x 4.84 4. 7¼ 4.85½ 4.88)\ 4.84 4$1¼ 4.85.¾ 4.88½ •• ... S. . . 4.85 4.88 4.8t 4.88  April. May. 6U 3 flO 3 days. days. days. days. 4.85½ 4.&l¼ 4.8::l 4.91 4,.85¾ 4.88¼ 4.88 4.91 Holiday. . .... S ...... 4.85¼ 4.88¼ 4.88 4.91 ..... s ...... 4.88 4.91 4.85¾ 4.88¼ 4.88 4.91 4.85¼ 4.88½ 4.88 4.91 4,85¼ 4.SS¼ 4.88¼ 4.9l¾ 4.85.J,€ 4.S8¼ 4.88¼ 4.91½ 4.35½ 4.88¾ .•... S . . .. .• 4.85½ 4.88¼ 4.88¼ 4.91¼ ..... S •..•.• 4.88 4.91 4.85 4.88 4.88 4.91 L85¼ 4.88¼ 4.88 4.91 -1.65½ 4.88¼ 4.88¼ 4.91¼ 4.85¼ 4.88¾ 4.88_¼ 4.91¼ -1.85¼ 4.88¼ .•... S..... !.85¼ 4.88¼ 4.88¼ 4.91¼ .. •.. S •....• 4.88½ 4.91¼ 4.86 4.89 4.88¼ 4.91¼ 4.86 4.89 4.88¼ 4.91¼ ~.86 4.89 4.88½ 4.91¼ 4.86 4.89 4.88¼ 4.91¼ 4.86¼ 4.89¼ . .. .. s...... l.86¾ <l.89¾ 4.88¼ 4.91¼ . ..•. S•. ·· .. 4. R8¼ 4.91¼ L88 4.91 4.88¼ 4.~•1¼ -l.87¾ 4.90¼ 4.:'l8¼ 4.91¼ 4.87¼ 4.90 ~ 4.88½ 4.91_¾ 4.87¼ 4.90¼ Holiday. ••••. S.. ••••  June. 60 S days. days. 4.8ti¾ 4.91¾ 4.88¼ 4.91¾ 4.8ti¼ 4.91¼ 4.88¼ 4.91¼ 4.88¼ 4.!!1¼ 4.88¼ Ul¼ .••• S . . .... 4.88¼ i.91½ 4.88 4.91 4.83 4.9L 4.88¼ 4.9L 4.88 4.91 4.88¼ 4.91 •••.. S .. .... 4.8S¼ 4.91 4.89 4.!ll¼ 4.89 4.IH¼ 4.88¼ -1.91 4.85¼ 4.91 4.88½ 4.91 ..... s. .... 4.88¼ 4.91 4.88¼ 4.9l 4.8'3¼ 4.91 4.88¼ 4.91 4.88¼ 4.9~ 4.88¼ 4.Jl ••••. S . ... . . 4.88¼ 4.91 4.88¼ 4.91  Jnly. 60 3 days. days. 4.88~ 4.9t 4.88¼ 4.91 . .•• 4.90¼ Holiday.  Anguet. September. October. November. Deccmbet. 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 8 60 3 days. days. days. days. days. days. days. days. da rs. days. 4.8S 4.:,0_¼ 4.87 4.8ll¾ 4.85 4. 88 .. .. . 8 ...... 4.83½ 4.90'1 .•.•. S.... 4.87 4.~9¼ 4.85¼ 4.88¼ 4,S4¼ 4.88 4.85½ 4.90¼ 4.88 4.90¼ 4.87 4.89¼ 4.85¼ 4.88¼ Holiday 4.85:<i 4.9, ¼ 4.88 4.90¼ 4.86¾ 4.89 ..... S... . . 4.64¼ 4.88 4.85¼ 4.90¼ .. ••. s ...... 4.88 4.90¼ 4.86½ 4.89 1.85¼ 4.88¼ 4.85 4.88>-.: 4.85_¾ 4.9011 4.88 4.90¼ 1.88 i.91 ..... S ••.•.. 4.86 4.89 4.85 4.88½ . .. .. :-i. •••• · 4.58 4.90¼ 4.87¾ 4.91 4.86 4.88¼ 4.8o 4.89 4,85¼ 4.89 4.85¼ 4.90¾ 4.87¼ 4.90 4.87¼ 4.91 4.85¾ 4.S8 4.85¼ 4.tl8_¼ .. ... 8 . ... .. 05½ 4.90.½ 4.87-" 4.90 .• . S...... 4.'l5 4.87¼ 4.8.)½ 4.83¼ 4.55½' 4.89 4.85½ 4.90¾ 4.87¼ 4.90 4.87¼ 4.91 4.85 4.87¼ 4.85¼ 4.88¼ 4.85¼ 4.89 4.85½ 4.90¼ 4.87¼ 4.90 4.87¼ 4.~1 4.81 4.86½ ..... S•. . . .. 4.85½ 4. 9 4.85,¾' 4.90½ .... S•..•• 4.87¼ 4_ :}1 4.8i 4.86½ 4.•5 4.88 4.86 4.89¼ 4.65¼ ~.90½ 4.87¼ 4.90 4.87½ 4.91 ...•. S •..... 4.84¼ 4.87¼ 4.86¼ 4.90 . , . . . S... . . . 4.87¼ 4.90 4.87¼ 4.91 4.R4 4.86¼ 4.84½ 4.87¾ 4.86¼ 4.90 4.85½ 4.90¼ 4.87 4.89¼ 4.87½ 4.91 4.84 4.86½ 4.84¼ 4.88 .. . S...... 4.65½ 4.90¼ 4.87 4.8'!¼ . . .S.. .. 4.84¾ -!.87 4.85 4.88½ 4.87 4.91 4.85½ 4.90½ 4.87¼ 4.90 4.87¼ 4.91 M-1¾ 4.87 4.85 4.83½ 4.8fi¾ 4.90¼ 4.85½ 4.90s 4.87¼ 4.90 4.b7½ 4.91 4,84½ 4.87 ..... S •..... 4.86 4.90 4.85¼ 4.90 1 ...• . :::! •• ••• 4.87 ½ 1.91 4.84¼ 4.87 4.85 4.88¼ 4.85¼ 4.89½ 4.83¼ 4.90 4.87½ 4.90 4.87¼ 4.9l .. .. . S..... • 4.85 '1 4.89 4.86 4.90¼ .... S ..... 4.~7¼ 4.90 4.87½ -1.91 4.8<1¼ 4.87 4.85;4 4.89 4.86 4.90¼ 4.>'5½ 4,90¼ 4.87¼ 4.90 4.87¼ 4.91 4.84¼ 4.87 4.85¾ 4.89 .... . S ... . .. 4.85¼ 4.90¼ 4.8?¼ 4.90 .... . S. .. ... 4.84¼ 4.87 4.85¾ 4.89 4.86 4.90½ 4.8fi½ 4.90.¾ 4.88 4.90¾ 4.87¼ 4.91 4.84 4.86¼ 4.85¼ 4.89 4.86 4.90¾ 4.f:6 4.90¾ 4.88 4.!JO½ 4.87½ 4.90¼ 4.84 4.86¼ . .. ..•..•. 4. 6 4.90¼ Holiday. .... . S. . .. .. 4.87¾ 4.90¾ 4.8J¼ 4.87 4.85¼ 4.89 Holiday. 4.86 4.\10¾ 4.88 4.!lO¼ 4.&7~ 4.90¼ .. .. ·. S ...... 4.85 4.88_½ 4,86 4.9u¼ . . .. S . ... . 4.83 4.90 "2 4.87½ 4.90¾ 4.8H~ 4.87 4.85 4.88¼ 4.86 4.90½ 4. 811(1'4. 90¼ 4.SS 4.90~ 4.87¼ 4.90½ 4.84¼ 4.87 4.84 4.87,½ .... . S.... 4.81- 4 90;,i 4.88 4.90½ .. S ...... 4.85 4. 87¼ 4.84,¼ 4.88 4.85¼ 4.90¼ 4.86 4.90~ 4.88 4.90¾ .(,81¼ UO '-84¾ 4.88 Uti 4. 9\JJ4  .Tanuary. February. March. A.pril. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December . 3 60 3 60 3 6U 3 6ll 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 Day of 60 Month. days. days. days. duys. days. duys. days days. days. days. days. days. days. days. days . days. days. days. days. days. days. days. days. daya, 1.... Holiday. 4.87 4.8 ½ 4.83 4.87 4.83½ 4.87½ 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.9ll½ ..... S .. .. 4.85 1.88 4.80 4.84 4.79 4.84 4.83½ 4.87 2 ... 4.8ti 4,!/0½ 4.87 4.90 4.82½ 4.8ti½ 4.85 4.89 ..... S . . ... . 4 87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.85½ 4,88½ 4.80 4.84 Electn. H'y 4.t-(4 4.87 s .... ..... s .. ... 4.87 4.90 4.82 4.86 4.85 4.89 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4,90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.85½ 4,88½ ... . s.. .... 481 4.~6 4.8-1 4.&7½ 4 ..•• 4.86 4.90½ 4.86½ 4.89½ 4.81 4.85 . . s.. . . 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4.90½ ..•.. s.. . . 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.85½ 4.88½ 4.79½ 4.83½ 4.81 4.86 4.84 4.87½ 5 . ... 4.86 4.90½ 4.86 4.89 4.81 4.85 4.85½ 4.89½ 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4.90½ H oliday. 4.87½ 4.90½ . . ... S .. . . . . 4.78½ 4.82½ 4.80 4.86 .. . .. S ..... . 6 .. .. 4.8ti 4.90½ 4.86 4.89 4.81 4.85 4.86 4 90 4 88 4.91 •.•• . S . . .. .. 4 87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4 85 4.88 4.80 4.84 4.80 4.86 4.84½ 4.88 7 ..•. 4.86½4.90½ ..... S ......... S .. . .• 4.86 4.90 488 4.91 4.87½4.90½ 4.8 7½ 4.90½ 4.87½4.90½ 4.85½4.88½ 4.80 4.84 ..... S . .... . 484½4.88 8 .. .. 4.8ti 4.90 4.86 4.89 4 81½ 4.85½ 4.86½ 4.90½ 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.8 ½ 4.90½ ..... S .•.•• 4.~4 4.87 4.80 4.84 4.80½ 4.86½ 4.84½ 4.88 9 .... 4.86 4.90 4.81\½ 4.89½ 4.81 4.85 4.86 4.90 . . . S . . . .. 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.8i ½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.83½ 4 86½ 4.80 4.84 4.82 4.87½ 4.84½ 4.88 10 .... .... . S. . . . 4.85½ 4 88½ 4.80 4.8 I 4.86 4.90 4.88 4 91 4.87½ 4.90½ 4 87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.8i 4.85½ .. • . S. . . . 4.81½ 4.87 4.84½ 4.88½ U . . .. 4.8tl 4.90 4.84½ 4.87½ 4 80 4,84 . .S .. . ... 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4.90½ ..... S. ... . 4 87½ 4.90½ 4.81 4.85 4.80 4.84 4.83 4 88 4.84½ 4.88}t 12 . ... 4.86½ 4 !JO½ 4 84 4.87 4.82 4.86 4.86½ 4.90½ 4.88 4.91 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.88 4.90½ . . . S. . . . . 4.80 4.>14 4.83 4.88 .... S .. ... 13 . .. 4.8ti½ 4 90½ 4.84 4.87 4.8l 4.86 4.86½ 4.90½ 4.88 4.91 ..... S ... .. 4 87½ 4.9 ,½ 4.87½ 4.90 4.81½ 4.85½ 4.80 4.84 4.83 4.88 4.85½ H9½ 14 .... 4.8ti½ 4.90 .S ...... .. . . S . . ... . 4.87 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4.90½ 4 87½ 4.90 4.81 4.85 4.78½ 4.83 ..... S .. .... 4. 5½ 4. 9½ 15 ... 4:86½4.90 4.8! 4.87 4.81 4.85 4.87 490½ 4.87 4.90 488 4.91 4.87½4.90½ ... . S . ..... 4. 60 4.8 1 4.7d 4.~2½ 4.84 4.88 4.85½4.89½ 16 ... . 4.86½ 4.90 4.8i½ 4.85½ 4.79 4.83 4 87 4.90½ ... .. S.. 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90 4.79 4.83 4.78½ 4.83 4.84 4.8~ 4.85½ 4.b9½ 17 .. . . . .. . . S . . . . . 4.80½ 4.83½ 4.79½ 4.83½ 4.87 4.90½ 4.87 4.90 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.86½ 4.89 4.81½ 4.85½ . . ... S.. .. 4.84½ 4.88½ 4. 5½ 4. ·II½ 18 .. .• 4.87 4 90½ 4.83½ 4.87 4.79 4.83 . .S. . .. 4.87 4.90 4.88 4.91 . .. . S . .. ... 4.86½ 4 89 4.81½ 4.85½ 4.78½ 4.83 4.114½ 4.88 4.85½ 4.89½ 19 . ... 4.87 4.90½ 4.83½ 4.87 4.80½ 4.84½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.88 4.91 4.8 7½ 4.9~½ 4.87 4.89½ . .. . S .. . .. 4.77½ 4.82 4.84½ 4.88 ..... ' ..... 20 ...• 4.87 4.90½ 4 83½ 4.87 4.81 4.85 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ . . .. . s.... .. 4 87 4.90 4.87 4.89½ 4.79 4.83 4.77 4.81½ 4.::14½ 4.88 4.8 ½ 4.89½ 21.. .. 4.87 4.90½ ..... ' . . ..•...... S ...... 4.8i½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87 4.90 4.87 4.89½ 4.80 4.84 4.77 4.81½ . . .. S ..... . 4.86 4.90 22 .. .. 4.87 4.!10½ Holiday. 4.81 4.85 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87 4.90 . . . . . S . .... . 4.80½ 4.8-1½ 4.79 4.S:~½ 4e4 4.87½ 4.86 4.~9¼ 28 . ... 4.87 4. \JO½ 4 83 4.86½ 4.81 . 4.85 4.88 4.91 ... .. 8.. . 4.8i½ 4.90½ 4.87 4.90 4.87½ 4.90 4.79 4.83 4.79¼ 4.84 4.84½ 4."8 4. -5½ 4. 9 24 .... .... . s... ... 4.83 4 86½ 4.82 4.86 4.88 4.91 4 87½ 4.90½ 4.87¾ 4.90½ 4.87 4.90 4.87½ 4.90 4.81 4.85 . . 8 . . .. • 4.84 ½ 4. 8 4.8'J½ 4.~9 25 . . . . 4.87 4.90 4.83 4 86½ 4.82½ 4.86½ .S..... 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ . . ... S.. . . 4 87 4.89½ 4.81 4.85 4.~0½ 4.fl5 ·l 'hanksgi'g. Hohday. 26 . ... 4.87 4.90 4.83 4.8' Good Friday 4.88 4.91 4 87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87 4.90 4.87 4.89½ . ... S . .. .. 4.80 4,84½ 4.84½ 4.tS8 .... . S .....• ZT .••. 4.81 4.!JO 4.83 4.87 4.82 4.86 4.88 4.91 4.87½ 4 90½ ..... S ..... . 4.87 4.9U 4.87 4.89 ½ 4.80½ 4.84½ 4.79 4.r-3½ 4.84½ 4.t-8 4.8:i½ 4 89 28 . .. . 4.87½8 .90 ..... S .....•....• S . ... . . 4.88 4.91 4 87½ 4 90½ 4.87½ 4 90½ 4.87 4.90 4.87 4.89 ½ 4.80 4.84 4.7d 4.82½ . .... S .. ... 4.85½ H9 iL . . 487 4.8!J½ ...••.••..•. 4.79 4,83 4.88 4.91 -4.87½ 4.90½ 4.87½ 4.9U½ 4.87 4.90 . .. .. S ...••• 4.79. 4.83 4.7a 4.83 4.84½ 4.88 4. '5½ 4.89 80 ..• . 4.87 4.811½ ...........• 4.82 4.86 4.88 4.91 . ... S . .. ... 4.87½4.90½ 4.87½ 4.90½ 4.86½ 4.89 4 79 4.83 4.78 4.83 4.S8½ 4.87 4.84½ 4.88,¼ JJ. ..... . .. . ... ... ........ 4tS;.l\')\4.R7¼, ... ........ . Holiday . .... .. ... . .. 4.87½4.90½ 4.85½4. ... ... . . -. . . , .• . S . . . .•• ,_ . . .....•. 4.85 4.89 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  PORE10N EXOBA.NGJ;J, r~ In 1876 the price of foreign exchange was very little disturbed either by speculative manipulations or by bond negotiations abroad, and the market was left to take its course as go'7erned by ordinary trade influences. In the first seven months of the year rates frequently ruled hhh enough to admit of the shipment of specie at a profit; but after July the mar~et weaken~d, and during tht, last three months there was little ac tive demand from any quarter and rates ru~ed so low as to mduce C0_!1Slderable shipments of coin from abroad. The large excess in the exports of the country over the rmports was generally believed to have had an important bearing on the rates of exchange, In 1877 exchange ruled quite steady in the early l?art of the year, but ~fter July , as the large crop s b~gan t o come in and exports of domestic products were lar_ge, the price declmed and ruled low durmg the balance ?f the _ye!tr. · E ~cept for the r~turn of United Sta tes bonds from abroad, the price would probably have been lower and the imports of i,pecie would have been larger, Hf78.--Exchang e was mud1 intluenced througho-:it the year by ihe h 11avy ~xports of domestfo p l'odnce. In the first sbt months there wa8 a large movement io United States bond;; returned from forAt~IJ markets, which 5 ave risa to a considerable demand for bill8, that sup ported prices. In the last half of the year exchan ge g enorally ruled at l ow figures.  1816. January. February. March. April. 60 a 60 3 60 a 60 s days. days. days. days. days. days. d11ys. days. 1.... Ho1id&y. 4.8fi½ 4.90 4.86 4.')() 4.87,½ 4.90 s. 4.86 4.8.1¼ 4. ~6½ 4.90½ :;, 2 ... . 8 .... 4.85 4.89 4.86 4.89½ 4.86 4.90 4.87~ 4 90 4 . .. . 4.85 4.89 4.86 4.89½ 4.85 4.90 4.87~ 4.90 15 ... 4.84½ 4.88¼ 4.86 4.89¼ s. 4.8 ~½ 4 90 6 . . . 4.84½ 4.88¼ S. 4.86 4.90 4.87 )6 4.90 7 .••• 4.85 4.89 4.86 4.~9¼ 4.86 4.90 4.87½ 4.90 8 .••• 4..86 4.89 4.86½ 4.90 4.86 4.90 4.a7½ 4.90 9 . .• . S. 4.8o 4.89¼ 4./IB 4.90 S. 10 ..•• 4.85 4.89 4.96 4J·9½ 4 86 4.90 4 87½ 4.90 11 .•• 4. •4½ 4 88¼ 4.86 4 90 4.86 4.90 4.1!7¾ 4.!10 12 •••• 4.841/s 4. HK½ 4.86 4.90 8. 4.87_¼ 4, 110 S. 4.fl6½ 4.90 4,87½ 4.90 18 .••• 4.84,lg 4,88¼ 14 ..•. 4.8, 4.89 4.'-6 4.!lO V \6,11 4.90 4.87½ 4.9fJ 15 . .• . 4 85 4.89 4.86 4.90 4.86¼ 4.90 ')4.87½ 4.90 16. •• S. 4.86 4. !-10 4 Sh ½ 4,9() \_ S. 17 . •• 4.85 4."!l 4.86 4.90 4.87 4.90¼ 4.87½ 4.!IO 18 ..•• 4.85 4 89 4.86 4.90 4.87 4.90¼ 4,87½ 4.90 19 .••• 4.1-5 4.89 4.86 4.90 S. 4.87¼ 4.90 20 .••• 4.85¼ 4.8\l½ S 487 4.90¼ 4.88 4.90 21. ••• 4.85¼ 4 8!!½ 4P6½. 4,90¼ 4.87 4.!lO½ 4. 8/i 4.90 22 . .• . 4.S5¼ 4.69¼ H ,,!Jduy. 4.81 4.90¼ 1.b8 4.90 !3 .• • S. 4 Sfi½ 4.90½ 4.87 4.90 S. 2' .... 4.R5½ 4.8'!¼ 4 S•i½ 4.90½ 4.87 4.90 4.88 4.90 215.. •• 4.86 4.8!!½ 4.86 4.90 4.87 4 90 4.88 4 90 26 .••• 4.86 4 89¼ 4.86 4.90 S. 4.83 4.!lO 27 .... 4. ' 6 4. ~!-1¼ S. 4.87 4.!lO 4 88 4.!10 28 . .• 4.86 4.89¼ 4.86 4.90 4.87 4.90 488 4.90 t9 •••• 4.86 4.8\l¼ 4.5.1 4.90 4.87 4.90 4.88 4.90 10.... 8. ••N• • ·· .... 4.87 4.90 8. 11 .••• 4.86 4.89¼ h-~~....... 4.87¼ t.oo ·-·--· ....  ■a:,.  JUiy. Augn&t. September. October. , November. 60 s . . . · oo s 60 s 60 a • 60 s days. days days. days. days. days. days. days. days. days. 4.88½ 4.90¼ 4.88¼. 4.90¼ 4.87 4.881{ S. 4.82¼ 4.84½ s, 4,88½ 4,90¼ 4 87 4.t8¼ 4.83 4.84½ 4.82 J6 4.84½ 4.8-9¼ 4.!lO½ 4.8'< ½ 4.90½ S. 4.tl3 4.8 1¼ 4.1-2¼ 4.8 1½ H uliday. 4.88½ V 10½ 4.86½ 4.88 4.83½ 4.85 4,82½ 4.84½ 4.88~ 4. 90¼ 4.88,½ 4.90½ 4.86½ 4.88 4.S:-1½ 4.85 s. 4.88¼ 4.90¼ S. 4.86 4.87½ 4.83.½' 4. -5 4.82 4.84 4.88½ 4 90½ 4.88½ 4.90½ 4.85½ 4.87 4.83,¾ 4.85 Holiday. 4.88½ 4.90¼ 4 88½ 4.90½ 4.85 4.86¼ a. 4.82 4.84 S. 4.88 4- 90 4.85 4.86½ 4.83¼ 4.85 4.82 4 St . 4 8Q 4.91 4.83 ,.90 s. 4.8.t 4,85¼ 4.82 4.84 s. 4.89 4.91 4.8i ¼ 4.~9½ 4.84 4.85½ 4.84 4,85½ 4.82 4.84 4.88 4.90 4.89 4.91 4.87½ 4.89¼ 4.81 4.85½ 4.84 4.85½ S. 4.88 4.90 4.89 4.91 S. 4 84 4.851/s 4.84 4,85½ 4.82¼ 4.84¼ US 4.90 4.89 4.91 4.87¼ 4.89½ 4 84 4.85½ 4.84 4.85¼ 4.82¼ 4.84¼ 4.88 4.90 4.89 4.~1 4.871/s 4.8~½ 4.S.'i¼ 4.85 S. 4.82½ i.84¼ 4.88 4.90 S. 4.87½ 4.8,J½ 4.83½ 4.t 5 4.84 4.85,lg 4.8~½ 4.841/s 4.88 4.90 4.89 4.91 i .871/s 4.!l9¼ S. 4.84 4.85½ 4.82.J,i 4.84½ s. 4.89 4.91 4,87¼ 4.8 l¼ 4.83¼ 4.85 4.84½ 4.86½ 4.82,¼ 4.84,l!J 4.88 4.90 4.8> 4.91 4.87¼ 4.89¼ 4.S:3½ 4.85 4.8'{.¾ 4.·5½ S. 4,88 4.90 4.89 4.91 s. 4.~8¼ 4.85 4 8-3 ½ 4.85¼ 4 82½ 4,84¼ 188 4.90 4.8!! 4.91 4.87½ 4.8?¼ 4.83 4. 4½ 4.83½ 4.85½ 4.82½ 4,84¼ s. 4.81% 4.90¼ q, 88 4 90 4.89 4.91 4.88 4.90 4 83 4.e4 ½ s. 4.82;,ri 4.84¼ 4.88½ 4,90¼ 4. ~8 4.90 S. 4.88 4.90 4.S:S 4.84½ 4.S.'3¼ 4 85½ 4.::!2 4.84 4.88 4 90 4.88 4.90 4.88¼ 4.90¼ 4.881/s 4.90 8. 4.1--31/s 4.851/s 4.8'l 4.84 4.88 4.90 S. 4 88½ 4 ~lO½ 4.8 -l½ i.91 4.83 4.84¼ 4,83½ 4.851/s 4.82 4.84 4."81/s 4.9ll¾ 4,88½ 4.90¼ 4,88 ½ 4.901/s 4.88 4.89¼ 4.1<3 4.8 •¼ 4 83 4.85 S. 4.88¼ 4.9<% 4.88 \g 4.911/s 4.881/s 4.901/s S. 4.83 4.84¼ 4.83 4.85 U2 4.84 t). 4.88½4.90 ;4 4.88½4,9)¼ 4.88 · 489\g 4.83 484¼ 4,82½484¼ 4 .82 4.84 4.R8~ 4.90½ 4.8'3',g 4.90½ 4,88¼ 4.90½ 4.'<d 4.89¼ 4.83 4.84½' S. 4.S·l 4.84 Holiday. 4.88¼ 4.90¼ :-3. 4.88 4.89½ 4.83 4.841/s 4.82¼ 4 81½ Holiday. L&J 4.W •••...•••••• 4.88.¼ 4.90½ 4.81¼ 4.89 . . .......... 4.S~l' ._84.¼ .......... _..  60 a days. days. 4.8➔ 4.90 4,88½ 4 90½ 4.81¼ 4.90½ 4.8' ½ 4.!-0½ 4.88½ 4.90½ 4.88¼ 4.9u½ S. 4.88¼ 4.90¼ 4.8q½ HO½ 4.88½ 4.90¼ 4,88½ 4 !-10½ 4,88½ 4.80½ 4.8o½ 4.!!0½ S. 4.S'l¼ 4.90½ 4.881/s 4.90,¼ 4,88½ 4.!lO½ 4.88¼ 4.901/s 4.SQ½ 4.90¼ 4.88½ 4,90½  June.  oo  s  days. days. 4.88 4.90 4.88 4.90 4.88 4.90 S. 4 88 4,90 4.P8 4.90 4.88 4.\10 4.88 4.90 4.88 4.90 4.::!8 4.90  January. 1 F ebruary. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. Day or 60 8 60 a 60 a 60 s 60 s 60 s 60 s 60 8 60 s liO s Month. days. days. days. days. day!!. daye. days. days. days. day1 days. day!'I. days. days. daye. day■• daya. days. days. deys. 1.... Holiday. 4 85 4 86¼ 4 8,q,¾ 4 85 s. 4 88 4 90 4 ~s 4 9U¼ s. 4 1'6 4 e7¼ 4 83¼ 4 Sb¼ 4 8! 485¼ I ..• . 4 84 4116 4 85 4 86¼ 4 84 48 ' ¾ 4 84¼ i 86½ 4 88 4 90 4 88 4 90,H 4 88 4 90¼ 4 86 41-7¼ S. 4 82 4 85¼ 8 .••• 4 84¼ 4 86¾ 4 85 4 861/s 4 IH 4 85}1 4 85 4 87 4 88 41,0_¾ S. HS 4 !JO¼ H5~ 4 87 4 83½ 4 86,¾ 4 S2 H5¼' 4 . ... 4 84¼ 4 86½ 8. 8 4t!5¼ 4 7½ 4 S~ 4 91¼ 4 88 490½ Holiday. 4 85¼ 481 4 82½ 4 85¼ 4 81 4 85 8. 4 fi2X 4 85,l!i 4 81 4 85 5 · .• 4 84¼ 4 I-ti¼ 4 85 4 86¼ 4 81 4 813' 4 f<5,¼' 4 87¼ 4 88 4 90~ 4 88 4 Ill•¾ 4 8S 4 !1(11/s 6 .••• 4 84½ 4 86¼ 4 85 4 86¾ 4 fl4¼ 4 86 4 86 4 83 S. 4 88 4 90¾ 4 ~i 4 ~0½ 4 85¼ 4 fl7 4 8::1 4 Sti 4 81 4 85 7.... s. 485 4 86½ 484½486 486 488 488 490¼' 488 4 110¾ 488 490~ 485½487 488,¾486½ 8. 8 •••• 481½ 486¼4 · 5 486¼484¼ 4 8ti S. 487¼'490 488 4!10¾ S. 48~X4 87 4S3,¾486¼4fl1 485 9 ••• 4 84 4 86 4 85 4 Sti¾ 4 84½ 4 86 4 86½ 4 PB¼ 487¾ 4 90 4 88 4 90¼ 4 87¾ 4 90 4 St>.½ 4 87 S. 4 S1 4 85 10 . ..• 4 84 4 S·i 4 85 4 86¼ 4 li4½ 4 Sti 4 87 4 8\l 4 87½ 4 140 S. 4 87½ 4 90 4 85 4 86¼ 4 ~3½ 4 86½ 4 ill 4 85 11 . ••• 4 83¼ 4 8:5¼ s. s. 4 87 09 4 87¼ 41)0 4 88 4 9()3' 4 81¼ 490 4 ~5 41:!6¼ 4 s.q½ 4 ~7 4 61 4 85¼' 12 .•• 4 8:1.)IS 4 851/s 4 81,¾ 4 86 4 8{¾ 4 86 4 Sfi¼' 4 881/s 487½ 4 90 4 88 4 91•,¾ 4 87½ H93' S. 4 83 )11 487 4 81 4 8d 18 .... 4 88¼ 4135¼ 4 t-4½ 4 Sti 4 84½ 4 86 48;" 4 89 S. 4 88 00½ H7 H9 4 ~5 HIii¾ 4 ,• 8½ 4 87 4 81 4 86 14 . • • S. 4 81~ 4 86 4 84)!1 4 Sti 4 87 4 89 4 87¼ 490 4 88 4 ~ •¾ 4 67 4 89 4 84¼ 4 86 HS ½ 4 87 S. 15 .• . 4 8"½4 ~5¾4 84~ 1 86 4 81 ½4 86 s. 487,490 ~8-l 491)¼ s. 484¾4 ~6 4 83½487 01 486 16 .. . 4 83½4fl5,¼' 48~½ 4 86 481,'; 4 86½487¼4fl9¾'4 R7,¼490 488 49U,¾486 ¼ 4g8¾484 4 , 5 S. 481 486 17 .. . 4 8:i½4A5½ 484,¾ 4 8ti 484½ 48tiJ,4 87¾<1811)9487,¼'400 ~ 8. 48,; 48~ 484 486 483¼4 •7 481 486 18 . •.. 4 l'l 1,'t 4S.'i ~ s. s. 4 81¼4 ~9 ~ 4 >'8 490¼488 49fl¼4 "5)948'i'1/s4b4 486 H3¼487 481 48fi 19 •••• ~ 8-1¾ ~ 8.">¼ 4 fl4 4 t::5¼ 4 84¾ 4 P6½ 4 87x 4 89¾ 4 88 4 90¼ 4 88 4 90¾ 4 86 4 7~ 8. 4 88¼ 4 87 4 81 4 86 20 .••• 483½ 4 85¼ 4 4 4 85 ~ 4 R4~ 4 6½ 488 49J 8. 488 490-" 486 4b7¼ 48S ~ Of>¼ 48 !,¾487 481 48ci '21.... -~. 48 !¼4 85 4 84½ 4116~ HS 490 48i 490¾ 488 4110¾ U6 487~ 488 4 85 4 ~'~¼4 ri7 S. 22 . .•• 4 s.q½ 4 8~¼ H ,,1iday. 4 84 ~ 4 86¾ S. 4 88 4 911½ 4 Si 4 90 •~ S. 4 83 4 85 4 83¼ 4 87 4 81 4 86 2.'l . ••• 4 ti4 06 4 "3M 4 ti5 4 84 1,{ 4 Sn¾ 4 8~ 4 90 4 88 4 9ll¾ 4 88 4 90¾ 4 86 ,1 R73' 4 8'a ~ 4 "'5 S. Hl 4 86 24 ..•• 4 84 4 s , ~ 4 83½ 4b5 4 84½ 4 Sti½ 41-18 UO 4 -,g 4 90¾ S 4 86 f l "!i 4 82¾ 485 4 &q 3'4 87 4 81 4136 211 .••• 481 4A!'.>.Ji s. ::! 488 4 !10 4 ~8 4 90½4!!8 4!l0¼4 8tl 48,~48i ,¼'485 488~487' 481¼480 26 •• 484¼4 86 48'.3 ½485 48 1¼48fl ¼ 488 490 480 490¼ 488 49 •½ 48-i 4 ti7 ¼' s. 483 486Jt" 481¼486 27 .••• 4 84¼ 4 86 4 ><3 ½ 4 85 4 81½ 4 86½ 4 88 4 90 8. 4 88 4 90¼ 4 8ti 41-7¾ 4 8~¼ 485 488 4 86~ 4 SL½ 4 86 28.. •• :--. 4 83¼ 4 85 H4 4 ~6 4 88 4 90 4 88 4 90½ 4 8i 4 00¼ 486 4 87¼ 482¼ 4 85¼ 4 82¾ 4 86 8. 29 .• • 4 81¼ 4 86 ••• • .. •. .••• 4 84 4 86 S. 4 88 4 911)9 4 Si! 4 90¼ 8. 48t,H 4 853' 4 82¼ 4 81 01 4 85¼ 30 .••• 4 81 ¼ -186 ......... ••• Good F l. 4 89 4 IJO Holiday. 08 4 00½ 4 86 07¾ 488 4 06 8. 4 81 ' 4811~ 81. •• • 4 84~ 4 86 . .. . •••••••• 4 84¼ 4 81iJt' . . .• . •.•. 4 88 4!JO½ ••••• • . .... 4 8ti 4 87¾ 4 83¾ 4 86¼' •••.••••.••• 481 4 85)t' High. 4 84¾ 4 86¾ 4 85 4 86½ 4 1'4¾ 4 86¼ 4 88 4 90 4 81 4 00¼ 4 88 4 90.¾ 4 S8 4 90¼ 4 86 4 87¼ 4 83¼ 4 87 4 82 4 86 Low.. 4 83¼ 4 85½ 4 88¼' 4 85 4 83-" 4 85 4 84¼ 4 80>, 4 87)1 4 IIO 4 88 4 90Js 4 vii¼ 4 87j,j 4 82X 4 85 4 82¼' 4 85¼ 4 81 4 85  December. 60 .,. a daye.~days. 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84 S. 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82  s.  4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84  4.84 S. 4,82¼ 4.84¼ 4.82¼ 4.84½ 4.82¼' 4.84~ 4.821/s 4.84¼ 4.83 4.83 4.85 S. Holiday. 4,8,q½ 4.85~ 4,83½ 4.85½ 4.84 4.86 4.84 4.86 4.84 4.88 11.  N ovember. 60 s _ tiO s days. days. days. daye. 4 81 4 85½ 4b1~ 4 84,¾ 4 81 4 85¼ S. 4 til 4 e5½ 4 81 . 4 84 S. 4 81~i4 81½ 4 81 4 85 4 81,½ 4 84¾ Holiday. 4 81½ 4 84¼ 481 485 481½484¾ 41-1 48J½481½4b5 4 81 4 84¾ S. 4 S1 4 84½ 4 82 4 85¼ s. 4 82½ -I 86 4 81 4 81¼ 4 821/s 4 86 4 81 4 84¼ 4 SB~ 486 4 8113' 4 84 4 82¾ 4 86 480¼48! 482¾486 481 484.1( S. 481 481)9482½486 s. 482¼486 4 81 4 84¾ 4 S:i 4 66¼ 481 485 488 486¼ 481 485 483 486¼ 4 81 4 85 4b3 4 86,H 4 81 4 85 S. 4 81 4 85 4 83 4 86J,l s. H oliday. 481)948~ 483 485H 4 82 4 85¼' 4 82½ 4 86 48'2 4 Sri¼ H2l9 4 86 Holiday. 4 82½ 4 86 4 82 4 85 S. . ... . •..... 4 82)9 4 88 4 82 4 Ba¼ 4 83 4 86H 4 80¼ ~ 84 4 il 4 8'  1~7S. J anuary. February. March. April. May. June. July. August Septem ber. Octob er. November. Decembe r. I o Day of t,O a 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 . GO 3 tO 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3' Month.days. days. clays days. days. days. days. days. days. day,1. days. days. days. duyll. days. days. days. days. days. days . day s. days. d ays. days~ .,, . . . ll ol day. 4.82 11$ 4,8H 4.t4¼ 4 !in¼ 4.87¼ 4.90 4. 7 4.89½ 4.84½ 4. So,¾ 4.8•i 4,8:,,¼ 4.82½ 4.86 8. 4.85½ 4.e2,½ 4 88 S. ~ 4.8 ¼ 4.~6 4.82½ 4.ti4½ U4½ 4.86¼ 4. 7 4.89½ H6 ½ 4.89 ::i. 4.•6 4 88½ 4.f'3 4.1-6¼ 4.84 4.88½ 4.61 4. 83½ 4.&2½ 4.88 4.82 ~ 4.86,H\ J .• . 4. 2 4 KS½ S. S. 4 87 4.b9¼; 4.86½ 4.89 4. 4¼ 4.Bq½ 4.86 4.88¼ .J,&q 4.8o½ 4.84 4.SB½ 4.81 4.8W S. 4.f2 4.8G½ 4 . ... 4 82 4.85),;( .J.82 ~ 4.84¼ 4.84 ~ 4 S6½ 4 87 4,E9½ 4.86½ 1.69 4.85 4.S7 B ol day. s. 4, MX½ 4.~8 4.81 1 8::;¼ 4.82 4.87½ 4.82 4.BG ½ 5 . ... 4.82 4. ti5½ 4. ·2½ 4.84½ 4.84~ 4. 86½ 4. 37 4. R9,½ S. 4. 1'5 4. b7 4.85 4.88 4. P3½ 4.87 4.82,¼ 4.87 4.81 4.E.5½ Holidav. 4.82 4.86¼ 6 .. . S. ~.82!,.i 4 · 4½ 4. 4½ 4. 8/i,½ 4.87 4.S'J¼ 4. P6 J<i 4. 89 4.8 i 4 .37 4.85 4.8d 4.8~½ 4.> 7½ 4.!12 !,f 4.87 S. 4.' l,½ 4. 86¼ 4.82½ 4.87 · ~ . •.. 4.82 4.Si½ 4.Bi½ 4.R4¾ 4.84 ¼ 4.Sfi¼ S 4. 8~¼ 4 89 4.8~¼ 4. 87½ S. 4.8~¼ 4.b7 ½ 4.82,½' 4.87 4.81 4. 85,16 4.80,½ 4.85¼ 4.82,½' 4.87, l'J . ... 4.•2 4.85 Y, 4. 2,4 4.8 1½ 4. 84½ 4.86½ 4.87 4 89,¼ 4 '-n½ 1.89 4.8;,½ 4.87¼ 4.R4 4. 87 4.~ I½ 4.87½ S. 4 > O½ 4. 85 4.81 4.8n s 9 .... 4. 2 1.8 •¼ 4.h2,¼ 4.84)9 4.81½ 4 St;½ 4.H6¼ 4.89 4 8" ½ 4.89 S. 4.84 1.87 4.83½ 4 87½ 4.82,¼ 4.87 4.80,½ 4 85 4.Sl 4.8& 4. 83 4.67½ 10 . ..• 4.82 4.8) S. S. 4.87 4.89½ 4.86½ 4 89 4.S!J¼ 4.87¼ 4.84 4.8 i 4.84 4.88 4.82 4 86½ 4.80 4 84½ S. 4.b3 4.87¼ 11 .•• 4 r,l ,¼ 4.K4½ 4.82½ 4 84¾ 4.85 4.87 4. 87 4.S'l~ 4.8 ,)9 4.89 4.85~ 4 Si½ 4.84¼ 4.!--7½ S. 4 e2 H6½ 4.79½' 4.84 4,81¼ 4.86¼ 4.83 4.87¼ 12 .... 4. 81¾ 4 84½ 4.t-2½ 4.84½ 4.85 4 87 4 87 4. R9 Ji S. 1 o:5~ 4.87½ 4.81¾ 4 87½ 4.F4¼ 4.88,16 4.F2 4.86 ½ 4.':'9)2 4.84 4.81½ 4 86¼ 4.83¼ 4.88,. 13 . ... S. 4.82 ~ 4.St 4.R5¼ 4 h7¼ 4.87 4.89½ 4.86½ 4.89 4. 5½ 4, 87 ½ 4.84½ 4.d7¾ 4.8,"> 4.89 4.~2½ 4.87 S. 4. 81½ 4.8fi¼ 4. 33¼ 4.88 14 .. .. 4.81 ¾ 4 84¼ -1. ~2½ 4 8 1).f 4 86 4.88 S 4.Sti 4 8 ¼ 4. ::5~ 4.87¼ 8. 4. t- 5 4.SQ¾ 4.~2.½ 4.87 .J.78½ 4 84 4.82 4.86¼ 4.83½ 4.88 15 . ... 4.8! ~48 1½ 4.82½ 4.84½ 4.86 4.·8 4.86~4. 69 48~½ t,,-8 4. ::!5>.J 4.87.,½ 4.84 4 8~ 4.8~ 4.R9½ S. .4.79 4.8!¼ 4.82 4)·6¼ S. 16 . . .. 4. Slyt 4 84 4.82)9 4,84½ 4 86 4.&:I 4. .89 4 8,')¼ 4.88 s. 4.f-3½ 4 86¼ 4,8;,i 4.8 ½ 4 C2½ 4.87 4.79½' 4.8.'}¼ 4.82 4.86¼ 4.C3½ 4.88 17 .. .. 4.81 ¾ 4. 84 S. S. 4.86,¼ 4.89 4.86 4 88 ½' 4.85½ 4.87¼ 4.83½ 4.86¼ 4.85 4.E9½ .J.'l2½ 4 87 4.79¼ 4.85¼ S. 4,83½ 4.88¼ 18 .... 4.82 4. 4¾ 4 82¾ 4.81½ 4 87 4.89 4. 4.89¼ 4.&6 4 88½ 4.85¾ ~ 87¾ 4.83¼ 4.66¼ S. 4.82l<S' 4.87 4.60 4.S>i 4.82 4.Sli½ 4.S::lx, 4.88¼ 19 ... 4.82 4.84½ 4. •2½ 4.81½ 4 87 4.1-9 G'd Friday. S. 4.85~ 4.87½ 4.83 ~ 4.86½ 4.85 4.89½ 4.fl2¼ 4.87 4.80 4 86 4 82 4.f6¼ 4.83 ½ 4.88¼ 20.... S. 4.82¼' 4.o4~ 4.87½ 4.89¼ 4.87 4.b9¼ 4.86 4,8B ½' 4.El>X 4.87½ 4.83 ½ 4.86½ 4.8:'> 4.tS!J,l<i 4.82 ½ 4.87 S. 4.E2 4.86¼ 4.s:'l¼ 4.88,lg 21 .•. 4.82 4.84½ 4 1<:~ 4 85 4 87½ 4.811¼ S. 4 86 4.t d½ 4.t,," 4.87¾ S. 4.8-t,½ 4.RO 4.82½ 4.87 4.80½ 4. 86½ 4 82 4.86¼ 4.83,¼ 4.89 · 22 . .. 4. 82 4. 4¼ Holiday. 4 87½ 4.d"J¼ 4. '-7 4.89 ½ 4.85½ 4.88 4.S5½ 4.87½ 4.83 4.~6 4.8i¼ 4 s a S. 4.81 4.87 4 82½ 4.87 s. 23 •••• 4.82 4.84¼ 4.h3 4.b5 4.87½' 4.89,¼ 4.87 4.8'!½ 4.85½ 4.88 S. 4.83 4.86 H3½ 4.~8 4.82½ 4.87 4.82 4.88 4.82¼ 4.87 4.83¼ 4.89 24 ...• 4.•2 4. 1-14 1q S. S 4.87 4.89 ><S' 4.81¼ 4.bS 4.85½ 4.87¼ 4.i<3 4. P6 4.83½ 4.88 4.82 4 86,½ 4.S'l 4. 8 S. 4.83½ 4.89 25 . .. 4.8~ 4.8i ½ 4.83 4.85 4.8 ' ½ 4.89¼ 4.87 4.8\l¼ 4.85½ 4.88 4.S'i 4 88 4.8.'l 4.86 S.. 4.8~ 4.86.¼ 4.82½ 4.88½ 4.82½ 4.87 Holiday. 26 .••• 4.83 4.b5¼ 4.83}€ 4.85¼ 4.67½ 4.89 ~ 4.87 4.89½ S. 4.86 4.88 4.83 U 6 4.83 !,{ 4.88 4.82 4.Sn½ 4.82½ 4.88,¼ 4.62 4.86¼ 4.83 4.88½ ~ •. S. 4.84 4.86 4. 87½ 4.8\l½ 4.87 4.89,¼ 4.84 ½ 4.87 4.86 4.88¼ 4.&q 4.')6 4.83¼ 4.ES ~.81 ~ 4.86 S. 4.~2 4.Sti¼ 4.88 4.88¼ 23 ..•. 4.83 4.S, ¾ 4.84 4.e6 H S~ 4. 00~ S. 4 83½ 4 86 U 6 4.88½ S. 4 84 4. ·s¾ 4.bl½ 4.86 4.82½ 4°88½ Holiday. 4.83 4.88½ 29 ... 4.8 ; 4.85.½ . . . •• .. .. 4 88½ 4.90½ 4.87 4.89.¼ 4.;-,3 ½ 4. 86 4.86 4.Sb½ 4.8, 4.86 4.84 4.83¼ S. 4.-i2½ 4-88¼ 4.f 2 4. 86½ S. '30 • . 4 83 4.8n)9 ........ . , •. 4.88½ 4.9J½ 4.87 4.89¼ Holidav. S. 4. 83 4.i<6 4.84 4. "8½ 4.81½ 4.86 4.82,¼ 4,88½ 4.82 4.86½ 4.82 4 87¼, 81.. •• 4.SJ 4.85 . • • • • . • . • . S. . ........... 4.~4 4 86 .. . ...... . .. ~ 4.SJ 4.86 4.8! 4,88½ ..... .. ..... 4.82¼ 4-88 ............ 4.82 4.87½ High. 4.83 4.86 J.<)w. 4.81½ 4.84 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4.84 4.82  4.86 4.84  4.88½ 4.90¼ 4.87½ 4 90 4.84)!i 4.86¼ 4.86¼ 4.89  4.87 4.89½ 4.Se 4.88½ 4.86 4.8,q)g 4.86 4 84¼ 4 86¼ 4.83  4.Sg½ 4.F5 4.89½ 4.84 4.88½ 4. S2½' 4.88,½' 4.82½ 4 88 4.83½ 4.89 4.86 4,82½ 4.86 4.bl¼ 4.86 4.78¼ 4.84 4.80½ 4.85¼ 4.82 4.86}[  F OREIGN - EXCHANGE. '879.-During the t-arly part of the year the rates for sterling bills were made tirm by the heavy return ot called bonds from a.broad ; md after :February demand sterling bills were often quoted in the bankers' posted rates at 4 89½@1 90, and there was apprehension that speci~ would be export.ed to a considerable amount. There was no large export of specie, however, and in t he latter part of July, after the last call for bonds had matured, rates of exchange fell off rapidly to a point which admitted of the imports of specie, and so remained throughout the year. The excess of exports over imports in the tlscal year ending Ju~•e 80, 187£, was about $27(1,000,000. 'rhe specie imported at New York in 1879 was $84,176,764, and the export, was $14,454,343, 1880.-The comse of exchange in the early month s of the year was quite steady, and althouo-h there Witi no :r'-lturn or tecurit ies from abroad as in 1879, the very large importation of foreign merchandise kept up tht> ~emand for bills. lt1 May prices of sterling bills were so firm that exports of specie were apprehtmded. In Ju ly, however, rates began to fall off, as the imports of foreig!,l /.ierchandise had been considerably checked by the decline in prices here ; and after J ul.v prices of ex<lhll.nge so fell off that tbe importation of specie commenced, which was well kept up until the end of the year, and resulted iJl tne receipt at New York of about $69,000,000 from August 1 to December 31. 1881.-At the opening of the year rates of exchange were unusually low, and :i.fter stiffening up in February were quite demoralized after the ~5th of that month by the flurry in the money market. After the middle of April ratP-s became firm and so remained till Au~ust, when there was another decline t() low prices, which lasted without suostantial recovery till th e end of the year. 'l'he excess of imports over exports of specie for the twelve months ending November 30 was $62,986.036 against $59,342,9!:i0 in 1879-80; but for the five months, July-November, 1881, th➔ exces'l of imports was only $24,408,228: against $52,593,842 in 1880. In January, 1881, an attempt was made by some of the principal drawers of exrhange to alter t he met hod of quoting sterling bil I~ to the pPr cent basis-thus, the price of 98 for a bill meaning 98-l 00 of the face value. reduced to dollars at the legal valuation of $4·8665 to the pound. This plan, however, wa.::, found unpopular, and was soon 41.bandoned. 18?'9. D ay of January. Mo. 60 d . Sight.  February. 60 d . Sight. 4.85,½ 4.88½ :4Jr2°1i1~li½ 8. 3 . •. A .s2M 4.87½ 4.85½4.88½ 4 ... .4.82:½ 4.87,½ 4.86 4.88¼ 5.. . . s. 4.86 4.88½ 4.86 4.88,½ 6 . .. .4.83 4.83 4.86.½ 4.89 4.86,½ 4.89 9 ... .4.88½ 4.87,½ s. 4.86½4.89 10 .... 4.84 4.88 11 .... 4.84 4.88 4.80½ 4.89 4.86½4.89 12 .... s. 13 ... .4.84½ 4.88½ 4.80,½4.80 14 ... .4.84½ 4.88½ 15 ... .4.85 4.88½  i :::  i ::::i:~~ !:~  i~: :.:t~i l:~ij 18 ... . 4.8~ 4,88½ s.  ]9 ....  20 . , . .4.85½ 4.89 21 ... .4.86 4.89½ 22 ... .4.80½ 4.89½ 23 . . . .4. 6 4.89 24 . • .. 4.86 4.89 25 ... ,4.86 4.89 26 .. . , s. 27 . . . .4.85½ 4.88½ 28 . .. .4.85½ 4. ½ 29 .. . .4.85½ 4. ½ 30 . . . .4.85½ 4. ½ 31 .. - .4.85½ 4.88,½  !:~~!:~~ s. 4.86½ 4.89  4.86,½4.80 4-.86 4.89 4.86 4.89 4.86 4.80 Holiday.  s.  1\:Iarch.  ~?8g½~~~~~ 4.87 4.87 4.87 4.87 4.87 4.87  s.  4-.00 4.90 4.00 4.UO 4.90 4.1,0  s.  4.87 4.9,) 4.89½4 90 4.87 4.iJO 4.87 4.89½ 4.87½4.90 4.87,½4.90  s.  4.87½4.90 4.87 4.89½ 4.87 4.89½ 4.87 4.89½ 4.87 4.89),~ 4.87 s:·89½  4.86 4.80 4.86 4.88½ 4.80 4.89 4.86 4.89 4.86½4.89½ 4.86 4.138½ 4. 6½4.89½ 4.86 4.88½ 4.b6¼4.89  !:~~!:~ s.  4.i6¼4.89  High .4.80½ 4.89½ 4.86½ 4.89½ 4.87½ 4-.90 Low . .4.82 4.87½ 4. 5½ 4.88119 4.85½ 4.88  April. May. ~?J½ ~-~~ 4.87 4.89½ 4.87 4.88¼ 4.87 4.89 4.87 4.88½ 4.87 4.89 s. 4 .87 4.88)..6 4.87 4.89 s. 4.87 4.88½ 4.87 4.89 4.87½4 89 4.87½ 4.89 4.87¼ 4.89 4.871:·89 4.86½4.88½ 4.88 4.89½ s. 4.88 4.89½ 4.88 4.89½ t~~½U~~ 4.88 4.89½ 4.87 4.88½ 4.88 4.89½ 4.87 4.88½ 4.88 s:·89½ 4.87 4.88½ 4.81 4.88½ 4.88 4.89½ 4.88 4.89½ s. 4.86½4.88 4.88 4.89½ 4.87 4.88½ 4.88½ 4.90 4.87 4.88,½ 4.88½4.90 4.87 4.88·, 4.881:·oo 4.87 4.88-A 4.87 4.88¼ 4.88,½4.90 s. 4.88½4.90 4.87 4.88½ 4. 4.89½ 4.88 _4.89½  ~?s~·  t~8~t~~  t~t\M~t:  : ~+  t~~  4.i~ti·  June. 60d. Sight.  s.  Zuly. r8g½~-~~  September.  A u gust.  fJ· 4.83  ~ -~ t.  4.85 4.861/24.bS½ 4.86,½ 4.88½ s. Holiday. 4.83 4.85 4.83 4.85 Holiday. 4.83 4.85 s. 4.83 4.85 4.83 4.85 4.86¼4.88½ 4.83 4.85 s. 4.86½ 4.887' 4.86¼4.88~ 4.83 4.85 4.86½4.88½ 4.82½4.84½ ::;. 4.82½4.84½ 4.86½4.88½ 4.82½4.84½ s. 4.86,½4.&8½ 4.82½4.84½ 4.88 4.90 4.86½ 4.88,½ 4.821,:-84¼ 4.88 4.90 4 .86½4.88¾ 4.88 4.90 4.86 4.88 4.82½4.84½ 4.88 4.90 4.86 4.88 4.82½4.84½ 4.88 4.90 4.82½4.84½ s. 4.88 4.90 4.85½ 4.87½ 4.82½4.84½ 4.84½4.84½ s. 4.85 4.87 4.88 4.90 4.85 4.87 4.82~~.8-VA 4.87½ 4.89½ 4.85 4.87 4.87½ 4.89½ 4.85 4.87 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84 4.87 4 .R9 4.85 4.87 4.82 4.84 4.87 4.89 s. 4.87 4. 9 4.83½4.85½ 4.81½4.bS½ s. 4.83½4.85¼ 4.81¼4.83½ 4.86½ 4.88½ 4.83½ 4.85½ 4.81~:•83½ 4.83¼4.85½  4.88½ 4.90 4.88½4.90 4.88,½ 4.90 4.88,½ 4.90 4.88½4.90 4.88~:·90 4.88½ 4.90 4.88;½4.90 4.88 4.90 4.88 4.90 4.88 4.90 4.88 4.90  t~g~::~~  ~?s~· ~-~t. 4.82 4.84  4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4."'2 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82  4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84  s.  J.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84  s.  4.82 4.84 4.82½4.84½ 4.82½4.84¼ 4.82½ 4.84½ 4.82½ 4.84½ 4.82x, 4.84½ 4.82 4-.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82  s.  4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84  s.  October. November. 60 d. Sight. 60 d . "iu-ht. 4.S-2½ 4.84½ 4.81, i\4.b.:l½ 4.82 4.84 s. 4.R2 4.84 4.81½4.83¼ 4.82 4.84 1 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82  s.  4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84 4.84  s.  ~.82 4.84 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84 4.81 ½4.83½ 4.81½4.88½ 4.81½ 4.83½ 1,;. 4.81½4.83½ 4.81½4.83½ 4.81½4.83½ 4-.81),.'j 4.83½ 4. 14, 4.881..(, 4.811:•83½  December. 60 d . Sight. 4.81½4.84 4.8 1½4.84 4.82 4.84½ 4$2 4.84½ 4~ 4.83 4.85,½ 4.H0.½4., 3,½ 4.83 4.8b½ s. 4.80½4.83½ 4.80½ 4.83.!,,£ 4.83 4.85½ I:;. 4.82½4.85 4.80½ 4.83½ 4.82½ 4.85 4.80!-2 4.83½ 4.82½ 4.85 4.80½4.83¼ 4.82½4. 5 4.80¼4.83½ 4.821:·85 4.80½ 4.83~ 4.807{;:-83}2 4.81½4.84 4.82 4.84½ 4 .82 4.84½ 4.81 4.8--1 4-.82 4.85 4.81 4.84 4.82 4.85 4.81 4.84 4.81½;4.84½ 4.82 4.85 s. 4.81½4.84½ 4.811:•84½ 4.82 4.84½ 4.82 4.84,½ 4.817:i 4.84½ 4. 2 4.84½ H oliduy. 4.81 4.84 4.82 4.84¼ 4.Rl 4.84 4.82 4.84½  1½·f.U½  4.81½ 4.83½ ni~tJ~ 4~f~~~li  4. 1½4.84 4.82 4.84 s. 4.82½4.84½ 4.81½4-.83½ 4.81½4.83½  s.  4. 2 4.84¼ 4.81½4.84½ 4.81½4.$4¼  4.87 4.89¾ 4.88½ 4.9C\ 4 .88½ 4.90 4.86¼ 4.88½ 4.83 4.85 4.82½ 4.84½ 4.82½ 4.84¾ 4.81½ 4.84,½ 4.83 4.85,½ 4.81½4.83¾ 4.80½ 4.83½ 4.81½ 4.84 4-,87 4.~7Ji 4.86½ 4.88¼ 4.83½ 4.85½ 4.81½ 4.88½ 4.82 4.84 4.SO½ 4.88  ,--Day February. of J anuary. Mo. 60 d. Sight. 60d. Sight. 1. .. Holiday. 8. 2 . . •• 4.81½ 4 .84½ 4.83½4.85½ 3 ..•• 4.81½ 4.84,½  s.  4.. ..  5 . . •• 4.81½ 4.84?§ 6 . ... 4.81½ 4.84½  L:H~ tt½ 9 .. . . 4.82½ 4.85  10 ... . 4.82½ 4.C:;  11.... 12 .... 13 .... 14 . ... 15 .... 16 .... 17 .... 18 . .. . 19 .... 20 .... 21.. . . 22 . . . . 23 .... 24 . . .. 25. . .. 26 .. .. 2'l .... 28 . ... 29 .... 30 ... . 31 . .. •  s.  4.83 4.85¼ 4.83½ 4.86 4.83 4.85.½ 4.82½ 4.85 4.82.½ 4.85 4.82½ 4.135 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83  s.  4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85  s.  4.82 4.84 4.82½ 4.84½ 4.83 4.85 4.83½4.85½ 4.83½ 4.85½ 4.83½ 4.85½  High 4.83½ 4.SB Low .. 4.81½4.84  March . 60 d . 8ight. 4.85 4.88 4.85 4.S.,S 4.85 4.88 4.85 4.88 4.83 4.85½ 4.85 4.88 4.!:,3 4.88 4.83½4.86 4.81,½4.86 s. 4.85 4.88 s. 4.83\i 4.86 4.85½4.88½ 4.83~ 4.86 4.85¼4.88½ 4.83,½4.86 4.85~14.88½ 4.85½ 4.88! ; 4.83,½4.86 4.84 4 .86½ 4.85½l88;;,. , 4.84 4.86½ 4.83],,~ 4.81½ s. 4.84 4.86½ 4.84,½4.87 4.85 ~ 4.89 4.84¼ ·.:C .87 4.85½·.:,.89 4.85),.~ 4.89 4.~4.87 s. 4.85½4.89 Holiday. 4.86 4. 9 4 .85 4.87½ 4.80 4.8!) 4.85 4.87½ 4.86 4.89 4.85 4.87¼ G'd Iiriday . 4.~::; -:! .CJ 4.85 4.88 4.85 4.88 s. s. 4.85½4.88½  1:~½i:~g½  t~gijt~:~  tt~t~+ ~.  t~g~ t~~  4.85 4.88 4.82'i 4.85  4.86 4.85  4.89 4.83  April. 60 d. Sight. 4.85 '~ 4.88½  tgg~t~~ s.  4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86  of  ¥~~: 2 ... 8 . ... 4. · · · 5.... 6 .... 7 ... 8 . . .. 9 .... 10.. . 11. . . 12 . .. 18 . .. . 14 ... . 15 .. ..  ½ L: 18 . . ..  19 ...•  Jan u11.ry. 6°a%li~i;y~t. s. 4 ~1½ 4 84½ 4 ,n 4 83½ 4 80 4 82½ 4 80½ 4 83 4 80½ 4 83 4 80½ 4 83 .:,. 4 80 4 82½ 4 80½ 4 83½ 4 80½ 4 84 4 80½ 4 84 4 81½ 4 84½ 4 81½ 4 84½ 8 4 81½ 484½ 4 81½ 4 84½ 4 81½ 4 84¼  tL· 1~~ 1~g 22 .... 4 81½ 4 84½  23 . . 24 .... 25 . . 26 . . . 27 . ... 28 ... 29 . • 80 .. . . 31 . . ..  .:!.  480½483½ 4 81½ 4 84½ 4 81½ 4 84½ 481¼481½ 4 82 4 85 4 8i 4 85 S. 4 82½ 4 85½  Februu.ry. ~o8 4 83 4 86 4 83 4 SB 4 83 4 86 4 83 4 86 s. 4 83 4 86 4 83 4 SB 4 88 4 86 4 83 4 e6 4 83 4 86 4 83 4 86 s. 4 83½ 4 86½ 4 84 4 87  March.  g- ~?!gt. ~os8¼~%it.  :t 4 84 4 85  :~~  4 87 4 87  484 s486½ Holiday.  4 83½ 4 86 483 485½ 4 81 4 83½ 4 80 4 82½ s. 4 79 4 81½ . . •. . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . .. . . . . . . . ... ,  4 80½ 4 83 4 s 1 4 83 ~ 4 Sl 8 1 4 8 3~ 4 4 83~ s. 4 81½ 4 84 4 81½ 4 84 4 81 4 83½ 4 so 4 82½ 4 80 4 82½ 4 80 4 82½  s.  4 80½ 4 83 4 81½ 4 84  ai 1~~~ 4 81½ 4 84  4 81½ 4 84 8 4s1 483½ 4 80½ 4 83 4 80½ 4 83 480½483 4 80½ 4 83 4 80½ 4 83 s. 4 81 4 SB½ 4 81 4 83½ 4 81 4 83½ 4 81 4 83½  s.  4.85½4.88¼ 4.85¼4.88¼ 4.85½4.88½ 4.85½ 4.88½ 4.85 4.88 4.85 4.88 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85  s.  4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88  !:~ -s.t~~~  4.85 4.[ ::; 4.85½ 4.88],,i 4.: i 4.89 4.:,o 4. 9 4.86 4.89 4.86 4.85  --------------- Day  4.89 4.89 4.80 4.89 4.89 4.89  May .  .Tune.  4.83½4.88½ 4.85½4.88¼ 4.86 4.89 4.86 4.89 4.86 4.89 4.86 4.89  4.87 4.87 4.87  s.  tro~t~t  - - --  1~~  4.90 4.90 4.90  4.87 4.90 4.87 4.90 4.87 4.90 s. 4.87 4.90 4.86 4.89 4.86),~ 4.89~ 4.87 4.90 4.86½ .J.89½ 4.87 4.90 4.H6½4.89¼ s. 4.86½4.89½ 4.86½4.89½ 4.86½ 4.89½ 4.86½ 4.89½ 4.86½ 4.89½ s. 4.86¼ 4.89½ 4.80½4.89 4.86!,i4.89¼ 4.86,½4.89½ s. 4.86 ¼, 4.89¼ 4.80½ 4.89½ 4.86½4.89 4.86½l89½ 4.86½4.89 4,86½4.B9 4.87 4.90 4.811½ 4.89 4.87 4.90 4.86 4.88½ 4.87 4.90 4.86 4.88½ 4.87 4.90 s. •l.87 4.90 4,85),6 4.88 4.87 4.90 4.85 4.87½ s. 4.85 4.87½ Holiday.  4.89 4.87 4.90 4.87 4.87½ 4.85½ 4.88½ 4-85  Ap·il. ~osi½~1~t. 4 81½ 4 84 Sl .:1 . 4 Sl½_ 4 84 4 ½ 4 84 4 81½ 4 84 4 81½ 4 84 4 82 4 8-!½ 4 82 4 o4.½ s. 4 82 4 84½ 4 82 4 84½ 4 82 4 84.½ 4 82 4 8-!½ G 'd ll, r1o ·( V. 84 482 s~ ½ 4 82 4 84½ 4 82 4 81½  4.87½  s.  Holiday.  t~g !:~+~ 4.85 4.87½ 4.85 4.87½ 4.85 l87½ 4.8! 4.86½ 4.84 4.86¼ 4.84 4.86½ 4.84 4.86½ 4.83½4.86 4.83½ 4.86  s.  August. 8eptemb'r. 60 d, Sight. 60 d. :Siuht. s. - 4.82 4.8i 4.83 4.85 4.82 4.84 4.83 4.85 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84 4.83 4.85 4.83 4.85 s. 4.83 4.85 4.82 4 .84 4.82 4.84 4.83 4.85 4.82 4.84½ s. 4.82 4.84½ 4.83 4.85 4.83 4.85 4 .82 4.84½ 4.82½4.84½ 4.82 1.84½ 4.82)1;4.84¼ s. 4.82½4.84½ 4.82 4.84¼ 4.82½4.84½ 4.82 4.M½ s. 4.82 4.ES 4.82½ 4.84½ 4.82 7. 4.82¼4.84½ 4.82 4.84 ~ 4 .E'2),{;4.84¼ 4.s2 l84½ 4.82½4.84¼ 4.82¼ 4.84½. 4.82 4.84¾ 4.82.½)4.84½  4,83½4.85½ 4 .83)1i 4.85),,~ 4.R3 4.85 s. 4.83 4.85 4.82½4.84½ 4.82 4.84½ 4.83 4.85 4.82½4.84½ 4.82 4.84½ 4.88 4.85 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84.½) s. s. 4.82 4.84 4.83 4.85 4,83 4.85 4.82 4.84½ 4.82 4.84 4.82 4.84½ 4.83 4.85 4.82 4.84 4.81¼ 4.84 s. 4 83 4.85 4.81½ 4.84 4.82 4.84 4.83 4.85 4.82 4.84 4.83 4.85 ······ .. ....  u~  4.87¼ 4.83 4.85 4.82  October. 60 cl. Sight , 4.81 ¼ 4.84 4.81½ 4.84 s. 4.81½ 4.84 4.81½ 4.84 4.81½ 4.8-! 4.81 ~ 4.84 4.81½ 4.84 4.81½ 4.84 s. 4.81½ 4.84 4.82 4.84½ 4.82 4.84½ 4.82½ 4.85 4.82½ 4.85 4.82½ 4.85 s.  a~  !:t~  4.82  4.84½  t~ t~~½ tt¼ 4.82½ 4.85  s. 4.82 4.84½ .4.82½ 4.85 4.82½ 4.85 4.b2 4 .84½ 4.8~ 4.84½ 4.82 4.84½  s.  4.82 4.84½ 4.82½ 4.85 4.81½ 4.84 4.81¾ 4 ,84  4.85 4 84  November. 60 cl. ::light. 4.82 4.84),6 Holid,,y. 4.82 4.84,½ 4.82 4.84 4 82 4.84 4.82 4.84  s.  December. 60 d. i:li1?bt, 4.70¼4.81~ 4.80 4.82~ 4.80 4.82~ 4.80 4.82½  s.  4-.80 4.82¼ 4-.79¼: 4.82 4.79½4.82 4.79½4.82a 4.79½ 4.82 4.79½ 4.82  4.81¼ 4.83½ 4.81½ 4.83,½ 4.8l½4.83½ 4.81 \,,~ 4.83½ 4.81½4.83½ s. 4.81½ 4.83½ 4.79 4.82 s. 4.79 4.82 4.81½4.83)/4 4.79 4.82 4.81,½4.83½ 4.71) 4.82 4.81 4.83 4.70½4.82¼ 4 81 4.83 4.79:½4.82¼ 4.81½4.83½ s. 4.81~ 4.83½ 480 4.83 s. 4.80 4.83 4.81½4.83½ 4.80 4.83 4.81 4.83 4.80½4.83½ 4.81 4.83 4 lloliday. 4.81 4.83 s. 4.81 4.83 4.80J,f4.83¼ 4 .81 4.84 s. 4.80½4.82¼ 4.81 4.84 4.79½ 4.81½ 4.81~4.84¼ 4.81½4.84½  ·:~ii!3;~  4.82 4.84~ 4.81½ 4.84¼ 4. 79¼ 4.81½ 4.79 4.Sl ;i  1881. May. 60d. iight. 4 84 4 86 4 St½ 4 8 6½ 4 8v 4 87 4 85 4 87 4 85 4 87 4 85 4 87 S. 4 85 4 87 4 85½ 4 87½ 4 85½ 4 87½ 4 86 4 88 4 86½ 4 88½1 4 86½ 4 88.½ s.  June. July. · August. ~osl. ~osl½~•~~ 8 4 84 4 86 4 84½ 4 86½ 4 83 4 85 4 84½ 4 86½ S. 4 83 4 85 4 84½ 4 86½ Holid·1y. 4 83 4 85 8. 4 84½ 4 86½ 4 83 4 85 4 84½ 4 86½ 4 84½ 4 86½ 4 83 4 85 4 85 4 87 4 84½ 4 86½ s. 4 85 4 87 4 84½ 4 86½ 4 83 4 85 4 84½ 4 t,6ij 4 84½ 4 86½ 4 83 4 85 -! 84½ 4 86 s. 4 83 4 s5 4 84½2 4 86 4 84½ 4 86½ 4 83 4 85 8. 4 81½ 4 86½ 4 83 4 85 4 84½ 4 86½ 4 84½ 4 86½ 4 83 4 85 4 Si¼ 4 86½ 4 84½ 4 81,½ S. 4 8!½ 4 86.½ 4 81¼ 4 86~ 4 83 4 85 80 434  f i. 1iit.  ~~gt.  Septerob'r. :o8g¼i~~t. 4 80½ 4 84 4 80½ 4 84 S. 4 80½ 4 84~ 4 80½ 4 84 4 81 4 84 1 4 81 4 84¼ 4 81 4 84½ 4 s 1 4 1:14½ s. 4 81 4 81ij 4 81 4 84 4 81 4 84 4 81 4 84½  1~r~1~½ 1t~1ro~ ½l 1~~~1t~ 1~un~g 4 86 4 d8 4 84½ 4 06½ 4 84½ 4 86½ 4 82 4 84 -1i S. 1  4 86  4 88  8.  4 84 485 4 85 4 8. 5 484 4 84  4 86 487 4 87 4 87 486 4 86 s. Holiday. 4 84 4 86  4 84½ 4 86½ 484½486½ 4 l:S-1½ 4 86½ d. 484½486½ 4 81½ 4 86ij 4 84½ 4 86 4 84½ 4 86 .••. . • . .. . . •  ii,~.l~½t~~~ gi aI¼ !~½it½ 1g1½a~ !~½i~>q~ !P~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4.85  4,90 4.85 4 .87½ 4.83  i~1~ ar1!1~g½ !t~Hg½ 4 82½ 4 85 ½S. ½ 4 84½ 4 86~ 4 82½ 4 85 S. 4 83 4 85½ 4 53.½ 4 86 483,½486 4 83½ 4 86 -t 81 4 86 4 84 4 86 . .. . , . . . . . .  July.  ~?J· s.~.iat· 4.87 ~?s~· ~-i~t. ~?4· ~i.i~~ 4.90 4.85 4.87½  4 84~ 4 86½ 4 82 4 84!,,i 84 482 at½!~½ s~ ~ 4 83½ 4 85½ 4 82 4 84½ 4 83.½ 4 85½ 4 82 4 84½ S. 4811~ ''Ii 4 83\.6 4 85½ 4 81 <~ b-1 4 83¼ 4 85½ 4 80¼; 4 84 483~485.½ 480½461 4 83~ 4 851,g -8. 4 83 4 85½ 4 80~ 4 84 4 83 4 85½ 4 80~ 4 84 s. 4 80½ 4 84  ~t~i~~  4  81½ 4 B5  October. ~o8g½~~t . ~. 4 80½ 4 84 4 80 4 S3~ 4 79½ 4 83J.2 4 7ij½ 4 83½ 4 79½ 4 83½ 4 79½ 4 83,¼; 8. 4 79.½ 4 83½ 4 79½ 4 83½ 4 79½ 4 83½ 4 71:l½ 4 83½ 4 80 4 84 4 80 4 84 8 480 484 4 0½ 4 84½ 4 80½ 4 84½  November.  December. ~~%t. 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 85 S. 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 85 s. 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 85 . H <>lid y. 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 85 4 81\.j 4 85 s. 4 81½ 4 85 4 81 4 85 ::;. 4 81 4 85 4 8l½ 4 85 4 81 4 85 -181½ 4 85 4 81 4 85  1081:...~i~~ ~o8t  1~½~1~g 1~½ 4 81½ 4 85 4 81½ 4 85  4 81  1~Htag 1~~1t~ 4s1 .l485 i~½ 4 81½ 4 5 4 80,½ 4 84½ 4 80,i 4 84½ 4 81  1~  1  4 81½ 4 83 481,½485  s. 481 485 1". 4 81½ 4 85¼ Holidny. 4 81½ 4 85½ 481 484½ 48tl,,i485 1 ~ 4 81 4 84½ 4 82 4 86 81 4 8 t½ 4 82 4 86 ,.1 ~O,½ 4 84 S. 4 82 4 86  :~½i~ i M~i~ i~ i~  485 4 85 4 801<.? 4811l 4 80½ 4 84½? Holicl y. 480,½;484½ 4 80½? 4 84½ s. 4 80?1! 4 84½ H l)Jid ' Y. s. 480 484 4 81 4 85 4 8 l 4 84 4 81 4 8~ 4 80\i 4 ~½ 4 81 4 So 4 Rl 4 8:-, . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 81 4 85  i~~i~~  !~ 1g~  _FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 1882.-The general prosperity of t he t hree years endin_g with 1881 had stimulated the importation of foreign merchandise while on the other hand the small crop of 1881 left t he Um ted States a small surplus for export. The natural re~ult fo llowed and in March, 1882, prime bankers' sterling bills were quoted at 4 89½@4 90½ (posted rates), and in thf:' half-year endingJ une 30 about f33,500,000 of gold and silve r was ex ported? whil e in the correspondh1g period of 1881 about $23,000,000 was imported. In the latter part of t h e yea r th e aspect materially ch anged, more from t he very large exports of cotton tbax;. from any ot,her single camie, and during the last th ree months of 1882 the United States was a r eceiver of specie from foreign cou ntries in moderate amounts. 188~. -The imports or merchandise into the United States in 1883 fell off very materially as C6mpared with the previ'.ous year, while the exports of mer chandise, particul arly in the first six months, were considerably in excess of 1882. As a consequence of this movement, it r esu lted t hat t he balance difference in favor of t his country was about $100,000,000 better than in the previous year. The rates for bankers' bills w ere strong in May, June and July. After July, rates weakened, and there was for a time a moderate import of gold; but this soon fell off, and in the late months of the year there was no feature of importance. 1884.-I n the early part of t h e year sterling excha1 ,e ruled at very firm rates, owmg t o the return of securities from abroad and to the fact that t he crops of 1883 had bet L small, and there was a small surplus for export after J anuary 1. As a consequence o f t his situat ion there was a n et expo'.. 6 of gold amounting to some $32,000,000 by tbe end of April, after which came the May panic, upsetting m oney matters and checking the gold export. After J uly 1 the imports of merchandise began to decline and there w as a better feeling in American securities ; also in t he autumn months a large export movement of cotton. Rates .:>f exchange fell off sharply in June and July, and there w as a moderate importation of g old. Rates in August and September w ere firmer, a nd when they declined again and gold imports were beginning, the advance in the Bank of England r ate to 5 per cent, in October, checked the movement. During the balance of the year the rates fluctuat ed,  1882.  ~11  C, J n.nunry.  Mon. 21. ·• ·• ·3 ...•  February. Marcil . 60 d. 9 ight. 08g. 8t9i~ 1°si· 8 Holid 1y 4 85 4 90½ 4 86 4 90~ 4 86 4 90 . • 4 85 4 9QlL 4 81 4 85 7 '-l 4 s5 s~ 90½ 4 86 90 4 8l 4 85 4 85 4 90½ 4 86 4 90½ 4 81 4 85 4 85 4 90 w 4 86 4 90½  t  siii~  L: Hl i ro 6 . ... 7 ...  l  ~•• •• 4 81 1 ;"'4• o5tL ~~ 10.::· 4827'~48671! 41ili  ggl L ~ gg½ 49 •~ 486 490 ~O½ 4 86 90 485 4 90½ 4 86 4 90 4 85 4 90½ 4 86 4 90 4 t<' 5 4 90½ 4 86 4 90 4 85 4 90½ 4 85½ 4 89½ 4 85 4 90½ 4 85½ 4 89½ 4 85 4 90.½ 4 85½ 4 89½ s. w s. 4 85 4 90 4 86½ 4 90 4 85 4 90½ 4 86½ 4 90 1tolid·1 y. 486½490 4 8.5½ 4 90 4 87 4 91 4 85½ 4 90 4 87 4 90 4 85½ 4 90 4 87 4 90 S. S. 4 85½ 4 90 4 87 4 90 4 86 4 90 4 87 4 90 . . . .. . . .. . 4 87 4 90 . . . .. . . ..... 4 87 4 90 . .. . . . • • . . .. 4 87 4 90  !  it:: ar1 1~~½  !  lL. • 4 82½ 4 86½ 4 85 s:  14. • • • 1s. ·. . •. 16 17 .•.. 18 . ... 19 20:.:: 21 . . 22., 23 24 .... 25 .. . 26 ... 27 ••.• 28 •• , 29 . ... 30 ... 31. .. .  4 83  4 87 s. 4 83 4 87 4 83 4 87 4 83 4 87 4 83½ 4 8"½ 4 8-1½ 4 4 84½ 4 88½ ~4 85 4 89 4 85 4 89½ 4 85 4 89½ 4 85 4 89½ 4 85 4 90 4 85 4 90 S. 4 85 4 1)0½ 4 85 4 90¼  88½  f~t~. ! ri  !  ~g½  !  ~  ! 83¼  Septem b'r. A pl'il. May. June. J uly. August. 60 d. Sight. 0 1°s~· ~i~gt. ~ s~½~ii&~ 1°s~¼~igt. 1°si½~iitt. 1°s~· 1\it. 4 86 4 90 486 490 8. 4 87½ 4 90½ 4 87½ 4 90 S4 86 4 89 4 87lL 4 9QlL 4 87½- 4 90½ 4 90 4 86lL 4 89 4 86 4 89 s. 72 72 ½ 4 87lL 72 72 4 86 4 90 gg~ ~+~ gg½ 4 87½s4 90 4 fB°li~als½ 4 86 4 90 4 86 4 90 4 87½ 4 90½ 4 87½ 4 90½ 4 87½ 4 90 4 86 4 88½ S. 4 85 4 89¼ 4 ii7~ 4 90½ s. 4 87½ 4 90 4 86 4 88½ 4 86 4 89 4 86 88 4 85 4 89½ 4 87 90 ½ gg~ gg S~ ½ ag ~8 4 85 4 89 8 487~490½ 487~490½ 487½490 486 489 486 489~ 4 85 4 89 8 ~ ½ ! ~t~ ! ~g 4 85 4 89 88 4 87 4 90 4 85 4 89 4 87 4 90 4 87¼ 4 90½ 4 87½ 4 90 4 86 4 89 s. 4 87 4 9 0 1Ls s ag ~8}! 4 85 4 89½ ,L 4 8 7½ 9 4 8772 4 9072 4 8 7½ 9 8 4 87 4 9 o ,. 4 84½ 4 89½ s. 4 87½ 4 90½ 4 87 4 89½ s. 4 86 4 89¼ 4 84½ 4 89½ s. 4 87 4 90 4 87½ 4 90½ 4 87 4 89½ 4 86 4 89 4 86 4 90 4 84½ 4 89 4 87 4 90 4 87½ 4 90½ s. 4 86 4 89 4 8tl 4 90 484½489 4 87 4 90 4 87½ 4 90½ 4 87 4 !39½ 4 86 4 89 4 86 4 90 4 84 4 88½ 4 87 4 90 4 87½ 4 90½ 4 87 4 i,9½ 4 86 4 89 s. 4 S4 4 88½ 4 87 4 90 s. 4 87 4 89½ 4. 86 4 89 4 86 4 90 4 83½ 4 88 487 490 487½490½ 487 489½ 486 489 486 490 4 83½ 4 88½ S. 4 87½ 4 90½ 4 '37 4 89½ B4 86 4 90 s. 4 87 4 90 4 87½ 4 90½ 4 87 4 89½ 4 86 4 89 4 86 4 90 4 83½ 4 88~ 4 87 4 90 4 87½ 4 90½ S 4 86 4 89 4 86 4 90 4 83~ 4 88½ 4 57 4 90 4 87½ 4 90 4 RO½ 4 89 4 86 4 89 4 86 4 90 4 87 4 90 4 87½ 4 90 4 86½ 4 89 4 86 4 89 s. ~~~ ~~~ 4 87½ 4 90½ S. 4 86½ 4 89 4 86 4 89 4 Sil 4 90 4 82 4 87 4 87½ 4 90½ Holiday. 4 86½ 4 89 4 86 4 89 4 86 4 90 4 82 4 87 S. Holiday. 4 86½ 4 89 S. 4 86 4 90 ...... ...... . . . . . . .. . . . 4 87½ 4 90 . • • . . • . . . . . . 4 86 4 89 4 86 4 90  a+ij  ag  !  l.  s: a+J,,.J  ! ~2,~  1~+½ gg~  a~  ! ~3 ! g i g at  ai  gg  !  !  !  ! ~½ ! ~g~ ! ~+½ ! 88½ ! ~H: ! 88½ ! ~i~ ! ~g  ! ~½ ! ~½  ! ~ ! ~g  4 86 4 82  January. February. March. April. May. J u ne . July. August. 6°rltli~if:,t. 1ostli1i~t. 108~ill~t. 60 d. fight . ioJ. ~tt~t. 108 ~t~~ 60 d . 8~1ght. 10&1. ~t~~ 2 4 81 4 85 4 83½ 4 87 4 82½ 4 5 4 82½ 4 85 4 84 4 861~ 4 86 4 89½ 4 85½ 4 89 4 84 4 87½ S.::: 4 81 4 85 4 83½_4 87 4 82½ 4 85 4 82½ 4 85 4 84 4 86½ S. 4 85½ 4 89 4 8-1 4 88 4 84 88 ~ 4 s3J 4 87 4 s2 s4 84½ ! ~½ ~½ ~g ~g ! ~~~ 4 s~ 6 . _.. 4 81 4 85 4 83½ 4 87 4 82 4 84½ 4 83½ 4 86 s. 4 86.½ 4 ljQ 4 85?§ 4 89 4 84 4 88 7 .-. s. 4 83½ 4 87 4 81½ 4 84 4 83½ 4 86 4 83½ 4 86 4 86½ 4 90 4 85½ 4 89 4 84 4 88 8 .... 4 81 4 85 4 83½ 4 87 4 81½ 4 84 s. 4 84 4 86½ 4 86½ 4 90 s. 4 84~ 4 88 9 ... 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 83½ 4 87 4 82 4 84~ 4 83½ 4 86 4 84 4 86½ 4 86½ 4 90 4 85½ 4 89 4 84½ 4 88 10. . . 4 82 4 86 4 83½ 4 87 4 82 4 84~ 4 84 4 86½ 4 84 4 87½ s. 4 85½ 4 89 4 84½ 4 88 11.. . 4 82 4 86 s. s. 4 84 4 86½ 4 84 4 87½ 4 86½ 4 90 4 ti5½ 4 89 4 84½ 4 St! 12 .. . 4 82 4 86 4 83½ 4 87 4 82½ 4 85 4 84 4 86~ 4 84 4 87½ 4 86½ 4 90 4 85 4 88½ S, 6 4 82 8 ! ~~~ ! ~~½ t½ ~g½ 4 84 s4 87½ ~~ ! ~ ~~~ ~+~ 15 .... 4 82½ 4 86½ 4 )-3½ 4 87 4 81½ 4 84 s. 4 84 4 87½ 4 86½ 4 90 s. 4 83½ 4 87 16 . .. 4 82½ 4 86½ 4 84 4 87 4 81½ 4 84 4 84 4 86½ 4 84 4 87.½ 4 86 4 89¼ 4 85 4 88½ 4 83½ 4 87 17 . ... 488 487 484 487 481½484 4l>-i 486~ 41-i4 487½ s. 484~½488 483 4~6½ 18 ... 4 83 4 87 s. s. 4 84 4 86XJ 4 84½ 4 88 4 86 4 89½ 4 84 4 88 4 83 4 86½ 19 .... 4 83 4 87 4 83 4 86½ 4 82½ 4 84 4 84 4 86½ 4 84.½ 4 88 4 85½ 4 o9 4 84 4 88 s. 20 . .. 4 83 4 87 4 83 4 86½ 4 81½ 4 84 4 84 4 86½ s. 4 85½ 4 i,9 4 84 4 87½ 4 88 4 86ij 21 . !<. 4 83 4 1'6½ 4 81 4 83.½ 4 84 4 86½ 4 85 4 88½ 4 85½ 4 89 4 84 4 87½ 4 83 4 86 22 •• 482,½486½ llolict n:v. 481 483½ s. 485½489 485,½489 s. 483 486 23 4 83 4 87 4 83 4 86 4 81 4 83 1,f 4 84 4 80½ 4 85½ 4 89 4 135½ 4 89 4 84 4 87½ 4 83 4 86½ 24 ...• 4 83 4 87 4 83½ 4 86½ 4 81 4 83½ 4 83½ 4 86 4 85½ 4 89 S 4 8! 4 87½ 4 83 4 86½ 25 . 4 83 4 86½ S. S. 4 83½ 4 86 4 85½ 4 89 4 85,½ 4 89 4 84 4 87½ 4 83 4 86½ 26 ... 4 88 4 86½ 4 83 4 86 4 81 4 83,½ 4 83½ 4 86 4 85½ 4 89 4 t-i5½ 4 89 4 84 4 87½ S. 27 . - . 4 83 4 86½ 4 82½ 4 85½ 4 81 4 83½ 4 83¼ 4 86 s. 4 85½ 4 89 4 84 4 87.½ 4 83 4 86¼ 28 .. . s. 4 82½ 4 85½ 4 81½ 4 84 4 83½ 4 86 ·4 85½ 4 89 4 85½ 4 89 4 84 4 87,½ 4 83 4 86½ 29 .... 4 83 4 86½ · · ··-· .... 4 82 4 84½ S. 4 85½ 4 89 4 85½ 4 89 S. 4 88 4 86ij 30 ... 4 83½ 4 87 . . . .. • . . . . . . 4 82 4 84½ 4 83½ 4 86 Holiday. 4 85½ 4 89 4 84 4 R7½ 4 83 4 86 31.. -. 4 83½ 4 87 . . . . . . . - . . . 4 Sll 4 84½ . . . . . . ... - . 4 86 4 89½ . . . . • . ... _. 4 84 4 87½ 4 83 4 86  ?if~~:  g.  !  L: ! gf !  l  ½t:::  ! ~+  1  ! rs~ !  it i  !  i?li1ai  ~g !  !  ri~~. tWi½!~ tr2½!~i½ 1:~½!~½ it½:~½:~½!~½ i~i~i~8 ll  ,~~: 2 .... S ..•• 4 .... li . .. .  >  ~OJiJiit.  March. 10S~½ ~t~~ s. 4 87½ 4 90g 4 87½ 4 90 4 87½ 4 90  a~~ ai½ ! ~+~ gg~  A.prll. ~OJ. ~1\~~ 4 88 4 90~ 4 88a 4 90½ 4 88 4 90\i 4 88 4 90½  86½ 4 88½~4 4 86½ 4 89½ 4 87,½ 4 90½ 4 8-l½ 4 4 84½ 4 87½ 4 86½ 4 89~ :,. 4 88½ 4 4 84½ 4 87½ S. 4 87,½ 4 90½ 4 88¼ 4  4 84  4 87 4 87 S. 4 84½ 4 87 4 85 4 Si½ 4 85 4 88 485 488 4 85 4 88 4 85 4 8::l S. 4 85,½ 4 88 4 85½ 4 8-3 4 85½ 4 88 4 ~5½ 4 88  4 8'l,½ 4 90 4 86½ 4 90 4 80½ 4 90 4 86½ 4 90 4 86½ 4 90 4 86½ 4 90  4 87~ 4 90~ 4 87½ 4 90¼ 4 87¼ 4 90 4 87½ 4 90 4 87½ 4 9o s. S. 488 490½ 4 86)/4 4 90 4 88 4 90½ 4 86;,2 4 90 4 88 4 90½ 4 87 4 90,½ 4 88 4 90,½ 4 87 4 90½ 4 88 4 90½ Holtd:ty. 4 88 4 90,½ 4 87 4 90½ s. S. 4 88 4 90½;  90¼ 90½ IW½ 90,½ 4 88½ 4 90,½ 4 88½ 4 90½ S. 4 88½ 4 90½ 4 88½ 4 SO½ 4 88¼ 4 90½ 488 49> 4 8~ 4 90 4 88 4 90 S. 4 88 4 90 4 88 4 90 4 8S 4 90 4 SB½ 4 90½  ~-::: ! ~g 487 J:+ !8~q ! g~ gg~ i ~~S.! 88~ 4.90½ 488 490½  27 . ... 28 .•. 29 . ... 30 .•• SI. ..•  4 4 4 4 4  81 4 85 81½ 4 85½ 81½ 4 85½ 81½ 4 85½ 81½ 4 85½ s. 4 81½ 4 85½ 481½485¼ 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 82 4 86 4 82 4 86  s.  Holiday. 4 82 4 86  i ~~~S.! ~~ i4 80~ ~g !4 t84½ !4 Rl~p-a !4 ~¼ 85 4 82½ 4 87 Holiday. 4 81 4 85 4 82 4 86½ . _. . . . • . . . . . '3. .,. 4 82½ 4 87 4 81 4 86  4 82 4 80  4 86¼ 4 82 4 86 4 84 4 80¼ 4 843-9  4 86 4 8'!½ 4 81\¼f 4 89 486½489 4 86½ 4 89 ·  4 87¼ 4 90½ 4 88 4 9 l½ 4 88½ 4 90½ 4 87,½ 4 00½ 4 88 4 90½ 4 88~ 4 90½ ...... -···· S. 488,¼490~ .. . . . • .. . . . 4 88 4 90½ . . . . . . . . ..•,  May. ~OJ. 1iitt. 4 88 4 90 4 es 4 90 S. 4 88 4 90  i ~ gg 4 90  4 88 4 88 4 88  4 91) 4 90 S. 4 88 4 90 4 88 4 91.l 4 88 4 91) 4 86½ 4 88½ 4 85 4 87 485 487 s. 4 85 4 87 4 85 4 87 4 85 4 87 4 85 4 87 4 85 4 87 4 85 4 87  !~½f ~½  June. July. 60 d . S~ight. ~otli· ~li~t. 4 84¼ 4 86¼ 4 S.3½ 4 85½ 4 85 4 b7 4 84 4 86 4 85 4 &7 Holiday. 4 85½ 4 87½ 4 8-\ 4 86 !  ~~ i ~+~  4 l:SS½s4 85½ 4 83½? 4 85¼; 87¼ 4 83½ 4 85½ 87¼ 4 l:!4 4 86 R1½ 4 84½ 4 98½ 87,½ 4 84¼ 4 86½ 88 S. 88 4 84½ 4 86½ s. 4 84¾ 4 86½ 4 86 4 88 4 84 4 86 486 488 484 486 4 86 4 88 4 84 4 86 4 85,½ 4 d7½ 4. 84 4 86 4 84,½ 4 1'6½ S. 4 84½ 4 86½ 4. 84 4 86 S 4 88,½ 4 85½ 4 83½ 4 85½ 4 83 4 85 4. ~2¼ 4 84½ 4 82½ 4 84½ s. 4 85,½ 4 4 85½ 4 -l 85½ 4 4 85¼ 4 4 86 4 4 86 4  i t~  4 84 4 86 H~~ 4ti4½488,½ 4 8~ 484 4 84¼ 4 86¼ 4 82 4 84 4 84 4 86 S. Holida.y. 4 88 4 85 4 84 4 86 -• . . • . . . . . .  H igh 4 86½ 4 RO <1 87½ 4 90½ 4. 88 4 90½ 4 88½ 4 90½ 4 88 bow. 4 82½ 4 85~ 4 86¼ 4 8 !Hrt 4. 00 4 88 4 00 4 84 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  !  ! t½ i  Septemb'r. October. ~08~.¼~i§~t. 108~½~it~~ S 4 83 4 85½ 4 82½ 4 86 4 2½ 4 85  H~~ gg  November. ~08 ~. 1ii~t. 4 82 4 85 4 82 4 85 8 ! ~~~ sg 4 s2 4 s5 4 82½ 4 85 Holinay. s. 4 82½ 4 85½ 4 82½ 4 85 4 82½ 4 85½ 4 82½ 4 85½ 4 82½ 4 85½ 4 82½ 4 85½ 4 82½ 4 85½ 4 82½ 4 85½ 8. 4 82 4 85 4 82½. 4 85½ 4 82 85 s: ~~~ 4 82 4 85 4 82½ 4 85½ 4 82 4 85 4 82¼\ 4 85½ 482 485 482½485½ 4 82 4 85 s. 4 82 4 85 4 82½ 4 85½ 4 82 4 85 4 83 4 85½ s. 4 83 4 85½ 482 485 483 485½ 4 81½ 4 84½ 4 83 4 85½ 4 81½ 4 84 1{! 4 88 4 85½ 4 81½ 4 84½ S. 4 82 4 85 Holid1y. 4 82 4 85 4 83 4 85½ s. 4 83 4 85½ 4 82 4 85 Holiday. 4 82 4 85 4 83 4 85½ 4 82 4 85 ••. . . . . . . . . .  t  4 82½ 4 86 4 82½ 4 86 4 82½ 4 86 s. 4 82½ 4 86 4 82½ 4 !,6 4 St~ 4 86  i4 82.½ g~½ 14 86g~ 482¼486 4 83 4 86 4 83 4 86 4 83 4 86 4 83 4 86 483 486 s. 4 83 4 86 4 83 4 Sfl 4 83½: 4 86¼ 4 83½ 4 80,½ 4 83½ 4 86½ 4 83½ 4 86½ S. ... _.. . . . . . •  !4 rs83 i4 ~~ 85><i 4 83 4 83  4 4 s. 4 82½ 4 4 82 4 4 82 4  85½ 85½  85½ 85 85  i gg~ !4 ~1½ ! ~~ 82.½ 4 85½  !  s.  December. :08 ~. 1i~~ S4 83 4 85½  ft 482½485§., 4 82½ 4 85 4 82 ~ 4 85 4 82½ 4 85 4 83 4 86 483 486 s. 4 82,½ 4 85¾ Hnlinay. 4 82½ 4 85~ 4 82 ,~ 4 85 4 82½ 4 65 4 82½ 4 85¼ S. 4 82,½ 4 85¼  !t½:~½ !~~~tre½ !ri~t~~ i~ t~g½  1~~  A u gu st. 108~1~1im~ 4 82½ 4 84½ S. 4 82~ 4 84½ 4 82½ 4 84½  December :osf ~l~t 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 82 4 86 4 82 4 86 4 82 86  i~ C  January. February. 60H%1i~if:t. 4 8.Z,½ 4. 85½ 4 86½ 4 89 4 i:s3 4 Sis s. 4 83 4 86 4 86¼ 4 89 4 83 4 86 4 86½ 4 89  12 .• . 4 84  13.. .. 14 . . . . 15 ...• 16 • •, 17 .... 18 ... 19 .. . . 20 . . . 21 . .. 22 •• 23 . 24 ...•  4 Sfl½ 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 86½ 4 81½ 4 85½ s. 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 82 4 86½ 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 82 4 86½ 4 81 4 85 4 82 4 86½ 4 81 4 85 482 486½ S4 82½ 4 87 4 81 4 85 4 82½ 4 87 4 81 4 85 s. 4 81 4 85 4 82½ 4 87 4 81 4 85 4 82 4 86½ 4 80½ 4 84¼ 4 82 4 80½ 4 80½ 4 84½ 4 82½ 4 87 s.  4 82 4 82  8 4 S0.½ 4 84¼  1884 .  -·  L: 44 s1i4 84_ 4 87  8 ...• 9 ... 10... 11. _ •  4 00 4 87  !4 82~U1 i4 ~g~ ! ~½~s.! ~g~ 86½  1ssa.  Day of  D  !  p October. November. Decemoer. 60 d . Sight. 60 d. Sight. 60 d. Sight . s. 4 82 4 86¼ 4 80½ 4 84½ 4~4~4~4~4~4~ 4 81½ 4 86½ 4 81½ 4 85½ s. 4 81½ 4 86½ 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 81 4 85 _ 4 81 4 86 8. 4 81 4 85 I 4 81 4 86 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 81 4 85 4 81 4 86 HoHday. 4 80½ 4 84½ s. 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 80½ 4 84.½ 4 81½ 4 86½ 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 80½ 4 84½  8  4 90 4 86  4 88 4 82  4 88 4 8'  a~  !4 83~: Hg 4 85 4 83  4 85 S, 4 8'i 4 85 4 85 -l 85 4 S'S 4 85  Septemb'r. :obi· 1¥i~t. 4 84 4 86 4 84 4 86 4 84 4 86 4 84 4 80 4 84 86 s~ 4 8! 4 86 4 83½ 4 8 '½ 4 88.'>2 4 H5\.6 4 83½ 4 85½ 4 83½ 4 85¼ 4 83½ 4 85,½  October. November. 10s.~· 1i~t. ~08 1i~t. 4 82½ 4 84½ s. 4 82.½ 4 8!½ 4 81.l½ 4 84½ 4 82½ 4 S4½ Holiday. s. 4 81 4 85  3½  af  4 4 4 4  83  82 82 82  4 85 4 85 4 83 4 85 4 83 S. 4 83 4 82 4 85 4 83 s. 4 82 4. 85 4 83 4 s 3½ 4 s o-½ 4 s ~ 4 s ~ 4 83 4 8 5 4 8-9 4 8 4 83 S. 483 485 482 4 5 4 83 4 :-l5 4 83 4 85 4 82 4 85 4 83 4 85 4 83 4 85 S. 4 8.3 4 85 4 83 4 85 4 82 4 85 4 83 4 85 s. 4 81½ 4 84½ 4 83,½ 4 85½ 4 83½ 4 85½ 4 81½ 4 84¼ 4 83½ 4 85½ 4 83½ 4 85 -(i 4 81½ 4 84½ S. 4 83~ 4 85½ 4 81 4 84 4 81 84 V  1  ag !484~½ 486 a~~ i ~~~ a~ij 483½485½ 481  S. 4 83 4 85 4 83 4 85 48~½484½ 4 82 4 84  g~ !4 80½ ~~~ ! ~ 4 85 4 85  4 84 4 84 484  4 S!l 4 l'l6 4 86 S.  ~  s~  §  ! ~r¼ i ~g½  48! H •lid ,y. S. 4 81 4. 84½ 4 81½ 4 85 111 4 8::S 4 85 4 81 4 84½ 4 8lx, 4 85½ 483 485 480½484 S. . . .. . . . .. . . . 4 80½ 4 84 . . . . . . . . .. . .  4 84½ 4 86¼ 4 84 4 8fl 4 81 4 82 4 84 4 82¼ 4 84¼ 4 83  4 86 4 85  4 83 4 85 4 80½ 4 84  s:1  4 82½ 4 86½ 4 82 4 86 4 80 4 St½ 4 81½ 4 85)~ 4 80 4 84½ 4 81:l-2 4 85,½ 4 80 4 St½ 4 82 4 86 4 80~ 4 flt½ 4 St 4 86 4 81 4 85 s. 4 s 1~ 4 85:M 4 st 4_ s5 8 4 81 7l! 4 85 481½!485½ 48H~485 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 81 112 4 85 4 81,½ 4 8511 4 81~ 4 85 4 !H½ 4 85½ 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 82 4 86 s. 4 82 4 86 4 81 4 85 s. 4 91 4 85 4 82 4 86 4 81 4 85 ::! .  4 82 4 80  4 86 4 84  0 11  41\ 481  ~al.5  465 S. 4 81 4 85 481 485 4 81 4 85  !  4 8 2½ 86}1 4 8 1 ..  FOREIGN  20  EXCHANGE.  1885.-In the enrly part of the year there was some investment demand for sterling bills from parties who wished to have their funds in London, where money was higher than in New York. In April the ~rospects o! war between England a~d Russia also advanced the rates for sterling, which were again reduced on the more pacific aspect m May. ~ates were low. m June, higher in July and the early part of August, and then weaker again, so that a small amount _of gold was imported. Du~mg the balance of the year exports of grain and cotton were relatively small, but there was a considerable demand for _American securities abroad, and rates did not touch extremes in either direction. Late in December a sharp demand f?r ~hort b_1lls put ~p ~rices temporarily and about $600,000 gold was shipped; but this was merely a flu.rry and rates fell off agam 1mmed1ately. 1886,-The course of foreign exchange in the year 1886 was somewhat remarkable in the striking contrast observed between the first half and the Jast half of the year. In the first six months exports were low in value! impOI"ts were large, there was little demand for our Eecurities ;ibroad, exchange ruled high, and gold flowed out every month, reaching a total of ·$84,849.628 net export of gold in the half-year. In the last half-year all was changed-exports uf grain and cotton were heavy, there was a good demand for our stocks and bonil.,;; from the foreign markets, exchange ruled low, and gold was imported to the amount of about $34,000.000. 1887.-There was much interest in the course of foreign exchange during the year 1887 in so far as the rates were an indication of the movements in trade and securities. Sterling bills ruled high for a very short time in February, while the freight-handlers' strike in ew York prevented the shipments of produce, but they fell off immediately _after that, and did not again rule near the specie-shipping point. After the first of July exchange ruled low, apparently owmg to the purch'.' of our stocks and bonds by the foreign markets, and gold came in freely. During the eleven months from January) to November 30 the net import of gold amounted to $34,306,111. 0  188:i.  l;/  January. FebrulLry. Mon. 60 d. Sight. 60 d. Sight. 4 4 84J\ 88 S .... 4 dl½ 4 85¼ 4 84 4 87½ 4. ... s. 4 84 4 87½ 5 . . . . 4 81½ 4 85¼ 4 84 4 81½ 6 . ... 4 8 1½ 4 85a 4 84 4 8711i 7 . .. 4 81½ 4 85 4 84 4 8i½ 8 ... . 4 S t ½ 4 85 S. g . . 4 8 1½ 4 85½ 4 84 4 87½ 10... 4 81½ 4 85½ 4 83½ 4 87 11.. . S. 4 84 4 87:, 2 12 . . 4 82 4 86 4 84 4 87½ 18 .. .. 4 82 4 86 4 84 4 87½ 14 . ... 482 486 484 487½ 4 84 s4 87½ 72 86 4 84 4 87½ 4 82 ½ 4 84 4 87½ 19 ... . 4 82>,j 4 86½ 4 84 4 87½ 20 .. 4 83 4 87 4 84 4 87¼) 21 . 4 83½ 4 87½ 4 84 4 87½ ~½ ~½ Tiol~ctn:v. 24... 4 84 4 88 1 FiS½ 4 87 25 .. • S. 4 84 4 87¾ 26 4 83 4 87 4 84 4 87½ 27 : : : 4 83½ 4 87½ 4 84 4 87½ 28 .. . 4 84 4 88 4 84 -! 87½ 29 . ... 4 34 4 8:lli . . .... .. . ..  i·::: i~t}~½  rn· ···! i~1§ ! ~t:  }J::::  ~L-!  ¼/  !  March. 60 d. Sight. 4 si s.i 87½ 4 84 4 8 7 4 84 4 8 7 4 4 4 87 4 8-l 4 87 4 84 4 87 S. 4 84 4 87 4 84 4 87 4 81 4 87 4 84 4 H7 4 81 4 87 484 487 4 s3il4 88½ 4 83½ 4 St>½ 4 83½ 4 sag 4 81 4 86 4 8 l 4 06 4 84 4 86½ 4 84i4 87 4 85 4 87½ 4 85 4 87~ 4 85 4 87)'9 4 85 4 87½ 4 85 4 87½ s.  A.prll. May. ~08g~1i~t. ~ii~t. 4 85½ 4 88 4 87 4 89 H ?!td a_y, S. 4 8 5 .,,, 4 88 4 37 4 89 d. 4 87 4 89 4 85½ 4 88 4 87½ 4 89½ 4 85½ 4 88 4 87½ 4 89)9 4 85½ 4 88 4 87 4 89 4 85½ 4 88 4 87 4 89 4 85½ 4 88 s. 4 85½; 4 88 4 87½ 4 89¼ S. 4 88 4 l}tJ 4 136 4 8 ½ 4 88 4 91 486 488¼ 488 41/0 8~ ~~ 4 86½ 4 88½ S 4 SR½ 4 88½ 4 87½ ,i 89½ S. 4 t!7½ 4 89½ 4 86½ 4 88½ 4 87½ 4 89½ 4 t!fl½ 4 88¼ 4 87½ 4 89¼  rbl  !  !  a~ a~ 487 4 87  489 4 89 s. 4 87 4 89 4 87 4 89 4 87 4 89  tr--· !t H~¼ :::::: ...:: !~~!~ .~?.. ~-~~-High 4 84 4 88 4 84½ 4 88 Low . 4 81 ¼ 4 85¼ 4 b3¼ 4 87 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4  4 85½ 4 83 4. 87 4 89 4 83½ 4 86¼ 4 SJ½ 4 88  June. :o8~¼~ii~t. 4 s1 4 b8½ 4 87 4 bS½ 4 87 4 88 4 87 4 88 4 87 4 88  July.  ~OJ· ~li~t. 4 86 4 86 Holiday. S. 4 85 4 86 s. 4 8:. 44 8686~ 4 87 4):!8 4 85 72 4 87 4 8--! 4 1:15 4 86¼ 4 86½ 4 81½ 4 85 4 86½ 4 86 4 87 4 85 4 86½ 4 86 4 87 S. 4 86 4 87 4 85 4 86½ s 484¼486 486 487 4 86 4 s1 ~ 4 86 4 87 4 85 4 86½ 4 86 4 o7 4 85 4 86½ 4 86 4 ti7 S. 4 86 4 87 4 85 4 86¼ s. 4 85½ 4 87 ~]~ ~g~ ~½ ~~½ ~~½ -S. 4 85½ 4 8tS½ 4 86 4 87½ 4 87½ 4 89½ 4 85 4 8(1 4 86 4 87½ 4 87 4 89 4 85½ 4 86½ s. 4 87½ 4 89 4 85½ 4 86½ 4 85½ 4 87 4 87½ 4 89 S. 4 85½ 4 87 4 87~ 4 89 4 85 4 86 4 85~ 4 87~  a§  gg  1  !  Ho~~ay, 4 88 4 87  4 90 4 89  4 85 4 fl5  !  i  ! ~i½ i  August. ~OJ· . ~ii~t. ½s. ½ 4 85½ 4 87¼ 4 86 4 88 4 8:J 4 8X 4 86 4 88 4 8Hcloll4da88y.  -& 85  486  4 86  October.  4 4 4 4  83½ 83 83"9 83½  4 85½ 4 84½ 4 86¼ 4 Sj 4 84e½ 4 8t1½ 4 85½ S. 4 85~~ 4 84¼ -1 86},,i s. 4 84 4 86 44 ~833½ 44 8585½ 44 848· , s. 4 83 4 85 4 84 4 86 4 86 4 8~ 4 Ba½ 4 85½ 4 84 4 8tl 4 Sti 4 88 4 83½ 4 85½ •. 4 86 4 88 4 83½ 4 85½ 4 84 4 86 4 86½ 4 88½ :,. 4 84½ 4 86½ 486¼48/'i¼ 483½485¼ 484½4Stl¼ 4 86  November.  December  4 84 4 sa Hollda_y_. 4 84 4 86 4 84 4 80 4 83¼ 4 85½ 4 83½l 85½ 4 ~½ 4 85¼ 4 88½ 4 85½ 4 83~ 4 fl5½ 4 83½ 4 86 4 88 4 85½ -183 s485½  4 83½ 4 sa 4 83,½ 4 86 4 84 4 86½ 4 84 4 86¼  ! ro  Hg~ 4 85½l4 88H7½ !4 t83½ !4 85s ~ ! t¼ ! ~~½ 4 83 4 85 4 87 4 83  !  4 4 4 4 4  85½ 4 85 4 8'i 4 85 4 85 8 4 4 85 -i 4 85 4 4 Sl½ 4 4 84½ 4 4 84½ 4 4 84,½ 4  Bi½ 87 87 87 ~7 87 87 86½  Stt½  4 83½ 4 4 88½ 4 S. 4 84 4 4 84 4  85 85  86 86  4 4 4 4  4 84  4 86  s.  4 d6 4 8fl  ~-~~ 4 -~~  4 4 4  4  s.  i tu! i~¼ .,,,  4 4 4 4  84½ 4 84¼ 4 84½ 4 84½ 4  s.  87 87 87 87  4t½!:7  !  487  86½ s4~ 85,½ 4 85 4 88¼ 85~ 4 85~ 4 89 85½ 4 85½ 4 89 86 S. 86 4 86 4 89¼ 4 87 4 00½ ~~ ! ~~ S. 4 ~q 4 85½ Hnliduy . 83½ 4 85½ Holida_y 4 86½ 4 90 84 • 4 811 4 83½ 4 86 s. 84 4 86 4 83½ 4 86 4 86 4 69...; Si 4 86 S. 4 6 4 89~ 8 :ro ~- ~-~~ -~~-- !ro  s. • 84 4 86 84 4 86 84½ 4 811½ 84½ 4 86½  4 4 4.83 . 4 4 BS 4 4 83¼ 4 4 83½ 4 ::,.  it~ i ggij t t gJ Hi ! 4 84 4 86  86½ 4 84 86½ 4 !:'4  ~-~-- ~-~ -- :~½af½ 484 s48(3 4 A7¼ 4 89  Septemb'r.  :◊J- ~~t. ~OJ½~i~~ 60 d. s~ight. ~oSg½~l~t  !t  4 87½ 4 86,½ 4 88½ 4 Si ½ 4 86½ 4 85 4 Si 4 84 4 84¼ 4 8ti 4 84 4 86 4 83 4 85 4 88¼ 4 85¼ 4 88  ! ~g  !~t¼  4 86  4 A7 4 00¼ 4 85¼ 4 83½ 4. b6  INVESTMENTS AND SPECULATION. INTEREST AND INCOME TABLES. In purchasing securities for investment, the important points considered are the following : first, that the principal and interest shall be secure beyond question; second, that. the profit, or annual rate of interest realized on the outlay, shall be satisfactory; third, that the securities purchased sliall be readily salable; and fourth, with parties engaged in active business, that the securities shall be available to pledge as collateral for loans, i.n case it is desired so to use them. The great bulk of investments in stocks and bonds is divided among (1) U. S. Government bonds; (2) State, city and county bonds; (3J bonds or stocks of corporations; (4) bonds and mortgages on real estate. As a general claEs1fica.tion of these several forms of investment, the most obvious one is that which. divides them into two rnrts: first, those depending on tre character, standing and permaneDt solvency of the party issuing the obUga.tion ; second, those having a lien on specified pieces of property, and dependent ma.inly on the value of such prope1ty for their security. In the first class belong the U. S. Government bonds, State bonds, City bonds, County and Town bonds, and the stocks or plain bonds of corporations. fo the latter class belong the mortgage bonds of railroads or other companies and real estate bonds and mortgages. This distinction is mainly important in presenting to the investor the option of trusting to the integrity and proriable permanent stability of the government or corporation issuing a stock or bond, or, on the other hand, of trusting in the value of a specified piece of property in a certain location, on which his bond is secured.  INTEREST AND INVESTMENT TABLES. The tables following show (in the "Compound Interest Table" ) the a ccumulation of principal and interest on one dollar at ~arious rates pe.r annum from 1 to 10 per cent, interest being compounded semi-annually, and (in the "Tables for Investors" the rate per cent per annum realized on securities purchased at various prices, from 10 to 300. Thus, by use of the table5, it is seen at a glance that a 7 per cent $1,000 bond purchased at 86 pays 8·13 per cent a year on its cost. The accumulation of prin, cipal ~nd interest is seen to be in five years $1,410·50~ in ten years $1,989·70, which in this case would be the result of an outlay of $860, provided the interest was re-invested semi-annually.  COMPOUND INTEREST TABLE. 2 per  1 per  Number of Years.  cent.  $1 ·0100 1 ·0201 1 ·0303 1 0~07 1 ·0511 6· ......................... · 1 $1 ·0olfi  f:::::::::::::::::::::::::I  t:: .::::::::::::::·:::::::.I  1 ·0615 1 ·0828 ! ·1045  I  it::::::: ::::::·· :::::::::::: I n~g I 16··········· ............... , $1·1;40  21 ..... ······ ·· ···· ... ···· 1 $1 ·2341 22...... ... .................. 1 '2465 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... · 1 1 . 2590 24 ... ... . . . . . . ... .... ...... . . 1 ·2716 25... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ·2843  if::::: :::: :: ::::·::::.:: I 28...... .... . ..... . .. . . . . . . . . i&::: :::·::::·:: :::: ·::·::::  H: : ::++I  snm r;m  46-·· .. . ........ · 4'7 ... .... .. .. .... ... . . ... .... 48 . .. .... .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. 49 ······••'••· .. . .. .... ... .  [Q .. . .. ....... ... .... .... •... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I  I  1 '3235  $1', 637 1 3'i73 1 ·3911 1 ·4051 1 ·4rn2 $1 ·43-,:14 36 . ... . · · ············· 1 1 ·4478 37 .. . .... · · ····· · · ....... 1 "4623 38 .. . ...... ··············· · l ·4770 39 . ..... .. ............... ... 1 ·4918 40•-• · · ······ · · · ··· · ··· · ·· · 41 -····· · · ···"····· · · ... . .... i $1 '6067 42 ...... ········· ···········I 1 ·521~ 4J ........... .... ........... I 1 ·5371 44 ......................... 1 5545 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1 1 ·5701  1$158ffi 1 '6017 1 ·0178 1·68 0 1 · 64!14  cent.  I 111 ·0302 I $11·0tOl ·0406 '0613 I $!MM 1 0824  1 $rrn~ 13. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 · ]39'1  1  4 per ·  cent.  cent.  J: : : : : : : : : : : : : I j:§~ I g::· .. :: :::::::::::·:::::::: 1r::::::::::::::::::::::: nm  3 per  I I  I  1494 $11 " " 1' 1725 1 · 19b1 1 ·22()1 $1 ·2146 1 ·26!l6 1 ·2952 1 3212 I ·3478 $! ·3748 1 ·4025 1 ·4307 1 ·459'1 1 · 4888 $1 ·5187 1 ·5492 1 '5804 1 · 6121 1 '6445 $1 '6776 1 '7113 1 ·7457 1 ·7808 1 ·8166 $1'8481) 1'8800 1 '9176 1 ·9562 1 ·H955  I $'i2 ·0765 0356  2· 1183 2·rno8 2 ·:1043  1 ·0934 1 ·1264 1 '1 605 $1 ·11156 . 1 ·2317 1 '2689 1 3073 1 ·3463 $1 ·3875 1 '4295 1 ·4~21 , l '5172 I 1 '5630 i1 ·6103 1 ·ti589 1 ·70!H 1 .7607 1 ·8140 $1 •f:ifi86 1 ·9253 1 ·!:J835 2'0434 2· 1052 $2'1li88 2·2344 2 · 3019 2·3715 2·4432 J2'5J70 2 '5931 2'6715 2'7522 2'8:!54 $2·H211 3 ' 0094 3·1004 3 · 19H 3·29117 i3'J!:JU1 3'4926 3·59t32 3·7070 3·8191  I  I  II I  l I  1 •4fi58  l $11 '6082 5458  I  l  I  I :;sn,48o I 2 ' 2938 3399 I I 22 '3869 2 ·4349 I $2'~838 2 ·5338 2·5847 2 · 6367 2 · 6897  1 •3193 1 · 3~26 t ·4281  I  I  \~,u,  4·0432 4 '1655 4·2!114 4'4211  I j $1·0455  I., ,.., II  I  I I I  4¼ per cent. 1 ·0980 1 · 1438 1 ·1948 1 ·2481  1 · 1261 1 · 1715 1 ·2188  I  I  -  I  1 ' 6732 1 '7408 1 ·8111 $1 '8843 l' 9604 2'039fi 2·1220 2·2078 $2·2970 2·3898 2'4863 2'5868 2'6913  II i  I  I  $2 ·8006 2·ci131 3'0318 3· 1543 3'2818 .;t3 ' '1 )44 3'5523 :3·6%8 3 ' 8451 4'0005  $1·3004 1 ·3643 1 '4264 1 ·4913 1 5592  I I  I  I  $1 ·ooo, 11028 1 1596 1 ·2184 1 ·2800  I $11 · 3448 1129 1 ·4e45 1 '5596 1·1385  II  1 '7820 1 ·8631 1 ·9479 I $2'03115  I I I  2· 1272 2·2240 2 ·3252 2 ·4310 i2 ' e415 ;l '65'i2 2''1'181 2· ~045 3 031i7 $3'1749 3·3193 3 ·4703 3 · 6282 3 ' 7!)3-'l  l I  $3 9660 4')465  4'3.'l!\1 4·5324 4·•,387  I  l  $6'1986 6·4807 6'77b6 7 · 0840 7'4062 $7'741:!0 8 0954 s· ~638 8 '8490 9·2516  1 ·9001 1'9<J63 2·0933  I  I  $2·8196 2 !)624 3·1123 3·~699 3·4354 $3·6094 3·7921 3'9841 4·1858 4 ·3977  5·3581  I I  6·5284 6·8589 7·2061 $7· 5709 7·9542 8·3569 8 '7800 9·2Q45  I  $9 · 6915 10'1822 10 ·6967 H '2883 11 '8072  $1 '0b09 1 ' 1255 1 1940 1 ·26b7 1 ·3439 $1 ·4257 1 · 5125 1 ·6047 1 ·7024 l°EJ061 $1 '9161 2·03.?6 2'1564 2 '2878 2 4271 $2·5749 2·7317 2 ·S981 3'0746 3·2618 $3·4605 3·6712 3·8948 4·1320 4'3836 $4'6506 4 '9338 5'2343 5·5531 5'8913 $6'2500 6'63()7 7'0345 7'4629 7·9174 $8'3996 8 · 9111 9'4538 10·(1295 10·6403 $11 ·2883 11 '9758 12·7051 13·8832 14 · 7287 $15·6257 16·5~73 17"581i8 18 ' 6597 19'7941  I I I I  I I  I I I I $44·8542 6203 I 5 0999 I 5'6294 I ,6'2138 •. ,,..  cent.  I  2'2 3142 $ 2'4313 2·5544 2 '6837  6 per  I  I I I I $l't,301 1 ·rn44 I $11 .,,,. '8086  I $44 ·'3002 ttm I $4'S543 5'1798 4 5052 5'4146 4 ·6872 5'6610 5'9288 I 4·8766 5 · 07,)!i 0·2785 5·4928 5 · 7147 5 ' 9156 $6'1868 6'4357 6'6957 f,·9662 7·2477  5 per cent.  I I I I  I I  I  I  I I  I  I  I I  l  I I I  I I I  I  I I I  7 per  :ent.  $1 ' 0712 1 · 1475 t ·22H2 1 '3168 1 ·4105 $1 '5110 1 '6186 1 ·7339 1 ·8574 1 •f!t97 $2·1315 2·2833 2 ·4459 2· 1i201 2·8068 $3·0067 3'2208 3'4502 3 6960 3·9592 $4·2412 4 ·5433 4'8669 5'2136 !)·5849 $5'9827 6 ·40E,8 6'8653 7 ·3543 7'8781 $8·43Hl 9 ·0402 9 '6841 10 3738 11 ·1126 $11 '!:l041 12'7620 13'6709 }4·6446 15·6877 $16·8050 13 ·0020 19·2842 20 '6577 22·1290  I  $211'7052 25'3936 27'2022 29 · 1397 31 ·2141  173-10 per  I I  I  I  I  I I l I I  I  I  l  I  I I  lI  cent.  $1 0743 1 · 1530 1 · 2387 l '3308 1 ·4298 $1 '5360 1 ·6502 1 '772!l 1 ·9047 2'0462 $2']!)82 2'3617 2 5372 2'7258 2'928i $3 1461 3 ·38w 3'6312 3•9011 4·1911 $4':i026 4'8373 5' 1969 5·5832 5'9982 $6'4441 6'9231 7 ·4377 7·9906 8 ' 5846 $9'2227 9'9087 10 · 6453 11 4:366 12·2867 $13'2000 14'1811 15 · 2353 16'3677 l7 '5S44 $l8·8915 20'2956 21 8048 23·4~50 25·1663 $27 0369 29·0466 31 · Q057 33'5258 36·0154  I I l  8 per  cent.  $1 '0816 l '16!:J2 1 ·2646 1 '3678 I 1 ·.;794 $1 ' b002 1 ' 7307 1 ·8720 2 ' 0247 2 1899 $~'3t\87 2'5619 2·7710 2·9971 3 ·2417 5062 1· $33 '' 7!J23 4'1018 I 4· 4355 4·7!J85 $5·1900 5'6136 6·0,16 6'5670 7 1030 $7 ' 6 26 8'3094 8'9875 9'7208 1o·n143 $1] ·3742 12 · 3024 13·3062 14 · 3920 15'5664 16 ' 8367 18 ·2105 J9 · fi965 21 '3038 23'0422 $24 ·!1224 26 ' 95fi1 2W18FJ7 31 ·;,348 34'1080 $86'881:3 , 39 '8908 43·1469 411·6666 50·4716  I  I  I I  I  I  I I  I  I  I I I  10 per  cent.  $1'1025 1 ·2155 1 ·3400 1 ·4773 1 · 6287 $1'795,1 '9747 ~·1s2 7 2·4064 2 66Scj $2'9250 3 ' 2248 3·5553 3'9198 4 ·32t6 $4·7645 e·2529 5 7883 6·3816 7'0362 $7·7574 8'5fi25 9·429~ 10·3957 11 '4612 $12·6359 13·9311 15·3591 rn· H334 18'6691 ..,20 5827 22·6H24 25'0184 27'5'-28 30'4081 $83·5249 3f;•!?'il~  ~0·7497 44 · 92•:6 49'5316 $54'ti086 60 ' 205\.1 66·3771 73·1807 80 6817 S8~·9515 98'0692 107·1213 118· 1012 130·2066  1'ABLE 11'0R I VES1'0RS. The following table shows the rate per cent of annual income to be realized from stocks or bonds bearing any given rate of yearly dividends or interest, from 1 to 20 per cent, when purchased at various prices from 10 to 300 per cent. This table applies equally well to both stocks and bonds, and has nothing to do with the length of time which a bond has to run to maturity. ~ For example: To ascertain what rate of annual interest will be realized on a bond or stock which bears 7 per cent per annum and can be purcha ed at. !l2 (i. e. a t 92 per cent of its par value, whateve, the par may be), find 92 in the column of '' purchase price" and follow that line across to the column headed" 7 ~er cent," which will show the correct figures-in the present instance 7·60 per eent, Purchase Price. 10 ... ....... ......... •••· 15 ...... ............ .. . .  cent.  j j  g-w  1 1 105  1 per 1  20··· · •• ♦ -••··········· ··  22 ........ .............. . 24 ........... ...... .... .. ~6  ······················· ·················· ····· ······················· ·········•· ·••·· .... .. 34 ······ ············ .... 36 ·· · ········ ·· · · ··· · ···· 1 38 ...... ················ 40 ... ·············••·· •·· 42 ....................... 28 30 32  10  2 ' 63  4 8 ... ............. ·•· .. ..  2·50 2 '38 2·27 2· 17 2·()8  51 ............... ....... .  1 ·96  ······• ················  : : ....... ................ 1  so ..................... .  cent.  j  cent.  cent.  20 ff83  125 16·66  cent.  130 20  nr I n: tn~ I ~bf  nt 3·84 3·57 3·33 3·12 2 ·94 2·77  l¼ per 12 per 12¼ per 13 per 13¼ pe1  5 76 5·35  I  I I  5  4 68 4·41 4·10 3 -94 3 75 3-57 3·40  I I  7"69 7·14 6 ·66 6 ' 25 5 88 5•55 5 '26 5  4·7G 4-54  I  I  9 ·61 8 ' 92 8·33 7 81 7·35 6·94 6 ·fi7 6'25 5-95 5 ·68  I I  I  11.53 10·71 10 9-37 8 ·82 8'33 7 ' 89 7 50 7·14 6 ' 81  cent.  13:1 2a·33  per I 4cent.  :f  140 eG  ff~ ing  I  I  )3 ·4& 12-50 11 66 10·93 10 29 9·72 9·21 8 ' 75 8 ' 33 7·95  I I  15 '38 14 28 13'33 12·50 11 ' 76  11 ·11  10 ' 52 10 9·52 9 ·09  14¼ per  cent.  / 45 30  I ~n~  I I  17 3ll 16·07 15 14 06 13·2'3  12 50 11'84 11·25  10 71 10·22  p er 5¼ per I 6 per I 6.¼ per 7 per I 7 3-10 I 7¼ per 8 pet I 8¼ per 19 per 9.¼ per I 10 per II 5cent. cent. I ceut. I cent. cent. Ipr cent. i cent. cent. I cent. cent. cent. I cent. 55 I 40tiO j 6543-33 I 4670 ·6~ I 48n ·66 II 7550 I so5:1·33 18556·66 I 9060 j 63·33 95 1100 I fg50 33 I 3u·66 66 ·66 1'  I  '1  I  1'  1  :n: I R:~ !t I ini I !hi I ir~ I !H~ it: r  I  '1  19 2d 17 85 16·06 15 ·r,2 14 70 1:3·1:18 H·15 12-50 11.90 11 ·36  I  I  21·15 19 ·61 1 ·33 17 · lo 16'li 15'27 14'47 ]3'75 13'09 12 ·50  I  I  I  Hi'titi  15'78 15 14-23 1:3·63  I i  I  25 23·21 21 ' 66 20 ·31 l!J· 11  18 ' 05 11·10 16' .25  15'47 14'77  I  20·92 25 23-33 21 '87 20 ·58 19'44 1~·42 17'50 16 66 15 HO  I  I  28 ' 07 26 07 :14 33 22 81 21 ·47 20 ·27 19 ·21 18 · 25 17'38 15 ·59  I I  28'81 26'78 25 2-3 43 22 ·05 20'83 19·73 18·15 17'85 17 '04  I I  30·76 23·57 26 66 25 23·52 2 :· 22 21 ·05 20 19·0-l 18'18  cent.  173·13 w  ner I! 12eent.  p"r II 15cent.per II 20cent.  1120 1:10 ·  I  inf Iih& I ir!i I !h~ I !~·83 I Il5i  27  2,i 07 21' 42 20 18'75 17·6t  11 per  J  I  I  32 ' 69 30 ' 35 28 ' 31 26'56 2i 23 61 22 ' 36 21 ·25 20·23 19 ·31  I I  34'61 32 ·14 30 2s ·12 26·47 25 23'68 22 ' 50 21 ·42 20·45  I  36 5:3 33 ·92 31 ' 66 29'68 27·94 20 ·38 25 23 ·75 22 ·61 21 ·59  I I  3tl ' 4ti :,5 ·71 3-3 33 31 25 2\1 41 2i'77 26· 31 25 23 '80 22 ·72  1  I I  42 ·30 39· 28 36 ' 66 34·37 32 ·35 30· 55 28'94 27'50 26 ' 19 25  - ,ioo 'iO  46'15 42' 85  I  40 ::l7 ·50  35·29 33 -33 31 ' 57 30 28 57 27 "27  I  I  i12oe 133·33 1  ihi i ih~  57·69 53 ·57 50 46 ·87 44·11 41 '66 39·.n 37· 50 35·71 31-0fl  76 ·92 71·42  I I  l  2  l 92 1 '88 1 ·85 54 . .. .......... . ........ . :;s ...................... . 1 ·81 56 ........ ... .... ....... . 1 '78 1·75 57 ........... .. ........ .. 58 ... ... .............. 1 1 ·72 . r.9 ...................... . 1'69 1 ' 66 GO ...................... . 1'63 61 ............... . . .. .. 1 ·61 62 ...... .. . . ....... . . . G3 ·················· ··· 1 1 58 64 1 56 1 ·53 G5 U6 ................... .... . 1 ·51 G7 ....... ·········-· ··· · 1·49 1 47 1·44 '70 .................. . .... , 1·42 l -40 '71 ..................... ..  :i::::::::::::::::··::::I  ..................... ... .......... .......... .. .  't~:·::::::::::::::::::::: ~  ;t::::::::::::::::.:::·1  1·es  n::::::: .~ .. :::::::::::: '77 .................. . ... .  l"/IB  '74 ................ ..... ..  78 ........ .. . . . .. . ... ···· 1  iL:::::i::):::::::::  ~ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ···· 1  85 .......... .......... ..  86·············· ...... .  81::: .:::::::::::::::::::  H::::~:~::::::::::::::~: \ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1 36 1·35 1-31 1 -29 1·28 1·26 1-25 1·23 1 ·21 1 ·20 1 ·19 l ' 17  1 ·tfi 1 · 14 1· 13 1 ·12 1·11  a-11  2·38 2·34 ~·3()  I  2·27 2·23  I  3·12 3'07 3 ·03 2 98  I  I  3'96 3 ' 90 3 ' 84 3·78 3-73  ..  I  4 ' 76 4'68 4 '61 4 -51 4 ·47  I I  5 ·55 5 46 5'38 5·30 5•22  I  6 ' 34 6 ' 25 6'15 5 ·06 5·97  7·u 7 -03 6·92 6'81 6 ' 71  ..  I  7·93 7·31 7·69 7-57 7·46  8'73 8 59 8·46 8'33 8·20  I  9 ·52 9-37 9-23 9·09 8·95  I  10 ' 31 10·15 ~o 9 ' 84 9·70  I  11 11 10 ·93 !0'76 10 ' 60 10·44  11 · &,  I  11 ·40 11 23 11 ·06 10'89  I  11 ·90 11 ·68 11 ·53 11 ·3(; 11-19  ]2 "69 12·5'.) 12 ·30 12·12 I 11 •94  I  H·49 13·28  I  n ·o1  12 ·8 r J2 ·68  I  14 28 14 ' 06 1:3·84 B·63 13 -43  I  15 '07 14 '84 14 '61 14 ·39 14·17 13 '97 13 '76 13 "57 13·3;  rn ·rn  u·o1 12 '83 12 ' 66 12•50  12·33 12·17 ]2 ' f)2  11'87 11·72 11 ·53 11 ·45 11 ·30 11 ' 17 11 ·04 10 ·91 10 ·79 10 ·67  10·on  15·87 15"62 15·38 ]5 ' 15 14 ·9i  I  17 ·46 17'18 16·92 16'66 16 ' 41  I  l9·l)4 18 '75 18 '46 18 18 17· 91  14 10 14 ' 49 14 28 14"08 1 13'8'.)  116 · 17 15'9i 15'71 15'49 15'28  13'69 l3 "5l 13 ·33 13'15 1 12 · 98  115 ' 06 14'86 14 ·116 14 ' 47 14 · 27  12 ·s2 12 ' 65  I 14·10 13 ' 92 13·75 13'58 13·41  I 15"18 15·38 15 14 '31 14'63  113 13 ·25 ' 09 12 ·94  114·45 14'28 14·11  I 12 ·50 -19 I 1212 ·34 12 ·90 ·04 11 1 11·76  1 ~n:  I  11 ' 3ti 11 ·23 l1 · 11  n:i:  112·50 12 ·35 12·22  111 ·64 17·39 17'14 16 ·90 16'66  I 16lt, ·21 ·43  I  23 '80 211 ·43 2:3 ·07 22 ·72 22·.,s  122·05 21 ·73 21 '42 21 · 12. 20 8-'3  I  66'66  62 "50 5f\'82 55·55 52 '63 50  47'61 45 -45 43·47 41 '66 40 39·21 38'46 3.7·73 37 ·00 36 ·3 35·71 a5·08 34 ·48 33 ' 80 33·33 32 ·78 32·25 3! ·74 31 ·25 30·76 30 ' 30 29 ' 85  I I  29·41 1!8'9828 ' 5'l 28·1$ . 21 ·77  l  120·54 27·39 20·27 27 ·02 15 20 26 ·66 15·78 19 ' 73 26 ' 31 15 · 68 _ _1_9_ ' 48 _ __25_·9_7~  I  ff~~ H·6·~ U·4B 13 · 3.3  r  I 18H-23 ' 98  1s ·'15 18 ' 51 18 ' 29  I 17· lt-!'01 p5  2.:,·64 25·31 25 24 ' 691 24 ·3!) I 23 24 '' 80 0!l  17'64  l  23 ·52  g::1 ,1:n~ 17 -04 16·85 "\6'/IB  I  22·72 21!·4'1 22-~  ~ (0  TABLE Purchase Price.  l I  91········ ......... 92······ ............ .. ..  I l¼ per I 2 per cent. / cent. / cent.  1 per  1  93·· · ................... 94········ · ·············· 95 .. , .. . .. . . .. ......  1 ·09 1 ·os 1·07 l '06 1 ·05 1 ·04 1 ·o.~ 1 ·02 1 ·01 1 ·99 '98 ·97 ·96 ·95 ·q4 ·93 ·1:12 '91 90  96·············· ·····1 1 97 ............... . .. .... 98··· · ··················· 99··········· ····· ...... 100······ ....... . .....  101 ··•······· ..... ··· · 10~·· · · ················ 103··· ··················· 104············ ·· ·········· 105 ····· ·· · ....... ········  ~····················1 107····"······ · ··· ······ 108··· ···· ······· ········ 109···· · ····"·• ··"· ····· 110· •- ........ ..... .......  ·gf::::::::::::::::::::::I 113 ..... . ......... . ...... . , 114······················· 115 ........... · ·· ····· .... 116···· ........ ····· 117 ······················ · 118 .. ······ · ·· ··· ········ 119···· · ················· · 120······ ········ · ···· · ··  1  "89 ·ss '87 '86 "86 "85  ·84 ·84  121············ ·· ····1  122·················· ·· ··· 123 ..................... . 12-l ·· · ................. ... 125 ······· ··· ............ 130 ... · .... ... ...... .... . , 135 ......... . ...........  HL::::::::::::::::::::: II 155 ...................... 160········• .... . .. .. . . ... 165 ... ....... ......... ....  H2::::::::::::::::::·'.:::I 180 .. ... . . .... · 1 185 ...................... 190·•········· ·· · ······· · 195 . .................... 200... · ···· · ····· ··· · · 210 . ......... ······· .... 220 .... ..... . · ·· · · · ······ 225 .. . ........... ... .. .... 230 ... ....... ........ .... 240 ... ......... ... . ... .... 250,....................... , 2'75 ........... ... ·················· 300 . . .......... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ·oo  1  '83 ·s2 ·st ·st ·so ·so 'i6 ·74 ·71 "68 '66 ·fi4 '62 '60 "58 ·57 ·55  I I  I I l  I  I I  I  I I  ·88 ·s5  I  ·s1 ·7g ·713 ·75 ·7t '68  I I  I I I  I I  I I  I  I I  ·oo  I  "54  ·52 ·51 '50 ·47 ·45 ·44 ·43 '41 ·40 '36 ·33  1 "ti4 1 "63 1 "61 1 ·5q 1 ·57 1 "56 1 ·54 1 ·53 1 '51 l '50 1 ·48 1 ·47 1 -45 1 ·44 1 ·42 1 ·41 1·40 1 ·33 1 ·37 1 ·a6 1 ·35 1 ·33 1-32 1 · 31 1 ·30 1 ·29 1 ·2s 1 ·27 1 ·25 1 ·25 1 ·23 1 ·22 1 ·21 1 ·20 1·20 1 · 15 1 ·11 1·07 1 · 03 1 ·96 ·93  ·sa  li6 "65 '62 ·50 ·54 ·50  I  I  I  I  I  2·rn 2·17 2· 15 2·12 2·10 2·os 2 06 2·04 2·02 2  1 '98 1 96 1 94 1 ·92 1·90 1·88 1 "86 1 85 1·sa 1 '81 1 ·so 1 "78 1·77 1 75 1 ·73 1 ·72 1 · 70 1 ·69 I ·68 1 "66 1 '65 l '63 1 · 62 t ·60 l "60 1 ·53 1·4s 1 ·42 1·37 1 ·33 1 ·29 1 ·25 1 ·21 1 · 17 1 ·14 1·11 1 ·08 1 05 1 ·02 1 ·95 ·9:i ·88 ·s6 "83 ·so ·72 '66  I 2¼ per I  I  I  I  I I I  I  I  I  I  I I I I  I I  I I  I  cent.  2·74 2·71 2·68 2·b5 2·63 2"60 2·57 2 ·55 2·52 2·50 2 47 2·45 2 42 2 ·4 0 2 "38 2· ;,5 2· 33 2·31 2·29 2·27 2 ·25 2 · 23 2 ·21 2·19 2 · 17 2·15 2·13 2·11 2 ·10. 2·os 2·06 2·04 2·03 2·01 2  1'92 1 -~5 1 ·1s 1 ·72 1 "66 1 ·51 1 ·55 l ·51 l 47 1 ·42 1 ·3s 1 ·35 1 ·31 1 ·2s 1 ·25 1 ·19 1 · 13 1·11 1 ·os 1 ·04 1 ·90 "83  3 per / 3½  I cent. 3 ·29 I 3·26 3 ·22  I I  I I  I I I I I  I  I  3· J9 3 ·15 3 · 10 3·09 3·06 3-03 3 2·97 2·94 2·i:11 2 ·88 2·s5 2·83 .2·80 2·77 2 75 2·72 2 70 2 67 2·65 2·63 2·60 2·58 2"56 2·54 2·52 2 50 2·47 2·45 2·43 2·41 2·40 2·30 2 22 2·14 2 ·06 2 1 ·!J3 1 ·s7 1 ·s1 1 ·76 1·71 1 "6fi 1 ·62 1 ·57 1 ·53 1 ·50 1 ·42 1 ·36 1 ·33 1 ·30 1 ·21; .~:20 1 ·09 1  PCI  j ceut.  I I  I I  I  I I I  I  I  I  I I I I I j  I  I  3"84 3 ·so 3·76 3·72 3 "68 3"64 3"60 3 · 57 3·53 3·50 3 46 3·43 3·; 9 3 36 3·33 3 ·30 3·2; 3 24 3·21 3·1s 3·15 3·12 3·Q!j 3'07 3·04 3·01 2·99 2"96 2·94 2·91 2·89 2 ·86 2"84 2 ·s2 2·so 2·59 2 ·59 2·50 2·41 2·33 2·25 2· 18 2·12 2·05 2 1 ·9.1 1 ·s9 1 ·s4 t·r,!)  1·75 1 "66 1· 59 1· 55 1 ·52 1 ·45 1 ·40 1·27 1'16  I  4 p er [ 4¼ per  I cent. 4 ·39  I  I  l I  I I  I  I  I  I  I I  I  I  I I I I  I I  4 -34 4·30 4 ·25 4·21 4"lfi 4·12 4·08 4·04 4 3 ·9fj 3 ·92 3·88 3·84 3-so 3·77 3·73 3·70 3·66 3'6.'3 0·60 3-57 3-54 3·50 3 ·47 3·44 3·41 3· 33 3·35 :') ·33 3·36 3·27 3·25 3·22 3'20 3"08 2·95 2·ss 2·75 2'66 2"58 2·50 2·42 2·35 2·28 2· · 2 2 ·rn 2·10 2·05 2 1 90 1 ·s t 1 ·77 1·73 1 "6fi 1 ·(jO l ·45 1 ·33  I  FOR 5 per  / cent.  [ cent.  4·94 4 "89 4 "83 4·78 1·73 4 "68 4 63 4 · 5~l 4-54 4 · 50 4·45 4·41 4"36 1 3~ 4"28 4·24 4·20 4·16 4·12 4 "09 4 · 05 4·01 3·!l8 3 ·94  5 ·49 5·43 5·37 5·31 5·26 5·~() 5·15 5·10 5·05 5 4"!i5 4·90 4"85 4 ·s o  I  I  II  l  I  I I  I I  I  I  I I I t  I  I  3-91  3 87 ::1·84. a·81  a 1s  3 "15 3 71 3 ·68 3·55 3·52 3·60 3·45 3·33 3·21 3 · 1U 8  2 ·\JO 2·p1 2 72 2"64 2·57 ;.! •50 2·43 2"36 2·30 2·25 2 · 14 2 ·0.1 2 1 ·97 1 87 1 ·so 1 ·6:~ 1 ·50  I  I  I  I I  l l  I I I  I  I  I  I  I I  I j  I  4·7;;  4" 'jJ 4"67 4·52 4·5s 4·54 4·50 4"46 4 ·42 4·3s 4 ·35 4·31 4·27 4·23 4·20 4 ·16 4·13 4·09 4"06 4-03 4 3·84 3·70 3·57 3·44 3·33 3·22 3·12 :3·03 2 ·94 2 ·s5 2·77 2·70 2·53 2· 56 2·50 2·3s 2 ·27 2·22 2 · 17 2 ·os 2 1 ·s1 1 ·66  INVESTORS  f 5¼cent. per I j  I  I I  I  I  I  I I I  I I  I  I  I I I I  6"04 5·97 5·91 5·s5 5·7s 5·72 5"67 5"61 5·55 5 50 5·44 5·39 5-33 5·2s 5·2.3 5"]8 ~ -14 5·09 5 ·01 5 4·y5 4·90 4·~6 4·82 4·7il 4·74 4"'i0 4"66 4·62 4· ns 4 ·54 4·50 4·47 4-43 4·40 4·23 4·07 3·92 3·79 3•f6 3 ·54 3·43 3· 3 ~ 2:1 !1·]4 :i·O;-, 2·97 2 89 2·s2 ?·75 2"61 2·50 2·44 2 ·;-19 2·29 2·20 ~  1 ·a.~  I  I  I  cent.  / cent.  6 "59 6"52 5·45 6'38 6 · 31 ti"25 6"18 6 "12 6"06 fl 5 !J4  7·14 7·06 6·98 6'9! 6"84 6 ·,7 6 •ti!) 6· (i3 ti"56 6·50 ;;·4:-1 6"37 6·31 6·25 ti· 1!)  I  l I t  s·as  I I I  II I I  I  I I  I  I  I I I I  I  (CONCLUDED).  6 per [ 6¼ per  5·s2 5·75 fi "71 5"ti(j  5·6;) f,·55 5·50 5·45 5"40 5·35 5·30 5·26 5·21 ;;· 17 5 ·12 5·os 5·04 5 4 ·95 4·91 4·g7 4 '83 4·so 4"61 4·.:j4.  4·2s 4·13 4 :1·8, 3·75 3·53 3·52 3·42 3·33 3·24 3·15 3·07 3 2 ·85 2·72 2·66 2"60 2·r,o 2 40 2·1s 2  I  l I  I Ii  I I  I I  l  I I I  I I I I I  7"69 7 •fi0 7 ·52 7·44 7·36 7·2!:J 7 21 7·14 7·0, 7 fi '!J3 ti·S6 6 ·79 6·72 6"66 ti till  6"],'j  6"0'; 6"01 5·96 5·90 5"85 5·so 5 · 75 5·70 r,·55 5·50 5·55 5 50 5"46 5·41 5· :17 5-32 5·2s 5·24 5·20 5 4·81 4·54 4·43 4·33 4·l!J 4·06 3 ·93 3·s2 3 71 3·tn 3·51 3-42 3·33 3·25 ,3.09 2·95 2·ss 2· 82 2 ·70 2 ·60 2·36 2·16  7 per cent.  I I I I I  I  6"54 6 ·48 6"42 6·36 6"30 6"25 6·19 fi·14 u·os ti•Oil  5 "98 5·93 5-ss 5·83 5·7g 5·73 5·fi9 5"65 5·50 5·3s 5·1s 5 4 ·8'2 4·66 4·51 4·37 4 ·24 4· 11 4  s·e  I  I I  3·7s 3·6-3 3·5s 3-50 ~-33 3 · ]8 3·11 3 ·04 :J ·91 2·so 2·54 2·33  I 7 3-10  Ipr cent. rj 7¼cent.per [.  I I  I I I I  I  I I  I  I  I I I I I I  I I  s·o2 7 ·93 7"84 7·75 7·68 7 ·60 7 ·52 7·45 7·37 7-30 7·22 7·15 7-os 7 ·01 6·95 6"8::! 6·fl2 (j·75 6·6;) 6"63 6 ·57 ti 51 6'4f. 6'40 6"34 6"29 6·23 6 ' 18 6·13 6·os 6 ' 03 5·98 5·9:3 5·88 5 -so 5"61 5 · 33 5·21 5 · 03 4"86 4·70 4·56 4·42 4"29 4·17 4·05 3-94 3"84 3·,9 3·65 :1 ·47 3·31 3·24 3·17 3·04 2 ·\,2 2"65 2"40  I I  I I I  I I  I I I  I  I  I I I j  l  l  8·24 8 · ]5 s ·o6 7·97 7·8!) 1·s1 7'"i3 7·55 7·57 7 · 50 7·42 7 ·35 7·2s 7 ·21 7 ·14 7·07 7. 6"94 6"88 6·81 6"75 6"69 6"63 5·57 6"52 6"46 5·41 5·35 0·30 (i•25 6"19 6 ·14 6 "09 6 · 04 6 5"76 5·55 5·35 5·17 5 4 "83 4·68  I  I I  I  I I I  I I  I I I  4·.:A,  ,-~ I <t·~j  4·1J 4 -05 3·!-14 3·84 3·75 3·57 3·40 3·33 3 26 3 ·12  I I !  3  2-7~ 2·50  I  !:l per I 8½ per I 9 per per cent. / cent. cent. 19½ cent. 8"79 &·fig s · 6o s·51 il-42 s-33 s·21 s·rn s·os 8 7·92 7·84 7"76 7 69 7 "6! 7·54 7-47 7 ·40 7·33 7·27 7·20 7·14 7·07 7·01 5·95 6"89 6"83 5·77 6"72 6"66 6"61 5·55 6"50 6"45 fi·40 6"15 5·92 5·71 5-51 5 ·33 5· 16 5 4·8 1 4-~o 4·57 4·44 4·32 4·21 4:10 4 3-so 3-53 3-55 3·47 :-1·33 3·20 2·90 2·66  I  I I I I I  I  I .I  I  I  I  I  I  I I I I I  9·:14 9 ·23 9·13 9 · 04 s -94 8"85 s·~6 8·67 8·58 s·50 8"41 8"33 s·25 8·17 s ·o9 8 01 7 94 7·37 7 79 7·72 7·55 7·5s 7 52 '? '45 7·39 ';'"32 7·26 7·20 7· 14  1·os  7·02 6·96 6 "91 6"85 6"80 6"53 6·29 6'07 5 ·86 5"66 5"48 5·:n 5·15 5 4·e5 4·72 4 -59 4 -47 4-35 4·25 4·04 3·86 3·77 3·59 3·54 3·40 3·09 2·s3  I I  I  I  I I I I I  I I I  I I I I  I  9·s9 9·,s 9 · 57 ~-57 9 ·47 9·37 9 · 27 9·J8 9 · 09 9 s·91 s·s2 s·7::: 8"65 s·57 8 4.Y 8 41 s·.~3 s-25 8·1s s -10  s-03 7·!16 7·89 1 ·s2 7·75 'i "69 7·62 7 ·55 7·50 7·43 7·37 7·31 7·25 7·20 6·92 6"66 6"42 6'20 6 5· s o 5·62 5·45 5·29 5·14 5 4"86 4·7:3 4 ·51 4·50 4"28 4·09 4 a -91 3 ' 75 ;J·60 3 27 3  10·44 10 ·32 10 ·2[ 10 · 10 10  I  9·S!J 9-79 9 ·69 9·59 9·50 9 ·40 9 · 31 9 ·22 9·13 9·04 8·!J6  s·s1  I  I I I I  I  I I I  I  I  I I  8·79 8·71 8·63 8"55 8"48 s·40 s-33 8·26 8·18  8 -,1 s·o5 7 ·9s 7·91 7·85 7·1s 7·72 7·(;6 7·60 7·30 7·03 6"78 6·55 6"33 b"l2 5 · 93 5·75 5·53 5· 42 5·27 5·13 5 4·87 4·75 4·52 4·3! 4 · 22 4·13 3·90 3 ·80 3·4:; 3 ' 16  per 1 11 per I 12 er I 15 per [ 20 per cent. II 10cent. I cent. I cent. I cent. l 12·os 10·98 1:-ns lti•48 10·86 11 ·95 13 ·04 · 21 ·7;~ rn·3o 10·75 I 11 ·s2 12·90 l 16·12 I "Tl 21 · 50 10"63 11 ·70 12·76 15·95 I 10';i2 I 11 ·57 I 12·6:-J I 15·,s 2121 ·27 ·ob 10 ·41 11 ·45 12·50 15 ·72 20·83 10·30 l 11 ·3i 12·37 15 "46 2()·61 11 · 22 12·24 I 15·30 I 20 ·40 I 10·:w·10 11·11 15·15 20·20 .I 1110·s9 I 12·12 I 1010H·90 12 15 2J I I 11·ss 14"85 1  I  I I I I  I I  9· 80 9-70 9·61 9 ·52 H-4:3 9·34 9 ·25 9·17 9 ·09 9 8·92 8·84 8'77 8"69 s·1n 8'54 s·47 8 40 8"33 8 "2ti  ··rn I 10·73 ]0 ·67 I 11·55 10 ·57 11 ·53  I I  I I I  I  s· rn  I  I I I I  I  I I  I I  s·rn s ·o6 8 7 · 59 7·40 7 14 6 "89 6 ·66 6"45 fi·25 6·06 5'88 5·71 5 ·55 5·40 5·26 5·13 5 4"76 4-54 4-44 4·84 4·16 4  :-J·M 8'3-'3  f  11  I I  I I II I  l I  10·47 10·37 10·2s 10·18 10·09 10 9·90 9 ·31 9·73 9 · 64 9"56 9·48 9 ·40 9·32 9·24 9·15 !J"09 9·01 8'94 s·s1 s·so s·41j 8'14 7·85 7'58 7·33 7"09 6"87 6"66 6"47 6"28 6· ]l 5·94 o·78 5·64 5-50 5·23 5 4"88 4 ·7g 4"58 4 -40 4 3"66  I 1111 ·4232 I  I I I I  I  I  I I I I  11 ·21 11 ·11 11 10 90 10 ·81 10·71 10"61 10·52 10·43 10·34 10·25 10 "16  10·08 10  !-J·9t 9·83 9·,6 9·67 9·60 \)"23 8'88 s ·57 8·27 8 7·74 7·50 7·27 7 · 05 6 "85 (i ·6fi 6 ·48 6·31 6 · 15 6 5·71 5·45 5·33 5 ·21 5 4·so 4·35 4  I I  I  I  I I I I  I I  I  I  I I  I  14 ' 70 · 14"56 14 42 14 ·2il 14· 15 14'01 ]3·88 13·76 13·53 13·51 13 ·39 13 27 13·15 13-04 12 ·9:3 12 ·s3 12·71 12 "60 12·50 12 "3\:I 12·29 II 12·]9 12 · 09 12 11 ·53 1: · 1L 10·11 10 ·34 10 9·ti7 9·37 9·09 s·s2 8"57 s·33 s·10 7·1:9 7 ·59  I  I I  I I I I I  I I I I  I I  I  7·t,O  7· 14 6"81 (i·66 6·n2 6 ·25 0  5 -45 5  I  1\J·So l'.J"60 ,9·41 19·23 Hl ·04 J8·SS 18"ti9 18 5! 1s·34 18 ·1 s 18 01 17"85 l7·6S 17"54 17"39  17'24  r;-·o~ 16 · 94,  16·80 16"66 15 ·52 16"39 16"26 16·1~ 16 l5·38 14 "81 H·28 13-7g u1·33 12·90 12·50 12 ·12 lt ·76 11 · 42 .lil· 11 1o·s1 10 52 10·25 10 9·52 9·W S·Sfs. 8·69 s·3a  I7  -  6"66 I · 7"27  ~  ~ t;, ~ C ~  ~ ~ ~ ~  C  ~  ~  STOCK SPEOULATIO~ STOCK  83  SPECULATION.  Specu1ative transactions, as distinguisned from regular investment dealings, are those conducted on "margins/' and m which the operator does not pay or receive the actual price of the stocks bought or sold, but simply places a sufficient margi.i in the ha.nus of his broker (usually 10 per cent of the par value) to protect the latter against loss from fluctuations in the price. A party who purchases stocks in anticipation of a rise, but pays the actual price thereof, is not, according to the usual acceptation of the term, engaged in speculation. It shouid be clearly understood that the ultimate responsibility in stock operations is with the customer. He runs the rif1k of the failure of his own broker; nor can he hold him responsible for losses occasioned by the fraud or failure of others with whoil' he had made contracts. The broker stands in the position of an agent acting for his principal. It is, therefore, hardly necessarl to rflmark upon the in;iportance of dealing through brokeri who have both integrity and pecuniary resp,onsibility. The great central point in. stock ~peculatioa, $.l.bout which. the whole business revolves, is the fact that on the purchase or sale of the usual amount of 10:) shares of stock, representing a par value of $10,000, each fluctuation of 1 per cent from the purchase price occasions a. gain or loss of $WO, and this iP the same whether the purchase is at a price above or below par. Next comes the question of interest, which is charged on the actual amount that the stock costs, plus the broker's commission for buying, and is usually at the rate of 6 per cent to customers, though higher rates are charged when the money market is in such a condition that money for carrying stocks commands higher figures. Prior to the repeal of the Usury Law as pertaining to call loans in New York (by the Act of 1882), it was customary in times of monetary stringency to charge commissions for obtaining loans, which commissions varied from 1-64: to 1 per cent a day, and were a very severe tax on stock operators. Subsequent to the question of interest is that of commissions, which are fixed in speculative transactions at t of 1 per cent on the par value of the stock, amounting to $12 50 for buying 100 shares of stock and the same for stlling, thus making the cost of one "turn" in stocks just $25. The Stock Ex.change does not allow any transactions to be made by its members for outsiders at less thau ¼commi:;sion. Dividends paid during the pendency of a contract always go to the nominal of the stock. 'fhe whole class of stock operations ordinarily carried on in New York may be classified as follows : 1. Buying for a rise, or going "long" of stocks. 2. Selling for a decline, or going "short" of stocks. 3. Buying or selling as above, but on "options." 4. Buying or selling "privileges," generally known as "puts." "calls" and "spreads." The last-named are not recognized by the New York Stock Ex.change. 1. Buying for a rise is by far the most ordinary transaction with non-professional speculators. In this case the customer usually deposits $1,000 in his broker's hands as a 10 per cent ' "margin" on 100 shares of stock which he order! to be purchased, and which his broker holds or "carries" for him until ordered to sell the same, or until the margin is about exhaustec!. fo the latter case, if the customer, on request, fails to put up more margin, the broker is at liberty to sell the ~tock immediately, and charge him with the lo:,s, if any. Interest is charged the customer on the purchase price, with buying commission added, usually at 6 per cent, as long as the stocks are carried. In case of a tight money market the broker is entitltld to charge his customer any additional price which money actually commands for carrying the stocks. A party carrying stocks for a rise is said to be ''long" of the market, or a "bull." ~- Selling for a decline, or going "short" of stock~ (being a "bear''), is also a very common transaction, and is simply the opposite of buying, as above, except that the seller, not having the stock, is obliged to borrow it for present delivery, and take the :!.'isk of buying it back at a future day, to return to the lender. Aside from the ordinary fluctuations of the market, the chief risk ln thus "relling short" is in the chance of a "corner" ia the stock in case a clique get control of it and forcA prices up to extraordinary This is a rare operation, but has at times been effected in the ~ew York market with disastrous consequences to those who were "short" of the cornered stocks. As a general rule, nothing is paid for the use of the stock; but in ~aee it is scarce, a consideration has to be paid for the use from day to day. Margins and commissions are the same as above. • • 8. Buying or selling on "options" is a transaction in which the purchaser or seller, as the agreement may be, bas the option to ~all for or tender the stock at the price named, at any time within the period limited by the contract; but the Stock Exchange does uot recognize contracts running over 60 days. Thus a party anticipating a rise in stocks purchases 100 shares, "buyer 80," or on his option to call for the delivery of the stock at any time within 30 days, at the price named; this price is uFJually somf'what ibove the current price at th~ time. If a decline in stocks is expected, 1t ·sale is simi larly made "seller 80," or at seller's option to ieliver at any time within 30 days at the price named, and the price is usually more or less below the market at the time. In purchases on buyer's option (for u.ny time over three days) the buyer is charged with interest on the price of the st:>ck up to the time he calls for it. In sales at seller's option the Reller is credited with interest on the price of the stock till he chooses to tender it. Interest in either case is at 6 per cent, according to a rule of the Stock Exchange; and at the end of the optional period the seller is obliged to deliver, and the buyer to receive, the stock, if the contract has not previoUBly been closed. Margins and commissions are the same as above. 4. Stock privileges, or "Puts," "Ca.Us," and "Spreads" or "Straddles," as they are commonly called, contracts entitling the holder to receive or deliver ctJrtain stocks at any time within a period limited (usually 80 or 60 days) and at a price therein specified; in the case of" spreads" the privilege is either to receive or deliver. A certain cash price is paid for the contract by the purchaser, and Ms entire liability in the transaction is limited to that amount; and, as the question of interest does not enter into the matter. the uncertainties of the money market need not be taken into consideration. The amount paid for a 100 share privilege is generally $100 for 80 days, and $150 to $200 for 60 days, and for double privileges a larger amount. The variance from the current market price at which privileges on different stocks are sold vaties widely, according to the character of the stock named and the condition of the market at the time. A "Put" entitles the holder to put or deliver stock to the signer thereof, within the time and at the price therein namect, and the contract reads substantially as follows: NEW YORK, - - - -. 1S-.  FoR VALUE RECEIVED, the bearer may deliver me One Hundred ShR.res of the t1tock of the - - Railroad Comp!lllY, at the price of per cent, any time in thirty days from date. 'lhe undersignod is entitfod to all dividends declared during the time. (Signed) --- --·  A "Call" entitles the holder thereof to call for or demand stock from the signer thereof, according to the terms specified, and reads about as follows: N11:w Yonx.-- -, lb-. FoR VALUE RECEIVED, the bearer may call on me for One llundred Shares of the Stock or the - - - Railroad Company, at the price of per cent any time ih thirty days from date. 'l'he bearer is entitled to all dividends declared during the time. (Signed) - - - -.  .l ''Spread" is a double privilege, and entitles the holder either to deliver to, or demand from, the eigner thereof, the stocks named in it, according to the terms of the agreement. If the prices named in both cases are the same, then it jg known as a "Straddle.'' The contract reads substantially as follows: NEW Yonx, - - -, 18-. Fott VALUE R:e:c:&tVED, the bearer may call on the utl.dersigned for One J!fundred Shares of the Stock of the - - Company, at - per cent, any time in tblrty days from date. . OR THE BEARER MAY put or deliver the same 1tock to the undersigned, at - per cent, any time within the period named. All diVidends declared during t,he time are to go with the Stock in either cazse. lC%pires - - -, 18-. (Signed) - - --.  To the purchaser of "Putli," "aLlls, 11 or" Sprlad.e" ill.ere ia ao llabWtr to loH berond the am\)UDi paid in cuh for the contraci· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  UNITED  STATES  PRICES  FROM  1860  TO  SECURITIES. 1887,  INCLUSIVE.  The debt of the United States in 1860 was only $64,842,287, and from that point it steadily rose with the issue of bonds and Treasury notes for war purposes until it reached $2,773,236,173 on the 30th of June, 1866, which was the maximum amount at the close of any fiscal year. From that point there was a steady decline. The following is a statement of outstanding princ_ipal of the public debt of the United Sta 1 es on the 1st of January of each year from 1793 to 1~43, inclusive, and on the 1st of July (at the close of each fiscal year) since J 844 1 inclusive. In the year 1870 and subsequently, the totals given are the net amount of debt and interest, less the balance of coin and currency in the Treasury, as reported in the public debt statement on the 30th of June in each year. This method has been adopted as showing most clearly the actual increase or decrease in the public debt from year to year, and will generally be considered the most satisfactory. Bonds issued to the Pacific railroads were not included in the statement prior to 1885, as these were assumed to be a conditional indebtedness for which tbe Government holds security in the shape of second mortgage liens on the several roads ; but, under the new administration, in 1885 the form was changed, and the bonds issued to the Pacific railroads were included as part of the public debt,, while the f ractional si lver coin in the 'rreasury was charged off as an asset unavailab'e; on account of this change n the fo rm of statement, the debt on July 1, 1885, appeared as about $35,000,000 greater than on July 1, 1884, and nea ·ly $100,000,000 g reater than if stated in the old form, by which the net debt would have been $1,386,555,527 on July 1, 1885, $1,293,272,561 July 1, 1886, and $1,185,739,208 July 1, 1887.  ll2e~  Am~unt_._  1793 .. . $80,35·' ,P34 11-09 .. . 1810.. . 1794 . . . 7 8 ,407,404 ] 81 1. . . 179!'> .. . 80.747,587 }796 .. . 83.762,172 1812 . . . 1 , 9 7 .. . 82,064,479 1813.. . 1 8 U. 1'798 .. . 79,2 . 8, 29 78,408,H HH 18lf> .. . 1799 . . !-11,971>.294 1xl6 .. . 1800. 83,0::38 050 ]817 . . . lt-01. 1818 .. . 180.! . . 80,712 632 1 819 .. . 1~03 . . . 7 7,0 4,6!:S6 l x20 .. . 1~04.. . 8 H,427 1 nl) i;12,::n2.150 )8 t•!i .. 1821.. l l'-22 .. . 1806 .. . 75,7'2. 27u 69 .:. 18 ;:$:/1.) 1823 .. . 1807 .. l8U8 ... 6il, 1 l:16,:H 7 11 182-1 .. .  $57,023,192 ; 8 .1 - 3 .217 4R.005,587 45,2119, 7;.;,7 f>5,962.R27 8 l ,4,-7.R4 6 99,803,660 127 .:~34.!:13:i 12 3.49 I .!•ti5 1 ::l,46fl.6 3 95.5:!9.648 91.0lfl,566 89.Pt!7 427 ~•3 546.fl76 90,87:');8,7 ~t0,2 9. ; 77  Year.  Amount.  Year.  ~~ 1  Amount.  1825 ... $~ :-{, 7F 8.4 32 1s2r. •.. 81,054.0 ;, 9 1g21 .. . 'i3.!-lR7,3:')7 1828 .. . 67.475,043 lR 9 .. . 5!-l ,421.413 1830.. . 48,f>f\!',,4fl 6 lx3L. .. 39 .123,191 lR32 .. . 24,322,285 7,001,698 1838 .. . 4,760,0>- 2 1834.. . ;!7, :'1 13 lfl:J5 .. . 33fi,957 183ti .. . rn:-n .. . 3.308.124 10,434,221 183 ➔ •.• 3,!\~8.343 1889 .. 1--40. . 5,2 7'0,875  Amount.  1841. .. ~l::l.5 <l4,480 1 ~42... 20,601,226 ] 848... 82,74"1,9 .22 1844... 23 461.6 2 1845... 15,925 30 l 1"'46.. lR M0,202 J 847... 3R 826 534 184 8... ll 7 044 ,8fl2 1849... 6 ::J.06 1,8:'18 18f1 0... 6:~.4 ° 2.773 J Rill... . 6!-l,30~ ,7H6 1852... 66,199.3-H ) 8?3 .. · 1 5!l.R(l ?. , It 7 J 8 • 4... 42 .24 ~.222 185. .. . 35.5 F6,95fl l 8 ?> 6 . . 31,P':'2,537  Year. 1857.. . 1858 .. . 1%9 .. . lRfl0 •. . 1861... l>-6'2 . . 1863. 1864 .. . lRttn .. . 18fi6 . . . lfl67 . . . 1868 .. . 1><1-9 .. . 1870. . 1~71. .. 1872 ..  Year.  Amount. $28, r 9~.Fi:n 44,911,8Rl 58 498,8:n 64.812.~87 9<',5·0,873 524.176,412 1, 1111,772, 138 1,Rl5,7R4.370 '2,R><0 ~47 .8fH~ 2 .773 236,173 2 678,128.103 2 611,fl87,i;l5} 2 .5 · 8.452,2 I :J 2 .B86,358.fi99 '2,292,030,834 2, 191,486,~4:{  Amount. $2,14 ,81 8,713 2, 143,08 ,241 2,12k.68~.726 '2,099.439,341 2 ,060,l e1 8,223 2,u3fl,7R6.831 2,017,'207.265 l,!:\42, 172,295 l, 840.f>98,8 l l l,R88,9 l 1 ,460 1,551,091,207 1 ,450,0!iO, ·,rnr, 1 ,..i 8fi,234,150 l ,3 " 9,13ti.383 1,279,428, 7='17  1873 .. . ]874 .. . 1875. 1no .. . 1R ~7 .. . 187R. . ] fl79 ..  1880 ... 1881. .. l !:<8 2 .. 18i;l3 . . . 1884.. . ]88!i .. 1886 .. . 1887 .. .  UNITED STATES DEBT STATEME~T DECEMBER 31, 1887. The fellowing js the official statement of the public debt as it appears from the books and Treasurer's returns at tbe cl0rn of businE>ss on the day of DPcember, 1887, according to the new form adopted April 1, l 885. RECAPITULATION.  INTEREST-BEARING DEBT.  Character of Issue.  Amount Outst anding.  Inter•,  P'y'ble ,. Regt,stered.. $  CotllJ)On. $  ~s ••. .••• 1891. Q.-M. 19t,IJ56,05'l 3>3,58 ',!550 4s ... . ... .. l 007. Q.-J. 6z0,1Jl,U5U 112,310,450 refd~.certfs. Q.-J. . ........................ . Sa. pension J.&J . . . .. .... . ................ . Pu.cltlc Rl{s ... J.&J. *M.623,512 . ... .. ..... .  u  Total.  Int. Due Accrued &Unpaid. Interest.  ---- --- --$  $  230.5H,600 73t,442,I0O 151,53 • 14.000,000 *64,62::1,512  $  417.389 864,5i2 9 73,i l7 7,324.421 51,520 1,5 15 210,0 0 210.000 9.98~ 1.Sl~",0:-05  • 2, matures Jan. 16, 1895; $640,000 Nov.1.1895; $.'l,680.000 Jan. 1, 181'6 f4,S~o. ooo t<~eb. 1, u;95; $Sl,712,000 Jan. 1, 1897; $29,904,952 Jan.1, 1898; $14,004,5ti0 Jun. I, 1899. ·  DBJBT ON' WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED SINCBJ MATURITY. Allllrep:ate of debt on which interest has cea11ed since maturi ty is $::l,16~.955;, due and ,mpaid 1,hereon, $l7il,892. This debt consists of a number of itemR of which th e prmcipal amounts are called bonds, the prlncipa.J item being $1,230,100 called S µer cents of the loan of July, 1882.  .A.mount. $57,105 846,681,0ltl  Old demand notes ..••. ••• ..•....• •. ••.•••.••• .•••...•.•.• Le11al-tender notes ... •.•.. .•• ••.•••..••.....••....•..••.. Certifl.cates of deposit ....• . . .•........•...•...•.•••.... Less amount held In Treasurer's cash .......... . . Gold certificates ........................................ . Less amount held in Treasurer's cash • .•••••••.• Silver certltlcates. .••. . •• . ... .. ... .•. . . ..•...••.•••. • . Less amount held In Treasurer's •••• .••... Fractional currency.... . , . . . • . . . . • . • • • • . • •. . . , ....... . Less amount estimated as lost or destroyed ••••  7,115,000 180,0006,985,000 127,744,451 31.010.39-1- 96,734,057 183, JIJ!,9>13 6,3311,570- 176,855,428 1513lb,148 8,375,9346,942,214  Aggregate of debt bearing no interest • .. ..••..••  '634,2M,815  Interest.  Total. ----  Cnterest-be11.rtniz debt . . ... .. •. ... Uebt on which int. has ceased . •• Debt bearing no Interest . .•  .....  $ 1,041,761.742 8,163,955 634,254,815  12.001.801 178,392  ......... .. .....  1,053,768,543 3,841t,347 634,2"4.815  Tot11.l debt,........... . .. .......  l,fl79,l"0,5 12  12.180.193  l,691,3H0.:05  $  $  t...ess ca!lh Items available for reduction ot the debt ... $295,919.444 Less reserve held for redemption of U. S. notes ..••.. 100,000,000  895,1119,424  Total debt, less available cash items...... ••. .•••...•. .... .... .. . "let cash In the Treasury ..............................................  l,21l5,441,28l 69,842,879  Debt, less cash in the Treasury, January 1, 1888. .. •. . .• . . . .. . . . . . Debt, less cash in the Treasury, December 1, 1887 ..... .•.•. •••...  1,225,598,401 1,240,183,052  Decrease of debt durinll the month .....•...••..•.•.••• :......... ... Decrease of debt since June RO, 1887... . .... . ....................... .  14,5'!4,6:'i0 53,830,335  •  PACIFIC RAILROADS.  Int. 1•epaid, by C(nnpanies. Balance B m... By pay- of Inter'st pnid, by y .,-,an,of Railway. ,,,.,, th u s portation m'ts: 5 p. c. paid by Stam.:iing. yet paid. e • · Service. net earnings. the U. S • Nam~  DEBT BEARING NO INTEREST. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Princtpn,l.  Interest Pr·incipa;, accrued Outa- .. not  -----1  $  $  ----1 - ----1----~ ·$ $ $ $ 29,flM,984 7,64·!,058 31,494,613 1,938,808 2,141, 183 1,855,094  5,574,932 3,563,485 11.2123,'382 819,b32 P,8U7 134,573  658,283 438,409 6,926  21,431,767 4,078,567 19,532,871 1,607,048 2,131,'U6 1,720,520  Totals •... 64,6i3,51~ 1,938,705 74,731,7::JU  21,126,024  1,103,6l9  52,5'I02,092  Can. Paciflc. 25,885,120 Kan. Pacific. 6,303,000 Uni'n Pacific 27,23tt,!'il2 Cen. Br. U.P. 1,600,0011 West . Pacific l,970,5R0 Sioux C.&P. 1,6~,320  776,553 189,090 817,095 48,000 69,116 48,849  In~rest  ----  The sinking funds held ($9,016,650 bonds and $154,436 cash) $9,171,086, of which $2,819,905 was on aooount of Co.1tral Pacific and $6,351,181 on account of Union Pacific.  Ulvl'IE.D PRICES  SPATES OF  SECURITIES.  UNITED  In the following tables are shown the monthly highest and lowest prices of United States Government Securities for the twenty-eight years from 1860 to 1887, inclusive. At the beginning of this period, which was just before the war of the rebellion, the total debt of the Government was merely nominal, and the five per cents due in 1874, and having then about fourteen years to run, fluctuated in the year 1860 from 99¼ in January to 104½ in June (before interest payment), and to 89 in December, when the political excitement was at fever heat. Then followed the war period till April, 1865; thence the period of speculation till September, HH3; thence the period of recuperation, till the resumption of specie payments on  STATES  BONDS.  January 1, 1879, and the subsequent funding of the maturing bonds into new bonds at 4½, 4, 3½, and finally in 18~2 into 3 per cent bonds payable at the option of the Government. The range in prices of Government bonds during all those years is in some measure a key to the financial history of the country. In December , 1883, the 4s of 1907 sold at 125¼, e;x: interest In 1884 the highest price was 124½, in March, and the lowest 118½, in May, &c. In 1885 the highest price was 124%, in December, and the lowest 121 %, in April. In 1886 the high1::st price was 129%, in December, and the lowest 123, in January. In 1887 the highest price was 129.%, in March and May, and the lowest was 12i½, in September, October and December.  1S60. J.ANU.An;y  SECURITIES.  FEBR'RY.  MARCH,  MAY.  APRIL.  --- - - - ----  JUNE,  JULY.  AUGUST  OCTOBEU. NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  SEPT'BER  Low.Higl1 Low.High Low.Higli Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hi!?h Low.High  - --·- -  ---- ----  ---- - - -  U. S. 6s of 1868, coup .. .. 106½-107 106 -107¼ 106½-107¼ 108 · -108¼ 1108¾--109½ 108 -108 108 -109 109 -109¼ 108 -108½ 107¾-107¾ .... - . ... 96 - 90 92 - OS 09¼-100 90¼-100½ 100½-102}4 102 - 102¾ 102%-103 100)/4-100¾ 101 -102 102 -102 102 -102½ 93 - 08 U. S . as of 1865, COUl>,.,. 98 -100 u. s. as of'l87'4, COlllL ... 00¼-100½ 100¾-100½ 100;}-;- 101¾ 103 -1037,(:103 -103¾ 103¾-104½ 101%-102 102 -103 102;!~-103¼ 102½-103 95 -103 89 - 05  1861. 98 -100  U.S. 6sof1868, coup .... U . S. 6s of1881, coup . ... U . S. 5sof1865, coup .... u. s. as of187'1, coup .... U.S. 5sof187'4, coup ....  .. .. - .... 90¾- 92 91 - 93 92 - 97  94 -100 93:¼- OS¼ 86 - 91 87½- 91 85 - 03½  95 - 95½ 1)5 91 - 94 84½89 - 92 91 ... . .... 85 75 85 - 90  -  1)5  86 - 95 ~-89 01¾ 85 - 86 78 - 80 85 89½ 75¼- 79  88 83 85¼75¼75 -  94  90 85 8BU 79 78Y.  87 85¼86 77¼76 -  90 90¾ 89 80 82  87¼- 90 88 87¼- 89¾ 89¼86 :85 - 87 . ... - . ... 79½79¼78)4- 81  90 01¾ 87¾ 81 81  90 - 90  07 - 98  f2 - 92  91¼- 9;:i¾ 93,½- 95¼ 89 - 98½ 87¼- 89 81½- 85 81¼- 8tl  86¼- 88½ 82%- 83 79 - 83  87½- 80 82½- 86 83 - 86  1862. CJ. !ii. 6s of 1868, coup . ... U . . ·. 6sof1881, coup .... U.S. 5sof1S65, coup .... U . . ·. 5sof1871, con1> .... U, ~. asof187'-1, COU}>.... U. :,,. 6s, certificates .. .... T'. H. 7' 3-10 notes ........  85 - 90  00 87½- 01¾ 88½85 - 86½ 86¾79½- 80 79 78 - 80¾ 78½-  02 93 90 80 85  02½- 95 92¾- 94¾ 90¼- 98 88 - 88 85 - 88 .... - .... .... - . .. . 97 - 9i 98 - 99% 99¼-100 07¼- 98  94 - 97 97¼-102 103)/4-107¼ 92¼- 98 97¾-105½ 105½-107¼ 92 - 92½ 93¼- 97 93 - 99 .. .. - . ... 93 - 96 06½- 97 89¼- 90 95¼- 97½ 86%- 90 96¾-- 90 99 -100¼ 100),,§-100¼ 99¼-101½ 102¼-105¾ 104¼-106¼  96½-100 96¼-103 1:)0 - 02 86½- 86¾ 85 - 91 98 - 00 99 -105¼  1  96½- 99½ 96½-100 103 -103¼ 98½;-101¾ 99 -102½ 102 -104¾ 90 - 97 88¾- 00 89 - 91 02½- 03 85 - 01 88 - 91¾ 01 · - 94 08¼- 99% 08)4- 90¾ 98½- 99¾ 102½;-105½ 102¾-104¾ 103 -103  04-IJ4104-0,  )  I  101½-102 102 -102 103 -104½ 102)4-104¾ 97 - 97 95 - 95 91¾- 92~ 01½- 03 91¼- 92½ 97¼- 99¾ 94¾- 07¾ l.03½-105¾ 100½-104¼  I  .  1863. U. S. 6s of 1881, coup ... .'S, as of 1865, COU}> ... U . S. 5s of 1874, con1>... U . S. 6s, goldcertificates U. ~- 6s, cu1·rent ce1·ts ... U . S. 7' 3-lOs, A. & 0 .. .. U.S. 7' 3-lOs, F. & A .. ..  ,.  91¼- 93 [ 93¼-102½j100¼-105½ ... . - . . . C6 - 99 991/,r 99¼ 86 - 90 85½- 97}{ 94 - 98¼ 94¾- 97¼ 937/4- 99 OS¼-100¼ .... - ........ - .. .. 06;i-100½ 100 -108 101¾-105)< 104¾-107¼ 102½- 103 102½-104Y, W2}t;-107  1--""•r,,._10"' 107¼-110 I"'' -10, 11..~w'" .... - .. .. 95¼- 98¼ 99¼-102 !J8 _ _ 104½-106 104 -107  l06 -107 1106l(-l11J¾ 108'(-110,! 104 -106 106 -108½ 104½-105 105 -105 .. .. - ........ - .... 117 -125 97 - 98 08¾-100 07 - 100 96½-101 97 - 97 0 '¼-100¼ l(JO -100 101 -102 100¼-101:¼ 98½-101¼ 100 -101¾ 101 -101!},i 101%-102}{ 08 -102¾' •• _ ...,. ,, _ .."' ,,,,_ ll9¼- 9')< 99¼- 90%1 09 - 09½ 08¼- C9 106 - 107½ 103½,-107¼ 105 -107 105¾-107¼ 100½-107¾ 105¼-108~ 105¾;-107% 106¾-109 107 -107½ 105½-107¼ 105½-107¼ 105 -106½1100 -108 106 -107¼ 1  105¼-110124 -127 08 -100½ 101¾;-102}4' 08 - 98¼ 106½-106¼ 106½-107¼  1864.  . s. 6s of 18 U. U. U. U.  S. ~. 8. ~.  1, COU}> ... 5 -'lOs, coupon ...... 10-40s, coupon ..... 7' 3 - lOs, A. & 0 .... 1 yea1.· certificates.  I  104 -107 106¾-111½ 111¼-113¼ 113 -118 101½-104¼ 103¾-107  113 -115 !111 -114 J102 -106% 104¾-109¾ 106¼-109 105¼-10'71,4 101 -106¾ 101½-109 106¾-113 105 -111¾ 103 -103Y. 05 - 119 106¾-107~ 107¾-111 111 -113 108¼-115 107 -112 107 -112 07¾- 08,½; 07¼- 00:!,( 99¼- !?9¼ 97¾- 99¼ 98¼- 98½ 92¾- 98¾ 03 - 96)4 93¾- 9:'i~ 03 - 95  .... - ....  101 05 :nt. ... .... :rn"'i' .... ....  ioo,.:1;2· jios :1io· ·[ios,.:10;;;  104½-106¾!106¼-113 112%-118 106½-108½ 100½-107¼ 106¼-110 02,h- 90½1 O! - 09¼ 98/2'.-102¼ 104 -108-):! 107 -124 116¼-122~ 94¼- 95½1 93 - 98 96 - 977/4  1S66.  u. s. 6s of 1881, COUJ) ... U.S. U.S. U.S. U . ~U. S.  5-20s, coupou ... ... 5-20s, new, coup .. 10-4-0s, coupon ..... 7' 3-l O uotes . ... .... 1 year certificates.  109½-112¾ 109½-111¼ 100).s-110 108%-112 106½-110 108 -111 100½-102¾ 100%-102¼ 114 -119 115 - 116:½: 96%- 98 97¼- 98>{  103¼-111¼ 105 -110¾ 104:);{-111¾ 105¾-109¼ 100¾-110:¾§ 105¼-109¾ 89)4-102¾ 91½- 97¾ 114 -114½ - ... 96½- 98¾ 98%- 99,{  ....  .  108½-110¾ 102¼-107 102½-1013 94¼- 979{ 99½- 09'.l'.{ 99 - 99½:  I  108¾-110½ 1106¼-108¾ 106 -107¼ 107¼-108¼ 102 -104)4 103%-106 . 105¼-106¼ 105%-108¼ 103 -104 103%--105¾ 104 -105 105 -lOG¾ 93 - 98),fi 93¼- 041/. 04¾- 97¾ 96%- 98 99½- 99% 99½-100 98¼- 99% 98 - 99~ 99%- 99% 9i%- 99¼ 97½- 98¾ 98½- 90  106¾-108:¼ 101\)4-103¼ 101 -103 02½-- 04Y 97 - 991/. 9i¾- C9%  105¼-1011¾ 106¾-108}.! C0};-103 100 -105¼ 98¼-1011/. co -102¼ so;,!- 0211. 90%- 1)5 95¾- 00 OC¼- 98¼ 06)4- 9i1,-. 97¼- 98¾  1S66. 1  U. S . 6!ei of 1881, coup ... U. S . 5 -20s of1862 . . ..... u. s. 5-20s of 1864 . .. · ... u. s. 5 -20s of1865 .. .'. ... U. S .10-40s .. .... ... ...... . U, S . 7' 3-10 notes, 1st ... U . S . 7' 3-10 notes, 2cl.... U . !ii.,- 3-10 notes, 3«1....  103¾-104% 1103¾-104¼1104}4-105¼ 104¾-108½\107 -109½ j109¼-110%l106¼-110 \109½-113¼i110¾-112 j~ll½-ll.3¼ 1112 -114¾\1091¾-118¼ 1 102¾- 105 1102¾--103¾ 103 -104¾ 1r 3¾-106¾ 100¾--102¼ 101½-104-)sll04¼-108% 108)4-113.¾ 107"'),f--112½ 1111%-115)4 l0i½-110}l 105Yu-108¼ 1 101¼-102¼ 102 -103¾:1027,i-104¼;1o3¾-l05% 10l¾-102¾:lo2 -103¾ 1103¾-106 1105½-110 j1os -109½,109¾-111 1105;},!-107¾ 104¼-107 101½-102¼ 101%--103¼1108 -104¼1104 -106 lOlx(.-102¾1102¼-108¼ 103½-106¼1106 -100,¾ 107¾-100% 100 -111¾ 105¾-109¾ 104¼-107¾ 92¼- 93¾ 93¼- 94¾ 90 - 02¾ 91¼- 9(l½ 04 - 96½ 95¾- 97¼J 97¼- 09 09 -1031:l' I 0'71/2-100;<£1 CO!,-J-100¼ 1 99½-100¾ 99 -100¼ 9S¼- 99¾ 00½;- 99¾ 99½-100¼ 100 -102 100½-102¾ 102 -108¾i103 -104½ 104 -107¾ ,105½-107½i1C6 -107 105 -108½ 104 -10~4 1 1 97%- 09¾ 98%- 90% 99¼-100¼ 99¼101 -102% 102 -103¾ 103 -104½ 104 -106!)4105½;-106¾ 1l05%--lC6x( 104 -1061/, 103%-10~ 97:V- 09 00 - 99¼ 99 -100¼ 99%100¾-102¾1102 -108;8'103 -104¼ 1104 -106%'105 -l06½ 105¼-106y.('i04 -107¼ 104 -10  1867. U.S. 6s of 1881, co•1'··· 1106¼-108¾ !0'1¼-110¾ 108¾-110¼ 1087/4-llO}ifll0½-112 1111%-113:¼1109 -110¾ 1110¼-112½;,110)1;-112¼ U, S. :i-20s of '62, coup. 106)4-108 107:k(-111¾ 108%-111 110¾-lll¼l 107 -109% 109%-llf7/4 11()¾-112¾ 111%-114¼l110¼-115¼ u. s . a-20s of '64-, coup. 105½-106 105¾-108½ 107½;-108 107%-109¼ 11105¼-106 1105¾-107¾ 11 107½-109¼1109 - 11051}08¼-110),~ ,U. S. 5-20,, '65, c.,M&N 105 -1011¾ 110,oj-: 00'1, 10'1¼-106¾ 107¼-109% 105%-108 106:J,,6-107¾ 1107¾-109¼ 109½-111¼1100¾-111>1, U.S. 5-20s, '65, c., J&J 103¾--104% 104¾-106¼ 106½-107¾ 10'1¼-10;¼'107¼-108¾ 108¼-110¼ 106¼-108¼:107" -ll"'~I 107½-lOll 107 -108%i1071,i-108}1! l0'7:}s-100 U, S . 5-20s of'67, coup . . .... - .... 1.... - ........ - .... ... _ ... .... _ ... 99 - 99% 09h-100½ 100,½-102;¼ 102¼-103¼ 99½- 993{ U.S. 10-40s, coupon..... 99¼-100 99¾-101¾ 97¼- 98,¼' 977/4- 99  I  'I' .. _....  110½-112:n, 111½-llSx 1081/.-109::¼: 10&),HlO¼ 106);;-107:h; 106¼-108 99¾-101¾  112 -113;41111%-112% 1077/4-108%1107 -108% 105 -105:h; 104½-106  1o•i,;-10,"I 10<;,-105,. lOi¼-108 107X-10~ 107½-108 107½-109 100¾-102¾1100¾-104  1  1  1868.  u. s . 6s of 1881, coup ... 108%-112 110¾-112¾ 110¼-111% 110½-113½ llS 'u. s. 5-20s, 1862, coup. 107%-111¼ 110 -111¾ 109)4-110¾ 109¼-llZ¾ 108 U.S. 5-20s, 1864, coup.  u. s. a-20s, 1865,  M&N  U, S. 5-20s, 1865, J&J . U. ~• 5-20s, 1867, coup. U, S . 5-20s, 1868, COUil , U. s. 10-4-0s, coupon ..... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -110 \116¼-118½ 112¾-115~1113¼-116¾ 1118¼-114½!113 -116¼1111¾-115½1114-¼-115 -1117/4i111¾-113¼ 112%-114% 112%:-115 112½-115¾: 112¼-115 105¾;-113% 109:V1,lll% 105)4-109¾ 107¾--109¼ 107¼-108¾ 107%-110¼ 106'¼;-109¾ 101)%-111¾ :10 -111% 108%-lll;,,i 1109¼-110¼ 100),(-112¾ 104~:!-108!¾{ 106%-107¾ 106 -110¼ 108½-110¼ 107¾-109 1077,,fr-111¼ 106%-109¼:110 -111¾ 110¾-H2¾:110 -112¼1 100¾-lll¼}Oo¾-112¼1 104,;-108¾:107½;--108¾ 104½-108¼ 106¾-108¼ 106¼-107~.t 106~-109 10S¾-lll¾l112¾--114¼' 108 -109½ 107¾--109)4 10'T/4-109¼ 107%-lll¼ '00¼-110~ 109-J~-110~ 1 1 1 104¾-103¾ 106%--108¾ 100¼-107½ 106¾-109~ 109¼-112¼]112¾--114¾ 108¼-100~i106½-l00¾ 1o7¾,-100~ 107%-112 107~-111~ 1~-lll~ 1 ... . - ...... ,· - ....... . - ... , ... - ...... _. - . 10~-110¼ 108½;-109% 107 -l09¾ll08x1-109½ 103¼-112711107%--111 1110 -lllJa 101%.:.1041,.; 104¼'-105-3'1-~00¾-101% 100~108 103 -105~ 105~-1J7¾ 105¾:-108'1!;108 -lO~t 104½-!05¾ 1104¼:-106-¼ 10:)_ -106}.!,105 -l06J4  36  UNITED  S T.A TES SECURITIES. 1869.  esot 1881.  -  Coup.  Reg.  Jan.  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clo:::'g.  6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 1862.  1864.  1365.  1865n.  '-  1867.  1868.  ---------- ----  --  112¼  111¾ 113¾ 111¼ 113¾  107¾ 109¾ 107% 109½  108¾ 110% 107¾ 110%  107 108% 106¾ 108¾  107¾ 109 106¼ 108¾  107½ 109.l,<~ 107¼ 109  106 108¾ 105¾ 108¾  Open'g High't l,ow•st Clos'g.  112¼ 11~ 112¼ 116¾  111½ 114½ 111¼ 114½  118 118½ 118 118½  104¾ 115)4 109¼ 115¼  110½  116¼ UOY, 116¼  108¾ 113¼ 108¾ 118¼  108¾ 113¼ 108% 118¼  108¼ 112¾ 108¼ 112¼  108½ 110¼ 108¼ 110¼  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  115¾ 117¼ 115¾ 115¾  115¼ 116½ 114¼ 115  118 120 117¾ 118  115¾ 115¼ 113¾ 113¼  115 118 114¼ 115¼  112¼ 113¼ 112½ 113  118 113¾ 112½ 118  112¾ 114 112¾ 113  106¼ 106¼ 105¼ 105¼  Open'µ; High't Low'st Clos'g.  lll  1862.  1864.  1865. ~5n. J~ 6 ~  117¼ 122¼ 117¼ 122¼  121¾ 125¼ 121¾ 125¼  117¼ 1:: J½ )17¼ 123½  118¼ 123¾ 118¼ 123½  124¼ 125 121¾ 123¾  124¾ 125 122% 123¾  125)4 125)4 122¾ 123¼  123¼ 124 120¼ 122¼  123¾ 124.½i 120% 1~2%  128 128 119 119¼  123¼( 123)4 119 110  128}4 123¼ 119¼ 119¼  122¼ 122¼ 118½ llC½  122½ 122½ 118)4 11~: .:.  121¾ 121¾  119¾ 120¼ 119 119¼  119 120118½ 119)4  120 121 119¼ 119¾  119)4 119¼ 117 117¾  119¾  119¼ 119)4 115¾ 115  119¾ 119¾ 115¼ 115¼  116 116 112¾ 112¼  115¼ 120¾ 115;,s 118¼  112¼ 116½ 112¼ 114¼  112¾ 116 111¼ 111¼  Coup.  Reg.  117¼ 123¾ 116¾ 123¾  ---- --  tis, 10-40, Coupon  --  1868.  --  July.  109¼ 111½ 109 111¾  111¼ 112¾  6s (5-20 years) Coupon.  6s of 1881.  5s, 10-40. Coupon  116½ 122;i 116¼ 122¼  115¼ 122½ 115;3 122½  116¼ 122 116 122  108 114% 107½ 114¾  122¾  122% 122¼ 119)s 121%  122½ 122¾ 120½ 12072  116 116¼ 112¼ 115¼  1).7)4  121½ 121½ 116¼ 117¾  120¼ 120¾ 117 117  112~ 112¼ 108¼ 108J,(  1177/4 118¾ 115¼ 116¼  118},~ 118¼ 115~.1 116¾  118¼  120 117 119¾  116¼ 116¾  109¾ 100¾ 107¾ 107¾  113¾ 113-)s 110¾ 111  114 114 111 111¾  119 116¼ 113½ 113¼  116¾ 116¼ 113¼ 113¾  110¼ 116};{ 113¼ 113:),,i  108 J.08 106½ 107  110½ 113½ 110½ 112  110¾ 114¼ 110}! 111}!  113 116¼ 113 115¼  113¼ 116½ 113¼ 115¼  113 116¼ 113 115  106¾ 110¼ 106¾ 109¾  Aua-.  Feb. Open 'g High't Low'st Clos·g.  12:::~ 119: .: 121¾  Sept.  Mar. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  11 r - ~  Oct,  Apr. Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  115¾ 118¼ 115¾ 118¾  115 118 115½ 118  118 122 117¾ 121¾  114 117¾ 113¾ 117¾  115¼ 119¾ 115¼ 119¼  1127/11 116nf 112% 116½  112¼ 116% 112¼ 116½  118¼ 116½ 113% 116½  105 108¼ 105 108¼  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  118¾ 123¼ 118 122 0 122"¾ 122¾ 121  110 122¼ 118½ 121¼  1177/4 123¾ 117½ 122¾  118¾ 117½ 113¼ 117  11~ 119½ 114½ 1187/4  116½ 12074 115¼ 120  116¼ 120¼ 115¾ 120  116¼ 120¼ 115¾ 119¾  108¼ 110 107½ 109¾  117¼ 117½ 116½ 117  122¾ 122¾ 121¾ 121¾  117¼ 117% 116¾ 116¼  1187/4  120 120 119 119½  120 120¼ 119¼ 119½  120¼ 120¼ ll8¼ 119%  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g. Dec. Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos•~-  Mn.y,  l\ '  Nov.  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  June. Open'g liigh't Low'st Clo§'q.  l.;.11.¾  no  lli¼ 118¾  109½ 109½  107¾ 107¾  181'0. 6s (5-20 years) Coupon.  6s, 1881 Coup.  6s (5-20 years) Coupon.  6s, 1881 Coup.  18~0. 6s,CurCoupon rency.  5s, 10-40, 6s, CurCoupon rency.  -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1862.  1864.  1865.  i8El5 n.  1868.  1867.  Jan.  1862.  1864.  1865.  1865 n.  1867.  1868.  115¼ 115¼ 112¾ 113%  112¼ 112¼ 108¼  110¾  112 112 108¾ 109¾  112 112 108¾ 110  Ill¼ 111¼ 107¾ 108¾  111¼ 111¼ 107¾ 109¼  111¼ 111¼ 108 100½  108¾ 108¾ 106¼ 107¼  113¼ 114 110¼ 110½  113}4 114¾ 113¼ 114¼  110¾ 112¼ 110¼ 112¼  110¼ lllr_; 109¼ 11174  110¼ 111¼ 111¼  10S¼ 110¼ 108¼ 110¼  108:):( 110}~ 108¾ 110}4  109 110½ 109 110  106¼ 110¼ 106¼ 109  112,\,:i 110¾ 111¾  113¼ 114}s 113¾ 113¼  113 114½ 112½ 112½  111¼ 112 111¼ 111¾  112 112¾ lli½ 111%  110 110¼ 110 110¼  110¼  110;4 110¼ 110)4 110¾  106 107 105¾ 106¾  112 112 111 111¾  114¼ 114¾ 113½ 113¾  111¼ 113 111¾ 112½  111½ 111¾ 111¼ 111¼  112 112¼ 110¾ 111½  110¼ 110½ 110;,s 110¼  110½ 110¾ 110)4 110¾  110% 110¼  106½ 106¾  110½  110½  106}4 106¾  111¼ 111¾ 111 111  llv¼ 110¼ 109~;! 109¾  110½ 110½ 109½ 109¾  106¾ 107 106¼ 108¾  111 111½ 110¼ 110¼  109¼ 110¾ 109¼ 1103-s  109¾ 111  106½ 106¼ lOfl¼  110¼ 110:J:,g . 109¼ 110  July.  Ope n'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  115¾ 118:h) 115¾ 118¾  113 116 113 11!:¾  113½ 116½ 113¼ 115¾  113¼ 116¼ 112¼ 115½  111¾ 114t.t 111¾ 114¼  111:);{ 114¾ Ill¾ 114¾  111¼ 114¼ 111¼ 114¾  1011¾ 113¼ 109¼ 112¼  109¼ llt¼ 109¼ 111½  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  Aug.  Feb. Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  118¼ 118¼ 115¼ 115¼  115½ 115¾ 114 114¾  115¼ 115¼ 113¼ 113!<( ,  115¼ 115¼ ll3½ 113½  114 114¼ 112¼ 112¼  114¼ 114¾ 111¼ 111¼  114 114¾ 113 113  114 114 111¼ 111¼  111¾ 111¼ 111¼ 111¼  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  108¼  nou  Sept.  Mar. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g  116)4 116½ 113¾ 114¼  114¼ 114¼ 109½ 110¾  113¾ 113¾ 108¾ 109¾  113¼ 113¼ 108¾ 110¼  111¾ 1119\( 107¼ 108¾  112¼ 112¼ 108 109¼  112¾ 112)/i 108½ 109¾  10~ 108~.{ 104¼  113¼ 116¼ ll8¼ 116¾  ll0}s 115¾ 110¼ 115¼  109)4 114¼ 100¼ 113¼  109¾ 114% 109¾ 114¼  107¾ 113¼ _107¾ 112½  108¼ 113}8 108½ 112¼  109¼ 113½ 108¼ 118½  106¼ 108% 108¾  106¾  111¼ 113¼ 110¾ 112  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  111¼ 112¾ 111¼ 112  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  Apr.  llOJa  110¼ 110¼  Oct.  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  108¾  May,  Nov.  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  116¼ 117¾ 110 117)8  112)4 112½ lll¼ 112¾  111¾ 111¾ 110¾ 111¾  June.  "117¾  112½  111¼ 111¾ 110¾ 111~  Open'g High't Low'st  118Ji 117% Clos'g.j U8.~  112½ 111 11~  j  111¾ 112 110% 111¾  113¼ 114¼ 112¼ 113¼ .  114¼ 114¾ 113¼ 114  114¼ 115 118},( 114¼  I0S!is 108¾ 107¾ 108½  112¾ 112¾ 112½ 1127/4  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  .. ..  113¾ 114),.,i 112¼ 1141'  . ... 114¾ 112¼  114 114¾ 118 .;li4¾  108¼ 108;~ 107¾  113 114¼ 113 113¼  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  111¾ 110¼  119  113½ 113}8 113¼ 113¾  109¼ 109¼ 107½ 107%  1077/4 1077,1! 107 107  108¼ 108¼ 106¼ 107¼  110}:! 110¼ 109 109)4  113¼ 113¾ 113 113),.!  107¾ 108 107¼ 108  106¾ 107¼ 106)-.i 107¾  106¼  109¼  Dec.  . ...  108½  t,>  107)13  106¾  107:,.  I  110% 109¼ 110¾  I  109;iJ 111  106½  1871 . 6s (5-20 years) Coupon.  6s, 1881 Coup.  ._.,_ Jan.  Open 'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  1S:J.o.  I  1862.  1864.  1865.  18!15n.  1867.  1868.  110¼ 113),,i 110}.! 113¼  108¾ lOS¼ 110¼  108¼ 109¼ lOT~ 1097,a  108¼ 109}.( 108 110  107¼ lOS¾ 107 1081)&  107½ 108¼ 107¼ 108¼  108¼ 109)4 107¼ 109¼  113),,{ 114;,! 113 114¾  110¾ 112¼ 110¾ 112,!4  110¼ 111¾ 110 111¼  110¼ 112¼ 110 112},!  109 111 109 110;):t  109¼ 111¼ 109 110¼  118¼ 114')& 116¼  112¼ 113 111¼ 112¾  112¼ 112¾ 112¼  112¼ 112¾ 111;4 112¼  111 111¼ 110½ 111¼  116¼ 117¼ 110}; 117¼:  112}s 114 112¼ 113%  112¼ 114 112¼ 114  112¼ 114 112½ 114  111¼ 113 111¼ 113  -  6s,CurCoupon rency.  - -- -- -- - - - - - - 110½  109jg 100¼ 100¾  Opcn'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  109½ 111¼ 109)1! 111¾  109½ 111¼ 1011½ 111¼  111½ ll3¾ 111¼ 113}11  Open'g Iligh't Low'st Clos'g.  111¼ 111¼ 110½ 111¼  111¾ lll¼ 110~ 111%  109½ 109),£ 108 108¾  113'1j 115¾ 113¼ 115¾  Oi>en'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  111¾ 113 111¾ 113  111¾ 113 111¾ 113  108~ 109½ 108½ 100¾  11~ 115¼ 115¼ 115¾  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  Feb. Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  l.llar. Open'g High't Low'st Clos 'g  ":114¾  Cloa'g.  --  115 116M 114¼ 116  113¼ 115};! 1131' 114¼  113½ 114¼ 113¼ 113¼  113¾ ll4¼ 113¼ 113¼  112¼ 112¼ 112¼ 112½  113 113¼ 112J,s 112¼  113¼ 113¾ 112¼ 113  111 113)4 111 113¼  115 115-¼ 113 114¼  11~~ l 119 116 118  114½ 114¼ 113¼ 114¾  114 114¼ 113/8 114~  114 11471! 114 114½  112¼ 113;~ 112½ 113¾  113 113¾ 113 113¼  113¼ 114¼ 113¼ 114¼  110 111 110 111  114¼ 116~ 114 116¼  111 ½  118¾ 119¾ 118 118¼  114¾ 115¾ 114¾ 115½  114¾ 115% 114¼ 115½  114¼ 115¼ 114¾ ll5¼  113%  114¼ 114¾ 114¼ 114¾  111¼ lllf,£ 111½ 111%  116¼  113¾ 114½  113¾ 114¼ 113¼ 114¾  118¼ 118¼ 115¼ 116¾  115¼  11~¼ 115¼ 113¼ 114¾  115¼ 116 ]13½ 114¼  114¾ 114¾ 112 113¼  114¼  115¼ 118¼ 114¾  112 113½  115 115 112 113%  111¾ 111¾ 107 109;4  114¼ 114¼ 110½ 111  111¼ 111¼ 111 111  1111 , 111,' IL,,·  111½ 112¾ 111½ 111¼  113¾ 114)4 113 113  113~ 115 113% 114  113¼ 115 113¼ ll4¼  109¼ 110 109¼ 109½  111 111 109¼  1:0¼ 111 1J9¼  111¾ 111¾  100_¾  110¼  ]14¾ 115¼ U!¾ 115¼  114% 116 114¾ 116  109}.!  lQO¼  113¼ 115 113¼ 115  114%  116,!4 114½ 114¼  Oct. 114¼  Nov . 117¼ 117¾ 117 117¼  June. Open'i;, High't Low'st  ·-  Sept.  May. Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  1867.  A u g.  Apr. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  1865 n.  5s, 10-40, 6s,CurCoupon rency.  1863 1862. 1864. 1865. - - - - -- - - -- -- -- - -- July. 110¼ Ill¼ 110 111½  106¼  6s (5-20 years) Coupon.  6s, 1881 Coup.  117¾ 118¼ 117¼ 118¼ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  111 111¾ 110¼ 111;.i 112  111 111¾ 110¼ 111¾  111¼ 113¾ I 113 112 111¼ 113¾ 113  111 111¾ 110¼ 111¾  113¼ 114 113 113¼  113¼ 114 112¾  113}f;  114¼ 113 114¼  IH  109¼ 110 109 109¼  115¼ 115¼ 115¼ 115¼  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  116¼ 117¾ 116¼ 117¾  r  :;/4  111¼  113¾ 111½ 113¼  Dec. 111¼ 113¼ 111¼ 113¼  113¼ 114¼ 113¾ 114¾  113¼ 115¾ 113¼  115¾  l  114 115¼ lH 115¼  109¾ 110), 109¾ 110¾  -  115¼ 115/2] 115¼ 115¼  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  117¼ 118 117~ 118  ..  .. - •  110½  113¼  109½ IOU¼  115¼ I 113¼  109¼  11~  ruNITEJJ  STATES SECURITIES. 1872.  I  6s, 1881. 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 5s, •· 10.40,. 1Cur1881. fund. r'ncy coup. Re~. Coup 11362. !864. 1665. 1865n 1867. 1868. Reg. Coup  -- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --July. Jan. Open'g High't Low'st Dlos'g.  110 110¼ 109½ 110  114¾ 114¾ 114¼ 114¾  115 115¾ 114½ 115½  110½ 110% 109¾ ll0%  110¾ 110¾ 109½ 110½  112¼ 112¾ 110¾ 111¾  111¾ 113 111¾ 113 109% 111¾ 110¾ 112¼  113¼ 113¼ Jll¾ 112¼  109 110½ 109 109¾  110 110% 109½ 110½  Feb. Open'g II!gh't Low'st Clos'g.  108}.{  % 115½ 110¾ 110¾ 111¼' 110½ 112  112¼ 112¾ 114¼ 110¼ 11') 110¾ 110 111¼ 111¼ 115¼ 111¼ 111¼ 111¾ 110¼ 111¼ 112  108¼ 114¾ 115¾ 111¼ 111¾ 111¼ 110¾ 112  107¾ 114 108% 114  107 110½ 107½ 110¾ 106¾ 109¾ 107 110¾  112¾ 115¾ 112¾ 115¾  112½ 113 115¾ 116½ 112½ 112~ 115¾ 116¾  111½ 114¾ 111½ 114;1,{  113 115¼ 112¼ 115%  113¼ 116 113 115¾  108 110:i{i 108 110:)g  108¾ 110¼ 108¼ 110¾  111¼ 113 111¼ 112¼  116¼ 117¼' 116¼ 117¼  118 llll¼ 118 119¾  112¼ 114 112¼ 113¼  112¼ 113¼ 112¼ 113%  112¼ 115 112¼ 115  114¾ 116¼ 114¾ 116¼  115% 117¾ 115½ 117¾  115¾ 117¼ 115¾ 117  110½ 111¾ 110 111¼  110¾ 116¾ Opeu'g 110 112¼ 117¾ High't 110½ 110¾ 116¼ Low'st 110 112 117¾ Clos'g. 110¼  113 113¾ 112% 112¾  114¼ 115 114½ 114¼  120¾ 120,¼ 119% 120¾  114¼ 115 114 114  114 115 114 114~  115½ 116 114¾ ll4%  116}.( 117¼ 116}.( 117¼  1177'1! 118½ 117¾ 118½  117¾ 117¾ 117¼ 117¾  111¼ 111¾ 110¾ 111½  112¼ 112¾ 111½ 112½  I  I ---  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  112:ki 115¼ 112}:{ 115¼  114¾1112¾ 119¼ 115¾ 114~ 112¾ 119¼ 11:¾  113¼ 115¾ 113¼ 115  113¾ 116¾ 113¾ 115¾  112¼ 115¾ 112¾ 115  113¾ 116¼ 113¾ 116¾  113¾ 11:¼ 113¾ 116¼  110¼ 114 109¾ 114  109¼ 115½ 109¼ 115¾  112¾ 115½ 112¾ 115¼  113¾ 116% 113~ 117¾ 113)4 116J8 113¾ 116¾  118½ 114¼ 1r:1 115¼ 11~¼ 114¼ 118½ 115¾  114½ 115¾ 114½ 115%  115¼ 116¼ 115¼ 116¼  114¼ 114¾ 114¾ 114½  116¾ Ll6¼ 116¼ 116¾  116¾ 116¾ u:¼ 116¼  112>,; 112½ 1117~ 111½  115¼ 115¼ 114¼ 114½  115¼ Open'g 115¼ JTigh't 114½ Low'st 114½ Clos'g.  115% 117¾ 115% 117)4  115½ 117:•~ 115½ 117¾  116¾ 1183,( 110¾ 118¼  114½ 116¾ 114¾ 116¾  116¾ 118¾ i l6 118¼  11(¼ Jpen'g 114'¼ 116½ 111¼ 111 118 112¾ 112½ 115 lllgh't 11 ;~ 116¼ , 10½ 110% 113% Low'st 111½ 117% 112¾ 112½ 114¾ Clos'g. 111½  Open'g High't T.ow'st CICJ'g.  116¾ 118 116¼ 117¼  118½ 120¼ 118¾ 120  115½' 117},tj 119¼ 11('.~ 118 121 'L!i llG7-1 .LlS=),1' 116 117¾ 120½  117¾ 118:k; n :; 118¾  116½ 118¾ 116 118¾  118 120¼ 118 120½  115¼ 118 115¼ 117%  111½ ]12 109,½ 111¾  112 113¼ 111 113½  ,120¼ 122)8 120¼ 122¾  114¼ 116¾ 114¼ 116¾  114¾ 116¼ 114¾ 116%  117½ 118¼ 117¼ 118¼  117½ 119¾ 118 112 119¼ 121¼ 120½ 112¼ 117½ 119¾ 118 111% lH)¼ 121¼ 120 112¼  113¾ 114¾ 113% 114¾  116½ 119¼ 116½ 119¾  !16½ 117¾ 116 117%  115¼ 116¼ 115¼ 115¾  114¾ 116 114% 115¾  115¾ 113¾ 113¼ 114 116~ 115 1157-(. 115 11~ 113% 113¼ 114 116¼ 114¾ 114¼ 114¾  115¼ 116¼ 114½ 116  116¼ 117¼ 116¼ 116¾  112 113 111½ 113  111¾ 113¼ 111¾ 113¼  112% 113!,f 112¼ 113),{.  114 115¾ lH 115Y  114½ 114½ 108 108¼ 116¼ 115¾ 108¼ 108,½: 114¼ 114.¾ 107¾ 107¾[ 116.1{ 115½ 10 ¼ 10 ¼  117¼ 11'2% 113 112 113¾ 118 117¼ 112¾ 112¾ 112½] 118 112¼ 113 112¾  ll}y llo¾ 115 116¾  116 117½ 115% 117¼  I  112¾ 114¾ 112¾ 114%  114¾ 115¼ 114¾ 115¼  I  10  ¼  108¼ 108¼ 107¾ 108  llz!l,( 112:J( 111:J( 112¼  108¼ 111~;£  108¾ 108% 114  1077/4 107¾ 111 10 ½ 108¼ 114  113¾1"""  114¾ 114½ 113}-,! 114!,g  10,,,, 112,.  115¾ 10!»~ 116~.! 110 109¾ 113¾ 115¼ 100½ 109¼ 112 116¼ , 110 109½ 113¼  1  --  - - - - -·-  118 119){ 118 119½  116 118 116 117¾  117¼ 119¼ 117)4 119  117½ 118;,1 117½ 11&¼  113¾ 115¼ 113'.)t 114¼  114¾ 115¾ 114¼ 115¾  114½ lHH 114).f 114¾  118¼ 11!J½ 1 7 :117½ 118¼ 120½ 117½ 117¾ 119¾ 117 118¾ 117½ 119>( 117 117¼ 110  117¾ 117¾ 116~ 117  118¼ 119¾ 118~ 119  119 119 118 118  112¼ 115½ 113¼ 116¼ 112¼ 115½ 113¼ 116¼  114% 114¾ 113J.1) 113¼  116¼ 118¾ 116¼ 118¼  114¾ 114¾ 114¼ 11~  110}4 120¼ 119,¼ 119¼  116½ 117¾ 116½ i, 7;4  116).-i 117)4 110½ 117¾  llC.{  ll'tts 119¼ 117  111 117 112 112  112¾ :)pen'g 108~ 112 115 High't 109 115-¼ 112¼ Low'st 106¾ 109½ 1.L Clos'g. 106¾ 111½  119¼ 119¼ 115}._ 115¼  113¼ 113¼ 113¼ 113¾  117¼ 117¼ 114¾ 115  118~:( 118¾ 110 110  116¼ 11'.:% 111¾ 111¾  119¼ 119¼ 113¼ 11~¾  118¼ 118¼ 113 113  114 114 112 112¾  114¾ 114¾ 106 106  113¼ 115¼ 111½ 112-.¼  108 109 105½ 106¾  108 109 110 111¾ 106¼ 107><2 .L~8½ 107½  111¾ 113¼ 109¼ 109¼  113½ 115¼ 110 112)4  114 115 110 112¾  108½ 109¾ 103½ 107  107¾ 109¼ 105 106¾  109 lll~ii 10 ½ 10 %  112¾ 115½ 112;1 115hl  106¼ 109¼ 105½ 109¼  106-¼ 108½ 110  107 108x{ 105½ 107"¾i  106% 108½ 105¼ 108½  108 110% 108 110¾  113¾ 113% 108¼  108¾  Nov, 115¼ 116¼ 115¼ 116¼  117¾ llJ 117}.{ 118¾  115¾ 116)4 115 116¼  I 6s, 1881. ,,, 6s (5-20 years) <Joupon. 10-40.=. 6s tis, Cu r1881. r'ncy fun<l. coup. Reg. Coup 1862. 1864. 1865. 1865n 1867. 1868. Reg. COU iJ - - - - - · - - - - - - - ·- - ·- - - - --- - - - 111  116¾ 117¾ 113½  113¼ 117% 118}s 114¼  111 115¼ 117 112¼ 113¾ 117 118¾ 114¼  --  108 109¼ 106),.f 109½ 109¾ 113)4 109¼ 111¼  111¾ 114% 110¾ 114½  111¼ 116½ 112½ 116 111¾ 116½ 110¼ 116¾ 120½ 113¾  116½ 121  112 112 111 111 113¼ 114¼ 115 106½ 107:¾; 109¼ 110½ 110 111 113¼ 114% 115 111 111% 117¼ 111¾ 114½  111½ 117¾ 111½ 115)4  115¾ 119¾ 114.½ 119  115¾ 120 115¾ 119½  116½ 109 118):{l 112¼ 116½ 109 117¾ 111¼  --  108,½ 10 ½ 113½ 11{)~ 10 .½ 108½ 113 114¾  ---  6J (5-20 years) Coupon. 6s, 1881. 6s 5s I 10-40s. Cur1881. r'nc y fund. coup. Reg. Coup 1863. 1864. 1865. 1865n 1 67. 1 1863. Reg. Coup  July,  115 115 116 1-.0::¼i 1177~ 116¼ 114 115 114½ 116¾ 117¾ 116¾  115 118 115 117%  116¼ 118 116 117¾  111¼ 113 111¼ 1127A  113¾ 114¼ 113 114¼  114¼ Open'g 113½ 116 115)4 High't 113½ 117¾ 114 Low'st 112½ 115',h; 115¼ Clos'g. 113¼ 117¾  114 116¾ 114 116¾  116½ 117¾ ll6¾ 11\J 1114 116½ 117}.! 116¼ 116% 111½ 115¾ 116¾ 115½ 118¼ 111½ 115¾ 117 116¼  117¼ 117¼ 116)4 117¾  117½ 113)4 114 118¼ 113½ 114 116 112¼ 112½ 118¼ 112¾ 112¾  115} 117· 115) 117:,l.  117¾ 117¼ 117¾ 117¾  118¾ 118¾ 117½ 117¾  111~ 117:) 117.!,. 117}.  117½ 114  Aug, 112¼ 112),i 112 112¾  117½ 117¾ 117¼ 117½  118¾ 118¾ 118¾ 11 ¾  111¾ 112½ 111% 112½  115¼ 116 115¾ 116  116¼ 117}.{ 116¼ 117¼  116¼ 116½ 116 116¾  112¾ 112h; 112 112¼  117½ 117¼ 116¼ 117¾  118½ 118¼ 117¾ 118¼  112½ 112¾ 11 2),s 112¼  115¼ 115¼ 115¼ 115¼  116¼ 116¼ 115% 116  116½ 117¾ 117¼ 111  115 117~ Open'g 112¼ 115>9 117¼ High't 112¼ 120¾ 120½ llri 119}.! 119¼ 114¾ 114!1; 116¾ Low'st 112¾' 120¼ 120½ 114¾ 115¾ 116¼ Clos'g. 112¾  117¾ 118 117¼ 117¼  118¼1112¼ 118}(; 113¼ 118 112,¼ 118½ 113¾  115¾ 116¾ 115}& 116¼  116¼ 117¼ 116¾ 117¼  115¾ 117 117¾ 111 116¾ 117¾ 1177/2! 112 115¼ 117 117¼ ltl  116¾ lli¾  118¾ 119¼ 118)1; 119¾  110¼ 112¼ 110¼ 112,¼  113 114¾ 113 114¾  114½ 116¾ 114¼ 116¾  116)9. 117¾ 117¼ 119 120 119¼ 116½ 117¾ lli¼ 119 120 119:1,!  114¾ 114¾ Open'g 113 116¼ 119¾ 112¼ 114¾ 115¾ High't l:i.3¼, 118¾ 122¼ 114¾ 113¼ H-1% Low'st 1!2¾ 115/2, 119½ 112¼ 114 11::;ti C:los'g. nS¾l us 122 I 114¾  114¾ 116 114¼ ll{J  116¼ 11 ¾ 1167-( ll8l4.  119 120 119¼ 113)4 114¾ 122 120¼ 115}§ 115)4 121 118)4 119}l; ll!J¼ 112)8 113}.f 1.W'Ai 1.22 I 120~ 115¼ 1151~  111¼ 114¼ 111¾ 114¾  117¾ 120¼ 117¾ 119¾  118½ 121 118½ 120½  115¾ 118¼ 115)8 117¾  116¾ 120½ 116¾ 119¾  116¾ 121)4 116}8 121¼  116¼ 119¾ 116)1 119¼  ll7¾ 120¾ 117¾ 110¾  117% 120¾' 117¾ 119¼  110¾ 113% 110¾ 113¼  115¼ 116¼ 115}:! 116½  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  114½ 115¼ 114¼ 115¼  119¾ 119¾ 118½ 119¾  110¾ 121 119:ki 121  117.½ 118¼ 116½ 117¼  118 120 118 119¾  120¾ 120¾ ll!J¼ 120¾  118¼ 119½ 118 119¼  119½ 120¾ 118¾ 120¼  118¾ 120¼ 115,~ 119¼  112½ 1129( 116.½ 115¼ 115¾ 117 112},t 112¾ 115¼ 114% 115¼ 117  Open 'g Hlgh't Low 'st Clos'g.  115½ 117 115¾ 117  110¾ 120¼ 119½ 120¼  121¼ 122 120¼ 122  118 118}.{ 117¾ 118;):!  119¾ 120}.{ 119¾ 120¾  120¾ 121¾ 120¾ 121¾  119}.( 120¾ 119 120¼  120;( !19¼ 115  Open'g 115¼ 119¼ High't 115½ 12)¾ Low'st 115 119311 Clos'g. 115¾ 120¾  121¾ 122 120 121¼  115}1; 115¾ 115 115¾  117¼ 117¾ 117 117¼'  118¼ 118¼ 117J:-s 118~  110?1( 120¼ 119¼ 12))4  120¾ 120¼ 120¾ 120¾  120½ 120½ 119¼ 120½  114¼ 115,4 114¼ 115¼  115¾ llo¾ 114¾ 115¼  121¼ 122 121¼ 122  115¾ 115¾ 113¼ 114)1  117¼ 117¼ 116¼ 11_7  118}4 118¼ 117½ 118  119¼ 120¼ 119¼ 120¾  120¼ 121¾ 110¼ 121  120¾ 12114 120 121  114¾ 114¼ 113½ 113-¾  110¼ 110¼ 109¼ 110¾  113½ 114½ 113½ 114¼  Sept.  Mar.  Apr,  111% 11. ]11% 117 110¼ lli¾ 117¼ 111 113¼ 116¾ 116½ 110}-~ 111;4 11 115¾ 117 117¼. 111 111¾ 1171  Oct.  Nov.  lllay,  June. f:.. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'Jl.  115¾ 1!7 115-¾ 110¼  108½ 109 107¾ 108  Oct.  Feb.  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  '14 114 112:)..j' 113¾  Sept,  v  113¾ 115¼ 113 11;:;  Open'g High't L ow'st Clos'g. June. ~ )ec. Open'g 11~¾ 115½ 122¾ 116½ 116½ 118½ 119 121¾ 120 113 115 ]13¼ 0pen'g High't 115¼ 117 123¼ 117¼ 117¾ 119¼ 120¾ 121% 120¼ 113.½ 115 114½ High't Low'st 114¾ 115½ 122¼ 115¼ 116¼ 116¾ 110 120¾ 120 112)4 112¼ 113¼ Low'st Clos'g. 114¾ 116½ 122~ 116¾ 117¾ 118 "120¼ 121 120¾ 113½ 114 114½ Clos'g .  Open'g f.[igh't Low'st Clos'g.  114 114)<! 112¼, 113¼  Aug,  lllny,  Open'g 3:igh't Low'st Clos'g .  113)4 113¾ 112 113,½  114¾ 115¼ 114¼ 115  113% 114¾ 113½ 114¾  10-4.0s. 6,; (5-20 years) Coupon . 6s, 1881. 6s 5s, ,Ur1881. r'ucy fund. coup. Reg. Coup 1863. 1864. 1 65. 1865~ 1 1867. ]86'3. Reg. Cot,p  114¾ ll7¼ 114% 117¼  Apr,  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  114% 113¼ 113¾ 113¼ 108¾ 111½ 112¼ 114¾ 113¼ 113¾ 113¾ 108¾ 112¼ 112¾  July.  Feb.  Jan.  114 114  -- -- - - -- -- --  Jan.  Opcn'g dlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  116½ 116¼ 115¾ 116¼ 115¾ 109½ 113¾ 114}( 116½ 116¼ 115½ 116¼ 115¾ 109¾ 113% 114¼  I873 .  I  -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ·- - --  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st CJO[;'g.  116¼' 118¾ 114¼ 114¾  114 114¾ 114% 114½ 11~ 113¼ 114¼· 114¼  Dec. Open'g 111 115 High't 111½ 115 114¾ Low'st 111 114¾ Clos'g. 111½  6s, 1881. 10-40:i. 6s (5-20 years) <:loupon. 5s, 6s 1. Curr'ncy funtl. coup. Reg. Coup 1862. 1864. 1865. 1865n 1867. :1868. Reg. Coup  Illar.  114¼ 115 114¾ 114¾  Nov.  l  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  112:k; 113¼ ll2¼ 113¼  114% 115¾ 114¾ 115¾  Oct. 115½ Open'g 111 116¾ High't 111¾ 115¼ Low'st 111 116½ Clos'g. 111¼  115¼ 118¼ 115>4., 118¼  .  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  111½ 111% 111¾ 111%  ---  114¾ 115¾ U4¾ 115¾  116¼ 116¼ 114½ 115½  111¾ 1114½ ll!¾ i 114½ 1on¾l 113¾ 110½! 114¼  115 117 114¾ 117  June. Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  109¾ 112¼ 109¼ 112¾  lliay, Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  115¼ 113¾ 115¼ 115 116¾ 115 116 116 115¼ 113¾ 115¼ 114¼ 116¾ 115 116 116  Sept, 108¾ 114)4 115¼ 111¼ !11 112¼ 110¼ 111¾ 112 107¾ 1077,1i 114 110 114¾ 115-¼ 112¼ 112¾ 1127/4 111½ 113 113¼ 108 108¾ 115.½ 111 112¼ 110¼ 111¾ 112 107¼ 107¾ 114 1<i8¾ 114¼ ll5¾ 111 110 114~ 115¾ 112 112¾ 1127,/4 111½ 112¾ 113¼ 108 108¾ 115¾  Apr, Open 'g High·t Low ·st Clos'g.  ----  i  lH'.¾ Open'g 113,½i 115½ 117¼ 115¾ Hlgh't 113¾ 116 118¼ 114¾ Low'st 113½1115½ 117 114% Clos'g. 118¾ 116 118¼ Aug, i 114¼ Open'g 112¾1116¼' 118¼ 114¼ High't 112¾ J 116¼' 118¾ 113¾ Low'st 112¼1114 116¾ 113¾ Clos'g. 112¼ 11-1¼' 116½  Mar. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  10-40s. 6, (5.20 yea,,) Coupon. 6s 5,. , 6.s, 1881. Cur1 1. r'ncy f funa. coup. I Reg. Coup 1862. 1864. 1865. 1865n 1 67. 1868. Re,:r. Coup  115¾ 115¾ 113 114  116¾ Open'g 111 ¾ n8 117¼ lligh't 113 119¼' 116½ Low'st 111½ 118 117)4 Clos'g. 113 110¾  117¾1111% 112 113Yo 111½ 113;~  111¼ 117-l 112¾ 1181 111½ 11;; 112¾ 1177 112¼ ll4¼ 111¼ 114¼  1177 119 1177 119  Dec. 116¾ 117½ 116¼ 117 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  116 118 116 llU  UNITED  ---  STATES SEOURlTIES.  10-40s. 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 6s, 1881. 6s :5s, Cur1881. r'ncy fund . coup. Reg. Coup 1862. !864. 1865. 1865n 1867. 1868. Reg. Coup  --  - - -·-  --  - - - - - - - - --  .Jan. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g .  118¼ 119¾ 118 119¾  118% ::.14¼ 116¼ 119¾ 115¾ 117½ lla!l 114),( 116 119¾ 115½ 117½  114¾ 115¼ 114¾ U4¼  119½ 119¼ 118)4 118¾  115¾ 117¾ 120¼ 120¼ 110¼ 115¾ 117¾ 119½ 120 116¾ 117½ 119¾  120  12(1¾ 116¼ 118  119¾ 120,½ 119¾ 119~a  US¾ 110¼ 11 ')1i U9¼  119½ 12()~ U9¼ 120¼  119¾ 120}2 lHI¾ 120½  115 116¾ 115 1113¾  1177,i 120 117½ 120  U4¾ 110 115½ 120 114½ 118¼ 115~,i U9¾  119¼ 121¼ 119¼ 121¼  U6¾ 117½ 116¾ 117½  117½ U8¼ 117½ US¼  119¾ U0>s 119¼ 1193,1;  U3¾ 114½ 118¾ 114  118¼ U5¾ 113¼ lU½  121 121 119 120  122¼ 115¾ 123 116¼ 120 115¾ 120½ lltl¼  118¼ 11 ¼ 116 116  IW¼ 122¼ 117½ 12()  120½ 120½ 117.½i 118¾  121),.~ 121½ 119,. 120  117¼ 1177/4 116½ 116½  110¼ 119¼ 116¾ 116¾  122½ 123 122 122  115½ 117¼ 115),.,i 117¼  119¾ 121 119¾ 120%  120¾ 122 120¾ 122  .... .. .. .. .. ... .  115¾ 117 U5¾ 117  119¾ 110¾ 118¾ 118¾  118¼ 120¼ 120¼ 119¾ 120¾ 121½ 118~ 120 120)/4 118¾ 120¼ 120¾  114¾ 115½ 114¾ 115½  117¾ 119¾ 117¾ 119½  122J,4 123 122¼ 123  US¼ 119½ U ¾ U9¼  Open',r High't L ow 'st Clos'g.  116¼ U8)4 116¼ 118)4  120¾ 121½ 120}:! 121¼  122 128¾ 122 123¾  ... . ....  116¼ 117¾ 117¾ 119% 120 115¼ 116¾ 121½ 117 118 110¾ 119¾ U9½ 121 U5½: ll ti¾ 119¾ US¼ U9)4 1207,i 121½ ll(i¾ ll7¾  123}s 124 123¼ 124  Oct.  Apr. Open 'g High't Low·st Clos'g. lUn.y. Open'; High 't Low 'st Clos'g.  118¾ 118¼ 114¾ 116  Sept.  l\la-i·. Open'g lligh't Low'st Clos'g.  --  July .  118¾ 119)$ 118}8 118¾  Feb. Open'g lligh't Low'st Clos'g .  --  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g. .-lug, 119¾ 113¾ 116¼ 119¾ Open 'g High't 120 ll4¾ 117¼ 120 Low'st 119}g 113¾ 116¼ 119 Clos'g. U9 114¼ U6¼ 119½ 115 116½ 114¾ 116½  118¼ 1177,i 118¾ 118½ 119½ 118~ 119,½ 119¾ 118¼ ll7¼ 118¼ llS 119.½i 118¾ 119½ 119¾  113¾ 116 113¾ 115¼  ...  6s (5-20 years) Coupon . l0-40s. 6s, 188l. 68 5s. CW'.1881. r'ncy fund. coup. Rel?. Coup 1862. 1864. 1865.,18650 1867. 1868. Rel?. Coup - - - - - - - - ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  118½ 121 118½ 121  121¼ 121¼ 121¼ 121%  119¼ 122¼ 119¼ 122¼  120 123¾ U9¼ 123¼  114 116¼ 113¼ 116  115½ U7¾ U5½ 117¼  lHl¼ Opcn'g 118¼ 121½ 123¼ i24¼ High 't 118¼ 121½ 123¼ U9¼ L ow'st 116¾ 120¾ 122¼ 128¼ Clos'g. 117½ 121¾ 123  116 U7 115¾ 117  U7¼ 118 117 U8  123¼ Opcn'g 116¼ 124¾ Iligh't 117¼ 123¾ L o w·st U5 \4 124¾ Cl os'g . 117¼  12-! U7¼ 125½ 118½ 124 117¾ 123 , 117 :-11  118¼ U0½ U8~4 119!<(  122 122¼  114¼ 117½ 114}! 117,½  120 122 120 121¼  121 123¼ 121 123¾  118¼ 118-¼ 118¼  116 U7 115)!; 117  121¾ 123¼ 121% 122¼  123½ 12'!}t\ 123¼ 124¾  128 U7¼ US¼ 120¼ 122¼ 124¾ 12-! 123 116¼ 117½ 119¼ 121% 128 117 118¼ 120¼ 122½ 124¾ 124  U9¼ 122½ U9¾ 122½  Nov.  .June.  -  116¼ 1177,,-g 119},: 121¾ 128  121 122½ 120½ 122½  122¾ 124 122¼ 12-!  Open'g 1171'1 119,< High't us 120 L ow'st 116¾ 119¼ Clos'!!. 111 I 1rn· 1  128½  Dec.  Ope:1'g 117½ 120¼ 125¼ High't U9 121¼ 126¼ Low'st 117¼ 120)4 125~ 12fl 1 ,( r.10 .. 'g, 118)~ 121  llS¼ llS¼ 118¼ U9¾ 1177,i 118¼ 11 8 I 118~/4  0  121¾ 122¼ 121¾ 122'{  123¼ 124¼ 123¼ 124  124½ 125½ 124}s 125°¼1  1'32  122'¼  125 12,½ 12::l¼  122¼ 122¼ 11 , 120¾  .... 116¼ U7¾ 117¾ U0¾ 120  ... . .. ..  119¾ .... 119½ .... 118¾ . ... 119  ....  U9¼ 120¼ 118¼ 120¼  119¼ 119¾ 118½ 119¾  120½ 121 ¼' 119½ 121¼  121¼ 121½ 120½ 121½  ( ,  116¾ 117% 124¼ U6}.j: U7¾ 124¼ 115½ ll6¼ 123¼ 116¼ 117¾ 123¼  120hr  110 116),j; 117¾ 123½ 117½ 125¼ 114¼ U5¼ 118¾ 120>-i 120¼ 115½ 117¼ 123½ t14¼ 116¾ 120Js 122;-.( 122½ U7 U7½ 125~  114½ 116½ 121½ .... 114½ U6½ 120¾ 122¾ 122¼ U7  ... . ...  .... .. .. ... . ... .  --::i  U 6¾ 120% 122¾ 123 116:i{ 121 128¼ 128  12-..,  117½ 118 117¾ 118  122¼  .... 115)<_, 119,}.! 121½ 122¼ 116¼ 118 .... 116 l-0¾ 123 122½, 117¾ 1:!.8  122 122¾  18'16. 6s, 1881. 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 10-40s. ,______________ , ----1 Reg. Coup 1865. 1865n 1867. 1868. Reg. Coup  5s 4¼! 6 1881. 1so8i:_ Cu~coup. reg. r'ncy  6s, 1881.  July,  Jan. 119¾ 122 119¾ 122  120¼ 122¾ 120¼ 122¾  116¼ U'Tl,-g U6¼ 1177,i  117¾ 119¼ 117 119¼  119¾ 122¼ U9¾ 122  120 123 120 123  117¾ U9¼ U7¾ 119~  ~22 123% 122 122¼  122¾ 123¼ 122½ 123¾  118¼ 118¼ U7 117¾  U9¾ 120 119¾ 119¼  121¼ 122% 121 121  128¼ 128¾ 123.½i 128¼  128¼ 128¼ 121¾ 121¾  128¼ 123~ 122½ 122%  U~¼ US¾ 118¼ 118½  :!.19¾ 119¾ 118¼ US¼  121½ 12L% 121¼ 121¼  121½ 122 120¾ 121:)s  122.½i 122¼ 121¾ 122¾  US½ 118¼ U 7¾ 118¼  US¼ 119¾ 118,¼ 119}8  121½ 122¾ 121¾ 122¼  122½ 122¾ 122¾ 122¾  114¾ 115¼ 114½ 115  119 120¾ 119 120  122¼ 124¼ 122¼ 124  115¼ 116¾ 115¾ 116¾  118 119¾ U8 119¼  116½ US¾ 116¾ 118¾  122¾ 125 122}tj 125  Opening .. ... . Highest . . . . . Lowest .. . ... Closing .... . .  U6¾ U9¼ ll7½ 118.!4 121¾ 1!8¼ U6¾ 119¾ 117¾ 118¼ 121¼ 118¾  125 128 125 127  Opening ... ... Highest ..... Lowest . . .. .. Closing.. . . . .  128¾ 123¾ 123 123  118¾ US% 117¾ 117¾  119¼ U9¼ 118,¼ 119¼  118% U9 118¼ 118~  127¼ 127>s  Openin,r ..... Highest. .... 126¼ L owest . . . . . . 126¼ Closing ......  121 121¾ 120½ 121¾  122¼ 122¾ 122¼ 122¾  1L7¾ 118¼ U7 118¼  118½ U9 US 119  :I-18½ 119 117¾ 118¼  126¼ Opening ...... i27 Highest .... .. 126¼ L o west ...... 127 Closing .. . . ..  119 U9¼ 118¾ U9¼  121 121¾ 120¾ 121¾  123 128 122¾ 122¼  118 118 U7½ 117¾  118¾ U8¾ 118¾ 118%  U7½ U7½ 117 U77-1  126¾ Opening .... . 127¼ Highest . .. .. 126¾ Lowest ..... . 127½ Closing .. ... .  119¾ 121 U9¼ 121  121¾ 123¼ 121¾ 122¼  128¾ 124¼ 128¾ 124¼  1177,i U8¼ 117½ US¼  118½ 118% 118¾ US%  117¼ 117~ 116¼ • . . . . 117¾  124¾ 126¾ 12-!¾; 126¾  Feb. Opening .... .. Highest. . . . . Lowest . ..... Closing . .....  U6¾ 116:1(! U5¾ U5)4  U7¾ 118}1i 117¾ 117¾  119% 120¼ 119¾ 119¾  121¾ 121¾ 121 121¾  118¾ US¾ U'i7,i 118¾  118% U9 118¾ U8%  U'77,i 118¾ 117¾ 118½  ... . ... . ... . ... .  119¾ 119¼ U7¾ 117¾  12~ 120¾ US 118  U6 U6¼ 1!2½ U2¼  117½ 117¼ U3 118  119¾ U0¼ 116¼ 116¼  121¾ 121¾ 121 121¼  115½ Ufi¾ 115½ 116¾  119 119¾ 118¾ 118¼  117 U'{¾ 115¾ 115¾  .... •. . ....  117% 1177/4 117 117¼  118¼ 128¾ 117½ 118¼  112¾ 118¼ 112¾ U3¼  US¼ 118¾ 118 118¾  117 118½ 115¼ 116 117 118½ 115½ U6 116¾ U8¼ 114¾ 115¼ 116¾ 118¾ 114½ 115¾  115¾ 115¼ U4% 114%  111¾ 111¾ 111¼ Ul¼  127 127 126~ 126%  117¼ 118¼ 11(5¾ 117¾  U8 U9¼ Uf3¾ US¼  112¾ U4 lll¾ U3½  118 113¾ 111¾ 118¼  U6 U6¼ 114¾ U6¼  118 118 116½ 116¾  114¾ U4¾ US U4  115 115¼ 113½ 115¾  U4¾ U5¼ 118½ U4½  110¾ 111½ UQ¾ Ul½  12~ 1~ 123 124~  lli¾ U8 117¾ U8¼ 116½ 117 U6½ 117  110¼ 110}.( 109;1:! 109,¼:  118¼ 118¼ 112½ 112½  116¼ 116¾ 115½ 115½  U7 117% 116¾ 117¼  114 114¼ 118¾ US%  115½ 115½ 114¼ 114¼  US¼ 118¼ 111¾ 111¾  lll¾ lU¾ 110 110  1~ 124½ 1~ 124  118¾ 116¾ 109¾ 118¼ 117¾ 109:)ti 112¼ 115½ 108½ 113% 1:7\k, 109¾  112¾ 118-¼ 111¾ US ~  115¾ 116¾ 114½ 116V  116½ US 116½ l 18  112¾ 118¼ 112 118¼  113¼ US¼ 111}'., 118¼  111¾ 112}s 110~1 112¼  109¾ 109¾ 108 108¼  Oct.  Nov.  Dec.  June. Opening ...... Highest . . . . . .Lowest...... mosing ......  120½ 120¾ 119¾ 120¾  Sept,  l\lay, Opening ... ... Highest . . . . Lowest ...... Closing ......  120 120 119¾ 119%  Ang,  Ma-i·. Opening ...... Highest ..... Lowest .... .. Closing ...... A1n•. Opening .... . . Highest . . . . . Lowest . . . . . . Closing • .....  10-40s. 5s 4¼s 6 11 _ _ _ _ , 188i. JR"9i, Cur-  Reg. Coup 1865. 186511 1867. 1868. Reg. Coup coup. reg. r'ncy  - - - -- 1--- ---- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - Opening.. .. .. Highest ....• Lowost ...... Closing ......  Os (5-20 years) Coupon.  Opening...... Highest . .... Lowest . . . . . . Closing . ... ..  0 12::.~ 122~ 120¼ 1221,4  10-40: . 4s, 6s 5s 6s, I 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 190,, Cur1881, 1881, coup. coup. reg. r 'ncy coup. 1865. 1865n 1867. 1868. Reg. Coup - - --- - - - -· · - - - - - - -- -  Os (5-20 years) Coupon., 41 10-40s. 6. 1881, coup.  tWi.  1865.11865-" 1867.11868, Reg. lCoup  --  Jan. ,Opening ...... Highest . ..... Lowest ...... Closing . .. ...  ~  .... ....  113¼ 114½ Ul¾ 111¾  108¾ 108½ 107¾ 107¾  109¾ 110¼ 108¾ 108¾  112¾ 118½ 111¾ ll1%  115¾ 110¾ 118¾ U6% 111¾ 114% 114½ 109½ 118¾ 114½ 109¼ U3¾  110¼ 111¼ l<XI¾ 109¾  .... .... ... . .... .... ... . .... ....  123¼ Opening ... ... 123¾ Highest . .... 122¼ Lowest .. . ... 122½ Closing . . ....  111¾ US}s 111¾ 112¾  1077,i 108¼ 107¾ 108¾  108 109½ 108 108%  lU¼ U2% 111¼ 111½  118½ 114½ 113 U3½  !00¼ 110¼ 109}.( 110¾  109¾ 110¾ 109¼ 110¾  .... .... ....  122¾ 123¾ 122¾ 123¾  Opening ..... 111 Highest.. .... 111 Lowest ...... 110¾ Closing ...... 11072  112¾ 114¼ 112½ 114  108¾ lU,½ 108~ 111½  108:H( 110½ 108½ 110¼  111¾ 118 lU¾ 112½  113¾ U5¼ US!¼ 115}-a  110¾ 111½ 110¾ 112¾ us 112¼ U()¾ 111½ U0½ 112 112¼ U2  123¾ 124¾ 128¾ 124½  Opening ... ... Highest ... . . . Lowest ...... Closing ......  114¼ 115¾ 114¼ 115½  .... .... ....  110~ 111~ 110¾ 110½  118 U4¾ 118 118¾  115 U6 115 116  112¼ 118 112¼ 112¾  125¼ 125½ 125¼ 125¼  Opening ..... . Highest ... .. Lowest .... .. Closing ......  122¼ 122¼ 122 ]22¼;  Opening .. . .. . Highest ...... Lowest .... .. Closing ..... .  June.  Opening ...... ffighest ...... r,owest .... ('.losing . .....  ....  U2 112¾ 111 111%  May. -Jpening ...... nighest .. . .. . Lowest ... ... Closing ......  ....  U3¾; 108¾ 118½ 108¾  118¾ 114½ 112% 114),j;  US½ 114¼ 112¼ 118¾  110¾ 111½ 110¾ 111¾  Apr. Opening ..... . Highest. . .. .. Lowest . . ... . Closing .... ..  . .. . 128¾ Highest ..... 112½  U5 U7½ U4¾ 116  Mar. Opening ...... flighest ..... . Lowest ...... Closing . .....  ....  ....  USM 114 112¼ 118  114¼ 109¾ 114¼ 109½  Feb. Opening ...... Highest ..... Lowest ...... Closing ......  .July,  .. ..  U0}ji 110¼ 109¾ ]10  115 115¼ 114¾ 115 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .... ... . 110 .... 110 ... . 109¼ .. ..  U3 118¼ ll2¾ 109¼ 112½  fl  116½ 112 116½ 112¾ 115½ 111¾ 115½ j 12¾,  ....  .... ... . .. .. ....  .. .. ....  .... ....  .... ....  .... ....  .... ....  118 118¾ 112¼ 113)4  110¼ 112 U0¼ 111¾  108¼ 109 108% 108¾  112¾ 118 112¼ 1127~  111 112 110¼ 112  107 108¼ 106¾ 108¾  .... ....  ....  .... .... ... .  121¼  Opening ... ... U2  121% !.owest ...... U1% 128¾ Closing ...... 112  Aug. 112¼ 112¾ 111¼ 111¾  Sept.  Oct.  ... .  106% 109½ 112  112¾ 113¼ 118¼ 112¾ 118  112 112 111 111  108¼ 109 108% 108¾  105¾ 106 105¾ 105¾  C':" 128¼ 126 128¼ 125  . . .. 107 109½ U2~ 118 . ... 106½ 108¾ Ul½ U2 .... 106¼ 109¾ 111,~ 112  . ... .. ..  109 109¾ 108¼ 108}~  111¾ 111½ 110% 110%  109¾ 109¾ 108½ 108¼  109¾ 110\.s 108¾ 108¾  109 109 1077/4 107¼  105)4 105½ 104 104¼  125 125¾ 123~ 123~  105% 105¼ 105¾ 105¾  1077,i 108 107 107¾  110¼ 110¾ 109% 109¾  108¾ 109¾ 108¾ 108¾ 109¾ 108¾ 106¼ 107¾ 107¼ 106% 108¼ 107¼  106¾ 106:j( 105 105¼  108 108 101¾ 101½  120§s 120%  107 1077,i 106¾ 1077/4  105 105¾ 108% 105¼  101% 102¾ 101¼ 102¾  105 105¼ 108¼ 103¾  10~ 12~ 103~ 1 ~ 101 r 120 101,( 1.20  106¼ 107 . . .. 105¼ .... 106¼  .... . ...  ... . . ...  t~t  5s, 4s, 6s 1881. 1907, Curcoup. coup. reg. r'ncy  US¾ 113¼ 112 112¾  . ...  109¼ UO¼  .... ... . ....  105¾ 105¼ 105 105¾  107¾ 108% 106¼ 108¾  109¼ 109¾ 109¼ 109¼  107 107¾ 106¾ 107¾  107¾ 108¼ 107¾ 108¼  110¾ 110¼ U0¼ U0¼  . .. . .... .... ....  105¾ 106¾ 105~ 106¾  10$¾ 109¼ 108¼ 109)4  110 111½ 110 111½  1077,,a 108¼ 107:Y.i 108¼  108},.( 108¾ 108¼ 108¼  110% 111 109½ 109¼  . ... . ... . ...  106¼ 106¾ 101$¾ . .. . 10~  109¼ 109¾ 108¼ 10R 1~  111¼ 108¾ 109 107 111¾ 108% 109 107¾ llQ 106¾ 107½ 105¾ 110 loor>s 107½- 103¾  110¼ 110¾  Nov.  128  1.23%  1~ 12~ 120~ 120¼ \ 106¾ 105½ 102¼ 121~ 107 10:'i¾ 102¾ 122 106½ 105¼ 102¼ 121~ 106¼ 1 ~ 102¾ 122  Dec,  UNITED S T A. 'l'ES Slt01JRI'l'IES, 1878. 6s, 1881 Coup  ~  6s (5-20 years) Coupon.  5s, 6s, cur4s. 10-40, 5s, 1881 4½s, '91 Coupon Coup. Coup. Coup. •.rex:oy.  6s, 1881 Coup.  l  6s (5-20 years) Coupon.  ~  5s 10-40, 5s, 1881 4½s, '91 4s, 6s, cur~ Coupon Coup. Coup. Coup. rency.  1865 n .  1867.  1868.  x02½ 102% 102¾ 102½  x05¾ 106¼ 105¼ 105¼  x108 108¼ 107¾ 108¼  109 109¾ 108¼ 109¼  107¼ 107¾ 106% 107¾  104¾ 104¼ 104¼ 104¾  :x 00¼  1 00% 100¼ 100½  1201~ 120)..( 120 120~  102½ 102¼ 102¾ 102¾  105 105½ 104¾ 105½  108 l0S 108 108  109¼ 109¼ l0S¾ 108%  x06¾ 106¾ 106  104~_£ 105 104¾ 104¾  1 00~ 1 00¼ 100¾ 1 00½  12~ 120~ 119j(, 120),  105½ 105½  106¼  106½ 106  106¼  105¼  1011,,11 108 107¼ 107½  x06½  107¾ 107¼  102¾ 102¼ 102¾ 102¾  105¾ 105%  x03¾ 103¼ 103¾ 103¾  1 00¾ 100¼ 100¼ 100¼  lHJ]u 119:?fi 119½ 119¾  107¾ 108¼ 107¾ 108¼  103 103¼ 102¾ 102¾  105¼ 106¼ 105¼ 106¼  107¾ 108 107¾ 108  106¼ 106:J,s 105¾  106 106¼ 105¼ 106¼  103½ 104 102½ 104  X. 99½ 1 00¼ 99¾ 1CO  119½ 120¾ 119¼ 120¾  108¼ 109¼  103¾ 103¼ 1033s 103¼  106¼ 106½ 103¼ 106¼  108½ 109½ 10 .½ 109½  106½ lOi¾ 106½ 107¾  104  1 00 1 00¾ 1 00 100¾  103¾ 103).£ 103¾  106¼ 1067~ 105¼ 10"\!,i  109¼  10i% 108¼ 107¾ 108¼  1868. 1865n. 1867. - --- - - - - - - - - - - -·--- - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - July.  Jan.  Open'g  High't Low'st Clos'g.  Feb. Open 'g High't Low'st Clos·g.  101¾ 102  118½ 119½ 118½ 119½  Open'g x07¾ High't 107¾ Low'st 107 Clos'g. 107½  102¼ 102¼ 101¼ 102  118½ 119½ 118½ 119¼  Open'g High't Low'st Cl os'g:  101¼ 101% 100¼ 101%  119 119 118 118  Ope u'ir High't Low'st Clos'g .  117¾ lHJ¼ 117¼ 119¼  Open'g High't Low'st Cl os'g.  106% 107¼ 106½ 106¾  102¾ 103¼ 102¾ 102½  105¼ 106 105¼ 105¼  106¾ 109¼ 106¾ 108¾  107¾ 108¾ 107¾ 108¼  105¼ 106¾ 105¼ 105%  103)4 104¼ 103¼ 103¾  101¾  106½  103 103¾ 102¾ 103¾  105¾ 106¼ 105 105¾  108¾ 109 108 108¾  108½ 108½ 106½ 106¾  x04¾ 104¾ 103 103¼  103½ 103½ 102¾ 103¼  102¾  Auir, 106½ 105¾ 105¼ 105¾ 107¼ 105% 107¼  103½ 104¾ 103½ 104¾  105½ 107¼ 105½ 107¼  108% 109 108¾ 109  x03¼ 105¾ 103¼ 105¾  103 104½ 103 104¾  :x0l¼ 103 101¼ 103  107¼ 107% 107 107  109¾ 110½ 109% 110  105½ 100 105¾ 106  104¾ 105¾ 104¾ 105¾  ]03¼ 103¾ 102¾ 103¼  106% 107¾ 106½ 107¾  109¾ 109¾ 109)4 109)~  105% 107¾ 105% 107½  104½ 105¼ 104¾ 105¾  103¼ 104% 103¼ 104%  100½ 101¾ 100½ 101¾  lt9¼ 122 119 122  107.½ 110 109¼ 111¼ 107½ 110 ,-109ni 111)/4  105¾ 107 ]05)8 107  x03¾ 104¾ 103¾ ]04'¾  101¼ l0lr~ 101¼  xll!J 120½  101¾  120¼  Apr, Open 'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  June . Open 'g High't Low 'st  Clos'g.  107½ 108¼  106¼  107¼ 107¾ 107¼ 107¾  104½ 104~4 104 104  107½ 108¼ 107¾ 108½  ...  103¼ 104¼ 103)4' 104¾  :::1  lW/4 1  110¼ lu8¾ 110¼  104¾ 105¼  107¼ 108¾ 107¼ 108½  108¼ 108¼  10;i¼  106¼  Oct, 100¾ 100:),4 100¾ 100½  May. Open 'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  108¼  Sept.  Mar. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  107½  106¾  Nov.  Open'gl  High't Low'st Clos'g. Dec, 1 Open'g H igh't Low 'st Clos'!!.  llO  108¼  109¼ 109¼ 109/2 109¼ 109¾  JOS'}.(  109¾ 108 108  I  x105  i~~ I 1.:6¾  i  100¾ 106¼ 106¼ 106¾ .  105¼  104. 105¼ x04¼  10-:l¾ 101 104¾  I  121¾ 122 121¼  122  00½ I 110!l¾  l 00)i;  xll9 l:.lO~ 119  1001,,;j  119¾  1879. Co upon Bonds.  6s,Cur4s, 1907 rf3Jl,• reg.  I  5-20s.  10-40s. 5s, 1881 6s, 1881 f~t 1868. 1867. -----------------Jan, Opening ....... . Highest .... . .. . Lowest ......... Closing ........  6s, 1881  -July,  106¾ l0o¼ 106¼ 106¾  x02¾ 102:h; 101¾ 102  104¼ 104¾ 102¾ 103¾  108¾ 108¾ 104¾ 105  107 107½ 105% 106¼  104.¼ 106¼ 104¾ 106¼  x99½ 100 99¾ 100  119½ 121¼ 119½ 121¼  Ovening ...... Highest . .... . Lowest . ....... Closing ........  106¾ 106¾ 105% 106¼  102¼ 102¼ 102 102¼  102½ 102% 102½ 102¼  105 105¾ 104¾ 104.¾  x04% 104% 104¼ 104¾  106¼  106¾ 106 106¾  100 100¼ 100 100¼  120% 122 120% 122  Openin~ . .... . Highest ....... L owest ........ Closing ... .. . ..  0  106% 106¾ 105¾ 106¾  102¾ 102¼ 102 102¼  102½ 102½ 102¾ 102¾  x02¼ 102¼ 101M 102  104¾ 104¾ 103¼ 104¾  x05¼ 105¼ 104 104¾  100¼  122 122 121¾ 121¾  Opening .. . .. . . Highest .. . .... Lowest ....... . Closing . . ....  ....  ....  104¾ 105¼ 104½ 104¾  104%  xW  106¾  .... . ...  102 102 101¼ 101¼  104¼ 106¾  101¾ 99 101~4  121½ 124½ 121½ 124½  Opening ...... Highest ....... Lowest ........ Closing ...... . .  .. ..  ....  107 107¼ 107 107¾  101% 103½ 101¾ 103¼  124¼ 125½ 124¼ 125½  Opening .. .. .. Highest ... .. .. Lowest ........ Closing ........  Highest . . ...... Lowest ...... . .  Closing ........ Apr, Opening ... . ... Highest ...... Lowest ......... Closing ........  106¾ 106¾ 105¾ 106¾  May, Opening ....... . Highest . .... ... Lowest .... ... . . Closing ........ J  .... .... ....  .... .... .... . ...  . ...  . ... . ... . .. .  103:¾( 104¾ 103¾ 104¾  106¼  106½ 105¾ 106¼  x01% 102¾ 101¾ 102¼  128 124 122¾ 128¼  104¾ 104¾ 104¼ 104¾  .... .... .... ....  .... .... .... ... .  .... .... .... ....  x02¾ 102¾ 101% 102¼  106.¼ 106¼ 105 105¾  102 102 100% 101¼  128¼ 123¼ 123)4 123¼  ....  ....  .... .... ... .  :102}4 103 102.¼ 103  x04i)s 105¼ 104¾ 105¼  101¾ 102¾ 101¼ 102¾  .... .... .... ....  .... .... .... .... ....  .... •·· · ....  102¾ 1.03½ 102¾ 103¾  105¼ 105% 105¼ 105¾  x0l¾ 102¾ 101¾ 102¼  x02¾ 102¾ 102 102½  106¾ 107¼ 106¼ 107¼  102¼ 103% 102¼ 103¾  124½ 125 124 124¼  102¼ 103¾ 102½ • ••• l 103¾  x'.>5¾ 106¾ 105¾ 106¾  103 104¼ 103 104  x21¼ 122 121~ 122  Sept,  Mar,  Opening •..... ..  106½  107¼ 106r£ 107½  June.  Opening ....... Highest ........ Lowest .........  Closing ........  lM½ I  107% 107¾ 107¾  .... .  .... ....  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  104¾ 105 104¾ 105  Oct.  ... .  .... .... ....  .... .... .... . .. . ....  .... ... . ....  ....  ....  10'.l¼ 99¼ 99¼  . ...  105 105½ 105 105¼  Nov. x03¾ 104 103½ 103%  105¼ 106¾ 105¼  10'5%  Dec. 103¾ 103¾ 103¾ 103¾  I  102¼ 103 102½ 102%  x06½ 106½ 105¾ 106¼  Opening ...... Highest .. . .... Lowest ... .. ... Closing ........  x23½ 128½ 123 123  tifrit  --  x04% 104¼ 104¾ 104¾  Aua,  .Feb, Opening . ...... Highest •. ...... Lowest •.••• .... Closing ... ..• ..  Coupon B onds. 6s , Cur. 5-20s. 4s, 1907 r!~8l; 10-4.0s. 5s, 1881 reg. ]867. 1868. -·- - - - - -- - ---  106¼  107¼ 106¼ 107¼  ....  .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .... ....  .... ....  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  ....  ....  .... .... ....  .... .... ....  ....  .... ....  .... ....  ....  ....  I  123 123 123 123  I S~O. Coupon Bonds  Coupon Bonds.  r.s, curr ency, 1898, r eg.  6s, 1881. 5s, 1881. 4½s, 1891. 4s , 1907. -·-· - - - - - - - - - - - - -·  January, Opening ....... ...... ..... .. ... . Highest .. . ............ . ... . ..... Lowest ....... .. . .. . .... .. ...... Closing .. ..... ...... . ... . . ...... February, Opening ......... . . . . . ... . . , .... Highest ........... . .......... ... Lowest .............. . .......... Closing . .......... ........... .. . March, Opening.... . ........... ... ...... Highest . ..... ... .. ... . . . . ....... Lowest ...... . ...... .. . . ..... . ... Closing .... ..... ........ ... ..... A»ril.  X  104)4 104% 104¼ 104%  103¾ 104 103¾ 104  106¾ 107¾ 103¾ ]07¾  X  ................  103 104¾ 103 104½  Opening ....... Highest ...... . ......... . ....... L owest .. ..... . .... .... ......... Closing .: . .. ......... .... .......  Aua-ust. 105¼ 105% 105¼ 105¾  X  103 103¾ 103 103½  107¼ 109¼ 1077,i 108%  105¼ 107¼ 105 106%  108 108¼ 107½ 108½  106¾ 107¾  126 126 126 126  ....  Opening .. ........ .......... Highest . .........••....• Lowest .....•.................... Closing ........ .. ....... : .... . . .  103½ 103½ 103 103J,,(  X  ·· ·· ·········· ....  Opening ..... Highest ......•................... Lowest ..... .. . .....•. . •... . . . .. Closing ...... . ... . ....••.. ...•.  106½  107¾  X  104¼ l04¼ 103% 10--!¼  103% 103¼ 103¾ 103¾  109¾ 110¼ 109¾ 110¼  x108¾ 109¾  104½ 104¾ 104½ 104¾  x102¾ 102¾ 102¾ 102~  111¾ 111¾ 111¼ 111¾  109¾ 110¼ 109¾ 110¼  104~ 104¾ 104½ 104¼  102~, 102!¾( 102½ 102%  110¾ 1109,i 109 109  110¼ 110~  104.¾ 101¼ 104~ 104¾  102~ 103 102½ 103  108¼ 110½ 108¼ 110½  102 102 101¾ 101½  111¼ 112¾  101)4 101½ 101 101¼  111% 112 111¾  108¼  109¾  128 128 128 ll28  JOfl¾  108%  October. 105¼ 106¼  105¾ 106¼  103¾ 104 103¾ 104  109 109¼ 1087,i 109  x106¾ 107¼ 106¾ 107½  Opening . ...•......•.•. ... . ••.... Highest .... .. .................. Lowest . ... . ............. . ...... Closing .....•...• . ........... . ...  x102% 103¾ 102¾ 1(18¼  109¼ 110¾ 108¼ 110¾  107¾ 109  Opening ................... . . : ... Highest ..........••.......•... . Lowest . .... .......... . . . . ... . .. Closing] . .. .. ... .. ... .. . ....... . .  May, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - - - - ----  September. 105¼ l05% 105¼ 105½  X  107¼ 109% 107¼ 109¾  November.  Ovening ..... .... ................  lbliD4r·•···· .................  5s, 1881. 4½s, 1891. 4s, 1907.  July,  Opening •.. ... . ... . .. ..... .. .... Highest .... .... . . . ..... .... .. .. Lowest .... .. ...•. ...•. .. ... .... Closing ....... ... .............. ..  Highest .... . ......... .. ........ Lowest .................... ...... llosing . ... .... ... .. ......... .. . June. ~ lpening... . . . ...... ...... . ... . . . \llghest .......................... ~est ......................... .  6s, 1881.  ----  6s, cur., 181:!8. reg.  106¾ 107¾ 106¾  106¾  .  106% 107¼ 106¾  107¼  108¼ 103¾ 108¼ 103¾  107¼  r·~  109  109¼ 108¾ 109½\  X  111¼ 112  110 112¼ 109¾ 111%  130 130 129¾ l2Q3i  111% 118% 111¼ ~13~  134  December.  109  109!¾( 109¾ 109:ll  104% 104¾ 104¾ 104¾  i  Opening .•.. .. •.... .... .. ... ..... Highest •.....•.•....... ........ Lowest ..................... .... Closing ......... . ...............  104¼ 104% 104¼ 104¾  112  ]34 134  la4i  tlNI'l'ED STATES SEUURITIES. 1881. Coupon B onds. 6s, 1881. 5s, 1881. 4¼s, 1891. 4s, 1907,  Coupon Bonds.  6s, currency, 1898, re/l.  - ----------1 ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- 1-------------January. July. Opening..... ... ..... . .. ... . .. .. x 101½ Highest . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 101¾ Lowest.. . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101¼ Closing. ..... .... .. .. ... .. ... ... 101¾  114% 114% 114¾ 114¾  102¾ 102% 101½ 101½  102¼ 102¼ 101 101%  114¾ 114¾ 113¾ 118¾  116½ 116¾ 114¾ 115¾  101½ 101¾ 100% 101  101½ 101½ 101 101¼  113 113¾ 112% 118¾  116 117% 116 117¾  Ope ning....................... . Highest......................... Lowest......... ... ... . .......... Closing.......... .. ... .. . .. . ... .  100¾ 101¼ 100¾ 101  x 100½ 102¼ 99¾ ·102)1;  Openinl.~~~~~-~~:.... ...... Highest.................. . .. Lowest.. . ................ . ...... Closing..........................  101¼ 101¾ 101¼ 101:i~  102 102¼ 101% 102½  x 112½ 113¼ 112¾ 112¼  101¾ 101¾ 101¾ 101¾  x 100¾ 101 100¾ 100½  112¼ 112¼ 111¾ 112¼  112% 114 112¾ 112¾  102 102¼ 102 102¼  101 102 100% 102  x 111¾ 112¾ 111¼ 112¾  112¼ 114¾ 112¼ 114¾  131 131 131 131  Opening............ . ... .. .. . . High est....... ................. Lowest..................... ... Closing.............. . . . . . . . . . ..  Opening..... ................... Highest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Lowest .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . .. . . . Closing....... ... . .. . .... .. .. . . .  102¾ 103¼ 102¾ 103¼  102¼ 102% 102 :021,s  112% 114¾ 112% 1:4¾  x 114 ll6¼ 113½ 116),!  133 133 133 133  Opening ... ~~::........ . ... . . Highest.... ............ ....... Lowest. .. .. ... ...... ........... Closing. . ......... ..............  103¾ 106½ 103¾ 106½  x 101% 105 101% 104½  114¾ 116.½ 114¾ 116½  116¼ 118¼ 116¼ 118¼  135 135 185 135  Ma1·ch.  OpeTJing.. . . .... . . . ... . .. . .. . Highes t . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . L owest..... ... .. .......... ...... Cl os ing..... . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .  Apl"il.  117)4 117¼ 115¾ 116¾  • 102¾ 102¾ 101% 102  112 112¾ 112 112¾  Februa1•y.  6s, 1881. 5 , 1881. 4½s, 1891. 4s, 1907. _ _ _ 1027,4 103 102¼ 102¾  101½ 101% 101½ 101¾  Opening . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Highest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Lowest . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closing . ....... .. ..... .. . .. ... .  133 133 133 133  6s, cur-  --------------,----l1~iK~. Opening . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Highest . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lowest................ . ........ Closing.........................  August.  Opening . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. Highest.................... . .... Lowe~t . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Closing . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .  September.  October.  June.  X  113 113 113 113 118¾ 114% 113¾ 114%  X  xll~¾  116¾ 115½ 116 116¼ 117½ 116 117½  December.  Opening...... .... . .... ....... .. • 104 104¼ x 115¾ 118¼ x 134 Opening............ ......... x 100¾ 102½ x 113¾ 117¾ x 130 Highest ....... ......... _. . ..... 104 104¼ 118¾ 134 Hi~hest.................. .... ... 101½ 108½ 114% 118% 180 Lowest.. . .... .......... . .. .. 102¼ 103 114% 117% 134 Lowest... .. . . ............... .. . 100¾ 102¾ 113¾ 117¾ 129 Closing. . ~ •-· ._. _.._. _.._.._._·._._. •...:..l_ _ t0_3_.-:.._1_0_3.:....:½:..._:....__1_1_5_-'--_11_8_........c._1_34 _ _.:..:....._c_1_0_s_in...:g:....._·_.._·_·._._·._._ .._._·._._ .._._.._._·.:....__1_0_1_½_:....__1_03_¼_....:...._11_4_~_11......:._1_1_8_%_ __1_2_9  ll~s  -·- -  Registcr'd Bonds. Coupon Bonds. Os, cont'd 5s, cont'd 4½s, 1891. 4s, 1907. 6s, cur'cy, 181!8. _at8½, at3½.  Coupon Bonds. Registered Bonds. fis, cont'd 5s, cont'd 4½s,1891. 4s, 1907, 6s, cur'cy. 18s, option nt3½. at 8½. 181J8 u. s.  ---- - - - - ---- - - - -  Ja nuary. Openin g .. . ......... Highes t .... Lowes t . . .. C'losing ···· ·· ······· ·  100¾ 101 100¾ 101  Openi :i g ............ Highc st ............ Lowest ... Closing  101 101 100¼ 100¼  102½ 102¼ 101% 102  114% 114% 114¾ 114%  118 118¼ 117¼ 118  100¾ 101½ 100¾ 101½  102 108¾ 102 108¾  x118¼ 118¼ 118% 113%  118 119% 118 119¾  Open in g .....•....•. Highes t .....•.•...•. Lowes t ... Closing  101% 101¾ 101¼ 101%  x102½ 103 101% :02¼  115)4 116½ 115)4 1:014  x118¾ 121¾ 118¾ 121  Openi~_g .•.. ........ Highes t ············ Lowes t ........... Closing  101¼ 101¾ 101¾ 101¾  102}4 1027-( 101¾ 101¾  116¼ 110¼ 115½ 115½  121 121½ 120% 120;14  ........ .....  xl02¼ 102¾ 102¼ 102¾  114¾ 114¼ 114¾ 114%  ----131 181 181 131  117% 118½ 117¼ 118¼  Fe bruary.  ········· ..............  .... .... .... .... .... .... ..~. ....  lllarch. Openin g . .. ... .. ... Highes t ............. Lowes t .............. CloEi ing  ..............  A pril.  -······· ·· ····· ...... ll'lay. .. .......... ...  ....  .... .... .... .... .... ....  ....  J unc. Openin g ············ Hlghes t •..... , ••.... Lowes t ••••... Closina:  .....  ··············  X  100 100¼ 100 100¼  101¼ 101!!4 101¼ 101"  ....  120¾ 120¾ 120¼ 120¼  x114¼ 114¾ 114.J.-ii 114¼  .... .... ....  ---.... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  .... .... .... ....  8siJ\:'n  - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - ----  July.  102 102 101¼ 101¼  Opening ............ Highest Lowest ............. Closing .. . ....... . ..  ············  Auiru ■ t  ....  ... ... ..  Opening ..•..•.. Highest ..••••••• Lowest ........• . Closing •.....•..•...  ....  ....  ....  September.  ....  Opening •........... Highest •.........•.. Lowest ............. Closing..............  .... ....  ....  October.  ........  Opening...........•. Highest ............. Lowest .•............ Closing . •........ .. ..  ....  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  November.  Opening .. ..... ... .. Highest •............ Lowest .............. Closing ..............  December.  ....  .... .... .... ....  ....  . ...  ....  l ..........  Opening ......•..... Hfo-hest •...•.••..•.. Lowest .............. Closing ... , ..........  ....  X  .... .  X  :x:119  101 102¼ 100~ 101¼  114 115 114 114¼  10114 101~ 101¼ 101¼  114% 114% 114¾ 114¾  101 101% 100¾ 100¾  113 118 112½ 112¾  119% 120¼ 119½  100)4 10014 10014 100~  118¼ 113~ 118 118},f  x118% 119½ 118¾ 119¼  101:1:i 101¾ 101¾ 101¾  113 118¼ 113 113  119½ 119¼ 118½ 119¼  101½ 108¾ 101½ 108¼  x112¼ 113¼ 112~ 113¼  120¾ 118¾ 120¾ 120¼ 120)4  119¾ 119%  llU¾  I  120½ 121 120 120¼  ....  ....  .... ....  ....  .... .... .... .... . ....  .... .... .... .... .... ....  ....  .... ....  .... .... .... .... ....  .'I...  .... ....  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . ... ....  102¼ 102~  102!,( 102~ 102~ 10~ 101~ 102 .J  102~ 108 102¾ 103  18~3. f'ouoon B onds .  Registered Bonds.  ------------(---- - - - - ---- ---- - - January.  Regl!'tered Bonds. Coupon Bonds. 5s, cont'd 4½s,1891. 48, 1907. 3s, option 6s,cur'oy _ U.S. :898. at8½.  July.  x102 104 .. 102 104 Closing ...... ·· ·· ············ ·-··  118¼ 118% 112¾ 118  x119½ 119¾ 118½ 118½  Opening ... ....... ........ .. .... Highest ....... . . ..... .... . .... . Lowest ... ..................... Closing ..........................  118¼ 113½ 113¼ 113%  118¼ 120 118¼ 119%  104¼ 104¼ 1089( 104¼ -  Opening •.••.••....•.•..•.•.••.. Highest, .•••.••..•.........•... Lowest •...•••..•. .....•.......•. Closing ••. ..••..••....••••..••••  x112½ 118¾ 112½  118%  119¾ 120½ 119 120½  J04 104¼ 103¾ 103¼  Opening ....................... . Highest ••••••••• , ••.••••••...... Lowest, ...................... . Closing•.. _.••••••.•..••• ,,, ••••.  118½ 113~4 118),g 113¼  xll9% 120 119¾ 119¼  x103½ 103¾ 108 103  Opening........................ . Highest ................. ... .... . Lowest. ....... ,,., .•••••.•..... Closing ......................... .  113 113¾ 113 118¼  119¾ 1197,4 119 119¼  103¾ 103% 108¼ 108½  Opening....... ................ . Highest, ........................ . Lowest •....•.•••••••••••••••.•.. Closing...................... . . .  Xl12¾ 118 112%  ll!l;)s  120 119¾  103½ 104 103½ 1037"  Openhijt ................ ··•••· Highest •....•••••••••••.•••..•.. Lowest . ..... ... ... ....•... •..•.. Closing ......................... .  Opening ..................... Highest .. .. ... . . . . . . . . Lowest  .. ···· ·· ..···· ····.······ ~  X  108)4 104½ l03¼ 104½  Februa1•y.  Opening, ••..•......••••••.•... Highest ............... . ....... . Lowest •••.••.•.•...•......... Closing, ...................... .  - - - - - - - - ---- --~  112% 118 112¾ 1:2%  x118% 119¼ 118½ 119  103¾ 103~ 108 103  118 113¼ 112¾;  118¾  119¼ 119¾ ll8'U 119¾  108 103¾ 108 103¾  112½ 114 112¼ 114  119¾ 121¾ 119¾ 121¼  108% 108¾ 101¼ 101½  133 185 132¾ 185  114¼ 114% 113~ 114¼  x120¼ 122 120 122  xl00½ 100½ xl00½  1~ 136½ 135¾ 18(¾  114¾  121% 122¾ 121¾ 122¾  100¾ 100¾ 100¼ 100~  136½ 136¼ 136 186  128 125¼ 123 124¼  10()¾ 102 100¼ 102  x1S4 134¾ 134  AUllUSt.  103¼ 103% 103¼ 103¼  Ma1·cb.  September.  Opening .......... . Highest .. ............... ... . . Lowest ............ ....... .. .. . . . Closing..... ...... ......... ......  ..  April.  .... -···· ···· ·············· ·  Opening ............... . .. Highest Lowest .....................•... Closing ......... .... ............ May. Opening ..•..... Highest .•.... ... Lowest ......... ·· ··· Closing ••..... . ......•.• .••••••.  ··············· ··············· ........  October,  Closing ..........................  100¼  Nove111ber.  June. Opening •. • . .... .•• . ....•... . .. . lllghest .................•....... Lowest · ·--·····················[ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  181½ 131½ lSl½ 131½  Decembtlr•  11~  120  115 114½ 115  xl14 114¼ 113¼ 114'.¼  134U  tlNI'l'ED ')SPATES SEOURlTIBS. 1884. Coupon Bonds.  Coupon Bonds.  Registered Bonds.  Registered Bonds.  t ~f ·  4½s, 1891 4s, 1~7. 3s,g~~~on 6 8  4¼s, 1891. 4s, HI07, 3s'tf.P~ion 6s,1~~rcy  ---- ----- ---- ----!!------------------- - - - - - - ---- ----  January.  114% 1147/4 114¼ 114¼  x123jl4 124¼ 128¼ 128¾  11~ 114¾ 114¾ 114¾  1~ 1287.;S 128¼  101 101 101 101  Opening......... . ..........••..•...•... x113¼ Highest ....................•.............. Lowest........ .. , ...............•••........ 113¼ 118% Closing ••...................•.•.........••..  1~ 124% 123¾ 124¾  101 101 101 101  Opening •..•.. . .............• Highest .... .•. ............................ Lowest •............................•..•.... Closing .....................•.........•..  February.  Opening ..... ..... .... .. ......••.. •.••...... Highest ..... . . . .......•....•....•. . . . .•.. Lowest ................ .. ...........•... .. . Closing •............................ : ..... .  LOO¾  100%  128¾  March.  um  Apl'il.  100% 100%  July.  184¾ 184¾ 184¾ 184¾  Opening ......... . .................. . . .. . . Highest ............... . ........ ...... . .. . . Lowest ................................ .. Closing .. ............. .......... ......... .  185¾  Opening ............................... . Highest ................................... . Lowest ................................... . Closing ............................... . ... .  112  120¾  100 100¼ 100 100¼  120¾ 120¾ 119¾ 120¾  100¼ 100:J( 100¼ 100¾  120¾ 121¼ 120 121¼  10°'4 101 100},t 101  112¾ 11~ 112¾ 113¾  xl20¼ 121% 119¾ 121¾  101 101 1007-( 100¼  118¼  ·121!J;( 122¾ 121¼ 122¾  1:2¾  August.  185¼ 185¼ 135¼  September.  Opening ............................... ... . xll1% 111% Highest .......... ....... .............. .... . 112¾ Lowest .................................. . 112¾ Closing ................................. ..  October.  12SJ4 l~Sni  s:101¼ 101~ 100¾ 100¾  Opening............. ..... ................. . Highest .. ...... ................. . .... . ... . Lowest ........ . .......................... . Closing .. ............. ..... ... ............ .  113¼ 118¾ 110  123¼ 128¼ 118½  100 10°'4 100  112¾  120¾  100¾  Opening .............. . ................ . . . Highest ... . .......... ........ ..... ........ . . Lowest ... .... ..... . ... ............. .... .... . Closing................................. .  Opening ....•.......... ..............••.... xlll¾ Highest ..... . ......... .....•.••.....•...... 111¾ Lowest .....••...................••••..••••. 110¾ Closing..•.....•..•..•.•••...•••• 110¾  120¾ 12°'4 118¼ 119¾  100¾ 100¾ 100 100  Opening . . . ...... ..... . ............. . ... . . x113:J4 113% Highest . .............................. .... • 112:J( Lowest .................................... . 113¼ closing .. ............... ...... ............. .  Opening ............. . .••.•...•......•••. Highest . ............•.........•.•....• . •. Lowest •.................................... Closing •............................•.....••  118¼ 118¼ 113 118¾  xl~ 124  Opening ..•..... ~.~.~: •............••.... Highest ............................•...... Lowest ........................•.....••.. Closing ....... . .. .....................•.....  June.  x118½ 120¾ 118¼  112¾ 112  November.  December.  114¼ li3% 114¼  ·  123¾ 128¾ 122),(  122¼  101¼ 101½ 101¼ 101¾  • Coupon Bonds.  Registered Bonds.  Coupon Bonds.  Registered Bonds.  t83B~· ----------------11--------·--------1------------4¾s, 1891 4s, 1907. 3s,¾?.:~on 6  January.  Opening ..... .... ..... ... . . . Highest ................. . ............... . Lowest ............................ . ....... . Closing ....... .. .................. .. ..... .  112§&  February.  112¼ 112'1,;S 112~  Opening ..... ... . .. .. ... ......... . . . ....... . Highest ... .. ........... . .. ...... .... .. ... . Lowest ... . . .... . ............ . ........... . Closing ...... ......... . . . . ....... ....... .. . Opening ... ...... . ......•... .. ...•....... Highest ... ....... . .. .. . .. ..... ....... .. . Lowest............. . ... ..... .. . .. . . ....... . Closing ..... ...... ..... ... . . ........ . ...... .  X  April.  Opening ................................. . Highest . ...... . ... ..• ....•.......•.. . .. .. . Lowest •••..................•............ .. . Closing .................................... .  112¾  112¾  112¾ 112¾  May.  E~~1~:: : :::: : : : · : : : : ::: ::::I Closing ••....•.•...•.•••........•........... !  June.  X  l0i½ 101½ 101 101¼  Opening ................................... . Highest ........... . •••• . ..... ... . ..... . .. ,. Lowest . .. .... . ....... . ................... . Closing ................. . .................. .  121%  102 102 101½ 101½  Opening ..... .. . .... ..... ...... . . .......... . Highest ................................... . Lowest . ........ ..... .. . .. ..... . . ......... .. Closing ................... . ................ .  12194 122¾  112 112¼ 112 112  l~J4 122¾  101>9 101¼ 101 101½  x121¾ 122¼ 121¾ 122  xl0l 102¼ 101 102¼  122¾ 122¼  112¾ 113¼ 112¾  121¼ 122¼ 121¾ 122¼  102¾ 103¼ 102¾ 103¼  112),(  122¼ 123¼ 122¼  112¾  1.?S¾  103¼ 104½ 103¼ 10-i¾  113¼  112)4 112:J(  July.  121:J_{ 122¼ 121½ 121¾  122¾  1127,11  March.  Opening .........•... . . ..•..•....•. , . .... . Highest .... .. . . ..• .. .. . . . .. .. ..••.... . . ... . Lowest ••.............•....•....••......••• Closing............................. . ...... .  X  112% 112¾ 112¾  Coupon Bonds.  112¾ 112% 112½ 112½  xl22¾ 122% 122¾ 122¾  x103¾ 1087,i 103~ 103¼  112¾ 113¼  108 103¼  113¼  122;& 128¼ 122% 122'1,i  103¼  Opening ............ . ...................... . x112¼ Highest . .. . . . . ... .......•........... . .... . 112½ Lowest .......................... . ...... .... . 112¼ 112½ Closing ... . ... .. . . .. ... . .. .. . . .. . . ... .... .  122% 123½ 122% 128¼  103J,a 104 103¼ 108¼  184 184 184 134  112½ 113¼  x122¾ 124 122¾ 124  xl03¾ 104 103½ 103½;  1S4 13' 134 134  113½ 113½ 113½ 113¼  123% 123¼ 123¾ 123¾  104 104 102¾ 102%  xll.2¾  123¾ 124¾  103¼ 104½ 103¼ 103¾  Auirust.  112¾  ~eptember.  October.  112½  Ope'ling .. ..... , ........... . ... .. ...... .... . Highest . . . , .. . ... .. .. . .. . ......... . ...... . Lowest .. . . . ........ ............. . ...... . Closing .................. . .. .. .......... .  X  113½  November.  136¼ 137½ 136¼ 137½  Opening .................. .. ... .. ......... . Highest . . . . .. ... . ..... . ...... . ............. . Lowest .. ......... . .......... . ....... .. .. . Closing ............................ . . . ... .  135 135 184½ 184'4  Opening ........ . . . .. .. .. .... ...... ...... . Highest . ..... .. , ...... .. . . . .. .... ...... .. .. . Lowest .. . ... .... .. ........................ . Closing ..•.••..•...••••.........•.......•.  December.  1127,11  123¾  112¾ 112'¼  I  Registered Bonds.  124),(  Coupon Bonds.  133~  1~ 133),( 183¾  102%  x!SS 133 133 133  1Registered Bonds.  4¾s, 1891. 4s, 1907. 3 s, ¾?.:~on 6 s,1i~~'.cy ----------------11--------------·-- ----------------  4¾s, 1891. 4s, 1907. 3s'tf.P!~on 6s,1~~~cy  January.  Opening . . .... . ..... . ....... . Highest .... ... .......... . ................ . Lowest .................................... . Closing ................................. .  February.  Opening ................................... . Highest ............................ . . . . ... . Lowest ..........•.....••.••...•.......•... Closing ................................. . .. .  112¾ 112¾ 112¾ 112¾  128  102 102½  124  100¾  135¼ 13614 135¼ 135¼  112% 114 112%  124¼ 127¾  114  127¾  100¾ 101 100¾ 101  136¼ 136¼ 136¼ 136¼  Mo.rch.  Opening .................. . .............. . X 112% 112¾ lligl'.est ...••...•....•.•. , ................ . 111~ Lowest.............................. ....... . 112~ Closing ...... ... ........................... .  X  12! 123  124¼ 1~7¼ 127½  X  100:J(  100¼  July.  Opening . ............ ........ ............ . Highest ............••.................... Lowest ..• . .............................. Closing ....... :i~~~~~:  Opening .. . •. ........ ... ..... .... . .. .... .. Highest ...••..... ·....................... . Lowest .................................. . 1 Closing ..•.... ....... . . . . . . . . ... .. . .•...  X  .. ...............  ~eptember:  111¾ 111¼ 110% 111¾  128~ 129),( 127 129  112¾ 112:J( 112¾ 112¾  126~ 126~ 125',( 126  101¾ 101¾ 100¼ 101¾  Opening ....•........ . ....... .......... . .. lligheet ...•............. . ......•.......... Lowest ............................. . ... . Closing ...................... .. .• . ..... .  xlll!l,C Opening ................................. . 112¼ Highest .•..•.••••.•.......•••••••..•....•.. 111¾ Lowest .......... .. .......... . ............ .. 112 Clo1ing....................... .  126J,a  101¾ 102½ 101¾ 101½  Opening ........ .. . .•.................... xll0¾ 110:J( Highest ................. . ................ . 110¼ Lowest .......... . .......... ... ....... ... . Closing .....•...... .... ........ . ..... 110¾  May.  June.  0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  127¾ 126 127¼  Novembe1•.  December.  126¼ 128¾ ]26¼  129  120¾ 128),( 128¾  185 135 135 185  100¾ 100½  xl00¼ 100¼ 100 100  112¾ 112¼  Opening .•.•. .• ••....••••.•..•... ·...•..... Highest .................................. . Lowest ..... ...... ....................... . Closing ..... . .............................. .  100¾ 100¾  128¾  Opeuing ............................... . Highest ................................. . Lowest ......... . . .. ......... ..... .... . Closing ................. .............. . .  October.  100¾  126% 127 125¾ 126¼  xl29 129 127¾ 128%  xl00% 101¾ 100% 101¾  112½ 112xi  127  112¾ 112½ 111¾ 111¾  126% xl26¼ 126¾ 125% 126¼  Opening .......... .. . ....... . .. . ...... .. . Highest .... . •••...•••••..••.•••.•.•. .•• •. Lowest ..... . ........................... . Closing ..... . ............................ .. .  125¾  100¾  100¼ 100¼ 100½ 100½  Opening .................••............... Highest ....... . .......................... . Lowest ....................... .. .... .... .. . Closing ..•.............•.......... . ......  April.  xl00l)( 100¾  110 112½ 109% 112½  101½ 100% 101½  X  121:S 127 125%  100¾ 101 100¾ 101  133,( 134 133 133),(  132¼ 132¾ 132 132  42  UNIT.HD  STATES SECURITIES. 1887.  Coupon Bonds.  Registered Bonds.  4¼8,1891. 4s, 1907, 6s, ~zrcy a 9,1~:cy 1  Coupon Bonds.  RegtsteredBonds.  '¾s,1891. 4s, 1907. 6 s,1~~rcy 6\i~:cy  ----- ----------- ---- ----- - - - - - - - ,-------·--------,--- - - - - - - - - -  January. 110¼ Opening .••..• . ..........•.•• Highest .....•.. . ......... . .....•...•••••.... 110¼ Lowest .................................... . 109¾ 110¾ Closing ........................... ....... . February. 110¾ Opening ..••................•.•......•...... 1101' Highest .................. . ......... . . . ... . 110 Lowest ..•................................ •. 110 Closing ................................... . March. Opening .. ... .... .... ... .. ............. .. xl~ 109¾ Htgheat .. .. ... ..... ...................... . 108'½ Lowest..•...............•... .. ....•.... .... 1(1~ Closing ........... .. ....................... . April. 110 Opening .... . ..... ........ .. . . ........ . . 110¾ Highest ..........••..................... 110 Lowest ..... ........................... .. 11(% Closing ........................ . .......... . May. 110¼ Opening ......................... ........ . 110¾ Highest ........ ... ....................... . 11(% Lowest .............................. . •... 110¾ Closing ..............•.....•................ June. Opening ...•.. .. ....................•..... • X 109¾ log!ij Highest ........ .... . ...................... . 109!,4 Lowest ............. . ...................... . 109111 Cloaing............................ .... ..... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  xl27½ 128½ 121».{ 128¼  182¾ 182¾ 182½ 182~  128½ 128¾  184¾ lS!llji;i 184¾  128½  134¾  187¼ 137¾ 137¼ 137)4  NS 129¾ 128 129½  185 135 135 135  186"1. 186¾ 136½ 186¾  128!1,( 129~ 1~ 129¾  134¾ l:!4¾ 184¾ 184¾  187½ 137½ 137¼ 137½  128¾  129  137¼ 137¼ 137¼ 187¼  129¾ 1~  129% 129¾ 129¼ 129 129¾  xl82¾ 182¾ 18J¾  182¼  July. Opening ................................. . 109¼ Highest ...•.........•••.......... . ....... 109¼ Lowest. ................... ......•....... 1087"" 109 Closing ................................. . Au.rust. l0S!ij Opening ... . ........................... .. . 110¾ Highest ................................. . 108 Lowest .......... .. ......... . ............ . 108 Closing .... .......... . ............. ..... . ~eptember. Opening ....... .. ... .. . .. ............ .... . xl0S¾ 108¾ Highest .......... ..... ................... . 108 Lowest ............................. . ..... . 108¾ Closing ................................ . October. 108¼ Opening ..... .......................... . l0S!ij Highest ..... ................ .. ......... . 108¼ Lowest ... . ..... ... . ......... . ........ . l0S!ij Closing.......... ... ... . ...... ....... .. . November. 109 Opening ................................. . 109 Highest ..................... ... ... . ..... .. Lowest ............. . .. .. ............. . 108¾ Closing ............................ ... . 108¾ December. Opening .......... . ............. . . . ..... . 107 Highest . .......... ...... ....... .......... . 108¾ Lowest ............................... . .. . 107 Closing ... . ........................... . 108¾  xl28¼ 128¼ 127¼ 127¾  182 132 181 181  127 128¼ 125¾ 125¾  128 128 128 128  125¾ 125¾ 124½ 124¼ xl24¾ 126½ 124¼ 126¼  126¾ 126¾ 126¾ 126¾ 125½ 126¾ 124¼ 126!1;(  127 127 127 127  129 129 129 129  STATE PRICES  SECURITIES.  FROM  TO  1860  1887,  INCLUSIVE.  There has been a growing sentiment of late years against the further creation of State debts, apparently founded op. the fact that such del:5ts have often proved a source of political wrangling, of public demoralization and of serious loss to the holders of the State obligations. The debts of Northern States were created in large part for war purposes, be ween 1861 and l 866, and many of them have smce been greatly reduced or entirely extinguished. 'rhe debts o! the Southern States remained substantially the same at the close of the war as they were at the beginning, but amid the unfortunate and disorganized condition of affairs attending reconstruction, bonds were issued and indorsements were made for railroads, in some cases with reckless extravagance. One "scaling" process after another has been adopted in several States, and in others bonds have been repudiated altogether, so that the prices of State securities of this sort have sometimes fallen to merely nominal figures. The Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides that the judicial power of the United States shall not "extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State." It is under the protection of this provision in the fundamental law of the land that States remain free from prosecution on their debts, and that State bonds become virtually obligations of honor only. In various ways the creditors of States have endeavored to bring suits for the collection of their debts, but the United States Supreme Court has looked with disfavor upon such suits and has been disposed to uphold the Eleventh Amendment. An effort was made to hold the State of Louisiana responsible by having the action brought in the name of the State of New Hampshire as plaintiff, the bonds having been assigned to that State for the purpose ; but the United States Supreme Court decided against this method of bringing an action. The method adopted to give bondholders a remedy against repudiation by States, through making the coupons receivable for taxes, was held in Virginia to form a contract with the bondholders which could not afterward be annulled by act of the Legislature. But the practical benefit of this contract for bondholders was much lessened by the subsequent legislation in the State, prescribing vexatious proceedings for the bondholders to go through with before they could make their coupons av ai]able, and the Jitigatfon bas been severe and prolonged, the suits on this question having been thrice carried to the United States Supreme Court, and although the vahd1ty of the coupons as a legal tender for taxes was affirmed, the last decision, made in 1887, was practically a victory for the State and a defeat of the bondholders. 1860 to 1811, inclusive. [Prices from 1860 to 1871 a re compiled from sales, and since 1871 from prices bid on Friday of each week, at the N. Y. Stock Exchange.] 1860.  DESCRIPTION.  Lowest.  18til.  Highest.  Lowest.  186.!,  Highest.  Ohio 68, 1886 ......... 106¼ Jan. 113¼ Aug. 87 Dec. 109 Feb. Ken tnc ky6s ... . ..... . 99 Dec. 106Ji Jun~ 65 April 97 Jan . 111., Int. In1p. Stck. '47 100 Feb. 106¼ Oct. . . .• •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ", " tnterest. 100 Mch . 100¼ July.... ........ ...... .... . 11 1. 68. 79,cou .. ...... 104¼May.106¼Sept. 75 June 85¾Sept. Ill. ~ar Lo11n ............................. . ...... . ......... . . ... Indiana 5 per cent . . .. 86 ,Tan. 93 Aug. 75 July. 93 April Michigan ti per cent... 93 Mch . 106 June 77 Dec. 83¼ Oct. Tenneesee 6 per cent. 64 Dec. 93 June 34¼' Jun e 77 Mar. 'l'en. 6 p. c. new bds.. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . Virg~ma6percent... . 73 Dec. 95 Mch. 36 April 81 Mar. Va. 6 p. c. new bds... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . N.Carolina6p.c. . 77¼Dec. 100 Sept. 44 Jnue 82,½Feb.  1863.  1864.  18L5.  -------1--------1---~----- ,-------•Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. I Highest. Lowest. Highest. 93 Jan. 70¼ J11n. . . . .. . . . . . .... . . . .... 80 :!,4 Jan . ';7 Jan . 75 Feb . 77¼ Jan. 42 Jan . . . . . .. .. . . . 49 Jan. . . . . . . .. . . . liO Jan.  115 Nov........ . .. . . ...... ...... . .. ..... ... ....... ... . ........... . ...... . 100 Dec. .. ..... ... . ... .. .. ... .. . . . . . ... .. .. , .. ...... . . .. . ... .... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ....... ... . .. .. ... . .... .. ..... . ..... . .. .. . .... ... ... ..... ...... ..... .... . .. ... . .. .... ..... . ................ .. 110 Dec . . . ........... .... . ...... . ... .. .......... :::::::::: ........... . 105¼ Dec ........ ......... .. ........... .. ... . .......................... . 84 May ... . ... .... ... . .. .. . . .... ............... .. .... .......... . ........ . 105 Dec . 6S Feb. ·s+ "jait·: .67,½ ·s2· . 64 ...Feb .•. 50 . ·Mar: 92 "iiic: . . . . .. . . . .. . . 65¼ Oct. 49 ·n ·ec. '75 ...Feb: '4;7'"j;i;.. 64 "sep·t: ·so" ·jai:1.' ··i-a°"Nov: . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. .. . 74 June 53 Dec . 20 Mar. 49 Jan.' 68° . .A.tig: 5g."jii1.' "sf"iiec:  ·May:  Jui;: .  0  ~:8Jrspe~tai~~!: ::::::::::· :::::.::::: ::::::::::: ·::.::::::· ::::::::::: :::::: .••· .. .. .............................. •·• .... ................. . :Mis~o~ri 6 per cent .. . 61 Dec. 84¼ June 35 May. 172 Jan . 40 Jan. 56¾ Feb.' .59,½.Dti°c.' ·75"'!iay ·,i1· "oct: .75;,(..Ap~fl 51 ··Mar.' '79· ··n~·c: Lo1~1 s1al!a 6 per cent.. 94 Jan. 99¼ Oct. 45 May . 77¼ '1\1:ar. 59 Jan . 70 Mar. 55 Nov. 80 Mar. 52 Feb. 75 .April 60 Feb 80 Dec 0  •  Cahforn1a 7 percent .. 82 DESCRIPTION.  Jan.  95 Sept. 71¼ May 88 J »n. 76¼ Jan . 116½ Dec. 114 Aug. 139¼' Mar. 123 Jan. 167 Aug . 112 May·. 155 Jan: 186ti. 18ti7. 1868. 1869 1870 18il - - - - - · - - - ~ - --- - - - - - - - - . . · ~owest. Highe_s.:_ Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highe!!t.  Tenn. 6 p er cent . . 84 · Mar. 100 June .x61 Jan. 70¾ July. x59¼ Jan. 78¼ June x49¼' Dec. Tenn. do. uew bd~ .. • • • • • • •· • • ... • .... .. • ........................................ 40¼ Dec. Virginia 6 per cent.... 60 Nov. 72 Ja11. 41 Mar. 60 Jan. x43¼ Jan. 60 May . x47 Dec.  'iO Jan. x52¼ Jan. 69¼ Jan. 45½' Mar. 59¾ Jan . x48½ Jan.  A~! ~~¼E:~: i~¼'~  70 J J 61 68¼' J~15,: 61 76 Mar. 59  Dec. Jan. Oct.  ·1a"··No~: ·ss "jan·.· ·45...Mar: ·6oji·juiy:xso···jaii': '1o···Junex!i¼te:e~· ~~~i!~: x~1 i!~: i: ,~]y. ~:_g:~~. : t1;:ci~f8.rax. :: .. ::::::. ::::::·.:.. ::::::::::: :::·::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: .~: ...~.~~·--~~.--~~~:. -~~~?~.~. 3~~.:!1.1!: }~~B:~· Mu,~o:nr1 6 per cent ... 71 Mar. 93¼' De<;. 86,.( Mar. 106 Jnly. 84 Nov. 108 Feb. 85 Sept. 96¼ Jnne 8!5 Jan. ·os Jnne 89 ;Tan:  F~~'c~~~li~:6bg:~~eii"t".  Loms1ana 6 per cent.. 80 California 7 per cent.. 106  Jan . 100 April 120  Sept. 80 Oct. 115  Feb. 9() Jan. 128  Jan Dec·.  i2a· ..D. ··:  76 A 76¾ 74 J,,.~'!f  :r~~!  9!l¼ J'llatr  ia,i' 'ji .. · ··· · · · · · · ·· · · ··· · •· · · ··· •·· • •· ·· · · ·· · ··· · · · · · · · · .. · ·· · · ·  ~d~cl!~!~J6s:.. ::: ::::::::::: :~:::::·::: ~~¾i~~ld~ ~:~· ::::::::~:: :::~::::~·: ::::::::::~ ::::::::::: ::~~-~:::::::~:: ::::::::::: ~~~~:~::~~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4-4  r  STATE SEOlTRITIES. 18'f2 to l8?''f, Inclusive.  I i,owest.  Lowest.  Highest.  Mar. 62½ May. 8s of 1888 ... . ...... . .. . ..... 80 Aug. PO Jan. 57½June A rkansas-6s, fund .......... 40 Nov. 60 Feb. Aug. 50 7~. L. i:!,OC~ & Ft. Smith ... Cahforma- ,s ................ 109 Sept. 115 June C onnecticut-6s . ............ . 98 Jan. 102~ Dec. 77 Jan. iieorg1a-6s ................... 70 Jan. 90 May. 7s. new ...... . ............... 84 Fob. illinois-6s. 1879, coupon .... io1··J1ily. Kentucky--6s .. . ........ . ... . Louisiana-6s, Levee ........ 50 Oot. 67½ Apr. 7s, consol. . .. . ........... . ... ············ ········· ··· Michigan-6s, 1883 . .. . ....... Missouri-6s, long . . .. .. .. .. .. · o~sei>i.: 97½Jiiiie Oct. 109 May. New York-6s, bounty. coup 10 No.Carollna--6s, old,J.&J . 80¼May. 38)4Mar. 6s,new,J.&J .... . . .. ...... 15 Jan. 23 Mar . 6s, special tax . ......... . ... 10 Oct. 16 Mar . Ohio-6s, 1886 .... .... ........ io2½Yiiiie Rhode Island-6s .... . . .. . . .. 6outh Caro!ina-6s •.. . ....... 40 Apr. 56 July. 28 Sept. 39 Mar . 22 Jan. 86 Apr. Tennessee--6s. old ....... . . . 63¾ Jan. SO½Dec. 6s, new .... . . . .............. . 63%Jan. SO¼Dec. Virginia--6s, old ....... . ... .. 42 July. 56¼Feb. 6s, consol. . .. . ..... . ......... 50:½July. 50 Mar.  45 45 25 15 101 97 59 70 85 95 50  A labama-5s, 1886 .. . . . ...... 55  ·e5··ian·.·  ·- July Aug-. June Nov. Dec. Oct. Nov . Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan.  ~t i:~~/o: ::::::::::::::::::  -  Lowest.  Highest.  25 Dec. 25 Dec. 20 Jan. 8 Mar. 105 Jan. 10a Jan. 80 Jan. 88¾ Jar,. 99 Jan. 100 Jan. 25 Jan.  41½Jan. 42 Apr. 88 Dec. 17 .June 117 May 110 Dec. 96 Sept. 104 Dec. 104 Dec. 104 Dec. 40 Dec.  io¥··n;/c: 9~Aug. H8¾Dec. 10 Jan. 110 May. 18 June 20 Jan. 10 Aug. 21.½ Mar. 5 Sept. 11~ Feb. 100 Jan. 106½ May. 97 Jan. 105 Dec. 20 Apr. 80 Nov. 31 .D ec. 6½ Jan. 30 Dec. 12 Feb. 91½Mar. 67 Oct. 91½ Mar. 67 Oct. 28 .Tune 42 Jan. 58 Dec. 49.¼ Jan.  io1··:,:aii: 94¾Jan. 105¼Jan. 15 Der.. 7 Dec. l Aug. 103 Jan. 102 Jan. 26 Sept. 27 Aug. 26 Sept. 62 1''eb. 62 Feb. 80 Feb. 55 Jan.  io7½oct"· 1021J June 109 June 27 Jan. 16 Jan. 4~May 108 Sept. 108 Oct. 35½ Dec. 35 July 35½ Dec. 78 Jan. 77¼Jan. 40¼ Oct. 76 Dec.  25 40 8 5 110 97  Jan. Apr. Seµt. Aug. Jan. Jan. 65 Jan. 82 Jan. 95 Jan. 97.½)July. 15 June  57 Jan. 82 Feb. 40 Feb. 27 July 116 June 102¾ June 82 May 91 May 99 July 100 Aug. 55 .Aug .  ·s5···Nov: ·es··May· ·w··J'an·.·  65 103 20  ·~·u· ·yaii.·  Highest. 39 Dec. 45 July. 35 Mar. 23 Jan. 114 Nov. 106 Dec. 80 Dec. 02 Dec. 102½ June 102 Nov. 28 Nov.  Lowest.  Highest.  ---- ----  Oct.. 96¾ June Nov. 108 June Oct. !lS!,,i Jan. 14 Dec. 19 Jan. 5 Nov. 17½June 99 Nov rt07 Apr. 98 May 101 M,r. ~2 Nov . 40 Jan. 8 Nov. 22½Jan. 19 Mar. 28 Apr. 63½Nov . 84¾'.Mar. 62~Nov. 85 Mar. 32 Oct. 47 Feb. 44 lOct. 56)4Mar.  1877.  1876.  1875.  1874.  1873.  1872. DESCRIPTION  Lowest.  ~ighest.  26 26 25 3  35 84 45½ 18  Jan. .Jan. June Dec.  io5· ·Y:ui. 91 Aug. 100¾ Jan. 100 July. 100 July. 37 Dec. 52½ Dec. 103 Aug. 101¾ Jan. 102 July 18 Sept. 5 Oct. ¾Aug. 105 Jan. 105 Jan. 30 June 80 June 30 June 40~ Dec. 40 Dec. 22 Sept. 73 May.  Highest.  Lowe~t.  Nov. 32 Apr. 32 l<'eb. 15 l<'eb. 2  43 43 30 10  Jan. Jan. July Aug.  N<>v:  Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan.  iis .. Yiiiie 102%July 109~ Mar. 103 Dec. 107 Nov. .56 Dec. 88¼May 107 June 108~June :01 Feb. 23 Jan. 12 Feb. 3½Jan. ll4¼Juno 111 May 45 Apr. 45 Apr. 44 Apr. 47¼Nov. 46¾ Nov.  io6· · oci.:· iis" .. 97 Mar. 93 Feb. 107½ June 103 Jan. 104 Deo. 100 Jan. 104)4 Jan. 100 Jan. 46 May. 35 Jan. 60¼ June 50 Jan. 107 Apr. 101 July 1()8¾i::<ept. 104¼ Jan. 105¾May. 101 · Jan. 18½ Nov. 15 Oct. 6 Oct. 9 Jan. 1 Aug. 3)4Feb. 114 Aug. :05 Oct. 111 Dec. 105 Oct. 40 Nov. 82 Jan. 8711! Feb. 80 Aug . 37½Feb. 30 Aug. 49 Aug· 36r., Dec. 49 Aug. 35 Dec. 37 Jan. 80 Jan. 78¼Nov. 62½Dec.  84  Nov.  SS¼J~e  • 18't'8 to 1883, inclusive. 1878.  1879.  1880.  1881.  1882.  1883.  DESCRIPTION. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __L_0_w_e_s_t._ Highest. 1 Alabama-ClassA,3-5s.1906 ..........•... . ......... Arkansas6s,fund .. 18911-1900 15 Dec. 26½Jan. 7s, various RR. Issues . .... 2 Dec. 6 Jan. Connecticut tls ........ 1883-4 105 Jan. 109 Apr. Georgia 6s ......... . ..... 1886 96¼ ~·eb. 102¾ July 7s, new ............... 1886 104½ Jan. 110 Dec. 7s, gold ................ 1890 105½ Feb. 109 Dec. Louisiana 7s, consol. . . 1914 t19¾ Dec. 84½ Feb. Michigan 6s ...... .. ...... 1883 101 Jan. 106 Dec. 7s ....... . ....... . ..... 1890 108 May 115 Oct. Missouri tis ... .. ...... 1882-83101 July 10!¾ Dec. 6s ................... 188lHJ0 102½ Aue-. 10, June ~·unding bonds . .... 1894-9!5 104 Sept 109 June Han. & St. Joseph . .. . 1887 100 Apr. 106)4 June 115 6 Ng;:\;~~~. .. ~.~~~ 6s, loan ............. ... 1892 115¾ Jan. 124 Nov. No. Carolina6s, old .. 1886-98 14¾ July 19¼ Dec. N. C. RR . . ........ 1883.4-5 65 Feb. 85 Dec. do. 7, coupons o:tf.... 45 Mar. 65 Dec. FundmgRct ....... lSflS-98 t! Aug. ll¾Dec. New bonds . ... .•.... 1892-98 7 Jan. 11 Dec. Special tax, class 1.... . .... 2 Jan. 2½ Apr.  117 Sept. 17½ Feb. 85 Jan. 65 Jan. 7 Mar . 8 Feb. 1 Mar.  o~fc,n:~'.: .~s::::·::: ioii io6 .. May 6s ........... . ......... .. 1Rfl6 105 Jan. 111 Dec. Rhode I. 6~, coup .... 1Hl3-99 105 Jan. 117½ May So. Carolina 6s, act Mar. i RL F b I 21. M 23, '69, non-fund. l888 . .. 5 , 74 e . % ay Brown consol. 6s ... ... 1893 . . ........... . . . ...•. Tennessee6s, old . .. 1890-2-8 ·so Nov. 89¾May 6s, new .•....... 1892 8-1900 25¼Nov. 87½Jaa. Vlrginia.6s,old ..•........... 20 June 31 Feb. 6s consol. . .. . ... . ...... ·· ·1 66 Feb. 75 Ma.y 6s deferred ............. , .. , 4 Feb. 7¾Dec.  foi .. Jan." 105¾ Mar. 110 Jan. 1 F eb. •··········· 30 Feb. 24 Mar. 25 Jan. 74 Jan. 5)4Sept.  ~:::::::::::::rniP~~ .. ~.~~:.  ::::::1~1  ··nee."  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  Lowest.  Highest.  Aug. 08 Dec. Apr. 20 ,Jan. Mar. 8¾ May Apr. 109 June Sept. 10:.!% July Jan. 114 Dec. Jan . 113 June a6¼ Aug. 67½ Jan. 101½ Jan. 106½ June 100 July ll5 Jan. 101 Aug. 1054. June 103½ Aug. 108½ June 105 Jan. 112 May 102 Jan. 1073! June 44 5 1 104 99 107 107  Lowest.  Highest.  Lowest.  Highest.  54),gJan. 10 Apr. 2 Aug. 104 Aug . 97 Apr. 107 Jan. 109 Apr. 40 Aug. 102 Jan. llO Jan. 100 Jan. 105½ Jan. 106 Jan. 102 Jan.  73½Dec. 21 Dec. 12½ Dec. l07½Nov. 107 Dec. 112 Dec. 116 Dec. 54¼ Dec. 105¼ Nov. 118 Dec. 105 Nov. 11 l¼ nee. 115 Nov . 110 Dec.  71 Mar. 20 Jan. 8 Apr. 102 Aug. lOt, Feb. 109 Apr. 111 Apr. 58¼ Jaa. 102 Jan. 114 Jan. 102 July 108)4 Jan. 111 Jan. 107 Jan.  81~Dec. 89 Dt>c. 40 Nov. 106 July 113 June 114 .June 119½ June 69 Dec. 105 Sept. 122 Oct. 108 July 117 Apr. 119 May ll3 May  MARCH.  Highest.  ri~·e 119 June 20 July 120 July 100 July 8 June 12½ June ,.5 June  121 Feb. 30½ Nov 156 Nov. 130 Aug. 11 Jan. 20 Jan. 8 Jan.  18~ij 18&¼ 18~½ 112 June 107 Dec. 115 June 121 Dec. 114 July 120 Feb. 6¾ Jan. 431,. Jan. 12¼ Nov. 102¾ Aug . 106½ Dec. 50 .. Dec. 45 Jan. 78 June 48½ nee. 45 Jan. 77%June 32 Dec. 80 Jan. 40 May 105 Dec. 104 Jan. 121 May 17¼Dec. 12½Feb. 20)4Apr.  110 Jan. 4 July 100 June 4t Dec. 40 Dec. 26½June 80 Mar. 10 June  120 Feb. 10¼ ,Jan. 105 Dec. 77¾Jan. 77)4.Jan. 36 Feb. 100 July 17¾Jan.  llO Apr: 120 · · j'ii,~·: 32 Mar. 160 July 135 July 11 Apr. 16 Apr 8¾ ,Jan: 82 ½ Dec. ihii½Ma;: 118 May 6½ Jan. 104¾ Dec. 44½Feb. 44 Feb. 40 May 82½Jan. 13 Jan.  28 Dec. :!6 Jan. 82¼ Dec. 111 Dec. 110 Jan. 115 Mar . 92 Dec. 90 Jan. 95 Mar. 14 Jan. 9!,,iJan. l:.)4Dec. 15½ Dec. 15 Jan. 20 Dec. 5 Dec. 2 July fl½ Jan.  APRIL.  Lowest.  Jan. 122 .July Feb. 40 Oct. Jaa. 150 Aug. Jan. 130 .July Dec. 16 Nov . Dec. 28 Apr. Jan. 9¾ Apr.  ~~: }rn½  ~;rm  f;~·.  1~~: 106 .~~... Feb. ~ept. ~~ .. ~.~~-112 June  11  ·so··A.·pr."  Highest.  84 Jan. 28 Jaa. 68 Feb. 103 June 107½ Jan. 107 May 116½ June 75½ Nov . . .. .... .. : 118 Jan 103 Jan: 118 June 121 June 110½ Apr  mg ii'!t~~ 121 m i~~e fg: b:0: m ~~\. rn~ Feb. 115 Dec. 120 Nov. 115 io5 · ·May· 18& J~~ 115 Oct. 106 Jan. 116 May 1011 Jan. 4 Oct. 2 Jan. ... . 41 ·Feb." 33½0ct. 25 June 35 Mar.118 Jan. 86 Oct. 75 Jan. 8¼May 5½Jan.  Lowest.  79 Sept. 85½Dec. 80 July 20 Mar. 37½Jan. 10 Mar. 5 June 35 Aug. 7 Oct. 100 Mar. 103 Jan. 100 Jan. 103 Aug. 109 Jan. 102 Apr. 105 Aug. 110½ Apr. 108½ Julv 1l2½ Aug. 117½ Mar 112 Aug 68 Apr. 71¼ July 6:3 Apr· 100 July 104 Aug . . .. . ... . . .". 110 Jan. 120 June 114 Feb 100 Jan. 103 Dec. 100 Jan: 109 Jan. 115 June 109 July 113 July 120 Nov. 116 Feb. 100 Jan. 109½ Dec. 108 Jan.  32 115 90 10 20 6  8~t  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  iij~ I~~:~?~ .. ~~~--· 11!{ Apr. 28 .laa. 155 Jan. 130 .Jan. 10 Jan. 15 Jan 4 July 77 ½.~~eb. 106 Feb. 115 Jan. 2½ May 100 July 80 July 80 July 30 Ma. 50 Mar. 6 Oct.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBll:R. I NOV'BER. DEC ' BER.  SECURITl::llS. ·-- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High. ,Low.Jiigh Low.High Low.High J,,,w.Higb Alabama-Cl. A, S to 5, 1906. Class A, small . . ............ Class H, 5s, 1906 . . . . . . . . . Cla•s C, 4s, 1906 . .. . . . . . . . 6s, 10-20, 1~00 ....... .. ....  60 - 80 81 - 81 97½- 98 !:SO - 80 104 - 105  t:,0 - 80¼ 81½- 82 80 - 81 81 - 81 98½-100 100½-lOt 80 - 80½ 80 - 81¼ 104 - 105 105 - 105  i;~i~~:1Wds: ls~~;~W,~ 7s, MemP'•is&Littlel:tock 7s,L. R. P. B. & N. 0 .... . 7s, Miss. 0. & R.R.... . . . 7s, Ark. Central RR . . . . . . . Georgla-6s, 1886 .. . . .. . .. .. . 7s,newbonds, 1886 .... . . . 7s, endorsed, 1886 .. . . . . . .. . 7s, gold bonds, 1890 . . . .. 1 4 L~:.i::~fib~~ii~~~o.J. • . .~~ ·  lH 16 - 18 16 - 18 8½- 9 103 - 103 102½-103½ 102 -10:-J½ no - 111½  10 - 24 18 - 24¾ 8 - 9¾ xl00- 102¼ 104 - 105 lOl - 105 lll½- 112½  M~t~:~~fs~W¥?~~ ·: :·::: Mlssouri--6s, due 1886.. . . 6s 1887 . .....•• . . . .. . . . . . . 6s, 1888.. . ..... . . . .... . .. . . 6s, 1889-1890 .... . ... . ...... . Asylum or Univ., 1892 .. . .. Fuading bonds, 1894-95 .. . Hannibi\l & St. Jo., 1880 ... Hannibal & St. Jo., 1887 ...  1i8½: 1~~ 103 - 104 104 -107 105 -108 too -lll 100 -111 117 - 117 110 -110 110 -110  118 -114 115 -116 117 -117 29 - 29 20 - 29 160 -160 185 -13.5 160 - -160 135 -135  i~ = +8 +~ : ~~ 1~~  16 18 - 20 12 - 15 18 - 18 12 - 13 9 - 9 5 ~ 6 lfl3 - 103 103 -104 105 - 105½ 105½-106 105 - 105½ 105½- 106 114~-115 j118 -113½  '.fg½:  82.l,4.... ... . 80½. .. -  8 8 4 100 100 100 112  . .. . .... .... .... .. . . .. . ...  82¼( . . .. .... 80½ . ...  78¾- 79 71J - 80 98 - I-J9 78 - 78½ 100 -100  78½- 79½ 7a - 71J 98 - 99 78 - 78 100 -100  78 78 98 78 100  - 12½ - 12½ - 5 - 104 - 106½ -106¼ - 113  - . .. · .... .... . ... .. - . ... - . .. .  1~½= 12½- 13 12.½- 20 - IJ 12½- 20 - 2½ 5 - 8 -102 . 100 -100 - 102ni 102 - 102 - 102½ 102 -102 -109½ 109 - 109½  5 5 5 3 98 102 10~ 10-1  7 -  7 1 101 102 10?109  J  9  ~  - 79 - 711 - 99 - 78 -100  :-  104 105 107 ~(\9 111 117 110 110  =1~~½11g - 10~ 105 -10, 107 - 108 108 ··\10 110 -111 112 -117 117 -110 110 -110 110  =1~i -105½ -107 -109 -111 -112 -119 -110~ -110½  113 115 117 29 20 160 185 160 135  -113 113 -115 115 -118 117 - eo 30 - 30 80 -160 160 -185 135 -160 · 160 -135 135  -114 -115 -118 - 30 - 80 -lflO -1!!5 -160 -135  ~½ 1A 10 10 10 4  1  1~~  =1~i 1%¼-f013 107 -,08 108 -109!,i; 110 · 111 112 -114 118 -119 110 -110½ 110 -llO½  i~ = i&~ -113  112 115 117 30 80 160 lS.5 160 135  6  l~g 10! lOo 106 10a 109 116 108  =1n -106¼ -107¼ - l09½ -111 - 115 -118 -110½ lOd - 110½  i10-i1o··· r1fg 105 - 105 , 100 106 - 106½ 100 J.08 - 108½ 103 lH, - 110 105 112 - 114 107 115 -118 111 108 -109 108 108 -109 108  79 78 98 75 100  ~1f6 1f6 :1f~ 1fi =1~ - 102½ 102 -102~ \102½-lOg½ -105 105½-106 105 -lOo½ -105½ 106 -107¾ 106 -106½ -108 1'}6½-108½ 108 -108 -112 107 -108 108 -109 -116 115 -116 115 -lltS -108 108 ·109 108 -108 - 108 108 -109 108 -108  - 7Jl7/4 79 - 79 / 78 - 99 98 - 79 78 -104 102  - 81 - 80 - 99½ - 78¼ -104  81½- 83 80 - 81 100 -101¼ 81 - 82l}ji 104 -105  : -  = 1~  1~ 15 12 12 5 •· 99½ -10-&½ -102 -107  15 10 10 10 8 100 103 103 108  - 10 - 10 - 10 - 4 -100 -104 -104 -110  1~ : lg 10 - 10 10 - 10 10 - 10 3 - 4 101 -101 104 -105 104 -105 110½-111~  11~ 102¼-103½ 105 -1015½ 106½-107½ 108 -109 109 -112 115 -115 108 -108 108 -108  106 107 108 109 115 108 108  -106 ~ -107)1 -109 -110 -115 -110 -110  106 -106¼ l07½-1073' l09 -110 l 10 -110 l15 -115 110 -110 110 -110  I}  - 9½ - 7¾ - 8 -100 -102 -102 -110  +r~ ~i : g zg/2: 4i .~¼=~~ g1 = g1 ?J : gi~ gr ig  8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  80 - 82 81 - St 102 -102 82¾- 82)4 100 -104  rn : ~520 20~5 :- !~½ ~5 : ig 1~15 :- g¼ 9g -= 12½ ~½ .. ~½=~~.. i~ z½ 25 18 - 20 .. . . - ... . 7 - 9  N~ ~~~l~ o!~~dis1s8.f.·:.·.~~ }~ :}gg~ 188 :½88 ½~ =½8~  6sJoan, 1891. ........ . . .... 6s,loa.n,1892 .... . ...• , .. · 6s, loan, 1893 . . .. ........... No. Carolina-Os, old, '86-198 6s, old, A. & 0 . . • . . . . . • . . . N. Car. ltR., 1883-4-5.. . .... N. Car. RR., 7s, coupon off N. Car. RR., A., &,O ..,.. . ,.,. N. Car. RR., 7s, coupon off  81¾- 82 at - St 102 -10!½ 81½- 82¾ 104 -105  99  102 102 107  ~  : z,g J~ =+t½ +t½: ~8 :St 103 1n :11~ l~~ =1~ -103.½ l03J.ii-104  rn~ = r&8 }88 :mg rn~ :{88 }gg =1~ f3g =½8+ }~ =1~ 1~ =1~ ~~ :f&g -113 112 -112 111 -113 113 -113 112 -115 111 -112 111 -111 111 -112  112 , -115 115 -119 117 - 32~ 80 - 31 ½ 30 -161) 150 -135 185 -160 160-135 135  - 115 - 120 - 32½ - 32½ -160 -135 -160 - 135  115 -115 115 -115 117 -117 117 -117 27½- 30 . 28 - 20 27½- SO 28 - 20 160 -160 160 -160 185 -185 185 -135 160 -160 160 -160 135 -135 13.5 -135  115 l17 29 20 160 135 160 135  - 115 -117 - 20 - 29 -160  -135"  -160 -13."5  115 117 29 :.!9 160 135  -115 -117 • - 20 - 29 -160 -135 ltlO -100 13;> -135  115,115 115 -115 117 -117 117 -117 28 - 29 20 - 80 28 - 29 29 - 30 160 -160 . 160 -160 135 -135 135 -185 160 -160 160 - 160 135 ·13-5 135 -135  ll5 117 30 SO 160 135 160 135  -115 -117 - 32½ - 32~ -160 -135 -160 -135  45  STATE SECURITIES. 1SS4-Concl oded. J.A.NU.AitY FEDR'RY.  MARCH.  MAY.  APRIL  JUNE.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC 1E2R  JULY.  SECURITIES. Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High. Low.High Low.Hiq " r~ow.Uigh Low.Hilrh Low.High Low .High  ----------  IS86. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  SECURITIES,  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY .  JUNE.  JULY.  I  1 AuousT. sEPT'BE1:c OcToB1m. l J\'ov'BER. D:mc'BER.  ~w.Hlgh Low. High ~ow.High Low.High Low.High :l.ow.High ~,ow.High Low.High Low.Jilgb Low.High lLow.High J,,iw.ll1gb  _____________  1  Alabama-Cl. A, 8 to 5, 1906. 61½- 86)4 !-6½- 87 Class A,small .. ....... .... . 80 - 83 84 · 85 Class H, 5s, 1906 .. .... ... 99 - 101 102 -102  ~~~r8.~,4f9J8~~. :::·::::.:. 1t  A;!~l~~:-.:ti.{ds: 1~~~;~~~ 7s, Memphis & Little H.ock 7s,L. R. P. B. & N. 0 . ..... 7s, Miss. O. & R. R..... . .• 7s, Ark. Central RR . . . . . . Georgia-Os, 1886 ........... 7s,newbonds, 1886 . . .....  1S 10 10 1'1 2 11)1 101  ~:: :~?cPb~8:d/8flo(i° :::··:: ~~~:11·:tricis::::.::::::·· ·10  87 - 88 85 - 85 102 -103  86 - 8S 85 - 86 102 -10{  87 · 90!,s 90 - 91 86 · 8fS 87 · 89 102 -104 J02 -104  ~lt¾ 1t½=lgg¾ lg~ ~18~  18~ =lgg  18~ =1gi  Ji~  ~18+  1~~  1g = 1S 10 - 10 10 - 10 lO - 12 2 • 2 101 - 10 1 104½- lU-1¼  13 10 10 10 2 102 J.05  : 1~ • 12 - 12 - 12 - 3 -103 -105½  13 · 1g 1i = 1i¾ 10 - 12½ 18 - 15 10 13 13 - 15 10 - 15 13 - 15 a - 8½ 4 - 7 102 --103 102 - 103 102 -10.2 102½-102½  = 2~ - 19 .. 20 - 21½ - 4"13 -101½ -103  ½8J½J~~ Louisiana-7s, consol., 1914. 73 - 75 :  12°·  yg~t.~~ ::::::: 1?&  Mrct~:~~is~ Missouri-Os, due 1886.. . . 6s, 1887 ................... 6:1, 1888 .. . ................ 6s, 1889-1890 ... , ......... .. Asylum or Univ .• 1892 .... . Funding uonds, 1894-95 . . . Hannibal & St. Jo .. 1886 . . . Hannibal & St. Jo .. 1887 ...  : 1?~½ 101 -102 103 -104 101 -104¼ 105½ · L07 107 -110 11::l -Ll3 110 -117 115 -117  1~½= 1i 12½- HI 12½- 17 12½- 18 8 - 4½1 100 -101 102½-103½  -117 -120 30 · 30 -165 -135 -165 1  ~  18½ 15!4 15)4 151<{ 4  1~ = 1~ 12 - 12 12 - 12 12 - 12 8 - 8 W0½- 100½ 10,i½- 101 103¼- 10-1 104)4-104¾,  m~=m~ m½~t~f'qn =t~~~ m  ·70  ·70  7•  - 76  75 - 75  = 1z"· ·72 = ·12 ..  =11~  11a 101½-102 108½-104¼ t04½-l05 107 -107½ llO -110 113 -113 115 -117 115 -117  74 - 74  74 - 75  = ff' ·70 2 18~  ~::~i~t~a:.~iass·i:·1898:9 Special tax, class 2 . . .. • . •. To W'n N. C. RR . .. . ,...... To Western RR.... ........ To Wil. C. & R. RR .. . . . . .  ~ 2½2½-  ~½ 2½ 2½  2½- 2½ 2½- 2½  110 -113  2 • 2¾ 10-1½-107 42 - 43 41¾· 43 41¾- 48  =m 7;; - 79  77 - 80  ·70 -7j .. ·72 - 1:r· ·1s  -  75  1n 10! 106 107 111 115 120 104 104  =1?~ - 104¾ -107½ -109 -113 -117 -12"2 -104½ -104½  1?~½=1?~½ 101½-IOi 104 -104 105 -105 lOB -110 113 -113 117 -118 10~ -102 102 -102  - 113 -115 -117 - eo - 80 -165 -135 · 165 1  1t8 -113 115 -115 117 -117 30 •· 80 80 - 30 160 - l liO 135 -185 160 -160 1 1  11a 115 117 30 80 160 13T> 160 1  113 115 117 30 so lbO 135 160  11a 115 117 30 80 160 135 160 1  •-ll3 -115 -117 - 30 - 80 -160 •·135 -160 1  J8! -113 -115 •-117 - 80 - 30 -160 185 -185 160 -160 1 1  117 -117 80 - 30 ~o - 30 165 -165 135 -135 lf.i5 -165 1 1  18 - 18 18 - 18  18 - 18 18 18  18 - 18 lri 18  18 - 20 18 - 20  20 - 21 20 - 21  =rn¼ mJ :m rng~=rn~ mg =mg~ rng~:rng~ mi -113 -115 -117 - 30 - 30 -16() -135 -160 1  ~½= 4½-  4½4½4½-  18 18 18 •· 18  - 113 -115 -117 - 31 - 31 .. rno -135 -160 1  r~ ·. r~  1  10 - 11 18 • 18 18 • 18  g¾ ~~= ~ij ~~: !½ ;~:  4½ - . . .. .... 4½ .. . . - . . . . .. . 4½ . ... - ,. .. . .. 4½ ... . ...•  112 -112  2½- 4  112 - 1 H  3 106 -L07 107 43 - 46½ 47 43 - 46 47 48 - 46 47  - 3¼ - 107 - 48½ - 48 - 48  no 118 115 80 30 160  =108½ 108½=109¾ 110  -106 110 - 112  8 3½ 107 -107½ 46¼- 47¼ 46½- 47¼ 46½- 47¼  78 - 80  ~g½: ~~  1?~ 101½-102¼ 102 104 -104 1104 l'l5 ··106 106 108 -lO!J½ 109 112 -113 1112 118 -118 118 10.J -102½ 102 102 - 102½ 102  : 1~~ -102 - 104 -106¼ ··10~ 113 -118 -103 -103  = 1~ - 15 12½- 17 15 - 15 12½- 19 15 15 7 - 8 8 •· 8 10~ -102 102 -102 103 -103½ 108 - 103  t~f80  no - 11.t  110 115 117 30  - 110 - 115 •·117 - 30 so - 80 1135 -165 185 -135 ltS5 -165 1 1  18~ =18+ 1g 15 15 15 6 102  = 1i - 15 - 15 - 15 - 8 -102  ,oq -108½  =m~ 1~~ =m i~~ =m~  - 81  83  ·· 86  ~  : ii l~ : ~g½i  ii'i  1!2  ~115" 102½-102¾ 104 -105 107 -107½ 108 -109½ 118 -118½ 118 -118½ 10$¾-104 108¾-104  =1i2' 102½-103 105 -105¼ 107 -107½ 109 -109½ 113½-113½ 118 -118½ 104 -104 10-1 -104  110 115 117 30 30 165 135 165  112 115 117 80 80 165 185 165  }&i~=m rn~~~rn~~ rn~~=m~ mi 114 - 115  =18~  100 -101 100 -101 104 - 108  -110 -115 -117 - 30 -· 30 -165 -135 165 1  =mi -118½ •117 -120 - 80 - so -165 - 135  -16;j  t- 5 - 87  ~~  : ~~  i·12 :112' 10~¼-103 105 -108 107 -108 109 -109 113 -ll8½ 118 -118½ 104 -105 104 - 105  mg  =l&g  118¼-118½ 119 -122 121¼-124 80 - 80 80 - 80 165 -165 185 -135 165 -165 1 1  r& : r~ r810 =- r810 1310 -~18liJ 10r8 -: r810 11&10 ·- 10r3 r&IO -:1r8IO 10r8 ~- 13 10 •· 11 10  ~½ !½· ;~ ~½ - .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. - . .. . .... . . . . .. .• . .. . . . - ... .... - ... . .... ... .... -  =~?!\  =18J½ 18~½~18~ l~g J½-=28x; 1i 12½- HI 15  1~½~ 1~ 12½- 16 12½- 15 12½- 15 5½- fl 102 -103 103 -108  ~1?~ liY~  =1?~ 103 -104 104½-106 106 - 106½ 110 -112 113 - 115 118 - 120 103 -105 103 - 105  115 ll7 80 30 160 135 mo 1  l~~  m½J?~~ 1?~½=l~i  1~3 =1W' 103½ !Oi 105½-106 106 -107 109 -110 112½-116 115 -120 104½-123 104¼- 128  is~ ~~i.~ :1:~--.~~::::::::: 10~U=10~½ 1ot½:11t½ 110½-lii .. ios 1 ~~naW i>o~ai~~~ .:::::.:::: ~A : i1½ ~~ = t i~½= ~1¾ ~g Ohio-6s, 1886 ................ 105½-105½ 105½- 105½ 105½-105¾ 106  Rhode lsland-6s, cp., 'US-99 South Carolina-6s, act Mar. 23, 1869,non-funct., 1888... Brown consol., 6s, 1898 .... l'ennessee-63, old, 1890-2-8 6s, new bds .• 1892- '28- 1900. 6s, new series. 1914 .. . . . .. .  12 ..  74 - 75  18g =18~~  1W·~=11~ 102 -103½ 104½-105½ 105½-106 108 - 109 110 -112½ 113 - 115 116 - liO 116 - 120  iii~~r{i:~a. :~~w~w ?.~ r& = ~8 rs10 :- r810 r&10 · i&10 ~&10 · re10 Funding act. 1868-1898 .. 10 - 10 Newbonds,J.&J.,18U2-98 18 · 18 Newbonds.A.&O .... ... .. 18 - 18  :1Jt  1~~~=1~~¾ t~~½=½~~½  Ni:: io~d~~:o~g~distf•f.':.'.~~ mg :}g~~ mg 6s, loan, 1891 ..... . .. . . , . ... 112½-113 118  6s,!oan,1892 ... . ...... 115 6s, loan, 1893 ............... 117 No, Carollna-Os, old, '86-'9tl 30 6s, old, A.& o .. . . .. . . .. 80 N. Car. HR., 1883-4-5 .. . .... 160 N.Car.RR.,7s,couponoff135 N. Car. RR., A. & 0 . .. 160 7 1  1i 15 14 14 4  811½- 92½ 93 - 93¼: Q3 - 93½ 113½- il5½ 95½-100 RV · IH 91 - V2 9::l - PS 93 - 95 95½- 98 100 -104 102 -104 101 -105 104 - 105 105 -106  f• f ~~= . .. .. .  1/0 - 20 20 - 20  f½ ~~: ~~ ~ -  .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . ... - .... . .  =110½ iiO¾-liif. i'ti  rs½= ~l¾ ~½= ~~ ~ 106 -106 103 -106 103  20 - 20 20 - 20  ~¾  . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. . .. .. ... ... ...  ~113¼ 113 =li4¼ 1i1  1  :.!O - 20 rn - 20  i~=  ~~  20  - 20  rn - 20  t½= i  .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . - . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. - . .. . . .. . . .. .  -ll4 °. it4½-li°5  il4¾:li5¼  :-103~i¾ :03~i :-103~½ 103t½:-104~½ 104½-105 ~½~ ~~½ ~ : :J½ ~~= 8b½ 104 -105 103 - 105  112 -123  115 -125  120 -120  120 · l'W  120 -120  120 -120  120 ·-120  120 .. ]20  8 3 107 -108 42¼· 47 42 - 47 42 - 47  3 - 3¼ 108 -108½ 42¾- 47% 42¾- 47¾ 42'}(- 47¾  3 106 47 47 47  3¼- 3¾ 107 -108 47½- 48!4 47.½ 48¼ 47½- 4>1!4  3¾- 3¾ 108 -109½ 47¼- -18¾ 47½' - 4<'l¾ •Vi½- 48'\a  4½- 6½ 103½-109¼ 5o - 52 50 - 5•i 50 • 52  4½- 5½ 109 -109 50 • 52½ 50½- 52½ 50½- 52½  4 - 5 109 -109 51½- 52¼~ 51½- 52 51½- 52  1 16 ·_1 1 6 1 10 110  116 _-1 16 ~ 110 11 0  - 3¾ -107 - 47¾ - 47¾ - 47!-i  v&~'i':Si~~!~~,~-~~~~~~:.:.~~~ i~ = g~¼ g~l4= ~J¼ Ml4: ;& ~g =g~ gg = ~~ ~~ : ~8¾ ~J¼= ~,~ ~/r~: ~~ ~8~5-. ~8¾ ~g = ~8½ ~g : 1a ~ ~ i§~ g:;~:: ~g~3:; ½~.: :: :::. ~J : ~~ ~65 -= t870 ~72 =- 80~t ·i~72 -= 75~ 80~3 -= 80gg 1880 :- 1880 !880 =• 1880 !~ = !8 !8 : !8 !8 ~ !8 !3 : :g :~ = !I 6s, consol. bonds ........ .. . 50 - 50 8::> • 80 80 - 80 80 •· 00 80 · 85 80 - 80 g:: ~~~~~~.u:r3~i~~r.~~~.:: fZ =ro ~8 = ii½ t~ : ~8 ~g = ~8 tz =g8 gg½~gA½ t8 : tz ~6 =ti ti = ~8½ iz = t~½ g~ : gg gg : g~. is, diferre_d tbonds......... 4½- -~~ .. ~-½- -~~ 5½- 6½ 4 - 4½ 4½- 5½ 5 - 5~ . . ~-½-~ 6 .... ~ 10 IJ .: 10¼ g = rn¼ H ~ 1r,1; rn = rn½ 9  Di:.~~ 6~f!~b ia..:_:3:65ii,i924 iis =113½ 112½=113 Funning 5s, 1899 ... ,. • . . 109 -llO¼ 110 -110  113 :1is° iis -tis·· iis =1i3" it3 110 - 110 110 -110 110 -110 llO  ~1 16!,s 114 -_11'5"' ii 4. _-11'4'" 11 5 -_1 16 109 - 11 0 110 11 0 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10  -_1 15 ¼ 115 1 10  1886. SECURITIES.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MAROH,  APRIL.  MA.Y.  ----------1·- ----  ?::ki1;;: b: it it~:: :::·  95 105 7 15 15  - 96 -105 - 7 - 20 - 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  188½=½88¾ 105 ~lOfl 97 -117!-i 98 - 98¼ 105 -107 106 -107½ 7 - 9½ 7 - l% 16 - 22 20 - 20 16 - 17 20 - 20  rn 1g6  ½g = 7s, Ark. Central RR........ d - 7 Georgia-Os, 1886 ....... .... . 102 - 102 7s,newbonds, 1886 ... . .... 100½-101 7s, endorsed. 1886 .......... 100½-JOl lJ~ =1§~ Stamped, 4s ................ 72½- 78¾ '1s, small b onds.. . . 67 - 7i _  LJ~Ji~iga~'h!?~o~~~:;ig1f  JULY.  AUGUSl'. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. Nov'BER. DEC'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High L ow.High L ow.High Low.High Lew.High Low.High Low.High J.<nv.High  Ahi~:!11r.-f~itil•.~.~~.~::.~~: 8+ = gg¼ 8~½=½&~ ClassB,5s,1906 . ......... 105 -105 105 -107  Clas!! C, 4s, 1906.. . . .. .. . . . 6s, 10-20, 1900 .......... .. .. Arkansas-6s, fd., 1899-1900 7s, L. R. & Ft. S. issue..... 7s, \1.emphis&LittleRock  JUNE.  - ~ - - - - ~·- - - - - - - - 1- - - - -1- - - - -1--·--- - - - - - 1 - - - - -1- - - ·--1-----1----·-  100 101 101 1~ 67 68  = ~8½ - 6 -100¾ -101¾ -101¾ :1~ - 72½ - 69  g =~g  7 - 8 IOO -101 101¾-102½ 101 -102½ 1~½=1~¼ 12½- 78 fi8 - 70  1&8½=18& 106 -107 99 - 99½ 105 -106 7½- 9 20 - 24 20 - 20  188 10/l 119 106 5 17 17  =rn~½ 1&~¾=18~ 107 -108  -107 -100 -106 - 8½ - 23 - 17  ti = ~~ =~ 7 - 8 6 - 6 l0?½-100½ 100½-100½ 102 -102½ 102 -102½ 11)2 -102½1102 -102½ IA_~ =IM 1M :IM 73 - 78% 72½- 77¼ 70 - 70 70 - 70  g  183 =18~~ 105 -108 119¾-101 100 -103½ l.07½-107½ 105½-106¼ 5 - 8½ 8½- 9½ 17 - 20 ... . - .... 17 - 20  - - - - - - - - - 1-----l--·-·-  mi ~P8l1 mi  =mg 107 -107½107 -107 102 -103½, 10~½-103 106 -107 105 -106 v - JO 10 - 10 17 - 18111 15 - 16 17 - 18,½\ 15 - 16  g - ~~6  :::: = : ::: ½i = ~8 .... - .... 5 - 7 6 .... - .... 102 -102½ .... .... - ........ - ........ .... - ........ - ... • •, .. ~~¼=1~¼ l~¼!t5% 77 - 79 77 - 77½ 76½....,. - .. .. 72 - 73 73 -  rn  }85½=½88¼ 107 -109 101 -102 104 -106 9 - 10½ 12 - 15 13 - J.5  ig  1~½=½8~½ 108 -108 102 -102 104 -105 9 - 10 12½- 15 15 - Hi  ½g = ½i = i~½= 5 - fl 5 - 6 6 ........ - ....... . - .... . ... . . . .... . - ........ - . .... .. • ... • .. • • - ........ - • • • • . , . , 1i? :IM 1g~ :Ifi~ 1ra 79¼ 76¾- 78~ 78~- 79 79xi75 72 - 75 74 - 76 75 -  Iti½=lA~½  mg 1011 102 10-1 10 20 20  rn½ ~s  =1&~ -110  -103 -106 - 11½ - 28 - 27  = ~i~ 6 7 - 8 ...... . . - ... . ... . .... - ... . ... .· , • • • - ... . 1g~½=1ig 82¾ 78½ 82¾ 78 75 78  :-i~  46  /  STATE SECURITIES. 1886-Concluded.  SECURITIES. . Mlchliran-78. 1800 ..• . .•..••. Mlssouri-6s, due 1886 .•.. . 6s, 1887 ... ...... ......... .. . 6s, 1888 .....................  l  m=1~~ ~~;~:-1~~ii{.;::isoi:::: Funding bonds, 1894-95 ... 115 -115  Hannibal & St. Jo., 1886 ... 102 - 108 Hannibal & St. Jo., 1887 . . . 102 -103  mi :t~  Ng:, yo~~k~iJ~~ditfs8f.·:. •.~~ 6s, foan, 1891 .••. . •••....... 6s, loan, 1892 . . . •. .... .. 6s, loan, 1893 ............ ... No. Carolina-Os, old, '86-'98 6s, old, A .& 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . )<. Car. H.R., 1883-4-5 .......  113 118 121 SO 30 165  ~.ciuions_ N. Car. RR., 7, coupons off Funding act. 1866-1900 . ... Funding act, 1868-1898 . . . New bonds, J . & J., 181:12-98 New bonds, A. & 0...... ...  10 10 20 20  ~~:~~tfa:~iass·  -113 -118 -121 - Sl - 31 -165  m = :::: i~i m:m m:m n~ i~~ : :::: 181 :181 rn~ :{~ tt :½t .... ½8i :mg mi :½8~ mi :{t 113½-113¼ .... - ... .  115 -115 108 -103 103 -103  =m 115 -116 117 -118 103 -103½ 104 -104 103 -103¼ 104 -104  113 -118 118 -118 ll!l -121 SO - eo 30 - 30 165 - 165  113 118 121 32 32 165  10 10 20 20  11 11 22 22  -113 -118 -121 - 36½ - 3•% -175  113 112 115 35 85 170  13¼ 13½ 23 2/l  12 U 22 22  mg :mg }gg :f~g g3 1~ :mg ?.~ 185 -185 135 - 135 185 -145 140  ~: 2:~: II::  I  I  DEC'BER OCTOBER.INOV'BER. AUGUST. MARCH. FEBR'RY.I ,T.ANUARYI _ _. _______ ____ - - -JSEPT'BER-1 --- - - - l -JULY. - - - I-JUNE. - - - I-~.AY. - - I-APRIL. --- --- Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hlirh Low.High ~ow.High Low.High Low.High 112 -112 112 -112 112 -112 112 -112 112 -112 .. . . - .... 109 -110 110 -110 110 -110 110 -110 108 -110 108 -110 100 -100 100 -100½ 100 -101 101½ 101½ 101½-101½ .••. - .... 100!,!-100½ 100¼-100½ 100¼-100¼ 100¼-100¼ 101 -102 -103 .. . .. . 102 -104 102 -102 102 -102 102 -108 102 -104 102 -108 103 -108½ 103 -104 108½-104 104 -104½ . . .. 10b -105 1(15 -105 105 -105½ 105½-106 105 -106½ .... - .... 104 -104¼ 1'!3½-104¼ 108½-104 104 -104 104 -105 104 -104  -  10 10 20 20  i: .1898:9 i : i½  10 10 20 20  ~  -  -  -118¾ -115\l!: -118¼ - 3-5½ - 35½ -170 :½t8 -140 - 12 - 12 - 22 - 22  : lg 8 : tu e¾: rn ·w·½:  =m 118 -118 104 -104 104 -104  · ···  112 11:5 l18 83 S8 170  : : ::: ... . - .... - .... - .... .... - . . . .  11 11 21 21  m 140 12 12 22 22  :½~8 -140 - 12 - 12 - 22 - 22  lg : lg¼'. . io  =m :m½ 115 -116 115 -115 101 -101 101 -101 101 -10 1 101 -101  =½~~ - ... . 115 -119 - .... 100 -101 - .... 101 -101  115!1(-115¾ .... - .. .. 118½-118½ . ... - .... 35 - 35 . . . . - . . . . - .... 35 - 35 - .. .. 170 -170  : io..  ½~ 135  m  ½~ :181 -112  }b~¾:m :u; ~A~½:½A~1120 -120  o:~o~~~-i886·::::::::::::::::  }5~ Rhode lsland--6s. cp., '93-94 120 - 120 120 -120 South r.arolina-6s,act Mar. 23, 1869,non-fund., 1888... 5¾- 6¼ 5¾- 6\.-.( Brown consol., 6s, 1893 ... . 106 - 108 108 -108¼'. Tennessee-6s, old, 1890-2-8 53 - 55¾ 55½- 60 6s, new bd~., 1892-'CS-1900. 58 - 55¾ 55½- 60 Os, new series. 1914 . . . . . . . . 58 - 55¾ 65½- 60 Compromise S-4-5-6s, 1912 62 - M¾ 65½- 67~  :::~:m:::::~t:::: mt::::_  New Settlement, Ss, HH3 . Vlrginia--6s,old ............. Os. new bonds, 1866 . . .. . . 6s, new bonds, 1867... •. . . 6s, consol. bonds........ ... 6s, ex-matured coupons .. 6s, consol., 2d series... .... 6s, deferred bonds.. .... ... Trust receipts.... .. .. . . .. . . Dis. of Columbia-S·65s,1924 Fundlnir 5s, 1899.. . •..  .. . . 42 42 42 80  - 4s°. ·43 - 44 .. 48 - 44 - 48 43 - 44 - 48 80 - ll5 - 80 5:c! - 60 50 - 52 60 - 62 60 - 60 11 - 12½ 11½- 13¼ 11 - 12½ 11½- 13 116 -llfl½ 116 -118 110 -110 110 -llO  5¾- 7¾ 108 -109¾ 56½- 59 56½- 59 56½- 59 65 - 61!  -1 15 -120 -122 - ~ - 85 -170  110 112 115 35 35 170  -115 -120 - 35 - 85 -175  112 115 118 35 35 170  :1~8 -140 - 11 - 11 - 22½ - 22½  ½~8 13.'> 11 11 22 22  :½ro -135 - 11 - 11 - 22 - 22  ½fo 135 11 11 22 22  :½~ -135 - 11 - 11 - 22 - 22  1~8 185 12 12 ~2 22  i8¾  18 :  43 100 56 60 9 \.I  llll 110  5 - 5¾ IOU!,i-109¾ 56 - 58 56 - 58 5tS - 58 65 - 67¾  = :::: - .... 44 44 - 44 44 - 4A - 45 44 - 44 44 - 44 - 45 100 95 -100 100 -100 1'>2 - 5/l 54 - 55 - 60 65 - b5 65 - 65 - 65 - 9¾ ll¼- \!l}( 9 - 9½ 9½- 9½ 9¼- 9½ - 10 -119 118:)(-119 118¾-119¼ -112 110 -110 110 -110  -  "43 43  }Al½:f5g½ 1i~¼'.:f5:¼ ~:~¼:I~~-- rnP':½~~ - . . .. 118 -124 120 -120 120 -120 6 - 6¼ 1011 -109¾ 57 - 58 57 - 58 57 - 58 66½- o7¾  45··1·~ -H.. ·« -  FEBR'RY. MAncn.  APRIL.  MAY.  }g~  112 115 120 35 l:l5 170  ·w½:  16½: 1i  ~  5¼ 5½- 6¾ 5¼- 6½ .... 107¼-107½ 106 -108 62½- 65 t\O¼' 60½- tS4 62½- 65 60l4 60½- 64 62½- 65 60¼ flO½- 64 72 - 75 70¼ 70¼'.- 74 1 ~~~rng½=18mrni =½~ 78)4- 80 71½- 74% 73 - 74 47 - 47 45 - 47 47 - 47 45 - 47 47 - 47 45 - 47 93 -100 \JO -100 1'>2 - 54½ 52½- 54 65 - 115 60 - 69 10 - 12¾ 11 - 12¾ 9 - 9 . . . . - . . . . 10 - 12¾ 10½- 12¼ 119¼-119!4 119%-119½ 119 -119½ .. . . - .... 112½-112½ 112½-112½  5½•... 58 f,8 58 67!-2-  ~~ =  :½8~ -112  rn~  -115 -120 - 35 - 35 -170  112 115 118 35 35 170  :½~8 -140 - 12 - 12 - 22 - 22  ½~8 140 12 12 ~2 ~2  1& : lg¾ 18 :  ig~  ioa 1~ :}~  =½~~½ -115 115 -116 -102 -103 108 -104  rn~~=rn~ :f~t1 -112 112 -112 -115 -118 - 35 - 35 -170  115 118 35 35 170  -115 -118 - 35 - 86 -l'iO  :½~8 -140 - I:& - 12 - 22 - 22  }t8 140 12 12 22 22  :g8 -140 - 12 - 12 - 22 - 22  18¼: ½!¾ i8¼: ½~  99¾ .99!,i:lOQ¼ i~~= w~ .97½: 97 - 98 9i - 97  99 - 99¾ 97 - 08 97 - 07  rn~½=m½ rn~½=m½  120 -120  ½Y~ 115 102 102  115 -115 101 -102 101 -102  -112 -ll5 -Jl8 - 85 - 85 -170  :1l8 95'" .95¾: 00½ ·oo - 90 .. 95"' SY~ '90 : or· '9sx;: 95" ~~~~~~-t:~·fJras~. :: :· :::: 98 - 98 PS - 94 ... . - . . . . 95 - 97 9.! - 92 Sma.ll bonds. . .. ........... 87 - 87½ 88 - 89 1 90 - !JS  ·88½-  m:m  120 -120  m½=rn~ 120 -120  mi 120  5½- 6¼ 104 -108 62½- 64 6~!,f- 64 fl2½- 64 72 - 74  5¾- 6¼ 109 -109 62 - 03 62¾- 63 tt2½- 6S 72 - 73  5¾- 7¼ 6 - 'i¼'. 110 -110½ 109 -110 tl5 - 65½ 62½- 64 f\4½- 65½ 62½- 64 l'>4½- 115½ 62½- 64 74 - 75½ 7:l½- 74  ½88½=½~½8& =rn~ 78 - 78¼'. 76 - r,7 47 - 47 46 - 47 47 - 47 46 - 47 47 - 49 46 - 47 90 - !JU 90 - l:}0 50 - 53 51 - 52 65 - 65 65 - 65 10½- 11¼ 11¼- 12¾ Jl - 11¼ 11¼'.- 12¾ 118½-119 120 -120 .... - ....... . - ... .  rn~ :rn~  :½~½ -120 12& -120  rn~76¾-=18~78¼ ½8878¾-=rn~7~  47 47 47 05 55 - 58 65 - 66 12¼- 13¾ 18 - 18¾ 119 -Im¾ .... - .... 47 47 47 90  -  47 - !i7 47 - 47 47 - 47 90 - Sl5 53 - 56 65 - 65 12 - 13¼ 12 - 13¼ 119½-120 110 -110  SEPT'BER. OCT0.DER. N0V'BER. DEC'BER.  JU -E.  A UGUST. JANUARY JULY. -----1----- ------1-----1----1------1- - - ·---- -----1-----1 - - -- - - - - Low.High Low.High. Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High L ow. Jii11:h Low.High Low.High L<>w.High Low.High Low.High - - -----1----·1------------ - -- - -1·- - - - - - - - 108½-1081}.f 108¼-lOR'U 108 -108 108},(-108½ t05 -106 103½-103½ 102 -104 104'-(-105½ 105½-108 105 -108½  SECURITIES,  Alabama-Cl. A, Sto 5, 1906. 105 -107 Class A, small . . ............ 102 -105 C'IMS H, 5s, 1906 ......... 107 - 101-1  107½-108½ 105 -107 107 -107 109 -118 113 -114  107 -107 104 -106½ 107 -107 100 -104 112½-113½ LJO -112½ 112 -112½ 109 -110  105 -105 1114 -10!  102 -104 108 -104  105 -106 104½-106  105 -106 106 -108  105 -108 107 -110  ~~~tt~o. foA8?~.:::.-::: ::. }~ :½81 18g½:rni½ 18t½:i3g 181¼:½St¾ rn~½:½8i½ ½8~ :}gg mg :½el 18~ :½8~~ 188 :18~ mi :½8& ½8~ :½~ ½8~ :rn: !g : ~½ ig : igx; ~ : M½ ig½: ~1 !&¼: ~ ~~ : i~½ ~8 : ig !8 : Jg !8 : M 1g : ~g .ia : 20 .. 1~~~.c.~ ~g~ :: ~~½ ~~ ~~ : ~ i~½: ~~½ ~~ : ~i ~ : :L-1! ~i =:t ~i : ~~ ~~ : ~g ~g : ~g ~ : ~g 'is : 20·· "i7 : it3 .. 1;:terPJ.i~~f¼-~ 18 - 18 18 - 20 20 - 22 20 - 2& 25 - 25 25 - 28 SO - SO 25 - 33 25 - 84 22 - 25 2~ - 25 & R. R..... . .. 25 - 26 4  .A\1,lds: ls~i:;:~  7s, Miss. O. 7½- 7½ 9 - 12 7s, Ark. Central RR........ 7 - 8½ 7 - 7~ Georgia-7s, ,mid bonds, '00. 109 -109 108½-108½ L(H½- 108½ 107 -108¼ \J5 -100 100 -100 93 - IJ5 Louisin.nn-7s, CODBOI., 1914. 93 - 94 Rtamped, 4s ... . . . .. . . .. .. . 7\1:,i- 80¼ 81¾- 8~¼ 83¼- 02% 8!l - 91  ....::::. ios l\J~h~~~~~~~fJoo: 181:17 ... . •.. . lOO  :1os··  -100½ Mlssouri-6s, 6.:1, 1888.. . ............... 100 - 101 6s, 1889-1800 ........... . ... 106 -l07 Asylum or Univ., 1802 ..... 112 -112  1~g :18~ 100¼-100¾ l(ll½ -102 106¼-107½ 112 -112  ns :m 158½:m  1~ :18i 101 -101 102¼'.-103½ 107 -107½ 112 -112  ~~~ =11~ -t~~~\i!1~sr.s.'r~~.9t""'JL NewYork--6s,gold,re,,:-,'8'i 100_¼-101½101 - lOL½lOl½-10 1½ :m½ m½:m½ 1~½=1~!½ 6s, loan, 1892 ... . . ...••• 115 -115 115 -115 115 -115 6s, loan, 1893 .............. . 118 -118 118 -118 118 -118 85 - 35 35 - 3'i No, Carolina-Os, old. '86-'98 3-'> - 35 36 - 35 35 - 35 . . . . . . . . . 85 - 35 6s. old, A .& 0 N.Car. H.R., 1883-4-5 ....... 179 - 170 liO -170 170 -170  m  g::fi!t~iir~~... ~~.::::::  ~:2:~: II::  ~~8  : ½~8 x_cgiions _?.~ N. Car. RR., 7, coupons off 140 -140 'Funding act. 1866-1900. ... 12 - 12  g3  :n8 140 -140 12 - 12  !~ t~~d~~~~;Y~~~~~~2--98 ~ New bonds, A. & 0 ......... 22 - 22 10 Chatham RR. .. . ... . . . . . 10 - 10 12 Special tax, class 1, 1898-9 11¼- 13 . ...... . Special tax, class 2 . . . . . . .  J~ : ~i  : -  ½~8 :½t8 140 -140 12 - 12  ~~ : !~ 22 22 10 10 13¾ 12½........ -  !~ 22 10 13 .. . .  18~ :18~ 102 to~ 103¼-103½ LQ6½-107,¼i 112 -112  10 - 11 108 -108 100 - 100 87¾- 88½  10½- 10½ ..•. - ... . 100 -100 83 - 88¾  11 - 11 10 - 12 . - .... 106 -107 100 -100 100 - 100 St¼- 85¾ 84¾- 85  1~ :18~¾ 102 -102½ 103¾-10~¾ 106 - 106¼ 112 -112  18~¾:1~ 102½-102½ 103½-10!.l¼ 106½-106¼ ll2 -112  1~ :1~ LOO -100 100 -100½ 104 -104 109 -110  l:~  1  m½:m  g3 l40  :m  -1~0 12 - 12  !~½  ~:: ~:w:::::~t: g:: m~:  New et,tlewent, Hs, 1913. Virginia-6s, old • •. . . . . . . . . . 6s, new bonds, 1866 . . . . . . 6s, new bonds, 1867....... . 6s, consol. bonds....... .... 6s, ex-matured coupons.. 6s,consol .,2d series ....... 6s, deferred bonds....... .. Trust receipts, 6s . .. i .. 8 65 924  !~½  !~ : 22 - 22 fl - LO JS - 15½ 12¾- J4 13 - 14¾ 12~- 14  !~ : 22 - 22 10 - 15  D~~~~g~i~¥~i0.:..~·- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - 6\.-4 -109½ - 65 - 65 - 65 - 76!,-.(  15~  4,~ 41; 48 95 53 6:'i 15 15  :m  48 48 48 90  -  48 48 48 \JO  U¾- 7¾ 6 - 7 6½- 7 1011½-lOil¼ 1011¼-109½ 108½-109¼ 62½- 64 64 - 65 64¼- 65 62½- 64 64 - 65 64¾- 65 64½- 65 64 - 65 62¼- 64 72 - 74 74 - 75 74 - 76  ·85 - 65 ..  12 - 13 :1~g /:cl 1t~ -109  48 48 48 90 52 65 l1 12¼-  18~ : 1~ 100½- 101 100½-101 lOi -104 toll -llU  1gg ::1g8 1~l :1~ 18l :1~ 100¾-101 101 -101½ 101½ 102 101 -101¾ 101 -101½ 101½-102¼ 104 -105 104 -104¼ 109 -109 108 -109 109 -110  :m  ~  :- 22~~ i~20 :- 22~~  22 10 14 14  9 - 10 - 10 - 16½ 14 - If\ - 111½ 14 - 15  -::½= ::-~121.~  :18~½ - 78 48 - cl.8 48 48 148 - 48 48 - 4d 48 90 - 1-10 l!O 52 - 52 52 65 1 65 - 65 10,½- 11 12 13¾ 12 - 13  18~75 =½8~ - 77 48 48 48 00 52 65 10 11  rn~ :m½ rn~ :rn~~  -  48 4,i 4~ 90 52 1>5 10 12  }5~½:m¾  6 - 6½ 108 -lOti¾ t\2~- 68¾ 62 - 63¾ 62 - OS¾ 72½- 74 f~½:18:½ 74 - 76¾ 48 - 48 48 - 48 4/i - 48 9J - 90 . . .. - .... 60 - 65 10 - 10 10 - 10½  Mi½:m  ½~8 :½98 140 -140 10 - 12  ~  20 8 12 12  7 - 9 11 - 15 - U½ 11  -los°' -115 -118 - 35 - 35 -170  :m  lt8 140 -145 10 - IO 1g 15 8 10 10  : -  rn  110  :no  117 35 35 170  :½?~ -115 -11 - 35 - 35 -170  ioo 1~& 115  g3  -103 ..  :g8 140 -1!0 10 - 10  }g : ~g  12 - ~u 15 8 - 8 10 10¾ 8 - Ill 10  ii ~~½= ir ii.ii.? = ~\ }~ =~~ i~ =g~½ 8i =  =  5½- 6 104 -105,½ 60 - dt 60 - 62 60 - 6 5 70 - 71  ½SJ =½8~  i~  :::: : :::: .. . . - .... 10 - 10 fg 15 - 15 - 15 7 - 8½ - 7 - 12½ 10 - 12 - 11 .. .. -  1*8 :½*8 140 -140 10 - 10  : rn rn : 1g :- !~ 15 20  -121½ 122 -123 115 -Jld 116 -a6  72 48 48 48 UO 41\ 60 10 10  :m  m:m  ½ro :m  gs  125 -125½ l 5½-125¾ 123 -rn3½ 123½-123½ 120 -123 ll:5 -I 16 116 - 117 116 -116 116 -116 116 -116  }8~½:½8:½ ½8~ :½gg78¾ l?iY78 :½8~~ - 78¾ 78 - 78,½ 77  ½88 78 47 41 47 115 52 65 12 /2¾-  :1~  :1*8 ½~8 1~8 :½~8 140 - 140 140 -140 140 -140 12 - 12½ 12 - 12~ 12 - 12  1  6 107 65 65 65 75  :1~½ -100¼ -100½ -104 -110  .... 104 -104 .. ii:i4 -10:f · 100 -100 IOU -100 9r.¼- 91½ 89%- 92  :I~~- - 115 -115 112 -112 112 :I~~--~:~ :11_~. ~~-~ -1~~-- ~~~ 11~ :I~~ -101¼-102½ 101½-102 100½:lof' io'o :1oi" iOO -100½ 100½-100½101½-101¼101 fY& :½?&½ ½~~=½~~ m~:m½ 1~~ m½:m~ 115 -115 115 -115 115 -115 112 -ll5 1J5 -115 115 -115 112 -114 115 118 -111.3 118 -118 118 -ll8 U5 -118 Ll8 -118 118 -ll8 115 -115 118 35 85 - 35 35 - 85 35 - 35 35 - 35 35 - 85 35 - 35 85 - 3-5 35 35 - 35 35 - 35 35 - 35 S-1 - 35 35 - 35 35 - 85 35 - 35 170 -170 170 -170 170 -170 170 - 170 170 -170 170 -170 .... - ... . 170  ~tf;i::1;1~~~·::.. ::::::: i~ =8i½ 81 =,~-- :~:~ =~~:: 81 =~l½ ti = ii  6s, 1919. . .. . . . . .•. .. ..... . 124 -124);( Rhode Jsland--6s . cp., '113-94 120 -120 South C11rolin 1-6s, act \-lnr. 23, 1869,non-funa., 1888... 6~- 6½ Brown COBSOI., 6s, 1893 . ... 107 -107 Tennessee-6s, old, 1890-2-8 65 - 65½ 6s, new bds., 1892-'C8-19()(J. 65 - 65½ 6e, new series. 11H4 . . . . . . . . 05 - 65½ Compromise S-4-5-0s, 1912 75 - 75½  1~ 100 l'lO 104 110  9 - 11 11 - 11 . ... 105 -105 . . .. 100 -100 100 -102 87¼'.- 90½ 84.%- 86  -  74 41 4~ 48 90 41> 60 JO IO½  6 -105 - 60 - 60 - 60 - 70  5 104 56 5tl 56 . ...  - 6 -105 - 59 - 59 - 59 -  :½85½ - 70½ - 48 - 48 - 48 - 90 - 46½ - 110 - 10½ - 10½ 1 1 ~ : ..  47 47 47 90 45 60 .... 8  -  6 -  105 59 59 50 70  mi70  48 48 48 93 45 60 10 10  -123 115 -115  :rnt}~r~ :  120½-120½ 118 -11~ 115 -116 115 -115 5 105 57 57 57 67  - 5½ -106 - 58 - 58 - 58 - 67  5"- 5¾ 106 -lOi 59 - 60 e9 - 5\l 59 - 59 69 - 70  18A :rng ½88 :½Si i8A68 :l&f 611¼- 69½ 70 - '12½ - 69  -  48 48 48 90 45 6U 8 8½ 8~-  4f'! 4~ 48 l:}0 45 60 .. . .  i6l =l~l  48 48 48 90 45 60 8 8¾ 9  48 48 48 110 45 60 8  1 ~:.~ : ~'. ..  tii  ~¼  117 -120 115 -115 - 5½ -108 - 60 - 60 - IO - 70 1 ~7~.1 ~ =_ 7~2~;;  5 101 59 511 5\J 6-i  74,  48 - !i8 48 - 48 48 - 48 75 - 90 41 - 42 60 - 60 7 - 7 ~11 :½ii½ i64½:105  -  4~ 48 48 00 48 60 8 10  (I·  Xij  RAILROADS AND THEIR SECURITIES. PRIOES OF STOCKS AND BONDS, 1883-87. Railroad construction in the United States in the year 1887 showed a remarkable increase in mileage compared with the preceding years, as the total of new road constructed was about 12,700 miles, an increase of 1,132 miles over 1882, which prior to 1887 was the maximum year. In 1886 9,000 miles werd built, 3,608 miles in 1885, 3,825 in 1884, 6,741 in 1883, and 11,568 in 1882. In this latter year was reached the culmination of that period of railroad expansion which set in with the general ·tide of buoyancy throughout the country after the resumption of specie payments on January 11 1879. From 1857 forward to the close of the civil war in 1865, railroad building was held in check, and ran far behind the wants of the country, the number of miles constructed in 1864 being only 738. After the close of the war a new impetus was given to this branch of industry, which went ahead with a steady increase every year from 1865 to 1871, and in the year last named the total was reached of 7,379 miles. From this poim a reaction commenced, which terminated in the panic of 1873, and railroad construction fell off to 1,711 miles in 1875. From this point another recovery took place, and the construction ran -up to 7,174 miles in 1880, to 9,789 miles in 1881 and to 11,568 miles in 1882. From an examination of the record of railroad huilding and a reference to the course of financial affairs in the United States during the different periods of railroad activity, it will be noticed how closely the two have been connected. The surplus capital and the proverbial energy of our financiers has been directed towards railroad construction, and in the two periods 1870-73 and 1880-84 the work WllS carried to an excess, and the climax was in each case followed by a collapse. The following table from Poor's Railro&d Manual shows the progress of construction in each year from 1830 to 1886, inclusive : -  Years. 1830 ...... 1831. ..... 1832 ..•... 1833 .. .. . . 1834 .... .. 1835 ..... . 1836 ..... . 1837 ..... . 1838 . .... 1839 . .. . . . 1840 . . . .. . 1841. ... .. 1842 .... . . U;43 ..... . 1844 . .....  Years.  IIncrease Annualof  1845 .. 1846 ...... 1847 ...... 1848 ...... 1849 . .•... 1850 ...... lo51. .•. 1852 ..... . 1853 ...... 1854 . .... . 1855 ...... 18fi6 . . ... . 1857 ...... 1858 .... 1859 ......  256 297 668 398 ·1,369 1,656 1,961 1,926 2,452 1,360 1,654 3 ,642 2,487 2,465 1,t:!21  Annual Miles in Increase of. Operation. Mileage. 0  72  134 15i 253 465 175 224 416 389 516 717 491 159 192  23 95 229 380 633 1,098 1,273 1,497 l,lH3 2,302 2,818 3,535 4,026 4,1 85 4,377  =,  Mileage.  Miles in Operation. 4,ti33 4,930 5,598 5,996 7,365 ~,021 10,982 12,908 15,360 16,720 18,374 22,016 24,503 26,968 28,789  Years. 1860 ..•... 1861. .... . 1862 ...... 1863 ..... . 18 64 . .•.. . 1865 ...... 1866 ..... . 1867 ...... 1868 ..•... 1869 . ... .. 1870 ..•... 1871. .•. .. 1872 ..•... 1873 ...... 1874 .....  Annual Miles in Increase of Operation. Mileage. 1,846 651 834 1,050 738 1,177 1,716 2,449 2,979 4,615 6,070 7,379 5,878 4,097 2,117  Years.  Annual Miles lu Increase of Operation. Mileage.  -- ----- 30,~35 1875 ..•.. . 1,711 31,286 32,120 33,170 33,908 35,0% 36,801 39,250 42,229 46,844 fi2,914 60,293 66,171 70,268 72,385  1876 ...... 1877 .... . . 1878 .••.. . 1879 ...... 1880 ...... 1881. ...•. 1882 .. .. 1883 . ..... 1884 . ...•. 1885 .... .. 1886 ..•...  2,712 2,280 2,629 4,746 6,876 9,796 11 ,568 6,741 3,82 5 3,608 9,000  74,096 76,808 79,088 81,717 86,4tt3 93,349 103,1-!5 114,713 121,,154 125,379 128,987 137,987  The financial statistics, showing the cost of road and equipment, the stock and funded debt, and the earnings, gross and net, are compiled from Poor' s Manual, and are given below. for the last four years for each section of the country, with the total for the whole United States:Miles of  General Liabilities.  and Branch.  Cost of Railroad and Equipment.  Capital Stock.  New England States ...... .  Middle States ..........•... 8 outhern States .... . ...... w estern States . .•. . ••..•.. p aoifl.o States .••..••.......  6,437 19,201 21,376 78,948 7 ,644  $335,636,655 1,738,451,555 884,988,102 3,817,865,486 478,053,425  $202,673,477 1,064,895,870 467,097,903 1,998,696,761 266,144,997  Total United States .•..  133,604  $7,254,995,223  p acifl.c States ..... . .... ....  6,412 18,595 20,584 74,854. 7,284  $338,230,596 1,683,617,814 884,941,407 3,679,615,783 456,221,750  'J:otal United States ....  127,729  I $7,037,627,350  aciflc States .....••.. . .•• .  6,405 18,256 19,825 72,704 7,961  $334,124,293 1,685, I 41.937 839,398,967 3,520,173,233 545,716,014  Total United States ....  125,151  $6.924,554,444  6,323 17 531 18:866  $337,953.802 1596937 643 '793:126;042 3  120,551  $6,684,756,045  sTA.TEl!I AND TERRITORIES. Road, Main Tear 1886  -  Funded Debt.  I  Miles of Total Gross Earn- Earnings, iugs, Including Less Operating Railroad Mails, &c. Expenses. Operated.  $143,792,350 1,036,068,287 489,778,278 1 ,993,681 ,315 219,6-!6,100  6,430 18,307 18,452 75,655 6,339  $62,653,718 243,868,730 74,833,959 411,733,513 36,855,916  $19,880,203 91,042,454 24,620,860 149,035,711 16,024,836  $3,999,508,508  $3,882,966,330  125,185  $>329,940,836  $300,603,564  l  $204,311,043 1,065,318,177 416,306,842 1,884,345,473 247,416,297  $140,569,398 995,996,765 506,121,832 1,915,530,991 207,508,080  6,476 18,133 19,355 73,521 5,835  $56,849,5r>2 214,661,445 75,557,901 392,317,857 33,182,078  $17,300,846 75,655,627 24,701,025 137,138,319 14,698,114  $3,817,697,832  $3.765,727,066  123.320  $';'72,568,883  I $269,493,931  l  $204,597,904 1,050,207,585 405,339,989 1,795,111,437 307,359,771  $136,6!-16,843 lJ80,215,773 479,62'!,988 1,836,286,254 236,293,914  6,405 17,520 17,025 66,124 ti,098  $58,558,913 222,307,8 t9 69,857,988 377,964,310 34,617,57~  .,16,518,814 77,150,187 23,831,483 135,~16,991 13,81.l l,436  $3,669,115,772  113,172  $763,30A,608  $266,513,911  $198,544,058 1,012,157,191 404,792,911 1  $144,346,9ij2 913,163,648 457,360,083 1  6,ioa 15,974 15,590 6  $59,155, 76;i 237,068,010  8i:i~g;~~~  $15,102,533 90,!'li'0,362 24,284,455 147,509,324 14,120,914  $3,708,060,583  $3,500,879,914  106,938  $807,112,780  $291,587,588  · ---- ---- --  Tear 1880. N ew England States . . . .••. Middle States . ... ....... .. .  8 outhern States .. • ........  w es tern States ........ ....  I  I  I  Year 188.f. N ew Eng,landStates .. .. . . . tates .....••..•• . .  Mi· ddle  southem States ..•...•..••. estern States ......•..... w p  I  .  $3,762,616,686  II  l  I ------------  l  ·I  Tear 18f!i3. N ew England States ... .. ..  ddle States . ...•.... . . . .. ro1uthernSta.tes ... . .••..•.. ,  1 ;:,,"::~i~!:::~.:::::::::::: i-----l--------l·-------1---------1-----· ~::i~ •ttA:~t~:it~ ·ii~:ii~:r~r ·rni:g~~:iJ~ i:~n 1 - -438,459,807 ----Total United States.... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  h.AJLRD.AlJ EAR.NJN(}S. are only three. Th9 new crop of corn does not usually begin to move much before the first of January, so it The CoMMERCIAL & FINANCIAL CHRONICLE of January may be supposed that the failure could not have had 14, 1888, m an article on the gross earnings of 1887, much effect upon the 1887 earnings. remarked that the year had been throughout a period GROSS EARNINGS FROM: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31. of heavy traffic returns. Not every road shows the Increase. Decrease. Name of Road. I 1887. 1886. best earnings on record, but, on the . other hand, there $ $ $ $ are many companies whose present aggregates are far 2,607,767 1,573,388 1,034,379 AtlanticN.& Y. Pacific .. .. . 239,433 & PhUa 2,812,654 .2,573,221 above anything previously reached. As compared with Buffalo 1,445,612 554,793 2,000.405 Bu1falo Roch. & Pitts .. . 72,653 the preceding year, the improvement is very decided Burl. Ced. Rap. & No .. . 3,005,962 2,933,309 760,248 101,433 Cairo Vincennes & Chic _ 658,815 737,706 in nearly every ·case. Out of llO roads that have made California Southern .... . 1,478,40± 740,698 Canartian Pacific ....... . 11,597,672 10,081,802 1,515,870 returns, but eeven show smaller gross earnings than in 6,414,387 .5 ,900,898 513,489 ~~~1:~1~i\c?:~r~~~-:::: I 1,352,532 1,323,625 28,907 1886, the loss reaching only $391,443, and the aggre- Chesapeake Ohio & S. W .1 1,998,178 1,713,325 284,853 Eliz. Lex. & Big: Sandy 1,092,525 154,9P5 937,530 gate gain on the whole llO roads reaches over 44 million 1,677,046 517,737 gg1~~1°l~~r~iffinois: I 2,194,783 1,782,200 276,107 dollars. This improvement is the more noteworthy, that it Chicago l\Ulw. & St. Paul 252,058,307 ,366,167 24,718,403 647,764 66,271 73,399 & Ohio River .. · 1 follows a heavy gain the previous year, the increase Chicago "i2:;2i·6 Chicago & West Mich .. . 1,408,195 1,395,979 466,886 401,222 65,664 *Qin.•Jackson & Mack .. . then on 93 roads amounting to $30,064,512. Totals now Cm. 3,377,551 2,882,171 495,380 N. Orl. & Tex. Pac .. 1,575,816 360,621 Alabama Gt. South'n . 1,215,195 a1 e based on a larger mileage, but taking the December New Orleans &No. E. 711,782 661,236 50,546 & Meridian 558,690 524,298 34,392 statement as a basis, the increase in that respect as between Vicksburg Vicksburg Sh. & Pac .. 608,007 522,873 85 .134 Cin. Rich. & Ft. Wayne 414,758 31,173 383,585 1887 and 1886, is only 6 per cent, while the increase in Cin. & Springfield . ..... . 1,183,684 1,130,324 53.360 2,216,395 Baltimore. 2,010,406 205,989 Cin. Wash. & earnings is 14 per cent. 561,092 542,916 18,176 Clev. Akron & Col. ... . 4,184,117 396,852 If we look about for reasons to explain this very favor- Clev. Col. Cin. & Ind ... . 4,580,969 309,579 ..• . 274,520 35,059 Clev. & Marietta 334,153 319,552 14,601 able state of things, we find them in the great industrial Col. & Cin. Midland .... . 2,716,779 2,361,403 Col. Hock. Val. & Tol ... . 355,376 activity that has prevailed throughout the country. In Denver & Rio Grande .. . 7,978,586 6,738,079 1,240,507 1,173,808 Denver &R. G. Western 1,051,900 121,908 the previous year the improvement was largely the result Detroit Bay City & Alp . . 466,667 242,017 224,650 Detroit Lansing & No ... 1,142,713 1,226,536 of the restoration of harmony and rates among the Detroit Mack. & Marq .. 413,781 289,866 123,915 East Tenn. Va. & Ga ... 5,298,736 4,283.211 1,015,525 trunk lines and the adoption of the same policy by Evansville & Indianap 234,814 196,771 38,043 Evansv. & T. Haute . . ... 868,937 759,379 109,558 most other roads. The further increase in 1887 fol- Flint & Pere Marquette 2,563,077 2,160,773 402,304 & Nav. Co . 1,061,888 966,254 95,634 lows chiefly, if not exclusively, from the great revival *FloridaR'y Ft. Worth & Denv. City. 717,635 445,481 272,154 Georgia Pacific ..... . .. . 1,254,424 844,544 409,880 of business. As regards the volume of trade, the year Grand Rapids & Ind ... . 2,351,435 2,098,127 253,308 176,253 47,542 128,711 OtherlineA ....... . .... . bas doubtless never been excelled, if it has ever Grand Tr. of Canada. . . 18,063,009 17,153,225 909,784 Gulf Col. & Santa Fe .. . . 2,928,277 2,274,171 bef:n equalled. In coal and iron produced, and in *Roust. & Tex. Central. 2, 807,142 2,932,259 654,~~61 125,117 Div.)-. 7,489.139 6,707,606 781533 new railroad mileage constructed, all previous records Ill. Centr.-(Ill. " (So. Div.)4,311,065 4,068,581 242,484 Ind'nap. Bloom. & West 2,616,223 2,542, 809 73,414 bave been beaten. The building of new road was the Indianap. Dec. & Spring. 37,464 411,634 449,098 Kan. City Ft. S. & Gulf . . 2,711,856 2,524,380 187.476 most important factor, and this stimulated everything Kan. City S:J?, & Mem . . 2,033.205 1,561,416 471,789 Kan. CityClin. &Spring. 259,497 235,560 23.937 else to a marked degree. So large has been the business Kentucky CentTal. ..... . 1,074.590 920,697 , 153,893 322,180 307.41~ 14,761 in progress that nearly everywhere managers have com- Keokuk & Western . . ... . 1,973,502 1,707,873 Lake Erie & Western .. 265,629 plained of the inability to furnish equipment and rolling Lake Shore & Mich. So 18,675,464 15,859,455 2,816,009 Lehigh& Hudson ..... 228,423 219,039 9,384 823,300 749,462 stock sufficient to handle it. Except for this remarkable *Little Rock & Memphis 73,838 Long I sland . . . . . . . . . 3,239,485 2,994,627 244,858 activity in general trade, there must have been declines Louisv. Evansv. & St. L. 1,008,044 839,955 168,089 Louisville & Nashville .. 16,026,181 13,978,734 2,047,447 in certain sections, for other conditions were by no means Louisv. N. Alb. & Chic . 2,246,978 1,881,260 365,718 2,213,233 Louisv. N. O. & Texas . 1,803,782 409,451 all favorable. Marq. Houghton & Ont .. 1,061,278 983,215 78,063 Memphis & Charleston . . 1,740,469 1,444,638 295,831 This brings us to the other element which enters so tMexican Central . .... . 4,879,524 3,857,706 1,021,818 1,777,491 1,743,450 t Mexican National. ... . . 34,041 largely into railroad traffic, namely the .yield of the crops Mich. Cen. and Can. So. 14,140,000 12,295,828 1,844,172 Shore & West'n. 3,175,077 2,317,801 Milw. L. 857,276 and the movement of agricultural produce to market. Milwaukee & Northern 972,025 646,226 325,799 Minneap, & St. Louis .... 1,505,098 1,549,•,19 In this particular the year has not been a favorable one. Minn. & orthwestern .. 1,504,557 540,092 964,465 & Tennessee ...... . 510,529 445,985 64,544 The production of wheat is now put by the Agricultural Miss. 2,485,232 2,224,459 260,773 Mobile & Ohio . . . . .... . Nashv. Chatt. & St. L .. . 3,055,917 2,400,772 655,145 Bureau at nearly the same total as for 1886, but the yield N.Y. Cen. & Rud. Riv .. 36,296,024 32,651,015 3,645,009 1,548,580 1,338,385 Y. Ontario & West'n. 210,195 has at least been very irregular. In the great winter N. Norfolk & Western .. . . . 4,219,711 3,252,058 967,653 Pacific .... . .. . 13,846,640 12,329,552 1,517,088 wheat belt of the Ohio Valley the outcome was unsatis- Northern 4,124,075 296,244 Ohio & Mississippi .. . . 3,827,831 330,316 195,465 134,851 factory and in most cases below that of the previous year, Ohio River ..... . ..•... 595,443 Ohio Southern ... . . . . . 508,757 86,686 In Kansas the crop was a failure. For the North west the *Ore. R'y & Nav. Co. --· 5,164,398 5,211,920 "43;794 Peoria Dec. & Evansv.. . 858,540 814,746 product of spring wheat is reported heavier than in 1886, Pittsburg & Western ... . 2,034,820 1,597,629 437,191 4 ,446,214 4,060,225 Richmond & Danville . . 385,989 but solely by reason of the fact that Dakota is put down Va . l\'.lid. Div . . . ...•.. 1,650,315 1,566,330 83,985 Char. C. & A. Div .... . 860,981 783,443 77,538 for an increase of 21,700,000 bushel&, the total yield of Col. & Greenv. Div ... . 564,456 610,324 682,140 535,965 i46;i75 West. Nor. Car. Div .. . that territory being stated as 52,406,000 bushels, which Ash. & Sp. Div. -- . ... . 41,382 77,105 35,723 329,299 §St. L.A. & T. H. m. line. 2,205,794 1,876,495 of course is decidedly heavier than in any other State or Do (branches) .. 958,765 803,991 154,774 St. L. Ark. & Texas ..... . 2,686,157 1,818,406 867,751 territory. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa. and Nebraska. all St. Louis & S. Francisco. 6,215,579 4,874,627 1,340,952 St. Paul & Duluth . ..... . 1,687,156 1,558,086 129,070 show a. diminished yield. 8,745,227 7.427,339 1,317,888 St. Paul Minn. & Man .. . 904,640 Shenandoah Valley .... . 740,654 163,986 But if the out-turn of wheat was pretty generally Staten Island Rap. Tran. 788,313 64,268 852,5811 6,043,924 Texas & Pacific . . ... 6,197,688 153,764 unsatisfactory, the yield of corn over large sections of the Tol. A. A. & Nor. Mich .. 529,48,... 380,252 149,236 & Ohio Central ...•. 1,079,554 838,454 241,100 country was much less satisfactory. The production in Tol. Tol. Peoria & Western .. 954,725 882,295 72,430 Wabash Western .....•. 6,473,459 5,579,219 894,240 1886 had been small, but that for 1887 is reduced 209 744.169 588,114 156,055 Wp.eelin~ & Lake Erie . . 1,565,312 548,204 million bushels, being reported at only 1,456,161,000 W1sconsm Central. ..... . 2,113,516 511,709 301,244 Minn. St. Cr. & Wis .. . 210,465 199,738 ,rwisconsin & Minn .. . 296,626 96,888 bushels. The falling off is very heavy in all the States Total (110 roads) .... 360,259,567 316,046,237 44,604,773 391,443 of the Ohio Valley and in Kansas. Some idea of the extent Net increase.. . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . • • . • . • • • . .•..••..... 44,213,330 •••••••• of the decline in that section may be gained from the Including only three weeks of December in each year. fact that last year there were six States producing in *t Mexican currency. § Including Indianapolis & St. Louis. excess of 100 million bushels each, while this year there 1T Not including Ohio. Wis. & Minn. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD EARNINGS.  ····I  1VJ1LRO.Ah E.ARNiNGS_:_RAJLROAlJ BONDS.  In brief, then, it may be said that as a rule there has been very little gain anywhere on the movement of agri cultural produae, while in some of the items, and notably corn, there has been a decided falling off, besides which there was a heavy contraction at C.hicago in the receipts of hogs. There were also some other ad verse factors, chief among them being the increase of competition and cutting of rates in the Northwest and Southwest as the result of the building of so much new road in that territory. This occasioned a pretty general scaling down of tariffs towards the end of the. year. At the same time many of the West ern State commissions were active in the same direction reducing rates, and even do n in Florida there were com. plaints on that account towards the close of the year. The Inter-State law, which it was expected would operate unfavorably on railroad interests, had rather the opposite effect. It occasioned some little disturbance for a time, but this was soon overcome, and through the abolition of "dead head" travel, and the saving of concessions formerly granted favored shippers, the revenues of the roads were increased rather than diminished. But the main favoring elements, as already said, were the activity of  general business and the unprecedenLed consr.ruc"1on of new railrJad mileage. It was supposed by many that with July, when we were beginning to compare with very good results in 1886, the ratio and extent of incre&&e .would be very greatly reduced, but while this proved true in the case of the net, it did not prove true in the case of the gross, where the increase was maintained to the end of the year, as may be seen from the following. It should be said that the exceptionally heavy gain in March was owing to the rushing forward of freight before the going into effect of the Inter-State law in April. Earning,.  Matage. Perw4.  J &DU8.17 (97 roe.di) •. February (101 roads) March (111 roads). . April (106 roads) .••. May (102 toads) .•.•.. June (118 roads), .... July (107 roads) ..••.. Aug. (104 roads) ..... Septe'ber (117 roads) October (102 roads). Novemb'r (108 roads)  Decetnber(ll4 roads)  1887.  1886.  .Mau. 56,127  MQu. 53,592  60,000  152,980  61,901 60,607 60,085 62,628 81,71>1 60,066 64,989 68,062 61,268 M,292  58,864 157,-181 67,15i 59,002 58,700  I [  oo,:ms 61,2'2 09,466 57,607 ,,0,583  1887.  '  22,100,900 20,762,296 28,781,619 26,088,'42 26,182,882 27,577,608  ~.4.82,244 27,010,28'4  ln.ct"e4H or  1886.  Deorecu,.  •  '  18,871,020 Inc. 8 1828,885 19,026,570 Inc. 1,'136,721 24,597,249 Inc • 4,184 1810 22,689,785 Inc. 8 1898.807 22,594,581 Inc. 8,587,801 '24,877,882 Inc. 8,19{1,ffl 24,2-10,706 Inc. 21241,698 24,1M1500 Inc. 2,8515,'TSI ,11..... , ............ 80,821,922 Inc, 8 1668 11566 26,752,888 Inc, ,,ooo,700 26,277,240 lnc •.2,~14.0  .....,....1.. SS,879,888 80,758,648 29,288,642  PRICES OF RAILROAD BONDS. 'l'he following compilation of monthly highest and lowest prices of railroad bonds is made up from sales at the New York Stock Exchange. The order of classification on the Stock Exchange Quotation List is followed to a great extent, though an exception is made in placing income bonds under the name of the company to which they belong• and also in bringing bonds from the '' Free List" and placing them in alphabetical order in the table, where they ma1 be found under their proper title. Wherever there has been but a single sale in a month, the price so made is given as both the highest and the lowest. ·A ll the prices in the tables following are compiled from actual sales at the Board. Ufia. - -- ·JANUARY FEBR 1RY.  JUNE. AUGUST. oEPT':i3li:ll.. OCTOBER. NoV'BER. DEC'BEllt JULY. -~·~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -~High.Low High .Low Hlllh.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low Hli;th.Low High.Low --~ 90 - 90 .&tch. T. & S. Fe ..... . 4½ 9S - 93 89¼- 89½ 85¼- 85¼ .... - .... . ... - .... .... - .... ..... - .... . ... - . ... .... - .... . ... . .... .... - .... Atlantic & Pac.- lst ... 6 95%- OS¼ 04 - 93½ M - 93 .... - .... .... ..... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... . ... - .... . ... - .... . ... - . ... 28 - 22¼ 26 - 21 West. Div.-Income .. 6 .. .. - .... .... - .... 21¼- 20 25¾- 22 25¼- 22 85¼- 24½ 86¾- SS¼ 85 - SO½ 29 - 22 29%- 26 05 l!!it ...... ........ ....... 6 .... - .... .... - . ... ll6!1,!- 93 95¼- M 94¾- 92½ fY1 - 04¼ 98¾- 96¼ 100 - 08 :Ol½- GI!% 97¾- 07¼ 9'7¼- 96¼ 96 -119 .... - .... 114Jl,.Hl3% .... - .... 118¼-118½ 114½-114½ 114 -114 .... - .... 114¼-114¼ 112¼-112 Bait. &0.-Jst, P.Br .. 6 113 - .... 112¾-112¼ ... - .... 45½- 45½ 40 - 87 so - so 86),g- 84➔~ 80 - so so - 20¾ ... - .... 26¼- 19¾ 85¾- 28 .... - .... Bost. H. & El"ie.-lst .. ,- 51 - 50 Bur. C.R. &N.-lst ... ~ 101¼-100 101 - 100 101¾-100¼ 101:)i-101 102),g-l0:}4 100 - 99 101¾- 100 101¾- 99% 100 - 09 102¼- 99:Ji 100¼-102 101¾-100 Ced. R.I.F .& N .- 1st 6 .... - .... .... - .... - ... .... - .... .... - .... 106 -105¼ 105 -100 .. : . - .... . .. . - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - ....  BONDS.  MARCH.  APRIL,  MAY.  ~  ·• •·  Butr.N. Y .& P.-lst . .. . 6 .... .... .... . ... 100¼- 96¾ 102½-101 102¾-102 102½-102 100 - 08 99, - 98 08¼- 08 00 - 97¼ 100 - 08 100½- 0~ Central Iowa-1st ..... . ,- 112 -106 108 -106½ 108¾-108 109 -105½ lll -108½ 110¼-108 110 -106 107½-105 106 -106 106 -1C6 107 -105½ 107¼-106¾ Easte1·n Div .-1st . .. . 6 .... .... - .... .... .... .... .... . .... 81 - 81 81 - 80¾ 80 - 77 81 - 79 78½- ?'8½ 80¾- 79¼ so,(- 80 Cent.RR.of N. J .-1st . . , 118 -117 114 -118 114 -114 116¼-115 117 -115½ 117 -116 117¼-117¾ 112 112 114 -118 114 -118¼ 114 -114 116¾-114 Consol., assented ..... ,- lll¼-108½ 110¼-109¾ 112¾-110 114 -111 115 -114 116 -114 114 -112½ llS¼-112½ 114¼-112¾ 118 -111 113 -112 11' -us Conv., assented ....... 7 111 -109),g ll{}¾- 110 118 -110¾ 116 -112½ 114 -111½ 115 -112½ 115 -114 115 - !18 118¼-118½ 114½-114¼ .... 118 -112¼ Adjustment ............. ,- 107 -104¾ 106¾-104 106½-105 10~-106½ 105½-104 105 -104 104¾-104¾ 104 -103 106 -10$ 108¼-105% 104¼-104 105 -lOt .... .... .... .. - ... . . ... .... .. .. . ... .... .. .. .... .... .... .... .... . ... .... .... .... .... 88 - 87 Conv. cleb ...... ....... 6 .... Inco1ne ............. .... 7 85 - 80 .... .... 85 - 81 87 - 86 98 - 90 100:Ji- 00 . ... .... 96 - 02 05¼-92% 95 - 92 05 - 95 98 - 00 Leh.& W.B.-Assent ,- 101%-101¼ 105 -101¾ 108¾-100¼ 104 -108}-i 105 -104 103½-102¾ 105 -104¼ 105)4- 104 104 -102 104 -102 104 -102¾ 104 -102~ ., Jnco1ne .. . .... ....... ... ,- .... 80 - 80 81 - 81 .... .... .. .. ... . 88 - 81 88 - 88 . ... .... 88 - 82% .... .... . ... - .... .... .... 01¼- 91½ li2 - 88¾ 91 - 01 . ... ... 01 - 90½ 91~- 00 92 - 91 Am. Dock & Imp ...... :S ... . 87¼- Sil% 88¾- 88 88¼- 88½ . ... Chn.rl.Col.&Au:r.-lst. ,- .... . ... .... .... .... - .... . ... .... .... . ... . ... . ... 106 -106 106¼- 106½ . ... . ... . ... .... .... . ... . Ches.&O.-Pu1·.ll:1.fd .. 6 118¼- 118¼ .... .... 118¼-113½ 115 -115 115 -115 114½-114½ 112 - 112 112 -112 112 -112 .... .... 114 -114 114 -lH •Series A ................ 6 109½-108½ 107¾- 107 108½-107 107¼-105 110 -lOS¾ 110½-110 110 - 110 109 - 108 110 -108½ 108)4-108 109 -108 109 -108 Series n ...... . ........ 6 91¾- 80 92 - 00 02½- 90¾ 83¾- 02¼ 91%- 00½ 92¼- 01¾ 92 - 01½ 92¼- 91½ 95¾- 92½ 97 - 94½ 100 - 08}~ 98 - 00 Cur-.·ency ................ 6 55¾- 52¾ 53¼- 51 51 - 48 53¼- 52 50 - 46 49 - 42½ 53 - 47½ 52]4- 47¼ 54¾- 51% 53¾- 49% 52 - 50 40¾- 48 Mortiraire, 1911 . ..... . 6 100 - 07 101 -100 108 -100 100¼-100 101 -101 .... .... 100 -100 102 -101 102 -101 100¼-100 100 -100 101 -100¾ Chic. & Alton-1st .... .7 117 -117 113 -117½ .... .... 122 -122 119 -119 .... . ... 118½-118½ .... .... ... 123 -128 128 -122 . ... ... Sio.kinir -fund ......... . . 6 114¾-114 114 -118¾ 114 -114 114¼-114¼ .... - ·-·· .... - . ... 115¼- 115 115¼-115¼ 116 -116 117 - 117 11$¾-118¼ .... ... Lou.& Mo. Riv ,- .... - . ... 116½-114½ 118 -118 .... .... 118½-118½ 117½-117¾ . ... .... .... .... .... 114¾- 114¼ 116¾- 116~ .... . St. L.J.& Chic.-lst .. ,- 117- -117 117 -117 .. .. .... 115 -118 116¾-115½ 117¾-117½ .... .... 118½-118¼ 118½-118¼ 117 -115 117 -116¼ .... Chic.B.& Q.-Consol ... 7 127½-125¾ 127¼- 125½ 127½-126½ 128¼-1277,-11 ... . - . ... 129¼-129½ 127¼-126 127 -126 128 -126¼ 128 -128 129 -127¾ 182 -127" Sinkinir fund ........... 5 104 -104 ... . - . .. . .... .... .... - .... . ... . ... . ... - . ... . ... . ... . .... .... . ... .... .... .... .... 108 -108 Debenture ........ ..... ~ .... .... . ... . ... .... ... . .... - .... ... - . ... .... - ... . 98¼- 08 93 - 89½ 92¼- 01 02½- 87¾ 98 - 89¾ 9S¾- 91 !own.Div ............... ~ 105½-105¼ ... . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ·- .... ... . - ... 102¼-102½ ... .... .... ... . .... - .... .... .... !own.Div ..... . ........ 4 88 - 86 87½- 87 88),g- 88 86 - &J 87¾- 86¼ 87 - 86¾ 87¼- 86¼ 87½- 86 87~- 87 8S - 88 01 - 87¾ 91 - 89 Denver Div., 1922 ... 4 85¾- 84 84½- 81½ 88¼- 88 84¾· 84½ 85½- 85 86½- 85½ 86½- 85 88¾- 81 85 - 84 86½- 84½ 86 - 86 88¼- 86¾ Plain ..................... 4 .... ... . .... .... - .... 80½- 80¼ 80¼- 80¼ 81½- 80¼ .... - . ... 87 - 87 .... . ... .... .... - . ... .... Chic. & E. 111.-lst, s.f.6 100 - 99 99½- 95 100½- 95½ 99 - 00 101¾- 100 08 - 98 08 - fY1 .... - . ... 95 - 05 05¾- 05¾ 100 - 100 IJ8 - 98 Chic. Mil.& St. P.-1st.S 184 -184 131½-180½ 132 -181 182 -131 132 -131 182¼-~31¼ 184 -:st 129¼-128 1.20½-129 131 -129½ 182½-lSl¾ 128¼-133 2d ......... ........ .7 3-10 11126½- 126 122¼-120½ 121 -120¾ 121 -120 121 -120 121½-121¼ 122½-122¾ .... .... 120 -120 ... . .... 122½-122½ 122¾-122 1st, irold .......... . ...... 7i128½-127 128 -127 - .. .. .. .. - . ... 126½-126½ 128 -128 .... - . ... 124 -124 .... . ... 124½-124½ 126 -124¼ 128 -126¾ 1st Lo. Crosse Div .... ,- ,120½-118½ 119 - 117¾ 119 -118 121 -120 120 -119 1£0½-119¾ 117¼-117 116 -116 1171,-fr-117¾ 118 -117¼ 119 - 118 119 -116¾ 1st I. & M. Dlv .. ...... ,- 1122¾-122 119 -119 119 -110 121¼-119½ 121¾-121¾ 122¾-122½ .... - . ... 119 -119 120 -119 119 -118 121 - 121 .. .. ... . .. . . ... . ... .... .... 119¼-118 121 - 121 .... . ... .... 111t I. & D. Div ... .... ,- 124¼-122¼ .... .... .... 121 -121 .... - .... ... -125 128 . ... 125 125 ... .... .... . ... .... . .. . 121 - 121 124½-124¼ 125 -123 121½-121½ 118 - 118 . ... 1st C. & M. Div . . .. ... ,- ;120 -125 Consol . ..... ......... .... 7 ,125 -128 12i -120 128 -122 123 -121 123 -122 125 - 128½ 121 - 118¼ 119 -118¼ 1~ -118½ 128¼-121¼ 124½-- 128¾ 126¾-124 2d, 1884 .... ............ 7108~'-108¼ 104 - 103¼ 105 -100 100¾-100½ 101½-101¾ .... - ... . .... - . ... .... .... . ... 101 - 101 .... ... . . ... . 121 -121 .... .... 123 -128 124¼-124 117 -117 118¼-118¼ 121 -120 121 -121 122½- 122 128 -122N 1st I. & D. Exten . .... 7 124 -122¾ .... lat So. West Div ...... 6 108 -107 108 -107¾ 108 -107 108¾-108¼ 108¼-108¾ 109¼-108¾ ... . - . .. . 105 -100 106 -106 107½-107½ 109½-103¼ 110 -11 0 .... - .... 97 - 96 .... - ... . 9j - 02 . ... . ... 04 - 08½ 94½- 94 M¼- 94 lat LaC. &Dav ..... -~ {)5 - 92 96 - 94½ 07 - fY1 lat So. Minn. Div . ... . 6 107 - 105¾ 107 -105½ 106¾-105¼ 108¼-106¾ lQS¾-108 109¾-108¾ 106½-105½ 106¾-1<'5 107¼-105% 108¾-107½ 110 - 109 110 -109 1&tH. & D. Dlv . . ... .. f 11.8 · ~115½ 118 -116 118¼-117l1! 110¼-117 121 -121 120 -110 · 117 -115}1; 116¾-116¼ 117 -116½ 118 - 117 119½ 118½ 121 -119 .... 112¾-112 11.2¾-112¼ 113½-112¼ 110 -109½ 110!',(-109½ . ... - ... ll0%-110½ 111 · 111 . ... .... Chic. & Pac. Div ...... 6 109 -108¼ 109¾-108¼ ... 97 - 95 94¾- 98¾ 05¼We11tern Div ......... ~ 92 - 91¾ 92)4- 91¾ OS - 92 95 - 93 93½- 05 96:U,- 95¾ 94¼- 93¾ 987,k 92 94¼- 08 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - ....  -  -  -  -  .. -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  .... -  - .... .... -- ....  -  -  -  -  -  .... -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -•  -  -  -  -  -  -  - .... - ....  ... -  -  -  -  -  -  -  .... - ....  -  ... -  -  -  .... -  -  -  -  -  -  - .... - ...  -  -.  -.  -. - ...  -  .... -  -  -  . -  -  -  .... -  -  - ....  -  -  -  -  -  .  -.  -  ... -  -  -  9$~,  -  50  RAILROAD l30NDS. 188:.l-Continued . .JANUARY FEBR'RY .  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  - - - - --~- -----1----1:--------------- · - - - - - - - -· - - - - - - - - - -  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT 1BER. 0CT013ER. Nov'JJER. DEC'JJER,  BONDS.  High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low  Chic. Mil. & St. PaulMine1·al Point ........ . 5 lil¾- Ql¼ 00¾-. 00 91½- 91½ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - •. , . 04¼- {12¾ {i0¼- 00¾ . . . . - . . . . 92 - 01¼ 92 - 91¾ 02¾- 91 98 - 03 Wis.& Min. Div ...... 5 .... - .... 91¾- 01¾ 01 - 91 91¼- 01½ 01¾- {10½ ll3½- 90¾ 00¾- 00 89¼- 80½ 95 - 90 01 - 00½ 93¼- 91 04 - 98 Chic.&N.W.-S.F ...... 7 .... - ........ - ... . 100½-105½ .•.. - .... 106 -106 98¾- 98¼ . ... - ........ - .... 105 -105 ... - .... 105½-105¾ .... Interest .................. ,- 108 -102¾ 10:J¼-103¼ 103¾-103¾ .... - .... 101 -101 101 -101 .... - ........ - ........ Consol. ... ............... 1184 -132 131¾-131 131¼-180¾ 183 -181 131 -130 182 -131¼ 183½-183 183½-131 181½-lSO½ 183 -180½ 183 -132 183½-189~ Extension ............... 7 . . . . -, .... 104¾-104¾ .... - .. . . .. • • - .. . • .. •• - ••• 1st mort . ... . ............ 7 108½-108 106 -105 105¼-l~~ 106¼-105¼ 106¾-100 .... - .... 106%-106¼ 104 -108 105 -104 105¾-104¼ 105:l;(-105½ 106¾-106 Gold, coup ............ . .7 126 -124¾ 125¾-124 125 -124½ 126¼-125¾ 126¾-126 123¾-122¾ 128¼-122¼ 123¼-122 128¾-128 126¼-128¾ 128 -125¼ 124¾-128 Gold, rea . ............... 1125¾-125 125 -124 124½-124½ 126½-125½ 12~126 128 -128 128 -121 128)4-122½ 128¼-123¼ .... - .... 127½-125 124½-1~ Sinkinafund,coup .... 6 110 -100 111 -110 112¾-111 . . .• - •.•. 110½-110½ lll¾-110 111¼-110 110 -110 110½-109 107½-106½ 109½-100 112 -110 Reaistered . ... ....... 6 110 -109¼ 110 -110 112¾-110 .... - ........ - .... . ... - ........ - ... . 110 -110 ..•. - ........ - ........ - ... . Sinking funcl, coup ... a 100½- 90¾ 101¼-100¾ 102 -101¼ 100¾- 99¼ 101¾-100½ 108¼-lc,"1¾ 108 -lll2 103¾-103 104¾-102¾ 102¾-100 108 -101% 103¾-108 S. f., reaistered . .... 5 .... - .... 101 -100¾ 101 -101 101 -100½ 101 -100¾ .... - .... 101~-101 lOS¼-101¾ . .•. Debenture . ............. 5 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 99¾- 98¾ 98 - 97 .... .. .. 96½- 95 98¾- 92¾ 04 - 92¾ Escanaba&L.S.-1st 6 . ... - . . ...... - ........ - .... 112 -112 .... Des1'1. &Min.1st . ... , 121 -121 .... - ........ Iowa Midland-1st ... 8 131½-131 131¾-129 183 -131½ .... - .... 129 -129 .... . . ... 181 -131 ~Chic.& Mil.-1st ...... 1123. -122 121 -110 122 -122 .... - .... 121¾-121¾ 122½- 122½ .... - .... 120 118½-123 -114. 121¾-121½ 128¾-123¼ 123 -128 Winona& St.P.-1st.1 .... - .... 106 -106 108 -107¼ 108½-107¾ 109½-108½ .... - .... 105¾-105 - .... 109½-108 108½-106¼ 109 -108¾ 10$¾-108 2d ....................... 7 121 -120 .... - .... 124 -128 120¼-120½ .... - ........ - .... 122 -122 .... - .... 120 -120 Mil. & Mad.-1st ...... 6 .... - .. '...... - ........ - . . .. 112 -111 .... - .... 112 -112 112 -112 .... - ........ Chic._R.I.&P.- Coup .. 6126½-128½ 125 -124½ l\!5¼-123¼ 125 -128¾ll26¾-125¾ 126¾-126¼ 124 •123¼ !28¾-128¾ 126 -124½ 129 -126 129 -125 129 -128 Rea ........ ... .. . ........ 6 125¾-125· 124¾-124 124¾-124 124%-124¾ 125 -125 120 -126 124 -124 ...• - .... 125¼-125½ .... - . · .... 128¾-128¾ Keok'k&DesM.-1st,5 104 -104 103 -101½ 105 -105 103½-100½ 105 ~102½ 107 - 105 .... ..:. .... 104 -104. 100 -105½ 105 -105 .... - .... 102¾-102¾ Chic.St.L.&Pitts-1st.:i .... - ........ - ....... 97¾- 97¾ 94 - 04 94 - 94 ...• - ........ - ........ - ... 95 - 85 85 - 85 C.S_t .P.IU.&0.-Con8 ... 6 109 -lO'i¾ 109 -106 107¾-106½ 100 -106¾ 110 -108¾ 1077,1i-106¾ 109 - 108 111 -lOP¼ 110 -109 110 -107¾ 111¼-108¾ 108¼-1~ Chic.St.P.&M.-bt .. 6 112 -112, US -108 115 -114 110 -113),( 114 -114 114¼-llS 114 -118¾ 114¾-118¼ 114¾-118¼ 116¾-115¼ 114½-118¼ 115 -118 St. P. & S. City-lst .. 6 113 -112½ 112½-111 113 -111 110¼-109½ 113 -112 113½-112¾ 114¼- 118 116 -114 116 -115¼ 118½-llS¼ 115 - 114 116 -llt¼ Ch.&n·.1nd.-1st, s~f. 6 .... - .. .. .. .. - .... 108!>4-108¼ 106¾-106 General mort ......... 6 .... - .... 102 -102 Cin. Lnf. & Chic.-1st.7 . ... .. .. 109¼-109¼ 10{1 -100 .... .. . ..... - .... 108 - 108 108 -108 Cin.&Spr.-Gun1·.1st .1 .... - .... 115 -113 .... - •••• 115 -115 .... - .... lll¾-111½ 110 -110 110 -110 Cl. C. C.& 1.-ht, s.fd.7 .... - .... !21½-120¼ 121¼-120½ 124¼-121¼ 122 -121½ .... - .... 128¼- 121½ 120 -119 .... Consol. ................ ... 1122½-120¼ 122¾-122¼ .... - .... 122¼-122 12!¾-123½ 121½-121 .... - .•.. 121 -121 ••.. - .... 120½-120½ 121%-118½ 118¾-118¼ Col. Coal & I.-1st,cou.6 84 - 83 81½- 78 82 - 80 85 - 81 85¾- 84½ 85 - SO¼ 83 - 80¾ 79¾- 70½ 76)4- 76¼ 78 - 72 72½- 70 72 - 68 ColUJ!'.&Grcenv.-1st.6 90 - 07 .•.. - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ Col.H.Val.& T.-1st ... 5 84¾- 8-1¾ 85 - 84¾ 81½- 80 84 - 82 84 - 82 88¼- 83¼ 83½- SS¼ 81 - 81 80¼- 80 80 - 80 80 - 80 80 - 70 Del.&Hud.C.-1st,'84.7 .... - .... 103¾-102½ 103¼-1027,,ti 104. -103¼ 1047-(-103¾ 104½-104¾ 102 -101¾ 108 -102¼ 102!',(-102¾ 103 -102¾ 10$¾-102¼ 104 -104 rs, 1891 ................. 7' !14½-113¾ 114½-114 114¾-llS½ 115 -115 117 -111 117¾-116½ .... . - •••. 112 -110 118¼-112 110 -115½ 115 -115 116 -11~ Extension, 1891. . .... 1 .... - ........ - .... 116 -116 .... - ........ Coupon, 1894 ..... ..... 1117 -116 118½-115½ 117 -116 115 -113½ 116.½-115 117½-116½ 118 -117¼ .... - .... 118 -118 115¾-113½ 115 -114½ 117 -11~ Pennn. Div.-Coup .... 7 126 -126 126¾-126½ 1~3½-123¼ 124½-128 125 -124 125 -125 128 -128 .... - .... 123½-128 '124¾-128 126¾-125½ 127 -126¾ Penna. Div.,1·ea ..... 'i .... - ........ - .... 126 -125 .... - ........ - ....... Alb. & Susq.-lst m .. 7 .... - .... 111 - 110½ 111 -111 113 -112 .... - ........ - ........ .. ...... - .... 112½-112½ .... J 2d mo1·t ................ 11;)6½-106 .... - .... 107¼-107 10-1¼-108½ 104¾-104¾ 104¾-10-1½ 104½-104¼ 105 -105 105½-104¼ .... - .... 104 -103¾ .... 1st, con.,aunr ....... 1 .... - .... .... - .... 124 -122 - .... 124¼-122¼121¾-121 122 -122 122½-122¼ Rens. & Sar.-1st,cp.7 .... - ... 137 -137• · 187 -137 - .... 183 -183 .... - ..•• Del. Lac. & W.-Conv.7' .... - .... 119 -~19 .... - ........ - .... 112 -112 - ....... Con., 1901 ..... : ........ ,- 129 -127 .... - .... 126½-126½ 127 -127 - . .•. 129¾-129¾ Syr.B'n.&N.Y., 1st .. 7 .... - ... :26¾-123.½ 124¾-121½ 128¼-123½ .... - .. .. 125 -123 .... - .... 124)4-124¼ 126 -126 Monis & Essex-tst.7 13tl¾-136½ 136¼-135 137½-134¼ 137 -137 135 -134 135¼-134½ .... - .... 185 -135 187 -135¼ 188¼-187~ .... - .... 135 -134 2d mo1·t .. ............. 1115¾-115¾ llS½-118½ 112¼-111¼ 118¾-112¾ !14),(-118½ 115 -114½ 114½-114½ .... - .... 116 -113¾ 114¾-lU 114½-114 .... - ... . 1s, 1811 ....... ........ 1123 -121 122 -122 122 -122 120¼-119½ 123 -120 122 -119 122¾-120¾ 122¼-122¼ 121½-121¼ 120¾-120¾ l18¾-118¼ 120¼-120¼ Con., auar .. ........ .. 7 123!k;-122 122¾-121½ 122 -121l}s 124 -121¾ 126½-124 128½-121½ 123½-128 128 -122 128 -122¼ 123½-122 127½~123 124¾-128 · N.Y. L. & W.-lst .. . 6 ... - ........ - .... 114¾-112 116 -118½ 117¼-115 118 - 117 116 -115 116 -116 117¾-116 117½-117 117¾-117¾ 122 -118¾ Denver & Rio G.-1st.7' 109 -107 108½-108 112 -108¼ 114 -112 111½-110 lll½- 110 110 -110 10~-103 109 -109 100 -108 108 -105½ 108 -1~ Consol. .................. . 1 91%- 88 00½- 87 04¼- 88% 98 - 94½ 100 - 96¼ 98¼- 92½ 91 - 89 89¼- 74 89¼- 80 92 - 84 92¾- 89 93 - 90 Denv.RioG.W.-lst .. 6, ... - ........ - . .... 80½-76 78½-?6 76¾-58 71lJ4-62 71¼-67 71½-69¾ 78¼-00ff Denv. So. P. & P.-1st.7 .tOO - 99 oo - 96 96¼- 96¾ 9fi - 9a 96.½- 95 95 - 05 96 - 96 96¾- 96¼ .... - .... 99¾- 96 05½- 95 96½- 94 Det. M. & Itlarq.-lst .. 6 92 - £2 .... - ........ E. Tenu.·V. & G.-1st .. 7 115 -115 116 -116 117¼-117 117 -117 .... - .... 120 -120 117 -117 117¼-117.½ .... - ... 118 -118 .... - .... 120 -120 Cons·o I.. ..... ............ 5 78¾- 71½ 73 - 71¾ 73 - 72 76%- 72¾ 79¼- 75½ 78¾- 77 75¼- 71 731-l,- 71¼ 73.½- 7H2 73½- 71¾ 75½- 72 75¼- 74  a  Divi8lonal.,. ........... 02¼- 92½ . .. Income .................. 6 40¼- 39¼ 39¼Eliz. City& Norf.-1st.6 .... - .... .... Eliz. Lex. & Bill• S .... 6 95 - 94 il5 Erie-1st, Extended .... 1127 -125 .... -  ........ - •... 94 - 94 .... - .... 94¾- 94¾ 94 - 94 .... - ........ - .. .. 93½- 93½ 94 - 04 95 - 95 83½ 36¾- 88¾ 89¼- 35 89¼- 85¾ 88½- 32 35¼- 81 34%- 28½ 83 - 28 31 - 25 83 - 28½ 32¼- 27 - .... 80 - 80 80 - t-0 04 95 - 94 93 - 94¾ 95 - 94 95 - 94 05 - 98½ 9'5 - 95 98¾- 94 08¾- 97½ 101¾- 98 101%-100~ .... 127 -127 .. .. - ..•. 124 - 121½ 124 -124 - •••. 125½-125¼ 128 -128 127 -126 126½-126¼ .... - ........ - .... 1.06¾-106¾ 108 -lOS 110 -108¼ 108¾-108½ 107¾- 107¾ .... - .... 108¾-108¾ 108½-108¼ 110 -109 1027,1i-102½ 103¾-108¼ ... - ........ lO'i¾-107¾ .... - .. .. .. • -'- .... 106½-106¼ 106 -106 108½-108½ 108½-108½ .•.• - .... 108 -106 108 -108 107¾-107¾ 109 ·-105 110 -110 109 -109 108 -108 110· -110 . .... - ........ - ........ - .... 112¾-112¼ .•.. 131 -129½ 130½-128¾ 125;J:£-125 127¾-125½ 127 -126 128 -126½ 128½-127½ 127 -127 124½-124 125¼-124¼ 128 -125¼ 128 -126M .... - .... :i.09 -109 .... - .••. 107 -107 .... - ........ - .... 104½-104¾ .... 118 -118 119 -117 120 -119½ .... - ....... . - .... 117 -117 118 -118 114¾-114 114¾-114~ 117½-117½ 118 -118 115 -115 180 -129 180 -180 181 -181 .... - ........ - .... 131 - 127½ .... - ........ - .... 180 -180 180 -180 lSl¾-181¼ 130 -1299(  2d,-Ext ................... :, 3d ..................... .7' 4th, Ext .... ............ .:, :itl1. .... .................. .1 1st, consol., gold ...... 7 Reo1·1l'n 1st lien ...... 6 Lonll Dock .............. , Buff. N. Y. & E.-1st.7 N;Y. L. E. & W.New, 2d consol.. .. .. 6 98 - 96¼ 97 - 92½ 97~- 95¾ 98½- 96¼ 100 - 96¾ 97 - 95 96½- 95 95¼- 89 95¾- 93½ 95 - 93 97¼- 02¾ 95 - 91 2d cons. fund. coup.~ 90 - 96 95¼- 93½ 95¾- 94½ 97 - 96 98 - 96½ .... Income ................ 6 .. . - .... 72½-72½ .... Erle&Pittsb.-Colll!lol.7 .... - .... 115 -115 .... Ev. & T. Haute-Con .. 6 98 - 96 97 - 96 97¾- 96¼ 98¾- 07¼ 101 - 99½ 102 -100¾ 98 - 96 96 - 92 98¼- 97 97¾- 97 100 - 97 101¾-101 Flint & P. ItI.-Mo1·t ... 6112¾-1+2½ .... - .... 107½-107½ 109),(-109¼ .... - . ... 110¾-105 111 -110½ 108¾-l~ 110 -110 Ft.'W.&DP.nv.C.-1st .6 78 - 66 70 - 69 71 - 66 75 - 70¼ 76¾- 72½ 75 - 71¼ 73¼- 71 73 - 65 70¾- 69 68¾- 65 72¾- 66 70¼- 68 Gal. II. & SanA.-lst .. 6 .... •.... 104 -10! 104 -108½ .... - .... 106 -104½ 106¼-105¼ 104 -102 103½-101¾ 104 -103 105 -104 106¼-1~ 2d, 1nort .... ........... .. 1 .... - .... 107 -107 .... - . . ...... - ........ - .... 109 -108½ .••• - .... 106 -106 Mex. & Pac.-1st .... 5 .... - .... 91¾- 91¾ .... - ........ - .... 91¼- 91¾ 92 - 92 .•.• Gal. II. & H.-bt ...... a .... - .... 72¾- 72¾ .... Gr.B.W.&St. P.-lst .. 6 ... - .... 77 - 77 - • .•. 84 - 83 .... - .... 81¼- 81¾ 84 - 84. 2d, income ... .......... 8 ... - . .. . 12½- 10 ... - .. . 26 - 20 .... - • .. . 25 - 22 - .. . . 22¾- 18¼ .••• Gulf Col. & S. F.-lst .7 111 -108 111:)4-111 112½-lll½ 118¼-112½ 114 - 112½ 113~-113 110¾-100½ 110 -108½ 112 -109½ 113 -112 115)4-112 119 -118 Hau. & St. Jo.-Conv .. 8 108 -107 108¼-108 104½-1037.-1l 106 -104½ 106 -105¾ 107 -106 106!,.(-106¼ 107 -106¼ 104¾-104 104¾-104 105 -104¾ 105¼;-!04:Jw Consol. .. : ............... 6 108 -108 108 -107¼ 105 -105 111 -104¾ 111 -110 111½-110½ 111 -110½ 111 -110½ 108 -108 110 -107 110¾-108½ 111¼-llOM Bous.E.&W.Tex.-1st1 .... - . ....... - .:·.. 102 -102 2d ........................ 6 .... Hous.&T.C,-ht,M.L.1108¼-107¾ 108½-107¾ no -100 1st, Weste1·n Div ...... 1105¾-105 .... - .. . . 106½-106½ Waco & No. Div .... . 1 .... - .... 111 -111 · 113 -111½ 2d, Mnin Line . ........ 8 t22 -121¾ 122 -120 128¼-128 General mort .......... 6 De½- 98½ .... - .... 101 -101 Illinois Cenu·al...:.. Sprinirf. Div., coup .. 6 . .. C.St.L.& N.O., T. L .. 7 113 -118 let, con ................ 1116 -118 117 -11~ .... - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  lQl -101 .... - ... . ........ - .. .. 109¼-109 111}4-109½ .... - .... 107%-107¼ 115 -114 .... -  98 - 98  00 - 00  .... - .... ... - •.• . .. - .. .. .• - • .. . 111½-110½ 108 -106 10$¾-107¼ 105¼-105M - •••• 120 -120 124 -122 ~ - 98½ 98 - 91'½  101 -101 •••• - .... 78!':(- 78½ 78 - 78 108)4-107¼ 109 -108 ...• - .... 1~-105 lll½-111½ 111 -111 128 -121 125 -128 .••• - .... 100 -100  100 -100 .•. - ........ - ........ 109¼-108¾ 110¼-109½ 112 -llOM 107¾-107¾ 108 -1077/4 100 -108 10~100½ 115 -108 - •••• 120 -119 120 -120 122¾-121~ - .... 98 - 00 lfflr U'r  - • . . 116 -116 . . .. - ••.. ll'¼-114¾ • • • • - .... 11~119½ .. . • - •... 116¼-115 - .... 11~-116 1173,g-117¾ ...• - ........ - ........ - ~ .. llO -118¼ 119¾-117  120¾-100¾  RAII,ROAD BONDS.  51  1883-Conttnued. BONDS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY,  MARCH,  APRIJ..  MAY.  J UNE.  J ULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'lJER. OCTOBER. Nov'BE'R DEC'BER.  - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----1•- - - -1- - - --1-- - -  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low _H iirh.Low High.Low H~h.Low  Illinoil!I CentralC.St,L.&N .O,- ~d M,6 .... - ........ - ........ - . ... 115 -115 .. .. - .... , .... Gold ....... ............ ~ 104 -103½ 1()4¾-103½ 104 - 103 106 -103¾ 106¾-105½ 107¼-105 105 -104¾ 105 -104 105½-104¾ 105¾-105¼ 108 -105¼ 111 - 105¼ Cedar F, & M,, 11!1t ... 7 ll4 -114 .... - .... 112 -112 112 -111 .... - .... 112 -112 .... - .. .. 114 -114 , .. .. lnd.Bl,&W.-ll!lt, pref.7 .... - .... 118 -116½ ... - ... 1111 -117½ .... - ........ - .... 115 -114¼ .. .. - ....... . 18t ... .............. . 4, ~, 6 .. . . - .. .. 87 - 85 89 - 85 01½- 88 SO¾- 85 88 - 66 87½- 87 87 - 84 86 - 84 86 - 83 86 - 65 1 85 - 85 2d ........ .... ..... 4, ~. 6 .... - ........ - .... 74 - 73¼ .... - .... 71 - 60¾ 71 - 71 70 - 70 70 - 70 72 - 70 71 - 70 71¼- 60½ 71½- ':'O En.l!ltern Div ............ 6 03 - \!2" 02½- 02½ 02½- 01½ 03 - 00½ 03 - 91 02 - 00 00½- 80½ 80 - 80 01¼- 01 01¼- 00 05 - 01 I 01 - SO Con. income ...... .... 6 45 - 42 43 - 43 49½- 43-IA 48½- 47 . ... - .... 45 - 45 41 - 85 46 .. 41 84 - 84 45 - 80 38 - 88 Ind, Dec. & Sp,-ll!lt .... 7 102½-101½ . .. . - .... 102 -l Ol LOO . - 08½ lGO -100 lUl - 100 101¼-100 102 - 101¾ 104 -108½ 100¼-100¼ 108 -102 105 -108¼ 2d ................... . .... . ~ ... - ........ - ........ - .. . . 35 - 85 . . . Trust Co. certs.. ........ . .. . - .. .. .. . . - .. .. . . . . - .. .. 47 - 47 . . .. lntert. & Gt, No.-lst.6 106 -105 106 -105½ 108½-106 111 -108½ 110¼- 1'18 108%-108 108¼-108 108½-107½ 110½-100 110 -103 108¼- 106½ 100 - 107¼ Coupon, 1909 .......... 6 85½- 84½ 85¼- 84 83½- 82 S8 - 83}( 87 - 85¾ 86½- 85½ 86½- 86 86 - 84 81 - 80 81½- iO 84 - 70¼ 83"Ji- 82¼ Jefferson- 11!1t .... ....... '7 .... - •••. 105 -105 .... - ........ Lake Erle & W.- 18t •. 6 102¾--101 99 - 06 99 - 08 100 - 08¼ 100 - 90 100 -100 101 - 98 05 - 94¾ -94½- 94½ 92 - oo 05 - 03 05¼- 05 Income . .............. .. ,7 45 - 45 .... - .... 45 - 88 50 - 40 ... .' - .. .. 50 - 4.8 40 - 85 82½- 30 30 - 25 25 - 25 4.0 - 35 41¾- 35 Sn.ndul!lkyDtv ... . ..... 6 .... - . .. ..... - ........ - ... ..... - ...... .. 01½- 91½ .... - .. .. Income ................. '7 .... - ........ - .... 87½- 37½ ...• - ... . 80 - 30 .... 87·80 ... . - ... . Ln.f, DI. & M.-18t .... 6 99¼- 08 100 - 98½ 09 - 98¼ 100 - Oi½ 09 - 98½ 100½- 99 09 - 09 00 - 96 95 - 05 01 - 86 02 - 89¼ 05½- 95 ].ncome.... . . .. . . . . . 7 . .. . - . ... .. . . - .. . . 40 - 40 .. . . - . . . . 50 - 50 .. . . - . . . . 35 - 35 .. . . 45 - 30 51 - 51 Lake Shore & M. So.M. S. & N. I. Skir. fd .. '7 106}J-106 108¾-106½ 107 - 106½ 107¼-107 104¼-104 104½ 104¼ 105 - 104¾ ... . - .... 105%-105¾ 107 - 106 108¾-108½ 104%-103¾ Clev,& Tol,-New .... 7' .... - .... 100 -107½ lOS -108 .... - •. .. !.06¾{- 106¼ 106%-106¼ 107¼- 106¼ .. . . - .... lfJ6 -105 106 - 105¼ 106 -105¼ Sinking fund ......... 7 107 -106½ 105½-105½ . ... - .... 106½-106¼ .... - ... . 107½-107½ 104¼-103½ .... - .... 106 -106 .... CI.Palns.&Ash ...... '7 .... - .... 115¼-115½111 -lll 112 -112 114.¼-lll .... - .... 112 -112 . ... - .... 118 -113 Buff. & Erie-New .... 7 .... - .. .. 120 - 120 122 -120 .... - .. .. 121 -121 .... Det. DI, & Tol,- 1st ... '7 ... - ... . 12'J -122 .... - ........ - ........ - . ....... - .... 123 -123 .... - .... 120 -120 .. .. L. Shore-Dividend .. '7 122½-121¾ 122 -121½ 123 -!.22 .... ~ - .... 120¼-120¾ .. .. - .... 123 -123 121 -119 121 -120¼ 122 -122 ll!lt con., coup ........ '7 129 -1~ 127 -124½ ... - .... 124 -124 .... - .. .... .. - ... . .... - ... . 125½-125½ 124 - 124 126¼-126¼ 127½-126¾ 127¾-124½ 11!1t con,, reg .... .. . ... 7 126½-125 125%-125¼ 125¾-125% 125 -124 125 -123 .... - ... 125¼-125¼ .... - ..... . . - . . . . • •• - ... 125¼-124¾ 126 -124½ 2d con., coup ......... '7' 123½-120¼ .... - ••.. 121 -120 122 -12~ 122 -121½ 120½-118½ 122¼-122½ 121½-120½ 120:14-120 122½-121½ 122¼-121¾ 119~118¼ ~d con,, reg .... ...... '7 121!,,£-120½ .... - .... 1217.(-120 122 -121 12'J -122 120¾-119¾ .... - .. . 120¼-12078 .... - .... 121%-121¾ 122 -!18½ 118 -118 Lona Isln.nd- ht ........ 7 ... - .... 117½-117½ 119 -117 .... - .... 119 - 116¼ .... - ... llS½-118¼ .... - .... 115½-115½ .... - .... 1st, consol.. .. ........ ~ 97'4- 9?¼' 98 - G7½ 98¼- 9g 97½- 97 98 - 07½ 08 - 08 100 - 08¾ 100 -100 100¾- 98 90½- 09½ 100 - 00 100½-100 Louisv,&N,-Consol. .. '7 116¼-115¼ 117 -117 110 -116 115½-114¼ 117 -115¾ 117 - 115¾ 117 -116½ 115½-115½ 118 ..116 116½-115 117)4-116¼ 121 -116% 2d, aiold . ..... .... . ....... 7 101 -101 .... - . ...... - ... . 102 -102 100)4-100 .... - .... 101½-101½ .... - .... 103¾- lo2¼ .... - . .. . ... Ceclllan Branch ...... 7 .... - .... .... - .... 102½-101½ .. .. - ••.. 102½-102½ .... - .... 102 -102 102 -102 102 -102 . .. - . . . . ... - .... 105 - 103¼ N. o. Mob. & T.- 11!1t.6 91 - 91 go - 00 OJ - 00 03½- 03½ 94.½- 04 04½- 94¼ 06 - 02 . .. 92 - 02 .... - ... 05 - 92 00 - 95 E, H. &!1t ... 6 .... - ........ - .... 100 -100 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 97 - 06¾ .... 08 - ll8 .... - .... 102½-102½ .... - .. .. Gen'l mort .............. 6 93¼- 00½ 93 - 02 05¼- 98 00 - 05 95%- 01 91½- 89¼ 00½- 89% 91 - 91 93 - 00¼ 03½- 90½ 96 - 08¾ 04½ • 03~ St. Louis Div,- 1st ... 6 .... - ... .. . - .. .. 00 - 99 103¾-100 104 -104 ... . - .. .. . . . - .. . . ... - ... 103 -103 105½-104¼ !ld ............... ...... .. 3 .. .. - .. .. . . .. - .. . . .. .. - . .. . 5!. - 51 - . . .. .. .. - . . .. 51 - 51 . . . . - • . .. .. .. - .. .. 51 - 51 Nal!lh, & Decatur...... 7 1!6½-116 l16 - 115 115 -115 115½-118 116 -115½ 116 -116 115 -115 115¼- 115¾ . ... - .. . 114¼-114¼ 116½-116¾ .. .. ·, · .... Lou. N. Alb, & C,-11!1t.6 102¾-101¾ 103 -lGlxi 102½-102 102¾-101½ 102 - 101¼ 102½-101% 100 - 08¾ 00½- 08¾ 09 - 98½ 09 - 97½ 108 - 98¼ 102 ,101¼ Mn.n.B,lmp. Co,-Lim.'7 .... - ........ - ........ - ... . 77½- 77½ .... - .... 86½- 86½ 77 - 72½ .... - .... 75 - 75 Mem,&Chas,- 11!1tT,L7 .... - ....... - .... 114½-114 111 -110 .... - .. ..... - ........ - ........ - .. .. Metropolitan EI.- 11!1t .. 6 99½- 06 O~- 06¾ 97½- 00 100 - 07 100 - 98 102 - 99¾ 90 - 08 99¼- 98¾ 101 - 98¾ 101 -100 103 -100¾ 104¾-103 2d ......................... 6 88 - 84½ 87 - 81 83 - 81 88 - 85 85 - 82½ 86¾- 83 86½- 84¾ 87 - 86 90 - 86 01 - 80 89¼- 87 go - ~ Mex. Cent.-1st ......... 7 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... .. ... - ........ - .... 65 - 65 60 - 60 ... - ........ - .. .. 62'.¼- 69 Mich. Cent- 11!1t,conl!lol.7' 125½-124¾ 125½-124½ 125%-125 126½-125¾ 12814-122½ 124 -123¾ 125 -124½ 123 - 128 124½-~23 125 -124¼ 124 -122.½. 124½- 124 ht, coni,ol.. .. .......... ~ 101½- 101½ 102½-102¼ 100 -100 .... - .... 104 - 103 1087/4-108% 104¾-104¾ 104½-104½ .... - .... 107 -105½ 108)4-103¼ 101},(-100¼ ,Coupon, 1931 .. ....... . ~ 100½-100½ 101!,,£-101¼ 101 -101 101½-101½ 103½-103½ 103½-lCO 102 -102 100 - 98½ 99½- 06 901-{- OU½ .... - .... .. .. - •... Reg,, 1931 .............. ~ 100 -100 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ . Mid,ofN,J.- lst . ... 4 - ~ -6 ... - ........ - ........ - .... 88 - 85¾ 93 - 88 95¼- 92 05¾- 04 03½- 00 95 , 01¾ 90 - 80 04¾- 89¼ 95¾- 04¾ Mil. L. Sh. &W.- 11!1t .. 6 09 - 98 98%- 98 98'.¼- 98 102½- 98¼ 100 - 99 102 - 99¾ 101½-101 101 - 99 102 - 00 1.02 -101 100 - 98¾ 101 - 90¼ Income ... ............. .. 6 .. .. - . .. . 76 - 76 . .. • - .. . . 80 - 80 .. .. - . .. . .. .. - . . . . 80 - 80 MU, & No,- 11!1t ..... .. .. 6 04 - 04 93 - 93 .... - .... 94 - 03 100 - 03 94 - 04 94 - 98 .... - .... too - 91½ 08 - 07¼ Mlnnen.p,& St,L.-ht. 7 119½-116~ 119¾-11\J 121 -119 110 -119 121½-119½ 120 -118½ .... - .. . . 119 -110 120 -110½ 125 -124 130 -130 122¾-122¼ Iowa Extension ...... 7 112 - U0¼ 112 -111:),( 115 -112½ 117 -116 118 -117 117½-115 112 -112 .... - .... 116 -116 120 -120 110¾-110 ~d .... ... ....... . ......... 7 .... - ........ - . ....... - .... 102½-102¼ .... - .••• So.Wel!lt,Ext,-1910.7 110¾-110¾ 110¾-110¾ .... - .... 113½-113½ 110 - 110 - .... 111½-111½ .... - ... : 112%-112% 110 - 110 Pacific Ext .......... .... 6 101¾--101¼ .... - .. ... ... - ... 102%-101¼ 100 -100 Mo.K,&T.-Gen. con . . 6 85¾- 83¾ 81 - 76½ 82 - 78 84¾- 80½ 85¼- 8~ 83¼- 80% 88¼- 80 81¼- 75 82 - 78½ 81¾- 78 84 - 81¾ 82;Jfr- 80 Conl!lol. .................. 7 109 -107 105½-104 106 -104.½ 109 -106 100½-107½ 110 -108¼ 110 -109 106¾-104¾ 107 -105 107 -106 108 - 105¾ 108½-108 2d, income .............. 6 59¾- 55 56)4- 52¾ 59½- 55 62~.(- 58 61½- 57½ 60¾- 58½ 50 - 55½ 55½- 50 56¾- 55½ 61½- 52 66 - 61¾ 69 - 66¾ Han.&Cen,Mo.- 18t,7 .... - .... .. - .... 108 -108 .... - ... . 106½-105 106 -106 106½-106½ ... . ·- ........ - .... 108½- 108½ 103½-103¼ Mobile & Ohio-New .. 6 107½-lO'i 107½-107 100¾-100½ 107½- 107½ 110 -109½ 106 -106 106½-105½ 106 -102U 106 -103 106 -105 107 -105¾ 105 -104 1st, pref,, debenture .. 7 86¼- 82 84 - 88 80 - 80 80 ...- 77 74 - 74 70 - 70 .... - .. ; . 70 - 64 69 - 68½ 70 - 70 .... - .. . 65¾- 61 2d, pret., debenture .. 7 61 - 45 51 - 50 49 - 49 .... - .. . . . .. . - .. .. 83½- 38½ .. .. - • .. . 35 - 85 40 - 86 . .. . - .. .. 30 - .SO 3d, pref., debent ...... 7 S9 - 87 37 - 83 4th, pref ., debent ..... 7 84 - 82 .... - .... 30 - 30 .ltlutual Union T-- S,F .6 77 - 78 89½- 'il¾ 85½- 83 89~- 84¼ 01 - 86½ 897,i- 87½ 88 - 85 87 - 78½ 85½- 81~'l 86 - 82 84½- 82 84¼- 80 Nn.l!lhv.C,& St.L.-lst. 7 tltJ -116 116 -115 117 - 116 1177/4-117¼ 119½-117¾ 120 -118¼ 117 - 115½ .... - .. .. 117¼'-117¼ 118 -117½ 120 -i18½ 120 -100 N. J. So.- lnt. aruar .... 6 .... - .... 06 - ll6 .... - .... 97 - 97 ... . - .. .. .... N. O. Paclfic-ht ........ 6 8£1¾- 86 89 - 87½ 88 - 87½ 89 - 88 00 - 87½ 897/4- 88¾ 87 - 84¾ 83½- 79 85 - 82 85¾- 81½ 89 - 82W 00¼- 88 N. Y. Central-1883 . .. 6 101½-101 102 -101¾ 105 -102 107 -104¾ .... - ........ - ........ Extended .............. . ~ .... - ........ - ........ - .. .. .... - .... 108¼-102¾ 104 -108¼ 105¼-103% 105½-104.¾ 105¼-104½ 106 -105 108%-:103-:ki 108¼-102¾ 1887 .................... .6 107~-1~ 108 -107 107¼-107¾ 107¾-107¾ 108 -107½ 108 -107% 105½-105¼ .... - .... 106 -105¾ 107 -106 107 -107 104 -104 N.Y. C,& H.- ht,cp .... 7 181 -130 130 - 120¾ 130½-l'ZO§ii 181 -130½ 131 -180½ 182 -131 128 -127¾ 129 - 127½ 131 -128½ 181 -180 181½-180½ 134 . - 181¼ ht, rear .................. 7 130¼-130 !30 -1 297/4 l307a-130¼ 130¾- 130¾ 131 -130 131 -181 128½-127¾ 128½-rn7½ 131 -130¾ 130¾-lSO 131½-130¾ 138 - 120¾ Hud. Rlv,- 2d, l!I. fd .. 7 .... - ... 106'.¼-106½ 107 - 107 .... - .... 107½-107¼ 107½-104 104¼-104½ 104½-104½ .. . . - . ....... - ........ - . .. 107½-107 Can,So,-18t,1run.r .... ~ 06¾- 95¼ .05½- 94 06'.¼- 94½ 08½- 95¾ 98¾- 07¼' 100½- 98¼ 97 - 95¼ 96 - 93¾ 06¼- 94¾ 96¼- 95 09 - 95~ 09 - 07'! 2d ......... . .. ... ... ~ . . .. - ........ - ........ - .. .... .. - ........ ·· ....... . - ........ - ..... . .. - ........ - .... 85½-85 86 -85½ 86¼-86 Harlem- 1st, coup .... 7 181 -128 130 -130 !30~-180 131½-181 128¾-127¾ 127¾-127¾ .... - ........ - .... 120 -129 .... - ... 126 -125% 120 -120 1st, i·eg ... .... ........ 7 180½-130 .... - .... 120¾-120¾ 128¾-127½ 127½- 126½ 128 - 128 127¾-i.27½ .... - ........ - .... 130 -130 .... - .... 180 - 120 N. Y.Cbic.&St,L,- ht .6 08 - 06 977..4- 95¾ 07%- 95% 99½- 97 103¼- 09½. 102¾-100¼ 101¾- 99½ 101½- 99½ 100¼- 98½ 100 - 08¼ 108%- !l9½. 10~¾-101 2d ......................... 6 .... 90½- 90¼ 00¾- 00¾ 87½- 87½ 00 - 88 00 - 9~ 88 - 88 N.Y.City & No.-Gen'l.6 .... - .. . . 48½- 48¾ 49 - 47 49 - 47¼ 48 · - 48 52 - 49 .52 - 48 47¼- 46½ 40 - 40 40 - 40 42½- 40 40 - 35 Trust Co. receipts ...... 50 - 48 46 - 46 47 - 46¼ . . .. - .. .. 48 - 46 52 - 47½ ~ - 47 .. .. - . . . . . .. . - .. . . 48 - 40 41 - ~ 85 - 35 N. Y. Elevated-ht ..... 7 116 -114 116¼-ll~ 116¾-116 117½-116 118 •-117 119¼- 119½ 117 -115½ 116W·116 116½-116 117½-116),ii 120 -118¾ 121 . -1~9¼ N.Y.&N.Enir.- 1 8 t ..... 7 .... - ... ..... - .. ... ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... . - _. ... 106 .-1~5 105½-105 N.Y.N.H.&H.-ll!lt,ra-,4 .... - ........ - ........ - ... 1Q4¼-1Q4 .: .• ·- ........ - •.. 106 -106 .... - ... . .. , N. Y. Pa.& 0.- l st, inc. 7 . . .. - . .. . 52¾- 52 .. .. - , • . . . .. . - .. .. • .. • - • .. . . . .. N.Y. Sn 8 q.&W.- 18t ... 6 .... 81½- 80¾ 85¾- 81½ 82½- 80 80¾- 78 81½- 79½ 80 - 79½ 84¾-- 79 85 . - 83¼ Debenture .. ............ 6 .... - ........ - .... . ... 66 - 00 69 - 69 •.•• - ... .- ...• - •. ...•.• - .....•.• N. y .&Tex, Land- Scrip .... - .... 35¼- 35½ ..... - .... 453-(- 35¾ 44 - 41 48 - 88 , 41. - 85¼ 87 - 36 40 - S7½ 41 - 88½ 88 - S6!'( 45 - 4.0 N.Y .Tex .&Mex.- ht .. 6 . .. - .... 04¾- 94 04~- 04'-' 04¼- 04¾ .... - ........ - ·....... N .Y.W.Sh,&B.- ht ... ~ .... - .... 77 - 74.¾ 7 ~ 74'¼ 82¼- 76½ 62 - 78 SO¾- 78¾ 7 ~ 72 76¾- 69½ 75 - 71% .79 - 73 77 - '78% . 75½- 64 Jiort.&West.-Gen.M .6 101~-100 101~-101 101½-101 !.03½-101¼ 101~-100 101¼-101 101 -101 102¼-102 101 -101 104 -100¼'. 101½-100¾ 108½-lOS New River-lst ....... 6 .... 08 - 08 .... .... .... .. .. Ohio Central- 1st ....... 6 Oi - 91¼ 03¼- 86 89¾- 88 89¾- 88½ 00 - 87 80 '84 78 - 75 79 - 65 73¾- 64 70 - 64 69 - 67 67½- 68 1st, terlllblal tl'uat .... 6 . .. . 80 - 80 88 - 88 80 - 80 80 - 80 'Income............ ........... , 82 - 20 30¾- 27 82¾- 26 S5 - 30 30 - 28 - .... 20 - 19 19 - 12½ 13¾- 9 20 - 13 14 - 13 10¾- 10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  RAILROAD BONDS.  52 -  1~83-Conthmed.  - -- -----,-----,,-..----,,-----,-----,-- - --,----7-"----.-----:-----;- -----,-------JANUARY FEBR' RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  J U Xl!:.  J U LY.  AUGUST. S EPT' BER. OCTOBER.l ·NOV':BER.  DEO'BEl:t.  BONDS. - - - - · - -o'hio &  -  - - High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low Hlich.Low 'High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low Hlizh.Low  Mi1!11!1.-  Con80I. l!link.f'und . ... . 7 116¼-116~ 116¼- 116 117¾-116½ 117¾- 116¼ 118 -116% 120 -117½ 116¼-116 115½-115 116¼-116¼ 117x{-116 118 -117 118¾- 118 Conl!lol ........ . .. . ... .. . .. 7 116½-116 116½- 115¾ 116 - !lB .... - .... 116½-116¼ 119 -117¼ 116,½-116 116 - 114½ 116½-115¾ 117 - 116 119. 117 118¼-118½ 2d, conl!lol. ........ ..... 7 . ... - . . .. 123 -123 123 - 123 123;--.!- 122½ 122¼-122" 123 -122½ 122½-122½ ... • - .. .. . . .• - .. .. 124¾-122 121½-120¼ 122 -121 ¼ bt, Sprinld. Div ...... 7 115 - 115 117 -116 . .. . - . . . . 118½-118 119 - 118 121 -11&¼ 120 - 120 . ..• - .. ... ..• - ... . 121½-1'.:0¾ 116 -116;.! 118¾-117)4 84 - 8~½ 81 - 80 88 - 78 81 - 80 82 - 80 80 - 80 88 - 80 85~ - 82 85 - 88 83 - 82 Ohio 8outbern- 11!1t ..... 6 84 - 80 82½- 80 24 - 20 27 - 20 SO - £0 .25 - 15 2d, income .. . ... .. .. ... . 6 82¾- %5 . . .. - . . . . 20 - 28 85 - 28 82 - 82 27 - 26 .. . . - . . . 23½- 15 Ore,:on & Cal.-1st .... 6 .... - .... . ... - ...... .. - . ..... .. - ....... - .... . ... - .. .. . . .. - ........ - . .... . .. - . ... ... - . . .. 07 - 07 Or. R'y. & Nn.v.-1st ... 6 106½- 105¼ 107¾-106¼ lOi½-105¾ 10& -106¼ 111½-100 110½-108½ 108¼-106¼ 107¼-107 107 -106 107'/4-106 100 - 106 108¾- 106 00 - 80 08½- 91½ 01½- 88% OB¾- 00 93 - 91¾ 93!1(- 00 05 - 01 Oreg. Imp. Co.- lst .... 6 .... - ... . .... - . ... 02 - 110 03½- 90¼ 06 - 04 86 - 79½ 87 - 84 00 - 85 03}{- 87 07 - 04½ Oi - 05¾ 06 - 00 Oregon Trans.-lst . ... 6 05 - !l4¾ 04¼- 03 in$~- 02¾ 97¾- 03¼ 06 - 04 •.... . . . . . . . . • .. .. . . . ... . .... ..... ... . . . . . . .. .... . . .. . . . . 103 103 . ... ........ ... . 6 . ... sub fd. S. Pn.nn.maPacific Rn.ilroadsCent. Pn.c.-Gold .. .. . . 6 l14 -113¼ 1!4 - 113¾ 114¼- 113½ 114¾-114 115 - 114¼ 110 - 114¾ 112½-111½ 112¼-111. 112½--111¼ 113¼-112 113½- 112¼ 116 -118~ SanJon.quin Ur . . . . O 100.}fr-109!4 .... - .. . . 112 - 112 108!1(-108¼ 109½-108½ 109¾--109% 109 - 109 . .. - ... . 107 - 107 107 - 106 108 - 107 108¼-10~ Cn.l. & Oreiton . ..... . 6 103 -103 103¾- 103¼ .. .. - •.. . 104 -103 104 - 104 ... . - •... 101 - 101 102 - 101 102½- 102½ 108 - 103 108 - 103 103¼--108¼ State aid . . . ... . . ... .. 7 . . .. - ........ - .. . . . ... - ... 102 - 102 ... • - . .. . ... • - .. . . . ..• - .. . . .. . . - . .... .• - •... 102 - 102 Land irrn.nts ...... . ... 6 105¾-105¾ 105¾-104½ 108 -108 105 -103½ 104½- 103½ 106 -104¼ 105½-105¼ 104¾- 104 106 -105 103 -102½ 104¼-103½ 105 -104¼ Western Pn.c ......... G !ll}(- 1!1>;( lll¼-110 lll¼- 109¼ 112 -110 111 -110¾ 112 -110 100½-109 110 - 108 109 -108!,,i 110 -109 111 -110 111½-111¼, l.g 6 108 -102 103¾-1027/4 104½- 10$¾ 106¼-104½ 106,½- 105¾ 108¼-106¼ 105¾- 104 104½-102 104%-102¾ 103¼-10::l¼ 106 -102¾ 106¼-10~ Gen.1st, I. ar., rei: . . G 103 -108 108¼-103¾ 1057.18-103¼ 106 -104% 106%--106¼ . ... - ... . 105¼-104 104,½-1037..-1! 104 -102¼ 103¾- 102:Ml . ... - . . .. 105 -101¼ So. Pac. Cal-1st ..... G 104,½-108 1()4¾-104 106 -104½ 104½-103 !05¼- 103½ 105¾-104¾ 105¼-104¾ .••• - ... . 105¼--104½ 102¾- 101¼ 104 -102½ 104 -1~ Union Pn.c.-1st . ... . .. G 114 -113¼ 114 -113¼ 114½-ll~ 115 -114-)s 115,½-114¼ 117 -114¾ 118 -112 118 -112 114 - 112½ 114¼-118 116¼--114¾ 117'7,i-116¾ 1 Ln.nd a-rants . . . . .. .. .. 7 11()¼-110:):j 1101'- 109 110 - 109 107½- 100¼ 107¾-107¾ 111 -107¾ 110 -109½ 109 - 101:1 . .. . - .. .. 107¾-106¾ 108 - 107¼ 108½-108¼ Sinking fund . ... . .... 8 120 -118¼ 119 -118¾ 117 - 114½ 117 -116 117 -116 119 - 116½ 119½- 119 118¼- 117 117 - 114 117 - 116½ 119 - 116¼ 119 -11'7 Reiristered ... ... . .. .. 8 110½- llS½ ...• - .... 114¾- 114½ 116%- 116¼ ..• - . . . . . . . . - ... . 120 -120 111¼-111½ 117 - 114 .. .• - .... 117 - 116¾ 118¼-117 Colin.tern.I trust .... 6 104 - 103¾ t03 - 102 103 - 108 . ..• - .. .. ...• - ... .... . - .. .. 103¼-103¾ 104 - 104 105 - 105 ... . - . ... 103¼- 103½ . . . • - .. .. Colln.tern.l trust . . . .. 5 .... - .. .. .. .. - ..... ... - .. .. ... - .. .. 94¼- 94¼ ... • - . . . . 95 - 93 . ..• - . . . . . . . - . .. .. ..• - •.. . 95 - 95 . . . • K.Pn.c.-lst,F.&A .. (i . . . . - . .. . 108½- lOS½ 108½-10 ½ . ..• - ... 109½-100½ 111 -111 . ..• - ... .. .. - ... .... • - .... .... - .. .. 109 -108½ . ... - ... . 1st, 1896, J.& D . . 6 108)(-108 103½-107¾ 109 - 108¾ 110 -108¾ 110½-100½ 107 -107 107¾- 107¾ 107!1(-105 108 -106¾ 1()8¾- 107¾ 111 - 108¾ 108 -107 DenY. Div.- Ass'd 0 1107¾-106¾ 1077,i-107¼ 109 - 108 . .. . - .... 107'7,i-106½ 107½- 106¾ 108,½-107¾ 109 -105¼ 108¾- 108Y,'. 109½-108 108 -107½ 107¾-107 1st, consol.. .. ... ... 6 11()()¾- 100 09 - 08 100 - 09 102}(- lCO½ 90¼- 07 100 - 08¾ 100 - 08½ 09 - 08½ 100 - 08),{ 100¾- 09 09 - O& ~ - 06 C.Br.U.P.,fund.cp.7 101 -101 100 - 100 ... . - ... . . .. . - ... .. .. - . . .. . . - ... . .. . . - . . ... ... - . . . . .... - . . ..... . - .. . OS - 01½ 02½- 02¼ 93¼- 90 04 - 00 02¼- 01 .. .. - ... 02 - 02 01 - 00 At.Col.& Pn.e.-lst.6 94 - 113 00 - 00 01 - 00 01 - 91 oo - oo At.J. C.& W.-lst.6 .... - ... .. ... - ... . .... - .... . ... - . . .. .. .. - . . ... ... - ........ - . . . . . .. . - .. . . .... - . . .. .... - . . . . 00 - 90 06 - oo~ Oreg.Sh.Line-1st .. G 100¼-100 07¼- 03}.! 96 - 05 100¾- 97 100 - 08 100¾-100 102 - 100¼ 08½- 96 07½- 03 05½- 93½ 00 - 04 -105 105 106 106 106 106 -104 105 -104 105 -102 Utah South.-Gen .. 7 .... - ... . 101,½-101½ 102 -102 102 -102 .... - .... 105 -101'> 102 - ... . 100¾- 00 Ext'd, 1st.1900 .. 7 100 -100 100¼-100 100 -100 . ... - •... 102 -100 102 -101 104 - 09 101 -101 101%-101 100 - 100 Mo. Pn.c.-l8t, cons ... 6 102¼-10:J¾ 102½-102½ 104 -102½ 107¼-108¼ 105¼- 104¼ 104¼- 104 104¾-103½ 104½-103½ 106 -101¾ 104!1(-103 108 - 101¾ 103 -102 3d .... . . . ................1110 -109 lllY.rlOO¼ 112 -111¼ 117½-113¼ 116¼--114 117 -116 117 -117 117 -115 117 -116¾'. 116¼-116¼ 113¼- 113½ 113¼-112 Pac. of Mo.-lst . . ... 6 109¼-107½ 105½-105 105½-105 107¼- 105¾ 107¾- 106½ 108 - 106¼ 107½- 107½ 105 -104¾ 105¼-104½ 105½-105 106¼-105¾ 106%-100 2d .. ........ .......... .7 112 -111 110 - 110 llZ½-111 114½-114¼ 1!4¼- 112 116 - 116 . .. . - .... . . . . - •.•. lll~-111½ ...• - .... 113 - 112 09 - 96½ 98 - 07½ .... 00 - 119 1'5t.L.&S.F.-2d,"A".6 07 - 07 07 - 07 9 ~ 98½ 101½-100 lOO - 98 08¼- 98¼ . . .. - . ... 07 - 97 Cln.!!11!1 "C" ......... .3-<J 93¼- 02 04 - 04 06½- 04¾ 100 - 91)% 98 - 9i¼ 08 - 97½ 08 - 07½ 07½- 07½ 06¼- 96 07½- 06½ 06½- o:; 07 - 951( 06¾- o:x 00 - o:;½ 08¼- 06 Class "B" ...... . . . . :;.o 93'¼- 02½ 94 - 03){ 97 - 94 100 - 96½ 08 - 07 OS¼- 98 O&¼- 98 08½- 96 08 - 00 General mort ........ 6 . . .. - . . . . 09¼- 08 00¾- 08}1i oo,(- 99 100%- 09¾ 101¾-100¼ . . . . - .. . . . . . . - • . • . . .. • - .. . . 09:)4;- 09¾ . . .•• ...... - .. . .. .. - ... . 108 -108 103¼-108¼ ...• - .... . . . . - . ..... . . - • . . . . ... - .... . ... - .. Equipinent ............ 7 So.Pac.of'Mo.-bt .. 6 103 -102 104 -108¼ 104¾- 104 104%-103¼ 105¼- 104 106 - 105¼ 103 - 102 103 - 101½ 102¾- 101½ 103¼-102¼ 104¼-104 10;5\l:(-104¾ Texas & Pn.c.-1st .... 6 .... - ... 106 -106 . •.• - .... 105 -105 .... - . .. . 105½-105½ 106 - 105~ . ... - •... 105 -105 ...• - .. .. 105¾- 105 107 -107 92 - 91 Consols . . . . . ... ...... .6 05 - 02½ .... - . . .. 93 - 08 95¾- 94¼ 06 - 06 94 - 04 08 - OS 90}(- 90¼ . . . • - . . .. 01 - 90;4 95 - 02 ~ Inc.& ln.nd r:r., reg.,· 00.).(- r;•n~ 69½- 55}6 68½- 56¼ 09 - 64 66¼- 60 66 - 62 64½- 58 59:1:(- 40½ 57 - 53¼ 54¾- 48 50½- 48 52~ - 4i¼ 73¼ 'i&J.(70 77¾76¾ 70 73½ 80¾81 84½76 - 79 1st, Rio Gr. Div .... 6 86¾- 82½ 82¼- 70¾ 88)4- 80¾ 84½- 82)4 84½- 81 85¾- 82¾ Pennsylvania RR.96-¼- 95½ 07¼- 97 !l5 06¾- re .... - .. .. 05 - 04½ 95}.(- 94¾ 06 95¾- 95½ 96½- 05¾ 06¼- 06 ~a. Co.-Coup ........ 4¼ 05¼- G4½ 011¾- 95 Re::iste:red ...... . .. 4½ .... - ... . .... - .... . ... - ... . . .. . - ... . . ... - . . .. . .. - .. .. .. . . - .... . . . . - .. .. ... . - .. . 94½- 94½ 06¾- 05¾ 07 - 07 - ••. . .••• - ... . Pitt!!!.C.&St.L.1stcp 7 .. . . - .... 118 -118 .... - . ... .. . • - ... ... .. - ..... .. . - .. . .. .. • - . ... .... - ........ - .. .. . ... - . .. . Pitt!!!.Ft. W.&C.-1st. 7 186>11-186 136 -136 137¼-186 140 -140 138½- 138 139 - 187½ .. .. - • . .. 137 - 136 137¼--187¾ 137¼-187½ ... . - •.. . 138¼-137¼  ~a ............. .......... ')  133 -182  3d ....... . ...... ......... 7 .... - .... Clev.& P.-Cons.s.fd.7127½->125¼ 4-th .. .................. .. 6 110¾-110 C.C.&I.C.-1st,cons.7130 -130 1st, tr. ctfs., auppl'ry 116 -116 Tr.roor.ctfs., income 62½- 60 Incomc .. . .. ......... . .. 7 5~½- 48 Peoria.Dec.& Ev.-1st.G 101¼-101 Income ............ . ..... G 70 - 7<I Evn.nsv.Div ...... . .. . . (J 99 - 05 Evans. Div.,incomc .. 6 65 - 55 Peoria&Pek.Un.-lst.6 . .. . - . ...  188¼-188¼ 130 -130 126 -126 110¼- 110½ ..•• - .. ..  188¼-188 188,½-133½ 134 -134 ...• - .... 130 -130 127½-127½ 126½- 125 126½-126 122¼-122¼ ... - ........ - ........ - .. .. . . .. - . . .....• - ........ - ...  . ... - ... . 62 - 61 .... - . .. 100 - 100 03 - 63 102½- 00½ l50 - 50  116¼-110}( 74½- 63 73 - 72 108¼- 108  .... - ........ 75¼- 72½ 74 727,i- 72¼ .... 106 -106 100¼-  134 130 124 .. . . ....  -134 - 128 - 122½ - .. .. _ ....  130½-130½ 138 . . .. - . ...... 124 - 123¼ 124 108½-108½ . .. • .... - . . . . . . . .  -138 - .. . =124 •. . . - .. ..  ... ... .. - . .. . .... - .. .. . .. . -  184½- 134 134½-134½ . .. . - .... 11.. . . - ••• • •••• - . . . . 128 -128 124¾=124½ 122%-122½ 124 -123 . ..• 1. . . • . .. . 111½- 111½ 111 -111 · · · • - .... 1 • •• • - • .•.  = ....  ·.·. ·. -1:_:· :·:· -_ .·:_ :. :_ , ·.·. ·.·. -_ ·. ·. ·. ·.  74. . ... - . . .. .... - -·· · ... . . ..... .. - ... . . . .• - . . . ....• - . . ..... . - .. ...... -  100.¼(-100 . ... - . .. ..... - .... . ... - . ... 70 - 60 .... - .. . . 07 - 97 100 -100 ... • - ... . .. .• - ... .. ... - ...... . - . ... 50 - 50 .... - .. . 100¼-100½ 101½-101½ 100}1;- 100¼ 100 -100 07  ptii?ir;;TJ) ~ :: : : ~ :: ~ :H:: ~ H: ~ : :  101 50 . . .. 50 . ...  - 100 - 50 - .. . - 45 - ... .  95 - 04¾ 05 41 - 40 50 . .. . - .. . . .. . . 40 48 - 40 . . .. - . . ......  -  06 45 ••••...• 40 . ... ... .. . . . 01  44  -  - · · · ·1··· · -  ? : : E~r :'t? :~~ ~ ~  i ::: ~  . ..  07 - 90,½ 100¼- 100 95 46 - 45 87 rn - 4:; .... - •... 100)4-lCO . .. . - .. .. 50 - 50 .. . . - ... . 97-97  2  Pull.Pal.Cn.rCo.- Deb.7 . . .. - .... 105 -105 ...• - .... . ... - . .. . .... - .... ... . - ........ - .... ... . - ... . .. .. - . .. . .. . . - .. .. 70 - 65 'iO½- 70 75 - 71¾ 70 - 65 'il½ - '71 Richmond & All.- bt. 1 80 - 76½ 709:(- 'i7½ 78 - '70½ 79½- '77½ 82 - '79 81 - 69}( 7~½- '70 07¾- 00¼ 98 - 071!i Rich. & Dn.nv.--Conl!l . . 6 96¾- 03 03¾- 03 05½- 03½ 96¼- 05 00 - 96 09!1(- O&¼ 97 - 05% 07 - 95¼ 07¼- 03¼ 07 - 95 63 - 58 02¼- 61 59 - 56 68 -· 56 67 - 60 63 Debenture .. . ....... . . . . 6 62 - 58½ 01½- 57¾ 66¼- 60 67¾- 61¾ 72¼-- 65½ 70 - 66 69 Atl. & Char.- 1st, pf.7 . . . . - . . .. . . .. - .... .. .. - . ... .. . . - . . ...... - . .. . . . . . - . . .. .. . - ... . . ... - . . .... .. - .. .. . . .. - . . . . 108 - 108 . . . . Roch. & Pittsb.-l8t .. . 6 1106 -103 105 - 104 105 - 104¼' 106 -105 106}(-106¼ 108 -106,¼ .. .• - ... . 106 - 106 107 - 107 108 -107 107 - 107 107 - 107 Con!!lol., 1st ......... .. . 6 . . . . - .. . . .. .. - . . ... . .. - .. . . . . .. - . . .. . .. . - . ..... .. - . ....... - .. . .. ... - . . .... . . - . . . . . . . - . .. . 94 - 03¼'. 02 - 01 44 - 43½ 45¼- 45 40 - 45 Income ................... 6 46 - 42 · 44:)-, i- 42j..~ 44 - 43 46 - 48 45½- 45 45½- 45 40 - 40 ...• - . . . . 40 - 40 - ... . 107½-107½ RoµieW.&Oa-.-lst ... 7 .... - ... . . . .. - .. .... . . - ..... . .. - ... .. ... - . .. .. .. . - . . . . .... - .... 105 -105 . .. . - ..... ... - .... 71 - 66¾ 70 - 07 C'i½- 64 68½- 62 Con., 1st, ex..... . .. . .. :, 74½- 73 73x(- 71 78~- '7111i 71 - 66 70 - 68½ 74 - 60½ '72 - 07½ 67x(- 61 31½- 30½ 38 - 28 Income ................... 7 45½- 42¾ 43¼- 40 4i - 41 43½- 43 S8 - 88 40 - 89 40 - 38 . .. . - . .. 28 - 25 27 - 20 St.L.Alt.& T.H.-1st . . 7 114 -107 .. .. - . . . ....• - .. .. 115 -113 114 - 114 .. •• - .. ... ... - ... . .. . . - . . .. .... - . . . . 114 - 114 - 112 112 .. ., 109 109 . . . . . . .. 106½ 109 112 !ld, pref............. . .... 71119:(-109½ 108 -108 108 - 108 109 - 100 100½- 108½ .... - . . . . 112 2d, income .............. 7 106 -103 105 -105 106 -105 106½-106 108 - 102 ... - •....... - . ... 108¼ - 108 . . . . - . . . . 104½- 104 103¼-103½ 106 -105,½ 55 - 47 . .. . 50 - 45 CO - 50 70 - 70 Dividend bonds ... ... .6 80 - 60 76 - 70 75 - 70 75 - 78 76 - 73 82 - 75 '79%- 70 Bell.&So. Ill.-lst ... 8 122½--122¾ .••• - .... 122¼- 122½ . ... - . .. .. ... - ... , . ... - . . .. .. .. - . .. . . .. . - .. .. 128 - 123 114 -114 St. L.& Iron Mt.-1st .. 7 117 -110¼ ll3¼-113~1P13 -118 115}{-114 ms -114¾ 116 - 115 115¾- 115 112 - 111 118 -112 114 -112 114¼-118½ 115¼-114¼ ~ . ..... ...... ........... .7 108 -105 lCS}(-107½ loo,(-108¼ 111 -110 108½-107¾ 108 - 107¼ 108 - 108 107 - 107 107x(- 107 108½-107 1~-107 107½-107 Ark.Branch .......... 7 109 -107¼ !09 -108¼ 109 -108 110¼-108~ 111¼-110 108½-100¼ 109 -108 107 - 100¼ lO'i':);-100% 107½-107½ 110 -109 107¼-100¾ Cairo & Fult'n.-lst, 7 110 -lOi½ lQ0¼-107¼ 100 -108 109¾-108¾ 109¼- 109 111 -100½ 107 -106½ 107 - 105½ 106¼-106 107 -108¾ 108¾--107 110 -109 ' Cairo Ark. & Texas. 7 lO'i¼-105 109 -109 lOj¼-107¼ lOOx(-109¼ 109h;-109 106½-106¼ 106¼-106½ 107 - 106,½1107 -106 107 -106¾ 110 -106¾ 1 ~ - 1 ~ Gener11.lconsol.mort.~ 78½- 75 ·77½- 75 ·'79¼- '16½ '19¼- 76½ 77¼- 75 7774- 76 77 - 73½ 76¼- 66 75¾- 72¼ 72¼- 66¼ 74½- 72 74 - 73 ll!lt, pref. income . .. ... 7 120 -110 118 -118 ...• - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - •. . . .. . • - . . . ... .• - .... . ... - ..... . .. - . .. .. ... - .. .. .... - .. .. .... - •••. 105 -102½ ... . - , . . . . ... - .. . ... , - .. . ..... - .. . . .... - ... . .... - ••• • ~d income ..... . ........ 6 .... - .... 11'7¼-117¼ .... - •••• St.P.Minn.&M.-l ■t .. 1108 -1~ 100 -108½ 108¼-108 100¾(- 108¾ 110¾- 100¾ 110¼-110¾ llOx(- 107 l QS¼-108½ 109 - 108¾ 110 - 10~¼ 110¼- 108¼ 112¼--111 2d ........... . ...... . ..... .6 109 -108 109 - 108½ 109 -108½ 110 - 108¼ 109 - 108½ 109 - 108 109 -107 I 10 -110 112 - 110¼ lCS - 107 1Q8¾-108 108%-108¼ ~akota ~tension . ... 6 110 -106½ 108¾- l~½ 109 - 108 119 - 100½ 10!,¾- 107¼ 108~-107½ 108½- 108 108¼-108 111 - 108 110¼-110 109 -107½ 108½-108 9 .. . . - .. .. 104 - 101 102 - 101 102 -101 102 - 100 102 - 100½ 108¾-102 1st, consol.. . . ... .. .. . . . 6 . . . . - . . ...... - . . .. .. .. - ... ... .. - . .. . .. . Scioto Valley-l ■teon&.7 . .. . - .. . . . .. . - . . .. PS - 00 .... - • .. . 05 - 95 04¼- 94¾ 91½- 91½ . . - . . .. ... . - . ..... . . - . . . - . . . .. ... - .... .... - . ... .. .. - . .. . . ... - .... . ... - .. .. ... - . .. '.l .. ·· - ..... .. - .... 107 - 106 110 - 109¾ .. .• - •••• Mhenand'h Val.-lat ... 7 'V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  RAILROAD  BONDS.  53  1883-Concluded. JANUARY FEBI't'RY.  MARCH .  APRIL.  JUNE.  MAY.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. Nov'BER. DEC'BER.  - - - - ·---•1- - - -1- - - -1·----1----·1----1----1·----1-----1---- - -- Hlgt:. tow Hl1th.Low Hl1tb.Low Hl1th.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low High.Low ITlgh.Low Hhrh.Low - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- - - --·-- - - - - - - - - - - --1 - - - - 1 · - - - - - - - - BONDS.  l!!iouth Carolina-ht .... ff :02}i-101  102½- 102 US - 02 57 - 57 TexasCentral- lst11.f.7 .... - .... 106 - 105½  ~d .. ...... ................. 6 80 - 89 Incomes . .............. . 6 61 - 58  :;1f;g::::: : :  = :::. :::  !03 - 102 .... - ... . 61 - 57 107¾- 105  102 -102 04¾- 04 06 - 62 108,¼-106  =:::: :::: =::: ,:::: =  lOS¼-lOS 00 - 06 67· - 66 107¼- 107  103¼-10~ 108 -1029( 108¼-lOS 104½-104 100 -100 . . .. - .. 70 - 68 . .. - . . . . 62½ · 6:½ 07 - 68 108½-108 108),.(- 105''.)-.£105 -105 106 - 106  102½-101½ 104¼-102  104 - 108½  ··I·· .. - ........ - ........ - ........67 --60........60 -- 60... . 05 - 64  : : r:=::: :'= :~ ~= ~ !:  108,¼- 108¼105½- 103½107 - 105¼  ii: : =:::  = :: :~ =  : =::: : :· =:::  1st, Main Line .. . ... . 6 . . .. - . . . . 52 - 52 52 - 52 - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 50 - 50 . . . . l1tt, Income ............. 6 .... 11½- 10 5¼- 5¼ 5 - 5 5 - 5 . .. . VirainlaMidland-lnc.6 55 - 50 55),.(- 58 58 - 53 68 - 57 66 - 60 62½ . 61 l:5 - 55 59¾- 56,½ 61¼- 58 55 - 55 70 - 60½ 65 - 57 Wn.b. St. Louis & Pac.General mort .... .... . . 6 80½- 77¾ 78½- 72½ 80½- 77¾ 83¼- 79½ H¾- 78 79 - 74 77¼- 72 72½- 68 70 - 66 71 - 66½ 70 - 00 78 - 68 Chic. Div .. .............. :; 82 - 80¼\ 81½- 78 80 - SO 68 - 83 82 - 82 82%- 81½ 70½- 77 78½- 77 77 - 75¾ 76½- 74 77 - 75¾ 78 - 76¼ Hn.vanaDiv ............ 687 - 87 - ... 83-87 ... . - . . . . .... - .... . ... - ........ - . ..... . . 85 - 85 .. .. Toi. P. & W.-1st ..... 7 107¾- 107 107}iH07 100 -108 107½- 107 107¼-105½ 1061-1;- 106¼ 106 -105 105¾-104 107 -103 106 -104½ 105¼-105½ .... Iowa Division .. · ~ ••6 .... - .... 00 - 00 ..•. - •... 89 - 88 86½- 86 .... - .... 78 - 78 .... Cairo Div ........ ... .... :; 82 - 82 81 - 79¼ .... - ....... . - . . ..... - ..... ... - .... 83 - 88 81 - 81 .... - . . .. 75 - 75 72 - 72 '\ R'y-Mort . .1 95 - 05 .... - .... . ... - . . . . 85 - 85 86 - 86 Toi.& W.-bt, ext'd.7 lOS.Ji-108 106½-105¼ 100 - 106 108 -100¼ 107 -107 10791-107¾ 108¼- 107¾ 105 - 104 100 -103 107 - 1C6 107¾-106!1( 108¼- 107.; 1st, St. Lout11 Div ... 7 105 -103½ 102~-101½ 102 -101 108 - 101 101~- 09h 101¼-100¾ 101¼-100 06½- 05 .... - .. .. 07½- 07½ 98½- 07½ 101 - 100 2d, extended .......... , 100¼-100 101 -100¼: 100½- 99-¼ 102¾-100½ OIi¾- 08 100 - 08},J 90½- 08½ 99 - oo 08½- 07½ 101 -100 9&¼- 97¾ 09 - f:8 t Eq11ipment ...... .. -· 7 .... - .... 80 - 66 · 80 - 80 .... - ....... - ..... .. . - . ....... - .. .. . . .. - . . ...... Consol., conv . .. . ..... ,- ir.¾- 97½ 08 - 06 - 92 - 02 97½- 06 . . • • - • . . . 06 - 06 00 - 00 . . . . - . . . . 87 - 83 86½- 83¼ 86¾- St¾ 86 - 85 Gt. Western-1st .. . ... 7 108¼-108 105 -104½ 105 -104½ 106 -105½ 106~-106¼: 107 -106½ 107 -107 102½- 101 104 - 103 104½-104 106 - 104~ .•.• 2d ................. . .... .1100½- 09 100¾- 09~ lOQ½-100 108 - 1013,t 100 - 98¾ 101¼- 98½ 00½- 98~ 09½- 97½ {10 - 09 102 - 100 0\1 - 07½ W - 08½ Quincy & Tol.-lst . .. '7 .... - ........ - .... 103 -101 103 - 103 100 -100 .... - .... 102 -102 .... - . .. St.L.K.C.&N.-RI.E.110~-107¼ 109 -108 108 - 108 .... - • . . . 107 -106¾ 108 -!06 107½-106¼ 107¼-105 107 - 101¾ 105½-104¾ 105 - 104 100 - 106 Omo.ha Div ...... .... 1108}9-108~flQ9¾-1 ~ .. . - .... 110 - 108 108¼-107 110½-108½ 111 -110 .... - .. .. 100 -109 1106 -105½ . . . . - .... 109 - 109 Clarinda Branch .. 6 ... - ... . 1.... - •••••••• - ........ - . ... 00½- 00½ ... . - ....... - . ... 80 - 80 ... . St. Chas. Brldire ... .. . 6 05 - 95 00 - 00 - . . . . 80 - •iO½ . ... - ....... - . . . . 80¼- 80½ . ... North. Mo.-lst ........ 1119½-118¾ lll)¾- 119 1101r119 120 - 119¼ 120 -120 121 -120 118½-117 . ... - ••.. 119½-119½ no - 110 122 -118 121 -120 Waba11h-Fund'd int.Dec. & E. St. Louis.6 00 - 00 - .... 80 - 80 Gt. Western-2d ..... 7 100¼- 09 100¾- 00¾ 100½-100 10s - 101½ 100 - oa~ ... . 2d ...... .............. . 6 . ... 84. - 84. Consol., convert ..... 6 . . . . 84. - 84. Toi. &Wah. 2d ..... 6 .... 85 - 85 ..... ; . . - . . . ..... West. Un. Tel.- Coup .. 7 117 - 117 117 -117 - ... . 114. -118 114¼-118¼ 114¼!- 114½ .... - .... 114½- 114 .. . . - ... . 112½-112½ 113¼-ll~ Re,r ..... .... ............. 1110 -115½ 117½- 117 lUS¼- 115½ 116 -114¾ 1187(-113 11' ~ -114 114 -118¾ :18*112½ 114 -.112:J:( 115 - 114¼ 112½-112¼ 118½-112 ,,,  ------------------------------------------~----------------------------1884.  JANUARY FBBR'RY.  BONDS.  -·----------  MARCH. .  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. 8EPT' BER. OCTOBER. NOV' BER. DEC'BER.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----1----•1------1----1 ·-·- -•1----1• - - - - - · - -- - - - - - - - - - ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- · - - - - - - - ---Low.High Low.Hl~h Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hlgl1 Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  Alleirany Cent.-litt .... 6 97½- 98 .... - ........ - ........ - •......• - .......• - ........ Alb. & Cb. Can.-1st .. 1 .... - ... .. .. - .... 111 - 111 .• .. - ........ - .. . ..... - ........ Atlantic & Pac.-ht ... 6 ~ - 98½ 92 - 92½ 91¾- 01¾ 00¼- 91¾ 91 - 91 67 - 80½ 67 - 80 75 - 84.¾ 8G - 81¾ 74 - 79 75 - 70 78 - 81 West. Dlv.- lncome .. 6 17 • 22½ 1 ~ 19½ 17½- 28½ 19 - 20¼ 12¾- 18¾ 7 - 12½ 10 - 15½ 14 - 28 15 - 19;~ 14%- 18 14¼- 18¾ 16¼- 19 Bait. &O.-lst, P.Br .. 6 lUS~-116¼ 116¾- 116¼ .... - ....... . - .... US -113 .... - .... 115 -115 116 -116 .... - •. ..... - . . ...... - ...• Bost. H. & Erie.-lllt .. 1 15 • 15 lS - 14½ 14 - 1!> . ... - ... . 14 - 14½ 10 - 10 10 - 12 . ... .. 1~ - 12 10 - 10 . . .. - ....... . - ... . Bur. C.R. & N.-lst ... :S 100 -101¾ 101~-102¾ 102¼-105 109 - 104 102½-104 95¼-101 t7 -101¼ 100.J.a-101½ 100¾- 108½ 101 -103¼ 102½-1~ 100½-102 Con ■ . lst& .... - .. . . 85¾- 85Y. 86 - 86 .... IowaC. & W.-1st ... '7 .... - .••. 112*119½ .• •• - .......• Ced. R.I.F.& N .-1st 6 .:.88 - 88 10-l,¼- 104½ .... - .... 108 -108 . ... - ... . . . . . - •....... 1st, 19Z1 ............. :; G7 - 96 .... ~1 - 95 92½- 92½ 92 - 02 .... - .... 89 - 00 87½- 87½ W½- 90½ .... Buff.N.Y .& P.-1st .... 6 97 - 98 97 - 97 95¼- 117 05 - 06½ 06 - "6¼ 94 - 94¼ .... Gen. mort .. .. . ....... . . 6 .... 88 - 92 88¾- 88¾ .... - . . . . 87 - 87¾ .... Carolina Cent., 1st .... 6 . . .. - .... 100½·100¾ 100½-100¾ 100 - 100¼ .... Centrallowa-lst ..... .1 99 -106½ 98 - 106 106 -107½ 107 - 107½ 10'7¼--107¼ 100 - 106 100 - 100 97 -101 97 - 100¼ 98 -100 100 -102 100 - 100½ Eastern Div .-1st .... 6 79 - 80 80 - 81 81 - 84½ 80 - 81 78 - 79½ .. .. - .. . . . . . . - • . . . oO - 60 . . .. - . . .. 70 - 70 . . . . IllinolsDiv.-lst ..... 6 ... - ... . 80 - 80¼ 67 - 67¼ ... . - ........ - .... 58 - 58 ... Cent.RR.ofN.J.-1st . . 7 ms -117~ 11~-114 ll~-114¾ US -115 113 -114 118¼-lHn 114 -114 111 -112 111 -112 112 -112½ 112}i-118¼ 113 -114 Consol., o.uented .. . .. 1 lll¼-112¼ 1123,,i-115¾ 115½- 118 113':(-115½ 98 - 112~ 101 -105 101 -108 107 -108¼ 101 - 105¼ 09¾-104½ 98¼-102 00¾-102¼ Conv., n.Hented ....... 1118 - 118 11~- 116 117¼-118~ 117¾-118;( 100 -107¼ 103 -104 102¾-107 106½- 108¾' 100¼- 106}4 100 - 107½ 98 -100 ~-102 Acliustment ....... ...... 1104¼-106 1~-109 108¾-llO 107½-110 100 -105 108 -105 104 -107 106½- 107 108½-105 102 -105 09 -100¼ 100,¼-102 Conv. deb ...... ....... 6 86 - 88 88¼- 91 00;,;-· 95¾ 9fi½- 06 80 - 89 75 - 75 70 - 75 70 - 75 67½- 67½ .... - ..... .. Income ............. .... 7 00 - 97 98½- 98¼ 99 - 102 101 -101 go -104 Leh.&W.B.-Auent 1 l~-104 104 -107'¼ 106¼-107¼ 104 -106½ 94 - 105 00 - 07 80 - 05 06 - 08 02¾- 05½ 95 - 00 01¼- 08¼ 80 - 06 Income ................ . 1 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 80 - 80 75 - 75 80 - 80 .... - .•. ....• - .... .. . . - .... 74 - 75 Am. Dock & Imp ...... :S 80 - 89 . . . . - .. . . 91 - 03 92 - 92¾ 89 - 90 88 - 89 85¼- 88 . . . . - • . . . 88 - 88 87 - 88 . . . . - .. . . 85 - 85 Ches.&O.-Pur.M.fd .. 6 llS*llS¼ .... - ........ - ........ - . - .... 111)4-112 112 - 112 . .. . - ... . 118 -118 Series A .... . .. ........ .6 110 - 112 109%-111 11~-112¾' 1097,(-112¾ 100 -113 83 -109 04½-112 111 -111¼ 105 - 105 102 - 105 10~½- 104 103 -105 Serles B ...... ........ .6 96 - OS 98 -102 101!,f-105 103 ·105 89 -102 72½- 07 81 - 02 87½- 92 82 - 8'™ 78 - 83% 72 - 79 71¾- 777,i Currency......... ...... . 6 46 - 50 48¾- 58 50½- 56¾ 51¼- 55¼ 88 - 52½ 26 - 89½ ~26¼- 86 81¾- 86¾ 30 - 82½ 27 - 81½ 25 - ~ 25 - 20 Mort •• 1911 ............ 6 101'4-102 102 -102" 102¾-104 101 -101¼ ~-100 •••• - .... 94¼- 95 Ches. O. & S. W . ... . ~-6 87½- 87¼ 86 - 87¼ 87 - 88¼ .. • • - .. . . 85 - 136¼ • . . . - . .. . .. • - .. •. 77 - 78 . . . . - .. . . 66¾- 'i'O 70~- 71 Chic. & Alton-1st . .... 1 .... - .... 118¼-119 118¼-111% 119 -120 117½-117¼ ••.• - . ... 116 - 116 . ... - . ... 117 -117 117¼-118 118 - 118 120 -120 fund ..... ...... ff,114!,f-114½ 116 -116 116 -111».( 110¼-1161,( .... - . .. ..... - ........ - ..... .. . - .... 117½-118 .... - . . .. 118 - 119 119½-11~½ Lou.&Mo.Riv.-bt.1 .... - ........ - . ... 118 -119¼ 119 - 1 ~ 115¼-IM¼ 114~-116 114 -117½ .. .. - ... . 118 - 118 118¼-119 118½-118½ 119 -120 2d, 1900 ... .......... 1 .... - ..... ... - . . .. .... - .... 112. - 115 .... - .... 112½-115 112¼-112¾ 116 -116 115 -115 .... - . ....••. St. J..J.& Chlc.-1st .. 1 117~-118 118 -118 119 -119 .... - .... 115 -115 115¾-116 .... - .... 117½-117½ ll8 - 118 116¾-117 115.J.a-115}.( 118 -118 1 1st iiuar. (~64) . ..... 7 .. . - . ....... - ........ - .... 115¼-116¾ .... - .... 116 -116 116 - 116 . ... - ... . .... - ... . 115¼-115½ .... 2d, auar. (188) ...... 1 .... - .. ..... - ........ - ... . .... - ... . 118 - 118 .•.• Cbtcaao & Atlan.-~d .. 6 . . . . - . . . . 00 - 00 88 - 00 87¾- SO% 88 - 88 . . . . Chtc.B.& Q.- Consol. .. 1 128¼- 120¼ 129¾- lSO~ 180 -180¼ 120½-180¾ 128¾-180 125 - 120¼ 121 -125 125 - 126¼ 126 -127 127¼-120 128½-129 180 -132 Debenture ..... ........ 3 91 - 93'7,i 93'.(- 96¼ g5 - 977,i 07,i- 09½ 91¼- 95½ 88 - 98 90 - 93¼ 93 - 06¾ 94¾- 95¼ 9~- 97¼ 89¾- 06% 96½- 98 IowaDiv ............... :s ... . - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 108 -108 106 - 106 104 - 104,¼ ...• - ........ Iowa Div ... ........ ... 4 ~ - 91 91,C- 94¼ .... - .... 94½- 95 00 - 94~ 80 - 00¼ 88 - 80 .... - .... 00 - ~ 00½- 91 01 - 01 92¾- 98~ DenTe-r Div., 1922 ... 4 00¼- 91 87½- ~ .... - .... 00 - 00 88¾- 00¾ .... - .... 86¼- 88¾ 86%- 87 88 - 88 88 - 00 00 - 00 •..• . Plain ..................... 4 83½- 83½ 85 - 85 88 - 83 .... .BO - 89 - ... .... - .... .... - ...... .. Chic. & E. Dl.-lst, s.f.6 98 - ~ 98 - 98 100 -101 102 -102 100½-103 09½-100 09½-100 100 -108½ 104 - 104 104 -104 105 -105 103 .108 Chtc.MU.el,Ss;. P.-bt.~ 182¼-188 180 -131 131 -lSl 181 -132½ 180 -189 .... - .... 188 -133 129 -180 ...• - .... 120½-129¾ 180 -180 ~ .... . ............. ,. 3-10 128 -128 120 -120 120 -120¾ .... - .... 120 -121 119 -119 118 - 11~ 116~- 110½ 120 -120 121 -121 110 - 119 121¾-121~ 1st, aold ................. 'J 128¾-125 124½-125 126 -120¾ 128 -129 124¾-128 127½-127¼ 122¾-125 122 - 126¾ 126½-126½ 125 -128½ 125¾-127½ 125 -125 1st LaC-rosl!le Dlv ... ,1116 - 116¼i 116½- ll~ 118 - 120 119 -120 116 -120 118 - UO}t 114 -116 116 - 117 117 -119 117 -117 116¾-117 117 - 120 :J_st I, ,Ji, M, Dlv ..... .. .1116¾-117 118 - 118 119 -119 ...• - . ..... .. - .. .. 116 -121 ll2,¼-116¾ 116 - 117¾ 116¼-117 117 - 117½ ll8 -1103-11110½-110,,C JIit :J, ~ Div ... ... 'J ... . - ...... .. - ........ - .... .... - . .. . 12H6-121¾ 115¾- 117 . 119 -120 . ... - .... 121 -121 .•.. - ... . 122 - 122 1111 c. & M. Div . ..... ,~ 122½-122¾ .... - . .. . . .. - .. .. 128%-180 180 -190~ 26 126 121¼-122 124 - 124 125 -126 125 - 126 129 - 129 Con~J ... ·.:. _. .. .: . ........ 71120 - 121½ 121~-128¾ 128¼- 126¾ 124 -126 ·/120 -1~ 14¾-128 11~-117 117 -121 117¾-120 118 - 119¾ 118¼-120¼ 120½-128  ».•  ~  1884 .... ............ ,. 10-0  ~~t.,_1-  t·:  - 1 ~ 102¼-104. 104 -104! ...• - ........ - ... ...•• - . .... .. .. - ... . ....•... ... . • ~ ·D~ ~~te'1 .... .1119¼-119¼ .... - .... 12:aM-1~ 1~-126 .120 - 122¾ 121½-121½ 114 -116 116¾-120¾ 118¾- 12{% •••• - ... . 121 -~l Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  54-  BONDS.  1884-C'onttnued. 1  BONDS.  JANUARY FE11R RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  JUNE.  SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BER.  DEC'BER.  AUGUST. MAY. JULY. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------1----1------ - - - - - - - - - - - - -· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - ,- -  Low. High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low . High Low. High Low. High Low. High Low. High Low. High Low. High Low. High  Chic.Mil,& St. Paul.1st So. West Div ...... 6106¼-110 107 -109 109 -112 US -114 ..•. - ........ - ••.. 106 - 106 107½-llO 110 -110 110¼-lll¾ 109 -111 11°"-110¾ 1st La C. & Dav ...... ~ 92 - 98 98¾- 98½ 95 - 97 109 -100 ...• - ......•. - , ........ - , .... 92½- •92¾ .... - .• 96 - 96¾ .. , . - ....... , - ... . 1st So. Minn. Div . .... 6 106¾-107¾ 109 -110 110¼-112 112¼-118¾ 110 -118½ 105 -110½ 101 -107 108 -110 i07 -109 107 -108½ 106➔,(-109 109 - 110¼ 118¾-110 117½-119 117!)t-119¾ 119¼-120½ 1st H. & D. Div ....... 1 ... - .... 117¾-119 121 -128 128 -124% .... - .... 116 -118 115¾-115½ .. .. Chic. & Pac. Div ...... 6 110 - 111)¾ 110½-ll~ 118¾- 114. 114,(-115!4 .... - .... 114 -114½ 110 -110 111 -111 118 -118 118 -113 114,(-11431, 114¾-115 ro - 96 94 - 95¾ 98 - 95¾ 93¾- 96¼ 96 - ~ 94 - 9~ 92 - 97¼ 92½- 05 Western Div ......... ~ OS - 93¾ 93¾- 96 97~- 99¾ 99 - 101 94¾- 97¾ 97,(-101¾ 93¾- 9{1½ PS - 95 90½- 01 94½- 94½ 94 - 95¼ 95¾- 96¾ 95 - 96½ G6 - 96 Mineral Point ......... ~ 90½- 91¾ 907,,f- 98 92½- 96¼ 94 - 96¾ 92½- 94~ 92½- 04 91¾- 04 89½- 02 98¾- 97~ 97,(-101¾ 94¼- 97¾ 112 - 96 Wis.& Min. Div .. .... ~ 90 - 92¾ 91¾- 94 Terminal ............ .. ~ .... - ........ - .... . ... - .. .... .. - ....... - ........ - ........ - . ....... - ........ ·· ........ - ...... - .... 94¾- 94½ Chic.&N.W.- S.F.... .. 7106½-1 ~ .... - .. .. .... - .... 104¾-104!1( .... - ........ - ....... - .... 102½-102½ .. - . ..... . - .... 103½-104 .... - •... Consol. ... .......... ..... 7 182 -138½ 182¾-138 182¾-134 138 -134 182,(-182½ 127 -127 180 - lEO 181½-138 181½-188 182¼-138 182 -lSS 134 -134 1st mort .... ..... ....... 7 106¾-107 103½-104 104 -104¾ lu4½-104'-f 104,(-104¾ 104 -104½ 105½-105½ 101¾-102 102,(- 108¼ 103 -104 lQS¾-104 104 -104¼ Gold, coup .............. 7 124 -JM 125 -127¾ 127½-128 128 -129 128 -129 120 - 12:5 121 - 124 1287k125 124 -126 125,(-126¾ 125¾'-128 124½- 126 Gold, reir ................ 7 128½-124 125½-126¾ 127 - 127 127½-129 128 -128 125 -125 128 -128 .... - ........ - .•.. 126 -126 125½-.125½ 124,(-125 Sinkinirfund.coup .... 6 110 - 110¾ ... . - .... 111½-l ll½ 110 -110 112 - 112½ 111 -112½ 112 -112 112 -112 118 - 113 109 -110¾ 108 -110 110¼-111 Reiilstered . ......... . 6 110 -110 .... - .... 110½-110½ 110 -112 .... - . ....... - ........ - ........ - .. .. .. .. - .... 109 - 109 109 -109 110½-110½ Sinkinii fund, coup ... ~ 108 -103½ 10$¾-104¾ 104,(-105 102¾-103½ 101 - 108~ 98 - 108 98 - 102½ 101 -102½ 1027-(-108½ 100½- 101¼ 100½-101 102½-108½ Registered . .......... ~ 1087-(- 108¾ .... - ... 105 -105 108¼-103¾ .•.. - ........ - . ... 101½-101½ .... - ......... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . 94 - 95':( 94\1!;- 95¾ 95½- 97¾ 93J4- 9~ 94½- 96 Debenture .. ............ 6 92½- 94 9SU- 95¾ 94¾- 973' 97 - 99½ 90 - 96¾ 90½- 9S½ 91 - 94 2~ yrs, deben., 1909.~ .... - .. ....... - .... .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - .... 92 - 92½ 93 - 94¾ 91 - 987~ 93 _ 94 Des M. & Min. l111t .. .. 7 ... - ........ - .... 126 - 126 127 - 127 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - . .. . ... - ........ - ........ - ... . _ ... . Iowa Midland-1st ... 8 181¼-181½ ...• - .......• - ........ _ ........ _ .... ... . - . .. . ..• - ... .. ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. . . -125 Chic.& Mil.- lst . ..... 7 .... - .... 121¼-128 128 -124¼ 119 -110 120 - 120¾ 120 -125 118¼-122 .... - •. •.... . - .... 122 -122¾ 121),(-124  ~:.~~~~ .~~~~~~~.~~:;]~~  =1~~ ~~¾=1~ !:¾=! :  ~~.~l~ .. ~~~  =l~. ~~~~~~; ~~¾=1~~ ~~~=~~~ !:~~~  ~~=l~~ !~  i24 =~~ ~~~  =1~ ..  MU. & Mad.- lst ...... 6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - . ... ll4¾-114¾ .... - ... . .. - ... .. ... - ........ - .... ··•· - ··•· .••. - ........ ._ ... . Ottum.C.F.&St.P .a .... - .. ...... - ........ - . ... ... - .. ....... - .... . ... - ....... - ........ - .. . ..... - ........ - . . .. . , - .... 89¼-100 Clalc.R.I.&P.- Conp .. 6126 - 126¾ 126 - 127 126 -127 126¾-127½ 126½-127½ 126 -127¾ 128½-124 124 - 126 124"-126 125 -126 125 - 126½ 125½ 128¾ Registered .......... ••• .6 .... - .... 126¾- 126½ 125½-126½ 126¼-127 .... - •... 126½-127 .... - ........ - •......• - .... 124¾- 12i" . .•• - ... ..••. _ .. . Keok'k&DesM.- 18t,/i .... - ... . 104 - 107 105 - 107 102 -103¾ 102 - 102¾ 96 -102 102 - 105 102 -105 105 - 105 .... - .... 103 - 108 .... _ ... . 90 - 91¾ 92 - 92½ ... . - .... 85 - 85 .... - .......• - .. . . . - ........ - ..• . 65 - 66 Chic.St.L.&Pitt8-1st.~ &,).(- 92¾ 00 - 91¾ 92 - 94 C.St.P.lU.&0.-Cons ... 6 1077~-1~ 109¼-111¾ 111½-118¾ 112¾-118~ 109 - 118:)s 100¾- lll 108 - 111¼ 110¼-112½ 110 -112 111 - 112 .Ul -112½ 109½-111¼ Claic.St.P.&M.- lt1t .. 6 116 -116¼ 118 -118½ 119 - 120 119 -120 115 -118½ 118 - 115 118 -116 . 116 -ll'i 118 - 118 117 -118 115¼-115':{ 116½-116¾ St. P. & S. City-bt .. 6 115½-116½ 116½-118 118½-120 116 -117½ 114 -117 114 -117 114½-116¼ 117 -118 117¾-119 115½-116 115½-116 116!,(-116½ Ch.&W.Ind.- Gen.m. 6 104½-104½ •... - •....... - ........ - .... 108 - 103 .... - ..... .. . - .....•.. - ....... - •..... .. - .......• - .... :i.oo -101!,,( Cin.&Spr.- Guar.lst.1110 -112 .... - .... 116 -116 116 -118 .... - .... . ... - ...... .. - .. .. .... - .... ... . - ........ - ........ - .... no -11 2 _ .• . Cl. c. C.& 1.- lst, s.1d.1119¾-119M 121¾- 128 128 - 124 128¾- 125 118 -120 120 -120 117 -117 .... - .... 122 -124 124½- 124½ 121 -121 Con8ol.. .................. 1118½-118½ 118%-121¼ 121 -128¾ .. .• _ ... 118%- 120 . .. . - .... 115 -115 115½-117 .... - · 120 -120 ... - .... :::: _ ... General cons .. . ... • • .. 6 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 109½-110 106½.106½ .... - .... 103 - 103 .... - ... . . •. - ... ... .. - .... 101½-101½ 102 -102 55 - 59 58 - 58¾ . . .. - . . . 59 - 59 57 - 60 l50 - 60 Col. Coal & 1.- lst,con.6 69 - 71¾ 67 - 70¾ 70 - 75½ 69½- 76 64¾- 68¾ 54 - 61 65 - 67½ 67 - 67 70 - 70 .... - .... 66½- 68 .... - •••. 60 - 60 Col.H.Val.& T.-ht ... ~ 79 - 79~ 79 - 81~ 79¾-- 80½ 79 - 80¾ 77 - 79 . ......• - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... .•. - ........ - ... . Cumberl'd & Pa.- lst.6 .... - ........ - .... 103 - 103 .... _ ........ - •... ... . Del.&Hud.C.- lst,'84 .7 100¾-101½ 102 - 102~ 102 -102¼ 102¾--10-J½ 102%-102% 109¾- 108¼ .... - ........ - ........ - .... ···· - .... ···• - ···· .... - •.. . 'fs, 1891 ...... ........... 1110 -112¼ 112½-ll~ 115 -115 114 -!15½ 114 -115 115¾- 117 112 - 116. 114¾-115½ 114½-115 114 -115 115 -116 .... _ .. .. Extension, 1891 ... ... 'f .... - .... 112¼-11~½ .... - ........ _ ........ - ........ - ....... . - ........ - ........ - •....... - . .. .. ... - .... ll2½-118J.( Coupon, 1894 .......... 'f 116 -117 llS¼- 119½ 119 - 119" 117¾-117½ .... - . . .. 114 - 115 115 -116 ll~½-117½ 116 -116 118½-114½ 115¾-115:)4' 116 -116 . ....... - ........ - . .. 117¾-117½ Reg .• 1894 ............. '7 118 - 118 118½-119 .. .. - .... 117½-117½ .... - .... 1!5 - 115 .... - .... 118 - 118 ... . Penna. Dlv.-Coup .... '7 .... - . ... i20½-182½ 180 - 180 181 -181¾ .... _ ........ - ... 125,(-180 1;30,¼-180¼ 12H½-126 180 - 130 180 -130.'.)( 180½-132 - ••.. 180 -180 .... - ... . ........ ~ .....•. . ..•• .... ....... . ... 131½-lil½ ... . ... . -181 181 -180 Penna. Div.- Rea- .. .. , .... - ... . 180 Alb.& Susq.- lst m .. , 110¾-111 110%-110¾ 111 - 111½ 112 -112½ 111¾- lllU lll½- 111½ .... - .... 110 - 110 .... - ..... ... - ........ - .... 111 -111 2d mort ... . ... ......... '1104½-104½ ... . - ..... ... - ... . 108½-103½ 102 - 108½ 101 - 101 103!)4-104 104 -104 105 -105 102¼-102¾ ... . - .. .. 10$%-108¾ .. lst,con.,aruar ... .. .. 1122 -122 ...• - .... 125 - 125 127½-127¾ .... _ ........ - ..... ... - ........ - . . . ..• - . . ...... - .... ti5½-125½ .... - ... . ll!lt con. iruar .. . ...... 6 .... - ... . .... - ... 117¼-117¾ 114¾-115¾ 115½-115½ 115,(- 115¾ 115,(-116 115½-116 115 - 115 112 - 112¼ 112¾-112½ 112½-112¼ Rens. & Sar.-Coup .. 7 .... - ... ... .. - ........ - ....... _ ........ _ .. .. .... _ ........ - ...... .. - .... 185 - 185 134 -134 182 -138½ .... _ ... . ;~ · .. ·,..,= · .. . ·· · ·· ·u= Del. Lac. & W.-Conv.7 . ... - ........ - .... 117 - 119½ .... - ....... - .... 117 - 117 . ... - ···· •··· - ···· .... - ···· ... . Con .• 190')' .. •··· ....... 7 .. .. - .... 182 -182 181 - 181½ 180 -181 180 -138 .... - ........ - .•. 128 - 128 126½-126½ 129 129 180 74 18074, 1207 4 182 Syr.B'n.&N.Y., lst .. 7 127 -127 .... - ... . .•• - .•...... _ ........ _ .....•.. - .. .. 120 --:.20 .... - ... .... - ....... - .... 128 -128 124 -124 Morris & Essex-1st ., 185 -187 199 -189 138½-1 ~ 188¾-140 138 - 185 138 -188 185 -185 185 -185 185½-187 l&l - 188 .... - .. . . 185½- 185~ 2d mort . ....... ....... 7 115¾-116¾ 118½-114 114 -11-l 114 -114¾ 114 -115 114 -tu; . .. . - .... 110 -110½ . . .. - .... 112 -118½ 118 -114 114¾-114¼ '7s, 1871 .......... ..... 7 120 - 121 122,(- 128 128½-125½ 128 -128 128 - 128 128 -128 .... - ........ - •.. . .... - .....•• • - .... 120 -120 .... - ... Consol., gnar ... . .. .. .7 124 -124¾ 124½-128 128 -128½ 128½-128½ 125¼-127 120 - 128 121 -1!1½ 121 -122¾ 121 -122½ 122½-124½ 125 -126 121 -124 N. Y. L. & W .-ht .... 6 117¼-118½ 119 -120½ 119½- 120½ 120 -128l9 118½-120 115 -118½ 112 -115 117 -118 118 -119¼ 117 -119 117½-119 119 - 120 oo - 100 97 - 98 96¾- 97 98 - 96 95 - 96 95 - 95¾ 95 - 98 97 - ~ Construction ......... ~ .... - . . . . .... - .... 99½-101½ 99~-100 80 - 84½ 74½- 82 92½- 96!)( 70½- 92 92½- 97 85 - 97½ 85 - 99 92½- 98 Denver& Rio G.-ht.7 108 -109 108¼-110 110 -11 2 102 -111 46 - 48 48 - 58½ 45½- 50¼ 41 - 47½ 42 · - 46 42 - 51 88 _ 5?5 50 _ 64 82 - 85½ 60 - 84 84 - 88 Consolidated .......... 7 82 - 89 86¾- 88'( 38 - 34½ 82½- 86¼; 93 - 87 84 - 86 28¾- 88 25 - 88 Denv. Rio G.W .-lst .. 6 66¾- 72 68 - 71."2 6~ - 68¾ 48!14- 66½ 87 - 50 80 - 80¼ 82 - 82 85 - 85 79½- 80 78 - 80 74 - 76 75 - 75 90 - 92 97 - 98½ 94¼ 98 Denv. So. P. & P.-lst., 95¼- 96 92 - 95 55 - 55 .•.• - •.•..••• - ••..•••. - •.• Det. M. & Mar9.-lst .. 6 .. . . - ........ - ....... - ........ _ ........ _ ..... ... _ .. . ... . - .... 60 - 60 - ..• ........ •••.•.•• •• •••.•• •••..••• ........ •••.•..• _ ... .... _ ••...••• _ •••....• Dubuque & Dak.- lst 6 .... - .... 98 - 98½ . ••• .E. Tenn. V. & G.-tst .. '7 117 -117 ll7½-11'7x: 1!8 -118 .... - .... 116 -116 115 -115 118 - 118 118½-115½ 116 -116 .... - ....... - ........ - .. . 42½- M~ 55 - 59½ 50 - l:>7¼ 50¼- 55 Consol.. .... . ......... ... 5 70 - 72½ 72 - 74 ~ - 75½ 74½- 75¼ 53 - 7;,¼ 50 - 58½ 52½- 59½ 57%- 6l 91 - 95 .... - ........ - .......• - .... •· •· - .... •·· - .... .... - .. . 94¾- 94¾ ...• - .... 100 - 100½ 90 - 99 Divisional. ... .. .. ..... .5 98 - 94 9 - 15 14½ 11 16 12 18 15 19¾ 17 18 15 17~ 10¼28 Income • •· ... . ........ ... ff 26 - 81½ 29 - 81~ 29 - 80% 25 - 28½ 14 Eliz. City& Norf.-lst.6 .... - ..... .. . - .... 78 - 80 ...• - ........ - ....... . - .... .... - ... . .... - ........ - ... . •··· - ........ - ........ - .. . 82½- 84~ 80 - 85 80 - 82 91 - 91½ 87 - 88 80 - 89 Eliz. Lex. & Big. S .. .. 6 101 -109½ 108 -104% 101¾-103 100 - 101¼ 90 - 100 85 - 91 Erie-1st, Extended .... 7 ... . - .... 128 -128 126½-126½ 1~-1213¾ 122 -h2 121 - 122 •... - .......• - .... 125 -125 .... - . .. . 125 -125 .... -· .. . 105½-108 -107¾ 106 100 . .. - .... 110 - 110 111 -111½ 110 -111 . ... - . ... 106 2d, Ext .··•· .... ·· ·····••Ii .... - ........ - .... 108 -108¾ 110 -110 3d Ext . .. .... ...... .. 4½ 102 -102 104¾-104¼ 102,(-102¾ 102~-104 103 -103 103½-104½ 101¾-102 102 -103½ 102 -102 100½-102¼ •.. - .... 102 -102 4th, Ext ... . . ............ ~ 108 -108½ 110 - 110 no -110 lt0½-110½ 106¼-106½ 108 - 108 106 -107 107 - 107¾ .... - ........ - ..•... . . - . .. . 104 -1 ~ ffth, 1888 ·········· ... 7 .... - .. · .... - ..... .. . - .... 110 -110 108½-108½ •... - .... 106 -106 .... - ........ - .... ··· · - ....... - •••• 106 -106 1st. consol., a-old ..... . '1126¾-128¼ 128 -181 128 - 129½ 125 -128¾ 120 - 126¾ 112 -122 118¾-119 119~fr-122½ 116 -119_½ 115 - 116½ 108 -115 117½-119¼ 1st consol. fd. coup ... , 126 -126 125½- 127 126 - 128¾ 124 - 126½ .... _ .•.. 118 -118 118½-118¾ .... - ........ - ........ - .. . ... - .... 115 -115'( 115 -115 111 -111 .... - ........ - ... . Long Dock ....... ....... , 116½-116¾ ...• - .... 110 - 110 . ... _ .... l!O - 115 113¾- 115 .... - ........ Buff. N. Y. &E.- lst .1182 - 182 .... - ........ - ... . 134 - 184 ... . _ ........ _ .• . ..... - .... 180 - 180 .... - .... 181 -181 181).(-134½ ...• - •... N.Y.L.E.&W.55 - ~ 48 - 59 50ll,(- 58 51½- 68 ~¾- 68 46½- 68 45½- 60 New. 2d consol .. ... . 6 87¼- 98~ 91¼- 94!1( 87½- 94 8~½- 89¾ 54½- 86 4ll' Income. , . . . ........... 6 . . . - . . . . 70 - 70 . . . . - . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ .. . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . .. .. . . - ... , . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .••. - ..•• ........ .. . ..... ........ - . ....... - ........ - ........ _ ........ _ ........ _ ........ - .... 105 -105 .... Erle&Pittsb.-Consol.7 96¾- 97 96 - 97 97 -100 97 - 97 95 - 97 92 - 95 96 _ 93 95 _ 98 97½-100 Ev. & T. Haute-Con . . 6 04 - 98 94 - 98 98 -100 Flint & P. M.- Mort ... 6 113 -118~ 118¼-118½ 114 -114 112¾-118 112½-112½ .... _ . . .. llt\ -118 118½-115 .... - .... 113 -118 118 -114 114 -115 61 - 64½ 61 - 67 60 - 62 60 - 64¾ 60 - 62 45 _ 65½ 54 - 60 68 _ 70 65 - 71 66¾- 71 Ft.W.&D~nv.C.-ht .6 65 - 69;!4 66 - 60 . .•. Gal. H, & SanA.-ht .. 6 108~-110 107 -HO .... - .... 109 -109 105¼-100 1~½-106¾ 106 - 106¾ 106 -108 ... . - ... 105¾-106½ 106¼-106¼ .. .. .. - ... 101 -102!,( .. ~, mort. ; ............... 'f . .. - .... 108¾-109 tlOJ.(-llO¾ 11~-111 110 -110 .... _ ... . .... - ........, - .... 107½-107½ 107 -107 92 92 92 92 . . .. ... .. ... ........ .. ...... .... 92 91½92 _ 92 . . Mex. & Pac.-lst , .. . ~ .... - . , . . lJ3 - 94!J( .... - ........ _ • . 80 - 80 ••.• - . •.. 74 - 74 .... - ...• 80 - 80 Gr.B.W.&St. P.-ht .. 6 .... - .... 80 - 82~ 82 - 87 85 _ 86¼ 86 _ 86 .... _ .... 82 - 82 . . . . 16 - 18 18 - 28J4 20½- 20½ .. .. _ . . • • . . . _ . . . . 18 - 18 . 15 ,_ 15 15 - 16 . . . . - . . . . . . . • - . . . . . . • . - ... . ~. income . ............ . 8 . . . . Gulf Col.& S. F.-tst .. , 112½-115 118 -115 115 -11~ 115 -115¾ 112 - 114½ 111¾-114 107 -109 110½-111 109 -110 109 -110 110 -111 111 -11~  =  2d, 19~3 .. ......... . ... .6 . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . _ . . . . .. . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . 88 - 8~  89½- 00½ . . . . - .. . . . . .  - . . . . .. .  - . . . . . . . . - ..•.  Ban. &St.Jo.-Conv .. 3105 -106¾ 106!,4-107 108 -10~ ,03½-104 102½-108¾ 102%- 108½ 108¼-104½ 104½-10> 101 -101¾ 10131,-1_02¾ 1~-108~ 108~-108½ Oonaol ... .. __,....•... .•,fi 110½-112¾ 112 -118 110 - 118 112%-118¾ 112 -114½ 110 - 1l4 118 -118¼ 118¼-118¾ 112¾-118 110¼-118½ lll¾-112 118 -115 - ... · · ·· - ·• · • ·· · · - · · · · · · · - · · · · .... - · ·•• Bo••L•W.Tex.-J.11t7 .... - . ... .... - . ..... . . - .... ioo -108:,( ...• - ........ - . . . . . .. - . .. . B-•&T,0.-lst,Ifl.L.'110'7½-108½ 108½-110 l ~ W 111 -112 107 -112 107¼-110¾ 108½-106 l'.105½- 107 106¼-107 107 -108 109 -110½ 109-¾ll~ lilt, Westel'n Div . ..... 7 104%-105½ 106 -107 l<mf-,108 109 -110½ 109½-109¼ 105 -105 102 - 102 103 - 104 108¼-104½ 104 -104% lQS¾-105¼ 105½-106 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .RAILROAD BONDS. 1884- Conttaued. --------------- ---------------------------- ------ --------~ I ------ - --- - · · - -- -- --- - - - ---- - - - - ----~ ---- -~ - - · - - - - - - ---BONDS .  J ANU.ARY FEBR' R Y.  M.ARCH .  .APRIL.  MAY .  JUN E .  J U L~.  AUGUST. SEPT' BER. OCTOBER  NOV'B ER. , DEC1BER  Low. Hl1th Low. High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low .Hig h Low .Hig h Low.Hillh  H, &T.C.- W.&N,Dtv .7 .... - .. . - .... ... . - . .. . 108 -100 •. •• - ........ - .... 111 -111 - . . . . 117½- 117¼ .... 2d, Main Line ........ . 8 123¼-124 125 - 125 126 - 126 121 - 121¾ . . . . - ........ - .... 122¼-128 115 - 118 .... - . ... 111 -118 111 - 111 Gen. Mo1•t ...... . . ..... .6 98 - 98 96¾- 98 00 - 00 97 - 97 96¾- 98½ .... - . . . . 96¾- 00¼ 96 - 06¼ Illinois Centt·alC:,St. L,& N,O,, T. L .. 7 .. . . lHI - 119 120*120¾ .... - . . .. . . .. - . ....... ........ - .... .. .. 1st, con ........ .. ..... . 7 120 - 120 120 - 122 12(}¾- l~ 121 - 122¾ .. . . · - .... .. .. - .. .. 110 - 120 110¾-110)8 120~- 120¼ 120¼-121 117~-120 120 - 122 2d M ...... ....... ... ... . 6 . . . . - .... ll~-115¼ .. . . - .. . . . .. . - . . . . .. .. _ . . . . . .. Gold ..... . . .... . ..... .. ~ 105¾-107 105 - 109 107¾- 108¾ 107¼-108¼ 108 - 108¾ 107 -107 104"-105¼ 105 -1 ~ 105}(- 106 105¼--106 105 - 106¼ 104 - 106¾ Dubuq.& S.City2d .. 7 115 - 115 ... . - ..... . . . - •. •. .. . . - .... : . .• - . ....... - . ... 115 - 115~ .... Cedar F. & M., 1st ... 1113 - US 114 - ll~ 116 - 121½ 120¼-120½ 118 - 118 - .... 114 - 114 ... . - . .. 114. - 116 •.· - ... . ll~-118 lnd.BI.&W.- lst,pref.7 . ... - .... 118 - 118 - ... .. .. 1st ....... .. ......... 4, ~. 6 85 - 86~ St¼- 86 85~- 87 81 - 85¾ 78 - St½ 71 - 80 70 - 80 75 - 80 . • . • - . . . . 611 - 60 70 - 72 74 - 76 ~d ..... . . ..... . . . .. 4 , ~. 6 60 - 70 69 - 72 7°"- 72 65 - 611 ..•. - .. .. 50 - 50½ 50 - 60 55 - C>9 57¼- 50 . . . . - .. .. 55 - 55 70 - 80 Eastern Div ......... . .. 6 . . . . % - % % -% 80- ~ 89 - 80 78¼-80 89 - 90 ~ - 81% 85 - 86 80 - 80 78 - 80 Con. Income ...... . ... . . 6 .... SS - SS - .. .. 10 - 10 - . .... . .. ind. Dec. & Sp.- ht . ... 1105¼-10~¼ 105 -10~ 107¾-108¾ 105 - 106 102 - 105 101¾- 101,ii 96 - 101½ 102 -1 ~ 102 - 102 00¼-100 00 -101 102 -104~ - ........ - .... .. .. - .... . . . . - .... 20 - 20 .. .. ~d, 1911 .... ........... . :J ·· · - . . ...... ~d income • . . . .. . • .. . • • . .. . • • - .... 20-2'.4 - .. .. . . . . - • • . .. . . - .. .. 12 - 12 IDtern. & Gt. No.- lst.6 .... - .. .. 100¼-110 11' - 116¾ 115 -118 107¼-112 104¼-108 108 -108 108 - llO 110}(-lll 110 -110 106 - lO i 106 - 107 Coupon, 1909 ....... . .. 6 81 - 84 88¼- St¾ 82 - 87 84 - 87¼ 72 - ~ 70 - 70 70 - 75 77¼- 80 77 - 80 77¾- 70 .. . . - .... 74¼- 7& Jeff"erson - lst . ......... . 7 . .. - .... 100 -100 100 - 100 - . .. 101~-101~ 102 -102 Kentucky Central. .. .. 6 .... - .... .. . . 72¼- 72¼ ..• • - .... .... Lake Erie & W.- ht .. 6 ~ - 98¼ 91¼- 04 OS - 04 03¼- 05¾ •.•• - ••• . 73 - 80 80 - 80 . 85 - 86¾ 80 - 81 84 - 85 80 - 8S 8S - ~ Income . .. . .. .. ... .. . .... 7 81 - 81¼ S5 - 85 85 - 85 SS - SS 20 - 21¾ 10 - 18 .. .. - ... . 21 - 25 22 - 22 .... - .... . ... SandHkY Dlv .. ....... . 6 .... - .. ...... - .. .. 80 - 80 79 - 80 Income .. . .. . . . . ........ ..  - . .. . .. • • -  - .... .... -  - .. .. 20 - 25  .. . • -  Lat. Bl. & M.- lst .... 6 9!l~- 90~ 92 - ~ OS¼- 94½ 95 - 96 01¼- 92 . •• • - •• . 75 - 80 81¼- 8S St~- 85 82¼- 64 80 - 80 .... Income.... .. .. . .. 1 45 - 45 .. .. - .... . ... Lake Shore & M, So.M. S. & N. I. Ska-. fd . .1104¼-105 104¼-105¼ 105 - 106 lOtJ¼--10~ 101¾-102¾ 102 -104 102¾-lOS½ 108 - 108 108¼-10:;3~ 108¾-104~ 101 - 101:14 101¾-102 Clev.& Tol.- S. fund ., 104 - 104¾ ... - . ... 104 - 104½ 105 -105 1053,6-105¼ 104¾- 104¾ 101 - 102¼ 102¾-102¼ 102¼'.'..'iob~ [108 -108¼ l OS¼-104½ 104 - 104¾ New . ...... ... . ...... .. 7 106¾-106¾ 107 -107½ 107¼-107¼ !0-1%-104¾ 105 - 105 .... - . .... . . . - . .. . lOS½l-103¼ 104 - 104¾ Cl. Palns.&Ash .... . .1 ... . - ... .. ... - .. . . 115 - 115 .. . . - . . .. .. . - .... 115 -115 115¼-115¼ Buff. & Erie- New .. .. 7 121 -121¾ .. .. - . .. ..... - •• •• . .. - . .... .. - .. .. 118 -118 117 - 117 . .. . - .. .. 117 -117 .... - .... 118 - 120 Kai. & W . P,- lst ... ., .... - .. .. ... . - .. . . .. .. - .... . ... - . .. . ... . - .. . ..... - . .... ... - ... . 110 -110 L. Shol'e-Dividend .. 'f !22¾- 128¼ 124¾-125 124¼-125 . •. • - .. . . 120 - 120 120 - 120 . .. . - . •. • 118~-118¼ 119 - 110 120 -120 · 111t con., coup .... . ... , 1~ - 127~ .. .. - .... 127¼- 127½ 121i¼- 1SO 127¼ 128 1~.i-1~4 121½-128 124 - 126 126 -126 126 - 126 125 - 127½ 127¾-128¼ 1st· con., rea-. ......... 1124¾-125 128 -128 127 - 127 129½- lSO 127 - 128¼ 124 -127 1224(- 128 124¼- 124¾ 124 - 124 122 - 124½ 121¾ -125 124 - 127 ~d con., coup .. ..... . . 1119 - 119¾ 119¾-121¼ 121¾-124 128¾-1 ~ 120 - 128¼ 116¾- ll!.l 117 -110¾ 117 -118 117 -118 116 - 118 117:J:C-118¾ 114¾-116 2d con., re,i ..... . . ... 7 119¾-119¾ 120 - 121½ 122%-128¼ 128½- 128½ 128¾-128¾ 116 - 110 116½-118 118 - 118 116¾-117¼ 117 - 118 1177k118 114¾-115¼ Lona- Island- 1st .... . ... 1120 - 120 .. :. - . .. . 121 -121 124 - 124 120 -!20 . ... - . .. 118 - 118 120 -120 120½- 121 121 -125 .... - .... 118 - 110 lat, consol .... .... . . .. ~ 0~-100 101 - 101 ¾ 101 -102 10! -102 102 - 102 101 -102¾ 100 - 100 100 - 101½ 100 - 101 100¾-101 101¾- 101¼ .... Louisv.&N.- Consol...7 118 - 119 118¼-1!9¾ 110 - 120 116 - 119 116 - 117¼ 115½- 116 118 - 116 114¾-lH½ 115 - 116¼ 112 - 118¼ 118 - 118¼ 11 4 -115¼ Cecillan Branch .. .... 1108 - 105 - . .. . 102¼-10~ ...• - .... 01 - 03 00~- 93 N, O. Mob. & T.- tst.6 92 - 92 90 - {15 05 - 00 05 - 00 - .. .. 75 - 75 78 - 80 80 - 80 80 - 80 80 - 62 70¼- 70¾ 78 - 70~ ~ . ... .. ................ . 6 .. . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . 85 - 85 • • • • - • • • • 07 - 97 .. .. E. H. & tst .. . 6 102 -108 .... - ........ - . ... .... - ... : 108 -104 96 - 07¾ 98 - 98 ... . 97 - 97 Gen'l mort . .. ..... .... . . 6 01¾- 04 92 - OS¾ 02 - 96¼ 95}(- 96¾ 85 - 05¾ 70 - st% 75 - 90 82~ - 88 88 - 88 86 - 87 86 - 80 89 - 90 St. Louis Dlv,- lst . .. 6 .... - ... . 107¼-107~ 104 -104 ... . 95 - 05 2d .. . .. .. .... . ...... .. .. . 3 50 - 50 . . . - • • • . 4~- 40¾ . . . . 42 - 42 - •• • . . . .. Nash. & Decatur... ... ,- 115 -115 116¾-116¾ .... - . . .. 117 - 117 - .. . . 117 -117 - ••.. 112 - 112 - .•• . 112 - 118 115 - 115 Trust bonds ... . . ..... .. 6 ... . 78½- 70 - .. .. 80 - 8~ 81 - 89 82 - 82 76 - 70 76¼- 80 79 - 80 77¾- 70 76 - 70 Lou. N. Alb. & C,-lst.6 90 - 95 90 - 04,t 01 - 94 97 - 98¼ 98 - 98 95 - 05 91 - 92 80•1 - 02 04 - 04 .... - .... 90 - 94 92 - 92 Louisv . N.O.&T.- lst .~ . ... 86 - 87¼ Mo.n.B.lmp. Co.- Lim. 1 . . . . - . . . . 77 - 80 80 - 80 80 - 80 . .. . - . . . . 77 - 77 .... 80 - 80 Mem.&Chas.-18tT.L7 110¼-110¼ .. .. - .... 111¾- 112 .. .. - . . ...... 2d, 18S~ ... .. .. . .. ....... 1 .... - ... .... . - .. . 108 -108 .. . . - . .. .. . .. Metropolitan El.- lst .. 6 100½-104¼ 104~-107¾ 105 -107¼ 105¾-108¼ 100 - 105¾ 100 -105¾ 98 -108¼ 103}(- 105¼ 104 - 106 104¾- 108 107¼-108 108 -11~ ~d .. .. .. ... .. .... . ..... .. .. 6 87¾- 91¼ 91 - 96¾ 95¼- 00¼ 95 - 00~ 88 - oa 84 - 98 80 - 90 90¼- OS 92½- OS¾ OS¾- 97 04 - 05¼ 92¼- 95 Mex. Cent.- lst ........ .7 41~- 56¼ 57½- 07¾ 68 - 68¼ 55¾- 61¾ 48 - 55 88¾- S5 85 - S5 ... - .. .. .. .. - ... . 32 - 82 .... - . ....... - ... . Mich. Cent-lst,consol.7 124 - 125 125¼- 129 t27 - 120¾ 128¾-129 122¼- 124~ 128¾-124 128¾-125 125 -126 125 - 126 125¾- 127¼ 122¼-124 122¾-128 1st, conitol.. .. ... .... . . . ~ 106 - 106¼ ... . - .. ,. 106 - 106 .... - . .. 102 - !OS 105 -106 102 - 102¼ 102¾- 103½ lQS¾-104 108¾-104 101½1-10:.l¾ 102¾- 104 Coupon, 1931 .. ..... .. . ~ 101¾-102½ ... . - •. . . 102 - 102 101 - 102¼ 102 - 102 .... - .. . . 100¼- 100¼ 100 - 100 100 - 100 .. . • - ........ - . . . 97 - 97 Rea-., 1931 ... . . ..... ... . ~ 101¾-101¾ . . •• - •. •.. .•• . - ••.•. .. • - .. .. lCO - 100¾ .. • . - ....... . - . . .. .... - ........ - . ... .... - . ... . ... - . . .. Mid. of N •.J.- lst ........ 6 91¾· 95 98 - 95¾ 04~-1 ~ 96 - 100 80 - 00 80 - 87 80 - 84 88¾- 88¾ 87¼- 80 84¼- 85¾ 79¼- 85 78 - 82¼ MU. L. Sh. &W.- tst .. 6 ~ - 100 100 - 108 108 -106 106 - 109 101 - 105 100 -100 00¾-100 00¾-101 00¼-100¼ !.00 - 102 08¾-100¾ ~ -100.19 Income ... ... ....... . .. . .6 .. .. - .. . . 78 - 78 . ••• - .. .. 8S - St¾ 77 - 81½ .• . . - .... .. .. MU.&No.- ht ..... .. .. 6 97¼- 97¼ 97¾- 100 98¼- 00 98 - 08½ .: . . - .. . ..... - . •.. 85 - 04 05 - 05 .... - .... 85 - 85 Mlnneap.& St.L.- lst . 1120¾- 122½ 122¼-122¾ 125 - 127¾ . .. • - . ... 125 - 125 115 - 122½ . ... - ... 117 -118 . . . • - ... . 118½-120 116~-116¼ Iowa Extension .. .. .. 7 118¾-110¾ 120 - 120 110¾-120 120 - 121 128½-123½ .... - •• .. 108 - 108 108¾-108½ 112 - 112 110 - 110 ,~, 1S9t. ..... ......... 1 100 - 100 100½-101 101 - 101 .... - .... 100 - 100 100 - 100¼ . . .. - ... . .... - . ..... . - ... . 102 -102 102 - 102 So.West.Ext.- 1910.1 .... - ........ - . .. . 112 -112¼ . ... - ... . ... - ... . .... - .... 118 - 118 .... Pacific Ext .... .. . ... .... 6 . .. . - .. .. 102 -102 lOS~-103¼ . . • • - .... 100¼-100~ . . . • - .. .. .. .. - . .. . 102 - 102 . .. . - . • .. .. . . - . . .. .. .. Mo.K.&T. - Gen. con, :6 76 - 84¾ SO¼- 82¼ 8 1¼- 88½ 75¾- 88¼ 70 - 70 50 - 71¾ 58 - '<l¾ 70¾- 76 72}(- 75 71¼- 75¾ fl5 - 75 65¼ - 74 Gen. con sol. ............ ~ .. .. - .. .. 66 - 70 ~ - 71½ 66 - 70¼ 60 - 65¼ 45¼- 62 50 - 59¾ 59½- 68¼ 59 - 61 58 - 60¾ 50¼- 58¾ 58 - 58 Consol. ... ..... . . . ... .. .. 7 108¾-110¼ 107 - 109 108½-109¾ 107 - 11(% 104 -107¼ 87 -104¾ 9~- 105½ 102 -104¼ 108 - 105 101½-105 08¼-104 104}4-100}( ~. Income .............. 6 62 - 68 66 - ~ 60¾- 70¾ . . . . - . .. . 60 - 60 .. • • 51 - 56 62 - 62 . • . . - .. .. . . .. - . . .. .. . . - . • • . 543,s- 60 Han.&Cen.Mo.- lst.7 .... - .... . - .... 108 - 108 .... - . .. . 103 - 108¼ . . .. - ... . .... - .·... 106 - 106 .... - ........ - .... . ... - .. . . 105¼-105¼ Mobile & Ohio-New .. 6 104).(-106 104¼-1~ 107 -108½ 108 - 108¾ 108 - 108~ 104 - 106 104).s-105¼ 105%-105¾ 104!,v-104¼ lQS¾- 100 102 - 104 100 - 100¼ Collateral trust ... .. . 6 .. . . - ........ - . ... 00¼- 90¼ 05 - 95 ... • 1st,pref.,debenture .. 7 . .. . - .... 56 - 57 50 - 60 60 - 70 i 60 - 60 .... .. . 60 - 65 65 - 65 65 - 65 65 - 65 .... - . ... 55 - 55 "d, pret., debenture .. 7 213 - 28 . .. . - .... 34 - 40 86 - 40 SO - SO .. .. - ........ - •••••••• - .... SO - SO .... - ....... . 3d, pret .• debenture .1 .... - . . .... . . - ........ - ... . SO - SO - ........ . .... .. .. - ........ - ... . .. . 4th,pret .,debenture .7 . . . . - . . . ..... - .... 20 - 22 25 - 29 - ........ - .. .... .. - ..... ... - .. ..... Mutual Union T-- S.F .6 7S - 82 7~- 80¼ 78¾ - 81~ 76 - 80 60 - 7S 60 - 116 60¼- 67½ 87¾- 74 71 - 78¼ 71¾- 74 66¼- 68 66¾- 70¼ Nashv.C.& St.L.- lst . 1 lltJ¼-117 117¼-118 118½-118~ 121 - 122 120 - 120 120 -120 118 - 117 116¼-116¼ 114¼-118 116 - 117¼ 116 _:116½ 118 - 120¼ ~d, 1901 ... . .. . ....... .. 6 .. . . - .. . . .. . . - . ... 1()2½-102¼ .. . • - . . . . . • • • - • . .. . .. . - .. .. . . . . N. J. So.- lnt. 1ruo.r .... 6 .... - . . .... .. - ........ - .. .. 02 - 02 .••• - .. ...... - ...... . . - ..... . .. N. O, Pacific- 1st .. .. ... . 6 81¼- 86¼ 88 - 85½ 84 - 86¾ 82¼- 84¾ 60¾- 80 48 - 60 50 - 57¾ 58¼- 58½ 50 - 5-i 50 - 50 5S - 58 59 - SQ N. V. Central- Extend.~ 108}-f-104¼ 1041,,(-107 107 - 107¼ 107 - 107¼ 104 - 105 101 -104¼ 102 - 105 104 - 105 104 -104¾ 104).s-104;14 101½-lOS¼ 102¼ · 108¾ 1887 ...... . .. ........... . 6 104¼-105 105},f-105¼ 105':(-105¾ 106 - 1 ~ .. . . - .. .. 106¾-106¾ lOS¼- 103¾ 105 - 105 104 - 104 104¾-104¾ 105 - 105 .... - .• . N.'Y. c.& H.- ht,cp .. 7 lS0!)(- 132 131¼-lSS lSl¾- 182 138 - 184 131¼- ISS¾ ISO - 132¼ 127 - 181½ lS0½-181¾ lS0¼- 181½ 120 -180:)4 120¾-181 130¼-lSS lst,reir .. ............ .. 1130 -18 !SI -131¾ 181 - 181¼ 132 -184 181 -tss 182 -182¾ 126¼-lSO 12~-130¾ 180 - 130½ 129¾-lSO 120 - ISO¾ 131~-182¼ Debenture .......... . 5 .... - ...... . . - .. . . .. . - .... .... - . . .... . - . ....... - .... 102 -102~ Bud. Riv.-'.Jd, s. fd .1 .. .. - ... 104 -105 .... - .... 104"-105 104¾-105½ 102 - 102¾ 102¾-108½ 108 - 108¼ 108 - 103¼ .... - . ... 104¾-104¾ 101¾ 101¾ Can.So.-lst,a-uo.r .... ~ 05¾- 96¼ 96 - 00¼ ~ ~ 101¾ 00¾-101¼ 98 - 101¾ °"'-100 92 - 97½ 00 - 98 00 - 97¼ 96 - 98 95 - oo OS - 00 ~ . • • .. . . . • . . .. .. .. . ~ . .. • - .. .. 8S - 80 tlS - 88 ~ - 88~ 80 - 87 76 - 80 75 - 8'..! St - 86¼ 77¼- 82¾ .. .. - . . .. 70 - 75 70 - 75 Harlem-ht, coup .... 7 lS0¾-180¼ .. .. _ - .... !SO - 183 184 - 185 129¾-U!O 127 -180 128 - 128 120¾- ISO 129¾-120¾ 129 - 130 127 - 127 127¾-128¼ . ltlt,rea- . . . ....... ..... 7128¼- lSO¼ . .. . - .... 1... . - . . .. . ... - ...... . . · . . .. 128½-128½129¼-lSO . ... - ... . 120~-1~ 129¼- lSO 126½- 129¾ 120 - l.W .N;Y.Chic:&~t.L.- bt .6 100 ·- 102 101¼-10~ 104 - 106¼ 106¼-100 · 100 - 107¼ 90 -100 98 - 100 04¾- 00½ 98 - 05 OS - 97¼ 04 - 00 02 - 00~ !lcL.. ... . ........... ..... ... 6 86~- 87 87 _ 01 87¼ 86½- 87½ 70 _ 83¼ .... . .. . . .. . . _ .. . . 50}(- 50¼ . .. . _ . . . . 60 _ 60 . .. . N. Y.City & No.- Gen'l .6 31 - S2 SS - 35 35 - 36 86¼- 86¾ Sl¾- 85 81 - 35 32 - 82 SO - 30 31¾- Sl¾ SO - SO 82 - 85 32½- 84~ Tru.-t Co. receipt8.. .. . . 85 - 35 82¾- 34 85 - 85 85 - 85 82 - 36 . .. • - • . . . 20 - 20 - . .. . 25¼- 82¾ SO - 32¾ : . .. - ..•• N. Y. Elevawd-bt .....7 116¼-117¼ 117¼- 118~ llu».(-110¼ 120 -120¼ 118 -120¼ 118 -119 115 - 116 115 -117¼ 11; - 118 117)4-118¾ 110 -120 110 - 121 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I~ -  06  RAILROAD EONJJS. 1884-Contlnued.  - -- - -----,------.-----.-----------s;--------;----.-----------,-----,-----,----.--- - -,----JANUARY FEBR'RY.  BOND~.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BBR. OCTOBER. Nov'BER. DJ:O'BEB  ------- ·----1-------1- - ----1•- ---1-----1-----1-----1----1-----  Low. High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low .High Low.High Low. High Low . High Low .High Low.High  N.Y.& N.Enir,~ tst ..... 1 1st, 190~ ............... 6 N.Y.N,H,&lt.-tst,l'ir,4 N.Y.Pa.&O,-Pr,lein.6 1st, income ............. , N,Y. Susq,&W.-tst ... 6 :N.V.&Tex.Land-Scrip N.Y.W.Sh.&B.-tst ... /> 1st, reg ........ ....... ... ~ Nol'f,& West.- Gen. M .6 New River-1st . .. . ... 6 Northern, Cal,- 1st .... 6 Ohio Central-tst ....... 6 1st, terminal trust .... 6  ----..-  105*108¼ 101 -107½ t00¾-108 97 -102 105¾-106 104.3,r-106¾ lQS¾-104¾ 108 -104. 108 -10' 99 - 99¾ . . . . - • . • . . • . • - • • . . .. .. - • . . . . .. • - • . . . . • • • - • . . . 90 - 90 • • - .. .. 98 - "" - ........ - ........ - .... 106 - 106 . . .• - ........ - .. .... . - •..•.... - .....•.. - .. ..... - ... ..... - .... 108 -108 107¼-108 .... - ..• ... .• - .•...... - ....... - .... ... . - •••.•. . • - ........ - ........ - •... 102 -102 . ... - ........ - •.. . ... - •....... - .... 58 - 58 .... - ........ - •.. . ...• - •. •....• - •....... - .... .. •. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . 78 - 80¼ 79 - 82¾ 81¼- 86 80~- 86 'iO¾- 82 .... - . . .. 77 - 77¾ 74 - 77 75 - 75 72 - 74 .... - .... 60 - 60 48 - 54 54 - 57!1( W/4- 60 61 - 62½ .... - •• ...... - ... ..... - . ....... - . ... 65 - 65 .. .. - ... ..... - ... .. ... 49¾- 67¾ 51¾- 57 54¼- 59~ 50 - 56¾ 42~- 56½ 97¾- 45¾ 8!,¾- 40¾ S9 - 45¾ 40* 44 40¾- 45 39¾- 41¾ 897/4- 42¾ ... - .... 62¾- 58¾ M¼- 56¾ 49½- f>l¾ 48 - 58~ 87 - 41¾ 88 - 89 89 - 44 0071r- 42¼ 40 - 42¾ S9 - 40 89¼- 41¼ 102 -104 10~-105 105 - 108 :!.07¼-108¼ 10! - 104.¾ 101 - 101¼ .... - .... 100 - 100 101 -102¾ .... - • . . . 90 - 94 .... - .... 100 -100 100 - 100 1{)2¼- 102¾ 102 - 102 ...• - ••. . .... - .. .. 95 - 95 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - . .. . 94 - 94 .... - ... , .... - .... 106 -107 .... .:. ........ - . •. ..... - .... .... - .... . ... - ........ - •....... - ...... . - ........ - ...• 61 - 65 62½- 69¼ 68¾- 70 6:l - 69 68 - 68¼ 48 - 50 45 - ~ 54¾- 60¼ 54 - 60 60 - 55 M - 55 M¼- 60 .... - ........ - ... . ... - ... . .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... .. .. - . . . . 50 - 50 .... - ........ - •... Income ....... . ......... , 9¼- 10¼ 10¼- 14 18 - 18 7¾- 9¾ 6 - 9 5 - 7¼ 5 - 8 5 - 10 5 - 10 4¾- 6 4¾- 5¾ 4 - ~ Ohio & Miss. Con,s, t . .1116 -117¼ 117¾- 118 117¼- 118 119¾-120¼ 117¼-120¾ 114¾- 119 lll½-116 116 - 117¼ 116¾-117½ . .. . - .. .. li7¾-118 111%-118¼ Consol ....... , ............ , 1173'- 117¼ 117¾-118 117¼-!17¾ 119 - 120½ 118 - 120¼ 114.½- 119 117 - 117 112 -117 117 -117½ 116½- 118 118 - 118 . . - ... . 2d, con sol. ....... . ..... ,- 121 -121¾ 121 -121 . . . . - .... 116 -126 . . . . - •. .. 100~111 101 -101 110¾-ll~ . . . - . • • . . . . • - .... 118 - 115 .. . . - •..• 1st, Sprinirt. Div .... .. , 118 - 118 118 - 118¾ 121 - 180 190 - 180¼ .... - •... 108½-108¾ .... - .. . ..... - •••..... - . . . . ... - ........ - .... 100 -101¾ Ohio Southern- 1st ..... 6 80 - 81 80 - 84 82¾- 86 8\1 - 90 72½- 86¼ 78 - 81 76 - @5 80 - 81¾ 79 - 81¼ 80 - 80½ 81 - 85¾ 81 - 82 2d, income ..... . ....... .6 20 - !5 ...• - . . . . 20 .:. 28 ~2 - 24¾ 17¼- 22¼ .... - • • . . 19 - 25 .... - • . . . 20 - 28 21½- 22¾ 21¾- 28¾ 20½- 22¾ Or. R'y. & Na,v,- tst .. . 6 102¼-105¼ 104.:Jt-108 107½- 108¾ 108¼-109 104. - 108?-1; 102'.(-104¾ 101 - 105 105 -107 106¾-107 106¼-108¾ 108¾-110 1~-110,. Debentures:"1884 .. .. , .... - ........ - ... . - .... .... - ... ..... - ........ - ...... .. - .... .. - ........ - ........ - ... . 100 -100 ... • - .. .. Orel&'. Imp. Co.- lst .... 6 66 - 82!,,! ':'9'¼- 80 79 - 82 64 - 81 60 - 69 57 - 65 60 - 65 65¾- 70 66 - 116¾ 60!4- 67 68 - 70 67 - 69 Orea-on Trans.-1st . ... 6 65 - 71.1¾ 68 - 72 69 - 74¾ 70 - 74 69 - 76½ 69 - 72)4 63 - 70 71 - 75 70 - 72 68 - 70 67 - 68 66 - 68  Pacific RailroadsCent, Pac.- Gold .. ... . 6 San Joaquin Br .... 6 Cal, & Orea-on ....... 6 State aid .............. , Land irrants .. ....... . 6 Western Pac ......... 6 No,Pac,-Gen,lst, l,g 6 Gen, 1st, I, ir,, reir .. 6 So, Pac. Cal-1st ..... 6 So, Pac, Ariz'a- 1st .6 So. Pac. N,Mex,- 1st 6 Union Pac,-lst ... .... 6 Land a-rants ... .... ... ,Sinking :fund ....... .. 8 Reiristered . . . ....... .8 Collate1·al trust .... 6 Collateral trust ..... ~ K. Pac -1st, 1S9~.6 1st, 1896 ... ....... . 6 Dem•. Div,- Ass'd 6 1st, consol.. ...... . . 6 C.Br,U.P,,fund.cp.,1>At,Col,& Pac.-lst .6 At,J,C,&W.-1st,6 Oreg,Sh.Line-lst .. 6 Utah South,- Gen .. ,Ext'n, 1st, 1909 ... , Mo. J"ac.-lst cons .... 6 Mo. Pac,- 3d . .... . ... ,Pac, of Mo,- lst . . . . . 6 ~d ..................... ,St,L.& S,F,-2d, "A" .6 Class "C'~ ............ 6 Class "B" ... ..... .... ff · Equipment . . . ..... ... . , General mort .. . ... .. 6 So,Pac,ofMo,-lst .. 6 Texas & Pac,-1st ... 6 Consols ... , ...... . ... .6 Inc,& land gr,, rea- ., 1st, Rio Gr, Div .. . . 6  98 -100  _97¾- 101 101¾--107 .. . . - . . . . 00~- 897--11 00~- 98  118¾- 114½ 111¾- 118¾ :i.07½-114 105 - 110 U0½-111¾ 110)4-112¾ 110)4- 112 108¾-111 110¼-118 108¾-108¼ 106 - 106 .•.. - •... 108 - 105 108½- 103¾ .... - .... . ... - •.•. 101½-101½ 102¼- 104. 103¾-108¾ 100¾-100½ 103 - 103 101 - 101 9S - 98 100 - 100 .•.• - •. . . 95 - 99 99 -101 101 - 101 .•.• - ........ - •....... - .... .••• - ........ - ••....•• - ........ - ........ _ .. .. 108¾-104.½ 102 -104.¾ 95 -108 95¾;-100 100 - 101½ 100)4-101¾ 98 - 99 99 - 00 100 -101¾ 111 - 111 .... - •... 101 -101 100 - 102 104. - 106 104¾-105 105 - 105½ 104. - 105 104.½-110 101 - 108¾ 100¾-105¾ 98 -105¾ 97 - 108 102¾-104. 1029'- 1 ~ 100 - 104.¾ 101 -102¼ 102¾-108¾ 101 - 108¾ 1()0¾- 102¾ .... - .... 102 - 102 102 -1~ 102 -102½ 100½- 108¼ .... - ... . _ 108½-lOt¾ !01 - 104.½ 94 -10-l¾ 96½- 99¾ 100¼- 101 98¾-100 Q5¾- 97 94¾- 05½ . 94½.... - ........ - ........ - . ....... - .... 98 - 98 .. .. - •.. ... .. - •....•.. - •...... • - ...... .. - .. .. . ..• • ....... - ... . .... - ........ - . ..... .. - ........ - .... 97½- 97¼ .••• - •..... . • - ........ - .......• - ........ - •...••.• - ... . 118 -114¼ 118!1:(-115¼ 115 - 116¾ 113!1(-116¾ 112 - 114¾ 104 -114 108 - 110 109 - 111¾ 110 - 112¾ 110½- 111>1; 110¼-112¼ -1i4· 1()8¾-109 109 - 110½ 110¾-112 106%-107~ 106 - 107¼ 101 -106¾ 1()6¾-108 107¾-108 107¼-llO 100 -106¾ 105¾-106¾ 106¾- 106¾ 116¾-118 117ll:(- 118x: 114 - 115¼ 110¾- 115!>,i 104. -112 95 - 108 101 - 109 108 - 118 107¾-169 110¾-ll•¼ 112 -117¾ 117 - 118¼ 116¾- 117!1,t ..•• - ... . 114½-114½ 114¾- 114¾ ... - •.. . 107 -107 98 - 98 108 -108 ... . - ..... ... - .... 118 - 117½ 116¾-llm 105 - 105 .... - •.•....• - ..... ... - ... . 105 -105 ... . - ........ - ... . ... - ...... •• - ........ - ........ - .... lo8 -108 .... - .... . ... - ........ - .... 00 - 00 95 - 95 ... , - ........ - .... 82 - 82 .... - ........ - •... .. .. ..... . _ . . .. 111½-111½ :07¾-109¾ 109¼-110¾ ll.0¼-110¾ ...• - .... 101 - 108 104. -110 106 - 106 106¾-107 107¾-108 108 -108 .. .. _ .. .. 106¾-107¼ 106¼-109 109¾-llO½i 1103,a- lll 108¼-110 99 -105¾ 100 -108½ 106 -108 107 - 107 106¾-108 106 -107¾ 106 -108¼ 102½-107 106¾-109¾ 109½,-110½ 119 - 110½ 100 -107 93 -1057-( 9G -102 108 -105 105¼-1 ~ 107¼-108)4 108¾-105 105 - 107¼ 92¾- 95¼ 93¾- 96¾ 96¾- 98% 92 - 98 80 - 00 65 - 80 74 - 82¼ 74½- 88 80¾- 88¼ 84 - 90½ 86 - 95¾ 91 _ 95¼ .... - ........ - . .... .. . - ... . .... - . . .. . ... - . .... ... - .... ... . - ... 100 -100 .. . - ..... ... - •....•.. - •.• . 99¼-99¾ GO - l/8 98 - 98¼ 93¼- 98½ 02 - 04 89 - 90 .... - •....... - .... 81 - 81 ••. - .... 82½- 86 88½- 85 84 - 84 .... - .... 90 - 90 90 - 90 87½--90 65 - 86 . ... - ........ - ....... - .••...• - ... ... . . - ... 80 - 80 82 -82 89¾- 94 90 - 95 94¾- 95¼ 85 - 95¼ 69 - 89 70 - 84 67 - 82 65 - 79 75¾- 82 78 - 87¼ 82 - 89 87 _ 89 .... - .... lOZ - 102 104. - 104 108 - 108 ..•. - ........ - ..... ... - .. ...... - ... . 95 - P5 .... - .... 95 - 98 98 - 99 96 - 06 95 - 95½ 98 -100 .... - ........ - . ... 98 - 98 .... - ... .... . - .... ... - ........ - •... 90 - 90 91 - 98¾ 101¾-102 l02~104½ 104½-106¼ 105 -106¾ 98¼-105 90¾- 98½ :95 -100 93½- 97¾ 93¾- 95 90¾- 94 89¾- 95 91 _ 97¾ 112¾-118 118¾-116' fr5 -115¾ 115¾-116¾ 111 -111 99¼- 102 95 - 100 100 -108 lOCJ¾-102 102 · - 105 98¾-100 100¾-102J4 106¼-108 104.¾-10~ 105½-106 106 - 106 104.¾- 105½ 103 -105¾ 108 - 105¾ 102¾- 108½ ~08*108¾ 103¾-104 101¾-105¾ 105¼-105¾ 109¾-110 110 - 111¾ 111 - 112 112¾- 112¼ 110 - 110 L08¼-109¼ 104 -104 105 - ~06 106 -107 107 -10'7 ... . - .. .. 108¾-110~ 08 - 99 118%- 9i) 108 -105½ 106 - 106 LOO -100 99 - 99 97¼- 97¾ 9S¾- ·99 -s,~-100 101 -101 97 - 97 100 -100½ 95¾- 96½ 97 - 99 09¾-104 104¾-105 95 -101" 89 - 97 00 - 02 94 - 98 98 -100¼ 99¾-100~: 97 - 99 98½- 99¾ 96 - 96¼ 96½- 99¾ 100 - 104. 104 - 105½ 07 -102 90 - 98 90 - W 94 - 98 ·gs -100 99 -102 97 - 99 98¾- 100 .... - .... 100 -101 .... - · ... 106 -106 .... - ... . .... - •.•. .... - . .. ... .. - .... 98 -102 .... - .. . . • .. - ••...... - ... . .... - . . . . ... - ... ... . . - .... 100%-;01 . ••• - . . . . 117¾- 97¼ 9t¾- 94¼ .... - • . .. 91 - 95 94¾- 94~ 92 - 94~ 95 - 95¾ 103%-104.¾ 104¾-105 105 -105~ 105 - 105¾ 104.¾-105¼ 102 -103 98:rl-10~ 1()2¾-104. iOS¾-108¼ 108 - 108½ 108 -104.¼ 104)4-100!4 ... - ... 108½-109 ...• - .... 108 -108 .... - ........ - ........ - •...• . .. - •. ... : .• - .... .. .. - ... . 108 -103 108 - 108 89 - 91 90¾- 90½ 90¾- 91 92¾- 92¾ 91¼- 92½ 60 - 60 . .. • - . .. . . . . • - . . . . . . . . - .. • . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 75 - 75 89 - 46½ 48 - 51 48¾- 54 44 -~58 88 - 47 82 - 45¾ 84¼- 50 88 - "2¾ 82 - 40 84 - 86 35¼- 88½ 87¾- 88¾ 69¾- 75 'il - 78 71¾- 75½ 64 - 78½ 50 - 67 87¾- 59 40 - 51 47 - 55¼ 46 - 51¾ 44 - 50 ,44 - 5i 52¾- 54 As!fented .. . .. ........ . . . . . - • . . . . . - . . . . .. .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . • - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - .. . . 4'n,- 50 48 - 48 4.1½- 41½ 49¼- 50¼ 50½- 52  Pennsylvania RR.Pa. Co,- Coup ........ 4¾ Rea-istered ......... 4½ Pitts,C.&St,L,1stcp _'7 Pitts.Ft,W.&C.- lst., 2d............. . .. , 3d . .............. . .... ... '7 elev,& P,-Cons,s,:fd., 4th ..................... . ff St. L, V.&.T. H,-lst.'7 2d, g11ar,, 1898 ... . , Peoria Dec.& Ev,-lst .6  118¼-112 l:!.l½-118¼ 118¾--114½ 108¼-iOO¾ 110¼-111 1.11 - 112 :!.01 - 101 103¼- 103¾ 10$¼- 108¼ 100 -100 100¼- 100% 101¾- 101¾ 104.¼-104.¾ 104.¾-105½ 106 - 107 108 - 109!1, 109*109½ 110½-111 95 - 102¾ 98)4-102 100%-102 100¾-1 ~ 99¼- 101¾ ...• - ... 102¾-104. 104. - 1063' 106¼-107¼  00¾  ii2  98¾- G4¾ 95 - 95~ 95¾- 00½ 96¾- 97 96 - 97¼ 95 - 97 94 - 95 91¾- 95 95 - l/5¾ 95¾- 96¼ 95¼- 96¾ .... - .. .. .. - .... 92¾- 93  97 - 98 97¾- 99¾ 96 - 97 00¾- 98'i ..• - .. . . . .. - . ..• 186¾-187 188 - 188¾ 188¾-188¾ 188¼-188¼ 140 -140 187~189 185 -186¾ 186¾-186¾ 187 - 187 188½- 188½ 188 -ms 188¼;-189 ... . 185 - 135 135¼- 185¼ 186 -186 181 -181 185 -186 134¾-184.½ 185 -185 .... - ••...... - . ....... - •. . . 186½-186¼ 180 - 181 .... - .... 188½-188¾ L81 - 182 181 - 182 180¾-181½... - .. ...... - ........ - .... 125 -125 . . .. - ... . 128¾-180 128 -125 126 - 127 127 -128 127 -128 124 -125 .... - .. .. . .. - •.. . 125 -125 124 -124¾ 126 -127 124¾-125 122 -125 .... - .... 110¼-110¼ 111 -11 1 110¼-110¾ . ..• - .... 109 -:i.09 109 -110 ..• - •....... - .... 110 - 110 . •• - ... . .. .. - . .. . .... - . . .. 117¾-117½ .... - .... 119 - 119 117½-117¾ ...• - ....•• .. - .... 117 -117 117 -117 .... - ... . 118 -118 118 - 118 . . . . - .. . . . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . .. . . . . - ... . 108 -108 . . .. - . • .. . • . • - • • . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . .. . . . . - .... 95½- 97 100 - 101 100 - 105 104.½-106 101 -105 100 - 100 94 - 95 97¼- 97¾ 95¼.:. 95¼ 94¾- 96 96 - 96¾ 97 -100 Inco1ne ............... ... . 6 50 - 50 58 - 6S 58 - 60 59 - 61 . . . . - . . .. 20 - 20 82 - 82¼ 83 - 40 . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ...• Evansv. Div .... ··· ··-· 6 100 - 100 100 - 100 100 -102 LOS - 105 .... - ........ - .... 95 - 95 9j - 97½ 04 - 94¼ 94¼- 94¾ 95 - 95 04 - 97¾ Evans, Div,, income .. 6 .. .. - .... 58 - 58 .•.. - •••• .•• • - •• •. .•• . - •••.• ••• - .. . . . .. . - ... . 83 - 41 85 - 40 .... - ... . .... - •... . ... - ... . Peoria&Pek,Un,- lst .6 98 - 98 100 -:!.00 100 - 103 104¾-104~ 108 -10¼ .... - ..... ... - .. .. .... - ... ..... - .... 100 -100 .... - .... 101 - 101 Phil,& Read'ir-Gen . .. 6 .... - ........ - ........ - .... ~OlJ,4-101¾ . .. . - ........ - .. . ..... - ........ - . ....... - .. . ... - ........ - ........ - .. .. Deferred inc......... .... 28¾- 28¾ . ... - .... ... . - . ....... - . .•..... - •.. ... •. - ... .. ... - ........ - ........ - .. .... .. - ... ..... - ...... . . - ... . Pull.Pal,CarCo,-Deb . 1 101 -106¼ .... - .... 107 -107 102 - 108 .. •. - .. .... .. - ........ - .. .... .. - ........ - . ....... - . .. ...•• - . . . . - .. . . Richmond & All.-lst. 1 65 - 66 64 - 67½ 69 - 71 68 - 70 51 - 70 50 - 60 50 - 52 ISO - 54 50 - 51 50)4- 52½ 50~- 50~ 50¼- 52 Rich, & Dnnv.--Cons .. 6 98 - 94½ 94 - 96¾ 95¾- 09 98 - 100 95 - 99 96¾- 98 92¾- 94 92½- 94 98 - 94 92 - 93½ 91 - 98¼ 93~- 96¾ Debenture .......... . .. 6 59¼., 62 60¼- 62 60 - 62 5d - 60¾ 49 - 59 40 - 50 45 - 50 55 - 60 50 - 56 47 - 54 rio ~ 50 50 - 55 Roch. & Pittsb.-lst .. . 6 107¼-108 105 -109¾ 110 -112¼ 112 -118¾ 110 - 110 107 -108 104. -107 106 -100 lOS -108 106 - 107½ 106 -108 108 - 108 Consol,, 1st ........... . 6 91 - 92 92 - 96 94 - 95hi 89¾- 94 88¾- 90 78 - 80 78 - 80 85 - 88 . . . . - . . . . 85 - 87 89 - 90¾ 88¾..: 00 Income .............. . . ... 6 45¼- 56 5o - 60 .... - ........ _ . . . . 40 - 45 . ... - . .. .... . - • . . . 45 - 55 55 - ~ 53 - 55 55 - 55 ... . - ... . RomeW.&Og.-lst . . :, .. .. - .... 100 -109 .... _ ........ _ ... ..... _ ........ _ ........ - ........ - .......• - .....• . - .. .. .• - . .. . 109 -109 Con., 1st, ex, .... ... ... ~ 65¼- 68 67 - 71¾ 70¾- 7i¼ 7C _ 75 64 - 71 64 - 70 64½- 69 68¼- 70¾ 68¾- ':O¾ 67¼- 6S¾ 67 - 70½ 70 - 74 Income ................ . .. , 80 - 82¼ 84¼- 88 86½- 42½ 84!1{- 35 82¾- 88¾ 82 - 32 . .. . _- ... 27¼- 80 25 - 25 25 - 25 80 - 81 88 - 84 St,L.Alt,& T,H.- lst .. 1 112¼- 118¼ 114 -115 . . .. - .... 117¼-117¼ 118 - 118 ..•• - ......•. - .... - ... . •• - ........ - .... 112 -112 .... - ... . 2d, pref............. ..... , 112 - 112 109 - 110 no - 112 118 -118 112 - 112 100 -101 t06 -108 ...• - .... 112 -112 ..• - ....... . - .... 107¼-108 2d, income . . ........... ., .... - ... . 108 -108 •..• _ .... 105¾-105½ .... - •... 100 - 100¼ 99U- 99:U 101 -101 101 - 102¼ 102¾- 108 ... - .... 100½-100¾ Dividend bonds . .. ... .6 r15 - 55 55 - 58 . . - . . • . 47¾- 55 45 - 45 20 - 25 21 - 80 30 - 42 81) - S5 . . .. - . • . . . . .. ~ • • • . . . . . - .. .. Bell.&So. Ill.-1st . .. 8 117 -119 120 - 120 ... - . •• .. ..• - •... 115 - 115 ...• - ........ - .. , .. •. . - ...... .. - .•... ..• - · ·• · ···· - .... ···· - •·•• St, L,&·Iron Mt.-lst . . 1115 -111$¾ 118 -114¼ 114 -114¼? 114¾-114¾ 110 - 1!4 no -112 118 -118 110 -112 107 -107'4 110 -111 111 - 112 111¾- 118 2d, 1891 .... ............ ,- 106"-108½ rn5¼-109½ 110 -111¾ 111 -111¾ 102¾-108 00 -108 99 -104 104. - 104½ 10! -104.¾ 104¾-105 100 - 102 102 -104 Ark. Branch .......... , 106 -107 107 - 109½ 108½-110¾ 109¾- 1!2 110 -110 101 - 104. 101 -105 104. -105 105 -106 106 - 108 106¾- 108 105 -106 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .... - ........ - .... .. .  - ....... - .. .  95 - 95¼ 9:5 - 97 . ... - ••. . 00 - 96  97¼- -98 90 - 00  0  . .. - ........ - . .. . .... - .. . ..... - . ... .. .. - ... . 117 - 117  RAILROAD BONJJS. 1884-Concluded. BONDS.  TA.NU.ARY FEBR'RY.  M.A.RCH.  APRIL.  M.A.Y.  JUNE.  JULY.  ---- - - Low.High Low.High Low .High Low.High Low.High Low.'81gh Low.High - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· - - - - - - -  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  ----  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  - - - - ----  ~t.L.&I.M.-C.&F.lst.7' 105 -107 1()6¾-108 108 -108¾ 108 -108% 105 -108¾ 102 -105 99 -103½ 103½-105 103½-105 104¼-106 1()4¼-106 106 -108 Cairo A1•k. & Texas . 7 105¼-105½ 106¾-107 107 -108½ 107¾-108½ 108 -108 100 -100 100 -102 103 -104 103½-103¾ 102¾-105 103,(-104¼ 101 -1~ 70 - 74½ 60 - 72½ 53 - 64 74¾- 77 57 - 65¾ 66 - 68\l:( 67 - 70 64 - 67¼ 64 - 67 66 - 7S General consol. mort.5 68¼- 73 71 - 76 St.P. Minn.& M.-1st .. 7 107 -109¼ 108 -109¾ 108¾-109¾ 109½-111 109¾-112 110 -115 107½-108½ 109 -110 109 -110½ 110½-111 108 -110 ... . 109 110¾-112 -114 -111 105½-105½ 105½-108 108 -109½ 110 -110 108½-109 106½-108½ 108¼-110¼ 112 111 -112 2d ......................... 6 108¾-110 Dakota Extension ... .6 108½-110 110½-lll½ 111½-113 113 -113¼ 108 -110½ 106 -109 107 -110 109 -109½ 107¼-110 109½-110 107 -108¼ 108 -109¼ 99½-103½ 103½-105 104¾-105½ 104 -106½ lOl½-106¼ 98½-101 100¾--102 100¾-101½ 100 -102 100 -103 103 -104 · 1st, consol. ... . ... ... ... 6 98½-100 .... .... - .... 104 -104 . - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... .... .... .... . - .... .. .. ... .... 1st consol,, 1·ei' ........ 6 .... - .. .. ... . .... . .... .... - .... .... - . ... .... . ... ... .... .... - ... .... - .... .... Min. Union-1st . ...... 6 .... - .... 105 -107 .... - .... .... .... 100 -100 Shenand'h Val.-1st ... 7' 10!1½-107 106 -110 110½-113 112½-118½ 113 -113 111 -111 104½-105 104 -105¼ 104 -105 103½-104 .... 36 - 88 79 80 .... . ... .... 80 81 .... . ... .... .. .. . ... 81½ .... .... . .. . ... . ... 50 50 Gen. n1ort ... .......... . 6 - 85½ South Carolina-lst .... 6 ;04 -105 105 -105 105 -108 105 -105½ 105 -105 103 -103 102:}.(-103 100½-103 102¾-103 98~- 99 100¾-103 103 -103~ .... .... .... 1)8 - 98 96 - 97 97 - 97 ... . .. . .... - .... .... . ... . .. .... 2d ..... ... ............... .. 6 .... . ... ... . .. 90 - 90 51 - 51 50 - 51 .... 50½- 50½ ... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .. . .... .... .... .... - .... .... .... Incomes. ... ············6 54 - 55 99 -101 100 -102 .... . - . 98 - 99 98%- 9~ Texas Central-1st ..... 7 107½-107½ 106½-109 !09¼:-109½ 108 -108 105 -105 :97 -100 80 - 82 88 - 92½ !'.;90 - 94 95 - 95 75 - 82 82 - ·82 94½- 96 80 - 81 79 - 85 81½- 84 89 -i,.89 Tex.&N ,0.-S.Div. lst.6 92 - 92 64!'(- 67 68 - 72 Viri:-inia Midland-Inc.ti 63 - 65 69¾- 7t .... - .... . ... .... .... - .... 55 - 60~ 60 - 61 58 - 58 . ... - .... .... Wah. St. Louis & Pac.36¾- 89~ 63 - 07½ 65 - 68 4.4 - 67 38 - 50 37 - 45¼ 44 - 47~ 39 - 39 35¼- 39 82 - 42 General mort .......... 6 59 - 69 88 - 39 53 - 70 Chic. Div ................ 5 72¾- 75¼ 74 - 77½ 77¾- 31 69½- 73 75 - 76½ 65 - 70 55 - 65 68½- 70¼ 65 - 69¾ 67 - 71 71 .. HavanaDiv .. .......... 6 .... - .... ... - ... 80 - 80 .... .... .... - ... . .... - .... .... - .. .... - .... .... ... . . .. .. . ... - .... .. - .... 80¾- 82 t:2 - 83 80 - 80 Toi. P. & w.-lst ..... 7 105 -107 105 -105½ 108¾-110 107¾-109½ 97 - 99 84%- 85 80 - 84½ 80 - 85 91 - 97 Iowa Division .. .... . 6 .... - . ... 80 - 80 85 - 85 80 - 81½ . ... - .... .... - .... - . ... .... - . ... .... - .... ... . - . .. .... - .... .... .... Cairo Div ............... 5 .... - . ... .... - ... 75 - 75 .... - .... .... - ... .... - .... . ... - . .. . . ... - .... .... - . ... 55 - 55 .... - . ... .. .. . ... Wab'sh-Moi·t .. 1909. 7' .... ... .... .... .. .. .... ... .... .... - . ... . ... .... .... - .... .... - . ... 70 - 71 .. ... - . .. 73 - 73 70 - 78¾ 99 - 102¼ 98½-100 .... .... 102 -105 101¾-104½ 101½-103 101%-104 105 -105 Toi.& W,-lst, ext'd.7 107¾-107½ 104 -105.hf lOf>¾-106 105 -105 99 - 99¼ 91 - 97¾ 90 - 93½ 88 - 90 90 - 93¾ 90¼- 97 1st, St. L. Div ....... 7 98 -101¾ 99 -100 94 - 94 91 - 93½ 93 - 96¾ 96½- 96¼ 87 - 90½ 88½- 90½ 87 - 90 98 - 98½ 100 -101½ 91¾-100¾ 85 - 91 .... - . ... 74½- 87 88 - 95¼ 93¼- 97¼ 2d, extended .... ...... , PO½- 99 Equipment ........ .. 7 ... . - . ... .... .. so - 34 .... - . .. ... - .... .... - . ... . ... - ... . .... - . ... . .. . - . ... .... - . ... . ... - .... .... - . ... 50 - 72 Consol., conv ........ . 7 79 - 84 86 - 87 60 - 60 50 - 60 63 - 72½ .... - . .. 70 - 74 78 - 80 85¾- 87 74½- 88 80 - 83 Gt. Weste1·n-1st . .. ... 7 106~.£-106¾ 103½-104 105 -105½ 102½-105 101 -102½ 99 -100 99½-102¾ 102 -104¾ 102 -102 101½-102¼ 100¾-102 104 -104 2d . ... .... ... ... ......... 7 9;) - 99 95 90¾93 75¾85 87 89 88 98½- 99 99~-102 -101½ 87 - 91 70 - 75 - 94½ 92½- 97¾ - t~ - 90¾ 97 -105 100 -101 St.L.K.C.&N .-Rl.E.7' 108 -109 108 -109 106 -107¼ 101½-1~ 100 -108 98 -100 100 -101 96 -101½ 95 - 9 ¾ 99¾-102 Omaha Div .......... 7 109 -110¼' W9%-110½ 112 -114 109 -113 99 -108½ 99 -100 92½- 98 95 - 96 98 -100 100 -100 97 -100 99½-102 Clarinda Branch ... 6 .... - .... .... .... .... - .... ·••· .... .... - .... . ... - . ... 88 - 88 · ·· ·· - .... .... - ... .... - . ... . ... - .... .. .. ... St. Chas. Bridge .... 6 .... - .... 81 - 83 82¼- 83 - . ... 82 - 82 .... - . ... .... - .... 75 - 75 . ... .... .... - .... . ... - . .. 80 - 80 North. Mo.-1st ........ 7' 116%-117½ 116¼-117¼ 118 . -118 118½-118½ 116¼-119 110 - 116¾ 107½-110 108 -115 108 -110½ 108 -110 108¼-110 110 -111'd int.Toi. & Wah. 2d ... . 6 .... .... 104 -104 . ... .... . ... .... .... .... . ... .... .... ... - .... ... .. .. .... · .... .... .... War1·en-2d .... ........ 7' .... - ... .... - ... .... .... .... .... 118 -118 .... - . .... . ... .... - .... ... ·•· .... .. .. - . ... .... .... . ... West. Un. Tel.-Coup .. 7 n3 -114 114 -115 115 -115½ 115¼-115½!110 -110 J05 - 107¾ 107 -110 112 - 112 .... - . ... 110 -110 108 -108¼' 108 -108 .Registered ... ......... 7' 112%-113 114¼-114¾ 114¾-117½ 115 -115~ 111¼-1:i.2 ... - .... 106 -110 n-:.¼;-111½ lll¼-111¼ .... - . ... 109 -109 ]107 -10'1  - ....  -  -  ...  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  .  ...  -.  - .... -  .... - .... - . .... .... ... ...  -  -~  -  ....  -  -  -  -  -  - .....  -  .  - .... - ...  -  -  -  -  .... -  -  -  -  -  .... -  -.  -  -  -  .  -  -  -  -  -  - .... ... - .  1SS6. BOND~.  JANUARY F1rna'RY.  M.A.RCH.  APRIL.  M.A.Y ,  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER  OCTOBER  Nov'BER. DEC'BER.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Low.High Low.High Low.H:l1,th Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low . High Low .High Low.High Low.High Low.H~~  Atlantic & Pac. - ht ... 6 75½- 77½ 73 - 74¾ 69 - 74½ 60 - 73¼ 71 • 74½ 71 - 76 70 - 72 70¼- 72¾ 70¾- 72¾ 71 - 80¾ 80½·- Si 80 - 86¾ West, Div.-lncome .. 6 16¼· 18% 16¼- 18¼ 13½- 16¼ 13¼- 17 15¾-· 17 15¼- 16¾ 14½- 16¾ 15%- 20 16¼-· 17¾ 16¾- 24½ 23¼- 27¾ 21~- 25 Bait. &0.-lst, P.Br .. 6 . .. . - ........ - ........ - . ... 117½-117½ ... . - .... 121 -121 121 -121 .... - . ... 119 -110 . .. - . .. ..... Gold, 19~~ . ..... ..... .. 5 . . .. - . ... . .. - ........ - ...... .. - ... ..... - ..... ... - . ... 104 -105 103¾-104½ 104¼-106¼ 106¾-107¾ 107 ··108¼ Bost, H. & Erie.-ist . . 7 11½- 11½ .. - .... .•.. - •... 20 - 20 ..• . - . .. ..... - .... ... . Bur. C, R, & No.-lst .. ;i 101¾-105 l04 -105½ 105~-106½ 106¾-108½ Hi7¼-108 105½-107¾ 106½-108½ 108½-109½ 108 -109½ 108¼··109 108½-109¼ 106¼ ·108½ Cons . 1st & col. tr .. . ~ 90 - 90 90½- 91¼ 91 - 91¼ 95¾- 96¼ 95½- 96 95½- 95¾ 97½- 99 977/4- 977/4 98 - 98¾ 95½- 97½ 97 - 98 99¼- 99¼ IowaC.& W.-1st .. . 7' .... - ........ - . ... 113 -113 .. ., - .... ···- - .. . ..... Min. &St,L.-lst,ilu.1 .... · ·· .. ...... - .... 140 -140 .... Ced.R.I.F.&N.-1st6 .. .. - . ... 108 -108 108½-110 :i.07 -107 108¼-108¼107¼-!07J,ii107 -107½ .... - •... 109 -109 108 -108 ... . 1st, 1921 . ........ . . 5 . . . . 96 - 96 96 - 96 . . . . - . .. . 96 - 96 .... -- . . . . . . . . 90½- 99½ ... . B.N. Y.& P.-lst,1 921.6 . .. - .. . .. . .. - . ... ... - ... 39½- 39M 39¼- 39% 38¼- 43 40%- 46¾ 41½- 49¼ Oenti·allowa-lst ...... 7' *85 - 91¼ *91¼- 95 *ll7 -101 •100 -102 •i;5 -100 *95¼- 96 "93½- 97 •oo - 91½ •92 - 94½ 94 -101 *102½-107 *106¾-110 Eastern Div .-1st .... 6 . ... - .... 60 - 60 60 - 60 60 - 60 57 - 58 .... - . .. . . ... - . .. . 54 - 57½ 55 • 57 58 - 66 64 - 67½ G7 - 70 Ills. Div.-lst, 1912 6 ... . 64 - 66 I 65½- 67 68 - 60¼ Cent.otN.J.-lst,1890.7 l14 -114¾ 109 -112 *109 - 111 *110-111½ *11½-112 *112 -113½ *113 -114 *113 -118½ 110 -110 111 - 111½ 111 -111½ 112 -112 Consol., assented . .... 7' 94~- 99¼ •95 - 99% *93 -102½ *92 -100 *08 -100 *99¾-105 *99 -104½ *103 ·105¼ 101%-103½ *102½·106 ,•105¾-07¾ '104¾-06% Conv., assented .... ... 7' 94¼-100 95 - IJO½ 95 -102 9-1 -102½ I00¾-103½ 102½-108 100 -104 103 -105!,,( 102½-105½ 102¾-106¼ 106¼-109 106 - 107¼ Adjustment .... .. .... ... 7 100½-103 102¼-104½ 103 - 108 103½-107¼ 104½-108 105½-108 108 -108% 108½-108¾ 108½-110 108¾-110¼ 109½-110½ 107 -109 1 Conv. deb . .. . ...... .. .6 68 - 6~ 65 · 70 54 - 75 62½- 62½ 61 - 6i½ 61 - 66 60 - 64½ 64 · 70 63 - 66 63½- 68 62¾- 65½ 63 - 64½ Leh.& W.B.-Assent 7' 87½- 90 88½-100 92½- 98¼ 00 - 97 95 - 96 9!,i- IJ8 95 - 97¾ 97¼- 99 95 - 97.½ 99 -108 103½-107½ 104 -105 Income ....... .... ...... 7 .... 70 - 74 76 - 76 77 - 77 80 - 80 .. . . . . .. . .. . . Am. Dock & Imp . ..... ;i . . .. - ........ - . . . . 80 - 82 83 - 84¼ 88 - 83 82%- 83½ 80 ·- 84 83½- 87 83 - 84¼ 83 - 88½, 85½- 87J.t 88 - 89¼ Ches. & 0,-Pur.lll,fd .. 6 112 -112½ .... - _. ...... - .•.. 100 -109 109 -110 ... . - .. .. 110 -110 110 -110 111 -111 Series A . ... ........ . ... 6 102 -104 103½-104¾ 104. -110 06 -101 96¼- 96½i 96½- 99% 102 -102 102 -104 101 -101 101½-101¼ 101 -105 103¾-105½ Series B ...... ...... ... 6 70½- 74¾ 70½- 76¼ 78 - 79 58 - 72¼ *58 - 61 *58¼- 61½ "'60 - 66 *65½- 72.½ *68½- 71¼ +133 - 72% •69½- 78~ *76¾- 80 Curi-ency ............ .. . 6 23 ·· 26 23¼- 26¾ 24 - 26½ 14. - 23 16 - 19 18½- 20 20 - 24½ 23½- 29 25 - 28½ 21) - 29¼ 28¾- 36 33 - 36% Mort., 1911 ............ 6 .... - .... 92 - 02½ 92 - 92 00 - 00 .... - .... 86 - 86 87 - 87 84½- 90¼ UO - 97¼ 00¾-100 Ches. o. & S. W ..... ~-6 70 - 71 70 - 72 73 - 73 .... - .. .. 70 - 72¾ 72½- 76 75 - 77 80 - 81 88½- 84 85 - 90 Chic. & Altou-lst . ... . 7' 116¼-116½ . •• - .... 118½-118½ .... - ... 119 -120 - .. .. 1.... - . . - . ....... - .... 119 -120¼ 121 - 121 Sinkina- fund: .......... t; 119½-119½ . .. - . . . . ... - : .. 1121 -121 - •... 120 -120 122 -122 ... - .... 123 -123 124 -124 121¼-121½ 121½-121!/ Lou.& Mo. R1v, - tst .7 .. - .... ll~-118¾ 120¼-120½ .... - . .. ... .• - . •.. 121 -121 121½-121½ 122¾-122½ 121 -121 2d, 1900 .. ...... ...... 7' .. .. - ... ..... - ,. ...... - ........ - , ... 118 -118 . . . . - .... 119 -119 .... - .... !?.3 -120 . .. . St. L •.J.& Uhic.-ht .. 7 117½-117½ 117½-118½ .... - •.•..... - .... J17¼-118½ 119 -119½ 119½-119¾ .... - ... 120 -120 .... - .... 117 -117¼ 1113¾-119 2d (360) . . . .. .. . .... .. 7 125 -125 .... - •.•..... - •..... .. Chic.B.& Q.-Consol.. .7 128½-131½ 130 -131½ 13H,,(- 133 132 -133 133 --134¾ 135½-136 132½-135 133½-185 134 - 136 136¾-137¾ 135¾-137 136½-138 Debenture ........ ..... ~ 96¾- 97¾ 97¾- 99¾ 98¾-100 99¾-101¼ 99 -101¾ 101½-104 103½!-105 t04~4-105 W3¾-104.¾ 103¾-106½ 108½-105 104¼-107 Iowa Div . .. . . . ...... .4 98½- 9472 98¾- 94¾1 96!4- 96½ 94 - 94 94¾- 05½ 96½- 08¼ 98 - 09 977..-1§ - 08½ 98½- 98½ 97¾- 98½ 96¾- 07¼ 09½- 99¾ Denver Div, 1922 4 93 - 93¼ 92 - 99 92¾- 94½ 94¼- 95 95 - 95¼.. . - ........ - . ... 97¼- 07½ 95 - IJ5 04%- 96¼ 95 - IJ6 96 - 96¾ Pln.iu ........ ~ ....... .. . 89¼- 89% .... - ... ..•. - , .. ... .. - ....... , - .. .. 05 - ll5 Chic. & E. 111.-lst, s.U; 106 -108 ••• - ... 108 -109¾ 111 -113¾ 112¼-113½ 111 -111 110½· llJ.½ 110¾-112 lll¼-115 115½-118 117 -117 115 -116 ht consol., ,rold ... .. .. 6 .... 90¾- 98 94½-100¼ 99 -100 99 - 99¾ 98½- 99 98½ - 99}4 98½-103 99¾-104 104 -105¾ 107 -111¾ Chic. Milw. & St. P.1st P. D., 1898 ...... 8 .... - .... 130 -130 .... - ... . 131½-181½ 130¾-180¾ 131 -134 183 -133 IS0½-182 181¼-133 134 -134½ 135 -135 134½-136 2d, 1898 ......... 7' 3-10 123 -124½ 118 -118 118½-119 118¾-118¾ . .. . - .... 121 -124% 124 -126¾ .. 123 -123 125½-125¼ 128 -125 125 -128 1st, gold ................. 7 . . . - .... 127½-127½ 130 -130 127 -130 130½-130½ 130½-181½ .. . · ... . 129 -129 127½-129 120 -130¼1129 -129 130¼-182½ 1st La Crosse Div . ... 7' 116 -117½ 117 -117½ 117¾-118½ .... - .... 118½-IHI¼ IHI -121 118 -118½ 118 -119 ll8 -118 118 -118¼ 118¾-120 120 -128¼ 1st I. & M. Div ..... . .. 7 117½-118½ 118½-119½ 119¼-120¾ 120¼-121½ 122 -122 121 -121 118 -119 120 -121 ........ - .... 122 -122½ .... - •.. . 1st I. & D. Div ... .. . 7 119 -119 ... - .... 119½-119½ . ... - .... 123 -123 124),(-124¾ 122 -122 120 -120 . . . . - .... 125 -125 1125 -126 lstC.&M,Div ....... 7'125 -125 126 -126 128 -128 127 -127 130 -130 ........ - •• .. . . •. - ... . .... - ... . 129½-129½ .. .. - .... 128 -128 1 Consol.. .... . ............ 7 118 -119½ 118!,(-120½ 120¼-121¾ 121¼-124½ 124 -125 125½-127 124½-125¾ 124¾-125¾ 126 -128 126 -128½ 1128 -130½ 130½-181 1st I. & D. Exten . .... 1117½-119¾j• ··· • .... 119¼-120¾ ••. - .•.. 122 -123 122%-124 121½-122;,,i 122 -123 'I122½-123 123 -125% 126 -126 128½-129 1st So. West Div ... ... 6109 -110½ 110½-lll 110½-111½ 111~ 111!14 112¾-113 . - .... 118 -114½ 114¼-114)1; 115½-116 116¾-ll~ ht La C. & Dav ... ... ~ 96 - 96 97¼- 97½ .... • •... 97¼- 97¾ 98¼-100 •... - . ... 98 - 9~ .... - .... 102 -102 . .. . - .... .. . . - •••• 105½-106  ::4 .... - ........ - ....  I···· - .... 1  • Couponoir.  !:! Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - 1  RAit.kOAD  llONlJS.  1886-Continued. BONDS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. Nov'BER.I DEC'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hi1th Low.High Lo"'.High Low.High Low.High  __________ 1  Chic. Mllw. & St. So. Minn. Div ..... 6 107 -109 109 -110¼ 109½-112 lll¾-112¼ 111½-llS½ 11214-114½ 111 -114½ 112½-113½ 112¾-113½ 113 -!15 115 -116 116 -117 1st H. & D. Div ....... 1' 117 -117 118 -119 118½-119½ 119¼-120½ 120¼-123 122¾-123 120¼-121 120)4-121 121 -122911122¾-125 125 -rn6 125¼-127 Chic. & Pac. Div . . .... 6 112 · 113 112½-llS ... . - ... . 114 ·114½ 115 -115½ 115½- 117 113 -114 116 -116½ 117 -117 ...• - .....•.. - .... 121 -121 Western Div .. .. ... . . 5 OS¼- 94¼ 93¾- 95 94¾- 95¾ 94¾- 95;t 95½- 98 9i¾- 99¾ 97 • 100 98¼- 99 98 -1007-{ 99¾-101¾ 10114-103 102¼-105½ Mineral Point . .. . .. . . .5 ... . - . ... 95¼- 95½ .• . - ........ - .... 97 - 97¼ P7¼- 98½ 96½- 98 97¾- 99 99 - 99¾ 99¼-100½ 101½-101½ 100½-103 Chic.&L.Sup.Div . . li ... - .. . . 97¾-97¾ ...• - ........ - .... 98 -98 .... - ....... . - ...... .. - .. . . .. .. - .•. . . ... - . .. . .... - . ... 105½-105¼ Wis.& Min. Div .. .. . .Ii 93 - 94 93½- 94% 93¾- 94¾ 93¼- 95 04¼- 97 96¾- 99¼ 96¾- 98½ 07¾- 98 97 - 99¾ 99¾-100½ 101)4-102½ 102 -104 Terminal . . .. ... .. ... . 5 91¾- 92 91¾- 92¾ 90 - 93 89 - 91¼ 91¼· 93¾ 93 - 95½ 92~- 94¾ {13}-4- 95 93½- 95 04¾- 99 98¾-101½ 101¼-104 Fa1•go & So.-Assu .. . 6 ... . - . .... . .. - ... . ... . - .. . . .... - .. .. .. .. - ........ - .. . ..... - .. . . . .. - . .... . .. - _... 111 •·ll3¼ 113 -114¼ 115 -115 Chic. & Northwest.S. F ., 1885 . . .. ... .... .. 7 104½-104¾ 101¼-101¼ 102½-102½ 102½-102¼ .. .. - ........ - . .. ..... .. .. . . . . .. - .. .. .... - . .. . . ... - . . ..... . - . . ... . . - . . . . Consol.. .. . ............. . 1134 -136 135¼-136 136¼-137¾ 187 -137¼ 135 -138 137½-141 138~-140 137¼-138 137!,r138 138½-139¼ 138 -139 1~·139½ Extension, 1S~5 . . .... ,- .... .... .. .. 102%-10~ 102¼·102½ 103 -103 . . ., - ...... . . - ... . .. .. - . .. ... . .. . . ... . - .... . ... - . .. .. .. . - ...• 1st mort., 188li ........ 7 104¾-105¾ lul½-102½ 102¾-102~ 102¾·102% l02'-(-103}1; 103 -103¼ .... - •. . . .... - ... ..... - . ..... .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - .. .. Gold, coup ............ . .7 125 -128 127 -128¾ 128½-130 128¾-130¼ ISO -131 127½-129 130 - 132½ 128 - 130 128¾-129½ 130 -181½ 132 -138 128¼ 130 Gold, reg . .. . ............ 1124½-128 126½-128 128¼-129 128¾-129 .. .. - .... 128½-129 13H~-131½ 127 -128½ 127¼-129½ 129¼-131½ .... - .. .. 129 -129¾ Sinking full(l,coup .... 6 110¼-112½ 112½-112½ 113 -llS 112½-112½ 114 -114 113 -113 112¼-116 117¼-118 118½-121 117 -117 115½·116½ 116 - 117 Reiristered . ......... . 6 111 -111 lll¼-111¼ 113 -113 112½-112½ ... . - .••. 112½-113 . . .. - .. . . . . . . . .. . 118 -118 . . . - ... 115½-115½ 116¾-117 Sinking fund, coup . .. 6 103¼;-104¾ 105 -105¾ 104¾-107¼ 108 -108¾ 10:l -105-¼ 105 -106 10678 -106½ 107 -107 108½-110 107 -107½ 106¼-108 107¾--110 Registered . ..... . .. .. 5 . .. . - . . .. lo4¾- 105 . . - ........ - .... .. .. - .... 106 -106 ... - ........ - . . . . . . - ... ... . - .. . .... . - . . .. 108 -108¾ Debenture . . . .. .. . .... {> 94 - 95¾ 94¼- 97 96¾- 98 97½- 99¾ 96¾- 99 l:l9 ••101¾ 101,½-103¼ 102½-102¾ 101½-102½ 102¾-106 103 ··103½ 102½-104 2li y1·s, deben., 1909.5 93¾- 94¼ ~4 - 96¼ 95¾- 97¼ 96 - 98¾ 95½- 97 00¾-100½ I00½-103 101 -102% 100?:{- 10131; 102 -105 102 · · l02➔J 102¾-104 Escan.&L.Sup.-lst .6 ... - .. . . .. .. - . .. . . . .. - .... . ... - .. . . . . . - . ...... . - ... ..... . . .. . .... .. Ill - Ill .. . - ... . .. .. - .. .. 114 ·117¾ Iowa Midland-lst ... 8 180 -130 ..... - .. .. . . - ... . .... - . .•. 180 -130 I82½-1S4 185 -135 .... - ........ - .. . . 133 -183 .,., .. . . 182 -183 Chic.& Mil.-lst ...... 7 121 -122¼ 121¾-123 124 -124 . • .. - .... 125¾-127½ 127 -127 . ... - . . . . .. . - . . . .. .. - .. . 129 -129 129 -129 128:),(-128¾ Winona & St.P.-lst.1104¼-105¼ 105¾-106)4 106 -107 lOC½-106½ 106%-107% 108 -:09 104¼-105½ 105½-106 105½-106 105¾-106 106¾;-107 106:J(-107 2d . ........ ... . .... .. .. .. 7 ... - . ... 125 -125 126 - 127 126 -127 125 -125 1126 -126½ . . . , - .. . . . . . . - . ... - . .. . tJttmn. C. F. & St. P .6 100¼-101½ 101 -108 100½-102 100¾-101¼ 101%·102¾ 102½-103¾ 104¾- 105 l05½-105~ 104¾-105¼ 105¼-106½ 106¼-106½ 106 -106¾ Cbic.R.I.&P.-Coup .. 6125¼-127¾ 128 -120 128¾-130½ 129 -129¾ 129%-131 :lSH~-183¼ 130 -181½ 128½-181 180½-130½ 131 ·132 131¼-132½ 132 -132¾ Registei•ed ... . ...... ... . 6126½-127 127½-127% 128¾-129½ 129½·129½ 129½-129½ 132 -133 130 -130 129 -130 131 -181 131)4-131¾ 131 -132 Exten. & Col. ... .. .... 6 .... - .. .. 105¼-106¾ 107 •1077A 107¾-108¾ 108¾-109 109¼-109¾ 107:1(-110~ no •110¾ 110)4-110¼ 109 -110¼ 109¼-110¾ 110½-111 Keok'k&DesM.-lst,5 104¼-104½ 105 - lu7 107½-108 .... - .... 107½-108 107½-108½ 108½-109½ 109 . 109 109 -109 109 -109 109 -109 108½-110 Chic. & St. L. -lst . . .. . . 6 . . .. - .. . .. . .. - .. ..... . - ... . .... - . . .... .. - . .. . ... - ...... - . .. .... - . ... 102)4-102¾ 102¾·108 103 ·108 108 -108 Chic.St.L.&Pitts-1st.5 75 - 75 . .. - . . . . . . .. .. . . 73½- 73½ 76 - 76 79 80 .. .. - . .. . .... - .. . 85 - 85 88 - 88 90 - 90 .. .. - • • . . Chic. St.P. Min.& Om.Consol., 1930 .... .... 6111 - 112 lll¾-113½ 110½-112 110¾-112½ 111 -114 110%-112 111½-112¾ 111 -113¾ 113 -114¼ 114 -116¾ 116¾-118 117 -11~ Cbic.St.P.&M.-bt . . 6117 -117¾ 118 - 119½ 120¾-123 l:.!0½-122 118 ·119½ 119¼-121 121 ·122 122¼-123 123½-123½ 123¼-124 121 -121 123 - 123 St. P. & S. City-lst .. 6 116%-117½ 119 -119 120 - 121¼ 117½-118 119¼-120 119½-121½ 120%-122 121¾-122 121¾-123½ 122 -122½ 122½-123 123 ··124 Ch.&W.l.-lst,s.1.'19.6 . ... - "' ·· . ... - ... . .. . - ..... .. - . ..... .. - ... . .... - ........ - . ... 115½-115½ . . .. - . . . . 115 · 115 .. . . . . . . .. .. Gen. mort.. .. . .. . . .. .6 . . .. - .... 10$¼-104 . . . . . ... 103½··105½ 105¾-106 103)4-103¼ 105¾-106 105!1,i-106 105),(-105¼ 96¼- 97¼ . . .. - . ... 107 -108 Ciu .& S.-·Gn.C.CC.&I.,- 110½-lll¼ 111. -112½ .. .. - .. .. 110 -110 .. .. - . .. . .... - ... . 10& -110 ... - .. .. 110 -111 107¼-113 .... - • .. . .... - . . . . Guai·. Lake Shore .... 7 112½-118 115 -115 114 -114 . . .. - ... . .. - .... 109 -109 . .. - . .. . . . . .. . . .. ... . . _. 112 ·117½ .... - . . •. ll8 ··118 Cl. c. C.& I.·-lst, s.:td.1 .. . . - .... . . . . - .. . . 122 -122 125½- 125½ 120 -121¾ 120 -121½ 121¼-122¾ 122 - 122 124 -124 125 ·125 122¾-123 121 - 123 Consol.. .... .. ... ...... . .. 7 119 ·119 ... . - . ., .. .. . - . ... 12L -121½ . . . . - .. . .. . .. - . . . . 114 ·115 . . .. - .... 118½-119½ no -120 •.. • - .... 121 •122 Consol. S. F . . . .... .. . . , .... - . ... 122 ·122 124 ·12-l 125 .125 121½-121½ .. . . - .. .. _ . . . ... 122 -122 123 -123 . ... - . . . . •. •. - . . . . .. . . - .. . . General cons . . . .. . .. . 6 98 - 98¾ 98 - 99 99 -100 98½· 98¾ .... - . . . . . •. - ... . .. .. - . . . .... . - . . . . ... - .. . . , 96 -100 97 -103 102¼-107 Vol. Con.I & 1.- 1 st,con.6 56 - 59 57 - 70 66 - 66 60 - 62 60 - 65 65 - 70 60 - 69½ 65½- 78 74 - 78 77 - 89 85¾- 89 86 - 92 iJonsolid'nCoal-Conv .1 .... - . .. . "'·· - ... .... - ... . 104¼-104½ .. .. •- ... . .... - ... . .. ., - ........ - . . . .... . - ........ - .. .. .. . . . .... .... Col.H.Val.& T.-lst .. . 5 61 - 61 60 - 70 72 - 74 74 - 76¾ 75 - 76 75 - 75¼ 74 76 7t> - 76½ 74½- 77 78½· 80 76 83 80½· 85¾ Cu1nberl'd & Pa.-lst.6 ... . - .. .. 102 -104 .... - .... . ... - .. . . 101.¼-101¾ 101½-101½ . . .. - ... . . . .. - . . . . . ... - ... .. ... - ........ ·· . . •. . . - . . . . 2d, 1888 ..... .. .. ...... . 6 .... - . . . . ... . .. . . .. - .. .. ... . - ..... .. . - . . . . . .. - .... ... . - ... . 103 -103 103½-103½ . ... - . .. . .. .. - . .• . ... . - . . .. Del.&Hud.C .-lst,'91.7 109¾- lll 112 -HS a2 -113 112½- 114 lH½·115½ .. .. - ... 112½-112½ 118 -118 114¾· 115 114¾·115¼ 115 - 117!J,t 116½-116½ Coupon, 1894: .. ....... . 1117 ·117 ll7 -118½ 118¼ ·119 115 -115 116 -117 !17 -117 117 -117½ UR ··118 120 ·121½ 117 -118 117%-119 119 ·ll9 Reg., 1894 .... ... ..... 1117 ··117 .. . . - . .• . .... - . .. ..... - .. . . . ... - .. .. .. .. - . .. 118½-118½ ... - .. .. 120 - 120 . . ., - .. . . ... . . . .... . . - ... . Penna. Div.-Coup . . .. 1 l~l½-132¼ 131 -133½ 181 · 181 131 •181 ll;!5 •-136 186 •136 137 ·137½ .... - .. . . 131½-138 133 -183½ 134½-134½ 134½,-1&7 Penna. Div. -Rog . . .. , 131!,,i-132 . . . . - .. . ... .. - ........ - .. .. ... . . . . . 186 ··13tl . . . . - . ....... - ...... . . - . ... . . . - ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . Alb.& Susq.-lstm .. , . ... - .... 110 ··110 109 -I C9 . . .. - .. . ... .. - .. . ... .. - .... 109 -·109% .. . . . . . . . . . - • ... lll¾-112 llOIIJ(-110¾ 110½-110½ 2d mo1·t .... . .. . .. ..... 7 108%- 103¾ 104¾-104½ 104½-105 101¾-101¾ 101¾-102 102¾-102½ ... . - . ... 103 -103 103!,(-108½ ... • - . . .. ... . • • .. . .. . . - ... . 1st, con., a-uar . . ..... . 1 . . . . . ..... - . ... 127½-127½ 128 -128 128 -129 128¾-129)4 129¾· 130 ... . . . .. 130 -181 127¾-129 128%-129½ 129 -.180 Ist,con.gua1·.,reg.1120 - 120 .... - . . ..... - ... . . . . . - ...... - . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. - ........ - . ... . . - .. ... . . , .. • . . ... - . . . . .... . .. 11ft con. a-uar . . . . .. . .. 6 112 ··112½ 112¼-112¾ 114 -115 111¾-112 112 •·112½ 112J,,,i-115¾ 115½-116 116 -116½ 116½-118¼ 115 •lt6½ 116 - 116½ 116¼-117½ l"'t,con.guar.,1·eg.f; . ... - ... .. .. . .. . . . . . - . . ... . . - ... . .. . . - . ... ....... . .. , .. - . ... .. .. - .. . . .. .. - . .. . .. . . - .. . . 114 -114 .... .. . . Rens. & Sar.·-Coup .. ? .... - ... 187 •·187½ . ., •· .... 140 •140 140 -140 140 -140 140 ·140 140 -140 .. .. - . .. . 148 -148 . .. . - .... 142¼-142~ Del.Lack.&W.-·Conv.7 . ... - .... . .. . .. .... - .. ... ... - . .. .. .. - ..... ... - . . .. ... . . .. . .......... 118 -118 .. . - .... 118 -118 114¾-115¼ Mort., 1907 ...... .. . .. , . .. . - . ... 130 •180 132 -134 132%- 132¾ 138¼-138¼ 186 - 136 135 ·135 136 - 136 137 -187 .... - • .. . 138 -138 137 · 137 Syr.B'u.&N.Y., lst .. 7 . . .. - . . . .... - .. . . 127½-128½ 125 ·126 .. . . - . . .. ... . - .. ..... . - . ... 135%-185% 135~-135¾ ... • - ... . . ... - . ... 138 ·183½ Morl"is & Essex-1st ., 134 - 136 137½-138 138½-140 188 - 140 140¾-HO¾ 142 -144 140 - 140½ 141 -144 148 -143¼ 143 -144 141 -141 141 -141 2d mort ... . .... . ....... 1114'9-115 .... - .. . . 112½-115 114 •·114¾ 114¾··114½ 114½-117 117 -117¾ ... - ... 118~-114¼ 113½-114½ 114¾-115 114 -115¾ 1900 .. ... .. .. . ...... 1 . . .. - .... · -· · · . .. . .... - ..... , .. - .. ..... - . ... 122 -122 120 -120 118 -121 ... . . . ..... . - . ... 129½-129½ .. . . - .. .. •Js, 1871 . .. ... . ....... .7 122 -122 125 ··125 128 -125 122 -122 .... - ...... . - . .. . 124 ··126 124½-126 124½-127 . . .. - .... .... . . .. 124 -124 Consol., guar .. ... .. . ., 123¾-124 123 - 124 124 - 125 124 •126¼ 125¾-li!S 124 -125% 125 -126 125½-126½ 126 -127¾ 128 -130 130 -138 129 -130¼ .N,Y,L.&W.-lst ... . 6117 ·118 119 -120 IWX:-122 122 ·122 120¾-12~ 122 -124!,,il22½-125 124 · 124½121½-124½122½-124 123¾-125 125¾·128 Construction .. .. . . .. 6 96½- 97½ 95 - {15¼ 05¾- 96 Of>l¼- 97¾ 97½· 90 99½-100 100:1,(-102½ 100 - 101 100½-101 102 •104 104 -105 104 -106 Denver & Rio G.-lst.7 80 - 86 84 - 92.½ 89 - 90 89½·· 94 9$¾-102 I00½-106 104)4-112 108 -112 111 -116 115 ·118¾ 117½-121 113 -123 Consolidated .......... 7 46~- 48½ 46¾- 50 48¾- 49¼ 50 - 52½ 51¾- 57~ 54¼- 56¼ 55½- 64¼ 64½- 73 68½- 78 77 - 85½ 83 - 88½ 83¾- 87 Trust Co. receipts .... .... •· .... .... - .. . . .... - ....... - . ....... - . ... . . .. - . . .. . ... .. ... . . . .. . ...... . .. .. . . 82 - 85 88½· 87½ 85¾· 93 Denv.RioG.W.-lst . . 6 37¼- 38 87¾- 41 40¾ -41¼ 39 - 41 38¼- 40 88½· 42¼ 42 - 48½ 48 54¼ 51 - 58¼ 58½- 75)4-71½- 76.½ 72 ·· 75¾ Denv. So. P. & P.-lst.7 80 - 80 80 - 80 80 - 82 65 - 78 68 - 68 ... - .. . . oo - 65 65 - 65 69 • 70 75 88 81 · 83 81¼- 82½ Det. M. & Ma1•q.-lst .. 6 40 - 40 4.0½- 40½; .. .. - . . . ... . - ... ..... - . .. ..... - .. . ..... - ....... . - ... . . ... - .. .. . . - .. .. . . . - . . . . 54½· 54½ E. Tenn. V. & G.-lst .. 7 115 -115 ... .. .. *108 •113 •115 -115 .. ., - . . ... .. . - . . .. . . .. - . . . . . •. - .... 115 -116 118 -118 118 -118 120 ··120 Consol. .. .. .. ........... . a 44 47½ 46¼- 49½ 47¼- 49½ 44½- 48 44½- 48 46¼·· 48¾ 48¼- 52¾ 51¼- 57½ 56¾- 60 58¼- 64~~ 62¼- 68½ 64¼- 71¼ Consol.,ex-conp.9to12 ... . - .. . ... . . - . . . . . .. . . . - .. ... . .. - .. .. .. . . - .. ...... - ... . .... - .. . . 51½· 52¾ 52 57 55½· 59 57½- 63 Divisional .... . ........ Ii 90 - 90 .•.. - . . . . *92 - 92 *92 - 92 *95 - 95 .. .. ......... - ...... . - . . ...... - ., . . 96½- 96½ . . . . . .. . .... - •· · · Income ...... ... .. .. ..... 6 10 - 13 11¼- 18¾ 11½- :S½ 10 - 12 10¼- 11½ 10¼- 11:14 107,,t- 14½ l~- 18¾ 16)4- 19 17¼- 21¾ 10 - 28½ 19~· 2'2¼ Eliz.C.&N.-lst,1920.6 .... - .... . . . . - .. . .. ... - . ... . . .. - . .. .. ... - .. .... .. - . ....... - . ... 50 50 . ... - ...... . - .. . .... . - . .. . . · · · · · ,. . . Eliz. Lex. & Big. S . .. . 6 84 - 90 86¼- 90 88 - !JO 84 - 88 85 - 86 84 - 86¼ 84 - sg Sil - 89 86½- 91 92 •· 95 94¾- 96½ 96¼-100¼ Erie-1st, Extended .... 112.'l -123 .. .. - .... 123¼-124 125 -125 .... - . ... 124 -125 124½-124½ ... ~ •....... - . . . . 126)4-126¼ 124 -125¾ 125½-127¼ 2d, Ext ........... ...... . 5 107½-108 108 ··109¼ 107¼-107½ 108¼-108½ 109 -109 . . .. - ........ - . . .. . .. . . - .. . . . . . . .•. . .. . .. . - . . ,. . . . - .. .. 112 -112 3d Ext. .. .. .. . .... . . .4½ 108¾-104 104 - 104 102 -102½ 102 -103¼ 103½-104¼ .... - •.. . 106 -106½ 106½-106¾ 105 -106 104½-105¾ 105 -106 100!,4-107 4th, Ext , ..... .. ......... 5 105¼-105½ ... - ... . 107½-109 l05!,i-105¼ 108 ··108 .... - •...... - . . . . 110¾-110¾ 112½-112½ 110 -110 110 -111½ 110½-111½ ~th, 1888 ... ... .. ...... 7 107 -107 .... - .. . . . . - .... 108 -108 110 -110 . ... - . . . . 106~-107¾ 109 -109 . . . - .. .. .... - ., . . 109¼-109¼ 107¼- 107¾ l .st, consol., gold .. .... 7 116½-120 111 -1171/4112¼;-114 112~-114¾ 112½-114¾ 112 · 115¼ 115½-121½ 121½-125½ 121 -128 123 -127 126!,4-128 127 ··128 lstconsol. fd. coup .. . 7 114 -116¾ . . . . .. ll3 •113 ... . - . ... 109 ·109 . . . . .. •...•. - .... 116 -1161113 •·118 116 -120 122 -122 •··· - •··· Long Dock ....... .... ... 7 118½-118¾ 115 - 115 116 -116 116 -117 1!6 -117 ... • - .. . .... - .•. . ...• - ... . IHI -i20 120 -120 120 -120 116¼-117¼ Bull. N. Y, & E.-lst.7 180 -130 .... - .... 129 -129 128 -128 . . . . - ...... . . - ... . ...• - .. . . . •.• - ....... - . ....... - .... 134 -134 .... - ... .N.Y. L. E.& W.•ew, 2d consol.. . .. . 6 53 - 59½ 51 - 58¾ 53¼- 57¾ 52¼- 56¼ 45¾- 54½ 45¼- 53¾ 49!,:(- 68% 61¼- 69¾ 62¼-- 'il¾ 69¼- 84¾ 82¾- 90½ 84¼- 92 Col. t1·ust, 1922 . .. .. 6 .. .. - .... .... - ........ - ...... . . - ..... ... - ... , . . .. . .. . .... - ..... . . . - . . . . . . .. . . .. .... - . . .. 100 -101 .•. • - • •· bcorne .. . . ......... .. 6 .... - ........ - .... .. . . - ........ - ... . ... - . . . . . . .. - ,. .. . ... - . . .. 87 - 37. 40 - 41 41 - 48 .. .. - ........ - • •·· Erh,&Pittsb.-Consol.7 108 -108 •.. - •••.••.• - ... .. ... - ... . ...• - . ...... . - . •.. . ... -.... . . . - . ....... - ........ - ....•... - .... •··· - •·· Ev. & T. Haute-Con .. 6 96¾- 98 9~102 1~~-104½ 108½-105 105 ··106 106)4-108¼ 105¼-107¾ 108 -100 109 -109¾ 110 · ·112 118 -118 113 -114 lilt. Vernon-ht ....... f?(., - .... 9l - 95 ~ - g'/ 94 94 95 95 95 • oo 96 9"1 97½- 98 {IIJ • ~o¼ 97¼-100 100 -1~ 101 -108¼ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .RAILROAD  50  BONDS.  1886-(;ontlnued. BONDS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.1~ARC~ ~PRIL.  ~AV..:_ _ : ~  JULY.  AUGUST •. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BER. DEC'BER.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hi~h Low . High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  Flint & P, M,-Mort .. . 6 114 -115~ 114 -116 - .... 118 -118 114. -114 • ....... . - . .. . 111 -114¾ .. . . - .. .. 118 - 113 - .. .. 115 -116¼ Ft.W.&Df'nv.C.-tst .6 62 - 65 62 - 68 63 - 65¼ 64 - 65 64 - 69½ 63 - 66 70 - 71 7(%- 78 74%- 80¼ 79'A- 88¾ 88 - 90 80 .. ~ Gal. H. & H. ot 'S2 . .. . ~ ... . 5.'l - 58 ... . - ...... .. - . . . . 64 - 66¾ .... - . .. . . . . . 66 - 66 66 - 66 Gal. H. & SanA,-lst .. 6 102 -102 98½-100 99½-100 99 - 99¾ 97 - 99½ 102 -108¾ 102¾-1 07¾ 108¾-106 106 -106¼ 105 -106 105¼-106 2d, mo1·t . ... ...... .. ... .. ')' .. . . - .. . . 101¾-101¾ IJ9'¾- 99¾ ... • - .. .. 9e'/4- 99 .. .. - ,. . 100 -102 ... . - . .. ... . - . . . 102 -102 105 -105 Western Div-bt . .. . ~ 91 • 91¾ 91½- 92 01½- 92 91¾- 92¾ 89¾- 90¾ 90¾- 90¾ 90¾- 91¾ 91 •· 92½ 92¾- 92¾ ~2~- 93¼ 90¾- 91% 91¾- 92 2d . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . , · ·6 · · · · 80 - 81 81 - 81¼ Gr.Rap.& Ind,-Guar7 ... - .. . . 119¼-119~ .... • Gr.B,W.&St. P.-lst .. 6 74 - 74 53 · 60 60 • 60 ... . - .... 65 - 72½ 72 - 72 67 - 71½ 70 - 78 72 - 72 74 - 80 76½- 78 2d, income . ... . ... .. .... ~ 8 - 8 .... - . .. 12 - 12 14 • \6 13 - 15½ .... - .. . . 15 - 18 17½- 25 18 - 21 20~- 31 22 - 29 18 - 19 GuU Col. & S. F,-ht .. '7 108 ··110 105 -107½ 104 -106¾ 104 -106 101 -104 104 -105 103 -110 109½-112 110½-112 111½-115¼ 115 -116 115 -120 2d, 19~3 . .... . .. ·. ·. ·. · · ·6 . . . . - . . . . 82 - 88 79 - 80 79½- 84¼ 84 - 89 Han, & St. Jo.-Conv. 8108%-,10~ 108%-108¾ ... . Consol. .... - ........ . 6 114¾-115½ 115 -118¾ 115 -115½ 115¼-115¾ 116 -117¼ 117½-118½ 118¾-118½ 118½-119 115 -116 116!,i-117 117 -117½ 117 -118½ Heu. Bridae Co,-tst .. ,6 .... - .. .. 104½-105 105¼-106 Hous.F.&W.T,-lst.7 . . . . - .... . . . . - ... .. . . . - .... 95 -95 .... - .... 84½-84¼ .... _ .. .. Ho11s.&T.C.-1st,M.L,7. 85 -106 *89½- 93½ *84 - 90¾ *85 - 87¾ • •87 · 95 *93 - 96 •94½- 97¼ •95¼-100 *98 -lUO½ *99 -100 *91}%-103 1st, Western Dlv . .. .. '7 78 - 95 *80 • 82 *70½- 76½ *78 - 75 •73¾- 75¾ *75½- 86 *88½- 87 *87½·· 91 *89¼- 94¼ *ll2 - 94¾ *94 - 94!J,,! *94½-100 W. & N. Div . ... . . .... . 7 82¾- 88¾ ... . - ... . *i3 - 78½ ... . • - ........ - .... *95 - 95 •94½· 96 *95 - 96 2d, Main Line .. . •·• · · .8 68 -111 70 - 75 57½- 71 - . .. . 58½56 - 56 .. .. 66 - 78 77"'.,,,,- 78 77 - 80 77 - 81 so - 89½ General mo1·t. • •... .. .. 6 • ... - •· •· •· - ... . 50 - 50¾ 52 - 52 51}%- 60 58½- 59¾ 58 - 68 Illinois CentralSp1•inat, Div., 1S98 . . 6 .. •· - • •.... .. . .. .... - .... 114 -114 119 -119 119!,i-119½ 119½-119½ C.St,L.&N,O.-lst,c. 7 122½-122J,cl 12~-121 121¼-121¼ 125 -126 124 -125 .... - .... 125 ··127 - .... 125 -125 120½-124 126 -126 2d 1\1 • . ,. . . ....... . ...... 6 .... - .. - ... . 118 -118 119 -119 Gold .. « • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 104 -105¾ 106 -107 107 -110 109¾-112½ 110½-lll 111 -111 111 -118 lll½-118 112½-118½ 118 -118¾ lll¾-114¾ 110 - 111¾ Dnbuq, & S.City 2d .. 7 118¼-113¼ . . .. - ........ - .... 118 -118 .... Ceclar F, & M., 1st ... '1 116 -116 115 -116 .... - .... 115 -116 115½-116 116½-118 118½-115 113½-114 ll3 -114 118½-115 114 -115 114 -115 Ind.Bl &W,-lst,pref.7' . . .. - . ... 121 -121 1st, 1909 .. · .. .. .. .-:i, 6 78 - 78 74~- 74½ 74 - 75 72½- 78¾ 71¾- 78 67 - 68 59 - 60 68 - 81½ 75 - 82½ 76 - 84 84 - 92¼ 90¼- 96 2d, 1909 .. .. .. . . .... :i, 6 55 - 55 55 - 53 54 ·· 54 ... •..••• 51 - 51 50 - 59 58 - 60½ 62½- 67½ 78 - 78 77 - 80 EasternDiv .. .... . .... . 6 78 - 80 77 - 77 75 - 75 75 • 75 72~- 72¾ ... 68 - 68 68 - 72 76 - 76¼ 78 - 86 {,Q - 94 90 - 96 Con. income ..... ... •· .6 25 - 25 15 - 15¾ 15 - 15½ .. .. - .. ...... 15 - 15 16¾- 19½ 18 - 1~ 18¾- 29½ 27¾- 39 32 - 88 Ind. Dec. & Sp,-lst .. · .7 101 ·103½ 99¼-101 82¼- 98½ 85 - 85¾ 85½- 87 87 - 87 87 - 88 87 - 91 90 - 92 ft2 - 95 99 - 99 tst,ex funded coupon .. . .. 61 - 81 88 - 88 85 - 85 94 - ll4 96 -100 Zcl income ..... ..... . , ... 20½- 20~~ .... - .... 18 - 18 .... - .... 18 - 18½ .. .. 20¼- 20ni ... - . ... 22 - 22 Intern, & Gt. ~o.-lst.6105 -107½ 105 - 106 105 -106½ 105¾-108 105 -107 104¾-106 107 -112 111½-112 114 -114½ 115 -115 112¾-114½ 118½-114 Coupon, 1909 .. . •· .... .6 64½- 73 ' G6 - 70 66¾- 70 65½- 68¼ 64 - 66 65 - 67¼ 67½- 77 79 - 80 78 - 78 77½- SL 81¼- 84 81 - 84 Iron St'mb't Co.,1901.6 .... - .... .... - . ... 71½- 72 .... - ........ - . .. .... . .Jefferson-1st .. . .. . ..... '1 . . . - . . 99 -100 997~- 99¾ . . . . - .. .. 101½-l0ll11 .. .. - . . .. . . . . Kent. Central-Mort .. 6 • ••. - • •.. . . .. · 70 - 72½ .... 1.t111, stamped . ....... 4 65½- 65½ 64 - 65½ 64¾- 65¾ 68 - 63 68 - 69 67½- 68 67½- 78½ 70 - 72¾ 82 - 90 82 - 86 Lake Erie & W.-tst .. 6 80 - 88 80 - 88 88¾- 86½ 135 • 82 65 - 66½ 66 - 70 70 - 74 78½- 82 81½- 88 88½- 90 24 - 31 23 25 Income ...... .... ..... ... '1 20 - 22 20 - 25 25 - 25 14 :. 14 18 - 14 14 - 14 14 - 15 16¾- 22 21 - 23 28 - 32 84 - 84 82 - 82 SalHlusliY Div ...... . . .. 6 .... 75 - 75 60 - 65 72 - 72 76 - 76 82½- 88½ 25 - 28 20¼.- 25 Sandusky Div .- Inc ... •·· · 10 - 10 .... - . ....... 21 - 28 20 - 22 Lat, Bl. & M,-lst . ... 6 .... - .... 78½- 85 84½- 87 65 - 87 66 - 68 68¼- 68½ 70 - 73½ 75 - 84¼ 81 - 88 b4 • 87½ 88¼- 91 88¼- 90 24½- 81½ 30 - 80¼ Income .. .. . . . . .. 7 • •• • - • •. • . . .. - . .. 28 - 28 14 - 15M .... . 23 - 27 25 - 25 Lake Shore & M, So.M, S. & N. I. Skg, ft\ .. '1102 -102½ 102¾-1027~ 1027/2-108¾ 108¼-108¾ . ... Clev.& Tol.-S. fund., 101¾-102 102¼-102½1 102¼-102½ 102¼-102¾ 103 -108 103!,s-108¼ . . . . New ... _ ......... .. . 7 104¾-104¾1105¾-105¾ 10(>¼-106¼ 102½-103 108 -108¾ 108¾-108¾ 105 -105 .. .• - .. .. 101¾-101¾ 101¾-101¾ 101¾-101¾ CI, Pains. & Ash .... .. 7 115¼-115½ 118 -118 .... - ..... .. . - . .. . 114 -114 . . .. - . . . 115 -115 115¾-115¾ 117'A-117¾ Buff, & Ei·ie-New .... 7 119¼-120¾ 123 -123 124¾-125 119¼-121½ 120 -122 122 -122 121 -128½ 122½-128¾ 123½-121½ 120½-120¼ ...• - ... . 122¾-122¼ Kai, & W. P. - tst .. .. 7 .. . - ........ - -··· .... - ....... . - ........ - . .. . 104 -104 .. ....... 106½-106½ 108 - 108 . ... - ........ Det1·oit !lion. & T ... .7 124 -124 1· .. . - ........ - .. .. ... . - .... .... - ••••••• • - ....... . - ........ L, ~horc-Dividencl .. 1 .... · .. ,. 121¾-122 128 -124 121 -121 119¼-121 - .... 122 -122 122½- 122½ . . . . - ... . 120 -120 .... 1st coo., coup .. . . . ... 1 126 -126 /.. . . - .. .. 127 -128 128¾-129¾ 129 -129½ 129¼-130 127 -128 128 - 128¾ 128½-129 128½-121}% 120 -129¾ 180 -180¾ ht con,, reg .... . .... . 7 125 -12!».( 126 -128 126 -128 125½-126 125},;-129 125 -128 125 - 127½ 127 •·128 127 -128¼ .... - . . .. .... - ... 127 -128 2d con,, coup ... .. .... 7 115 -115¾ 115 -115½ 115 -116 115¼-116 115¾-116 112~-118 118¾- 118½ 118½-119 117½-118¾ 11 ~-121 120 -121¾ 117¾-120 2d con., re2 ......... . 7 115 -115¼ llf>J,ji-115¾ 114½-115 115½-115¾ 115 -115½ 112 -112¾ 112¾-115½ .... - . . . . 118%-118¾ 118½-120¾ 120½-120½ !18 -119¾ Lonll Island- 1st .... . ... ?. .... - ... ,: 128 -123 122 -122 120 -120 - ... . . •. . - ... ..... - ... 125 -125 122 -122½ 122½-122½ 1st, consol. .... .... a 102 -104¼ ,104½-105 105¾-106 104¾-104¾ 106½-107 107½-107½ 107½- JlO 105 - 108 107 -107 108 -108 108 -109 108 -109 Louisv,& N,- Consol ... ? 115~-117¾ 117 -118!,s 118 -119 116!,i;-117 !17¾-121 121 -121 121½-123½ 123 -124¾ 124½-124½ l:/0¼-122½ 122¾-122½ 122½-123 Cecilian Branch .. •.•. 7 . . . . - .. .. .. . . - . . .. 96 -100 98 - 98 98 -!00 101 -101 - .... 100 -101 1101½-102 .. . . · ........ - ... . N. 0, Mob. & T.-ht .(i 69 - 76 72Ji- 81 SO - 82 79¼- 82 82 - 98 93%- 97 94 - 95¾ 95 - 96¾ 95¼- 98 97½- 99¾ 99¼-102½ 101¾-105 2d . ........ ............ .. 6 .... - . . .. 60 - 67¼ 68½- 68¼ .... - . ... 68 - 75 75 ·· 80 . .. • - . .. . 80 - 84 78 - 85 84½- 88½ 86 -· 88¼ 87 ·· 98 E, H. & Nash.-lst ... (i 99¾-100 102 -!02 106 -106 106 - 106¼ !06¾-110 106 -108 107½-110 no - 110½ 110¾-110¼ 110½-111½ 115 -115½ 110 - 112 Gen'I mo1·t .. ..... . ..... . O 79 - 84 83¼- 90 83¾- 90 90 ~ 90½ 1.10 -100½ ll6¼ · 98½ 98 -101¾ lOl¾-103½ 102!,t,-103!,s 101½-103 102 -106 102 -105 Pensacola Div . . .. .. . ti St. Louis Div .-1st . . .6 St. Louis Div.-2d . .. 3 Nash. & Decatur .. .. .. -:, So. &No. Ala.-S. F .6 Trust bonds ... ... ...... 6 Ten-Forty, 1924 ... .. ti Pen sac. & A tl, - ht .. 6 J,ou, N. Alb, & C,-lst.6 Louisv, N,O.&T.-tst..; l}(an,B,Jmp, Co .-Lim,7 Memp, & Chas.-T.L . . 7 !Ut>tropolitan El.-lst . . (i 2d, 1899 .... . ......... .. 6 Mex. Cent,-18l, ex cp 7 Mich. Cent-1 st,consol. 7 1st, com,ol ......... . ... ~ -Coupon, 1931. .... " .. .:,i Registe1·ed, 1931 ... .. ~ Jack. L. & Sag., '91.6 1.tlid. of N,.J,-lst ........ 6 lUU. L. Sh. &W.-lst .. 6 Income ... ......... .. ... .6 Michigan Div .... . .. . . . 6 Mil.&No,-ht . . . ., .. .. 6 Mlnneap.& St.L.-lst. ,Iowa Extension .... .. , ~d, 1S9t .. ., ... .. . . .... 7 So.West.Exten, - lst .7 Pacific Ext ........ .. ... 6 Mo.K.&T.-Gen. con .. 6 Gen. consol. .. .......... ~ Consol. ...... . ... _. ... . .. 7 2d, Income .... .. ... . .. . . 6  = ·:·:·:·:I·:··.·: '·:  .... -  .... .... 114 -114  -_ .... 88¾- 90  00 - 90  - .... 102 -102 - .... 48 - 48 45 - 45  ... . -  - .... 04 - 04 ... . - . . 107 -107 ... , ~J - 53 - .... llb½-116½  01 - 91 90¼- 91 108 -103 105 -105 50½- 51½ 50½- 50½ 54¼- 55 52 - 52¾ ... - . . . . .. - ... . 117½-117½ . . .. -  . .. . -  80 - 90 . . .. 62 - 92½ 91 - 05¼ 94¾- 05!4 95¼- 98 94¾- 95½ 95 - 97¾ 96¾-100 97 -100 6tt - 78 76 - 81 81¾- 84 8G - 00½ .. .. - .. .. 89 - 90 86½- 89¼ . .. . - .... 85¾- 87 84 - 86¼ 9~ 80 - P4 033,g-100 93 - 97 05 - 96 90 - 05 90 - 90 90 - 07 95 - 96 05 -100 00 -100½ 100 -105 87!,,i 87¼- 89 87 - 89¾ 90 - 90¾ 90 - 90¼ 90 - 90¾ 90¼- 01½ 91¾- 92).§ 90 - 90!,s 90¼- 90!-,! 90¾- 90~ 90½- 91~ .. - .. . 77 - 78½ .. .. - . ... .... 77 - 77 77 • 79 .. .. ... - . ... 116 - 117 118 -118 .. . . - . .. ..... 105½-107 105¼ 110 108 -110 107 -109¾ W8½- 118 lll¼-112¼ 109¾-114 118 -113½ 118 - 114½ 114½-116½ 116 -117½ 116 ·-118 1 92 - 94 92¾- 1;7 97 - 98 96½- 97½ 95¾-101½ 99¼-101¼ 101 -103¼ 103 -104 108¾- 106½ 106¼· 109 106 - 108 107 - 109 .... - ........ - ...... . - .... 55¼- 58¾ .... - . .. 52¾- 52¼ ... . - . . .. 48¼- 44 89½- 42 42¾- 48½ 47 - 51¾ 46 •· 53 124 -125 125:½-127!4 127¼-128¼ 126 -128 128 -12~ 124 -125 124 -126 124½-126 127 -128 129 -181¼ 127½-127½ 126¾-128~,i 104 -!05 105 -105 - .. .. 104¾-106½ 107¼-108½ 108 -108 110 -110 . ... - . ... 109¼-109½ 106 - 107 108 -108 98½- 99 ... . - .... 100 -100½ .... - .. .. 100 -100 100 -101 100 -100 100 -106 105 -106 106 -108 .. . - . . .. .... - . . . ... .. - ... . 100 -106¼ 104¼-106 104½-106½ . . .. - ........ - .. .. 106½-106½ 107½-107½ .. . . - ...... . . - .. . • 70¼- 74 71 - 72½ 80 - 84 78 - 85½ 84 - 85½ 82 - 85¾ 86 - 90 b9¾- 05 94 - 95 92 - 96¾ 9(>¼-100 98¾-103 98½-100½ lCY-l½-102¼ t02 -105 108¼-105 lOQ¾-102 100½-102 103½-104 104~-105½ 104½-107½ 100 -114 110 -113 111 -113¾ . . " - . .. . 79½- 79¼ . . .. 77 •· 77 80 - 86 84 - 85 82 -· 84 96 - 90 f/7¾- 99 99¼-101 .... - . ... 100!,ii-100¾ 100¾-10()¾ 97¾- 97¾ 00 -100 .... - ... , 102 -107 110¼-110¼ .... - .. . . .. .. - .. ..... . .... 90 - 90 ... - .... 90 - 90 .... - ..... ... - ... . 1. . . . - •••• 98 - 95 94¼- 08 98 -100 97½- 98 119 -119¾ l19¾-122½ ... . - , ... 121½-121¼ .... - .... 123 -124 128 --128 1.. .. - .... 123 ··128 130 -1~0 1180 -130¼ .... · •..• ll8 -113 116>,(-116¾ 116¾-116¼ 115 -116 11:> -118½ 117 -117 ... . • .. ...... - .... 120 -LO ... . - . .. . 120 -120 .... · ........ - .... 100 -100 .. . - . ... . 100 -100 .. ,. - ....... . - .... .... - . . .. 100 -100 102 -104 . . .. - ... . .. .. • ... . . .. - ...... . 112!,e-112½ .... 113½-118 118 -118 ... . - ... . .... . . .. 108¾-103¼ 103½-104 .... - . .. . .. . . - .. . . 105 -105 64 • 68½ 68 . 70 68 - 72 70 - 77 74¾- 78 70¾- 75¼ 74¼· 78¾ 77 - 88 82½- !>5 84¼- 90' 89¼- 98¼ 88¼- 94¼ 41)%- 58¾ 50¼- 55 5-l¼- 55-UI 54~- 61 58¼- 62~ 57~- 61 60:,( 65 64½- 72 70¼- 72 70¾- 76 7o · 80 74~ 79¾ 100 -105½ 99½-103 108 -101»41104¾-107½ 106!,ti-109 107 -109½ 108¾-115 109¾-111¼ 110 - 111½ 1109(-112½ 112 -113 113¼-115¼ . . .. 75 - 75 57 • 57 J 60 • 60 . . . - . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . • . . . . .. . 8~¾- ~ 70 62 ... . !JO 87  ·-  75 78¾- 84 62~ 65½- 68  80 - 82¾ 80 - 82 69 - 69 . . . . -  ····1·..  - ....  -.------,---,..------,------..;,..,----------....,;~_,....,...-.....,:.,....--------------------... .,,___,;,..,• Coupon otr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  60  RAILROAD  BONDS.  1886-Continued. JANUARY FEBR'U.Y.  BONDS. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST, 8EPT'BER. OCTOBER.  NOV'BER.  DEC'BER,  L__ o_w_.H_lg_h Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  1  l'tlo. Kans. & Tex.Han. & C, Mo,-lst .. 1 . .. . - ...... , ....... . - . ....... - ... . ... . - . ... ... - ... . 108 -108 107½-109 108 -108 .•.. - .... . . . • ... 107~-108 Mobile & Ohio-New .. 6 100 -104 104 -104 106 -108½ 106½-107 106½-106¾ 105½-106 107 -108½ 107%-108 108 - 109 110 -111½ lll½-112 .... ·• . .. . Collat. Trust ........... 6 .... - . ....... - .... ... . - ....... . - ....... , - . ... .. .. . . ... . . ... . . - . . . . - .... 100 -101½ .. - .... .. . . - ... . 1st, exten., 1927 ..... . 6 .... - . . . .. - ........ - ........ •· . .... . .. - . . . . .... - . .. . . . . . . ..... .. .. . .. . - .... 100 -101 101 -102½ 100½-101 1st pref. debenture .. . 1 55 - 55 55 - 59 5j½- 57½ 51 ·· 51 .... - . . . . 49½- 50½ 55 - 55 56 - 56 58½ - 61 60l<(- 64½ 64 . 66½ 62 - 66 2d pref. debenture .... 1 ... . - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - .... . . . . ... 22½- 22½ 25 - 34½ 32½- 84~ 34 - 38 37 - 42 38 - 41 3d pref. debenture .... 1 .... - ...... .. - ........ - ..... ... - .... ... - ... . ... . - ... ..... - ....... . - ........ -· ... . SO - 33 33 - 37 33 - 33 4th pref. debenture .. 1 .... - ... . .... - ........ - .... . ... - .... ... . - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 25 - 26 30 - 31 31 - 31 33 - 33 Morgan'sL. & T.-l1n. 6 .... - ....... . - . . .. . . . . ..... . - ....... ·- . . . . .. . . - ........ - . .. .... - .... 100¾-100¾ 100 -1051~ 105¾-106 106 -107¾ Mutual Union T --S.F .6 66½- 69¾ 69 - 60½ li9 - 70 69 - 71 66¼- 67¾ 66 - 70½ 70 - 75 75 •· 79 77½- 81 81 -· 86½ 80 - 83% 79 - 81 Nashv.C.& St.L.-tst. 1116½-118 117 -117½ 117¼-118½ ll&;!,!-120½ 120¼-121½ 121½-122 119½-120 121½-123 122 -1 22¼ 122½-125 125 -126 125½-126½ New.J.South.-Guar .. 6 . ... - ........ - . . ... .. . - .. . . .... - ........ - .... 85 -85 75 -75 .. .. - .. . ..... •· .... . . . . - ..... . . - . ....... - .. •. N.O.Pacific-lst, ex cp.6 ... . - . .. . 60 - 60 55 - 62 54¾- 55½ 52 - G5 50¼- 55 50½- 57¾ 58 - 65 65 - 68 59 - 65¾ 60¾- 67~ 49 - 65½ N, Y. Cent1·a.l-Extend . ~ 102%-103~ 103½-105 104½-105¾ 104½-106 104½-105½ 104½-105½ 106½-106½ 106¼-106½ 106 -106¾ 106 -107¾ 103½-105 104 -105¾ 1SS1 .............. .... .. .6 104 -105 .... - .... 105½-105½ 105¾-105¾ 106¼-106½ 106¾-106¼ 106 -106 .. . . - .... 106¾-107½ 106½-lCJ7¼ 107 -1 07¼ 103¼-104¼ N.Y. C,& H.-lst,cp .. 1 129 - 184 132½-133¾ 133¾-135 184 -135¾ 136 -136¾ 136¾- 137¼ 133~-134~ 133 -134 133%-136½ 136 -137 136¾-138 137½-138¼ 1st, reg ... ....... ...... 1129 - 130½ 132)1:-133¾ 133½-184¾ 134 -184¾ 184½-136 135 -1861,i 133¾-134½ 184 -134 133¾-134¾ 135¾-136½ 136½-137 133½-138 Debenture . ...... . .. . ~ 102½-lOS 103¾-104½ 101½-102½ 10214-102½ 103 - 104½ 104¼-105 104½-106 105½-106½ 10$¾-106 105 -106¾ 105¾-106½ 106¾-lOli Bud. Riv.- 2d, s. fd .1101½-10!¾ .. .. - .... 102:Ji-1027,1i 102¾-103 .... - ........ - ....... • - ........ - ........ - .... . . .. - ........ - . ..... . - .. •. Can. So.-lst, guar . .. . ~ 96 - 97 96 - 98¾ 08 - \19½ 96¾- 98¾ 96 - 98¾ 98 -100 96¼-100 99!.!;-100½ ~-101¾ 101 -103½ 102¾-lOt 10$¾-109 2d mort . .... . .. . ... .:J 69 - 70 69 - 75 70 - 72½ 65 - 70 66 - 70 67½- 69½ 69 . 79 77½- 79!1:( 76 - 78 77 - 85 82)4- 85½ 83 - 87 Harlem-1st, coup .. . . 1134 -134 132½-lSS½ !34)4-135½ 135 -135 133 -138 .... - .... 137 -140 137¾-138¼ 137 -138 . .. - ... . 138 -138 135 - 138¼ 1st, reg .. . . .. . ········1129½-lSO½ rn2 - 132 135 -135¼ 135½-135½ 132½-lSS½ 135½-135½ 137 -137¾ 186 -.186 136¾-137¾ 137 -138½ 138 -138 133 -186 N. Y.Cbic.&St,L,-lst .6 89¾- 92½ 78 - 92 74 - 90¾ 75½- 79¼ 66 - 77 66 - 78¾ 76 - 84 73:J(- SS¾ 76½- 81 78½- 90 86½- 92¼ 89¾- 99 2d, 1923 .. .............. . 6 56 - 56 51 - 51 .. . . - ....... . - ........ - .. ...... - . .. 45 .. 45 45¼- 49½ .. - . . .. 49 - 59 59 - 65 60¼- 60½ N, Y ,City & N o.-Gen'l. 6 33 - 35½ 34 - 35 35½- 37½ 35½- 40 40 - 40 89¼· 40¼ 38~- 41 41J4- 47 45¼- 46½ 45 - 55½ 56 - 60 54 - 57 Trust Co, receipts ..... SS¼- 35 SS½- 35¼ 35 - 37 35½- 40 39½- <tO 39 - 40 39¼- 407Ai 40¼- 46½ 451,( · 46¼ 45 - 56½ 56½- 60 54 - 58 N. Y. Elevated-lst ..... 1 114 -117 117 -119},t 117 -120½ 118 -119½ 119 -121¾ 121½-124½ 121 -128 121½-123 121½-123 124½-127 125½-127 124½-127 N.Y.& N.Ena-.-lst ... .. 1104 -108 111 -llt 110½-lll 114 -114 117 -117½ 117½-117½ 116 -117½ . •.. - .... *18~-120¼ *21½-123 •124-125 .... - .•.• 1st, 190~ . .. .... .... .... 6 ... . - .... 100 -101¼ ... . - .... 105½-107 .... - ....... . - .. .. ... - ........ - .... •l0¾-110¼ .. ., - .. .. •us -114 ......... . N.Y.N.H.&H.-lst,1•a- 4 105 -108 .... - .... 109 -109 109 -109¾ .... - .... 108 -110 lll¼-111¼ 111 -111 111 · lll¾ lll½-111½ ... . - ....... . ·· .. .. N, Y. Susq.&W.-lst ... 6 .. .. - ... ,!,50 - 56½ ~56 - 56 .... - .•.. *59½- 60½ ..•. . .•. •57½- 57½ *65 - 70 •63 - 70 •70 - 76¾ *75 - 79¾ *78 - 84 Debenture, 1891 .. .... 6 .... - .. .. .... . ..... .. - ... . .... - ...... . . - .... ... - .. .... - ....... . - .. .. *42½- 42½ *47½- 55 *54¾- 5~ •56 · 50 N. V .& Tex. Land-Scrip . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 50 - 55 . . . . - . . . . . . . - . • . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 60 - 60 57 - 57 . . . . . .. N .Y.W.Sh.&B.-lst .. . :i SS¼- 39¼ 38 - 37½ SO¾- 36¼ 28½- 31 28¼- Sl~ 30:J(- 38½ 84½- 44½ 41¾- 43% 41¾- 44!.( 42~- 44¼ 43½- 44½ .. .• . ... 1st, reg . . .. . .. . .... .. ... ~ 31%- 34 33¾- 35½ 29½- 35 28¾- 80 29 - SO 31 - 37% 33~8- 43¼ 41¾- 43¾ 42~- 44 42¾- 4$¾ . . .. - . . ..... - ... . T1·ust Co. receipts...... . . . - . ... .. .. - .... . ... - .... . ... - . . . . . .. - . . . . .. .. .. . . .... - ...... . . - .. 43!4- 45 44¾- 46½ 45 - 46¼ 45¾- 50½ Nor1.&West,-Gen.M .6 92 - 93¾ 93 - 94 ~4¾- 95½ 90 - 96 86¼- 89 86½- 89 86½- 90 90 · 97¼ 99 - 99 97 -103 100 -102 102 -103½ New River-1st . ...... 6 94. - 94 " - . . ...... - . . . • .. - . .. . .. . . .. ..... . - ... . . .. - . . . . . . . . ... 95 - 95 94 - 94 96 -100 99 · 99½ Ohio Central-1st: ...... 6 56 - 59 57 - 61½ 59 - 62½ 59½- 62 .... - .. . ..... - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . ... .... ... .... . .. . Income ..... ... .. .. . .... 1 4¾- 5 4 - 5 4 - 5 .... - . .. . . . .. - ....... . - . ... .... .. 2 - S 2 2½ 2 3 S - 8 ... . Ohio & Miss. Con.s. t.., 117¾-117¾ 117 -117¾ 116½· 116½ 115½-117 117½-118 118¾-ll~ 117 -117¾ .. .. - .... 122 -122 122 -123½ 122 -123½ 123 -123 Consol.. ................. .1116½-1!7¼ 116½-118½ 117 -117 .... - ... 117 -117½ .... - .... 118½-119 118½-119 120 - 120 122 -128½ 117 -122 123 --123½ 2d, consol. . ... .. ... .... 1113¼-llS~ 108 -111 108>lf-110 109 -111 109¾-llC .... . ... 109 -109 113 -118 112 - 113 109½-lll 111½-115 113 -114 1st, Sp1•ing1, Div .. .. .. 1 .. .. - .. .. 100 -100¾ 100 -lC!O¼ 98½-100 93 - 93 . ... - . . .. . . . . - .... .. . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . 96 - 100 93¼- 97 .. . . - ... . General, 1932 . . .. . . ~ . . . - . . .. ... . - . .. . . . .. - .. .. . .. - . ...... . - . . .... . . - . . .. . . - . .. .... - . . . . 75 - 76 74 - 74 81 - 81 78 - 79½ Ohio Southern-1st .... . 6 82¾- 84½ 84½- 90 89 - 89½ 89¼- 89¾ 89¼- 90 86¾- 87 86 - 89 87½- 88 87¾- 89 89 94½ 96 -100½1 97 -100 2d, income ... .. . . . . .... .6 21½- 22¾ 20½- 24½ 23½- 24~ 23 - 24~ 2~ - 22½ 20 - 20¾ 21½- 22 21½- 23 22 - 25 23½- 34 Sl½- 43 86 - 41¾ 01·, R'y, & Nav.-1st . .. 6 106¼-107½ 107¼-109¼ 109½-lll 111 -1!~ 111¾-112¼ 112¾-113 11()¾-112~ 112½-113¼ 112¾-114 1143,s-115½ lll½-115 112 -114~ Debennu·es, 1881 . . .. 7 . ... - ..... . .. - ... . .... - ... 100¾-100¾ 103 -103 10~-103¾ •.. - .. ..... . - .. ...... - ........ - . ....... - . .. .... - .. . . Orea-. Imp. Co.-lst .... 6 69½- 75 74¼- 80 80 - 81¾ 80 - 83 80½- 83 77 - 7S 77 - 83¾ 83 - 85 82 - 84 83¾- 91½ 90¾- 95¾ 90 · 92½ Oregon T1·ans.-lst .. .6 65 - tIB 64½- 69 68 - 75 71 - 73½ 67 - 70½ 677,1i- 69 68 - 75¼ 76 - 80½ 78 - 80 79¾- 94¾ 89¼- 93 91½- 97 Panama-S, F. sub . . ... 6 .. . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 101 -101 .. .. - . .. ..... - . .. . .. ..... . - . •. .. . . . - . .• . . . . . - ... . 101 - 101 .. . . - . . . . .. - ... . Pacific Raih·oadsCent. Pac.-Gold .. . ... 6109½-110~ I:!.O -112 11!%-113 111¾-ll~ 112¾-114 i. 13¾-115 111¼-J12 lll¾-114 112½-113½ 113¾-113¾ 113 -115 114¾-117 San .Joaquin Br .... 6 104!),(-105½ 105½-105½ .... - .... 104¼-104½ 103 -105 . ... - .. .. 106 -106 105½-10? . ... - .. 107¾-107¼ 108 -108 108 - 108 Cal, & Ore1ron .. . .. .. 6 96 - 97 00 - lli 100 -100 98¼- 99½ 98 -100 100¾.. 101 97 - 98½ .... - .. . . 100½- 102¼ 101½-101½ 102\.:(-102¼ 103 -103¾ Series B ........ .... . 6 - ........ - .. ,. 100 -100 .. .. - .... 101 -101 100¾-100¾ 98 - 98¼ 99 -100¾ 100½-1 ~ 100½-101½ . . . - ... . Laml grants .......... 6 100¾-102 1(')1¼-102 102½-103 99½-100 99¾-102½ 102 -103;4 .... - .... 104¾-106 104 -106 102¾-103½ 103¼-103¼ lOS½-104½ Weste1·n Pac .... ... .. 6 107 -107½ 107 -108¼ 108½-109¾ 108 -109¾ 107¾-108 no -111~ 108 -108½ 109 -100,'l:{ 109 -109½ 110 - 110 111 -lll¼ lll½-112 Northern, Cal,-Gu .. 6 ... . - ........ - .. .... .. - . .... ... - .. . . ... - .. .. . . . - ....... . - . ... 108 -108 110 •110 . . . . . . .... .. - . . . . .. . .. . No.Pac.-Gen.lst, I,& 6 99½-101 100 -105¼ 105 -106!,s 108½-105¾ 102½-104¾ 1037kl05½ 101½-104~ 104½-106 105½-106½ 106½-109¾ 109¾-113 111½-115 0  ::::,~~~.:!l~•:t::a": ~~  ~~  ~~~=1~~ ~~.l.¾-~~~~ ~~¾=l~~  ~~  =l~~ -104¾ ~~¾=10~¼ .. :::: = ::: :i~~½f=l~~ 106 =1~ .. - 10~ l~=l!~¼ 1!!¼=1!:¾ So. Pac, Cal-1st ... .. 6 95 - 96½ 96 - 98 97¾- 99 93½- 96 94½- 98¾ 97 - 98¼ 96½- 98¾ 98½-101¾ 101 -102¼ 98 -101 101¼-lOi 103¾-105¼ So,Pac.Arizona-lst6 . .. . - .. ...... - .. .. .... - . .. ... - ... . ... . - . ..... .. - . ... 95 - 96¼ ... - . ••. 99 - 99¼ 99 - 99 99½-100¼101 ··103 So, Pac. N.Mex.-lst 6 ... . - .... 93 - 93½ 93¼- 94 78 OS¾- 94 93¼- 94½ 90½- 96 S.l3½i- 95¼ 95¾- 97 97¼· 98 97 - 98¼ 98¼-100½ 100%-102¼ Union Pac.-lst . ...... 6 110 -112 lll¼-112% 112¾-!lS¼ 112%-114½ 114½-116½ 115½-117 113¾-115¼ 114¾-115¼ 115 -115½ 115½1-116¼ 115)4- 1113¼ 116]'1!-117 Land g1•ants ... ...... . 1106½-107 108 -108 . . . . - .... 104% 105¾ .... - ... . 106¾-107 .. - ... . 10'7¾-107¾ . .. . . ... 104½-104½ 105½-105½ 105¼-105¼ Sinking fond .... ..... 8 117 -1177,1i 1177,1i-119 116 -120 117¾-119½ 118½-120¼ 120 -121 121 -122 123 -123 119½-120 120 -121 121 -121 121 -121 Registe1•ed ...... ... . .8 .... - . ... ... . - ... . 115 - 118½ 111:1¼-118½ !20 -120 119½-120 120½-120½ 121½-121~ 118 -119 ... - . ... 120 -12(».! . ... - . .. . Collate1•,Tr.. 1901 .~ .. - ... . . . - .. . .... - ... ..... - ... .. . . - . . . . . - ...... .. - ....... . - ........ - ....... . - . .. 112½- 92½ 93¾-93¾ Ii.. Pac.-lst, 1S9ii .6 .... - .. . . 109½-109½ 110 -110½ 110¼-llO¾ 112¾-118½ 118½·114 112½-llS ... . - .. .. Ill -111 112¼-112¾ 112 -113 .... - .. .. 1st, 1896 ......... . .6 107 -107½ 107½-108 109 -110¼ 109½-110½ 112¾-112¾ 109 -1 09 109¼-111 112 -112 111 · 111. lll¼- 112 112 - 113 110 -110½ Dem', Div.-Ass'd 6 105½-106½ 106 -108 108:)s-110¼ 109½-111½ 108%-109¼ 108¾-109½ 109¼-110½ 110½-111 109½-lll 111 -111¼ 109¼-111½ lll --112 1st, consoi.. .. .. .... 6 92J,~- 93½ 92¼- 93¼ 92¼- 93¾ 92½-:0l½ 96 - 99¾ 98 - 99½ 98 - 99¼ 98 - 99¼ 97½- 99¾ 98 -101¾ 98 -101¾ 99½-101 C.Br.U.P.,fund.cp .1 .. .. - ... . .... . ... 106 -106 106 -106 102½-102½ .... - . ..... .. - . .. . .. . - ... ... .. ...... - ... . . ... - ........ - .. . . At.Col.& Pac,-lst.6 86 - 86 89½- 90 91 - 93 90 - 92½ 92 - 98 93½- 9SZk 93½- 94 95 - 95½ 95½- 96 95½- 100 98¾-100½ 102 -- ~02 At.J.  c.& w.-tst.6 ... . - . .. .  90 - 90  . •. . - ... . 90 - 90  ....  . .. . 90½- 90½ 92 - 92  91¾- 93½ ... • - .... 92 • 95  ... . -  ... 99½- 99½  Orea-.Sh.Line-lst .. 6 87½- 92 84½- 87½ 84¾ · 86¼ 85 - 91¼ PC - 91¾ 90¼-- 92¼ 92 - 95 90 - 91¾ 90¾- 91¼ 90¾- 97¾ 97¼- 99½ 97½- 99¼ Utah South.-Gen . . 1 96 - 96 95 - 115 96 - 97 99 - 99½ . ... - . . .. 99 .. 99 05½- 95½ 92 92 90 - 90 90 - 90 90 - 90 .... - ... . Ext'n, 1st, 1909 .. .,- 87¼- 87½ ... . - .. . . . . - ... . 90 - 90 ... . - .. . . 00 - 91) ... . . ...... ... . . - ... 87 - 87 .... - ..... . .. - . .. . Mo. Pac.-]st cons .... 6 91 - 94¼ 92 - 97 95 - 97 lf4 -103¼ 96½-100 98 -101 100 -101½ 101 -102¼ 102½-10~ 108¾-106 103 -104.¾ 104 -108 3d . ................... .1 99!,4-104 99¾-105½ 105!)4-107 107 -114% 108¾-!11½ 110 -lll llS -113 llS½-114 114 -115 115 -117¼ 114½-117½ 116 -118¾ Pac. o1 Mo.-lst . . .. . 6 105½-106¾ 108¾-104 104¼-105½ 105 -105¾ 105 -106 100¼-107½ 107¾- 108 104¾-105¼ 104 -105½ 105 - 105¾ 105¼-lOG 106 -106½ 2d ..... ... .. .. ....... . .1108 -108 108½-109 .. - . . . . . .. - .. . . . . - .... .. .. - . . ..... , - .... 110 -llO 110½-111¼ 112¼-113 113½-117 113½-114½ St.L,&S.F.-2d,cl.A , .6101 - 101 101¾-102½ 104 -104 103 -103 07½- llS¼ 98~- 99¾ .. .. - . ... 100 -100 I00¾-100¾ ... . - .... 10! -105 104 -106 Class "C" .. . .. ... ... . 6 99 - 99~ 98½-100 G9¾-101J4 99 -100½ 96¾- 97 96 - Ii? 96 - 97 96½- 97~ li7¾- 98 97½-103 99 -103½ 103 - 105½ Class "B" .......... .. 6 99¾-100.¼ 99)4-100½ 100 -101½ 99½-101 97 - 98 97 - 98 96¾.. \JS 98 - 99 98 - 99¼ 99 · 104 100 -104 104 .. \06 Equipment ...... .. ... .1101½-101¼ lOSJ.1;-103½ ... . - . ...... - ... . .. .. - ... ... .. - ........ - . . .. . . . . - •. .. . ... - • .. . . .. . . . . ... . - .... 102 - 102 G·eneral mort ...... .. 6 .... - , . . . 92 - 93½ 98½- 04¾ 94 - 95¾ \14 - 94?~ 93½- 94¾ 91 - 91½ 91J.(- US¾ 91 - 91¾ 91 - 94% 94¾- 97¾ 95½-103 So.Pac.of Mo,-bt .. 6 10% -103¼ 103 -103% 104 -104)4 104 -104¾ 104½-105¾ 1(15%-106¾ 10$¾-103½ 103½-lOS¾ lOS½- 104¾ 108'7,1i-104½ 104½-105½ 104¾-106 Texas & Pac,-lst . .. 6 105¼-105¼ 108¼-108½ .... - .... 106½-107 107½-107½ .... - •... .... - .... .. .. - ........ - . . . . . .. . . •...... - . .. . . .. . .. . Con ■ols. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .6 75 - 75 - . . . 74 - 75 78 - 78 ' . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . - .. .. . . . -· . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ·· . . .. . . . . - ... . Inc.& land ,:r., rea-.,· 32 - 38 36 • 39 35¾· 37~ SO - 34¾ SS¼· 37 85 - 38¾ 36 - 40 R9 •· 477,1i 46 - 50 45¼- 49¾ 46 -· 50 34¾- 46 1st, Rio Gr. Div .... . 6  Ex Au1r. coup ... .. . 6 Gen. M. & ter ... .. .. .6 Pennsylvania RR.··· Pa. Co.-Coup . .... .. .4¼; Registered .... .. ... 4½ PlttB,C.&St.L,lstcp '7  • Coupon o~. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  51 - 54 50 - 52  ... . - ..  52~- 68 50 - 54 46 - 62  G5¼- 1J6¾ 97 -100 95)4- 96 96 -100  52 - 57¼ 52 - 55 48 - 53¾ 47 - 50 49 - 51 44 - 45  1  50 - 58 54 - ~O¾ 55 · !58 60 - 66¼ 66¼- 69 . . . . . .. ... . . - ... . 53 - 57 48 - 5(%1 4.9 - 51¼ 48½- 53½ 51½- 60 59 - 64¼ 57 - 64½ 57 - 63¾ 42 - 61 44½- 44½ 47½- 48 43 48 43 - 52½ 51 - 61¾ 57 - 59 54 - 67¾ 40 - 56  98½- 99½ 98½-100 99¾-102 101½-102¾ 99~-100¼ 100 - 100 99*10<% 101 · 101¼ 102 -102¾ 102½-103¼ 97½- 99!4 99¾- 99¼ 100 •101 101¼-102¼; ~ · 99¾ lOC, -100 99 -10<% 101 - 101 101½-102¼ 102¼-102½ . ... - .... .... - . ... 120 -120 .... - ... . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. ... . . ..... . - .. .. .. .. • . .. . .• . ..•.. - , . .. ... . . .. .  RAILROAD  61  BONIJS.  188~-Concluded. BONDS.  JANUARY FEBR' RY.  MARCH.  APRI L.  J U NE.  MAY .  JULY .  A UGUST. 8EPT'B E R . OCTOBER NO V'B ltR .  ----- 1- - - -1- -- - - - ---1-----1-- -- - 1----  D E C' B E R  - --- -  Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.Hig h Low.High Low.High Low .High Low. Hig h Lo w.High Low .High Low . Illgh Low.High.  Pennsylvania. RR.Pltts. Ft. W .&C.- lst. '7 131>¼-136¼ 136¾-137 188 - 139 139½- 140 130 -141½ 140 - 140¼ 137!11- 138 140 ··140 140¼-141 · . . . . 141 )4-141¼ 141¼-143 2d ... . . ... .. .. . · ···· ·· ? ·· ·· = .... ... . - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . ... "137 ·137½ 188 ··140 ... , - . . . . .. . . - . . . . 136 - 138 139 - 139½ 138½- 138½ 188 -188 3(1.. . ..... . . . . ... . .. . .. . . 7 · · ·... . . .. . .. ... . ... . - . ... 127¼ -120¾ 130 - 130 .. . . - . . . . 134 -134 - . . .. 131½-131½ . . .. Clev.& .. .. - .. .. 1.... ·· . . . 124¼-124¼ .. . . - . . . .· . . .. - . . . 125 - 125 126½-127 120 -120 120¾-130 130 -130 .. .. .. . . .. 127 -128 4th . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . ... . .fi 107 - 107 108 -108 110 -110 111¼-lll½ . ., - .. .. 108¼- 108¼ 108¼- 100 110 - 111 11 0~ - 110½ 11 0½-111 St. L.V .& T. H.-lst . 17 115 -115 . ... - . . . . l17½ - 11'3 .... - . .. 122 -122 2d, guar., 1898 . .... 7 .... 112 -112 112 -112 - . .. 104¼-106¾ Peol"iaDcc.& Ev.-lst .6 ... . - . . . . 03 - 08 103 -!08¼ 100 - 108 85 - 85 85 . 85 05 - JOO 100 -102 105½-107 05 - 95 90 · 90 23 - 23 ... Income . . .. . .. .... ... ... .. . . . .. - .. . . 20 - 20 21 - 21 38 - 4.2 30 · 44 41 - 42 .... 00 - 00 85 · 86½ 87 - 06% 93 - 08 08 - 100 Evansv. Div ... . .. . . . . . 16 04½- 04¼ 95 - 05 00 - 02¾ 01¾- iJ2½ .... Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .... 30 • 30½ 30 - 36 S8 - 41 36 - 43 40 - 44 Peoria&Pek.Un.-1st .6 101 - 101 101½-101¼ . . . . - . . .. 101¾-101¾ ... . Pittsb. Cl. & Tol.-1st .6 t07 -lOi½ 107¼:-107¾ 108½-109½ .. . . - . ... 106¼-106¼ .. . . - . . . . 107¼-107¼ .. . Pittsb.Br.&Buff.-lst .6 . . . . tiO - 60 Richmond & AIJ.- 1t1t. 7 50 ·· 53½ 51¾- 53 54 - 50¼ 58 · 56 51¼- 56 56 - 57 52 - 55 57 ·· 64½ . . . • - ... . 67 - 67 70 · 70 Trust Co. Receipts . . .. . . .. ... . . .. : - . . . . 61 - 61 62)1;- 65 64 )4- 70.½ 67 • 75 70¼ - 74 Rich. & Danv.· ·Cons .. 6 93½- 96¾ 95¾-100¾ 99¾-101¼ 100 - 102¼ 101¼ -102½ 109¼-103¼ l OQ ··103¼ 103¼ -104¾ 104% ·108¾ 108 -169½ 100 -112¾ 11 2:),(-115 Debenture ... .. . . . .. . .. 6 52 - 59 57¼- 611-? 61 - 60 62 • 65 62 - 64¾ 64 - 67½ 67 - 7::> 74 - 70½ 73 · 82½ 81 • 87 86 - 91 84 - 88¾ Roch. & Pittsb. - lst .. . 6 108 ··108 .. . . - .. . 107%-108 - . ... 110 -110¼ . . . . • _- .. . . !08¼-_110 ! 10 -110 1110 -112 Consol., 1st . . .. ....... . 6 90 - 00 89¼- 90 89 - 90¾ 90¾- 92).( 03 - 04 . . . . - .. .. 89½ 90 91 98 91 - 93 98 - 10! •101 •107 103 - 105 Income . .... . . .. . . . ...... . 6 52 - 52 . . . . 60 - 00 Rome W. & Oa-.-l8t .. . 1 109 -•!09 - .. .. !07 -107 111 -111 . ... - . .. . 110 ··110}4 . .. . . . . . - . . . 110½ -111 Con., 1st, ex .. . .. . ... .. .'i 72)4- 75½ 74¾- 76 'i6 - 78½ 73 • 7~ 70¾- 75½ 74 - 75½ 74¾- 75½ 75 - 77¾ 77¼- 78½ 75½- 82 80¾- 85 83¼- 90 Income . ... .. . ... . .... . ... 7 83 · 83 S3 ·· SS½ S6 • 36¾ 34½- 34½ S3 - 35 31 - Sl SO¼- 30¼ 33 - 34½ S3 - 33 35 · 39 37¾- 42¾ 41 - 46 St.Jos.&G'd Jsl.- 1st.6 . .. . = ·.·. ·.·. ·. ·..··. = ·. ·.·.·. .··..··. . . . .. 104 -104 103 -104 2d, income. . . . . . . . . . .. . - .... .... 58¾- 58¾ 54½- 57 St. L.Alt.&T.H.-·lst .7 . ... · .. . . 114 - 114 . . . . . . 1!5¼-115½ 112 - 112 . . . .. .. 114 - 114 . . . - .. . . 11 6 - 116 ~d, pref . . . . . .... .. . .. ... . 7 109 -100 1. . . - . . . . 106 -108¼ 107 ··107 106 - 109 109 -109 . . . • - . . . . 107 - 112 11 2 - 112 109 ,,_-111 lll¼- 112½ 111 · 11'1 2d, income ... . . . . . .. .. .. 7 98 - 100!,( 96½·· Od½ 99 - 09½ 09 - 100 96 - 96 98 - 99½ 100 -100 102½-102½ ... . - . . .. 105 - 107 104 - 104 104 -104 Dividend bonds . . . . . . .6 20 - 20 20~,!- 31 27 - 27 25¾- 26 25 .. 25¾ ...• - . . . . 30 - 85 S7 - 39 35 - 41½ SO •- 51 ... . - . . . . 50 - 00 Bell. & So. 111. - lst . .8 .... 114¾-114¾ . . . · . .. . . .•• - . . . . . . . , - .. . . 115½-l :l.5¾ St. L.& Iron Mt.-lst .. 1113¾-114¾ 111 -113 111%- 113 112½;-114¼ 114 - 115½ 115 -115 115½-116½ 114½· li4~!? 113½-115 11 4 - 115¼ 115¼-115¾ 115¼- lltl 2d, 1891' . .. . . . .. .. ..... '11C3¼- 105½ 103 -105 105½-108¼ 108¼-110 107 -108¾ 107¼-108 108¼-110 110 -110¼ 110 -110½ 112 -11 4 110 - 111 ll0¾-112 Ark.Branch . . . . .. . . .. 7105 -106¼ 105½-107½ 107¼-109¾ LOOni-111 110 -lllX? 108¼-110 108 -109 109½-111 110 -111½ 111 -112½ 112½-lH 111 ·112 Cairo & Fulton-lst.. 1' 103 -105 1087,i-106 106 -106½ 106¾- 110 109¾-llO 109 -109¾ 106½-100 109½-110 109¼-110 109¼-110½ l C0½-110 110 - 112 Cairo Ark. & Texas . '1102½-102¾ 101½-108¾ 104 -105 104 - 107 105¾-107½ 104!J(-105 105 ··107 106¾- 1077,1i 107 -107½ 107¾-109 109½-100~~ 109 - 111 Gen.consol. & I. g ... . ii 69½- 72 'i'O - 71¾ iQ¼- 72½ 00~!- 74 71¼- 74 72 - 73½ 72 - 75 74 - 80 78¾- 81½ 70 • 86 83¾- 85 82 - 91 St. P. & Duluth-1st . . . ;; .. . . - . .. ... . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . 108¾-110 110 -110 .. . - . . .. 110 -110 St.P. Minn.& M.- lst . . '7 108¼-100 109¼-110 112 -114 111 - 111½ lll!)(-111 ¾ 114 -115 111½ -111½ 115 - 115 114 -rn; 113¼-llS¼ 115 - 115½ 2d . . . .. . . ... . . ... . . .. ... . . 6 110 -111 110~-111½ 112!,,(-115 110½-112½ 111 -114¾ Ll4 -115¼ 114¾-115 113 - 115¼ 116 -117 114½-116 115¾-117 117 -118 Dakota Exteusion ... . 6109¾- 110 110 -111½ 112 -113~.i 113 -113 110 -1!1 112¾ -114 113¼-114½ 114¾-115¾ 116 -117 117 -119 1°15½- 116¼ 117 - 118 1st, consol. . . . .. . ..... . . 6 lC0¾-102!4 11)2½-105 106 - 108 105 •106½ 106 -107½ lO'i½-112¼ 109 - 11 3 112½-113¾ 112¾ -113¾ 113!,4- 113¾ 114 - 115 115 - 117 Min. Union-1st ....... 6 . . . . - . ... . .. - . ... 107 - 107 - .... 108½-108½ . . . . - . .. 111 - 111 .. .. - . . .. . .. . !Scioto Va.lley-1st,con.7 .... - .. .. ... . - . .. . ... . - .. . . 40 - 40 40 - 40 . . . . - . . .. 41 - 41 45 - 50 46¾- 46¼ Shenandoah Val.-1st.7 . . . . - . ... .. . . .. .. . . ... . • .... 70 - 70¾ South Carolina-lst . .. .6 102½- 103 103½-10-1 .. . . - .... 'tos -103 .... - . . . . 1()4¾-105 105 - 105 .. . . - .. . . 106½-1 07½ 107¾-109 ~d, 1931. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. 6 . ... 92 - 02 ... Inc.omes . .. . .. . ... . .. .. .6 . . . . - .. . . SO - 31 30 - 31½ . . . . - . • .. 25 - 28 26 - 26 30 - 35½ . .. . 35 - 36½ 34 · 36 28 - 35¾ Texas Central- 1st .. .. . 1 73 - 73 52 - 60¾ 51 - 51 52 - 53 . • . - . . . . 57¾- 57½ 60 • t!O 60 - 63½ 67¼- 67¼ 70 - 70 60 - 70 68 - 68 1st, S . F., 1909 . . .... 7 ... . .. - .. .. . . .. - . .. . 60 - 62¼ 65 - 65 . ... - . . . . 70 - 71 60¼- 70 69 - 70 Tex.& N.O.- lst,1901; 7 .. . - ... . 116 -116 117¼ -117½ . .. · . . .. . . . . Sabine Div.-tst . . ... . 6 78 .. 80 78 - 81 77 - 80¼ 79 - 80¼ 79 • 80 75 - ~o 80 ·· 9 1 oo - 96 93½- 96½ 96 .. 97 96¾- 07 98 - 101 '11.&St.L.-M.&A.,lst.6 . . . . - .. . . Sl - 33 30 • 32 31 - 31 43¾- 50 50 - 52 Tol.&OhioCent.-lst .~ . . .. .- . . .. . .. ., ,-_ . ... . . ·. ·. . . . . . . - .. .. 81 . 82 81½ - 83¼ 83~- 95¾ · ,. . . .... 1 Virginia Midland-Inc.ti 55 54 - 55 50 • 53 48 - 53 53½- 58¼ 54¼- 61 1 59 - 607,1i 58¾- 66¾ 60 · 65¾ 57 58 "" 60 1 Wab. St. Louis & Pac.. _- ..,,.,._, 29!,4- SS½ 20 · 32¼ 27 . SO .. . . · . .. . SO . 42¼ 88¼· 41 General mort . ........ . 6 35 - 37½ .. . , -_ ~,· · 40 .. 50 45 . 55 50 - 52~ Chic. Div . . . .. . .. ..... . . .~ 72 - 74 78 72¾- 77 76 - 78¼' 76¼ · 80 78½- 83 81½ - 85½ 9"" 5 7 c,-, 75 - 76½ 77 - 78¼ 65 - 74% 67 · 72  I  ;;1· :.,.  T;;:;tto~~~=~:::::~ Iowa Division . .. .. . 6 Cairo Div.-1931 .... 5 Wab'sb-Mort. 1909.7 ',l'ol.& W.- lst, cxt'd.'.7 St. LouisDiv .. . . .. . .'; 2d, extended .. .. .... . .'; Equipment...... . . . , Cons., conv .. .. . . . 7 tJlt. Western- 1st . .. . .. 7 ~d . ..... . . ......... .. ... . 7 \lnincy & Tol.- 1st .. . 7 ~t.L.K.C.&N.-Rl.E.7 '1maba Div . . . . .. . . . . 7 Clarinda Branch . . . 6 St. Chas. Brida-e . .. . 6 North. Mo.- lst . . .. . . .. 7 West Shore, guar .... . . ,1 West. Un. Tel .- Coup . .7 Rea-istered . . ....... .. 7  .~~  : 82 ... . .. . . ·  76 - 77¾ 75 . 80  75 - 78  70½- 75  - .. .. 50 - 50  69 - 69 105½;-106 100 -108¼ 97 - 08 97½-102 91 - 91½ 91J,11 - 96½ 27¼- 27~~ . . . . - . . . . 78 - 78 79½- 82 105 -105½ 105½- 107½ 91 - 02 92 - li7  108 -109¼ 107 - 108 101 ··101½ 99 - 100¾ 94 - 94½ 90 - 93 ... • 75 - 78 70½- 80 106¼-107½ 105¼-106½ 93 - 115 90 - 91  . .. 100 -100 101 -102  100 -102 102 -103!4 90¾- 101½ 83 -10-J 60 - 76½ 75 - 75 80 - 80 76 - 76 110%- 111¼ 112 - 114!4 111 - 112½  ... . - . . .. 75 - 75  96 -101 80 - 85 . .. . 'if\½- 78 108 -111  - .... 105 - 106 99 · 911 00 · 91 20 - 20 76 - 77¾ 103¾··106¾ · ....  71¼-  ~~~  60 105 95 88  - 60 - 106 - 95 • 90  111½-112½ ... . - . . .. 117 -117 .... - ... . . . . . - .... 115 - 116 1  .  '  62 - 62  105½-107½ 106¼ -108 9'1 - 95½ 95 • 08 86 - 86 89½ - 02  :¼=  ~~ I ~!  .. .. .. 116 - 116 110 -114½ 115 - 116  ~-:~  62 ·· 62 47 ·· 53 60 - 70 6S · 72½ 108 -109½ 100 -110 JOO -100 97½ -101 03)4- 06 94½- 90¼  65 - 70 65 - 71¾ 70 - 7$¾ 78 83 103¼-105 105 - 106¾ 105½H07½ 106%-108 90 - 90¼ . ... ·· . . .. . . . - .. . . 93~- 06¼ · ...... . . · .. .. 71 - 71 - .. .. 88 - 90)4 80¾- 100 0614-100 100 -100 81 - 81 77½- 82 74 · 78 79 · 85 81 - 83½ . . .. .. . . 80¼- 80¼ . . .. 75¼- 757( !08 -109~ 109 -111½ 109¼-110¾ 110¼-110¼ 112 -113½  .. . . - . . .. . .. . - . . .. . .. . 110 -1!.0 no - 111  .~~=~~~ -~~ ~ ~.  . .. . - ., .. 53¾- 55  91 ¼- 93  :½=:¼  60¼- 64  62 - 62  51 72 llO 100 98  - 51½ - 75 - 112 -102½ -100  76 - 80 lll !,,!-113 102%-104¾ 99 · 99½  82 · 84 107¾ - lCJO 94¼- 99  83 · 85 86 - 93 108¾-109¾ 109½-110 08 -100 9$¾- 100  103 - 105 81¾- 84 58 - 50 80¼- 87 112½-114  105 - 107¾ 85¼ - 89¼ 55 - 60 00 - 05 llS!,4-116  109½- lW½ 90 · 91¼ tH - 62 02~- 94!,( 112~- 117 - .. .. 100 -104!4 ... . - .. . . 116 -118¼ 118 - 118¼ 11$¾-119)4 . . . . 115¾-117 116!,i-118 l18 - ll S 118¼-118½ 123 -123 . .. . -  • Ooupo n otr.  1886.  - --  JANUARY FEBR1RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - -· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - -  BONDS.  JULY.  AUG UST .  SEPT' B E R . OCTOB ER. NOV' BER. DEC' BER.  - - - - - - - - ---- - --  Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low.Ilhzh Low. High Low.High Low. High Low.Hi ~h L ow.High Low.High  85 - 90¼ 83,½- 88 82¼- 87¾ 87 - 69 83½- 89 87 - 88¾ 84½ - 85¼ 88 - 85¼ 84%- f6 A ti antic & Pac.-lst .. . 6 84½- 90 85%· 88½ 86½- 90 22¼- 24 21½- 24¼ 20¼- 24 21¾- 22% 22 - 25½ 23 - 28 West. Div.-Income . . 6 23¼ - 26¾. 21¼- 25½ 20¼- 24 25%- 31¼ 2; 94- s1_ 24 - 30¾ . .. . .... - ... . 120 -122 122½-122¼ . ... - ... . 123)4-126 127½-li7½ 128 - 128¼ 125 -125 125 - 125 126 - 126¼ B alt. &O.-lst, P.Br . . 6 .... - .... ... Gohl, 19~:}. coup . . ... /; 108¼-112 109),t-110¾ 110 -112 110 -110% 109;14-112 112 -114 113¼-114 lll -112 111 -111½ 110¾- lll¾ 110¼-111½ 109¼-111 Registe1·ccl.. . . .. . .... . ~ 109¼- 109¼ 109¼-110 110 -111¾ - .. .. lll¼-111,4 ·•·· - ... . 112¼-113¾ . ... - ... 110 -110 .... - .... ... . - . .. . ... - . .. . ., . . .... .... .... .... .... - .... 93 - 93,½ 92¼- 93¾ ... ... . - . ... . ... ... .... .... .... B ost. H.T. &Wes cleb .l; .... B ur. C.R. & No.-lst . . i; 108)4-109 109 -110¼ 109¼-111 109¾-110¼ 110 -111 107 -109 108½-109¼ 108 -109 107¼-108¾ 108 -109 108~-109 106 -106% ... . 99:1:(- 99¾ 99½- 104!4 102 - 103¾ Cons . 1st & col. tr .. . ~ 101 - 103 103 -108 110 -110 105 -106½ 105¾-lOIS¾ 100 -107¼ 102¼-103% 08 -1 01½ ... . ... 118¼-!13½ 114 -114½ .... . . .. lel;¼-111 .... ... ... - ... . ... .... ·Iowa City & w.-1st .1' .... - .. . .... - .... .... 110¼:-111 .... - .... . .... . , .. - . ... .... - . ... .... - .... .... - .... . ... - .... .... - . . . . Ced. R.I.F .& N .-1st 6 · • · - .... .... - .... .... .... .... .... ... 1st, 1921 ..... .. . .. . .. /i 100 -100 ... - .... .... 102 -1G2 103 -103 . ... - .... .... - .... 106¼-106¼ ·· •· .... ... . ... - .... .. . .... 44 - 51 B .N.Y.& P.-Jst,1921.6 4.7¼- 4~ 47 - 47~ 42 - 44¾ 37 - 41¼ 88 - 441' 43 - 45¾ 43¼- 44 .... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  -  -  .  ...  ....  .... - ....  -.  .... .... - . ... - .... ... - ....  .... - .... -  I  . -.  -  -  - .... .... -  .  - .... -.  -  .... - . -.  RAILROAD BONDS.  62  1886-~onttnued. AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BER. DEC'BER.  .ROND!S.  JULY. JUNE. MAY. APRIL. JANUARY FEBR'RY. MARCH. ,----- ,---·- - - - - ------1-----1--- --1-----1-----1 ---- - - - -----,·----  Low;.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hil!'h Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  --------t;entra.l Iowa- 1 st ...... .,, *105~ 10½ *106 -110¾ *110 -110  *110½111  Eastern Div .-1st .... 6 66½- 68 07 - 71 67_¾- OSI 66 - 68 Ills. Div.-lst, 1912 6 .... - .... 68¼- '38½ .. .. - .... 66 - 66 Cent. ot N. J.. . .. 1 112 -118 111 -118 112¾-118¾ 110¾-114½ lst,1890. ... .. . .. Consol., assented ..... '1106 -107¾ 107½-112~ 112 -115 112½-114 Conv., assented .. . ... .'1 107¼-llO 10$¾-114½ 112 -119 114¼-115½ Adjnstment ............. '1107 -108 · o'i½-110½ 110 -112 108¼-111¼ 78 - 88¾ 78¼- 84 Conv. debenture .. .. .. «; 68 - 60 [ 66½- 80 Leh.&W.B.- Assent'1108 -105¾105 -114 110 -118½111 -112  A!:.c;•::i~·&·i;;.~::::::! ·sii  = 02··1·~;½=  - ... . •109 -110¼ "'106¾-110 •108>4-09½ ~106 -108 *104 -106¼ *90 -104 *84 - 90½ 70 - 70 70 - 70 75 - 75 70 - 70 . . . . - . . . . 70 - 70 - • • • . 68 - 70 69 - 69 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . • - ... . 69 - 69 - • . . . 68 - 7() ll0½-111 111 -111¾ 111½-112 112½-112¾ 112¼-112½ 107 -112½ 107 -108¼ lll½-115¾ 114½-llG 117 -117¼ 116 -117 115 -117 106,(-116¼ 107 -109 112½-115¾ 115¼-119½ 118 -!20 114½-116 115 -119 107½-118½ 107½-109 110 -111 105 -108 103¾-105½ 105 -107½ 100 -107¾ 105¼-107¼ 105 -107½ 81 - 92½ 79 - 83¾ 85½- 88¾ 87 - 92 87½- 90 7\l½- 86½ 82½- 88 110 -118½111½-113 113½-114½ 113 -118½111 - 111½106 -111 110 -112 1 . 09½=102 .. 95¾=100½ : = 115 -115½ 116 -116½ 115 -115 .... - ...... . . - . . . 114 - 114 .... - .... - 110 108 -108½ .. · · - • ... 110 109,¼-110 108¾-109 100½-108¾ 106½-110 *60 - 72 *69 - 74½ *72 - 7i¼ •76¾- 81 *75½- 78½ *75½- 78½ *76 - 78¼ 30 - 82½ 82 - 84¾ 28¼- 82 80 - 34 28½- 82½ 30 - 82 25 - 8!! 99 -100¼ 100 -WO½ 96½- 98¼ 97½- 99¼ 98½- 99 98 - 99 94½- 98 97 - 09¾ 99 -100½ 100 -102 96 - 99 94 - 95½! 95½- 97),,.i 00½-101 . .. . - .... 121¼-121¼ 117 -117 .... - .. . 117 - 118 117½-117½ 118 -118½ 121 -122 128 -123 . ... - .... .... - .. .. 128 -128 125 -125 125 - 125 . ... - ... . .. .. - .. . 124 -124 120¼-120¼ .... - •....... - .. .. 120 -120 116½-116½ .... - . ...... - ... .. ... - .... . ... - .... . .. - . . . .... - • ...  =~~~¾ :~¾~l~~  96¾ :~ =:~ .93* 97¾ .00¾= 00½ ·us O!P/4  108 106 100 105 78 108  .99 =99¾ .97  -108¼ -108'¼ -108 -100 - 88¾ -110 =  w..  lll¼-111¼ .. - .. .. - . .. Ches. &O.- Pur.M.fd .. 6 il5½-115½ 115 - 117 107¼-108 Series A ... . ........... . 6 103¼-105½ 107½-114 110 - 118 108 -109¼ *i5¼- 77!14' Se1·ies B . ........ .. ... .6 *9¾- 88 *81½- 84 *76 - 84¼ '68 - 79¾ 28¾- 33 Currency........ . .. ... . 6 34 - 88¼ 88¾- 41½ 35 - S9'½ 29 - 36¾ 97 • 99 99 -100 Mo1·t., 1911. ... . .. . ... . 6 99 -100 100 -108 102 -103 -104 103 Ches. O. & S. W ..... ~-6 88½- 03½ Ill - 95¼ 95½- 98'½ 96 - 97 -118¾ 118 Chic. & Alton- l st . ... .'1 117½-118 120 - 120 119 -121 120 -120 124 -124 Sinking fund ......... .. ,; 122 -122½ 122 -122¾ ...• - . .. 124 -124 12.!¼-122¾ L.&Mo.R.lst, . 1900 7' .... - .. . ..... - . ....... - ... .. ... - . . . 116 -116 2d, 1900 ........ ...... , .... - ....... - ...... . . - ........ - .... Chic. & Altonll7 -117 116½-117 . . . . .... . ... - ... .... - ........ - ... . 118 -119 119 -119¼ 119¾-lHl½ 1n:1,t-122 122 -122 .•.• St. L.J.& Uhic.- lst .. 1 Miss.Riv.Bd.l st,s .f,6 105 -105 .... - .... 106 -106 .... - ...••••• - •.•..... - .... ... . - ........ - .... 107 -107 .... - ........ - .... 100 -106 .. . . - . ....... - ...... .. .. . ....... - .. . 102½-102½ 103 - 104½ 104½-104¾ Chic.Bu1·.&Nor.- lst.~ .... - ....... - ........ - ... ..... - . ... . ... Cbic.B.&Q.- Consol. .. '11 34 -188 186lJ,!-187½ 184 -186¾ "135 -185¼ 185¾- 186 137½-188 134 -135 133 -184½ 132¾-182¼ 132½-133 134¼-185 184\14-135 Debenture ....... . .... ~ 107 -108)4 107¾-108½ 108¼-110 109 -110¼ 106½-108¾ IC8 -109 108½-109¼ 105 -108½ 105 -107¾ 106¾-US 105¼-107½ l05 -107,¼ Jo,vn Div., sink. fd .. i) 112],(,-112½!••·· - ..•. .. .. - ... .... . - ......•. - •. .. .... - ........ - . ... 11$%-113¾ .... - . .. ..... - ........ - •.. . .... - •••. 99¾- OU¾ 09¼- 99!}.( Iowa Div ... .. .. ... .. .4 99½-100¾ 100\lf-103 102½-102¾ 100¼-100;,i 100½-101 l00-.}.(-101½ 101½-102¼ 102¼-102¼ 101¾-101¾ {19½-100 9i½- 91!½ 97½- 99¾ 99 =99½ 98¼= 98½ ~en.ve1• Div., 1922 ... 4 100½-.100½' 98 -_100¼ 99 -100½ 99½- 993,/4 90½-100% 100 -_100¾ 101¼-101¼1 99 _- 09 . .. . 92½ 92½ . . . . .... . ... 101½-101½ . . . . . . .. .... . . .. . . . . l larn, 1921. .. ........ . 4 . . . . 122 -122 .... - ... . U6 -1161· ·· · - ........ - .... 116½-116½ ... - ....... - ••.. Chic.&E.Ill.-tst,s.t.61 15 -1 16¼117 -118 120 -122 -115 115 115 114 115¾ 110½1st consol., a-old ..... . 6 110 - 112¼ 112¼-115 115¼-119 114 -114 112 -114 113 -113¾ 112 -113 110¼-112 112 -115½ . ... - ........ - . .. . .... - .... 97½- 97½ !:15 - 96¾ 92 - 94¾ .... - .... 94¾- IJO½ 99 - 100¼ Chic.&Jn.C' lRy- lst .~ .... - .. ...... - .... Chic. lllilw. & St. P.133 -183½ 132½-134 184 - 134 1st P. D., 1898 ...... 8 185 -135¾ 184 -184 132 -135½ 186 -138 135¾-186½ .. . - ... ... . . - .... 134 -134 2d, 1898 ..... .... ,, 3-10 128½-129 125 -125 126 -126 125 -127 126¼-127½ 128 -128 .... - .. .. 126½-126½ 125 -125 125½-126 126 - 126 .... - .. . . :33~~-134 1st, gold .......... . .... . .'1130 -130½ 181¼-132½ 182 -182 133 -134 181 - 134¾ .... - .... 131½-131½ 134¼ ·134½ 184 -184 133¾-134 ... 1st La. Crosse Div .... 7 12~\.fi-123½ 123 -124 122 -124¼ 128 -123½ 122½-124½ 124 -125 120¾-12·2 121 ½-121½ 121 -123 121 -122 120¾-121 120 -121 1st I. & IU. Div ........ 7 .... - .... 12/l½- 127¼ 125 -127 126 -127½ ... - ... . 126¼-126¼ 123½-124 122½-123½ 128 -123 123 -124¼ 128½-124 124 -124 - . .. . . .. - •... ... - . . .. .. . - .. ...... - •.. . .... - . . 124½-124½ .. . - ........ - . . . . 1st I. & D. Div ... . . '1 ... - .... 130 -130 181½-132 ... - ... . 132 -132 .... - ... . 131 - 131 . ... 132 - 132½ .. .. - ....•.•• - .... 134 -134 .. . 1st C. & DI. Div ...... . '1 130 -131 131 - 181 132 -133 Consol., 190~ .. ... .... '1128¾-180 131 ·- 182 181½-133 131½-133¼ 132¾-134 184 -13ti 131 -138 181½-132¾ 130 -131 130 - 133 132 -132 130 -132½ 1st I. & D. Exten . .... ,- 125½-129 129¾-131 131¼-133 132 -132¾ 133 -183 134½-134½ 131½- 132 .... - ... . 181 -131 129 -180 180 -133 182½-la3¼ 1st So. West Div ...... 6 115¼-115¾ 116½-117 118½-121 119¼-119½ 119½-120 121 -121 119¾-119¾ 120 -121 120½-120½ 119 -119 118½-118½ 119¾-lW¾ 1st La C. & Dnv .. ... . ~ 105 -107 .. .. - .... 100 -106½ 107 -107 108½-108½ 109½-109½ .. . . - ..... .. . - .... 108 -109½ 109 -109 108 - 109¾ .... - ... . 1st So. Minn. Div . .... 6 114¼- 117 117 - 118 116¼-119 117 -118 117:)4-119½ 119 -12 1 119¾-120¼ 118 -120 116 - 118 115½-117¼'. 116 - 117½ 118 -118¾ 1st H. & D. Div ....... 1124 -125 .. .. - .... 128 -129 127½-128 127½-129 129~~-181 127 -127 128 -128 126 -126 125;14-127 126 -127½ 128¾·128¾ .. 120 -121 121 -121 122 -122 .. .. - ..... ... - . ... 119 -119 Chic. & Pac. Div ...... 6 120 - 121 121 -124½ 121½-122½ .... - . ... 121 ¼-123¼ .... Chic. &Pac. W.Div .. ii 108 -1087~ 10$¾-106½ 104¾-107¾ 105%-107 105½-110 109¾-111 107½-!08¾ 107 -108¾ 106'¼-108 lO'i¼-10i% lOi½-108!-IW.08 -109¼ 106½-108½ •.. - ... . 106½-106¾ .... - .... 105 -107 106½-108 106%-108 . . . . - ... . Mineral Point . .. ..... . i) 102 - 103¼ 104. -105 1011 -107 1 Wis.& Min. Div .. ... . ~ 102 -103¼ 108¼-105½ 104½-106½ 106 -106½ 105¾-109 10$¾-109½ 106¼-1077/4 1107¾-108 106¾-107% 106½-107¼ 107¼-107½ 107½-107¾ Terminal.. .......... .. :, 101]4-102½ 102½-105½ 10$%-106½ 104¾-100¼ 104 -107¼ 107 -108¼ 105 -105½ 104½·105¾ 103 -105½ 104½-105¾ 104~-107 104½-105¾ .... - •.. . 118½-118½1.... - ....... - ........ - ....... - ........ - ... . Fargo & So.-Assu... 6 114¼-115 .... - ... . 119 -119 Chic. & ' 01·th~vest.Consol .. 1911> ... .. ..... 7140 -142 141 -142½ 142¾-143 142 -148 141½-142 142¾-143½ ...• - .... 142¼- 142½ 141 -142 141 -142 13&¼-140¼ 139½-141 Gold, coup ........ .... .. , 130 - 183¾ 188 -135 185½-136 135 -136¼ 136 -140 134 -1S5½ 184 -185 134 -136 133 -135 183 -134;. 133½-135 180¼-131¼ Gold, 1·ea .. ........ ...... '1 133 -133 133 -133¾ .... - ... . 135 -135¾ 137 - 137 134½ -135 . . .. - ... . 133½-133½ 183 -183 133 -134 134 -184 130½-181 Sinkinir fun,I, coup .... 6 117½-11 7½ 118 -120 120 - 121 118 -121 118 -120 119 -120 119 -120 1120 -120 120 -120 115 - 115¼ 115 - 116 117 -117 Regi stered . ......... . 6 117 - 117 .... - . . . . . . - .. ...... - . ... 118 -118 ... . - .... 120 -120 ... . - . ....... - . . . . . .. - ........ - ... . 116 - 11 6 Sinking fund, coup .. . ~ 110 -112 110¾-112 111¾-112 108 -108½ 108)4-110 109½-111 111 -112 108 -112 108 -109¾ 108 - 109 108 -108½ 108½-110 .. . . . ... - ... . .... - ........ - .... 1.... - ........ - .... 107 -107 107½-1 08 Re1:i s te1•ed . .. .. . .. . .. ~ .... - .. .. lll½- 111½ Debent111·e .. .......... .. l'j 105 -107 100½-108 108 -1()9ljf 108)4-109 105),,(-107¾ 101:! - 109½ 109¾-110½ 108½-110½ 108½-110 108¾-110½ 107½-108 LO, - 108½ Registerecl.. .. .... .. ~ ... - .. ...... - .. . . 107 -107 .... - . ... 106 -101 l07½-107½ 109 -110½ 105 -105 108¼-108½ . ... - , . .... . . - . .. 108 - 108 2~ yrs, ,leben., 1909 .~ 104½=106½ lu6¾- 107½ 107½=108½ 1077,1i-109 106 -106¼ l06¾-108¾ j108½-l09 107½-108 107½-108 107½-ld8½ 1C6~=107¾ IOi½- 108  I  I  :::::::~.~~;.!.;.:;:: -li5½ ::::  1 1 1 = :::· ·::: = :::: .... = :::: ~~. .¾_l~~~ ~~. _¾= ~~~ = :::: :::: - :::: :::: = :::: :::: - .... :::: = Iown.1Uidland-1st ... 8 184 -134 .... - ........ - .... 134 -185 135¾-187 .... - .... 1130 -136 .... - .... 136½-136,½ .... - ........ - ........ - ... . .. - . ....... - ...... .. - ... . .. 125 -125 124 -12! Chic.& Mil.- lst ...... '1125 -126¾ 126%-126¼ .... - .... 183 -138 127 -127 .... - ........ - .... 101½-101½ .... - . ... 101 -101:J..! 101%-101% 102%-102¼ .... - •. •. Winona& S t.P.- lst.'1103 -103¾ 104 -104 104 -104¾ 104¾-104¾ 104½-104½ - .... .... - .... !~ -129 .. .. . ........ ....... ........ .... -132 132 -135 132 . . .. 2d .... . .................. , 126,½i- 126¾ 130 -130 .... l\lil. & Mad.-lst . .. .. 6 .... - ........ - .. . . 116¼-117¼ .... - ..... ... - ... ..... - ........ - ........ - ........ _ ........ - ... . .... - ... . .... _ ... . Ottum. C. F. & St. P .~ 106 - 107½ 1011 -109 107½-108 108 - 108¼ 110 -110½ 100 - 109 . ... - .... 111 -111 107½-108 109 -109 109 -109 t09 - 110 ... - .... ... - ... . 107 - 107 .... - .... . ... - .. .. Northern Ills.- lst .. ~ 108~-1~ 108¾-108½ 106 -108~ 108¾-109 108¾-108¾ 110,½i-110½ 110 -110 Cblc.R.I.& Pnc.-Cp . .. 6 128¼-130¼ 131¼-132¼ 182 -183 132½-133 134 -186 132¾-137 1133 -135 136 -136 .... - .. .. 137½-140 188 -189¼ 188 -188 - ........ - . . . . 135 -187 .... _ ... . Re1riste1•ed .... ......... . 6 130 -131¾ 131 - 132 131¾-132U 132½-132¼ 135 --:.S5 136 -136 134 -134 140 -140 Exten. & Col.. .. ...... ~ 109-110¼ lll;J:(-112 112 -112½ lll½-112 lll!l(-113 112½-ll2½ 110½-112¾ 110½-110% 110 -111 110 - 111 111 -111¾ 111 -112 Keok'k&DesM.-lst,li 111 -111 110 -ll!J¾ 113 -113 108½-109¼ 108¾-109½ :10 -110 .. . - .... 110 - 110 110 -110 109 -110 109 -109 108 - 109½ Chic. & St. L. -tst ...... 6 108 -108 .... - .... .. .. - .......• - .... 102 -102 .. . - •. . . . - . . . . ... - ... . .... - ........ - .... 101 - 101 100¼-106¼ . .. - . . . . 96½- 97 99¾-100 .... - . . . . 05 - 96 05¼- 96¼ 94½-100 .... - . . .. . . . . - .. . . 99 -100 Chic.St. L.&Pitts- lst.:5 ... - .... 02 - 95  ::::1:::: = :·:: ::·:  ii5  Chic. St.P. Itlin.& Om.Consol., 1930 ......... 6 Chic.St.P.&M.- ht .. 6 St. P. & S. City- 1st .. 6 N_orthe1·n "\\'is.- lst .. 6 Chic.& W.I.-lst,s.f . ... 6 Gen. mort .. ............. 6  ~::::::;.-~~::~:·.~i! ::::  1  120¾-123 129½-130 125¼- 120  I··· - ........ - ........ - .... .... - ....  = ::::'l i04½=100¾ ioo½=HiB¼ ioo¼=106¼ ios½=103¼  Cin.&S.- Gu.C.CC.&J.? ...~ - .... 114 -116½ 116 - 116¼ .... - . ......• - . .. . Goar. Lake Sho1·e ... .7 119 -119JJ;( 117¾-118 . ... - ........ - .. . . .. - .... CJ. C. C.& 1.-lst, s.1d.1 123 -126½ 1127 - 127 128 -128 128 -128 128 -124 Consol. ............ . ..... .'1123½-125½ .... - .... 127½-128 1127 -127 .. . . - •... Consol. S. F ... ..... ... . , 124 -1 2-l .... - ........ - ... . 128 -128 .... - .... Gene1·al cons . . . ..... . 6 101½ ·105 102 -105 100 - 104¾ 100½-102¾ 101 -104 00 - 96 94 - 98½ 02 - 95 Col. Con.I & I.- tst,con.6 02 - 93:J;( 91 - 95 86½- 80½ 88 - 89 88 - 92 Col.H.Va.l.& T.-tst ... ~ 85 - 86¾ 86 - \'.14 ... - . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 6 . Gen. gold, 1904 ..... Del.&Hud.C .;tst,'91.7 118½-115 118½-115 114 -115 114 -114¾ 115½•115½ 1st ex ten., 91. ... .... 7 .... - .... 114 - 114½ ••• - • . • .. . - .... ll~½-115½ Coupon, 1894 .......... ')' 118 -119½ 120 - 121 120 -120¾ 119 -11~ 119 -110½ Reir., 1894 ....... ...... 7 118 - 118½ 119 -119 .... - .... 119 -119 119½-120¼ • Coupon off. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  123 - 124 120 -124¼ 123 - 1·~6½ 128¾-126 l '.?4 -125½ 121 -122½ 127½-127¾ 128½-129 129 -129 128 -129½ 126 -126 126 - 126 125 -128½ 127½-128½ 1~8 - 128 125 -127 125!1(-126½ .... - ..•. .. .. - ...... .. - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - ... , 112¾-112¾ 113 -116 115 -115 . ... - ........ - ...... . . - .. . 110¼-110¼ .... - .... 113 -113 ... - .... 109 -109 109 -109 1 io;;¼=105¼ :::: = :::: : ::: = :::: ::~: = :::: = ~~ . . :::: io4·¼=104¾ 114½-117 .... - .... 117 -l17 .... - . .. ..... - .. .... .. - .... 119 -119 ... - . . ...... - ........ - ........ - ... . .. ... .... 120 -120 121 -121 125 -125 .... - .... 125 -125 ... . - . ... 126 -126 128 -lU .... - .. . . 1257'-127 .... - .... 128 -181 134 - 134 .•• - .... 183¼-133½ 180¾-180½ 126 -126 .... - ........ - ... . .... - .... 125½- 125½ 124 -124 . . . . - ... . l OS¼-109 104½-106¾ll04¼-1077,4i 104½-107½ 100½-108 108 - 109¾ 109½-110½ 98 -101½ 97½-101 95 - 911½ 98 -100¾ 05 - 98¾ 96 - 97¾ 95½- 98 s·'i - 88_¼ 85 - 68½ 84¼- 85½ 82 - 87½ 86 - 89¾ 81 - 87¾ 88 - 90 94¾- 97¼ 88½- 92 . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 95 - 95 . ... - ... 118¼-113~ 112¾-112¾' 110½-111% 110~-112¼ 112¼-118% 110 - 118 .... - .. . ..... - . . .. . . . . - .. ...... - .. . . .... - •... 112¾-112¾ 118 -118 !20 -120 120 -120 .... - .. .". 119¾-119¾ 115½-115¾ 115½-116½ 116½·119 1 .. - ... . .... - .•. . . .. - ........ - ........ - . ...••.• - ... . . .• - ......  123 -126 122 -124 127¼-127¼ 127¾-127¾ 125½-126¾ 126 -129 182 -132 - .. ... . .. - ... 113½-113~ .... - ........ - .... .... - ........ 1 .... - ... -111½ 111 -110 110 -112 112 -110½ 110 .... - ....  118½-122 120 - 122 120¼-122 125 - 126 128!14'-128¾ 129¼-180 125 -126¾ 127 -129 128 - 180 126 -128  ~~.~  = ::: .  JlA JLil OA D  '18  BONJJS.  18S6-Continued. J.ANU.ARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  JUNE.  J ULY.  AUGUST . 8EPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  BOND S. 1----1---- - - - - ·- - - - ·- - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · Low.~igh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. H igh Low.High Low.High L ow.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. HI'!_ Del.& B . CanalPennn.. Div.-Coup .... '7 186½-138¼ lSS¾-189¾ 186 -187½ .... - .... 138½-139 139 -140 142 -142 144 -144¾ 140 -140½ ... . - . .... . .. - , ... 140½-141 R eiri s t ere d ... ........ 7 - ........ - ....... . - : ..... . . - ........ - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . . . ... .. - . . .. 140½-140½ 141 -141 ... . - ........ - •.• • Alb. & Susq.-lst m .. 7 107 -107½ 107!4-107¼ 108 -108 108½-108½ .... - .... 109 -109 106½-106½ .... - ........ - .... .. .. - .. . . .... - ..... . .. - ...• 1st con., a-un.1· ....... . 7 128¾-130 132 -133 133½-135 131 -131¾ 131:}.(-133¾ 134 -184 .... - .... 134 -134 134 -134 132 -132 133 -133 13li -133 litt con. a-u ar .. .... .. 6 117~-119 119 -122 121½-123 120 -121¾ 120 -120¾ 124 -124 124 -124 .. .. - ..•. 120 -122½ llfl¾-119½ 119½-120½ 119½-120 1 s t, r.on. g u ar. , 1·eg. 6 118 -118 .... - .... . ... - . .. . . .. - .... 119 -119 ... - . .. . .. . . . ....... - . .. ....• - •....... - .... 118½-119½ . .•. - •. •• Rens. & S ar.-lst .... 7 148 -143 .... - . ...... - .... 143 -143 141½-141½ .... - .... 1-!4 -144 14-1 -144 . . • - .. . ... - ......•• - •.. . .... _ ... . Del.Lack.& \.Vest. Conver t i bl e .... .. . .. ... 7 116½-116½ .... - ........ - . . .. 116 -116 116½-116½ 114 -114 115 -115 . ..• - ..... .. . - •. .. 115 -115 116 -116 .. ..•..•. Mort., 1 9 07 ... .. .. 7 138 -138 138 -139 18~-137 130½-136¾ 137 -137 .... - . . . . . .. - .... 140 -140 .... - •..... • . - .... 136¾-137 187¾-1S7~ Syr,B'n&N. Y.,lst .. 7133½-133½135 -137½ .... - .... 133 -138 134¼-134¼ .... - ........ - . ... . ... - ........ - ..... . .. - ........ - ... . 131¼-131¾ Morri s & E ssex-lst. 7 141½-142¼ 143 -146 145½-145½ 14.5 -145½ 142 -H2½ .... - .... 142 -143 l43 -144½ 148¼-145 14-1 -145 141½-142½ 14.0½-142 2 d mort ............... 7 114 -117 114 -115 11-!' -114)4114 -114½ lU½-114½ 114 -115 110 -117 113 -113¾ 112½-113 112½-113¼ 112¼-113½ 112¾-113 7 8, 1 8 7 1. . .... ......... 7 128½-128½ 128)4-130 131 ·133 128 -129½ 128)4-129 131 -131 131½-131½ .... - ........ - . ... 125 -126½ 125 -120½ 127 -128 Cons ol., g uar . . ..... .. 7 130 -132 131¼-134 134 -135 134½-135¼ 136 -137 133.½-135½ 135 -137½ 133 -137¾ 134½-136 136 -138 137 -138 188½-135 N. Y. L . & W.-lst .. .. 6 125 -131 129½-130¼ 130)4-132½ 131 -131 130 -131¾ 131).<.i-138 130 - 131½ 131½-131½ 128 -129½ 128¾-130 130 -130 128¾-130 Con s u ·uc tion .... ... .5 1061,(-109 107 -108½ !07¾-110 • 108¾-110 110 -110 112¼-113 112 -112% 109 -110,½i 108½-109 108 -109 108 -108% 108 -HO Denve1· & R i o G .-lst. 7 114¼-116 115¾-120 117.¼i-121 119 -122½ 118 -119½ 119½-121 120 -123½ 118¼•122½ 120¾-121½ 123 -124 118 -UO 118½-119:J:1 Cons olidate d .......... 7 88¼- 88¼ 68 - 88 95 - 07½ 97 - 98 06 - 06 .... - ........ - .. . . . ... - ........ - ...... . . - ...... . . - . . . . ... - ... . . Tru st Co. 1·eceipts.... 87¼- 92U 89 - 93% 92¾- 99¾ 98 -100¼ 96½-100½ 100½-109 108 -112¾ 107 -111½ 108 -113 109½-113 112,½i-115 .... - •. .. ~ew c onsol. .... .. . .... . 4 .... - . .. . . . . - ........ - ........ - . ...... . - ....... - .... . .. . - . .. . . . - ........ - ........ - . . . . 79-}4- 81¾ 75½- 81¼ Denv .&R. G;W .-1st .. 6 72½- 78¼ 73 - 70 74¾- 83¾ 75 - 78¾ 73 - 76 75 - 79 78)4- 85¾ 77½- 85 80 - 82¾ 76 - 82½ 77 - 82 75 - 80 AHente d, 1st .......... 6 .. . . - ... . 75 - 75 74 - 81 76 - 77½ 72 - 72 74¾- 77 75½- 83½ 7i - 82½ 78 - 79% 74 - 78 73¾- 78½ 74 - 76¼ Denv . S o. P. & P ,-lst. 7 80 - 81 82 - 85¼ 88 - 89 76 - 89 72 - 80¼ 80 - Be½ 81½- 81½. 80 - 81 75 - 82½ 83¼- 85 81½- 84½ 83¼- 84 Des M. & Ft. D,-lst . . 6 .... - ....... . - ... . .... - ..... . .. - ....... , - ........ - ........ - . ....... - .... 85 - 87½ .... - . . ...... - ........ - ...• Det. ll'l. & M nrq,- l st .. 6 .... - .... 55 - 55 55 - 60 65 - 65 60 - 60 'iO - 72½ 77½- 77½ 71 - 75 75 - 84 t,2 - 05 95 -100 . ... - .... Lnnd g 1•ants, 1911 .3 ¼ .... - ... 20 - 20 20 - 20 .... - ........ - ... . 25 - 25 86 - 40 38 - 88½ 89 - 44 40 - 40 46½- 50 48½- 56 Income, 19~1 ..... .. .. 7 . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 12 - 20 22 - 85 80 - 42½ 48½- 43,½ . . . . - ... . D e t . B. C.&Al p .-lst .. 6 .... - ..... . .. - .... . ... - ...... . - ....... - . ....... - .... 106½-106½106½-106½ .... - .... 105¾-106 . ... - .... 105 -105 E, T e nn. V. & G .-lst .. 7 118½-118½ 120 - 122¾ 122X:-124 121½-121½ 122 -124 122½-126 122 -122 122 -122 .... - .... 123 -123 .... - ... 128 -124 Consol. ...... ............ 5 1 68¼- 77 76¾- SO¾ 79½- 827/2\ 80 - 80¾ 80¼- 80½ 95 - 95¾ 101 -101 .... - ........ - ......•. - .. . T 1·ust 1·ecei pts ... ... 5 .... - .... 78¼- 79½ 78¾- 83 76½- 83 SO¼- 87¾ 87½- 96 94¼- 9i¾ 97¾-101½ 99 -103½ .... - ........ - ....•... - .. .. Con s ol. ,ex-cou p.9t o l2 61¾- 69¼ 68¾- 73 72 - 75 . . - . . . . 74 - 74 80 - 80 01 - 01 - ........ - .... . ... - . . ...... - .. .. Con s . , ex cp., T 1· . 1·ec . .... - .. .. 70¼- 71½ 70½- 70.½ 72½- 73 78½- 79 79½- 86¾ 80½- 86½ 89¼- 92 91 - 91 .... - ........ - ........ - ...• Divisio r: nl. ....... . .... 5 .... - ........ . ... - ........ - ... 103 -107 .. . . - .... . ... - . . .. 108 -108 .... - ..... . .. - .... . ... - .... . •.. - •• , . Income . . ............... -6 18½- 21% 19½- 22½ 17%-- 20½ 18¾- 22¾ 17¾- 20½ .... - ........ _ . . .....• - . . ...... - •....... - •. . .•••• - ..•...•. - ..•. Eng . trust 1·cccipts . . . .... - ....... . - ........ - . ... 19¼- 20% 17¾- 20¾ 20¼- 25 23¾- 25¾ 24½- 28 25¾- 29¼ .... - ........ - ........ - . •.• E.T . V.& Ga. R;v,con5 .... - ........ - .. . ... .. - . . . .. ... - ... . .... - .... . ... . .. . .. - .. . .... - . . . 94¼-97 95 - 07¾ 97 -99¾ 97 -99:):( Eas t & \.V . A l a .-lst . . 6 .... - ... .. . .. - ........ .... - .... . ... - . . ...... - .. . ... - . .. . .. - .... 99½- 100 . .. ..... . - .... 100¼-100¾ Eliz. Lex. & Ili:r. S .... 6 99 -102¼ 102 - 106½ 100½-103 101½-104 102¾-104½ l03½-109 108 -109 108¾-llO 106½-109 108 -109 108¾- 109 107¾-108 Erie-1 st, E xtende d . .. . 7 125x-127 125 -127½ 126¾-127¾ 127¼-127¼ 125 -125 124¾-125½ 125½ -123),{ l20½-120½ 125 -125 .... - •... 122 -122 121 -122}( 2d, Ext .................. 5 . . .. - ........ - ... 110 -116 110 -116 117)4-117¾ 118½-114 118 -113 '15¾-116½ 115 -115 . .. - ... . 114 -114 ... . - ... . 3d Ext... . ......... . .4½ 108 -108 . . . - .... 109½-110 111 -112 .... - .... 111 -112 112 -112 110 -1,12½ . . .. - .... 109½-110 109½-109½ 110 -110 4th, Ext ... . ....... ... . . . 5 112½-115 119 -119 117 -117 112¾- 112¾ 113 -113 . . .. - ....... - •.. . . ... - . .. IHI -116 118½-114 118 -115 114 -114 5th, 1 8 8 8 . . . ... .... .... 7 .... - ....... - .. . 108½-108½ .... - .... 108½-109 .... - ..... . .. - ........ - .... 105 -105½ 105 -106 100 -100 108 -103 1 s t, consol., g old .... . . 7' 129 -131 131 -137 132 -185½ 132 -183½ 133 -13-1½ 133½-135¼ 136 -139½ 138 -138¼ 134 -135 133 -133¾ 133¾-134 183 -195 1 s t consol. fd. c oup ... 7 120,½i-120.½i 130 -133 .... - .... 130½-130½ 130½-130½ 129 -131 .. . . ...... - ....... - ........ - •....... - ..... . .. - •... Reora-an' on 1st lien .. 6 .... - . .. . . .. - ........ - ... . ... - .. . .... . - .... 108½-110¼ 110½-112 . .. - . ....... - .. . . .... - . . . . ... - ... . . .. - ...• Long Dock ........ . ..... 7 118 -118 . . . . - ... 114 -114 118 -120 l!O -119 1115 -llt3½ 115%-116½ 116½-116¾ 114½-117 115 -115¾ 116 -117¾ 112½-114¼ Cons . g ol d . .... ....... 6 . ... - ....... - ........ - .... 114½114½ 115½-115¾ 115¾-115¾ 116 - 124 123½-124 123½-128½ 118 - 118 117 -117¼ 116 -117¼ Buff. N. Y . & E .-lst. 7 183¾-134 134½-134½ 135 -135 136 -136 137 -137 .... - ... 134 -138 137 -137 .... - ... . 14.0 - 14.0 140 -140 136 · 186)4 N.Y. L .E. &W.New. 2d co nsol.. ... . 6 SP - 94¼ 91½-105 09,½i-106½ 96%-105 96:)(-105½ 105½-109½ 109¼-112¾ 115 -115 116)4-116¼ . ... - •.. . . . . - . . . . .. . - .... Ex. June, '86 , cp .6 76¼- 82:)f 79 - 88¾ 85 - 92 83½- 9078 >32¾- 02 91¾- 95½ 9-1½- 99¾ 97¾-102½ 09%-103¼ 98}i-102 101½-104¾ 95 -102¼ Col, u·ust, 1922 ..... ti .... - .... 102 -104½ 103 -108 105 -105 104½-104½ .. . . - .... 106½-108 107¼-107¼ 107½-107½. .... .... - .... 107¾-108 Fund, c oup., 1969 5 .... - ... . 77¼- 95;J4 86¼- 96¼ 88 - 91¾ 87 - 93 60 - 93¼ 01!-!i- 94¾ 91½- 94¾ 03¾- 90¼ 9-1 - 05 9.J. - 95½ 00 - 99¼ Income . . .... . . . ... . . . 6 50 - 56 ... . - . ... . ... - . . ...... - .... . . . . - . . .. 68 - 68 68 - 68 ... . - . . . . 70 - 75 . . .. - . . . . 75 - 75 70 - 70 Ev.&Ind'p, con ., 1 9 2 6.6 .... - ....... - . .. . ... - .... ... . - .. .. 112 -112½112 -113 109 -109 . ... - . ... . ... - .... 109 -109 . . . . - ........ - .. . Ev. & T. Haute-Co n . . 6 lll½-118 113 -114¾ 114½-116 115½-117 115½-117 116¼-120.½i :17 -117½ 117 -117¾ 116 -116¾ 110 -116½ 117 -118¼ 118 - 118¼ Mt. Vernon-lat . . ..... 6 103 -105 .... - .... 108¾ 108¾ 108 -109 109 -109 109¾-109¾ .... - ........ - .... . .•. - ........ - .... 112¼-112¼ . . .. - ... . Flint & P. 1U.-Mo1·t ... 6 110 -110 .... - . . . . . .. - .... . ... - . .. . ... . - ........ - .......• - .... 122¾-122½ 120 -120 119½-119½ 110 -110½ 120 -12~ Ft.W.&DP-nv ,C,-lst .6 81 - 89 87¾- 90¼ 88 - 92¼ 87 90 SS½- 90 83¼- 86 83 - 87 83½- 86½ 83¾- 85~ 83 - 90 90 - 9532 85¼- 91¼ Gn.l.H.& H. o t ' S2 ..... :J .... - . ... 71 - 71 . ... - . . . . . .. - ........ -.... 72½- i4. . . .. - . •.. 75 - 77 78 - 78 77½- 79 .... - . ....... - ... . Gal. H. & S anA.-lst .. 6 .J.14 -114 111 -112½ .... - .... 115 -115 115 -115 116 -116 .... 111 -111 107 -110 109½- 109½ .... - .... 106¾-106¼ 2d mort ... . .. ........... 7 1108 -108% 108½-113 115 -llll¾ 118 - 119 118 -118 116 . ll6 115¼-115¼ 114 - 114 114 - 115 .... . ... - .. . . ... . - ... . W este 1·n Div-1st . . . . 5 02 - 93¾ 92%- 97 1:16¼-100¼ 99½·101% 07%- 98½ 9e - 98¾ 97¾- 99 98j,b-100½ 100¼-102¼ 102 -103 100¾-101 09½-100¼ 1 2d .. ... . . . ... .. .. . . . . .6 80 - 81 81¾- 83 85 - 57½ 87,½i- 68 87)4- 90 90 - 91% 89 - OQ¾ 90¾- 90¾ 92½- 98¼ 93¼- 98,½i 93¾- 94 91 - 94 Gr.B. W.&St. P.-lst .. 6 so - 80½ 87½- 90 93½- 98 96 ·101¾ 100 -105 104 -106 106 - 107½ .... - ........ - ... . .. - . . .. . ... - .... *87½- 02 2d, income ... . .......... ~ 25 - 26 24½- 32 32 - 42¾ 38 - 42 87½- 40 36¼- 39~ 87¾- 39.½ 39 - 41½ l19 - 40¾ 88 - [8 36¾- 89 30¾- 41 Gult Col. & S . F .-lst .. 7 116½-119 118:V,r124 123;<-127 124,½i-125 122 -128 127½-128½ 123¾-124½ 120 -124½ 123 -124 128¾-124½ 121 -125 124 -125 2d, 1923 . ... ..... . .. .. .. . 6 80¾- 89¾ 89½- 97¼ 96¾-108 103 -104½ 99)4-105 104 -105½ 102½-105 99¾-103¼ 103¼ ·106¼ 102¼-104 102,½-1(}3'¼ 101 -103 Han. & S t . .Jo.- Con s. 6 119½-121 121 -123)4 119½-120¾ 120 -121½ 121½-121¾ 122¾-123½ 123½-124¾ 122 -128½ 121) -125 121 -128 121½-122½ 120 -121½ Hen. Bl"ida-e Co.-lst ... 6 110 -Ill 110¾-111½ 109½-109½ 108½-108¾ 100 -109¾ . ... - .... 112 -112 .... - .. . ..... - . . . . . .. - .... 108½-109½ H18¾-l08¾ Hous.E.&W.T.- l s t .7' . . .. - ....... . - ........ - ........ - .... 89 -89½ .... - . . .. 89 -89 88 -88½ -••· - .. 85 -85 . .. . - •... 65 -65 Hous.&T.C.-l s t,M .L.7 *102 -104½ •02½-105½ *108¼ 105 *104 -105½ *04½-113¾ •110 -113½ *112¾-13½ *110½-14½ *110¼-ll½ *109 -111½ *110,½i-ll¼ ·•110 -114 1st, Western Div .. .. . .7 *98 -101 *98¼-100¾ *97½- 99½ *97 - 97¾ *95½-104J.!i *107 -107½ *104 - 108½ *102 -104 *104 -105 *100 -104½ *101%-105 *104 -109 W.&N.Div ... ........ 7 .... - ... •100-101 *100 - 100½*100 - 100¾ .... - .... . ... - .... *105-105 *105-105 . .. - .... *102-102 *104-104 .... - ...• 2d, Main Line ......... 8 83 - 90¾ 86 - 88 87 - 89½ 77 - 80 76 - 93 88 - 04½ 89½- {)2 94. - 94.½ .• •• - • .. . 82 - 86 87½- 90 89 95 Gen eral mort .. ..... .. . 6 55 - 58½ 55½- 58 56 - 59 51 -· 56¾ 50 - 70 64 - 69 66 - 71 05 - 70½ 64 - e5 64 - 64 133 - 68 67¾- 73).a JU. Cen t.-Gld. ,1 9 51, 3 ½ . .. . - . . ...... - ... . .... - ........ - ... . .... - ... . 102 - 102¾ 100½- 101¼ 100½-100¾ 100½-101 101 -101 99¾- 99¾ . ... - ... . 1 s t g old, 1 9 51 ........ 4 .... - .... .. - .... 108½-109½ 108 -108½ 108 -109 109 -110 108 -108 .... - .. . . 106½-108 107).a-110 109 -110 109 - 110 Spl'in~J. Div., 189 8 .. 6 .... - ........ - .... 119 -119 120½-120½ 120 -121 .... - .... . ... - . .. 119½-119¼ . . .. - . . . . ... - .•.. 117¾-117½ 118¾-11~ Middle Div ., 1 9 2 1 . . .5 109:l,s-109.½i 109½-109½ . . . . - •....... - • ......• - •....... - ........ - . .. ... . . - •...... . - . . .. . ... - .. . .... - ........ - ... . C. S t.L.&N .O.-lst,c. 7 . . . . - ... . ... - ... . .... - ........ - . . . . .... - .. . . . ... - ........ - .... 122 -122 122 -122 .... - ........ - . . . . .. - •..•  D~:~t·c::2~l.di;::::~ ~~~  CednrF .&lU., lst ... 7' lnd.Bl.&W.-lst,pret 7 1st, 1909 .. . . ..... . .. 5, 6 2d, 1909 . . . . . ..... .. 5 , 6 Easte rn Div ... ...... . . 6 Con. income .... ...... . 6 Ind. Dec. & S p' g fi e ld ..lst, ex funded c oup .. 7 2d inc om e... . ... . . . . . .. . 2d income T r u s t 1•cpts· Intern. & Gt. N o.- l s t .6 Coupon, 1909 .. . .. . ... . 6 Iron St'rnb'tCo., 1901 .6 Jeffers on- 1st ........... , .Kentuck y C,, s tnm'd ... 4 • Coup on «<. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~~~.½=1~~~ ~~~  =1~~ .. 113 -113 115 -116 .... - ... . 120 -120 95 -100 97 -101 79¾- 84 84 - 86,½i 08 -100 100 -103¼ 35 - 41¼ 37¾- 41~ 99 -101  98½-103  -117 117 -117½ .... - .... 100;14-102½ 86 - 90 101 -105¼ 33 - 41¾  ~~~.  =l~: . . [~~~.½=1~: .. 118 -120 ..• . - .... 120½-120½ .... - . 100 -103 100 -104¼ 85 - 88 85 - 85 102 -104 102¼-104½ 33 - 37½ 31 - 35  108 - 107¼ 104 -107½ 105½-107  ~~~½~t~:  119 =1~~ ..  120 -120 . ... - . . .. 101½-104 84 - 85 100.½-103 s o - 37½  116 -116 89½-101¾ 60½- 83 89 - 97½ 21¾- 31¾  =1~~: =1~: .. 112½-112½ ... - . ....... ... . - . ...... • - ... . ... . 98 - 99½ 97½- 98 90 75 - 77 'iO½- 75 72 92 - 95 90 - 92 90~227 - 31¾ 26 - 83 26½-  1~~  ~~~  ~~~¾=1~:~ ~~~  106 -107  106 -107  107 -107  105½-108  ... . .. .. 97 79 93½ 88  108 -108  ~~~  =1~:~ 106 -111 116:l,s-118 93½- 97 79%- 86½ 91½- 95¼ 29 - 31¾  =1~~ .. . .. . - ... . 119½-120 91 - 94.¼ 78 - 82¼ 90 - 94. 28 - 38"  106 -106  106 -106  . . . . - . . . . 22 - 22 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 82 - 82 84 - 89 . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... . . . . - . . . . 20 - 26;2 27 - 30 28½- 34 33 - 33¾ 33¾- 33¾ 84 - 38½ 37 - 41 87 - 88¾ 87 - 40 28 - 34¾ 28 - 30 114 -115½ 117 -118¼3 117 -118½ 117½-118 84½- 88 88 - 96 84 - 92 88 - 89 .... - .... 88 - 88 85½- 00 88 - 88  ...  - ... ...  68 - 70  59½- 66  114 -115¾ 813½- 88¾ .... - .. . . . ... - ...... . . - . . .. 108 -107 67 - 71 1 67 - 70 67 - 70  116½-118½ 85 - 92 86).(- 87 .... - .... 69 - 70  . . . - ... 118 -118 ,118 89½- 92½ 90¾- 92% 88 . . . - ... . .... - .......• 102½-102½ . . .. - . •. . 103 67 - 68 67 - 70 67  -118 116 -119 114½-116½ 116 - 897.,1; 88:l,s- 94 92½- 95 90 - ........ - •.•.••.• - •...... . ··103 108¾-103¼ 104 -104 104 - 69 68 - 68 67 ¼ 65  -116!,' - 95 - ... -104 - 87¼  RAILROAD l30NJJS.  64  IS86-Continued. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  r  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AuotJST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NoV 1l3ER.  DEC'BER.  BONDS. -----1----1------ 1- - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -----1--- -11------- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Low.High Low.High L _,w.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.tligh Low.ltigh Low.High Knox.&O.-lst,192~ .6 86½- 87¾ SO - 89 00 - 95 04¼- 96% 95½-103 101%-105½ 101 -103 100 -103 102 -102½ 102¼-102¼ 101½-lOS¼ 101½-102¼ Lake El'ie & W.-lst .. 6 92 - 95¾ 94¾- ll'i¾ 92 - 94 93 - 96½ 93;4- {;5 95 - 96 05 - 96 95 - 06½ 96¼- 105 104¾-104¾ 102¼-103 105 -110 Income .... .. . . ...... . .. . 7 28 - 32½ 24 - 27¾ 23 - 25½ 24¼- 24¼ 23¼- 23¼ 26 - 26½ 22¾- 23 20 26½ 22½- 34½ 30 30 35 - 40 35 - 39¼ ~andusky Div .......... 6 85 - 90 86 - 80 ..•. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... ... . . ....... - . ... .. .. • ...... . - .... 100 -l09 Sandusky Div .- Inc .. . 27 :... 29½ .... - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - •....... - ..... ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . Lnf. Bl. & lll.-lst .... 6 91 - 99 99¾-107 100 -105 101 -102 100 - 101 100 -100 99%-100½ 100 - 103 102 ·-105 1027,i-104 103 -108 100 -111 Income. ... .. . . .. ,- 31 - 42 40 - 47½ 39 - 41 38 - 40 •.• - •... 40 - 40 . ... - . .. . 43 - 46 45½- 50¼ 50 - 50 50 - 50 55 - 70 Lake Shore & IU. So.Cl. Pains.&Ash ...... 7 116 -116 118 -119 .... - ........ - .... 116½-116½ 117 -117 118 -118 ... - .. ...... - ........ - ... 114 -114¼ 114 - 114 Rufi. & Erie- New .... 7 .... - .... 120 -120 128¾-128¾ 122 -rn2½ 124½-124½ .... - .• . ... - ....... - .... 122%-125¾ 121½-121½ 124 -124 124 -124 Kai. & W. P.-lst .... ,- . . . - ........ - .... 108 -108 .... - . •...... - ........ - .. ...... - ....... - ........ - .. . ... - ... ..... - ....... - ... . L. Shore-Dividend .. 7 .. - .... 124¼-124¼ 125¾-!26. 122 -122 123 -123 ... - .... 124½-124½ ... . - ........ - . ... 121%-121% .... - •... 123 -123¼ ht con., coup ........ 7 l27 -130½ 129¾-131 13G½-131¾ .. .. - .... 130¾-132¾ 132¼-134xi 130 -131 129 - 129½ 130 -130 120¼-131 130 -130½ 129 -130¼ 1st con., 1·eg ....... . .. 7 127½-130 129½-130 130½-131¼ 127½-128 120¾-129¾ 130 -132½ 129 -131 129½-181 .... - ... . 128 -129 127 - 128¾ 128½-129 2d con., coup ... ...... 7 tl0¾-123 122¾-123 122%-1211¼ 123 -124% 124 -1'!7 123 -125 124¾-125 124 -124¼ 124 -124¾ 125 -125½ 125½-127 122½-124. 2d con., 1•eg ... . ... .. . 7 119½-122½ 122¼-123 123 -124 123%-124½ 122½-125 ... . - . .. . . .. - .... 123 -124 12-i -124¾ ... . - ........ - .... 122½-123~ lUahoning Coal RR .. ~ 103 -104 103½-1049-P 104% -105 104¾-105 104 -104¼ 103¾-104¼ .... - .... 103½-103½ 103¾-10-l 105 -1.05 104 -105 .... - ... . Loni{ lslaml-lst ........ 7 124 -124 127½-128 130 -130 .. . . - ........ - ....•... - •....... - .... 122 -122 .... - . . 119 -121 . . . . - . ... .... - . .. . 1st, consol.. . .. ....... ~ 108 -112½ 114 -114 114 -114½ 112 -112¾ lll¼-112¾ 112 -113 114 -115 114½-115 112½-114½ 113¼-113¼ 112 - 114¼ 115,¼-115.¼ Louisv.&N.-Consol. .. 7 124.>1?-124½ 124 -125 124 -125 121 - 121¾ !17 - 120.¼ 119¾-120}4 120 -122½ 120 -122 121 -121½ 118 -118 1!8½-118½ 118¾-120 Cecilian Branch ...... , 109 -109 109 -110 . ... - .. .. 108 -110 107½- 107½ 113 -113 .... - ... ... - ... .... .. ...... - ... 111 - 112 .... - •••. N. O. & lUob-lst .... . 6 100 -103% 102 -104½ 103 -105 102¼-104¾ 99 -!02 100 -104½ 101,¼-104 103¼-104~ 103 -105 105 -106 1105¼-lO'i½ 107 -107¾ 2,1 ....................... fi 88 - 90 88 - 00½ 92 - 95½ 91 - 94¼ 89 - 91 88 - 00¼ 86 - 93 91½- 94 93¼- 93¼ 93¾- 93¼1 94 - 06 .l6 - 97 E. H. & Nash.-lst ... 6 ll5 -115 115 -116 115¼-116 116 -116½ ... . - .... 112 -114½ 115 -116 113½-115 .... - .... 114 - 1!4 Gen'l mort .. ........... . 6 l00¼-105¼ 104¼-106½ 101}¾-108.½ 105¼-107½ 103½-107 102½-105¼ 104 -107 105 - 107½ 105½- 107 107 -109½ 109 -109% 106½-108¾ Pensacola Div .... ... 6 .... - .... 97½- 97½ ... - .....••. - .... ... - ........ - ........ - ....... - .... . .. . - ....••.. - .... 98 -102 .... - ... . St. Louis Div.-lst .. 6 .. .. - ... 108 •·108 ...• - ... ... .. - .... 110 -110 .... - ........ - .... .... - . ....... - .... . •• - .... 113 -113 .... - ... • St. Louis Div.-2d ... 3 .... - ...... .. - . . .. 56 - 56 51 - 51 ... - ........ - . . . . 55 - 57 .... - ,. ...... - .. ...... - .... .... - . ... .... - .. .. Nash. & Decatur...... 7 .... - .... 122 -126 .. . . . . ...... - .... 121 -122 122.¼-122¼ . . .. - .... 123}<.i- 123½ .... - ........ - ........ - .. . ... .. - .. .. :So. & No. Ala. S. F .. 6 .... - .. .... .. .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .. .. - ....... - .... 102 -105 .... - ........ - .. . T1•ust bonds .. ..... ..... 6 98 -100¾ 99¾-104½ 101½-104 101 -102¾ LOO -102.¼ 98 -102¾ 101%-104½ 103½-105½ 102 -104 103¼-105¾ 105 -107 103½-105½ Ten-Fortv, 1924 ..... 6 86 - 67¼ 87 - 89 89 - 93 90 - 91 84½- 84½ 80 - \JO 91%- 93 93 - 93½ 95 - 95 97 - IJ9½ 97¾-100 .... - .... Pensac. & Atl.- lst .. 6 86 - 89 84¾- E9 89 - 90 88 - 90 ... •- •.. 82¾- 85 85 - 90 88 - 89½ 88¼- 89¼ 89 - 05 9·3 - rn 92½- 90 Lou.N.Alb.&C.-lst. 6100¼-106 106 -108 106.¼-110 109 -112 108 -110¾110 -120 115 -110 113¼-114 110 -111 110 -111 110½- lll½lOSI -"!.11½ Con., gold, 1916 ... .. . ti ... . - ... . .... - ....... ...... - . . ...... - .... 96¼-100 98½- 98% .... - .. . . 97 - 90 94½- 95 IJ5 -100 95½- 97½ Louisv. N.O.&T.-lst.:i 91¼- 91½ 91½- 92¾ 00¼- 00¾ 90½- 00½ .... - ....... - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - . .. . .... - .... .... - ... . Man.B.lmp. Co.-Lim.7' 80 - 80 80 - 80 ... . - ... . ... . - ... . ... - .... 87¼- 87¼ .... - .. . . 00 - 90 86½- SO½ i 88 - 88 .... - ... . ... . - .. . . Mem.& Chas.-Gold . .. 6 .. . ... . ... . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . 102 -103 102:H;-105¼ 102 -103 102½-103½ 10~½-104¾ 104 -104% 104,¼-106¼ 105 -105¾ Metropolitan El.-lst .. 6 115 -117¼ 116!1;-118 117¼-118 117½-118 117½-121½ 121 -123 117 -118 116½-118 116½-118 1117,¼-118 117½-119½ 118 -120 2d, 1899 ................ 6 lOS,¼-100¼ 109 -110¼ 11!%-113 112½-113)4 109½-111¾ lll½-112¾ 111¼-112¼ 110 -112 110:H;-112 lll½-113 109¾-111 109:½- ll(i½ Mex. Cent.- lst, ex cp.7 47 - 51¼ 43¼- 49 39 - 49 .... - .......• - .. . . 40 - 40 40¼- 40¼ .... - ..... ... - ........ - .... 56 - 60 New assented .. . . . ... 4 .. .. - . . . . . .. . .. . 38¼- 41 ::l9¼- 30¼ 89 - 39 34 - 39"J1i 35%- 37¼ 38 - 39¼ .... - .... 46¼- 46% 47 - 52 52 - 57 Mich. Cent-1st,consol. 7 128¾-131 130½i- 13J 131 -132 132 -133 130 -130 129 -ISO 129½-131 130 - 130¾ .... - ... 130½-132 126%-129 127½-128½ 1st, COn!!!Ol.. ..... . ...... 5 107 -!11 110 - 111)4 110 - 111½ 110,½-110½ 109 -110 110½-110½ . ... - .... .... - ........ - .... llOx;-110½ .. . . - .... 109 -109 Co.upon, 1931. ......... 5 lOi,¼-109¼ 108 - 110 108 - 108 108½-lOP½ 109 -110 109 -11 0 .... - ..... ... - .... 109½-109½ .... - ........ - ... 109 ·110 Registe1•ed, 1931. .... ~ 1,17 -107 108 -110 109 - LIO - .. 109 - 109 ... . - . ....... - ........ - ...... . . - ... . .... - ....... - .... 108¼-109:J,/; lllid. ot N . .J.-lst ....... . 6 100 -103 103 -106¾ 106 - 100 105 -106 104 -107½ 107 -107½ 106¾-109.½ 109 -109% 108 -1 01!½ 104½ 105½!106 -108¾ 109¼- 110 Mil. L. Sh. &W.-lst .. 6 ll2½-114½ 114½-117 a6 -118 117 - 120 117 -118½ 118 -121½ 118¾-120 118½-1111% 117 -118 117 -118½1114!,,(- 116½ 114½-118_ Income ... ............. .. 6 88 - 91¼ 91½- 94 ll4¼- 97 97 -103½ 100 -106 .... - . . . 105 -105 .... - .... 104 -104¾ 104½-107 101½-104 104 -107 Michigan Div .......... 6 106¾-111 Wl¾-115 l16 -118 . . . -· .. .. 110 - 120½ 116 -119 117 -117½ .... - . . .. .. . . . ... - .... 113 -115 115 -110 Ashland Div., lst .... 6 .... ... . .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . 115 -116½ .... - .... 117 -117 113½-114 112½-112½ .... - ....... - ... . Mil. & No.-1st, 1910 .6 .. . - .... 102½-105 104 -105½ 104,½- 105 IO~ -106½ 102¾ -lu5➔.{ 105½-106 104 -105½ 104 -105 102 -106 106 - 106}\ 1C3 -10~½ 1st, on exten., 1913 .. 6 100 -101 101 -101¾ 101¾-103¾ 10$¾-103½ 102¼-104 101½-102~ 102 -103½ 103 -104 102½-103 101 -104 j104 -104 103 -104 Minneap.& St.L.-lst. 7 .... - ........ - . .. . . .. - ... . 135 -136 135 -135 .... - .... ... - ... 128 -130 .. . . - . ... 13Z -132½ 132 -135 131½-131½ Iowa Extension ...... 7 121 -125 .... - .... 124 -125 123 -125 . ... - .... . .. . - ... ...• - . .. . . . .. . ... 119 -119 120½-120½ 122 - 122 .. .. - .. .. 2d, 1891 ................ 7 . .. . - ........ - . . . . . - ........ - ........ - · · · · .... - .... 101 -102 . ... - .. .. 102 -102 .... - .. . . .. . - ........ .. Pacific Ext .............. 6 .. .. .. .... 110 -110 .... . .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. - .... 110 -110 109 -109 108 -101) Imp. & equip., 1922 .6 05 - 95¾ 06 -100 98½-100 OS%- {l9 96¾- 98 96%- 98 .... - .... 00 - CO 9~½- 04 .... - .. .. 90 - 95 93 - 95 Minn.&No.W.-lst,i:- .. ~ .... -· .... 99¾-100¾ 100 -101!,4 .... - .... 102 -102 101 -103 100 -103 10-1 -105 ... - ........ - ... . 104½-105 104¼- 100 Mo.K.&T.-Gen. con . . 6 88 - 92½ 01%- 96 89¾- 95½ 91 - 94¼ 87%- 94½ 91¾- 96½ 94¼- 97 93 - 96% f!4 • 97½ 97 -101¾ 101¼-105¼ 97½-101¾ Gen.consol. ....... . .... ~ 75 - 79¾ ';'3%- 83 75)4- 82 75¼- 80½ 72¼- 80½ 77½- 82½ 81 - 83½ 81½- 84¾ 82 - 85 84¾- 93¼ 1 90%- 93 85 - 87½ Consol. ....... ...... . .... , 115¼-118 113½-115% 113 -111'.i 114)-s-115 112½-115½ 115½- 117 115 -117 112¾-113½ 112½-113% 108 -114¾ 109½-llO;l,i Ill -111¼ 2d income ..... ··..:_ .. .. . 6 .. . .. . .. = .... 78 78 .... = ........ = ........ = ........ = ........ = .... 90 = 00 = .. . . = .. .. Han. & C. Mo. 1st .. 7 110 -110 112 114½ 114 114 .... .... .. . . . . . . ... .... . . .. . . . . . ... 112 112 112 115 . . . . .... .. .. Mobilo & Ohio-New . . 6 lll½-112½ 113¼-116 113 -115¼ 1l12¼-114 113 -114 112 -114 114 -116 115 -115 110 -116 114%-114% 114 -115 109),.:f-112 1st, exten., 1921' ... .. . 6 101 -101% 101,¼-103 103 -104}fh03 -103¾ 104 - 104½ 105 -106 .... - . . . . . . - . .... ... - .... 105½-105½ 105½-105½ .... - ... . lstpret. c.lebentu1·e ... 7 62 - 65½ 64 - 65}. 60½- 64 55 - 55 53 - 57 56 - 60½ 60¼- 64½ 60½- 63½ 60 - 01½ 58 - 63 63½- 74¾ 61 - 60 2d p1•ef. debenture ... .1' 38 - 41½ 39 - 40 37 - 38 ... . - . . . . 32 - 32 34 - 36½ .... - . .. . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . 32 - 36 37 - 44½ 32 - H 3d pref. debenture .... , 33 - 35 34 - 34 .... - ... . . .. . . ...... - ... ...•• - . ....... - . ....... - ........ - .... 81 - 31 SO - 35 30 - SO 4th pref. debentui•e .. 7 30 - 31 .... ... . .. -· ........ - ........ - ... . .•.. - •....••. - ........ - ....... . - . ... 20 - 26 25 - 30 .... - . . .. St. Loui!;I & C., a-uar.4 .. . . - . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . . .. ..... - ....... . - .... .... - . . .. 72½- 74½ 73¼- 74 73 - 74 73%- 74½ 76 - 76¼ . .. . - .. . Mori:-an's L. & T.-ht.6 104,¼-107¼ 107 -109 108½-111 111¾-112¼ 111½-111½ ll4 -114 111¼-115 115 -116 116 - 116 .... - ........ - ...... . . - ... . 1st, 1918 ............. 7 120 -120 . . . . - ... 120 -1~1 ½ 118 -120 .. - .... 127 -127 127 -127 ... . - . ... 127 -127 126 -126¾ .... - • . . .. ... - ... . Mutual Union T--S.F .6 79¼- 84 83%- 00 83½- 00½ 86 - 88 81 - 83 ?5 - 82~ 79 - 83¼ 80 83½ 82 - 85¾ 85 - 88 84¼- 85½ 82l},- 86 Nasbv.C.& St.L.-tst. 7 123 - 124 124¾-127 127 -1.?8½ 129 - 12lJ 127 -127 128 -120 128 - 130¼ 129 -130¼ 129 -130 129 -130¼ 130¼-181 .... - .... 2d, 1901 ................ 6 .... - ........ - .... . . - ... . .... - . . ...... - .... . . .. - .... ... - ..... . . . - ........ - ........ - .... 110 -111¼ lll¼-111¾ New J. South.-Gua1· . . 6 ... . - . ... 91 - 07¼ 9i¼-101¾ .... - ... 91 - 95½ 98 - 98 95 - 96 99 - 99¾ 99 - 99¾ 99 - 99¾ .... - . ... 98 - 08 N.O.Pacific-lst, ex cp .6 51 - 62½ 00½- 64½ tlO - 61% 60 - 62 59 - 61½ 61½- 64¼ 63 - 76¾ 73 - 80 i3 - 76% 77½- 78½ 80 - 81 84½- 85¼ Tt·ust 1·eeeipts .... ... .. 6 - ........ - . .. . .. . - . .. . . . . - ........ - . ....... - ........ - ... . 73¼- 76 7-! - 77 76 - 81 79¾- 85 78 - 85¾ N. Y. Centi·al-Ext ... ... 5 10;;:)4-106 106¾-107)4 107%-108 L08;1:!-108¾ 107½-108 106 - 106½ 106 -107 106¾-106¾ 105 -105½ 105 -106¾ 104 -107 105¾-106½ 1ss7 ..................... 6 104 - 104 ½ 105 - 105½ 105 -105½ 105½-105½ 105!14-105¾ 103_¼-106 ...• - ........ - ... 1021/4-102?~ 102%-103½ 103½-104 101 -104}a N.Y.C.&H.-ht,cp .. 7 134 - 13611. 130 -137 136 -137 137 -138 138 -139 139½-140½135¾-136 136½-137 134 -136 134 -136 136¼-UJ8 137½-138¼ 1st,t·ei:-................ 7 134¼-136 136 -136 136 - 1S7 137½-137½ .... - .... 135 -1S5½ 135:1(-137 137 -137 .... - .... 133½- 133½ .... . ... 137 -137 Debenture ........... ~ 109¼-110 109:)4-111½ 108 - 109¾ 109,¼-109½ 109 -110¾ 109 -110 109¾-112¼ 110½-112 107¾-108 109 -109½ 108¼-109¼ 108½-109 Registe1·ed ........ . ~ .. .. - ........ - ........ - .... ... . - . ....... - . . . . . . - .... lOll½-110¼ . . - ... 107½-108 107¾-109 108¼-108¾ . . . . - .. Can. So.-lst, guar .... a 103¼-105½ 105½-108 105¼-108 105:1(-107 106 -107½ 107¼- 108¾ 106 -107½ 104 -1071-4 104,-J-106¼ 105¾-107 106¾-107¼ "iOO -108 2d mort. .. .. . .. . .... ~ 84 - 87% 86½- 93½ 84 - 91¼ 85 - 88½ 84¼- SS½ 88 - 93 91½- 94½ 91¼- 95 90 - 94½ 93 - 94¾ 93¾- 95 91 - 95 Hal'lem-lst, coup .... 7' 137½-139 136½-137½ 136 -137% 137 -137 133½-135 134¾- 135 134½-135¼ 133½-135 133½-134¾ 133 --136 132 -132 131 -131 1st, 1•eg ... ... ... ..... ., 137 -130 135½-137 11s6 - 137 136½-136¼ 134 -134½ 135 -135¼ 135 -135% 132½-135 133 -134% 132 -134½ 131½-1S2 132 - 132¼ N.Y.C.1ic.&St.L.-lst .6 94¼- 99 li6 - 97¼ 92 - 97¼ 02 - 93½ 85¾- 93¾ 93 ·· 98 97½- 97½ 94 - 98½ 95 - 95 95¾- 97 06 ·· 97 .... - .... t st trust receipts .. .. 6 94 - 99 95½- 08 92½- 98 87¾- 95 84 - 94 93 - 99 96 - 99¼ 94 - 98% 94¾- 97½ 94¼- 97¾ 96 - 98½ 95½-100½ 2d, 1923 . ................ 6 . . . . - . . . . · . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 70 - 70 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - • .. · . . . . - . . . . . . . . - · · · · . . . . - . . . 66 - 77 N. Y.City & No.-Gen'l.6 55 - 59¼ .... - . . . . 58½- li5½ 58 - 59¾ 59 - 59 60 - 6Sxi 64¼- 65 .... - . .. . 64½- 69¼ 68 - 73~ 71 - 71½ 64½- 70 T1•ust Co. receipts .... 6 54 - 58¾ 56 - 58 59¼- 67 58 - 61¼ 55¼- 61 60 - 64½ 63 - 65 60 - 6S 61 - 69% 67¾- 73½ 70 - 73½ 64¼- 70 N. Y. Elevated-lst ... .. 7 123½-125 12S½-125 125 -126 125½-126¼ 125 -128 1126½-130 125 -127 125 -127 125½- 127 12S¾-125½ 123 -126 126 -126½ N.Y.& N.Ena-.-lst ..... 7 125 -128 .... - .... 129 -130 127 -12'i¼' .... - •... . •.. - .... 120¼-120¼ - .... 128 -128 130 -130 .... - .. .. . ... - ... . 1st, 1905 . ............. . 6 .... - ····1···· - ........ - ... . 117½-117¼ ...• - ........ - .... .... - ........ - .... •··· - •··· .... - •··· .... - •··· .. ·· - ···· N.Y.N.H.&H.-lst,rg.4 112 -112 112 -112 112 -112 112 -112¾ 112½-112¼ 112 -112 1.. .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - . .. . N. y .On. & W .-1st, g .. 6 .... - . . . . . .. - .... 103 -104.¼ 104 -106½ 105%-10~,{ 107 -109 108 -108~ 107~-lCS¾ 104.¾-105½ 104½-10511; 105¾-107¼ 105 -107½ N. Y. Susq.&W.-lst ... 6 •76½- 82 •78711 - 85¼ •82¾- 88 *81 - 86¼ •70 - 84¾ *84 - 86 4 80 - 84 *83l11- 86¼ *64 - 85 *82 - 83½1*83 - 88½ *88½- 94 Debenture, 1897 . ... .. 6 *52 - 59% *58 - 59¾ *60 - 64½ *63 - 63¾ *60¾- 60¾ *62½- 63 *61 - 61 *60½- 65 .... - .... *60¼- 60~.. ' 62 - 64 05 - 71½  =  = ........  N.V.&Tex.Land-Sc1•ip . ... - ........ - .... 57 - 57¼ .••• - •••.•••• - ••••.••• - .••.•••. -_ ••·•••••• •••••• N.Y.Wood&R.-2d inc. 26¾- 30 ..•. - ...... . . - •.. 19¾- 21½ 19¼- 19¾ .... - •..• . . •.  • Coµpo11 off', Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I·.. .  = ·.·.·,·, ·.·.·,·. = ·.·.·.·. ·.·.·.·. = ·.·,·,·, .··,·,·.: ...... ·.  ° =51-~  5 10  RAILlWAJJ lJONDS.  6ti  1SS6-t;ontinued. BONDS.  JANU.A.RY FEBR'RY.  ---  MARCH.  ---  APltIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY  --- ---  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER.  DEC'BER  - - - - - - - - - - · ~ow.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High. Low.B:lgh Low. Hig~ Low. Hi!~ Low.~~ Low. High Low. High Low. High  I  No1·t.& West.- Gen. M .6 104 -104 105 - 107½ 107½-108 108 -109 104 -105 108 -108 . . . . - .... 112½-115½ 118½-115 112¼-114½ 112 -112 112½-112¼ New River- lst . . ..... 6 99½-106¾ 107 -107 .... - .• .. 108 - 108 108 -!08 110 -111 111 -115 115 -115 lll¾-112¼ . ... - .... 118 -114½ ll5 -118 Imp. & ext., 1934 .... 6 .... - .... 90 - 90 ... . - •. .. .. . - .... 87½- 03½ 96 - 98 98:J(-101 99 -101 .... - .... 98 - 98 93 - 98 100 -102 Adj. mort., 1924 . .... 7 l:!2½- 82½ .. . - .. .. 85 - 86½ 88 - 88½ 81:l½- 92½ 92½- 98¾ 100 -100 103 -104¾ .... - ...... .. - ........ - ... 107 -107 Oa-. & L. C.- tst,con ... 6 99 - 99½ 100 -101 .... - . . .. 96 - 9i 96 - 96¼ 96½- 96½ .. .. - .... 104½-104½ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - •... Ohio & Miss. Con.s. t .. 7 120½-120½ 121½-125 123½-128½ 122 -123 121 -122 121¼-122½ 119 -120 119 -120 118¼-118¼ l18 -120 122 -123 121¼-123 Consol.. ......... .. .. ... . 7 120 -120½ 121 -125 123¼-123½ 122 -12'.Z 122 -123 121 -123 119¾-120 ll9¾-120 118 -118½ 118¼-118¾ 120 -122 121 -ln¾ 2d, consol. ............ . 7 118¼-118½ 121 -121 ... . - .... 117¾-117¾ l 15½-116 ll{l¾-118½ 117½-119 118 -118 118 -118 114 -117½ 117½-120 118 -118 1st, Spl'ina-f. Div ..... . ,- 92½- 92½ 91 - 91 96 - 96 04 - 97 98¼- 93¼ .... - ....... - .... .... - .... . .. - .... 95½- 98 110 -110¼ 108¼-1081,:( General, 1932 ... ..... ~ .. . . - . . . . 87½- 89¼ 89½- 94¾ .. .. - . . . . 91 - 92 90¼- 91¼ 90 - 90 . .•. - . . . . 90 - 90 90 - 90 91½- 94 90 - 90 Ohio Southern- 1st .... . 6 97¾-100 99 -104½ 102½-105¼ 104 -105 105 -107 103½-105¼ 100)4-103½ 102½-103¼ 101½-103 102½-105 105 -108 !02 -105 2d, income .............. 6 34 - 41 38 - 40½ 34 - 40 35 - 41 34 - 34 86½- 38 84½- 86 34¾- 39 87 - 89½ 38 - 46½ 44 - 49J.!! 89 - 46¼ Or. R'y. & Nav.-lst ... 6 111 -112½ 112½-113 112¼-113 Ill -113¼ 112½-113¾ 113½-114¼ 110¾-111½ 110½-111¾ 110½-111½ no -111 110 -111½ 110 -111 Debentu1·es, 1887 ... .,- .. . . - ........ - ... . l06¼-106J.4 .... - .. ... .. - ..... . .. - .... ... . -· ........ - ........ - .... .... - ... . .. .. - ........ - •..• Consol., 192~ .. . . . .. .. ~ 102 -103½ 103%-108 107%-108½ 107 -107¼ 106½-107¾ 105 -106½ 106 -107% 105 -106½ 105 -106¼ 105 -106¾ 106½-107¼ 104 -105¾ Orea-. Imp. Co.- lst .... 6 90½- 95 94 - 95¼ 94½- 99 90 - 98½ 88 - 9! 84 - 98¼ 90 - 92½ 90¼- 91½ 90½- 94¾ 93¾- 95 95 - 98½ 91 - 95 Orea-on T1·ans.- lst . ... 6 94 - 97 95½- 98½ 95 -100 97½-100 92½- 93)4 G7¾-103 101¾-103¼ 99¾-102½ 101 -102¾ 101¾-104¼ 100¾-102 98 -101)4 Pacific Raih·oadsCent. Pac., gold ....... 6 112½-114¼ 114 -116 115 -116 114%-116¼ 115¾-117¼ 117¾-118¾ 118%-115½ 114¼-115¼ 114¼-115¾ 115 -116¼ 115¾-116½ 115¾-117 San Joaquin Br . ... . 6 107!):(-112 112 -112 112 -112 .... - ... 110¼-110¾ lll¾-111¾ 112 -112 .... - ........ - .... 112 -112 112 -112 .... - .. .. , Cal. & O1·eiion ... ... .6 100 -100½ 104 -104 103 -104½ 108)4-103¼ 104 -104 .... - .... 101½-101¾ . . . . - .... 106 -106 108 -103 103 -103 .... - ... . Land a-rant11 ... ..... . . 6 104¾-105¾ 105½-106¾ 106¾-107¼ 103 -103¾ 103 -108¼ 104½-104~.{ 104½-105½ 104½-105 105 -105¾ 102½-103¼ 102¾'-103¼ 102½-108¼ Western Pac . ........ 6 1.09 -110 111 112~-113 .... - .... 112¾-115 115 -116 114 -114 ... - ........ - .. .. 113 -113 114 -114 .. . . . .. . North., Cal., guar . 6 .... - ........ - . . . . . . . ....... - .. . . .. . . - .... 116¼-116~4 119½-119½ 122¾-123 122¾-122¾ 122 -122½ ... . - • . . . . . - ... . No.Pac. -Gen.1st, l.a-6 111½-113 112¾-115 ll3¾-115 114¾-11~ 115½-118¾ 117:1:(-120 115:1:(-117 114½-117¼ 115 -116½ 115½-116½ 116¼-117½ 117¾--119 Gen.1st, I. ii., rea- .. 6 lll¼-112½ 114¾-115 ... . - ... . 115 -115½ 116 - 117 117¼-117¼ .. . . - ...... . - ... . ll~-115¾ 116 -116 ... - ... . . .. - ... . Gen., I. a-.,2d,19,33 .. 6 91½- 98½ 92¾- 97 95¾- 98¼ 93¾- 95¾ 92¾· 99 98½-101 100¾-101¾ 99½-101¼ 100½-103¾ 100,¼-102½ 102¾-103¼ 102½-104 No. Pac.Ter.Co.- 1st6 ... - . ... 106½-109¼ 102½-108¾ 104¾-106¼ 105 -108½ 108 -109% 106%-106½ 108½-108 104½-105½ 108%-105½ 104 -108 105¾-108 JamesRiv.Val.,1st6 .. - ... . ... - ... . .... - ... . .... - .... 107½-109 lOu½-107½ . . . . - .. . . 107¼-108 107½-108 . ... - ... . So. Pac. Cal-1st ..... 6105:1:(-107½ 107 -110½ 109½-110¼ lO{l¾-107¾ 1G7 -108½. 108¼-109 109½-112¼ lll½-112 111 -114 110¼-110¾ 110¾-110¾ 110½-lll¼ So .Pac. Al'izona-1st 6 100¼-101¼ 102 -104 104 -105 104%-105¼ 104½-105¼' 105 -106¾ 102¼-1041,i 104%-106 ... - .. . . • ... - . . . . . . . . . ... 112 -112 So. Pac. N.Mex.-lst 6 100 -101 101¾-103% 108%-104ll,! 104 -104¾ 108¾-104% 104)4-106 108 -103 104 -105 105¾-107¾ 107%-108 108 -108¾ 108 -109¼ Union Pac. - lst ... .... 6 114 -115¼ 115½-117¼ ll{l¾-118 116½-117¾ 117 -118 118¾_-119½ 115½-116½ 115¾-116½ 114 -115¾ 115¼-116½ 116 -116¾ 115¾-117¼ Land a-1•ants .......... 7 .... - ._... 106¾-106¼ 106¼-106¼ ... . - . ...... . - ... 104%-104~ 104½-104~4 •• - .... 105¼-105¼ .... · .. .. 101½-101½ 102 -102 Sinklna- fund ......... 8 121 -122 121½-123¼ 118 -119¼ 118 -118 118 -119½ 119¾-121 120 -121 119½-120 116 -117½ 117 -110 117½-118¾ 118 -119 Rea-istered . ...... ... .8 121 -121 121 -121 .... - ... .. ... - .... . ... - ........ - •.. .. ... - .. . . . .. - .. . 117 -117 • • •. - .. .. 117¾-117¾ . . . . - .. . Collat. Trust . ... ... . 6 . . . . - . ..... .. - .. .. . .. . - .... 106 -106 .... - .•. . .. .. - ........ - ... . 104 -104 105 -105 107¼-108¼ 108½-108½ .... - .. . . I{.. Pac.- ht, 1S9~ .6 114½-114¾ 112 -113¼ .... - . ... 113 -113 112¼-113~ . ... - ... .... . - .... 112 -112 .... - .... 110¾-110½ 112 -112½ 111 -112 1st, 1896 .. ...... ... 6 111 - 112 112 -113 .... - .... 118 - 116 114¼-115 112 -112¼ 112 -112¾ .... - ... . 110 -110 lll½-114 118½-114 . . .. - ... . DenY. Div.- Ass'd 6 ll3 - 113 114 -114¼ 118¼-115 114 -115 113¼-114 . .. . - ... . 114%-115½ 115 -115¼ 116 -116½ 117¼-118 114½-115 114½-115½ l11t, consol. . .. . ..... 6 99~,-101 101 -104 102 -107 103¾-105¾ 99%-103 103 -107~ 107½-109 105%-108 105½-108½ 108 -109¾ 108 -107½ 106!,4-107¼ At.Col.& Pac.-lst .6101½-104 102½-105 104½-105½ 104%-105½ 108½-105 104¼-105 105½-106½ 105¼-106 105½-105½ 106 -106 106 -106 106 -107 At.J. C.& W.-tst.6100 -100 .... - ........ - ... . 105 -105 102 -103 .... - .••. ... . ... .. - ........ - . ... 105 -103 .... - ..... ... - . .. . Orea-.Sh.Line-lst .. 6 IIB¼-101½ 977/4-101½ 98 -105 101 -102 PO -102¾ 102¾-107½ 107¼-100 102¾-105½ 104 -105½ 104½-106½ 106¼-107 106 - 107 Utah South.- Gen .. ,- .. .. - .... .... - .... 90¼- 90¼ .... - ... . 90 - 90 90 - 90 85 - 87 ... . - ... .. .. . ... 90 - 90 .. . . - . .. ..... , •..• Ext' n, 1st, 190!L. 7 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . . . . . - . . . . 85 - 85 .. . . - .. . . 80 - 80½ 72½- 75 . . . . - . .. . 80 - 87½ 82 - 84 68 - 85 83 - 88 Mo. Pac.-lst cons .. .. 6 108 -109½ 109½-112½ 110 -113 111 -112¼ 109 -111½ 111 -ll2½ 111 -113¼ 112¾- 115 113 -116¼ 115 -117 112%-115½ 114 -115½ 3d, 1906 ...... .... .. 1 ll6¼-117¾ 118)4-123 122 -125 122 -123 120 -122 124 -125 124¼-125 125 -127½ 125 -125½ 125¾- 126 118 -122½ 120½-121 Pac. of Mo.-lst ..... 6 106¾-107 104 -105 104%-105¼ 104%-105¾ 105¼-106¼ 1011 -106¼ 106¼-106¾ 103¼-104 103½-104 103½-104 1031}.(-104% 104 - 104¾ ~d, 1891 ..... . . . . ... 7 110½-111¾ 112 -1187-[ 113 -113 111 -111 112 -113½ ... . - . .. 110 -110 llu -110 110 -110 109 -110¾ 110½-111 110 - Ill¾ Sf.L.&S.F.-2d,cl.A6108 -108 112 -112 112½-112½112 -112 110 -114 114¾-117 117 -118 .... - ........ - .... · ··· - ··· 114 -114 114½-114½ ClaH "C" . ..... . .... .6 105½-108¼ 110 -112 110 - 113 109½-113 109 -114 114 -117 116¼-116¼ ... . - .... 116 -1113 114½-116 112¾-114½ 118 -114¼ Class "B" ......... ... 6 105~- 108 110 -112½ 111½-118 110½-118½ 109 -114½ 114 -117 116 -118 116 -118 116½··117¾ 114½-115¾ 113 -114½ 113 -114 P. C. & O.-tst ...... 6 . ... - . .. . lll½-112 .... - .. . . .. .. - ... .. . .. - ....... - ...... . . - .. ..... . - ........ - .. . 117 -117 ... - .......• - ... . General mort .. .. . . .. 6 99¼-101½ 99¾-104½ 102 -105¼ 108 -103¼ 102½-107½ 107¼-112¾ 108½-110¾ 108 -111 109 -109¾ 109¾-109¼ 109½-114 112½-114 So.Pac.ofMo.-bt ... . 6 108 -108'7Ai 104¾-105 105 -105¼ 105¼-105¾ 105½-105½ 106 106 108 -103½ 103 -108 103¾-103¾ 108¼-108¾ 103¾-104¼ 104½-104¾ Ft. S1n.& V. Bd., tst . 6 .... - ........ : ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - ... 107 -107 .. .. - ........ - . . . . · · · - · · · - ... . ... - ... . Kan.C.&So.W., lst.6 ... - .. . ..... - ........ - ........ - . ...... - ........ - ... . .. .. - .... ... - ... ..... - .... 105 - l 05 107¼-107¼ .... - ... . Texal!f & Pac.- lst ... 6 105¾-lOS§Ji .... - .... . ... - ........ - ........ - ......•• - •• •.. ... - ........ - . .... . .. - .... ···· - · ··· ... - . ..... . . - ••.. Consols ... . .... ... ... .6 •70 - 70 ... - ... *81¼- 81¼ . ... . ...... - .....••. - •... 90 - 97½ 97½-103¼ ... . - .••. • •· - •· *98 - 99½ *100¼-00¼ Trul!ft receipts ...... . . ... - ... . ... - .. ..... - .. ...... - . ....... - .... .... - . .. . . ... ... . 99 -104 . .. . - .. . . ·•· - • • • • ... . - . . . . . . . . . .. . Inc.& land Ill'., 1·ea-.,· 86½- 89 89 - 42 37 - 40¼ 34¾- 89 84 - 87½ 87 - 41 87½- 49¾ 48¾- 61¼ 51½- 58 58½- 58½ 56¼- 60¾ 56 - 60 Trust receipts .... . .. . . . - ..... . .. - ........ - . ....... - . . . . ... . - . . . . . ... - . . . . . . . . - .. .... .. - . . . . 5ll - 58 53½- 58¼ 54¾- 63% 55¾- 62¼ 1st, Rio Gr. D .. ... . 6 .... - . . . ... - .. ...... - .... .... - . . . . . .. - ... ..... - . . .. .... - . . . . 72½- 75 .... - . . . . 75 - 75 74 - 'i4 •. .. - ... . Ex. coup .... ... .... .6 45½- 52 51 - 55¼ 50 - 5,1 49 - 53 48½- 53¾ 53 - 56¾ 54¾- 65 64 - 72 66!,.(- 68 68 - 72 69¾- 75½ 71½- 71½ Trust receipts. .. . . .. - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... . . .. . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . 66%- 69 ll6 - 69¼ 68 - 73¼ 70¾- 78 70 - 77½ Gen. M.& Ter .. ... .. 6 43 - 45 47 - 47¼ 40 - 40 .. . . - .... 34½- 86 86 - 40 42½- 51½ 51 - 61¼ 55½- 57 55 - 62 ... . - .. . . .... - ... . Trust receipts ....... .... - . . . .... - ........ - ... . .... - ... .... . - .. . . . . . - . . . . 49 - 51 52 - 52 58 - 59 58 - 6! 65 - 71 67¼- 69¾ Pa.RR.- Pa.Co.-Cp.4½ 10%½-105¼ 108_¼-105½ 106¼- llr.¼ 106½-100¾ 106 -106¼ 106¾-1G8 106 -108 106½-108½ 105½-106½ 105½-108 106½-107¾ 105 - 107½ Reabtered ........ . 4½ 101½-105 104!'(-105¼ 106 -107~ 106½-106¼ ..... - .. 106¾-108¼ 107~-107¼ . . . - ........ - .... 105:l(-107 ... . - . . . . 104 -106 Pitts.C.&St.L.,lst.7 .... - ........ - ...... - .. ...... - ........ - .. ...... - . . .. . ... - ... 121 -121 120¼-120¾ .. .. - . ...... . - ........ - ... . Pltt1;1.Ft.W.&C.-1st .'7 141 -142½ . ... - ... . 144 -144 144¼-144¾ 144½-14.4¾ 145 -145 .... - .. . . 143 -143 141 -141 143 -143 .... - . ....... - ... . 2d., 1912... .. . . . . ') 138½-139 140½-140½ 140 -141 . ... - ... . .. .. - . . . 142 -142½ .... - .... 138¼-138¾ 138 -189½ 139½-139½ 140½-141 189 -139 3d., 1912 .... ... ...... ,- 183¾- 135 186 -136 .... - ........ - ..•. .. .. - ........ - .... 133 -138 ... - .... 138 -138 ... , - ....... - .... . . . . - ... . Clev.& P.-Cons.s.fd.7 128 - 128 .... - .. . 129 -181 180 -181 127½-128½ .... - ........ ~ .... 180 -180 129¾-130 . ... - .. . ..... - .. .. 126 -128 4th, 1~92 . . .. ..... . .. .6 109¼-1011¼ 109¾-109¾ 110 -110 .... - .. .. .... - .... 111 -111 110 -110 109½·109½ 109 -109 . . . . .. ..... - •..... .. - . .. . St.L.V.&T.H.-lst.,- .. .. . ...... - .... 121½-121½122 -122 .... - ........ - ........ - .... .... .. 120½-121½120 - 120 ... . - .... 120 -120 Peo. Dec.& Ev.-lst ... . 6 103 -106¼ 106 -108 108 -!08¼ 111 -111 111 -112 113½-llG 115 -115 115 -115 112 -1.i.2 113 -115 114¾-ll.1¾ 114 -115 Income ......... . ........ 6 4H - 48 48 - 48 46 - 49 60 - 71 59¾- 65 65 - 68 66¾- 75 73 - 76¾ 78½- 80 75 - 79½ 79 - 82½ 80 - 82¼ Evansv. Div . .......... 6 100h!-104 104 -!07¾ 104½-107½ 107½-109¾ 107 -109 109 -111¼ 110½-lll llO -110½ 107 -107 107 -110 110 -110 110 -110½ Evansv. Div.- Inc ... . 6 44 - 48 46½- 50 50 •· 57½ 62 - 70 61 - 65 65 - 69 67 - 74½ 72 - 75¼ 72½- 79¾ 75 - 79% 79 - 82½ 77 - 82 · Peoria&Pek.Un.-lst .6 .. .. - .... 106 -106 110 -110 .... - .... 106 -107 110 -112 112 -112 111 -111 111¼-111¼ .... 110 -110 .... - . ... Plttsb. Cl. & Tol.-lst. 6 106¾-107¾ 106¼-109 110¾-110¾ .... - . .. . .. - .... 108 -108 110 -110 .. . . - .... .. . . - . .. 107½-109 108¼-109 109 -110 Pitts.Brad.&Buf.1st.6 . ... - . . .... . - ...... - ..... . .. - .... ... . - . .... . .. - .. .. . .. . - .... 70 - 70½ .. .. - . ... 82½- 82½ .... - ... . .. .. - ... . Rich. & AII.-Tr. rec .. ? 70 - 76¼ 70½- 73½ 68 - 73½ 68½- 70 65 - 69 69½- 76½ 75 - 80 74 - 79 73½- 76½ 78 - 75 74 - 80 70¾- 75 Rich. & Danv.--Cons .. 6 lll~-113¼ 113½-115¾ 112¾-115½ 114 -115¾ 115)4-117½ 118 -119½ 116½-117¾ 115 -117¼ 113½ -115 114 -!15 114 -115½ 114~-116 Debenture ... ... .. . ... . 6 86 - 88 87½- 88½ 88½- 95 114 -103¾ 100½-105 106 -110½ 110¾-114 109 -112 110 -110 108½-110 110 -114 109 - 112 Assented ...... . .. . ........ - ... ..... - .. . . .... - ........ - .. .. .... - ...... .. - ........ - .. . . .... - ... . .. .. - . . . 106½-107½ 107%-118¾ . . . - . .. . Ro~. & Pittsb.- lst . . . 6 113¼- 114 . .. . - .. .. 114 -115 115 -115 115 -115¾ 117 -117 117 -117 .. . - .. .. 114 -114½ 114 - 115 .... - . ... . ... - .. . Consol., 1st .. ...... .. . .6 110 -110¼ 110 -111 111 -112 111 -111¾ no -111 105 -107½ 105 -105 107 -107½ 107½-107½ 1V7 -107½ 108 - 109}6 108 - 108 Rome W. & Oa-.-1st . .. ,- .... - ........ - .... 114½-117 113½- 114 ... - ... . . 110 -110½ 110 -110 110 - 111½ 111½-118 ... . - . ... 108½-108½ Con., 1st9 ex •.. . . . . .. . . l'i 8'i'½- 91¼ 89½- 95½ 92½- 97 98 - 97½ 94 - 99½ 98 -100% 100¼-102 98½- 102 097-(-103 98½-100 99½-103 100¼-103 Income .. ..... .... . ... .... 1 4S - 49½ 43½- 52 48 - 52 51½- 73¼ 69½- 70 82 - 97½ 97 - 97 .. .. - ... . ~5 - 95 95 - 98½ 98 -100 102 -102 St. Jos.&G'd 181.-tst.6 104 -109?-1; 108½-110!-,i 108½-llU 109 -110¾ 105%-107 106¼-109 108 -109 106¼-108½ 107¾-10~ 108 -110½ 107 -lOi½ 105¼-107½ 2d, income .. ............ ~ 55¼- 61½ 60 - 63¼ 58¾- 60 60 - 63½ 60 - 62 62 - 74 68 - 69% 63 - 68 62½- 71½ 68 - 71½ 71½- 74½ 71 - 77 St. L. Alt.& T.H.-tst. 7 117 -117 .... - .... 116 -116 117½-117½ 118½-119½ .... - ... . .... - ... . 116 -116 115½-116 115 - 116 .... - . . ...... - .. . 2d, pref ... .... ........... 7 ... . - . . .. . .. - .. . . 111 -118 113 -113½ 112½-113¼ 113½-113½ . . .. - .. . . 114 -114 .... - .... 110½-110½ 111 -111 111 -111 2d, income .............. , 103½-104 106 -106 106 -108 .... - ... . 104½-106½ . . . - ........ - .... 106 -108 ... - ....... - •....... - . ... 107 -107½ Dlvillend bonds ... . .. .6 41 - 41 50 - 50 ... . - •. ...... 85 - 35 85 - 35 . ... - ........ - . . . . 33 - 40 35 - 40 89¼- 42 87 - 37 Bell. & So.111. -lst .. 8 117½-117½ . .. . . .. . .... - ...... .. - . . . . . . - ... . .. .. . .. ..... - . ... . ... - .... 116½-116½ .... - ........ - .. . . ... - ... . Bell. & Caron.-lst-6 . . . .. - . . . . . .. - ........ - ... . ... . - .... 110½-110½ .... - ... ..... - ........ - .. . . . . . . - .. . . . •.. - . . . . . • . - .. . ..... - ... . St. L.& Iron Mt.-1st .. 1117¾-118 115 -115½ 114 -114 114 -115 114¼-114¼ 115 -115 116 -116 110 - 112 111½-111½ 111¾-112½ 113 -113¾ 1:3 -115 2d, 1897 ...... . ...... . .. ,- 112 -118 113 -116 117 -119 116 -116½ 113 -118½ 113%-114½ . . .. - .... 111 -111 116 - 116¾ 116½-117½ 112¼-114 113 -114 Ark.Branch . ..... ... .,- 112_½-118 118½-114 115 -115 .... - . . .. 115 -116 ... - ... 113½-114 113½-113½ 114¾-115½ 114 -114 115½-116½ 109¾-118 Cairo & Fulton-ht.. '7 108½-109½ 109½-110 10&½-110¾ 109½-110½ 110 -111½ 112 -113 110 -110 . . . - .. ..(108½-109 108½- 109½ 109 -109 109!-.!-110¾ • Coupo11oit  i Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  66  RAILROAD lJONDS. 1886-Concluded. ,JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  ---- - - -  BONDS. .  ·- - - -·-·  s t.  Louis & Iron Mt.Cairo A1·k. & Texas. 7 Gen. consol. & I. g .... 5 t.P. Minn.& .M.-lst .. ?' 2d moi·tg., 1909 ...... 6 Dakota. Extension .... 6 1st, consol., coup .... . 6 1st, consol., reg ....... 6 !S'cioto Valley-lst,con.'7 s henandoah Val.-lst.7 Gen. mort ... .......... 6 s odus B. & So.-lst ... 5 south Carolina-lst ... .6 2d, 1931. ............... 6 Incomes . ... ............ 6 T enn.Coal& I.-1901 .6 So. Pitts., 1902 . ..... 6 T ex.C.-lst,s.f.,1909 .. '7 T .&N.0.-Sab.Div.tst.6 T ol. A. A.&N.M., lst.6 T ol.A.A.& G.T.-lst .. 6 T ol.& Ohio Cent.-lst.5 T ol .P .&W .-1st tr.ct .. 1 V irginia lllidland-Inc.6 V alley Ry. ofO.-con .. 6 Wab. St. Louis & Pac.General mo1·t ........ .. 6 Trust receipts .... ..... Chicago Div ............ 5 Havana. Division ... 6 Detroit Divi,ion .. .. Cairo Division ........ 5 Wab'sh-Mo1·t. 1909.'7 Toi.& w.-lst, ext'd.?' St. LouisDiv ......... '7 2d, extended . ... ...... ,Equipment ...... ..... ?' Cons., conv ...... .. . 7 Gt. Western-1st ...... ,2d mort., 1893 ..... '7 Quincy & Tol.-lst ... 7 St.L.R.C.&N.-Rl.E.?' Omaha.Div .......... ?' T1·ust ·r eceipts ...... Cla.1·inda Branch ... 6 St. Chas. Bridge .... 6 North. Mo.-lst ........ 7 West Shore, guar ...... 4 Registered ............ .4 "1-est. Un. Tel.-Coup .. ?' Registeretl ............ 7  APRIL.  M.AY.  JUNE.  AUGUST. S.EPT'BER. OCTOBE R. Nov'BER. DEC'BER.  JULY.  - - - ----  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hbth Low.High Low.High 109½-110 91 - 92¾ 112½-115 118½-120 119 -121 115 -117 114¾-114¾ 47 - 52½ 71½- 71½  ·- - - -  115¾-116½ 93%- 96¼ -116 121 -122½ 121½-122 121 -122 121½-122 117 -119¼ 119 -121½ 118½-llSX - . 51 - 60 69½- 72 70 - 72 72 - 75½  ... - .... 116  ....  114 -ll5 113½-115 90 - 94½ 90 - 95  ....  ...  .. .. - .. .. .... .... - .... .... 92¼- 94½ 95½- 97½ 63¾- 65½  ... ....  ....  - .... ... - ..... .... - .... ....  .... - .... .... ... .... .... .... -  - ....  .... - ....  108¾-112 li3½-100  ·• •·  ....  ...  ... ... ... ... .... ....  .  110 - 110½ 96 -100  . ...  - ....  116½-119½ 116_½-118~ 120 -123¾  - .... ... - .. . .... - ....  ...  .... .. .. - .. ... - .. ... - ....  93½-100 42 - 46½  ... .... - . .... 106½-107 81 - 82 28 - 29  .... .... - . ... .... - .... 75 - 75 ..... - .... 90 104 100 103 95  - 94 -106½ -102½ -106½ - 99  .... - .. .... - . ... - ·-· .... - . .. . .... - .... .... - .... 62 - 62  60 - 62 60 -~ 87¾- 89½ 88½- 91  44 - 50 47½- 50% 49¾- tll 53 - 56½ 61 - 57 56½- ~3 67 - 91 85 - 87¾ 86 - 92½ 86 - 92 87 - 91 87 - 92 - . .... 88 - 88 .... . .... 80 - 84 78 - 88½ 87½- 87½ 80 - 82½ 78 - 78  00 - 90 113¼-115½ 106 -110 99½-105 5¼- 6 95 - 98 110¾-114 98½-105  .... -  ... .... .. .... ... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... - .. ... ... . ... . ... ... . - . .... ... .... - .. ... - ... .... ... .... ... ....  .... - .... ... - ... .... .... ........ ... - .... .. - .... 45 - 45 .... - .... 47½- 50 .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .. . - . ...  -61 ....  .... -  114¼-115½ 95 -100 112 -112 120 -121 120 -120 121 -122  94 - 95 114¾-115 -120 119 118½-119½ 117¾-119 119 -120 119 -122½ 122½-125  ....  .... - .... .... ..... .... 101 -101 .... .... .... - ... ... 108¾-110 .... - .... ... 28 - 29¾ .... - . ... - .... .... - ... .... - .... .... - .... ... .... .... 69½- 71¼ 100½-102  .. - ..  115 - 115½ 113½-114 .... 113½-114 94½- 98½ 94½- 97¼ 94 - 96 96½-99% 113½-113½ 114½-114½ 112½-113½ ... . - . ... - . 118½-110 120 -121½ 120 -120 118 -118½ 120 -120 121½-122 121½-122 120 -120½ ... . 119 -119 120¼-123 120 -123 118 -119½ 118¼-120% 121 -123½ .. - .... . .119 -119 . ... - . ... ... . - . .... 55 - 55 .... . 68 - 08 - .... 60 - 61 65 - 65 65 - 65 . 75 72½- 76 79 81 79 77 78 82½- 85 82½- 98 81½ - 79% 72½· 75 - . 29 40 36 43 . 36¼38 36½40 39½49½ 30 30 ·•·· . .... . ... - .... 105 -105 . . ... . . . 110 -110½ 111 -113 109½-109½ 108%-109¼ 108¾-109¾ 110%-110% 110)4-110¼ 110½-110½ 102 -105½ 106 -107½ 90 - 90 85 - 85½ . .. . 83 - 83 82 - 82 . - . 84 - 88 - . 85 - 86¾ 85 - llO 26 - 29 26 - 29 20 - 27!,,i 25 - 26 22½- 27 27 • 28 25 - 29¼ 27½- 33 27½- 29½ 25½- 27 .... . 100 -100 .... . . . .... - ... 97 - 97 . 1:12 - 98 1:16 - 90 - . 96¼- 96¼ 97 - 98 - .... ·•• · . 71 - 73½ 72½- 73 68 - 70 78½- 80 78 - 78 75 - 77 75 - 75 75 - 75 70¼- 70¼ 73 - 77 102 -107 l03 -105 104½-106 102¾-104 104 -106 ~ 105½-107¼ 106 -106 103 -105¼ 103 -103 103 -103¾ - .. .. - .... .... . , . . 93½- 95 - . ... . 101 -103 105 •105 102½-102½ 106 -107 105½-106 . 102 -106 u., -100 96 - 98 95 - 97 95 - 97½ 97 - 99 99 -101 93½- 99¾ 9d - 99½ 95½- 98 97½- 99 94. - 95½ 93 - 96 92 - 93½ 91 - 93½ 95½- 99 98 -103 102¼-103 98½-102 100 -106 104 -105½ 64½- 67 65 - 73 73 - 92½ 88 - 92½ 90¼- 94 87 - 93 93 -100 92 - 9-1 90 - 94 90 - 92 . . . ,, 105 -105 105 -105½ 104 -105½ 105½-105½ - , Ill -115 92¼- 95  62 - 64½ 60 - 62½ 60½- 64½ 62 - 67 88½- 90 88 - 90 89½- 95½ 90 - 97  .... - .... .... ... - .... .... ... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... - .. .. .... .... 83 - 84 .... - .... .... - .... 84 - 90 85 - 85 87 - 92 .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - . ... .... - .... .... - . .. 55 - 65 .... - .... .... - . ... . ... - . ... .... - ....  89½- 90½ 114 -115 108 -109½ 104¼-105¼  85 - 91 113¼-115¼ 107¾-109¼ 104 -105  97 -100 111 -113½ 104¼-106 95 - 95 112-112 97½- 99¾  95½- 99¼ 92 - 96½ 112 -113)4 111 -112¼ 104:}4-105 103¼-104~ 97 - 97 112 -lli 112½-114 97 -100 95 - 98  85 - 85 112½-115 107½-108¾ 103¾-104¾  70 111 102 97  - 70 -114 -106½ -103¼  #' •  82 - 82 110 -112 100 -104 97¾-100½  111:l -117½ 102¼-103¾ . .. . ... - .... 117½-119 120½-120½ 117 -117 117¾-120  114 -118 101½- 103% 102¼-!02:)j, 121 -121 119 -122  115½..:117 102)4-103¼ 102¾-103 - .... 120 -120  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  .... -  ....  75 - 80 lll¾-112½ 104¾-106 98¾- 99½  82 110 105 98  ....  ..  ... - ....  ....  ... - . .. . .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .. ..... 70 - 72 75 - 79 .... - . ... 100 -100 102}2-102½ .... - . ...  65 - 65 9,1, -100 112½-115 101¼-104  ,  - 85 -113 -107¼ -101  85 - 87½ 82 - 85 82 - 85 111 -112 111½-115 112 -115 106 -107 107 -108½ 107½-l!l 100 -100 100½-103½ 100½-105 . .... . - . 4 - 4 4 - 6 .- . 85 - 93½ 84½- 04 90¾-100 90 - 93 91 - 98 91 - 92½ 90 - 94¾ 89 - 90 109½-113 109½-112½ 111 -112¼ 110 -113 110 -111¾ 110 -112 lll½-113¼ 110½-113½ 96 -103½ 97 -101 99 - 99 100 -101 100 -103¼ 100 -105 99¼- 99)4 98 -101 95 - 96 - . .... ... - ... 95 - 95 . - .. .. 94 - 9i 110½-115 113½-114 113 -114 115 -115 .... 110 -111 110 -111 112 -112 9:1 - 94~1.l 96 -105 101 -103 98:1,(-101 ... . 9i½-104 97 - 98½ 96 - 97 .... ... . ... - . ... 97 - 97½ 98)4-103 100 -102 73 - 73 70 - 72 - .... 75 - 76½ . ... - . ... 70 - 72 71 - 71 94¾- t'7 ... . .. - . ... 100¼-102 102½-103¾ . ... . 95 - 95 .... !16½-117 118 -118 119 -119¼ 114½·120 114 -117 116 -117 116¾-119½ 116¾-116¾ 102¼-103¼ 102¾-105 102¾-104 100¼- 104¼ 101)4-102 101¾-101% 101½-106 102¾-106 102¾-103¼ 102%-10-1% 102¾-103¾ 101>,-lOSJ,;i'Ol¾- 102 101)<-101¾ 101J<--105J,; 101½-10&:¼ 116 -117 119 -111) 120 -120 121 -121½ 122¼-122¼ 123 -~23 123 -123 . .. . - ••.. 119 -119½ 120 -120 121 -121½ 125 -125 122½-122½ .... - ....  .... - .... ... - .... ..... - .... .... - .... . ... - .... .... - ....  •  ....  84¾- 84¾ 110 -112½ 105 -106½ 98½- 99  .... ...  ...  ....  ... ....  ..  ...  .  ....  - . .. .. .... ... . - .... ... . .... .... -.  . ....  - ...  .... - ....  ~AY..:.._I  JUNE. -  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  BONDS. Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low .High Low .High Low.High Low.High Low.High  A~::!~cD~/~;;:i~~~:::! Income ................. 6  !~½ .~¾= ~~~ .~½= ~~  :~= 26 • 29¼ 25½- 28½ 2G¾- 30  ~= ~~...~~  =~ ..  1.~~. =~~~ .~~.¾= ~~ -~•~ ~~  83¾- 38 133½- 38¾ 30 - 35¼ 33 - 83 35 - 35 .... - . . . . 128 -125% 125%-125-¼ 125½-125¾ 110 -112 ' 110¾-112¼ 112½-113 Beech C1·eek.-lst, g .. 4 .... - ........ - ........ - .... .... - ........ - .... 1 84 - 87 .... - . . .. Bost.H.T.&Wes.deb.~ 90 - 92 91 - 06 92!14- 93½ 95 -100 99 - 99:>:( J 99¾- 99½ .... - ....  .... - ........ - ....  1  * Coupon o1f. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  = .. 26 - 32½ 25½- 25½ 125 -125½ 100~t-llO¼ 81 - 81 98½- 99  ~~  ~~  ~~  =  ~~~  -~-0:4= .. ·~·1·¼= .. -~8~¼= .~~. 24¾- 30¾ 23½- 28 25¼- 29 26¾- 26¾ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. . . 119½-125 ........ - ........ - .. .. 105¾-109¾ 100 -106 106 -106¼ 105 -108¾ .... - .... 78 - 78 80 - 80 .... - ... . !;6 - 96¾ 95 - 95 Sl6 - 98 98 - 98 Il'klynEl.-lst,1924 .. 6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. .. - ...... .. - ........ - .... 105 -106 104. -106 105¾- 106 2d mo1·t,, 191 5 .... 3-6 .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... •.... - ....... - ....... . - ........ - ........ - ... 82 - 83 83 - 83 Bui·. c. R. & N o.-lst . . Ii 106¼-107½ 107:Jt-100 108 -109 107½-109 108½-110 t l07 -1(1S 108 -LIO 109 -110 108 -108½ 107 -lGS i06½-107¼ 104¾-105½ Cons . 1st & col. tr ... 5 JOl½-103½ 102 -102 100 -101½ 100½-100½ 101 -101 100 -100¾ 99½-100 99½- 09¼ .... - ....... . - ........ - ........ - ... . C.Rap.J.F.&N.·-lst,6 .... - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ... 1.... - .... 106 -106 105 -105 106 -107 .•.. - .... . ., - ........ - ... 1 1st mort,, 1921 . ... 5 . . .. - ........ - ........ - . ... . .. . - ........ - ........ - .... . ... - .... 100 -101 ..•. - . •• . ... - ........ - ........ - •... B.N.Y.& P.-Jst,1921.6 .... - .... 41 - 45 43 - 46 .... - .... 45 - 48¾, 42 - 42 .... - .... 40 - 40 38 - 42 .... - .... ... - .... 40 - 40 Ca.rolinaCent.-lst .... 6 . . . - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 1 ... , - .... 107 -107½ .. .. - ....... . - .. .... .. - ........ - . .. .... - .••• Centrallowa-lst ...... 7 *89 - 90½ *86 - 90 90 - 90½ "91 - 92 *91 - 94 *89 - 90¼ "87¾- 90¼ •so - S5 ~s: - 81 *80½- 82 *82 - 82 .... . - . . Easte1·nDiv.-lst ... . 6 .. - ........ - ... .... . - .... 67¼- 71½ 72 - 73 71¼- 72 ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - . .. . .... - ........ - .. .. Cent. RR. & n., Ga. .. S .... - ........ - ........ - ... . ... - ........ - ........ - . .. . . . . . - ........ - .... 100 -100¾ 9t3 -101 99- 100 99 - 99¾ Cent.ofN . .J.-lst,1890., 108¼-110 105½-107¾ 106½-lOS½ 107 -107 107 -108 108 -108¼ ... - ... 104½-104¾ 105 -106¾ 105¾-105½ 106 -108 106¾-107¼ Consol., assented ..... '7 107½-110½ lOQ¾-112 lll½-113½ 112½-116 115¼-117 115¾-119 115 -117 112½-115~4 113 -114¾ 113 -117 112¾-115½ 111 -113 Conv., assented ....... '7 109 -110 110 -111¾ 111 -118¾ 112½-116½ 115¾-117 115¼-118¾ 115 -117 114 -115l1i 113½-114 114%-115 113 -114 112 -114 Adiustment ...... ....... '7 105¼'.-107½ 105)14-107 105½-106 105¾-107½ 107 -107½ 107 -108 107½-108 108½-108¾ .... - ........ - ....... - . ..... .. - ... . Conv. debenture ...... {; 83%- 86½ 85¼- 89 87 - 89 87½-100 9ll¾-l03½ 101 -105 102 -102 100 -100½ 98 - 98 103 -103 109 -116 .... - ... . Interim bond cert .... 5 .... - ........ - ....... - ........ - · ........ - .... 09½-100 97¾- \J9!l( 97¾- 99¾ 95 - 99 f/6¾- 98¾ 97¼-100 .... - .. .. Gen. M., 1987 ........ ~ .... - ........ - . .. . . . - .... .... - . . . .. .. - ........ - ........ - ... ..... - ........ - ........ - . . . . 99 - 99½ 97¾-101 Leh.& W.B.-Assent 7 110 -110½ 113 -116 113 -114 112 -114 114 -ll5 112¼-115 114½-116 112 -115 109 -111 109 -111 _. 110 -111¾ 109½-114 Income .... ....... ..... .'7 .... - ... 95 - 95 95 - 95 100 -100 .... - .... \JS - 98 .... - ........ - .... 100 -100 .. - ....... - •·· .... - •.•. Am. Dock & Imp .... .. IJ 99 -102 100½-103 102½-103½ 102¾-103½ 104 -106½ lOtt -106½ ...• - .... 102 ··102 104½-106 100 -104¾ 101¼-103 103¼-104 Ches. & O.-Pu1·.M.fd .. 6 .... - .... 113 -113 112 -114 113 -113 .... - ••• . 115 -115 .... - •....... - .... 110 -110 .... - .... 107¼-111 . . .. - .... Series A .... .......... .. 6 107½-107¾ 107½-108 109 -100½ 106½-106¾ 106!).(-107 .... - ........ - .... 104½-104½ 103½-106~ 100 -100½ 90 - 96 llO -100 Se1·ies B...... . ...... . 6 *76¼- 81 '77¼- 78½ '76 - 78 •75 - 77¼ *71 - 78 *72 - 76 *73 - 75 *74 - 76 *66• - 75 *66 - 69¼ *66 - 68½ *66½- 68 Exten. coup., 1986 .. 4 7S½- 75¾ 73¾- 73½ 73 - 74 72 - 73 68 - 73½ 68 - 72 68 - 70 08 - 71¼ 64 - 71 62 - 66½ 64½- 68 64½- 70 Currency..... ..... ...... 6 29¼- 82 27 - 29 27 - 28½ 27 - 27'½ 24½- 27 24½- 25½ 22¾- 24½ 20 - 22 15½- 21 15 - 17½ 14 - 16 16 - 25~ Mo1·t., 1911. ...... .... . 6 97%- 98¾ 98 -100 97 - 99¾ 1"!6¼- 98½ 96½- 97¼ 96½- 96½ .... - . . . . 94 - 95 93½- 95 90¾- 91¼ 89 - 89¾ 88 - 91 Ches. o. & S. W ..... S-6 103½-105¾ 101- 102 108¾-106¼ 105½-106½ 106¾-i07 107}(-108½ 107J,.<-108 .... - .... 101 -101 104 -104 101 -105 .... - ••.• Chic. & Alton-1st ..... '7 115 -115½ 115 -116 116 -lltl½ 117 -117 116½-116¾ ...• - .... ... . - ........ - •... 113¾-114¼ 114½-114½ .... - ... . Sinking fund ........... ff 124 -124 125 -125¼ 125½-125½ 127½-127½1123 -123 .... ' - ... f123 -123 123½-123½1•··· , .... 123½-125 .... - .... 123½-12~ L.&Mo.R.lst,.19007 124 -124 120¾-123 •..• - . •• 121¼-122 122½-122½ 122½-122½,122 -122½ ...• - .... 117½-117½ 118½-119 119 -119 2d, 19~0 .. ....... ..... 7 .... - .... 120 - 120 116 -116½ 116 -117 116 -116 .... - .... 117 -117 117½-117½ .... - .... 119 -119 St.L . .J. Uh.,ht,.'94.?' 117 -118 118 -118 120 -120¼ 116½-116½ .... - ...... - .... 112 -113½ 113½-113½ 1143,s-115¼ 1st mort., guar ..... '7 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 117¼-117¼ .... 113¼=113¼ 113~=113½ •••• Miss.Riv.Bd.lst,s.:f.6 110 -110 .... - ...... .. - •••••••• - •••• 1107 -107 .... - •.•. .... . ... .... ... . .... .... ...• . •. .. .. •... . ... • .•• 29 - 34½ Central Div.-Inc .. .. 6 .... - .. . ..... - ........ - ... . 22½- 22½ Ba.It. & 0.-lst, P .Br .. 6 126 -126¾ 126½-127 12~ -125 122 -123½ Gold, 192~, coup ..... 5 110½-111½ 109 -lll½ no -112½ IOIJ½-110!1,!  !. . -....... -.. ... . -.. . = ........ = ····\···· = ....  = ... .  RAILROAIJ BONDS. 188?'-Continued. ;rANUARY FEBR'RY.  MAROH.  BOND&  APRIL.  II  MAY.  JUNE.  r  JULY.  AuausT.  sEPT'BER. ooTOBER. Nov'BER. DEc'BER.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ow.High Low.High Low.High Low.HlghJ:C,ow.Hlgb Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  l  Chic. Bur.& N or.-lst.a 104¼-105½ 105½-106¾ 106¾-107½ 104¼-105¾ 105 -106 106 -106¾ 105¼-105¼ 105 -106 108 -108 101 -102½ 102 -108 101¾-102¼ Chic.B.& Q.-Consol...7 182¼-184¼ 180½-182½ 180¼-182 180%-188 1182¾-185 184 -1841)4 130¾-131 129½-180½ 180 -181 180 -131 181 -131¼ 182 -188¾ Debenture ........ ..... ~ 106 -lOtl¾ 106%-108 106¾-107¾ 107½-108½ 106½-108 107 -108 106 -108¼ 104½-106 108 -105½ 104¼-105¾ 102¾-104½ 103½-104¼ Iowa Div ... ... ..... ... 4 99 - 99¾ 9:%- 99¼ 99 - 99¾ 97¾- 98½ 9S¾- 98¼ 96½- 99 99 - 99 97½- 98¾ .... - .. .. 95½- 95½ g6 - 97 95¼- 96 Denver Div., 1922 .. . 4 98¾- 99 98 - 98 97¾- 98½ 97¼- 98 97¾- 98 97 - 98 98 - 98¼ .... 92 - 94¾ 92¼- 94 93¼- 94 Nebr'sko.Ext.,1927.4 ... - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 95 - 95 97 - 97 94 - 94½ Chic. & E. 111.-lst, s,t.ti 114½-116 115¾-116 116½-117 117¾-117½ 117¾-118 114¼-115 - •••• 114 -116 116½- 17¼ 1l4½-115 1st consol., gold ....... 6 114 -116 114¼-116 116 -118 115 -115¼ 115 -117 116¾-117 116 -117 118 -115½ 114 -115 11::l -114 112 11, 112¼-118½ Chic.&ln,C'lRy-lst.iil 98½-100 100 -101½ 100 -101 100!),!-108 lOIJ.(i-108 102¾-103½ 100 -100311 .... - .... 94 - 99¼ 94 - 96 95 91l½ 97 -100 Chic. Milw. & St. P,lst p, D., 1898 ...... 8183½-184½ 181 -181½ .... - .... 131 -181½ 180½-180½ 181 -181 180 -181 126 -126 - .... 126 -126 126 -127 127 -128 1 2d, 189S .... ..... 7 3-10 1Hl7 -127 .... - ........ - .... 128%-128% 124¼-124½ 121 -124¼ . . . - ••. 120 -121 - .... 119 -119 119 -121 1st, a-old .......... ....... 7 132 -182 181 -181½ 128¾-180 129½-130 180 -180½ 181 -181 127 -127½ 127 -180 128 -128 125 -125 127¾-127½ 180 -180 1st La Crosse Div .... 7 117¼;-118½ 117!}.(-118)11118 -120 120½-120¾ 120¾-125 123 -124 11,5¼-117½ 117 -117 115 -116 114¾-116¼ 116½-117 117 -117½ 1st I, & M. Div ........ 7:i20¼-122½ 121½-121¾ 121¾-122½ .... - .... 122 -122 118½-119½ .... . .. - .... 117 -117 117¾-118¼ 1~8}9-119 1st C. & M, Div ...... . 7 1180 -130 129 -129 129¾-131 180 -181 . . .. - .... 126 -126½ 127½-127½ 128 -125½ 124¼-124½ 126 -126 125½-12U Consol., 190~ ......... 7 1128 -180 128½-129½ 128½-130 129 -130 129 -180¾ 180¾-180¾ 127½-130 126¼-126½ 125:l,,i-127¼ 125 -126 124 -126 125¾-127 1st I. & D, Exten . .... 7 ,180½-18~ 129¼-130 129 -131 - ... 130¼-130½ . ... - ........ - •... 120¼-125 125 -125 1st So, West Div ...... 6 115½-117 - ••• . 117¼-117¾ 117¼-117¾ .... - .•.. 117 -117 114 -114 115¾-115¾ 115 -115 .... - .... 111½-111½ .... - .... 1st Lo. C, & Dav ...... ~ 105¼-105½ .... - .... 105¼-105>1 . . . 1st So, Minn, Div . .... 6 115¼-116¼ 115 -118 116¾-118 117¼-118 117 -118 119 -119¾ 115 -117 118½-117 118 -114¼ 111¾-113 112½-115 112¼-114 lstH. & D, Div ....... 1' 124 -127 124 -126 125 -125½ 125¼-126% 126¼-128¼ 127¼-128 125 -125 121 -121 120 -120 120 -123 122½-122½ 122 -122 - .... 102 -102 98½-100 98 - 9U 1st H. & D. Div .... . . ~ .... - ........ - .... 106%-106¼ .... - .... 120 -120 118 -118 ... . - .... 119¼-120 .... - .... Chic. & Pac. Div ...... 6 119 -120½ .... - ... 121 -121 122¼-122¼ .... 1 Chic. & Pac. W ,Div .. ~ 106¾-109 106¼-107¾ 107 -108 108 -108¼ 108 -108½ 108 -108½ 108 -105¼ 108¼-104½ 102~-104¼ 102¼-103 103¼-104 102 -104:J.( - .. .. .. .. - .. .. .... - .... I.. .. 98 - 99 97¼- 98 Chic, & Mo, R. Div .. ii .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - .... 106¼-106½ .. .. - • . .. . . .. - .... 101 -102¼ 102¼-102½ .. .. - .... 100½-102¼ Mine1·nl Point .... ..... ~ 105½-106¾ 106¾-106¼ .... - .... 103¾-105½ 105½-105½ ... - ... . .... - .... ..• - .... j .... Chic. & L. Sup, Div.~ .... - ........ - .... 104¼-104¾ 105 -105 Wis.& Min. Div .. ... . a 105¼-106¼ 105:/4-106¼ 105¼-106)11 105)4-106 106 -108 106 -106¾ 108 -104¾ .. . - •... 102 -102½ 100 -103 101 -101½ 101¾-102 Terminal.. .. ......... .:5 102¼-103¾ 103¾-108¾ 102¾-103¾ 103 -105 l04¾-l('5¾ 105 -105¼ 101¼-108¼ 102¾-103 102x;-102~i101 -102 101 -102 101 -102 - •• ., 115 -115 .... Fargo & So.-A ssu ... 6 116 -116 .... - •... 97 - 97 .... Inc. conv., S, F .... ... ~ .... - .... too -100 .... Dakota & Gt. So, .. . :, .... Chic, & N 01·thwest.Consol,. 191~ .... .... . 7 140 -142 139 -141 189 -140½ 188¼-140¾ 188½-139½ 139 -140 140 -140½ 139 -139 188 -139 137¼-138½ 136 -189 138¾-139¾ Gold, coup ............ .. 7 182 -183 180 -132 180¾-182 131 -132¼ 182 -182½ 128 -129 129¾-180 128¾-180 127 -129 127½-129 128 -129 124½-128¼ Gold, rea-.... ......... ... 7 .... - .... 130 -130¼ .... - .... 131¼-181¼ 131¼-132 128 -128¼ 129¼-130 129½-129½ 1~7½-127½ 127!),!-127¾ 124¼-129 124¾-128 Sinkine; fund, coup .... ti 120 -120 .... - ....... - ........ - . ... 117 -117 117½-118 - .... 118 -118 .... - ... .. .. - ...... . . - .... 120 -120 Registe1·ed . ......... . 6 117½-118 .... - .... 119 -119 .... - . .. .. .. - ........ - . ... 120¾-120¼ .... - ........ - .. . . . .. . inking fund, coup ... :5 108 -109½ 108¼-109½ 109½-110½ 108¼-109¼ 108¼-10~ 109 -110 109 -109¾ 109 -110 110 -110 105¼-107¼ 106½-107 107 -108 Registered ........... 5 .... - ..... : .. - .... . ... - ........ - ........ - ...... .. - .... 108¾-108¾ ...• - ... . 106 -107 107 -107 Debenture .............. {i 108¼-110 109 -110 109 -110¼ 110 -110 108½-109 109½-110 108¾-110 108 -109¼ 108 -108½ 107 -107 106 -107 107 -108¾ Registered .......... a 108¾-108¾ .... - .. . ..... - ... . .... - ........ - ....... . - ....... - ... ... . . - .... 106¼-106½ 2ii y1·s, deben,, 1909.a 107%-108½ 107½-108 107¾-107¾ 107¾-109¾ 106¼-107¼ 106¾-106¾ 103 -105½ 105 -105 108 -105 103 -105 102¼-103¾ 108 -104 Exten. bonds, 1926 .. 4 .... 95 - 98¼ 95 - 96 . 95½- 96¼ 96¾- 07¼ 00 - 97 96 - 97 94 - 96¾ 94 - 94¼ 92 - 94½ 9~- 94 98 - 95 Des lll,& M.-lst .... 7 .... - .... 125 -125 Esco.n.&L.Sup.-lst.6 ... - .... 116½-115¼ .... - ... . 126 -126 .... Iowa Midlnnd-lst ... 8 .... - .... 186 -186 .... - .... 184 -184 .... Peninsula1· lst conv.7 .... - .... 185 -135 Chic.& Mil.-lst ...... 7 122 -122 - .... 122 -124 - .... 121 -121 123 -128 121 -121 119¼-122 121¼-121¼ .... ,Winona& St, P.-2d.7 .... - .... 130½-181 131¼-131¾ .... - ... 128 -128 .... - .... 130 -180 :rtiil. & 1Uact.-1st.- ... 7 ... - .... 116 -116 .... Ottum. C, F. & St. P.a 110 -111 111 -111 108 -108 108½-108½ 108 -108 109 -109 108 -108 .... - .... 105 -106 106 -106½ 107 -107 .... Northern Ills,-lst .. a .... - .... 1011½-109½ .... Chic.R,I.&Po.c.-Cp ... 6 130 -135 131¾-132½ 132 -133 133½-184¼ 183¾-185 188¾-183¾ 180%-181½ 181½-182 128:J.(-182 181 -181½ 130 -181¼ 182½-184¼ Registere<l. ............. 6 130 -133 130 -131 132 -182 133:J.(-133¾ ... . - ........ - .. . . 131 -131 131 -181 130 -181 180:U-ISO¾ 130 -138 182¼-132½ Exten. & Col. ... ..... . a 109¾-110¾ 109 -110½ 108¾-110 108},(-109 108¼-109¾ 109 -110~ 107 -108¼ 107 -108¼ 107 -109 107 -108¾ 108 -108½ 108½-109½ - .... 109 -109 109 -109 Keok'k&DesM.-lst,a 109%-110 110 -110 111 -111 107½-107½ 107¾-110 108%-110 110 -111 . ... - .... 111 -111 Des M. & Ft.D.-lst.4 .... 89½- 90 .. .. - ........ - .. . . 86 - 87 107¾-107¾ - • •• . 93 - 118 - .. . . 59½- 59% . .. . 1st, 190a ....... ..... . 2½ ... - · ........ - . .. . . . . . - .. . . .. . - . . . . 87¾- 87¾ 87¾- 877/4 .. .. Extension ............. . 4 .... - ........ - . .. . 87:J.(- 87¾ -101 LOO -101 100¾-100¾ .... .... 100 -100 li9½-100)1i Chic,St.L.&Pitts-lst.:5 98¾-101 102 -102 101½-102 100½-101 100½--:.0l¾ 100 Chic. St,P. lUin.& Om.Consol., 1930 . .... . .. .6 121¾-122¼ 120¾-121¾ 120¼-128 122 -124 123¼-124¼ 120¾-122¼ ll~-121 118 -119¾ 116 -1197/11117¼-119 118 -120¼ l16¼-119 Cbic.St.P.&M,-bt .. ti 127 -128 126¼-126½ 126 -126¾ 126 -127¼ 123 -128 124¼-124¼ 125 -125 - .... 122 -128 .... - .... 122½-122½ 121 -122 St. P. & S. City-lst .. 6 126 -127½ 126½-127 126 -127 124 -125 124 -125 124%-125 123 -126½ 126 -126 124¼-126 122 -128 123 -128¾ 128¼-123¾ Chic.& W.1.-lst,s.f .... 6 .... - .. . 117½-117!,,i .... - .... 116¼-116½ 116¼-116½ .... - . ... 112 -115 .... Gen. mort ............... 6 111 -111 .... - .... 112 -112 115¼-115¼ 115 -116 112½-113 110 · -112 .... - .... 110 -118 .... - .... 114 -114 115 -11~ Cin. J. & M.-lst con . a ... . - . .. . .. . . - .. . . . ... - . .. . 97 - 97 96~- 97 . . .. - .. .. 94½- 94½ Cin,W.&B,-lstgu .. 4¼ .. . . - .... 106 -106 .... - ....... - ...... . Cin.&S.--Gu.C,C,C,&I. .... - .... 119¾-119¾ .... - ... . 117½-117½ .... - .... 115½-115¼ Guar. Lake Sbo1·e ... 7 .... - .... 117½-117½ ... - .... 118½-118½ .... - ••• . 121 -121 120 -1~0 118 -118¼ 118½-120 Cl. C. C.& 1.-lst, s.fd,7 122¾-123¼ 125 -125 123 -124 122¾-124% 121 -121 120¼-120½ 120¼-121 Consol. ................... 7 180 -1:30 128 -128 127 -129½ 130 -131 .. . . - .... . .. ) Consol. S. F ............ 7 ... .' - . .. . .. . . - .... 124 -124 . . .. - . . .. . . .. - .. . . . . . . Gene1·0.l cons .......... 6 107 -109 107 -109 10!}¾-111 111 -111 110¼-111¼ 110¾-111¼ 108¼-108¼ .... - .... 105 -108 104¼-105 105 -106 106 -109 Col. Con.I & 1,-lst,con.6 100¼-102½ 98½- 99¾ 99 -103¼ 101¼-104 103¼-104¼ 103 -104¾ 102 -104½ 95¾-100 96 - 99¾ 95 - 99 100 -100 99 -100 Consol. Coal-Conv .. . . 6 .. .. - ....... - ........ - .. . 102½-102½ 106 -106 Col.H,Vo.l.& T,-lst ... ~ 88%- 88:U 81 - 87 75 - 88 70¼- 82 79 - 84½ 79 - 88 75!4- 80 70 - 75 60 - 73 66 - 70Ji 69 - 74¼ 68 - 711}.( Gen. gold, 1904 ...... 6 80 - 91 80 - 84 70 - 80 75 - 76 76 - 87 7U - 79½ .... - .... 70 ·- 70 66 - 69 63¼- 71 64 - 72 68½- 72½ Col. & Cin. Mid, 1st ... 6 .... - ........ - . ... . .. 100 -100 99½- 99¼ 9l:S¼- 99½ 96 - 96 .... 94:J.(- 95 - .. .. 96-96 Del.&Hud.C.-lst,'91.7 109½-110 101}¼-110¾ 109¼-110¾ 109¼-110¾ 109½·110¼ 110¾-110½ 106½-106¼ 107½-108 107½-108 108 -109 108¾-109¼ 107 -109½ Coupon, 1S94 .......... 7 116½-118¾ 118¾-118½ .... - , ... 115 -115½ 116 -116 .~16 -116 116 -116 116 -116 117 -118 115 -118¼ 113 -113 .... Re1r., 1894 ............ . 7 116 -118¼ 117½-117½ 118½-118½ 115 -115 115½-115¼ .... - .. ..... - .... 117 -117 Penna. Div.-Coup .... 7 141 -142 . ... - ........ - .... 141¼-141¼ . ... - .... 141½-141¾ 139 -141½ 189 -141 - --· · 138 -139 Registered ........... 7 . . .. - ... . 142 -142 . . . . - . . . .. . . - . . . . .. .. Alb.& Susq.-lst m .. 7 108¾-108½ 104¼-104¼ 104½-104¼ 104¼-104¼ .... - .... 105 -165¼ 108 -108¾ .... - .... 108 -108 108 -103 102¼-108¾ . . .. 1st con., guo.r . ....... 7 180 -180 .... - ........ - ... 128 -128 ... bt con. guar ..... ... 6 120¼-123 123 -123 122½-123 119 -120½ 120 -120¾ 119¼-120 119¼-119¼ 1197-(-120 120 -120 117 -117 115½-117 117 -118 1st, con, i:-unr., reg.6 120 -122¼ 121 -121 121½-128 - .... 119½-119¼ .... Rens. & Sa1·.-lst ... . 7 145 -145¾ ...• - . . . . 141}(-141½ 141½-142 .... - ... ·1· .. - .... 141 -141 141 -141 Del.Lack.& West.,... Convertible .. . .... ... .. 1 .... - .... 114 -114 .... - . . .. 118 -116 118}(-115 .... - ........ - .... lll¼-112 110½-110½ Mort., 1907 ..... ... 7 139 -139 .... - .... 181½-131¼ 132 -132 181¼-184 181 -132 .... - .... 180½-182 181 -131 131½-182% .... - .. .. Syr,B'n &N.Y., lst .. 7 .... - .... 130¾-180¾ 188¼-188¾ 1S2¼-183 - .. . .... - .... 129½-180 Monts & Essex-lst.7 141¼-142 141 -142¾ 142 -148 148 -144¼ 141 -1-U . 140¾-140½ l-!Q¾-142½ ... - .... 14.1 -141 188 -189¾ 188½-188½ 189 -140 2d mort ..... ... ....... 7 118 -115 110¾-110½ 110 -110¾ 110 -111 110¼-111 111 -111 112 -112½ 108½-109 107½-108¼ 107¼-107¼ 108½-108¼ 108!}.(-110 1900 .... --·-···· ....... 7 .... - ........ 116 -116 119 -119 . •. . - ........ - ........ - . ... 118 -118 . ... - ........ - ....... - ... . 7s, 1871-1901 ....... 7128%-128% 127 -127 127¼-128¼ .... - .... 125 -127 126½-126¼ ... - .... 125 -125 124½-126 .... - .... 128½-123½ .... - .. . Consol., guar . ...... .. 7 18-1½-185 185 -135 135 -186¾ 185½-187 137¼-137¼ 184 -184 188½-188~ 184 -184 188 -184¾ 188 -135 135 -1~4 188 -183¾ N.Y. L. & W,-lst .... 6 125¼-126% 126 -128 127 -127½ 126¼-128½ 127!),!-128¼ 128½-128¼ .... - .... 128½-128½ 125 -125 124%-125 125¼-126 127 -128¾ Construction .... .... ~1109¾-110 107 -108 !.07'7/4-108½,108¾-1091109 -109¾ 109 -109¾ 109¾-109¾ 107 -109 106 -108 108 -108 108 -108 106¾-108 Denver& Rio G.-lst.7 119 -120 118½-120½ 119.~-120 120¼-120¼ 120 -120½ 121 ·-121¼[119¾-120¼ 120 -121 119¾-121 120 -121¼ .... - ... . 118½-119¼ New consol. ... . ........ 4 76¾- 80 · 763-4- 78% 77¼- 79 78½- 80 79 - , tl2¾ 81 - 82!}4 79 - 80,t 77½- 80¼ 7611i- 80 75¼- i8½l 77¾- 79¼ 77%: 79 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ····1···· - ....  1  68  RAILROA.D BONDS. 188?'-<Jontinued. JANUARY  - ---  BONDS.  FEBR 1RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER . OCTOBER Nov•.... , DEC'BER.  Low. High Low.High L ow .High Low.High Low.High Low .High Low.High Low.High L ow.High Low .High Low . High Low.High  ---  ----  - - --  Denv,&R,G,W ,- l8t .. 6 80 - 8!¼ 80 - 81 81½- 82 80 - 82 .... - . ... 74 - 74¾ 70 - 71 79 - 80½ 79%- 82 70 - 78 73¼- 74¾ 78 - 73 71 - 777/4 71 - 78 AHented, 18t . ......... 6 76 - 78 76 - 77¾ 78¾- 7~ 75 - 78 77 - 78 67½- 71 64 - 68½ 64 - 68¼ 06 - t\97,1\ e7 - 69 75 - 76¾ 68 - 75¼ 72 - 82 78 - 86¾ 78 - 79 .... - . .. . 70 - 70 . .. . - . ... 74½- 79 Denv. So, P. & P,- 18t.'7 75 - 80 75 - 75 77 - 77 Det. M. & Marq,49 - 53¼ 45 - 51 85 - 47 29 - 89½ 80 - 35½ 82 - 85¼ 30 - 86 Land grants, 1911.3½ 51 - 58 49½- 55½ 51 - 55¾ 58 - 55¾ 58 - 56 Det. B. C, &Alp.-lst .. 6 102 -108½ 101 - 104 104 -104 102 -105¾ lOfi¾-108½ 108½-110 106¾-107¼ 106½-108 106 -107 106½-107 107¼- 108½ 107½-109 E, Tenn, V. & G,-lst .. 7 121 -122 .... 122 -128,£ 123 -Ul3¾ 128 -123 128 -~28 ll';¾-117½ .... - .... .... - ... 120 -120 . ... - . ... 118)4-118¼ .... .... Divisional . .. .......... -~ 107¼-107¾ .... .... - ... .... - .... .... - ... . .... .... . - .. ...... .... - .... ·•·· - ... .... - .... .... - .... E.T . V,&Ga,Ry,con ~ 98%- 99¾ 98¼- 99¼ 98½- 99¼ 99 -101¾ 98¾- 99½ 98 - 99¼ 97½- 99 96½- 98 95 - 97½ 94½- 97 91½- 97 95 - 1!5¾ .... 100%-100¾ East & W. Ala,- lst . . 6 ... - ... 99 -101 107 - 110 107½-108½ 108 - 108½ 109 - 109¼ . ... - .... 50 - 50 . ... - .... .... - .... Eliz. Lex, & Big, S .... 6 105 -lOS 107 -107¾ 104 -104½ 103½-104 103 -104 102 -103¾ 100 -101 09 - 100 95 - 96½ 95½- 99 96¼97 96½- 97% ... - . ... .. . - .... .... - . .. . . ... - .... .... - .... .... - .... Erie-1st, Extended .... 7 122 -122 119 -119 118 -118 · • • · 120 - 122 2d, Ext ....... ... . ........ ~ 114 -115 117 -117 112½-112¼ 112½-115 116½-116½ 116½-116½ .... .... 117¼- 117¾ 111 - 112 . - .... 111 - 111 112 -112 . ... 109½-109½ 105 -106 . ... - .... 108 -100 109 -109 .... - .... .... 3d Ext ... ........ • ••. 4¼ ... 104 -104½ 104½-104½ 105 -105 ·•·· - .... -117 114 115 115 114 116 115 115 4th, Ext .. .. .. .. . ..... . .. ~ -114.½i -115 116½- 116½ 118½-118,.{ ... - ... .... .... 116 -116 .... - . ... 110 - 110 ~th, 1888 ...... .... .... 7 105 - 105½ 105½- 105½ 104¼-104½ 104½-105 106 -106 102 -102 102¾-102¼ 102¼-102¾ 102%-103 108%-108¾ 10$¾--104 .... - . ... 18t, consol,, gold ...... ? 134¾-146 100¼-186 182¾-184½ 138 -135½ 184 -136 185 -137 .... - . ... 184 -184% 129 -130½ 130 -132¼ 138 -185 183 - 136 l8t con8ol. fd, coup ... 7 ... . - .... 180½-130½ ... - . ... 131¼-131¼ 184 -134 .... - .... .. .. ... ... . ... .... - .... 130 - 130 181 - 181 Reorgan,, 1st lien ... 6 ... - .... .... - .... .. .. - . .. , . ... - .. .... - .... . ... .... .... - .... ... . - .... . ... ..... . - ... 105 - 105 . ... - . ... -114 Dock ........... .. , 115 -115 .... 114 Long 118½-114 114¾-115 1!5 -115 112¾-114 - .... 113½-114 112½-115 112 -112 .... - .... 110 - 110 Con8. gold .. .. ........ 6 115 -118 117¾-118 119 -120 117 -117½ 118 - 118 118½-118-¼ 118 -119 .... 118 -118¼ .... - .... .. .. 115 - 115 .... 186¾;-187½ 136¾;-136¾ .... - .... 136½-186½ 187 - 137 136 -188 185 -186 137 -187 135½-135½ .... - . ... Buff. N. Y. &E.-lst.'7 .... - .... .... N, Y, L. E.& W,93:Ji-100 New, 2d consol. . .. .. 6 95¾-100 98¼-100½ 100 -1027/4 102¼-104¼ 98,½i-101½ 97¼- 99½ 96¼-100 97 - 99:.~ 04 - 99¾ 98¾-101½ 96 - 98¾ Col, t1·ust, 1922 ... .. ti 107 -107 .... .... - .... . ... - .... 105 - 105 .... - .... 108 -108 108 -108 .... - .... . ... - .... 103¼-104 104 -104 94 - 95¼ 92 - 02 Fund. coup., 1969 . . ~ 90½- ll2¼ 88½- 91 90 - 92¾ 98 - 94 90.½i- PO¼ 87 - 87 85 - 86 84¾- 84¾ 84¾- 89½ 87½-- 89 .... 115 -115 .... .... Erie & Pittsb.- Con ... '7 .... .. . ... ... - .... . ... ... - .... .... - . 112 -112 .... - .... Ev,& lnd'p,con,,1926.6 .... - .... 108 -108 . ... 112 -112 110 -112½ . .. . - .... . ... .... - .... .... - .. ... . - .... .... - ..... Ev,& T. Haute-Con . . 6 116 -118¼ 118 - 118 118 -118 118 -119 119 -121 1120 -121 116 -117 115 -116 112 -114 117 -118 117 - 120 117 - 117½ 110 -111 111 111 Mt. Vernon-1st ....... 6 111¼ 111½ 112 -115 115 -116 115 -115 115½-115½ .... - .... · ••· .. .. .... ·•·· - ... 106 -lOd .. . .... .... - .... .... .... . ... - . ... 119 -110 .... Flint & P, M,- Mort ... 6 121½-122 123 -123 .... - . .. . 117 - 117 119 - 111, 119 - 119 Ft.W,&Dtmv.C,-lst .6 88¾- 90¾ 88¾- 90¼ 89~- 93½ 98 - 95½ 94¼- 98½ 89¾- 94¾ 86¾- 92 84¼- 89 78 - 88 76 - 80¾ 79½- 84 80 - 85 .... Gal.H,& H. ot 'S2 .... . ~ . ... - .. .. . ... ... . 'i9 - 70 .. .. - ... 79 - 80 78 - 78 71 - 71 .... ... . .. .. .... .... 106 -106 109½-109½ 108½- 108½ 108½-108½ .... - ... .... - . ... .. - . ... .... - . ... 105 -105 109½-109:J.( 102 -107 Gal. H. & SanA,-lst .. 6 .... .... ... 110 -110 105 -108 .... - . ... .... - .... .... - .... ... . - .... .... .... .... - .... 2d mort ................. '7 110½- lll .... - .... .... 99½-100\.Ji 97¼- 99% 1:17 - 97¾ 96¾- 98 .. .. .... 98½- 94 93¾-~93% 93¾- 93% 93¾- 98¾ 91¼- 95¾ 93 - 94 92½- 92¾ Western Div-1st ... 2d ........ .......... .. 6 92¼- 92¼ 92¼- 92¼ .... .... .... - .... .... - ... . .... - .... .. ... . .... .... ... . - ... ..... ... .... 119 -119 .. .. - . .. . .... - .... .. .. - ... . ... . - .. .. . ... - .... .... - ....... .... .... Gr.Rap.&lud. , lstl,g,'7 .. .. ... . ... . 95 - 95¼ 95½- 96½ 97½- 971.,~ 98 - 99 General. .. .............~ ... . - . ... 90½- 90½ 90 - 92¾ 92),4- 95 96 - 96½ 96½- 96½ 98 - 100 99½- f9½ 99 -105 105 -107½ 106 -109 10e -108 106½-107 ... . Gr,B,W,&St. P,-lst .. 6 *99 -103 90 - 99 .... ... . - .... 97 - 97 99 - 99 .. . - . .. 49 - 53 44 - 50¾ 37 - 46¾ 83¾- 40% 80 89½ 28 - 87 2d, income ... .......... .S 88 - 40% 88½- 40½ 40¼- 42¾ 41½ - 50 W½34 31 - 37½ Gult Col, & S. F,-lst . .7 120¾;-122¾ 121 -122 121¾-122 121¼-122 121¼- 125 124½-125¾ 121 -122¾ 118 - 121% 118½-121 120¾-122 120 -121½ 118 -121½ 2d, 1923 ................. 6 101½-103 102½- 104 104 -105 102¼- 103 102½- 106½ 103 -106¾ 102 - 103¾ 100 -102¼ 100 -103 97 - 101 97 - 97½ 9fl¼ - \'6¾ Han. & St, J o.- Cons . ti hl¾-128 123½-123½ 119¾-120 119 -120 119 -121 121 - 121 119 -nil 120%-121 115¾-118 115¾- 118 117½-118 118 - 118½ Heu. Bridge Co,-lst ... 6 108%-109¾ 109¼-110 tOe½-107 108 - 108 109½-109½ .... - . .. . 108½-108¾ 108½ -110 107½-107½ 107 -107¼ 1C8 -108¾ 108¼-108¾ Hous. E, & W.T.- lst .7 68 - 68 .... - .... 69 - 69 68 - 68 68 - 69½ .. . - .... 68 - 68 . ... - .. . . ... . - ... . . ... .... 61 -61 ... - .... Hous.&T,C.-1 st,M.L.1 *112¾114 *118-114¼ *114¾-14¾ *114~- 17¼ 116 -119¾ 117 -118½ 11 6 - 118 118½--117¼ 112 -115 118½-115 118½-116 114 -116 1st, WesternDiv ..... .7 *108-110 *108 -108½ *109-110 *1 08½-110 111 - 119½ 115 -116 113 - 114¼ 112½-115¾ 112 -118 111 -112 112 -118½ 112¼-114 ... ... - .... 114 -li4 .... - .... . ... - . ... W,&N.Div ... ... ..... 1 .... - ··- *113-113 *115 - 115 *116-118 115¾ 119¾ .... - . .. . ... . - . ... .... 2d, Main Line ......... 8 95 - 97½ 94 -100 99¼-102½ 102¾- 105 105 - 112 100 -109¾ 110 -110 104 - 106½ 98 - 99 100 -103 100 -107 107 -109 61¾- 65 70 - 71 General mort ......... . 6 69 - 72 66¼- 69¾ 67½- 72¼ 70 - 73 72 - 79¾ 72 - 74¾ 71Xi- 72 55 - 60 69 - 70 65 - 72 98 - 98¾ 97¾- 97¾ ll5 - 98 95½- 97¾ 95 - 96 94 - 95¾ .... - . ... 92 - 98 98 - 94 111,Cent,- Gld,,19~1,3½ 98 - 99¼ 98 - 98 94 - 95 1st gold, 19i">l ... ..... 4 108 -108¼ 107 -108 107 - 108 107¼-108 107 -107½ .... - . .. . .... - . ... 106 -106 107 -107 105½-105½ 109 -109 107 -108 Springt, Div., 1S98 . . 6 116½-116½ 116½-116½ 117 -117¼ 117 -ll'i¾ 117½- 117½ .... - .... .... - . .. .. - .... ... - ... . . ... - .. .... - .... . ... - . llliddle Div .. 1921 ... ~ .... - ..... .... - .... ... - .... .... - . .. . .. - ... .... - .... .... - . ... .. .. - .. .. .... - ... . . ... - . ... 112¾-112½ . ... - .... .... .... - .... . ... - .... .... .. . 120 -120 . ... - . .. . .... - .... ... .... . ... - . .... - ... .. . C,St. L.&N .O.- l st,c. 7 121 -122 ... . 115 -116½ 115½-116½ 116½-117 117½-118 116½ -116½ 116 -116½ 116½-116½ 115 -116 114¼-116 116 -118 114 - 117 J Guarantee d .... ... .. ,> 115 -116 CedarF,&M ., 1st ... 7 109 -110 - .... 107 -107 105 -109 107 -112 109 -109 ... . - ... 104 -105 100 - 100 .... - .... 90 - 91 82 - 82 Ind. Hl.&W.-l s t,pret'7 119¾-120 124}(- 124¾ 121 -123 120 -120 122 -1-22 123½-12871? 123 - 123 ... . .... 1m -120½ . ... - .... .... .... .... - . ... 95 - ll7 9~ - 96½ 86 - 90 98 - 99 96 -97 96 - 98 88 - 90 90 - 90 1st, 1909 .. .. ........ i'), 6 91½- 9e½ 95 - 97 98 - 94 90 - 91 80 - 84¾ 83 - 84½ 86 75 70 - 75 St! 75 - 77 72 - 74 72 79½ 86½89½ 75 2d, 1909 ... ......... i'), 6 77½- 86 - 86 93½- 95% 95¾- 96¾ 9-l½- 98½ 96¾- 97¾ 91½- 92 91 - 91 ES - 91 90 - 90 Eastern Div ... ........ 6 91 - 95 94¼- 96 88 - 90 88 - 98 31 - 34¾ 32 - 84% 32½- 34¾ 81 - 33½ 25 - 29 24 - 26 20 - 27 Con, income .... .. ..... 6 80¼- 34¾ 31¾- 84 19½- 28½ 20 - 24½ rn - 21 Ind, Dec. & Sp'gfield,104 -105 104½-109 108 -108¾ 106½-108 106 -107 104 -105 .... - . ... 102 -102:½ 101 -102 lst,ex funded coup .. '7 lOS½-106 105 - 107 106 -106¾ .. ... . 44 - 44½ ... . - . .. . . ... - ... 35 - 35 . ... - ... 2d income Trust 1•cpts. 88 - 88 88 - 41½ 39 - 40¾ 88 - 42 41J,~- 48 46 - 46 Intern, & Gt, No.-lst.6 117 -117 117 -118½ 121 -122 119 - 120½ 112½-115½ 114½-115¼ 114 -115 112 -114 112 -113 113½-114 108 -110 108 -109½ 86 - 89 90 - 9: 95 - 96¾ 98½- 96 93¼- 95 80 - 86 75 - 80% 92¾- 98¾ 92 - 94 Coupon, 1909 .......... 6 93 - 94¾ 98 - 98 77½- 81 Jefferson-1st . .. ..... .. . 7 ... - ... 101 -101 101¾-103 l02½-108 108 -106 .... - .... . .. - ... . ... . - .. .. .... - .... .... - . ... ... .... . .. . -;o - 72 70 -n 73½- 73½ 73¼- 75 75½- 76½ 78 - 78 .... - .... 78½- 76 73½- 75½ 72½- 74 U.entucky C,, stam'd ... 4 64 - 65 64 - 72 96 - 99% 97 - 997/4 97½- 99 96 - 96 01 - 94 94 - 95 90 - 92 92 - 92¼ 97½- 99 89½- 89½ 89¾- 92 Knox.&O,- lst,192i'> .6 95¼-100 .... .... - .... .... - .. .. .... - .... .... - .... . ... - .... .. . - . ... ... . - .... .... .... - .... .... - . ... Lake Erie & W,-lst . . 6 110 -112¼ .... - .. ... . ... - .. .. .... - ... . .... .... ... . - . ... . ... - . ... .... .... - .... ... . - .... . ... - .... .. .. Income ..... ......... . .. 7 40 - 62 ... . .... - .... .... .... - .... .... .... .... - .... . ... - . ... . ..... - ... . ... - ... . - .... Sandusky Div.-lnc .. 6 25 - 42 .... - .. LakeE. & W., new . . :S ... . - .... .... - . ... .... - .... ... - .... .... - . ... 103 -103½ 102~,-103¼ 101,(- 105 101¼-102 101 -102 102 -108½ 108,(-104 .... ... - .... .... - .. .. . .. . . .. . .... - .... .... - . ... .... - .... Lat. BI, & M,-lst . ... 6 lll½-114¾ .... - . ... .... . - .... .... - .... - .... .... ... . - .. .. .. - ... . .... - ... . .... - .... . ... lncon1e .... ........ ... 7 68¼- 87 .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... . - .... ·--· .J Lake Shore & M. So.109 -110½ 109¼-109¼ 109~!-110½ Cl. Pains. & Ash .. .. . ., 114¼-114¼ 114¼-114½ 115¾-115¾ .... - .... .... - . ... 118 -1 13 114 -114 .... - . ... . 128 124 -124 121½-128½ 121½-121½ 119 - 119 .... -124½ .... - .... 124 -124 121½ -UH½ l21¾ -121¼ ... . .. . Huff, & El'ie- New .. .. 7 . ... 102 -102 .... .... . ... . ... - ... . .... - .... 105 -105 ... . - ... . 104¾-104¾ .... - .... 106½-1(16½ Kai. & W, P.- lst .... '7 .... Det, Mon. & Tol ...... '7 129 -129 .... - .... 126 -126¼ 126)4- 126¼: 127%-127% 130 - 130 .... - ... 128½-123½ .... - .... . .. - . ... . - .. ... . ... - . ... .... 128 -123 121½-121½ .... - .. .. 122½-122½ . ... - .... ll~-118¼ . - .... - .... ... L, Shore-Dividend . ., 128¼-128¼ 124 -124¾ 124¾-!25 1st con., coup . ....... 7 126 -128 125½-12i 127½-128 126½-128 126¾-128¾ 126½-12ll 125 - 125½ 124 -124 124 - 125 126 - 126½ 126%-127½ 126½-129 12'1 -125 125 -127 125¾;-127 126¼-127 128!)4-125½ ,128½-125 .... - . .. . 123¾-124½ 125 - 126 125 -125¾ 1st con,, reg ...... .. .. 7 126¼-126¼ 125¼-126 2d con,, coup ......... 7 122½-128% 122¾-124 123¼-124 123¾;-124% 124~-126½ 122½- 123¾ 122½-1~3½ 122½-123% 122½-123 122 -128¾ 128 - 124 120 -122½ 2d con., re,: .... ... .. . 7 123 -123½ 123 -123 128 -123½ 123½-124½ 124¾-124¼ 122}.f-123½ 123 - 123 122½-123½ 122 -122½ 122½-128½ 128%-124 120 -122½ 105½-106½ 105 - 105 - .... .... .... .... - .... .... . ... . - .... Mahoning Coal RR . . i') 103½-104¼ 103½-104 104 -106 106 -106½ .... - .... . .. . - .... 118½-120 Long Island - 1 s t ........ ,- 12!½-121½ 121 -121 124 -124 .... - .... 120%-120¾ ... . - .... 121¼-122 . ... - .... 125 -125 -118 118 -114 112!1(-112¾ 112½-112¾ 110 -112 118 .... 112½-118¾ 1st, consol. .. . .. .. .. --~ 114¼-114¼ 113 -115 114½--114½ 118J.ii-114 .... - . ... .. . .... . ... ... . .... .... . ... .... .... .... - ... ... . N, Y. & M, B, , 1st ... 7 110 -110 .... - .. .. .... - .... .. .. - .... .... - . ... · • ·• . .. . 119½-121½ 118 -118 118 -121 118 -il9½ Louisv .& N ,-Consol .. . ? 119 -120 120¼-121~ 120 - 121 118 -119 !18 -118½ 113%-llll½. 119 -119¾ .. .. 103 - 104 105 -106 .... . ... Cecilian Braucb ...... 7 111 -111 - ... . 111 -111 111 -111 111 -111 110 -110 109½-109½ .... - . ... ... . N. 0, & Mob-lst ..... 6 105 - 106 105 -105½ 105 - 107½ 106½-110 109¼-!13 112½-113¼ 100 -110 108¾-1CJ9 109 -109.½i.108½-109 109 -110 109!,ii-110¾ 98 - !JS 96 - 96 98 - 98 93 - 94½ 94 - 99 118¾- 99½ 119½- 99½ 97 - 99 9;u- 977,111 06 - 07 2'1 ... ...... . ........... .. 6 90:¼- 93% 92 - 93 E, H. & Nash,-lst ... 6 115 - 115 115 -!15 116¼-116¾ 115 -115 117 -117% .... - .... 112 -114¼ 112½-112½ ... - .... ,113 -115½ 115 -115 112 -112 Gen'l mort .. . ....... .... 6 107 -108¼ 107¼-108¼ 108¼-112 110½-112½ 118 -114½ 111 -112¾ 100 -111¼ 109 -111 108 - 110 109 -110 112 -112½ 109½-110 100 -100 101 -104 Pensacola Div .... .. . . 6 102½-102½ .... - .... .... .... 103 -108 104!1(-104¾ .... - .... 101½-101½ . ... - . .. . . .. - .... St, Louii;i Div,, 1st .. 6 ... - .... . ... .. . ... . - . ... .... - ... .... - .... . ... - .... .... - . ... 110 - 110 .... .... 108½-111 115 -115 - . ... .... - . ... - .... - .. .. 63 - 63 ... - ... . 59 - 59 .... - . .. .... - ... . 57 - 57 1't, Louis Div,-2d ... 3 - ... .... - .... .... lHl¾-119¾ .... .... - . ... .... - .... .... - .... .... - . ... .... - .... .. .. - .... - . Nash, & Decatur...... , 117 - 121 .... .. . - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... 105¾-lOf>¾ 10~-105¾ 105½-105~ .... So.& ~ o. A Ia.-S.F . . 6 - .... .. . - .... .... - .... .. . ·Trust bonds .. .......... 6 104½-107 106½-108 106 -107¼ 107 -108% 108¼-109 107 -107¾ 107½-108 107¾-109 105½-107½ 105½-106¼ 105%-108¾ 106½-108  - ....  - ....  -  .... . .... .... - ....  .  ...  -  -  -  -  .... .  ... . - .  -  .... .... - ... .  .... - ....  ....  ...  ..  -  -  ...  .....  -  -  .  - ....  -  .... - .... - ....  ....  -.  ...  ...  -  .  - ....  -  .  -  -  - .... -  -  -  -  - ....  -  -  -~  -.  -  ....  -  -  g ,  .  ••  ... .... -  .... .  .... - .. .  -  -.  -  ..  ....  .  -  -  ...  .  -  ... _.. I..  -  .  -  . -  .... -  -  .... ....  .... -  -  ....  ....  -  -  ....  ....  -  .... .... -  • Coupon otr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .... .... .... ....  .... - .... ....  -  ...  -  -  - ... .  -  -  ....  ~  ...  - ....  ..  .  -  . ...  ....  ... ...  -  ....  ....  ....  ....  ..  -  ....  -  ....  ....  - ...  ...  -  ...  - ....  -  .... .... .. .... -  ...  69  RAILROAD BONDS. 1887-Continued. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  BONDS.  MARCH.  APRIL.  M.AY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER OCTOBER. NOV'BER.  DEC'BER.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·-----1-----1-----1 -- -  - - - - - - · - - - - - Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hliih Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.!::igJ-,  Louisv. & N. (Cont'd)- ........ - . . .. 100 -100 100 -100 08 - 98¾ 9$¾-100 103 -103 101¾ 101¾ 102 -102 Ten-Fo1·tv, 1924 ..... 6 98 - 98 90 - 90 94 - 96½ 93 - 95 97 - 98 95 -100 100 -101 94 - 94 94 - 95 94 - 95 91½- 94 90 - 90 Pensac. & Atl.-lst .. 6 93 - 95 - •••..... - .... 100½-102 101½- 101¾ . ... - .... 101 -101 98%-100 98½-100 10()¾-101 ~0-yr. gold ... . ........ .I) .... Lou. N. Alb. & C.-lst.6 109 - 110½ 109½-110½ 109½-110½ 109 -111% 111¾-115½ 114 -115 lll½-113 110½-112 100 -111 109 -111 110 -114 113 -116 94 -96½ 90 - 94½ 90 - 93 96½- 99 97 - 99 95741- 98 93 - 97 90 - 93½ 01 - 02¾ Con., gold, 1916 .... .. 6 95½- 96½ 95 - 96½ 95½- 97 87½- 88 .... - .... 84½- 84½ 88 - 88 . ... Man.B.lmp. Co.-Lim.7 .. . - . .. 02 - 92½ S9 - 90 !Uem.& Chas.-Gold ... 6 101 - 102 101 -101 102¾-102¼ 104)4-106 105½-107 105½-107 103½-103½ 100 -102 100 -102 100 -100 102 - 102½ 103 - lOi Metropolitan El.-lst .. 6 117 -119 118 - 119 118 -119 118 -118¾ 118¾-120½ 120 -120½ 116 -117¼ 116 -117¼ 113 -115 114½-115½ 115 -118½ 116 -118!,s 2d, 1899 ................ 6 100%-110½ 110¾-111 110 -11 1½ 111 -113 108 -109 LOS - 109 1077,11-109 108 - 108½ 100 -108 108¼-109½ 106¼-107½ 104 -105 68 - 71¾ 66 - 70% .... - ........ - . . . . CS¾- 68% 60¾- f6¾ 66¾- 71% 73 - 75¾ 68¾- 72 Mex. Cent.-N ew ass•t.4 . ... - . . . . 51 - 56¾ 50 - 59 22½- 22½ ... - . .. . 19½- 21½ .... 2L%- 22 Inc ome, 1911. . . ...... 3 ... - ..... . .. - ..... .. - ... 21 - 2~s 23 - 25¾ 24¼- 27!J,4 20 - 26 l'tlich. Ccnt-lst,consol. 7 127¾-129 130 -130 120 -130 130 -181 127 -128 12S -12e¼ 128 - 128¾ 126½-129 126½· 128 127 -128¾ 124 -124¾ 124½-127 .. . . - ... . ... - ... . 108~-109 108 -108¾ 105½-106 108 -110 - .... 112¼-112¾ HO -110 108 -108 1st, com,ol. ... ... . ..... . I) ...• - . ... 120 -120 1009. ...... .. . .. . . .. .. 6 .... - .... 121½-121½ .... - .... 121 - 121 ... . - . . . . 106 - 106 106 -110 Coupon, 1931. ......... 1) 109 -110½ .... - ... 107¾-110 100¾-109¾ 110 - 110 lOE½-10~ 108½-109 108½-1fl9½ .... -108 108 •... ........ Registe1•ed, 1931 ..... i) .. - .... 109¾-109¾ .... - .... 10:!½-104½ . .. . 108½-103½ ... J. L. & Sag,, 1891..6 106½-106½ .... Mid. of N.J.-lst ........ 6 112 -114 112 -112 112 -113½ UO -11:2% 113½-115½ l12 -113 112 -113½ 107 -111 100 -112 lVi¾- 100 100¾-110-¾ 109½-111 Mil. L. Sh. &W.-lst .. 6 119½-121½ 118 -120 t20 -121 121 -122 120½-121 119 - 120 118 -118¼ 118 - 110 1111 -120 120¼-123 117½-120 120¼-121¾ IJ4½- l.'4½ Q5½- 06 - .... 95 - 05 - .... QB¾- 99% 99%-lM 102 102 101%-101% .... Conv. deb ..... .. . .... ... 5 .... ·· - . .. . 100 -JOO Income .................. 6 102 -102¾ 101½-lM¼ 104 -106 105½-107 lM - 104¼ 102 -lM 101¾-102 .... - .... 100 -100¾ 97 - 102 Michigan Div .......... 6 114 -117 116 -116½ 115 -116¼ 116 -!17 117 - 121 117½-111:2½ 115 - 116 .... - .... 114½-114½ 114 - 115 115 -115 - .... 117 - 118% 115½-116% 116 -116 115 -116 113 -114½ 113 -114½ 116 -116 116}:!-117¾ Ashland Div., 1st .... 6 115 -115 M'it. & No.-lst, 1910 .6 lM -lM 105 -105% 108¼-110 110 - 110 110¾-111 108 -110 1071A-100½ 107½- 10~ 108½-108¼ 109 -110 110 - 111 106½-101½ 1st, on extcn., 1913 .. 6 101 -103 103 -105¾ 105¼-107½ 107 -110 109¼-110 106¾-107½ J07 - 107 106½-lOC\!4 106 -107½ 106½-107 107 - 107½ 104 -105 = . .. ..... - .... 130 -130 - .... 101¼-102 ... . Minncap. &Pac.- lst.i) .... Minncap.& St.L.-lst. 7 132 -133 ... . - .... 183 -133 132 -132 . ... . . .. lCO -107½ - .... 113 -113 115 - IJ5 . . . . - .... 118¾-119 118 - 118 Iowa Extension ...... 7 119 -120 . ... 2d, 1S91 ............ .... 7 .... - .... 100 -100 100 - 100 ..•. - .... 101 -101 1(11 -101 .... - .... 100 -100 - .... 108½- 109 .... 108 -108 Pacific Ext ............. .6 107 -la8½ 110 -110 .... - . . . . e1 - 81 E9 - 89 .... 86%- 90 .... - •. . . 85 - 85 50 - 70 . . . . 70 - 70 Imp. & equip., 1922.6 89¾- 90 101¼-102 ... . . . .. 98½-101 101 - 101½ Minn.& ' o.W. -lst,a- .. 5 .... - .... 102¾-103½ 103 -105½ 104 -105 103 -103 103½-103½ .... 03 - 93¼ .... Minn.S. te.lU.& A ... .5 . ... 91 - 05¼ S.S - 93¾ 78 - 01¾ 76¾- 84 . 68½- 77!}4 93 - 97 Mo.n.•&T.-Gen. con •. 6 97 -100½ 96½-100¾ 99 -101¾ 101 -102½ 100¼-102½ 95¼- 99 66 - 73¼ 60 - 68 79¼- 83¾ 77 - 81¾ es - 81 82).<;- 85 Gen. consol.. ........... I) 85 - 87% 83½- 88¾ 86 - 88 87¾- 89¾ 88 - 89¾ !'4½- 87 Consol. .. . ....... ........ 7 112 -113½ 109½-110½ 100¾-111 111 -112¾ 112 -118½ 111 - 113¼ 113 -113½ 107½- 110 108 - 110½ 105 -111 103 -108½ lM½-107 - . ... 69 - 60 ... . 2d, income ............ . 6 .... lOQ½-109½ 110 -110 110 -110 105 -105 Han. & C. Mo.-lst .. 7 .... lllobile & Ohio-New .. 6 100%-110 108%-109½ 109½-112 lll¾-114 112~-114 Ll2 -113 113½-113½ 113~-114 114 -114 111¾-113½ 118 -114 105 -100 - •... 105 -106 lM½-104½ lM -105¼ 107 -107 .. . . - .... 106 -1071/2 108 - 108 107 -107 107 -107½ 105½-lOfi½ 1st, cxten., 1927 ...... 6106 -106 43 - 44 42½- 49 40 - 45 45 - 45 47 - 50 50 - 54 50 - 55 50%- Cll 62 - 66½ 61 - 66 60 - 66 1st pref. debentu1·e ... 7 60 - 65 18¼- 25¾ 22 - 24 30½- 32 .... - .•.. 22½- 22½ 23 - 27 .... - .... 23 - 23 36 - 38¼ 33 - 37½ 33 - 37 2d pref. debentui·c .... 7 36 - 36 20½- 21 .... - .... 20 - 20 - .... 28½- 28½ 28 - 20 3d p1•ef. debenture .... 7 .... 13 - 13 25 - 28 12 - 12 4th p1·ef. debenture .. 7 ... - 73 73 .. .. 74 73¾73 73 74 74 73 - 74 71¼- 72½ 72 - 72½ .... ~t. Loui!il & c., a-nar.4 74 - 74 Morgan's L. & T..... 121 -121 lst, 1918 ..... ....... .. 7 .... - .... 123 -123 124½-124½ 121 -121 85¾- 87 85 - 86!¾ 85 - 86¼ &3 - 85½ 83 - 86¾ 84¾- 80 84 - 85½ 82½- 84¼ 87%- 89 Mutual Union T ·-S.F .6 84¾- 85¾ 84½- 85½ 85 - 89 Nashv.C.& St.L.-lst. 7 129¾-130 130 -130 128½-130 12-0 -131 1:20 -131 .... - .... 127 -129 12:'l¾-129 121> -126½ 125½-129 128 -129½ 130 -130½ - .... 107%-107% 107 -107 2d, 1901 .............. .. 6 100 -109 109¼-101}¼ . ... - .... 110 -110½ 1107(- 110% llQ¾-111 108 -108 107¾-107¾ .. . . - ... 100 -100 104½-104½ 105 - 105 ew J. Junc.-1 t ...... 4 .... - ........ - .... 102¾-102¾ .... - .... • · . . - .... lM - 104 .. . . 08 - 98 100 -100 100 -101½ 101½-101½ 101¾-102½ 97¼- 97¾ ... . - ....... . - .... . . . . - . . ..... New J. Sonth.-Guar .. 6 9ll - 98 75 - 77½ 74½- 77 69¼- 80½ 70 - 75 80¾- 84¾ 83½- 85¾ 85 - fl6!,s 83 - 85¾ 81 - 83½ 77½- 82 N.O.Pac.-lst, t1·. 1·ec .. 6 'i8½- 63½ 75½- 86 N. Y. Central-Ext ...... ~ lOC¼:··106% 106 -106½ 106 - 106½ 106%-107¼ 104¼-lM¾ 104¾-lM¾ 104¼-105 103 -103 103!,s-104¾ 104¾-105½ 108¾-lM 103%-104¾ 103 -103 102¼-102¾ 101¾-.102¼ .... . ....... ... 100% 100¾100¾-103% -103¼ 103 1027-(-102¼ 1S87 .................... . 6 101¼-101¼ ..• . - ... 101¾-102!,s N.Y. C.& H.-lst,cp .. 7 133¾-134~ 134¼-134¾ 138)4-186 136 -136¼ 135¼-137 135½-136½ 134½-135¼ 131%-133 130¼-133 132 -138 133 -137½ 186¾-137½ 1st, 1·eg ......... . ...... 7 133 -1s4r~ .... - .... 138 -135½ 135 -135 135¾-186½ .... - ... . 134 -135 Ull -133 132 -132 131¾-133 135 -186 136 -186 Debentm·e . . . .... .. ... 5 108¾-109½ 109½-lOQ¼ 106 -107½ 107 - 108 108 -109¼ 108¾- 110% 109¼-11011! 110¼-110½ 106 - 107½ 107 - 108 108 - 108½ 108½-109 Uegistercd ........ . 5 110 -110 100½-109X 106 - 107¾ 107 - 107½ 108 - 108 ... - ...... . . - .... 108 -110 .... - ... ..... - .... 107¾-10?¾ 108¾-109 Crm. So.-lst, guar ... . i) 105¼-106 104¾-105¾ 105 -107 106 -107 106½-108½ 108¼- 109 lM¾-106 104%-105¼ 104 -106 104 -106 104%- 106½ 105½-10?¾ 91 - 02¾ 90%- 93 89 - 01 91¼- 02% 91¾- 92¾ 92 - 94½ 92¼- 94½ 02 - 94¼ 92 - 93¾ 87½- 91 ~d mo1·t. .. .. ... . .... ~ 93¾- 95½ 93 - 95 •• . - . .. . 90½- 01½ . . .. 2d mo1·t., 1•cg ....... I) 1 92 - 92 Hal'lcm-lst, coup ... . 7 132 -133 131½-133 182%-1327,i 131 -133½ 129½-130½ 130¾- 130½ 180 -130½ . ... - ..... . .. - .... 131 -131 129 -129 129;J,4-129¾ 1st, 1·eg ... . ... ........ 7 .. - ... . 131¾-1327,1i 182 -132% 132 - 132½ 128½-130½ 13014- 130½ 131 -131 13& -130 130½-130½ 127½-130 120 - 129 121)¾-lf O 9i¾- 07½ ... - ••.... . . - . . . . ... G5 - 08 N. Y.Chic.&St.L.-lst .6 90 - 07 1st t1·ust 1·eceipts .... 6 85 - ll7¾ 94%- 99¼ 97 - 97¾ .... - ........ - . . .. . ... 98¼-101½ !JO -101% 97 - 100¼ 06¼- 98¼ 04¾- 90½ 97 -100¾ 00%- 100¼ .... - .... 96½- 97¾ 96¾- 99 Assented................ . ... 98 - 08 96 - 07¼ 99 - 90 95 - 05 90 - 07 70 - 03 2d mol't .. . .. .. . .. . .... ... - . • . . 84½- 87% 84¾- 86¾ New, 1st, 1937 ... ... . 4 .... - ....... . 1 78 - 713½ .... 74 - 74 69%- 72 60 - 71 N.Y.City&No.-Gen'I.6 65%- 66 50¾- 62½ 62 - 64 . ... - .... 58 - 68 76 - 79¾ 78¼- 78¼ 68 - 72½ 62 - 70 T1·ust Co. 1·eceipts . .. . 6 Cl5½- 697.Ai 6'i¼- 73¾ 69½- 72¼ 72 - 80 - . . . . . . . - . . . . 66½- 71¾ 63 - 68 Assentecl.. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . N. Y. ..... 7 l'Zl½-123 121¼-123 121¾- 122¾ 122½-123 121~-122½ 121½-122¼ 117 -119¾ 117½-110 116%-119¾ 117½-119 1177/4-119½ 11 ½- 120 - ... . 110¾-110¾ 111 -111 .... - ... . 109 -112 N.Y.N.H.&H.-lst,rg.4 112 -112 .... ... . - ... . 101 - 102 N.Y. &North.-lst, g.i> .... - ........ N.Y.On.&W.-lst,g .. 6107 - 110 110 -110%107 -107½107½-109 108½-109½109 -110½109 -110 108 -100 106 -109 106 -108 107¾-109 10&},i-109 N.Y. Susq.&W.-lst ... 6 •91½- Q2½ +92 - 95 "03~- 94 Debenture, 1897 . .. . . . 6 •71 - 71¾ *60 - 69 •70 - 70 *77 - 77 90 - 92% 91 - 92½ 87 - 90 90½- 92 90½- 02 91¼- 94% 94 - 96¼ 93½- 05¼ 92 - 03 - •. . . 01 - 93 1st 1·efund . .. . ... . ...... I) . .. 73 - 73½ - . . . 75 - 75 70 - 70 . ... - .... 73 - 73 2d mort., 1937 .... 4½ . . .. 50 - 50 . •.• 50 - 50 37¼- 37)4 . . . . - . •. 45 - 45 37¾- 40 45 - 45 - . . . . 40 - 40 N. V .& Tex. Land-Scrip .. . . 10 - 10 N. Y. W ood&R.-2d inc. . . . . - .... 107 -107 104 -104 No. West. Tel.-1994.7 .... - ... . 114 -114 .. . . - .... 110 -110 111 -111 111½-111½ Norf.& West.-Gen. M.6 112 -113½ 113 -113 1)2 - 112),,4 113 -114½ 111 -112½ 115½-116 - . . . . 110 -110 New River-1st ..... . . 6 114½-114½ 114%-114% .... - .. 113 -113 - , ... 99 -100 100¼-100½ .. .• Imp. & ext., 1934 .... 6 102 -102 ... - ... . 103 -103 . .. . - .. . . 106½-106½ .. . . . . .. 102 -104 Adj. mort., 1924 . .. . .7 106½-106½ . . .. - . .. .... . 2½- 3 .... - . ....... Ohio Ccnt.-lncomes .. .. .... - .... 1¼- 4 - .... 100 -100 Og. & L. C.-lst,con .. . 6 .... - ..... ... . ... 117 -118 - .... 114¼-115 .••. Ohio & llliss. Con.s. t..7 118½-118½ 118 -118 118 -118½ 118½-119½ 1!8½-118½ 118½-119 116½-117½ 116 -116 Consol.. . . .. . ....... .. ... . 7 118¾-119½ 118 -118 117¾-118½ .... - ... . 117½-118¾ 117½-118½ 115 -116 114½-115 115 • 115 114 -115¼ 115¾-115¾ .... - ... . 119 - 119 .... - .... 117 -117½ Jl7 -117 114 -110 114 -114 113 -114 lll½-115 112 - 112 113¾-114 2d, consol. ........ .... . 7 118 -110 - ... 107¾-107¼ .... - .... l00½-106½ ht, Spt·ingt. Div . . .... 7 109 -111 110 -111½ 110¾-111¼ 110¾-112½ .... 87½- 87½ . . .. - ...... . . . .. ~ . .. . 1932 ., Gen. mort 95¼- 05½ 96¼- 96¼ 97 - 08 99¾- 90.¼ .... .. . 99½-100 - •...... - .... 100 ··100½ .... Ohio River ltR.-lst . .I) .. . . Ohio ~outhe:. n-lst .... 6 108 -107½ 102 -105 104¾-lOU¾ 109 -111½ 111 -111½ 103 -108 lM -105 102 -102 102 - 105 lM -105 106 -107 100 -Hi2 29¾- 33 31¼- 37 33½- 36 81 - 37 35 - 40 35 - 42 42½- 50½ 40 - 46 40 - 45¾ 42¾- 47 2d, income .............. 6 40 - 4:½ 41 - 44 77½ 77 - 78¼ 76¾- 7~ 70 - 77½ 75 76½- 79 - ... . 80 - 81½ 79 - 80 Oma.ha& St. L.-lst .. 4 .... 110¼-llt 110!,s-111 -111 109 lOIJ¼-109¼ 100¼-111¾ -109¼ 100 -112 111 -112 110 -110¼ 110 109½-110½ -110 109 -100½ 108 6 . .. Nav.-lst Or. lt'y. & Debentures, 1887 ... ., ... . - .... 102¾-102¾ .... - ........ - ...... - ........ 99½-101½ M¾- 97½ 99 -101½ 99 -100 Consol., 1925 .... ... . . 5 !04 -106 102½'..lM¼ 103½-105 lM¾-105½ 105 -105¾ 100!,s-102¾ 101 -101¾ 99 -101 93¾- 95 93½- 99 00 - 96 89 - 97 92½- !J6 96 - 98 91%- 93¾ U4 - 97½ 97¼-102¼ 97 - 99 Orea-. ]mp. Co.-ht . .. . 6 \12½- 9:1½ 02¼- 93 89¼- 93 llO - 08¾ 91 - 96½ 91 - 94 GS -101% 98½-100¼ 96 -100 Oregon Trans .-lst ... 6 101 -102½ 100 -102 100 -101 101½-104½ 100 -102  ····1···· -  1  61  • Coupon otr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  BONDS.  1887-Continued. J.ANU.ARY FEBR'RY.  M.ARCH.  APRIL.  M.AY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'DER. DEC'BER.  BONDS.  - - - - - - -· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----1----1----1•----  -----------Pacific Rnilroads-  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  ----  Cent. Pa~., g., 189ii .. 6 .... - . . . .. .. - ........ - .... 115½-116½ 117 -117¼ 117½-117'7/4 114¾-115 115¼-115½ 114¾-ll~ 114 -115 115½-115½ 115¼-116 Gold, 1896 . ..... .... . 6 .... - ....... . - .. . ... - .... 116¼-117 11~-1!7 117%-118 1!4½-115 115¾-115¾ 114.½i-114¾ 114¼-116 115½-115½ 116 -116 Gold, 1897 .... .. ..... 6 .... - ........ - ........ - .. .. !16¾-117 116%-117¾ 117%-118 114¾-115 .... - .... 114½-115 110 -116 115½-ll~ 116 -116¼ Gold, 1898 ... ........ 6 114 -115'A 118¾-114¼ 114 -118¾ 116¼-116½ 117 -117½ 117%-118 114¾-116 115¾-116¼ 114 -115¼ 115¼-116 115%-116 110 -117 San Joaquin B1· ..... 6 112 -112 lll¼-112 115¼-115)1; 113 -113¼ .... - .. . 114½-116 114½-116 116 -116 .... - ........ - • ... 114 -114 lH -115 Cal. & O1•egon ... . ... 6 101 -101 10: -101 101 -101 102 -102½ 103 -103 ... - ... 100½-100½ 100 -101 100,11-100¼ 101½-101¾ 101,11-101½ 102%-102¾ Series B .. ...... .... 6 .... - ... 103 -103 .... - ........ - .... .. - .... 106 -106 104 -104 .... - .... ... - ........ - ........ - .. .. . .. - ... . Land grants .......... 6 102½-103¼ 108 -103¾ 104½-105 102 -103~ 102¾- 103¾ .... - .... 100 -103 104 -105 105 -105 .... - . .. 101¼-102¼ lOl¾-102 Mort. bonds, 1936.6 .... - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - .. .... . . - ........ - .... lOl!}s-102¾ 102¼-103¾ 101 102 ¾ 102½-103½ 102 -108¾ Western Pn.c ........ . 6 111 -112 112 -112 114 -116¾ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 114 -114 112 -112½ 112 -112½ 112 -112¼ No1·th., Cal., guar. 6 120 -120 .... - ... . .. . ....... - ........ - ........ - ... . . ... - ... . .... - ....... - ••.•. 11$¾-118¾ 117½-117½ .... - ... . No.Pac.-Gen.lst, l,g 6 115%-116% 115 -117 116½-117½ 117 -118½ 117¼-118¼ 117½-118¼ 114%-115½ lH¾-115½ 113¼-115¾ 114 -116 115¼-117 116 -118½ Gen.1st, 1. g,, reg .. 6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 117½-117½ 118 -118 114½-114¼ 114 -114 114 -114 114 -114 116 -116½ .... - .. .. Gen., 1. g .,2d, 193::J .. 6 1037,fr-107¼ 104%-106¾ 106',(-107½ 104%-105¾ 105 -105¾ 104%-105 105 -105½ 103¼-105¾ 101¾-105 00¼-101 99 -101 100¾-102 Dividend scrip....... . - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - . ... .. .. - .... 101 -101 101 -101 99 -100 .... - •... 103!-.!-105¼ St, I•aul & •o, Pac.ti .... - ........ - .... 116 -116 118¾-119 118½-119% 119:}s-ll~J 118¼-119¾ 115 -116¼ .... - .... 116¼-116¾ 116¼-117 117½-118 James R,VnJ.-lst .6 !06½-107'4 106.½i 109¾ .... - ........ - .... 110½-111 .... - . ... .. .. - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . Spok.&Pal.,S.F .. 6 .... - .... 106¾- 106¾ •.• - ........ - .•.. 105 -105 .... - ....... - ....... . - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 101 -108 Dul. & illnn.-lst ... 6 .... - .... .. - ........ - .... .... - .... . .. - .. ..... - ........ - .. . 99 - 99½ .... - ........ - ....... . - .. .. 103 -103 No. Pac.Ter.Co,-lst6 104 -105 104 -105 104½-105½ 105 - 105½ 105¼-106½ 105,11-107½ 100 -108¼ 101 -102 101,11-102½ 101 -102½ 101½-102½ 104,½-104¼ So. Pac. Cal-1st .. ... 6 111½-112½ 110¼-1 l1% 112½-112½ 111 -112½ 112½-113¾ 118¼-113¾ 113 -115 118 -114¾ 112¼-112½ 1CJ8½-109½ 108½-110 llO -110½ ~o .Pnc.Arizona - 1st6 - .... 110 -110 .... - .... 112 -112 .... - ........ - ........ - ....... - ... . .. - ........ - ........ - ....... - ... . !-;o, Pac. N.Mcx.-lst 6 105¾-106¼ 105¼-106¾ 106½-106½ 100¾-106½ 108¾-100 109¾'-110 107¼-108 .... - ... ..... - .... 108 -108¾ 108¼-108½ 100 -100¼ UnionPn.c.-lst1896.6 .... - ........ - ........ - ... . no -117 110 -116¾ 116¼-117 113¼-114¾ lH~-115¾ 112½-115 114¾ ·115 114¼-115 115 -116¾ 1st, 1897 ............ . 6 ... - ........ - ........ - .... 110 -117½ 116¾-117 117 -117¼ 114¾-115¾ 114¾-115½ 114 -114¾ 114%-115 115 -115¾ 115 -116% 1st, 1898 ............. 6 .... - .. .. .. - ........ - .... 116¼-117½ lltl½-117¾ 117 -118 114¼-115¾ 115 -116¼ 114 -116 115½-lltl½ 114¼-116% 115¼-117¾ 1st, 1899 ............ 6 114 -115 114½-115¼ 115 -119¾ ll7,ii-t19 118 -118 118 - 118¼ 115 -115¾ 116¾-116½ 115 -117 116¾-117 116¾-117 116 -118¼ Land g1•ants ....... . .. 7· 102 -102~ ... . - .. . . ... - .. .. .. - .... 103½-103½ .... . . .. . - . . .. .. - .. .. .. . - ........ - .•. ...•. - . .. . .. - ... Sinking fund .. ... .... 8 118¼-118¾ 118}4-120 115 -115¾ 115,½- 117 116 -116¾ 115 -116½ 114 -115~ 114½-115¼ 110 -lll½ 110 -111¾ lll¼-113¾ 118¼-116¼ Registered .......... 8 .... - . ...... - ........ - ..... ... - .. .. 115½-115½ 115 -115 1114½-114¼ - ........ - .... 109 -110 110 -113 .... - ... . Collat, T1·ust .... .. .. 6103½-108½ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. .... .. - .... . ~.. - .... 106 -106 105 -105 .... - ...... - ....... - ... . Coll at. Trust ..... .. ii .... - .... .... .. .. 100!':(-101 101 -102 .. .. - .... . ... - .... 1-,6 -106¼ - ........ - ... 95 - 95 .... - .... 95 - 95 K. Pac . ..:..lst, 1S9ii.6 112¼-114¾ lll¼-111¾ 112 -1!4¼ 113 - 113¼ 113%-115 113 -114}( . ... - .... 110 -110 109¼ 109½ 110 -110½ 111 -111 110¾-112 1st, 1896 ........... 6 lll½-112 112 -112 113¼-115 114 -114½ 115 -115 112 -112 lll¼-111¼ 110 -no 108¼-110 .... - ... 111%-112 106¾-111¼ DenY, Div.-Ass'd 6 114 -115 115 -115 116½-116}~ 117 -117¾ 115 -115 114 -114 115½-116 116 ·116 116 -116 116 -116 ll3 -114 ... . - .... 1st, consoL.. . .. . 6 105~2-107 105 -106¾ 104½-107 107 -109 102¾-105¾ 10s -103¾ 104 -104¾ 102 -104 101 -103 100 -102 ro -101½ 100!):(-102 Cent. Br. U, P ...... 7 105 -105 .... - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... ... - ... 108 -108 103 -107 .... - .. . . .. - ... . .... - ... . At.Col.& rac.-lst .6 1C6¼-107 105½-106 105 -106 100 -106¾ 100 -106 108 -llO½ 108 -108 1027,fr-106 104 -104¾ 104 - 104 7, L02~-108 104 -106 At.J. C. & ,v.-lst,6 .... - ........ - ........ - ... 106 -106 -:.05½-105¼ .... - . .. - ....... - ........ - .... . . . . - ....... - .... 102½-:02½ O1•eg.Sh.Line-lst .. 6 106½-107½ 102 -1037/4 101 -103 102%-105½ 100 -103% 1(12 103 102 -103 97½-100¾ 97¼-100 95 -100 97¼-100 99¼-100¾ Utah Soutb,-Gcn .. 7 .... - ........ - . .. . 86½- 90 90 - 93 90 - 92 92 - 93½ 92½- 92¼ 92½- 96 98 - 95 92½- 94 114 - 94 .... - •.•. Ext'n, 1st, 1909 ... '7 83 - 85½ 85 - E6¾ E6 - 89!1:f 87¾- 92 88 - 9~1 91 - 93 90 - 91 91 - 95 .... - ........ - ... 91 - 91 91 - 92½ Mo. Pac.-ht cons .... 6 114¾-116½ 114~-116 114~-116}<_ 117½-119 115 -1 16½ 116 -117 116 -117¾ 114¾-115¾ 113 115 112 -114½ 109¼-1113,( 109 -111 3d, 1906 ....... ..... 1 122 -123¾ 123½-124 125 -125 126 -126 122 -:!.28 121 -122¼ 122 -123 .... - .... ll9 -119 119 - 120 115 -116 115 -119 Pac, of ll1o.-lst ..... ti 104½-105 102 -102¼ 102¼-1021/4 i02½-l03 102%-103¼ 103½-103¾ 103¾-103¾ 100¼-100½ lOQ½-101 100'7/4-101¾ 101%-102¾ 1oi -102¾ 2d, 1891 ........ . ... 7' 109 -110 108¾-109 108¼-108½ 110 -110 .... - .... 110½-110¼ 105½-106 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . 107½-108 St.L.&S.F,-2d,cl.A6115½-115½ .... - ....... . - .. ...... - ........ - ........ - .... 113 -113 .... - .... 109 -109 .... - .... 112)1;-113 113 -113 Class "C" ... ...... ... 6 114¾-1163-( 115½-115½ 115 -116½ 117 -117!4 118¾-114~ 113¼-114½ 113 -113 118 -114 112 -118 1127A-113½ 110½-112¾ 112 -113¾ 1 Class "Il" ..... ....... 6 114½-116½ 116.½-116¾ 115 -116 llG½\-117 114 -114 l14 -114 113 -113 118¾-118½ 112 -113 .... - .... 110¾-113 112 -114 P. C. & O,-lst ...... 6 .... - .... 117 -117 117 -117 .... - .... 118 -118 .. .. - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - ... Equipment ........... 7' .... - ........ - .... .. .. - . . . - ........ - . . .. - ........ - ........ - .... 107 -107 107 -108 .... - .... 105 -105 General mo1·t ........ 6 109½-111 108½-110¼ 110 -111~ lll¾-113 113 -115 114 -115 111:J;a-118¼ 118 -114 112½-113,11113 -114¼ 113¾-114 114¼-115 Gene1:al mort .... ... .ii .... ... - ........ - .. . 99¾-101¾ 100¾-101¾ 100¼-101½ 98½- 99¾ 99 -101 97½-100¾ 99¼-101¾ 100 -101 lOQ¾-102 ~o.Pac.ofl.l'Io.-tst .... 6 101½-104½ 101¼-101~ 102 -102½ 102 -102½ 102¼-108¾ 103½-104 100 -100~ 100¾-100¼ 100¼-101¾ 101¼-101% 101%-102¾ 102½-103 St.L.Ii..&S,W,-lst . - .... 107¾-109 .... - .. ...... - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ....... - ....... - ........ - ....... . - ........ - ... . Texas & Pn.c,-lst ... 6 WO -106 112½-112½ .... - ........ - .... lO!l -109 .... - ........ - .... 107 -107 .... - . .. . ... - ... . . ... . ... - ... . Consol. Tr. r'c'pts .6 07¾- 09 99½-102½ 99 -102¾ 100 -103¼ 102¾-103¾ 102 -103 101 -102½ 99¼-100 100 -100½ 96 - 97 97 - 97 100 -100 Inc.& land gr,, reg. 7 61%- 62 61 - 61 68½- 64 63¾- 63¾ .. .. - . . .. . .. . - . . .. .. . . - . . . . .. .. - . . . . . .. . - .. . • .. . . - .. . . . . .. - . .. . .. . . - .. Trust receipts . .. .. . 59¾- 64 58¼- 613½ 61 - 65¾ 62 - 04 62 - 63¾ E5½- 62 50- - 58 · 47 - 53¾ 43 - 58½ 44¼- 49 44 - 52 45 - 49½ lst,RioG1·,D,tr, 1· ec.6 67%- 7i¾ 64 - 75% 71 - 75  74 - 77¾ 76%- 78½ 74 - 78¼ 71¼· 75½ 67¼- 72  58 - 71  59½- 64% 64½- 68½ 64½- 07  Gen,M.& Ter, t1·.1·c.6 67 - 69¼ Oft - 69 65 - 69 68 - 72 71 - 71¾ 70¼- 71½ .... - • ... 02¼- 62½ 56 - 62 56 - 62 60½- 62 .... - .... Pennsylvania RR,Penn. Co,-lst, cp. 4½ 104 -106 104,4-105% 104¾-105½ 105½-106¾ 1063,(-107~ 107 - lOi¾ 103¼-105 104 -104 103¼-104 104 -105¼ 105¾-106¼ 106¾-107½ Registered ........ . 4½ 108¾-104¾ 104 -105 105 -105 .... - ... .. ... - .. . 107½-107½ 103 -103½ 104 -104½ .... - .... 104 -104 104¼-104½ 104 -106 Pitts.C.& St,L.-lst 7' .... - .. . . .. - ... .. .. - ... ..... - ... .. .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... 116 -118 .... - ... . Pitts.Ft. W,&C.-lst. 7 183 -141 140½-140½ 141 -141 141 -141 141 -141 142 -143 139 -141 140 -140~ 141 -141 140 -141% 142 -142 141 -141 2d., 1912 ......... .. 7 187 -138½ 140½-141 139¼-139!,4 138¼-139¾ 139 -1311¼ 141 -141 137¼· 139 187¼-188 .... - .... . ... - .... 188¼-189¼ 139 -140 3d., 1912 ............. 7' 18tl -138½ 138¼-139 139 -130 135 -136¼ .... - .... 135¾-185¾ 135 -135 .... - ........ - .... ... - ........ - ...... . - .. Clev.& P.-Cons.s.fd.7 128 - 128 129 -129 129½-130¼ 129½-129¼ 127 -127 128 -129 128¾-129 ... . - .... 127 -128 128 -128 127¾-127~ 127 -127 4th, 1S92 .. .......... . 6 .... - ... .. .. - .... 107 -107 10? -109½ .... - ... . 108¼-108].( 106¾-106!},. .... - .... 107 -101 106¾-106¾ 101 -107½ io8 -109 St.L.V.&T.H.-1st.1 .... - ... 118 -118 ... . - .. . .... - .... , ... - .. .. 118 -119 112 -112 .... - .... 116 - 116 ... . - ...... .. - . ... .. - ... . Peo. Dec.& Ev.-lst .... 6 114 -114 113 -113 110 -!12¼ .... - .... Ul¾-114 115½-115½ 113½-113½ 113 -113¼ 110 -112 118 -118 109 -112 109¼-109½ 2d, 1927 .. .. . . . ......... ~ ... - ........ - ........ - . ... 87½- 87¼ 85 - 87 85 - 87¾ 83%- 86 76¼- 80 70 - 79½ 71 - 77 73 - 78 70 - 71 lncou1e .. ... . ........... . 6 81½- 85 82 - 85 88 - 85 87 - 87 .... - ........ - ........ - .... .. - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ Evansv. Div ........... 6 110 -110¼ 110 -!12 108 -109 110 -110 111 -112 110 -112 lll¼-111½ ... - .... 106¾-106% 105¾-:105¼ .... - .... 101 -108 Evn.nsv. Div,-lnc .... 6 'ill½- 84% 81!1,.(- 85 84 - 86 87½- 87¾ 86 - 86 ... - .... ... - ... .. . . - ........ - ... ..... - .... •·· · - •··· .... - .. . Peoria&Pek.Un,-lst.6 U2xi-112¼ .... - ........ - .... 112½-113 .... - .... .. - ....... - .... 108 -1C8¼ 108 -108 ... - ........ - ........ - .. .. 2d ... .................. .. 4½ 72 - 75 .... - . .. . ... - ........ - .... . ... - .. . . .. - .. . . 75 - 75 78¼- 78½ . ... - ... . .. . - . . . ... - ....... . - .. . Phil.& ll.ead.- ~d ser.~ .... - ........ - ..... . .. - ........ - ........ - ....... - .... .. - ... 62 - 63 ... - .. .. 62 - 62½ 67¼- 70 .... - ... . Income mort., '96 .... 7 .... - . ... .. - .. . .. . - .. .. . ... - . . . . ... - ........ - ........ - .. . 64 - 78 68¼- 75½ 70 - 75J,( 78½- 851,p 62)4- 82¼ Gen. mort,, coup ..... 6 .... - .... 104¼-104½ .. . - ........ - .. .. .... - ........ - ....... - ....... - ........ - .. ..... - .... 109¾-109¾ 109¼-109¼ Defe1·red inco1ne . ...... .... - ........ - . ....... - ...... . . - .... .. .. - . . .. .... - ........ - .. .. . .. - . .. . ... . - ... . 20 - 20 21¾- 25 .... - ... . Pittsb. Cl. & Tol.-lst.6 .... - .... 112 -112 115 -115½ 113 -114 .... - ...... .. - ..... . . . - .... 114½-114½ 114 -114 105 -105 107 -107 108¼-108½ Pitts.B1·ad.& Buf,lst.6 . ... - .... ... - .. . . . . . - . .. . 88 - 89 .. - . .. .. .. - ........ - . .. . ... - ........ - .... · ... - ... .. .. - · .. · · ·· · - ... . Rich. & All.-Tr. 1·ec .. 1 <i6 - 71½ 67 - 72½ 68½- 72 71¾- 77 75¼- 77 66 - 76~ 65 - 72 60 - 66½ 56 - 65¾ 55¼- 60 57 - 61 57 - 58¼ Rich. & Danv.--Cons .. 6 113 -113½ 113 -113½ lll¼-113 US -118'¼ 114 -114¾ 114¼-115 110¼-112 lll~-112¼ 109 -110¼ 110 -115 112 -115 110 -112 Debenture .............. 6 107 -107 106 -106~ 106 -118½ 112 -114 113 -114 .... - ........ - .... ... - ........ - ........ - .... ···• - ..... . .. - .. .. Deb. ex. cp ... . . .. .......... - ........ - ........ - .... .... - . . .. 93¼- 04¾ .... - ........ - , ....... - ........ - • • .. • .. • - .. • • .. - .. · · · ·· - · ··• Deb. assented . . .. ..... ... - .. . . 106 -107¼ 106 -110 108 -110 .... - ...... .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . ... - . .. .. .. - ... . Con, M,, gold, 1936 .~ ... - .... .... - ........ - .. . . 92 - 98 91 - 02½ ... . - ........ - ........ - ....... . - ........ - ·.. . .. - · ....... - ... . Rich, & West Pt. Ter .6 .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - .... 95 - 98¼ {18 - 98 96 - 96)4 E5%- 87½ 78 - 87 82½- 84 84 - 89½ 85 - 89 Roch. & Pittsb.-lst ... ti .... - ... . 114 -114 117 -120 120 -120 .... - .... 120 -120 120 -120 117 -117 .... - ... . ... - .... 115½-117 117 -117¼ Consol,, 1st ..... . ..... . 6 108 -108 .... - ........ - .. .. 117 -117 115 -115 ... . - ........ - .... 113¼-113¼ .... - . .. 118 -114¼ 114¼-115 112 -112< RomeW.&Og,-lst ... '7 110 ·- no~ .... - ....... . - .... 111 -lll 112½-112½ 108)4-109 .. . . - ... ..... - . ....... - ....... - .. 107¼-109 106 -106 Con., 1st, ex, .. . . . .. .. . ;'i 102¾-103!1 102 -103 102¾-104¼ 101¼-102¼ 102 -102¾ 100¼-102 101 -101~ 100½-102 101¾-108¼ 98 -100 100¾-lOS 101½-102¾ Income ...... .. ... ....... '7 102 -107 ... . - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... . - ........ - ........ - .... .... .. .. .... - ........ - ..... .. - .. . . St. Jos.&G'd.Isl.-lst.6 106¾-107½ 100 -107½ 105¼-107¾ 107¾-108½ 10-1 -105¾ 103¼-104% 102¾-104 90 -102 97 -100¼' 92 - 98 95 - 98½ 07½- ~8¼ 2d, income .. .. ..... .. .. ~ 7li)4- 73½ 72 - 72 70 - 70 ':'O - 75 70¾- 7!¾ 70 - 72 65 - 65 tl5 - 65 .... - .. . ... - . . . . - • • • • .. • - .. •· St. L, Alt,& T.H.-lst.'7 114 -114 114 · 114 .... - .... 115 -115 .... - .... 116 -116 .. . - .... 118 -118 118 -113 .... - .... 118 -113 .... - .... 2d, pref ................. .1 .... - .... 110 -111 110¾-112¾ 111 -111 112 -112 1~2¾-112~ 112¼-112¼... - .... 107 -108 109½-109½ 108 -109¾ 108 -108,!4 2d, income .............. 7 107½-108 Dividend bonds ....... 6 35 - 88  107 -107 107½-107½ 107¼-107¼ 105 -100 105 -105 .. .. - .... 8~ - 85 .... - ... 85 - 47¼ 48 - 4S  107 -107 40 - 45  .... - .... t07 -107 105 -105¼ 103 103¼ .. .. - ... . 40 - 42 .... - •... 38 - 37 88 - 42 40 - 41¼  Bell. & So, Ill.-lst .. 8 .... - .... . .. - ........ - .... 124 -124 .... - ...... .. - ........ - ........ - .... 116 -117 .... • · . .. ·1118 -118 116 -117 Bell. & Caron.-lst-6 .... - ........ - ... llS¼-113¼ .... - ........ - .. .. . .. - . ... .... - .... ... - ........ - ........ - ....... • - •· •· · • .. - •··· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  llAJL1WA1J llONJJS. 1887-Concl uded. JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BBR. OCTOBER Nov'BER T'IEC' B ER.  M.A.Y. JUNE. M.A.RCH. APRIL. ---- - - - --------,-----,---- - - ---- ---- ---- ---·-·1--~-  ,T.A.NU.ARY FEBR'RY,  BONDS.  Low.High Low.High Low.Blgb Low. Hig h Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  - - --  St.L,Ark.&Tex,-lst.6 100 -100¾ 9$¼-100¾ 90½-101¾ I00½ -102% 09 -101¼ 99¼-1()()7,.,i 98¾- 9~.{ 96½· 99% 95½- 99½ 97¼-99!)4 96¾- 98½ 97¾- 98½ 2d., 1936 ...... . ........ 6 53¼- 55¼ 49¼- 54 50½- 53½ 50 - 53¼ 49¾- 52¼ 44 - 507,.,i 45 - 47 41¾- 46 35 - 45 39 - 44 41½- 45½ 40 - 44¼ St. L.& Iron Mt,-lst .. 7 113¾-115 111 -111¾ 110 -111½ 110¾- 112 111½ -112 111½-112 112½-112½ 108 -109 10, -108¼ 107 - 108¼ 108¾--109¼ 108½-109 2d, 1897 ................ 7 113 -114¾ 114 -114 114 -114½ 114 -114 109 -111½ 111 -112 112 -114 113½-114 112 -113 110 - 114 109 - 110 108%-110 Ark. Branch . ..... .... 7 112 -112 111½-llS 111½-llS 112¾-114¾ . . .. - ... 109½-109½ 110 -112 . . .. ..... . - .... . .. . - . . . . 110 -112 l Oi !l,(-109½ Co.ire &Fulton-lst.. 7 106½-107¼ 106½-107 100½-107 1 ~- 107½ 108 -108% 108½-109¼ 1()4%-105¾ 105 -105½ 104 - 105½ 105 -105½ 106 - 106½ 105½ -109 Co.iro Ark, & Texas. 1111 -112½ lll½-112½ 112¼-113 113 -113 116 - 116 111½ -lll½ 111 -111¾ 109 -110 109¼-110½ 108 -112½ 111½-ll l½ . .. . - . ... Gen, consol. & I, g .... ~ 95 - 90 96 - 98½ 96 - 98 04 - 95;14 94 - 95 94 - 95 OS - 94% OS - 96 92ll(- 96% 89½- 94 90 - 94 01 - 94 St, Paul & Dul,- lst .. li .. - . . . . .. - ........ - .... 112¾·112½ .... - . . .. 112!,fi-113 1118 -113 . . . . . ... . ... - , . • . . .. - . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . - ... . St. P. Minn.& M,-lst . .7 110¼-110½ ... - . . .. 114 -115 117 -118 116 -116 116¼-116¼ 113½-114¼ 112¼-113¼ 112¾-112½ 112 - 112¾ . . .. - . .. ..... - .. .. 2d mortg., 1909 . . ... . 6 119 -120 118 -120 119½-121 118½-118½ 119 -120 ll8½-120¼ 119½- 120 119¾-119¾ 115½ -118½ 112½- 117 115½-116½ 115½-116~ Dakota Extension . . . . 6 119 -119½ 118½-120 118¾-120 120 -120¾ 118 -119 ll7½- ll9 118½- 119 1.16½-118 115 -115 118½-118½ 115½-116 115 - 116 1st, consol,, coup .... 6 119 -120 118½-120 118 -120 119½-120 119½ -120¼ 119½-120 116¾-117¼ 115 -117 114½-115),.( 115 -,118 ll 6½-117 115¾- 117 Reduced to ........ . 4½ ... - .. . . 98 - 99 09)4'-100 99%-100½ 100%-101½ 100½-101¼ 98¼- 99 98¾- 99¼ 98¾- 99¼ 98 - 98½ 98¼- 98½ 98 - 99 SanA.&Ar.P,,1916 .. 6 .... - .... . .. - ....... . - ...... .. - .... 90½- 90½ 91 - 91 .. . . - ... ..... - ........ - ...... .. - •• . .. . . - .. .. . . .. - .. . . 1926 ....... .... .... ..... 6 .... - . . ..... . - .... . ... - .... 92 92 92 - 9~ 92½- 92½ 91¼- 91½ .. .. - .. .. 90 - 90 .... - .. .. ... . - ..... . . - .. . . !Scioto Vallev-lst,con.7 .. . . - ........ - .... *68 - 65 *60 - 65 *60 - 60 .... - .. . . . . .. - . ... *55 - 55 . .. - ... .. .. . - ...... .. - ... . . .. . - .. . . Shenandoah Val.-lst.1 96 -100 96 - 99½ 97%- 97% 97½-100 . ... - .... . . .. - . . .... .. - ..... . .. - . ....... - ... .. ... - .. .. ... . - ... . ... - . .. . T1·ust 1•eceipts .... ........... - .. . . . . . . 06½- 9'1½ 96½-107½ 107 -109 107½- 109 105 -106 103½ -108½ ... . - ...... .. - . . .. 92½- 97½ 91¾- 02 Gen, mort ............ . 6 39½- 48 39 - 39½ 37 - 40 3::3 - 52~ 49½- 55 50 - 54½ 477/4- 52 45 - 46½ 32 - 43½ 38 - 38 35 - 87 34½- 37 South Carolina-1st ... .6 107½-107½ 106¾-107¼ 99½-106½ 98½- 98% 96 - 97 \16 - 99 98 - 98 97 - 97½ 96½- 99 95 - 96½ 95 - 06 9fi - 96 2d, 1931 ................ ti 80 - 80 . ... - .... - ..... ... - ... . 65 - 65 66 - 67 . . .. - . . .. .. - . . . . - . . .. .. .. - . .. 65 - 66 .... - ... . Incomes .. ... ......... ... 6 28¼- 28½ 24 - 26 19 - 24 25 - 25¼ 19 - 20 20 - 20 . . . . - .... 15 - 15¾ 1S - 15 18 - 13¼ 13 - 16½ 15 _ 16 Tenn,Coal&I,-1901.6 104 -104 .. . . - ..... . . - ........ - . ... ... . - ...... .. - .... . .. . - . . .. . . . . - ... .. . . . - .. .. .. . . - .. ... .. . "" .... . ... - . .. . So. Pitts., 1902 ...... 6 . ... - .... .. . . - .. ..... . - ........ - .... 107 - 107 . ... - .. . . .. . . - . .. .. . . - .. .. . ..• - ..... . . - . . .. 100 -100 _ Bir. Div., 1st .. ....... 6 .... - .... 88¼- 90½ 86 - 91 90 - 98 88 - 91 85 - 89 83½- 86 80 - 85 74 - 81 75 - 79 79 - 8ll¾ .82½Tex.C.-lst,s .f.,1909 .. 7 77 - 77½ 77 - 80 .... - .... 78 - 78 .. . . - .... 78 - 81 80 - 80 . .. - ... .... . - . .. . . .. - . . . . ... . - . . . . 70 - 70 1st 1nort., 1911 ...... 7 ... . - ........ - . . . .. ... - ........ - .... 77½ - 80 79 - 79 . . .. - ....... . - ........ - . .. .. . .. - .. ..... . ·· .. .. .... - . .. . Tex.&N.0. - lst,1905.7 . . .. - .... 111'.> -115 ... - ...... . . - ....•... - ... . i,. ••• - .. . . 115 - 115 .... - .. . . ... . - . .. .. . . - . . .. . .. . - .. . ... . _ ... . Sabine Div,, 1st . . . . .. 6 .... - .... 103½-104 l00½-104½ 108 -103½ 108¼-lOS½ 104¾-104¼ 103 -104 . ... - .... 100 -102½ 100 - 102 100 -102 102 - 102 Toi. A. A. & N. M., lst.6 f29 - 92 89 - 90 89%- 90¼ 90 - 97 93 -100 97 - 09 98¼-100 97½- 99½ 90 - 97 90 - 93½ 89 - 90 89½- 90 Tol.A.A.&G.T,-lst .. 6103 -103 104¾-104¾ 104½-105 104,¾-105 105¾-107 107 - 109½ 106 •107 104 -105 102½-105 100 -105 lOC½ -102½ 101 -102½ Toi.& Ohio Ccnt, 95 - 99¾ 96½- 98 95 - 98½ 97½- 98½ 97½- 09% 98 - \19¼ \16 - 96¾ 95½- 96 95 - 95 91 - 95 92¾- 95 94½- 95¼ ToJ,P.&W.-lst tr.ct .. 7 104 -110 108 -lt2 107½-109 107¼-108½ 107½-lOtl½ 108 -109½ 108½-109 ... - ........ - .... 70 - 70 . ... - ... . 82½- 90 Tol.St.L.&K.C,-lst,6 ... - ....... - . .. .. .. - ........ - ... .. . .. - .... 96¾- 97% 95½ - 97% 95 - 96¼ 94 - 95¾ 92 - 96 93'7,.,i- 94¾ 91½- 111¾ Virginia. Midln.nd-lnc,ti 97 - 99 .... - .. . . 96¾- 07 95 - 96 95½- 98¼ ... - .. . . 96 - 96 .• •• - ........ - .... .... - . . .... .. - . . . . _ Gen, mo1•t,, 1936 . .. . li .. .. - ........ - .. .. .... - .... 90 - 90 88%- 90 86 - 89 87½- 89¾ 86 - 88¾ 79½- 80 75 - 80 77 - 82½ Valley Ry, ofO,-Con.ti 105 -105 .... - ........ - ........ - .. .. 104 -105 105½-106 .. .. .. . . .. - ....... - ... .. ... - . . .. . .. - .... . . . . Wnb. St, Louis & Pac.Gen. mort,, tr, 1·ec ... 6 49 - 60 49½- 52½ 52 - 51> 55 - 58 57¾- 00¾'. 53 - 60 50 - 53 51 - 55 55¾- 55¾ 52 - 52 56 - 57½ 50¼- 50¾ Chicago Div ............ li 91¾- 94 89 - 95 93¾- 96½ 96½ -100½ 100¼-104¼ 100 -102½ 98 -100¼ 98 - 99½ 04 -100 98½-102½ 99 - 103½ 97½-102 Den·oit Division . . ... 6 .... - ........ - . ... 91 - 92 91½- 98½ 98 -100½ 97 - 97 .... - . .. . 9-. - IJ5½ lJ3 -102¼ -104 103 - 108¼ 107 -107 Wab'sh~Mo1•t, 1909.7 85¾'.- 85¼ 86¼- 88 84½- 88½ 88½- 90½ 98 - 97 90¾- 90½ IJO - 90 82 - 85 90 - 90 82 - 85 87 - 94 90 _ 92¾ Toi.& W,-lst, cxt'd.7 110¼-113½ 112 -113½ 112½-118½ 113½ -116 116 -117¼ 113 -114½ 114¼-114½ 115 - 115 118 -114½ 114¼ -115 110 - 112½ 110¾-lli St, LouisDiv .. ... .... 1106 -111½ 109¼-lll 110 -111 110%-114½ 114 - 110 112 -113 111 -112 llQ½-110½ 110 - 110½ 118 · 115 110½-111 108 -110 2d, extended ... ...... . , 99 -103¾ 90¼-101½ 101½- 102¾ 102 -104¼ 105 -108 105 -105 911 -102 100 -102 98 - 99 97 - 98½ 96 - 96 90 _ 94 Cons., conv . ..... ... 7 90 - 95½ .. .. - .. .. 84 - 00¾ 92 - 94¼ 94 - 99 93 - 93 88 90 85 - 85 83 - 1)5 80 - 00 90 - 90 92½- 92½ Gt, Weste1·n-lst ...... 7 109 -ll2½ 111½-118 112 -118½ 113%-115½ 115¾-117½ 113 - 114 114 -114½ 116 -116 114 -114 114½-114½ 109½-112:.1:! 109½-110% 2d mort., 1893 ..... 7 99 -103¼ 99½-101¾ 101¾-102¾ 102 - 104 105 -107 102 -105½ 09¾-102½ 98 -101 98 -100 li4 - 99 93~- 96 90 _ l'5 Quincy & Tol.-lst ... ,- .... - ........ - ........ - ....... - . ... 96 -J.03 99 -106 . ... - .... 100 -100 100 - 100 .. . . - .. . . . . . . - . ... .. . . . . ., St,L,K.C.&N.-Rl.E,1110 -112 111 -112½ 109 -111¾ 110 -111¾ 112 -112½ 112½-118 112 -114¼ 114 -114 .... - ........ - ... . 110 -112 111 - 111 Omaha Div., tJ•,rec.1100 -101½ 100 -1C8½ 108½-119 117½-118½ 118¼-125 122¾-124 7,1 121¼-125 119 -119 .. .. - . . . .... - ........ - .... .. .. - .. . . St. Chas. Bridge .... 6 103½,-103½ 103½-108½ 104 -104 L04 -106 107 - 107 . ... - .. . . ... - .... 106 - 106 .. . . - ..... . . . - .. . ..... - .. . .. .. - •• •• North, Mo,-lst .... . ... 1114¾-114¾ 115½-llt\ 117 -117¾ 117½-118 117¾-118>" 118 -118½ 113½-118½ 112 -112 .. - .... . . .. - ... . 112 - 114½ 114 -114 Wo.rren-2d mort . . . ... ,- .... - ... .. ... - ... . .... - ........ - ....... - ....... . - .. .. 120 -120¼ . . .. - .... .. . . - ... . .... - .. ....• - ........ - ... . West Sho1·e, guar ...... 4 102¾-108¼ 102½-103¼ 102¼- 108 102¾-108¼ 103¼-104 108 -104¾ 98%-101¾ 98¼-100 97 -100 08½- ll9¼ 98%-101 101 -102 Registe1•ed . . .......... . 4 102%-108¼ 102¾-108¼ 102¾-!03 102½-103¼ 103 -104 xlOl-104¾ 91)¾-101¼ 98½-100 977/4- 99½ 9R½- 99 98¾- 101 9~· 101~ '1 est. Un. Tel.-Coup .. 1119½-119½ 118 -118½ 119 -119 120 -120 .. . . - .•.. .. - .. . ... - .... 116½-116½ 118 -118 118 - 118 115½-115½ 117 - 117 Registered ........ .... ,- .... - .. . . 119¼- 119¼ ... - .... 120 - 120 118 - 118 ... . - .. .. 116½-118½ 118 -118 .... - .... 119 - 119 ..•• - .... 117 - 117 Wheel.&Lnke E,-lst,fj .... - ........ - .. . ..... - .. .. .... - . ..... . . - .. 101 -102½ 1007,i-102 100 -101¾ 100 -101½ - ... . .. .. - ., . ..... - .. ..  83..  ·78 _so ..  • Coupon off. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  llAILlWAD ANJJ 1l!ISOBLLANEOUS S'l'OGltS. Exchange v~lues, the crash was at last precipitated by the turning up of a line of frauds in financial operations which The following brief remarks should be read in connec• had hardly been matched before-and the worst and heaviest of these frauds was perpetrated under the influence of the tion with the range of prices on subsequent pages, which name (though not with the personal connivance) of that disshow the highest and lowest prices monthly at the N. Y. tinguishr d soldier a nd President, General U. S. Grant. The names of Fish of the Marine Bank, Grant & Ward, John C. Stock Exchange in each of the five years 1883 to 1887, Eno, and a few others, must be woven into the history of . inclusive. The record of the N. Y. Stock market forms May , 1884. "The Marine Bank and Grant & Ward suspended on an important part of the financial history of the country. Tuesday, May 6, and the followh1g week the Metropolitan , 1883.-In the stock market the decline in prfoes during the Bank suspended, followed by a number of banker and broker year 1883 was more g enel_'al and more severe than in any pri~r firms, and 1 be h eight of the excitement was r eached. The year since the gloomy period of 1873-1878. To account for this Clearing H ou se hanks joined together to support each other extreme depression, it is necessary to go back a few by issuing ' Clearing House certificates,' by which m eans the years and take an observation of the actual condition of rail- Metropolitan Bank was enabled to resume on Thursday , May road affairs. The building of many new railroads, and the 15, t he d ay after its suspension. The Second National Bank consolidations and combinations which took place among a was r obbed of a bout $3,000,000 by the stock speculations of its great number of the old companies, led to the floating of a Presid ent, John C. Eno, but this deficiency was immedia tely mass of new stocks and bonds, upon which it was found impos- m ade good by the father of the defaulter and other disible to earn interest or dividends. 'rhis spe0ula ti ve stuff was rect ors." The greatest depression in tone and in the prices of many stocks floated during the general activity, commonly d esignated as the ., boom " which lasted with more or less variation from July 1, wasreachedabout Friday, June 27,when the unmitigated bear 1878 td July 1, 1881. Railroad stocks or income bonds which have attacks on the market led to such an overselling that there no r;asonable prospect of dividends for four or fiv e years to waea very quick rally the next day and a semi-panic among come are not often worth more than 20 to 25 in the market, and the bears. After the first of July and the occurrence of very some of them may be worth much le_s~. Rene~, if the i_narket is few d efaults by railroads, there was a wonderful r ecovery in loaded up with a mass of such i;ecunt1es at pnces rang rng from tone, and an improvement in prices, from which there was 40 to 100 it is plainly in a d&.ngerous condition, where a g r<la t never afterwards a r elapse to the panicky fe eling of May and shrinkag~ in values may begin at any time. Tht:1 law is almost June. The upward movement in stocks was pushed in July sure to assert itself in time, and after holders b ave becom e con .. and August, with the assistance of different pools, which of vinced that there is no hope of making anything by a rise in course sold out and left the market in a languishing condition by the first of September. In the last four prices, or, still worse, that there is no hope of g etting rid their burden for the price at which they took it., the effort to months of the year the benefit of the large crop moveunload will begin, and will keep on till liquidation has taken ment was greatly counteracted by the disagreement among the railroads and cutting of rates, and by the bad condition of the place. These remarks are necessary to an understa.nding of the stock anthracite coal trade, the default of Readmg, and especially by market of 1883. 'rhe public had become loaded with securities the long-continued contest between the West Shore road and which gave no prospect of furnishing income. They did not the N. Y. Central <$r, Hudson over passenger rates. From the realize this fullv till 1882 and 1883, and then they began to un- termination of the Presidential election excitement, late in November, till the end of the year, there never was a hearty load. Railroad traffi~ and earnings were large beyond precedent. bull movement in stocks. It had been generally accepted for While other branches of business were languishing, a nd while some months tha t Mr. Vanderbilt was practically a bear on the even railroad stocks were declining severely at the Stock Ex- situation, and had sold a large amount of his stocks, and on changes, the railroads w~re showing a heavy business, and December 12th the Lackawanna pool closed out their holdreporting the largest earmngs ever made: Th~ y t'ar 188? w ai;; ings, so that there was no strong support left to the mar. plainly the maximum year yet reached m ra1lroad_ busm~ss. ket, and prices closed at the end of the year with great The decline in stocks, therefore, arose more from the 1mmed1ate depression. Some of the principal events of the year bearing directly on influences bearing upon the markets, and from appreh eni;ion afl to the futm·e, than frog:i any weakness actually developed in the Stock Market were as follows: On January 1 a meeting of the directors of the New York & New England Railroad · the railroad situation. held in Hartford, and on their application President Clark As the year progressed the market went from bad· t o worse, was was appointed receiver at 2 o'clock on the morning of Jan. 2. and the climax: of depression was reached after the default of The River Construction Company, building the New the Ohio Cen.tral Railroad, on Sept. 1, and the great break in the York North West Shore & Buffalo Railroad was in difficulties, and Northern Pacific and Oregon & Trans-Continental stocks, after ex-Judge Ashbel Green was appointed receiver January 12. the last soike (golden spike) was drivPn. completing the main In the latter partof May the directors of the New York Lake line of the Northern Pacific, on the 8th day of September. Railroad earnings were almost abnormally large, and on many Erie & Western Railroad decided to pass the interest due on the second consolidated bonds. On May 28 Messrs. roads the gross receipts were the largest Aver made, owing to June 1 Humphreys, of New York, and Thos. E. Tutt, of St. the very heavy tonnage at high rates. Among the leading Solon Louis, were appointed receivers of Wabash St. Louis & Paevents of the year were the leasing of the Central Railroad ot cific Railroad. On June 2 the directors of the Philadelphia & ~ew Jersey from June 1, to the Philadelphia & Reading; the RR. and Phila. & Reading Coal & Iron Co. applied lease of th~ New York Pennsylvania & Ohio from May 1 by Reading U. S. Circuit Court to have receivers appointed, and the New York Lake Erie & Western ; the strike of the West- tothe M. Lewis, Geo. de B. Keim, the President, and Stephen ern Union Telegraph operators in July, and the break- Edwin A. Caldwell, were so appointed. On June 7 the New York ing up of the Iowa pool in December. Prices at the end West & Buffalo Railroad was placed in the hands of exof Decemoer were generally near to the lowest point of the JudgeShore Horace Russell and Theodore Houston as receivers, and year. on July 1 default was made on the first mortgage bonds. u l_SS4.-The stock marketopened inJanuarywithdepression In June the Union Pacific suspended dividends and a radical which was brought over from December. On the first of the year change was made in the management of the road, Mr. Charles a receiver was appointed for the New York & New England Francis Adams, Jr., being elected President in place of Mr. Railroad, and a break in West Shore bonds and appointment Sidney Dillon. The dividends usually declared in of a receiver for the North River Construction Company, to June and payable in August were passed on Michgether with a new break in Oregon & Trans-Continental and the igan Central and Canada Southern and the quarterly Northern Pacifies, caused a gloomy feeling in the market. On dividend on Lake Shore was reduced from 2 to the 26th of the month a turn was given by the,formation of a 1½ per cent, and in December the dividend was passed. The syndicate which made a loan to the Oregon &Trans-ContinentHl Central Pacific passed its dividends, the last paid being that of on the pledge of its stocks, and thereafter a quick move against February 1 at 3 per cent. The usual quarterly dividend on the shorts was made which caused a sharp advance in prices New York Central, payable in October, wa.s reduced from 2 to and a firm tone during the balance of the month and through- 1½ per cent, and soon after the company announced that out most of February, when the speculative su~port kept up $10,000,000 5 per cent debenture bonds had been issued. On prices till near the end of that month. On the first of March November 1 default was made on Denver & Rio Grande first the corner in Delaware Lackawanna & Western took place, mortgages and Chicago & Atlantic firsts. In November an which carried the price up to 133¼ regular and 139½ for cash. important change was made in the board of directors of the This was demoralizing to the bears, and about the middle New York Lake Erie & Western Railroad, and Mr. John King of the month another squeeze in N. Y. Central to 122 increased was elected President in place of Mr. Hugh J. Jewett, who rethe feeling. Under the influence of these corners there wa.s tired from the management of the company. a chance for the large stock speculators to ~et off a considerable amount of stock, and with some fluctuations there was a deISSli.-The year 1885 was one of the most remarkable in the clining tendency till the end of April. stock market that had ever been known. It was one of those On the 14th of May came the panic, which the Commercial years when immense fortunes could be made in stocks with a and Financial Chronicle referred to in its financial review of merely nominal capital ; after June, the rise in prices was that month substantially as follows:· so large and steadily maintained, with slight reactions, that '"This was the culminating point in a period of nearly eleven there was little danger of loss to any one who purchased on years, during which had occurred the slow recovery from the fair margins with a determination to hold. The first half of crash of 1873, the rise and development of the most gigantic the year from the opening till the middle of June was a speculation in railroads that any country had ever seen, and period of great depression, and notwithstanding the European finally the inevitable downward movement continued during war prospects the market had no real animation, and could nearly three years from July, 1881, and ending in May, 1884, get none while the trunk line war was waged so bitterly withwith what came near to being a serious financial c~isis. At out any prospect of early settlement. About the middle of "t;b.e end of three years of unparalleled shrinkage in Stock June a buying moveme~t commenced somewhat myBtedously  l\TEW YORK STOCK MARKET, 1883- 87. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  I  R.AILROAJJ .AND .1.lllSOELL.ANEOUS STOCKS. in West Shore bonds, the Vanderbilt stockd aud Erie, but it was not until July that the impression became general in Wall Street that this was backed by strong parties. and was founded on negotiations for a settlement of the New York Central and West Shore imbroglio. The Chronicle, however as early as June 19, gave notice of. the turn of affairs in these, words : "The most significant move in the market, and what certainly would appear to have some unexplained force back of it, is the cotemporaneous advance in Vanderbilt stocks and West Shore bonds. During the six months or more that the market has been hanging on the changing aspects of the West Shore-Central imbroglio, there has been no such strength or large transactions in the bond,saccompanied by a rise in Central stock. Now, too, the movement excites more interest from the fact that it sprung up on an insufferably dull market, and the ordinary causes assigned for it of 'a speculative move' or 'covering short sales' are altogether insufficient and unsatisfactory." In AuguEUi the success was announced of the negotiation carried on through Mr. Morgan, of Dr~xel, Morgan & Co., for the sale of the South Pennsylvania Railroad to the Pennsy lvania Railroad Company, and the foreclosure of the West Shore road and its lease .to the New York Central & Hudson, with a positive guarantee of $50.000,000 new 4 per cent West Shore first mortgage bonds. Following this, a strong pool was formed among the trunk lines for the maintenance of rates, which were advanced in November; the West Shore was foreclosed according to the programme, and under th@ final set• tlement of the railroad difficulties, the stock and bond market in October and November was one of the most active and buoyant that had ever been witnessed. The Chronicle then commented upon the movement as follows: "The great feature of November was the continued activity, buoyancy and excitement at the Stock Exchanges in New York and other cities, which kept up during the first three weeks of the month with very littleabatement. Not only has there been no serious reaction, but tlle movement has grown almost steadily, and we find this week that many stocks and bonds have been pushed upward to the highest figures yet made. It seems evident thatthe'l)ower of the immense bank surplus, when once set in motion, and the extent, of the public hunger for stocks and bonds when excited, had both been underestimated, and there is little doubt that the heaviest professional stock operators have been as much surprised as any one else at the breadth and staying power of the present boom in securities." After the 20th of November there were occasional reactions and some irregularity till the close of the year, but nothing which amounted to a considerable set-back, and the year closed with all the benefits of the great railroad negotiation fully sustained, and the ability to sell at the Stock Exchange any reasonable amount of stocks or bonds at prices vastly better than those ruling before the settlement of the trunk Jine difficulties was foreshadowed. Pursuing the course of the year from its opening we observe that in January depression and dulness were the rule; the trunk line war was rife; the coal combination, to make up for the withdrawal of the Pennsylvania RR. Co., alloted an extra 1,000,000 tons of anthracite for the year, making 31,000,000 tons in all; Houston & Texas Central and East Tennessee Virginia &Georgia defaulted on Jan. 1. In February the depression continued except on a speculative rise lasting about ten days and led by Del. Lackawanna&West.; theCentral Railroad of New Jersey defaulted on its coupons; the House of Representatives declined to act on the bill to stop the coinage of silver ; the Southern railroads had the benefit of the New Orleans Exposition. In March, Apriland May there was little animation, and the varying rumors of war between Russia and England had much to do with the course of our markets. The Nickel-Plate road went into receiver's hands in April and defaulted on the first mortgage interest due June 1; the New York Central, St. Paul and Omaha dividends were reduced ; Pacific Mail rose sharply on the passage of the postal subsidy law, but fell off again quickly, and in June also was weak on the loss of the Steamer Tokio and the refusal of the Postmaster-General to pay the extra amounts provided by the new law for carryin~ the ocean mails. The Ohio Central was foreclosed in April ; Chesapeake & Ohio defaulted on one half the interest on its '' B" bonds due May 1; Missouri Pacific settled the old Garrison suits in full; Lake Erie & Western went to a receiver in May; nego• tiations were pending for a lease of Oregon Navigation to Union Pacific and Northern Pacific. All was stagnation and depression at the Stock Exchange until the middle of June. After the middle of June, as above remarked, the situation changed for the better. But the N. Y. Central quarterly dividend was reduced to ½ of 1 per cent, and in August and September the Northwest preferred was reduced to 7 per cent per year, and inferentially the common to6 per cent; Lehigh Valley to 1 per cent quarterly and Lackawanna 1~,4'. The Union Pacific effected a sale of securities in September sufficient to clear off its floating debt; St. Paul voted to issue $5,000,000 new preferred stock at par. In October the Erie loan on Long Dock property was reported; the New York & New England cleared off its floatiug debt by issuing about $1,800,000 preferred stock, and the receiver was discharged about the close of the year; the Baltimore & Ohio made its arrangement in November for terminals on Staten Island; the West Shore road was sold in foreclosure November 24, and the new company organized in December. Mr. W. EL Vanderbilt died on December 8. The Texas Pacific stock collapsed in December, and a receiver was appointed for the road on the suit of the :Missouri Pacific RR, Co., a large holder of its tloa.tiDg debt 10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1886.-The general course of the stock market was one of comparative dulness and irregularity from the first of January till the middle of May. Foremost among the causes of depression were the great labor strikes in the Southwest, in Chicago, Milwaukee and New York, and finally the anarchist outrage in Chicago on the 4th day of May. In tbe next place, the condition of foreign trade was quite unsatisfactory and the prices of our leading staple products were very low ; imports of merchandise exceeded exports in value, and gold was going out at the rate <if $5,000,000 or more a month. Under these circumstances it was not until the latter part of May that the market really turned and assumed a stronger and more confident tone, from which it never afterward completely relapsed. The better feeling which began in May was helped by good reports from the growing crops in June and July, and also by a large export movement in wheat. The export of gold ceased after June, and there was a considerable demand for American stocks and bonds after the turn of the year, which made itself apparent in a return flow of gold towards this country. The market advanced to large dealings in September, October and November, culminating in a great speculative buoyancy that reached its height late in November. From this point the market con, tinued with irregularity, some special stocks being still further pushed upward, but the general list dragging as December advanced, the downward tendency being pronounced by the 11th and reaching a crisis on the 15th. Call loans had been forced up to very high rates, as much as ½ of 1 per cent a day, and a stock panic was precipitated in which prices fell off as sharply as in the worst periods of a serious crisis. Some of the widest fluctuations Dec. 11 to 15 wereManhattan Elevated, 165¼-153¾; Chattanoo_ga, 101-67½; New York & N..ew England, 64¼-44; Philadelphia & Reading, 48--80; R. & W. P. Terminal, 45½-80; Tennessee Coal & Iron Co., 109-60½, The sales at the New York Stock Exchange on Dec. 15 were the heaviest ever made in a single day, amounting to 1,096,000 shares. During the next few days the market first reacted, then dragged sluggishly, but assumed a tirmer tone and recovered materially before the end of the · 1887'.-The price for mats at the New York Stock Exchange declined during the year 1887 just about one third: or from $30,000 early in the year to $20,000 in December. P t>rhaps this furnishes the best comment that can be made very briefly upon the character of the business. The particular events of the year are referred to below under the respective mon ths in which they occurred, but as to the general course of the market it may be said that there was no panic or sudden break except that of June 24, and tbere ~as no period of real buoyancy, unless a single week in November was entitled to be called sucb. The year opened with depression, owing to the coal-handle1·s' s rike, soon foll owed by that of the freight-handlers in this city. The Inter-tate Commerce- bill and European war rumors also bad an unfavorable effect, and stocks were generally depressed till the end of February, when there- was a recovery. During March the market was stronger, influenced to some ext nt by the movement in special stocks and by some foreign buying. The Inter-State Commerce law went into effect April 5th, but the Commissioners soon decided to su... pend for ninety days the ope rations of the fourth section relating to the long-andshort haul in its application to a number of leading railroads having the competition of water routes, and this 1 elieved the apprehension . The tendency of prices was generally upward till the middle of June, and this period was practi" cally the best of the year, with a decidedly strong tone. On June 14 came the break in the coffee speculation here and on 1he 15th the collapse of the wheat corner in Chicago, leading to the bad failure of the Fidelity National Bank of Cincinnati. These events shook confidence very severely, and they were followed by the tumble of Manhattan Elevated stock in this market about 41 points, when Mr. C. W. Field sold out a block of 50,000 shares to Mr. Gould at 120. Money became very active, loans were called, and on June 24 the _m arket was almost in a panic and remained very sensitive for sometime afterwards, The bears organized a strong party in June, and in July stocks generally declined, the famous Baltimore & Ohio deal with H. S. Ives coming to an end by the positive announcement of Mr. Garrett that the purchasers were unable to fulfill their agreement. But the whole Baltimore & Ohio transaction hung over the market for so long a time, and disclosed such weakness on the part of one of the great trunk line railroads, that it exerted over the stock market one of the most pernicious influences of the year. In August the market had spasms of strength, as the fear of tight mon6y was somewhat relieved by the action of the Treasury in purchasing bonds. Late in the month Grovesteen & Pell, the bankers of the Rome & Decatur Railroad, failed, and this gave rise to much caution among the lenders of money on railroad collaterals. The purchase of the Baltimore & Ohio Express business by the United States Express Co immediately followed, and then the announcement of the Baltimore & Ohio Syndicate to relieve the company from its embarrassment of a floating debt of about $10,000,000. The bears conducted an active campaign and made large profits, and after experiencing a stronger tone in the last part of September, prices again became weak and feverish. The prospects for easy money were more permanently assured by the action of Secretary Fairchild in October in offering to  RAILROAD AND MISOELLANEOUS STOaJts. deposit money with the national banks, taking the 4 per cent Government bonds as collateral at 110, instead of 90, as formerly. The bears appeared to have covered their contracts, and early in November the market was strong, prices advancing, and the business of the second week, on general buying, was one of the best of the year. This did not continue, however; prices fell off again and December was a very dull month, the volume of sales at the Board much of the time being near a minimum. The year closed with depression among stock brokers, notwithstanding the excellent statements of the Vanderbilt roads and the remarkable record of the year in railroad earnings. A table of the opening, highest, lowest and closing prices of the principal stocks sold at the N. Y. Stock Exchange in 1887, is given on a previous page, in the '' Retrospect." Sales at the Stock Exchange have been as follows since 1879: RR.and Mis. stocks.  RR. andMis. bonds.  Government bonds.  412,309,400 569,910,200 385,889,500 246,769,410 284,768,100 499,955,200 6 60,659,400 587,237,500 34?,127,330  112,571,850 58,459,600 3fl,3!l5,850 18,555,850 17,046,150 14,905,150 15,261,200 12,793,500 7,110,400  I  Ifor  State  bonds.  -------- - - - -$ - $ $  Shares.  1879---·· 72,765,762 1880 ·-- . 97,919,099 1881 . •• . 114,511,248 1882 .. -.. 116,307,271 1883 .__ __ 97.049,909 1884 ____ , 96,154,971 1885 . __ .. 92,538,947 1886 . .... 100,802,050 1887 -..:-=.:.: ~ •~l~,616_  22,643,150 15,497,400 49,569,300 26,571,260 6,986,500 2,826,900 14,678,053 20,39-! ,411 15,306!800  Taking the course of the year by months, the principal events bearing upon the stock market were as follows : JA.NUA.RY.-Decision rendered against the New York Chic. & St. Louis Railway (Nickel Plate), declaring first mortgage void and second mortgage valid. The Inter-State Commerce Act passed the Senate on the 14th and the House on the 20th. Richmond Terminal was active, and the agreement with the East Tenn. Virginia & Georgia was made public. An extensive strike among coal-handlers in Jersey City began on the 8th. and the 'longshoremen struck in N. Y. on the 23d. The Fitchburg Raih·oad purchased the Hoosac Tunnel. FEBRUA.RY.-The Inter-State Commerce bill was signed by the President on the 4th. The strike· among Reading's coalhandlers failed and the strike among longshoremen in New York ended on the 11th. Atchison circular No. 59, was issued for building new roads in Kansas, Colorado and California ; there were also announced the Nickel-Plate Co.'s proposed plan of settlement ; the Missouri Kansas & Texas settlement with scripholders; the Texas & Pacific adjustment with income bondholders; the Corbin purchase of Jersey Central stock, and the new arrangement between Pacific Mail an 1 the Panama Railroad. MA.RCH.-Baltimore & Ohio Railroad rumors were active, and it transpired that Henry S. Ives held an option for purchasing control in the interest of Cincinnati Hamilton & Dayton. The Chicago & Atlantic and the Pittsburg & We,,tern reorganization plans were announced ; the Mexican National Loan was offered; Wabash purchasing committee were put in possession of the lines west of the Mississippi ; the period for depositing securities under the Reading plan expired March 31. Ind. Bloom. & Western road was sold March 28. APRIL.-The Inter-State Commerce law went into effecton the 5th. Among the notable railroad events were the plan  the Norfolk & Western and Louisville & Nashville con nection; the increase of $1,200,000 in Western Union stock; the increase of $10,000,000 proposed in Illinois Central stock, and the junction of the Atchison and Gulf Col. & Sante Fe lines in the Indian Territory; the lease of Oregon Nav. to Oregon Short Line, MA.Y.-Nickel-Plate road sold in foreclosure on the 19th. Missouri Pacific Company issued $5,000,000 new stock. Default made May 1 on Denver South Park & Pacific bonds ; Boston Hoosac Tunnel & Western sold to the Fitchburg RR.; the proposed issue was announced of $4,000,000 preferred stock and $2,500,000 bonds by Norfolk & Western. JUNE.-On the 24th the panic occurred led by Manhattan. The sale of 50,000 shares of Manhattan stock by Cyrus W. Field to Jay Gould at 120 was announced afterward. St. Paul announced the issue of $10,000,000 new stock . Western Union Telegraph Co. resumed dividends with one p. c. Denver & Rio Grande declared its first dividend upon preferred stock. The plan for reorganizing of the Central RR of N. J. was brought out. JULY.-Depressionruled at the Stock Exchange. Ballimo,e & Ohio negotiations came to an end on the 20th. AUGUST.-On the 11th the failure of H. S. Ives & Co. was announced. Grovesteen & Pell failed, negotiators of the East & West Alabama and Rome & Decatur bonds. New York City & Northern Railroad was sold undor foreclosure. B altimore & Ohio Express sold to the United States Express Co Oregon Trans-Continental Company sold to a syndicate of foreign bankers $6,000,000 of securhies. . SEPTEMBER.-On the 2d announcement was made of the syndicate of foreign and American bankers to relieve Baltimore & Ohio from its floating debt of about $10,000,000. OcTOBER.-There was general depression in stocka early in the month. The lowest point of stocks was generally touch ed on the 14th and days following, after Mr. Depew's St. Louis interview. The Balt. & Ohio Telegraph lines were sold to W estern Union for $5,000,000 W. U. stock and an annual rental of $60,000 per year for 50 years. Settlement made with the Wharton-Barker holders of Reading 1st series 5s. Baltimore & Ohio passed its dividend. On the 28th a receiver was appointed for the Chesapeake & Ohio. The Union Pacific and Northern Pacific companies agreed to lease Oregon Railway & Nav. lines. The Northern Pacific asked consent to issue a $12,000,000 3d mortgage. Rumors prevailed of the possible appointment of a receiver for Missouri Kansas & Texas, and Mr. Jay Gould sailed for Europe on the 29th. NOVEMBER.-There was a much healthier tone t o the stock market. There was a cut by the Grank Trunk on dressed beef rates from the West. The Pennsylvania Railroad increased its semi-annual dividend from 2½ to 3 per c, nt. Tbe Oreg:on Navigation nej?otiated 5 per cent bonds with bankers ~ broad through Mr. Villard. The Texas & Pacific and Central Iowa roads were sold in foreclosure. Some $-1,000,000 of the new 3d mortgage on the Northern Pacific was placed. The U. S. Circuit Court entered orders for the discharge of the receivers of the Philadelphia & Reading, the Jersey Central and the Buffalo New York & Philadelphia roads on Jan. 2, 1888. \ DECEMBER.-Dulness ruled at the Stock Exchange. Money was easier than expected, owing to the Government deposits with banks. Late in the month a strike by Philadelphia & Reading employes tookiJ)lace.  PRICES OF RAILROAD AND MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. , The following table 8 , show~ng the highest and lowest prices of railroad a.nd miscellaneous stocks in New York, for each month of the l~st} ~e~rs, are compiled fr:.,m sales made at the New York Stock Exchange. 'l'he compilation is made from suc:h pricee as constitute a fair ~tandard of marke~ valu_e, and sales of stock iu 100-share lots or upwards are taken except in the case 0 f those few stocks which sell almost entirely ID small lots. '  STOCKS.  - - - - - --r  J.ANU.ARY FEBR' RY.  ---- - - -  MARCH.  ----  .APRIL .  MAY .  J U NE.  JULY.  --- - --- --- - ---- --  AUGUS'.t. SEPT'BElt. OCTOBER. N0V'BER.  - - -- - - -  DEO'BER.  ------  Low . High Low.High Low .High Low.Hig h Low.High L ow H igh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  RAILROAD. Albany & Susquehanna. • · • • ... . 128 -181 ... . ... 130 - 181 132 - 182 180 - 182½ . .. . . ... 127 -127 132 - 182 181 - 185 188 - 183 184 - 184 Allea-auy Central. . . .... 10 - 10 .... - . ... ... .... a - 20 .... - .... .... - ... . .. .. - .... ... . - . .. . .... - .... .. .. - ... . . ... - . ... . . .. .... Atchison Top. & S. Fe .. .... - ... . 78½- 79 78¾- 80 84 - 85¼ 82¾- 83% 8811;- 84]~ 8 1½- 83½ 79¾- 80 83¾- 88¾ 81 - 82 .. .. - . ... 79¾- 79¾ 79 Bost-~~ N. Y. Ah·-L., p1•t 80 - 81½ 78 - 80½ 78 - 80¼ 81 - 84¾ 81¾- 88 - 82 80 - 82% 79¾- 88 81 - 83½ 79¼- 81¾ 80 - 82½ 82 - 82)4 Bur. C. Rap, & North . .. 82 - 88 80½- 82 80 - 81 80¼- b2 81 - 82 81 - 82½ 80 - 84 80 - 81½ 75 - 80 81 - 85 80 - 81 81½- 86 Canadian Pacific. .. ... ... .... 58¼- 61½ 58¾- 59¾ 58½- 61½ 60 - 65½ 61¼- 65 54¼- 64¼ 52¾-- 57½ 56 - 59½ 49¼- 64½ 56½- 68½ 52¼ - 59¾ Canada Southern ....... 65 - 71¾ 63¾- 68¾ 65¾- 69¼ 65¼- 6!l½ 68¼- 67¾ x 64 - 08¾ 58¼- 647,ij 48¾-- 55¾ 52¼- 66½ 47¼ - 55% 51~- 57% x50 - 57½ Cedar Falls & llliun . .... 14 - 15 12 - 14 13 - 13¾ 18¾- 15 .... 14 - 17½ 18 - 113½ 14½- 14½ .... - .... .... - . .. . 10 - 18 .... .... Central Iowa . . ..... . ..... . 25 - 28 .... ... . .... - ... . 25 - 25 .... .... .... - . ... 18 - 18 .... ... . ... - .... 18 - 14 . ... . ... 18 - 13 C entral of New Jersey . 68n- 'i6½ 69¼- 78½ 71 - 73¾ 72 - 79% 75%- 80% 70%- 80 84%- 88¾ 78¼- 87¼ 78%- 83% 78 - 90 88½- 85½ 88¼- 85¾ Cent1•al Pacific .......... . . x83¾ 88 79 - 83¾ 74¾-- 82¾ 75%- 80¼ 71¼- 77½ 74%- 77~ x70%-77¾ 62½- 71½ 65%- 69¾ 61 - 67½ 64½- 68 68¼- 68 C hesnpeake & Ohio .... . 22 - 28 34 20½- 23 21¾- 23 20¾- 22½ 19¾- 21¼ 19 - 20¾ -:.6 - 18% 18½- 17½ 16 - 17 1-1 - 15½ 15 - 17 18 - 16 1st pref........ .. ......... 80½- 85½ 29%- 32¼ 80¾-- 83 81¼- 83¾ 28).a- 82¼ 28½- 81 27½ - 29% 28 - 29¾ 25 - 29 23½- 28¼ 25½- 28½ 24 - 28 2d p1•ef .......... . ... . ... . . 23½- 27 22½- 25¼ 23 - 24% 23½- 25¾ 21¼- 28% 21%- 28½ 19 - 21¾ 18 - 20¼ 18½- 20 14¾- 18 16½- 18¼ 16 - 18 Chicairo & Alton .......... 184¼-187¼ 180 -1.37 l.31½-185 . 183½-185 132¾-185 183½-136 i 82¾-186 x128-186 132 -:85 180½--133½ 133 - 184 132 -134)1 Pref... .. . . ........ . .. . .. .. . .. .. - . ... 140 -145 ... . - . ... ... . .. . 140 -140¼ .. .. .... 140 -140 140¼-140¼ .... . ... 145 -150 .... .... . ... - .... Chic. Burl. & Quincy ... 120 -125% 115¾- 122¼ 117 -125¼ 124 -120¾ 120%-126¼ 122 -120¾ 121 -126;,£ 117 -124½ 123 -127¾ 120%-126% 124¼- 128¼ 119¼-126¼ Chic. Mil. & St. Paul.. .. 103)4-108½ 977/4-106¼ x977/4 102¼ 98¾-104% 100%-105¼ 101%-106¼ 101¼- 106 97½-104¼ 1◊2¼-106½ 92¾;-103 96%-101¼ 91¾- 99¾ Pref...... .. ... . ........... . 11!)¾-122 116¾-120½ 116¾-120½ 117 -121% 11P. -121¾ 119 -121 117 -120½ 116 -119½ x117-122!'l( 115 -118 116%-119½ 116 -118½ Chie. & Northwest . . ..... 130 -186¼ 128¼-183¼ 131¾-184% 183 -140¼ l23%-185¾ 130¼-186¾ 125¾-184¾ llfl¾-128(}.( 122)4-129¾ 115,¼-125¾ 122 -127~ x115¼2'i¼ Pref.. ........... .. ... . ... .. 145½--151¼ 148 - 147¼ 145 -150;~ 149½-157 146¾-158 148¼-158~ 144½-152 137½-146 142¼-152 184 -146 139½-149 x141%49>( C hie. R. I. & Pacific .... . 123 -127¼ 118 -123¾ 121¾-124¾ 123 -126¼ 121½-126¼ 122½-126¼ 120½-124% 117½-122% 121 -125¼ xll'i'¼ 22¾ 120 -123 116½-1:l2~ C hie. St. Louis & N. O . . . 80 - 80 .... ... .... .... - .... .... - .... .... .... . ... . ... .... - .... .... .... . .. . ... .... . ... .... - .... CJ'hie. St. Louis & Pitts. .... ... . . ... ... .... ... 20¼- 22 18 - 22 18 - 19¾ 18¾- 19¼ 10½ - 15 14 - 15 11 - 13½ 12 -- 14% 12 - 12M  -  -  -  -  -  -  .. -  -  -  -.  C  :1:~1si: p·~~i·lli~· & ·o::: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  1· -  - ....  -  -. .... - .... .... - .... ii·· ~-49  -  -  -  54 - 56½ 54¼- 5i¾ 55 - 57 47~- 50:Js 47½- 52 44 - 50¾ 45 - 48  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  50 - 55 88 - 46½ 43 - 48½ 88 - 47½ 87 - 44 88M- 88¼ 42¾- 48¼ 86¾- 46 80 - 40½ 84¾-- 88% 88 - 87 40¼- 44  RAILROAJJ .ANJJ MISCELLANEOUS  STOOKS.  1883-Contlnued. JANUARY FEJJR'RY.  STOCKS.  M.A.RCl:I.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER.  1----1----1----1---- 1----11---- - - - - - - - - 1----11----  DEC'BltR.  Low.High Low.Hi,zh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hhth Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  ------------1----·I----  Ch. St. P. lll.& O., 1,ref. 10~-118¼ 102¾-108¾ 106¼-109¼' 106 -109 102½-108¼ 104 -106¾ 101½-106 97 -105½ 101 -10!¾ :x:91-xlOO¼ 05¼-1007/4 x~-99 (.)in. Ham. & Dayton ... .... - ........ - ... . . .. - .... 85¾- 85¾ .... - •....... - ........ - .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . Cin. Sandusky & Cleve. . . . . - . . . . 46 - 4!l 48 - 49½ 46½- 49 88 - 48 40 - 45 40 - 42 40 - 40½ 88½- 44 . . .. - • .. . .. . . - .. .. .. .. - .. . . Cleve. Col. Cin. & Ind... 77 - 84 63¾- 70¾ 72¼- 74¾ 74 - 79¼ 67¼- 74¾ 70¼- 77¾ 69)4- 75¼ 59 - 70 61 - 60 5! - 03 00½- 74 64 - 73¼ Cleve. & Pitts., guar .... 189 -142 140½-141 188 -189~ 183 -188¼ 130¾-183 129½-18! 183½-185½ 124½-182¼ 182½-185 1S0½-1S6 134 -186 187 -140 Columbin.&Grcenv., pf• .... - .... 81 - 84 84 - 54 48½- 59½ 59½- BS½ 65 - 66 61 - !l4 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 81 - 35 . .. . - •..• Col. Citic. & Jll(l. Ceu .. .. 8}4- 4¼ 4 - 6 5½- 7¼ 4¾- 5¼ 4½- 5 4 - 4 .... - . . . . S - 8 2½- S 2 - 2½ ... . - . . . . 1½- 2 Assessment paid ........ . ... - . . . . . . . - . . . 10¼- 10½ .. .. - ........ - ........ - . . . ..... - ........ - ... .. ... - .... . . .. - .... .... - . . . . . .. - .. .. Reo1·ganization ctfs ... .... - .. .. .. - ... . .. - .... 11,Ji- 11½ 10 - 10 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - . .. . . .. - . . . . . .. - ...• Col. Hock. Val. & Toi .. .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ..... ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... .... . - .... 80 - 80 Danbury & No1·, . ... 70¼- 'iO¼ .• .• - .... 63 - 63 ... - . . . ..... - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 50 - 50 .... - ... . Del\ Lack. & Western .. 124¼- 129¼ 118¼-125½ 122 - 125¼ 124¾-181½ 122 -128¾ 123¼-180 122½-180¼ l18¼-125¼ l19¾-124~ xlll½ 22¼ 113¼ 119½ 115¼- 119!>;( Denver & Rio Grande.. 891-1;- 51¼ 427.,~- 48)4 44 - 47¾ 4!1¾- 50¾ 46 - 51½ 41¾- 48½ 86-¼- 45½ 21¼- 87¾ 25 - SO:Ui 22½- 27½ 22½- 25¾ 22¼- 26¼ Dubuque & S. City ....... 89 - 89~ 87½- 87¼ 85 - 92 x84½x86½ 82 - 85¼ 81½- 82 82 - 82 78 - 78 85 - 85 79 - 79 .. .. - .... 77 - 80½ East Tenn. Va. & Ga. .. . 9¼- 10¼ B¼- 9½ ~s- 9¾ 9 - 11¼ 8ll,C- 10}.( 8½- 10 7%- 9¼ 7 - 8:k; 7¾- 8¾ 4½- 8 6¼- 7){ 5;):!- 7¼ P1•cf .. : ......... ........... 16¾- 18¼ 14¼- 16¾ 15)4- 17½ lu½- 23 18 - 22 li½- 19½ 15¼- 18½ 18½- 17 14½- 17 11¼- 15¼ 12¼- 14x. 11¼- 14'1! Evansville & T. Haute 75 - 75 70 - 75 68 - 70 68 - 68 .... - . . . . 50 - 59 . . .. - .... 45 - 45 60 - 60 50 - 50 56 - 56 50½- 55 Flint& Pere Mat•q., prf. .... - . . .. .. - ........ - ... ..... - ........ - ... 10, -107 99½- 99½ .... - .. ... ... - . . .... . . - .... 103¾-104 .... - .. . . Fort Wortb & Denver . SO - 83¼ SO - 81¼ SO - 81¾ 81½- 81½ . . •. - ....... - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - . . .. .... . .. . Green BayWin.&St.P. 6 - 6½ 5 6 5½- 9¼ 8½- 10¾ ';'¼- 9¼ 9 - 10¼ ½ 6 - 7¼ 6 - 7¼ 5¾- 6}s .... - .... 5 - 5½ Haunibal&St. Joseph. 42½- 46¾ 40 - 44 88 - 88 89 - 43 41 - 48 .... - .... . ... - .... .. .. - .... Sl'l - 89 88½- 88½ .... - ........ - •.. . Pref ........ ................ 72 - 87¾ 80 - 86½ 76½- 84 81½- 94½ 93 - 97¾ 92½- 95½; 90 - 93 90 - 93 .... - .... .. .. - .. .... .. - . .. ..... - ...• Harlem ...................... 196 -200 200 -200 200 -200 194 -198 19::i -197 197 -199 196 -196 190 -190 192 -195 192 -106 197 -197 xl~0-190 Houston & Texas Cent. 75 - 79 73 - 78 75 - 78½ 75½- 82¾ 'iO - 75 67 - 72½ 68 - 69 58 - 62 59 - 62 57½- 58 50 - 55 50½- 50¼ I11inois Central.. ......... 141~147 x41¾ 146¾ 143 -146 144 -1477/4 141¾-145¼ x132-148 129:J,.£-134 124 -133 127 -180 125½-182 129¼-134¼ llll -134 I Lease1l line, 4 p. c... .. 78 - 81 77 - 80 79½- 80 80 - 81 80 - 81 79 - 80¾ 77 - 80 78 - 79½ 78 - 81 80½- 88 82 - 83½ 81¾- 84¼ Ind. Illoom. & West.... 82 - 85 27 - 31¼ 29½- 85¼ SO - 85½ 25 - SO½ 29 - 32 27 - 32 19½- 28¼ 28¾- 27¾ 19 - 25 20 - 23½ 17½- 23¼ Joliet & Chicago ......... .... - .... 188 -188 . ... - . ....... - ....... - ..... .. - .... .... - ... ... .. - ........ - ... . ... . - .. 188 -188 ... - ... . LalrnErie & Western ... 29¼- 83¼ 26 - 29½ 26¾- 82 211½- 83¼ 26 - SO 28¼- 82¾ 25)4- SO¼ 18½- 26 20¾- 24¼ 18½- 21 16¼- 26 18¼- 25 Lake Sbore .... ............ 110¼-114¼ 106¾-111 x08¾ 111¾ 108 -114¼ 107)4- 111¾ 108¼-118¾ 105¾-llO½ 981):(-1077/4 100¾-105 x92¾103¼ 97½-103¼ x94¾ 102¾ Lon,i Island ................ 60 - 65 60¾- 63½ 62 - 68½ 62¼- on 66½- 69 68½- 86¾ 77½- 86½ 75½- 82½ 7L½- 79 59 - 78 66¾- 73 65¼- 70 Louisiana & Mo. Riv .. .... - ... ... .. - . . . . . . . - ........ - ... . . .. - . . . . rn¼- 13½ .... - ........ - . . .. 13 - 13 13 - 13 14½- 25 .... - ... . Louisville & Nn.sbville. 51¾- 58½ 51¾- 57½ 58¾- 55% 52½- 58½ 47¾- 54¼ 49 - 54¾ 48¼- 54¼ 40%- 50¾ 44¾- 58% 44½- 51¼ 48 - 51¼ 48¾- 50¼ Louisv.New Alb.&Chic. 63¾- 68 60 - 65 55 - 58 54¼- 5~¼ 55 - 55 89½- 52 45 - 50 45 - 45 40 - 40 SO¼- ,10 85 - 88 30 - 35 Manhattan ,Jevn.ted.. .. 47 - 51 45 - 53% 40 - 40 -11 - 45 43¼- 44¾ 43¾- 49¾ 45 - 49 88 - 45 89 - 45 41 - 46 42¼- 49 42 - 47 1st 1n·et. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . 84¼- 90 86 - 68 85 - 85 x81½x84 83 - 8tj 82½- 00 83½- 83½ 80 - 83 86 - 86 82 - 84 80 - 87 86 - 86 Common.... . ... . . . .. . . . . . 50 - 50 43 - 58 48 - 48 45 - 45 44½- 44½ 40 - 50 45 - 48¾ 88 - 88 .... - • . . . 42 - 48¾ 41¼- 46 .... - •••. Mn.nlmttn.n Co... 18 - 10 15 - 18½ 18 - 26½ 23 - 24¾ 21 - 25 23 - 30¾ 24 - 80)4 16 - 25¾ 18 - 20 12½- 18 15¼- 17 15½- 17 Mar. & Cin., 1st pret.... . . . - . . . . 11 - 11 . . . . - . . . . . • . . - • . . . 12!,£- 12½ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - • . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - • . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ..• . Memphis & Charleston. 45 - 55 SO - 46 88 - 48¾ 88½- 44¾ 87 - 49 42 - 45 88 - 44 84½- 47 89 - 43½ 89 - 42 41 - 4.8 82 - 42 Metropolitan Elevated. 80 - 85 eo - 85 79½- 81 80 - 81½ 70 - 83½ 83½- 98 89 - 90 89 - 91¾ 86½- 95.½ 90 - 92 89 - 94 b8 - 90 Micbi&ran Central.. . ..... 96 -100¼ 90 - 96% 91¾- 96¾ 98 - 90¾ 91½- 95 x92¾ 99 85½- 94 80½- 88¼ 80%- 87¼ 77 - 96½ 89)-:{- 94½ xfilJA!- 94 Milw.Ln.keSh.&W . ... 17)4- 18 15 -15 .... - ........ - .... 14 - U 10 -10 .. . . - ... . 12 -12 ll¼-12¼ .. .. - . . ...... - ........ - ..•. Pref .................... . ... 46¼- 48½ 42¼- 46 42 - ·45¼ 44½- 47h, 42 - 47¾ 44 - 46½ 43 - 45½ 88 - 43½ 41 - 45¼ 85 - 42 40 - 40¾ l:8½- 89 Milw. & Northe1·n. ...... ... - ........ - ... . 25 - 25 .. .• - •....... - .. . .... - •. . . . .. - ........ - •.....•. - ........ - . ....... - ........ - •... Minneapolis & St. L.... 27 - SO¾ 22¾- 27¾ 25½- 27¼ 25½- 80¼ 25¼- 28¾ 26 - 287-( 22½- 27½ 19¼- 24 21¼- 25¾ 18 - 24½ 19 - 22½ 16-).!- 20¼ Pret............ . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 - 68½ 52 - 62 57 - 61 57>2- 62½ 53 - 59 54.½- 58½ 50 - 53 47 - 51½ 49 - 58 35)4- 48 40 - 43½ 88 - 41 Missouri Kan. & Texas SO½- 34.¼ 29)4- 82¾ SO¼- 82½ 29¾- 88¾ 27¼- 81¾ 28¾- 82 20½- 81¾ 21¼- 28¼ 24¾- 27~ 19½- 26¼ 28 - 25¾ 20¾- 25 Missouri Pacific .... .. .... 100)4-105¾ 97¾-103¾ 9~.!-103½ 101¾-106¾ 101¼-105½ xOl½ 106½ 98:1:(-105¼ 93 -100¼ 95½- 102 90½- 97¾ 94½- 98¾ x86 - 98¼ Mobile & Obio . .. .. .. .... 17¾- 19½ 15 - 19¼ 16 - 19¾ 17 - 19 15 - 15.½ 14¾- 16 13½- 15 10½- 15 12 - 18 10 - 13 10¼- 12 10 - 11¼ Morris & Essex ........... 122¼-124 120 -122½ 122 -124 123¾-125 124¼-128 124 -129¼ 120¼-126 128½-124¾ 121¾- 125 121 -124½ 122 -124¾ x121½ 25¼ Nasbv. Chatt. & St. L ... 55¾- 64% 56 - 62 57 - 60 57 - 59 50'11- 56,½i 54. - 59 54 - 54 51 - 56½ 54 - 60 52¼- 58 57 - 59 54 - 57½ N. Y. Cent. & Bud. Riv. 125¼- 128¾ 124)4-127¾ x125 -129¼ 125 -128½ 120¼- 125¼ 118½- 125 113¾-120¾ 118½-117 xlS¾ 119¼ 112~-120 115¾-118¾ xl 11½ 1~, N. Y. Chica,io &St. L ... 12¼- 15½ 10 - 12¾ 11 - 18¼ 11¼- 12¾ 10¼- 12¾ 10¼- 12¼ 10 - 11¾ 7 - 10¾ 8¼- 9¾ 7½- 9 7¾- 11 8¼- 10¼ Pref ........... ... .......... 211 - 35 28 - 29 26½- 29½ 27½- 30 23 - 27 23¾- 27¼ 21½- 24½ 17 - 22¼ 17 - 19¾ 18¾- 17¾ 14¾- 21½ 18 - 21 New York Elevated ..... LOl -101 105 -105 108 -105 ... - •....... - .... . . - ... ... .. - .... 90 - 90 ... - ... . ..•• - •• •. 98 98 .... - ... . N. Y. Lack. & West . ...... .. - ........ - ... . 85½- 89½ 877/4- 89½ 88 - 89¼ x87½ 89¼ 85½- 88½ 84¾- 87¼ 84 - 86¼ 83¾- S5 84¼- 87 85½- 87:).! N. Y.Ln.keErie &West. 877/4- 40% 34¾- 89 86½- 88 86¼- 89¼ 83¾- 87½ 85¼- 88¾ 84½- 877,,a 28)/4- 34¾ 29½- 82½ 27½- 31¾ 27¼- SO¼ 20¼- 81¾ Pref...... .. .. , ...... .. .. 79½- 83 75 - 80 .... - •.•. 80½- 81½ 78 - 79¾ 79 - 81¼ 76 - 80 72 - 76 75¼- 78½ 72 - 77 72½- 78 77¼- 80 N. Y. & New Eniihtnd .... 48 - 52¼ 45¼- 48 45¾- 49 87 - 46½ SO¾- 39 38 - 86¼ 29,½i- 84 20½- 27¾ 19½- 25)4 19 - 26¼ 25½- 87½ 17½- SO¼ N. Y.N.Hn.ven&Ha1·tf.169 -175 ~70½-174 178¼-175 175 -178¾ 180 -183 177 -188 175 -178 174 -179 176 -180 179 -180 179 -180 175 -180 N. Y. Ontario & West ... 25¾- 27½ 25 - 26¼ :.!4¾- 26¼ 25½- 29¾ 25 - 28¼ 25¼- 28¾ 28¾- 27¼ 19¾- 24¼ 20¾- 28¾ 19¾- 22¼ 19½- 21¾ 15¾- 21)4 Pref........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 85 - 85 . . .. - . . . • . . . - . .. . . . . • - • . . . . . . . - . ,. . . . • . - . . . . . . . . - .... • •.. - .... • • • • - • • • • • • • • - .... N. Y. Susq. & West ..... .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 6½- 8~ 6¾- 8 6¼- 7 5 - 6½ 5¾- 6½ 4¼- 5¾ 5½- 6 5 - 6-1/4 P1·et.. ...... ... ............. . .. - ........ - .. .. .. .. - ........ - . .. . 19¼- 21¾ 18 - 20½ 18¼- 20¾ 14¾- 17 15 - 17½ 14 - 15 15¼- 18 16¾- 19 Norfolk & Western...... 18 - 18 ...• - ........ - •... 10 - 10 13 - 18 18 - 18 12 - 12 . .. - . .. . . .. - ... . 10 - 10 11 - 12 18 - 18½ P1·et .. ............... . ... . . . 46'¼ 49¾ 87½- 46½ 89~,- 48 41 - 45¾ 39½- 4:; 41¾- 43 88 - 42¾ 82 - 88½ 85 - 40½ 88½- 41½ 41 - 40¼ 89¾- 45¼ No1·th«:1·n Pacific .......... 46¾- 51¾ 44%- 49½ 48¼- 51¾ 40¾- 52½ 48}1,- 51¼ 50 - 53¼ 47¼- 52:HI 35¾- 49¼ 81¾- 48¾ 28¼- 84¾ 28½- SO¾ 28%- 29¼ Pref .......... .. .. .......... 83¼- 87½ 79¾- 85 83¾- 87¾ 85¼- 89¾ 85 - 80¼ 87 - 90¾ 84¼- 90 69¼- 89 61 - 77½ 56 - 70 68¾- 67}/i 49;~- 64¼ Ohio Central.. ............. 12¾- 13¼ 9¼- 12¾ 11 - 18¼ 11¼- 14¼ 10¼- 12¾ 9¾- 11¼ '71/4- 10½ 5¾- ~ 3¼- 5¾ 2 - 4¼ 8¼- 4¼ 2Y.r S¼ Obio & lllissis ippi....... 81 - St¼ 29 - 83¼ 81¼- 83½ 83¾- 8~ SO¾- 85 83 - 86¼ 32 - 34.¾ 27 - 82½ 28¾- 82½ 25½- 29¼ 26½- 28½ 21 ' 28}.! P1·et. ... .. .. .......... ..... ..... - . . . . 96 - 06 08½- ll8½ 98 -108 100 -105½ 105½-112½ .... - ........ - ....... . - .... ··· · - .... · ··· - · · · · · · · · - · · ·· Ohio Southern............ 11½- 13¾ 10 - 18 11¾- 12½ 12½- 14¾ 12½- 18½ 12½- 13¾ 7 - 12¾ 8 - 10¾ B½- 11 7 - 9½ 8¾- 9½ 10 - 10 Orea-on Short Line ....... .... - .. . . 25 - 25 .... - •••. 25½- 26 27 - 27½ 28 - 82 ...• - .... 25 - 25 25 - 25 20¼- 2J 20¼- 21 19 - 19 • O1·ee-on & Trn.nscontin'J 82½- 8U 71) - 86 x81¾ 85}1: 79½ -85¼ 80¼- 85¼ 82¾- 86¾ 75½- 84½ 56 - 77½ x51 - 68½ 34½- 54)4 46½- 50¾ 29¼- 49½ l'anama.. .... . .......... .... . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 100 -100 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - ..•. •• • • - • • • • • • • • - · · · · · ·.. - · · · · Peoria Dec. & Evn.nsv .. 25¾- 28 19¾- 25½ 20¼- 24 20½- 2-1¾ 16½- 21 18¾- 22¾ 17 - 20 12 - 10¾ 13 - 16 12 - 15¾ 14½- 17¾ 13½- 17½ Phila. & Ren.,linJl .... . .. . 52¼- 58½ 49¾- 55¼ 52¼- 54¾ 53¼- 57½ 51½- 56¾ 52%- 61¼ 54¼- 59¾ 46¼- 57 48¼- 52¾ 48 - 53 50¼- 53 52¾- 58¾ Pitts. Ft. W. & c., iiuar. 135 -138 135 -186½ 185 -137 182¾-186},j 180 -134½ 181 -183 182 -133½ 134 -134 129)4-182½ 180¼-182½ 182 -134½ 182¼-184½ Special....... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .... 183 -183 . . . . • ... 130 -180 . . . . - . . . . . . . • - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - •... • • • • - .... · · · · - · · · · · · · · - · · · · Rens. & Saratoga .... . ... 189½-141 140¾-142 144 -144 142 -145 144½-145 145½-145½ •..• - .... 139½-189¼ 141 -141 140 -141 145 -145 • •• - ••• • Riehm. & AIJt'gheny. ... 14 - 15 10 - 12-'.)s 10¾- 11¾ 11¼- 15½ 10 - 14 5 - 10¾ 6½- 7 5¾- 7 .... - •. .. 4½- 5¼ ... , - • • • • 4 - 5¼ Richmond & Danvi11c.. 47 - 60 49½- 56 52 - 55¼ 53 - 64 00 - 67¾ 58¾- 64½ 55 - 72 63 - 69 57½- 67"/4 53 - 58½ 57½- 60 54 - 59 Richmond & West Pt .. , 21}4- 29 21 - 26¾ 22 - 24¾ 22¼- 25¾ 83% · 37 81¼- 89 28 - 34).{ 28 - 83½ 29¾- 83 26½- 8.) 27¾- 83¼ 28 - 82:l( Rochester & Pittsbura-. 20 - 22 16¾- 21¼ 19 - 20% 19¾- 23 18¾- 22 18 - 21¾ 16½- 19½ 14 - 17% 16¼- 19¼ 14½- 17¼ 15¾- 18¼ 14¼- 16¾ Rome Wat. & Oirdensb. 32 - 82½ . •. - . . . . 84 - 84 34 - 34 .... - • . . . 29 - 29 .. .. - .... . ... - . . . . . . - . . . . 15 - 15 19 - 20½ 20¼:.. 21¼ St. Louis Alton & T. H. 48 - 71 60 - 69 6i¼- 71¾ 69 - 71¾ 65 - 74½ 73 - 85 70 - 80 56 - 68 60 - 62 85 - 54½ 49 - 56 44 - 52¼ P1·et........ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 -100¾ 92 - 99½ 97 - 99¾ x03 -103 87 - 95 93 - 97½ 02 - 92 86 - 90½ 88½- 92½ 80 - 01 92½- 95¼ 87 - 03 St. Louis&S. Francisco. 81¾- 84¾ 29½- 82 SO - 30 SO - 85 82 - 36¾ 34½- 35 so - 83 22½- 29 27¾- SO 20½- 27¾ 25¼- 26½ 25½- 26 Prct........ . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 50¼- 54% 48 - 51½ 48½- 49½ 49 - 54½ 52¾- 59¾ 56 - 59½ 50¼- 56½ 41 - 47 47 - 48¾ 42 - 47½ 46 - 46½ 40 - 46 1st pref.. ............... .. x93 -100¼ 89 - 98 90 - 03 9-1 - 09 P6½- 99 {,9 -100 93½- 99½ 87½- 92 89¾- 90½ 87 - eo 89¼- 89¾ 87%- 00 St. Paul & Duluth ....... 88!)(- 40% 85 - 39)1! 87 - 88 85 - 88 34¾- 89¾ 85 - 88 34½- 88 83 - 89 85 - 88½ 87 - 37 34 - 85¾ 84 - 34 Pref...... , ... .............. 94 - 97½ 91 - 95 91 - 95 04½- Oi½ 96¾- 96¾ x98½ 97¾ 92½- 94½ 94 - 94½ 92½- 98 .... - .... 90 - 00 02½- 94 St. Paul Minn. & Man .. 189 -14~ 183 -145 142½- 160 4 128 -169½ 114.¼:-131¾ 11~½-124¾ xOS¼ 124% 105¾-111 107½-111 103½-109¾ 97)4=107% 94 =101¾ South Carolina RR... .. 25 - 2o½ . . . . - • . . . 22½- 25¼ 27¾- 27½ 26½- 27 2o - 25 24½- 25½ . . . • - . . . . 26 - 26 • • • • - • • .. • • • • • · · · •· · · •· · · Texas & Pacific........... 36¾- 43 87}(- 40¾ 88¾- 41 88¼- 48 84½- 40 86· - SO:){ 82¼- 88¾ 24¼- 34¼ 27¼- SO¾ 19 - 28½ 20)4- 24 17¼- 23¾ T""'ns & St. L. in Tex .. . ... - . . .. . .. - ... . .... - .... .... - . . . . 18 - 19 19¾27¼ .... • •. 15 20 20 20½ ... • • . . . 18 13 •·· • 1 Do in lo. & Ark .... - ........ - ... ... .. - .... .. .. - ........ - ... . 22¾- 24¾ 20½- 21 21 - 21 .. , . - . • • • • • · - · • · · ·1···· - ···· ···· - ···· Toledo Delphos & Burl. 10 - 10 . . . . - . . .. 9¾- Ii¾ .••• - • • •. . • • • - • • • . 8 - 8 7½- 7½ . . . . - •••. •. • • - • • • • · · · · - · · · · · · · · - · · · · · · · • - • · · · Union Pacific .. ......•..... 98)4-104¾ 91)4- 99¾ 98)4- 99¾ 115)4-101¼ 91¼- 98½ 98)4- 98¾ 91½- 93¾ 86~- 03¾ x87½- ll5¾ St¼- 92 ~6¼- 91 x70¼- 89 United Cos. of N. J .. ... . . 187½-187½ .... - .... 188½-188½ ..• . - . .....• - ...... .. - •....... - ..... .. . - ........ - .... 198½-193½ 195 -197 195 -l95 Vira-lnia Midland... ..... 20 - 28)4 .... - . . . . 24 - 25 25½- 81½ 80 - 81 24½- SO 28 - 24 20 - 21 20¼- 22 20 - SO 20 - 22 21 - 28 w_ab. St. Louis & Pac. . 82 - &6¼I 26½- ~ 2d¼- 30~ 28¼-.._ 88 25½- 29½ 26½- 81➔-( 24½- SO¾ 15 - 25½ 19¼- 28¾ 17¼- 21¾ 20 ,- 28 17 - 2~ 1  • ~-privilege, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAIJ  .AND  MISCELLANEOUS STOOKS.  1883- Conclu<led. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  STOCiiS.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JULY.  JUNE.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER . NOV'BER.  DEC'BER.  ---------1-----1- - - - - - - - - - - - ---------1-----1-----1-----1-----  Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low . High Low.Ht11:h Low.High Low.High Low.High  ------------Wah. St. L. & Pac., pref 52 - 57¾ Warren .... ................ TELEGRAPH. American Tel. & Cable. Ame1·ican Disti·ict .. ... .. Bankei·s' & ll'Ierchants' Gold & Stock.............. Mutual Union .... .... ... .. Western Union ............ EXPRESS. Adams ....................... American..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States .............. Wells, Fa1•go & Co ....... COAL & MINING. Cameron Coal & Iron .. Cent1·al Arizona ll'Iining Colorado Coal & Iron ...  118 -118  44¾- 58% 47' - 50¾ 46 - 158¾ 40½- 47¾ 42 - 46½ 88¼- 45¾ 29¾- 89 82¼- 86¾ 29½- 84¼ 82 - 85¾ ~9¼- 85}4 .... - .......• - ........ - ....... - •....... - . .. ..... - .... .. .. - .. ...... - ........ - •....... - . . . . . .. - ••••  65%- 69¼ 80 - 40 128 -188 96½- 96½ 21 - 25 79¾- 85¼  x64¾ 81 .... 96½-  65 85 . ... .. . . 17½81¾-  138 -135 90½- 03 62½- 05½ 124%-126  132 -135 00 - 02 61¼- 05 122 -125  127 88 50 122  69 81 ... 96½ 10 - 23¼ 79¼- 84¼  677,i 66 47 .... ........ . . . . . . .. 20¼ 18 85~~ 82¼-  -138 - 01 - 60 -124¼  128 88 58 124  07½ 65%.... SO ........ .... ...• 21¼ 19 84¼ 80¾-  -180½ - 02 - 62 -125¾  69¼ 66%81 ... ........ .. . . . . .. 21 19 84 ~2¼-  126½-129 91)4- 04 bu¼- 01¼ 124 -125¼  69¾ . .. . •... .... 20  66 - 6 tl¼ 29 - 29 121 -122 ...• - .... 18 - 19 &:l¼ 77¾- 84¾  128½-180½ .x:89¼ 04¼ 00 - 68~15 125 -128  131¼-185 88¾- 90¼ 60 - 68½ 120)4-126½  x61%- 64 57 - 68¾ .... - . .. . . .. - ... . 135}4-139¾ x118)4 39¾ 82 - 82 . . .. - •.. . 16 - 10¾ 17 - 21¼ 17½- 17½ 745fr- 81){ 78¼- 80¾ .x:78}4- 79¾  x61½- 67¼ 29 - 29 128 -140½ ...• - .... 15 - 18½ 71¾- 80½  61½- 65¾ 28½- 28½ x128¼-133 . . . . - .. . . 16 - 18¾ 77¼- 83%  59%- 64 28 - 28 132 -135½ .... - . ...  1837-{-135 88 - 90 59 - 62.½ 117 -120½  131 -135 180 -181½ 88½- 90½ 88½- 00 60½- 61½ 58%- 60 116½-120 118 -117½  130;,!.-188 80¾- O! 57¼- 60½ 114¼-116½  l28 -181½ x90 - 98½ 50 - 60 118¼-117½  , 17½- 18 14 - 14 15 - 16¾ .... - .......• - ...... . . - .. . . ... - ........ - ........ - •....•.. - ........ - .... -... - •••. ¾- ½ . . . . - . . . . ¼- ¼ .... - . . . . . . . . - . . . . ¼- ¼ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - •... 28½- 82¼ 28¼- 83% 81½- 83 82 - 39¾ 83 - 88¼ 29 - 85 26¼- 32 19 - 27¾ 20½- 28½ 14 - 24 14½- 18}4 15 - 17¼  Consolidation Coal...... 27½Homestake Minini: . ..... 17¾Maryland Coal............ 17 New Ventral Coal....... . 14 Ontario Silver Mining .. 84%Pennsylvania Conl.. ...... ... Quicksilver ll'Iinini: ..... . .... Pref ..... . ........... . ... 87½Sp1·ii1g 1'1ouutain Coal . . . . . Standard Consol. Min'g 5¾VARIOUS.  27% 10 17 14 85½  27 - 27½ 25 x16½ 17¾ 15 17 - 17 .... 13 - 14 12½ 18 - 84 22½ .. .. 270 -270 ... . .... 8 - 8¼ 8¾89 40 - 41¾' 42 -  26 lU  .... 13 24 •. . . 9½ 46½  20 - 26 24 13 - 16 x15 15 - 15¾ .... 13 - 13}4 13 20½- 27¾ 24 .. - ........  -  24 16¼ .. . . 18 213 .... SH- 8r.i 7'7/4- 8¼ 44 - 44½ 40 - 43½  •_ ..·•· -= ... · ·. •: •. , •. •. •.""•·.L--= 1 ' ?'-' .. .. 10 - 10 9 25 - 27 .... - ....... 280¼-280¼ 280¾-280-¼ .•.• - •... 276 -276 .... 7>~- 8 7½- 8 78 7½- 7½ .... - .... 5½87¼- 87½ 88¼- SS¼ 88 - 84 88 - 83½ 81 . . . . - . .. . Ui½-16 15 - 15 . .. . ..  24 15½.. .. 12½27½-  24 17¼ •. .. 12½ 27½  24 =- 2!7¼: 17 12 10 - 11 ... - ...  .. . •. ·. 24 - 24 18 8 - 10 10 - 12 10 0 - 10 .. 29 - 80 .... 260 -260  · · · · - · ·• · 10½- 12 10¼- 12  0 - 10  20}.!... . 6½ .... .... 5 82½ 80 - 83 .... . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . .. . . . . . - .. . 29½6¼ 5½- 5¼ 6½- 6% 6½~ 7 6 - 6¾ x6¼- 7 6¼- 7¼ 5¼- 6¼ 15¾- 6 5¾- 6¼ 6¼- 7 .. .. -  29)4 ... . 6 .... SO¼ ...•  [  !r[fl!~::~~=fi:: i~ :,~~ i'5.":1~ iO~,o.;; i'5.":1~ ii~=l~;; i~ ='ioii i".'1':uo~ ~03,.-,os;. i~=,~~ i0~":1;;;,;Jio~":1~¼1,;,,:,~~ N. Y. & Texas Land ..... .... - ........ 55 - 57 03 - 81 81 - 96 no -110 115 Oregon lmprovem't Co . .... - ....... - .... x83 - 01½ 80½- 85½ 78 - 84 81 - 80 86 Oregon R'y& Nav. Co ... 186 -144 182 -138 187 -140½ 188)4-144¾ 188 -140 139 -150 136 Pacific Mail S. S... .. . . . . . 89 - 43% 89¼- 42¾ 40¾- 41¾ 40¾- 44;),4 40%- 48 417,{- 43½ 85 Pullman Palace Car .... 122 -126 117 -122 119 -122½ 121 -180 x26¼ 120 127}4-134 128 ~:tro Tunneft . . . . persh. ¼- ¾ ¼- ¾ .... - ..... , - .. .. ¾,- ¾ ¼· ¼ . . • •  -125 - 91 -146.><. - 42¼ -184 -  • •  ...• - . .. . x110-x112 ... - ... . . ... . . .. :15 -124 77 - 88½ 75 - 89 66 - 80 70 - 81 5J - 75 127 -140 124 -188 x96 -125½ 112½-118 CO -:15 28 - 87 80½- 89% 85¾- 88% 87½- 42¼ 40½- 4.l 124½-182 128 -180½ 124 -129¼ x21½ 128¾ 112~-123 • • • •• ¼¾1.... - ···· \ · ·· ...... - ····  1  1884. JANUARY FEBR' RY.  STOCKS.  M.ARcH.  .APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  ]  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER  Nov 'BER. DEC'BER.  ~ ; ; ; ~ . ~ ~ ; ; Low .High Low.High Low.H_i~ 1~ow.Hlgh Low.High ~.ow .High Low.High Low.High Low.~lgh  RAILROAU. Albany &Susquehanna. 182 -135 185 -135 183 -188 183 -138 128 - 183 . .. - .... 126 -127 181¾-133½ 129 - 132 129¼-130 .... - ... . Atchison Top. & S. Fe .. 80¾- 80¾ .. .. - .... 78¼- 79 76 - 78)4 70¾- 77% 62 - 73 .... - . . .. 71¾- 'i6¼ 71½- 72¾ .... - .•• . ... - . . . . 76¾- 78 Bost.& N. Y. Ah·-L., prt 81¾- 82½ 81¼- 82¾ 80½- 83½ 82¾- 83 81 - 82¾ 81 - 84 83 - 84 88 - 00 87 - 87 86 - 86 86 - 88 86 - 86 Buffalo Pittsb.& W.prf. . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. ... . . . - . . . . . . .. - ... . .... - ........ - . . . . 10 - 10 .... - ..... ... - ... . Bur. c. Rap. & No1·th... 70 - 80 75 - 75 78 - 73 60 - 66 60 - 60 50 - 60 60 - 60 63 - 68 61 - 65 60 - 60 60 - 60 50¼- 50¼ Canadian Pacific. . . ... x53¼- 58¼ 53 - 56½ 63 - 55¼ 45¼- 58¼ 40 - 48½ 39 - 45½ 41¼- 47 43 - 46¼ 43 - 45 43 - 40¾ 48½- 46 48½- 45½ Canada Southern. . ..... 48¾- 54¾ 52¾- 577/4 52 - 55¾ 46½- 52% 85 - 47¾ 24¾- 40¾ 26½- 89 84¾- 89¾ 29½- 86 28).{- 84½ 2€¾- 82¼ 29 - 32 Cedar Falls& Minn ..... 10 - 12 () - 10¾ 10 - 11 .• - .... 8 - O 8¼- b½ 8 - 8¼ 8¾- 8:14 O - 10 9¼- 9¼ 9½- 11 11 - 11 Central Iowa....... . ..... . . . . . - . . . . 11 - 18 15 - 16 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - __ .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ .. . . 1st pref... .... .. ... .... .... ... . - ........ - ...... ., - . . . . 24.¾- 24½ . . . . - . . ...... - ........ - . . . .. .. - . . . ... - .. . . ... - ... . .... - ........ - ... . Central of New Je1·sey . 83½- 90 86 - 90 86%- 80¼ 76¼- 87¾ x49 - 81 52½- 60 55¼- 67½ 57%- 65½ 46½- 60½ 89¾- 51% 89¾x44 87½- 47¼ Central Pacific ..... . ...... 63¼- 07¾ x59 78 x6578 57½- 62¼ 43¾- 58¾ 84 - 5\l 80 - 45¼ 80¾- 44. 89 - 44.¼ 87¾- 42¼ 86:)(- 43¼ 82¼- 88¼ 82%- 86¾ 3 Chesapealrn & Ohio..... 13¼- 15 13¼- 14 4 12¾- H ¾ 10 - 18% 7 - 9½ 5 - 10 6½- 8½ 7¼- 9 7 - 8 5 - 7% 5 •· 6¼ 5¾- 6¾ 1st pref........ .. ......... 21 - 25¾ 28%- 28 24 - 26¾ 20¾- 25¼ 14 - 22 9½,- 18¾ 12 - 15¾ 14¼- 16¾ 14 - 15 10¼- 13 10 - 12 9¼- 11¼ 2<1 p1·ef. ... . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . 15 - 17 15 - 17 H½- 17 14 - 16 7 - 18 8 - 11 7 - 11¼ 10 - 10¼ 8 - !:l¾ 8 - 8)1 6¼- 8½ 7 - 7 Chicago & Alton .......... 133¾-189½ x133,¼40¼ 135 -137 135¼-187½ xl26-139½ 118 -129 120 -183 132 - 186 180 - 183 128 -132 126¼-180 126 -183 Pref....... . . .. ...... ....... 150 -150 x 152 -x152 .... - .... 147 -150 144 -150 142 - UO 145 -145 ... . - . . . . .... - .... 145 -150¾ .. . . - ... . .... - ... . Chic. Btll'l. & Quincy . .. 118¼-128 122 -127¾ 122¾-125½ *120-125½ x108 - 128¾ 107 -117 108½-121 118 -125½ 119½-124½ 117)4-128¾ 116¾-121½ 118.½,- 122% Chic.1'1il. & St. Paul .... 84¼- 04¼ 88%- 94¾ x85%- 93¼ 80¼- 8778 65 - 84 68¼- 77 60¼- 86½ 81 - 89% x76- 86¼ 72%- 81¾ 78 - 80¼ 0978 - 81¾ Pref........................ 118¾-117 114¾-119 xll8¼ 177,,~ 111¾-114),t 100 -118 95%-110¾ 98%-110 109)4-118¾ x105-110¾ 102 -106½ 104 -107 102½-109 Chic. & Northwest ... .... 112¾-118½ 116¾-124 116 -120¼ 110%-116% !l2;½- 1187A.i xSl½-103 84 -104¾ 98%-106% 87%-101¾ 84¼- 98¾ 82¾- 92¾ x 82¾- 92¼ Pref ............ ............ 140½-147 141½-149½ 140)4-145¼ 140 -145 122 -142 117 -131½ 122 -184 133 -18S 128 -x185 122¾-129 120½-126¼ 119¾-127½ Chic. It. I. & .Pacific . .... 115¾-:i.18 117~4-126¾ 118¾-124½ l17h -121¼ 107¾- 119¼ 100¼-118¾ 104 -115 ll::l¾-117½ 111%-117¼ 110 -116i¼j 103 - 111¾ .x:104 -11¾ Chic. St. Louis & Pitts . 9¾- 13¼ 10 - 11 9 - 11 9 - 10 8 - 10 6¾- 9¾ O¼ · 9¾ 9 - 10¼ 6 - 6 S - 9 7 - 8¾ 7 - 8¼ Pref ...... ............... .. . . 20 - 85 28 - 81½ 25 - 26 25¼- 27 20 - 2i½ 20 - 20½ 18 - 21 20 - 26 18 - 18¾ 17 - 18¾ 16½- 16½ 17 - 17;..,. Chic. St. Paul M. & O .. . 27½- 84½ 29¼- 83½ 29¾- 81¾ 29¾- 82½ 24¼- 82 21½ - 29½ 22½- 88 81%- 88¼ 29½- 84¾ 2, - 38¼ 26½- 81 23 - 80¼ Pref . . . ... ........ . ......... 88½- 95¾ {,'O¾- 96¼ .x:90½- 04¼ 90 - 06 81 - 94½ 80¾- 91 80¾- 96¼ 98 -100 90 - 95¾ x85½.x:94¼ 85½- 92 82 - 01¾ Cin, Sandusky & Cleve. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 24½- 24¼ 28½- 28½ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... Cleve. Col. Cin. & Ind... 58 - 68 6:& - 66 64 - 69¼ 51½- 65 84 - 52 28 - 42¼ 82¾- 40 38 - 46 36 - 42¾ 85 - 40 32 - 36¼ 81%- 87 Cleve. & Pitts., guar . ... 139 -189 188 -188 138 - 140 189 -141 140 -140 125¼-185 188 -137 187¼-188 138 -140 139 -140½ 18778-140 187 -138¼ Columbia&Grecnv., pt. .. .. - .... 33 - 88 . .. - .... .... - . .. . .... - ........ - ... . .... - .... .... - ..•. .. . . - .. ...... - ..... . .. - ..... . . . - . .. . Col. Chic. & Ind. Cen ... . 1¼- 2 1 - 1 ... . - .. . . ... . - . . . . 1 - 1 ::.~- 1¼ 1¼- 1¼ 1¼- 1¼ 1¼- 1¾ .. . - .. ...••. - ........ - ... . Danbury & Norwalk .... 50 - 50 50 - 50 50 - 50 50 - 50 50 - 50 50 - 60 50 - 50 ,50 - 50 . .. - .... ... . - . . . .. ... - . . . . ... - ... . Del. Lack. & Western .. 114)4-122 120¼-182½ 128 -183¼ .x:116~ 24)4 90¼-119¾ 96¼-112 104%-117¾ 107¼-116¼ 102¼-lll½ xlOl½ 10¾ 100)4-111 xS0¾-111 Denver & Rio Grande .. 17¾- 25¾ 18¾- 22)4 17¼- 21 10¾- 19¼ 9½- 18¾ 6%- 12¾ 7½- 11¼ 10¼- 14¾ 9 - 12½ 8½- 10½ 8 - 9¼ 8 - 9½ Dubuque & S. City ....... 76¼- 78 78 - 80½ 80 - 82 69 - 75 67 - 70 60¼- 68 56 - 66 66 - 06 65 - 65 52 - 60½ 55 - 58½ 57 - 59 East Tenn. Va. & Ga.... 5½- 6¾ 6¼- 8¼ 6½- 8 6 - 7¾ 8½- 6½ 8%- 4% 8¾- 5)4 4½- 6¾ 4!¾(- 6¼ 4 - 5¼ 8¼-- 4~! 8 - 5 P1·ef ..... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10¾- 12¾ 12 - 14½ 12)4- 18 11 - 12½ 7 - 11½ 6 - 7¾ 6¾- 8¾ 7¼- 10½ 7¼- 10 6½- 8¼ 6¼- 8 4¾- 8¾ Elizab. Lex. & Big S .... .... - . . . . ... - ........ - .. .. .... - . . . . . . . - ........ - .. .. .... - . . . . 25 - 25 .... - .... . . .. - . . ...... - ..... .. . - ... . Evansville & T. Haute 40 - 51 42 - 49½ 42 - 50 88 - 48 87 - 40 .. . - . . . . - . . . . 32 - 35½ 82 - 84¼ 30 - 86 30 - 34 82 - 35 G1·een Bay Win.& St.P. 5 - 5 5 8½ 6½- 8½ 6¼- 7J! 4 - 6 5 - O 4½- 5¼ 4¾- · 6¾ 4½- 5¾ 4¼- 5¼ 4¾- 5),,t 8½- 8¾ Harlem ...................... 1~8 -197 19! -194 192 -200 190 -198 192 -198 188 -196¼ 1S5 -188 198 -193 191 -198 185 -188 .... - .... 189½-195 Pref. . . . ........... ..... ..... - ........ - ........ - . . .. .... - . . . . . . - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... .... - . . .. . . . - .... 185 -185 . .. . - .. .. Houston & Texas Cent. 44 - 51 45 - 50 45 - 45 40 - 45 . . . . - . . . 20 - 20 20 - 84 80¼- 88 80 - 38 84½- 85 30 - 83½ 84 - 88¼ Illinois Central.. .... .. .. . 132¼-187)4 .x:180-140 128¾-181¾ 125¼-180¼ 115 -129 110 -120 112%-130 x124-180 122¼-125½ 112¼-124 112 -121½ 115¾-121½ Leased line, 4 p. c . . . . . 81½- 88¼ 83 - 85 84)4- 80 85 - 85 82¼- 85 75¾- 84¼ 70 - 82¼ 83 - 86 82 - 84½ 82 - 84½ 84 - 84 84 - 85 Ind. Bloom. & West ... . 15 - 20¼ 15½- 18¾ 16¼- 19¼ 15 - 18 10 - 16¼ 9 - 12¼ 10¼- 15½ 14½- 18 14¼- 17¼ 13¼- 17½ 18 - 16 11 - 16 Joliet & Chicago ... .. ... . .... - .. . . .... - .... 145 -145 137 -137 .... - ....... - ... . 140 -140 140 -140 .... - ........ - ... . ... - ..... .. . - . . .. Keokuk & Des Moines . ... - ........ - ........ - . .. ..... - . . ...... - .. . .. ... - .... 5 - 5 .. .. - .... . ... - . . . .... - ........ - ...... - - .. .. Lake Erie & Western ... 15½- 19¾ 16 - 19½ 16½- 19¾ 15 - 16¾ 9 - 15 6¼-- 11½ 6¼- 18½ 12 - 17 11¼- 15 11 - 15 11 - 12 8¾- 11~ Lake Sliore .... .... . ....... 98¼- il9¼ 977,,i-104½ 100¾-104¾ x94% 102¼ 81 - 9i¾ 67¾- 88 70¼- 88¾ 78¾- 88¾ 74¼- 63¾- 78½ 63¾- 70 59½- 69~ Lonir Island. ............... 65 - 69 67½-- 72 7l - 78)4 70 - 77 62 - 72¼ 68 - 70 06 - 69½ 68 - 70 64½- 69 62 - 65 62¼- 65¼ 62¼ - 64½ Louisiana & Mo. Riv . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ..... .. . :'i . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . •. . - . . •. . . . . - . . .. 22 - 24 . . . . - . . . . 19½- 19¾ Pref.......... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . .... , . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 88 - 40 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . • - . . . . . . . - .... • • • • - • • • • Loui ■ville & Na■hville. ~ - 49½ 4.6¼- 50 47}4- 51¾ 44~&- 477/4 29%- 47¾ 22¼- 37½ 23¾- 87)4 29¾- 36¾ 25½- Sl¼ 24¼- 30 22¼- 28 24½- 27¼ • E:z;.privtl Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  AN1)  MISCELLANEOUS STOOKS.  1884-C,oncluded. STOCKS.  -----------  JANUARY FEBR'RY, MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE,  JULY,  AUGUST. SEPT'BER OCTOBER. NOV'BER.  JJEC'BER.  - - - - - - - - - - - -----1-----1-----1-----1----- - - - - -- - - -·---1---Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High ----------  Louisv.New Alb.&Chic, 25 - 35 18 - SO 17½- 25 28¾- 25 14½- 20 12 - 18 14 - 18½ :8½- 22 15 - 20 14½- 15~ 10 - 10 17 - 17 Manhattan Elevated... . 40 - 49 46½- 59 44½- 57¾ 41 - 50 43¼- 57 48 - 59¾ 53 - 60 60 - 67 615½- 66¼ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 1st p1•ef.. .. .... . . .. . . . . . . 82 - 8.i 88 - 92 89 - 93¼ ~o - 9S½ 88 - 93½ 90 - 93 8~ - 91 . . . . - . .. . .. . . - .. . . .. . - . . . . . .. . - . . . . . . . . _ ...• Common... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 42 - 45 5S - 59 53¾- 59½ 48 - 51 50 - 55 50 - 57 .... - . . . . 65 - 65 64½- 64½ .... - •.•.•... - ....•..• _ .... Consolidated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . 70 - 79 70 ·· 76 72¾- 77¾ 69~- 73¾ x64½- 72¼ l'tlanhattan Beach Co ... 15 - 10 16 - 21¼ 20½- 24. 19 - 24 12½- 20 13¼- 20 12¼- 16 10 - 12 11 - 12 10 - 12 .. .. - .. . . 10¼- 11¼ Memphis & Charleston. S2 - 40 82½- 40 S2 - 85 33 - S6 25 - 87 23 - 29 24 - 80 28 - SO 26 - 29½ 27 - SO½ 25 - 28 26 - 29½ Metropolitan Elevated. 90 - 92 90 - 90 93 -lOS½ 100 -105 87 - 102 85 - 89 85½- 91 90 - 99¾ 94 - 96% 95½- 97½ 9S½- 9S¾ 90 - 98 Michiaran Central.. .... .. 85 - 9S½ 90 - 04¾ 89%- 94½ 81¾- 91 64 - 82 51¾- 78½ 54 - 73 66¼- 72¾ 60 - 60 5! - 68¼ 52¾- 60¼ 54½- 61 Milw. Lake Sh. & W.... 16 - 16 10 - 12 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - . . . . . . - . . . . ... - ........ - ... . ... . - ....... . - . . . . .. . _ ... . Pref .................... . ... 83¼- 88 34 - S4 , S7¼- 80 30 - 44 82!i4- 87 33½- 84 33 - 83 8:5 - 86 •.. - ... . 31 - 81¼ .... - ... 82 - 82 Minneapolis & St. L.... 14 - 18½ 16 - 18½ 15-1.t- 17¼ 13½- 16¾ 11 - 15 7½- 12¾ 11 - 15¼ 14¼- 16½ 12½- 15 11 - 14 11¼- 18 10 - 13½ Pref ................. . ...... Sl¼- 88 34 - 86½ 84 - 34 27.!,,i- 82~ 17½- 27¼ 17 - 28 22 - 81¼ 80 - 84¾ 27¼- 32½ 25½- 80% 25 - W 25¼- 80 Missouri Kan. & Texas 16½- 23¼ 20¼- 23¼ 19-~- 22¼ 13¾- 20¾ 11½- 17¾ O½- li½ 11¼- 19¾ 17½- 22% 16¾- 19% 15¾- 19 18¾- 17¾ 14¾- 187,( Missouri Pacific.......... Sf¾- 91¾ 00 - 95 x8Cl - 9~¼ 79 - 86¼ 63½- 82¼ 80)4-100 92%-100 90 - 95¼ x90 - 95 fll¼- 98¾ 89¾- 95¼ x89¼- 95¾ Mobile & Ohio.... . . . .. . 8½- 10¼ 9½- 11 10 - 18¾ 11 - 13 8 - 10 6¼- 9½ 9 - 10½ 10 - 10½ .... - . . . . 9 - 9 .... - . . . . 7¼- ~ Morris & Essex ...... ..... 121½-127 t23¾-l25 124¼-126 125 - 126 123 -126 :r:116-126 117 -12)¼ 122 -124½ 124 - 124¾ 122 - 124½ 122 - 124¾ xll5 -124 Nashv. Chatt. & St. L ... 4'3 - 56 51 - ~½ 58 - 58 51 - 5-i 88 - 50½ SO - 45 86 - 43½ 88½- 45 83 - 39 84½- 88 85 - 89 36 - ~ N.Y.Cent.&Hud.Riv,110%-11/5¾114 -118½x18¼12! 113 - 115 103¾-114½!x94¼108§ii 97!,s-111%102¾-112 x:93)4104 84 -06¼ 88¾-00¼x88¾-92¾ N. Y. Chicago & St. L... 8¼- O¾ 8¾- 10¼ 8¾- O_li 7¼- 8¾ 5½-· 8 5½- 6¼ 5 - 6¾ 6¼- 7½ 5¾- Cl½ 5¼- 5¾ 5 - 5¾ 4 - 5¾ Pref........ . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . 16¾- 20 l'i'¾- 20¾ 17¾- 19 15¼- 17¾ 0 - 16 9¾- 14 9¾- ll¾ 11 - 12¼ 10 - 11½ 0 - 10¼ 8¾- 0 7!,(- 8¼ New York Elevated .. .. . .. .. - ........ - ........ - ... . 125 -125 .... - .... 115 -130 ... - ... . 115 -115 .... - ........ - .... 115 -111'1 180 -180 N. Y.Lack.&West . ... . 85 - 87¾ 87¾- 91¾x90 - 92½ 00½- 04½ 84 - 92 88 - 87½ 83½- 88¼ 87½- 89½ 86:k;- t9¼ SO - 87½ 86 - 89½ 85½- 89¾ N. Y. Lake Erie & West. 24¾- 28¾ 24¾- 27¾ 20¾- 26 17¾- 22¼ 13½- 19½ 11¼- 16 12 - 17¼ 15 - 19½ 12 - 16½ 12;{.- 15% 12 - 15¼ 18¾- 15¾ Pref........ . . .. . . . . . . . . . 66½- 70 68¼- 70 57½- 71 47½- 58½ 32 - 50½ 20 - 84¾ 25 - 84½ 33 - 39 25 - 34¼ 20 - 30 25 - 32 27 - 85 N. Y. & New Englg,nd. ... 12¾- 17¼ lS¼- 14½ 12 - 15% 14 - 17½ 0 - 14 8 - lJ 10 - 13 13 - 16¾ 10 - 14¾ 10 - 11½ 9:%- 10½ U - 13~ N. Y.N.Haven&Ha1•tf. 176 -178 ~77 -180 180 -182 180 - 182 181 -184 177 -18S 173 -177½ 176 -178½ 175 -179 177 - 180 179 -180 175 -180 N. Y. Ontario & West... 8%- 16½ 10¼- 11¾ 9¾- 11½'. 8 - 10¼ 7½- 10¾ 7 - 10 8¾- 13 11½- 14½ 10¼- 1~ 10¾- 12 10¾- 12 11¾- 14½ N. Y.Susq.&West.... . 3¼- 5½ 5 - 6 5 - 6 4 - 5 8½- 4½ 4 - 4½ 3 - 4½ S - 5¼ 8¼- 8¾ 2½- 8 2%- 3 1¾- 2¾ Pret........ . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . 13 - 16¼ 14½- 18¼ 1Cl - 16h 14 - 16 10 - 12¼ .. . - .. . . 10 - 10½ 9½- 12 10 - 10 10 - 10¾ 8¾- 10 4½- 6¼ Norfolk & Western ...... 10 - 10 11 - 11 .. .. - .•.. 11 - 11 . . . - ........ - ........ - .. .. . ... - ... .. . .. - ........ - .... 12½- 12½ ... . - . .. . Pre1 .. ...................... 87¼- 41 35l}.!- 42 40 - 41 88 - 41 29½- 88 23%-'.::82¼ 22½- 29¼ 26 - ::!O 25 - 29 22 - 25 17 - 21 17½- 22¼ Northern Pacific .......... 18¾- 27 20½- 28¾ ~%- 22½ 10½- 22¼ 18¼- 25% 14 - 22¾ 15¼- 23 21 - 24¾ 17½- 22¾ 17¼- 21¼ 17~- 187,ii 16 - 18½ P1•ef ............ ............ 40½- 57¾ 44¼- 49¼ 45¾- 49¼ 46 - 49¼ 41 - o4.¾ 87¼- 50¼ 89 - 52'¼ 48½- 55¼ 41¼- 50¾ 41½- 46½ 40¼- 48¾ SSl}(- 42¾ Ohio Central.... .. . ... ..... 2½- 3¼ 2§s- s • 2½- 3 2 - 2¾ 1¾- 2¾ 1¾- 2½ 1¾- 2¼ 2 - 3¾ 2¼- 4½ l¾- 2¾ l¾- 2¾ 1 - 2 Ohio & Mi sissippi ....... 22 - 24¾ 21¾- 23'¼ 21½- 25¼ 16¾- 22¾ 14¾- 23 14%- 21% 16¾- 21 20½- 28¾ 17¾- 22¾ 15¼- 20¼ 16¼- 19¾ 17¾- 21¾ P1·et........ . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . 90 - 00 . . . . - ... . .... - .. . . 90 - 00 45 - 45 . . . . - . . . . 45¼- 64 . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . 45 - 60 Ohio Southern. ... .. .. . . . . 7 - 8¾ 7½- 8½ 7¾- 9 7¼- 7¼ 6½- 8½ 5 - 7 7¾- 9 8 - O½ 8½- 11¼ O - 11¾ 9 - 10 9½- 10¼ Orearon Short Line....... 15 - 15¾ 16 - 22½ 20 - 24 15 - 22 15 - 15½ 13 - 15 .... - . . . . 8¾- 14½ 12 - 12 .... - . . . . 14½- 16 15 - 16¼ Oregon & Transcontin'l 16¾- 84¾ 18¾- 2~ 18½- 22¼ 15¼- 21~ 1(%- 19¾ 6¼- 16 1½- 14½ 13¾- 1 7{ 11¼- 16½ 11½- 15 11¾- 14¾ 12 - 14¾ Peoria Dec. & Evansv.. 13 - 15½ 13 - 17 14¼- 17 14½- 16½? 0 - 14¾ 7 - 12¼ 8½- 15 14 - 17¾ 12¾- 15½ 12½- 15¾ 12½- 15 12 - 14¾ Philn. & Reading.... ... 51½- 59¾ 53¼- 60¾ 52¾- 60¼ 41¼- 55¼ 24¾- 44 22 - 26 22¼- 29½ 26¼- 30¼ ::!4½- 27¾ 21 - 27 20¾- 23¾ 16¼- 23¼ Pitts. Ft. W. & C., guar, 181 -132½ 182½-184¼ 128¼-134J.i? 128¾-185 127 -131 120 =-138¼ 120 -180 128½-133 128 - 132 125¾-130 125 -127 119½-128¾ Rens. & Saratoga .... .... 1.43 -145 142 -144¾ 144 -145 145 -146½ 144).j-145 188 - 140 138 -141 . . . - . . ...... - . . . 140¼-142 141 - 144 140 -14S Riehm. & Allegheny... . 4 - 5 4 - 5 8¾- 4¾ 3 - S½ 2¼- 3¾ 2¼- 2½ 8 - 3½ S - 5 2½- 3 2¾- 3 2¼- 2½ 2¼- 2½ Richmond & Danville.. 52½- 56 57 - 61 57 - 58½ 52 - 55 40 - 52¾ 37 - 40 32 - 88 39 - 45 45 - 45 35 - 87 84 - 45 43 - 45 Richmond & West Pt ... 26¼- 81 27½- 82 28 - 29¼ 25½- 28¾ 10 - 27 12 - 21 12 - 19¼ 16 - 21¾ 17½- 22¼ 15 - 17½ 15 - 23 18 - 20¼ Rochester & Pittsburg . 13¾- 15¾ 14¼- 16¼ 13¾- 14¾ 8-~- 14 5 - I)¾ 3 - 7½ 1¼- 4½ 2:%- 6¼ 3¼- 5¼ 3½- 4½ [ 2%- 4 2%- 31A Romo Wat. & Ogdensb, Iii¾- 20 21 - 22 21 - 24 .... - . . . . 19¾- 20 20 - 20 .... - . . . . 19 - 20 .... - . . . . 14 - 14 !7 - 17 18 - 18½ St. Louis Alton & T. H. 40 - 43 44 - 47½ 50 - 50 .... - .... 20¼- 85 18 - 20½ 20 - 26½ 26 - 31 ½ . ... •· . . . . 21 - 24 20 - 20¼ 20½- 22½ Pref. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 - 91 04 - 06 .. . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . 75½- 75½ 70 - 73 75 - 75 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . St. Louis&S. Francisco. 20 - 20½ 22½- 22½ 20 - 27 23 - 26 18 - 25 11½- 19 14 - 21 17½- 20½ 18¼- 24¾ 20 - 23½ 10 - 22¾ 20 - 22½ Pref. .. .... .. ... . . . .. .. .. .. 87½- 42 89 - 43 42¾- 50 48 - 47 84 - 45% 24½- 89 ::!5 - 34½ 84 - 49 89½- 44½ 38½- 48 89½- 41 88½- 42¾ 1st pref.. ...... . .. ...... . . 84½- 90 85 - 88 78 - 05 88 - 96½ 70 - 81J 72 - 82 77 - 85 84 - 90 88 - 87½ 88¼- 89 8S - 88½ 83 - 87 St. Paul & Duluth ....... 29%- 82¾ ... - . . . . 25 - 2:5 .... - . .. . 22 - 22 15 - 30 .... - ...... . - .... . ... - .... .... - . . . . 20 - 20 24½- 24½ Pref.. ..... .. . ... . . ... . .. . . 90 - 90 89½- 90 89¾- 90 86 - 86 . ... - . . .. 80 - 80 65 - 65 65 - 70 75 - 65 72 - 72 'i9 - 79½ 72 - 79 St. Paul M.iun. & lllan .. x84 - 99 90 - 97~ 92¾- 97½ 90}4- 07½ 79.!,f- 93 78½- 92 S8 - 97½ 94 - 99 85¼- 97½ 76¼- 92 78~- 86 77½- 86 South Carolina RR.... . . . .. - . . . . . . . . _ .. . . . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . . . .. 10 - 11 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . 9 - 9 Texas & New OI"leans .. .... - . . . os _ 93 .... - .... .... - . . . . 02½- !l2¼ .... - ... .. ... - . . . . . .. . - .. . ... . - ...... .. - . . . 90½- 91½ .... - ... . Texas & Pacific.... ... .... 15 - 20% 19¾- 22¾ 18½- 21¾ 14 - 19% 9½- 16½ 5½- 15!,f 7 - 12¼ 10%- 15¾ 10¾- 18¾ 9 - 12¾ 8¼- 18¾ 12 - 14¾ Tex. & St. L. in Texas. 2 - 2 .... _ ........ - ........ - .. . . . . . - ... . .... -· ........ - ... .. ... - ... . .. .. - ........ - .. ...... - ........ - ... . Union Pacific............ . . 69½- 78¼ 76¾- 84¾ ~ - 82¾ 62½- 74¼ 35¼- 64¼ 28 - 47 28¼- 48¼ 41¾-:57¾ <5¾- 54% 50 - 58½ 47 - 54:)4 44¾- 52 United Cos. of N. J .. .. .. . lll2½-l92½ .... - .... 198 -193½ 192¼-1{12½ . . - . ... 185½-185½ .... - . . ...... - . . .. 192½-192½ .... - . ... .. .. - ........ - . . . . Virarinia lUidland... .. . . . 21 - 21 20 _ 20 21 - 21 ... . - .... .... - ........ - . . . . 15 - 15 15 - 15 15 - 15 .... - .... 15 - 17¾ .... - . .. . Wah. St. Louis & Pac.. 12½- 19¾ 15 - 18¾ 14%- 16¾ 8¾- 15 5¼- 9% · 4 - 6¾ 5 - 7 5¾- 7 4½- Cl½ 4 - Cl¼ 4¾- 5 4¾- 5½ Pref . ................... . 24¼- 82 25¾- 80¾ 24¾- 28 14¾- 25 9 - 17¼ 9 - 14 11¾- 16¼ 14½- 17 12 - 14 10¾- 18 11¼- 13½ 12½- 18¼ W a1·ren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 122 -122½ . . . . - . . . 121 -121 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . • • • - • . . . . . . - .. • • • • • • - • • • • TELEGRAPH. American Tel. & Cable. fi77,1i- 61¾ 57¾- 60 57 - 60 55½- 59 40 - 58 49 - C5 49¾- 58½ 537-(- 59¼ 52 - 56¾ 58½- 56 52¾- 55h; 52¾- 56 Hanke1·s' & lllerchants' 119¾-128¾ 123½-12~4 x124¼ 26½ •11';¾-27¾ 45 - 119½ 80 - 44 25 - 25 15 - 80 5 - 5 1 - 1 4 - 4½ .... - . .. . Gold & Stock...... ... .... . 75 - 75 - . . . . 75 - 76 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - ... . Mutual Uuion . ... ... ... .. . 14¼- 17¾ 15 - 15,¼ 16 - 16 .... - . . . . 10 - 11½ ... . - •. . . 11 - 12¼ 13 - 13 . ... - ... 12 - 16¼ 18½- 14 14 - 14 Western Union . ... .. . ..... 71¼- 76½ 78¾- 78¼ x70¾- 76 60%- 71¼ 49 - 68¾ x50¼- 63¾ 53¼- 62 61¼- 69-¼ x61¼· 67¾ 58¾- 65¾ 56¼ · 61½ x58½- 64 EXPRESS. Adams ......... ... .......... . 1.28 -180¼ 128 -132 129 -181 130 -137 128 -185 127¾-130½ 126 -180 130 -135 180 -134 180½-185 180½-134 125 - 134 American..... . .. .. .. . . .. .. . 91 - 07 95 -101 96½-102 96½- 99½ 88 - 99 87 - 95½ 88 - 95 92 - 95 92 - 05 92 - 04.½ 92½- 95 x88 - 96 58 - 54 li2 - 55 54 - 55 51 - 55 United States...... .. ..... . 56 - 60 58 - 61½ 58%- 60¼ 59¼- 61½ 45 - 60 47 - 54 49½- 55 52 - 55 Wells, EarllO & Co ....... xl05-x10½ 105 -115 110 -115 110¼-115 98 -118½ 00 -110 100 -104¾ 104 - 109 104 -109 106 -110 107 -110 108 -loo,( COAL & MINING. Cameron Coal & Iron .. .... - ... s - 5 .•.• - ....... - •...•••• - ... .... . - .... .. .. - ........ - ........ - .•. .. ... - • •· • •··· - •··· •··· ~ • •·· Cenn·al Arizona Mininar ¼- ¾ . . .. _ • • . . . .. . - . . . .. . . _ .. . . . . . . _ .. . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . • - . .. . . . . . - .... Colorado Coal & Iron ... 10½- 16¾ 11½- 17 12 - 17½ 12½- 17½ 9 - 13 7 - 12½ 8¼- 12¾ 9¾- 12½ 9¼- 10¾ 7½- 9½ 7 - 9 8 - 103,( Consolidation Coal...... 28 - 23 21¾- 21¾ 28 - 23 22 - 22 . . . . - . . . . 18 - 18 . . . . - . . . . 18 - 18 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 18 - 20 Homestake Mining ...... 10 - 11 9 - 9 8 - 8½ 8¾- 8½ 9 _ 9 9½- 9½ 9 - 9 9½- 9½ 9)4- ll¼ 10 - 10 l'l½- 10 9 - 10 Maryland Coal.. . ......... 12 - 12 15 - 15 14 - 15 12 - 15 . . .. - . . . . 9 - 10 10 - 10 9 - 9 10 - 10 . . . . - .. • • 7 - 7 ... , - ... . New Central Coal........ 9¾- 10¼ 10 - 10 9 - 9¼ 7½- . 7½ 7½- 7½ .. . . - .. ...... - .... 8 - 8 .... - ... . . ... - . . .. 5 - 5¼ .... - ... . Ontario Silver Mining .. 2\:1¼- 29½ 27½- 27½ 28¼- 29 .... - .... 14 _ 20 .... - . ... 18½- 18½. . - .... 20 - 20 21 - 2~ 19 - 19¾ 18¾- 1~ Pennsvlvanin. Coal. ...... .... - .... 264 -264 .... - .... .. - .. ..... . - ........ - .... . . .. - ..... ... - . . . . .. - • • • • • •· - · ·· · · · · - ... ·· · · - · ··· Quicksilver Mining. ..... 4½- 5½ 5½- 6¼ .... - ........ - ........ _ •. .. 3¾·· 4 .,. - ... . 4½- 5½ . ... - .... ... - .. .. 4½- 15¾ ISM- 63,( Pref .. • ... •. . .. . . . . .. . . . . 25¼- 80 28 - S2¼ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 24 - 26 20 - 23 25 - 26 29 - 29½ 29 - 29 • . - . . . . SO' - 34 83 - 8S Sprinii Mountain Coal . 29½- 85 ~¼- 48 40¼- 49¾ 41 - 51 49¾- 49¾ .... - . ....... - .... . ... - ..... .. - ... . •. • • - .. • • • • · · - · · · · · · · · - · · · · 8tanda1·d Consol. Min'g 15½- 7!4 6¾- 6¼ 6 - 6½ .... _ ........ _ •..•.... - ........ - .... .... . . .. 1¼- 1¼ ... - .. . . .. - . .... . - . .. . VARIOUS. Canton Co .. . .......... ......... - .... .... _ ........ _ ........ _ .. ...... _ ........ _ .... .. .. _ ........ - . ..... .. - ........ - ... 89½- 40 40 - 40 Del. & Hudson Canal. .. 105 -108 107½-114 107 -no tOS¾-107½ 88½-1.05¾ 89 - 99 90½-101¾ 96¾-101 84½ -97 82¾- 90 83½- 91½ 67 - 91~ lron Steamboat Co.. . ... - ........ - ....... - .. . . . .. - . .. . 15 - 15 . .. . - ........ - . . . . . .. .... .... . .. . .... - • .. • • • • • - • • • • • • · • - · · · · N. Y • & Texas Land . ... . 122½-150¼ 160 -170 .. . . .... - ... . .... - ....... - ...... .. - .... 150 -150 .... - ........ - ........ - .... •··· - •··· Oreiron lmprovem't Co. 88 - 65¼ 41 - 52 40¼- 45 20 - 40 12 - 22½ 8¾- 15'¼ 9 - 20 20 - 29 15¾- 20 16½- 19½ 16¼- 22½ 19 - 21 Oreirou R'y & Nav. Co.. . 78½-112 87 - 99½ 88 - 91 70 - 86¼ '71 - 81¾ 60¾- 74¾ 68½- 6S 81 - 87¾ 65 - 88 68 - 7S 68 - 75 69½- 74 Faciftc Mail S. S.......... 40¾- 47 45½- 51¼ oo • 56'4: x4S½- 5S% Sl - 46¼ 85¾- 48¼' S9½- 48¼ 46½- 52¾ 48 - 52¾ 51 - 56¾ 48¼- 54¼ 5~- 5'™ Pullman Palace Car ... . 108¾-117 x:103~ 14¾ 108 -115¾ 110 -llS¼ x90 -112 94 -103½ 96 -110 x107!,4-16J.,i lll½-115¾ 111 -lHS¼ xlOS-11~ 105 -111 Sutr0Tunnel .... per11h ..... - ..... ... - ........ - ........ - . ...... - ,..... . ... - .. .. - ........ - •·• · .... - ........ - ... ¼- ¼••·· ·- .. .. United States Trust Co . . . - . . . . . .. _ .. .. .. . . - .... ~ -505 . .. . - .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . • .. - . .. . . . . . - • . .. . .. - ,. . . .. .. - . . . • .. • - • .. • •,l'e. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RA ILR OAJJ::_AND  MISCELLANEOUS  STOCKS.  1886 . S TOCKS . ··- - - - _ _  1-J_.A_N_U_.A_R_Y_I .F_E_B._R_' R_Y_. _M_.A_R_c~ _A_P_R_I_L_._, __M_.A_Y_._, _J_u_N_E._.___J_u_L_Y_.__ A_u_o_u_sT_. _SE_P_T_' D~  OCT0B~. _N_o_v_'B_ER_. _D_E_c_'DER.  _ _ _ Low.High Low. High Low.Hlllh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High ~ow.High Low.High Low.Hillh  R AI LROAD. Albany & S usqu e hanna. 128 - 129 124 ·124 128 -130 132 -132½ 132 -183½ 133 -133 130 -130 . .. . -- .. . ..... - ... . 130X!-130J.,i 137 -140 128 -128 Atchis on Top. & S . Fe.. 74 - 78 73 ·- 7511.£ 677/4- 70 .z:69¼x72 66¾- 71¼ .... - .... 66¾- 677,.,f; 66¾- 66¾ .... •· . .. . 71½- 77¼ 87¾- 89 84¼- 86¾ Atlantic & Pacific ....... . . . .. - . . . . . . . - . . .... •. - .. .. .. .. - . .. . .. . - .. .. . . . . - .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. - . .. . 8¾- 10¼ 9½- llJ.ii ~ - 10¼ B ost .& N. Y. A il·-L., p r J 90 - 90¼ 90¼- 90!1,( 88 .. 90~ 88¾- 90 89½- 90½ 93 - 93 94 - 96¼ 96¼- 97 95 - 97 94 96½ 96 - 96 94¾- 96½ Bur. c. Rap. & N orth ... .... - . .. . 57 - 65 .. .. - . . . . 62 - 62 ... . - ... ..... - .. .. 63 - 63 63 - 70 60 - 60 60 .. 80 70 - 87 78 - 82 Canadian Pacific . . . .. 37 - 44% 37½- 40 36¾- 40 35¾- 377Ai 86 - 40 39 - 41¾ 40~- 46 43 - 46¼ 45 - 46 45 - 50½ 49¾- 57½ 55 - 63~ Cnnada S outh ern ....... 29¼- 32 29¾-- 35 30 - 32½ ~ - 30 23 - 30 26 - 82 30 - 86 35 - 40 35 .. 38¾ 37 .. 47¾ 41¾- 4·7 ½ 8 -· 44¼ Cedar Falls & Mi n n ..... ... . - ... . 10 - 11 fl¾- 10 9:):(- 10½ 9%- 10¾ 10½- 11 9 - 12½ 12½- 14½ .... - . ... 14¼- 17¾ 14½- 16¼ 18 - 16 Central Iowa .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . - .. .. 7 - 11¼ 11¾- 13¼ .. . - .. .. . .. . . . ...... - .. . 10 - 12 9 - 11 1.0 - 10 10 .. 14¾ 12 23¾ 19½- 24¾ Central of New J e r sey. 31¾- 40% 32¼- 39¾ 31 - 41¾ 31¼- 38¼ 34½- 37¾ Sf>¾· 41½ 86¾- 49 4$¾- 52 8{ii}s- 50 39¾- 49¾ 40!,i;- 47¾ 42 - 46¾ Central P acific ............ 26½- 85¼ 27¾- 86 29)4- 35¼ 80¼- 83 29¼· 81¾ 29¼- 82 80 - 34¾ 82½- 40¾ 85¾- 39½ 36¼· 43½ 42J.,i- 49 39¼- 44¼ Char i. Col. & A u iru sta . ... - .. .... . , - . . .. . . . . ·· . ..... . . - .. ...... - . ...... - .. .. ... . .. 29 - 29 . . - .... 80 - 85 35 36 85 - Sil 3 Chesape ake & Ohi o . . ... ri½- 6¾ 6 - 6 ~ 5¾- 6¼ 3 - 5½ 4¼- 4½ 3¾• 4¼ 4 - 6 5¼- 8 7 - 7¾ 6¾- ~ 9 .. 12½ 11¼-- 18½ 1st pre 1. . . . ... .. ... · · ···• •· 9½- 11 10¾- 12~4 0¾- 11¼ 7 9½ 7¼- 8¾ 7¾- 8¾ 7¼- 11¼ 10½- 14¼ 18 - H 11¾- 16¼ 16 .. 23¾ 18-¾- 2l½ 2d pref .................... 5½-· 8 'i - 7 5½- 7 4¾· 6½ 4½- 5¼ 4½- 4½ 4½- 7 6¾· 9½ . 8 - 8½ 8 - 11:l( 10¾- 15¼ 12½- 15½ Chica:;:o & Alt on .... .... .. 12S -131½ 181 -183¼ 182½- 135 134 -138 137 -138½ l86¾- 189½ 136 -138½ 182 -188¼ 181 -183½ 13l½ 139 137 -140 138 -140 Pref .... . .. .. .. . . ..... .. .... 147 -147 151 -151 152 -152 .... - .. .. . . - .. . l52 -152 .. . - .... 149 -149 . . - .. . . . . . - .. . .. . - .... 154 --155 Chic. Burl. & Quincy ... 115½-119¾ 118.l{- 122~ 12()¾-125½ 119\i-124½ 120 - 124¾ t20¾-127½ 125½-131½ 128 -184 126½-180 128¼-183¾ 183 --138½ 132¾-138¾ Chic. Mil. & St. l ' a ul. ... 707,-s 76~ 71¾- 75¾ 68¾- 75¾ x68¾x73½ 66¾- 71 64¾ - 72½ 70 - 83¼ 76%- 82¼ 74¾- 80½ 75¼- 89¾ 81:l¾- 99 89¾- 90½ Pref ... . .................... 102 -107 103 - 107½ 105)4-108 x:108½-108 102¾-100 103½- 108¾ 108 -113 llOJ,i-115 xl07¾-14¼' 107 -114¼ 114¼-119¾ 115 -125 f 'I ic. & N orthwest .... . .. 84.¾- 01¾ 8~- 97¾ 92¾- 96¼ 94 - 08¾ PO¾- 95~ x:Sll¼-94½ 91¾-101¼ 07½-103¾ 94!1( - 09½ 98½-llH.( 110¼-115¾ x105¼-14¾ Pref . . .... . .. .. . . .. ... . .. ... 119¾-126½ 126 -134 xl27¾ 32½ 129¼-133¼ 125)4- 1301,! xt28¾-129 127 -13~ 129l-2-139'¼ xl24~.(-13J 128¾-135¾ 135 -1377,-s x132½-36½ t.:hic. R . I. & .Pacific ..... 105 -i09 108¾-114 112¼-116¾ ll2 -115½ lll½-115 113¼-118 115 -119 1177/4-121¾ 117½-120 118¼- 125 128¾-132 127¼-121:l½ (Jhic. St. Louis & Pitts . 7¼- 8¾ 7¼- 8½ 6><;- 9 8 - 8½ . •.. - . .. 7 - 7 6½- 10½ 10 - 12¼ 11 - 117,-s 11¾- 18 15¾- 18½ 12 .. 15¾ Pref.. . .. ... .. . .......... . ... 15 - 17½ 15½- 10 17 • 19 15¾- 18 15 - 15 14!,!- 16 14 - 25 23 - 25½ 22 - 25!,,i 25¾- 41½ 86½- 40½ 32 - 36 Chic. St. Paul M . & 0 ... 24¼- 27 25 - 20 28¾- 26½ 18¾- 25!-1. 18¾- 21 18¾- 22 21½- 28 26 - 38¼ 29½- 34¼ 83 - 39¾ 38 - 44¼ 34½- 41½ Pref .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . ..... . . . 82!,4- 87½ 80 - 91¾ 84 - 88¼ 78¾- 86 09 - 74 66 - 74¼ 71 - 86¼ 81½- 96 87%- 04 93¼ 100½ 100½-105½ 100 -105¾ Cin. Sandm1ky & C l eve. . . - . . .. 22 - 22;)4 . . • . - . . .. . .. - . . . . 20 - 20 . . . . - .. . . . . . - . . - .. . . . . . - . .. . 28½- es 83 - 86½ 85 - 3{> Cleve. Col. Cin. & I n d . .. 81 - 83 8~- 83 83½- 85 23 - 83¾ 24½- 83¾ 28 - 83¾ 80¾- 38½ 37¾- 42 38 - 47½ 47½- 69 60 - 65½ 50 - 61 Cleve. & Pitts . , g u ar .... l34 - 187 134½-137½ 138 -189 l40 -140¼ 140¾-141 .. .. - .... 141 -141 139½-139½ .. .. - .. .. 140 -141 141 -142½ 142½-146¼ Columbia& Greeuv., pi. 14½- 20 20 - 20 20 - 20 20 - 20 .... - .... . . .. - ..... . . . - . .. . 28 - 41 38 - 41 38 - 49 ~s •· 48 51 - 51 Col. Chic. & Ind. Cen . . .. .... - .. . l¼- 1¼ 1¼- l¼ .... - .... .. . . - .... ... . . ....... - .. . . .. . - ... . .. .. - .. .. .. . . .. ...... - ........ - ... . Col. Hock. Val. & Toi.. . . ., - . . .. .... - . . . . .. . . - ....... . - . ... .... - .. ..... . - .... .. - .. .. 18 - 20 19 - 20¾ 19 - 26 25 - 43 29 · 34 l)anbury & Nor ,v alk . .. . 50 - 50 . ... - . . .. . . . . - . ... ... . . .. . ... - ... . . .. 50 - 50 ... . .. - .. . . .. .. . ....... - . .. .... • - • •· · Del. Lack. & Wester n .. 82¾- 01¼ 88¾-104¾ 99¾-109¼ x108¼ 08¼ 99¾-1~{ x88¼-104] 90½-108½ 98 •-105¼' 97 -104¼ 102½-121¾ 119¼-124 120 -1~ Denver & Rio Grande .. 8¼- 10 7 - 9¼ 7½- 8½ 5¾- 7~ 4½-- 7 4¾- 5½ 4½- 8¼ 8¾- 13½ 10¼· 14 12½· 18½ 17¾- 24½ 17¾-- 23¼ Dubuque & S . Ci ty. . .. .. . 55 - 59 60 - 65 68½- 65 130 - 62 57 - 50 58 . ri9½ 58 - 63 63 • 67 59 - 63 59 - 63 60 - 65½ 61 - 63 EnstTenn. Va . & Gn .... 2¾- 3½ 3 - 4 8¾- 4¾ 3 - 3'¼ 3¼- 3% 2¼- 3¼ 27,s- 4¾ 4¼· 6¾ 5%- 6½ 5½- 7 5¾- 8¾ 5¾- 7¼ Pref ............. .. . ... . . .. 4¼- 5½ 5¼- 6¾ 6½- 8 5¼- 6 5 - 5¾ 4¼- 5½ 4¾· 7½ 7)4- 10¼ 9 - IO½ 9½- 12½ 10¾- 14¾ 9½- 12 Elizabetht. Lex. & n. s . . .. - .. . . .. . . - .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. - . .. . .. . - . .. . .. .. . .. .. - ... . .. .. - .. .. .. .. - .. .. 'i - 16 15¼- 20 20 - 27¼ Evansvill e & T . Haute 37½- 40 89½- 49 47 - 52 45 - 48 40 - 47 x45 - 49 40 - 52 50 - 54½ 52½-xri? 56 - 64¼ 58½- 71 66 - 69 Fort Wor th & D e nver . .... -· .. . . . . .. ·· . .. . . .. - . .. . . .. - .. .. .. . 14½- 14½ 14 - 14 14¼- 23 19 - 21½ 20 • 23¾ 21 - 25 19¼- 23 Clreen Bay W i n.& S t. P . 8 - 8½ 8 3 3 - 3½ 8 - 4¼ 8½- 4¾ 3%- 5 4¼ - 5¾ 5¼- 0!-( 5 - 5¾ 5 6}<. 6 - 11¾ 7¾- 10¼ Harlem ..... . ...... .. . .. .. .. . UI0¼-192 . . .. - .... 193¼- 200 198 -200 198 -198 x190-200 190 - 195 200 --200 208 -203 205 -205 . .. - . .. . 208 --211 llouston & T exas Cent. 20 - 30 16 - 20 14 - 16½ 14!/4· 17 15 - 20 17 .. 26 24 - 26 25 - 82 29 - 32 81 - 87 38 - 89¾ 82 - 37 Illinois Centr al.. . . ... .. .. 119½-128 xl21¼-12tl 124%-127 124½-127 124¾-128 124 -126½ 1'26¾ -132 x129¼-134 130½-132½ 131½- 135½ 135 -189½ 185¼-140 Leased line , 4 p. c. .. . . 84 - 86½ 8ri - 88½ 85 - Stl;k( 85½- 85½ 85 - 89 b7½- R7½ 90 . 90 89½- 89½ 90 - 90 Ill ½;- 92 91 - 93 92 - 95 Ind. Bloom. & W est .... 11½- 12¾ 12 - 14½ 12¼- 18½ 10¼· 12¼ 8½- 10¼ 7½- 9 8 t2 11½- 15¼ 11¾- 14¾ 18¼- 20 17¾- 28¾ 21¼ - 27 Joliet& Chica iro ..... .. .. . . .. - . . . .. .. . - .. .. .... - . . .. .. .. , ... 140 -140 - . ... . . .. .. .. .. ... 150 -150 ... ,. .. .. . . - .. .. H..eokuk &Dcs Moines . . . . - . .. . 2½- 6 .. . . - ..... ... - .. ..... . - ... . . .. .... 2½- 4~ 4 11 6 8 8 - 10½ 9½-10 ·· ·· - • ·· · Pret .... . ... . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . - . . .. .. . . - .. .. .. , - .. .. .. . . - . . . . .. . . - . .. . . . .. .. .. 30 • 30 .. .. . . - .. 29½- 297.,.fi • • • • - .... • ·., - • .. • Lake Erie & Western .. . 9¾- 13½ 12½- 17 14 l6n1 4½- 13½ 4¾- 7 2½- ti¾ 1¾)- 5 8¼- 10 7½- O½ 9~- 14 10¾- 21¾ 18½- 19¾ Lake Shore... .. . ...... . ... 59¾- 68½ 60¾-- 67'% 59¼· 65¾ 58¼- 60¾ 50¼- 1'>9 51¾- 58¼ 54¾- 71¾ 68¼- 75 67¼- 74¾ 73¼- 83¾ 82¼- 69¼ 8l¾- 89¼ Lon~ Island ....... . ... . .... 62 - Oi½ 67 • 71¾ 69½- 73¼ 71 - 73 71¾- 77¾ 74¾- 77¾ 74 - 70 74 - 77 73 - 75 73 - 77¼ 76¼- 80¼ 78¾- 80~ Louisiana & Mo. Riv.. - . . .... .. - . .. . 22½- 26 . . . - . . .. .. . . .• , - .. . . .. . . ... . .. - .. .. .. .. .. 19½- 21 20½- 25 • .. . - .. .. Louisville & Nash v ill e . 22 - 26½ 23¾-- 83¼ 30¼- 8:!½ 30½- 32½ 28¾- 85 31½- 35¾ 34¾- 41¾ 39½- 49¼ 43 - 46¾ 44 - 48¾ 45 - 51~ 41¼- 48½ Louisv.New Alb.&Ch ic. 11½- 19½ 17¼- 27½i 22 - 26¾ 23 - 26!4 23 - 25 .. . . - .. .. 22 - 25 23½- S4 30 - 85 32 - 40 83½- 40 32 - 37 lUanbattan Co nsol.. .. . . 65 - 70~ 71 - 77¾ x77 - 78¾ 77½- 90¼ 90 - 97 x95 - 07¾ 05¼- 98 05¼-100½ x91%-IOO¼ 100 -111¾ 108½-120 117 -123½ IUo.nhattan B each Co ... 11¾- 14½ 14 - 15 14½- 15¼ 14½- 15½ 14½·· 18½ 14 - 16¾ 13 - 14 12¼ · 15 10~- 11½ 10½- 14½ 14 - 18 14 - 18½ 83 - 38 Memphis & Charleston . 27½- 30 29¾- 86 35 - 44 37 - 40 84 - 87½ 32 - 88 33 - 37 83 - 39 34 - 38 35 - 37f.i 33 - 40 Metropolitan Elpvnte d . 00 - 93¾ . . .. - . .. . . .. . - .. .. . . .. - .. . . .. . . - .. .. 125¼-12ri¼ .. .. . . . . . .. - .. . . .. . - ....... , - .. .. . .. - .. . .. .. - .. .. Michhran Central. .. . .... 54 - 61 55 - 64½ 55 - 63 51 - 59 46½- 52½ 48 -· 55 51 - 65½ 62 68¾ 61½- 67 65½- 77¾ 74 · 79¾ 7 1!4· 78 lllilw. Lake S h.& W . .. . .. . . - .. . . .... - .. .. .. .. - . .. . .. .. . ..... . . - . . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . - .. . . . .. - .. . . 16 - 20 20 - 24 23 - 25 Pret . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . - . . . . 32 - 34¾ 84 - 34 83 .. 33½ 29½- 33 29 - 20 .. .. . . .. 83 - 89¾ 37 - 39 40 -· 48¾ 50 - 54½ 50 - 54 Minneapolis & S t. L .... 10½· 12½ 11¾- 13 11½- 12¾ 11 - 12)4 11 - 11½ 11¾ - 13 13 _ 111 14¾- 20;1-.( 16¼- 19¾ 17¾- 23)4 21¾-· 26 20 - 23 Pref. ........... . . ... . .... . . 25 - 28 27!':(- 29½ 25½- 28 2ri - 27!,,i 24½- 26 26½ · 29>4 28¾·· 33 30¼- 43¾ 37 - 41½ 38¾- 48!!:( 45¾- 56¾ 45 - 51)4 lUissouri Kan. & T ex a s 14½- 17~ 14¼- 18¾ 17¼- 18¾ 17'¾- 19 17¾- 19¼ 16½- 18¼ 17¼- 22¾ 21 - 26 22¾- 26 24¼- 28¼ 27¼- 37¼ 29¼- 35½ lUissouri Pacific ......... . 90¾-- 95 90¼- 97¼ x89½- 9l~ 90¼- 95¾ 94 - iJ6 x94¼- 96¾ 01 - 98¾ 90!!:(- 1:15½ 91 - 95 93 -104¾ 101 -106 l04 - lll¾ Dfobile & Ohio .... .. ...... 7¼- 8 8 - 9¾ 9 O 8 - 8 7¼- 7½ 6 - 7 8 97-f l !l 13!4 ll¾· 18¼ 12 - l6 14 - 18¼ I4 - 16½ lUorris & Essex ........... 114,.!~121 118 - 122 ll8 -122 119½-124¾ t:22¾-124¾ 122 -125 120½- t26 128 - 127 124¾ -127i'( 127)4- 129¾ 129¼-183½ !28 - 183¼ 4 5 - 50 Nashv. Chatt. & S t. L . .. 83 - 37 35 - 42½ 40 - 42¾ 38 - 40 35 - 89¼ 35 - 40 39 - 4-1 42 - 47¾ 43 - 45½ 42 - 48 44 - 49 N. Y. Cent. & Hud. Riv. 84½- 89¼ 67¾- 95¾ 87 - 94¼ 88½- 91 82½- 89¼ 81¾- 88¼ x83!,4-x99 06),4-101¾ 95½-100¼ x98-xl04½ 101 -107)4 101½- 106% N. Y. Chi cago & St. L ... 4¼- 5¼ 4½- 5 1:1:(- 4½ 2 -· 2½ 1¾- 2¼ l¾- 2¾ 2¼- 3% 8¾- 7¼ 5¾- 6½ 6 - 10¼ 8 - 11¾ 8¼- 10¾ Pref. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 7½- 9 8 - 9¾ 4 - 9 4 5½ 4½1- 4% 4 - 5 4!1(-- 7)4 6¾- 12¾ 11 - 12¾ 11½- 21½ 16½- 26 18¼- 23¾ New York El evate d . ... . 122 - 130 . ... - .. .. - .. .. 185 -140 140 -145 .. . •· .. ,. . - .. . .. .. .. ·· ... - . .. . .. - ...... . · . ... N. Y. & W est . . . .. 84½- 88 86 - 68 67¼- 88¾ 88 - 89½ S8 - 90 88:)4- 90¼ 89¼- 02½ 92¾- 94 92¾· 94 92¼- 97¼ 96½-100½ 98 - lOO 22 2 N. Y. Lake Erie &West. 12½- 141)( 11¼- 14¼ U - H 11¾- 18 9)4- 12 0%- 10½ 9¾- 15¼ 15¼- 18¼ 14:ki- 17¾ 16 - 23¼ 21¾- 27¾ ½- 6¼ 46¾- 54½ Pref. . ...... . . ... .. ...... 23 - so 20 - 80 24 - 29 21 - 23½ 19 - 2s 18 - 22 22 - 81 s1 - 39 34 - 38½ 37 - 46 44 - 57 N. Y. & New En~la nd .... 12 - 14¼ 14¾- 17)4 15¼- 17 16¼- 22¼ 18%· 21½ 17¾- li O 19¼- 21 20 - 25½ 19 - 23¼ 20¾- 31 27½- 88¾ 33¼- 89:I-< N. Y. N. Haven & Hartf. 175 -180 !79 -180½ 180 -182½ 186 -189 186)4-190 183 -183 184 -186½ 186 - 186 192 - 193 192½-200¼ 200 -20Z¼ 200 - 204 N. Y. Ontario & West .. . 10½-· 12½ 10¾- 12~ 8½· 11¾ 6¾- O½ 6:1(- 8 6:)(- 8 6¼- 11}( 10¼'-- 17 12½- 14.l{ 13 - 16¾ 16 - 20¼ 17¾- 20¾ N. Y. Susq. & West..... 1¼- 2¼ 1¼- 8 2¼- 3 2 - 2½ I¼- 2½ 1¾- 2¼ 2½- 3½ 3 - 6 4¾- 6½ 6¾- 77~! 6¾- 9¼ 6¼- 9 ¾ Pref ........ . .. ... . .. .. .. . . . 4%- 4¼ 5 •- 8 5¼- 6¾ 5½- 6 6¼- 7 5½- 5½ 6%- 8 7 12¼ 10½ · 15 1S½- 19¾ 17¾- 23¾ 20¼- 24¾ Norfolk & Western ...... ... . - .... .. . . .. . .. .. - ........ - . .. . . . . - . ... .. . . . . .... . . .. .. - .. 8 8¼ 8 .. 13¼ 10½- 13 IO - 11¼ Pref. . .. .. ... .. ...... ... . .. . 21 - 23 22 ·· 25¾ 22 - 24½ 19 - 21¾ 17 -· 18¼ 15½- 17 14 - 22 21 - 25½ 22 24 23 - 34½ 30½- 33¾ 2 6½- 81 ¼ Northern Pacific.... . . . .. . 15 - 17l,4 15¼- 19¾ 16¾- 19 16½- 18¾ 16 - 17½ 15¾- 17 16½- 22J4 20~- 24¾ lo:)(- 22¼ 21¼- 26½ 25 - 31¼ 26¾- 80¼ Pref .... . .. .. ... . . ....... ... 86½- 40'¼ 37>t• 43¾ 811¾- 44 88¼- 40¾ 87½- 40 37 - 40¼ 38%-- 48¾ 46¼- 51¼ 45 - 48% 4~i- 55¼ 54¾- 65¾ 57 - 65¼ Ohio Central. .... ..... .. ... l>t- l¾ 1¼- l¾ ¾·· 1\i ½- ¾ ¾- ¾ ¼- ¾ ¼- ¾ ½- l¼ '¼- 1% ¾- 1¾ ¾- 2¾ l¾- 2¼ Ohio & Mississippi. ...... 16 19 15¾- 18¾ 14½- 18¼ 11¾- 14¾ 10¼- 18 13 - 16¼ 15 - 19¾ 18 23¾ 20 . 22¾ 21¼- 25 22¼- 28¼ 21 ¾- 25¼ Pref . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . 71 - 72 . . . . ... . . . 78 · 78 .. - . - . - . • · · · · - · · · · Ohio Southern ... . . . .. . . . . 9 - 10 9½- 11 10 - 12 9½1- 11 8 \I½ 7½- 8¾ 8 . 10¼ 9 - 11 1:1!1!· 12¾ 11:1(- 17 15 21¼ 15 ·· 19½ 24 ¾- 26 ½ Orea-on Short L i n e....... 15¾- 16 15 - 16 14¼- 16 16 - 21 18,(- 20 17 .. 18 .. .. - .. .. 18½ - 19½ 18 - 19 19½- 27¼ 26¾- 28 Oreiron & Trn.nscontin' I 11¼- 14¾ 12¼- 14¾ 12 - 14 10¾· 15 13¼- H¾ 18¼- 14 12¼- l&¼ 18½- 22¾ 18)4- 21½ 20½- 29½ 28½- 36¼ SO%- 86 !4 17 1 Peoria Dec. & Evo.nsv . . 12½- 14 12¾- 15!,t 18¾- 14¼ 8¾- 13½ 8¼- 10 7¾- O½ 8¼- 14 12½- 15 13)4- 15¾ 15¾- 20¼ 17"1 · 24 ¾- 22 Phila. & Reading...... . . 15¼- 10 15½- 18½ 13!4- 18½ JS¾- 16¼ 18 - 17 13 - 15½ 13¾- 21 16 - 24¼ 16%- 21¾ 13¼· 26 20½- 25¾ 18½- 24 Pitts. Ft. '\V. & C., guar. 123½-125¾ 119>i-124 123 -128 Jl 25½-129 129'¼-134 183¼-185¼ 132½-135 135½-187½ 136¾-140 136½-140 1S8¾-14l¾ xl40¼- 142 130 Special .. . ..... ... . . .. . .... 120 -122 121 -129½122 -122 120 -120 .. . . - .. .. 120 -123 130 -180 129½Rens.-& Saratoga ........ 138½-140 137 -138 140 -142¼ 140 - 143 148 -148¾ . .. . - .. .. 140¼-140¾ 140 -140¾ 142 -142¼ 142 -145 150 --157½ 158 -l60 Ricl1m. & :A ll f.'::-h e u y .. . _ 2 - 2½ _l¼- 2¼ l¾· 2½ - .... 1 .• 2~ 1 - 11}.{ 1 1)4 l - 4¼ l½- 4 2¾- 5¾ 4¾- 11½ 5 - SI¼ 78 - 8 2½ n,1ch·mond & Dan v i lle . . ! 44¾- 48 46½- 63 49 - M 48 - 4.9½ 46½- 49 48 - 51½ 50 - 64 65 - 75 70 - 76¼ 71½- 76 78¾- 87 Ricluno nd l$: Wes t Pt . . . 1 19 - 21 10 - 24 22)4 - 26~ 21¾· 28¼ 18¾· 22 18½- 20½ 20 - 28 27½- 32½ 28¾- 32½ 80 - 83¾ 31 - 43¾ 82 :. 42~ Rocheste r ' & P ittsb urg . 2¾- 8¾ 2¼- s~ 2¾- 4 2¾- S}i 2-~- 3½i j 2~- 3 2%- S¾ SJ,(- 6½ 2¾- 4¼ 8¾- ri¾ 4½- 5¾ 4'4- l5;£ Rome W at. & O gden s b. 17 - 17 17 .. 19 l8 - 18 ... . - . . .. 17 - 17 16 - 16 .... - . . 16 - 18 18½- 18½ 18 - 28 25 - 26½ 27 - 27  1··· - .... .... - .. ..  -  . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  RAILROAD ANlJ  MISCELLANEOUS STOOKS.  188~-"'Concl oded. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  STOCKS.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. Nov'BER. DEC'BER.  - - - - - - - - - - - - ------1-----1- - - - - - - - ----1----11- - - - 1-----1- - - Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High ---- --------T. H. 20¼- 21¾ 21½- 25 22 • 23½ 16½- 20 15 • 16½ 17½- Hl¼ 11! - 24¼ 23 • 30 28 - 35 33 • 51 42 • 47¾ 37 - 41  St. Louis Alton & P1·ef. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . · . . . . 75 • 78 8() - 82 81 • 91 85 - 85 86 - 86 St. Louis&S. Francisco, 18¼- 20¾ 18 - 21 19½- 20¾ 19½- 19¾ 17¼- 20¼ 18 - 19¾ 17½- 20 18½- 21 17¾- 19 18¼- 22 20:J:(- 24½ 21 - 23¼ Pref ................... .... 35½- 39¾ 35½- 38½ 32½- 37¾ SO - 33¼ SO - 34¾ 31½- SS½ SO - 34 32¾- 35:½i 31 - 35 33½- 41¾ 40¾- 49% 44¾- 47½ 1st i>ret . .. . .......... . .. ... 81 • 87½ 80¼- 84½ 80¼- 84½ 79)4- 81 70 - 84¾ 81½- 84½ 80 86¼ 81 - 85 82 - 84 82¾- 01¼ 90)4- 99½ 96 - 09 St, Paul & Duluth ... . ... ... . - .. .. 21 - 24 ... .. ..... . - . . .. . .. . .. .. .. 24 ~4 18 - 24 20 - 25¼ 23 - 25 22n.;- 29¾ 28¼- 39¾ 35¾- 39!'( Pref. ... .................... .... - .. . 77¼- 77½] 80 - 80½ 80 - 80 82 - 82 83 - 83 77½- 85 84½- 87 80 - 84½ 81½- 90 80¾- 98¾ 97 -101 St. Paul Minn. & Man .. 79¾- 87 84½· 90 87¾- 90¼ 84 - 90½ 83 • 86½ 83¾-101 ll7-x107¼ 103 -108½ 97 -104 10()¾-107¾ 104¾-110½ 106%-111 Scioto Valley .... .. ....... • •··· - ... , .... - .. . . -... - ........ - .... • .. • - • .. • . . . . .. .. .. .. .. • •.. · .... • .. • - •• ...... - • .. • 8 - O¾ •··· - ••• South Carolina.... . . . . . .. . .. . . ....... - . . .. .. . . - , .. . . - ........ - . . .. 7 - 7¼ 8 - 9 10½·· 12 12½- 12½ .... - .. . . 1-1½- 18½ 14 - 17¾ Texas & New Orleans .. 89 - 89¼ .... - . . ...... - .. ...... - .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . ... ... . .. .. ... . - .... .... .. .... - .... 49 - 40 .... - . . . . Texas & Pacific . .. . ....... 11¾- 13¾ 12 - 13¼ 10¾- 13% 9¾- 11 9¾- 11¾ 10¾- 12 11¼- 14¼ 14)1,- 18 16¾- 19!,<. 17%- 22¾ 20½- 25½1 10 - 23½ Tex. & St, L. in M.& A, .... - . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .... - . . .. .. .. - .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 3 - 3 - .. . . . . . .. . - ........ - . . . . . . . . .. . . Union Pacific.............. 45%- 50½ 46¾- 51¾ 41 - 48½ 41½- 49¾ 47¾- 55¾ 497,1i- 54¾ 45 - 55½ 46½- 52¾ 47¼- 51½ 4B%- 55¾ 55 - 62¾ 52 - 58~ United Cos. of N. J....... .... . ....... · ........ - .... .. - .... 196 -1{16 .. . . - .... ... . .. .. 196½-197 .. . . - .. .. .... - ....... - . .. . ... . Virgin in. Midland........ 15 • 115 16 - 16 18 - 18 .. .. - ... . .... - . . . . .. . . .. . . 15 - 15 16 - 22 19 - 19~ 18 - 22 22 - 28 25 - 29 Wab, St, Louis & Pac.. 4.¼- 5½1 4 - 5 4 - 5 2 - 4 2½- S¾ S ·· 4!4 4 5¾ 5 - 9½ O¾- ti.½. 7 10½ 9¼- 15½ 9½- 13 Pref . . . .... .. . . ... . ...... 12¾- 14 11 - IS 11 - 12¾ 7 - 11¼ 6¼- 7 7 8 7 - 11 9¼- 17¾ 12½- 15}; 13 - 18¾ l'i½- 25 17 - 22~ Warren ... .. . . .. ... .... . .. . 116 -116 .... - ........ - .. . 118 -118 118 -118 .... - ........ - ...... . . - .. . .. .. - . .. . . . . - . .. . .. . . - . . .. .. . . - - .. .. TELEGRAPH. American Distri ct... ... . .. . - . ....... - . .. . 10 - 11½1• ... - . .. . 17 - 20 19½- 25 20 - 20 .. . . - .. . . 20 30 22 ·· 29½ 26½- 28½ 27 - 36½ American Tel. &Cable, lil - 55 5S - 55 M~- 56 5S - t'i7 56 60 57¾- 62¾ 60 • 63 61¼- 65 62¼- 64Hs 64½- 71 68 - 70 66½- 68 Bankers' & Merchants' 3 - 4 ... . - .... 2¼- 2¾ .... - .... 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - l½ .... - ... .. . . . - . .. . ¾- l½ 2 - 6¼ 2¾- 4½ Mutual Union ... .. ... ......... - ........ • .... 14!,4- 14¼ 15½- 31 .. - . ....... - . ... .. .. ... . .. . - .... ... . - ...... .. - . ...... . - . .. . . .. - . . .. Western Union. . . ... . . 58¾- 58½ 57¾- 63¾ x55½- 00¼ 55½- 50¼ 57~- 60¾ 5~- 637,i 00½- 68¾ 67¼- 72¾ x67¼- 71¾ 68¾- 80¾ 75¾- 81¾ x71¼- 'i6¾ EX PRES~. I Adams .... .. ... ....... . ...... I.SO ·185 xlSS-135 182 -134 lSS½-188 135 -137 135 -137 137 -141 139 -142½ 188 -145 140 -144¾ 142 -145 141 -145 American..... . ... . ..... . ... 87¼- 98 90,(- 92 91 - 92 91¾- 94¾ 95 • 97½ 03½- 97¼ 94 - 96 05 - 99½ 97¾- 99¾ 98 -10-1½ 101½-104 101 -105 United Stares .......... . ... 48 - 52½ 50½- 52½ 50 - 53½ 52,(- 55 51½- 58½ 51¼- 58 52 - 54 53 - 55 53¾- 55 54~- 62¼ 59½- 62½ flOJ,;{- 62½ Wells, Fargo & Co ....... 104¼-llO 107 -110 109 -110 109 -111 100~-110¾ UC -115 108¾- lll¼ 113½-118 115 -118 1.15!,.(-118 117 -120 117 -UM 1 ~~: . .. .... - . ... .... - ....... - ... . . ... - . . ..... . - ..... . . . - . . . . 5¼- e½ .... - ........ - .... 6 - 8½1 8¼- 19¾ 14¾- 17½ Colorado Coal & Iron... 8 - 10½ 9 - 18¾ 10½- 13 10¼- 1l 9½- 11 9½- 11¾ 9¾- 12½ 12¾- 17¾ 15½- 18¾ 1~- 25¼ 21½- 26¾ 21¾- 25¾ Consolidation Coal...... . .. - . .. . 19 - 20 20 - 20 .... - .... . ... - •....•.. - ...... . . - . .. . 19 - 19 19½- 19½ 19¾ -21½ 21¾- 23¼ .... - ... . Homestake Mininir... . .. 10 10½ .... - . .. . 10½- 10¾ 10¾- 10¾ 11½- 11½ 14 - 14 13¾- 15 16 - 17½ 17 - 17¾ rn - 20 20 - 22½ 23 · 23 Maryland Coal.. . ......... . . . . - . . . . . .. . - . . .. 8 - 8 7½- 7½ . . . . - •• . . . . .. . . . . . . - . .. . . . . - . . .. 8§t- 9½ 9½- 10½ 12 • 10¼ 10 - 10 New ()entral Coal.. ... . .. .. . . - . . .. 6 - 7 . ... - .. .. 5¾- 5¾ 4¾- 4¾ .... - . . .. 5 - 5 .... - . .. . 7 - b¾ O - O¼ 10 - 15¾ 11 - 14 Ontario Silver Mining . . .. - .... 17 - 17_ 18 • 18 18 - 20 20 - 21! 25 - 25 24 - 24½ 25 - 25¾ 25½- 21 25 • 28 29 - 29 32 - 32 Pennsvlvania Coal.. .. ... .. .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . - .. . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . - .... 230 -230 .. . . - .... 266 -266 Quicksilver Mininir . ..... .... - ........ - .... 4½- 4¾ 4¼- 4½ S¾- 4½ ••. • - •... 3½- 3½ 3%- 5¾ 5¾- 7¾ 6¼- 8½ 7¾- 11¾ 6½- 7:14  c~:!~n ~o:i~~-  s~:e:~~d·c·o·~~~i>Mi~·.~ - ~~ = ~~ VARIOUS, Canton Co .. . . .. ,. . ... . . . ... Consolidated Gas ....... . Del. & Hudson Canal... Jr·ouSten.rnboatCo.... . .  : ::: = :::: .. i .¼-  .i½ :::: - :::: · ·i·~= .iM :::: = :::: -~~.¾= ~~~  23 - 24¾ 22½- 28¾ 28¾- 30¾  -~~  : 3~-- -~~- :  ~~ ..  1  .... - .... 40 - 40 ... . - . . . . 83½- 85  .... - ... . . . . - . . .. .. - . .. .... - .. . . - .. ...... - .... 92½- 95 92½- 94¾ 91¾- 97½ 95½- 98 98½-104½ 66½- 74 60¾- 83 75¼- 79~.t 77¾- ~¾ 76 - 82~J 75 - 80¼ 74%- 83¾ 80%- 87½ 7974- 86¾ 87 - 99¼ 96¾-100½ .... . . .. ... - ...... - ...... - .. .. .. .. - .... , .. . . - .. . .... - ........ - . . 17 - 17 17½- 21 22 - 22 1 1 1 '2i = :~½= :½ = 23½= 22½= 23¾= l. ~3 : Oreaton R'y& Nav. Co ... 59¾- 73 61½- &!½ 66 - 71 61¾- 77 737<1- 76½ 69½- 75.½ 73%- 78 77¼ - 8?% 76¾- 81¾' 80 -100¾ 97¾-111¼ Pacific Illa.ii S.S . .. .. .. . . 53½- 56¼ 54 - 56¾ 46¾- 62¾ 48¾- 56¾ 58 - 56½ 48%- 55¾ 46¾- 51¾ 47 - 52 I 46½- 51¼ 50¾- 58¾ 56 - '70 Pullman Palace Car . .. 107½·112',s x:110¼ 115 112½-115 11S½-117 x:114 -x:120 115 -118½ 115 -123½ xl21-129½ 125 -129½ 128½-ISS xlS0¾-87¼  ~~:lt·O~~:::v~:.~:c~:  =2al:;is I  45 - 45  44½- 46  44 - 44  80 - 94¾ 82½- 92¼ 93 - 99½ x92¼- 99  :w" '21 - so·  '2'i 29 ..  24¼  0  26 .. . I I  29 ..  =23¼  1: =  53 - 53½ 96 - 100 93%-- 99 .... - . .. ,  .29½= 84% .27½= 40½ 105¼-110¼ 62 - 68¾ 181 -133¾  I  ISS6.  STOCKS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY. MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER OCTOBER  NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low.High Lor.v.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  RAILROAD. Albany &Susquehanna. 138 -14.C½ 137½-144% 187½-144 143 -144 .. . . - •. .. 136 -136 .... - ... . .... - . . ...... - .... 140 -14C 148 -148 . . . - ...• Atchison Top, & S. Fe.. 87½- 93% 8844- 91¾ 90¾- 93 85¾- 86 .... - . •• • 85¾- 90¼ .... - • • . • 84%- 89¼ 87¾- 92 91¾- 95)4 92%- 99¾ 04 - 98½ Atlantic & Pacific....... . 8½- 9¾ 7%- 9~.! 7¼- 9¼ ~- 8½ 7 - 8¼ 7¼- 8¼ 7 - 7¾ 7¼- 8% ~¼- 10¼ 9¼- 12¼ 10%- 13¾ 9¼- 13 Bost.& N. Y, Ah--L,, pi-t 9'"¾ -101 100¼-100¼ 97 - 99 96 -100 98¾-100 98¾- 100¼ 100 -101¼ 100¾-100¾ .... . .. . 101 -101¼ 101 -102 101 -101¼ Buff. Roch. & Pittsb.... . - ...... - ....... . - ........ - ........ - . ....... - ........ - ... . .... - .. .. 22½- 29% 24%- SO¼ 20¾- 30% 31½- 35½ Bur, C, Rap. & North... -· :5 70 - 70 6u - 70 70 - 70¼ 60 - 60 .. . . - .... 55 - 59 50 - 50 45 - 55 .... - . ... 55 - 55 54½- 55 Cn.nn.dian Pacific . . . 62¼- 68¼ 61 - 66 63½- 67¼ 63¾- 66¾ 62¾- 65¾ 64¾- 67¾ x65 - 68¾ 64½- 67¾ 64 - 69 67¾- 73 68~- 71~ 65 - 60¼ Cn.nn.da Southern....... 38½- 48¾ 42½- 45¾ 36¾- 44¾ 87½- 41½ 34¾- 89¾ S9¼- 44% 42½- 45% 42 - 47¾ 43½- 5d 55},i- 64¼ 63¾- 67½ 56¾- 71½ Cedar Falh1 & Minn..... 12½- 14¼ 11 - 14!,4 12¾- 14½ 12 - 13 .... - . . . . 12 - 14 15 - HJ½ 18 - 19¾ 15¾- 17 15 - 18 16½- 17'7/4 15 - 18 Central Iowa.... .... ...... 17 - 22½ 17½- 20 13 - 20 17 - 18½ lS - 17½ 17 - 19 18 - 20½ 18¾- 20 18½- 20 14½- 19 12 - 16% 12½- 14¼ Centi·nl ot New Jersey . 42¼- 45¾ 44½- 56 46¾- 57¼ 47½- 55 46 - 53 51¾- 55¾ 54 - 56¾ 51¼- 55¾ 53 - 64 48¼- 63¾ 49¼- 55 48½- 56¼ Central Pacific.. . ......... 89¾- 44¼ 40¾- 44¾ 88 - 43¼ 88¾- 43¾ 88¾- 41 40¼- 43 41½- 43½ 41¼- 44¾ 42¾- 50¾ 46¼- 411~ 45¾- 49½ 40 - 51 Chari, Col. & Anausta. 30 - 30 .... - ........ - ........ - • . . . 82 - 32 . ... - ........ - . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - ........ - . •• . 42%- 50 45 - 50 Chesapeake & Ohio... . . 10½- IS¼ 10¾- 12 10 - 11½ 9 - 11¾ 7 - 8½ 8 - O½ 8½- -9½ 8¼- 9¼ 8 - 11¾ 9 - 10¾ 97.(- 10½ 8¾-- 10¼ 1st pre1...... .. .. . ... ... .. . 18¾- 21½ 18½- 21 14½- 19¼ 13 - 18¾ 13 - 16 14½:;- 17¾ 15 - 17¼ 16 - 17,½ ;5 - 18¾ 16)4- 20¼ 18¾- 20 15¾- 19¾ 2d pref.......... .. ........ 13 - 15 12 - 15¼ 10½- 14 10 - 18¾ 8½- 10 10 - 12 O - 11 S¾- 12 8~- 13 10½- IS¾ 10¼- 13!,,f 9½- :i.2¼ Chien.go & Alton . ......... 139¾-143 140 -144 140 -143 142 -142 x:188-142 140 -145 142½-145 140 -146 141 -143 142 -14.4 142 - 145½ 142 -144 Pref. .. . .... .. . ... . .. . ...... 155 -157 160 -160 154 -160 155 -160 150 -155 .... - .... 159½-100 162 -162 160 -160 .... - ...... .. - .... 150 -150 Chic. Bu1•l, & Quincy .. . 184¾- 140 x37 -139'½ 129½-137¾ 131 -135¾ 128¾-134¼ 182½-188 133¼-:!.36 133 -136¾ 135)4-t88 136¾-139¾ xlSS-141 133½-188 Chic. Mil. & St. Paul.. .. 90¼- 96¾ 91¾- 95¾ x85%- 93¾ 85:)s- 89¼ 82¾- 93 90¾-- 95¼ 91¾- 94% 89%- 94¾ 90¾- 91 92%- 96¼ 93 - 96¼ 87¾- 96¼ P1•et.. ..... ....... . ......... 120 -124¼ 121½-124¾ xll8½-125 118 -121 116 -122½ 120¼-124¼ 122 -123¼ 120 -123½ 120~-125¾ 120¼-122¼ 119¼-121% 117 -120½ Chic. & Nortltwest . ...... 105 -110¾ 107¾-111¾ 104½-110¼ 105¾-109½ 104¼-llS x:111-116% 111½-116 111½-115¾ 113¾-119¼ 114%-118 117¼-120~ xll0-120½ Pref ............ .. . ......... 135 -187¾ 135¾-141½ x135¼-142 137½-140½ 185 -141¼ x:140¼-42¼ 139%-142½ 140)4-14~ xl41¼ 43¼ 140 -143¾ 140½-143¾ :x:188¼-lfi Chic, R, I. & Pacific ..... 127 -180¾ 127½-131 x124½-130 125 -127~6 120¼-125¾ 124,ii-128¼ 125.½-127 124¼-127¾ 126½-128½ 123, -127 126 -129 124 -127¾ Chic, St. Louis & Pitts. 13 - 15¾ 12%- HJ.ii OM- 13 10½- 11½ 10 - 11 10¾- 12½ 11¾- 13 12½-:14,4 12¾- 14 12:1:(- 14½ 14 - 1{1½ 15 - 18¼ Pref......................... 30 - 85½ SO - 85 26½- 34 29¼- 31 27 - 30 29 - SO 30 - 32 32 - 86¾ 31¾- 35.½ 30 - 34½ SS - 43¾ 35¼- 43 Chic. St. Pn.ul M, & O ... 35¾- 41¾ 88 - 42¼ 35¼:- 41¼ 877,i- 42¼ 37¾- 43½1 42¾- 50¼ 44¾- 48~ 43 - 49% 45¾- 51¾ 48 - 51¾ 497,i- 55 42½- 54¾ P1•ef . ....................... 98 -104¼ 101 -105¾ 97 -104½ 100¾-!04% 100 -1071, 2 107¼-116 1C7¾-112¾ 107 -113 110 -114½ 112 -114¼ 113¾-116½ :x:109-115½ Cin, Ham. & Dayton .... .... - . .. . ... - .... 105¼-105¾ 117 -125 147!1:(-149 142 -144 140 -140 .... - ....... · - ....... . - ... . .... - .... 130 -180 Cin. Ill(l. St, L,& Chic.. 70 - 70 .... - .. ...... 79½- 84 81¾- 85 85 - 94 92 - 95½ 92 - 95¾ 92¾-lOO 97 -101 95 - 95¼ 00 - 93½ Cin, Sandusky & Cleve, SS - SS 34:1-9- 34½ 34 - 85 . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 82 - 33 . . . . - • . . . . . • . - . . .. 39¼- 39¾ 44 - 46 44 - 40¾ 48 - 51 Cinciu. Wash, & Bait .. .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - . .. .. .. - . . .. 2½- 4 3 - 3¾ 3½- 3% 3½- 4¾ 4¾- 6½ 5%- d¾ 5½- 6½ Pref.. .. . .................. . .... - . ....... - . .. ..... - ........ - ....... - ... . 5¾- 7¼ 5 - 6¼ 5¾- 6½ 6 - '7½ 'i7.[- 10¾ 9½- 12 8 - 11½ Cleve, Col, Cin, & Ind. . . 50½- 60 5-1 - 58¼ 43½- 55 46½- 54 48¼- 51 50 - 58 53 - 58 53%- 61½ 58¼- 66½ 63½- 72 71 - 75½ oo - 74½ Cleve. & Pitts., a-uar .... 146½-147 147 -150 150 -152 lCl -151 150 -152 150 -151¼ 152½-152½ 151 -153 151¼-152½ 152 -152 150 -150 .... - ...• Columbia&Greenv., pf•.... - .... 42 - 45 42 - 42 43 - 52 ...• - .... 45 - 45 .... - ... . .... - .... ... - ........ - .... 44 - 60 55 - 58 Col. Hock, Val. & Toi.. 29 - 34 81¼- 88½ 27 - 88¼ 29 - 85 26%- 33¾ 31%- 35¼ 30¾- 83¾ 28½- 81¾ 31 - 34½ 80¼- 41½ 37¼- 45½ 2S½- 48¾ Del., & Western .. 115 -125½ 119%-135¾ 122¾-lSS¾ x123¼-28M 120!J-.!-130½ 127¾-133¾ 125¼-lSO½ 125¾-181½ 128¾-140½ 135¾-143¾ 189¾-142~ 130 -144 .Denver & Rio Grande.. 14¾- 20¼ 16¾- 17¾ 15 - 16.½ 15 - 16~ 15 - 16¾ . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . .. - .... . ... - ... . .... - . . ...... - ........ - ...• Assessment ... . . . 21½- 26 22~- 25½ 21¾- 24¼ 22 - 25 21¾- 25 24¾- 28½ 26%- 30 29 - 31!1:( 28½- 35 30 - 34½ 81¾- 35% 25½- 3~ Pref............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . . - . . . . .. - .... . . . . - . ... . . . . - .. .. . . . . _ . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . 59¼- 63½ 58¾- 63~ DetroitHillsd,&So,W• ., .. - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - ..... . .. - .... .. .. - .... 79 - 82 ?97~- 797/4 ...• - .••• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  90  RAILJWAD AND .MISOELLA.NEOUS STOOES. ISS6-Continued. Nov'RER. DEC'BER.  JULY AUGUST. 8EPT'BER. OCTOBER. - - -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- - - - - - - - ---- ---- - - - - - - 66 - 67 ... - .... 75 - 60 78 -101 68 - 65 68 - 70¾ 69 - 71 D ubuque & S. City ....... 60¾- 62 60½- 61¾ 61½- 68 iO¾- 70¾ 70 - 70 13¾- 187,-i E •Ten. V.&Go..Ry,, new .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .. .. ... - .... . .. - .... 12¾- 13¾ 11 - 13¾ 13¼- 15 71 - 83¾ 1st pref.. .... . ........ ... . .... - . ... .... - . ... .... - .... ... - .... . ... - .... .... - .... .... - . .. . .... - ... 67 - 74% 71½- 75% 73 - 78 80¼- 84½ 24 - 85¾ !ld pref ................... .... - . ... .. .. - .... .... - .... .... - .... . ... - . ... .... - ... .... - . ... .... - ... . 28 - SO¾ 28 - 81 1 - 1¾ ¾ .... - .... .... - .... .... - . ... E ast Tenn. Vo.. & Ga .... 3¼- 6¼ 3 - 4¾ 2¾- S½ l½- s ¾- 1¼ ½¾- 1¾ ¾- ¾ 61,s.... 0 8 5 .... .... . .. - .... .... - .... .Pref ......... ... . . . ........ - 11¼ - 6¾ S¼- 5¾ 2 - 8½ 2¼- s 2➔4- 8¾ .... - .... - .... Com. asses. paid ... .. .. .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... . - - .... .... - .... 4¾- 6~ 5¼- 6¾ 5¾- 6¾ 5'¼- 6¾ . ... - .... .... - .... .... - . ... Pref. assess. paid ...... ... - ... . ... - .... .... - .... ... - .... .... - .... 11½- 14:U 13 - 14'¼ 1$¾- 15¾ 14½- 15 .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... E lizabetht.Lex. & B. S• 20 - 20¼ 20 - 20 16 - 21 .... - .... .... - . ... 18 - 18 18 - 19¾ 22 - 22 22 - 22 19 - 19 20¼- 24 15 - 20 JA NUARY FEBR'RY.  ----  STOCKS.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  .  79 - 88 78 - 81 80 - 86 86½- 88 68¼- 80 80¾- 83_¼ 83¾- 88 E vansville & T. Haute 67¼- 70 86 - 89¾ 88 - 90 89¼- 91¾ 80 - 90 Fort Worth & Denver . 19¾- 25 22 - 25½ 20 - 23% 19 - 19 15 - 21 20 - 22¼ 15½- 20 20 - 20 19 - 23½ 19%- 23 22¾- 25½ 20¼- 25 8 9 8½- 12¾ 10 - 18% 10 - 12% 11 - 12 10 - 12¼ 11 - 13½ 12 - 13½ 10%- 12½ 11 - 12¼ 10¼- 14% G reen Bo.y Win.& St.P. 8 - 10 H arlem . . .... ..... . ... . ...... 215 -215 217 -217 218¼-220 213¼-215 214 -220 24.0 -240 285 -240 .... 230 -235 222½-225 220 -220 220 -225 25 - 81 26 - 28 26 - 86 297/4- 82 Sl - 86¾ 84 - 40½ SS¾- 44¼ H ouston & Texas Cent. 82 - 86 84¼- 34¼ 84 - 87½ 84 - 86½ SS¼- 87 I lliuois Central. .......... 188;1-4-141 x88¾-143½ 188 -142¼ 137½-140¼ 136 -138¼ 137¾-140¾ 186 -140 184 -189 135 -136¾ lSS½-136 132½-135 180 -184 1)\1 94¼- 96)4 Leased line, 4 p. c ..... 98 - 97¾ 97¼-100¼ 99½-100 GO -100 - 99¼ 97 - 99 95 - 9'7¼ 95 - 96½ 94¾- 98 96¼- 98¼ 95 - 9'7 In d. Bloom. & West .... 23¼ -28% 25½- 2~ 21¼- 2~ 21¾- 26% 20 - 24¼ 20 - 25¾ 12 - 20¼ 15½- 18¾ 15½- 20% 16 - 22 16¼- 20}, 15¼- 20% 150 -150 .... ... . .. .. . .... ... .... .... ·•• · 150¼-150¼ . .... J oliet & Chicaa-o ... ...... .... - .. .... .... 7 7 7 - 7 5¼- 5½ .... 6 IS 10 - 15 11 - 16 K eokak & Des Moines . ... . .... . 8 8¾ 8¼- 8½ 88 - 88 Pref.. . ...... ............... ... - .... . - .... . .. ... .... - .... 26 - 26 .... .... .... - .... . so - 88¼ 11 - 11 L ake Erie & Western ... 12 - 18¾ 12 - 16 8¾- 12¾ 11 - 13¾ 10¼- 12¾ 11½- 13)4 7¼- 12 8'¼- 12½ 11 - 18¾ 13 - 14½ 15 - 15 AsMessment paid . .. ....... - .... . - . .... - . .... . . ... ... . .. . .... 18¾- 22¾ 14¼- 21½ 15¼- 20¼ .... .... - . .... L ake Shore ... ...... . ...... 82%- 89¼ 8~- 90¼ 79.¼- 88¾ 78½- 83¾ 70¼- 82½ 81¼- 86¾ 83¾- 88¾ 88%- 89¾ 84¾- 9871, 89¾- 95½ 95¼-100¼ 9()¾-100¾ 92½- 97¾ L ona- Island ............ .. . 80 - 8-1¼ 84 - 92 86¾- 94½ 89¼- 98 93 - 96½ 92½- 95 92½- OS½ 95 - 98 89 . - 91¼ 91 -100 94½- 98 L ouisville & Nashville . 80¾- 45% 89¾- 42¾ 38¼- 43¼ 84 - 40¼ 83¾-88¾ 86¼- 43¾ 40¼- 45¾ 42¾- 47¼ 4S¾- 51½ 49¾- 58¾ 56¼- 64% 58 - 69 60¼71 36 ouisv.New Alb.&Cbic. 41 82 - 38 65 - 70½ L 55 - 70 35½- 88½ 38¼- 39¾ ss - 89 37¼- 45 44½- o6½ 50 - 56¾ 53%- 59 M anhattan Consol ...... 120 -126¾ 124¾-127½ 125 -129½ 126 -129 125½-1277/4 127 -129¾ *123¼-27¼ 124 -140¼ 187¼-144 141¼-175 163 -172 15:0¾-165¼ 18¼- 15½ lU anhatto.n Beach Co ... 17½- 20¼ 17 - 19¾ 18 - 21¼ 17¼- 19 13½- 16 15 - 16½ 14 - 16¾ 1-1½- 15 17½- 19 17¼- 20¾ 15 - 19 48 - 09½ 44½- 60 M empbis & Charleston . so - 88).,.j 35 - 87¾ ss - 37½ 21 - 32 29 - so 86 - 40 82 - 40 88½- 48½ 40 - 44 85 - 40 lll ichia-an Ceuu·al ...... .. 88 - 76¾ 73 - 76¾ 64¾- 75 05 - 98¼ 88 - 98¾ 80 - 91¼ 89 - 96 62¼- 69¼ 61½- 69¼ 69¼- 75¼ 73 - 80¾ 76¼- 83 27 - so M ilw. Lo.kc Sh.& W • . .. 22 - 22 ss - 40 40 - 54 48½- 67 65 - 71½ 67 - 70 64 - 67 62 - 65 58 - 66 58 - 63¼ 63 - 71½ P1•ef ·•·•• ····· ··· ·········· 50¼- 53¾ 52¼- 63 60¼- 68 86 - 93¼ 87 - 94 68 - 82 74¾- 93 90 - 95 90 - 94¾ 89¼- 06¾ 93¼-103 89¼- 98 M ilwaukee& North'n .. .... - · ••· .... - .... .... - . .. . . ... ._ .... . . .. . ... - .... 40¼- 41¾ 40 - 42~4 .... - ... . .... - . .. . .... .... lU inneo.polis & St. L .... 18 - 22¾ 19 - 20¼ 16¾- 20¼ 17¼- 22½ 17¼- 20'¼ 20¼- 23 19¼- 21% 20 - 22¼ 20¼ -22¾ 21%- 23% 17½- 227/4 20 - 22 Pref. ....................... 45¼- 51¼ 47 - 50¾ 40¼- 49¾ 42>1!- 497/4 41 - 46¼ 44¼- 49¾ 44¼- 48¼ 41½- 47½ 48½- 47 45 - 48¾ 47 - 52¼ 40 - 61'.¼ M issouri Kan, & Texas 27~- 32¼ 28¼- 82¼ 25¾- 29¾ 28¼- 29¼ 21 - 28¼ 26½- 32 29¾- 82¾ 20¼- 33 SO%- 87¼ 85¼- S'i7/4 85½- 88¼ 28 - 88 1'1 issonri .Pacific .. ........ 107½-114¾ 109¼-llS¼ xl00¾-111 102,,£-107 102¼-lCiO xl00-112 106½-lll'¼ 107¾-112!}-.i 109¼-113 111 -119 115¼-118½ x03¾-116¼ 14 - 16¼ 14¼-14¼ 12 - 18¾ 11 - 18½ 13¼- 16¾ 14 - 16 M obile & Ohio .... .. ..... 15¼ - 17 19 - 21% 14 - 10¾ 15¼- 16¼ 15 - 16¾ 16½- 19 M orris & Essex ........... 182¼-135 184 -138 136½-139% 188¼-142 .... - .... 143¼-144 141¼-143½ 140 -i4'2 140¼-142 140¼- 141'¼ 141 -142½ 138 - 142½ 07¼-105¼ 47 - 48½ 46 - 49 i 2¼- 94 N n.shv. Chatt. & St. L . .. 46 - 50 48 - 57¼ 55 - 60 59¼- €6% 64 - 69¼ 63¾- 78 4S¼- 47½ 48¼- {8 N . Y. Cent. & llud. Riv. 102.)4-107 105 -107½ x99¾-107 100½-108¾ 98¾-1027/4 102 -108 105 -111 107¾-111¾ 108¼-114¾ 110¼-114 112½-115¾ 108¼-117¾ ] 2 - 16¼ N . Y. Cbicna-o &St. L ... 8 - 10 8¼- 9½ 4¼- 8)4 5½- 7% 5%- 8 8%- 17¾ 14¼- 16 7 - 9¼ 8½- 9¾ 8¼- 10¼ 8¾- 10 Pref ........................ 17 - 28 18 - 21¾ 12½- 18¾ 12 - 16 26¾- 29¾ 28½- 81 11 - 18 16 - 23 18¼- 22¾ 21 - 22¼ 21%- 81 20¾- 22 N • Y.J.ack.&West . .... 100¼-102 102 -104 104¼-107 105 -106½ 105 -107 105¾-109 106 -107¾ 106 -107¾ 105¼-107 10S¾-106% 103¼-106¾ 104¾-107¼ N . Y.LakeErie &West. 23 - 2,¾ 24%- 28'¼ 23¾- 28¾ 23¼- 26¾ 221.i!- 26% 20¼- 29¾ 2S½- SS:Hi 80¾- 84¾ 81¼ 87¼ 84%- 86¼ 25¾- 88¼ 81¾- SS¾ Pret . . ...... .. .... .... ... 50½- 58 51¾- 63¾ 57 - 64 5-1 - 61¼ 52¾- 60 59¾- 65 72½- 78½ 73¼- 81½ 75 - 78¼ 7tJ - 79;!:: 'iO - 78¾ 62¾- 78 N . Y. & New .Ena-land ... 36¼- 43¾ S6 - 41½ 30¼- 371/4 SS¼- 87½ ss - 38¼ 37¼- 41¾ 40 - 47¼ 89¾- 47 44¾- 57¾ 54 - 68¾ 59%- 66¾ 44 - 00 N • Y.N.Haven&llartf, 204¼-206 206 -2!0 210 -211 209 -210 208 -210½ 205½-210 205½-206¼ 208 -210 209 -212 210¼-210¼ 216 -223 220 -220 N . Y. Ontario & West .. . 18½- 2i½ 18¾- 197/4 17½- 20¼ 16 - 18½ 15 - 17¼ 16%- 19¾ 18¼- 20 19 - 20¾ 19 - 22¼ 19'¼- 22~ 19¼- 22¼ 17½- 2~¾ 9½- 12½ N • Y. Su8¥1. & West ..... 6¾- 77,t 7¾- 11 6¼- 8½ 6 - 8½. 6¼- 8¾ 6½- 7% 6 - 7% 6¾- 7¼ 6k 7¼ 6½- 8¼ 6¾- 8 Pref ........................ 17¼- 22½ 18¾- 2i 26½- 33½ 20¾- 23¾ 19 - 23 17¼- 22½ 20 - 22¾ 18¾- 20½ 19 - 22¾ 20%- 24½ 21¼- 24¼ 23 - 28 N orfolk & Weste1·n ... ... 8¼- 11).t 8¾- 10¼ 8 - 10¼ {l - 10'¼ 10¾- 12¼ 11¼- 12¾ 12%- 18¼ 14½- 18¾ 15½- 17½ Hl¼- 18½ 18 - 23½ 18¾- 27¾ Pref .... ...... ...... ....... . 25 - SO¼ 27 - 29½ 25¼- 29¾ 27¼- 80¾ 26¼- 88% 82 - 87 46¾- 54½ 42 - 51,% 41'¼- 47 42¼- 46¼ 44 - 48 87 - 45 N orthe·rn Pacific ... ...... 25¼- 29 26¾- 28 23¼- 27 28½- 26½ 22 - 26 25¼- 28¼ 26½- 29¾ 26½- 28'¼ 27¼- 29¼ 28¼- 29¾ 28¼- 29¾ 26 - 81¾ Pref.. ...... ............. . .. 56¾- 61¾ 57¼- 61¼ 58½- 60 58 - 66¼ 54'¼- 5S¾ 58¾- 57¾ 55¾- 61¾ 5$¼- -62¼ 57¾- 62¾ 58 - 62¼ 81 - 64.~4 62½- 65 0 hio Central. .............. 1¾- 1¾ l¼- 2 1¼- 1¼ 1 l½ l¾- 2 ½- 1¾ - . ... . - .... .... - .... .... - .... .. .. - .... .... . ... 0 hio & Mississippi ....... 21 - 25½ 22 - 25¼ 22 - 26½ 21¼- 24¾ 19¾- 22¾ 21%- 24½ 21¼- 25½ 23¾- 25¾ 28¼- 29¾ 26¾- 80% 28* 85% 25 - 3-1½ Pref .... . ......... .... ...... .... - . ... .... - .... . ... - .... - .... 79 - 79 - . .... . ... . - . .. . .... - .... 80 - 80 El - 91 91 - 01 0 hio Southern ... . . ...... . 15)4- 19 16 - 18¾ 18½- 17¼ 14¾- 17½ 14¼- 16 16 - 17½ 15¾- 19½ 19¼- 22~ 10 - . 21½ 15 - 18½ 15 - lf>¼ 14¾- 17 32 - 34¾ 25 - 85~ 82 - 88 0 rea-on Short Line ....... 21'¼- 25½ .... - ... 22 - 26 19¾- 22 22 - 22 SO½- SS 22¼- 28¾ so - 83¼ 31%- 83 reg-on & Tro.nscontin'l 84~- 87¾ 29½- 88 0 26 - 81½ 80¼- 85¾ 82¼- 84¾ 29¼- 34½ 80¼- 85¾ 82¾- 85 27¾- 84¾ SO¼- SS¾ 25 - 82½ 26%- 81 p eoria Dec. & Evansv . . 18¼- 22¾ 20%- 22½ 16 - 22¾ 20¼- 25 19¼- 28¾ 22½- 24½ 21 - 28½ 25¼- 30¼ 28¾- 32¾ 29 - 31% 31¾- 84¾ 26¼- 84¼ p hila. & Readina-.... . ... 19½- 22¾ 18½- 27 38¾- 38¾ 85'¼- 537~ so - 5~ 20¾- 24¼ 22 - 26¾ 23¾- :.!O¾ 24¾- 27¼ 24¾- 38 20¼- 26 28 - 81 .P itts. Ft. W.&C., a-uar . 141 -145½ 147½-148 148 -150 146 -150 145 -145 140 -1481/4 144 -146% 147½-149 149 -149 14.5¼-147½ 143¼-147 144¼-148 Special. ................... 132½-134 .... .... .... .... .... - ... ... - . ... . ... - .... .... - .. . .... - .... 140 -140 .... .... 169 -170 R ens. & Saratoa-a ..... ... 155 - l d3 162 -163 161 - 163 161 -163 105 -165 160 -165 165 -170 165 -165 162 -168 160 -161 ... 9 - 15¼ 10 - 12¼ R ichm. & Allea-heny .... 6 - 6 7¾- 7:14 5 5 4½- 4¼ 2 - 4 6¼- 9% 8¼- 10¼ 7 - 9½ 8 - 9½ 8¾- 9 R ichmond & Danville .. 77 - 82½ 76 - 77¼ 75 - 80 7';½-106 101½-118 113 -149½ 140 -150 18i -143 140 -145 140 -155 152 -200 155 -186 R ichmoud & West Pt ... 82¼- 37¾ 84¼- 88 80 - 36 27¼- 84½ 27¾- 81¾ 28 - 38% 81¼- 32¾ 27½- 81% 271,(- 82% 28 - 40 39¼- 77¼ 30 - 72¼ R ocbel!lter & Pittsbu1·a- . 8%- 4½ 8½- 5 - .... S½- 4 4 5 - .... 5 - 5 4¼- 4¾ 4½- 4% 4¾- 5 5¼- 7½ 8¾- 4 R ome Wat. & Oa-densb. 25 - 81 29 - so 25 - 31 80 - 55 51 - 60% 64¼- 75 75 - 1ox 05½- 74½ i2 - 81 77 - 81 80¼- 90 90 - 00 st. Jo. & Gd. Island . ... ... . .... .. .. .... .... .... .... ... .. .. - . ... . .. - . 86 - 87 8~ - 38 25 - 25 . s t. Louis Alton & T. H. 88¾- 44 40 - 46 89 - 44¼ 86 - 41¾ 84 - 85¼ 27 - ss 32½- 88 so - 85 80 - 88½ 86½- 89% 36 - 41 81 - 87~ Pref ............ ... .. .. .. .. 86 - 90 83 - 83 82¼- 88 91 - 95 .... 80 - 83 .... . ... .... 85 - 85 82 - 85 92 - 94¼ .... 94 - 94 st. Louls&S. Francisco. 20 - 28¾ 21¼- 28½ 18 - 21½ 18¼- 20 17 - 28¾ 20½- 2tl% 23¼- 26½ 25¼- SO¼ 28¾- 33¾ 81½- 85'.h 33¼- 3'>¾ 26 - 85 Pref ....................... 42¾- 48¾ 45 - 48¾ 42 - 45 59 - 70~ ~8¼72¾ 87¼46_¼ 63¾70¾ 88¾- 44¼ 48¾- 51¾ 48¼- 58½ 53¼- 60¼ 58¼- 66% 1st pref .. ... .. ... .. .. ... . . 9'7¾-104 10~-105 97 -109 107 -118 xll0-114¾ 108 -118¾ 112¼-115)4 112 -118¼ t16 - 118½ 112 -ll'i¾ 97¾-103½ lCll -108 s t • .Po.ul & Duluth .... ... 87 - 42½ 89 - 42¼ 40¾- 56¼ 51½- 67 51 - 66¼ 56 - 63¾ 53 - 59 46 - 55 55 - 64¾ tl2.¼- 66½ 54 - 83¾ 51 - 59 Pref..... ..... .............. 99¾-104¼ 102 -109½ 105¾-111¼ 109 -112¼ 109½-112½ 109 -114 108 -109¾ 107¼-109 107¼-110 109¾-112 109¾-112¾ 106 - 112 s t. Paul Minn. & Man .. 106:J,J-115% 114 -118'¼ 112½-118¾ xll~ 117¼ 110¾-115 115 -117 113 -116 t12 -116¼ 118½-119 117 -124¼ 117 -120 113 -118~ s cioto Valley ...... . ... ... . 9 - 9¼ .... 9¼- 10¾ . .... .... .... ... . - ... . ... . ... . ... , .. . .... ... O½- 16 14½- 17 s outh Carolina .... ....... 15¾- 16 14 - 15 - . . .. 12¼- 14 18 - 18 10½- 12½ 11¼- 18 11¼- 1S 11¾- 13¾ 12¼- 15½ 18½- 24 15 - li½ s outhe1·11 Pacific Co ..... · •• · .... .... ... . 80¼- 88),,( 88¾- 41½ 88¼- 40¾ 87½- 40¾ 37¼- 30½ 37 - 89 80¼- 40¾ 86¾- 40¼ 86¼- 8~ 86 - 89¼ T exas & Pacific ........... 10¼- 14¾ 12¼- 18¼ 11 - 13 7¼- 12¾ 7¾- 10¾ 10 - 12¼ 8½- 14¼ 12¼- 17¼ 14 - 18 16 - 22¾ 19.¼- 25 21¼- 25 Trust receipts .... ...... .... .... ... . .. . .... 177-!- 23¾ 21 - 28¾ 19 - 27¾ ... . ... . ... . .... T ol. & Ohio Central. .. . .... ... .... . .. .. .. . .... .... . ... . 26 - 88 30 - 37 88½- 88½ Pref .... ................ . .. .. .. .... .... ... . .... . .. . .... .. .. .... . .... ... .... - .. . 46.¼- ~6¼ 51 - 62¾ 56¾- 63¼ nlon Pacific ........ . .... 48 - 56¾ 47¾- 54¾ 44¼- 51¼ 48 - 52 54¾- 62~ 58½- 68¾ 58%- 66¾ 57½- 683,,( 47¼- 52¼ 51½- 58¾ 54¼- 57¾ 52¾- 59 tica & Black River . .. .... ... . 121 - 125 120¼-124½ 120¼-121 t17½-121½ 120 -120 120 -121 .... Cent1·al. ............ V tab ... .... .. .. .... .... - ... . .... .... . ... . 11 - 11 15¼- 18 .... - .... .... V ira-luin. Midland ........ 22 - 22 ... 15 - 16 21 - 30 . ... 22 - 27 28 - 29½ 28 - 28 so - 30 27 - 27 SO½- 51¼ 89 - 46 w ab. St. Louie & Pac .. 9¼- 12¾ 9¾- 11 .... .... .... .... - . 1!! - 13 7 9 - 11¼ - 10¼ 6 7¾ 7 - 10}4 9 - 9 .... .Pref .. . .. ...... ... ....... 17¼- 22¾ 18¼- 20~ 17½- 21 .... .... - ... 27 - 27 .... - . ... .... 15¼- 19 14 - 18 15 - 17 19¾- 19¾ .... Pur. Com. Rec'pts . .... .... .... . ... .... 12 - 15¾ 14 - 20¼ 17)4- 19 17½- 20¼ 18¾- 21'¼ 19 - 21¾ 19 - 21¾ 16¼- 24¾ Pref ............... . ...... .... .... ..... . .... 23¾- 26 24¾- 82 29 - 81¾ SQ¾- 85 ss - 88¾ 84½- 88½ 84¾- 38¾ SO¾- 41'¼ TELEGRAPH. A merican District ....... so - 80 85 - 85 .... - . 89 - 41 ... . 85 - 40 42 - 45 85 -Sl> 39 - 44 89 - 40 41¼· 41~ B o.nkers' & Merchants' 2¼- 8¼ 8 .... - . .... .. .... 8 .... 2¼- 2¼ 2¼- 2¼ 2%- 8 2¾- 2¾ 3)4- 3¾ C ommercial Tel., p1•ef .. .... .... .. .. 105 - 105 108~,i-10S¼ L03Y,i-106¾ ... . .... .. .. .... ... - ... . M exican ... . . ... .. .. ....... ... .... - .. .. .... ... . 122½-122½ .... ·• •· .... 115 -115 115 -115 110 -115 110 -115 115 -115 .... - ... w esteru Union .. 68%- 67¾ 65¼- 74¾ 72¼- 79¾ 77¾- 80½ 67½- 79¾ 68¾-75'¼ 70%- 75 x62'¼- 73¾ 02½- 67% 60~- 63)4 60¼- 66¾ 64½- 70  - ....  -  ....  - ....  .... - .... ...  .. ..  ...  - ..... ..  - . .... .... - ... - ... - ... .... .... ... .... ... . ... -  - ... ~  ... - ...  ....  ...  ....  - ....  .  .... - ····1  .... -  -  ... ... -  - ....  ....  -  -  -  -  ...  .... -  .... -  -  -  ....  -  -  -  .... -  .... ... - . .... - ....  ....  -  -  .... .... -- .... .... ... .... .... .... ... .... -- .... -  .... - ...  ....  . ... - . .... .... .... - .... .... - .... .... . - .... .... - ....  u u  - .... -  .......  -  -  ... -  -  - ....  ...  ....  -  -  - .... - .... .... - .... ... - .... - . . ... ... - .·•·· - ... - .... ... .... - ... ... - . -.  -  -  -  ... - .... - ... .  -.  - ... - ....  - ..... .. -  .... .... . .. - ....  .... -  .  141 -144  142 -143  -.  - .... - .... ... .  - ...  -  - .... - .... - .... - .... ... - .... .... -  -  .... ....  .... -  .... - .... .... .... - .....  -  -  -  - .... .... -  ... ... - ....  EXPRES~. A ................ . .. .... 1.44 -149¼ 145 -lliO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  145 -148  145· -143  148 -148  188 - 144  140 -142¼ 14He-14S¼ 140½-144  136½-140  R.A 1LRO.AIJ  ANIJI·, MISOELL.ANEODS  STOCK,S.  81  1886-~oncluded. STOCKS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL. MAY. JUNE. JULY. - - - - - - - - - ·-Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High -- - - - - - - ----  American ...... . ............ 101½-104 102 -106 10-1¾-106¼ 105 -106½ 108½-ltJ8¾ 108 -110 62½- 66 United Sto.tes . . . .......... . 62½- 65 68 - 66 t53 - 65 51 - 68 -60 - 66 Wells, Fo.ra;o & Co ...... 119½-122½ 122 -125½ lJ.9 -124 . 120 -125 120½-126 125½-180 COAL & MINING. 9 - 16¼ 12¾- 15½ 13¾- 17½ 14¼- 16¾ 15 - 20 Cameron Coo.I . ..... .. . 17 - 21 22 - 25½ 28,¼- 25¾ 23¼- 27½ 21¾- 25¾ 21 - 24½ 23 - 25¼ Colorado Coal & Iron Consolidation Conl . . .... 20 - 20 28 - 31½ 23 - 23 23 - 23 19 - 20 .... - .... 20 - 22 17 - 18½ 18½- 19 Homestake lllinin2' .... .. 22 - 23 20 - 20½ 20¾- 22 Mnrylnnd Con I.. .... . . . ... .... - .... 11¾- 16½ 11 - 12 9¼- 10 10 - 11 11 .- 13½ 11½- 15¼ 10 - 13½ 11 - 11¾ 9 - 11 New Uentrnl Coal. ...... . 10½- 13 11 14 .... .... ... . .... - ... 29 - 29 29 - 29 29 -- 30 Ontnl'io Silver Minin2',. .... Pennsvlvania Coal ....... 261 - 261 .... - . ... .... - .... .... - .... .... - ... . 260 -262 7 - 7 6½- 6½ ... , - ... , ... .. - ... . 4½- 5 Quicksilver Minina .. .. . 7,¼- 8 P1·et . .. , . . .. .. ···· ······· ·· 2-& - 25½ 21 - 23¾ 22 - 22¼ 21 - 22 20 - 20½ 21 - 24½ Tennessee Coal & Iron ... , - ... .. .. - ·•·· 38 - 50 41 -46¼ 39 - 42 40 - 43  .  -  VARIOUS. 59½- 60 59½- 59¼ Canton Co .... . .. .. . ..... .. . 58 - 60 - ... 58¼- 61 61 - 65 Consolidated Gna ........ 98½-108 102½-lll 106¾-110½ 93 -110¼ 75½- 95 x74¾-81% Del. & Hudson Cano.I. .. 87¾- 97~ i!0¾-108~ 98¼-106½ 9(3¾-102½ 93¾- 99¼ 96)4-101½ Joliet Steel Co .. . . ...... .... - ... · ••· - ... . .. .. - . . - .... - .... .... .... - ... ... . - .. . .... 155 -180 .... - .... .... -- ... K. Y. & Texas Lnnd .. ... 23½- 81¾ 20½- 23¾ 18 - 20¼ 16 - 23½ Ore1:on lmprovem't Co . 25¼- 29½ 21½- 30 Orei:on R'y & Nav. Co ... 99 -108¼ 100¾-lOi¾ :z:93¾-104 95 -101% 93 -101 98¾-109¼ 49 - 59¼ 49 - 53¼ 51¾- 58}i 50 - 54¼ 51¾- 56½ Pacific lUnil S. S . . ........ 54¼- 67 .... .... ... ... . .. . ... .... - .... .... Philo.. Co., Nat. Gn.s .. . . ... - .... Pullman Po.lace Cnr .. . . 132¾-185½ 133 -137% 129 -184 131 -135 128 -138 132½-187  .... .  .... .  .... -  ....  ....  -  .  AUGUST.  8EPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  - - -·  107 -109 108 -111 105½-108½ 105 -107¾ 106 -1C9½ 106 -110 63½- 65½ 62 - 65 58¼- 64~ 58 - 61½ 60¼- 64½ 01 - 65 122)4-130 126 -128¾ 126 -128 125 -128¼ 127½-180 129 -180 17½- 19¼ 15½- 18% 16¼- 19)4 15 ·23¾- 29 25¾- SO¾ 28 - 29% 28 25 17½14 11 - 11 13 11¼- 11¼ 10½- 14 29 - 29¼ 27¾- 29 25 - 26¼ 25 -  .... - . ... .... - ... . .. . - . ... 22 - 22 19 - 20½ 19 - 19 11½- 15½ ... . - . ... 10 - 15  19 84½ 27 20 18¾ 16 26  18¾33¼27¾1i 17 16 24½-  27¾ 40¾ 20 18 20 20}4 25  25 33½28 11 17¾• 14 · 22 -  48¾ 4.1~ 28  16 17!J;( 18¼ 23½  .... - .... .... - . ... .... - ... . .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... 5¾- 8 5¾- 6½ 5¾- 7 6½- 6½ 6½- 7½ 6 - 0 28 - 29 22½- 26 42½- 50½ 51 - 56  22 - 27  54 - 70  23 - 25 23¼- 24¼ 24½- 28¾, 64 - 74,¼ 74 -104 *37½-118  ....  .. .. - .... .... - ... . ... . - .... 78½- 84½ 79 - 83 96,½-100¾ 97 -101  60 - 60 64 • 6\l .... 7';'½- 80¾ 78 - 83½ x78¾- 87¾ 76 - 82 08¾-108¾ 103 -108 xl04½ 108 98¾-10(1¾ . - . 105 -130¾ 123 -131 .... - ... . - .... 149)'j-178½ 22 - 30½ 2Sl¼- 30½ 30 - 48¾ 37 - 51 105½-109¼ x98 -107¼ 104 56¾- 59 51½- 57¾ 5~- 56¾ 45¾-· 57 . . •• - .... 1027,-s-105 112)?-130½ 105 -123 133 -146½ 148 -14~ 141;$,(-145 185½-143¼  .... - .... .... - .... ... .... - .. .. ... . - ....  18 - 20¼ 107 -109!1< 53¾- 57¾ ...• - .... 135½-187½  20 - 23¼ 101¼-lOlll( 54¼- 59 .... - ... . 132½-137½  ...  .  .... - ...  ....  ..  ....  -109jl03"-107'4  --  * Rx-rights.  -  188,.. STOCKS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH .  APRIL.  MAY.  J UNE.  JULY  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- - - - ------  .AUGUST. 811:PT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER.  DEC'BER•  ----  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  RAILROAD. .... . .. - .... .... - . 141 -14.1 Albany &Susquehanna. . 134 -134 .... - •• . 140½-140½ 145 -145 149%-151 150¼-150¼ 151 -Hil 150 -150 Atchison Top. & S. Fe .. 96¾- 98½ 96114- 99¾ 97½-106¾ 105½-109¾ lOll½-116¼ 112 -118% 110½-lll½ 102 -lOi¼ 101 -106~ x90¾-103¼ 91¼- 9~ 92½- 94¾ 13 - 15¼ 11¾- 14 10 - 12½. 9¾- 12}4 9½- 11 Atlantic & Pacific ....... 11 - 12½ 10%- 12¾ 11¾- 13¾ 12½- 14¾ 13~- 15 9½- 11½ 10 - 11 .... .. ... .... - .... 40 - 40 .... .... ... ... . .... - . ... .... - .... ... .... . Beech C1·eek ........ . ..... ... . - . .. . .... . . ... . .... . . .. .. ... . ... 75 .... ... .... .... ... . ... . 87 . ... . ... . .... . ... .... ... Pref........... ......... . ... .... .. . ... 98½-101 99½-100½ 99 -100½ 98 -100 99 - 99 97 - 98¼ Bost.& N. Y. Ah·-L., prt 101 -101¾ 101 -102 x99 -102 100 -100½ 100 -101 97½- 99 64 - 74¾ 69 - 72½ 65 - 70¾ 59 - 68 63 - 69 57 • 60 45 - 50 50 - 51 Buff. Roch. & Pittsb .... 33¾- 35¼ 34 - 42¼ 42 - 66 50 - 55 47 - 50¼ .... - .... 50¾- W¼ IIO - 50 .... - . ... .... .... . ... - ... .... .... . . . 50 . .. - ... . 47 - 47 Bur. C. Rnp. & North ... 50 49½- 56 62¼- 65¼ !59 - 62¾ 54¾- 61¼ 53¾- 57 53½- 627,{ 50-U- 53¾ 58¼- 55 Cnnndinn Pacific. .. 62¾-68¾ 59%- 63¾ 59¼- 62¾ 62 - 66 50½- 581ii 50¼- 55% 58¼- 60 M~,£- 67¼ Canada Southern .... . .. 55 - 63½ 62¾- 60½ 56¾- il2½ 59¼- 63 60½- 64¾ 56¾- 63¼ 49 - 59½ 50 - 56 .... 15½- 15½ 14 - 15¾ .. - .... .... .... Ii¼- 11}~ 8¾- 9 7;14- 10 6¼- 6¾ Cedar Falls & Minn ..... lfl½- 19 16 - 18 15 - 17 .... 4 - 7 .... 11¼- 14 11¼- 15 6¾- 12 .... .... - .... .... .... 6 - 6 Central Iowa ..... ... ... ... 14 - 15½ 10 - 15¾ 10 - 11 6¼- 8 72½- 86¼ 79 - 82¾ 73¾- 84¾ 72¼- 80½ 69½- 77¼ 67¾- i8½ 68¾- 74¼ 72¼- 80 Central ot New Jersey. 55¾- 68¾ 63½- 71¼ 67 - 73 73¾- 76 Centro.I Pacific ............ 35!J;(- 43¾ 33 - 38½ 35¾- 40 ~ 39¾- 43¾ 40 - 41¼ 36½- 40½ 3!l¾- 38¾ 34½- 38:k, 82 - 37¾ 28¼· 83¾ 30¼- 34¾ 32 - 37¾ 5 '7 7 7 8 - 9¼ - 9¾ - 6½ 3½- 5½ 2 - 4¼ 8½- 4 Chesapeake & Ohio ... . . 8)4- 9½ 8 - 9½ 8 - 9 7½ C¾- 7¼ 5%9 - 12 10 - 12 1st pret ........ .. .. ....... . 15¾- 17 14¾- 16½ 14½- 15¼ 14 - 15)4 12¾- 14½ 10½;- 13¼ 10 - 12 4 - 7% 6½- 8 6 - 11 . ... 7½- 8 6¾- 8½ 6 7¾ 5 7¼ 3 - 5½ 4¾- 5§ij 2d pref . .. ................. 9¼- 11½ 9½- 10¼ 9 - 10½ 9),1- 10¾ 9 - 10¾ .... Chicago & Alton .. . ....... 143 -144 143 -145 144 -146½ 145 -147 145¾-155 148 -154¾ 150,l,s--152 148 -152 140 -150 130 -142 133½- 139 185 -136 Pref. ...... ... -.. .... . ...... t55 -155 .... - .... .... - .... .. - . .. 162 -162 162 -164 161¼-161½ 162 -162 162 -162 160 -160 155 -100 .... Chic. Burl. & Quincy ... 136%-138¼ 187 -14.~ 187¼-140 139%-147½ 146¾-156 140 -148¾: 137½-145½ x185-142 131 -138% 1237/4-185¼ 127½-135¾ 124½-18S¾ ... .... Chic. & Eastern Ill. .... ... , - ... .... - .... .. .. - •· ·· . ... - .. .... ... .... .... ... - · • •· .... - .... 109 -109 110 -110 ... Chic. & Ind. Coal. R'y . .... .... . ... .. .. .... .... 62 · - 67½ 62 • 64½ 57½- 60 53 - 53 41 - 45 38 - 47 40 - 40 40 - 40 43 - 45 Pref ............ .. .......... .... - .... . ... - . . ... .... 98 - 98 97 - li9½ 08 - 99 t6 - 69 85 - 85),,f 85 - 88 87 - 87 00 - 93 00 - 90¾ Chic. Mil. & St. Paul .... 87¾- 91 85¾- 927,-ii :z:897/4- 92% 00¾- 93% 90%- 95 86¼- g4¾ 79¼- f9¾ 78¾- 83¼ x78 - 85¾ 69¾- 79½ 71½- 78¾ 73¾- 7i½ Pref ....................... . 117¾-118¼ 117½-121¾ x18¼-122¾ 120 -122 120 -127¾ 119 -125¾ 117 -123 117 -121 xll4½-20¼ 110 -116 111 -115J,,,j 110!,,a-113¾ Chic. & Northwest . ..... . 111 -115 110 -116¼ 114¾-121¾ 119 -121¾ 120¼-126½ xll5-127¾ 109 -119% llQ¾-116½ 110 -116¾ 104¼'.-113¼ 106¾-113½ x04¾-111¾ Pret ............ ............ 138,¼-140¾ 139 -142 :z:14.0-149¼ 146 - 151¼ 149½-158 147½-153¼ 145 -148% 142 -145% x140-146¼ 137~-142¾ 140 -144.¼ 128!}.(-142 Chic. R. I. & Pacific ..... 125 -126¾ 125¾-126,¾ 124¾-127 125¾-130 129 -140U 127,ii-136½ 127½-132 123 -129 116¾-128½ 109½-121 109 -116¾ llOJ,,!-114¼ 14\1( Chic. St. Louis & Pitts. 16¾- 18¼ 16 - 18¼ 16¾-.19¾ 18¾- 22 18¾- 20~6 16 - 18½ 16 - 18 15 - 16¼ 12¾- 15 13¾- 15¼ 14 - 15¾ Pref....................... 35 - 4C½ 37 - 41 40 - 49½ 39 - 47 36!,(- 43¼ 85 - 45 40 38 - 45¼ 44 - 52½ 49 - 52 35 - 40¾ 36¾- 41½ 36 Chic. St. Paul M. & 0 ... 46¾- 51¾ 45¼- 50 48 - 51¾ 51¼- 58¾ 51¼- 54¼ 48¾- 54¼ 44¾- 52½ 42¼- 49% 39¾- 47¾ 34 - 44¾ 3714- 42¾ 36¾- 40~ Pref .......... ... ........ . . 106½-109% 106 -109¼ 108 -112¾ 111),(-113¼ 112¼-117¾ xl2¼-118¾ 108 -113 107 -111¾ 104½-110 100 -107 106 -110½ 105¼-110 Cin. H nm. & Dayton .... 130 -155 .... .... .... 141 -146¾ 146)4-1461,6 147¼-147¼ 135 -142½ 40 -120 50 - 60 60 - 60 65 - 65 ... 87 - 89¾ 81 - 85¾ "'79 - 81¼ 66 - 80 87 - 93 66 - 79 71 - 75 99 -101 Cin. Ind. St. L.& Chic .. 95 - 98¼ 97!J;(-104 73¾- 77¾ 73½ 80 6 - 5¾ 4¼- 6 6 4 8 5'A'- 5~ 4¼- 67' 5 3½- 4 31'- 4¼ 3¼ 3¾ Cinciu. Wnsh. & Bo.It .. 5¼- 7 4¼ 3 4¾- 5 6 7!J;(8 7 41}.(6),4 Pref . .. ........... . ........ . 8½· 10¼ 7 - 10 ~- 10¼ 8¼- 9¾ 7¼· 8¼ 7 - '7¾ 5¼9½ 5¾- 6½ 5¾- 6 65 - 67½ 58 - 66 62 - 65¾ 65 - 68 47¼- 54¼ 51 - 5tS 50½ 55 40 - 56 Oleve. Col. Ctn. & Ind ... 60½- 65:¼ 59 - 65 51 - 61¾ 50 - 55 Cleve. & Pitts. , gun.r ... . 140 -151½ 144 -152¾ IG0½-151¾ 152¾-153 152½-158¾ 153 -158½ 153½-154 152½-152½ 152¾-154 151½-152¼ 151 -152½ H,2 -152¾ .... .... ... . .... ... . 50 - 50 .... .... .... ... 35 • 85 25 - 88 24 - 21? 16 - 17% 15 - 16¾ 15 - 17¾ Columbln&Greenv., pf. .... Col. Hock. Vnl. & To!.. . 34 - 39¾ 3-1 - 37¾ 28%- 35% 30 - 34 30¾- 37 28¼- 33¼ 23½- 80¾ 21 - 25% 15 - 25¼ 20¾- 24¾ 22½- 27¾ 22 - 26¾ Doi. & Western .. 133 -138 131¾-137¾ 132½-136% 134¼·138½ 136¾-139¼ 130 -189½ 126 -184 126½-132¼ l~-134'¼ xl23¾SO¼ 125¾-135 125¾-131% 22¾- 24¾ 21 - 22~~ Denver & Rio Grande .. 24 - 28¾ 21¼- 26 24½- 30¼ 30 - 8~.! 30½- 32~ 28 - 32¾ 26 - 29¾ 21-½- 28¼ 23½- 27½ 20¼- 26 6~- 67¾ 62),(-68¾ 67 - 63¾ 57¼- 62¾ 56 - 62¾ 52%- 58¾ 55 - 60¾ 5~- 56~ Pret . .. .. . ......... .. ... .... 56½- 66 56~- 61¾ 511!4- 64¾ 61 - 65 13 - 16¾ .... . Denv. & Rio Gr. West. 20 - 23¾ 20 - 21½ 19 - 20 20 - 23 19¾- 21% 17 - 19 16 - 17 12½- 16½ 16 - 17¼ 'i9 - 78 . ... .... ... .... .... ... .... .... ... . ... - .... . Det1·oit Hillsd.& So. W. 'mfl· 79% .... . .. 14 - 15 : 12¼- 139' 10 - 11¼ 10 - 18½ .... .... 9½- 12½ 8½- 11 .... . .... . . .... Des M. & Ft. D •. ......... .... .... 85 - 85 82 - 82 .... - . . .... - . ... .... .... . Dubuque & S. City ....... - .... .... .... 75 - 75 . E.Ten.V.&Ga.Ry., new 13¼- 17 12¾- 14¾ 12¾- 13¾ 12¼- 14¼ 13 - 15¼ 12¼- 14½ 11½- 137,! 10¼- 13 9½- 12~ 9¾- 11¾ 10 - 12½ 97/4- 11 69 - 77 1st pref.... ............... 72 - 82¼ 71¼- 77¾ 73 - 76¼ 74 - 76¾ 74¾- 78 58¼- 71½ 57½- 62¼ 52 - 61½ 55 - 58½ 58 - 65¾ 58½- 63¾ 18 - 22 21 - 26 21'4- 24¼ 24¾- 26% 24¼- ·28¾ 24 - 28 19 - 25 !ld pref ................... 23¼- 82 21¾- 26¾ 23 - 26 20¾- 25½ 21 - 25 ... 10 - 10 10 - 10¼ f' ••· - .... .... - .... 11 - 11 Ellzabetht.Lex. & B. S. 18 - 18 15 - 15 15¾- 15¾ 16¼- 17 15½- 15½ .... 87 - 89'¼ 83 - 85 85 - 92 80 - 87 Evansville & T. Haute 86¾- 80 86¼- 88 84 - 86½ x86¼-100 95½- 99¾ 92 • 99 87 - 89¾ 83 - 87 .... 95%- 97¾ . ... - .... 96¾- 96¾ .... - .... .... 105¾-105¾ 100)4-100¼ .... .... . ... .... - .... Flint & Pere Mar., pref 47¾- 48¾ 40½- 4.$¼ Fort Worth & Denver . 22¼- 25)4 21¼- 24½ 24½- 42½ 41 - 50¼ 47~ 62½ 41¾- 49 48¼- 46¾ 44¼- 47 44¼- 47 46½- 48 9 - 10¾ 8 - 9¾ Green Bay Win.& St.P. 12 - 13¾ 12¼- 13¾ 12¾- 16 15¼- 17 15¼- 1~ 13½- 1~ 10 - 14¼ 9½- 12¼ 7~- 11¼ 8¼- 10 17 26¼28 26¼27M ... . ... .... 18 .... . ... ... - .... . .. Pref ........................ .... - ... . .... ... 200 -200 210 -215 213½-214 .... ... 220 -225 223 -223 223 -228 223 -225 2 19 -225 Harlem ...................... .... 30 - 30 .... 30 - 37 .... ... 25 - 25 20 - 20 21½- 29½ 22 - 29 87 - 40¾ 37½- 41 Houston & Texas Cent. 42 - 45 nunols Central. .......... 182¾-185 x128%-32¾ 129 -132 129 -135¾ 138½-138 *120¾ 37¾ 121¼-124¼ xl17¼-124 116 -121½ 114 -119 115!,4-118 115 -119 94 - 94 02 - 95 96 - 99 93½- 97 95 - 95 94¼- 04¼ 03 - 05),g 94 - 94 93 - 97 93 • 93¾ 06 - 97 Leased line, 4 p. c ..... 95 - 96 .... - . ... .... ... .... . ... .... - .... . - .... Ind. Bloom. & West . . .. 14¾ -17% 12½- 14 - .... 12 - 17½ 12 - 15½ 14 - 1(1¾ 12½- 14½ 24 - 27¾ 24 - 25½ 20 - 24¼ 18 - 23½ 15 - 20 17¼- 18¼ 22¼- 27 Assessment paid ..... .. .... 10 - 10 7 - 8 5 - 7 4¾- 6 5 5 5 - 5 4 - 4 10 - 10 12 -1~ Keokuk & Des Moines. 14 - 14 .... . 25 - 25 25 - 25 . 30 - 82½ 25 - 25 . Pref. ...... .... ....... .. .... 86 - 86 -  .... -  -  -  -  .  -  -  -  ....  ~  ... - ... .... .... -. - ....  -  -  -  -  - ...  -  -  -  -  ....  -  -  ...  .  -  -.  -.  - ....  -  -  1~~,-  - ....  ....  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  .... - . .... .... .... -- ... - .... ... - ... .... .... - ... -  - ....  -  .... - .... -.  ~  -  ..  .... - .... .... - ....  •Ex right,.  l ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ... - ....  -  - ....  .... ... - . .... - .... .... .... .... - .... ....  .... - .... ... - .... .... - ....  .... - .... .... ... .... - ....  -  .... - .... -. .. -  - ... .... - ... - ...  .... .... ... -  -  .... -  ... ....  . - .... -.  ... .... - ....  .... -.  ....  - .... .... - .  ....  -  ...  -  .... .... .. -- ... .... -  ~; .,,  Mw Y«~  BR"\\~  "'''.f.  ... - ....  R.AILROAJJ  ANJJ  MISOELLA.l-tEOUS  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  STOOKS.  SEPT'BER OCTOBER. Nov'BER.  AUGUST.  DEO'BER.  APRIL. JANUARY FEBR'RY. MARCH. ---- - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hl.llh L ow.High Low.High -- - - Low.High ---- - - ------- ---- - - - - - 38 - 45¾ 35 - 41¾ 8(%- 87¾ 8()¾-88¾ 28"- 82!14 81 - 84¾ 2$¼-80 Kina"ston & Pembroke ... - .... .... - ... 38¾- 48¼ 43 - 47¼ 45 - 47 17¼- 22¼ 15~- 19½ 18 - 18½ 13¾- 10 14¾-17 14¼- 15% Lake Erie & Western ... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... 287k 24¾ 23 - 24½ 18 - 24 58 53 - 60¾ 51 - 58¾ 43 - 54¼ 40 - 50¾ 89¾- 46¾ 4~ - 48¾ 43¾- 46~ 61 .... 59¾... . .... .... 60½ ... Pref............ , ... ........ 89 - 95¾ 92¾- 97 90¾- 98¾ 89%- 95},s IJ4¾- 96).j; 95 91  STOCKS.  ·••·  - 98911 94¼- 98¾ 92¼- 06¼ 90%-96¾ - 96¾ 00 - 96~ 93¾- 96¼ Lake Shore ................ 89 - 98 94¼- 96¾ Ill - 96¼ 85 - 93~.i 87 - 92 fl8 - gs 94~- 98 95½- 9;¼ x95½-97¾ 05 - 09¾ 96 - 99 Lonar Island ............ ... 98 - 95 51}~- OE¼ Louisville & Nashville. 60½- 67¼ 57 - 62:1,{ 60%-66½ 66911- 70¾ 66¾- 69¾ 62¼-68?8 59¼- 64¼ 59¾- 68!J4 58 - 64¾ 54¼- 61¾ 5i¾- ti3 6(1 61 57 68 61 40 86 56 40 - 45 38 - 44 30¾- 40 - 68 - 67 - 64¾ - 41 - 67¾ - 63¾ 60¼- 63¼ Loulsv.New Alb.&Chic. 68 - 65½ .... ... . 20 .... ... 14 14 SO¼ .... 27¾.... ... . .... ... .. . . ... 27 . .... Marq. H. & Ontonagon .... .. .. .... ... - ... .... .... 98 -100¾ 00 - 98 88 - 03½ 88 - 90% 83 - 85 83 - 83 84¾- 84!1:{ 83¾- 85 Pref. . ..... ............... . . .... 93~-113½ x94¾-109 96 -104¼ 09½-103¼ 92½-101 Manhattan Consol. ... . . tM -158¼ 155¼-15i¼ x155-157¼ 155~-161% 158 -16091! 115 -161 109¾-121 11 - 14 16 - 18911 14 - 16 11¾- 14¼ 10¾- 12¼ 10 - 12 10¾- 11~ 8 - 10 1~ - 16% l!j - 17 lUo.nhattan Beach Co ... 16 - 17½ 15¾- 17 59 55 60 50 - 61 49 - Ill>½ 45 - 50 - 62½ - 61 - 53 46 - 52 46 - 52 Memphis & Charleston. 51 - 63.l,i 55 -1>9¾ 55 - 58½ 58 - 64½ 14 19 18% 17¼13 15!1:{17 14 16¼ 16 16 18¼14 13'ho 18¾- 14 11¾1~ 13%13¼15¼ 14¾14¼ 22 Mexican Central ........ 81¾- 88¼ 86½- 92¼ 85 - Sr♦ 88½- 93 ~ 90 - 93½ 91 - 95¾ 87 - 94½ 81 - 91¼ 80 - 86¼ 82 - 88 Michigan Centro.I ........ 86 - \IS¾ 86 - 91 80 - 68 79>4- 88¼ 79¾- 87 79!'4- 85 84½- 89¾ 88 - 66¼ !Uilw. Lake Sh.& W • .. . 6~- 70% 68 - 75-A( 75 - 90¼ 87 - 92½ 91 - 94½ 8~- 94 Pref .. ···················· 98 -100¼ 99 -104 102 -111% 109 -115¼ 115 -119 xll()¾-U9 106 -118½ 103 -110 100 -109 101 -106¼ 108 -108¼ 104 -10~ ... . ... . . ... .... 50 - 1>5 .... - ... .... .. .. .... 40 - 40 .... ·•·· - .... .... - .... 413-9- 41½ 55 - 62 Milwaukee& North'n. t .... 12 - 1:5¼ 10 - 16 8:1,{- 12½ 9 - 11 17¾- 19~ 17!1:{- 197/4 18 - 20½ 18 - 20¼ 15 - 197,i 13¾- 17 5¾- 9¼ lUinnoapolis & St. L .... 18 - 20 18¾- 26:1,{ 19 - 24¼ 15 - 21 Pref ...... ........... ....... 42 - 45¾ 40½- 44¾ 42 - 44% 43½- 45¾ 43½- 48¼ 36 - 47911 28½- 38¼ 29%- 86½ 22 - 84 24¾- 29¼ 28 - 28¼ 21½- 27% 17:¼- 25 17 - 21% 16¾- 19¾ Missouri Kan. & Texas 28}:(-~ 2tS½- 32% 30 - 32% 31½- 84¼ 31¾- 33¾ 26 - 32 92 -110!1:{ 96¼-104¾ 00 -100 89¾-100¾ 84¼- 94¾ 84¾- 93~ x 86%- 91 Missouri Pacific ... ..... .. 106 -109¼ 104%-110¼ x105¼-09¾ 107~a-109¾ 107¼-112 15 - 17½ 13¾- 15¼ 12 - 14¾ 12 - 13¾ 10¾- 18 9¼- 12 16 - 18¾ 10 - 12 9¼- 11 Mobile & Ohio .... .. . ..... 15¼- 19½ 14¾- 17}11 16 - 17 lUorris & Essex ........... 139¾-140¼ 138:li{-141~ 127½-138¼ 137 -139¾ 139 -140 136¼-140 137 -139¼ 136¾-139 137 -1~ 135 -138½ 185%-187 133¾-137 87 82,¾86¾ 79>ii77 81 86½ 78¾ 70 79§,(81 68:1,{ 87 78¾82¼76 83¼ 83 76¼80 83¾ 88¾ - 79¼ 85 ... L St. & Nashv. . .. .... ... .... . ... •• · - .... 12 - 12 .... . ... .... .... .... - .... .. . .... 2¼- 2½ 13¾- 4% . .... New Jersey& N. 1 ...... ... . N. Y. Cent. & Bud. Riv, lll¼-114¼ 110 -114¼ xll;¼-11$% 112¼-114 112%-114~ 1011 -113!1:{ 106¼-110 105%-10\l¾ 105¼-110¾ 101¾-107¾ 106 -109¼ 107 -109 17 - 19¾ 16911- 19¼ 15½- 18¾ 14 - 18¼ 14"- 18 15½- 17¼ 6¾- 11¾ *16¾- 20 18¼- 20¾ 10 - 20¾ N. Y. ChicnllO &St. L ... 9%- 15 84 - 37¼ 31 - 36¾ 30 - 8374 26¾- 81 27 - 82 26~- 82 18¾- 23 •27 - 82¾ 31 - 85 29 - 31 .... Pret ........ .... .......... .. 20 - 28 .... .... .... . ... - .... .... - .... .... - .... 17¼- 20¼ 16¼- 18 .... .... . ... .... ... .... . New .... .......... ........ .... ... ... .... .... .... .... . 68 - 77 64¼- 70 .... .... .... .... .... . 1st pref................... .... ... .... - . .... .... ... . .... .... .... - ... . 40 - 42 80¼- 89 ... .... .... .... .... ~d pref ........ .... . ... .... .... 90¼-108!!,f 101 -103 100)4-102¾ N. Y. Lack. & West . ... . 10;5~-107 105 -107½ 105~-105½ 100 -108 108 -100 108 -100 107¾-109 107½-107¼ x102-109 21¼- 29~ 26%- 31¼ 27¼- 30¾ N. Y.LakeE1·ie &West. 80¼- 84¾ 29¼- 84~ 83¼-- 84¾ 33¼- 86911 33¼- 35½ 30¾- 84% 28 - 3.2 ¼ 27¼- 31¾ 27 - 32 68 - 74¾ 66¾- '71¾ 64 - 71¼ 61~- 70½ 59 - 67 62 - 68¾ 63¼- 07¾ , .......... 65½- 73¾ 65¼- 74½ 70)4- 73¾ 72¾- 74½ 72 - 76 Pref ........ 56¼- 65¾ 55 - 61¾ 45,r 59¾ 40 - 53¾ 40~- 48¼ 35¾- 46¾ 84¾- 41 38¼- 43~e 35 - 40½ N. Y. & New En~lo.nd ... 51 - 57¾ 55)4- 62¾ 59%- 66 N. ¥. N. Ho.ven & Hartt. 210 -220 208 -2!4 210 -221 220 -222¼ 227 -283 220 -233 221)4-230 222 -22:& 210 -220 208 -210 210 -212 210 -215 N. Y. Ontario & West ... 17 - 20½ 15¾- 18¼ 17¼- 18¾ 18¼- 19¼ 18¾- 197/li 17¼- 10¼ 16¼- 17¾ 15911- 17:Js 15%- 18¼ 14%- 16¼ 15¼- 17¾ 15%- 17 9¼ t-¼- 10¾ 8¾- 0¼ 1'2¾- 18% 18 - 13¼ 12 - 18½ 10~- 12% 9¼- 11¾ 8%- 10¼ 7¾- 10)4 N. Y. Susq. & West . .. . . 11¾- 1~ 11 - 1-l 24½- 30¾ 25 - 28¾ 27¼- 33 27¾- SO¾ Pret ........ ........ .... ... . 31¼- 34¾ St - 38½ 84¾- 37¼ 311¾- 38½ 36¼- 37¾ 80 - 86~ 29 - 83¾ 26¼- 32 15 - 21 ts - 15¼ 14¾- 17 14½- 16¾ 16 - 20 14¼- 18¾ 14 - 18 20%- 22¾ 20¾- 23 11%- 22 Nortoll, & Western .... .. 18 - 23¾ 17¾- 22 40 - 43¾ 50 - 54¾ 51)4- 55¼ 44¾- 53)4 41:J.t- 48¾ 40 - 45¾ 38 - 45% 34,r 42¾ 39 - 44 4.3¼- 49¾ 47¾- 51 P1·ct ....................... 45 - 54 Northern Pacific ........ . 26)4- 28 26¼- 2872 27¼- 28¼ 28¾- Sv¾ 2{/:J;!- uS¾ 31¼- 3~¾ 32¾-84¾ 24¼- ~~ 22%- 28¾ 20 - 24;J:i 21 - 24)4 22 - 22!14 62)4 58¾55 48)450¾ 47¾51 41¾58 - 61¼ 43%- 40¼ 44~.t- 47¾ Pr f .. ......... . ..... . . .... . 56¼- (H'ji 56¼- 60¾ 58 - 60)4 60 - 62¾ Ot* 68½ 26¼- b0½ 25¾- ~7!1:{ 28¾- 2l';'$ 28¼- 30¾ 21 - 25¼ 23 - 2~.1 22 - 25¾ Ohio & Mississippi ...... . 28%-29½ 22¾-28¾ 27 - 31¾ 80)4- 32½ 29¾- 31 19 - 19 12 - 10 17 - 18 12 - 13¾ l0!)t- 13¾ 12½- 14¼ 10¼- 12 18 - 18 17 - 20¾ 19~- 21¾ 19½- 22 Ohio Southern .... ........ 19 - /el .... ... . ... .... .... - .... .... - .... .... .. 29¼- 31!1;! 30½- Sl½ .... - . ... ... .... 25 - 30 21 - 24¾ Omaha & ~t. L., pref ... ·•·· 17¼- 20½1 15 - 17¾ 12 - 10¼ 16 - 18 28¾- 28¾ 26 - 29¼ 28¼- 30¼ 27 - 20 28 - 211¼ 22 - 26'-4 .... •· Oreiron Short Line ....... 29 - 31 16 - 22¼ 17¼- 22¼ l ~ - 21¾ Orea-on & Transcontin'I 297/li- 84¼ 29%- 83¾ 30¾- 33¾ 33¼- 35¾ 38¾- 85¾ 26!1:{- Si¼ 24 - 31:14 20 - 27¾ 18¼- 26 29½ 22),.{38½ 32)428 8931! 34!'4li¾- 20 18%- 23)4 20)4- 23% 18¼- 22% 86¾ 32½3~ 3~ 8491130¾. . 8~- 35¼ Peoria Dec. & Evansv - 35¾ 5~- 05 58%- 63¾ 62 - 71~ 04~- 6071a Phila. & Rendinai . ... ... 36 - 42¼ 34 - 80¼ 36½1· 39¾ Sil - 4i¾ 44 - 47¼ 47¼- 53¾ 47:1;{- 58'>-{ 47¼- 57 Pitts. Ft. \V. & C., aino.r, 146 -148 145 ; 145¾ 146¼-147¼ 147 -149¼ 148½-152 152 -15~ 150 -151 15(%-151 150 -152 148¼-15()% 149¼-150¼ 150 -151 .... .... .... .... .... 104 -104 ... . ... 104 -104 .... .... . .. . .... ... - . ... · ••· .... . ... - .... Pittsb, : UcK's1>0rt & Y. .... ·•· · .... Ren8. & Sa.1·0.toaia ........ 170 -170 167 -16i 167 -170 170 -170 li0 -170 170 -170 161 -161 163 -163 161 -164 160 -163 163 -163 165 -165 9 8 2 2¾- 3}4 2%- 8¾ 2¾- 2¼ 2 7¼- 9 11¾ 8 8¼.... - 10¾ 5¼- 10¾ 6¾- 7¾ 4 - 6¼ 2¼- 4 Riehm. & Alll~&:beny Richmond & West Pt . . . 40 - 53 41¾- 47¾ 37➔.l- 43¼ 877/4- 42¼ 38¼- 41¾ 20 - 39¾ 25¼- ~ 22½- 80¾ 20¾- SO½ 2(17k 27 23 - 29¾ 2C.¾- 26¾ 71½- 76¾ 72¾- i6 67¾- 7o 68 - 70¼ 51 - (\~½ 43 - 62 47 - 55 53¼- ll4 x517,{- 62 P1•ef........ ........ ...... .. 75 - Si½ 77 - 81~ 72 - 78 ... - ... . 4 4 .... .... .... .... .... .... - .... - .... 4 - 4 . ... .. .... . .. . 3 - 3 Rochester & Pittsbur,i. 4 4½ 85 - 87 88 - 91¾ 84 - 87!1:{ 78¾- 86 79¼- 00 85 - 90¾ 90 - 93½ 80 -93 75 - 88 85 - 87 Rome "\Vat. & Oaidcnsb, 86 - 95 80 - 89 . .. . . .. ... . ... . .... ... .... ... 30 .... ... . .... ... . ~s 30 .... .... 28 .... .... ... . .... .... .... ~t. Jo. & Gd. lslo.nd .... 32 - 3-i. so - 38 41¾- 45¾ 39 - 43½ 38 - 41 82 - 38¼ 32¾- 33¾ 84 - 40 30 - 33¾ 33~- 34¾ 84¼- 44 St. Louis Alton & T. ll. 30 - 85 ... ... .... 71 - 75 75 - 84 ...... - .... 75 - 75¼ 75¼- 75¼ ... .... .. .. .... .... . ... 70 - 70 Pref ....................... 80 - 80 .... 15¼- 17 16 - 19 11 - 15¼ 14¾- 17¼ 12%- 13 10 - 18 21 - 24¼ 21¼- 23¾ 20 - 23:J:i 18 - 23 St. Louis Ark.& Texns 22¾- 23½; 22½- 25 33 , 30 34 44¾ 33¼ 43¼ 35 37¼ 83¾ 37 38¾ 30 32¾ 31¾ 84¼ '3¼ 40¼ 37 t;1 Louis&S Fr i sco. 30 38½ 82¾ 38 68½- 74}4 68¼- 733,( 66)4- 77 75 64 76 68 78}4 73¼83½ 7~ 84½ 77>48091! Pref................... . .. . 83 - 6i¾ 01½- 65¼ 65¾- 70¼ 69 1st pref ................. .. xll2-117½ 112¼-113¼ 118 -110¾ 115 -118½ 116¾-119½ 112 -120 115½-119¼ 111 -115 109¼-118½ 107 -112¾ 110 -114¾ 112 -11~¼ st. Paul & Duluth....... 65½- 61¾' 57¾- 63¼ 59¾- 02¾ 62¾- 69¼ 62½- 00 :x:78 - 95 74 - 82 72¾- 80 60 - 74¾ 55 - 67 62¾- 66 57 - 63¼ 99¼-105 100 -104 101 -105 100 -104¾ Pree.......... ..... . ....... IU7 -10~¼ 108 -10~ 107.l,i-110 108½-110 108½-114¾ 108~-118¾ 102¾-108 f 99 -105 sl. Paul Ml?n• & Man . . 113¾-1171113 - 119¼ 115 -119 113 -118¾ 114 -120¾ 114 -120¾ 112½-117¾ 11°'-t-115 97 -115 :x:94!1:{·108¾ 103¼-111¾ 105-~-111% 7 - 7~ ... . - .. . . 9 - 10!}4 8 - 103i O 8 . . . . .... ~ 8 8 outb Cnrolrnn..... . . .. . . . 16 - 17 12 - 15¾ 10 - 12 9 - 15 13 - 15 southern Pacific Co..... 35 - 86;1,1 85 - So¾ 29!'4- 35 84 - 35 847'- 84¼ 81 - 84¾ 30 - 31¼ 30¾- iU:ij .... T cxas & Pacific........... 20 - 243,s • • • . - .. .. • •• - • • • . • • • - • • • . • • • • - • • • . . • • - • • • . • • • • - • • • • . • • • - • • • . • • • • Assessment po.ill. ...... 22¾- 26¾ 20 - 20¼ 26 - 30;.{ :t7½- Sl¼' 3(%- 35:li{ 25 - 84¾ 25¼- 30¾ 24¾;- 29¼ 20¼- 29 21¾- 26¾ 28¼- 28}11 23¾- 27 20 - 25 .... - ........ - .•.• T ol. & 0 1io Cenu•o.l. ... .... - .... 84 - 35 .... - .... 28 - 28 27 - 28 ... . - . ....... - .... 27 - 27 50 - 50 51 - 51 .. .. - ... ..... - .... 40 - 49!)4 M - 50 55¼- 55¼ 54 - 54 Pref........ . ...... .. . ..... 57 - 58¾ 57 - 58¾ 55~- 68 55 - 56 Union Pacific ..... ..... ... 559,;(- 62 53%- 59¼ 56¾- 61¾ 60¼- 63¼ 60:J!- 63¾ 55¾- 61'.¼ 52¼- 58¾ 51%- 57¾ 50 - 5n,( 44 - 54 45%- 68¾ 53!J4- 59¼ • .••... - . •. . 21(%-210¾ .... - .... 212~-213M .•.• .... .... ... 216 -216 .... - .... .... United Co. 's N. J .. . .... .. .... _ •....••• Utica & Black River ... .... - ........ - ... . 121 -121 118¼-118¼ .... - . .• 122 -122 ...• - .. .•. ..• - •.. . ..•• - ••••..•. 20 - 20 .... - .... ..•• - ...... .. - •.•. .. .. - . .• . ..•• _ .••...•• - •• . . .••• _ ••• .•.• . Utah Central. ....... .... . .... - ........ - • • . 15 - 15 40 - 40¾ • . • • 41¾- 44 .... · V lr:ilnla IUidland....... . 85 - 42 35 - 42% 40 - 411¼ 38 - 46¾ S5 - 44 31 - 35 35 - 40 35 - 35 w o.b. St. Louis & Pac. . 13¾- 19 lS¼- 19 16¾- 19¾ 19¾- 22 20¾- 22¾ 17¼- 21½ 17¼ · 19 16%- 18¾ 16>(- 18¼ 14 - 19 15¼- 19¾ 15¼- 17¾ 26¼- 52¾ 28,s- 33¾ 27¼- 33¾ 29)4- 83¾ 27¼- 32~ 33 - 37¼ 35)4- 38¼ 32 - 86¾ 29 - 84 23¾- 31¼ 29 - 84 Pref -• .... •·· · •· · · ...... 25¾· 35 41½- 50¾ 42 - 46% w heelinai & Lake Erie 40M- 56¾ 35½- 42~ S5 - 47% 37 - 43 53 - 63¾ 57¼- 63J.ii 52¾- 63 TELEGRAPH. - ........ AIDerico.n Tel. &Cable •.... 70 - ':'4 71 - 74¼ 70 - 72¼ 06 - 96 . . . . Cent. & So. Amer. Tel. 95 - 96 79 x67¼78¾ 75¼77¼ 78%- 78¼ 75¾70¾- 76 Western Unioti.. . . . .. .. 71 - 70 EXPRES~. .......... •, ......... .. 139~-144 142 -146 142¼-14.I; 142 -144;14 143 -147 148 -148 145 -150 145 -152 U5 -100 141 -147 141 -145 142 -14S A merican . . ... ...... ....... . L07 - 110 108 -110½ 108¾-110 109 -115 114~-118¾ 110 -117½ 109 -110!1:{ 107½-110 106 -109 107 -100 107 -110 x105-110 65 - 69¼ 68 - 70½ x65¾· 70 68 - 76 66 - 70¼ 65 - 76 633'- 73¼ 68 - 71 132 - 65 62 - 64 United States .............. 62¾- 64!1:{ 62 - 6-1 Welle, Fnraro & Co . . .... 126¼-129¾ 127 -130 127¾-129~ 127 -129¾ 128¾-134¾ 132 -137 128 -185 128 -131 120 -130 126 -180 127¾-181 121}¾-132 COAL & l\IINING. 28 - 28 - .... .... 82 - S2 38 - 4~ 41 - 42 Cameron Coo.I. . . . . . . . . . 39¼- 49¾ 44,t- 48¾ 44¾- 4'™' 44 - 48 82½- 40¾ 32¾- 87% 41¼- !19¼ 47!'4- 53¼ «¼- 51'°' 38 - 46% 84 - 43¾ 30 - 41½ 31 - 37 C olorado Coal & Iron . 36~- 40¾ 85½- 39¾ 87 - 42 (J'ol. & Hock. C. & I... . 26¼- 86~ 24 - 83:li{ 22 - 28¼ 27¼- 33¾ 25 - 30~ 45n- 47¼ 37 - 46¼ 29¼- 42 35~- 87¾ 86¼- 46¼ 45)4- 50 22 - 23 24¾- 25 20 - 23 . . . . - . . . . 20 - 20 23 - 25 24 - 2'1 24 - 25 •.•. - ... . 21 - 21 C'onsolido.tion Coo.I..... 21 - 28 18 - 14 12¼- 14 12 - 13 n - 12M 15 - 15½ 14:1.(- 15¼ 12¾- 15 13¼- 15¾ 15 - 15¼ 15 - 16 13¼- la 13 - 15 Homestake Mlninir.... 8 7 15 15 18 9 22¾ 20 28¼ 10 22 7 25¼- 32¼ M nrshall Consol. Coal - .. , . . . . 18¼ 11~11 10 11 - 12 11 12 11¾ 11 . ••. 16 .••• 15 14 ·14 15 13¼14. 13 15 14 17 14 lUaryland Coo.I........... 113'- 18 9¼- 11 11 - 12 1 9 - 11 1-1 - 15 14 - 143' 11¼- lS 14 - 16 13½- 17¼ 12¼- H New Central Coal........ 14½- 18  .... - .... -  -  -  .  - ... . -  .. -  -  -  .... .... -.  -.  -  - .... .... - .... .... -  -  -  -  -  .... - ....  . .... -  -  -  ... .... - .... - ....  -  ... - . .... ... - ........ - . -- . ... - .... .... .... - .  -  -  .... - ...  ..  ~,-  - ....  -  -.  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  .  -  -  -  -  -  -.  -  -  .... -  -  .  -  -  -  -  -. -  -.  ""'[ .,.  - ····1··· ¾1•··· 26 26¼- 27  49 - 69¾1 6 0¾- 61 68½-72 N.Y.&PerryCoal&I. 62¾-70¾ 68 - .72¼ 71¾-72¾:x:69'¼-72% 69 -71 25 - 2~ 24¼- 26;( 2:, - 27 25 - 25¼ 24½- ~ 26 - 26 Ontario Silver Mintnar .. 22 - 25¾ 25 - 26 •.•. 268 -268 Pennsvlvania Coal ....... 282 -282 275 -276 • • • • - • . • . . • . . - . . . . • • • • - •... 266 -266  • A.ssented. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  200 -268  . •••  26 - 'l/7 - 27¼ 263'- 2i - •... 272 -272  RAILROAD ANDYJ!MISUELLANEOUS STOOKS.  83  1~87-Concluded. J.A.NU.ARY FEBR'RY, M.A.RCH.  ---- ---Low.High ---- - - Low.High Low.High  STOCK s.  Quicksilver M inlna-...... P ·r et· -· ·-·· · ... ······ ······· Tennes11ce Coo.I& Iron Wbitebreast F uel Co ... Canton Co.- ... ············· Chartic:t·s Val ley Gas .. Consolidated G a11 ..... ... Del. & Hudson Canal.-, Equitable Gas -L. Co ... J olict Steel Co .... . ... ... Iron Steo.mboa t Co- ..... N. Y. &Texus La.nd ..... Orcaon lmprov cm't CoOreKOD R'y & N•a.v.Co ... l'n.cific S. s ......... . Phila. Co., Na t. Gus __ Pullman Paln.c 0 Cur .... Rilihts ..... --- .............. F<i lve1· Bullion Certs ...  • Ex dividend a d rights, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  APRIL  M.AY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST.  8EPT1BER. OCTOBER- lSOV'BER. DEC 1BER.  ---  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hig h Low.lligh Low.Illgh Low.High Low.High  -  -  -  6 6½- 7 6½ 5¼- 6¼ 5 5½ 4~2- 51,( 5M- 6¾ 6¼- 12 7¾- 8¼ OM- 7!J( 6~- 7½ 6 6¾ 6¼- 8 81 - 84 27 - 80 80 - 81 25 - 25 80¾- 81¾ 29 - 81¾ 80¼- 85 23 - 25 28 - 88½ x29 -x31 26 - 80 so - 84'-( 25¼- 84),.i 21½- 80½ 28 - 27½ 25¼- 81¾ 26 - 29¼ 88¼- 44½ 81 - 89¾ 80¼- 89 -14 - 1543,( 45 - 49¼ 41 - 47¾ 44 -50  ... - .... .... - .... .... - .... ... . - .... .... - .... .... - .... ·· •· - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... 85¼- 87¾ 8 7 * ~ 60 - 60 .... - .... 59 - 59 . ... - .... 55 - 55 .... - .... ·•·· - .... .... - .... . ... - .... .... - .... - ..,. .... - .... ... - ... .... - .... .... - .... 89¾- 90 86}c'.- 87¼ ·•"· - ... .... - .... -· · - .... . ... - .... .... - .... .... - .... . ... - .... 71¼- 76 78¼- 80 67 - 77 x85 - 89 84 79 83~78¼837,1\-  86¼ - 86}( - 86¾ 86¼ 101½-104¾ 100~-10;3¾ 100),s--102 101¼-105% x1027,i 05~~ - . .. . 116 -117!,t 117 -128 127 -127¼ 128 -129➔.( 40 -140 185 -187¼ 188 -144 122 -180 L20 -182 26 - 26 22 - 22 - .... - _., . 105 -105 ... . 170 -170 ss:},!- 48¼ 88 - 54¾ 88 - 42 38 - 43 40 - 47 97¾-104¾ il6¼-102¾ x00}:(-103 100 -1087/4 101 -105~ 48¼- 53i!:i 49).(- 57½ CS¼-~ 55 - 58¾ 154¾- 57¾ 100 -114),c o;; -115 106 -111 t 04 -108 101 - 107½ 189¼-147½ xl48½-47¾ 146 -158½ 151 -158 150 -159¾  .... ·-·  ....  ... - ..  .... .... .... ....  ....  70 - 75% 84:¾ 69➔-(- 74¼ 72¼- 77 100 -104¾ 99¼-102¾ x98¼-102½ 96¼-101¾ 96➔-(-100¾ 100~-106½ .z:102-103¼ . . .. 124 -124 128 - 123 - . 120 -120 ... . 110 -110 115 -115 . -  .... - .... .... .... ... .... .... - .... ... - ... . .... .... .... .... .... - .... .... - ··- .... - .... .... - .... .. . - ··- .... - ... . .. .. .... - -- .... - .... .... . ... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... 84 45  44 - 53 96~-104 48!'4- 55¾ 95 -101¼ 147½-157½  - 52 92¼- 99¼ Si¼- 47 06½-100 148 -152  - 46 84 - 95~ 87 - 48 85 -100 142 -148¼  84 - 45 x84 - 95 x82M-41¼ 89!J(-100 145 -152  85 - 41½ 79¼- 92 82¼- 40~ 95 - 97 144¾-152}.( ,  .... .... .... ....  37½- 44}:( 48½- 47 88 - 91:}.( 87 - 90¾ 84 - 89~ 33 - 40  92¼-x!lQ 94}:(- 97¾ •186-141½ 188)4-148 8¼- 10¼ 9¼- 9¾ . 97 - 97  ... - .... ... . - ... . .... - .... .... - .... .... - ... .... - .... .... - .... ... . - .... .... - .. ... - .... .... - .... .... - .... ... - .... .... - ·•·· .... - .... .... - .... 96"- 96¼ 96¾-97~ .... - .... .... - .... ... - ....  BOSTON BONDS.  84-  BOSTON BONDS IN JANUARY FEBR'RY.  ----  BONDS.  MARCH,  APRIL.  MAY.  ----  JSS7. JULY.  JUNE.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V 1BER.  DE0'BER.  ---  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hlp;h Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  ----  ----  ----  ----  -~  119 -120¼ 118 -119 119 -119¾ 119 -119¾ Atcb.Top.&S. Fe-1st.? 124¼-125 124 -125 124 -124½ 122¼-124 122¼-124 123¾-124½ 122 -1~8¼ 120 -121 lzO -121 120 -122 119!),:(-120 .... - .... 117 -118 . ... - .... 110¼-116 116 -117 llt\¾-117 Land Grant .. .......... , 122 -122 100 ... . .. . - .... .... - .... 96 - 96 .... 100 -102 .. .. 102 -103 102¾-108 101 103 -103 -102¾ 103 .... .... MoI·t., 1909 .. ..... .. .. . 5 91:l½- 97 . ... - .. 98 - 08¾ 98¼- 99% 99 - 99 .... - .. .. .... - . ... . .. - . ... 91 .. 95 98 - 98 19~0 ..... . ······ · ··"'"4½ 98 - 99 98 - 9S . .. . 90¾- 90¾ 89 - 89½ 80 - 89 00 - 97 96¾- 97 .... - .... 96 - 96 .... Plain, 19~0 ..... ...... . 5 94~- 96¼ 96 - 96¼ 00 - 00¾ 95 - 00 ... ... . 100 -104¾ 105 -1C6 105 -105½ 106 -106¾ Trust ..................... 6 108 -108 lO'i~-108½ 107 -108 107¾-109 109 -110 109¾-110¼ 108 -100 .... .... .... .... .... - ... .... ... 98 -100 91%- 99 94 - 97¼ 90 - 94½ 89 - 93½ 89 - 91¼ 88¾- 91 Collat. Trust ....... ... 5 80 - 81¾ 80 - 80¾ 79¾- 80 81 81¾82½ 79 - 81 84¾ Atlan. & Pac.-lst ..... 4 87 - 89 85 - 86~ 84¼- 86 85 - 86¾ 85¾- 86% 85 - 86¾ 25 - 29 23¾- 28 30 - 35¾ 26 - 82½ 24¾- so 25¾- 2':l¾ 29 - 34½ 88¼- 88 33 - 39 Income, 1910 .......... 6 26%- 29 27¼- 28¾ 26 - 30 - .... .... - .... .... - . . .... .... .... 102 -102 .... .... .... - .... .... .... .... .... - ... . .... .... Central Div.-ll!lt .. .. . 6 .... .... 117 -117 .... .... .. .. .... .... - . ... .... ... . .... - .... .... - .... .... ... .... ... . . ... - . ... Boston & Maine ...... .. , . 115 -115 .... Bost. & Al.-Not mort.7 - .... .... . . .. .... . ... - .... 112¾-112¼ 110¾-110½ . ... - .... lll¼-111¼ 110 -110 Burl.& Mo. u.-Ld gr.1 115¾-116 115¾-116 116 -116 115!)4-116 115¾-115½ 115¾-115½ 115½-115½ . .. ··• · .. - .... 110 -110 111¾-112 111¼-lll¾ In Neb., non-ex. 1st .. 6 108 -108 108 -108 1~-108% 108 -108¾ 109 -109 108¾-109 109 -109 107½-J.08½ 108 -104¾ 103 -108 105 -105 .... - . ... ... . 116¾-116½ 116 - 117 115 -115 115 -115½ In Neb., exempt l~t . . 6 119 -120 120 -120 120 -120 120 -120½ 120 -120 Ula -120 120 -120 ... 98 - 93¾ 93 - 93 90 - 90 .... 98 - 93½ .... - ... 98 - 93 . ... - .... 88 - 88 In Neb., 1910 .......... 4 95 - 95 23¾- 93¾ 93½- 94 ... ... - .... . ... ... 105 -105 .... .... .... 180½-185 . .. ... 133½-i33½ Cedar Rap.& ll'Io. Rlv.1 .... - .... 94 - 96¼ 95 - 96 ... ... 88 - 92 91½- 92 91 - 92 Cblc.B.&Q.-Den. Div.4 96¾- 97½ 97¾- 97¼ 96¾- 97¾ 96¼- 96¾ 95¾- 96¾ 95 - 96 1st, 1903 ...... . ......... 1 138 -138 181 -181 130 -180¾ 129¾-129¾ 130 -131¾ 181 - 131 129 -181 128%-129 127%-128½ 127%-128 128 -128 .. .. - .... 90 - 90 90 - 91¼ 90¾- 92 92 - 92 .... .... .... - ... . .. - .... Southwest. Div ...... .4 90 - 91 92¾- 93 90¾- 92½ 91 - 91 .... · •• 110 -110 lll¼-111¼ Sinking Fund ........ ~ .... - .... .... - . .... - .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . . ... - .... ... . .... 95½- 96½ 95 - 95½ 97 - 977,,ji 97¾- 98¼ 98¾- 98½ 90½- 98 97¾- 97¾ 95¼- 96¾ 95 - 95¾ 95½- 00 Plain bonds ........... . 4 98 - 98½ 97 - 97 . .. . .... .... .... .... .... 107¼-107¼ .... .... 104%-10-llJa 104¼-104¾ 102 -102 .... - . ... 104¼-1Ci4¼ . ... - .... ........ 5 .... Debentures 101¼-102 100 -102 -103 -105 102 104¾-105¼ 103¼-1087,1i 108¾-104¾ 104 -104¾ 100 -103 100 -104% 104 108¾-104½ Chic. BuI'I. & No ....... ~ 104¾-104% Debenture .............. 6 108¼-104 104 -104¾ 104 -104½ 104¼-104¾ 1()4%-106½ 105 -106¼ 105 -105 104 -105 108 -108 100 -102 100 -101½ WO -100¾ .... 111 -112¼ 112 -112 .... ... 111½-ll~¼ .... .... .... 111 -111 . ... - ... .... ... . .... - .... Cb.M.&St.P.-W. Div.ti .... 118 -118% .. .... 117 -117¾ 117 -117¾ 112 -118 .... .... - .. . 112 -112 Dub. Div .... ............ 6 118!1:(-118¾ l:!.9 -119¾ 118¾-119¼ · ••· 115 -115 ... . - .... ... - .... - .... · ••· Chic. & East Ill .. con .. 6 - ... . .... - . . .... .... .... - .... ... - ... . ... . .. . 100 -102 99¼-101½ 99¾-101 100¼-102 101¾-102¾ 99 -102 94 -100¾ 90 - 95 90 - 96½ 92 - 94¾ 91¾- 98¼ Chic. Kans. & West ... 1> l00¼-101¾ 58¾- 68 62 - 74 68 - 72 Inco1ues ........ . ... ...... . 63 - 69 66 - 78 47 - 60 70 - 75 47¾- 55¾ 46 - 53¾ 47 -GO¾ 68¾- 68½ 57 - 65 98 - 98~ 100 -100 ... . .. 100 -lvO .... ll0¾-100 Chic.& W. Mich ........ ~ 101¼-101½ 100¾-101 100 -101 100½-101 100¾-102 .... 100 -100 ... ... .... - ... 101 -101 100 -100¾ ... ... . 100 -100 C in. San.& Clev.-lst. 7 102¾-102½ 102 -103 · 102¾-102½ .... .... .... .... .... - . .... - .... .... . .... .. .. - . ... . ... .... .... - .... 112 -115 115 -116 .... - ... Crowl.S,&Ft.S.,quar7 .... .... . .... - .... 109¾-109¼ . .... - ..... 109 -109 .... - .... .... .... .... - .... .... ... ... . Col. Sprinarf. & Cin .. . 7 Conn. & Passum-lst.7 116 -116 .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... .... .... - •.. 112 -112 112 -112 112 -112• .... - . . . .. 84 - 87 84 - 86 81 - 87 88 - 90½ 86 - 90 90 - 95 Consol. RR. of Vt . .. .. 5 89 - 90¼ 80 - 90 85 - 89¼ 86¼- 89¼ 89¾- 93 98¼- 98 82 - 87¾ 88 - 86 76 - 65 777,4- 91 77 - 86 88 - 92¼ 91 - 94¾ 89 - 98¼ 86 - 89½ 85 - 91 California So.-Inc •. . 6 67 - 69½ 68 - 81 1st, 1926 ·············· 6 111 -111 111 -111 112 -112 112 -112 112 -114 .... - .. .. ]]4 - 114 112 - 112 112 -112 111 -111 111 - 112 .... - .... .... . .... .... 123 - 128 125 -125 .. - . .. 125 -125 .... . ... .... - ... .... - . ... ... . .... .... - . ... D et. Lans. ~~ No.-lst.1 125½-125½ .... ..... - .... .... - ... ... .... 106¾-106¾ ... .... .... ,:.. .... .... - .... D ixon Peor. & H . .... . 8 106 - 106¾ .... - .... .. E astern-1906 .. . .. ... . 6 127¾-128¼ 1~8 -129 128 -129 128 -129 t28 - 128½ 125 -12'ix 125 -126 122 - 125 122¾-122¾ 121¾-123½ 120 -122 120 -121 111 -111 111 - 111 110 -111 118 -118½ 112 -112 112¾- 112¾ .... FoI•t Sc "tt S. E. & M . .1 .... 112½- 112¾ ... - . ... 112 - 112 .... .... 115 - 115 115 -116 .... . .. . 115 - 115 F t. Scott & Gulf-1st ... , 116%-118 117½-117½ 117¾-118 118 -118 117 -117 118¼-118¾ 118 -118¾ .... .... .... . .. . .... 100 -100 .... - ... . .... - .. .. .... - .... .... - . ... . 100¼-100¼ . ... - . .. . .. .. - .... .... Equipment .. .... .... .. . .6 115 -118 116¼-118 115 -118 Fremont & Elk Horn.6 118 -122 120 -120 122 - 122¾ 122 -122¾ 121 -123¼ 119 -120 .... - . 122 - 122 .... .... . ... 134¾-184½ 185 ... . -136 -185 ... . . ... JSO¾-lS~i 186 own. Falls & S,City .. 7 .. . ... . 186 I - 186 · •· · .... 105½-105),j .... . .. .. .. .. I llinois GI·. Trunk .. .... 8 110 -110 ... . - .... ... .... .... 107 -107 . - .. . 104¼-104¾ 116 -116 .. 122¾-122½ ·••· Kansas City & Cam,10 121 - 121 .. . .... .... .. .. - ... . .... - . ... .... - .... .... - .... .... · •• ... 12~127 .... .... .. .. . .... - . . . 127 -127 . .. . - .... 125¼-125¼ .... .... .... .... .... K. C. Top, & W.-lst .. '7' .... .... ... . .... 123 -123 121 -121 .... - ... .... . ... - . ... Kan.C.Em. & So.-Gu.1 - . ... 121¾-122 . ... - .... .. .. - .... .. .. - .... Kan.C.L.&So.-lst.6-~ 118 -118¾ 113 -118 113 -113 113 -118¾ .... .... 114¾- 115 115¾;- 115¾ 114½-114¾ 118¾-118¾ 118½-llS¾ 114¾-114½ 114¾-115 90 - 91~ 89¾- 91 86¾- 92 87¾- 90 95 - 97 91 - \14¾ 91 - 93 Kan. C. Mem. & Bir .. 5 95 - 95 94¾- 95¼ 94½- 95 94%- 95½ 94¾- 95 K ans. C. Clin. & Spr . . ~ 104½-105 105 -105 105 - 105¾ 100 -102 .... ... 100 -100¾ .. .. - .. . 99¾-100 98 - 98 98 - 99 98½- 99 95 - 98 Kan.C. Sp. &Mem .... 6 110¼-111 110¾-lll¾ 110¾;-lll¼ lll¾-118 lll¾-112½ 111¼-JJ2¼ 110 -110 109¾-110¾ 110 -111 108½-110¼ 109½-lll 110½ ·111¼ K .C.St,J o.&C.B.-lst.1 125 -126 125¾-125½ 125 -125~ 124!1,.t-126 .... - .. .. 124 - 125 .... - .. . 122 -122 124 - 124 120 -122 120 -120),ii 120 -120 .... 84 - 84 .... - ... .... L eav.Top.& So.w .. . . . 4 ... . - ..... .... . ... .... .. .. .... 75 - 80 80 - 80 .... 108 -11 0 108 -110 109¾-110 L .Rk.&Ft.S.-L.a-.lst 7 114 -115 114¾-115 114 -114¾ 113 -114½ 113 -114½ 114 -114¾ 112½-114 112 - 118 .... .... - .. ... .... .... .. .. - .... .... - .... 104%-105¼ 104 -105 100 · - 104½ 100 -108 100 - 101½ 101 -102 101 -102 L ou. Ev. &St. L.-lst.6 .... 2d ....... ........ . .. ... 2-6 .... .... .. .. . .... .... .. .. . ... - . ... 4\1½- 56½ 58 - 58 52 - 52 51 - 55 52 - 55 58 - ·58 50 - 52 ... M aine Cent., 1912 ... . .1 ... .... .... .... .... - .... .... - ... . ... 129 -129 - .... 188 - 138 .... - ... 184¾-134½ . M arion & McPber . . .. 1 123¾-124 ... - .... 124 -124 .... .... .... - .... .... - ... .... - ... . ... .... 117 -117 117 - 117 117 -117¼ 117 -117 .... .... . ... .... -100 .... 100 M arq. Honarh. & Ont .. ti 101¾-101¾ 106 -106½ .... - .... 106¾-106¾ .... .... . ... .... - · · •· .... 101½-101¾ 98 - 98 . ... - .... 1st mort., 1923 . . ... 6 100 -100 100 -101 102 -10~½ 101 -108 99~-101½ 99¾-100 99¼- ll9¾ 98 - 98¾ 97¾- 98 95¾- 96 .... - . .. . .... - . .. 98 -101 101 -101 100 -100 00 - 96 192~---· ······ ....... . . . 6 96 - 98 99 -100¾ 98 - 98½ 98 - 09½ {18 - 98 . ... 73 - 78 76 - 77½ .... - .... .... M. exican Cent., 1911 ... 7 l'.>9¾- 60¼ 55%- 60¾ 61 - 64 63%- 69¾ 71¾- 7598 70½- 80¼ 81¾- 81½ .... 20 - 22¾ 15¾- 18 Inco1ne .. .............. 3 16 - 18¼ 16 - 20¼ 19¼- 21¾ 20M- 23¾ 22¾- 25% 24¾- 27% 19¼- 25 17¼- 21 21 - 22¾ 19¼- 28 .. . .... Scrip ......... ...... .... . . .. 78 - 77¾ 75 - 81) .... .... . ... -108 95 -100 .... 96 -102¾ 100 .. 79 - 90¾ 90 - 97 . {15 - 97 ···Debenture .. . ........ 10 79 - 82½ 80 -&- 84 - 97½ 91 - 96 96 - ll8¼ 1/6 - 99 98 -102¾ 100 -104 100 -101 98 - 99 {16 - 97 ... . 4 52¾- 55¾ 49¾- 57¼ 56¾- 60 :New assess ..... 66¼- 72¾ 72 - 76¼ 68 - 78 59¾- 67 66¾- 71% 68 - 72¼ 64¼- 69¼ 66¾- 60¾ 65 - 67¾ 68 - 70 Bond scI•ip ......... .. ..... 52 - 55½ 50½- 56¾ 56¾- 59 69¼- 74 70 - 70¾ 67 - 70 68 - 70 58¾- 66 65¾- 72¼ 71 - 75 68 - 68¼ Coupon notes . ..... .. 10 .... - ... .. .. - . ... .... - ... . .... . ... - ..... .. - .... 94 -98¾ 95 - 97 . 91¾- 95 90 - 93¾ 92¾- 95 92½- 00 N. Y. & N.Eng.-lst.. .. 6 116 -117 117 -118 115¾-118 116 -118 116 -118 115 -117½ 114 -115 118 -118 108 -110 110 -111 112 - 113 .... .... 1st, 1905 ................ '7' 124 -125½ 126 -128 125¾-127¾ 125 -127 125 -127 124 -124 121¾-124 121 - 122 120 -128¾ 120 - 128 121 -121 119¼-122 2dmort ........... ...... 6 105 -lOtl 105¾-108 107 -108¾ 107 - 108 106 -1077~ 108 -105 108 -103!)4 99:J;-108 100 - 102 100¾-101 104 -105 1G2 -103 2d moI·t., scaled ... 3-5 92¾- 98 .... .. . 98 - 94 94 - 94 93¾- 08¾ .... - .... 92¾- 92¾ . .... 90 - 90 .. .. - .. 95 - 95 98 - 63 N. Mex. & So. Pac.1st ............. ........... , 125 -125¼ 125 -126 125 -125 125½-126 125 -125 121 -124 118 -120¼ 118 -120 119 -119¾ 117 -118 118 - 119 117 -117!1.( North. Paciffc-lst ..... 6 115¼-115¾ 115¾-11~ 115¾-116 115¼-115¾ .... 115¾-115¾ 115 -115 .... - .... 118¼-114½ 112¾-112½ .... .... 118½-113¾ ... .... .... P. d'O. Div...... . .... . .. 6 ... 102 -102 102¾-102¾ 102¾-108 108 -108 .... - . .... ... 102½-102½ 102¼-102¾ - . 2d moI·t. coup .......... 6 104½-105¼ 104¼-104¼ .... 98%- 96% .... ..... .... . . 103¾-108¾ 108¾-108½ .... .... .... - .... .... - . Ogden. &L. C,-lst ... 6 ... - .... · ••· - .... 100 -100¾ - .... .... - ... - .. .. 100 -100 100¾-100¾ .... . ... . ... . .. . 99 -100 Con., 1920 ........ .... 6 100 -101¾ 100 -101 .... - . ... 100¼-102½ 102 -103¼ 102¼-105 108¾-104 108 -108 99 -102 100 -101 99 - 99¾ Income, 1920 ...... 3-6 43 - 43¾ 42 - 42 40 - 41 43 - 47¼ 44½- 44% 43 - 44 87 - 88 44 - 44 .. - .... .... .... .... - .... .... ... Old Colony ............... 6 .... . ... .. .. .... - ... .... - .... 113 - 118 .... - ... ... . .... - .... .. .... .... ·· •· - .... .... - .... .... . ... Orea-on Ry.& Nav.Co,7 100¼-100¾ 100 -100¾ 100 -100 .... .... - .... .. .. .... .... . ... . Consol, gold .. .... .. .. 5 .. ... .... .... .... . .. .... - ... .... - . ... ... 102¾-102½ 104 - 104 .... - .... .... - ... . . .. . 0 reg on Short L ......... 6 104 -104¾ 101½-104 100¾·102¼ 102 - 104¼ 98¾-102¾ 99¼-101 99¾-100¼ 97¾-100 95¾- 99½ 98¾- 97¾ \15¾- 99 97¾- 98¾ p orts. Gt. F. &C ...... 4½ 104 - 104 103¾-104¾ 104¾-104½ 104¾..J.04½ 104½-104½ 104 -104 104¾-104¾ 104),ja-104½ . ... - .... 100 -100 Pueblo & Ark. V. ll!lt . . '7' 12~ -125 124¼-124½ 124 -125 124¼-125 124 -124 120 -128 117 -120 118 -119 119 -lHl¼ 116 -118 117 -118 llt!¼-116¾ 105 -105 106 -106 106¼-107 107 -107 . - .... 106 -106 105¾-106 105½-105¾ 102¾-102½ 102¾-108 .... . R epublican Valley ..... 6 .... R utland-2d M., equlp .5 94 - 95 94 - 94½ 04 - 9!l¾ 90 - 95¾ 95¾- 00 98 - 00 97 - 97 95¾- 95½ 89¾- 90 88 - 88 89 - 89 92 - 91S¾ 1st 1nort ................. 6 107¾-108 107¼-107½ 10'7¾-1077,1i 107¾-1~ 110 -110)4 108 -110¼ 107 -108½ .... ... 105 -105 105½-106 105 - 106½ 106 -107 .... - .... .... . .... - ... .... .... .... - . ... .... . St. L. K. C. & So. W ... 6 106 -106¾ .... - . ... .... - ... . 105 -105¾ SonoI·a-lst ....... ..... .1 102 -103¼ l02:J;-103 102¼-108½ 108 -106¾ 105¼-115 108¾-110½ 105¾-108 108 -106 100¼-104¼ 99¾-108¾ 100 -102 100 -10! 96 - 97 South Kansal!I ........... 5 100¼-101¾ 101¾-102 100 -102 100 -101¾ 100¾-101¾ 100 -101¾ 97 -101¾ 97¾- 911 98 - 98 95¥- 00 95¾- 96¾ 8 2 - 85 95 - 95 Jncomes .... 82 - 84½ 85 - 87¼ 88 - 90 91 - 95 82½- 92 88 - 89¾ 82 - 87 73 - 84¾ 75· - 81½ 77 - 81 .... .... .... Texas Div ... .. .. ....... 5 .... . .... 91¼- 97 92¼- 95 90 - 94½ 89¾- 94 88¾- {ll 88¼- 90 .... , ... 114 -114 .... - .... .. .. .... - .... . - .... lll¼-111¾ . .. . .... ..... .... So. Kan.&West.-ll!lt .7 ... . .. . .... .... ... 118 -114¾ 113¼-114 .... .... 118¾-118h, .... .... 112¾-118¼ nlon Pac.-lst, gold .. 6 118¼-115 114 -114)4 114)4-116½ .... .... ... Sinkinar fund, 3d M ... 8 115 -115¼ 115¼-115¼ 115 -115½ 115 -115 115 -115½ 112¼-114¾ 112 -112¾ 112 -112¼ 110 -111¾ 110 -110!,,( 110 -112¾ lll¾-114 55 - 57¾ 55½- 57½ 55¾-66¾ 65 - 68½ 63¾- 68¼ 59 - 68 45 - 55¾ 46¾- 58¾ 45 - 58 Wls.Cen,-2d series .. 52½- 60 45 - 50 45 - 48 1st series ...... . ...... . 6 98¾- 94 98 - 99¾ 96 - 00 93¾- 94 95 - 97½ \17~- 99 96 - 00¼ 98 - {15 94 - 95 86¼- 88¾ 88¼-89 . .... w lsoonsin VaJ,-ll!lt ... '7' 128 -128 - . . .... - .... . . · ••· w or. Nash • & Roch., ,6 108 •108 .  ....  .... - ....  -  .  -  -  -  -  .... - .... - ... - ... - .... ....  .... .... - ..  .....  -  -  - '""1121  -  ....  -  -  -  -  -  -  - ....  - ... -  .... ....  ....  -  ....  ....  -  - ....  -.  -  -  -  ...  -  -. .... .. -  .. .  -  -  -  . -  ....  ....  -  -  ~  .... - ....  -  ... -  .... .... - .. .  -  -  -  -  .... - .... - . ... ... .... .... - .... -  .... - ...  - ....  ....  - .... ... .... - .... -  -  - .... - . .... ... . .... -  .  -  -  ... . .... . - .... -  .... ... .  .  - .. - ....  -  ....  ...  - ...  .... -  -  ....  .... - .... .... - .... .... -  ...  -  -  . .  .  -  - ..  ....  -  .  ....  ... .... -  .... - ....  -  -  - ..  -  ... -  -  -.  ... -  .... .  -  - .... - ....  .... ... - ... .... .... .... .... .... ... -  - ....  ············· .... -  .... ....  u  .,.  ,, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ....  ..  ... .... - . ....  ....  -.  . ... .... ....  -  -  .  . . - ... .... .. - .... - .... .... .... .... - .... . .... - .... ....  ...  -  -  .... -  ... -. -  - ...  ....  - .... .... .... .... -  -  ....  ..  ....  - .... -. ... .  ... - ....  - .... .... -  -  .... ....  -  ...  .  .  -  ..  -  -  ...  ....  -  . .... .... ....  -  ....  - ...  .... - .... .... - . .... -  -  -.  ....  -  - .... .... -  .... -  - .... ... .  -  -  -. -  ... -  -  ... ... .... - .  -. - ... -  .  -  -  .... - ... ... - . -  - ... -  .... .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... - . . .... .... - .... - .... .... -- ... .... - .... ... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - ... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... ... - ....  BOSTON BOSTON  85  STOOKS.  STOCKS IN ISS7.  JANUARY FEBR'RY, MARCH. APRIL, MAY. JUN.Bl. STOCKS. JULY. AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BER. ---Prices per share, not per cent - - - - - - - - - Par. Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  - - - ---- ---- - - -  ------  Atlantic & Pacific . . 1 00 11¼- 12¾ 11 - 12¾ 11¾- 18¾ 12¾- 14½ lSl}r 15 13 - 15¼ 11¾- 14¾ 1(%- 11!½ 9~- nu 9¾- 11 9¼- 11½ 10 - 11 Atch. T.&Srrnta Fe.100 9(S¾- 99¼ 96¼- 997~ 97¼-106% 1'04¾-109¼ 108¼-118 111 -1197~ 108%-115¾ 101 -109},{ 100¼-108~ 90¼-104¾ 90¾- 95 9~¾- 97 Boston & Albany .... 100 198 -201 199 -202 201¾-220 208 -218¼ 218¼-215¾ 200 -212¾ 200 - 205 200 -205 198 -200 198 -200 198 -202 197 - 200 - . ... . ... - ... .... ... - .... .... - .... 105 -1{'5 Bost. C, & M., p1·ef.. 100 104 -104 104¾-104¾ 104 -104 110 -110 107¾-108½ .... Boston & Lowell. . .. 100 130 -138 184½-158 152¼-172 160 -173 167 -172¼ 168 -174 167 -171 160 -165 1553,i-163 154 -165 159 -161 1155½-160 Bo ton & Innine ..... 100 207¼-210 212 -218 217 -239 227½-235 281 -28~ 230 -285 220 -225 218 -22l 218 -221 215½-225 207¼-220 208 -211 Bost. & Providence.I 00 211¼-219 211½-214¼ 205 -215½ 210 -225 223 -240 234 -285 215 -220 215 -217 215 -221 2t6 -232 284 -250 248 -245 40¼- 48½ 44 - 47¼ 40 - 48 Califo1·nia !So ...... .100 83¾- 37¾ 36 - 30¾ 87½- 60 56 - 66¾ 60 - 64% 50 - 62½ 150 - 152 887/4- 46>1;1 35 - 415 ... .... .... .... Cenn·al Iown. ......... 100 ... - . ... ... - .... .... 10 - 10 10 - 14 13 - 14¾ B¾- Sil.( - .... .... 2d p1·ef. ... ... ....... 100 .... - . ... 15 - 15 .... - ... .... - .... 14¾- 14¾ .... 7 - 7¾ .... - . . - .... .... - .... .... . ... .. . .... 15 - 28 19 - 22½ 19¼- 21½ Central Mass ........ 100 15½- 21 19¼- 22½ 20 - 24 27 - 80½ 24 - 29½ 28 - 26 Hl¾- 25¾ 24 - 30¼ 27¼- 88 87½- 42½ S9 - 41¼ 35 - 42 88 - 42 Pret .................... l0tJ 89¾- 47¾ 45½- 155 52 - 61½ 56 - 62¼ 154¼- 159¾ 50 - 59 88 - 49 35 - 48 ... - . .. 102 -109 111½-125 122 -124 Cheshire, pret ........ 100 l20 -120 116¾-116¼ 118 -119 119 ·128 124¾-128 130 -180¾ Chic. Burl. & Quin .. 100 186!1:(-138¾ .1.37 -140½ 1877~-140¾ 139¼-147 147¼-156 142 -149~ 138 -146 135 -142 181 - 138¾ 125 -185½ 127½-135 125¼-138 60 - 64 Chic. Bu1'1. & No1· .. 100 80 - 84 80 - 84½ 88 - 92 89 - 92¾ 8CJ½- 07½ 85¼- 94~ 84 - 89½ 75 - 86 67¼- 81¾ 61½- 70% 62 - 70 .... .... . ... 111 -111 116 -116 . ... . ... Chic. & En.stern Ill.100 102 -111,-.~ 108 -111 107¾-109½ 110 -111 109~9-lll¼ \12 -112 111¾-111¾ .... 40 44 40 43 45 42½42:1\(00 44¾ ] .. Mich 49 West & 50 52 60 Chic. 57½54 - 57 50 - 55½ 45 - 58½ 158 - 158 - 58½ 156¾- 5~ 19;1,:(- 23 18½- 20 20 - 21 18 - 28 Cin. Sand, & Cleve .... 1)0 28½- 28¼ 25¼- 27¾ 215 - 27½ 26%-28¾ 27¾- 29½ 25!1:(- 2~ 24½- 26 20 6¾- B¼ 6¼- 8 9 8 - 8,~ IS¾- 8 Cleve. & Canton .... 100 ~- 7¾ 7 9 - 12½ 9¾- 11¼ 9¾- 10¾ 8 7¾ 6½- 7¾ 6½- 9 24 - 26 22 - 29 22 - 26 30 - 83 Pret ... .. ..... ......... 100 27¾- 29½ 28¾- 81¾ 80 - 84¾ 32 - s~ 30 - 42 25½- 80 36 - 41 86 - 86 20 - 20 18 - 18 - ... 18 - 19 17 - 18 Col. Spring. & Cinn ... : . 28 - 23½ 23 - 24½ 23 - 28 25 - 26½ 25 - 25 .... 25½- 26 -188 186 -139 185 -138 ......... 188 . 138¼--139 ...... ... -120 . Uonco1·d :50 120 125 -125 .... . .. . 125 -130 130 -183,½: 182 -188 180 -182 .... Conn.& Passumpsic100 L07¼-ll8 105 -105½ 104 -1115 105 -1115 112 -115 112:1\(-114 110 -118 105 -10!5½ 103 -105½, 100 -104 101½-104 102 -107 Con•eoticut River .. ] 00 192 -194 192 -198 192 -193 199 -199 i94¼-197 190 -196 1 8 -188 187 - 188 186 -180 ... . L953,t;-11J5X .... . Cons. ofVerm't, pf.100 44 - 44 .... .... .... .... .... .... ... 50 - 50 .... .... .... ·•• · .... ... .... .... Det. Lan. & No . .... .100 .... .... 50 - 15(1 50 -M 54¼- M¼ .... .... . ... . -100 .... .... 100 100 Pret ................... l06 -109 105¼-105½ 107½-110¼ 110¼-lll½ 115 -115 lUi -ii5 113 -114 .... .... ... . .... .... ... . .... . Dayton & Ironton, pf... .... . .... 29 - 80 27¼- 27½ .... - ... .... .... .... . ... . ·•• · ··•· En.ste1·n (Mass.) .. .. 100 122 -133 128¼-182 1'31 -142½ 188 -140 125 -184 120 -126 120 -122 118 -116 99 -115 102 -112 108 - 120½ 109 - 120 P1·et . ...... ............ 100 1383,t;-141 186 -140 187 -140 137 -138¾ 187 -187~ 134½-135½ 134¼-l84x 130 -184 128 -132½ 126 -130 127 -129½ 128 -130 .... .... . .... .. 110 -111½ .... .... Easte1·n in N. H ...... 100 -··· 110 -110 .... - . .. . . ... . .... - .... .... 91¼- 95 Fitchbm•g p1•ef....... 100 182¾-142 *101-111 107¾-114½ l12 -114 108¼-118 100 -108 100 -105 90¾- 9B½ 90 -100 93¼- 97½ 93 - ll7 28 28 23¼24¼26 80 - 88 Flint & Pe1·e l'tlarq.100 28¼- 80½ 26½- 29¾ 26 - 38 81 - 84¾ 82¼- 87% 83¼- 87 82½- 85 25 27¼- 38½ 95 - 99½ 95½-10(',IJ( 95¼- 99 Pref ................... 100 03¾- 95 98 -107 102 -106 93 - 95½ 98¾- 90¾ 97 -100 99½-102~ 98 -100¼ 96 -100 79 - 81 75 - 80 78 - 80 Fort Scott & Gulf .... 100 . 68 - 70 - .... 75 - 75 78 - 73 80 - 80¾ 80 - 80 80 - 80 80 - 80 180 -180 128 -185 Pref ..... .............. 100 .. - .... .... .. 180 -1S0 185 -185 .... . .. . .... .... Iowa F. & Sioux C .. 100 65 - 70 68 - 78 70 - 83¼ 82 - 88¾ .... . . .. .... - ... . ... . .... . ... .... 78½- 81 70½- 80 79 - 80 72 - 78 74 - 80 75 - 78 ':-8 - 78 Kn.n. C. Sp.&l'tlem .. 100 67 - 68¼ 69 - 78 69¾- 75 77¾- Sl 69%- 77 . ... 40 - 47 40 - 48 4S - 49 48 - 55 50 - 57 57 - 57 M¼- 55½ Kn.n.C.Mem.& Bir.100 .... - . ... 45 - 46 49 - 150 49¾- 15(1 .... ... .... Ko ns,C. Clin. & Sp.100 .... - .. .. .... ... . ... - . ... . - .... 80 - 89 .... .... 89 - 39 40 - 40 .... .... 45 - 151 .... .... .... - .... ... Little Rock & Ft. l!S.100 44:J,!- 49% 43 - 151¾ 44¼- 49 50 - 150 44¾- ~ .... - .... . - . .. .. .... .... .... 17 - 17 .... ... 17 - 18¼ .... Louis. & Mo. Riv ... 100 .... 9¾- 12 g - 10 8 - 10 7 - 10 Loui . Ev.&St.L.100 10 - 10 .... .... - . 14 - 14½ .... .... .... - .... .... .... . ... .... . Pref............... .. 100 .... .... ...• - .... .... - .... 81¼- 81½ .... .... - .... .... . .. . 27¼- 27½ . ... - .... . . 125 -125½ 125 -125 125 -180 Maine Central ....... 100 144 -159¾ 150 -150 150 -115(1 1150 -150 142 -148 148 -148 180 -140 .... .... 216 -218 .... .... .... 220 -222 .... .... .... - .... 215 -2115 . .. ... .... - .... Manchester& Law.100 .... . ... 35 - 40 89¾- 40½ - .... 40 - 48 ... - 30  - ....  -  .... -  ....  .... -  -. -  ....  .... - .... .... ... ...  ....  .  -  .... - .... .... - ... -~ -  -  - ....  -  .... -  .... - .... - .... - .... ... -  . .... -  -  .... .  - ....  -  .... -  -  - ....  - .. .... -  ....  ... .... -  -  -  -  .... .... - .... - .. .... .... ... ...  .  ...  -  .... - ... .... .... .... - .... .... -  -  ....  ... - ....  - ...  -  - ...  ... -  -  .... - ... .... - .... .... - .... .... ... . - .... .... .... .... .. . -... - .... .... .... .. - .... ... - .... - . - .... -. ....... .... - .... ... - .... .. ... .... ... ... - .... - . - .... ... .... ... ... ... .... .... .... ... .... ... .... - ... - .... .... .... - .... - .... -. - .... .... .... - .... .... - ... .... - .... .... .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... . ' . ~~--' ~ M;:;:' - ... 100 -100 ... . - ... .... - .... .... - ... 14 13½19 15¾14 18¾- 16-U 12%- 16~ 18¼- 16¾ 115'¼- 18¼ 17¼- 19 - 16 Mexican Central.. .. 100 13 - 14 12¾- 14!J,1 i·~ 000 -200 Nashua & Lowell. .10 0 .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... 1158 -1158 .... - .... 60-60 .... - .... 200 -200¾ .... - ... N. Y.&NewEngl'd .. J00 51¼- 57½ 55¾- 62¾ 60 - 66 I 56¼- 65 55¼- 61.¼ 46 - 59¾ 40;.(- 521}.( 89¾- 48 85¾- 46¾ 84¾- 40% 88¾- 48½ 85¼- 40 118 -115 .... -  .... -  ~  ~-°.~:~~~r.'.~  : ~~: H;~  Pi•ef . .................. 100 L20¾-127 125 -189 185 -142 180 -140 121!¼-13" l"J8Sr180 108 -120 100 -1115 99 -112 101 -110 109 -120 Northei•n, N. H ....... 100 126 - 127 126 -128 128 -129 128 - 1158 145 -llSO U5 -146 145 -145 142 -145 144 -1415¼ H2¼-144¼ 140 -141¼ 138 -140 .... - .... ... .... .... No1·w. & Wo1·ceste1·l00 176 -179 178¼-178!, 180 -180 1615 -~85 .... - .... 18(J -180 176 -176 1715 -1715 . ... . ... .... - ... 15 - 15 .... ... . 15¼- 19 18 - 19¼ 18l-l- 20 18 - 15¾ Ogd.& Lake Chnmp.100 ... - ... . .... Old Colony ............ 100 178 -181 178 -180 178¼-185 184 -188 187 -1113 179 -187 178½-182 177 -180 174 -180 175 -178½ 175 -190 172 -176 .... - .... .... .... .... ... . .. . .... 78 - 78 .... . Phila. Wil. & Bait.. l>0 dB - 68 71 - 7L ... . 92 - 92 107 -110 90 - 90 .... ... . 105 -105 .... Po1·ts. Gt. F.&Con .. 100 Ll2 -119 116 -118 116¼-122 120 -124 -120 -120 119 -120 119 -186 116 -183 ... . .. . 188 138 Portl. & Poi·ts.100 132 -138 130%-132¾ 125 -181 180½-132 184 -185 .... Pullman Pn.l.Car .... 100 189~-147 148~-148 146 -153½ 151 -1158 148 -1159 150 -]58 145½-152 146 -150 144 -11>2 144 -151 :x:187¾-149 189 - 148 155 - 155 . ... - . ... .... .... .... .... .. . 150 -150 .... Reve1·e B'h & Lynn.100 140½-140½ 140 -141 141 -1415 145 -145 7!'-(- B½ 7~- 8 7% 6¼7¾- B¼ 15 Rutland ................ ] 00 B¾- 9~ 8 - B¾ 8 !J¼-10 8¼- 9 8¾ 7%-11 10 - 11 38¾- 42 88 - 4'8~ 37 - 42¾ 89 - 43 42 - 46 89 - 41 40 - 15(1 Pref................... 100 86 - 37½ 84 - 38¾ 85 - 37 815 - 47 44 - 15(1 9¼- 13¼ 9½- 11 8¾- 10¼ 8 - 9 11¼- 12 10 - 10" lOU- 14 Summit B1·anch .... .. l>0 9 - 11 10¼- 11¼ 11 - 18¼ 9 - 10½ 9¾- 10 .... ... . . - . .. . ... .... ... ... . .... . ... . 10c. .... l0c.. 10c l2½c.18c. l0c 15c- 115c. Toledo Cin. & St. L. ~o 15c.- 15c. .... l::2¾- 58¾ 519(- 157¾ 150¼- 156¾ 44 - 53% 46¾- 58½ M¼- 59 M¾- 61¾ 60¼- 62% 60%- 63~ 55½- 62 Union Pacific ......... 100 56 - 112¼ 54¼- 159 .... 189 -140 187 -187 185 -185 183½-138½ 138½-184 141 -141 141 -142¾ ... Ve1·mont & Mnss . ... 100 140 -140 .... 16½- ]8 16~2- 18 15¼- 20 20 - 23¾ 16¼- 28 27 - 29¼ 24¼- 29:)p 21 - 26 Wiaconsln Centrn.l..100 22¾- 24¼ 22½ · 24!,i 23,¼- 29¾ 27 - 80 84 - 89 30 - 89 38 - !l8 47':(- 52¼ 40¼- 46½ 88 - 42¼ 82 - 40 48¾-- 52 Pref ................... ]00 35¼- 37 86 - 86¾ SIS - 48½ ~ - 49 ... ..... .... .... .... .... 187¾-137¼ . •.. 140¼-142 ... ... . .... Worc.Nn.sbn.&Roch100189 -141 ... . - .... 141 -142 ········ ... . * Stock increased. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~  .... -  ..... - .... .... - .... .... - ... .. - .... ... - . .... - .... - .... - .... .... .... .... -  -  -  -  .... - ....  .  ....  .... - .... .... -  -  -  ....  -  - ...  ..  ....  -  -  .  ...  ...  - .... - .... - ....  ....  -  PHILADELPHI..A  BONDS.  PHILADELPHIA. BONDS IN ISS'r. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  BONDS.  MARCH.  1  AUGUST. 811:PT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV BER. DEO'BER. JUNJ:. MAY. APRIL. - - - - - - - ____ ,____ , _____ --- -JULY. -----1·----1-----  RATLROAl). Alleab. Val. -Reg.73•10 111%-119¼ 120 -120 110½-120 lll}¾-120¼ .... - .... 119 - 120 116½-116¼ 117),\-117¾ 117½-117¾ 117 -117 116 -116 116 -116 20 - 20 18 - 20 - • . . . 20 - 20 . . . • - • • . . 20 - 20 20 - 21 21 - 21 20 - 20 Income . .. . .. ........... 7 22 - 25 . . . . - . . .. 20 - 20 B. & O. E. Side .......... a 112 -112¼ 111¼-112¼ 10! -111½ l07 -110:}.( 110 -110¾ 106%-108 105 -106¾ 101 -10:!½ 103½-105½ 103 -103½ 100 -103 ........ Belv. Del.-1st . ........ . 6 116 -116 116 -116 118~-118,( .... - .... 100¾-100¾ ..• - •... 103¼-103½ .... . 102½-102½ 103 -103 Consol.. .. ............ .. 4 .... - ........ - .... 110 -110 - .... 110 -110 Bell's Gap-1st ......... 7 .... - ........ - ... 103 -103 105 -105 .... - .... 108 · -108 Consol.. ................. 6 .... - ... 112 -112 110¼-110½ .... Cam&Am.-ll'( .. cp.'89.ti 106 -106½ 105¾-108 106¼-107!):t 107 -108 105 -105¼ 105¼-105U 105 -106 106 -106 105 -106½ 107 -107¾ 104,¼-10:!¾ 104.14-100 . 106¾-106¾ 103¼-108)4 - .... 105 -105 105½-105½ 105¾-105¾ .... Coupon, 18S9 .. ..... .. 6 .... - .... 105 -105 105¼-106 - ... . 121½-121¾ .... - .... 121 -121 .... - .... 125 -127½ US -119½ 120½-120½. ...• Catawissa-New . . ..... 7 .... - ........ Camden &Atl.-lst ... 7 118 -113 116 -116 2,1 mort ........ . .... .. . 6 110 -110 .... - .... 118 -113 118 -113 .••. - .•.. 114 -lH Camd 1•n & Htll'l, Co .... 6 . ... 96X- oo .... - •.•. 95¾- 00 98¾- 99½ 997-£- 99:J:i 99¼- 99¼ .... - .... 97 - 97 .•.. 99 -100 09½ ·100 Col. & Cinn. lllid .. .. .. 6 98½-100 - ........ - •... 123 -123 .••. •.. . .. . - ... . 122¼-122¼. .... - •... 122½-122½ Connecting-1st . .. ...... 6 121 -121 - ••.. 118 -118 118 -118 - • • t00¼-107 107 -107 108 -108 109 -109 106 -1063' •.• • - ••• . 102 -105½ 103 - 104 100 -107½ 108 -109 Clearfield & .Jeff . . . .... 6 105¾-108 Delaware ltR.-lst .... 6 118 -118 Del.& Bound Bk.-bt.7 .... - .... 127 -180 180 -180¼ 181 -188 138¾-138~ 138¾-133¼ 133½-133½ 131½-181½ 181½-131½ ... - ••.. 131 -131 1:n -181 - •••. 100),\-100)4 100}(-105½ 101½-101½ ..•. East Penn.-lst . ... .... 7 .... - ........ - ... . .... - .... l~-102¼ 102}(-102¼ .... - .. . ..•.. - ......•• Easton & Amboy ....... ~ 114¼-114¼ .••• - •....... - .••. 116 -116 . •. 120 -120 .... .... .•.. .... L22¼-128 .... ... . Elmira&W.-bt,1910,6 - . .. 109½-109½ .... - .... 109 -109 110 -110 .... Perpetual. .. . ........... ~ 110 -110¼ . •. - .... 110 -110 107 -107 - ........ Harrisburg-1st ........ 4 .... - .... 106 -106 107 -107 ..•. Hunt. & B,T.-lst,gld.'7 .... - .. llll,(-111~ 112 -112 108 -108 - .... 15 -115¾ 115½-115½ ... - •... 118 -113 .... - .... 118 -113 .•.. 2d, 189~ . . . . ...... ..... 7 .... 3d, cons., 189:J ........ ;) 100¼-102½ 102¼-103¼ 108 -1033( 101 -:t02 101¾-101¾ 101¼-101¾ 101½-101¾ 101¾-101¾ ..•. - .... 99½-100 101 -101 101 -101 Ithaca & Athens-lst.7 .... - .... 105 -105 •••• - .... 105 -105 . ... - .... 119 -120 120 -120½ 120 -lW Lcbhrb Val.-lst,coup.6 123 -124 124 -125 128¾-124½ 123~-124¼ 12-1 -124 121 -122 122 -122 120½-125 1st, rea-., 1898 ..... .. . 6 124 -124 124¼-124¾ 124 -124½ 12~124 124 -125 122 -122 121 - 123 120½-124 120½-120½ 120 -120¼ 121 -121 120 -120 2d, reg., 1910 . ......... ? 144 -148 140¼-147 140!,,(-142 14()¾-141½ 141¼-141½ ... , - .... 1:11 -Ul Ul -lU 186 -137½ 135½-186 186 -186½ 186¼-136¼ Cons. M., reg., 1923 .. 6 136 -136¼ 136 -136½ 136 -136¾ 136 -136 186 -186 133¼-183¼ 133½-134 131½-132.½ 130 -130 130 -131 130½-132 129¾-130 ... - •••. 186 -136 186 -136 136 -186 188 -138 133½-183½ 133 -138 133 -138 . .. - .... 182 -132 ...• - .... Cons. M.,coup., 1923 6 186 -136 - ••..•••• - •..• N.O. Pacific-bt,1920.6 82¾- 82½ 82¼- 82¼ 88¼- 83½ ...• - .. .. .... - • . . . ... - ........ 97 -104.½ 99 -101 100 -101 1013,6-10~ N. Y. Ph. & Norf.-lst.6 105¾-106 106 -108 104¼-106 105 -105½ 105¼-106 107!,,(-109 105 -105¾ 105 -105 35½- 35½ .... - ........ - • . .. 40 - 40 Income ........... , ..... .. 6 C5 - 55½ 54 - 60 ~ - 55 .••. - • .. . 49¼- 49¾ ... - ........ - ..•. 110 -110 110 -110 109 -109 Norf.&W.-NewR.lst.6 114 -1l5 114¾-114¼ 114"-114¾ 112 -112 - . . . . 85 - 85 .... - . . . . 87 - 87 - . . . . 92 - 92 .... 85 - 85 Debenture .............. 6 .... - . . . . 87 - 87 81 - 82 - •... 114.½-11:!.½ .••. - • •. . . •• . Gen. mort . . ............ 6 113 -113 North. CentralGen.M..,'A,'cp.,1926.~ 110 -110 109 -110 110¼-110¾ 110¾-110¼ 112 -112 .... - ••.. 109 -110 110½-110½ .... - •... 111 -111 110 -110 110 -110 - •••. 108½-108½ .... .•• . 108 -109 Gen. M., ser. 'B' . ..... ~ . ... - .... 1113'-111½ ••.• - .... l<i9¼-109½ .•.. - . ••..••• Gen. M., cp., 1904 .... 6 121¾-121¾ 111¾··111!)4 .••• - • . • . . . . .. . 117 -117 .•• - ....... . Consol. 1900 ........... 6 .... - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ...... .. . . . . 109 - 109 . . • . 4¼ .... - ... . . .. - . .. . . .. - . .. . .. . - . . . Consol. 192/i.. .. - ........ - ... . ... . No. Pac.-Gen. mort ... 6 115¾-llOU llfl¼-116¼ 1161s-lltl1s .••• - .... 118¼-118¼ . . . . - .•• . 104¼-104¼ 100"-100" 100¼-100¼ 101 -101¾ 2d, coup. or reii ...... ti 106¼-106¾ .•.• - ... . 107 -107 105¼-105¼ 105¼-105¼ .... -  N~~t:;::1_~:::1896::: Gen. mort., cp.,1903 .,- .... -  5 102 =1is .. iisx=1i6¾ ii6¼-118 - •... 119 -1i9 .. -l0 i22 =122¼ 124 =124 .. i24~=124¼ 123½-125 124 -124 122 -122 .. - .... 181 -131 128 -129 1~ -130 130 -180 - .... 130 -131 180¼-180½ 130 -130 133 -133 ... .... - .. .. 128,½-133 133 - 133 133 -133 130½-133 180¼-130½ •••• - •••. 1811,(-131~ Gen.mort .. resr.,1903.7' 130¼-181 132 -133 133 -133 131 -131 - ... . .... - .. . . 110 -110 Debentures . .......... . . 6 .... •....... - .... 117½-117½ ... . -122 121 - .....••• - •.• . 117 -117 .... :i>a.&N.Y.C.&R.'96 ... 7' 120 -128¼ 121 -121¼ 122½-128¾ - .... 182¾-182½ 133 -133 ... . ....... . Rell, & cp., 1906 ...... 7 .... - .... 131 -181¼ 132 -133~ 138 -188 - ........ Penna.-Gen.,cp.1910.6 183 -13-1 183 -185 185¼-135½ ...• - .... 188¼-135¾ 183½-185 13.'l.½-138½ .... - .••. 129 -130 130,½-130½ 130 -130 180 -180¾ Gen., ra-., 1910 ... .... .. 6 135 -135 136 -137 185 -138 183¼-185 182 -132 132 -134 133 -13:! 138¾'-188¾ 131 -131 188 -133 182¾-132¾ 181 -181~ - ... . 124 -1.24 .... Cons., reg., 190~ ...... 6 ... - .•.. 123 -123 122.½-122½ . . . . Cons., coup., 190:i .... 6 126 -127 •... - .... 124 -124 .... - .... 125 . -125 125¼-125¼ 121 -121 121 -122 122 -122 . .. . - . . . . . . . • - ........ - .... 112 -112¾ 114 -114 .... Con ... , re,r., 1919 . .. .. :; .... - . . .. . . . - .... 113.½-118¾ 113½-118.½ . . . . - . • . 112 -112 - ........ Cons., coup., 1919 ... ~ .... - .... 111 -111 118½-118½ .••• - ... 113½-118.½ 113½-113½ 118¼-113¾ Trust bonds . . ........ 4½ . . . - . . .. .. . - ••.. 107½-107½ . • • - .•. 106 -106 Penn.Co.-Reg-,, 1907.6 110 -110 •.•• - .... 110 -110 108½-108¼ ..•• - • • . . . • . . - •••. 106 -106 106 -106 • . . . Reg., 1920 . .......... 4½ 103¾-10~ ..•• - .. . • ••• - .... 104½-104½ . . . . .... 104¾-104.¾ -104 104 ½ 4 ...... .. Coupon, 1920 95 - 95 100 -103 100 -108 94 - 96½ 96¾- 97¼ 97 - 98 93 - 95 94 - 96 Perkiomen- 1st, 1887.6 9fl - 99½ 99>1i- 99¾ 96 - 99¼ 93 - 94 Phila. &E1•ie-2d, '88.7 10:! -104}4 104 -105 104¾-105 105 -105 105 -105½ 105!1(-106 102.½-103 103 -103¾ 102¾-103¼ 103.)4-103½ 103¾-104½ 104"-104!1,( 112¼-118 112½-113¾ 113¾-114~ 110 -112 112 -115 .... - .... 113 -113 113 -113 110.½-113 110½-111 111 -111½ 110 -111 Gen. mort., 1920. . 92¾- 943' 80 - 91½ 90 - 9:1 70 - 70 74 - 78½ 70 - ?O~ 75 - 76 60 - 70¼ 62 - 65¾ 62 - 78 Phil.&Reo.d.-lstser .. ~ 67 - 71 78 - 7~ 67 - 80 61 - 67 60 - 62½ 56¼- 66 Con., 2d ser .... .. ..... . ~ 40 - 42 89¼- 45¾ 42 - 46 46 - 66~ 52¼- 58 6~- 66½ 61 - 66 . . - ........ ·- .....••. - .. - .... 125 -125 - ... . ...., 1910 ................ 6 . ... - .. . 122!1.(-122¾ ...• - ..•. . ... - .... 110 -110 110 -111¼ 111"-lllM 211, coup., 1893 ........ 7 118¼-118¾ 113¼-114 115 -115 111 -112 .... - •.•.... . - ........ Jmp1•ovement . ...... .. 6 104 -104 104½-104¾ 103 -105 105 -105 106~-107 107!1:(-109 108 -109 109 -109 102!1(-108!1( 101!1(-102 .... - .... 101~-102¼ Cons., coup., 1911 ... . '7 121 -122¼ 120~-128¾ 122½-126½ 125~-126¼ 128 -128¼ 130 -131 181 -134.½ •••• - •••. 126 -18:! 123'!{-125 127½-130.½ 126¾-l:.!9 Cons., 1•eg,, 1911 ..... '7 121 -122¾ 120¼-128 122½-126¼ 126 -126¼ 127¾-129 130¼-131 131 -181½ ...• - .. .. 127 -127 124!1(-125 126 -127 127 -1281,( Cons., gold, 1911 .. . .6 111 -113 118 -114 114 -116 .... - . . . 117 -ll7 .... - ••.. 118 -118 121 -121 116 -117 115¾-115!1( 116½-116½ . •• Gen. lU., gold, 1908 . . 6 100 -10:! 97 -105~ 911¾-10~ 102~-104 103¼-106 105¼-107¾ 103 -10:!¼ 101),(-104¾ 100 -105 101!1(-107¼ 106½-1093' 109 -111 Gen. JU., 1908 ......... 7 102 -102½ 100 -103½ 101½-103 101 -103½ 104 -105¾ 105½-107 104 -10:! 102½-104½ 101½-103 102 -10:!½ 107 -110.½ 110 -112¼ 81 - 85¾ 69 - 76¾ 76 - 88 63 - 72¾ 67 - 75 68 - 70¾ 69.½- 73 64!J.(- 68 56½- 67 Income, coup,, '96 .... 7 54¾- 58¾ 02 - 57½ 56 - 59 76 - 76 73 - 75 - • . . . 60 - 60 - . . . . . •. . - . . .. • • . . 40½- 40¼ 43 - 50¼ 35 - 40 Debentm·e ............ . 6 . .. - ........ to - 50 .... - •.•.... . - ........ 40 - 50 84 - 48 Scrip ............. ....... 6 35 - 81> 20 - 23½1 20 - 20 19 - 22 18 - 18 18 - 18 18 - 18 15¾- 17¼ 18¾- 20 12 - 16 9}(- 10 9 - 10 Defure,1 inc •..... ..... 6 .... - .... 80 - 80 70 - 70 Conv.ndj. scp,, 1888.6 54 - 60 52 - 66¾ 55¼- 55¾ 56 - 60 •••• - •. . . ... 75¾- 76¼ - •... 72 - 76 56¼- 5~ 65 - 65 57 - 62 •.• 49 - oO 44 - 49 New conv., 1893 ...... 7 42 - 47 48~- :17 48 - 46 - ••...... Vo.r. coups on.... . .. .. 42¾- 00),,( 40 - 68¼ .... 78 -101.½ .••. 70¼- 78 57 - ti? 60 - 60 100 -108 P.&R.C.&1.-Var . ... 7 .... - ... . 65 - 65 - .... 70 - 70 .•.• - .... 83 - 97¼ 50 - oo 40 - 40½ 40¾- 50 Debenture .. ... .. .... ·'7 .... - •.•. 85 - 40 75 - 75 .... - .... - .... 60 - 60 99¼-l~ Pbil.Wil.&B,-Tr.ctfs4 101 -102¾ 102¼-103½ 102 -104 102 -102!1:( 102¾-lOS 101¼-·104 101 -102 101½-101¾ 100 - 101½ 100 -100½ 100 -101 Pitts.C.& St.L.-Coup.7 12$¾-125½ 121½-122~ 122¾-122½ 122¾-122½ 123 -128 •... - .... 1213\-1213' 1173'-118¼ 116 -118¼ 116 -116 •••• - •.•. 118½-120 116 .... .. .. 121½-121½ 121¼-121~ -122 122 -b!4 123 122¾-123 -122~ Reg., 1900 ..... ... ..... . 7' .... - .... 122 -118¼ 116!1(-117¼ 118 -1183' ••.. Sham. Vo.l.&Pott.-cp •. 7 .... - .... 126½-126¾ .... -  iis  - ........ -  a  60 - 85 •••• Sham. Sun. & Lew .... ~ .... - ........ - ........ Shenandoah Vo.1.-lst., 96 - 99¾ 95~- 98¾ .... - .••• 97 - 97½ . •• Gen. mort... -.. ........ . 6 39 - :14¼ 39 - 39 87 - 87 48 - 48 . ... Steub. & Jnd.-lst, cp •• :; 112 -112 112 -112 .... - .... 109 -109 ...• - .... 110 -110 105 -105' 105 -105½ 105½-105½ .•• . - .. .. l<WI -l<WI 108 -108 - .•.. 120¼-120U - .... 110 -119½ •... - ........ Sunb. & Lewlst.-ht .. 7 118½-118½ .... - •... 11834:-118'..( 11~-1~ 120 -120J.4 .... Sun. Haz.&W.-1928.~ 108 -108 108 -105 106 -108 105 -108 105 -105½ 1(11.- -104 104 -104 102 -103 102 -102½ 102 -lOIS 103 -103½ 108 -10~ 98 - 98.½ 00 - 99~ 00 - ~ 97 - 98 98 - 98¼ 98 ~ 98 98 - 98 95~- 98 98 - 99 2d, 1938 .. ........ ..... 6 99 - 99 ..•• - •... 99 - 99 - ..•• 1053'-1053' .... - •••• Tex.&Po.c.-lst,a-.,'0t}.fi 110 -111 112 -112¼ 113½-113½ .. . - ........ - ........ - .... 110½-110½ •••• - ........ - •.•. - ........ 1st, R. G. Dtv.,1930.0 .... - ... · 1 71> - 70),,( •••• - .... 76½- 76% .... - ........ - . ... 74 - 74 98 - 98½ 98¼- 98¾ - 97 97 99½-100 •••. -101 101 10118-102¼ -103~ 102 ~-102¾ ~-102¼ -103 99 91:1 Cons., a-old, 190tj ..... 6 97½- •••• 24 - 2' •.. Un.&Titusv.-lsti,'90.7 ., .. - .... 2:; - 25 ..•. - •.•. 81 - 81 .... - .... 85 - 85 •••. - •··· •··· 112¼-112¼ .•• • - ••••..•. United N . .J.-Con's ..... 6 .... - ... . .... - ........ 1 - •....••• - •.. 102¾-102½ 105 -105 100 -105 . ... - ••• . 104 -104 103 -103 103 -108 104 -104 108 -1~ Gen. Mort .... ........ . 4 .... - .... 112 -112 War. & Fr.-lst, '96 .. 7. 110¾-112¾ 100 -109 108 -103 108 -104 107 -107 .••• - ••.•.••• - .... 105 -105 104 -105 ... - •... 111 -111 110~-1103' 110~-lll 110 -110 107½-107¼ 108 -1~ 107!1,(-107M W.Chester-Cons. '91.'1112 -112¼ ... . - •... 113~-118~ 111 -Ill Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ····1 .. ·· - ...  PHlLADELPHlA lJO.NDS · ANlJ STOOKS. PHILIDELPHIA BONDS IN 1887.-{Joncluded. JA.NUA.RY FEBR'RY.  BONDS.  ---~  MA.ROH.  I  APRIL.  I  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUBT. ISEPT'llER. OCTOBER.I Nov'BEH. DEC'BER.  " - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ow.High Low.High Low.Hhth Low.HIJrh lLow.Hlgh Low.High Low.High Low.Hlgh;Low.Hieb Low.Hl,ih Low.Hl!!h I w.H i!lh  W. Jersey-1st, 1896. 6 1st, 1899 ...... ......... , W. J.&A11.-let,1910.6 W. Penna.-tst., '93 ... 6 Pittsb. Br.-Cp., '96 .6 West Shore, aruar .. ... .4  126~-126¼ •••. - •... 128 -128  115 -116  ...• - •.. . . .•  - •.. .. .. - .•.. 112 -112  .... - .... 112 -112  114 -114 125 -125 105½-105½ 108 -108 110 -110 .••• - ••.. 107 -107 ,·107¼-107:l,f 106 -106 ... - ....... - ........ - .. •. 104 -104 . ... - •.. . 110½-110¼ •••• - •••. 110¼-110½ 111 -111 ••.. - • • . 111 -111 108 -109 •••• - .... 110 -110½ .... - . . .. Ill -111¾ .... - ........ - .... 102"·102'-' 103 -108¼ 103¾-lOS¾ 104¾-1G4¼ 99½-101¼ •••• - ••. . 97¾- 97½ 98¾- 98¾ 100¾-100¾  .... - ........ - ........ - .... 123 -128 128 -128 122¼-122½ .... - ........ - ........ - ..•. 128 -128 .... - ........ - .... 105 -105 105~-101'>¼ •.•• - ••..•..• - •.. - ........ - .... 105 -105 105 -105  CANAL. Chesa.& Del.-Exten .. :i 90 - 90¾ 00 - 00 91 - 92 92 - 92½ 92 - 92¼ 86 - 92 80 - 82½ .•.• Leh. Nav.-Extend .... 4¼ 112½-113¾ US -118¼ 110 -112 108 -100~ 10~-109 l~-108¾ 108¾-108¾ 100 Conv., aold, 1894 .... 6 ... - ... . .... - .... 108¼-108¼ ...• - •....... - •.. ..... - . .. . 111 -111 111 RR. loau, 1891 ....... 6 118 -118¾ 118 -118 •.. - •.• . ..•. - •.. . 115¼-115¾ 115¼-115½ 115½-115½ 115 Gold, 1897 ... .......... 6 116 -119 117 -11~ 116½-117 115 -116 115 -116 112¾-116 112¼-118 l13 Cons. mo1·t., 1911 .... , .... - ... . 181¼-181½ 180 -131~ 181 -181 188 -133 12U½-129½ 129¼-129½ •• .. Gen. mort., 1924 . .4½ 10~ -102 102 -102 101 -101 100 -100 ...• - ........ - .. .... .. - . . .. 98 Greenwood Ti·act ... '7 ... . . . ...... - .... .. - ... 111 -111 .... - •.. . .... - ........ - . .••.. Penna.-.LUort., 1910 .. 6 87 - 87¼ 87 - 87 87 - 87 ~ - 87 86¼- 88 87 - 87 ••.• - .... 80 Scbuyl. Nav.-bt,'91.6 .... . ... 77½- 80¾ 75 - 80½ 76¼- 80 80 - 81 90 - 95½ .... - .... 82 2d, 190'7 . ............... 6 54 - 66 58 - 5t> 44½- 50 4.-l - 47 47¼- 50 53¼- 55 4.5 - 50 42 Boat Loan . ....... ... . , .... . ... 25 - 25 .... - .... 20 - 20 20 - 20 25 - 25 ••.. - .•..••• Boat loan ...... . ...... . 6 .... . ....... - ........ - .... 20 - 20 20 - 20 ••. - •. . 27½- 27½ ..•. Susquehanna.-1918 .6 .... . ....... - ........ - ..... ... - ........ - ... . 26¼- SO - ..• . ....  114 -114 125 -125 - •.•. ... . - ... . 112 -112 101¾-101¾  - .... 80 - 82½ 80 - 80 1.... - ... .... • •.• -109½ 109 -110 1C9 -109½ 109 -109 109½-109~ -111 .... - ... . 109 -109 ... . - ... . .... - .. . -115½ 115 -116 115 -115 113 -113½ l!S -118¼ -113¼ lll½-112 lll,¾-113 118¾-113¾ 112 -115 - ........ - ••.. 128 -128 124 -127½ 119 -120¼ - 98 •... - . . . . ... - •••..•.. - . . 97 - 97 - ..• . ..•. - ... . .... - ........ - . . . . . .. - •••• - 80 .•.. - •••. 79¾- 79¾ 80 - 80 74¾- 75 - 82 .... - .. ..•... - • ... 00 - 00 .•. . - ••.• - 42 40 - 40 .... - . . 50 - 50 .•• • - •... - •••.•••• - ....•... - ........ - ... . .... - . . . . - . . • ••• - ••..••.. - ... . .... - . . . . . . . - . . . . - .....••• . . .... . ..... - ... . .... - ... .  PHILADELPHIA STOCKS IN 1887. STOCKS. Pruu per ah.are, not per cent.  JANUARY FJ:BR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  ---  .lULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCT\.,1u::u. :-.u, • i.~:1(.  ----  I  l )LC'  Par. Low.High Low.Hi,ih Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low . High Low.High Low .High Low.High Low.High  ------------  Atlantic & Pac ..... 100 11¾- 12 11 - 12½ 11¼- 13!,( 13¼- 14 .... - •••. 13J..(- 15 13 - 13¼ 11 - 11 •••• - •... 10 - 10 10¾- 10¾ .... - ••.• Bell's (; ap .... ........ :iO 47 - 48 461'- 471' 47 - 47 45 - 45 • . . • - . . . 47¾- 47¼ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . - . . . . . . . . - ... . Buff. N. Y. & Phil .. :iO S¾- 4¼ ~- 5 4¼- 4¼ 4¾- 5 5 - 5¾ 4 - 5¼ 2¼- 4¼ 2%- 8¾ •••• - ........ - •. . .•... - •.. . .... - ... . Pref ................... 60 .... - .... . ... - . . . . . .. - . . . . . .. - . . . . 4½- 4½ 4¾- 4¼ ... . - . . . . . . . - .....••. - ...... .. - ........ - . . . . ... - ... . Com., ass't paid ... :iO 9¼- 1(.% !}¾- 11" 10½- 11 10¾- 11¾ 107k 12¼ 10¾- 11¼ 9 - 10½ 9 - 10 9¼- 10¾ 9¾- 10½ 9~ 11% IO¾- 11 P1·e·f ., ass't paid ... :iO 8'i- g 8½- ~ .•.• - •....... - •. . . 9 - 10 9 - 9¾ .•.. - •. . . • •. - . . . . 7%- 7¾ 8 - 8 •••• - ... .. ••• - . . . . Camden & Atlantic. 60 . . . - . . . 19 - 19 . . . . - • • . . . . • . - . . . . . . • . - ,. . . . . . . - • . . . . • . . - . . . . . . • - . . . . • . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - ... . Pref ............... .... 60 .... - . .. SO¾- 44¾ 45 - 46 .... - •. •... . . - . . . 40 - 40 40 - 40 . ... ...... - ........ - . . . 43 - 43 40 - 42½ Catawl1111a . ............ 60 ~ - ~s 21!>(- 22 14 - 20 14½- 15½ 16½- i6½ 16 - 16 15 - 15 18 - 13½ 12 - 12¾ . .. . - . .. . 10½- 12 12 - 12¾ bt pref............... :iO 66 - 66½ 55 - 55½ 49 - 55½ 49 - 51¾ 50 - 51¾ 50 - 50¼ 5~- 51 51 - 51 50½· 51 50 - 51 51 - 58 58 - 55½ 2d pref ................ 60 54 - 54.¼ 53 - 53 47 - 52¾ 47 - 47¾ 46½- 48 46 - 47 46¼- 46¾ 46¼- 46½ 45 - 47 46 - 50 50 - 51 52 - 53½ Central of N. J ...... 100 55 - 68¾ 68¾- 71½ 67 - 78 72~r 85¼ 79~,- 82~8 74%- 84¼ 72%- 80¼ 70¾- 77 67¾- 78¼ 70¼- 74 73½- 79~& 73¾- 76 Clear.field & J etrereon. 26 - 27 26 - 28 25 - 30 ... . - . . . . ~5 - 25 ... . - .. . . 26½- 26~ 26 - 26¼ 26 - 26 25 - 25 26 - 29 29%- 30¾ Dela. 4(; Bound Br .. 100 14b -148 loO -150 140 -140 140 -140¾ .... - •• •.. ... - . .. • ••. - •....••. - ••.. 160 -160 .... - ........ - .. ...•. . - . .. . Denver& R. Gr ..... 100 26~- 27¾ ~ - 21»,( .... - ... 30¾- 81¾ .... - •... 29¾- 29i¼l 28¼- 29¼ .••• - •••....• - . •.. 22 - 22 ... - .. . ..... - .•.. East Pennsylvania. :iO . . . . - . . . . 46'-(- 47¾ . . . . - . . . . 44 - 49 48½- 49 46 - 46 . . . . - . • . . . • . • - . . . . . . . . - • • .. 50 - 50 49¾- 50 50 - 50 Ehn Ira & Willla1ns. 60 . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . • • •• - •.. . . . . . - . ••. 42 - 42 Prt>f................... 60 63¼- 68¾ . • • • - • • • . . • . • - • . • . 6~- 6~ 67 - 67 65¾- IS5!)4 • • • • - • • • • 65 - 65 . . . . - . • . . . • . . - • . . . . . • • - • • . . . . • - •... Hn.rrisbnrar ....... :iO .... - ... .. ... - . ... 80 - 80 ...• - ... . ..• - •.• . 80 - 80 .... - •.....•• - ... . ...• - ....•.•. - . . . . •. . - ........ - ••.. Huntinard'n &Br. T. :iO 16"- 17 16 - 17 15U- 17 16 - 17% 17 - 18 16¾- 17½ 16 - 17½ 12 - 16 12 - 18 .•.. - ... . 15¼- 16 14 - 14 Pref .. .... '. . .......... . :iO 8-1 - 853-1i 83¼- 84.¾ 34 - 3~ 86 - S7J1, 37¾- 89½ 87¼- 89 86 - 88 29 - 35 SO½- 83 82 - 36¼ 86 - 37½ 35½- 86% Lehlarh Valley . ....... ~o 66 - 1>7 56 - 56)4 55¾- 5~ 55 - 66¼ 55½- 56~ 55¼- 57¾ 57 - 57¾ 56~,- 57½ 54¾- 57 54½- 56 54½- 56 53¼ - 55'{ Little Schuylkill ..... ~O ~ - 57½ 56¼- 57 50¼- 56¼ 51½- 05 55¾- 56 56 - 56¾ 55½- 55¾ 55 - 06¼ M½- 57 56½- 57¾ 57¾- 60 61 - 62 Minehlll ........... . .... :iO 57 - 59½ 56¼i- 57 50 - 57 52½- 57¾ 57 - 58 57¼- 58 55 - 58¼ 56 - :iS~ 56½- 67½ 57¼- 58 58 - 61¼ 61%- S¾ Ne11quebonin1r Val... 30 .. .. - .... 50 - 55 54~- M¾ 54¼- M 58 - 54¼ 53),f- 54 54¼- 55¼. 52¾- 54¾ 58½- M 52~- 54¼ 54½- 54½ 5~:J;{- 54 Norfolk & Western 100 19¾- 21¾ 18 - 21'-' .... - .... 20½- 22¾ 20~- 28 18¼- 20½ 15%· 18 16 - 16 15 - 15 12 - 12 . . •. - ... . •... - .•.. Pref. . .. . ......... . 100 46 - 58¼ 44¾- 4~ ~ - ~ 51¼- 5~ 53¾- 05½ 46¼- 51% 44%- 47 41 - 44 42½- 4:.!½ 85~- 41¼ 40¾- 43 40~ 43¾ No..-rllltown .... ....... 30 118 -119 117 -117¾ 115}9-117 l14'-(-116 115½-115½ 116 -115 114 -115 114.¼-115 11S¼-113½ .... - .... 114!1,!-116 120 -120 Northern Central... :JO 76¾- 76¼ 79 - 80 82 - 85 84"- 90 88½- 89 90 - ll9 85¼- 87 85 - 85¾ 85 - 87 84¼- 86½ 84½- 8tS 87 - 89 Northern PacUic .... 100 26½- 28 26¼- 28% 27~ 28¼ 28¼- SQ¾ 29¾- 83½ 81¾· 38¾ S~ 34¼ 24%- 38¼ 22%- 28~ 20 - 24!14 21¼- 24¼ 21'¼- 22¾ Preferred .. .... 100 5d¾- 6L¾ 56~- 60¾ 58¼- 60¼ 60¼- 62¾ 61¾- 68½ 58!1(- 62¼ 58,!4- 61 48 - 5Y¾ 48½i- 54¾ 41¾- 51 43¾- 49 44¾- 47¾ .North Penusylvanln.. 30 78 - 74¾ 75 - 76 6~- 76 fl9 - 72 69 - 71 . 09¼- 71 71¼- 75 78¾- 74 73 - 74 73¼- 74½ 78!!:(- 75 74 - 76½ Orearon & Trn.nlf-C.100 29¾- 84.¾ ~ 88¼ SO%· 3~ 83,!4- 85½ 83¼- 35¾ 28%- 84¼ 24%- 3l>a 20 - 27¾ 18~- 25¼ 16¾- 22~ 17%- 22¾ 18%- 21¾ Pennsylvania . ........ ~O 54%- 57¾ M - 58¼ 57¾- ~ 58¾- 60 55¼- 5Y¼ 55 - 56½ 56 - 56¾ M - 55¾ 65 - 57¾ 5,. y,r 56 54¾- 56¼ 58½- 54¾ Philadelphia & El"ie :iO 25½- 27 251'- 27 27 - 27¾ 27¾- 29¾ 29¼- 307-1 SO - 31!!:( 211¼- SO¾ 26 - 27 27 - 29¼ 25 - 26 27 - 28 26½- :z8½ Pbiladel. & Read'ar. :iO 17¾- lll¼ 17¾- 19¾ 18¾- 1~ 19½- 28¾ 22¼- ~ 24 - 26¾ 24¼- 29 24¾- 28¾ 27~- 3~½ 29¼- SllJ-.j 81 - 35¼ 32¾- 34:)4 1 Pref ..... . ...... ...... .. 30 19~- 19.l( 18¾- 19 .••. - ..•• 23 - 28 •••• - ••..•.. - ......•• - .•. . ••• - ....... . .. . . - . . . . •. - ••• .. - ... . Phlladel.&_Trent'n .100 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... • - • 212¾-212¾ •· • • - • • • • • •·· - •. • • Pitts. C.& !!;t. Loni 11. :iO . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . .... . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ....... - . . . . - .. . . 5¼- 6½ 6 - 6 7 - 7 . •. . - • •• 7 - 7 St. Paul & Duluth .. 100 ~ - 60¾ 60¾- 60¾ •.•. .... - ... 77¾- 77¼ . ••. - •••• - • ••. 74~ 74~ 00 - 71¼ 5t!%- ~ 66½- 60½ 59%- 60¼ Pref .... . ... .... ...... 100 lOSJ.(-lOSJ.( ..•• - ••••.••• 1 ~ 108¼ 101}¾-l~ 112¾-112¾ - ........ - ... lOIS - 105 102%-102¾ .•. - ••. • ..• - •... Sham.Val.& Pottsv . . .. ... .. - .. . .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... . - ...... .. - .... ... - .... 55¾- 55¾ ...• - . . .. .... - •••. Sunbury & Lewis .. 30 47~- 48 .... - ... 47¼- 47~2 47¼- 47¾ 47½- 47¾ ...• - ..• . .... - ••• . •••. - • . . . 49 - 49 .... - . . . . 48 - 48 •••. - .... Texas& Paciftc ..... 100 22~- 26½ 21 - 28% 28 - 80 28~- 80¾ 30¾- 35½ 25¼- 84 25¾- 80¼ 25¾- 27¾ 21¾- 28¾ 22¼- 25½ 24½- 27½ 24¾- 25% United Co'• of N. J .100 215 -216 216½-217" 213¾-217¼ 214½-216 216 -217 215¾-218 215 -216 214 -215 210 -214½ 212 -218 212¾-214¾ 213 -214¾ West Jersey ........... ~O 60½- 60½ 60½>- 61 59¾- 60½ 60* 60¾ 61 - 61!,si 61¼- 61½ 60 - 60 60 - 60½ •••• - •••. ::8 - 58 69 - 59 . ... - ••.. Weat Jersey & At ... 30 48¾- 49 4g - 49 50 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 50 50 - 150 5C - 50 50 - 50 50 - 60.l,s .••• - .... 50 - 60 •••• - •••.  •··1 ···· - ....  - •··. •••• - •••• ·•• - ••· •  CANAL. Ches. & Delaware ... 30 2 - 2 .... - .......• - ..... ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - . . . . . . - ........ - ... . .... - . . . . . . . - ........ - ... . Lehiirh Navip.tion. :iO 50 - 51½ 50 - 61 50 - 50M 503,- 51¾ 50¾- 51 49¾- 50 49¼- 60 47~4- 50 47 - 49¾ 46¾- 47" 46¼- 48 46¼- 47¾ Morri ■ ... ..... ......... 100 .•.• - •••.•••• Pref ........ . .. . .... .. 100 .... - .... 200 Schnyl. NaT •• pref .... 30 6¼- 6½ G Common . . ....... . .... :i0 .... - ••..••.• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - •••••• •• - •••••••• - •••. 82 - 82 ••• . -200 •••• - ••• 0083-r-20~ 200 -200 •• •• - 5 4'-(- 5 5 - 5 6 - 7 8 - . •••.••• - •••• 2¾- 2¾ S - SM 4  - ••...••• - •••. 80!)t- •••••••• - •••.•••• - 10 6 - 6¼ 6¼- 4 •••• - ••.....• -  80'4 .••• - , •...•.• - ..... . .• - ... . .... - •..• •••..• •• - •.•. 201 - 201 202¾-202¾ 100 -100  6¼ .... - .... ..•. - ......•. - ... . ... - ..•• •... .••• - ..... •. . - ••..••.. - •.• . .• •• - •..•  lJALTlMORE BONJJS ANJJ BALTIMORE BON  STOOKS.  IN 18fii7.  MAY. MARCH APRIL. JUNE. JULY. AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BER. ____ ,____ ,____ -----------1----1----1----1----- - - - - - -----------,----- - - - - - - - ------- - - - - ---- ----- - - JANUARY FEBR'RY.  BONDS.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  Atl.&Cliar.-lst mo1·t.7 121¾-128% 128%-124 123¼-12i Incomes ................. 6 1.03½-104 104 -104¾ 102¼-104¾ Bait.& O. E.Side-lst.:i 112 -112 111¼-111¼ 107 -107 Bait. & Ohio-Ext ...... 4 105 -105 101'> -105 .... - .•.. Gold ...................... 1) ll0J,.(-110¼ 110 -110¼ 110!,,(-110¼ Bait. &Pot.-lst .... ... 6 120 -123¾ 124 -124 125 -125 Tunnel .................. 6 122¼-122¼ .... - .... 124 -124 C.Feai•&Yad.V.-lst.6 96¾- 97¼ 96¾- 97 96 - 96½ Carolina Cent1·al. .. ... 6 . ... - ... . .... - ........ Cent.Ohio-1st, 1890.6 l07 -10"78 107¾-108¾ 105 -105½ Cha1·.Col.& Aua-.-ll!lt.7 113¾-118¾ 11$¾-114 114 -ll4 2d . ............... ....... 7 Cincin. & Balt .......... 7 Cin.W.& B.-lst, ..... 4½ 2d ................ ..... .'.> 3d ........................ . 3 Income ................. a Col. & Greenv.-lst . . 6 2d, 1926 .... ....... ..... 6  115 -115¾ .. .. - ........ - .... .... - ........ - ... . 118¾-120 l0S¾-105:U 105 -106 103 -105¼ 81 - 83¾ 78¾- 80 73 - 79'¼ 47 - 48¼ 44 - 44!J.( 89 - 44½ 27 - 28¼ 26 - 26 .... 109 -110¾ 109¾-110¾ 108)4-110¾ 90¼- 93 91 - 9$¾ PS¾- 95  G:tt~~;~!~'..~.~~~::::: 1~-~¾=1~~~ ~~~l~~  ::  124¾-125 l25 -125½ 103 -103 103 -103 110!,,(-110¼ .... 102¼-102¾ 108 -103 ...• - ........ - .•.. 122¾-124 l22¾-122½ ... - .•.. 124 -124 96¼- 97 97 - 99¾  121 -121 120¾-121¼ .... - .... 117¾-118 103 -lv3% ... . - ........ - .... 103 -103 103 -103 101 -101¾ i02 -102¼ 111½-lll¾ .. .. • - .... 109 -109¾ 109¾-109½ 125 -125 125¾-125¾ .... - ........ 125 -125 .... - ........ 93 - 91'> 93¾- 95 95 - 95 93 - 93  105¼-105% 114 -114 .... - .... .••• - .... 103¾-105¾ 74 - 79 41½- 44 23 - 23 104 -107'¾ 85 - 89  106 -106  - ... ... .. 106 -106 ..•. 112 -112 . ... 102 -102!J.( 76 - 76¼ ....._ .... 23 - 23 105¾-100¼ So - 87¾  = :::. 1: =1:¾ l:¾=1~  l~-106¼ 106¼-106¾ - .... 112¾-112¾ 112 -112 .... - ........ - .... - .... ... 101%-103 100 -101'¼ 99¾-100¾ 78¾- 83 74!J.(- 76¼ 76 - 77 42 - 48 42 - 43;)s 40¾- 41¾ 24¾- 27¾ .... - ... . 18 - 18 lOb¼-107 l04¾-106 104 -1011¾ 85¾- 86 87 - 88 85¼- 88  ~~~.  =1~~. 107  118 -118¾ - ... 103 -103 100 -100½ ... -  120 -120 119 -120¾ . ... - ... . t00 -100 .... - ........ - .. .. 100¾-100¾ 100¾-100¾  93¾- 94 Sl5¼- 9i½ - ..... . . . - .... 103 -103¼ 103 -103 102!}.(-103 110 -110 - .... 112 -112 112 -112 - .. .. . . .. - .... 96¾- 99¾ 'iS - 78 4 - 42¼ 19 - 20 100 -103¾ 84 - 86  =1~~ : : =: ::  97¾-I00 69 - 7;.>,¾ 39 - 41 19:1(- 21 100¾-103 7U - 80  ~~~l~~ 1~:  =l~:  92¾- 94 107½-107½ .•.• .... 110 -110  98½- 99¾ 99 - 99¾ 74'¼- 77 74 - 76 40 - 43 41 - 41 21 - 21 19 - 20 101 -102¾ 102 -103 'i4¾- 75½ 73¾- 74¾ 105 -107¼ 108 -108¾  North. Cent.-Gen'l.. .4½ 108 -106 ... - .... 107¾-108¾ .... - .... 107¾-107¾ 107¾-107¾ 109 -109 .••. - ... . 106 -106 .... Cur., 1900 ..... .. . ..... 6 ... . - ... . l23¾-123¾ 1~3¾-12::l¾ .... - .... 121 -121½ 121¾-121½ ... - .... 118¾-118¾ ... . - .. .. 119:1(-119¾ 118¾-118¾ Gold, 1900 .......... ... 6 120 -122 120½-12()¼ llii¾-121 120¼-120½ 121¼-121½ 121½-122½ 119 -120¼ 119%-119~ 117 -118 117¾-118 118 -118 ll9 -119 Gold, 1904 ............ . 6 122 -123¾ 120¾-120¼ ... - .•.. 121 -121½ 121~-121¾ 123 -123 120¼-120¼ 119 -120¼ 120 -120 117 -118½ 118½-118½ .••• - .. .. Gold, 1926, ser. A .... 5 107%-110 110 -1!0 111 -111 111 -111 112¾-113 113 -113 110 -110 110 -110 110 -110¼ 110J4-ll0¾ 110 -lH 110¾-lll¾ Gold, 19~6, ser. B . .. . 1) 109¾-109¼ .... - .... 111 -111 111 -111 - . ... 108 -109 109¼-109¼ .... - •.•..... - .... 110 -110 Ohio&M-Spring.Div .7 109 -111~ 110¾-110!).( 109¾-110¾ 111 -113 107¾-109¼ 107 -108 100¼-107 105¼-106½ 104¾-107¼ 106¾-1071¼ 103¾-107 106 -107 2d ...... ................... 7' 119¼-119¾ 119 -119 119 -119 118 -118 117 -117¼ .... - ........ - ........ - .... 114. -115½ 113¾-114½ 112½-114¾ 112¾-112¼ Con. s. t ... . ............ 7' ... - ........ - .. : ..... - .... 120 -120 .... - •...•.•. - •... 115 -115 .... - ........ - .... 115¼-116 116 .-116~ 118 -11!:I General. . ... .. .. ... .... . 1) . ... - ........ - ........ - •.• ': 91¼- 92½ 94¼- 94¼ . ..• - .. . ..... 90 - 90 .•.. - ........ Pete1•sburg-Class A ... 1) .... - .••. 107¼-107¾ .... - ........ - .... 107¾-107½ 108¾-108¾ 106¼-106¼ 105¼-105¼ .... - .... 106½-106¼ 106 -106 .... Class B ... ...... ....... .6 106¾-107¾ 107½-107½ 107¾-108 .•.. - .... 107¾'-108¼ .... - •... 102 -102 Pittsb.&Con.-lst.'98.'7 121¾-123 129 -124 120 - 123¼ 121 -123 123 -124 122 -123½ 119 -120¾ 119¾- 121 115¼-120 120 -120 119%-120 120 -120 Raleigh & Gnst'n,lst.8 ... - ....... - ....... . - ... . .... - .... 120 -120 .... - ... 121¾-121½ .... Rieb. &; Danv.-Gold .. 6 112'¼-113¼ ••.. - ...•••. - .... 115 -116 .... - .... lll¼-111¼ ...• 1890 .... .. . . ............ . 6 106 -106 .... - ... . 106 -106 10~-106½ .... - ••.. •.•• - ••. . 102¾-1021¼ 103 -103¾ ...• Piedmont Branch .... 8 .... - .... 105¾-105¼ .... - •••. 102¼-102¼ .... - •. Rich, York R.& Ches.8 .... - ....... - ........ - .... 115 - 115 .... Seaboard &Roanoke.ii .... - ... . 109 -109 112 -112 .... - .... 113 -113 113 -113 110¾-110½ ...• - .... 110¾-110¾ .... Union C.Co 116 -117 .... - .... 119½-119¾ 117½-117¾ .... - ........ - ........ - ••.. 113 -113 112¼-ll4 114 -114 Va. Mid.-lst se1·ies .... 6 122 -122¾ .•. - .... 119 -121 120 -120 119¾-119.½ 12~¼-121¼ 121 -12 1 . .. . - .... 114¼-114¼ 118 -118 117 -117 118 -118 2d se1·ies ................ 6 117 -119 119¾-120 116 -117 116 -117¾ 117¼-117¼ 118 -119 118 -118¼ 117¾-117¾ 113 -114 114 -114½ 116 -116 U6 -116 3d series ............ . 5•6 .... - .... 110 -110 110 -110 109J11-ll0 110¼-110½ l.10¼-110½ ll0¾-110¾ .. •. - .... 107 -107 107 -107 108 -108 107 -107¾ 4th series ......... 3-4-:i .... 72 - 72 - . ... .... - . .. . 70 - 70 :ith series ............... 1) 106 -106¾ 106¼-107¾ 104 -105 103'¼-104 104¾-105 104¾-104.'¼ 104 -104½ 104¼-104¾ 101 -101¾ 101¼- 101¾ 100 -100¼ 98¼- 9~ Va. & 'l'enn.-4th ....... 8 .... - .. . . 125 -125 - . ...... . - •... 123 -123 .... - ••• 127 -127 5s . . . ............ ....... .:i . ... - .... 105 - 105 - ........ - ... . Wei,t Va . Cent.-lst .. 6 103½-107 107 -107 105 -105 - •••. 106¼-106¾ .... - .... 102 -103 103 -103 101½-101¾ . .. . - .... 103½-107 West. Ala., 1890 ...... 8110½-110½ .... West Ma1·yland3d, guar. by City ..... 6 125 -125 125 -125 122 -123 120¾-120¾ ... - .... 124 -124 .... - .•.. 121¾-121¾ .... - .... 119 - 1~1 120 -120 120 -120 West.N.Car.-lst,'90 .. '7 105½-107¼ 106¾-106¾ 107¾-107¼ ... . - .... 106 -106 ... . - •... 105¾-105¾ ... - .... 108¼-103¼ .... - .... 102 -102 . . . . Consol. ........ ......... . 6 P7 - 97 97 - 9? - • • • • • • .. W. Col. & Aug.-1910.6 119¼-120¾ 120¼-120¾ 120¼-120¾ 120½-120¾ 121 - 122 121 -121 120¾-120¾ .... - .... 116 -116 118¾-119 120 -120 - ••.. 120 - 120½ 120 -120 .... - .. .. lhJ½- 120¾ 120¼-120¾ Wilm. & Wel.-Gold .. '7 .... - •... 113 -113 .... - ••• . lll¼- 111½ .•.. - .... 110 -110 111 -111¾ 111½- 112¾ New ........ . ..... . ....... 1) 110 -112 - .... 112¼-112¼ . .. . _ .. .. . . • • _ - . . . . . . . . - .... 110 -llCf.l Winchester & Pot ..... 6 .... -  BtlLTIMORE STOCKS. JANUARYr~~EBR'RY. MARCH. Prices per share, not per cent. - - - - - - - - - - - -  -----  APRIL.  STOC;KS IN 1887. MAY.  JULY.  .AUOUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BEH. DEC'BlilR.  ---- ---- ---- --- -  ---  Atlanta & Chari.. ..100 .... - . .. . 91 - 91 Bait. & Ohio ..... ... 100 170 -171 158 -167¼ 163 -160 165 -170 161 -166¾ 1st pref........ ..... . 100 .... - .... 137½-137½ 132 -132 132 -132 132 -132 2d pref ..... ..... ... :LOO .... - .... 130 -130 120 -180 120 -120 123 -123 Canton Co . ........... 100 60 - 60¼ 60 - 60 56 - 59'¼ 5i¾- 55¼ 57 - 57 Central Ohio......... 50 50!,,(- 50¾ 50¾- 51 49 - 50¾ 48¾- 49 4.8¾- 50 Chai·. Col.&; Aug ... 1OO .... SO¼- 80¾ SS - 84 SO - SO Georgia Pacific ... .. ....... ... - ........ - ........ Nortbe1·n Centl'al .. :iO 76 - 71 76 - 76 81 - 85 85 - 90 87¼- 90 6-6 6¼-6¼ Parkersb'g Branch. ~O .... 7¼- 7¾ .... 27¾- 27¼ .... Vira-in. Mid.-Com.100 .... Western Ma1·yland. :iO .... - .... 12 - 12 1 - 13 13-13 .... Wilm. Col. & Aug .. 100 .... Winchester & Potom .. .... - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  JUNE.  Par. 1Low.High Low.High Low.High 1Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High 1Low.High Low.High Low.High 1Low.High Low.High 1~ - 168 lSl -133 122 -122 50 26  - .... 89 - 89 147¾-160 .... - .... lS0 -130  160 -164  122 -122  - .... .... 47 - 49 - 50 - 26 .... -  -------- -------  86 120 125 120 -120¼ 105 46 - 46 . 45 - 47 45 30  - 86¼ -150 -125 -120  ... -  - ....  - 46  - 85 -133 -127 -110  85 104 125 110 45  - .... .... -  45 - 45  - so ....  90 -lC0 85 - 87 85 -85¾ 86 - 87 7 - 7¾ 6¾- 6¾ 7 - 7 14 - 14  85 104 125 110  - 85 -118¼ -125 -110 - 46¼ - ••..  83 - 83 106 -115 ...• 45 -46 50-50  - . . . 21¾-· 21¾ . . . . 85 -86¼ 85 -86½ 86 -89  BROWN BROTHERS & CO., PHILADELPHIA.  NEW YORK.  BOSTON.  AND  ALEXANDER BROWN & SONS,  BALTIMORE. MEMBERS  OF NEW YORK,  PHILADELPHIA  AND  BALTIMORE STOCK  EXCHANGES  Execute Orders for all Investment Securities,  Buy and Sell Bills of Exchange ():V  GREAT  BRITAIN  AND  IRELA~D,  FBAlHJE,  GERMANY,  BELGI1JM,  HOLLAND,  ~,VITZERLAND, NOllWAV, DENMARK, SWEDEN, AUSTRALIA, ST. THOMAS, ST. C:ROIX AND BRITISH WJ;ST INDIES.  Issue Commercial and Travelers' Credi ts IN STERLING, Available in any part of the world, in FRANCS, for use in Martinique and Guadaloup~, and in DOLLARS, for use in this country, CAN ADA, MEXICO and WEST INDIES.  Make Telegraphic Transfers of Money Between this Country, Europe, and British and Danish West Indies. MAKE COLLECTIONS OF DRAFTS Drawn abroad on all points in the United States and Canada, and of Drafts drawn in the United  States  on foreign countries.  !Their London house~ Messrs . .BRO-WN~ SHIPLEY & CO-~ receive accounts of American bank~~ fi.rn1.s and Individuals upon favorable terms.  BROWN, SHIPL.E Y & CO., FINANCIAL AGENTS OF THE UNITED STATES GOVER MENT IN ENGLA D. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  :.ON:OON.  AUGUST B ELMONT & CO., BANKE R S,  No. 36 Wall Street, Issue Travelers' Credits, avaih.ble in all parts of the World, th rough Me ssrs. N. M. Ro t h s c hil d & Sons , 1__...o n d o n, •• de Ro t h s c h ild Bro s ., P aris., '" 'M . A . de J:(othschild & S ons, F .ranb:fo r t-o n -Main, S . M . de Hothschil d~ J:1~sq., Vienna" AN D  DRAW BILLS  m,  THEIR  C O RRES PO N DE NT S .  EXCHANGE O , AND MAKE C:\ BLE TRANSFERS TO, ENGLAND, FRA OE A ND GBJRJIANY.  E. L. OPPENHEIM & CO., BANKERS AN-D BROKERS, (ESTABLlSHED  1862.)  51 & 53 New Street, and 42 Broadway, New York.  MEMBERS N. Y. Stock Excllauge, N. Y. Cotton Excllange, Clticago Board of' '.l'rade.  75 OLD  BROAD  STREE T ,  E. C.,  London, Eng.  ]. & W. SELIGMAN & CO., BANKERS, 23  Broad  Street:,  NEW YORK.  ISSUE LETTERS OF UREDIT FOR TRAVELERS On  SELIGMAN BROTHERS, London, ~ELIGMtl.N FRERES & ~ELIGMAN &  CIE, P a r is, ~TEl'THEIMER, Frankfort,  A LSBER.G, GOLDBERG & A LTMAN &  Payable in any part of Europe, Asia, Africa, Au ·tralia and America. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  CO., Amsterdam, STETTDEIMER, Berlin,  Draw Bills of Exchange and make  Telegraphic Transfers of Money on Europe and California.  TURNER & SON,  C. J  BANKERS  16 & 18  BROAD  AND  BROI(ERS,  STRE·ET,  NEW YORK.  ORDERS EXECUTED FOR ALL INVESTMENT SECURITIES ON THE .NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE.  Lombard  Investment  Company,  150 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Sta tern en t of the Condition at the Close of Business Jan. 3 1, 188 8. !  RESOURCES. Mortgages and Bills Receivablt> .............. .. .. $2,599,854.00 0 verdrafts ................ . ....... .. ....... . .. . 1,139.26 Expenses and Taxes Paid . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . .. . 143,434.71 English Co~~ols and Penn. RR. Sinking Fund Sterling Gold Bonds (at par) ................. . 8,700.00 Union Pacific First Mortgage 6s (at par) ...... .. . 12,000.00 New York Central First Mortgage 7s (at par) .. . . . 10,000.00 Boston Concord & Montreal 7s (at par) .......... . 5,000. 00 Dela war,-, Lackawa.nna & Western First Mortgage 7s (at parJ . . . . . . . ...................... . 10,000. 00 U. S. 4½ per cent Bonds (at par) ............... . 75,000.00 Other Stocks and Bonds .... ... ..... . ........... . 59,893.90 Cash with Company's Bankers : Martin& Co., London, Eng.; Mavnick National Bank, Bosto:1, Mass; National Broadway Bank, New York; Chase National Bank, New York; Central National Bank, Philadelphia; First ational Bank, Kansas City, Mo ............. . 330,990.41  LIABILITIES. Capit11 Fully Paid ............. . .... . ... .. ... . .. $1,150,000.00 Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,000.00 , Surplus..................... . . .................. 160,000.00 Undivided Profits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176,264. 97 Dividend, payable February 7th, 1~88 . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000.00 Debentures .... . ........ ... ....... ..... ... ..... 1,044,200.00 Principal paid by Borrowers, awaiting presentation of Mortg:igt>s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 100,341.00 Interest paid by Borrowers, awaiting presentation of Coupons ........ . ..... . ... . .......... . 64,245.80 Loaning Funds, awaiting Investment in Lombard Investment Company's Securities, ac<KJunt of American and English Clients ................ . 361,960.51  Total .................................. , ... !$3,256,012.28  Total. .. ....... .. ........ . .................. $3,256,012. 2S  B. LOMBARD, Jr., Pres:dent, H. W. L. RUS ELL, Auditor, WM. A. LOMBARD, Se0retary and Manager. 55 New England Savings Banks, 64 Churches, 40 Colleges and 20 Insurance Companies hold over 8 mill on · They have had 35 years' experience without the loss of a dollar to an investor.  of the Lombard Loans.  The guaranteed si '{ per cent mortgages of this Company are on hand and for sale at par and accrued interest in sums of $30-0 and u pwards at their New York office, 150 Broadway. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  I.,  5 & '7 Exchange Street.  132  CHICAGO,  Congress St., 63 Federal St., 60 State St.  20  Boston,  J1 lso to .Board of Trade,  South Third St.  Philadelphia,  by loop.  415  Main· St.  Worcester, Mass.,  Direct Private Wires to each Office, and to  lnt~rest Allowed on Daily Balances. Deposits Received Subject to Sight Checks.  All Cl,asses of Securities Bought and Sold on Commission, and Carried on Margins.  Transact a General Banking Business.  Albany, N. Y,, State Street, cor • .Tames. Saratoga, G1·and Union Hotel. Providence, R,  NEW YORK CITY.  Nos. 16 & 18 Broad Street,  Bankers,  Spencer Trask & .Co.,  ~ C  z·.  ~  ~  ~  ~  [Fl  .  .  '  ,'  '  >  ~  ~  •  Cf)  ~  ~  "1  rJl  ::s (')  ~ ~  ~  0  ......  0..  0  ~  r:,q  0  ~  ..,._ ......  r-t ~  00  0.. CJ)  0 C: 0  ~  0  ......  Cf)  . r-t  0.. ..... .  ~  ~  CJ  (Jq  .,..._ ...... 0  ~ ~  ~  :,  id .  rJ1 ~  ~  ~  . [ (;  = 00  .~  ~  ~n ~ ..~  ;' Cj  "J=  ~  ~  <  trJ'~-'''.· ~ ~  s► 0  'i ~ 0 ~-  ~  ~  o ~ ~ 0 = . 0  ~ ~ ~ ~  ~  0  = ~ = = .,.  ic  ~  s=  < ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ ~  ~  w •  ~  > ~  ~  z  0  [fl  trj ~  ~  [fl  > z  ~ ~  rtrj  > t:c  0  --  •  Ill  ·Q  •  en r+  a.  ~  Ill  ::r  0  ~ -■  C:  N  ....~  ~  CD  CIJ  0 ....~  a.  ~  r 0  ....en  ~  -  Ill  -u  Z  0  = •  ~  ~  0 ~  ~  ~  7J1  _.  ~  =  l!j  1·~ --~;  h,  ~ ~  rf.J  ~  0  ~  ~  .  == ~  0  ~ ~ ~  ~ 0 ~  H  "'°  ,  .  Ml  C,  ~  > < 0 ~ ~ ·~ trj r oo ~ 0 s  ~  ,:x,  <2  ~= .. s~ ~rw,  ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ r ~ ~ =~ > _.. s~ z 0 ~ ~~  ~  H  C  ~  trj  ~  0  2  (  co :::c  C  ~· c = -  (Ii ...  ~ ~ ~  ~  0 ~ C)  -e  Mia ~  t;  ~ -3 ~ ~ ~ Cl  ~  ~  0  ~  trj  0  ~  trj  = ~ ~ ~ .= = > > z (f)  H  ~ ~  ~  ~  I  11111~1~1~111~1~1~1~~~1~~ ~\[1~1~~1~ 11111 9 35  DREXEL, -MORGAN t£ co:: Wall -St.. ·Cor. of Broad St., NE-W- ~ORK. & Co.,  DREXEL  DREXEL, HARJES & Co.,  Cor. of 5th & Chestnut Sts., 3 I Boulevard -Haussmann,  ' HIA. PHILADELP  PARIS.  DOMESTIC & FOREIGN BANKERS. , DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO DRAFT.  SecuritiesRouubiltz: C1old  11 Commission.  i  I  !  i,  J  HG 4905 .F6  . FOREI~.  188 8  Financial review  U CREDITS,  The Financial review  CIRCUL  rRAVELERS ,  . Av  r]  World.  <('  :MESS.-_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Uo  J. S. MORGAN & . co.,  No. 22 OLD BROAD STREET~ LONDON.