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-The Mutual Life Insurance Company OF NE"V\T YORK. RICHARD A. McCURDV, President.  Statement for the Year Ending December 31st, 1.901 . .Accorcling to the Standard of the Insurance Department of the State of New Yot•k.  INCOME.  Received for Premiums From all other Sources  -  $61,446,787 78 14,177,617 78 $66,624,300 o1 DISBl1B8EMENT8.  To Policy-holders for Claims by Death 1.10 Policy-holders for Endowments, Dividends, etc. For all other Accounts  $17,844,013 13 11,886,646 'Z 'Z ts, 772,936 60 $t:2,fo2,6o6  oo  A88ET8.  United States Bonds and other S• corities $198,068,981 24 l'lrst Lien Loans on Bond and :Mortgage 81,664,209 88 Loans on Bonds and other Securities 10,688,000 00 Loans on Company's own Policies 11,319,067 23 Real Estate: Compan1's Office Buildings in London, Paris, Berlin, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, SJdney and Mexico, and othrr Real .Estate 27,642,442 44 Cash In Banks and Trust Companies 16, 746,894: 46 Accrued Interest, Net Deterred Premiums, etc. 6,964,876 42 es,2,sss,Dn 67 LIABILITIE8.  Liability for Polley Reserves, etc. Liability tor Contingent Guarantee Fund Liability for Authorized Dividends  $289,652,388 84 60, 706,682 83 2,480,000 0~ $362,838,971 67  Insurance and Annuities in force  $1,243,603,101 11  I have carefully exa1Dloed the forearolnar Statement and Ontl tbe eame to be correct, 11a•111t1e■ calc11latetl b~ the In ■arance Deparament. CHARLES A. PRELLER, Auditor.  BOARD OF TRIJSTEES: SAMUEL D. BABCOCK. RICHARD A. McCURQY, JAMES C. HOLDEN, HERMANN C. VON POST, ROBERT OLYPHANT, GEORGE F, BAltER, DUDLl!IY OLCOTT, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  FREDERIC CROMWELL, JULIEN T. DA VIEEI, CHARLES R. HlllNDl!IRSON', RUFUS W. PECKHAM, J HOBART Hl!:RRICK, WM. P. DIXON, ROBERT A. GRANNISS,  HENRY H. ROGERS, JNO. W. A UCHlNCLOSS, THEODORE MORFORD, WILLIAM BABCOCK, STUYVESANT FISH, AUGUSTUS D. JUILLIARD, CHARLES E. MILLER,  WALTER R. GILLETTE, GEORGE G. HAVBN, GEORGE 8. BOWDOI1'. ADRIA.1' ISBLIN JR., WILLIAM C. WHITNIIIY. WILLIAM. ROCKEFELLER, JAMBS M. JARVIE,  CHAS. D. DlCKIIIY JR. ELBRIDGE T, GERRY A. N. WATERHOUSE, JAMES SPEYER, CHARLES LANIER, H. McK. TWOMBLY, W. H. TRUESDALE.  ROBERT A. QRANNISS, Vice-President.  WALTER R. GILLBTTB, General Manaller. ISAAC F. LLOYD, 2d Vice President. DUER duP. BRECK, Corresponding Secretary. WILLIAM J. EASTON, Secretary. ALBERT KLA.MROTH, Assistant Secretary. FREDERIC CROMWELL, Treasurer. JOHN A. FONDA, Aaslstant Treasurer. JAMES TIMPSON, 2d As1istant Treasurer. WILLIAM P, SANDS, Cashier. EDWARD P. HOLDEN, As11lataut Cashier. EMORY McCLINTOCK, Actuary, JOHN TATLOCK JR .. Associate Actuary. WILLIAllA.HUTCHESON,A1soclateActuary. CHARLES A. PRELLER, Auditor. WILLIAM W, RICHARDS, Comptroller. O. CLIFFORD GRETSINGER, Assistant Auditor. Hl!INRY S. BROWN, Assl ■tant Comptreller. EDWARD LYMAN SHORT, General Solicitor. MEDICAL D:m.ECTOR8 :  ELIAS J. MARSH, M. D,  GRANVILLE}[, WIDTE, JI, D .  .  I  Spencer Trask & Co., Bankers, 27  &  29  New York.  Pine Street,  Transact a general banking business; act as Fiscal Agents for corporations, and negotiate security issues of railroads and other compames. Execute commission orders and deal in  INVESTMENT  SECURITIES.  MEMBhRS NEW YORK STOOK EXCHANGE.  BRA ' 'CH OFFICE : 65 STATE STREET, ALBANY.  J< OUNTZ E  BROTHERS:,  Ea:nk:ers., MEMBERS OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE.  NEW YORK.  Broadway and Cedar Street,  Investment  Securities.  ALLOW INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. LOANS MADE AGAINST APPROVED COLLATERAL. ACT AS FISCAL AGENTS FOR MUNICIPALITIES AND CORPORATTONS. MAKE CABLE AND TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS. BUY AND SELL FOREIGN EXCHANGE ISSUE  TRAVELERS '  LETTERS  OF CREDIT  AVAILABLE IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD.  BUY AND SELL GOVERNMENT BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES FOR THE USUAL COMMISSION. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  BLAIR  & Co.,  DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANHERS, 5 3 WALL STREET,  NEWYORK. TRAVELER'S LETTERS OF CREDIT.  The Canadian Bank of Comm~rce, WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED  THE BANK OF  BRITISH COLUMBIA.  HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO.  $8,000,000 $2,000,000-  CAPITAL PAID UP, RESERVE FUND,  ALEX. LAIRD AND WM. GRAY, AGENTS, NO. 16 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. BRANCHES OF THE BANK IN CANADA. ONTARIO:  Brantford, t ·ayuga, Chatham, Collingwood, Dresden,  Ayr, Barrie, Belleville, Berlin, Blenheim,  Dundas, Dunnville, Fort Frances, Galt, Goderich, Guelph,  Hamilton, London, Orangeville, Ottawa, Paris, Parkhill,  Peterboro' Port Perry, St. Catharines, . Sarnia, Sault Ste. Marie, Seaforth,  Walkerton, Walkerville, Waterloo; Windsor, Woodstock.  Simcoe, Stratford, Strathroy, Totonto (8 offices), Toronto Junction,  QUEBEC:  MANITOBA:  YUKON DISTRICT:  Montreal.  Winnipeg.  Dawson, , White Horse.  BRITISH COLUMBIA:  Atlin,  Cran brook, Fernie,  Greenwood , Kamloops,  IN THE SAN FRANCISCO ,  NEW YORK ,  New Westminster, Sandon,  Nanaimo, Nelson.  LONDON:  QREAT  60  PORTLAND , ORE. 1  SKAGWAY, ALASKA..  BRITAIN.  LOllBARD STREET,  E. C. ,  BANKERS IN QREAT BRITAIN. THE BANK OF SCOTLAND ,  Victoria.  UNITED STATES.  SEATTLE, WASH.,  IN  Vancouver,  LLOYDS BANK, Limited, MESSRS, SMITH, PAYNE  . . .:. .. · ..::  CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. & SMITHS.  CORRESPONDENTS.  Bel;ium-Banque D'An,ers. France-Credit Lyonnais. Germany-Deutsche ·Bank. Holland-Disconto Maatschappij. India, ~llina, .Yapan and Philippine Ialands-'I'he Chartered Bank of India, Australia :and China. Australia and New Zealand-Union Bank of Australia, Limited; Bank.of .Au~tralasia. Sooth .At'r:leaBank of Africa. Limited; Standard Bank of South Africa, Limited. §terlinM" an.d Continental E~chanM°e and •~able Transf'ers. Commercial and Traveler•' f"'red1t1. Collections made at all points. Banking and E~change business of every description transacted with Canada.  BROvVN BROTHERS &-CO., PHILADELPHIA,  NEW YORK,  aosToN,  4th and Chestnut Sts.  59 WALL ST.  50 State St.  AND  ALEX. BROWN & SONS, Baltimore and Calvert Streets, . Balti;more. ALL CONNECTED BY PRIVATE  WIRE.  Memben of the New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Stock E:schansea.  Execute Orders on Commission for Purchase and Sale of Stocks, Bonds, and all Investineatt Securities. Bills of Exchange Bought and Sold.  Certificates of Deposit.  International Cheques  Commercial Letters of Credit and Traveler~' Letters of Credit issued, available in .all parts of the world. Collections made on all points; Telegraphic Transfers of Money made between this Country and Europe. Deposit Accounts of American Banks, Bankers, Firms and Individuals received upon favorable terms.  BROWN, SHIPLEY & Co., LONDON, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Founders' Court, Lothbury, E. C., AND FOR THE CONVENIENCE OJ' TRAVELBRB,  123 Pall Mall, S. W.  •  • •• ,1. · • .• • . ·, .•  THOM.A.8 J. MUMFORD.  WlLLU.M F~STOC~,  ROBERT B. DOl)SON,  Kember of the New York Stock Excliange.  FAHNESTOCK & CO., BANKERS AN~ BROKERS,  No.  WALL STREET, NEW YORK.  2  J. S. & R. D. FARLEE, MEMBERS OF THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE,  No.  11  Wall Street,  New York.  BROKERS AND DEALERS IN INVESTMENT BONDS, STATE, MUNICIPAL AND APPROVED RAILROAD BONDS. 0A NJ'ltdfor lm1Mdiate ~livery, Suitable/or Be.wings Bank~, Tru~t Funds and other Ccmserrative b,vutmenta. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.  SIMO·N  BORG & CO., BANKERS,  NO.  NA~SAU  20  STREET,  NEW  YORK.  CHOICE INVESTMENT SECURITIES FOR TRUST  ESTATES,  INSTITUTIONS, SAVINGS BANKS AND GENERAL INVESTORS.  Special Lists  Upon  Application.  H. N. \VHITNEY & SONS, BANKERS AND BROKERS,  No.  17  BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. <MILLS BUILDING.)  Interest Allowed on Deposit Accounts Subject to Draft at Sight. I  \:.  QOnBNJL~. ST.AT•. MUNICIPAL AND ~£ROAD SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  COMMISSION FOR CASH OR UPON MARGIN.  LA THAM, ALEXANDER & Co., BANKERS AND COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS,  Nos. 16 & 18 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. CONDUCT  A  BANKING  GENERAL  BUSINESS.  Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Merchants and Individuals rooeived on favorable terms, and Interest allowed on Dai]y Balances, subject to Check at Sight. Stocks and other Securities Bought and Sold at the New York Stock Exchange.  Contracts for Cotton for Future Delivery Bought and Sold ~n Commission. (J>  MAYNARD O. EYRE, CHARLES C. HARRISON.  JAMES WHITELY, H . ORUGER OAKLEY,  PRINCE & \i\THITELY, BANKERS AND BROKERS,  No. 52 Broadway, New York. AND  15 CENTER STREET, NEW HAVEN, CONN. All Classes of Railway Stocks, also Grain, Provisions and Cotton, Bought and Sold on Commission.  INVESTMENT  SECURITIES A  SPECIALTY.  LINCOLN, CAS\i\TELL & CO., SUCCESSORS TO  CHARLES T. "WING & CO., DEA.LERS IN HIGH-GRADE  RAILROAD NO.  18  ~ALT ...  CITY  AND  BONDS.  STREFT ..  NE-VV  YORK.  .  A. M. FLETCHER, _Banker, 128 BROADWAY,  NEW YORK .  MEMBER NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE.  Transacts a General Banking Business.  SECURITIES BOUGHT AND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Interest allowed n Deposits.  SOLD  ON  COMMISSION .  JOHN H. DAVIS & CO., BANKERS,  Astor Building,  No.  MEMBERS OF NEW YORK AND  10  Wall Street, New York.  PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGES.  Our BOND DEPARTMENT is organized and conducted with great care, and ·our BURE.AU OF RAILWAY INFORMATION is unusually complete. We are thus enabled to give valuable aid to those seeking safe and profitable INVESTMENTS  INVESTMENT  BONDS  A  SPECIALTY.  ROLSTON & HOOLEY, STOCKS, BONDS AND MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES, WILLIAM H. ROLSTON, Member of the New York Stock Exchange. EDWIN s. Hoo· EY, PETER W. MARTIN.  49 & 51 Wall Street, New York. P. 0. Box 956.  GEO. H. PRENTISS & CO., DEALERS IN  LOCAL 5ECURI7 IES, No. 48 Wall Street,  No.  208 · Montague  Street,  BROOKLYN.  NEW YORK.  MEMBERS OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCl-!ANGE.  Orders on the New York Stock Exchange executed for Cash or on Margin.  JULIAN W. ROBBI~ .  G EORGC LEASJ;: .  ~DWl~ .M LEdSK,  Member N. Y. Stock Exchange.  GEORGE LEASK & CO., Stock Brokers, 35  WALL STREET, NEW YORK.  All Securities Current at the New York Stock Exchange Bought and Sold on Commission.  DEALERS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  IN  COMMERCIAL  PAPER.  MOORE & SCHLEY, BANKERS AND BROKERS.  No. 80 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Members of the New York Stock Exchange.  AUGUST BELMONT & CO., BANKERS~ NO. 23 NASSAU STREET. AGENTS AND CORRESPONDENTS OF THE  Messrs.  ROTHSCHILD,  LONDON, PARIS .A.ND VIENNA.  ISSUE LETTERS OF CREDIT FOR TRAVELERS,  AVAILABLE IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Draw Bills of Exchange and make Telegraphic Transfers to EUROPE,  Cuba,  the other West Indies, Mexico and California. Execute orders for the purchase an d sale of Investment Securities.  Vv. B. MACK & CO., MEMBERS NE-W YORK STOCK EXCHANGE,  BROKERS, MILLS BUILDING, 35 WALL STREET  AND  1-5 BROAD  NEW YORK. TELEPHONE, 42'2'0 AND 42'71 BROA.D.  FLAGG & VvORCESTER, ( Successors to Reed & Flagg)  NO.  BROKERS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  45  "WALL STREET,  AND  DEALERS  IN  NE"W  YORK.  RAILWAY  AND OTHER  INVESTMENT SECURITIES.  BONDS  *8. DOMINICK,  54761 CORTLANDT. TELEPHONE, { 5477 5478  *8. DOMINICK JR.,  CABLE ADDRESS,  M. W. DOMINICK,  ZUGCORD, NEW YORK.  *A. V. STOUT, J. A. BARNARD. •MembersN.Y.StockExcha nge.  DOMINICK &· DOMINICK,  PRIVATE WIRES TO  BOSTON ,  100 WALNUT  Broadway, New York.  PITTSBURG  OFFICE,  BRANCH  334  CHICAGO,  ST.,  ST. LOUIS.  CINCINNATI.  PRIVATE WIRE,  A. M. KIDDER & CO., BANKERS,  18 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Transact a General Banking Business, including the Purchase and Sale of Stocks and Bonds for Cash or on Margin. BUY AND SELL  INVESTMENT SECURITIES. H . J MOR~E. CHAS D MA.RVIN,  W, M: KIDDER,  GEO. S. COE.  G. M. MINZESHEIMER, ~ember N. Y. Stoc.1r Exchange.  HE TRY ZUCKERMAN, Member . Y. Stock E xchange.  G. M. MINZESHEIMER & Co., STOCK AND  BOND  BROKERS,  <Lord's Court Building),  40  EXCHANGE  NEW  KNAUTH,  PLACE,  YORK.  NACHOD  & KUHNE,  BANKERS.,  11-13 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE.  LETTERS OF CREDIT. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  TRAVELERS' CHECKS.  INVESTMENT SECURITIES.  H. C. vVRIGHT & CO., TOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON, COFFEE, NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. MEMBERS: { CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COFFEE EXCHANGE.  Investment Securities.  . . High Class Bonds.  220 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO.  OTIS, vVILSON & CO., BANKERS, I  CHICAGO.  8 2-184 La Salle St., "The Temple," DEALERS IN  HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT BONDS, Including entire issues of Municipalities, Railroads, Street Railways, Lighting and Power Companies. Specialists in Foreign Government, State and City Bonds, principally MEXICAN and GERMAN issues. LIST OF CURRENT OFFERINGS ON APPLICATION.  WM. L. BEA.DLESTON, HENRY P. HALL.  LEHMAN A.. COOPER, WALTERS! CRAMP,  COOPER, CRAMP & BEADLESTON, MEMBERS  OF  NEW  YORK  STOCK  EXCHANGE.  52 BROAD~~ A Y~ NE"'V\t~ YORK.  STOCKS,  BONDS  AND  INVESTMENT  SECURITIES.  BRANCH OF.FICES: S THE ARLINGTON HOTEL. WASHINGTQ,N. D. C. <3~0 BULLITT BUILDING• .PHILADELPHIA, PA,  CABLE ADDRESS "COOPCRAMP."  ROBERT J. KIMBALL.  ESTABLISHED 1865,  W. EUGENE KIMBALL.  R. J. KIMBALL & CO., MEMBERS OF THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANCE.  71 BROADWAY,  NEW YORK.  BANKERS AND BROKE.RS.  DEALERS Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  IN  INVESTMENT  SECURITIES.  Gl!JRALD L. HO Y T , A RTHUR COPPELL,  D A LLAS B. PRATT, H ERBERT COPPELL.  MAI T L AND, CO PPELL & Co., 22  and  24  Exchange Place, New York.  trRA~~AOT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT SECURITIE _  ACT AS AGENTS OF CORPORATIONS AND NEGOTIATE AND ISSUE LOANS.  BILLS OF EXCHANGE, TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS AND  LETTERS  OF  CREDIT  -)ON(-  Messrs. Smith, ' Payne & Smiths, London. Messrs. Mallet Freres & Cie., Paris. El Banco Nacional de Mexico, Mexico, and its branches.  Agents of the Bank of Australasia, British Guiana Bank, Demerarn, F>,·  UNITED  STA1 ES  BONDS, AND  RAILROAD,  MUNICIPAL  OT HER  Investment Securities. HARVEY FISK & SONS, H ARTFORD, CONN., represented by ·  NEW YORK, 2~ Nassau Street. BOSTON, 19 Congress Street.  R. T. H. BARNES,  • PHILADELPHIA, represented by JAMES H. CHAPMAN, 421 Chestnut Street.  OUR LIST OF Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  INVESTMENT  Aetna Life Building. CHICAGO, ILL., represented by D. K. DRAKE, 414 Continental Nat. Bank Bldg..  SECURITIES  SENT ON APPLICATION.  THE FINANCIAL REVIEW.  Fi.:n..a:n..ce:, Oommerce  3  Railroads_  WILLIAM  B. DAN A  PINE STREET,  COMPANY, PUBLISHERS,  CORNER OF  PEARL STREET, NEW YORK.  [Entered aocording to Aot of Congress, in 1902, by WILLLUC B. D..uu. OOMPA.NY, in office of the Librarian of Congress, WaaMDgton~ D. O.] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .  '·✓  . t; ,,·.• f;.,.½1.,  CONTENTS. PAGE,  RETROSPECT OF 1901. .. . .•...••.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .•.•.. .•. .• .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . Monthly Review of Money Market, Stock Market, and Foreign Exchange...........................  11 13  LISTINGS OF SECURITIES ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE ........................•....  24  BANK CLEARINGS AND SPECULATION.... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Sales of Grain and Stocks •.......................... . ... . .... . . . ... ~....................... . .... 26-28  FAILURES _<\.SA GAUGE OF BUSI ESS STABILITY .. .. . . . . ........ . .... .. .................... .. . Yearly Failures Since 1857......... . ....... .. ............ . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Failures by Branches of Trade ........ .. ... :.. . ................................. . ................... Detailed Statement of Failures in United States and Canada................................. . ......  28 29 29 30  BANKING, FINANCE AND CURRENCY ............. . ............ . ...................... . ........... 31 Money Market for Five Years.... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 New York City Bank Movements. .. .. . ... . .. ... .... . ..... . .. . . . ................................ . .... 34 CROP AND OTHER PRODUCTIONS .. ... . ... ............... . ................. . . .. .................... The Crops for a Series of Years. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • Pig Iron Production and Prices ... . ............ . ............ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthracite Coal Production... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35 35 36 38  GOLD AND SILVER-Review of Gold and Silver Production.... . . •. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . •• . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Product of Gold in United States, Africa, Australasia, Russia, etc......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-42 World's Gold Production since 1881........... . ............... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . • . . . . . . . ... . . . • . . . . . 39-40 World's Silver Production ... . .... . ..........................................·................ . ...... 42 GREAT BRITAIN-BANKS AND '!'HADE .. ... . ......... . ................. . .......................... Review of the Year's Influences and Events ........................... . ........ ,.................... British Imports and Exports............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statements of Bank of England and Bank of France.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price of Silver for Three Years . . . . . .. ... . ......... ·..••. .. ... ·..................................•....  43 43 47 47 47  TRADE AND COMMERCE-Our Foreign Trade in 1901-Calendar Year........... . .................... 48 Values of Exports and Imports by Fiscal Years 1872-1901........ ... . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . 50 Exports of Leading Articles of Domestic Produce for Three Years..................................... 50 Imports of Leading Articles of Merchandise for Three Years . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. . . . . . . . . . . 51 Comparative Prices of MerLihandise, 1860, 1879'and 1898-1902 . .. .. .. .................................. -51  FOREIGN EXCHANGE-Daily Prices in New York in 1899-1901................ .... ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .  52  UNITED STATES DEBT AND SECURITIES-Debt of the United States, 1793-1901..................... 53 Detailed Statement of Public Debt on December 31, 1901....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Highest and Lowest Prices of United States Bonds, Monthly, 1860-1901. . . . ........... .• . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 54 STATE SECURITIES-Highest and Lowest Quotations of State Securities, 1860-1901.................... RAILROADS AND THEIR SECURITIES-Railroad Statistics for the United States...................... Railroad Earnings in 1900 and 1901 . . ...•.........•..• ,........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Railroad and Miscellaneous Bonds in New York, 1897-1901-Prices Monthly........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York Stock Exchange Clearing House Transactions .... . ..... . ...........•....... . ............ Railroad and Miscellaneous Stocks in New York, 1897-1901-Prices Monthly ..... . ................ . .. Railroad Bonds in Boston, ·1901-Highest and Lowest Prices Monthly ................................ Railroad Stocks in Boston, 1901-Highest and Lowest Prices Monthly ...•.............•.... . . ........ Railroad Bonds in Philadelphia, 1901-Highest and Lowest Prices Monthly •... . ....... . ............... Railroad Stocks in Philadelphia, 1901-Highest and Lowest Prices Monthly .......... . ....... . .... . ... Railroad Bonds in Baltimore, 1901-Highest and Lowest Prices Monthly ....••.... . ...... . .......... . Railroad Stocks in Baltimore, 1901-Highest and Lowest Prices Monthly ... , ••............. . .........  64 67 67 70 106 107 122 123 126 127 129 130  INVESTORS' SUPPLEMENT.-(Issue of Jan. 25, 1902, bound up with the REVIEW) , . ,_ .. . .... . ..... Appendix, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  VOLUME _AND COURSE OF TRADE. A~l\ GAL  A~D  MONTHLY  RETROSPEOT OF 1001. The year 1901 may trutbfully be said to rank as one of the most eventful in the country's history. The list of notable occurrences which cl early entitle the year to this distinction is a long o~e. It comprises among others (1) the combination of the leading iron and steel properties of . the country in the United States Steel Corporation, being the first time that a thousand-million-dollar corporation has come into being in this country; (2) the stock market panic in May, with the attendant corner in Northern Pacific common stock, during which the price of the shares rose from 100 to 1,000; (3) the heat and drought of the summer, resulting in one of the worst failures of the corn crop on record; (4:) the great steel workers' strike; (5) the death by assassination of President McKinley and the accession of Vice-President Roosevelt; and (6) the break in Amalgamated Copper and the collapse in the copper market. With the exception of the first, these were all depressing influences. It is testimony to the strength of the situation and the general feeling of confidence and buoyancy prevailing that neither one, nor all of these combined, had more than a temporary influence upon the course of affairs. The business world was prospel'ons, trade active. To say this is to say that the period of industrial revival which began in 1898 made further progress and gained still greater head• way. In the volume of business done new records were established in many directions. The iron and steel industry enjoyed unsurpassed buoyancy, and here it is well enough to note that while prices advanced the existence of the United States Steel Corporation and the wise policy pursued in its administration operated to prevent a rise to such extreme high :figures as on so many previous occasions have proved the undoing of th~t industry. Even during the steel workers' strike no disposition wtis manifested to gain any advantage; on the contrary the constant effort was to hold the rising tendency in check. The effects of the opposite policy were illustrated in the case of the copper industry, where _the Amalgamated Copper Oom pany kept the price of copper pee;ged at 17 cents a pound and not only lost to this country a large foreign market for copper bnt made the United States the dumping ground for considerable supplies of copper from abroad. A statement in the CHRONICLE of December 21 shows net exports of copper of only 28,299,324 lbs. in the ten months ending October 31 1901, against 208,423,535 the corresponding ten months of 1900 and 115,173,140 lbs. in the corresponding period of 1899. In Dacember the Amalgamated Copper Company was forced to abandon its policy, and the price of copper dropped from 17 cents to 13 cents. There were some indications at the close of the year, more particularly in the building trades, that high prices in other directions were beginning to act as a restriction upon enterprise. Nevertheless prosperity and activity continued domi, nant characteristics to the end. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RESULTS.  Transportation facilities were taxed to the utmost, and in the autumn a car shortage which has no par- · allel developed, some manufacturers at times being obliged to restrict operations, owing to the difficulty nf obtaining a sufficient supply of coal and coke. In November the makers of iron particularly suffered in t bat way, and the steel and other allied trades also were to an extent hampered by the same ca.nae. Aggregate bank clearings for all the bank clearing houses in the United States were 118,525 million dollars for the twelve months of 1901, against 86,205 millions for 1900, 94-, 178 millions for 1899; 68,931 for 1898, 57,321 for 1897 and 51,333 millions for 1896. The cotton goods trade, as nsnal, followed an independent and not entirely satisfactory course. With no considerab!e foreign outlet for our glods and with domestic consumption insufficient to take the full output of the mills, production had to be curtailed in the spring. In the summer the necessity of reducing wages was seriously pressed upon the consideration of the manufacturers at F~U River. At this time the opportune advance in the price of the ·raw material was availed of by Mr. Blrden to bid up the price of cloths, and simultaneously he announced an advance in the wages of the operat.i ves at his mills. The operatives at the other mills demanded the same increase, but did not strike when it was refused. Mr. Borden added still another 5 per cent. Again the operatives at the other mills asked for an increase, bnt again they refrained from striking when the demand was not granted. Mr. Borden's calculation of a curtailment of production in that way having miscarried, he promptly withdrew from his operatives both adv~nces of 5 per cent and the market dropped back into normal channels. Print cloths were 3¾ cents in January, from which there was a decline to 2¾ cents in May; June saw an improvement to 2¾ cents, but with the dissolution of the Fa.11 Wver Selling C.>mmittee in August some weakness again became manifest. It was then that Mr. Borden advanced wages and bid up prices. In October the quotation was np again to 3¼ cents. With a reversal of Mr. Borden'a pnlicy there came a sharp downward turn. The close D ~ce:nber 31st was at 3 cents. Ma.nufacturers made m rnh smaller profits than during 1900. In the CHRONICLE of November 30 we printed a tabula~ion showing that 35 companies at Fall Ri.ver d{stributed $l,16i,095 in dividends in 1901, against $1,-855,54:0 in 1900 and a~ainst $1,201,327 by 34: companies in 1899 and $461,700 in 1898. While-the cotton mill operatives did not strike, labor troubles were a feature of ~he year. The stri'ke of the steel workers at the mills of the United States Steel Corporation was the most prominent of these. It lasted from July 1 to September 15, and ended just as it was evident at the beginning it must end, namely in the complete defeat of the men, since no question of wages was involved and the only point at issue was whether the Amalgamated Association should be allowed to extend its authority over the non-union mills. The strike of the machinists throughout the country was of a diff~rent type. It was a demand for 1  12  RE fROSPECT.  a nine-hour day, but with the same pay as for the pre- was resumed.  vious ten hour day. It began in May and in July the men pretty generally had to acknowledge defeat in the various cities, though in Chicago the contest at the plant of the Allis- Chalmers Company was continued until the end of the year. On accou11t of the heat and drought, agricultural results were decidedly dieappointing. This applies not only to corn, where the yield per acre (though not the total crop) is reported smaller even than in that phenomenally bad year 1881, but also to many other agricultural products. The yield of potatoes, for instance, was only 59·9 bushels per acre, agaim1t 80·8 in 1900, and a ten-year average of 78·7 bushels. The corn crop is put no higher than 1,360 million bushels, agairst 2, H5 million bushels in 1900 and 2,078 million bushels in 1899. The oats crop, too, is short at 660 million bushels, against 809 million and 796 million respectively in 1900 and 1899. The cotton crop also may be smaller than in 1900. Fortunately the wheat crop, reaching its maturity earlier in the season, proved one of the very best ever harvested-about 676 million bushels, against 522 millions, 54:7 millions and 675 millions respectively in the three years preceding. As at the same time wheat prices, owing to a continuance of the foreign demand, were maintained at good figures, farmers had in the excellent results on this crop an important compensating advantage for the losses in other directions. Despite the crop shortage, which cut the corn exports the latter part of the year down to almost nothing and reduced the shipments of many other items of agricultural products, our foreign commerce was well maintained at the extraordinarily high figures of the previous year. There was a great shrinkage in the copper shipments, for the reasons already given. Our iron and steel exports also fell off, owing to the ind ustrial depression prevailing in so many of the European countries and particularly in Germany, and also to the fact that this depression led the German iron and steel makers to dispose of their wares at ·extremely low figures, while prices in this country were good, being governed by th~ ruling buoyancy and active home demand. Outside of the metal branches our manufacturing exports as a whole were not curtailed. The aggregate of our entire merchandise exports for the twelve months of 1901 was $1,465,380,91~, against '1,477,946,113 in the corresponding period of 1900. The merchandise imports not unnaturally increased, being f880,421,056 for 1901, against f829,149, 714 for 1900. Thus the excess of merchandise exports was extraordinarily large in both years, namely i584.,959,863 for the twelve months of 1901 and t648, 796,399 for the twelve months of 1900. In view of the size of the trade balance in favor of the United States, the course of our foreign exchange market was again decidedly mystifying. Rates for sterling were maintained at high figures nearly all through the year, yielding only occasionally when some special urgency in ·the monetary situation here made it desirable to retain funds for the time being in this country. An outflow of gold began promptly in January, and with the exception of February, August and September, larger or smaller amounts of gold were sent from this port to Europe every month of the year. In some of the months the shipments were very heavy. In September a temporary sharp break in rates brought some gold imports, but the movement was quickly arrested and the old course Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  The net a.mount of the gold exports to all countries from this port for the twelve months of 1901 was $48,698,979. The same ·feature, however, was observed in 1901 as in the yrar preceding, namely that while gold was flowing out from New York it was flowing in on the Pdcific Coast, coming from Australia., etc. Still, even with these imports on the Pdcific the movement for the whole country shows a net export of the metal for the twelve months to December 31 in the sum of $2,968,009this with a trade balance in favor of the United States on the merchandise movement in the extraordinary figure of *584,959,863. In partial explanation of this apparently anomalous situation, it should be stated that bankers and investors in this country took large amounts of the £60,000,000 new British loan brought out in April-or at least that portion of it (£30,000,000) which was offered for public subscription. It should not be forgotten either that the high figures to which prices advanced on our Stock Exchange were a great inducement for the return to this country of such American stocks as were still held abroad. It is also true that in the contest for control of Northern Pdcific, great blocks of the stock of that company held in Europe were pur• chased and brought home. Some American capital, as we know, likewise went into electrical railways and other enterprises in Europe.• In the previous year, in seeking to explain what became of the country's large trade balance, it was urged that much American capital was being employed in the European money markets in temporary loans. During 1901 it was not contended that such a sifoation existed. On the contrary, it was claimed that our bankers were borrowing rather than lending in Ea.rope. In the railroad world the developments during the year were of the highest impe>rtance. In the opening month Mr. J. P. Morgan purchased control of the Central Railro&d of New Jersey and turned it over to the Reading. With his previous purchase of the Pennsylvania Coal Company in the interest of the Erie, this meant the effective control of the anthracite trade. In February the Union Pacific interests, represented by the Harriman-Kuhn, Loeb & Oo. people, who already held control of the Chicago & Alton, the Kansas City Southern and other roads., made a master-stroke in acquiring the Southern Pacific. The same month Missouri Pacific interests acquired control of the Denver & Rio Grande, which latter subsequently absorbed the Rio Grande Western. In April Gould interests likewise acquired the Wheeling & Lake Erie. In April also the Chicago Burlington & Quincy was acquired in the joint interest of the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern, after an unsuccessful attempt had been made to acquire the Milwaukee & St. Paul road. The contest for control of Northern Pacific between Union Pacific and the Great Northern interests, to which this move gave rise in May, is too recent to need extended mention. The up3hot of the matter waa the organiza.tion in November of the Northern Securities Company with H00,000,000 capital to acquire ownership of both the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific. Among some of the other events of the year may be mentioned the absorption by the St. Louis & San E'rancisco of the Kansas City Fort Scott & Memphis and the Kansas City Memphis & Birmingham, and the acquisition in the same interest of the Mexican Central and the Monterey & Mexican Gulf;  RETROSPECT. LUd pur0ha~ .., uy a i:s_y.11u1C1:Ht, reprnstmtit,d DJ ~ c-'dJ vJ..' u:. Co. of the Mexican Natfonal and the Mexican International; the taking over by the Southern Rail way of the Mobile & Ohio, &c. On the Stock Exchange the year will be memorable for a very rampant speculation. Up to the time of the May panic there seemed to be no limit to the volume of business or the upward flight of prices. A record total of two million shares a day · was reached, only to be succeeded a little while after· by sales ot three mill:on shares a day. For the month of Ap ril the recorded se.les were 41,719,086 shares, which compares with 54,654,096 shares for the full year 1896. Up to this time it was literally true that a man might get' rich over night, for the movement of prices was in only one direction-upward-and shares bought one day were almost certain to show a large profit the very next. The numerous purchases for control, as noted above, by powerful interesta, were of course one of the principal elements in the upward movement. The panic occurred to put an end to this uncontrolled speculation. The collapse in prices was the worst ever witnessed, but fortunately the recovery was equally rapid. The corner in Northern Pacific, which devel oped at the same timA, advanced the price of the common stock, as already stated, to 700 regular and to 1000 for cash. On what a sea.le the buying orders were conducted may be judged from the fa.ct that this was a corner in a stock amounting to $80,000,000. After the panic the market h9.d many depressing nfluences to contend against-the crop shortage, the steel strike,the assassination of the President, and the break in Amalgamated Copper. This kept it more or less unsettled, and of course speculation was not again ronewed on the old scale; but such weakness as these successive occurrences occasioned was temporary, quickly followed-as far as the general list was concerned-by recovery, and the general tone re• mained strong to the end. The fluctuations for the year are shown in the extensive tables on subsequent pages, and it ia a noteworthy fact that in large numbers of cases the high points of the year were made subsequent to May. This indicates that aa concerns many special stocks the upward movement was resumed after the panic. Nor were the low figures of the year by any means recorded in all instances during the panic; violent though the break was during said collapse, it wae not sufficient to carry prices back for every stock to the figures from which the upward movement started early in the year. Aggregate stock sales on the New York Stock Exchange for the twelve months were 265,94:4,659 shares, which compares with 138,380,184 shares in 1900, 176,421,135 shares in 1899, 112,699,957 shares in 1898, 77,324,172 shares in 1897 and 54-,654,096 in 1896. Stock Exchange memberships advanced from about $49,500 to tB0,000.  SALES AT THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SINCE 1884. Railroad and Railroad and Government State Misct:111 a neous Mis<>ellaneoui:1 .Bonds. Bonds. Bonds. Stocks.*  I  -  1 885 .••. 1 886 . ••. 1 887 .••. 1 888 .•. 1 889 .•. 1 890 . .•. 1 891. ••. 1 892 ..•. l 893 ..•. 1 894 .... 1 895 .... 1 896 . ... 1 897 . •.. 898 ..•. 1 899 ... . 1 QOO • • •• 1 901. ...  ,  Shares. 92,538,947 100,802,050 84,914,616 65,179,106 72,014,600 71,282,885 69,031 ,689 85,875,092 80,977.839 49,075,032 66,583,232 54,654,096 77,324,172 112,699,957 176,421,135 138,3~0,184 265,944,659  $  660,659,400 587,237,500 347,127,330 345,914,057 398,825,425 401,829,220 383,715,000 485,857,400 351,854,450 339,9 50,250 499,758,080 363,158,820 529,843,960 P88,747,.630 826,711,400 569,11'>9,000 994,:!35 ,400  ------$  15,261,200 12,793,500 7,110,400 6,573,700 3,698,850 2,625,500 1,460,800 1,729,100 2,143,250 4,345,HI0 7,480,250 26,494,150 10,394,950 24,581,980 10,!'i82,1 ► 0  7,012,080 l,~92 ,670  --$  14,678,051 20,394,410 15,306,805 5,188,280 5,932,350 4,870,400 3,475,100 4,793,950 3,792,800 10,929,900 5,583,200 2,284,000 2,004.950 3,6t2,7(10 2,013,200 2,082,200 2 ,502,800  * This includes all stocks (axcept hank i;.tocks) and also trust certifl· cates. &c.. soltl in the "unlisted'' department, except petroleum certifl·  oates sold by barre1s. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  13  In the table which follows we show the range of prices for the year, as well as the year's opening and clos' prices, in the case of all the more prominent stocks. We have arrange·d the roads in groups accord ing to their location or the character of their business RANGE OF LEADING STOCKS IN 1901. Upen• ing,  --------- --  Lowest.  Trunk LinesBaltimore & Ohio .... 84!\ 81:\i Jan. Boston & Albany .•• . 2!'14 251 Jan. 7 C11,naol'I, Southern ... /'1418 Jan. 58 f '76 Cle.Cin. Chic & St. L. 73 May 27 Erie ......... . ...... 24lgMay N. Y. Cent. & Hnd11on 145.l,i 13938 Jan. N.Y.Chtc. &St.Louis 24½ 16 May Penns) lvania ....•... 150 137 May 12 Wabash ............. llle Jan. Coal Road11Central New Jnsey . . 14714 14534 Jan. Del. Lack. & Western 193~ 188 14 Jan. 1331,i 10:'o May Dela.ware & Hudson 296@ Lehi~h Valley .. 28~ Jan. N. Y. Ont. & West'n. 24 May 321a Re-adinp; ............ 25¾ 24¼ Jan. West'n and Pacific91 l\ Canadian Pacilio .... 87 May Obie. Great Western 16 Jan 171a 147½ 134 May Uh1c. Mil. & St. Paul C11ic. & North West'n 17:l 16· 1aJan. Chic. R. I. & Pacifi<' .. 121 7e 1167a Jan. 33¾ Denv. & l<io Grande 29¼ Jan. Great N, rthern pr-er .. 11-9¾ 167¼ May Uli11ois Central ...... 13214 1?4 May i-5 Northern Pal'ific .... . 7714 .Tan. 8K Do do pref. 8414 Jan. Southern Pac.Comp':, :l9 ]\fay Union Pacific ........ 76 May ~2 14 Southwi>stern4fl14 42 14 Jan. Atoll. Top. & San Fe. ln Jan. 16~ Mo. Kan. & Texas ... 69 Jan. Missouri P1101fic ...... 21½ .Tan. ~t. Louis & San Fran. 16 May 1814 Bt. Louis Southwest. 261g 2:i14 Jan. Texas & Pacitlc ..... Southern Roads4234 Cht-sapB11ke & Obio 29 May 76 May Louisville & Nashv . . 88 7 8 43l!i; 42 Jan. Norfolk & Western ... ~238 18 Jan. Southern Ry ......... 72lrta 6714 Jan. Do pref ... Miscellaneou1160¼ Dec. 9414 Amalgamat'd Copper 2214 Amer. Car & Found .. 19 Jan. ~4 Mar. ~1118 A.mer. Cotton Oil .... 54½1 8melt. & Rer'g 3>-¼ Oct. 10318 Dec. Amer. Su~ar......... 147 99 May A.mer. Tobacc.o ....... ll3l\i 4R1t 28 14 Dec. Anaconda Copper1f . . R7 5;,, 78 Oct. Brook'n Rap . Trans. 4134 ,Jan. 55¼ Colorado Fuel & Iron General Electric . ... . 192~ 183¼Jan. 181gMay Internattoual Paper. 2518 Manhattan Elevated 116 83 May 150 May Metropolitan Stre et. 173 l!"i 18 National Lead .....•. 801g May 42 Pacific Mail SS ...... . Peopl.GasL &C.,Chic 1063s 95:\i Jan. 51¼ Pressed Steel Car ... . 30 Mar. 11~ Sept. Repub. Iron & Steel. 165s Tenn. Coal Iron & Ry. 493s Mar. 6514 ?~May 143f U.S. Leather..•...... 121g Oct. U.S. Rubber ..... .... 29l\t. 24 May U. s. Steel Corpora'n a433..i, Do 6~ May do pref. a93 RH:\i Western Union Tel 81 Jan. ,r Dollars pn ><hare. a First sale was "corni>red;" RaleR for "cash" were made sale of year Sept. 12.  ..,,:  OlOS· ing.  Highest.  -· -----, ll4lg 265 ~9 101 4!'\½ 174¼  May Apr. Nov. Nov. June Nov. f,77 Sept. 161½ Apr. ~6 June  4 3 4  9 9 21 9 9 3 4  3 9 24 9  ii  3 106 1215 261 25 x86 8 9 .. ¼ 4 43 lg 25 xl67 ¼. 2>1 50¼ 22 lf>0½ 3 22 lg  19615@ Dec. 30 195 258 Dec. 31 ~57 lg 3 17~ 1>-51'.i Apr. ] 37lg 3' :JsMay 1 35 14 40¼ May 58 Dec. 30 57 ] 171g ]\fay  7 113 3s 27 Nov. l1 241a ]tj8 May b lfi5lg 1 20ti 215 May 17514 .Jmie 5 153 7a f>3¼ May 6 44f>s 208 Mar. l:'o 184. 12 15434 .June 29 139 b700 l\fay 9 Cl22½ 1101a ll3¼ May 63l!i; ,Tnue 5 6 11 ¼ 133 May 2 10318  ·!1 21 9 9  21 21 l-  9 21 1 "2  ~~~I  4 4  9  3 9 ~  10  n  21  9 ' June :~n3a Apt·. 124½ ,Jttne f>6½i D ec. 39 ½, Apr. 02¼ May 525s May lll ¾ JWle 61 ~ Nov. .3fi34 June 9458 Nov.  '  FO¼,  20 26 14 10558 1~ Ni5s :: 0 2719 39'8 3 471a 17 106 7a 25 57:\i 3 341a 27 93 7a  •1  130 June 17 f'9lg 3!'1 June 14 300s 3512 June 17 33 I !.J Apr. 20 ~:'\1'l 1/\3 June 3 116 7e 146tg Oot. 23 138 54 14 Apr. 16 ?058fl8 7a Apr. 22 6514 1361g June 17 883s 6x282 289:\i Dec. 2R Mar. 221 21 145 Dec. 5 13714 177 June 24 161 llfl¼ June 12 HI~ 491g Nov. 11 45 1 ?012 June 21 104 52 Jan. 2 40lli 24 June 17 151le, 765s June 18 6414 2,, 12 1611s May 34 Jan. 14 55 Apr. 30 43 101 7a Apr. 30 933s 10014 May 6 92 Ile-  17 21 8  7 24 ~  2·3 7 21  JO 10  9 9  h 9  21 7 13 7 9 4 9 9  21  made March 28. b Stock as high as 1,000. c Last  Below we bring together some general statistics for 1901 and 1900, affording an interesting contrast .be-  tween the two years. GENERAL SUMMARY FOR TWO YEARS.  1901.  --  1900.  Coin and currency in U.S. Dec. 31..$ 2,544,446,893 2,449,021,001 Bank clearings in United States ...•. $ 118.525,834,548 86,20"-,6~8,68:J Business failures .....••. ...•. ... . .... $ 138,495,673 113,092,376 Sales at N. Y. Stock Exchange,shares. 138,380,184. 265,944,659 Grain and fl.our at Prod. Exch'e,bush. 869,516,075 1,095,532,330 Imports of merchandise (12 mos.) .. $ 829,149,714 880,421,056 Exports of merchandise (12 mos.) .. $ 1,465,380,919 1,477,946,11 3, Net exports of gold (12 mos.) ..... •. $ b 12,614,461 2,968,009 Gross earnings 157 roads (12 mos.).$ 1,-l95,915,40tl 1,352,897,605 Railroad constructed ... .... ..... miles. 4,157 ~st. 4,750 Wheat raised .... .•. ~ ..••...•.. bushels. 522,229,lW5 676,760,000 Corn r aised .. ........••....••.. bushels. 1,360,000,000 2,105,102,516809,125,989' Oats raised .....•.....••....••• buRhels. 660,000,000 10,425,141 Cotton r aised .....•••...•••...••. bales. 11) Pig iron produced. (tons of 2,240 lbs.) 13,789,242 15,878,354 2,383,654 Steel rails,Bessemer(tons of 2,240 lbs) est. 2,600,000 Anthracite coal. .. (tons of 2,240 l bs.) 45,i.07,486 53,568,601 t35,iP9,582 Petroleum (runs) production .... bbls. t32,946,115 4.72,126 Immigration into U. 8 ..• . .•••...•. No. a 48t>,025 9,657,313 sal es (yr.end'~June30)acreR 10,797,753 t The ~e are the old Pipe Line runs; the Buckeye rllils were 18,570,768 in 1901 and 18,229,~70 bbls. in 1900. a For eleven months only. b Net imports.  JANUARY. -Current Events. -The great speculation which distinguished the closing weeks of 1900, as the result of the defeat of Bryanism, attained still further development. The purchase by Mr. J.P. Morgan of the Central Railroad of New Jersey in the interest of the Reading Company proved an additional stimulating agency. Thi~, following so quickly upon the purchase.of the Pennsylvania Coa~ ~ompany, was accepted as meanmg the complete harmomzmg of the an-  1.4-  RETROSPEC r.  rthracite coal interests, and also regarded as a prelude to other combinations in the railroad and indu-;trial world. A memorable event during the month wa.8 the deatti of Queen Victoria on the 22d. after an illne!:>s of only a fpw days. The QuPen had reigned so Jong (oYer sixty three years) and was so universally re~pe<'ted, her death eYoked expressions of regret .and sorrow which have bad f Pw, if any, µarallels in the history of nations. Our Stock Exchange, Produce Exchange, Cotton Exchange, the leading Southern Exchanges, the Cb1 cago Board of Trade and the Philadelphia and Boston ::::!tock Exchanges, besides many others, were closed on the day of -the funeral (Feb. 2), and other unusual tributes wPre paid to her memory. ShP was ~ucceeded by the Prince of Wales, who took the title of Edward the Seventh. A corner in the January option for cotton on the New York Lotton Exchange -carried the price of this option in one hour on the 28th up from 10·30 cents to 12·,5 cents. Spot cotton (m1dnling upland) advanced to 12 cents (from 10.% cents on tbe 26th), but on Jan. 31 dropoed to 11 cents and on Jfeb . 1 to 10 cents. These fluctuations furthPr unsettled the dry goods trade, though a purchase of 150,000 pieces of print cloth at Fall River at the full price of 3;'/i cents per yard was rt-ported. Sharp declines occurred abroad 'in metal prices: in tbH: country the price of billets was advanced from SW 75 to $22. For the tirst 11me in the history of the tea trade dealings in tea for future delivery were begun on Jan 21-at the New York , ·offee Exchange. In the U. ~- Senate the Committee on Fmance on the 24th reported a substitute for the War Revenue Reduction bill which had passed the House of Representatives the previous month. Following the suspension of the London & Globe Finance Corporation, Ltd., on Dec. 29, the Bank of England on the 3d advanced its discount rate from J to 5 r er -cent: later the monetary tension in Londop relaxed. The federation of the Australian colonies became effective Jan. J. inaugurating a new united commonwealth. It was announced that the India Government had accepted the Indian Currency Committee's prooosal of 1898, providing that tbe profit on the coinage of rupees be kept in gold as a special reserve, •entirely separate from the paper currency reserve or ordinary treasury balances. The order became effective in April. A portion of a 40,000,000 marks 3 per cent Joa ,, of the Kingdorn of 8axony was placed here- see CHRONICLE of Jan. 2e, p. 163 Railroad Ev•ntx and ,t, .ck lf..xchat1(.,~ Matte1 s. -~peculation on the Stock Exchange attained extraordinary proportions, €Clipsing all previous records. The stock sale8 reached '30, 285,05'l shares, being the largest t .,tal up to that 1ime of any month of any year, and. comparing with 24,251,983 shan·s in Jan., 1899, the previous maximum. The movement culminated, however, for the time being in these extraoedinary transactions. 'I be climax may be said to have come soon a Iter the announcement of the purchase of the ( ·entral of New J t'rsey by Mr. J.P. Morgan. At the beginning of the month rumors of all sorts of combinations among the railroads were .afloat. In particular it was very positively statf:d that the Ut. Northern , the Northern Pacific and the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul were about to be united. On Friday the 4th Mil waukee & ~t. Paul common stock suddenly moved up from 145 to 158;,~ (the 11ext day it advanced to 162), and dealings in all the active properties were on an enormous scale. On ~aturday the 5th the announcement came that Mr. i\Iorgan had bought the Central of New Jersey (the price it subsequently appeared wa s 160) and turned it over to the Reading . bpeculation then ran wild and the fluctuations were exceed ingly wid.... The sales for the two hours tSat urday being a half holiday) ai;!'gregated l.15~,793 :5ha.res. a totai never ap proached on any predt,us Sa.tu,day half day. The follow111g Monday. the ';th, the n-<·ordPd tranF-actions passed the two million mark, rPaebing 2,1~7.J03 ~hc1res. After the urh the sales frequently dropped belov;: a 1mllion shares a day. Pri<'e ➔ at the same timP sharµly reai:ted. From 162 on th e 5th '.\lil waukee & St. Paul common by the 21st got down to 142}~: the close on the '3 1 st wc:1s at 151½, ~p . . ciat stocks, howP.vPr. pursued an jndepe11dent Cl>Ur~e. DP la ware & Hudson, on an increase in the 01vidend from ,5 p. c. per annum to 7 p. <'., r c!-e from 126½ on the iJj to 162¾ on the 2, h. The rett.ction in the general market followed in part because of the great weako1-ss of the iron and steel sh.ares which were adversely affected by the arn10uncement that the Carnegie Company intended to erect a plant for the manufacture of rnnchant pipe (one of the products of tbe National rube Company) and otherwise enter into active compi-tition with the steel concerns. National Tube common sold down to 53~-~ on the ]4th. ag.-dmt ,-;-u on the 2d . Federal :-3teel corn. fe!I t'rom MJ on the 2d to 41 on the 29th, and American ~tee! & Wire com. from 47;~ on the 2d 10 li8 on the 21st. ~ome rt1r,overyensued when it appeared that negotil'ltions were pending for avert ing the threatened trouble. The latter part of the month the tone was again srrong, influenc d by r1n n.ctive speculation at hi~her prices in the G<~uld ~hares and otlwr :-:outhwe~tern properties- '\'l is,ouri Paci fie. St. Louis ..:.nut Ji wP~tern, l\Iissouri Kansas & Texr1s, the Wabashe!-. t-t1·. )lobile & Ohio i:-t.ock advanced from 44 ,Jan. 21 to l.'i9;8 .Ja11. 3 I : on the latter elate the :--ouLhern Hailway issued a. c1rnul;.1r gi\·ing the terms agreed up011 for taking OYt'rthernad . Loui~ville & ~ashdlte increasea its semi-atnual dividend from 2 p. c. to 2~~ p. c. ~av. Fla. &- Western paid 4, against 1½ in Jan .. 1900. The Pere Marquette began dividends on its preferred shares. declaring 4 p. c. The New York Philadelphia & Norfolk annou ced its fii'st dividend, namely 2 p. c. The annual paymen 0n Texas Central preferred stock wa~ increasPd 1o !'> p. c. The Buff. Roch. & Pittsburg began on its com. ~tock. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  declaring 2 p. c. New York Chic. & Rt. Louis began on its second pref. shares. declaring 2 p. c The quarterly dividend on Pressed Steel com. was reduced to the basis of 4 p. c. µer annum, against 6 in 1900. The.dividend on Tenn. Coal Iron & RR. com. was passed. Action on the American ~tee] & Wire com. dividend was deferred until March. The United ~tatt>s Rubber Co. reduced tbe quartt>rly dividend on its pref. stock from 2 p. c. to 1 p. c. ,\!organ Drexel intere::,tR acqmred an additional block of Lehigh Valley Rtock. Burlington & Quincy offered 10 p. c. of new stock (about $10,000,000) at par to shareholders of record Feb. 7- see · HRONICLE Jan. 19. p. 1::rn. 'J he Erie RR. Co. announced the issue of $32,000.000 4 p. c. collateral trust bonds and $5,000,000 of new first preferred stock to finance the Pennsylvania Coal pur · chase, etc., 34,001 1,000 more bonds being held in reserve for irn provements. The American Smelti og & Refining- Co. arrangPu to incrPase its stock from $65 000.000 to $100.000,000, in order to purcl1ase the busmess of 1\1. Guggenheimer & ~ons. The stock of the North American Co. was reduced from $f0.000,000 to $12,000, 1 00 by a proportionate reduction of the share holdings. Tlle Reading Compauy arranged to issue $23,000,000 collateral trust 4s (part of a total issue of $45,000.000) to provide in part for tl1e cost of the purchase of Central ~ew Jersev sb,m,'s: the bonds wne offered for sale the next month by J.P. ~Corgan & Co. The Mon~y .Morket - Growmg characterized the money maTket during January. notwithstanding the , gold outflow to Europe. l urrency came back from the interior in large volumP. besides which ca8h iu Sub-Treasuries was reduced $6,7 3 781 during the month. The money holdings of the Clearing House banks rose from t225,Ui3,200 Dec. 29, 1900, to 5,~67,308.200 Feb. 2, 1901: the surplus reserve increased from 511.525.900 Oec. ~9 to 30,'i9ll.450 Jan. 26. but fell the next week (owing to a great expansion in the deposits) to $2 1,838,825. Loans increased in tho fivf weeks from 5-;-96.457.200 to $871,808.200, and deposits from S-15~, lt-9.200 to $909,917,500. This striking expansion was ascribed to the activity of Stock Exchange speculation, and to the financing of a number of very large undertakings, among them the Pennsylvania Coal deal, the Central of New Jersey deal, together with prepa• rations for the transfer to new parties of the cootrol of the Southern Pacific, this lattn purchase being announced on Friday, Feb. 1. Money rates steadily declined. On call at the Stock E:xchange the rate touched 6 per cent the fir t two days of the month, incident to tbe large 1st of January pay ments, but thereafter the highest figure was 5, an<) by Jan. 31 the quotation was 1¾@2. At banks call Joans at the close were obtainable at 2 per cent. while time loans were 3 for thirty to sixty days, B@3½ for ninety days to five months and o½ for six moo tbs. For commercial paper the prices Jan. 3 L were 3 · 3½ tor sixty to ninety day endorsed bills receivab1e, 3~-~@4 for prime four to six months single names and 5 for go.:> d single names . P'. reg,, trxchonge, Silver.&c.-Foreign exchange advanced throughout the month, and with money easy tiere and m active demand in London an outflow of gold to Europe occurred. The Bank of England. after havmg avoided an advance in its discount rate in December, was obliged on the 3u to advance its minimum from 4 to 5 per cent, being the tirst change since the previous July. The monetary tension aTismg out of the suspension Dec. 29 of the London & Globe Finance Corpon1tion. Ltd., beems to have been the main occasi on for this step. ln the open market London discounts of sixty to ninety day bank bills were 4½ per cent, but subsequently there was a decline to 4@4 % . The Bank of England gained heavily in bullion during the month. gold coming back in large amounts from internal circulation. There was scarcely aoy recession in exchange. and ,Jan. 31 rates on actual busine::,s for sixty-day bills wPre 4 84¼@4 84½, against 4 81~-f@4 81¾ Dec. 31; for sight 4 88 · 4 88:!,,4 , agamst 4 85~-2<!!4 85%,, and for cable tran::ifers 4 8~¾@4 8~, a~ainst 4 8004 86¾, The first sh•pment of gold wat- made on Thurs day the l'ith and further amouotl'l went on the 24th and the 31st: altogether $8,095,829 was sent from New York, all to Paris. At the Contineulal centre,.; easier n. onetary conditions developed, and discounts of bank bills at Berlin and Frankfort dropped to8¼<~i3%, against 4¼(a4.% Dec. 31. At Paris the rate Jan. cl was 2J 8(q3 and at London_ as already :-tated, 1t was 4,,74~'/i- In silver there was a sharp decline. From ~9 9-16d. Dec. 31 the price in London dropped to 27¾d. Jan. 3t1, nor withstandine- stl:'ady purchases by the India Go ,·ermuent. '_:_'he cJuse Jan. 3 L was at 27 15-16d. FEBRUARY. C11.r1·P1d Even t,<i.-In this month for the Jirst time th e deposits of the New York Clearing House tanks reached a thousaotl million dollars, the statPment for February 16 n:cording a total of $1,011.321-1,000. For the first time also in the countr, 's hi~ton a thow-and-million-dollar corporation was flo,itec1. The~ two. though not related evP11t:;:, wt>re indications of the financial strength as well as the iudustrial progress and development of the United ~tates. 'J 11e uew company was the work of Mr. J.P. Mor gan . To avert <lestructive competition m the iron and steel l rndes Mr. Morgan's house undertook to unite under a single control the leading iron and steel cornpanil:'.s in the country . The United Hates :-teel Corporation was organiz--d with an original authorized capi al of 1,154 m1111on dollars (42,i millions c~ommon sto<·k. 425 millions prelnred and 304 1111llions boodsJ, but its ~cope w11s furthtr enlarged the ue:xt month The new company ab~orbPd tlte Carnegie Cumpany (the whole of the 304 m11liont-i of bonds Leing used  )  RETROSPECT. to acquire the bonds of that company a.nd 60 per cent of its stock), the Federal ~teel Company, the National Tube Company, the American Steel & WirA Company, the National ~teel Company, the American Tin Plate Company, the American oteel Hoop Company and the American Sheet Steel Company. The list was mcreased by t'wo other large companies the next month. The undertaking involved a guaranty syndicate of $200,000,000. In the railroad world, too. important further unifications of large interests occurred. The most notable of these was the announcement on the 1st of the month that Union Pacific parties had bought control of the Southern Pacific. The iron trade continued buoyant. The cotton goods trade remained unsatis factory. At a meeting of the ~outhern Cotton Spinners' Association at Charlotte, N. C .. on the t6th, it was voted to reduce the production of cotton yarns for f ,;ur months beginning March J. The price of print cloths at Fall River was marked down from 3½ to 3 cents. Middling upland cotton in New York was 9¼ cents Feb. 28, against 10 Feb. 1. The United States fenate on the 6th passed with some amendments the War Reven ue Reduction b11l reported by the Fina.nee Committee; on the 28th both Houses of Congress adopted the conference report on the measure. The • authorities at Washington having under the Dingley Tariff PJ. ct placed countervail mg duties upon a cargo of beet suµar coming from Russia to offset supposed bounties grnnted to sugar producers in that count1y, the Rmsian GovernrnelJt directed that, beginning ,¥J arch 1, the tariff dut,y upon a long list of manufactured articles exported from the United ;::,tates be increased 30 per cent. Congress passed a bill providing for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at :O:t. Louis in 1903, and makiog an appropriation of $5,000,000 for the rnme. The Pacific Mail steamer City of Rio de Janeiro ran on a hidd en rock during a dense fo~ while entering the Golden Gate on the morning of Feb. 22, resulting in the loss of the steamer and of considerably over a hundred lives. Mfssrs. Knauth, Nachod & Kuh11e plaeed $1,000,000 4 per cent bonds of the Republic of :::lwitzerland (part of an is~ue of $15,l·00,000) in this country. .H.ailroaa Events and ~tock Excha'1tge .21:fu tters.-The projected combination of the iron and steel properties was the most potent influence on the :::,tock Exchange during February. Early in the month, when it appea1ed that the ob stacles to such a combination bad been overcome, great act1v1ty and buoyancy developed. Later the market halted and often displayed weakness, awaiting 'details of the scheme, since in the case of the companies to be absorbed so much depended upon the terms upon which the shares were to be exchanged. It was not until the 26th that these terms became known. The figures in many instances varied grt-atly from current estimates, making a readjustment of , .:,tock .1£xchange values of the various companies necessary. !:-ome wide and errauc fluctuations resulted as a consequence, and the month closed with the iron and steel stocks showing considerable declines. Federal Rteel common closed at 43 Feb. 28, after having sold at 55~4' Feb. 7. and opened· 44½ Feb. l; American :;teel & Wire common closed at 38¼ Feb. 28, after having sold at 5,1½ Ft-b. 11 and opened at 44% Feb. 1; and National Tube common closed at 51½, after having sold at 70½ Feb. 6 and opened at 59 Feb . 1. The course of railroad stocks was much the same, though the fluctuations were not so wide, and many stocks moved in independent paths, establishing furtoer marked advances. Delaware & Hudson, after a ' decline to 151, rose to 174~,.( on the 18th on unfounded rumors of a ]easa to New York Central. General Electric advanced from 190½ Feb. 1 to 218 Feb. 20. The share sales for the month reached 21,902.822 shares. As stated above, tbe Union Pa cific RR. acquired control (buying between 70 and 80 millions stock) of the Southern Pacific; an issue of 100 millions convertible 4s was created to pay for this and oth~r purchases and to he offered to Un10n Pacific stockholders at par. The bonds were listed the latter parL of May. E. H . Harriman purchased the large German holdings of Chicago Terminal Transfer RR stock, placing him and his associates in control. The organization of the Railroad t->e curities Company by parties identified with the Chicago & Alton, Union Pacific, Kansas City Southern, etc., was also announced; the new company had at that time bought $8,000.000 ll1ino1s Central stock, and was to make other pur chases of high class shares. Missouri Pacific interests ac quired considerable Denver & Rio Grande stock, and George J. Gould entered the directory of the company. An attempt was made in the courts to enjoin the carrying out by the Ene RR of the purchase of the Pennsy 1vania Coal Company, but failed. The semi-annual dividend on Reading 1st pref. wa-1 increased from l ½ to 2 per cent, that on St. Louis & Ran Frar1cisco 2d pret. from 1 to 1 ½, while the Kansas City Fort t:cott & Gulf declared 4 on common, being the first d1vidend si - ce 1891. Tbe Baltimore & Ohio RR. offered to its shareholders at par $15,000,000 of 4 per cent convertible debentures, issued for construction and improvements. In pursuance of an arbitration tbe holJings of Thomas F. Ryan in the constituent properties of the t>eaboard Air Line sys tern were transferred to President John Skelton Williams, thus ending litigation with regard to the consolidation. A controlling interest in the Kansas City Fort Scott & Mem phis and the Kansas City Memphis & Birmingham was sold to parties identified with the ~t. Louis & San Francisco. 1 h,,_ .Moru-y Mork,t.-Surplus reserve of the New York ClE-aring House banks sharply declined, mainly owing to Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  15  the growth jn deposits, which Feb. 16 pa!'sPd the 1,000-million mark, and March 2 were $ ,012,f,14,000. The money holding fluctuated considerably, but March 2 were $267,929,600, against $267.318.200 Feb. 2. Rurplus reserves were $24,838,825 Feb. 2, $12.~52,450 Feb. 16 and $14,801.100 March 2. There was >t further large increase in loans. these being $914,209,400 March 2, agarnst $871,808,200 Feb. 2. No im• portant change in money rates occurred. On call at theStock Exchange rates Feb. 28 were 1½@2, and banks and trust companies quoted 2 p. c .: on time rate rates were 3 p. c .. for sixty days to four month<, and 3½ for five to six months. Commercial paper was 3~.{ at the close for double names, 3¾@4~4' for prime and 4½@5 for good single names. Foreign. ExchangP, Silve", Etc.-Foreign exchange was decidedly irregular. but with the tendency of prices down ward under lower discounts in London: the Bank of England reduced its minimum from 5 to 4½ on the 7th and to 4on the 21st. Its bullion holdings were further largely in creased. The Bank of Germany reduced from 5 to 4½ on the 26th and the Bank of Austro-Hungary from 4½ to 4 on the28th. Tbere were no more exports of gold to Europe. Rterling further advanced early rn the m nth, and Feb. 4 rates. were 4 84¾@4 85 for sixty day bills, 4 88 ¼;@4 88½ for sight and 4 89@4 89¼ for cable transfers. After that there were successive ups and downs at short intervals. The low point was reached on the 18th and again on the 20th, when thefigures were respectively 4 80¾114 84, 4 87@4 87¼ and 4 87¾ @4 88 for the three classes of bills. The close on the 28th was at one-half cent advance from these figures. Open market discounts in London declined to 3%a.t3¾ per cent, but recovered to 3¾(a3,%, .At Paris there was a decline to, 2¼@2% and recovery to 2%@2½, while at Berlin and Frankfort the rate advanc~d to 3½@3,%. Some recoverv occurred in silver, and the price closed at 28 3-16d, Feb. 28 ► against 27 15-16d. Jan. 31.  MARCH.-Cur · ent Events.-Mr. J. P. Morgan's effort!'; to establish the United 8tates Steel Corpor , tion met a degree of succe~s rarely attained in undertakings of' large magnitude. On the 20th, when the time for the deposit of the shares of the constituent companies expired, the smallest percentage of deposits in any case was 92, running from that up to 99. An extension of time havi (i g been granted up to and includin·g April 1, the lowest pecentagethen was 96¾, Arrangements were also made to -take in the American Bridge Co. and the Lake Superior Consolidated Mines Co. The authorized stock of the U. S. :--teel Corporation was increased from $42!5,000,000 com. and $425,000,00() pref. to $550,000,000 of each class, or 1.100 millions together, the bond issue remaining at $304,000,000. President McKinley was on the 4th inaugurated for another term of four years . and re-appointed all the members of his old Cabmet, but Attorney-General John W. Griggs rttained his office only temp@rarily, and was succeeded ou the 5th of April by Philander Chase Knox. The War RPvenue Reduction Bill (estimatPd to reduce Government revenues about 40 million dollars) became a law with the President's approval on the 2d. Except in minor particulars its provisions did not go into pffect until July 1. Government revenues largely exceeded disbursements, and cash in sub-treasuries increased $13,883,035 in March on top of $7,838,140 increase in February. Abroad there were a number of · disturbing affairs . Expectations of the early close of .the South African war were disappointed owing to the failure of the Boer General Botha to accept the terms of surrender offered by Lo1·d Kitchener; mueh anxiety was also occasioned at one time in European political circles by a threatened collision between the Russian and English troops at Tien-Tsin in l hina, because of a dispute concernin~ a piece of land; news came on the 21st that the trouble had been smoothed over through diplomatic channels by the joint withdrawal of English imd Russian troops from the d1sputed territory. Owing to these· events the English financial markets were very much unsettled, and British consols declined from 97 9-16 Feb. 28" to 95½ March 25, closing Saturday, March 30, at 95 9-16. A highly important favorable development in the Philippine Islands was the capture, through a clever piece of strate2y, of Aguinaldo, the Jeader of the Filipino insurgents, by Gen. Funston of the United States forces. The cotton goods. trade contiuued unsatisfactory. The price of middling upland cotton in New York declined from 1l¼ cents Feb. 28 to 8 1-16 cents March 27, closing Mar0h 30 at 8 3-16. Print cloths were reduced from 3 cents to ~ ½; the Fall River mills agreed to curtail production. The iron and steel trades remained buoyant, with further sharp advances in prices. ~ome talk of another strike in the anthracite regions was heard, as the six months for which the 10 p. c. advance in wages had been made the previous October was to ~xpire in April, but all likelihood of trouble was· avoided by the action of the companies in announcing, one after another, that the advance in wages would be c@ntinued for a year from April 1; tbe officials of the United Mine Workers came to New York threatening a strike anyway, unless their organization was recognized, but finally were obliged to drop their demand. Notwithstanding the continuance of the 8outh African war, tbe news came that permission had been given to resume gold-mining operations (which had been buspended since the outbreak of the war) at some of the mines at Johannesburg. Amendments were incorporated in the Army ..:.\.ppropriation Bill conferring upon the President  16  RE fROSPEOT.  certain wide but needful powers in connection with the government of the Philippines, and also specifying the de::;ires of the United States as to this country 's future relations with Cuba. The British Government refusFd to accept the Senate amendments to the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, and that particular treaty failed; another was agreed on later. President McKinley issued an e:c;ecuti ve order abohshing the Cuban export duty on tobacco from April 1. Lazard, Speyer-Ellisen of Frankfort, Germany, took a 3½ p. c. municipal loan of Frankfort for 15,000,000 marks (about $3,750,000) for re-sale in the United Stateg through Speyer & Co. of this city. F . J. Lisman & Co. offered $3,700,000 (part of an issue of $12,500,000) of city of Dresden, :--axony, 4 p. c. bonds. New laws enlarging the investment field of the -savmgs banks were passed in this and the followmg month in New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. (Ree CHRO~ICLE April 20, page 752, and May 4, page 850.) Bills taxing trust companies 1 p. c. annualJy on their capital, surplus and undivided profits, imposing a tax of 1 p. c. on the gross amount of premiums received by insurance •companies on business done within the .. tate, and 1 p. c. on the par value of the surplus and undivided earnings of savings banks, were signed by Governor Odell at Albany. These were followed in April by a bill taxing bank shares 1 p. c. upon capital, surplus and undivided profits, completely changing the old method of taxing these shares. (See CHRONICLE May 4, 1901, page 851.) Rai1road Events and Stock Exch(l,nge Matters.-The speculation for higher prices was resumed with increased vigor, .and marvelous further advances were recorded all through the lbt. The great success attending the formation of the United States Steel Corporation gave added impulse to the upward movement. The speculative atmosphere was filled with rumors and reports of deals and new combinations. ·B urlington & Quincy was most conspicuous in this resp,..ct, its absorption by the Great Northern Railway and the Northern Pacific being foreshadowed. In Delaware & Hudson the old story of a contemplated lease by New York Central was re,ived. Aside, however, from mere rumors, actual developments were important. The Denver & Rio Grande arranged to absorb the Rio Grande Western and to issue new stock for the purpose; Pennsylvania Railroad shareholders authorized 100 millions new stock and 5 11 mil lions was at once offered to stockhvlders at 120; the Great Northern Railway offered 25 millions new stock to its shareholders at par, but with 20 per cent credited on the same; Milwaukee & St. Paul allotted $8,822,520 new stock at par. The latter company also raised its common stock dividend from 5 per annum to 6; the dividend on Routhern Railway preferred was likewise increased. .As illustrating the remarkable advances which occurred (taking the extreme high and low points for the month), Burlington & Quincy :rose from 143¼ to 176½, Rock Island from 122½ to 136, North West. common from 172 to 184½, Delaware & Hudson .from 162 to 174¾, Lackawanna from 192 to 2211, Missouri Pacific from 87 to 103½, Erie common from 27½ to 37½, Reading 2d preferred from 40 to 51½, Denver & Rio Grande common from 37% to 49½ and Nwkel Plate common from 19¾ to 37¾, The Steel stocks and industrial shares also ·sharoly advanced. The sales for the month reached 27, 060,968 shares. The U. S. Steel stocks (when is:med) dealings began on the curb on the 26th of the previous mot.Jth {the opening sale being at 38 for common and 81 for preferr.:id); on March 28 they were admitted to the unlisted department of the Stock Exchange, the range for the rest of ·-the month being 42.¾ to 46½ for common and 92 34 to 96¾ for preferred. The shares were admitted to the regular list on the 4th of the next month (April). Bituminous coal· rates to tide-water wern increased 10 cents per ton, begmning April 1. Clinton L. Rossiter retired as President of the Brooklyn Rap1d Transit Co. American Smelting & Refining stocks were adversely affected by a decision enjoining -the issue of stock for the absorption of the property of M. Guggenheim's Sons; the consolidation was effected early the next month by agreement between the contending par·ties, thus restoring good relations with :-itandard Oil interests. The Me1ican National Construction Company'~ hold -ings in the Mexican National RR. were sold to "-peyer & Co. of this city. Control of the Mexican Central passed to the H. Clay Pierce syndicate of St. Louis, the dommant interest ,in St. Louis & San Francisco. The .Money .M,rket.-Owing chiefly to the absorption of money by the U.S. Treasury, money holdings of the ClE:'aring House banks dropped from $267,929,600 March 2 to $258,9~1,300 March 30, and surplus reserves wE're reduced from .$14,801,100 to $7,870 500. While rates advanced slightly, various large calls for money were effect~d without the least derangement of the market At the beginning of the month $20,000,000 was paid by Union Pacific interests on account ,of the 8outhern Pacific purchase; the Pennsylvania Railroad paid over six million dollars for the Long Island Railroad stock purchased the previous year; on the 5th th~ "-tandard Oil Co. paid a 20 per cent dividend requiring $20,000,000, and on the 25th the call made by J.P. Morgan & Co. on the guaranty syndicate of the United States :-iteel Corporation matured; this, being 12½ per cent on $200,"00.000 involved $25,0U0,000. At the Stock Exchange call money did not gf t above 3 per cent, the range the last week being 2¼Ca3. Time loans closed at 3¼ for thirty to nmety days and 3½ for four to six months. Fractionally higher rateH were charged where the co tlateral consisted entirely or largely of industrial Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  stocks. Commercial paper closed at 3½@4 for double names and 4@4½ for prime and 5 for good 1 sinde names. Fordgn E x c1un1g", 81Lv,r, &c -Exchange was variable the first few days, but after that sharply advanced. The unsettled markets ahroad (occasioned by the disturbing influences above noted and particularly the Tientsin episode) and the rise in prices on our btock Exchange were apparently the most potent influences. Both circumstances induced selling of foreign-owned American securities, and the resulting demand for exchange to remit in payment caused sterling to move ste1i dily upward. The latter part of the month the National City Bank flbipped $245,318 gold to Paris. On actual business rates March t opened off one-quarter ce~, at 4 84@4 84¼ for sixty-day bills, 4 87¼@4 87½ for sight and 4 88@'4 88¼ for cable tram-fers. The close was at 4 84¾@4 85, 4 88@4 88¼ and 4 88.¾@4 89. which was one quarter cent be low the rates on the 28th, the highest of the month. Open market discounts in Europe advanced on the disquieting political events. The German money market was also affected by the pendency of the German Imperial loan for 300,000,000 marks ~ hich was offered April 3; the close was 3¾@3½ at London, 2¾ at Paris and 4 at Berlin, the latter havinl?: at one time been 41/s. Silver was weak a.nd declined from 28 3-16d. to 27 5·16d., the orders of the India Government for the current financial year having been completed.  APRIL.-Current Events.-The British Government issued £60,00 11 ,000 new consols, and a large part wa"' taken in this country. Only £30,00 ,000 was publicly offered, the other half having been ulaced beforehand-£10,000,000 having been taken by J. S. "Morgan & Co. of London, £11,000,U00 by the Rothschilds and £9,000,000 by the Bank of England. For the £30,000,000 publicly offered, Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co and Baring, Magoun & Co. of this city, Drexel & Co. of Philadelphia and Kidder, Peabody & Co. of Boston were authorized to receive subscriptions to forward to the Bank of England. The issue price was 94½, It was estimated that the subscriptions in this country and from persons here who applied direct to London aggrel-!ated $150,000,000. The allotments were 3,5 p. c. on applications forwarded by the American banking houses above, but on]y a little over 13 p. c. on British home subscriptions. Earlier in the month Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced his budget providing for levying certain new taxes in addition to crt-ating the £60,000,000 loan; the principal features were two pence increase in the income tax, making it ls. 2d. per£; an import duty of somewhat less than ½d. per pound on sugar and an export duty of one shillmg per ton on coal, some modifications of these last two being made in June. The proposals were all subsequently adopted. A new German Imperial loan for 300,000,000 marks was brought out in Germany, and the subscriptions aggregated sixteen times that amount, a feature being French subscriptions for four t1mes the amount of the loan. Mr. J. P. Morgan while in Europe arranged to purchase control of Frederick Leyland & Co., Limited, operatmg the Leyland lines of steamers. The i-:ecretary of the Umted 8tates Treasury began ApriJ 2 to purchase United States bonds for the sinking fund, taking the short-term bonds at a price netting the same rate of re. turn as the new twos at the then current quotations. The purchases for the month aggregated $6,150,050 (all 4s of 1907) at a cost of $6,985,135. Treasury cash was reduced only $4,3;:19,475. As a result of the discovery of oil the previous January at Beaumont, Tex., a great speculative fever over8pread Texas and adjoining States. The somewhat similar oil fever in California was an earlier development. Print cloths at Fall River were further reduced ½ cent, to 2¾ cents. A strike at McKeesport. at the W. Dewees Wood plant of the American Sheet Steel Co., one of the constituent companies of the United States Steel Corporation, was thought to involve possibilities of a general strike; but through conciliatory methods the trouble was quickly adjusted. The price of steel rails was advanced from $26 to f28, beginning May 1. A corner was engineered in corn, and the May option in Chicago at the close of April approached 50 cents, going still higher the next month. Wheat, after an early decline, also advanced, the extremes of the May option at New York being75¾ cents April 9 and 81% cents April 27. On April 15 Chicago Board of Trade quotations,the sending of which bad been suspended the previous August, were again recorded on the .. tickers" here, the differences between the Board of Trade and the telegraph companies h:iving been arr~nged. The Agricultural Bureau at Washington made the condition of winter wheat the best in years, the average being 91·7 April 1 and 94·1 May 1. Incessant rains from April 18 to April 21 occasioned severe floods in the Ohio River and its tributaries, interrupting railroad operations and stopping business, and much damage was done in Western Pennsylvania (particularly at Pittsburg) and in Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky; damage from storms and overflows also resulted in many parts of Southern New England. President McKinley, by executive order, modified the Cuban tariff on cotton piece goods manufactured in the United States beginning April 1. In the :New York Legis• lature the Stranahan Bill taxing r,al estate mortgages ½ of 1 p. c., but exempting them from local taxation, was abandoned because of determined opposition. The bill for submitting to the people a proposition to expend $26.000,000 for the improvement of the New York canals was killed in the State ~enatP. An i!"su ~ of St.5n0.000 :-{;i p. c. bonds of the city of l\footreal was taken by E. 11. Gay & Co. Heidelbach,  RE TROSP E CT. Iokelheimer & Co rece ived subscriptions for $ l ,100,000 4 p. bond s of the city of Copen hagen, Denmark , and part of the loan was placed in t h is cou ntry. (:::3ee CHlWNlC LE Apr il 13, page 704.) R ailroad E ve 'Lf s and Stock E x cha nge Matter.~. - Specu la t ion OR the Stock E xchange became m ore w ildly rampant than before . Ne w r ecords wer e made again and aga m . On Friday, t he 19th, t h e sales r eached 2,174,280 shares, exceeding the tot a l for J an. 7, wh en for the first ti me tlie t wo-m il lion mark had b een a tta ined . The n ext l\londay (the 22d) the b usiness c omprised 2,355,301 shar es ~ on Mond a y , the 29th. the dealings footed up 2,619,736shares, and on the 30t h the t otal reached 3,~81,226 shares. The Saturday half-day business also ran in excess of the largest previous totals, the sales on the 20th being 1,182,936 shares. On tiaturday, the 27th, -there was no session. The Exchange was moved on :that day into temporary quarters at the Produce Exchange, where business is being carried on pending the erection of a new Stock Exchange building. For the month the sales aggregated 41,7 19,086 shares, this comparmg with 30,285,055 -shares in January, the previous maximum. 'Ihe tetms of the Burlin~ton & Quincy deal were definitely settled, Quincy shareholders getting $200 in joint 4_p. c. bonds of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific companies for $100 m stock. Out of this combination there grew rumors of numerous -other combinations. Burlington & Quincy rose from 172¼ to 199¾, Northern Pacific common from93% to 119½, Unfon Pacific common from 89½ to 120, Milwaukee & St. Paul -common from 151¼ to175,North Western common from 183 to 212, Rock Island from 135¼ to 165, Baltimore & Ohio .common from 90¾ to 106;¼, New York Central from 146¼ to 164½, Chicago & Eastern Illinois common from 114 to 135¾ , Atchison common from 61J 4 .to 78½, etc., etc. , the high figurefj in most cases being made on the last day of the month. United ,tatE:s Steel stocks at first were weak. From 49½ .and 97½ for common and preferred. respectively, on the 2d there was a decline to 45% and 93¼ on the 22d; then on -enormous transactions the price advanced . reaching 55 and 101½ on the 30th. The common stock of Col. Fuel & Iron, .an independent property, rose from 55¼ April 1 to 108½ April 30, on acquisition o r large amounts by John"';. Gates. Amalgamated Copper, on arrangements for consolidation with the Boston & Montana Copper & Silver Mining Co. and the Butte & Boston Co11 sohdated Mining Co., and the restor.a.tion of friendly relations with the American Smelting & Rerining l'o., went up from 99½ oo the 1st to 128½ on the 20th: owing to litigation , the close on the 30th was at 1231/s. Aunouncement wal" made that shareholders of the Kansas ·City Fort Scott & .Memphis could sell their common stock at l 1 0 and their preferred at 150 as part of the plan of a change of ownership involving control by St. Louis & San Rio Grande Western common shareholders were offe, ed $80 per share for their stock, while the preferred stock was offered 11 shares of Denver & Rio Grande preferred i:.tock for 10 shares of Rio Grande Western preferred. Mis-souri Pacific directors voted to increase company's authorizPd stock from $70.000,<J00 to $10rt,000.000, pa1·t to be used to pay for a block of 'Denver & Rio Grande stock purchased . .Aldace F Walker of the Atchison and George Coppell of the Denver & Rio Grande died. The Wheeling & Lake Erie was purchased by a syndicate headed by Gould interests, to be ,ised in connection with the Wabash. The Money Market.-With bank reserves low, call loan rates most of the month ruled at comparatively high figures-on the 10th toucbing 7 p. c. The latter part of the month, with surplus reserves agam incrE:asing, rates eased off somewhat, but on the 30th the range for call loans was 3½@6 p. c. On time the rate April 30 was 3¾, @4 for all dates from 60 davs to six months. Paper then was 4 for double names, 4@4°½ for prime single names and 5@6 for good . Loans fell from .$916,889,900 March 30 to $81--2,067,300 April 20, increasing to :J.l:!84,444 ,~00 April 27. Deposits droppea from $1 ,004:.283,200 March 30 to $967,20 1 ,200 April 20, recovering to $9 O.i90,500 .April 27. Money holdings decreased from $2 '1 8,941,300 March .30 to $250,2ti0.500 Ap1il rn, rising then to $259,457.4• 0 Apnl 27. Surplus reserves were lowest April 6 a.t $5,817,975, increasing each week thereafter to $16.i59,775 April 27. .Foreign Ea;ch,.ir,ge, -,;ilv, r, &c.-Exchange was strong on the opening day of April, when there was an advance of one,quarter of a cent for all classes of bills. to 4 85@4 t:!5 t,,,4 for long, 4 88¼@4 88½ for short and 4 89,!D4 I:!~ ¼' for cable transfers But this was quickly followed by a decline und t>r the development o t a firm money market here coincident wit h somewhat easier money at the E ur opean ce ntres. $505,003 _gold was shipped to Gt-rmany on the 2d and Sl,002 631 t o Paris on the 4th, but the decline in exchan ge th t>n chec ked the outflow. By the 10th rates were down one-half cent, to .4 t!4½ @4 84¾ for long , 4 87¾ @4 88 for sight and 4 8~½ 4 88¾ for cable transfers. By the 22d rates were back a ain to t he figure:3 of the 1st, leading to the resumption of gold exports, .some of the metal g oing direct to London. A downward reaction followed , which left rates on the 30th the same as on the 10th. Some demand for bills was noted to remit in -connection with the American subsctiptions t o the n ew British loan. Tot al exports of gold from this port for t he month were $4 ,893,395. The Bank of German y on th e 22d reduced its rate from 4½ to 4. In th{l open ma rk et a t Berl m and Frankfort the i-ate dropped to 3% Apr il 30. At London the open m arket r at e c\. pnl 30 was 3½ and at Pan s 234 . .Silver furt her declined to 26 15-16d. on t he 8d, but t he close April 30 was at 27 3-16d.  ,c .  II i  ! )  I  I  } Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  17  M ~ Y. -Current E verd s.-As narrated in our st ock market below, a panic of extraord inary pr oportions d eveloped on the bt ock Exchange on t h e 9th of this mon t h . The panic came at a t ime of g reat b u oyan cy and after S f'Veral months of rising prices, but t her e was no r eal ground for the coll apse in tbe in her ent conditions which determine val ues. For this reason i t was shortli.ved. For the same reason the u pheaval was without influence outside of Stock Exchange circles. The U. H. Treasur y was not called u pon to r esort t o a ny unu sua l m easu res . The p olic y of b uyi n g bonds, in a ugur >tted th e pr evious month , was continu ed , and a ll bonds offered with in th e price lim its fixed were t a ken ; the aggregate purchases were $3,325.940, cos tin~ $3, 759,147. Government cash holdings wer e $296,951,249 June 1, again st $290,278,8 IOMay 1. A Russia n loan for 424,000,000 francs was brought out by the Rothschilds in Paris on the 22d and proved a great success Briti~h Consols further declined, touching 93½ on the 30th. Iron production for the first time reached three hundred thous;tnd ton s per week, being 301,125 tons May 1. Print . cloths at Fall River dropped to 2% cents. Labor troubles were very numerous. A strike by the machinists of the United ~tates, Mexico and Canada was begun on the 20th. A strike on the United Traction of Albany (which lasted 12 days) cost two lives and necessitated the calling out of the National Guard. The corner in May corn at Chicago was carried still further, the price on the 15th touching 60 cents; the price May 31st was 43½ cents. A great fire at Jacksonville, Fla., destroyed 136 blocks and almost wiped out the city. The Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo was opened .May 1 and dedicated May 20. The U. ::::,. Supreme Court delivered important opinions regarding the status of the new insular possessions of the United :--tates. In Downes vs. Collector Bidwell of New York, it was held that ,;the Island of Porto Rico is a territory appurtenant and beJonging to the United States, but not a part of the United States within the revenue clause of the Constitution; that the Foraker Act is Constitutional so far as it imposes duties upon imports from such island." In the De Lima case, which invctlved the right to collect a duty on goods imported into the United :-- tates from Porto .Rico after the ratification of the Treaty and btfore the passage of the Foraker Act, the Court held (as in the other case) that upon the Treaty iatification the island had ct ased to be foreign territory and that Congress not having acted in the premises at that time no duty could be collected. Rt1,ilroad Events ana Stock Exchange 1lfatters -Th-e Jong co ·.1 tinued upward movement culminated o o the 9th of May in the worst collapse in prices witnessed on the Stock Exchange since the panic of 18n. The recklessness of the speculation and the extraordinary rises m prices bad of course made the market exceedingly vulnerable. At this juncture came high money rates and the coincident Jock-up or corner in N rthern Pacific common stock. This corner developed without design, it being the result of a contest for control between the Harriman-Kuhn, Loeb & Co. people on the one side and James J. Hill and J.P. Mt>rgan & Co. on the other. ' The trouble was apparently precipitated by purchases of 200,000 shares of stock by Street & .Norton on Monday the 6th. The price advanced that day from 114 to 133; the next day it rose to 149¾ and on Wednesday got up to 180. Then it became almost impossible to borrow the stock for delivery, and 80 per cent had to be paid for its use over night. The next day (Thursday the 9th. the day of the panic) 300 per cent was asked for one day's use of the :stock, and the price jumped to 1,000 on cash sales and to 700 in the regular way. Simultaneously with each succeeding day brokers had found it more and more diffi- · cult to supply their needs for money, rates rising higher and higher. On the 9th the two influences together worked su ch havoc in values as has rarely if ever been seen, even such a standard stock as Ddaware & Hudson suffering a decl ine of 60 pomts on sales of only 1,800 shares. It was then that relief came from the one direction by the action of a syndica te of banks and bankers in loaning large amounts of money and in the other direction by the agreement on the part of b oth J.P. Morgan & Co. and Kuhn, Loeb & Co . n ot to enforce deliveries of Northern Pamtic stock. These two events arrested the panic and brou~ht a quick rebound in prices-. This recovery was so rapid it was impossible to ext-cut e orders of any magnitude. Not a single failure of a ~tock E xch a nge house occurred. The market was naturally ver y nregular for some time after the pa01 c , but the latter part of the month a sustained advance occurred. As to t he short contracts in Northern Pacific, both J.P. Morgan & Co. and Kuhn , Loeb & Co. tinally allowed all to be settled at 150. The London market, it appeared immediately a ft er the panic- , was similarl y involved as our own, and seriou s conseqences were feared ; but the same course was pu rs ued th ere a s here. dehveneR not being enforced , and fi nall y all wer e a llowed to close out their contracts at 1:'>3, t he L 'ln don equivalent of 150 here. One thing that tended to aggravat e the collapse iu prices on the day of the pa.nic was t hat many of the specialists were aw11 y, having broken down u nde r t he grea t stra in imposed by the phenomenal activity of specula tion in tbe weeks preceding. f h is threw t he burden u pon young , inexperienced brokers, some of whom lost their hE:-ads 1u t h e demor alization. One i nstance is re lated of a broker who offered a cert ain stock down hve and ten points at a time li terally offered it to the po ·t. t he re being no crowd arou n d that assc.mbling point-unti l some  L  RETROSPECT. · one chanc~ along 1-nd took the stock. The sali-s May 9th were 3.01:!1, 765 ~bare-1 (not t.he maxim um for a day) . and for the month they were ~5.2\:1:3.203 ~hares. As the best way of showing the extent of the decline and the recovery both on the day of the panic and during the rest of the month, we present the following table. It gives (1) the opening price May 1, (2) the highest price in May before the panic,(3) the highest, lowest and closing prices on the day of the panic and (4) the closing price May Jt. Opening H•ahest price Dav of Clostna prire in May be,,..--pan.c, Mov 9- ..... 'P'l'ice May l. Jorevanic. Hil}h. Low. Cws'o. May31. Atcbi~on Topeka & Santa Fe . 76 90~ May ll 7~7-( 43 6tl!I,{ 1i~¾ do do preferrea ... 103¼ 1U8 Mav 3 9h¾ 70 91 101¾ Baltimore & Ohio, com ......... 104¼ llS May 7 It,2 St 9• 105¾ Canadian Pacific . . . ...... . . . ... 99¾ 117¼i M .. y 7 I0o¾ 87 \/7 I0l'.> Che111lPe!lk & Ohio ....•....••.... 49 621)fi May 3 47 211 41¾ 49¾ (;tnc!lgo & Alton, com ......... . .. 49 4AJ4 May l 40 27 35 43 f:b ,cago Burlimzton & Quincy .. lll9 109¾ May l 1\/:-1 178 180 t19o!),{ Ct:11r.>1)CO Mtl. & St. Paul. ..... . .. 171 ll-1:l May 6 1115 ll<4 141 IHI?½ do do preferrerL .. 19! 200 May !l 185 175 183¾ 184¾ Chkago&NorthWestern,com.210 2};; Mayl 2vo¾ 190 193 Ill9¾ R ock lsland & Pac:itlc.164¾ ltiP'¼ May 3 168 126 14tl )5tl Delaware & Hudson . . .. ... .. . ... b0 180¾ May l 165 1115 1: 0 16-l¼ Del. L11.ckawanna & Western. .. 218 ~28 M1ty 11 2l4¾ 200¼ ~01¾ 241 Erte. C'>IDIDOn ... . • • • . . • •• . •••. 42¾ 42~ May 1 35¾ 24½ 8:i 42¼ Gr1>at Nnr , hem, preferred .... h0¾ 191~ M11y 2 177¼ ltii¼ 170 180711 lllinols Central . . ... . . ...... .. ... 144½ 141-1¼ May l 185 124 131¼ 141 Louisville & Nashville .......... 109 11 l May 1 103¾ 71\ 9f>¼ 105¼ MHnbattan . . .. ... . . . ...•..•..... 128¾ h9 May 1 120 83 109 117¾ Mel!"<1 pOlltan Street . ... ...•. 17<1¾ 174¼' May 1 l r 6¼ 1:,;1 lbN 169..,, M o. Kansas & Texas, pref ...•. 65¾ 67¼ Mav 3 fl} 87 48¼ 61¾ Missouri Pacific. ... . . . . . . . .110 116¾ May 7 103 72 93 I • 9¾ New York \;e11tral & Hud. Riv.16:i¼ l 'i 0 May 2 lo3¾ 1411 Hi¾ l n6!,{, N. Y. Chi,. & St. Loui~, com . ... 8!i 3'1¾ May 2 27 16 27 29½ New York' Ontario & Western.. 38 40¼ May l li7¼ 24 29¾ 34}( N orthern Pacific, common ...... llf>i,.,; 18 1 May 8 .-;oo ltl0 825 Pennsylvania........... . ......•. I~Z¾ 158 May 1 J:·7 144 Read1111?, ~d preferred. ...... .. 01¾ tP¼ May 1 62 89 i9¾ St. Loui11 Southwestern . . . . ... RS¾ 89 May 1 34 16 2>,¾ do do preferred ••• 67¼ 6e¾ May fl 61 60 64 Southern Pacific ............... 66¼ 5i% May 2 411 2~ 46¼ S,,utbern, common •.•..•........ 31¼ 84¾ May 1 1<9~ 20 28 Texa11 Iii. Pacific ...... . .......... 49:lt 52~ May 3 44¼ 27 41 Union Pacific, common ..... . .... 111-1 18:1 May 2 113 76 U• ¼ Waba~h. preferred ....•..•.... . . 42}( 45¼ May 1 ll6¾ 24 &2  H?  M 1.-.CELLAN EOUS. Amaleamated Copper.. . •. . . . ... 123 .Amer. Smeltinl{ & Refln. com .• tl0¾ Aruer.Ru~ar . . 147 A uin1cau Tohacco, common .. . 128!,t Anacor,da Miuiniz.. . . .. . . .....• bl Colon,rto Fuel & Iron, com ...•. 104¾ f'onsolidHted Gas( , . Y.) ... 227¾ General Elecrr1c. common ..... . 230 lntern111ion Power. .. . .. 82 Peop11>'~ 1;a~ L. & Coke (Chlc).117¼ United States Steel . . . .... 6S¾ do do preferred ... 100  Ma.y 6 61¾May I 151½ May7 llW¾May6 51¾May2 107 May 1 22P May 1 2:il¾ M»y: ll2 Mav 7 ll~~ May~ 64~ May 2 101~ Mav I  12n  • Cash sales were made as bi11;h as 1000.  t  116 90 5tl~ 398 144¾ ]SJ{ 120 99 47 37 Sl6 85 }l<f, 210 220 2• 0 711 h4  111  47 98  106 68  rn5  ll-l  42  90 2114 210 70 PS½ 104 24 40¼ 69 8• !-(i  11'% 57¾ 147 137 60¼  Vi½  222~ 2:i0¼  1oui,..  11'¾  tf~  Trust Co. receipts.  The Norfolk & Western declared its first dividend (1 p. c.) on the common stock and the Hocking Valley also paid the fin,t divid ... nd (1½ p. c.) on its common stock. 1.he Atchison Topeka & t-anta Fe declared its first dividend (1½ per ceut) on the common stock. The Great Northern Railway on May 1 paid an extra½ of 1 per cent from the profits of the Lake Superior Co. The Chicago & Eastern Illinois declared an increBsed dividend on its common stock. 'l.hf' Mo,,ey Market.- The money market was very sensitive preceding the panic, and on the day of the panic it was profoundly disturb.e d. l\lay li.a:t 1<-n d 2d call loans on the Exchange touched 6 and on the 3d as high as 8 was paid. On Monday, thf' 6th, JO per cent was reached, the bulk of the business being at 7, and on Tuesday the range was 5 to 10, mo!:.t of the loans berng at 7. On Wednesday the range was from 4 to 25, with the bulk of the transactions at 8. On tbe day of the panic the situation became alarming: theearliestrate was 40, and later there was an advance to ;5 In fact. a situatio:a bad developed where it was almost impossible to borrow on any terms It was then that President Tappen of the Gallatin National Bank came to the rescue, anct by organizing a syndicate of banks and bankers offered some ~O milli< •n dollars at market rates (from 60 per cent down). l\lesi;rs J. P. Morgan & Co .. on their own account, loaned $0,000.000 at 6 . These supplies carried the rate down to 6 but there was an upward reaction to 40 at the close. ThereaftN normal conditions were soon restored. On Friday, the 10th. the high point at the Exchange was 15. and on ~1onday. the 13th, 8 per cent. After that the rate got above 6 onJy on<'e, namely on the 20th, when a calJing 01 Joans to meet a $111,000.000 payment on the Union .Pacific convertib]e bonds caused a temporary <1dvance to 7. The last week the range was 21.a:4. On time the quotation the day of the pa11ic was 5½@6 for thirty to sixty days and 4};@5 for three to six months. On May 31 time loans were 4 tor sixty to ninety days and 4@4½ for four to six months. Rates for commercial paner at the close were 3¾@4 for douhle names, 4@4½ for prime and 5rg 6 for good single names. Loans of the Clearing House banks rose trom $884.444.900 April 27 to $897,7 16,090 May 11, dropping then to $858,872,600 May 25. Depmiits increased from $970,790,500 April 27 to $977,490.900 May 11 and then fe1l to $941.116,~00 .May 25. Money hoJdings were $259,457,400 April 27, $251,206.600 May 1~ and $25f\,568,200 May 25. Surplus reserves dropped from $16,759,775 April 27 to $8,127,475 May 11 recovering to $21,28t1,975 May 25. 'f!,oreign Excnwr,ge, Silver. &c.- Exchange was strong most of the month. Gold exports continued, the shipments from New York aggregating about 10 million dollars. Rates at the close of the month stood one-half a cent high~r than at the opening. at 4 85@@)4 t-5¾ for 60-day bills, 4 88¼@4 88½ for' ~hiht and 4 89@4 89¾ for cable transfers. The panic bad no tffect to check the prevailing course of exchange, but did occasion a partial suspension in business for the time being, as ban:kers felt uncertain as to the immediate future of both the exchange and the money markets. As a result of the contest for control of Northern Pacific, large blocks of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  stock of that company, held in Amsterdam and .in Germany, wt-re Lought tor New York account, and aeainst these pur- . ch:ises there was necessarily some demand for bills to remit in payment. Again, the demoralized condition of the London otock Beard, owing to tbe short interest existing in Northe1·n Pacific stock there, also operated to strengthen exchange, as the effect was to stiffen money rates in London. Another influence affecting exchange was the requirements on account of the American subscriptions to the issue of British consols brought out the previous month. Open market discounts in London at one time were 3½ but at the close were 3½@3%', .At Paris the figure was 3 and at Berlin and Frankfort 3½ before the bringing out of the Russian loan, but the close was 2½ and 3½@~¼ respectively. The price of silver .May 3l was 27 7•16d.-a trifling improvement. JUNE.-Current Events.-No ill effects to trade or business resulted from the l\fay Stock Exchange panic. Extremely bot and dry weather occasioned some anxiety towards the close of the month regarding the crops. Drought in May had impaired the condition of winter wheat, so that the average for June 1 was reported 87·8 against 94·1 May 1, but by July 1 condition had improved to 88·3. The springwheat condition was 92 June 1 and !l5·6 July 1. Cash wheat in New York June 29 was only 76.% cents, against 83½ May 31. On account of imprudent loans to Henry Marquand & Co. the Seventh National Bank of this city bad difficulty in meeting its Clearing House balance on Tuesday, Jane 25, but was helped over on that day by one of the directors; on Thursday, the 27th, it went into the hn.nds of a receiver. It was later reorganized and resumed in November with new interests in control and a largn capital. Henry Marquand & Co. made an assignment on the 28th. There were rumors that other banks and trust companies in this city were involved, but the rumors proved unfounded. In Buffalo the City National Bank of BuffaJo was on Saturday, June 29,. placed in the hands of a receiver. The Niagara Bank of Buffalo. a small institution whose President was Vice-President of the City N >1tiona.l, was closed on Tuesday, July 2, by the ::-itate Superintendent of Banking. The Pynchon Nat. Bank of ~pringfield, M ai,s . was closed on the 24th. Floods and a. cloudburst on June 22 and June 23 did much damage in the Pocahontas Flat Top Coal region along the line of the Norfolk & Western, resulting also in the loss of a number of lives; the early reports, however, proved greatly exaggerated. Some further financial difficulties occurred in Germany, the failure of the Leipziger Bank of Leipzig being announced on the 25th. The Secretary of the Treasury continued to purchase honds. taking $4,883.530 at a cost of $5.513,146. The Government's claim against the Sioux City & Pacific (one of the bond-aided roads), amounting to $4,184,589, was sold June 20 to the Chicago & North WestPrn for $l,872,000, the upset price; including a credit of $25'1,000 due the company for mail transportation, the Government realized $2,122,841. There was a sharp improvement in the dry goods trade and t be price of print cloths at Fall River was advanced from 2¾ to 2.1/s cents. Middling upland cotton in New York was quoted 8 13-16 cents June 29, against 8¼ cents May 31. As bearing upon the rate situation _in the West, an important event was the appointment of J. C. Stubbs of the ::Southern Pdcific as Director of Traffic in supreme control of rates on all the lines of the i:-:outhern and Union Pacific systems. In the tariff war with Russia a new development was the announcement that the Russian Government would increasethe duty on American white resin and on American bicycles. Secretary Gage also directed that provisionally a countervailing duty be imposed on Italian beet sugar, as under the operation of the law of Italy it appeared probable that Italian producers were receiving indirect export Qounties. The Cuban Constitutional Convention finally accepted the terms imposed by Congress in the so-called Platt amendment for defining the future relations between Cuba and the United States. Ra,Lroad Event.<i anri Stock Exchange Matters.-After the May panic the Stock Exchange market in June became quiett but with a number of sharp upward movements in special stocks. The stock sales aggregated 19,795,612 shares. The latter part of the month the market, which had previously been strong, showed weakness. Active money, the embarrassment and subsequent suspension of the ~even th National Bank of this city, together with the failure of Henry Marquand & Co., the floods in the Pocahontas Flat fop Coal region, and some more bank failures in Germany, were the cause of the set-back. .Milwaukee & St. Paul common was one of the stocks in whicb speculation was renewed. From 163¼ June 1 it rose to 185½ June 17;. the close June 29 (June 30 being Sunday) was at 178. Some of the iron and coal properties were conspicuous for their rise, the notion being encouraged that the United States Steel Corporation mtended to absorb them; Colorado Fuel & Iron common was rushed up from 98 June 1 to 136½ June 17, but closed at 116 June 29. Tenn. Coal & Iron moved up from 58 June 10 to 76% June 18; it closed June 2H at 72%. The Pittsburg Cincinnati Chicago & St. Louis declared its first divideod on its common stock-1 p. c. The Missouri Pacific announced the resumption of di\ idends after suspension since 1891. The Pennsylvania Railroad acquired a controlling interest in the Prnnsylvania Steel Company and the Cambria Steel Company. The United States Steel Corporation acquired the :::,helby Steel Tube Company. After some liti 6 atit:",n tre plao  ..,-  'RETROSPECT. ·to absol"b B r ston & M~11tana and Butte & Boston _Mining \companies by the Amalgamated Gopper Co. was·Ct&rned out, ·the stock of the Ja.ttar being inoreased from $1i,~00,0OO to $155,000,000. A circub.r was is _d giving the de~ails. for •conve ting the C&m"bria Stee~ Oo. ·with $16,000,~0 ieap1tal mto the nemaugh Steel Co. w1tln. $50,000,000 capital. As stated abov~ control passe· to the Pennsylvania RR. The Chicago Rock "Island & Pa0itm offered 10 million new 'Si»ck at par to · stockholders. William H. Newman was elected President of the New York •Central, to succeed 8amu~ R. Callaway, resigned. The 'StJLo~is _& San Francis?O Voting Tra~tees . announced the :ter:mmatiom .,of the Votmg '['rust; rights werd also given ·tbe sha~olders in conoeetion ~ith the a:bsorption of the:Kansas Ci,ty Fort Scott & Memphis. Tile Savannah F•l orioo & Western. increased it-.s stock from $9,. 432,900 to : !~,000.-000 for tile purpose of ceosolidating the , roads of the P.lant system. -, he Mont§ M<Nket -Higll. rates develoi,>ed in the money market_ The loa.ns of the Clearing House •banks expanded · from ~,it4,W8 June 1 to $902,755,300 June 2.&. with a • decline t@ .$892,381,300 June 29. Tb-e expansion was ; ascribed to !large finanetreL,operations. moPe particularly in connecti-0n witill the consolidation of the tobacco companies the .re-funding of st. Louis & San 'Francisco bond~, and the ~ayments for ~e Union Pacific convertible bonds. The dep0Sits ,rose from ,$:152,399,200 June 1 to $981,194,300 June Hi, then oontracting to $971,332,000 .June. 29. Money holdings wer.e uninter:r:u.ptedly reduced, bemg June 29 only $25l;329;:roo, against $259,352,600 June 1. 8urplus resources <ii"op-ped from 21~253,050 June 1 to $6,611,350 June 22, with a r.ecovery t:0 $8,484,200 June 29. Call loans touched J\i p.. c. as early .as the 17th, and the last week, during the derangement occasioned by the suspension of the Seventh. Natianal Bank,r s high as 15 was paid. The last day (Frida.y.t"-une 28,). the range at the Ex.change was 6@11. At banks and trust com.Jmnies the last week while 4 was the minimum, many institutions loaned at 6 and 7. Time loans then were 4 for all ,period!.'!. Paoer at the close was 3,¾.r1t.4¼' !f.@r double names, 4@4½ for prime and 5@5½ for good single -n ames. Foreign Exchange, Silvirr, &c -The tightening of the money market here and the development of ease at the European ·c entres caused exchange rates to weaken the latter part .of June. As.a consequence the outflow of gold ceased after 3,255,000 bad been shipped to Berlin on the 18th and $1,255,000 on the 20th, both, it is understood, on direct orders from 1he Bank of Germany. The latter institution on the 18th marked its official discount rate down from 4 to 3½, The Ba.nk of England made two reductions-from 4 to 3½ on the .6th and to .3 on the 13th. Owing to the lower discounts at London, sixty day sterling bills advanced, and on the 13th 4 85¾@4 86, the price for .sight continuing at 4 88¼@4 88½ and for cable transfers at 4 89@4 89¼; rates at ·the close were down to 4 85¼@4 85½ for long, 4 87,¾@4 88 ,for sight and-!1: 88¾@4 88½ for transfers. Open market dis. counts in London were at one time 2½, but the close was at ·.2%@2,¾'. .The Bank of Englan~ g~ined £2,347,162 bullion .during the foux weeks. At Paris discounts closed at 1½@2 .and at Berlin.and Frankfort at 3½@3¼, The price of silver .was 27¾d, June·29, against 27 7-16d. May SL ,JULY.-Current Event8. -Manyunfa vorable influences developed. Great damage w:as done by a term of severe heat .accompanied by unusual drought. In this part of the country exceptionally high temperatures were experienced early in :the month, and business on the Exchanges and nearly everywher.e was·greatly curtailed, while an extraordinary number ,of deaths and prostrations was recorded-see CHRONICLE of .July .6, page 2. Thunderstorms on the 3d, 4th and 5th furnished relief in this city, and the rest of the month more moderate temperatures prevailed. In the West, however, ·the beat and d-rought grew in intensity, each day adding to the crop loss. Such was the suffering that prayers for rain -were said in many places-in some States by official proclamation of the Governors. About the middle of the month showers were reported at many different points in the West, but these were succeeded by another period of extreme heat, temperatures of 100 to 110 being reported at widely separated points, From the 24th to the 28th much heavier and very extensive rains fell, and then the drought in that portion of the stricken territory west of the Mississippi was effectually broken. The worst damage was to the growing corn crop, and the price of the September option in New York sold up from 49¼ July 2 to 62¼ .July 22; the close July 31 was 59 cents. The Agricultural Bureau the next month made the general condition of corn August 1 only 54, as against 81 ·3 July 1. There were reports also of a large impairment of the spring-wheat crop, and September wheat in this market sold up from 69¾ July 9 to 77½ July 22, closing73¾ July 31. The general average, however, of this crop August 1 was still 80·8 and the prospect of an exceptionally large crop of winter and spring wheat combined remained unchanged. Added to the impaired agricultural outlook, a great sti-ike of the steel workers at the mills of the American Sheet Steel Company and the .American ~teel Hoop Co (constituent companies of the United States Steel Corporation) was inaugurated July 1. Not much importance was attached to this at first, but a three-days conference (July 11th, 12th and 13th) between the officials of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel & Tin Workers and certain of the officials of the companies concerned resulted in a disagreement, and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  lo  then the strike was prosecuted with increased energy, the union mills of the American Tin Plate Co. also becoming in• volved. On Saturday, July 27, an unannounced conference between Mr. J.P. Morgan and President Shaffer and othei' officials of the Amalgamated A~sociation took place, and asthis was followed by a call for the convening of the Execu-' tive Board of the Association on Tuesday July 30, it wa as-·· -sumed a setLlement bad been reached. The Execative · Board, however, failed to give approval to the srheme, and the following Saturday came to New York in a body and met with Mr. Morgan, President Schwab and other officials· of the Unite1 States Steel Corporation. Thjs conference also proved fruitless, and then the strike, as noted below in ·. our summary for August, was extended to the other com- · panies embraced in th~ United ~tates Steel Corporation. · No question of wages was at issue; the contest hinged solely( on the attempt of the Amalgamated Association to compel the companies concerned to unionize all their mills. A strike of the International Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen for an eight-hour day at the anthracite mines had the effect of stoppin11: the mining of coal over a large part of the anthracite region for a few days, but the United Mine Workers (or association of miners) having refused to co-operate, the strike was unconditionally abandoned. The great strike of the machinists in the United States, Canada and Mexico for a nine-hour day at ten-hour pay, which was begun May 20, also came to an end in mo t places, through a process of disinteeration, it having generally failed. Cash in Sub-Treasuries increased $1,745,415, notwithstanding the Secretary purchased $1,665,020 bonds costing "1,852,193. The First Nat. Bank of this city declared a dividend reported to be over 1900 p. c. and increased its capital from $500,000 to 10,000,000, at the same time absorbing the National Bank of the Republic. A nnmber of Russian bank failures were reported, including the Kbarkoff Commercial Bank and the Koarkoff Bank of Commerce. Civil government was established in the Philippine Islands July 4, and William H. Taft, the head of the American Philippine Commission, was inaugurated as the first Uivil Governor. The announcement was a 1so made that on September 1 the Philippine Commission would be increased by the appointment of three native members. Under the Tariff and Civil Government Act for Porto Rico, emoted by Congress in April, 1900, the Porto Rican Assembly on July 4 unanimously passed a resolution providing for free trade between the United States and Porto Rico. Presi• dent McKinley accordingly on July 25 issued his proclamation declaring free trade to exist. The President also issued his pr,~clamation opening to settlement on August 6 lands in Oklahoma ceded by the Comanche, Kiowa and Apache Indian tribes and also the Wichita and affiliated bands; the disposal of the land was made under the Homestead law, but drawings were by lot for the first time. .Railroad Events and ~tock Excha'Ylge Mat,ers.-The stock market experienced many sharp breaks. The first few days business came almost to a standstill on account of the extreme heat. When the Exchange opened on Monday, July 8th, after the long holiday from July 3d, a quite general collapse in prices occurred. The poor bank statement the previous Saturday, active money, tbe steel workers' strike, the damage to the crops, reports of new dissensions concerning Northern Pacific affairs between the Morgan-Hill and the Harriman-Kuhn, Loeb & Co. interests and a proposed reduction in rates by the Atchison Company (to meet secret cuts by other lines) were the disturbing influences. At a meeting in Chicago on the 1 tth the Atchison was induced to withdraw its circulars. But the stock market on Monday the 15th displayed further great weakness on renewed reports of crop disaster and the failure of the conferenee for the settlement of the steel strike. On the 17th, just before the close of business, the whole course of the market was changed by the announcement of Mr. J.P. Morgan's list of new appointees (which gave general satisfaction, all interests being represented) for the Northern Pacific board of directors. The meeting on the 27th of President Shaffer of the Amalgamated Association with Mr. Morgan seemed to give promise of an early end of the steel strike. At the same time the breaking of the drought in the West imparted a favorable turn to the crop prospects. Hence a substantial recovery in prices ensued the latter part of tbP. month. The United States Steel Corporation declared dividends on both common and preferred shares, but the strike caused the stock to sell off. The common declined from 48½ .J u1y 1 to 37 July 15 and closed at 42½ July 81. Atchison common sold down from 89% July 1 to 67¾ July 22, closing July 81 at 73¼; Missouri Pacific from 121½ July 1 to 96¼ July 24, closing July 31 at 97¾; Milwaukee& St. Paul common from 177¼ July 1 to 151½ July 15, closing 159¾, etc., etc. The Cleve. Cinn. Chic. & St. Louis increased the semi-annual divid .. nd on its common hares from 1½ to 2. The reorganized Erie Railroad declared its first dividend on the 1st preferred stock. St. Louis & San Francisco increased the payment · on its 2d preferred. The Texas Central declared its first dividend on- the common stock-2½ p. c. It was announced that the voting trust in Ba.It. & Ohio stock would be dissolved. The Money Market.-The money market gave occasion for some disquietude early in July. On the 1st call loans were 6 to 10 p. c. On the 2J, business on the Stock Exchange having dwindled because of the heat, the demand was less urgent, and rates were 4 to 8. On the 3d the situation was peculiar in that the Stock Exchange had decided to close  20  RETROSPECT.  Fridav and Saturday, July 5 and 6, in addition ~ July 4, and some of the trust comnanies and other financial institutions refused to loan on that account. With offerings thus restricted, the rate, after opening at 6, advanced in the afternoon to 25, the close being at 15. The Clearing House return for Saturday, July 6, showed surplus reserves down to $5,211,525. On Monday, the 8th, early loans were at 8, and a repetition of the previous week's experience was threatened, when the National Bank of Commerce and the Morton Trust Co. together offered $14,000,000 at 6, breaking the rate to 2. The rest of the month all the influences operated to produce ease. Liquidation on the Stock Exchange acted to contract loans, the interior movement of currency set.strongly towards this centre, and the Sub-Treasury made large payments for Alaskan gold, Consequently surplus reserves increased week by week, and July 'l/1 were up to $23,128,575. On July 31 call loans were 2½@4. The quotations for time loans then were 4 for 30 to 90-days and 4½ for four to six months: paper was 4½ for double names, 4½@5 for prime single names and 5@ 6 for ,:tood. The money holdings of the Clearing House banks fell from $251,329,700 June 29, to $24.8,532,800 July 6, and then increased to $258,863,200 July 27. Deposits dropped from $971,882,000 June 29, to $939,1@,800 July 20, increasing to $912,938,500 July 27 Loans between the same dates shrunk from $S92,381,300 to $856,198,500, increasing to $867,653,4(10 July 27, Foreign Ea: harige, Silver, Etc.-Foreign exchange was variable within narrow limits during July, and rates on the 31st were just one-quarter cent lower than on June 29, at 4 85@4 85¾ for long sterling, 4 87¼@4 87¼ for short and 4 88@4 88¼ for cable transfers. ·The first twelve days, when money here was in active demand, the tendency was downward, though some exports of gold were nevertheless made to Germany on direct order, $600,766 going July 4 and '152,474 July 11. European open market discount rates generally closed lower, being July 31 2½@2% at London, 1,¼@2 at Paris and 2%@2½ at Berlin and Frankfort. Silver in London declined to 26 18-16d. on the 19th and closed July 81 at 26 15-16d.  AUGUST.-Ourrent Et·enta,-As the result of the rains at the close of the previous·month, crops revived somewhat dur-  ing August in Kansas and Missouri, but east of the Mississippi-in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois-the drought continued and caused further damage. The Agricultural Bureau report issued the 10th, and which made the corn condition August 1st 54, was interpreted as pointing to a corn crop of 1,400 million bushels, but sensational newspaper accounts printed at the same time claimed that additional impairment the first ten days of August had further reduced prospeots, one of these saying that not more than 1,100 million bushels could be looked for. About the middle of August rain oame in the Central West, and thereafter accounts were less discouraging. The Bureau report the next month showed corn condition reduced from 54 August 1 to 51 •7 September 1. The September option for corn in this market touched 64 August 12, but closed 60¾ August 80. As stated above, the conference August 8 between the exeontive board of the Amalgamated Association and the offloials of the United States Steel Corporation proved fruitless, and on August 6th an order was issued extending the strike to the other constituent companies of the Steel Corporation on which the Amalgamated Association had a hold, namely the National Steel Co., the National Tube Co. and the Federal Steel Co. the order becoming effective August 10. Meetings, however, of the men at the mills of the Federal Steel Co. at South Chicago decided against obeying the order to strike (because contracts had previously been made between the men and the companies), and the men at the mil1s at Joliet and at the Bay View plant at Milwaukee at first took the same stand, but finally went out on strike. The Carnegie Company, being non-union, experienced no trouble in running its mills, and the strikers kept steadily losing ground. The Secretary of the U. S. Treasury bought $2,836,010 bonds, paying therefor $3,186,449. Cash in Su~Treasuries was further increased from $309,686,013 Aug. 1 to $315,029,894 Sept. 1, after an increase of $19,857,205 between May 1 and August 1. In the print-cloth market a development was the dissolution of the Fall River Selling Committee appointed in October, 1898, by the manufacturers for the purpose of regulating prices and production. A movement then developed for a reduction of wages, and in consequence there was talk of a strike of the em• ployes. Mr. M. C. D. Borden opposed the movement, and the proposed reduction was abandoned. .Mr. Borden on the 22d offered to buy the whole stock of print cloths of regular size at i½ cents. The price Aug. 81 was 2% cents. The adTance was probably induced by the rise in cotton occasioned by the continued drought in Texas, the price of middling uplands in New York August 31 being 8% cents, against 8 earlier inthe month. In the South African war Lord Kitchener on Aug. '1 issued a proclamation warning those leading the lioer forces that unless they surrendered by Sept. 15 they would be permanently banished from South Africa. Railroad EventB and Stock EaJChange Matters.-Stock Exchange speculation during August was rather limited, the sales reaching only 10,772,021 shares, but there was a decided recovery in prices after some weakness the first few days. As the montll progressed the disposition was to regard the failure of the steel strike as a foregone conclusion and to take a more hopeful view of the prospects for corn. United Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  States Steel common mid at ~9% Aug. 7 and at 45¾x Au~. 26; Atchison common at 69½ Au~. 5 and 80% Aug. 27; Mis• ~ouri Pacific 94% Aug. 5 and 108¾ Aug. 26; Milwaukee & St, Paul common 155 Aug. 5 and 168% Au~. 27, and New York Central 149¼ Aug. 6 and 15'3¼ Aug. 27. The dividend on Colorado & Southern preferred stock was increased and that on the 1st preference income bonds of the Central of Georgia was raised to fu115 p. c. Thesemi-annualdividend on West Virginia Cent. & Pittsburg was increased from 1½ to 2 p c. Tne Money Market.-Call loans at the Stock Exchange did not get above 3 p. c. during August. But the position of the Clearing House banks was much weakened. Loans greatly increased and August 31 were $895,186,600, against $~67,653,400 July 27. Surplus reserves declined each week, falling from $2~,128,5·75 July 27 to $11,919,925 August 81, the heaviest decline, however, occurring the last week. The early part of the month it was argued that the interior demand for currency would be on a greatly reduced scale, but it soon appeared that the movement was merely belated; besides this a special demand for money for Philadelphia developed in connection with the floating of a City of Philadelphia loan for $9,000,000, and also to provide the funds for financing the Bethlehem Steel deal. Secretary Gage on the 26th gave authority to the Assistant Treasurer at New York to make purchases of bonds direct instead of first referring the offerings to Washington, but this had no effect in increasing the tenders. There were large transfers of gold from the Pacific Coast to New York, but the other operations mentioned served to reduce the money holdings of the Clearing House banks; those holdings, after rising from $258,863,200 July 27 to $262,298,200 August 10, dropped to $~53,950,400 August 31. Rates for time loans did not advance, and at the close were 4 for 60 to 90 days and 4½@5 for four to six months, but offerings were not liberal; foreign bankers made some loans on exceptional1y choice collateral. Quotations for paper throughout the month were 4½ for double names and 4½@5 for prime (with few sales, however, reported below 5 p, c,) and 5½@6 for good single names. Foreign Exchange, Silver, &e,-Foreign exchange was strong the early part of August. By the 7th prices were up to 4 85½@4 f'5¾ for 60-day bills, 4 88@4 88¼ for sight ana 4 88½(d, 4 88¾ for cable transfers, This brought the figures close to the gold export point, and there was talk of a possible outflow of the metal. On the 9th, however, a decline set in which, with minor fluctuations, continued until the end of the month, bringing rates down to 4 84@4 84½, 4 86@4 86¼ and 4 86¾4 87 for the three classes of bills and encouraging a belief in early imports of gold. The influences in the decline were liberal offerings of grain bills, the outward movement of wheat by reason of the European crop shortage having been on an enormous scale; a tso offerings against cotton futures, besides banker~' bills against London purchases of stocks. The ne~otiation of some sterling and French exchange loans was hkewise noted. Owing to the distrust growing out of the failures of some small German banks, the houses shipping grain to Germany quite gene· rally drew sight bills instead 0f long commercial drafts. Open market discounts at the European centres declined, and Aug. 31 were 2¾ at London, 2 at Paris and 2¼ at Berlin and Frankfort. Silver in London fluctuated within a narrow range, and closed Aug. 31 at 27d. SEPTEMBER, -Ourrent Events. -The oversbadowing event was the assassination of President McKinley. About 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, Sept. 6, an Anarchist fired two shots at the President while he was holding a reception in the Temple of Music at the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo. Such of the members of the N. Y. Clearing-House Committee as could be reached were called together the same evening at the Buckingham Hotel in this city. At this gathering the gravity of the situation was considered and the issue of Clearing House certificates, if necessary, discussed. The following morning at 9 o'clock the full Clearing House Committee met, and other leading bankers and financiers were present, among them J.P. Morgan, James Stillman, James T. Woodward and George F. Baker. It was decided to stand together for the purpose of preventing panicky conditions. The appearance of the bank statement that day, showing reserves reduced by $5,004,050, to the low figure of $6,915,875, demonstrated that the action taken had been most timely. Though a panic was thus averted, prices on the Stock Exchange tumbled and the market closed in a state of great demoralization. The folowing Monday morning another meeting was held, at which pledges of money were obtained of $30,000,000 to be loaned on the Stock Exchange if necessary. But the President'scondition seemed encouraging in the extreme, and stock prices experienced a very sharp recovery. The same afternoon, Mr. F.:n. Tappen, as Chairman of the Clearing House Committee, telegraphed to Secretary Gage, calling attention to the continued absorption of by the Government and expressing hope of ~the release of some of it. The Secretary the next day (the 10th) invited tenders-including tpe 4s of 19215-of U. S. bonds to the aggr-egate of $20,000,000 and directed that bank depositaries be allowed to retain internal revenue receipts up to the par of all the deposited bonds, instead of to only 95 per cent on the 2s and 3s and par on the 4s and 5s. After the close of business on Thursday (the 12th) he announced the acceptance of $7,546,300 bonds, calling tor a disbursement of close to $10,000,000, and '8,479,678 was paid in cash the next dq over the counter at the Sub-  RETROSPEOT. Treasury in this otty on account of the purchase. In the meantime the President's condition (according to the adTices from his bedside) had steadily improved, and by Thursday night things on the Exchange had been nearly restored to the normal. But Friday morning all this was changed. The President was now seen to be dying, and the shook on the Exchange was such that stock prices suffered a worse break than on the previous Saturday. The end came Saturday morning at 2:15; tbe Stock and othet Exchanges were closed that day out of respect to his memory (the London Stock Exchange having also been closed by the action of its members), thus giving time for reflection. It was soon seen that the President's death would not be disturbing. President Roosevelt in taking the office Saturday afternoon (the 14th) declared it to be his purpose to continue absolutely unbroken the policy of Mr. McKinley, and he requested that all the members of the Cabinet remain in office. As it happened, too, terms were concluded the same day for the settlement of the great strike of the steel workers, the Amalgamated Association being completely defeated. (See CHRONICLE, V, 73, pages 622 and 681.) The stock market on Monday the 16th showed a sharp recovery, and thereafter the influence of the President's death gradually wore off. The Treasury continued to buy bonds. Secretary Gage on Friday the 18th (after the large bond purchases under the special order) announced that he would resume purchases under the old order, and would also entertain proposals for the purchase of the 4s of 1925 at 140 flat, which latter brought considerable offers. The Secretary bought during the month $15,678,970 bonds of all kinds, paying $20,112,270 therefor, and cash in Government vaults was reduced from $815,029,894 to $299,879,768; deposits in banks increased from $108,085,884 to $108,514,459. The reduction on Sept. 20 in the dividends on Amalgamated Copper stock attracted a good deal of attention. Mr. Borden announced an advance of 5 per cent in the wages of operatives at his mills, to go into effect Oct. 1. Print cloths advanced to 3 cents. Middling upland cotton in New York declined from 8¾ cents to 8 3-16 cents. · 'llailroad Events and Stock E:IJchange Matters.-The stock market experienced violent fluctuations during September. On Saturday, Sept. 7 (the day following the attack on the President), and again on Friday, the 18th (the day preceding his death), prices broke badly. On the first-mentioned day a poor bank statement added to the gravity of the situation, and on the 18th disappointment over the failure of the Milwaukee & St. Paul Board the day before to increase the dividend on the common stock accelerated the downward movement. As narrated above, great precautions had been taken to prevent a panic on the 7th, and the arrangements then made were still effective when the President died. Following the break on the days mentioned, the tone of the market the next succeeding business day ( on the 9th in the one case, on the 16th in the other,) was in each instance completely reversed, events having in the interval given a favorable turn to the situation, and the recovery in values was only less pronounced than the previous decline. Another adverse influence was the omission of the Amalgamated Copper Co. on Friday afternoon, the 20th, to declare the one-half per cent extra dividend previously paid, only the re~ar 1½ per cent quarterly being declared. Following this action the market declined for several days, but flrially regained tone under the continued strength displayed by the so-called junior Vanderbilts, in which New York Central also joined. Rumor had it that the various separate roads would be in some way merged. Milwaukee & St. Paul common sold at 168¼ Sept. 8 and at 154¾ Sept. 13, closing at 159¼ Sept. 80. Rock Island was 147 Sept. 5, dropped to 185 Sept. 13 and closed at 141½ Sept. 80. Pennsylvania, which had been 147½ Sept. 8, touched :140½ Sept. 13 and closed 143¼' Sept. 30. The corn crop failure in the Southwest made MISSouri Pacific weak, and it declined from 107.% Sept. 3 to 94 Sept. 80, closing that day at 95%, Amal · gamated Copper fell from 120 Sept. 3 to 88.% Sept. 25. Among the "junior" Vanderbilts, CJev. Cin, Chic. & St. Louis common advanced from 89½ Sept. 7 to 99¼ Sept. 23, Lake Erie & Western common from 69½ Sept.13 to 74 Aept. 27, Nickel Plate common from 37 Sept. 7 to 57½ Sept. 28 and 2d pref. from 75 Sept. 7 to 95 ::3ept. 28. The semi-annual dividend on Evansville & Terre Haute stock was passed. The semi annual dividend on Pittsburg Youngstown & Ashtabula common was increased from 8 to 8½ per cent. The Money Market.-The money market did not wear an altogether reassuring look the early part of September. The continued absorption of cash by the U.S. Government (amounting the first ten days at all Sub-Treasuries to over J7,000,000), together, with the shipments of currency to the mterior, gave reasonable ground for apprehension, The action of the banks, therefore, when the President was shot, in deciding to stand together, was just what was called for. The bank statement Sept. 7 reported surplus reserves down to $6,915,817 (a reduction of $5,004,050 from the previous week). It was in recognition of this that a pledge of $30,000,000 was obtained by the Clearing House Committee on Monday, September 9, to loan upon the Stock Exchange if necessary. This action was so effective in restoring confidence that none of the money pledged was required. As narrated above, Treasury bond purchases were very heavy. On the 16th the Secretary also directed the prepayment of the October interest. tMoney holdings of the banks, after dropping from '258,950,400 Auiust 81 to $289,968,800 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Sept. 14, increased to $250,406,100 Sept. 28, and surplus reFerves rose from $6,915,875 Sept. 7 to $16,298,025 Sept. 28. The banks were necessarily obliged to contract loans, the total of which declined from $895.186,600 Aug. 31 to $865,949,200 Sept. 21, recovering to $867,609,700 Eept. 28, Deposits were $968,121,900 Aug. 81, $930,361,900 Sept. 21 and $936,452,800 Sept. 28. Except on Friday,eept.13,wbenas high as 10 per cent was gaid for loans, money on call did not get above 6, the rates ~ept. 80 being 3½@4½. On time as high as 6 was paid at one time for sixty to ninety day~, but the close was at 4½@5 for all periods to six months. The paper market was dull, the local banks not buying, and the business being mainly by Eastern and other near-by banks. Rates closed at 4¾ for double names, and 5@5½ for prime and 5½@6 for good single names. Fore1gn. Excharige, .silver. &c.-Forei$n exchange continued to decline, finally bringing gold imports. Sterling rates reached their lowest on the 18th at 4 82½@! 82% for sixty-day bills, 4 84¾@4 85 for sight and 4 85¼@4 85½ for cable transfers. The firmness of the money market here helped the downward movement. About the 18th to the 20th two blocks of American eagles of $500,000 each were obtained in Paris for shipment to this side, and other small amounts of gold were engaged in London. The inflow, however, was quickly arrested. On the ~0th sight bills and later other classes of bills rapidly advanced, and bv the 25th sterling was up to 4 83¼@4 83.% for long, 4 8.5%@4 85¾ for short and 4 86¼@4 86½ for cable transfers. There was a demand for exchange in connection with the remittances required to pay the 15-per cent instalment on the British £60,000,000 loan negotiated the previous April, At the same time the supply of cotton bills was small, owing to the light cotton movement by reason of the lateness of the crop. On the 24th the Bank of Germany quite unexpectedly raised its discount rate from 3½ to 4. The latter part of the month there was a down ward reaction again in sterling, the close ~ept, 30 being 4 82½@4 83, 4 85¼@4 85% and 4 85¾@4 85½ for the three classes of bills. Open market discounts at Berlin and Frankfort advanced to 8¼, but at Paris there was a drop to 1½, At London the rate t!ept. 30 was 2 3-16@2¾, OOTOBER.-Ourrent Events.-Derangements in the Europeanmoney markets exercised considerable inJuenceherc. In addition to the needs of Germany arising out of continued depression in trade, the collapse of industrial companies and repeated bank failures, signs of uneasiness became manifest in Paris. French investors bad sustained considerable losses through investments in foreign industrial enterprises, and tbere now came a great dteline in copper stocks (long favorites in the French-markets) as the result of the revelations concerning the copper trade. Affairs in France were also disturbed by a threatened strike of the coal miners, which, however, was averted. Both Berlin and Paris drew gold from London, thus increasing the tens ion at the latter point. Open market discounts sharply advanced, aud Oct. 81 the official minimum of the Bank of England was raised from 8 to 4 per cent. A noteworthy contraction occurred in the gold holdings of the European banks. Between ~ept. 26 and Oct. 24 the holdings of the Bank of England dropped from £39,637,691 to £36,351,411, those of the Bank of France from £95,856,646 to £94.35~,263, and those of the Bank of Germany from £31,078,000 to £26,4.62,000, making the combined loss for the three iIJstitutions £8,895,663, or $44,478,000. In the week to Oct. 81 the Bank of EngJand lost £696,888 more, but the Bank of France gained £671,000 and the Bank of Germany gained £1,683,000. The strained situation abroad was one of the influences operating to induce a renewal of the outflow of gold. :::iecretary Gage discontinued purchases of bonds under his order of Sept. 10 afteT an aggregate of twenty million dollars had been obtained, but kept buying bonds under previous orders. He purchased altogether $5,943,470, costing $8,029,59!. Cash in Sub-Treasuries was reduced from $299,879,768 October 1 to $297,814,216 November 1. Mr. M. C. D. Borden on October 22 announced a second advance of 5 per cent in wages at his mills (the Fall River Iron Works Company). to take effect Nov. 4, and he also bid up the price of print cloths, but the operatives at the other cotton goods mills, while asking for a similar advance, did not strike when it was refused. Mr. Borden then withdrew from the market, and the next month recalled both advances, as noted below. The price of middling upland cotton in New York, after having touched 8 9-16 cents on the 14th, closed at 7 15-16 cents Oct. 81. Print cloths were 8¼ cents Oct. 31, against 8 cents Sept. 80. The National Agricultural Bureau in its October report raised the condition of corn only a triflefrom 51 ·7 to 52 1. Owing to the high price of corn in Mexico, believed to be the result of efforts to corner the supply, President Diaz removed the Mexican duty on foreign imports of corn ; the Mexican Congress aiso gave authority to the Government (which was exercised) until March 81 1902 to buy foreign corn and sell it at cost and even below until the price should have fallen to $5 or less per hectolitre. The Illinois Supreme Court rendered a sweeping decision declaring it the duty of the tax authorities to assess the capital stock, including franchises, of various Chicago corporations. The United States Steel Corporation adopted the policy of making pe· riodical reports of earnings, and issued a. statement covering the first six months of its existence.  RErROSPECT.  22  Railroad Events and Btock &change .Mattera,-lndustrial stocks and railroad stocks moved in opposite directions. Increasing distrust developed concerning the former, the cut the previous month in Amalgamated Copper dividend and the poor exhibits made in their annual statements by a large number of industrial companies in widely separated lines of business having a depressing effect. The upholding by the Court of Appeals of the order granted by Justice Chase in the case brought against the American Ice Company under the Donnelly Anti-Trust law also had its influence. The common stock of the National Salt Co. dropped from 40 Oct. 2 to 23 Oct 3 on the announcement that it was to be exchanged for the stock of the International Salt Company. In the railroad list sharp advances occurred in the Vanderbilt stocks, on repetition of the rumors of impending favorable developments concerning them, New York Central moved up from lM Oct. 4 to 159¾ Oct. 23, and Lake Shore & Michigan Southern and Michigan Central made sensational advances1 Lake Shore going up from 275 to 325 and the last sale preTious to October having en at only 250. The group of stocks involved in the M, dn Hill, Harriman-Kuhn, Loeb & Co. imbroglio showed great animation, and at times much strength, on reports foreshadowing the adjustment of the matters in dispute. Northern Pacific preferred, in which dealings had been infrequent, suddenly developed great activity, and the price shot up from 95y,. Oct. 7 to 108½ Oct. 18, with a reaction to 103¾ Oct. 31. Milwaukee & St. Paul common advanced from 154¾' Oct. 7 to 171½ Oct. 26 on insinuations that the property was being sought in the interest of one or the other party to the contest. Balt. & Ohio com. adTanced from 98¾ Oct. 7 to 107 Oct. 25, Central of New Jersey from 160¾ Oct. 7 to 176½ Oct. 30, Rock Island from 138 Oct. 7 to 144¾ Oct. 24, Del. & Hudson from 160½ Oct. 7 to 173¾ Oct. 31, and Reading common from 38¼ Oct. 7 to 43¾ Oct. 30. Glucose common dropped from 54½ Oct. 2 to 87 Oct. 24, International Paper common from 24 Oct. 10 to 19½ Oct. 26 and United States Steel Corporation com. from 44¾ Oct. 2 to 41 Oct. 28. The Atchison increased the semi-annual dividend on its common stock from 1½ to 2 per cent. The semi-anual dividend onChoctaw Oklahoma & Gulf common was raised from 2 to 2½ per cent and a further dividend of 10 per cent in common stock declared. A readjustment plan for .Mexican National RR. was made public. Illinois Central shareholders authorized an increase in the stock from $66,000,000 to $79,200,000, and holders were given the right to take the new stock at par. To pay for the cost of acquisition of the Cambria ~teel Co. and the Pennsylvania Steel Co,, the Pennsylvania Railroad issued $20,000,000 of 3¾ p. c. bonds of the Pennsylvania Compar.y. The Money Market.- While rates did not advance to extreme figures, the money market remained firm throughout October. Money holdings of the Clearing House banks varied from week to week, but Nov. 2 were $249,998,400, against $,250,406, 100 ~ept. 28, surplus reserves being down to $10,482,800, against $16,298,025. Loans underwent steady expansion, and were $891,922,900 Nov. 2 against $867,609,700 Sept. 28. Deposits were $958,062,400 against $936,452,300. Ori call the range was 2½@4.½ p. c., with 4 a frequent figure. Time loans at the close were 4½ for all periods from sixty days to six months on good mixed securities and~ on industrial stocks, The distrust concerning these latter led to some discrimination ag!linst them. Commercial paper was in limited supply, with the demand chiefly from out of town. Closing rates were 4½@4¾ for double names and 4½@5 for choice and 5@5½ for good single names. F<Yreign Exchange, Silver, Etc.-Sterling exchange advanced almost continuously in October, and exports of gold again began. About three millions gold was shipped from this port to Europe-$200,000 going to Germany and $2,851,586 to Paris. Owing to the continued arrivals, however, on the Pacific Coast, there was a net import of the metal for the whole country of $5,127,000. As noted above Europe showed an urgent need for the metal, and on Oct, 31 the Bank of England put its official minimum up from 3 to 4 p. c. At Paris the open market rate advanced from 1½ Sept. 80 to 2½@3 Oct. 31, and at London from 2 8-16@2¼ to 8¾@3¼, while at Berlin and Frankfort the quotation Oct. 81 was 3@8¾. These high rates abroad necessarily had their effect upon our exchange market. It was also claimed that leading financial interests had been extensive borrower, abroad since the previous spring, and some of these loans maturing were being paid off. An inquiry to remit for stocks sold here for European account was reported time and again. The latter part of the month some demand was likewise noted to remit for the instalment due NoT. 7 on the American subscriptions to the British con.sol loan floated in April. Rates for cable transfers were 4 877'@4 87¾ Oct. 31, against 4 85¾@4 815½ Sept. 30; for sight bills 4 86½@4 87, against 4 85¼@4: 8151/a; and for 60day bills 4: 83¾@4 83¾, against 4 82½@4 83. The price of silTer in London was 26 9-16d. Oct. 81; 2G 16-16d, Sept. 30. 0  0  NOVEMBER.-Current Events.-A definite adjustment was reached between the Hill-Morgan and the HarrimanKuh~ Loeb & Co. interests with reference to the control of Northern Pacific and Chicago Burlington & Quincy, The settlement embraced (1) the organization of the Northern Securities Company, with $400,000,000 stock, to take onr (by exchange of stock) the Great Northern and the Northern Paoific companies; (2) the purchase by the Hill Morgan Co. in- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  terests of the Harriman-Kuhn, Loeb & Co. holdings of North• ern Pacific pref. stock, through which the Kuhn, Loeb pe•:P.le had practically held control of the Northern Pacific Co.; (8) the retirement of this preferred stock by an issue of Northern Pacific convertible bonds, having the right to convert into Northern Pacific common stock, and (4) the lease of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad to a new compan::, called the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railway, with representation in the latter to the Harriman-Kuhn, Loeb & Co• interests, who were also accorded representation in the ~orthem Securities Company. The combination excited much hostility in Minnesota and other Northwestern States. The Secretary of the Treasury purchased $11,960,820 bonds, cost• ing $15,142,334. This included $6,508,850 of the 4s of 1925 (costing $9,068,988), the purchase of which was discontinued. Treasury money holdings were reduced $8,287,329 during the month, making $25,452,507 reduction since Sept. 1. Owing to the activity of trade a great car shortage developed. This embarrassed many manufacturing establishments and also the iron furnaces because of the difficulty of obtaining sufficient supplies of coal and coke. A strike of railroad switchmen at Pittsburg also caused temporary embarrassment. In cotton goods, affairs were unsettled by Mr. M. C. D. Borden's sudden reversal of his previous policy, Mr. Borden had evidently supposed that the two advances of 5 per cent each in wages at his mills would lead the operatives at other mills to strike, thus sending up the price of cloth. When this did not happen, he notified his employes that beginning Nov. 18 the 10 p. c. advance would be withdrawn. To emphasize his action he offered a small amount of print cloths at 2 15-16 cents, against his J_>revious bid of S 1-16 cents, later withdrawing the offer. Subsequently he made sharp cuts in certain lines of staple prints. Print cloths were 3 cents Nov. 80 against 3¼ cents Oct. 81, in face of an advance in cotton in New York to 8 cents Nov. 80 (middling uplands), against 7½ cents Nov. 1. An active· speculation and sharp advances occurred in grain. Cash wheat in New York rose from 80¼ cents Oct. 31 to 83% Nov. 80, cash corn from 64¾ to 70% and oats from 42¾ to 49 cents. Messrs. P. J. Morgan & Co., as managers of the syndicate which underwrote the plan for organizing the United States Steel Corporation, returned to the members of the syndicate the $25,000,000 in cash (12½ p. o. on the $200,000,000 subscribed) originally paid in by them. A new treaty between the United :::;tates and Great Britain relating to the construction of a trans•Isthmian canal and abrogating the old Clayton-Bulwer treaty was signed on the 18th by Secretary of State Hay and Lord Pauncefote, the British Ambassador. Li Hung Chang, the famous Chinese statesman, died on the 7th. In the dispute between France and Turkey, the French Government sent a fleet into Turkish waters, which seized the custom house at Midilli, whereupon the Porte agreed to comply with the French demands. The Seventh Nat. Bank of this city, which suspended the previous June, resumed with new capital and new interests ill control. Parties identified with the National City Bank acquired control of the National Citizens' Bank (which in turn absorbed the Ninth National) and the National Butchers' & Drovers' Bank. The Corn Exchange Bank opened another branch and asked authority to increase its stock from time to time from $1,400,000 up to $5,000,000. In Boston the National Shawmut Bank absorbed theThird National and the .National Bank of the Commonwealth, and the State National agreed to take over the National Hide & Leather; the National Bank of Redemption absorbed the Shoe & Leather National. A National Reciprocity Conven• tion held at Washingte,n declared in favor of maintaining the principle of protection and for reciprocity "by special modifications of the tariff, in special cases, but only where it can be done without injury to any of our home interests of manufacturin~, commerce or farming," The PanAmerican Exposition at Buffalo came to an end Nov. 2. Railroad Events and t:Jtock Ea,change Matters.-Countercurrents developed during November. The Northern Pacific settlement and renewed rumors of a combination among the Vanderbilt lines, together with the strength of the aBthracite properties, were influences operating in favor of higher prices, while fears of tight money and a further break in Amalgamated Copper, coupled with reports of the unsatisfactory condition of the copper trade, were depressing agencies. ThA last-mentioned influence finally dominated , and when no tangible evidence of the Vanderbilt combination appea-red, the market Nov. 80 closed weak. Amalgamated Copper sold down from 89 Nov. 12 to 72¾ Nov. 30, closing at 741/t:. New York Central was the leader in the rise among the Vanderbilts, and sold up from 158,¾ Nov. 4 to 174¾ Nov. 25, and closed Nov. 80 at 170. Michigan Central jumped from 128 Nov. 2 to 180 Nov. 25. Manhattan Elevated advanced from 122½ Nov. 1 to 139½ Nov. 30 on the approach of the time for the operation of the road by elec tricity, accompanied by rumors that either the Metropolitan Street Railway or New York Central was seeking control, Among the anthracite shares Reading common rose from 42½ Nov. 1 to 52 Nov. 25, closing Nov. 30 aL 50%. In the exchange of Northern Securities stock 115 was given for Northern Pacific common and 180 for Great Northern Bhares. Bait. & Ohio Bhareholders were offered the right to take additional common stock at par to the extent of 20 per cent of their holdings, in connection with plans for financing the acquisition of the Pitts. & Western, the Clev. Lorain & Wheeling, the Ohio River, &c.  RETROSPECT. fhe Money Market.-Five per cent was frequently paid for call loans, but there was ne stringency, notwithstanding the large gold exportR. Payments at this point for bond purchases aggregated $14,662,676, and there were continued transfers of gold from the Pacific Coast, besides which the interior movE>ment was in favor of New York. Surplus reserves of the banks declined to $8,689,925 lfov. 9) but recovered to $14,486,925 Nov. 23 under the contraction in loans (with a concnrrent reduction in deposit!.), dropped back to $18,414,575 Nov. 30. when loans again increased. Money holdings fell fro m $2~9,998.400 Nov. 2 to $24:6,294,700 Nov. 9, recovering to $248,581,700 Nov. 80. Loans were reduced from $891,922,900 N'ov. 2 to $869,068,000 Nov. 23, rising then to $8i6,169,200 Nov. 30, and deposits shrunk from $959.062,400 Nov. 2 to $932,957,500 Nov. 23, with a recovery to $940,668,500 Nov. 30. Call money on the Stock Exchange at the close was 3½@4d., with the rate at banks 4½, On time, loans were 4 on railroad collateral, 4½ on good mixed securities, and 5@5;; on industrial collateral for all periods from sixty days to six months. Paper was 4½@5 for double names, and4¾@5 for choice and 5@5½ for good single names. Foreign Exchange, Silver, &r.-At the season of large merchandise exports (the trade balance in favor of the United States for the month being $64,015,000) sustained strength marked the foreign exchange market during November, attended by a heavy outflow of gold. The gold exports from this port aggregated $15,76<),036, nearly all gomg to France, though Germany also took 2¼ million dollars; the net exports of the metal for the whnle country were only $10,686,000, owing to the arrivals on the Pacifio Coast. It was sought to explain the strength of e:xchange by the statement that loans carried on American account in Europe were maturing. .Against most of the gold shipments no bills appeared on the market. An inquiry for exchange was also at times noted to cover bills the delivery of which It was claimed had been contracted for earlier in the season at much lower prices. Rates steadily advanced and Nov. 18 reaclted 4 84¾@4 85 for sixty-day bills, 4 88@4 88~tfor sight and 4 88¾ d}li\~8¾ f-or cable transfers. The close .Nov. 30 was 4 84¾@4 81¾, 4 87¾@4 es and 4 88.% @4 88½ respectively. Money rates on the Continent eased off a littlP, open market discounts at the close being 2½@3 at Berlin and Frankfort and 2¾ at Paris; but at London the quotation was 3,%'<43½, Silver in London was weak, partly in connection with the demoralization in copper. The price declineJ from 26 9-16d. Oct. 81 to 25,%'d. Nov. 30. DECEMBER.-Ourrent Events-The Amalgamated Copper Co. was obliged to abandon its policy of hold~ng copper at 17 cents, and by successive steps the price was reduced until Lake copper was offered at 13 cents. There were violent breaks in the metal markets abroad, and in London the failure of William Sargeant & Co., a very old house, was announced on the 20th. The quarterly dividend of the Amalgamated Company was further reduced, bringing it ,down to a basis of 4 per cent per annum, against the former 8 per cent. More important still, the quartuly dividend of the Calumet & Hecla was on the 80th reduced from $15 per •hare to $10; the par value of the shares being $25, this meant that the quarterly payment had been marked down from 60 per cent to 40. The first message of President Roosevelt to Congress proved eminently satisfactory. Postmaster General :Smith resigned, and it was announced that .llenry C. Payne would succeed him. Mr. Gage, Secretary of the Treasury, also asked to be relieved, and Gov. Leslie M. Shaw, of Iowa, a~reed to take the office. 'J,'he "Iron Age" reported ll'On production December 1st the largest on record, namely, 824,761 gross tons per week. The U. S. Steel Corporation decided not to advance the price of Lake ore for the new year, and also resisted a move to advance the price of steel rails. On a small-crop estimate by the Government the price of middling uplands cotton in New York advanced from 8 cents Nov. 30 to 8 7-16 cents Deo. 81. The price of print cloths remained at 8 cents for regular sizes, but narrow lots were in active demand and 1-16 cent higher~ 'Ihe early part ol the month there was an active speculation in grain. Cash wheat in New York sold up from 83% cents Nov. 80 to 89½ Dec. 9; a sharp react.ion then occurred, but the price Dec. 31 was 88¾;. Cash corn in New York sold up to 74¼ cents Dec. 7; the close Dec 81 was 70½. The Treasury continued to buy r-onds, purchasing $5,783,370 at a cost of $7,164,571, including $'.!,430,'150 4s of 1925 for $3,39 1,694. A feature of the month was the large deposit of legal tenders by the banks in order to retire circulation, the high price of Government bonds tempting them to sell their holdings; the limit of $3,000,000-the maximum allowed for a month-was reached early in the month, and later it was announced that the limit of applications for January had also been reached. Cash in Sub-Treasuries was $289,576.887 December 1 and $294,449,086 December 31. The U. S. Supreme Court delivered some more decisions defining the status of the new insular po_ssessions of the United States. Thesa followed ..... along ~he lines laid down in _the decisions the previous Ma.y. · -. In Emil J. Pepke vs. the Umted itates,known as the" Four' 1teen Diamond Rings Case," it was held that the Govern-. ment could not collect duties on merchandise brought from the Philippines, since uoon the ratification of the Treaty of Pea~e with Spain the Philippine Isln.n9s ceased to be foreign territory, while Congress had not legislated with reference to the islands. In another case the Court sustained the con Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  23  stitutionality of the law of April 12, 1900, providing for the collection of duty on articles shipped from the United States into Porto Rico. It was held that as Porto Rico is not foreign territory goods shipped to the island are not exports, that Congress has wide range in the matter of taxation, and that the Foraker Act was to be regarded as merely Jegislation in the interest of Porto Ri no, On the 18th the House of Representatives passed a bill levying- the same duties on articles imported into the United States from the Philippines as are levied upon like articles imported from foreign countries, the duties collected to be used for the benefit of the i~lands. The new Hay-Pauncefote treaty for an Isthmian canal was ratified by the U.S. ~enate on the 16th. The Court of Inquiry in the case of Admiral Schley found against the Admiral by the votes of Admirals Ram say and Benham, but Admiral Dewey rendered a separate finding favorable to Schley. Later Lieut.-Gen. Miles of the U. S. Army was censured for having in a newspaper interview expressed an opinion in the case. Conferences between representatives of capital and labor, held under the auspices of the National Civic Federation, resulted in the formation of a standing committee, to be known as the Industrial Department of the National Civic .Association, for the purpose of promoUng industrial peace. The South Carolina and West Indian Exposition was opened at.Charleston Dec. 2. The Pennsylvania Railroad announced plans for building a tunnel under both the Hudson and the East rivers, connecting its lines with the Long Island RK, the aggregate expense of which (with terminals, &c.), will probably be $35,000,000. Guglielmo Marconi, the Italian inventor, received wireles~ signals across the Atlan io Ocean from Cornwall, Eng. The Nat. Bank of No . .America in New York arranged to absorb the Bank of the State of New York. Railroad Events and Stock Exchange Matters. -The further break in Amalgamated Copper (the stock selling down to 60¼ on the 17th against 130 six months before in June) and tight money bad an adverse influence on the Stock Exchange early in the month, the market at times being quite weak. Later, and particularly after action had been taken on the .Amalgamated quarterly dividend, the general list manifested much strength, and the anthracite coal shares and a number of others advanced to the highest figures of the year. Sugar commo::i dropped from 126¾ on the 2d (the previous June the stock sold at 153) to 103¼x on the 24th, but subsequently recovered, and closed at 116½, Central of New Jersey sold up from 178 to 196¾, Del. Lack. & West. from 240 to 258, Reading common from 45.%' to 58 and 2d pref. from 55½ to 64½, and Chio, Ind. & Louisv. common from 45¼ to 52½, the high points being all reached on the 30th or 31st. Hocking Valley common rose from 60½ Dec. 9 to 75½ Dec. 26, Long Island from 79¾ Dec. 2 to 90 Dec. 18, St, Louis & ~an Francisco common from 50½ Dec. J2 to 56 14 Dec. 19, and Atchison common from 74¾ Dec. 12 to 80½ Dec. 31. The semi-annual dividend on Pittsb. Cin. Chic. & ~t. Lous common was increased from 1 to 1½_p. c.; that on Minneapolis & St. Louis from 2 to 2½ p. c. Canada Southern dividend was also increased. The Phila.. & Erie declared the first dividend since 1894 on its common stock. The Lake Shore acquired control of the Indiana Illinois & Iowa RR. The Norfolk & Western acquired contrgl of the Pocahontas Coal & Coke Co., issuing thereon $20,000,000 of 4 p. c. bonds. The Money .Market.-Money rates ruled high throughout December. ·on call 6, 8, 10 and 12 per cent was frequently paid, while on the 31st even 15 was touched. Time loans at the close were 6 for thirty days, 5 for sixty to ninety days, 4¾ for four months and 4½ for five to six months; paper closed at 5 for double names and 5@5½ for prime and 5½@6 fo» good single names. The early part of the month the Treasury drew heavily upon the banks, and there were large shipments to the interior. 'Ihe latter part there was a return flow of currency from the interior. Besides buying bonds, the Treasury Departmmt on the 14th mailed checks anticipating the 11"t of January interest. Surplas reserves of the banks were $6,607,675 Dec. 7 and $5,455,025 and $5,785,325 Deo. 14 and Dec. 21, with a recovery to $7,891,850 Deo. 28. The banks were forced to contract loans, which were $881,552,000 Dec. 7 and $857,960,200 Dec. 28. Deposits dropped from $940,668.500 Nov. 30 to $904,096,300 Dec. 21, increasing again to $910,869,800 Dec. 2". Money holdings fell from $248.581,7110 Nov. 30 to $231,809,400 Dec. 21, and incressed to $235,608,800 Dec. 28. Foreiqn Excharige, Silver, &c.-Foreign exchange continued strong the early part of December, and further shipments of gold took place. Later the high rates for money here caused a sharp decline, and by the 12th sterling was down an average of two cents, to 4 82"'@ 4 83 for sixty day bills, 4 86 @ 4 86¼ for sight and 4 86¼ @ 4 86¾ for cable transfers. When the 'money market began to work a trifle less closely, this was quickly followed by an upward reaction. The last day of theyear,with·callmoney upto 15 p.c., the exchange market was naturally unsettled. The close on that day was at 4 83¾ @ 4 E3½ for sixty day bills, 4 86¾ @ 4 86¾ for sight and 4 87¾ @ 4 87~4 for cable transfers, After first advancing, open market discounts at the European monetary centres closed easier, except at Paris, where the rate was fractionally higher at 2½ p. c. At London the quotation December 31 was 8¾ @ 3.%', and at Berlin and Frankfort 2¾, The Bank of England 1 ,st heavily in bullion. Silver further declined, touching 2-!-15-16d. December 8i the close December 31 was at 25¾d,  24-  LISTINGS  ON  NEW YORK  LISTINGS ON THE NEW YORK SI'OOK EXCHANGE DURIBG THE YEAR 1901. The securities listed on the New York Stock Ex• change during the twelve months of 1901 disclose clearly the strikini features of this unusual year. Indeed, what was said in reviewing the listings for the first six months la even more emphatically true of the year as a whole, it being characterized by the following notable circumstances, viz.: (1) The largest aggregate liatinea for a period of its length in the history of the Exchange; (2) the ltsting of the shares of a company whioh is at the same time the greatest industrial consolidation and the chief in point of capitalintion in the annals of the country; (3) the issuance and admlasion to the list of bonda representing new capital outlay to an extraordinary total; ( 4) the listing of a remarkable amount of railroad shares sold at or above par; (5) the very small total of securities arising from reorganiHtion, but the unparalleled aggregate Of bonds isaued to take up stocks acquired for purposes of control and of shares created to replace those of other concerns merged by ama1gamation or otherwise. The first table embraces the record of aggregate listings for each of the last ten years. From it we learn that the volume of stocks and bonds listed was more than double that in any previous year. If the shares of the great Steel Corporation be deducted (the bond1 not having been listed), even so the year surpasses all previous records. Securities representing new capital outlay combine with those issued on account of amalgamation and for purposes of control to raise the total additions to more than 2,500 millions, the previous record being held practically in common by 1898 and 1899, in each of which years reorganizations swelled the listing of stock and bonds to about 1,229 millions.  1901 .......... 1900 ....•..·..•. 1899 ........... 1898 ·········-1897 •···••··•·· 1896 .•.•.•..••. 1895 .......... . 1894 ........... 1893 ..•••.•.... 1892 ........... 1891 ............ Stock•. ~  Is1 1,u for new Old issues capital, etc. now liated.  Replacing old securities  Total.  $220,171,700 $21,270,100 $681,568,800 $923,010, 1 00 6,287,000 289,747,403 443,713,000 14.7,678,597 156,304,760 22,908,000 346,171,480 525,3iH,240 245,219,480 26,243,<iOO 428,602,200 700,064,680 87,720,502 15,713,500 253,981,900 sin,,u,,»02 7,626,000 427,317 ,ooo 5F2,286,7CO 147,343,780 166,526,300 15,587,000 75,162,100 257,275,400 184,785,000 32,i37,600 92,782,000 309,~04,600 189,272,000 42,178,000 107,353.400 288,803,400 12,352,000 130,383,900 317,861,500 175,125,600 191,397,700 16,187,000 80,061,000 287,645,700  .  1901. ••.•••••. . $429,537,450 $76,090,600 $113638~665 $1642013715 1900. ••• • • • . . • . 296,550,572 130,205,000 194,179,428 620,935,000 1899 .•••. ·••••· 311,420,285 392,752,320 704,172.605 69,754,130 52,646,600 405,753,266 528,153,9_9 6 1898 ·•·••• .•.•. 53,275,671 1897 .•. • . . . . . .. 24,369,900 425,329,32( 502,974,891 76,57:i,572 1896.. •. . • .• . . . 514,158,643 590,732,215 77,132,1500 35,385,200 30,856,270 143,373,970 1895 •••··• ...•. 4,800,000 209,776,750 251,193,803 36,616,253 1894 •·••·• ..••. 1893 •...••.... . 1 93,744,16\ 48,874,000 55,627,HO 198,245,261 99.905,900 48,364,850 88,765,355 237,036, 1 Of> 1892........... 1891. •• • • • . . . . .. 96,540,754 1,650,000 90,724,200 188,914,954. NOTE. -Applioa.tione tor the listing ot Trust Company receipts and ot 11ecnrtt1esma.rked "assented" (it preparatory to reorganization), or of eeonrities stamped "assumed" or "assessment pald"-the securities them11elTesha.vtngpreviously been listed-are not included in this table.  The 220 millions of bonds representing new cap ital outlays was once exceeded in amount in 1898, but in the case of stocks the total of 429 millions is far ahead of the previous record, the 311 millions of 1899. Reorganizations being at a minimum, the enormous amount (1,800 millions) of new securities replacing old securities reflects the process of amalgamation (industrial as well as railway) which has lately been so conspicuous. The second table indicates the individual listings of railroad and street railway bonds. The numerous issues of bonds for improvements and extensions are apparent. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  LI8TING8 OJ!' RAILROAD BONDS.  Purpose of i1aue. Amount, Oompany and title of loanAtoh. Top. & 8. Fe gen. gold ,s.... $5,000,000 .• Extenstons, impts.,etc,. 750,000 •• Retire pref. 11took. Atlantic & Danville let g. 5a...... Balt. & Ohio oonv. g. deb, 4a ••••••• 12,14.3,000 .. 0onstrno'n & tmpts, Beech Creek Ext. 1st g. 31ta.... .. 4,~00,000 .. 0onstruotlon ot road, Buffalo & Sueq. 1st ret. g. ,11 .••••. 2,510,000 .. Acqu'n11, ext'ns, eto. 511,000 •. Exohange tor old 5s. do do 80,000 .. Second track, eto. Can. Southern let gold 511......... 900,000 .. Improvements. do 2d do Central Branch Ry. let gua.r. g. 4s 3,459,000 .. Ex.tor seo's ot old oo'a Oen.of Ga.Chat.Div. pur.mon.g.4s. 1,8,0,000 .. Purohase ot division. Oen. Pao. lat ref. guar. gold 4s .... 2,941,000 •. Improvements. 35 2 ,600 t. Exch'ed. tor old bonds. · ·•• do do do 15,500 5 do 319s... do do 5 2 , 500 l Retire old bonds. do g. 4s........... do 8,500 { do gold. 31ts...... do Chea.& 0.-Gr'nb'r Ry.let gu.g,4s. 2,000,000 .• Construotton ot road. Chio. & Alton ret. 50-yr. g. 3s ..•.• 14,555,000 .. Ex. tor old bds.& imps. 967,000 .. Extension & new equip. Chio. & Ill. gen, con. and let 5 34,000 .. Rettrement ot old bda. gold 5s ........................... l Chio. & N. W. gen. Slts ... .......... 2,525,000 .• Exoh. tor old bonds. 300,000 •• Improvements. Chio. Ind. & Louisv. ref. g. 5s...... Chio. R. I. & Pao. gen. g. '8 ....... 1,000,000 .. Improvement!!. 122,000 •• Exoh. tor underl'g bda. Oh. St. P. Minn. & Om. oonsol. 6s. 27,000 .. Exoh. for old bonds. do do do 185,000 .. Impts., equlpm't, eto. Ohio. Term. Trane. 50-yr. gold 411.. 50,000 .• Improvementa. 1st g. ,s........ do do Ohoo. Okla. & Gult gen. g. 5e...... 500,000 .. 0onstruotton ot road. do .••••• 250,000 •. Bxoh. for old bonds. do do 2,000,000 •. Exo.tor underl'g bonda• OJ. Oln. Ohio. & St.L. gen. g. 01. & Pitta. gen. gu. g. 81ts, Ser. D. 828,000 .. Improvements, 885,000 .. Impmts. and addlt'ne. gen. g. 31911, Ber. B.... do 435,000 .. Pa.:y't oartr.,tmpte.,eto. OoL Mid. 50-yr. lstgold ,e......... Oolo. & Southern ht gold 41....... 550,000 .. Improvements, eto, Den..-. & Southw. gen. gold 5s .••.• ,,923,000 .• Ex.toraeo.ofeons•tooa. Det. South. lat g. 4s ot 1951 •...••• 2,760,000 i Aoqui'n ot Ohio So.!and Ohio Bo. lat g. 411 .. 4,000,000 5 Det. & L. N.ratlroade. do Erie RR. let eon1ol. gold 4s....... 548,000 .. Improvements. Acquis'n of Pennsylv. Coal Co., Erle &. WY• . Valley RR. and Del• Penn. ooll. tr, gold 48 .•.• 32,000,000 do { Val. & Kingston BY• Hooking Val. 1st con. gold ,1ss.... 1,000,000 .. Imp'ts and equipm't. Pa.y'toartruste, Sund&J' do do 162' 000 S l Creek Coal stock, eto. Hou,ton & Texae Cent.-Waoo & ~ I, 105,000 .. Puro. ot div. att. toreel N. w. DiT. 1st gold 6s ......... .S 5 1,200,000 Extensions and imp'ta. Ind. m. & Iowa ht~- 4s ot 1950 i a,soo,ooo .. Rettrement old 5s. 657,000 <Extension ot road 68 •••••• Int. & Great Nor. 1st gold • 657,000 .S 2d gold 5e....... do do 461,000 .. Iesned nnd. re-or. plan. do do do 5Impte. a.ndretg,KetthaIowa Central ret. 50.yr. g. 4s .••••• 2,0 0 0, 0 00 i burg bridge bonds. 0ld bonds just listed. .. '2813,736.000 K. c. Ft. s. & M.RR.con.g.6e ot Pur. seol!. of K. O. F. 8. & M. R R . and X. o. Ry. gu. ref. g. 4e .. 11,650,000 do M.&Blrm.RR. 359,000 .• Refu.nding old bc,nds. Lake Bb. & Mlob. So. g. 31ts....... do .••... 2,000,000 .. General purposes. do do Leh. Val. mort. & ool. tr. gold 5s.. 3,000,000 .. Improvements, etc. Lon. & Nash. 50•yr. unit. gold 4s.10,400,000 .. Impts.retir't.otbds.,e~ Mex. Oent. oonsol. gold 4s ......... 1,000,000 .. Imp'ts & add. br. llnee. 1st oonsol. gold 1no .••. 3,439,000 .. Payme11t floating debt. do M.St.P.&8.SteM.lstoon.50-yr.g.4s 5,590,000 .. Exoh. for underl'gbda. 9,649,000 .. Extenslons. do do do 600,000 .. Extenstons. M.K.&T.-M. K..& T.ot T.lst g.5s.. 170,000 .. Aoct.pUl'. Miss.Mild.R7. 1st ext. 50-yr. gold 5s.. do Mo. Pao. 1st col. gold 5s ot '20 ... . 2,636,000 .. lmprovements, eta. Mob. & 0.-St. L. & Oat. coll. g. 4s 383,000 .. Improvements . do .. 2,161,000 .. Exo.for St. L. & C. 11tk, do do Chat. & St.L.lst oon. g. 5s .• 1,134,000 .. Retlre old bonds. 25.000 .. Construotion of road. do do do SExoha.n~ed tor rifiohl• N. Y. Cent.& Hudson River RR.- l Michigan Cent. coll. 3111s .. ..... 5 336' 000 l gan Central stock. N. Y. Cent. & Hud. Rtv. gen. 3198 .. 1,153,000 .. Exch. tor old bonds. N. Y. & Long Br. gen. 50-yr. g. 4s•. 1,500,000 .. Retlre old 5s, N. Y. Ont. & W. ret. gold 4s ••••••. 1,500,000 .. Improvements. Nor. & West. 18t oonsoJ. gold 48 ... 2,000,000 .. Extensions and impts. North Pao. prior lien & 1. gr. 4s .. 5,837,000 .. Constr'n, equip., eto. • . 1,118,500 .. E x oh'ged for old bonds. do do do St. P.-Dul. Div. gold 4s .. 9,216,000 .. Pur. St. P. & Dul. RR, do 5 Exchanged tor O. B. & Gt. N joint g. 4s (0. t. do B. & Q. ooll.) .•••.••..•••.••.. 5 215 ' 163' 000 t. Q. stock, Og. & L. 1st gu. gold 4s .. 3,700,000 .. Pur.o! roa d und.toreol. 700,000. New property. do do do 376,000 . . New road. Ore. & Cal. 1st p;nar. ,g., 6s........ Ore Short Line 1st oonsol., g., 6s. 1,991,000 .. Equlpm't, imp'ts, eto. Penn. Co. guar. tr. oe:rte., Ser. B .. 10,000,000 .. Imp'ts to oontr'll'd cos. SOld bonds extended at Peo. & East.-Ind. Bloom. & W. ~ 1st pret. 7s (ext.) .......•••..... 5 981 ' 500 ) 4 p. o. Railroad Securities :so.yr. g. 319 ..• 8,000,000 .. Pur. Ill. Oent. stock. Rio G. West. 1st oon. so.yr. g. 4s. 4,000,000 .. Extenetons, equip.,etc. • 6,000,000 .. Pur. ot Utah Fuel stk. do do do Rutland RR. 1st oonsol. g. 4¼s . .• 1,999,100 .. 0ld bonds just listed. 440,900 .. Exoh. tor old bondEI. do do do Rutla.nd-Can.lstguar. 50•yr. g. 4e. 1,350,000 .. Construotion of roads.' Sag. Tuso. & Hur. 1st gu. gold 4s .. 1,000,000 .. Exoh. tor old bonds. 800,000 ~ Old bonds just listed. St. Law. & Adir. 1st gold 5s...... 400,000 5 2d gold 5s...... .• do do St. L. & San Fran. ref. g. ie .••.. . .. 40,1514,000 .. Retunding old bonds. St. Louis Southw. 2d gold ino. 4s.. l ,000,0CO .. Extensions and tmp'ts.  ,e ....  1  LISTINGS ON NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE,  Bonds.  STOCK EXCHANGE.  LIS rINGS ON NEW YORK STOOK EXCHANGE. 0ompan11 ana mu of loat1Amount. Purpose of u.-ue. Bo. Pao. Oo. 2.5.yr, coll. gold 4.¼ls.$15,000,000 .. Pur. Pao.Mall s,k., etc• B.Pao.of Oal. lst,5s,unstd. 233 ooo i do do do stmpd. 1,21>2;000 5 Construotlon of road. Bo• Ry •-St• L • Div• 1 s t goId .. .. s.. 10•000 ' ooo S Lou. RR. Evan1. i Puroh. & Bt. of L. cons. 750,000 . . Imp't1 on division. do lat con. gold 5s. .•••..•. .. 428,000 .. Rettre Cb.OoJ. &.A..bds. do M. & O. ooll. tr. g. 48 . •••. 7,855,000 .. Exe,. tor M.& O.gen.4s Tex.& Pac. Louietana Dlv.Br.L. 5s. 2,-124.,000 .. Constrnotlon of road. · do do 1st gold 5s. 181.000 .. Betire Div. 6s. Tol. Bt. L. & West. pr. lien g, 3198 .. 9,000,000 i Excha,nged for old se• do do let gold 4s. . . •. 5,625,000 5 ouritles under plan do ddo pr. lien g. 319s •• 1,000,000 S Cash requirements of do o lat gold 4s..... 875,000 { plan. Union Pacitlo RR & l t 4 { 3,000,000 .. Gen.oorpor'e purposes. · • gran s. 6B 000 5 Exoh. for Or. Sh. Ltne • { income "A" bonds go let lien con. gold 4.s .. 40,000,000 .. Puroh. Bo. Pao. stock. o do do .. 60,000,000 .. "Prea. & future purp.'• Warren BR. 1st ref. gold S¼s .... 5 861,000 .. Exch. fer old bonds. { 44,000 .. Bep't adv'sto D.L.& W. 286,000 .. Aoot.pur. Coshoo. & Bo. Wheel. & L. E. lat. con. g. 4s.... { 1,043,000 .. Imp'ts, extensious,eto. 200,000 .. Exoh. for old bonds.  i  Wiseonsln Cen. 1st gen. gold 4a. .•.  808,000 .. Extensions, tmpt'e,eto.  Total. .••.••..•••••..•...•• .••. $667,006,000 Ll8TIJl'G8 OF STREET RAILWAY BONDS.  Oompany and title of loanA mount. Purpose of issue. B'klyn Union El. 1 et 50-yr. g. 4•5&.$3, l l 0,000 .. Aoct. aoq. Kings co. EJ. Oonn. Ry.&L.lst &ref.50•yr.g.4.19s 7,93g,200 .. Part paym't or orop's• do do do 415,800 .. Exo.for underl'g bonds. Det. Unt'd Ry.-Det. Citizens' 5s. 5 4,335,000 .. 0ld bonds just Hated. { 1,150,000 .. Retire underl'g bond 11. Grand Rapids Ry. let gold 5s .•••• 2 500 000} Exchange for old bond@, • • Improvements, etc. M:U.Eleo.By.& Lt. 30•yr.g. con. 5s. 397,000 .. Imp'ts, extensions, etc. Nassau Eleo. RR. gu. con. gold 4s. 4,000,000 .. Acq.of-props.lmpts,etc. do do do do . 6,474,000 .. Betil'em't of old bonds. Third Ave. RB. let con. gu. g. 4e .. 35 ooo ooo 5 Retirement or untund · ' • { ed debt, lmp'te. etc,. Total .................... ..•.... $65,321,000  .Especially noteworthy in tbia list are the bonds of the Erie, the Southern Pacifi.o and the Union Pacific and the joint bonds of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific, issued on account respectively of purchases of stock in (1) the Pennsylvania Ooal Co., etc., (2) the Pacific M.ail. (3) the Southern Pacific and the Northern Pdicific, and (4) the Chicago Burlington & Qllincy. The Kansas City Fort Scott & Mem phis issues, aggregating 25 millions, mark the change m control and headquarters of that road from Boston to New York and St. Louis, while the 18 millions of bonds of the Southern Rail we.y recalls the purchase of the properties of the former Mobile & Ohio and Louisville. Evansville & St. L-mis. Extensive refund• ing operations also are covered by the bonds of the St. Louie & San Francisco and the LJuiaville & Nash• ville. 0 ~her large additions to the list were afforded by the Minn. St. Paul & s~ult Ste Minie, Toledo St. Louis & Western (a reorganization), Rio Grande Western, P,mnsylvania Company and Baltimore & Ohio, the debentures of the last-named company already having been partially withdrawn for conversion into stock. The street railway bonds also include several issues of importance. The objects on account of which the several issue• of railroad and street railway shares have been made are shown in the following compilation. LISTINGS OF ·RAILROAD STOCKS.  06mpOl1VJlandcla11sofstoc~ Amount. Purpose of lsBUe. B. & 0. oom.i!tk. vot. tr. certe ..•••• $ 1.2 ,459,000 .. Excb. for oonv. debs. Cent. BR. of N. J. stock .......... . . 19,000 .. Excb. for oonv. bonds. Ohio. Burl. & ,Quincy, stock ....... 9,922,700 .. New road, equip't, etc. do do do ...••. . 1,922,000 .. Ex. for convert. bonds. Chio. & Eastern IlJ.,,com ........... 1,000,000 SEquipment and Im• do do pref ......... 1,000,0UO{ provements. Chlo. Gt Western. deb: stock....... 2,160 000 5 For locomotives, lease ' { warrants, notes, eto. do do •common.......... 6,500 .. Exchange. do do pref. B .•••••. 2,000,000 .. Exo. for W. M.& P. stk. Ohio. ·MUw. & St. Paul, ccm .•.•.•. . 8 673 200 5Construction of about ' ' { 400 miles of<,. do do pref .. ••. . . 4,053,900 .. Exoha.nge for bonds. Ohio. R. I. & P., stock .••..••..••... 10,000,000 .. Extens. and impte. Denver & Rlo Grande, pref .•••.••. 20,536,890 .. E~oh. for R. G. w. st.k. Den•er & Southw., com .••••...•... 3,000,000 5 Exchange for seeur's do do pref ........... 2,000,000 { of oonstituent co's. Detroit Southern, com ..•..••..•••. 7,000,000?. Acquis'n Det. & L. No. do do ,pref .....••..••.. 6,000,000·5 and O. So. ratlroade. Erle RR., lat pref ••.....••••••.... 5,000,000 .. Acot.pur.Penn.-OoalCo. Great Northern, .pref............... ·600,676 5 Exfb.~of St. P. M. &M. do d ·( e oc , mpts., etc. o ...••..••...•. 25,000,000 .. Pur. sec. of var. prop's. Booking Valley, pref............... 719,000 .. Ad'e to Tol.&O.Cen.Ry. •do eom...... ..•.. ••.. 11,300 ..•Ex.torTol.& O.Oen.stk. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  25  Oompany and elr.tBB of stockAmount. Purp~e of ume. IJltnots Central, stook .•••....••.•• $19,200,000 .. Equip't, tmp'te, etc. Ind. Ill. & Iowa stock .••••••••••••• 1,302,200 .. Extenstona. do do ...•••.••••••• 3,697,800 .. 0ld stock just listed. Iowa Central, oom •• • • • • . . •. ••••.• 10,000 5 E h do pref.................. 1 , 500 { xc ange. Kan. Otty Ft. Scott & Mem Ry (. Pur.sec. of K. C. Ft. S. guar. et. tr. certs .•••••.••. : ••.. : S13,510,000(. & ~· atK· C. & Bir. Louie. & Nashville, stock .......... 2,200,000 .. I~;r!~:i:ents, etc. Mo. Kansas & Texas, com.......... 99,300 .. Aoct.pur.Mlss. Mid.By. Mo. Paotflc, stock .•••••.••..••••••• 2,983,000 .. Ex. tor K.C.No.Ry.stk. do do .•••.••..••••••... 11,'Z l 8,000.. do do gold debs. do do ••.•••••.••• .••... 4,500,000 .. Purch. Den. & B. G.stk. do do .................. 9,922,500 .. General purposes. New Mex. By, & Ooal, com ........ 3,000,000 5 Acquisition of stock of do do pref ..•.. . .. 1,000,000 l New Mex. Fael Co. N. Y. N. H. & Hart. RR. stock..... 12,500 .. Floating debt, etc. Pennsylvania stock 5 IS0,500,800 .. Impts., equip,& acqu's ' ·•••·••······· { 1,265,850-Exc. for P. W. & B. stk Pitt@. Ft. W. & Chi o.,gu. spec. stk. 1,291,200 .. Impts. during 1900. Rutland BR., pref ..•.•••..•••••..•• 2,285,000 .. Exo.b. for com. stock. do do .•••••.••.•••••... 3,482,600 .. 0ld stockju1tltsted. St. Law. & Adirondack, com ...... 1,300,000 .. 0ld stookjust Usted. St. L. & Ban Francisco, common .. 1,723,000 .. Improvemente. Texas & Pacltl t k o:o 5Exchanged for income C S 00 • • ••• • • • • • • • • • u .. , 300 { and land gt. bd.sortp. Toledo St. L. & West., com ........ 9,698,500?. Exchanged for old se• do do pref .•.•••.. 9,866,250 S eurttles under plan. do do com ........ 396,IWO i Oash requirements of do do pref........ 133,750 S plan. Union Paoltlc, com .....•.••...••••. 8,095,600 .. Mostlyex.foroonv.bde. Ex. for Or. BR. & Nav. do pref. • • . . • • • • • . • • • . . 105,700 { 1nf. and Or. Sh. Line 'B"bonds. Wheeling & Lake Erle, com .••..... 1,000,000 i Extension of road do do 2d pref.... 600.000 5 • do do do .••• 400,000 .. Acct. pur. Cosh. & Bo. do do do . • • . 20,000 i Exchange for old ee• do do let pref.... 40,000 S curttles. Wtsconsin Central, com............ 192,500 i Improvements do do pref... . . . . •• . 43,000 5 · do do com............ 337,!'IOO?. Account purchase of do do prel ..•.... ~... 112,500 5 Marshf, &8. E. By.  5  Total ..................... .••. .$284,584.,515  While, on the one hand, the extensive purchases of control have resulted the past year in the locking up of vast amounts of railroad stocks as security for collateral trust bonds, the prosperity of the steam roads and the high price commanded by the shares of many of them have, on the other hand, led to the listing, especially during the last six months, of an extremely large amount of new shares, the greater part of which was sold at or above par to stockholders. Excluding the two companies recently teorganlzed (Toledo St. Louis & Western and Detroit Southern) with their 33 millions of stock, ten companies have listed in the aggregate over 200 millions of new stock, the number of millions in each case being as follows: Pennsylvania, 52; Missouri Pacific, 28; Great Northern, 25; D,mver & Rio Grande, 20; Illinois Central, 19; Kansas City Fort Scott & Memphis Railway (~uaranteed trust certifies.tea), 13½; B11rlington & Qa.incy, 12; Rock Island, 10; s~ . Pliul, 13; Union P~cifie, 8, these last two largely in exchange for convertible bonds. It is too early for the shiuee of the $100,000,000 Northern S 3curities Company to figure in the compilation, but another year we may expeot to see them on the official list. The snares of the Brooklyn Ripid Transit Co. ( previously in the unlisted department) and the Detroit United R!lilway, together aggregating 67½ millions, are also among the accessions of the year. In the following tables we bring together the listings of industrial and miscellaneous stocks and bonds: LISTINGS OF STREET RAILWAY STvCKB,  Oompany and class of stock.A.mount. Purpose of lssut. Brooklyn Rapid Transit, stock ... $20,000,000 . . 0ld stock j11st l11ted. do do do 25 ooo } Pnrchase of prop@. and · · · · •000 i 1mptP. in '99 & 1900. Detroit United Ry., com ...... ...... 12,500,000 .. Acqute•n of properties. Mil. Elect. Ry. & Ljght, pref•...... 4,500,000 .. 0ld stock just l11ted. Total. ••..••..••••.......•..••.. $62,000,000 LISTINGS OF MI8CELL.A.Nli.OlJS STOCKS.  Oompany and class of stockAmount. Purpose of i ssue. Amer. Agricult. Chemical, com ... $16,715,tiOO ~ Purchase of properties do do pret .... 17,153,000 5 and improvements. American Bicycle, com ............• 17,701,500 i .A.cquisltion of proper· do do pref ..•.......•. 9,294,900 5 ties. Amer. Teleph. & Teleg .•••••.•••••. 51,77~,800 .. Ex.torAm.Bell Tel.stk do do .•...••..•.,.. 20,734,700 .• Impte., extonafona, etc Central Coal & Coke, com.......... 875,000?. N t do do pref........ .. 375,000 5 ew proper y. Colorado Fuel & Iron ............... 6,000,000 .. Acqui'ns, imp'ts, eic. Colum. & Hook. Coal & Iron, com. 300,000 .. Improvements. do do do . 1,903,600 .. Exch. tor pref. stock.  CLEARINGS AND  SPECULATIONS.  cial undertakings of huge dimensions-the organiz1tion, for instance, of the United States Steel Corporation, the purchase by the HiH-Morga.n people of the Burlington & Qnincy, the acquisition by the Harriman-Kuhn, Loeb & Co. interests of the Southern Pacific, etc., etc, Under these circumstances, it was inevitable th!it the totals of clearings should rise to previously unequaled proportions. The extent of the expansiQn will nevertheless be a surprise, we imagine. It fu.r11ishes striking tesUmony to the phenomenal activity ,..ifhich distinguished this period of twelve months. It is hardly needful to say that the increase in clearings has been especially marked at this centre, ----TotaJ..- ..................... . $1,295,429,200 where so much of the country's speculation and so LISTINGS OF MISCEL LANEOUS B ONDS, many of its financial opeiations are carried on. Here ,.C ompany and title of loanAmount. Put'Pose of issue. Amer. Bicycle, ~ol'1 deb. 5s ....... $ 9.243,000 .. Acquls' n ot properties. there had been a falling off the previous year in the Am. Hide & Leath., 1st s ..t. gold 6s 8,375,000 .. Acquis'n of properties, aggregate of exchanges as compared with the exAmer. Telep. & Teleg., g. 4s.15,000,000 .. Extens., imv't@, etc. Amer. Thread 1st coll. tr. g. 4s.... 202,000 .. New :orop. and impte. traordinary total of 1899-13·4 per cent decrease. For B'klyn Un. Gas 1st con .50-yr.g.5s. 283,000 . . Exch . .tor old bond@. Colo. Fuel & Iron, gen. s. t. g, 5s.. 371,0CO . . Exch. f or prior bonds. 1901 there is an increase over 1900 of more than 50 Commercial Cab le, 1st gold 4s ..... 2,000,0CO .. Extens'n of land lilles. per cent. Even outside of New York, however, where 5 Exe. for Amertca.n and Consol. Tobacco coll. go. 4s . ....... 122,158, 100 c Oonttn'l the clearings in 1900 had held their own, there is a Detroit City Gas, 25 -yr. gold 5s.. 5,000 .. Exch. for old bonds. gain of 16·6 per cent. For the whole country the addiDlstm. Co. of Am., coll. tr. g. 5s... 4,080,000 .. Working capital, eto., Germ., 31ils c 3 750 000 5 Extendln~ wa.t.-works tion bas been 37·5 per cent, which follows a loss of 8·5 (loan of 1901) ................... 5 ' • c and improvement@. per cent ln 1900, but a gain of 36·6 per cent in 1899, of Gramercy Sugar, 1st gold 6e...... 300,000 .. Improv~ments. National Starch, gold deb. 5s ...... 3,724,000 .. Acquis'n of properties. 20·2 per cent in 1898 and of 11·7 per cent in 1897. Newark Consol. Gas, oon. gold 5s. 5,274,000 .. Acqnts'n ot properties. In amount the 37·6 per cent addition of 1901 N. Y. Dock, 1st l:;O-yr. g. 48 .... ..•. l ,500,000 .. Cash requlr'ts o.t plan. represents an increase of over 32 thousand milldo do do ........ 10,080,COO •. Ex,forold eec.und.plan N.Y. & Q. Elec. L.& P. lstcon.g. 5s. 1,930,000 .. Acqute'n ot properties. ion dollars, which ngure will probably impress the Pleasant Valley, ht 5s. 168,COO . Additions. reader more forcibly than mere words oould do. St,. Joseph Stock Yards 1st g. 4lg .. 1,250,000 .. Improvements. U. B. Mortga~e & Trust, 1st coll. c 1 ,OOO,OOO 5Retire Series c bond@. The grand aggregate of the clearings for 1901 is 1i8½ tr. g. 4s (Series K) ... ........... 5 c thousand million dollars., as against 86 thousand ---Total.. ....... . ................ $190.688,100 millions in 1900, 94 thousand mlllions in 1899, 69 The shares of the great Steel company, aggregating thousand millions in 1898, and 67 thousand millions 1,018 millions, may perhaps make the other issues of in 1897. It will be observed that the total for 1901 is stock seem small in amount, but as a matter of fact more than 100 per cent greater than that for 1897, highly important contributions to the number of only four years before. As a matter of fact it is listed securities were made by the two Fertil'zer com panies (American Agricultural and Virginia.Carolina), almost double the amount of every year precediDg the Bicycle company, ihe Bell Telephone, the Cruci- 1898-whlch shows how rapidly the country's actlvi • ble Steel, the Match, as well as by the reorganized ties have been expanding recently. Tne following is Brooklyn Wharf & Warehouse Company, now known the clearings record back to 1880. as the New York Dock Company, and other corporaCLEARINGS, tions. The concentration in the control of two of the Clear. Per Ct. Per Ct. Per Ct. great tobacco companies {the American and the ConNew York Ino.or ln11 Outside Inc. or Total !no.or Year. Clearings. Clearlnits. tinental) accounts for the presence of more th1m 122 Deo. New York. Deo. Deo. ---- +c;o•g 119,093,148.706 +16·6 ,us,5209145,s -millions of collateral trust bonds issued by the Con- 1901....... . 179,,2',686.8'2 -t-87'5 1gou....... . 51,6Si,201,8G6 -11·, 81,571,,BG,818 +o·G El,206,ft88,68' -8'1 solidated Tobacco Company. 1899•...... . 60,761,7Ql,901 ,t-fi•S 83,'16,IQ7,8S2 +23·9 94,178,089,288 +oo·e The stocks admitted to dealings on the "unlisted'' 1898 ........ 'I."71.782,487 +20·e 26,960,(16,187 +12'6 68.981.111'7,'124 +90'9 department amount in all to 270 millions, and in- 180'7 ...... . SS,427,027,,71 +16·8 23,89',946, 786 +G'4 57,821,978,106 +11•7 28,870,776,056 -s·s 22,468,156,883 -4•2 51,883,981,,89 -3•7 ..... clude the entire share capital issued by the locomotive, 1806 l ~........ W,8'1,796,924 +22-s 23,480,i!K,400 +10·1 68,272,291,(1' +l6't snuff, distilling and rubber goods consolidations, as 18"'-...... 24.,88'7,80'7,020 -112·0 11,157,S0S,0S? -7"6 '6,645,110,0:m -15·D ... . ... . Sl,261,087,730 -U·7 22,962,270,276 -9·4 M.223,308,008 - 11'15 well asadditional shares, increasing the amounts pre- 1898 1899...... . . S6,G6B,469,I02 -t-8'6 20,848,688,020 +1o·s 611,011,107,222 +9'15 viously listed, of the great sugar, silver and copper 1891 ........ ss.;,g,&22,212 __g•9 22,987,0S7 ,805 -o·s 56, 786,SIJ0,0l 7 --6'( 1890....... 87,oiM,607,609 -t4•4 23,166,882,888 +w2 60,623,940,497 +1•g companies. The sever11l items are as follows: 1889........ 85,895,104,905 +irs·, 20,280,223,091 +10·0 M,176,827,996 +18''  Company and class of stock.A.mount. Purpose ofisau,. Oonsolldated Gas Oo.ot N.Y.stook. $900,000 .. New prop., tmpts., eto. Crucible Steel Oo. ot Amer., com .. 25,000,000 ~ Pnrchase ot properties. do do do pret..25,000,000 5 Detroit City Gas, stock............. 325,500 .. Exten'e, imp'ts, e_tc. 511,000,000 Old lltock lust listed. Diamond Match, stock .•• • ..•.•. i 4,000,000 .. Imp'ts and exteneionL General Electric, com ...•.......•.. ,,419,SOO .. Ex.forpref.stk.&debs. Hanover Nat. Bank, 1,tock ......... 2,000,000 .. Merger Cont. Bk., etc. Laclede Gas Light, com............ 485,600 .. Extensions andimp'ts• New York Dock, com .............. 7,000,000 ~ Exch. tor old securities do do pref ............ .. 9,625,000 5 under plan. do do do •••••• .••••• .. 375,0CO .. Oash requ'ts und. plan People's Gas L. & Coke ot Chio ... . 4',300,300 .. Extens'ns and tmpte. of sec' s o! u. B. Steel Corporation, com ..... 508,433,9001 Acquisition constituent comp'es do do pret..... 510,2M,10l { working capital, etc'. Virginia-Carolina Qhem., com ..... 27,984,400} Acquisition of l)l'Ol)e:i:-. do do pret ..... 12,000,000 ( ties.  --  STOCKS PLACED ON "UNLISTED" DEPARTMENT,  .Amalgama.ted Copper..••••• American Locomotive....... Amerioan Snuff:............. Amerioan Sugar........... . D1stllllng Co. o.t America... Internat1onal Silver .••.•••.• Rubber Goods Mfg..........  Oommon. Preferred. $78,88i,900 25,000,000 $2',100,000 11,001,700 12,000,000 7,500,000 7,500,000 4,,M2,927 29,(62,818 5,107,500 16,941,700 8,051,(00  -----  Total. $78,887,900 4.9,100,000 23,001,700 15,000,000 74,00IS,24.5 5,107,500 24,993,100  Total. . •..••.• . ••.••..••.. $le3,874,227 $96,221,218 $270,095,U.5  OLEA.RINGS AND SPEODLATION IN 1901. Very naturally the records of bank clearings for 1901 partake of the character of the business conditions which prevailed in that year. The volume of trade during 1901 was of unsurpassed magnitude. Stock Exchange speculation, too, far exceeded tha.t of the most active previous year. At the Sfme time, the year was marked by the carrying through of ti.nan Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1888 ........ ~1,100,027,f.21 1887........ 38,474,Ma,268 1886........ 88,676,SSW,612 1880 . ....... 18,158,201,886 1884. ...... 80,886,8'71,170 1888..... . . . 117,434,800,872 1882....... . 46,gl6,9M,031 1881 •...... 49,876,882.888 1880....... . 88,614,448,228  -7'1 -0·6 +19·6 -9·1 -17·2 -20·2 -5'0 +27'9 +82·]  16,4-U,607,367 -t4·S 17,672,972,821\ +1s·2 15,616,891.606 +17'2 18,821,889,708 -t-0'8 18,214,118,618 -7·6 1',297,171,924 +2·4 lS.962,286,579 -o•g 14,09&,500,881 +28'9 ll,87r,.400,000 +n-4  49,Ml,684,888 61,147,629,094 49,293,721,218 41,474,041,0'4 «,199,984,783 151,781,472,796 60,878,241,610 68,471,889,244 49,989,8'8.~  --8'1 -t-8"8 +1811 --6'1 -14'6 -115·0 --4•0  +111·0  +19"1  The gains extended through every month of the year, there being no month recording a lower total than the corresponding month of 1900, either with or without New York. During the fl.rat ten months, when comparison was with diminished figures in 1900, the percentages of increase were very heavy, ranging from 26 to 75 per cent. In November and December, when comparison was with increased totals in 190(·(the re-election of President McKinley having at that time occasioned a revival both of speculation and of business), the percentages of gain were more moderate.  \  AND  CLEARINGS IIONTHLY OL.BABINGlll .  Month.  ~nno,, Total AU, 1901.  1900.  •  •  ClearCno, OUtritle Nt/UJ Yorlc.  P.Ot  1901,  •  1900. P.Ot ------  •  .January ... 10,'716,«0,805 7,MS,049,256 +io•:t 8,816,325,932 2,978,469,861 +u11 rebruary 8,868,808,92' U82,8ti,888 +2S>"t 2,786,2H,SQ9 :u~.293,189 +10'0 March ..... 10,00S,1589,786 7,626,746,697 +s1-z 3,116,749,~ 1,790,289,!67 +11·7 lit quar•. 29,078,t!S9,t65 21,701,619,lQl +s4·u 9,167,289,835 8,256,051,1.17 +11·0  April...... . l2,010,t28,193 7,472,97f,151 +60·7 S,S7S,539,6l7 2,766,727,208 t22'i May...... .. 12,826,9'72,7f8 7,810,882,616 H6'4 8,600,~0.868 2.8S8,686,f66 +2S·t lune....... 10,106,778,513 6,667,616,610 +51"6 S,2'4,996,258 2,793,408,269 +16'1 Id quar... S4,9i8,179,i5f 21,f6U2S,276 -t-62"910,119,076,228 8,888,720,982 +20"7 6 montha. M,021,018,9Hi 43,153,0f2,467  +•s·, 19,286,866,583 16,638,772,Hi.  +u·11  Jllly....... 9,865,718,31U 6,26e,080,134 H9·7 S,288,788,320 2,70i,865,200 +BI•f Aupst.... 7,986,1H,19M .~,707,829,lOi +s0·9 3,056,595,238 2,523,0tO,~ t21'1 September . ..::_~•U8_:816 5,626,611,H8 Hl"5 2,919,805,261' 2,469,988,61' +18·1  9,259,688.924 7,697~,802  t20"8  60,7-2,962,853 28,M6,06t,m 24',836,166,tffil 7,621,819,823 :f-25"1 8,581,096,808 S,(){5,08i,6f3 8,768,997,164 +126 3,tS0,681,3'9 3,054,957,751 P,082,,08.843 +8·<· 3,t90,316,29i 3,1S5,27i,77'l Uh quar•. 29,186,518,262 25 462,725,830 +u:e 10,55t,094,'ZtP 9,235,320,167  +17"3 +11·6 +H:l  Sd quar ... 26,318,802,867 17,589,920,S~ +43·9  II months October... November . December..  +m  89,389,821,286 9,581,61S,6H 9,8'8,809,51~ 9,806,0QO,tso  Year ...... 118.~25834548 86,2011,f189,683 +s7·53ll,098,148,i06  rl  1900. fl~w York.............. 1899. 1898. 1897  •  •  l9,Pll,65Ci 24,628,103 t8,4i6,568 l3,067,702 16,US,474 15,191,751 L0,624,560 9,280,198 7,mll,688 7,126,471  Total  79,427,686 52,634,20 2 60,761,79I .U,971,788 88,427,02T  2,036,168 1,975,9?1 il,lot,807 1,781,702 1,608,103  8,096,727 7,010,608 8,009,HII 6,227,091 5,879,525  r··  2,6215,ll>'l 2,i88,806 2,290,987 1,869,865 1,420,915  2,912,181 2,508,586 2,848,000 2,029,100 1,598,838  2,888,460 2,358,761 2,285,846 1,836,43() 1,709,788  8,158,876 2,607,565 2,581,022 2,183,9H l,97',702  r••-  488,836 876,219 327,481 299,975 211),959  1.69,001 1.02,194 862,086 Sl 8,074 237,996  495,029 ,~.875 200,542 287,859  5':4,891 t75,S29 452,f7S 850,2H 836,272  1,978,707 1,677,116 1,548,78 7 1,24.8,885 1,077,686  638,520 591,6~ 493,261 451,1.10 S70,i82  679,829 637,898 631,692 510,194 408,029  721,692 681,482 6?9,804 477,16ll 480,886  865,8'4 744,435 693,722 624,111 1561,186  11,906,885 2,598,'78 2,297,9 79 2,062,883 1,770,888  1,086,642 1,480184.3 897,670 1,254,856 855,422 l,081,i61 991,714 716,172 981,4911 706,127  4,890,271 4,186,3(6 8,703.255 8,825,602 8,091,801  Total Southern....... .  Total  all................  Outside New York ...  6,lf>S,l 28  5,876,463  11,53',62  '  9,{!03,71 8  11,506,S5I 7,907,866 6,61>9,238  1,198,091 1,180,195 1900. 1,058,757 980,063 1890. 908,233 863,889 867,218 760,498 1898. 756,714 1}97,461 1897. 21»,076,594' 8',IK4,i95 1000 . U,699,481 21,t58,561 9 1899. 24,286,004 2',U ,009 1898. 17,213,0711 16,812,065 1897. l2,895,046 12,736,284  25,818,302 17,51W,1>20 21,158,712 16,110,683 15,220,730  29,196,514 26,i62,727 24,685,874 lQ,766,521 16,969,918  118625885 86,205.689 0,,118,08g 68,902,1 88 57,821,973  9,165,0U 10,121,322 8,252,91:i S.885,859 8,092,520 8,271,258 t},588,519 6,581,SM 5,378,458 6,609,813  Q,259,688 7,697,894 7,974,988 6,207,740 5,997,625  10,652,095 9,285,321 9,077,581 7,602,289 6,914,050  89,098,U9 83,571,'87  478,787 385,848 898,450 387,202 806,?9!  620,786 436,572 449,611 877,697 850,693  rOl  r"·  r.  1900. _ 1899 1898. I 1897.  root.  1900.  Canada ... .. ... .... .... 1899. 1898. 1897.  418,988 872,411 368,8'8 847,987 247,780  f7t,10t! 891,958 895,918 324,696 278.7.85  88,'16.29 7  26,980,4 05 28,894,946 1,896,669 1,586,289 1,62'7,822  1,887,582 l,l&,052  In the CHRONICLE of Saturday, J a.nuary 4 1902, we gave a detailed statement showing the figures for the last two yFars at each city. There are only four places in the whole country which, for one reason or another. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~~  304 840  $  1,455 976 940 813  6'6  585 436  347 460 389 347 265  ;:~  ~f~  :~~  259 270  253  216  261  ~ll  i~i  209  ~:~  19 ~ - : - ~ __ 211 _ _ 178 ~  Total &11... 9,806 9,032 8,379 7,362 1 l ~526 86,205 94,178 68,981 OutatdeN.Y. 3,490 3,130 3,031 2,7t0 39,09838,57133,41626,959  Oa. the New York Stock Exchange, as every one is aware, dealings during the early months were on an unparalleled sea.le, the speculation eventuating in the Ma.y panic. In April the sales on the Stock Exchange aggregated 41,719,086 shares, as against 54,654:,096 shares for the full year 1896, and on April 30 all records for a single day were broken in a total of 3,281,226 shares. After that the volume of business fell off, but. still remained m.o re th1m ordinarily large. We subjoin the monthly record for the two years. I.A.Id)8 OJ!' 8TOOK8 AT NEW TORK STOCK l!lXOH.ANGl!L  18,634,f.19 16,227,!06 15,557,798 12,164,282 10,055,863  1,887,098 1,507,440 1,9111,739 1,f42,218 1,479,868  11100 .  i~  f:~ i:~  1898.  U,972 . 5,426 5,517 3,672  Total. ••••• 9,836 8 ,669 8,017 '7,051113677 81,898 90,845 65,74.8 OtJlerctties.. 470 413 362 311 4,819 4,307 3,838 3,183  •  L6,068,614 9,892,526 18,178,774 9,902,798 9,223,105  2,17~,406 1,782,101 2,019,332 1,421,211 1,422,4711  1899. I 1898. Ll897.  20 19  18  1,995,055 1,796,091 1,965,967 1,581,960 1,87,,075  Tobal other Western.  :~  23 24  19  1900. 'l'otal New England... 1899. 1898. 1897.  r\!01.  ~i  22 26  Denver......  Year. - -:g - - -I- - --  1.06,848  ~;  28  +1s·2  9,6117,48 5 8,2-t0,2S 1 8,~1,27 1  100<>. Total Paclflc........... 1899. 1898. 1897.  ;J  lmfl:&lo......  ig  2,4!15,9'73 2,177,167 2,16'1,21H l,~,577 1,507,888  1900. Tot. Middle Western . 1899. 1898 . 1897.  ~-=:~~~::  i~  9,929,86'7 1,880,665 1,927,770 l,4'6,219 1,SSt,097  r'·  1901. 1900. 1899. 1898. 1901. 1900. 1899. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,816 5,9'7 5,34.8 4.,652 79,428 52,634 60 .762 Boston....... MO 593 609 657 7,192 6,180 7,086 Ohioago...... 718 600 615 573 7,756 6,800 6,612 Pllll&delphi& 460 437 431 390 5,4.75 4,678 4,811 St.Louis.... 225 164 152 141 2,271 1,689 1,638 Pittsburg.. • 173 144 127 92 2,04.8 1,616 1,528 Baltimore... 97 100 99 98 1,192 1,084 1,210 8&n l'ran'oo. 106 93 88 72 1,178 1,030 971 Olnoinnatt... 82 74 71 56 973 796 748 &ansas City 82 81 59 49 918 775 64.8 •ew Orleans 74 73 56 58 d04 657 458 Louisville... 41 39 87 31 462 425 413 Minneapolis. ?2 53 56 50 626 680 640 Olevel&nd... 61 51 46 38 703 566 519 Detroit...... 59 38 37 31 575 428 415 Providence.. 30 30 82 26 S49 326 335  omitted. J  87  2,709,260 2,176,027 2,U6,860 1,502,690 1,260,015  rOOl  (000,000•  •ew York...  '1~~ci::::  2,279,885 2,00?,872 2,112,341 1,528,642 1,285,013  1900. other Middle.... 1899. 1898. 1897.  BilK OLJ!IABING8 AT LEADING OITIE8,  . - - December.----.. ,--Jan. 1 to Dec. 3 1 . -  Columbus...  83,67~.818 +16'6  First Second Third ] Fourth Quarter. Quarter. Quarter. Quarter.  fail to have an increase over 1900. In the following we furnish a four-year comparison of totals for the leading cities-for December and the full twelve lllonths.  +u·s  When the d ifferent cities are arranged in groups ac-cording to their location, a pretty close uniformity is found to e:xist in the percentages of increase-barring the Middle group, where the inclusion of New York makes the percentage large, namely 46 ·4 per cent. Fo(the New England group the increase is 15·5 per cent, for the Middle Western 16·4 per cent, for the Far Western 11 ·8 per cent, for the Pacific 17·7 per cent and for the Southern 18·2 per cent. Here is a table of clearings by quarters for five years. Clearings Reported. (000s omitted.)  SPECULATIO S.  1900.  1901 Month  Numliar of Shares.  ·-- --San.  Values.  Par.  •  Number of Snare,.  Actual.  ---  •  80,285,055 2,911,581,860 2,081, 7i5,2'75 9,8'3,716  Value,. Par.  •  9i6,58U87  Actual.  •  68T,2'S,018  reb ... U,902,822 2,126,1137,1.60 l,578,91.7,696 10,1115,392 976,728,9115 718,677,567 March . 27,060,968 ll,62i,Oll,150 2,097,Q8',688 14,"6,782 1,409,938,650 1,101,018,t07  ----  lat qr 79,24'8,8f6 7,661,480,t50 6,758,6'1'7,661 Sf,'86,890 8,838,238,962 2,606,988,1>92 A.prll •. U,719,086 4,089,f07,800 S,515,023,287 lt,772,1178 l,f8',106, 700 902,298,900 lune•.. 19,795,612 1,980, 755 G50 l,6011,6f9,867 7,808,687 7ot,924,650  May.... 36,292,IIOS S,4'0,179,575 2,683,101,469 9,619,,73  977,081,f61 610,491,418 465,082,864.  ----IS mos .. L7606574.6 l 7111 l8i3,S75 l3t6M611,28& 66,087,023 6,871.,569,212 !,M9,694,285 Sci qr. 96,806,901 9,(60,842,926 7,707,774.,623 81,601,183 8,0il,880,250 S.Of2,665,2,1  July .... l6,0S4,668 l,577,f08,UO l,2111,878,902 6,230,498 A.ugust 10,ffi,021 1,055,617,850 832,061,498 ,.020,66& Sept. .. 18,000,195 1,880, 178,860 l,067,387,61U 5,169,966  699,8!2, 700 893,267,76(1 ,96,988,600  236.1187,,69  Sd qr. !0,786,88' ',OlS,104,650 S,114, 77cl,061 ll:1.421,113 l,{90,039,050  939,898,i21  4.01,407,206  801,498,74.6  llmoa. ijl68i2630 fl.,18i9Z80 35 l6,~12S034t 81,508,136 7,864,608,26~ 5,t89,487,65G  Oct ... . U,086,082 1,871,786,460 l,Of9,728.'118 10,895,083 1,0611,757,800 706,806,917 Nov.... 18,814,962 1, 7,8,173,850 1,t59,0l6,487 22,665,896 2,189,781,826 l,'77,1503,887 Dec .... 16,760,985 1,595,101,000 l,SU,086,291 23,411,629 2,254,609,226 1,575,987,649  ----  4th qr. 49,102,029 ,.715,060,800 3,8t9,"30,206 56,872,048 6,507,0117,850 8,7611,797,458 Year. 265944859 25 8&11988825 20 431.o 3o5511 S888 Ol8i 18 871706112 9 2{11285 109  For the twelve months the sales foot up roughly 266 million shares, which is nearly double the total of 138 millions for 1900, and compares with 176 million shares for 1899, the previous maximum. In 1897 the sales were only 77 million shares. NUMBER A.ND VA.LUE OIi' SHARES SOLD AT NEW YORK STOCK EXCHA.NGB,  Year.  Stocks,• A.v'ge Values+ Sha.r~s. Price (a.p'ro:ir::im 'te)  Year.  Stocks,• Av'ge Valueat Shares. Price (ap'roxim 'te)  1901 .... i65,g,H,6j9 79'0 $W,t319d0551 1891. ••. 69,031,689 57'1 $3,812,247,419  1900 .•.. 188,880,184 69"2 1899  9,249,~5,109 1890  1'76,t21,185 78'6 13,f29,29 I, 711\  tAAA.  71,282,885 60"2  8,977,664,198  72,0H,600 Rt•O  f,059,2.31,891  1898 .••. 112,699,957 72"i  8,187,il8,Q85 1888 .... 65,179,106 62'5  1897.... 77,324,172 67·0  4,973,553,065 1887  ..  84,9l4,616 61'1  8,589,519,HS 4,508,778,899  1896 .•.. 54,654,096 65"2  S,82\1,969,940 1886 .... 100,802,050 65"6  5,885,662,200  1895 .••. 66,583,282 60'3  8,808,838,604 1885 .... 92,588,947 64"1  5,479,859,840  1894 . ... 49,075,032 64'2  3,094,942,769 1884 .... 96,154,971 61"7'1 5,939,500,000  1683 .... 80,977,839 60'8  4,550,260,916 1883 .... 97,049,909 64'51 6,260,809,961  1892 .... 85,875,092 63·5 4.874.014,262 1882 ... 116,807,271 66'12 7,689,458,486 • The shares of stocks we take trom the reoord kel)t by the Journat of Oommerce for the years 1882 to 1884, inclusive; stilce 1885 the totals are our own compilation. t The values of sales, except for the year 1882 (figures made up by 'l!he Public) are our own com11ilations.  MERCANTILE FAILURES.  It remains to add that the bond sales were also of unusual volume, the dealings in railroad and miscellaneous bonds being 1994:,236,400 for 1901, against '669,169,000 for 1900, 1826, 711,400 for 1899, 1888,747,630 for 1898, 1529,843,960 for 1897 and $363,158,· 820 for 1896. As to the mercantile Exchangea, there are no records for the Cotton Exchange. Even in the case of the Produce Exchange no official data are kept. In this last instance, however, we have made up the following from the figures given from day to day in the daily papers, and thi1 ought to furnish a pretty close approximation to the actual result. N otwithstandlng the speculative activity which prevailed at times in the grain markets, as a result of the corn-crop shortage, the combined total of spot and option sales for 1901, it will be seen, ia only 869,516,075 b11shels, as against 1,095,532,330 bushels for 1900 and 824:,685,480 bushels for 1899. 8ALE8 OF FLOUR, WHEAT, &C,, AT NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE  [Two otphere (00) omitted from the figure~ for Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley and Rye.]  Fleur. Bbla. lat quarter, '0l 6~8.800 '00 9'i2,8i0 '9{1 1,110,440 '98 954,050 '97 816,700 2 quarter, 101 719,200 '00 827,900 •9~ 965,240 '9f Si0,450 1 97 1,203,160 84 qll&J'ter, 101 'i02,250 '00 795,900 '99 941,960 '98 814,276 '97 1,274,15'J ith quarter,'01 557,100 'Of 751,700 " 1 99 968,800 1 98 1,060,800 '97 1,169,590  ...  ..  ... ..  ..  .. .....  Total Tokl Total Total Total  Wheat.  Corn.  128,288.0 147,HJ,0 155,027,0 215,747,0 200,066,0 200,270,0 257,759,0 228,588,0 839,174,0 401,289,0 218,899,0 294,801,0 141,855,0 103,886,0 484,528,0 200,470,0 289,768,0 14.0,175,0 180,108,0 250,457,0  U,458,0 U,584,0 18,085,0 26,621,0 14,815,0 28,279,(J 35,tr.9,0 83,556,5 43,847,0 24,948,0 27,l76,0 34,986,0 36,164,0 81,505,0 83,298,0 18,085,0 22,893,0 19,858,0 40,894,0 84,82tl,0  Oats.  Barl'y Rye.  ~Malt -Bmh. ---- -Bush. Bush. Bush. .Bush.  ---  1901 ..... 2,681,81>0 742,927,0 89,948,0 1900 •.••. S,848,340 988,969,0 108,8!2,0 1899 ..... 8,981,440 660,445,0 107,658,5 1898 •••• . 3,669,575 788,U0,0 1'2,867,C 1897 ..... 4,463,600 1,286.290,0 107,885,0  7,Ul,0 405,0 86,0 6,398,8 l,i62,0 212,0 i,629,0 240,0 869,0 7,932,0 956,0 002,0 7,321,0 1,681,0 1,015,7 6,8{9,0 82,0 318,0 7,081,0 '79{,0 471,0 9,89",5 818,0 626,0 12,145,0 :?60,0 4,256,6 10,601,0 2,012,0 1,866,0 7,712,0 205,0 800,0 8,126,0 710,0 ~.o 11,612,0 2,560,0 1,381,5 7,751,0 1.190,0 1,808,0 16,824,0 1,488,0 1,828,0 8,156,0 525,0 44,0 7,280,0 330,0 150,0 4,199,5 1,735,0 149,0 5,501,0 l,t!62,0 1,9P4,0 16,332,0 1,177,0 1,915,0  -29,858.0 ll@,880,8 80,387,0 83,329,0 50,678,0  Total. .Bush. 153,3i2,600 174,170580 188,846,980 256,461,225 228,078,850 2SS,98!l,400 805,709,550 272,828,580 408,56!,526 446,075,220 252,452,125 841,798,550 197,561,320 149,804,287 498,1119,675 229,736,950 273,858,650 170,i48,600 184,927,600 809,973,155  1,167,0 748,0 869,516,075 8,8!6,0 927,0 l,095,532,3S0 5,858,0 2,P75,5 824,685,480 4,168,0 8,960,5 994,247,587 6,858,0 6,624,7 1,{77,321,900  FAILURES AS A GAUGE OF BUSINESS STABILITY. There could be no better evidence of the soundness of industries in the United States than the exhibit of commercial failures in 1901 issued by R. G. .Dun & Company at the close of 1ast week. Read in the light of the trials mercantile and manufacturing c1assea have been in the midst of during the twelve months, clearer proof of the general stability of affairs could not be asked for. A very severe panic in May in Wall Street, a most trying strike in the iron and steel industries and their allled trades for months, the assassination of President McKinley in September, and an increasing stringency in the money market during the last quarter of the year-in the face of all these and other lesser adverse happenings, failures it appears have remained at a minimum. Had commercial weakness prevailed, a l!eries of events could hardly have been found so well calculated to uncover it as those we have referred to. AnalJzing these failure figures, it will be observed that, compared with 1900, the 1901 aggregates indicate much smaller liabilities, but a little excess in the number of cases-the number being 11,002 in 1901 against 10,774 i~ 1900, and the liabilities 1113,092,376 in 1901 against $138,495,673 in 1900. This increase in number, as we shall shortly show, is not of great Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1mportanoe, it no, being attributable to ,.ne onhvorable incidents we have mentioned; it is rather in part a feature of the ordinary working out of businesscasualties in periods of commercial buoyancy. That is to say, there always are and will continue to be failures; these are added to in iimes of unusual confidence, because many rush into business then who have no capacity for it, and in process of time they inevitably fall victims to an exhaustion of resourcesthe impairment of financial strength and lolB of vitality dating from the start in business. Final collapse is in length of time a variable incident, varying in good part according to the amount of capital put into the concern. That there were a few more of these firms exhausted in 1901 than in 1900 has, we repeat, no relation whatever to unfavorable developments In that year. Some might be inclined to attribute the increase in number of disasters in 1901 to the closer money market and discrimination in loans during recent months. The number of failures may have been in some small measure added to from that cause, but that those additions made the aggregate number for 1901 larger than in the previous year cannot be accepted. We are shut out from any such interpretation by the fact that the December total and the last quarter's total in 1901-when the special tension from money occurr.ed, and hence when that cause was operating-are less in both number and liabilities. than in 1900 ; and, with the exception of 1899, one would have to go back a great many years to find smaller totals for the month or for the last quarter than in 1901. A moment"s conshleration of the rates for loans also discourages the thought that they caused commercial failures. There has been no discrimination in the money market against mercantile credit, and no time when merchants could not have obtained accommodation lower than or at the legal rate ; entire confidence hag all the time been felt in legitimate busineBB &nd enterprise. There has been discrimination, but it has been against corporate management of industrials, against blind pools, against pegging prices, and the like. But confidence in the general industrial situation has rema.ined, without interruption, unshaken. ~.,urthermore, that the small addition to the num• her of failures in 1901 has no significance as evidence of a less favorable induatrial situation or of the prevalence of any less assuring influences, is made obvious through a compilation of a quarterly statement of failures. In the following the returns are carried back to 1893, and for each of the nine years the totals are given of number of failures, of annual liabilities, and also the average of the annual liabilities. 1!'.A.tLUBES.F£rst Quar. Second Qr. Th.trd. Qr. Fourth Qr. Total. Number .. 1901. 3,835 2,424 2,324 2,919 11,002 Ltabll1tles ........ $31,708,486 f2~101,204 f24,756,172 '32,531,514 $113,092,876" AverCUJe, 9,1106 9,9,8 10,652 11,145 10,279 Number .. 1900. 2,894 2,!l38 2,519 2,928 10,77i Ltabll1ttes . ....... $88,022,572 $41,724,895 fZ7,119,996 '86,628,220 fl38,495,678 " Aver(UJe. 11,411 17,114 10,766 12.531 12,854  Number .. U,99. 2,772 2,081 2.001 2,48S Llabllltles ........ ~7,162,031 f14,910,902 Sl7,6i0,972 131,175,984. " Aver(UJe. 9,705 7,165 8,816 12,~  9,3S7 f90,879,889 9,788  Number .. 1898. 8,687 8,681 2,M0 2,928 12.180 Liablllttes ........ f32,9,6,566 SS4,41l8,074 $25,104,778 '88,l18,'82 flS0,662,899 •• Averaoe. 8,936 11,381 9,886 13,017 10,721 Number .. 1S97, 8,982 2,889 2,881 8,649 13,861 Llabllltiea ........ f48,007,911 $!3,68,,876 $25,601.188 S87,038,096 flM,889,0'71 .. Averaae. 12,209 15,121 8,886 10,lCSO 11,560 Number •• 1896. i.031 2,995 3,767 i.806 16,088 Lta.bll1t1es .... . ... '57,,26,185 H0,'4'-M7 f73,284,ffi9 fM,9il,80S 1226,000.lS. " A1'ff'aas li.2,6 18.5M 19,507 12.762 H ..DW Number .. 189~. 3,802 2,855 2,792 3,7i8 13,197 Liabllitlea ........ $47,813,883 $41,026,261 f32,lt17,179 f52,188,737 fl73,J96,0GO · " Aver(UJe. 12,577 14,370 11,528 13,92! 13,124..  MERCANTILE Total. Fowrth Qr, First Quar. suona Qr, 1.'Mrd Qr FAILURES18,886 8,979 B,868 2,784 4,804. Number .• 1894. Ltabllittes •••••••• $64,1S7,SSS $37,595,978 $29,411,1116 $41,848,SM $172,992,856 12,'58 10,17B 10,028 13,761 14,000 .Avera~. "  16,242 4,826 4,015 S,109 S,202 Number . . 1893. Liabilities ........ $47,838,800 $121,541,239 $82,469,821 $95,480,529 $846,779,889 it,751 19,770 20,420 87,98! 14,784 .t.11erage. "  FAILURES. ber in 1901 1a 1i.kew1se smallest except in 1900 and in 1899. As to 1900, we have already shown that the leas number is wholly due to the fact that a good many of the victims it, disturbing conditions caused were left over to die and be counted in 1901; the con• ditions of this latest year consequently cannot be charged with causing the demise of these derelicts. It is quite different with 1899; the auperior record of that year can be no surprise, for it will beJremembered that 1899 followed the first year (1898) in whioh it had become possible to secure the full fruits of the contest begun in 1893. It ls useful to study these facts and to be continu• ously mindful of them, for they tell us what th& country has gained in an industrial way, and how (it has gained it. No one is permitted to doubt now that the making of our dollar worth a dollar paid a. hundred fold. It was a point secured along the llne1of that universal truth that honesty ls the best policy•. Some decline to accept that old maxim. They tell us it is not true in business or in politics. This country's experience has established it as one of the fundamentals. It has thus passed beyond the sphere of argument up into the realm of corollaries.  The foregoing discloses that all and more than all the increase in number of failures in 1901 fell in the first q:uarter of that year. With that feature in mind, let the reader run his eye over our summary of hap• penings and conditions (railroad, Stock Exchange, money market, &c.,) in J anua.ry, February and March 1901, given in the CHRONICLE o! January 4 1902, pages 6 and 7. Having done that, he will be impressed with the faot·that those months contain no excuse for failures. They were not only booming months, but phenomenally so; and unless one was an inveterate bear, no cause prod~cing insolvency could have developed amid such aurroundlngs. The failures falling in that quarter must consequently, to a considerable extent, have been oases of traders in extremis before 1901 began. Some special event evidently must have occurred ID. 1900 which created this condition; its presence is ob• vlous, not only in the first quarter of 1901, but also in all of the last three quarters of 1900. We are not permitted to doubt that it was the election, which was between the same candidates as in 1896 and which FAILURES BY BRANOHES OF TRADE, was a contest over the old issue, that gave the decided Calendar Year, set-back to business development in 1900 and spent 1900. 1899. 1901. its tlnal Influence in adding to the failures in the first FROM DUN'S RJ:VIBW. No. Uaba«Au. No. .UaWHUu. No • .z:.,aWHUu. quarter of 1901. The reader will notice that for every Manufacturer,. 19 1,i\9,00L 40 2.4116.lllg 87 1,7C0,8~ subsequent quarter of 1901 the totals of failures and ll'on,foundries and nall11.. 188 129 1,700,4'18 lUO 6,990,'748 8,018.692 26 1,09',760 l~'::tf~:,~rr~~~ii~go,icia 28 ,.11~~:r~ 86 1,851.776 liabilities were in each case less than in 1900. 895,109 H 8 18 1,'75S,081 '7,421,215 8t9 11,858,U66 s,11 6,8'8,880 Confidence in the general industrial situation is fur- t~~~r~c~;~~~:~~ii;7ii 820 941 8,699,076-Sil 3 8:17 4,117',061 j7 •gtA:~~ 196,fSUO 27 :f!1¥:i~7.::::: 8743 1.M0,4"6 888,'84 ther strengthened the more extended the examinatio~ W~f~1:fo~:: 627,868 88 1,108,297 42 Ohemical11, drugs & paints. 146 1,4.08,080 Printing and engraving•••. 18'7 1,SH.965 12b 1.2~.o& 110 1,806,897 826,608 H6 88',867 167 of the above table is made. Observe the salient points Mlllina and bakers •••..•••. 118 109 B,813,832 98 1,4.88,720 2,427,911 Leather, shoes & harness 79 1,488,188 99 2,146,482 111 t,866/Sa and tobacco •• .•... of the compilation. The most critical years were Liquors 868,84i, 829,8{( 86 26 989,6(16 88 Glass, earthe111rare & brick 697 7.789,299 1',208,821: 896 18,6'77.874 864 . ........... .... ... other A.ll evidently 1893 and 1896; each ls memorable as being Total manutacturlng ••. 2,'41 44.,\!60,98S 2,,ou 61,702,162 1,925 50,792,184 the date of a life struggle for our currency standard. 7radera. !Jeneral stores ••...•.• •.•.. 1,400 s,21n.811 1,US 6,'7b0,867 l,100 7,002,61)8 and. fish .• 2,081 6,566.960 2,080 8,i00,6€6 1,868 10,976,7155 Of course 1893 was for obvious reasons the occasion Groceries.meats 8'78 2,52Q,8t9 876 2,964,1549 410 8,688,U96 Hotels and restaurants ••.• 776 3,914.866 ..•••. tobacco and Liquors b70 4.,109,660 886 4,962.i9l when our industries suffered most. We were then Clothing aitd furnishing 676 15,466,018 498 8,744,629 66? 4.8!14,808 .•. 887 6,120,858 '82 8,290,4~0 6,3fl8.6H 426 . •..• carpets and goods Dry nearing silver payments fast ; our gold standard 290 1,807,823 810 2,6116.106 SSt 2,845,689 198 1,68S,2n6 177 1,628,0iS 161 1,848.88£ ~~gcf:.~~: l~~~Ti~~:~~3 was almost lost. Its continuance was a matter Hardware, stoves & tools. 298 8,696,879 267 2,f2lU87 2S? 2,918,168 880 1,889,946 l,SH,8411 261 S80 1,220,508 Drugs and paints ........... 759,488 , 122 1,009,1186 188 of months only if the action of the 1890 Jewelry and clocks ••..• . .•. 161 1,160,808 418,8\Jl 61 624,4F9 69 459,0i8 62 Books and papers ....•.••.. ,u,oos ss 808,274 81 189,72~ 24 furs and gloves .••••. silver bill was not stayed. President Cleveland Elats, 6,891,088 808 18,251,842 1,101 9,478,114 840 A.11 other..... .. . ••••.•• fought that battle and won; the bill repealing the Total trading... . • • . •.. 7,P66 52,060,840 7,8'4 59,il5,6g2 7,107 48,924,??1 806 ll,16S,9H 621 27,877,989 596 16 070,768 and transporters. Brokers coinage clause of the 1890 law was passed October 31 Total commercial •••.•. 11,002 118,092,876 l0,774 1ss.,116,6n 9,837 90,879,889 1893 and signed by the President on the first day of 5R 82,1!59,790 59 ~5,lll'i.5611 7' 18,018,774 Banking •..•...•...••...... November. That repeal, however, though it relieved NOTE.-Iron, woolens and cottons mclulile all the branches ot tnoae manumachinery includes lmplement.11 11.nd tool11; I.umber includes aaw the situation materially as subsequent failures show, factures; planing, sash and door mills, carpenters and c,>opers; cloth mg includes millinery and. tu rnishtngs• hats include furs and gloves; chemicals Include drugs, fertlll• could not restore the Treasury gold reserve which the 1ers, paints and oils; printing and booki; include engravings and maps; mllilDg Includes baking; leather and shoes lncludema.k:ere of harness. saddlery. trunlls nd rubber goods; liquors Include tobacco, wines, brewers and beer; glass insilver already coined before the repealing act was ..cludes earthenware, pottery, brlck,llme and cement; groceries Include meats; hotels Include restaurants; dry goods Include carpets and curtains: passed had scattered and continued to endanger. So and tu.rnlturelncludescrockery; hardware Includes stoves and tools; and jewelry Includes clocks and watches. Brokers Include all real estate, note, Insurance business remained disturbed. lt required the 1896 or produce dealers whose main business le not the handllng of actual products, and transporter~ Include all except lncorporatPd railway companies. Under condition into get could country the before struggle Banktng are included mortgage, loan and all similar fiduciary coocerns. to reap in full the benefit e;ained in 1893. Indeed, it The following is a record of the yearly aggregate of fail• was not until 1898, when a further advance along the urea back to 1857: YEARLY AGGREGATE OF FAILURES. same lines was established by the election of a major- Year. Number. L iabilities. Number. Liabilities. Year. $2a4,383,132 $113,092,376 1878 ...••• 10,478 •.... 11,002 ity of the members of the Senate as well as the House 1901. HW,669,936 138,495,673 1877 ....•. 8,872 1900 .....• 10,774 191,117,786 90,879,889 1876 .••••• 9,092 .. .... 9,337 in favor of sound money, that the field became clear 1899 201,060,333 130,662,899 1875 .••••• 7,740 1898 ...... 12, 186 155,239,000 1874 ...... 5,830 154,332,071 13,351 ....•. 1897 for unfettered industrial progress; from that day 1896 ...... 15,088 228,499,900 226,096,834 1873 ...... 5,183 121,056,000 173,196,000 1872 ...•.• 4,069 1895 ....•. 13,197 our energies and resources have been developing, un 1894 85,252,000 172,992,856 1871. ...•. 2,915 .••••. 13,885 88,242,000 346,779,939 1870 ..•••• 3,546 ...... 15,242 interrupted except in a small measure and for a few 1893 75,054,054 114,044,167 1869 .••••• 2,799 1892 ...... 10,344 63,694,000 2,608 .....• 1868 189,868,638 12,273 ..... 1891. months by the election canvass in 1900, as already 18110 ...... J0,907 96,666,000· 189,856,964 1867 .....• 2,780 53,783,000 148,784,357 1866 ...... 1,505 lfl89 .••••• 10,882 explained. 17,625,000 530 123,829,973 1865...... 1888 ...••• 10,679 8,579,000 520 167,560,944 1864. .. . .• With these well-known facts recalled, one is in po- 1887 ...... 9,634 7,899,900 495 114,644,119 1863...... 1886 ...... 9,834 23,049,000 124,220,321 1862 ...••• 1,652 sition intelligently to study the above table and 1885 ..•••. 10,637 207,210,000 226,343,427 1861. .•... 6,993 1884 ...... 10,968 79,807,000 172,874,172 1860 ...••• 3,676 correctly to interpret that record of failures. It will 1883 ...••• 9,184 64,894,000• 101,547,564 1859 ..•.•• 3,913 1882 ...••• 6,738 be seen that the liabilities are the smallest in 1901 of 1881. ....• 5,582 95,749,000 81,155,932 1858 ...... 4,225 291,750,000 65,752,000 1857 ....•. 4,932 1880 ....•• 4,735 any of the years given except in 1899; that the num- 1879 ...•.. 6,658 98,149,053 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  •  •  so  MERCANTILE FAILURES.  MERCANTILE FAILURES IN THE  UNITED  PREPARED BY MESSRS. R.  STATES .AND  COlU.lllERC.IA.L FA.II, UKES.  TOTAL, 1901.  OANADA  Cl,A.SSIFIED F.I.ILURES,  TOTAL, 1900.  IN 1901.  G. DUN & CO.  MANUFACTURING.  '£&ADING.  1901.  OTHER COM'L.  BANKING.  STATES.  No.  Assets.  Liabilities.  No.  Liabilities.  No.  Liabilities.  No.  Liabilities. No. Liabilities. No. Liabilitiu.  --------·--1-----1 - - - - -1- - - 1-- - - -1- -1-------1--- - - - ---1----1-- 1- - - - $ $ $ 1,250,715 452,301 212 913,163 771,298 66 397,456 579,200 192,!i86 308,758 58 799,935 5,779,068 17,021,717 1,123 15,300,835 2, 606,3)2 1,203,579 330 4,410,797 831,061 505,018 722,86~ 83  Maine - .......... 192 N. Hampshire... 67 Vermont........ 43 Massachusetts.. 1,1 t5 Connecticut..... 334 Rhode Island... 105  $ 920,135 498,303 236,415 6,032,708 1,253,050 341,414  34,289 20,567 32,951 100 3,434,940 8 103,488 4 43,925  562 9,837,966 1,176 9,282,025 574 10,421,351 1,173 10,552,871 52:l 7,625,969 1,123 14,590,082  128 3,670,160 125 1,752,576 47 674,215  _. 5 1,856,910 2 105,221 5 14,207,585  9,516,066 1,289,8 18 1,993,845  81 4,460,771 11 392,323 27 1 93,001  8 11,202,376 1 88,573 2 400,000  733 19,089,766 1,392 12,799,729 757 23,212,921 1,492 19,578,781 531 9,424,642 1,291 9,917,219  122 5,046,095 115 17,425,452 64 2,715,717  11 11,690,9!9 6 23,875,126 13 13,742,046  26 12 8  401 74 41  $  296,291 252,428 39,392 7,554,069 1,249,764 446,02:l  155 52 33 624 252 60  $  11  $  3 2  1 4  ---1-~---1-----~------- - -1-- - - -+- · - ------+---1-------- · - - - -  New England . 1,866 8,530,008 22,790,151 1,872 22,726,798 " 1900 l,872 12,063,714 22,726,798 " 1899 1,692 1 I ,867,527 22,890,266 New York.. . ... 1,400 New Jersey . . . . 183 Pennsylvania. .. 664  9,545,568 26,560,127 1,321 42,352,298 1,988,~61 3,016,318 231 · 6,418,236 4,559,800 7,359,1-15 812 11,446,620  460 12,583,290 58 1,334f 177 215 5,172,299  856 114 422  - - - ------1-- - - -~--- - - - - -1--1-----1---1-----1- - - , - - - - - -  Middle ..... ... 2,247 16,093,929 36,935,590 2,364 60,217,154 " 1900 2,364 34,349,611 60,217,154 " 1899 1,886 11,800,022 22,057,578 Maryland ...... . Dela.ware ...... . D. of Columbia. Virginia . ...... . . West Virginia .. . North Carolina. South Carolina. Florida ... ..... . Georgia . .. ..... . Alabama. ..... .. . Mississippi ..... . Louisiana.....•. Tennessee ..... . Kentucky ...... .  205 19 29 174 67 14.6  1,540.601 50,7!7 283,682 595,063 325,086 522,803 833,892 450,676 2,214,079 459,413 480,574 732,636 840,356 1,084,176  3,794,285 134,208 503,549 1,262,477 308,485 1,117, 16:l 912,213 518,872 2,643,3:W 784,746 760,710 987,133 1,152,143 1,222,312  5,009,226 107,640 732,642 1,175,592 312,053 472,248 301,778 739,033 2,044,037 540,747 485,907 l,25 ~,847 1,187,598 1,408,240  3 11 23 12 8 16 15 25  South.... . . .. . 2,018 10,413,784 16,131,615 1,721 15,775,588 " 1900 1,721 9,9 92,889 15,775,581; " 1899 1,557 8,97~,694 13,611,593  225 211 175  llti  103 268 173 152 145 219 202  215 22 51 203 55 91 37 83 178 114 102 174 222 174  52 6 5 18 20 11  2,032,474 7d,500 49,507 543,829 91,246 142,369 230,000 176,715 871,175 85,320 82,84B 185,756 74,674 415,069  121 12 21 156 47 131 113  127 200 169  1,320,890 54,708 222,123 618,648 217,239 954,146 682, 'U3 365,157 1/>95,194 658,177 677,862 684,653 947,669 793,243  5,059,482 1,729 5,2-10,940 1,431 4,504,939 1,350  9,791,922 8,998,006 8,123,070  !H  239 159 144  32  3  440,921 1,000 231,919 100,000  l  3 1  662,320  1  ii6,()(1()  4  '"1:000  1 6 2  116,951 41,249  15,000  ···sl  (i21:8·62  200,000  ii6:;:i24 .... 129,800 ···5  ···2 4 8  14,000  ....  64 1,280,211 79 1,536,642 32 983,584  21 19  - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 1- - - - -1---1-- - - - -1----l·-----1--- - - - - -l-- - t - - - - 6  2,039,844 6,097,700 571,678  Arkansas. . . . . . . . Texas........... Missouri. .......  2 22 238 274  651,421 1,063,873 1,420,939  1,044,898 1,870,671 1,920,627  201 332 329  758,641 2,271,903 2,603,265  18 10 32  128,35? 107,074 399,785  197 226 237  898,626 1,669,104 1,346,628  7 2 5  17,920 94,493 174,214  ...i  Southwest.... " 1900 " 1899  734 862 691  3,136,23 :~ 3,305,301 2,4H,075  4,836,196 5,633,809 4,136,280  862  5,633,809  60 103  M  635,211 1,189,013 473,649  660 745 621  3,914,358 3,921,435 2,761,735  14 14 16  286,627 523,361 900,896  1 5 10  143,000 323,000 646,473  124 41:! 35 3Uf 47  1,858,515 504,901 489,512 4,185,733 591,848  315 223 159 724 118  1,820,599 1,257,795 990,942 3,622,619 587,'286  34 132,34,5 8 71,611 2 26,479 164 3,275,570 5 9,716  6 7 2 6 3  476,000 53,500 115,000 362,270 639,437  22,332,536  567 465 393  7,630,509 1,539 7,978,821 1,448 7,391,946 1,233  8,279,241 8,756,059 7,205,907  213 3,515,721 128 5,597,656 101 5,422,045  24 17 9  1,646,207 4,903,755 928,600  29 48 2 16 .•• .  170,276 262,900 8,825 11,015 ..•..• .  1 2  94,551 50,C00  6ss:is·g 811 13,850 49,545 ···•··•• ··-···--  1  ·26:000 ··5:000  1 2 5 .... ....  1,758,285 1,145,758 131,031 537,634 289,489 283,110 396,520 140,658 44,482 612,908 14,000 7,300  5 1,504,000 15 100,990  ···5  170 251 46 130 46 44 47 21 11 75 4 3  25 1,636,206 25 168,948 15 242,359  Ohio............ 473 Indiana . . .. . . . . . 279 Michigan....... 196 lllinofs . ......... 1,201 Wisconsin . . . . • . 170  2,800,333 3,811,459 405 3,624',090 1, 143,00<1 1,834,307 250 1,564,842 1,184,340 1,506,933 176 1,580,99.i 4,200,589 11,083,922 1,063 14,021,808 781,399 1,188,850 147 1,540,803  Central ......•• 2,319 10,109,€65 19,425,471 2,041 " 1900 2,041 11,756,443 22,332,536 " 1899 1,727 11,059,434 20,019,898 Minnesota.. .. .. . Iowa ........... . Nebraska. . ..... . Kansas ......... . Indian Territory Oklahoma ..... . Montana ....... . North Dakota .. . South Dakota .. . Colorado ...•.... Wyoming....... . New Mexico ..•.  204 314 48 149 47 44 52  West ...•••.... " 1900 " 1899  981 983 832  Utah ........... . Ida.ho ...•..•....• Arizona. ....... .. Nevada....•..... Washington •.... Oregon ........•. Ca.illornia ......• Alaska ......... . Paoiflc.. ....... :: 11989009  --·1-----1--  2,457,419 897,559 60,421 339,319 200,044 183,050 656,101 98,668 40,326 356,796 6,400 4,700  3,432,561 1,509,648 139,856 552,865 304,489 283,110 1,019,109 141,-169 58,332 674,453 14,000 7,300  193 348 70 82 40 38 57 22 32 81 8 12  1,699,828 1,845,973 462,059 290,481 263,717 I 73,000 491,118 208,763 317,5'n 801,367 14,300 37,710  5,300,803 3,943,065 2,270,615  8,197,792 6,605,903 4,153,190  983  6,605,903  108 130 90  1,200,411 1,754,969 707,212  848 828 727  5,361,175 4,681,986 3,203,619  50 40 2  108,886 50,200 11,000  177,054 111,050 23,376  1,502 17,300 .. •.. ·• ·  47 32 2  164,552 92,250 23,37fi  1,2os:s·iis 1,096,905 2,146,688 11,600  ·ss 52  i21:269  4  355:49i 4118,837 929,904 7,2 ,o  978,482 185,562 101,457 5,502 182,a23 866,46d 2,266,791 17,000  2 7 .••.  i¥i  153 72 14 3 142 138 405 4  937 931 952  1,871,518 2,678,5.:i2 1,826,042  4,775,561 5,'203,885 4,011,084  931  5,203,885  22  13 81 4 3  3  1  ···s  1  - - - - -1---- --1- - -1-- - - -1---1--------1------1---1------ - - - - - -  175 422  - - - - - - - -1------1---1------  ioi  87 . ...  520,237 541,330 . . .. ...  112 323  169 160  1,904,127 663,807  1 1  11,000 1,500  307,609 ···5  i1,:010  4  469,139 1,~63,664 11,600  11 12 ....  727 762  2,926,454 3,123,139  35 30  107,529 41,694  8 8 8  182,551 265,400 1,534,795  ···s1 ....  --------------1----~----1----4 459,313 2,632,190 635,733 186 1,507,638 621 30  United Btatea.11,002 55,155,940 113,092,37610,774 1::i8,495,673 2,Hl 44,960,983 7,965 52,060,640 2,409 fil,702,142 7,844 59,415,592 1,925 30,792,164 7,107 48,924,771  Total U.S.190010,774 78,079,555 138,495,673 Total U.S. 1899 9,337 50,221,409 90,879,889  2  373,304 224,138  596 16,070,753 521 27,377,939 305 11,162,954  5  47,361 621,613  7-i 18,018,774 59 35,617,563 56 32,252,790  CANADIAN FAILURES IN 1901, PROVINCES.  Assets.  Liabilities.  $ 2,735,076 2,798,270 1,270.945 212,450 377,656 253,826 38,600  3,311,14! 4,373,680 1,267,750 540,892 343,036 871,169 104,000  1901 . ......................... 1,lMl 7,686,823 1900 .....••...•••....••....•• 1,355 8,202.898 1899 ......................... 1,287 7,674,673 1898 ......................... 1,300 7,692,094 1897 ......................... 1,809 10,574,529  Ontario ................................ juebeo ................................ ritish Columbia .....................• Nova Scotia ............................ Manitoba. .•............•...•.. . .... New Brunswick .................... ::. Prince Edward Island...•...•......•.. Total Total Total Total Total  TOTAL C0l\lMERCIAL.  No.  Newfoundland 1901 ....•.•......•..... Newfoundland 1900 ............... Newfoundland 1899 .. . ,. ............ ~. Newfoundland 1898 ................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  480 475 8~ 117 98 71 12  --- - - - -  7 7 28 34  51,500 3,450 27,040 106.62f>  TRADING.  MANUFACTURING.  No.  Liabilit-ies. No.  Liabilities.  Liabilities. No.  . ...  ··· ·· ·-· ........  6,845,329 7,252,340 5,953,138 7,412,240 9,931,806  23 37 19 33 35  371,247 1,159,203 111,384 180,000 566,557  1 6 3 5 5  600 1,386,971 2,348,000 512,307 154,000  94,000 5,100 54,274 141,122  ...i  . ....... .... ····s:ooo ....  ........  ....  1,470,489 2,623.646 1,195,210 418,392 296,100 737,492 104,000  ....  10,811,671 11,613,208 10,658,675 9,821,323 14,157,498  289 308 318 303 459  3,595,095 1,029 3,201,665 1,010 4,594,153 950 2,229,083 964 3,659,135 1~315  94,000 12,200 65,089 171,820  ···s  7 4 22 25  5 8  $  11 5 3 2 1 1  132 95 6 26 15 15  .. faoo 7,815 27,500  Liabilities.  $ 158,137 177,570 27,040 3,500 2,500 2,500  $  $ 1,682,518 337 1,572,464 375 45,500 79 119,000 89 44,436 82 131,177 55 . ····--. 12  $  BANKING.  OTHER COM'L.  No.  .... 1  ---·.....  3,198  ...i ·-·· .... . ...  ....  .....  .... 600 .... ·--· ........ . --... -·  ---....-. -· ........ ..........  -  BANKING~ FINANCE AND CURRENCY. MONEY MARKEL' ..lfOR F IVE  Y~ ARS.  The money market in 1901 may be said to have been firm throughout. There was a period of ease in February and March, and again in August, but these were the only exceptions. During the panic the· situation was of course critical, and in September, at the time of the assassination of President McKinley.,. the market was also disturbed. With the activity of trade and the activity of speculation, it wae natural that there should be a good demand for money, and the gold outflow was necessarily also a factor at times. The Treasury operations played their usual part in disturbing calculations. Government revenues continued largely in excess of the ordinary. disbursements, notwithstanding the passage of the War Revenue Reduction bill, the most of the provisions of which went into effect on July 1. Between May 1 and Sept. l cash in Sub-Treasuries was increased from $290,278,810 to t315,029,394, and from that time to Dec. 1 there was a reduction to $289,576,887, from which there was an increase again to $294,4.49,086 Dec. 31. Secretary Gage began buying bonds in April, and his purchases !or the calendar year aggregated $58, 222, l 80, for which he paid $71, 74:4,84:2. For a part of the time he bought the 4.s of 1925 at 140. A complete list of these purchases by months and for each class of bonds will be found in the COMMERCIAL & F IN.A.NCIAL . CHRONICLE of January 111902, page 68. The surplus reserves of the Clearing House banks were $30,799,450 on January 26, but by April 6 were down to $5, 817,976. Then there was recovery again, but the amount was repeatedly at low figures throughout the year, being for instance $5,211,625 July 6 and $5,465,025 December 14. In the tables which follow we furnish a comprehensive record of all departments of the New York money market for the last five years. As will be noticed, we first give the call loan branch of the market- that ls, the range at the Stock Exchange for each week, the week's average rate, and the rate ( usually the minimum) at banks and trust companies. Following this we give the quotations for time money, and, finally, the rates for commercial paper are presented. A review of the money market for 1901 by months will be foun d in the "Retrospect of 1901," the first article in this issue of the F INA N CIAL REVIEW; similar monthly summaries for the other years will be found in previous numbers of the REVIEW. MONEY MARKET AT NEW YORK-RATES IN 1901. 1901.  O.A.LL LOA.N S. .A t .At B anks& Stock E xch'g e. Tr' stOos  TIME LO.A.NS.  30  60  90  Four F ive Six Seven Months. Months. Mon ths. Months.  OUMMERO'L PA.PER. Dou blen am e.  190 1 • Si ngle-names.  - - P r ime Good days. days. d ays. WEEK - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - 60Ohoice to 90 4 to 6 4 to 6 EndingRan g e. Av'ge R ange. Range. R ange. Range. R ange. Range. R an ge. Range. days. M onths. Months. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- 5- - -- - -- January 4 .... 312 - 6 5 4124 ~4 12412- 4 4¼5 - 5 12 5 12-6 •••. J anuary_ 4 - 4434-5 11. ... 212-5 4 319 3 ½14 - 412 4 - 4 1s 4 - 412 4 -4¼ -- 3 ¾-4 3i\l-4 412- 5 5 12-6 11 - 3 ~ -412 1 8 . ... 2 - 5 3 - 312 3 4 4 4 - 414 4 - 4 12 5 - 5 12 ·--· 18 2 2 5 .. .. l!\i-212 2 3 3 143143 ¾334.312- 4 3¾- 414 5 - 512 ---· 25 1 7s 2 Februar y 1 . . .. 112-2 3 3 3 -3¼ 3 - 3 ¼: 3 - 312 3 193 -3 ¼! 312-4 5 . . . . Febr uary 1 - 312212- 3 8 ... . 1:\-2 12 2 3 "¼314 314 3 123 12312-4 312-4 5 8 ---· 2 1 5 . .• 1 12 - 2 12 2 312312 3 ¼-4 312- 4 312- 4 3 1s12-4 4 - 412 5 - 512 15 - 33¾2 2 2 .. .. 1¾-2-12 2 3 ½1- 334. 312- 3 :\.i 3344 22. 4 . ... 412-5½ .. 2 1 . . . . 1 12-212 2 March 3 3123 3 3lli3121 3 !\i- 4 14 412-5 . .• March 8 . .. . 2 - 3 3 214 2 123143 3¼- 3 ½! 314- 312 4 334-4 14 4 12- 5 ---· 8 -- 3121 5 ... . 2 - 212 2¼ 2143 312-4 3 is-4 312- 4 3123 19 - 4 4 -412 5 .... 15 22 . .. . 2 - 3 23s 2 1g3 - 314 3 - 314 314- 312 3 14-312 314- 312 3 14-312 ½3-4 334-414 4 12-5 .... 22 - 33 12-4 2 1g 212, 29 . ... 214-3 3143 14 3123 431231929' 5 - 3 ½-4 44 --412 3 April 5 . . .. 2 - 6 3 312312- 4 312- 4 312-4 312· ::::April 4 12 5 5 4 4 4 lg12 .... 3 ½3-7 412 4 - 6 4124 124 19334-4 14 4 - 4 12 5 -6 . .. . 12 4 - 6 5 4 4 19 ... . 212-6 4¼4124124 124 4 - 4 12 5 -6 .... 19 2 6 . . .. 212 - 5 4 4 4 4 ½4 4 ·4½4 -4144 - 4125 - 6 26 May 312-8 4 -4124 -4124 - 412 4 - 412 4~-5 4½- 5 5 3 .. .. 3½1- 8 3'. ::: :May - 44 - 44 -4¼ 55 -6 6 - 60 5 19-6 5~-6 412-5 412- 5 412-5 412-5 10 . ... 3 .-75 15 - 6 ..... 10 - 412 5 - 6 412-5 412-5 4½117 . .. . 2 - 8 5 412 4124 ½14 4 -412 5 - 6 .... 17' 4 4 24 . .. . 3 -7 4 ½! 4 4 - 412 4 - 4 ½ -412 4 - 412 4 4 -4125 -6 .... 24 3 3 1 . ... 2 - 4 3 4 -412 i - 412 4 -419 334-4 4 - 4125 -6 - 4 31 4 3 3 - 312 3 -312 3 -312 4 J une 3 7 .... 2 lg-4 4 4 4 3 34-414 4 - 412 5 - 512 :: :·June 7 31214 . . • . 2 1g-412 314 3 3123¼334-4 4 3½4 312-4 4 - 412 5 - 512 .... 14 4 4 31221 . . .. 3 - 5 319t! 3½!4 4 4 334-414 4 - 412 5 -512 .... 21 4 -7 4 4 28 .. • . 312-15 7 4 4 4 4 4 3:\-4 -'. 4 - 4125 -512 ..... 28 6 - 10 J uly 5 .. .. 4 -25 8 4124 412412334-414 4 - 4125 - 512 .... July - 441$-5 - 4412-5 5 541212 . .. . 2 - 8 5 412-5 412-5 412- 5 412-5 4 4 -4125 -512 12 19 . .• . 1 -5 3½l 312- 4 4124½!412-5 412-5 412-5 4¼4 19 19' 4½-5 5 - 6 ·--· 4 26 .... 2 -3 2½3 3 4 4124~4124½!26 4 412-5 5 - 6 4 2 .. . . 2 -4 August . 2½ 212-3 4 412-5 412-5 412-5 4122 412-5 5 -6 ::::August - 412•'4--4'o 1 9 .. . . 2 -212 2¼ 2124 4124 12-5 412-5 412-5 412-5 512-6 ..... 9 16 . .. . 2 -3 4 214 212412412-5 412-5 412-5 41216 --·· 23 . . . . 2 -3 258 2124lg412412-5 412-5 412-5 23 412-5 ·- 4125-· .. --· 'o-5 512-6 •412-5 30 .... 2 -3 258 2½!412- 5 412-5 412- 45 -- 4 - 412-5 412-5 512-6 30September 6 .... 3 -412 358 312412-5 5 5 -512 6 ::::september 6 5 5 4 -6 13 . .• 2 -10 6 5 -6 5 -6 5 -512 5 -512 5 -512 13 5 f> -512 f>12-:6 ..... 4 4 20 .... 112-6 5 20 5 -512 512-6 . ·-. 5 5 5 --- 412-515 5 27 .. . . 2¼-412 334 4 412-5 4-i. - 5 412-5 412-5 27 434- 5 -512 512-6 .... October 4 .... 212-412 334 3¼-4 412-5 412-5 412-5 4¾5 512-6 4 -512 October .... 412-5 1412-5 - 412-434 434-5 5 334 31211 .... 3 -4 4¾-434 412-434 412-434 412-434 4½1-434 11 -512 .... 3 18 .... 3 -4 412412314 312412412 4124 412-4 412-5 18 - 412-434 412-5 55 -5~ ---· 25 .... 3 -4 434-5 4~-5 434-5 4¾-5 434-5 3 4 3 - 41225 -512 ---· - 4'11-JA November 1 .. . . 312-5 334 312419412412412412-5 5 -512 .... November 1 8 ..•. 312-4 4124123 34 3124 1<24124½4 34-5 5 -512 ..... 8 - 412-5 434-5 15 .... 3 -5 412-5 412-5 412 - 5 412-5 412 412-5 51.s:-6 15 -- 54¼-5 - 4lg-4~ 22 .... 3 -5 412 412-,,5 5 5 5 412-5 412-5 434-5 5 -512 ---· 22 29 ... . 312-412 4 J124124124124'-2-- 41229 - 412-5 434-5 15 -512 .... December 6 .... 312-6 412 4124 412-5 434-5 5 -512 .... December 6 4¼-4121414-4¼ 4144 ti 6 -12 8 13 . . . . 3 -1~ 8 5 -5125 -5125 -5½ 6 5 13 5 -512 512-6 .... 20 .... 2¼!-10 6 5 -10 6 5195 20 5 -512 5¼-6 .... 5 -512 5 -51215 -512 512-6 27 . . .. 2¼-9 612 5 -7 G 5 5 5 5 -5125 5 -5½i 5½-6 ---27 WEEK Ending- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  --  1  I  1  NEW YORK  3.2  MONEY MARKET.  MONEY MARKET AT NEW YORK-RATES IN 1900. OOMMEBO'L PAP.EB.  TIME LOA.NS.  OALL LOA.NS.  1900. ..4 t  WE.EK .Ending-  Ba!!s& Stock Exch'ge. TrustOo  60 days.  90 days.  Four Five Six Seven Months. Months. Months. Months.  1900.  ~°a~!~-  Single-names. Ohoice Prime Good 60to90 4to6 4to6 Range. Range. Range. Range. Range. Range. Range. days. Months. Months.  30 days.  WEEK  1--------c--1·- · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EndingRange . .Av'ge Range. ------1---1-----------------------------------,----------6 6 6 6 6 7 -8 .••. January 6 5 .ranuary 5 .. .. 2 -12 6 5 6 6 -  12 .. .. 3 -6 19 .... 2 -412 26 .... 2 -4 February 2 .. .. 2 -3 9 .... 2 -212 16 2 - 212 23 .... 112-2~ Maroh 2 .... 2 -212 9 .. . 2 - 4 16 ..... 3 -7 23 . .. . 3 -6 30 . .... 2 -412 April 6 .... 3 -5 13 .. .. 219-4 20 . .. _2 -4 27 ...... 2 -21i May 4 .... 1~-3 11 .... '2 -212 18 .... 111-214 25 .... . 1¼-214 .June 1. ... 112-2 8 ..... 119-2 15 .... l¼)-2 22 .... 1 -1~ 29 . ... 1 -2 .July 6 .... 112-2 13 .. . . 1¼-1~ 20 ..... 1 -1¼ 27 ..... . 114-112 August 3 .... 114-119 10 ..... 1 -112 17 .... 1 -2 24 . .. . 114-112 31 ..... 1 14-112 September 7 .... 114-112 14 .• 1 -2 21 .... 114-2 28 .... 1½-2 October 5 .... '.! -3 12 .... l!\t-4 19. -- . 212-4 26 .... 2 -6 November 2 .••. 3 -20 9 . .. . 1 -25 16 .... 2 -6 23 .... 2 -5 30 .. . 3 -412 December 7 . .. _3 -6 14 . .. . 3 -6 21 .... 3lg-6½ 28 ... . 3 - 6  5 3!\i 314 2llt 214 21,f 214 214 2¾ 5 412 31g 3!\i 314 3 214 2 218 2 2 1 7s 179  17s 1as 13a lll& ltse 138 13s 13a 114 13s 138  114 114 112 1¾:  11616  23a 314. 314 412 412 9 4 334 312 412 519 514 514  5 4 -412 3 212212-3 2122 -212 2 -212 3 -312 4 -6 4 -6 3 -312 312-4 3 -.312 3 -312 2 -212 112-214 2 2 -2~ 2 2 2 2 11.g-2 112112112112114-112 114-112 112112114-112 1¼1112-2 112-2 2 2 -3 214-2¼! 319-4 314-31s 4 -5 4 -8 4 -6 4 -5 4 -  •412-  -  -312-4 412-6  4¼4124 4 -41t 5 -6 6 4 -61g 5 5 5 4  -  512-6 512-6 512-6 5 5 4 -412 4 -41si 4 -412 4 4 -412 4 -419 4 4 4 3124 4 -412 4 -4¼ 4 -412 4 -412 4 4 412412412-5 412-5 412-5 412-5 41.g-5 412-5 412412412-5 412-5 412-5 412-5 5 5 5 5 5 4124125 5 5 5 4 -419 4 -412 4 -412 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3123124 4 4 3123123~-4 4 4 3½-4 3¼-4 312-4 3 3 312-4 4 4 4 3 3 312312-4 312-4 3 3 3124 4 3 3 3 312-4 312-4 312-4 3 3 3124 4 4 3 3 3 3 3124 4 4 3 ·312-4 312-4 312-4 3 3 3 3 312"= -412 4 -412 3 -312 3 -312 3 -312 4 -412 4 -412 4 -412 3¼4 -412 4 -412,4 -412 3 2123124 4 3 3123llt4 -412 4 -412 3 3124 4 -412 4 -412 3 3124 4 -412 4 -412 3 3124 4 -412 4 -412 3 3124 4 -412 4 -4¼ 3 4 4 -4124 -4124 -4¼ 3 3123124 -4.12 4 -412 4 -412 3124 4 4 3 3124 4 4 3 3124 4144124124124124125 5 412-5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4124124125 5 5 5 5 5 412-5 412-5 412-5 4 1'A-5 412-5 412412-5 412-5 4¼412412-5 412-5 412-5 4124~412-5 4¼-5 412-5 4 414412-5 412-5 4 4124¼14¼1-5 412-5 4¼- 5 4¾-5 4¾-5 4¾-5 4~-5 434-5 5 412-5 412--5 412- 5 5 412-5 412-5 412-5 412-5 412-5 -  5 5 -  4 4 -  5 -  5 -  5  5  -  4 4 -  5 -512 512-6 6¼-7½! 12 434-5 5 -512 6 -7 . . .. 19 4 -4¼ 412-5 512-612 26 4 -4¼ 412-5 512-612 .••. February 2 9 4 -4¼ 4 -5 51si-6 4 -414 412-5 512-6 .... 16 4¼4~-5¼512-612 23 4¼1-5 5 -5 ¾ 6 -7 .••. Maroh 2 4!\i-5 5 ·-512 512-612. ... 9 16 5 -512 6 -612.. •. 5 4~-5 5 -512 6 -612. - . . 23 4¼-5 4ai-5¼ 512-6½.. .. 30 4:12412-5 512-6 ..• . April 6 414412-!'> 512-6 . .. . 13 4 -41t 4~-5 5¼1-6 ·-·· 20 4 4 -4-½2 5 -6 .... 27 312-4 4 -4¼ 5 -6 .... May 4 334334-412 412-512 11 312-334 334-41g 5 -512 ...... 18 312-3¾ 3¾-4¼ 5 -6 . ... 25 3¼1-4 3llt-4¼ 412-512 .•• . June 1 312-3¾ 3~-414 412-5 1 8 312-334 3!li-414 412-512 ... . 15 312-3~ 3~-414 4¼3-512 ..•. 22 3¾. - 4 4 -412 5 -5¼ .... 29 334-4 4 -412 5 -512 .... July 6 3¾.-4 4 -412 5 -512 13 4 414-43-i 5 -519 ..•. 20 -! -412 4"¼-484 5 -512.... 27 4 -4½ 419-5 512-6 .... August 3 4 -412 412-5 512-6 10 4 -412 4.12-5 512-6 .... 17 4 414-4¼5 -51t 24 4 -412 434-512 5 -6 .... 31 4 434-514 5 -6 .... September 7 4 4llt-514 5 -6 . . . . 14 412434-512 5 -6 .... 21 434-5 5 -512 512-6 28  5 -  5 -514 5 5 -!'i½a 4llt-5 412-4:\i 4 -412 4124 -412 4¼-434 434434-5 4~- 5  514-584 6 -  ::::ootober  512-6 6 512-6 6 -6½ . . . . 512-6 6 -612 .... 5 -512 6 -7 ..•. November 4¾.-5¼ 5 -6 .••. 414-5 5 -6 ..•. 412-5 512-6 .... 414-434 5 -512. .. . 412-5 1512-6 ..•. December 5 -512 512-612 . ... 5 -512 5¼-6 . ... 5 -512 5¼-6 -- ·  5  12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28  MONEY MARKET AT NEW YORK-RATES IN 1899. 1899. WEEK Ending-  O.A.LL LOA.NS. At At Banks& Stock Exch' ge. TrustOo  ---  Range. Av'ge Range.  .January  30 days.  60 days.  90 days.  Four Five Six Seven Months. Months. Months. Months.  Doublename.  ---  1899.  Single-names. WE.EK .Ending-  Ohoice Prime Good 4 to 6 60 to 90 4 to 6 days. Months. Months. Ranr,e. Range. Range. Range. Range. Range. Range.  - -- - - - - - --- --- - -  -- --- --- - -- -- -- - - 3- - - -6 2123 3 3 3¼-334 4 -5 .. .. January 3 3 - 21213 212-3 3 3 3 3 -3124 -5 .... 2123 3 3 20 -5 2122123 3 212-3 314-334 4 ..... 2123 - 3 - 33 --27 2122123 2!\i-3 3 -3124 -5 212212- 3 2¾,-3 3 -3124 -5 : : : :February 3 212-3 2123 2123 3 10 212-3 212-3 3 -312 3 -3123 -312 212-3 3 312-334 4 -5 ···17 4 -5 .... 212-3 312312- 33 - 314-4 -- 33 -- 33 -- 31224 212-3 314-4 4 -5 3123123123 3¾-4¼ 412-512 ::::March 212-3 312-4 312 -4 3¼-4 312-4 -- 312- 314-3llt 10 212-3 3¾4 -4½1 412-512 .. -· 3llt312-412 3¾-412 3¾-412 17 4 4 -412 412-512 .... 3 -5 4 4 4 -1 4 4 24 5 -6 412-5 414-412 414-4¼ 414-412 414-412 - 43¾-4 - 4412-5 -- 4¼-412 31 4¼-8 4 -5 5 -6 ···4 -4124 -4124 -412 4 -7 4 4 -4¼4 -4124 -412 312--! 4 -4125 -6 ::::April 6 -12 4 · 14 3 -5 -4124 -412 312-4 4 -4125 -512 - 44 -- 44 - 44 -4124 21 4 -5 -412 4 -412 4 -412 312-4 4 -4125 -512 . --28 3¾-4 3!\i-4 312-4 3123123!\i-412 412-512 .... 312- 312-3~ - 33 -- 3125 3¾-4 334-4 312-5 3123¾.-414 412-5¼ .... May 12 4 -412 4 4 334-412 412-512 -3¼4 - 3¾- 3 -3123 19 412-5 3 -312 312-4 312-4 312-4 334-414 ..... 312-3¾ -- 312- 3!\i-412 412-5 26 212-3 312-4 312-4 -- 33 -- 33 -- 33 -- 3122 212-3 3123¼314.-3llt 312-4 4 -5 ::::June 3 9 2 -212 3 3 -312 3 -312 3 -312 3¼-33-i 4 -5 ·--· 3 -5 16 2 -212 3 3¼-334 4 3 3 -312 3 -312 3 -312 3 -312 ..... 3 -- 3 -- 3 - 3 ·- 312- 312- 312- 3 -312 3¼-3¾ 4 -5 .... 23 21230 212-6 3 -312 3 -312 312-4 3¼1-4 3¼-3llt 312-4 4 -5 -- 33 -- 33 -- 3127 4123123123123 -312 312-4 4 -5 ::::July 14 3¾-414 412-512 3124 -4124 -4124 -412 5 -6 312- 312-4 21 312-4 312-4 312-4 4 -4124 -412 312-4 4 -412 5 -512 . --· 4 -412 28 4 4 -412 5 -6 4 -4124 -4124 -4124 -412 - 44 -- 412-5 -- 3llt-4 4 4 412-5 4¼-5 412-5 4 -414 4¼-434 5 -6 ::::August 11 412-5 412-5 412-5 412-5 512-6 ..... 3 -312 - 44 -412 412-5 -- 4414-4llt 18 4¼-5 412-5 412-5 3 -312 4 4-412 4.12-5 512-6 .... 25 4 412-5 512-6 234-3 4 -4¼ 4 -4124 -412 4 -- 414-412 412-5 412-5 412-5 4 414-412 412-5 5½-6 : : : : September 1 3 --- 4412--- 412-5 8 312-5 4¼412-5 412-5 412-5 4 14-412 412-5 512-6 15 5 -512 6 -612 6 512-6 512-6 5l'A-6 512-6 - 4¾-5 - 5¼-6 22 6 -10 5 512-6 6 -8 ..... 5 512-6 512-6 512-6 512-6 512-512 '6 -8 29 6 -15 -- 5512-- 5512-6 -- 66 -- 66 -- 66 -- 66 -- 66 -6 6 -8 ::::october 6 -25 13 6 6 512-6 -8 6 -7 6 6 512-- 412-- 412-- 5 --5125 --512 5 --512 - 412-5 5 -512 6 -8 .... ·-·· 20 5 -9 -5126 -8 27 5 6 -9 5 - 5514-5¾ - 6 - 66 -- 66 ---- 55 -512 6 -7 ::::November 3 6 -20 512-6 512-6 6 10 6 -12 6 6 6 6 5 -512 512-6 6 -8 - 66 + -¼ 00 mmis'n -- 51217 6 -12 6 disc. 6 disc. 6 disc. 512-6 6 -8 ·-·· - 6 519.....! 24 6 6 6 6 6 512-6 6 -8 ·--· 6 6 -7 1 6 512-6 6 6 ::::neoember 6 6 512- 6 -- 6 -- 6 - 6 - 6 -- 512- 512-6 6 -8 .... 6 -9 6 8 7 -8 .... 15 6 6 6 6 6 6 -8 6 6 6  6 .... 212-6 31s 13 .... 2 -3 2¾ 20 ..•. 2 -3 212 27 .... 214-3 212 February 3 .... 2 -3 ~3a 10 ..•. 2 -3 212 17 .•• 214-3 212 24 . ... 2 -3 2¼1 3 .... 1 -412 2¾ llaroh 2¾, 10 .. .. 2 -4 17 .... 212-6 4 24 .... 3 -9 5 31. ••. 3¼-12 6 April 7 .... 3 -16 7 14.... 2 -8 4llt 21 ... . 3 -6 4¾ 28 ... 3 -6 4 5 .... 3 -7 412 lf.a7 12 .... 212-6 4 19 .... 2 -4 312 26 ... . 2 - 4 3 2 ... . 112-3 ~nne 258 9 .... 2 -212 23a 16 .... 2 -3 23a 23 .. •. ll!i-2½ 214 30 .... 2 -15 312 ,July 7 ... . 2 -6 5 14 .... 3 -7 5 21 .... 2 - 4 1t 4 28 .... 212-4 3 7a 4 .... 3 -5 August 4 11 .... 212- 4 3¼ 18 .... 2 -3 2 7s I 25 .... 2 -4 2 7a September 1 .... 234-4 31s 8 ..• 212-6 5 15 .... 2 · -9 6 22 .... 2 -10 612 29 .... 3 -20 8 6 .... 3 -40 12 .October 13 .... 2 -19 7 20 ..•. 4 -9 5¼ 27 .... 4 -10 6 November 3 .... 4 -35 10 10 .... 2 -16 9 17 .... 3 -12 7 24 .... 3 -14 6 December 1 .••. 3 -10 6 8 .... 3 -12 7 15 .... 14 -15 7 22 .... 2 -186 25 29 .... 2¼-25 519 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  OUMMERO'L PAPER.  TIME LOANS.  1  6 -30 5 -7  --  6  --  -  -  -  -  6nom'l. 6nom'l. 6nom'l. 6nom'L 6 6 6 6  -  --  6 6  --  6 6  --  7 -8 7 -8  .... ....  22 29  NEW  YORK  MONEY  33  MARKET  MONEY MARKET AT NEW YORK--RATES IN 1898. TIME LOANS.  OALL LOANS.  1898. WEEK  At .,H Bauks& Stock Exch' ge · Tr1.tStCo  February March  April  May  June  60  90  days.  days.  days.  Four Five Six Seven Months . Months. Months. Months.  1898. Single.-names.  WEEK  Prime Good - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60Choice to 90 4 to 6 4to 6 EndingRange. J .v'g e Range. Range. Range. Range. Range. Range. Range. Range. days. Months . Months. 7 ____ 2-6 312312-4 312-4 312-4 4 -412 412-512 __ .. January 312 4 - 3 - 3-i - 312- 31414 ___ _ -12-3' 3122l\,a. 3 314-4 4 -5 312312-- 3·1 12- 3 - 3 21. ___ 112-2~ 2 3 2123 3123 314-4 4 -5 ---· 3 3 2122½3 4 -5 3 3 314-4 l¾. l12-2 28 .... 112-2 - 212- 212- 3 - 3 - 3 4 ____ 112-2 3 3 314-4 4 -5 ::::February 1~ 112-2 'l 112-2143 3 -214 3 2 -2 3 11 .... l 3 314-4 4 -5 .... 13s 3 18 .. . l -112 ) 3s 112314-4 4 -5 ---· -- 42 -2-¼ 42 --214 43 -- 43 -- 43 - 3 2l\,a. 2 -3 25 .... 112-4 312312-4 412-5 4 ____ l½-212 214 2 -212 4 312- 4 4 4 -· 4 4 -4125 -6 ·::·March 4 - 412 412-5 412-'> 412-5 412-5 412-6 412-6 3 2 11. ... 12-3 · 5 412-fil..,, 5 -6 -·-· - 412-5 -l12-5 41...!-5 412-5 J ½-5 412-5 412-!l 5 -512 512-612 18 .... 112-212 218 2124 -5 412 -5 412-5 412-5 25 .. _. 1¼-212 } la 2 -212 5 -6 6 -7 - 44 -5 - 412-5 l ___ , 114-5 -4½4 -6 4 -6 4 -6 4 -6 4 -6 =112-6 612-712 ::::April 5 238 2 - 219 4125126 5 -6 5 -6 'l -6 5 -6 5 -6 8 .... l¼i-412 279 4, -412 612-7 5 fi12-6 4 1112-6 512-6 5 512-6 :12-6 5126 15 ... . 2 -4 312 - ---22 ___ 112 - 312 3 6 Ii ti 4 6 6 6 -7 7 -9 ··-· 6 6 6 'i 6 6 6 6 6 6 29 ... l12-;j12 212 3 -4 6 612-7 7 -9 ---· !\ 3 5 6 .... 2 -4 512-6 6 -7 7 -8 .... May 3 - 412- 5'•12-4 - 5412-5 412-!l 412-5 13 ... . l12-3 5 -512 n½-612 K12-712 ~14 2 -212 - 3 -- 312312312-4 312 4 434-512 5 -6 ---1 ¾, 2 -2½! 20 .... l12-2 41227 .. _, l -134 ) 3s 112-2 3 2142123123 3343124 -4125 -6 3122 3 3 -:l½3 3 3 ... . 1 -112 13s 112-2 312314-312 312-414 412-5¼ ::::June 2 2123 3 21210... . 1 -112 114 114-112 3 -312 312-4 412-512 ..... . 312- 2½17. __ _ 114-112 2½3 3 3 1123 3123 -314 312-4  ---  EndingJanuary  30  OOMMERO'L PAPER. Doublenanie.  24 .. . l -1½ l.._ July -112 8 ___ _ l114-2 15 .. _. l -112 22 ... 1 - ] ~ 29 5 .... ____ 1 -112 .A.ugust ll.c-112 12 .... 19. ___ 114-n 114-:-2 26 .... l¼-3 September 2 .... 134-~ 2 -4 9 ... 16. ___ 212-!\ 23 . ___ l -6 so ____ 212-fl 7 ____ l12-4 October 14 ____ 2 -3 21 .... 114-212 2 ··- · 112-2 November 4 ._ .. 112-2 11. ... 134-4 18. __ , 112-212 £5 .... 2 -3 Decemher 92 .... 2 -212 __._ 2 -212 16 .. 2 -3 23 . ... 2 -412 30 ____ 2 -6  114 1-14 1½-2 114 112114 1 14-112 l~ l ¼114 112114 112114 11213s 112-'3 l~ 112-2 134-2 2 214 2 - i 312 3 -135s 4 -412 414 4 -6 3¾ 3½-4 2~ 3 212 2122 -212 2 134 2 2 134 2 l~-3 214 2 -212 214 212214 214-212 214 214-2 1,;i 23s 214-~12 214 2½234 212 - 6  -  -  ·-  2123 2123 -312 :-J -3123 -312 3 3 212212212312j3123 '3 3 3122123123 312~ -2122 -2¼2 -2123 3 31213123 3 -3¼ 312:l122123¼3 3 2123 -312 3122122122½3 3 3 - 3½ 3 -312 3 -3¼3 -3¼ 3 3 212212-3123 2123 3123 3 812- 312-4 312-4 4 3 312-4 312 4 4 4 4 4 3123124 4 412t -412 4124124124124.12312-4 312-4 4 4 312-4 4 312312212-3 212-3 3 -3½3 -3123 -312 2123 -3123 -312 3 3 2123 -312 3 2122123 3 -312 3 2122123 3 2123 2123 3 2 3 3 2123 3 2122123123 3 -312 3¼2123 3123 3 -312 3123 3 3 3123123123 -3123 -312 3 3 3 3 3123123 3 2¾3 3 3 3 3 3123 3 312-  -  -  --  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  WEEK Ending-  -  -  -  ---  -  -  AT NEW  -  --  -  -  -  -  -  YORK-RATES IN  TIME LOANS.  OALL LOANS. At At Bauks& Stock Exch'ge. TrustOo  -  -  MONEY MARKET 1897'.  -  30  60  90  days.  days.  days.  2  1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 27 3 10  17 412-512 .. .. . 3 -312 312-4 412-512 .... 24 3 -3 12 312-4 412-512 .... JUly 1 314 - 334 312-4 412-512 ...... 8 3l\,a.4 15 412-512 4 33422 412-512 312-3l\i 334-414 412-512 ..... 29 fi 312-334 334-414 412-512 .... August 314-334 312-4 412-512 12 312334-414 412-5~ 19 4 -4125 -6 33426 4 -5 5 -6 : : : : September 3 4 4 -!'> 5 -6 .... 4 0 4 -4¼ 412-5 5 -6 17 4 -412 412-5 5 -6 24 3 34-4144 -4125 -6 31 312312-4125 -6 : : : : October 8 314-312 312-414 412-5 ---· 14 314-312 21 .... 314-312 312-414 412-5 . ... 28 3 -312 :114-4 412-5 .... November 5 3¼-4 4 -5 ..• . 12 3 3~334-412412-512 . ... 16 314-312 312-4~.4½:-512 . .. . 26 314-312 3,._< -5 . ... December • 3 -314 314-4 412-512 . ... 9 314-4 412-5 . . . . 10 3 314-334 4 -5 .... 23 3 314-3¾ 4 -5 3~ 3 -  ---· ----  -  ----  -  --- --·-  3'1-•'T"'-5 1•  IS97. OOMMERC'L PAPER.  Four Ftve Six Seven Months. Months. Months. Months.  1 2  Doublename.  1897'.  Single-names.  ---  WEEK  Prime Good - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60Olwice Endingto 90 4 to 6 4 to 6 Months. days. Range. Range. Range. Range. Range. Months. Range. Range. Range. Range. J .v'ge --- --- --- - - --- --- --- --- - - --- -9 4 -412 412-512 __ .. January 3122 3 3122 January 9 .... 112-2 - 32 -- 3212-- 3312-4 ll\,a. 112-2* 3 16 2123 -312 3¼-4 4¼-5 ---16 ... . 1½-2 23 3 4 -5 ..... 2123 134 112-2* 23 . ... l -2 - 33 --312 312-4 - 22 -- 21230 3 -3124 -5 2123 3 2123 30 . .. . L12-2 1 ~ 112-2* 3 3 314-4 4 -5 : : : : February 6 3 212February 6 .... l¼-2 1~ 112-2* - 33 - 314-4 - 22 -- 21213 3 4 -5 .... 2123 13 ... . 112-·~ 1~ 112-2* 20 3 3 3¾-4 4 -5 .... 3 2123 212]~ 112-2* 2 312112-2 20 312-4 4 -5 27 3 3 3 2 3 31221227 .. :. 112-i 15s 112-2* 2 6 312-4 4 -5 ·::·March 212 3 3 2 - 212 2123 312March 6 ... . 112-ll\J llls 112- 2* 2 -13 3 3 3122123 312119-2 31213 312 312-4 4 -5 .... 1~ 112-2* 2 20 ... ____. 112-2 20 812312-4 4 -5 .... 3123123 3122123 1~ 112-2* 2 27 312-4 4 -5 3 2 3123123 212312] ~ 112-2 31227 .... 1¼-2 3 334-4 4 -5 ::::April 3 2 312312312212312212April 3 .... 112-2 1~ 112-2 10 3123 2 -· 312-3¾ 334-4 4 -5 -... 3 3 212212] ~ 112-2 10 .... 112 - 2 1'7 312334-4124 -5 .... 3123 3 2123 21217 .... 114-ll\J 112 114-2 2 24 2 3123 2¼334-4½: 4 -5 3 21231224 ... . 114-2 3 112 114-2 1 3 2122 3 2 334-4½ 412-5¼ ::::May 3 212319May •. 114-112 13s 114-2 s1.____ 8 3 2 3 312212314-312 312-414 412-5 .... 212l14-2 112 114-2 2 15 2 312212312-3~ 334-412 412-5 .... 3 3 21215 .... 114-112 13s 114-112 2 22 212a 2 3 212312-334 3¾-414 412-5 .... 31222 .... 114-112 13s 1 14-112 2 29 3122 334-412 412-5 ---3 2123 2123 29 .... 114-112 ) 3s 114-112 2 5 2¼3 3 3 -312 3¼-4 4 -5 ____ June 3 5 .... 1 -112 114 1 -112 June - 22 --- 21212 3 2123 -312 312-4 4 -4¼ . ... 3 3 21212 . ... l -114 114 1 -112 19 3 2122 3 -3124 2 3 .... 3 3 -412 19 .... 1 -114 118 l -114 - 3 -3124 -412 .... - 2 - 2 26 3 3 3 3 212-2 118 1 -2 26 3 .... ____ 11 -2 3 2122123 3 3 -314 314-4 4 -412 .... July 114 112-2 July --- 22 --- 22 --- 21210 ____ 1 -1½> 13s 1 -112 10 3 3 314 - 312 3¼-4 4 -412 ...... 3 17 3 2 3 314-312 312-4 4 -412 .... 3 2 21217 .... 1 -114 118 1 -114 24 3 3 3 212314-334 312-4 4 -412 ... 24 .... 1 -114 118 1 -114 - 2 - 22 - 21231 334-4 412-5 3121 1s 1 31. .•. 1 -2 - 112- 212- 33 -- 33 --- 3 --- 3123¾-4 412--5 ::::August 7 2 2 7 .... 1 -1\i 118 1 August 14 3:\i-414 312212--3 412-5 3 .... 312-3¾ 3122 -212 114-112 14 .... l -112 118 - 3¾-4 4 -412 +34-5 .... - 2 -2123 - 3 --312 312- 31221 21. ... 1 -2 13s 1124 -412 434-5 28 3 3123 312212-28 ..•. 114-112 13s 112- 3334-4 34-4 4 -412 434-5 ::::september 4 3 -312 3¼-4 312-4 3 212September 4 .... 1 -112 114 114-112 4 .... 11 3 -312 312-4 312-4 312-4 334-4 -412 4¾-5 3 lL .. 114-112 13s 114-112 -- 21218 4 4125 -512 -··· 312-4 4 -4124 -412 3 31218 .... 112-212 214 2 -212 25 414-412 412-5 5 -6 3 312-4 4 -4124 -412 3 25 .... 2 -4 314 3 2 -6 4 412-5 ::::octobcr 414-412 412-5 3 3123 -4 2 .... 212-412 3 October 412-5 15 9 3 -3123 -3124 -4124 -4124 -4124 -412 414-412 412-5 5 -6 ..... 3 9 .... 212-312 3 16 4 4 4 .... 414-4¼ 4 412-4345 312-6 2¾ 3 212-3 312- 3 16---· 23 4 4 -414 414-5 5 -512 4 31223 .... 2 -212 214 212- 212- 3 - 312- 312-4 30 4 -412 412-5 312-4 ~1230 .... 112-212 2 - 3¾-4 - 212- 33 - 312312-4 4 -412 4½-5 ::::November 6 3 312-4 312-4 2 2 -212  November 6 .... 112-212 13 .... l¼-2 20 .... 112-2 27 .... 112-2 December 4 .... 134-2 11 .... 112-2 18 .... 2 -4 25 ..•. 2 -5¼1 31. ... 2 -412  ---  134 134 1¾ 1 7s 134 312 3lli 334  2 -212 2 -212 112-2 112-2 112-2 3 3 -5 3 -4  -  212-  212-  212212212-  2123 3 312-  2¼312-4 3¼312-4  2½-  --  2¼-  3 3 3  --  -2123 3¼-4  -  4 312-4  3123 3 3 3 4  -  4  --  3¼-4  3123 3 3 3 4 4 312-4  ----  -  3123¼3 3123 4 4 3¼-4  -  --  --  3~ 3123123lg-  --  -  3123143 3 3 -314 312312-4 312-4  --  ::S12-412 412-5 .... 314-4¼1 412-5 .... 3 -3124 -412 3¼-4 4 -5 .... December 312-412 412-512 3:\l-4121412-5¼ .••• 12 12 .••.  ...  ! =i'1i =~  * The lower rate was at trust companies; banks, according to agreement, did not, except in few instances, lend at less than 2 per cent. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  13 20 27 4 11 18 25 31  34  NEW  YORK  CirY  BANK  MOVEMENTS .  Wt, add the following two tables to show the condiNEW YORK CITY B.ANKS IN 1901. of each bank at the beginning and end of the year. tion To indicate the bank movements at this centre we CONDI'l'IO~ OF NEW YOBK CITY BANKS BEGINNING OF YEAR. furnish below a summary of the returns of the New &York Clearing House institutions for each week in J(~o':tldii\~~~• Oa~. Burplu,. Loan,. Bpecw. u,az,. Depos,ta ,en, figures. 1901. We omit in each column the last two P.O. B ankotN. Y •••• 2,000,0 2.!1u llS,028,0 2,8\,,o 980,0 u,IH,o 26•3 anhattan Co•.. 2,060,0 2,11',4 19,7H,(I 8,718,0 2,80&,0 22,692,0 26·5 The Clearing-House returns, as is known, always give I[ Jl{ erchante' •••••• 2,000,0 1,190,tl 13,214,, 2,6'9,0 1,608,2 16,"'·' 26·8 Meohan1oa' ..•..• 2,000,0 2,21S1,, 11,,06,0 2,131.0 IS78,0 11,650,0 23·2 the averages for the week, not the resulte at the end A.Ill erioa •.••••••. l,ISOO,O 2,980,9 22,283,8 5,087,3 1,952,2 26,208,5 26· 8 p hentx ...•••••••. 1,000,0 2'1,3 ,,499,0 1,874,0 U.6,0 f.,8990 31· 0 of the week. City .............. 10,000,0 6,4.90,3 103,4.92,3 29,0ll0,4 IS,651,l 119,670:9 281J  •  NEW YORK CLEARING HOUSE BANKS STATEMENT-(008 OMITTED.)  1901. Week Ended-  Loans.  Deposits.  Specie.  Legal tenders.  ----------- ·$ $ Jan.$  $ 5 ....... 803.989,6 870,950,1 165,023,8 67,059,8 12 ....... 808.032,4 885,336,2 173,157,5 70,574,6 ] 9 ....••. 830,873,4 921,787,2 )84,652,8 73,050,6  26 •...••. 841,367,31937,423,0 191,710,2 73,445,0 Feb.2•..•••• 871,808,2 969,917,5 192,825.0 74,493 2 9 ....••. 895,289,4 994,593,9 195,890.4 73,120,7 16. ··•··· 914,623,0 10113290 193,213,4 72,471,3 23 ....••. 911,800,9 10091869 192,953,3 73,890,1 March2 .....•. 914,209,4 10125140 193,948,5 73,981,1 9 •....•. 918,789,6 10119285 191,134,1 72,565,3 16•...••. 914,812,7 10061856 189,428,1 72,120,9 23 •..••. 910,779,1 10004583 188,488,3 71,898,7 30 ....... 916,889,9 10042832 186,570,8 72,370,5 April6 ..•.••. 904,.(4.0,6 985,781,3 182,860,5 69 ,402,8 13 ....••. 890.956,0 969,289,2 180 642,1 69,618 4 20•...••. 8R2,067,3 967,201,2 185,684,2 71,038,2 27•....• . 884,444,9 970,790,5 187,157,8 72,299,6 May4 ....... 890.450,4 973,111,6 182,302,7 71,955.3 11. ...... 897,716,9 977,490,9 179,760,7 72,739,5 18•...••. 873,512,1 951,626,7 17fj,889,l 74,3l7," 25 ...•••. 858,872,6 941,116,9 180,067,2 76,501,0 June1 .....• . 8611,314,7 952,398,2 181,190,0 78,162,6 8 •..•••. 887,599,1 972,118,8 179,029,7 77,341,5 15. ··•••· 900,943,9 984,194,3 177,153,4 77,677,3 22 ...•••. 902,755,3 982,844,2 173,296,9 79,025,5 29 ....... 892,381,3 971,382,0 172,311,6 79,018,1 July6 ....... 889,466,9 965,285,1 169,864,l 76,668,7 13. ...••. 868,465,4 947,594,l 172,312,7 77,395,2 20• . . .••. 856,198,5 93~,145,3 177,501,8 78,313,9 27....... 867,653,1 942.938,5 178,921,2 79,942,0 Aug.3 ....•• . 878,506,9 955,912,2 180,545,7 80,597,7 10•...••. 88ti,455,6 965,381,0 183,095,5 79,202,7 17....... 884,810,S 964,629,2 181,711 1 1 77,888,1 24...... . 887,837,4 968.149,6 182,926,6 77,25 ,9 31. ...••. 895,186,6 968,121,9 176,791,4 77,159,0 Se~t........ 885.145,8 947,692,1 170,135,1 73,703.8 14 ....••. 872,266,l 931,433,0 167,955,7 72,013,1 21 ••• ·•• · 865,949,2 930,361,9 175,401,8 70,842,9 28 ....... 867,601,7 936,452,3 178,936,4 71,469,7 Oct.5 . . ..••. 873,558,2 943,553,l 180,354,6 71,093,i 12....... 870,900,7 942,688,9 1"'2,501,9 70.653,5 19•....•. 874,939,2 !}45.114,1 181,941,9 69,802,4 26....... 884,589,7 954,496,1 182,942,8 70,394,4  ,  Nov.-  2 •...... 891,922,9 958,062,4 9 ....... 886,995,0 950,419,1 16....... 882,567,4 946,084,3 23 •...••. 869,063,0 932,957,5 30..•.••• 876,169,2 940,668,5 D~c.7 •..•••. 881,552,0 "938,958,l 14....... 870,373,9 923,158,3 2L •.••••• e57,005,4 904,096,3 28••..••. 857 ,960,2 910,869,8  t  178,463,7 177,339,2 176,589,5 177,175,5 176,186,5  71,534,7 68,955,5 70,035,4 70,550,8 72,395,2  Ree've to deposits.  Surplus reserve.t  - - -$ Per Ct. 26·61  14,150, 0 22,398,0  27·52 27·95 28·28  27,256, 6 30,799, 4  27·56 27·03 26·26 26·43  24,838, 8 20,362, 6 12,852, 4 14,546, ti  26·45 2604 25·99 26·01 25·77  14,801,1 10,717, 2 10,002, 6 10,272,4 7,870, 5  25 ·58 25·81 26 53 2o·7l  5,817, 9 7,938, 2 14,922,1 16,759,7  26·12 25·83 26·47 27·26  10,980,1 8,127.4 13,299,9 21,288,9  27·22 ~6·37 25·89 25·67  21,253,0 13,341,5 8,782,1 6,611,3 8,484,2  25·86  27'44  5,211,5 12,809,3 21,029,3 23,128,5  27·31 27·16 26·90 26·86 26·22  22,165,3 20,952,9 18,421,9 18,148,l 11,919,9  25·72 25·76 26·46 2b·73  6,915,8 7,110,5 13,654,2 16,293,0  26·64 26 84 26·63 26·53  15,560,0 17,483,1 15,465,7 14,713,1  26·08 25 89 26·06 26·54 26·41  10,482,8 8,689,9 10,103,ij  25·52 26·36 27·23  14,,486,9 13,414,,5  6,607,6 25·69 5,455,0 25·58 5,785,3 25·63 7,891,3 25·86 This is the surplu1 1n exoess of 25 per cent against the deposits. 169,530,7 164,458,8 161,048,8 163,618,2  71,818,5 71,785,8 70,760,6 71,990,6  In the following tables we show the maximum and  •  0 hemioal......... .\Ierohants' Ex ..  300,0 6,881,7 600,0 224,6 aallattn..••••.... 1,000,0 1,878,3 Butoh.& Drov's' 300,0 86,6 ll eoh.& Tra.dera' ,oo,o 124,~ 9 reenwtoh•..•••. 200,0 173,6 Leather M'f'rs .. 600,0 486,1 8eventh .....••••. 800,0 216,& 8 tat.e of N. Y •••• 1,200,0 663,3 A.In ertoan Exch. 6,000,0 2,940,l 0 ommerce ..••••. 10,000,0 6,936,0 B 1,000,0 1,603,9 M 1,239,2 aoUlc ....•...•.. l,~~:~ 48,,7 public••••••••. l,ISOO,O 1,1,0,8 0hatham .•••••••. 4.50,0 994,6 200,0 387,8 p :¥~e1iiierioa:: 1,000,0 734,9 anover ••••••••• 5,178,9 [ rving .•••••••••. 600,0 4.58,l 0 itizene• •.••••••• 600,0 4.07,8 Naaeau .......... ISOO,O 27',~ a( arket& Fulton 900,0 l,0,7,6 8 hoe & Leather. 1,000,0 206,1 0 orn Exohanse•. 1,,00,0 1,107,2 onttnent&l ••••• 1,ggg;g riental .•••.•••. [ l,ISOO,O 6,107,8 p 2,000,0 8,IS68,6 Illast River •••••. 250,0 161,1 B'ourth.. _•••••••. 8,000,0 2,467,-& entl'al .•.... : •.. 1,000,0 667,6 300,0 eoond .•••••••••. 888,7 Ninth.•••••••••••• 750,0 66,8 8'1nt .•.•.....••••• ISOO,O 9,220,8 N•Y. Nat'lExch. 109,6 B 724,7 N 200,0 388.6 G erman Amert .• 750,0 366,0 0).aae............. 2,110,1 l,~88:& l!'1tthAvenue •.• 1,326,7 9 ermanExoh ••• 200,0 636,6 200,0 818,6 . rmanta ........ ~ooln..•.•••••.. 300,0 919,7 Qarfl eld .•.••••••• 200,0 ruth ....•..•••••• 2ot,0 1,g:~~ BDi ot Metrop. 300,0 1,018,2 west Side ........ 200,0 ~board. •••••••• 500,0 813,8 weat.em•••••••••• 2,100,0 1,m;i 11t Nat., B'klyn. 300,0 Libe~........... 604,l IS00,0 N • Y. rod.Ex .. 1,000,0 879,2 260,0 New Amsterdam 4U,6 u tor....•••.•..•• 860,0 298,& 111de & Leather. ISOO,O 326,1  ~~i:;1ie·::::::  L  ii  g  :Ar:t  i:r~t:~.·:~.~~~:  i  ?l~1couiiii-::::  1gg:g  •2e.,  MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK CITY BANKS.  Maximum.  Minimum.  1890••............•.....•.. $431,599,600 Feb. 8 $376,746,500 D e c. 13 1891... .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . 455,306,300 Dec. 26 383,491,500 June 13 1892•....•........• _....... 543,663,100 June 18 444,370,100 Dec. 24 1893........ .. . . . .•. . . . . . . . 506,437,800 De~ 30 370,302 ,400 Aug. 19 1894.. ...... ... . . ... . . .. . . . 595,104,900 Nov. 3 518,524.,600 Jan. 6 1895... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 577,223,300 Aug. 17 500,8 22,300 Apr. 6 1896....................... 525,8 37,200 Dec. 26 I· 438,437,600 Nov. 7 1897........ ......... ... . .. 67f>, 169,900 Dec. 11 530,785,000 Jan. 2 1898........ ......•.. ...... 823,037,700 Dec. 31 658,503,300 30 1899..... . .... .. . ..•.. .. . . . 914,810,300 Mar. 4 736,8 36,900 Nov. 18 U~OO........ ... . ..•... ... . . 907,344,900 S e pt. 15 74.8,953,100 Jan. 6 1901. ...•........... . ...... 1,012,514,000 Mar. 2 870 ,950,100 Jan. 5 MAXDIU)I AND l\IINIMUM SURPLUS RESERVE F OR T WELVE YEARS,  Maxim um.  Minimum.  1800....................... , ~15,031,650 Jan. 25 df.$3,306,925 Sept. 13 3,102,750 Oct. 3 24,089,775 Jan. 24 1891 ...................... . 539,050 Oct. 15 36,020,900 Jan. 30 1892 ...................... . Aug. 12 df.16,545,375 30 Dec. 80,815,150 . 1893 ...................... 32,902,650 Deo. S 1894...................... . 111,623,000 Feb. 3 13,413,450 Mar. 30 45,880,450 Jan. 26 1895 ........•.............. 8,228,550 Sept. 7 40,182,425 Feb. 8 1898...................... . 11,5:rn,450 Dec. 24 59,148,250 Jan. 30 1897•...................... 4,240,400 Sept. 17 1898 ....................... 1 62,206,250 June 20 43,933,725 May 27 def. 2,788,950 Nov. 11 1899...................... .  1900...................... .  1901 ...................... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  30,871,275 Feb. 3 30,799,450 Jan. 26  2,686,425 Mar. 17 5,211,525 July 6  24,070,2 4,851,l 2,326,9 6,004,9 1,128,l IS67,8 8,183,7 835,8 881S,2 1,082,6 317,9 ISIS,O 2,,7',0 367,0 205,0 961,2 209,2 4.,744,8 875,S 8,260,8 438,'1 '88,S 4,689,8 230,8 284,1 28,726,0 4,627,0 1,695,0 CSJ,Hl,ij 4,U9,6 6,869,1 6,819,6 960,8 298,1 121,120,, 1,838,8 1,643,4 2,719,1 217,4 608,6 16,867,1 4.,298,7 979,7 5,910,1 688,8 949,8 1,9'4,7 2'.IIS,8 700,9 11,671,7 2,179,8 914.l 46,248,6 8,762,8 '-'66,6 4.,257,0 557,6 571S,6 8,138,5 741,6 212,8 2,815,a 4.4.1,8 28',l 6,24.3,0 1,109,S 776,7 3,762,i 858,7 193,2 18,737,0 3,480,0 2,089,0 4.,S67,8 1,184.,0 ,94,2 2,0IS3,0 181,0 5156,0 24,,267,0 IS,160,0 991,0 4',697,0 12,,so.o 3,458,0 1,219,1 338,1 212,7 28,309,3 4.,16tl,3 2,185,0 P,208,0 2,619,0 1,299,0 9,212,0 1,544,0 1,020,0 ~.987,6 748,0 227,IS 87,991,S 7,426,9 l,'776,IS 2,918,7 622,6 332,IS 3,288,0 385,0 867,0 3,173,7 614,S 307,2 3,788,9 797,8 288,4 85,564.,1 9,647,1 l,891,4 8,614,8 2,065,l 4.60,1 2,280,2 2H,2 993,8 2,888,6 403,7 831,9 11,IOIS,P 2,101.8 1,698,9 1,819,5 1,51',8 318,1 2,118,2 H2,8 "0,2 7,085,S 1,288,2 ISIS0,9 2,6'17,0 842,0 389,l 18,156,0 2,319,0 1,490,0 88,852,4 8,233,2 2,257,1 ,,114,,0 45-l.O 708,0 6,876,0 1,389,2 421S,O 4,002,3 691,9 332,IS 4.,781,4 5n,e 739,-l ,,28,,2 869,3 289,7 2,801,7 679,6 IS9,4  a.½23:l  2,,,02,5 6,911,8 6,80&,7 1,2,s,1 2,798,0 912,8 7,087,0 4.,296,9 3,915,2 22,836,0 49,UIS,7 11:~gi::  1!:g:i:A 6,086,8  2,896,8 12,807,7 IS0,00&,'t 4.,IS08,0 3,464,8 8,4.92,6 6,62',0 4.,163,2 22,260,0 6,4&2,9 2,2'1,0 23,153,0 66,821,0 1,588,6 2f.,7'9,2 18,278,0 10,244,0 S,588,8 37,535,8 B,102,9 B,875,0 3,996,0 3,841,0 '8,132,1  X:UAj  4.,387,9 18,8~8 7,6H:2 2,18 ,5 7,562;1 2,927,0 16,821,0 39,866,9 4,396,0 6,856,3 8,786,3 IS,427,2 ,,449,0 2,328,3  --- - -- - - - - - - --- - - -  29·, 28·6 27·2 29'8 20· 0 8'·8 4.9·6 20·2 16·8 26·7 20·9 21S·6 25·2 20·, 28·0 26"8 31·9 21S·l 26'4 25·1 27·5 20•7 28•4, 21S·8 21S·O 80·'1 82·8 26·5 28·~  H·S  21S·IS 29·0 2is·o 27·2 2-&•5 27•5 20•4 2s·o 27"6 26'7 261 3'·1 23"8 26·7 24•2 26·6 28·6 28·9 24·3 2tJ•S 26•4, 26'' 2s-, 24.•l 21S·8 81·7  Total .•••.•••. 74,222,7 92,267,5 803,989,6 16!6278 67,069,8 870,950,1 26·6 CO · mTION OF NEW YORK CITY BANKS .END OF YEAR.  Dec. 8. 190 L. O4 , (OOs omitted.)  P  l B  Lo  .he •  ta. · ~ ~ S,,u,e. ~ ~ ~  2,oto,o 2,060,0 2,000,0 2,000,0 uaerioa .....••.. l,ISOO,O BankotN. Y •••• ICanhattan Co... Merohante' •••••. lleohan!oa' ..•...  2,118,1 2,106,6 1,171,4 2,39',8 8,177,6  11,L1S,o 22,691,0 12,180,6 12,906,0 18,900,6  2.s'12,o 6,886,0 2,oa6,1 l,ISM,O 2,822,,  1,,\1,0 2,162,0 1,1a1,& 1,100,0 S,616,8  11,f3s,o 28,982,0 13, 767,6 12,722,0 21,011, 2  ~li 27·8 i8·o 21·0 26·6  1~:ggg:g e,:!U utlU:8 22.m:g 6,li~:8 ntilX:8 :::: &1;~::::::::::: 300,0 7,04.7,'I 24,231,i ,.es,,7 2,n2., 2,,aao,e 29-, Ohem1oa1.........  6,496,e 628,8 7'1,8 211,6 6,188,8 800,0 8,636,e 863,4 787,, 1,000,0 2,004,e B,496,8 1,Ho,, 81,9 811,8 68,8 l,27~., 800,0 8,627,0 21SIS,0 686,0 130,4 2,921,0 4.00,0 7'7,e 121,2 111,8 880,, 171S,I:! 200,0 Qreenwtoh....... 6,236,8 143,'1 ISl,7,8 6,438,2 1,896,? 600,0 Lealher :ll'f'rs. 1'8,2 i,6'1,B 787,6 18,C 5,238,2 Se..-enlbNatton'l 1,700,0 4,111.8 276,6 ';62,2 H0,4 6,869,9 S'8teofN. Y.... 1,200,0 Alllerioan Exch. 6,000,0 8,318,4 2~561,0 &,f.84,0 1,:177,0 21,996,0 OoDUlleroe••••••. 10,000,0 7,166,7 88,872,8 9,116,1 8,089,B 68,707,6  lllerohanta• Ex..  aauattn..........  Butch.& Drov'1' Meoh.ATra.ders'  ½::I~:: ½:888:8 minimum deposits and the maximum and minimum of ::~~!Me·:::::: 519,8 '22, 7 Paeil.o........... surplus reserve for each year back to 1890, inclusive:  •  Oha,ham.........  '50,0  997,2  1::m:: 1,lff2 2,116,8 IS,976,7  BOf.,O 822,1  1,Ul:~ &16,l 949,8  24.,9 2&·1 26·3 23·1 a1·9 82"7 20·1 26•1 2&·1 20"9  1!:m:: 1::g a,,32,6 20•9 6,178,8 28·6  l,~88:8 1.m:~ 1¥:l~kl 1,HI:: l,gr~:f 1g:g11:i in &~lmerioa:: Hanover..•..•••. 8,000,0 1,6&1,2 46,788,1 9,19&,6 6,231,2 61,82&,8 21"9 =et;,;::::::::: 188:8 :!~i i:g:t~ 1.H::i m:: i:m:~ :::, in ~HJ tm:f 1:831:, 1~2:: 188:8 1.~ll:t ::~~tiFuiion 8,928,3 iu·6 280,7 681,9 128,S 8,552,9 Shoe a Lw.ther. 1,000,0 2 1 1 2 2 •1gg:g ·:r::~ ::m:i '·m:~ ·m:i ~:m:8 :g:g ~r:n~~~.~·: Cmp•,•ra'ATrad. 1,500,0 8,224.,9 211,266,0 4.,185.0 1,288,1 21,268,0 26·7  Park .......•.••.. 2,000,0 ,,080,tJ 4.8,H6,0 U,s,o,O 206,9 168,0 1,827,1 260,0 lllaat River...... rourth ••.•••••••• 8,000,0 2,610,6 20,8911,6 8,719,1 601, 7 10,678,0 2,060,0 Oentl'al •••••••••• 1,000,0 800,0 1,062,0 8,991,0 l,IS82,0 Second........... 11,11 860,7 50,0 Ninth............. 760,0 ll'irat. ••••••••••••. 10,000,011,854,, 78,7'6,& 15,06,,t 647,8 888,9 4,8'3,5 500,0 N.Y.Nat'lExch. 408,0 769,9 8,332,0 260,0 Bowery.......... 660,t 598,4 8,918,2 200,0 N, Y. CoUJ1ty... . 671,0 &16,8 3,2118,1 71SO,O German Amert.. Ohase............. 1,000,0 . 2,e88,0 u,2u,4 10, 788,1 100,0 l,&H,l 8,861S,O 2,387,0 rt.tth Avenue... 209,9 588, 7 2,288,6 200,0 Gel'Dlan Exch... 411,8 816,3 8,007,9 200,0 Berman.ta........ Lincoln........... 800,0 1,087,9 12,966,6 1,70,4 Bar.Geld.......... 1,000,0 1,2~8 7,886, 7 1,691,8 281,& 871S, 7 2,Hi,6 200,0 rttth ...••....•••. 300,0 1,168,7 7,'28,l 1,661,6 Bank of .Metrop. 422,0 f.51,0 2, 788,0 200,0 Wes, Bide........ 600,0 1,087,4 U,870,0 1,928,0 36aboard......... Weatern....••..•. 2,100,0 2,6'8,6 86,002,1 9,360,9 61,,0 660,7 ,,182,0 800,0 1a,Nat.,B'klyn. 778,7 6,601,8 1,190,8 600,0 Liberty........... 768,11 420,8 4,2tH,2 ~. Y. Prod. Ex .. 1,000,0 6&9,8 7,608,1 1,028,6 260,0 ~ewAmeterdam 670,• uo,g ,,1u,1 860,o .utor............. UM 882,6 2,788,0 ISOO,O Hide A Leather.  8,755,0 2&3,6 2,862,6 1,,97,0 1,161,0 17,1 2,052,8 '12,8 8'0,0 880,0 266,2 1,997,6 287,8 1 °'2, '551;4 2,~62~• : .. .. 218,4 65',S a,is.o 1,213,0 2,461,l 809,0 4.21S,O 864,4 18109 '218:8 107,1  62,098,0 l,HIS,2 22,799,8 13,489,0 10,009,0 88,11 68,632,2 4,062,7 3,8U,O ,,291,9 8,218, '1 ,0,809,, 9,91',8 8 888 9 ,:H9:s 176.,m·.~ 2,282, '7 8,71S9,9 2,02:1, o 18,637,0 43,178,:. 4.,662,0 6,t86,CI ,,23',8 8,896 o t,084.:o 2,064,9  - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -  29'8 28'6 26·6 26·3 26"8 78'8 3''9 28·0 20·6 H ·O 25·9 26·6 26·9 34•1 20·6  !16:i • 21 •0 26·8 26·2 28·3 27•3 211•0 26•0 26•6 28'0 23•3 26·7  -  Total ....••••• 88,822. 't 100&190 867,960.2 1636182 71,990.8 910.869.8 IIS·S  CROP AND OTHER PRODUCTIONS. CEREALS,  IRON  AND  COAL  PRODUCT.  CROPS OF WHEAT, CORN, OATS, BARLEY AND RYE. I TH.E CROPS OF 1901. Total 1901. 1900. 1899. The agricultural out-turn in 1901 was on the whole Prod.uctwn. Buahela. Bu,hela. Buahda. Bwhela. Buaheu. decidedly poor. Except in the case of wheat, the pro Com . . .•.• .•. . 1,859,626,000 2,le>G,102,5111 2,0'78,US,93S l,92',184,660 1,902.,"67 ,9 duction of all the leading crops was very seriously cur- Wheat •.. .. .. . . 676,760,000 521,929,505 6'7,803,846 676,U.S,7~ 690,1'9,1 . . .......... e80,?66,000 809.~.989 796,177,718 790,906.641 698,767, tailed. In corn, the shortage occaaioned by the ex- Oats 66.88ti,127 70,631,000 65,'19la.25f '78.8'31,663 68.~.883 BarJeyh••··••··· traordinary period of drought was of enormous Rye ............. 28,li?I.0OO 28.9115,ffl 23,961,7U 16.657,1122 27,ft61.824 dimensions. The reduction at the aame time extended Total •••••.••.. 2,'7PJ,St6,000 8,619,879,'770 S,518,9fl8-'iP6 8,Ul,689,787 8,225,938,881 Thus even with the improvement in wheat, the ag • to the other chief grain and food crops. Take potatoes, for instance. In its November 1901 return the gregate yield for 1901 of these five crops falls 728 milAgricultural Bureau made the average yield per acre lion bushels below the corresponding totals for 1900 of potatoes only 69·9 bushels, as against an average and 1899. The estimates as to the cotton crop vary yield per acre of 80 ·8 bushels in 1900, 88 ·6 bushels in widely. In the following we show the totals of the 1899 and a ten-year average of 78·7 bushels. The in- leading crops back to 1879. CROPS OF WHEAT, CORN, OATS AND COTTON SINCE 1878. dicated yield per acre was reported the lowest since at estimated was acre per yield the 1890. For oats Year. Wheat. Gorn. Oats. Ootton. 26·1 bushels, as compared with 29·6 bushels at the Bush. Bu sh. Bush. Balu. 1879 (Census) 459,483,137 1,754,591,676 407,858,999 5,757,397 corresponding date in 1900, 30·7 bushels in 1899 and 1880 .......... 498,549,868 1,717,434,543 417,885,380 6,589,329 1881. ........ . 383,280,090 1,194,916,000 416,481,000 5,435,845 27·2 bushels the mean of the estimates for the last ten 1882 .••••• . .•. 504,185,470 1,617,025,100 488,250,610 6,992,234 1883 ..•....... 421,086,160 1,551,066,895 571,302,400 5,714,052 years. 1884 ......... . 512,765,000 1,795,528,000 583,628,000 5 ,669,021 .......... 357,112,000 1,936,176,000 629,409,000 6,550,21~ The most serious loss, as already stated, occurred 1885 1886 .... . .... . 457,218,000 1,665,441,000 624,134,000 6,513,623 ....... . .. 456,329,000 1,456,161,000 659,618,000 7 ,017,707 in the case of corn. It is proper to say that the De- 1887 1888 ......... . 415,868,000 1,987,790,000 701,735,000 6,935-,08Z .......... 490,560,000 2,112,892,000 751,515,000 7,313,72() partment~of Agriculture has as yet (Jan. 30 1902) issued 1889 1890 .......... 399,262,000 1,489,970,000 523,621,000 8,655,616 no statement of total production for any of the crops. 1891. ......... 611,780,000 2,060,154,000 738,394,000 9,038,708 1892 .. . ...... . 515,949,000 1,62 8,464 ,000 661,035,000 6,717,147 The figures are withheld so that they may be tested 1893 . ... . ..... 396,131,725 1,619,496,131 638,854,850 7,527,212 1894 .......... 460,267,416 1,212,770,052 662,086,928 9,892,761 and revised if necessary by the forthcoming Census 1895 .•••..•..• 467,102,947 2,151,138,580 824,443,537 7,162,478 1896 .••••••••• 427,684,347 2,:.l83,8i5,165 707,346,404 8,714.011 report. The results in this article, therefore, are de- 1897 .......... 530,149,168 1,902,967,933 698,767,809 11,180,960 1898 .••.•••••• 675,148,705 1,924, 184,6t:i0 730,905,643 11,235,383 rived from the Department's preliminary estimate of 1899 ......... . 547,303,846 2.078, 143,933 7913,177,713 9,439,5159 1900 .......... 522,229,505 2,105,102,516 809,125,989 10,425,141 yield per acre as applied to the previously announced 1901 .......... 676,760,000 1,359,626,000 6 "0 756 000 ..... --· acreage. In this way we are able to show the indicated We subjoin five-year comparisons of the yield of the product by States for all the leading crops except principal crops in the different States. wheat. In this last instance (wheat) the Statistician BARLEY CROP FOR FIVE TEARS, has given out no estimate of yield per acre for the Indicated Product'n Product'n, Prodtcct'n, P1·odu ct'n, Product'n Barley. 1900. 1899. 1898. separate States, but merely an average for the whole 1897. 1901. ' country. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushel•• . . 24,75~,ooo 14,856,170 22,239,776 20,277,927 ~ In 1ts November report tl;te Bureau made the 1901 Oalllornia 0 Iowa. . • • . . . • . 9,841,ooo 11,708,822 12,011,000 9,163,560 i:i, Minnesota . . 8,204,000 7,275,251 8,144,120 9.241,828 yield of corn only 16·4 bushels per acre, as compared Wisconsin.. 6,419,000 6,259,179 7,670,550 7,860,828 ia-S6,317,ooo Dakota.. No. 1,998,840 5,909,352 4,663,305 with an average yield of 26·3 bushels per acre in 1900 New York.. . 2,240,000 3,751,924 4,052,472 ~= ::i 4,786,075 Kansas... . 2,910,000 4,186,802 3,183,165 306,600 g~ and 1899, and a ten•year average of 24·4 bushels. The So. Dakota .. 2,329,000 1,543,571 2,410,354 2,182,600 ~~ 1,827,000 1,386,267 1,410,360 1,695,960 present figure, the Statistician 1tated, was the lowest Washington. 1::1 f; 496,000 Nebraska... 943,176 587,382 943,3"60 830,000 Michigan. . .. 904,806 927,144 ~ 1,014,86. average yield per acre ever recorded for this cereal, Oregon...... 939,000 !'05,928 797,916 t::! 955,760, 533,000 Ohio . . . . • • . 622,566 603,400 674,33S being 2 ·2 bushels per acre below the yield in 1881!' , Vermont 'O 488,000 . . .. 11 00,811 538,904 IP 500,54.S ,; 498,000 . Ida.ho....... 399,012 405,510 e+ which for twenty years had stood as the lowest on 378,63(> s record. In Kansas, which suffered beyond all other Total. •••• . 68,623,000 56,887,321 71,248,100 64,645,181. = All Others... 2,008,000 2,038,502 2,133,4.63 2,039,94S ~ States, the yield was put at but 7·8 bushels, and in -- - U. 8 . 70,631,000 58,925,833 73,331,!S63 55.792,257 66 685,127' Missouri, which fared only a little better than Kansas, RYE CROP FOR FIVE YBAR8. at 10·1 bushels, while for Nebraska the estimate wa11 --lndu ated Product'n Product' n , Produ ct'n, Product'n., Prod-we6'~ Rye. 14•1 bushels per acre. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. ' These figures for corn are taken to point to an agBU8hel1. Bushels. Bu1hel1. Bushels. BusMl-. gregate crop of, roughly, 1,360 million bushels, as Pennsylv'a .. 4,589,000 ~ 4,416,299 3,936,0!JO 6,335,2'l6: New York .. 3,030,000 3,189.165 6,633,600 4,4S7.,14k> against 2,106 million bushels in 1900 and 2,078 million Wisconsin. .. 2,9'1,000 3,010,437 3,073,126 ~ S,638,C>7 ....... . 1,662,000 1,806,570 2,029,860 ► it l,113,'Z76i bushels in 1899. The oats crop, based on the Octo • Iowa Kansas .... . 1,773,000 1,922,481 1,545,852 ~ 1,550;38~ Illinois ...••. 1,268,000 1,270,684 1,164,320 1,217,1531 ber figures of yield per acre, works out 661 million Minnesota .. 984,ooo 1,036,444 1,112,472 oia 1,012,409 .• • I=.~ 9R8,000 1,041,068 1,097,012 1,579,800 bushels, or a loBB of nearly 150 million bushels. The Michigan New Jersey. a-g 991,000 1,029,000 1,000,785 1,218,016, .. . ~ 997,104 867,287 870,000 l,008,98~ wheat crop, it would seem from the estimate of yield Nebraska Ohio .••...•. ~--. 625,920 618,023 570.000 850,4-i& ... California t, 547,080 502,680 499,000 493,905 per acre given out Jan. 10 1902, is placed at about Indiana ...•. 503,0 0 485,72 t 464,633 Cl 607s,360I Maryland .. . i 353,276 408,028 Saa,ooo -&8&,388> 676 million bushels, or lH million bushels better Virginia ... . :t 330,471 370,125 880,000 438,70~ than the abort crop of 1900. Adding barley and Total .••••• 21,401,000 21,868,863 21,901,605 ;: 25,082,267' 2,381,057 rye, we have the following summary for the last five All others ••. ~172,000 2,127,064 2,060,136  ,..... I --  .  Cl  a,  Cl  Cl  CJQ 1-j -  \  ! ~  yeara. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Total U. 8. 23.578,000 23.995,927 23,961,741 25 657 522 27 ~63 82  CROP AND  36  OTHER PRODUCTIONS.  OATS CROP FOR FIVE YEARS.  OUR MARVELOUS PIG-IRON PRODUOTION AND OONSUMPTION. . ducUon, Oat,, duct-Ion, Product'n auct ion, ducUon 1897, 1001. 1898. 1900. 1899. -The statistics of pig-iron production for the late - - -llu81iela. -- - - -BwhelB. - -BwhelB. lhuhtla. Bwhta Illinois .... . ..... . ..... 98,229,000 133,642,8& 127,278,948 88,803.579 92,798.496 calendar year, which Mr. James M. Swank of the Iowa ........ . ........... 108,71P,OOO 130,571,138 1Z6,Q85,74Q 128,(.28.126 103,721,100 American Iron & Steel Association has this weekMinnesota .............. . 63,915,000 U,007,0t6 52,688.416 66,298,57t- 41,147,002 Wleooneln ............ . . 67,481,000 61,971,552 67,ll87,880 64,648,223 d2,125,810 with his usual promptness-made public, reveal reKansas ........ , ... .... . 28,827,000 48,063,9t3 39,129,410 26,689,248 88,680,080 Ohio ..................... 8(1,429,000 40,lj40,63!l S2,1145,976 27,724,16() 29,007,892 sults which cannot be termed anything less than 9,886,000 2.&,695,873 20,299,860 15,866,168 22,078,166 marvelous. Klesourt ...... .......... They show an increase of fully 2,000,000 Pennsylvania .......... . 22 628,000 38,000,872 89,148.082 27,098,002 81,842,588 New York . ... .......... 81,700,000 4',588,97' 45,401,608 38,726,1545 45,953,036 gross tons over the output of either of the two preMlchlgan ................ 26,100,000 88,68Q,636 80,!599,C'8 27,782,660 12,940,450 vious years, which up to that time had stood as the Nebru.11:a ............. ... 82,591,000 87,778.5i2 61,474,120 156,245,042 51,781,006 Indiana............. . ... . 86,866,000 44,866,085 84,801, 81,988,668 33,706,682 verv largest in the country's history. BrleflJ, the North Dakota.......... . 19,660,000 6,299,284 17.~7,6?0 15,060,691 11,897,144 South Dakota. .... . .... . 16,968,000 12,658,266 16,882,278 16,126,578 18,647,6M make of iron in the United States in 1901 was 16,Texas . .. ........ . .. . .... . 11,394,000 28.278,282 17,067,9'75 21,121 ,68<, 16,811,150 878,864: gro&s tone, against 13,789,242 tons in 1900, --- - Total ....... .. ..... . . 674,791.000 722,998,2'1 718,827.208 687,058.688 617,987,197 41.ll others ........... .. . 85,965,000 86,827,748 77,850,506 98,852,966 80,780,612 13,620,703 tons ln 1~99, 11,773,934 tons in 1898, 680.766,000 809.125.~9 796,177.718 780,906,ft48 698,767,809 9,652,680 tons in 1897 and 8,623,127 tons in 1896. Total U. B........ . . It will thus be seen that our make of iron for the WHEAT CROP FOR FIVE YEil8. twelve-months was but little less than 16,000,000 I ndicated ProPro• Pro· Progross tons. At that figure this country's product can Productt'n ducUon, ducUon, duction, ductwn, , 1896. -1900. - - -1899. - - 1898, -1897. - - not have fallen much short of the combined output of Bua1ielB. Bus1iels. Bushta. Buahta. Buahta. Great Britain and Germany, the two other large Ohio.... ..... ... . ....... ~ ; 8,522,876 89,998,00tJ 41,108,178 88,0t9,13S lndlana......... ......... ; ~ I 6,'11,702 25,861,175 88,426,029 32,676,201 iron-producing countries of the world. The .-.....esota...... ..... . .. . ~ u 51,509,252 68,223,581 78,417,912 59,891,104 make of iron in Germany last year was lut week l[aneae... .... .. . . . .. . .. .. .; z 82,488,655 36,468,04~ M,9S9,U2 47,998,152 Callfomla..... .. . . .. . .. . l3 .., 28,548,628 83,743,909 12,224,403 82,894,020 reported by cable as havin~ been a little over 7¾ Illinois................... ., ... 17,982,00f- 12,666,'10 19,881,348 11,578,008 Borth Dakota.... .. .. . . ~ 0 18,176,218 51,758,680 55,664,445 28,858,552 million tons, which compares with 8,620,390 ton■ 8outh Dakota........... ~ ! 20,U9,684 87,728,8311 t2,040,92S 21,441,248 produced in the same country in 1900. For llllsouri...... . ... . . .. ... ~ ~ 18,846,713 11,898,702 14,104,464 14,104,458 lltcblgan.......... ..... . 9,271,764 18.~,193 34,061,851 28,700,144 the United Kingdom no figures for 1901 are yet Penn.sylvanla..... .. . .. . J:J :3 20,231,884 20,472,928 26,60?,940 28,259,611 Ore,ion.... . .. . . .. .. . . . . ~ !>ll 16,198,012 21,949,586 24,708,260 18,155,031 available, but here also some decline ln output must Wlaoonstn........ . . .... .ci ~ 18,166,59Q 11,778,882 18,689,972 7,600,775 - brask a ............. :3i:i~ -.,e i ~ ; 24,801,900 20,':'91,776 S.,679,809 27,:152,647 have occurred in 1901 from the total for 1900, which Waahlngton.... ... . . .. . 215,096,661 21,710.894 28,453,048 20,124,648 was 8,969,691 ton■• It would seem therefore that the 8 Iowa..................... ~ ~ ~ 21,798,223 18,195,iSQ 22,189,624 18,158,114 total make in the two countries in 1901 could not -------1 -1 Total.......... .. .. .. . ~ a ~ 378,245,284 il5,674,489 546,687,096 have been more than 16½ million tons at the outside All others............... A 143,984,221 101,729,857 1ll8,611,607 Total United States ... . 676,760,000 52U29.505 ~ -67-5-,14-8-, 70-6tr---,14-9-,l-68 and may have been very much leH than that, as against CORN CROP FOB FIVB YEil8, the 16,878,354: tons of iron made in the United States during the 1ame period of 12 months. Indkated ProProProProPro-  Indicated  P ro-  Pro-  Pro-  _______ ____ ,..,__  Q. q)  i,., qi  ~q)~  1  Com.  Iowa ........... . llllnota......... 4[aneae ••••••••.  Kueourl ........  fiebraa.11:a. ... . .. Indiana ......... Ohio ...........  Texaa... . ..... . . 'l'enneHee.... . Kentucky..... . Pennsylvania.. Arkansas ...... Wlaoonetn . . ... Mloblgan ...... . Minneeota ••••.  ProducUon, 1901.  duction,  ducUon,  duction,  ductwn,  1900.  1899.  1898.  1897.  PBODlJCTION OP PIG Dl01' IN JLU.P-TBABLT PBRIOD8.  Gross Tom. Gro11 .7:'o1u. 1888-lat haH .•••••••••• 3,020,092 1895-lst half .•••••••••• 4,087,558 Bushels. lhuhela. Bushta. 2d half .•••••..•••. 3,469,646 2d halL .......... 5,3r>8,7~ 142,1•9,841 :aM,999,850 220,089,149 1889-lst half ..••..••••• 3,661,603 1896-lst half ..... •••••• 4,976,238 247,160,382 199,959,810 282,928,085 2d half ............ 3,912,039 2d half ........... 3,646,891 237,621,922 182,842,048 162,442,728 1890-lst haH ........... 4,560,513 1897-lst half ........... 4,403,476 2d half............ 4,642,190 2d half . ••. •••..•• 5,249,204. 162,916,064 154,?SU86 171,928,882 224,873,268 168,754,666 241,268,490 1891-lst half ........... 3,368,107 1898-lst haH •.•••.••••• 5,869,703 2d half............ 4,911,763 2d half .••..••..••. 6,904,231 141,852,594 129,154,572 100,825,320 1892-lst half .••••••••.. 4,769,683 1899-lst half ........... 6,289,18'7 90.048,816 102,828,489 92,1615,580 2d half ............ 4,387,317 :2d hall .••.•••..••• 7,331,536 81,161,398 105,886,700 72,175,142 1893-lst half ........... 4,562,918 1900-lst half .•••.•••••. 7,642,569 69,1197,'i60 76,467,7~2 68,672,688 2d half............ 2,561,584 2d half ..••..••... 8,U6,673 55,892,68~ 85,177,248 IJ(,485,744 1894-lst half .•.•..•.••. 2,717,983 1901-lst half .•.•••.••.•7,674,613 2d half .••..•••.••. 3,939,405 2d halt ....... ..•. 8,203,741 40,25~,8?2 45,100, 18:> 44,866,116 48,087,UO 45,865,220 35,580,560 41,666,865 85,327,426 33,645,183 26,476,850 SS.840,60, 81,901,086 81,172,972 80,582,000 26,840,880 largely reduced. Mr. Swank reports amount 1,085,97i,OOO 1,791,530,529 1,780,!lS0,981 1,600,007,940 1,602,110.588 828,652,roo 818,571,987 8U,71»,962 '84,176,720 soo,861,,00 Buahta. BushelB. 209,275,0CO 805,859,948 let>,866.000 ~176,226 62,664,000 163,870,68\1 6S,S82,000 180,710,404 112,969,000 110,480,00. '18,280,000 158,200,800 48,728,000 10~,890,188 54,926,0CIO 81,962,910 56,997,SSO 40,072,000 U,9~,000 ,69,267,224 45,780,000 S2,707,9JO 18,703,000 45,225,9!7 ~.277,000 49,547,240 86,880,000 88,E88,460 26,862,000 s1.~.1os  'l'otal ......... Allot.hen ..... Total U. 8 ..... 1.359,626,000 2,105,102.51d 2,078.HS.Q!IS l,92',18'.660 1,902.967,988  With reference to farm prices, these, owing to the generally poor agricultural results naturally ruled higher. In the case of corn the advance was to extreme figures. We can not, however, give the general average of prices, as the Agricultural Bureau, for the reasons already mentioned, is not yet willing to announce the results. The following table, thertfore, covers merely the averages for the five preceding ,ears. In our article on the year's foreign trade (see page 48 of this number) some comparisons are made of the export values of the leading cereals. It is proper to say, though, that these do not by any means in all cases reflect fully the rise in farm prices. A.VERA.GE PRICES R ECEIVED BY FARMERS AND PLANTERS.  1901.  Wheat, per bushel. (I) A . Rye, per bushel ..•• Oats, per bushel.._. O~-+" Barley, per bushel. . z~~ I'< Corn, per bushel. .. . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1900.  1899.  1898.  1897.  1896.  61·9 51·2 25·8 40·8 35·7  58·4. 51·0 24·9 40•3 30·3  58·2 4.6·3 25·5 41·4 28·7  80·8 44·7 21·2 37·7 26·3  72·6 40·9 18·7 32·3 21·5  -- - - - --- - · - --Cent&. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents.  Cents.  With production far in exceSB of the best previous year, unsold stocks of iron were at the same time the of theae ansold stocks which were in the hands of manu• facturers or under their control (and which were not intended for their own consumption) at the close of 1901 as only 70,647 tons. The American Pig Iron Storage Warrant Company had in its yards at the same date no more than 3,000 groBB tons of pig; iron. Altogether, therefore, there were only 73,647 tons of pig iron on the market at the close of 1901. At the corresponding time in 1900 the aggregate of these unsold stocks was 44:6,020 tons. Aa against this decrease in stocks in 1901 there had been in 1900 an increase ln stocks. If allowance be made for these changes the difference in favor of 1901 becomes hence still more striking; that ia, if comparison be on the basis of consu~ption the increase in 1901 over 1900 is even larger than the increase in production as petween the two years. The calculations made on this basis in the table which follows show that the consumption of home pig iron in 1901 was 16,260,727 tons, as against 13,411,631 tons in 1900-the increase being almost 2¼ million tons. We add a line at the end of the table to indicate the  CROP  AND  OTHER PRODUCTIONS.  imports of iron and steel in all its forms. These imports in recent years have not been very important, but there _was a time when they were of very large magnitude. IRON PRODUCTION, STOCKS, IMPORTS. &C.  7bnuf 2.,~0Pounda  1901.  ~  1900.  1899.  1899.  1897.  1896.  Stock of pig J an.1... 446,020 68,309 4115,333 87i,978 e,1,686 606,132 Product'ndur'uear 11.,878,ss, 137sg212 u,620,7os n,773,9M o,es2,680 s,62s,121 Total supply .....•. 16,8~,874 1385755114,036,0S6 12,648,912 10,500,866 9,129,269 Stock end of year...  uct, while the Northern iron-producing districts do not have to seek such a market, but are able to convert tbe iron into steel and other finished products, In which form it finds ultimate consumption. Southern iron makers are now undertaking to get over this difficulty by erecting steel works, and possib]y the future may have a somewhat different atoryto tell. We show below the product of the different States for the last seven years.  78,64~ !46,020 847,686 --- - -68,308 - -415,388 - - -874,978 - - ----  -O'naump.ofhomeplg 16,160,?27 18Ul68118,967,727 12,288,579 9,625,888 8,281.578 Imp'tl!oflron&steel t218,621 209,9511 172,77i lU,385 157,SSi 266,600 Tot.ooD11UinJ>. & exv. 16,489llB 13621'86 14,140,50119,877,1!6i 9,788,222 8.M7,078  +Partly estimated. With the Imports included it will be seen that the amount of iron and steel which went into consump tion, either in the United Sta.tea or lwas exported, was 16,469,34:8 tons in 1901, against 13,621,486 ton• in 1900. Our exports in 1901 were on a much smaller scale than either in 1900 or 1899. 0 l course in the case of some articles the weights are not of much importance, and hence are not returned in the Oustomhouae atatistics; taking those where the weights are given-that is the bulky forms of iron and 1teel-it appears that these exports of iron and steel for 1901 were only '100,818 tons, against 1, 154:,270 tons in 1900 and 942,659 tons in 1899. Deduotlng the exports, it would seem that the net domestic consumption of Iron and steel was 15,768,530 tons in 1901, as against 12,467,216 tons in 1900 and 13,197,842 tons in 1899. Nothing could kdicate more atrikingJy the activity and prosperity of the iron and steel industry than do these figures. It ls a quite remarkable fact that with production ao far in exceBS of the largest previous total the contribution on the part of the Southern States (treating them as a whole) shows no increase whatever as com• -pared with the year preceding, but rather a slight decrease. Alabama did enlarge its total a little, pro duoing 1,226,212 tons in 1901, against 1,184,337 tons in 1900, and M1nyland ·also added slightly to its product. But every other Southern State made leas iron In 1901 than· in the yQar preceding. The aggregate output of all the Southern StatE s in 1901 was 2,678,864 tons, agalnat 2,604:,671 tons in 1900. Ohio alone made three-quarters of a million tons more iron than did the whole South, namely it made 3,326,426 tons, which compares with only 2,470,911 tons in 1900. Pennsylvania maintains its marked predominance, having added roughly one million tons to its output of the previous year, and at 7,343,257 tons produced almost three times as much pig metal as the entire South. Illinois also keeps increasing its output, though in a lees striking way. Its make in 1901 was 1,596,860 tons, against 1,363,383 tone in 1900, 1,442,012 tons in 1899 anti 1,365,898 tons in 1898.  The comparatively slow growth of the Southern States in this particular ls not in accord with the predictions made a doz en or more years ago, when it was argued that on account of the ad vantages possessed by the leading districts in that part of the countryby reason of the fact that the ore, the fuel and the flux are found in close proximity-the continued supremacy of the Northern iron and steel centres, and more particularly those in Pennsylvania, seemed likely to be seriously threatened. The reason for the relatively small progress in the South is doubtless found In the fact that the South must find a market outside of its own borders for the bulk of its prod- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  PltODUCTION OF PIG IRON BY STATES.  Tom of 2,240 PO't.lt1UU, ---So.States-  1901.  1900.  1891J,  1899.  1897.  -Tons. -Tons.  7bns. Tons. Tons. Alabama. .. .. 1.225,212 1,184,387 1,088,905 1,038,676 947,831 Virginia ..... 4'8,662 490,61? 366,491 2>1!1,274 807,610 Tennessee ... 887,189 862,190 346,161! 263,439 272,13? W.Vtrgfnla .. l6 1V97 166,~58 187,85E- 192,699 132,907 6?,462 11,se2 119,019 100,724 36,899 Kentucky•.•. Georgia ...•.• 17,092 } r.,sss 28,984 17,835 { 1-~-~-~~ N. Carolina .. Maryland .... B0S,'86 290,073 ~34,477 190,974 193,702 9,273 Texas .. . ... .. 5,178 6,175 10,160 5,803  ......  --- - -- -  1896.  1895.  922,170 886,277 248,338 10'3,569 70,660 15,593 2,151 '19,472 1,221  SM,667 3'6,589 248,129 lU,968 68,780 31,034 823 10,916  -Tons.- -7ons. -  {.682  Total. ...... 2,578,864 2,604,671 2,860,55• 2,083,726 1,913,346 1.834,451 1,702,088 Pennsylv'nla 7,34.8,267 6,365,936 6,MS,878 6,537,832 4,631,634 4,024,166 4,701,163 Ohio ......... 8 828,425 2,470,llll 2,378,212 1,986,358 1,372,889 1.196,326 1,468,789 New York ... 283,6112 292,8!il7 264,346 228,011 213,304 206,076 181,702 New Jersey .. 165,74-8 170,262 05,698 127,698 100,691 55,502 59,163 Illinois . . ...•. 1.696,Sli0 1,363,888 1,442,012 1,865,898 1,117,239 926,239 1,006,091 Michigan . ... 170,762 163,712 134,448 147,640 132,578 149,511 91,222 Wisconsin . .. 1107,551 tlS!,794 t203,175 172,781 103,909 158,484 148,400 Missouri ..... 203,409 •159,20, •138,880 •Ml,010 23,883 27,518 12,548 A.11 others ... 11,828 13,543 12,605 9,P97 18,202 57,164 68,833  ------  Grand wtal 161-7836! 18,78P,24-2 13,6t0,703 U773934 9.1152.680 8,623,127 9,4-46,808 • Includlnir Colorado. t Includlnit Minnesota.  One feature in connection with the year's large production and consumption of iron should not escape attention, for it is in oIJe sense really the moat striking oharacteristio of that period. We refer to the fact that with the demand larger and more urgent than ever before in the oountry7s history, prices were kept within moderate limits. In the case of every one of the leading articles of iron and steel the average of prloes for 1901 is lower than the average for 1900, and in most oases it ts very much lower. For this result, preventing that extreme upward movement in values which on so many previous occasions has proved disastrous to the iron and steel industry, the policy of the United States Steel Oorporatiou is largely responsible. In the early part of the previous year, as will perhaps be remembered, prices had risen to very high figures, but then a decline set in which continued almost to the close of 1900. The beginning of 1901, therefore, found prices at a fairly low level. The business career of the U nlted States Steel Corporation may be said to date from the first of April. Before the organiza.tion of this company the destructive competition threatened by the rivalry of the different separate companies which are now embraced in its control acted somewhat to demoralize the iron and steel trades, so that some intending buyers were induced to withhold their orders. With the possibility of disturbance from that source removed, the demand, already large, became more active than before ; and if the Steel Oorporation had not firmly resisted the rising tendency, prices would undoubtedly have quickly recovered to the extraordinarily high figures ruling at the be1inning of 1900. But the managers of that concern made it a cardinal point in their policy to keep prices at a level only high enough to leave a fair margin of profit, and their action, of course, dominated the trade. The result is that prices at the close of 1901, while ruling above the low figures prevailing at the close of 1900, did not on the whole show any very great advances. The price of steel rails  38  CROP AND  OTHER PRODUCTIONS  was raised from 126 a ton to t.28 in May, but early in 1900 Lhe price had been $35, and the average for the whole year 1901 is only $27 33, against t32 29, the average for 1900. Bessemer pig iron at Pittsburg averaged *16 37 in December 1901, against ,13 75 in December 1900, but in February 1900 the price had been 126 a ton. Steel billets at Pittsburg were 134 60 in January 1900, $19 75 in December 1900 and t27 50 in December 1901. Below we show the yearly averages of prices on leading articles of iron and steel for ihe last eight years. AVERA.GE YEARLY .PRI0XB OF IRON AND STEEL,  1901. 1900 181l9. S S S Old lwn Trails at Phlla.. ton.19 a2 19 51 20 36 Ko. 1 anth.fdy.plg at PhlL " 15 87 19 98 19 36 Qny fo~e pig iron atPhil. " 14 08 16 49 16 60 8ray fOl'/le pig iron, Lake ore. at Pittsburg ........ " 14 20 16 90 16 72 Beesem'r pig iron at P it t s. " 1691 19 49 19 OS Steel rails at mills i n Pa. . " 2 7 83 32 29 28 111 blllets at mills at Pitts. .. 2113 25 06 3112 &est refined bar iron from store at PWla ......•.. 100 lbs. 1 84 1 96 2 07 Beat re'd bar iron at Pitts. " 1 80 2 15 1 96 Af'Uclea-  a,•1  1898. S 12 89 1166 10 28  1894 TO 1901.  1897. S 12 49 12 10 10 4.8  1896. S U 16 12 96 11 09  D 18 9 OS JO 39 10 83 10 18 12 14 17 62 18 76 28 00 16 31 16 08 18 83 1 28 1 07  1 81 110  1 {0 1 21  1895. • U 00 1310 11 49  1894. • 1195 12 66 10 78  10 9-1 9 75 12 72 11 S8 24 83 24 00 18 48 16 68 144 1 26  1 94 1 iO  .ANTHRACITE COAL PRODUCTION IN 1901. The statistics of. anthracite coal production for 1901 show results just about as expected. The year was in many respects a remarkable one, with a record of prosperity which bas rarely if ever been equaled in the anthracite trade. The amount of coal mined was, of course, the largest ever reached-far in excess of the best previous year. But what is particularly noteworthy is that prices were at the same time well maintained. Quotations for the year were fixed in the spring circular 1BBued April 1. Thia circular did not differ from other spring circulars in quoting lower prices for the spring and summer than for the later months of the year, but the method adopted was an entirely new one. Fixed prices were named (H for broken, 14 25 !or egg and '4 60 for stove and nut for free burning white ash f. o. b. in New York Harbor), and from these prices graded discounts were allowed, starting with 50 cents discount for coal bought in April, and diminishing 10 cents for each succeeding month thereafter, until on Sept. 1 the full circular price had to be paid with no discount allowance whatever. Moreover, these schedule figures were rigidly maintained. Dealers were not allowed to purchase at one month's prices and stipulate for delivery the next month when prices were 10 cents a ton higher. They had to pay the ruling quotation at the time of the delivery of the coal. It is proper to add that what are called the steam sizes-pea, buckwheat and rice-were not included in the circular, the companies being a.llowed to sell these in their own way. We should judge that as the result of this maintenance of prices, the various companies must have realized an average of 30 to 40 cents a ton more for their coal than in the year preceding. The improve• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ment followed from a variety of causes. Among theaecauses prominence must necessarily be given to the greater concentration of control among the different mining and carrying companies, arising out of theabsorption at the close of 1900 of the Pennsylvani&• Coal Company by the Erie, and the acquisition inJan-uary 1901 of the Central of New J e,rsey by the ReadiLg. But there were other equally potent infl.uencesoperatlng in the same direction. For instance, the strike of the anthracite miners the latter part of 1900 left stocks at the beginning of 1901 everywhere at a. low point. These stocks had to be replenished. Again cold weather and high winds in February, March and April increased the ordinary domestic consumption. Thus the situation was that while coal was being mined at an extraordinary rate, the demand was likewise much above the ordinary. It is an axiom In the anthracite trade ·. that that. trade is usually the last to show the presence of industrial prosperity, but that when the impulae is ai last felt the result is seen in a quick and very marked expansion in output. The present experience has proved no exception to the rule, the increase in 1901 having in fact been more striking than on prevlotlB occasions by reason of the special circumstances abov& enumerated. The shipments to:market increased ove:r· 8 million tons, being 53,56~,601 tons for 1901 against 45,107,486 tons for 1900 (when they were reduced by the strike) and 47,665,203 tons for 1899. · We subjoin the yearly totals back to 1873. rear.  Tons.  1901. ••••••.••.••••••.•.• 63,568,601 1900.................... .45,107,486 1899•.••••••••••••••..•• .47,665,203 1898••••••••••••• •••••••. 41,899,751 1897•••••••••••••••••.•• .41,637,866 1896••••••.•.••••••••.•.. 43,177,483 1895••••••••••••.••••••• .46,511,477 1894•••••••.•••.•••...••• 41,391,200 1893..................... 43,089,536 1892..••••••••.•••••••••. 41,893,320 1891. .................... 40,448,336 1890•.••• ··-· •••...••..• . 35,855,174 1889•.••.•• ··············35,407,710 1888••••••..•••••••....•. 88,145,718 1887.. ................... 34,641,017  Year.  Tons.  1886•........•..•. .. ..••• 32,136,362. 1885•........••••••• .. ... 31,623,52& 1884. ............... .. .. . 30,718,293 1883 ...•..•. . ....•... •... 31,793,027 1882............ . ... . . . . . 29,120,096 1881•.••.•••...•. .• ••.• . . 28,500,017 1880.............. . ...... 23,437,242 1879...•.•...• . ..• . •••••• 26,142,689 1878 ........ . ....... . . . . . 17,605,262 1877................. . .. . 20,828,179 1876•....•....•• . ..• . .. • . 18,501,011 1875 .......... . .... . ..••. 19,712,472. 1874..................... 20,145,121 1873•.••..... ••..••••. • •. 21,227,952.  We add the following, showing the shipments th& last four years by each of the principal interests. .---lOOL---. .----190<'.----T ons. P. C. 71-,is. P.O. Reading .. ....... 10,971,007 20•48 9,838,617 20•70 Lehig h Valley. 8,310,343 16·51 6,909,Ut 15•32 Central N. J .... 6,180,037 11•50 6,809,856 11•-;7 Del. Lack. & w. 7,531,735 J.!·oo 6.013,8!9 13•ss Del. & Hudson. 5,007,622 9·86 8,973,869 8·81 Pennsylv. RR • 6,647,126 10•54 5,169,947 11·46 Pennsyl. Coal. {2,090,169 4.'64 Erie..... .. ... . 5,84.1,693 10•91 1,741,069 s·86 N. Y. Sus. & w. 1,383.848 2•95 N. Y. Ont. & W. 2,508,277 4·68 1,658,456 s·68 Del. Susq.& Sch. 1,590,862 2•97 1,668,488 3•4s  I  .---1899.---.. .---1898.~ 7ons. P. 0. 7oos. P. O. 9,688,603 20•32 8.219,tn.4 19·61 7,687,932 15•92 6,~85,577 16048 6,392,630 11·81 4,626,386 11•04 6,372,401 1S·s1 5,795,M0 1s·sa 4..132,459 8·tS7 3,891,246 9"21> 5,169,102 10"82 4.,801,349 11•49 2,347,081 4.•92 1,864,616 4•4.3 1,949,876 4•og 1,696,689 s·s1 1,454.,374. 3•05 1.S0l,763 3•11 1.891,478 3•97 l,Sn,592 3'27 1,694,467 3·66 1,656,429 s·n  Total-...... .69,668,601100·0 4.6,107,486 100-0 47,666,203 100-0 U,899,761100'8-  lt remains to add that tidewater stocks January 1 1902 were 415,757 tons. We do not know what was the total of these stocks a year ago, though presumably the amount then was practically nil. January 1 1900 they were 350,966 tons and on January 11899 the amount was 706,659 tons.  M0VEl\1ENTS OF GOLD AND SILVER. UNITED  S1,ATES AND  GOLD AND SILVER PRODUCTION IN THE WORLD FROM 1881* TO 1901. The conspicuous f 11ct in the history of the world's production of gold for 1901 is the reopening of the mines ·1n the Witwatersrand district of South Africa. Those mines were substantially closed near the end of September- 1899. As they had turned out 4,295,607 gross ounces valued at £3 10s. per ounce in 1898, and were in 1899 until near the close of September pro ducing at a larger rate, their loss to the world's output was so material (especially as the mines adjacent to the Witwatersrand district were also similarly affected by the Boer war) that the aggregate yield in 1900 of all countries fell off a little over 2½ million ft:ne ounces. Canada and the United States in that year showed increases; if it had not been for that fact and for increases by some of the smaller producers the loss would h~ve been considerably more; for not only the Rand but all the other large sources of supply ucept the two mentioned contributed less than in 1899. Inasmuch as the Witwatersrand mines, as we ahall presently show, had with the closing month of 1901 made a fair start again, the prospect is that there will be a steady, though probably a slow, gain i n the yield of the district {the working of which has been so long interrupted), and that a material rise in the world's output in 1902 may be anticipat,ed. GOLD PRODUCT OF THE WORLD FROM 1881 TO 1902. Whether the losa in _the gold production in 1900 and 1901 has been in any large degree responsible for the check in businesa activity in Europe, is a qustion which cannot readily be answered. It is a fact worthy -o f notice, however, that the industrial prosperity which was under such headway in 1899 aBd in a considerable part of 1900 in Great Britain, Germany, France and Russia, has since received a decided check, and indeed been on the decline until very near the close of 1901. t is noteworthy also that within a month or two business, which always seems to scent the coming conditions for favorable development and to anticipate them, has again given signs of revival. There have ,of course been other contributing causfs for an arrest of activity, notably the Boer war and shorter wheat -crops as a whole in Europe. But those facts prove nothing, as there always are various in.fla.ences acting -one way and another, favorable and unfavorable; yet on every such occasion there must be a general controlling .one, the basic fact, without which all other difficultiu would have been surmounted, although to prove incontestably its paramount character is not in1requently impoSBible. , There are some facts worth recalling at this time which have a bearing on the point we have j 11st referred to and therefore have considerable interest. Indeed we have seen recently quite elaborate discussions of the question whether the production of gold had not become so large as to make f>ven the existing output a disturbing factor in the matter of commodity values. We certainly have not reached that point Hlz"Jlgures previous to 1881 see Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  OHR0NICLB, Vol. 70 (1900),  page  THE  WORLD.  yet. Many people belittle, and some wholly lose sight of, the rapid rate at which the uses for gold have been and are being added to. We brought out a few of these facts a year ago, but the revival of the discussion makes it essential that they should be kept in mind. · Commerce between nations has not only enormously increased but materially widened during the past leo, twenty, thirty years, and is still expanding. That of itself make■ it evident that an enlargement in the gold output ls essential for even the international work. It ls often said when the attempt is made to reduce this use to a minimum, that facilities -bills of exchange and the like-for conducting national operations have concurrently undergone great development. That statement hardly touches the subject. It la not the gold moved that tests the extent of the need. When a merchant's operations increase, he must, to keep his · aihir■ on an equally safe basis, increase his balances in bank for his weekly operations, and must add to hie sources for getting funds often many fold so as also to be prepared for emergencies when a pressure arises. He may not run his balances in bank down below a conservative average all the year through and may not be compelled at all to call upon his emergency fund, yet as he expands his undertakings and operations he will expand the ba■is for them. Look at our banks; what are they doing and why? Businesa transactions in home affairs during recent years have taken on a wholly new character; the total volume of bueiness and average size of undertakings carried through cannot at all be measured by the old standard. Hence these institutions find it needful, as the work to be transacted increases, to add to their capital, to add to their surplus, to add to the amount of their funds that are loaned on short credits; in other words, they find the requirement la for much larger resources, and to keep their funds so mobile as to be in condition not only to pay the average call on them from day to day, but to meet a crisis any day of ,.ny year whether they believe one is in prospect or not. International commerce is on a similarly enlarged scale and is calling all the time for bigger balance~. We should remember likewise that international busineBB baa all been put on a gold basis since 1873; and it is since that date that the enormous increase in the commerce between nations has become such a feature. To get an idea of the opinion held on the question under discussion by the greatest flnanclal institutions in the world, compare the gold holdings of the four leading Earopean ban.ks according to the first return of the current year (1902) with the similar figures in January 1891, eleven years ago. The results appear as follows: The Bank of England January 2 1902 held £32,593,219, against £23,465,834 in the first return in J11nuary 1891; the Bank of France the current year had £97,959,481, against .£44,805,000 in.1891; the Bank of Germany had £30,589,000, against £25,289,333, and the Ba.nk of AustroHo.ngary had £46,628,000, sgainst £5,412,0'J0. The  40  MOVEMENrs OF  GOLD  AND SILVER.  foregoing shows a total when January 1902 opened of in recent ,ears, the results of gold-mining are not .£207, 769,700, against £98,972,167, according to the coming up to expectations. Accordi~g to the pre:first return in J linuary 1891, or an increase of about liminary estimate of Mr. R'lberts, the Director of the 110 per cent. Mint, which we ghe in detail in a subsequent part of The larger gold holdings of the Austro-H:mgary this report, the United States product did not in 1901 Bank obviously were in part made needful by reason show any materi~l growth-only the trifling amount of the movement to get on a gold basis. That of about 60,000 ounces is the increase the estimatecircumstance suggests another new demand which the reaches. Similar reports come from all the other large pro~ annual gold production baa had to supply, the demand for domestic currency purpo_see, which baa become ducers in the world-indeed, Aastralia shows only a. general. Almost every nation has now adopted the small increase, while Canada and Mexico show a degold standard or ia trying to get into shape to do so, crease, and the moderate addition our correspondent and the movement in that direction will be continued. in S~. Pdteraburg has sent us for R11ssla may not prove Moreover, the domestic demand will never cease, but to be warranted when the later figures reach us. be larger than ever before. Every nation that adopts Some of the South American States are doing better. gold will need an addition to its currency supply each They represent in good part a new field not by any succeeding year thereafter. Thia requirement is means fully developed; and, where work is not imfairly well illustrated by the course taken by Great peded by fear of revolutions, the outflow ls likely in a. Britain. During the last four years that country moderate way to progress. India, as usual, has added imported £123,162,958 of gold, and exported only something to its last year's result; the reports we £90,488,826, showing that its gold stock increaeE d publish below are not as yet complete and we may be during those years:£32,674:,132, or about $163,370,660, required to raise the total a little a few months hence. being an average annual increase of H0,842,666. As But the following statement for 1901 will, we think, ihe gold holdings of the Ba.nk of E ogland decreased prove to be a close approximation of the year's results £2,000,000 during that period (being £32,593,219 in gold-mining. We add the corresponding output January 2 1902 and £34,618,092 January 7 1897), all for previoua years to and including 1881. GOLD.-PR0D0CTI0N IN THB W0RLD-0UNCEI AND V:.U.UEI, the above excess in imports ($163,370,660) and about £2,000,000, or about $10,000,000, making tl73,000,000, have, roughly speaking, gone into the arts or to replenish the interior holdings. The Bank of France has shown· the same tendency to enlarge its stock; in that case the new au pply received does not go directly into domestic circulation, · but serve■ the same purpose, being kept in bank and notes iHued on it. Remember, also, that the two countries mentioned have been for long years full of gold; they held the largest accumulation of that metal in domestic circulation of any countries of the world. The coming want is con■equently better expreBBed if one name1 the square mile■ of Rnssia when its wa~es and industries have become, as they are now becoming, modern ized; and the broad acres of the United Statea after it has adopted an automatic paper onrrency; and J 11pan with its quickened and quickening life, after its commerce and finances are fully rehabilitated-in a word, when all other countries get to be using 101d freely and are annually adjusting their busineH and currency needs to the gold standard, then, and not until then, can we have a test of the annual gold supply required to provide for the wants of the world's industries. To be added to these facts, showing 10 clearly the vast expanding uses for gold, is the doubt which the current movement throws on the expectation of an enlarged future supply. We do not mean that, with South Africa again freely contributing to swell the total product, there will be no increase in 1902. There no doubt will be an increase in the world's .trom 1881 to 1871 see Vol. 70, pages 256 to 260. supply the current year to just about the added . .."For figures " " 1871 to 1851 see Vol. 54. pages 141 to -144. amount South African mines may yield. B11t as in the *The ounces in the foregoing table for any or the countries dven may be turned into dollars b7 multiplying by 20·6718. The vafue In past, so in the future; to keep up a growing product pounds sterling may also be ascertained by multiplying the ounces by: 4!2478. Thus, according to the above, the product in Australia in 1901 to the worlds expanding wants, new sources of supply 8tated in dollars is $78,927,289 and 1n sterling £16,218,585. must be a constant incident. The teaching to day is As to. the comparative production of the various only a repetition of accumulated experience-that the sources of supply in 1901 and the future prospects of out1low from old mines is not likely to show continu· yield In each, so far as we have been able to procure · ously developing results. The history of gold-miuing the facts, they will be found in the summaries immein the United States wlll no doubt stand as character diately following. iatic of the same Industry elsewhere. With all our U N ITED STATES -None of the larger gold-producimprovements for extracting the metal from the ore ing countries shows any material increaie In output. and with the wonderfully rloh new deposits discovered for 1901 ; there has been a gain in the United States,. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MOVEMENTS  OF  GOLD  but it is very slight-only about 60,000 ounces. At the same time it makes the year's product the greatest on record for the country, but the result is still slightly leBB than Africa's 1&98 aggregate. It was generally expected that the :year's operations woald disclose an important addition to the 1900 figures, especially as mining was. prosecuted under adverse conditions in some sections in 1900, and no little stress was laid upon the situation in South Africa as an incentive to greater activity here; but accordiag to the prelimin ary estimate of Mr. George E. R-Jberts, D :rector of the Mint, the production aggregates appr<?ximately 3,880,578 ounces, valued at 180,218,800, against 3,829,897 ounces, valued at $79,171,000, in 1900, and 3,437,210 ounces, valued at t71,053 400, in 1899. The ounces and values as given for each State by the Director of the Mint are as !olllows, comparison being made with 1900 and 1899. Gold-  GOLD PRoDucTroN IN umnD suTEs.  ..---1899.----Value. Fimozs. Colorado•...•. 1,266,920 .25,982,800 California .••• 1a&,11,, 1r,.191,800 6,459,600 Alaska........ 26&.10, 6,'69,600 so. Dakota ... s12,962 4,100,100 Montana ..... 2So,210 2,666,100 .Arizona..•••.• 12&,18i 3,uo,soo utah ..••••.••. 1eo,9s3 2,219,000 Nevada ....... 107,SU 1.s•9 ,ooo Idaho......... 91.SS) i.,29,MO oregon..... . .. 69,151 68&,100 New Mexico.. 28,258 685,,oo Washington- SS,166 JOO 5 Michigan..... 825,000 Sooth. States. 15,765 Other states. _1,1IB6 -~·~oo Productwn.  ,-- -1900.----Value. liineoas. l,89&,6112 S28,829,400 765,100 15,816,200 8,l'il,000 895,271 6,111.600 w8.842 4, 221,266 4,198,&00 202,866 s,912.200 19U55 2,006,200 97,050 1•724,700 ss, 433 1,694,700 81,980 SS2,000 ,0.202 71~,200 S4,748 29,000 1,403 272.500 18,182 _1,698 _ __:_5.000  r---1901.Value. Fine<ns. 1,402,875 S29,000,000 100,973 15,1so,100 6,904.400 884,000 6,601.sLo 319,s61 s,02s,800 2t8,ooo 4,198.400 202,856 s,52,1,300 185,ooo 8,000,000 1'5,125 110,000 2 ,278 ,900 1,777,800 86,000 RS2,900 40.292 620,200 so,ooo 29 .ooo 1,40s 844,200 16,649 62,900 ~  Tota111 ... . us1.210 an.osuoo 3,829.897 3,880,57d aso.218.soo  AND  SILVER  41  238,494: fine ounces. In .May but 7,479 fine ounces were secured from three mines, but the number of mioes worked and the amount of gold gradually increased; the last return, that for December, covering over a dozen mines, brings the total outprtt for that month up to 52,397 fine ounces. This progress is, of course, encouraging, especially as future mouths are sure to show farther development. The aggregate yield in 1901 is only a little more than 60 per cent of what was being mined monthly just before hostilities commenced. 'rhe fact that the total output of the Rind, as officially reported for 1901, is less than the estimate we gave for 1900 may excite some comment. Bat it should be remembered that the figures for 1900, while only an approximation, included gold taken from the mines by Boers and used by them in prosecuting the war. Investigations during the past year have not been productive of sufficiently reliable data to cause us to revise the 1900 total, so we leave it unchang~d. The districts immediately contiguous to the R1md t ' t d th an t h e }arger m i nmg · b t cen re, were no e ter s1tna e but in Rnodesia, Madagascar, West Coast districts, etc., there were no hindrances to operations. This outside territory, however, while showing steady lmprovement in results, cute a very small figure as com pared with the R md under normal conditions. At the same time a ~ratif_yiog increase is exhibited in Rnodesia, the yeiu'd output having been 172,160 gross ounces, against only 91,816 groBB ounces in 1900 and 65,303 gross ounces in 1899. Tbis, in connection with the yieJd in other fieldi, makes the production outside of tne R11td about 235,701 fine ounces, or 68,779 fine ounces greater than in 1900. The following presents. in fine ounces and values the development of gold prcdactlon in Africa from year to year since 1887.  The most noteworthy features of the foregoing statement are the important decrease in results in Alaska and the almost counterbalancing gain in Nevada-the one as unexpected as the other. With regard to Alaska, however, it may be said that disputes. as to ownership had probably more effect in restricting production in 1901 than did adverse climatic con ditions. For Nevada the Director places the output AJl'.&ICA's oow rnoDucTroN-FINE ouNcEs. the same as in 1889-the last previous year in which o=.ater,r~n<h ~/;_ther-;-- ~:otaz-£the $3,000,000 mark had been reached although several YMf'. 122,uo 2F>,m. 122,140 1887 (part year).... 28.754 times €Xceeded prior to that time, notably in 1888, 1888................. 240,266 1,020,600 212.890 60,000 808,210 190,266 s66,02s 1,554,194 212,a90 50,000 1889 ................. 816,023 1,8-12,,04 when nearly ,a,600,000 was produced. The increase 1800 479,802 2,035,980 303,939 71,552 .••••••..••••.••• 407,750 1,782,0H 121,912 8,092,024 539,691 2,552,ss3 121,052 indicated ov.. r 1900, which amounts to 48,075 ounces, 1s91. ............... ooo,860 4,255,524 631,652 1,150,519 4,887,176 148,701 1892 .•..••••••.•••••• 1,001,818 5,1:166,75& or nearly fifty per cent, seems ti'.' be due to more 1898 ................ 1.221,151 6,181,200 J59,977 679,560 1,881,128 967,500 1.865,598 7,924,fH 1894 ................. 1,687,773 6,956,984 227,765 active general working of mines. Oolorado fails to 1895 ................. 1,845,188 7,837,779 210,000 1,u6,9oo 2,m,1ss 8,9~685 1896 ................. 1,857,071 7,888,!65 298.035 l,2!4,755 2,150,106 9,183,220 f 1901 T b . o e sure the lij97................ 2,491,6s1 10,088,6t6 826,941 1,388,1so 2,srs,,gs 11,9i2,896 . come op to expectations or 1898................ 8,Sf\2,818 15,l!lf,115 841,908 1,459,864 8,90f,72l 16,686,172 • t • d th St t • d t b ' a e mam ams 189~•••.•.•.•....••.. 8,860,001 u.m,01s 806.?~ 1,298,009 8,fl65,875 1s.011 D21 e year s pro uo s owe a gam an 109,051 562,801 2,388,569 190('... •• • .. • . .. • • • •• 395,3@s 1,619,518 166,022 ld i ·t ·d b ya very w1 e marg n 1 e supremacy as a go -pro- 1001•.. . •.....••..•. 238,494 1,012,155 ~.701 1,001,211 ,1,,us 2,018,966 ducer. But the addition to tbe 1900 yield is only Tota1.. . .... . .... 19,I54.989 81,800,055 2,,081 21,gso.211 9S,155,ts9 The total yield of the African mines for the fifteen 8,263 ounces in a total of 1,402,875 ounces. California has not done quite so well as in the years that gold-mining ha1 been prosecuted in the previous year, its output having dropped from 765,109 country is here seen to have been 21,930,277 fine ounces to 760,973 ounces, whereas a fair measure of ounces, valued at £93,155,139. As intimated above, increase was looked for; and Utah and Washington more mines are being reopened each month in the also exhibit decreased totals. On the other hand Transvaal, and as a coneequ~nce the:current year's pro• South D11kota, Montana, Idaho and Oregon give im • duction is certain to largely exceed that of 1901. AusTRALASIA.-Onr advices from Australasia indi • proved results. More attention has been given to goldmining of late in the Southern States, some of the · cate that gold production was on a diminishing scale effect of which is apparent in the 1901 returns.. But daring 1901 in ail the important colonies except it is anticipated that 1902 will furnish better evidence Westralia and New Zealand; but in Westralia the inof what recent development has accomplished. Thie, crease in yield over 1900 wns sufficient to make the it is expected, will prove particularly true of North total for the whole of Australasia nearly 87,000 groBB ounces in excess of the previous year. Development C11rolina and Georgis. of new workings elsewhere has not been upon so exAfrica South in war the of AFRICA.-The ~ffect tensive a scale as recently, and some of the old mines gold of returns the in sgain finds striking illustration production in the Rand and surrounding territory have not afforded as satisfactory results as heretofore. daring 1901. With the month of May the Transvaal New South Wales nhibits a further noticeable Chamber of Mines resumed official reports of monthly loss, its product for 1901 having been but 270,724 output, and from the returns sent to us we have been gross ounces, or less than in any year since 1893, and able to make up the total for the year, which reaches not much over half of the record total of 1899. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  MOVEMENTS  OF  GOLD  Victorian yield bas dropped about 8 per cent, but in New Zealand an addition of over 20 per cent ia re-vealed by the completed returns. The output of all the colonies In 1901 was 3,818,114: fine ounce■, against 3,729,961 fine ounces in 1900 and 4,105,626 ounoes in 1899. PRODUCT OJ!' GOLD IN AUSTRA.LASU.N COLONIES-FINE OUNCES. South Ta.ima- 7otalAW• Nw, Nwu, So. Quuna- Wuum land. AmtraHa.Zwland.Amtral"1. n"1 i-r~.  Yr,. Victorf.a. Walu.  asoo ..s54.225  1891 •• 530,287 1892 .• 602,100 G.898 .• 612,467 '1894 •• 619,786 m.89i .• 680,879 1!898 •• 740,680 U97•• 7'7,7U '1898 .• 770,277 I.SW .. 793,418 1900•• 726,666 901.•610,000  ao,603 1so,oos 21,5n 17,965 116,774 531.096 27,886 231,837 26,404 44,497 1-11,069 916,710 218,401 35,857 39,817 54,785 545,051 142,227 168,571 562,649 101,132 206,852 30,844 34,877 298,80! 621,000 190,561 203,810 82,976 68,243 831.362 581,147 212,992 f70,012 48,15116 60,667 272,386 587,155 258,fM 242,62'1 26,684 67,579 9,497 65,876 268,840 743,294 683,515 231,512 SH,886 844,662 966,167 267,762 18,400 68,995 468,66rj 871,816 1,612.S66 858.418 30,861 70,,92 2a1.209 866,959 1,488,659 885.aoo 26,459 66,710 216,884 7SS,1>76 1,708,887 412,868 •!2,500 •58,500  1,,53,112 1,518.,690 1,638,288 1,711,892 2,020,180 2,l'i0,50!5 2,185,872 2,690,278 8,235,tl38 4,106,626 8.720.001 S,818.lH  • .Estimated.  CAN ADA.-N otwithetanding a decrease of some li0,()00 fine ounces in . its 1901 product of gold, Canadi still occupies the third position among the gold pro dueing countries of the world. Of course, as we have before remarked, the position in that respect the Dominion bolds is due not so much to the largeness of its output as to the unfortunate circumstances which have for the time being made Africa a very small producer. At the same time and despite its loss in yield this year, Canada is destined to bold in future years an important place among the gold •mining countries. In common with Alaska and .doubtless for the same reasons, the Klondike did leBB well in 1901 than in 1900, and it is due to that fact primarily, if not -wholly, that a loss in aggregate prCldnct is shown. New territory is being developed which should ensure a larger yteld at no distant day. The results for the hole of Canada for the last ten years in fine ounces and values are as follows. We are under obligation to .Mr. E. D. Iogall, Mining Engineer to the Geological Survey of Canada, for the estimate for 1901. Valiies .  -Canada's production in 1892. ___ ••. _•...•. _.• • $907,600 927,200 ,. 1893.-- .. -- .... __ .. __ . Oanada's " 1894 .. -· ·-····. --·-··· 1,042,100 Oan&da's " 189a .•. _.••••• ___ . ___ • 1,910,900 <:,an&da's " 1896 .••. ---------·. --· 2,817,000 Oanada's Canada's Oanada's -Oanada.'s -Canada's  <lanadao's  1897 .......•.. ·- _-·... 1898·--····-·· . .• . --·· 1899. __ ... __ -· .... _-·· 1900 .•••••••..•....•.. " 1901. ..•••. _-··· ·-···· " " " "  6,089,500 13,838,700 21,324,300 27,916,752 25,000,000  Ouneu. 43,905 44.,853 50,411 92,440 136,27.& 294,582 669,4.&5 1,031,563 1,350,4.75 1,209,377  Ru SIA.-Our correspondent at St. Petersburg bas •ent us the estimate we use for Russia's product in 1901, which indicates that the yield of gold from the Hassian mines for 1901 was larger than ia either of the two preceding years and approximated closely to the 1898 result. Euly estimates as to Rassia, however, are not very reliable, being usually rather in excess of itbe actual figures. That there are cor siderable deposit, of gold in the Empire, especially in Manchuria and Ea.stern Siberia, is not to be doubted, but no great effort seems to be made to develop them, as is amply demonstrated by the bet that the present yield is less than it was in 1892. The exhibit for ten years is as follows. Volues.  ftussla.'s production in 1892 .••••• ·--· _--·· _.. $24,702,212 " 1893 ...•• ·--··········· 27,808,201 " ussia.'s " 1894. ______ ··---· .. ·--· 24,103,396 Bussia'a " 1895-·-··-· ······-··--· 28,894,360 Russia's " 1896·-·-· ·-···· -· ·----- 21,535,757 Russia's Russia's Russia's Bossia's  Russia's Russia's  " 1897 ..••....••.•...• __ • " 1898. ·--··· --·· __ ---··· " 1899--·--·--···-· ....•• •• 19o0_ ..••.. -··· .•.•••.• " 1901.. _____ ·--··· .••..•  23,245,666 23,463,337 22,167,100 20,1-15,500 24,332,363  Ouncu.  1,199,809 1,345,224 1,167,455 1,397,767 1,041,794 t,124,511 1,231,791 1,072,333 974,587 1,177,080  lNDIA.-The Colar group of mines, from which .al most all of the gold secured in India is obtaintd, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  AND  SILVER.  shows a alight increaae in production for 1901. The Champion Reef Hine., generally the heaviest producer., gave a reduced output In the latest year., and the .. .Mysore added nothing to its 1900 yield, but there was a aatisfactory measure of gain in the Nundydroog and one or two of the smaller workings. The returns we have received make the aggregate production of the district 601,607 groBB ounces, aJainst 496,840 gross ounce, in 1900 and 448,075 gross ounces in 1899. The statement of yield presented in gross ounces baa been as follows for six years. J:A..ST INDIA-GOLD PRODUCTION PRINCIPAL MINE!.  1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. Ounce,. Ouncea. Ounces. Own.eta. Ounce,. t.)uncu. Champion Reef . ............... 158,999 164,068 159,101 U0,158 123,926 85,995 Oor0i'Um •••••.•••.•.•• . •••..•.•• 86,809 84,357 61,28~ 52,585 55,819 65,571 Mysore .•..•. . ••.•.••••..••.••. 163,000 168,135 155,786 159,87'1 127,667 107,781 Nundydroog .••.•..•••••..••••• 67,000 47,737 '18,654 41,584 M,377 44,926 2,861 176 U4 7,566 Balaghat Mysore ............. 19,500 15.509 6,100 5,225 10,849 t,358 6,096 M711ore West and Wynaad. .. 6,915 6,296 8,160 12,800 3,60a 6,676 Coromandel. •••. ...•.••. ..•. .•. 1,973 618 2.852 245 Mysore Reefs . • . . • . . . . • • . . . . . . Yerrakonda. ................... . 62 224 2,440 4,661 5,875 Nine Reefs .• ·-·........... . . • 6,082 820 1,798 2,488 Mysore Gold Fields.... . .. . ... 8,000 l,89i 7,826 1,869 Wondali (Deccan)............. 104 1.528 £02 Road Block........ . ........... 501,607 :195,840 HS,076 417,124 889,779 821,878  OTHER COUNTRIES -Among the countries not mentioned above there are but one or two in which recent progress has been at all noteworthy. In Korea production rose from about 66,000 fine ounces In 1898 to over 70,000 fioe ounces in 1899 and to nearly 218,000 fine ounces in 1900. The 1901 figures should furnish evidence of further augmentation. Brazil is also becoming increasingly prominent as a gold producer., the 190.0 yield having been 161,104 fine ounces, against 103,983 fine ounces in 1899 and but 76,613 fine ouncea in 1898. The early estimate for. 1901 indicates some enlargement of output. Chili and Peru are steadily increasing their production of ~old, ~ut Colombl11, as a result of internal disturbances, has shown retrogres· sion during the laat two or three years, and particular• ly in 1901. SrLVER.-PRonucTION OF TH.E WoRLn.-The early information procurable about silver production is not at all general, and such report■ as do come to hand are often subject to radical revision. L11st year the advance returns seem to have been nearer correct than of late years, the principal changes necessary having been in the figures for the largest producers-the U oited States and Mexico. For 1901 Mr. Roberta's (Director of the Mint) estimate denotes that the yield in the United States in 1901 was about 2,000,000 ounces greater than in 1900. From such meagre returns as have come to handlrom Mexico, we are led to believe that 1901 differed little from its predecessor. The latest advioE s we have from Australasia indicate a further moderate increase in output-about 650,000 ounces, and "all other countries'' have apparently gained a little on the 1900 total. These additions result in making the 1901 aggregate slightly greater than that for 1898-the previous high record. We give below a statement covering each year since 1896. See CHRONICLE of Feb. 11 1899, page 268, for figures back to 1871. SIL V EK.-WORLD'S PRODUCTION IN OUNCES AND STERLING. E'lne Ounces. 1896.••.••..•. 1897••.•.....• 1~98 .•.•••••• 1899 .•...•••• 1900 •••••. ••.  United States.  Ounces. 58,834,SOiJ 58,860,000 64.488,000 54,764.,500 67,647,000  Mexico.  vunces. 4'5,718,982 63,903,180 56,788,000 55,612,090 67,487,808  Australia. Owncu. 1~,23!!,700 11,8i8,UOO 10.491,100 12,686,658 18,8-i0.268  All Other Producers.  Total  Total.  Value ■ •  uwnces.  Ouncea.  40,~68,888 4i,481,ll92 61,660,764' 44,161,000 44,413,802  157,061,370 164,073,172 173,227,864 167,224,IUS 172,838,873  £t 19,969,881 18,886.600 19,488.1815 19,161,111 20,ffl,671  Total'96-00.279,544,800 269,4:10,060 60,634,716 224,836,446 834,4215,522 97,839,204 1901 (est.) •. 59,663,783 157,500,000 U,000,000 44,600,000 175,753,788 19,009,609  tva.lues of silver tn this table are commereial values and are oomput,ed on the average price yea.r o:t silver as given b:r Messrs• Pixley & Ahi,ll. London. Value o:t £ in this table $4·8665.  GREAT BRITAIN-BANKSCOMMERCIAL  MOVEMENTS  B USINESS IN ENGLAND IN 1B01. (Communicated by our London Correspondent.)  LONDON, January 18, 1902. The trade_of this country received a check during t he yea(just ended, though it was shown in a heavy · :fall of prlces rather than in much decrease of either consumption or~exports. The first cause was the cont inuance of :the~South African war, which not only diverted~large numbers of men and ships from productive to unproductive employment, but compelled the Government to borrow on an imm~nse scale, and 410 withdraw capital from its ordinary channels. Furthermore, :taxation was largely increased. An indirect consequence of the war had, perhaps; quite as .great!an:inflaence. J net before hostilities bro.Ile out t h(gold mines of the Transvaal were producing the metal at;the rate of 20 millions sterling a year. The wa(suspended mining, and that had a most injurious -effect upon the money markets of Europe, an effect which:would have been even more detrimental still were it not for the immense accumulation of unemployed tea.pita.I in Paris.  Other influences combined with the war to check trade here. ~For several=,ears previous to 1899 Germany bad been making extraordinary progress in every branch of business. Towards t he end of 1899, however, it became evident that t oo many capitalists had lost their heads, and that speculation was extending upon a dangerous scale. Early in 1900 ·£he Government and the:lmperial Bank of Germany felt the --position to be so:~perilous that they gave a warning to the other banks that a halt must be put to unsound trading. And in the middle of that year the crisis began. It deepened all through the latter part of 1900, and it became quite in1enseJn;1901. A crisis graver , if possible, occurred likewise in ~Russia , Roumania, Belgium and some of the Scandinav ian countries. -: And France lost heavily in industrial enterprise both:at home and abroad. The result was a great .decrease in the purchasing power of the leading Continental countries, and between them a fiercer competition t han ever Jn many cases. Indeed, German manufacturers, to keep:themselves going, have been compelled to sell for any . prices they could obtain. The drought in Australia, the f amine in India, the disturbances in China, the conflict of nationalities in Austria-Hungary , and the strained relations of Chili and Argentina, all combined to aggravate a position which wa'3 already serious enough. And, lastly, the very 1~high price to which coal rose in 1900 injuriously .affected every industry in the country. Naturally the home trade has not suffered nearly so much as t he foreign trade. It is true that there had been an extraordinary a ctivity in the building trade for a great many yearE?, -and that during :1001 that activity decreased materially. Since 1890, indeed, this country has not invested abroad on a nything like the scale that she had done previous to the Baring collapse. On the contrary, more of the savings of t his country have been employed at ho ,ue, and a very large p roportion of them have been used in building both dwellings and business premises of all kinds. The work pro1-,ably was carried somewhat too far. At all events there was a -distinct pause in the latter pa rt of 1901 and a considerable fall in t he prices of materials used , especially in wood. Even i n the foreign :trade there has not been much decrease in t he quantity of the exports. But there has been a very marked fall in prices, so that a comparison of values with t he year immediately preceding lea ds one to suppose that t rade was decidedly worse t han in reality it was. From the 'Board of Trade returns it appears t ha t the average fall in p rices was about 5 per cent . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  & TRADE.  IN 1901.  In interpreting the Board of Trade returns for the twelve months, it shoold be remAmbered that manufacturers in the early part of the year did not believe that the check would last, and consequently imported on the old scale. The consequence is that the tot~l value of the imports in spite of the decline in prices shows an Increase. F ( r the whole year the value of the imports was £522,2~8,986, being a gain over the large figures of the preceding year of £836,177, or 0·15 per cent. There is an augmentation in fact under most heads in the imports. The only material falling off is in duty-paying articles of food and drink-chiefly sugar, wine and coffee; and in the raw materials for sundry industries and mancfactures , chiefly wood, caoutchouc and hides. It is in the exports that the declining state of trade is shown; and this is natural, bearing in mind that the falling off in traJe is mainly due to the break-down of so many of our foreign customers, esp' cially those on the Continent, and to the troubles in China and the famine in India. The total value of the exports of British and Irish produce and manufactures was £280,498,889, being a decrease compared with the preceding · year of £10,693,017, or 3·6 per cent. The heaviest falling off is in raw materials, chiefly coal. In fact, the falling off in the value of fuel of all kinds amounted to as much as £8,283,274, or over 21 per cent. And of this total falling off as much as £1,288,197 occurred in the exports to Russia, £964,541 in those to Germany, £1,794,102 in those to France, £350,605 in those to Denmark and £437,336 in those to Spain. These figures show pretty plainly that it was in the inability of our foreign customers to buy as freely as before that the chief reason for the depressed state of trade existed. At the ~ame time it is to be borne in mind that there was a very material fall in the price of coal compart>d with 1he year before, and that therefore the de· cline in the exports is quite largely a question of price• There was a very heavy falling off in metals and articles manufactured therefrom , and likewise in machinery as well as in coal. And in these cases also a very consideroble part of the decrease is accounted for by the reduction in price. The main falling off as regards the metals generally was in iron and steel and manufactures therefrom. The Clearing House returns tell the same story. The total clearings at the London Bankers' Clearing House were £9.561.169,000. an increase over the preceding year of £600,999,000. No doubt the large Governmf' nt loans swelled the clearings in London very much, and therefore the London clearings are not as go d an indication of trade as usual• The clearings at the Manchester Clearing House were 235 millions sterling, a decrease of 12 millions sterling, and the clearings in Liverpool were 158 millions sterling, a decline of 9 millions sterling . There was then some fallmg off, but not so much as is popularly supposed. For in the case of both Manchester and Liverpool, it is to be recollected, Stock Exchange business was very small in 1901, whereas there we10 large dealings in American securities in 1900, and especially in the two months immediately following the Presidential election. The railway traffic returns are to the same effect. On the sixteen principal British railways the total earnings for the first half of the year were £3g,941,000, a decrease of no more than £223,000. For the second half of the year the earnings were £46,291,000, an increase of as much as £408,000; so that taking the whole year over there was a small increase. No doubt there was some increase in rates and fares, and there was more mileage run. But it is plain tbat the falling off in traffic cannot have been material. Taking, then, the returns of the Boud of Trade, of. the Clearing Houses of London, Liverpool and Manchester, and of the principal railway com• panies of the country, it seems clear that the decline. in trade during the year was much less than the complaints so general would seem to indicate, and that so far as it was real it was caused chiefly by the crisis through which so many Contine-ntal countries are passing, and showed itself mainly  44  BUSINESS IN GREAT BRITAIN.  in a fall in prices, which, no doubt, considerably affected profits. Agriculturally the year was very unsatisfactory. Till the middle of April the weather was so wet and changeable that little progress could be made with the spring crops. After the middle of April a long drought followed , with a very bad result to oats, barley, hay and grain crops generally. The wheat crop was good, although the area sown was exceedingly small. The pasture lands suffered from the drought considerably a1so. But towards the end of the summer rains came and pasturage improved. The acreage under wheat, oats and barley was the smallest since 1868, when the agricultural returns began to be kept . There has all through the period, of course, been a tendency to reduce the acreage; but last year the condition of the weather during the first quarter undoubtedly lessened the extent of land sown; that is to say, farmers would have sown more if the weather had been favorable. According to the official estimates published last month, the average yield per acre of wheat in Great Britain was 30·84 bushels, of barley 30·98, and of oats 36·74 bushels. Wheat, according to this estimate, was better, whether we compare it with the year imme• diately preceding or with the ten years immediately preceding. But barley and oats were worse. The area under potatoes was again increased for the fourth time in succession in Great Britain; whtle in Ireland it has been decreased year after year for a long while past. The grain crops generally covered about the same area as for some time before. The grain markets were fairly steady all through the year. For example, according to the returns from 190 selected market towns, the highest price for wheat at any time during the year was 27s. 8d. per quarter on June 15 and July 6, and the lowest was 25s. 8d. on March 23 and October 5. The difference is just 2s. per quarter, the smallest difference on record. In the case of barley there is a difference between the highest and lowest of 5s. Sd., and in the case of oats of 3s. ld. With respect to live stock, there is an increase in the number of horses, and it is to be noted, further, that bQth 1abies and foot-and-mouth disease were extinguished. But the trade in live animals , except horses, was unsatisfactory, mainly owing to the great shortness of the hay crop and the bad pasturage for a considerable period of the yeal'. Moreover, store cattle were dear in the spring ; while owing to the drought profit on fat cattle was less than had been expected. The coal trade attracted to itself large attention all through the year, firstly because of the extraordinary rise in prices which began in the second half of 1899 and continued till marly the end of 1900. The rise unquestionably was detrimental to every industry in the country, and excited a great deal of bad feeling. Furthermore, when the Chancellor of the Exchequer introduced his budget in .April, one of the new taxes he proposed to defray the cost of the war was a duty of a shilling a ton upon coal exported. The coal owners, aided by the coal miners, used all their influence to defeat the Chancellor of the Exchequer, but in vain. The public generally was with the Government, partly because the general feeling was that the great rise in coal had not been justified, that immense fortunes had been at the expense of almost every other industry in the country,and that it was only fair that the coal owners should be compelled to disgorge some of their gains. But another reason was that many people think our coal supplies are being drawn upon too recklessly, that foreign governments in times of emergency are able to buy steam coal in immense quantities, and that therefore some check should be put upon exports. At all events, the duty was generally approred. And up to the present it must be admitted it has had very little effect upon the trade. Practically the exports for 1901 are only 3,331,676 tons less than in 1900 ; and considering how great the depression has been all through 1901 upon the Continent, and how considerable has been the falling off in the demand for coal for the Far East, it is certainly suprising that the redaction was so little. It is alleged by those engaged in the trade that certain concessions made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer came to an end on the last day of the year, and that for some months previously shippers were using all their efforts to hurry forward exports. Therefore it is predicted that in the new year there will be a very greatredaction in shipments. This is probab]e, seeing the widespread depression of trade. But Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  whether it will be as great as predicted, or whether the coal tax will much influence it , remains to be seen. Meanwhile the fall in the price of coal is very much less than might reasonably have been anticipated. Such as it is, it has given relief to other industries. But it seems inevitable that the fall must be greater in the new year. For instance, the best Welsh steam coal was quoted on Jan. 4 1901, at 20s. per ton, on July 5 at 20s.-2ls., and on Dec. 27 at 17s. Between the beginning and the end of the year it will be seen that the fall was bare1y 3s. per ton. In Scotland the quotation for steam coal for the whole year 1900 was 13s. 6d. and for 1901 l0s. The Scotch steam coal, of course, is much inferior to that of E'outh Wales. One of the journals specially devoted to the iron and coal trades estimates that during theyear 1901 the average fall in all kinds of coal was onJy 2·6ls. per ton. Coal owners are generally either private indidividuals who publish no balance sheet, or they are interested in other industries, like iron and steel. Consequently, it is difficult for the pub1ic to ascertain what the real profits from coal-owning are. But the balance sheet of one great company, Messrs. Pease & Partners, seems to show that during the past year the trade was exceedingly profitable .. During the year ended June 30 1901 there was a profit of £310,842, which enabled a dividend to be paid at the rate of 17½ per cent for the year. Wages in the trade fell considerably during the year. But in 1900 they had reached the highest level ever recorded, and even after the fall they are still greatly higher than in 1898. The iron industry, which was e~ceptionally prosperous. from about the middle of 1896 until nearly the end of 1900, then began to feel the consequences of the great rise both in coal and in wages and of the uncertainty as to ore supplies, and as a result there were loud complaints that profits had practically disappeared. Up to about 20 years -ag<> so much of the ore required was raised at· home that imports came only from Spain, Elba, Sweden, Algiersaud Turkey, or five countries altogether. The home supplies have ceased to increase, in fact, seem to be gradually getting exhausted, and consequently imports have now to be drawn from more than twenty different countries, and preparations are being made for obtaining the command of supplies elsewhere. It is estimated in the trade that there was a total falling off during the year in the ore supplies, foreign and domestic, of between two and three million tons. But as yet there are no means of checking the estimate. The imports for the year, however, amounted to 5,546,845 tons, comparing with 6,297,963 tons in the previous year, and show thus a falling off of 751,1 8 tons, or about 12 per cent. One of the difficulties of the trade bas been the marked rise in the prices of imported iron ores, a rise that had been going on f<tr three or four years, and reached the highest point about the middle of 1900, when it was about 2s. 2d • per ton above the average of the previous year,-and about_ 4s. above the average of 1896. For the ten years ended with 1900 the average price of imported iron ores was 14s. 8d . In November last year, when some fall had take:i place from the highest, the average was still 15s. 3d., showing a considerable advance upon the a"\"erage of the previous ten years, even including the exceptionally dea1· year 1900. This dear ness of ore, combined with the extraordinary cost of coal and the high wages, pressed so much upon the makers of pig iron that in the last quarter of 1900 about 55, furnaces were either damped down or put out of blast. In. the first half of 1901 , however, there was a great decline in the prices of ores, the fall in hematite ores being about 3s. 6d. per ton, making about 7s. per ton for pig. Coke also fell 3s. or 4s. per ton. And lastly there was a decline in wages and railway charges. The result was that several or the· furnaces were re-lighted. Just at the close of 1900 and in the first two months of 1901 there was a fall in pig iron of from 15s. to 17s. 6d. per ton. But from February on prices remained fairly steady, and the increase of stocks in the public stores was not more than about 50,000 tons. At the same time the experience of the past couple of yearsbrought home to the makers of pig iron the conviction that they have not kept pace with the times, and especially havenot recognized the necessity for more economical working. Consequently most of the principal works have regun structural alterations of more or less importance. An d it is quite evident that they will have to go very much fa rther1  BUSINESS IN GREAT BRITAIN. in their improvements so as to meet the keen competition they have now to face. The finished-iron trade was very much less active than in 1900. And it was pushed more and inore, not only by foreign competition but by the competition of the steel trade For some few years past the make of puddled iron has been rapidly declining. It has fallen, in fact, from 2,841,000 torn;; to 1,162,000 tons. And the number of puddling furnaces has decreased from about 4,000 to 1,500. The great depression in Germany, which has been most marked in the iron and steel trades, resulted last year in more eager competition than ever with the British steel indm,try. .As a result there has been a falling off in the British production. For the first half of 1901, according to the British Iron Trade Assoc~ation, the total production of steel wM 2,422,883 tom. The figures for the last half of the year are not yet available. The total exports of iron and steel of every kind for the year amounted to 2,900,100 tons, of the value of £25,305,673, showing a falling off of 640,589 tons and £6,687,002 compared with the previous year. The engineering trades have continued more active all through the year than perhaps any other. Prices dui-ing the second half of the year fell somewhat, and no doubt the check to new enterprise consequent upon the war made itself felt, But up~n the whole every department of the engineering trades has been well employed and has been prosperous. All the manufacturers of locomotives and rolling stock have been busy at good prices. So have mechanical engineers and iron founders. There has been a good demand for gas engines, and so on. The weol trade has not even yet quite recovered from the effects of the break-down of the wild speculation at the end of 1899. Continental operators, especially: French and German, engaged in that speculation much more than British, and the effects therefore were greater in France and Germany. Especially in France the number of failures was great, and so was the magnitude of the liabilities. All through 1900 the French and Germans in consequence were able to do little in the way of buying Colonial wools. During the past year, however, the French began to buy, and towards the end of the year th_e y were active buyers. Apparently the French trade has new recovered from the effects of the crash But the great crisis through which Germany is passing has made that country feel the effects of the speculation in wool even till now. So great and so widespread was the distrust in Germany at one time last year that bankera restricted unduly the accommodation they gave to their customers, and consequently manufacturers were not able to buy freely. At home. however, there has been a steady recovery in the woolen industry throughout the year, and merino wools have been gaining in value, not very rapidly, but still very steadily and satisfactorily. On the other hand, crossbred wools have been in very little demand, owing partly to a change of fashion and partly to the magni· tude of the supplies. Unfortunately the drought in New South Wales has not yet come to an end. Elsewhere in Australia it is quite over, and the number of merino-bearing sheep is again beginning to increase. But over about twothirds of the State of New South Wales, which is the greatest merino grower of any of the 8tates, the drought still unfortunately continues, and therefore the supply of merino wool remains very restricted. The outlook hence for merinos is that during the new year there will be a further advance in prices. On the other hand, the supply of crossbreds is very great, and httle recovery seems probable until the crisis on the Continent comes to an end, or at least is considerably mitigated. In the cotton trade the year was unremunerative. But the first six months were very much better than the second. Moreover, spinners suffered more than weavers. Near the end of 1900 Mr. Henry Neill estimated for a very small American crop of between 9¾ and 9¾ million bales. The estimate was considered very low. Yet it had considerable influence upon the Liverpool market. It turned out that it was far too sma11, and as a consequence raw cotton continued to fall throughout the greater part of the year. Middling American opened at 5½d. per pound. It fell almost continuously till the middle of May, when the quotation was 4 9-32d. per pound. Afterwards there was a stu1rp rise, followed by a further fall, the lowest price touched being on Nov. 7, 4¾d. per pound. The average for the year was 4~-id, per pound. The fall in raw cotton, so far as spinners Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  4-5  were concerned, was neutralized by even a heavier decline in yarns. Consequently spinners complain that for the second half of the year they made no profits. Indeed, if they are to be believed, it was quite unremunerative to work for the last two or three months. t ·otton cloth, however, was in good demand. There was a very large consumption at home, and exports were somewhat greater than in the previous year. Where spinners were also weavers, they did fairly well ; and manufacturersproper all fared satisfactorily. The total exports of cotton piece goods wer13 5,364,614,800 yards, agamst 5 031, 727,000yards the year before. There was a very fair business done both with China and with India. The reports of the jo nt-stock spinning companies do not quite bear out the comph.iots so general amongst spinners. The profits of 76 spmning companies amounted to 8½ per cent upon the sharecapital. Even if loans are included and an interest of 3¾ per cent is allowed on the loans, the total profits would average 7¼ per cent upon the share capital. Furthermore, it is to be noted that twelve new mills started work in 1901; while eeventeen new m tlls with 1,140,000 spindles are in course of erection. Ever since 1897 shipbuilding has been exceedingly active, and in 1898, 1899 and 1900 the total out-turn of vessels was larger than ever before. The general expectation, therefore, was that 190t would show a marked decline, partly because the demand of the British Government for shipping was greatly reduced and partly because the additions in previous years to the world's supply of shipping were so enormoug. As a matter •f fact, there was a marked decline in the placing of orders for new ships early in the year. Yet it turns out that the construction last year was greatereven than in 1900. The total of ships of all kinds built in the United Kingdom was 680 vessels, with an aggregate tonnage of 1,786,708 tons, of which 41 vessels with a displacement of 211,969 tons were war ships. The trading ships. numbered 639, measuring 1,524,739 tons. Of the total only 48 were sailing vessels, measuring 23,661 tons. As usual, the Clyde ship-yards took the lead far before others, They turned out altogether 492,609 tons of shipping. The Tyne came next with 825,277 tons. The Tees and Hartlepool came next, with 307,932 tons, and the Wear next with 258,941 tons. But for size of vessels constructed, Belfast leads. Messrs. Harland & Wo11f, of that city, built one ship, the Celtic, of 20,900 tons, and five others of over 12,000 tons each .. Messrs.W. Gray & Co., of Hartlepool, came next; and Messrs. Russell & Co., of Port Glasgow, came third. The construction of war vessels in Government dock-yards was also ex• ceptionally large, but mainly because of the delay which occurred in 1900, some vessels that ought to have been launched in that year having been put into the water only labt year. One other circumstance of peculiar note in the shipping trade last year was the purchase of an entire fleet of trading vessels-the Leyland Line-by a combination of American, capitalists. As the New Year begins, there are genera1 complaints that new orders for ships are exceedingly scarce, and the impression is widespread that this year will see a great falling off in activity. That the falling off has not come much sooner is the more surprising because of the very serious decline in freights durmg the past year. The decline of course is chiefly due to the extraordinary number of vessels built both ia this coantry and abroad during thepast three or four years. It was aggravated, however, by the discharge of a large number of vessels that had previouijy been chartered by the British Government on account of the war in South Africa. At the beginning of the year freights were about 20 per cent to 30 per cent under thevery highest quotations of 1900. Since then there hasbeen a further fall of from 20 per cent to 80 per cent. In the majority of cases freights are now only about half what they were in the late summer and early autumn of 1900; while expenses, including the cost of coal, have not been reduced at all corrPspondingly. Yet the quantity of goods transported at sea has been on an extraordinary scale. Even the trade admits that it was little,. if any, below 1900, which was so marvelously prosperous a year for shipowners. And as a matter of fact, vastly increased as the shipping fleets of the world are- , British ships were fully employed throu~hout the year. Yet, as has just been stated, the fall in freights. which began in the latter montbs of 1900, has gone on to the very end of 190 1. Early in the year a strenuous eff rt was by shipbuilders to keep up the price of shipping. As much as from £9 to £10, per ton burden was asked for the best class of new steamer~. Buyers, however, were unwilling to give these prices, and they were only tempted in when the quotation was re• duced to £7. Later in the year there was a further decline to £1\ 10s. per ton. And even at this reduction buyers havebeen by no means numerous. 1 he magnitude of the borrowings by the British Government is tb°e most striking incident in the financial history of the year. On February 7 £11,000,000 of 3 per cent Exchequer bonds running for five years were offered for tender. The applications reached nearly 25½ million pounds. sterling, and the average price at which allotments were made was £97 5s. 4d. In April an issue of consols of £60,000,000 at 94½ was made. The applications reached 2t0· millions l'terling, and a very large proportion of them cam& from abroad. A British syndicate took firm 20 millions sterling of the loan; that is to say, a third of the whole ,.  46  BUSINESS IN GREAT BRITAIN.  -and an Anglo-American syndicate took firm 10 millions, or one-sixth of the whole. The two syndicates took half the whole loan. The German Government in March borrowed 15 millions sterling in 3 per cents. And the Russian Gov·ernment early in May borrowed in Paris 17 millions sterling; while there were numerous loans for British colonies also raised in London. Considering the largeness of the sums borrowed by the Brit11ih Government-71 millions sterling within the year-(indeed within a couple of months in the early part of the year), the influence upon the monev market was far slighter than might have been expected. Rates neve:1 ran very high. There was at no time difficulty in borrowing by persons in good credit, and though at -times the outside market was but poorly supplied, the Bank of England was always in 11. position to give every accommodation required. To a considerable extent the ease of the London market, -n o doubt, was due to the immense balances employed in London by the leading French banks. Everything was com.pletely at a ~tandstill in France throughont the whole year. There bad been a great break-down in industrial enterprise during 1900; and the liquidation that followed was going on throughout 1901. One result of this was that it was very .difficult for the banks to employ their funds at home. They were afraid to employ them in other Continental countries because of the crises through which those countries were -passing; and · consequently they sent extraordinary sums to London. The fall in prices, no doubt, also helped to ease .the market, and so likewise did the check that was given to trade. In the first week of January the reserve of the Bank of England fell to somewliat under 16¼ millions sterling, and -on the third of that month, thuefore, the directors raieed .their rate of discount from 4 per cent to 5 per cent. Within six weeks the Bank reserve rose to very nearly 24½ millions .sterling, an increase of nearly 8¼ millions sterling. Con-sequently, in February the Bank was able to reduce its rate ·by two successive steps from 5 per cent to 4 per cent. The Bank retained control of the market nevertheless until April, when the great consol. loan was raised. The applications for the loan caused money to flow to London both from New York and from Paris, and the market became -v ery easy. In June the Bank rate was reduced, first to 3½ per cent and then to 3 per cent, and yet the Bank reserve -rose in September to over 28 millions sterling. After that a strong demand for gold sprang up for Germany, AustriaHungary and France. Tbere was a considerable outflow of the metal and towards the end of October the Bank reserve was reduced to nearly 23 mBlions sterling. Consequently -0n the last day of the month the Bank rate was raised from 3 per cent to 4 per cent. btill the outflow of gold went on , ·a nd at the end of the year the reserve fell to as low as 19¾ millions sterling. On the Stock Exchange the year ha8 been remarkable for -the great fall, both in consols and in British railway stocks; .a fall much greater than would have been deemed possible .a little while ago. £11,000,000 of five-year 3 per cent Exchequer bonds, as stated above. were easily placed in February at 97¼ , and the £60,000,000 oonsol. loan was placed -successfully at the beginning of April at 94½. Yet consols fell to 91 by the middle of July. Mamly this was one of the result.s of the Northern Pacific" corner." which for a little while disorganized all markets and created very serious ,apprehension. The Anglo-American syndicate, which took 10 millions of the new loan, sold very beaviJy. Wben that became apparent there was selling by persons anxious to get out in time, and "bear" sales took place of course on a considerable scale. Then there followed a: rapid recovery; so that by the middle of August the price bad gone as high .as 94½. There have since been various fluctuations. At .the end of the year the quotation was 93 15-16. The fall in British railway stocks was not less British railway management has not been progress ive, partly because the common stocks are held by the investmg public all over the country, and the directors therefore have long felt compelled to divide all their profits every half-year, and partly because, owing to working arrangements, powers of running over one another's lines, .and the like, competition was not very keen. At all events, railway managers have not felt the necessity, as have those in the United States, for making strenuous efforts to keep -down operating expenses. The result has been that the .great rise in coal, materials and wages in 1900 and the first half of 1901 caused heavy losses to the railways. The dividends declared for the second half of 1900 were extremely unsatisfactory, and those declared for the first half of 1\101 w,cre still more so. On the top of this came schemes for paralleling some of the railways by means of electric line~, and a kind of scare was created, owing to what itwas said could .be done by means of electricity. The final outcome was a disastrous fall in the common stocks. To take the oases of .the leading lines, it may be stated here that London & North Western stock fell from 1~0 in January to 151'¼ in Octoher: North Eastern stock fell from 172½ to 149 in November; Great Western stock fell from 169 in February to 131 in July, and Lancashire & Yorkshire fell from 132½ at the beginning of the year to 104 in December. There bas been some recovery from these extreme quotations, which recovery will probably be more m-1rked in the new year. Outside of the markets for British Government and British railway stocks there has been very little movement. In the Amer~oan department a large business was done in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  first couple of months. But the "corner" in Northern Pacific alarmed the market, and since, then transactions have been on a small scale. In Colonial securities of all kinds, in foreign government stocks, and i11 what are called miscellaneous securities, there has not been very great activity, and there have been very few changes. In the market for gold shares a great break-down occurred just at the end of 1900. It was most marked, however, in the West Australian market, in which a large group of companies with heavy capital. headed by the London & Globe.Corporation, completeJy collapsed, and caused the failure of no fewer than 21 members of the Stock Exchange. Tbe effect of this was aggravated by the discovery of i:candalous mismanagement in the case of some other companies. The result was a severe fall in Western A. ustralian shares, throwing the market into a disorganization from which it has not yet recovered. South African mining shares were neglected until the very end of 1901, when the belief gained ground at home and on the Continent that the war was rapidlycoming to an end. In Dec., therefore, there was greater activity than for two years before. The total imports of gold during the year were valued at £20.715,628, against£26,190,873 the year before, and as much as £32,533~497 in 1899. The largest amount was received from India. £6,946,334. The second largest was from Australia , £4,822,222, which, however, was considerably less than the year before. British South Africa stands third, £1,962.283. Some part of this was gold remitted by banks in South Africa which had over-supplied themselves on account of the war. But the larger pint came from Rhodesia, indicating that Rhodesia is likely soon to become an important source of supply. Up to the end of the year the Transvaal mines were not shipping. From France we received £1,174,543 and from Egypt £1,148,890. The Board of Trade returns lump together the receipts from Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and -:;outh America ( omitting, ho\Vever, Brazil). These receipts for the year amounted to £1 ,060,752. From Brazil they were £459,706. The exports of gold, so far as they have been able to be collected at the Custom houses, amounted to £18,965,265. from which it would appear that the net import of the metal into 1.he United Kingdom during the twelve months was £6,750.363. But it is to be recollected that a good deal of ~old is taken away in the pockets of travelers, making the figures quite unreliable. Of the exports which can be traced, Germany took £3,316,536; France, £1,697,6~2: Mexico, Central America, South America and the West Indies, £1,689,456; Brazil. £425,936; India, £2,448,301; and "other countries," £3,124,286. The exports to Iodia were in the very early part of the year. At that time the parcel post conveyed the metal on exceptionally cheap terms. On the 1st of July, however, the postal authorities stopped this, and the remittances immediately ceased. Afterwards gold was received from India to the a.mount stated above. The larger part of the gold reported above to have been sent, to Germany really went to Austria-Hungary; but it was landed at a German port, and therefore ii reported as for Germany. There was a very much stronger demand for gold for Austria, Germany and France, especially the latter, than the figures indicate. But the greater part of the demand was satisfied by the large shipments tbat took place from New York. The London market was saved from a very severe pinch by the freedom with which shipments were made from New York. The total imports of silver durin~ the year were £11,501,678 against £13,222,300 the year before. Of this total £9,718,993 came from the Uoited 8tates. Mexico, Central and South America (except Brazil) and the West Indies sent £537,104. France sent £418,645. and Germany sent £281,705 . The imports from "other countries" were all individually small. The exports of silver amounted to £12,049,837, against £13,574,580 the year before. Of the total. India took £7,746,773, China £1,271,646, France £1 ,111,663, Germany £289,009 and South Africa £185,454. The exports to "other countries" were small individually. The market for bar silvPr was disappointin~ all through the year. The price began as high as 29 9-16d. per oz. It declined slowly, month by month, until December, when there was heavy seUing. At one time the quotation was as low as 21;4d. At the close of the year it had recovered to 25¾d. The decline in the market is mai~ly due to the disappointment caused by the Indian Government not buying so much as had been anticipated. The year before the India.n Government bought very freely, as currency was greatly wanted by the people, and the genera.I expectation was that the buying would continue. As the figures given above show. the imports into India were on a large scale. Still, they were not large enough to maintain the price. Furthermore, the Russian Government bought very much less than for some years before. In 1900 it bought very freely because of the troubles in China and of its large expenditure upon the Siberian Railway. And with the falling off in its rlemand last year the market was disappointed . . Thirdly, The demand for China was very much smaller than had been hoped for. With the conclusion of peace people anticipated that business woold become very active in China, and that silver therefore would be required in large amounts. Lastly, it was generally expected that the New York money market, as well as that of London, would be stringent in December, and therefore silver was very freely sold to meet engagements that might have to be faced.  BUSINESS IN  GREAT  47  BRITAIN.  The complete trade figures of imports and exports into The appended table, made up from the official stateand from Great Britain for three years are as follows : ments of the Bank of England, shows the position of EXPORTS AND DIPOR'l.'S. the Bank as regards bullion, re.serve, etc., each week of theyear. 1901. 1900. 1899. EXPORTS. Home product.a •..•...•. Re-shipment of imports.  Jl,  Total exports ...••..••. IMPORTS. Total merchandise ...••.  Jl,  291,191,996 63,181,758  264,492,000 65,042,000  348,345,732  354,373,754  329,534,000  522,238,986  523,075,163  -173,893,254. - -  Ex0688ofimp.overAxn ..  BANK OF ENGLAND IN 1901.-(00,000s omitted, l  Jl,  280,498,889 67,846,843  .600i:l  ,~  1901.  o:3  485,035,000 156,101,000  168,701,4.09  Zo  l=I  •  DEPOSITS.  ~<b~ A'd ~ 0.d  §  - - - ---£ £  ... .. F~}'· .." n.. .  EXPORTS OF TEXTILE FABRICS. YEA.R'S E XPORTS.  1901.  1900.  1899.  QUANT!TIES.  213,125,000 Cotton yarn ....•.• •• lbs. ltl9,794,000 158,272,900 Piece go ods•.••. yds. 5,364,614,800 5,031,727,000 5,438,944,200 Jute yarn .. •..••••.. lbs. 42,980,500 38,708,100 45,251,200 215,422,300 Piece goo ds .••.. yds. 173,976,800 213,264,100 12,972,500 18,152,400 Linen yarn. ...••.••. lbs. 16,347,100 150,222,100 174.,279,000 Pieoe goo ds ••••• yds. 154,708,200 Woolen yam .•••.••. lbs. 48,698,300 57,148,200 63,700,300 Woolen tissu es ..••. yds. 44,939,800 50,502,600 48,954,100 Worsted tiss ues .••. yds. 93,966,900 102,173,500 102,525,000 Jl,  VALUHS.  Cotton yarn Piece go ods ..•••.... Jute yarn .. Piece go ods .•••...•. Linen yarn. Piece go ods ..••..••. Woolen yarn ... .. Woolen tissu es •..•••.••. Worsted ti.asues .. .•... •.  --·- --· -·  £  £  7,977,330 56,499,036 514,378 2,143,352 824,900 3,728,857 3,487,574 5,201,021 5,845,567  7,741,129 52,384,839 486,492 1,874,867 934,201 3,851,615 4,461,896 5,906,2·7 9 6,467,750  8,058,866 50,861,583 459,452 1,903,030 909,066 3,795,056 4,875,856 5,275,691 6,250,541.  ..  .. . ." " ..."  19 ..  p 11'4  ~ 0  1> 0  ~ 0  45,9 45,6 43,7 39,5 40,l 38,7 37,3 38,4 41,4 39,7 38,1 87,5 39,3 38,9 39,8 38,1 43,4 40,3 39,7 46,5 37,9 39,8 41,8 43,6 38,9 40,9 46,6 42,2 40,7 39,6 44,1 40,6 39,2 42,3 42,0 41,1 40,0 40,6 40,8 41,2 44,8 41,2 40,1 41,8 42,0 39,8 37,9 4.0,3 40,0 37,5 39,5 37,6  20.7 20,7 18,1 16,2 15,4 15,1 13,4 11,2 12,1 12,3 12,3 12,3 12,2 11,8 13,3 13,5 13,8 13,8 13,8 13,8 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,2 14,8 14,8 14,8 17,3 17,9 16,2 16,2 16,2 16,5 16,4 16,4 16,4 16,7 16,7 16,7 18,0 19,5 18,0 18,0 18,0 17,5 17,5 17,5 17,5 17,5 17,5 17,5 17,5  35,8 32,2 31,1 28,7 29,6 28,7 28,4 29,2 35,4 32,7 30,9 31,2 34,4 34,2 29,7 28,5 31,3 30,8 28,0 34,0 28,7 27,8 27,0 27,0 27,3 29,6 :,5,4 27,5 28,9 26,6 30,1 26,3 26,0 26,7 25,6 25,7 26,0 26,2 25,5 27,2 26,3 26,0 26,2 28,1 26,8 27,6 26,4 27,2 25,8 25 i 21:8 29,1  q;)  29,1 31,2 28,6 32,3 28,~ 32,7 28,9 32,6 28,6 33,6 28,4 35,1 28,6 35,9 28,7 36,7 28,5 36,4 :.18,4 36,3 29,2 36,2 30,1 34,l 2\1,6 33,8 29,2 35,l 29,2 35,9 29,7 35,4 29,7 35,5 29,7 35,2 29,6 35,3 29,fl 36,l 29,7 36,6 29,3 37,2 29,4 37,8 30,0 38,4 30,9 37,6 30,6 37,3 30,4 37,6 30,2 37,7 30,7 37,3 30,6 36,5 30,1 37,7 29,8 39,1 29,7 39,4 30,0 39,t 29,7 39,1 29,4 39,5 29,-1 314,6 30,5 38,2 30,0 37,4 29,7 37,2 29,3 36,4 29,5 35,7 29,9 35,2 29,4 34,~ 29,6 35,2 29,3 35,4 29,5 35,3 29,2 35,2 29,6 34,4 30,2 32,1  ~  0  ~  Q;)  !oos p,Q:10  ... ~o  ~z-g  ~  ~o,  S· ~ di~ ~1:;/:Q  qi ~  di  ~ ~  ~:a .  ~  ::;lCQl:Q  iXl ------··· - ----, £ £ £ £ P.O. Pr. ot.  £ 8 ,8 7 ,0  The quantities and values of textile exports from Great Brit- Jan. 2 .. 30,2 28,7 9 .. 29,5 29,6 ain for the last three years are given in tbe following table. 16 .. 23 .. 30 .. 6 .. 13 .. 20 .. 27 .. Mar. 13 .. " 20 " 273 .... Apr. " 10 .. 17 .. 24 .. M,,Y 1.. 8 .. .. " 15 .. " 22 29 .. June 5 .. 12 ..  ,..;  := ,Q  ~~ Oi., IXl,0!  SEGURITIES.  0  7,0 8,5 8,3 8,3 9,0 8,2 1 2,9 1 2,3 1 2,3 1 3,2 1 3,6 1 0,3 7,4 9,7 8,3 9,8 7,7 6,6 1 0,5 8,5 6,2 5,3 1 1,4 1 1,9 1 0,1 8,9 1 2,9 1 0,2 8,4 7,4 1 0,4 9,6 9,2 9,4 1,5 1,7 0,9 0,9 8,3 0,2 1,0 0,3 7,6 0,7 2,0 0,4 9,1 1,1 0,5 0,7  di  16,2 a4 4.71s 17,9 b5 4¾3 19,8 .. 4 11a 21,5 . 418 21,7 411621,5 c4~ 31\a 22,7 3131&• 24,5 a,4· 3 11 ur 25,0 . 3 7s 3tlg 25,4 25,7 -... 319 25,7 3131& 24,7 . 31814 21,8 3tlg 22,0 8!\i 23,7 .... 33s 3tlg ' 24,5 23,5 . .... 3¼1 23,5 . 3:\i 23,3 .... 3 7 s 23,5 ------ 3 1115-~ 24,3 368 24,7 318 2tlg 25,6 26,2 2ffs 26,2 . 2:\i. 2lg 24,4 . 24,5 . .... 2tlg 2tlg 25,0 . 25,3 2:ls24,3 25s 23,7 . 291 625,4 23s 27,1 214 27,5 . ... 231626,8 . ... 23s 27,2 . 28s 27,9 2i.. 28,0 . 251625,4 . 214 26,1 214 25,3 .... 2616 24,8 21:Sl& 23,9 3518 23,1 . 33s 23,3 338 23,9 33s 23,7 .... 23,6 ..... 23,7 .... 3tlg 22,6 33s 19,7 .... 338  ----- .  --· .... ....  --· .... .... -----·  i~ ...  ... ... ... ... ·--... ....  26 .. July 3 .. 10 .. 17 .. The exports of iron and steel from Great Britain have been 24 .. as below each year since 1876, inclusive. 31. . EXPORTS OF moN AND STEEL FROM GREAT BRITAIN. Aug. 7 . . .. 14 .. Other 21.. Pig Iron. Rails. Total. Descriptions. 28 .. ----Sept. 4 .. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 11. . 1901 .............. 889,223 574,656 l,486,22t 2,900,100 18 .. 1900.............. 1,427,525 1,649.433 463,731 3,540,689 25 .. 1899 .••..•••.•••• . 1,380,342 590,667 1,746,171 3,717,180 2 .• O~J• 189~ .............. 1,042,853 1,592,094 3,244,.350 609,403 9 .. 1897 ............. . 1,201,104 782,04!'. 1,702,857 3,686,106 16 .. 1896.............. 1,060,165 747,662 1,782,571 3,550,398 23 .. 1895 .............. 1,511,421 2,835,54,l 8 66,568 457,552 30. 1894 .............. 425,242 1,393,771 2,649,998 Nov. 6 .. 830,985 1893 .............. 840,294 558,375 1,457,905 2,856,574 13 . . 1892.............. 1,504,223 2,739,279 767,053 468,003 20 .. 1891 .............. 702,247 1,697,844 3,240,146 840,055 .. 1890.............. 1,145,268 1,035,431 1.820,731 4,001,430 Dec. 27 4 .. 1889 .............. 1,190,371 1,089,892 1,905,919 4,186,182 11 .. 1,910,242 1888.....•...•.•.• 1,036,319 1,020,002 3,966,563 18 •• 4,143,028 1887.............. 1,158,174 1,011,779 1,973,075 25 •. 1886•..........••• 1,044,257 739,651 1,605,289 3,389,197 1885 ••..•..•••.... 960,931 714,276 1,455,475 3,130,682 1884...•.•••.••••. 1,269,576 728,540 1,497,439 3,496,991 a July 19, 1900. b Jan. 3, 1901. c Feb. 7. d Feb. 21. e June 6. 1883...••••.....•• 1,564,048 971,165 1,508,095 4,043,308 1882 .............. 1,758,072 936,949 1,658,531 4,353,552 / Jnne 13. q October 31. 1881 .............. 1,480,196 820,671 1,517,458 3,820,315 693,696 1,466,055 1880.............. 1,632,343 3,792,993 1879.............. 1,223,436 1,196,170 463,878 2,883,484 In the subjoined statement we show all the changes in the 1878.............. 924,646 441,384 933,193 2,296,860 1877.......•...... 881,442 497,924 965,285 2,346,370 Bank of England rate in each year from 1893 t o 1901, in1876.............. 910,905 414,556 I 899,809 2,224,470 clus.i ve.  .. . ... ...... . .. .... ..  - - - - - -----  In the table below we show the price of silver in London  BANK  by months for 1899, 1900 and 1901. PRICE OF SILVER FOR THREE YEARS. 1901.  SILVER.  1900.  Year.  1899.  High. Low. Aver. High. Low. Aver. High. Low. Aver  --  d.  d.  -d.- -d.- -d.- -d.- -d.- -d.- -a.-  Jan •••••. 29916 27¾ 281616 Feb ....•• 281'.a 27 7s 2818 March•... 28316 2761 11 271616 April .... 27H>1e 261616 271616 May ...... 27tlg 2 7316 27716 .June••.••. 27916 2714 27716 July •••••. 2714 26lllt6 261018 .Aug .••••. 2718 26!\i 261616 Sept ••.••. 27 26 78 261616 Oct•••.••. 26 7s 263s 26tlg Nov ••..•. 26-'9 253s 26116 Dec •••••• 25~ 24.1016 277111  271116 27 ~7:\i 27°16 271116 27716 2719 276rn 27tlg 271g 289 6 27016 28916 27~ 2811" 27H'l6 2914 28716 30318 2918 2916 6 29716 29 7s 2919  2714 2719 27918 277 16 279 16 271316 2814 2818 281:!16 29916 29 11 16 291316  Year . . .. . 299 1A 2416,A 2731A  30315 27  2814  - - ---·  -  --- - - ---  27tlg 2719 ~i916 2811a. 28 27:\i  2714 273s 273s 273s 28 28 11 16 27tlg ~~~le 2718 26161£, 261616 265s 275 18 261116 27616 261616  27716 27716 i7lg 27tlg 2818 2784 27:\i 275s 2718 20 11 16 27116 27318  - ·--26tlg 277 16 28 78  The situation of the Bank of France as to its stock of guld and silver, according to the last returns of each month of 1899, 1900 and 1901, was as follows, stated in pounds sterling. GOLD AND SILVER IN BANK OF FRA.NCE.-(00,000s omitted.J 1901.  Gold. Silv'r Total  £ 93,8 95,6 95,1 97,6 Dfl,4 913,6 98,S 97,6 95,6  £ 43,9 43,9 44,0 4,,o  £ Jan. {6 137.7 189,4 Feb. 28 189,1 Mar. 29 .April25 1'1,6 44,5 May 80 142,9 ,,,8 HS,4 June27 July 26 44,7 148,0 .Aug. 29 44,9 142,4 Sept.26 44,6 140,1 9ct. 24 '14,t f.8,8 1'8,2 Nov. 80 98,4 H,l 1'2,6 Dee. 26 98.6 4t,I 142.fl Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1900.  Gold. Silv'r Tota'  - - ---£ £ £ Jan. 25 Feb. 22 Mar. 29 A.pril25 May Sl June28 July 26 Aug.SO Sept 27 Oct. 25 Nov. 29 Dec. 27  75,9 76,8 77,8 77,7 81,5 8',1> R7,9 oo.o 00,6 01,7  45,7 45,7 46,7 46,6 45,7 46,9 ,i6,6 ,6,4 45,2  121,6 122,fl 123,5 123,S 127,2 1S0,4 182,ll ISM 185,8 4,i,6 186,8 os,o 4',6 137,5 i-S,6 U,8 187,9  1899.  Gold. Silv'r Total  -- - - -- - Jan. 26 Feb. 24 Mar. 30 Aprll27 May 25 June29 July 2i Aug. Sl Sept.28 Oct. 26 Nov. so Dec. 28  £ 72,8 73,0 72,6 72,7 78,5 75,4 76,6 77,1 76,9 76,6 , 75,5 76,0  £ 48,0 48,0 48,0 48,3 48,6 48,8 48,8 47,9 4,7,5 46,8 4,6,7 41',!l  £ 120,8 121,0 120,6 121,0 122,0 I2U 124,g 125,2 124,4 122., 122,2 ll!l,3  1893 . 1 to Jan. 26 . Jan. 26 to May 4 May 4 to May 11. May 11 to May 18. May 18 to June 8. .Tune 8 to June 15. June 15 to Aug. 3. .Aug. 3 to Aug. 10. .Aug. 10 to Aug. 24. 24 to Sept. 14. Sept. 14 to Sept. 21 Sept. 21 to Oct. 5. Oct. 5 to Dec. 31. Ja,11..  Rate Number per of days.  Year.  cent..  ....  "iii" ·-· ....  --··  1~6  ·-··  Rate Number per of days. cent.  -- - - - - - - - - -- - - 1898. 3 219 3  319 4  3 2¼  3  -!  26 dayll 98 days 7 ,1ays 7da) ll 21 dayll 7 days 49 naye 7 days 14 daye 21 dayE 7 dayE 14.dayE 87 daye  Jan. 1 to Apr. 7 . Apr. 7 to May 26. May 26 to .June 2. June 2 to June 30. June 30 to St>pt. ~2. Sept. 22 to Oct. 13. Oct. 13 to Dec. 31.  ---  -- ---Year's average •••. 2·11 365 day!! 2  365 day11  2  254 days 14 days 28 days 70 daye  219  3  4  - -· ----  2·48 366 dayF  4 3¼ 3  20 daylf 13 days 64 days 219 35 days 133 day11 2 21 days 219 3 79 daye  -- ---  Yfl&J''A R.VAr&llfl ... 2·79 365 rlav~  3 4 319 3 2¼ 3  4  97 days 49 days 7 days 28 days 84 days 21 days 79 days  -- - - -  Year's average .••. 3·25 365 days  1899. Jan. 1 to Jan. 19. Jan. 19 to Feb. ~Feb. 2 to July 13 July 13 to Oct. 3. Oct. 3 to Oct. f>. 1894. Oct. 5to Nov. 30. 32 daye Nov. 30 to Dec 31. Jan. 1 to Feb. 1. 3 21 dayE Feb. J to Feb. 22. 2¼ 312 day!! Year's average .••. Feb. 22 to Dec. 31. 2  Year'saverage .••. 1897. Jan. 1 to Jan. 21. Jan. 21 to Feb. 4. Feb. 4 to .Apr. 8. Apr. 8 to May 13. May 13 to Sept. 23 . Sept. 23 to Oct. 14. Oct. 14 to Dec. 31.  --· ---· ...  OF ENGLAND RATE OF INTEREST,  5 4 31t 3 - ·· Year's average •••. 3·06 365 days  1895. Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. 1896. Jan. 1 to Sept.10. Sept.10 to Sept. 24. Sept. 24 to Oct. 22. Oct. 22 to Dec. 31.  ··-· .. -  1900. Jan. 1 to Jan. 11. Jan. 11 to Jan. 18. Jan. 18 to Jan. 25 Jan. 25 to May 24 May 24 to June 14. JIDJe 14 to July 19. July 19 to Deo. 31.  4 3¼  Y-111.t.~!!II  19 days 14 days 161 days 319 82 days 4¼ 2clays 5 56 days 6 31 days 3  ----3·75 365 daya 6 5  11 days  7days 7 days 4 119 oaye 3lg 21 days 3 35 days 4 .. 165 day&  4¼  -- - - -  Year's average .••. 3·96 365 daye 1901. 1 to Jan. 3. 3 to Feb. 7. Feb. 7 to Feb. 21. Feb, 21 to June 6. .Jnne 6 to June 13. June 13 to Oct. 31. Oct. 31 to Dec. al.  JaB.  Jan.  YABr's averaa-A ..  2 days 35 days 14day.a 4 105 daya 7daya 319 3 140day1 62 days 4. 4,  5  4.19  ----8 ·72 365 days  r  TRADE AND COMMERCE-RETURNS OF. FOREIGN IMPOR1 S AND  OUR FVREIGN OOMMBROE IN 1901. The figures of 011r for~ign trade for the late calen• dar year show that the year will rank as among the best in the country's history. Stated in brief, the merchandise exports in 1901 had a money value of 1,4:65½ million dollars, or only about 12½ million dol Iara less than the aggregate for the calendar year 1900, whloh was, roughly, 1,4:78 million dollars. The magnitude of the amounts for these two years can be judged when we say that for 1899 and 1898 the totals were respectively 1,275 and 1,255 millions, for 1897 and 1896 1,099 and 1,005 mllllons, respectively, and for 1895 but 824 millions. The increase between 1895 and 1901,it will be observed, has been full 80 per cent. What gives special significance to this result is that It was reached, as already stated, in face of a number ol adverse circumstances and conditions. For instance, the serious corn-crop shortage from which so large a section of the United States suffered in 1901 naturally reduoed very decidedly the shipments of corn. Then the trade depression prevailing in many of the Continental countries of Enrope cut off directly and Indirectly a considerable portion of the foreign markets for our iron and steel. We say indirectly ae well as directly, beoaus~ the iron and steel industry in Germany was utterly prostrated, and the inability to find a market at home for their surplus products led the German makers to force their goods upon outside markets at a sacrifice-in some cases, it is asserted, at below cost. On the other hand, there was little inducement for our own producers to seek foreign outlets, as the iron and steel markets here were buoyant and demand exceeded supplies. Besides this, the fatuous policy pursued by the Amalgamated Copper Company in maintaining an artificial price for copper caused the copper exports to dwindle-leading at the same time to large imports of copper. That the grand aggregat9 of the merchandise exports underwent comparatively little shrinkage, notwithstanding the conditions mentioned, is due in the main to three principal elements. (1) The tremen• dous exports of wheat and flour, far exceeding the best of previous years; (2) the fact that prices for agricultural products, owing to the corn failure, were maintained at good figures, while agricultural conditions abroad also favored a high level of values; (3) the circumstance that outside of iron and steel and copper our manufacturing exports did not fall off. The large volume of the wheat and flour shipments was by all odds the most striking feature of the year's exports. The wheat crop in the United States (spring and winter combined) was the largest ever harvested. Contemporaneously, the wheat crops abroad were de. flcient. As a consequence, the demand upon us was urgent and of unusual dimensions. Reducing flour to wheat, we sent out during the twelve months of 1901 no less than 266,295.,903 bushels of wheat. There have been other year■ when the wheatshipments were of exceptional dimensions, but this Is about 40 million bushels in exceBB of the beat of them. In the previous year (1900) the shipments were only 182,925,443 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  EXPORTS.  bushels, showing an increase therefore in 1901 of 83 million bushels. Ia 1899 tbe exports were 193,862,385 bushels, and in 1898, which was one of the largest of the previous years, they were 223,810,253 bushels. The extent of the foreign demand prevented any decline in price, notwithstanding ·the size of the crop. The exports of wheat averaged 72½ cents per bushel in 1901 against 71 ! cents in 1900. It remains to be said that notwithstanding this improvement, the average was much below that of either 1899, when '74: cents was realized, or 1898 when almost 88 cents waa realized. The comparisons are the same for flour, the average export price per bbl. for 1901 having been t3 69, as against 13 65 in 1900, but as against 13 74: and 14 32 respectively in 1899 and 1898. · In the case of corn, of course the average price waa very high, namely 49¼ cents, against •41, 40¼ and 37¼ cents, respectively, in the three years preceding. The amount of corn sent out was only about one•half the amounts of the years immediately preceding, namely 102,359,089 bushels, against 190,386,489 in 1900, 206,135,233 bushels in 1899 and 207,309.,381 in 1898. In values, therefore, there was a heavy falling off, the amount for 1901 being only 150,361,388, as compared with 184:,284:, 733 for 1900, 182,728,689 for 1899 and t77,315,689 for 1898. There was also a further shrinkage in the oats shipments, whtch aggregated only about 26 million bushels, as a~ainst 32 million, 41 million and 50 million bushela,respectively, in the three years preceding. For this loss, though, there was compensation in an average price of 35¼ cents per bushel in 1901, contrasted with 30½, 31¼ and 32¼ cents in the three previous years. In value the oats exports were $9,106,209 in 1901 and t9,823,496 in 1900, showing no very great difference as between these two years. In 1899, however., the amount was 112,848,332 and in 1898 116,046,888. The foregoing makes it clear that large though the loss on the corn exports was, the gain on the wheat shipments was of much greater consequence, and that the total of the breadstuffs exports ae a whole consequently ran considerably higher than in the previous year. In truth the value of the breadstuffs exports for 1901 wns over 25 million dollars larger than for 1900, the figures being 1276,404:,299, against $260,786,080. In 1899 the amount of the corresponding item was 1269,955, 771 and for 1898 it was $317,879,74:6. The difference against 1901 in this last instance follows from the lower price for wheat and the reduced shipments of corn, and the comparison is instructive in bringing out the fact that notwithstanding the increase in the late year, the breadstuffs exports for that period of twelve months were by no means the largest on record. Besides the gain on the breadstuffs exports, there . was also a g~in on the exports of provisions and dairy products, which amounted to t206,931,309 for 1901. against $186,568, 735 for 1900, and a gain on the shipments of cattle, sheep and hogs, which had a value of •39,290,067, against $35,033, 734:. The increase i~ both instances follows in part from higher prices and  TRADE  AND  In part from an augmentation in the quantity sent out. On the other hand, In the case alike .of the petroleum exports and the cotton exports, there was a falling off. The former were 172,781,886, against 174,493,707, the lose being due entirely to a lower average price, refiecting doubtless the effects of the oil discoveries in Texas and California; 1,051,206,172 gallons were exported in 1901, against 967,106,478 gallons in 1900, these figures not including shipments of residuum. The decrease in the valoe of the cotton exports waa also due to a smaller average price. Yet the price remained relatively high, being 8 16-32 cents per pound, which compares with 9¼ cents for 1900, but with 6·47 cents and 5·57 cents in 1899 and 1898. We sent out 6,963,092 bales in 1901, against 6,671,561 bales in 1900, and only 5,787,853 bales in 1899. In 1898, however, shipments wereS,169,380 bales, though, as already stated, at an average price of but 5·57 cents per pound. -In the following we show the exports of the leading staples for th~ last six years.  COMMERCE.  4-0  Cal'dar Year  Exports.  Imports.  1889.......... 1890.......... 1891......... . 1892... .... •• . 1898.......... 189' ......... 1895.......... 1896.......... 1807.. ... ... . 1898. •••• ••• • . 1899 .... ,..... 1000......... 1901 . .  S,2'1,055,760 865,aoo.-2.>2 970,265,925 938,020,Dil 875,831,848 825,102,2i'3 824,860,186 1,005,837,241 1,099, 709,0'6 1,255,546.266 1,276,487,971 L'77,946,US 1,466,880,9l9  f7ff2,88!,881 8U,009,57rs 818,3tl4,521 880,490,141 766,289,846 676,812,9'1 801,669,847 681,579,556 742,695,229 684,96,,4'8 798,967,410 829,149,71' 880,421.056  Excess.  ·--Ezp.164,170,869 E:r:,,. 40,489,627 .Ezp. 151,GOl,404 Ezp.107,580,800 E:-op. 10~,592,002 .Ezp. 148,789,807 .E:r:,,. 28,100,789 .Ezp. 824,257,686 Ezp.857,118,816 Ezp. 620,581,818 Ezp. 476,500,561 Ezp.6'6,'196,899 E:i,p.681,1>:59,868  Total Trada. Sl,589,940,631 1,w;o,sos:m 1,788,680,448 l,?68,Gll,089 1,642,071,694 l,601,'15,188 1,626,529,488 1,687,'16, 797 1.84.2,804.274 1.890,510,71& 2,074.486,881 2,807,~Sff 2,8411.801,975  A word or two seems called for with. reference to the excess of merchandise exports over imports, or trade balance. This was not as heavy as in the year preceding, and yet amounted to almost 586 million dollars. Nevertheless we were obliged to send out net 3 million dollars gold. Investors in this country last April subscribed largely for the new British loan, and in the contest for control of Northern Paolflo big blocks of the stock of that road were · bought in E11rope and brought here, besides whioh the generally high range of prices ruling on our Stook Exchange EXPORTS OF LEADING PRODUCTS FOR BIX CALBNDil TBA.RB, attracted hither other foreign•owned American aecur1 1 7 1898 0 1001 ities. Furthermore, increasing amounts of American ~· S1J • • -:_ - ~ _ : _ ~ • - E2,pof't,. Cotton ...... aoo,Js,sss su.a:a,686 m,1!1.s,2 2a2,1!s,204 212,1!5,576 zss.4~2.111 capital are going into electrical and other enterpri1e1 Bread8tuirs. 2iM04,200 250,1sa,oso 280,955,111 317,879,7'6 2s2,626,819 1s2,soo.242 In Europe, and we are obliged to remlt each year a ProT'm, &c. 206,931,SOQ 186,668,786 182,4'6,184 174',978,018 1'6,952.298 136,286,430 large sum for freights, interest, etc. Hence if the cattle.sheep 88 893 170 734 31 9100407 84 651 779 40 862 7 year 1901 stood alone in the extraordinary extent of the • • • ·0GS • • , u,200,06 86,osa, and h()lls.. Petr'lm, &o. 72,78',88t 74,498,707 66,002,325 63,423,749 60,007,426 GS.867,980 trade balance, the feature of a coincident gold out666,056,605 818,101,,91113,00s,e16 741,481,910 u861,1:1,,842 , Total ...... 898,895 9 As it 111 .&.ll 0th.exp. 569,11S,1911 n16,811.,11 6SS,98!5,Q92 441,844,776 386,615,SG9 850,780,688 fl.ow would not be so hard to underetan<l. 946118 12764679711251164626810997090461005837241 the 1901 balance is merely one of a aeries of successive _ Total ...... 14656u1s01,n It will thus be seen that the aggregate of th e ex- annual balances all of notable proportions, as will be ports of the leading staples _increased 36¼ million dol- seen from the following. YEARLY TRADE BALANCE. Iara in 1901 over 1900, and at $896,395,94' is deci18f· 1 9f· 1~ 1• 18l8. 11:1. dedly the largest of any of the years given, comparing .Euu, 01_ 867,118,SUt 620,581,818 476,500,1161 648,706,899 69,,Da9,€63 .. exports llerchan. 468 601:: for 1896 and with t535 169 With .,•a5a::u, oa::6 ■liver exports ..... 24,492,119 26,liH,3.21 22,617,808 24,666,71!l 26,678.990 ' ' u J u Tota1. ........... 609,451,982 614,911,720 499,US.369 6t6.2,1.M2 ss2.692,806 for 1896. In the shrinkage of 47 million dollars in the "all other exporta''-comprising everything &oldlmoort11........ •2,oos.009 12,614,461 6,955,66s m,OOS.998 ~oa.580 Grand tota1. ...• 61s,uo,991 oo2,soo,2o0 ,os,1112,816 503,278.54' SSS.946.896 U •stde the leading staples-we see reflected the fall- ~oees of e:xpol'ts. 0 1 Including specie, the excess of exports to be aoing off in the iron and steel exports and in the copper exports. More than the whole decrease .is found counted for in 1901 is 612 million dollars, following 662 under these two heads, indicating that other classes millions in 1900, 493 millions in 1899, 603 millions in of manufacturing exports did not as a whole decline. 1898, and 383 and 311 millions respectively in 1897 The value of the exports of iron and steel was 1102,. and 1896. For the six years together merchandise 639,797 in 1901, against t129,633,480 in 1900, and of and specie exports have exceeded merchandise and copper $33,534:,899, against $57,oi2,610. The com• specie imports in the enormous sum of 12,965,671,322. To complete our record, we add the following. blned 1088 is over 61 million dollars. - - - - t G o l d . - - - - - - - - S l l v e r ..- - - E~<+o'>.E:uu, of ln the case of the merchandise imports, it ls not sur- Year v, _,,,,,.. Export, C+) or Exports. Imports. Impo-rts<->, Ex-port,. ImJ)Of'U. lmportaC-l Bn<Ung Prising to find further expansion. With business ex- nu. • • a a a , s1tremely active here the requirement for raw materials 1870 ...... 58,1oa,145 10,,30,661 +42,618,184 21,846,os3 15.259,100 +12,586,88£ and the other components entering into our manu- 1911 ..... H,915,01s 5,8n,9ts +39,014,021 32,624,495 10,002.,61 +21,562,02a 1872 ...... 68,638,125 11,118,200 +c.7,524,835 a2,048,799 10,068,714 +21,080,086 facturing industries is necessarily increased, and the 1818 ...... 25,496,118 20,537,254 -t4,958,S64 as,076,201 9,212,1ss +29,864,022 1s14 ...... t3,u9,001 1,422,so6 +35,126,285 29,511,01¼ ,,s3o,998 +21,146,986 d t t d fact t h at l ab or i s f u11y emp1oye a exce 11 en wages an 1875 ..... 53,413,p4; H,s8s,180 +80,015,1s8 25,889,567 8,547,357 +11,342,210 that busineas men are netting good profits stimulates 1876 ...... a1.2a1.130 28,61s,201 +1,5ss.Hs 2s,122.186 10,108,043 +14,824,693 1877...... 18,982,638 11,629,655 +7,352,983 29,8:16,929 12,lil,560 +17,195,869 imports of luxuries. The imports for 1901 are much 1878 ...... 8,655,948 10,411,8s0 -1,821,911 1a.200,252 1S,ss0,884 -180,os2 1810 ...... 4,115,H6 18,161,941 -74,652,495 21,101,552 u,425,011 +1.216,535 the larg est in the country's history. and at $880,421,- 1880...... 3,062,459 73,644,698 -70,582,239 12,983,442 ll,631,025 +1,852,417 066 are 61 million dollars in excess of those for 1900. 1ss1.. .... 2,603,543 60,398,620 -51,105,011 11,068,214 8,595,645 +a,461,620 MERCHANDISE EXPORTS A.ND IMPORTS (CALENDAR YEA.RB).  Oal'aa,-Year.  .E:Dports.  1870 ......... 1871 .......... 1872 .........  1408,&se,010  1878 ......... .  1874 .......... 1875 .. ........ 1876 .......... 1877 .... ... . . . 1878 .......... 1879 .......... 1880 .......... 1881. ......... 1882 .......... 181i8.......... 1884 .......... 1886 .......... 1886.......... 1887 ..........  1888. .... . ...  460,352,088 468,83i,948 567,757,867 569,872,553 510,947,422 600,666,629 620,802,412 787,091,973 765,159,825 889,688,422 838,549,1.27 767,981,946 795,209,816 749,866,428 688,249,798 713,347,200 715,212,840 691,620.862 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Implfl'ts •  .Excus.  Imp.157,546,048 1461,182,055 lmp. 112,769,011 MS,111,000 655,964,600 . Imp.187,126,751 Imp. 27,490,181 595,248,048 .Exp. 7,756,646 562,115,907 .Ezp. 7,784,4e6 503,1132,936 .Ezp, 163,819,464 '27,847,165 .Ezp.189,856,112 480,446,300 .Exp. 805,479,500 !81.,612,388 Exp. 251,557,00ll 618,602,796 .Ezp. 192,876,246 696,807,176 Ezp. 168,389,079 670,209,4!8 Exp. 15,139,439 752,848,507 .Exp.108,148,100 687,066,216 .Ezp.120,104,568 629,261,t!60 Exp.100,381,125 587,868,673 JiJzp. 62,458,704 660,898,586 .Exp. 10,686,,97 70!,676,343 Imp. 27.fl68,828 719.484.680  '.lbtal Traiu • $864, '718,068 1,038,468,187 1,124,80~,641 1,163,005,916 1,181,988,460 1,014,110,858 1,018,013,794 1,100,748,712 1,168,704,856 1,278,762,621 1,686,400,598 1,608,758,675 1,520,825,453 1,482,275,532 1,878,628,288 1,276,118,471 1,37,,240,876 1,419,789,188 1.411.105.5~2  1882 ...... 38,721,079 13,402,528 +25,318,551 1883 ...... 6,048,770 22,055,961 -16,007,191 1884 ...... 40,948,2!l6 27,957,657 +12,990,589 1885 .. .. . 11,417,207 23,6-1-5,311 -12,228,104 -26,613 1886 ...... 41,283,222 41,809,835 1887 ...... 9,14!,426 U,903,327 -35,758,901 1888...... 84,526,447 11,034,074 +28,492,373 1889 ...... 50,935,412 12,061,620 +38,873,892 1890 ...... 24,063,1os 20.379,456 +3,683,652 1891. ..... 77,093,065 45,203,377 +33,889,688 1802..... 76,545,328 18,165,056 +58,380,272 1893 ...... 79,983,726 73,280,575 +6,703,151 1894 ..... 101,840,735 2l,350,607 +80,409,128 1805 ...... 104,967,402 84,396,892 +70,57l,010 1896 ...... 58,256,990 104,731,269 -46,474,869 +258,589 1897...... 84,276,401 84,022,812 1898...... 16,194,954158,168,962 -141,968,998 1800 ...... 45,870,411 6l,3S4,964 -5,9:15,558 lQOO ..... M,184,628 66,7'9,0St -12,614,461 1901 ...... 67,729,889 5!,761,880 +1,968,00~  17,317,055 25,79!l.,670 29,568,748 83,280,542 27,112,707 27,';33,192 80,020,608 40,742,875 28,600,101 21,0so,116 36,362,281 46,857,748 47,245,807 54,211,086 64,056,741 58,661,292 53,797,104 68,461,787 66,221,664. 56,638,001  9,098,385 14,153,857 15,504,777 17,772,718 19,759,4.U 21,000,721 21,761,359 26,799,458 so,764,904 21,015,905 Sl,452,956 27,765,696 17,633,594 24,373,847 80,279,740 83,082.802 29,131,380 30,843,029 40,l00,3t3 31,146,782  +a,218,670 +11,641,813 +U,058.971 +15,607,82! +7,854,208 +6.732,471 +8,269,244 +13,943,417 -2,155,803 +14,211 -t-4,909,825 +18,592,052 +29,612,218 +19,837,739 +aS,777,001 +25,MS,090 +24,665,724 +22,617,808 +26,121,821 +t,i,492,119  NoTE.-For years 1886 to 1901, inclusive, the figures embrace gold and silver in ore; in the years preceding both were included in the merchandise movement.  C50  TRADE  A.ND  EXPORTS OF LEADING ARTICLES FOR YEARS ENDlNG JUNE  IMPORTS .AND EXPORTS BY FISCAL YEARS.  ARTICLES.  The table below shows the exports and imports in each fiscal year ( ending June 30) since 1871.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""lr..:ir.:lr.:lr.:lr.:lr.:lr..:ir..:ir.:ir..:ir..:ii:,u.-ir.::i"'lr.:ir.H.-i  C'IOOM-.:li.-too-.:11.-tr---.:11~io-.:11c-l~Mt--~r--MMC'l~c-:io::,:,r--a0o· oe.ooooo-.:11~e.oMr--e-1r--e.o-.:110-.:11,-,ooC'l~oot--·~-.:11oooooo,..,t--,.., MC'ICl,-,M.-tt--MM,-,,-, .'IC00000"110-.:II- ooo~~t--OOC'-lC'IIOIOO  ~...;.,l<£..f..f«dllf5"r:-:<£~<£c-~6£a5'<£a5'r:-:,..;o,&,.oa5'1!5"•,l£l(')C'1.M°(t;) ~~~~~~~~;=:~~~~~~~!;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o~../££ -.:11·,-,·r:,:r:,:,..;-:ooooocic€1!5"ci..;oo r::..;a,oo-.i .;,...~C'I -.:IIM,-,ir.iC'I  t--~  ,-,,-,C-1cr:,c-:i•  co  oo  C'lt--s:l'~tO  COMMEI-U.JE.  ,-,  Agricul. implements, value..... $ 16,313,434 16,099,149 12,432,197 Bacon and hams .......•...... lbs. 672,694,544 708,568,141 788,498,230do value ..•......• $ 6(),341,804 59,392,282 62,331,151 Beef, canned, value...•....•.... $ 5,307,501 5,233,982 3,503,293 do fresh and salted ......•• lbs. 407,850,25• • 378,704,287 330,281,163 do do value ..... $ 35,069,257 32,538,221 26,216,965 Barley, value.......•..•.••.....• $ 2,883,565 11,216,694 1,375,274 Books, maps, etoh'gs &c.value.$ 3,471,243 2,943,435 2,656,136Brass, and manufact. of, value.$ 2,007,45u 1,866,727 1,351,049 Butter.............••.•••.•.... lbs. 23,243,526 18,266,37l 20,247,997 do value .....•.......•.•••.... $ 4,014,905 3,143,509 3,263,951 Oattl.e and sheep, value ......... $ 39,499,980 31,368,630 31,370,38& Ammals, other, and fowls .... $ 12,558,896 12,:H6,401 6,510,528 Carriages and horse cars and j parts of, value .........•...... $ 4,210,10• 3,794,138 2,552,272 Cars for steam roads, value .... $ 1 4,195,0HI 2,55"',323 1,554,012. CaRings for sausages, value .... $ 2,778,854 2,307,571 1,671,052. Cheese .....•..........•••....• lbs. 39,813,517 48,4l9,353 38,198,753 do value ..........•.....•.... $ 3,9f>0,999 4,943,609 3,316,049 Chemicals, drugs and dyes, not includingmedicines .... value.$ 10,961,014 10,204,457 8,334,281 Clocks & watches & parts, val.$ 2,340,751 1,977,694 1,863,431 C~al, anthracite ......•...•.. tons 1,912,080 1,777,319 l,571,58L  ~:~i!:~2~¢, Co~l, bi~::iinou!~~~.~·_-_-_-_-_-_-_-to;,_!1 i;~~g~~ ~~~~~&tM.§,M~~.§~~.§~~~~~~~~£!!~~,§ do do value .......... $ 13,891,693 11,931<,725 ,.., 0000 ,00 -.:11,-,coC'loc,Mooeoco~Mt--t--i0..,,,;,Moo~ ~OOO)C'IOO~MCO,-,,-fOO~•,-,C'l<»-.:IIOt--t--.-OOC'IIOOC0""4t-- ... ~C'I -.:IIC'ICOt---.:IIOC'-lCO~t--CO~~~-O~COC'IClCOCOt--~C'IC'l,-,COOOOOOO  €&!:i'ttfi:.ifi:!cifi~)J~izf ii~g~;-tgfafiitiitf~~ -.::flCOOOlQCO,-,OOCOCOt--~COOOCOOOOOt--lOl!':OOt-- ... lO<X C'l <l'OOIOIO  e-fcioocici,..;r::..;r:-:cilfioe-f-.i../"'500e-foocie-foor--·IOe-1·:o'l(')ci,./../ ~~,..,,-,t--~~~~~e-1st--~..,.Clc<1 coc,:i~,-,~t--~~~~i~  .  . . .  ~,§;ir;i;lr.Jt,:l~.§r.1r.1t.l.§;i  $1  $,  years gold and silver in ores w~re included in merchandise. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~;!i8;i:t  7,185,432. Coke ...............•......... tons 365,888 363,202 215,513 do value ...•..••....•..•...•. $ 1,433,497 1,232,921 632,788 Copper ore......•............ tons 1 10,106 7,285 5,910do do value .........•.... 1,346,707 1,009,288 440,575 Copper, manufa-0. of, value•..•. $ 43,267,021 57,852,960 35,983,529Corµ ........................• bush. 177,817,965 209,348,284 174,089,094 do value .............•...•...•. $ 82,527,983 85,206,409 68,977,448 Corn meal, value ............... $ 1 2,065.482 2,14>1,410 1,775,868 Cotton, Sea Island ....... 100 lbs. , 113,735 182,000 141,421 do other............. 100 lbd. 33,195,166 30,823,382 37,592,682 Cotton, Sea Island, \'alue ....... $ 2,237,558 2,985,378 2,361,697 do other, value ....•....... $ ,3ll,435,88n 238,847,359 207,203,077 Cottonmanufact's-Colored.yds. '115,949,219 87,880,515 108,940,972 do value ..•........... $ 1 6,554,22l'i 4,839,491 5,221,278 Uncolored . .. .....••....•. yds. '135,5l'i4,132 264,314,474 303,063,083do value............ $ 1 7,581,812 13,229,443 13,748,619All other ....••....•.......... $ 6,136,381 5,934,153 4,597,017 Cycles and parts of, value ...... $ · 2,!'>15,729 3,553,149 5,753,880 Fertilizers, value ..•............ $ 5,425,960 7,218,224. 6,964,365 Fish, fresh, dried, pickled, etc.. $ , 6,789,482 5,427,469 5,169,811 Flax, hemp and jute, manufac· i tures of, value..•.•••••........ 4,302,776 4,441,835 3,093,102 Flour (wheat) •.........•.•••• bbls. 1 18,650,979 18,699,194 18,485,690. do value ..........••.......... $ 69,459,296 67,760,886 73,093,870 Fruits (includ'g canned, dried & preserved) and nuts, value . .. :j; 10,826,222 11,642,662 7,897,485 Furs and fur skins, value ....••. $ 4,404,448 3,092,8464,503,968 Glass and glassware, value .... $ 2,126,309 1,936,119 1,503,651 Glucose or grape sugar ... value.$ 3,113,898 3,600,139 3,624,890 Greai,e, scraps and soap stock.. $ 3,339,948 2,944,322 2,576,507 Gunpowder, etc., value •......•. $ 1,712,102 1,891,604 1,531,889' Hay, value . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . $ 1,476,870 992,741 858,992 Hides and skins, eto., value ... . $ 929,117 1,064,952 804,674 Hops ..••.••.•••.••.••••••••.••. lbs. 14,963,676 12,639,474 21,145,512 do value .........••..••.••...•. $ 2,466,515 1,707,660 3,626,144 Horses,* value . .•...•.....•...... $ 8,873,845 7,612,616 5,444,342. India rubber and gutta percha. I manufactures, value .......... $ 3,017,253 2,367,788 1,765,385 Instruments for scienti:fl.c pur• poses, value ................... $ 7,361,231 6,435,766 4,399,180 Iron and steel, and manufactures oftitotal value ................ $117,319,270 121,913,549 93,716,031 Jewe ry,gold and silver, value .$ 1,229,672 1,143,638 963,J 56Lard ••...............••...... . lbs. 611,357,514 661,813,663 711,259,851 do value ......................, 46,5611,148 41,939,164 42,208,465 Leather & manfact's of, value.. 27,923,653 27,293,010 23,466,985 Malt liquors.............. . ...... 1,723,040 2,139,216 1,888,124 Marble and stone and manufac• tures of, value ................ $ 1,63~,314 1,677,169 1,886,756 Medicines, pat. or prop .• value.$ 3,423,4:~ 4 2,999,153 2,661,00S Mules,* value .... . ......•.•..... $ 3,210,267 3,919,478 516,908 Musicalinst. and parts·of, value.$ 2,780,796 1,958,779 1,791,843 Nickel, nickel oxide and matte.$ 1,510,508 1,219,812 1,110,222 Oats.........•..••...•....... bush. 37,046,812 41,369,415 80,309,778 do value .................•..... $ 11,765,330 12,504,654 9,787,540 Oatmeal ............•..... value.$ 2,308,649 1,547,900 1;295,988 Oil cake and meal. ........... lbs. 1713842177 1626834:'.>24 1567170869 do value ......... $ 18,591,898 16,757,519 14,531,142 Oil, cotton•seed ............. galls. 49,356,741 46,902,390 50,627,219 do value .••........ $ 16,541,321 14,127,538 12,077,519 Oil, illuminating............ galls. 781,207,105 721,027,637 722,279,480 . do value ....••.... $ 51,477,267 55,979,566 41,087,031 Oil,lubri.,&heavypar'fflne.galls. 71,457,60j 74,583,769 67,424,393 do value .................. $ 10,006,937 9,i44,367 7,943,193 Oil, mineral, crude, including all • natural oils ............... galls. 138,44A,430 133,023,656 113,0~8,060 do do value .........•.. $ 6,686,929 7,364,lh2 5,202,892 Oil, naphtha, value............. . $ 1,565,60· 2,016,802 1,170,294 Oleomargarine (includ.oleo) .lbs. 1166,642,112 150,995,748 147,939,814 do value ................•. 12,330,874 10,920,400 9,693,362 Paints, pigm'ts & colors, value.$ 2,036.3 i 3 1,902,367 1,447,421> Paper and man'f'rs of,value .•.. $ 7,419,001 6,215,833 5,477,884 Paraffine and paraffine wa:x.lbs. ,129,184,962 182,153,718 174,844,701 do do value .... ~ 6,857,288 8,602,723 6,804,684 Pork .........•••..•.••••...... lbs. 1169,372,197159,146,588 178,507,564 do value ......•••..••..••..... $ 12,3fil,170 10,169,569 10,639,727 Rosin, pitch, tar, &o ......•. bbls. 1 2,871,341 2,425,899 2,623,077 do do value ...... $ 4,865,921 3,919,272 3,882,536 Rye ..........••. ...•••...... bush . 2,826,882 2,355,792 10,140,866 do value •..•..••••••••••...•.... $ 1,::21,979 1,442,055 5,936,078 Seed, clover . .....••.••.•••.•. lbs. 11,999,674 32,069,371 19,980,434 do value •••••••........ $ 1,063,506 2,379,372 1,264,922 Seed, ftaxseed .....•.•••.... bush. 2,755,683 2,743,266 2,830,991 do do value ·..•...•..•• $ 4,319,102 3,475,417 2,815,449' Soap, value ............••.•....•. $ 1,569,180 1,774,024 1,457,610 Spirits, distilled, value...•...... $ 3,054,708 2,278,111 2,495,612 Spirits of turpentine .....•. galls. 20,240,851 18,090,582 17,761,533 do value .••. $ 7,715,029 8,554,922 6,100,419 Starch, value ...••...........••.. $ 2,005.86~ 2,604,362 2,292,843 Sugar and molasses, value•..... $ 2,969,596 3,132,184 2,350,718 Tallow .....•.••••••.••.••..... lbs. 77,166,889 89,030,943 107,361,009 do value ....•......•.•.••••... $ 3,848,561 4,398,204 4 ,867,35$ Tobacco (leaf) .......••.••••.. lbs. 306,900,934 334,604,210 1272,421,291> do value .......••.... , 27,475,466 29,163,086 25,170,771 Tobacco, manuf., value......... 5,092,603 6,010,141 5,178,99tl Vegetables, incl canned.value. 2,598,402 2,853,278 2,798,400 Wheat .....•••...•••.•••..... bush. 131,Ot>0,667101,950,389 139,432,815 do value ...........••...•.... $ 96,771,743 73,237,080 104,269,169 Wood and manuf. of, value...•. $ 52,442.684 50,598,416 41,489,526 Wool and manuf. of, ya.lue...... $ l,!'\68.t-99 1 687,601 1,284,757 t lncluding machinery, but not including iron ore. * Also included under animals, other.  $:  YOTE.-Totals of gold coin and bullion and silver coin and bullion in 1895 to 1901 inclusive, include gold and silver in ores. In preceding  30.  11900-1901. 1899-1900. 1898-1899.  TRADE AND  The following table, made up from the latest revised returns, shows the imports of leading articles (both quantities and values) in the last three fiscal years. It embraces all articles the imports of which exceeded $1,000,000 in value in any one of the years included in the statement.  51  COMMERCE.  1900·1901. 1899-1900. 1898-1899.  ARTICLES.  Spirits, distilled (including product of U. s. ret11rned), value.$ 4,143,~59 3,609,831 3,145,079 Sugar, not above No.16 .... cwts. 38,652,673 40,066,272 39,175,049 do value ..............•. $ 87,551,9 4 99,859,976 93,2':'l,185 do above No. 16, value..•• $ 2,1-o:>0,251 390,998 1,692,951 Sulphur, ct'ude, value ..•..•• - . $ 2,86? ,727 2,711 ,912 2,370,449 Tea................ - ........... lbs. 90,381,270 84,845,107 74,089,899 do value ........................ $ 11,014,981 10,558,110 9,675,081 Tin, blocks or pigs ......•.... lbs. 73,091,8PO 70,lfl8,915 67,342,107 IMPORTS OF LEADING ARTICLES FOR YE.ARB ENDING JUNE 30. do value.........•..••......... $ 19,805,551 lP,104,301 11,843,357 Tin plates······· ·············lbs. 117,880,31~ l47,9ff3,804 108,484,826 do value ................ $ 3,770,062 4,799,796 2,613.564 ARTICLES, 1900-1901. 1899-1900. 1898-1899. Tobacco, leaf ................. lbs. 2R,844,373 19,619,6 ~7 14,035.~29 do vaJue ........•......... 16,289,324 13,297,223 9,900,258 Argal, or argol. .. ·--······-··lbs. 28,598,781 27,339,489 23,300,'i6'l Toys, vaJue...................... 3,@30,238 2,923,982 2,265,642 do do value ... ·---·····$ 2,476,482 2,31'8,693 1,914,4:SO Vanilla beans, value............ 875,229 1,209.334 1,2R5,412 Books,,etohings,&c.,val.$ 3,791,77>i 3,571,t-26 3,083,401 Vegetables, all kinds, value.... 3,69<•,709 2,935,077 2,178,738 Breadstuft's, all kinds, value ... $ 2,049,038 1,803,729 2,544,765 Watches andmovements, val.$ 1,679,093 1,406,111 1,06l,P59 Bristles, value 1,730,197 ~,152.967 1,t58,252 Wine ln casks ...... ···-····galls 2,742.814 2,533,828 2,258,226 Brushes, value•. 1,142,234. 9 77,513 El90,629 do vaJue.............. $ 1,920,469 1,744,736 1,571,573 Cement, Roman, Portl'd, eto.lbs. 639,2':'2,528 9,2,568,68 839,421,118 Wine in bottles ..... . ........ doz. 683,22" 62tt,069 537,244 do value .... 2,169,890 3,270,916 2,776,336 do value.. ... ........ $ 6,274,774 5,6 · 6,759 5,0l,6,638 Cheese, value•.....•...•••...... $ 2,120,293 1,761,613 1,563,128 Wood and manufactures of, val.$ 19,745,428 20,591,908 14,502,355 OhemloaJs, drugs, dyes and med· Wool and woolen goods1c1nes (1nclud1ng those given Wool, rawt ............••.... lbs 103,583,50!1 155,928,45!- 76,736,209 hare separately), value ....... $ 53,463,0~0 53,705,152 42,681,504 do value .. ·-···········$ 12,52~,881 20,260,93fl 8,322,897 Cigars, cigarettes, &c .....•.. lbs. 481,371 460,559 418,634 Cloths, value .........••...•... $ 3,968,218 5,129,529 3,P09,466 do value .....•...•••...... $ 2.401,2";3 2,299,928 2,082,450 Carpets .........•....... sq. yds. 858,807 P04,29 ~ 631,547 Clays or earth, value ........•.. $ 1,036,817 92ri,lll 7~6,~14 do value .• ......•.. ...... $ 2,705,224 2,748,793 1,759,566 CoaJ, bituminous.. .......... tons. 1,928,19~ 1,707,076 1,258,784. Dress goods .....•. .... . sq. yds. 25,377,337 25,343,998 27,098,584 do do value.......... $ 5,247,0t:S 4,476,032 3,5"5,793 do value•........•........ $ 5,378,396 5,872,085 5,905,548 Coal ta.r, colors and dyes, value.$ 3,881,04-5 4,890,072 3,799,353 All other wool mnfs., val. ••. $ 2,530,0IR 2,414,039 2,258,041 Cocoa, or cacao, crude, value .. $ 6,472,829 5,657,283 5,064,703 Co:tree ...•.. ·-········ ········ ·1bs. 854,871,310 787,991,911 '331,827,063 * Including machinery, but not including iron ore; also including the do value·········-···-·······$ 62,861,::: 9~ 52,467,943 55,275,470 values already stated separately. Copper, value •.....•.....•....•. $ 9,940,463 1~,457,4 7 0 5,64H,8$16 t Includes bi•carbonate or 11uper-ca.rbonate, caustic, sal soda and soda Cork wood, value ..••.• ·-···-···$ 1,729,914 1,444,825 1,147,802, and all other salts of soda. Cotton, raw, value ....... .••••.. $ 6,787,813 7,960,945 5,013,1~6 t Includes hair of the camel, goat, alpaca, eto. Cotton, ofBleaohed & unbleached. dyed, colored, stained or painted, Bquareyards •.....•.......... 40,676,145 65,047,81'i3 52,(47,168 COURSE OF MERCHANDISE PRICES. 6,116,605 do 8,513,905 do value.....••... $ 6,756,037 Hosiery, shirts, drawers, &c., To furnish an indication of the COt\rae of merchandise 5,461,704 4,715,762 4,335,269 value.•......•....••.•...•..•. $ Other manufactures of, va.1.$ 28.654,473 28,066,572 20,P63.128 values, we give the following table. It shows the prices 1,534,382 1,188,916 Cutlery, value.................. -iB 1,596,501 1,083,644 Dye woods and decoctions, val$ l;l74,44A of leading articles of merchandise in New York about 9► 8,433 8,645,205 7,608,959 Earthen, stone&Ohina ware, val$ 9,467,418 Feathers and down, crude, val$ 1,524,859 1,736,458 1,768,092 the first of January in 1860, which was before the warFeathers and flowers, artiftcial value····-· .....• ····-· ......•. $ 2,075,520 2,225,'202 1,927,623 excitement had begun to affect the markets; on January 1,697,986 1,492,orn 2,230,221 Fertilizers, value••........ - ..... $ 7,042,316 7,358,036 5,957,929 1, 1879, when gold payments were resumed; and for 22,932,506 26,373,FI05 20,300,093 do do m'f'rs of, val..i 3-t,744,289 31,559,371 25,157,594 the past five years-1898 to 1902, inclusive. 19,584,612 19,263,592 18,314,206 Fruits and nu~s, value._ ....... . COMPARATIVE PRICES OF MERCHANDISE IN NEW YORK. 11,0L9,6l'l8 12,060,124 10,861,262 Furs and fur sKlD.s, value•...••. 4,~4~,4:18 4,912,482 Glass and glassware, value.... . 4,lEIS,828 January 21,722,>:i82 2,155,414 1,024,131 Glycerine, value ................ $ 5,5;:j4,'258 6,107,765 Gloves, kid & leather, value .... $ 5,398,125 6,ti39,139 6,88,i,704 Gums, value •...... .. .•.......•.. $ 5,868,"'65 1860. 1879. 18YS. 1899. 1900. 1001 1902. Hair and manuf'rs of, value.. $ 1,680,048 2,694,190 1,974,013 --------$ C. $ C. $ C. $ C. $ C. $ C. $ C. Hats, bonnets, etc., and material for. value ..... ·-···· .... -.91 2,797,354 2,827,434 2,426,726 Bread11tuirs8 70 * Flour•-N o. 2, ext •.. bbls. 4 SO S 90 2 75 2 70 2 65 Iii 1<0 Hay, value .....•............... $ 1,128,610 1,019,743 115,409 5 10 Patents . . ....••. bbls. 7 00 7 75 4 45 4 50 4 85 4 75 Hides and skins, value.......... $ 48,220,193 57,935,698 41,988,048 S I,, 8 45 3 10 S 50 S 50 R 75 Household and personal e:trects, 200 230 2 85 230 240 8 80 tWheat-White, No.I.bu. 1 50 111 1 01! Nom'I Nom'l. Nom'J. Nom'l. 2,366,481 2,007,805 etc., free of duty, value•...... $ 3,113,107 Red Winter, No. 2 .. bu. 1 SO 1 08~ 1 01~ 8\J% 75~ <'2'X &¾ 4,153,314 4,211J,!H2 Horses, oattle and sh~ep, val..$ 4,071,493 98 011¾ 77 60!4 80~ 86~ India rubber & gutta percha.lbs. 55,556.08~ 49,809,223 51,582,005 R~~~~~tt~~:• "u2 55 6,i Ill~ 51 60 till do do val.$ 28,486,340 31,555,483 31,875,207 Oats, No. 2, white ..... bu. 33 28~ 46½ 87 Sl~ S2!i 543' 1,402,894 1,446,490 Indigo, value.···-·· .••. . ....... $ 1,698,583 Corn90 Iron and steel, and manufac West. mixed, No. 2 •• bu. 47 33 84~ 29~ 45~ 70¼ tCottontures of51 Pig iron.................. tons 39,325 61,100 23,316 5 1 5?~ 9 1 do 1,355,231 value•...•..•••.... $ 2,109,501 711,088 goodsIngots, blooms, &c•..••• . Iba. 19,815,487 32,223,218 23,797,994 Cotton Brown sheettng;s ..... yd . 8¾ 8 4~ 4¾ 6 ~ OM l,08R,847 do value .....•.•. ·-···-·$ 1,280,689 1,389,028 Print cloths, 64:z:64 •••• yd. 15% S¾ 2¼ 2¾ 3¼ S¼ S Total value* •.•••••........•. $ 17,853,894 20,478,728 12,100,440 FishDry cod (George1) . . .. qtl. 4 50 4 25 6 00 6 6 7 7 Ivory, animal and vegetable, val. 1,021,974 1,0-19,034 779,459 No.l~MMs.)ma.ckerel.bbl. i . 25 9,g 28 27 00 Nom'I. Nom'l. Jewelry and ma.nfs. of gold and 00 16 1 3,789,419 3,545,890 3,293,829 silver, value.............. . . $ 6¼ 4 6~ "~!14 Lead, and manufactures of, val.$ 4,836,024 3,156,250 2,7A4,t311 Hops, prime State ... ..... lb . ··ia 15 17 17 11 lM 13 6,701,193 6,511,,172 5,237,707 IronLeathPr. value .....• Scotch pig . ............ ton. 24 00 22 00 Nom'I Nom'l Norn'). Norn'I. Nom'I. 1,566,830 Licorice root, value•.••••• ···-· ·$ 1,737,097 1,667,256 17 00 12 00 12 25 23 00 16 50 16 00 Lime, chloride of• ...•••.••••. lbs. 40,960,523136,403,151 113,107,2fl0 4 00 S 72½ 3 110 4 80 4 37~ 4 00 do 1,37 I ,028 -io value .. - . . _.. $ 1,464,019 l, 159,2 1 Lea.therLogs and round timber, val. .. . $ 804,050 879,956 1.766,294 so 19½ 21 20 25¾ 24~ 25 6,015,rn3 L[!~g!i~~~c~Fahntd ..'b}l 80 Lumber, value .... ·--···········$ 8,ti36,ll6 9,829,336 75 75 715 75 75 8Z 68 37 45 38 42 84 Machinery, value .••••••. ·-·····$ 3,324,756 3,569.096 1,630,542 ?,iolasses-N. Orleans ..gall. 40 Malt liquors, value ... •.••••.•.• $ 1,883,750 1,727,256 1,487,878 Na.val StoresSpirits turpentine ... gall. 44¼ 27¼ 38¾ 46 53. 3g H9~ Manganese ore and oxide, val.$ 1,160,0~2 2,693,003 772,310 Common rosin ........ bbl. 1 65 1 35 1 40 1 45 1 60 1 75 1 55 Marble and stone and manutaoOilstures of, value . .... ·-···-· .• _.$ 1,275,!'180 1,028,550 883,852 Crude whale .....•..•. gall. 52 38 Nom'J. Nom'I. Nom'I. Nom'l. Nom'l Matting, incl. Chinese, value $ 2,906,938 Crude sperm .......... gall. l 40 2,674,911 2,651,690 81 50 Nom·1. 56 5:'.I Norn'l. Linseed, Calcutta•... gall. 57 68 Metal, metal compositions, and M M 65 85 85 Petroleummanufaotnres of (not includini Crude tn bbls ......... gall. 5~ Nom'I. .. Nom'l. Nom'I. Norn'l. brass and iron, &c.), value ... $ 5,924,454 5,570,127 4,118,313 Refined in bbls ....... gall. 8~ 52-5 9110 760 720 Mol.,sses, value •.•..•........ - •. $ 1,123,923 899 524 789,5- 6 ProvisionsMusical tnstruments, value•.•. $ 991,813 1,090,526 1,058,424 Pork, mess ............. bbl. 16 87¼ 7 015 9 26 9 75 10 50 18 00 17 215 Oils, value .•.. ·--······-··- .... $ 7,090,468 6,817,780 5,641,183 2~ 1~ ~ Opium, incl. prepared.·---·-lbs. 700,789 787,417 638,713 do do value •.. $ 2,232,308 2,189,721 2,0!'>2,154 IS 7g IS?8o 6?11, 7~ 1018 Paints and oolor11, value•.•••••• $ 1,487,122 1,535,461 1,207,440 Butter, prtme State ... lb. 24 28 18 19 27½ 24 25 Paintings, statuary, &c., val•.. $ S,:W4,546 2,608,891 2,45~,978 Cheese, fine fa.ctory .... lb. 11 ~ 8¾ 1~ 11' 12 11~ PapE>ra.nd manr'rs. of, value... $ 4,002,166 3,795,645 3,191,589 Rice-Domestic .......... lb. 4)4 6l,i 4'U 5:ki 4!'4 5 4" Pa.per stock-Rags.·--· ...•.. lbs. 55,681,!lll 92,882,167 55,596,560 SaltLiverpool ground .... 1 15 70 90 1 Ni 92x 92½ 90 do value. 874,444 1,372,156 805,545 Liverpool,.A.shton's.sack. 1 95 2 50 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 25 All other, value ..••. ~ •••••.••. $ 1,309.242 1,8i;l9.622 1,809,369 Platinum, value .••.. l,6t9,478 1,770,617 1,193,4 5 S~a:a; reflning ..... lb. 7¾ 6¾ 8!J.( 818-lf 3 13-lA ~2 Plumbago, value••. ·-··--· .•.•.. $ 929,986 2,345,2941,081,859 Potash .....•....•.•.•••••.••. lb1:1. 203,462,724 181,662,096 158,477,693 "ici¼ ~ ~ ~ \ 95 5 6 Wool-XX Ohio fteece ... lb. do value .•..•••.....••...••. $ 40 85 86 27~ 87 3,870,oll 3,437,160 2,986,486 97~ 27¼ Precious stones, out and uncut, unset, value...... ·-···········$ 20,425.736 14,237,186 14,356,584 * FLOUR-"Nn. 2 Eztra in bbls." is now the common shipping flour to Provtslone, all kinds, value •... $ 2,647,fi80 2,28"',38 1 1,993,1 ► 5 Great Britain, and ls about the same as the "WhMt Fk>ur, State," Rice a.nil rioe meal .. ..•••.••. lbs. 115,6~9,853 116,679,881 204,177,293 quoted in 1860and previous years-''Patents'' are the ht~hestgradea do value .. ·-··--···-···········$ 2,296,337 2,279,036 3 ,930,149 and eorrespond with Eztra Genesee of 1860 and previous Beede, vi.lue.. ____ 4,038,919 1,-:85,048 1,2 ·1,845 I WHEAT-"White No.1" p robably corresponds as nearly as any present Shells, value.·-··-··-···-·······$ 552.9(0 1,019,781 973,944 grade with White Geneste in old classifl.cation-" Jud Winter No. 2'" Bilk, raw ..•.. ·--··---···--····lbs. 9,189 617 11,2Ml,3l0 9,691,145 would prohably rank with "Red Western" of old classification. do value···--···········--$ 29,353,777 44,549,672 31,?27,061 The other grades mentioned for breadatufl:s oover as quote(} Silk, m11,nntactures of, value. $ 26,8! 8,M7 30,89-1,378 25,109,07• in old lists of prices in " Hunt's ~ferohants' Magazine." Soda,nitrateof.. ..... - •.••.. tons 202,705 184,2-'7 122,314. t OoTroN-On Oct. 1, 1874,grades of cotton as quoted were ehanged by do do value.·-···-····$ !'>,743 612 4,736,807 2,0"'4.,805 the National Cotton Exchange. According to the newela.sei1loatfon tSoda. ... _. -····--·········-··lbs. 61,518.715120,258,4.27 91,965,36.C. every grade was reduoe.I, so that (for illUMration) Middling aeoorddo value.. ·--· --·· .••••• 619,974 1,171,804. 900,976 tn,; to new classification was on that day queted Sst,. lower than Spices, all kinds, value .. ·-·····$ 3,563,046 3,401,265 2,782,301 Middling of the eld olassifleation.  j  ·-··--·····--····$ ·--·-··-·-·-·--·$ ·-·····-·-···-··$  ~~~. ii!~t.ftiie; ·&o:: raw·:va1:I  ------- --- --- ---  c~~~:~r,~~,;~,=in;;.ig~:· 1t _N~: .~'.g~:  f~~~~SdYfr1;1¾1',;iancdg:  !:~p-~:n1Nt-.-.:·.-~~. .?g:  n¾ 8I:~g  l~lt : tii  6s~ ll1, ii  ~g  -··-····--·$  m:  ~r¼  L~~i~~!slf;,~.~:foo\i~.  °™  I::{· ~l~~.~~!.~~~~•:ggt 1: 58 1~ 88 18~  ~r~~J~~~~~·:::::::::lt  ··-··-·--··-····$ ·-·········$  ··-············$ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ·---··$  T!tri:~.~.~~~-~~:·::::·_-_-_-jg:  gg 18 b3 ~g Z8  i~  28 ~g  r,~la !  FOREIGN EXCHANGE RECORD. PRICES 1899-1901.  In the tables which follow we farniah a record of the fl.actuations in the rates of exchane:e on London for  each day of the last three veara. The tables have been compiled from dai1y posted rates of the leading foreign exchange houses in New York. Posted rates are fractionally higher as a rule than those fnr actual business. The methods of quoti11~ sterling t-xcbange have varied widely in the past, but by the law of Con,zress of March 3, 1873, the Custom Honse valuation of the pound sterling was placed at its true value of t4·8665, and from J"nuary 1, 1874, sterlinJ? exchange has been qnoted acoordiogly, the qaotation wb.en at par being t(. 8666. The London S rock E xchange also made s cnange in its method of quoting ea.riv in the year 1874, tmt valued the dollar at 4s., or aoout 97½ cents. Thie valuatio n, being 2i cents below par, is eq to a quotable premium of about 2! per cent, and accordingly the present L'>ndon qaotations of Amerloan securit ies are about 2! per cent above their actual value-a bond worth 100 here being quoted there at 102! . IDOi.  f  Day. 652:,.~\~Vnt J'~~ruf;ht. 60 :.a1s~!ht. 60 Psl~ht. Holiday. 4- 85-½i ½-9 4- 85 4 88-½ 4- 85¼ 4- ,..9 2 . •.. •4 82-¾ 8-<-¼ 4 5-x; 88J,e-V 4- 85 4 88-¼ 4- 35¾ 4 89 4- 85J.1! 4- 89 S. '. 8 ..... 82½-::i 86~-l 4 ••••• 82¾-886~-7485-¼ 489485 488•¾485½4-8!l 5 .. •. . 82¼-3 86½-7 4 85-½ 4 Hll 4 85 4 88-½ 4 85¾ 4 89 4 81•½ 4 89 4 1'5 4 88-!>v 4 85½ 4 89 8. 6..... s. 7 ..• . 4 '33-¾ 87-½ 4 85-¼ 88½-9 4 85 4 88-¼ 8 .• .• . 4 83-4 4 87-½ 4 8:,-½ 8 ½·Q 4 85 i 88-¾ 4 5½ i 89 4 35 8 0 85 ~i~:~ ·'-2 ssxi- i :. ~¼ : ~~ ·¾ 4 5½ 4 89 11 ... .8'.H~.-4 87½-8 4 85-¾ ~-9 4 85 i 12 ... 83½·4 87½-8 Holl<lll.y. 4 85 4 ' ·¼ 4 85],i 4 89 485 89 ½l }L::484 s. 488 !~:~4~~ !st~r8'i~ 4 88 4- "5·½ 4 ½i 4 85-¼ 8 ½ 4 &5½ 4 89 l5 ..... 4 84 16. . 4 84-¼ 4 88 4 85-½ ! 88½ 4 85-~ 88¾ 4 5¾ 4 89 4 85½ 4 89 S. S. 17 . •.• 4 84-¾ 4 l ..... 4 l·½ 4 88 84½-5¼ R~-¼ 4 85-½ 88½ 4 5½ 4 9 4 4 84 S8 : ; ~ ~~ ~t~ ~8~:g ! ~~ 4 85½-l 89-½ ~~ 4 8-1-½ 88-¼ 4 84½-5 88·½ 85· ¼ 88!,<i-V 85,li-6 89-½ t!S. 85½-6 89-¼ s. s. 24 •••.• 4 84-½ 88-¼ 25 . . .. 4 Si-½ PS-½ 84½-5 88-½ 85-½ 88¼,-9 85½-6 89-¼ il6 . . . .. 484-!,6 88-½ 84½-5 88-½ 5·½ 88½-9 85¾-6 89-¾ SH~-5 88-¼ 85-½ 88£t9 85½-6 89¾ S. 27..... 4 4 ~ 85 SB½ : ~~~ : 88 4 85l4 89 4 85½ 4 89 6 85½ ! 39 80 . ... .8l½-5 88-½ S. Sl. .... 84½•5 88-9 Range-  1.....  it::.:~::  ! gg  ~t .:: ·1. ~L: :a!:t: ~:.:: ~:g  ~11 ::  ! ~t  t~i~~:½ gt~ g~~:8  60 d~light. 4 85½ 4- 89 4- di>¼ 4 89 4- 85½ 4 S9 495¾4&ll 8. 4 85-¾ 88¼-~ 4 85-¾ 88½-9 4 85-¼ 8 ½-9  !t~ '"~~=i  60 i.usriiht. 60 i.u§lght 4 85½ 4 89 4 '36 4 88~ 4 86 4 88½ s. 4 85¼ 4 89 4- 86 4 8:,~ 4'35½·648:• Holiday. 4 85½-6 4 ► 9 18tl 4 88¾ 4 85½-fl 4- f.lJ 4 86 4 88½ s. 4 85½-tt 4 $ij 4 85½-6 4 89 i 86 ! 8 ¼  4 86-~- 4 89 4 85-½ 88½·9 4 81}-¾ 4 Sil 4 ofl-¼i 4 8 S.  !~~ :~g  4 89 4 89 4 89 4 89  4 85¼ 4 i-<5½ 4 &>½ 4 85½  rt~  !~g 4 86-¾ 4 89 S. 4 86½ 4 89 4 8t1¼ 4 89  S.  4 96½ 4 86½ 4 86 i 86  4 89 4 Sil 4 881,t 4 98½  6~?r?tt:~r- &~~em~~~:  S. 84¾·5 87½-~ 84½•5 87¼-8 4 85 4 68-½ 4 '-5 4 8'3·¼ S. 84¾-587¾-84- 85 4 t:!8-½ Holiday. 4- 85 4 88-¾ i Si¾ 87¾·8 4 85 4 t-8-¾ i 8~¾ 87½-8 4 85 4 t,8-J.ti s. i 84½ 87½-8 7 84 4~ ½8~ ½-S i r~~~ ~~ ~g~:~~ : 4 83¾-t 86-½ 84½-5 86~-7 4 84½ 87~-8 84-¼. 87½-8 i::l. 4 8 Ji 4 8d ·¾ 85½-6½ 88-9 4 83½-l 811-¾ 04'1,•5 t6½-7 4 84½ 87¾•1:! 83½-4 87-¾ 85½-6 35 88 ½·\. ·½ t~~ ~t~ !~~:!~t: 8%5s86¼-7 ~t1lJs-¾ S. 84½-5 S6½-7 e4½-5 4 8 ·½ • 85½-6 8ij-½ 85½-6 ~-½ 4 85½ l 1-8 85½-6 88-¼ 4 83½ 4 86 84½-5 86½-7 84,li-5 4 &-½ 83½-4 81-¾ 4 i!!i 4 87-¼ $. 4 5,li 4 h8 85J.f!•6 88-¾ 4 83¼ 4 86 b4½-5 86½-7 4 83,li 4 86 St,li-5 i-6½-7 4 85-½ 88~9 4 84 4 87-¾ S. 4 85!-ti 4 88 16 7 ~· ~ 4 83½ •4 86 84 ~~~ ~ 4 4 83 7 ti ·½ l:!i ~ ! .lis~ Sd 85½.o8· 88-¼ ;~~ ~ 85½-6 88-½ 4 1-<5½ 4 88 4 83½ 4 86 84½-5 87-x.. 4 85¼ 88½·9 4 P4 4 87-¼ 4 84 4 87-¼ s. 85½-rl 88-½ 4 8.>¼ 4 88 4 83½ 4 86 !'14½-5 1-7-½ 83¼-4 86-½ Sit.1?•5 87-½ 84¼-5 88-!:l½ H olidity. S. 85½-6 8'H<i 85¼·6 88-¼ 4 85½ 4 88 83½-4 86-¼ 8!1c½·5 87-J.!i 4 84½-5 4 88 4 b4 4- M-¾ 4 85 4 !lS¼ 4 ~4-½ 87-¼ S. 85½·6 88-~ 4 85¼ 4 88 83½-4 86-¼ 4 84 53 57 -~- ·½ 4 ~oU~a~Xi i1~-8 8a¼·is. S6-¼ ! ~ 85¼-l 88 ¾ 85,li-ff 88·½ t-5-½ 87)(_-8 83½-4 86-½ 4 8~ 4 87,li 4 85 4 88½ 4 f!4-½ P7-½ 4 84·½ 87-¾ 4 Si½ 4 87,li 85¼-6 8::1-~ 1:15-½ 87,li 8  ~g : t~  t~:~  t~=~ t"t~  gu  ~:! f~:~  ! ~~ ! ~8 ! ~f½ ! gg  4 8511;S4 RO  : 4 85~ 4 89 4 85½ 4 89 4 85½ 4 89  J:  6ieg:eli1:~t  0 0 tih'.t. 6o 6:i"~~gSi~tt. 83¾-4 811-¾ S. 85½-6 1'18-¾ 85½-6 88·¾ Holiday. 4 84 4- Btl½ 85½-6 88-¾ Si¼-5 87-¾ 4 84 4 86¾ S!lc¾-5 87-¾484 488¾ s. 85¾-fl 88-¾ 4 8-l½ 4 87 4 t:4 4 86J.1! S. 85½-6 ~8 ¼ Bi-¾ 86¼-7 4 84-¼ 4 86½ * 95½-6½ 8-1-9 4 84-¾ i 6~ s. 85½-tJXi 88-9  ±  ~"°s: ! itt: ~:g ! :! i m: t g:~:g :~1~ gf ~~:8  f fo~ ! ! !  t~ u~½ :~:= :~:1 :L:~!~fL:=:L:~:~:~:~:~!~:~: ~:=:~:~:~ 4 85½ 4 Sil  :~i  a~~  Holiday. 4 85~ Hl9  : ~ S.: ~~  * London Exchange closed.  1900. Da y. 6~~~uai~ht. 1..... Holiday. 2 . •. .• 4 82-8½ 88-¾ S ..... 483-¾488½ 4 .. .. . 4 83¼ 4 88¼i 5 •.... 4 83¼-4 88½ 6 ... 4 83½·4 8 ¼ . 7 . .. . 8 • ••• • 4 '34 4 88½ 9 ..•. 4- St-½ 88!,{i l>13 to •.... 4 81-¼ 11 .... 4 &I.-¼ 88-¼ 12 ..• SH~ tl7¼- 8 18 .... . 84·½ 87½-88 S. 14.. ... l5 .••. . 84-½ 87½-RS 16... 84-¾ 87~-88 17 .... 4 84-¾ 4 88 18 .•... 4 94¾ 4 88 l9 .... 84½-5 88-¼ 20 • . •. 84~-5 88-½ S. 21. . . . 22 . .. .. 84½-5 87½-8 23. . . 84½•5 87½-8 24 •••. •8-1¼-5 87-1,i-8 25 . . . . 4 84½-5 4 88  aK~~ri~ht. 60 t P§l~ht. 4 fS¼ 4 -¼ 488-¾ S. 4 85 4 88·¼ 4 85 4 PS-¾ 4 85 4 88-½ 4 85 4 ·½ 4 85 4 8 ·J.i 4 85 4 8 -~ 8. Holida . '1- l15 48 -½ 4 65 4 b8·½ 4 85 4 1-8-¼ 188-xi -1 !<6 4 85 4 88-½ S. 4 5 4 88-¼ 485 4i-8-¼ . -½ 4 85 4 88 Holioav. 84½· f> 88-½ 84½-85 88 ¼ S.  4 85 4 85 886  60 l'gght. 4 85-½ 89-½ S. 4 83¾ 4 87 4 85-¾ 89-½ 4 83l{i 487 41:!6-¼ 89-¼ !-13¼·4 1'<7-¼ 4 85-½ S9-½ s:,3-2.4 87·¾ 4 85-½ &11-½ ti. k:1x;.4- 37-½ 83½·4 87-!,ti 4 ~¼ 811-¼ 4 85-¾ 89-¾ s. 4 fl4-¼ 87-88 4 85-¼ 89-½ 84-½ 87-¼ 4 85-¾ 89-¾ 4 94-½ 88·½ 41'5-:Xl fl9-½ 4 ~¼ 88-¼ 4 85-½ 89·¾ S. 4-84¾ 88-½ 4 84½ 88-¼ 4 85i 89-¼ 89-¾ 4 1'5· S. 89-½ 4 Si¼ 88-½ 4 85 89-¼ 4 k4¾ 88-¼ 4 1"'64 Si¾ 88-¾ 4 85:tt 89-½ 89-¼ 4 84½ 4 88½ 4 85• 84½-5 88½~0 Si¼-5 88¼-9 4 85¼ 88¼-9 486¼ ~8¼-9 S. 84½-5 88¼-9 4 85a Sd½-9 4 85-½ 80:¾ 4 85 RB½-~ !185-½ 8 ~ 4 85 88½-9 9 8 9 485 5 ~ ~B½· ~~=~ 135~ 4 83¼ 4 87 4 85-¼ 89- 4 85½ 4 88½ 4 85½ 41'<8½ .S 4 83¼ 4 87 ~~ 4 85-¾ 89-¼ 4 ~~1ia~ ~~~  84-4¼ 87¼-8 83½-4¼ M 8 83¾·4¼ 87-8 S. 83½-i½ 87-8 8~¾-4 87-½ 83½4 87-¼ 7-½ 83¾-4 4 8::s-4 87-½ 4 83-i 87-½ 8. 4 83-¾ 4 67 483¾ 4'37 4 ~3-½ 4 1<7 83-¾ 86½-7 83-¾ 86!,,i-7 83-~ 86¾-7 S. 83-½ 86½-7 83·¾ 86½-7 83-¾ 86½-7 483-¾ 811-7 4 83·¼ 86-7 4 83 ½ 86-7 S.  ~tt: t:~ mt~~ ::~ 84-5 ~::::::~:~ 87½-8½ S. 28. . . 29 .. . . 4 S5 4 88-¾ t ! ~:::::! ~ ! ~ rTI:i~ts5 Lriw .. 482  4 RB½ 4 85 487½4d4c  4 88¼ 4 84¼ 4  487¼483  s  486  ~  i·  eo t.uM'ght.  601~g~:k ~½-5 88·½ 84½-5 1-!i-¼ 84½-5 88-¼ 84½-5 88-~ s. 4 815-¼ 88½-9 4 :i5-½ 4 89 4 89 85-¼ 4 s. 4 87¼ 4 85-¾ 4 811 4 85 4 87¼ 4 85-½ 4 81J 4 85 4 85 4 87½ 4 86-½ 4 81) i::l. 4 85 4 s;¼ 485 487¼ 485-¼ 4811 4 85 4 87!,ii 4 84¾-5 8,.½ 4 86 4 8 ~ S. 4 85 87½-88 4 85 4 ,; 4 85 87½-1-8 4 85 4 88½ 4 1-8 i 85 4 88¾ 4 85 S. 4 84½-5 4 88 484¼•5 488 4 85 4'38¼ 4 84¼-5 4 88 4 85 4 88¾ 485 488½ S. 84½-5 88-¾ 4 85 4 88½ 84½-5 88-½ 4- 85 4 88½ 84½-5 88-¼ .i 85 4 88½ 8 G88½ 1 ss 84½-5 87-½ !-4¼·5 88-½ 4 85 4 88½ 4 SR½ 85 4 S. 84~-5 87-¼ ~~ ~-~ Si½-5 67·½  aolusfirht. 4 85¼ 4 e8½ 4 85¼ 4 ES¾ S. 4 85-!1i 88-½ 4 85·½ 88-½ 4 85-½ 88-¾ 4 85-½ 88¾ 4 85·¼ 88-¼ 4 85-½ S.~ . S. 4 85¼ 88-½ 4 85½ Sta 485x.. t<8 4 85½·6 884 85¼ 88¾ 4 85¼ t:18·¼ S. 4 85½ 88-¼ 4 Sr-½ 88 ½ 85½87¾~ 1-5· ½ 87½-8~ 8-¾ 87½-1-8 86·½ 87½•88 S. S4¼ 5 87-88  S. 84¼-5 87-¾ li4½-5 87-¾ Holid ay. 84¼·5 87-¼ 185 4 87¾ 4 85 4 87¼  t~:g ~;:~ t~:g t:~  fflU  ! ~g !  4 ssx; 4 SP¼ 4 85¾ 4 89¼ 4 86 4 88¼ 4 85 4 88¼ 4 85¼ 4 89 483¾487 485 4'88¾484¼487 484!,ti487 484¼488  8 6oeg:eli1:~t 4 85 4' 88½ 8. Holiday. 4 85 4 flS½ 4 85 4 88¾ 84½-5 t-8-,li 84½-5 8~¼ 84¼-5 88 ½ S. 84-5 Si¼-8½ l•¼ 8-;-½·8 81-¼ 87¼-8 81-½ 87½-~ 84-¼ 8 ½·8 84·½ 87½-8 S. 4 Si-½ 87¼-8 4 ti4-~ 4 88 4 88 4 Ri484-' 488 4 8~-½ 4 88 481-½ 483 . S. 4 84 87½-88 8~ 4 t-7½-8 '3·½16~:~~ 83-½86½-7¼ 83-¾86½-7½ s.  0 0 s~:h'.t. ao 82½-3 811-87 4 82-8 86-~7 82-½ 85½-6¾ 82·½ 86½·6½ s2 ~ 85¼-6½ t-2·½ 85½-6¼  J.t  s.  81½·2 85½-6 ~ I ½·2 85¾-6 !<Ht 84¼-6½ 81-¼ 54½-6¾ 81-½ Si¼-5½ c!H1184¼-5¾ S. 81-¾ 84½-5½ 4 81-¾ .85-¼ 4 81·2 85-¾ 4 "1¼-2 85½ 81½~2¼ 1-5½ 81~-~ 85¾ S.  8t½-2½P5·½ Hl~-2 84½·5 81 -:J 84~-5 81· 2 ~½-5  6~(:r?tt::r: 81-½ 84¼-5 81-½ 84¼-5 81-¾ 84¼-5 S. Bl-¾ 84¼-5 Holida~ 81-¾ 84 -5 4 81-¾ 4 4 81½ @5-¼ 4 81½ So-¾ S. 4 81¾ 85-¼ 481¼ 85·½ 4 81'6 bti·¼ 4 SJ½ 4 86¼ 4 81¼ 4 85¼ 4 81¾ 4 85!,t S. 4 81½ 4 85¼ 4 l¼-2 85½ 4 81~-2 86¼ 481¼-2 8:i½ 4 81½·2¼ • 4 81½-2½ t S.  fo~~em:~t 4 82-!,t; 86-¼ 8. 482-¼ F6-¼ 4 "2-½ 811-¼ 4 s21 ~6-¾ 86-¼ 4 82 86-¼ 4 82 86-½ 4 82 • 81¼-2 85¼-6 81½-2 5½-6 81~-2 85½-6 81~-285~-6 81¼-2 5~-6 tH¼-2 t-15¼·6 S. 4 Pl-2 4 85-6 4 81-2 4 86-6 4 81-¾ 85-¼ 48L·¼ 85-½ 4 81¼ 4 85¼ 481¼ 485¼ S. 481¼41:15¼ Hnlidasi  ~ ~¾ ~~ :1~~ t5¼~ ~1:~i S~:~ 4 82-½ 86-½ Pl½-2 85¾-fl . 2  5  81-½ 84¼-5 4 82-¼ 86-½ 81½-2 85¼-6 4 82-¾ 86-¼ 4 snl~¼ ~  gf  ~:f  *  4 87 4 s211; 4 86¼ 4 ~2¼ 4 ~½ 486½481 48!¼4>jl 484¼481 485 4 e5½-86½ +4 85½-86 • 4 85½-86  4 8~½ 4 83  4 95 483  *  1899. March. February. _januan. Da7, 60 d. Sight. 60 d. Sight. 60 d. Sight. 83½-4 85¼·6 84½-5 86½-7 s. 1... .. 2 .. ... Holiday. 83½·4 85½-6 84½-5 86X!-7 8 •• .. . 482½ 485½ Si-¼ 86-¾ 84½-5 86¼-7 84 84 5 86 !~~~ -¾s. ·½ ½· s~½·7 6 ••.. .4 82¼ 4 85½ 84-½ 86-¼ 84¼-5 86½-7 '1 • .• . 4 82½ 4 85½ 84-¼ 86-½ 84½-5 86½-7 84-¾ 86-½ t¼½-5 !-{j½-7 S. 8. •• • •  L::!~~~  18::: : i~~ 11 ... . e2½-3 12••• 82½-3 18 .... .82¼-3 14 •. ••. 82½·3  :!  April. 60 d. Sight. 4 85•½ 87-½ S. 485-¼ 87-¾  May. 60 d. Sight. 4 86-7 4 88-9 4 86½ 4 88¼ 486½ 488½  !~~ ~t~ !~3~ !~~  July. June. 80 d. Sight. 60 d. Sight. 86¼-7 88¼-9 4 ~ 88½ S. 86½•7 es¼-9 86½-7 88½-9 Holiday.  86½-7s68¼9 4 8b-½ 87-½ 4 86¼ 4 Ba¼ 86~-7 88½-9 8tl¾·'1 88¾-9 s. 4 R5-½ 87-¼ 4 85·½ 87-¼ 4 86½ 4 88½ 86~-7 88,.,-9  August. tJO d. Sight. 83½-4½87-½ 83½-4½87·¼ 83½-4½/j7-½  i~~j ~i-~  41~~dtl.¼ S. 4 86-½ 8-l--¾ 4 86-½ 88-¾ 83¼-4 87-½ 4 86-½ 88-½ 4 8:i-½ 4 87  ~~ gt~ g3:ij ~!t::~ r~:+ A4¼-s8- 87-½ M::1½~ t~:~ ~t8 85½-ts~-½ : ~~ !4 85½ t 85-6 88-½ 4 83-¾ S. 84-½ 86-~ 8 4½-5 Smi-7 84½-5 87·½ 85¾ 6¼ t  SUH 87-¼ S. S. 4 85½ 87•½ 41-15¼ Holiday. 8t¾-5 66¼-7 4 AS 4 85).(; 8t½·5 86½-7 84½-5 811½-7 4 SH-§ 87•½ 4 85 97 ·" ~t ::·s2½-3 4 85¼ 17 .... 4 83½ 4 85~ 84~-5 86½-7 8!-½ 4 86½ 4 85-¾ 87-½ 18..... 4 83¾ 85½-6 88½-5 86½-7 8!-¾ 4 86½ 4 A5-¾ 87-½ 4 85-~ 87-½ s. s. 19 •••• 4 83½ 85½·6 20 . . .. 4 83½ 85¼-6 8i½-5 86¼-7 84-¼ 4 8AJ,,i 85½•6·8·½•1i 21 • . . . 4 83¼ 85¾-6 84¼-5 86½-7 84-¾ 4 86¼ Ro¼-6 87¼-8 ~-½ 4 86¼ 85½-6 87½-8 Holloa:v. s. 22.. . .. S. 28 • . . 4 83½ 85¼·6 Si¼-5 86½·7 84-½ 4 86¼ !¼ •• •• •4 83½ 85¼-6 84¼·b 86½ ·7 84·½ 4 86~ R!i~-6 87¼-R 25 . ... 4 83¼ 85-½·6 84½-5 86½-7 84\.si-5 8611; 85½-6 87½-8 87¼-8 85¼-6 ti. . S 85½-6 83½ 26-••••. 4 27 .•... 4 83¾ 85½-6 84¼-5 86½-7 4 A4-5 864.-7 4 86 4 8!3 28 ••. .4 83½ 85¾-6 84½·6 86¼-7 84½·5 86½-7 4 86 4 88 4 86 4 88 ~ 5½ • S. 29. .... 8 4 ~- ~ 87-½ 80 • . •. .S.~¼-4 4 86 Holiday. 81. . ••. 83¼-4 4135¾  t¼:~ ~~:; st~ ~ti:  s.  4 86 4 85 4 87 4 8-'>½ 4 fl7½ 4 86 4 88 J\ai~:84 L o~ •. 4 a;?~ 4 85¼ 4 1:!3¼ 4 85¾ 4 84 4 86 4 84¼ 4 8'1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  * 4 86¾-~  t  a~  4 87  R5½-6 1<7½-S 86½·7 88½·9 4 85-6 88-½ 4 83-¼ 4 87 i::l. 85½-6 87¼-8 88¾·7 8~1-tl-9 4 85-¼ ~  S.  86¼-7 ~J.t;.9 4 85-½ 88-J.(; 4 8:-1½ 87~ 4 85  -tsHt, ! g~ rM-61 ~-a ~~~J :~:g 4 85-½ 8 ~ 4 8 i½ 1  4 86 4 88 86*7 8!:!¼·9 S. 4 ,-.6-¾ 88-¼ 4 86-~ 8~-¼ 86~-7 88"1! 9 88-11; 86½-7 8!:I½ 9 4 86 86¾·7 SR¼ 9 . 4 86-½ 88-½ Atl¼-7 881,,i-9 4 86-¾ ~8-¼ 86¼-7 88½•9 4 86-s &!-¼ 8tJ¾·7 88~-9 S. RR-½ 4 864 86- 88-½ 8'1½ 7 88½-9 4 86-½ f!S-½ 861,r7 88~9 4 Sf\-7 88"'·" 8. 4 86-¾ 88-¾ 4 86-7 88½-9 Hollcl~y, 4 86-¾ 88½ 86¼-7 ts!%-9 4 81 4  85¼  All 4 87 4 86 f 87¼  4 87½-88½-  ~t~  October. Septemb'r. 60 d. Sight. 60 d. Sight s. 4 84 4 87-½ 4 84 4 87 ,ii 4 R2-3 86- ½ 81½·2½96·½ 8. 01 4~ ~dSt-¾ 4 84 4 87-¼ 81½·2 88~7 4 84 4 87--¾ hl~-2 86½-7 S. 4 Si 4 87--¾ 87 4 84 --¾ 4 84 4 87-½ 82½-S 87-½ 4 Si 4 87 ¼ 4 83-½ 87½ 4 83-½ 87"9 4 83¼ ! 4 ~ b7¾ 4 83½-4  ~¼~:~~8:ti~  t  ! il½½lJ?'  *  *  !  ~iis. t  4 ~ - 87¼  November. 60 d. Sight. 4 84 4 88 4 84 4 1-<8 484 488 481 88  December. 60 d. Sight. 4 82-¼ 4 87 4 82 -½ 4 87  8.  !~~t+:ij 83½•4 8~-8 4 82-½ 87-½ s~  Holiday. 4 82-¾ 87-½ 88½-4 87½-8 4 82-f§ 87-½ 97 4 82 ~~:~Ji~~ , . --¾ 82½-3½ 87-¾ l 82-¼ 87-½ 4 82-¾ 87-½ s: 81½-3 86-87 4 87•½ § 81½-24. 86-¼ 82~-8 87¼-9  ~½.1/~:~ ~:g gmg  8. 4 ><3-¾ 87¾ 4 82¾-3 4 87 87~-8 4 Sll¼-3 4 87 82~-3 87¾-9 * 83½-4 4 82-3 88-89 s. 4 h4 41-<.S * 8~-½ 4 83).(; 87->6 4 83-4 a 4 85 · 83-½ 86~-7 4 8! 4 88 4 82½-3 4 87 82-2¼ 88-¾ S. 4 85- 88]  87-¾  4 85-½ 8>1-¼ 4 83½ 87-½ 4 83-4  8~4 85 4 85-¾ 88 S. 4 85 -¼ 88-4 4 85-¼ 88 ¾ 4 85-½ 8~-~ 4 85-½ 88-½ 84¼-5 88 -½ 84½-5 88-½ S. 8!½-5 f  ~  83½-4 B7-½ 83½-4 s--¾ 8!'!½ 4 87-½ 83¼-4 87-¼ 4 84 4 87½ 4. 8! 4 87~ S. 4 Si 4 87¼ 4 84 4 87¼ 4 8t 4 87½ 4 8-1 4 87-½  82½-3 t-6-¾ 82½-3 ~6-½ 82½-3 S{j-¼ S. P2¼-3 86-¾ 82½-3 1-6 -¾ 82¼ 3 86-¼ 8214-S 86-¾ Holiday. Holiday.  4 84  4 88  s.  4 AS 4 88 4 88 4 88 4 88 4 88 S. 4 84 4 98 4 84 4 88  4 A4 4 R4 4- 84 4 Si 4 84 4 85  4 84¼ 4 87¼ 4 94 4 873,i 4 84 4 88 4 89 4 86!,ti 4 4 88½ 4 84¾ 4 87¼ 4 83 4 87 4 82½ 4 86 4 81½ 4 8d t 4 86½-87¾. 1 !i 87}v-88  4 82½-3 4 87 4 82;.-3 4 87 4 82 ¼ AS-87 4 82-½ SIS-87 Holiday. S. 4 82-½ 86-7 4 82-¼ 4 87 4 82-1,(i !i 87 Holiday, , Si  4 88  4 81!,ti 4 86  81¼-2½ 88-¼ 81~·2¼ 88·½ 81½·2½ 88-¾ S. Hollday. 81¼-2¾ t!S-¾ 4 82 4 88-½ 4 82 4 88-¾ 4 82-S 88-½ 4 82-3 88 ½ ....  ~ U9 i4 81!,ti 4 87  14 87¼ 88¼  UNITED STATES SECURITIES. COURSE OF DEBr A.ND  PRICES.  The following tabJe shows the pu bile debt of the United States from 1793 to 1901, inclusive. In the year 1856, and subsequently, the totals given are the net amount of debt, not including accrued interest, less the balance of coin and currency in the Treasury. B;,1nda issued to the Piicific railroads are not included in the statement. For some of the years the figures printed below do not agree with those reported in the monthly debt statements issued by the Government, as a change in the form of the statements was made several times. We give the results on the same basts for all the years. The totals for January 1 of each year from 1793 to 1843, inclusive, and for Jt1ly 1 (close of the fiscal year) since 1844:, inclusive. The debt was at its highest on August 31, 1865, when it amounted to 12,756,431,571. UNITED STATES DEBT 1793 TO 1901.  Year.  Amount.  I  Year.  1793 ... $80,352.634 I 1812 ... 1794 ... 7 8,407,4-04 1813. .. 1795 .. . 80,747,587 1814. . 1796 . . . 83,762,172 1815.. . 1797 ... 82,064,479 1816. .. 1798 . . . 79,2 'l8, f>29 1817. .. 78,408,669 1818. . . 1799.. 8 2,976,294 1819... 1800. 83,038,050 1820... 1801. 1802 . .. 80,712.632 1821. . . 1803 ... 77,0 '1 4,686 1822.. . 1804. . . 80,427.120 1823 ... 1805 . . 82,312,150 1824. .. 75,7:tJ,270 1825 . . . 1806 . . 69 ,218,390 : 1826.. . 1807. . 1808 ... 65,196,317 1 1827 ... 1809 . .. 57,u23,192 1828 . .. 1810... 53.173 ,217 18 29 ... 1 811 . .. 48.005,587  Year.  Amount. $45,209,737 55,962,827 81,487,846 99,803,660 127 .334,933 123,491,!-165 1U3,466,6 ,i 3 95,529,648 91,01 5,566 89,987.427 93,546,676 90,875,877 90,209,777 8::$,7 R8,432 81,054,0 59 73,987,357 67,475,043 5 8,421,413  AmoUDt.  Year.  Amount.  1849 ... 1850 .. . 1851.. 185 2 ... 1853 .. . 18 fi4 .. . 1855 ... 185 6 ... 1857... 1858 .. . 18 59 .. . 1860. . . 1861... 1862 . . 18 63 . . 1864. .. 1865•. .  $47.044,862 63,061,858 6 3,4f> 2,773 6 8,304,796 66,199,341 5?.8 03, 117 4 ,242,222 35,586,956 11.),965 ,953 9 ,998,622 37,900,192 53, 405,234 5~,964,402 87,718,6@0 505 ,312,752 1,111,350 ,737 1,7u9,452,277 2,674,8 15,856  - - - - - --1848 ...  1830. . . $48,56!1,406 1831. . . 39,123,191 1832 ... 24,322,235 1833 .. . 7,001,698 1834... 4 ,760,082 1835 ... 3 7 ,5 13 1836 ... 336,957 1837. . . 3,308,124 1838 .. . 10,434,221 3,573 ,343 1839 .. 1840.. . 5,2 n0,875 1841. .. 13 ,59 4,480 1842 ... 20,601,226 1843 ... 32,742,9 22 1 844... 23,461.652 1845 ... 15,9 25 ,30.~ 1 8,550, 202 B 46 . . 1847 ... 38,826,584  Year.  AmoUDt.  Year.  1866... 1867 ... 1868 ... 1869 . . . 1870. .. 1871 ... 1872. . . 1873 .. . 1874... 1875 .. . 1876 ... 1877.. . 1878... 1879 ... 1880..• 188 1. .. 1882 .. . 1883•..  $2,636,036163 2,508, 15 1,211 2 ,480,85 3,413 2,432,771,873 2,3:H,169,956 2 ,246.H94.06f< 2,14 9,7 80,530 2,105,462,060 2,104.149,1 53 2,090,041,170 2,060,925,34(, 2,019,275.431 1,9~9.382,280 l,996.414, f1 0 5 1,919,326,747 1,819,650,154 1,675,0 23,474 1,538,781,825  1884•. 1885 .. 1886.. . 1887.. . 1888. .. l x89 .. . 18~0. .. 1891. .. 1892•. . 1893... 1894... 1895•.. 1896 •.. 1897•.. 1898 ... 1899 ••. 1900... 1901...  -  Amount.  ---$1,438,542,995  1,375,352,443 1,282, 145,840 1,175.168,675 1,063.004,895 975,939,750 890.784.371 8 f> l,912 ,7!H 841,5 26,463 838,969,476 899,313,380 *932,830,667 955.297,254. 9 116,656,086 t 1,052,085,492 1,155,320,235 1,107,711.257 1,044,739,120  • We have increased the amount for this date $31,157,700 to allow for the foreign half of the Morgan-Belmont loan negotiated abroad. which did not appear in the Government debt statement for June 30, 1895, though the money in payment for it had already been received and counted in the Treasury cash. t We have enlarged the amount for 1898 by $25,000,000 to allow for receipts up to that date (June 30) on subscriptions to the $200,000,000 new Government 3 per cents, such receipts increased Government oash by a. corresponding sum. It is proper to say that the au~mentation 1n t he net debt at period would ha-ve been much heavier than t hat recorded by these fig ures ($1,052,085,492) except that during the flecal year the Government received $60,201,885 cash from the Union Pa cific ea.le, only $29,904,952 of which went to redeem maturing Paoifto Railroad bonds.  UNITED STATES DEBT STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 1901. To bring the results down to the latest date, we add the official statAment of the public debt as it appears from the Treasurer's returns at the close of business on the last day of D clcemoer, 1901. INTEREST-BEARING DEBT DECEMBER 81, 1901.  f,tle of Loan-  1nttf't8t pa'l/able.  2&, Console of 19SO••... Q.-J. Sa. Loan of 1906-1918•. Q.-F. ,11. Funded loan, 1907.. Q.-J. Retund'li: certiftc's·§·-J. ,,. Loan of 1925 ... .... .-F. le, Loan ot 1904c . . ••.•. •-F.  •s  Amount  '"~ed.  - - - Affl()'U.nt OU.tstanamo.-Reout;rea. Oouron. Tot-;t•  ,,5,940,'150 '85,2Pfl.fl00 l9>i,?»2,640 , ..,8~6,900 1,0,928.100 1~8,,l'.> l',l00 ,o,012,760 . . . . ... . 16:.!,815,,oo 107,707.800 100.000,000 10,88&.4u0  10,1144,150 4w,197,2ffl> M.618,200 ........ 81,1110,ROo 11,176,750  - - - - - -- - - -  4'5,9-i0,750 97,lltll,160 240,068,800 S2,l!50 1s0.61M.IIUO 20,0t 0,160  ~g•te In BearingDebt.1.687,98,,6,o 'iD0,705.800 162,5H,160 948.9 "9,2 10 NOTE.-The denom lnattons of bonds are as follows: 4s of 1907, reirl1tered. S60, SlOO, S600. $1,000. $5,000. 110,000. S20,000. S60 uuo, coupon, $60 SlOO.  r.'to!.1,~~Jo~•c~:·i>~':i~ito.,t~~.r.ittt; 'l.0  l  ~:tst~~!~~t;~~~i!i8: ligg:  :o~srnii 1,000. 110.000, coupon, MO, noo, S5oo.; ss of rnos.11n8 registered 20. SlOO, S500. $1,000, S5,000, U 0,000, coupon, S20. UOO, 151'0, Sl.UOO: 211 of 11.100. 980, registered, ,so. SlOO, S500, Sl.000. S5,000, $10,000.150 000, coupon ••60, 1100. 1600, 11.000.  DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED SINCE MATURITY . BOfJ.80. Dec.SI. Jl'unded Loa1J of 18lll. continued at 2 percent. caJled tor redemption May 18. 1900; interest ceased 1209,100 00 August 18, 1900.. . . . . . . . . . .. • •. • .. .. • . . . . . • 1208, 100 00 t16.SOOOO 6".800 00 ll'nnde<1 Loan of 1891. matured September 21891.. 1,006.890 ll6 Old debt matured prior and subsequent to Jan.1 ' 61 1,0ti6,MO 26  - - - - Sl,889,~90 ----2e  Debt on which Interest bas ceased ..•.... . ...... '1.St0.940 96  8ond1 Issued to Pacific railroads matured but not vet pre-  sented: Union Pacific, 1u.ouu ; Kansas Pacific, total.  118,00000  DEBT BEARING NO INTEREST. United States notes . ................ . ........................ . .. . .... 18,6.681,016 00 Old demand notes . ........ . ........................................ • . 58,S.7 60 National bank notes-Redemption account............. . .. .. ...... 86.008,208 50 Fractional currency . . . .. ... . .. . ..... .. .. . .............. Sll,,250.426 F8 Less amount estlmated as lost or destroyed . ...... . 8.875.98, 00 , • 6 874 49188  CASH IN THE TREASURY. Reserve fund<Jold coin a nd bullion ............ . ............. . ......... . ......... .. 11~1000,00000 Trust f u n dsGold coin . ........................................... S8ld.7El5.08900 Silver dollars ... ........... .. ....................... il>6,08? ,01o 00 Silver d ollars ot 1890. .. .. • .. • .. . .. • • • .. . . • • •• .. .. • 6JI.OOO 00 Silver bulhon of 1890..... ... ..... • • • .. . ... .. .. ..... 89,54t,OOO 00 811,468,089 00 General fundGold coin and bullton ............ S7, .012,Ei14 26 Gold certificates . ................. f8,78A,02u 00 Stiver certittcates... ...... .. .. •• . 6.n9I.108 00 Silver dollars . ... .. ................ 1.4· 6,681 00 Silver bullion . . . .. .. ............... 680,18'\ 21 United St ates notes. ... . ......... 5.r,U,1130 00  ~~ir~~~n~~e: n°lt~~:::::::::::  10.l;r::::r.;  Fractional s ilver colD.......... ... 6.llu,2--7 11 Fractional currencJ _. . . • • . • • • • . 182 &'i Minor com......................... 882,69118 Bonds and Interest paid,awalting reimbursement. . • . • . . . • . . . . 678,188 49 - - - - 114~.1510,098 86 ln natlona l bank deposltarlesTo credit o f Treasurer ot the United States . .. . ............... 106.390,868 18 To credit of United States dlsbUJ'slng officers.................. 6,268,17181 llll,658,58, 49 - - - - - 268,l6S,6SB 85  RECAPITULATION. Dec. 81, 1901. No1'. so. 1901. Inc.or Du. <Jl4a,iJl,caUnn of DebtI I Interest-bearing debt . ..... 9•8,279.210 00 9411.062,880 oo Dec. 15,788.120 00 1.150 vo Debt Interest ceased....... 1,Sll",7\lO 26 1,840.940 26 Dec. Debt bearln,r no Interest.. . 888,HlS,508 8S 886.878,~?2 68 lnc•• l,788,61H 26  Gold certfflcates ........ .. .......... S816-'i'85.089 00 Stlvercerttficates.................... i f6,0!:IT.OOO 00 Treasury notes of 1890..... •••. •••. lll:!,591!,0UO00 - - - - - 1,811,468.089 00 National bank 6 per cent fund,... U.Sfl2, fi 21 !'8 Outstanding checksand draft1.... 5,48•,16>< 59 Disbursmg officers' balances .. .... 55 .eo t ,11311 !'9 Post Office Department account.. 7.&!!8,l>Oi 61 Miscellaneous Items . . •••. •... •.... 8,3lll,B , II 03 88,560,854 22  Total gross debt_ .•...•• 1.ss11,2H,66• 1' l.887,1!8t.1't pg -Oa1b balance In 'l'reasury•. 82l,60ll,:t78 88 ~!·Ol~,6~~  Dec. 4,050.578 75 Inc. 4.699.618 60  Reserve fund .......... ... .......... . ....... . ...... 150,000.000 00 Available cash balance.......... . . . .. .. . • . • . . .. .... 1?1,GOll,278 118  Total net debt . .••••.••• 1,011,628,286 51 1,020.271.47'1 95  Dec. 8,fttS,192 44  AJr.rreiiateot debt bearing no interest .................. .. .... S888,61S.66S 88  •  0  \  TREASURY CASH AND DEMAND LI.A.BILITIES,-The cash holdtngs of the Government as the items stood Dec . 31 we take rrom the Treasury statement of that date, The net cash balance and the reserve fund of $150,000,000 have both been deducted above in reaching the net debt, ·  ~eluding '150,000,000 reserve fund.  The foregoing figures show a gross debt on Dec. 81, 1901, (interest-bearing and non• interest-bearing) of tl ,888, 281,564 14 and a net debt (gross debt less net cash in the Treasury) ot '1,011,628,285 51. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  S898,098.US 91 821,60!1,278 6S  Total....... . ... ............ ......................................... 1.1119.6~1,?2\_85 Cash balance in the Treasur:, Nov. 80, 1901. exclu111ve of re· serve and trust fund a • •• • . . . • . . . . • • . . • • • • • • • .. • • 167,010,664- Iii Cash balance In tbe Treasu.r:, Dec 81, 1001, exclu.11lve of reserve and trust funds . . ............................................ ,111 ,608,1178 61 I.ncrease during the month......................................  "•592,618 69  54  UNITED  STATES SECURITIES.  PRICES OF UNJTED STATES BONDS. In the following tables are shown the monthly highest and lowest prices of Unit.a d States Government securities for the forty-two years from 1860 to 1901, inclusive. Ia the first-mentioned year the total debt was almost nominal. Then followed the war period till April, 1865; thence the period of speca.lation until Sc,ptember, 1873; thence the period of recuperation till the resnmptton of gold payments on J im uary 1, 1879, and the subsequent funding of the maturing bonds into new bonds at 4½, 4, 3½, 3 per cent, and finally in September, 1891, the extension of 4-½s at 2 per cent, payable at option. In 1894: a somewhat di:ffdrent era. began with the issue of 100 mil1ion dollars of 10-year five per cent bonds to meet deficiencies in revenue and make good the depletion of the gold reserve, followed by the issue in 1895 of $62,300,000 of thirty-year 4 per cent bonds under the celebrated contract with the Morgan-Belmont Syndicate to protect the gold reserve, and another issue of 100 million dollars for the same purpose in Fdbruary, 1896. In 1898 the war with Spain led to the issue of 1200,000,000 of new 3 per cents. In 1900 _refunding of the existing debt ( all except the 4s of 1925) intoJ new 2 per cent console was provided under the Gold S· andard Law. The extended 2 per cents were paid off. _; 1860. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  APRIL .  MAROH.  MAY.  JUNE.  S ECURITIES .  JULY.:[ AUGUST.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low. High Low.High Low. H!11  -----  ----  OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEO'BER.  SEPT'BER  Low.High Low.High Low.High L ow.High Low.I ..,..:  ---  U. S. 6 s of 1 868, coup . . .. 106½-107 106 -107¼ 106½-107¾ 108 -108¼ 108¾--109½ 108 -108 108 -109 109 - 109¼ 108 -108½ 107¾-107¾ 1 99¼-100 99¾-100½ 100½-102¼ 102 -102¾ 102¾--103 100½-100¾ 101 -102 102 -102 102 -102½ 93 - 98 U , S, 5s of 1865, coup .... 98 -100 lJ. S . 5sof1874, coup .... 99¼-100½ lQ0¾-100½ lQ0¾-101¾ 103 -103,:(:103 -103¾ 103!!{-104½ 101¼-102 102 -103 102~-108¼ 102½-10S 95 -10S  ms  96 92 - tl3 89 - !?5  1861.  u. s. 6sof1868, coup .... 198 U, S. U, S . U.S. U, S .  6 s of18Sl, 5sof1865, 5s of 1 871, 5sof1874,  -100  coup .... .... c oup .... 90¼c oup.· ··] 91 coup .... 92 -  94 -100  95 - 95½ IJ5 84½91 87½- 91 .... 85 75 85 - 93½ 85 - 90  .... 9S¼- 98)4 91 - 94 89 - 92 86 - 91 92 93 97  - ....  95 86 94 84¾91¾ 85 78 85 89½ 75~-  88 - 90 8S - 85  95 89 86 80 79  87 - 90  87½- 90  88 - 90  90 - 90  {'2 - 92  97 - 98  85¼-90¾ 87J4- 89¾ 89)4- 91¾ 91¼- 95¾ 93½- 95¼ 89 - 93¼ 85½- 8_6¼ 86 - 89 85 - 87 86 - 87¾ 87J4- 89 87½- 89 86½- 88¼ 77½- 80 .... - .... 7~½- 81 81½- 85 82½- 86 82¾-- 83 75¾- 79 75 - 78,( 76 - 82  78)4- 81  79½- 81  81¼- 86  8S - 86  79 - 8S  1862. 85 87½85 79½78 -  I.; , S . tis of 1868, coup .. .. U . S . tisof1S81, coup .... U . Si 5sef 1 865, cou1> . ... L'. s: 5sof1871, coup ... . u. 8 . 5sof1874, COUJ) . . .. U . 5 . 6s, certificn.tes .... . . l;, t--. 7 3-10 notes ........  90 90 01¾ 88½86½ 86¾79 80 80% 78½-  92 93 90 80 S5  92½- 95 02¾- 94¾ 90¼- 98 88 - 88 85 - 88 .... - .. . . .... - . ... 97 - 9; 98 - 99¾ 99¼-100 07¾- 98  94 - 97 97J4-102 10S½-107¼ 92½- 98 97¾-105>1a 105½-107¼ 92 - 92½ 93½- 97 93 - 99 .... - . ... 93 - 96 96½- 97 89¼- 96 95¼- 97½ 86%-90 96¾- 99 99 -100¼ 100¼-100¼ 99¼-101½ 102¼-105¾: 104½-106)4  96½-100 96½-103 \j() - 92 86¼- 86¾ 85 - 91 98 - 99 gg -105¼  96½- 99½1 96½-100 103 -103¼ 98¼-101¾: 99 -102½ 102 -104¾ 96 - 97 88%:- 90 89 - 91 92½- 93 85 - 01 88 - 91¾ 91 - 94 98¼- 99'.¼ 98¼- 99¾ 98½- 99¾ 102¼-105½ 102¾-104% 103 -103  9'-04194-9"  101~102 102 - 102 103 -104½ 102¼-1~ 97 - 97 95 - 95 - .... 91¾:- 92¾ 91½- 93 91½- 92~~ 97½- 99¾ 04¾- 97~.f 103½-105¾1100½-10414  ....  1863. U , ~ - 61!1 or 1~1., co-ap . .. U, S . 5s of 1865, coup .. . U , S. 5s of 1874, coup ... U.S. 6s, gold certificates U , S. 6s, cu1'1'ent certs ... il, S. 7 3-lOs, A, & O .. .. U, S . 7 3-lOs, F . & A .. ..  .,  m.n- w>§ J.OOX{-l.{r.)¾ J.04'°''-l.OU}jjll07~J.ue!¾ ... v7:>13-.u.u [·J.u4 -.107 . . .. - ... 96 - 99 99¼- 99¼. .. , •... 104 -106 106 -108½ 104½-105 86 - 90 85½- 97½ 9! - 98¼ 95¼- 98¾ 97 - 98 98!':{-100 97 -100 94¾- 97¼ 93¼- 99  98¼-100¼ 99¼-102  101 -102  100¾-101¼  .... - ........ - . . . . 00¾:-100½ 98 - 99½1 98 - 99¼ 97 - 99¼ 100 -108 102½-108  101¾-105½ 104-.'.)q-107¼ 104¼-106 102¼-104){ 102¾-107 104 -107  106 -107½ 103¼-107¼ 106¾-109 107 -107¼  J.U4~.L07¼ - Vtl -.1.07  .LUU:¾{-l.l.U¾, ..v~-.LJ.u'A .l.V072-J..Lo  105 -105 ...• - •.••..•• - .... 117 -125 124 -127 00½-101 97 - 97 96¼-100¾ luO -100 98 -lOOJ.i:. 98½-101¼ 100 -101¾ 101 -101¾ 101¼-102½ 98 -102)4101¾-102¼ 97)4- 99¼ 00¼- 99½ 99¼- 99¾ 99 - 90½ 98¼- 99 08 - 08¼ 105 -107 105¾-107¾ 106½-107% 105½--108¾ 105¾-107¾ 106½-106¼ 1 105½-107½ 105½-107¾ 105 -106½ 106 -1-08 106 -107¼ 106½-1~ 1  1864. U, U, U, U, U,  S. S, S, S. S.  6 s of 1881, coup ... i>-20s, coupon . .. ... 10-40s, coupon ..... 7 3-lOs, A. & O .. .. 1 year certi-ficates.  l-1106½-llS  104 -107 1()6¾-111¼ 111)4-118¼1113 -118 101½-104% 10$¾-107 107 -110½ 105 -114  113 -115 1111 -114 102 -106¼ 104%--109¾ 106¼-109 105½-107¼ 101 -106¾ 101½-109 106½-113 105 -111¾ 103 -108½ 95 - 91} .... - .... 107 -112 107 -112 106¾-107¾ 107¾-111 97¼99½ 97¾- 98¼ 99¼- 997/4 97¾- 99¼ 98¼- 98½ 92¾- 98¾ 93 - 96)4 93¾- 95¼ 93 - 95  iil :,;.· ·1ioii,.:,;;·. ioo,.:1i2··Jios  112¾--118 104¼100½-108½ 100¼-107¾ 106¼-110 92½- 96½ 94 - 99)4 98).i-102¼ 104 -108¾ 107 -124 116½-12~ 96 - 977_/4 94½- 95½] 95 - 98  :,;o··;oo,.:,,;;;;  1866. U. S. 6s of 1881, coup .. . 109½-112¾ 109½-111½ 103½-111¼ 105 -110¾ 108½-110¾ 108¾-110½ 106½-108¾ 106 -107¾ 107¾-108¼ 106¾-108¾ 105)4-10~¾ 106¾--108¾ U, S . U. S , U.S. U.S. U, S .  5 -20s, coupon ...... 5 -20s, new, coup .. 10-40s, coupon ..... 7 3-10 notes .... .... 1 yea1 ce1·tificates.  106¾-110 106½-110 100½-102¾ 114 -119 96%- 98  1087.,fr---112 108 -111 100¼-102% 115 -116½ 1)77/4- 98½  104¾-111¾ 105¾-109¼ 102)4-107 100¾-110¾ 105)4-109¼ 102½-1013 89¼-102¾ 91½- 97% 94)4- 97% 114 -114½ .... - ... 99½- 99% 00½-98¾ 98¾-99½ 99 - 99½  .  102 -104¼ 103%-106 105½-106% 105¼-108¼ 101:¾(-105¼ 103 -104 108¾--105¾ 104 -105 105 -106¾ .101 -103 93 - 98¼ 937,r 94½ 92½-94¼ 94¾- 97¾ 96¾- 98 98)4- 99¾ 98 - 99¾ 97 - 99¼ 99½- 99¼ 99½-100 97¾- 1)9¾ 99¾- 99¾ 97¾-- 99¼ 97½- 98¾ 98½- 99  '  99)4-103 100 -105¼ 98%-101¼ 99 -102¼ 89¾- 02~- 90¾- 95 95%- 99 96¾- 98¼ 00¼- 977/4 97½- 98¾  I  1866. I], S. 6s of 1881, c oup . .. 1108¾-104¾ 108¾-104½ 104)4-105¼ j104¾-108½ 107 -109¼ 109¼-110% 106¼-110 109½-113¼ 110¾-112 lll¼-118½ 112 -114¾ 109¾-118'4 U, S. 5-20s 0£1 8 62 .... ... 102¾-105 102¾-100¾ 103 -104¾ 103¼-106¾ lQ0¾--102¼ 101¼-104¾ 104)4-108% 108)4- 113¾ 10~112½ lll¾-115¼ 107½-llO¼ 105¼-108¼ U, S, 5-20s of1864 .. • ·, . . 101½-102¼ 102 -103¾ 102%-104¼ 103¾-1057/4 101¾-102¾ 102 -103¾ 103¾-106 105½-110 108 -109½ 109%-111 105¾-107¾ 104¼-107 U. S. 5-20s of 1 8 65 . ...... 101½-10~ 101%--103½ 103 -104¼ 104 -106 101¼-102¾ 102¼-108¼ 103½-106¼ 106 -109¾ 10~-109¾ 109 -111¾ 105¾-109¾ 104¼-10~ U, S, 10-40s ................ 92¼- 93¾ 98¼- 94¾ 90 - 92¾ 91¼- 96½ 94 - 96½ 95¾- 97¼ 97¼-00 99 -108¾ 97½-100¼ 00¼-100¼ 99½-100¾ 99 -10~ U, S, 7 3-10 notes, 1st ... 98)4- 99¾ 99¼- 99¾ 99½-100)4 100 -102 100½-102¾ 102 -103¼ 103 -184¼ 104 -107'8 105½-107½ 106 -107 105 -108¼ 104 -10~ U...s. 7 3-10 notes, 2d .. .. 97¾- 99¾ 98%-- 99¾ 99)4-100¼ 99%--102 101 -102¾ 102 -103¾ 103 -104½ 104 -106¾ 10(>¼-106¾ 105¾-106)4 104 -106¼ 10S¼-10~ S. 7 3-10 notes, 3d . . .. 97¾- 00 99 - 99¼ 99 -100¼ 99%--102 100¾-102¾ 102 -103¾ 108 -104¼ 104 -106¾ 105 -106½ 105½-106¼ 104 -107¾ 104 -105'(  w:  1861.  ••••···1'06½-108¾  !07¼-110½ 108¾--110¼ 108¼-110!,4 110¼-:!.12 111%-113¼ 109 -110¾ 110¼-112¼ 110!J4-112~ U. s. 6s of 1881, U, S, 5-20s of '62, coup. 106)4-108 10~-111¾ 108¼-111 110¾-111¼ 107 -109% 109¾--110% 110~112¼ 111~114% 110)4-115¾ U, 8. 5-20s of'64, coup. 105¼-106 105¾-108½ 107¼-108 107%-109¼ 105¼-106 105¾-107¾ 107½- 109¼ 109 -11091; 108¼-110¼ 1U, S. 5-20s, '65, c.,M&N 105 -106¾ 105¾-109½, 107¼--108¾ 107¼--109¾ 105¾-108 106½-107¾ 107¾-109¼ 109½- 111¼ lOQ¾-111½ U, S. 5-20s, '65, c., J&J 103¾--104¾ 104¾-106% 106½-107¾ 107¼-lO'i½ 107½---108¾ 108½-110½ 106¼-108¾ 107¾-1087/4 107!,Q-109 U, S. :i-20s of'67, coup .. ... . - .... .... .... . .. - ....... - .... ... - ····]107 -108¾ 107½-lOS'hj 1!07¾----109 U, S, 10-40s, coupon ..... 99¾-100 99 - 99¼ 99~-100½ 100½-102¾ 102¼-103),4 ~ - 99¾ 00¾-101¾ 97½- 96¾ 977/4- 99  .... -  .... -  110½-112¾ 111½-118¼ 108¼-109% 108%-110¼ 106¾-107¾ 106!,q-108 99%--101½  112 -113¼ lll¾-1127,-' 1077/4-108¾ 107 -108¾ 105 -105¾ 104¾-106  105¼-106¼1'0<¾-... ,.  107¾-108 107½-1-0&j{ 107½-108 107½-IB~ 100¾-102¾ 100¾-10~  1868. IJ, S. 6s of 1881, coup . .. 108¾-112 110¾-112% 110¼-lll~llO'"w,llS½ 113 -1161116½-118¼ 112¾·11~118¼-116¾ 113½-114¼ 113 -116}( lll:k;-115½ 114¼-ll!S U, S. fj-~011, 1862, U, S. :i-20s, 1864, U. S, S-ZOs, 1865, \l. S. 5,.zos, 1865, tr. S, 5-20s, 1867, U, s. fj-20s, 1868, {T. ~. 10-40...  coup. coup. M&N J &J. coup, coup .  CRUJ)OD . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .•  107'/4-lll'¼ 110 -111¾ 109¼-110¾ 109¼-112½ 105),(-109¾ 107¾-109½ 107¼-1~ 107¾-110¾ 106 -110~ 108½-110¼ 107¾--109 1077/4-111¼ 104½-108¾ 100)4-1()8¼ 106){-107~.{ 10~¾-109 104%--108¾ 106'¼-108¾ 106_¼'-107½ 106¾-109~  108 -111% 111¾-113% 112~-114¾ 112¾-115 112¼-115¾ 112.)4-115 105¾-ll.3¾ 109¼-111~ 106¾--109¾~09¾-lll¼' ~10 -111¾ 108¾-111¾ 109¼-110¼ 109,½-112¾ 104!M-108¾ 106¾-10~ 106¾-109¼1110 -111¾ 110¾-112¾ 110 -112½ 109¾-111% 109%-112¾ 100£-108½ 107¼--108¾ 108J~-111% 112¾-114),( 108 -109¼ 107¾--1◊9¾ 1077/4-109¼ 10'7¾--111% 106),.., •10% 1Q9¾-ll07.-,s 1 109)4-112¼ 112%--114¾ 10f3¼-109¾ 1o5½-109¾ l107:)i-109¼ 107%-112 107¼-i. 1¼ 109➔,{-lll¾, 1 .... - ...... . - . ...... - .. . .. - .... . . . \109¾-110~ 108½-109¾!107 -109¾1108,-,(-109¼ 108¼-112>11107¾-lll 110 -lll% 101~104¼ 1041,(-1~ 100'x<-101!1411001.<?--1fl!l 11!1!l -10!',7_.; iO!'i"-1-1;17-16 10~1~ 108 -10,9~ 104½-10~ 1041x(-l()Mi! 103 -100.'II 11)~ • ._.,  UNirED  STATES SECURITIES. I869.  6s (5-20 years) Coupon.  &of 1881.  1864.  1865.  1865n.  1867.  18tl8.  109¼ 111½ 109 111¾  111¾ 113¾ 111¼ 113¾  107:1( 109¾ 107¾. 109¼  108¾  107 108¾ 106% 108¾  107¾ 109 106¼ 108¾  107¼ 1097'~ 10~ 109  106 108¾ 105!1:( 108¾  112¼ 116¾ 112¼ 116¾  111¼ 114½ 111½ 114½  118 118¼ 113 118¼  104¾ 115¼ 109>( 115~  108¾ 113¾ 108¾ 113}(  108¾ 113¼ 108¾ 113¼  108'7/4 112¼ 1087/4 112;(  108¼ 110¼ 108~ 110~  115'( 117~ 1111% 1115¾  115¼ 116½ 114¼ 115  118 120 117¾ 118  1115:1( 115½ 113¾ 1187/4  115 118 114¼ 115¼  112¼ 113¾ 112½ '118  118 113-¾ 112½ 118  112~ 114 112¾ 113  108~ 106;( 10!5¼ 105¼  1115¾  115 118 115¾ 118  118 122 117¾ 121¾  114 117¾ 118¾ 117¾  115% 119¾ 115% 119¼  112¼ 116½ 112¾ l16)i  1127,,.ji 116¾ 112¼ 116¼  113% 116½ 113-¾ 116¼  105 108¼ 105 108¼  Reg.  111¼ 112¾ Ill 112~  Jan. ()pen'g IDgh't Low'st ·C o: '&'·  Feb. -E)pen'g Bigh't Low'st  .clo11'g.  110-¾ 107jl4 110¾ 110½ 116¼  no;,.  11!5¼  Low'st <llos'g. ·Open'g High't Low'st Oos'g. May" Open'g .Htgh't  Low'at cnoa'g.  118¾ 1115¾  118'4  Open'g High't l,ow'st Clos'g. Au,i. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g,  Coup.  Reg.  1862.  1864.  1865.  1865 n.  1867.  1868.  117¼ 123¾ 116¾  117¼ 122¼ 117¼ 122¼  121¾ 125¼ 121¼ 125¼  117¼ I ~~½ ' 123¼  118¼ 123!',! 118¼ 123¼  116¼ 122¼ IHI¼ 122¼  115¾ 122½ 115% 122¼  116¾ 12_ 116 122  108 114¾ 107¾ 114¾  124.¼ 125 . 122¾ 123¼  125¼ 125},j;  123-¾ 124.¼ 120% 122¾  122¾ 12! i Ill 121¾  122¾ 122¼ 119¾ 121¾  122¼ 122¾ 120¼  111 11~  123¼  128'¼ 124. 120¼ 122¼ 122¾ 122;( 118¼ 11( ~  122¼ 122½ 118;( 11 ·  121~ l..21~ .~  121½ 121,s 116%  lUI  126)4 128¼ 119¼ 119;(  117},.  119¼  119 120 118½ 119¼  120 121 119}( 119¼  119;( 119½ 117 117¾  llQ¾ 120 117 119¾  119¼ 119)4 115¾ 116  119:1( 119¾ 115)4 115¼  116 116 112¾ 112¾  118¾ 113¾ 110¾ 111  115¼  112}{ 116½ 112}{  112¾ 116 111% 111¾  110½ 113½ 110¼ 112  128¼ 124¼ 125 121!)(  123¾  117¼  122¾  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g . Oct. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  128 123 119 119;( 119¾ 120¼ 119  193;( 123¼  no  llJU  120;.  l11J6  11111  117¾  1~ 120~ 117 117  1177,,.ji 118¾ 115¼ 116¼  1183,.; 118¼ 115?;; 116¾  116}( 11~  1~ 109¾ 107¾ 1~  114 114 111 111¾  119 116¼ 113¼ 113¼  ll6,¼' 113¾ 119¾  116¼ 116)4 113¾ 118¾  108 108 106¼ 107  110¾ 114¼ 110¼ 111¼  113 116¼ 113 115Mi l  118}( 116¼ llS¾  113 116}( 113  1~ 110~ 10~  l11S!4  -l15  100..  Sept.  Mar. .Open'g rHJgh't  1~. Coupoq  - --- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -.July. 1862.  Coup.  6s (5-20 years) Coupon.  6s of 1881.  5s, 10-40, Coupon  : '(  118¼  llt,C  1083( 108~  Nov. 118¾ 123¼ 118 122  119 122¼ 118½ 121¾  1177/4 128¾ 117½ 122:1(  113¾ 117¼ 118½ 117  1115¾ 119½ 114½ 118%  116¼ 12074 115¼ 120  116¼ 120¼ 115¾ 120  116½ 120¾ 115¾ 119¾  108¼ 110 107½ 109¾  Open'g Iiiigh't Low'11t Clos'g .  117¼ 117¼ 116¼ 117  122¾ 122¾ 121¾ 121¾  117;( 117¾ 116¾ }167/4  118'1/4 119 117% 118¾  120 120 119 119¼  120 120¼ 119¼  120¼ 120¼ 118¼  119¼  11!'15~  109½ 109¾ 107¾ 107'½  Open'g High't Low'st CloR':;:.  • -:::ae.  116¼  Dec.  Open'g Bi{dl't  122¾ 122¾  a-,•.  lll~  Low•at 121  120-¾ 115¼ 118¼  llill  181'0. 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. ·~0~~1  -  Jan.  <> pen 'g  H Jgh't J.,o w'st ·a os'g. Feb. 0 pen'g 'Higb't L ow'st -cIos'g. M ar. 0 pen'g Hi gh't L ow'st Clos'g. Apr. -0 pen'g R Jgh't L ow'st v'l os'g. M ay. <> pen'g H igh't L ow'st <Jlos'g. .T une. 0 pen'g H igh't Lo w'st C Ioa'e.  I  1862.  1864.  1865.  1865n.  1867.  1868.  6s (5-20 years) Coupon.  es, 1881  18~0. 6s,CurCoupon rency.  Coup.  I  5s, 10-40, 6s, Cur. Coupon rency.  1862.  1864.  1865.  186!5 n.  1867.  1868.  112¼ 112¼ 108jl4 110¾  112 112 108¾ 109¾  112 112 108¾ 110  111¼ 111¼ 107¾ 108¾  111¼ 111¼ 107¾ 109¼  111¼ 111¼ 108 109¼  107¼  110¼  108% 110;( 108¾ 110¼  108¾ 110)~ 108¾ 110¼  109 110¼ 109 110  ]06¼ 110¾ 106% 109  110¾  - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 115¾ 118½ 115¾ 118¾  118½ 116½ 113½ 115¾  113 116 113 111:¾  118¼ 116¼ 112¼ 11!5½  111¾ 114~ 111¾ 114¾  111% 114¼ 111% 114¾  111¾ 114¾ 111¾ 114¾  109lJ4 113¼ 109¾ 112¼  109¼ 111½ 109¼ 111¼  118¼ 118¼ 115¼ 115¼  115½ 115¾ 114 114¼  115¼ 115¼ 113¼ 113¼  115¼ 115¼ 113½ 113½  114¼ 11~ 111¼ 111%  114 114¼ 112¼ 112¼  114 114¾ 113 118  114 114 111¾ 111¾  1.11¾ 111¼ 111¼ 111,(  116¼ 116½ 113¾ 114¼  114¼ 114)4 109½ 110¾  113¾ 113¾ 108¾ 109¾  113¼ 113¼ 108¾ 110¾  111¾ 111¾ 107¾ 108¾  112¼ 112¼ 108 109¼  112¾ 112¾ 108½ 109¾  108¾ 108:}t 104:I( 106¾  111}( 113¼ 110¾ 112  1187/4 116¼ 118'7.,i 116¾  110¾ 115¼ 110¼ 115¼  109¼ 114¼ 109,¼' 118%  109¾ 114¾ 109¾ 114¾  107¾ 113¼ 107¾ 112½  108¾ 118¾ 108½ 1127,.,~  101)¼ 118½ 108¼ 118½  106¾ 108¾ 108¾ 108¾  111¼ 112¼ 111¼' 112  July. Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g. Auir. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g. Sept. Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g. Oct. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  115¾ 115¼ 112¾  118¾ 113;( 114¾ 118¼  108¾ 1087.,,.i  106¾  113% 114 110¼ 110½  114¼  110¾ 1127/4 110¼ 112!1:(  109¼ 111¾  110¼ 111% 108¾ 111¼  113:1( 114¾ 118¾ 113¼  118 114¼ 112½ 112¼  111¼ 112 111¼ 111½  112 112¾ 111½ 111¾  110 110¾ 110 110)4  110¼ 110:¼ 110¼ 110)4  110" 110% 110¼ 110¾  106 107 105¼ 106¾  112 112 111 111¼  114¼ 114¼ 118½ 113¾  111% 118 111¼ 112½  111½ 111¾ 111¼ 111¼  112 112¼ 111½  110½ 110½ 110},s 110¼  110½ 110¾ 110)4 110¼  11~ 110¼ 110½ 110½  106½ 106¼ 106)4 106¾  111¼ 111¾ 111 111  118½ 118¾ 113¼ 113¾  109¼ 109¼ 107½ 107%  107% 10'77/4 107 107  108)4 108¼ 106¼ 107¼  110¼ 110¼ 109 109)4  110,¼' 110¼ 109¾  110½ 110½ 109½ 109¾  106¾ 107 106,¼' 106%  111 111¼ 110% 110%  113¼ 113¾ 113 118¼  107¾ 108 107¼ 108  106¾ 107:)( 106¾ 107¾  109¼  107¾ 106¾ 107¼  1097,( 110¾ 109¼ 110¾  109¾ 111 109¾ 111  106½ 106¼ 106¾ 106¼  110¼ 110¼ 109!1( 110  lll72  112.!,i 110~ 111¾  ~  110-¾  Nov. 116¾ 117¾ 116 117¾  1127-( 112½ 111¼ 112¾  117¾ 118½ 117¾ 118:l,s  112½ 111 11..ll  112½  111¾ 11:17.,,.i 110¾ 111¾  111¾ 112 lJ"is  J¾  ....  111¾  j 111¼ 110¾  111¾ llOll(  112  111¾  113¼ 114¼ 112¾ 113¾  114¼ 114¼ 118¼ 114  114¼ 115 113)4 114¼  1~ 108¾ 107¾ 108¼  112¾ 112¼ 112½ 112%  113-¾ 114)4 112¾ 114¼  .... 114¾ 112¼  114 114¾ 113 114¾  108¾ 108x( 107¾ 108½  113 114¾ 113 113?A  ....  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g. Dec. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  106¼  I 110¾ 109¼ 110¾  100¼  1!!171. 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 5s 6s, 1881 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ]040, 6s. CurCoup. I ' Coupon rency. - - - - - ~ ~ l8fl4. 1965. 18~n. 1867. ~ ~ - - - -  I  Jan. Open 'g High't Low'st Clos'g. Feb. Open'g Higb't Low'st Clos'g.  110¼ 113¼ ll0)4 113¼  108¾ 110½ 108¼ 110½  108¼ 109¼ 107¼ 109½  108¼ 109¼ 108 110  107¼ 103¾ 107 108¾  107% 108¼ 107)4 108¼  108½ 109)4 107¼ 109)4  106¼ 109jg 106)( 109¾  110½ lll½ 110 111¼  113},( 114¾ 113 114¾  110¾ 112¼ 110¾ 112¼  110¼ 111% 110 111%  110¼ 112¼ 110 112)4  109 111 109 110¾  109¼ 111¼ 109 110¾  109½ 111¼ 109)~ 111¾  109¾ 111¼ 109½ 111¼  111½ 113,e 111¼ 113¾  114¾ 116¼ 114¾ 116¼  112¼ 113 111¾ 112¾  112¼ 112)s 111½ 112)4  112¼ 112¾ Ill:)( 112¼  111 111¼ 110½ 111¼  111¼ 111)4 110½ 111¼  111% 111¼ 110~ 111¾  109½ 100;.4 108 108¾  118¾ 115¾ 113,s 115¾  116¼ 117¼ ll6¼ 117¾  112¾ 114 112¼ 113¾  112)4 114 112¼ 114  112½ 114 112½ 114  111;( 113 111¼ 113  111¾ 113 111¾ 113  111¾ 113 111% 113  10~ 109½ 108½ 109¾  lli'i!I:(  Mar. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  Ap1•. Open'g --r''J'h't vW'st  v1os 'g. May. '.)pen'g High't {.ow'st " 1os'g. .June.  Open'g High't Low'st <Jlos'I!'.  6s (5-20 years) Coupon . 5 6s. 1881 - - . . . . . , . . - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - I JO • .io, 6s,CUI\ Coup. Coupon rency. 18 2. 186-1. 1865. 1865 n. 1867. 1868  I  115¼ 115¼ 115¾  .July. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g. Ana. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g. Sept. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g. Oct. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  115 116¼ 114¼ 116  118¼ 115),i 113¼ 114)4  113½ 114¼ 113½ 113¼  113¾ ll4¼ 113¼ 113¾  112% ll2¼ 112)4 112½  113 1137,( 112¾ 112%  113¼ 113¾ 112¼ 113  111 118)4 111 113¼  115 115¼ 113 114),(  116¼ 119 116 118  114½ 114;.{ 113¼ 114¾  114 114¼ lUP.,i 114"4  114 114,,g 114 114½  112½ 113)8 112½ 113¾  113 113¾ 113 113¼  113)4 114½ 113)4 114¼  110 111 110 111  114~ 116~ 114 1163,(  118% 119~ 118 118)4  114¾ 115¾ 114% 115¾  114¾ 115¾ 114¾ 115½  114¾ 115¼ 114¾ 115¾  113¾ 113¼ 114½  113¾ 114¼ 113)( 114:)s  114¼ 114¾ 114)4 114¾  111¾ 111~.{ 111½ 111¾  1161/ 116¼ 114¾ 114¼  118)4 118¼ 115)4 116¾  115¼ 115¼ 113¾ 114¾  11!:¼ 115¼ 113¼ 114¾  115¼ 116 l13½ 114¼  114¾ 114¾ 112 118¼  114% 112 113½  115 115 112 113¾  111¾ 111¾ 107 109¼  114¼ 114¼ 110½ 111  116½ 116½ 117¾  111),( 111:):C 111 111  1111' 111,' lU,' 11:,~  111½ 112¾ 111½ 111¾  113¾ 114¼ 113 113  113¾ 115 113% 114  113-¾ 115 113}8 114"'~  109¼ 110 109¼ 109½  111¼ 113¾ 111½ 113)1'  117¼ 118 11~ 118  111 111 109)4 109½  Ill~  113¼ 115 113)4 115  114¾ 115¼ 114¾ ]'5¼  114¾ 116 114% 116  109¾ 109,% 109¼ 1011¾  113¼ 115¼ 118¼  114¼  114¼  Nov. 117¼ 117¾ 117 117¼  111 111¼ 110¼  111 111¾ 110¼ 111¾  111 111¾ 110:¼ 111½  113¼ 114 113 113¼  113¼ 114 112¾ lH  113¾ 114¼ 113 114½  109¼ 110 109 109¼  115¾ 115¼ 115½ 115¾  117¾ 118¼ 117¼ 118¼  112 113¾ 112 113¾  111¼ 113 111¼ 113  111¼ 113¼ 111¾  113¼ 114¼ 113¾ 114¾  114 113¼ 115}1; 115¼ 113;~ I 114 115¼ 115¾  109¾  1157/4 115¼ 1 t5\.( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  113¼  I  llOi{  109¾ 110¾  lJfiJ,(  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g. Dec. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  117➔.(  111¾ 110¼ 110½  11!'\U  UNITED STATES SECURITIES. 1872. 10-40s. 6s, 1881. 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 6e 5s, 1881. Curr 'ncy !fund. coup. Rell,'. Coup 1862. !864. 1&65. 1865n 1867. 1868. Reg. Coup  -- -- -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -- -- -- --.July. Jan. Open'g 110 Hlgh't 110¼ Low'st 109½ (llos'g. 110  114¾ 1149( 114¼ 114¾  115 115¾ 114½ 115½  110¾ 110¾ 112¼ 111¾ 110¾ 110¾ 112¾ 111!14 109¾ 109½ 110¾ 109'7~ llO¾ 110½ 111¾ 110¾  108¾ ¾ 115½ 11°" 108'1,i 114¾ 115¾ 111¼ 107¾ 114 114¼ 110¼ 108¾ 114 115¼ 111¼  118¼ 113¾ J ll!J( 112¼  109 110¾ 109 1~  110 110¾ 109½ 110½  111¼ 112% 1141' 115¾ Hlgh't 118'4: 116 118¼ 115¾ 115¾ 116¾ 115 116 116 111¼ 118¼ 115 114¾ Low'st 118¼1115½ 117 114¾ 114¾ 115¼ 118¾ 115¼ 114¾ 111¾ 112¼ 114.ff 111¾ 118¼ 114" 114¾ Clos'g. 1113¾ 116 118¼ 115¾ 115¾ 116¾ 115 116 116  Aug.  111¼ 111% 110¾ 111¾  110¾ 110¾ 110 110¼  112 112 111,( 111¾  112¼ 112¾ 111¾ 112  107 107½ 106¾ 107  110½ 110¾ 109¾ 110¾  114¾ Open'g 112¾ 114¾ Hlgh 't 112¾ llS!J( Low'st 112¼ 118¾ Clos'g. 112¾  110¼ 111½ 110¼ 111½  111¾ 118 111¾ 112¾  114¼ 114¾ 114)4 114¾  115¼ 115¾ 115¼ 115¾  111¾ 112~ 111 112  !11 112¾ 111 112¾  112¼ 112¾ 11?¼ 112¾  112 118¼ 112 113½!  107¾ 108 107¾ 108  107¾ 108¾ 107l':( 108¾  114 115½ 114 115¾  109¾ 1127,i 109'7~ 112¾  115 117 114!1:{ ll7  115¾ 118¾ 115½ 118¼  112¾ 115¾ 112~ 115¾  112,½ 115¾ 112½ 115¾  118 111½ 113 118¼ 116½ 114¾ 115¾ 116 112~ ... tl½ 112¾ 118 11~ 114➔.{ 115¾ 1115¼  108 ll()¾ 108 110¾  108¾ 110¾ 108¾ 11()¾  115½ Open 'g 116§4 Hlgh't 115¼ Low'st 116¼ Clos'g.  118¼ 118)4 116}( 116½  116¼ 118¾ 114¼ 114¾  116½ 116¼ 114 114  116¾ 116¾ 114¾ 114¾  115¾ 115½ 118¼ 118¼  116¾ 116¾ 118¾ 118¾  115¾ 115¾ 118¼ 118¾  109½ 1~ 1~ 108¾  11~ 11~ 111½ 112¼  111~ 114½ 111¾ 114½ 109¾ 118¾ 110%/ 114¾  116,( 116¾ 114¾ 115¼  114 114¾ 118 114¾  114¾ 114½ 118¾ 114}(  11~ 114¾ 118½ 114¾  113,( 118¼ 112 118½  · 14 114 114}( 114 112}(1 112:1:( 113¾ 11~  108½ 109 107¾ 108  108'~ IbM 108¼ 112M 10~ 111M 108 1 ~  111 111~ 111 111¼  114¾ 115¼ 114}4 115  115¾ 115¼ 114¾ 117 116¼ 116 115¾ 115,( 114¾ 116¼ 115¾ 115¾  115¾ 116¾ 115¾ 116¼  118¼ 115 11~ 114¾  1187Ai 115¼ 1187,i 114¾  111¾ 118 111¾ 112¼  116¼ 117¾ 116¼ 117¼  118 112¼ 112¼ 112% 119¾ 114 113¾ ll5 118 112¼ 112¼ 1127~ 119l':f 1187~ 118% 115  1149( 115¾ 116¼ 117¾ ll4¾ 115½ 116¼ 117¾  110½ 111¾ 110 111¾  110¾ 116¾ Open'g 112¾ 117¾ Hlgh 't 110¾ 116¼ L ow 'st 112 117¾ Cl os 'g .  110 110½ 110 110¼  115¼ 116¼ 114½ ll6  116).a 117¼ 116¼ 116¾  112 118 111½ 118  112¾ 118¼' 112¼ 118¼  114  114½ 114½ 108  Open'g 118 High't 118¾ Low'st 112¾ Clo"'II' - 112:iq  114¾ 115 114½ 114U  120¾ 120¾ 119¾ 120~  Oct.  Apr.  11~ 11~ 11~ 11~  I  114 115 114 114¾  lOt:% 108¼ 111'6 108¾ 108¾ 114 107¾ 1 ~ 111 108¼ 108¼ 114  Nov.  May. Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  116¾' 116¼ 114 114¾  Sept. Open'ar Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  108¾ 110 1&8¾ 110  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  I  11°" 111¾ 110 111¼  Mar. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  I  llf¾ Open'g 118½1115½ 117¼ 114¾ 114¾ 115¼ 118¾ 115¼ 115  118 118 111¾ 112¼  Peb. Open'g Wgh't Low'st Clos'g.  6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 10-40a. 5s. , 6s, 1881. es em1881. r'nq fund. ~ , Reg. Coup 1862. 1864. 1865. 1865n 1867. 1868. Re,z. Coup  .June. 114¾ 115 114 114  114 115 114 114¾  115½ 116 114¾ 114~  116¼ 117½ 116¾ 117¼'  I  115¾ 117¼ 115¾ 117  Dec. 1177~ 118½ 117¾ 118½  I  111¾ 118¾ 111¾ 118¾  108¼ 1143'  115¾ 116¼ 115¾ 108¼ 108½ 11~ 114 114¼ 114¼ 107¾ 107¾ 1183' 115½ 116¼ 115½ 108¾ 108¾ 114~  m,..l  Open'g 111 112¾ 117¼ ll'a'f~ 118 112°, ll;,1/ 117¾ 111¼ 112¼ 115 Hlgh't 111)< 11"' 118 117¾ 111¾ 112¾ 115 1'"" 118¾ 11~ 117¼ 110¾ 111½ 114¾ Low'st 111 112¾ 117¼ 112¼ 112¾ 112½1115 Clo-e'g. HI½ 114¾ 118 112¾ 118 112¾ 116% 111½ 112¾ ll.4~ f l'?¾  116 115¾ 109¾ 117½ 116¾ 110 115¾ 115¾ 100½ 117¼ 116}( , 110  ~  109¾ 11~ 11~ 109¼ 111 109 l l ~  ' 109%  I8T:.. I  6s, 1881. 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 10-40:i. 5s, 6s 1881. Curfund. r 'ncy coup, Reg. Coup 1862. 18b4, 1865. 1865n 1867. 1868. Reg. Coup  - --- .. Jan.  - - -- - - -- -- --  -- -- -- -- -- - -  I  - - - -·  July.  ll6 High't 115¼ 117¼ 119¾ 115¾ 115¾ 116¾ 115¾ 116¾ 11;;¼ 114 115½ 115½ High't 115¼ 118¾ 120¼ 117¼ 117¾ 119.¼; 118 Low'st 112¾ 114¾ 11~ 112¾ 113¼ 118¾ 112¾ 118¾ 118¾ ~ 109¼ 112¾ Low'st 114¾ 116¼ 119}( lHI½ 116½ 118 116 Clos'g . 115¼ 117¼ ll9¾ 11: ~ 115 115¾ 115 116¾ 116¼ 114 115¾ 115¼ C l )r; . 115¾ 118¼ 119¾ 117}4 117¾ 119½ 117l':f  0-"'"'"' 112¾ 114¾ 114¼1112¾ 118¾ 11~ 112¾ 118¾ 118% 110¾ 109¾ 11~ Open'g 114¾ 116¾ 119¾ 116½ 116½ 118  Feb. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g .  114½ 115¾ 114½ 115¾  115¼ 116¼ 115>4 116¼  114¾ 114¾ 114¾ 114½  119½ ]1';" =117½ 120¼ 117½ 117¾ 119¼ 117 117 119,( 117 117¾  118¼ 119¾ 118¾ 119  117¾ 117¾ 11~ 117  UC¾ 119¾ 115),._ 115¼  118¾ 113¾ 113¾ 118¾  117¾ 117¼ 114¾ 115  11~4 118¾ 110 110  112 115¼ 109~ 111½  118¼ 115¾ 111½ 112¾  108 109 105½ 106¾  108 109 110 111¾ 106¼ 107)1i ~- 8½ 107½  111¾ 114¾ 110¾ 114½  112¾ 115½ 112;4 115¾  106¼ 109¼ 105½ 109¼  106¾ 111 106½ 111  us · 115 118¾ Open'g 109)4 111¾ 120 120'.¼ 113½ 115 114½ High't 113¾ 116½ 120 112)4 112¾ 118¾ Low'st 109),( 111¼ 120~ 118½ 114 1.14½ Clos'g. 111~ 11~  116½ 121 116½ 120½  112½ 116 110¾ 118¾  111¾ 117¾ 111¾ 114½  11~ 116¾ 112h! 116¾ 116¾ 112½ 116¾ 11';¾ 111'.'ti 116¾ 116}( 111½  115¼ 115¼ 1143,s 114%  115¼ UC~ 11~ 114½  114¾ 118¼ 114¾ l lf" ~ 114¾ 11~ 11~ 117½  117½ 118¾ 117½ 118¾  118¾ 115¼ 118¾ 114¾  114¾ 114~ 115¾ 1141' 114¾ 1143( 115¾ 11~  118¾ 119 119¾ ll9  115½ 11"6 116¼ 114N 115½ 11~ 116¼ ll!J6  119  118  112¼ 118¾ 112¼ 118¾  116¼ 1· -;¼ 111¾ 111¾  119¼ 119>( 113¼ 11~  118¼ 118¾ 113 113  114 114 112 112¾  1.14¼ lJaH 114¾ llSff 106 108'A 106 108~  111¾ 113¾ 109¾ 109¾  113~ 114 115~ 115 110 110 112¼ 112¾  108½ 109¾ 108½ 107  107¾ 109¾ 105 106¾  100 111~ 108¼ 1081,a  108½ 110 111 113¾ 107¾ 109)4 111 118¾  112 114¾ 110½ 114¾  112 115 110 115  107 108¼ 105½ 1077~  106¾ 108¼ 105¼ 108½  108 11~ 108 11~  111½ 117)4 111½ 115¾  115)4 120 115);.( llQ½  116½ 109  118¾ 118  Sept. 11( ¾ ipen'g 114¼ 117 115¼ 118 120}( 117¼ 117:'1 118¾ 116¾ 118¾ 118 112¼ l~½ 115 Hlgh't 117 113 116¾ 118¼ 115¾ 115½ US¾ 114¾ 116 116¼ . 10½ 110¾ 11~ Low'st 111½ 112 115 1177,i 120 117¼ 117¾ 118¼ 116¾ 118¼ 11~ 112¾ 112½ 114¾ Clos 'g. 111½ 112  Apr.  Oct. 119¾ 121 ,lS;i.i 120½  117¾ 118¾ 11' 118¾  jl20¾ 122¾ 120¼ 122)4  114¾ 116¾ 114¾ 116¾  115¼ 115½ 122¼ 128¼ 114¾ 115½ 122¼ 114~ 116½ 122~  116½ 117~ 115¾ 11M6  ..  116½ 118 115¼ 116½ 118¾ 120½ 118 119¼ 116 118 115¼ 116½ ll~.1 120½ 11~ 119¾  !16½ 117l':{ 116 117¾  111½ 112 109½ 111¾  112 113¾ 111 118½  112  118¾ 115¾  112,:( )pen'g 108¼ 115 Hlgh't 109 112¼ L ow'st 106l':f 1.l. Clo::i'g. 106l':{  Mny.  Nov. 115¼ 116¼ 115¼ 116)4  117¾ ll J 117¼ 118¾  ~14¾ 117½ 117¼ llOjJ:( 118  116¾ 118¼ 119¼ 12J~ 120¼ 119¾ 114¾ 116¼  114¾ 117¼ 117½ 119¼ 118 116¾ 118¼ 119¼ 121¾ 120  June. Open'g High't Low'st Clos'ir.  Open'g : · _1h't Low'st Jlos'g,  118¾ 116¾ 118½ 115¾ 115½ 116¾ 114½ 116¾ 116½ 111¾ 111  Open'g 115¼ :17¼ High't lJ 118 Low'st '.:7-1 Clos'g. 116 117)4 Open'g dlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  117¾ 119¼ 117¾ 119  Auar. 118¾ 11~~ 118½ 114¾ ; · -.·r 115½ 118¼ 116§& , ·,¾ 114¼ 118¼ 116¾ 118½ 115¾ lllJ:'.,4 117¾  Mar. o()pen'g High't Low' st Clos'g.  I  10-40s. 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 6s, 1881. 5s, 6s 1881. Cur r 'no fund. coup. Reg. Coup 1862. 1864. 1865. 1865n li67. 1868. Reg. Coup  111¾ 113¾ 115 112¾ 114¾ 116)4  Open'g 108 High't 109¾ L ow'st 1 106¼ Clos 'g. 109½  . ec.  115¾ 117  116½ 117¼ 116}( 117¼  118½ 119 119¼ 120¾ 116¾ 119 118 ·12(%  121¾ 121¾ 120¾ 121  115¾ 119¾ 114¼ 119  10!!½ 10~ 116!¾ 112¾ 118½ 114H 116½ 109 108¾ 108}4 117¾ 111~ J.lS  u.-  18'14. I 10-403. 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 6s, 1881. tls 5s, Cur1881. r 'ncy fund. coup. Reg. Coup 1862. 1864. 1865. 1865n 1867. ]868. Reg. Coup  I  ~  --  - - -- -- - - -  Jan.  Open'g 111 lligh't 118¼ tow'st 111 Clos'g. 118¾  116)4 117¾ 115¾ 117  -- -  - - - - --  115 1177,-' 115 117¾  116 116¾ 114½ 116¾  115 118 115 117¾  116)4 118 116 117¾  111,( 113 111¾ 112¾  118½ 115¾ 116¾ 116¾ 121 118¼ 120½ 121)4 118~ 115¾ 116¾ 116¾ 120½ 117¾ 119¾ 121¼  116l':{ 119¾ 116)4 119¾  117¾ 120¾ 117¾ 119¾  117% 120¾ 117¾ 119)4  110¾ 113¾ 110¾ 118¼  Open 'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g. ADllo 114 115¾ Open'g 116¾ 116¼ High't 114 115¾ Low' st 116¾ 116½ Clos 'g .  118¾ 119¼ 118 119¼  ll9½ 120¾ 118¾ 120¼  118¾ 120¼ 118.:,i 119].t  112½ 115¾ 112¼ 114¾  Open'g High't 112¾ 115¼ Low' st 115¼ 117 Clos 'g.  118 119:)a 120¾ 119)4 118)4' 120¾ 121¾ 120¼ ll7!1( llll¾ 120¾ 119 118➔-! 120¾ 121¾ 120¼  120).( 120¾ 119}.! 120½  !19}1, 120½ 119¼ 120½  115 115 114¾ 114¾  117¾ 118¾ 117 llS¾  118½ 114¾ 112¾ 114:U  115 116% 114 116¾  116 117¾ 115¾ 117¾  117½ 119 1115¾ 118½  114 114 111½ 111½  116½ 117¾ 116¼ 117¼ 117½ 118)4 114 116½ ll7¾ 116l':{ 117Pli 118)4 113½ 114  112¼ 112¾ 112 112¾  117½ 117¾ 117¼ 117¼  118¾ 118¾ 118¼ 118¾  111¾ 112½ lll~ 112½  115½ 116 115¾ 116  116¼ 117¼ 116¼ 117¼  110¼ 11.6¾ 116 116¾  117¾ 117½\ 117¾ 117%  118¾ 118¾ 117½ 117¾  110)4 110½ 109¼ llU¾  118½ 111¾ 114½ 117¾ 113½ 117¼ 114½ 117¾  112¾ 112h; 112 112¼  117½ 117¼ 116¼ 117¾  115½ 118¾ 117¾ 118¼  112½ 112¾ 112~ 112¾  115¾ 115¼ 115¼ 115¼  116¾ 116¼ 115¾ 116  116½ 117¾ 116¾ lli¾ 115¼ 116¼ 115¾ 117  117¾ 117¾ 116½ 117¾  111 111 110½ 111  111¾ 111¼ 111¼ 111¾  117¾ 117% 117¼ 117¼  115 11~ 114)1; 115½  1171,( Open'g 112¼ 117¾ 117)4 High't 112¼ 118 116¾ Low' st 112¼ 117¼ 116¼ Clo 'g . 112¾ 117¾  118¼ 118¾ 118 118½  112¼ 118¾ 112¾ 113¾  115¾ 116¾ 115~ 116¼  116¾ 1177~ 116¾ 117¼  115lJ( 116¾ 115¾ 116¾  117 117¾ ll7 lli¾  117¾ 117¼ 117¼ 117¾  111 112 1n lil¾  111½ 112¾ 111½ 112¾  117¾ 118¼ 11;"¾ 117'7,,.  120½ 114~ 120½ 1157-{ 119¼ 114¾ lZ:-;.,: 1_?.~~  115¾ 115¾ 114¾ 115½  116¾ 117¼ 116½ 117}4  118¾ 119¼ 118:k; 119¼  110¾ 112¼ 110¼ 112¼  118 114¾ 118 114¾  ll4½ 116¾ 114}( 116¾  116¾ 119 116½ 119  117¼ 1177/4 120 119¼ 117¾ 117¾ 120 119~  1!2 118)1; 111¼ 113¾  112¼ 117.\. 114¼ 110, 111¼ 117'¼ 11~ 119  1 ~ ll~ 121¾ 114¾ 120 113½ 121 us~  11~  116¼ 119¾ 112¼ 114¾ 115}.! Hlgh't 113¼ 118¾ 122¼ 114¾ 113¼ ll t?t L o w 'st 1 !2~ 115¾ 119½ 112¼ 114 11:-;l}i Clos'g . 11~ 118 122 11~  114¾ 116 114)4 116  1161' 11~ 116¾ 118¼  119 121 118¼ 120¼  120 122 119¾ 122  113¾ 114¾ 113 114¼  114¼ 115¾ 114 115¼  l15¾ 11~ US¾ 117  11~117' 115½ 116¼ 116 112¼ 112½ 11~ 116¼ 117¾ 118¼ 112¾ 112¾ 117¾  Sept.  Mar. Open'g 114½ 119¾ 119¾ lligh't 115¼ 119¾ 121 l,ow'st 114¾ 118½ 119~ Jlos'g. 115¼ 119¾ 121 Open'g 115¼ 110¾ 121¼ 120¼ 122 High't n7 Low'st 115:ki 119½ 120¾ Clos'g. 117 120¼ 122  117½ 118}1 116½ 1177,-'  118 120 118 llOjJ:(  120¾ 120¾ 119¼ 120¾  112¼ 116½  115¾ 117  Oct.  May.  Nov.  Open'g 115)4 119}1; lligh't 115½ 120:ki Low'st 115 119~ Clos'g. 115¾ 120¾  .iune.  --  --  113½ 118.½ 112½ 113)4  Feb. Open'g 111¾ 117¾ :ligh't 114¾ 120¼ Low'st 111¾ 117¾ Clos'g. 114,S 119¾  July.  6s (5-20 years) Coupo n. 6s, 1881. 10-40s. 6s 5s . 1881. Curfund. r 'nc:, coup. Reg. Coup 186?. 1864. 1865. 1865n 1867. 186~. Reg . Coup - -· ·- - - - - -  m•r""  Open'g High't 115¾ U7¾ Low'st 113 116¼ 117 CJOll'll' · 114  121¾ 122 120 121¼  115¾ 115¾ 115 115¾  117¼ 117>( 117 117¼  118¼ 119?~ 120¾ 118¾ 120}( 120¼ 11rY8 119),( 120¼ 118¾ 12)¼ 120¾  121¼ 115¾ ll7¼ 118¾ 119¾ 122 115¾ ll7x( 118)4 120hi 121¼ ll8¼ ll6¼ ll7½ 119½ lH,-i 117 !18 120½ 122 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  120¼ 121¾ 119¼ 1.21  Open 'g Hlgh 't L ow 'st Clos'g .  111 ¾ 113 111½ 118  Dec. 11<¾ Open'g 118  1.18 119¼ 118 119¾  119¼ 118¼ 114¾ 116~ 120¾ 115¼ 115)4 118 119½ 112}8 118¼ 11~ 120¾ 116¼ 1161,i 116  UNITED STATES SECURITIES. 18,.:i. I  --  10-40s.  6s (5-20 Coupon.  6s, 1881.  1t1. fund.  Reir. Coup 1~. :!.864. 1865. 1865n 1867. 1868. Reg. Coup  C01fP·  Open'g 118¾ 121  122¼ 122¼ 117½ 120  119¾ 119¾ 113¾ 116¾ 119¾ Open'g 115½ 119¾ 120¾ High't 117¼ 121 122 120½ 120 1:!.4¾ 117¼ 120  .... ... .... ....  115¾ 117 115¾ 117  110¾ 118½ 120)4 120¼ 110¾ 119¾ 120¾ 121½ 118¾ 118¼ 120 120¾ 118¾ 118¾ 120¼ 120¾  11~ 118¾ 118½ 11~ 119½ 119¾ 117¼ 118¼ 118 118¾ 119½ 110¾  119½ 120 119¼ 126¾ 118¾ 119¾ 118¾ 120  115¾ 116¾ 115¾ 116¾  117¾ 118 117¾ 117½  120}( 120¼' 119~ 119¾  118¾; 119¾ 118¾ 118¾  114¾ 115½ 114½ 115¼  119 120 1187A 119¾  1197A 121¾ 111)¾ 121,(  116¾ 117¼ 116¾ 117½  118¼ 12()¾ 119¾ 120½ 120½ 114½ 115¾ 119½ High't 118¼ 121½ 123¾ 117½ 119½ 118¾ 119¼ 119¾ 118¾ 113¾ 118¾ L ow'st 1167A 120¾ 122 118¼ 119¾ 119¼ 120¼ 120½ 114 114½ 119¼ Clos'g. 118¼ 121¾' 123¾  114¾ 117½ 114¾ 117~  120 122 120 121¼  121 123¾ 121 123¾  118¼ 11~ 118¼ 118¾  118½ 121 118~ 121  121¼ 121% 121¼ 121¾  119¼ 122¼ 119¼ 122¼  120 123¾ 1197A 123¼  119¾ 122½ 119¾ 122½  114 116¼ 113% 116  lHl¼ 124¾ 119¼ 128¾  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  121¾ 122¼ 11~ 121¾ 117 122¾  123½ 124¾ 128¼ 124¾  116,( 117¼ 116¾' 117  1177,i 118¼ 1177,i 118¼  119~ 120¼ 119¾ 120¼  121¾ 1227A 121¾ 122¼  123 124,( 123 12'¾'  128 124 123 124  117¼ 123¼ 117 118 124~ 11~ 117 123¼ l_l'i 118 124¾  Open'g High't L ow 'st Clos'g.  High't 118% 121 Low'st 114¾ 119 Clos'g. 116 120 .'\U&',  119¾ 119¾ 113¾ 116¾ 119 119% 119¼ 114¼ 116¼ 119  Low' st 115½ 119¾ 120¾ Clos 'g. 117¼ 120¾ 122  Sept, !17½ 119¾ 118¾ 119¾ 119¾ 113¾ 113¼ 118¾ Open'g 116¼ 120¼ 122  Mar.  Oct .  116 117  115¼ 117¾' 115½ 117¼  11~  1!8¾' 119~ 118}( 1187Ai  121¾ 122¾ 121~ 122¼  123¼ 124½ 12! 1177Ai 124.½i 125½ 125¼ 118¼ 123¼ 124¾ 124 117¾ 12!"rl8 125 1171',Ai 124  118¼ 119½ 118¾' 119¾'  122 122¾ 122 122¾  114¾ 115½ 114¾ 115¼  117¾ 119;)~ 117:}-i 119½  1221 123 122 123  .... ... . . .. .  ... .  1167A 117¾ 117¾ 119¾ lHl¾ 119½ 116¼ 117¾ 117¾ 119¾ 1187/4 119¼  119¼ 121 119¾ 120½  120 121¼ 120 121½  115¼ 1169,.{ 123 117 118 124 115¼ 110!!4 123 116¾ 117¾_ 1:U  121½ 121½ 120% 121¾  128¼ 1237A 122¾ 123  .... .. .. .... ... .  119¾ 119½ 118¾ 119  119% 120¼ 118% 120¼  119¼ 119¾ 118½ 119¾  120½ 121 ¼ 119½ 121¼  121¼ 121½ 120½ 121½  116¾ 117¾ 124¼ 116¾ 11,,,; 124¼ 1151,4 ll6Jl\ 123¾ 116¼ 117¾ 123¼  116¼ 117¼ 115~ 117¼  121 122¼ 120¼ 122½  122¾ 124 122¼ 124  ... . ... .  114¼ 114¾ 114¼ 114¼  116½ 116,½ 115)4 116~  110 120¾ 118¾ 120¾  120U 122¾ 120½ 122¾  121½ 122¼ 120¼ 122¼  116¼ 117¾ 123¼ 117 117½ 125~ 115½ 117¼ 123¼ 117 117¼ 125~  117¾ 118 116¾ 117  119¼ 120 119¼ 119¼  123,½ 125 123½ 123¼  122¾ 123¼ 121½ 123  123 lli½ 128 117¾ 122¼ 116¼ 122¼ , 117¾  Dec.  Open'g 117¼ 120¼ 125¼ llS¼ High't 119 121¼ 126}.( 118>( Low'at 117¼ 120¼ 125'i 11~ CJo!l.'.K- 1 ~ 121 ll',IS~_118  ,  117¼ 110¾, 122¼ 117"',/4 1(9¼ 123 116% 116-¼ 122 116½ 116¾ 122  118¾' 118¼ 116¾ 117½  Nov.  June.  121½ 121½ 110;.: 120  1187A 118¼ 116 116  1177A 116¾ 120 115 117½ 1113¾ 120  118}( 119¼ 118¼ 110n  t'eb.  122¼ 122¼ 118 120¾  115¾ 116¼ 115¾ llU¼  115  116}( 117½ 116 117½  ()pen'g 1!~ Bigh't 115}.t Low'st 114¾ Clos'g. 114%  120¼ 120¾ 117)1; 118%  122% 123 120 120¼  115 116½ 114¾ 116½  114~ 115¾ 114}:( 115),g  Open'g 113¾ 11~ 118¾ High't 116 119¾ 11~ Low'st 113% 118 11~1{ Olos•g. 115¼ 119¾ 119¾ Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clo!!'g. May, Open'v High't Low'st Clos'g.  --  -- --  - - -- -- -Joly.  Jan.  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Cios'g.  6s (5-20 yea rs ) Coupon. 10--!0s. 6s, 188t. 5s. 6s 1881. Cu rfund. r'nc y coup. Reg. Coup 1862. 1~. 1865. 18651l 1867. 1868. Reg, Co up  6s  Curr'ncy  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  ...  .... .... .... .... .. . .  ::::1  I  116-~ 120¾ 11~ 121 .... 115~<_ ll9¾' . ... 11<3 l ..:Q¾  18?'6.  -----;---------------,--------.----;---:-----;.-----..--------- --  118 11 11 1!.8  12.. 122\}4; 122 }22~  - - ---------~-  wit.  6s, 1881. 6s (5-20 year!fl Coupan . 10-40s. 5!! 4¼s as 6s 1-881 Os (5-20 y ear-s) Coupon. l0-40s. 5 4¾!! 6s 1 - - , - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - , - -- 1 1881. 18Di, Cur' . - - - - r - - - --1- - - - -I lA1ii, Cur _ _ _ _ _ , "!leg. ~_?UP 186~ 1865n 186_:: 1868. Reg. Coup coup. ~ r'ncy _ _ _ _ Reg. Coup 1865. 1865n 1867. 1868. Reg. Coup coup. r eg. r'ncy  Joly.  Jan. (}pening...... Highest .. ... Lowost .. . .. . Closing ......  119¾ 122 119¾ 122  120¾ 122¾ 120¼ 122¾  116¼ 1177A 116¼ 117'7A  117¾ 119¼ 117 119¾  111}¾ 120 122¼ 12.'l 119¾ 120 122 123  ,22 128¾ 122 122¼  122¾ 123'7Ai 122½ 123¾  118¼ 119¾ 121¾ 122¾ 117 119¾ 121 11~ 119¼ 121  123¼ 128¼ 121¾ 121¾  123¼ 128¾ 122½ 122¾  11!¼ 118¾ 1187' 118¼  116¼ 118¾ 11~ 118¾  .... .... .... ....  122¾ 125 122¾ 125  Opening .... . . Highest .... . Lowest ..... . Closing .... ..  119¾ 117¾ 121:ij l:!.8J1; 119% 117¾ 121:J:( 11894  .... .... .... ....  125 128 125 127  Opening ...... Highest •.... Lowest ..•... Closing ......  117¾ 118 119¼ 119'( 117¾ 118 l]g~ 11~  Feb. Opening .. . ... IDghest ..... Lowest ...... llosing ......  118¼ 120  123¼ 123¾ 128¼ 123½  1169,.( 118}( 116¾ 118¼  Mar. Opening ...... Highest ..... Lowest •••••. Closing ..•••.  119¾ 119¾ 1187A 118%  121½ 12L¾ 121¼ 121¼  123¾ 118¾ 119¼ 118¼ 123¾ 118¾ 119" 119 123 117:1( 118¼ 118¾ 123 117¾ 119¼ 118¾ 122¼ 122¾ 122}( 122¾  118¼ :us~·  117¾ 118¼ 119 117 118 118¼ 119  119 117¾ 118¼  123 128 122¾ 1227,1i  118 118 117¾ 117¾  118¾ 11~ 118¾ 118¾  117½ 117½ 117 117¾  123¾ 124¾ 123¾  1177A 118¼ 117½ 118¼  118½ 1187Ai 118¾ 118¼  117¾ 117~ 116¼ 117¾  Apr. Opening ...... Highest ..... Lowest ...... Closing ......  121¼ 122 120¾ 121~  1213¼ 122¼ 121¾ 122¾  118½ 118¾ 117¾ 118¼  118'7Ai 119¾ 118½ 119¼  121 121¾ 120½ 121%  121½ 122¾ 121¾ 122,(  122~ 122¾ 122¾ 122¾  114~ 115¼ 114½ 115  119 119}( 118¾ 119¼  121 121¾ 120¾ 121¾  119 120¾ 119 120  1227A 115,( 1!9}( 124¼ 116¾ 121 122¼ 115,( 119¼ 124 116¾ 121  121¾ 123}( 121¾ 122¼  May. Opening...... Highest .... Lowest ...... Closing ......  June. Opening ...... Highest ....• Lowest ...... a eslrur . .....  ~  ....  120 120 119¾ 119¾  120¾ 120¾ 119¾ 120¾  116¾ 116¾ llf>¾ 111».{  119¾ 119¼ 117¾ 117;.(  120¾ 120¾ 118 118  116 116¼ 112½ 112¾  117½ 117¾ 113 113  119¾ 110¼ 116¼ 116¼  121¾ 121:¼j 121 121¾  115½ 116¾ l !5½ J.16¾  119 119¾ 118¾ 118¾  117 117¾ 11~ 115¾  127¼ Openlna-..... 11~ Highest •.... 117½ Lowest .... .. 117 Closing .... .. 117¾  118¼ 128¾ 117½ 118¼  112¾ 113¼ 112¾ 113¼  118,( 11~ 113 113¾  117 117 116¾ 116¾  118½ 118¾ 118¼ 118¾  115¼ 115,½ 114¾ 114¼  116 116 115¼ 115¾  115¾ 115¼ 114% 114¼  111~ 111¾ 111¼ 111¼  117¼ 118¼ 115¾ 117¾  118 119)4 116¾ 118~  112¾ 114 111¾ 113½  113 113¾ 111¾ 113~  116 116¼ 114¾ 116¼  118 118 116½ 116¾  114¾ 114¾ 113 114  115 115¼ 113½ 115¾  114¾ 115¼ 113½ 114¼  11~ 12~ 111¾ 125'( 110¾ 123 111½ 124~  .... ....  117¾ 117¾ 116~ 116111  118 118¼ 117 117  110¼ 110,( 109¾ 109¼  11$¼ 113¼ 112½ 112½  116¼ 116¾ 115½ 115½  117 117¾ 116¾ ll'?M  114 114¾ 113¾ 113%  115½ 115½ 114¼ 114¼  113¼ 113¼ 111¾ 111¾  ll l¾ 111¾ 110 110  1~ 124¼ 123% 124  .... .... .... ....  113¾ 118¼ 112¼ 113¼  116¾ 117'¾ 115½ 1: 7¾  109¾ 109¾ 108½ 1~  112¾ 11$¾ 111¾ 113½  115¾ 116¾ 114½ 116½  116¼ 118 116¼ 118  112¾ 113¼ 112 113~  113¼ 113¼ 111½ 118¼  111¾ ll2l}f\ 110¾ 112¼  109¾ 109¾ 108 108¼  121~ 122~ 120VAi HfP.I  ....  12~  126¾ 125¾ 12~  Auir. .. .. 12~ .... 126¼ .. . 123¼ .... 126¼  Sept.  .... 12~s .... 126}( .... 126¼ .... 126¼ .... 127 .... 126¼ .... 127  ....  117¾ l l ~ 121'¾ 1!8¼ 118½ 117% 11 ¾ 117¾ 119¾ 121 , ll't}B 118¾ 117¾ 117~ 119¼ 121¾ 118¾ 118¼ 118½  118¼ 120¼ 121¾ 118% 119  127 127 1~ ~  Oct. Opening ...... Highest...... Lowest • .. .. . Closing. .. .. .  Nov.  126¾ Opening ..... 127¾ Highest ..... 126¾ Lowest ...... 127½ Closing ...... Dec.  124¾ Opening.... .. 12~ Highest. • .. . 124¾ Lowest ...... 126'4: Closing. • . .. .  18'7'7.  mt  1  10-40s, 6s, 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 5s, 4~. 6s 1881, 1881. 1907, Curcoup. coup. coup. l'b'g. r 'acy 1865. 1865n 1867. 1868. Reg. Coup  10-40s. 5s . 4s, 6s 6s, 6s (5-20 years) CJoupon. 1881, ~i. 1907, Cur1881, coup. coup. reg. r 'ncy coup. 1865. 1865n 1867. lfl68. Reg. Coup  -- --  -- - -  ·- - -- --  Jan. Opening ...... 114¼ 109¾ llOiki ll~i 115  113¼ 114½ 111¾ 111¾  108¾ 108½ 107¾ 107¾  109¾ 110¾ 108¾ 108¾  112§& 113½ 111¾ 111¾  115¾ 116% 114½ 114½  110¾ 111¾ 109¼ 109½  113¾ 114% 118¾ 113¾  111¾ 113¾ ill¾ 112¾  10m 108 108½ 109½ IO~ 108 108¾ 108¾  111¼ 1127A 111¼ 111½  113¼ 114,(, 113 113½  109¾ 110¼ 109}( 1107/23  110¾ 109¼ 111½ 110¾ 110¾ 109¼ 111~ 110¾  .... .... 121% .... .... 123¾ .... .... 121% .... .... 128¾ .... .... 123~ .... .... 128¾ .... .... 122¾ .... .... 1!2¼ .... .... 122¾ .... .... ~ .... .... 122¾ .... .... 123¼  112¾ 114¼ 112¼ 114  108¾ 111½ 108¾ 111½  108¾ 111¾ 113¾ 115¼ 110½ 118 108½ 111¾ 11$¾ 110¼ 1127,11 115¼  110¾ 112¾ 11~ 112  111½ 113 111½ 112¾  110¾ 112¼ 110¼ 112  .... .... .... ....  114¼ 115¾ 114¼ 115½  .... .... .... ....  11~ 113 115 111¾ 114¾ 116 110¾ 113 115 110½ 113¾ 116  112¼ 113 112¼ 112¾  113 113¾ 112¼ 113!4  110¾ 112 110¼ 111¾  108~ 109 108¾ 108¾  113½ Btghest. . .... "J.4¼ 109½ 110% 114 117½ 114¼ Lowest .. .... 1131Jt 108¼ 109¾ 112:½i 11~ 112)4 Closing ...... 118½ 108¼ 110 113 1]6 113¾  113¾ 114½ 112¼ 114¼  112 112¾ 111 111¾ 110¼ 111¼ 1(){1,( 109¾  Feb. Opening.. .... Highest . .... Lowest . .. ... Closing ......  Mar. Opening ...... j;Ughest ...... Lowest ...... Closing ......  Apr. Opening ...... Highest ...... Lowest ..... . Closing ......  May.  ·,,  i,pening...... lighest ...... Lowest ...... Closing ...... June. Openlng ...... Highest...... Lowest ....  c1 ..... tng • .  115 115¼  114¾  .. ll!\  ····1110 .. . . 110  113 116½ 116)< 112¾ 112 113 112¾ 112 111 108¾ "'' 113¼ . . . 100.¼J 112¾ 115¼ 111¾ 112½ 1107AI 100~ . 1004 1121,; 1 15¼ 112i)/i 1127/4 112 108¾ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .... 123¾ .... 124¾  ....  ....  ....  112¼ 112¾ 111¼ 111¼  Sept. Opening..... Highest .•... . Lowest •..•• . Closing ......  111 111 110¾ 110¼  Oct. 110¼ 110¾ 109¼ 110¾  Nov.  Opening ...... Highest ..... 125¼ L owest ...... 125¼ Closing ......  110% 110% 110¼ 110%  Dec. Opening ...... Highest...... 122 Lowest ...... 1227,/4 Closing ...... 122¼  .... 122¼ ....  112 112½ 111¼ 112  Aug. Opening ...... Highest ..... Lowest ...... Closing ......  Opening.. . . .. Highest ...... 123¾ Lowest ...... 124¼ Closing ......  .... .... 125¾ .... 125¾ .... ....  -- --  July. Opening ...... Highest ..... Lowest ..... . Closing ......  110¾ 111 109½ 109¼  .... 106'¼ ... . 107 .... 106½ .... 106¼ ... . 106¼ .... 107 .... 105¼  - - - -- - -  -- -- --  -- --  109½ 109½ 108¾ 109¾  112 112% 111¼ 111½  112¾ 113 112 112  113¼ 118;4 1123,4 113  112 112 111 111  1087A 109 108¾ 108¾  100¾ 106 105¾ 105¾  12~ 126 121% 125  109 109¾ 108¼ 106¼ 108¼  ill¾ 111½ 1107/4 1:.0¼  109¾ 109¾ 108½ 108½  118¼ 113¼ 112 112¼  1~ 110\.s 108¾ 108¾  109 109 1077/4 107¾  105}( 105½ 104 104¼  125 125~ 128-" 123!14  1077,fj 108¾ 106¾ 109¼ 111¼ 108¼ 108¾ 107¾ 108¼ 10~ 108¾' 110 106¾ 109¼ 111½ 108¾ 108¼  106¾: 107 106¼ 106¼  105¼ 105¾ 105¼ 105¾  102¾ 102¾ 102¼ 10~  121. 122 1!134  107 106¾ 109¾ 111¾ 108¾ 109 107¾ 105¾ 108¼' 110 10~ 107¼ 105¼ 105¾ 108¼ 110 1 ~ l ~ l ~  105 1~ 10~ 1~  102¾ l20J6 103¼ 1 ~ 101 · 1120 IOI½ 120  .... .... 105¼ 1077A 110¼ 108¾ 109¾ 108¾ 106¾ 103 123 .... 105% 108 110¼ 108¾ 109¾ 108¾ 106¾ 103 128% .... 105¾ 107 1()9¾ 1067/23 107¾ 107¼ 105 101¾ 120¾ .... 105¾ 107¾ 109¾ 106¼ 108¾ 107¾ 105¼ 101~ 12()¾ .... 105¾ 107¾ 10~ 107 107¾ 107 105 101% 12~ .... 105¾ 108¾ 109!';! 107¾ 108¾ 107¼ 105¾ 102% 12~ .... 105 106¼ 109¾ 106¾ 107¾ 106¾ 103¾ 101¼ 12~ .... 105¾ 108¾ 101)¾ 107¾ 108¼ 107'"½! 105¼ 102¾ 12~  ... . 105¾ 108¾ 110 .... ....  .... .... 106¼ 109¾ 111¼ 108¾ 109  .... .... ... .  122  UNITED STATES SECURITIES. 1878. 58, 6s (5-20 years) Coupon. 6s, cur4s. ,6~fo~5:1 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1c~~•n 5~1881 4~iu:l up. Coup. renc7. 1868. 1865 n. 1867.  - - - - -- -  Jan. Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  <llos'g.  xl08 108}( 107¾ 108¼  109 109¾ 108¾ 109!,,(  107¼ 107¾ 106¾ 107¼  104¾ 104¾ 104¾ 1~  x~  106¼ 105¼ 105¼  l90H  1~ 100)..( 100¾  1~ 120  107¼ 108)..( 107¾ 108¼  102¾ 102¾ 102¾ 102¾  105 105¾ 104¾ 105¾  108 108 108 108  109¼ 109)..( 108':( 108¼  x06¾  106¾ 106 106¼  104¾ 105 104¾ 104"  1~ 100¼ 100¾ 100¾  108¼ 108)..( 107¾ 107¾  102¾ 102¼ 102% 102¼  105¾ 105¼ 105¼ 105},{  107¼ 108 107¾ 10?¼  xQ6½ 106¾ 106 lOOJ.3  106},{ 106)..( 105¾ 105¾  x08'( 103~ 103¾ 103¾  1~ 100¼ 100½ 1~  107¾ 108~ 107¾  105¼ 106¼ 105¼ 106¼  107¾ 108 10~ 108  106¼ 106¾ 105¾ 106¾  :we  11~  106¼ 105)..( 106¼  10~ 104 102¾ 104  x99¾ 100¼  1~  103 103)4 102¾ 102¾  100  1~ 11~ 1~  108),.( 109¼ 108~ 109¼  103¾ 10~ 103¾ 103¾  lM¼ 106¼ 105¼ 106¼  108¾ 109¼ 109¼ 109~  106¾ 10·,!Ji 106¾ 107¾  x105 100¾ 105  104 105)..( 104 105)..(  100 100~ 100 1~  121'4 122 121}( 122  109¼ 109,½ 109¼ 109¾  108¾ 103!)! 103¾ 108~  106~a 105¼ 105¼  109¾ 109¾ 108 108  lOi¾ 108¼ 107¾ 108¼  106¾ 106}.( 106¼ 106¾  102¼ 102¼ 101¾ 102  118¾ 119¾ 118½ 119¼  Open'g High't Low'st Clo 'g.  105¼ 106¾ 105¼ 105¾  103¼  108~ 107% 108},{  106¾ 106¼ 105¾ 105¾  103 10~ 102¾ 103¾  105¾ 106¼ 105 105¾  108¾ 109 108 108¾  108¾ 108½ 106¾ 106¾  x04¾ 104¾ 103 10SJ..(  lJOM  Ana-.  Sept. 1~ 107¼ 105¾ 107¼  103¼ 104¾ 103½ 104~  105¾ 107~ 105¾ 107},(  10$¾ 109 10$¾ 109  x03¼ 105:)a 103¼ 105¾  103 104¼ 103 104¾  xOl¾ 103 101¾ 103  101¼ 101¼ 100¼ 101¾  110 119 118 118  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  107¼ 107¾ 107¼ 107¾  104¼ l~,t 104 104  1073,4 10~ 10'7 107  109¾ 110¾ 109¾ 110  105¼ 106 105¾ 106  104¾ 105¾ 104¾ 105¾  103¼  100"-( 1~ 100¾ 100¾  11~ 119~ 117¼ 119)4  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  May. Open'g Hlgb't Low'st Clos'g.  ~  10331; 103¼ 102¾ 103¾  107¾ Open'g lllgh't Low'st Clos'g.  x02¼ 102% 102¾ 102½  - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -  104¼ 103)4 103¾  101»( 109},{ 106¾ 108¼  Illar. Open'g High't Low'st  1868.  July. Open'g xO'r¾ High't 107¾ Low'st 107 Clos'g. 107¾  105¼ 106 105¼ 105¼  ,..  1887.  118¼ 119¼ 118¾ 119½  102% 103)4 102¾ 1027,i  I  511, 10-40, 5s, 1881 4¾11, '91 &,-, Coupon Coup. Coup. Coup. r&q.  1865 n.  101" 102¾ 101¾ 102  1()6¾ 107)4 105¾ 106¾  Feb. Open 'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  6s {5--20 years) Coupon. 6~0~8:.1  10$¾ 104¾ 103!1,! 104¾  107¾ 108½ 107¾ 108¾  106¾ 107¾ 106¾ 107%  1091)! 109¾ 109¾, 109!14  105¾ 107¾ 105¾ 107¼  107¼ 10~ 107¼ 10$¾  110 111},{ 110 111¼ ·  107¼ 109¼ 107¾ 109¼  June. 108¾  Open'g High't Low'st  110¾ l<>S¾  Clos'g.  110¾  104¾ 105¼ 104¾ 105¼  Oct •  103¾ 102¾ 103¼  llOM 12QN  119¥  lOOJf  119H  ll9U 1193, 11~  ~  Nov. 104¾ 105¼ 104¾  103¼ 104¾ 103¼ 104¾  100½ 101¾ 1~ 101¾  x03¾ 104¾ 103¾ 104¾  101)..( 101½ 101¼ 101¾  105¾  119¼ 122  119 122  Open'g High't Low'st Clos'g.  106¾  Dec . . 105¾ 107 105¾ 107  xll9 120¼ 119 120¼  Open'g Hlgh't Low'st Clos'g.  106¼  x04~ 104¾ 10! 104¼  I  100¾ 100¾ 100¾ J.00,,j  x119  12°'6 119 • 11~  18'r9 Ooupon Bonds.  -  68, 1881  5-20s.  - - - - - - - - - -1868.  1867.  Jan.  Opening••••..•. Btghest .•••.... Lowest •.... .... Closing ........  106¾ 100¼ 106¾  106¾  x02¾ 102~ 101~ 102  lOS,S 1~ 1~ 105  104" 1041)!  102H 108¾  -- -- -fWi.  107 107½ 1051' 106¾  104'¼ 106},{ 104¾ 106),.(  x99¾ 100  99¾ 100  & Mar.  106¾ 106¾ 108¾ 106¾  102¼ 102¼ 102 102¼  105 105¾ 10(¾ 104¾  102¼  102¼ 102¼ 102¼  106¾  x04¼ 1041, 104),.( 104¾  1~ 106 106¾  100 100¼ 100 100¼  6a, 1881  July. 119¼ 121¼ 119¾ 121¼ 120¾ 122 120'¼ 122  Opening •••••• Highest ....... Lowest •••••••. Cloalng ..•••••• Auir• Opening ...... Higheat .•••••. Lowest •••••••. Closing .••• ••••  :r04¾ 104¾ 1~ 104¾  1~ 104¾ 104¼ l~  Sept.  ~nlng•••••••. Bla'nest •••••••. Lowest •••••••.  106¾ 106¾ 105¾  Closing ........  106¾  102¾ 102¾ 102 102¾  Apr. Opening .••.••• Highest ...... .. Lowest ••.•.•••. Closing ..••..•.  106¾ 1~ 105¾ 106¾  May. Opening ....••.. Highest ..••.... Lowest .•..•... . Closing ...•....  June. Opening ....... Highest .•.••... Lowest .•.•••• •• Closing ••••••••  106¼ 107¾ 106½ 107¾  ·~, 107~ 107¾ 107¾  ....  .... ....  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  ....  102¾ 102¼ 1021s 102¾  x02¼ 102)4 101¾ 102  .....  102 102 101),.( 101},{  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  ..... .. ..  .... .... .... .... ....  ....  104¾ 104¾ 103¼ 104¾  x0~ 10~ 104 104¾  104'-( 105¼ 104¾  104¾  104~ 106!)! 104¾ 106¾  xO~ 104 103¼ lOS¼  107 107¼ 107 107¾  100¼ 100¼ 99¼  99¼  122 122  121¾ 121¾  Opening ....... Highest ....... Lowest . ....... Closing ••••••  104¾ 105 104¾ 105  Oct.  xw 101¾ 99 101,-,  121¼ 124¾ 121¾ 124¾  Opening •••••• Highest .•••.•. Lowest •••••.•• Closing .••••••.  101¼ 103¼ 101¾ 103)..(  124)..( U:5¾ 124¼ 125½  Opening •••••• Highest ••••••• Lowest .••••••. Closing .••• ••••  105 105¾ 105 105}(  106¾ 105¾ 1067,(  1027A 103 102¾ 1027A  x23½ 123¾ 123 123  Opening •••••. Highest .•••••• Lowest •• •••••• Cloalng ••••••••  1867.  1868.  ..... .... ....  .... .... .... .... ... ..... ..... ...  .... ........ .... ....  .... .... .... ....  ....... ........ .  ............  .... .... ... ..... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... ........ ... .....  ....  .... .... .... ....  106¼ 107¼ 106)..( 107¼  .... ........ ..... ....... ........  4s, 1907 r!~: reg.  10-40s. 5s, 1881  .... .... ....  10~ 106¾ 105}( 105¾  Dec. x~  5-20s.,  .... .... .... .... .... ....  Nov.  103¾ 103¾ 10~ 103¾  6s,  mt - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -  \.  4s, 1907 rr~· reg.  .Feb. Opening ....... Highest •••••.. . Lowest ••••••••. Closing ........  Coupon Bonds.  &,Cur-  10-40s. 15s, 1881  .... ....  ... ..... .... ....  108'( 104¾ 108¾ 104¼  123 12-i 122H  105¾ 106)..(  xOl¼ 102¾ 1011)! 102¼  usu  x02¾ 102¼ 101¼ 102~  106},{ 106)..( 105 105¾  102 102 100¾ 101¼  1~ 1233' 12S~ 121l~  102¼ lOS 102¾ 103  xQ4¾ 105¾ 104¾ 105¾  101¾ 102¾ 101¼ 1021)!  102~ 103¼ 102¾ 103¾  105,( 105¾ 105~ 105¾  xOl¾  106¾ 107¾  102¼ 103¾ 102¼ 103¾  1~ 125 124  103 104¼ 103 104  x213( 122  x02¾ 102¾ 102 102¼ 102¼ 103¾ 102¾ 103¾  106¼  106¾  106¼ 107),.( x05¾  106¾ 105¾ l<M»a  .... .... .... .....  123 123 123 128  102¾ 101¾ 102¼  1243'  1215'  at  1880. Coupon Bonds 6s, 1881.  January. OpenJng.••••••••• ····•••• ...... Highest ......................... Lowest .........................  aoaing . ......................•. February. ~nlng.••••••••••••••••••••••• Hlghest ........... . ............. Lowest .........................  Clo.aing .•........• .............. Ma1·ch. Opening......................... Highest ......................... Lowest .......................... Closing .............. . ..........  X  5s, 1881. 4¼s, 1891. 4s, 1007.  --- ---  104)..(  103¾ 104 103¾ 104  104~ 104¼ 104¾  1~ 107¾ 103¾  1<m,s 109~ 107¾  105¾ 10~ 105  108¾  106¼  105'7,i 106¾ 105;,( 105.¼;  103¼ 103¼ 108 103¼  x108 108¾ 107¾ 108"  1~ 107% 106¼ 107¾  1015¾ 106¾ 105¼ 106¾  10$¾ 104 10~ 104  109 109¼ 108¼ 109  xlOIJ¾ 107~ 106¾ 107½  X  l0'i'½  May. Opening ......................... llighest ••••.••••••••••••••••••• Lowest .••.•••••••••••••••••••••• Closing .........................  106¾ 107¼ 106¾ 1~  June. ti>entng-.... .................. .  ~06¾  llighest........... .. •••••••••-••· invest ..........................  106¾  •~ ....................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  107¼ l<mf  X  102:hj 103¾ 102¾ 103¼  109¼  110¾  107¾ 109  108~  107¼  110¾  I I'~ I I  1~ 10~  108¼ ~  Coupon Bonas. 6s, 1881.  ....  109¾ 109¾  1~  109 109  109'7.A 108¾ 109;&  126 126 126 126  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  .... ....  .... .... .... .....  6\·~ reg.  - - - - - - - - -----  - - -·  .... .... ....  5s, 1881. 4¾s.1891. 4s. 1907.  July. Opening •.....•.•.••••••••.••. . Highest •...•••..••••••••••••.•. Lowest ....•.•.....•.•.••.•.•.•. Closing .......... ..••.••••••••• •  X  104¼ 104~ 103¼ 10-!3-(  103¾ 103!1:{ 103¾ 103¾  110¼  109¾  104¾ 1~ 104¼ 104¾  Xl02¾ 102¾ 102% 102~  111¾ 111¾ 111,( 111¾  109¾ 110¼ 109¾ 110¼  104~ 104¾ 104½ 104½  102¾ 102¼ 102¾ 102¾  110¾  110>(  110¼ 109 109  110'3 101'¾ 108¾  1~ 104.~ 104~ 104¾  102¾ 103 102¼ 103  108¼ 110¾ 108},{ 110¼  102 102 101¾ 101¼  111¼ 112¾ 111)..( 112  110 1~ 109'1A 111¼  111;§ 112 111¾ 112  111~ 1~ lll¾  109¼ 110¼ 109¼  Opening .....•.•.••••••••••••••. Highest •..•••••••••••••• Lowest .......................... Closing .........................  ·····  108¼  ..................  September.  Opening.•••• Highest .......................... Lowest•····•••••••••••••••••··· Closing ........................  October. Opening......................... Highest...... •••••••••••••••·•·  Lowest •••••• •••·•••••••••••·•·· Closing ••••••••••••••••••••••••••  X  NoTember. Opening......................... Highest •••••••••••••••••••••••. Lowest •••••• ••·•·••··········•• Closing] •• •••.•••••••••••••••••••  104¼ 104~ 1()4% 104¾  X  December. Opening ••••••••••••••••••••••••. Highest......................... Lowest .........................  c ~.•.•..•...•.••••..•••..•  164M 104¾ 104¼ 104l}jj  101,( 101¾ 101 '-01¼  I I  ..... ... ...... ...  x10$¾ 109¾  Aua-ust.  103 103¾ 103 103½  105¼ 105¾ 105¼ 105~  April. Opening......................... Highest •••••••••••••••••••••••• Lowest ......................... Closing ..........................  xl03 104~ 103 104½  ~s. currency. 1898, reg.  I  128 128 121  ............ .... ........  107'>( 109¾ 107¼ 109¾  .'l~  ..... ..,  131  .,  I  138 129Jf 1~  134 l3' 18' 1M  UNITED STATES SECURITIES. 1881. Coupon Bonds.  --- ---- - - -  6s, 1881. 5s, 1881. 4¼s,1891. 48, 1907.  January. Opening •••••.••..•••••••••••••. xl0l¾ Highest .... . .................. 101~ Lewest ... , ••• .••••••.•••••••••• 101~ Closing..•......•..•..•••..•••••• 101"  February.  Opening •.•.•.•....•.••••••••••• Higheat ........................ Lowest .•• Closing ............ ••••·•••••••  ....................  March.  Opening .••••... .•••.•.••. , ••• Highest .................... ••• Lowest.......................... Closing•.... ·············••·••••  A.pril.  112  101¾ 101¾ 101¾ 101"  112 112¾  112¼ 118¾ 112¾ 112¾  lOlll( 101~ 101" 101'-(  xl~ 101 1~ 1003'  11~ 1121,ji 111" 11~  112¾ 11' 11~ 11~  102 10~ 102 102~  101 102 1~ 102  x 111M  1121,ji 114~ 1127A 11'~  11~  112~ 111¼ 11~  X  Coupon Bonds.  6s, curreney, 1898, reg.  6s, 1881. 5s, 1881. 4¾s,1891. 4s, 1907.  J"ll)J'. 188 188 l88 188  .... .... ....  .... 181 181 131 131  Auarust. Opening•·•·••··••·••·•··•••··•· :Ellghest.•••••.•.•.•..••••••..•.. Lowest ......................... Closing .........................  September.  Opening ••••••••••••.••••••.•••• Highest•••••••••••••••••••••••• Lowest••·•••••••·•··•··•••• ••. Closing•••••••••••••• .•••••••••••  October.  ..................  102% 108¾ 102¾ 103¼  10~ 102¾ 102 !.02¾  112¾ 114¾ 112¾ 1:4¾  x114 116~ 118¾ 116~  188 188 188 188  Opening ••••.••.•••••••••••••••• Higheat......................... Loweat .•.•••.....•..•.••.•••.... Closing ••.••••••• . .•••••••••••...  Opening·•··········•••·····••·• Highest·········••·•••· ••••••• Lowest. Closing ••••••..•..•••••••.••••••  10~ 106¾ 10$¾ 106¾  xlOl¾ 105 101¾ 104¾  114~  116¼  116¾  l18J4  11~ 116¾  1183,i 118¼  135 lS!S 135 185  Opening ••••.• Highest. .••••••.••••••••••••.••. Lowest •.•..••••••••••••••••••••. C~osing••••••••••..•••••••••••••.  Opening··········•··••••·•••••· Highest ......................... Lowest·••·····•··· ·••••····•••· Closing•.•••.•  May.  ··················•····· June.  Ope,ning ••.••...••••.••••••••••• Highest .••••••••••••• .•• . •••••. Lowest ••••.••••••••••••••••• _..  • 104 104 102¼ 108  aoa1na. .........................  104;,j 104¼ 108 108¼  xlll>¾ 11~  114¼ 115  118~ 118¾ 11~ 118  102¼  Opening•••••••••••••••••••••••• RJghest . •••••••••••••••••••••••• Loweat ·••••·••••••·•••·••·•···· Closing .........................  November.  .................  December.  Opening ...................... . . Hillheat•.•••••••••••••••••••••• • Lowest·········•·••·•••••······ ClosiD.K ........................  x184 184 184 ,iw,  X  108 102)4 102¾  114¾ 114~ 114¾ 114¾  102¾ 102¾ 101¾ 101¾  10~ 10~ 101 101¾  114¾ 114¾ 118¾ 113¾  116¼ 116¾ 1144,( 110¾  101¾ 101¾ 100¾ 101  101¼ 101¾ 101 101¼  Xll8 113¾ 11~ 113¾  116 117¾ 116 117¾  100¾ 101¾ 100¾ 101  xlOO¾  ·102!-1;  118 118 118 118  101)4 101~ 101¼ 101~  102 102¼ 101¼ 102¼  11i 11 114¾  lOQ¾ 101¾ l{}OJjj 101¾  1~ ~  117¼  115¼ 116¾  .... ....... .....  ....... .  ··... ....... .... .... .... ....  xll~ 1113¾ 115¼ 116  118%  102¾ 103¾ 102¾ 103¼  X  --.... .... ... ...  1l7U  •102¾ 102¾ 101¾ 102  6s, C rency. l!-98,rg  xll~ 114¾ 118~ 114¾  ]183,i 117¾ 116 117¾  ....  ...  ~  xlOO 180  117¾ 118% 117¾ 11~  129  1~  1882. ., Coupon Bonds. Registered Bonds. Os, cont'd 58, cont'd ~.1891. 4s, 1907. 68,~cy. 88'81~on atS¼. atlJ¾.  CouEon Bonds • , 6s, cont'd 5s, cont'd 4¾8,1891. a.t3¾. atl3¼.  - - - ---  January. Opening •••••••••••. Highest •••• .••••••. Lowest .. •.•••••. Closing..•••.•..•..• .  xl02¼ 102~ 10~ 1~  114¾ 114~ 114" 114U  11~ 118¼ 117~ 118~  lOOU  10234 102¾ 101¼ 102  1141' 114~ 114H 114¾  118 118¼ 117¼ 118  1~ 101¾ 1~ 101¾  102 108¾ 102 108¾  113" 118¾ 118¾ 118¾  118  100~ 101 1~ 101  February. Opening •••••••••••. Highest ••••••.••••. Lowest ••..•..•..•. <:losing •..•....••.••. Marcia. Opening •.•••••••. . Highest •••••.••••••. Lowest .••••••••••••. Closing•••••••••••••.  101 101  100¾  X  11~ 118 11~  April. Opening •••••••••••. Highest ••••.•••••••• Lowest •.• Closing•.•••••••••••  101¾ 101¾ 101¼ 101¾  x:102¾ 108 101¾ 102)4  ll?S~  x:118¾  116¾ 115~ 1:6)4  118¾ 121  Opening •• ••.•••.••. 101)4 Highest •••••••••.•. 101¾ 101>( Lowest ••••••••••. Closing .•••.••••. . . . 101¾ June. 0-penlng •. .• ••••••.. xlOO Highest •••••••••••.. 100~ 100 Lowest ....... ..... Cln11fnir. ·· ········· 100~  102)4 102)4 101¼ 101¼  116~ 116~ 115½ 115¾  101¼ 101!1( 101¼ 101M  xll4¼ 114}4 114¾ 114¾  121~  May.  ..  lSl 181 181 lSl  .... .... .... ·.c ..  .... .... ....  .... .... .... .... ....  120¼  .... .... .... ....  1~ 120¾ 120¼ 120¼  .... .... ....  121 121¾  120¾  ....  .... .... .... ....  •!•. .... ....  ....  ....... ..... .... .... .... ....  ....  ....  .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  July. Opening •••••••••••. Rlgheat . •••••••••••. Lowest ••••••••••••. Closing ••••••••••••• Auaru■t . Opening .•••••••••• Blghest •••••••••••• Lowest •.••....••.. Cloain,c •••••••.•••••  102 102 1013,( 101~  September.  .... .... .... ....  Opening •••••••••••• Highest••••••••••••• Lowest ••••••••••••• Closing••••••••••••••  October. Opening••••••••.•••. Highest ••••••••••••• Loweat •••••••••.•••. Closing ••••••••• •  .... ' .... ...... ,~  ....  .... .... .. .... NoTember. Opening••••••• .•.• •. Highest •.••••.•••••. ..... ... .... Lowest •....••••••••. Closing..•••••.•••••. .... December. Opening ••••••••.... .... Hiizhest ..••••••••••. ... Lowest •••••••••••••• .... Closing •..••••••••••• ....  --  Reglater'd Bon~  u,  cur'oy, ~pt'D 1907. 6s,1sgs_ .s.  - - - ----  .... .... ....  x: 101 102¼ 100¾ 101¾  114 1U5 114 114¾  xll9 120¾  101~ 101~ 101~ 101~  11~ 114¾ 114¾ 114¾  120u 120)4 11°" 11~  ........  us  11~ 120~ 119¼  ....... ....  101 101¾  l.18¾ 120¾  100%  118 1127A 112'¼  xlOO~ 100~ 100¼ loo;(  118)4 11~ 118 11~  x~ 119¼ 118% 119¼  101~ 101~ 101~ 101¾  118 118¼ 113 113  119¾ 119½ 118'7~ 119~  101¾ 108¾ 101¼ 10~  xll2¾ 118¾ 11:au 113¾  120¾ 121 120  100¾  --.... I  ·-"«  ...•  .... ·I  __  ........  ..  ... .....  11°" ....  ~  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... -. ....  .··... .... .... .... ....  1023( 1023' 102)4 102~  .. . l  102H 102~ 101~ 102 102~ 103 1~ lOS  1883. Coupoa Bonds.  "• oont'l¼, atS¾.  ' 181l1 ·  Registered Bonds. 4s, 1907, 8s'IJ.P~~OD 6s, cur'cy 1898.  January. 118¼ 113¾ 1~ 113  xl19½ 11~ 118¼ 118¾  x108~ 104¼ 103¼ 104¾  118¾ 120 1187/4 119¾ 119¾ 120¼ 119 120¾  113¾ 118¾  112¼  118%  Opening •••••.•.•....•• . •••.••.. Highest ••••••.•.••............. Lowest ••.•••••••• ...•...••...... Closing •••••••••••••....••••••••  118 118¾ 112~ 118¾  118).t 119¾  104 104X 103¾ 108¼  Opening ••.•••••••• •...•• ••••••. Highest •••••••••••••....••...•. . Lowest ••••••• Closlnl{•..•.••••...••. •••••••••..  112½ 114 112¼ 114  121!,( 119¾ 121¼  119¼ 118¼ 119  108¾ 103~ 108 108  119~ 119¾  108 103¾i 103 103¾  ·················  119¾  108¾ 108¾ 101¾ 101¼  lSS 185 182}.G 185  xlOO¼ 100¼ 100} xlOO¾  1~  October. 118¾  Qosing ...........•.....•.......  113¼  11~  llS¼  xll9¾ 120 119¾ 119¼  xl0.9¼ 103~ 103 108  Opening•• .•.•••••.•...•.•••••... Highest •..•.•...•••..... . .. . •... Lowest ...... . .................. Closing ••....•.•. . ...••••••••••..  119¼ 119% 119 119¼  108% 103¾ 108¼ 108¼  Opening•••••.• .•••••.••••.•• ... Highest •.• •••• ••• ••••••••••••... Lowest ......•.•••••..•••••••.... Closing ••.••.••••••.••••••••• . • ·  119¾  119¾  105¾ 104 103¼  120  lOSU  Opening •..•...••...•.•• ....... Hiizhest . . ........•••.•.••••..... Lowest ............•.....•••••••. Closllur .••••••••••••••• ..• ••••••.  May.  114¼ 114%  118:)( 114~  x120~ 122 120 122  136½ 185¾  186¼  Novf,mber.  llS 118¾ 118  113¾  June.  11(¾ 115 114¾ 115  121¼ 1~ 121¾ 122!ij  100¾  138¼i  100¾  100~ 100¾  136¼ 196 186  1~ 102 loo;( 102  xl3' 184H 184 1~  December.  Opening •••..••.•••••••.••••••.. Highest •.•...•..••.••••.•••••••. Lowest •••.••••••••••••••••••••••  xll2¾ 118 112¾  fl&Cilllllwr.......................... .  '!12U Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  xl18'7~  104)4 104)4 108!'4, 1~  Opening··················•··~. Highest •••• .•••••••• ······ .. Lowest ••• _. Closing•••••••  September. xl12¾  Opening ••.••••••••• . ••••• . ••.. Highest ..• •.•••••••.••••••••••. Lowest .......... ........ ...... .  aosing ••····· ·•·•• ••••••• •• • ...  181¾ 181¾ 181¾ 131¼  August. 103¼ 103¼ 103¼ 108¾  118)4 118¼ 118)4  A.pril.  ,  ---- ---  112¾ 118 112¾ 1:2¾  March.  Opening .••••.•.•.•..•••.•••.. . Highest ...... .. ............... . Lowest •.•.... . .•....•.••• . ...  ,_,  .... ················ ...... ..........  February.  Opening •••.••..••.•••••••• . •.. Highest ..••.••••••••••••.••••• . Lowest.....•••••.•••.•..•••••.. . Closing••••••••.•.••••••••••••••.  _________ ____ - - July.  :z:102 Opening ••.••.•..••.•••.••••• 104 Hiiihest .... . ...•.•••••..• . ... . . 102 Lowest . . ••• . •.•••..••.••.. .. . 104 Closing•.•...•...•••.•••••••••••. Opening ••...•.•.•.. ••••••••••.. Highest •••.....•.••••••••..•... Lowest ••• .....••••••••.••...... Closing •••••.•.•.••••••••••..••..  Coupon Bonds. Reini<tered Boadll. 5s, cont'd 4¾s, 1891. 4s, 1007. 8s, option 8s;cur'a,. at 3¾. .898. - - - U .s.  120  :z:114  l2S  114:U  125¼  118% 114'¼  128  1241'  STATES SECURITIES.  UNITED  00  188'. Coupon Bonds.  Reglatered Bonds.  Coupon Bonds.  Registered Bonda..  61~~  4¼s, 1891 48, 1907. 8s•g~:~on  '¾a, 1891. 48, 1907. Sa'tf.PfOD 6s,1&  - --------------,--------- ---- --- 1----------------1------ --- ---July. January. 114¼ 1141'  Opening .................... . Highest ••••.••• . ••.•••••• . .••••••.••••••••. Lowest •••••••..•••...••••••.•••.••.•••••••. Closing •••••••.•....•••••••••••••• . •••••••  114¼ 114¾  February.  x12~ 124¾ 128¾ 128¾  11.~ 114¾ 114¾ 114~  Opening ................................... . Highest ............................... . ... . Lowest ................................... .. Closing .................................... .  128§4  1287,i 128¾ 128¼  March.  Opening ................... .............. . :z:118¼ 118~ Highest .................................. . 118¾ Lowest..................................... . Closing .................. .................. . 1181a  April.  l~ 124¼ 123:1(  124¾  1007,,i 100¼ l00¼ 100¼  184" 184~ 1.8!'-' 1.W§£  Opening .................................. . Highest .................................. . Lowest ................................ . .. Closing.................................. .  101 101 101 101  185¾ 18:5~ 185!,( 18:5¾  Opening ............... . ................. . Highest ................................... . Lowest ................................... . Closing ................................... .  112 11~ 112 1!.2¾  August.  September.  October.  121¼ 122¾  lO<»i lO<»i  118¾ 118¾ 110  128¼ 128~ 118¼  112¾  120¾  100 10~ 100 1~  Opening •••••••.....•.•••.....••••••.•• . .. Highest .................................... . Lowest..................................... . Closing.................................. .  Opening . ................ ................. . xlll¾ Highest ••••••.••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• 111¾ Lowest •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...••••• 110¾ ll()ff ciosuyi.._........................ . . . ...•••.  120!'( 1~ 11~ 119¼  1~  Opening ................................ .. xll3¼ ll37,i lliirhest ....................... ,. ......... . 11~ Lowest .................................... . Closing ..................................... i 11~  Coupon Bonda.  100 100  Reglatered Bonda.  ll4¼  lOOJ.t 101 101 l0l 100¾ 100}(  101¼ 101~ 101¼ 1013'  128¾ 12~  122¾ ~  Coupon Bonds.  g:tcr  loo,( 101  122:1(  December.  l~  lO<»i  121¼ 120 121¼  121¼  lll8¾  June.  100¼ 100~  118'7,i  128¾  118¾  Openln~................................... . Highest ............................ . ...... . Lowest ..................... ............... . Closing .......... . .............. .. ......... .  November.  100¼  120¾ 11~ 120¾  118-u 114¼  s:1013,f 101¼,  May.  100¼  120¾  x120¼ 121¼ 119" l21Jt  x128¾ 124  Opening ................................. . Highest .................................. . Lowest .................................. . Closing .................................... .  120¾  112¾ 113¼ 112¾ 113¼  118'7,,i 118'7,,i 118  Opening .................. . ............... . Highest . ................................. .. Lowest .................................... . Closing ................................... ..  100 100~ 100  120¾  Opening .................................. . xlll¼ 111¼ Highest ................................... . 112¾ Lowest ................................... . 1121)a Cloalng....... ............................ .  101 101 101 101  xllS¼ 120¾ 118¼  Reglaterecl Bonda.  '¼s, 1891 4s, 1907. Se, ~:~on ~~-  '¼s, 1891, 48, 1907, Sa'tf.P~~on 6s.1  --------------11----- ------·ll·--------------1·----- ---.-- --.Tanaary. .Jal,.. ............  112¾  Opening ..................... . . Jlll{hest .................................... Lowest ..................................... Closing .........................  ..........  112¾  x121~ 122)1j 121¼ 121¾  Opening .................................... Highest ......-. ............................. .Lowest ..................................... Oloalng .....................................  112¾ 112¼ llBJ.s, 112¼  121¼ 122¾ 121'-' 122¾  February.  112¼ 112¾  March.  ... .. ....····•··•······· ..............  Opening •••••••••. Highest ..................... Lowest...................................... Closing .....................................  April,  X  ................  Opening .................. . Highest . .................................. . Lowest ..................................... Oloelni. ................... ..................  May.  ...... ...... .... ......... ··························· ········ ··················  Opening •••••••• . Highest ........ Lowest ......... Closing .................................... .  June.  Opening .... ;: ............................ Highest . ................................... Lowest .... . ................................ Closing.......................... ... . ........  X  101½ 101¼ l0l 101!,(  Opening ................................... . Highest ................................... .  109 102 101~ 101¾  Opening .••••••.••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••• Highest ................................... . Lowest.................................... . Cloelng ....... . ............................ .  112 112¼ 112 112  1~ 122¾ 122¼ 122¾  101½ 101¼ 101 101~  112¾ 11~ 112¾ 112¾  xl21¼ 122!4 121¾ 122  x101 102¼ 101 102¼  112¾ 118¾ 112¾ 118¼  121'¾ 122¼ 121¾ 122!4  102¾ 108~ 102¾ 108¼  123¼ 123½ 122¾ la8¾  103!4 104¾ 1~ 104¼  112!4 11~ 112}( 112¾  I  ,.  Lowest ........................... ......... . Closing .................................... .  A.a.irust.  112¾ 112'7~ 112¼ 112¼ 112'-' 118¼  11~  118!4  li\eptember.  Opening ................... . ............... . x112¼ Highest .................................... . 112¼ Lowest ..................................... . 112¼ Closing ........... .. .. . ......... . ....... . 112¼  Octeber.  Opettin,:{ .. ............ . . . .. . ........... .... . Highest . . . .. . .. ........... . ........ . ...... . Lowest .......... . .. ................. . .. . f'losing . .. . ...... . . .... . ... . ..... . ..... .  X  November.  186M 187½ 1861,( 187½  Opening . .. . .... ... .... . .. . . ......... . .... . TT lghest . ... . ... .. .... . .. .. . ...........•.•... Lowest.. .. ... .. .... . .. . . ....... . ••.... Closing ...... . ...... . . . . . ............... .  185 185 184½ 184"  Opening ........ . . . ....................... . Highest ................. . .................. . Lowest . ................................... . Closing ... . ............................. ..  December.  I  112¼ 113¼  X  122¾ 122¼ 122¾ 122¾  xlOS¾ 108¼ 108Ji 108¼  1'22J&  108 lOSM 102¼ 108}.s  128¼ 122¾ 122¼ 122¼  1893,(  l3SM. 1~ 1~  18' 18'.  1~ 104 10~ 108¼  128½ 122¼ 128¼  18',  184-  18'-  108½ 104 108½ 108~  118½  x122¾ 124 122¾ 124  118½ 113½ 113¼ 113½  123¼ 128¼ 128¾ 1~  104 104 102¾ 1027,i  xl12¾  128¾ 124¾ 128¾  1~ 104¼ 108¼  X188 188  124~  108½  188  112¼  112¼ 112% 1127,a  X  18-l,  184-  18'  188  1886. Coupon. 4¼s, 1891.  Jan.  Wt;g~f:: Lowest ...  Closing ...  Feti.  Registered.  ··--  112¾ xl23 112¾ n,4 112~ 123 lli¾ 124  X  102 102¼ 100¾ 100¾  112¼ 114 112¾ 114  124¼ 127¾ 124½1 1:17¾  100¾ 101  xll~ 112¾ Lowest .. . 111¾ Closing ... 112¼  12~ 127 125¾ 126¼  100¼ 101¾ 100¾ 101¼  Wt;h~~f.: Lowest ..  Closing ...  Mer.  gy;gl~f:.  Coupon.  4s. 3s,Opt. 6s.cur. 1007. U.S. 18911.  ½~  4¼s, 1891.  Apr, Opening.. 135~ Hlirhe~t .. 185 135!,:( Lowest ... 185!,:( Closing •. . Mny. 186¼ 136s 186 Lowest .. . Closing ... 186  ~y;~~~f::  Closing . . .  - --· - -  112¼ x12fl¼ xlOO¼ ll2¼ 126~ 101¾ 112¾ 126¼ 100¾ 112~ 126!4 101¾ 11~  112¾ 11~ 112~  .Ju"'" xlll¾ .... i~;~l~f'.: 11·, ¼ .... .... Lowest .. . 111¾  ... .  Registered.  Ss.opt. 6s.cur. 1907, U.S. 18911.  112  Coupon.  126~ 126  101½  mW'  101½ 100¼ 101¼  126¾ 127¾ 126 127½1  101¾ 10-t~ 101 101½  .... ....  .... .... .... ....  .... .... . ..  . ... . ...  Coupon.  Regisi.ered.  t~t---- --- - 6s.cur. 1907. 8~?~~· lo\18. 48,  48,  ----July,  Opel'ling.• Highest . . Lowest ... Closing .• . Auii, Opening•. Higbest .. Lowest .. . Closing ... Sepr,  111~ xl26 xl0Q¾ 112½1 127 125¼ 11~ 11 127  ism  111¼ 111¼ 111¼ 111¼  rll0 112½ Lowest .. . 109¾ Closinir . .. 112½  ~:gl~f-.:  126¼ 127 125¼ 126¼  100¾  lO<»fi  10()¾ 100½  126¼ 100¾ 128¾ 100¾ 126¾ 100~ 128¾ 100  135 185 135 135  .... .. ... ...  ----  0cc. filenlng .. ghest . . Lowest ... Closing .•.  Nov.  4¼s. 1891.  ·-  ----·  129 ½mt x129 111¾ 111¾  Openinir•. 111¾ Highest .. 111¾ Lowest ... llOij Closing •. . 111 Dec• 138¼ Opening. . xll~ 134 Hlirhest . . 11 138 Lowest .. . lltl¼ 133¾ Closing . 110¾  Regl11tered.  6s.cur•. ts. 19(17, 3t?~~· 181/tl.  mt  128¼  xlOOij 100 100 100  .... .... .... ....  .... ..... ... .... ..... ...  u~~ .... .... 129  129 100¾ 12~ 101 100¾ 101  }~  132¼132¼. 132 132  1881. Coupon. 4¼s, 1891.  Jan. ~enlng •. ghest . . Lowest ... Closing ...  Feti.  ~:h~~f.: Lowest ..  Registered.  4s. 6s,cur. 6s,cur. 1907. 1891". 18911.  ---110¾ xl27¼ 132¾ .... 110½ lt~½ 18~¾ .... 109~ 126¾ 182½ .... 11 128¼ 132J.ii .... 110!,( 110¼ 110 110  Closing ... Illar. Opening. xl09 Bighe~t .. 1097~ Lowest .. 108¼ Closing ... 109¾ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  Coupon.  128¼  4¼s, 1891. Apr. Opening.. Highe11t .. Lowest ... Closing . . tUay.  i~;gl~t:  u~ 128}(\  184¾ 134% 134¾ 184¾  1S7~ 137'-( 187¼ Lowest .. 187¾ Closing ...  128 129¾ 121-l 129¼  185 135 135 135  136¾ 186!1, 13rl¼ 136¾  June.  Registered.  4s, 6 1907,  f§3~~-  ----  -137¼; 137¼  137~ 137~ 137~ 187 137¼  110 110¾ 110 110¼  12ffi 129 128¾ 129}4  )847~ Ia4¼ 18t1i 134~  ll0¼ 110¾ 110¼ 110¼  129 129¾ 128¾ 129¾  .... .... .... ....  Opening.. .x:109¾ Highest .. 109¾ Lowest .. 109¼ Closing . . 109½  12~ x132~ 129~ 18~~ 129 132~ 129¾ 182¼  Coupon.  os,cur. 11:11>11.  l:-i7½  ...  .... .... ....  July. Opening•. Highest . . Lowest ... Closing ... Ao,r.  mt·-  109¼ x128¼ l0ll¼ 128!-1l 108¼ 127¼ 109 127¼  Opening.. 108¾ Highest .. 110¾ Lowest . .. 108 Closing ... 108 Sepr, Opening. . xl0S¾ Highest .. 108¾ Lowest ... 1118 Closinir . .. 108¾  Registered.  Coupon.  4s, 6s.cur. tls,cur. 1907. 1898. ld\19. 132 182 181 131  128 127 128½1 128 IM:\1. 128 125➔.i 128 126% 125~ 1241,(, 124~  .... .... ....  Registered.  4½s. 1891.  4s. 6s,cur. 6s.cur_ l91J7. 1898. 181111.  1084  12111}.(  --- - - --- - ---0cc. Opening.. 108¼ xl24c¼ 127 .... ... Highest . . 11181¼ l:l6~ 127 .... Lowest ... 108¼ 12¼½ 127 .... . ... Closing ... .... Nov. · 108~ 126½ 127 .... 129 Openlnir .. 109 126¾ ... 11!61>.( .... 129 Highest .. 11 9 ..... ... Lowest ... 108~ 126¾ .... 129 .... Closing •.. 108¾ 12tl!ij .... 129 .... IJf'C, Ooenlng• . 107 125¼ .... ..... Highest . . 10,;¾ 126¾ ... L,iwest .. ...... ... ... 107 .... ... 124¼ ....  ....  Closing.  .  ..  61.  UNITED STATES SECURITIES. 1888. Coupon. ~s. 1891.  Jan. ~ening, . 107¼ ghest . . 108~ Lowest ... 107~ Closing .•. 108¼ Feti, 108 108 Lowest . 107~ Clostnir .. . 10~ 'lUnr. xl06¾  fil;i!~~f.·  fil;g~~f' . Lowest . . ½~ Closing ... 100¾  Registered ~  Coupon.  ts. 611,cur. 6s,eur. 1907. 189.-. 1891,.  i ~ s. 1891.  ---- --...  126 1~6~ 125¼  .... .. .. ....  ir:g~~r-.: Lowest •..  12~  12ffl 125  127 127 127 127  125¾ 125¼ 12~  125¾  Closing .. .  ....  ..  Closing  127l)s 128l,1i 127¾ 128!ii  mt-  .... ..  Registered.  ....  . ...  Coupon.  is, 6s.cur. tls,cur. 1907. 1898. loll9.  4¼s, 1891.  Registered.  6s,our. 6s.our. 1907. 1898. 181/9. 48,  --- - - --- -----Oct. IO~ x129 129¾ .... fil;~~t: ... Lowest 129 10~ 129¾ .... ... ..... ... 1211¾ ··••. Closing ... i~ m~ l:.!9¾ .... I Nov. 130!,( ..... .... . ... Openinir.. 108¼ . ... . ... Highest •. mt! 180¼ . .... ~ .... .... Lowest ... l•U~ lO¾i 127~ 18•1¼ .... .... Closing ... 109¾ 12~ 130¼ .... Dt>c. .... .... Opening•. xl118¼ 128¼ .... ..... .... .... Highest . . 108¼ 128½ .. .... l .... .... Lowest .. . 1•11•¾ 128¼ .... .... Closing . . .. 10~ 128),( ....  July. Opening •. 107¼ xl.27¼ Highest .. 107¼ 127¾ Lowest .•. 107¾ 127¼ Closing ... 107¾ 127¾ Auir. ~ening•. 10?¾ ghest .. 107¾ Lowest • . 107~ 127¾ Closing •.. 107!14 128¼ Sept. ~ening. . xl06¼ 128~ ghest . l06'Ji 130 Low est . . . lfl6¼ 12~ Clo sinir . .. 106¾ 130  ..... ... 127¾ .... 127~ .... .... . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... ....  12~ 127~ 126¾ 127~  107¼  Coupon.  6s.cur. 18911,  127-U 12;;-u  106~ x123¾ 107 12(1% 106¼ 123~ 107!1:( 128½  lttn.v. ..... ... g~;g~~t: 10i¾ 10~ Lowest . . 107¾ .... .... Closing . .. luS¼ June. Ope,ning. . xl07 ...... Highest .. 101¾ .... Lowe st . . 107  .... ... .... ....  126¾  -t~ir· -  1907.  Apr.  .... .... ....  125!14  Registered. 6  48,  ....  127 127 127 127  I  1889. Registered.  Coupon.  Coupon.  48. 6s,cur. 6s,cur. 1907. 1898. 18911.  4¼s, 1891.  i ¼s, 1891.  ---1118¼ xl26% 127¼ .... l :!8~ 127~ .... 109 .... 108~ -12«¼ 127 128)4 127 109 ....  Jnn. ~ening• . ghest . Low est .. , Closi v g . ..  ..F.-ti • .  Openrng . Highest .. Lowest .. Closinir ... ll'lnr. Opening. Highe~t .. Lowest .. Closing .. .  1r 9 109 119 1U9  128¼ 128~ 128 1~8%  ... .. .... ...  l071JS  ll!m  ... . .. . ....  108¼  ~~  129¾  12 12  ~  Apr. Opening. . Highe11t . . Lowest . .. Closing . . Mn.v.  Lowest .. Closing ... Junr.  t~i~:·  6  11M7,  129½ 120~ 129  ··• ·  {ggij i~;~l~f.: .... Lowe st . . 10tt% ... . Clostnir .. 106%  tM&·-  .. ..  .. ..  ....  .... .... ... .... ....  ... .  .. .. ...... ....  129¼ 129i)jl l :!9)4 12~  Registered.  ~  . ,...  .. . ....  ..... .... ...  ~;~l~t · L o w e~t .. . .... Cl osl n ir ....  128 ¼ 1277.Ai 127¾  ---- - - - --- --Oct. x127),( .... .... fil;g~r: : 1(1~ 10 127}4 .... ..... Lowest ... 105¾ 127 .... ..... .... ..... Closing .•. 105¼ 127 Nov • Open ing • . 105¼ 127 ... Highest .. 1•5~ 127 ½~ ..... Lowest ... 105¾ 127 12~ .... 12 .... Closing .. . 105½ 127 u .. c. Opening•. xlfl4!J( 127¾ .... ..... 127~ .... Highest .. 105 .. .... L o west . .. l ll4¾ 127).{i . ...  .... .... .... ..... ...  .... ..... ... ....  128¼  411. 6s,cur. 6s.cur. 191,7. 1898. 18119.  U~s. 1891.  .... . ..  .... ... ...... .. .  Registered.  Coupon.  4s, 6s.cur. !ls. cur. 1907. 1898. lol/9.  July. Opening•. lORS xl9~ Highest .. 100 Lowest ... 106 12 l~ Closing ... 106¾ 1 Aull, npontng. . 1007~ 128¼ Hig h est .. 106% 12'™ L owest . . 106% 128 Closing .. . 106% 1~8  .... .... ....  .... .... .... ... . .... ....  129¾  ....  Coupon.  6s,cur. 18911.  --- --- ------  108¼ xl28% 129 108a 128-' 108 .),! l u8 129  .... g~;gl~t: ....  .... .... .... .... .... ..  Registered.  ' s,  .... .... ... ,  105  Closing .  127½  ...  . .. .  1890 ,I  Coupon.  Regist'ed  Coupon.  ---6s, cur'cJ 1891. is, 1907. lK\16. ----------·Jan. - - --- - -  4),\ 11,  ~=~~~f.  105 105 104" lOt~  126¼  Openmir. Highest Lowe Ht. Closl~g ..  104~ 10. 10,i;.,  123~ l23;s  l\J•M  ll!"  ~=~~~f: Lowest . .  103¾ }03:J( 108~  122 123¾ 12:& 1: 2'-<  L owest . . Closing ..  .. ., ...  Mn.r.  losing •.  H6 h5  l :/aij  10.~~  - - - -----·Apr.  .... Openinir . .... Highest. .... Lowe11t.. .... Closinir •. May . .... .... itl:~~t Lowest .. .... •. .... Closing June, .... filenlng . ghest. ....  12tl}4  Regtst'ed  Coupon.  Us, cur' cy H111,l8Jl. ff, 1007. 11:19N.  ....  122¾ 1~ ~¼ 122 12~  .... ....  m~  102~ 10:-. 102M 103¼  122 12:.l" 122 122ft  4s, 1007.  Regis,' (1  Coupon. !½s.1891. is, 1007.  l8w8.  ---,  61, cur' lbll8.  - -- -J - - - - - - - - - - - -Oct, - - - - - - ---- --nly. 103 .... . ... ... ..... 121" 12 ·a ili:g~~f:. . 1-03 124 .... H'f:g~. .... l'l4. ... .... Lowest 10a .... Lowest . . J2i .... 121¼ ..... • ·· • Closing .. Closing .• 103 124 .... . ... 1~ .... ... Nov 104 120( Or>eninir. ..... ... 123~ 12!1~ 121 ..... ... ~enioir ..... .... . 1,14 ghest. Highest. l:.!4 l2i" 1~3 .... Lowest. . 104 Lowest .. . ... 123~ . ... 12~" lu4 Closing.• •. l:.!3 .... Closing .... 12i!S& 1~1' ··• ·Seot, IJe~. Opening . 103M .... .... 115 .... 125~ 122" 115 .... Lowest Hi11hest. .... .123~ .... ~::l~t lOaJ.( m¾ 12 : •. 115 ... . Lowest.. 103" .... . ... AUil,  122  .... ....  Lowest.. Closlnir. .  ....  103¼ 103}9 lllS¼i 108}9  •~s. 1891.  Regtst'ed 6s, cur cy  l:.!3  ....  Closing • •  ....  124.  10l!M  ....  Closing..  116  1233'  1891. Coupon.  Coupon.  Reglst'ed  Coupon.  Reglst'ed  --61, cur'cy 4~11.1891. 411, 1907. 1898. ------------------Aur. Jan. 122 .... 121 .... ~;g~~f: 102 .... 102 122 .... .... 121~ .... 120¼ Vft:~:r: 122 102 .... .... Lowest.. Lowest .. .... 102 122 .... 12U!J( .. .... Cloaing CJ0111ng.. .... ttlay. Frb. .... 121 Opening . .... Qpeninlf .... ..... .... .... ... ... 1 1 ...., Highest. .... H111hest . ... Lowe8t.•. .... 121 .... .... Lowest.. .... . ... Closinl!',. . ... .... 121 Closlnll,. .... .... ·,t1ar. June. .... .... .... Opening. .... Openinll. .... 121~ 121 Highest . .... .... .... lliirhest . .... .... . ... .... Lowest.. .... l ll l~ .... Lowest. . .... 6a, cur'cy 4,~'9.1891. 4.a, 1907. 1898.  ....  Clo1lng. .  .. ..  1211,g  ....  Cloeinlf, .  --July. Opt>ning. Highest. Lowest • . Clo1ing •. Au". Opening Highe11t. Lowest • . Closmg..  .ioo  lffli  1!7 117¼ 117 11?¼  i~  116 116'-( 116"  100  Sept.  .... .... .... ... .  ReJis'cl  6s,our'y 4~11,1891. 4s, lll07. lt!9d.  -Oct. - - ---- --- --Opening. .... 116~ .... 117 Highest. .... 116 Lowest . • .... .... .... 117 Closing•. .... No...-. 117 .... .... . .. 117 .... .... .... ~=f~f: Lowest • . .... 11~ .... . ... 116;. .... .... .... Cloainlf,. Dec. Ooentng . .... .... ..... ... 117~ Highest . . .. . 118 .... Lowest . . . .. . .... 1163' . 11,..',( .. .. Clo1icg. . .... .... ...  118  .  118 118 118  llffi  11  ~ening. ghest. Lowest. . Cloaing..  I  Coupon.  Regl!!t'ed  <la,- cur'.,., 4.3'&,1891. 48. 1007; 1898.  m~  118  117¾  1892. Cowp.  I  Regi1tered.  Coup. --  6s,cur. 6s,cur. 41, '07. 4s, '07. 189d. 18911. I  -- ---  Jan.  . m¼ 117  ~;i':!~f::  11~ 11 116¼1 116~  0  ~.;g~~f·.: west •. .  11~ 117 116'4; 116!1.i  11 llffl 116 116¼  iY:~~~f::  117~ 11"¾ 117¾ 117!,4  11(% lit!~ 116 116~  L oweat ... Closing ... Feti,  Lo Clostnir ... Mar.  L owest ... Cl ostng ...  116  116 116 116 116  41, '07.  '07,  6  fAW"·  Regi1tered.  --  --- - - --- -----·- -- --- - July. Opening .• x116~ 116¼ .... 116 ... Highest .... .... ..... 118~ . .. •. 116~ 116¾ .... 118~ fil;g!~f'.: n~ 11(% .... 116 .... .... . ... Loweet ... 116¼ 116 118)i Lowest •.. llfi•~ 116¾ .... .... .... .... .... Closing .. . 116!4 118~ Closing .. . 116,t 116  · ·· •  ~  Lowest . . . Closing . ..  117¾ 117¾  llll~ 11?~ 116'4 117¼  .... .... .... ....  .... I  116 1111  116M  116 lltl  .. ... ... .... .. .  ....  ....  Sept, ~ening •. 1ghest .. Lowest ... Closimz ...  lli\" 116 114¼ 115  .... .... m~, ........ ........· ••· ...  116  m~  116~  116'}.(  Aua-.  .... L~:f~f.: .... owest ...  r••log ...  ....  ..... ...  ....  I ....  ReglAtered.  Cour.  611.cur. !ls.our. 4.s, '07. 48, '07. 18118. ldll9.  6-.cur. lr:1911.  Apr.  1  Mn.y. .... ..... ... I gy;g~~f· .: 116U 117"9 .... .... .... Lowest . . . 117 116~ •.• .... .... Closing June. .... .... fil:~~~·.: 118 117ij .... ....  .... .. ..  Ooup.  Registered. 41,  ...... ... ...  ....  .... .... ....  -6 6 7. !sif.'•' f~• ---------Oct, .... filening •• 114~ lH¾ 1••· .... gheat .. lln 1169' .... .... Lowest ... 114!,t 114¾ .... . ... Olosing .. . lli¼ 1143. .... Nov. 114}( ... .... Openinir . . 115 115 .... .... Highest .. 115 .... Lowest ... Ui¾ 114,t .... 411, '07. ls,  '1  Cl'l:~[. •..  114¾  11¼¼  filenlng .. gbest . L o west . . . Cl oslnir.  114¼, 114~ 114  W •½  1 11 ~  11:l¼ 113 11:l  .... ....  ...... I ..... ... .... .... ... . I . ..  1~93. COUPON BONDS.  R111GIBTJ:11ED BONDS.  - - - - 4¼s,  1891, 48, 1907. ext. at ~%- 4.s,  J"anuary-  xll8 w,i;~~f::: ---114 Lowest •. •• Closing.... .  Febraar:v~;gi~f:::: March-  Aprll\  .llayJune-  Lowest•... Closing. . .. .  ~;g~~f-··· Lowest.... . Closing.... .  ~;g~f:: · Lowest ....  Clostnir... ..  Cloetng•.••. Openin11:.. . . Hl{lhest . •.. Lowest... • . Closing•. ... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  11:la lU lU;.(  it;¼  xllls  llZ¼  xlll 111 112 lll~ 112 113¼ 11ffi 11 113  112~ 112 11~ 11  114ij  118 118" 112" 112M 1121¼"  112ij lll ill~  110 110  Jaly-  ua  118 114 118 118  fil>;~~f: :. 11~ 112ij Lowest.... .  rno1.  ---- ---- ----  ua  ··ti 96 06  113 112¼ 113 1109( llOn 110 110;{  A11.1ru11t-  ·i'is~ 118  118~ 113¼  REGISTERED BONDS,  COUPON BOND&  -411,-1907. --  6s, cur'cy. 61, cur'c:,, 1898. 18119.  ~:~~~t :  Lowest .. . . Closing.... Opening•. Highest... Lowest••. . Closing ... ,  September-~i;g!~f':: Lowest.... Closing.. . . O oenlng.. . Hiirhest .. Lowest ••• Closing... . November- Opening.. . Htghe-t ... Lowest.... Closlwr.. . . December- Opening... Highest. . Lowest •.. . Clo~1n_g .•.  October-  11n~ 111;{ 108 108 108 112½ 108 112 112 112  6s, cur'cy, 6s, our'cy 4¼8, 1891. 1898. 1899. 2 ,:. 48, 1907.  - -110:1:( ----97 07 1!7 97  lllij  111 111 111¼ 111  m~  114 112¼ lU 115 115  11-l 114  111¼ 1118 -,, 1(18¼ 108 111¾ 107~ lll'!ii llO¾ 110~ 110 1111  108 108 118 108  111 11~ 11  ··g~~  lll¼ 112  116~ 95  112 xll3¼ 11;% 114 l •3 ll3  Jl:-l¼  .....  UNITED  62  STATES SECURITIES. 1894.  Coupon Bonds.  Registered Bonds.  Coupon Bonds.  Registered Bonds.  68j_ Cur,.  ---- --- --- --- --- --- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ~~· --- --- ----.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Ch'okee Cur.· 61i~·· 611, Cur., 4s, lll07. 5s, 1~. 4s, 1907. 4s, 1897. 5s, 190i. 6s,1895. 1898.  July,  Jan.  113 1 11 1 113  .... .... ....  113 114 112¾ 113%  lUH  117~ 117  113¼ 114. 113½ lW  117¼ 117¼  Closing  lU 115 11!1 114¾  mu  112'¼ 113~ ll2¾ 113¾  ~g::i  114¾ 114¾  lli¼ l14~  118 119¼ 118 119¾  113¼ 114~ 113 113¼  114 114¾ 114: lU  118~ 118 117 118  U4 114 113~ 113¾  117 117¾  112¾ 113¾ 112% 1~  W:ffi Low'st.  Clnsmg  Feb.  Op-1'g.  Hlgh'st Low'st. Clo1tng  mar.  w:;~::i Low'st.  Low'st. Closing  May.  w;:~::i  Low'st. Clo•ing  ,lane.  .;Jt;n'g. ll'st Low'st. Clo11lng  Ch'okee 6s, Cur., 4s. 1907. 5s, 1004. 4.s, 1007. 4s, 18117. 5s, 1904. 1895.  11• lb 114  117¾ 117¾  tt;  114¼  115 114~ 114¼  .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  .... .... .... .... .... ....  .... .... .... ... ....  .... .... .... ....  ..... ...  .... .... ....  .... . ...  ....  .... ..... ...  117~  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  11; 11 117 11~ 11 11~ 11  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ll'rn  ....  .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... ..... ... .... .... ....  ....  ½iffl 118,  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  .... ...  .  Ooen'g. x113'( H1gh'st 115 Low'st. 111 Closing 11!1 .  .... ....  Aua-.  Open'll'.  ) Hlgll' st  J,ow'st. Closing  Sept,  Open'll• Hlllh'st L <1w ' st . Closing Oct,  .... ..... ... ~i:~::i w'st. . ... Clo sing .... l.oNov. ..... ... HOpen'g. st .... L "lgh' w'st.  ....  Clo11ln1C Dec • Open'g. Hlgh' st Low'st. Closlnll  .... .... ·•·· ....  ....  118¼  no~ 118 119  113ij 114 113~ 118  114 115 114 115  x11'7¼ 119 117¾ 11~  114 . 113 . lli  115 ll6 115 115  119 119M ll9 ll9¼  lU 11& H!i lli  114¼ 115 lU¾ 115  UP~ 120 119% 120  114ij 114  115¼ 116 114¾ ll5¼  lx119ij 119 l17¼ 119  l16 116 114~ lU  119¼ 119¾ 117~ 117  l0t 104 104 104  11~ 118 11~ 118  .... 113s .... .... ....  118 118 118 118  p~  119 llffi l19  .... .... ..... ...  l19 119 119 119  ...... ... .... ...  . ...  ....  ....  nm  11 11! 114¾  119  .... .... ..... ...  ½lltl 113¾  113~  101¼ 101~ 101 101¼  .... .... ....  .... ....  119 119  m~  ... .... .... .... .... .... ....  .... .... .... ..... ... .... .... ..... ... ....  .... .... ....  .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  .... .... ..... ...  896.  ... ....  ... ......... .... ... ...... ...  .... .... .... .... ....  ....  106 106 106 106  ill~ ill  .... .... .... ....  ..... ... ..... ...  ..... ..... ... ...  l1"9a. Registered Bonds.  Col!pon Bonds. !is, 1907.  4s, 1925.  5s, 191.14.  4s, 1901.  4s, 19'J5.  Coupon Bo nds.  58, 2s,OP· 6sCur. 6sCur. 31Cur. 1901. tlonal 1~116. 1898. 18119.  4-s, ]907.  48, 1925.  - - - - --- --- - - - - - - --- -- - - - -- --- --J'an. .... . .. . .... .... ... . 113~ ... . .... ... . HI.a .. .. ~~::i .... ... . . ... .... .... .... xllS}( 113~ Low'st. 11~ -Clos10g 112!1(  Feb.  fl:;~::i Low'st.  Oto11tng  Mar,  110¾ 113 110 112¼  ....  117 117~ 115 115%  x114¾ t118~ t119 116~ t118~ 114 116 tll9  113 11~ 11~  n~  110 112¾  lllij  119~ 120 119 12~  116 116  <:losing  112¾ 112¾ 112'4 112~  -Opeu'g. Hliin'st Low'st. Closlog  112 112¾ 112 112¾  120¼ 121,t 120~ 121¾  116  lll~  116  111 lll  =::i  112¾ 113¾ 112!,i 1131}{i  120¼ 123¾ 120~ 123¾  115¾ 116¼ 115¾ 116¼  Ul¼ 112¼ llH( 112¾  W::f=i Low'st. Apr.  1']ay.  Low'st. Clo,lng  June.  111  m;: mt  115  Hitl  m;  .... .... .... ....  ....  117 11 114,%  114~ 116 114!1( 116  120¾ 12m 120 120¾  116 116 115~ 115¾ ,  120.J1 12( 12°'4 120¾  Hg¼  ~  1~ 121¼  114.ij lU  .... .... .... ....  .... ....  ... . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 96¼  g6J 96¼  1, , 11, 102 102¾  ~=  .... .... .... . ... ....  i~  .... .... .... . ... .... . ... . .. . ....  .. ..  ... .  108¾  . .. .  10  . .. . . ...  100 109 109 109  .... ....  llffi  ....  4s, 111~5.  5s, 2s, Op- 11 sCur. 611Cur. 6sCur. 19u4. ttonal 1896. lSQS. 11!99.  Closing  ll2  Open'g. Htgh'st L,,w'st. Closinll  11214 112~ 112 112  Open'g. Blgh 'st Low '11t. Cl t;>11lnll  112 112¾ 112 112¼  120¼ 121¾ l19 119  July. Oven'g. x112¾ H lgll'st 113 Low'st. 112¾ Closing 112¾  Aug.  Open'll. lilgll'st Low'st. Closing  Sept.  Nov.  .... .... .. .. Open'g. 113¼ 123¾ 116¼ 112 .... .. .. .... .... 116 lllgll'st 113¾ 123¾ 116¾ 112!,:( 11 .... .. .. Lo111''st. 113¼ 123% 116¼ 111¼ .... .... ... . .... ... . H 6 CloslllK 113¾ 12~¾ 1111¾ 11 2 t These are dealings In the" Unlisted Department" of the S tock E x:cha ng a i n "  Registered Bonda.  I  I 1\lu7. 4s.  ----- - - --- - - --- -- ----12!1 .... 116¼ 97 .... ... .... 112~ 124¼ 112 97 .... 116H .... ... ..... ... 112 115 . ... 97 123~ 123 .... 115 97 .... .... ..... 112¼ ... .... 121!¾ 112¼ .... 115 .... .... .... 100 115 1:t2~ 115~ 112¼ .... 115~ .... .... .... 100 121¾ 115 .... 115 . .. .... .... 100 112~ 121¾ 115¾ 112 .... .... .... ... 109 115~ .... .... .... ..... 123~ 115!1( 111~ ·• • · 123 116 111 .... .. .. .... .... ... .... .. . l15¼ 111~ .... .... .... .... .... .... . .. . .... .... .... ... 115¼ 111 12~ .... ....... 116 ........ .... .. 112¼ 11~ 128 116 116 .... 1121 Ill ... . .... 10 .... .... ii ~~ ll~ 111 .... Hffi .... 1 .... .... 121¾ l15 .... . ... .... . .. lll¾ 120¾ 115 121!>9 115~ 1207,,jj 115 .... .... .... .... l i ~ 114~ lllH lll .... .... .... 120¾ mij ... 121 lli 111 .... .... .... ..... 12~ 114  ½ffit 112 112  .... .... .... 112¾ .... .... . ... ?lt;~::i 113 .... .... L •1w'11t. 112¾ .... .... . ... .... Clo1lng 113 Oct. .... .... Ooen'lf. xlll!J( . ... Hl.cth'st 112 .... i~ .... .... Lo w'at. xlll¾  .... ... . ... . ..... ...  ris. 1904.  Dec.  -  "ffil ii. I  m~  115 115 112 113¾  117½ 117¼  110~ 111 110 110  117~ ll7  115¼ 115¼ 113¼ 118¼  ...  .... ... . .. .  .... .... ..  .... .. .. .... ... .  . .. .  .... .... . ...  bonds when issued."  1896.  Registered Bonds.  Coupon Bond11.  Coupon Bonda.  I  Registered Bonda.  1  4s, 4s, 6s, 211, Op- 4s. 4s, 5s, fl sCur. 6sCur. 6sCur _ _ _ ~.:.. ~..:. 1004. lttonal 19u::._ 1\1~.:.._2~ 1897.:.._2-81IB. u,~  .Jan.  WI:~::i Low'st.  Cl••stng  Feb.  ?ii::g:~i Low'st. Olo11tng  mar.  &>;g::i  Low'1t. Closing  Apr,  110 110 109 109~  116¼ 117 115¼ 115¾  113~ 114 113 113%  110 110 108 108  108¾ 111 108¾ 111  113 118 118 116!1(  112 lH 112 113¼  um  HOM 111¼ 110¼ 110¾  117  11(1  11  113~ 113 111 113!,fi  94 109 94, 109 94 108¼ 1()8¾1 94  106½ 106~ 1041):. 104¾  112~ 113!,ii 111¾ 113  109 109¼ 10~ 109¼  fil:f:i L ,w'st.  107 107¾ 106¾ l l.'7¾  113¾ 117¾ 113~ 117  109%1 111¼ 10 !,(• 111%·  106¾ 106xs 165~ 106¼  113¾ 116~ 113"4 116¾  110~ 110'>:( 110 110  116¼ 118¼ 115 118¾  111½! 111~ 110  107¼  111\ 116¾ 115¾ 115¼  110% 111 11 11  116% 117¾ 116~ 116¾  113 118 113 113  10~ 109  117 118 117 117¾  113¾ 11a~ 113M 113:'4  O oen'ir. x108¼ Hlllll '11t 108!,( l.o w'st. 106¼ Clo sing 107¾  117¾ 117¾ 11(% 116¾ 116!,(  112'7,,jj 1r2¼ 112¾ 112¼ 112¾ 113 112~ 113  Open'g. Hlgh'11t L ,w'st. Closlnlf  109!,( x 118¾ x 110~ 120¾ 109!,:( X 118¼ X 110¾ 120  111 1:lli¾ 111 I 113¼  Open'g. Hlgl1'8t Low'at. Cl n slnll  110¾ 1~ 110~ 112  113¼ 114 I 113% 114  116¾  112¾  116¾  ½~ 113~  n~  107¼ 107¾ 106 106%  108¾ 108¼ 108~ 108¾  100¾  ½~~  Open'11. Rtgtl'st Low'st. Closl o g  113 113¼ 113 113%  ~=~::i  1111  na¾  112 11 110  117:J:(  112¾ 113 11.2% 112¾  .June.  11 111 1127  113 117~  110~ X 117¾ 110~ 117¾ 109~ 116¾ 109¼ 116¾  Open'g. Hlgll'11t Low'st. IJlosln~  108½ 108½ 106 106  112 113¾ 112 113¾  113M  Low'st. CJo,tng  113 118 110¾ 111¼  114  11~ 119 116~ 11$.(  IJlay.  116~ 116¾ 112¾ 114  108 110~ 108 110}4  109¾ 10\l¼ 10\!l'(  10~ 1(19¼ 107¼ 107¾  112 112  11-i¾ 113¾ 114¼  ½8ffi .• • . -109¼ •••. 109s • • . • 108 108 ~-. 108 95 108¾ 95 108 95 1 108'7,,jj  111'%  116~ 117¼  Auir.  105 105 105 105  Sept.  ~~  10~ 103¼ 103~ 103~  107¾ 107¾  llffl  Oven'g. Htgh'st Low'11t. Clo8lng  lU¾ lU¾  Open'g. !Hlgll'st Low'st. 'Closing  1· 9-U  July •  m¾ n~  Clo sing  Oct.  Nov.  Dec •  119¾ 120¾ 119 120¾  lll  91 91 91 91  I I  107¾ 105¾ 107¾ 96 96 96 96  108¾ 11(¾ 108¼  120 120 119¾ 111%  111¼ 112~ 1111¼  96 96 95¾ 95¼  109 110¾ 109 110¼  120  1244 113¾  120~  m¾ 114  uo  ~  103 103 lv3 103  105 105 105 l0i  103 103 103 103  1~97. Coupon B onds. 4s, 1007.  4i;i, U/25.  Registered Bonds.  5s, 2s,Op• 48, 1904. ttonal l\!07.  4s, 19'.&5.  Coupon Bonds.  5s, 6sr.ur. 6sCur. 1901. 1898. 1899.  4s.  1907.  48,  1925.  I  Registered Bonds.  t>s, 2s, Op- 4s, 1004. tlonal 19u7.  4s,  5s,  6sCur. 6sCQr, 18118. l!!W.  1V25. 19u4. --- --- - - --- - - - - - - --- .July. - - ------- - - --·- --- --January. 1 120)( 113'!,( 120¼ 114¼ . .. . Opening . ••.... xl12 125 114¼ .... 111¼ 125¼ 114% .... .... 11ffi I n¼ 113¾ 103~ Wl:~l~L:·::: 111½ lll 112¼ 124 114¾ .... .... H1gllest . . • • . . 112¾ 126¾ 103¼ .... 125¾ 114% 111¾ u:o~ 114¼ .... 12•1¼ 11:i¼ 103~ .... Lowest •••••.•. 111¼ 124¼ ....... 112 .... 111¾ 124½1 lla¾ Lowe'4 t ···· ~·· 11m 111 ·Cl•ISIIlR• . ....• 112,½i 12!1 114¾ .... 122!,4 1131¼ 103¼ .... Clo1lng•. ...•.•. 111¾ 126¾ 115 I .... 111¾ 125¾ 114 . ... February. Auirust. Openlnl{ ....... 112¾ 123¼ 11~ .... 111¾ 122¼ 113¾ 103¼ 106¾ Openinll .•..•••. Jl2 . ... 98¼ 1124, 125¾ 113¼ 125~ 113¼ 11::l Hlgbe~t •...... 113~ 1:.::3¼ 113¼ 122¾ llal).t 10:-1½ 106¾ 1:1.lgllest •.• . ••. 112¼ 125 .... ........ 98¼ 112¼ 125¾ 113¼ 113~ Lowest•....... . 112~ 12~J11 113i}1i .... 111¾ 122¾ 103½ 106¼ Lowest .• .•••• . 112 125 113 112  m~1  112¼ 112¼ 112 112¾  127¼ 127¼ 127¼ 127¼  .... .... .... ....  113 113¼ 112¾ 11a  127~ 127 127!,( 127¼  114¾ 115 113!,:( 113!,(  102'4 102\14 1" 21Jc 102M  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...., .... ........ .... .... .···• ..... ......  113 .. .. x112½ 112¼  129 129 1271,ti 127¾  114¼ 114½ lH~ 114½  99¾ 99¾ 9 ¾ 99¾  ....  1  Clor,lnll ....... .  113  123  113¼  fil;g~~L::: ::: Lowest. . .. .. ... Closlnl{•. •• •.•• .  113 113xi 113 113¾  123¼ 12:1~ 123 123¼  114¼ 114}4 Ha¼ 114¼  .... .... .... .... ....  Opening•. .•.. ., Hlllbest •..•.... Lowest . •..•.•. Closlnlf . . ....•.•  112¼ 112¾ 112 ll2½  12t¼ l .!4½ 123¾ 123¾  114~ 114  .... ....  Openln~ ...... Higbe •t ....... Lowest.... •. . . Clo, lng •. .•••••.  112~ x122~ 1:t3 ¼ ½k 2 % 122¼ 112¼ 123¼  113 113½ 113 113),.(  Ooening .••.•.. Highest . . . ...•. Lowest......... CloslDJl'.. . ....  112¾ 11:i¼ 112~ 113  1231)4 12~ 123¼ 12='> ¾  lH~ 114¾ 114 lH¼  itlarch,  April.  illay,  June. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  114¼ 114¼  .... .... .... .... ....  112  122¾  111¼ 111¾ 111 111  123¾ 123~ 1:t3¼ 123¼  111¼ 111½ 110¾ 110¼  123½ 123~  Ul 111  110¾  ... .  111  ... ....  110¾ lllJi  ... .  llO~  111¼  113~ 113 ~  103¾  106¾ Closioll•. .•.....  113¾  .... ....  .... Opei,lnit •.•• . .. :Hllltiest •.. ••.. .... 'L ,west .........  m~ ........  114),(  123  ma  113g 11:-1 11S'1 113¼  122ij 12:~ 122~ 123  113 113¼ 113 113,(  125¼ l :tf>ij 125 125.1,i  ... . .... . .. . . ...  .... .... ....  ....  September.  .... !Closing ..••• . ••• Octobf"l'.  107¾ l &r7l}.t 107¼ Lowel!t •••.•. . . 107¾ ctos ln g ......  ~:~~~t:::::::  November. .... .... Opening .•• . .•. .... .... Hlgllest ••• .... .... L ,west ..... . .. . .... c1osln.i .• .• . ... December. 1  ..... ... . ...  . ...  1  ....  ....  ,Opening .. . ... . Hlgllest .•..• Lowest . . . . Cl nsl u11. •··  ..  112½  125¾  113!1(  11::l½ 114 113~ 113¾  126 126 125 125¾  lH 115 113¾ 115  '113¼ 114 113¼ 113¾  126 l:t8¼ 126 127¼  115 115¼ 115 115¾  114 114¼ u a~ 114~  iq7~ 128 127% 128¾  114¾ 114¾ 114 114~  115 115 115 115  1281)4 1211½ 128¾ 12~  11~ 115 114¾ 114¼  -........  l'to½ 125½  113¼ 113¼  ....  126¼ 126¾ 111:}.( 126¼ 112 · 126~  114¼ 114',( 114¼ 114~  .... .... ....  98¼ 98~  112  98¼  111¾ 112¼  t~  98J,(  ....  ... .... .... ..... ... ....  .... . ...  112¾  ....  .... .... .... ....  ,.,  ..... ... ....  UNITED  63  ST A TES SECURITIES. 1898.  -  Coupon Bonds.  Jan.  .... .... .... ....  ning .•. . ighest••.•. L owest••... Closing .. •  fil:  ening ..•. lghest.•••• ~owest ••...• L Closing ...••  April.  lll.a.y.  0 penml{ .••• H igheijt.••.. L owest•••••• Clo,lng .••••  June. 0 pening .••• H lgbest••... L owest.• . ... 9 losing ..•.•  114½ 129  ..... ... .. ,. .... .... ....  2s, 3s, 5s, 4s, 5s, Op• 3s, 4s, 1918. 4s, 4s. 1gis. small 1907. 1925. l19u4. tion. 1918. 1907· 1925. 1904. 1tb.  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... ....  128¾ 1~ 126½ 12~  Openinll' .... Highest.•• •. r,owest ••.•.. Closing •.••• 104¼ 105¼ 111  .... 103¼ .... 103¾ 103½ .... .... 103¼  August.  .... ....  112 112¼ 110¼ 112¼  98¼ 98¾ 98½ 98¼  ........  109% 111 1 08¾ 109¼  124¾ 125 118½ 119~  10"." 108  122 122¾ 117~ il9  111 111% 110~ 110½  98 98 98 98  .... .... .. .....  109½ 109¼ 106 106¼  121½ 111~ 102¾ Opening ••• 121¼ 111~ 102¼ Highest•.... 102¾ Lowest.•.•.. llt!¾ 111 ll~ 111¼ 102¾ Closing •... .  108 111¼ 108 ill¼  120 1233,( 120 123  109¾ 111 109¾ 110:!(  111¼ 111¾ 110 111  122 125 122 125  111 111¼ 111 111¾  Coupon Bonds.  .... ....  -- -- --· ·-- -- -- -- -- -- --. .... 112¾ .... .... 110JJ.t 124 .... 111 lllij 125 124 .... ..... 128½ 113¼ .... .... 111 .... .... .... 111 110¾ 125 112~ .... .... 110¾ 124 124 113¼ .... 111 . .. .···~ ... .... 128¾ .... 112 104¾ 105½ 111¾ 127% .... .... 105 111 111½ ½~ 112 102 102~ 106¾ 105¼ 112 127~ .... . .. 105 .... 105 111 127¾ 112 102 126:14 .... 104¼ 104¾ 111  Opening ...• Highest •••. Lowest••.••. Closing •... .  123¾ ns · 125¾ 110 ll8¼ 112~ 122%  112  .... .... .... .... ....  July.  104 104 104 113¼ 127¼ 113!,si 10!1. 113¼ 113½ 111¾ 111¾  114¾ li8¾ 11~ 113 123¾ 113>9 113 124 il3½  .... .... 110 .... .... 111 .... ....  .... .... .... .... .... ....  ....  ....  114¾  11441, 128½ 113¾  .... .... .... .... ....  .... .... ..... .... ....  Mo.rch.  ening •••. ~ighest.•..• L owest••.•• . Closing .••••  - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -112½ 128~ 114¼ .... 113¾ 128½ 114½ ..... ... .... 129 115 .... .... 129¼ 116 .... 113¼ 112¾ 127¾ 113¾ ..... 114% .... 113% 12~ 114  .... .... ..... .... ....  Feb.  ening ... . ~lghest.•. .. Lo west •• . .. losing .... C  .... 106¾ .... .... 109 .. .. 106¾ .... .... .... 108% .... .... 107¾ .... .... 109¼ .... 107l}.f .... .... .... 110¼  103 103 103 103  111~ 111¾ 111¾ 111!1.(  ....  124½ 124½ 124½ 124¾  104¼ 104¼ 104 104¾  Sept.  Opening .• . 104 ~ Highest •..•. 105 L ,west ••.... 104~ 105¼  Nov.  I106½ x 12¼ 129~ 113)4  Jo.n. 0 ening......... •• 108 Wtithest............ 108 Lowest............. 107¼ Closing. . . . . . . . . 107¾  99'7~ 10'"¾ 107½ 113 129¾ 113l4 99¼ 107¾ 106,!i 112½ 129 112¾ P9½ 106~ 107 113 129 112¾ 99% 107  Opening•..••••••• • Highest........... . Lowest............. Closing ••..•••••••  113 107 113¼ 106½ 112\ki 106¼ 112%  Ix 06¼  xl07 107¾ I O(».( 107¼  I  lllarch.  128¾ x112 129 112 128 128¾  m~  99 90 9.) 99  ~ening........... 1071,( 106½ 112JJ.t 128¾ 112!,( 111:hest............ 108¼ 107¾ lH 129¼ Low"'-··········· 107 11061< 112 128,. Closing.. ... ....... lUS~ 107)1i 114 129½ 112¼  April.  I  ~enini;: •.••••••••. x 07¾ x 07¾ 113¾ 129¼ x 11¾ lgbest............ 109½11G8¾ 114¼ 131)¾ 112¾ Low~st •••....•••••. 107¾ 107"' 112¾ 129 111¾ Cio,mg •.••••••••. 108k 11,,. 130!! 112¼ J1cne. · Opening........... 109¼ 109 114 130¼ 113 Highest............ 109½1 100~ 114\.-e 131 113 Lowest............. 108¼ 108 113¾ 130¼ 113 Closmg ... .. ...... 109 108½ 113¾ 130¼ 113  """I  .... ....  127¾ 127¾ 127 127  112¾ 112% 112¼ 112¾  104½ 10~ 104¾ 106¾  110% 111 110¼ 110%  126¼ 127¼ 126¾ 126¾  112¾ 10 1 112¾ 1 112¾ 1 1 ~ 102¾  112 112½ 112 112¼  9R% 1051,( 111 ~ l0f.'¾ 111!1:( 9~ 106¼ 111 9l:!¾ 105% 111%  127¼ 127½ 127¼ 127¾  111% 11~ 111¼ 112  .... .... .... .... .... ....  Ot>ening .•• . Highest .••. . Lowest .• . .. . Clnsinll: •. . ..  106 107!1:( 105% 107¾  105¾ 107¼ 105~ 107¾  127¾ 129¾ 127¾ 129¼  112½ 113 112½ 113  99¾ 106¼ 111¼ 99¾ lv"¼. 112 1 1 99¾ 106)8 111¼ i27 ll~½ 107¼ 112 1 ~  112% 112¾ 112¾ 112%  ....  ....  Dec.  ··• · 1899.  m~  112¼ 113½ 112½ 113½  .... ....  129 129 1~ 128¾  .... ....  August.  112% 112~ 112¾ 112¾  108 1118¼ 108 108  11:rn 130½ 112 113 130 112 113 130~ 112  107¾ 108 107~ 107¾  :z:112 112¼ 112 112¼  130½ 130½ 130 130  111¾ 112 111¾ 111¼  :z:071}( 109 10~ 109¾ 107¾ 108 109¾ 109~  112¾ lUI¾ 112¾ 113~  :x29¼ 132¾ 129',( 132%  :z:10~ 111¾ 110½ 111¾  109¾ 110¾ 109 110¼  113¼ 115½ 113l4 115  133½ 134~ 133¼ 134  111½ 113¼ 111¼ 1131,(  Sept.  ~:~~~f::.::::::::: October.  112¼ 113 112¼ 112¼  129¼ 112¾ 130¾ 112% 129½ 112¾ 130¾ 112%  Opening•..• . ••••• • Highest•.••..•••••. Lowest•••.•••••.•.. Closii;po·v;" •••••. Opening•••••••••• • Highest ••••..•..•.. L owest..•.. •.••••• • Closin11 ••.. •••••••  112¾ l0!l➔.( lH 108½ 112¼ 108½ 112~  ..... ... .... ..... ... .... .... ....  Opening........... Highest-••..••••.. Lowest............. Closin g •• .. . . . . . . . .  112½ 129½ 112  :-  .···~ .... ..... .....  -- --· ·-- -- -- --· --- --  July.  Opening•...••••••• 1081M' 1081}.( i::12~ 129½ 109½ 113 130¼ Highest.•••••••••• Lowest............ . ~~t 108xj 112¾ 129¼ Closing •. . ...• ••••. 109 108¼ 113¼ 130¼  108¼ l0R¾ L•)west•••.... .- •.••. 10814 Closing •• .. ..•••••. lu8¾  112 112 112 112  .... ..... .···•· ...  3s, 2s, 5s, 4s, 5s, 4s, 4s, Op• Ss, 3s. 1918, 411, 1918. small 1907. 1925. 1904. tion. 1918. 1907• 1925. 1904.  107¼ 108¼ 107 108¼  1281Ji 12~ 128¾ 128¾  .... ...... ... ...  Registered Bonds.  Coupon Bonds.  :z:108 113¼ 1301-{ Ill½ 108~ 111½ 118~ 130½ 108 113 130¼ 111½ 108)4 113~ 130¼ 111½  111 112¼ lll 112¼  111½ 127½ 112  110~ 110¾ 110½ 110¼  126% 127¾ 12M( 12·/l)ji  107 11214 128¾ 111;1:( :z:08!,( 107¾ 112¾ 111~ 10"'¾ 1()/1~ lll!¼ g~% 111¾ Lowest••• .• •.•••••• 10·¼ IOi¼ 112% 128 111¾ Closing ••..•••••••• 108¼  .... 108 108¾ .... 108¾ .... 108¼ .... 108¾ .... 109¼ .... ....  .... .... .... ..... ...  102  105  105¾ 105¾ 105¾ 105¾  105 112 106 112¾ 105 105½  .... x07¾ 112¾ 129½ .... 108¼ 11211( 129¼ 113½ 113x, mti .... 107¼ 112¾ 129½ 112  129¾ W-3~ t:-!0¼ Lowest............. 107¾ 107¾ 112¼ 129¾ 113 Closing .•..•.•••••• 108¾ 109 112~ 130¼ 113¾  lllay.  .... ....  112¼ 112¼ 112¾ 112¾  105¾ lOR 1115¼ 108  w::~l~r:::::::::::  mij .... ....  rn~u f&~¾  fil:gl~t::::::::::  112¾ 112¾ 11l7~ 112¾  127 127¾ 127 127  Openil..,i.•. . Highest.•... L 11 west ••.... Closinil •. •••  Registered Bonds.  ,J  .... .... .... .... ....  127  112 112 111½ 111¼  111 12~ 112¾ 128 118¼ lOtl¼ 106 112 l0i¾ 110% 127 112¾ 10~ 106 106 111% 128¾ 113~  2s, 3s, 4s, 48, 5s, Op- 3s, 4!!, 511, is, 1911:!. small 1907. 1925. 1~. tion. 1918. 1907. 1925. 190!1..  Feb.  104¾ l1J5~ 104½ 104¾  c~~i~t::i•:· 105¼ 104¾  I1918, 3s,  J  ·••t'  ~  .... ....  122¼ 109M 122¼ 110~ 121% 109 122¼ 110¾  • · ••  Registered Bonds.  Coupon Bonds.  Registered Bonds.  2s, 6s, 48, 5s, Op4s, 4s, 5s, 3s, I 1g~s. 4s, 1911:!. small 1907. 1925. 1~. tlon. 1~fs. 1907. 19:t5. ,190!1.. 1899.  Dec.  108~ lt18J.9 1()8½i 108¼  109¼ 1101,( 109!,f, 110  .... ...  ton~ 108¼ 112¼ 130¼ 101½ 108¼ 112¾ 130¼ lOl"'t 108½ 11214 101¼ 108~ 112¾  .... ...... ..... .... ....  ½~8~ .···•· ...  108¼ 108¾ 108~ 108½  111¼ 111½1 111¼ 111¾  .... .... .... .... .... .... ........  101 101 101 101  108 108 108 108  il2 113¾ 112 113½  1291¼ 1:!2~ 129¾ 132%  102 102 102 102  110¾ 115  Jl3¾ 130¾ 112  ~  lOP:J:( 112¾  108M 112l4 10~ 112¼ 108¾ 11214  111¼ 111½  mt1  ill . 112 112 111¼. 111%,  ........ ..... ... 107¾ 111½ 1291¼ 110¼ 107% 111¾ 1291¼ 110¼ ..... ... 107¼ 111¾ 129¼ 110~ 107% 111% 1211.½i 110 109¾ 112% 132¾ 134!4 109¾ il2¾ 132¾ 110¼ 114 134¼  111 111 111 111 1133,:( 113¼ il2¾ 113  19UO. Coupon Bonds.  Coupon Bonds.  Registered Bonds.  -· --Jo.n.  Registered Bonds.  3s, 2s, 2s, I 5s, Op- 2s, 38, 4s, 4s, 5s, cons. 3s, 1918. 4s, 4s. 11130. ll/18. small 1907. 1925. 19u4. tion. cons. 1918. 1907. 11125· 1904.  2s, 3s, 2s, 5s, Op4s, 4s, cons 3s, 19L8, 4s, 2s, 3s, 11130. 1911:!. small 1907. 1925 ••• . \.:....904. s,, tion. cons. Hll8. 1907. 19'~5. 1904..  ·-- -- - - - · - - - -- -- - -·· · -- -·-July. xOP¼ 114 133¼ 112¾ Ouening. .... 109¼ .... xl4¾ 134¼ 114 .... .... fil:g~~f: 109¼ 114¾ 133½1 112¾ H1gbt>st. .... 110½ .... 116 134~ 114 .... Lowest ... ... 11191,,f 114 133¼ 11:<¾ Lowest ...•. .... 109½ .... 114¾ 134 114 ms .... Closin,11; .. .... 110½ .... 116 184 lH .... .... 109¼ 114¾ 133,½i 112¾ Closing Augusl Feb. . pemn11: .. x09¼ x09¼ 11-1¾ x3l¾ x114 .... ..... 112 114½ 134¼ 113¼ Openin11 . •••• x09¾ .... 115½ xl33 x13¼ Hlgbe11t. ... 1111}.t 111 118 131% 115¾ ... ... 112 115~ 1:-!f> Ila½ 1:::1.tgbest. •••. 109½ .... 116 134¼ 113¼ Lowest ... ... 1 9!,4 109 114~ J3 l~ 114 .... 111¾ 114¾ 134¾ 112¾ l,owest... .... 10~ .... 115¼ 131~ 113¾ .... .. . 111¼ 111 118 134¾ 115¾ .... .... 111¾ 115 135 113¼ Closing •. .... 109¾ C10 .. in11. 115½ 134¾ 113¾ March . Sept. 104 111¾ 111¾ 117½ 13'iij 115¾ .... .... 112 x:16¼ 137¾ 116¼ 113¾ .... 109¾ 109¾ 115¾ 134 ~:~l~r~ 105 112¼ 1,,9~ Jll¾ 118~ 137 116¾ .... ... 112 117½ 1371-2 116½ ~=t~~t .... 11\ltt llill¾ 116 134¼ 113¾ 113¾ Lowest. •. L04 109¾ 114¾ 134 114¾ .... ·•• · 11114 115 131~ 115¾ Lo1wesr ... ... 109~ 109;1:( 115¾ 134 Closing •• .... 1\J~ 1011¾ 116 134¼ 113½ 105 115 llU¾ 110711 116¼ 131¼ 116¾ .... .... llll,i 115½ 134 Oct. 110~ lOll xl5¼ 133¾ 114½ 100¼ .... :z:109 115 x32¾ :z:12% Opening 104 109~ ·•· · :z:14-U . ... 113¾ Opeuing. High es .. L04½ 110¾ 109¾ 115½, 134¾ 114½ 100¾ .... 109 115 13:-S 112% Bill,"he~t. 104 . ... 114¼, ilO½ .... 115 I - • ...-  """I  • •• . 110¼ 109¾ xlH 110➔,. 1111½ 114¾ 134¼ 112¾ •••. 110 109X! 114 133¾ 11314 •••. 110¼ llu 114¾ 133¾ 113¾  1  cr:~?i~-.  1(14~  Lowest ... H•3¼ 110 Closiog .• u,SJ4 110  109 114¼ 133 10~ 114¼ 134  o~~hisr. Htghe~t.  103¼ :z:109 x109 104 110 mu~ Lowest... 103¼ 109 108½ Clo,ing. 104 109¾ 109½  June.  Ooening. Highest . Lowest.•. Cl• •Blllg . .  109¾ 109 .... ... 109¾ l0!l  ...  109 1011  114 x3!½ 116)4 135 114 13!½ 115¾ 13'1~  115¾ 135 11~ 135 108½ 115¼ 108¾ 115~  m~  132¾ .... 108~ 114 133 .... 10~ il4¼ .... 108¾ 114% 13l~ 116J,4 134% .. .. 109~ 134½ .... 108;14 lU½ 134¼ .... 109¼ 115¾ ... . ... 114¼ 134~ .. 114¼ 134¼ ..... ... ll4¾ 134¼  113½ 100¼ 114½ 100¾  x12~ 114 112½ 113¾  .... .... .... 113¼ .... 113¾ . ... ½rnijl .... .. ..  112¼ Lowest.•. 104 112~ Closi11g •. 104 1127{1 1U¼ 112% 113¼  113¼ 113¼ 11:¾ 114½ 134¾ 113~  ....  :Nov.  10~¼ 110¾  ·•• ·  114l-9 115  ....  ....  113'¼ 114},fi  Opening. •••. :z:10¾ x00"l,i Hlgbeet. 11\l'kl Lowest .•. •... 119½ 109 Closing •• •••• 110:ki nu  116¾ x34½ x12¾ 116¼ 138¾ 114 115¾ 134¼ 112¾ 116 l<JS ll<J~  Opening. 105¼ Highest. 105 Lowest ..• 104~ ClnsiDIC •. 105  116 llt1¾ 115!,.. 116':1  ····1110½  Dec.  110 109)4 112 110 109!}.f 109¾ 111¾ xll0  138¼ 138¼ 138 138  113,a 113¾ 113 113¾  ...... .... x09¼ 110  ··--·  --  133¼ 138¼ 133¼ 133¼  113f1: 113 113¾,. il3¾.  114¾ llU 109¼ 114½ 110 115¾  .... ... .... ..... .... .... 109½ 115¾ ..... ... .... 1097!! 115½ ... .... 109½ 115½ .... .... . .. 109½ 115½ .... .... .... 110¼ x14½ 13414 .... .... 110¾ llt¾ L'l4¼  .... ..... ..... ....  ·•• ·  .... •· - 110¾ 114½ 134¾ .. .. .... 110¾ 114¾ 131¾ ... . x104 x 0!?~ ll 4% .... .... 104 109¾ 115 104 109½ 114¼ .... 104 109¼ 115 . .. .  ... ...  . ...  ... ... ...  113¾ 114 113¾ 114 113~ 118"' 112;:_ 112  105 105 104¾ 104¾  109¾ 115¾ 109"4 116 109~ 115 109¾ x .l15  137 138 137 138  113 113 113, 113  t04J.9 107 104¾ 1061).1  109¾ 110¼ 1011¾ 110¼  138¼ 139 1~ 188¼  115· 115 115 115  114~ 116¾ il• ¼ 116¾  1901. Coupon Bonds.  I  Registered Bonds.  · · I"· ..,  28, 2s. 3s, cons. 1930 3s, 1918, 4s, 48, 4s, 4s, 5s, 1930. small 1911:!. small 1907. 1925. 1904. ~B- llll . 1907. 19'~5. 190l.  --- ·-- ---Jo.n.  w::~~~f:  x106 106 Lowest ••• 105!,( Closing• . 105¼  Feb.  Opening. Highest. Lowest •.• Closi nll.  March.  105¼ 105% 105!,4 lu5~  106l}fi ~;gl~t 1116¾ Lowest ••• 105¾  Closing .. 106~  Ap1•il.  Opening. x06% Hilchest. 106% Lowest ••. 106¼ Closing .• lOt!¾  May.  Openmi;:. Highest. Lowest •.• Clo,ing .•  10~ 106¾ 10611, ll,6¾  Ooening. Highest . Lowest... Cl-•Sing . .  106¼ 108¾  June.  lOK¼  108¼  Coupon Bonds.  Registered Bonds.  2s, , 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 48, 6s, 4s, cons. 1930 1918. 4s, 2s, 3s, 11130. small 1~is. small 1907. 1925. 1904. cons. 1918. 1907. 1925. 1904.  ··--· ---July. - - ·----I -- - · · -- --··· .... . ... ... . 118~ x13P Opening. x0~ .... 108½ .... i::12½ 13~ ..... Highest. 107 113 rn .... 108¾ ½8~~ ... .... 113¼ 139 .... .... Lowest••• 107¼ ... .... . ... 108½ 112'1! 138¼ 109½ .... .... 112!l4 189 .... Closing •. 107% .... 108¾ 113 138¾ 109¼ .... ... 112¾ 189 ··••· Augusl .... x10~f< x:10½ lH 137 .... Openin11 • • •• • .... x08¾ x08¾ 113 x36~ ... .... 108 ... 137 .... 10~105~ 110¼ lH~ 110 106 110¼ lH~i .... 111½ HO¾ J.14 .... .... 108¾ ...... .... .... Highest. .... 108~ 108¾ 113½ 137 .... 111I½ 110~111:m .... 110¾ 105½ 110;( 113¾ .... Lowest••. .... ... 137 ..... 108¼ 1()8:ij 113 136~ .... ·•• · 108 .... 111½ 110¾ 113¾ ... 110¾106 110¾ 113¾ . . .... 137 ..... 137 . .. Closing .... . .. .... •• 108¾ 108¾ 108¾ 113¾ Sept. 111 114 138 111¾ 105¾ 111 xl13 137% 111% Opening • 108¾ .... .... 111¼ ]12 . ... . ... 137 .... . ... .... 113¼ .... .... ... 112 115¼ 13Ml,,{ 111¾ lUfl¼ 111¾ 113 1377,1\ 111'¼ Hill> est. 108¾ .... 108¾1 .... .... ... .... 108¾ .... 113¼ 139¼ . . .... 110¾ 111 114 137~ 111¾ 105¾ 111 11a 137¾ 111% L •> wesr ••• 108% .... 10~ .... 113¼ 137 .... .... . .. . .... ... . ... .... ... 112 112 115¾ 13il 111¾ 106¼ 111¾ 113 137% 111¾ Closing •• 108% .... l vS~ .... .... 113¼ 139¼ .... .... .... ... Oct. .... 111% 111 rl14 138½ x106 . ... 113¼ .... .... Opening. .... .... 108½ 108 x12% 139½ 108 :z:09~' x07¼ 112¼ .... .... .... 112 111 114 l:i!}¾ 11~~ 112 106~ 113½ .... .... Highe!!t. .... .... 108½ 108· 112¾ 139¾ 108 107~ 11~ .... .... .. .. 111¾ 111 114 U!8½ llll>( 106 .... 118)4 .... .... Lowe~t.•. .... .... 108½ l<l6¾ 112 139¾ 108 }8~ 107~ 111¾ . ... .... .... 111% 111 lH 139% 111¼ 106¼ ··• ·, 113¾ .... .... Closing •. .... .... 108½ 106¾ 112 139¼ 108 1119 107¾ 111¾ .... .... Nov. 101)½ US¾ 138½ 110 .... xll0 .... .... 138¾ xll0 .... 109¼ Opening. 109a .... x08½ :z:08 112~ .... .... .... .... 112¾ 139¼ .... .... 110½ .... ... x38~ 110 113¾ 138¾ 110 Highest. 1()9 · .... 108¾ 108 112¼ .... .... .... . .. 112¾ 139¾ .... ... . 109¾ .... ... 138)c 1•9¼ 109 113½ 138½ 110 189¼ .... Lowest ... 109 .... 108~ 108 112¼ .... .... .... 109 113½ 138¼ 110 l0Wfi .... .... 138)4 109¾ ... 112 .... .··•...· ··•· 112½ 139,lc .... Closlnit•• 109¾ .... 108½ 108 112¾ ... Dec. 1 109½ 108~ 113¾ 13P% .... 1061}.t 109 .... Opening . 109¼ .... 108!'-( 108 113 139¾ 107!4xOQ~ ... xll¾ ... ·•·· .... .... 109~ 108¼ llt 139¼ .... 106~ 100 :z:12¾ . .. .... .... Highest. 109~ .... 109 108 113 139¼ 107~ l0R¾ ....... 111¾ 112¾ ... .... lllli.. .. 108¾ 108½ 11 108½ 108 113 139~ 107!,4108¾ 13"'¾ •.. 106:J( 109 112~ .... .... Lowest ... 100¼ .... 108¾ 108¼ 113¾ 139!,( ... . 1011¾ 109 112¾ .... .... Closing •• 100¾ .... 108¾ 108 113 139¾ 107~1<kl¾ . .. 1.11% .... .... ....  xCl5¾ 105¾ 105¾ 105:'4  111 111 110¼ 111 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -·-  110 x114 110 114½ 110 lH 110 114½  138¼ 138¾ 138½ 138½  113¾x05½ xl0½ 113J.l05¾ 110½ 110 105½ 109½ 110 105½ 110,(  X  114 x138 114¼ 138 11 4 i::;74, 114½ 137¾  STATE SECURITIES-RECORD OF. PRICES 1860 TO 1901,  INCLUSIVE.  In the tables which follow we furnish a record of the course of prices of State securities on the New York Stock Exchange since 1860. Dealings in these securities are now very small. The method of compiling the prices is stated in the tables. 1860 to  18'71, inclusive.  Prices from 1860 to 1871 are compiled from sales, and 1871 to 1890 from prices bitt on Friday of eaoh week; from 1891 to 1899 from sales. ltSbl.  ltSt>lJ.  1 §t'll,5.  1  DESCRIPTION.  ~~~~~~· -~~~~~~~~. -~~~~:~· :~~~~~~-  --•i----i-tfu-1·:.:·-•----•·- - - - l - 8 6.1!-·•----1-----1-86_4_._ _ _  ••• .. Ohio 6s, 1886 •••.••••• 1~:w;::. 1 : : : : : . ;;w:s:~. 1:igh;::. ~ow;:~. 1:igl;:~..• . •••••..••.•••.•• ·••• · .••• •••. •• • Kentucky6s ... . ...... 99 Dec. 106,i JunP. 65 .April 97 Jan. 70,¼ Jan. 100 Dec. •••· ••••••. ................................ . Ill., Int. Imp. Stck. '47 100 Feb. 106,¼ Oct. ..•• ,. . . . ••• . •• . .. . . .• •. . . ... • •. . • . .. . .  n;. 6s·:•19:·co~~~~~~~~: rn~¼ :~~: rn<J~ ~~~: ·11s· .. j~; ·85~{s~i>·t'.  n'ic: ·:::::::::: :::::::::~: ::::::::::: :·::::::::: ::::::::::. ·•·········  80¼& Jan. iio· Jan. 105½ Dec. . • . . • • . . •. • • • • . • . • ••• • . • • . • • • • . . . •• • . ••• •••. • •. •• • .. • . ...... •••• Ang. 75 July. 93 April 75 Feb. 84 May •••••••.••..•..••..•••...•••.•••..••• •• ••••· ••·• ••••••• ·•••••••••· June 77 Dec. 83¾ Oct. 'i7¼ Jan. 105 Dec. 92'••nec: June 34¼ June 77 Mar. 42 Jan. 65 Feb. ·57' "jiii.·: ·57jfMay: ·52· ":f1ii;: ·oc·F~b · ·oo·  Ill. War Loan......... • •• .. . . . . . • • . • . • . . • • .. . . . • . . .. . .. .. . •• .. . . ,;7 Jan. 93 Mch. 106 Dec. 93  Indiana 5 per cent.... 86 Michigan 6 per cent... 98 TennePeee 6 per cent. 64  1-~~~~•e·s·~· . •••••.••••  ··Ma~:  ~hgi~f~i·P~~~:~\~::: 73 "n·ec: ·gs···:ricli: 'af ..Aprii ·si •"iiar. '4f · jiiii.·: "iisji·oci:· ·49 ...ffec ·1s' ··Feii: .,iii""jiiii.· .64 "sei,i: ·50···jiii: ·73···No.;: I~·c6Jo1¥n~r;~~.s. ... 77¼ 'i>ec·: ioo.. S~pt: ·«--•juii:~ 82½ ·Feb.. ·60.. jiiii.·: ·74.. 'jj;zi~ ·r,a·. ·n~·~: ·so· ··Mar: ·49· ..jaii: 68 .. Aug: .58...jaii'.' ·sr ..De~: 0  0  0  :1a~~~~i :~:;i~!Jt~~: ·tii. "nee·. DESCRIPTION. Tenn. 6 per cent  ·s4i· jime ·ss· ..i;1a:;: ·12...jii~: · ·40· "ja~·: ·oojtFeb: ·5iJ;tn~c: ·1e; ··May: ·ilo· ..oi:i: · ·irs}iAp;i1 s1 ··iiar: ·79· ··nee:  Jan. 99,¼ Oct. 45 May. 77¼ Mar. Jan. 95 Sept. 71.¼May 88 J an. 18ti7. 1866.  Louisiana 6 per cent.. 94 Califoroia7percent .• 82  Highest.  Lowest. •. 84  . ...••.• . • .................... .,  •. .•••. ••••  N. C. 6 p. c., newbde. ... . •• .•.• . . .•• . . ••••• . ... .••.••. • .• ...... .. .••• •• ••••• .••• •. . .•.  Mar. 100  ihg~ila°ii~~':c~~t:: ·oo·":fiov:  0  72  ;~c~~~u~: lt:rcei;i. ·1a...Nciv:  Lowest.  Jnne x61  "ja;;:  59 Jan. 70 Mar. 55 76¾Jan. 116.¼Dec. 114 1868.  Highest.  Lowest.  Highest.  Nov. 80 Mar. 52 Aug. 139¼'Mar. 128 1869.  Lowest.  Highest.  70¼' July. x59¼ Jan.  78,¼ June x49¼' Dec. 40¼ Dec. i43¼'jiiii: ·4J° •.Mar.' ·60... x47 Dec. 49 Sept. i5o "jaii.· ·19·· ·j'i{:ii~ x40¾ Dec. ·4;,- ":riiii:: • ............................... . 2-1 Nov. Jan.  ·;;o· ··iia:r:  jau·.·  '0 bJ½  59¼ 63¾ 66¾ 64  Feb. 75 Jan. 167 1870.  Lowest.  Jan. x52¼ Jan. Jan. 45¼ Mar. Jan. x48¾ Jan. Jan. 57 Jan. Jan. x40 Jan. Jan. 20½ Dec.  ·ooi.jiii1: ·ss "jiiii: .......... . ·71 "·ilai:: ·oaji·D·e·c: ·silifl\ia:;: ioo "jii'1i. ·s4"·i~iciv: ios.. ·Feb: ·ss;·seiii. ·gilji.jiizie .85...ja~:· :i~~~~ii~:~i~!J~~: Louisiana 6 per cent.. so,..- Jan. 100 Sept. 80 Feb. 9(1 Jan. . . .. • .. . . . . . . . . • . . . .. • . . • • • . . . .•.•.•....•••••••.•. N. C. do. new bds...  . . .. •. .. . •  .April 60 Ang. 112  Dec. Jan.  Highest.  Lowest.  Higbee&.  July. 68¼ July. 76 Mar. 73 Mar. 55 July. 36½ J!l}!: 95 ...June  Dec. 61 Jan. 59 Oct. 60½ Feb. 31 Dec. 15¼ Dec. 12,¼ Dec. 89 ,:Jan.  76 Ang 76¾ Ant 74 Apd 75 Mq 51¼' Foo 29¼~ 21¼ Feb 9!1¾ JUiY  70  0  Feb. 80 May.155 1871.  61  Dec. 128 Dec. 184 Mar. • ..• .... •• . .... •. . • . • • ........ .. Sept. ................ . ........ .. ............... . Mar.  California 7 per cent.. 106 .Aprll 100 Oct. 115 Jan. 12S Co11necticnt 6s. . • •• • • . • • • . . • . . . . • • •. . • . . • 98¼ Jan . 102 99 April 100 Rhode lsland 6s... . .. . . . . .. . . . . .  18"9 to 1817', Inclusive. ~  DBSCRIPTION  I  1873.  1872.  Highest.  Lowesi.  Highest.  Lowest.  1874. Highest.  Lowest.  45 July 57 Jan. 25 Jan. 45 Aul{. 82 Feb. 40 Apr. 25 June 40 Feb. 8 Sept. 15 Nov. 27 July 5 Aug. 101 Dec. 116 June 110 Jan. 97 Oct. 102~June 97 Jan. 59 Nov . 82 May 65 Jan. 70 Nov. 91 May 82 Jan. 85 Nov. 00 July 95 Jan. .9i5' •• iaii: ioC July . 95 Jan. 100 Aug. 97,½;July. 50 Oot. 67¾ Apr. 50 Jan. 55 .Aug . 15 June  62½:May. AUfl. ~o Jan. Nov. 57¾ June Aug. 60 Feb. 100 Sept. 115 June 98 Jan. l02"'i Dec. 70 Jan. 77 Jan. 84 Feb. 00 May. 55 80 40 50  ~abama,-5s, 1886 .. . . . ..... . 8e of 1888 ................... .Arkansas-6s, fund .......... 'is, L. Rock & Ft. Smith ... California-7e .... ... ......... <Jonnecticut-6s .............. Qeorgia-6s .................. . ' .. .. .................. IDlnols-6s, 1879, coupon •... Xentucky-6s ................ Louieian~s, Levee ........  Mar.  Lowest.  Dec. 25 DPC. July. 25 Dec. Mar. 20 Jan. 8 Mar. 23 Jan. 114 Nov. 105 Jan. 106 Dec. 10a Jan. 80 Dec. 80 Jan. 92 Dec. BS¾Jan. 102½ June 99 Jan. 102 Nov. 100 Jan. 28 Nov. 25 Jan. 89 45 85  ·55··No·.;: ·gs··~I°ay· ·w··iaii·.· i04··ne·c: io1··J'aii:  M1~h1~~~~s· ·  i~: :: ::: : : : : : '.Missouri-6s, iong .... ...... . .  iii½.iuiie 65 ·g8Bf.-ei>t: 109 May. 108  Oct. 10 80 May. I~~ 6s, new, J. & J .... ... ....... 15 Jan. 6s, special tax ..... ......... 10 Oct. -Ohi~s, 1886 . . .......... .... Rhode Ieland-6s ..... . ...... -~9 ··Yaii: -eouth Caro!lna-6s•.......... 40 Apr. 28 Sept. 22 Jan. Tennessee-6s. old .......... 63¾Jan.. 6s, new ...................... 68?11 Jan. Virginia,-Os, old ........... . . 42 July. es, consol ................. . . . 5Q½July.  c1~~t~~~?~fJ:'j ~i'Y.'  g:: ti~:::::::::::::::::::  Oct.. Nov. Oct. Dec. Nov. 00 Nov io2¼Jun°e 98 May 56 July . l/2 Nov. 89 Mar. 8 Nov. 86 APT, 19 Mar. 68½Nov. IDec. 80 Dec. 62¼ Nov. Feb. 82 Oct. 59 Mar. 44 Oct. 88!4Mar. 20 23 Mar. 14 16 Mar. 5  96!J:!June 108 June 88½ Jan. 19 Jan. 17½June 107 Apr. 101 M~r. 40 Jan. 22¼Jan. 28 Apr. 84'4M11,r. 85 Mar. 47 Feb. 56¾:Mar.  1876.  1875.  9~Aug. 9~Dec. J11,n. 110 May. 10 18 June 29 JaA. 10 Aug . 21½Mar. 5 , ept. llxi Feb. 100 Jan. 106¾ May. 97 Jan. 105 Dec. 20 Apr. SO Nov. 6V Jan. 81 Dec. 12 Feb. SO Dec. 67 Oct. 91½Mar. 91½ Mar. 67 Oct . 28 June 42 Jan. 493' Jan. 58 Dec.  9~Jan. Jan. 10 15 Der.. 7 Dec. l Aug. 103 Jan. 102 J11,n. 26 Sept. 27 Aug. 26 Sept. 62 Jfeb. 62 Feb. 80 Feb. 55 Jan.  l  187'7. Lowest.  Highest.  Lowest.  41¾ Jan. 42 Apr.  26 Jao. 85 Nov. 82 26 .Jan. 84 Apr. 82 25 June 45½ Feb. 15 8 Dec. 18 l<'eb. 2  88  Highest.  Jan. Jan. July  Highest. 43  48 80 10  Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. 17 r:~e 117 May iis .. J'iiiie 110 Dec. io5 .. Ya.ii. iis··No·v: 00 Sept. 91 Aug. 97 Mar. 98 Feb. 102~July 104 Dec. 100¾ Jan. 107½ June 108 Jan. 109~Mar. 104 Dec. 100 July. 104 Dee. 100 Jan. 108 Dec. 104 Dec. 100 July. 104},( Jan. 100 Jan. 107 Nov. 40 Dec. ;j7 Dec. 46 May. 85 Jan. 56 Dec. ...... ..... 52¾ Dec. 69¾ June 50 Jan . 88¾May 107¾ Oct 108 Aug. 107 Apr. 101 July 107 June 102~ June 101¾ Jan. 18ffl ~ept. 104~Jan. 1gmJune 109 June 102 July 10 May. 101 Jan. ::.01 Feb. 27 Jan. 13 Sept. 18¾ Nov. 15 Oct. 23 Jan. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 12 Feb. 16 Jan. 9 Jan. 1 Aug. ~Jan. ¾Aug. S¼Feb. mMay June Sept. 105 Jan. 114 Aug. ::.05 Oct. 11 10 108 Oct. 105 Jan. 111 Dec. ' 05 Oct. 111 May 85½ Dec. SO June 40 Nov 82 Jan. 45 Apr. 85 July SO June 87¼;Feb. 80 Aug. 45 Apr. 85½ Dec. 80 June 87½Feb. 80 Aug. 44 Apr. 78 Jan. 40>2 Dec. 49 Aug· 86½, Dec. 4~Nov. 77¼ Jan. 40 Dec. 49 Aug. 85 Dec. 4 NOT. 4-0¼ Oct. 22 Sept. 87 Jan. SO Jan. 84 Nov. 76 Dec. 78 May. 78¾Nov. 623' Dec. SS¾J..,.e  ios··oct:·  -  181f8 to 1883, inclusive. 1878.  1879.  DESCRIPTION.  1880.  1881.  1882.  1883.  --------1-----,------1---------1~-----Lowest. Highest. Loweat. Highest. Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highest. 80 July 84 Jan • 543' Jan. 78~ Dec. 71 Mar. 81~ Dec. 79 Sept. 8:'.i¾ Dec. ----  Lowest. Highest. Lowest. Highest. A.labama-ClaseA, S·5s .HI06 ... . .................... 44 Aug. oS Dec. 5 Apr. 20 Jan. 10 Apr. 21 Dec. 20 Jan. 89 Dt>c. 20 Mar. 37¾Jan. 10 Mar. 28 Jan. .Arkam,ae6s,fund,.18911-1900 15 Dec. 26½Jan. 8 Apr. 40 Nov. 5 June 3fi Aug. 7 Oct. 68 Feb. 2 Aug. 12~Dec. 1 Mar. 8!4May 7s,varlousRR.lssues ..... 2 Dec. 6 Jan. <Jonnecticut 6s ........ 1888-4 105 Jan. 109 Apr. 104 Apr. 109 June 104 Aug. l07½Nov. 102 Aug. 106 July 100 Mar. 108 Jan. 100 J11,n. 103 June Oeorgla6s ............... 1886 96~ l<'eb. 102¾July 90 Sept. lOl!¾July 97 Apr. 107 Dec. lOt, Feb. 118 June 103 Aug. 109 Jan. 102 Apr. 107¼Jan. 7s, new . . ............... 1886104¾ Jan. 110 Dec. 107 Jan. 114 Dec. 107 Jan. 112 Dec. 109 Apr. 114 June 105 Aug. 110½ Apr. 108¾ July 107 May 7s, gold ................ 1890 105½ Feb. 109 Dec. 107 Jan. 118 June 109 Apr. 116 Dec. 111 Apr. 119½ June 112½ Auir. 117½ Mar 112 Aug. 116½ June Louisiana 7s, consol. .. 1914 69¾ Dec. 84½ Feb. 00!,.( Aug. 67¾ Jan. 40 Aug. M~ nee. 58¼ Jan. 69 Dec. 68 Apr 71¼ July 6:J Apr 75½ Nov Michigan 6s .............. 1883101 Jan. 106 Dec. lOl¼Jan. IOG¾June 102 Jan. 105¼ Nov . 102 Jan. 105 Sept. 100 July 104 Aug . ...... . . . : . ... ....... : 7s ..................... 1890 108 May 115 Oct. 100 July 115 Jan. 110 Jan. 118 Dec. 114 Jan. 122 Oct. 110 Jan 120 June 114 Feb 118 Jan Missouri tls ........... 1882-88 101 July 104¾ Dec. 101 Aug. 105~ June 100 Jan. 105 Nov. 102 July 108 July 100 Jan: 103 Deq. 100 Jan: 103 Jan: 6s ................... 1881HIO 102¾ Aui'. 107 June 10~¾ Aug. 108¾ June 105½ Jan. 111¾ Dec. 108¼ Jan. 117 Apr. 109 Jan. 115 June 109 July 118 June l<'unding bonds ..... 1894-9~ 104 Sept 109 June lOo Jan. 112 M11-y 106 Jan. 115 Nov. 111 Jan. 119 May 113 July 120 Nov. 116 Feb ·· · 1 June Han. & St. Joseph .... 1887 100 A1>r. 106},( June 102 Jan. 107~( June 102 Jan. 110 Dec. 107 Jan. 113 May 100 Jan. 109¼ Dec. 108 Jan: 110¼ Apr • .New York 6s ............. 1887 118 July 115 June 106 June 110 Jan. 106 J11n. 111 Oct. 105 Jan. 112¾ May 108 Oct. U2 June 107 Jan. 110 Apr. . ...... . . ..... . . 106 Mar. 110 June 104 Dec. 107 Mar. 102 Dec. 110 Apr. 101 June 105 June....... ..... 6s, loan ............... . 1883. ... ........ Nov. 117 Sept. 121 Feb. 115 Dec. 120 Nov. 115 Jan. 12'.J .luly 119 June 121 Feb 118 Apr 120 Jan , .1 6s, loan ........... .. ... 1892 115¼ Jan. 124 -A,o. Carolina6s, old .. 1886-~ 14}4' Jnly 11}¾ Dec. 17¼ Feb. 28 Dec. l!6 Jan. 823( Dec. 82 Feb. 40 Oct. 20 July 30½ Nov· 28 Jan. 82 Mar N.C. RR .......... 1888 4-5 65 Feb. f\5 Dec. f\5 Jan. 111 Dec. 110 Jan. 115 Mar. 115 Jan. 150 Aug. 120 July 156 Nov. 155 Jan: 160 July 7, ccupons o1f.... 45 Mar . 65 Dec. 65 Jan. 92 Dec. 90 Jan. 9E Mar. 90 Jan. 130 .July 100 July ISO Aug. 130 Jan. 185 July do . 9~Jan. l:.!~Dec. 10 Dec. 16 Nov. 8 June 11 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Apr. 7 Mar. 14 Jan. Fundmir act . ...... 18tt8-98 g Aug. ll¾Dec. Newbonds .....•.... 1892-98 7 Jan. 11 Dec. 8 Feb. 15¼Dec. 15 Jan. 2() Dec. 20 nee. 28 Apr. l2¼June 20 Jan. 16 Jan 16 Apr 4 July ~Jan· 9¾Apr. 5 June 8 Jan. 6 Jan. fl¼Jan. 2 July 2¼Apr. 1 Mar. 5 Dec. Speoialta.x,classl .... .. ... 2 Jan. 15 ~ept. ~~ .. ~an. 77¾ Feb. 82 ~ Dec: 18~¾ 188!4 io'i"°Jan.' ios··May· 1~ J~~ 181~ io6 io2 .. o~fon&t:.~ :::::::: R6s ............ ........... 1Rfl6 105 Jan. 111 Dec. 105~ Mar. 115 Oct. 106 Jan. 112 June 107 Dec. 115 June 106 Feb. 112 June 106 ·•Feb. i~ii¼Ma~: t3o~oi':.:olr~ac~~P 80/~:.:1105 Jan. !117¾ May 110 Jan. 116 May 10P Jan. 121 Dec. 114,' July 120 Feb. 110 Jan. 120 Feb. IHS Jan. 118 May 6¾Jan. , 2¾May 4!,,iJan. 12~Nov. 4 July lO¼Jan. 6~Jan. 2 Jan. 4 Oct. ~Feb. :'-4May J. Feb. 28,'69,non-fu~d.1888 ... 5 . .. . .. 102½Aug. 106¾Dec. 100 June 105 Dec 100 July 104!J(Dec ,.,Brown co:asol. 6s ...... 1898 . ...... ..... . .... ... . •··········· ... ........ ............ ~enne1eee6s, old ... 1800-2-8 SO Nov. IW¾May SO Feb. 41 Feb. SO Apr. 50 Dec. 45 Jan. 78 June 4t nee. ??¾Jan· so July «¾Feb· 6s,new ......... 1892.8-1000 25¾Nov. 87¼Jan. 24 Mar. 83¼0ct. 25 June 48%nec. 45 Jan. 7'T¼June 40 Dec. 77}iJan: 30 July 44 F .. b: Virginia 6s, old .............. . 20 June 81 Feb. 25 Jan. 85 Mar.118 Jan. 32 Dec. 30 Jan. 40 May 26½ June 86 Feb. SO Ma . 40 May 6s consol. ................. 66 Feb. 71S May 74 Jan. 80 Oct. 75 Jan. 105 Dec. 104 Jan. 121 May 80 Mar. 100 July 50 Mar. 82¾Jan. I Oct. 18 Ja.n. 5¾ Jan. 17¼ Dec. 12¾ Feb. 20!4 Apr. 10 June 17¾ Jan. fi¼ Sept. 8;( May 7¾ Dec. ~• deferred............. . ... 4 Feb. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ::::::l~?  1  nee.'  "M°ay  R~t.-  ~:!·.  1~~: .?~ ..  S.ECURITIES: STATE I 1884 to 1889, lnclu1lve. la&,.  1885.  DESCRIPTION.  -------s A.labama..--Clae• A.  1887.  Lowest.  Htgheet•  Lowest.  Hieheet.  Loweet.  Hlgheat.  Loweet.  1881>.  1888.  Hlgbeet.  Lowest.  Htgheet.  Loweet.  Htgheat.  to 6.1W6 78 Sept 83 Dec. 81¼ Jan. 101 Dec. 97 Jan. 108 Dec. 102 sep,t 108~ Apr. 1 ~ July 106¼ Jan. 1 ~ Jan. l<n¼ Jun•  .~t~· l~JDA9:r. 81:::t:t~•~:::::::::::i006 Clua c.4, ........•.••.•• .1006 76 Oct. 82¾Jaecn.·  i!!: ½18  ½~ E::  t:n~  ~:Ji½~ ~:~: f~ J:t;. ½~  t2 ½~~-  fa':: l~ 18Z iJ=: J!•nn.. 97 Dec. 96 Jan. 1 ~ Aug. 98 Sept 106 Mar. 100 Jan. 1(12¼ Apr. 96 Oct. 102 June 1m,t::: 1~ ,:~~ 1~ ~~~. 1og ~~: lt39,':,~~ 1og ~~ 1~: 1~ Mar. 3 J~. 1~¼~• 10: A~~a~O;.:>.:.:.ii:tu11d.'.isooJggg 1~ 8 Sept 12 Jan. 5 Mar. 26 Jan. Oct. 28 Dec. 16 Dec. 36 July 78, L. R. & Ft. s. tsaue.... . .. 6 Sept 26 Feb. 10 Jan. 22 Jan. 12 8 Sept 12 Jan. 5 Mar. 20 Jan. 27 uec. 20 Jan. 27 May Oct. 13 Jan. 19 Jan. 10 Feb. 25 Sept 5 . Rock. Little & Memphis , 78 8 Sept 12 Jan. 6 Sept 24 Feb. 10 Jan. 20 Jan. 12¼Nov. 27¼Dec. 17 Dec. M Apr. 5 Mar. 25 Feb. ?e,L.R.P.B.&N.O....... 8 Sept 12 Jan. ?s. Miss. o. & R.R........... 6 Sept 24~ Feb. IO Jan. 21¼ Jan. 12 Nov. 21 Apr. 18 Nov. M Apr. 5 Mar. 20 Jan. 8 June 7 Jan. 12 Apr. 8 Apr. 7¼ Nov. 5 .May 8 Feb. 6 July S Oct. 2 Jan. 9¾ Feb. July .. •• ·.·.·.i·S86·.. 7s,ryak. ·n··t·r·a·l· .R••R. l~~¼ reb. 1~ Apr. 104 Sept G e 0 ... ~ 8 711 78, new bonds ........... 181<6 100 May 110606¼ MMay 101 Jan. 1 06 00aty:· 1100 11i'M::. 10t¼J:~: M~g!t.e ..o8vr:. ½8t~.M NJa0nv.. i&f'~c·~·.: ½Sf :rJ·uan'i:v.· lSfMN iJaae1.: =~eiotsiicis:::::::::·:½= 1~ Jan. Loulslana-7s, consol. •••. 1914 66M June 78 Feb. 7 4 . ....... .. .... . ..... 63 Septt 76¼Dec. 67 Feb. 82'4:Nov. 79MJan. 92¾Mar. 88 July 93 Jan. 86 Feb. 9i¼Dec.. Stamped4s... .. ••.•.•..•.. . 0 76 Aug. 67 Jan. 78 Nov. 80 Feb. 89 Apr. 86 July 90 Feb. 8' Feb. 91;!,aDec. ; 7 81 small bonds•..•••••••..••. 62 July ?~uFFebt,. 66 Jc. •.....•• . •• . • •• • •• . . .. . •• . •• an. 68 Aug. . . . .. ... . . . . .. •• . . . . .. • . . . ••. .• •.. Ex matured coupon........ 66 July VV7ll e • 60 ray 116 Oct. 108 Nov. 112 Jan. 105 Nov. 109 Oct. 105 Feb. 106 Jan. 105 Jan. 107 .May Mtchtgan-7a .. ..... .. ..... 1800 110 July 11811 MFeb. Mtssourl-6s, due 1886 .•••..... 100 JJuully 06n, Aar. 103 J:~: 104M June 100 Jan. 102 Nov . . . ..••••. . .............. 8 Apr. l0S Jan. 107¼ June 102 Jan. lOi¼ .May 100 Jan. 102s May ...••.•...... ......... 100 July 6s .••••••••••••••••• • •.•• . •1887 l0S 10911 • 109 June 103¼Aug. 106¼May 100 Jan. 103 Mar. 100 Jan. l02¼June p y 1888 ~8 711 July 111 Jan. 106¾ Jan. 113 June 107 Jan. 110 Mar. 104 July 107 Feb. 101 Aug. 103¾ .May 100 Jan. 103 Dec. ~ ... •• • • ••·•· ··•· •··• ·i889.00 106 :ay ½n :J&n. 117 June 110 Jan. 113 Mar. 108 Nov. 112 Jan. 103¾ July 107 Jan. 102 Feb. 108 Mar. 1892 107 July li1ium or 1 108 106 Jan. l04: Feb. ~Mar. .Mar. llO .. ~~:. ~~ .. ~~~ i~~~ ½5& llO¼M:~: 102 J:fy ~~~i{:,~lins1~:ro·:::.~~JUM Hannibal & st. Jo ..•.•.. 1887108 May 110¼ Mar. 102 July 123 Apr. 101 July 104, At>r. 100 Jan. 101 Jan. New Yon-6s, gold, reg . . 1887106 Sept 109 Feb. 103 July 107 Feb. 102 Oct. 104 Apr. 100 July 103 June • ••. . ... JJuully 107 Feb. 102 Oct. 104 Apr. 100 July 103 June . . . .• •.•... 6s, gold coupQn ..... •.... 1887 105 .sJeupt 109¼ JSanept·· Ju/ 118¼ Dec. 110 Sept 116 Aug. 110 July 113 Nov. 107 July 112 Jan•.....•.. . ... 6s, Joan ...••..••••••••.. .1891 111 Ja~ 116 Jan. 113 116 6s,loan ................. j~~ 116 mM::: :J:~: 117 Jan. 120 May 116 Jul~ N~~·d~:;1iiia:.'.es ..oiii.'.'i886-98 27¼ June 32¼ May 30 Jim. 81 May 80 Jan. 36¼ Mar. 36 Jan. 35 Jan. 36 Jan. 86 Mar. 30 Feb. 38 Nov. 68, old, A. & 0: ...... . ........ 27¼ June ~¾ ray l~ :Jan. 31 May 30 Jan. 86¾ Mar. 36 Jan. 36 Jan. 36 Jan. 36 Mar. 30 Feb. 37 .May 1 1 :J:~: ~ :J:~: 135 J~: 1s5 J~: Car: RR:: A.' & o... ... . 160 Jan. 160 Jan. 160 Jan. 166 Jan. 166 Jan. 176 Mar. 170 Jan. 170 Jan. 160 Aug. 170 Jan. 150 .May 180 May N. Car. RR., 7 81 coupon off.. 136 Jan. 136 Jan. 130 Jan. 136 Jan. 135 Jan. 146 Mar. 140 Jan. 146 Nov. 80 Aug. 140 J,m. 140 Jan. 150 .May Jan. 10 Jan. 13¼ May 10 Funding act . ..... . .1866-1000 8 Oct. 12¾ May 10 Jan. 11 May 10 Jan. 13¼ Mar. 10 Aug. 12¼ May 10 Jan. li'unding act ........ 1868-1898 8 Oct. 12,s May 10 Jan. 11 May 10 Jan. 13¾ Mar. 10 Aug. 12¼ Apr. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 13¾ May Newbonds,J.&J ..•.1892-98 15 Aug. l9¼May 18 Jan. 21 Aug. 20 Jan. 23 Mar. 16 Sept 22 Jan. 15 Aug. 20 Jan. 15 May ~0 Jan. New bonds, A. & o... ... ..... 16 Aug. 19M MF ay 18 JJan. 21 Aug. 20 Jan. 23 Mar. 16 Sept 22 Jan. 16 Aug. 20 Jan. 16 .May 20 Jan. 2 4 Nov. 8 Jan. 3 8 Dec. 7 Sept 15 Apr. 6 Feb. 5 Sept 18 Oct. 7 Dec. an. et>. Chatham RR. ... . . . . ...... 1 May 5 Aug. 10 Jan. 8 Jan. 14~ Nov. 8 Dec. 16¾ June 6 Nov. 11 Feb. 8 Dec. 4 Mar. 2 Jan. Special tax, class 1. •. 1898-99 1 May 4½ Dec. 10 Aug. 10¾ Oct. 10 Nov 16¾ June 7¼ Oct. 11 Feb. 6 Fet>. 10 Jan. 3¾ Aug. 2¼ Jan. Special tax, class 2... . . .. . . . 1 May 4¾ Feb. . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 8 Dec. 16¼ June 6 Oct. 11 Feb. 6 July 10 Jan. 3¾ Aug. 2¼ Jan. S_pecialtax railroad issues .. 1 May . ................... 1919 102 June 108 Sept 105¾ Jan. 115¼ Dec. 116 Jan. 129 Sept 117 Dec. 126~ Mar. 118 Jan. 123¾ Aug. 122 Apr. 127 June 6s Jan. 9l¼Dec. SS¼Jan. l~Dec. 94 Dec. lOO¼Jan. 91 Nov. 96 Jan. 91 Jan. 00 June Co'naoUs ....••••. ••....• 1910 76 Sept ~~¾~pr. 89 96 9 ' Jan. OO May Jan. ~ . . ~~.~·- ~~ .. ~~.... ~~-.~~~'. 18g 1~ ~~~: 1gi 103 108 o:~s~.~~~~::.::::::::::issti 1~ Rhode Ialand-6s, cp... 18113-00 110 Sept 122 Feb. 110 Jan. 126 June 118 July 124 July 116 Feb. 120 Jan. 106 Feb. 115 Jan. 106 Dec. 111 Mar. 8¾ Apr. 5 Deo. 5 Jan. 3 Aug. 5 'Sept 7¾ Apr. 7¾ Dec. 6 May 6¼ Oct. South Car.-6s, actS:ar. 23} 1 June 3¼ Mar. 2 Jan. 0 :·::.is93 100 July 107 Dec. 104¼Jan. 109¼Sept 104 Sept ll0¼Nov.104 July 109¼Mar. 104 Jan. 107 May 101 Sept 106 June 'l'ennessee-6s, old ... 1890-2-8 36 June 43% Apr. !12 Jan. 62¼ Nov. 53 Jan. 65¼ Dec. 67 Oct. 65¼ Jan. 67 Mar. 64 Dee. 68 Aug. 68¾ Sept Sept 6s,new bonds .. 1892-98-1900 35 June 43 Mar. 41!MJau. 52~Nov. 63 Jan. 65¾ Dec. 67 Oct. 65¾Jan. 67 .Mar. 64 Dec. 68 Aug. Hept 68, new aerie• . ...... .. ... 1914 35 June 42¾ Apr. 41¾ Jan. 52¼ Nov . 63 Jan. 65¼ Dec. 67 Oct. 66½ Jan. 57 Mar. 64 Dec. 68 Aug. Sept Compromise, 84-!HJs .•. 191~ 41 Jan. 49 Apr. 48 Jan. 61¼ Dec. 62 Jan. 76¼ Dec. 67 Oct. 76¾ Feb. 67 Mar. 73 Dec. 73¼ Jan. Dec. 110 Jan. 102 May 103 Aug. 100 Dec. 100 Nov. 106¾ Feb. 97 Jan. 106 New settlement, 6s ...... 1918 l~g¾ :J~: ~¾ 1~~ ~:· ~ 1gg 1~¼ :July 1~ f:ew seitt@ment, ~8 ..... 47 July· 47 Jan. 48 Jan: 40 Aug. 60 Oct. 48 Jan: 48 Jan. ·45·"Nov. 42 37 .. ·4.0 .. 33 .. 6s, new bonds ............ 1866 33 July 40 Jan. 37 Jan. 46 Nov . 42 Jan. 47 July i7 Jan. 48 Jan. 40 Aug. 60 Oct. a8 Jan. 48 Jan. .•...••. 1867 as July 40 Jan. 37 J a n. 45 Nov. 42 Jan. 47 July 47 Jan. 48 Jan. 40 Aug. 60 Oct. 48 Jan. 48 Jan. tia, new bonds 6s, consol. bonds......... . .. 46 July 66 Jan. 50 Jan. 86 Nov. 80 Jan. 100 Mar. 76 Dec. 96 Jan. 66 Apr. 76 Jan. 50 July 70 Feb. 6a, ex matured coupons. . ... 30 July 42 Jan. 37 Jan. 66 Nov. 60 Jan. 60 Feb. 41 Dec. 53 Ja.n: 32 June 40 Jan. 82 Jan. 42 June 61, oonsol., 2d aerie&........ . 40 July 65 Dec. 50 Jan. 60 Dec. 60 Jan. 69 July 60 June 66 Dec. 60 .Apr. 60 Jan. 36 .May 60 Jan. 8¼ Sept 7 Jan. 8¼ Jan. 6 Oct. 9 Mar. 13¾ Nov . 7 Dec. 15 Jan. 4 Apr. 13¾ Oct. tla, deferred bonds.... . ...... 4 June 9 Jan. 7 Mar. 10 Nov. 7 Aug. l0¾Jan. 9 Mar. 13~Nov. 8 Sept 16 Fet>. . . .................... . . 10 Dec. 13 Oct. .... Trustreoeipta.... Dist. of Colum.-3·66s,cp .. 1924 106 July 114 Apr. 112¼ Feb.I 116¼ July 116 Jan. 120 Oct. 116¼ Dec. 122 June 116 Feb. 122 Dec. 120 Feb. 124 June Funcllna5s, ooup........ 1800'.l.06 July 112 Mar. 100 Jan. "-l0¼Jan. 110 Jan. 112¼July 104, Dec. 109 Feb. 100 Mar. 109 Dec. 106 Nov. 110 June  ::z  gg81 ,.. 1  J  P3  ~=:  t::  :L:~ ... .. ...... ............................................................ ½8fu :I~~= ½88~ r::: 1 ½~ fit t .. ½~  ~:l.  ½~  fo  ·u:iii.;::::::....  ~c:y  n~  il~f  m  }~g  mE:g; m fg~: k2g f~I: m:J~l~ Hg ½~ ½~ :J:~: m ::: U8 :J:~: m ,~~. ½~  1· N: 8:~· H··1s··cou£~c1i:~ i~ :J:~:  ru,~  t  n:~:  :J~r; ½~ i°r!l.  :J~f;  f~~e  8~t:  nt  :J:~: fgg E::  ½~ i~ ½~ ::~  1~:: U8  t~!f  t~w~ ~~~f:A....  I  ..... vu-:~~:~ri~.. ~::::::·mi  i~t·  J~::~  Jan:  Jaii:  Juiy:  t~~.  ~!~t  B:~: l'fi :J:~·  1~90. SECURITIES,  MAY.  APRIL.  MARCH.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SJl:PT'BER. OCTOBER. Nov'BER. DEO'BEB.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - --1----- ----1-----1-----l·----1- - - - 1- - - High Low.Jil1th ,Low.High ow.High --L ow. High ____ , f,ow.Hlgh ,____ _____ ,Low.High ______ - Low. - - Low.High - - - - Low.High Low.High Low.High L- Low.High  -----------1 ·- - -  Alabama-Cl. A, Ho 5, 1906. 103 -106¼ 107 -107½ 107 -107~ 106J.t-107¼ 106':(-107 107 - 107¾ 105 -105¾ =m =l~P' rni½=½~J¾ ½~=m =l~i ½8~½=rni Class C, 4s, 1906 . . . . . . . . . 100!,t;-102 102 -102¼ 100 -102¾ 102 -103¾ 102½- 1021},( 102 -102!M 101 -101 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~~ ~~ A~::~:~~ls~ti~~~i~!f:O ·is : ff' · io : is½ 'io : io·· ii¼: 12g 12~ ii : ·g· · .. 5 : 9 : 6 - 6 6 - 1> 6 - 5 4 - 5 6 - 10 9 - 9 7s, Memphis & Little Rock 9 - 10 6 - 6 6 - 6 5 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 10 9 - 9 7s,L. R. P. B. & N. 0.. . . .. \I - 10 6 - 6 6 - 5 6 - 6 4 - 6 5 - 10 9 - 9 9 - 10 7s, Miss. O. & R. R. .. . • . . . 6 Ii 6 - 6 5 - 5 4 - 4 6 - 7 6 - 7 7s, Ark. Centr&l RR...... . . 5 - 7 0 ½ell}:(:}g~ ½81¾:½~ ~%:~~~si~~: tzi~:f85¼ f8A¾:rnJ¾ 91 - 93½ Stamped, 4s .. ...... • . . . . . . . \'8 - 97½ P6¼- 97¼ 115 - 911¾ 96¼- 96¾ s;J4 - 95¼ fl4 - 94 90 91 92 90 8 89 : " : : M1~hT~~~~~.n?Joo:.: :: : : :: •. lgg :18i 18f :1~~¼ 18~J,t;:18i 188!,t;=l~½ -lOi" foi -l0i .. -100 .. Missouri--{Ss, 1889-1800 ...... 100 -100 100 -100 100 -100 100 -100 Asylum aod Univ., 1892 ... 101 -102 102 -102 102 -102 102 -102 102 -102 102 -103 102 -103 Fundinl{ bonde, 1894-95 •. . llll -110 110 -110 110 -110 110 -ll0 110 -110 ll0 -110 110 -110  ;s?t.\~1.t'F1."s.'issue:.::: ...  m=m m  m  m  g:~: t:~~rik:::·:::::::·  fg~r:l:~~17!.  103 -104  =m rn; :mi  igk¾:½8:¼rng¼:½8A¼18A¼:½8g  ioo  ioo  103 -103~ 103 -10~  103 -104  rn~½=f~ rn: =rn* rn~¼=½~ 100 -101 .... - . . . . .• - ........ - .... 100 -100 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 ·io : io'. lllg : ~ rg¼ ~ : =1~ :11g 14~ :trig 8 - 4 5 4 7 - 8 6 - 10 6 - 6 8 - 4 6 4 '1 - 8 6 - 10 6 - 6 3 - 4 5 4 7 - 8 6 - 10 tS - 6 3 - 4 5 4 6 - 7 6 - 10 6 6 1 :}&g io5 :10:r · iob' :100,.. =½&A¾ 88 - 9 ~% 00 - IM¼ 92 - 93 85 - 88 88½- 89 911 86 83 86 87 87 .~.~ : ~~ ... ~.~ : ~.. : : : · -100 .. 103 -10~- -loci'. 102 -102 102 -103 103 -103 io2 -103 • i<ii :1of • 110 -no 110 -110 110 -110 110 -110 107 -110  Y8¾: ~&" 1g¼: ~il}:(: ~i¾ ~&ll:f: ~J¾ n¾: :I, 1~ :12~ 1~ :isg 11 :13g 1, :1sg  io..  io.. ..  lOS -105  i~~  Y&¾  1~ :1:;g 15~  }gg  &8¼:}~ 18A  ioo  ioo  Ni:. 1~~~~1s6l:t ~~~-~: ~~~~: :: · 1sg :½&~ ½88 :us rn~ :½88~ ½88 :½88 1~ =I~ f~ =rn~ 188 :rn~ ½88 :ts~ 1~· :½&ll 188 :½88 rn~ :mi mg :½83  : ig ~g : ~ :::: : :::: :::: : :::: : gg ~g : ~g . ~.•• :- ~g• • • . ..~. • :- ~•. •. 200~g :-200ig ..~. . :- ~. . . . \~ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - •••• ~:8!~:\\:~8I.ei~up•s~.~ mg :½~8 ~88 :M8 :::: : :::: M8 :188 :::: : :::: :::: - :::: 188 :l~ :::: : :::: :::: : :.:: :::: : :::: :::: : :::: :::: : :::: :~~8J'i~8a:ct~i~~~~~~-~ 1r8 :1fS 1~8 :1~& :::: - ... 1i8 :1~8 :::: : :::: ::'. : : ·::: 1fg :1f8 :::: : :::: "io : io" 10 : io .. ·io : io . ·io : if•  ~~ ii : ~g N8s,0~\1t~.&-88 • 01.~::~•-~ gg :-lHO 200 -200 N.Car. RR., 1883-4-5 .. ..... 180  ~  . . . . - ... . 200 -200  0  ½8 : ~g ~ : !& :::: : :::: ~ : 1g 2g : 2g . ... : . .. . 2~ : 2g  J;.~!di~~~~::l~~~r~:98 ~~:i:~~diit:.~~:: · : : ::: : 2g : 2g Special tax, class 1....... .. 8½-- 10 - ... Special tax, class 2.. ..• . . .. .  6 -  6  "'ii - ·ti"·  4 -  : ::: : :: : : "'¥¼: .5 .. 2~ 5¼5½1- 5½ 6 - 6 5 - 6 ... , 6½ 5½19~l ~ ½ !l~ :108 •49 : 97 -100 97 ll4 - 96  6  4 - 6 8 - 4 6 0~'.~S~~~ 0'1!': ~ J6 :- ~~ 9t½- 9*~ 9t¾: 9~ ~g~~tgi1.,t::,•m~ IJ4 - 94 ll3 - !l5 94 - 95 Sm11.JI bonds .. ............ 94 - 96 2 ai~d1:!~ian.<i.'..:ilitcii.:·,iJs-:w rn: :½~½ }~ :rn~ rn~~=lit l~:¼:m }~ :1~~ South 1·aro1ina~s,act Mal'. 28, 1869,non-funct., 1888.  4~-  5½  R¾ 1 ~ 67 - 67 67 - 67 67 - 67 78 - 71l¼ 78 - 78 77 - 77 107 -108~ 109 -109 107¾-108 102 -10~ 101~-102 101 -103½ 3 -  4¼  3 -  8¼  8 -  l& : ½8 :::: : :::: ½& : ½& ~g : ~ 18 : 18 ½& : ~  20 : 20 .. ·· 4 - .5..  }~~.:m  :~¼- 4¼ 4 - 4~ 1 1 1  2l 6 ....  9f • 97  ··5 : .5 .. 6 6 J~= 9~ 1-15 - 95 5~ 5¼-  2g : 5 -  5 -  9~½: !l5 -  2~ : 2g 2~ 5½ 4 - 5 5¼ 4 - 5 9g 9~½ 00 - 00 117  9* :  \ii -J.i1¾ l~¼:}~7¾ mg :}~i 4¼- 4'¼ 1  4 -  4¾  8¼- 4  LirJ~~ it=1i! i~ :it i~ : it :ir ~eS: ~t ~¾: i8 TI : !i il : r!  ~r~?i:te~;:i~Jfito~ 6s, new series. 1914 . . . . . . . 67 - 67 Compromise 8-4-5-6s, 1912 77 - 77 New Settlement, 6s, 1918. 105 -107 New Settlement, 5s, 1918. 10139-10:.1  1  1  1  1  1  61%- 70 67 - 67 8v - SL 77 - 80 108 -108¾ lOli -109 102¼-108¾ 102¼ 103:14  :~½-  70 ~0 106 10:l  - 70 - 81 -106 - 103  71 - 71 81 - 81 105 -105 -  67 77 105 W  - 71 - 81 -100 -100  .?.~~ ~~.. .:~. : ~~~ .~: ~~ .?~:'{j- ~~.. . :~~ ti½: 'Ji½:?~¼:~~:: ri~: lt .:.~~:- :~~ ,~:i:ifa~~~fJ1~:.~~:.~~~~: ••...... - ...... . • - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ... . 50 - 50 .... - •. .. 5~ - 61 6s, new bonds, 1866 .. .•. . .  6s, new bonds, 1867. .... .. . ..• - ••...... - .. .. ... - .... .. .. - ........ - •...•• . . - . .. . 50 - 60 .... - .... . .. - . .. . .••• - .•..••.• - •.. . tt5 - r5 .... . ....... - ••.. 6s, consol. bonds . .......... .• - ••.... . • - . . . . . . , - .... . ... - • .. . ••• . - ........ - . . . . 50 - 50 6s, ex-m11tured ooupona.. 5 6 6 : ·7ij ··;; 6 : ·.;- ... 5 : .6...... : .... "ij 6!,(- 10¼ 10 - 10¼ 9 Trust receipts. 6s . . . . • • • . • . 8 - 8¾ 6 - 7½ .. 5 - ·7ij 7~- 7¼ 8 - 9 18 . .• i2¥ :126·· iliil}:(:122° ' iiii~=1~iij iiiiJ,t;:12iij iiii~12iij i21¾:12i¾ fai¼:12i~ . ·.24 . ......19 oFlt4u.onfdlcn¥i;,\r81~.i.~.ts 100 -109 108 -101:1 109 -ux, .... - ... . .... - . .. . ...• - .......• • ., uo 1 ....  t: ~~f:~~efti:a~~~::::::: .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ·-r· ..  ·s.. 8~: f,gu ..  rn~ :rn~ S¾- 4  ~67  - 67 77 - 77 104 -106 101 -101  ~¼= l~ -  50 50 60 47  - .6 ..  ~8 :  g .~  5  8  9  2g  4 -  5  ~ ,  . •• • - .•.....• - •••• 0  fii : 9g°' .{}f¾: of• 95 - 95  95 - 95  }~g :mt lA~ :½~ 8 -  339  61 50 60 47  61> - 65 75 - 75 10~-104  3 -  3~  : ~~ : :~ ... ~~.~: ~~ ••••  -  ~ti '" s -  5  u.....,  6i¼70 - 72~ 100 -102¼ 95 - w  ••••••••  -  ••••  ...• - •.. ... - ... . .... - •.. . .... - •... - ••.•.... - ... .  ·s·  7!'(- 8½  .~~ : ~ .. :::: : :::: .~ - ........ - ........ - .. . . . ...  : ::::  2g : 8 -  J~ ii :ii ii~= gt, 62¾  - .... 51 - 51 - .. 60 . 60 48 - . •. • 48 - 10  28 :  "7 : .8 .. 6 -  ti~ . ... 107  : S5'  7'6  :1~1 -107  1  66  STATE SECURITIES. to 1896, inclusive.  1891.  [For these and succeeding years, range is based on actual sales at the New York Stock Exchange., 1891.  DESCRIPTION.  Lowest. Alabama-Class A, 4 to 5.1906 100 Sept Class A, small ........... 1906 l02 Aug. Class B, F>s ............. . . H!Ot-'105!}.( July Class C, 4s.... ........ ... l i.06 . . . . . . . . Currency funding 4s .... 1920 95 Sept A.rkansas-6s, .. Holford"..... 7 May 7s, L. R. & Ft. S. Issue....... 6 S<>pt 7s, L. R. P. B. & N. O . .. . .... 4¼ Sept 7s, Miss O. & Red River..... ...... .....  1892.  1893.  Highest.  Lowest.  Highest.  Lowest.  104 Feb. 102 Auit 108)4 Mar . .. . . . .. ... 97¾ Dee. 7 May 6 Sept 4¼ Sept .. .. ....... .  100 Sept . . . .. . . . . 104 Feb. 94 Feb. 95¾ Jan. 7 Nov. 9 Aug. 5¼ Aui;t. 6 Aug.  105 June . .. . ....... . 107¼ June 97 Aug. 97% June 9)4 Oct. 22 Oct. 20 Oct. 21¼ "ct.  95 Sept 102!1( Dec. 100 Nov. 90¼ Oct. 89 Sept 10 Oct. 6 Dec. 8 Sept 10 Oct.  93¼ Feb.  84¾ Apr.  1894.  Hig}J.e~ Lowest. 103¾ Apr. 102~ Dec. 106¼ Jan. 9t'¼ June 93¼ Nov. 10 Oct. 6 Dec. 17 Jan. 12 Oct.  1895,  Hil!hest.  97¼ Feb. . . .... 98 Jan. 93!1,( Jan. 92 Auir. 8 Mar .. . . .. . . . .. . 6 June 7 June  Lowest.  104~ Dec. .. ....... ... 104 sept 9311:( Jan. 93 June 9¼ Feb. . . . .. . . . . . . 12 Mar. 11 Mar.  1896.  Highest.  Lowest.  Highest.  103¾ Jan. 109¼ Oct. 101.¼i Nov. 109 Jan. ..... ....... ...... .. . . . . . ........ .. ........ .. 108¼ Sept 110¼ Dec. 100 Aug. 100 Au2,, 100¾ Sept 101)4 Dec. 93¾ Oct. 100 Apr. . . . .. ••.•••. . ... .. . .... . 94 Sept 100¼ Apr. . .......... . .. . ........ 3% May 3¾ May .. .......................... . .................. . 8 June 9 June ....... . ............... . ............ ......... . .. .............. .. ... .  m¼}!Jf.~)¥.~f~i~ ii~~ !!~lf; i::u.~!.t i:~~!'.- :::::+:: HUT ++: +:/ \HI :++: ::++ HIH  Louisiana-Consol. 4s.. .. .....  85  July  98  Dec.  92  Sept  98  Jan.  95  Jan.  97¼ June . .. .. . . ..  .. . . . .•• .. .. . .. .. . . .. • •. .  . •••  gg~:gU:::~~ecC::::::: . ~~ .. ~.~: .~~... ~.~~. . :::::::: .. ·· ::::.::::::: :::::::::::: ::::'.::::::: ·g7"J'iine ·01 .. Jui:ie :::::::::::: .... :: .. :::: :::::::::::· :::::::::::: New consol. 4s . . ......................... . .............................. ... ....................... 97 June 97 June 92~ .Mar. 100¼ Dec. 90¼ Sept 99!,( Feb.  Missouri-Fundilll? bonds. .... . .. . . . . .• • . . . . . . .. .. . . 105 0  Nov. 105  Nov. .. .. .. . . • . .. .. . . .. . . • • . . .. . .. . . . • . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. ... . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .......... .. . . ....... .  ~~:ls96  N~~n~~r::.c&ly~~1/t, 121¾ Feb. 121¾ Feb. ... .. .... . . .. . ... ..... ...... ...... ..... ....... ............ ..... ...... .. . ........................................... . No. Caro1lna-Chatham RR. . . 4 Jan. 5)4 Jan. 3¼ Sept 4¾ Oct. . ............................. . ................................................................ .  :x{~~f:¥.eli:r:;~~~~ .J~~~·~ . rt.ff>>;~.:>~~~~~::~~~)~~i~~ ~::!~ii !i : ::/~~~.: ::~:~~~~~ !~~)~~~i~! ~ii)!~!!!: ::::j~~i.: ::::j~~j SpeclaJ tax, Class 1........... . . .. .. .. .. .. . • ••• ••. .. . . 4 Dec. 4 Dec. Class2. .. ................... ....... . .. . ....... .... 3¼Aug. 4 Aug. 5 Apr. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cl.ass 8........ ... . . . . • .. . .. . . 5 Apr. Con,ol. 48 •••••••••••••••• 1910 96 Jan. 101 May 97 Jan. 100¾ Aui;t.  6f.~~~~·: '.:::::::::::::::: :tm l~~¼ I~~- 1~~ ~~~.. l~i  . .. . . . .. • .. . .......... . . . .. .. . . . . 94 Nov.  . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . ¾ Dec. ¼ Dec. l¾ June 1¾ Apr. ........... 3¾Apr. 3¾Apr........ . ... .. ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . • .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ................... . ..................... . 100 Apr. 100 Oct. 102 May 103 Aug. 106 Nov.102 Jan. 105~June  1 t:~~· 11~l¾ i:~: iis .. Sept fa'i .. M·ar: i2W{May· i2{% Aug. 1~ J!ii. l~~ i~~- iiif. oci: · i24 .. Apr: J:i:d~~i·act· of 186ft: ::::::::: ::.2)4:: ::Nov. '. '. :: : '. :::: ::::: :· f8~ 8~t ~8~ 8~t '. '. '. ::: '.:: '.:: ::'. '.'. ::::: :: ::: .:::: '. '.:: ::::: '.: :: ·: ::: :::::: :: : :::::::::::: ::::::::: ::: ::: ::::::::• 3 Dec. l¾ Apr. 5 Oct. l¼ June 2¼ Jan. l¼ Jan. 2¾ Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Mar. 1 Jan. 1¼ May fo:11r,n4~~~~?~:.~~::::::::i933 . ~.~ •. ~~~: .?~~~~.~·. .~~.~~~- .~~~~~:. :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ·o9¾Aiir: io¥¾i>ec.' ios··N·ov: ios··Nov'. ::::::::.::: ::::::::::::  So. Carohna-Non-fund. 6s...  Tw::s::~ment 61 ...... 1913 Small . ... ........ .. •....... New settlement 5s .•..•• 1913 Small.... .. . . . . • .. . . . . . . New settlement 3s .•.•.. 191:3 Small.... . .... ...........  101 101 99 101 67 66  May May Nov. Feb. July Nov,  106¼ Dec. 106 June 102!,( May 102 Dec. 71¾ Dec. 70¾ Feb.  101¼ Aug. 103 Aug. 99¾ Jan. . . . . .. .. . . 68 Jan. 67¼Jan.  107¾ Apr. 100 Sept 107 Oct. 103 Jan. 107 Jan. ............ ........... 103 Aug. 104¾ June .. . . . . . . . .. . 79~ Aug. 76 Aug.  . . . . .. . . . . . . 97 Sept . . . . .. . . . . . 64 Aug. 71 Feb.  . . . . . . . .. . . . 97 Sept . .. . . .. . .. .. 76¾ Mar. 74 Mar.  . . . .. .. . . . 101 Apr. . . . .. . . . . . 72;.( Jan. 73)4 Mttr  . ..................... . . ...................... . ....................... . . . . . • •• . .. •••••••••• 74 Aul{. 88¾ Feb. 81 Feb. 81 Feb.  . . . . • . . . . .. . . . . • .. . .. . . . . . . • . . . . . . 104 Apr....................... . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 84~ Dec. 82 Jan. 9111:( July 77 Sept 78¼ Jan. 85 .Nov.  vfi~i!t~£frif;r t~i '~ii. ::~t~E :'fa!B: ::>rE. :}GI i:::::t '.?:ii! /I\ LI//\?+/?  Trust receiots stamped..... 6 July 9 Jan. 6)4 Dec. 8¾ Jan. 5 May ' 7 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Dec. 5¾ Dec. 13¾ Jan. 4: July 7¾ NoY. Funded debt, 2-3s........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 51¾ Sept 57¾ Dec. 55¼ Jan. 61)4 Dec. 58l)( Feb. 64¼ Sept 55 Aug. 62xt .Apr. Reitistered... . ... .. . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . .•••... . .. . 62¼ Julf 62½ Julv ....................... ..  !°itl~~iebergers;;: :::: :: ::: :: ... ·:: ::: :: : ............ :... ::: ::::: ::: :: ::::::: .~~ .~~: . .~~ .. ~~~---··:::::·.:::: :::::::···· 1896 to  "75··:,:uly  ··1,f"juiy :::::::::::: ::::::::::::  i90l, inclusive.  [For these and succeedin5 years, range is based on actual sales at the New York Stock Exchange.] 1896.  DESCRIPTION.  Lowest,  Alabama-Class A, 4 to 5.1906 101½ Nov. 109  g::: ii;~~~~~:::::::: :::lro~  1897.  llighest.  Lowest.  1898.  Highest. _ Lowest.  Jan. 105¼ July 108¼ Sept 108¼ :Mar 109  Aug. ioo .. :.fuir. io4lJi ~uiy ii>7¾ :iui:ie l&i¼ 1:~:: tg~  100 .. Class C, 4s . . ............. 1 06 93¼ Oct. 100  1  Apr.  98¼ Feb. 100  Apr.  98  1899.  Highest.  Aug. 104  Lowest.  May 107  1900.  Highe~ Lowest.  Oct. 113  1901,  Highest.  Lowest.  June 108¼ Jan. 116¼ Mar. 108  Highest.  Aug. 109¾ Apr.  Oct:· :::::::::::: ::::::::::::  re~t- :::::::::::. ::::::::::: i09¼ Oct: i09¼ Dec. ... ....... ... .......... . 10-~ Jan. 102¾ Sept 102  Feb. 103¾ Mar.  A~~~~~~~J~!-11fJiMrii·,-,~~-~~ ~¾~f; i~~~~ :::::::::::. :::::::::::: .:::····:::: :::::::::::. ·::::::::: .. ·.::::::::::: :::::::::::: .::.:::::::· ~?~ .. ~~~: :?~ .. ~~~· Dist. of Col -cp. ;j•tl5s .... 1924 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .... . . .. . . . . . 115 June 118 Dec............ . ... .... ... . 121 AN. 121 Apr. 125 Apr. 126 July 10  9  Louisiana-New consol. 4s 90¼ Sept 99¼ Feb. 93 Sept 100)4 Nov. 100 Consol. 4s, small............. . . . . .. . . . . .. ..... . .. ... . . . . ... 98 No. CaroJina-ConsoL 4s •• rn10 102 Jan. 105:}fJune 103¾ July 105¼ June 101 6s ............. . ....... 1919 116 Oct. 124 Apr. 127 June 127 June 128  May Mar. Jan. Feb.  TennesseeNew settiement 3s ...... 1913 Small... . . . ........ . Virginia-Funded debt. 2-3s .. 6s, deferred tr. rec. stamped.  ~:;  106¼ Nov. 100¾ Mar . 104 Nov. 128 Feb.  108¾ Jan. 109¾ Feb. 108 Apr. ............  110 Apr. 106¼ July 108 Aug. 109¼ Feb. . ... . ............ 108 Apr. 105 Oct. 106¾ May ........ . .. . . ... .................  106¼ Aug. 109 Apr. . .. ...... .. .... .. 105 Feb. 106¾ Nov. 135 Mar. 136¾Mar.  sfliJ;g~fft~;.~;~~~ . :~f: ~ . :~!:})!!ii ::~::!!::!!!:!:!:!~!!;;;;~::!!!!~;~;!!!:)!!!!!~~~: )~)i:::: ;~<~:~~: ~~<~~( ~i)~~ii~!: i ! ~~)~~~ it55 4  t~:. ri¾ i:t ~g tr~: 8r~ B:~:  Aug. 62¼ Apr. 61 Jan. 70 Dec. July 7¼Nov. 3¾June 6%Jan.  ~~  65 Apr. 4¾Feb.  ~~¼ ~~'!=.  it¼~~;. tg 1~:ii~ 8~% ,:~~ tffl 1~~: Jan. 96¾ Dec.  83~ Dec. 82¼ Jan. 87¾ Sept 85 9¼Aug. 5¾Dec. 9 Mar . 6  Dec.  i:~~ gf4 w:ir  g~¼ 93½ June 98¾ Nov. Mar. 7¼J~,:; lO¾Mar.  10  1899. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  SECURITIES.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BEB.  = -........ .. .  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hlllh Low.High Low.High Low.High  A.labama-CI. A, 4 to 5, 1906 :-:-:-:-~ ~ 112 -112¾ 112¾-113 . . • . Louisiana-New consol., 4s 10~-109~ . .. - . . 109!1,( -101».( 109¾•110 .... Do Small . . . . . . .. . . . .. • - . . . 109¼-100¾ . . . . - ..... .. . North Carolina- • ••• Consol.. 4s. 1910. ... . . . . . . . .. - ....... . - • . . . •. • • - ... . 108 -108 TennesseeNew settlement, 3s, 1913. 96¼- 96¾ 97 97¼ 97 08 - 90 97 : ~~ Do Small. 95 - 95 95 ~ ·85 - 86½ Virginia-Fund. debt. :.t-3s. 82¼- 87 85 _ 86!1,( ·ss _ 85 ·ss!J,(- 84M ·ss¾- s5 .. 6 - 9 8 - 8¾ 8¾- 87Ai s - s 6 - 6 6s, deferred certlficate:J.. 7¼- 8 ••••  : gg ~-  on~ .... - ....  ·ssM-  - •... 109¾-109¾ 107 -107 . ••• -  - • .. · .. · · -  95 : ~~·- gg¼: gg~ .~~. : ~~ .• .... - •••. 87¼- 87!1,( 86 - 86¾ 851¼- 86 84 - 86 • .. • 8~- 8J4 • .. • - • • • • 5!J.i- 5M.  . 95  : 95 .. ::::  ... .  1900. JANUARY FEBR'RY. MARCH.  BECURIT!ES.  APRIL.  M.A.Y.  '  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV':BER. DEC'BEB.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High [,ow.High  -----------,----------------·---- -------Alabama-Cl. A,4to 5, 1906103¼-lll ...• - .... 116¼-116¼ 111 -111 110~110¾ .••• - •.•. 109 -109)'4 .••• Class B, 5, 1Q06. . .... - . . . . . ... 2 f~~isfin~~;i~21:;l;! .... : North Carollnas.CJ~~lln~2~~i3,-4¼;'i938: :::: '1'ennesseeN ew settlement, 3s, 1913. 94 - 94¾ 95 Do Small. 91 - 91 .... Virginia-Fund. debt. ,Hls. 85 - 86 85)46s, deferred certificates .....• - ...... . . -  ~~~ =1°  :::: i~:16~~ :::·  i20  i~kt~~~ :::: - .... 108¾:108½ 106¼-107¾ 108  - ........ - .... 109~-109~ 110 -110 - ... . .... - .... 1011~·1.09~ ... . :1;:: ~?~·l02¾ ...• -  106 106 :120 ...... - .. ;. "'- " ·· ·· - ........ -  95 95 - 95¼ 95J,,i- 95½ 95~- 96¼ 96 . . 96~... . .... - . . . IJ2 - 92 91¾- 9!l¾ 92¾87 88½- 90 90¼- 9~ 8 - 8 . •. • . . . . 9½- 10  - ····  105  -  105  931}s- 94% 9i - 94 96¾ . . .. - • .. • . . . . 96¾- 9tl¾ ll4 - IJ4 93 90 - 91¼ 8911:(- 89¾ 89½- 89¾ 89¾- 91¼{ • • • . 6¼- 7¼ 6),6- 6¾ • . • • - • • . . .. • • - .. ..  96% .... - .... 94 - 95  94¼- 96½ 96 - 96 .. . . - . . . . . . . - .... 90¼- 92¾ 93%- 96¾,  . .. • - • • • .  6 -  7  1901. SECURITIES.  JULY. AUGUST. SEPT'BER. 0CT0:BER. NOV'BER. DEO'BEB. JANUARY FEBR'RY. MARCH. APRIL. M.A.Y. JUNE. ---- ---- ---- ---- ----1-----1---Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High L0w.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Higa  ----1-----1-----1-----1-----  -----·-----1---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --- ---A~~!!11t°2~· .~.•.~:.~.~•.rni~~?.~¼:l~~ io2 :1of Currency funding .is.192•J ....  iro  -103½ ~?.~½_l~~~ ::::  Dist. of Cvlumb.-a·65, W2t •.• Louisiana-New consol., 4s .••• North CarollnaConsol., 4s, 1910....... . .. ... - .... 105 -105 ...• - :::: 6s ..................... . 1919.... - . . . 135 -136¼ . • . - ....... . Tennessee9W4 95 - 96¾ .. Ne'b settlement,3t 191,. 96 - 96¼ . . : 98¼ .~~¼: ~~ .. 96¾. . ... . . .. - . .. . 96 96... 1 93¼- 93¼ Vlrgin~-Fund. debt.~~-ss: ·g6 : 9~¾ 96 - 96¾ 95%- 9fi% 95¾- 95:Ja 95 - 95 6s, deferi,ed certificates.. 7¾- 8 7¼- 8 8¼- lO!J.( IIXa- 10½ 9 - 10½ . . . . - . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ~~¼:  - •••. 108 -108  ........ : :::: ioo •.. . 126 -126 .. ..  108 -108  :Hio" · ....  108¾-108¼ ...• _ ::::. ioii¼-103~  .... ...  ....  . _ ........ -  - ... ... .• - .... i26 -126 :::. - .••... •• - •••. 106½-106~ . .. • • .. ... .. - .... 107 -107  i:36¼=136½ :::: : :::: :::: : .... 105¾-105¾ 106~-106¼ .... 96¾.... 93¾7~-  96¾ 96 - 96¼ . . . . . . . . - • •• • 94 94¼- 95!,( 'i¼ 7~- 7),g  95¼94½95¾. . .. -  95½ 94½ 96¾ . ...  .... - . ... Sl5 - 95 96¼- 96¼ .. . . - • . . .  96¼:.... 96¼. .. . -  98 ... 98¾ •. . .  96¾.... .... . .. • -  97 •. : .. •••• •.••  TRAFFIC  RAILROAD PRICES  STOCKS  AND  AND  BONDS,  PRICES.  1897-1901.  In the article on this and following pages we furnish a very full and complete review of the course of earnings of United States railroads for the calendar year 1901, wtth the influences and conditions bee.ring on the As a preliminary, however, we present some general statistics to show the course of operations in the past. The following two tables have been prepared from Poor's Manual. Latterly the later-State Oommerce Commission has begun to publish very extensive statistics regarding the railroads, but the record in this case does not as yet extend back very far and the complete report is late in making its appearance. The first of the two tables we give indicates the new construction each year and the total length of road at the end (December 31) of the year. The changes in total mileage from year to year, it will be observed, do not agree with the additions through new construction. This is due to the fact that the Manual finds it necessary to make adjustments and corrections of past mileage and to the further fact that some old mileage is abandoned from time to time. There were on January 11902, roughly, 199,000 miles in the country. The second table shows the changes in stock, debt, earnings, etc., since 1878. It is proper to say that in this case the figures are not for the end of the calendar year, but to the end of the fiscal years of the respective companies. The results include the operations of the elevated roads in New York City and Brooklyn in some of the earlier but not in any of the more recent years. RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION YEARLY AND TOTAL MILEAGE IN OPERATION. Years. 1830 .... .. 1831. ..... 1832 ...... 1833 ...... 1834 ...... 1835 .• •••• 1836 ...... 1837 ...... 1838 ...... 1839 ...... 1840 .. . ... 1841. ..... 1842 ...... 1843 ...... 1844 ...... 1845 ...... 1846 ...... 1847 ......  I  Mileso1 Milealn New Road Operation Built. End of Yr. 0  23  72  134 151 253 465 175 224 416 389 516 717 491 159 192 256 297 668  95 229 3 80 633 1,098 1,273 1,497 1,913 2,302 2,818 3,535 4,026 4,185 4,377 4,633 4,930 5,598  Years. 1848 . ..• .. 1849 ..• • 1850 ...... 1851. ..... 1%2 ...... 1853 . ..... 1854 ...... 1855 ...... 1856 ...... 1857 .... . . 1858 . . .. .. 1859 ...... 1860 ...... 1861. ..... 1862 ...... 1863 ...... 1864 ...... 1865 ......  I  Miles ot Miles in New Road Operation Built. End of Yr. 398 1,369 1,656 1,961 1,926 2,452 1,360 1,654 3,642 2,487 2,465 1,821 1,846 651 8 34 1,050 738 1,177  5,!:196 7,365 9,021 10,982 12,908 15,360 16,720 18,374 22,016 24,503 26,968 28,789 30,826 31,286 32,120 33,170 33,908 35,085  Years.  Miles of ] Miles in New Road Operation Built. End of Yr.  18 66 .. .. .. 1867 ...... 1868 ... ... 1869 ...... 1870 ...... 1871. . •... 1872 .. .. .. 1873 .. ... . 1874 ...... 1875 ... ... 1876 ...... 1877 ...... 1 8 78 ...... 1879 ...... 1880 ...... 1 8 81. .. . .. 188 2 ...... 1883 . . ....  1,716 2,449 2,979 4,615 6,070 7,379 5,878 4,097 2,117 1,711 2,712 2,280 2,629 4,746 6,876 9,778 11,599 6,818  36,801 39,250 42,229 46,844 52,922 60,293 66,171 70,268 7~,385 74,096 76,808 79,082 81,747 86,556 93,262 103,108 114,677 121,4 22  I  Miles in Milesot New Road Operation End of Yr. Built.  Years.  3,97:'l 3,131 8,128 12,983 7,066 5,695 5,656 4,620 4,584 2,789 2,264 1,938 2,067 2,161 3,199 4 ,512 4,157 4,750  125,345 128,320 136,338 149,214 156,114 161,276 166,654 170,729 175,170 177,516 179,415 181,06!'> 182,769 184,591 l!-16,810 HI0,818 19-t,321 199,000  Interest on Bonds.t  Dividends Paid.  1884 .....• 1885 ...... 1886 ...... 1887 .•.... 1888 .. .•.• 1 889 ...... 1890 ...... 1891. ....• 1892 ...... 1893 ...... 1894 ....•. 1895 ...... 1896 . .. . .. 1897 ...••• 1898 .••••• 1899 ----1900 ..... 1901 rest.)  GENERAL RAILROAD STATISTICS FOR THE UNITED STATES. Capital Stock.  Years.  Funded Debt.  Unfunded D ebt.  Length Gross T,afllc o!Lme Earnings. Operated  -----  Miles. $ $ $ $ $ 2,319,489,172 156,881,052 79,009 216,544,999 112,237,515 61,681,470 2,530,8 74,943 162,48 9,939 82,14 6 613,733,610 2 5 5,557,5 55 107,866,328 77,115,371 2,878,423,606 222,766,2 67 92,971 701,78 0,98 2 272,406,787 128,587,302 93,344,190 3 ,235,543,323 270,170,962 104 ,911 770,209,8 99 280,316,696 154,295,380 102,031,434 3,500,879,914 268,925,285 110,414 8 23,772,924 298 ,367,285 173,139,064 102,05,2,548 3,669,115,772 244,666,596 115,704 763,306,608 266,513,911 *167,286, 139 93,203,835 3,765,727,066 259,108,281 123,320 765.3 lv,419 266,488,993 179,681,323 77,672;105 3,882,966,330 · 280,673,814 125,185 822,Uil,949 29i ,311,615 182,884,990 80,094,138 4,186,943,116 294,682,071 137,028 931,385,154 331,135,676 196,081,610 90,013,458 4,624,035,023 306,95 2,589 145,387 950,622,008 297,363,677 199,062,531 78,943,041 4,828,365.771 357,477,160 152,689 992,046,319 317,963,074 210,268,325 79,531,863 5,053,:H9,990 375,281,271 157,976 1,078,835,339 341,666,369 217,922.677 83,575,705 5,178,821,989 345,102,632 164,262 1,125,534,815 350,807,370 222,652,306 89,099,757 5,405,049,969 285,455,287 170,607 1, 16µ,036,840 352,817,405 229,909,292 93,862,412 5,510,225,528 409,909,043 173,361 1,207,106,026 358,648,918 237,677,728 94,2!-15,815 5,605,775,764 382,927,834 176,220 1,066,943,358 317,757,399 234,702,912 83,478,669 5,648,659,436 418,536,623 179,154 1,092,395,437 3~3,196,454 239,b98,134 81,685,774. 5,461,856,798 344,499,969 180,891 1,125,632,025 332,766,979 243,287,730 81,528,154 5,534,432,492 380,669,705 181,~7-i l,132,~66,6t6 :- 42,792,030 234,454,578 83,680,040 5,635,363,5114 36~. 182,5t'4 184,532 1,249,558,724 389,r66,474 2~7,183,099 94,937,526 5,644,858,027 305,777,R:\8 186,590 1,336,096,379 423,941,6~9 208,957,209 !l8,076,393 5,758,592,754 3 28.961,335 191,8611,501.695,378 483.247,526 214,199,502 119.288,879 1900 .. ....... ... ... . .. .. ...... ,l Basis of computation seems to have been changed somewhat beginning with this year. i Net traffic earnlngs do not include income from investments; and interest on bonds does not mclude rentw. and other charges. 1879 .................... .... 1880 .......................... 1881 .......................... 1882 ...... ... ............... . 1883 ......... ... .............. 1884 ..••... .. .......••••....•. 1885 .......................... 1886 ............... .. .... ... .. 1887 . .. ............. . .... ... .. 1888 .. ... .... ...... ...... .. ... 1889 .. .... ... .. ............... 1890 .......................... 1891 ......... ........ ... . ...... 1892 .......................... 1893 ............... ......... . 1894 .......................... 1895 .. .......... . ............ . 1896 .......................... 1897 .......................... 1898 .......................... 1899 ...... .. ... ...............  $  I Net Traffic E arnings. t  525.:20,5771  2,395,647,293 2,708,673,375 3,177,375,179 3,511,035,824 3,708,060,5 83 3,762,616,68 6 3,817,697,8 32 3,999,508,508 4,191,562,029 4,438,411,342 4,495,099,318 4,590, 171,561 4,751,750,498 4,863,119,073 5,021,576,551 5,027,604,717 5,181,373,599 5,373,187,619 5,002,964,449 5,581,522,858 5,742,181,181 5,804,3'16,250  RAILROAD GRUBS E.A.RNI.NGS I.N THE CALENDAR YEAR 1901. Railroad gross earnings for 1901 furnish the most striking of all the various evidences of business activity and prosperity which distinguished the year. 'l'be railroad transportation industry was certainly pros perous beyond the ordinary during this period of twelve months. 0 ur rail carriers are quick to n:fl.~c• risiJ g trade conditions in an augmented volu me of traffic and enlarged receipts, and in turn their pr(.lsperity acts as a further and most powerful stimu lu r upon trade. Thie ts the situation which has existtd during the last few years, these two favoring fac ors acting and r ea cting upon each other with incr~asing force and effect. .As a result we have had an expau aion in revenues during this cycle which in n,ag1.iitude has no parallel, and which if any one had dared Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  to predict five years ago would have been regarded as an utterly fanciful dream. If the gains in earnings made in previous years were noteworthy and remarkable, the further addition established in 1901 is still more so. In . amount, indeed, the increase proves the largest of the whole stries of gains, a fact which will come as a surprise 10 those who had supposed that high-water mark had be.,n attained in the very heavy totals of 1900. Onr compila ione published from month to month during tbe progress of the year had made it clea.r that reveuu.-s were still moving upward in a marked way, notwithstanding the dev.-lopment of some adverse circum. stancl'B of great i , fluence, like the drought and poor i:tgricultural out-turn, but the actual extent of the in1  RAILROAD EARNINGS. -crease for the twelve months, as now disclosed by our ~ompilations below, proves very much larger than any one had supposed likely. Through having deferred these compilations until a somewhat later date than usual, we are able to present a m~re comprehensive and more nearly complete exhibit than in other years. We have returns for the full twelve months from companies or systems operating at the end of 1901 168,452 miles of road, not counting the Mexican roads, which we no longer include in our totals (they constituting a class by themselves) and which we have also eliminated from the figures of previous years. In addition we have a few other roads which have as yet reported for only eleven months and which at the close of 1901 were operating 4,427 miles of road. Altogether, therefore, our exhibit covers 172,879 miles of road. Without further preliminaries we ahow the comparative results on this large aggregate of mileage, as follows.  -Eamina,.  Maes of .Roacl Ena of Periocl.  G'f'o,1  1901.  138 19  Increase.  1900.  $ $ $ roads twelve mos. 1,{68,607,140 1,818,M0,986 U0,096,154 84,886,6111 2,921,647 87,808,266 roads eleven mos.  Grand  tot. <lli7' r'ds). 1.4911,911>,406 1,852,897,605 143,017,801  1901.  1000.  168,452 4,427  166,US 4,404  - - ----.... - -172,879  1'10,5◄ 9  It will thus be seen tha, the further addition to reve nues in 1901 on the mileage here represented was no less than 143 million dollars-'143,017,801. In ratio the increase is 10·57 per cent, as against an increase of 2,330 miles, or 1 ·37 per cent in length of road. This comes not only after successive heavy increases in all the years immediately preceding, but in amount, as already stated, is actually far in excess of the largest of these previous increases, distinguished as those were for their magnitude. Stated in brief, the tl43,017,801 improvement in gross revenues for 1901 follows 1100,915,767 gain in 1900, $101,316,886 gain in 1899, 177,647,719 gain in 1898 and 154,490,563 gain in 1897, the mileage embraced in each case being that of the roads contributing returns. Mileage. Year Given.  Y ear Precedilno  14},897 1'S 062 U61116 154,980 15T,1<0l 156,958 167,401 17l!.879  IU.9 1& 142,689 147,710 168,183 .156,295 158 585 162,122 170.549  Earnings. Year Given.  Increase OT  Year Precedina.  Decre<Ue.  $  $  -----1--------------1---Miles. Miles. g  J11n.1 to Dec. 81 189& (186 roa1s). 1895 (195 roads) 1 ~ (196 roa<lBJ, 1897 1192 road11) . 1898 (190roada). 1899 (168 road11) . lUOO (171 ro&dll) 19011157 roads).  826,591>,690 937,8'1,62{1 De.111,241,939 1>42.460.3117 7911,544,783 Inc.t6,9 •6.6U 879 622 029 877,303,635 Inc. 11,318 89' 974,466,753 9111.976,191 Inc 6i.4'110,66S l,Oi50,t-95,t3'< 1173,2,lT,319 Inc.77,617,7111 l,ll!R,92d.9ltl 1,027,612,030 In.IOI 816.8811 1,U6,924,ll5l 1,116 OOi>,184 In.100,915,71'7 1,495,916,406 l,852,SIJ ·,eo5 In.148,017.801  dar year 1896. What a wonderful transformation this implies, not:alone in the conditions affecting the railroad industry, but the whole of the nation,s varied activities, it is needless to point out. The further large increase which occurred in 1901 derives especial 11ignificance from the fact that it was made in face of a decided contraction in the grain movement, both at the seaboard and in the West. To the discomfiture of those who have been so insistently urging that railroad revenues had reached their ma::.d. mum, that!the corn crop failure would surely inaug urate a retrograde movement, it aotually happened that the addition to railroad transportation receipts was larger the last six months, when the corn crop shortage was an active, present influence, than during the first six months, when it was not yet a factor in affairs. 0 Ll? returns indicate that of the 150 millions gain for the year, 70 million dollars was made in the first six months and 80 million dollars in the last six months. It is proper to say, however, that in the previous year only 30 million dollars of the 120 million dollars increase occurred the last six months, both the anthracite miners' strike and the spring-wheat shortage having operated then to cut down the gains. It is worth pointing out that in 1900 as in 1901 there had been a falling off in the grain movement, so that in reality two successive years have been distinguished in that way. In 1900 the corn crop was up to the average, but the wheat crop-and particularly the spring wheat crop in the Northwest-was cut short, and this played an important part in bringing about a decrease in grain receipts. OI course, however, the corn crop failure of 1901 was muoh larger in magnitude, more widespread in its influence anct a more important matter in every way. There are three principal traffic elements at all times in the prosperity or adversity of the railroads: {l) the state of trade, (2) the situation as to rates and (3) the result as to the crops. The first two have oeen favorable in the extreme for some years, the third during 1901 was adverse. As to the activity of trade, it is unnecessary to say anything, that being a fact so familiar to every one. The part, however, which good rates are playing in the excellent results constantly being recorded has not yet received the attention it deserves. We have ref erred in previous reviews to the improvement in rates established during 1899 and 1900 through the concentration of ownership in different group■ of roads and the adoption of the community-of-interest idea. D cuing 1901 there was further decided improvement in rates on at least one important class of tonnage, namely bituminous coal. On the 1st of April 1901 a further general advance m soft-coal rates to tide water was carried into effect. This was an important step, made possible through the control exercised by the Pennsylvania R!iilroad over the Baltimore & 0 hio, the Norfolk & Wastern and the Oheeapeake & Ohio. The advance followed an even larger advance made on April 1 of the previous year (before which complete demoraliution prevailed in the soft-coal trade), and altogether the bituminous coal situation was completely revolutionized. To show the changes in rates we append the tollowing table.  The total railroad mileage in tha United States may be stated roughly at 199,000 miles, showing that about 26,000 miles is not represented in our tables, much of it in the New England States, where the roads do not make monthly returns. We should judge that if we could have returns covering the whole railroad mileage of the country the addition to gross re celpts for the twelve months would reach 150 to 156 million dollars. On previous occasions we have in a similar way estimated the improvement for 1900 at 120 million dollars, that for 1899 at 140 million dollars, that for 1898 at 90 million dollars and that for ·1897 BITUMINOUS COAL JUTES TO BEA.BOA.RD. r----J!'rom Clearfield. District--~ &tu to at 75 million dollars. For the five years combined, To T,, To Port To Port Norfolk and P er ton. Phi ladelphia. Baltimore. R eadi na. Libertu. Ne,wp't News. therefore, the improvement reaches the enormous Apri l l ld99 .••... *t~cents *d~cents *fll8 *f t 2:! "$100 1 1909 ...... $1 oo \13 cents 130 185 115 sum of 575 million dollars, and even for the last four ADrtl Apr ti 1 1901. . . •.. 110 $1 Oa l 40 1 ii> 126 were the nominal rates from April 1, 1900, to April 1, 1901. Actual years the increase aggregates 500 million dollars. ln rates• Tbe11e were much lest1-1:J.ow much leas it is difficult to say. other words, the gross receipts of United States railIt w1H be seen that tidewater rates were thus raised roads for the calendar year 1901 were 500 million dol- 10 ceuts a ton on April 11901, after an increase of 12 lars greater than those for the calendar year 1897 and to 15 cents a ton the previous year. As a matter of 675 mil1ion dollars greater than those for the calen- fa.ct the first advance was a great deal more than 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD to 15 cents, as the rates nominally quoted prior to April 1 1900 had been seriously cut, the bituminous -0oal trade having up to then been utterly demoralized. Probably it would be no exaggeration to say that tidewater soft.coal rates since April 1 1901 have ruled 30 to 35 cents a ton higher than prior to April 11900. What this great improvement in rates meant to the Pennsylvania, the Baltimore & Ohio, the Chesapeake & Ohio and the Norfolk & Western every one cogni:z1mt of the large volume of soft-coal tonnage bandled by these roads wlll be able to judge for himself. It may be added that coincident with the improvement in the tidewater situation there was improvement also in -the soft-coal situation in other directions, particularly in Ohio and the Middle Western States. Everywhere, -except in those parts of the South where the oil dis.-0overies brought petroleum as a fael in competition ,vlth coal, the roads had the double advantage of a larger tonnage and very much better rates. In the grain movement, as already stated, a great .shrinkage occurred. At the seaboard the receipts fell of 37 million bushels as compared with the total for 1 900. During the first half of the year there had been .a gain of over 17 million bushels; so during the last ix months there must have been a loss of 54 million ·bushels. Extending our comparisons further back, we find that the seaboard rec.-ipts for the full year ~ave steadily decline<i since 1898. For 1901 they were only 342,935,349 bushels, against 379,855,181 bushels lor 1900, 430,459,069 bushels for 1899 and 460,963,732 bushels for 1898. At the Western primary markets the shrinkage has been of oecidedly more moderate proportions. There had been a decrease up to June 30 of 5 million btiah .els as compared with the first half of 1900. For the -full year the decrease reaches about 18½ million bushels. The aggregate of these receipts at the primary markets during 1901 was 642,742,122 baahela as .against 661,178,841 bushels in 1900, 685,846,624 - bushels in 1899 and 693,44:7,395 bushels in 1898. The -wheat receipts increased 27¼ million bushels over 1900, reflecting the larger wheat crop; but the corn deliver•es were only 175,428,237 bushels, against 219,223,576 ,b ushels in 1900 and 230,482,225 bushels in 1899. The receipts of hogs at Chicago increased, reaching -'8 ,903,223 head in 1901, against 8,696,084 head in 1900; the corn crop failure in the Southwest ,caused a scarcity of feed stuffs, thereby compelling the sending of cattle to market. At the five leading Western markets the deliveries of live stock of all kinds {cattle, sheep and hogs) were 33,406,543 head in 1901, against 30,342,806 head in 1900. There is one important item of the agricultural -tonnage to which we have not yet alluded, namely the cotton movement in the Soutn. This was heavier ,eollectively than in either of the two preceding years, the receipts at the Southern outports reaching 7,311,· ~40 bales in 1901, against 6,788,664 bales in 1900 and 6,128,834: bales in 1899. The 1901 crop in the outhwest is supposed to have been smaller than that of 1900, so that shipments overland again fell off, .! 'eaching only 1,589,104 bales, against 1,737,903 bales i n 1900, 2,060,671 in 1899 and 2,022,187 bales in 1898. The improvement in earning3 continued through :.all the months of the year, none of our monthly compilations ( which necessarily comprised fewer returns -than the present yearly tabulation) having failed to .record an increase. Daring the last six months ( a.11 ,e~cept December) the gains were heavier than in the nrst six months. In this period the passenger tTaffic to the Ptt.n•American Exposition at Buff~lo was an ad• 'Vantage with some of the roads, besides which com• ,p arison was with smaller amounts of gain in 1900 than dn the first six months. The absence of such a disturbing influence as the anthracite coal miners' strike, which Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  60  EARNINGS.  m1u ked the latter part of 1900, was also a favoring influence, though this does not apply to our monthly comparisons, as the monthly returns of the anthracite roads are never received in time to be included in these early compilatious. The winter weather the early part of 1901 was mild, the sa~e as the early part of 1900. Milfaae. Per,oll.  1901.  1000.  Earnings. 1901.  1900.  Increase. P.O  -  Miles. Miles. $ $ $ 99,069 January (107 roads) 101,882 58,137,266 53,862,288 4-,274,978 7•94 l00,097 53,037,797 49,336,0t8 3,701,740 7•5 Febr'ary (111 roads) 103,070 ~ 61,196,153 56,965,692 4,280,461 7•4 101,966 Ha.roh (108 roads) . . 105,3!3 98,347 52,685,008 48,868,74.0 4,321,268 8·9 4 A.prll (102 roads) .•.. 101,457 101,4'46 60,358,000 55,168,788 5,189,212 9·,t. 1 May (105 roads) ..••. 104,961 J une (102 roads) . •.. 101,655 64,141,662 50,604.,116 8,U7.0t6 6"8 0 9t3.'72 J uly ( 94 roads) ..... 96,8::'! l 94,705 55,481,411 48,879,871 e,551,H0 18"40 102,621 67,777,2{7 60,155,8Si 7,621,UO 12"67 A.ugust (102 roads). 104,986 Sept'ber (102 roads). 106,200 104,075 69,007,467 62,470.758 6,586,704- 10•4 October (105 roads) 106,399 lOl,569 77,683,462 69,351,268 8,282,194 ll"6~ Novemher (lOl r'ds) 108,098 106,437 71,649,4-6!! 63,761,178 7,788,298 12·2 a ecember 106,207 8,266,068 n_ _ _(104_ r'ds) _ _108,lU ___ _ _ 67,974-,510 _ _ _ «14,708,441 ____ _ _5•_ 0o  It ls almost superfluous to say that in the case of the separate roads the gains are of exceedingly large magnitude. They come, too, from all sections of the country and all classes of roads. The Pennsylvania · leads with an increase of $13,070,400; this is independent of the results on the lines controlled but separately operated ; with these included the improvement would be two or three millions more; in 1900 the increase on all the lines combined reached 120,525,651. The gains by the other prominent systems throughout the country are smaller only in degree. The following is a list of the changes exceeding $100,000, whether increases or decreases. The absence of decreases will be noted. As a matter of fact even when the amounts for less than $100,000 are included, there are only 17 decreases altogether among the 157 roads contributing returns. 12 MONTHS. Increase 8. Denver & Rio Grande. $640,3'9 Chica.go & Alton ..•••• 634,117 Chio. & East. Ulinois. 613.488 Cbto. Great Western .. 589,240 8n11'. Roch. & Pitts•.•• 586,l30 lnternat'l & Gt. Nor... 685,832 Sav. Fla. & Western .. 603,341 Minn. & St. Louil\ .•••• 502.058 N. Y. Busque. & West. 470,386 N. Y. Chicago & St. L. 4'62,125 Northern Central. ..•• 421,500 Phila.Wllming.& Balt. 417,600 Bur. Ced. Rav. & No,. 390,547 Pitts bur~ & Western .• 379,753 Ala. N.O.&T.P.Sys .. 358,369 Rio Grande Western • 357,4.59 Ft. W & Denv. City .. 356,310 Cin.N.Orl.&TexasP.. 34.8,586 30-l,389 Wheeling & L. Erle•..• 291,4.19 Nash. Chat. & St. L . . . Wisconsin Central. .. . 286,073 266.658 Alabama Gt. Southern 265,609 Chlo. lndplls & Lou.isv. 257,995 Clev. Lorain & Wheel. 232,575 Bangor & Aroostook .. 225,650 Toledo & Ohio Central Hooking Va.lley ..••••• 207,520 Peoria & Eastern ..... 201,993 W. Jersey & Seash .• . . 188,200 187,538 Iowa. Central. .. . ..... . 165,153 Kanawha & Michigan 150.312 Texas Central. ..•..••• 146,623 Georgia .......•••....• 144,345 Chic. Term'l Transfer 133,382 Buffa.lo & Susqueban. 131,852 St. Louis Van. & T. H. 121,308 Mobile & Ohio ...•••••• 110,856 Ann Arbor ...•••.....•• 105,426 San Fran. & No. Pao .. 101,934. Knoxv. & No ...•.  PB,INCIP.A.L CHANGES IN GROSS EARNINGS FOR  Increases. Pennsylvania. t . ...••.. $13,070,400 Southern Paoi:fio Sys.. 10,120,342 A.toh. Top. & Santa Fe. 8,427,146 Northern Paotllo...... 5,795 ,146 Gt. Northern System. 4,945,790 Missouri Paoi:fio....... 4,4.98,118 N. Y. Centra1......... 4,391,4" 5 llllnols Central....... 4,37~,079 Baltimore & Ohio..... 4,2 76,756 Canadian Paoiflo...... 4,009,869 Erie.................... 3,817,753 Union Pactllo. . . ...•••• 3,767,604 Lehlgh Valley RR.t. . . 3,634,2~2 Chio. Burl. & Quincy.. 3,517,998 Cbto. Rook I. & Pacific 3,439,126 Chlo. & Nor. Western.. 2 .983,596 Lake Shore &Mich. So. 2,889,486 Mo. Kans. & Texas... 2,868,606 8\. Louts & San Fran. 2,704,812 Chio. MlL & St. Paul.. 2,670,407 Louisville-& Nashville 2,579,966 Phil. & Readin11: RR.*. 2,501,176 Southern Railway..... 2,05,,2,1 Texas & Pacific....... 1,962,429 Choe. Oklab. & Gulf.. 1,67:l,331 Hieb. Cent. & Can. So. 1,f> 81,869 Wabash........ . ....... 1,471,520 Chesapeake & Ohio... 1,403,484 Grand Trunk Rystem. 1,827,922 Seaboard Air Line .•• 1,282,9:,n Olev. Ctn. Cbto. & St.L. 1,205,i;i55 Norfolk & Western . •• 1,065,299 N. Y. Ont. & Western.. 1,027,875 Pere Marquette .. ..... 905,068 Pittsburg & L. Erle. . . 902,145 Minn. St. P. & 8. St. M. 897,li88 Chic. St. P. Minn. & 0. 854,408 Yazoo & Miss. Valley. 817,670 St. Louts Southwest... 810,6M, Kan. City Southern... 801,002 Central of Georgia..... 750,019 Delaware&Hudson Co 693,495 Tol. St. L. & Western. 678,710 Colorado & Southern. 658,862  Total (representing 99 roads), .. $139,011,531  t These figures cover lines directly operated east and west of Pittsburg and Erie. The results for the Ea.stern lines show an morease of Western lines show an increase of  $7,638,700; those for the $5,431, -oo.  t These iota.le are for the twelve months to Nov. 30. In addition to tbe increase on the Lehtgh Valley RR. shown above, there was an increase of $3,581,02! on the Lehtgh Valley Coal Co. * lo ad 11tton to the here sh>wn for the Plllladelphla & Reading RR , there was also an increase on the Ooal & Iron Compa.ny of $5,150,590. P.BINCIPA.L CHANGES IN GROSS EARNINGS FOR 11 . MONTHS.  Inerea111e ..  Cent. of New Jersey .. Indiana Ill. & Iowa~ .• San Antoo.&Ar. Pass .. Atlantic Coast Line •. .  * For ten months only.  Increa•e8. 1,646,199 Elgin Joliet & East'n. $194,650 34.8,756 28t,Oi8 272,725  Total (representing 5 roads) .....•••• $2,746,378 Decrea8e ■ •  Pacific Coast..........  $176,837  To c<-mplete our analysis we annex six-year com• parisons of the leading roads, arranged in groups.  RAILROAD EARNINGS-BOND PRICES.  70  EARNINGS OF A.NTHRACITE COA.L GROUP.  BABNINGS OF TRUNK LINES,  Year.  1901,  1900.  1898.  1897.  U:,682,501 1,910,0H 32,80tl,010 19,526,816 3,1'50.301 942,218 20,758,6tl3 U,0!6,UI! 47,010,808  $ 26,163,177 6,4M.972 18,818.531 1,750,025 53,137,0i2 19,818,412 8,084,622 l,022,6b8 20,29 ,722 1S,1197,239 46,780,327  1899.  ---- ---- ---- ---- $ • 45,318,20P • 88,262,712 • { 28874989 Bal,& Ohio t 4959!965 7,116,60& B.&o.s.w O.C.C.&BtL 18,608,546 17,4.02,691 15,812,822 Peo.& 2,606,036 2,404,043 2,082,078 Erie ....... U,090,908 87,278,165 86,800,{09 G.T.ofCa.n. {214'8296 Gr.T.West }28874-788 27,546,866 8,868,755 l,00d,U6 D.G.H.&M L.Sh.&M.B. 29,SM,000 26,466,514 28,613,946 M.C.&C.So. 18,8li,OOO 16,730,181 16,504,082 N.Y.C.&Ht 61,975,5110 fO,tBl.,095 5S,162,0<l7 Penn.. east of P. & El. 98,2U,612 86,575,912 72,922,712 Wabash.... 18,867,229 16,895,709 15;643,958  ----$ 24,985,972 6,179,611} 18,011.468 1,i03,5U 81,381,926 18,431,201 3,151,57! 968,467 20.193,958 13,"!21,614 44,935,956  . . .. .  BABNINGS OF SOUTHWESTEBN GROUP,  1901.  •  1900.  1899,  Atch.T.&S.F. 58,404,460 49,9i7,314 43,289,3~9 Ohoo.Okl.&G. 5,438,169 8,763,t-38 l!,010 611 Den.&RloGr. 11,659,934 11,019,685 9,714,723 Int.& Gt. No.. 5,0114,408 4,488,576 4,177,762 Ko. K. & Te.L 16,363,910 13,495,304, 12,204,207 Ko.P.&Ir.Mt. 86,855,281 82,857,166 29 842,874 B. Gr. West 4,964,450 4,606,991 8,887,694 St. L. & 8. Fr. 7,!174,740 K.C.F.S.& M. 16289844 18,685,032 6,!138,761 F.W.&R.Gr. 487,686 St,L. Southw. 7,366.001 6,555,860 6,845,654 Bouth'n Pac.. 81,700,279 71,579,987 M,857,2 , 9 l'e.z:a1 & Pac. 11,718,560 9,751,121 8,300,185  I  {  --  --  _!8~:._-1_:~~..:_  _!~~•-  89,875,<17036,1106,759 l.7t7,82l! 1,2PO 163 El,740,338 7,651,123 8,1>90,201 8,651.,88 ll,850,25911,973,766 i=8,0l2,792 i5 98t,8l2 8,288,802 2,971,2i6 6,988.097 6,t81!,147 4,881,210 4,914 225 551,733 42t,829 6,616,178 4,918,186 58,025,778 IH,05ff,796 8,006,608 7,588,649  31,1!2,871 1,128,386 7,288 876 8,5l!a,184. ll. 746,240 22,792,989 2,402,846 6,089,691 l,491,7811 830.194 4,883,252 52,40l,970 6,825,H6  ---  qtotal........ 265,728,292 221,080,214 lb7,C81,ll6 181.613 e;3168360628 lH,987,711 Union Pac... } { Ore.RR.& N. 4.5622957 41,855,853 87,087,925 Oreg,Sh,L..  ....... . ...... .. .. •...• .  ■ARNING8  1901.  1900.  • I Bu:rl,0ed.B.& No 5,28Q,828 4.,848,281 Canadian Pacific. 84,467,7011 80,457,840 Obie.Burl.& Quin. 112,0117,158 4.8,489,160 7,421,159 6,882 019 Ohle. Gt. West Ohle. Mil. & St.P.. '4,362,001 U.691.594. Chic. & North W . 45,522,029 42,53-1,433 Chl.St.P.M.&O .. 11,196,4"110.8"1,998 Duluth B.8.& Atl. 2,MS,966 2,557,1178 Great Northern •. *33,856.263 *289094.78 Iowa Central.. .. 2,410,909 2,223.376 Minn.& St. Louis . 8,473.227 2,971,169 M, St. P . & 8. S. M. 5,800,430 4,703,042 b North. Paclflc. i 88 052 707 32257561( St.Paul& Dul. 5 ' ' Bt.Jos.& Gr. Isl.. l,4l!6,952 1,353,031 Wisconsin Cent'!. 5,631,068 5.344,4~0 Tota l.  1899,  1898.  1897.  1&99.  189'3.  1!'97,  i  '  $  $  Total. ... , 8t,t8\l,l!OO 78,202,'12  1896,  $ $ I $ 4,926,938 4,645,643 4,292.162 f,450.088 119,280,037 26,188,1176 '4,049,534 .i0.681 698 4.5,68'!,908 48,163,944 811,890,~66 84,176,454 tl,889 846 5,566,511 5,078,M90 4,686 489 40.666,685 36.089 78~ 82.178.766 81,802,8110 41,487,10ll 87,l'>l,Ol s 83,4i4,0683t,115,897 10,4 8,814 9,690,998 8,652,793 8,166,192 2,407.486 1,821.806 1,691.115 1,004,648 *27252669 *24588i9• W,7"7,42' 19,632.092 2,2114,680 2,017,987 1,788,587 1,725 874 2,806,521 2,248,88b 2,1M3 985 l,99!,481 4,1169,032 4,268,140 9,899 5U ·➔ ,688,0!7 28,901.06il Z6,S58,869 tl,(121),582 18,917.645 1,915.4?7 1,690,128 1,618,U'i 1,587 461 1,869,530 1,2i 6.689 l,l6t,764 72!,169 6,536,808 4,11S8,59J. 4,512,281 4,259,177  .29S 284,8115! 265619430 5n780•f6 281~45~16 0604lW44 190001Rll2  t Includei< the earniDl?R of Spokane J<,alls & Northern for the entire twelve months of 1901, 11:00 and 1899, and from July 1 in 189il.  le96,  70,486,520 61,2Jl,05b 6 0,27-1,6961 59,9~8,995  IDARNINGS OF SOUTHIDRN GROUP.  Y ear.  1901.  1900,  I I 2,364,F02 2,088,149 7,828,~9<l 6,578,275 15,894,~21 14,4911,740 5,885,106 ,,9P6,520 80.(5 1,789 27.,71,77~ t6,185,882 t6,014.,57t :1:7,681,8tl5 t7,39 l,466 16.'46.608 15,381,809  Alabama Gt. Bo. Oent. of Georgia. Ohesap. & Ohio. Oln.N.O.&Tex.P . Loui1v.&Nashv,b lloblle & Ohio.. Nash.Chat.& Bt.L. Norfolk & West .. SouthernRy •.. Memphis Dlv. c85519t87 c38465240 St.Louis Div. Yazoo&Mlss.Val. 6,817,882 5,600,162  l  Total..  1899.  1898.  1897.  1886,  i  •  $  •  1,998,666 1,756,493 1,661,956 1,540,071 5,781,048 5,617,754 5,428,547 5,328,268 12.619,480 ll,99g,4.90 ll,897,t18 10,875,195 4,8l5.754 4,658,994 3,tl69,112 8,871,650 26,001,lOr 22.808,68f 20,868.20f 20,i68,6S9 t5,582,708 t4,391,42l 4.,012,706 3,715,760 *6,474,262 5,984',~0i 5,460,91'1 5,00t,914 12,823,C27 ll,40i,trn 10,892,25~ 11,081.866 ~ c•t505387 J c29i75842 c2l5450973 20,649,, 94 1825,S96 1,818,0H 1.560,801 1,464,676 1,491,169 5,139,712 !i,821,30i 8,948,46? 3,940,978  (.  t  ----  -  -- --  ..... 1S3060E59 128362208 112,589,072 100404553 89,418,562 86,028,443  t rncludes Montl{omery DlTiston for the whole of 1901, 1900 and 1899, but fo:rthe last halt only of 18P~. * lnoludes Paducah & Memphis Division in these years and for the last six montlls or 1890. 1> li're1ght on mn.terial carried for company's own use Is no longer credited to earnings, the item llaving been eliminated from both earnings and expenses. The fhtures tor 1901 and UIOIJ are ,rtven on this ba!!is. c Figures tor 1901, 1900, U:11<9 and 1898 Include South Carolina & GeorJrla, Mobile & Birminitham and 161 miles of Atlantio & Yadkin and Atlantic & Danville. l!IARNINGS OF MIDDLIII AND ICIDDLB WESTIIIRN ROADS, Year.  OF NORTHWESTERN AND NORTH PACIFIO GROUP.  Ytar.  1900.  $  • December, 1901, not yet reported; taken same as in 1900. +These are the eRrntngs of the railroad company only; results of coal min'.ng opera ti••ns are not included. :I: These totals for all the years are for the twelve months to Nov. 30.  ········'  Total. •...••• 8·11351,249 962,935,567 ~3~,lllJ,03~  11101.  Cent. N. J." 17,4911,261 15,858,062 15,591,199 18,187,271 13,212,772 13,117,850 L.Val. RR t ;26,683,5S1 :1:23,049,282 ;22,659,161 :1:19,742,68b ;19,559,167 *19,64.1,897 N.Y.O.& W. 6,861,026 4,886,151 4.878.082 8,877,{1119 S,ll50,279 8,858, 13N.Y.S.& W. 2,796,49♦ 2,826,101' 2.607,351 2,828,391 2,267,613 2,271,567 Pb.& Readt 29.638,985 27,137 809 24,'7t9,f'l77 22,096,Ir,9 21,294,f65 21,034,868  ----  Total. .. 865,000.684 886,197.326 298.IH0.20~ 270,215,&ll! 281.9·' 5.975 ~52.720.167 t Boston & Albany Included rrom July 1, 11,llN: tile Beech Creek RR. and the Wall.kill Valley RR. for all the years, dond the .ll'all Brook 11vstem after May 1, 1899.  Year.  Year.  65.603,612 64,223,012 62,096,576 13,793,507 12,206.206 11,968.309  __ ,____ ,_____  - - - - - - --  1896.  Ann Arbor.... .... Buff.Roch. & Pitts Chicago & East Ill. Chio.Ind.& Loutsv. Clev.Lor.&Wheel. Evanav.&Terre H. Hocking Valley ... Ullnota Oentra.l * Lake Erie & West. Pere Marquette... Plttsb'g & we~t•n. St. L. Van. & T. H. l'ol. & Ohio Cent. . ro1. Peo. & West. Tol.St.L. &West. Wheel. & L. Erle .. Clev. Can. & 80  1'otal....  1900.  1901.  1899.  1898.  • • I 1,882.548 1,791,692 1,666,968 6,255,784 6,669.604 ,,074,560 5,9:l6.531l 5,St3,048 4,898,078 4,~98,371 4,132,762 8,881',981 2,866,698 2,108.703 1,888,988 1,489,7:.!6 1,417,821 1,408,067 4,917,664 4,710,144 8.5;1,rm 39,059,782 84,687,703 80.095,898 4,870,335 4,~4,780 8,787,801 9,201,17:, 8,296.112 7,860,789 f,864,169 8,1174.416 8,4S2.951 2,068,881 1,986 982 l,!:IM,1~9 2,7M,1-9d 2,528.11 ◄ 6 2,044,,025 1,165,164 1,1111,526 1,023,879 2,7ll,6ll5 2,082,920 1,971,,00 l 8196464 2 891 075 2 487 2 ~5  5  ·  '  '  '  1897,  • 1,468.641 8,811,729 4,368.110 S,S28,t07 1,518,151 1,281,461 2,701,086 27,680,27i 8,467,879 +6,585,241 8,264,647 1,727,521 1,8?1,635 9711,9~8 2,119,158 5 U78,187 1 718.121  1886.  I • l,31',191 1,170,751 S,t52,09e 8,387,781J 4,142.209 3.884.735' 8,200.66t 8,027.48i 1,386,098 l,289,0i7 1,181,483 1,085,270 2,538,600 2,480,91~ 24,788,995 21,788,291 8,439,897 3,344,278 t&, 7~1,687 t5,424,705 8,012.487 1,856,138 1,540,827 1,677,206 1,732,621 1,797,600 9U,172 917.206 2,244.812 2,162,895 1,193,676 1,30l,2!i3 667,816 '104,079  - -  -  --·· - - - -·-. ·- ·- ·- .. 96,017.729 "16 835,638 75,896.866 68,279.806 62,478,066 68,~M.~~!  *Includes the operations of the  St. Louts Alton & Terre Haute for all the  rears. The Chesapeake Onto & Southwestern and Ohio Valley are included for 11101, l900, lSU», ltllJ8 and 1897, and Chicago & Texas for 1901, 19u0, 1800 andi 1888. Result. on Yazoo Branch are not included 'or 11101, 1900, 1 89 and 1898. + These figures simply the totals of the Chica.go & West Mich11;(an, Detroit Grand H..totds & Western and Flint & Pere Marquette combined.  OOURSE OF PRICES OF RAILROAD A.ND MISO.ELLANEOU8 BONDS. The compilations on the s11cceeding pages show tbe highest and lowest prices of railroad and miscellaneous bonds on the New York Sr.ock Excl:urnge in each month of the hut five years-that is from 1897 to 1901. A monthly review of the stock mirket during the late year will be foand in tne first article in this issue under the caption "Retrospect of 1901," where we also give a record of important current events. 1~9'1. BONDS.  JA.NUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER.  DEO'BER-.  1----•I---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ____ ,____ ,.... _____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---.... ....  Low.High Low.High Low.Hii'h Low.High Low.Hillb Low.High Low.High Low.Hii;ih Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  -----------,---- ---- - - - - - - -  Ala. Mtd.-lst, guar .. !i . ... - ....... - ........ - ........ - .. . Ann Arbor-1st. '9a,g.4 74½- 80 79 - 80½ 78¾- 80 77 - 79 Atcb. Top. & S. Fe.General, arold, 199;j,4 79½- 81¾ 81¼- 821}.f 82 - 83¼ 78%- 8031, Adjustm't, g • 199a, 4 43¼- 49¼ 45¼- 49% 43 - 47¾ 41¾- 45½ A.ti. & Danv.-lst, g ... :i 90¾- 90¾ 90½- 90,t .... Atlantic & Pnc.-lst ... 4 89¾- 40 ¾- 1 ¾Income ................... 6 ¾- l¼ ¾- ¼ Bo ltimore & Ohiolst, P. B ............... 6 lll!l:(-111¾ ... . - .... 112¾-112¼ 109¾-110 Gold, 192:i, coup ..... :; 92 - 93½ 91 - 91 92 - 91 92 - 92 85¾- 85¼ . . . Reaistered .... ............ : 91 - 91 Certif. of deposit..... . . .. Consol., gold, 1988.. f; .... 96 - 97 B:&o.sw.-ist,1990 ... 1993 ................ . 4½ .... Cen . .O.Reorg.con.4¾ .... •98¾- 98¾ ... Balt. Belt-1st, gu. a ..... - .... 93 - 93 94½- 94½ .... A. & C. Jc., 1.s,~s, ... . Pitts & Con'lls.1st.4 .... Beech Cr'k.-SeeN.Y .c. B'way &7thAv.-'43.f; 116¼-118 118 -119 1183-8-119~ 118%-119,t Brooklyn City-Cons .. :; 113 -114 114. -114 114. -114 114. -114¾ B'klyn Ekv.-tst,'24.6 72¾- 75 70 - 73½ 72 - 78 76 - 79¼ Trust -:-;,celpts.. ... .. . .. .. ·-L.191:; ••.. a.:; .. . - .... 42 - 45 42 - «l.<> 42 - 45  .. ~~.JYm Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  78 - 79  - ....  82 - 85 79:J:!- 82 4'4¾- 47¾ 48¼- 51  .... -  -  79 - 80½ 78¼- 80  -  80 - 84¼ 83 - 84,  80¾- 82% 80½- 82  90 - 90 82 - 83¼,  84¾- 87 86½- 87¾ 87½- 90 85¾- 80( 85¾- 86¾ 86%- 90)4 49¾- 56¼ 55¼- 58¾ 57¾- 61 57¼- 60¾ 52¼- 56 54¾- 58¾ 97 - i.7 94½- 94½ 116½- 96½ 97¼- 97¼  ¾  %- 1  ¾-  ?11••·· -  ll0 -110  - .... 105¼-106¾ 106½-108 108 -110 107 -107¼ 107xi-108¾ 108¼· 1.09~ 80 - 80 78 - 82¾ . • • • - • . .. 78 - 80½ 80 - 80½ 76¾- 76½ 78 - 78 - .... 78-78 82 - 82 - •... 73-73 .••• - .... 82 - 83 82 - 82 L02 -102 .... 99 - 99 ..•. 07½- 98¾ 99 - 99 - ... . 60-60 .... - .... 100 -100 9i¼-100 9i¾- 97½ . . • • 79-80 ...• - ... . .... 80 - 80 .... - .... 106 -106 . . . • - .. . lO<l¾-104¾ . .. . - .... 103½-103,½ .. . • 80 - 90 75 - 83  Ll9½-12()½ ll4¾-115¾ 76 - 77½ 74,%- 75},.f 4:3 - 44  118 -119½ 119 -120¾ 120¾-1201}.f 119 -120 115~-116 ll{¾-114¼ 115 -115 115 -115 75¾- 75½ 85¾- 85¾ 74¾- 75 73¼- 77% 77¾- 83,½ 80 - 86¼ 4:3 - 4.~ - •. . •  119¾-120  120¼-120¾ 119¼-120~  82 - 82 . • . - .. .. . . . . - ••. 80 - 82¼ 79¼- 81 79~• b3 ._ . ;;..;--.:.......:..,• ..• ., -  ____  RAILROAD  71  BONDS.  1897-Continued. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  BONDS.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST.  SEPT'BER OCTOBER. N0V'BER. DEC'BER.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------1----1----•·----1----Low.High Low.Higb Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  -----------------B'klyn Elev.-(Con.)-  ----  S.S.& B.B.,lst,~s,t.r - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - . . . . · .. - ........ - ... . 60 - 66 67½- 72½ 74 - 76 • .. • - • • . . • • • • - • • .. 70 - 73 78 - 78 80¼- 80¼ 83½- 84¾ ••.• - ........ - ....... - .... Union El.-lst,193'7 .6 69 - 72¼ 68 - 71 71 - 78½ 75¼- 79¾ 76 - 78 75 - 75 73¾- 77½ 77¾- 83 79¼- 85¼ 82 - 84 78 - 81¾ 78½- 82½ Trust receipts........ .. . . - . . . . . .. . - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 74 - 75 74 - 75 Brooklyn Rap.Trans.:» 78 - 79¾ 78 - 81 79~ei- 80¾ 75½- 76½ 70 - 75¾ 72 - 84: 83¼- 90¾ 87¼- 89½ 88 - 96¾ 87½- 91¾ 87 - 90¼ 90 - 94 IJuff. Roch. & Pittsb.Generat .. .............. .:i .... - .... 98 - 99 95½- 98 96¾- 98 97½- 98 97¾- 98 •... - .... 100 -102 100 -100 100 -100 100 -101 101¾-105 R. & P., 1st, 1921 ... 6 121 -121 120¾-120!4 122 -124: .... - .... 126 -126 126 -127 126½-126½ 122¾-122¼ 122¾-124: 125 -126½ 126½-126½ ..• - •• •• Consol., 1st .......... 6 116¾-118 118¼-119¾ ..• - ••• . 119¾-121 .... - •... 118 -118 120 -120 .. - .. .. 123 -123 121½-122 .... - .... 122 -122 Cl. & Mah., 1st, a-u .. :i .... - ... . .... - ........ - ... . 103 -103 ... - ........ - .......• - . . . . ..• - . . .. . .. - ........ - ........ - ... . ...• - •••• Burl. C.R.& No.-tst.:i 105¾-lW¾ 106¼-107 106½-107½ 106¼-108¼ 106¾-108½ 105 -lOfl¼ 107 -108¾ 107¾-108¾ 108 -109¼ 107¼-108¾ 106 -109½ 106½-107 Consol. 1st & col. tr.:i 103 -103 102 -103 103½-105 103¼-104: 103 -103 103 -105½ 104:¾-105¾ ••• - .......• - .... 106 -106½ 105 -105 106 -106 C.R.I.F.&N,,lst .. ti .. .. - ........ - ........ - .... 104: -104: .•.• - •.•...•. - •..... •. - ......•• - ••• . .•.. - ........ - •... . .•• - .... 108 -108 1st, 1921 .............. ~ ... . - ....... . - .... .. .. - .... 101¾-101¾ .... - ........ - •....... - ........ - •. .. 102½-102½ .•. - .... 105 -105 .... - •.• -OanadaSo.-lst,a-uar.:i 108 -110 109¾-111 109½-110½ 110 -11~ 110 -111½ 1111}.(-113~ 110½-111!4 110 -111 109¼-110½, 109½-110 109¾-111½ 111¾-ll~ ~d morta-aiie .......... . :; 105 -107 107 -108 104:½-105½ 105 -105¾ 106 -106l}.£ 106¾-108 107¾-108 109 -109 105 -106l}.£ 106 -107 106½-107½ 107 -los,( Re,rlstered ........... . 104:½-106 . . . . - • . . . . . • • - . . . . . • . . - . . . . .• • • - • . . . . . . • _ • • • . . • • • - • •• • • • •• _ • • • • . .. . _ • . .. . • • • _ • • • . • • • . _ . . . . . • . . _ •••• Cent.Ohio-See B. & O. Cent. RR. & B., Ga .. ~ 94½- 91¾ 96 - 96~ 93 - 94¾ 93 - 93 . . . - ........ - •.. . 90¾- 90¾ 92¾- 92½ .... - . . . . 92 - 92½ •••• - . •• . 90 - 91¾ ~ent. of Ga.-lst, '4:i.:i .... - .... 112¾-112¼ 112\1(-113¼ 112¼-113¼ 113 -113 113 -114½ 114½-115¼ 113¼-114 114½-115¼ 115¼-115¼ 115¼--116¼ 117¼--118¾ Consol .................... :; 90½- 90l¼ 90¼- 91¼ 91 - 92¼ 91 - 92¾ 8:> - 89½ 86½- 91 89¼- 93!}4 93½- 91¼ 94½- 95 93 - 94 89½- 90½ 90¾- 92 1st pref. income ...... :; .... - .... . .. - . ....... - .... 28 - 29 28 - 28!J4 28 - 34½ 33½- 38 37½- 40 39½- 52 40¼- 45 36 - 39½ 3~- 44 2d pref. Income ...... . is .•.• - ••.•. . •• - •••• . ••• - • • .. 9¾- 11 .... - ... . 8½- 11 10½- 13½ 12½- 15 14 - 18;1( 12¼- 16 11½- 13¾ 13¾- 15½ 3d pref. Income....... :; .... - · ........ - ........ - .... 5 - 5 ...• - .. .. 5 - 5¾ .... - .... 8 - 8!4 8½- 10 8 - 9\1( 7½- 8 7M- 9 Mac. & N. Div,, lat.ii .... - ....... - ........ - .... 91 - 91 .. - .... 94½- 94:½ 93 - 93 .••. - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••....• - •• . • Mobile Div,, 1st .... .. ii .... - .......• - ........ - ........ - •... 94½- 94¼ 95¾- 97 95¾- 95¾ •••• - ..•..... - •••. .•• - ........ - •••.••.. - •••• <Jent. ot New JerseyConsol., 1899 ... ..... , 106¾-107¾ 107¼-107½ 108 -108¼ 106¼-107 .... - .... 106*106¾ 106¼-106¼ 106¼-106½ 107 -107 104¾-104:¾ •••• - •.•• 105!1.t-105¼ Conv, deben,, 1902 .. '7 ... - ....... - .... 1115 -115 .... - ........ - .... 113¾-113¼ .... - ........ - ........ - •••...•• - .... 112 -114 113¼--113¼  0 ~::~~doe~~~i'9~,- .~::: ii·;½=li6½ Li6½=lis ..  ~~  =!~~¾  io9  =1i2.. ioo =li<>¾!ios¼=llS¾ iii: :1ia½ iis =1i4 .. ii2%=1ia¾ ii2¾=1ia¼ ii2!4=113¼ i~;·¼=lis~  Rea-iste1·ed ...... ..... ~ 115¼-116½ 116 -117¼ 108!4-116¼ 106 -109¾ 105 -109 106½-lll¾ 110½-111¾ 111 -112 112 -112 109%-111 109 -111 110 -111¼ Leh.& W.B.-All8ent 1 104 -104¼ 104 -104½ 90½- 98 90 - 98 92½- 97¾ 95 - 98½ 97 -100!,ei 100 -102Y 101¼-102¾ 100 -101¼ 100½-101 99¼-100~ Mort,rniie, 1912 .... ~ ... - .... 89 - 90 78 - 80 ... - .... 75½- 75½ 78 - 78 78 - 78 .... - ........ - .... 84½- 85 85 - 87½ 90 - 90 Am, Dock & Imp ... ... :; 114½-115 115½-116¼ 114 -115¾ 114 -114 114¾-115¾ 116 -116 113½-113½ 113 -113¼ 114¾-114¼ • , • • - .•.. 115 -116 116 -116~ CCentral PacificGold, 1898 .... ....... . 6 100 -100¼ 101¾-102¼ 102¼-102¼ 102¼-102¾ 102½-103¾ 103 -104:¾ lOlJ,s-101½ 101½-102 101¼-102¾ 101¼--102½ 102½-103 102¾-113 San Joaquin Br'ch ... 6 102 -102 103¼-103¼ 104½-104:¾ 101 -191 101½-101½ 102½-102½ .... - .... . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 101¼-101~ Land iirants ...... .... .. :; ... - . ....... - ........ - .... 99 - 99 96½- 96½ .... - ... .. .. - ........ - ... .. ... - ........ - •••. 99 -101 100½-100¼ Ext,, g., ser. A,, '98.:i 99¾- 99¾ 100 -101 101 -101¼ lOC¾-101½ •.. - •... 103¾-103¾ lOQ¾-100¾ lOQ¾-100¾ 100½-101 101¼-102 .... - .... 102 -102 Ext., ,r., ser. E., '98.~ .... - ........ - ........ - ...... . - ........ - .. 102½-102½ - ••..•.• - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - ••.• Spe:ver&Co.cfs,ofdep. . .. - .. .. .. . - . . .. ... - . . .. . .. . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . .. .. - .. .. ... . - . . . . .. .. - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 100 -100 100½-100* Western Pacific .. .... .6 100 -100½ 101 -103 102 -103 103½-103½ 102¾-103½ 103 -103 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 101½-103 102 -103 104: -104: C.& O.Div.,ext,,'18.:i .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... . . - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 101¼-101¼ No. ofCal., ~0 -Ye&.r .. :i .... - ... 90¾- 90¾ s.o - 90¼ 87½- 88 87½- 88¾ 87 - 88 88 - 88 89 - 90 90 - 90½ 88 - 88¼ 93 - 94 96 -100 ()ent Wash.-1st,6s,t,r . .... - . ... .... - ........ - ........ - .... .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - . . ...... - .... 30 - 30 .... - •••• Chesapeake & OhioPurcb. money fund .. ti 102¼-103¾ 103¼-103¼ 103½-103¼ .... - . • . .. . - .. .. .. _ ..•• 102¾-102¼ 102½-102½ .... - ........ - .... 103½-103½ 103¾-103,t 1!!!1,rlesA, iiold, 1908. ti 119 -120½ 119½-120 120¾-121¾ .... - .... 120 -120½ 120¼-121¾ 121¼-121¾ 120 -120¼ . ••• - .... 116½-116½ .... - .... 119½-120 Mort1ra,e, 1911 ....... 6 118½-119¼ 119½-120½ 121 -121 119½-120 119%-120½ 120!,ei-120½ 121½-122½ 120 -120 .... - .... 118 -118 118 -119 119 -119, con., g,, 1939 .... ~ 107¾-110 109½-110¾ 110 -111¾ 110%-112 109¾-110¼ 110 -111½ 110¾-111¾ 110¾-112 lll½-113 lll½-113 110 -112½ 111¾-114¼ Registered ............. 107 -107 107½~107½ 109 -110 109½-109½ 107½-107½ • • • • - • • • • . • .. - .. .. .. • . - .... 109½-109½ .. • • - • .. . .. • • - ... 109½-112¾ Gene1·al, 199:i ...... 4½ 73¼- 76½ 75¾- 76¼ 72 - 74¾ 72¾- 74 72¾- 73¾ 73 - 77¾ 76¼- 79¾ 79¾- 85¼ 79!4- 83¼ 79 - 80½ 77 - 80 79 - 82¼ R.&A,D,1stcon,'89.4 97 -100½ 100 -101 100½-lOi¼ 101½-102¼ 101¾-102½ 102¼-104 102 -104:¼ 101 -103 lOQ½-102¾ 100¼-102½ 101 -103¾ 104:½-l~ 2d consol., 19S9 .... 4 86 - 89½ 89½- 90 90 - 92 90½- 91½ 91¼- 92 93½- 94 92 - 92 .... - ••.. 92 - 92¼ 91 - 92 91 - 91¼ 91¼- 95¾ Cralll Val., 1st. '40 .. :i ... . - ........ - ........ - , ....... - ........ - ........ - . . . ... - ... . . .. - .... :97½- 97¼ 97½- 97¼ 98 - 98 .... - •••• Eliz. Lex. & B. S .. ..~ 100 -100¾ 101 -102½ 99 -100 99 -100 99½-100¼ 100 -101¼ 100¾-101 100 -103½ 100 -102¾ 100¼-103½ 100 -100¼ 101 -102 {Jhlcaa-o & AltonSinking fund, 1903 ..6 .... - ........ - . .. . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 113¾-113¼ 113 -113¼ .... - .... 112 -112 112 -112 L.&Mo,R.lst, 1900. 1 112¾-112¾ .... - ........ - • .• • •• - .... 110¾-110¾ 112 -112 .••• - ........ - .... 108 -108 109¼-109¼ 109!,ei-109½ 110¼-110~ 2d, 1900 .............. '7 . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - ... .... . - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 107½-107¾ .... - •••• St.L,J.&C,,2d.,au.'7 .. .. - ....... - .... 104:¾-104¾ .... - .... . ... - ........ - ........ - ..... . .. - ... . .... - ........ - •••.••• - ........ - ••• (Jhlc. Bur, & No.-tst .:i .... - , ...... - .... .... - .... 105 -105.¾ 103½-104:¾ 104:¼-105 106 -106 106¾-107 .... - ........ - .... 106 -107 107¼-110 CCbic. Burl, & QuincyConsol. .. ............... . 1 115 -116½ 117 -117½ 117½-118 117'7k118¾ 118¾-119¼!119½-120½ 117 -117¾ 116½-117¾ 116 -116¾ 116¾-117 117 -118½ 118¾-119¼ ·Sink. fund, 1901 .... . :; 104¾-107 .... - .... 105 -105 .•.• - .... 103 -103 103!,ei-103½ - ... .. ... - ... . . . . . .. . 103 -103 ...• - .... 103¾-103:J( Debenture, 1913 .. ... ~ 97 - 98 93 - 98¾ 98¾-100 1lOQ¾-101 98½-100 100 -102½ 102 -103 103 -105 104:½-105¾ 103 -105 101¾-104:¼ 104:½-107 -Convertible, 1903 ... :i lOOUi-101¾ lOlJ..(-101½ 99¼-102¼ 100 -100¾ 100½-102¾ 102¾-lOi¾ 104:¼-106 106¾-110¼ 107¾-110¾ 106¾-108 106¼-108½ 110 -lll Iowa Div., sink, fd ... :i . ... - ........ - ... 108 -108 105 -105 .... - •.•. 109 -109 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••• 1919 ............. ..... 4 98 - 98¾ .... - •••. 100 -101¾ 98 - 99 98¾- 99½ 100 -lOC!,Ci 101 -101 ..•• - ........ - ..•. 99½- 99¾ .... - ... . 102 -102¼ Denver Div •• 192·l .. 4 94 - 96½ 93 - 93¾ 94½- 95 I 9!1. - 94 94¾- 95¾ 95¾- 97¼ .... - ........ - .... 99 - 99 97½- 99 .... - .••. 99½-101~ 19~1 .......... .......... . 4 .... - ........ - .... . .. - ........ - ... . .. . - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 93 - 93¼ 93¾- 93¾ Nebr'skaExt,,192'7.4 87¼- 88¾ 88¾- 90¾ 90 - 91¾ 91 - 93 90¾- 92 91~- 92½ 92¼- 94½ 93¾- 94½ 94¼- 95 94¾- 95¾ 93½- 95½ 95½- 98¾ Registered ............. .... - .... ~9¼- 89½ .... .. 90 - 90 .... - ........ - ... 91 - 91 .... - ........ - ........ - ... . ..• - ........ - •..• Han. & St, J., cons .. 6 119 -120 119 -121 118 -118 120 -120½ 120½-120½ 120½-121¾ 122¼-122)4121!,ei-122 •..• - .... 118½-120¾ 121 -121 121¾-122 Clhic.& East'n llllnoislst, sinkinii fund ..... ti .... - . ....... - .... 114½-114½ 114 -115 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••• lstconsol., ,iold ....... 6 124½-124:½ - ........ , .... 124: -125¼ 125 -126 126 -126 127 -127¼ 126 -128¼ 128 -128 .... - .... 126½-130 133 -133 Gen. mort., 193'7 .. .. :; 99 -100% 987/4-100¾ 100 -101¾ 100 -101 99¼-100 99¼-102 101 -101% 101*102¼ 101 -102¾ 102 -103 100 -101¼ 101 -102 Registered ........... ~ .... - ....... - ... ..... - ... . .... - .... 99½- 99½ .... - ... . .... - ....... - .. . . ..• - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. .. -Cblc,&ln.C'I Ry-1st.ii 99 -100 100 -100½ 98 - 98 . ... - ....... - .... 100¼-100¼ 99 -100 100 -100¾ 100½-101¾ 101!1i-101½ .... - .... 100 -100¾ <Jb. l. & L.-Ret.,'41 ..6 ... . - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - ........ - .... 96 - 96 95½- 97¼ 95 - 97 95 - 96 95 - 95 96 - 97¾ Refundln,r, 194'7 ..... :i ... - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 80 - 80½ 80¼- 83 83 - 83½ .••. - ........ - .... 85 - 85 Chic. Mllw, & St. P.1st, P. D., 1898 ... ... . 8 107½-107½ 103¼-104¼ 104:¾-104¾ 105 -105¼ 105¼-105¾ 105¾-106¾ 107¼-108¼ 103¾-101 102 -102¼ 102½-102½ 102¾-103 103¾-103 .2d, P. D., 1S98..... '7'3 128¾-130½ 128 -128½ 131 -131½ 131½-132 131½-131½ 135!,v-137¾ 138¾-138½ 138 -138;1( 140)4-141½ 139 -140¼ .... - . ....... - ••• lst,aold, R, D,1902.1126 -129 129½-130½ 131 -132¾ 131 -132¾ 131 -131¼ 132¾-139½ .... - •••. 138½-138½ .••• - .... 140 -140 ..•. - .... 141 -14 1st I. & M. Dlv ........ 1125½-126½ 128 -129 130 -132 131¼-132 ... , - ........ - •....••• - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••• 1st I. & D. Div .... .. 1 .... - .... 128 -12!:!¾ 133 -133 .... - ••. 130 -132 . •. - . . ...... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - •••• 1st C. & M, Div ....... , 126¾-126¼ .... - .... 131½-132¾ 134 -134 .••• - .... 135 -135 135%-135¾ 138½-138½ .... - .... 139¾-139¾ 139¾-139¾ 140 -140 <Jonsol., 190:i ......... , 128 -131 131 -133 132 -134¾ 132!'.(-134¼ 133 -134¾ 134¼-139¾ 135¾-137¾ 137½-139½ 139¼-142 139 -140¼ 140 -140 140¾-142 1st I, & D, Exten . .... 1130 -132½ 132 -134 134½ ·135 t34 -134 135 -135¾ 136¾-139¾ 136¼-137¾ 138½-138½ .... - .... 130%-140 139¾-141 142 -143 1st So. West. Dlv ..... 6 115¼-117½ 116¼-116½ 116¾-116¾ 117½-l.i.9 118½-119 119¾-120½ 116½-118½ .••• - .... 118 -118 - .... 118¾-119 120¼-1213( 1st La C, & Dav ..... . :; 109 -110 ... - .... 110¾-111¼ 110½-111 .... - .... 113 -113 ... - ........ - .... 114¾-114!4 • - ........ - ........ - ••.. let So. Minn, Div . .... 0 115¾-118 117 -118 117 -117½ 118 -119 119 -119¾ 120 -120¾ 117 -118 118 -118½ 118¾-119 118 -119¼ 118½-119½ 119¼-121½ 1st H. & D, Div ....... 1 126 -126¼ 127¼-127)4 129 -129½ ... - .... 129 -129½ 130¾-130¾ 128 -128¾ ..•. - ... 128½-128½ 128¾-129½ 130 -132½· t35 -135 1st H. & D. Div ...... ~ 107½-108 108 -lO!l 109 -109 .... - •..•.•• - .... 110 -110 107½-107½ ..• - ... , .... - .... 109 -109 .... - .... . ... - ...• Chic. & Pao. Div ...... 6 .... - . . .. 117 -117 118½-118½ !20 -120 121 -121 1 21¾-121¾ .... - ........ - .... 119 -121 119 -119 .... - .... 122½-122¾ <lhlc. & Pac. W. Div .:i 112 -112¾ 113 -113¾ 113½-115 115 -115¼ 115¾-116½ 116%-117¾ 115¾-116½ 114¼-115½ 114!\i-115¼ 115 -115½ 116¼-116¼ 117½-118¼ (}hie. & Mo. R, Div .. :» 106½-110 109%-110 109¾-110¼ 110 -111¾ 1ll -111 112¾-113 •••• - .... 110 -111¼ 110 -110½ 112 -113 11;.> -115 114¼--115 Mineral Point Div ... ~ 107 -107 .... - ....... - .... .... - .... 108 -108 109 -109 .... - ....... . - .... 108½-108½ 109½-109½ ... ~ - •••. lll -111 -Obie. & L. Sup. Div.~ . . - .. .. . .. . - . .. . . . . - . .. 112 -112 . . .. - .... 114 -114 . • - .... 113 -113 .. .. - .. .. .. • • - .... 115¼-115½ 115¾-ll~ Wis.& Min. Div ...... :, llOJ,s-111 111 -112 111%-113½ 11:~ -113¾ 113½-lli½ 1131}.(-115 lll¼-112½ .... - ... 113 -113 ..•• - •.•. 114' -11~ 115¾-116¼ Terminal. ... ......... .:i 110½-lll lll~-112 112 -112 113 -113½ 113½-114¾ 114 -115 112 -113)4 . • • • - .... 112¾-113¾ 113 -114 113¼-114¾ U5 -115¼ .F'ar,ro & So. assum.6 .. .. - . . .. .. . - ........ - .. .. .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - . . ~ -1303' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  BONDS.  J 897'-CJontinued. ~  BONDS.  JANUAR1 . lfEBR'RY.  MARCH.  Low.Hi.1th Low.High Low.Bi.irh  ----  MAY.  APRIL.  - - - - ---Low.High Low.High ----  JUNE.  AUGUST.  JULY.  ----  Snu:1UE1L (lOTOBll:R  ---- - - - -  NOY' BER  DEC'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High>  ----  ----  •  ,.... Chic. M. & St. P.-(Con.) 113¼-113¼, Dakota & Gt. So. .• .:5 107 -109 108 -110 110 -110% 11~-111 11~-l.12¼ ·•· . 109¼-110¼ 111 -111¼ 111½-111½ 110¾-112 98½- 99¾ 99½-102¾ 101 -102 101 -102 102¾-103¾ 101¾-103¼ 102¾-103 102½-103¼ 103 -104 108%-105¾ 105½-106 Geo. M.,"A" 1989 ... 4 96 - 99 .... . .... 106½-106¼ 106½-106½ . .... . .. .... .... .... .... - .... .... . . Mort. cont., s. f.,'16,5 . ... .... . .. . 120 -121 121 -123 121 -12't MU.& No.,lst,1910.6 118 -118 118¼-119 118½-118½ 119 -119 120 -120 us -118 . 120 -120 . .... . .. . .... 121½-122 on ext •. 1013 . . 6 118 -118 llS¾-118¾ .. .. - .... ·• ·· - . ... .... - .... .... .... .... • : • . 41 - 43¼ H¼- 42\11£ H - 42% 41¼- 43½ .... ... ... . 41½- 44 .. .... - . Ch.& N. P., 1st, t. rec. 40 -U Chic. & Northwest'n143 143 -144)4 143 143 -147 -144 14.3 -146 142 146 -144½ 145¼-146½ -144 143 -145 -145½ Consol., 191l) ......... , 140 -141¾ li0 -1417,{ lil -142½ ... . 117½-HS¼ 118 -118½ ll5½-116~ Gold, coup., 1902 .... 1 116 -117¾ ll7¾-118¼ 118 -119¾ 119 -120 119½-121¾ 117 -117½ 117 -117½ 117½-ll8 ... 118 -118 118)4-118)4 118¼-118¼ 11$¾-118?1i 115¼-116 .... 117 -119 118¾-119 116¼-ll9¼ 116¼-117 Gold, rea-., 1902 ...... , 116 -116 .... .... ll?¾-117½ rJ.17¾-117¾ 120 -120 120 -120 115 -117¾ ll6 -116 . . Slnklna fund, coup .... 6 114 -116 117 -117 119 -119 ... - .... . - ... . .... .... 115 -115 .... - .... 117¾-117¾ .... - .... .... - ... . .... . .. 117½-117½ .... .... Registered ............. 109 -111 111 -112 112 -113 .... . 112)4-113% 110 -111 110)4-111 ll~-111~ Slnklna- fund, coup .. . I} 109½-109¼ 109 -109 111 -112 108:J:(-109 108 .... .... .... .... -108 106 -106 ... . .... . ... ... . ... 108½-108¾ 108¾-108¾ . .... .... 109½-109¼, . ... Registered .. ........... - .... - .... 117 -117 ll5½-115% 117 -117¾ Debenture, 1933 ..... :t 11()¾-112 112 -112 112 -112!)4 112¾-115 112¾-115 115¾-117 117)4-117¾ 117¾-117½ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . ... 116)4-116~ .... 111¾-111½ 111 -111 113½-113½ 112½-112½ .... .... .... Registered ......... . . l) .... 25 yrs, deben., 1909.5 106 -107)4 106;)4-10714 107 -109 109¼-110 107½-108 109 -110 109%-109½ 109½-110 110 -110½ 109¾-110 107½-109½ 109¾-110 .. .. - .... .... .... .... - .... . ... .... 108)4-108¾ .... - .... .... - .... .... .... .... . Reiilstercd ..... ..... 5 110)4-111 111¾-1121}.{ 113 -113 110½-111½ 112 -11~ 113¾-113¾ 115 -115¼ 116 -116 ll3 -113!14 ll3 -113 115 -115 30-year deb., 1!,~t .. a . .. . . .... ... . .... .... . ... 114¼-ll4½ .. .... .. . Rel.l'istered ........... 5 .... - ... . . 103¾-104¾ 105 -106 . 104 -105 104¾-104!)4 104¼-104¾ l0!i}(-106 105%-105¼ Exte'n. bonds, 19'l6 .. 4 101 -103 10!!)4-103¾ ·•• · 103 -103¼ 103¾-104 ... .... 109 -100 . .... - . ... .... Ott. C. F.& St.P.,lst.l> ... .... .... - .... .... .... .... ... 105 -105 .... 103 -103½ .... - .... ... . .... . ... Chic.& Mil.-lst ...... 7 104 -104 104 -104 .. . 106 -106 . . .. . ... 108 ... . .... ... -108 ... .... . .. . .... ·•·· .... ... . North. Illinois, l~t .. 5 - .... .... .lU·.L. S.&Wlst.,'~1.6 131¼-132 132¼-132¾ 132)4-133% 133¼-134 131 -131)4 131 -133!1:{ 133¼-135 135½-135½ 136 -136 137 -137 134¾-135 135)4-136¼ .... .... .... .... . ... Conv. deb, 1901' .. . 5 106 -106½ 105:¼-105¾ .... - ... . - ... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... 115 -116 118 -118 Ext. & Imp., s. f'... . ~ 112¼-115 112¼-1127~ 112 -112 112 -115 114¼-115 115 -115¼ 116 -117 114½-115¾ 115 -116 .... - .... 129¼-129½ 130 -130 130 -130 131 -131 .... - ... ·•• : .... . ... Mich. Div., 1st ..... 6 . .... .... .... -', .... .... ... 110¼-110¼ . Income, 1911. ...... . .... . Chic. R. I. & PacificCoupon ................. 6 128½-128½ 129 -130 130 -131 132 -132 132 -132 134 -134- 131¼-132 132 -132¾ 132 -133 132 -133 131½-133¼ 134¼-134~ Rellistered ...... ...... 6 128¼-128¼ 128 -128 129¾-130 130¾-130¾ ... 132½-183 .... - .... .... . . ... - . ... 132¼-133 ... Exten. & collateral .. l) 101¾-103 103 -104 103¾-105% 104¼-105 1004-105½ 106%-108 105)4-106½ 105½-106½ 105%-106¾ 105¾-106 105\11£-107½ 107¾-107¾ .... 106 -107 104%-107¾ R-egistered ...... .... ~ 100¼-101% 101¼-102¼ 102)4-103% 103 -104 103½-103½ 105¾-105½ 1041).(-105 103;)4-105½ 105 -106 .... Debenture, 1921 ..... a 93 - 96 97½- 99¼ 95 - 96½ 95¼- 97½ 97 - 98 97%-101¼ 100½-103 103 -104% 101½-105 102 -103 101¾-105¾ l0GJ,4-106¾ . .. . .... - . ... 102½-l0l½ 103¼-103½ 104½-10? ... 101¾-102 103 -105 102 -(02½ 101¼-101½ 104½-104½ 108)4-103¼ Keok. & Des M .. 1st.~ .... ... .... - .... .... - ... 62¼- 62¾ 64 - 64 64)4- 64¼ 70 - 70 70 - ':0 .... .... ... 68¼- 68¼ D.M.&F.D.lst'0l> .2½ . ... . 83 - 83 .... .... .... . Extension, 1905 .... 4 - .... ... . ... .... .... .... 85 - 85 . 84 - 85 .... - .... ... lst.190l> ............. 4 .... ... - .... - . . 106\11£-1073,s C.St.L.& P.-See Pa.Co. Chic. ~t.P. Mio.& Om.Consol., 1930 ......... 6 128 -129 129 -129¾ 130 -131¼ 130 -131 130½-133¾ 130½-132¾ 131½-132½ 131 -132½ 131 -132 133 -133 134½-136½ 133¾-136' . ... 130 -130 131 -131 130 -130 130 -130 131 -131 131 -131¾ 131 -lal!I:{ 132 -132 129½-129½ 130 -130· Cblc.St.P.& M.-llilt .. 6 130 -130 .... ... 129½-129½ 131½-132 St. P. & S. City-lst .. 6 130 -131 131 -131¾ 131;)4-131¾ 129)4-130 130%-131 131 -131½ 131¾-131311 131~-131½ 131 -131 Chic. Term'I Trans.Un. S. Tr.ctfs. of prop. .... .... ... . ... . . ... .... .... 42¾- 43% 43½- 45% 44½- 47¾ 44 - 46% 43½- 4.5 44 - 4.6¾-  -  .... -  ....  -  ....  - ....  -  -  -  -  -  .... .... .... - . ....  - .... .... - ....  ... - ....  .... - .... .... - ....  - .... .... - .... .... - ... - .... .... -  -  - ...  .... - ...  -  -  .... - .... ... - .... ...  - ....  -  -  -  ...  ... - ...  -  .....  ....  ... - ... .... -  -  -  -  -  - .... .... - . .... - .. .... ... - .... - . .... - .... .... ... - ... .... ... . ... .... - ..... .... .... - .... .... - .... - .... - ... ..... .... ... - ...... .... - ... .... - .... ... - .... - . .... -  -  ... -  ....  - ....  .... -  .... -  .... -  - ....  .... - ... .... .... - .... - .... ... - .... ... - ... - . .... -  .... .... ... - . .... ... - ....  ~  ~  .... -  ... -  ... - .... ... - ... - .... .... ... - . - . ... - . - .... - ... - ··-  ~-  .... - ...  .... - .  -  .... - . .... - .... - . .... .... .... -- ... - .... -  .... . .... .... - ... .... - .. .... .... -- . .... ... ... . 0 •  ♦  I  -  -  .... - . .... - .... ... - ...  .... - .  .... -  .... - .... - .... Chic. & West. Incl.Gen. mort., 1932 ..... 6 116½-117¾ .... - .... 116 -116 117 1st, s. f., 1919 ........ 6 .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... Ctn. H. & Day.-S. f ... '7 ... - ... . .... - ·•• · .... - .... .... ~d, gold, 193'7 . .... 4½ 102 -102½ .... - .... 103¼-103½ .... Cln. Day. &Ir.1st... ~ .... - .... 108½-109½ 109 -110 110 c.1.s.L.&c.  -  .... - . .... - ....  lseec.c.c.  -  .... -  .... .... - .... 119¼-119½ - .... 106 .... - .... .... - .... -lOfl .... .... - ... - .... .... - .... .... - .... - .... .... - .. .... 107¼-108 . ... - . .. .... - . ... 109  .... - .... .... - ... . .... - .... .... -117  -112  - .... 118¾-118¾ 118 -118½ .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - · •• 119 -119 .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... -109½ 112 -112  111 -112  -  .... llll%-120  ... .... .. ...... - ..... .... . ...  .... - ....  109 -110½ 111¼-111~  ,.  Cln.San.&C. & St. L. Cl. & Can-1st, tr.rec 5 72¾- 74 .. . 70 - 71 68 - 68 70 - 70 68 - 68 68 - 68 67 - 67 68 - 70 70 - 'iO 67 .. 67 68 - 71:. Clev. Cin. Ch. & St. L.General. ............... 4 .... .... .... . - .... 84 - Si .... , ... . .... .... .... . . ... Cairo Div., lst ........ 4 ... . ... 90 - 90 .... ... .... - ... 89?1i- 90¾, ... .... 89 - 89 - ... - .... - .... 95 - 95¾ 90 - 95½ 95½- 96¼ 93½- 94½ 9!i½- 96 St.L.Div., lst.1990.4 92¼- 93½ 92¼- 93¼ 94¾- 95 95¼- 96½ 94 - 95½ 94¾- 95¾ 94 - 95 ... 92 - 92 93¾- 93¾ . Rellistered............. .... - ·•·· .... - .... .... - .... .... .... .... - ... . - ... .... 88½- 88¾ ... .... . .... .... .... ... Cin. Wah. & M., lst.4 88 - 88 87½- 87½ 88 - 88½ 89).<a- 89½ .... W.W.Vav. Div.,lst.4 .... ... . . ... . ... . ..... - .... .... - .. .. .... . ... .... . .. . . . ... .... - ••·· . ... .... 86½- 87½, 101 -102 100)4-101 ... C. I. St. L. & C., 1 st.4 98 - 98 100 -100 100 -102 101 -102 100¾-101¾ 101 -101¾ 1017-{-101¼ ··•· . ... 113 -113 .... ... . . . ... . ... .... - .... {)in. ~an, & CI., lst.5 107 -107 .... ... 112 -114 .... . .., ···68 - 73 70 - 731-t, 72 - 81 70 - 70 73 - 74¾ 70 - 74 70 - 72 Peo. & E., 1st, cons .. 4 73 - 75 .... 75½- 78 76 - 77 75 - 76.... . ... .... ... . 10 - 10 Incomes, 1990 ..... 4 .... - .... .... - .... ... . .... ... . ... 15 - 15 15 - 21 . ..... .... .... ... .... .... . .... ... Ind. BI. & W.lstpf .. 1 104½-104¾ 106 -107¾ .... .... - .... .... .... . ··•· . ... - .... Clev. Col. Ctn. & Ind.1st, sinking fund ...... '7 .... 107½-107¾ 108½-108½ 109 -109 105¾-105¾ 106¼-106¾ 106½-107 106\11£-106¾ •••• . 107)4-107¾ .... ... . 10! -106 Con11ol., 1914 ......... , 131¾-132 .... 133¼-133¼ 133%-133% 134¾-134¼ 130 -13!i .... ... . .... 135 -135 .... - . ... .... . . General con sol. ...... 6 123¼-124 . - ... 125 -126¾ 127 -127!,( - . . .... .... - .... 128 -128 .... - . 107¼-107½ . .... ... .... ... .... ... . ... . c.& s.-tsi. c.c.c.& .... .... .... .... .... .... .... - . .. . .... - . Cl. Lor. & Wheel.-lst 102 -102 .... 102 -102 .... - .... 98 - 99½ 100 -100 .... .... 103 -103 .... . ... - .... Colorado Midland] ,st, 1rold, 6, tr. rec'pts 65 - 67½ 67 - 67¾ .... - ... eo - 60½ . ... . ... 59¼- 62½ 62¼- 64½ 63 - 66 64¾ 66½ 62¼- 64½ 61 - 63 62¾- 65 Consol, ir., '40, 4, t.rc. 15 - 17 16 - 17 14 - 15½ 10 - 12 .... - . ... 5 5)4-tl2½ :l:11½-i14 il0½-;15½ :1:15 -•21¾ •19!,(-•20½" 7 7~ 5 Col. & 9th Ave.-ht .. 5 117 -117¼ 117 -118 115½-116 115¾-116½ 116¼-117 ll7 -118!1,! 118¾-120 119½-119¾ 117¾-119½ ll7½-119½ 118½-119 ll9 -121 C.H. Val. & Tol.-lst.5 68 - 88¾ 63 - 77½ 70 - 74½ 68½- 71¾ 68½- 68½ ... 72½- 72J.!! 74 - 74½ .... ... 75 - 75 . ... .... . ... J.P. M. & Co. ctf's..... .... . ... - . ... . - .... 66½- 68 66½- 75½ 72 - 73¾ 73¾- 75 75 - 79 73 - 74¾ 70 - 73 73¾- 76½ 55 - 59 Gen. gold, 1904 ..... . 6 63 - 87 4G½- 71 50 - 50 50 - 50 50 - 53 .... 52 - 52 . - . .... 59¾- 59½ 50 - 55 .... Del. & Bud. Canal.Penn. Div., coup ..... '7 ... ... . 142 -143 . ... 146¾-146,½ . .... . 147½-147½ . ... . . .... ... . .... . . Reiiiatered .. ... . ..... 7 .... .... ... . - .... ... - ... . .... - .... 143 -143 - ... . . .... - ... 124½-124½ . - -·· · 122)4-123 . Alb.& Su8q.-lst,au.1 .... .... .... .... . ... .... 122½-122½ .... . .. . 1st coup., a-uar ...... 6 117 -118½ 118 -118½ 118¼-118¾ 116½-116½ 116 -117½ 118 -118½ .... 115¼-116¼ 11 fl¾-116\!1£ ·•• · 118 -120 ... Rel,l'istered .... ... .. 6 118 -118 116½-118 .... - .... .... .... - .... .... .. . .... .... .... .... Rens. & Sar.-lst .... '7 146½-146½ 145%-145% .... .... ... 145 -145 146~-146½ 148½-148¾ 148¾-148:Ja . .. . 143 -143 . Del. Lack.& West'n-'7 .... . . .... ... 125½-125¼ 128 -128 . - .... .. ... . - .... 126 -]27 .... 123¼-125 .... .... .... .... .... . Syr. B. & N. Y ., lst.'7 ... . - .... .... - .... Morris & Essex, lat. 1 140½-143 143 -144 14:!%-14!i 14!i -14!i¼ 141 -144 U4 -144 U4 -144 142½-143½ 145 -145 ... .... 142 -143 Bonds, 1900 ........ '7 109½-109½ 109¾-109½ .... 109¾-109¾ 109 -111 . .... 111½-111½ 109 -109 ... - .. .. - ·•• · 111½-112 112 .... . ... .... 114 -113% . .... 1871-1901 . .... ...... 7 .... -114¾ .... 111½-111½ .... .... 112 -112 113½-113½ . .. ... ·••· Consol., guar......... '7 140 -140 141 -141 141½-l!i!i 143½-l!i!i 144¾-145¼ 142 -1427A 143¼-143¼ 145 -145 .... ... 143¾-U3½ 144 -144 142 -142 .... 137)4-138)4 . ... . ... 138½-138½ 139 -139 . - .... 136 -136½ N.Y. L. & W.-lst .... 6 - ... 138½-138¼ .... . .. 1H -141 .... llfl¼-116½ - ... . - .... ll6¾-116¾ .... ... . 118½-118½ 116 -117 . - . ... 118½-118~ .... Construction ....... -~ 118 -118 .... 110½-110½ 111 -111½ 108 -108 108¾-1083,6. Denv. & Rio Gr.-lst .. '7 111 -111¼ 111)4-1.12 112 -112% 112 -113¾ 109¾-110¾ 110 -110 110½-110½ QS 87¾- 89 88 - 89 88 - 88¾ 87½- 88¼ 89 - 90 88 - 90 87¼- 89 Newconsol, 1936 ... 4 88 - 89 - 89 68¼- d9¾ 87½- 90 89½- 91-U . 81¾- 82% .... ... . ... 85 - 85 85½- 86 87¼- 87¾ 87 - 87 84 - 86 85 - 85¼. Improvement, 1938.a 83½- 83½ 80 - 81 .... . . .. . . ... - .... .... . .. . . ... ... 95:Ji(- 96¼, .... .... .... .... ... . .... .. . .... Des Mo. Union-lst .... l> .... 17 - 18 18 - 18 18 - 19 18 - 19½ 19¾- 21¼ 19¾- 20 18½- 19% 17%- 18 16 - 18 Det. M. & lU,-L. gr .. 3¼ 18 - 20½ 20¼- 22 .... Duluth & I. R.-lst ... l) 100 -101¾ 99¾-100¼ 100¾-101% 98½- 99 98½- 99½ 97¼-102 101½-102¾ 101!,(-]03¼ 103 -105¾ 102),(-103¾ 102 -103½ 103½-105 Dul.s.s.& Atl.-193'7.l> 99½-100 100 -102 100¾-102 100 -101¼ 101 -101¾ 104 -104 101 -101¾ 101½-101¾ 102 -103 103 -103¼ 103¾-l0tl 106 -106¼. E.T. Vn.. &. Gn..-Ree So.  .... .... - .... .... - .... - .... .... .... - .... .... -  .... -  -  -.  -  -  - .... .... - ... .... .... --  - ....  -  ....  -  .... -  ....  ... -  .... - . .... - .... .... .... - .. ....... .... --  .... - ....  .... - .... ... - .... -  .... - .... ... ....  .... -  1' 1st instalment paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ....  .... ....  ... .... - ... .... - .... .... - .... .... -... .... .. .... .... .... ... .... . .... - ... - .... -  .... ... ...  ... ...  .... ... .... .... - .... - .... - . .... - .... .... ... - .... - .... .... . .... -.... - .... - ... - . .... - ... - . ... - .... .... ... .... .... - -·· .... ... -. .... - .... -  ... -  ~  3d instalment paid  -  -  ... .... -  . .... ... .... .... -  - .. ... ... ... - ......  ... ... ... ....  - ... - .... ... -  ... - . -. .... .... ... ... - .... ... - ... - .... ... .... - . ... - ... ... - ..... ... . ... - .... .... ... .... - .····· .... -- .... -- ... - .... ... - ..... - ... ... - .... - .... - . ... - ... . . ... - ... .. - . ... - .... .... - . .... ... . . .... .. ···'- - . -  .... - .... .... . .... .... ... - .... .... .... .... - .... .... - ... .... .... .... - . .. .. - .. .... ... .. ... .... - .... - . ... - . ... - .... .... - . .... -  ; 2d instalment paid.  -  ....  -  .... ... --  ... - .....  -  -  .... -  ....  -. -  -.  • All assessments paid .  ~  -  -  RAILROAD  BONDS.  189T-Continoed. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  8ONDS.  _M_A_Y_._  __!_U_NE_. _J_UL_Y_._ AUGUST.  BEPT'BER.[ OCTOBER. N0V'BER. _D_E_c'_BE_R_.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Blirh Low.High  - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· - - - - - - - - - - - - -1-- - - -1- - - - - - - -  Eriei ht, Ext., 1897' ........ , 102¾-100¾ 108¾-109¾ 108,!4-109.¼ 109¾-108¾ ...• - ~•.....•. - •....... - .....•.. 1st, Ext .• 191' . ...... 4 .... - ........ - ... ..... - ... . . . - ........ - .... 111¾-112½112 -112½ .••• - ••.. 111 -112 111½-113 110½-111 112 -112¼ ~d, Ext., 1919 ......... ~ 118¾-118¼ .••• - •... 116 -117½ .••. - .. •.. ..• - ••.. 122 -122 .•.. - ... . 117¾-117¾ 119 -119 . . .. - .. .. 116¼-116¾ 3d, Ext., 1923 ....... 4½ 112 -112 ..• - •••. 112½-113 112 -112 11~½-114¾ 115¾-116 .... - •••. 112,4-112,4112¼'-112¾ ll2¾ 112¾ •••• - •..• 4th, Ext., 1920 ....... ~ .... - ........ - ... . 120 -120 118¼-118¼ 119½-120 ..•• - •.•. 12(%-12(% •.•• - .... 120¼-120¼ 119 -120½ .... - ... . •••• - ... . :Jth, Ext., 1928 ... ... .4 .... - ........ - ........ .... - .... 103¾-103M •... - •....... - .•.. lv4 -101 104 -105;1,( .... - •.. . .... .- .•.• 1st, consol., irold ...... , 139½-lil 142 -US½ 139¾-140 139½-140½ 140ll,!-141½ 141½-143 143 -144 144½-144½ 142 -143 142 -143 113½-H4¾ 1.44%-145¼ 1st consol., ir., fund .. 1 .... - .. ...... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 140 -140 Lonir Dock cons.'3:J . 6 188½-134 •..• - ... . 136 -1S6 134 -134 135 -135 .... - •... 135 -135 .... - ....•••• - •.. . 137½-137¼ Buff.N. Y.&E.-lst., 186,!4-136¼ .... - •.. . ..• . - .... 137;1,(-137¾ .... - .... •..• - •...... - .... 141 -141 .... Jefferson RR.,1st,ar.:J 105 -106 .••• - ••• ..... - .•• . lOOxi-106½ ..•. - •... 107 -107 .... - •.. 104 -104~ .... - . ... 106 -106 Chic. & E., 1st, ar .. 4-~ 110¼-112 111½·112 111¼-111¾ 111½-112 108)4-109½ 100 -110 109¼-11~ 110¾-111½ 111 -111¾ 111 -112 109¼-110½ 110¼-112 N.'Y.&Gr.L.,gu.,ir.~ .... - ........ - ........ - ... .. ... - . . . . .... - ........ - .... 106 -106 105½-105½ .... - ........ - •.•• .Erie-ht cons. pr., ir .. 4 93½- 94½ 94 - 95¾ 9!l¾- 95,!4 93¼- 9!l¾ 88¼- 92¾ 89½- 92 89 - 90 89¾- 93 91½- 93½ 90 - 92 89¾- 91¼ 90½- 93 ht con. iren.l.,'96.3-4 62¾- 65 M½- 66¼ 63,!4- 65¼ 63¼- 65 62 - 63½ 63½- 67 M¼- 67 66½- 72¼ 71 - 73¾ 70 - 72 69 - 70¾ 70¾- 72¾ Eureka Sprtnirs-1st .. 6 ... - .... 52 - 52 - •.....•. - ........ 65 - 65 Evans. & T. H.-Cons.6 109 -109 110 -110 lll¾-112 110 -110 111 -111 . .•. - •... 108 -110 111½-112 . •.• - ... 114 -114¼ 1 1st, 1ren., 1942, irold.:J .... 76 - 76 . . . - . . . . 70½- 75 .Flint & P. Mq.-lllort .. ti .... 115 -116 114 -114 ..• - .... 114 -114 114 -115 110¼-111 110¾-111 111 -114¼ 1st cons., a-., 1939 .. . ~ .... - .... 82 - 82 - ... . 80 - 80 ...• - •... 80 - 80 ..•. - • .. 82 - 85 85 - 89 89½- 90½ 84 - 86 86 - 89~ Pt. Hur. Div .• 1st . . .. ~ . ... - .... 78 - 78 - ••.. 73¼- 73½ 70 - 77¼ 77 - 79¼ 80 - 86 78 - 82¼ - .. . . 76 - 76 Ft.St. U.D.-l&t.'41.4½ .... - ........ - ... . 105¾-105¾ .... - ........ Ft. W. & D. C.-bt.4-6 58 - 57¾ 57¼- 58½ 57 - 59¼ 55 - 57 56½- 58¾ 55¼- 67½ 66 - 67 66½- 70 69¾- 76 67 - 73 68 - 70¼ 68 - 72¾ Ft. W. & Rio G.- bt .. ~ 48 - !l6½ 41 - 43 43½- 43¼ . . . . - • . . . 48 - 48 . . . . - .... .... ht, 19~8 ............ a-4 .... - .... 52 - 53½ 52¼- 57½ 56 - 57¾ 57½- 60¼ 58½- 58½ 57¾- 57!'4 55 - 58¼ Galv. H. & H. ot'82.. ~ .... - .... 85 - 87 87 - 87 .... - .... 84 - 84 84 - S!l E6 - 87 87¾- 88 . . .• - ........ - •... 88½- 91 Galv. Har. & San An.t8t, 1910... ······· ...... 6 .... - .... 104 -104 - .... 103 -103 ••• • - .... 108 -108 ..•. - •... 106 -106 •••• - •....•.. - ... . .... - •••• !ld, 190:J ............. ... 1 ... - .... 100 -100 ...• - .••. 100 -100 102¾-104 ...• - •.•• M. & P. Div., ht .... ~ 89½- 91¼ 90½- 91½ 89¾- 91¾ 90 - 90% 88 - 89¾ 88¾- 89½ 89¾- 90¾ 90¾- 91¾ 91¾- 92¼ 92 - 93 90.!4- 91¼ 88¼- 92.!4 Ga. & Ala.-ht pf..... 6 .... - .... 102 -102 10294-103 103 -103 ...• Ga. Uar. & N.-1 st,iru.~ .... - .... 83 - 83 .... - . .. . 83 - S!l .... - .. . .... - •.. , •••• Ga. Pacific-Bee ~outh'n H .& !!lt.J.-SeeC.B.&Q. , Housat'c-Con.,1937 .. ~ 125½-125½ 125,4-125¼ .... Rous. & Tex. Cent.1st, gold, 1937 ........ ~ 106½-108½ 108 -109~ 108½-100¾ 110 -110 110 -111 111%-112 109%-100¾ 109~·110½ 110 -110 110 -111¾ llO;l,(-112 112¼-112¾ Consol., gold, 1912 .. ti 102 -102½ 104 -104 102¼-104 99!J(- 99¾ 102½-102½ 105 -105 .... - ........ - . . . . .•• - •. . . 107~-108 General, a-old, 1921.4 66 - 66 66 - 67~ 67 - 70 65½- 66½ 66 - 68¾ 67½- 68½ 68)<!- 72 71 - 75 74 - 76¾ 73½- 77 77 - 80 78 - 81 Debenture, 1897 ..... 6 .... - •... •.··· - .... 99¾- 99¾ .... ..: 96 - 97½ 95 - 95 Debenture, 1S97..... 4 94 - 94 . . . . 98 - 98 100 -100 ... . 94 - 9'1 Illinois Cenrral1st irold, 19~1 ........ 4 ..•. 110 -112 112 -ll2 . •.. - .... 110 -ll2¾ 110 -110 .... - .... 113 -118 ...• Registered............ . . . .. - . . . 112½-112¼ . . . . Gold, 19~2 .. .......... . 4 102 -102 103¾-104 104,!4-lO!l¼ 101½-102 101¼-102½ 102 -102 .... - .... 104 -10'1 103¾-103½ 102 -103 101;1,(-102 103½-103¼ Reirtstered........ .. . . . . . .. - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . 102¾-102¼ . . .. - . . . - . . . . . • . . - . . . . . • . • - •..• Gold, 19:13 ............ 4 99½-103 101 -101¼ 101½-101½ 100¼·101 101¾-102 101,!4-101¾ 101¼-101¾ 101¾-101¾ 101½-101¾ lOOll,!-101½ 99¼- 99¾ 101½-101½ 1st, a-old, 19~1 ...... 3½ .... - ........ - ........ - .... 101 -101 .••• 2-10, 1904 ............. 4 .... - ........ - . .. . .... - ... 99 - 99 .... - •... 100½-!00¾ .... - ........ - .... 99 - 99 .. .. - •...... - ... . Western Lines, tst .. 4 103 -103 100:>(-100¾ 102 -10::3¼ 101~-103 103 -105¾ 105¼-105¼ lO!l -105½ ...• - .. . 101½-lW 102 -104 103¾-104 104 -104 Spring-f. Dlv., 189S.6 .... - ........ - ... . ... . - ... . .. .. - ........ - ... . .... - .... 101¾-101¼ .... - ... ..... - .....••• C. St. L.&N.O.,a-.cp.~ 118¼-120 121 -121 122 -122.!4 . .. . - •... 122½-123 123 -123 123 -123½ . .•• - •... 122¾-122¾ ..•• Rea-istered... ......... . ... - .... 119½-ll9¾ ..•• - ... . 118,4-118¼ .... - •....... - .... . . . - . Tenn. lien, 1897 ... 7 .... - ... . .... - .... 102¾-102½ ... . ht, con .• 1897 . ..... 7 . . . . - .... lO!l¼-104¾ . • • - . .. . . .. . - •.. . 10-2¼-102¼ 102½-102½ 102:l:(-102¾ . . . • - .... 103 -103 . . . • Mem. Div., 1st, g ... 4 .... - ........ - ....... - ... . .... - ... . 103¾-103¾ .... - ...... . - •.. 108¾-103¾ Jnd.D.& Spr.-Tr. rec.t 27 - 27 ... . 35¼- 35¼ ... - •....... - ••.....• In. D.& W.-ht,ll.,3~.~ 99 -100 100 -100¾ 101 -101 101 -103 103 -103 103 -104 102¾-104¾ lO!l¾-105 105 -105 - •.. . 102½-lOi 105 -105¼ Ind. 111.&Ia.-tst,'39.4 ... . - ... . .... - .... 88 - 88 .... - ........ - .... 86¾- 86¾ ••.. - .... 88 - 88 lnternat'I & Gt. No.1st, 1919 ............. . . 6 117.!4-119¼ 119 -119¼ 118%-119¾ 119 -120 117 -118 119 -119½ 119¾-120½ 120 -120¾ 120%-12!l 119 -120 118¼-ll8½ 118%-121 ~d, 1909 ........... 4½•~ 73 - 76 79 - 80 76¼- 77¾ 74 - 74¾ 74 - 76 75 - 81 80¼- 83 83¾- 86 85 - 86¼ 84 - 84 83 - 85 3d, J9~1. ........... . .. 4 25¼- 27 28 - 31 29¼- 31¾ 30 - 31 30 - 31¾ 31¼- 42 40 - 4,3 43 - 47 45 - 48 43 - 45 43 - 44 44 - "4 Iowa Cent,-1Bt, a-old .. ~ 96 - 97½ 95½- 96~. 92 - 96 88 - 92 89¾- 90¼ 89 - 93½ O!l¾- 95½ 95½- 9i¼ 97½-100 97 - 9b 97¾-100½ 97¼- 99½ Kan.&M.-&eT.&O.C. 79}4- 82¼ 77)<!- 80½ 78½- 83 K.C.P.&G.-1st&co1.~ .... 78 - 82¼ Ken. Cent.-See L. & N. Klnll'8 Co. El.-lBt, A.~ 45 - 45 44 - 49 49½- 50¼ 48 - 48 - •.• 49 - 50 46 - '18 53¼- 57¼ 68¾- 60 57 - 60½ 57 - 57~ Fulton .t:,;l., 18t, a-oar.~ ... 40 - 40 H - 44 ..•. - • . .. 40 - 40 38 - 38 38 - 38 40 - 40 45 - 49 40 - 4l¾j 39½- 39x 36 - 40 L. Erle & West-1st ... ~ 118½-115¼ 113¾-115½ 115¼-115½ 115½-117 115 -117 ll7 -118 115 -115% ...• - .... 116 -116¼ 116 -116 116 -US 117¾-118 2d . ....................... ~ 100½-101 100;1,(-102 102¼-102½ 101½-102¼ 101¾-102¾ 102 -102¾ 99½-100½ tOl -102 101 -103¼ 102 -102¾ .... - ... . 102 -104: North Ohio, 1st ...... ~ 103 -104 103 -103½ 104 -104 101 -101 101 -102 . .. • - •... l C0½-100½ ...• - .... 97½-102 99¾- 99¾ 99 - 99 L. Sh01·e & Mich. !'lo.Dividend ............... . 1 107¼-108% .... • ••.. 110 -111 107 -107 107½-107½ 107½-107¾ ..•• - •.•...•• - .... 107 -107 · 104¾-lOi¼ lO!lc¾-104½ 105;1,(-105"' Buff. &Erte-New .. . ,'7 ... . - ... . . •. - •••. 106¼-107¼ 103¾-104 103¾-104¼ 104¼-104% .... - •.....• - •.•. lO!lc¾-lOi¾ 101½-101% 102~-102¼ •.•• - .• Det. Mon. & T., l ~t .. '7 ..•. - ........ - ••....•• - ..•.... • - ....... - •.. .. ... - ... . .... ·- ........ - ........ - •... 120½·120½ .... - ... . ..•• - •••. 1st con., coup .......... ,. 110%-111 111 -111¾ 111½-113¾ 112¾-113¼ 112½-113¼ 113 -114 109¾-1097~ 109%-109¾ 109%-109¼ 109%·110½ 110½-111 111½-111~ 1st con., reg ............ 7 110%-110¾ 111 -111¾ 110¾-113½ 110:1:(-111¼ 110¼ -111½ 110¾-112¼ 109¾-109¼ .... - .... 109%-109¾ 108 -108% 108¾-109¾ 109M-1~ 2d con., coup .......... , 119 -119¼ 119½-119½ 119½-12!l¼ 123¼-123¾ l:.GS -123¼ 12()%-121 . . . . - . . . . . . • - . . . . . . . . - ... . 120¼-120,½ . . .. - .... 119 -119 ~d con., rea ...... ...... , 118½-119¼ 119½-119½ 123 -12'1¾ 123 -1:ta¾ 120 -123¼ 120¼-121½ 120½-120½ 120 -120 120 -120 119¾-120½ .... - •... ll.8¾-119 Gold, 1997 . ........ . 3¾ .... - .... 103¾-104 103~a-103% 103%-104 102½-103% 10~½-104 10! -1 05¼ 103¾-1043' Re1dstered. . ............. - ... . ... - ... .. ... - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - .. 102½-103¾ 103%-103% 104 -1· 5~ .... - •... Ctn. & Sprine-, 1st .. , .... - ........ - .... . ... - ... . 109 -109 - ••...••• - •....•.• - •... 109 -109 . ... - ... . lOfl¾-108.!4 Mahonlntr Coal, 1st.~ .... - ........ - ........ - .... .... - ........ - ... .. ... - .... .... - .. . . 125 -125 Leh.V.,N.Y.-htgu.,i.4½ 100),g-101¾ 101½-101½ 99 - 99 92¾- 96% 94 - P6 95¾-101 98}9-100,4100½-101 101 -101 101 -102~2 102¾-103¼ 103½-103!J;S Leh.,1 941 .. ~ 111 -111¾ 110 -111 lOS½-111¾ 106 -108 108¼-109 108½-110 110 -llO¼ 110 -112 .••• - ••. 109½-110 lll½-111¼ Re1rtstered .................. - ........ - ........ - .... 106 -106 lOi¼-107¼ 107 -108½ 109½-109½ .... - ........ Leh. Vo.I. Coal-1st .... ~ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... .... - ... 96¾- 96.¼ ...• Leh. & N. Y.-ht, gu.4 93 - 93 92 - 93½ .••• - •.. . 90 - 90 .••. - .. .. 90 - 90½ .... - .• • 90 - 90 91 - 91 €1. Cort. & No., iiu .. ~ 99 - 99¾ 99½- 99¾ •••• - .... 101 -101 ..•• - •...... • Lex . Av. & Pav. Fer.. 6 116¾-117¼ 117 -118 115¼-116 115¼-116½ 116 -117 117 -118¾ 118½-120 119 -119¾ 117½-118¼ 117:l:(-119½ 119 -119¾ 119 -121 Lonir hlandbt, 1898................ , 105¼-105¼ 105%-105¾ 106,4-106¼ •••• - •.•. 103,4-103~ .•.• - ••.. 103¾-101¼ ..•• - •••. 10!¾-101¼ 104 -10!¼ 101¼-101¾ ..• l8t, consol, 1931. .. ... ~ 113 -ll7¾ 116 -116 ... - ........ - •.•. 119 -119 117 -118½ 117½-117½ .... - •.•. ll!i -118 116 -117½ ...• - ••. . 116 -117 Ferry, 1 Bt, 1922 . ..4½ .... - ... . 8-! - 89 84 - 89 83½- 83½ 83)<!- 83¼ 84 - 84 85 - 89 88¾- 90 91 - 92½ 89 - 91 90 - 00 90 - 91 Gen. mort., 193~.... 4 76½- 87 87 - 88 87½- 88½ 87¾- 87¾ 88¾- 68½ 86¾- 87¼ 85 - 85 87 - 88 90 - 91 .• - •.. 84 - 86 81 - ~ N . Y. & R. B., 1st, a- ~ . ••• - •. •. . . . • - •••. . ••• - •••. 100 -100 . . . . - . . . . . . • • - . . . . . . . • - . •. . . •• - •.. . 107½-107~ N . \:'. B. & M. B., ht.~ 10~½-106¼ 107¾-107½ .•.• - .... .L05¾-105¼ 105¼-105½ 105½-106¼ ...• - •... 103 -105 Louisv. Ev. & St. L.36-86 .•.• - .. .• 31 - 31 30 - 30 . . • • - • • • . 30 - 30 . . • • - • . . . 35 - 86½ 86 - 38 ConB. :Js. Trust rec.. . . 84 - 84 30 - 38 . . • • - .•...••• - ........ - •.•..... - . .•. 9¾- 9½ .... Gen'l, 1943, a-old .... ~ .... Loul8vl tle &Nashv.Consnltdn trd . .. .... .. . ,. 105 -10/'i¼ 105¼-105¾ 105¾-106¼ 102¾-103¼ 103¼-108¾ 10::!%-104 lO!l¼-104¼ 104¼-1041}.! lO!l½?-104¾ 101¼-101¼ 101 -102 102¾-102~ • All assessments paid. t 1st instalment paid. 1 Trust rects. ex. b onds. § 3d instalment paid. 2d instalment paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - ........ -  ....... - ........ - ....... -  - ........  *  ........ - ....  - ........ - ....... -  74  RAILROAD  BOYDS.  1897-Contlnned. J.ANU.ARY FEBR'RY. MARCH.  APRIL.  M.AY.  JUNE,  JULY.  AUGUST. $EPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  -------------------- - - - - ------------ - - - - - - - - - - Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High !'ow.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Higb BONDS.  - - - - - - - ----  0  Louit1. & Nash.-( Oon.)CeciJlan Branch ..... ')' . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... •••• - • •• • ••. • - . •.. . . . . - .... •. •. - ...... •. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - .... 103 -103 106 -106 . •• • - ••• N. O. & Mob-l8t ..... 6 116 -119¼ 119¾-119¾ 119¾-120¼ 120¼-120¼ 120¼ ·121!>2 122¼-123 119 -119 120 -120 119%-119¼ 120¼-121 120¼-121¾ .••••••• 2d . ..................... . 6 93½-101¼ 102 -103 102¼-103¾ 103 -103 103 -103 . . • . - •... 102 -102 107 -107 . . . • - •... 107 -107 .. . . - . . . . . . • • • • •• E. H. & Nash., lst ... 6 .... - .... 113¾-113!,d .... - •... lH¾-114¾ 115 -115 ... - ........ • ........ - .....••• - ....•... - .... 113 -113 113 -113 General morta-aa-e ... 6 115¾-116¼ 116¾-117 •.. - •... 117!4-118 118 -118¾ 116 -117 116¾-117 116¾ 117 1161.4-117 117¼-119 118 -119 116¾-!17 PeneacolaDiv•.... ... 6106¼-108¼ ..•• - •.• . ...• - •••..... - .....••. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . 102 -103½ .... - ........ - ....... - ••• St. L. Div.,, '21 .. 6 .... - ... . . .. - ... . ... - ... . .... - ........ - .... .. - .... 121 -121 ..•• - ........ - •...•.•• - •.. . •.•• - ••• ..• ..•.•• Nash. & Decatur...... , .... - .... 110 -110 ...• - ••.. 107!,4-107¾ 109¼-109½ 110 -no 10731;-107½ lcJ7½-107½ .... - ........ - . .....• 110 -110 Pensac. & Atl.-l8t . . 6 100 -100 97 - 97½ 97½- 98½ .•.• - •.•. 95¾- 95~ 95 - 98 9tl½· 97 98 - 99 99 -100 102¾-104 105 -105 108 -108 :rn-year, llOld, 1931'.:i 97 -100 100 -100 99 - 99¾ .••. - .•. 95¼- 95½ 96¼-100 .•.• - . .•. . •• - .. .. lOQ½-100½ 101 -101 97!,4- 97!,4 99 - 99¾ Unified, a-old, 1940.. 4 78¾- 80¾ 79¾- 81 79¾- 80¼ 70 - 80 79 - 80 80 - 82¼ 80¼- 83½ 83 - 84¾ S3¼- 85½ 83 - 84¼ 84 - 85 84¼- 87¾ Col. trust, a-.. 1931 .. . ~ .... - .... 102 -1oi 103 -103 101 -101 .... - ... . 99 - 99½ ..•• - •.•..... - .... 103 -103 .... - .... 98¾·100 99¾,-102 L.&N.&M..&1U.1st4½ ... - ........ - .... 104½-104½ ...• - •....•.• - •.•..••• - ....... - •....•.• - .... 106¼-106¼ - ........ - ....•••• - •.• Nat1h.Fl.&S.,lst,1ru.~ 85 - 85 ... . - •... .. . - ... . .... - ........ - ...... . . - •... 82¼- 82½ S! - 84 87 - 87½ 88 - 68 •••• - ... 88¾- 88¾ So.& N o.Ala.con.a-u.:i 92¼- 94½ 91 - 91½ 91¾- 91¾ - • .. . 91¾- 91¾ .... - . .. . 92½- 93½ ...• - . . . . 93¾- 94 93¼- 93½ 92¾- 92¾ 93 - 94 Ken. Cent., 19S1' .. ... 4 89 - 90 85 - 00 85 - 87¾ &6 - 86:),( 86¾- 88 89 - 89½ 87 - 88 87 - 87¾ . •• . - • . . 86¾- 80 87¼- 88!1:( 86½- 89 Lou. N. A. & Ch.-lst.. 6 111 -112 112¼·112¼ 112¾-112!1:( 113 -113 114 -114 115!,4-115½ .••• - .....••• - ••. . 112 -113 113 -lH¼ .... - ••. . 114 -115 Con., ll•• 1916, 6, t. re. 82 - 85 85 - 85 84 - 84 83 - 84 81 - 84 84 - 91¼ 91¼- 92½ ···- - . . •....• - ........ - ... • ••• - .....••• - •.. Gen.a-.,1940,~,t.rec ..... - .... 42 -42¼ 43 -43 .... - . ... 44 -44 45 -45 .•.. - ....•.• - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ _ •.• Manhat.-Con., 1990.4 93 - 95 93½- 95¼ 93¼- 94!1:( 91¾- 92¾ 92¼- 92h 93¾- 95½ 95½- 96¼ 96 - 97¾ 96 - 97 93 - 9!½ 93¼- 05 94¾- ~6 Metropol.Elevat.-lat.6 116¾-117¼ 117¾-11~ 118¼-119~ 119 -119% 119¼-120½ 120½-121 117½-118¼ 118 -118 118 -118¾ 118 -119 118¼-119¼ 119¾-121¾ 2d, J S99 . .... ...... .. .. . 6 105 -106 106 -106¼ 106¼-107 106!1:(-107¾ 104¾-105 104¾-105¼ 105)4-106 105¾,-106 105 -106 105¼-106¼ 102½-103¼ 103¾-104 Met. St. Ry.-Gen'l. ... :i .... - ........ - .... ···· · .... .... · . ... , .. - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ... . 109!1:(-110 109;1:(-113 lll¾-113¼ Dlex. Cent'l-Cont1ol. ..4 68½- 68¼ .... - ••.. •··· - •.•. - ••.. 67 - 67 ... - ....... - ... . 66 - 66 .... - ..• . .•.• - •....••• - •...•••• - •••• Mex. lnt.-1st.1942 .. 4 71 - 73 70¼- 71 69 - 69¾ ..•• - ....... - ....... - ••...••• _ ........ - ••..•••••••...••. _ ................. _ ••• Mexican National2d, Income, "B" ..... . 6 10 - 10 ..•. - •.. .. ..• - ........ - .• . 9 - 10 10!':(- 10¾ 13 - 13 .•.. - ........ - •....... - •••..... - ....•••• - •.• , Mex. North'n-lst ..... 6 95 -100 97 - 97 •.•• - ........ - ........ - . . .. .. . - ... . .••. - ........ - ......• . - ........ - ..... .... . ....... _ •.• Mich. Cent.-lst, cons ..7 116¼-116½ 116½-ll'i 117 -118 117¼-llP ~._1.1 -116½ 116)4-117 116¾-117 116 -116¾ 116 -116¾ 117 -117½ 113¾-lU 114¼-115 1909..... ............ . 6 .. .. - . . . . .. . . - .... · · · · • • · · • . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . .. . . . .. - . . . . . . . . • .. . . . . .. - ... ·... - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 120 -120 1st, consol ... .......... ~ .... - .... 107 -107 108 -108 107¼-108 .... - •... 105¼-106)4 107 -107 107¼-107½ .... - •.•. 107¼-107½ 105'4-105¾ 106 -106¼ 19.11 .... ... . ............ . :i .... - .... •·•·. - ........ - ........ · .... .... - ........ - . . 120 -120 .... - . . . 120 -120 ..•• - •... 121 -121 125 -127 Registered ........... :i .... - ...... .. - ........ - ........ - .... .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ... .. ... - ... . ... .. 121 -121 Morta-aa-e, 1940...... 4 .... - ........ - ........ - • ....... - .... .... - . . .. 105¼-105¼ .....- .... . ... - ........ - ... ... .. - ........ - ........ - .. . M.L.S.&W .-see C.&N. M. & N.-SeeC.M..&S.P. Mlnneap. & St.L.-lllt.7 137½-140 •• . • - ........ - ........ - ...... .. - ..• 139 -139 143 -143 .••. - .... . .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. . 1st, con., 1934, a- .. .. :i 100 -103 102¾-103¼ 1()2¾-103¼ 103 -103½ 101 -102 101}.(-103¾ 103½-105 104¾-106 105¼-106¼ 105¾-107¾ 105 -106)4 106¾-106¼ Iowa Extension ...... 7 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . 123¾-123¾ . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . • . - • . • . . .. • - . . . . . . . . - • . . . . . . . - .... 127 -127 . . . . - •••• Pacific Ext., 1st ...... 6 120 -120 .••• l21¾-121¾ 121¾-121¾ 121!1,(-121¾ .... - ,. . •.. - •.•. 121!,j-121¼ .... - • . . . ... - .•...... - ........ - •.•• Mo. Kansas & Texasht, ,cold, 1990 ........ 4 82 - 84½ SSH- 84½ 82¼- 85 82 - 84 83¼- 84¼ 83 - 84½ 83½- 87 85¼- 87 85¼- 87¼ 85¼- 86½ 85!4- 88)4 86 - 87¼ 2d, income, 1990 ..... 4 69¾- 63 58%- 61 56 - 60¾ 55¼- 57¼ 54¾- 59¼ 59¼- 62½ 60¼- 64¼ 61¾- 64 62¼- 65¾ 58½- 64½ 58½- 62¾ 62¼- 64¾ 1st, exten., g., 1944.~ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 85 - 85 .... - ........ - ...• M. K.& T. ofT., lst.:i 74: - 79 78¼- 80¼ 80 - 80 •••• 75 - 76 75 - 80 79 - Sil¾ 82¼- Si¼ 80 - 83 80 - 81 70½- 83 81¼- 83 K. C. & P.,lst, 1990.4 .... - .... 63½- 70 69 - 69 69 - 71½ 66¼- 66¼ .... - • .. . 68 - 68 .... - ........ - . ....... - ... . .... - . .. . 67 - 67 Dall. & W ., 1st, '40.:i 77 - 77 .... - .... 76 - "17 .... - •••• 72½- 72½ 76 - 76½ 78 - 80 81 - 82 83 - 83 82!4- 82¼ 80 - 80¾ 78¼- so Mo. Kansas & East'nlst, 1942 .... .......... . ~ 92 - 95¾ 94 - {!5 92 • 93½ 90¼- 91½ 88¼- 92 90 - 92 91 - 94½ 95 - 98 98½-100 93 - 96 91¼- 92¼ 93 - 95 MIHourl Pacific1st consol .... ........... . 6 86 - 87¼ 85 - 86¼ 76½- 85 71 - 75 68 - ';'0¼ 70 - S3½ 83 - 92 91 - 95 96 - 98¼ 91¾- 94½ 89 - 90¾ 90½- 96 3d, 1906 ................ 7 105 -105 10~ -102 98 -102¾ 99 -100 .... - •... 100 -100 104½-104½ 106 -106 106 -110 109 -110 105 -105 106¼-107 Trust, gold, l 917 .... ~ .... - . . ...... - ........ - ........ - .. ...... - ... ... .. - ... . ... - .. .... .. - ........ - .... .. .. - ........ - . ... 70!4- 71¼ 1st collat., a-., 1920.~ 65 - 70 65 - 65 52 - 53 . • • . - • . . . 40 - 42½ 43 - 58 68 - 65 65 - 72 70 - 74½ tl5 - 65 63 - 63 65 - 71¼ Pac. ot 1Uo.-1st, ext .. 4 100¼-100¼ 101 -101¾ 100¼-101 100 -100½ 100 -100¾ 101 -102 103 -103 101 -101 101 -101 100½-101 101¼-102 102¾-105¼ 2d, 193S, ext ....... :i 101½-103)4 103 -103 103 -103 100 -100 1()1)4-102 101 -102¾ 100¾-102 102 -102 103 -106 . .•. - .... 107½-108½ 109 -109 St.L.& I.M,.lst,ext.:i 102¼-103½ 100)4-102½ 102.l.(-103l,4 101¼-102½ .... - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - •......• - ... . ..•. - ........ - .•...••• - •••• 2d, 1897 .............. 7 101½-102¼ 102)4-102% 102¾-103½ 103 -103¼ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - • ...•... - .....••• ...... - •....•.. - .. .. Arkansas Br.• ext .. ~ .... - . . . . ... - .... 104: -104 103 -103 103 -104¼ •... - ... . .... - •... 107 -107 106¼·107 105 -105½ 107¼-107¼ 106 -106¾ 1st ext •• 194,. .. .. 4¼ .... - .. .... - ........ - .... . . ...... - .... 104 -104¾ • . •• - .... 104¾-104¼ 106 -107 • 107 ·107 107 -107!1:{ 107J;!-108¼ Cairo A1·k. & Tex .. , 98 - 98 101 -102 102 -102½ . . . - . . • . . . • . - . . . . .. . . - . . . .. . • - . . .. . . . . - . . .. . . . • - . . .. . . . - . . . . . . . . - ....•.•• - •.•• Gen. consol. & I. ll• .~ 73¼- 76½ 75 - 77½ 73¼- 76 70 - 71 67½- 70 70 - 80¼ 79 - 83½ 82¾- 87½ 87¾- 90¾ 83 - 87½ 82¼- 87 85¾- 89 Stamped, guar .... :i .... - .... 73½- 74 ... - ........ - ........ - ••• 68 - 77 J 7'9 - 82 81¼- 87 87 - 87 85 - 85 .... - ••••.••• - ••• Mobile & OhloN ew . .................... . 6 117 -118 119 -119 118¾-119 119 -119 120¾-121 ll6!4-ll8 ll9!,:!-120 120 -120½ 120 -121½ 122 -122½ 122 -124 120 :.1213-9 1st, ext., 192,........ 6 .... - ... . .... - ... . ll2 -112 ... . - ........ - .... 112 -112 ... - ..• 114 -114. .... - •.. . 117 -117 ... . - .... 119 -119 Gen. mort., 1938..... 4 66!1:(- 68 67¼- 68¼ 65!J;(- 68 65 - 67 66¼- 67 66¼- 68¼ 68½- 71 71.x(- 77¾ 72 - 76 70 - 72 71 - 73 72 - 78¾ Morg. L.&T. SS.-lst.7 .... - .. .. ... - ........ - ....... . - •....... - •....... - ........ - .....•.• - ........ - •... 127½-127½ .•.. - •... 129 -129 1st, gold, 19~0 .... .. .6 .... - ........ - ........ - ...... . - • • . . .. • • - . . • . . . . . - .. • . . . - • • .. . • .. - • . . . . . . . - • . . . . • .. - •.•. 114 -114 .•.• - .... .Nashv. Chat. & St. L.-1 1st ................... .... , 127½-128½ 128¾-129 130 -130 128¾-129¼ 130 -131 131 -133½ 130¼-131 130 -130¾ 130 -130 129½-132¼ 132 -133 133¼-133¼ 2d, 1901 ................ 6 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 104½-104½ .... - ........ - ... . .••• - ........ - ... . .••. - ........ - .... 105!1,!-105¾ .... - •... Consol. g., 1928 . .. ... :i 100 -101½ 101¼-102 101¾-102¾ 99¾-100)4 99 - 99½ 98½-100 100 -101¼ 101½ 103 101½-103 lf)0,¼-103½ 102 -103¼ 102¾-103¼ New YorkCentl'al· N. Y.C. & H., 1st, cp .. 7 117)4-118~ 118¼-118:}.i 118¾-121 120½-121¾ 119%-120¾ 120¾-120¾ 117¾-118 117¼·118 117¼-118½ 117½-118¼ 118 -119¾ 119 -119¼ Registered ........... , 117 -117¼ 118 -118 118%-120¼ 120¾-120¾ 119J,:(-120¾ 120¼-120½ 117¾·117½ 117¾-117¼ 117%-118 117)4-117½ 118%-118¾ 119 -119 Deb., 1884-1904 .. . :; 106¼-107¾ 107¾-108¾ 106 -109 1()8¾-110 109¼-110¾ 109¾-llOy.t 111 -111¼ lll!,4-112 109!,4-110 Hl9 -109½ 109¼·110½ 110¾,-110¼ Rea-lstered ........ . ~ 106¼-107¼ lO'i¾-106½ .•.• - . • 109 -110 109¼-110 109¾-110¼ 110%-111 .. . . - • . • . . • • . - . . . . . . . . - • . . . . • . . - .... 110 -110 Deb., '89•'04, reg .. ~ .... - .... 107)4-107¼ .• •• - ... . ...• - •. .. . .. - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - •.• 109 -109½ ..•• - ... . .•• - ••..•.•• - .. .. Deb., ll•• '90-190~.4 .... - .. . . 102¼-102¼ 103 -104½ 104¼·105¼ 105¾,-105¾ 10:! -103¾ . . •• - •... 104)4-104¼ .• - •.• . 104 -10!½ .. •• • .... 103¾-103)4 Reirlstered .... .. .... 101:):(-101¾ ..• - ... . 102½-104 ... - . . ...... - ........ - ... .. ... - •.. . 103%-104¼ .•.. - .... 103¼-103½ .•.. - ........ - •.•• Debt certs., ext., a-.4 101%-103 102½-103¼ 104¼-104½ .•.. - . . . 103 -103¾ 103¾-lOS¾ 104)4-105 104¼-104¼ 104¼-104¼ .••• - •.. . 102½-103¼ .... - .... Registered........... . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 103¾,-103¾ . . • • - .... 104 -104 .. - .. . . . . . . - . . .. . • • . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . • • • - •..• Harlem-1st, coup .... , lll¼-111¾ 111¾-112¼ 112¾-113½ 113½-114 110 -110¼ 110¼-110½ 111 -111 .... - ... . 111!4-lll½ 111¾-111¾ l07½-107¼ 108¾-108¼ Registered ........... , 111¾-111¾ lll½-112½ 113 -lU 110½-110½ 110 -110¼ 110 -110½ .... - •... 111 -111¼ ll(J¾-111 107 -107 l07~-107¾ lO'i¾-109 N.J.Junc.,1st,gn .. 4 .... - ... . .... - ........ - ....... . - .... 103 -103 . ... - •...... - ........ - ......•• - ....... , .... - •...•••• - ... . West Shore, guar . . .. 4 105 -107 106},(-108 106 -107½ 107½!-109¼ 108 -109½ 108¾-110½ 108¼-110¼ l07 -109¾ 107¼-108¾ 107½-109>2 lOP¼-111'¼ 110¾·111¼ Registered .......... .. 4 104 -105½ 105¼-106½ 105%-106¼ 105¾-109 108 -109 107¼-109¾ 108¼-109 107)4-108¾ 107 -108 106¾-108¾ 108¾-111~ 108)4-111½ Beech Creek, 1st, fl .. 4 103 -106 106½-107 l07 -108¾ 108¼-108¾ ••.• - ........ - . . .. . .. - • . . . •.• - .. .. 108 -108 .... - ••• . 108½-108¼ ... - ... . (Jlear. Bit.Coal.,lst.4 .... - ... ..... - .... .... - ... . ... - ........ - ........ - . .. . ... - ........ - .... . ... - . ....... - ... . 86 - 86 ..•• - •..• RomeWate1·. & Oil.Con. 1st, ext ......... ~ 117!':(-119¾ 119¼-121 l20 -121 119 -119¾ 119 -120 121),:(-121¾ 120½-121½ l20 -121 llP½-121½ ll9 -119¾ 118¾--120 119¾-122¼ Utica & Bl. Riv. a-u.4 .... - ... ... .. - . . . . ... - ........ - ........ - . . . 107½-107½ .... - ....•.•• - •...•••. - . . . 107½-107½ ...• - .••..•.. - ...• N. Y .Chic.& St.L.-lst 4 103¾-106 105 -1051}.1 105¼-106¼ 103¼-10!% 104½-105 l04½-105½ l05½-106 l05¾-107 105%-108 103¾-104¾ 103¾-106¼ 106¼-107 Rea-lster :t ... .... ... 4 - ... . 105 -105 ... - ........ - ••.. 102¼-102X? .•• - .... . ... - •... . ... - .... . ... - ... . .••. - •.. 103 -103 ..•• - •••• N. Y.&N.E.-lat,190:i.1119½-119½ .... - .... l20 -120 ... - ... . 121 -121~ l23 -123 . ... - ....... - ....... - ........ - •....... - ........ - •..• 1st, 1906 .... ........ .. 6 114 -114 .... - .... .... - •.....•• - .... 113¾-114 ... - . . . . ... - .. . . .. - •....... - ........ - ..... . •. - •....••• - •••• N. Y. N. H.&Hartt'd1st, rea-., 1903 ........ 4 .... - ... . .... - .. . . . . • • • . . . . . . . - • . . . . • . • - , . • . • . - . . . . . • . - • . . . . . • . - . . . . . • . . • •... 104½-104¼ . • . • - .. . . Con.db. ct., all ins.pd. 135 -137½ 132¼-138 l39¾-14:0 138 -139½ 137 -138 135¼-138 138 -139 139 -140 140¼-142 139¼-140 138¾-140 140¾-lU N. Y. & No.-lst, gold.~ 118¼-119 .... - .. . .... - •. . . .•. - •.•. 121¼-121½ ... - ........ - .... .... - .... 122¼-122½ .... - ........ - •.•..•.• Ii. Y. Ont. & West'n1st, iiold ...... .......... ~ 108¾-108¼ 108¾-109 l08¾-110 109¾-110 109¼-111 LOil -109¾ 110¼-110½ 109 -110½ 108¾-109% 108 -109 108 -109¾ 107 -lOl) Ref., 1st, 1992....... . 4 88¾- 92 91¾- 96 ll3¾- 94½ 92¾- 113¾ W'¼ 93¼ 93½· 96 96 - 96¾ 96½- 99 96 - 98 96 - 97¼ 95¾- 97 96¾- 97~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  BONDS.  189?'-Cootinued. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  BONDS.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. 8EPT'BER.f0CTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  - - - - - - - - - - - --------·I-- - -----------------------  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hiizh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  -  • Y. Susq. & West'nRefundlng ..... ........ . I} 100 -103½ 1011-tj-103 101¾-103 102¼-102¾ 101¼-1013-2 101 -105 102¾-105 104¼-105 105¼-107 105¾-106¾ 105¼-105¼ 105¾-106 2d, 1937 ... .......... .4½ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ 73 - 73 .... - ........ - . . . . Si - 85 8! - 84 . . . - . . . . 85 - 85 Gen., arold, 1940 ...... IJ 73 - 74½ 70¼- 72½ 71 - 72½ 69 - 71 70 - 70 68 - 78½ 78 - 87 83¼- 87 84 - 90¼ 87 - 88½ 84 - 87 86 - 87 Term., tst, 1943, ll'-•IJ 105 106 105%-106¾ 106¾-107¾ ..•. - .... 105 -105¼ 105 -105½ .•• - ... .. ... - .•. . .... - •... 108½,-108½ 108½-108½ 109¼-109~ Wilk.&E., 1st, 194~.IJ 87¾- 89 89 - 90 88!1:!- 897/4 .•.. - ••. . ... - • . .. 87¾- 88¾ 87¾- 98 95 - 96¾ 95 - 96¼ . . . - . . . . 9:1 - 96 93 • 9i Mldl'd of N. J., tst ... 6 117 -119½ 119 -119 ...• - .... 116¼-116¾ 117~117¾ 118 -118¾ 119 -120¾ 119¼-119¾ 120¼-121 - •... 117 -120 120 -120 ·Norf. & So.-!st, '41..IJ .... - .... 100¾-100¾ 104' -105 - ••.. 104 -108 .••• - ..•....• ol"folk & Western- .... 122 -122 .•.. - .... 122¼-123½ ..•. - .... 122 -122 . ... General. ............... . 6 117 -117 - .... 121¾-123~ - ••.. 111 -116 118 -118 119 -120 . . . • - .... 120¾-120½ .. . • - .... 120¾-12°" !New River, let ....... 6 ... 100-yr. :Js, tr. 1·ec,.. 63 - 63 65 - 67 Md. &W., 1st, tr.1·ec . .... - .... 68 - 68 67 - 67 .... - •....... 'Col. Con. & T., 1st .. . IJ ..•• - .... 101 -101 ·c. Val. & N. E., ht.1 81¾- 83¾ 82%-- 83¼ 83 - 83¼ 82 - 82½ 80 - 80½, 79¾- 83¾ 82½- 83 82½- & 84' - 85 & - 85 80¼- 83 82 - &¾ N,&W.Ry., lst,con.4 .... - ..... . .. - .... 70 - 74'½ 67¾- 71¾ 67¾- 70 707~- 74' 72½- 73½ 73¾- 77¾ 77¾- 80¼ 76 - 77½ 76 - 77¾ 76½- 79~ Northern PacifieGen. lst, land a"rant.ti 113 -114'¾ 114¾-116 115¾-116¾ 115¾-llfl¼ 117 -117¾ 117¾-120½ 116 -118 118 -120 120¾-122¾ 119½-121 117 -120¾ 118 -120 Registered ........... 6 113¾-114% 115¾-116¾ 116¾-117 116 -116¾ 117¼-117½ 117 -119 116½-116¾ 118¼-119 120¼-122 119¾-121¼ 117¼-118 117 -120 Gen. 3d, trust rec...... 77¾- 82 82½- 82½ . . • • (]onsol. :Js, trust rec.. 54¾- 69¼ 53¾- 60 . . • • - •.....•. Sp. & P., s. f., tr.rec.6 3!1, - 36 .... - ........ - •....••• - ......•. St, Paul & No, Pac .. ti 124¾-124½ 123¼-125 125¾-125¾ 127 -127½ 128 -128 128½-129 129 -130 .... - .•.. 127 -127 128 -128 - •... 128 -128 Regls'd certificates . ... - ....... - .... 128½-128½ 126 -126 ••.. Dul. & M., 1st, tr.Tee. 81 - 81½ ...• Dak. Div. 1st, t.rc.6 80¾- 81½ ...• - ........ No. Pac.Ter.Co.,lst.6 10!!,¾-106¾ 107 -108 108 -110 106¼-110 97:l,.!-107¾ 104¼-1~ 104' -104¾ 1()4, -110 107 -110 103 -107 103~-105 104'¼-107 No. Pac. & Mon., 611, J.P. M. & Co. certs. il¾- 45 4.5%- 46¼ .... - ........ ........ orth'n Pacific Ry.Prior lien . ........... .. 4- 85¾- 87¼ 87 - 88¼ 87¼- 88¾ 86 - 87 86¾- 88¼ 88¼- 90¼ 88¾- 90¼ 90 - 92 91½- 921}.( 90 - 91¼ 90 - 92¼ 92¼- 96 Registered ............. .... - ... . .... - . . . . 87¼- 88 85¾- 86¼ 88 - 88 92¾· 92¾ 90)4- 90¼ .••• - ........ General lien, 204'7 .. 3 52¾- 55 53¼- 56),( 52J.4- 55½ 51½- M½ 51½,- M½i 54¼- 57¼ 55¾- 58¾ 57 - 60½ 59 - 61¾ 58¾- 60¾ 56¼- 59¾ 59½- 61~ ()hlo Ind. & W est,-Se.., C. C, C. & St. Louis .. -Ohio & MississippiConsol. sink, tund .... , .... - ........ - .. 104 -104¼ 10!1,¼-104½, 104¼-104'¾ 104!1:{-106 102¼-102~ 102 -102 .... - .•.. 102!1:{-102¾ 108 -103¾ .••• ~onsol., 1898 .......... , 102¼-102¾ 102¾--103½ 104 -104¾ l04¼-104¼ ... - . ... 105,¼-lOb¾ 102 -102¾ 102 -102 .... - .... 102¾ ·102¼ 102½,-102¾ 103 -103 ~d, consol., 1911. ... ., 115 -115 116 -118 ll8 -120 116 -117½ .... - ... 117½-120 .... - ...... .• - ........ - .... 120 -121 ·Sprlna"f, Oiv., 190~ .. , .... - .... 101 -101 102¾-103½, 103!1:{-105¾ 102 -102¾ 1(,0¾-101½, 101¾-102 101 -102½ 101¾-104¼ . ... - •... 101½-101½ 102 -106 8hio River1 t, gold, 1936 ... ... . 5 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 101½,-101½ 102 -102¼ .... - ....... - ... . 102),(-102¾ 105 -105 86 - 86 ()hlo eouthern-lst ..... 6 85 - 90 83¼- 86½ 84' - 90 S!l½- 85¼ 88 - 8J3 &~- 8!1,'4 •••• - .. . . 77 - 80 12 - 16 14 - 18 .. .. - • . . . H - U Ge .1., gold, 1921 ..... 4 .... 9 - 9 9 - 9 U - 14 10 - 11 Trust receipts........ U - 15 14 - 14 8½,- 8½ ... - ....... . 9½,- 11¾ 8¼- 9 57 - 59 59 - 59 ~. & St. L.-lst, t.rec.4 49¾- 50 50 - 51 51 - 55 52 - 52 50 - 57 56 - 56 58 - 59¾ .. .. m, & St.L.-lst, '01.4 , ... - ... . 76 - S3 82½· 86¾ 72½- 72¾ ...• O1·e1r. & Cal.-lst ...... ~ •··· - ........ .Oreg. lmprovem't Co.1st .. ..... ............... . 6 89 - 907,{ .... - . . . . 89 - 89 88 - 90 89 - 89 100 -105 103 -106 107¼-108 Trust receipts.......... 85½- 86 86 - 86 85¼- 87½ 85¼- 87 87¾- 89 Si½- 85 90 - 98½ 98 -101¾ 101 -103),( 99½-103¼ 102 -103 99¼-102¾ ,Consol., gold, 1939 .. ~ .... - .... 15 - 15 .... - ........ •... - .... . ... - •... 19¾- 20 32½- 32½ .. - .••. . .. - ........ Trust receipts.... . ... 16¾- 18 .... - . . . . 17½- 19½ .... - . . .. 15¼- 15¼ .... - ........ - .... .... - .... . ... - . . . . ... 1st lnstalm't paid.. .... - ........ - ... ..... ... - .... *17 - 20 19¾- 24¾ 24¾-*41 ;38 -;49 H0¾-*43 ;37¾-H2½ §42 -•!1.5¾ Or, RR, & Nav.-Con.4 80 - 83 82¾- & 82¼- 83¾ 81¾- €2½ 82¼- 86 83%- 85½ 85 - 87¾ 87½- 89¾ 89¼- 91¾ 91 - 92¾ 92¾ · 94)4 92¼- 93¾ Orea"• R'y & Nav.-lMt.6 110 -111½, 112 -113 1121}.(-113½ 118 -114 112½,-113 113 -114 111 -111 111 -112½ 112 -112½ lll¾-112¼ lll½-112½ 115 -11~ -Oreir. Short Line-lst.6 113¼-116 115 -118 116 -119 116 -118 117½-118 118¾-120 120 -121 117 -118½ 115¾-117½ 116 -119½ 119¼-121¼ 122 -lU Trust receipts ........... lll!J:!-116 113¾-ll7¾ 115 -117¾ 116¾-116 115¾-117¾ 117¼-118¾ 119 -119 Utah & North., lst .. 7 .... - .... 114 -117 117 -ll8 .. . - •... 120 -120 - •... 117!14-119½ ll6¼-119 118¾-118½ .... Gold, 1926 .. ........ 5 .... - .... 102 -102 . ... - ......•. Or. Sh. Line-1st, con.5 .... - .... 86 - 92 91¾- 93½, 91 - 92¼ 90 - 92½ 1.11 - 9i¾ 94¼- 99~ Non-cum, inc., A ...... :} ... 4'l - 54 54' - 61¾ 66 - 60 55)4- 58½ 52 - 57¾ 57 - 59¾ Non.cum. inc., B ..... . IJ . . . • 38 - 38 40 - 40¾ 39 - 39 36 - 38¾ 39 - 39~ Pennsylvania Co.1st, coupon. . ....... 4½ 1()9!1:{-111 110¾-111 111 -111 111 -112% 112¼-113½ 111 -111 lll¼-112 lll!l:{-112½ lll¼-113½, 113),(-114¼ 1113¾-114½ 114½-11~! Rea-l8tered ......... 4½ 109¾-109½ 109½,-109½ .... - .... 110 -112 111¾-111½ 110¾-112!1:t 110,¼-110¾ lll¾-112 - •...... - ... . 112\hi-114¼ 112¾-114!1:{ P.C.C,&St.L.,Sr.A4½ 108 -109 109 -109 109¼-109¾ 106%-108½ ... - ....... - •.• 110%--110% 111 -111 111 -112 108¾-109 .... - .. . lll¾-111¾ Series B .• 1942 ... 4½ 108¼-108~ 108~-109 109¼-109¾ 106%-107¾ 110 -110 110 -111 110½-110½ 111!4-lll¾ .... - .... ll<l¼ -110¼, 111¼-lll¾ Series D, 194:J .. .. 4 .. - ........ - ....... - .... 102 -102 ...• - ........ - ..... . .. - •••. 101½ 101>2 .... - .... 102 -102 .... P, Cin. & et.L,-lst.1 .... - ... 109½-109½ 109¾-110 109!1:!-109¾ 110½-110½ 110½-110¾ lll¼-111¾ .... Reiristered .... ............. - .... 109 -109¾ .... - •••....• ,Pltts,Ft.W,&C., lst.7 135 -139 138 -138 . .•• - •... 138)4-138½ .. . - .... 140 -HO 137 -137 ..•• - .... 142 -142 142 -H2 ..•. 2d, 1912 ..... ........ i 136 -136¼ ...• - •... .. . . - ... 1.&CJ½-136½ 137 -137 138 -138 .... - •... 140¼-HOJ.1! . ... - .... lU½-141½, 142½-U2¾ -Chlc.St.L. & P., lat.5 115 -115 ... - •... 112½-112½ 113 -113 .... Cl. & Pitts., con.,s.{.7 .... - .... 113}4-113)4 ..•. • .. . 109 -109 - .. 111 -111 .... - .... 111,¼-lll½ .••• St.L. V.&T.H.-2d.7 ... - •... 101 -101 - . ... 102 -102 - •... 102 -102 All. Val., gen., guar.4 ... - . ....... Pa. RR,-R,E.,1923. 4 ... - .... 109 -109 108 -108½ ..• .... 114)4-114¼ .... U, N .J. RR.& C.,gen.4 . . .. . ... 112)4-11!?¾ 113¼-113¾ Peo. Dec. & Evansv 99¼-101)4 101 -102¾ 102 -103 103 -103),( ...• t11t . ..... ................ .. 6 100 -103½ 101 -104 101 -102½ 101½-101½ 92 -100¾ 93 - 99 .... - . . .. 97¾- 97½ .. . . - . . . . 88 - 98 Trust Co. certific'tl!I .. .. - ....... 99 -101 100 -102)4 101 -103 102,t-102!41100 -101 Evansv. Div., 1st .... ti 101 -10! 100 -106 100 -102 101 -101 92½,- 9! 91 - 96 .... - . . .. 95½- 96!4 ..•• Trust Co. certific'ts . .... 14¾- 17 10 - 10½ 10)4- 16 13 - 17 18 - 14 13 - 13 13 24¾- 24'¾ 10 - 12 2d, 1926, IJ, tr. rec.... 27 - 27½ 27 - 27 P.& E,-See C.C.C&S,L. Peo. & Pek. Un,-lst .. 6 L14 -114 .... - .... l12¾-112½ .... - ........ 89 - 90 85-85 ...• 2d mort., 1921 ...... 4½ 75½,- 75½ 76½- 77 78)4- 78¾ 80 - 80 79½- 79¾ 80 - 80 .... Ph Ila. & ReadingGeneral, 4, tr. rec.... . 80 - 81% 80:l,.!- 82 79%-- 82 79¼- 80% .. . • Registered........... 81 - 81 1 t pref. inc., 1958, IJ, Tr. 1·ec., all inst. pd 45½,- 48 43½,- 4~.f 41 - i6¼ 39 - 39 2d pret. inc., 19:JS, 5, Tr. rec., all inst. pd. 3i~- 36¾ 31¾- 34¾ 30 - 3!1,,¼ 29 - 29 3d pref. inc .. 1958, IJ, Tr. rec., all inst. pd. 32 - 3!1,)4 31%-, 31% 30¾- 33 ...• - .... 137 -137 . • • • ine Creek-1932..... . 6 .... P,C.C.&St.L-See Pa.Co, _,,C.&St..L-SeePa. Uo. -Pittsb.Sh,&L,E.-lst.5 95 -100 99 - 99% 99%-102½ 100 -100½ 100½,-103¼ 102¾-104!)4 105¼-106¾ 106 -109 1061-tj-10~ 102¼-104½ 102¼-105¾ 105¼-lOU,( 08-98 .... - ........ - •.•• 1st, consol , 1943 .... ~ .. .. 71¼- 73 74 - 75 75 - 78 .Plttsb. & West,-lst .. 4 74' - 74¼ 72 - 74 70 - 73 70!4- 71!14 68 - 70¼ 66 - 72 77¼- 78!4 76 - 77 76¾- 80 • • • • L. • • • •••• Gold, 1891-1941 .. ... 5 .... 33½- 33¼ .••. - ...••..• - ....... - ... . § 3d instalment paid. 2d instalment paid. • All assessments pa. d. t 1st instalment paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - ........ - ....... . - ........ -  *  -  - ... .  RAILROAD  BONDS.  1897'-Co~tinoed. J.ANU.ARY FEBR'RY.  MA.Ren.  MAY,  APRIL.  JULY, AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BER. DE0'BER - - - ---- - - ---- -JUNE. - - ---- ---- -----·--- .... .... .... .... .... . .. . 8(%- 80¼ 80¾- 81¾ Reading-Gen,, 199'7 .4 81¾- Bi¼ 81~- 83!)4 83¾- 86¾ 84¾· 86¾ 83¾- 85¼ 82¾- 84;1:! ~ - 8 Rieb. & Danv.-See !i!o. Rio Gr. Junc.-lst .. ... ~ .... - .... .... - .... . ... - ... . .... - . .. . . ... - .... .... - ... . ... - .... .... - .... .... - . ... 90 - 90 .... - .... .... - ... Rio Grande So.-l•t .. ~ 63½- 63½ .... - .... ... - . .. . .... - . ... .... - .... .... - ... . ... - .. .. .... - .. . .... - .... . ... - ... . .... - .... . ... - . ..  BONDS.  --- --- ---  Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Htg  72),,{- 7!l¾ 70¼- 73~ 71 - 72¼ 72¼- 73½ 73 - 78-¼ 76),,{- 78¾ 77¼· 80¾ 80 - 83½ 80¼- 82~ 81 - 81¾ 81¼- 84 Rio G. W .-1st, 1939 .. 4 72½- 74 R. W. & 0.-See N. Y. C, St. Jos. & Gr. Island1st, ti, tl'ust receipts .. 47¼- 49½ 48 - 50 50 - 54 52 - 54¼ 52 - 54~ 54¼- 61 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . . .... ... . .... ... . - . ... . .... 62¾- 66 64¾- 66½ 66 - 68 67 - 69 67 - 67¾ 67¼- CS½ 68¼- 71 1st, 1941 ..... 2-3-4 .... .... .... 13¼- 14½ .... .... ... .... 2d Income, 192i> ....... . . .... .... - ... .... . . St. L. A It. & T. H.... 104¼-104½ . ... .... .... .... 1st, 1914 ............. . .. 5 .... .... 105¼-105¼ . ... ... . ... . ... 105¼-106¼ 105 -105 · ••· ... . .... - .... ... ... .... .. 106 -106 .... .... .... - .. . .... ·•• · .... - .... . .... Ch.~t.L.& P.,lst,gu.~ .... . .... .... .... .... ... . . - .... . - .... .... ... .... .... St. Louis So., 1st .... 4 .... .. .... .... - ... . .... .... 90 - 90 . St.L.&I.M.-See M, Pac. St, L. & S. F. RR.-g .. 4 62¾- 64¾ 65 - 66¼ 63 - 65¼ 63 - 64' 70 - 71½ 70¼- 7! 63¼ - 67¼ 66¾- 70¾ 67),,{- 70 73¾- 77 70 - 72 69¼- 73 ~t. L. & San Fran.... 114~·114~.f 115 -115 112¼-112½ 114),,{-115 .... .... 2d, class A, 1906 ..... 6 112 -lU . ... ... . .... 114¾-114 . ... . Claas B, 1906 ....... .. . 6 112 -114 114 -115¾ 114¼-114~ 114¾-115¾ 112 -113½ 115 -115 115¼-115½ .... - ... . .... - .... 116¾-116½ 114¼-114¾ 114 -11 Class c. 1906 ... ...... .6 112¾-113½ 114¾-115 114 -114¾ 115 -115¼ 111¾-113l<f 114¾-114¾ 115¼-115½ 115½-1151,j; 115 -115½ 115¾ 115¾ - .... 114}(-lH General, 1931 ... .. ... 6 108¼-111½ 111¼-112¼ 111 -112¼ 110),,{-lll 111¼-113¾ 113:ij-116½ 113 -113¾ 114¼-116 114¾-116 114½-116½ 115 -117¼ 117¼-119 General, 1931. ....... ~ 94¼- 98 97¼- 98½ 96 - 97 ➔-! 96 - 96 96)4- 99 99 -101¾ 98)4- 99¾ 99¼-101¼ 100 -101¼ 100¼-101¼ 100:ij-103¼ 103¼-105 .... .... 86 - 90 87 - 89 89 - 89½ 90 - 90 92¾- 92¾ . ... - . ... 88 - 88 93¼- 95 .... .... 1st, trust, 1987 .. .... . ~ 87¼- 90 .... .... .... - ... .... - . ... .... .... 110 -110 Ft.S.& Van.B, B, 1st.ti .... . - .... .... .... .... - .... 105 -105 . ... - .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . ... ... 35 - 35 .... St. L.K.&S. .... .... .... - . .... - . . St. Louis Southw'n1st, 19~9 ............... 4 69 - 70 68 - 70 62 - 69½ 59¾- 66½ 64¼- 65¾ 65¼- 68½ 67¼- 70 70¼- 76 70¾- 73¼ 72 - 74: 73 - 76½ 72½- 74 .... 18¼- 24 15 - 22 21 - 22 25 - 25 26 - 28 28¼- 31¼ 30¼- 31 26¾- 29¼ 27 - 27~ 28 - 28 2d inc., 19S9 .... . ..... 4 25¼- 28 St. Paul City Cable. ... . ... .... .... 91 - 91 Consol., 1931 ..... ..... 5 ... .... - .... .... - .... 90 - 90 St.P.&Dul,-2d,1917.5 103½-103¼ 104),,{-104¼ 103¼-104 102 -102 102 :102¼l i~·2¼:102~ ... . 105 -105 105 -105 ... , .... 104¼-106 105¼-107 l!ot. P. Minn, &Man..... .... .... ... . I.• .. .... 1st, 1909 .... . .... ...... , 105¼-105¼ 107 -107 .... - .... .... - .... 119 -120 121),,{-122 2d mort., 1909 ..... .. 6 118¾-119 120 -120 121!J:(-122½ 119½-120½ 120¼-120¼ 121 -121¾ 122¼-122¼ .... .... . 119 -120¼ 121 -121 Dakota Extension .... 6 116¾-119 119¼-120 120¼-120¾ 121¼-122 ll9¾-ll9¾ 120¾-121¾ 122¾-122¾ .... - . ... 120 -120½ 1st, consol., 1933 .... 6 123 -124 1Z3¼-124J,,{ .... - ... . 126;.;(-126¼ 126¾ -127~ 128¾-129 125¼-126¼ 125¼-126½ 126½-126¼ 128 -128 126 -128¼ 130 -130 Reduced to ........ . 4½ 102¼-103¾ 103 -104 104½-107 105¾-106½ 106¾ -106% 106¾-107¾ 105 -105% 105 -106tx; 105½ ·106¼ 106 -lOtl¾ 106 -107½ 107¼-108 - ... .... - . ... .... . . .... 106¼-106½ .... ... .... - . .. . .... .... .... .... . Registered ........... .... - .... .... - .... .... 93½- 9!¼ 93 - 93 Mont.Ext •• lst,1937.4 87¾- 90 90),,{- 90¾ 90¼- 92½ 90 - 93 92¾- 94½ 92 - 92 94¼- 94½ 93 - 93½ 94 - 95 .... .... ... 89¼- 89½ ... - .... .... .... . . .. Registered .... .. . ..... . 85 - 86 .... .... .... ... .... - .... .... .... .... .... .... - .... .... . .. . .... .... .... - ... . .... . .. 123 -123 125 -125 126 -126 .... Minn.Un., lst,1922.6 .... . . Mont,Cen.,lst,1937.6 114¼-115 114),,{-116¾ .... - .... 119 -119 119 -120 120 -121½ 117¾-119 119 -119¼ .... 122:)s-122¼ . 115 -115 .... .... .... . ... .... ... .... .... .... - ....... - .... . Registered .... . ....... . ... .... - ... . .... 103 -103 104¾-106¼ 106¼-106½ 106 -107½ 107 ·-108 105 -106 105 -106½ 107 -107 105 -106¼ 106 -106½ 1st, guar., 1931' .... 5 .... .... 106¼-106¼ 108 -lOo 106 -108 .... ... 107¾-107¾ 107¼-107¼ 107¼-107¾ 105¾-107 106 -106 107 -107¼ . E.Mlnn., l8t Div.lst.5 .... .... - .... 110 -111 .... - ... 107½-107½ 107¾-108 .... 107¾-108 Willmar & S. F ., 1st 5 106¼-106½ 106¾-106¾ 106 -107½ .... . .... .... ... .... ... 100¼-100¾ . .... .. . .. S. Fr. & N.Pnc., lst ... 5 . ... . .... ... . ~an An. & Ar. Pass59¼- 61¼ 59 - 60¾ 60 - 62 1st, 1943, gold, gu ... 4 54¼- 51 57 - 59 57¾- 59¼ 57 - 58¼ 56'¼- 57'¼ 57¼- 60¾ 58¼- 61¼ 60¼- 63 59),,{- 62 .... . .... .... . .. . . ... .... .... - .... ... .... . S. Fla. & W., lst,con.ti .... ... lOi¼-104¼ . ... 106¾-106¾ Seat. L. S. & East'n. .... . ... ... . . ... ... . .... .. . .... .... 38 - 40 .... ... .... .... . ... .... 38 - 40 .... 1st tr. rec. ass't pd .. 6 .... 90 - 92½ 92 - 93 92 - 94 87¼- 91 90 - 91¾ 90½- 93 94¼- 95 So. Car. & Gn,-lst ... . ~ .... 90'¼- 91¼ 91 - 95½ 94 - 95¼ 93 - 95 95 -101 100 -11}3 103 -105 91 92¾93¾ 92¾- 94¼ 94 - 96¼ 94 - 94 94¼ 90 - 93¾ So.Pnc.,Arizona-Ist.6 98¾-100¾ 99),,{-100 92 - 99 8outh'n Pacific, Cal.. . 108¼-1~ 108 -108 108¼-109 105¼-106½ 108 -108 109 -109 106¼-106½ 106 -106 .... l8t ....................... 6 108 -108 90 - 93 87¾- 88¾ 86 - 89 88 - 90¼ 90¾- 91½ 91¼- 92¼ ill¼- 92¼ 90 - 92 92 - 94 1st, consol., 193,- . ... ~ 85),,{- 86¼ l:!5 - 87 85¼- 88 Sil,,{89 85 - 85¾ Bi¼- Bi¾ Bi¼· Bi¼ 82 - 83¼ 83¼- 35½ 83¾- Bi½ 83 - 8!¼ 83¼- 8!!'4 85 - 89 Au. & N. W,, lst,'41.~ 82 - 83¾ 83¼- Bi½ 106~-107 103 -103½ 102 103¾-104½ 106¾-108¼ -104¾ 103 -105 105¾-106¼ 108),,{-1 104¾ -106 So. Pac., N. Mex.-lst.6 103 -104¾ 105 -106¾ 106),,{-107 Southern91¼- 93½ 89!'4- 92½ 92¼- 95 88¾- 90¼ 87¼- 90½ 88 - 89¾ 88¾- 90¾ 90),,{- 93¼ 89%- 91¾ 91 - 94% 92 - 95 1st, consol., 1994 .. .. ~ 89 - 91 ... . 86 - 86 87 - 90 89 - 89½ 90 - 91¼ 90 - 92 90 - 91¼ 91¼- 92¼ .... E.Tenn.reorg.lien.4-~ 89 - 89¾ 89 - 89 86¼- 86¼ .... .... . .. . .... . .. .... . 109),,{-109),,{ Alabama Cent., lst ..6 ... ... . 1127,(-112),,{ .... - .... .... .... . .... - .... 114¼-117 116¼-ll9 . ... .... - .... .... .... .... ········ - .. . ... . Col.& Green , lst.5-6 .... ••.. 115¼-115½ .... E.Tenn. V .& Ga., 1st. '7 107¼-108½ 108¾-108¾ 108¼-109¾ 109¼-109½ 109¾-110 110¼-111 107¼-108¾ 108 -108 108)4-109 108¾-108¾ 109 -109½ 110 -110 Divisional. .......... -~ 112 -112 .... - . ... 112 -113 113½-116½ 114 -114 116 -116 .. .. - ... . 113 -115½ 115 -116 115 -116 115 -116 . ... Consol., 1st, g ... .... . ~ 107 -108½ 108 -108¾ lOSl,g-109¾ 109 -109➔.{ 107¾-107¾ 107¾-109¾ 109¼-1091}.! 110 -112 110 -110¼ 11~-111 108¼-109½ 109),,{-110 Ga. Pac., 1st, g ... . a•ti 107¼-113 113¼-114¼ 114 -114½ 114¾-115 ll5J,,{-116 118 -119 115½-117½ 118¼-119~ 117~- 118½ 118 -119¾ 120 -120 122¾-122 · ·• - .... ll!l).(-115½ 115¼-117 Knox. & 0,, 1st, g ... 6 112 -113½ 114 -115 114¾-114¾ 114 -114¼ 114 -115 115 -116½ 113¾-113¼ 113 - 113 113 -115 Rich. &Dan., con.,g.6 117¾-120 120 -122 121 -122),( 121¼ -122 122 -123 124 ¾-124¾ 121),,{-121¼ 122 -122¼ 123 -123 123 -123 124 -124}1, 124),,{-124 .... .... .... .... ... . - . .. . .... ... .... .... . Equlp.s.t.,g., 1909 5 100 -100 .... . .. . .... - ••. 101 -101 .... .. Debenture, st'p'd .. 5 95 - 95 100 -101 .... - . .... - . ... 97 - 98¼ 99½-100 . •• - .... 1.... - ........ - .... 100 -100 100 -100 . 104 -104½ -1C3 -102 103 102 -103¾ 101 -100 -103 100 101 100 103 -102¼ 102¼-103 Va. Mid,, a- , 1936 ... 5 -101¼ 101 -102 103 -103 102¼-104½ .... 102!}.j-102¾ .... . .. . 101¾-102½ 99¼-100 101 -101¾ 101¾ -102¼ 102¼-103¼ 102!};(-103½ 1936, g,, stamped .. .1 100),,{-101 102 -102 .... .... .... - . .... .... - .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . ... - . ... 81 - 81 83 - Si .... Wash. o. & W., lst.4 .... ... 114 -114 115 -115 W. N. Car., 1st, con.6 111¼-112 lll¼-113 ll3 -114¾ 113¾-114½ 114),,{-114¾ 115¼-llt>¾ 113 -113¾ .... .... Term'I Ass'n of ~t. L.1st, cons., g., 1944 . . a 105¼-106JJi 103¼-103½ 106 -106¾ 106¾-106¼ 106¾-lOn( 107¼-108¼ 107¾-108¾ .... .... .. . 106¼-107¼ lO'i¼-108 108 -108 .... - .... .... .... - .. .... 109½-109¼ .... '- • • · .... ... 110 -110 110),,{-110),,{ 1st, (lold. 1939 ...... 4 ½ 109 -109 .... .... lll¼-111½ 103 -103 .... .... .... . .... ... . . ... .... .... .... .... . St. L. lller. B. & T . . . 5 .... - .... . . ... .... Texas & N. Orleans.... . ... -111 •. 111 . ... .... . ... . ... .. .. - .... .... - . ... .... . .. . ... - . .. . .... .. .... .... . ... 1st, 190~ ..... .......... , .... 1st. consol., 1943, g.~ 91¾- 94¾ 9i - 94¾ 94¼- 95¼ 95¼- 95¾ 95¼- 96 96 - 96:),.{ 93¼- 957,( 95 - 96¾ 96¼- 97½ 96½- 97¼ 96;1:!- 98 98 - 9 .... . ... .... . ... - ... . 106 -106 106 -101! .... 106),,{-106¼ ... .. Sabine Div., 1st ...... 6 .... - . ... .... . ... .... Texas & Pacific.... . ... .... .... - .... .... . ... .... .... 105),,{-105¼ .... .... .... 107 -107 108 -108 190~ ............. ······· ·ti 107 -107 .... 88 - 89½ 88 - 00 88¾- 89¼ 87 - 92¼ 92 - 94¼ 94¼- 96¼ 95¼- 96¾ 95 - 96 94½- 97¾ 95¼- 98 88 - 90 1st, gold, 2000 .. ...... ~ 851':(- 89 18 25¾30¼ · 25¾- 28½ 28 - 31 18¾217,(22 28¾ 20¾ 29¾22 33½ 28¼19¾33½ 23 26¼20¾- 22½ 29¾ 20 'i4 ll"•• inc., 2000 .. ... ~ Third ;\.venue(N. Y.).... 122 -122¼ 12'~¼-122¼ 121¼-122 123 -123 124¼-124½ 120 -123¼ 122¼·123¼ 121¾-123 123 -123 123¼-123¾ 123!!:(-124 1st, J937 ................ 5 Toledo & Ohio Cent.1st., ...................... ~ 105 -105 105 -108 102 -102 103¼-104 103¼-103½ 103 -105 102 -103¼ 103 -104 103¼-104¾ 101¼-104 101½-104 105 -106 .. Weet. Div., l8t, '3a.5 104¼-104½ 104 -104 .... - .... .... ··• · .. .. - .... ... . ... .... .... .... - ... . 10! -104 . ... ·•• · .... .... 74 - 75 74¼- 74½ 74 - 75 78¼- 81 . ... - .... 75 - 75 76 - 7976¾- 77 .... - .. .. 75 - 75 77 - 77 Kan.& 1\1.,,ar.4 78 - 78 .... 60¼- 65¼ 60 - 63 60 - 60 62 - 70 68 - 68 66 - 68½ 69 - 72 .... ... 71 - 'il 72 - 73 T.P.&W.-lst, 191'7 .. 4 68¼- 68¼ Toi. St. L .. & K. c.723'· 78¾ 75¼- 78¾ 76¼- 80½ 8! - 01 82½- 86 66½- 72 80 - 83½ Sl - 90 67¼- 70~ 69 - 70 1st, 6, Trust receipts. 69¼- 72 70 - 75 98 - 99 100 -102¼ 100 -100¼ 100¼-100¼ 100 -101½ 100¼-100¾ 100¼-101 101 -103 102¼-102 98 -100 98 - 99 lJls. & Del.-lst, con .. ~ 100 -100 Union Pacific1st, 1896 . .............. . 6 103 -104¼ 104¼-104¾ 101¼-101¾ 101¼-102 102¼-103¾ 103¾-103¾ 101 -103),,{ 101 -102 lOll,g-101¾ lOl¼-102 102¼-102¼ 102¼-103 Ti. rec. ex. mnt. cps. 100 -101½ 101¼-103½ 103 -10! 102¼-103),4 102 -103½ 103),,{-104½ .... - . ... 110 -lll¼ 111 -116¾ lll¼-117 109¼-110½ 113 -113 1st, 1897 ............... 6 103 -104¼ 104¼-104¾ 101¼-101¾ 101¼-102~ .102¼-103 .... - .... 102¼-104 101 -101 101¼-102½ 102 -102 102 -102¼ 102¾-103 Tr rec. ex. mat. cps. 99¼-102½ 102¼-103½ 103 -104¼ 103),,{-103¾ 102 -102 10-i -105¼ 102 -103¾ lO'il).(-111¾ 111 -117 114 -114¾ 109¼-110½ 113 -113 1.-st, 1898 . ............. . 6 103:i(-104¾ 1047-(-105 101¾-102¼ 101¾-102~ 102¾-103~ 103¾-101¾ 101¾-104¼ 101¼-102 l01J,g-ll2¼ 101¾-102¾ 102 -102¾ 102¾-102 Tr., rec. ex. mo.t. cps. 100 -103 103 -104¼ 103),,{-105 103¾-104 102¼-103.wa lO~lM 102 -104 108 -111¼ 111 -116¾ 113¼-116½ 109½-109¼! 112. -116 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - .. .... - .... - .... - .... ~  -  -  -  -  .... .... .... -  -  -  ....  .... - ... - .... ... -. ... -  -  -  ...  -  ... -  ... -  ~  .... - .  - ....  -  -  .... -  -  -  -  -  -  ....  -  .... -  .... ... -  - .... .... - ....  - .... - .. .... ... ... - ... ... - .... ... -. ... . ... -  .... - ...  -.  -  .... ....  -  .... .. ... ... -- ..  ...  -  - .. - ...  .... -  .... - ....  .... -  -  .... -  .... -  -.  -  -  - .... .... - .... .... .... - .... ...  -  -  -  - ....  .... -.  -  -  .... - .... .... -  -  .... - .... ... -  - ....  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  ... -  -  .... .... - ...  -  ... - .... .... -. .... ... -  .... -  -.  -.  -  -  .... .... ....  .... - ..  -  - .... .... - . - .. -  ... -  .  -  .... ... . ...  ... -  - ... ... - .... - .. - ... .... - . - .... - .. .... - .. ... - .. .. .. - . ... --  .... - . -.  ... -  -  - ....  -  ... - .  .... - .  .... - .... ... --  .... - .... .... -  -  -  .... - ....  .... -  .... - . ... - .... .... .... - .... - .... .... - .... .... .... .... - ...  - ..  -  - .... .... --  -  -  .. .... - ..  ....  - ..  .... .... -  -  -  -  ... - ....  -  ...  -  ....  -  -  -  -  -  -. -  - ....  -  .... - .... .... .... .... -  ....  -  -  -  .... .... .... -.... .... -  .... -  -. - .... -.  -  -  ....  .... -  -  -  -  - .... .... -  -  ... - .  -  -  .  -  -  - ....  .... -  -  .... -  -  -  -.  .  ... .. ...... -- .. .... - ..  -  .... -  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS BONDS.  1897-Concloded. BONDS  ----------Union Pu.cific-(0on..)-  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  ---  APRIL. MAY. JUNE. JULY. AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER . N0V'BER. DEC'BlDL - - - -MA.ROH. - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hi,r a  1at, 1899 . ......... .... . 6 1()4¼-104¾ lM¾-105¼ 102 -102½ 102¼-103 103¼-103¼ 103¾-103¾ lW¼-lC>i¾ 101¼-102' 102 -102 .... - •. . . 102¾-102¾ 102~-103Jf;Tr. rec. ex. mat. cps. 100¼-101¾ 103 -103 103¼-lM¾ lM¼-105 102¼-lMJ,(i 103¼-106 .••• - . ... llQ¾-112 110},i-116½ 114¼-115¼ •.•• - .•• . 113 -llS Collat. Trust, 1908.6 .... - ........ - . .. . 99¾- 99½ 97 - 99 100 -101% 100½-101 98 - 99 .... - .... 103 -103 102 -102 ••• - ••. . 103 -103 Collat. Trust. 1907.~ .... - .... . . - ... . .. . . - ........ - ... 72 - 72 76¼- 76~ ..•. - •... 82 - 83 .... - .•.....• - .....••• - •....•.• - ···Coll.Tr. 4¼s, Tr.rec.. 49¾- 50 .••• - ........ - ........ - ••.....• - •....... - ...... . . - . ... 50 - 58 50¼- 50½ 47¼- 47¼ .•.• - ••.. 45 Gold notes, 1902.... 6 .... - ........ - ... . . ... - ........ - .... 101 -101½ 101¼-101½ iOl¾-103 101 -101½ .•.. - •..•.•• - .... .... - ••..•.•• - •••• Gold notes, 1894 .. .. . 6 100 -102 99 -101¼ 101¼-102½ 101¼-101¾ ..•• - •....••• - ... . .... - . .. .. ... - .......• - •... . ... - ........ _ ........ _ ···Gold notes, ii% pr. pd .. ••·· - . ....... - •· · • .... - ....... . - .... ••·· - ... .. .. - .. . ... - .... 96¾- 96¾ 100 -100¼ 168¾- 71 •••• - • .. •• - •••• Gold notes,62¼% p.pd, .... - ......... - • ••..... - ... . .... - ... .. ... - .... . ... - ... . .... - .. . . . .. - . . . . ... - . .. . 40¼- 42 40¼- f2' 48 - 4• Ext. 11lnk. :fd., 1899 .. 8 85 - 90 90 - 95 92¼- 98 . . • • - • .. . . . . • - . . . . . . .. - • . • . .. . • - • . .. . . . . - . . . . . • .• - . . . . . .. . _ . .. . . . • • _ . . . . . • . • _ •••• Trust receipts.... . . 87 - 89¼ 90 - 95 91¼- 98 89 - 91 88 - 88 88 - 94 92¼- 98¼ 9!}¾-111¼ 110¼-121 110 -118 109 -111¼ 110 -lli Purch. money certs . .... - .. . . • •·· - .. . ..... - ... . •··· - ... . •·· - .... •··· - ... . .... - . ....... - . . ...... - ........ - ........ - .... 110 -112JC .. Kan. Pac., 1st, 1S9ii.6 108 -108¼ 109¾-109¼ .... - .. . . 109¼-109¼ 110 -110½ lll¾-111¼ .... - .••....• - ........ - .. . . .•. - ........ - •...•••• - ••• • Tr. rec. ex mat. cp .. .... - ........ - . .. 101¼-102 .... - .... 100 -100 . • - •• 103 -103 110 -110¾ 112 -113¼ llQ¾-110¼ ..•• - •••..••• - ···ht, 1896 ............. 6 lll¼-ll3½ 113¼-113¾ ...• - . •.. 112 -113½ 114 -114¼ ..•. - ••. . .... - . ... 115¼-llo¼ 114 -lU .... - ... . .... - ••..•••• - ., •• Tr. rec.,ex-mat.cp . .... - ... . •··· - .... 102 -102 100¾-lOv¾ . ... - .... 100¼-100½ ...• - . ... 110 -112 110 -113½ 111¼-115 .... - •••..••• - ••••. Denver Div,, asst .. ti 113¼-116¾ 116¼-116¼ 116 -117 116)4-117¾ 117¼-117¼ ..•• - ...... . . - . ... 119 -119¾ .... - ... . 120¼-120¼ ..•• - ...... • - •••• Tr.rec.,ex-mat.cp. 96 -100¼ -... - .... 103¾-lW . ... - .•.. 102¼-102½ ... - .•. .. ••• - •••• ill -113¼ 113¼-118 110 -118 110 -uo 110 -110 lat, consol., 1919, 6, Trust receipts...... 67 - 78 73%- 77 73 - 75 71 - 73% 68 - 72 68 - 75¾ 731,.(- 81¼ 82 - 95 92 -103 85¾-101¼ 83 - 90¾ Sf. At. Col. & Pac.-lst .. 6 26 - 28½ 25 - 25 27 - 81 25 - 25¼ .••• - •••. 26¼- 28¾ 26¼- 31 84¾- 86½ . ... - ... . 30½- 80½ 80 - 80· .... - •••• At. J. Co. & w., 1st.ti .... - .... •• - .... 27 - 29 ••• - •.. . .... - ... . ...• - • . . • ••• - . ....... - ••...... - .....••. - ......•. - .....• •• _ ···~ U.P.L.& c., 1st, gu .. ii 28¾- 24¼ .... - •••. 20 - 20 .•.. - .... 19¼- 19¾ 19 - 21½ 28 - 23 86 - 36 33 - 88 82 - 82 35 - 85 85 - 86 U.P.D.& G., 1st con.ii 85 - 36¼ 36 - 37 33¾- 37 33 - 35 34 - 35 85 - 89 38¼- 41¼ 41¼- 46¼ 4!¼- 53¼ 47¼- 53¼ 45 - 48 4S¾- 4~ Trust Co. certlfs . ....... - .... • • •• - • • •. .... - ... . .. •· - . .. •.. • - .. • • . ... - . . . . ... - . ....... - ........ - ........ - . . . . 45 - ~ 47¼- oZ Or.Sh. L.& U .N .,au.ii, Trust receipts .. ..... 63¼- 73 73 - 76¾ 74 - 77¾ 74¼- 75¾ 74¼- 75 75 - 86¾ . ... - . ... . ... - ........ - ..... . .. _ ........ _ ........ _ • • Utah So.,iien.7, t. rec. 72 - 72 7« - 76¼ 76¼- 76¾ 75 - 75 74¼- 74¼ 75 - 81½ .... - . .. . . •.• - .......• - . .. . ...• _ ........ _ •...•.• _ · ·- ~ Exten. 1st, '7, tr.l'ec. 64 - 72 74 - 76 74 - 77¾ 75 - 75¼ 74¾- 74¼ . ••. - •...•.•• - • •..•.•• _ .... . •• - •••..... _ ........ _ ........ _ ··Va. Mld.-See Southern. Wabasb1st, aiold, 1939 ........ ii 106 -107¼ 106¼-107¼ lM -107¼ 103 -105¼ 101¼-102½ 101¾ 105 104¾-106 106 -107¼ 106¾-107¼ 107¾-108¼ 105 -105¾ 105~-1~ 2d mort., a-old, 1939.~ 70 - 78¼ 68 - 70 64 - 69 63½- 65¼ M¼- 65¼ 64¼- 72 69 - 75¼ 72¼- 79¾ 77 - 81 77¼- 80 77 - 79 79 - 81~ . Deb. Inc., 1939, B . .. . ti 22¼- 26 23 - 23 19 - 22¾ 18¼- 19 19¼- 21 21 - 24¾ 22¾- 25½ 26 - 30 29¼- 83¼ 28 - 31 26 - 28 27 - ~ St. L. K. C. & No.St. C. B'a-e,1st,'0S.6 105¼-105¾ 107 -107 108¼-108¼ ...• - .... .• - •.•. 110 -110 111 -111 . ... - ........ - •......• - ........ - .......••••• D. & Ch. Ext. J 940 .. ii 94 - 96 92 - 92 93 - 95 88¾- 92 90 - 92½ 96 - 96 95 - 96¾ 95 - 99 98 - 99¼ 96 - 99½ 97¼- 99½ 99½-1013,6- . Western N. Y. & Pa.1st ............ ........... ii 104¾--106 106 -107xi 106¼-107¼ 106¼-107 107 -108 108¼-109½ 106 -106 106¾-106¾ 106¼-107 107 -107¾ 107¼-108½ 1 ~ - 1 ~ Gen'I, 1943, g ...z.3.4 46¾- 49½ 48¾- 50 49 - 49½ 48 - 48 43 - 43 47½- 48 47¼- 48 48 - 49 47¼- 49 45¼- 46~ 46 - 46 46½- f73&. Incomes 1943 ......... ii .. - ........ - .... 13 - 13!1:{ ...• - •... 9 - 9¼ 11!4 • 11¾ .. • • - . . . . 13 - 18¼ 13 - 14 . . • - • • . . 12 - 12 . • • • - · · · West Chic. Street Ry.40-year 1st ...... ..... . 5 • ••· - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. . .. . . _ . . . . . .. . _ . . . .. . . _ . . . . . . . . _ ··40-yr. con., 1936, g.~ .. .. - ...... . - .... .. .. - ........ - ... . .... - .... . ... - ........ - . ... 101 -102¼ 100 -102¼ .••• - .. .. 100¼-100½ 99 - 99 Wheel'g & Lake Erielst ............ ............ ~ 90 - 90 . • • • - • • . . 90¼- 91¼ 91 - 91½ 91½- 91% 90 - 91 85 - 90 . • . . - .. . . 85 - 93 91 - 93 91¼- 92½ . . • . - •• Trust receipts . . . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . •. • • - ... . • • •• - ...... •· - , .. . .. . . - . . . . . . - . .. . . . .. .. -. . . - .... • • •• - --. • 100 -100 Wh.Div .• lst, g.,'28.5 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ..... ... - ........ - .... 90 - 90 ..•• - •... 70 - 75 .... - •... 77. - 77. .... - · · Ext.& lmp ,.ir,,1930.5 .... - .... 70 - 70 .... - ........ - ........ - •••...•• - ........ - .... .... _ ••...•.• _ ........ _ ....... _ . • ....• • _ •• Wlaconsin Cent'l Co.1st, a-old ................ . ii . . • . - •....••. - ••. . . . .. - • . . . 31¼- 32 • . • • - • . .. 33 - 34 • • • • - • • • • 36¼- 36¼ 88¼- 38¾ . • .. - • . . . 34 - 34. • • • • - ··Trust receipts......... 37 - 39¾ 38 - 39½ 35 - 40 29¼- 35 28 - 30½ 30 - 84 32 - 34 34 - 39¼ 37 - 39 32¼- 87¼ 32¼,- 34¾ 38 - ~ Income, 1937 .......... ii .... - ........ - .... 5 - 5% . ..• - •...•••• - •••.•••• - .... 4¾- 4¼ 4¼- 7¼ 5¼- 7 6 - 6 .... - ••...••• - , MISCELLANEOUS. Am. Cot. OU-Deb., g .. 8 108 -109 106 -106¼ 106¼-107 106 -107 106 -106¾ 106¼-108 109 -109 106¼-108 109¼-110 108¼-109 107 -108 107¾--lOS> Am. Spirits Mfg.-lst.6 74 - 77¼ 77 - 81~ 74lld- 79¼ 70 - 77¾ 78 - 76 73 - 77 76¼- 81 81 - 86¾ 83¾- E6 80 - 85 74¼- 80 70 '16 Boston United GasTru11t ctfs., sink. fd .. 5 .... - ........ - .... . ... - ........ - . . ...... - . ....... - .... 92 - 92 .... - .... . ... - ........ - .••.•••• - ... . ... - ··· Brooklyn U. Gas-1st 5 105!1(-108 108 -109¾ 109 -110¾ 110 -112¾ 109¾-112 111¾·113 112¼-114½ 113¼-115 113 -114 113 -114 110 -111 111 -112 B'kln W.&W.H.-lst.5 99¼·101 97¼- 99 91¼- 98 94 - 95 94 - 97½ 96¼- 98 98 -100¾ 98 -101¼ 100¾-102¾ 100 -101 99 -100 98¼- ~ Ch.G.-L.&C.-lst, gu.5 93 - 94¼ 95 - 96 95 - 96¾ 96¼- 93 97¾- 99 98¼·1l15 101 -103 103¼-104 103½-104½ 102¼-104 102%-105 106 - 1 ~ CJh.Jc.&U.S.Yds-•1~.~ .... - .. .. 109¾-109½ .••. - ........ - ........ - ••.•.... - •••..•.• - ... . .... _ ... . •••• _ ........ _ ........ _ . .•...•• _ ••••  ~:t';t!/i:-!~~:.~~}g ~~ = ~.~ =~~~ .~~ : 1  ~ ...  95  -~~  =~: ... ~~- : ~~ ..  -~~  :  ~~. v.~ :~... ~.~  =~~ .. :::: : :::: .~~ : ~~ . .~~¼= ~~ .. 'ro =81%,  Commer'l Cable-1st.4 .... - ........ - ........ - . .. . .. - .... 98 -103 103¾-109¼ 107¼-108½ 106¼-106½ 106 -106¾ 105¼-105½ 105 -105½ . ..• - ••• • Con.Gas,Ch.-lst,'36.lS 83¾- 85 85¼- 88½ 88¼- 90½ 89¼- 91¼ 90¾- 93¼ 97 - 99¼1 99 -101 102 -102 101 -102¼ 99¼-100 99 -100 100 -lot~ Det. Gas-Con.1st'l8-~ 75¾- 79!'4 72¼- 76.½ 69 - 73 73½- 73¼ 72 - 78 78¼- 83 82¼- 90 87¼- 92¾ 90 - 94 89 - 93 oo - 95½ 95~- 973' · Edison Elec. Illum'glst, 1910 ............... 5 110 -ill¾ lll¼-112¼ 110 -110¾ 110¾-112 111 -112~ 113 -118¾ 113 -113!-2112¼-113¼ 109½-110 109¼-lll 110¼-111¼ 111~-112 1st, consol., 1995, fl.ii lM¼-106½ 107¾-109¼ 109 -110 109 -111¼ lll!l,!-113 113 -ll!l¾ 112 -112 .... - ••.. 112½-113 112 -118 112¼-113 114¼ -ll6~ Edison Elec., B'klyn1 st, gold ............... . lS .. • • - ••.. 110½-110¼ . . . . - • • . . . . . . - .. . . . . .. - .. .. 118¾-118¼ . • • • - . . . . . . • • - .. . . . • • • - • .. . . .. • - . . . . .. • • - • • .. • • • _ EQ. Gn.s.& F.,Ch.-lst.6 95 - 99 99 - 99¼ 99 -100 100¼-100:14101 -102 102 -1C6 •••• - •.. . ..• - ... . .... - . . .. 106 -106 106 -106- 100 -107 General ElectricDeben., aold, 1922 .. ii 90½- 00 95 - 96 95 - 96¾ 96 - 97¼ 96¼- 98 95¼- 99!'4 99 -100 100 -100½ 100 -100¼ 100 -101½ 101½-102¼ 98¼- l ~ Grand R.C. & C .-1 st.6 95 - 95¼ .. . • - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . • • - • . . . .. . • - • .. . . • • • - • . • . . • • • - . .. . • • • - .. . . . .. • - • • . . . • _ . . . . . .. - . • . . . • • • _ •••• Bend. Bdge.-lst., a.:f.6 .... - . ....... - .. . ..... - .... . ... - ........ - ... . .... - ... . .... - .... 111 -111 ..•. - ........ - ... . .... - ••....•• - ··Ill. Steel-Non•conv ... ~ . ... - ........ - .... . ... - ... . 70 - 70 .... - ... . ..•• - •.•....• - •....•.• - ........ - ... . .... - •...... - ••. .. •• - •••• Jeft.&CI.C.&I.-lst.~ .... - ........ - . . . . ... - .. . . ... - ... . 107 -107 .••• - ...... - ... . .... - .. ... ... - ........ - ........ - .... . .. . - •• 2d, 1926 ................ ~ .... - ... . ... - . .. . .... - . . . .. . - .. . 80 - 80 ...• - ••• .. .. - ........ - ......• - . . . . .... - .. . . .... - .... . .. . - •• Lac. Gas, St.L.-lst,ir.5 93¼- 94¼ 93¾- 94¾ 9! - 95¼ 95¾- 97¾ 94¼- 97 97 -100¼ 100 -101¼ 100 -103¼ 101¾-103¼ 101 -103 100¼-101 102 -1 Mn.d. ~q. Garden-1st.ii •··· - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - .. .. .. - ... . 102 -102 .••. - . ....... - ... • •• • - •.•..••• - ..... . . . - •••• Mlch.-Penis. Car, 1st.ii .. •. - . •. . .. . . - . . . . . .. . - . .. . .. . - . .. . .. . - . . . . 85 - 85 . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . • • • . - . .. . . • • • - • . . . . • • - . • . . • . • - ••• Mut. Un. Tel.--S. :f ..... 6 .. . - .... 110 -111¾ .... - ... . 112 -112 ..•• - ........ - •••.•••• - . .. lll¼-111½ .... - .....•.• - ........ - .... 111~-llS Nat'l Starch-tat ...... 6 100 -100¼ 101¼-102¼ 101¼-102 LOl -102¼ •••• - . ••. 100¼-101 •••• .. . . 104 -107¼ L07¼-109 108!1(-109 105 -107 .... - •• People's' G. L. & Cokel st, iiold .. ............ ... 6 .... - .. . . 110 -110 111 -112½ .•.• - .... 108¼-108¼ 109 -109 .••• - ........ - ........ - ........ - . • . 111 -111 ..•• - ··2d, a,iar., 1r 1904 ... 6 104 -107 105¼-107¼ .•.• - . .. . LOS -108 108 -108¾ 106 -107¼ 107¼-109 •••• - .......• - ... . .... - .... 107½-108 105 -108 1st, con., g., 1943.... 6100 -102¾ 10a -105¼ 10!!1:(-106½ t02¾-103 103 -105¼ 108 -111¼ lll¼-116 . 114¼-115¼ 117 -117 112¼-113¼ 114 -114 lli -ll.G So. Yuba Wat.-Con.Q'.6 .... - ... 101 -101 .... - ... . . ... - ........ - ........ - ......• - ........ _ ...... . . _ ... . . . .. _ ....•... _ •.• • .... _ ··Stan. Rope & T.-181 .. 6 73¼- 79¼ 71¼- 76¾ 65 - 74 67 - 68¼ 66¼- 70 60 - 69¼ 61¼- 70 66 - 69¼ 60 - 70¾ 60 - 64 59¾- 60;1:! 63 - 60 Incomes, arold, 1946.~ 24 - 28 24¼- 28½ 16 - 25¾ 17¾- 20 16¼- 18 10¼- 16¼ 12 - 20 17 - 20 10¾- 19 12 - 16 11 - l.J¼ - ~ Tenn.Coal Iron & Ry.Tenn. Division ....... 6 82 - 84¾ 88 - 86 86¼- 88½ 80 - 86 80 - 80 79 - 81 80 - tlO .... - .. .. 86 - 89¼ . •.. - . .. . 83 - 83 81 - 8S · Blrm. Div .• 1st, con.6 85 - 87¾ 86 - 87 85 - 89 79 - 81' 80 - 83¾ 80 - 89 80~- 84 83 - 87 87¼- 91 87 - 90 85 - 87¼ 85 - 8'1 De Bard.C.& J.-Gu.6 81½- 88 81 - 81½ 82 - 82½ 80¼- 80¼ .... - ....•.• - ....... - ... 81 - 82 ••• - ....... - .. . ..... - ••...•.• - •••• U.S. Leather-Deb.s.f.6 111!1(-112¾ 113¼-114 112¼-113X! 113 -ll3¾ 110 -111% lll¾-112 112 -118 113 -114 115 -115 115 -116¼ 112¼-114 ll<i -115 Western Gas, col. tst.ii .... - ........ - .. . ..... - ........ - ........ - . .. . 95 - 99 98¾-101 101 -103 103 -103 . ... - ........ - ••..••• - ··W. Union Telegraph187 ~-1900 .... ....... '7 ...• - ........ - ....... - ... . .... - .... 106 -105 .... - ....••• - . •....•• - ........ - ....... - .•...... - ....... - · Reiiistered ....... ......... - .... 107 -107 . ... - ........ - .... 105 -105 107 -107 . . •• - •... . ••• - ........ - ........ - .... lM¼-104½ 1(15 -1 Col. tr., cur.• 1938.. . ii 106¼-107 106¼-107 107¼-107¼ 107¼-lOSxt 107¼-108 10~-109 107 -108¼ 108 -109 107¼-109 108¾-109 108¼-109¼ 109¼-ll._ 0 ,  I S5 per cent principal paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  BONDS.  1898. MAR0H.  BONDS.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  la. Mid.-lst, iiuar . . ~ 91 - 91 .&.rbor-lst. '95,a-.4 82 Col. & Pac. tr. ctfs .. 34½&• .I". c. & W. tr. ctfs .. .. .. 1.ek. Top. & S. Fe.u.eral, eold, 1995.4 89¾Reiii8tered .......... .4 .... ' 4i11stm't, &'•• 1995, 4 57%d.&Dn.nv.-lst, g ... ~ 95 ¾lantic & Pac.-lnc... 6 ltlmore & Ohio, :)¼s, when Issued . ..... .... • 4e. when issued........ . . . . .1st, P.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BER.  0EC'BER.  JANUARY FEBR'RY. 1----1---- ----1----1---- ----1----1---- - - - - ----1-- - - -1-- - - Low.High Low.High Low.Hillh Low.High Low.Hiirh Low.High Low.High Low .Htirb Low .High Low.High Low.High Low.High - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  .•• - •....... - ........ 84¾ 83¾- 86¾ 82¼- 84¾ 81 - 83¾ 83 - 85 35 - 35 36¾ 32 - 38  ........ - ........ - ........ 93  89½- 9:1  86¼- 9~ 85 - 88¾  84 - 85 46 - 60 49 - 50  86¾- 91~ 92 - 94  92¾83½- 85¼ 86¾71 59 - 70 60 - 60 .... -  93¾ .... 88 - 89 89 71 . . • • ....  - .... 91 - 91 ...• 88 - 90¾ 88¼87 - 88 60 70 -  - ........ -  93¾- 95¾ 94¾- 96¾ 94 - 95¾ 93 - 95  .... 90 70 70  94¾- 98½ 98 -100  .... .... - .... 89¾- 89¾ .... - •...... - ... . 58 - 64¼ 54¾- 62 61 96½ 96¾- 98¾ ..•. % .•.. -  68 - 75 56 - 59¾ 59¾- 64¾ 65 - 67¾ 67"¾- 71¾ 7()%- 73)4 69)4- 73½ 69¾- 73 98 - 99)4 98¾- 99 ...• - •. . 99 -101 99¾- 99¾ 98 - 98 95 - 97 ..•. -  73¼- 79½ 102)4-102¼  - ........ - ....  - . . . . 95¾- 96¾ 95)4- 95¾ 95¾- 97~ 96¾- 99 96¾- 99Y.; 93¼- 94)4 93¾- 97 - . . . . 93¼- 95  B ... . .... ........ 6 112}9-l.12¾ 114 -118¾ 115 -117 100 -104 100¾-107  107 -111¾ 110 -ll3,:t 113 -114¾ 112¾-ll2¾ 112 -112  •.•• -  - ... . 113¾-lU 111%-113 114 -114½ 115 -115 .... - ........ Trust certificates .... .... - . . . . . . . . - .... 119 -119 118 -118¾ 120 -120 . .. • t. 4s. Trust certifs. . . . . Id. 192~. coup ..... 5 80 - 87¾ 923,s-103 98 - 98 .... - .... 100>",(-104¾ 109 -114 113½-116¾ 116¾-118¾ ... . - .... 115 -115 - •.•. 102 -102 108½-113¾ 108 -113¼ 111}4-111~ ...• - ........ Rea-111tered ............. .... - .... 95 - 95 ...• 92¼- 92½ 98 -100~ 101 -110¾ 108 -111½ lll¼-113¾ 114 -115¾ 114¾-114¾ 116 -118 .. .. Certif. of deposit..... 90 , 90 92¼- l'J6~ 93 - 93 - .... 104¾-104¾ 111 -113¾ 112 -115¼ 116¼-117¾ 118¼-118¾ .... - ....... . nsol., a-old, 1988.. ~ . ... - .... 103 -103¼ . . . . - .... 112 -113¾ 115¼-116¾ . . .. - • . . . . . • - .. • • . . . • Reeistered ...... ... . 5 . . . . - .. .. 97 - 97 . ... - ... . 113 -113 112¼-115¼ 116½-ll~ .... - .... 117¾-118¾ .... Certif. of deposit .... .... - .... 99¼-100 102 -103 101¼-102½ 102 -102¼ 101¾-105 105 -105 105 -105 .••• &O.SW.-lst,1090 98¼-100 .... - .. • . 90 - 90 . . . . - .. . . 76 - 82 1993 . ................ 4¼ .. . . - •.. . 31 - 31 - .... 27 - 27¼ 27 - 27¾ .... I come, l!!eries A .. ~ .... 8¼- 9¾ 6¼- 6¾ 7¾- 12 10¼- 12¼ 9 - 9 8 - 8 9¼- 9½ .••. Inceme, Ser.B.2043 .... - •• 100 -100 10!¼-104¾ .... - .... 105¾-107'4 107¾-108½ 108¼-108¾ a. U. Reera-.con.4¼ 99 - 99 .... - .... 105 -105 .... - .... 100 -101 104 -105 ...Ak.&C.J.,lst, .... - .... 105 -105 99 - 99¾ ..•. 99¼-100 100 -101 98 -100 - ••.. 90 - 90 alt. Helt-1st, 1ru. 5. Si - 84 . •.• - .... 75 - 75 . ... - ....... L & C.lltd., lst.4½ .... - ........ - .... 105¾-106 106 -107¼ .••• - ........ Pitta. & C., 1st, '46.4 .... - .... 104 -105 105 -105 - .... 104¾-105 ..•• •O. & Miss., 1st con .. 4 1053,s-105¾ .•.• - .... lOi -104 . .. . Cea-ls.................. . . . . - . . . . .. . - ........ Consol, 1898.. ...... 7' 106¾-106¾ .... Sprhur. Div.,190~.'7 105¾-107 106 -107¾ 105 -107 105 -105 102½-10! 103¾-105½ 104¾-106 105½-108 103 -106 too -103½ . .• . - •.. 103 -103~ - .... 124 -124 - .... 120¾-121 120 -122½ ..•. 2d, con11ol,, 1911.7 .... y & 7th Av .-See Met. - .... 112 -112 - . ... 112¾-114 114 -115 116¾-116¾ 116¾-117¼ - .... 113 -113 rookbn City-Cons . .:i .. .. 1rGOldyn EluvatedJ.a, J 924, 6, trust rec 83 - 86~ 83 - 87¾ 80½- 84¾ 79 - 80 80¼- 85 85 - 923,s 91½- 93 91 - 94¾ 91 - 94 89 - 90 89 - 91¼ 91¼- 95 - .... t68 - 68 186 - 86 ... - ....... . - ........ 2d•ort., 191:i .... a-~ ... 91 - 94¼ 88 - 91 80 - 84¾ 85 - 91¾ 90¾- 92½ 90¼- 94 90 - 92 91 - 93 (Jn..El .. lst,'3'7,6, t.rec 83 - 86½ 83 - 87¼ 81 - 84 80 - 80 - .... 103 -1~ 101¾-104M 104\Ji-106 • Q. C. & s., con. 1ru.5 .... 92½- 95¾ 95!Jt-102¾ 102)4-104 103½-106 104 -106M 103¾-104¾ 104 -106¾ 105¼-109 rookbn Rap.Trans.~ 94 - 95¼ 92 - 97 92 - 95¾ 91 - 93 a.ff. Roch. & Pittsb.- ..•. 105 -105 - •••. 104¾-105½ 105¾-106 106¼-108 105 -106 106¾-107 .. .. - .... 107¼-109 Geaeral ................ . ~ lOi¾-104!'4 105 -106 - ........ &. & P., 1st, UJ21 ... 6 127 -127 .... - ••.. 127 -127 ...• - .... 123 -123 - .. . . . . . . - .... 122 -123 123 -124¾ . .. . - . . . . . . . - .•.. 125 -125 123 -123 CollJ!lol., 1st .......... 6 . . . . - ........ arl. Ced. Rap. & No.J.■t- .. .... ....... . ....... . :i 107¾-108½ 107¾-109 105¾-107,:t 105¾-106¼ 105¾-108 104M-101\¾ 106¾-106lJ4 106¾-107¾ 106~-lO°rn 107¾-107¾ 108 -108¾ lOfl¼-108¼ - .... 109¼-109¼ 106 -107 .... - .... 110 -110¼ - .... 106 -106 100 -103 103 -103 103 -105¾ 107 -107 Censol. 1st & col. tr.:i 107¾-109 - ........ _ C.R.I.F.&N.,lst .. ~ 105 -105 . ....... - .... ... - .... 105¾-105Y-t ...• - !"" 1st, 1920, arold ........ 6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . ... - ........ - . .. anada Southern1st. aruar . ............... 5 109M-111 109¾-lll 108¾-110½ 107~-110 108!'4-110¾ 108¾-1113,s 108¼-109 108¼-1097~ 109¾-110 109¾-110 109½-110 109¾-111¼ ort1in.1re .......... . 5 108½-109½ 110 -111 106 -108½ 105 -106¾ 107 -108¾ 108¾-109 109 -110 110 -110¼ 107 -109 108:14-109¼ 109¾-110¾ UQ¾-111¼ ~ - .... 90 - 91¾ 89 - 92 • B. U. Pn.c.-lst, g ... 4 .... ent. Ohio-See B. & O. - .... 92¼- 92¾ .... e t. RR. & B., Gu. .. :i .... - . . . . 91¾- 93¾ .••. - • . . . 87 - 87 94 - 94 'en.tral ot Geora-ia.... - .... 114¾-114¾ - •. . 118 -118 1st ........ ............... . :i 118:l-1-119¼ 116¾-117¾ 114 -114 115 -115 Consol.............. ...... 5 91 - 92!,4 83 - 91¾ 87 - 90½ 84\lt- 86!1:( 86 - 87½ 87¼- 01¼ 86 - 89¼ S9½- 91 88 - 90J,( 88¾- 90¾ 87¼- 893' 89 - 93¼ 38½- 38½ 38 - 39¾ 38¾- 44¼ 38¾- 39\lt 39 - 43 38 - 42¼ 353,s- 36¾ 35 - 37¾ 37¼- 41 pref. income ..... .:i 42½- 44¾ 39 - 43 36 - 41 10¾- 13 12 - 15 11 - 12¼ 12 - 14¼ 12¼- 14¾ 10 - 11¾ 10¼- 12 2d ~ref. income ....... ~ 14 - 15½ 12¾- 14¾ 12 - 13½ 11 - 12½ 13 - 14 4½- 4¼ 5¾- 6½! 4¼- 4¾ . . . . 5 - 5 6;~ 4¾- 4¾ 5 3d pref, tncame ....... ~ 8½- 8½ 7¼- 7¾ 7¾- 7¾ .... 5 95 - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 91 - 92 . .. • ac. & N. Div., l11t.~ 92 - 92 .... - ••.. 96-99 ...• bile Div., lst ...... 5 95~- 95¾ .... - •....... - ....... .... 86¼- 86½ .••• Id. Ga. & Atl. Div.5 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ ea&. ot N e,v Jersey- •... 104¾-104¾ 103 -103 103 -103 103¾-103¾ 102¼-102¾ 102¼-102¾ 102¼-102¾ Consol., 1899 ........ 7 104¾-104¾ 1()4¾-10!¾ 104½-104¾ .••• - .... 112½-112½ .... - •... 112 -112 . ..• _ •••• l.stconv. , 190-J ....... 7 .... - ....... - . . ...•. - ..•. . . .. - .. 110 -112¼ .... ~onv. debeo., 1908 .. 6 .... - .... 110¾-110¾ .... - •....... Gen. mort., 198'7 .... :J 110 -113 113 -114¾ 111 -113¾ 109¾-112¾ 112 -114 113¾-115 112 -112)4 1121{'-ll~ 112 -114¼ 113¾-lH¼ 112¼-114¾ 113¾-116 Registered . . ..... .... ~ 110 -ll2 114 -114¾ 110¾-113!,4 lOSl}.t-110¾ lll¾-112¾ 113¾-113¼ 109¾-110½ 112¾-113¼ 111 -112½ lll½-112 110),u-112 111 -11:t¼ 983,s-100 OS -100 Leh.& W.B.-Assent 7 100 -102¼ 102 -103¼ 100 -101¼ 99¾-100½ 99¾-101¼ 99¾ -101 lOu -101 100½-102 97 -100~ 97 - 99 - •....••• - •... 853,s- 853,s 91 - 91 .... - ........ 90 - 90 t Mort11n.1re, 1912 ... . ~ 90 - 9P 93 - 93 90 - 90 •... 113¾-113¾ 114 -114 114 -lU 115¼-115¾ 115¾-115½ .&.m. Dock & Imp ...... ~ lH¾-115 114 -114¾ 114¼-116 110 -111 112½-112½ 114 -115 clJentral Pacific- .•.. 101 -102½ ...• - .. .. 102¾-102¼ .. •• San Joaquin Br'ch ... 6 .... - .... 105 -105 ... . Land a-rn.nts . ........... ~ . ... - .... 100¾-100¼ 102 -102 .•.• Ext., g., ser. A., '98.:i - ... . 11)3 -103 . . • • Speyer &Co.cfs.dep. 103 -103 103 -103 . •• - .... 101¾-101:J;! . . .. Ext., a-., ser. E., '98.~ .... - .... 102 -103¾ .... .... 102 -102 . . •• peyer & Co.cfs 1900 .... Speyer & Co.cfs.1901 .... 105 -10, -101 101 -103 103 101)4-101¾ 6 - ••• . 102¾-103½ 103¼-104 . .. • Western Pn.cific . ...... - •.•. 102¼-103¾ 103¼-103¾ 103)4-103¼ 103¾-103¾ <,.&O.Div.,ext.,'18.5101 -101 ..•• No. of Cat., :i0 Ye&.r .. ~ 100 -102¼ 1()2 -102½ 102 -102¼ 100 -101 100 -101¼ 101 -101¾ 101¼-102¾ 103 -103¾ 103 -103¾ 101 -104 104 -104¾ 105 -109¾ _ ........ _ ... . <;f:ent Wash.-lst,6s,t.r . .... - .... 40 - 40 , ..• <Ch.esapen.ka & Ohio.l Parch. money fund .. ti 101¼-101¼ ...• .... .... - .... 119 -119¼ 118 -118 118¼-118½ 118¾-ll~ - .... 118 -118 119 -119 eerlesA, gold, 1908.ti 120 -120¼ 120 -120¼ 11{<¼-119½ .... •rtaa,e, 1911 ....... 6 120¾-120¾ .... - ... . 119¾-119¾ 115½-118 118 -119 lli½-119 119¾-120 120¼-120½ 120 -121½ 118¾-118¾ 119 -119 .... ', eon., g., 19!}9 .... 5 114 -116 114¾-117 1123,s-116 112¾-113¾ 111 -ll3½ 113¼-114¾ 114½-115 115 -116 115 -116 115 -117 114¾-117¾ 116 -118 Reeistered... . .. .... 113 -114½ 114 -114 - .. .. 115 -116 . . . - • . . 115 -116¼ 83½- 84:1,! 84¼- 00 76¼- 81¼ 81¼· 85 75 - 78 General, 199:l., ... 4¾ 81¾- 83¾ 80¼- Si¼ 73½- 81 Si¾- 87¾ 83%- 86:}.! 85¾- 89% E9¼- 91 -105 104 90 -102 100½-103 103¾-105½ 102 -103¼ R.&A.D.lstcoi1 !89.4 103¼-105 1043,s-105 102 -105 101 -104 103¼ 104¼ 105½-106!1:{ 105½-107¾ 93¾- 94 .... - .... 90¾- 9i j 90 - 90 95 - 96¾ 97 - 97 95 - 95 2dconsol., 19 S9 .... 4 93¼- 92¾ .... - .... 92 - 93¼ . ... 93¾- 95 95 - 95¼ .... - .. (!ralar Val., 1st, '40 .. :i 95½- 95¼ 99¼- 99¾ .... 97¾- 98½ 99 -100),4 100¼-102¼ 102 -103¼ 103¼-103½ 101¾-102 100¾-103 101¼-102 102¼-103 Eliz. Lex. & B. S .... 5 102 -104 102¼-103¾ 98 -100 c(Jldcago & Alton- .... 111 -111 Sinking fund, 1903,.6 .... - .... 112¼-112¾ 112¼-112¾ 113¾-llS¾ .... - •... . ..• - •....... - •... 109½-110¾ - ... . 1073,s-107¼ 107¾-108 L&Mo.R.l8t, 1900. 1 110¼-lll . . . • - •... 107 -107 .... 107%-107¾ . . . - . . 101 -101 - . •. • . •• - . . . . . . . - . . . . .. ......... '7 2<1. 1 noo  -  -  - ........ -  -  t 3d instalment paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  UAll instalments paid.  -  RAILROAD  BONDS.  7  1898-C!ontinued. BONDS.  JANU.An"I· lfBBR 1RY.  MA.ROH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY,  AUGUST. 9lCPT 1DER CIOTOBER.  NOV1 B1CR  lh?c":Bl:B- .  Low.IDith Low.High Low.Biith Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.  -----------1----· - - - ---- ---- ---- ---- ·--- ---- ---- - - - - - - ----  Chic. Burl. & QulncyConsol.. .............. ... ')' 115¼-116 116 -116¼ 114 -116¼ 1133'-115 114 -117 117¼-118¼ 115 -115¾ 115¼-116 115¼-116 114¾-116¼ 116¼-117¼ 11-nf Sink. fund, 1901 .... . ~ .... - .... 104¾-107 . ..• - . .. . .•. - ........ - .... .... - . .. 104¾-104¾ 103¾-105 105 -105 .... - .•.. 101¾-101\>f, . .• Debenture, 1913 ..... ~ 106 -107¾ 107.½-109 105 -107¾ 105 -106 104%-11)6 106 -107¾ 107¼-107.½ 107½-110½ 109¼-110.½ 110 -111 108.½-109.½ 109 -n Couvertible, 1903 .. . ii 110¼-112 110¼-111.½ 104¼-109 105¼-106 107¼-109:1:{ 1~-112 111 -112¾ 112¼-121.½ 114 -116.½ 113¼-117¼ 11614-121¾ 119¼-125 Iowa Div., sink. id ... ~ .... - .... 109.½-109½ . ... - ........ - •.•. ... • - •....... - •.. . ..•. - .... 111 -111 .... - ... . .... - ... . 110.½-110% 1 1 ~ 1 ~, 1919 .......... , ..... .. 4 102 -102¼ 103¼-104 101 -102 98 - 98 101 -101 lOO.½-lOC'4 100.½-101.½ 102 -102 ...• - .... 101¾-101¾ lOOJ,g-102.½ 103 - 4 ~, Denver Div •• 192~ .. 4 100½-101.½ 99¼-100¼ 99¼- 99¼ 97 - 97 99 - 99 99¾- 99;1:t .... - .... 100.½-101¼ 102 -103 102 -102 . ... 1921. ...... ..... .. .... .. 4 .... - ........ - ... ..... - · .... .... . ....... - .... 99 -100 .••. - .... 100 -100 .... - .... 100 :.100 100 -101 Nebr'skaExt.,192'1.4 98¼-100 97¾- 99¾ 05.½- 98>-9 95¼- 96.½ 97 - 98¾ 97¼- 99 98½-100¼ 100 -101¼ 101 -102¾ 102 -103.½ 101 -102% 102¾-105~·. Reaistered .... ............. - . .. ..... - . . . 9i¼- 97¼ .••• - • • • • 97 - 97 99 - 99 ...• - ........ - .. .. Han. & St. J ., cons .. 6 122¼-123 122.½-123 119 -120.½ .••• - ••.. 120¼-120.½ 120 -120 .... - .... 123 -123 120 -120 ... - ... . 121 -121.½ 122 -122 Ch. Bur. & No.-lst.~ 110 -110¾ 109!Ji-109¾ 105 -105 ...• - .... 106 -106¼ 109.½-110.½ 110.½-110.½ .... - .... 1()8¾-108% 108¾-108¾ l()SJ.t-1 Ohle. & Fast'n Tlllnoislst, sin kin a fund ..... 6 116¼-116¼ 116.½-116.½ 116.½-116.½ .... - .... 116 -116 ...• - .... 1143'-114¾ ... - •.. . 116¾-ll6¾ 117.½-117¾ 117.½-117¾ 116 -Ila - . . . . . . . - .... 132 -132 . . . . - .. . lstconsol., a-old ....... 6 129 -130 . .•. - .... 128.½-129 13l3 -JM - •..• 122 -122½ .... Gen. mort., 193')' .... :J 101¾-107¾ 106 -108 104 -106 104 -105J4 102 -105¼ 106 -108½ 105 -108 l07.½-108 107¼-108 108 -108.½ 105½-108 1083'-100 , Registered ........... ~ 101 -101 . . . . - .•. . 105 -105 102 -102 106 -106¼ . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . • - •... 103,¼-103.½ .••• - --- .•.. 105 -105 Chic.&In.C'lRy-lst.~ 100¼-104½ 105 -109 - .... 102.½-103 103 -103 105 -105¾ . . . • - ........ • - ..... . .. - ··-Chic. [nd. & [,ouisv.96 -100 100 -103 103 -104 103 -105½ 105¼-107 105¼-107 102 -102.½ 104.½-106.½ 106 -1073i[; Retundina-, 194'7 ..... 6 97 -102 100 -105 100 -103 85 - 89 80 - 87¼ 82 - 82 Refundlna, 194')' .... . ~ 83 - 85 82 - 82 90 - 90 90 - 90 91 - 92 91 - 91 91 - 91½ 91 - 91 92 - 112 - .... 113 -114.½ 114 -114 115 -116 ll.6¼-117 Lou. N. A. & C., lst.6 .... - •... 112 113.½ 112 -113 .... - .... 112¾-113¾ 115.½-115~ .. .. Obie. Milw. & St. P.lst, P. D., 1898 ...... 8 103.½-103.½ . ... - •.•....• - •••. 147 -147 .... bt,a-old, R. D,1902.')' 140 -140¼ 141.½-143 .... - .... 141 -141 142 -142.½ .••• - •... 151 -152 153 -160 160 -160 1st I. & D. Div .... .. 1187.½-140½ ... . - .... 140¼-140½ . ... - .... 145 -145 - .... 152.½-152.½ .. - . .. . 162 -162 bt C. & JU. Div ....... 7 140 -140½ 144 -144 141 -141¼ 141 -141 .••. - . .. . .. . - ... . 160 -160¾ 160%-161 162¾-l~, Consol., 190~ ......... , 138 -140¼ 1407,(-142½ 110¾-142½ 140 -141½ 145 -145 145.½-145½ 143½-145 146¼-15tl 152 -152 152.½-160 160 -161 162¾-1633£ 1st I. & D. Exten .. ... 7 139¼-141 141½-142.½ 140.½·141 •••• - .... 143 -143 .••• - •••. 142½-145¾ 148 -151½ 151.½-152 153¼-160 160½-160½ 16Z -1C 1st So. West. Dlv ..... 6 118¼-119¾ ..•• - .... 116 -117½ ..•• - ........ - .... 117 -117 ... . - •...... - .... 119.½-119½ •••• - -·-1st Lac. & Dav ...... ~ .... - ........ - .... 110 -110 ... . - •.. ..... - ...... - ........ - .... 115.½-115.½ •.•• - •••• lat So. Minn. Div . .. .. 6 118¼-120½ 121 -121 116 -llll¾ lH¼-117 115.½-119 120 -120.½ 117%-118% 120 -120 118 -118¼ 118¾-120 119¾-120¼ 120¼(-121 1st H. & D. Div ....... 7 130¼-130¼ 130 -130 . . . • - .... 1287.(-130 129¼-128.½ 128 -129½ 128%-128¾ 129.½-129.½ . . . • - .. 1st, 191 O......••••.... ~ .... - ... . ••• - •.• . ..•. - ... .... . - .... 109 -109 ...• - •••. 100¼-l Chic. & Pac. Dlv ...... 6 119 -121 120 -120 ll8 -120½ ..•. - ......•• - •••..... - .... 118.½-118.½ . ... - .....••. - .... 121¼-;l.21¼ 122 -122 Chic. & Pn.c. W. Div.~ llf>¾-117 116¼-117 114¼-116¾ 111 -115 113 -116 116 -117¾ 115 -116½ 116¾-117½ 116¾-117% 117 -118 118 -119¼ 111%-1 Chlo. & Mo. R. Div .. ~ 114½-114.¼ 114¾-117 114.½-114.½ . ... - .... 110¾-116 ..•• - ••.. 113 -113¾ 114¾-114.½ .•.• - •... 115 -115.½ 115.½-115.½ 116 -llS Mineral Point Dlv ... 6 107 -110 .... - .•..... - ........ _ •....•.. _ •.. . .•. _ _ •......• _ Ohle. & L. Sup. Div.~ . .. - ... .. ... - ... . 113.½-113½ 112 -112 - ••...... - .... . ... Wis.& lllln. Div .. .... ~ 114.½-114.½ 115 -115¼ .•• - ••• . 111 -112 .••• - ••• . 114 -114 .... - •.•.... - •... 114 -114 115%-115% 118 -118 .... - ...• Terminal. ........... .. ~ 114 -ll4½ 115 -115 115 -115 111 -ll3 113 -113 114 -ll4 1113'-113 .••. - .... 113¼-113¼ 113:'4-lli¼ 1133'-113¾ ll.5¾-115J£ Fargo & So., assum.ti 127¼-127¾ . . . - ........ _ .... . ... _ Dakota & Gt. So • .. . :} 113 -113½ 112¼-112.½ .. .. - .... 109 -110 - .... 114 -114 .... - .... 112 -112 112 -112 l12 -112 ... - .•. llt- -lK Gen. M.,"A" 19S9 ... 4 104%-105¾ 1C5½-107 105 -106 103.½-103.½ 102 -10-1 104 -106 104 -106 105¼-106¼ 105 -105¾ 105 -106½ 106½-107!)410~-1W Re1riste1•ed .......... 4 . . . . - .... 10!~-105.½ . . . . MU.& No.,lst,1910.6122.¼-122.½ .... - .... 120 -120 - •... . ... - •.. 120 -120½ 120 -121 .... - •••. 121 -121. on ext •. 1013 ... 6 .... - ... . 123 -123 122 -122 117 -117 . .•. - •... 120 -120 .. .. - •... 121 -121 121¼-121½ 121¼-123 .... - •• •. ..•• Ohle. & Nortbwest'nConsol., 191~ . ...... .. 1 144 -145 142¼-143¾ 141 -142 142 -142 188 -UO 1311¾-139!}.i 142%-142¾ 142.½· 142¼ 142 -142% 142¾-143¼ 142 -142:¾ 144 -14~ Gold, coup., 1902 . ... 1 116>'8-116¼ 116>-9-116½ 114.½-116¾ 118 -114½ lH!J,;!-116 113 -114¼ 113% lH 114¾-115 114¼-115 115 -115 116 -116 112¼-l.13~ Gold, reir., 1902 ...... '7 116 -116¼ 116¾-116.½ 115½-115½ 118 -113 112¼-115¾ 113%-114 114½-114½ 114%-114% 114!1(-lH¾ ... . - .... 116 -116 ll3 -113 81nktnu: tund,coup .... 6 116.½-117.½ ..•• - .... 117 -118¼ .•. - •......• - .... 113¾-114.½ 116¼-118 119 -124.½ 120 -120 116 -117½ 117.½-117¼ . - •••• Re(ristered . ........ . 6 .... - .... .... - . . . . ... - ........ . ... - .... 114 -114 115 -115 .... - ........ - . . . 117½-117½ . ... - .... ..•• - •• Sinking; fund, coup ... ~ lll¼-111¼ 111.½-lll¼ ..•• - .••.. 106 -106 106.½-106:½ 106¾-106¾ 108 -108 110 -111 111 -112 108.½-108¼ 108¾-109.½ 109¼-l: Rellistered ....... ... . ~ .. . . - .... ... . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 107¾-107½ . . - . . . . . . . • - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - .... 1 0 ~ 1 ~ Debenture, 1933 .. ... ~ 117¼-118 117.½-118¼ 117¼-117½ 114.½-116 114 -115¼ 116 -116½ ...• - ... . 119 -119 119¼-119¼ 120 -120}4 . ... - .•.. . .• - •••• Registered ........... ~ 118 -118 119 -119 117 -117 .... - ... . .... - .......• - ........ - . . . . . .. - .... 11~-no~ ~3 yrs, deben., 1909.~ 110¼-110¾ 110 -llOJA 107!1:f-109.½ 108 -108½ 107¼-108¼ 108½-109.½ 108 -110 109 -110 ...• - •... 110¼-110¼ 108!1:f-109.½ 110 -110 Registered .... . . .... ~ .... - .... .. .. - .. .. 109½-109½ •••• - •....... - .....••• - • •• . • . . • - . . . . . .. - .......• 30-year deb., lf..~1. .~ ... - .... 116¼-116.½ .... - ••.. 112 -112 ..•• - .• ...•• , - .... 115.½-116 116 -118 .... - .... 116l):t-llfl¾ 116 -ll6 Rea-istered . .......... ~ .... - .... 117¾-117¾ .... - .......• - •.•..... - ... ..... Exten. bonds, 1926 .. 4 .•. - •... 105 -107 104 -104 ..•. - ••.. 104 -104.½ 104¼-105.½ ...• - .... 105¼-106 ..•. - ... . 105¼-106 J05¾-105ll( ..•• - -··Registered . .......... 4 .... - ........ - ... .. 103 -10:i ........ - ... . General, 1981 ...... 3½'.. .. - . . . . 99 -101 101 -102 102 -102¾ 102¾-103¼ 102.½-103 103 -103½ 101¾-102¾ 102¼-l~~ Registered . ... ... . 3½ .... - .... ... ... 103 -103 ...• - ···Escan. & L.S., 1st... 6 .... - .... 107 -107 106 -106 107¾-107¾ .••. Iowa Midland, 1st .. 8 .... - ••.. 108 -108 .... Ott. C.F.&St.P.,lst ~ . .... 109 -109 .... Chic. & Milw., lst ... 7 101,¼-102 .••• - .... 102 -102 102¼-102¼ ..•• Mil.& M., 1st, 190~.6 117 -117 ..•• North. Illinois, l11t .. ~ .... - .... .. .. - .... 105 -105 .••• .LU.L. S.& Wlst.,':U.6 1363'-137 136.½-136% 136 -136 133½-133½ 132.½-134 133 -135¼ 135 -135¼ 135½-136¾ 136 -136 136 -137 137 -137 137 .,. Ext. & Imp., s. f . ... ~ .... - .... 116¼-117¼ - •... 113.½-113½ 113¼-113½ .••• - •... 116 -118 ..•. - . • . 118 -118¾ 119 -119 1~ -12<96~ Mich. Div., 1st ..... 6 ... - .... 133 -134 .... - •... 135 -135 138 -l.3S land Div., lst .. 6 .... - .... 135 -135 .... - .... 133 -133 ...• Income, 1911 . ........... - ... . 112 -113 Chic. R. I. & PacificCoupon . ................ . 6 .... - .... 130 -131 132 -132 131 -131 132 -132 129%-129½ 131 -131 130¼-131¾ 131.½-132 132 -132 l S i ¼ - ~ Rea-lstered ........... . 6 181¼-181¼ !al -131 129 -129 128 -128 1273'-130¼ 128 -128 128 -129 130 -130 Exten. & collateral .. :J 105¼-106¼ 105¼-106 105½-106¼ 106¼-106¾ .• • - . . . . . . . - • •• . . .• Registered ...... .... ~ 105¼-106 105½-105¾ 105¼-lM jt 06¼-106½ . ... - ... . .. . - ... . .... - .... .... - •• -· Debenture, 1921 .. ... ~ 106:):1-107¼ 107¼-108 104¾-l.05¼ 105 -105¼ 105¼-106¼ 106.½-107¼ 107 -107¾ ...• - .... •··· Genernl, 108S, fl ..... 4 .... - .... . ... - ........ - .... 102¾-105 104%-105¾ 103¼-104½ 104 -105½ 103½-lOi¼ 10!¾-105¼ 104%-105½ 105¼-107 Reu;i8tered .. ....... .. 4 .... - ........ - ........ - ... . 1033,4-103¼ ... - . . . - .... 1<'4¾-105¼ 104 -104 . ••• - • •. . ... - ... . Keok. & Des M., 1st.~ 105.½-106>-§ 108%-109 . . . . - •... 103 -103 . . . - .... 106.½-106¾ 107 -107 108¼-108½ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . 107¾ 108½ 109 -no D.Jl.&'0~.2½ 69¼- 69¼ 70 - 70.½ .... 80 - 80 .... - .• •. 1st, 190~ .............. 4 85 - 85 91 - 92 ...• - ... 94 - 94 94 - 95 94¾- 94¾ 95½- 95.½ 95~- 00 Chic. ~t.P. Min.& Om.Consol., 1930 ....... .. 6 136~-138· 137 -137¼ 133 -135 126½-1~7 133 -135½ 133 -134.½ 135¼-136¼ 135½-136½ 135 -135½ 135 -136¼ .. .. - •.. 13!t Chlc.St.P.&M.-1Mt .. ti 131¾-132 133 -133 130 -132 - .... 128 -130 132 -132 132 -132 134 -135 1S5 -135 135½-136 .. - ... Vl3 -133 St. P. & S. City-1st .. 6 132 -132¾ . ..• - .... 131 -131 126 -127 ...• - ... . 130 -130!,6 131 -132 132 -1 32 13:L¾-132¾ 130¼·131¼ 131.½-131.½ 132¾-1~ Chic. Term'l Trn.ns.U. S. Tr. ctfs. of prop. 49¾- 49.½ ...• Chic. Term'l Transt .. 4 837/4- 86 85 - 87¾ 79.½- 85¾ 80 - 82.½ 82 - 85.½ 85 - 87¼ 85¼- 86½ 86¼- 90¾ 87.½- 9C¼ 89¼- 90¼ 90 - 92 91¼- 95lAil. Chic. & West. Incl.Gen. mort., 1932 ..... 6 121 -121 122½-122.½ 118 -121 117¾-118½ 118½-118¾ 118¾-120.½ 118¾-118¾ 120 -120¼ .... - ••...... - .... 121 -121 11~Cln. Hnm. & Dn.ytonCin. Day. &Ir. 1st... :; 110½-111 110¼-lll½ 111 -111¼ .••• - •••. 10'7¾-107¾ 108 -108¼ 110 -110 110 -111 111 -111¾ lll.½-112 110 -llO¼ .••• -  - .... .... - .... .... -  - ........ -  i Sesc.c.c.  c.1.s.L.&C. 5& St. L. Cl. & Can-1st, tr.rec:; 70 - 71  71 - 73½ 73¼- 73¾ •••• -  Clev. Ctn. Ch. & St. L.Genero.l. ..... .......... . 4 .... - ........ Cail"O Div., l11t . ....... i 89 - 90 .... - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  69¼·69¼  70 - 70  82 - 82  82 - 82 SA - AA  - •••. 70-70  68 - 68  68½- 74.½ 78 - 73  85-85 -  • . . . 88 - PO:J:{ Al¾'  Ill¾ . . • • -  70 - ~ .  •.•• - •• .,  - . . . . 01¼- l)]3l...,  RAILROAD  BONDS.  I 898-C,ontinued. BONDS. _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  JANUARY FEB:!1-'RY.I_M_A._R_c_H_._I __A_P_R_IL_._ ~-A._Y_.___ JUN_E...:_ ~-A_u_o_u_s_T_. S_E_P_T_'B_E_R_. _o_cT_O_B_E_R_. _N_o_v_'BER. _D_E_c_'B_E_R_.  L_o_w_.R_l1t_h Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hlgc Low.High 1  1  C. C. & St. L.-(Oon. St.L.Dlv., ht.1990.4 96¼- 97 97 - 98¼ 96¼- 97 94 - 95¾ 90¼- 92!);( 93 - 95 95 - 96~ 98%-100 98¼- 99¾ 99 -100 97¾- 1!8¼ 98 - 99¾ Ree;htered ........... 4 . . . . - . . . . . . . . 90 - 93 Cln. Wab. & M., lst.4 .... - .... 89 - 89 - . • . . 1",0 - 90¼ . . • . - . • • . 95 - 95 89 - 90 90 - 90 . . . • - • • . , • • . 92~- 92¾ . . • . - • • . . . . . . - . . . . 80 - 80 . . . . - • • . . 87 - 87 . . . . W.W.Val. Div., lst.4 87¼- 68¼ . ••• C. I. St. L. & C., 1 st.4 101 -101 .•.. 98¾- 99¾ .••• - •......• - •... 101,6-102 101¾-101¼ 101¼-101¼ Peo. & E,, 1st, cons .. 4 73 - 76 75 - 78½ 77¼- 79 75 - 78% 70 - 77% 75 - 76¼ 74 - 76 76 - 80 76 - 79¾ 74 - 76¾ 74 - 78¼ 77¼- 85 - • . .. 14 - H 17 - 19 Incomes, 1990 . . . . ..4 .... - ........ 16 - 18¼ 17 - 20¼ 19 - 22 - . . . . 19 - 20 20 - 22 ,.oev. Col. Ctn. & Ind.1st. sinking tund ...... , 104¾,-105¾ ..•• - •••. 105,½-105¼ .••• - •••. 102 -102¼ 103 -103 103½-103½ 104 -104 - .... 101¾-101¾ 101%-101% Consol., 1914 . ........ , 136 -137 .••• - .••. 132 -137 - .•.. 135 -135¼ 181¼-131¼ 134 -135½ .... - .... 139 -140 137½-138 General consol. .. .. .. 6 . . .. - ....... ~ - .... 127¾-127¾ .••• - ••• , ...• - .... 132½-132¾ ... ,· ,Cl. Lor. & Wbeel.-lst 102¾-102¼ .. •. - .... 100 -100 .... - ... . 103 -103 •••• - .... 106½-106¼ 106 -107 !05¼-108 107 -109 ·C::I.& Mab. V.-1938 .. /i .... - .... .... - ... 121 -121 .... •iColorado Midlandlet, e;old, 6, tr rec'pts 64¼- 67¼ 65 - 68 59 - 65 e2 - 62 .•• . ........ Con., g., '40, 4, t. rec.• 19¼- 21¼ 20¾- 20¾ 17¼- 20¼ 16¼- 16¾ . .•. -~ ol. l.llldl'd-lst ... 2•3•4 .... - .... 66 - 60 69¼- 69½ 56 - 57 66 - 58 58 - 61¾ 57 - 69 67¾- 66)4 64'¼- 613¾ 1st, eold, 1947 ..... .. .4 .... - .... 65 - 68¼ 68 - 73 66 - 68 67 - 73 73 - 77¼ C::ol. & ~o.-4s (wh.lss.) .... - ........ - . . .. .. . . - ........ 83¼- ~¼ 84.%- 87¾ ~ol.&9th Av.-SeelJlet -~ol. Hock. Val. & Tol.Iat.:},J .P.M.&Co.ctfs 74 - 78:Ja 76 - 82 72~- 78 70 - 72½ 72¾- 77 77 - 80 78 - 79¼ 79 - 82½ 79 - 79 78 - 78½ 77½- 80 75 - 86 Gen. gold, 1904 ...... 6 54 - 55¼ 60¼- 61 50½- 50½ 46 - 66 el. & Hud. Canal.Penn. Division ....... , .... - ........ - ........ - .... l<l5 -145 146 -146 . . . . - • • . . . . . . - • . . . • .. • - .... 120¼-120½ 123,6-123¼ 123¼-123¼ 123 -125 .... Alb. & 8usq.-lst, a-u. 7 125¼-125¾ 125)4-125¼ . • . - ........ - .... 121¼-122 - •... 116 -116 116¾-116:1( 116¾-116¾ 1st coup., a-uar ...... 6 118¾-118¼,117 -117½ ..•• - .... 110 -110 113 -114 115 -115 .... Ree-istei.•ed ......... 6 .... - .. . . ... - ....... . - ..• 116¼-116¾( .... ll.ens. & S., 1st, '21.1 .... - ........ - ....... . - •• ,. 147 -H7 ...• 1st, reg . ........... . ... , . . . . - .... 14<l¾-146 . • • • • .... 141 -141 . • • • :Del. Lack.& West'n-, 128 -128 .... - ... .... - .... 122 -122 .. .. - .... 124 -12<l . • • . 8yr. B. & N. Y., l8t.7' 125¼-125¼ ...• - .. .. 125¼-125¼ .••• - ... . 126 -126 ..•• Morris & Essex, 1st.,- l<ll½-144 l<ll¼-141¾ 140 -140 ..•. - . •.. 137¼-139 HO -140 140 -140 140 -HO - •••. l<ll½-141½ 142¼-142½ 14.3 -143 Bonds, 1900 ... ...... ,- .... - ... . 107 -107 18'71-1901 . ... ....... 7 .... - .... 113¼-113½ .... - .... 107 -107 109 -109 110 -110½ ..•. - .••. 107 -107 ..•• - ••.. 108,½-108½ 109½-109½ ..•. Consol., a-oar......... , 141 -141 142 -142 137 -140 136 -139¼ 137 -142½ 139 -139 .... - ... UO -HO .•.. • tf> Reaistered . .. .... , . . . . - . . . . . . . . - •... 136%-136¾ N.Y. L. & W.-lst .... 6 138¼-138¼ 138 -138 .... - ... . 138 -138 .... - .... 137 -137 • • . • Warren, 2d, 1900 ... 7' .... - ........ - .... 108 -108 .... enver & Rio GrandeIst. ... . ... . . .. . . . . . .. . ,- .... - . ... llOJ,:!-110¾ 108¾-110 108 -108 - .... 108 -110 111 -111¾ 110¼-110¼ .... - .... 108 -108!4 .• . • New consol, 1936 .... 4 89¼- 95¼ 93¾- 95¾ 89.½- 92 87¼- 90 89¾- 93¾ 94 - 95¾ 92½- 95¾ 96 - 98½ 96 - 9i½ 96¾- 9i¾ 97!,(- 99➔-! 99%-102¾ 1stconsol., 1936 .. . 4½ .... - ... . .... - ... . - ........ - ... . .... - .. . .. - ... . .... - .... . ... - .... 106½-106% 107 -10 ¼ !108¼-111 Improvement, 1938.5 85¼- 85¼ 92 - 03 90 - 90 87 - 89¾ 91½- 91½ 90~- 91½ 91¾- 0-1¼ 9!¼- 9!% 84¾- 95½ 95 - 96)4 95¾- 98½ 101 -103 .Des Mo. Union-lst .... /i 97 - 97¼ 97¼- 99 9S -100 ..•. - •... 98¼- 9 }4 98¾- 99¾ . ... - . .... ... - .... . ... - .... 102 -102 .... aluth & I. R.-tst ... o 104 -105¾ 105½-110¾ 106 -107¾ .•.• - ••.. 104 -106½ 106 -106 105¾-106 105¼-106'% 105 -lv6½ 10!¾•106),:! .... - ••.. 106}9-108¼ ~al. Red W .& S.-lst.5 . . . . - . . . . 92¼- 92¾ . . . . - . . .. .. . .:Dal.S.S.&Atl.-1937'.5 105 -105 105 -106!4 105 -107 102 -102 101 -105 107 -107 - •... 112 -112¾ 112¾-112¾ 112 -112½ ..•. - ••. . 113¼·11~1i -.:E.T. Va. & Ga.-See So. - .••. 103:Ja-105 Ir• Joi. & E.-lst, &f •• .l .... ~  •-  -  -  tZrle- .... 114 -114 114½-114¼ 1et, Ext., 1917 ....... ~ 114½-115 113 -116 112 -113 .... ~d, Ext., 1919 . ....... . /i .... - .... 116¼-116¼ 117¾·117½ .... - .•.. 119½-119½ .... d, Ext., 1923 ....... 4¼ .... - .... 108 -108 109 ·109¾ lll¼-111¾ ..•• - •.•. 113 -113 112¼-112¼ .... - .. 112 -112 4th, Ext., 1920 ...... . ~ .... - .... 113 -113½ 117 -118 ..•• - .... 118¼-118!4 .... ~th, Ext., 19~8 .... .. . 4 .... - .... 104¾-104¾ .... - .... 105 -105 lO<l¼-104¼ ..., consol., a-old ...... , 146 -146¼ 146 -147 141¾-143 ..•• - ••.. 138 -142¾ 141 -142¼ 143 -H3 144 -146 141¼-H2 143 -lH 14<l¾-H5 144 ·145¼ 1st consol., g., tund .. , 142½-143 140 -HO .... - •... 140 -140 - ........ - ..•. H2~2 143 Long Dock cons.'3~.6 .... - . ... 139 -139 137 -137 133¼-13..~½ ... - .... 136 -136 137 -137 138 -138 139 -139 ..•. - .... •· ·· Buff. N.Y. &E., lst.7' .... - .. .... .. - ........ - .,. .. 133 -133 . ... - .....•• - •.• Jefferson RR,,lst,a-.:5 ... - ... . 106 -106 - ... 103 -103 Chic. & Erie, 1st, g .. 5 lll¾-112¼ 111 - 1 13 110½-112 109½-111¼ 108 -110 110¼-111 111½-lll½ 112½-113¼ 110 -111½ 111½-112¾ 109¾-111 111¼-112 N. Y. & Gi.·. Lake .. .. 5 .... - .... 101 -107 109 -109 con. prlor lien, g.4 90 - 91% 89½- 93 86 - 91½ M¾- 88½ 87 - 91}( 91¾- 92% 90¾- 92¼ 90 - 94½ 91~.!- 93~ 90 - 92½ 91¾- 94 93)4- 9<l½ Jstcon. gen.l.,'96.3-4 70 - 71% 70 - 74¼ 68¼- 72½ 66 - 70¾ 68½- 73¾ 73¾- 75 72½- 74 73¾- 76 71¼- 73¾ 68½- 71¾ 69¾- 77¾ 74 - 75¼ l'(. Y. Sus. & W., ret.t'> 103 -108 107¼-108¾ 105 -lOS 99 -105 104¼-105 108 -1C8 105 -105 107 -108 107 -108½ 108 -108 106%-108 110 -111 ~d, 193'7 ............ 4¼ M¾- 88 91 - 91 90 - 90 .. .. - . . . . 02 - 02 o~ - 92½ •.• - .... .. .. Gen., a-old, 1940 .... :, 87 - 96¼ 91 - 98 89 - 93 83 - 90 85 - 92 90 - 92.½ 91 - 93:¼i 89 - 90 8! - 90 82 - E7 85½- 90 90 - 95½ Term., lst,1943, g.5 .... - ... . 110¾-111¼ 111 -111¼ 110 -111½ .... - .. .. 109%·109¼ .... - .... . ... - ····illl -111 Wilk.& E., 1 st,'4~.:, 93¼-100 99:)4-101% 97' - 99}4 95 - 9i% 97 - 98% 97 - 97½ 98 - 98!4 9.J½-100 99¼ · 99.½ .... 96 - 99.ii! 95 - 99 M.ldl'd ot N. J., lst.ti 114¾-120¼ 121 -121 - .... 116 -116 116 -119 119½-120 120 -120 120¾-120¾ ... - ........ - .... . ... - •... 120 -122 Evans. & T. H .-Cons.6 116½-117 117 -117 117 -117 114 -114 112 -112 118 -118 114 -lU - . . . 116½-116½ 121 -121 123 -123 123 - 123 1st, flen., 1942, gold.Ii .... - ........ - . . . 82½- 82¼ 82 - 82¼ 82 - 86 ..•. - .. . . 8! - 86~ 85 - 87½ 88 -100 94¼- 98½ 95½-· 98 96 101 "Ev.& I.-lst,con.,'26.6 ... - .... 77½- 78 - .... 80 - 88 89 - 99 97 - 98¼ .... - ••.. 94 -103~ Eliot & Pere Marq •.... ff 113¼-116½ 115 -117 116 -116¼ 110½-112½ llO -1147-1 1U)4-114¼ 114 -117 117 -117¼ . ... - •.•. 115 -115 - .. . 118½-121¼ 1Btcons., g., 1939 ... :, 89¼- 92¾ 93!4_- 95 - .... 85 - 85 91½- 91¾ 92 - 94 93 - 9<l 93 - 9.:~-1 .... 96 - 98;14 98!4 101 Pt. Hur. Div., lst .... /i 83 - 88¾ 89¼- 92~.{ 92 - 92¼ 85 - 85 88¼- 91 90 - 92¾ 90¼- 92 95J.ia- 95½ 95¼- 95¾ 92¼- 93½ 93 -lOU¼ 119 -102¾ Pt.St. U.D.-lst,'41.4½ .... - ... .. ... - .... 105 -105 .... - .. .. ···• Pt. W. & D. C.-lst.4•6 70¾- 75 69½- 74 05 - 72¼ 67 - 68 'iO¼- 73¾ 70¼- 75½ 73¼- 75½ 73:}.(- 79¾ 74 - 77 74½- 76½ 76 - 79¼ 77 - 87 .Ft. W. & Rio Grandeht. 19.:l8 ............ 3.4 64¼ -59 68¾- 59¼ 57 - 58 55 - 66 65 - 59 ...• - ... . 58¼- 61½ 61¼- 64 69 - 62 60 - 61 60 - 63½ 62¼- 66¼ •Galv. H. & H. ot 'S2.. 5 88¾- 90 89 - 92 90 - 92 91¼- 91!4 91¼- 92½ 92 - 92 93 - 96 95 - 98 94 - 96 96)4- 98x, 99 - 99¼ G.11.&S.A.-See~ . P.Co. 106 -106 -Ga.&Ala.-lst pf.'4i).5 .. .. 97 - 97 - •••. W-94 •:Ga.Car. & N.·-l•t,gu.5 ... 92 - 9-Z .... •Ga. Pacific-See l!!outh'n .ft.& !!lt.J •..:._SeeC.B.&Q . .H. E. & W. Tex.-lst.5 .... - .. . . . .. . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 88 - 90¼ 90 - 94 92¾- 94¾ 94 - 96 . • • • - • . . . 93¾- 94¾ 9-:C - 98¾ ...IL&T. c.-See So . Pac. Unois, told, 19:il ........ 4 .... - .... 113¼-114¾ 116 -115 - • . . . . . . - •... 109¼-109½ • . • - ..•. 112 -112 112¾-113 ..•. - •... 112¼·112~.t . ... - •••• Registered ........... 4 .... .... 108¾-108¼ 109½-109½ . . . . - . . . . . . Gold, 19a~ ... ... ...... .4 ... - .... 102 -102 - •... 101¾-101¾ 100 -102 .... - .... 102¾-104 .•.• - .... 10! -104 .... - . . 102 -104 104' -105 - ........ - ... . 102 -102 Rel!;iste1·ed ...... .... . 4 103 -103 - .... 103 -103 - . .. .. .. - . .. . .. .. Gold, 19~3 ............. 4 101¼-102 102 -102¼ 100 -101½ 97¾- 99½ 98¼- 99~ 100 -101¼ 101¾-lOl!ij 101¼-102 101½-101¾ 102 -102¾ 100)4-102~ 102 -103 1 Registered........... 4 .... - . .. . . . . . - .... 101 -101 .... Gold, 'l-10, 1904 ... .. 4 .... - ........ - • • . . •• • - •.• , . • • • - ••.. 100)4-100¼ . . . . - • . •. . . . - . . . . . ••. 1st, gold, 1951. ..... 3½ .... - ........ - .... 105 -105 . . . . - ... . 102 -102 . . . • ... Regi8te1.·ed........ 3½ 102¾-102¼ 101 -101 - •.• . 102¼-102¼ .... 92¾- 9!½ 93½- 9!¾ 93¼- 94 93 - 9,ll}.i 93½- 95!4 95~ 96 Louisv. Div., e-old.3½ .... 80 - 80 79}4- 80 78)4- 79¼ Su - 81 82 - 83 St. Loui~ Div., a-old .. 3 .... r2•~ i:i -, i...; o!'l:)i!i:i•¾ P4 PL!\6 93 - 03 in½ A5½ 9·, - 96 Gold. l 9.!> I .. . . ... . :l~ . . . . • .All insta mants paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ····'  RAILROAD  BONDS.  81  1898-{;ontinoed. BONDS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY. MA.ROH,  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER OCTOBER. NOV'BER  DECBBB.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hlgb  ----------•1----  lllinols Cent'l-(Oon.). Western Lines, 4 105 -105 .... - ..• . 103 -108½ 103 -103 101 -101 105 -105 105 -105 103!,4-103¼ .... - ....•••• - •••. 103 -103 .•.• - .... C. St. L.&N.O.,g.cp.~ 123 -123 123¼'-123¼ 120¾-120¾ 115¼-116xi ..•• - .... 120 -121½ 121¼-121½ 123 -123 123½-123½ .••• - .••. 125 -125 .••• - •••• I Registered ........... 6 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 123 -123 • • •• - • • . . . . . • - •••• M.em. Div., 1st, g ... 4 103¼-103½ ...• - ..• . .... - •... 100¼-1~ Carb. &;Shaw., .... - ........ - ... . .... .... 90 - 90 . ..• St. Louis So., lst, ... . 4 .... - ........ - ........ - .. .. 93 - 94,t .In. D.& W.-lst,a.,36.6 103½-104 100¼-104 98 - 98 .... - •.•. 97 -101 101¾-102¾ 100¼-100¼ 101½·102 103½-103½ lOl½-102½ 103 -105 lnd.[ll.&Ia.-lst,'39.4 86 -88 - •.•. . ••• - •••• 1st, refund',:, 1948.. 6 .. .. - ........ - .... .... - .... 103 -10:i 103 -104 101½-105 (lnternat'l & Gt. No.- .... 116 -118 118 -118 120 -120 120½-121 121 -121 122¼-123% 121 -122¾ . ... - .... 1st, 1919 ............... 6 121¾·123¼ 122½·123 .... 78 - 81 80 - 82 83½- 88 86 - 87 89½· 92 87 - 87 2d, 1909 ........... 4½•6 85 - 89 87½- 90 86 - 87½ 87 - 91 90¾- 93 78 - 84 48 - 55 57½- 58½ 58 - 58 3d, 19~1. ............ '. . .4 44 - 52 58¼- 58¼ . . . . - . . . . 55½- 55¼ 55 - 60 54 - 60 47 - 50 59 - 61,t 98 ·102 99½-102 101 -102 102 -105 103¾-104 104½-105½ 105½·105½ 103¼-107 ·1owa Cent.-lst, gold .. 6 99 -100 100 -103½ 97 -102 97 - 99 Kan.& M.-&e T.&o.c . .K.C.P.& G.-lst&col.6 78¼- 80½ 79 - 81¾ 75½- 80¼ 65 - 75½ 68 - 71 68 - 69¾ 68¾- 74 72 - 78½ 76¾- 78¾ 67½- 76 69 - 75¼ 67½- 7~ Ken. Cent.-See L. & N. Kings Co. El.-lst, A.6 46 - 50 45 - 46 45 - 45 40 - 40 40 - 44 43½- 48 50 - 59 56 - 57½ 55 - 58 50 - 54½ 50 - 51 49¾- 70~ Fulton .M ., 1st, gnar.~ 37 - 38 35 - 37 38 - 49 40 - 46 41 - 61 ·Lake Erle& \V esternlst ............ ............ ~ 115½-117 116 -117¼ 115!,<i-116½ .... - .... 115 -116 - .... 116 -117 116 -116¼ 116 -117 116¾·118 118 -120 2d .. ..................... . 6 103 -103½ 102 -103 99%·102¼ 95 - 97¼ 97 -100½ 104 -104% 100½-102 101¾-104 102 -104 99¼-101 99½-100¼ 102 -106 - •.. 102 -102 ...• - •. 101 -101 . North Ohio, lst ... .... 1} 100 -100¼ .. . - .... 100 -100 100 -100 100¾-101¼ L. Shore-See N. Y. C. Leb.V.,N.Y.-lstgu,R",4½ 102½-103¾ J.0 3¾-104¾ 102 -104½ 99 -103 99 -101 102¼-103 101)4-102½ 102 -102 101 -102 103½-10! 10(¼-105 105½·106:Jt Leh. Val.(Pa.)-199'7 .:i .... - .... 104 -10.l Leb.V.Ter.lst,1941..6 111 -111 lll¼-112½ 111 -ill½ 107 -107½ . .•• - ••.. 112 -112 111 -112 - .... 110 -112 113 -113 Leh. Val. Coal-lst.... 6 .... - .... 92½- 92½ .... Leh. & N. Y.-lst, gu.4 .... - .... 92 - 92 . ..• - . • . . 91 - 91 . .. • - • . • . 91 - 91 L. Av. & P. F.-see lllet. L. R. & M -lst,5s,t.rc. .... 33 - 34 •... 29-29 .... 33 - 33 Lonir lslandlst, consol, 1931. ... .. 6 U7!ij-118½ 120 -120 120 -120 .... - .... 117 •117 119½-119½ ..•• - . . . . • . • • - .... 120 -120 123'¼-124, Ferry, 1st, 192~ . .. 4½ 89 - 90 .. ,. - .... 88½- 88¼ 861}.(- 86¾ . ••• • • • • 90 - 90 90¼- 90!,,f 92½- 94 96 - 97¼ Gen. mort., 193S.... 4 85¼· 88 86%- 89 88 - 88 88 - 88½ 88¼- 69 89 - 90 .••• - . . . . 88 - 90½ 90 - 91¾ 92~- 97¾ 95½· 97 N.Y.&R.B.,lst .... 6 .. .. - .... 98 - 98 N.Y.B.&lll.8., con .. a .... - .... 100 -102½ 100 -100 Loulsv. Ev. & St. L.Cons. 6s, Trust rec.... 32 - 32 33 - 33 ...• - .... 33½- 36 38 - 53 39½- 39¼ .... 51 - 52~ 38 - 40 Gen'l, gold, 1943 .... 4 ... 5 - 7 5 - 6 Louisvl le &Nashv.Consolldated ....... ... '7 102¼·103¼ 102%-105 103 -103¼ .... N. O. & lllob-lst ..... 6 120¾-120¾ 122 -122 121.½i-121½ .... - .•.. 1237,(-124½ ... - .... 121½-122 122 -122;1:t ...• - .... 121;:(-124½ 127 -129 126 -129 2d ...................... . 6 . . . . - ... 107¾-107½ . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 107 -107 106 -106 108 -108 108 -108 108 -108 . • .. - .... 111 -UL E. H. & Nash., lst ... 6 .... - .... 117 -117 113 -113 113 -113 ..• . - .... 113¼-113¼ - .... 115 -115 ..•• - . .. . ... - ... . 117 -118 General mortaage ... 6 117 -113 117½-120 117 -119¾ 116½-117 117¾-120½ 11694·118 117 -118 118,¼-119 118½-119 118½-119% 119½-121 117½-118 Nashv. & Dec., l8t .. 7 - .... . ... - ........ - .... 105 -105 .... .... - .... 107 -107 Pensac. & Atl.-lst .. 6 105¼-109 103 -103 100 -104½ 99 - 99 96¼-100 100¼-105 .... - .... 103¼-103½ 106 -107 106 -109¾ 111 -111 110 -111¼ St.L.Div., t .. t,1921.6 .. .. - ...... .. - .... ... . ........ _ ....... . - ........ - ...... .. - .... 125 -125 :i0-yea1•, gold, 1931.5 101¼-102 103 -104½ ..•. - ..•. 104 -104 100½-103 ..•• - ... 1031}.!-10! 104!,j;-104½ .••• - .... 103½-105 103¼-105 105 -107 Unified, irold, 1940 .. 4 85½- 86¾ 86½- 91½ 85 - 88½ 83 - 86½ 85¼- 90 89%· 90~ 87%- 89¾ 89¼· 91¼ BS¼- 89;11 89¾- 90¾ 90¾- 95 94'¼- 9~ Col. trust, g._.1931 ... 5 102¾-103½ 106 -10 ¾ 102%-102¾ 101½-102¼ 102 -lOt¾ 103 -103 . ... - .... 103½-10!¾ 104 -10! .... - •... 106 -107¾ L.&N.&J'l.&J1.lst4¼ ... - .... .... - .... 108 -108 109½-109½ .... _ .....•.• Nash.Fl.&S.,lst,,:u.~ .... 90 - 95 90 - 90 87¼- 87¼ 88 - 93 93¾- 95 95 - 93 97 - 97 97 97 97 - 97½ 100 -103½ 103½-104¼ So.& 96 - 96½ 94 - IJ8}4 95 - 97 94¼- 91¼ 96 -100 100 -101 lOOlij-100¾ 100½·100½ .... - .... 100 -100½ 100¼·103½ ••• Ken. Cent., 19S7 ..... 4 87 - 87 87¾- 91 88 - 89 65 - 85 - ... . 90 - 90 90 - 91 91 - 92 90 - 91 .... L. Cin. & L., 1931.4½ 103 -103 . . . . L.N.A.&C. -SeeC. l .&L. Loulsv. Ry.-lst con .. 5 .... - .... 103 -109 .... Manbat.-Con., 1990.4 95¼- 98>(> 95¾- 98 92 - 96 90 - 93 91¾- 94¾ 94¼- 93¾ 95 - 96½ 95 - 97 931¼- 95 92¼- 93 93 - 95,s 95 - 97¾ -D.J.etropol.Elevat.-lst.6 118¼-118¾ 118¾-119¼ 116 -118¼ 114¼-116¼ 116 -118:)-,! 119 -119½ 116 -116 116½-117¼ 117 -117 117¼•l17½ 117¼-118 1171)(-11S% 2d, 1 S99 . .. ............. (; 104 -105 101¾-105 102¼:-104½ 10:!½-103 101 -102½ 102½-102¾ 102½-103¼ 102¾-103½ 103½-103¾ 104 -101¾ 101½-101% 102 -102 lllet~opol. Street Ry.' General. ........ .. . ... 5 113½·116¼ 111 -114¾ 109 -111¾ LOS½-110 109 -113¼ 113 -114 113% ·115½ 112¾-114 °113 -114 113¾-115¼ 115¼-118 117½-119 B'y & 7th Av.,1943.~ 122 -122½ 120 -122½ 119 -120 114½-118½ 118 -120 118¼-119¾ 120 -120 120¼-120¾ 120½-120½ 121 -121¼ 122 -122¾ 121 - 1 ~ Col. & 9t Av,, 1st .. 6 121½-123¼ L21¾-121¾ 117 -118 116 -118½ 117 -118 118 -120½ 120¼-122 121½-122½ 120 -121¼ 120).:(-121¾ 122¼·123¼ 123 - 1 ~ Lex. Av. & Pav. F .. 5 121½-123¼ 121 -122¾ 117 -118½ 117 -117¾ 117½-118¼ 118½-120 120 -120 ... - .. 119½-120½ 120 -123 122 -123 123 -125 ex. Cent'l-Consol. .. 4 .... - .... 66½- 66¼ .... - •.• . 63 - 63 ................. - .... 62½· 62½ 60 - 60 65½- 65¾ Mex. Int.-lst.1942 .. 4 .... - ... . 70¾- 73 71 - 73¼ 72¼- 14¼ 73 - 76 73 - 75¼ 75 - 76¾ 76¾- 7g~ 76 - 77J.i, 77¼- 79 78~- 80¼ 80¼- 85 Mex. Nat.-2d Inc., B.6 .... 6¼- 63,i Mich. Cent.-See N. Y.C . 101¼-101¼ .••• .lllllw. El. Ry. & L't ... 6 .... M.L.S.&W.-.SeeC.& . M. & N.-SeeC.M.&S.P. Mlnneap. & St. Louislst, con., 1934, g .... 5 106,¼-1<18 107 -108¼ lM¼-107)4 100½·105 101 -106 106¾-107¾ 106%-107½ 107 -108 106 -108 108 -109¼ 106½-109;:( 108¼-llO - .... 142½-113 . . . . '1st, llOld, 19~7•....... 7 .... - .... 125 -125 • . . • Ia. Ext., 1st, 1909... 7 .•.. - ....... - •••. 128 -128 Pac. Ext., 1st, 19~1.6 .... - ........ o. Kan. & Texas88 - 91 90 - 92¼ 89 - 911i lst, ll'Old, 1990 ....... 4 85%· 90¼ 87 - 91¾ 84¾- 88% 82¾- 87 87 - 90 86¾- 89% 89½- 90¼ 89½- 92¼ 87½ -90 63¼· 6il¾ 61½- 65¾ 61¼- 64½ 63¼- 66¾ 65 - 6 ~ 2d, Income, 1990 .. .. .4 63 - 67½ 60¼- 65¾ 57 - 62 57½- 61)'8 59 - 62¾ 62¼ • 63½ 63¾- 67 88 - 83 1st, exten., g., 1944.5 83¾- 83¼ ..•. - ........ - ... .. ... - ......•• - ........ M. K.& T. ofT., lst.5 81½· 83¾ 81xi- 85½ 80 - 81½ 80 - 81 80 - 82¾ 81½- 83½ 82 - 81¾ 8ii¾- 89 83 - 85 83 - 83 83½- 85 Si%- 89~ 74 - 74 73 - 71 75 - 76 70½- 71 72 - 72 73 - 76 73 - 74 75¾ • 75¾ 72 - 74¼ 73 - 73 K. C. & P .,1st, 1990.4 71 - 73 72 - 75 81 - 81½ 82J,.(- 88¼ 82 - 83½ 82 - 83 83 - 8!1: Dall. & W., lst, '40.5 80-82¾83-81¼31¾-81¾'i5-75 - 80-80 ...• 99 -102½ 101 -1013,{ Dlo. K. & E.-lst, '42.,6 94 - 97 95¾- 99½ 96 - 96¾ 93½- 93¾ 95 - 97¾ 96 - 99¼ 99 - 99½ 99½-lOZ 101¼·102¾ 99 -100 !Uissonri Pacific1st consol. .... ......... . 6 94 - 98 95¼-100¾ 93 - 98 94 - 96 94 -100 100 -102¾ 102,¼-101¾ 104¾-107¼ 104 -lOo 104½-106 102¼·10!1: 104 -110¾ 3d, 1906 ................ '7 10~ -109 - .... 108 -108 103¼·109 104 -108¼ 108¼·110 110 -112 111 -112 111¼-112 112 -112½ 109¼-111 112 -114~ Trust, gold, 1 91 '7 .... 5 65½- 72 72 - 79¾ . . . • - . . . 73 - 78 77½- 78½ 77¾- 80 80 - 87½ 80 - 83 80 - 81)4 81¾- 84% 83~- 92¾ 1st, collat., 11,, 1920.5 65 - 71% 68 - 72¾ 62 - 65 60 - 6! 65 - 72 71¼- 73½1 72½- 77¾ 77 - 80 76¼- 7d½ 71 - 76 73 - 76½ 77 - 90~ Pac. of lllo.-lst, ext .. 4 105 -106 103 -104¼ 102 -102 103 -103 100 -103¼ 103¼-103¾ 10:i¼-103¾ 103;1:t-103¾ .... - .... 105 -105 105¾-106 104' -107 2d, 193S, ext ...... . 5 ... - .... 106½·106¼ ...• - .......• - ••.• 105½-109 106¼-106¼ .... - .•. 105¾-106 108½-109 108 -108 lll¼-111¼ St.L.&I.M . .lrk.B.ex.5 106¾-107 107½-108 102 -102 104¼-104¼ ...• - . , .. 105%-106 l0.;¼-105¼ ..•• - .. ...... - .... 106½-107 ..•• - •... 106 -106 1st ext., 1941 .... 4½ 109¼-llO½ 107½-108 ...• - ... 107½-108 . .. - ....... . - ... . 107 -107 .... - .... 107 -107¼ 107 -107¾ 108 -108¼ 2d ext., 1946 ..... .. . 5 .... - . .. 105 -105 105 -105 . .• - ..• .'102½ 104 105¾-106½ 106½-107½ ... - .... .. . . - .......• - .... 106 -107 L06 -106¾ Gen.consol.&l.g .. l) 88 - 92 88 - 94% BS - 92½ 86 - 88 89¼- 95 9!!,(· 95% 95~-100½ 98½-100½ 9,¾- 99¼ 96 - 99)'8 97 - 98¾ 98 -105~ Stamped, ,iuar .... 5 87 - 89 86 - 92¼ 88 - 88 87 - 88½ 90 - 93½ 92 - 94 97 - 97 100 -100 ...• - .... 96 - 96½ ...• - •... 98 -101 Mobile & Ohio-New .. 6 121 -122 123 -123 120 -121 . ..• - •... 118½-118½ 119 -120 120 -121¼ 122 -122 ..•• - ... 122½-124 125 -125¼ 124 -125 1st. Exten., 19J'7' .... 6 . ... - ... ..... - .... 116 -116 Montgom. Div., lst .. 6 .... 97½- 97½ 97½- 99½ 99¼-100 98¼-102 100½-102¼ 100¼-102 102½-104 101¼-lOC Gen. mort., 1938..... 4 'i7 - 80 76¾- 80½, 72 - 77½ 70 - 74¼ 75 - 78¼ 77 - 78½ 77½- 7B 78 - 81 76½- 77¾ 77 - 'i8½ 77½- 82 81 ,-: t:33(  I  1  Mnr. f,,&T.~~.-See iii, J>. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  82  RAILROAD  BONDS.  1898-Cootinoed. .  BONDS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. -~~OBE~ 1 NoV'RE1=_ DEC'BER.  - - - - · - - - - - - - - Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Higr Low.High Low.High Low.H igh L ' w.High Low H igh !,ow .High  'Na8h. Ch.& St.L.-ht.7 130¼-131 131 -131¾ 129¼-131 128 -128 129¼-131½ ... - ... l.28¾-128¼ 129 -131 130 -130 131 -131¼ L12½ ms 1?3 -133 Con80l. ll., 1928 . ..... ~ 103 -103¾ 103¼-105 102¼-104½ 100 -100 100 -102 102¼-102½ 102 -103 100¼--lOi 102¾-104 101¾-l().! 1103¼-106 107 -107~ New York Centro.IN. Y.c_. & H., ht, cp .. 7 116 -116¾ 116¼-117¾ 11~ -11:¾ 113¾-115¼ 115 -118 119 -119½ 115¼-116½ 115:1,(-117 116¼-116½ 117¾-117¾ 11~ -118 118 -118 Rea1stered ........... 7 116¼-116¾ ll6¾-117J4 llo¼-lloJ.t? 113¼-115 116:1,(-118 115¼-119 .... - ••.. 115;14-115¾ .... - .... 118 -118 11,%-118 . . .. Deb., 1884-19-04 . .. ~ 110¼-111¾ 111)4-112 106¼-108 106 -10,½ 10 ¾-lOQ¾ 110¼-110¾ .... - .... 111 -111 108¼·10$¾ 109:1,(-110:1:f 1111 -111¾ llO -110}{ Re&r18tered .. ....... ~ 110¼-110¼ 108¼-lll!kl 107 -108¾ 106 -106 101)4-109¼ ... - . . 110%-110% .. .. - ... . .... - ... . .. .. - .... 110¼-lll¾ 109 -110 Deb., ir., '90-190~.4 104¼-104½ 104¼-105 . .. • .: .. 102 -102 102¼-104¾ 104 -104¾ ... - .... 105 -105 .. .. - ••. . 106¼-106~ 105 -105 10,1 104: Reg istered ..... .. 4 ... . - .... 101¾-104¾ •••• - . . . . . . . J)ebt certs., ext., ir,4 103¼-104¾ 105 -105 102¼-102½ 102 -103½ 100¼-105¼ 104¼-101% 104¾-104% .... - .... 101¾·104¾ 106¼-10672 105 -105),6 103¼-103¾' Regl8tei•ed ......... 4 .... - .. . 105 -105 104 -lOi .... lOi¾-104% Gold, 1997 . ...... .. 3¼ .... - .. .. .... - ... .. ... - ........ - ........ - .... 107 -107 105¼-105¼ 106¼-107¼ 107:J,(-107¼ 107¼-107½ 108 -108 109¾-110 Rf'giste1•ed ...... 3¼ .... - . ... . .. - . .. ..... - ........ - .... . .. - . .. lOi¼-104¾ .... - ........ - . . . . . .. - . . . 108 -108 .... - •. . • Harlem-1 st, coup .... 7 .... - .... 1097,(-109½ 109¼-109½ 109 -109 107¼-107¼ 107¼-107½ ..•• - ••...... - .... 107 -107 108¾-108¼ 1057,(-105¼ 105¼-105¼ Registered ... .. ... .. .7 l097fi-109¼ . .. . .. - . . . .. .. - .... 1o~x;-1orn ... - ... 107:J,(-107½ .... - .... 10<1¼-108 105,!4·105½ 1C5¼-106¼, West Shore, guo.r .. 4 108¼-110 109 -110¼ 107 -110}.! 102¾-107¾ 10/3¾-108 108)4-110½ 109 -109¼ 109 -110 109 -110 109¼·111 110),g-112¾ 112 -113 R egistered .. .......... 4 108¾·109½ 109 -110 106 -101!¼ 101¼-107 106 -107¾ 106:J:(-108½ 106¼-108¾ 108;14-109¾ 108:J,!-109½ 108:1,(-110 110 -111¼ 109¼-112~ Beech Creek, reir .... 4 .... .... 106 -106 - ... .. ... - .... 108 -108 .••• - ...• Lake Shore, co ll ... 3½ .. .. - .... 94 - 95 94¼- 96¼ 9! - 96 94 - 95¼ 94¼- 96 96 - 97 96¼- 99¾ Reirl stered ........ 3¼ .... 9!¼- 95 94 - 94 94 - 9! 93¾- 95 95¼- 96¼ 96¾- 97 Mich. Cent'I, coll .. 3½ .... - .... 91);(- 92¾ 92¼- 95 93¾- 95 93 - 94 93 - 94 94 - 95¼ 95¾- 98¼ Register,.d .. . ... . . . 3¼ ... - ... . . ... 91 - 91 93 - 93 .. . • Oleo.rf. Bitom. Coo..14 .... - ........ - .... 95 - 95 .••• - •....••• R. W. & O., coo. 1st.i) L21;M-123 122 -122½ 120 -122½ . ... - •... 119¼-121 121½-121¾ 123 -123½ 124¾-124½ 125 -1257-1124¼-12$ 128¾-130 129 -130¼ N. Y. & No.-1st, ir • . . ~ ••• • - •• . 126 -126 ...• - ... . 123 -12!!~ ..•• - •..... .• - .....••. - •. .. 123 -123 123~-123¾ 123¼-123~J Utico.&Bl. Riv., gu.4 ... - ..... ... - .. 107 -107 ...• - •....... - •••...•• L. l"I. & lU. !'\o., d lv'd .1 106 -106 106½-106½ .•.• - •... 10!¾-lfil¾ ...• - •... 102 -102¼ 102¼-102½ 102~-102¾'. Buff. & Erie, new... 1 102¼-1C2½ •• - . . .. •.... Det.Mon.& T., i st.7 . ... - .. . . ... - ... .. ... - ... . 121 -121 . ..• - •... .. . . - ........ - .....••. - •....••• - ..• • 18t consol., coup .... 7 107:1,(-109¾ 109¾-109¾ 100:1,(-110 L07 -107½ 108¼-109 .... ••• . 105¼-105¾ 107 -107¼ 106¾-108 - • . . . ..• - •..• ] st consol., rea ..... . 7 .... - .... 109½-1C9¾ 105¾-109 105¼-105½ 105¼-107 105¼-107¼ 105¼-105½ ...• - •... 106½-106¼ 105:J,(-105:J,!1106¼-107 107 -107 ~d consol., coup .... 7 119 -119¾ 120 -120~ 119 -119 116½-116¼ .. .. - . . . 115:1,(-115¾ ...• - ••.. 116 -117 ...• - •.....•• - •....... - •••. 115¾-116¾ ~d consol., rea . ..... . 1 119 -119 119¼-119¼ 119 -119l}.( 119 -119 118 -119 115~-115¾ . . .• - ........ - . . . . ... - ... .. ... - ... . 115¼-115½ 115¾-115¾ Gold, 1997.... .... . 3½ 104!':(-106¾ 106 -106¾ 102¾-105¾ 102 -102 103 -105 104 -104¾ 104a -10!~ 1()4¼-106¼ 105¾-106¼ 106 -107¼ 106¼-107¼ 106 -106¼ Reldstered .... ...... 105 -105 .•• - •... 103 -103½ .• - • . . . . •• • • .. - ••.. 105¾-106¾ ...• - •......• - ..•. 107¼-107½ 105¾-106¼ Mahon'ir Coal, 1st.ii . ... - . . - ... .. ... .. 121 -121 •••• - •••. •••• . ••• Mich. Cent., 1st, con. 1 11<1¾-114¾ 113%-115¼ 113 -lH¾ . ... - •.. . 110 -110 112 -112 113¾-lH¼ 115 -115 112 -112 115½-115½ 110½-112 111 -112 1909 .. ... ...... ....... 6 123 -123 122 -122 - . . .. .. . . • •• . . . . . - . . - •. . . •. . . _ 1st, consol.. . ........ ~ 106¾-106¾ 106%-106% 105¼-105¼ 103½-103½ 102¼-102½ ..• - . - •.. . 105¼-105¼ 105¼-107 105 -105 104 -1C4¼ 10~¼-10<1¼ 1931 .... ... ............ ~ 127 -127 . ... - •... 121 -121 - •... 121:J,(-121¼ ..•• Reirtstered ........ . 1) 125¼-125¼ .• Mortgaa-e, 194-0 .... 4 . ... - . . 106 -106 ..•• Registered .... ... .. 4 108 -108 K. Y. Chic. & St. L.l8t. ... . ... .. ....... ... 4 106%-107¾ 105¼-107¼ 103 -105¼ 100 -102¼ 102¼-104¾ 103¼-105 105 -106 105¼-107 105~-107 104¾-105¼ 105 -106 1051)4-106¾ Regl8tered ... .... .. . 4 . .. - . ... 10! -104 - .. ...•.• - ..... .•• - ••...•.• - ••• . 104a -104 .•.• 'N. Y. N. H. & Ho.rtt'dCon.db. ct., all in8.pd. 145 -150 - ••.. 145 -145 145 -145 150¼-152 155 -157¼ .••• - • ... 159¼-160 160 -161 ..•• - •.. . 161 -162½ 170 -173 N. Y. & N. Ena-,. 1st.1 .... - .... 119 -119 .•.• - ••.. 119¼-120¼ 120 -120¼ 121 -121¼ 121¼-121¼ ...• 1st, 1905 ... ....... ... . 6 . ... - .... 113¼-113¼ 114 -lU ..•• - •.•. 115 -115 - •... 116 -116 Housn.tonlc, consol..5 .. .. - . •.. 126¼-126¾ ..•• N. Y. & No.- Su N. Y. C, N. Y. Ont. &We8t'n1st, gold ...... .......... ~ 107:J,(-108¼ 107¼-108 106 -108 106 -106½ 107 -109 106 -106¼ 106 -106¾ 106¼-107¾ 107 -107¼ 107:J,(-1077Aj 107~-1~ 105¼-106" 96¾- 97¼ 96¼- 98½ 98¾- 911¾ 99 -100¼ 100¼-102 98%-102¼ 102 -103 102¾-103½ 102¾-105 Ref,, 1st, 1992 ... .. . . .4 97¼ -100 100 -102¾ 96 - 98 - .......• - •••. .... - .... 101½-101½ .... Re1riste 1ed.. ... .. . .. . 4 .... N, Y. S.& W.-Su Erle. •... 105 -105 - •... 102 -102 ·. • • Norf. & So.-lst, '41..5 .... Norfolk & Western- .... 120¼-120½ 121¼-121½ 122 -122 123 -123 . • . • - •••• 127 -127 General. ........ .. ..... . 6 .... - .... 124¼-125¼ 120 -120 - ... ..... - . . .. 124a -124 124 -124 .... - .•.. 128 -128 .... New River, 111t ...... . 6 .. . - ........ - .... 118 -118 - ........ - .... 117½-117½ . . . . - ..•....• Imp. & ext,, 1934 ... 6 117¾-119¾ 117 -117 ... . 89 - 89 89 - 91¼ 90 - 92 92 - 94 91¼- 93¾ 9i - 97¼ ~c. Vo.I. & N. E., bt.4 83¼- 85 841,,J- 87¼ 86 - 87 82 - 84 82¼- 86 86 - 88 83 81¼- 83¼ 83¼- 87½ 85 - 86 82¼- 84 83¼- 87 86½- 90 N.& W . Ry,, 1st,con.4 79 - 81¾ 80¾- 85 78¼- 81!1( 74¾- 79¼ 77¼- 81½ 81 'Northe1·n Po.cifieGen, 1st, land irrant.ti 116 -1177/4 116¼-119¼ 112 -118 113 -114 114¼-116½ 115 -117¼ 112½-112½ 114 -114 113 -lH 116¾-117¾ 117 -117~ 117 119 Rea-istered . .... ...... 6 llfl¾-117½ 116¾-119 112 -114½ 113¼-113¾ lU -115 116 -116 • •·· - ... ... . • - •... 112¼-114 116¼-117 ...• St. Paul & No. Po.c .. ti . ... - ........ .. . - .... 126 -126 12;1, -124 .• .• - ... . 129 -130 ...• - . . .. 131¼-131¼ ...• - •... 131¾-131¾ Rt'glstered certU's .. .... - . . . . . .. . .. - .... . ... - ... . 121½-127 127 -127 - .••. 130 -130 .. .. - ... ..... No. Po.c.Ter.Co.,1st .6 104 -107 105¾-107¾ 105l:t-106¼ . - .... 107 -110½ 112 -113¾ 110½-112 112¼-lU 112 -112 115 -115~ 116 -116 115 -115¾ .N o. Po.c. Ry.-Pr. lien.4 95 - 97¼ 94¾- 97¼ 93 - 96¼ 90¼- 93½ 91¾- 967ii 96¼- 93¾ 97¾- 99¾ 99¼-101¼ 100¼-101¾ 100¾-101 100¼-102½ 101¼-103 Reiristered............... 95¼- 95¼ 96 - 97 ~ 93¼- 94¼ 93 - 93¾ 93½- 93½ . . . . - .... • • • • - .... 100 -100:1,( 99½-101¼ . . • • - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . General lien, 2047 .. 3 60¾- 63½ 59¾- 63¼ 57¼- 62 57 - 60¼ 59 - 61¾ 61¼- 62¼ 62¾- 65¼ 64 - 68 66¼- 69 66¾- 6'77Ai 65¾- 68 ff7 - 70 \ Cent'l, 1st ... . 4 .... - ... . .... - ........ - .... .. .. - ........ - ..... ... - ........ - ... . 88 - 90 88 - 88 88 - 88 Ohio Ind. & W est.-See C. C. c. & St. Loui8 .. Oh. & lUiH,-Su B.&O. Ohio Riv.-lst, ir.,'36.~ 102 -192 .•• • - ... . ...• - •••. 81 -83¼ 83 -83¼ 83 -85¼ 84 -84 ..•• Ohio Southern-1st..... 6 80 - 83 81¼- 84¾ . .•• 8-8½ 8 - 9 .••• Ge I., gold, 1921 ..... 4 11 - 15 14¼- 14¼ .•• 8½- 8½ ..•• Truwt receipt8 ........ 10¼- 14¾ .... - . ... 10 - 10 10 - 10 S0-811 •••• - •••. 78-80 80 - 82 Om. & St.L.-ht, '01.4 82 - 82 78¼- 78¾ 76¼- 79 76¼- 76¼ 76 - 76 80 - 80 76 - 80 75 - 80 Or. & Cal.-Su 80. Pac. Oreiron Improv. ............ ... . ....... . 6 . . . . - . ... 109 -109 109 -10914 . . . - . . . - . •• • • • • Trust receipts .......... 103¼-111 109 -112~ 104¼-108 100¼-106 106 -110 111 -114 .... Con. ~s, instalm't pd .. *46¼-§60¼ §55 - 62½ §51 - 59 §'19➔.(- 57!1! §53½-4<60!}.( *59 - 61½ . ... Or. RR. & Nav.-Con.4 9<1¾· 96 94¼- 97 93 - 95 89 - 93 92 - 96½ 9!¼- 96 95¾- 97:¼ 97¼-100¼ 99 -100¼ 99:J,(-100¾ 100¼-101¾ 99 -100¾ Ore~. R'y & Nav.-111t.6 112¾-115 114 -114 1133,s-114 111 -112½ 113¼-113¼ 115 -116 . . . . - • . .. 112 -112 113¼-114¼ 114 -114 .... - .... 113 -114 Ore~. Short Line-1st.6 124 -127¼ 123 -125¾ 119¼-123¾ 118 -120½ 120 -124 12<1¼-127¼ 125¼-128 125¼-128 126 -127½ 126¼-l'W 128'4;-130¼ 1293,s-131  0  r:~•1£:F:;'.~!?.::: --100 .. :,.~··;~:l;;· " -100 •. :1: :~:: ;;~:l;~· ; ~ :l:~ ;;~:l;·;:¼:l: ;~1:I;:;~~  Non-cum. inc., A ...... ~ 58 - 67 64 - 69 59½· 66 59½- 63¼ 60 - 70 70¾- 7<1¼ 73)4- 79¼ 79¼- 81½ 73 - 75½ 74¼- 77 76 - 83 83¼- 85M Non.cum. inc., B ...... ~ 39 - 46 44 - 49 45 - 49¾ <iOJ.11- 47 45 - 50 50¾- 54 53 - 57 56¼- 58~ 56¼- 58½ 54¼- 58>!! 57 - 64 63¼- 67¾ Pacific Coa8t Co.-1st.~ .... - .... 102 -103 102%-104 103¼-106¼ 103:1:(-106 104¼-105¼ 105!,(-107¼ 103:1:(-105 Penn8ylvania Co.18t, coupon. • •••.... 4¼ 113 -114 .. •• - •.•. 110 -112½ 108 -110 108¼-111¾ 112 -113¼ 112 -1131Ji( 113 -113 111 -114¼ lU -11'1],:1114'-(-115¼ 115¾-116 Reaistered. ........ 4~ . ... - ........ - .... .... - ........ - . .. . . .. - .... 110 -110 •..• - . •. . ••• - ••....•• ,G uar.,rea., 193'7.. ,3 .... - ........ - .... .. .. - ........ - ........ - ... .. ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 102 -102 •••• P.C.C.&St.L.,Sr.A4~ lll¾-112½ 113 -113 111 -111 .••• - •••• 109½-110 110¼-110¼ .• ., - •... 112¼--112¼ 11~113 - •.. . lll¼-113 114. -114~ Serie!!! B., 194~ ... 4~ 111¼-113 112¼-113 ...• - .... 109 -110¼ 108 -100¼ 110¼-111¼ .••• - ••. 112¼-112½ 113¾-113¾ 111¼-lll½ .••• Se ,le8 C, 1942 .... 4½ .... - ........ - ... . .... - .... 113 -113 Series D,. 194~ . . . .. 4 .... - ........ - . ... . . .. - . . .. 104½-104¼ .. .. 101, -104 106 -107 insta.lment paid. • All instalments paid. I 5th instalment paid  * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  BONDS.  1898-Co otlnoeJ BONDS.  JANUARY F l!'BR'RY. _M_A_R_CH_ •. ,_A_P_R_IL_._I __ MA_Y_._11-J_UN11. _ _ _ , __J__ UL_Y_._ AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. _N_ov_'_B_ER_. ~~-C-'B_E_R.  1gh Low .Hillh Low.Hl11h Lnw.Hlirh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.IDgh r, ow.Hlllh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L__ o_w_.H_ Low.High 1 Pennl!lylv. Co.- Con.)P. Ctn. & et.L.-ll!lt.1 .... - ....... - .... 106!1:(-106¾ .•• - •••..... - •••• 108 108 ·· • •••••.••• - • . ••.••• - ........ - •••. . .••••. 108 -108 Pltte.Ft.W.&C., ll!lt.7 H.O -140¼ ..•• - •••..••• - •.•..•• - •••• 140 -140 .••• - .. . •••• - ••••.••. - ........ - •••.•••• - •••. 141 -141 •••• - ... . 2d, 1912 ..... ........ 1140 -140 ..•• - •••. 140 -140 ..•. - ... 140 -140 .... - .. . .•• - •••. 140 -140 .... - ........ - •••• 141 -lil ....•..•• Cl. & Pitts., con.,1!1.f.7 .... - ........ - ........ - . . . . 109 -109 107 -107 •••• • ........ - ........ - ........ •.•••• - ••••.••• - ........ _ ... . 8t.L.V.&T.ll.-2d.,-102 -102 ..•. - •••. .... - ......•• - •••••.•• - ........ - •••. •.• - •....••• _ •••••••• _ •••.•••• _ ••••..•• _ .......• •· •• 2d, &roar., 1898 . ... , .... - •··· .... - .... 102'4;-102:Ji . ••• - , ••.•••• - ........ - •••.••• - ••••.•.• - ••••••• - ....... - ••••.••• - ........ _ ••••  PennBylvu.nta RR.U.N.J.RR .&C.,iren.4 .... - . .. . 116¼-115¼ .••• - . . ..... - ....... - .. .. .... - ........ - ....... . - ................. - . . . . .... _ ........ _ •••• Peo. Dec. & Evo.nsv 1Bt, 6, Trust Co, ctfs. 99¼- 99¼ . . . . - • . • . 99~-100~ 95 - 95 98 - 98 . .. . - •••• . .•• - • • • 101 -101¼ .••• - • • . • 99 -1~ 99 - 99 98 - 99 Evam1v. Div,, 1st, ti, Trust Co. certific'ts . ..•• - ••• . 96 - 96 •••• - ••• . •••• - •••. 96 - 96 96 - 96 99 -100 ••• - .... . ... - •••• 95¼- 95!1:( ..•• - •••. 94 - 94, 2d, 192ti, Ii, tr. rec .•.. . ... - •••..... - .••.... • - •• . . •.. t15 - 17 t18¾- 18¼ . . . . ••...••• - ••••.•.• - •••..• •• - •......• - • .•. 20 - 20 P.& E.-su c.c.c&s.L. Peo. & Pekin Unlonlst ... ........ . .... . ...... . 6 .... - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ... . 120 -120 120 -120 .... - ........ - • • • • • • •• - •• ••.••• - • • •• . • •• - •.•. . ••• _ • • • • • ... • .. •• 2d mort., 1921 .... . .4~ .... - .. . . 86½- 86¼ .... - ........ - •••• 85¾- 85½ - ........ - •.• • .••• - .... 90 - PO .... - ........ - ........ - ••• · P.C.C.&St.L-See Pa.Co, P.C.&St.L-SuPa. Uo. Pitt11b.CI. & Tol. - lat.ti ... - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ........ • .. .. . ... - ........ - .. . . 107¼-107½ ...• - •..••••• - ... . Pittsb. Junction-I st .6 ... . - .. . ... . . - ........ - ... .. .. . - ........ - ........ - .... . ... - . ... •··· - •··· .... - ........ - .... 121 -121 •••• - •••• Pittsb. P. & F.-lst .. . ~ .... - ... . . ... - .... . ... - .... .... - . . . .. .. - . .. ..... - .... ... . - . .. . .... - ........ - .... 90 - 90 .••• - ............ . Plttsb.Sh.&L.H.- lst./i 107 -108¼ l ~-109 108 -108 104 -105½ 104¾-106 106 -108 106 - 107¼ 108¼-109¼ 109 -110¼ 109 -111 lll¼-111¼ 111 -112~ Plttsb. & West.-lst .. 4 77 - 81¾ 81 - 86¼ 79 - 84 'i6¼- 81 80 - 84 84 - 89¾ 87 - 93 91 - 93 90 - 91¾ 91¼- 95¼ 94¼- 95½ 953'-,lOOJ( Gold, 1891-1941 .... /i ... . - . . . . .... - ... . .. .... - . ... . .. . - .. . . 89 -40 45 -53 46 -50 .... - . ... 51½-57 .... - ....... - . ••• Readin1r-Gen., 1997 .4 83¼- 84¾ 82½- 87¼ 79 - 84¼ 77¾- 81 80 - 84¼ 84¾- 86~ 81¼- 84!1:( 82½- 8!% et'¼- 84¼ 80¼- 82¾ 8~- 85 8~- 89 Rich. & Danv.-See !i!o. Rio Gr. Junc.-lat .... . /i . ... - .. . . 92½- 94!1:( .... - . .. ..... - ........ - •••• 91 - 91 . ... - ...... . . - .... . ... - .... . ... - ........ - •... . .. • - ... . Rio Grande So.-lat .. /i .... - .... 54 - 54 ... - ........ - .... . ... - ••• • 66 - 66 ... • - .. .. .... - .... 71½- 71½ .... - ••.. 71½- 73 75 - 76 Rio G.W.-ll!lt, 1939..4 81%- 84¾ 81 - 85¾ 79 - 82% 78¾- 81½ 80 - 86¼ 86½- 90 87½- 89% 88½- 91 88 - 90 87 - 88¾ 88½- 91 89¾- 93 R. w. & o.-see N. Y. c. St. Jos. & Gr. Islandlst, 1941..... 2-3-4 70 - 72 72 - 76 70 - 74 68¼- 70 72 - 75¼ 76 - 80!1:( 78 - 80 80 - 81 78!ij- 79¾ 79¼- 81 80¾- 84½ 81 - 84 8t.L.& [. :\'l.-Ste M.Po.c. 70!,(i- 75¼ 69 - 73½ 72¼- 77 78 - 79¾ 78½- 83¼ 82½- 8ij 77 - 79½ 77¼- 78¼ 78 - 82¾ 78¼- 81 St. L. & I"'. F. R R.-fl .. A 74: - 75 'i2 - 77 8 W. Div., 1st, '47 .. /i 94 - 95 94½- 96 95½- 95½ 90 - 90¼ 91 - 93½ 93½- 95 95 - 95½ 95¼- 97¾ . • . • - •... 96¾- 96)4 93½- 96 97¾- 97~ St. L. & ~o.n F ,·nn.2d, clo.H A, 1906 .. . .. 6 . .. . - .... 116 -116¼ 115 -115¼ 114 -114: 111 -111 . . . . - • . . ll4: -114 . • .. - • . .. .. • • - .. . . . . . • - . .. ....• - .. . . . . . .. Clo.H B, 1906 ..... .. . .. 6 115 -115~ 115¼-116¼ 114½-116¼ 114 -114¼ 111~114 113~-114¼ 113½-ll3½ 114 -115¾ 115 ·115¼ 116 -116½ 113 -lU 118¼-114~ Class C. 19Ut. ..... . .... 6 115 -115 115½-ll6xf 113¼-116 . ..• - .... 113 -113 114 -114¾ ... . - .... 114 -114 115 -115 116 -ll6¼ 111~·114 113¼-lU~ General, HJ31 ........ 6 U6¼-117½ 117½-119¾ 116½-118½ 114: -11™ 115¾-118¼ 118¼-120¾ 117¼-118¼ 118¾-120!1:( 119¼-120 119¼-120½ 121 -122¾ 122½-125 General, 1 H3t. ....... /i 103¼-104¼ 103¼-105¼ 101¼-103¼ 98¾-102¼ 102 -103¼ 104'U-106M 1033,6-10!¾ 104'4;-1~ 105 -106¼ 105 -106 105½-107¾ 107¼-110 1st, trus 1 , 1!lS7 ...... /i 93 - 96 96¾- 97¼ .... - . ••. 92¼- 92½ .... - •.. 96½-100 100 -100 . .•• - .... 100 -100 100 -100 100 -100 ... - •.• • St. Louia :-outbw'nlst, 19~9 . ..... . .... . .... 4 72 - 74½ 73 - 77 73~- 76 70 - 74½ 72¼- 74¾ 72½- 76¾ 76 - 7~ 78 - 81 78 - 79~ 78%- 81½ 79 - 80¼ 80%- 85~ 2d tnc., 19-.9 ......... . 4 27¾- 27% 28 - 30 25 - 26 .. . . - .... 28'¼- ~ 29¼- 31!1( ~ - 32 31 - 35 31½- 33¾ 31 - 34~ 88 - 36 85 - 41~ St. Paul & Duluthlst, 1931 ... .. . ........ ~ ... - . ....... - .... 115 -117 .... - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ...... . . - .. . . .... - .... 117 -117 121 -!21 2d, 1917 ..... ........... ~ 107!1,i-108 109 -109 . . .• - ........ - ........ - .... 105 -105¼ 106½-106¾ 107 -107 107 -107~ 105 -105 105¾-108 110 -112~ f!lt. P. Minn. & Mn.n. 2d mort., 1909 ....... 6 122%-122¾ .... - .... . ... - ... . .... - ••. •••• - ........ - ... 121M-121M 122;rl22¼ .... - ... . 121¼-121¼ .. .. - .... 124 -124: Do.koto. Extension .... 6 121M-122 .. • . - •••. 118½-121 . • • • - • .. . .. • • - .. . . 120 -WM 121¼-122¾ 122 -123 . .. • - .. . . 124¼-124½ 123¼-123¾ 123 -124 1st, consot., 1933 . .. 6 128 -128!,(; 128 -129 . ... - ... . .••• - ........ - .... 129 -129 128½-130 130¼-132 130 -132¼ 133 -133 136 -137 137 -138~ Reduced to ......... 4½ 106 -107'-' 108 -108¼ 107 -108 . . .. - •• •• 105¼-l~a lon(-108 1061,,(-1~ 108¼-108½ 1~109 109 -111 112 -113½ 113¾-114¾ Mont.Ex:t •. lst.1937.4 93½- 97 97 - 99 100½-100½ 95 - 97 97 - 97 98M- 99¼ 99½-100 100¼-101¾ 99½-101 101 -102¼ 103¾-103¾ 102}4-104¼ Reaistered . . .. ..... . 4 .... - . .. . 96 - 96 - .•. .. •• - .... ••. - ..... . .. - ........ - •••..••• - ........ - ........ - .... . ... - .... ... . - •••• Minn. Un., lst,1922.6 122½-122½ .••. - ........ - .... .. .. - ........ - ... . .... - • .. . ... - .•• . ..•• - ........ - ........ - .. . ..... - ........ - .•.• Mont.Cen.,ht,1931.6 127 -128¼ 127¼-130 .... - .... 118½-1183' 118½-124 130¼-132 127 -127¼ 129 -129 126 -126 129 -180 .... - ....... . - .••• lsr., iruar., 1937 .... /i 108 -108¾ 109 -109 109½-109¼ 107 -108 109¼-109¼ . ••• - ........ - ••• • •••• - •••. 1083'-112½ .... - ........ - . ....... - ... . E •.lllnn.,htDlv.lst./i 108½-101:l½ •••• - •••• 108 -108 105½-1053' .... - ••. . 108½-109 110 -110 1103'-,110¾ 110¾-110¾ .... - .... 110 -110 .••• - •. ,. Will. & S. Falls. lst.5 . . . . - . . . . .. . - . . . . .. . . - . .. . . .. - . . .. .. . . - ... . . . . . - ... . . . . . - .... 113 -113 .... - • • . . . .. • - • . • . . .. • - . • .. .... - .... S. A. & A.P.-See S Pac. Seab. & Roan.-lt1t .... /i .... - .... 104'4;-104!1:( •••• - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... • ••••..•• - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. ,. Seat. L. s. & Eastern, l&t, r. rec. a8s't pd .. 6 42 - 80 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - . ....... - ........ - ........ _ ... . Second A venue•.. ...... Ii 109½-109¼ .... - . ... .... - ... • ••• - ... . .... - ........ - ... . ... . _ ••.. . ••• - ........ _ .. . . ... - ........ _ .. _. . .. . . _ •••• So. Co.r. & Gn..-l ■t .. .. /i 95 - 97 96 - 98 98 - 95 92 - 94½ 92 - 95 94: - 94:M 94 - 95½ 95"- 99½ 97½- 99 97¼- 98¼ 95¾-100¼ 100 -102'( Southern Pacific Co.Go.Iv. H. & S.A., l ■t,6 107 -107 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - ........ - .. .. ... - ••. . .... _ ... . .... _ ... . !id, 190/i ..... ... . ..... 7 100 -104 103 -104½ 105 -106 . ••• - •••. 105 -105½ •••• - .... 105 -105 ••• • - •••. 103½·1033-\ . ••• - .. ... ... - .. . 102 -102 M. & P . Div., ht .. /i 92 - 94¼ 94 - 95¼ 95],,(- 95¾ 95¾- 96½ 92¾- 94½ ~ - 94 94 - 9~ 9~- 98),( 98 - 99}4 98¾- 99!1:( 96¼- 98¾ 98~ I0O'l Hons.& Te:x.C., bt.5 109¼-110% 110 -110% l~-110 108 -110 107¼-110¾ .•• • - .... llQ¾-111¼ llQ¾-111 112 -ll2 lll~·lll% 112 -112 112~-113 Consol., ir,, 1912 .. . ti ... - ... . . .. - .... 107 -107 .••• - ... . 105 -105 ... - •••• 109¼-110 109 -109 100¼-112 . ... 112 -112 General, ir,, 1921..4 78½- 80 79~- 80 78 - 79¾ 76¾- 78!4 78 - 81¼ 81 - 82 81 - 82½ &».(- 88¼ 82 - 84¾ 82M- 85¼ 83¼- 65JJ4 85¼- 8-n( Mor1r. La. & T., l8t.6 .... - .... 120½-120¼ ..•• - ... . .... - .. .. .... - ..... . .. - •.•.• ••• - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - •.. . .. . . - . .. . . .. - •.. • lat, 1918 ............. ,- . ... - .. .. 127 -127 .... 127 -127 .... - ...... . . - . . .. .. . . - ••• . .••• - ........ - ........ - . .. . . .. - . . . . ... - ... . Orellon &- Cal., l ■t .. . ~ 75 - 75 .... - ..... . .. - ........ - ...... - •· · •·· • - ••. . ••.• - . ... .. .. - . ....... - ........ - .. . 92~- 98~ 94¾- 91:,J.( ~an An. & Ar. Pn.88.4 59¾- 62½ 59¼- 62~ 66~- 60¼ 55½- 58 57 - 61¾ 61½- 66% 643'- 70¾ 68 - 71 65"- ~ 6i½- 70¼ 70 - 76!,( U ¾ - 81~ Texas & N. o., lat ... , .... - ........ - . . . 110 -110 ... • - .. . . . .. . - ....... - . .. . .... - ........ - •.••••.. - ... . .... - ... . 115¾-llf>½i 116 11~ Consol • Ir•• 1943 .. . /i 96½- 9S½ 98 - 98¾ 98 - PS½ 98 - 98½ 98 - 98~ 98 - 98¾ 96½- 97)-4 99 -101 lOO!l:(-102 102 -103 103 -103!,i 031,4-104¼ So.Pac.,Ariz'na,lst.6100¾-103~ 102 -104 102 -104),.( 102 -1043( l~-105 104½-109~ 105,t-106~ 106½-109¼ 106¾-lQSM 108½-1()9!1:( 108¼-112¼ ill¼ 112¼ 8fl. Pacific, Cal., l8t.6 110 -110 .... - ........ - .. ... ... - ... . 106¾-106¾ . •.. - ••• . 109 -109 108 -110¼ .... - .... 109 -109½ .... . .. . 118½ 118~ bt, conaol., 193, 5 92¼- 96~ 96 - 97 96 - 97 95"- 96¼ 93½- 96¼ 96 - 98 983,(-101~ 100¾-102¼ 102 -102¼ .... - .... 102½-102½ .. . . Stamp ., 1905-3'7'.5 .. . - ... . .... - . ....... - ... . . .. - ... .. ... - ........ - . ... . ... . ....... - ........ - . . . . .... - .... 104¾-105 104½-107 Au. & ~. W., lst .. .. /i 85¼- 87¼ 85 - 85½ 84 - 85 82 - 83¾ 82¼- 83¼ 83 - 84¼ 81¼- 82½ 88 - 86½ 87"- 88 . .•• - ... . ~7 - 87¼ 88½- 92 80. Pac., N.Mex.,lst.6 105½-107}t 107¼-108¼ 107~-108½ 106'4;-107¼ 107 -107!'1108 -110~ 10°™-lOSM 108¼-109!'4 108 -110 109¾ 109:14 109 -113¾ .... - ••• , 8outhern1 ■t, consol., 1994, .... 5 92 - 93 90 - 94½ 87¼- 92¾ 87 - 90!'4 89¾- 93¾ 93~- 96 93 - 95 94"- 98½ ~ - 98¼ 97 - 99¼ 99 -10!¼ 104¾-100 Re1rlste•ed ... . ...... . 5 .. . . - .... . .. - . . . .. .. - .. . . . .. - ... .. .. . - .... .... - .... ... - ........ - ........ - ... . 98 - 98 .... - ........ - .. . Memph. Div .... 4•'1½•5 .... - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ... . 103 -103 .••• - .... 10~·105 105¼-105½ 107 -107 .•• . - ••• • E.Tenn.rcorg.Uen.4-5 96 - 96 100 -100 .... - ........ - •.•.•••• - . . ..... . - .... 97¾- 99 100 -100 1100 -101 ..•• 102½-102¾ .•• • - ••• , Col. & Gr., 1st, '16 .. 6 .... - .... . . - .... .. . - ........ - . ....... - . ....... - . . .. .... - ........ - .... 118 -118 .••• - .... .. - ..... . .. - ..• E.Tenn.V.&Ga.,lst.,- 106¼-107 107 -107 106¼-107 .... - ........ - .... 107¾-108 105½-1051¼ 106¼-106½ 106~-106¼ 106¾-107¼ 107 -107¼ 107¼-108 Dlvi ■tonal ........ ... .5 .... - .. . . 112½-115 118¼-114 112½-112¼ 113 -114 114½-115 ll4 -114: 114½-114½ 114 -115 .... - .... 116 -117 117 -ll'l Consol., ht, g ........ /i 1103,!·110¾ 110¼-lll¾ 108½-110½ 107 -100!,i 107¼-109 109 -110 109 -110½ 111 -113½ 113 -118½ 114 -114:¼ ll2¼-113¼ 1U -115~ Ga. Pac., ht, gold ... 6 118¼-118½ 119¾-121 119¼-120),.( 118 -119½ 121 -122 122 -123 119 -119 .... - .... 120½ 121 120¾-120¾ 123 -125 125 -125 Knox. & O., 1st, lf ... 6 ll7 -ll7 117 -117¼ ll6 -116 112 -114" ll4: -116 ll7 -117 116 -116 115¾-115¼ ll6 -116 116 -117 117 -118½1.... - ••• , Rlcb.&Dan.,con.,1r.6 122 -123 123½-125 122 -123 118 - 118 . ... - .... 125 - ~ 121¼-121½ 122¼-122½ .... - ........ - . . 125 -125 126 -127 Debenture, ■t'p'd .. /i .... - ... . 105 -105 . ... - .... 96 - 96 95 - 96 96 - 96 .... - ........ - .... 104 -104 ... - .. . ..... - .. . 104¼-104~ Va. Mid., If, 1936 ... /i 103¼-105 105 -105¼ 100 -105¼1102 -102½ ..•• - •••• 106 -107],,( 107¼-108 107¾-108 108 -11)8 1~109 106½-109 109½-111 1936, 1r .. stamped.. 5 104¾-105~ 105¼-106 103¾-108¼ 102 -102 - •••• 107 -107 .•.• - .. • • .. • . - •••• 107M-10'7¾ •••• - ••. . 109¼-109¼ 109¼-110 Wa■ h, O. & W., lat.4 .. .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... - ... . .... - .. .. 87'4- 8rn 90 - 90 .... - ........ - ..... .. . - .... - •. •• W, N. Ctt.1'., l t1t, con .fl ~ -116½ •• •• - ..... . .. - . .. . 110½-110¾ 113 -113 .... - . ....... - .... 113 -113¼ ..•• - ........ - ••.• 114 -114 WJ¼-11~ t lat instalment Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  84-  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS  BONDS.  1898- Continued. JANUARY  BONDS.  FEBR1  RY.  MA.BOB.  APRIL,  JriAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST,  SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER.  DEO'B R.  - - - - - - - - - - - Low.High r,ow.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Lon.High Low.Hi;rh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  Term'l Aaa'n ot 1!9t. L.l ■t, cons., g . , 1944 .. ii 109 -109¼ 106¼-107 •••• - •.•. 105¾-1~ 105¼-107 1083'-108¾ 109 -110¾ ...• - ... ... .. - •••. 100 -100 100 -110 110 -110 l ■t, gold.1939 ...... 4¼ 110"-ll~ 11~-110~ .... - .••• 100 -109 - .... 111¼-112¼ .••• - •••. 111¾-111¼ Tex. & N. o.-see So. J.>. a'esas & Po.clflc190 ~ . ............ ....... . ti 109 -110 109 -11~ ..•• - ••••.••• - •.•••••• - •••. 110.¼-110¾ .... - .... 108 -108 105¼ 105½ •. - ...•••• - .•.. 105~-105~ 'lat, gold, 2000 .. ...... ii 97¾-101 99 -102~ 96¼-101~ 971,(-100 ~-105¼ 102¾·106 105 -106~ 106).t; 107¾ 106 -107 106¼-107¼ lO'i¾-110 107 -110 'Id, ,i., Inc., !1000 .. ... ii 28 - ~ 31~- 35 29 - 34" 29¾- 82 82 - 36% 36 - il !lO - 44¼ 4~- 50¾ ,13 - 47¼ 43"~- 4/3¾ 44M- 48 45¾- 50 'Third Avenue (N. Y.)l11t, 1931' .. .............. ~ 122 -123¾ 123¼-124 123 -124 lln!-123 124¾-125 126¾-126½ 127 -12~ - •••. 122¼-122~ .••. 'Toledo & Ohio .......... .............. ii 102¾-103¾ 104 -104~ . • • • - ••.• 104 -104 - •••. 102 -105 104 -104 103 -105 104 -105 104~-105 105 -106 106¼-1~ Weat. Div., lat, '3~.ii 103¼-103½ .••• - •...•••• - .... 104 -104 104 -104 102 -1:.12 - •••. 108 -104 105 -105 79 - 711 Kan.& lll ,ht.,iu.,,i.4 79 - 80¾ SO¾- 82¼ 80 - 82 78 - 80 80 • 80 78 - 78 76 - 76 78 • 78 78 - 79 80 - 80 'Toi. Peoria &, 1917... .. ..... ..4 72~-- 72¼ ..•• - . ... 69 - 7'l 70 - 70 70 - 72 - ••.....• 77 - 78 77 - 78!-6 77 - 77~ 76~- 79 783,r 80 'Toi. St. L, & K. C.lst, 6, Trust receipts. 86 - 90 86 - 88 86 - 86 85¼- 85¼ 80 - 80 85%- 88 6d - 88 89 - 90 90 - 90 90 - 92 89¼- 91 89%- 92 1Jla. & Del.-lst, con .. ~ 103¾-104 103¼-103½ ..•• 9~-101 101 -101¼ 98 -100 100 -100 100¾-lOOJ,+ 100 -100 101 -101 100 -102½ 100 -100 Un. P •• ii0-yr., g., '47.4 .... - .... 92 - 95'.U 88%- 98¼ ~ 91¼ 91M- 94¼ 94¼- ~ 96¾- 98¼ 97~ 99\i 97~- 911 98)4-100 99%-101!'4101~105~ Re&"littered ............. 4 .... - ........ - .... •··· - •··· .... - .... 98%- 98% ..•. - ..•• 99¼- 99¼ ••• - . ...... - ... . tJulon Pa,ctflclat, 1896, 6, Truat rec'pts, ex. mat. cps. 116¼-125¾ 127¼-127¾ .... - .... .. .. - ........ - ... . 1st, 1897 .. .... ......... 6 108)4-103)4 .••. - ........ - ........ - •••• Tr. rec. ex. mat. cps. 113¾-125¾ 126)4-126;.( .... - ........ - •••• 1st, 1~9S ............ . .. 6 103 -103 . ... - ........ ........ Tr. rec. PX mat. cps . 115 -124 .... - ........ 1at, 1S99, 6. Trust rec'plit, ex. mo.t. cp11 116¼-124¾ 129¼-129¾ .••. - •....... - ....... C:oll. tr., 4¾8, tr. rec ...... - . . . 51 - 51 45 - 45¾ 44 - 44 45 - 48 47 - 4~ 48)4- 69" 55 - 55 56 - 69 67¾- 61 61 - 65 65 - 68 Gold uotc8,ti:l¾% p.pd 43 - 47¾ 50½- 50¾ .... Exl. "• t., S, u·uitt rec. 113~-125¾ 133 -134¾ .... Purch. money certs ... 111~-124;.( 125 -1~ .••• Kn.n. Po.c,, litt, 1S9.l.ti Tr. rec. ex mat. cp .. 118 -118 l22¾-122½ .... 1st, 1S96, ti, Trus1 rec .. es-mat. coup . 112 -118 121 -125 .... Den.Div., as t ..... .. ti 120 -120 Tr.rec.,es-mat.cp. 117 -120 127 -131)4 120 -120 lat, con8ol., 1919, O, Tru8t receipts ...... 8!¾-103 108¼-115¾ 97¾-107¼ .... U.P.L.& C., lat, ,iu .. ii 33 - 33 35 - 39 .... - ........ U.l'.O.&G., litt 62)4- 73¼ 78 - 79 49¼- 54¾ 51!,(- 58~ 58 - 68 Trust Co. certlfs. Va. lllld.-Bee ~outbern, Wo.ba8bht, iiold, 1939 ....... . is 107%-108~ 107%-110 104¼-108 105¼-108 105 -108¼ 108¼ 110¼ lOO;Ji-11~ 110¾-1~ llll,(-112 111¼-ll~ ill -112¾ Ul¼-113¾ 2d mort., ,iold. 1939.;i 8~- 82½ 78 - 82~ 74¼- 7~ 75 - 77¾ 77,t.- 83¼ 83¾- 86¾ 86 - 91½ 88¾- 90)4 88 - 9~ 87¼- 89" 89¾- 92 90¼- 95 Deb, inc,, 1939, B .... ti 27 - 29¼ 27¼- 28 22¼- 24 21 - 22¾ 25!,(· 28¾ 27 - 28¾ 27~ 28¾ 28¼- 39 31 - 36 SO¼- 33~ 30~- 84% 38 - 86 D. & Ch. Ext. J 940 .. :; 99 -100¾ 100¾·104¾ 99%-102 97 -100¾ 1~-103¼ 103¾-105¾ 102 -104 103 -104¾ 105 -105¾ 105¼-105¾ 107 -108 107¼-1089( ~t. L. K.. C. & No..,.t. C. B'i.te,l8t,'O-.i.6 110 -110 .... - .... 108¼-108¾ .... - ....... - .••. 110 -110 Wesrern N. Y. & Pa.1st ............ ........... :; 106 -108¾ 108 -108¼ 108¼-108¾ 103 -105 107 -108 108 -110 107~-108" . .. • - •... 107 -108% 108 -109~ 108¼-110 110 -111 Gen'l, 19.j3, ll• .. ~•3•4 48 - 51¾ 51 - 55 50¾- 52!>1 471,(- 52¾ 51¼- 52¾ 52¼- 53 53¼- 55 56¼- 59¼ 56 - 5~ 53¼- 55 53¾- 56¼ 58¾- MM 14¼- 16 18¾- 13¾ . • • • Incomes 19-l3 ... . .... :; 10 - 15 13 - l!l¾ U - 15¾ 14 - 15 15½- 16½ 14¼- 15 13¼- 18¾ 14 - 14.¾ 14)4- 20% Wbeel'ii & Lake Erielst ........................ ii 100¾ ·100¾ 101 -101¼ 101¾-101¼ ..•• - ..•. 103 -103 - .••. 103 -103 Trost receipts . ... 10°"-101 .... - .... 100 -103 .... - .... 100 -100 100 -101 103 -104~ Wh.Dlv,,lst, ii.,'28 .:; .... - .... 108 -108 100 -100 ..•. - .... 90 - 90 .... - .... 90 - 90 .... Ext,& Imp ,ll,,1H30.:; .... - ........ - .. .. 92¾- 92~ .... - ·· ,. ·· 35-35 ..•. Consol., irold. 1992 .. 4 .... - .... . ... - ........ - ........ 58 - 5?~ 39 - 4,9~ •••• Wlitconsln Cent'l (;, riold, ~. trust rec .. 33¾- 45 89¼- !le~ 35¾- 43 86¼- 89 38¾- 43% 40'.U41 - 49¼ 4.7¼- 55 5!?~- 57¼ 54~- 61½ 59"- M% 61¾- M¾ Income, 1937 .......... ii 5 - 7¼ .... - ........ - ........ - •....•• - ........ - .... 4. - 5" 5¾- 5!'4 5%- ~ ~- 7¼ 7 - 7 .... - ••.•  - ....  ....  - ...  ....... ........ -  '3"  GAS AND ELECTRIC, Bos&on United GasTru t ctfe1., sink. fd .. ~ 90~- 91 .... - . ... . . • ........ - , ....... - •••• .. - .... 91¾- 91¾ ..•• - ........ - •••• B ooklyn U. Go.a-1st ii 112~-114 112¾-114¾ 112 -118¼ 109¼-112¼ lll¼-114¾ 114)4·115 114¾-115 114¾-115~ 114 -115¾ 115~-116¾ 114~-115 114¼-117 · Det. C.ty Gas -19~3 .. :; .... - .. . ..... - .... ... • 89 - 94 91'4- 95¾ 91%- 92" 92 - 95 93 - 94¾ 93 - 94 93¾- 95~ 95 - 99~ Detroit GaaConsol •. 1st, 1.91S . . . ~ 96 - 96 96~-103 9; - 95 92 - 92 90 - 90 91 - 91 95 - 95 91 - 94 .... Edbon Elec. lllum.litt, 1910 ............ ~ 112 -112½ lll¼-112:J( 109 -109¾ 108 -109¼ 100 -109¼ 111 -111¼ 111 -111 111¼-112 110 -110 110 -110 110¼-ll°" 110!'( 112 1at, conaol., 199~, ,i.:i 115¼-117 ll6 -116 114¼-116 114¼-114¾ 114¼-ll~ ll7~·119 115¼-116¼ 117~-117~ 117¼-117¼ 117 -117 .•.. - •. . 120 -120 General ElectrlcDeben., i. old, 1922 . . :S 100~ 101¾ 100¾-101'4100 -101¼ 96 -101¼ 101 -104 102¾-104 104~-105 10~-108 .... - .... 108 -109 100 -110¼ 107 -108 Pac. Gas, St.L.-l11t,1r.~ 103 -105~ 102¾-104"' 100¾-103 100 -101~ 100 -103 103 -105 104¾-105~ 104 -105 104¼-105¾ 104¾·105¼ 104¾-106 105¾-107 People'it' G.L. & Coke2d, a.;uar., ,i., 1904 ... 6 106 -108 109 -109 102 -102 - ... . 106¼·107¾ ..• - . .• 107 -10; 106 -106¾ 108 -108 105¼ 105¼ 1at, cun., ,i., 1943 .... 6 116¾-120 119¼-119¾ ..•• - •.. 115 -116 115 -116 115 -120 117¼-117Xi .•.. - .... 116 -116 115 -ll7'4 llS}(-124 Beh1ndln1r, 1947 ..... ~ . ... - .... ... . - ... ..... - ..... . .. - .... .. .. - .... . ... - ... ... .. - .. .. 104¼-106 <Jh. G.-L. & C., ht .. :; 105 -106~ 105¼-l~ 102 -105~ 103 -104 104. -104 .... - •.•. 104 -105¾ 105¼ 106 106½-106¼ 109¼-109¾ 11°"-110" 111 -111¾ C:on. Gas, lat, 1936 .ii 103 -104¼ 104 .::J.06 102 -103~ 101 -10-2 ..•• - .... 104 -104 .... - ... .. •. - .... 105 -106 ..•• - .... 105 -106" Eqult. Gas & F., lst.6 . . .. - .. . . 102 -102 ... • - .... 106 -108 .••• - .... 102 -102¾ .... - .... 103¾-104% 104¼-105¼ .... Mutuc.l Fuel Ga11-lst,6 - .... 105¾-105~ 101~-11)5 100 -105 104!'(-106 Western 6as, col. tst,ii ... - .... 101 -101 .... ........ - ........ MISC EL LA NEO US. Ad11m11 Express-Coll.4 .... - ... . .... - ........ - ... .. ... - .. .. 99 - 99¼ 98¾- 99¼ 100 -102¼ Am. Cot. Oil-Deb,, ,i ..8 108 -100 106 -106¼ 102¾-107 106¾-106½ 105 -105 106 -1~ 106"-100 107 -107¾ Am. Spirits Mfii.-lst.6 74 - 75 73 - 77 6i • 72 66 - 71 72 - 77 71».(- 86 83 - 8~ 84 - 90 B'kln W.&W.H.-ht.ii 98M-100¼ 97 - 99 94 - 98 92 - 92 92 - 95 92 - 94 92¼- 96 91~- 92 Col. C. & I.- ht, 1900.6 95 -100¼ 99 -100 98 - 118 95 - 96 99 - 99 100¼-102 98 -100 Col.F11el-Gen., 1919.6 100 -lOi .•.• - ........ Col. F. & 1.-Gen., s.f.:) 81 - Si SOM- 81~ .... - ........ - •... 80 - 81 .... - .... Commer'l Cable-1st.<l 104 -1053' 105¾-105¼ .... - .. :. 101¼-101¼ . .• Reaistered ..... ...... . 4 .. . . - .... 104: -104 • . • • Comstock '.l unn.-lnc.4 . .. . - ........ 3 - 4 . •• • 4,-4 .... Det. Ill. & M. L. G . . . 3¼ 1~- 17¾ 17¼- 1'™ .... - .... 17¾- 17,s 16'.U- 17 1~- 16" 16¾- 17,s 16¼- 19 Erle Tel. & Tpb.-S. f.~ . . . . - . . . . . ... - • . . . 98)4- 98)4 • • .. Ill.Steel-Deb,, 1910.6 .... Mlch •..Pen. (' is .... - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  99¼-100¼ 100)4-101% lOlM-105 106¾·108 108 -109½ 107'4-108 84 - 87¾ 81 - 85 82¾- 85 88 - 94 84 - 89 88 - 92 100 -100 100 -100 100~-106 - ........ - •... 82 - 82 •.•. - ... 79 - 82 - .... 103"-10344  103¾-105 108 -108  83¾- 86 91'.U- 94¼ 103 -103 80 -8~ ....  3¼-3¼ .... 4 - 4 .... .... - .... 16 - 171,( 17 - 18M 18¾- U - .... 104 -10i% 105 -106H - .... 11)() -100 - ........ - .... 95-08 98-98  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS  BONDS.  1898-Concluded. J.ANU.ARY FEB'.ARY. MARCH.  - - - ----  BONDS.  APRIL.  M.AY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. 81!:PT'BER. 00TOBER. Nov'Bl!lR. DEC'BER.  ----  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low .High T,ow .Iligh Low .High Low .High Low.High Low.High  .... - .... ..... .... - . ... -  .... .... -.. -  ••. 108 -108 107 -108 107¼-10™ ··• tifat'l Starch-bt .. ... . 6 105 -106 105~-l~ 106 -106 107 -109 1()3¼-lOi .... .... - ··• · 113 -113 Procter & Gamble ..... 6 .... .... ... ... . ... - .. ... . .... .... . ··• · @tan. Rope & T.-111, .. 6 57 - 61¾ 56 - 61¾ 51 - 57¼ 55~,- 57 57~ 70 68 - 71 69¾- 72 67 - 80 75 - 82 75 - 77¾ 77!14- 63 Incomes, arold.1946.1) 11¼- 13¾ 11¾- 16~ 11 - 13 11 - 12 18¼- 17 18¾- 16~ 13~- 17 19¾- 21½ U~- 24~ 19¾- 23¼ 1$ - 21 'Tenn.Coal Iron & Ry.. 84 - 86 8'¾- 8'¾ . Tenn. Division . .... . 6 . .... .... 8' - 92¼ 92 - 93~ 90 - 93 92 - 95 79 - 82 . Blrm. Div .• 1st, con.6 84 - 87 86 - 86¾ 79 - 84 80 - 82¾ 82 - 85 87¾- 89 85 - 86 92 - 94.¾ 94¾- 98 86¼- 93¼ 92¼- 95 De Bard. f' .& J.-Gu.6 83 - 83 .... - •• · • .. .... - .. - . ... - . ... . - ... - •• · • . ... .. .. ... Oahaba C. & J., iru .. 6 . . . .... . (7.S. Leather-Deb.8.f.6 114.¼-115 115 -116 115 -116 113¼-115¾ 111~-114 114 -114½ lH¼ 116 116 -116 .... 116¼-116¼ 115 -115 W. Union Telegraph105¾-105½ 105 -105 . .... .... . .... ... . 105¼-107 . 103 -103 187:J-1900 ········ ... .... - .... Reld•tered .... . .... ... 105¼-105¼ .... .... - .... . . -111 109 Col. tr., cur .• 1938.. .:J .... 109 -110 105 -109 106 -109 109~-111 109~-110 110 -112 112 -113 111½·111½ lll¾-113¼ Muta nl Union ... t .. . 6 .... - .. . . . .. - . . . 111 -111 · • - .. - . . .. 112¾-112¼ . . . . - . ... 111 -111  .... -  .... -  ... .... ··•· .. ....  .. - ...  .. ,.  -  .... -  ... - ... .... ... - . .... - . .... - . .... .... .... - .... .... - .... .... .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... ... ... ... .... ... - .... - ... .... - .... - .... .... - .... - .... .... - .... ... .... - .... .... .... --  - .... .... - .... ... .... - .... ...  102 -l<Wc¾  ...  - ....  79¼- Si¼ 11.l¼- 25 95 -103¼ 98 -1C6 95 97  - . ... . - ... ... - .... - .... 116 -ll7  ... - .... - ... .... .... - ... .... - ... , 113~-115 •.•. -  189~. J.ANUAI!Y lTJ:BR'RY.  BONDS.  MARCH .  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNl!:.  JULY.  A!JGUST. 911:PT'mm (ICTOBB:R  Nov·eER DEC'BER.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1----1--- · - -  Low.Hhlh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Lew.High Low.HlghLow.HlgbLow.HlghLow.HlghLow.Ht,rh  -------------- - - -· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----1-----i---·- - - - - - -  ... ........ - ........ - ........ -  .Ala. Mtd.-lst, aruar .. 3 98¼-100 98 - 98 99 -100¾ •••• - •.. . •••• - . .. . 101 -102¾ •••• - ..•.•••• .AnnArborht. 199:J, irold ... ..... 4 88 - 89½ 89 - 90¾ 88¼- 90 88 - 89 87~- 933,s 93 - 95¾ 95¼- 96¼ 95 - 96 94"- 96 92¾- 94 92½- 93 89 - 92¾ 62 -68 62½-68 68 -68 ••.• - ·••·••·· - ••.. 60 -62 62"1- 66½ •••• At. Col. & Pac. tr. ctfs .. .... 64 - 65 62¾- 64 At.J.C.&W.trct1s ...... - ........ 64-64 68-63 63-65 •••• A.tcb. Top. & S. Fe.General, irold, 199:J.4 99¼-103~ 101¾-102¾ 101¾-103}4100 -101¾ lOQ¼-108¾ 102~-103¾ 1013-{i-108 101~-l~ 101%-102~ 97!ij-100 98¼- 99¾ 94¼- 9{% Re1ri8tered ... .. ... .. 4 100 -102½ 101¼-102l,t 101 -102½ ••.. - .....•• - .....••• - ....•••. - .... 101 -101¼ ••·· - .•. . - •.. . 96¾- 97 AdjU8tm't, ll , 199is, 4 78 - tl5¼ 82 - 84¼ 81¼- 84~ 82¾- 84 81 - 88½ 81¾- 85 84¼- 85½ 85¾- 88½ 85¾- 88¾ 85¾- 87¾ 81 - 83½ 75¾- 82 Rearlstered .. ........ . 4 .... - . . . . 83 - 83¾ ..• , - .... 79~- 79!ij Atl.Av.lmp.,ir.,'34 .. ~108 -110 ... - ... . .••• - ••. ...•• - ... . ...• - .. . •..• - •••....• - •.. . ••.• - ••• . •••• - •••••••• - ... . .... Atl. & Danv.-ht, g ... ~ 100¼-100¼ 100½-100½ . ... - •. . 101~-101½ 102 -102 102 -102 .... - •••. 100¼-1003,ii .•• . - •••.•••• - ••.. . .•• - ••.. 101~-102 Baltimore & OhioPr. lien, Ir•• 192~ •.. 3½ 98¾- 99¾ 98¼- 99~ 97!,(- 98~ 97 - 99 98¼-100¾ 99!1:(-100¾ 96 - 98¾ 95¾- 97½ 95 - 973-{j 98¾- 96 94 - 97¼ 92 - 96!ij Gold, 1948 . . ... ..... .4 99 -100 99¼-100 118 - 99!':( 98¾-100 100¼-102¼ 100~-102¾ 100¼-101'¼ 100~-101¾ 99¾-101 96 - 99~ 97~-100 94 - 99!'( S. W. Dh·., 1st, 1( •• 3¼ .. . . - .... 96 - 96 95¾- 96!J4 94¾- 96¼ 94¾- 95 93¼- 94½ 91 - 93¾ 90 - 92½ 89¼- 9~ 84~- 92~ 118 -118 . ••• 1st, Parkers. B1·· 'ch.6 116 -116 - ••....•. 115 -115 .••. Tru8t certificates ...... • ........ Gold, 19~~. rel(........ . 120 -120 - ••. . . . . . Certlt. of deposit ..... 120 -120¼ 120 -120 llll~-119¾ • • •• - •••. 120 -120 Con., ir., :J, cert.of dep .... - ........ - .... 125 -125 •••• - ....... . B.&O.S W .-1st, 1990 107!1(-107¼ 111 -111 108 -108 •••• • 1993 ................ 434 93¼- 94 ..•• - •• . . ••• - :::: :::: J :::: :::: ,Income, l!!lerles A .. ~ S2½- 32¼ .•.• - ..•.•••• Income, Ser.B.2043 10'¼- 13!4 11¾- 12 ..•• ....I, ... - ••• 111 -111 Cen. o. Reorir,con.4¾ 108¾-109 110 -112 •••• Bait. Belt, is8, tr. rec ..... - ........ - .... 106¾-106½ •••• • Col. & c . .nld., lst.4½ 85 - 85 - :.:...·:.1:.:.:.:. O. & Mlt111., lat con .. 4 l~-112 •••• - ••.•••• Sprlnar. Div.,190~.'7 103~,-106 106 -106 103 -103 . .•• - .... 104¾-104¾ ...• - .••. 103¾-103~ •••• Trust recelpt11.. . . . . . . - .... 103 -103 105 -105 104 -104 105 -105 . . . . 2d, cou ■ ol,, 19 lt ...'7 126 -130~ 128¼-130}4 .•.• - •• . 123 -123 128¾-128½ .••. Trust receipts....... .... - ... . 126 -126 127 -127 128 -128¾ 128 -128 .•.. 1st, ireneral, 1932.:J .... - .... 89 - 89 .... B'y & 7th Av .-See Met. 117¾-117½ .••• • Brooklyn Clty-Cons.. :J Brooklyn Eh,vatedlst, J 9!.14, 6, trust rec 94¾-103¾ 101¾-102½ 101¾-106 106~-106!1i ..•• S.S.& B.B., 1 st5s t. r. 93 -100 100 -101'4 105 -105 105½ ·105¼ .... Un.El •. tst,'3'7,6,t.rec 94 -103½ 101 -103 101¼ 106½ 1063'-107 . ••• B. Q. c. & s., con. aru·.:J 105¼-108 107¼-108 107 -108 107!,(-108½ 106 -107 106 -107 101 -107¼ 107 -107~ 107¾-107¾ . ••• - .••. l<Wc¾-lM½ 104¾-104~ Brooklyn Rap.Trans.I) 108 -110¾ los,(-110 109 -113 109:J:(-112 110 -112½ 110 -113 113 -115¾ 114¾-116 112 -115 109¼-110 109¼-110 101 -110 B'klyn U. El., ht .. 4-:J .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 103½ 104 103 -104¼ 100!>(-101¾ 98 -100¾ 97 - 99 96 - 98 93 - 98 Buff. Roch. & Plttsb.General.. ........ ....... I) 10™-109¾ 109¾-lll 108¾-108½ 108 -110¾ 110 -110 101)¼-110¼ 109¾-111 110 -110 107 -108 108 -108 108 -108¾ .... R. & P., 1st, 1921 ... 6 .... - ........ - .... 127~-127¼ •••• - .•. . 128 -129 129 -129 . ... - .. . ..••. Consol., 1st .......... 6 128 -128 •..• - •• . - ... . 130¾-130½ . ••• - .•• . 127 -129 126¼-126¼.. •• Bulf.S.M,&S.W.-lst.lJ 102½-102~ 101¼-105 .... - ••.. l<Wc -105 105 -105 .... Buff. & Susq.-lst, g ... 5 .... - ........ - ........ - ... . 100 -100 Burl. Ced. Rap. & No.1 tat. ......... . ............ . 5 107 -108½ 108¼-109 109 -109 109 -109 109¼-110 106 - 108 108 -108 108 -108 108¾-109 109 -109 108 -108 105 -107¼ Con8ol. 1st & col. tr.I) 111 -112¼ ma -113 116 -116 114¾-117 117 -117~ 115½-115½ 116 -116½ 117 -117 116¾-117¾ 115 -116!,,( 116 -116 116 -116 IReirtstered ........... is .... - .... 110¾-110½ . ... - . . ..•• C.R. I. F. & N., 1st .. ~ 105 •-105 .... - ... . . . .. Can. South'n-lst, iru.5 108½-110¼ 109¾-110½ 109 -110½ 109¼-110¼ 110 -111¼ 110¾-111¼ 108 -108¾ 108 -108½ 108½-109 1073-{j-108½ lCIS -108¼ 107 -108½ ~d mort&'aire ........... 5 U0½-111½ lll¾-112 109 -110 111 -111~ 110¼-111 111 -111¼ 111 -111¾ 110 -111~107¾-100¼ 108 -108½ 107:J:(·108¼106¾-107¾ C. B. U. Pac.-lllt, ir ... 4 91¾· 93¾ 92¼- 92½ 91 - 92 91¼- 92 91¼- 91½ .... - . ... 89 - 89 • ••• - ••• • 89 - 89 88 - 89 85 - 88J( Cent. Ohio-Su B. & O. - ••.. 93-93 Cent. RR. & B., Ga .. ~ 95 - 95 95 - 95 . . .. - ... . 96 - 96 . ... - . . . . .... Central of Georirialst . .... ·~· ............... ~ . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . ... 116¼-118 . . . . - . . . . . • . - . . . . 120 -120 . • . • - . • . 117¼-118 119 -122 118¾-118½.... - . • . . •• •• • •.• Consol., 194 IJ, gold .. ~ 91¾- 93½ 92¼- 97¾ 95 - 97¾ 96 -100¼ 95¾- 98 95¼- 9fl½ 96½- 97¼ 96¾- 97¼ 94¾- 97~ 94 - 97¾ 90 - 94½ 8'¾- 92~ Regis• ered....... . ~ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . 97¼- 97¾ •• • • 1st pref. Income ..... 5 89¾- 40l}.{ 38 - 44¼ 40¾- 42 40 - 43¾ 40¼- 43¾ 40~ - 42 40 - 42½ 41 - 42¼ 39¼- 41 36 - 38½ 36 - 37¾ 30 - 35¾ 2d pref. Income ....... 5 11¼- 13 12 - 15 12½- 14 11 - 14 . ... - • . . . 12 - 13¼ 12 - 13 12 - 12 11 - 12¾ 10 - 11 9¼- 10 9 - 9~ 3d pref. tncqme ....... ~ . . .. 6¼- 7¼ 7}4- 7½ 7 - 7¼ 6 - 6¾ 6 - 6 6¼- 6½ 6¼- 6¾ •••• 4¼- 6 .... Mac.& No.Div., lst.5 .... - ........ - ... . .... .... .... - ••• 1)5 - 95  - ::::i:::: -  - .. :1.... : .... ~ ... -  Mid. Ga. & Atl. Dlv.:J Cent. ot New JerseyConsol ., 1899 ... ..... , 1st conv. , 1902 ....... '7 Conv. deben., 1908.. 6 Gen. mort., 1987 .... 5 Rearlatered. . ..... is Leb.& W .B.-Assent 1 Mort&'aire, 1912 .... 5 Am. Dock & Imp ..... . is Central PacUlc- ~ 1st relundinir, 1949.4 Mortirn.are, 1929 .... 31,t San Joaquin Br'ch ... 6 !ilpeyer certificates.. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  .... - ... . .... -  - · · · · 102 -102  101¾-101¼ 102 -102 112 -112 .•.• -  102 -102 100¼-100¾ 100¾-101 - ... . ... - ... 109¼-109½ .... - . . ..... - .. 112¼-112½ ...• - . . . .. ... 113~-115¾ 115J,.(-118½ 117 -119 1183-{j-119½ 118 -121 112¼-114½ 118¾-118 116½-118 116½-118 117 -118 99¾-101 100 -101 101 -102 100½-1C2¼ :too -102¼ 87¼- 90 90 - 92½ 96 - 99 .•• - .• . ... . • .. .. - ••.. 114½-115¼ 114¼-114¼ 114 -114 • • • .. - •.••  1 - •.•.·,•••• -  ••• . 110 -110  - ••. . 110 -110 - ... . •••• 121 -122½ 119¾-121¾ 120¼-121½ 118¼-120¾ 119 -120¼ 119¾-121½ 117¼-121 118 -121 119 -121½ 12C',a-120¼118 -118 116¾-117¼ 118 -118½ 115½-119 100¼-100½ 100~ 100½ 99 -100¼ 98¾-100 98¼-100 ll8 -100¾ OE½- 99 - . .. .. .•• - ... . •••• - ••.. 102 -102 .••• - •.. . .••. - ••• 115½-115¼ 116 -116!,,( 1163-{i-116~.... - .... 115¾-1153,ii 114¾-114¾  ,  .... - ........ - .... 100¾-101½ 100¾-102¼ 101%-102¾ 101¼-102~ 100 -101¾ 99¼-101¼ 99¾-100¾ 97¼-100½ 98¼- ~ 95 - 9~ .... - ........ - .... 863'- 89¼ ~ - 88¾ 87¼- 89¼ ~ - 88¾ 86¼ 87¾ 85½- 87 85¾- 86¼ 82 - 84~ 82ff- 84}1j 77¾- 82¾ ....  . ... 105¾-105}4107 -108¾ ••• - .... . ... - .... 113 -113  112%--113!,4  ... . .... - .. ..••• . ... 111}4-llll,.( . .. .  RAILROAD  BONDS.  1899-<Jontinued. JANUARY FEBR1RY,  BONDS.  M.AR0H.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  - - - 1- - - - -1- - - - -1- - - - · I - - - -  AUGUST, SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BER DEC'BJCR.  Low.Hlgh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.IDghLow.lltghLow.HtahLow.HtghLow.Htgb-  __________ 1  Central Paclftc-{Con.)1939 lis, Speyer ctfs. . . . . - .... ll~-1223' 119~-121¼ 120¼-128 122 -125% 1.25¼-1.25¼ 123!,r~ • •• • Land &Tant11 .. ......... . li . . .. 110 -110¾ 107 -107 - • • .. . • .. - .. • . • .. - • • • • • • • Ext.,&•• 11er. A., '98.~ @peyer &Co.cfs.dep. .. . . 10~-104~ .. .. - • • • • • ... - • • •• . • • • - ... . . • • • - .. .. • ••• Speyer & Co.cfs 1899 .... - .... 106!':(·107 103~-104e lM¼-105½ 105 -lQS'U 1~109 107¼-107¼ 1~106:U •••• Speyer & Co.cfs.1901 JtX -104 106 -107½ 103 -103½ .... - ....... - •••.• ••. - ••. . .•.• - ••..•.•. Western .Pacltlc ....... 6 103 -103 ..•. - ••.. 103½-105 lOf½-lM¾ .••• - ........ - •.•..•.. - ........ , Speyer & Co.cert If 11. ... - . . . . .. .. - . . . 1Q5¼-10531i . • • - •••. 109 -109¼ 108¼-108¼ . • .. C.& O. l). Speyer ctf11. .. . . - .. .. . . .. - .. .. . . . . - .... 120~-122 121%-121¾ .. • . Chesapeake & Ohtoeerle11A, sold, 1908.6 119 -119¼ .... - .... 118*118~ 116~-117 .... - .... 119½-119¾ .. . . - .... 114½-115 .... - .... 115¼-115¼ Mort,raee, 1911 ....... 6 .... 120 -121~ 118*118¼ . ... - ........ - .... 120 -120 121¾-123 .••• - •... 118 -119 lat, con., If•• 1939 .... ~ 11~-119~ 1~119 118 -120 118*121 118 -119¾ 118M-120 11~-11~ 118¼-119¼118 -119½1171':(-119¼L16 -116~ 113 -117~ Re1ristered ...... ..... ~ 116¼-116¾ . •.. - •.•. 117*118¾ .•.. - ...... .. - .... 117 -117 .... - .... . ... - ....... &eneral, 199:J ...... 4¼ 90M- 96¾ 95¼- 96¾ ~l¼- 94 93¼- 95 98* 95 94 - 95 94¼- 97:J;t 9~- 9794 95 - 96¾ 94* 9~ 95 - 95:ij 93 - 96¾ Redstered ... . ..... 4x 92¼- 92¼ .... - . ....... - ........ - ... . 97¼- 97~ ... - ... . .... - ........ - •••• R.&A.D.lstcon.'89 4 105 -105¼ 105¼-106~ 106 -107 106 -107 107 -107¼ 107 -108 104e -105¾ 104 -104~10!l -104 104. -104e¼l03*104 101¼-104 ~d eonsol., 1989 .... 4 .... - ........ - ......• - ........ - ........ - . . .. 100 -100 .••• - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••. 100 -100 Warm. Sp. Val., lst.:i .... - ........ - ........ - .... 101 -101¼ .... - .. . Eliz. Lex. & B. S .... ~ 108 -103 103¼-104 101~-102½ 101%-102~ 102¼-103 102 -103 102¼-103 102~103¼101 -101 100¼-101 100*101 100¼-102 Clalca1ro & Alton- .... llQM-110:J;t 108 -108 109 -109 Slnkln&" fund, 1903,.6 .... - .... 110 -110 L.&Mo.R.lst, 1900. 7 107¼-107¼ 104e -104e - .... 103!':(-103¾-••· - ........ - .... 2d, 1900 .... ......... 1 .... - .... 106¼-106'.U ••• ' Chic. Burl. & Quincy' Consol ...... ............ '7 114~115 115 -115¾ 114¾-115¼ 115 -115¼ 115¼-116 116¼-117¾ 113¾-114¼ 113M-114 113 -114 113%-114~ 113¾-114¾ 118*114M Sink. fund, 1901 ... .. ~ .... - .... 1~104¾ 105 -105 ..•. - .. • .. .. - ....... - ... . 100 -100¾ .... Debenture, 1913 .... . ~ 111 -111¼ lll¾--112~ lll¾-112¼ 112¼-113 109~-111 ll~-112¾ 112*113 lll¾-111¾ lllM-112 109¼-111¾ l09*110 108 -110¼Couvertlble, 1903 ... ~ 125¾-140¼ 135 -151¼ 188¼-145 141%--145¾ 128~-142~ 130 -130 137¾-138 ••• - ••• . 135)4-135~ 128¾-130 130 -133 122 -122 Illinois Dtv.,1949.3½ .... - ........ - ........ - ....... - ... 103¼-1M¾l02¾-104e 100 -103J4 Iowa Div., sink. fd .. . ~ .... - ........ - ........ - . .. . ... - .... 115¾-ll6J.1i 116 -116¾ . ... - .... 118¾-118¾ .... - ........ 1919 ...... ........ ... .. 4 .... - .... 105 -105¾ . ••• - .. . 105¼-105¼ 1()5%-106)1i 106)4-106½ 107 -107 .••• - .... 1()6¾-106¾ 103¼-105 .... - .... l0!l -104 Denver Div., 192:J .. 4 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ... . 101¼-102¾ 102 -102 103¼-105 104e -105 105 -105 102 -102~ t03 -103 103 -103 102 -102¾ 102 -102 1921 ...................... 4 100¼-105 103 -103 .... - .... 100 -100 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ Ch. & Ia. Div., '0~ .. ~ .... - ........ - ........ - ....... - .... 105 -105 .... - ........ - .... .... - •••• N ebr'ska Ext., 1927 .4 1~-108 108 -108¾ 108 -108¾ 108¼-112¼ 109¼-111¼ lllxi-112¼ 112~-113¾ 113 -113¼ 113~-113~ 111¼-lllM 109¼-110¼ 108 -110~ Realstered .... ..... .. 4 . .. . - . .. . .. . . - . .. . .. .. - .. . . .. .. - .... lll¼-111J.1i .. .. - .. .. . .. . - .. .. .. .. - ••• Han. & St. J., cons .. 6 .... - .... 123 -123¾ 120 -120¼ 121¼-121½ 121¼-123¼ 123 -123 124 -124 . ... - ....... - .... 120 -120 120 -120~ ... Ch. Bur. & .... - ........ - .. .. 107¾-lGS 105¾--107 105½-107 106 -108 106)4-106% 106¾-106¾ .... - ....... - ........ - ....... Chic. & E. 111.-ht,s.f.6 .... - .... 115~-115½ .... - .... 116¼-116¾ .... - .... 114 -114 114*114½ .... - ... 114~-114¾ .... - .... 113¼-118¼lst consol., a-old ....... 6 134 -134 .... - ........ - ........ - . ... 138 -138 137 -137¼ 137¾-137¼ 139¾-139~ .... - .... 136 -136 131 -136 Gen. mort., 1937 .... ~ 109*112 110 -112 lllM-113 115 -115!,<i 113 -115 114 -11~ 114 -115¼ 114 -115~ 116 -117 115¼-116~ 118 -114 111¼·113" Chlc.&ln.C'lRy-lat.~ ... - .... 107 -107 .... - .. .. .... - ........ - ... . ... . - .... 107 -107 - .... 107 -107 107 -112 Chic. Ind. & Louisv .Retundln,r, 194'7 ..... 6 104 -106¼ 106 -107 106 -108 lM¼-110¼ 115 -118¾ 117 -119½ 113 -113 108 -112 108 -114 109 -110 108 -109 115 -116 , Refundlnii, 1941 ..... li 92 - 92¼ 92* 92~ 93¼- 95 95 -100½ 105 -108¼ 102¾-107¾ .••• 97¾-100 .... - ... . .... - .... 98 -101 100 -100 Lou. N. A. & C., lst.6 114¼-115 . . .. - .... 116~·116¼ .... - ........ - .... 118½-118~ .... - .... 116!)(-116¼115¾-116 114 -114 113 -115 .... - •••• Chic. Mllw. & St. P.,. ht,cold, R. D,19O2.'1161)4-161¼ .•.• - .... 164~-169 .... - .... 168 -168 168 -171¼ 170 -170~ .... - .... 178 -173 171¾-171~ •••• - ... . 1713'-171¼ 1 lat I. & D. Div ...... 7 ... . - ... . 163¼-163¼ . ... - .... 168¼-168¼ ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 1st c. & M. Div ....... '7 160¼-161¼ 163 -164¼ 16!l¼-164¾ 168¼-168¾ 168 -168¾ ... .... . 170 -170 172*172½ .•• - ...... - ....... . Consol., 190li ......... 7 160 -163 163 -165 164%-169 168¼-168:>.( 168 -168¾ 168 -171¼ .... - ... . 170¼-170¾ 173½-174¾ 169 -169 171*171¼... . 1st I. & D. Exten . .... 1161 -161¼ 163¼-164¾ 164%-165 168¾-168¾ .... - .... 169M-171 170 -170 .... - .... 172¼-172¾ .... - . . .. 168¾-172 167 -170 lat So. We&t. Div ..... 6 120¼-121 .... - .... 120¼-120¼ .... - .... 112¼-112½ 122¼-122¼ 121%-121¾ 120 -120 120¼-121 - ........ - ... . .. .. l11tLa.C.&D.,'t9 .. ~ .... - .... .... - .... 120 -120 120¼-120¼120¼-120¼118 -118 . ... 1st So. Minn. Dlv . .... 6118¼-121 121 -122 121 -121¾ 121 -122 122~ ·123¼ 123 -123¼ 121 -121¼ 120¼--121 119 -122 120 -121¼119¼-121¼119 -120¼ · 1st H. & D. Div ....... 7 129 -129 130 -130 130½-131 131 -131 132¼-132¼ .... - .... 129¼-129¾ .... - .... 130 -130 129¼-129¼ ... 1. 9-1.910 ................... ~ .... - ........ _ ........ - ........ - .... ... - ........ _ ........ - ........ - .... lll¼-111¼ , Chic. & Pac. Dlv ...... 6 .... - .... ll!l¼-121¾ 121¼-122¼ .... - .... 122¾-123 .... - ....... - ... . .... - .... 120¼-120¾ .... - ... ... - .... ; Chic. & Pac. W. Div.~ 1181¼-122¼ 12~-121¼ 120¾--121 121)4-122¾ 122%-123~ 123¼-124¼ 121¼-122¼ 121¼-122 120!)(-121¾ 120¼-120½ 120¼-121¼ 120 -121 Chic. & Mo. R. Div .. ~ 118¼-121~ - .... 120¼-122¼ .. .. - .... 125)4-125¾ 121 -123 122¼-123 .... - •.••.•.• - .... 122 -122 117 -117 Mineral Point Div .. . :i . .. . - .... 110¼-110¼ 110 -110 112*112½ .. .. - • .. . .. .. - . .. . .. .. - .... 112 -112 • •• • - .... .. .. - .. .. .. .. - ... . 112¼-112)4 Chic. & L. Sup. Div.~ ... . - ....... - ........ - .. . .. .. - ... . 122¼-122¾ .... - • . .. ... - ........ - ........ - ... · ••· Wis.& Min. Div ...... ~ .. • . - .. .. .. . - ••• . 119 -120¼ 121 -122¼ 123 -123 120:J;t-120¾ . • • • - .... 120¼-121 .. • • - .... 119%-11~ 118¼-l~ Terminal ............ .. ~ .... - .... 115 -116¼ ll~-116¼ 116 -117¼ ll~-118~ .... .... - ........ - ........ - ....... . Far1ro & So., as&nm .6 .... - ........ - .... Ul7¼-137½ .... - ........ - ...... •· Dakota & Gt. So . .. . :J .... - .... 112xi-114 .... - .... 118¼-118~ •••• - •••• 115½-115¼ .... .... - .... 116 -116 .... - ........ Gen. M.,"A" 1989 ... 4 108¼-112½ lU -112½ 111 -111¾ lll¼-114¾ 113¾-114¼ 114 -114¾ 1111':(-112~ 112 -113 lll¼-112 111 -111¼110½-lll}ill0 -111¼ M. & ~o., lat, 1910.6 .... - ... . .... - ... . ... - . .. . 121 -121 121 -121 .... - .... 121 -121 .. .. on ex,., 1913 ... 6 126 -126 ... . - ........ - ...... .. - .... 126 -126 125 -125 .... - ........ - ........ - •··• Chic. & Northwest'n• Consol., 191~ .... ...... ,- 144 -145 143¼-144½ 143 -143½ 143¼-144¼ 1427.k-lU¼ 144 -144 144~·145~ 143¼-146 145 -145 143 -143 142 -142 Gold, coup., 190~ .... 1 113 -113¼ 113 -113¼ 113 -114¾ 113 -lH¼ lH¼-115 111)4-112¼ 112!)(-113~ 112½-112¼ 112 -112 111 -lllk! lll¾-112~ 108 -108;ij Gold, rec., 190~ ...... '7 113 -113 .... - .... 113 -113¼ 114 -114 - .... 112¼-112¼ .... - ........ - . 108 -108 8lnktn1r fund,coup .... ti 116 -116 120 -120 .... - ....... - .. .. .... - .... 118 -118 115 -115 120 -120 - .... .. .. - ...... .. Re1dstered ... . ....... 6 .... - . .. . .... - ........ - .... 116 -116 .... - ........ - ........ - ... ... - .. .. ... . Slnklnc fund, coup ... ~ 109¼-109¼ 109¼-109:14 109 -110¾ 106¾-107 .. .. - .... 107 -107~ 109 -109 ... • - .... 109 -109 106 -106 106¾-106¾ 109 -109 1 Reiristered ........... ~ .... - .... 109 -109 105!J(-105y.( .... - .. .. .... - ....... - .. . .... - ....... . . Debenture, 1933 ..... l'i 122 -123 122 -122 122 -122111 .... - ... 121*122 122¼-122¾ 122*122½ 122':(-122M .... - ... 118 -119 115 -118¼ 23 yrs, deben., 1909.:i 110 -110 110 -110 110 -111½ 111 -1113,ii 108 -108 109~-109¼ 109 -110 .••• - ... . 110 -110 110 -110 107¼-107¼ 106 -106¼ Reel11tered ......... .. ~ .... - ........ - ........ - .. .. . .. . - ... .. .. - ... . 105 -105 30-year deb., 1~!11 .. li ... - .... 117¼-118 .... - .... 118 -118 117¼-118 118 -118 118 -118 .••• - ... 117 -117 .... Exten. bonds, 1926 .. 4 106¼-106¾ 107 -109 107½-108 106 -109 109 -109 .... - •••• 109 -109 109 -109 .... - .... 110 -110¾ 105 -105 Reglstered .. . ........ 4 .... - . ... 106¼-106¼ .. .. .. •• - ........ - •••.•••• - ........ - ........ General, 1981 ...... 3¼ 102¼-103¼ 103%-105 105 -105¾ 105¼-109¼ 108¼-1~ 109¾-110}:( 108¼-110¾ .••• - .... 109 -109½ 108 -1011¾ 107~-108~ 106 -108¼ Iowa Midland, lat ... 8 .... - .... •••• - ........ - .... 103 -103 ... ' Win. & St. Pet., 2d .. '7 .... - .. .. .... - .... 124: -124: •••• - •••.•••• - .... 122 -122 Ott. C.F.& St.P.,lst ~ 111 -111 .... - ... . .... - •••••••• • ........ - •.•. 110 -110 .••. -· ... . !till.& M., 1st, 190~.6 .... - .... 117¼-117¾ .... - ........ - •••• •••• - ........ - .. . .... North. Illinoi&, 1st.. ~ ... . - ..... ... .... 113 -113 .... .. ...... - ........ - •• •• ll!l -114 .... - ........ M.L. S.&Wlst.,'21.6140¼-140¼ 140 -142 - .... 14Ul4-ltl¾ll39¼-H()% l~-lil l!lQ¾-148 141¼-141¾140 -140 .... - .... 136 -136 136¾-137 Ext. & Imp., s. f ... . ~ . ... - .... 117¾-119 119 -119¾ 120 -121~ 122 -125¼ l.25¼-~ 12!l •124: ... . - .... 125 -129 120 -121¼120 -120¼ 121 -121 Mich. Div., l&t, g .. 6 .... - ........ - . . . 140 -140 140 -140 140 -140 Ashland Div., lst .. ti 142¼-142¾ .... - ... 140 -140 142¼-142~ :::: -lf6 ... ::. - .... 140 -140 .. 141 -141 .... - ... . H0¼-140~ Income&.1911 ........ .... - ........ - ........ - ..... .. - .... 114!,rlli¼ .... - ........ - .... 112 -112 .... Ch.R.l,& Pac.-Coup.6 131½-182¾ .... - .... 132 -133¾ .... - .... 134¾-135¾ 136¼-186¼ 13!l -134 . ••• - .... 132¼-132¾ .... - -·· 130 -131 .... ·Re&'lstered ............ 6 182*132¾ ma -133 .. .. - .... 133¼-134 134¼-134¼ 132 -133¼ .••• - .... 182¼-132¾ .... General, 198~, 1r..... 4 1~108 106 -1-07~ 106¼-108 107 -110¼ 109 -11~ l~-11~ l ~ l ~ 106¼-107~ 106 -1~ 105¼-107¼ 1051}.(-1~ 104 -106M Re&'latered . ....... ... 4 .. .. - .... 106¾-107 1~-107¾ 107'7kl07¼ .. .. - .. • . •• • - ••• • • ••• - • •• . ... • - • . .. . • •• - .... 106¾-106¾ .. .. Keok. & Des M •• 1st.~ 109¼-110~ 110 -111 112¾-112½ 112¾-114 114 -114 ll!l -lli •••• - • • • . • • •. - .. .. • • .. - .... 109 -109 US -114¼ 112 -112 D.M.&F.D.lst'0~.2¼ ... - .... 85 - 85 85 - 85 83¼- 831i 83 - 88½ 85 - 85 86 - 86 85 - 87¼.... - ... 83~- 83 / 1st, 190~ .............. 4 98 - 98 .... - •••. 98 - 98 9~¼- 98~ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 96 - 96 1 '. Exten1don, 190li .... 4 .... - ....... - .... .... - ........ - .... 98¾- 98¼ .... - ........ - ........ - ...... .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  '  - ....... .  - ... ....  - ........ - .... .... - ........ -  - ........ -  - ....  - ....  .... - ........ - ........ - ....  - ........ - ... ..... ........ -  .... ... -  Q.::: :::: - :::: ii6  F.All J.O.AD  BONDS.  1899-CJontlnoed. MAY. JUNJI:. JULY. - - - -- - - - - - -APRIL. - - - - -· ----1•----1 ---- ---- ---- - - - - - Chic. St.P. Min.& Om.-  ,  BONDS.  ----------  JANUARY FJCBR'RY. MARCH.  Oonsol., 1930 ......... 6 186 -136% 137 Chlc.St.P.&M.-ht .. ti 186~-136¾ ..•• No. Wis., 1st, 1930.6 .... - ....... . St. P. & S. Clty-tst .. 6134 -134 133 Chic. Term'I Transf .. 4 93¾- 95¾ 95 & West'n Intl.1st, sink. td., 1919 .. 6 .... - ....... . General... . .. . ... · · · ·o . . .. - .. .. .. .. C. & W. Mlch.-1921 .. ~ .... - ........ Coupon off .............. ~ . . . . - . . ...... Cln. Ham. & DaytonConsol., sink. fund ... 7 . . . . - . . . . ... . Cln. Day. & Ir. 1st... ~ 112¼-112¾ 112  ~su r.c.c. c.1.s.L.&c. l. & st. L.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER, N0V'BBR. DEC'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.HighLow.HighLow.HighLow.HlghLow.H1gll -137¾ 187¾-138 - .... 138 -138 - ••.. 140 -140 -183¾ 133¾-134 - 96¼ 95:Js-100!4  138 -139½ 139¼-141 137¼-138 137¼-137% 138 -138 138 -138 iI.37 -138 136 -137½ 183 187 -137 134¾·134¾ 134¾-134½ . . . • - • . • 127¼-127¼ . • . . - •..• 136 -136 133 -134 l.32 . ••. . . . . - • . • . . . •• 131 -181 l31J,,(-132 182 -132½ 132¾-132!14 132 -183 131],,(-132½ 128¾-180 • • • • - . ... 128 00 -101 100 -102¼ 102 -102'4 00~·100% 00 -100 96 - 98~ 95 - 98¼ 96¾- 98½ 91  -  - .... 12()¾-120~ . •• •  -136 -132¾ -128 - 96¾  - ... . .... - .... ...  - •••. 122 -123  - ........ - ... . 106 -106 - •••. 121 -121 .120 -120 - ... . .... - ........ - .... 100 -100  121 -122  120¾-122  -  - ... . 99¾-99¾ .... - .......• -  -  - . . . . . . . . - •.. . .... - .... 120 -120 • • • • -  -112'4 112'4-112'4 . ••• - •• •. 113 -113  - •••. ll7¼-l17¾  - ....... .... - •••. •••• - •••.•••• - •••. 115¾-115¼115 -115 112 -11~110 -110  "  ()in. Laf. & Ch.-lst .. .,. .... . .. - ........ - ........ .... - .. . ... . - .. . ..... - ........ - .... !05 - 1 ~ Cl. & Can- ht. tr.rec ~ 70¼- 78 77 - 85 78 - 91 89 • 91 00¼- 91 91 - 91 90 - 91 91¾- 91~.... - • • . . • • • • - ••• . Cl. Ctn. Chic. & St. L.General. ................ 4 87¾- 98 92¼- 94¼ 93 - 95 92¼- 95¼ 94 - 95¾ 98¾- 95¾ 94~- 95¾ 9~- 95¾ 92 - 95 92¼- 95 95 - 96}4 90¼- 94¼ Cairo Div., 1st ........ 4 .... - ........ - . .. . 95!'4- 95% 97 - 97 - ....•• •• - .••..... - •...•••• St.L.Dlv •• 1st. 1990.4 ~-103 101¼-103% 101¾-102 102¾-102¾ 100 -102 101¾-102 102 -102¾ 103¾-10311 103 -103¾ 103 -103¾ 101 -10~ 99¾-101¼ Rea-lstered ... . ....... 4 .•.. - .... .. .. - •... 99 - 00 ..•• - ••• . •••. - .•.•••• Wh. W. Vall. Div.... 4 .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - .. . ..... - ....... - .... 83 - 83 Ctn. Wah. & M., lst.4 .... - .... 95 - 95¼ ..•• - •••. 96¼- 97 .. •• - •• - ••• 95 - 95 •• •• - ••. • Clo. San. & Cl , con.~ . ..• • .... · ••• - ........ - ... . .... - ... . 11~118¼ 11$¾-118¼ .••• - •••.•••• C. I. St. L. & C., 1 st.4 102 -104 103 -103 103¾-103¾ . .. - ... . ...• - ••. . .••. - •.. . .. . • - ••• 1M -lM~ ••• • - .•...••• I. B. & W ., 1st pref. 7 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ... . 103¼-103¾ • . • • - • • . . . . • • - •... 103~-103~ .Peo. & :E., 1st, cons .• 4 83 - 88¾ 86 - 8~¾ 85¼- 86~ 82"'- 85in & - ~ &¾- 85~ &¾- 86 85 - 87 85¾- 87 83 - 85 84¾- 87¼ 80 - 87 Incomes, 1990. .4 23 - 33 30 - 82¾ 29¼- 31 30 - 82 SO - 81 29 - 30 29 - 29 29 - 31 17 - 30¼ 20 - 23 22¼- 30 24: - 29" Clev. Col. Ctn. & Ind.1st, sinklnir fund ...... , 102 -102¼ 102¼-102¾ . ••• Consol., 1914 ......... , .... - •••. 135 -185¼ 187¼-137¼ 138 -138¼ •••• - ••..•••• - •••••••• - •••••••• Geaeralconso• ....... 6 .... - .... . ... - ........ - •••. 137¾-137¼ 13i¾-134¾ •••• - • • • 136¼-137 • •• . - •••. 131 -132 •••• c.&s.• 1stc.c.c.&1., . ... - .... 108¼-108¾ .••• Clev. Lor. & Wheel.Consol., ht ...... . ..... ~ . ... - . . .. . ... - ... . .... - . . . . . . . . - .... 108 -108¼ 108¼-108~ 106¾-106¾ 105¾-105~ 106~-106~ 106 -100 Cl. & llah. V .-1938 .. ~ .... - .... 128 -130 .••• •. 134~-134~ .••• - ••. . .• •. - •... . ••• Colorado Mldlandlst . ............ . . . . .2-3-4 66¾- 69 64 - 673,6 64 - 65¾ 6:».(- 65¼ 64 - 64¾ 63 - 65¾ 62 - 64 62 - 66¼ 64¾- 67 63 - 65 62¼- 66¾ 60~- 66 1st, arold, 1941 ...... . 4 74: - 76 74¾- 74~ 70¾- 72¾ 72¼- 74¼ 74: - 75 73¼- 74¾ 71 - 72 70 - 73¾ 71 - 74~ 71 - 78 72 - 73" 72~- 73¾ Col. & ~o.-1 st, ar.'~9.4 863'- 87!14 86¼- 87¾ 85¾- 88 85!1(- 87¼ 85¼- 87M . ••• 88}r 90 80 - 8~ 85 - 87 84¾- 86 81 - 86 79 - 85¼ Col. & 9th Av .-see Met Col. Rock. Val. & Tol.l ■ t,~,J. P .M.&Co.etfs 70 - 80 73!1(- 76 74: - 76 78 - 79¼ .••• Gen. irold, 1904 ...... 6 32 - Si 30 - 30 ~ - 81 •••• Delaware & Hud ■ onlet, Pa. Div, 191 '7 •• 1 .... - ........ . - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - .... 145•14814:8-148 Allt.& Sue.q., lst,au., .... - ........ - .... 120~-120¼ .••• - ........ - •••••••• - •••••••• - ••••  - ........  - ........ - ·•·· .... - ........ -  - ....... . - ........ -  t!!~':!~.r;!;;;:::::.: Rearlstered ......... 6  ii1i1i1~ :::: = :::: iis  =~ :: :  -  - ........ -  -  ........ -- ....  ::::~ijj  ii~1i7¾ ii;;M:1ii~ :1i;,··: ll6¼-li~ :::: : :::: :::: : : :116 117¼-117¼ ••• - ••. . ••• • - •••. 114¾-114~ ..•. - ••.. 116¾-116¼ •••• - •••••••• - •. . . ..•• - •••. 115 -115 113 -113 Rens. & S., 1st, '21.1151 -151 . ••• - ••. . 153 •-153 ..• - ••.. 150¾-150¼ . •• - •.••••• - •• . 153¾-153¾154: -154: •••• -  Del. Lack.& We ■t'n1907. . ...... ......... ,- .... - ........ - ........ - ... . ... - .... 126¾-126¼ •••• - •••••••• - ••• •••• - •••• • ••• Syr. Bia.ah. & N. Y .. .,. .... - ........ 124¼-124~ •••• - •••• 124!1(-124:ll( •.•• - .•..•••• Morrie & Essex, t ■t.1144: -144: 143 -143 143 -144: •••• - . •• 142 -H3 H2 -142~ .••• - •.. . 141¼-141~ 141¾-141¾ ..•• - .. . 137¾-138¾ ••·· 1871-1901 .... ....... , 110¾--110¾ ·••. - •.•. 111 -111 •••• - •• •. 108¼-108¾ 108¾-108'4 •••• - ..• . ..•• - •••••••• - . •• . 105!,(-105"105"·106% Consol., auar......... ,- 143 -143 •••• - ••• 143 -143~ . ••• - . •.. 145¼-145¾ 148 -143 143¼-143~ •••• - •••. 141¼-141¾ •••• - ••• 141 -141 •••• K.Y.L.&W.-tst ... . 6 .... - .... 138 -138 138¼-138¾142 -142 142 -142¾142 -H2 138 -138 •••• • • ••..•••• Term'l & lmp'mt ... 4 .... - .... 108~108¾ .••• - • . . 122 -122 • • • • Construct'n, 1923 .3 .... - .... 117 -117¼ .•.• - •••. 11S¾-118½ .••• Den.Con. Tr-lst,'33.~ 90 - 92 •••• - ••• . •••• Denver & Rio Grandeht ............ ......... 1 108¼-108¾ 107 -109 108¼-108¼ . . . . - .. .. 10~-105¼ . • • • - • • • . • • . • - .... 105¼-105¼.... - .•. 103 -103 10()¾-102¾ 101!1(-101!1( Consol., 1936........ . . 4 lQO¾-l0lM 100 -101¾ 100 -101¼ 100¼-102¾ 102 -lOi 108 -lM 9~-101¾ 99 -101~ 98¼-101 9$¾- 99~ 98¼- 00!1( 97 - 99¼ let con~ol., 1936... 4¾ 108M-109~ ..•• 109 -109 l~-110~ 110 -112~ 111¾-1127~ 109 -109~ 108¼-109¾107¾-108½104¾-108 108 -lOA •••• Improvement, 1938.~ 102¾-1M% 1~·107 104,¼-105¾ 106 -109¾ 107¼-108'4 106¾-106¾ 105¾-106¼ 104.M-105¼104"'-106 105 -106¼1M9:(-106}(1M -lM Des Mo. UDlon-1st .. ..3 . . . . - . .. . . . . . - .. . . . . . - . . . 107¼-108 ...• - • . . . . . . . - • . - . . . . . • • - • • •. •• • • Det. & Mack.-Uold ... 4 . . - ... . .... 68 - 70 70 - 'i0 72 - 72 72¾- 72~ 76 - 77 76 - 77 Duluth & J. R.-ht ... ~ 107¼-110 110 -110 111 -111 109 -109½ 108 - 109 105 -109 110 -110 lll¼-112 110 -110 110 -110 108 -108 108'4-108" Dul.S.S.&Atl.-1937.~ 111!1(-111!1( 112 -112 112¾-115 11S¾-114!J4114¼-114¼ 115¾ 116 113 -114¾ •••• - •••. 110¼-110½110¾-110½1112 -112 E.T. Va. & Ga.-See So. , Elir. J ol. & E.-lst, Ir •• ~ lO!lM-100!1:( 106¾-108 109¾-109¾ l~-110¾ 111 -111 106 -108¾ 109 -110% .••• - •••. 108!'4-109¾ •••• - •••.•••• Erlelst, Ext., 19'7 ....... 3117 -117 115¾-115¼123½-123¼117 -117 .... - .... 118 -118 121 -121 . ••• ••.. 118 -118 114¼-J14¼ .••• ~d, Ext., 1919 .. . ...... ~ .... - ........ - .... 121 -121 - ..• 115¾-117~ •••• 3d, Ext., 1923 ... .. .. 4¾ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ... . .... - . .. _- 116¾-116¾ 116¼-116¾ •••• - ••.. 114 -114 110~-110¼. ••• 4tn, Ext., t 920 ....... 3 121 -121 . .•• - •.. . ..•• - ••. 121 -121 .••• - •••.. ••• - •• 121 -121 .••• - •.• . 116!,(-116~ •••• ~th, Ext., 1928 •...... 4 . . .. - ........ - .. . ... - ... 100¼-106¾ •••• - . . . ••• - . •• .•••• - · •· .••. - •••..••• lat, censol., arold ... ... .,. 145 -145¾ 145!1(-145!':( ..•• - • . . 142¾-143¼ li4 -1«¾ 144¼-1«~ 144¼-lt5 143¼-144½ 131}¾-141½ 141 -141 139¾-142¾ 135 -140 Lenir Dock con ■ .'3~ . 6 ... . - ... . 189¾-189½ ..•• - •.. . 141¾-1U¼142 -142 ... • - •...••• - •••••••• Buff. N. Y. & :E., tst.7 140 -U.O 140 -140 - •.. . •• •• .Jefferson RR.,lst,ar.~ .. . - .. . . 106 -106 .••. - .. . . •.. - . . . ••• - .•. 106 -106 Chic. & :Erle, ht, ir •• ~ 111¾-114 113¾-114 114¾-115 116 -116¼ 113¾-115 115 -116 115 ·116!4 116¾-116':tllll;s-116¾116¾-116½114: -115 1114 -IH~ Erle1st con. prior llen, ir.4 92¼- 95 93 - 94¾ 92½~ 93¼ 98 - 94: 92¾- 94 93~- 95 91!'4- 93¾ 91¼- 92¾ 90 - 92¼ 90 - 91¼ 91 - 92 88 - 91¼ Reirlstered. . ... 4 . ... - ... . .... - . . . 93 - 93% . .•• - . . . . 93J4- 93¼ .... - .. . 1st con. aren.l •. '96.3-4 72J,,(- 77 71¾- 74 72 - 74¼ 72 - 73 70¾- 73 72 - 74% 72¼- 74¼ 72 - 78¾ 70 - 73 70 - 72 70¼- 72 66¼- 71¾ K. Y. Sos. & W., ret.~ 107 -109 108 -108¼ 107¼-109 108¼-110 111 -112 llQ¼-112¼ 110 -110 •••• - •.. . 110 -111 .••• - •.. 111 -111 •••• Gen., irold, 1940 .... :i 95 - 99 95¼- 98 95¼- 97¾ 97 - 98½ 97¼- 98 97 -101¾ 9~-102½ 97 - 98¾ 96 - 97 95¾- 97 95 - 96~ •••• Terminal, 111t,1rold.~ .... - .... - ... . ... . - ..... . .. - .. . ... - . . lll½-111¼ .. . - ... . •••• - .. . •••• - ....•••• - ••.. 106 -106 Wilk.& E., 1 st,'4'l.~ 98¾-102¾ 102 -lM 103¼-106~ 106 -10""¼ 107¾-108 107¼-108 100 -106% 106¾-106~ 106¼-106¾ 106 -106 105¼-106 103 -105 Mldl'd of N. J., 1st.ti .... - .. .. ... - ... 122 -122 120 -120 120 -120 . .. - ... 122 -122 ..•• - ....... - . .. . ..•. - ••. . ..•• - •••. 116 -116¾ Evans. & T. H -Cens.6 121¾-121¾ ...• - . . ..• - ... 124 -124 ... . - . . . 12~-125¾ ... • - .... 125 -125 1124¾-1257-1 •••• - ••...• •• - . .. . 127 -127 1st, aren., 1942, arold.~ lOQ¼-102 101 -105¼ 104,¾-106¾ 103¾-105 102¾-103¾ 102¼ -103 103 -103¼ 102¼-100½ 105'4-107~ 102¼-105~ lM -105 1102¾-104: Ev. & I.-t ■t,con.,'26 . 6 100 -103¾ .... - ... . 99!'4-100 98 - 99¾ l~¾ 103 103 -103~ 100 -100 . ••• - •.. . •••• - ••. . .••• - •••.•• •• Flint & Pere Marq •.... ff 121 -122¾ 122¾-123 120¼-124 121 -122!1:t 123¾-1£4: 122¾·122~ 122 -122 122~123 - •• . 117¾-120 tstcon ■ ., ir., 1939 ... ~ 100¼-101¾ 100¼-101¾ 1~-102¼ 102¾-105¼ 103 -105 106 -107 105!'4 ·106 105 -106 105 -106¾1M -106 103 -103¾101 -103 Pt. Hur. Div., 1st .... ~ 100 -102¾ 101 -106 104¾-106 103 -lM 103¼-110 105 -107¾ 107¼-107¼ .••• - ••. . 1073,6-107%105 -105 106 -106 105 -105 Pl&.. Ceo. & Pen.-tst.~ - .. . . ... . - ... . 101 -101 ..•. - . . . - . . . . ..•. - ... . .••• ••• - ....•••• Pt. W. & D. C.- lst.4 •ti 85 - 87¼ 84¾- 86M 83 - 85 83 - 86 84: - 86¼ 82 - 83 77 - 81¾ 7~- 80½ 77 - 80¼ 78 - 79 79 - 80¼ 68 - 76~.; Pt. W. & Rio Grande- 1st. 19-lS .... , ... ... . a.4 62¼- 63¼ 62 - 65 63¼- 6~ 64¾- 66 64 - 66¼ 65~,t 66% 64 - 65¾ 64¼- 65¾ 65¼- 65¼ 62¼- RS¼ 60 - 113 60 - 61 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - ........ -  RAILROAD  BOSDS.  1899-Continued. JULY.  AUGUST. 811:PT'BBR.  OCTQBBR. l(ov'BBR. DEO'BJDB. MARCH. JUNE. APRIL. ~T. ---- ---- -------------1· - ---1-- ---1----+----¼----f-----  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  BONDS.  --·-------Oalv. H. & H. of'S2..  ~  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.HlghLow.Htgb 99¼-101¾ 100 -lO'l  100 -102¾ 100 -103¾ 103 -105  103 -105  105 -105½ 105 -105  .... - ....... - •••••••• - ........ • ••• ,  G.H.&8.A.-Sea~.P .Co. Ga.Oar. & N.·-l•t,1ru.~ 100 -100 ..•• - ........ - .... 103 -1:>s 101 -101 •••• - ....... - •....••• - •••••••• - ........ - •••••••• - ....... - ... . Ga. Pacific-Su 8outh'n H.& St.J.-SeeC.B.&Q. Hock. Val.-lat, con.4¾ .... - .... ... . - • • •. .. . - •... 102 -103¼ 101¼-103½ 101,¼-108 101 -103 101 -102 100¼-101½ 100½-101¼ 101 -101!,,( ~-1013, O. & H. v., 1st, ext.. 4 .... - ....... . - ........ - ........ - ... . 105,¼-107 107¾-107¾ 107¾-107¼ .••• - .• . .••• - ••••.••• - ........ - ........ - •••• H. E. & W. Tex.-lst.~ ~102 101 -104 102"-104¾ 103 -104¾ 101 -102¼ 101!4' -103 104 -104¼ 104¾-104¾ 103 -108 103 -103 • • • • - •••• 101 -1~ H. & T. C.-See So Pac. llllnol• Central1 •t. 1rold, 19~1 ........ 4 ... - .... ll2¾ 112¾ 113 -114 107¾-113¾ 114 -115¼ 115¼-115¼ 118¾-113¼ •••• - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••• Gold, 1932 ............. 4 105¼-107 106¾-107 105 -105 104%-106 105M-106 106¼-106¾ .••. - ... . .... - •••.•••• - ........ - ••.. 101 -101 103 -103 Re1rlatered .. ...... ... 4 104¼-104~ - • • • . .. • . - . . .. .. . • - • • . .. . . - .. . .. • . . . . • . . - . . .. • • • • - .. • • • • • • _ • . • . .. • • - .... •• • • _ • • • . • • • • _ •••• Gold, 1933 .... . ....... .4 108 -104 103~-104¼ 104 -105~ 104 -107 104¼-106 105½-106~ 105¾-105¾ 105 -105 1106 -106 •••• - •••. 101¾-103½ 100 -100 lat, 1rold, 1931 .. .. .. 3¾ 103¾-105 ..•• - .•. . .•.. - .... 104 -107¾ .•.. - . ... 106 -106 .... - ........ - •••..••• - •••.••.• - •••. 106 -106 .... - •••• Loulsv. Div., .rold.3~ lJ3¾- 95 94¼- 97¾ 97¾- 99¾ 98¾-105~ 103¾-104¾ 104¼·105¾ 102!'{-103¾ 102½-102'4102 -103¾ •••• - •.•. 101 -101¼100 -101~ St. Louis Div., 1rold .. 3 81 - 83 83 - 83¼ 82 - 83 81½- 91½ 91 - 92 91 - 92½ 91 - 91¾ 91¾- 91¾ .••• - •.•. 00¾- 00¾ 8~- 8~ 88¾- ~ Gold, 19:il. ........ 3¾ 94 - 94~ 94¾- 98¾ 96½- 97½ 96 -104¾ 104%-104¾ 104¾-105½ 108¼-103¾ ••.• - •.•..••• - .... 101 -101¼101¾-101¾ 99½-100¾ Reeistered ....... 3¼ .... - ....... - ........ - .... 103¼-lO;i½ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... .... - ••. 101½-101¾ .••• - ... ..... - •••• Weatern Linea, lst .. 4 .... - .... 104 -104 .••• - •.•. 108 -108 ll2),a-112¼ lH¾-114¾ .•.• - •.•..•.. - ........ - •.•. 111 -111 .••• - ••• . 100¼-11~ Midland Div., lat .. 3½ .... - .... .. - ........ - ... . .... - .... 123 -123 .... - ........ - •••.••• - •••....• - ........ - ........ - •••.•••• - •••• 8prln1rf. Div., lst .. 3½ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - . . . ..... - ....... . - ... .. ... - .... .. - .... ... - ........ - ........ - ... 95 - 95 o. St. L. & N .o.,1r.cp.~ 120 -126 126¾-126¾ . • . • - •••. 128 -128 l.28ff-128¾ •••• - •••. 127l!i-127!'4 127'-(-128 • • • . - .... 127¾-127½ 125¾-125½ 124: -1U Re1rl ■ tered .......... ~ . . . . - . . . . . . .. - ........ - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . .. . . - ........ - .... 125 -126· Gold, 19~1 ......... 3½ .... - ........ - ........ - .... 100 -100 .... - ........ - ........ - ••• . .••• - ., •..•.• - ..•.•••• - •••••••• - •••.•••• - •• •• Mem. Div., lat, lf ... 4 .... - ... 104¼-104¾ .••• - ........ - ... . .... - ....•••• - •••..••• - ••• . 106¼-106¾ - ••••.••. - . .. . .... - ........ - ... . Belle. & Caron., t at.6 . . . . - .... 121 -121 . • . - • . .. . . . . - • • . .. • - • • • . • .. • - • • .. . • • . - • • • • • • • • - •. • . • • - • • .. . .. • - .. • • • • • • - .. • • • • • • - ... . St. L. So., lat, 1ruar-4 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 104 -104 .••• - ••.•••• - ........ - ... . Ind. Dec. & We11t'nl ■t, 1rold, 1933 ...... .. 3 102¼-103 ••.. - •... 105 -106 105!-ta-105½ 105 -105 106¾-106½ 104 -104 .•.. - .••...•• - ••.. 104½-106½ .... - ........ - .. .. Ind. Illinois & Iowal11t, refund'1r, 1948.. 3 104¾-106 106 -106 106 -108 105¾-106 •.•• - ........ - ••• . ••. - .... 107 -107 107 -108½ .••• - •••. 106½-107¼105 -10'1'¼ lnternat'I & Gt. No.1st, 1919..... ......... . 6 ·124¾-125 124,¼-125 124¾-125 1253,ti-126 123 - 125 125 -125 124: -125 124¾-125 121 -122 121½-124 119 -119 120 -120 !Id, 1909 ........... 4¾•3 93 - 95 9i½- 97 92¾- 9i 92 - 95 91 - 9~ 92¼- 93 92¾- 93)4 93 - 96 93 - 93~ ••• - ... 91'-(- 92~ 87 - 92 63 - 66 64 - 66 63'4 - 65½ . • • • - • • . . 62 - 64 55 - 61 3d, 1921. ...... ........ 4 60 - 62 61 - 63 60 - 60 60 - 62¾ 61 - 62'.!1, 62,¼- 63 Iowa Cent.-lat, 1rold .. ~ 107 -110 107 -110 109 -110 108¾-110 113 · US 112 -lU 113 -114:!,( lU -117 114¾-116 118 -115 118¾-115¼ 107 -l.l.2ff Kan.& M.-&e T.&O.C. K.C.P.& G.-bt&col.3 68¾- 75 69~- 75 6i - 72¾ 63 - 68 65 - 67½ 58¾- 66 59 - 61M 61¾- 74:~ 69}r 7i 69M- 78~ 70¾- '73}1 64:~- 7~ Ken. Oent.-&e L. & N. Kln1rs Co. El.-lst, A.3 65 - 77 70 - 71 72 - 85 . ... - ........ - . •• . . ••• - ••. . .••• - ........ - ••••.••• - •••.•.•• - ................. - .. .. Fulton .ii;I., lat, 1ruar.3 59 - 74:½ 60 - 65 62 - 85 89 - 89 . . . • - • . • . • . . - •• • . . • •• - • • • . . •• - • • • . • • • - ••...••• - ........ - .. •• • ... - .. .. Lake Erle& Western118¼·121 120 -121¼ 120,¼-121¾ 119¼-120½ ~-120½ 1~120~ 120 -120¾ 121,¼-lU¾ 119 -121~ l ■t .. ...................... ~ 116½-llS 117½-118½ 118¾-119 2d.................... ..... ~ 103½-104¾ 106¾-110 107 -110 108 -108¾ 108¾-100 108½-110 111 -111 .... - •••• 1118 -114: 118½-1U~ll4:½-116 11.11 -111 North Ohio, l ■t ....... 3 100 -102 101 -101 105 -105 • • - • • • 102~-102¼ 102 -102½ 103~-108¾ •• • - •••• 106 -106 108,¼-103½ 103 -108 l03!(-1QC% L. Shore-Su N. Y. C. Leb. Valley, N. Y.lst, 1ruar., arold ...... 4¾ 105,¼-106¼ J.0 5½-106 106¾-107 107 -107 108¾-110¾ 100,¼-112~ 100½-iOO~ lOOM-1~100 -111 110 -110),j 110 -110 •••. - ... . Reelstered ........... 4½ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. ... ... - .... 107¾-107½ .... - .... 108¾-lo8J,41~-109¼•··· - .. .. Leh. V .Tor.lst,1941 .. ~ 113 -113¼ 118 -113!1( 118¾-118¾ .... - •.•..••. - ••...• •• - •••. 113 -114: 114:¼-114:lii •••• - ....... - •••.•••• - .... 110 -111~ Reelatered .. .......... .:i . . .. - . . . . . . . . - ........ - . . . . .... - . . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . - . . . .. . . - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - .... 100¾-110 • ... - •••.•••• - •••• Leh. Val. Coal-lat. ... :J ..•. - . ••. 96 - 96 •••• - ... . .... - ........ - ••. 96 - 96 .••• - •.•• 101 -101 •••• - ........ - ... 1 ~ - 1 ~ •••• - .. .. Leb.&N. Y.-l ■t,l'u.4 91,¼-913t 92 -98 .••• - •.•..•.• - •.•..•• - . ••.••• - •.. .. .•• - ....••• - ........ - .•..•••• - ........ - ••.•••• - •••• El. O. & No., 1ruar.... 3 .. . - .. .. . . . . - . . .. . ... - . . .. . . . . - . ... ~-100 100 -loo,( l~-101~ 101 -101 101¼-101¼ •••• - ........ - .. • . - ... .. L. Av. & P. F'.-Su Met. L. R. & M -l ■t,3a,t.rc. 85 - 85 ss - 85 85 - 87 85 - 85¾ 36~- ~ •••• - •••..••• - ••• • 87½- 87~ 88 - 88 89 - 88 86 - 86 87 - 87 L. I ■l'd-l ■t, con.,'31.3 120 -122 .•.. - •••. 122¼-122~ 128 -124 124:½·124¾ .... - ... . 124½-124¾ .•• - ........ - ... . .... - •••••••• - ........ - ... .. Ferry, ht, 192~ ...4¾ 99 -101 101 -101 ~100 .••• - .... 100 -100½ ... - ••• . 101 -101 •••• - ........ - ........ - •••• 98 -100 98 -100 Gold, 193:l ............. 4 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - .. 101 -101 94: - 94: Gen. mort., 1938. ... 4 98 - ~ 99M-100 100 -100 100 -100 100¾-102 98 - 99;( 100 -100 . • • • - . • .. 99 - 99 96 - 00~.... - • • • 94: - 96 Unifled,1949- ....... .4 ... - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - ........ • ........ - ........ - .... 87¾-87¼ .... - .. .. K. Y. & R. B., lat .... ~ 100 -100 ... . - ••••.••• - •••.•••• - . •••.•• - . . ...... - .... .•• - •••.•••• - ........ - ••••••• - •••••••• - ........ - ... . J!(. Y .B.& M. B., con .. 3 107 -107 .••• - ••••.••• - ••••.••• - . •• . ••• - •••.•••• - •••..••• - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••• )!(.Sh.Br., l ■t, con .. :i .... - ... .. .. - ..... .. - .... 100¾-100½ .•• • - •.•..••• - .....••• - .•..•••• - •••..••. - ........ - •••..••• - ........ - ... . Loul ■v. ET. & St. L.Oon ■ • 3 ■, Truat rec... . 50 - 52 50 - 56 55 - 72 62 - 67 56 - 60 55 - 60 56 - 60 56 - 61½ 60 - 62 68½- 62½ 63 - 66'4 55 - 62 Gen'I, 1rold, 1943 .... 4 ... .... - .... 6 - 10 .••• .••• - .•• . 6 - 6 •.• - •... 6 - 9 .... - .... 8 - 8 7 - 8 7¾- 8 .Loul ■vl1le & Nasbv.N. O. & Mob., t ■t .... 6 129M-l~ . ••. - ... . 131 -131¾ 13l}t,-131¾ 132½·182~ .•• - .... 131 -131" 131¾-131¼ .••• - •••. .••• - •••. 132~·132¾131 -181 ~  ....................... 6 .... -  ... 117 -117  117~-122  121Xa-121" 120 -122  121¾-121¾ 121½-121¾ .••. - .•...••• - ........ - .... .... - •••...•• - . .. .  E. H. & N., 1st ........ ti . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . .. . - . . . . .. . - . . .. .. .. - .... 113½-118¾ 113 -113 . • • - •• . lU~-114:~ 114: -114: • ... 111 -111 General mort1ra1re . .. 6 117¾-119 118¾-121 119 -120 119'-(-120~ 120,¼-121 117 -117" 117¾-118!,4 116 -118 •••• - .... 120 -120 117 -119),j 115½-117 Pensacola Dlv ........ 6 .. - ........ - .... . ... - .... 107 -107 .... - •••..•.• - .... 109 -109 •••• - .... 100 -100 .... - ... 100½-100.l1i .... St. L. Div., lat, '!Jl.6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... . - ........ - ... .. ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 124: -l.U 2d, 1rold ... ........... . 3 .. . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . . - . . .. . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . . . 67~- 67M .. • • - . • .. .. • • - • . • . 61 - 66 . • • • - • • • . 66 - 66 Pen ■ac. & Atl.-lat . . 6 111 • 112 . •• - ••.. 111½-111~ 112 -112½ 112¾-113 112 -112" ..• - .... 113 -114¼ 111 -111 112 -112~ 111 -111 111 -112 Naab. & Dec., lst .... 1 .. . - ........ - ....... . - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - .... 108 -103 ...• - ........ - •••• :50-year, 1rold, 1931.~ 10'77Ai·l09½ 100'-(-100!1( 108¾-110¾ 109 -110 107~-10'04 .... - • . 109 -109 ... - ••. 109~.(-100~ •••• - •••. 106 -107 105½-1~ Unl8ed, 1rold, 1940 .. 4 95¾- 00:J( 94~- 96~ 95 - 00½ 96 - 98M 98½- 99¾ 98½ ·100¼ 98~-100~ 99¾-100~ 99¼-100~ 99~-100 99½-100~ 98 -100~ Coll. truat, 3-~o •.... 4 .... - .... 100 -100~ 100~-101 98M- 99 ~ - 99}i 98¾-100 99¾-100¼ 99¾-100¾ 99¾-100~ 97½- 93¼ 98 - es~ 9d - ~ Col. trUBt, 1r.. 1931 .. . ~ 108 -103'1 100 -110 100~-lOO.l1i 100 -110 1os -108 108~-108.l1i 108½-108¾ .... - • . .. . .• - •• . . •.• - •••...•• - •••. 10s -107 L.&N.&M.&M.tst4¾ 108 -108 ..•• - .... - ....... - ........ - ....... - ... ... - .... 108¾-l~ .... - .. ... ... - •.• . 107¼-107" .... - .. .. Na■ b.F'l.&8.,lst,1ru.:)  107M-100~ 106½-107¾ 106¼-107¾ lCl'nt-107~ lO'i~-108½ 108 -100  110 -110¾ 108 -108  107½-10,½ 108 -108 100¾-110 109 -110  So.& No.Ala.con • .ru.3 .... - ... . 107¼-lcm( 106¼-108½ 108¾-108~ lOSM-100½ 106½-100 .... - ... . 108,¼-108.l1i •••• - •... 100¾-100¾ .•.• - .•...••• - ••• Ken. Cent., 1987 ..... 4 91 - 92 Y4: - 94: ••• - .... 95 - 95¾ 96 - 96 97 - 97 96 - 97½ 98 - 98 98 - 99 98 - 99 97½- DS~ .••• - •••• Loa.&Jeff'.Br.,1ru.4 .... - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - ....... - .... 9i'-(-98,l1i •••• - •••• 93 -9i 96~-00~ .••• - ••••••• - .. .. L.N.A.&C.-&eC.I.&L. ManhattanOonsol., 1990 ......... 4 95 -106~ 105 -107 104½-100½ 109¾-112¾ 109 -110¼ 109 -109½ 109 -110 100¾-110 108?,g-109'4 106¾-107J.U05 -107 100 -106~ Metropol.Elev., ht .. 6 116 -117 116¾-117¼ 117 -117~ lli¾-121¾ 120 -121 121 -121" 118 -119 118 -119 119¼-119J,( 117½-119 116 -118 114: -11':'9'. ~. 1899 . ............ . O 102¾-102" 102'-(-102¾ 102½-102M lOt¼-102¼ 10o¾·l01¾ 101¾-101" 101!1:(-lOlU 101¼-101~ 102 -102!4 .... - ........ - •••.. .. . - •••• Metre pol. Street Ry.General ......... ... ... . 3 118%-124 120¼-122 120 -121¾ 121 -123¼ 122 -123 121¾-123~ 123¾-124 l20¼-121J,( 120 -120~ 121) -1~ 119¾-123 i11 -UOM. B'y & 7th Av.,1943.~ 122 -125¼ 122 -124 122 -124 124: -124 123½ 124 121 -123 .. - ••.. 122""-122¾ 122¼-123 1221,g-123 122M-128 118 -121 Col. & 9th Av., bt .. 3 l~-127 126 -126 124 -124 125 -125 125 -125 125 -125 126 -126¼ •••• - •.• . .••• - •••. 124: -12! .... - •••. 123~-124: Lex. Av. & Pav. F .. 3 124"-126½ 126¼-126¾ 124 -124:M 125~-126 125¼-126 125 -126~ 125½-12i¼ .. • . - .... l2-i -124 124 -12i 124:¾-W¼ 118 -125 lllet. W. 8. El. (Ch.) ... 4 . ... - ... . .... - ........ - .... 92 - 00¾ 9!3'- j1' 97 - 98¼ 97:Ja- 98% 95!4'- 96½ 95 - 96~ 94¾- 00 95¼• 97~ Di¼-~ Mex. Ceot'l-Conaol. .. 4 68M- 6~ •••• - •••••••• - •••••••• - .. • • ••• 76~- 77" 77 - 773' 77!4- 773' • •• 77 - 77 •••• - .... 78¼- 78!i 74: - 78 l ■t con ■ ol. Income ... 3 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - .. . . 16½- 25½ 21 - ~ 20~ 21¼ • • • • - • • • . 21 - 23¾ 23 - 29~ 25¼- 27.l1i 25¼- 27¼ 18½- 26 9141 conaol. Income •••• 3 •••• - •••• ••• - •••••••• - •• •• 9M- 14:'-( 11¾- 18~ 10¼- 12¾ 11¼- 13!,,( 12 - 13½ 12¾- H~ 12 - 13¾ 12 - 18 8 - 11 Mex. 1Dt.-l ■ t.1Y4:l .. 4 84:½- ~ 86!4- 88'( 85M- 87¾ 87 - 88J,,t 87 - 88¾ 86½- 88~ 86~- 87¾ 86'a- 87½ 85½- 86~ 86 - 87)( 87 - 88 86~- 87M .. • . . . .. . . . . . . . • • • .... 100 -100 . . • • - • . Mexican Nat'l-lat ... 6 .... - ........ - .... . .. - ........ . .. - • • . • • • • - .... .... - ... . 2d Income. R ...... fi__.~ .. .. - . .. H - H .. .. - .. .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD BONDS 1899-Contlnued. MAY. APRIL. - - - ---- -----,----,---------------- ·- - - - - - - - - ---- ----  BONDM  JANUARY FBBR'RY. MARCH.  JUNE.  JULY  AUGUST. SBPT'BBB. OCTOBER. N0V'BJ:R DllC'B•R.  r.ow.Hlgh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.HtghLow.HlghLow.HlghLow.HlghLow.H~h.  MexlcanNorth'n-1st.6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - •··· .... - ....... • ........ - .... 108 -108 .... - ........ - •••• Mlcll. Cent.-See N. Y.C. Mllw.EI.Ry.&L't ... ~ .... - .... 1033'-105¾ •••• - •••••••• - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ••.. 106 -106 •••• • •••·•••• - ••••· M.L.S.&W .-see C.&N. DI. & N.-SeeC.M.&S.P. Dllnneap. & St. Loul11l1!1t, con., 1934, ar .... ~ 110¼-112 112 -118 113 -113½ 113~115 113~-115 lHM-115¾ 1153'-115¾ 115¼-116 115 -116¼ 115 -115¾ 111 -118 111 -m lat, arold, 192"•·······" 145 -146 •.•• - •••••..• - .... 150 -150 •.•• - ........ - ........ - ..... .. - •• . ••• - •...•••• - ........ - •••.•••. - •••• Ia. Ext., ll!lt, 1909... ,. 125 -125 .... - ........ - ........ - ....... - ........ - •••. 121 -121 •••• - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••• S.W.Ext.,lat,1910.,.127 -127 .... - ........ - ••••.. . • •••• - ........ - •.•..••. - •••. .••• .... - .•. . •• •. - •.•.•.•• - .••.•••• - •••• let & ret., 1949 ...... 4 .. .. - ........ - ........ - ........ ~ ... . ... - . ... ~ - 99 99 - 99 98¾-100 97 - 97¾ 96 - 97 96 - 96 91 - 95 Minn. St.-lat, consol.~ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. ...... - ........ - .... llCl~-110½109 -109 •••• - ........ - •·•• Mo. Kan. & Texasbt, ,rold, 1990 ....... 4 919'- 95 93½- 95¾ 93 - 94:1:( 93~- 94¾ 94 - 96 93 - 94 923'- 93% 93 - 95 93 - 94% 91:1:(- 93¾ 92~- 93¼ 86 - 91U ~d, Income, 1990.... ,4 67¾- 71 65¼- 69 66¼- 68~ 67 - 68:1:( 653-4- 68 66 - 681,.( 6';' - 69:1:( 65¼- 73¾ 69 - 73¼ 68¼- 70 69 - 72¼ 63 - 70 bt, exten., ar., 1944.~ 82 - 90 83~- 85 84: - 89 88~- 91 88 - 89 88 - 89 88¼- 89 88 - 95¾ 93 - 96¼ 93 - 9~ 90 - 95~ 00 - 95~ M. K.& T. ofT., 1st.~ 86 - 90 87 - 90 86~- 88 86¼- 8S½ 87¼- SQ½ 88½- 90¼ 88 - 91 91 - 95 89 - 93 90 - 92¼ 91 - 94 92 - 94 K. C. & P.,lst, 1990.4 75¼- 82 79 - 80 77¾- 79 79 - 79 77 - 79 78).(- 80 77 - 79 78 - 78 77¾- 78 7S - 78 76¼- 78 i7 - 78 Dall.&W.,lst,'40.~ 85 -88½ 88 -95 95 -95 95 -95 .••• - .•. . .... - ........ - .... 95 -95½ 95¼-96½ 95 -95 .••. - .... 94: -94: Booneville Brldire ... ,. .... - . ....... - ........ - ........ - .. .. .... - .... .... - ........ - .... ... - ........ - ........ - .... 100¾-100~ •••• • •• Mo. Kan. & Easternlat, 1942................ ~ 101~-105 104 -105 103 -106 102_¼-103 103 -106 104¾·105¾ 107¼-107¾ 105 -105¼105¾-107 106 -106¼104¼-105¾101 -1053' Mlaao11rl PacUlc- J htconaol ............... 6 108:1:(-114% 113 -115 lH¼-121 119 -121:1:( 116 -119 11~-117:1:( 118 -119¼ 118 -118%117 -118¾117 -118¾115~-116~ LOO -115'1 3d, 1906 ................ 1114:¼-115½ .... - ... . 114),g-lU¼ .... - ... 114 -117 115 -115 115 -116 115~-1157,( 116 -116 115 -116 112 -113½ lU -114: Trust, arold, 191, ... . ~ 91¼- 96 94¾- 96 92:1:(-100¾ 99 -100¾ 98 - 99 97¾- 9S¼ 9i -100¾ 99'7kl02 97 - 98½ 96¾- 98 97 - 98 94 - 97¼ tat, collat., a,, 1920.~ 88 - 96 00~- 93 00 - 96¾ 92¾- 94 00¼- 93 91 - 94¼ 943'- 98¾ 95¼- 97¼ 9!¾- 96¾ 94:¼- 96 93 - 95 89"- 94~ Pac. of Mo.-lst, ext..4 107¼-107¾ 106 -106 106 -107¾ 107 -108 . .• - •. .... .. 109 -109 107 -107¼ .... - •••. .... - •.. . 106~-107 104¾-lot~ 2d, 1938, ext ..... . . . 6 1111(-111¾ .•.. - ... ..• .• - ••.. 113¼-115 .•.. - .... 105¾-105¾ 111¾-111¾ .... - •....•.. - ... . .... - .. . . 110 -110 ..•• - •••• St.L.&I.M.Ark.B.ex.~ 105¾-106 106 -106½ 106¾-106¼ 1~-106¾ ...• - .... .... - ... . .... - •......• - ..•••••. - ........ - •. • ••• - ....... . - ... . lat ext., 194.,- ... . 4¾ . .. . - . . 105¼-lOb~ 105½-105¾ 105½-105¾ 100 -106¼ . • .. - ..• . 106 -106 . • • . - ••.....• - . • • . . . • • - • • . . • • • • - .. •• • ... • •••• ~d ext., 1946 ........ ~ 106)4-107¾ 106¼-106% 106¾-106% 106¾-107¾ 105 -105 . . . - .... 105¾-106¼ .... - .. . ..... - .••..... - .. . . . - •....••• - •••• Gen.conaol. & I. ar .. ~ 105 -111¾ 110¼·112 U0¾ -112 108 -lllx 109%-111¾ 111 -1111}.( lll¾-114¾ 113xi-114.¾112 -114 109½-110¾ 109½-110½ 107 -110 Stamped, iruar . .. . :J 110 -111¼ ..•. - .... 111 · 111¾ .•. - ... . 111 -111 lll¼-111¼ lll½-11131; .... - ...... .. - .... 109 -109 109 -109 l083'-109>fli New 30.vear ........ 4 .... - . .. . . .. - ....... - .... 85¼- 88 85¼- 87¼ 85 - 86½ 85¼- 87¼ 84!4- &6¾ 82 - 84¾ 81¾- 82¾ 80 - 83 78 - 82'4 M.oblle & Ohlo-New... 6 125 -126 128 -128 1~-128 127¼-129¾ 129 -130).( 127¾-127¾ 12i¼-127~i 129 -129 .... - .. .. • •• - •.•. 127¾-127¾ 126 -126 tat, Exteo., 19l,. .... 6 118¼-118¼ 117 -118¼ .... - .... 118¼·118½ 122 -122 121:1:(-121¾ .... - .. .... . - ....... - .... . ... - •.....•. - •.....• - ••• • Montarom. Div., lat.. ~ 106 -108 106 -107 lOfl:1:(-107 1orn-108½ 107¼-108¾ 109 -109 l~-109¾ .... - •... 108 -109 109 -100 .... - . ... 103¾-106 Gen. mort., 1938..... 4 82¼- 86 86 - 88 83¼- 85¼ 84: - 88 86 - 87¾ 85¾- 88¾ 86 - 87¾ 86¼- 90 85 - 87¾ 84 - 85¼ 81¾- 85 81¾- a& Mor.L.&T.SS.-See S.P. lla■h. Chatt. & St. L.let ............ ............ ,. 182 -132~ 1323'-132¼ 182 -132)4 132~-132¼ . ••• - ........ - .... 131!,(-131!,( 131 -132 130 -130 • • • • - .... 130 -130 12\J -129 ~d, 1901 ................ 6 ... . - • • • • ... • - • . • . . . • . - .. .. . . .. - .. . . • . • • - • • • . .. .. - • .. . . .. . - ........ - •••. 101 -101 • • . . - • . • . . . .. - • .. • . . . • - •••• Conl!, 1928 ...... 6 108 -108 108 -108 108 -108¾ 105¾.:.106 105~-106 105¼-106~ 107¼-108 107¼-108 108 -108¾ 105%-106~ 106 -107 il.03¼-106 let,T.&P.Br.,'17.6 .... _ • • • •• •• _ • • . . . .. _ •.•.••• , _ .. • . • .. • • • .. • .. . . - .. . . .. .. - • • • • • • • • - • . . . . .. • - .. .. . .. • - .. . .. • • - . 111 -111 Ja9per Branch, lst .. 6 - , ....... - .•.. 115 -115 . . • - •••. .• .. - ........ - ..... . .. - ........ - ....... - ........ - ••...••. - •••. 113 -11s Kew York CentralN. Y ,C. & H., ht, cp .. ,- 114¾-117¼ 1163'-116¼ 115 -115 lH¼-114½ 114J(-115¼ 115¼-116).( 113 -113 111¾-112 112 -112 111¼-112~ 112!,4-112¾ 112J(-1!2M Rearl ■tered ........... ,- 114¼-117¾ 117¾-117¾ 114:¼-114¾ 114¾-114% 115 -115 112 -115¾ ... - ........ - ......•. - ••.. lll½-111½ .... - ....... - •••• Deh., 1884-1904 ... :J 1103'-1133' .... - ........ - .... lO'i¼-100¾ 108 -108¼ 100¼-100~ 100 -109¼ 109 -109 .... - ••. . 1063'-107 106¼-106½ 106¼-1063' ) Rearlatered . ...... .. :J 113¾-113),( • • .. - • . .. . • • • - ••• • . .. • - •••.•••• - ••• • . . .. - • • . ... • - • . .. .. • - .... 1 ~ 1 ~ 105¾-107¼ 106 -106¾ 106¼-1063' Deb., ar., '90-190:J.4 .... - . .. .. .. - ........ - .. . ... - .... 105 -105 lOS¾-103!4 .• . - ••••••.• - ... . .• - •.. . ...• - ••••..•• - . ....... - .. Debt cert■., ext., ar.4 1053'-l~ 107¾-107¾ • . • • - .... 105 -105 104¾-lotM 103¾-104¾ ••• • - •••• 103 -103 101*101~ . .. • - ••.. 102¼·102½ .... - .... Re1rl11tered .. ...... ,4 .. .. - • .. . . . . . - . . . . . .. . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . .. - ... . 102J(-1~ .••• - •••.•••• - . . . .••• - •••• Gold, 1997 . ...... .. 3¼ 11()¼-112¾ 111¼-111¼ 111*112M 112 -112M 111%-112¾ 112¼-118).( 110¾-111 110¾-110¾ 110¼-111~ 110¼-110¾ 109¾-l~ loo,(-llOM RearlBtered ... .. .. 3¼ .. .. - .... 111¼-111¼ . .. • - .... 1123'-112¾ • •• • - • • • . . • • • - .. .. • • • • - • . • . . • • • - .. . . . • • • - .. . • • .. - .. .. . • • • - . . . . .. • - •••• Barlem-l ■t,coup .... , 108 -108 ••• - · • .•• 106 -106 .••• - •••..••• - •... 103"-103¾ 10, -104 104 -104: . ... - ... . •••• - ........ - •.. . .••• - •••• Rearl ■tered ........... , L06¾-106),( - .... 106 -106 ••• - .... 103 -103 104 -lot .... 104 -lot .... - ... . .... - •• •. .••• - •••. 101¼-101~ West Shore, aruar .... 4 110¾-113 112 -112¾ 112 -114¾ 113J(-1H¾ 114: -114¾ 114"-11:'4' lU¼-115¾ 114: -115 112 -113¾ 112 -114 113 -lU 111 -113!,,& Rearletered .... ....... . 4 loo,(-113 112 -112¾ 112¾-113¾ 113¾-lU¼ 113¼-114¾ llS¼-115¾ 114 -114¼ 112¾-114¼ 112 -113 112 -113 113 -113½ L08¼-1~ Beech Creek, 1 et, ... 4 . . . . - . .. . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . .. . . .. . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . - . . . 112 -112 . . . . .. - .. • • . • . • - ••.. 100 -100 Lake Shore, coll .. ,3¾ 99~-102'4' 99¼-100½ 99¼-100¾ 99U-101¾ 101 -103 102¼-103 101~-102¾ 9{1¾-100~ 99¾-100¼ 97¾- 99¾ 07½- 88½ 95 - 98 Rearll!IMred........ 3¼ 98 - 99).( 98"- 99¼ 98"- 99'4 98¾-100¾ 100¾-102¼ 101 -103 101 -102¼ 99¾-100¾ 99¾-100 97 - 97¼ 97¾- 97¾ 93 - 97J,6 Mlcla. Oent'I, coJl .. 3¼ 98 -102 99 -100 98%- 99¾ 98¾-100¼ 100*101¾ 101 -101!':( 101¾-lOZ¾ 100 -100¾ 98¼- 98~ 97 - 99 97¾- 97~ 96 - 97 Rearl■tered ....•... . 33. .... 99 - 99¼ 97¼- 99!4 99 - 90 100 -100 .... - • • . . ... • - • •• . . • .. - ........ - . . . 97).(- 97¾ 93 - 93 96 - 96 R. W .& o., con., lllt.:J L30 -132 131 -131 130¾-132 12d3'-l28¼ 125¼-120 128"-129 129 -129 128¼-129 128¼-128!':( 125¼-12e½ 122¼-126 ~~73'-129 Ol!lw. & R., ~d, auar.~ .... - . ....... - ........ - ... 113 -113 .... - ........ - ... .. ... - ....... . - ........ - ........ - ................ - ... . Mohawk & Malone.. 4 .. .. - ... . . . . - . ... . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - .. .. . .. .. .. - . . . . .... - ........ - .. . . .. - .... 106¼-l~ .... - ... . N. Y. & No., l ■t, a ... :J .... - .... .... - ........ - ......... - ........ - .... 123 -123 128 -128 •••• - ........ - •••...•• - ........ - ........ • ••• L. s. & M.14 •• , dlT'd., 10~-102¼ 102M-1~ - .. •. • • • • - ........ - •• • • . •• • - • .• . . . . . - . .. . • • • • - .. • • • •. - • •• • . .. • - ..... ••• - ••• . ••• • ••• Det. Mon.•& T.,tet.,- .... - .. . .. - ........ - .... .... - ... . .... - .... 128 -123 ..•• - • ... .••. - ....... - • . . •.• - .... .... • •••• 1■, conaol., coup .... , 105¼-105~ 105¼--105¾ 106¼-107 106¼-106~ 107 -10~ 105~-105¼ 103"-103'4' 103¾-103'4 103"-103M 103¾-10S)4108 -103% 10S¾-10S3' let eonHI,, rea...... , 1~-105!,( 106 -1C6¼ .... - ........ - •••..••• - .... 105}-4-105)4 103:l:(-103M lOSM-103!':( .... - .... ... . - ... . lOlJ(-1019' 101¾-101'6  ~d  con ■ol.,  coup ..... , 116¼-116'.( .... - .... ll~-117~ 117 •117¼ 117 -117 1U3'-115 115 -115 .... • ....  -  ... • .... lU~-11{~ 110 -110  N con■ol., rear....... ,. 116¼-11~ .•• - ... . •.• - .•.. .. . . - ••••.•.• - .... 114~-114~ .••. - • . . . 114¼-114Ji - .... 115¼-ll~ 111"-112 pold, 199,-......... 33-a 106 -107¾ 107"-108 108¼-110¾ 110 -111¼ 111*112U 110¼-lll~ 110 -110¼ 100¼-110Ji! 109¼-109¼ 108¼-100~ 100¼-111 100 -ll()U ltedetered ...... 3~ 106 -106 .... - •••. . •• - .... 111 -111 .... - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - .... 108 -lv8 .... - •••• 100~-lOlij( Mahon. Ooal, let. .. 3 .... - . ... ... - .... .... - . .. . . . . . - ........ - •••. . . . . - ........ - . . .. ............. - .... 122¾-122M . • •• - •••• Dllcll. Cent., l■t, con.7 111"-112 112 -112 112 -112 112¼-112¼ 100 -110 110~-110¼ 110¼-110~ 11~111 110~-110~ .... - ....... - •• .• 107M-108~ let, con■ol ........... 3 .... - ........ - •......• - ........ - .... 103 -103 ... - .. .. •• - ........ - •.• . .•• - •••••••• - ........ - •••. 103 -108 1931 .................... 3 .... - ........ - ... . ... - ........ - .... ... - ... . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 120 -120 - •••• Redetered .. .• .•... 3 . •. . - . .•. . . . . - .. .. . . . . - . . . . . . . • - . . . . . . . . - . .• . . . . • - . .. . . . . . - .. .. . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . .. .. - .. .. . . . . - .... ).ff -m K, Y, Ch. & St.L.-l ■t,4 106 -108 107 -10:,¾ 107 -107M 105"·107¾ 106¼-107 107 -107!':( 10~-108 107¼-lOO 106¼-108 105 -106¼ 105¼-lOOJi lMJ,rl~ Bedatered .. ......... .4 . .. - . .. . . . .. - . . . . . . .. - .... 106¼-105¼ • . .. - .. .. . • • • - •••• 106¾-106¼ . •• • - ........ - •••• 104 -lot 103¼-1°' 105¼-106U !(. Y. N. H. & Hartt'dOon.db. et., all ln■.pd. 178 -174 174¼-184: 181¼-184: 181 -191 185 -186M 185 -100)4 187¼-187¾ 187¾-100 185 -189~ 188¼-188" 189 -189 . ••• - •••• Housat., con., 1937.~ .... - ........ - ....... - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - ... 133 -133 ..•• - ........ - •••• 128 -128 I(. Y • & N. Ena., ht., 120 -120¾ 12~·120¾ 120¾-120¾ 120¾-12~ 121 -121 1213'-121~ 117M-117M .••• ••. 117M•117'-' - ........ - ••••••• - •••• l■t. 190~... ........... 8 114 -114¾ • • • • - • . . . . . .. - ••.. 114U-114¼ 114:%-115 .. • • - ... . 113 -113~ .... - ........ - .. .. • • .. • .. •.•••• - ........ - •••• Jl.Y. On, & W.-lat, ar.3 106 -106¾ 106¼-106½ 106½-107>4 107 -107!'4 107¾-10811i .... - .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... . ... - •••••••• - •••• Ref., ht, 1992........ 4 lot¼-105½ 104 -106 10S!4-104~ 103 -104¼ lOi -106 105¾-106¼ 105¼-106¾ 105)t-106:U lOS"-104~ 103'(-105 lot¾-106 101¼-1~ !f. Y. 8~& W.-&e Erle. . . llorf. & 80.-let, '41 .. ~ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 107¼-107¼ 107"-107M 105¾-108¼ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••••••• - •·•• Jlforf". & Weat.-Gen'l.. 6 .... - .... 130 -130½ .••• - •••..••• - ........ - •••. 135 -135 .••• - ........ - ••. • •. - ........ - ........ - •••• •••• - •••• !few Riv., 1st, 193~.6 .... - .... .... - .. .. ... - .... ; ... - ....... - ........ - ........ - .... 180 -130 .... - ........ - ........ - •••• 1:1.28 -128 &. Val. & N. E., ht.4 96~- 97¼ 96¼- 97¼ 97 - 98¼ 9~-101 98¼-100 99~-100 oo,.(-101 100 -101 101 -101 100~-101 96¼-100 96 - 00 N.& W.Ry., 1at,con.-& 88¾- 92¼ 92 - g2¼ 91¼- 06 92 - 95¾ 9' - 96 94¼- 95" 9':l(- 95M 94¾- 96).( 9i • ~ 91¼- ~ 913'- 92'U 873'- 0/aM &edstered ........... 4 .... - ... . .... .... - ....... , - ........ - .... 95¼- 96¼ •••• - ........ - •••••••• - ........ - •••••••• - ••••••• - •••• Northern Paclfto, Gen. 1st, land arrant.6 114¼-116 1153'-116 116¼-118 119¼-120 ••• - ........ - •••.•••• - •••.•••• - ........ - •••• .••• - ........ - ........ - •••• Rea-Wered ........... 6 . .. . - ....... - . .. . . .. - ........ - ........ - . . .. . .. . - .... 112 -112 • ••• - •••••••• - .... . • • • - •••••••• - •••••••• - .. .. St. Paul & No. Pac: .. ti .... - ........ - ........ - .... ... . - .... 191.~-lSl~ ...• - ...... . . - •••..••• - ••••.... • ....••• - •••.•••• - •••• •••• - •••• R<'gil!ltered ... ...... .. 6 . . .. - .. . . .. . - . . . . . . . - .. . . .... - ........ - ........ - .... 132 -132 .•• • - ........ - • •• . . • .. - ...... •• - ........ - •••• No. Pn.c.Ter.Co •• lt1t .ff 11!? -116 114: -llll 111 · 11'1 • 1m -119 111\ - 111\~ .... - •.. . 117¼-120¼119~-121¼119 -120 129 - ~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  00  BONDS.  1899-Continued. BONDS.  JANUARY FBBB'BY. MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNB.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BBR. OOT0BBR, N0V'BER. DBC'BBR.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.HlghLow.HlgbLow.HlghLow.Hlgh  ---  North'n Paclfic·Ry.Prlor lien ............... 4 101¾-103¾ 102¾-l0S½ 102M-104 101¾-104~ 103M-106¾ 1~-106¾ 1~-104-U 1023'-103M 103 -104¼ 101 -102J.( 101 -102-u 100¾-lOSM Rearl ■tered ............... .... - .... 1031'-103¾ 1031'-103¼ 103-U-104 103 -1~ .... - ••• 102 -103 103¾-103J.1i .••• - •••. 10~-102~ .••• - •••. 100 -100 General lien, 2047 .. 3 68¾- 70 67M- 69 67¾- ~ 61 - 68¾ 66¾- 68 66%- 68~ 67~- 68~ 66¾- 6~ 65¾- 67~ 65 - 66 M¾- 66 63 - 66% Re1rlsteredcertlf's .. .... - .... . ... - ...... - . ... .. . . - .... 65¾- 65¾ 66¾- 66~ •.•• - ••....•• - •.•. 66 - 66 ..•. - •••••••• - •.....•• - •••• 90 - 90 •••• - •••••••• - •••..••• - •••.•••. - ••...•.. - •.. . .••• - ••.• 94M- 96 •. 98 - 95 PO - 90 92 - 92 .•.. Wash. Cent'l, 1st .... 4 Oh. & MIH.-See B.&O. OhloRlv.-lst, 1936.. ~ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ..... ... - ........ - .... 103 -103 103 -104' ••• - •••. . .. - ... .... - ....... - ........ - ... . 85 - 85 General, 1rold, 1937.~ .... - ........ - ........ - ....... . - ....... . - ........ - ........ - ........ Om. & St.L.-lllt, '01.4 80 - 81 82 - 85 81 - 83 .•• - •••. 65 - 81¾ . .•. - •••••.•• - •••• 80 - 80J,,d 79 - 79 75¾- 78 •••• - .... 74' - 75¼ Or. & Cal.-See So. Pac. Or. R.R. & Nav.! See Or. Ry. & Nav. (;nion Or. i!!llbort Line. Pac. Paclftc Coast Co.-lst.~ 105 -106¾ 106~-107 107 -108 107 -108 105¾-108 1041'-105M 108 -104¾ 104 -105 104 -105 105 -108¾108 -110 1~~106 Panama-1st, s. f •.. . ,4¾ .•. . - ....... - •••...•. - ••....•• - ........ - .....••• - •••..•.. - •...•••. - •....••• - ••.. 103!,4-103~ 103"-104¾ .... - •••• Pennaylvanla Co.1st, coupon....•.... 4~ 116¾-116½ 1143'-115¾ 115¾-115M 116¾-117¾ 117¾-118 118 -118 11~-116~ 116~-116~ 115¾-115¾1H -115 114, -115 118¾-115 Rea-lstered ........ . 4¾ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... llSM-115)11 . . . . - • . . . . • • • - •.. . •.•• - • . . . . . • . - . . • . • • • • - • . • . • . . - . . . . . • • - . . 115 -115 • . • - •••. P.c.c.&St.L.,Sr.A4¾ 114¾-114¾ .... - •.. . 116 -116 lU~-114~ . ... - . . . . . .• - •... 118 -118 . .•• - •.• , 117¾-118 114 -lH 115 -115 •••• - ..•. • .. . 112¾-11~ Serle11 B., 1942 ... 4~ .... - ... . 116¼-116¾ 116 -116¾ lU -lU 115¾-115~ 118¾-119 •••• - •••...•. - ••..•..• - •••...•• - . . . . . . . - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 1043'-106 107 -107 Serles D, 194~ ..... ,4 .... - .... ... - ........ - . .. . P. Oln. & et. L.-lst.1 107¼-107'U •••• - •••. 105>!i-105~ 1~105¾ . ... - ... . ... . - .••••..• - •••••••• - ••••.•.• - •••...•• - .•..•• . • - ••. . ••.• - •••• Pitta.Ft. W .&C., 1st. 7 188!'(-lSSM • • • • - •••. 141 -141 . . • • - •...• , • • - • . . • . . . . - • • • • ••• - • • • • .. • • - •••. 140 -1,0 141 -141 140 -140 • • • . - •••• ~d, 1912 ............. 7 .... - ........ - ... . .... - .. . ..... - ... 140¾-140¾ ..•• - •• • ••• - •••••••• - ••••.••• - •...•••• - •.•• 189 -140 •••• - •••• 3d, 1912 .............. 7 .... - ........ - ........ - . ....... - ........ - . ... 135 -135 •••• - •••.•••• - •••.•••• - ••...... - •••••••. - •.•.•••• - •.•• ()b. St. L. & P., 1st .. ~ .... - ........ - ........ - .... , ... - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... 119¾-119~ •••• - •••.•••• - •••. Cl. & Pitts., con., ■ .f.7 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 108 -108 ..•• - •.•••••• - ••••.... - •••..••• - •••• 1051'-105~ •••• - ••••••.. - •••••••• - •••• Gen'l, If•• ser. A ... 43' .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... .... - .... 121 -121 .••• - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••••••• - • . • G.Rap.& I.,lst ex.4¾ .... - ..... ... - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - .... 1131'-118~ ••.• - •••••.•• - •••• .••• - •.•. 114 -114 .••• - •••.•••. - •••• O.&M.,lst,lfU.'3~.4~ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - .. ,.110¾-110¾ Peo. Dec. & Evansv .lst, 6, Trust Co. ctfs.. 99 - 99 101 -101 101 -101 . • . • - • • • . . • • • - • . • . 99¾- 99M . . . . - . . . . 99~- ~ . • •• - • ••• .. • • - .... 100 -100 98¾-100 Evan ■v. Div., lat, 6, ·,Trust Co. certlO.c'ta. 943'- 97 96 - 96 97 - 97 93¾- 93¾ 943'- 94¾ • • • • - • • • • 94¾- 94~ 99¾- 99~ 99 - 99 95 - 96 96 - 98~ • .. - ••••  P .& E.-su c.c.c&s.L.  Peo.& Pekin Un-.l ■t.6 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - .... 126 -126 •••• - • • . . . . • • - • • . . • . .. - .. • . • • • • - • • •• • • .. - • . • • • • •• - ... • • • • • - • .. . • •• • - •••• ~d mort., 19!it.... .-.4¾ •••• - •••.•••• - ••• . ...• - •••.•••. - •••. 100 -100 100 -100 100¾-100¾ •••• - ........ - •••. 100 -100 96 - 96 96 - 96 __, 1.-.O.C.&St.L-See Pa.Co. Pitta.Pains.& F .-1st.~ ... . - . ... . .. . - . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . . - .. .. . . . . - . . . . 90 - 90 . • • • - . • • . . . • • - • • • . • ••• - • ,. • • ••• - • • • . • ••• - ••• . • ••• - •••• Plttab.Sh.&L.B.-lst.~ 113 -118 .••• - ......•• - ....... - ..• .. ... - .... 115 -115¾ 116 -116 .••• - .•..•••• - •••••••• - ••..•••• - ........ - ••• . 99 - 99 98!'(- 98!'( .••• - •••. 100 -101¾ Pltt■b. & We■t.-l ■t .. 4 98 - ~ 98M- 99½ 99 - 99~ 99 - 99¾ 9~-100 100 -100 ..•. - .... J. P. M. & Co. ctf■•.•.. . •. . - . . . . 98~- 99~ 99 -99~ 983'- 99~ ~9¾-99'U 99'¼-100~ 98¾- 99!'( 99¼- 99M 99~- ~ 99 - 99¾ 100 -101 100 -101 lteadln1r-Gen., 1991.4 &M- 89 ~ - 89¾ 88XJ- 90~ 88 - 89'U 86¼- 89-U Be¼- 91M 87¼- 90 87¾- ~ 86¾- 88 85-U- 87"-! 86 - 87¾ 82M- 86'U 86 - 87 84¾- 8'¾ Si¾- 84¾ Re1ristered ............. 4 .... - ... . .... - .... 87¾- ~ ..•• - . ...... - .... ~ 89¾ 87¾- 88¾ .... - ••....•• Rich. & Danv.-Su So. Rio Gr. Junc.-l ■t •.... ~ 104~·104~ 102¾-102¼ •... - ••••...• - •.• . 104 ~104 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••.•••• - ... . 105 -105 ..•• - .••• .•. - .... 7SM- 78M 78¾- ~ 74~- 74~ ..•• - ••.• 72 - 73M .••• - •••.•••• - .. . 78 - 7S 743'- 74~ Rio Grande So.-l ■ t .. ~ ... - .... 72 - 78 Rio G. W .-l ■ t, 1939.•4 91 - 949( 93 - 94~ 94 - 98 97 - 97M ~ -1 ~ 100 -102~ 98 -100~ 98 - 99 97"-100 ~ - ~ 96 - 999i 94~ 98'6 Uta.h Cent., tat, iiu .. 4 ..•• - •......• - •....... - .. . . 873'- 88¾ 81¾- BS¾ 88 - 88¾ ...• - ••••.••• - •••••••• - ........ - ................. - ••• It. W. & 0.-Su N. Y. C. 8t. Jo■• & Gr. Ialandht, 19,U ......•.. 2-3-4 83 - 84 83 - 84 81 - 84 81¾- 81¾ 81 - 81¾ 81 - 82~ 791'- 83 83 - 85 .... - •••• 83¾· 87 83U- 86 81 - 85 8t.L.&I.M.-SuM.Pac. 8t. L. & S. F. RR.-1r ..4 82 - 87¼ 85¾- 88¾ 87~- 88 88 - 88½ 87 - 88¾ 88 - 89 85¾- 87 85 - ~ 83 - So~ ~ 85xi ~ - 84~ 81 - Si - •.•• 100 -100 100 -100¾ OOM-100 8 . W. Div., lat, '47.. ~ 98 - 98 98¾- 99¾ 100 -102 993'-101¼ 100~-102 101 -101 100 -100 100~-100J.1i 94 Oeat. Div., l ■t, '29 .. 4 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . ... - ........ - .... 95 - 96 96 - 96 ..•. - ..• . •••• - .... St. L. & San Fran.••. .... -110 110 •••• •••.•••• •••....• •••• -lU 114 • . • .... 112¾-ll~ .... .... 11~-115 ~d, claa■ A, 1906 .. .. . 6 114 -lU •.•• .•• - •.• . 114¾-114¾ •••• - •••. 110 -112 112 -112 Ola■■ B, 1906.......... 6 114 -lU 114¾-114~ 114!'(-115"' 115 -115 112¼-1143' 118M-114 114 -lU ••• - .••• .. • . - .. • • • • • • - •••. ~10 -110 Ola■■ C, 1906 .......... 6 . . . . - .... 114}t-114¾ 115 -115 . . • • - •... 112~113¾ 118"-1189( lU -lH . • •• General, 1931 ........ 6 122 -124' 1231'-123~ 123 -124¾ 123 -124~ 124 -125¾ 126 -126M 123¾-124M 123"-124~ 1241'-124!'( 123 -124!14124¾-125 124 -125 -11~ 109¾-110¼107 -109~ 109 f'i,eneral, 1931 ........ ~ 107 -1~ 108¾-100¾ 108 -109}( 109-U-110¾ 110¾-112 111"-112¼ 108¾-109~ lOSJ.(-1099'109¾-110 - .... 105 -105 102¾-1053,6101 -101 lOQ½ -100¾101 -101 . ... - ••••••• - •••. 103 -103 100¾-100~ ...• - ••• .. ••• - •••• iat,trust,19~7 ...... ~ f 8t. Louis Soutbw'nht, 19!!!19 ................ 4 84"- 92% 90 - 93¼ 90½- 98~ 92 - 97 92¼- 941' 92¼- 95M 95 - 96½ 94¾- 96 92¾- 95 90~- 93 87¾- ~ 82 - 88% 2d Inc., 1989 .......... 4 40"- 55~ 51"- 55¾ 51 - 57 68¾- 57 58H- 5~ 51¾- 58!'4 57¼- 66~ 64¾- 66~ 62 - 66¾ 58¾- 63!14 59¾- 62~ 50 - 62 8t. P. C. Cable-Con ... ~ . .. - ........ - .... 108 -;108¼ .. - ........ - •••..••• - ••• . •••• - . •• 112 -112 111 -112 lll¾-1113,6112 -112 .... - ••• St • .Paul & Dulutb.... - ••..•••• - •••..••. - •••.... _ ••• lat, 1931 ............... 312'.!¾-12<.!¼ 120 -120 .... - ........ - ........ - •.•..... - •.• .. ... - ..•. !Id, 1917 ........ ........ ~ 113¾-115 113 -113 113 -lU 113¾-113¼ ...• - .... 113 -118 118¼-113¾ 118¾-113~ 113¼-118!'(109¼-111 111 -111~110~-110~ lat, consol., 1968 .... 4 .... - ... . .... - ........ - ....... - .... 100 -102 100 -100 99¾-101¾ 99 - 99!'( .••• - ••. . •••• - ••. 100~-100¾ 98¼- 98¾ l!lt. P. Minn. & Man. !Id mort., 1909..... .. 6 . . . - .... 124 -124~ 124 -124 121 -121~ 121¾-121¾ 122 -122 . . • • - . • • • .. • • - .•.. 1213'-121¾. • • - •.• 118¾-119 • • • - .••. Dakota Extension .... 6 124¾-125¾ 124¾-125¼ 124,t-125 124,¾-125 1223'-122¾ 122!'(-123½ 122 -192 122 -122 • • • • - •... 123 -123 119¾-119¾ 119 -119 - .... 148 -148 142 -142 187 -lil l. ■t, consol., 1933 . .. . 6 138M-188!'( 138¾-138¼ 138~-189¾ 140 -uo .... - .... 146 -146¾ 148 -148¾ 142 -us~ Re1rlatered ........... 6 .... - .... 187M-137~ ..•• - •...... - ... . .. • - ... . . .•. - .....•.• - .•. • ••• - •••••• - ••• . ..• - •••••••• - •••. • - •••• 115 -116 115 -115'4 11~116 · -1i1 116 116'U-117H -119¾ 119 -119 119 Red■ced to ......... 4¾ 1123'-113~ 11~-118¾ 112¾-118 115%-119  92"-  ii6M-116M  lUont.E::a:t.,l ■ t.1937.4 104¾-10~ 105¾-105¾ 106¼-l<mi l~-108¾ lO'J -108  .•.• - ••• 105¼-106 105 -105¾108 •••..••• - •••..••• - ........ - ..•.••.• ••.. 137¾-137¾ ..•• - ........ - ••• . .••• .... 117¾-117¼ ..•• - ••. 119"-11~ ••• • ••• - •••. lll¾-111¾ •••• - •••• 112 • •• . . .. . - • .. • • • • - .... •• • - • • • . • .. •  -105 102¾-103~ 105~-105~101 - ••••••• - ........ - •••.•••• - •••• 135 -185~ .••• - •••••••• - •••• 117 -117 . .•• - .... 118 -112 .••• - •••• . ••• - •••• 108 - • • • . . • • . - • • . . . • •• - , •••••••  ·108~  _ •.•• Re1rlstered ........... 4 104 -104' .•• . - ..•....• - .•. . ••• - ••..••. - ••• Mont.Cen.,lat,1937.6 .... - ........ - .... 134~-lS!¾ •. •. - ••••.••• -118 .. lat, 1ruar., 1937 .... ~ 1133'-11~ 114 -115 ..•. - •.•...•. - ........ -108 E.Mlnn.,lat Div.1st.~ lll¾-111¾ .••• - ••.. 113~-1183' 110¾-110¾ .... - ••• • • • . -120 115 Will. & S. Falls, 1st.~ . . . - . . . . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . 8. A. &A.P.-Su8 Pac. 106M-106" . • • • - ••• 8. Fe. Pr. & Pia enl::a:•.. ~ • ... - • •• . • •• • - •• •. 95 - 96 • . . . - .... 106¾-106~ . . • • - •.•. 106 -107¾ 107¾-lO'ffl 106M-106¼ Sav.F &N.Pac.-lat.~ .... - •••••.•• - •.•..•.. - ••...•.. - ... . .... - •....... - •.•..... - .....•.. - •.. ,112M-1~112¾-112¾ .... - ••••.••• - ••• Sav.F.&W.-latcon.6 .... - ........ - .... .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 122 -122 124 -124 lat, 1rold, 1934 ... ..... ~ .... - .... 12o¾-l.25¼ 112 -112 ••• - ••••.••• - •••.•••• - •••..••• - •••••••• - ••• . •••• - •••..••. - •••.•••• - •••• 122 -123 S.C. & Ga.-See South'n ... 8outliern PaclO.c Co.Vollat. trust, 1949 .. 4 .... - ........ - .... 85 - 8~ 863'- 86-U 85 - 86¾ 84¾- So~ ~ - 85¾ 83 - 86¾ 83¾- 85% 82¾- 84~ 83M- 85M 78 - 83¾ Re1rl11tered .... ...... . 4 .. . . - .... . .. . - . . .. . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . .. 85 - 86 • •• • - •••. Galv.H.&S.A.,lst.6 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 114 -114 ..•• - .... 113~-113~ .•.• - •••.••• - ••• . •••• - •••. 108 -108 .... - ....... - •••• .••• - •••. 109¼-109¾ 109¾-109~ .... - •••• ~d, 190:J .............. 7 ... - .... 110 -110½ .... - •••..•• - ••...•.. - •••..•.. - •••..•.• - •••. M. & P. Div., ht .. ~ 100~-103¾ 10314-104'4 103%-104¾ 104 -105 102~-103 103 -l0S'U 103¾-10~ 103~-103~ 103 -104 108 -108~101 -103 100¼-108 Boos.& Te::a:.C., 1st.~ 110¾-111 107 -107 111¾-112 112 -112¾ 112 -113 112M-113¼ 110¼-ll0'U 110¼-lllMi 111 -lll'U 109¼-109¼ 112 -112 1~-112~ - ••.. llQ¾-110¼ {1,onsol., &r•, 1912 ... ti ... - . ... . .. - .... 112 -112 .••• - .... 111 -111 . ... - •••.•••• - •.. . •••• - •••• 11131;-118 108 -110 ~neral, a-., 1921 .. 4 87M- 80¾ SSM- 90 89~- 90 87¾- 88 87M- 89¼ 88¾- 90 88~- 89¾ 88 - 88M 87M- BeH 86¾- 8~ 85¾- 86~ 83 - 86~ Mor1r. La. & T., lst.1139 ·189 .... - •... .. - •...•• - ........ - ..•...•. - •.• 138 -138 .... - ••••..•• - •.•..•.. - •.• 134 -134 .•.. - •..• .•.. - ..•..••• - •••. 102 -102 98¼-l00 Ore1ron & Cal., l11t ... ~ 97 -100¾ .••• - •••. 103 -105 .... - .••. .. - .. . ••. - ..•...• - ........ l!an An. & Ar. PaH.4 77¾- 81 78 - 86 813'- 85M 80 - 83!)( 80!d- 84 82 - 83¼ 79"- 80¾ 79 - 80~ 78 - 80 78 - 79¾ 78 - 81~ 75 - 80¾ 'T.&N.O.,con. 1r.,'43.~ 102 -104% 103"-105¾ 103 -105¾ 105 -106 105 -1~ 105~-108¾ 103¼-106 103 -104~102M-104~102M-1Q3M102;.(-104M103 -104¾ 8o.Pac .. Ariz'na.tst.6l109~-112 112 -112 114 -114¼ 114¼-1141¼ 1rn~-11a~ llS½-115 11? -11a1,1112 -113½113~-114~1U -1HM112¾ ·11a¾ll2 -113',( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  AILROAD AND  9l  MISCELLANEOUS BONDS.  1899-Continued. JANUARY FEBl't'RY. M.A.RCH.  -----------•  So • .Pacific Co.-(Oon.)So. Pacific, Cal., lat.6 lat, coneol., 193, . 6 Stamp., 1906-3'1.6 Au. & M. W., let .... 6  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNJC.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BJCR. DEC'BER.  ---- ---- ---- - - - - - - ----1-----1-----t-----1-----1----1----  BONDS.  Low.High Low.Hiirh Low.Hiirh Low.High Low.High Low.High r,ow.Hlgh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  - - - - -----t-----1-----t-----1----  )  . . . . - . . .. . . . . - .... 112 -114. 122 -122 . . • . - •• . . . • • • - • •• . . . • . - • ••. . . . • - • • • . . . • • - •••. 105¾-106½ 107 -107 . . . . - •••• . . .. - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . - ... . 106¾--106¼ . . . . - • • • . . . . . - •... 107 -1~ 107 -107 • • • • - •••. 10!l -lO!l . . . . - •••• 106 -107¾ 107 -109 95'4- 99 90 - 96  107¾-108% 108~-109~ 106¼-107¾ 106¾-108 107¾-109 99 -1~ 100 -101 100 -1~ 99¾-100)-6 97¼- 98  :~~a :~~.~-~~~•J::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :::: : :::· .: : = :::: ~~~=1~~ ~~~1~~~  107114-1~107 -109 107 -108 105 -107 103¼-106 96¼- 97~1 96 - 97~ 97~- 98114 98~- 99 97 - 983(  = :::: ~~.~ :l~~~~~U:1~~  ~:~~:~,:::: : :::: :::: 0 8outhern1et, coneol., 1994 .... 6 103~-1~ 105 -1~ 105¼-108~ 108 -110¼ 100~-lll¼'.110¼-112¼ 108¾-110¾ 1~¼-110¼'.108¼-110 1~-109 107'7k109 104,¼-109 Rearlste•ed ........... 6 .... - .... . . . - . ... 106¼'.-106~ . ••• - •••...•. - ......•. - . ..... .. - .•• •.• .• - .. .. •••• - •••••••• - ••..•••• - •••••••• - ••• •Mempb. Dlv ..••4-i¼-6107¼-107¼ ••.• - •••...•• - •••.•••• - •••.•.•• - •••. li0¼-110'°' ... • - ... . 108¼-108~ •••• - ... . .... - •••••••• - ••••.••• - •.•• E.Tenn.reora.llen.4-6 .... - .... 107¼'.-108 106 -107 107 -109 lQS¼-108½ 109¼-109¼ 110 -110 •••. - • ...•••• - ••• 107':i-108 •••• - •••. 106 -106 Atl. &, let.'1 .... - ........ - .... 119 -119 .••• - •.•.•••• - • •• . .• - ........ - •••••••• - .•..•••• - ........ - •••.•••• - ........ - •••• Col.&Gr., let,'16 .. 6 .... - ... .... - ... . 117 -117 •..• - . ••..••• - . ... 118'(-118!14 •••• - .••..•.. - ..• . •..• - ... . .... - ••••••• - ....... . - .. .. E.Tenn.V.&Ga,,lst.'7 lO!l~-104,½ l~-lO!lM 10!l*105 105¼-105¼'.105¼-105!14 105'Jii-105¾ •..• - ...•••• - •••• 103¾-103'4 •••• - ........ - •••• 1()3%-1~ Dlvtelonal. .......... .:J lU¾-116¼ 116¼-117 117 -117¼'. 117~-ll'n( .... - .... 118 -118¼ 116 -116¾ 116¼-117 •••. - ••• 116 -116 .... - .... ll~-l.L6n Coneol., let, a ........ :J 115 -116 115 -116 1153'-118¼ 117':i-119:i( 116¼-118!14117 -118 118 -120 119¼-119¼117 -120 117½-11$fi lU¼-117 118 -1.J.on Ga. Pac., let, ii old ... 6 124: -124: 124: -12!l¼ 124: -124:¾ 124: -124. 12!l¼-124:¼ 123 -123~ 119114-119:14 :!.20 -120 • • • • - • • • . • .. • - ..•. 120 -123¼ 123 -1~ Knox. & O., let, Ir•• .6 119 -119 119¼-119¾ 120 -123 122 -123 l2!l -125 .•.• - ••• . ..•• - .. .... .. - ........ - ........ - •••• 122¼-122¼ 124, -124. Rtcb.&Da.n .,con.,1r.6 123 -123¼ ~-123¼'.123¼-123'Jii 123¾-125 125 -125¼ 126 -126¾ ..•• - .••..•.• - ..•..••• - ... . ..•• - .. .. 120 -123 121¼'.-123 Equip.•• f., 1U09... 6 .... - ........ - .... 100 -100 .•.• - •.••..•• - ..•....• - ••..• . • . - ••••.•.. - ••. •••• - ... 100¼-101 •••• - •••. 102¾-105 Debenture, 11t'p'd .. 6 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 106 -106 •••• - •.•. 109 -110 .•.• - .... 197 -109 107 -110 :tOS¼-105½ So. Car. & Ga., 1 et .. 6 102¼-106 103 -lO!l¼ lO!l¼-106 105'Jii-lll 108 -109 108 -109 108%-109 108~-109¼ 108 -109~ lQS¼-109~ 106 -106¼ 104:¾-105" Serles D ...... ..... . 4-6 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ... 102 -102 • • • • - • • . . • • • • - •••• Va. Midland, ser. E .. 6 109 -109 .... - ••••.••• - •••..••• - •••• . . - ••••.. ,. - ..•.•••• - •••... • . - •••••••• - ••••.••• - ........ - ........ - ... . General, 1936 . .... . 6 110 -11~ 110:i(-lll 112 -112¼ 112¼-115 118¼-114: 115114-116¼ 115¼-115¼ ...• - ••• 114. -114. ... - .... 109 -109 109 -109 1936, a .. etamped.. :J .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 1133'-113¼ . ••• - ••..•••• - . •• 115 -115 •••• - •. ... ••• - •••.•••• - . •.••.• - •••• Wash. O. & W., lst.4 94. - 94: 90 - 90 .... - ........ - . .. ..... - .... . ... - ........ - ........ - ....... - .....•.• - ........ - ........ - ... . W. N. Car., 1st, con.6 .... * •••••••• - . . . . . . . . - .... 120¾-120¾ 120 -120 .••• - •••. ll~-118 117 -ll'T}i 117 -ll'i 118 -118 •••• - ••.. 117¼-119 Term'l AH'n of ~t. L.let, cons., ar., 1944 .. 6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . 11,3'-114:¾ .•.• - .•• ..• .• - •••.•••• - •••..••• - •••.•••• - ••• 111¼-W¼ •••• - ... . lat, aold, 1939...... 4¾ . .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 112114-112~ .••• - ........ - •••••••. - •••. · ••• - •••.•••• - ........ - •••• Tex. & N. O.-Su So. P. Texae & Pac.-190:1... ti .... - .... .... - ... 106 -106 105 -105 105¼-105¼ lO!l -104:¼ .••• - •••• • •• - ••• .• ••• - ••• 107 -107 107 -107 .••• - •••• let, arold, 2000 ........ 6 109¼-1103' 110¼-114. 112 -113~ 113 -115 115 -116¼ 118 -114~ 114. -116¾ 115 -116 114: -115~ 113 -116 112¼-115½ 110 -113 ~d, ••• Inc., 2000 ..... 6 45¾- 49¼ 48"- 54: 51¼- 54.¾ 53¾- 56 53"- 55¼ ... - . - .••• - ........ - .•. 54: - 54: 50 - 50 .... - .. ... .. - .•.• Truet recelpte....... . .. . . - . . . .. . - ........ - . . .. . . . . - . . .. 53Jt- 55¾ 54:¾- 55¼ 55¾- 56¾ . • • • - • • • . . • . • - •• . . . . •• - • • • . 51¼- 51½ . .•• - •••• Tlllrd A venue (N. Y .)ht, J 931 .. ............. . 6 125~-125¼ 125!14-125" 126 -126 128¾-128¼ 128½-128¼ 129 -129¾ 127 -127 127114-128¼ 128¼-128¼ 127 -127 127114-128~ 127 -128 , Toledo & Olalo Cent'llet .. ...................... :J 104 -105¼ 106 -106 105 -105 105 -106¾ 106 -107 107¼-107¾ lO!l¼-105¾ 105¾-106~ •••• - •... 107 -107 •••• - .•. 106¾-108 Weet'n Div., 1et-.... 6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... .... - .... 100 -103 103¾-103¾ Kan. & M ., let,aru.,ar .4 80 - 85 84. - 85¼ 86¼- 88¼ 86 - 88 88 - 89 85 - 87 86 - 86 88 - 88 • • .. - • • • . 85 - 86 82 - 84.~ 79¼- 83 Toi. Peoria &, 1917'..... ..... ..4 78 - 79 78¼- 79 79 - 82 82 - 83 82 - 83 82 - 83 80 - 82 ...• - •••..••. - ••.. 81 - 81M 80 - St 78 - 801,( Toi. St. L. & K. c.1et, 6, Trust receipts. 92 -101¼ 102 -106¾ 102 -lO!l 103¼-l<>a 105)9-111 110 -120 115¼-119 114:'Jii-116 115 -115½ 112 -121¼ 116114-119 110 -119 - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 99 -100¼ 99 - 99 99 - 99 ...• - •••. . •• - ........ - . ••...• - ..•• .... Tor. B. & Buff.-let... 4. ... Ule. & Del -ht, con .. :J 99¼-100¼ 99 -100 99 - 99 99 -100 100 -102 100 -103 103 -lO!l 104:¼-105 105 -106 105 -106 105 -106 102¾-104: Un. Elev. (Chlc.)-let.. 6 .... - ........ - ... . .... - ..... ... - ....... - ........ - ... .... - ....... - ........ - ... . .... - ... . 109 -109 109¼-109¾ Union Paclflc60-yr., arold, 1947.... 4 loZU-1~ 103¾-105 10S'J1i-105¼ 10!l%-106!14106¼-109 107%-108¼ 10!l114-106¼ lO!l¼'.-105¾103¾-106¾102:i(-lO!l~ 103 -lO!l 101¾-lO!l¼ Redetered .. ...... ... 4 ... - - . . . lO!lM-lO!lM .. .. - . . . 105 -105~ 106!14-108% 108 -108 106 -106 ...• - • • • . ••• - •.• 103¾-1037,!! ..•• - ....... - •••• Or. RR. & Nav.,con.4 100¼-103 101¾-102M 101 -102~ 101¼-103¾ 102%--105 1()2¼-103 101¼-103 101 -103¼ 101 -103¼ 102¼-103% 102',a·lO!l 99 -101¼ Or. Ry, & Nav. bt .. 6 113¼-113¼ 110 -112 111 -111¼ 111¾-114. 113 -114. 113¼-114: Ill -112¼ 112¼-113¼ 113¼-118 115 -115 108 -108 .••• - ..•• Or. Short Line, let .. 6 129¾-132 128¼-129 128¼-129 128 -131¼ 131 -132 1S2 -133 132½-133¼ 129 -129¼ 127 -128 126 -128 128 -129 125 -129 Utah & Nortb'n, 1et.'7 .... - ........ - .... 121 -121 . ... - ••••.••• - •••..••• - . . ... .. - •....... - ........ - •....•• - ..•...•• - •••....• - •.•• Or. S. Line,ht, cone.6 108 -111¾ 110¼-112 110 -111¼ 111 -112¼'. lll¾-113¼ 113¾-116 112114-113¾ 112 -117 118¼-117¾118 -115¾11~-114¼111114-114¼ ,Non-cum.lnc.,A ..•. 6 85 - 89¼ 87¼- 89 85 - 87¼ 86¾- 89¼ 88¼- 89½ 89Mi- 94: 94:M- 96 9!¾-108 102 -103½102 -102¼102¼-102¼ • .•• - .... Inc., B .... :J 65¼- 74:~ 70;Ji- 71¼ 68 - 71 70¾- 74% 70 - 71 69¼- 74 73 - 74. 74: - 797,..i 78 - 80¼ 74 - 75¾ . ••• - ••••••• , - ., •• <ltfe.ofdepo11it. ...... .... - ........ - ........ - .... .... - . ... .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - .... 74%-76¾••·· - ........ - •••• ()oil. tr., 4¼s, tr. rec.. 67¼· 68 68 - 68 • • • • - • • • • 6&.19- 68½ •• • - • •• . . •• • - •....••• - • •• • . • • . - " •..••• - • . . . ••• - ........ - ........ - •••• U.P.D.& G., let con.6 Traet Co. certlfe. . . 87114- 92¼ 87¾- 88 88 - 94: 90¼- OO)i • •• • - •••• • • • • - ••. . •••• - • • • • • • • • - ........ - • ••• • • • • - •• • • • ... - • ... • • • • - •••• ,. Va. l'tlld.-Su Southern, Wabasb-ll5 112 113¼-115 -116¾ 115 114:¼-116 115¼-118 116¼-117 116¼-117¾ -117 lllt, aold, 1939 ........ :J 113 -115¼ 114¼-115¾ 114¼-116 115¾-ll'rn 114. 2d mort., 1rold, 1938.:J 94: -100 95 - 97~ 94: - 97 96¼-100 99 -100 98 -101 101¼-103 100 -102¾ 99¼-100¾ 99¼-100¼ lOO -101 97¾-101 Deb. Inc., 1939, A .... 6 .... - ........ - ... .. ... - ........ - ...... . . - . . . . ... - . .. . 75 - 75 75 - 76 76 - 76 77 - 77 80 - 84.¾ 82 - 85 Deb. Inc., 1939, B .... ti 33¼- 88¾ 85¾- 37¾ 34¼- 37~ 86 - 88¾ 33¼- 37¼ 83 - 34114 34 - 38 36114- 38¾ 35 - 37¼ 34. - ~ 37¾- 4.2~ 82¼- 4.0 D. & Cb. Ext. J940 .. :J 105~·108 107 -109 107¼-108~ 109 -109 ill -111 109¼-110¾ 108¼-109 .••• - •••. 109 -109 .•.• - •.•• . ••• - •••. 110 -110 Dea M. Div., 1939.4 •··· - ... . •··· - ... . .... - .... •··· - ........ - •··· ... • ••·• ... - ........ - .... •··· - ....... - .... •·•• - ... . 92¾- 92¼ St. L. K. C. & No.St. C. B'1re,111t,'0S.6 109¼-109¾ .... - •... 112 -112 ..•• - •••. 110 -110 ..•• - •••..••• - •••...•• - ••••••• - ........ - •••..••• - •••• .• •• - •••• West. N. Y. & Pa.let .. ...................... :J 108¼-110¾ 110¾-110¼ 110¾-112¾ lll¼-112½ 113 -114¾ 115 -118 tU¼-115 112 -114¼112114-113¼112¼-lU 112¼-ll~lll¼-llS Gen'I, 1943, a ...2•3•4 5i - 57!1.( 57 - 60¾ 59 - 65§( 63¼- 64:~ 63~- 64:~ 64:¾- 70~ 70 - 70¾ 68 - 69Ma 69 - 70¾ 68¼- 70:i( ~9¼- 7~ 66¾- 69ff Incomes 1943 . ........ :J 14.¾- 16¾ 16 - 2~ 19¼- 23¼ 22¾- 24¼ 21¼- 22¾ 23¼- 24:¼'. 22¼- 22¼ 21 - ~ 22¾-- 23 23¼- 24:,. 28 - 24:¼ 21¼- 213( W.Va. Cent & Pittsb.lst, 1911 .... ........... ti US -113 ..•• - •••. ••.• - ••• . .•• - ••• . .. - .•...••• - ••• . ••• . - .••..••• - ........ - •••••••• - ........ - ,,., •••• - •••• Wheel. & L. Erleht ........................ 6 lO!l -105 105 -108 105~-105¾ 105 -105!1.( 105!14-107¼ 107¼-109¼ 107¼-110 109¼'.-110~ .... - •••• .... - .... 108¼-108¼ .... - •••• . . . . ... - ........ - ... . .... - .... 105¼-105½ •• •• - •••••••• - ••..••. - .•• ..••• - ....... . - ... . .... - ........ - ........ • ... . Trust receipts Wh.Dlv.,lst, a.,'28 .:J ... - ........ - .... 98¾- 98!14 96 - 96 .... - •••..•• - •...• ••• - •••..••• - ••. . .•• - ••....• - •. •..•.• - •••.•••• - •••• Coneol., a old, 1992.. 4 68¾- 62¾ . • •• - • . . . . • • • - . • • . •• • • - • •• • • • • • - • •• • • ••• - • • • • • • • • - •••••••• - • •• . . • • • - •••.•••• - • •• • . • •• - •••••••• - •••• Wlec'!msln Cent'I Co.let, a-old, 6, truet rec.. 56 - 64: 61~- 70¾ 66¾- 70 66 - 70¼ 69 - 74:¾ 73¼• 78 75¼- 77 76 - 79 75¼- 79¼ 74.¼- 7~ 76 - 76 • ... - ••• . 4:¼- 6¾ . .•• - ....... - ....•••• - .••..••• - ... .. .•• - ••. , ..•• - •••. 3 - 5 8 - 8 Income, 1931.......... :J .... - .... 8 - 10¼ 6 - 6 90 - 9~ 90¾- 98 86 - ~ ~ ew 1st ..... ........... . 4 . . . . - • • . . . . . - . . . . .. . • • . . . . .. • - . . . . 93¼- 94¼ 94: - 95¾ 94:¼- 95¼'. 93¼- 94:3-!i 92 - 94:  GAS AND ELECTRIC. Brooklyn U. Gae-ht 6 Det. City Gae-19~3 .. 6 Detroit GasConsol., 1st, 1918 ... 6 Edleon Elec. lllum.hti 1910 ·-•··• ...... 6 let, consol., 1995, 1r.6 Edleon(B"klyn) lst ... . 5 1st, cons., 1939, a .... 4 General ElectricDeben., aold, 19~2 .. 6 Lac.Gas, St.L.-ht,ir.5 N.Y.EI.L.B.&P.-11!11 .5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  116¾-118¼ 117¼-118 117¼-118¼ 117 -119% 117 -120 95 -102¾ 100 -102 95¼- 97¼ 9~- 96¾ 95 - 96  . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . .. 95 - 95  96 -101  llS- 119 ll~-118 100¾-101¾ 97¾- 99  . • • • - • • • . • •• • - . . • . •• • • - • • •  118¾-1113¼! 117114-118 117114-119 116 -116¼116 -116 98¼- 98¾ 98 -100¾ 97¼-101 99 -100 96 -100 98¼'.-101  • .• • - .. • . . • . • - • • • . 99¼- 99¼ . • •• - ••••  lll¼-111% 112~-112¾ 110 -11~ 110¼-110¼ 110¼-111 lll -111¼ lll¼-111¾ 111¼-112¼109¾-110¼107¼-llO 110 120¼-122 122¾-122¼ 122¼-122½ 122¼-124: .... - .• •• 124: -124, •••• - •••••••• - •••• 124: -124, 124: -124, 122 ..• - -·· .... - . .•. .. . - ...... - •••...• - ....••• .... - ........ - ..... . . - ........ - .... 111 -111 .... - .... .... - .... ... - .. ...... - ... .. ... - ........ - ........ - .... 97¼- 9~ 97 - 97 97 - 97½ ••• 109 -114 114 -115 114%-115 lO'i -10~ 107¼-109¾ 106½-109  .... -  . . .. -  -110 107¾-l~ -122'4121 -122 - •. • ••• - .••• - •••..••• - ••••  - .••.•• •• - ••. 113¼-118~ 115¼-116¾ 115½-120¾ 118 -118 118 -119 118¼-118¼ .•.• - . . 108 -111 109 -110 109 -109¾ 109¼-109¾ 108 -109¾108 -110¼108 -109¾107 -108 106¾-108 .... - .. ... ... - ... . .... - .... lOQ¾-104 .. -  . . .... - ...... .. - ........ - . .... .. - .. . .... -  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS  BONDS.  1899-Concluded. BONDS.  JANUARY FBBR'RY. MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNB:.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. Nov'BER. DBC' BJC'R'  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·- ·1-----i---·-1-----l---Low.Htgb Low.High Low.High Low.Blab Low.High Low.High Low.Btgb Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.HlgbLow.HiKh  People'11' G.L. & Cokel ■ t, 1ruar., 1904 ..... . 6 ~d,1ruar.,1r.,1904 ... 6 1st, con., Ir•• 1943 .... 6 Ch. G.•L. & C., tat .. :J Con. Ga ■ , 1st, 1936.:J Eqult. Gae & F., lst.6 Mutual F'l Gaa-ht.6 Trenton G. & El., let.:J  .... . .. . ... - ........ - .. .. 109~-109~ •••• - •.• . .••• ... - ... 107¾-107¾ . ... - .... . . . - .. . . ..• - ... .. ... -  - •••..••• - ••• . . ••• - ••.•••• - •••. . ••• - •.•. 107 -107¼ . .•• - .. ... 106¾-107¼ •••• 124 -124 125 -126 126 -12~ 123 -127¼ 124¼-124¼ 127 - ~ 126¼-131 127 -131 129¼-130 120 -120 .. • • lll*lllMi 109M-10!»4 110¼-113 112 -112 1113'-112 ..•• - • • • 111 -111 111 -111 111 -111 108¾-108¼'111 -111 1111 107¼-109 108¼-109 108¼-109¼ 110 -111½ ..•• - . ... .... - .... . .. . - •• •..••• .... - ... 106 -106 . ... - ... . 105¼-107¼ .••• - . . . 104¼-104¼ •.. 105 -107 106¼ 106¼ 106 -106 107¼-107¼ .... - .•. 107 -107 - •.. . 103%-103~.... - •• • . 103 . .. . . . . - . . .. . . . . -  MISCELLANEOU~. Adams ExpreH-Coll.4 lOi¼-106½ 106" 106¾ 104¼-105~ Hl5 -106 Am. Cot. Oil-Deb., lf .• 8 108 -10814 106 -108 106¾-107 105 -107  105 -1063' 105 -1~ Am. Spirits Mfa-.-lst.6 85¼- 16!1:( 86¼- 90¼ 85"- 89¼ 89¼- P4J.( 89 - M¼ B'kln w.&W.H.-ht.:J 89¼- 92¼ !¾)9- 90 89¼- 90 89¼- 91 91 - 92 Col. c. & I.-1 et, 1900.6 . . . . - .... 100 -100 100¼ 100¼ 100¼-100¼ . • . • - ....  106"-107 105 -106 90 - 91 ~ - 92 100 -101  106¼-107 106 -106" 92 - 92¼ 893'- 90 . . . • - • •• . - .... 105 -105 88 - 90¼ 89¼- 91  •  - ... . - •••• -111  -103•  106¼-107½103 -lOilk, 103 -lOi 103~-104 102¼-104 1043'-lOi½ lO,l¼-105½ 10,lJ4-105 102 -103 102¼-1033' 91 - 93 90 - 92 87¼- 91¼ 86 - 89 85 - 86 ... - •. •. & - 85 75¼- 84 77 - 80 75¼- 78 99¼-100 • • • . - .... 100 -100¼ 100¼:-101 100 -100¼  Col. Fuel-1919, a- ...... 6 ... Col. F. & J.-Gen., a.f.~ 87 - 90¼ 8618- 88 86 - 89!J,t 87¼- 91¼ 87 - 90 89 - 95~ 95 - 97 96 - 96 93 - 95" 92 - 9,i~ Comm'I Cable-lst. . .. . 4 .... - ... . .... - ... . .... - ........ 103~-lOSJ.i .•.• - .... •••• - •••• Comstock Tunn.-Inc.4 . . .. - . .. . ... 73'- 7!,( •05 - ·05 . •.• - ....... - •••• Det.M. & M. L. G ... 3¼ 21 - 23¼ 22 - 22 17¼- 20 18 - 223' 18~- 2i 19 - 20¼ 18 - 20 19 - '30 18 - 20 19 - 23 21 - 28 17.¼- 22 Erle Tel. & Tph.-S. 110 -110 . • . . - ••.. 108¼-109¼ 109 -109 - •••• ·••. Gramercy Sua-an ..... .. 6 .... - . . . . . . .. - •.. . 90 - 90 .. • • - • ., • •· • Henderson Brldire .. .. . 6 .... - . . . . ... - ... . 113 -113 113 -113 .... Ill.Steel-Deb., 1910.:J 99 - 99 .••• - ....... . Intern'l Paper-1 ■ 1 •••• 6 .... - ... . 112 -113" 112 -112¼ 112 -113 112 -113 112 -112¼ .••• - ... . 106¼-109¼109 -109 103~-109 109 -109 105 -108¼Knlck. Ice (Chlc.) ...... G 100 -100 1>8¼-100¼ 100 -101 98 - 98 97 - 98 9ff - 98 98 - 98 97 - 98 98 - 98 95¼- 96 95 - 95 95 - 95 Mlch.-Pen. {'ar-1st... 3 .... - .... 103 -103 Nat'l 8tarcb-bt ..... . 6 103 -lOi 103 -lOi 100¼-101 100¼-102 100 -101 101 -102 101 -101½ 101 -lOl¼lOOJ,i· lOlJ,ilOl!ii(-104 101 -103 10,l -10,l N.Y.&N . J.Telepb . . :J .... - ..... . . . - ..... .. . - . .. . .... - . .. .... . - .... 112 -112 .. .. N.Y.&Ont.Land ..... 6 .... - ... . 90 -90 .••• Procter & Gamble..... 6 .... - .... 120 -120 - ... 113¼ 113¼ Stan. Rope & T.-ht .. 6 &¼- 90¼ 86 - 88¾ 85¼- 90¼ 89 - 90¾ 85 - 89 84¼- 86 85 - 86 83 - 85 82 - 87 79* !¾~ 83 - 86 'i8 - 85 Incomes. irold, 1946.:J 23¼- 31¾ 28 - 32~ 29 - 35 30 - 33¼ 26 - 31 2'¼- 26).( 22 - 25¼ 22¼- 28¼ 20 - %5 20 - 27 23¾- 29¼ 19¾- 2~ Tenn.Coal Iron & Ry.Tenn. Dlvlalon... ... . 6 lOl'U-106¼ 105 -109¼ lOi -1103,6 107 -107¾ 103 -105 105 -108 105¼-107 .•.• - ... . 121 -121 llO -110 - •••• 104 -104 Blrm. Div •• ht, con.6 101 -110 107 -108 108 -1113' 109¼-1113,( 107¼-109 108 -110 106 -109¼ 108¼-112.¼ 112 -121 111 -lU 110 -110¼ llO -111 Cahaba Coal-1st .... 6 .... - ........ - .... . ... - .... . . . - . . . . .... - .... 103 -103 108 -108 De Bard.C.& J.-Gu.6 96 -105 102 -108 102¼-,106 lOi¼-106 102U-10,l" 104¼-106~ 106¾-1093i 1063'-109 107¾-10!»4106¾-108 106 -106 101 -102 V.S.Leatker-Deb. ■,f.6  W. Union Teleirraph181li•1900 ... ........ 7 Rea-lstered ........... 1 J)el,en., 1884•1900.1 C:ol. tr., cur., 1938. .. 3 Jllutaal UnloR, •• f ... 6  116"-117  .... - •• . • 118 -118¼ 119¼-ll9¾ 116 -116  117 -117  •••• - •••. 119 -119  .... - ........ - ........ - .... .... - ... . 107~-1073,( 103)4-103~ •••• .. . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .. . - ........ - ...... . . - . . ...... - ... . 102¼-102¼ . . •• - •••••••• 112~-llii¼ 11' -116  114,¾-ll~ lU¼-116~ 116 -ll9 . ••• - . ... 110 -no  .... - ........ - .... 112 -112  ll734-118 110 -110  ••.• - •••.•••• -  - •••.•••• - ........ - ••• . 100¼-1003' •••• - •••• - •• : . 101?,4-lOlM. - •••• •••• - •···~··· - •••• 114 -115~ l.l.6¼-115~ 115 -115 :118~-11~ ilH -1U3i 113M-114: .... • •••••••• - •••••••• - .. . ..... - •••••••• - •.•.••.• • ·•-  - .... 1033'-1033' • •• • -  1900. BONDS.  JANU.AIIY l.i"JIBR'BY.  MA.ROB.  APRIL.  AUGUST. '3RPT 1BJCB OOTOBll:R. NOV' Bll:R  --------1----1-------1----1----- ----------------b--JUNB.  JULY.  DEO'BJ:R..  Low.HIJrh Low.High Low.BIKb Low.IDgh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low·. Hlgb Low.High Low.High Low.Blah  -------------· --- ---- ---- ---- ---- - - Ala. Mld.-See S. F .& W. Ann Arbor-ht, '93,a-.,t Atcb. Top. & S. Fe.General, sold, 1993.4 Rea-lPtered ........... 4 AdJa ■ tm't, 1r-. 1993, 4 Stamped, 1raar . .... . 4 Atl.Knox.&No.-l ■t.:J  Baltimore & OhioPr. llen, a., 19~:J ... 3¼ Gold, 1948 ....... ..... 4 Re1rl ■tered ........... 4 8. W. Div., lat, a.,3¼ Plu11.Jc.&M, Dlv,3¾ Mon. River, lat aa .. 3 Baa. Roeb. & Pltt■b.-  90 - M  91 - 933'  92M- 943' 92¼- 93!,f 91¼- 93  983rlOl¾ 100~-101~ l()()Jr-103 .... - ... . 99 - 99 .•.• 7 ~ 81-U 81~- 88¼( ~2 - 85  1003'-101  SSM- 85  91¼- 92  91 - 92~ 91 - 98  91 - 92  90 - 92  92 - 94k 94¾- 97  99*101~ 1003(-101" 1~-101¾ 1 ~ 1013' 1~101¼ 98'.U-101 l()()ff-102¼ lOlJi-108 99~-l~ . . .•. - ..• . . . .. - ... . 1~-101~ 98¼- 98¼ •••• - ....•. 83 - 84~ 82 - &M 8~- 84 83¼- ~ 84¼- 85!14 85¼- 88 83~- 90 88 - 00  .... - ... . .... - . . .. . .. - .... ... . - ........ .... - ..... . .. - ... 105),4-1~106 -106 .••• 92~- 06¾ 94~- 96-U 94M- 97 96~- 97~ 95 - 96!-ii 97¼-100¼ 100¼-101 10()¾-102M 1003(-101 99¼-100¼ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . 100 -1003' 87 - ~ SSM- 90 883'- 91 80¼- 91¾ 883'- 89U .... - ... 88 - ~ .••• - •••. 89 - 89 89 - 88 ... - ........ - .. . . ... - ... . 111 -112  - ........ - ........ - ... . ~ -  84).t .... -  ••••  ••• - •• . ••.• - ....... - ••.•••• - ••••••• - .... 105 -105 91ij(- 963' W. - MM 99¾-lOOM 99¼-100¾ 1~100¼ . • • . - .. . . 87 - ~ 86~- 87¼ 86 - 86 86~- 87'4 - ........ - ...  94 - 94~ 93¼- 95 98~- 96 95~- 96¾ 96~- 98~ 99¼ 100~ 100 -101 99¼ · 99-U 99½,-101 100%-l0lM .. . . - . . 101 -101 909'- ~ ~- ~ 100¼-100¼ 86),(- 87% 853,- 8"' 86 - 88~ 87¼- 90 89M- 92 86~- 86~ 85 • 86¾ 85 - 87" 87 - 8'7'U 87"- 90 . ... - ... . .... .... .... -  -  GeReral , ·•·••••••·· ..... 3 l()g -1103' 111 -111~ 1093'-lll l ■t, 19~1 ... 6 Con■ol., 1 ■t ....•..... ti  R. & P.,  11.S¾-113¼ 112¼-113 ll!M-lH~ 113¼- 113¾ 11$¾-113¾ 110).(-11~ 111 -111" lll~-113¾ ll4 -11~ - ... . 181 -131 - •.• . 129 -129 •..• - ••••..• - .....•• - •••. 180 -130 1303'·13~ .••• - . • . 124M-124'4 ... - ... . •.. - . . •• - •.. . 12' -124. - . . . . ••• - .•. . 1 ~ ~ 126 -126 128 -128 127¼-127¼  . ... -  Bari. Ced. Rap. & ... ..................... :} 1~107¼ l0'7H-l08 108 -109 l ~ - 1 ~ 1083'-l()g 106 -1~ 106 -107 106¾-101™ 1 ~ 107 107~-108¼ 108¼-1~ 106¼-106'(. Conaol.1 ■t & col. tr.3 115 -115 116 -11~ 117¼-117¼ 117 -117 116 -11~ 116 -116 116 -117 117 -11~ .... - .•. 116 -118 Reari ■tered ....... .. 3 .... - ........ - ... . .... - ... . .... - ... 115 -115 - •... 116"-11~117~-117!4 .•• - .•. 117 -ll8 .... - .••• C.R.I.1.1'.&N.W.-lat.:J ... - ........ - ........ - . . ..... - ••...... - . ....... 113¼-113~ Can. Soath'a-ht, 1ru.:J 105¼-1~ 106¼-107 1~108 107 -108),( l(Yl¾-108 1073'-108 105 -106¾ 106"-107 107~-108J4l<mfl-108 107~-109 108~ l{M%!ld mort1ra1re ........... 3 10~-109¼ 109 -109¾ 106~-107 107 -107~ 106¼-1~ 106 -107 106¼ 108¼ 108.¼-108¼106¾-1~106),(-107 107 -10&'4 tos,.(-l~ Rea1 ■ tered ....... ... 3 .... - ........ - ... . 104 -IM .... - .... ... - ....... - ........ c. B. u. Pac.-l ■ t, a ... 4 87¼- 88¾ .••• - .... 88 - 90 90 - 90M 89 - 9ll 88 - 88 90 - 90 - ... . ... • 92 - 92 91 - 91 Cent. RR. & B., Ga .. 3 91 - 91 - .... . ... - ... . 923'- 923' 92¾- 92¾ .... - . .. .. ••• - ••. . 98':(- 93'( 93 - 95¼ 94, - 96ff, Central of Georaiaht ...... "................ .3 120 -120 - ••• 11~119¾ 11~119).6119 -1193i .. .. - .... 117 -117 117 -117 .•.. - .•. 120 -120 Conaol,, 194 :J, a-old.. :J 89 - 91 ~ 90¼ 8 ~ 94 M - 96 89%- 92!,,( 891'- 92~ 90¼- 92 91M- 93 91 - 94¾ 923'- ~ 92 - 97 96~-100 Re1rl ■ tered ... ... ..... :J - ........ - ...... . . - ........ - . . . . ... 96 - 96 ht pref. Income ..... :J 85 - 35 82¼- 84 84 - ~ 89~- 4.4¼ U - 43¼ 40 - 4'3 43 - 45 42);{- 45¼ 41¼- 44% 38 - 45 45 - 53 51M- 62 ~d pref. Income ....... :} 9~- 1~ .••• 93'- 11 11¼· 14¼ 12 - U!,,( 11 - 12" 11 - 14 11 - 13 10 - llM 10¼- 18¾ H - 1~ 15¼- ~ 3d pref. Income...... . 3 ~ 5" .... 69'- 6 6 - 7 6 - 6¾ 6"- 6'4 6¼- 6M .... - • •• . 5 - 6 5~- 7 6~- 8Xi 7 - 9¾, Mobile Div., lat ..... .:J .••. - ........ .... - .... 106 -106 . ... - ••.. .••• - ••.. 106 -106 .... Cent. ot New J er■ ey1 conv., 190~ ...... . , .... - .... UO -110 - .... 110¼-111}4 107¼-107~ . • •• - • • . . • • . 106M-106M Gen. mort., 1987 .... :> 117¼-125 123 -124. 122~-1~ 122M-124¼ 121),(-123¾ 121M-122¾ 120 - 122'4 121~-122~ 122¼-123 128 -12'~ 124 -128 l12734-12tl~ Relrl ■tered. .. ... . :} 116 -119 . .. • 120 -122 120¼-122¾ 1~-121~ 119%-121 120 -121 121¾· 122 121!1:(-128 121"-122),( 125 -126¼ 125 -127¾ Conv. deb., 1908 ..... 6 .... - ... ... - . . 180 -130 .... - ... . .... - . . .. •• - ... . . . . - ...• Am. Dock & Imp ...... :> 113 -114 114 -lU - . ... 115k-11SM 115 -115" .... - ••.. 112)4 -112),( .••• - • ... 114¼-114¾ .... - ••• . Ll.5~·11? .Lell.&W.B.-AHent, 98 -lOOM 100 -100 99 -100 1~-lC-0¼ 102 -102~ . . • • - • • .. . • . - •••• Mortaa1re, 191~ .... 3 100¼-100¼ 108 -103 - .... 100 -103 - •... 106 -105 . ... - ••...••• Con. ext., '10, 1ra.4}t .... - ••. . 101 -101¼ 1~-101~ 100 -1~ 100 -101 101 -10~ 102"-1033' Cent. Pac.-Su 80.P.Co.  et Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  03  BONDS.  1900-C,ontlnued. BONDS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT' BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC' BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low .High Low . High Low.High Low.High Low.Hiah Low.High  Cbe11apeake & Ohlo~erle11A . a-old, 1908.6 115¼ -115½ 116 -116 117'-(-117;.( 115 -115¼ ... . .. . llfl -116¾ - ... ..• .. - .•.. 116¼-116½118 -llS 113½-113½116 -117~ il'lorura.e, 191 t . .... ti 118 -119 ll9¼-119!,4119½-119½ . .. - ... 115¼-115¾ 117¾-117¾ 117½-117½ .• . - .. .. 119 -119 117½ -117½119¼·119½117½-117¼ 1 lfl , con.,&'•· 1939 .. . . :} 115½-117 117 -119¾ 118 -119¾ 119}9-121!)4 116 -117¾ 115½-117½ 116¾-117 116¾· l 17¼ 119 -120¾ 118 -120½ ll8½-121¼ 120 ·121 R.-iil!nert>d ........ .. :i ... - . . ... - . .. . . .. - .... . .. - . .. . . . - ... 117 -117 . .. . ... - . .. . . .. . ... .. . - . ...... - .. . Gf'lnernl, 199~ ...... 4½ 95½- 97¾ 97¾- 98½ !a6 - 99 98"-100% 97½· 99½ 98½ · 99¾ 99 - 99¾ 99¼-100].( 98 - 98¾ 98¼-100~ 100 -101¾ 102¼-10~* Registered... . . .. 44 ... - .. ...... - ....... . - .. . . . .. - ... 93 - 96 .... ... - . . . 94¾- 94¼ ... - .. .. ... - •....... - . .. . .. - •... Cratll Val •. l st, '40 . . ~ .. . - ....... . - . .. - ... .. .. - ....... . - .. ...... - .... 100 •100 ..•. - ... ... . . - ... ... .. - ... lv3 -103 ... - •. •• R.&A,D.l!!tcon.'89 4 101 -108 101 -102 102¼-105¼ 104J6-105¼ 104 -105½ 104¼-105 105J.(-106 105¾ 105%105).(-105¾ 105¼-105J4 l05¼-105½106¼ -107~ ~d consol., 1 lJ89 .... 4 99 - 99 .... - .... .. . - .. . . 99½- 99½ . . .. - .. .. . ... - .. . . 92 - 98 ... - ... . .... - . . . . .. - • . . . - ....... - ..•• Eliz. Lex. & B. !!!! •• •• :i 101 -102 102 -103 100)(-101 101 -101¾ 101¾-102 102 -102¼ 102¼-102¾ 103 -103 l0Q½-101¼ lQ0¾-101 101% -101½ 101¾-102 Cblcaiio & AltonSinking tund, 1903,.6 .... - ..... . . - ....... - .... 106J.(-106'A 105 -105¾ ..•. - ••. 105¾-105¾ .. •• - .... 106½-106½ 108½-106½ .... - •... 104¾-101¼ Refundlnir, 1 ft49 ... . 3 .... - ... . ... , - .... .... - . .... ... - ....... - . . ...... - ....... - .. ..... . - ....... - ... .. - ... 92½- 93 93 - 93 U.S. 1'r, Co. ctt ◄ .• 3 .... - ... .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . . . - ........ - ........ - ... .. - ... . .... - ... . 1'1¼;- 92 L.&ltl o. R. 1 Mt, 1900 ., ... . - . . . . . .. - .... 101~·101~ - . .. 102!,ii-102½ 102¾-102!14 .••. - . . . . . •. - ••.....• - .•• . . ... .... - ... . ... . - •.•• Railway, 19.lO . . . 31-t! .... - ........ - .... .... - ........ - . . . . . .. - . . . . ... - . .. . . .. - . .. . ... - . . . . . .. - .... 81½- 84 82¼- 85¾ 84¾- 86 Ohle. Burl. & QulncyCon8ol .. ... ...... ..... 1 110¾-111¼ lll~-112¼ lll¾-112!14 112 -113 11~113¾ 113½!-llS!c lOo!l:(-110 110)(-110% 110 -110¾ 101)¼-110½ 11~-Jll¾ 111¼-lllM Sink. fund, 1901 ..... !) 101 -101¼ .... - .. ..... . - .... 101 -101 l0l¼-101¼ 102¼-102½ .... - ... . 108 -103 103 -103 100¾·100¾101?4-101½ 101 -101 Cb. & Ia. Div., '01 .. :J ... - ........ - .. , ..... - ... 104M-104!14 ... . - ........ - ... .•• . . . .•• - ........ - .. . ..• • .••. - ....•••• - •••• flenver Div., l 92·J .. 4 102 -102 100½-100¾ 100¼-100~ 100%-101 100'.r-101¾ l0ll'(-102¾ ... - ........ - .... 101¼-108 101¼-102 102 -102 102¼-102~ Illinois Div , 1949.3½ lQ0¾-104¾ 103¾-101¾ 104 -106 104¾-105¼ 104¾-105¾ 10!~-104!14 102¾-103 102¾-103 102¾ 108¼ lv3¼-105 104%-l0o¾ l0b -105¼ Iowa Div •. 8ink. td ... 6 .... - . . .. .. - .. . 116¾-117 .. . - ....... - ... 115)4 -115¼ 115%-115% .••• - ••. ..•• - ... ..•• - .... ll8~-113!1:( ... - ••.• 1919 . .. . ...... .. 4 103 -103 105 -105% 106l,ii-107 105¼-105¾ 105¾-106 . ... - ... 1!15:J,.t-105!)4 .... - ... .., - ... 103¼-103!14103;14-103¾ l0!l¾-1~ Nebr',-k •• "xt., t 921.4 108¾-111¾; lll¼-111¾ lll¾-112¼ 112¼-118 110¼-110~ ll~-111¼ 110}9-111% 111 -111¼ 111 -111¾ 111~·112¼ 110 -111¾111¼-lll~ ~.W.Uiv.,1921 .... 4102 -102 . .. . - ...... . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - .... . ... - ...... - ....... - . .....• - ... 100½-100~ .•.. - ... . . . . - ••• Couvertible, 1903 .. . ~ 120¼-120¼ 123½-123½ 123 -127½ 125 -132 125¾-1213 ..• - •.• 125!,ii-125~ 125¼-1"26 .••• - .... 127 -138 U0~-1~ Debenture, 1913 ..... ~ 108½-111 no -110¾ 111 -112 111¼·112 108'}( 109¾ 109 -109¾ 109¾ 10~ 110 -110 11~ 110¾ -' •· - ... 108¾-108½1()9¼-lll¾, Ban. & St. J., COD8 •. ti ... . - . ....... - ... . 119 -119 120 -120¾ 120}.(-122 .•• - ·•· · 120¼-122 ..•. - .... llB¾-119 119¼-120),fil20¾-120¾121 -121 Chic. & fiast. llllnolslst, 8lnklna- fund ..... 6 113~113¾ .••• - ..•. 114 -116 116 -116 116 -116 112 -112 114 -114 114 -115 114¼-114¼ .... •. .•.. - ... ... .. - •.•• 18tconsol., ,iold ....... ti 136 -138 137 -137 ... - .•.. 133¾-134 134¾ 134½ 184 -13!l .... - . . 134 -184 186 -186 ..• - •.. lM -134 - ..•• Gen. cons. ht, 1931 .:J 112 -114 113 -114 113¾-115 116!J(-117 115 -116 115 -116 115 -116 115 -115¼ 115 -115~ 113 -115¾ 113 -114¾ 114¼-116 Reirt11tered ........... 6 .... - ......... - ........ - .... . ... - .... 115 -115 ..•• - ••.. . .. - ..•. 115 -115 .... - ...•••• - •... ..•• - • .. ••• - ••.• Cb.& In. C'l Ry-ht.:i .... - .... 107 -107 ••• - .... 105¾-l~ 108)4-108¾ . .•• - ••• 106 -106 110 -112 109 -109 112 -113 .••• - ••• 114 -115¾, Ohle. Ind. 4k l.oul8v.Retundln,i, 1941 .... 6111¾-112¾ 113 -lH 115 -115¾ 115 -115 115 -117 .... - •.•. 112¾ 112~ 113 -114 115 116 116 -116 115¾-116 Ll7¼-l20 ReJundtnir, 1941 ... .. 6 100 -100 100 -103 101¼ ·103 103 -107 .. - ..•. 108¼-105 100¼-101 102 -102 .•• - ••.•••• - .... 106 -106 107 -107 Lou. N. A. & C,, l11t.6 113 -113 •• - ••• . 114 -114 115 -115¼ 114].(-116 116¾-116~ 118,r113½ 115 -115 . ••• - •.. 114¾-114'-4 114¾-116 116 -117 Chic. Mllw. & St., irold, R. D,1902.1167 -167 ..• • - ••.....• - •••..... - •.• 169 -169 .••. - •• 166¾-166½ 167~-167¾ . ••• - •.• . .••• - .... .•• - •.. 179 -179 1st, R. D., £, 190~ . .. , - ........ - ........ - .... 172¼·172¼ .... - •••. .•. - ........ - ••. . ••• - •.•..•• - .•...••• - ••...••• - ... . .... - ••.•. l ■ tC.&M.Dlv ....... 1166¼-167¼ .... - ... . .. . - .. .1.723,a-172¼ ... . - ... 170¼-170½ .... - •...••• - .... 169¼169½ .... ... - ... 175½-181 Oon11ol ., 190:i ......... , 1667,(-16T' 167~-167½ 167% 169¾ 170 -173¾ 168½-170~ 170!,ii-172¼ 166 -167 167¼-168½ 169¾-169~ 169¼-170¾ 172¼-175 175 -185!1( Terminal. ............. :i 112*118 11~ -114¾ 114 -114!,e 112 -113 115¼-115¼ 115 -115¼ 1121.( 11~ 112¼-112¾ 1133,rll3½ 118¼-113¾ 112 -114½ 115¾-116* Gen. M.,"A" 1989 ... 4 109 -110½ lOQ¾-111~ 111:J!i·lll¾ 112!,ii-113 112½-113 ll()M-112¼ 109¼--111 110¼-110¾ ll0!c-llQ¾lOQ¾-111 111 -112¾ 114l,4-lli% Chic. & 1.• Sup. Div.~ 117¾ 117¾ .. - ••..••• - ... . . ... - .• ..... - ........ - ••.. •. - .••..••• - ••• . 118 -118 ••• . . 120¼ -120¼ ..• - •.• Chic. & Mo. R. Div .. 6 . . - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - .... 121¾-122 121¼·121¼ 120 -120 ••.• - ••. 120 -121 121 -121,t 122¼-122¾ 124 -12! Chjc. & Pac. Dlv ...... ti 118¼ -119 ... - •... lll)¾-120 120¼-120¼ 120 -120 .... - •.•. 117 -117 ..• - ••• 118M-118¾ .•. - . .. . 119 -119 llll~-111%Chlc. & Pac. W. Div .:i 118 -121¼ 120 -120% 120)(-121¼ 121%-122 120¼-122¾ 120 -121 118¼-118¾ 118¾-119¾ 118 -119¼ 118].(-119¾ 120 -121 121:J!i 122 Dakota & Gt. So• ... :S 110!,ii-110!,e 114¼-114:18 .•. - ••• 114½-114¾ .. .•.• - .••. . •. - .. . .. .• • . .. 115 -115 114:J!i·lU~ ... 115 -11~ ht H. & D. Dlv ....... 7 127¼-127¾ ..•. - ........ - •••.... - ... 127 -127 127¾-127¼ - .... 124~-124!4125 -125 .•. - ... 126¾-126¾ ••• - .••• 1910 ... . ............... 6 llQ¼-110~ . . - .....••• - •••. 111¼·111¼ 111¼ 111¼ .•.. - .... 109 -109 109¼-109~ . •• - •.. . •• - ........ - ••• , ht I. & D. Exten . . ... , 166 -166 167¼-167¾ .•• - •••. 171 -172 171 -171 171 -171 166~-166¾ 168½-168¾168¾-l~ 170 -170 173½-17~ .••• - ••••. l11t La. C. & D., 'I 9 .. :i ... - .... 117¾-117¾ .••• - ••.. 119 ·119¼ ... - ....••• - ••.•••• - •••..•. - ........ - ••...•. - .. . . 118¾ 11~ .••• - •••• Mineral Point Div .. . :i .... - .... lll¼-111¼ .••• - •••.... . - .....•.. - .• •..•.• - •• • . ... •· .... ll()M-111 .. - ....••• - •••...•• - ••.• ht So. Minn. Div . .. ,.6 117%-119¾ 119¼-119'4 ll~-120 120 -120¼ 119½ 120¾ 119¾·121½ ... - .... 117½·118 118"-119 ll?¾-119 119¼-120 120¼-~ l ■t So. West. Dlv ..... ti .... - ........ - ........ - ....... . . 119}9 119¼ •••• - •••. 116¾-ll~ .••• - ..• .. ••• - ... . 118 -118 118¼-11~ .••• - •••• Wt11.& Min. Div ...... :} 117 -117M 119¼-119¼ 119½-120!J4 ll\lM-120!4 120 -120 .••• - ••...••• - •.•..••• - ••. 117¾-117'4118¼-119 . ••• - ... - • . •• M. & No., l11t, 1910.6 118 -119 .... - ..• .••• - •.•.•.. - •... 120 -120 .•. - •••.••• - .•...... - •.•. 119 -121 . •• - ..•. . ••• - .•. . 118!,ii-1~ l.11t on ex ., 1913 ... 6 .... - ... 122 •122 ...• - ••. . ... - ••. . •. - •.. . .•.• - ••.. . ... - •••• 120 -120 .•• - .. .. .... - ........ - ••.. . •• . - •••• Ohle. & Nortbweet'nConsol., UH:} ........ . ., .... - .... 140¼-141!4 141 -lU U2~•U3 141¾-141¼ 140 -143 140!,ii-141x, 140 -140 139½-140 13~-140 137½-137½ •••• - •••• Gold,coup., 190~ .... , 109 -110 .•. - ... 11(}¾-111¾ 111 -111~ 112 ·112¾ •.•• - •••. 108"-lQSM 109 -109 109)4-109¾109¾-110 109~-109¼106¾-lOOM Gold, rear., 190~ ...... , 108'1( ·110 110)(-110¾ 111 -111 lll),i(-112 - ... . ·• ·· - ••• 108"-108~ 109 -109 109¾-109¾ ••• - • . •. 110 -110 106½-10616 .Exten. bonds, 19~6 . .4 108}si-109 110 -11(1 111¼-111¼ 109!,e-109~ 110 -110 .... - ••.•.••. - • •• . . •• - ••. 108¾-108~ - ••. . ••. - •. . .•••• - •••• Reirletered .... ...... .4 . . . . - . . . . .. - .... 107 -107 . . . . .... . • • • - • . • • . • • • - • • • . . • • . - . . . . . . . - • • . . . •• • - • • • . • • . - . . . . . • • . - .•.• General, 19S7 ... .. . 3¼ 105¾-109 1()9%-110).t 109½-110~ 110!1.( 110!!4 110 -110 109%-109% . . • • .. •••. 109½-110 110 -110 • • • - .... 107 -107 109¼-110 ~lnklnir fund,coup ... . ti .... - . .. . - .••. . .. - . . .. . .. - ... . 118 -119¼ .••. - •.•..••• - . •. • ••• - •••. 117 -lld ... 114¼-117 116!,ii-116¼ Reirlstered ........... 6 .... - .... 116 -116 117 -117 117 .117 118¼-115¾ .•.. - ........ - •.• . •••• - ••. . •• - •.. 111 -&t2 .•. - •.. .••• - .. .. Slnklnir tund, coup ... :} 109 -109 110 -110 109'-(-109!1:( 107 -108 . • • • - .... 107¾ 109 • • • - • . . . . . • . - • • • . • • • - • • • • . • • - • • . 108¾-109 - ••• . Re&l8tered .......... :i .... - ........ - ........ - ... . .. . - ........ - .. . .... . ....... - .... .... - ....... - ... . .... - .... 107!,ii-107~ 107 .. -l0T ~;J yr•, deben., 1909.;J 107 -108 108¾-109¾ 109 -109¾ .•.• - .. . 107 -107 107%-108~ 107M-107¾ .••• - ••...••• - •• 109¾-109U 107½-108 .• ~·• - ..... 30-year deb., 19.!11 .. 3 ... - .... 116}(-117 ...• - .... 118¾-119 .... - .... Ll7 -11'7 - • .. . .•• - .... . ... - •.. 116¼-116~ 116 -116~ ••• - . ..• Debenture, 1933 ..... ~ 118:ki-118¾ 121),,(-121!>4 121 -121 121¾-12~ 119 -120 119 -119 119 -119 120¼-120¼ 120!,e-120!,ii .••• - •••. us -119~ 121*126 Reirl ■ tered .. ... ..... n .••. - ......•. - . . . .. . - .•....•• - ......• . - •.. .. ... - .•. . .•• - •• . . ••. - ... .. ..• - ..•.•••••... 120 -120 .••• - •••• E11.&L.S.,1901,111t.6 .... - .... 108~-108,!4 ..•• - •••...•. - •...••• - •••..•• - ....... - ••..••. - .... .... - ••..••• - ••...• .••• - •••• MU.& M., l11t, 1906 6 .... - . .. . . .. - ... . .... - .... 112%-112¾ .••• - •••..••• - •• •. . •• - •••. . ••• - ••..••• - ....... - •••....• - •.....•• - •••• North, Illinois, ll!lt .. 3 .... - .... . .. - ........ - .... 112¼-112¾ ••• - ••• . .••• - ••. . . •• - •••..•.• - .•..••• - ••• . ••• - •••...•• - •.•. .• - ••• • Ott,C,F.&l!lt.P.,l11t:i .... - ........ - ... . 110 -110 lll¼-111¼ .••• - ........ - •••.•• - •.....•• - •.•...•• - •••. - •..••. - • . . • , - .••• Win. & St. Pet., lid .. , 120 -120 .••• - • • . . .•. - ........ - . . . . . - •.. . ..•• - • •. 122¼-122½ .••• • •••. 128¾-128~ 128½-123¼ 1203'-120¼ ... - •••• lU,L. S.& Wlst,,':11.6 .... . ... 1:38 -189~ 138%-188~ 188¾-189¼ 135¼-188 ••• - .•...••. - . •...••• - .... 185M-1S6 135~-136 188"-186 135¾-186 Ext. & Imp.,•• f . .. . 6 128 -125 l.22¾-128~ ~ -12~ 125 -125 124 -125¼ 125¼-125¾ 125)(-127¼ 12!l -124 .••. - ••• 123J,i( 12'~ 124½-124~ 126% 1 ~ A11hland Div., 1st .. 6 .... - ........ - . .. . .. - .... 189½-189¾ •.•• - ........ - . •. . •. - • . .. • •• - ... . .••• - •••..••• - ••..•.. - ........ - ••.• 1ttlch.Dlvl11lon,l111.6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - . . .. 137¼-18~ .••• - •••...•• - •••. ...• .... - •••• Conw. deben.,1907.:i .... - ........ - . .. ..... - .... .... - ....... - ........ - ... 105 -105 106 -l0J .••• ••• - ••. 107¾-107~ .... - . ••• Obie. R. hl'd. & Pac.Coupon ................. 6 180 -182 •.•• - .... 188¾-183¾ 138¼-138¼ 132 -184 .••• - •. . 129 -129~4 129 -130¾130 -130 130 -18n"' 180M-132 181 -183 Red8tered ........... . 6 127 -181 .••. - .. . 131 -181 ••.• - .. . 132 -182¼ ...• - • .. 12:j¾-12~ 129 -129 129 -129½ 180 -180¾ 18<> -130 .... - •••• General, 198~, ir ..... 4 lQS½-106 105¾-106¾ 106)4-107¾ 107 -107¾ 107 -108 107¾-108!,e l~-107 106~ lv7 105!1-:(-107 105%-107 106'-(-10931! 109 -lOOM,. Reirl•lered ........... 4 .... - .... 105U-105¼ ...• - •... 107 -107 .•. - . .. . ••• - •••.•••• - ••. . . ••• - ..•. 107 -107¼106 -106¾ 107:)s-107% . .. - •••• D.M.& F.D.lst,'OG.4 .... .... - ... 96 - 96 .... - .... 96 - 96 .••• - .• . • •• - •.•..•• - .••..•.• - ••..•.. - •••..•. - ....... - •••• 111t, I 90:J.. . . .. .... .2¼ . . . . - .. . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . - . . . . 86¾- ~ . • • • - •• • . • • • - • • • . • • • • - • • • . - •••• Extenl!llon, 190:J ... 4 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ... .... - ... . .... - ... . .. - .. 96 - 07 Keok. & Des lU., ht.:i 113 -118 113 -lli 112 -112 108¼-108¼ 107 -10:l ••• - ••••••• - •••• 109½-112¾ .••• - ••• . 111 -111 110 -110 112 -112 Ohle. ~t.P. M.ln.&Om.Consol., 1930 ..... ... . 6 131 -134 134¼-135 l35¼-l86 136 - ~ 135J.e-186 182 -188~ 181 -183!c .•• - ••. 183 ·181¾ 134 -135¼ 184~-136!1:( 183%-1 ~ Chic. !olt. P.& M.., ht .. ti 132 -132~ 135 -135 l35 -135 ... . - •.•. 132 -.132 .•• , - • • • . • • • - • . • . . • • • - •••• 181¾-131~ 181 -131 182 -183 . . . • - •••• No. Wis., 1st, 11130.6 ..... - ........ - .. . . .. - ... . ... . - .••. 140 -140 . .. • - • • .. .. • • - , • .. . . • • - • • • . . .. - • • . . . • • - • • .. .. . - . • • . • • - •••• St. P. & e. CltY-let .. 8 127 -129¼ 130 -130¾ 130½-132¼ 130 -130 129),(-129~ 130 -181 180!,e-13~ 18()'4-130'4 - ....... - ••• 129¼-131 129M-1S~ Cblc. Term' I Tran ■ t. .4 92¼- 95 92½- 9~ 92:1(- 97 96 - 9~ 95 - 96½ 95 - 95}t 92½- 93¾ 92½- 98 91 - 98~ g1 - 92~ 92!,ii- 95 92¾- 95¾, Citic. & U'e8t'n Ind.General...... . ... .. . fl 118 -118 120 - 120 rn -119 ... - . ... 119 -119 .... - ••.. 120 -120 118¾ 11~ .... - . . .. . . . . .... . . - ... 120 -Ul0 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  BONDS.  1900-Continued. .rANUARY  FEBR1RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. ~EPT 1BBR. OCTOBER NOV'BER. DEC'BER •  BONDS. Low.High Low.Hbrh Low.Hl;.rh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High --·-------- Low.Hbrh - - - - ---- ---- ---- - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - ---- ---- ... .... - .... .... - ....... -  Choe. Ok. & G.-Gen . . ~ Ctn. Hnm. & DaytonSin i, ln,r fund ......... '7 !ld, t 9:J'7 .. ......••.... ..I¾ Clo. Day. &Ir, 1st... ~ _  103 -108 .. .  ···· 118¾-118¾ ..•• -  - .... 113¾-114  .. . • -  - ••• 117 -117 .••• - ....... - .... :us -115 - .... 118¾-113¾ 112!,(-118 - ••. . 112¾-112½ . • • • - .... 112¾-112¾ 111 -111 112 -112  5Suf'.C.C.  C. T.S, L.&C. <& St. L. Cl, Cln. Chic. & St. L,Geueral. ...... ......... 4 94 - OO!J4 94¼- 00¾ 95¾- 97 97 - 98 96¾- 97~ 94¾- 95~ 04:1)4- 96¼ 97¾- ~8¾ 07 - 98 97 -101 00¾-101 101 -102 Clo. Wttb. & M., lst.4 93 - 93 95¾- 95¾ .... 98 - 98 . . - •... 07¾- 98 98J4- 98X! 98 - 98¾ ..•. 98 - 98 100)4-100¾ St.L.Dlv., ht. 1990.4 L0l¾-101¾ 102 -103 .•. - , •. 103)4-104:¾ 101 -102¾ 100¾-102¾ 102 -102 103 -103 1102%-103 104: -104 103 -104 103¾-104 Sp. & Col., 1st '40 .. 4 .... - ... . .... - ....... - ........ - ....... 94 - 94 - · ••• C. I. St. I.. & C., l st.4 .... - . .. . 105 -105 105¼-105¾ .... - • .. . ..• - ... . .... - •.. . .••• - . .. •• Cin. Son. & Cl., con.~ .... - ... 115¾-115~ .... - .... 115½-115¼ •••• - ••.. 114 -114. .... - ••..••• - ........ c. c. c. & I., consol ., .... - .. .. 136 -136 .... - •••. 1353,s-1853,s .... - .... 134 -134 General conso• .... 6 130 -13QM - .... 132 -133 137 -137 .... - •.• . 128¾ 130 131 -131 ..•. - •.. 134 -184 136 -137 c. & s. iiu., 1901 .. , .... - ........ - .... 101,S-101¾ .... - .... 101¾·101" .Peo. & E., 1st, cons .. 4 84¼· 87¾ 86¾- 88¾ 81%- 92¾ 89 - 90¾ 88 - 88¼ 85 - 88¾ 87 - 88 87 - 87~ 87 - 88~ 86¾- 90¾ 90 - 93 92¼ - 95 Jncomes, 1990. . . . 4 25 - ~ 2~- 29¾ 28 - Si¾ 29 - 33¾ 28 - 30¾( 24 - ~ 27 - SO 26 - 28 26 - 27¾ 27~- 30 29 - M¾ Si - 50 Clev. Lor. & Wheel.Consol., l st ............ ~ 106 -107 107¾-108 •••• - .... 11:9 -109 109 -109 109¾ 109!',( .••• - ••• 111 -111 .••• - ....... . Cl. & Mah. V.-1938 .. ~ 128 -129 130 -130 129 -130 ..•• - •.• 180 -130 .. .. - ........ - ........ - ••..•••• - ........ - ••. . .••• - •.•. 132 -182 Colorado Mldlandlst ..................... 3-4 63 - 67¾ 67¾- 70¾ 69¾- 79}:( 76¾- 78!J:! 77~- ~ 76 - 78¾ 74¾- 75 74¼- 75 78¾- 74~ 74¼- 77'4 7~- 78¾ 78¼- 80¾ 78 - 7~ 76 - 79 74 - 76 74¾- 75 72½- 75'4 74¾- 77'4 77½- 79 79 - 81 1st, arold, 194,-....... 4 71¾- 7:; 72 - 74)4 73 - 80 78!,(- 80 <Joi. & l!io.-lst, ii.':l9.4 82 - 86 82¾- 84¾ 82¾- 85 83 - 85 83 - 87 84¾- 87 84¾- d5J,.( 82 - 83}-fi 78¾• 82¾ 79 - 82" 81!,r 84¾ 83!,r S5¾ Delaware & Hudaonl11t, Pa. Div , 191 '7 .. 7 148 -148 . •• • - • • • . . . . • - .... 146¾-146>ti . • •• Reaistered. . ... '7 .. .. - • • • . . • • • - • .. - • • .. • • • • - • • • . .. • • - •... 141 -141 • • •• - • • . , • • • - ... . - •• .. ... - .. .. 118 -12~ 118 -118 .••• - •••.••.• - •.•. 121 -121 .... - •....•.• - ••• ll6'Ji!-ll6¼ Alb.&Su8Q., lst,aru.1 .... - ••. 115 -115 112¾-118 !.18 -113 113 -113!1( .... - , ••.•.•• - •.. 118!',(-118'4 llll,rlll'4 ll19'-lll¾ll2 -112 1st coup., iiuo.r ...... 6 115 -115 - Reiilstered ........ . 6 ... Ll2½-112~ 118 -113 - .••. 118¼-113~ •••• - ••• . • .. - •• . 1147 -147 Ren. & Sar.,lst,•~t.1 .... - .... 147¾ ·lt7Xa 148~-148¾ ... - ... . .... Rearh;tered .. ........ 1 . . . . - • . . . . . • - • • .. . • • • - •••. 148!1(-148~ • • • • - .. • . . • • • t>el. Lack.& West'n1907 ......... ............ , .... - ... 123 -123¾ .... - ... . .... - ........ - .••. 124~-124¾ ..•• - .... 122¼·1223,s ... . Morrl11 & Essex, tst.'7 136 -U2 141 -141 .... - • •.. U0¼-141 l38¾-188¾ 1a7¼-140 .... - •••. 188 -189 138 -188½ .••• - •.. l3tjJ4-137~l187 -187¾ 1871-1901. ... •••••••' 1073,s-1()7¼ 107¾-107¾ 107¼-107¾ . .•• - ... LQ4¾ ·104!J( ..•• - ••. 105¾-106 105¾-106%106 -106¼ 102%-102~ 1()2¾ 10t%103 -1033,s ConAOI., aruar.... ..... , 139 -1811 . ••• - •... . ••• - .... 141¾;-141¾ Ul -141 138 -138 .••• - •••. 138¾-188¾ .... - •.. 140 -140 .... - ... 138 -138~ tl.Y.L.&W •• tst .... 6136 -186 - .... 137¾-137¾137 -137 - .... 138 -185 135¾-185¾135¼-135¾135¾-136 186 -136 187¾-138 Construct'n, 1923.,3 .. . . - . . . 120 -120 119 -119 - .... 119 -lltl 119 -121 119¼-llll}-fil21¾-122 Term'l & lmp'mt .. ,4 .... 105 -106 .... - ••• . . .. - ••.. ..•• - •••••••• - •• . • .• - ••.. 108¾-104 .... - ....... Syr. Blnarb. & ~. Y .. '7 .... - ... 1$2 -122 ... , - ... . .... - ... . .... - •••••••• - •••..••• - •.•..••• - ••• . 118)4-118¼ ..... - •••• Denver & Rio Gro.ndel ■t ... ....•..... . ..... ... . '7 102¾-102'4 .... - .•• .•• : - ... 104~10!¾ .•.• - .. .. ..•• • ••..•.• - •••. 102%,-102¾103 -108 103 -103 .... - ........ - ... . Consol., 1936-........ 4 96¾- 99¾ 98¼- 91)¾ 98 - 99¾ 00* 99X! 98¼- 99¾ 98¾- 00¾ 07 - 97!',( 07,.. 98¾ 07¾- 9~ 98 - 99~ 00 -1~ 100¾-1~ 1st consol •• 1936 ... 4~ .... - .... .... - • . 107 -107 . •• - .... 107 -107¾ 107%-107¾ .... - •••. 106 -107 107 -107 108 -108 108 -109 109 -109% Improvement, 19'~S.~ 101"-101~ 104¼-104¾ 104¼-105 105 -105¾ 105¾-106 1013,s-103 .... - •••. 102½-102¾ 102 -108 103 -108 105:U-106¾105 -108 De ■ Mo. Union-1st .... ~ . .. - ... . 109 -109 ..•• - •.. . .••• - .... L08¾-l08J4 ..•• - •• . ••• Det. & Mac.-l11t llen.4 .... - .... .... - .... ... - ........ - .. . ... - ... .... - .. . .... - ... 85 - 85 85 • 85 98 - ll8~ .. . Hold ............ •••••• .... 4 76¾- 78 78 - 78 79 - 81 81 - 82½ . • • - • • . . 82 - 82 . ... - . . .. 88 - 90 87 - 88 -Oalutla & I. R.-tst ... :) ... - .. 107 -107¼ 109 -109¾ 109¼-109¾ LOS!',(-109 109 -109 108 -109 .... - .... 107 -109 107¼-107¾ 108 -108¼~10 -111  - ........ - ........ - ....... - ....... - ... .  - ....... - ...... -  D ■ l.8.S.&Atl.-1931.~ 112 -112  110 -112  ll2¾-114  112¾-112.½ LU¾-lli¾ 114¾·114¾ .••• -  - ••. 115 -115 115 -115  E.T. Va. & Ga.-See 80 108 -109 100)4-109~ Ela-. Joi. & E.-ht, ii .• ~ 107¼-107% 109!',(-111¾ 111%-111~ lll½-113 . ... - .... 109¾-109¾ 109 -109¾ 110 -110 110 -11()% •••• Erlel ■t, Ext., 1911 ....... :) 117 -118 117 -117¾ .... - ••....•• - ••. . 116¼-117 .... - ... 117¼-117¾ .••• - .... 119 -119 !Id, Ext., 1919 ........ . :) 1193,s-119¾ .•• - ••. . .••• - ....... - ........ 3d, Ext., 1923 ....... 4~ 113¾-llS~ 115 -115~ .... - .. .. .... - •.. . 115¾-115¾ 11~ -116% .•.• - . •• . ••• - ••. . 114¼·114¾ .••. - •••. 116 -116 •••• -4ta, Ext., t 920 ....... ;J . • • - ••• . 123¾-128¾ . ••• - . • . .. .. 1. ■t, consol., arold ...... , 188 -142 lU -141 137 -138¾ 137 -188~ LS7¾-139 137¼--137¾ 187\1:(-139 189¾-189¾ 134¾-187¼ 135¾ 186¾ 139 -139¼140)4-140;..( l11t con. prior lien, ar.4 88 - 90¾ 89!,r 90~ 89¾- 91½ 89¾- 92 89 - 90¾ 89 - 90¾ 87¼- 88¾ 87¾- 88¾ 87 - 88¼ 87* 90 89!',(- 91 ➔, 91~- 00 lat con. areo. I •• '96 .. 4 67 - 70 69¾- 71¼ 7~- 74¾ 73 - 75¾ 71¾- 73¼ 69~- 72!14 68¾- 69¼ 68!',(- 60 67 - 70 67¾- 71¾ 71 - 75¾ 75 - 86¼ -Ohle. & Erle, 111t, ar .. ~ 114 -116 114 -116¾ 116¾-117 116½-117½ 115 -116 l14¾-117 115 -116 116¾-116¾116¼-117 117 -117~11~-116¾116 -123 .,Jefferson, 1st, a-un.r .. ~ . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - .... 104:¾-104:¼ . .. - .. . • ••• - .... Lon ii I ock cons.• 33. ti 1:S9 -139 189¾-139¾ .. •• - .. .. . • • • - • .. 13~-136¾ . • •• - . •• .. • • - • • .. . . .. - .. • . . •• • - .... 136¾-137 137¾-138¾ ·D ock & l1npr., l11t .... 6 .... - .. - ........ .... - ........ - ........ - ... 118 -118 .•. - ... . ... - ... . •• D'lldl'd of N. J., lst ... ti 116¾-117 - ••• . 119¾ 120 1H3 -118 119 -119 119 -119 .... - ... 119 -119 - •••. 115¾-115¾117¼-117¾117 -118 tc.Y.Sus.&W.,ret.:)107¾-109 108 -108¾110 -110 11 ,9)4-110 100~-111 109¾-110 109¼-109¼108¼-i08¾ .••• - ••.. 108J4-101)¾110 -110½110¾-111 ~d,193'2' ........... . 4.½ .. •. - .•.. 98 - 98 .... - .... 99~- 99¼ .... - .•.. 99¼- 99¾••·· - ........ .... - ........ - ••..••• Gen., &'old, 1940.... :i 92 - 96 94 - 97¾ 94¼- 96¾ 00 - 97 96 - 97 93 - 95Jl4 94¾- 95¾ 94 - 00 96 - 96 90 - 95 ••• - ... 96 -106¼ ·.Termino.l, t .. 108¾-108¾ ... - . .. 111 -111 113 -lU . . . - ........ ...• - ... . .... Wllk.&E.,lst,'4"1.~104 -105 101¾·105 104¾-106 101 -105 10!!1-:{-108 105 -109 104 -104:¾104 -107 104x,-105¾Jl0i¾-106¼106¼-106% .•. - •••• Evanav. & T. Haute Cousol.. ................. . 6 .... 124¾-125¼ 125 -125¾ 125 -125¾ 124 -124 125¾-125¾ 120 -120 123 -123¾ ..•• - ... 123 -123~ 123¾·123¾124 -124 1st. aren., 1942, gold.:) LOS -108 107 -108½ 107)4-110 lu6¾-108 107 -108 108 -108 105 -108 106 -107:Ji 106¾·107 102¾-104:¾ 104 -106.½ 107"-108 Evansv. & Indio.nap l11t. con1101,, 1926 .... 6 ... - .... 100 -104: .... - ••. 106 -108 .... - •... 105 -105 105 -105 - .... 105 -105 ... - ••..•.•• - ••••.••• Flint & Pere Marq ..... ti 120 -122 122 -122 122¾-123~ 121!',(-ltl!J( 122¾-122½ l~-123¾ •••• 121¼-121¼ . .. - ... 125 -125 1st cons., Ir•• 1939 ... ~ 102 -103 103¾-103}2 103¾-105!14 105!>1! 108,½ 105 -107 102¾ 105 . .• - ••• . 105~ 105¾105 -10~ . ... - .. . 106¼-1~ 107 -107 Pt. Bnr. Div., 1st .... ~ 105 -108 107½-107¼ 105 -lOi¾ 106,rll0 107¾-107¾ .... • - •• 106 -106 ..• • - .. .. 108 -1~ 107 -109~ 107 -107 ·F la. Cen. & Pen.-lst.~ .... - ... . .... - ... 100 -100 .... Ft. W. & D. C.-bt.4 •ti 71½- 74;J.t 70¼- 72¾ 70 - 72 71 - 73x 70 - 72¾ 70 - 71 70¼- 71¾ 71¼- 7~ 72 - 7!1.¾ 71 - 74 7.i¼- 78 75 - 84 Ft. W. & Rio Grandel at, 19~8 . .......... . 3-4 55 - 58¾ 58 - 60 55 - 60 573-i- 60 57¾- 59 59 - 59 .... - • ••• 58 - 58 57 - 58 57 - 61 62 - 66 66 - 69U Galv. H. & H. of'S!l.. ~ 102 -102 103¾-104 104 -101¾ . .•• 103!,.(-103'4 .... - •.• . 100 -103 100 -100 102 -10-2 Ga. & Ala.-lst, cons.~ .. .. - ... 89 - 89 - .... 98¾· 98½ .•• G.H.&~.A.-Seel!I.P.Co. Ga.Car. & N.-l•t,gu.~ 00¼- 00¾ .. . . Ga • .Pacific-See l!!!outb'n • H . & St.J.-SuC.B.&Q. Hock. Val.-ht, coo.4~ 00 -100 98¾- 00!14 00¾-102 101¾-103¼ 102 - 103 102 -103¾ 100 -101¾ ~-100~ 98 - 99¾ 98!l(-101 100¾-104%104¼·1~ C. & H. V., ht, ext.. 4 102 -105 103¾-103¾ 107 -108 10!¾-106 - .... 104: -104: .... - •••. 106 -106 •••. - ....... - .... 105,!i-105,¼ .... - •••• B . E. & W.T.-Sei; S. P. H. & T. c.-See !So .Pac . llllnoh Cenr.ralht, a-old, 1931 ..... ... 4 115 -115 114 -115 114 -114 111'¾-115½ .... - . ... 116 -116 - .•...••• - ........ - .... 116 -116 Rt'giatered ..... ... ... 4 .... - .... 113¾-113¼ . ... - •. . . . •• _ ........ - ........ _ •••• 1st, iiold, 1931 ...... 3,½ .... - ... 104:¾-105:l-1! 100 -106 - •••. 105 -105½ . ••• - ... . 105¾-106¾ .... - •••. 106¾-106¾ Gold, 193-1 ............. 4 104 -104 104 -1043-1103)4-106 - .. . 100 -103¾ 103!,i(-103¾ 103 -103 103 -108 .... - ... L04 -104 Gold. 19~3 ............ 4 L0l -102¾ 103)4-104 102!!.(-104, - ... 101 - 103¾ 102½·102¾ \0l¾-101~ .... - .... 102!,.(-103 103 -103¾102;14-104 103!,(-1~ Reiii1nered .......... . 4 98 - 98 • . .. . ... - . . .. ... Loulsv. Div., gold .3~ 100 -101½ 101 -101¼ 101 -102~ 102¼- F 8½ 102;J:{ -108¼ 102!',( 102~ l0lJ,.(-101¾ .... - •••. 100¾-101 101¼-101¾ .... - ... . . ... - •••• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  BO~ OS.  1900-Continued. JAN'C'ARY FEBR'RY.  MARCIi.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. ' SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. Nov'BER. DEO'BEB.  BONDS.  ------------- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- - - - - - - - - ---- ---- - - - Jllinol8 Cent'l-(Coo.)-  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Ellgh Low.High Low.Hliih Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  St. Louis Div., ,rold .. 3 .. - ... . .... 90 - 90¾ 91¾- 92¼ 92 - 92~ 92¾- 92¾ ~ 90¾ 90~- 90)4 90¼- 90¾ OOM- 91¼ 91¾- 91~ '02 - 92 Gold, 19lU ......... 3¼ 99¼-101;( 101 -101~ 102 -102 1Q2¼-103)4103J.(-103~ 103¼-103¾ 101¼-101¼ 100¼-101¾ .... - ••. . 101¾-102 102~-1~ L03 -103 Sprina-f. Div., 1st . . 3¼ .... - •·· · .... - ........ - ........ - .... 100 -100 ..•• - .. . . Western Lines. tst .. 4 .... - .... 111 -111 111 -113 113¼-118¾ ...• - •.. . 113¾-lU ll~-113¾ ...• - .... 111'4-112¼113 -113 .•.• - •••. 114~·11!1~ Belle.&Caron •• 1st.6 .... - .... •··· - •· · · .... - .... 11~-119~ .••• - ••.. 121 -121 ..• - . . ..••• - •.. . .••• - •...•.. - .••• C. St. L. & N.O.,ir.cp.~ .... - ... . 125 -12674 126¾-126¼ 126'4-12~ .••• - ••. 125 -125 .••• - •••. lll5!J4-126½ 125¼-127 Reirlstered .......... . ~ ... - .... 122 -122 .•.• Gold, J 9~ t .. ..... .. 3¾ 100 -101¾ 102'4-103 ..•• - ••• . 101¼-101¼ ..•• - •••. 100~-1003' .• •• Memph. Div., 1st ... 4 .... - ........ - ... . 105¼-105¼ ..•• St. Louis So., lst .... 4 .... - .... 102¾·102¼ .•• Ind. Dec. & West'n- .... 105 -105 104¾--105 1st, irold, 193~ ........ ~ 105 -105 - ... . 103¼-104,¾ .••• Ind. llllnols & Iowaht, refund'g, 1948.. ~ 106¼-108% 109¼-100¼ 110¼ 110¼ . •• • - .... 108 -108 108¼-108¼ - ... . 109¼-109¼ .... - ... 107 -107 lnternat'l & Gt. No.1st, 1919........ ...... . 6 120 -121 121 -121~ 121 -121¼ . . • . - .•. . 119¼-119¼ 1193-9-120¼ ll9¼-120½ 120 -120½ 120¾-120½ 120¼-123 120¼-123 123 -125¾ ~d, 1909 . . ........ . .... . ~ 90 - 92 92 - 94 89~- 91 89!J4- 91 88 - 90¼ 87 - 89 87 - 87¼ 88 - 88 81¼- 84½ 83 - 89 88 - 92 91~- ~ 61 - 61¾ 57 - 59 58 - 59 55¼ - 55¾ . . . • - • • . . . . • • 54 - 55 65 - 59 57 - 66 3d, 19:11. ....... .. . . ... 4 .60 - 62 .,_wa Cent.-lst, irold .. ~ 111 -114!'( 113 -113¼ 113¾-114 113¾-114¾ 113% 115 llll'(-113¾ 112 -1133,4 113 -113~ 113 -114 113¼-115 114 -117¾ 114 -115¼ &an.& M.-SeeT.&O.C. K. City Plttsb. & G.lst & col. tr. co. ctf11.~ 68 - 69¾ 69 - 74¼ 69¼- 75 72 - 74¾ 70¼- 72½ 70¾- 72 70 - 73 . . • • - • . . . . . . • K.Ctty ~o.-ht, 19~0.3 .... - . . . . 68¼- 70 69¾- 69½ 66%- 67 66¼- 66½ 66 - 66¾ 64¾- 66¼ 62 - 65 61 - 69¾ 67¾- 69¾ 67%- 68M Reirf,.tered ......... . ... 3 .... - .......• 6a~- 63¼ .... Keo. Cent.-See L. & N. L. Erle& West.-bt ... ~ 116¼-119¼ 12031,-121¾ 121¾-121¼ 121'4-128 122 -128 122;(-128 119¾-120¼ 120~-120¼ 121 -121 121¼-128¾ 123 -124 124¼-125 2d . ...................... -~ l0S¼-112~ .... - ... 115 -115 117 -117 117 -1183,i 119 -119 115 -115½ 115¼-115½116¼-117 116¼-117¾ .• 118¼-120 Northern Ohio, 1st .. ~ .... - .... 110¼-110¼ .••• - ••.. 110¼-111½ 110¾-110½ 110¼-111 1123,6-112¼ 111 -111 ... . . •• - .. . . 110 -111 .... - .... L. Sbor~-SeeN. Y. C. Leh. Valley, N. Y.1st, gua1• ., irold ...... 4¼ .... - .... 1.08 -109 100¼-100¼ 110 -110¾ 108¾-109¾ lQS¾-109 106¾-108¾ l0S!J4-109 .••• - ••• . 109¼-110½ 111 -111 110¼-111~ Realstered ........ .4.¼ . . . . - . . . . . .• • - . . . . . . . • - . . .. . . . . - ......•• - ••. , 109 -111 Leh. V.Ter.1st,1941 .. ~ .. .. - .... 113 -115¾ .• •• - •.. .. ••• - •... 112 -112 . ..• - ••. . .••• Leh.& N. Y.-lst,iru.4 . .. - ... .. ... - ... . 91¼- 91¼ .••• 92 -92\t 92 - 92 93¼- 93½ .. .. - ••. . 92 - 92 - ••••••• - ••• • L. R. & M., 1st t. rec .. ~ 37%- 38½ ..•• - ... . .... Lon1rldandl11t, consol., 1931 .... ~ 120 -120 120 -120¼ 122 -122 - ••. . 121¼-121½ 121¼-121½ 121 -121¾ 120 -120 - •. . 1221,(-122~ Gen. mort., 193~.. .. 4 96 - 96 ..•• - • •• . 98 - 98 98 - 99 99¼-102 100¼-101¼ 100 -100 99½-101 100 -100 100 -103 103 -103 10l!J4-104 Ferry, l Bt, 1922 ...4¼ 99 - 99 97~- 97¼ .... - ... . 102 -105 105 -106 . • • • - • • . . . • • • - .. .. . . . • 99¾-100 102¼-102¼ 103½-104% Gold, 193:l ............ .. 4 .... - ... .. ... - .... 1()()%-102¼ .. . - • . . . . . . . 100 -100 . . • • - • . • . . • • • - .. .. Unified, 1 949.. . ...... 4 .. ., - . .. . 85 - 85 . • .. - .. • . 90 - 98~ 94¾- 9G 94 - 96 93¾- 94% 91¾- 94 94 - 96¼ 95¼- 96!4 96;(- 99 B'klyn & ttJon,, l11t . . ~ .. . . - .... 106 -110 - • .. • N. Y. & R. B., 1st ... . :> .... - . ••. 105 -105 ·•• · N. Sh. Br., 1st, con .. ~ .... - •.. . llJ~-110 109 -11~ 113 -113 - .... 105 -106 Loulsv. Ev. & St. L.Cons. 6s, Trust rec. .. 62 - 70 6'n9- 6~ 67 - 67¾ 66¼- 70¼ 70 - 71 61 - 70¾ 62 - 68 .••• - .... Gen'I, arold, 1943 ... . 4 6¼- S 7 - 7 6 - 7 5 - 6¼ 4-¼- 5 4¼- 5 5¾- ~ ... Loul11vl1le &Nu.shv.General mortgaae ... 6 116 -116 120 -120 . ... - • . • 119 -122 117 -118 117 -118 117¼-118 118 -ll8 118 -118 - •... 117 -119 60-year, gold, 1937.~ 107¾-107¼ 109 -109 109¼-110 ll2¼-112¼ .... - . .. . 111 -111 111 -111 111 -111 .... - •.. 111¼-111¼110¼-110~ . . .. Unified, arold, 1940 .. 4 96!J4- 99¼ 1)8'4-100 98¾- 99¾ 99M-101~ 99½-101 99!J4-l0Q¾ 98 - 98¼ 98~- 99!4 98¼- 99¼ 98½-- 99¼ 9~-10~ 100¾--102 Col. trust, ,r., 1931 ... 6 106)4-107 l08½-108¼ 109~-109!4 .... - . . ...... - . .. 109 -109 109!4-100¾ 109!4-109~ 110 -110¼ llQ¾-111¼ .... - ••.. 1093-9-111 Coll, trust. ~-'l08 .... 4 96¾- 98¾ 98¼- 99¾ 98%-100 98 - 98" 97!4- 98¾ 97!'(- 98¼ 98 - 99 98%- 98!1,t 99 - 99½ 96'4- 97!J4 98 - {19 98'4- 99% Ceclli ,,u Br., 1907 .. 7 .... - ..... . .. - ........ - .... .... - ........ - .. - ... . .... - ........ - .... .... - ... . 103¼ 104¼ 106 -106 E. H. & N., 1st ........ ti 111¼-111½ 112¾-112!1( 118¾-118)4 .••• - . .. . 114¼-114¼ . . .• - ... . 112¼-113½ . .•• - ... . .... - ••• . 116 -115 . .,.. Waalt. &Dec., Jst .... 1 . .. . - .... . ... - ... . 102!'(-103 .... - ... . ... - ... . .... - ... . -~• O. & Mob., l8t .... 6 128;(-129 129 -129 129 -129 .... - •••. 127 -127 ...• 128}&-128)4 .. •• - •.• 180 -130 .••• - ... . ~d ....................... 6 .... - .. . 117 -117 - •.• 117 -117 . ..• - .•.. 117 -117 .... - ... . Pen sac. Div., lD~0 .. 6 .... - .... . .. - ....... - ........ - ... . ... - .... .... - ... 115 -115 Pemutc, & Atl., lst .. 6 118 -113 111¾-112 112;(-113¼ lllJ¾-118¾ .... - , ••. 11()¾-11()¼ .... - • .. . . .• - ... . .. , - .... ll1'4-lll!J4 ...• St. L. Div,, 1st, ' :U.6125¾-125¾ . ..• - .... . ... - ... . 128 -125 .... - ••...••• - •.•. 126 -127 126;(-126}4.... - ... . 2d, 19SO ..... ........ 3 .... - .. ... ... - ........ - ........ - ... . . .. - ........ - .... . .. - .... 03¼- 68½ .... - .... .... • .. .. So.& No.Ala.con,,ru.~ .... - ... . 107 -107 - ••. . 111 -111 111 -111 110 -110 107!'(-107¾ 110 -110 109 -100 ..•• - •••. . ••• - .. .. Ken. Cent., 1987 ..... 4 95¾- 97 \16~- 97¼ 96'4- 97¼ 98 - 98 97¼- 98 97¼- 97!J4 OOM- 96'-' 96¼- 97 96¼- 97 96¾- 98¼ 98¾- 99 99 - 9~ L,&N.&M.&M.lst4¾ 107¾-107½ .... - ........ - .... 111 -111,l11t,1ru.6 . ... - ... . .... - ... . 11(1¾-110¾ .... - ... . 110¾-110¼ 109¾-111 ... , - ... . .... • ... . ... - ... . .... - .... lll¾-111¼ L.N .A.&C. -SeeC. r,&L. ManhattanConsol..J 990 .. ....... 4 103 -105 102!4-104 108 -104¼ 102 -108 99 - 101~ 100 -101¼ 100 -101l4 101~-101¾ 101'-(-102 100!4-l~ 102¼-105¼ 104¼-106 Metropol.Elev ., l8t .. 6 112 -115¾ 115 -116 116;(-116¼ 116¼-116 115¾-116 116 -117 114~-116 ...• - •••. 115 -115½ 115¼-115~i 116 -117¾ 11~-118 Mex. Cent'I-Consol . . . 4 70 - 78¾ 73!1.(- 78¾ 78~- 81 78 - 81 SO½- 80¼ 79¼- 80!1.( 78 - 78 . ..• - ..• .. ..• - .... 80¼- 80½ 80 - 82 .... - .... 1st consol. lncome ... 3 20¼- 24¾ 28 - 26¼ 25¼- 29¾ 26¼- 28)4 25¼- 27J4 24 - 27% 25¼- 27¼ 259:(- 26¼ 24¼- 26 25!J4- 27¾ 26 - 28~ 26½- 297A 2d consol. lucome .. .. 3 10 - 12 11¾- 12¾ 11¼- 15 18¾- 14¾ 12 - 14 11¾- 13¾ 12!1.(- 13¾ 13 - 13 11¾- 12¾ 12½- 13¾ 12!1.(- 13% 18 - 15~ Mex. lnt.-lst, 19,-7 . . 4 'd7 - 88¼ 87)4- 88¼ 86 - 87¾ 85¾- 86¾ E5 - 85¾ 84½- 85½ 85;(- 86 85¼- ~ 84 - 84¾ S3¼- 84¾ 84 - 86)4 84'4- 84~ Mexican Nat'l-lst ... 6 .. . . - .. . ..... - ... . 108 -108 108¾-108¾ .. •. - •. . . - .... , • • - ... . ... 2d, Income, A, ........ 6 .... - . .. . 81 - 81 .... - . . .. . ••• - ... . .... 2d Income, B . ...... . 6 . . .. - .. . .. ... - . . .. 18 - 18 17 - 17 13½- 13¼ 12 - 12¼ 13 - 13)4 .... Mexican Nortb'n-lst.6 .... - .... 105)4-105)4 .... - ••. . 105 -105 .... - ........ - ... . ... Mlch. Cent.-See N, Y.C. M.L.S.&W .-see C.&N. M. & N .-Su C.M.&S.P. Mlnneap. & St, Loulslst, gold, 19'l'7 ........ '7148¼-145 - .... 160 -151 ...• - .•. . 149 -149¼ . ... - ........ - •. . . . ... - ... . Ia. Ext,, 1st, 1909... 7 . ... - .. . . 122!J4-123¼ 122¼-122½ ..• • - .. . . . .. - ... . .... - ... . Pacific Ext., 1st ...... 6 ... . - ... .. ... - .. .. .... - . . . 128 -128 .... - • . . . . . . ,- . . . .. .. - •••. 124½-124¼ . ..• - ... . Southw. Ext., 1st . ... 7 .... - .. . .... - .. . 1223-9-122½ ..• - •. •...•• - •.. . 128 -128 ht, con., 1934, Ir .• •. ~ 112 -118¾ 112;(-114 113¾-115 115¼-116½ 114 -115 111¼-l15 lll!J4-114¼ 113 -114¾ 115 -117¾ 117¾-118 116¼-119 116¾-11~. 1st & rer., 1949 . ..... 4 98 - 96¼ 96 - 99 96¼- 99¾ 98~- 99 96 - 99 96 - 97 95¼- 97 97 - 9m 95 - 96 95 - 96¾ 96 - 98 97 - 98¼· Mo. Kan. & Texaslst, irold, 1990 ....... 4 88½- 90½ 90 - 9~ 90¾- 93¾ 93 - 98¾ 92!1!- 98~ 88¾- 92 89 - 91¾ 90¾- 92½ 90 - 98 90%- 98. 92½- 97¾ 93~ 9~ 2d, Income, 1990..... 4 67 - 69¾ 65 - 6m 65 - 70 68 - 70½ 67 - 69¼ 66 - 68!J4 67¾- 70 66 - 67 64 - 67¾ 6iJ4- 68 66 - 72 71 - 77¼ ht, exten., ,r,. 1944.~ 93½- 95¾ 92 - 98½ 90 - 94 92¼- 95~ 90¾- 92¾ 89 - 91 89¾- 90¼ 89¼- 90¼ 89¼- 90¾ 89 - 92½ 89¼- 93 92 - 98 Dall. & Waco, 1st.. . .5 ... . - ... .. ... - ........ 90 - 90 . . .• - .•. .. . - •.• ... . - .. .. M. K.& T, ofT., lst.6 91 - 98 92~- 98 89 - 92½ 91½- 98½ 90 - 92 88 - 91 90 - 92 92 - 92½ 89 - 89 89!1(- 92 89¼- 97¼ 95 - 95;{ K. C. & P.,lst, 1990.4 77 - 77 76 - 76J.. . . - . . .. 78 - 80¾ 71!½- 81 81 - 82 82 - 83 80 - so 81¼- 81¼ 80 - 81½ 81 - 83¼ 83¼- gr Sh. S. & So., l 11t ,ru .. ~ 92¾- 95 94%- 95~ 94¾- 95¾ 95¼- 97'4 97 - 98~ 96%- 96¾ 97 - 97~ 97 - 98 - .... 98~- 99Ji .••• - ••• • 9i¼- 99!!4Mo. Kan. & Easternlst, 1942......... ...... . 6 102½-104 104 -104 lOi -106 103 -10! 102 -103~ 102 -108~ 103 -106 103½-105 104 -104¼ 102 -108¼ 104 -106 106 -108 Missouri Paclfic3d, 1906 ................ , .... - . . . . 1143-9-115 114¼-116 115½ 116¼ 112 -118 112¾ 112¾ 113 -113 118%-11~ 115¼-118 115¼-116 113 -118¼114¼-115¼ ht COD80I .. ••..•••••... . 6 114¾-117 116¾-117½ 116¼-121 120 -121¾ 116 -117¾ 114¾-116¾ 116 -116¾ 116¼-117)4117¼-119 117¾-119¼ 116 -118~ 118¼-120 Trut. ,rold, 191' . ... ~ 94 - 1-8 96 - 99 95¼- 97¼ 97¾-101¾ 97 - 99½ 95 • 97¾ 9~- 98 96¾- 9~ 94~- 95½ 91 - 97~ 95¼-100 98'1;-103~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ... - ........ - ........ - ....  - ....... - ....... .  - ........ -  - ...,.  96  RAILROAD  BONDS.  t900-• onlinued. JANUARY FEBR'RY. MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER O .E C'BER .  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· ---- --------~---~----·--------- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -·---1----· BONDS.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Blgb Low, High  Mis ourl Paciflc-(O.. n.)ht, collat., tr ,, 19~0.:) 92 - 94 90¼- 92 90 - 93½ 98¼- 98~ 93 - 96¾ 90 - 95 91 - 94 91 - 93 91¼- 92 92 - 96 95¼- 99¾ W~-104 Leroy & C. Val., l11t.:) ... . - ...... - ........ - ... . .... - .... 92 - 92 93¼- 94 Pac. of Mo.-ht, ext .. 4 105;1,.(-105¾ . . • • - .. . . . • .. - . . . . • .. - • . . . .• 106¾-106½ .. .. - .... 107 -107 10~-101™ ~d, 193S, ext ..... .. :) .... - ........ - .... 112!14;-118 112¾-112½ . ... 1161,4-115¼ ... St.L.&I.M.iren.&} 109~-112 1107~·112 110!'4;-113¾ 110 -111¾ 109¼-111 loo;.f-112½ 109!!(-11(% 11(%--112 111'¼-112¾ 108 -110% 10~-113¼ 112¼-lH~ Stamped, iruar ...... :i no -110 ll~-110¼ .... - .... 110 -110 - .... 110 -11~ .... - •.....•. - ... . 112¼-112~ 109 -109¾ 110 -113 112¾-112¼ Unify.& ref., 19'J9.'4 77¾- 81 80 - 82 79%- 82'3 .82¼- 84¾ 81 - 88¼ 78¾- 82 78 - 7~ 78!1:(- 79% 76 - 79;1a 76¼- 80½ 78l}.(- 83!1-.( 82!1:(- 88 Mob. & Blr.-Pr. Uen.:i ... - .... 110¾-110¾ .... - •......• - .... 110¾-110~ ...• - ........ Mobile & ObloNew ... .... .............. .. 6 124 -125 127¾-127~ 127 -127¼ 120 -128¾ 127 -127¼ . ..• - .•• . 122 -124 125 -126 125¼-126 125:ki-127½ 127¾-130 1261}!-127¼ lat, Exten., 19·17 .... ti .... - .... .... - ... . 123 -123 124 -124 124 -124 123 -123 120¼-120¼ .... - ... . .... - ... .. .•• - ....... . ... . Gen. mort., 1938..... 4 88 - 86 ~ - 87 84 - 86¼ 86 - 87 85¼- 87 Si - 86½ 84 - 85 84!1:(- 86½ 88 - 84¾ 84 - 85 85 - 87 . 86¾- 87!1:( Montirom. Div., ht..~ 107 -107 108¾-108¼ 108¾-108¾ 108¼-109 108"·108¾ 109½-109½ . ..• - .... 106¼-107~ 108 -108½ 107'-(-l0ill-.( lQS¼-109 109 -110 St. Louis & Cairo .... 4 .... - ... ... .. - ....... - .... 96¼- 96¾ Mor.L.&T.:ss. -seee.J> !Nash.Ch.& St.L.-ht., 126 -129 128¼-129 128 -129 128¼-129 128 -128 128¼-128¼ .... - .... 128 -128¼127 -128 · 128 -128½ 1281/,.130¾180¼-130~ 2d, 1901 ................ 6 ... - ........ - ... . .... ... - ... 100¼-100½ . ... Con11ol. ir., 1928 . ..... ~ 104:ki-105 105 -107 11J6 -107¼ 104¼-105¾ 105)4-105½ 105)4-105¾ .... - ••. • ••• - ••. 108 -109 105 -105½ 106~·107¼107%-~10¼ lfew York Centralli. Y.C. & H., ht, cp .. , 109 -10911110 -110)4110!,,(-110¾ 110¼-112 111 -111 . ... - ••. . ••• - •.•. l~-108~ 10~-108¾ 1~108:M 109~ 110 110 -110 c. Recbtered ........... , ... - . ... 110 -110 ll0¾-llQ¾ llO!J:(-110¾ 111 -111 ... - .... 108}1i-108J.( .•• - ... . 108¼-109 ..• - ... 109¾'-109¼1o~-109~ ll -Gold, 1997 .... ..... 33,t 109 -109J.( 108 -1(8 109 -110¼ 110¼-110¾ 110¾'-lll 11()¾-lllX? 108)4-109¼ 109¾-110 109~-109¾ .... - .....••• - , ... 110¼ 111 ,"') Re1ri11tered ...... . 3~ ... ... . ... ... .. .. - .... 110 -110 .. . ...... - •.. . ..•. - .... .. • • •.. ; l Deb., 1884-1904 .. . :) 107 -107" 107'¼-108 102'4-105% 105'.18-106 106)4-106½ 106'4-107 107 -107 107)4-108 105 -105¼ 105!,(-105¼ 104¾-105¼105 -105!4 J Registered ......... :) .... - .... l0'i'.ki-107¾ 105%-1~ ...• - .... 106¼1-106¼ ... - ••. . ••. - ••• 107)4-107¾ ..•• - .. 105 -105¾ 105 -105 . ... - •.•• Deb., g., '90-190~ .4 . ... - ....... - ... . .. - ....... - .... 10~-103~ 101:ki-101¾ .... - .•...... - •... 10~ 102lJ:(103¾-103¼ 103 -103 . - .. . Debt cert11., ext., ir.4 101 -101" 102!1:(-102¾ 103 -103¼ 103~-10~ 101~-102~ 102 -100 102)4-102~ 102¾·102¾ 103 -108 103 -103 101 -101 101 -101!4 Lake Shore, coll ... 3½ 97 - 99 97 - 99 97 - 98¼ 98 - 99 97¾- 98½ om- 9~ 97¾- 98¾ 96¼- 96¾ 95¼- 97 95¼- 97 96¼- 97¾ 96¼- 98¼ Reiriatered ........ 3½ 95¾- 97 95!1:(- 96 96¼- 97¾ 96¼- 9i¾ 97¼- 98 95 - 97 ..•• - . .. 94 - 95 94 - 95~ 98 - 95½ 96 - 96" 95¾- 98 Mich. Cent'I, coll .. 3½ 96 - 97¾ 96"- 97¾ 95¼- 97 97 - 98 97 - 97 96¼- 97¾ 97 - 98 95)4- 96¾ 95 - 96¾ 95 - 96~ 96 - 97¼ 96 - 97¼ Reirlstered .... ... .. 3 .:, .. . . - . . . .. . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . 96 - 96¾ 97 - 97 94: - 95 95 - 95 95 - 95 96 - 96 . .. • - • . • . 96¼- 96¼ Beech Creek, tat, . . 4 108 -108 110 -110 1()9¼-109~ 109¼ 109½ 110¼-ll~ 110 -110 .... - .... 109)4-lt9¾ . ••. - •.•. .•. Mohawk & Malone .. 4 L07 -107 106'4-107 - .... 106¾-106~ .... - •.. .••• - •. 107¼-107~ .••• - •.. . ...• - .... •••• ii- •••• N .J'. J unc., aren., l11t.4 . . . . - .... 102 -102 . • • • - • • . . . . • • - • . . . . . .. - • . . . . • . - • • . - . •. . . . . . _ _ .. • . . . • . _ West Shore, iruar .. 4 110 -118¾ 113¼-114¾ 112 -114¾ 113¼-115 112 -113"1113 -115¼ lll¼-112X? 111)4-11~~ 112¼-112¾ 112¼-113½112¾-114¼114 -116¼ Retrlatered ....... ..... 4 110 -112¼ 111¾-113. 112 -114 112¾-113'3 lll~-112¾ no -114 110¾-112 110¾-111~ 112 -112½ 112¼-112¾ 112~-114 111!1:(-1143,t L. !!i. & M. Ii'., ht, cp.-, 100'¼-101¾ 101¼-101¼ .•.• - ... 102¼-102~ 102¼-10371, 103!,(-103¾ .... - .. ...... - ........ - .... ... - ........ - ........ - ... . L.S.&M.S. ht con rir., lOOljji-101¾ 101¾-101¾ 101:ki-102¼ 1001ki-10Q¾ 101 -101¾ .. . - • .. . . .. - ... . .... - ••. .. ... - .. . • •• _ . . . . ... - ... . . . . . • . .. ~d, con11ol., coup .. ? 112%-113¼ 113 -113¾ 114 -114 1UJ4-l16½ 114½'-114¾ lll¼-111¾ 112 -112 1123,(-112¾112¾-112~ 112¾-112¾ 113 -113 109¾-ll0¾ ~d con11ol., reg... , 112¼-112¾ 113¼ 113½ . • . • - . . 114 -114~ 111 ¼-111¾ -. . - ... . 111¾-lll¾ . . • • - . • . . . . . • - .... 112!1:(-ll~ 112'.ki-112'.ki . . . Gold, 1991 ......... 3½ L09¼-110¼ llO -110~ 109'.18-110¾ 110¼-111 110 -111¾ 109¼·109¼ 109~-109¾ 110 -110 109¼·110 109¾·11~ ~ll -111 109 -109!1:( · Red11tered ... . . 3 .., ... - ... . .. - .... 110¼-110¼ .... - ... ..... - ....... - ....... Det. Mon.& T •• 1111., 121 -121 120 -120 .... - ........ - .... 119 -119 119¾-119¾ . .•• - ........ 119 -119 llahon. Coal, l11t ... .l ... - ........ - ...... - ... ~-129¾ .... - ... 129 -129 .... - •. 130 •130 130 -130 ltflch. Cent., l8t, con.? 108¾-109 109 -109!4 1093,(-100¾ 109¾ ·109¾ 106*106% 106¾-107 105¾ 107!,4 •••. - ••.. 107¾-107¼ .... - ... 104¾-105 105 -105~.( 1st, con11ol . . ........ ~ ... - .... 103)4-103¾ .... - T·. 104¾-104¾ .. . . - .... 102!Ji-103}i 103 -103 10~-103~ 104 -104 .... - •... 101:ki -102 102 -102 1909... .......... ...... 6 ... - .... 119)4-119¼ .... - •... 120¼-120¼ 121 -121 ..•• 126 -126 1931 .......... ·········~ ... - .... 128 -128 Reirlstered ........ . ~ .. . . - . . . . .. . 127½-127¾.... 1940 . ... ............... 4 105 -105 Reailltered . ....... . 4 .... . .. . .. . - ••.. 106¼-106~ .... Harlem, 1st, coup .... ? 101¾-102 102¼-102¾ 102¾-102'3 . • . • Retrlstered ........... , 101¼-102 102¼-102¼ 102¼-102¾ 102!14;-102¾ .. . . N.Y.& Har.,2000.3x .... - ........ - ....... - ... . .... - .... 116'.18-115¾ .. •• .N. Y. & ~o., 1st ...... :) ... - ....... - ........ - ........ - ...... . - .... 122¼-122¼121 -121 R. W .& O., con., ht.~ 128¼-128¼ 128 -129¼ 127!1:(-12~ 126 -127J,a 126 -126¼ l.26¼-126¼ 126 -1211 126¼-126¼127)4-128 125%-126 126¼-126½ J26¾-126'U Ut. & Bl. Rlv.,19·!~.4 .... - .... ... - ....... - ........ - ....... - ....... - .... 108 -110 - ....... tf.Y.Chic.& St.L.-ht4 104¼-107¾ 10'7¼-108¼ 107'.ki-108½ 105¾-107¾ 106 -107 lQ0¼-107 106 -106~ l~-107¾107 -107½105¾-107 106 ·107 107¾·108¼ Re1rl11tered ..... ...... 4 103¾-103¾ .... - •.•.••• - ... . 105 -105 ••• - ........ - ••.. 105¼-106!1:( N. Y. N. H. & Ho.rtt'dpon.db. ct., all ln11.pd. 185¾-188 188 -138 188 -138 .... - .... 189 -189 189¾-190 190 -190 191 -191 - •.. . 193 -195 194 -195 195 -195¾ Hou11at., con., 1937.~ .... - ........ - .... 138 -133 - .•• .. •.. 132 -182 135 -135¼ !(. 1:'..&.N.Enar •• i11t.? 114 -114 - ••..••• - •.•.••• _ !(.Y. O. & W .,ref.,lat.4 102 -107 106 -107¾ 103'.18-104¾ 104¼-105% 104 -105¾ 105 -106 105 -106¾ 106 -107 103¾-104'3103¼-10! 104: -107¾ 1063,(-107!1:( N. Y. S. & W.-See Erle. - .... 110 -113 114 -114¾ .... lforf. & So.-let, '41 .. ~ 110 -110 - ..•. 111¼-112 113 -113¾ ..•. - ••• 113 -113 110¾-110¾ Norfolk & WeaternGeneral.. ......... ..... 6129 -129 •.•....• - •.. . - •.. . 132 -132 - ... . 180 -130¾ 132 -133~186 -186 133¾-133½ ••·· - .... 138 -18R New Riv., lst,1932.6 .... - ... .. ... - . ... 133 -133 - •.. . 180 -130 131 -133 .... - .... 133 -133 .... - •••• 130!l:(-13~131 -131½131¼-13l!J( lmpt. & Ext., 1934 .. 6 .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - .. ... ... - .... 129 -1~ .... - .•. . 131¾ ·131!J( N.& W.Ry., lat,con.4 90¼- 94¼ 93¾- 96 95¾- 99¾ 97!4- 98¾ 96¾- 97½ 95 - 97¾ 96 - 97¾ 97¼- 98 97¾- 98 96 - 97½ 97¾- 99¾ 99 -100 Reirlstered . ......... 4 •••• - ••••..•• - •••.•• . 97¾- 97¾ . ..• - •••..... Sc. Val. & N. E., bt.4 99¼- 99¼ 95 - 99 98¼-100¾ 100!14· 103 99 -101¾ 98 -100 100'¼-101 101 -101 101 -101½ 102 -102 101 -102 101¾-102 Col. Con. & Te1·1n'l .. ;, .... - ........ - ....... - ... . . ... - ... ..... - .... . - ... . ... - .. . . ... - ....... . - .... 107 -107 . ... - •.•• l(orth'n Pacific Ry.Prior lien ... ......... . 4 102¾-104 103¼ ·104¾ 103¼-105½ 103¼ 104¾ 103¼-105¾ 103¼-105¼ 103¾-104¾ 103¾ 1()4¾103 -104x,102)4-103¾ 10~·105 104¼-106)4 Retrlstered ... . ... .... 4 103 -103 103 -104 105¾-105¾ .... - •... 104¾·1~ 101 -105 104 -104 108!14 104)4 .... - . . . . ... - • . . . ••• - ... . 105½-105¼ General lien, 2041 .. 3 65 - 67¾ 66 - 67¼ 66 - 68¾ 68 - 69 66¾- 67¾ 66 - 68 65¾- 6~ 65}(- 65'3 63%- 65½ 64 - 66¼ 65¾- 72¼ 70 - 72¼ Reirlstered ctt11 .... . 3 .. . . - . .. . . . . - .. . 68 - 68 66½- 66½ . . . • - • . . . 65¼- 65½ • . . . - • .. 67¾- 70¾ St. Pau1 & No. Pac .. ti .... - .... 131¼-131½ ••• - ... . 131¾-132¾ ...• - .....•• - ........ - ..•. 131!1:(-131,~ .... St. P. & Dul., 1931..6 .... - ........ - ....... - ........ - ... 124 -124 - ••. . 125 -130 (~d, 1917 .............. ~ .... - .... llO!l:(-110¾ 1 9 -111½ .... - ..... . .. - ... 113 -113 ...• - .... 110¾-110¾ .... - •.. 112 -116¼ •111t, couaol., 1968 .. 4 98 - 98¾ 98 - 98¾ 98 - 98 97½- 98¾ 99¼-100 99¼- 99½ 100¾-100½ 100¾ ·100¼ .... - •... 101 -105 Wash. Cent'l, 1st .... 4 .... - ... . ~ - ~ .... - .. . .... . 'No. Pac. Ter. Co-lst.. ti 118 -118¾ 118 -118¾ 118 -120 .... - .... 118 -119 119 -119 117 -117 113 -117 - ... 118 -118 114 -115¾117¼-117% Ohio Rlv.-1 at, 1936 .. ~ .... - .... 109 -lOa . ... - .•. 110 -110 General, gold, l S37.~ . ... 95 - 95 - ....... . 90 - 95 - . • . . 95½- 95¾ 95 - 95 Om. & St.L.-lst, '01 .4 60 - 65 70 - 70 77 - 77 75 - 75 -Or. RR. & Nav.! See <Or. Ry. & No.v. ( nioo Or. --hort Line. Pac. Pacific Coast(.Jo.-1111.;; 104:l,(-107¾ 107 -108¼ 107*108¼ 108 -110 109¾-110 106¼-107¼ lOO!l:(-109!,,i 107!14;-109 109 -109¼ 109½-ll0J,4110 -112 109 -111 Panama-1st, s. f • . 4½ 105 -105 105 -105 104 -104 102 -102 103¾-103½ .... - ........ - ... . ...• - •.•. 105 -105 .... - .... 103¾-104:ki Sink. f u, s,, b ., 1910 .ti .... - .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - • . . . . • - •. . - •.•. 101 -101 Peunsylvanlo. Co.-lat, coupon...... . .. 4½ Lll¼-112¾ 114¼-114¼ 114¼-114½ 116 -116¾ 115¾-118½ 116¼-116¾ 11,½ 116½ Ll6¾-116¾116 -117¾115¾ 116¾116¾-116%116¾-117 ,,Retrl11tered .. .. . . . .. 4½ lll¾-111¼ ..•• - ... ..... - ......• - .... lU -116 .... C.St.L.&P ,lst,':l2 .. ~ .... - . ... .... - .... . ... - .. . . ... l~l -121 - .. . . 124 -124 Cl. & Pltt11., con.,11.f.? 102 -103 . .•. - •... 103½-103½ .• .• Gen'l, g., 11er. A ... 43-1 .... · .... 117¼-117¾ .... - •••• 120 -121 . . . . .Erle & Pltt11b., B ... 3¼ .... - .... 101¾-101¾ 101¼-101~ .... I •••• 102 •102 P. Cln. & et.L., lst., .... • - .... 101 -101 .... - ...... ., - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ....I····  RAILROAD BONDS.  07  1900-C'ontlnued. BONDS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. 8EPT1BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  Gow.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.HiRh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Htgb  -----------------------------1----1---------1----1---·--  flennsylv. Co -(Ocm.)P.C.C.&St.L.,Sr.A4½ 114' -115¼ 115~-116 117 -117 116 -116 ... - ... 116¼-116¾ 116¾-116¾ 116¾ 117¾ ... - .... 115 -115 116¾-116¾ •••• - ••.• Serie"' D ., 1942 ... 4½ 113¾ ·115¾ 115%-116 .... - ..•. 115¼ 116 116~-117 116¾·117 ...• - .... 117 -117 117}(-117}( ••.. - .... 116¾-1163' Seri ea D, 194 ~ ..... 4 .... - . . . 115~-11~ l08 -108 10{%-109 - ........ - ....... - •.. Serie11 E, 1949 . .. 3¼ ... . - .... 100 -100 - ... 100 -101¾ .... - ........ - .. . .... - . .. 00 -100¾ Pltts.Ft.W.&C., l8t.7 185 -135 187 -137 .. .• - .... 189¼-139¼ ... . - .... 1863'-18~ .... - .•. 1S7K1S7¾ 2d, 1912 ............. 7 .... - .... 186 -186 .•.. - ..•. 135¼-135½ .••• - .... 137¼-137~ .. .. - ..• • 3d, 1912 .............. '7 ... 184 -184 ... . - •.•. 131 -131 ...• 112¼-112¼ G.Rn.p.& ex.4¼ 108 -108 - •.•. 111 -111 111 -111 •••. C.~ M., hr, au,•3~.4¾ 109 -110 111 -111 112~-112:J.( ..•• Pennaylvn.nln. RR.117 -117 U .N .J .R&..& C.,'4'1.4 .... - ... . ... Peo. Dec. & Evansv l11t, 6, Trust Co. ctfa .. 100 -100 ...• - .... 100 -lCO 100 -101 101 -101 Evn.nav. Div., 1 at, 6, Truat Co. certlfic'ta. 09¼- 09¼ 99 - 00¼ 99 - 99 100 · -100~ .•. 2d, 1926, ~. tr. ctfa ... 22 - 22 P.& E.-See C.C.C&S.L. - . ... 130¼-130¼ .. .. - ••. . 1321'-132~ Peo.& Pekin Un.- ht.6 . . . . - .... 130 -130 101 -101 101 -101 .... 2d, 1921 .....-........ 4¼ ... . .... 98 -98 P.C.C.&!St.L-Su Pa.Co. Pltt .. b.Sh.&L.E.-ht.~ 113¾-113¼ ...• - .... 115¼-115¼ ..•. - •.• 116¾-116¾ ...• Plttab. & Weat.-lllt .. 4 99¾-100 100¼-100~ . ... - ........ - •••• 10~·100¾ 101 -101 100 -100 lO<»rlOO¾l00¼-100¼ .. •• J.P. M. & Co. ctfa ... .. 99¾-100¾ 100¼-100¼ 100¼ 100¼ 10 M-100¾ .... - •••. 101¾-101¾ .... - .... 100¼-10034 ...• - ........ - ... 1~100¾100¾-lOOM Readlna--Gen,, 1991 .4 83 - 85 84M- 86 M¾- 89¼ 88 - 90¾ 87 - 88¾ 87¼- 88¾ 86¼- 88¾ 87¾· 88 85¼- ~ 86§(- 89 87¾- 90¾ 90¼- 96¼ Rea-lstert>d . .... . ...... 4 .... - ... . .... 87¼- 87!14 .... - .... .... 88 - 88 .... Rich. & Danv.-See So. Rio Grande Weatern98¼-100¾ 100 -101 l ■ t. 1939 .... ......... .. 4 ~ 96 96 - 9~ 97¼-100¼ 99 - 00¾ 98 - 00¼ 99 -100 97 - 98¾ 97¾- ~ 98 - 99¼ 98 - 99 Utah Cent., 1 at, a-u .. 4 .... 85 - 85 86¾- 86¾ .. .. 883,ji-&J¾ .... - .... 77 - 78 Rio Grande So.-ht .. 4 ... 71 - 74 74 - 81¼ 79¾- 79¾ .... 77¾- 77¾ • . • • 77 - 78 93¾- 93~ 94c - 94c .... Gun.r., 1940 . ...... 3-4 .... 92¼- 93 93 - 93 .. • • R. w. & o.-see N. Y. c. St. Joa. & Gr. l81and1 ■ t, 1941 ............ 3.4 82 - &l'( 82 - 83 88 - 84c 83 - 84¼ 84 - 85 88¾- 84¾ 81 - 82¾ 84c - M¾ 85 - 85 85 - 87 86¾- 90¼ 90 - 92 St.L.&I.M.-SeeM.Pac. St. L. & San Fran.ClaH B, 1906 .......... 6 111~·111¼ 112¾-113!,:( 112 -113¼ .... - ... 111 -111¼ lll¾-111¾ ll2 -112 112¾-112¾ .... - ... . .... 110¼-110!1.(lll¼-lll¾ Cla88 C, 1906 .......... 6 .... - .... 113 -113 .... . . ... - ... . 111¼-lll¼ 112¾-112¾ •••• - .... 113½-113¾ 11(%-llO)i lll~-111~ General, UJ:M .. ..... . 6 .. .. 123 -123 122 -122:14 122l'(-124¼ 124¼-124¾ 125 -125 122 -122 121¼-122 122~-124'¾ 122¼-122¼ 124 -128 128¼-180 General, 1931 ........ ~ 106 -108¾ 108¾-109¾ 109½-110 110½-118¼ 111¾-112¾ 110¾-112¾ 107.l{-108¼ 108¾-109 108¾-109~108¾-111;¼ lll¾-1153' 114,%-116¾ 1 at, truat, l9S'1 ... ... ~ .... - . . .. . . . - . . . 108¾-104 - .... 102¾-102¾ ... . - . . .. .. - .... St. L. & s. F. l<.R.-a-.. 4 79 - 81 80 - 84 82¾- 83¾ 82¾- 83¾ 81%- 82½ 82¼- 83 80 • 81!14 80 - 80 80 - 80¾ 80 - 82 82 - 88¾ 883'- 923' 8. W. Div., lat, '4'7 .. ~ .... - . ... 98¼- 98½ 100 -100 .... - ........ - ....... - .... 90M- 90¾ Cent. Div., lat, '29 .. 4 .... 95 - 95 91 - 91 .. .. - ........ - ... 93 - 93 .... - ........ - ... ..... St. Loul8 8outhw'nl8t, 19S9 ....... . .... .... 4 86¾- 91 89~- 91 ~ - 911'4 91 - 93¾ 89 - 91 85 - 89¾ 86¾- 89¾ 89 - 91¾ 89 - 91~ 89¾- 83¼ 90¾- 95¾ g3M- 96¾ 2d Inc., 19S9 .......... 4 53%- 59¾ 59 - 61~ 59¼- 64 62¾- 65¾ 60¾- 63¾ 57¼- 62~ 57¾- 59 58¾- 62~ 58 - 62% 59¾- 63¾ 62 - 71 70¼- 75 St.P. & Dul.-See N.Pac. i!\t. P. Minn. & Man. 2d mort., 1909 .... ... 6 ... - .... 119¾-120 120 -121 117¾-118 117~-120 .... - ..•. 117¼-117¾ • • . - .... 119 -119 ... . - .• ... 116~-117¾ 118¼-118¼ ht, conaol., 1933 . .. fi 137 -140¾ 141 -141~ 140¼-141¾ 141%-142¼ 141~-142¾ 140 -U2 .... - .••. 137¾-l~ .... - ... 138 -139 140~-141¼ 143 -US¾ Reduced to ......... 4¾ 112¼-114¾ 114¾-115¾ 11~116¼ 116%-116¾ 116 -11~ 116¼-116¾ 114 -114¾ 114 -lU¼ 114,¼ 1U3,jil14 -114¼ 115¾-ll~ 116¾-117~ - .... 115¼-115!,:( .... - . .. . Rea-lstered ....... 4~ .... - .... .... - . ...... - ........ - .. . ... Dakota Exten8lon .... ti 119¾-120¾ 121 -121¾ 121¾-121¼ 121 -121¾ 118¾-118¾ .... - ....... - .... 119 -119 119~-119¼119 -119 l17¾-ll8!14119¼-119¼ Mont.Ext.,ht,193'1.4 102¾-104½ 104 -104¼ 103 -104¾ 104 -105 104 -105 102¾-102¾ 108 -103 103 -103!1:i 104 -104 103 -10:l~ 104¾-105 103~-104 - .... 108 -108 109~109¼ E,Mlun., .... - ........ - ........ - ... 108¾-108¾ .... - .... ... - ........ Minn. Union, lat ..... 6 .... - .... ... - ........ - ... 128 -128 - .. . . . ... 130¾-131 1313,ji-131~ 131¾-131½ 135 -135¾ Mont.Cen.,ht,1931.6 129¼-l.29¾ 13:l¾-184¼ . . .. - •.•. 134 -13¼¼ ... . - .. . ... - .... 130 -131 .... 116¼-117¾ .. .. - .... 118 -118 ht, irun.r., 1931 .... ~ .... - .... 118¼-118¾ 118¼-118¾ •• . - .... 117 -117 S. A. & A.P.-See S Pac. S. Fr. & N. Pac.-ht . . ~ .... - .... 112 -112 . ... S.Fe Pree.& Ph.-tst.:'> .... - . . 1063'-106~ Sav. Fla. & West' nlat consol. .............. 6 125¼-126¾ .... St. John's Div, lat .. 4 .... -........ - •... M¾-94¾ Ala. Mid., 1st, lO~S.~ .... - ... . 102!}4-102¾ 105 -105 .... - .... 101 -101 100 -102½105¾-106 - .. .. 103 -103 . . .. Br. & W ., 1st, guar.4 .... 85-85 .... 82¾- 83 .. .. . S. C. & Ga.-See South'n Southern Pacific Co.Collat. trust, 1949 .. 4 80 - 83¼ 88 - 84¼ 82¼- 84'¼ 83 - 85% 82 - 83¾ 78 - 81¾ 78 - 79% 78¾- 79 76½- 78¾ 78¼- 81¾ 81¾- 85 SIM- 8S¼ Rea-istered ........... 4 .. - . ... ... Au. & N. W., ht ...... ~ 95 - 98~ 97 - 98¼ 98 - 99¼ 99½- 99¾ 98 - 09 98 - 9~ 96¾- 97¾ 96¾- 98 95¼- 96¾ 94.M- 9~ 94~- 94!1.( .... - .... -()en. Pac,, ht, 97¾-100!14 98¼- 99¾ 98¼ ·100 99½-100¾ 98¼ 100 99¾-100~ 99¾-100¾ 98 - 98¾ 9~- 98¾ 97 - 98 97¾-100¼100 -101¼ Rea-latered .......... 4 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. .. 99¾- 997/4 . . - . . . .. . . - ... . Mort., iru., g.,'29.3¾ 81 - 84 82¾- ~ 82¼- 85¼ 84¼- 85¾ 84¾- 86~ 82 - 84¼ 81¼- 82 81~- 82 81 - 82½ 8<1¾- 83'¼ 83 - 86 83¾- 84% G. H. & S. A., l8t .. . . ti .... ... - ..... . .. - .... llQ¾-110¾ 110 -110 ~d, 190~.. .... . ... 1 .... - .... 106½-106¼ .... - ... - ........ - .... 104¾-105 - ....... M. & P . Dlv., ht .. ~ JOl -102¾ 101¼-102¾ 100¾-102 101¾-102¾ 98¼-100 99 - 99½ 99 ·lGO 98¾- 99¾ 98 - 98~ 98 -100~ 97¾-100 99½-100¼ Gila Val. G.&N,,ht.~ .... - .... 110 -110 ... . - .... 106~-106¼ 100 -104 104½-104¼ 105 -105¼ . . . - ........ - .... 103 -105 104½ 105¾ H. E.& W .Tex.,lat.~ 100 -100 .... - •.. . 102 -105 103 -105 .... - ........ - .... 103¼-104¾ 105 -105 - ....... - ........ Hou ■.& Tex.C., ht.~ 110 -110½ .... - ... . 110¾-110¾ lll½-111¾ ... - . .. lll¼-111¼ 109 -110 110 -110¾ 110¾-111½110¾-lll¼lll½-112 1123,s-lU Conaol., a-., 1912 ... ti ... - . . 113 -113 .... 111¾-111¾ .. - .. . . 111114-112 112 -112 - ... 109¾-109%110¼-110¾ .... - .... General, a-., 1921 .. 4 83¾- 85¾ 85¼- 86 85 - 87 84¾- 85 84 - 8~ 84,¾- 85¾ 83¾- M¼ 81 - 81 .... - ........ - .... 83 - 83,½a 83¾- 85¾ Mora-. La. & T., 1st.ti .... - .... 120¾-120½ .... Orea-. & Cal., litt ... . . ~ .... - ........ - .... .... - ........ - .... 99 - 99 98¾- 98¾ .. .. - ..... . . - .... .. .. - .... 1011'-101¼ t!!ao An. & Ar. Pas8.4 75 - 78¾ 78 - 80 76 - 80¾ 78 - 80¼ 77¾- 79 75!,:(- 78¾ 73 - 76 75½- 75~ 73~- 76 73¾- 77¾ 76 - 79¾ 79 - 81¼ So.Pac.,Ariz'nn.,l8t.6 110 -110¾ .... - ... 113¾ 114 113¼-114¼ 113½-114½ 111¼-112¾ 111 -111 110¼-111 110 -110 - ........ !So. Pac., Co.I., 1110.l.6 .... - .... 110 -110 . ... - .... 1{)9:lf-109¾ .... - ... 109 -109¼ 109 -110 .... - .... 107 -107 !OS¾ 108%109¼-109¾ 1st, 190~, B., ... . ti . . .. - .. . . . . .. • - .. . . . . - . . . . .. .. - . . . 110¾-110¾.... - .. . .. .. - .. . . . • • • 1st. 1906, C. & D .. ti ... - .... 112 -112 lll~t-111¾ 111¼-111¼ 111¾-llllJ:l .... - .... 110¾-110¾ .... - .... l ■ t, 1912, E. & F .. ti .... .... - ... . .... - .... 117¾-118¾ 119 -119 .... - ....... - ........ S.P.,Cal.181,con.'37.~ 105¾-105¾ .... - ........ - .... 107 -107 .. .• - ... . Stamp ., 1905-31' ... ~ 104¾-106 105¾·107¾ 107 -109¾ 109 -109¾ 105¾-107¾ 105½-107¾ 106 -107¾ 106¾-107¼ LOO -107¾106¼-107½106 -107 106¼-107 S. Pac., N,Mex., lat.6 .... - ... 116¼ 116¾ .... - .... . ... - ... . T. & N. O., ht, '0.'i .. 1' .... - .... 114~-lH~ Consol , a-., 1943 ... ~ 101 -104 103¼-104¼ 103 -103~ 103¾-104¼ 103¾-104¼ 101 -104¾ 101¾-102¼ lOZ -102½101¼-102½101~-101¾101¾-104% 104,¾-106~ Southernl ■ t, consol., 1994 .... ~ 106 -108 107M-108¼ 108 -113 112¼-113~ 110¼-113 110 -112 107¾-108¼ 108¼-109 108 -109¼108¾-110¾109¾-ll.21-1ill2¾-114¾ Registered ........... ~ .... - ........ - .... .. .. - ... . .... - . .. . 107!1(-108:14108 -108 .... - ........ - ....... . Memph. Div .... 4•'1¾-~ .... .... .... - .... 108¼-109½ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... 108 -108 .... - ... . Atl. & Danv., ht, a-.~ 90¾-100 100¾-100¾ 100¼-101~ 101¾-101¾ 102 -102 . .• - ........ - ...... .. - ........ 1st, a-old, 1948 ...... 4 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... 93¼- 93~ 93l'(- 94,¼ •••• - .... 94¼- 9~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS  BONDS.  1900 Continued. JANUARY FEBR':aY.  BONDS.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNB.  JULY.  AUGUST. 8EPT' BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BBR. DE0'BEB.  Low.ffigh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low •.Higb Low.High Low.HigbLow.HigbLow.HigbLow.HigbLow.Htg)I  -----·--·--- - - --- ---- ---- --- - - - - - Southern-( Concluded)-  Col. & Gr., 111t,'l6 .. 6115 -115 .. .• - ••..••• - •• •.. .•• - .. ••...•• - ••...•• - •••. .• •• - ••...••• - ... . .••• - •• •. •••• - •••.•••• _ ••..•••• _ ••• • E.Tenn.V.&Ga.,lst.7 .... - .... 101¾-101¾ 101¼-102¼ 102J.(-100~ 1~-10$¾ . ••• - ••• . ••• - ........ - ••... •• • - ... . .••. - . .. ..... - ... . ... - •. •• Dlv11donal ........... . ~ 115¼-116¾ ll~-110( ..•• - ... 117 -117 117 -117 .•• - •... • .•• - •••..••. - • ... 116¼-116¼117 •117 119 -119 119 -119 Ceneol.,ht,ir... ..... ~114 -117¾117 -118¼117 -118 ll~-120 ll~-117¼115 -117¾115 -116¾115~-116~1183,t-11~120 -120~116 -117!14117¾-119 E.Tenn.reorir.llen.4-~ 108!,f-108~ .••• - ••• . 109 -110 110 -111 111¼-112 11(%-110½ 111¾-lll¼ .••• - . . ...... - •••. . ... - •. . llQ¾-111 111¼-112 Ga. Pac., 1st, sold ... 6 119¼-121 121 -122¼ 121!).(-123 122¾-122½ 124¼-124¼ . ••• - •• •. . •• - •••. 121¼-121¼ .••• - ..• . 122!,f-122¼ 125 -12~ ••.• - •• •• Knox. & o., tat, ar... 6 118 -119 119¾-120~ 120¼-121 122¼-124 124 -124 .••. - ... . .... - ••. 1201.(-120:¼ 120 -121¼ 120¾-122¼ 124 -124 ••. • - •• •• Rlcb.&Dan.,con.,ir.6 119 -120¾ 12()%-122 121¼-122¼ 126 -126 122¼-123¼ •••• 120¾-120¼ .••• - •• . 123 -123 122 -123¾123¼-12i 12,i -124¾ Equip.•• f •• 1909... ~ 101 -101 .••• - •• •..•• . - . . . .. .• - •... ..• • - •.. ..• .• - •••. 101¼-101¼ ...• - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - •••• Deb .. 19'.l'7, stamp ~ .... - ... .. ... - .... .... - ... . .... - .... .... - ... . .... - ........ - .... 104. -109¼108 -108 105¼-105¼ .••• - .... 109¼-109~ Rieb & J.l'Ieckl., lst.4 .... - ... . .... - ... ... .. - ... . .... - ... . .. .. - . .. .. ... - . .. . · .. - ... . .. · - · · ...... - ... . .... - ........ 83 - 83¼ Mo. Car. & Ga.,. let .. ~ 102 -105 104. -105 1~ -105½ 107¼-109 108!1(-104¾ 104. -105 •••• - .... 105 -105 105¼-105¼105 -106 104. -105~ 106¾-106¾ Va. Mid., ,ren.,1936.~ 109 -110 ••• - •.•. 110 -111 lll¼-111~ 100¼-lll 111 -111¼ 110 -110 110¼-111 .. . . - •.. . 111 -111 111 -113 112¾-113~ 1936, Ir•• stamped.. :J 108 -110 ..•• - •• •. 110¼-110¼ 110¾-110¾ ..• - . . ... ... - ... . 111 -111 110 -110 •... - •.. . •••• - ... . .... - .... 113¾-llS¼ W. o. & W., lst,'~4.4 - ... . .... - ... . ... - ... . ... - .. . ... . - . ...... - .. .. 87 - 87 .... - .... 91!,r 91¼ . . .. - ........ - ........ - •••• W. N. Car., 1st, con.6 llei¼-lU¾ .••• - ... . 118 -119 118 -118 118 -ll8 . .• . - ••.. 117¼-117¼ .... - •. . ••• - ... .. .. . - ••. 119¼-119 .... - ••• • Spok, F. & llio., lst .. 6 .... - ....... - ....... - ... .. ... - ... .... - . . . . . . .. - ... . 117 -117 .. .. - . . . .... - ..... .. . - . ...... - ... . .... - •• •• Term'I Ass'n of ~t. L.lst, con sot., 1944 . .. . ~ .... - ...... , - ....... . - . . ...... - ... .. ... - ... . .... - .... 11,i¼-llei¼ .••• - •••. 113¼-113¼ . ... - •. •. .••• - ••• . 1153-crlll>H St. L. Mer. B'ge Ter.:J 111 -111 .••• - ••• . ..•• - ••.. . .• • - ••.. ..• • - .. ... ... - ••. . •.•• - •••..••• - •••.••• - . . . .... _ •••••••• _ ........ _ •••• Tex. & N. o.-See So. P. Texas & PactficEaste,n Div., lst ... .. 6 ••· - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - .. .. ... - ... . .... - .... 105 -105 104¼-104¾104¼-104¼ .••• - ••• . •••. - •• •• 1st, gold, 2000 ........ ~ 111 -113 112¼-llei 113¾-115 114. -115¾ 114¼-116 110¾-113¼ 111 -112 lll¼-112 112 -113½112¾-114¾11°4½-117 1133,t-115~ ~d, ir., Inc., 2000 ..... :J .... - ........ - . . . . 53 - 69 57 - 62¼ 62 - 68 . .. . - . . .. .• - . .. 53¼- 58¾ 57 - 60 58 - 72 70 - 82 80 - 90 Tol.&OhioCent,-l11t,:i105 -105½106 -109 110 -lU 112¼-114½ 118 -113¼ 113 -114%111 -112 111 -113¼ 111 -112½111~-112¼1U -116½115 -115 West'n Div., l11t ...... ~ 105 -105 . . .• - ••. . 109¾-112 110 -111 110 - 111¼ 111 -111 112 -112 •.• - .... 112!J.(-112'4lll¼-lll¾ ll3 -114 .••• - •••• General, (l'old, 193:J.:J .... 95 - 95 97 -100 99¼-101½ 101¼-101!¼ 99½-100 99 -100 99 - 99¾ 100 -100 100 -101¾ 100¼-106¾ 104.¼-106 Kan.& M .,ht,,ru.,1r.4 84¾- 88 86 - 88 87¾- 90 87¼- 88 89 - 90 90 - 90 . •.• - ••.•••• - •• . .• •• - .... 89 - 89 91 - 91 92 - 92 Toi. Peoria &, 1911..... ..... . .4 78 - 81 81½- 84 92½- 83½ 83 - 84 .. . . - ••. . 83 - 84 81 - 81 82 - 82 82¾- 83 82½- 83¾ 82¾- 85 85 - 86 Toi. St. L. & K. C.lst, 6, Trust receipts. 110 -117 117 -123¾ 117!).(-127 122½-127 120 -129½ 129~-130¼ .... - •••...•• - ....... - .•. .. .•• - ••. . .••. - ••. . .•.• - •••• Tor. H. & Buff'.-lst .. 4 .... - . .. . .... - . . .. ·,t•· - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - .... . .• - •.. 100 -100 .. . . - . . .. .• •• - ••• . 97!).(- 99 Ul11. & Del .-lst, con .. l) 103 -104 104¼-104.¼ 105½-106¼ 107 -107 .. . . - .. .. .. . . - •... 106 -106 107- 107 106¼-107 107 -107 ..• • - •• •. 105 -105¼ Union Pactfic:i0-yr., 1rold, 1941 .... 4 101¾-104.¾ 10,i -105¼ 104¼-106¾ 104¾-106!4 104¼-106¾ 105)4-106¾ 104¼-105!14 105 -105¾ 104¾- 105¼ 104½-106¼ 105~-106~ 107 -108 Re&l11tered ........... 4 103)4 104¼ .••• - .... . ... - ...... . - .. .. 104½-105¾ 105½-105¾ ...• - ........ - ........ - .... .... - .... 106¾-106½ •••• - •••• Or.Ry,&Nav• . 111t .. ti .. . - ... 110 -110 . .• • - ... 110 -110 . ... - •. .. . .. - ........ - •.• . 110 -110 110 -110 110 -110 .. .. - ••. . 111 -111 Or. RR. & Nav .• con.4 100½ 102¾ 101¼-102 102 -104¼ 103½-104½ 103¼-104.¼ 101¼-102¼ 101¾-103 102 -103 102 -102¾ 102!,(-103¾ 103 -104,¾102 -104.3' Or. Short Line, 1st .. 6 126¾-130 127 -127¾ 127¾-128 127~-129 128 -12~ 127¼-128½ 128¾-128¾ 125:),(-126¼ 127 -127¾ 127¾-127½ 127!,f-128 129 - 130 Or. s. Line, 1st, cons.:J l 10¼-113 112 -115¼ 118 -115 111%-115 lU -115 11~11,i½ 111 -112 112!,(-112~ 112M-114 112 -114¼ llei -116 116 -11~ Non-cum.,lnc."A" .:J . . .. - ........ - .... . ... - . . . .... - . ... . .. . - .. .. 106 -106 ..•• - •....••• - •• .•• .• - •.. .. .•. - .•• . .••• - ••• . 106 -106 Utah&No.,lfl26.. .. 1> •• ,. - .. . . . . - •• . •• •• - .. .. . . .. - . . .. ... . - . . ...... - •••. .••• - ........ - ••• . .• •• - .... 102½-102¼•••• - ••.•.•• - •••• Va. Mld.-Bee eouthern. Wabasblst, irold, 1939 ..... .. .:i 113 -115¾ 115½-117¾ ll{l¾-117¾ 117½-118½ 114½-116 113)4-115½ 115½-116l':( 116½-117½ 117 -118½ 117 -118¾ 115¼-116¼ 116 -118 2d mort., gold, 1939.l) 99 -103 98~-100 98¼-lOOl!i 100¾-104. 102 -103¼ 100 -102½ 101 -lOei 101 -101½ 100¼-102½ 101 -103¼ 102 -105 105 -1C$4 Deb. inc,, 1939, A ... . 6 83 - 85 83 - 83¼ 83 - 86½ 86½- 94¼ .. . . - . . 92¾- 92¼ .... - ... .. •• - .. . 8S - 88 88 - 90 88 - 89 90 - ~ Deb. Inc., 1939, B .... ti M¾- 38¼ 36¼- 38¼ 36¾- oil 40¼- e!S¾ 36¾- 41 30 - 38),.( 31¾- 83~ 323,t- M 29¾- 33¾ 32¼- 35 32¼- 37¾ 37¼- 43!1.( !). & Ch. Ext.1940 .. :i 110 -110 108¼-109½ 108 -109 108½-110 tll -112 . . . • - •••. 110 -110 109¾-109¾110½-110¾109 -110 109 -110¼110¼-1123' Des M. Div., 1939 ... 4 91½- 93 .••• - •• • .••• - •• •. 91 - 93¼ . ..• - •. . • •• - ........ - ••....• • - •.•..••• - .. .. .... - •. . . fl6 - 96 96 - 96 ~t. L. K. C. & No.tilt. C. B'1re,l11t,'OS.6 .... - ........ - ... . 118 -118 .... - •••. 189¾- 111 . .•• - ••. . .••• - •• • . · ••• - ••• .• .•• - ••....•• - • .. . ••• - •• . ..••• - •••• West, N. Y. & Pa.1st................ . .. ~ 110 -115 115 -115¾ 118 -114¾ 114 -120 118 - 119 118½-119!J.( 116¼-118).:( 118¼-119¾ 120 -123 120 -122 120¾-122½ 121!1.(-123 Gen'I, 1943, 1rold.. 3.4 68¼- 76'4 75)4- 77¼ 70 - 76½ 73½- 91½ 86½- 89 88~- 92¼ 91¼- 95¾ 93¾- 9~ 9~- 94 91¾- 9~ 91!).(- 95)..( 9ei - 95:16 Incomes 1943 ....... .. ~ 22¼- 25½ 27¼- 30½ 25M- 29 27 - 29~ 29½- 29¾ 32¼- 35 . 32¼- 32½ ..•• - •.•. 32¼- 82¼ •••• - •••.•••• - •.. . .••• - •••• Wheel.& Lake Erle18l •....... ... . ........... .  :s 107  Wb,Dlv .. lst, ir.,'28.~ Ext. & lmpt., 1930 .. i) ht con., 1949 . ...... .4 Wl11eon11ln Cent'I Co.:JO-yr. 1st, 1r., 1949.4  -107  • ••  - ••..•••• - • • . . . •. - ••.. 110 -110¾ 109 -110 105 -105 .. . . - .... . .. . .... - ... 100 -100 ... - ........ - •.....•• - •... .... - .. .. ... - .... 89¾- 89¾  ... - .. . . 99¼- 99¾ .••• - ••. 104. - 104.  ... -  .•. . ...• - •.. .. ..• - ........ -  88 - 91  89!1.(- 92  108¼-108½ 102 -103 98¼- 99 88 - 89!1(  108¼-114 111¼-113 111 104 -108¼109 -110 108 101 -106 107 -108 •..• 87 - 88 8!l¾- 85:1( 84  89"- 93¾ 91¾- 93¾ 90 - 91¾ 89711- 91¼ 87 - 88}( 87½- 89  -115 114)4-115 115¾-116 -108 109 -110 112½-ll:1H - •...•••• - .•••..•• - ... . - 88 88 - 90~ 89¼- 91  82 - 88¾ 83 - 87;!( 84¼- 8"rn 85¾-  OOU  STREET RAILWAY, Brooklyn Rap.Trans .~ 103¾-106 1()5¾-106¼ 105$4-106¼ 104. -106½ 104 -106~ 1()2¼-106 101!1(-104.¼ 103¼-104. 102!,f-103 100 -1053,4104. -10~ 106 -108 B'klyn City, let, con.!} . . . . - ... . ... - ... .... . . .. .... - .... . .. - .... .... - . .. . . .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - .. .. 113 -116 B.Q.C. & ~ •• con. gu.;1 101 -103 103½-103½ 104. -104 ...• - •... 100 -102 99¼-100 98¾- 99¼ 98 - 99¾ 99 - 99½ 96 -100 •••• - •••. 99 -1013' B'klyn Un. El .. ht.4-:i 92¼- 97 93¼- 96 92 - 95°Jf! 9,!¼- 96¼ 93 - 94½ 92¼- 95¼ 92¾- 95 92 - 92~ 91 - 92¼ 91 - 95 94%- 97 96½-100 Co. Elev., lllt.4 .. . . - ........ - ... . .... - .... .... - ... . .. . . - .... .. .. - . . ...... - •·· · .... - ........ - ..... . .. - ... . 83¼- 85 84¼- 90 Den.Con.Tr,,l8t,'3a~ .... - ........ - . . ...... - .... . ... • ........ - . .. . 95 -97¾ .... - ... . .... - ••..•••• - •••..••• - ........ - . ....... - •••• Metropol. Street Ry.General ......... .. .... ~ 118¼-120¼ 117¼-118 118 -119;¼ 11~-119¼ 118¼-119¼ 118 -118¾ 118!,f-120 116!,f-117¾117½-118 117¾-119 118½-119½119¼-12~ B'y & 1th A-Y.,1943.;i 11~-120 119 -121 121¼-121¼ 120 -122½ 122¼ -123¼ 121 -122½ 12(%-120¼ 120 -121 120¼-12C¼l20 -122 122 -122 122 -123 Regl11tered . . . .. . . .. 6 .. .. - .... .... - . ....... - .. .. .. - •... .... - . ... .... - ........ - ........ - •....... - ... . ... . - ........ - .... 119¼-119¼ Col. & 9th Av,, let .. ~ 123 -123 123 -123 122 -122 128 -124 .•. - .... 12l¼-124¼ 12,i¼-125 •••• - .... ... - •• 122¼-12,i 123 -123 123 -125 Lex.Av.&Pav.F .. ~122 -122 . •.• - .... 122 -122 124 -124 ,28¾-123%124¼-124¾12~-125 125¼-125½ 122½-122¼122 -122 122¾-123 123 -123 Met. W. S. El. (Cb.) .. . 4 95~- 97½ 95¼- 96!14 95½- 96½ 97' - 98 97¾- 98 97¼- 98¼ 98¾- 98" 97 - 97¾ 97¼- 98)4 98 - 98¼ 98¾- 99 98¾- 99 St. P. C. Cable-Con ... ~ ... - .... 112 -112 111 -111¼ ... • ••• . 113¼-118½ .. .. - ••. 115 -115 112 -118¾ .... - •. . ••• - .. .. 115 -115 118¼-114¼ Third A venne (N. Y . )ht, 1937 .. ......... . . .. . ~ 123¾-125 117¼-123¼ 117¼-125 123 -125~ 12,1 -124 12,i -125 .••• - .. .. 122!,f-122¼ 122¼-122'U 123 -123 124¾-124$4123¾-127 lat, con., au., 2000 .4 .... - . ....... - ... . . . .. - ........ - ....... - . . .. . . . - . . . . .... - ....... - ... . .... - .. .. .... - .. ...... - .... 106¾-107 GAS AND ELECTRIC. Brooklyn U. Gae-1st Ii lU -117 116 -116¼ 117 -118 116 -117 114 -115 lU -115½ 115 -115 115 -116 115¾-116 115½-lltl¼ll3¼-115½115¼-ll~ Det. City Gas-19~3 .. ~ 95 - 97 95 - 97¾ 95 -100 97 - 99¾ 95½- 97¾ 95¾- 99 9ei¼- 96½ 94 - 96 ! 9!l - W 93 - 9ei 93¼- 96 97¼- '19 Ed'n El. Ill., B*ln-lst.4 .. - ........ - ... . .... - ... . .... - ...... . . - ..... ... - . . .. .... - .. .. .. . - .... ... . - . . . .. ... - .. . . .... - . ... 96¾- 9d¼ F:q.G.-L.Co., N.Y.'32.~ . .. . - ........ - ........ - .... .. .. - ... .. .. . - . . . .. . - .... . ... - ... 115¼-115¾118¼-118,¼ .... - ...... . - .... ... - •••• Gas & Elec., Berir Co.~ ... - ........ - . ...... - .... 103¼-110¾ 106¼-109½ 103¾-104.¼ •••• - ••. . 103 -103 .... - ... 102¼-102¾102¾ 1027,1 .•• • - •••• General ElectrlcD eben., 11 old, 1922 .. :i 113 -113 117 -117 115 -115 115¼-120¼ 120 -120 . ••• - ••. ll~-11~ 116 -116¾ 118 -119 117 -120 125 -143½ 138 -165 Gr. Rap. Gas •L.-111t .~ .... - ... . . . . - ..... . .. - ........ - . .. . .. . - ...... . . - . . ...... - .. .. . .. - .. .. - ........ - .. .. .. .. - .. .. 107!).(-1079' Lac. Gas, St.L,-l8t,1r.:J 108 -110 107¼-109 107!).(-109 108½-109¼ 107¼-108½ 106 -109 lOfl¾-111 106¼-107 107 - 107½ 107¼-108¼ 107 -107:J;( 107 -1083,t .N. 'Y. El. Lt. H. & ........ ..... .. ........ .. ~ 103¼-107 104. -110 108¾·109¾ 108¼-109¼ 106¼-109¾ 105 -107 106 -lOi¾ 107 -108 106 · 108!,4106¾-lCS 108 -111 108 -1093' Pur. moo. col. tr., 1r .4 91 - 9ei¾ 92¾- 94¼ 92¼- 93J.(i 92!14- 93:M 91 - 94 91¼- 98¾ 91 - 93 91 - 92),,( 91¼. 93¼ 92¾- 93½ 92¾- 95 93¾- 95¼ Edl8. ~I. Ill., tst,'10.:J 108 -110 110 -110 108 -109 . .•• - .... 108½-108½ 109 -109¼ 108¼-108½ .••• - .... 106¼-106¼ 107 -107 107½•108 109 -109¼ l8t, con., 199:i, ,r... :i .... - ....... - ..... . .. - ........ - .... 120 -120 120 -120 117¾-118¼ .••• - .... . . . . - •••.•••• - ... . 120 -120 •••• - •••• 1 .People's' G. L. &· Cokel11t, guar., 1904 ...... 6 .... - .. . ... - ... . .... - ........ - ... • •·· - •· ·· •· ·· - .... 107 -107 •··· - .... •··• - •··· •··· - .... •··· - •·· ·\··•· - •••• ~d. iruar .• Ir•• 1904 ... 6 ... - ... . 104~-104'4105 -105¼ 105¼-106 .••. - ••. . 104. -104~ l~-103'4 1081,jz-104 104. -107 .•. - ....... - .... 102¼-104. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD AND  DO  MISCELLANEOUS BONDS.  1900-Concluded. BONDS  J.ANUARY  FEBR1RY.  MA.ROH.  •APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  .AUGUST. BEPT'BER.OOTOBER. Nov'BER. DJ:O'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.HlghLow.HighLow.HlghLow.High Low.High  -------·---- ---- ---- ---- - - - - - - - - - ----  Peop's G.-L.&C,-(Oon.) 1st, con,, g., 1943 .... 6 Ch, G,-L, & C,, 1st .. lj Con, Gas, 1st, 1936.lj Eqult, Gas & F •• lst.6 Mutual Fuel Gas .. .. ~ Trenton Gas & El,lst.lj West.Gas, col,tr.,'33.~ MISCELLANEOUS, Express-Coll.4 B'klyn Fer., 1st, cons.lj B'kln W,&W,H,-l8t.lj Cb, Jc. & U. St'k Yda.lj Det, M, & M. L, G ... 3½ SprlngVal,W,W,,lst.6 11,S,Mort.& Tr., Ser,t,,  -  ----  122 -122 123 -123½ 121¼-122½ .... - . . . 120½-120½ 120¾-120¼ .... - •••• 116 -117 ll~-118 118¾-ll~ - .... 108 -108 •••• - •••. 109 -109¼ 109 -1~ 108 -108½ 107¾-108¾ 108 -109 108¾-108¾ 108¼-109¼ 107 -107 - •••. 106 -loo,( - ••.. 109 -109 108 -108 . . . . - . . . 105 -105 . ... 103 -103 . ... - .. . . . . - •••. 102 -102 - .... 105 -105 103 -105 105 -105 ...• - .. . 107 -107 - .... 105½-105½ . . • . -  ... - . .. . 123 -127 107~-108  ... . ... . ... . ... . .. .. -  103 -104½ - •. •. 70½- 73½ 71 - 71 70¼- 77 - ........ - •... 111 -111 33 - 40 22 - SO½ 28¼- 39  102~104¾ 104,t -105  .... 70 - 75  .... 19 - 21  .... ... .  102 -104,  102½-108½ . . . . - . . .. 71¼- 75 .... 26 - 32  102~-104 108 -104 - .... 86½- 87~ 75 - 75 76 - Si - .... 27 - 34½ 29 - 31¾ - ... . 113¼-113¼  104 -105 102¼-103¼108 -108ll,{103½-1M"l04 -105 &.i¼ • • . . - . . • . &½- 85~ 85 - ~ 81!1,!- 81¾ 68 - 70 68 - 76 70 - 72~ 75 - 78 70 - 75 110 -110 .... - ........ - ....... - .... , . . . . 31'.¼ ·29%- s2 28'4. 303' 21,.31,. 29 - 31,. 26 - .... 11!%-11~ ...• -  84,"-  - .••. 100 -100  TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE, - ........ - .... 101 -101 Comm'I Cable-lst..... 4 .... - ... . .... - .... 103½ ·103½ .... - ••.. 101¾-101¾ ..•• 100¾-100½.... Registered ....... .. ... . 4 ... . W. Union Telegraph..• 102¼-102½ 101!14-101¾ 1 ......... .. 1811j-l900 - .... ... . ........ Reiriatered ........... 1 JOl -101 .... - ... . 102~-102!1.( .. .. Col, tr:, cur,, 1938.. .:i 1113,.(-112½ 112 -113½ 112 -113 118 -114-½ 113 -113,. 112 -1is¼ 108¼--109¼ 110¼-110¼ 109 -110½ 109}4-111¼ 111 -114, 113,t-116 - •... 109 -109 .. . . - . . . . . . . • - . .. . . . . . - . . . 110¼--110¾.... - . . .. . . . . - .... 112%--112'& Mutual Union,•• t ... 6 .... - .... 112 -112 .... - •... 105¾-105~ 105¾-106¾ 106¾-1~ l~-106¾ 1~107 1043,.(-105~ 1053,.(-106 - ........ Fund, & R.E., 'lj0.4¾ . ... MANUFACTURlNG AND INDUSTRIAL. Am. Cot. Oil-Deb., g .. 8 103 - l ~ lOQ½-1023,i 102%-108,. 103~-104, 102 -102!14 102½-102¾ 102!14-103 10~101,o .... - .... lOl½;J-02 .... - ........ - .• •• - . ....... - ........ - ........ - .... 100 -100~ 100¼-100½ 9~-100 ~-100 Extended 1911j .... 4~ . . .. Am, Spirits Mfar,-lst.6 85 - 85 82 - Si 80 - 80 68 - 75 72 - 72 63 - 65 65 - 69 .••• - ..• . 63 - 67 66 - 70 69 - 71½ 71 - & - ..•. . . .. - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - ..•..••• - ••• .... . Barney & S, Car-lat.6 105 -105 . .• . - ... ..... lnteru'I Paper-lst .... 6 .... - .... 106 -106 107 -107¼ 106 -107½ 105 -106 105¾-106 105¼-106 105 -105½102¾-105¼108¼-106,tl06}.(-109 107 -108¾ - .... 93 - 93 .••• - ........ - ........ - ••.•.•.. - ... 87¾- 87½ .... Knlck,lce(Chlc,) ...... ~ 95 - 95 92 - 92 93 - 95 - .... 105¾-106 106 -107 104 - l ~ 105 -107 Nat'l Starch-let ...... 6 .... - .... 105 -105 105 -loo 106~-108 lM¾-lOi¾ . .•• 67 - 69 67 - 67¾ 66'.(- 69 68':(- 73 70 - 72 71 - 78 68 - 71 70 - 71 71 - 75 68 - 77 78 - 80 Stan. Rope & T,-la1 .. 6 80 - ~ Incomes, a-old, 1946.lj 20 - 2i 19 - 22 11 - 19 u - 16 11¼- 13 10 - 11½ 10 - 11,. 9¼- 12¼ 8 - 113,.( 9 - 11 10½- 15¼ 11 - ~ 113 -118¾ 113 -114, 118 -114, 113 -lM 118 -114, ll~-115 112¼-118 llZ -113~lJ,S,Leather-Deb,s,f.6 115¼-115¼ 115 -115¾ 116 -116¾ .... COAL AND IRON. - • • . • . • • • - .... 102¼-10~ 102~-10~ Col,C,&l,-lst,190~.6 102!14-103¾ 1003,.(-1~ 10()½-101 101 -101¼ 102 -102 102¼-103¾ .... - .... 101 -101 - ••••.••• - .. .. 65-55 - ....... Col. Coal & I, Devel .. :i .... - ... 68 - 68 .... •••• l08!14-l08!141Q2¼-104 ....... . . . . . • •.• Col, Fuel-1919, a-•••••• 6 103 -103 . ... - ••...•.• Cel, F, & I.-Gen,, s.f.:) 94 - 95¾ 91¼- 93 00 - 95 93 - 94 91 - 91 90¼- 93 90 - 93 90½- 92!14 92¾· 92¼ 91¾- 94,¾ 933,.(- 97 ~ - i13 - .. • . .. . • - ••.•••• , - • . . . . • .. - •••.••• , - •••• 105 -105 . • • • - ... - ... . ... Pleas, Val, Coal, lst .. 6 ...• Tenn.Coal Iron & Ry,Tenn. Division ....... 6 .... - .... 106 -110¾ 108 -112 106 -106 104,¾-104¾ 102¾-106 102 -104:¾ 104,¼-105 101%-107 103¼-105 .... :.. •••• 106 -106 Blrm, Div,, lat, con.6107 -109}4108 -110 109 -110 109 -110 109 -109!14105 -108 108 -106 •.•• - .... 105 -105¼103¼-lotijjj 108),s-110 110 - l ~ - •••....• Cahaba Coat-1st ... 6 .... - .... 105 -105 De Bard,C,& 1,-Gu.6 106 -109 10:i -107 106 -1061'4 106¾-106'-( 104 -105¼ lOi -104 103%-lO!l 101 -101 ·••• - .... 98 -101 101 -104,~ 105 -105 _ ........ _ - .... . ... :i_32_-_32_. . . ---"'_ 1=--'--st. l,-=-a::cc-=W~•:..:'..:. :'•:-=E:.:•.=&=----=.P.::.. .:.:.C. .o.  -  ........  -  1901. BONDS,  ·- - -  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  ---- ----  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  1BER.  JULT.  NOV'BER . AUGUST. 8EPT ---- - - - - - ---- OOTOBER. ---  DEC'BBB.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Lo-w.Rtgb  Ala, Mld,-Su S,F. & W. A..nn Arbor-] at, '9:i,a.4 95 - 96~ 96 - 98~ 97¼-101 98 - 00 95 - 98':( 96 - 98½ 96¼- 97¼ 96 - 9734 96¼- 97 96 96¾-97 96 - 97 Atch, Top, & S, Fe.General, a-old, 199~.4 1~103'4 102%-103~ 103¼-104" 101%-103 101%-103½ 108¾-l~ 103 -105 103 -104 103¼-1053,.( 10~-108¾ 102'4-103.ld 102~-lG~ Reglatered .... ..... .. 4 102M-102~ 102 -102 .... - ... 102 -102!'( . . .... - .. 103¾-104 103 -103 103 -1~ ·••· - ... . 101!14-102½ 102 -103 . AcUuatm't, ll'•• 199~. 4 86,t- 91½ 913,.(- 98~ 91!14- 95¾ 95 - 96,t 93¾- 96.l,d 95 - 99 94 - 99 96 - 97!),j 96 - 97;¼ 97 - 98 93 - 94 98!,(- 95 .... · ••· - .... . . .... .. .. - ... 94 - 95 . ... ... Rea"latered .......... . 4 . 92 - .... 92 - .... . - ... . . Stamped, a'Uar...... 4 90 - 90 92¾- 92~ 91¼- 95¾ 95¾- 96},4 92 - 94 93 94 - 95 94 93¼- 97 94¾- 8~ 93 - 93!),j 93~- 94.;Jt A ti, Knox, & No.- J ■t,6 .. . ... 108 -100 - .... .... - . ... . ... .. . 108 -108 . . ... Baltimore & OhioPr. lien, g,, 192:i ... 3¾ 95 - 96'3{ 96).a- 97½ 96¼- 97¾ 96 - 97¼ 95¼- 97 96 - 97'4 95¼- 96¾ 85 - 95¾ 94¼- 95% 94¾- 97 963'- 97 963,.(- 97 .... - ... . 95~- 96~ . - .. .... - .... . .. - .... .... ... Re,riatered .. ....... 3~ . - .. 95 - 95 . - . .. . 97 - 9'1 Gold, 1948 ............. 4 101¼-103 102J4-l03Ji 108 -105 101¾-102~ 00 -102~ 1029'-104 102¼- 104 102¾·1~ 103 -104 101¾-102¾ 102¼--104 102¾-l°' Rea'letered .... ...... .4 102 -102 ... - .... 102 -104 . 101¼-102 101¼-101½ 101¾-101¼ 1019,(-102 lOQ¾-108 1003,.(- 102!4 Conv. tleben,, 1911.-4 ... - ... ... - . ... 102 -103¼ lOlM-107½ 100¾-110 106¾-109!1,! 102¾-107¼ 104¾-107¾ 10~-l<m.1 104%-108¾ 105 -109¾ 10$¾-l<m. Pltta,Jc,&M, Div.3~ 89 - 90 893'- 9~ 89¾-- 91)( 90 - 90 87¾- 88!Ja 88~- S9x 88 - 89 88¼- SB½ 89¾- 89~ 89 - 89¾ 90 - 90~ 89¼-~ S, W. Div., lat, g .. 3¼ SSH-00¾! 89 - 90§4 89* 91~ 89"- 90'.Ui 8~ - 90½ 00¼- 92 88¾- 00 89 - 00¾ ~-90 ~ 9 0 89~- 913,f, 90¼-~ ... .... Repatered .. ...... . 3 ½ - .... ·•• · - .... . . ... . - . .. .. - .... .... - ... .... - .... .... ,. . C, o. Reorar .. lst ... 4¾ ... . .... - . ... ... ... - ... . - ... . · ••· - .... ... 112 -112 .... Buff, Roch, & Plttab,General, ................ ~ 115 -116~ ll6M-117 ... ... 11~11~ 118 -118 l18 -118~ 118 -118¾ . ... 117J,rl17~ 118 -118½ 117~118➔.I 118 -111 R, & P,, l ■t, 19~1 ... 6 130 -180 180~-180.l,d ... - .... - .... ... - .... 130 -181 · · • · - .... .... - ... .... . •.. 127 -127 ... - .... .... .. . 129 -129 ... - ... ... - .. . ... - ... Con ■ol,, lat .......... o - ... 180 -130 ... ... ... 128 -128 129 -129 12~-127,t Burl, Ced, B.ap, & No.106!14-1073,§ 107¼-107¼ 1<>'™-108¼ 107 -108 104¾-104~ 103¾-105 105¼-105¾ 105¼-105~ 105¼-106 1067,(-106½ 104 -1°'¼ l ■t ................ . ........ 6 1~107 Consol, lat & col, tr.~ 119¼·11~ 123 -123 127¾-127¾ 122¼-124¾ 123 -124 128 -124 .... - .... 122¾-123½ 122½-122½ .... - . ...123¼-124 1233'-1281' Can, South'n-lat, au .6 106%-1~ 107 -107¼ 107 -107¼ 107l,4;-1QS¾ 1~-108 1071)(-109 105¼-106¾ 106 -106~ lOtl -106¾ 106¾-1~ 107 -10~ L~-10']J6 ~d mortgage ........... 6 1()9M-lll U0¾-111 107"-109}4 107-U 108~ 107¾-108¾ 108¾-110~ 109¼-110 109 -110 107 -Hl7¼ 107¾-100¼ 109 -109~ 108¾-UOJ. ... . .... .... 106~-106¾ . ... ... ... . . . Realstered .......... . 6 .... 107 -107 .... .... .... 92!4- 94, 94 - 94 C. B, U. Pac,-lat, g ... 4 92 - 9!¼ 94 - 94 95 - 95 93 - 93½ .... 91 - 91 . ... - .... .... 92 - 92¾ 92 - 94 Cent, RR, & B., Ga .. 6 96 - 99¼ 93 - 98½ 99¾-102 102¾-103½ 99 -101½ 99¼-101½ 101¾-102 101 -103 102¼-102½ 103 -108 .... Cent, of Geoi:aia-lat.~ .... . - ... - 119 -120 120¾-120½ .... - .... .... .... .... - .... - .... 122 -122 . Consol., 194~, aold..:i ~-108¾ 101 -108¾ 103 -107½ 106~-108 101 -105 103¾-108¾ 105¾-108 106 -107¾ 105½-lOrn 1063,:(-108 104¾-101™ 105 -lO'l Kedat~red ........... ~ . .. - ... .... - .... . .. - ••· .... - .... · ••· - ... 105¼-105½ .... - . ... .... .... .... .... ... ... . .... - .... .... Chatt, Dlv,, 19~1 .... 4 .... - .... .... ... .... - ·•· · .... - .... .... - .... ... .... 91¼- 92 . - .... 67 .- - 70 lat pret, lncome ...... :i 60 - 65 68 - 72 70½- 73¼ 68¾- 71 70 - 88 77 - 79!1,i 78 - &½ 80 - 82 70 - 74 70 - 77¼ 75 - 77;. 2d pref, ...... . :i 20 - 25½ 27 - 34½ 80½- 36% 28 - 31¾ 26 - 29.ld 28 - 85 29 - 32 29 - 827~ 29 - 82% 26 - 29 27 - 85 32 3d pref, lnruune ... .... ~ 8 -10½ 11 - 17!1:i u - 19½ 1~-16 H - 15~ 15 - 21 15¾- 18¼ 16 - 20 19¼- 19½ 15 -1~ 15 -2~ 18¼- 203' ... . ... - ... ... - .... .. .. .... Mobile Div•• l ■t ...... ~ ... . .... - . ... . - .... - . . . - ... 10~-105,t Cent. of New J eraey1 lat coDA,, 1902........ .... . 106¼-108 108 -108 . ... .... 1()4M-l~ . .. ... . . 102¼-102~ . Gen. mort,, 1987 .... :i 127 -128],4 1283,.(-131'>( 132¾-18~ 182 -134, 132 -134 132~-138 129 -130 1293,.(-130 1293,.(-lSO!c 130~-131 131 -181¾ 181%-184 Rea'latered ...... . ... . 6 127 -127½ 127¾-13~ 131 -137 131 -132~ 131 · -181¾ 130~-131~ 129¾-130 .... 129)(-131 .... - . 129 129 -130 Am.Doc}( & Imp ...... :i 118 -l13J& 114¾-115 lU¾-114~ lli§s,-114'~ 116 -11~ 112 -113~ .... - .... 113¼-113¾ 114 -114¾ . .... lU¼-116 106 -106 ... ... .... - . L. & W ., mol't.. '1~.. :i .... 106 -106 .... ... 107 -107 11033,.(-103½ .... - •••• Con. est .. '10, irn.4~ 103 -lOSM 10~-104c 1Q2¼-102M 102~-1os 10~-103¼ 102 -108~ 108~-105½ 104¼--105 103\.rl04½ 103 -1{)4¼104 -104l,tl02'U-l°' Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -~  ... .  ... -  .... ....  -.  ...  -  .... - ....  ... . .... - .... - ...  ....  .... ... ... - ....  ... . ..  .... .... .... - .... .... -  ....  -  ...  .... .. -  - .... .... -  .... ... - ...  ..  .  -  ... .... . . .... -  -  -  .... -  ....  -.  -  .... ... .... .... -- .  .... - .... - ···-  - .....  .. -- .  -  .... .... .  ...  .... .... .... - ... .... .... .... - .... .... .... ... ··.._ ... -  -~  .... -  .... - ....  ....  .... - .... ... .  -  - . .... - .... -  .....  .... -  ... -  ... ... - .... .... .. - . ... -9~ -~ ... - .... .... .... - .... .... - ... .... - . .... - .  -  -  .... ...  ..  .. - .  - ..  .... - .... .... - ....  ...  -  .. - ....  .. .... -  ... .... .... .... - .... ... . ... - .... - .... - ... ... -~ - .... ... -.  .. - ...  RAILROAD  100  BONDS.  1901-Continued.  __________,____ BONDS.  JANUARY FEBB'BY.  MARCH.  APRIL,  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  I  AUGUST 8"&PT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER DEC'BEL  Low.IDgh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hlgb Low.HlghLow.HtghLow.HlgbLow.HighLow.BJ,rh  Cent. Pac.-Bee So. P .Co. Chesapeake & OhioeerlesA, irold, 1908.ti 115½-116;.f . .•• - •.•. 116%-116% 114¾-117 ..•• - .... 1is~ll3¾ 113¾-118¼ 114 -114 .••• - .... 1114 -lU US -US .••• - ••.• Morta-a&e, 1911 ....... 6 11~-11~ 119 -119 119 -119 11~11~ 115¾-116½ 117 -117 116¾-117½ .••• - .. •.•.•• - ••.. 115 -116 116 -116 ll~-11~ 1st, con., ir., 1939 ... . :i 120¼·121 12()¾-122 120~-122 121 -122 119~-12<»-a 119¾-121 119 -121¼ 120 -122 120½-121½ 121 -122 119¼-120 119¼-120¾ Rea-lstered .. ........ . :i . .. - .. . .... - . . . . . .. - . .. 120¼-120¼ .... - . .. 121 -121 .•.• - . . . . ••• - ••...••• - ••• .. ... - . . .. . .. - • . .. . .. . - ... . General, 199~ ...... 4½ lM -106½ 106 -107½ 1M%-1~ 105¾-108 104¼-106½ 107 -108~ 106¼-108¼ 107 -108 lM -106¾ 106 -108¼ 107 -107¾ 106 -107¾ • ..• Reiristered ......... 4¼-t . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . - .... 103 -103 • • • . - • . .. . • . • - . . . . . • • - .•..•••• - • •• . . • . • - .. . . . .. - • . . . • . • • - . • . . .. . . R.&A.D.lstcon.'89 .4 lM¾-106 106 -106 106 -106½ 106¼-107½ 105 -105 106 -107 104¼-104¼ 103¼-104,¼ 103 -103 103 -104 tM¼-105¼ 10~-106 2d consol., 1989 .... 4 100 -103 100 -101¼ .. . . - • . • . .. . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 102¼-102½ 99 - 91) 99¼- 99½ 99 -101½.... - . . . . .. . • - •.. . 101¼-101½ Eliz. Lex. & B. S .... :i 102½-102¼ . . • . - •• . 1~-101 100%-101½ 101¼-101¼ 101¾-101¼ 101½-101% 102 -102¼ 100 -100¼ 100¼-100!14 10()¾-101¼ 101¼-101¼ Cbleago & AltonSI nklng fund, 1903,.6 105¾-105¾ ...• - •....••• - • • . . •.• - ........ - ... 103~103¼ .•.. - .•• ..•• • - •••...•• - ••• . ...• - ... 102¾ 102!¼ 102¼-102¾ 88 - 89 87¼ · 88 86 - 88 87 - 87~ 87¾- 88 91½- 91½ 92½- 92¼ 90 - 90 92½- 92½ 93¼- 93¼ 90 - 90 Refundtnar, 1949 ..... 3 93 - 9!i U.S. Tr. Co. ctf8 .. . . 3 91¼- 93 92¼- 93 92 - 92!14 91½- 92¼ 91~ 92¼ 92~- 93'h! .... - ..... . .. - .. . .... - ......•• - .... .... - ........ - .. . 86 - 87½ 84 - 85½ 84 - 85 84 - 85 84½- 85"4 84¾- 86½ 85¾- 86¾ ~ 85¾ 84~ 86¼ 84¼- 86 ~ - 86 Rawway, 19:i0 ........ 3~ 83¾- 85 Chic. Burl. & QuincyConsol. .................. 7 108¼-108½ 109 -109¼ 109 -109% 109%-109½ 109¼-109¼ 109~-109% 106%-106¾ 106%-107½ l~-106¾1:t.()6¾-107¾ 107¾-l~ 108 -10~ .... - •.. ..• •• - •.. . .•• Sisk. f'und, 1901 .... . :i 101¾-101½ ...• - .... 102¼-102¾ lOQ¾-100¾ .• - .••..... - ....... . - .... 102 -102 .. • - . •.....• - •... Denver Div., 1922 .. 4 102¾-102½ 102 -102 102 -102 102 -102¼ 102~102¼ 101¼-101¾ 1021.(·102¼ .. . • - •... 101 -101¼ 101 -lOlik Illinois Dlv.,1949.3¼ 103~-lM¼ 103¾-103~ 103Ji-1M 103¼-103¾ 103 -103¼ 108¾-lM lul!);!-103 102¼-102¾102¼-103 102:Js-102%102¾-lM 104, -104.¼ lowaDlv.,alnk.fd ... :i .... • •... .... - ... . .... - .... 114 -ll!l .... - .... . ..• - ... . .. - .... ll5¼-ll5¼ .••• - ....... - . . .... . . . .... - .. . · 1919 ... .. ........ .... .4 . . . - ... . 105¼-106 107 -107 104¾-101¼ 105 -105 105 -105 105¼-105¼ .••. - .... . .. • - ... . 1103¾-103¾ 103¾-lO~ 104.J4-10i,t Nebr'skaExt.,192'7.4112 -112¾112¾-112~112¼-ll.2¾112¼-118 11~-110¾110¾-111 110¾-111 .••• - •••. 110 -lll¾lll}(-112 110 -110¾111 -111 - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . 112!14-112~ . . . - . . . . . . . . - • . . . . .. - .... 109¼-109½ . . . • - • • • . . ••• - • . . . . • • • - • . . • . . - . ..• .Rearistered ........... 4 8. W. Div., 1921 ..... 4 .... - ........ - .. .... .. - . .. . ... - ... . ... - .... 100¾-100¾ .• •• - ..•..•• - ••..••• - •.. . ..•• - •.....• - ....... - •••• . .. • - ......•. - •••• .... - •. •. Convertible, 1903 ... :i 142¾-H5 Ull4-H~ 150 -17#.( 183¾-196!,4 19! -191 ...• - . • . 19!1,¼-194¾ .... Debenture, 1913 ..... ~ 110 -l11¼ 111¾-111¾ 111 -112 lll¾-112¾ 109 -109¾ 110 -111¾ 108¾--109~ 1mr100% 110 -110 l:t.10¾-111 108 -109 108¾-lOSM Han. & St. J., cone.. 6 122¼-12!¼ 123¼-123}4 121 -121 121 -121 121¼-121¼ 121 -191 .... - .•.....• - ... . ... - •... b.20 ·120 120!)4-120~121¼•121¼ • Citic. & Hast. Illlnots1st, slnklnar f'und ..... 6 .... - . ... 113 -113¼ 11831i-118¼ US¼-114¼ 115 -115 .... • ••. . 117 -117 112 -112 112!)4-112¾ . ..• - .... 114 -114 lll¼-111¾ lat Consol., irold . ... ... ti 135¼-135!,( 137¼ ·137½ 138½-UO 138J4-188}:( ... - .... 187 -137 .. .• - •.•. 13~-187½ ..•• - •.. 135 -186½ 137¼-18n,i l38½ -l38½ Geu. cons. 1st, 193'1.l) 115 -117¾ 118¾-~ 124~-126¾ 123¾-127 122:):(-123 123 -123¾ 123 -123 122¼-123 122¼-122¾ 122¼-124½ 121 -122¾ 122 -123 Ch.&ln. C'lRy-lst.:i 112¾-113½ 116 -116 119 -12~ 123~-125 123 -123 .••• - •... 120 -120 119¾-11931? .•• • ••.. IJ.20½-120½ 121¾-121~ 122¼ 122¾ Vhle. Ind. & Loulsv .Reiundlnir, 1947 ..... 6 115 -118 118 -120¼ 119 -123¾ 128¾-124 124 -124 125 -126¾ 122 -122 121¾-12!l . .•. - •.. 121¾-121 12! -124~ 128 -128 Refundlnir, 194'1 ..... :i .106%-108½ 106~-108½ 110 -110¾ 110 -111 110 -113¾ lU¾-lU½ 110 -110 109 -111½ . .•• - .... 113 -113½, ..• - . •.. 11Z¾-116M Lou. N. A. & C., lst.6 113 -ll!l ll~lH¾ 114¼-114~ 117 -117 .... - ... . .... - ........ - ••...••• - •••. 114. ~114 115¾-115%115%-115~116 -11~ Chic. Mllw. & St. P.l■t, irold, R. D,1902.7 .... - ... . 184¾-18~ 184 -185 192¼-192¾ 180 -180 .••• - ................. - ••• ..• •• - ••. 189 -189~ .••• • . . ...... - ••• l ■tC.&M.Dlv ....... 7188¾-190 .... - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ....... - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - .... 183 -183 . ... - . . ...... - ••• Consol., 190:i ......... , 182¼-188 185 -185 184 -186 183¾·19!l 190 -192 183 -183 180 -180 181 -181 182¼-182¼1!38¾-189¼187 -187 186 -186 Terminal .............. :i .... - .... lU"-114~ 11'¾-11~ ll!l¾-115¾ 115¾-115¾ 115?,(-115¼ ••• - •... lll¼-111½112¾-113¼ll3 -113¼114 -lU¼ 114 -114 Gen. M.,"A" 1989 ... 4 112¼-ll!l¼ ll~-114¼ 118~-ll!l½ 113 -113~ 112 -112 lllM-112¾ 110 -110¾ 11~-110¼ 110 -llO¼lll0¾-111 lll¾-112 lll¾-112 Chic. & L. Sup. Div .:i 119¾-119¾ .. . - ••• . •.• - •.•. 121 -121 .... - .. . . ..•• - ••.. 116¼-116~ . ••• - •••. , ..• - ••. . 117"·117¾ 118'-(·118ll4 .••• - ••• Chic. & Mo • .R. Dlv .. :i 122¼-122¾ .•.• - •.. . .• •• - .... 121¾-122M .... - .. . ...•• - ••....• - •••. 118 -119¾ 119 -119¾11{%-119~121¼-121¾121¼-121¾ Chic. & Pac. Dlv ...... 6 118 -118 1111 -119 118 -118 118¼-118¼ 118 -118¾ . .•• - ••.. ...• - •.• . 116¾-116½ 116 -116 116 -116¾ .... - .....•• .- •• . Ohle. & Pac. W. Div .:i 119¼-120¼ 120¾-121 ~122 120¼-121 119¼-120 ll!}¾-120 116¾-117 110¾-117'l! 117 -118 ll7¾-l18J,fi 118¾-ll~ 119 -119¼ Dakota & Gt. So•. .. . :i 11~115% 115¾-ll~ 116 -116¼ .. . • • •.• . 115 -115 . • •• - •... 112!4-112¾ lll"-112 112¾-l~ 113 -113 114¾-114~ .••• - ••• _ht H. & D. Div....... , 125¼-126¾ 125!'(-125¾ 126 -126 126¾-126¼ ... - .•..••• - •••...•. - ... 120M-12Q¾ •••• - •••. 12$¼-124¼ .•• - •••.... - ••• 1910 .... ........ ....••. :i 110¼-110).4 .... - ••.. . ••• - .... .. .. - ... . 110¾·110¼ .••• • ••• . . ••• - •••..••• - ••••.••• • ••• .. ..• - ........ - • . • 109%-109'6 1st I.&D.Exten . .... , 185¾-187¾ .•• • ••.•• - ••• . 188 -188 . ... - ...... . . - ....... - •••..••• • •••..••• • •••. 185 -185 .•• • • •••. •••• - ••• - • •...••• - .•• lat La. C. & D., '19.. :i ll7JB-118¼ .••• • ••• . .••• - ••• . 118¼-119 ... - ... . 118 -118 ... - ......•• - ••. ... •• - •••. :U.7¾-117½ !llneral Point Dlv ... :i 110¾-ll~ ..• - •••..•.• - ••.. 110¾-110½ 110¾-110¼ .... - ••.. 108 -108 ... • - •.•..••• - •••• .. .• - ... . 110¼-110}4 ..•• - ••• 1st So. Minn. Div . .... 6 117¼-119 118 -118¾ 118¼-119½ 118¼-118,4 ll~-118¾ .•. • - •••. 114%-116 116 -116 115 -118¼ 115¾-117 ll?¾-117'l! 117¼-117¼ - •••. 116 -116¼ lat So. West. Div ..... 6 117 -1173( ..•• - •.....•• - ••. . 11~-117¼ 117 -117½ .• •• • ••• . 113 -113 113 -113 ..•• - ••.. 115¾-116 Wis.& Min. Div .. .... ~ 119~-lll}M ~ -120 ..• - . . . .. .•• - •.. . 119 -lW .••• • •••. 11~116% 116¼-116½ . •• • •••. U'73(-118 118¾-~ .••• - ••• - •••••••• - ..• .. .. .... •••..••• •••..•.• •••• -116 116 ••.. • ..• 118¾-118½ . ••• .••• -119 119 110,r119~ Ill. & No., 1st, 1910.6 ..•• • .... 1st on ext., 1913 ... 6 ...• - ... . 121¼-121¾ 121¼-122 ..• • - •. . . ... - ... .. ••• - •••. .•• • - ••• ..•• • - ••.. 118¾-118'4 ...• - ....... - ........ - •.• Uilllc. & Northwest'n(lonsol., 1915-........ 7 139¾-139¾ 141 -141 HO -U2¼ U2¼-H2½ HO -142 l!l2¼-l!l2½ 141 -142¾ •••• - .... 140 -UO 140 -140 . ••• - ••• 139¾-1!1,0¾ Gold, coup., 1902 .... , 107¼-107¾ .• •• - •... 108 -108 108 -108 107 -107½ 104¾·10i¾ 105 -105 .•.• • ••• 105¼-105½105¼-105}1; 106 -106 10~-lOSM . .• - ... .. ... - . . . 104'4-104¾ .• •• - ••• . .••• - •••. 106 -106 106 -106 102 -103~ Geld, rear., 190!1 . ..... , 107¼-107½ .. •• - •••. 107¾-108 108 -109 hten. bonds, 1926 .. 4 109 -109 . ••• • •••. 112 -112 .... - ... . .... - •.. . 108¾·109 108?,4-109¼ .••• - ••. . .••• - .... 108¾-108¾ 109¼-110¼ 109 -109 General, 1987 ...... 3¾ 109¼-110 .•• - ••.. 109¼-110¼ 110 -11~ ...• - •... . ... - ••.. . ... - . .. . ••• - ••• ..• •• - ••• . 11.11 -111 ... - •.. . .•.• - .. . t,lnklna-fund,coup .... ti .... - .... 116 -1US 116!1.(-116!14 ..• - •.. . 113¾-114½ 116 -116 116 -116 ... - ........ - ........ - ••• . 116 -116 .••• - ••• 8lnklng fund, coup ... :i 108~-108}:( . .•• - •••. llO}i-110¼ 108¾-109}:( 108¾-109 lQS¾-108¾ .••• - ••.. 108¾-109 .... • •••..••• • •••. 1()6¾-107 l05¼-lOl3U Reirlstered .•........ . :i . .• . - .... ·••• • •••....• - . . . . . . . - .... 107¾-107¾ . . . • • • • • . . • • • - • .•.. .•• - ••• . . • . • - • •• . . .• • • . .. . . •• - • . . . ••• - .•• ~:I yrs. deben., 1909.:i 108 -110}:( 110 •110 110¼-UO¾ 110"-UO¾ 100 -109 109 -109 ..•• ~ .... 109 -110 .••• - ........ - .•..••• - •••. 108 -108 Reaistered ........... ~ .... - ........ - ........ - .... 108¾ 10~ .••• - ••. ...• - ....•••• - ••• .••. - •••.•.• - •••. 108 -108 ...• - ••...••• - ••• - •••.•••• ••• 30-year deb., 1921 .. :i 116 -116¾ 116 -116 117 -117 117 -117 . .•• - •... 117 -117 .... - •••. 117¼-1173( •••• - •••• 114~-1173( Reai11tered ... .. . . . .. . :i .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ...... .. - •....... - ... . ... . - ........ - ... . .... - .... 114, -114 .... - ••..•••• - •• 121¾-121!14121¾-121¾ -123 123 •••. .••• -122 122 122¼-122¼ -122 122 121¾-122 Debenture, 1933 .... . ~ 124 -125¾ 124 -124 124¾-124¾ 124 -124 Reirl11tered .••••.. .... ~ 122 -122¼ . ••• - •• .. .. . . - . . .. . •. • - .... 123 -123 . . • • - • • • . ••• - •••.•••• - • • .. . • • - •••. .. • • - ••...••• - ••••.••• - ••• !till.& M., lat, 190~.6 113 -113 . ••• - •••..•.• - .•...••• - ••• •••• - •••. .. .• _ ••...•••••••..••• _ •••..•• . _ ••• .. .•• _ •••. .•• • _ •.•..••••••• North. Illinol ■, lst .. :i .... - ..... ... - •.. . 111 -111 ..•• • .... ... . - ••• . 111 -111 ..•• - •••..••• - ••...••• - •••. 11~11<>1f .••• - ••••.••• - ••• Ot. C.F. & St.P.,ls,.:i .... - .......• - .... . .. - . ... . .. - ........ - ... . 111¼·111¼ .••• • •.•. 110}:(-11074 ••• • - ........ - •••..••• - ••• .. ••• - ••• m:.L. s.& Wlllt.,'21.6 l.J0¾-136§4 136'½-1~ 188 -138J4 141~-141!,4 135¼-187¾ 1~-1883,:( •••• - •.•. 136¼-186}:( 187 -137½ .••• - •.. 135¼-186 1a~-l36¾ Ext. & Imp.,•• f ... .:i 126 -127¾ 123½-125 126 - ~ 126¾-127 127 -127 127%-127~ 127 -127 ••• . - ••.. 1125¼-125¼ 125)c'4253,d l ~ - ~ 127 -127 · Ashland Div., 1st .. 6 .. .. - ........ - .. . . ... - ... . 143¾-143!¼ ...• - ........ - . .• .• ••• - •••...•• - •....... - ....••• - ••• . .••• - ••• .• ••• - .•• iu()%-14.~ .Illich. Dlvl■lon,l ■ t.6 138¾-138¾ 142 -142 1~-142¾ 1'2¾-143 U2 -142¼ .••• - •••..••• - •••. 139!1(-140 140 -liO .••• • ••• . ••• Oonv. deben.,190'7.G .... - .... 107¼-107¼ .••• - •. .. .... - ... . ..• - .......• - •••.••• - ........ - •••....• - •••..••• - . •• .• •• - •••..••• - ••• .. - ••• ... ... .• .. •••. •••...•• ..•• . •.. •.•..... Income■, 1911 ...... 6 ...• - •.. . .... - ... . ... - .... 113 -113 .•• . - ••. .... • - •.••.•.• Chlc..-R. hl'd & Pac .• 6 18(%-180¼ 181 -181 130¼-1~ 130}~180½ 130Ji-1S1½ 131 -131 127¼-127½ 128 -128 128 -128 .••• - •••. 1S0 -180 129¾-1821' .Reelstered ........ .... 6 . •. . - . . . . . . . . - .... 132¾-1323-, . . . . - . . . 132Ji-132¾ .••• - •... 126¼-126¼ •••• - •••. 127¾-127~ ••• - ••. . 128}(-128½ 126 -129~ General, 19S8, ar••••. 4 1073,rllO 108¾-110 108¼-109 108 -108¾ 107¾-1~ 107¾-108¾ 106¾-107¼ 106¾-107 105¾-106¾106 -1~ 106~-107 1()6¼-107¼ Rearl ■tered ....... .... 4 . . • • - •....•• - •••..••• - •... 106 -106 107¾-1~ 105¾-106¼ 106 -106:)( •••• - •••. 106¾-106}1! . • • • - •.. . 106}(-1~ .••• - ••• D.M.& F.D.lst,'0~.4 ..•• - . •.. 99~- 99,c: .••• - ••••...• - •.. . . .. - . .. . ••. - ... . ..•• - •••.•••• - ........ - •.. . .••• - ••...••• - •••..••• - ••• Keok. & Des M., lst.G 111¼-111¾ 112 -112 112 -112¾ 110¼-110¾ 110¾-110~ 111 -111 •••• • .. .. lll¾-111~ . • • • - ••• . . • •• - ••• . • .. - •••..••••••• Chic. St.P. Min.& Om.Consol., 1930 ...... ... 6 1~-135~ 136 -139¾ 140 -141 140¾-UO¾ Ul¾-142 138¾-189 139 -139¼ 138¼-138~ l38¼-l38¾139¾-14vl,d lil -Ul¼ 138U-141 Chic. St. P.&M.,ll!lt .. 6 .... - .... 134 -134. U0¼-140¾ •••• - •••. 138¾·138½ 139 -189 13$¾-188¾ 138¼-138¼ 137¾-139 139¾-140 138¼-188➔-. 139 -189¼ No. Wis., 1st, 1930.6 .... - ........ - .... 140 -140 ..• • - ........ - •.••...• - •••..••• - ... • ••• - ...... . - ........ - ... .. ••• - ........ - .. . St. P. & S. Clty-lst .. ti 130 -131 131¾-131¾ . ..• - .•.. lSO -130¾ l.31¼-181¾ 130 -132 lSl¼-131¾ 129 -129 130 -130 127 -129 129 -129¾1129¼-129¼ ~hie. Term'l Transt..4 92 - 97¾ 9594- 97¼ 96¼- 98 95 - 97~ 93¼- 95¾ 95:Js- 96½ 92¾- 94!14 98¾- 95¼ 83¾- 95¼ 93 - 94, 88 - 92~ 87 - 91¾ Chic. & West'n In,1.lst, sink. fd., 1919... 6 .... - ........ • ........ - .......• • ......•. - ........ - •... 107¼-107¼ •••••••• . .••• - .•. ..•• •••. . . ••• - ••. .. •••••.• • •••. 118¾-119 .• •• - •••..••• - ••...••• - •••. 118 -118 ..•• •••• . 117 -118 . ••••••• . 119¼-119¾ .••• - ••• General......... ........ ti 119!14:-119~ Oln. Ham. & DaytonConsol., s. f, 1905 .. 7 .... - .•...•••••••..••• - •... .••• - .••..... - .....•• - ••• . ..•• - ••• ..• •• - •• •. . ••• - •••..••• - ••. . •• - ••. 111¾-111¾ - .... 114 -lllS •••• - .... 118 -118 •••• - ••.. 114 -ll!l .•• • - ••• ••. •• - •••..••••••• , 112¾-114 lU: -114 Cln. Day. &Ir. lst... :i 113¼-llS¼  seac.c.c.  (l.I.S.L.&C. {& St. L. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  BONDS.  101  1901-C;ontinued. BONDS.  -----------  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. :3EPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BER.  DE0'BER.  MARCH. APRIL. - - - - - - ---------- ----1----1----1-----1---- -----!·---Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Higl: Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Higl! Low.High --------- ---- ·- - - - - - - ---- · - - - - - ----  ,<ll. Ctn. Chic. & St. L.General. ............... . 4 101 -104½ 103¼-104 103:1:(-105¼ 104 -105 104 -104¼ 103!4;-104 103 -104¼ 103½-104½ 103 -104½ 103 -105 10!1: -104½ 102½-104¼ Cairo Div., 1st, '39 .. 1 99 - 99 - ••..••• Clo. Wab. & M., lst.4 98¼- 99¼ 101½-101¾ .•.. - .•.. 102 -104¼ . . .. - •••. 102 -102¾ .•.• - •••. 101 -101 ..•. - .. . . 10!1:¼-104¾ St.L.Dlv., 1st. 1.990.4 L04¼-105 104¼-104½ 105 -105 105%-105¾ 102 -103 103 -104 103 -103 .... - •.....•• - •.. . 103 -103 102 -104 103¼-104¼ Sp. & Col., 1st. '40 .. 4 .... - ... . .. .. - .... .... 100 -100 100 -100 100 -100 .... - .•...... - ........ - .•. . ..•. - •.• . .••• - •... C. I. St. L. & C., 1 ■ t.4 . . . . - ... . 104½-104¾ . . . . - •... 104 -104 106 -106 104¼-104¾ ...• - •... 104 -104~ . ... - ... . 105 -105 ...• - ... . Ctn. San. & CL, con.~ 113¾-113¾ 115½-115½ 115 -115 - ... . 115¼-115¾ . . •. - ........ - .... 114¼-114¾ .... - .... 115¼-115¾ ...• - •.. . .•• - .•. c. c. c. & I., coll8ol .1 135¼-135¼ 136 -136 - ••.. 130 -133¾ 138 -138 131¾-181¾ ..•• - •....••• - •... . ... General consol .. . .. . 6 184 -134 186 -136 136 -136!,ii . ... - •.. 188!,ii-138¼ 133 -183 - •....•.• - .... 135¼-185¼ In. Bl. & W ., lat, pf.4 .... - ........ - . . . - ....... - .... 104¾-104¼ .... - ... . .Peo. & E., ht, cons .. 4 95¼- 97 9?' - 99 97¼-100 95 - 98 95 - 97 96¼- 98 97 - 98!,( 96 - 93 96'¼-100½ 98 - 99 97¼- 98¾ 97¾- 98¼ Incomes, 1990 . .. . 4 45¼- 53¾ 53¼- 65 58 - 73 61 - 65 60 - 66 65 - 67 63¼- 67 65 - 70 69 - 79¾ 71 - 76¾ 74 - 78¾ 73 - 77 Clev.Lor. &W.-1sr .. a .... - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - ... 115 -115 - . .. . ...• -01. & Mnh. V.-1938 .. ~ 130 -180 .... - •••. 130½-130¾ ...• - ... 129½-129½ .... - .•.....• - .••. . ... - ........ --Oolorado Mld.-ht.3-4 78 - 79¼ 78¼- 83½ 80½- 87 83 - 87½ 81½- 85½ 84 - 85¼ 80¼- 83 80 - 82½ 79¼- 81 79½- 81½ 81 - 83½ 82¼- 84¼ 1st, a-old, 194,-....... . 4 77 - 79¾ 78¼- 82 80¼- 87 83¼- 87¼ 82 - 85 84 - 85 81 - 82 82 - 82 80 - 83 80 - 82 81½- t'4 83 - b6 ·.Col. & So.-lst, a-.'!l9.4 83 - 8P 83~- 87¼ 84¼- 89 87 - 89¼ 83 - 89~ 88¾- 89¾ 88 - 89~ 87 - 88¼ 86¼- 88½ 87¼- 88¾ 88 - 90 88 - 90½ Delaware & Hudaon.. t lat, Pa; Dlv., 191,-.. 1 . ..• 145¼-145~ .••• - ••.. 147¼-147¼ .•.• - •.. . .••• - •.• . .... - ••..••• - . •. . ..•• 147¼-147¼ Reiristered . . ........ , .... . ... 150 -150 ...• - ........ - ....••• - •. •. 149 -149 .•.• - ••.....• - •••• Alb. & 8usq., 1st, iru. 1 .... - .... 117 -117 - •... . , .. - •... 116 -116 ... . - .. . . •.• - , ••. 116 -116 ...• - •.•. 114½-114¼ lat, coup., iruar..... 6 .... - ........ - .... 111¼•111½ lll½-111½ .... - •••. 110½-111 ll0¼-110¼110%-110¼ lat, re1ri11tered ...... 6 .... - .... 112½-112¼ .... - ••• . ...• - .... 112 -112 ...• - . .. .. ... - ... . 109¼-109½ ..•• Ren. & Sar .. ht,'21.1 .... - .... 151 -151 .... - •••. 150¼-150¾ 153¼-151¼ 152¼-152¼ .... - ••. . 152 -152 .... - ......•• Rearl ■ tered .......... . , 151 -151 . • . • - • . . . . .. - • • • . .. . • - . . • . . . .. - .. • . . . • • Oel. Lack.& West'n190'1......... ........... . , 123¼-12S½ . ... - •... 121 -121 120¼-120¾ .•.• - •.•. 117¼-118½ ...• Morris & Essex, l8t.1139¼-139½ 139¼-HO 139½-139¼ 139¾-139~ .... - . .. 136¼-136¾ 138 -138 .... - .... 138 -138 138 -138 ...• - ....... 1871-1901 .... ....... , .... - . . .. 104¼-104¼ .... - .... 101½-101¼ 101¾-101¾ ...• - ....... Consol., a-uar...... ... , ... - .... 140311-140¼ 140½-140½ 140 -140 138½-138½ 136¾-136¾ 138½-138½ 138½-138½ 140 -140 139 -139 .... N.Y.L.&W., l8t ... . 6 .... - .... 136 -136 .... - . . . 136¼-136¼136½-186¼136¼-136¼183¼-183½ ...• - ... . .... - •... 135 -135½136¾-136¾137 -137 Construct'n, 1923 .. ~ . . . . - .... 119 -119 118½-118½ . . . • - . . . 118~-118¼ . . . • - •... 119½-119¼ .... - •••..... - . . . . . . . . Term'l&lmpr'mt..4 .... - ... . .... - ... . 104¼-104¼ .••• - •.. . 1(14¼-104¾104¾-104¾ Syr. Blnirb. & N. Y .. ? .... - ... . .... - .... 117%-117¼ ... - ••....•• - •... 116 -116 -Oenver & Rio GrandeConsol., 1936 .... .. . .. .4 100 -101¾ 102 -108¼ 102 -102¾ 101¾-102¾ 101 -102¾ 102¼-104¾ 101 -102¼ 101½-102¾ 102 -102 -4102 -108 102¾-103% 108¼-103¼ let con ■ ol., 1936 .. ,4½ 108 -108 109~-110¼ 110 -110¼ 109!,ii-110 111 -111 111 -111 . ..• - • . • . . .. - .. .. - • . . . . . . - ••.. lll¾--114¼ Improvement, 19'.18.~ 107 -107½ 107¼-110 109½-111 110 -111 111¼-ll~ 108¾-111¼ 111 -112 112 -112 118 -113 - ... . 113½-113½110¼-110¼ f>env.&So. Weat.1ren.~ .... - ........ - ... . 95¼- 96 95 - 95½ 94¼- 95 Q2 - 94 93¼- 93¾ 92 - 94¾ 89¼- 91 Des Mo. Uulon-ll!lt .... ~ 108~-108¾ 111 -111 ...• Det. & Mack.-lst l'n.4 .... - .. .. 102 -102 4>lold . ................... . 4 85 - 87½ 88 - 89" 89 - 91¾ . . .. - • • • . 90 - 91 go - 91 91 - 91 - ... . 91 - 91 91 - 92 92¼- 93 90 - 90¼ - .. • . 87¼- 87¾ 85 - 86 Detroit Soutb'n, lat .. 4 .... - ... . .... - ........ - ... . .... - ••.. 93¾- 95 Ohio Sou. Div., lst .. 4 .... - .. . . ... - .. . Duluth & I. R.-t ■ t .. . ~ 110¼-112 110¼-115 115 -115 112 -113 115 -115 114 -114½ 116¼-115¼ ...• - .... 116 -116 118 -113 118 -114 113 -113 - ... . 115 -116 115 -115 115 -115 118½-113½ . . • • • • .. . .• • - •.•. 116 -116 Dul.S.S.&Atl.-1937.~ ll2 -112½ ..•• E.T. Va. & Ga.-Bee So. Ela-. Joi. & E.-lst, a- .. ~ .... - .... .... 112>1i-112½ ...• - .... 112½-113 Erie-lat, Ext. 1917 .~ 118¼-119¼ . .•• - •......• - •....... - ......•• - •• •.... . - •.• . 115 -115 ..•• - • . . 119 -119 . . .. ~d, Ext., 1919 . ....... . :} 121 -121 .... - ........ - ... . 120%-120¾ ... . - ••...••• 3d, Ext., 19'.:3 ....... 4¾ US -118 •.•. - .... 116¼-116¼ 116 -116 - •.. 111 -111 .... 4th, Ext., 1920 .. ..... ~ .... - ... . 124 -124 123¾:-124 .... - ........ ~th, Ext., 1928 ..•.... 4 .. .. - .... 107 -107 .•.• - ........ - •••.••• - •.•. 108 -108 lat, consol., irold ... ... , li2 -142 142%-143½ . . . - .•.. 140 -140 140 -lH 141 -142 142 -142½ . • .. - ••.. 139 -139¼ 141) -140 140¾--H.O¾ 14-0!l(-14t 1. ■ t, cons., ar., fund'a-. 1 .... - ........ - ... . 135¾--135½ .... - .•. . 135¼-135¼ .•.. ....... - ... . .... - .....••. - •••. 137 -137 ...• - •..• l11t con. prior lien, ir.4 95¼- 97½ 96¼- 97J4 96¼- 99 98¼- 99~ 97½- 99¾ 99¼-101¼ g7 - 9914 98 - 99 97¾- 99 97¼- 99 99 -100'4 99¼-101¾ Rea-lstered .... ..... .. 4 . ... - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . 99 - 99 ... . - . . . .... - . .. . ... . - .. .. .... ht con. iren. I., '96 .. 4 82¼- 85¾ 83 - 85~ 83¼- 89¾ 87 - 90 84: - 89 89 - 91 85½- 88¼ 85¼- 89½ 87¼- 89½ 86½- ES 87¾- 90¼ 88¼- 91¼ Penn. coll. tr., 19:il.4 .... - ....... - ........ - .... 95¼- 96½ 94 - Q6 Q2¼- 93½ 92¼- 937/4 Q2½- 94¼ 94 - 95~ 93~ 95¾ Buff".N. Y.&E., lst.1 . ... - ........ - .. 136¾-136½ ...• - ..• . .... - ........ - .•. . ...• - ••• . .... - •.. 136¼-136¾···· - ••..•. - •... Chic. & Erle, lat, ir .. ~ 116 -121½ 121 -121 120¼-122 122¼-123 120 -121 121¼-121½ 121¾;-123 ...• - •... 122½-12~ 123¼-123¼ .•.. - •.•. 122¼-123¼ Jeff"eraon, l11t. a-uar.. ~ 106 -106 1067.,4-106¼ ••.• - •••. 105 -105 .... - ••. . 108 -108 . ••• - ••. .. .•• - •... 107 -10; - .... 105¼-105¼ Lona- Dock con11.'3~.6 1:18 -189 140 -140 131%-140 138 -138¼ . .•• - •.• . 137 -138 .••• - ... 137¼-137¼ .•• - •... 137 -137 ..•• - •... Dock&lmpt.,l ■ t., .. 6 .... ...... - ........ - ... . ... - .... 121 -121 ...• - ••. . 118½118½ .... - ..•..... Mldl'd of N. J., l8t ... ti 117¼-117¼ 118 -118 118¾ 118% 116 -117½ 115¼-116¾ .... - .... 115 -116 116 -116 115¾--115!14 l'(. Y. Sus. & W., ref.~ 111 -111¼ 116¼-116¼ 118 -118 .•.• - •... 117 -117 117 -117 114 -115¾ 115 -115 .•• - ••• . 118 -119 118 -118 117¼-117¾ !Id, 1937 . ........ ... 4½ .... - . . . . 94 - 94 ..•• - •.•..•.• - .••...•• - •.•. .. .. Gen., ireld, 1940.... :i 104¼-106!14 102¼-108 100 -104¼ 105 -106 105 -106 105¼-107¼ 106 -107 105 -105¾ 105¼·106¼ 107¼-107½ 107¾-109¼ 109¼-110¼ Term'I, 1st, 1943 . . :» ..•• - •.. ..•• - •... - .... 115¼-115~ .... - ... . . • • • - ••.. 115¼-115¼.... - •••• Wilk.& E., lst,'42.:i 107¼-107¼ 107¼-108¼ 110 -110¼ 110¼-110½ 110¼-111½ . ... - •.••.... - •.. . 1093-(-110 109 -110 110 -110 112 -112 109¼-110 Evan11v. & T. H.-Con.6 124 -124 124¼-1~ 128¼-124 - ... 1243-(-126 123 -123 .•.• - .... ... - .... 123 -123:¼ •.•• - ... . 124 -125¼ ht, a-en., 1942, a-old.~ . . . . • - .... 10$¼-lll . . • • - •.. . 107 -108½ 108 -109'4 108 -109 108 -109 - ••.. 108¼-109½ 108¼-109 Evansv. & Indlanap.- .... 110 -114 l ■t, con ■ol., 1926 .... 6 .... - .... 108 -108¼ .... - ........ - •.. . ..•• Fl. & P. Mq.-See P. Mq. Ft. W. & D. C.-ht .... 6 76¼- 81¼ 81¼- 85 82~-107½ l°' -109~ 101 -111 106¼-1~ 102 -lm-4 104 -106 103 -105 102¼-108 106¼-108¾ 103~-106 Ft.W.&R.Gr.-lst.3-4 67 - 69½ 69¾- 76 75¾- 87 88 - 88¼ 85 - 89 89 - 92 85 - 86¾ 86¼- 87 86 - 86¾ 85¼- 87 8~- 88 87 - 90¼ - ••. . 101 -101 Qalv. H. & H. ef'8~.. ~ 102½-103 ...• - ••.. lOSM-105 104¾-105 • •• - .... G.H.&S.A..-Su 8. P .Co. Ga. Car. & N.-l ■ t,iru.~ .... - ••...••• - ........ - .... 109 -109 Ga. Paclftc-Su Soutb'n G.No.--O.B.& Q. .... - .... lOQ¼-101 98¼-100¾ 99 - 99¼ 9~- 99¼ 97 - 98½ 95 - 97~ 95¼- 98~ 98 - 99 97%- 99 Reirlstered..... ... .. . 4 . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 9634- ~ 96½- 93 96 - 97 Hock. Val.-lat, con.4-~ lOSU-1~ 104¼-106 106~-106 106¼-106½ 104 -1~ 106¼-109¼ 106¼-107:J1i 106¼-107 106 -107 106½-107 107 -1~ 108 -110 C. & H. V., l11t 1 ext..4 .... - .... 1~-1~ .... - ........ - •••• 10~104¾ .••. - ........ - ........ - .... 105 -105 11)4 -104: .... - ........ H. E. & W.T.-See S. P. H. & T. C.-Su So-. Pac. Illlnola Centrallst. arold, 19~1 ........ 4 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 115¼-115½ .... - ........ - ........ - •••..••• - ...... .. lat. a-old, 19~1 ...... 3½ .... - ........ - .... 107¼-107¾ 107¼-107¼ ..• - ........ - •••• 104 -104 ... - •••..••• - ..•..•.• - .... 106 -106 Gold 9 19:i2 . ........... . 4 .... - .... l ~ - 1 ~ .... - •••. 104 -104 104 -104 105¼-106¼ 105 -106 •••• - ••• 104¾-1~ •••• - ........ Reirlatered .. ........ .4 . . . . - .. . . .. . - ........ - . . . . . . . . - ........ - ........ - ........ - . . . . . . . . - ... 102 -102 .. •• - •• • • . • . • Gold, 19~3 ............ .4 104 -104½ •••• - •••. 105~-105¼ 105'4-106 102 ·-1027/4103 -105 .... - ........ - •••. 105 -10~105¾-106 105 -105~ 105~-105¾ Loulav. Div., aold.3½ 101¾-102¼ 102¾-102¾ 103 -103 102¾-102½ 101~-101½ 102 -102¼ 100¼-lvO¼ .... - ..... . . - .... 102 -102¾ 102¼-102~ .••• St. Lout■ Div., ,rold .. 3 . .. - ........ - .... 90 - 91 90¾- 90:¼ •••• - ........ - •....••• - •••.•••• - ........ - ........ - ........ Gold, 19~1 ......... 3½ 102 -102¼ .... - • 102¾-102¼ 1023,a-102¾ .••• - ........ - •••. • •• - •••• 101¼-101¼ •••• - ........ - ... . .... ~ •• •..••• - ••.. Western Line ■, lst .. 4 115¼-115½ 113 -113¾ 1U -114¼ ••.• - ........ - .•••••• - .... US¾-115 112¼-112½ 112¼-113¾ ..•• - .... 114 -114, .... Belle. & Caron., lst.6 . . . . - . . . . . . .. - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . - .... 124 -124 . . • • - • • • . . • • • - . . . . . • . . - . • • . . . • . - • . • . . •• • c. St. L. & N .o.,ar.cp.~ 126 -126½ ~-126'3 . ... ;; •••. 127¼-128¼ 128 -128 ~-~ 12'1 •128 127 -127 127 -128 128 -128 l29¼-12Wii 130 -1so Rea-lstered .. ......... ii .. . - .... 123¼-~ .... - • • .. . • .. - ........ - ........ - •• • . . • .. - .... 124: -124 . . • • - . . • . . •• - •••• . ... Gold, 19~1 ......... 3:11. .... - ......•• - ........ - •••••••• - ........ - •.....•• - .... 101¼-101~ .••• - •.•• rtlemph. Div., lst ... 4 107!4;-lO'iM .... - ........ •••••.•• - ........ - .... 106 -106 •••. St. L. So., 1 ■t, araar.4 - .••. 105 -106 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - ... .... = ........ i,  - ........ -  RAILROAD  10.1.i!  BONDS.  190 I-Continued. BONDS.  JANUARY FEER'RY.  MA.ROH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUN.&.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. Nov'BER. DE0'BER.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l · - - - - f - - - - -1- - - - - I - - • - Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  ----------11----  Ind. Dec. & We11t'nl11t, ,iold, 193~ ....... . ~ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 105 -105 . . • • - . . • 107 -107 107 -107 . . . . - . . . . . . . • - . ... 107 -107 105½-105½ 109 -109 . . . - ...• Ind. Illinoi11 & Iowal11t, a-old, 19~0 ........ 4 .... - ........ - ...... - .... 99¼- 99¼ ... - ....•. - ....•.• - ......•• - ... . .... - .... 99¼- 99¾100 -lOCI 9$¾-100¼, lnternat'l & Gt. No.l11t, 1919... ........... . 6 124¾-125½ 125 -125¾ 126 -126~ 126½-126¾ 124 -124 125 -125 124 -126 126 -128 126½-126¾i125½-127¾ 125½-125½ 123 -123¼ 2d, 1909 ................ ~ 96!ki-100 99 - 99¾ 96½- 99 98¾-100 96 -100 100 -101 100 -101½ 101½-103 100 -101 100 -101 lQ0¼-100¾ 90 -10Q¾. - ... . 3d, 1921 ............... .4 67 - 67½ 67 - 70 65 - 73 71½- 71½ 7:i - 75 . ... - •....... - •.. . 74½- 80 . ... - ... I .. - ... . 74½- 78 lowaCent.-lst,1rold .. ~l15}(-116¾116 -116¾116 -117 116¾-117½117 •117¾115"-118 115)4-116¼115½-1.16½116½-117½116½-118 l17¾-119 116¼-116¼ .. - ... . Refundlntr, 19~1 ..... 4 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .. - .... . ... - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - ... . 94 - 94 Kan.& M.-See T.&O.C. K.Clty So.-1 st, 19~0.3 67 - 69" 69 - 70¼ 69 - 72½ 69¼- 70 6n.4- 69½ 69½- 70 68¾- 70 69½- 70 09 - 70 66¼ · 69 68¼- 72¾ 70¾- 72¼ Ken. Cent.-See L. & N. - ... 122¼-122¼ L. Erle & West-lllt ... ~ 122 -122½ 122½-124 128 -123~ 124¼-124¼ 121 -122½ 122 -123 118:)4-120 ... - .... 120 -120½12Cl;fi-122 2d ............. ........... ~ 117 -118 117½·118½ 118½-118½ ... . - .... 118¾-120 120 -120 118½-118½ ... - .... 118 -118½ 118¼-118½ 118¼-118½ .... - ... . Northern Ohio, l11t .. ~ 115½-115½ .•.. - ....... - ........ - .... 110 -110 110½-110½ 110 -110 ..•. - •....•.. - ... . 110¾-llO½ lll½-111½ 112 -112¼ L. Shore-See N. Y. C. Leh. Val. (Pa.), coll ... ~ . ... - ........ - ........ - . . . . . .. - ... . 110¼-110¾ . ... - •....... - ••....•• - •.. • •• - ........ - ... .. ... - ..•...•. - ...• Leh. Valley, N. Y.l11t, 1ruar., tlold ...... 4¼ 109½-110 J.10½-110¾ .... - .... 111 -1111,kl 110¾-lll .•. - . . .. 108¼-110¾ 110 -110 .••. - •... llQ¾-110~ 110 -110¾ .••• - ..•• Realstered .. ...... .4½ 109½-109½ ll0¼-110¾ 111 -111 .••• - ........ - ........ - .. . .... - ......•• - ••••.... - .•.. 108½-108¾ lOS¼-108¾ .•. - ..•• Leh. Val. Term'l-l11t.~ .... - ........ - ........ - .... .. .. - ... . .... - ..... ... - ....... - .. ...... - ........ - .... 114¼-118½ .... - ... . ... - ...• L. Val. Coal-l11t., a-a.~ . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 109 -109 ... - ••...... - ••...... - ..••.... - . . . . ... - •••...•. - ...• Leh.&N. Y.-lst,a-u.4 95 - 95 .... - . ••. 100 -100 98 - 99 95 - 96¾ 96½- 96¾ .... - ........ - ••.....• - ......•. - .. 97 - 07 ... - ... • Lonir lslandlst, consol., 1931. .. -~ 123 -123 .. .. - ... . .... - ....... . - •. . 12-2),(-122¼ . .. . - ... . 121 -121 .... - .•. ..... - ........ - . . . 121'4;-121¾ .. - ...• Gen. mort., 193S.. .. 4 103 -104½ 108},fi-104 104 -105 104 -104½ 103 -104 101 -102 101)4-102 ... - ... 100 -100 101¾-10~ .U2¾-102~, lOl -102 Ferry, l11t, 1922 .. ..4¾ 105 -105 ..•• - .••. 102,:!-102~ . ... - ... . 104 -104 105 -105 .... - ..•. . .. - ... .• .. - ... . .. . - . . . .. - ... . .•. - ... . Unified, 1949... ...... 4 98 - 99 98 - 98¼ 97½-101 09½-100 08¼- 99~ {$¾-100 97 -100 99 - 99¾ 97½-100 08 - 98¾ 99 - 99½ 99 -100 Debentures, 193 !. ·-~ . . . . - . . . . 95 - 95 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . • • - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . • - ... . ..•• _ • • . . . . . . _ ... . B'klyn & lllon., 1st .. ~ .... - .... 110 -110 . .•. - .... . ... - .•. . . ... - .... 109½-109½ . ••• - ......•. - •... . •.• - . . . . . . - ... .. .. . - ........ - . . . . Loul11vllle & N ashv .General mortgaire ... 6 112 -119 118'4;-120 119 -120 120 -120¼ 119¾-120 118 -11~ 118½-118¾ 118¾-119 119 -119¼ 119 -119¾ 120'4;-121 117)4-118¼, ~0-year, gold, 1931.~ 111 -111 112 -112 113 -113 113 -113¾ 112 -112 113 -118½ 113½-lU½ ll!¾-114½ ll4 -114 Unified, a-old, 1940 .. 4 99!14-101~ 100¾-101¾ 1013,s-102½ 102)4-103~ 102½-103¾ l03¾-10H( 101 -102¼ 101 -102 101!,(-102 101¾-102 1011):!-102~ 102½-103 ... - . . .. L12 -114¾ 113 -113½ 111 -111 112¼-112½1U -114X 113 -113 112!'(-lll?¾ Col. trust, ir., 1931 ... ~ 110½-110% lll¾-112% 1  1···· - ........ - ....... - ... .  ~~~.:u;~::;:~.~::::: ~~)4=1~~~~~.~  ~~~M=l~~  l~:  ~~1~~  N. O. & Mob., l11t .... 6 ~d .... .............. .... . 6 Pensac. & All., lat .. 6 St. L. Div., lat, '!ll.6  .. 10014-100%~~.~l~~~l~.~½=1~~ .. ,.~~. =~: .~~½=l~~ .. .. =1~: .. 130½-130¾ 130 -130 .••• - ••.. . ... - •....•• . ..•. - ........ - .... . ... - ... . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ... . 119½-119¼ . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . • - • . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . ••• - •••.... - .... 111¼-113 . ... - ... . .... - •....... - ......•• - .... 117 -117 ...• 118 -113 126}(-126¼ .... - •.•.... - .... . . .. - ... . . ... - ... . . . . - .•.. . ••• - •... ... - .......• - .. •.....  s!i':o~!i~~~~~:~·~:~  ii1½=1ii~ 1io  1 ~::. ~0  ii~=1i~  130 -130  =no··::::  = -  ~~~.~½=1~~. l~:¾=~~~~ ••.. .... .... ....  130 -130 131¼-131½ . . . - ... . 120 -120 114¾-115¼ . .. - ... . .... - ... 1.24½-124¼  = ·::. :::: = .... 1~2¼=1i2½ 1 ::: = :::: .::: : :::: l~:½=l~:~ll5 =116 .. 115 :1is .. ii6¼:l;6¾  ti5  =11i·  Ken. Cent., 19S'7 .....4 96¾- 99 \193,s-100 997.4-100 99%-100 100 -100 102 -102 100¾-100¾ 100 -100 100 -100 100 -100 100½-101 101 -101¼ L.&N.&M.&:tl.lst4½ 112 -112 ... . - ••.. ll0½-110½ .... - •.•.... - . . . . . .. - ... . ... - •....... - .. ..... - ..... ..• - .......• - .. . .. . .. - ... . ••• - •••..... - •.....•• - ... ..•. - ... • .. . - ....... - ..• . 111 -111 Nash.Fl.&S.,lst,a-u.:'> 112 -112 . .•. - . ... . .. - .......• - .•.. 115 -115 .• - . ..• _ ... .... . - ... . .. - ........ - .....•.• - ... .. - .. . L. &Jeff. B'dtre, 1ru ... 4 .... - ... . .... - .... 100 -100 . ... - ....... - ... L.N .A.&C.-&eC. I.&L. -107 105 -105¾ 103 Manbat.-Con,, 1990.41()4¾-106 106 -106½ 105%-106½ 1()4¼-105¾ 104),(-105~ 105 -105½ 104 -105 103¼-104¾104 -104½102 -103 Rea-lstered .. ...... ... 4 .... - ........ - .. . . ... - ........ - .. .. L0~-105),( . . .. - . . . . .. - . ... . . . - ....... - ........ - •.•....• - •...... .. - .. . 115ll,(-116¼ 116 -117 !Uetrllpol.Elev., lst .. 6 115 -116¾ 117 -117% 117 -117½ 117 -117!ki 116 -11~ 1163,s-117~ 114)4-11~ 114½-114½ l.U -115 Mex. Cen'l-Con1101 . ... 4 80½- 81½ 81 • 88½ 823,s- 85 88}4- 84¾ 63½- 86½ 85 - 90 84 - 87¾ Si¼- 86 84½- 86 82½- 84¾ 82 - Si !:!2 - 84 lat con11ol. Income ... 3 26 - 28½ 21 - 82¼ 28~- 33½ 30}i- 84 27¾- 34¾ 32 - 38¼ 30½- 35½ 80¼- 85 30 - 35 28:ij- 31½ 29 - 32½ 29¼- 32¼ 2d consol. lncome .... 3 18 - 143-\ 18¾- 16¾ 15 - 19¾ 16~- 20½ 18M- 23~ 21¾- 27 22 - 25½ 20¼- 24 21½- 24¾ 20 - 20~ 20 - 22 20 - 21;{. . .. . - ... . ... Mex. Int.-ht.1917 .. 4 ~ - 85 85 - 85~ 82),(- 84~ 88 - 88" 88~- 9~ 90 - 91~ OO!ki- 90% . ••• - •••....• - •....... - . .. Mex.Nat'l-~d, lnc.,A.6 .... - .. . ..... - ........ - .... 85¼- 86 .... - ...... . - . .. 85 - 85 .•.• - .... .... - ••.. 92 - 98¼ 96 - 97 ... .,. . . . . Tr. Co. ctf11. deposit . .... - . .. . . .. - .... . ... - . . . . . . .. - ... .. . .. - . .. . . . - . . . . ... - ... ..... - ....... . - ... . .... - .... 97 - 90~ 99¾-100,(. 2d, Income, B ........ 6 . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 23 - 23 25 - 25 . • . • - • • . . • • • - . . . 32 - 84½ 26 - 32½ . . . • - .•.. Tr. Co. ctf11. deposit . .... - .... .... - ........ - ... .... - ... . ... - ....... - .... .... - ... . . .. - ........ - ....... - ... .... - .... 88¼- 34¼ let, 6s, Tr. Co. ctfs. .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 100 -101~ Mich. Cent.-Bee N. Y.C. M.L.S.&W.-See C.&N, M. & N.-SeeC.M.&S.P. Mlnneap. & St. Loulslst, a-old, 19:l7 ........ '1 .... - .... 14.7½-147¾ .... - •.•. .. .. - ........ - .... . . . . - ......• - ..•...•• - ........ - •••• .. .. - .... .••. - ••..••. - ... . Ia. Ext., 1st, 1909 .. '7 122 -122 .•.• - .... 121¾-122 .. .. - ... 122¾-122½ 119 -119 .... - •....•• - .•...••• - ... . . . . - ... .. ... - . .. 119 -119 Pacific Ext., 111t . ... . 6 . .. . - . ... .... - . .. . ... - .... 128¾-123½ .... - .•...... - •.....•• - ••••.••. - •••..••• - •••. .• .• - •... . ••. - •••. . ••• - . •.•  '::,~~t:i:l~t::::~  ~~== ::.  = :::: :::: = :::: 1i1 =ll7.. :::: =:::: :::: : :::: i20 :120¾ i20 =120 .. 12~12i~ 120 =~ i20~=120¼·  1st &ref., 1949 ...... 4 97¾- 99 98¾·100 97 -103¼ 103 -104¼ 108 -104 lG4 •·10!¾ lO!l¾-105 104½-105 102 -103½103 -104 103 -10331103 -103¼, .. - ... . M.S.S.M.&A.,lst,'26,4 .... - .. ... .. . - ........ - ... . 102 -108¾ .... - ... . .... - • . •..... - • . . . . .• - .... .... - ......• - •... 103 -103 s.s •.n.,'38..4 .... - ........ - ... .. ... - ....  98 - 98  .... - ... . . .. - . . . . ... - ......•. - ••••..•• - ...  98 - 98  .••• - •••..••. - ...•  Mo. Kan. & Texaslst, a-old, 1990 ...... . 4 96)4- 99 97 - 98 97 - 99 98 - 99~ 97 - 99 97 - gg~ 96~- 98¼ 97}(- 98¾ 98 - 99~ 98 -100 100 -1~ 96¼- 98½ 2d, Income, 1990 ..... 4 75 - 80¾ 75¾- 80 78 - 81 80¾- 88~ 80 - 83½ 82¾- 87 8~¾- 86~ 80 - 88~ 80 - 88¾ 79 - 82 80 - 83~ 81 - 82¼ l ■ t, exten.,a-., 1944.~ 97 - 99~ 98)4- OJ¾ OO!ki-103½ 108 -106 100 -103 101 -104 102 -103 102¼-1023,6102¾-103 103 -106 10l!J4-10$;(102 -10!l%Dall. & Waco, 1st... ~ .... - ........ - .... 99 ..:100 .... - •.•..... - .... . .. . - •••.... - . . .. . ... - •... 98 - 98 .... - .•. . ..•. - • .. .. ... - . . . . M.K.&T.ofT.,ht.~ 96 -1001,kl 99~-104¾101 -105 103¾-106 102 -104¾104 -105¼104).(-106 105¾-108 106 -106~105 -106~105 -105 105 -107l)a 89 - 90 ... . - ....... - .. . . 90¼- 90½ .. •• - •.•..••. - ••• . ... - •.•. 90 - 91~ 90 - 91 K. C. & P.,lst, 1990.4 87½- 90¾ 83 - 90½ 90½- 91 Sh. S. & So., l st a-u .. ~ 99¾-100¾ 100 -100¼ 101½-102~ 108 -105¾ .. . - .... . ... - .... 103~-103½ . .• - .•. . ..•. - • ••.. ..• - .••. . ... - •••. 102 -102~ Mo. Kan. & Easternlst, 194 2 ... ............ . ~ 109 -109)4 109 -110 109¼-110¾ 107 -109½ 108%-109)4 109 -109½ 110 -110¾ . . . . - •... 110 -111 110 -110 110 -111½ 110¼-111 MiHoa.ri Pacltlc3d, 1906 ........... ..... 7 114½-115¼ 114¾-116 116 -llB!ki 116¼ 117 114 -114 114 -114 ... - .. . . . .. - ........ - ~•.. 114 -115 .... - ... . .... - ...• lstCODIIOl ............... 6 119¼-122 121½-121!14 122 -124 123%-125¼ 121~-123½ l21½-123M 121!'4-123¾ 121'4;-l~ 123¼-124 123¾-1~ 122 -128 122 -123¼ Trust, a-old, 1911 .... a 100¼-104 103'ia-108 104¾-106)4105¼-106½ 103,t-1~ 106 -109¾ 105¼-108¾ 106~-10!:! 104¼-105¾ 103¾-105¼ 105 -106!,j 106 -107¼ ht, collat., a., 1920.~ 103 -105 108 -105 104¾-106½ 100¼-107 105 -106¼ 10{%-110 107 -108¼ 106 -106 106 -107 106¼-107 !06'4;-108 106½-108½ Cent.Br'ch Ry.-lst.4 .... - .... .... - .... . ... - ... . ... - .... .... - .... . ... . . .. .... - .... 90 - 90½ 90 - 90 89!,ji- 90½ 91 - 91 ...• - •..• Leroy & C. Val., l11t.~ .... - .. . . .... - .... 100 -100 ...• - ..•. 100 -100 ... - ........ - •... .. - .....• - •....... - ..... .. - .... . •• - .. . Pac. of Mo.-lat, ext .. 4 .... - ........ - ........ - .... .... - .. .. 106 -106 107 -107 . ..• - ... 105 -105 ...• - ..• 107 -107 1Cl7 -107 106),(-106~ - .... . ..• - ..•. 115 -115 115 -115¾ ...• - ... • 2d, 193S, ext ...... ~ 118 -113 . .•. - . .. . 113½-115 . ... - .•.. . ... - .... 115 -115 ...• - . .• . St.L.&I.M.a-en.& 114 -1151, 115¾-117 116½-119 115 -117 114 -115¼ 115½-117½ 116 -117¼ 116 -117 116 -118 114 -116 115¾-117 116 -118 • .. . 115¼-115¼ Stamped, iruar ...... ~ ..•. - .... 114¼-llo ...• - .•.. 114M-114'4 ..• - .... 116½-116½ . ... - .. . ..•• - .. ...... - ........ - ... . ... Unify.& ref., 19~9.4 84¾- 88 88 - 92¼ 91¾- 96!4 94½- 96 92 - 96 94 - 95¾ 90½- 93 92 - 93 90 - 92 90!'4- 92½ 91-U- 93~ 98¼- 95¼ M.oblle & OhloNew ....................... 6 127½-130¾ 129¾-130 131 -181½ 1313,s-132 181 -131 129 -129 129 -180 130 -130 129~129¾130 -130¾131 -131 129 -130 - ........ - .... 121 -121 125 -125 ...• - •....•.. - •... 125 -125 .. .• - ... . let, Exten., 1911 .... 6130 -130 . ... - ... .. .•. - ........ - .. .. Gen, mort., 1938..... 4 87½- 96½ 93½- 96~ 93¾- 96 95 - 96 95 - 96 95 - 96 96 - 96 94 - 94 93¾- 95¾ 95)4- 95)4 96 - 96 97 - 97 .•. - ... . J.P. M. & Co. ctfa... .... - ....... - .... 94½- 96 94¼- 96 95 • 96 95}9- 96 95 - 95 .••• - •••. 94 - 94 .•.• - •••. Montarom. Div., lat.. ~ 110 -113 112 -118 lJ.2¼-115 llf>J,(-11~ 115½-115½ 115½-115½ 116 -116 .••• - ••. . 118 -118 114)4-114?,4114~-ll~ 115 -1167,( . • • • . . • • - • . . . . ••• - • •• • . •• • - .. • . • • •• - • • . . 99 - 99 . . • . - . . . . •• . - ..•• St. Louis & Cairo.... 4 .. .. - . . . . . . . . - .... 100 -100 101¼-101¼ . • • • Coll. trust, 19;J0.. 4 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ................. - ....... - .... .... , ,- ...... - .... .. .. - •••• 9~- 95~ .• •• - ••• 1 Mor.L.&T.SS. - See!il.P. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAJLROAD  103  BONDS.  1901-Continued. BONDS.  J.ANUARY FEBR1RY.  M.A.ROR.  APRIL.  M.AY.  JUNE,  JULY.  AUGUST. 8EPT 1BER. OCTOBER. NOV 1BER. DEO'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  -----------1 - - - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ·- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - ----  ti ash.Ch.& St.L.-bt.,,, 128 -128¼ 128 -128¼ 128¼-128¼ 128½-128¼ 129 -129 129½-130 127!1(-127:Af 126½-126§ii 126½-126½127¼-128 128¼-129 129 -129¼ Consol.g., 1928 ...... ~ 111 -112½ 112½-114½ 114¼-116 112½-113114113¼-114¼ 113½-114½ 115 -115 .••• - •... 115 -115 112 -112½113 -113ljjlll3¾-114 lN'ew YorkCentralN. Y .c. & H., b~ cp .. ? 106¼-107 107 -107¼ 107¼-107½ 107½·107¼ 1071).(-108 107¾-107¾ 104¼-104¼ ..•• - ... . 105¼-106 105¼-105~ 105%-105¾ 106¾-106¾ Reaistered ........ ... ? ... - ... 107 -107¼ .... - ... . 107¼-107¼ 107¾-1077~ 107½-107½ ..•• - •....•.• - .•.. 106 -106 .... - ....... - •... 102¾-102¾ Gold, 1991 ......... 3 ½ 109 -109¼ 109 -110 110¼-110½ 110 -110¾ 110 -110¼ 110 -110 108%-108% 108 -108 107½-108½108¾-109%109!1(-109¾110 -110 Reiristered ....... 3 J.! ... - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - .. .. 109½-108½ .... - •.•..• .. - •.•....• Deb., 1884-1904 .. . ~ 105¼-106½ 106½-106½ 104%-104¾ 105 -105 105¼-105¼ 104!1(-104¾ 104 -104 ...• - •... 101 -101 .... - .... 103¾-103¼ 103½-103\li Reirll!ltered ......... ~ .... - .. . 106'-(-106¾ . .. - . . 105 -105 105¼·105¼ ...• - •... 103 -103 103 -103½ 103¾-102!1( Deb., a-., '90-190~.4 102¼-102¾ .... - ... 102%-1027~ 103¼-1C4¼ .... - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 99%- 99% 100¾-101 Reirlstered ... ...... 4 102¼-102¾ ..•. - •.. ..... - .... 101½-101½ 100 -100 100½-100¼ Debt certs., ext., ir.4 ... - .... .... - .. . 103 -103 103¾-103~ .... - •... 101¾-101~ 101 -101 lOL -101 100¼-100¼.... - .... Reirlstered ......... 4 Lake Shore, coll ... 3 ½ 98 - 99 96 - 97¾ 97 - 97½ 95¾- 97¼ 95 - 97¼ 96½- 98 97 - 98¼ 95 - 96 95½- 96¼ 95¾- 96¾ 96¼- 97¾ 97 - 98 Reirll!ltered ...... ... 3 ½ 95½- 97½ 96 - 97 95¾- 97 95 - 96¾ 94½- 96¼; 96 - 97 97 - 97½ 94 - 95~ 9! - 94 94 - 96¼ 95 - 96½ 95 - 96 Mich. Cent'I, coll .. 3 ~ 97½- 97½ 96 - 97¼ 96 - 96½ 94 - 96~ 94 - 95½ 95¾- 95½ 95~r 96~ 93¼- 95¼ 94 - 95¾ 94¾- 95¾ 95½- 96 95¾- 96¾ Re1rl1!1tered .. ....... 3 ~ 97 - 97 ...• 96 - 96 .... Beech Creek, ll!lt, . .. 4 112¼-112¼ .... - •. .. 111 -111 - •. .. lll¾-111¼ ...• - •....... - .•.. <JI. Bltnm. Coal, ht.4 .... - ....... - .. ...... - ... . 92½- 92½ Moh. & Mal., Inc. . .. ii .... - ........ 99!,t-109¾ 104¼-105¾105¾--108 10794-110 110 -110)4 N° Y,& Put,, l st,'93.4 ... . - ........ - . . . .... - ... 104½-105½ . N. J. Junction, lst .. 4 .... - .. . .. .. - . ... . ... - ,. . .. . - ... 108 -108 Wel!lt Shore, guar . .. 4 113¾-115¼ 114!1:(-115½ 115¼-116½ 114¼-115¾ 113 -115)4 113½-115½ 111 -113½ 112¾-113¾ 113 -113½ 112½-113½ 1121}.(-113%113'7,4-114½ 1 Rea-ll!ltered ..... ....... 4 L12½-113¾ 113¼-115 114¾-115¾ 113½-115 114 -115 114 -lli¾ 110½-114 lll¼-112½ 112 -113 112,,j-113 112½-113½ lll¾-113'¼ L.S.&M.S.'1d, cn.,.cp.7 .... - ... . 110!':(-110¾ 110¾-110¾ .. .. - . . 108¼-108½ 108½-108½ 108½-108½ . ... - .... 109½-113 . ... - .. . 107¼-107¾ ~d conl!lol,, reg..... 7 ll0¾-110½ . ... - .... 110!1:(-110¾ .... - .. .. 111 -111 ... - ........ - •....... - ... . 109),:(-109¾ .... - .... 109¾-10{1~ 107~-107¼ Gold, 1991......... 3 ½ l09)4-109¼ 109¼-109¾ .. . . - .... 110 -110 110)4-111),:( 108½-108½ 10$¾-108¼ 109 -109 109 -110 108½-110¼ .... - ... . 107½-108¼ Det. Mon.& T.,lst.7 . - ... 117 -117 .... - ..•....• - .... 117¾-117¾ .. . - ... .... . - ........ - ....... lahon. Coal, 1st .... ~ ... - ... ..... - ........ - ... ..... - ........ - . . 128 -128 ... • - .. . .. .. P • .llc. K. & Y., lst .. 6 . . . - ........ - ..... ;. - ... . 146¾-146lkl ••.. - •. . Mich. Cent., 1st, con.? 105¾-105¾ 105'¼-106¼ 106¼-1~ 106¼-106¼ 102½-103¼ .... - .... 10$%-103¾ 103½-104¾ 104¼-104¾ 104½-104½ 101¼-101>! lOl¼-101\li 1st, consol ... ........ ~ l02½-102½ 102%--103 103 -103¼ .. .. - .. .. .... - .... 102 -102 101%-101%.... - . . , 100¾-100¼ . . . . - .... 1909........ .......... .. 6 119 -119 .... - .... 118½-118½ .... - .... 118!1:(-119 ... . - ·•· · 118~-118¾ 1931 ....... ............. ii 127¾-127¾ .... - .... 130!':(-130¾ .... - .... 131 -131¾ 127 -12i 13(1 -130 .... Rea-lstered ........ a .... - ........ - .... 125 -125 . ... 1940 .... ... ............. 4 . . . - . . . - ... . 110 -110 ,. . • - . . - .... 110 -110 N. Y. & No., 1st ...... :} 121 -122 . ... - ... . .... - ... 122½-122½ . .. . R. W .& o., con., 1st.~ l26!1:(-127¾ . .•. - .... 128!1:(-128¾ 125¾-127½ 125½-126 126 -126¾ 126½-127 126¾-127¼ 128 -129 125¼-12514125¼-126 126 -126¾ Ut. & Bl. R., 1922 .. 4 ... . - ........ - ..... ... - .... 110¾-110~ ... • Y. Ch. & St.L.-lst.4 108 -108¾ 108 -109 108½-109¼ 106 -107¾ 107½-108 107 -107¾ 107)4-107¾ 107 -108 107;,t-10!3¼106 -107 107'7Ai-108 107 -103 Reirlstered .. ......... .4 ... - ... ... .. - . . .. . .. - .... 107 -107 .. .. - .... 106 -106!,t . ... - •... 106 -106 105 -105 - ... 107 -107 , Y. N. H. & H.-lst.4 .... - ... . 102 -102 - ....•.. - .•• . .... - .... 100 -100)1 Con.db. ct,, all ins.pd. 196¼-198 197 -19d¾ 197½-200 186 -198¼ 199½-200 199½-202 203 -208¾ 208 -203 202;1:(.203 201¾-202½203 -206 206 -206 Hou sat., con., ... - .. . . - .... 134 -136 .... - . . .. 134¼-134½ .... - ... . 184¾-134¾ . ... N. Y.&N.Enir., 1st.ti ... - ... - ... . 110 -110 . ... - .... 108 -108 N. Y. O. & W .,ref.,1st.4 10~-108 106¼-108 105 -106:ki 104¼-105!1:( 104 -105¾ 104 -105 101½-104½ 103¼-1040:¼ 102 -103 102½-103½ 103¼-104½ 103 -104¼ • Y. S. & W.-su Erle. Norf. & So.-lst, '41 .. ~ ... . - ........ - ... . 111 -112½ .... - .... 110¾-110½ . ... - •... 112¼ ·112¼ .... Norr. & West.-Gen'l..6 .... - .... 134 -134½ 134½-134½ 134!14-136 132 -132½ . ••• - •.. ..... - •... 133 -133¼ 134 -134 New Riv., 1st, 1932.6 132!1:(-133 . . . - ... 133¾-133)4 131 -181¾ ... - ........ - .. . . 134 -134 .... - ... . 131¾-131¾ .... - . lmpt. & Ext., 1934 .. fi . . . . - . . . 131 -13~ .. . . - ... . 133½-133¼ . . . - .... 133 -l.S3 133 -133 131 -181 129½-129½ 131 -131 N .& W. Ry,, lst,con.4 99¼-100½ lOQ½-102¾ 102 -104 100½-102 100 -101¼ 101¾-103 101)4-103¼ 101 -102½ 102 -103¼ lOO!l(-103 10~-lu3 10~},{-103 Rearhtered ...... ... .. 4 l03 -103 ~c. Val. & N. E., bt.4 102¾-103 102¼-102:'4 102¾103½ 103¼-103½ 101½-102½ 101¼-102 99 - 1G2 ..•. - •.. . 101 -102 102 -104 101 -102¾101¼-102 Col. Con & Term..... . ... - ...... . . - ........ - ........ - . . . . . .. - .... 107½-107½ 107½-107½ .... othern Pacific Ry.Prior lien............... 4 104¼-105 104'¼·105¾ 105¼-106 104¾-106 105 -106 105¼-106 103 -104½ 104 -104¾ 104 -105 104 -104¾ 104¼-105½ 104~-105!1:( Rea-lstered ........... 4 ... . - .... 105~-105¼ 104¼-105¾ 105 -105 ... . - ... 104½-105 103½;-103}' .. .. l04,,!-104¾ 104 -104 11:4~-105¼104¾-10!¼ General llen, 2041 .. 3 69¼- 71¾ 70¾- 71½ 71 - 72½ 72 - 73¼ 70 - 73¾ 71:)4- 73 72 - 78 71:JJ(- 72¼ 71¼- 73 71%- ~3¼1 7.¼- 73 72>4- 73¼ Reiristered ........... a ... . 72¾- 72¾ .... 'iO - 70 .... - . . .. 69 - 71:)4 70½- 72 71¾- 'i2 !!!t. Paul-Dul. Div.-4 .... - .... 102 -102 too -100 99¼-100 - .. ...... - .... 100½-100½ St. Paul & No. Pac .. ti .... - ..•. 131½-131¼ .... - •... 131 -131 128%--129 128 -128 ... - ... . 129½-129½130½-ll:O½ St. P. & Dul., 1931 .. tl ... - ... . 122¼-122½ .... - ... .. .. . - .. .. ...• ~d, 1911 ........ ...... .". 117 -117 116 -116 - .... 111¼-112½ .•.• - .... 112 -112 - ... . 112 -112¼ 110¾-110%114 -114 .... - ... . ll!lt, con ■ ol., 1968 . .4 103 -103 102 -102 .... 106 -106 ...• - .... 100 -101 Wash . Cent.,1st.'4S.4 .... . .. . .... - .... . .. - .... 94%- 84% No, Po.c. Ter. Co-lst.. fl 116 -116 116¼- 116!,,( 116¼-116½ 115½-116!1! 117¼-117½ 117½-119 115,¼-115¼ 115½-116¼116 -116 117 -117 117 -117 117½-117¼ <Ohio Rlv.-ll!lt, 1936.. :} .... - .... 112 -112 ... . - ........ - ........ - ... . 112½-112½ . ... - ... . .... - ..•... . Or.RR.&Nav.l See Or. Ry. & Nav. Unio11 Or. 8hort Line. Pac. Pacific Coast Co.-1sr.:i 108 -110 109 -109 109 -110½ 108 -110 109 -111 108~-111 llQ½-110½ 109 -109 109 -109¾ 109 -110¾. 110¼-113 111 -111)4 .Panama-1st, s, f ..... 4J,t 104 -105 .... - .... 105 -105 108 -108 102 -102 .... - •.•....• - •.. 105 -105 .... - ........ - .... 105 -1(5 103¼-103~4 Pennsylvania Co.1st, coupon. . ...... . 4}! l14¾-115 114½-115 114¼-115¾ 114!1(-115 ll4¾-115¾ ... . - . . 112 -112 . ..• - ••.. 112½-112½ 112¾-113½ ll3¼-114½ .... Rea-ll!ltered . ... . ... . 4½ 113¼;-113¾ ..•• - .... 114½-114½ 118 -113 - .•. . ll(}ll,(-11~ 110½-110¼ .... - . . . . ... - ... . 112 -ll2 ll2J.<i-lh!~ .... Goar., 1941, B ...... 3}! .... - ... .. ... - ... . .... - . . ... ... - . . . . . .. .. - . . .. 98 - 98 C.St.L.&P ,1st,'3Z.. ~ ... . - ... ... .. - .... 126¼-126¼ 122¼-122½ .••. - •.. . .... - ••.. 123¼-123½ 121¾-121¼ 122 -122 123 -123 P,C.C.&St.L.,Sr.A4J.\ lla¾-116¾ . ... - ..•. 116½-118 - .... . ... - ... 114¾-11~ ...• - ••. 114 -114 - • .. 11414-114¾ 115 -115 Series B., 1942 ... 4~ 115¼-115½ 117¾-117¾ 117¼-117¼ 115 -115 .... - .... 113 -113 114 -114 .... - . . 114¼-114¼ 115 -ll5 Serles C, 1942 . .. . 4 }! ... . - .... 116¼-116½ ...• SerlesD, 194:i ..... . 4 ...• - •....... - ....... - •....... - ..... . . - •... 106¼-106¼ .•. - ... . 106¾-106!J,.i . • • • Series E, 1949 .... 3~ .... - .... l9¼- 99~ 97 - 97 ..•• - •.. . 132½-132½ 133 -133 . . . . - • . . 133 -133 Plttl!I.Ft. W.&C., 1st. 7 . ..• - .... 136¼-136¼ .••. - •... 136)4-136¼ . . . . - .... 132½-132½ ~d, 1912 .. ........... , . . . . - .... 135 -136¾ . . . . 3d, 191~ ........... . .. ? 136¾-13~ .... - • ... 128¾-130 . ..• G.Rap.& I.,11!1t ex.4¾ 112 -112¼ . .• .,Penn. RR., r. est,• ,3.4 . .. - .., ..... - ••• . 109J,g-109½ • .. • -  .e.& E.-see c.c.c&s.L  <Peo.& Pekin Un.-lst.ti Pere MarqquetteFllnt & Pere Marq .. t, 1st cons., g., 1939.i) Pt. Hur. Div., lst .. ::i P.C.C.&St.L-SeePa.Co. Plttsb• .runctlon-lst.. ti Plttsb.Sh.&L.E.-lst.~ IPlttsb. & West.-l8t .. 4 J.P. M. & Co. ctfs..... .P. Y &Ash., 1927 .... :) .Readlna--Gen., 19~1.4 Rea-lstered . ....... .... 4 Ricli, & Danv.-See So. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  133¾-133¼ . ... 126 -126 127 -127 . . . • 108 -108 . . .. - .... 118 -114¼ 114½-114½ 112 -112 109 -112½ 113 -115 114½-115¾ 112½-112½ 114 -11'1  112 -112 - .. . 115 -115  114 -114~ . .. • •  ...• - ........ 116¼-116¼ 118 -118 .... - ... . 100 -100¾ 98 - 98 100¼-100½ .... - .... 121 -121 92½- 95 93%- 95¼  - .... 1129:{-112\li - •.. . 114 -115¾ ..•• -  - ........ - .... 120 -120 113¾-113¾ 100¼-100¼ 100½ 100½ 121½-121½ 93~ 95¾  .... - .... 117!1:(-117¾ 116½-116½ 118 100½-100¾! ...• - .... 99 - 99 .... lOv¾-100~ lQ0¾-100¾ .... - •••. 100 -100 100 .•.• - •.•..... - ......•• - ........ - ........ 94~- 95¾ 93¼- 96½ 96¼- 99 94¼- 97 95 . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . - . . . . 92 ·• 92 • .. . .• .. .. . . .. - .... • • •• - ........  -118 118¼-118¼ ...• - .... 100%·100~ 100¾-101¼ . . •• -100 . ••• - ........ - •... 101¼-101~ 101½-lOlJ.9 - ........ - •.. .. ... - 96 95 - 96 94!!4- 97¼ 97!1(- ~ 98½-100¾ - • ,.. .. . • -  RAILROAD  1.04  BONDS.  190 I-Continued. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BER. DEC'BER.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1-- - - -1-- - Low.High Low.Hlgb Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hlgll Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High• ----------,----- - - - ---- - - - - - - - - ---- ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---BONDS.  Rio Gr, West'n-lst ... 4 98¼- 99¼ 99¼-100!14 100 -101¼ 101 -101¾ 100¼-101¼ 101 -108¾ 100¼-102 100¼-101¼100¼-101 100¼-101¼100¾-102 101¼-102 Mort. & coll. tr., A ... 4 .... - •... 93¼- 93¼ 94¼- 94¼ 915¼- 96¼ •••• - . •. 96 - 96 .••• - •••.••.• - •.•. . ... - ... 96 - 96 Utah Cent., 1st, '17.. 4 .... - ........ - .... . ... .... .... - ........ - .... 90 - 90 .... - ••• .. ..• Rio Gr. Junct'n-lst .. ~ .... - .... 105 -105 ...• - ........ - ....... Rio Grande So.-ht .. 4 .... - ... . 80¾- 80½ 81 - 84 82¾- 84 83¼- 84 .... 82¼- 82¾ .... - .... 81 - 81 83 - 85 83 - 8! ... . Guar., 1940 . ....... 3.4 92¾- 92¾ 93 - 93 93¼- 93¾ .. .. - . . . . 9!¼- 94¼ .... - • . • . 92¾- 92¾ .... - .•.. 93 - 93 93¾- 93¾ 93 - 94 R. W.&O.-SuN. Y.C. Rutl'd•Canad'n-lst .. 4 .... - .... .... - ........ - .... 101¼·101¾ .... St.J.& G.I.-ht'41.3•4 89¾- 91 91¾- 93¾ 93 - 95 94¼- 95¼ 94 - 95 97 - 98 95 - 95 95 - 95 94 - 95¼ 93¾- 95 94 - 95 IJ5 - 95 St.L.&I.M,-SeeM.Po.c. St. L. & San Fran.Cla11a A .................. 6 .... - .... 112¼-112¼ •.. - ........ - ... . 112 -112 .... - ........ - .... 111 -111 .... - .. ... ... - ........ - ... . ClaH B, 1906 ....... .. . 6 lll¾-112¾ 112J.1i-ll2¼ . .. - .... 112¼-113¾ 112¼-114}i 114¼-114¼ .... - ........ - •••. tlO -no ClaH C, 1906 .......... 6 111¾-112 111 -112 112¼-112¼ 11$¼-118¾ 112¼-114¼ ... . - .. ...... - •.. . 110 -110 General, 1931 .. .... .. ti 127¾-128½ 129 -130 130¼·132 182 -138 134 -135¼ 136¼-136¼ .... - .... 125 -128 128¼-128¼ .... - .. •. 131 -133 133¼-133¼ : General, 1931 ... ..... ~ 112¾-114 114 -117 116¼-117¼ 117¾--118 117¾-119 119 -119 115 -116¾ 114 -115 115 -1153-ii 115¾-116 116¾-118 ~16 -117 St. L. & S. F. RR.-a-.. 4 91¼- 95¼ 95¼- 97½ 96 -100 99¼-101¼ 100 -102 . . . . - . . . . 96¼- 96½.... - • • . . . . . . - .... Refund Ina-, 19~1 ..... 4 .... - .... 97¼- 98~ 97¼- 98¾ 97¼- 98¼ Cent. Div., l11t, '29 .. 4 .... - .... 96 - 96¼ 97¼- 99¾ 99¾-100 N. W, Div., 1930 .... 4 .... - .... 98¼- 98¼ 97 - 99 100 -101 102¼-102¾ .••• - .... 106¼-106¼ .... S. W, Div., 1941 . ... ~ .... 87 - 87¾ 87¾- 90:J( K..C. Ft.S.&M., ref.4 .... - ... . 123¼-123¼ K.C.Ft.S.&M.-Con.ti . . . . St. Louis Southw'n1at, 19S9 .. ..... ......... 4 95¾- 98 96 - 9~ 97¼-101¼ 98¼-100 95¼- 98¼ 96:J(- 99 96¾- 98¾ 97 - 97¾ 96¼- 98 97¼- 99¾ 96\!i- 97~ 96 - 97 2d inc., 19S9 .......... 4 71 - 76¼ 76 - 80¼ 76:J(- 81¼ 79¼- 81\k, 76 - 81 80!,t- 82¾ 75 - 80 74¾- 77!¼ 75 - 80 777,a- 79¼ 79 - 80¼ 79 - 80 St •.P. & Dul.-SeeN.Pac. ~t • .P. Minn. & Man. 2d mort., 1909 ..... .. 6 118¼-118¾ 118%-118% .... - ... 116¾-117¾ 115¼-115¼ 116 -116¼ t16¾:-116¼. lat, consol., 1933 .... 6 141¾-141¼ 142 -142 141 -141¾ 140%-141¼ 140:J(-140¾ 140¾-140¾ 139 -139 .... - ... . ... - .... 139)4-141 .. .. - .... 140 -140 Reduced to ......... 4¾ 114¾-115¾ .... - .... 116¼-116!,t .••• - .... 115:J(-116¼ 113 -114 .... - .... 114¾•115 114 -114¾ 116 -116 115 -115¼ , Rea-tstered ..... .. 4¾ . . . . - . . .. . . .. - .... 116¼-116¼ . •• Dakota Extension .... 6 11~-120 120 -120½ 120!,t-120¼ ..• - . . . 116 -116 llff¾-116¾ 116 -116 116¼-116¾ .... - .... 117¼-118¾ 116 -116¼ 116 -1167-C Mont.Ext.,lst,1937.4 103¾-103½ 105 -105 106¾-106¼ 106\1.1:-106~ 103 -107¼ 105 -105¼ .... - •... 105¼-105%102¼-105¾105¾-106¾105¾-105¾ Rea-istered .......... .4 ... . - ........ - .... . . . · - .... 106 -106 .... - ........ E.Mlnn.,lstDlv.lst.~ 109 -109¼ 110 -110 .... - .. • 10'7¼-107¼ . .. . - ... 100¾-106½ 107 -107 ..•• - . ... 108 -108 106 -106 .. . • - ••.. 106¾-106¾ Mont.Cen.,lst,1931.6 132 -133 134¼-136¼ 136¾-136¾ .... - .... 140 -HO .... - .... 139¼-140 ... 1st, guo.r., 1931' .... ~ .... - ........ - .... 122 -122 121 -121 121½-121½ 122 -122 . ... - .... 121 '121¾ .... - ••.. 124 -124 S. A. &A.P.-See8 Pac. - .... 111 111 S.Fe Pres.& Ph.-lst.6 1°' -104 .... - .... 110¼-110½ .... - ... . lll¾-111¾ . .. . - ••.. 113\1.1:-113:Jt S. Fr. & N. Pac.-lat .. ~ .... - .... .... - ... . 128 -128 Sav.Fla.&West.-lst.6 .... - ... . .... - .. . . 95¾- 95¼ . . . . St. John's Div., lst .. 4 .... - .... 94 - 94¾ .... - .... 111 -111 Ala. Mid., 1st, l92S.~ .... - ... . 106¼-109¾ ...• - .... 87 - 87 .... Br, & W ., 1st, guar.4 87 - 87 ..•. Sil. Sp. O. & G., arn .. 4 .... - .. . . 91¾- 91~ .. .. - .... 100 -100 Sodus Bay & So.-lst.~ . ... - .... .... S. C. & Ga.-See South'n Southern Pacific Co.2•~-year, 190G ..... 4¼ 98¾- 99¼ 95¾-100¾ 99;1(-101¼ 100¼-101 100 -101¼ 98¾- 99¾ 98¾-100 99 -100¼ 99½-101 100¾-101 101 -101¼ 98%- 99¼ Collat. trust, 1949 . . 4 83 - 86¾ 86¾- 95¼ 92 - 93¼ 91¾- 94¾ 89 - 95¾ 93 - 94¼ 90½- 93¾ 90¾- 92¾ 90!1.(- 92¾ 91 - 94 93%- 95¾ 91),(- 93¼ .Rea-ts&ered ........... 4 .. . . - .. . . . . . . - ... . . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - ....... , - . . . . .. - . . . . .. . . - .. . . 89 - 89 Au. & N. w., 1st ...... ~ 96 - 99¼ 98¾-105¾ 103¼-105¼ 1~106 105 -108½ 108 -111 .... - ........ - ........ - ... .... - •....... - ..... .. - . ..• Cen. Pac., lat, .4 100¾-102¾ 100 -101¾ 100¼-101¼ 100¾-101¾ 100 -101¼ 101!4-102¾ 102¾-103¼ lQ0¾-101¾ 100¾-101¾ 100¾ · 102¾ 101¾-102¾ 101¼-103),£ , Mort., a-u., a-.. '29.3¼ 83!4- 85¼ 85¾- 88~ 877,i- 89 88 - 89¼ 88 - 88% 87 - 87¾ 87¾- 87:J( 87½- 88 86 - 87¼ 86¼- 88 67¾- 88% 85¾- 87 G. H. & S. A., ht.... 6 . ... - ... . .. . - .... 108¼-108¼ 111 -112¾ 113 -113 113¼-113¾ .... - .... .... - ... . 109¼-109¾ 111 -111 ~d, 190G .............. 1 .... - .... 107¼-107¼ .... - . .. .. .. - ........ - ........ - ....... - .... 107¾-107!l<i 106 -107 M. & P. Div., 1st .. ~ 100 -100¼ 100¼-104 102%-105¼ 105 -106 103J.ii-104¾ 104 -106¾ .... - .... 105"!4-106¾107 -107¾ 107¼-107¼ .... - ... ... - ... _ Gila Val. G.&N.,lst.~ 105 -106¼ 105¼-106:J( 107 -107 .... - .... 105¾-105¾ 105 -105 . ..• - ... . .... - .....••• - .... 108 -108 , ... - ... . 106 -106 H, E.& W .Tex.,lst.6 106 -106 106¼-106¾ .... - .... .•.. - . . . . . .. - ... . L00½-106¾ ... - ... Houa.& Tex.c., 1st.~ 110 -no 110 -111¼ 112 -113 111¼-112 111¼-113 111¼-113¼ ll0½-110¾ ..•• - •••. llQ¾-111¼111 -112 111%-113 112¾-113 Consol., a-., 1912 ... 6 ... - .... U0¼-111¼ lll¾-111¼ lll¾-111¼ .... - ........ - .... 111¼-lll¾UlO -111 lll}q-112 General, g., 1921..4 86¼- 86¼ 89 - 90 90 - 95 94 - 94 91¼- ~ 92¼- 92¾ 89¼- 89¼ ...• - ... 89 - 91 91 - 91 92¼- 93 Waeo&N.W.,lst.6 .. .. - ....... .:.. 126 -126 Morar. La. & T., lst.1137¾-137¼ ... - ........ - .. . . 136 -13tJ .... - .... 137 -137 .... - ........ 1st, 1920 ............ . ti .... - .... 125 -125 .... - ••.. 123 -123 North'n Cal., 1938 . . ~ 113 -113 - ........ Orea-. & Cal., 1st ..... ~ .... - .... 106¼-106¼ 105¼-107 - •.•. 105¼-105½ .... ~an An. & Ar. PaH.4 777,,{j- 81¼ 81 - 85:J( 85 - 88 84¾- 86:¼ 82¼- 88}4 8S¾- 91¾ 84¼- 88¾ 85¼- 86¼ 86 - 87 85 - 87¾ 87 - 89:J;t 89 - 89¼ So.Pac.,Ariz'na,lst.6 111 -112 lll¼-112 .... 110¼ ·111 111¾-lll¾ 113¼-114¼ .... - ........ - .... 110¼-111¼ .... - .... 112¼-113 ISo. Pac., Cal., 190~.6 108¼-111¾ ..•• ... - ........ - •.. 108¼-1083-2 .... - .... 107 -107 1~107\ki 1st, 190~, B.. . . .. . ti . . . . - . . . . . .. . - .... 10~-106¾ . . • • 108 -108~ l ■ t, 1906, C. & D .. 6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 108 -108 108¼-108¼ .... - . .. 109 -1011 lat, 1912, E. & F .. 6119 -119 120 -120 .... S.P., Cal. lat, consol., stamped, 190i>•31' .~ 106iJ(-108 108"!4-108¼ 109 -lO!JM 109¼-109~ 106¼-108 107!14-108¾ .... - .... 108¼-109½ 108¼-lll 110¼-111 109 -109¼ 109 -109!1( S. Pac., N.Mex., lst.6 .... - ........ - .... 110 -110 110 -110 .... - .... 112 -112¾ .... - .... 114¾-114¼ .•. T. & N. 0., 1st, '0~ .. 1 .... - .... llOM-110¾ .... - •... 110 -110 .... - ....... - ........ - ........ Con ■ ol,, a-.. 1943 ... G 1os,--105~ 105¾-107~ 106%-1071};( 107'4-109¾ 107 -1~ 108¾-111¼ 108¾-10~ . •.• Southernlat, consol., 1994 ... . ~ llliJ(-115 115 -116¼ 115¼-117¾ 116 -118 115¼-117¾ 117¼-121 115;1.1:-119 115!4-118 ~ 15¼-117¾ 116¾-120 ll9¼-121 L20 -124¼ Rea-l ■ tered ........... ~ . ... - .. . . 116 -119 117¾-117¾ .... - ....... 120¾-120¼... Memph. Div .... 4•4¼-~ 109 -109 .... - ... . 109 -110½ .... - ••.....• - ........ - .... 1112 -112 . ... - ... ... .. - . .. . .. St. Louis Div., lst ... 4 .... - ........ - ........ - ... 96¼- 98¼ .... - •... 96 -100 100 -101 100½-101 Ala. Cent., 1st,' 18 .. 6 .... - ........ - ... . 120 -120 .... Atl. & D •• ht, g.'48.4 93¾- 93,!,t 93¼- 94 94 - 94¼ 9i¾- 95¼ 94¼- 95¾ 98 - 93 .... - .... 95 - 95 95¼- 96½ 94¼- 96:',t 96 - 97 Col, & Gr., 1st, '16 .. 6 .... - .... 120 -120 119:)4-120 .... - .. . .... - . ... 121 -121 - ........ E.T.Va.& Ga., Dlv.. 6 117½-117¾ ... - ....... - ... 120 -120¾ . ... - ... . ... - .... 117¼-118 .... - .. .. 118½-118%119 -119 Consol., 1st, a-........ ~ 118 -119'A 119¾-120½ 120 -120 120¾-121 117 -118¼ 117¾-119¼ 119¾-119:J( 118 -119!):t 118¼-120 119 -120 118 -119 119¼-120¾ E.Tenn.reora-.lten.4-G 118¾-113¾ 115 -116½ 118¼-114¼ 114¼-114¼ ... - .... 114 -114.¼ .... - .... 114:14-115 111%·112¼ 113¼-113½ 113!1(-lU Ga. Pac., 1st, a-old ... 6 . . . . - .. .. 124¾-124½ 127 -12?¼ . . . . - .•.. 127¾-127¼ 128 -128 . . . • - • . • . . • • - •.•. 127:J(-127!J,:f . . . . - .... 128 -128 128 -128¼ Knox. & o., 1st, g ... 6 124¼-124¼ 127 -127 126 -127 1277,,{j-129 ...• - ... . 127¾-128 126 -126 127¼-127¼ M.&,'38.4 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 95 - 95 95 - 95¾ 95 - 96¾ 97 - 97¼ Rlch.&Do.n.,con.,a-.6 122 -123 122¼-123 123 -123 123 -123¾ 122-~-123J,( 124 -124½ 121 -122¼ 122¼-123¾122 -124 123 -123 123 -124 1~3½-123¼. Deb., 1927, stamp.~ .. .. - .... 109!,t-109¾ . . .. - .... IOU -109 . . .. - .... 11131;-111¼ . . . . - . . . . .. . . - ... . 110 -110 .... - .. .. 110¾·111 So. Car. & Ga., ht .. ~ 106 -108 108 -108 • ... - .... 108 -109 108 -110 109¾-110 108¼-108½ 108½-109 108 -109¾ 107 -108 107¼-108 Va. Mid,, aer. E,'26.6 .... - ........ - ........ 114 -114 General, 1936 ...... ~ 114 -114 114: -115¾ 115¼-115½ ..•• - ... . 113 -113¼ 113 -116 115 -115¾ 116 -116 116 -116½ 117 -117 .... Stamped ............ ~ .... - .... 115 -115 .... - .... 116 -116 .... - ... 116¼-116¼ W. N. Car., 1st, con.6 .... - .... 119 -119 110 -110 116 -HU¼ 120¾-120¾ .... - . ... 120¼-120½ 120¾-120¼ Term'l Ass'n ot ~t. L.l ■ t, 1939.............. 4¼ .... - ... 116 -116 - .... 118¼·113¼ 114¼-114¼ . . . l ■ t, con sol., 1944 . ... ~ 115¾-111¾ .... - ... . 115¾-115¼ .... - .... 116¼-116¾ .... ····1. ·_·· 115 -115 116 -116 St. I, . Mer. R'u• .,.,.r.~ .... - ... . .. 11!'> -lU - . . . . 118 -114 .... - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD  AND  103  MISCELLANEOUS BONDS.  190!-Clontinued. BONDS.  JANUARY FEBR1RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT' BER. OCTOBER. Nov'BER. DEC' BEB.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.HlghLow. HighLow.HighLow .BigbLow.Hlgb  ------·---- - - - - - - - - ---- - - - -- -Tex. & 1!f • O.-See So. P. Texa■ & PaclftcEa■tern Div., l ■t ..... 6  ... - .... 104 -104 .... - •••..••• - ........ - ....... - ........ - ... . .... - •.••...• - .•.. . . . • - •.• ...• - ........ - •..• ht, irold, 2000 . .... ... :J 115*117 ll~-118¾ 118¾-120 119 -120 119 -120½ 118¾-119¾ 118¾-119 118¾·119 119 -119½ 119 -120 119¼-12~ ll~-1191' ir., Inc., 2000 ..... :J 90 -100 .... - •... 90 - 98 95 -100 90 -100 . .• . - . . 96¼- 99¼ 99 - 99 - .. .. 92¾- 97 95 - 95 95 - 98 La.Dlv.B. L., l ■t, ar.:J .... - ........ - ........ - ... . ... - ... . .... - .... 110¾-111 .••• - ........ - ........ - ... . .. - . . . .. . .. - .... . ... - ... . Toledo & Ohio Cent'llst .............. ......... :J 115 -116¾ 115 -116¾ 115¾-117 115 -117¾ 114¾-115¼ 115 -116 113 -118 lU -114 114¾-114~ 114 -115¼ 115 -115¼ ..• - ... . West'n Div., 1 ■t.. .... :J 115¾-115~ ...• - ........ - ........ - .... ... . - . . . . .... - •... 113 -114'¾ .... - ... . .... - ....... - .... 112¾-112% .... - ... . General, irold, 193:J.:J 105¾-106¾ 106i)ji-106¾ .. .. - .... 106¾-10'7½ 107¾-108¾ 103 -106¾ 107 -107¾ l ~-108¼ t05 -105½ 105 -107 L07 -107 . . . . - . .. . Kan.& M,,l8t,1ru.,1r.4 95 - 98 97 - 97 97 - 99 97 - 98 97¼- 97½ 96 - 96 97¾- 99¾ 96 - 96 96¾- 97~ 96¾- 96¾ 96¾- 97¾ 97 - ~ Toi. Peoria & We ■t.1st, 1917 ............ 4 86 - 87 88 - 88 92 - 91, 93¾- 93¾ 93 - 94 93"- 94 91 - 94 92¼- 93 98 - 95 92¼- 94 93 - 94 92¾- 94 Toi. St. L. & West'nPrtor lien ............. 3¾ ... - . ... 88 - 89¾ 88¾- 92¾ 91¾- 91¾ 90 - Oli)ji 91¾- 91¾ 90¼- 90¾ 88 - 90½ .... - .... 90 - 91 .... - . . .. 92 - 93 :JO-year, a., 192:i ... 4: - . .. 73 - 78% 78 - 85½ 82¾- 84¾ 82 - 85¾ 84 - 85¾ 83¾- 85 83M- 85 BSM- 85 81 - 82 81¾- 83¾ 81 - 82~ Tor. H. & Buff.-1 ■ t .. 4 98 - 99½ .... - .... 98½- 99¾ 98 - 99¾ .... - •.. 99 -100 98¾- 98¾ .... - .... . ... - .....••. - .... 100 -100 ...• - ... . Uls. & Del.-1st, con .. :i 107 -108 108 -108 ..•• - .... 108 -108 .... - .... 108 -108¾ 106¾-lOil¾ 108 -108 109 -109 108 -108 109 -109¾ 109J,4-1093c Union Paclftc:J0-yr., sold, 1947.... 4 105 -106½ 105¾-106% 105!'-(-106½ 105*106i.. 105 -106 105¼-107 103¾-105 103!1(-106 LO!l -106 lO!l¼-106 105¾-106¾ 104%-107¼ Rearlstered .... .... ... 4 1()6¾-106% 105 -105 lOi¾-lM¾ 104' -105¼ 104'!'-(-105¼ 105¼-106!1,( .. . • - . . . . . . . - .. 104'¾-lM~ . . . - .... 105¾-105!1( 103¾-104'?,,( 1st lien, conv., 1911,4 . . . . - ... . 103M-108¼ 103 -105¼ 103¼-119}( 1J3¼-ll!9 109¾-115% 104'¾-112½ 105¼-108¾ LM¾-108½ 105*108½ 106½;-109¾ 104'¾-1~ Or. Ry. & Nav •. l8t .. ti ... - . .. 110 -110 .... - .. . 110 -110 .... - . _.. . .. - .. . . . .. - .. . . . .. - .. ...... - ....... . - . .. . . .. - .... 110 -1127-' Or. RR. & Nav.,con.4 103 -104¼ 103~-104¾ 104' -104'¾ 104¼-105M 104),(-105 1029(-lM 101¾-108 102¾-103 L02 -1~ 102¼-104 103*104' 1013,g-102'"~ Or. Short Line, 1st .. 6 129¾-130 126¾-128 127½-128¼ 128¾-129 127M-129¼ 128¾-129¾ 127 -129¾ 125 -125~ 125 -127 126¾-127 127¼-129 127¾-129 Or. S. Llne,1st, con ■.:J 115 -116¾ 116 -116¾ 115½-117 116¾-118 117¾-118¾ 118 -121 117 -118¾ 117¾-118¾ 116¾-117 117 -11~ 118 -120 119 -120 Non-cum.,inc."A".6106 -106 .... . ... .. .. .... - ... . .... - .... - .. . .... - .... . ... - . . .. ... - .... 103¼-103¾ .... - .... . ... - .••• 'Id,  Utab&No.,1 ■t,'08.1119  1926 .............. ..... :; Va. Mid.-Bee !Southern. Wabasbt ■ t, irold, 1939 ........ ;i Zd mort., arold, 1939.:i Deb. inc., 1939, A .... 6 Deb. Inc., 1939, B .... ti D. & Ch. Ext. I 940 .. :J Des M. Div., 1939 ... 4 St. L. K. C. & .No.' St. C. B'ire,l ■t,'08.6 West. N. Y. &, 1937 .. ............. ,:i Gen'I, 1943, irold-3•4 Incomes 1943 ......... :J W.Va.C.&Pitt.-1st.ti Wheel. & Lake Erielst ........................ :J Wh.Dlv.,lst, ir.,'28.:i Ext. Impt., 1930 ..... :i ht con., 1949 ........ 4 Wisconsin Cent'I Co.:;o.yr. 1st, ir., 1949.4  -119  .. .. - ... 118 -~19¾ 108 -110 96¾-- 99 40 - 47¾ 110 -111 95 - 95  119 -119  . .. -  119 -119  .. 113 -113  119 -119!14 108~-112 99%-102¾ 46¼- 59¾ . ... - . . . 95 - 96¾  .... - .... 112 -112  119 -119¾ 109 -110¼ 100 -101¼ 53¾- 68% 110 -110¾ .... - •••.  .... - ... . .... - .... 117 -117J.9 ..•. - ....... - .... . ... - .... .... - ... . .... - ... .. ... - ••• .... - ........ - . ... . .. - .... . ... - .... . ... - ... . --·· - ....... - . .. . ... - ....... - ... .  119 -120¾ 110 -110¾ 100½-100¾ 61¾- 66¾ .... - .. .. 97¾- 98  117 110 ...• 53  -118¼ -110¼ - . .. - 69~ no -110 98¾- 98½  .... - .... . .. - .... 110 -110  11'7;(-119¾ 117¾-119 111 -lU 112 -114: 100 -102 98 - 99½ 64:¼- 70 58 - 67 110¾-110¾ .... - .... ... - ........ - ... . 110 -110  117%-119 119 107¼-110¼ 110 .... - .... . ... 60 - 65¾ 59 .... - .... 111 .... - .... 98  -119½119 -120½117½-119 117¾-111) -111 110¼-111 llOM-111 lll¾-115 - ........ - . ... 98 -100½ 100 -100* - 65¾ 55%- 62¾ 08¼- 62¾ 61¾- 67% -111 111 -111 .... - .. .. .... - .. .. - 98 .... - ........ - .... 97 - 97  . ••• • ... . ••• - •••. tl0¾-110¾ .... - ... . 110 -110  120 -121 120¼-121¼ L21¾-122 95 - 99¾ 98¾- 99!,f, 98¾-100¼ .... - .... 31 - 82 40 - 40 .... - .... 113¾-113¼ 118¾-113½  121¾-121¼ 120¼-120% 98:1(-100 98 - 99 ... - ........ - ... .... - ... .. - .. . .  L21 -122 119 -119¾ 98½-100¼ 99¾- 99¾ . .. - ....... - .... .. .. - ....... - .. ..  119 99 . ... ....  -119~ 119 - 99¾ 100 - ....... - ... . ....  115 -116¼ llOi)ji-117 lll¾-111:14 111¼-113 .... - ........ - ... . 89¾-- 91 89¾- 91¾  115 -ll5¾ ... - ... . . .. - ... . 91¾- 93¾  L16 -116 .... - .... 112 -112 91¾- 94,  ... .... . .. 02½-  LlOJ.,,i-110¼  -120 Ll0½-120¾ 120¾--121 121 -122 -100 . ..• - .•. . 99:Js- 99¾ 99),g-100 - .... . .. - .... .. . - .... .. .. - . .. . - ....... - ... .. . .. - ... ... .. - .. .. ~  116 -117½ 114¾-116~ .. .. - .... 89 - 93  85¾- 89¾ 88¼- 89¾ 87¾- 91  114 -115 112 -113 .... - ... . 90¾- 94,  SOM- 91¼ 88 - 91½ 89 - 92½  115¾-115¼ .... - ___ .... - ... . 92¾- 94,  ........ ... . .... .... . ... 94 90  -  .... 112 ........ ... .. ... 93¼ 90  -112 .. .. - .... . ... - ... .. ... - 91½ 91  -  .... . ... .... .. .. . . .. 113 93¾ Pl  - .••• - ... . -113 - 92  85¾- 89¾ 87 - 88¾ 88 - 89¼ 87¾- 88¾ 88 - 89¾ 89¼- 91~  STREET RAILWAY. Brooklyn Rap.Trans.:; 107'¾-109¼ 108½-110~ B'klyn CltY,18t, con.5 111 -112 115 -115 B.Q.C. & S., con. gu.:i 102 -102½ 103 -103 B'klyn Un. El.,1st.4•:J 99¼-101¼ 98 -100% Klnir• Co. Elev., l8t.4 89 - 90¼ 8$4- 90¼ Conn. Ry. & L.-lst.4¾ .... - .... - .... Det.Clt.izens-tst,con.:i .... - .. ... . ... Metropol. Street Ry.General. ........ ... .... :; 121¾-122¾ 117!,(-120¼ B'y & '7th AT.,1943.~ 122¾-122¾ 121 -122 Col. & 9th Av., lst .. :i 122½-122½ 124:¼-126 Lex. Av. & Pav. F .. :} 123¾-123¼ 123 -128¼ Met. W. S. EI. (Ch.) ... 4 100 -100¾ 98 - 93½ Minn. St.-lst, consol.:i ... - ........ - ... . St. P. C. Cable-Con ... a lll¼-112½ - . ... Third A venue (N. Y .)1st, 1937 .. ............ .. :J 124 -124¾ . . .. - .... 1st, con., au., 2000 .. 4 104¾-105 104:¾-104'~  llo 115 103 98  -110 -ll5 -103½ -102 88½- 93  107 -108 107¾-108 103¾-105¾ 104'¾-106¼ lM¾-1~ 112~-113¾ .... - .... .... - .... lU -114: 115 -115 .... - .... ... . - .... 102 -102¼ .. . ~ .... 100 -100 100¼-101¾ 100¾-101 100 -101 100¾-lOlM 100 -101 91 - 93¾ 88 - 92½ 88¼- 91 90 - 92¼ 90 90}s .... - ... . .... - ....... - ....... - ........ .... - ........ - ... . L00½-101 100¾-100¾ .... • .•• .... - .... . .. - . .. . ... - . . ...... - ........ - ........ - ... 101½-101¾ LOl¾-102 103 -103 .. . • .. ..  119 -120¼ 120½-120,½i 123 -123¼ 121¼-122½ 100 -101~  107 -109 115 -115 103¼-105¼ 101 -101!1( 93 - 95  120 -120¾ 120¾-121 123¾-123¼ 122 -123 101}(-101¼ .... - ... . 110 -110 . .. - ....... - ... .  107~-109 ... ., ... . 100¼-101 99!'-(-101¼ 91¼- 94:%  lOSM-108¼ 108¾-109 lU -lH .... - .... . ... - ........ - .... 101¾-102!,v 101¼-103 92¼- 93¼ 92¼- 94  119 -120¾ 120 -121 120½-121 120¼-121 118¾-119 119!14-120!14 122¼-122¼ 123 -123¾ 122½-123 122 -123 122¼-123 .... - .... 101%-101!1,1103 -103¾ 103¾-103¾ . ... - ... . .... - .... . ... - .... .... - . . .. . .. - ....... - ....  118 -118½ 119 -120 118¾-120 119 -120 119¾-120¼ .... - ........ - .... 121½-122 121¾-121¾118 -121¼ . .. . - ... . 121:14-121¾ 123 -123 123¾-123)4122 -1~ 122¾-122½121 -121 120 -122¼ 121!1,1-12Z%122 -122 101 -101½ 101 -101½ 101 -101 LOl¾-102¾ 102 -102 . .. - ....... - ... . .... - ....... - ....... - ... . . ... - ... . .... - ... .. ... - , .. ll!l¼-114¾ ... . - ·-· •  126 -125 123¼-124 124 -124, 125 -125¾ 123 -124. 123 -123 . ... - • . .. .. • - .... 123 -123 123¼-126 lQ!l¼-104¾ 104 -104,¼ 104 -104¾ 104, -lOt½ 102¾-10~ .•.. - ..•. 102 -103¼ 1oz -103½ 100 -103}( 100~-101  GAS AND ELECTRIC. Brooklyn U. Gas-1st :J 116½-117¾ ll'™-117½ 117 -117¾ 118 -119¾ 115¾-119 116¾·118¼ 117¾-118 118 -119 118 -118½ 117¼-119 116 -116:Ji( 116 -117X Det. fiity Ga■ -19!J3 .. :J 94: - 97¼ 95¾- 97¾ 98¾-101¾ 101¾-103 101 -102 101:Ji(-102¾ 96 -100¾ 100 -100 98 -10~ 96 - 99 96¾- 97 94 - 96 DetroltGa■-Con. lst.5 .. - ....... - ........ - .. . 102 -102 .... - .... . ... - ........ - .... 106 -106 . ... - .... 105 -105 .... - ........ - .. .. Eq.G.-L.Co., N. Y .'32.~ ... - ·--· .... - .... 118¾-118½ . ... - .... . ... - ... . .• - .... . ... - ........ - ........ - .... 118¾-118½ ... - ........ - · ·-· Gas & Elec., Berir Co.:J 101¾-102¾ 102 102¾ 101¼-102½ 101 -102¾ ..•• - .... 101 -101 .... - . ....... - .... . ... - .... 61½- 67 ... - ...... ., - ... . General ElectricDeben., aold, 1922 .. :J 155 -.159¾ 160 -176 180 -180 181 -185½ .•• - ... .. .. - ... . .... - ... . .... - ........ - ... ... .. - ... . .. - ....... . - .•.. Kinir• Co,'EI.L.&PowPuroha■e money .... ti .... - ....... , - ........ - ........ - .. .. 124,¾-125½ 126¾-126¼ .... - .... . ... - ....... - .... 124. -124 l23JJ4-12!l!,(124.½-124'~ Ed. El. IJI. (B'klyn) ..4 .... - ........ - ...... .. - .... .... - ........ - ...... - ....... . - ........ - .... .... - .... 96 - 96 P7¾- 97½ . .. . - ... . Lac. Gas, St.L.-lst,ir .:i 107 -108¾ 107 -108 107 -109 108 -110 107¾-108 107¾-108 109 -109 107¾--108¼ 108 -10~ 109 -110 108¾-109 107~-108~ N. Y. EI. Lt. H. & ............ ........... .. a 108¾-110 109!1(-111¼ 111½-115½ 114,¾-115}( 114 -114¾ 113¾-lU½ 114 -114¾ 112 -115 lH -116 114 -115 lH¾-116 112¾-112~ Pur. mon. col. tr., g.4 94!14- 97~ 95 - 96 95¼- 97¼ 96¼- 97½ 95¼- 98 97 - 98¾ 95 - 97!J,t 96 95¼- 96¼i 95¾- 97¼ 97 - 97¾ 96¾-- 97¾ Edls.EI.111., lst,'10.:i 109 -109¼ .... - .. . . 107¾-108 106¾-107½ 108 -108 107¼-108 .... - .... 109 -109 l06 -106 105 -105 106¾-107 107 -107¼ 1st, con., 199a, g ... :J .... - ... . .... - .... 121 -121½ 121¼-121~ . .•• - .. . . ... - .... .... - ... . .... - ....... - . ...... - ........ - ........ - •. .• N.Y. &Qu. El.& Pow.Con., a-old, 1930 ...... :i .... - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - .... 104' -104¾ 102½-104¼ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 102 -103¾103¼-104 People's G. L. & Coke2d, iruar., ir., 1904 ... 6 103 -103 ... - .... 104: -104 .... - . .. . ... - . ... 102¾-102¼ .... - ... .. .. - ........ - • .. . ... - • ... . .. - ........ - ... . 1st, con., g., 1943 .... 6 120 -120 120 -120 124¾-125 .... - .... 124 -126 122¼-12!½ .... - ........ .... - ... . ... - ........ - .... 120 -123 Ch. G •• L. & C., 1st .. :J 108 -108¾ 108¾-108¾ .... - .... 108½-109 109 -111 .... - . . .. .... - .. . .. .. - .... 108¾-108¼ 111 -111 110½-111¾ . ... - .... Con. Gas, 1st, 1936.:i 104JJ,i-106 106 -106¾ 106¼-107 . . .. - .... 108¼-110 107¼-108 ..•. - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 110 -110 10®.(-108 Eqult. Gas & F .• let.6 103¼-103¾ 104 -104: .... - .... 104,¼-104¾ ... - ... .. ... - .... 102 -102 . ... - ... .. ... - ... LO! -104 104 -105:}.( .... - .. .. Mutual Fuel Gas .... a 102 -102 102 -102 102 -105 .. . • - ........ - .... 105-U-105¾ .... - .... 106 -106 .. - .... 105¾-105¾ . .. - .... 105 -105 Trenton Gas & El.1st.:) .... - .... 109 -109 . .. . - .. .. . . .. - . .. . .. .. - .. . .. .. - .. .. . . .. - ... .. ...• - .. .. . .. • - • . . . . . .. - .. . . .. .. - .. • .. .. . - ... . West.Gas,•.'33.a 107¾-107¾ .... - .... . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - •••. , .... - .... ) ... : . ........ - . . .. . ... - .... . ... - ........ - .. .. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  94,*  STOCK CLEARINGS AT NEW YORK-PRICES OF STOCKS.  106  1901-Conclnded. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  APRIL.  MA.ROH.  MAY.  JULY.  JUNE.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -  BONDS.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER DEC'BER.  --- ---- - - - - . - - - - -  Low.mgh Low.High Low.mgh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.lligb Low.High  DIISCELLA. NEOUS. th!m• Express-Coll.4 'kbn Fer., 1st, cons.:.> B'kln W.&W.H.-1_~.:, C .Jc. & U.St'k Yds.:, Bet. M. & M. L. G ... 3½ • Y. Dock-:,0.year .. 4 R. Securities, ':51.3~  ---- - - - - - - - - - - - -  104¾-106 106¾-109 104, -105 87¾- 88½ 8!¾- 84¾ 86 - 91¼ 69 - 71 68 - 68¾ 68½- 78 .... ··•· - ... . 111 -111 29¾- 31~ 30 - 33½ 31¼- 35~  10!¼-106 105 -106 104,¾-105 104, -105 88¾- 90 89 - 91¼ 87 - 89)4 89 - 90 72 - 77% 71 - 76)4 70 - 74'~ 72 - 74'  lM¾-105 103 -10! 86¼- 86½ 85 - 86 72 - 73 72 - 75  103¼-104½ lM¾-105~ 104,½-105¾ 83 - 85 . .. 83¼- 83¾ 73 - 75:l1 75 - 75¾ 76 - 76¾  .... -  . ... - .... .... - ... . .... - ... .... - ... .... - .... .... - ... . ··· - - . ... .... · ·• - .... - .... 29 - 30 30 - 31 30 - 30 29 - 31:¾ 31¼- 35 31 - 32 32 - 33¼ 30¾- 31 31¾- 35 .... - .... .... - . .. . .... - ... .... - . ... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... . ... - .... ... - .... ... - ... 93¾- 93h 94' - 9!¼ .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - ·••· . ... - .... ... - ·•· · .... - .... .... - .... .... - ·•• · 91¾- 91J.l 91¼- 91½ 91¼- 91!)4  TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE. .... 100¼-100½ .... - .... .... .... .... .... Comm' 1 Cable- l ■t. .... 4 .... - .... .... - ... . .... - . ... .... - .. .... - .... . ... ... .... .... . .. .... - .. .... .... .... - . ... .... et. Telep.&Tel.,lst.:, .... - .... .... - .... .... - . ... .... - .... 114 -114' . - . .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... .... .... .... 114 -117 . ... - . ... 113)4-113'A . ·•• · ... - . K Y.&N.J. Tel., aren .. :J .... W. Union TelegraphCel. tr., cur., 1938.. . :, 111~ 1 ~ lll;J4-113 lllM-115¾ lU -11~ lU -115 lU -115 113 -113½ 111 -111 111¾-112 111}(-112 112 -113 114½-11~ .... - .. Mutual Union, •• f ... 6 .... - . ... .... .... .... - . .. . .... ·•· · . ... - ... . 116 -116 .... - .... 111 -111 .... - . ... .... .Fund. & R. E., •:,o.4~ 105½-107 107¾-107¾ 108¾-108~ 109 -109 109 -109 107¼-107½ 107;J4-109 lQS½-109 107¾-108 107 -109¾ 106 -107¾ 106½-108  -  -  -  - .... - .... ... - . ....  -  -  -·  -  ... -  .  -  ....... - .......  -  ....  .  ...  ....  ..  11.UiUll'A.CTURING AND INDUSTRIAL. 75 - 80 79 82 75 - 75 80 - 82 60 - 69¾ 63 - 69 70 - 70 64 - 65 55 - 65 .& • Blcycle-S. f. deb.:, .... - .... .... - ... . 79 - 81 American Cotton OilExtended, 191:5 .... 4¼ 99 -100711 99¾-lOO¾ 100 -101¼ 101¾-101¾ 100 -100¾ 100 -102 .... - ... 100¼-lOQ½ 100¾-101 101 -101 99 -101 100 -10~ Am.Bide & Lea.-lat.6 92¾- 92½ 92¾- 93 90),(- 96¾ 95 - 96¾ 94¾- 96 94'¼- 96 95 - 96 95 - 98 92 - 96 90 - 92 P2 - 9! 91 - 94 80 - 80 79 - 79 82 - 82 78½- 81 78½- 81 78¼- 79 .... - .... 80 - 80 75 - 78 77 - 80 80 - 80 .A. • Spirits Mfg.-lst.6 83 - 85 .. . .... - .... .... - .... .... - ... . .... ·•• · . ... - .... .... .... - .. 66¾- 6'7¾ 62¾- 66½ 63¾- 65 62¾- 66 Co sol. Tobac., :i0-yr.4 .... Dl11tlll. of Am., 1911h:i .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... - .... .... - . .. . 82¼- 86 82 - 84, Si - 87¾ 85!)4- 88 .... - ... . .... .... 90 -100 .... - . ... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - . ... .... - . .. . .... - ... . . . Gramercy Su«ar-lat.6 .... .. .. ... - .... 100 -100 . ... - ... . 100¼-100½ .. - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... .... - ... . - ... DI. Steel-Non-conv ... :, .... - .... .... -106 108¾-109 108 -111 110¼-111 -109 105 105½-108" -108¾ 110 108 108¼-111 -112 108¾-10~ 108¾-109 108¾-109~ latern'l Paper-lst .... 6 108 llat.Starch M'f'ar-l11t.6 109 -110 107¾-109 107¾-108½ 109 -109½ 107 -107 .... - . 108½-10~ 108½-110 . ... - .. 109½-110 107 -107 105 -105 .... ... . .... - . ... 93 - 93:1:1 95 - 95 .... - .... .... - . ... .... - ... ... - . .. . 91 - 94!14 92 - 93 .... - . W.Starch Co.--S.f.deb.~ .... Stan. Rope & T.-1111 .. 6 64 - i2½ 62 -6~ !7 - 60 59 - 61 67 - 66 61 - 65 59 - 63½ 50 - 58 50>4- 52¾ 51 - 55 51 - 59 54 - 68 8 - 10 9 - 10½ 5½- 9 6 - 8 5¼;- 6~ 6 - 7J,t 6 Iacomea, gold, 1946.:, 8 - 12 77A- 11¾ 9 - 12 6 - 7 7¾- 11 IT .s. Leather-Deb.a.f.6 113¾-113¾ 115 -115 115 -116 114 -115 .... - · •·· .... - .... 113 -113 .... - . ... 114 -115 115 -115~ 112~-112!<! 112¼-112  .  -  -  ....  .... .  -  -  ....  .  ....  ... - ... ... .  ...  -  COAL AND IRON. C l. C. & I.-lat,190!1.6 103~-l?i Col. Fuel-1919, a ...... 6 .... Col. II'. & 1.-Gen., a.f.:) OOM-101 Tenn.Coal Iron & Ry.Tenn. Division ...... .6110 -110 Birm. Div., 1st, con.6 108 -110 De Bard.I'!.& 103 -104¼  .... .  -  ...  .... ...  ..  .... .... .... - ... ....  .... ... ..... .... .... - ... .... - ... - . ... - ...  102 -102¼ l()i¼-104½ 101¼-101½ 101 -101 . . lOlM-101~ 103 -103¾ . .... ... . . - ··• . 106¾-106~ .. . . . ... . ·•• · 104, 100 -103 -100 103 -108 106 -106 -106 103 -103 103 -106 101 -104 101¼-105 98¾- 99 98 101~-103¾  .... - ....  -  ... - .... 105  107 -109 100 -101  .... - .... 109 -109 ... 110 -112 107)4-110  -108 10! -105¾ 105 -106 105 -110 108 -111 - . 100 -101~ 100¼-102 101 -101  ....  .... - .... .... -  102¼-lW  109 -109 108 -110 103¾-103¾ 100 -100  109 -110  107 -107 -111 100 -101  .... - ... . ill -101  101  ...  ..  . - . 107 -108 llO -111¾ 111 -112 101¼-1021}.f tol¼-103  NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE CLEARING HOUSE TRANSACTIONS. Since May 1892 dealings in all the most active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange have been cleared through the Stock Exchange Clearing Honse. The following is a record of the transactions of the Clearing Honse for each month of the last four years : ,---Share,,bothsides---. ,---Balance,, one aide.---. Sheeu Oleared. Total Value. Share,. ValueShares. Oash. Cleared  ,---Shares.both sides---. ,---Balance,, onuide.--. Bhuu Oleared. 'l'otai Value. Shares. Valm Shares. Oash. Cleared,  1898-  $  •  $  J'anuary .•.. 25,989,000 2,064,200,000 3,211,700 225,800,000 1,895,000 February .•• 28,143,100 2,245,100,000 3,762,900 272,000,000 2,302,900 March.'..... 33,562,700 2,692,800,000 3,587,000 24.0,700,000 3.662,600 April. ....... 20,241,100 May.,. ...... 30,190,100 June........ 32,365,200 July••.•••... 15,?31,900 August ...... 41,637,100 September.• 31,895,800 October..... 26,091,4.00 November.. S7,U7,100 December .. 45,683,500  1,691,900,000 2,451,100,000 2,502,400,000 1,278,500.000 3,146,800,000 2,659,800,000 2.206.800,000 2,763,100,000 8,200,400,000  2,070,000 3,7M,400 4,142,800 2.126,QOO 5,756,100 3,697,900 2,902,900 5,037,000 6,622,500  U7,800,000 263,300,000 285,900,000 153,200,000 403,400,000 277,600.000 223,600,000 346,600.000 435,800,000  ---- ---- --- --- -  1900-  2,330,800 2,468,800 2,688,000 1,480,900 3,456,700 3,449,400 3.126,800 3,667,700 4,201,900  ----  6,970 6.653 7,881 6,730 7,184 7,?11 6,362 8,280 7,422 7,762 8,054 7,878  $  I  310,800,000 2QQ,100 Ol o 424,400,000 455,200,000 281,100,000 219,400,000 187,600,000 146,800,000 150,800,000 817,151,0,LOO 706,900,000 767,800,000  S,480.200 2,886.100 6,?06,800 5,255,800 8,56Cl,800 2,695,300 2,059,500 1,419,000 1.1•40,700 8,071:1,100 6,28 '\ 600 7,235,000  $  January. . , 32,428,200 February.. 29,8!H.800 March .•... 45,346.100 April .••••• 47,695,900 May •.•.••• 82,294,400 June, ..•••• 26,009,200 July ....... 23,245,800 August . . • 14,958,800 September 18,209,200 October . .. 87,856,200 November. 71,246,800 December. 78,883,100  ----  2.678,900,000 2,820,600,000 S,458,400,000 8,606,900.000 2.558,900,000 1,988,l!OO,OOO 1,624,700,000 1,161,800,000 1,385,811,000 2,605,800,000 6,206,800,000 5,480,800,000  4,455,SOO 4,111,800 5,84,2,600 6,318,800 8,920,800 2,963,200 2,775,900 2.080,900 2,189,100 4,818,900 9,768,100 11,279,100  Year ...••. 368,598,000 28.897,IJOO,OOO 4.6,M0,100 3.274.,600,000 3!,581,600 88,835  Year..... 456.0lS,500 s,,020.u1,ooo 60.458,500 4,ine,200,000 H,836,~oo  1899-  1901-  January .... 75,000,800 5,418,800,000 10,529,800 751,100,000 6,526,000 February ... 50,286,900 4,114,700,000 7,149,200 568,100,000 5.994,700 March •••... 62,579,100 4,926,700,000 7,568,600 681,200,000 7,057,000 6,473,600 7,055.300 3,818,700 2,360,700 3,382,500 i,736,100 3,350,100 4,657,100 7,164,900  8,380 6,860 8,323 7,720 7,979 7,943 6,633 8,401 7,174 8,088 7,106 8,013  Year •••••. 543,966,120 45,991.321,000 76,170,800 6,146,300,000 62.526,700  92,570  AprU ........ 4il,880,800 ,,4.87,121,000 Mav......... 44,720,400 ,,211.000,000 June •••.••.• 83,e5<l,320 3,242,100,000 July......... 26,422,800 2,44.6,600,000 August. ..... 36,?89,4.00 3,125,900,000 Septemberh 89,974,300 S,607,flOO,OOO October•••.• 35,260,fOO 2,998,900,000 November.. 4-5,083,600 3,345,200,000 December •. 55,364,200 4,071,800,000  6,980,800 6.193,500 4,678,200 3,942,400 5,350,900 5,211,200 4,872,fOO 6,207,100 7,536,000  618,700,000 537.900.000 436,700,000 336,100,000 423,000,000 4.51,700,000 391,000,000 432,300,000 518,500,000  January.. 110,312,500 8.605,500.000 l'ebrnary•• 78,705,400 5,MS,600,000 March ...•. 83,6811,100 6.QIH,900,000 April .•...• 151,728,600 14,032,800,000 Mav ........ 129,769,700 11,008,000,000 June ..•••• 67,605,500 6,789,800,000 July ........ 67,172.800 .August .••• 89,t99,~00 September 48,9'4,SOO Octoberh .. 48,11512,200 November. 57,818,400 December. 5S,lll8,~00  Year.  lt,727,900 1,107.800,000 11,358,800 10,609,000 768,000,000 6.970,700 lll,180,700 118&,500,000 7,0Ul,000 21.468,300 1,880,700,000 22,014,100 18,8i!6,700 1,788,900,000 29,582,900 10.653,800 D&l,768,600 7,992,000 4,641,700.000 8,64.9,400 665.500,000 7,819,000 3,044,900,000 6,295,300 482,700,000 8,87P.OOO 8,877,600,000 7.275,4.00 579,600,000 6,'aS2,300 4,164,700,000 8,883,400 550.200,000 5,0&0,600 5,115,600,000 8.632,900 74.2.400,000 i,877,800 4,860,300,000 8,062,300 8'74,1,00,000 5,1<~5,700  8,611 6,908  8,619 7,9M 8,414 7,78, 7,536 7,268 6,443 s.787 8,18ll 7,949 9t,248  9,460 7,719 8,886 9,617 9,509 8,524 8.798 8 GOS 7,791 9,886 8,098 8,9'8  ----- ---- ----- ---- ---  926.1108.'iOO 77,740,t,OO.OOO lll627t600 11,186,\153600 1U5~6i00 106,I~  PRICES OF STOCKS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. The tables on the following psges show the highest and lowest prices at the New York Stock Exchange of railroad and miscellaneous stocks in New York for each month of the last five years. The tables are all co,mpiled from actual sales. One-hundred share lots form the basis of compilation, except in the case of those few stocks which sell almost entirely in small lots. Following a rule adopted by the Stock Exchange in April, 1896, sales which are not for "regular'' delivery-that is, where the buyer or seller atipnlatea for three or more days' time, or where delivery is to be made the same day (the sale in this,.last instance being fox "cash ")-are disrega1ded. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILROAD AND  MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS.  1 07  189?'. JANUARY Fl!:BR'RY. MAROR.  STOCKS.  ---------RAILROADS.  APRIL,  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST, BEPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BER, DEC'B:Jt:R.  Low.Hilzh Low.Hbrh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hiith Low. High Low.High  ----  ----  Albany & Susquehan.. . .. - ... . 170 -170 .. .. - •. .. 177¾-177¼ .. . ~ .... .. .. - . . .. . ... - . . . . .. . - .. .. . ... - ........ - ....... . - . .. .. .. - •.•• Ann Arbor.. . . ............. 9 - 10¾ 9¼- 9½ 9¾- 9¼ 8¾- 8¾ 9¼- 9¼ 9¼- 1(% 11 - 11 12 - 15¼ l J - 18½ 10½- 12¾ 10 - 10 12 - 12 83 - 84 28 - 81 Pref....................... . 23 - 27 25¾- 26 24 - 26¾ 22¾- 25¾ 23¼- 27¼ 27 - 29 27¼- 32¾ 32½- 40 84 - 88¼ 80 - 84 - ... . . ... - .... .... - ... .. ... - ........ - . . .. . ... - . .. . ... - ........ - ........ _ ... .. ... _ ........ _ .. .. .... _ .. .. Atchison Top. & S. Fe. . Tr. Rec., all inst. pd.. 13;.(- 15}1i 13'¼- 15¾ . . . . - .... .... - •......• - .. .... .. - ••.. .... - . .. .. .. - .... . .. . - . . ...... - . . . . . . . - ... . .... - • ... NeW"common ...... .. ... ... . - .... 11¾- 12¾ 9¾- 12¾ 9¼- 10% 10¼- 11 11¼ - 13 12 - 14¼ 13% · 16¼ 14¾- 17 13 - 16 12¼- 13¾ 12¾-14 Pref ........ . ............... 22%- 25¾ 21¾ - 25¾ 18¾- 24¼ 17 - 20¾ 1 ~ 22 22¼- 25¼ 28¾ - 29¼ 28¼- 34¼ 81¼- 85½ 27¼- 83¾ 25¾- 29¾ 27%- 81¾ ¾- 1¾ .. .. - ... ..... - .. .. .... - .... . . . . - ... . ¼- ¾ ¾- ¾ ¼- ¼ . ... - . . .. . .. . - . . . ¾- ¼ ½ 7-{Atlantic & Pacific....... 10¼- 17¼ 16¼- 21¼ 13¾- 17¾ 12 - 13" 12¾- 15 9¼- 12➔.! 9¼ - 11¾ 9 - 11 Baltimore & Ohio ........ 14¾- 18 15 - 16 12¾- 16¼ 11¾- 14 3¼- 3¾ 3¾- 6¾ 6 - 9% 8¼- 8¼ 4¾- 5¾ 5¾- 6~ 2 - 2 B.&o.s.W.-Pref.,new . ... - ........ - .. .... .. - . . .. .. . - . . . . 2~- 3 Bo11. &N. Y. A. L.-.Pf.. 105 -105 . ... - .... 102 -102 102 -102 .... - . ... 105 -105 .... - .. .. ... . - .... . ... - ... . 106 -106 .. .. - .. .. . . .. - .. .. 7¼- 7¼ ¾- ¾ . ... - ........ - . . . . 1¼- 7½ 6¾- 10~ t¾- 8¼ 8 - 8 ¾- ½ Brooklyn Elevated . ....... . - .. .. .... - ... . .... - ... . . . . . - . . . . 8¾- 8¾ • • • • - .. .. 8¾- 8¼ . . . . . . - .. . . .. .. - . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ~ . . . . .. . - .. . . .. . - .. . . .. .. - .. .. . . . . Trust receipts. 31 20¼16 16 . . .• Buff. Roch. & Pittsb .... 20¾- 20¼ . . . . - ........ - ...... .. - .... 16¾- 1 6➔.f .. .. - . . ..... , - .. •. 17¼- 17¼ 20 - 25¼ .... 58 - 66" 58 - f 8 62 - 66¾ 60 - 63 Pref . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. 58 - 58 55 - 55 . . . . - .. .. 55¼- 55½ . . .. - .. . 55 - 55 54¾- 54½ 57 - 60 75 - 76 .... - .. . . 70 - 70 . ... - ... . 68 - 68 Bur. C. Rap. & North .. : .... - .... 70 - 70 70 - 70¼ 68 - 70 . . .. - .. . . . .. . - ........ - .. 80¼- 82 71 - 77¾ 78¼- 811).t 79¼- 81 64¾- 72½ 70¾- 74 54 - 57¼ 69 - 64 {)anadlan Paclflc. . . .. . . 54"- 56 . . . . - . . . . 46¼- 54½ 48½- 51 55¾- 62¼ 54 - 58½ 51¼- 56¾ 51¾- 56% Canada Southern....... 44¼- 46¾ 44¼- 46¼ 44¾- 51% 46 - 48½ 46¾- 48:¾ 48¼- 51¼ 49¾- 53¼ 53¾- 57 9~ 82¾92¾ 81¾98¼ Central of New Jersey . 98 -103¾ 95 -100¾ 77 - 97 76¾- 81% 68¾- 80 72¾- 85¾ 82¼- 91% 90¼- 98},ji 95¾-101¾ 90¼10!,ii· 12¼ 15 - 177Ai 11 - 14 10¾- 14¼ 13:}.(- 18 7¼- 8¾ 7¼- 8~ 10 - 10¾ 8½- 10 Central Pacific .......... 18 - 15 11 - 12lJ;f 8¼- 9 Chesapeake & Ohio ..... 16¾- 18¾ 16¾- 18¼ 15%- 18){ ltJ - 17¾ 15¾- 16% 16¾- 18¾ 16%- 20¾ 209(- 27¼ 28¼- 27 20¼- 24% 20 - 22¾ 21 - 28 Uhlcaa-o & Alton .......... 164 -166 162 -167¾ 164 -170 L62 - 169 150 -165 l53¼-153¼ 147 -157 157J.ii-160 156 -165 162 -165 158 -160¼ 160 -163~ .. - .. . . 161¼-161~ . .. - .. . ... - . ... .. . . - ... . . ... - ... . 170¼-170½ 175¾-175¾ . ... Pref .... . ... . .... . . .. ...... . ... . - .... ... . - . . ..... . - . . . . 81¾- 89¾ 87¼- 99¼ 96~-102¾ 91%- 99¼ 89:1:(- 9~ 94¾-100% 77¼- 85 Chic. Burl. & Quincy... 69¾- 77¾ 78¾- 75% 69¾- 78½ 69¼- 73¾ 72 - 77 . ... ••. . 54~ 53 55 55 61 48 50¼ 45 43 43 44 37¾.. .. . . . . . . . . .. Chic. & Eastern Ill ..... .. .. - .... . . . - .... 45 - 45 Pref . .... .. ................. 95 - 96½ 96¼- 98¼ . .. . - ... . 95 - 96 98¾- 98¼ 98 -101 98¼- 99 100¾-100¾ 100½-103 99 - 99 95 - 95 100 -100 ()hlcaa-o Great We8t.... 4¼- 5 .... - •.•. 4 - 4 . .. . - ... , ... . - .. . . 3¾- u¾ 4 - 11~ 10¾- 20¾ 16%- 20¾ 14%- 18½ 11¾- 15~ 13¼- 16¼ 74 - 75 - . . . . . .. - . . . . . . .. - .. .. ... , - . . . . . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - .. .. . .. - . . . . . . . . - .. . . 71¼- 74¾ 73 - 73 4 p. c. deb en. stock . .. . - . . . . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . .. - .. .. . .. . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . .. .. - . . .. 31¼- 31½ 35 - 43 38 - 42½ 33 - 37 33¼- 36¼ ~ p. c. pref., A.. . .... . .. . - 28¼ 25 2431, 21¼31% 26 33¼ 26¼29 19 . .. . . . . . .. . .. - . . .. . .. . - . .. . . . .. - .. . . . . . . - . . . . .. .. - . . . .. 4 p. c. pref.• B..... . .. . 8¼- 10¼ 9 8 9¾- 12¾ 8 - 11 - ... . .... - ........ - .. . . . . .. - . . . . .. . . - . .. . .. - . . . 9¾- 10¾ 10¾- 13 -Chic. Ind. & Louisv ... Pref ... .. ........ ... .. .. . . . .. . . . - .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . - . .. . . .. - .. . . . . . - . . . . .. - . . . . 26½- 28¼ 29 - 37½ 81 - 88¼ 30 - 83¾ 26 - SO 29 - 32¼ 91%- 98¾ 89 - 93% 92ll:(- 96¾ 94¾-102 St.I¼- 96 76¼- 83¼ 81¾- 80 Chic. MU. & St • .Paul... . 72¾- 77¾ 74¼- 77¼ 71¾- 78¼ 69¼- 73'¼ 71¾- 76 Pref ........................ 131 -132½ 132¾-133¾ 133!1-.(-188¼ 131 -132¾ 130¼-133 L33¾ -139% 139¾ -141% 142 -144 141 -146 139 -142 139 -140% 140¾-142¾ 117 -123¾ 119¾-124¼ 121¾-127% Chic. & Northwest ....... 102¾-105¼ 103 -105¾ 103¼-110¾ 101!':(-105¼ 1.02¾-107~ l07¼-118¼ 115¾-118½ 117¾-121¾ 120½-132¾ Pref .... . .................... 153 -154 154 -155 154 -154 153 -153 158 -155 156 -161 lt.11 -165 161 -165 165 -165¼ 163 -164 161½-165 163¾-165¼ Chic. R. I. & Pacific..... 65%- 70 65¾- 69 60¾- 69% 60¼- 63½ 61¼- 6~ 66¾- 76¾ 73 - 83¼ 81¾- 91¾ 89¾- 97),.t 8<i%- 92¼ 81¼- 88½ 88¾- 92¼ 71¾- 89½ 7t1¼- 83¾ 72:1:(- 79¼ 77 - 79¾ (Jhlc. St. Paul lll. & O . . . 47 - 52~ 47 - 51¾ 51¾- 64¼ 55 - 59¾ 55 - 69X! 57~- 65 62¼- 66¾ 65¾- 73 Pref ..... . .. . ..... . ........ 183½-133½ l35 -135 188 -143 140 -140 188 -188 148 -145 148 -148 143 -144½ 144 -146¼ 140¾-145 145 -147 150 -150¾ ~ - 87 Clev. Clo. Chic. & St.L. 26½ - 80 26¼- 28½ 27 - 33¾ 27 - 80½ 24 - 29¼ 21¼- 25¼ 24 - 29¾ 29 - 37 35¼- 41¼ 83!,(- 39 30¼- 86 60 - 82 80 - 80 83),4- 86¼ 80 - 80 64¼- 65¼ 75 - 84 63 - 70 Pref........ . ... . .. ... ...... 78 - 73¾ . . . . - .... 77 - 77 76 - 80 75 - 80 4<i¼- 411¼ 40 - 40 .. .. - ... . .... - ... .... . - . . . 89 - 42 40 - 40 - .... 40 - 40 40 - 40¾ 40 - 40 40 - 40 <llev. Lor. & Wh., pref. - ... . .... - .... 168¼-168¼ .. .. - ... . .... - •.. . 167 -167¾ Cleve. & Pltt8,, guar . ... 168¼-168!4 166 -166 . .. . - .... 161 -161 168 -163 162 -165 2¼- 3½ 2¾- 3¾ 8¾- 6¾ 5½- 7:14 6 - 7¾ 4¾- 6¼ 4¾- 5¼ 3½- 11¼ 8¼- 4¾ 1¼- 3¾ 1:1:(- 3 <Joi. Hock. Val. & Toi.. 7 - 18 18 - IP½ 15 - 17¼ 21½- 22 16 - 26 14 - 20 Pref....................... 40 - 46 40 - 40 .... - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - . . . . 15 - 25 109~-119¾ 117¼-121¼ 116¾-123 112 -118¼ 106 -114 108 -lH 103¼-110¾ 101%-107 99¾-106~ 100%-110½ lOll¾-108¾ 106¼-121¾ ... Hudson Delaware & Del. Lack. & Western .. 151 ~157¾ 151¾-154¾ 152 -157¼ 147¾-153 146¼-149¼ 146!1(-158 156!1(-158¾ 157¾-164 158 -162¾ 151 -158½ 150¼-156¾ 151¼-157¼ 12¼- 12¼ 12¼- 14¾ 12%- 14¼ 12 - 13¼ 11 - 11 9¼- 9¼ .... - .... 11 - 11¼ 11¾- 12 Denver& Rio Grande .. 12 - ~2¾ 10½- 10¼ 11 - 11 44¼- 46¾ 42- 46¾ 46¾- 50½ 47¾- 50½ 44¾- 48¾ 42!1(- 45 39 - 43 Pref .... . .......... . ........ 42 - 48½ 40%- 48% 37¼- 42¼ 36 - 39¼ SSH- 39 Des Mo. & Ft. Dodge... 8¼- 8½ 8¾- 8¾ 8 - 8¼ 7 - 7% . • .. - .. • . 8¾- 9¼ 9 - 14¾ -11 - 18½ 11¼- 18¾ . .. . - .. . . 8¼- 9¼ 9¼- 13¼ 60 - 60 . . . . - • . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. • - • .. . .. .. - .. . . 70 - 70 . . . . . . . . - .. . . .. .. - .. . . . .. . - .. . . . . . . - . . . . 65 - 65 Pref................... . .... . . . . 8 - 3 . . . . - .... 3¼- 4¾ 4 - 4½ ...• - ........ - •... 5 - 5 8 - 8 Duluth ~ .S.&Atlantlc 3M- S¾ 3¾- ~ 2¾- 2'-( 3 - 3 8 - 8 .... - . . ...... - .... 6¼- 6¼ 6¾· 7 . . .. - ... . 6¾ - IO¾ 7¾- 8¾ . .. - .. . 6¾- 6¾ .••• - . . .. Pref .... •.. ....... .. ....... 8 - 8 14¾- 17¼ 13¾- 16}( 14~ 15¼ 16 - 1$¾ 16¼- 19 12%- 14% 11¼- 13¾ 11¾- 12½ 12%- 15¼ 14¼- 16 14¾- 15¾ 14¾- 15 Erle ..... • ................ 85%- 89¼ 37¼- 43¼ 40¾- 46¾ 36½- 42¼ 33¾- 37 31¼- 34¼ 83¾ - 38 ht pref. ... . . . ..... .. ...... 83 - 35¼ 33¾- 35¾ 27¼- 84¼ 27 - ~ 29¾- 31 19¼- 28!4 18½- 2~ 19 - 2034 25½ 21¾25% 20¼20¾ 19¾20 18¼15½ 15¼17 17 19% 18 19¾ 2d pref....... . ........... 20 - 21 19¾25 - 27¾ 25 - 25 .... - .. . 28 - 34 20 - 31 20 - 20 Evao8vllle & T. Haute . .... - .... 24¼- 24½ .... - ....... . - ........ - •... 20 - 21 43 - 43 . • . • - .. .. 45 - 45 45 - 48 Pref. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 39¼- 40½ . . . . _ .. .. . . . . - . . . . 87 - 37 .. . • - .. • . 30 - 80 . . . . - . . . . 40 - 43 9½- 14¾ 12¾- 14¾ 12¼- 18% 11 - 12¼ 12 - 14: Flint & Pere Marq . . . . .. . . . . - .. .. . . . . _ . . . . 10 - 11½ .. . • - .. • • . .. • - .. .. 7 - 10 10 - 10 42 - 49 46 - 46 30 - 32¾ 32¼- 39~ 39 - 44¾ 48¼- 49 Pref................... . ... 87 - 37 .... _ .... 30 - 30 .... - ........ - ... . 34 - 84 18 - 18¼ 15 - 17 17 - 18 14¼- 20 . . . .... - .... 7¼- 9¼ 10 - 15 - ....... - .•.• .... !Ft. Worth & Den. City .... - ........ _ . ... . .. . 17½- 20¼ 15 - 18 12 - 12 14 - 16 _ . . .... . . - ....... . - ....... . - ... . .. . . - ........ - .... .. . Ft. ""'orth & Rio Gr .. .. .... - ... . Great Northern, pref .. . • 120 - 121 121 -122 ... - .... 120¼-120½ 120 -121 . ... - .... 128 -126 12'2 ¼-132 132¾-141 139!1(-139!1( 130 -133 183 -138 30 - 30 30 - 80 30 - 30 35 - 35 Green Bay & Western . .... - ........ _ ........ - .... 27¼- 27½ 80 - 30 85 - 36 35 - 35 40 - 40 50 - 50 Deben. certs •• Ser. A .. .... - ........ _ ........ - ........ - ... . .... - . . . .. .. - ........ - .... 51 - 51 . ... - ........ - . . . . ... - . . 3¼- 6¾ 5 5 6 5 7¼ 6 9 6 5 4¾4}( 4¾. . . 4 - 4 .... Deben. certs. ~er. B . . .... - ....... . _ .. . .. . .. - .. . Illlnol11 Ueniral ..... . ..... 92M- 95 92¼- 94¾ 92¼- 96'4 91¼- 98 92 - 97¼ 96:}.(- 98½ 9?' -102¼ 102 -110¾ 102¾ 110 101 -104¾ 97¼-102¾ 10198-104¾ 90 - 91 . .. - . . ..•... - .... 95 - 95 96½- 97 .... - ...... .. - ........ - ........ - ••. . 96 - 96 _ Leased line, 4 P• c. ·. ... 88 - 88 9 - 9~ 6¾- 8¼ 7¾- 8!4 8¼- 12¾ 8%- 13¼ 8%- 9% 8¼- 10 6 - 6¼ 6 - 6 6½- 7 6¼- 8 Iowa Central.... .. ....... 8! Pref. ... ........ .... . ........ 25 - 27¼ .... _ . . .. 24¼- 25¾ 20¼- 20¾ .... - •. . . 23 - 29 27¼- 31½ 31 - 89¾ 34¼- 41¾ 2 - 36 28 - 32¼ 82 6 - 6 7¼ 7¼.. . . .... 9 8 9¾ 6¼6¾ 6 4 4 .. •• . ....... ........ .•.• 6 Kanawh11 & llllchlgan . .... - . . . . 6 _ - ... . .... _ .... .... - ... . ... - ... . .... - ........ - ...... . . - . ... . .. . - .. . . 23 - 29% 24 - 25% 28 - 24¾ 17¼- 24 K. C. Pitts b. & Gulf... . 2¼- 2¼ 23'- 2¼ 2¼- 2¼ 4 - 4¾ 4 - 4 2 _ 2 . .• - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. .. 8 - 8 Keok. & Des Moines.... 3 - 3 Pref.... . .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . 27 - 28711 .. . . _ • . . . 12 - 12 . . . - • • . • . . • • - • . • . .. .. - • • • . 15 - 16¼ 18 - 19 16 - 16 13 - 14' 14, - 14, 15 - 16 36½ •..• - ........ _ ... . 36¼.. Keokuk & We8tern .... . .. . - ... . 32 _ 32 .... - .... . ... - •....... - ... . .... - .... . ... - •.. . 33 - 33 . ... . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. _ ... . 1 - 2 Klna-ston & Pembroke .. . . - . . . . . . . . _ . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . . _ . . .. . . . . - . . . . . .. - . . . . .. . . - . .. Lake Erle & Western ... 16 - 18¼ 16 _ 17 14 - 17~ 18¼- 15¼ 13 - 14¼ 18%- 15¼ 18 - 17¾ 17 - 22 18 - 22¼ 17¼- 20 13¼- 17¼ 15¼- 17% 69¼- 75~ 73~- 79¾ 74¼- 77¼ 65¾- 73~ 69 - 73 61 - 69¾ 64 - 72 Pref.. ......... ............ . 67¼- 70¼ 66¾- 68 59 - 68¼ 58¼- 65¾ 62 - 64 Lake Shore ................ 152 -154½ 152¾-161½ 163 -172 161 -166 160¼-165¼ 168¼-175 170 -171½ 172 -178½ 171 -181 170 -177 166 -178 171 -175 39¾- 39!14 88 - 39¾ 42 - 4.3~ 40½- 42 43 - 47 42 42 44 40 42¼ 42 42¼ 41 Lona- bland ...... .. .... . ... 42¼- 55 i8 _ 52½ 41 - 49 Loulavllle & Nashville . 47%- 52½ 48¾- 51% 44¼- 50¾ 40¼- 46% 48 - 46¼ 46¼- 52¼ 49¼- 55¾ 55¾- 62¾ 57¾- 63% 54¾- 61¼ 51¾- ~ 649'- 5Sff .... - ....... - •....... _ •....... _ ... . ¾- ¼ .... - ....... .... - •••..•. . - ... . .... - .... _ ¼- ¾ Lonl11v.New Alb.&Chlc. Pref..................... . .. l¼- 1¼ :::: _ ::: : .... - ....... - ....... . - .... .. .. - ... . . ... - .... .. . . - .... . . .. - ........ - ,_ .. . .. . - .... . . . . _ ... . 1.'tlanhattan Con801 ...... 87 - 94 86¼- 90¾ 83 - 89 83 - 85JJ;( 81:J:(- 85:}.( 84¾- 90 8 ~ 94¾ 94¾-108 99¼-113 97¾-110¼ 94!1(-103¼ lQOM-112¼ 6 - 6¾ ••• - •.. ..• . . _ .. .. 6 - 7¼ 5¼- 6 8 - 9~ 7¼- 7¾ .... - .... 9 - 9 1.Uexlcan Central........ 8 - 8¾ 8),(- 8¼ .... - ••. J.U ex. National, ctfs...... 1¼- 1¾ l½- l½ 1),(- l¾ 1¼- 1¼ .... - .. .. 1¼- 1% 1¼- 1¼ 1¾- 2¾ I¼- 1% l¾- 1¾ 1 - 1¼ 1~- 1).( lUlchla-an Central . . ...... 90 - 91 90 _ go 92½-100 98 - 98 95¼- 98 00 -101 100 -102~ 102¼-108 104 -111% 102 -108 101¾-104 101¾ 104-U 24 - 26½ 25 - 81¼ 25 - 26¼ 23 - 26¼ 25 - 27~ Mlnneap. & St. Louis .. 19 - 19¾ 19 _ 19 17 - 19½ 17 - 18 16 - 18 19 - 20¼ 20¼- 25 ht pref......... . . . . .. . .. . . 78 - 79¼ i.s _ 80 77"- 78½ 76 - 76 75 - 79 81 - 81¼ 82 - 86½ 80 - 89¾ 85¾- 90 84¼- 8~½ 86 - 86 88%- 88-U 56 - 69¾ 50¼- 57 56¼- 62¾ 54 - 59 - 59 55 57 50¾58 2d pref.••. • ••. •·· •· .. , •· • 46%- 48 46 _ 48 47 - 48:}.( . . • . - .. • . 44¾- 44!J;( 47¾6 - 6 Minn. St. P. & S.S. M .. . ... - ..... . . . _ . . . . .. . - . ....... - ........ - ........ - . .. .. .. - .... . ... - ........ - .... .... - ........ - .. . Pref ... ...................... .. - .... .. . . _ .. . . ... - ....... - ........ - . ... .... - .. .. .... - .... . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 10 - 10 lUo. Kansa8 & Texas... 18¼- 14¼ 12¾- 14¾ 11¼- 13¾ 10 - 11% IO¾- 11¾ 11¾- 18¼ 12¾- 14¾ 14¼- 16¼ 14¾- 16% 12¾- 16 12 - 13¾ 13 - 18¾ Pref.. ..... .... . ........... 28¼- 31% 26%- 31¾ 25),(- 82¼ 24¾- 28 2~- 29¼ 28¾- 32!4 30 - 85¼ 343'- 37 35¼- 42 31 - 40),( 28 - 34¼ 34 - 87 llliHourl Pacific..... . .... 20 - 24¾ 19¾- 23 14¼- 22¾ 13!1(- 16¼ 10 - 15!4 14"- 20½ 18¾- 27 ~ - 39¼ 32¼- 40}( 27¼- 35¼ 25%- 31~ 29¼- 35% 27 - 80¼ lUoblle & Ohio .... ........ 21½- 22¼ 20¾- 20¼ 20 - 21 20 - 20 17¾- 17¾ 18 - 20¾ 19 - 24 28¾- 32 27 - 32 26 - 28¼ 28 - 27 Morris & &sex ........... 164 -167 168¼-166 164 -165 16! -165½ 164 -164 162¼-165 166 -169 167 -170 168 -170 167¼-170 169 -1139 110 -178¼ Nashv. Chatt. & St. L .. 70 - 70 70 - 70 .... - ........ - ....... . - .... 71 - 71 .... - ........ - .... 82¼- 85 .... - ........ - •••. 75 - 75 .... - ....... _ .. .. . .. . .... - ........ - ........ - ... ... - .... .. .. New Ena-land ..... . ........ . ... - ........ - .... 4! - 44 .... • Y. Cent. & Hud • .Riv. 92¾- 95 92¼- 94 98%-102 00¼-101% 98¾-100¾ 91)¼-108¾ 100¼-102¾ 101½-109¼ 10$¼-115¾ 106~-111¾ 10$¾-108¾ tOC%-108" 18 - 14 13~- 14 15¼ 18¼17¾ 15 16¼ 13%N. Y. Chic. & St. Louis. 11¾- 12½ 11 - 12 12 - U½ 11¼- 12 12 - 12 18 - 13'4 13¾- 14 ht •ref ...... . .... ........ 70 - 70 .... - •.. . 70 - 75 67%- 67¾ ao - 60 67¾- 70 .. . - .... ,74¾- 76¼ _'.?§~_!.-~_75 - 7•¼ 78 - 75~ 72l){- 74 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ··6¾-  ·a~  RAILROAD AND  l.08  MISCELLANEOUS  STOCKS.  1807-Contlnucd. JA.NTJl.DY Fl!H!ll RY.  MAROB..  APRJI.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT1BER. O<lTOBER. Nov'BER. l)EO'BER,  -------------------------1-----1-----1 -----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Low.High Low.High Low.Ilhth Low.Hljzh Low High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High L<>w.Hlgh STOCKS.  N. Y • Ch. & St. L. !Id pf. 27 - 27 24 - 24¼ 25 - 34½ 27 - 29¼ 25 - 28¾ 28 - 34!1-i 32¼- 34¾ 34 - H 37 - 43¼ 34¼- 38 31¼- 35¼ 34 • 36 New York & Harlem ... .... - .... 295 -295 295 -300 ... - .•.. 324 -324 ...• - •......• - . . . .... - .... . .. . - .... 320 -320 315 -315 325 -325 N. Y.Lack.& West ..... 119 -121 .... - . .. 12°'4-122 .... - ... 120 -120 121 -121 122 -122 12()¾-122 120 -12~ 120 -122 121¼-122 12 -121u, N. Y.N.Haven&Hartt.176¼-178 160 -175¾ 171¾-175 170 -172¼ 165¼-170 166 -174¼ 172¼-175 l'i6 -179½ 180¼-185¼ 180 -183 178 -180¾ 180 -183¼ N. Y.Ontarlo& West ... 14¼- 15~ 14 -15¾ 13¼-15¼ 12¾-13¾ 13¼- 14¼ 14 -15¾ 14~-16¾ 16¼- 18¼ 17¼- 20¼ 15¼-1~ 14¾- 16¾ . 15¾-16¾ N. y. Sll8q. & West.... . 8 - 9¾ 8¼- 9 7¼- 9 7 - 7!1-i 6¼- 7½ ~ - 10¼ 10 - 15¼ 15¼- 18¼ 17~- 20 16¼- 20 16 - 18¼ 18¼- 19% .Pret ........ ................ 2~- 26½ 24¼, 26¼ 22¼- 25!1,.( 20 - 23 18¾- 21¼ 2~- 28 27 - 35¾ 35¼- 39% 38 - 45 32 - 41¼ 28 - 341-f 32¼- 363' Nori. & West., all paid 11¼- 11¼ .... - ....... - .....•.• - ••....•. - ....•••• - .••...•• - ••• . ...• - ... ..••• - ... . .... _ .•...... _ •....... _ ···Pref., all paid....... ... 17¼- 18¾ 17 - 18¼ . •. - .......• - ........ - ........ - ••. . .••• - ........ - ... . .... - •....••• - •••.••.• _ . .. .. _ ..•• Norfolk & West., new .•. •••• - •••..••• - •••. 14¼- 14¼ 9 - 12 10¾- 10¼ 11¾- 11~ 11 - 11 12 - 14¼ 14, - 17¼ 15 - 16¼ 13¼- H¾ 14¼- 1~ .Pref,. new .... ...•...••..... - ........ - ... 26 - 28 23¼- 25¼ 22¼- 28 28¼- 30¼ 28¼- 30¼ 31 - 89¼ 89 - 45¾ 41¾- 46¼ 89¼- 44% 42¼- 4~ No.Pac.Ry. vot. tr. rec 13 - 15% 13¼- 16¾ 11¼- 14¾ 11 - 13¼ 12 - 13¾ 13 - 15¾ 13¾- 15~ 15¼- 18¾ 17"- 21~ 17¼- 21¼ 16¼- 19¼ 19¾- 22% Pref. votina- trust rec. 32¼- 88¾ 36¼- 38½ 83¼- 38¼ 33¾- 37 34 - ~ 38¼- 43¾ 39¾· 4.5¾ 45%- 61¾ 49¼- 67 50¼- 55% 48¾- 56¼ 65¾- 61'6 Omaha & St. Loul1...... .... - ........ - .. . .... - ....... - ........ - ... •··· - .... . ... - •··· .... - ........ - ........ - .. 5¼- 5¼ 8 - 8¼ O.RR.& N. vot. tr. rec. 15 - 17¼ .••• - ... . .. - •.. . 10 - 10 10 - 16 16 - 21¼ 19 - 24¾ 24¼- 80¼ 83 - 41 34 - 87¼ 83 - 36 35),.(- 37" Pref. votina- trust rec. 37¼- 44 41 - 45¼ 42 - 44¾ 39 - 42 43 - 48 47%- 5J¼ 52 - 65 63 - 69¾ 69 - 73¼ 64 - 69 66 - 68¼ 68¼- 713,s O.Sh.L.& U.No., all pd. 14¼- 16 15¼- 15¼ .... - •.•. ... - .... 15¾- 15% 16 - 19¾ .•.• - ........ - •....... - . ....... - •••....• - ........ - •..• Orea-on ehort Line ..... .... - ........ - ... 110%- 12¼ I ll - 11¼ I ll¼- 11:J:{ I ll¼- 17¼ 17"- 20¼ 19 - 23!1,.( 19"- 23 18¾- 21¼ 17¾- IS¾ 18¼· 11)¾ Panama.. .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... ••,. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 90 - 95 . • • . - • • . . . • • • - • • • . • . • . - ..•. Pennsylvania RR ....... 103¼-103¼ •... - • . . . .•. - ..•..••• .••. - •.•• 104¼-106¾ .•• - •• • . ... - •.•. 112n-119 113¾-117!1,.( 100¼-115¼ 112¼-115 .Peoria Dec. & EvaHv . . .... - .... 2¾- 2¼ ~- 2 ¼- ¼ ¾- ¼ ¼- ¼ ¾- 2¼ 1¾- 3% l¼- 2¾ 1 - 3¼ ¼- 1¼ ¾- 13' Peoria & Eastern....... . . . . . - , . . 3¼- S¼ . . • . - . . . . 6 - 5 . . . . - .. . . 4 - 4 5 - 5¾ 5¼- ~ 73'- 7¼ • . • . - • • • . . • • • - • • . • 5 - 5 Pldla. &Read'a-, all pd. 25¾- 28¼ 23¼- 27 19¼- 25% .•.• - .......• - .... . ... - ••••••• - ..•..•. - ....... - ....•... - ........ - •••..... - ..•• Pitts. Clnn. Cll. & St.L 12¼- 14 13 - 13¾ 11½- 13½ 11%- 11~ 12¼- 12¼ 11¾- 13¼ 13 - 15¾ 15¼- 22¾ 21¼- 277/4 26¼- 34¼ 30 - 34% 83¾- 39¼ Pref ............... , .•..••...... - . .. . 50 - 50 49¾- 49% 46¼- 46% 44¾- 47¼ 44¼- 47 48¼- 55¼ 53%- 60½ 5P¼- 69 65 - 70½ 62¼- 67¼ 65!1:(- 69¼ Pitts. Ft. W. &C., ,ruar. 165 -166 164 -168 169½-169½ 162 -163½ 150 -163 165%-166 168 -168 168¼-172¾ 170 -170 .... - •.•..... - ........ - •.•• Plttsb. & West'n, pref..... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 4¾- 9½ 8½- 12 8¼- 10 .... - •... 5¼- 7¼ Readlna- vot. tr. certs ...... - ... . .. . • - ........ - . . . . 16¾- 19¼ 17¾- 19¾ 19¾- ~¼ 21¾- 24.¾ 23¾- 27¾ 25½- 29¾ 22¾- 27¼ 19¾- 23¾ 20!1:(- 2-1 1 et pref. vot. tr. certs. j 47 - 51¾ 148 - 49:J;( 140¼- 51 38¼- 42¼ 39¾- 42 42 - 4.8 4.5½- 53)4 51 - 56 52¾- 57¾ 48¼- 55¼ 44 - 50 47 - 53~ 2d pref. vot. tr. certs. 131¼- 33¾ 129½- 31¼ 125¾- 31¾ 22¼- 25¾ 23 - 25 25¾- 28¼ 27 - 30¾ 29¾- 34 31¾- 35% 28¼- 33¾ 24½- 29 26 - 29i}g Rens. & Saratoa-a ... ..... 180 185 •••• - ••••...• - •••. 180¾-182 177 -180 180 -180 180 -184 182 -182 182 -182½ 175 -182¼ 182 -182 180 -180 Rio Grande Western ... .... - ........ - .... .... - ........ - .... . ... - .... 14"- 19¾ 18¾- 23½ 20 - 23½ 23 - 25¼ .... - •••..•• - . . 22 - 22 Preferred ................. .... - .... 40 - 4 O •••• - •••••••• - ••• • 25 - 25 38¼- 44½ 441}.(- 54 49¼- 52~ 52¼- 59¾ 50 - 57 52¾- 54½ 57 - 61¼ Reme Wat. & Oa-densb. 117 -119 118¾-118¾ 116 -118¾ 116 -118½ 117 -118¾ 117½-119 119 -120 120 -120 119 -121 120¼-120¼ 120¼-121 121¼-122~ St.J.& . .... - •... . ... - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - .... 37,{- 39'.1 3½- 4¾ 4½- 9¼ 7 - 9~ 6¾- 7~ 6 - 7 'i¼- B¾ 1st pref. do ... . - ...... .. - ........ - ........ - . ....... - . ... 37!1,.(- 40½ 38%- 4.0¾ 41 - 50 46¼- 52 4.5 - 48 4.1 - 46¼ 47 - 5i½ 2d pref. do . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 11 - 12~ 10½- 12¼ 12¼- 18 16 - 20¼ 14¾- 17 12½- 15 15½- 19¾ St. L. Alt. &T. H. t. rec . . . . . - . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 62 - 62 .. • • - • • . • . . . • - • . . . 59 - 60 60½- 60¼ 60 - 60 . . . . - • • • . . • • . - •... St. L. & S. F. v. tr.ctfs. 4!1,.(- 5¾ 4¼- 5% 4¾- 5¼ 4 - 4½ 4¾- 5¾ 4.¼- 6 5 - 5¾ 5%- 9 7 - 8¾ 5%- 7¾ 6 - 7¾ 7¼- 8½ 1st pref. do 37 - 38¼ 38 - 40 37 - 40¾ 37¼- 38¼ 3S - 44.¾ 44 - 50¼ 45!1:(- 48½ 48 - 57¾ 51 - 56)4 49¼- 53½ 48¾- 56¾ 56¾- 59¾ 2d pref. do 12:J;(- 13¾ 13¾- 16 12¾- 15 12 - 13¾ 13 - 15¾ 15 - 17¼ 16 - 17½ 17¾- 22¾ 20 - 21¾ 19 - 2174 17¼- 23¼ 22~- 27¼ St. Louis Southwest'n. . 4.¾- 4¾ 3¼- 4½ 2¾- 4¾ 1 - S~ 3 - 3¼ Z¼- 3:1,;f 3¼- 4¾ 4¼- 7 5¼- 6% 4.¼- 5½ 4½- 5 4 - 5 .Preferred ........ ........ 10 - 11½ 10 - 11¼ 5%- 11 3½- 7¼ 6¼- 8¾ 8¾- 9~ 8¼- 11¼ 10¾- 14.~ 10¼- 14¾ 9 - 11 9¾- 10½ 9¼- 11 St • .Paul & Duluth ....... 20 - 22¾ 20 - 20¾ 20 - 20 .... - ........ - . .. . 20 - 22~ 21½· 23 24 - 27¼ 25 - 30 20 - 20 21 - 21 21 - 21 Pref..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . - . . . . 87 - 87 85 - 85 75 - 75 . . . . - . . . . 75 - 80 72½- 72½ 77 - 83 87 - 87¼ 80¼- 87¼ 81 - 82 81¾- 81" St. Paul Minn. & Man .. 114 -114 116 -117 118 -118 115 -116¼ 116½-117 .••• . . 117 -117 124 -125 121 -124¾ 123¼-123¼ 122 -122 121 -124 Southern vot. tr. ctfa... 9¼- 10 9 - 9¾ 7¾- 9¾ 7 - 8¼ 7¾- 8¼ 8¼- 9¾ 8¾- 10 9%- 11¾ 10¾- 12¾ 9¼- 11¾ 8¼- 9¾ 8%- 9¾ Pref. " " 26 - 29¼ 26¾- 29% 24:1(- 29¾ 22¼- 26:J:( 24.%- 27 26¼- 30½ 28¾- 32¾ 32¾- 36¾ 32¼- 38¾ 29¾- 31½ 27 - 31¾ 29¼- 833' Southern Pacific Co ..... 13¼- 15!1:( H!I:(- 15!1-i 14~- 15½ 14 - 15½ 14¼• 15¾ 14¾- lb½ 15 - 16¼ 16¾- 22 19¾- 23¼ 19 - 21¼ 19;(- 20¾ 20¾- 21M, Texas Central ... ....... . ... - . . .. 10 - 10 . •• - •••.. . .. - .... .... - ... . .... - ••. 10 - 10 .•.. - .....• .. - ... . .... - ... . .. . - •. . . ... - ... . .Pref ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 40¼- 40¼ . • • . - • . . . . . . . - • • .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . • _ . • . . . . . . _ ... . Texas & Paclflc.. ....... 8¾- 10¼ 9 - 9¾ 8~- 9!1,.( 8 - 8!J,;! 8¾- 9¾ 9¼- 11 10¼!- 12¾ 12)4- 16 11½- 14% 10¾- 13¼ 10 - 11¾ 10¾- 12¼, Toledo & Ohio Central . . . . - . . . . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . .. . - ... . , ••, - . . . . . . . . - ... . •• • • - •... 20 - 26 25 - 26½ . . • • - • . . . • • . - .. . . Union Pacific........... 6¾- 10 6¼- 7% 5½- 7¾ 4½- 6¼ 5¾- 7¾ 5¾- 8 5¼- 8¼ 7¾-t18¾ tl6!1:(-t~4¾ +20¼-*27¾ UBY.(-*24.¼ *28%-•26½ Union Pac. Den. & Gult 2 2¼ 2 - 2 I¾- 2 1 - 1¾ I¾- 1½ 1¾- 2¾ 1%- 3 2%- 7n 5¼· 11¾ 7¼- IO¾ 6¾- 8¼ 6¾- 8½ Un. N. J. RR. & Canal . ... - ... . .... - . ... 215¾-215¼ .... - ........ - ........ - ....... - •...•••• - ••.•.... - .... .. .. - .. .. .. - ....... - ... . Utica & Black River ... .... - .... •··· . ... . - . . . . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... •··· - ........ - ... 165 -165 .... - . .. .. - . ..• Wabash........... ......... . 6¼- 7¼ 6¼- 6¾ 4¾- 6¼ 4¾- 5¾ {¾- 5¾ 5~- 6¼ 5¾- 7¼ 7¾- 8!J,i 7!1:(- 9¾ 7 - 8¾ 5¾- 7% 7¼- 8" Pref ............. ........... 15¾- 17¼ 15½- 16½ 12 - 16½ 11~- 13¾ 11¼- 13¾ 13¾- 15~ 14¾- 18 17¼- 22¾ 20¼- 24¾ 18 - 22¾ 15 - 19 l:7¾:- 19¼ Warren ............. . ...... . .... - ... ..... - ...... . . - ........ - ........ - ... ... .. - ........ - ... 166 -167 ..•. - .... .... - ... ... .. _ . .. . ... _ ... . Wheellna- & L. Erle.... 2 - tl½ 1 - 2¾ 1 - 2 ¾- l¼ ¾- 1 ½- 1 %- 2 1¾- 8 2 - 4 1¾- 2¾ tl¼- +2% tl¼- t2¾ Pref....................... . 10 - 29 5¼- 10½ 4 - 6½ 2~- 4 2¾- 8¾ S½- 8½ 8¼- 6½ 6¾- 12½ 11½- 19¼ 13¼- 14¾ tll¾-tl2¾ tlO -tll¾. Wisconsin Central Co. . 2½- 2½ 2 - 2 1½- 2¾ l½- 1½ 1 - I 1 - 1¼ IU-- 2 l¾- 4¾ 2% 3¾ 2¼- 2½ 1¾- 8¾ l¼- 2 .Pref....... ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 6½- 6½ 6 - 8 . . . • - • . • . . . . . - . . . . • • • . _ •.. EXPRE~S. A.dams...................... 150 -155 H7¼-152 148 -150 American .. ........... .. ... . 109¼-111¾ 110),.(-112¼ 111 -118 United States. ....... .. . .. . 88 - 40 37 - 40 38 - 4.0 Wells, Fara-o & Co...... 97 -100 98¼-100 99}(-102 COAL & MINING. American Coal. ........... Central Coal & Coke.... ColoradoC.&I.Devel. .Pref............ . . . . . . . . . . . . Colorado Fuel & Iron .. Pref....... . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . Col. & H.C.& I., all pd. Consolidation Coal..... Homestake Mlnlna-.. .. . Maryland Coal, pret.... Minnesota Iron........... New Central Coal........ Ontario Sliver Mlnlna-.. .PennsvlvaniaCoal ....... Quicksilver Mlnlna-...... Pref .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TenneHee Coal & Iron Pref..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  125 -125  148 -151 lll¼-113 39 - ,u_  100¾-103  148¼-153 1,18¼-152 112 -114¼ lll¼-114 38 - ~ 38¼- ~¼ 102¾-103½ 105 -107  152 -155 113 -116  153¾-156 115 -116  40 - 48  45~- 48  101 -100'9 108 -112  . •.• - ••.....• - .......• - ......•• - ... . .... - ... . 119 -119  157 -160 116¼-119 43  - ,l6  108 -111  155¼-165 115':(-119  154 -162 155 -160 116;(-119¾ 115':(-119;(. 40 - 46 40 - 42 40 - 42 108 110½ 100 -114 lll¼-120  .... - .... 125 -125  .•• - .....••. . • •• ••• 2¼IQ¾70 5 .... • • • • - . . .. . . . . 38¼ 37¼- 38½ 4.0 .... • • • • - . . 46 60 56¼- 57¼ 56 8¼ 7 - 7 6 5 4½- 4½ 3¼........ - .•.....• 3 •... - . . . . . . • • 10 . . • • - . . . . . . . 35¼ 25¾- 32¾ 22¾. . . . . . . . - •. . . •. •• -  . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . .. . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 20!1,.(- ~.( ¼- · 1 ½- 1 . ... - •.. . ¼¼ ¼¼ ¼- I¼ ¾- ¼ ¾- 2 1 - 1¾ ¾- ¾ 2¼- 2¼ • • • • - • .. . . . . . - . . . . . . • • - • • • • • • • • - • . • . 2¾- 2¼ • • . • - • • • . . • . • - • . .. 4¼- 5 2 - 2 23 - 27 20¼- 26¾ 17 - 22M 16¾- 19¾ 15¾- 17¼ 15¾- 20¼ 16¾- 20¾ 17½- 23 23 - 27¾ 21¾- 24¾ . . . . - . . . . 75 - 75 . • . • - • . . . . . . . - • . . . 85 - 85 . . . . - • . . . 75 - 'l5 . . . . - . .. 72~- 75 80 - 80 3¾- 4¾ 4 - 4¼ S½- 4¾ 4 - 4 3;(- 3¾ 3¼- 4¾ 4¾' 5¼ 4%- 7¾ 6 - 7¾ 6 - 6¾ 37½- 37½ 35 - 36 • . . . - • • . . . • • • - . . . . 37¼- 37¼ 40 - 40 . • • • - . . . . 36 - 35 .. . . - • • • . 88 - 38 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . - . . . . 50 - 50 50 - 51 42 - 50 38¼· 48¼ 38 - 44 42¼- 42½ 6 - 5 5 - 6 .. .. - ... .. ... - •... 4¾- 4¾ 10¼- IOM 10¼- 10½ . . . . - . . . . 8¼- 8¼ 8¾- 6¾ .... - ........ - .... 340 -340 .•.. - ........ - ... . IM- 1¾ • • . • - . . . . . . . . - • . . . 1¾- 1¾ . . • • - • . . . 11¾- 11¾ •.. , - • . . . . . • . - . . . . 8 - 8 . . . . - . . . 2b}(- 81 25 - 80% 24 - 29¼ 19}(- 26¾ 17 - 20% 70 - 70 . • . • - • • . . • • • • - • • • . 65 - 65 . • . . - .. . .  .... 39 ...• 45 5¼6%.... 1¼8 18¼.... -  .... 39 •. . . 53 6½ 7 ... 1¼ 8 25% ....  .... . ... 35 35 40 40 52 · 58 5U. · 5¼ 6 ~ 8 .•.• - ..•. . . •• - •. •. .. . . - .. . 21¾- 26¼ 80 - 80  ••• • 35 •• • • 55  -  • • •. 35 • . .. 60 7 - 8¼ 3¼- 3½ •··· - •··· 2¼- 4¼ 10 - 13 25¼· 32½ .... - ....  .... 87 . . .. 68 8 5 . ... 2¼10 28¼.... -  •••.•••• - •.•• •• •. . •• • - ••. • •..•.•. - •..• 2½ 2¾- 2¾ 22 21¾- 26 70 80 - 80 5¾ 5¼- 6% . . . . • . • - . ... 40 45¼- 45~ 50 46 - 52 68 68 - ~ 6 7 - 7 {¼ 4 - ~M •... 330 -330 • • . . 1!1:(- IM • . . . . • • • - .. •• 26¼ 24¼- zo,t • • • . . . • • - ..••  ~VARIOUS. Amer. Bank Note Co ... ... - .... .... . ...... . - ...... . . - ........ - ........ - .... 42¼- 43½ ... - .... 43 - 4.l .... - . . ..... - ••..•.• - ... . Amer. Cotton Oil Uo.... 12½- 14¾ 11¼- 14¼ 11 - 12¼ 10 - 11 9¼- 12 10¼- 15 13¾- 17½ 17 - 23}( 20¼- 26¼ 20 - 25 18 - 22:>ti 21¾- 24~ Pret ........ .... ........... . 543'- 56¾ 52¾- 55¼ 55 - 58 55¼- 57¾ 53¾- 69¼ 55 - 63 62¾- 68 f - 77 74 - 80½ 74 - 77½ 72 - 76¾ 73¼- 77 Amer. Dist. Teleararph . .... - ... . .... - ... . .... - ........ - .... . ... - . . . .. . - . . . . 27 - 27 ••. . . . • • • • - • .. • ...• - •. . . 23 - 23 21¼- 28 Amer. ~pirits Mta-. ... . . . 11¾- 14¼ 12¼- 14¾ 10 - 14¼ 9¾- 13 9¾- 11¼ 9¾- 12¾ 11 - 14 13 - 15% 12 - 15 9¼- 127A! 6¼- 10¼ 6¼- 8" Pref....... .... .. . . ........ 26 - 82¼ SO¼- 34 26½- 34% 26¾- 83½ 26%- 30~ 27 - SIM 28¼- 33 82¼- 36 SO - 34% 27¼- 31¼ 16¾- 27% 15 - 213' A.mer. Sua-ar Ref. Co ... 110 -118¼ 110¼-117¾ 109¾-118¾ 109¾-115 112¼-118 115 -130 125%-146¾ l38½-l67¾ 142➔-(-159½ 137 -150¼ 12~-143 135¾-1'5¾ Pref. ............... . ...... . 100;(-103¾ 101¼-103¼ 100¼-105¾ 101%-103}( 103 -104½ lM¼-108½ l07¾-119 lll¼-117¾ 114¼-121¼ 113 -116¾ 108¾-114 112 -115¼ A.mer. Tel. & Cable Co. 85¼- 91}( 86¼- 90 86 • 89¾ 88 - 89 871,:(- 88¼ 88 - 94 90 - 93 91 - 94 91 - 93 90 - 93~ 90!1,.(- 93 89!1:(- 913' American Tobacco Co. . 73}(- 79¼ 61¼· 75% 71¾- 79¾ 68¼- 75¾ 67¾- 72~ 71¾- 79¾ 73~- 85 83 - 96!14 87 - 96¼ 78%- 90¾ 78¾- 83 81¼- ~ Pref......... . . ... . ... . ... 102¼-106½ 100 -103 105 -lOS 10.i -106 104 -104¼ 105¾-100 108 -112 110'4-115 11.%¼-1143,( 100¼-113 109¾·110¼ 113 -113 8arney&filmithCar,pf..... - ........ - ... . .... - .. . ... . - . .. ..... - .... 47¼-47}9 •••. - •••• 50 -50 .... - ....... - ... . ... - ... . . . - •.•• • All assessments paid. I "When tane:2. " certiflcatei!' § 3d instalment paid *2d tnst.alment paid. t lJt instalment paid Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  RAILRC,AD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS STOOKS.  100-  189?'-Concloded. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  -------.-- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------- ----- ---- -ffl--10- -8¾-- -9¾ ------·- ---------- ------Bay State Gas........... 11~- 18'4 10¾- 12¾ 8¼- 12 15¾ IO¾- 14¾ 13¾- 16½ 7½- 15¾ 8¾- 9¾ 4¼- 7 8¼- 6¼ STOOKS.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER OCTOBER. Nov'BER.  DEC'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hilrh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High -3}1-  Brooklyn Rap. Trans.. 18¾- 19¼ 19 - 21M 20 - 21¼ 20 - 20~ .19 - 20½ 20 - 29¾ 28 - 85¼ 81 - 35 Brooklyn Union Gas... 85 - 91 89 - 91 92 - 99¾ 98 -106¼ 108¼-109¾ 104 -110½ 109¼-119¾ 117¼-122!),C Brunswick Co............ ¾- % .... - •. . . ••. - ... . .... - •••...•• - . . . . ¾- ¾ ¾- 1 ¾- 4.¾ Capital Traction ....... . .... - ........ - ....... - ... . .... - .... 52 - 5t 53¾- 55 .••. - .... ..• - .... Cblcairo Gas Co....... ... 73¼- 79¾ 75¾- 78¾ 75¾- 81¾ 77¾- 84¾ 78¾- 8!1 83¾- 96% 92%- 99% ~9¾-108¾ Oblcairo Junction R'y .. . ... - .... 103 -103 104' -104 l0~ ),-101,~ 102¾-105½ 103 -103 .••. - ........ Commercial Cable....... . .. . - .. .. . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 162½-162¾ . . . . - . • • . • . . . - • • • • . • . . - • . • . Consolidated Ice. ........ .... - . . .. . . . . - .. ., . .. . - . . . . . . .. - ........ - . . . . 30 - U 38¾- 41¾ 86 - 40 Pref . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. ... ... . . . .. - . . . . . .. . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . tiu - 87 & - 90¾ 85 - 87 Consolidated Ga• ........ 136¼-150 146¼-154 160¼-159¼ 154¾-163 159 -164 158¼-168¼ 164 -179 179¾-196½ Detroit Gas ................ 20 ·- 25 24¾- 24¾ .. •. - . ••. •. - ••.•.•.. - .... 21¾- 21¾ 21 - 81¾ l>l - 4.3 Edison Elec. 111nm. Co. 101'-(-104¾ 1()4¾-105¾ 105 -107 106¼-107¾ 110 -116¾ 115¼-117 116 -122¼ 122 -125¾ Edison El. Ill. of B'kln . .... - .. . . 97 - 98¾ 98¾-103 102 -102½ 104 -105 107¾-109¼ 107 -107 116 -116~.f Erle Tel'irh & Tel'pb... 64¼- 67 . . . • - • . . . . . . . - • . . 63¾· 64 - • . • . 66 - 66 65* 67¼ 65 - 66¼ Equhable Gae (N. Y .) .. . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 213¾-213½ 222¾-222½ 252¼-260 • . . . General Electric Co..... 32¾- 35¼ 33)4- 36¾ 30¾- 36¼ 30 - 32¼ 28%- 31¾ 30¾- 36 33 - 36¼ 86 - 38¾ Pref.... . .. . . . ............ 75¾- 759( •••• - • . . . 76 - 75 .••• - .... .... - .. . Gold & Stock Tel'ir'pb . .... - . . 107 -107 Grand Rapid• Gas-L. . . . . . - . . . . 67 - 67 . . . • - . . . 76 - 76~ H. B. Claflin Co .......... .... - . . . . 81½- S2 88 - 96¾  lat pref .................... .... 2dpref.... .... ................ Illinois Steel............ .. . .. . Keeley Motor............. . . . . Laclede Go.s, St. Louie. 22¼Pref ......................... 76 Manhattan Beach Co.. . . .. Metropolitan Street .... .. .. :..  ... . 30 - 881}.f 82%- 871}.f 29¾- 85 82 - 35 ... . L.. 4½- 4¾ . . . . - • • . . . . . . 26 76  l~:l;~¾  ::tt.ut:n~:!do'iic~:::::  is"  35 - 85¼ 89 - 60  29½- 35 120½-126¼ !J,C- t4 ¾ 50¾· 53½ 87¼-102  80¼- 33!1,:£ 81¼- 87¾ 116 -124¾ 115¼-119" ts - *6¼ *5%- *8~ .... - .... 61 - 68 92¼- 97¾ ••. - , ••• - ........ - ... . . .. • - ... • • • • • 31 - 86¾ 28 - 35 81¼- 353', 86 - 90 88 - 90 88~ 90 194 -220 177 -210 175 -189~ 46 - 54 48¼- 60 123 -127 121 -125 123¾-130 .. .. - • .•. 106¼-107 110 -110 68¼- 6S½ . . . • - • . • . . • • • - .•  85%- 41¾ 32¾- 88}( 30¼-  83¾ 32¾- 84K  - .... 108¼-108¼98'(-101¼ 95 - 98½ 95 - 95 ~-101 94 - 94¼ - ........ 9i-94 44 - 60 43 - 48¾ 37 - 48¼ 41 - 49  23 - 24¼ 22¾- 24¾ 22¾- 24 71¾- 73 70¼- 78 73 - 78  £2 - 23¼ 22¾- 24¾ 23¾- 30¾ 29½- 49¾ 39¼- 49¼ 40¼- 46 38)4- 48 43 - 45K 78 - 88¾ 79 - 82 81 - 84 82¼- 96 94 - 96 90 - 96 90 - 94 90 - 93 7 - 7 ...• - .... 4 - 4 6 - 6 - ........ - ........ ~-102¾ 100 -116¾ 115¾-183¼,  ... . . . . . • . . . . . .. ........ -  ~=::!~'::  :~::~~:~~~:~  33¾- 40  81¼- 87 120 -137 l~- 8½ 56 - li8 98¼-108¾ · . . . . - .. . 87 - 40¾ 84¾- 88 192¼-241½ 40 - 51 123¼-132½ 106¼-115 67¾- 76  ~~  =1~  ~~~  ~~~-¾=l~~ l~!  =107¼ 101¾=1~~~ .~~.¾=107¼ 107 -110¾ 1:!J(:l!~¼ 50 - 50 . . • . - . . • . .. . • - • . • . . . . . - • . . . . • • • - • . • . 62 - 52  =l~! 61 - 61  I ~~.~  =l~~I:::: : :::: :::: = :::: . . . • - . . . . . . . • - • • . . . . . • - ...• 3 ·i;¼: ·ia¼- 13¼ 12 : ·i2 : ·io : ·io¾: ·i~·¾: ~¾=~~½ ·io* ·ia : ~¾~~¾ ·i:; : Natlono.l Lead Co ........ 23 - 26¾ 21¼· 25¾ 22¼- 25¾ 22¼- 24 22¾- 27¼ 26¾· 31¾ 28¾- 36 34 - 37¾ 36¼- 44 32¾- 40 31 - 35¼ 33¼- 887(. Pref........................ 89¼- 90 88¾- 92 90¼- 91J.ii 9~- 92 90¼- 94¾ 94¾- 99½ 98¾-103¾ 102¾-106½ 103)4-109¾ 103¼-105¼ 101¾-104➔.( 103¾-105¼, No.t. Starch Mfir. Co..... 5 - 5 3½- 3¾ 5 - 6 .... - •... 3 - 8 3 - 5¾ H~- 6 6¾- 13 9 - 13 6 - 8 . ... 5¼- 6 1st pref....... . . . . . . . .. ... 56 - 62 52¼- 55 51¾- 55 52½- 52¾ 54 - 54 54 - 56 58 - 59:}.{ 65 - 76),4 87 - 90 86 - Stl¼ . • • • 76 - 76 ~d pref .................... .... 16 - 15 .... 8¼- 8¼ 12 - 12 15 - 15 16 - 25¾ 32 - 4.5 35 - 48 21 - 30 20 - 20 17 - 20 New York Air .. .... - ........ - . . .. - .... 29¼· 81½ 27 - 30¾ .... 22 - 24 N. Y. & E. River Gas....... - . . .. 60¼- 76½ 75!1:f- 93 8¼- 94¼ 86 - 97½ ..•. Pref. ....................... .... - ... . 98 - 98 101 -111½ 111 -116 116¾-120 117¼-117¼ ..•• N,Y.&N.J.Teleph'nel 24 -124 ••. . - .•.. . ... - ....•.• North American Co...... 4¼- 5 4¼- 4¾ 4 - 4¾ 3%- 4¼ 3¾- 4¼ 3¾- 41}.f 4 - 4½ 63-(- 6¼ 4¾- 5¾ 4 - 5 3¼- 4¼ 4* 41}.f Orear. Improve. tr. rec •. .... - •. .. . . . . - .... . ... - ... . .... - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - . . *14 -*15¼ U2 -§16 §15½-•18¼ Pacific Mall S.S .......... 24 - 26¾ 24¼- 25¼ 25 - 27¾ 25¼- 27¾ 26¾- 28¼ 26;14- 30➔.( 29¾- 32¼ 80¾- Stl¼ 33¾- 39¼ 28¾- 36½ 28¼- 31 29 - 32 Peoples' G.-L,& Cb . .... - ........ - . . . . .. - .... .... - . . . . 92½- 94¾ 91 - 96¾ 98!1:f- 97¾, Pierre Lorillard, pref . .... - .... .... - ... . ... . - .... 115 -115 .. .. - .... .•.• - •••....• - •.• Pullman Palace Car .... 152 -1591}.f 155 -157 166¾-163 157 -159¼ 157 -159 169 -169½ 167¾·171 169 -176 175¼-186 167¾-176 166 -171 172 -173!-9 Sliver Bullion Certa .... 64¾- 65}( 84.¾- 64¾ 62 - 64 62 - 62¾ 60¼- 61 60 - 60½ 58¾- 58¾ 51¾- 67 52 - 60 67 - 57½ 58¼- 59¾ 58¾- 58}(, Sixth A venue ......... ........ 1 - • • • • • • • - • • • • • •• • - • • •• 188 -195 . . . . - . . . . . • • • - .. . . . . .. - •..• South. & Atlan. Tel'gb .... - ... .... - ....... - ... . .... - ........ - .... 95 - 95 Standard Gas . . ... .... . . . 81 - 81 . . . •. - . . • . . . • • - •... 110 -116¾ 127¼-128½ . . . - • • •. .. . . - ..•• 140 -140 Pref ............ ....... . ... 102 -102 108 -108 • •• • - • . . . - . . . . . . . . - ... . 118¼-118½ - .... 151 -151 . • . • - •... 148 -148 . . . • - .. .. Stand. Rope & Twine.. 10* 11¾ 9½- 11¾ 6¼- 10½ 6½- 7 6¾- 7½ 3½- 7¼ 4¾- 9½ 7¼- 8¾ 6 - 8½ 4¾- 6½ 4¼- 6 21}.(- 43', Texas Pac. Land Trust .... - .... ... . - .... 6 - 6 7 - 7¾ 7 - 7½ 7 - 9 . . . - . . . . . . . . Third Avenue (Cable) ...... - .... 155 -155 158¼-162 .•.. - •... 146 -151¼ 148 -166 148 -150 .... - .... 152 -153½ 147 -149 L46 -161 147 -173 Twin City Rap. Tran ... .... - ... . . .. 9¼- 14.M Pref ....................... . ... . - ... . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - .. . 96 - 95 Union Ferry ................... 62).s- 62¼ .... 6i - 64 ... . - ........ I .... .... - ... . U. s. Leather............. 8½- 9¾ 7* 9 7 - 8¾ 6½- 6¾ 6¼- 7¾ 6¼- 8 7¼- 8¾ 8 - 10¾ 8¼- 10¼ 7¼- 8½ 6!),(- 1½ 6¾- 7%, Pref............. . ........... 58¼- 64 54 - 62½ 55¾- 60¾ 50 - 56¾ 52¼- 65¾ 55 - 60 59 - 63¾ 62¼- 71½ 64 - 72 61¼- 67 58¼- 63¼ 62 - 65!11 U. s. Rubber Co......... 22¼- 25)4 18½- 22¾ 13 - 20¼ 13 - 16¾ 10¾- 14 10 - 13½ 10 - 15!-<i 14½- 20¾ 17 - 20¼ 16¼- 18¼ 15¾- 17¼ 15¾- 173' Pref ........................ 74!4- 76¾ 67¾- 76 61 - 73 62¼- 66¼ 58¾- 64 55 - 62¼ 50 - 59½ 58¼- 7l 65¼- 70¾ 63 - 67 63 - 66 64¾- 69¼ West Chlcaeo Street.... .... - ........ - .... LU -112 L09l':(-ll~ 103¼-107¾ 100¼-103!,4 lOl¼-102,£ Western Gas .............. .... - ........ - ........ - ... .. ... - .... 68 - 68 .... 81¼- 86 84 - 81 Western Union Beef.... 61}4- 7~ .. . 7 - 7 6¼- 6¼ 6¼- 6¾ 5¾- S¼ 8 - 8½ 8l4· 9 9 - 10 8 - 10 7¼- 10 7¼· ~ Wf'8tPrn Union Tel. .... . 82¾- 86 81 - 84½ 82¼- 86¾ 77~- 82¾ Y75¾- 80¾ 78¾- 86 83¼- AA½ Ri'>¼ · !l4½ RP - 96¾ 87¼- 91¾ 84~- 88¼ 87¼- 91¼ § 3d instalment paid. • All instalments paid. :I: 2d instalment paid. t Trust :receipts 1st instalment paid.  Pret........... .. . . . . .... ... 50 - 51½ 52 - 52  i:i½  i2 ..  io½  is··  i6 ..  2i¾  i1¾:  i:,··  c.,  189S. STOCKS.  J_ANU __ ARY _F_E_B_R_'R_Y_. _M_A_R_0_H_. ~ P R I ~ ~AY:.._ _ _ J_u_N_E_.___ J_u_L_Y_._ AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NoV'BER. DEC'BJCR.  -----  Low.Hlllh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hll{h Low.High Low.HJirh ------------- --RAILROADS.  Albany & Susquehan .. 188 -188 186 -186 . . . . - •. . . . • • • - . . . . . . . - . . . . . • . . - • . . . . . . . - . . . . . • • • - • . . . . . . - . . . . . • . • - • • .. . . . . _ • . . . . . . . _ •.•. Ann Arbor.................. 12¾- 12¼ 12¾- 15 12 - 13 11 - 11 ...• - •....... - . . .. 1l - 11 11 . - 13¼ 11 - 11 11¾- 12 13 - 15 14 - 14 Pref........................ 34 - 85½ 34 - 40¼ 34 - 37½ 84 - 86 84¼- 38¼ 87 - 88 35¼- 85¼ 87 - 88¾ 35 - 85¾ 85 - 35 85lj(- 40 37¾- 39¾' Atchison Top. & S. Fe. . 12¾- 18¾ 10¾- 13¾ 10¾- 12¼ 10¼- 11¾ 11¼- 13¼ ~ - 14¼ 18¼- H¼ 13¼- 14¾ 12¾- 18¾ 12¼- 13 12¼- 17 16 - 19% Pref....................... . 28¾- 81U 26 - 82¾ 22¾- 28¾ 23¼- 26¾ 26¼- 32¾ 32 - 34¾ 33¾- 85¾ 84¾- 87¼ 81¾- 36¾ 81¾- 38¼ 85¼- 47¾ 45¾- 52¼ Atl. & Char. Air Line.. .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - . . . . .. . - ........ - . . . . ... - ........ - . . . . ... - . . . . . .. - ... . 121 -121 ..•• - •... Baltimore & Ohio........ 12¾- 16¾ 16 - 19 15¼- 18¾ 15¾- 17¾ 16 - 20 14¼- 21¼ 12¾- 15).s 14 -t27 t25¾-*45½ *40¼-•45¾ •«¾- 69¾ *57¼- 72~ B. & O., new (wh. iss.) . .... - .. . .. - ........ - ........ - . ....... - ... . .... - . .. . . .. - .. . . .... - . . . . 34¼- 35¾ 31 - 32 32 - 46 t4¾- 58¾' Pref. (when issued) ... ... - ........ - ........ - . ...... . - ... . .... - ........ . ..... - ........ - .... 69½- 72~ 68 - 70 68 - 75¾ 78!),(- 79¾ B.& o. S. W.-Pref., new 5¼- 69( 6¾- 77~ 5¾- 6¾ 5¾- 6¼ 6¼- 1¼ 6 - 7¾ 6 - 6¾ 6 - 6¾ 5¼- 7% 5¾- 6 4¼- 7:Jti 6¼- 9¾ Beech Creek, iruar..... . ... - ........ - . . .. .... - . .. . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... ..... - ........ - .... 100 -100 ..•• - .... .... - ••.• Bos.&N.Y.A.L.-Pt...... - ... . .... - .... 105 -105 ..•• - ••....•• - •••..... - ••...••• - ••...•.. - ••....•. - ••.. 106¼-106¾ •••• - ........ - ..•• B'klyn Elevat., tr. rec. . . . . - . . . .. .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - .. . . .. .. - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . - . . . . 25¼- 28¾ 24¼- 24¼ . • • • - • . . • • • . • - • ... • .. • - •. •• Buff. Roch. & Plttsb .... 28 - 30)4 28 - 20 25 - 28 .• .• - •.•.••.• - . .•. 28 - 28½ .•.• - . •. 30 - 31¾ 31 - 34 80 - 30 •.•• - ••.. 30 - 88 Pref ....................... 65 - 67!1:( 66½- 66½ . .. - ••...••• - .... 62 - 62 65¼- 66¾ 66¾- 66¼ 66 - 72 72¼- 76¾ 72¼- 72¾ .... - •••. 68¼- 74!JL Bur. C. Ro.p. & North... 72 - 72 ...• - . . . . 65 - 65 ...• - •.• . 74¼- 74¾ •..• - . . . . 75 - 75 .... - .....•.• - • . •. 78 - 78 ••• - . ••. 89 - 89 Canadian Pacific . ..... . & - 90½ 81¼- 88¾ 79 - 85¾ 72 - 81¾ ~l!J,(- &% 82 - 86¼ 88%- 85¾ 83 - 86½ 86¼- 90 80 - 85¾ 81¾- 85¾ 88'-(- 86!1( ' Canada Southern....... 51¾- 551}.f 46¼- 57¾ 44¼- 50½ 46 - 4R 48 - 58 50* 53¾ 61¾- 55¾ 63)4- 56 52¼- 54. 52 - 53¼ 53 - So¾ 5! - 58 Central of N~wJersey. 91)4- 99¼ 89 - 97¾ 86¼- 95 88¼- 94 93 - 97 92!),(- 97¼ 87 - 94¼ 89 - 96 89}:(- ll4¾ 85¼- 91¾ &¼- 94!14 92 - 99 Central Paclflc . . . . . .. . . . 11% · 18¼ 13 - 14 12 - 13 1l - 12 12 - 14¾ 18¼- 14¾ 13~ 16¾ 16¼- 22¾ 21¼- 26~ 2! - 26¼ 25¼- SO¾ 31 - 44¼ Chesapeake & Ohio..... 21 - 24% 19¾- 24¼ 17¼- 21¾ 17¼- 20 19¾- 22¼ 21¼- 24¼ 22¼- 23½ 22¾- 26 22 - 24¼ 2~- 22¾ 21¼- 243' 23¾- 26~ Oblcairo & Alton ... , ...... 163 -166~ 161 -166 150 -162 150 -155 152¾-161 167 -160 157¾-157¾ 159¾-159¾ 156 -160 151 -167¼ 151½-167 163 -172 Pref........ .. .. ........... . .. - ........ - .... 166 -166 .•• - .•••..•• - •••..•.• - •• . .•• - ........ - •.. . ...• - •...••• • - •••• 175 -175 •••• _ •••• Chic. Burl. & Quincy ... 97 -102¼ 91¾-103!4 85¼- 97% 88 - 95¾ 94¼-104 103¾-10~ 104¼-107¼ 105!),(-120 112¾-117¾ l~ll7¾ 114%,-J.20¾ l.11ijf-~ Chic. & Eaatern Ill . .... 56 - 60 55 - 60¾ 51¼- M¼ 49 - 50¼ 54¼- 61 56¼- 66 54. - 59 57¾- 62¾ 52 - 59 527k 55¾ 5Z¼- 61¾ 66¾- 623', Pref ..... . .. . . ............ .. 102 -111 108¾-ll!l½ 103 -107 106¾-106" 106¼-109 108 -110¼ 107 -108¾ 107 -109 106 -108 106 -106 106 -111¾ 110~-113 • All assessments paid. t 1st Lnstalment paid, 2d instalment paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  *  1.10  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS STOOKS.  1898-Continued. JANUARY FBBR1RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JTJN1!!.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. O0TOBER. N0V'BER. DE0'BER.  -----------1-----1----------------1----1----1-----------------•---------------- ------,Ohlca1ro Great West.... 13¾- 16¼ 9¼- 14¾ 9½- 11¾ 9%- 11¼ 11 - 15 14 - 15 13¾- 15¾ 14!'4- 18 14¼- 16¼ 13¾- 15 13¼- 16 14¼- 16% STOCKS.  Low.High Low.IDgh Low.High Low.IDgh Low.High Low.IDgh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  4 per cent debenture.. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - ........ - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 71¼- 71¼ 71 - 72 72½- 73¾ • • . • - • • • . 72¼- 78¾ 78 - 85 ~ p. c. pref., A........... 33 - 36¼ 30 - 36 28 - 32 29 - 29 30 - 34½ 32¼- 8!l¾ 33 - 40 39 - 42¾ 39¾- 42 39¼- 43¾ 42 - 4ll¾ 48¼- 54 4 p. c. pref., B.......... 23¼- 25¾ 22¼- 22½ . . • • - • • • . 20 - 20 21¾- 24 24¾- 24¾ :U¾-- 29 28 - 30¾ 27l':(- 29¾ 25¼- 26 28¾- 32 29¾- 31¾ -Chic. Ind. & Louisv.... 8¼- 10¼ 7 - 9¾ 7 - 8 6;1:£- 6¾ 8 - 9% 9¾- 10 9¼- 11 9 - 10¾ 8¼- 8¾ 7 - 8¾ 7¾- 8:}.( 7¾- 8% Pref·-············" · ....... 30 - 33¼ 27 - 33¾ 23¼- 28¾ 23 - 24¾ 26¾- 82 30 - Sl , 30 - 38½ 30¼- 36¼ 30 - 33 25½- 29¾ 29 - 36¾ 31 - 35 -Chic. Mllw. & St. Paul .. 92¼- 97¼ 91¼- 00¾ 85¾- 94¼ 83¼- 91 89¼-101 97%-102¼ 97%-100!'4 99¾-114¼ 106 -115 105¾--110¼ 10,%-1'15¾ l13%-120l':( Pref ........................ 142¼-146 145 -149¼ 143 -147¾ 140 -143 142 -149 148%-150 149 -152 152 -159 154 -157½ 15!l -163 161 -163 163 -166¼ -Chic. & Northwest ....... 119¼-127 119¾-130¼ 113¼-124% 115 -120¾ 12~-129~ 124 -180 125 -132 131 -136¼ 129 -13!l¾ 128;1:£-132¾ 131 -142 136½-HS¼ Pref ......................... 163 -165¼ 167¾-174 175 -175 171¼-174 169 -171 170 -172¼ 171 -175 17!l¾-175¼ 175¼-177 175 -178 180¼-191~ 185 -188¼ Chic. R. I. & PacUlc..... 88 - 94¼ 81¼- 93¾ 80 - 89¼ 82 - 88½ 86 -108¼ t96¾--108¾ 95 - 98 96,4-107¼ 99¼-105¼ 99¼-104¼ 102¼-109¼ 107¾-114¼ ,Ohle. St. Paul DJ.. & 0... 72 - 78¼i 67 - 79 65 - 74¼ 68 - 70% 72 - 79¼ 75¼- 79½ 76 - 85¼ 83~ 87 78:l::(- Si¼ 77¾- 82¼ 80¼- 87½ Bi%- 94 Pref ............. ........... 148 -151¼ 150 -155 150 -150 .... - . ... 149 -150 151 -152 155 -155 154 -15! 159%-160 159½-162 162 -170 169n-170 Chic. Term'I Tran ■fer.. 4¼- 8% 6¾- 9¾ 7¾- 9¾ 7¾- 8 8 - 9¾ 7¾- 9 7¾- 8¼ 7¾-- 9¼ 7¼- 9¼ 7¾- 8¾ 8 - 9 7¾- 9¼ Pre£....................... 22¾- 28 26¼- 33 27¼- 31 26¼- 29 28¼- 31 29 - 30½ 29 - 30 29 - 37¼ 31¾- 36¼ 33 - 3!l¾ 31¾- 3!l,4 30¾- 37 -Clev. Ctn. Chlo. & St.L. 33¼- 38¼ 29¼- 37~ 25 - 327/4 25¾- 28!'4 28%- 35¾ 34¾- 44¼ 40¾- 43½ 41¼- 47½ 39;1:(- 43 3.3 - 40¼ 38¼- 42¾ 41¼- 44% Pref......... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 - 85 85 - 87 77¾- 77½ 80 - 80 78 - 78 80 - 89½ 87 - 87 86 - 90½ . • . • - . . . 88 - 88 87¾- 89 89¾- 97 -Clev. Lor. & Wheel'a- .. 15!,:(- 19¼ 18¼- 17¾ 11¼- 14!'4 11¼- 12¾ 12¼- 15~ 14¾- 15½ 14 - 15 13%- 15% 14¾-- 18,4 15%- 17¾ 15¾- 18¼ 14~- 16 Pref ....................... , 48 - 49% 47 - 50¼ 48 - 48 .•.• - . . . . 45 - 49 ~ - 48¾ .. .. - . • . 47 - 47¾ 47¾- 53¼ 43¾- 50¾ 43 - 48 43 - 46¼ <Jleve. & Pittsb. ,iuar .. .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 169¼-170 ..•• - .... 172 -174 ...• - •......• - . . . . . . . - ••....•. - •••• Col. DJ.Id., vot. tr. ctfs. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . 5!,:(- 5¼ . . • • - . . . . 5 - 5 6 - 8¼ 5 - 6 6 - 7¾ 7 - 9 Pref. vot'lr trust ctfs.. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 16¼- 16½ 14 - 18 15 - 16 14¼- 15 15 - 18¾ 15 - lfll'4 15¼- 20¼ 18¾- 20;1! <Joi. & So. (when is•'d), .... - ........ - . ....... - ........ - ... ..... - ... ... - . ....... - ... .. ... - ........ - ........ - .... 6¾- 7½ 7¼- 8¾ l ■ tpref.(wheniss'd) ..... - ....... - .... . ... - ........ - .... . ... - ........ - .... .... - ........ - .... .... - ........ - .... 43¾-48¼ 47¼-50!1:£ 2d pret. (when iss'd).. - ........ - .. . ..... - ........ - ........ - . . .. - ... . ... - . ... .... - ........ - ........ - .... 14¾- 16¾ 16%- 20 <Joi. Hock. Val. & Toi.. 5¼- '77/4 6 - 8¼ 5 - 6% 5¼- 6 5¼- 6½ 5¾- 6¾ 4¾- 6¼ 4%- 6½ 5 - 6 3 - 6 2¼- 5¼ 2¾- 4¾ Pref......... ......... ..... 17 - 23 21 - 25 19%- 20 17 - 17 22¼- 23 23 - 24¾ 22 - 22 23 - 23 .... - .......• - .•.. 18 - 20 12¾- 19M Delaware & Hudson ... 11~-114 108¾-114½ 106 -110½ 104 -108½ 108 -111% 108 -112 103 -108½ 106¾-110 105%-108¾ 101 -lOI.I¼ 93 -101 99 -108 Del. Laek. & Western .. 150¼-156¼ 152 -159 145 -152 144¼-150½ 151 -155 155 -155 152 -157¾ 150 -152 151 -151¾ 140 -151 140 -145 1U%-157 Denver & Rio Grande.. 12 - 13 13 - 13 .. . , - •.• • 10 - 11¾ 12 - 12 12¼- 12!,{a 12 - 12 13¼- 14¾ 13½- 15½ 12¼- 13¾ 12¼- 16½ 15 - 21¼ Pref ....... ........ ......... 46 - 51¾ 411¼- 52¾ 41¼- 49½ 40 - 45 44 - 48¼ 48¼- 52¾ 48½- 51¾ 50¾- 56¼1 54¾-- 58¾ 52½- 55¾ 54 - 63¼ 61¼- 71¾ Des Mo. & Ft. Dodge ... 12 - 13 11 - 15¼ 11 - 11 8%- 11¼ 10¾- 15¾ 14 - 20 15%- 17¼ 16 - 19¼ H¼- 17 ...• - .... 15 - 16¼ 15¾- 23¾ Duluth So. Sh. & Atl ... .. .. - .... . ... - ... . .... - . .. . . . . - ........ . . .... - ........ - .. . . 2¾- 2¾ 3 - 3 ..•• - ... . 3 - 3 2¾- 3¼ Pref ............ ..... ..... . 6 - 6 5~- 7¼ 5¼- 5¼ 5 - 5 5¼- 5'.U 6 - 6 . . . • - • . . . 7!1(- 8:1( 6¼- 7¾ . . . • - . . . . 7 - 7½ 7 - 8¼ Erle.. .............. .... . ... 14 - 15,4 13%- 16¼ 11%- 14¼ 11 - 12¾ 12 - 13¾ 13¼- 14¼ 13 - 13¾ 13¼- 14¾ 13¾- 14¾ 11¾- 13¾ 12¼· 14~ 13¼- 14,¾ 1st pre£.... . .......... . ... 37 - 39!)4 38 - 43% 31¼- 39¾ 29¼- 34½ 33¾- 36¾ 35¼- 37¾ 33%- 36¼ 35 - 39¼ 35 - 38¾ 81¼- 35½ 31!14:- 37% 35¼- 39¼ 2d pref................... 18¼- 20¾ 18¼- 21~ 16 - 18¾ 15¼- 16½ 16¼- 19),-.( 17 - 19¼ 17½- 17½ 18¾- 20 17%- 18½ 16¼- 17¼ 16 - 18¾ 18 - 20 'Evansville & T. Haute . 23 - 25 23 - 23 .. .. - .... . .•• - . . . . 22 - 26 26 - 26 25½- 26 26 - 27¾ 25 - 34 32 - 33¾ 31 - 33 80 - 41¾ Pref........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 - 41 . . . . - . . . . 40 - 40 37 - 37 41 - 50 60 - 62 52 - 53 54 - 60½ 60 - 70 59 - 6'1 57 - 63 61 - 72½ Flint & Pere Marq . . . . . . 12 - 12% 12¼- H¼ 10 - 12½ 9¼- 9¼ 11¼- 13 . • . • . . • . . • • • - • • • . 12¾- 15 . • • • - • . . . . . . . - . . . . 13!4- 18¾ 17¾- 18¾ Pref............ . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 - 43 . . . . - . . . . 27 - 27 . . . . - . . . . 36¼-~36½ 32 - 82 . . . • - . . . . 36 - 40½ . • • • - . • . . 37 - 39 36 - 49 423,si- 44¾ :Ft. Worth & Den. City 19¼- 21¼ 21 - 24½ 25 - 29 25¼- 25!1:( 20 - 20 .... - •... 24 - 24 2a - 23 .•.• - .•. . 16 - 16 17½- 17½ 20 - 25 Ft. Worth & Rio Gr .... 15 - 16¾ 16¾- 16½ ..•. - .•.....• - .... 10 - 11 11 - 11 12 - 12 12¾- 15¼ ...• - •... 12¼- 12¼ 12¾- 141<{ 15 - 17¼ Great Northern, pref.. . . 130 -140 140 -162 149¼-156 150 -150 155 -179 175 -180 ;122-129¾ 129¼-138¾ 133 -138 133¾-140¾ 136 -141¾ 137 -144¾ GreenBay&Western. 30 -30 31¼-32½ .•. . - .... . ..• - ...• . ... - ...... . .... - .... 30 -30 .... - .... 30 -30 30 -30 . ... - •••• Deben. certs., Ser. A .. 49 - 49 ..•. - .... 43 - 43 . .•. - ........ - .. . 40!,:(- 41 42 - 42 42¼- 44 42¼- 42½ 44¾- 44¾ 45¼- 50¼ 49 - 50 Deben. certs., l!Jer. B. 5 - 6½ •••• - ........ - ...••.• - •••. 4¼- 5½ .... - .... 3¼- 5¾ 5 - 6¾ 4½- 5 4 - 5 4l'.(- 6¼ t¼- 7¾ Illinois Central ........... 102¼-108% 100 -107 96;1:(-103½ 96 -100¾ 99¼-106 103¾-106¼ 105 -111¼ 107 -113½ 110¼-115 107¼-111½ 107h-112¾ 111 -115¾ Leased line, 4 p. c. . . . . . . . . - . . . . 94 - 94 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . r,7 - 97 95 - 97½ . . . • - . . . . 99 - 99 101 -101 . . . . - .••• I owa Central.............. 8¾- 9½ '77/4- 9¼ ?¾- 7¾ 7¼- 8¼ 8½- {)¾ 9¼- 10 9¼- 9½ 9¾- lO¼ 9 - 9¼ 8¼- 9 9 - 9¾ 9¼- 11¼ Pref... ...................... 33 - 35 28 - 33½ 26 - 30¼ 25 - 25¼ 28 - 81¼ 31¼- 35¼ 31¾- 33 32¾- 37¾ 33 - 36½ 32 - 34 32¾- 35½ S!l¾- 42¼ Kanawha & llllchl,ian. 6¾- 6¾ 6 - 6½ 6 - 6 .••• - ..•. 6 - 6½ ..•• - ••..••• - •.•• 6¾- 6¾ ..•• - .... 5%- 6 6 - 6¼ 6¾-- 8 K. C. Plttsb. & Gulf .... 19¾- 21% 19¼- 24¼ 18¾- 22¾ 15 - 21 16 - 19½ 16 - 17½ 15¼- 17¼ 16¼- 20 18 - 19½ 15¼- 18 15 - 24 15 - 25¾ Keok & Des Moines.... 3 - 3 4¼- 4¼ .. . - ... .. .•• - .. • . 3 - 3~ 4 - 5½ 4 - 4 4¼- 4½ ..• • - .......• - .....•.• - . .. . 4 - 5 Pref . . ... ... . .. . . .. .. . . . - . . . . 16 - 18 13¼- 13¼ ... - • • .• 15 - 15½ 16 - 18½ 17 - 17 16 - 16½ 15 - 16¼ ..•• - ......•• - •.• 15 - 17¾ Keokuk & Western .... 3!l - 34 33 - 34 S!l¼- 34¼ .... - ........ - .... 30 - 30 30 - 30 ...• - ..•.••• - •... . •.• - ••.. . •• - •.• . ••. - ...• Kin,istun & Pembroke .... - .... .... - ........ - ........ - . . . . 2 - 2 . . . - .... . ... - . . . . 4¾- 4¼ ..• • - ........ - . . . . 5 - 5 • 2 - 3 Lake Erie & Western ... 16%- 177/4 15 - 18~ 12¼- 15½ 13¾- 14¼ 15 - 15¾ 14¾- 16½ 14¼- 15 14¾- 23½ 16 - 18 12 - 16 12¼- 15% H¼- 23 Pret .... .. ... ..... .. .. . ..... 70¼- 73% 69¼- 76¼ 66 - 71½ 69¼- 70½ 71 - 73¼ 7~- 74;14 69¼- 71½ 71¼- 83 73¼- 76 53 - 73¼ 61¼- 67¼ 62¼- 76% Lake Shore .. ... . .......... 170¾-194¾ 190 -194½ 180 -192 179 -183¼ 182¼-190 187¼-192 189¼-190 192 -198 192¼-192½ 190 -192½ 192 -192¼ 197 -215 Certlfic'ts of deposit.. . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - ... . 180¼-180½ 180¼-190 188 -186 188 -188 . . • • , • . . . . • - . . . . . . . • - • . . . . . . . - • . • • . . . . - .... Lon1r Island............ . . . 40 - 40 42 - 50 !l5 - 48 40 - 41 43 - 43 50 - 51 50 - 50 50½- 59½ 48 - 54 46 - 52 48 - 50¼ 48 - 56 .Louisville & Nashville. 54¾- 60½ 52 - tJQ% !l5 - 56¼ 44 - 51¼ 48¾- 5~ 51¼- 57¾ 51¾-- 54¾ 53½- 60¾ 54!,i- 58¾ 53 - 57¼ 56¼- 63¼ 627/4- 65!,i IUanbattan Consol.. .... 110 -120!,:( 98 -119¼ 91 -108% 91¼- 99¼ 96 -107¾ 10~-106¾ 104 -108 93%-108¾ 93¼-100¾ 90 - 97¾ 93¼-100 95¼-100¾ Mexican Central .. .... 6 - 6¼ 6¼- 6¾ 5¾- 5¼ ..•• - •.•. 4¾- 5 4¼- 5¼1 5 - 5 5¾- 6¼ 5¼- 5¼ . ... - . ... 4½- 5¾ 5!,4- 7¾ ll'Iex. National, ctfs... ... . ... - . . . 1 - 1¼ ... - . ... . . . • - . . . 1¼- 1½ 1¼'- 1¾ . ... - . . . . - •••..... - ••.....• - ......•• - .... %- 1¼ Mlchl1ran Central ........ 100 -107¾ 103½-1H% 99¼-109 100~-105¼ 103 -106 102 -106 10! -107 107 -109 107¼-107½ 106 -107½ 107 -110 110 -118 .Mlnneap. & St. Louts.. 25 - 26¾ 25¼- 30% 24 - 29% 24¼- 25 26 - 29¾ 27¼- 30 28¼- 28!l::( 28 - 29½ 26 - 27¾ 26 - 27¾ 26¾- 28¾ 28 - ~ 1•t pref.................... 85¾- 86 86 - 88¼ 82 - 86 80 - 83 84 - 89 89¼· 1n t 88 - 88 89½- 90¾ 89 - 89 90 - 91 92¼- 92¼ 95 -100 2d pref.. .. . . . ... ... . . . .. . 53¼- 56¾ 53 - 59¾ !l6 - 55¼ 50 - 50¾ 50¼- 59¼ 59½- 63 ! 58 - 59:J,t 59¼- 61¾ 58 - 60¾ 59½- 60½ 60 - 61!4 61 - 78¼  :~~~!!~; :~"e!~:: Pref ........................  1!¼= 1!¼ 'ii"~= is~ io,4= i2¼ ·io =io¾ ·iO¾= ii~ ·ii·¼= 12¼ 'ii: =ii~ ·ii: : i2ili1 : ii·· ·io"= ii .. ·io¼= i2¼ .i.iii. i;:·  32¾:- 36% 33¾-- 36 34¼- 37¾ 32 - 86 29¼- 33¾ 31½- 35¾ S!l¼- 38% 34.¼- 86½ 34½- 36% 35¾- 38% 31¾- 86'¼ 31¼- 33¾ 32 - 38¼ 86¾- 46¼ 26¼- 29½ 26 - 27 27 - ~9 27¾- 28¼ 27¼- 27½ 24 - 28 28¾- 32 170¼-172¾ 171 -172 172 -174 175 -175 175 -176 175 -176 176 -180 Nashv. Chatt. & St. L .. .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - .... . .. - ... . 60 - 60 ... . . .....• - •....•• - .......• - •... 72½- 72¼ ...• - ••.• .N. Y. Cent. & Bud. Riv. lOSl}s-119!1( 109¼-119¾ 105 -116 106¼-113 lll¼-117¾ 1H%-117¾ 115¾-119¾ 117'7/4-120¾ 115¼-119¼ 113½-116¼ 114,¼-119~ 118 -124% N. Y. Chic. &St. Louis. 13 - 15¾ 12½- 15 12¾- 12¾: 11~- 12 13 - 13% 13¾- 14 12 - 15 12¼- 14¾ 12¼- 14~ 11 - 11 12 - 14 13¼- 14% 1st 111ref.......... . . . . . . . . . 75 - 76 73 - 76 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 65 - 65 67 - 61½ 75 - 75 76 - 76 • . . • - • . . . .. . . - • . •. 70 - 70 65 - 70 2d pref............ ..... ... 35 - 40¾ 35 - 39 28 - 35 28 - 28 81 - 3!l 34 - 35 35 - 38¼ 34%- 38½ 34¼- 34¾ .. .• - •.•• 33 - 36 3!l - 38¼ New York & Harlem ... 320 -320 . ... - ..•....• - ••...•. - .. .. ... - •.....• - ... . 3!l5 -850 .••• - •.. . 350 -350 352 -852 ..•• - •.•. - .. .. N. Y.Lack.& West ..... 121 -122¾ 123½-123¾ 123¼-123¼ 120 -120 120 -122 123¼-123¼ 123¼-123¾ .••• - •... 123½-125 124 -126 126 -128 128 -128 • Y.N.Haven&Hartt.178¼-193½ 185½-195¼ 182 -189½ 182¼-18! 184l':(-192 187 -191¾ 187¾-190¼ 190 -196J,.,( 190 -194 189 -192 190),-:(-194¼ 195¼-201 N. Y. Ontario & West ... 15¾- 18¾ 15 - 18% 13¾- 16 13¾- 14% 14¼- 15:1:( 14%- 16 14¼- 15¼ 15 - 16¾ 151,(- 16¾ 14¼- 15½ 14¼- 16¼ 15%- 19¼ N.Y.Susq.&West ..... 8 -18 ll¾:-15¾ 11 -14¼ 12 -12 ..•. - •...••• - •......• - ........ - ••••.•.• - ........ - .... . ... - .•...•• - . .. . Pref ... ..... ............... . 23 - 34 .2d¼- 38 28 - 84¼ 28 - 28 . . . . - ... . . •• - •......• - •••.•.•• - ... .•• •• - ••••.••• - •••••••• - ........ - ••• Trust receipts.... ... . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 80¼- 30¼ . • • - • • . . • • .. - • • • • .. .. - • .. • . • • • - • • . . . • .. - • • • • . . . . - . . . . . . • • - •••• 1Sorfolk & Southern..... 65 - 65 . . . . - . . . . . • . - . . . . . . . • - . . . . . . . • - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . • - . . . . . • • • - • . . . . • . • - . . . . . . • - . . • . 60 - 60 . . . - •.•. Norfolk & Western ...... 14¼- 15¾ 14¾- 17 13¾- 14 11¼- 12¼ 13¾- 15 14¾- 15½ 14 - 14 15 - 16¼ 14 - 16 11 - 14 15 - 15½ 16 - 19% Pref.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 - 48½ 45¼- 56¼ 42½- 49¼ 42½- 46¾ 4.6 - 52½ 51 - 54½ 50¼- 54¼ 53 - 55'¼ 51 - 54¾ 48 - 51¾ 49¾- 56 54¼- 63¾ No.Pac.Ry. vot. tr. rec. 203'- 28¾ 19 - 28¼ 19¾- 24¾ 21 - 2!l¾ 25 - 27¾ 27¾- 31¼ 28¾- 30¾ 29¾- 41½ 36¾- 42½ 38¼- 42½ 89¼- 43 40 - 44¼ Pref. votinir tru ■ t rec. 58 - 69 58¼- 68¾ 56%- 61¾ 57¼- 63¾ 63%- 68¼ 67¾- 70½ 6914- 72 71¼- 78¾ 75¼- 79¼ 74¼- 7dll( 74¼- 77¾ 75 - 78!,( Omaha & St. Loui ■ .. . ... . . . . - . . . . . . . • - . . . 7 - 7 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . • - . . . . . . • . - . . . . . . . - • . . . . . . . - • • . . 7 - 10 . • • . - • . • . ';' - 7 O.RR..& N. vot. tr. rec. 85¾- 58:)4 46 - 54¼ 40 - 50 43!1(- 45 459.(- 52¾ 51 - 53¼ 48¾- 48¾ 49 - 61¼ 55¾- 58¼ 52 - 53 53 - 58¼ 50¾- 53¾ Pref. voting trust rec. 68 - 72¼ 68 - 72¼ 65¼· 69 66¼- 67 67 - 72 70 - 74 71 - 71 70¼- 77½ 75 - 76¼ 73 - 76 73 - 78 71 - 75% Ore1ron Short Line...... 19¾- 25 24½- 31 27 - 32 27>fl- 30 29¾- 82 28½- 33¼ 28 - 31 31 - 37~ 30 - 36111 26 - 30 27¾- 37¼ 37¼- 4.3 Pacific Coast Co .......... .... - ........ - ..... ... - ........ - ....... - . . . . S!l:J.(- 34¾ S!l¾- 36¾ 35 - 47½ 43¾- 48½ 43 - 46¾ 43 - 46 42 - 4~ 1st pref........ . .. . ... . . . . . . . - ........ - . . . . . .. . - . . . . . . . . - ........ - . . . . 85 - 91 84 - 89¾ 83¼- 86 Si - 86½ 80 - 81¼ 80 - 81~ 79 - 84¾ 2d pref... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 60 - 60¼ 57 - 57 57 - 67½ 63¼- 69 59 - 62¼ 57 - 62 59 - 65 Pennsylvania RR ....... 114 -119¼ lll¾-120¾ ll°"-117 111 -114½ 112¼-117~ 114\1.(-117¾ 115;.f-118 116¾-119'¼ 116 -119¾ 116¼-11~ 115 -119% 118;.f-123¼ eeorlaDec. & Evansv. . '¼- 1¼ '¼- 1¼ l - 1 ¼- 1 1¼- 2!,( 1¼- 1% 1¼- 1¾ 1 - 1% 1¼- 1¾ 1¼- 1¼ 1 - 1% 1¼- 2¼ .Peoria & Eastern........ 3 - 3 4 - 5)4 . •.• - ..•.•••• 4¼- 4¼ 3½· 4.¼ 4¼- 4¼ 4¼- 5¼ ... - • .• . 3¼- 8¾ .... - •••• 4¾- 4¼ 83¾- 41 MiHourl Pacific.......... 82¼- 35¾ Mobile & Ohio ............ 28¾- 31¼ ntorrls&Essex ........... 167¾-175  34¼- 40¼ 24 - 35 27 - 82¾ 170¼-173¼  28¾- 37% 22 - 29¾ 26 - 28¼ 167¼-172¼  30 - 33¾ 24¼- 28¼ 24;1:(- 25 170¼-175  + Ex-<Ilvidend of 10 per cent in stock and 1 ¼ per cent cash. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  32¼- 36¾ 27¾- 36¼ 27 - 29 170¼-170½  *Ev-dividend and rights.  RAILROAD AND  MISCELLA.NEOUS STOCKS.  11I  1808-Continucd. STOCKS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY,  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. BEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'B ER.  Low.High Low.High Low.Hillh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hlgb Low.High Low.Hiah  -----------1 -- - - ---- ---· - - - - - -  Pitts. Clnn. Cb. & St.L 38%- 43¾ 42 - 46)4 41¾- 46 48 - 44 43 - 47¾ 42!'(- 45¼ 4~- 44¾ 42¾- 46¼ 41¼- 43% 42 - 44¼ 42 - 45 44½- 63¼ Pref . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 64¼- 70 66 - 71 57 - 68 58 - 60 6i - 65¾ 64 - 66 60 - 65 62¼- 66¾ 62¼- 66¼ 63 - 67~ 65¼- 73 72¾- 8'¼ Pitts. Ft. W.&C., a-uar, t69 -170 168 .:171¼ ...• - ..••.••• - •.••.•.• - •... 170 -170 172¼-172½ . ..• - .... 170 -175 171 -175¼ ... - . ... 175 -176~ Pittsb. & West., pref... .... - .... .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . S!J:(- 7 6¼- 7 6¼- 9 7¾- 9¼ 8 - 10 9¾- 1~ 8¼- 12¼ Readin2' vot. tr. certs. . 21¾- 23% 18 - 23¼ 15¼- 19!J,( 15¾- 17:ki 17 - 19¼ 18¾- 20¾ 16 - 19¾ 17¼- 20 17½- 19¼ 15¾- 18¼ 15¼- 19¼ 18¾- ~3¼ 1st pref. vot. tr. certs. 48%- 58 41¾- 54¼ 36 - 46 3tl:I:(- 40¾ 40¼- 46¼ 45¼- 49 38¾- 47 41* 46 42 - 46:ki 37¾- 43½ 37¼- 46¼ 44¾- 54¾, ~d pref. vot. tr. cert11. 26:ki- 29 21¼- 29 18~- 24 19¾- 21 20¼- 24 22¾- 25 19¼- 23¼ 20 - 23 18 - 23 17¾- 20¾ 18¼- 22 20¼- 28 Rens. & Saratoir;a ........ 182 182½ 182 -18i . . . . - . . . . . . . • - .... 185 -185 . . . - ... . 185¼-185½ 18i -184 . . . . - .... 186 -186 183 -185 . . . . - ..• Rio Grande We11tern ... 2t¼- 21½ 23 - 25 22¼- 22¼ . ..• - .•• • 22 - 2:;¾ 25½- 27¾ 29¼ 29½ 28 - 32 29¼- 20¼ 27¼- 27¾ ...• - •••• 25 - 25 Preferred ..... ............ 58 - 61¼ 58},(- 61 50!,t- 57 54 - 54 57),:(- 65 64 - 68 65¾- 67x 67¼- 69¾ 67 - 67¼ 67¼- 67½ 62 - 64 63 - 66¼Rome Wat. & Olldensb. 120%-123 120¼ 122 116¼-122 118 -118 118 -120 122 -122 122 -122 123¼-125 121),:(-125¾ 125¾-125¾ 126 -12i!Ji( 127¼-128¼St.J. & G.I. vot. tr.ctfs. 6¾- 8 5¾- 8¾ 5½- 'i¼ 5¾ - 6¾ 5¾- 1¾ 7¾- 8 6¼- 7% 7 - 7½ 7¼- 7¾ 5%;- 5¾ 6 - 6¼ 5¾- 6 ht pret. do 47¼- 61 45 - 56 46¾- 50 46 - 60 50 - 59¼ 59 - 63 58 - 60½ 58 - 61¾ 55½- 60¼ 56 - 67 56 - 58Xt 60 - 57¾ 2d pref. do 16¾- 20 16 - 22¼ 15 - 17 13¼- 15% 15¾- 20¾ 20¼- 23¾ 20 - 21¾ 20 - 22:ki 18 - 19¼ 16½- 17 16¼- 18¼ 13 - 16 St. L. Alt. &T. H. t. rec. 63 - 63 . . . . - . . . . . • . • - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . • - • . . . . . •• - • . • . . . . . - . . . . . • • • - . . . . . . . • - • . • . . . • • - • • • • .. . • - .•• St. L. & s. F. v. tr. ctfs. 7 - 7¾ 6* 7% 6 - 7¼ 6 - 6¾ 6¼- 7¾ 7%- 8~ 7¼- 7¾ 7¼- 9 7¼- 8~ 7¾- 7¼ 7¾- 9¾ 8¼- 9~ ht pref. do 53¾- 68 54¼- 58¼ . 52¼- 57¾ 55 - 56¼ 56 - 62.1,4 61 - 65¾ 61 - 62½ 62 - 68¾ 62)4- 67 61¾- 64 61 - 70 6tS½- 69¼ ~d pref. do 25 - 27¾ 22¼- 2S 23¼- 27¾ 22¾- 26½ 25¼- 51 23¼- 32¼ 27¾- 29¼ 29 - 34¾ 29¼- 33" 29¾- 31¾ 28¾- 35 31¾- 34¼ St. LoUJs Southweat'n.. 3¾- 4¾ 4 - lJ 4¾- 5 4 - 41,,{ 4¼- 5 6 - 6¾ 5 - 5¾ 5¼- 6¾ 4¾- 5 4* 6 5¾- 6¼ 6%- 7~ Preferred................ 9 - 11 9 - 11 7!1:(- 10¼ IJ - 9¾ 9¾- 11% 10¾- 12¾ 10¼- 11¾ 11¾- 14¼ 11 - 13¼ 10¼- 13% 12¼- 14% 13%- 18 St. Paul & Duluth...... 20¼- 25 24 - 25 . . . • - . . • . 21 - 21 . ... - • • • . 22 - 23 18¼- 18¼ 21 - 27 20¼- 20¼ 21 - 21 21 - 27 25 - 38¾ Pref..... .................. 84 - 85 80¾- 87¼ 79 - 79 78 - 78 80 - 80 .••• •. 80 - 80 87 - 90 90¼- 90¼ 90 - 90 89!1:(- 97 96 -100 St. Paul tllnn. & Man .. 123%-125 127 -137 132 -138 130 -130¾ 132¾-142 141 -145¼ 142¼-162 161 -171 165 -169¼ 168 -172½ 170 -175 16~¾-175 8outbern vot. tr. ctf11... 8¾- 1 !kl 8:ki- 9% 7¾- 8% 7 - 8¼ 8 - 9 8 - 9½ 8¾- 8¾ 8~- 10 8¼- 9¾ 8¼- 9 8¾- 1~ 10 - 109:f Pref. .. " 29!1(- 32¾ 26¾- 33!4 23¾- 29¾ 24¼- 27¼ 26!1(- 31¾ 29 - 33¼ 29½- 31¼ 31¾- 36% 32½- 36¼ 32½- 35¼ 34¼- 41¾ 40¾- 43¾, Southern Pacific Co ..... l\l¾- 22 19 - 20¼ 13¼· 18:J:t 12 - 14¾ 13 - 17¾ 16M- 20 19 - 20¼ 20 - 22¾ 21½- 25¾ 22!,,(- 23¼ 22½- 27>fi :c:7!1:(- 35 Texo.11 & PacUlc... ... . . . . . 10¾- 12¾ 10 - 12¾ 8%- 11¼ 9 - 10¾ 10 - 12 11¼- 12¾ 12 - 13¾ 12¾- 16¾ 13 - 15¾ 13 - 14¼ 13¼- 16¼ 15),(- 20¼ Toledo & Ohio Central .... - . . . 15 - 15 . ..• - ......•. - .....•.. - ... .. ..• - ... . .••. - . . . 12 - 15 25 - 25 .... - . . . . . .. - ••....•• - .... Pref . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 39 - 39 38¼- 40 . • • . - . . . . . • • • - • • • • • • • • - . • . . . • • • - . • . . . . . . - . . . . 35 - 35 45 - 45 48 - 48 . . . . - . . . . 38 - 39:Ja Un. Pac •• all assts. paid 25¾- 35¼ 26!1:(- 36¼ 23 - 31¾ .••• - ........ - .... .••• - . . . . ••• - .....••• - •...•••• - ... . ..•• - •••• . .• - ••...••. - ... . Union Pacific Railwav ..• .••• - •... 21 - 22¼ 16¼- 22¼ 18 - 20~ 20 - 2Ht 22,t- 2b% 23¾- 24)11 23¾- 34¼ ~ - 3!¾ 31¼- 33:kl 31 - 39¾ 37¼- 44¾ Pret ................... ........ - .... 51 - 63¾ 45%- 57 48%- 64¾ Si - 60¾ 68¼- 63:ki 59 - 62¼ 61 - 67¾ 63¼- 61¾ 62¼- 65% 63%- 70¼ 69~- 74¾ U.Pac. Den. &G., t.rec. 6¾ · 10¼ 8¼- 10¼ 6¾- 9¾ 5¾- 7 6),(- 8¾ 6%- 8¼ 5¼- 8 4¾- 6¾ 5¼- 7% ¾- +6¼ t6%-*13:kl *ll¾- 13¾ Wabash..................... 6¾- 7% 6¼- 7¾ 6)4- 7¼ t)¼- 7¼ 6!1:(- 7% 7 - 7¼ 7¼- 7¾ 7¼- 9¼ 7%- 9 7¾- 8¼ 7¼- 8),( 7%- ~ Pref ........................ 17¼- 19¾ 15 - 19¼ 14¼- 16% 14¾- 16 16 - 20¾ 18~- 20¼ 18¾- 19¾ 19¼- 24¾ 20 - !3¾ 19¼- 21¼ 19¼ · 23 21%- 24 Warren ..................... .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - . . . . . . - .... . . . . - ........ - ........ - . . . 174 -174 - .. . Wbeellna- & L. Erle... . t2 - 3¾ +2¼- 3¼ +l¾- 2¼ tl¼- 2 +2 - 3¾ tl¾- 2% t:14- *2¼ *1¾- 2% f2 -- U §3 - 4¾ §3 - 3% S 4 - 6¾ Pref................... ,.... t9¾- 16 tl0¼- 14¾ t9¼- 1~ t9'4- 10¾ +10 - 14¾ +10 - 14 t8 -*13 *12 - 15¼ U4¾-S20 §17¾- 20¼ §ln(- 21 §2<»s- SOJ! Wlllconslo Central Co.. ¾- 3¾ 2 - 2½ 1¾- 2 . . . . - • . . . 2 - 3 . . . • - . . . . 2¼- 2¼ 2 - 2¾ 1¼- 2 •••• - • . . . 1 - l½ 1¾- 2 Pref. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 8 5 - 5 . • • • - ••• • . •• • - •• •• . •• • - . . . . . ••• - • ••. 6 - 6 • • • - • • • . 5~ 7)4 . . . . - . . . . . . • . - . . . 5 - 5¼ EXPREl!!IS. Adam■ ...................... . 157 -162  American ..... .............. 116 -120 United 8tate■ ••• ... •••... .. 40 - 42 Well ■, Fara-o & Co. .. .. 113 -116 COAL & MINING. American Coal... ......... . . . . Colorado c. & I.Devel. !I(Pret .... ................... , 2¾Colorado Fuel & Iron.. 23 Pref.... . ................. .... , Col. & H.C.& I., all pd. 6 Con1101ldatlon Coal..... . . . . Home11take Mlnlna-.. . . 46 Maryland Coal, pref.... . . . . Minnesota Iron........... 57 Trust certiflcate11 . ......... New Uentrn.l Coal........ 7 Do new stock ...... .. .... Ontario Sliver ll1lnlna-.. 8¾Penn11vlvanla Coal....... . . . . Qulck11llver llllnlna-...... 2 Pret ........ . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . Tenne11 ■ee Coal & Iron 23¾Pref...... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -  1100 -180 119 -130 42 - 45 114 -120  100 -115 123 -129¾ 40 - 4.4¼ 115 -120  . .. . .. .. - ... . . .. . - .. . . % ..•• - .... .... - ....  97¾-102 120 -126 88 - :12 114¾-118  99 -103 123½-121) 40 - 44 112¾-119  . . - ... . .... - ..  100 127 4.0 117  -102 -130 - 43 -124  9;) -103¾ 127 -140 ~0¾- 42 117 -122¼  102 130 41 120  -110¾ -137 - 44 -125  110 -116 130 -133 413(- U 120 -125  108 130 41 119  -113 107 -111¼ 108 -137½ 135 -153 143 - 44 40 - 46¼ 46 -121¼ 120¼-121)!1( 128  . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 120 -120  ¾- ¾ .... - .... ¼- 9:1 ¾- ¾ ¾2¼ . • . . - . • . . . . • • - . . . . 2¾- 2¾ . . . . - . . . . 2 - 2¼ .•. , - . . . . . . . • 2tl-~ 20¼- 25 17 - 21 17 - 19¾ 20 - 23¼ 21 - 23¾ 20 - 23 19~ . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. - . . . . 65 7½ 5 - 7¼ 4'-(- 6½ 6 - 6 6 - fl¾ 5!1:(- 6¼ 4¾- 5¾ 4¾. . . . :15 - :15 45 - 45 . • . . - . . . . 40 - 42 44 - 44 • • . • - • . • . 41 46¾ 44 - 46 47 • 49 43 - 43 so - 60 50 - 50 53¼- 53¼ .••• . . . . 50 - 61 46 - 45 50 - 50 {7¼- t7¼ 49 - 58 • •. • - . . . . 52¼60 59¾- 65 60 - 64 59 - 63¼ 63¾- 75¾ 72 - 76¼ 71 - 74¾ 72'-(-  ¼ .... ........ 26% 20 75 . . . . 7 5 41 . • . • ..•. 56 52¼ . . . • 99¾ 88¾.... - ... . .... - . .. . .... - . ... 90 -  .•..•••• - .... . • . . lUj- l'U 23¼ 20¼- 23 . . . . . . . . - ... , 6¼ 5 - 5 . . . . 46 - 46 57 60 - 60 . . . . . . •• - • • • . 99l'( 94½- 96 95¾ 94¾-a137  -110¼ -150 - 68¾ -131¼-  • . • • - . • • . . • • • - •.•• %- 1¾ •••• - ..•• • • •• - . • • . . •• . - •..•  23 - 25-U 23 77 - 77 85 6 - 6¾ 6¼• • • • - • • • • . • .. 64 - 64 •••• 60 - 60 53¾•••• - ........ 134¾-142¼ . ••• -  32¼, 90 9!1:( •••• 54 ••• ••••  .... - ........ - . . . . ... - ... . .... 8 7¾- 8~ 7 - 7 6¼- CS¾ 7 - 7¾ 7 - 8¾ .••• - .•.. •·· - •··· •··· - •· •· •·· - ........ - •··· •··· - ···~ ........ - ........ - .... .... - .... ... . - ........ - ........ - . . . . 41 - 41 42 - 43 40 - 40 .... - ••. 40 - 'i0 3l}4  3 - 3 .... - •••. 4),(- 4¼ 4 - 4 3¼- 3% .... 325 -326 . • . • - • ... . . . . - . . . . • • • - • • • . . .. • - • . . . . . . • 2¼ •••• - •••••••• - •••• 2 - 2 2 - 2 .••• - ••••.••• - .. .. 2 . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . ... . - . . . . 5 - 6,t 5¼- 5¼ 5¾28¼ 19 - 25% 17 - 22),( 18¾- 21½ 20¼- 26¾ 23 - 26¾ 24¼- 26¼ 25¼3¼  3¾-  ••...••• - .... 4¾- 4¾ 5 . . • . . . • . - •... 340 -340 • •• 2 ll)f- 2¼ l¾- 1¾ 2 7 6 - 6 6 - 6¾ 6¼34¾ 2~- 32 26),(- 29¾ 27¼. . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ........ - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . .. . - . . . . 80 - 80 • • • • - . . 98 -100 99 -  .... 350 -350  5 6!,t- 6 },C ........ - •.•• 2 2 - 8 6¾ 7'-(- 11~ 32¼ 29,._ ~ 98 100 -106  )  VARIOUS. Amer. Bank Note Co ... ... - .... .... . ... 43 - 43 .•.. - ........ - ••••...• - ••••.••• - ........ - .•.. •··• - •··· •··· - •··· •••• - ••.. •··· - ...• Amer. Cotton Oil Co.... 20 - 23¼ 17 - 22% 15¼- 20 16¾- 17¼ 17llt- 221}a 20 - 22'kl 20¾- 2~¾ 24¼- 29¾ 32¾- 39¼ 33¾- 38¾ 31!1:(- 38¾ 32 - 35¾Pref........ . . . ......... ... 74~- 77¼ 70 - 77¾ 66 - 75 67 - 70 71¾- 77 73¾- 75¼ 73¾- 79¾ 78%- 90:ki 83 - 89 84 - 87% Si¾- 88 873'- 89¾ Amer. Dist. Telea-raph. 23 - 23 . . . • - • . . . . . . . - . . • . . . . . - . • • . 22 - 22 22%- 2!¼ 23 - 24 . . . • - . . • . 30 - 30 • • • - ....•••• - • • •• SO - 33¾Amerlcan Maltin1r..... ...... - ........ - . ... . .. - ........ - .. .. 25 - 29~ 26¼- 28¾ 24 - 27 26 - 38 29 - 35¾ 29 - 32¼ 81 - 33½ 29 - 34¾ Pref.... . . . . . . . ........... . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 76M- 79¼ 77 - 79 76¼- 77¾ 77¾- 87¾ 78¼- 85 78!1:(- 81¼ 80¼- 84!14 81 - 88 Amer. l!'lplrlt11 l'flta-. .... . . 6¼- 9¼ 6%- 9 6¼- 8¾ 1¼- 11¼ 10¼- 12~ 11¼- 15¾ 11¼- H¾ 12~- 15¼ 11¼- 13¾ 11 - 12¾ 10¼- 12¾ u - 1 ~ Pref....... . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. 18 - 22% 19 - 22¼ 16 - 19¾ 16 - 27¾ 26 - 3i¾ 32 - 40¾ 32¼- 38½ 36 - 41:);( 32!1:(- 39 32¼- 3!¾ 33¼- 37 85 - 3S¾· Amer. Steel & Wire.... . . . . - ........ - . . . . . . . - .. . . _. . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 37 - 43¼ 32 - 39¾ 25¼- 40),( 27¾- 33 SO¼- 33'4 31!1(- 60 Pref............ ............ .... - ........ - ...... - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - .... 88¾- 92½ 85¾- 92¼ 82 - 91 84¾- 89 86~ 90 89¼•118 .I.mer. Su1rar Ref. Co ... 135¾-145 120*140 107¼-129¾ 113¾-122:ki 126¾-140¾ 123%-145~ 129¾-141 136¼-146~ 116¼-145!14 108!1:(-118U lll¾-127 120!,(-135¾ Pref ................ ....... 112 -116 110 -114 103 -113 104~-109 110 -115 111 -115¾ 113 -lH¼ 113¼-1151,i 107 -115¾ 104¼-lOSJl 1()8¾-113 110¾-116 Amer. Tel. & Cable Co. 90 - 91% 91 - 93 88 - 92 89 - 91 90 - 93 92 - 94¼ 94: - 95 93¼- 97¾ 95 - 98 97¾- 98 95¼- M 96.l,{- 98¼ American Tobacco Co .. 83¾- 91¼ 87¾- 92¾ 86 - 90% 95¼-117 103¼-115¾ 108'-(-121 117¾·123 121¼-147 125 -153¾ lll¾-143¾ 133¾-144~ 135~-145¼ Pref . . . . . . . ........... 113¾-117¾ 115 -118~ 112¾-117 113 -118 116¼-ll9¼ 118%-120 120 -129¼ 121) -135¼ 126 -130½ 115 -125~ 126 -129 127¼-131 Dividend 11crip .......... 79 - 81¾ 79 - 8i 78 - 84 81¼- 94 87 - 92¾ 811¼- 9!¼ 93¼- 96 96¾-100 98 -101 94¼- 99M 93 - 95 93 - 96 Bay State Gas........ 3¾- 5¼ 2M- 4 2¾- 3% 2¼- 3¾ 2M- 8% 3¼- 4¼ 3 - 4¾ 3¾- 4¾ S - 3% 2'-(- 3¾ 27,i- 5¾ <l¾- 9¼, Brooklyn Rap. Trans.. 36¼- 41¼ 36¾- 43¾ 85 - 42¼ 36¾- 40¼ 38¼- 43¾ 42¼- 65¾ 53¼- 59¼ 67¾- 691}.( 57¾- 65~ 61¾- 67¾ 65* 69¾ , 67¼- 78¼, Brooklyn Union Gas ... 119 -125 114¼-123~ 106 -118 109 -113 113 -121M 118 -124 122¾-123¼ 123¼-128¾ 124 -127¼ 122¾-12'7¼ 126½-130 127 -U0!,i Brunswick Co............ *5 - 6½ *3½- 5 1'3¼· 6 f3M- 3M V4¼- 7¼ . •.• - .• •...•• - ... . • •·· - •··· ·••• - •··· •··· - •··· •··· - •··· •··· - • ..• Brun11. Dock & C.lmpt . .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 9 - 14 10 - 11¾ 10¾- 13¾ 8¾- 9M 7¼- 8¼ 8 - 10¾ 10 - 13 Capital Traction....... 62 - 70 . ••• - .•..••• - ......•• - ........ - •... - ••••.••• - ....••• - ........ - •.•.•••• - . • .••••• - ...... .. - ••• Chic. Junct'n R'y., pf.. .... - ........ - ... . . ... - ... . .... - ........ - .... 120 -120 .... - ••.. •·•• - •••• •··• - •··· •· • - •··· •··· - • •·· •··· - •··· Columbus & 9th Ave-...... - ........ - .... 99¼- 99% .••• - •••..••• - ........ - ••••.••• - ........ - .... •··• - .... •··· - •··· ••• - ........ - •·· ~ Commercial Cable .•.•.. .... - • • . . . .• - . . . . . . • . . ... - . . . . . . • - ..... , . • - .... 180 -180 • •• • - • . • • • • • - . • . . . . • • - • •. • •••• - .... • • • • - ... , Consolidated Ice......... 30 - 8~ Sl - 35 27¾- 32 28%- 32 32¼- 35¾ 3498- 38 36¾- 42½ 88 - 47 45¾- 52 45 - 49 46¼- 48M 44¼- 47 PreJ ........ . ... ............ 85 - 89¼ 86~- 91 86 - 87 83¾- 83M 87¼- 87¼ 88¼- 90¾ 90 - 91 90 - 92!>4 88¾- 92¾ 87 - 92 90 - 93 90 - 94: Consolidated Ga11 ........ 176 -195¾ 180 -194 167 -186~ 170¼-183 176 -196 189 -2053,fa 195 -201¾ 18i¼-201M 175¾-190 164 -188¾ 183 -191¾ 187¼-197¼ Uons. K.C. Smelt. & R . .... - ....... - .. .. . .. - .... .. - .... 99¼- 99½ .••• - ........ - •••••••• - ..•..••• - ..•.•••• - ........ - •••• .• - •.. Detroit Ga11....... .. . ... ... 60 - 60 67 - 60¾ 56)4- 61¾ 'i5 - 62 52 - 56¼ 65¾- 63¾ 56¾- 63~ 5i¾- 62¼ 62M- 67 .. •• - • •• . 60 - 63 60 - 63 Eastern Elevator ........ .... - .... .. - .... 65:1(- 66 •• - ••.. 61)4- 64¼ 62 - 65¾ .... - ••••.••• - .....••• - •··· •··· - •··· ... - • • · •••• - •.•• Edl11un Elec. Ilium. Co. 127¼-135 131 -134¾ 120 -124 119 -119 121 -129 126 -1~ 129¾-13! 130 -133¾ 131 -131 119 -141 136¼-165 164%-1»5 Edison EI. Ill. ofB'kln. 110 -110¾ 109¾-111 1106J.(-107~ 102¾-107 108¾-108¾ 106¼-106½ 122¼-122¼ 122 -125 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. Elirhth A venue ........... .... - . . . . . . .. - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - .... 335 -34.0 350 -350 350 -350 . • •• - •• , . 3 6 2 ~ . •• - • •• • .... - ... . Erie Telea-h. & Tel•ph . ... . - .... .. - . . . . ... - . .. . . ... - . . . . - . ... . . . - . .. . 7/t¼- 76¼ 7 ~ 7~ . ••• - .•• • I Er-div. 100% in bonda. • Before payment of assessm't. I 4th paid. t 1st lnst!\lm't patd, 1 Sd paid. 2d lnstalm't paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  *  112  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS.  1898-Concloded. STOCKS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MA.ROH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER  OCTOBER Nov'BER. DEC'BER.  - - - - - - - - - - - ----•·----1-----1-- - - ----1-----  - - - - - - - - - • - Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hl!lb L ow .High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  Federal Steel . ... . ..... . . . .... - . . . . . . . - . . . . .. - ... .. ... - .. . . .. . . - ...... .. - ... . .. .. - . . .. ... . - . . . . ... . - . .. . 29 - 33~ 30¼ - 33¾ Sl - 52 69¾- 75➔.t 71¼- 79~ 75¾- 853,( - . . .. ... . Pref....... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . General Electric Co..... 33¼- 37¼ 30¼- 39'4 29)4- 35 30)4- 33¾ 32),(- 37¾ 36½- 39% 38~- 40½ 39¾- 42~ 423'- 50¼ 47 - 48>( . . - . . •• . . . . . .. . 76 - 80¾ 77!4- 83¼ 81 - 85 843'- 97 General Electric, new.. ... . - . ... . ... - .... 65 - 72½ - .. ... ... - . . .. . . . . - ..... . .. Glucose Sua-ar Refln'a-. ... . - . .... . .. - ... . .... - ... .. ... - .... ... . - .... 107¼-109¾ - .... .... Pref..................... . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . 50¾- 59 61 49%53 30 29¾ 25 27~ ¾2t 20 20 27½ Hawaii Com. & s. Ret. 2!!3'- 33 29 - 36¼ 22¼- 33~ 15¾- 26 17¼- 24 20 90 - 96¾ 92 - 92xi 89 - 91 94 - 94 - . • . . 87¾- 87'4 88 - 88 92 - 92~ ••• H.B. Claflin Co.......... 92 - 92 94 - 94 - .. .. .... - ... . . .. - ... 1st pref- .. . .. . ... .. ........ . . 94 - 94 .... .... _ .... .... - .... .... _ 2d pref. ............. .. .... . . . . Illlnols Steel.. .. . ........ . 48 - 55!1,! !16 - 55 !15 - 50 ii¼- 45¼ 49 - 59% 5!1%- 60 56 - 60 57½- 73~ 64¼- 75¾ . . . . fl00¾-102 -f93½ 6': 67 67 .. . . .. . . . . . Trust receipts ....... . . . . ... 48 - 58½ 49¾- 55½ 50¾- 63),( 58 - 67 - . . . . 49 - 66 International Paper_.. . . . . 85 - 91:J( 86 - 97¾ 88 - 93¾ 90 - 95 - . . .. 88½- 93 Pref .... . . .. . ... .. . . . . . . . .. ... . 5tl':(- 57 . ... .... - ..... .. . Knick. Ice (Chicaao) . . . .... ... .. ... _ .. . Pref..... . .. . ... ... . .. . ... . . ... . 81 - 82¼ 49½- 51¾ 50¾- 54¾ 48½- 50¾ 46 - 49¾ 47¾- 50 50¼- 54 :Laclede Gas, St. Louis 4!1 - 48 33¾- 44½ 37¼- 43¾ 39¾- 43¾ 44 - 49¼ 48 - 52 Pref . ....... ..... . ... . ....... 93 - 94½ 92 - 92 85 - 85 85 - 87 85 - 91 90¼- 93½ 91 - 93 93 - 96¾ 9! - 95 90 - 93¾ 92½- 9!½ 94 - 96 . . . - . . . . .•• 5 - 5 . • •• - . . . . 2 - 2 Manhattan Beach Co. . 4 - 5¼ . . . . • . . . . . •• - . . . . . • • . - . . . . . . . . Mergentha1 9 r Linotype . . .. - . ... 145 -145½ 140 -140 140 -HO H5 -145 ...• - . .. . .. .. - . . . . . . . . .Metropolitan Street ... . 1~-U7;Jtl 132 -171¼ 125¼-156 131%-U2¼ 142¼-163½ 156½-162% 146¾--160 149 -168 151¾-159½ 156½- 167 160 -181 179!14-194¾ _ ... . .... _ ..... . .. - .... 15¼- 15½ 20 - 20¼ Dlich.-Peninsular Car . .... 57 _ 60 .. .. - . . ... . .• - . . ... .. . - . . . . 70 - 70 ... .. .•• - . .. . . •.• Pref .... .. ... . ..... . .. . .... . 5!1 - 54 . ••• - •.....•• 31M- 33% 32 - 33¾ 33 - 48¾ 43¼- 52¾ 30¾- 36 - . . ... . .. - ... .. .. . - . . . . . . . . National Dl8Cuit ... .. . ....... - . . . . 94¼- 99¼ 95 - 97 95 - 97 99 -101 100¼-106 - .... .... Pref............... ...... 5¾- 10¼ 8 - 18¼ 2¼- 6½ 2J.(- 7 }(at. Linseed Oil Co . . ... 17 - 19 17 - 18¼ 15 - 16½ 15 - 16 18 - 21% 15¾- 20½ 4 - 16¼ 5¾- 9 8¼- 9% - . . . ... .. - .. . .... . - . . . . .... _ ... .. ... _ ........ - .. .. .... Trust certlftcn.tes... ... . .. 36% 35)4- 39¾ 32~34" 31¼37¾ 32¾39¾ 36¼37 33¾36½ • 33 33% 30 Xatlonal Lead Co ........ S4 - 37% 30 - 36¾ 26¾ - 33¾ 27¾- 31 Pref...................... .. 100 -108¼ 103)4-109¾ 101¼-106xi 99 -10! 105¼-108½ 105¼-107¾ 107 -110 11(%-113½ 109¾-111 109¾-110 111)4-113¾ 112¼-114½ 3¾- 4½ 4 - 6¼ 5¼- 5¾ 6¼-- 8 5 - 6¾ .... - •••• 5 - 5 8¾- 9 .... Nat. Starch Mte. Co.. . . . . ... 1st pref. ...... . . . . . . ... . . . 75 - 80 75¼- 79 60 - 72½ • • • • - • • . . • • • • - . . • . 65 - 65 . . • • - . . . . 73 - 73 . . . • - • . . . 67½- 67½ . . . • - • . . . 60 - 60 25 - 27 .. .. - . . .. 12¼- 12½ 12¾- 12¼ 25 - 25 16 - 16 2d pre( .................... 30 - 30 .•.. - .. •...•• - . .. .•••• - ....•••• - .. . . 15 - 15 97)4-120 89 -105¼ 9~¼-105 92¼-120 42 - 54¼ 55¼-100 .. 23 - 26 23 - 26 22 - 24 14 - 22 17 - 41¾ 35¾- 51 North American Co...... 4)4- 6¾ 5¼- 6¾ 5¼- 5¾ 5 - 5¼ 5¼- 6½ 5¼- 6¾ 5¼- 7¼ 6¼- 7¾ 6)4- 6:J( 6 - 6½ 6¾- 7¾ 6%- 7J( Oree. Improve. tr. rec .. iw - 130½ i 25¾- SO ! 24¼- so 125¼- 28 127¼- 31 129 - 30¾ •••• - .....• •• _ ... . ..•• - ......•• - •...•••• - ......•• - •.•• 33!,(- 39¾ 36!1(- t o Pacific Mall S. s... .. .. . . . 29¾- 32 26)4- 32¾ 22 - 28¾ 21 - 25¾ 23¾- 29¼ 28¼- 30¾ 28 - 30 29¾- 35¾ 81!1:(- 35¾ 31%- 3!1 Peoples' G,-L.& C., Ch. 9!1¾- 99¾ SB¾- 99½ 86¼- 91½ 86¼- 93¾ 91¾-104¾ 9i¾-10!¾ 97¼-101¼ 98 -108 101 -108 101 -105½ 102¾-112 106¼-110¾ •••• . ... . •.• .... _ •• . -116 116 ... . ... . . . . P. Lorillard, pref........ .... - .. ...... - . ....... - .. .. ... - . ... . ... -Pullman Palace Co.r .... 173 -179 175 -189¾ 165 -181 170 -174 175)4-191 186¼·207¼ 207 -216 184 -211 186 -189% 189¾-199% 132 -141¼ 139 -159¼ 59¼- 59¼ dO¾- 60% . . . • - . . . . . • • • - . . . . . . . • 59 - 59 .Silver Bullion Certs. .. . . .. . - . . . . 5!S¼- 56¾ . • • • - • . • . 56)4- 57¾ 56 - 57½ 58 - 58 - ••...... - ••• . ..•• 8outh, & Atlo.n. Tel'gb . . .. - . . . 100 -100 - . ... 19¾- 23~ 19 - 22 - ........ Stand. Dist. & Dlstrlb. . . . . . . . . 66¼- 75 70 - 74: . . . . . . . . _ Pref......... . .............. . . . . • • . . • • . • - ...... , . ••• - ... . •••• Standard Gas . ........... 1!13¼-147 . . • • 5¾- 7¼ 6¾- 8¼ 7¾- 9¾ 5¾- 6¾ 5'1- 6¾ 5 - 10¼ 6¾- 9 4¼- 7 .Stand. Rope & Twine.. 8¾- 4.¾ 8¼- 5% 3¼- 4:¾ 3¾- 4 6¾- 8¼ 8 - 12¼ 7¾- 9½ ~- 7'% ••• • 5¾- 7¾ . • • . 5 - 6 Texas Pac. Land Tru8t 5J,.(- 6¾ 6)4- 6¼ • • • • 'Third Avenue (Co.hie) .. 164 -186½ 175 -194¼ 160 -188 155 -168¼ 162¾-179 172½-180 175 -179 178 -179 168 -178 145 -168 159 -165 158¼-171 30 - 36¼ 30 - so .... - .. •• 29¾- 30 Twin City Rap. Tran... 16½- 19¼ 19¼- 20 20 - 20 19¾- 20 19%- 19¾ . • . • - • . .. . . • • - • •• • 21 - 30 Pref ....... ................. .... - .. . ... - .. . ..... - ... . .... - ....... . - . ...... - .... . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... . ... - .... 107¼-107¼ 6 - 8% 7 - 8!,4 7¼- 7¾ 7 • S¾ 6¼- 7¼ 6 - 6¾ 6¼- 6¾ 5%- 8 U. S. Leatlaer.... .. ... . . . . 6¾- 7¾ 6¼- 7¾ 6¾- 6% 5!4- 6 Pref............. ,_ ........ 63 - 67 59¾- 66¾ 53!1.(- 63¾ 56 - 58¾ 59¼- 69¼ 63M- 68¼ 65¾- 69 68 - 74¼ 63¾- 73¾ 63 - 65¾ 65 - 69½ 67¼- 75¾ 24¾- 39¼ 36½- 48¼ 35¼- 47% 36¼- 4.3~ 40)4- !15¾ 42¼- 48 U.S. Rubber Co........ . 15 - 17¼ 15:ij- 21¾ 14¼- 19 15¾- 17 17¼• 22¾ 111¾ - 26 Pref........ .. .. ........... . 63¾- 66~ 65 - 74:Jtl 60 - 68¾ 63 - 68 67¼- 80¾ 78¼ - 90 88 - 97 96 -109¼ 96¼-105¼ 98¼-104¼ 100¾-105% 105%-11!\)4 - 98½ 92¼- 97¾ 94¾ - 95% 93 - 95½ 95¾- 96¾ 94.¾- 97¾ 92 94¾ 90¼95}:( 88¼93 87¾West Chlcaeo Street-· . 100 -102¾ 97¼-101¾ 89¾- 98¼ - •••..••• - ••••.••• - •••.•••• - ••••.••• - •••.•••• - ............ . Western Gas ....... ...... . 86 - 86 .•. • - •.•. . ••• - •... . ••• - ... . •••• - .. • ..••• - .•....•• - ..... .. • - •......• - ••• . ...• - ......•• 8 - 8 7¼- 8 8 - 8 Wester:u. Union Beef... . 7¼- 8 Western Union Tel. .... . 89¾- 93~ 86¼- 92¾ 82J,.(- 89¾ 83¼- 87¼ 87 - 92Mi 90 - 95 91¾- 93:Ji 92¼- 95% 90¼- 94¾ 90¾- 93 923'- 94: 91¼- 95% 63~- 68!1( •••• - ... . . .. - •.•.•••• - •••• Westln.gho1111e Electl'ic f Stamped. I 5th instalment paid. 3d in8talment paid.  *  1899. DEC'BKR.  JUNB. AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. Nov'BER. JULY. FEBR'RY. MARCH. - -- - - - - - - - - ----'-----1-----1-----1--- ·- - -MAY. - - - - -APRIL. ____ , ____ ,JANUARY Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.High Low. H igh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hhth Low.High Low.High ---------- - - - ---- ---- - - - - - - - - -  STOOKS-.  RAILROADS. .... - ••. . .... - ... . 210 -210 .••• - ..•...•. - •..• Albany & Su11quehan .. .. .. - ..... . .. - ........ - ... . . ... - ... £06¼;-206½ .. . . - ... .. .. . Ann Arbor...... .. . ......... 14¼ - 17½ 15½- 16 .... - •. . . 14 - 14 16 - 1~ 16 - 1~ 18 - 18 . . . . - . . . 18 - 18 19¼- 19% 18 - 18 17!,(- 17!,( u - 41½ 39 - 41½ 42¼- 48½ 44 - 47¼ 40 - 45 u 40¼58¾ 42 43~ 36 38 36¼37)4 36¼38¾ 36¼4.0 38 .... . .... ....... . Pref....... Atchison Tep.& 8. Fe .. 18 - 24.¾ 21 - 24¼ 20%· 22¼ 20~- 22¼ 17 - 20¾ 17 - 18% 19!4- 21¾ 20¾- 23¾ 19:J(- 227~ 19¼- 22% 21½- 23¼ 17 - 23% Pref ........................ 50¾- 65¾ 59¼- 67 59¼- 64¾ 59¾- 64 51 - 61¾ 53¼- 5!:I 58 - 63¾ 62 - 68¼ 60¾- 66¼ 61 - 67¼ 63¾- 67¾ 54 - 66)4 •••• - •... Baltlmore&Ohlo-...... *66¼- 74¼ •70 - 73½ *68 - 72 *70¼· 75¾ *67 - 73 *65½- 65¾ .... - •....... - ... . ...• - ••...... - ... . .... Bait. & o. vet. tr. cff... 53)4· 59% 55 - 60 56 - 53¾ 56¾- 61¼ 62 - 59½ 4.3%- 53 4:7 - 4~ 47%- 57¼ 49 - 55¾ 4'7¼- 54¼ 50 - 59:U 48 - 60 71¾- 73¼ 72 - 75 69½- 74 67%- 74,~ 71~- 85¼ 67¼- 84¼ 76¼- 78¼ 73 - 76¾ 67¼· 74 Pref. vot. tr. ctf...... . . 75¾- 79½ 76M- 78¾ 76¾- 79 Bait. & O. S, W.-Pref. 8¾- 9:1( 8½- t9¼ t8¼- 8¼ +8¾- 9¼ ta¾- SM tT"- 8¾ t 8¼- 8¼ t BM- 9~ t 81}(- 9!-1 .... - ... . .... - .•..•••• - ... . Bos. & N. Y. A. L., pf. .. .... - ... . .... - ........ - ... . .... - .... .. - ........ - . ....... - ........ - ........ - ....... - ... . 106¼-106~ .•.. - ••.. Buff. Roch, & Pltub .... 31 - 34½ 32 - ~5 30¾- 32 . .•. - ... . .... - . . . . S4 - 35 ••.• - ... 32 - 32 34 - 44 SO - 40 U - 59 55 - 65 75 - 76 76 - 96¼ 79¼- 85½ 90 - 96 88 -103 73 - 73 Pref . ...... ................ 74 - 78 76 - 76¼ 73 - 74 .... - . . . 69 - 70 75 •· 75 •••• - ..•..••• - ••.• Burl, C. Rap. & North .. 100 -110 . . .. - ... . 105 -105 106 -106 .. . . - ....•..• - ... . .... - •••...•• - ... . •••• - ••..•••. 95ff- 98 91¾- 97 91 - 96¾ 94 - 96 86 - 94½ -Canadian Pacl8c. . . . . . . . 8!¾- 87 85½- 90¾ 84¾- 90 85¼- 98¾ 95~- 99¼ 96 - 99¾ 97 - 99 -Canada Soutltera..... .. 54 - 70 57¾- 62 56)4- 61 56 - 59¼ 52)4- 57 50x.- 56¾ 53¼- 55 53 - 55 51~- 55¼ 51%· M½ 62¾- 54'l1, 46¾- 54 -Central of New.Jersey. 97 -106¼ 98¼-112 105 -119½ 114 -122¾ *109!,(-21½ 114 -118¼ 115%-119 116¼-119~ 116½-121¾117½-126 120!,(-126¾110 -122¾ . .. - . . . . . .. - ........ - . .. . 1%· 2¾ •.•. - • • . . ... - •.. . ••.• - . . . . . • •• - . . . . •••• - ... . .... - •••.•••. - •. •• Rla-hts. .... ................... - . . ,Central Pacific. ..... . . . . . 41 - 52¾ 49¼- 55¾ 47¾- 52¾ . • • . - . • • . . . • . - • . • . . • . • - . • • . • • • • - • • • . • • • • - • • . . . . • . - • . • . • . • • - •.. , • • • • - • , • • • • • - •••• *53¾- 60% *55¾- 59¾ *56¼- 58½.... - • • • . . • • • - •... ~peyer & Co.' ctfs..... . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 49~- 52~ !19½- 53 *451}.(- 53¾ •50 - 52¾ •51¼-Chesapeake & Ohio..... 24%- 31 28 - 31)4 26¼- ~ 26 - 28¾ 23¾- 27)4 23%- 26¾ 26 - 29¾ 27¼- 29:J( 26¼- 29¼ 24 - 27¾ 26%- SO¾ 25 - 311/ -Cblcaeo & Alton .......... 168 -172 170 -174 172%-175¼ 171 -171 . ..• - . . . . . .•• - . . . . • .• - •....•. . - ....•.• - .....•. - •..•••• - •• . ..••. - •... .... - ....•.. - .. . .•.. - .. .. Pref ........ . ... . ........... 192 -192 198 -199 ..•. - .... . ... - . . . . .. - .. .. .••• - ..• . .. • - ........ - •••. . ... ,Chic. Burl. & Quincy ... 124¼-141¼ 131¾-149½ 137½-145¾ 139)4-14~ *127 -144¼ 126¼-l ~ 134¾-138¼ 135½-138½ 128),s-137¼ 127½-135 130¾-134¾ 114¾-134l Riehts.................... . .... - . . ...... - . . . . .... - . .. . ... - . . .. 5¾- 6 .... - .. . ... - . .. . •..• - •.. . .... - ... . .... - . ... .... - • .....•• - ••. 73¼- 76½ 75 - 98 83¾-100¼ 91 - 99½ 95 - 97¾ 82¼- 97.lf. 73¼- 79¼ 72%- 77 71¾- 79 ()hie. & Ea11t'11. Illinois. 59¾- 68}( 64,¾- 68¾ 66%- 75 Pref............ .. .. .. ..... . 112¾-116 116 -118¼ 122¼-125 12s -124 123¼-124½ 121 -122¼ 121 -123¼ 125¼-132 129 -13~ 126 -129 125 -126 100 -120 <Jhlcaeo Great West. ... 15 - 20¾ 15¾- 17¼ 15 - 17¾ 15 - 16% 13¼- 15½ 13 - 14~ 14 - 15 14¾- 16!':( 13%- 1~ 13%- 14% 14!,(- 15¾ 10¾- 14% 90!,(- 92~ 89½- 93¼ 92¼-103¼ 90 - 96¾ 90 - 92 90 - 93¾ 62 - 94.)4 91¾- 93 4 per cent debenture.. 83¾- 91¾ 90 - 93M 89¼- 91½ 89¼- 93 69½ · 85½ 78 - 84½ 79½- 83½ 80¾- 83¼ 73¼- 83 66 - 69¾ 68 - 70 6 p, c. pref., A .. . ........ 50¾- 63¼ 59¾- 73¾ 68%- 72¾ 70 - 72½ 67 - 72 32%- 44 38 - 44¾ 39 - 4:t 40½- 42!,( 33¾- 41% 28 - 33¾ 30 - 33 4 p, c. pref•• B......... . 29~- Si% 31%- 37 35 - 37¾ 35¼- 37¾ 32¼ - 37 9¼- 10½ 8!4- 10~ 9 - 12½ 10¼- 12½ 11½- 19 13 - 17¼ 8 - 11¾ 8½- 10¼ 9 - 12½ 9 - 10½ 8 - 10 -Obie. Ind. & Loulsv . ... 7¾- 10 40½- 42¾ !10 - 44¾ 42¼- 46½ 42~- 52¼ 42 - 50¼ PreJ._ ...... . .... . .. . ...... . 31 - 36½ 35¾- 45¼ 43 - 49¾ !12 - 49 37 - 46 32½- 43½ 39¾- 44 ,Ohle. Mllw. & St. Paul .. 120¼-130¼ 124¾-133¾ 126)4-130¼ 124¼-129~ 120M-128¾ 121¾-131 1211¾-133¾ 1301}s-135!k, 125¾ 136)1122½-128¾ 123¾-127¾l112 -125!,( Pref .... ........... ......... 166¼-168¼ 168 -170 169 -173¼ 169 -171 169 -170 169 -174 174 · -175¼ 173¾-177 177 -179 169 -173 171½-174¼1166 -173¾ -Obie. & Northwest ....... 141¼-152¼ 147 -151¾ 146!,(-166 154 -164 149¾-158 148 -163 159 -163¾ 160 -165~ 165 -173 162¼-172½ 165¾-171~ 1148 -169¼ PreJ ........... ·-·········· · 188 -191 190 -193 192 -194 193 -19! 190½-190¼ 191 -200 196 -196 195 -200 206 -210~ 204 -207 202¼·204~201 -203 -Ohle. R. I. & Pacific . .. . . 113 -122¾ 115 -122 115¼-121¼ 115 - 120¼ 107¼-116¾ 108 -117% 115¾-120;.( 117!,(-121 110¼-120~ 110¼·116~ 112 -115MliOO -114¼ t Trust receipts. *Ex-ri't'hts. • Trust receipts; all assessments paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  54"  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS  1899-Continued. STOCKS.  JANUARY FEBB'RY.  MAR<lH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  STOCKS.  113  .... JULY.  AUGUST. 8EPT'BEB. OCTOBER. N0V'BER. DE0'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.HlghLow.BighLow.HlgbLow.HlgbLow.High  ----------·--- ---- - - - - - - - - -  Chlc.St.PaalM.& o ... 91¼-100¾ 91 - 94¼ 91¼- 98¼ 92 - 98 92¼- 96 92%-109¼105 -108¼108¼-117¾117 -126½119 -124 115 -121¼112 -124 Pref ............. .......... 170 -173 170 -173 170 -176 .... - .... 175 -180 178 -182 •••• - •...•••• - .... 185 -185 175 -175 .... - •••• 171 -175 Chic. Term'I Tran•fer.. 7¾- 12¼ 10¾- 14¾ . 12 - 25¼ 15¼- 23 15 - 21¾ 15 - 19 U%- 15¼ 13¼- 15~ 11 - 14'4 12 - 14¾ 11 - 15 8 - 14 Pref........................ 36¼- 40 37¼- 40¼ 37¼- 56¼ 47 - 54¼ 42¾- 55¼ 45¾- 52 45¼- 49¼ 44 - 48 40¾- 45 40 - 44¼ 87¼- 45 31¾- 42¾ elev. Cln. Chic.& St.L. 42¼- 61¾ 57¼- 62 56¼- 61¾ 56¼- 63¼ 51 - 61¼ 507-(- 59¾ 57 - 59¾ 56 - 59 54¾- 59¼ 52¼- 60¼ 57¾- 64¾ 53¾- 64¼ Pref........................ 95 -102¾ 98 -100 96 - 98¾ 96¼- 98 94' - 97 95¼-101 98¼-100 99 -100 07 -100 99 -100~100 -107 100 -108 -Olev. Lor. & Wbeel'rc., 12 - 16¾ 11¾- 13¼ 10¾- 11¼ 12¾- 13¼ 11 - 11 ... - .... 9 - 9 9¼- 12¼ 10 - 11¼ 10 - 10¾ 11 - 15 11 - 15¼ Pref ........................ n - 44¼ 42 - 43 42¼- 42¼ 40 - 45 39 - 44¼ 37¼- 38¾ •••• - •••• 37¾- 45 39¼- 45 38 - 41 40¼- 47 44 - 49¾ .Cleve. & Plttab. aruar .. .... - ... . .... - .... 184¾-184~ .••• - ••••..•. - .... 188¼-188¼ .... - . . .. 189 -189¾190 -190 188¼-188¾ ..•. - •··· . ••• - ..•• (Joi. Mid., vot. tr. ctf•. 7¼- 9 7 - 7 . . . • - • . . . 7¼- 7¼ • • . - . . . 7¼- 7¾ 5 - 5 6¾- 8¼ 7 - 8¾ 5 - 6¾ 6 - 9¼ 8 - 11¾ Pref. vot'&' tro•t ctf8 .. 19½- 22,4 20 - 21¾ ..•• - .... 17¾- 19 16 - 16 17 - 18 15¼- 17 17 - 22¼ 21 - 27 19 - 23 17¾- 24¾ 15¼- 24¼ Calorado & Soutlaern... 7¼- 8¼ 6¼- 8 6'4:- 7¼ 6 - rn 5¼- 6¼ 5¼- 5¼ 4¼- 5¾ 4¼- 6 4%- I>¾ 4!':(- 5¾ 5¼- 7 4¾- ~ ht pref.... . ...... . . ....... 49¼- 57½ 54 - 56¼ 53%- 58¾ 50¼- 55 44 - 50¼ 41¾- 47 43 - 45¼ 46 - 48~ 43 - 47¼ 43 - 4~ 45 - 48¼ 85 - 48¼ 2d pref................... . 18¾- 24¼ 21¼- 22¼ 20¼- 25 20 - 22 17¾- 20¼ 16 - 19¾ 17 - 17 17 - 1~ 14!1(- 17¼ 16 - 17 16¼- 19¼ 12¼- 19 -Oal. Hock. Val.& Toi.. 2¼- 4 3 - t6¼ t5¾- *9¼ 1 5¼- 11¾ "10 - 11 .... - .... . ... - ••..••.• - ........ - ....•••• - .•.. . •. • - •••..••• - •.•• Pref....................... 7¾- 15 8¼- ~ t1231s-•20 •17 - 20 •17 - 17¼ - •••..••• - ........ - .......• - .•••.... - ......•• - •...•••. - •.•. Delaware & Hadaou ... 106¼-117¾ 110 -116 111¼-117¼ 115 -125¾ 115 -122 115¾-124 121 -124¾ 121!1(-126¼1207-( 135¼119¼-124¾118¼-123¼109¾-~ ·D el. Lack. & We■ tern .. 157 -163 157¼-162 157 -174¾ 168 -179 165 -171¼ 165¼·172 168 -179½ 175 -181 174 -191¼ 185¼-194¼ 187 -192½ 169 -189¾ Denver & Rio Grande.. 1&¾- 21¼ 21 - 24¾ 20!14- 24 21¾- 25¾ 21¾- 24¼ 21¾- 24¼ 20¾- 22'¼ 21 - 24'¼ 20¾- 23¾ 20 - 22¾ 207-(- 21% 15¼- ~ Pref............... . ... .. . . . 68¼- 7~ 72¼- 711¾ 717-(- 76¼ 73¼- 80 74¼- 79¼ 74¼- 79¼ 74¾- 78¾ 74¾- 78% 74' - 77}4 72¼- 77'1Ai 74 - 77¼ 63 - 74¼ Dea Mo. & Ft. Dodare... 19¼- 23¼ 19¾- 23¼ 18 - 21¾ 18 - 21¼ 15 - 18 13!4- 22¼ 20 - 21¾ 20 - 21¾ 15 - 18¼ 17¾- 19 17"- 18¼ 12¼- 18 Pref....................... . 80 - 80 •••• - ••• • 90 - 90 . ... - •...•••. - •••• 110 -110 •••. - ........ - ........ - ... ..... - •....••. - ....... - ... . Duluth So. Sit. & Atl... 3~ 3¾ 3¾- 4¼ 3~- 4 3 - 5¾ 5 - 5¼ 4 - 4¾ .... - ... 5 - 6¼ 5 - 5¾ 4¾- 6¼ 6 - 8 5¼- ~ Pref..................... . . 7¾- 8½ 8 - 11¾ 9;14- 10¾ 9 - 14 11¾- 14 11 - 12¾ 9 - 12¼ 11¼- 16% 13¼- 15 13¼- 15¾ 14¼- 177-( 12¼- 17¼ Brie........................ 13!1(- 16¼ 14¾- 15¾ 13¾- 14¼ 13¼- 14¼ 12¼- 13¾ 12¼- 13 13¼- 14 13¼- 14:J.( 13 - 14 12'-(- 13;14 13 - 13¾ 10 - 18¾ ht pref:................... 37¼- 42 38¼- 40¾ 37!4- 40¾ 34 - 39!1:1 33¾- 37¼ 33½- 36¾ 35~- 38¼ 37 - 40 36 - 39¾ 34¾- 38'4 3e"- 89¼ 27¼- 88 2d pref................... 19 - 22½ 20¾- 21¾ 20 - 21½ 19 - 20¾ 16¼- 18~.( 17¼- 18¼ .... - ..•. 18¼- 20¾ 17~- 19½ 17¼- 19¼ 19 - 20 15¼- 18~ .Bvansvllle & T. Haute. 37¾- 41¾ 37¾- 39¾ 36 - 39 36¼- 39½ 37¾- 40¼ 38 - 4lx. 39 - 40 40 - 45¼ 42¼- 46 41 - 44 43 - 46¼ 38 - 45 Pref........ ....... .. . . .. . . . 70 - 74 72 - 77 77 - 80 77½- 79¾ 'i7¼- 77½ 79¾- 85 80 - 80 85 - 96¾ 95 - 98~ 90 - 90 00 - 91 80 - 00 :Flint & Pere Marq...... 17 - 26 23 - 25 22¼- 27 25 - 26¼ 26 - 32¼ 30 - 30 28 - 31 . • . . - . . .. . • . . - . . . . .. . . - •• •. . • • • - • • •. • • • • - •••• Pref........................ 43¾- 48¼ 47 - 4'8 46 - 48 46¼- 54¾ 54 - 65 62 - 62 57 - 58 .... - .•. ... - ........ - ... ..... - ....•••• - •••• Ft. Worth & Den. City 247-(- 25 21 - 24 21 - 21 15 - 15 16 - 16 15 - 15 • . • • - . . . . 14 - 22¼.... - .. • • . • • • - • • • . 14 - 16 . • .. - •••• Ft. Worth~RloGr .... 16 - 16 14 - 22 20 - 30 26¼- 28¾ .... .. 22 - 26¾ 22 - 25 24 - 28 26 - 26!,ii 20¾- 22~ •··· - •••..••. - .••• Great Northern, pref.... 142¾-176 174 -190 181 -195 188¼-195 170 -191¾ 164¾-170¼ 164¼-172¾ 166¼'-168¾161 -167 160¼-179!,(171¼-177¾ 157¼-179 Green Bay & Western. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . 30 - 80 . . • • - • • . • . . .. - . . . . . . • • - • . .. • • • • - . . . . . • • • - . . . . .. . • - • . • . . • • • - • • • . 45 - 45 . • . • - .... Deben. cert ■ ., Ser. A.. 49¼- 61¾ 59¼- 59J,4 57¾- 58½ • • • • - . . . . 58¼- 58½ . . • • - • . • . . • • • - . . .. 59 - 60 • • • • - • • • . 58 - 68½ . • • . - • . . . Si - 55 Deben. certs., ~er. B. 5½- 9 6¾- 8 6 - 6¾ 6 - 6¼ 5 - 51J4 .... - •••. 5 - 6¾ 6¾- 7~ 5¼- 7 6 - 9¾ 7¼- 8¾ 5¼- 7¼ Bockinar Valley .... ..... . .... - ........ - ........ - ... 29 - 29 23¼- 27¾ 24:J{- 24¾ 22 - 25¼ 24¼- 35¼ 33 - 37~ 30 - 85 30¼- 35¼ 28¼- 35 Pref....................... . .. .. - .. . . . . . . - . .. . . . . . - . . . . 59%- 60¼\ 54¼- 59¾ 56 - 5~ 57 - 60 59¼-- 65¾ 61 - 66¼ 61¼- 64'¼ 62¼- 66¼ 53¼- 66!,( llllnola Central ........... 114 -122 ll4¾-118¾ 113¼-118¼ 113¼-118¾ 111 -117¼ 110 -115¼ 114½-118 lH¼-116¾ 112 -116¼ lll¼-116~ 113¾-ll~ 105¾-116 Leaaed line, 4 •• c . .... 100 -100 . . .. - . . . . . .. . - . . • . . . . . - • . • . .. • . - • . .. 99'.(-101¼ 101¼-103 . . • • - .. .. • • .. - • . . . . . . . - . .. 104' -10,1 103½-103¾ Iowa Central............. . 107,i- 13 ll!-9- 13 10¼- 11¾ 11¾- 13¼ 11¾- 13 11~ 12¾ 12 - 14 12!,(- 15¾ 12;14- 14¼ 13¼- H¾ 13½-- 14¾ 10¾- 13!'( Pref......................... 42¾- 49¾ 46 - 51¼ 44 - 47¼ 45 - 47¼ 42¼- 46¼ 45 - 41l¾ 49 - 5~ 52 - 62¼ 54½- 5~ 56¼- 60¾ 57¾- 60¼ 40 - 58 Kanawha & Mlchlaran . 7¾- 13¼ 9¾- 13~ 12½- 15 13 - 14¾ 10¼- 12¼ 10¾- 12 12 - 12 10¾- 12¼ 11 - 11¼ 10¾- 12¾ 12 - 12 9¾- 11 K. C. Plttsb, & Gulf .... 12'¼- 18 14 - 17¼ 7 - 15¾ 7¼- 12¼ 9 - 11!4 7 - 9¼ 7 - 8 7 - 17½ 7 - 10½ 7½- 8¼ 7¾- 10¾ 7¼- 10¼ Keok. & De• Moine•··.. 5 - 5 5 - 5¾ .. • • - .. .. . . . . - • . . . 3 - 3 3¼- 3¾ . • . . - .. . 5 - 5½ 4 - 5 . . .. - . . . . 4 - 4 8¾- 8¼ Pref........................ 17 - 17¾ 17¾- 17¾ 15 - 16 16 - 17¼ 17 - 17 16¼- 16¾ 18 - 18 18 - 22½ 20 - 21 18 - 18 •... - .••• 17¼- 17~ Keokuk & Weatern .... 32 - 32 .. . - ........ - .. ...... - ........ - ........ - ........ _ ........ _ ........ _ ........ _ ........ - ........ - .. .. Klna-•ton & Pembroke 2 - 6 .. . . - . . .. .. . . - • • . . . • . . - . • . . . . • • - .. . . .. . - . . .. .. • • _ • • • . • • • • _ • . .. • . . • _ . .. • . . • _ .. . 7½- 7¾.... - ... . Lake Erle& We8tern ... 15 - 22¼ 17 - 22 18 - 20 17 - 19!1:1 16 - 17¾ 14¾- 18¼ 17;14- 22!4 21 - 21¼ 19 - 21¼ 18¾- 19½ 18¾- 21½ 18 - 24 Pref........ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 60 - 75 60 - 71½ 65¼- 69¾ 66¾- 69¼ 66½- 69¼ 67 - 71¾ 71 - 81¾ 80 - 81¾ 78½- 80¾ 78 - 80½ 78 - 80¼ 75 - 85 Lake Shore ........... ... .. 196¼-208 202¼-202¾ 200 -200 200 -.201 200 -205 201¾-204~ .. •• - .... 201 -201 202 -202 .... - .... 205 -208 205 -206 Lon1r bland ... ~ ....... .... 56!4- 77¾ 73 - Si½ 73 - 80 77 - 85 70 - 76½ 65 - 65 70 - 70 69¾- 70 60 - 65 57 - 60 46 - 55¼ 45 - 54 Loulavllle & Naalavllle. 6i - 69 63¾- 67¾ 63 - 66¾ 63 - 69 63¼- 68¼ 64¾- 71¼ 70¾- 76 74¼- 83¼ 76%- 82 75%- 88¾ 84¾- B&¼ 72'(- 85'¼ .Manhattan Con•ol ...... 97 -118¾ 109 -116½ 103¾-116 111 -133¾ 10{ -119¾ 103¼-120 115¼-121¼ lll¼-120¼105 -118}41057-(-113¾101¼-11374 85¼-106¾ Rights. .................. .. . . . . - . . . .. . . - . . . 2¾- 6:JJt . . . . - • • . . .. .. - . . . . . . . . - .. . . . . .. - • • • . . . • • - .. • . • . - .. • • • • . • - • • . .. . . . - • • • . . • • • - .• . Subacription receipt■ - ....... - .. .. 19¼- 23!J,! 21 - ·41 ... - . • . . ... - ........ - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - •••..... - ••.• Mexican Central........ 6 - 71¼ 6¼- 7¼ 6 - 8¼ 8¾- 17¼ 12 - 15¼ 11¼- 14¾ 13¼- 15¼ 14¼- 16 14 - 16~ 13 - 14¾ 12¾- H~ 8%- 13¾ llle.x:. National, ctfa...... 1 - 1¾ 1¾- l¾ 1%- 3¾ 2~r 4¼ 3¼- 4¾ 3 - 4 3¼- 4 3¾- 6 5 - 6¼ 4.¾- 5¾ 4¾- 5¾ 3¾- 5 Mlchlaran Central ........ 112 -116 112 -112 114 -114¾ 113 -115 113¼-113¼ 113 -113 111 -111 110 -112¼ 111 -111 110 -110 110 -110 108 -110 Mlnneap. & St. Louie .. 35!,4- 45¾ 44 - 5!l¾ 52¾- 54 50¼- 62¼ 53:J(- 62¾ 52¼- 58!1.( 64 - 58 58¼- 78 71¼- 77¼ 69 - 72¼ 65 - 72½ 55 - ~ lat pref.......... ...... .... 977-(- 99 98¼- 99¾ 99¾- 99¼ 98¾-100 101 -101 .. . . - . . • . .. . . - . . . . . • . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. .. .. . . . . - • . .. . . • • - .•.. 2d pref. ... . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . 73!4- 79 79 - 90 86 - 86% 83¼- 89¾ 88 - 98 00 - 94¾ 89¾- 92 92¾- 98¾ 9i¾- 97¾ 94 - 96¼ 95 - 99½ 89 - 98 ltllnn. St. P. & S.S. M.. 8¾- 8¾ 10¾- 17 177-(- 19½ 19¼- 26 2o - 37¼ 22¼- 29 23 - 27¾ 22 - 28 23 - 27½ 227/4- 22% 23 - 24'½ 18 - 20¼ Pref....... . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .... - . . . . 39 - i5 48¼- 48½ 47¾- 60 62 - 72 62¾- 69¾ 61¼- 67¼ 63 - 69¼ 63 - 68¼ 62¼- 65 62 - 66¾ 58 - 60¼ J.Uo. Kaneaa & Teso.s... 18 - 14'¼ 13¾- U¾ 13 - H'¼ 12¼- 14 11¾- 13 12 - 12'¼ 11¾- 12¼ 127-(- 14¾ 12¼- H¼ 12 - 13¾ 12 - 13½ 9¼- 12¼ Pref....... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . 36¾- 40¼ 36¼- 41¼ 87¼- 40¼ 38¼- 42¾ 30¼- 39 30¼- 85¾ 33¾- 37¾ 35%- 46¼ 37 - 45¾ 31 - 397,1j 38 - 41½ 28¾- 39 Mlaaourl Paclftc .......... 48¼- 49'7~ 43¼- 48¼ U¼- 48¾ 48 - 52¼ 39 - 49'.( 38¾- i4¼ 44¼- 49¼ 47½- 51½ 42¾- 49¼ 42¼- 50 46¾ - ~ 33 - 48¾ Mobile & Obie.... ........ 32 - 40¾ 88¼- 43 87 - 45 42 - 491)4 87 - 44¼ 85¾- 42 40 - 46 44¾- 52 43¼- 49½ 44¼- 4~ 45 - 4'rn 84 - 43 itlorrls & Esaex .. ......... 176 -ISO 179 -180 180 -182 182¾-182¾ 183 -183¾ 185 -185 184¾-184¾ 183)4-185 182 -185 182¾-185 185¾-187 182 -186 Na•hv. Chatt. & St. L .. ···· - ···· .... - ........ - ........ - ....... . - ... . .... - ........ - .... .. .. - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 62 - 62 :N. Y. Cent. & a ... Riv. 121¾-lil 138¼-140 131%-144¾ 134 -143§:( 128¾-139 127 -141 136%-lil 138 -140¾ 133¼-140~ 132 -140 185¼-HO¼ 120 -134'-( Right■ .............. .••••....• - . .. . . .. - ......•. - ........ - .. .. . .. - ........ - ........ - . .. . ... - ........ - . . . . . . . - ... .... . - . . .. 3¼- 5~ N. Y. Chic. &St. Lout ■ . U - 1~ H - 16¼ 13§:(- 15 14 - 14¾ 12¼- 13!J,! 12 - 14¼ 12 - 14 13¾- 15 13¼- 16 13 - 1~ 13 - 15¾ 11¼- 13¾ 1•tpref .......... ......... 73 - 79 70 - 71¾ 65 - 76 6~- 65¾ 66 - 6'7 68 - 72 .•.. - .... 72 - 72 67¼- 72 70 - 85 80¼- 85 80 - 83 2d pref".... ........ . . . . . . . . 84 - 41 84 - 37 33 - 39 32 - 34 29¾- 31~ 80 - 83 327-(- 35 83 - 84¾ 82¼- 38 32 - 38 33 - 37 29 - 36¾ New York & Harlem ... 860 -375 .••. - .... 380 -390 390 -390 .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - .•• . •••• - •••• ..•• - •••. N. Y.Lack.&Wfltlt . .... 129¼-130 130¼-130¾ 129¾-138¼ . .. - . ... 132¾-132¼ 133 -133 131 -131 .... - •••.••.• 132¼-132¾132¾ ·1 ~ - .... ]!(.Y.N.Haven&Hartt.198 -204 207 -211 20!¾-210 208 -222 212 -216¼212 -219 211ll(-217¼213 -218½214 -219 213 -215½214¾-216 207¾-215 N. Y. Ontario & Weat ... 18%- 25 20¼- 27½ 25%- 29% 25%- 28¾ 23¾- 27 24¼- 27¼ 26¾- 27¼ 25¾- 28 24¾- 27¼ 23¾- 28½ 25 - 2~ 18¼- 25¾ Norfolk & Southern ..... .... - ........ - .... . . . - . .. . 75 - 75 70 - 70 70¼- 70xi ••.• - .•.••••• - .••. 75 - 75 .... - •... 88¾- 88~ •••• - •••• Norfolk & Western ...... 17¼- 20¼ 18 - ~ 17%- 19½ 17¾- 22¾ 18¼- 21¾ 18'¼- 21¼ 20¼- 21:14 21¼- 28¾ 23 - 27¼ 21¾- 28 25¼- 28~ 20 - 277-( Pref........... . . . . .. ... . . . 61%- 70¾ 65¾- 71¾ 6~- 67¾ 61~- 70¼ 65 - 68¼ 66 - 70¾ 69¾- 72 70¾- '74¾ 68 - 73 65:J;(- 72¼ 69 - 72 63 - 71¼ No.Pac.Ry. Tot. tr. rec. 42¾- 53¼ 50 - 55¼ 49¼- 54¾ 49¾- 54¾ 46%- 53¾ 43!1-(- 49¾ 48'¼- 53 51¼- 57¾ 51 - 56U 49¾- 55¾ 537-(- 56½ 477-(- 57¾ Pref. Totin&' truat rec. 76%- 81½ 77¾- 80¼ 77¼- 80¾ 77 - 80 75 - 79¼ 73 - 78 76¾- 78¼ 76¾- 78¼ 73¾- 77'½ 72¼- 76¾ 73¾- 7™ 68 - 77¾ Omaha & St. Lout ■••.•.. 7 - 7 10¼- 10¼ 10 - 10 . . • • - . . . . 5 - 5 5 - 5 . • . . - . . .. 7 - 7 . . .. - • • . . . .. • - • . • . 7 - 7 . • . - •••. O.RR.& N. Tot. tr. rec. 48¼- 52 46 - 50 H - 4i 40 - 43'¼ 34¾- 38 88 - 88¾ 39 - 40¼ 41¾- ~ 43 - 47 44¾- 44¼ 45 - 45 .... - .. .. Pref. votlne trust rec. 71 - 7~ 74 - 76¼ 71 - 73 69¾- 69¾ 69 - 70¾ 68¼- 73¾ 75 - 77 75 - 77¼ 75 - 77¾ 75 - 75¾. ... - • . • • .. • • - ... . Pref. tr. co. ctfa. dep.. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . . - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . .. . 76¾- 77 • • • . - . • • . . • • . - ... . OreeonShortLlne ..... 42 -48 41 -41 41¾-41¾-••· - ....... - ........ - •••..••• - ....... - ........ - ........ - . ....... - ••••.••• - •••• .Pacific Coa•t Co.. ........ 45 - 51 48½- 60 44 - 48 40 - 40 88 - to 88 - 89'.( 39!1(- 39¾ 38 - 49 45¾- 50¾ 47¼- 52¼ 50 - 54 45 - 52 let pref........ . .. . . . . . . . 85 - 87 88 - 90 89 - 89 84¼- 89¾ 85 - 86 .. . . - . . . 83 - 86 87¾- 87¾ 83 - 85 88¾- 90 85 - 89 84¼- 86 2d pret:.... . . . . . . .. . . . . 64 - 67¼ 64 - 67¾ 62¼- 63 . . . . - . • • • 56 - 55 59¼- 59¾ 58¾- 59¼ 60 - 66¼ 63}{- 66½ 65 - 67¼ 66¼- 68M 64¾- 66 f>ennaylvanla RR ....... 122¼-142 121J¾-136¾ 130 -136¾ 130 -136¾ 125¼-134¾ 126 -134¾ 134 -138 135 -137¾129%-136% 129¼-134 12tl¼-137¾127 -136!'-( Rlarhts.. ... . . ... .. .. . . . . . . . ... . - . . . . . .. . - .. . . . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . - . . . .. . . - . . .. . .. . - . . . . . .. . - . . .. 2¼- S Peoria Dec. & Evansv. . 1 - 2 1¾- 1% 1¾- 2¼ 2 - 3¼ 2¼- SJ.( 2 - 3¼ 2¼- 2l).( 2 - 3 2¾- 2¾ 2¼- 2J,4 2¼- ~ 2¾- 6¼ Peoria & Eastern........ 4¼- 7 6¼- 6¾ 4¼- 5 5 - 5¾ 4 - 4¾ 4 - 4 .. . • - . . .. 5 - 5¼ 5 - 5 4 - 4 4 - 7U 4!'-(- 6¼ Pitta. Clnn. Ck. & St.L 64 - 88 66 - 7i¼ 56 - 66 45 - 61¾ 43 - 55¾ 44¾- 60 52 - 65 64¼- 78 71 - 79 72¾- 76 73 - 76 68¼- 79¼ Pref........................ 84 - 93 80 - 87 80¼- 85¾ 82 - 86¾ 80¾- 83¾ 85 - 87 86¼- 86¾ 84 -100 95 - 97¼ 93¾- 94 89J.(- 89¼ 85 - 90% Pitt•• Ft. W.&C., par. 180 -182 .••• - ........ - ..... . .. - _. 184 -184 188¾-1887-( .... - •••. 186¾-190 190 -100 188 -100 tSS¼-188¼184 -186!'-( Pitts. McK. & Yeua-h.. . . . . - . . .. . . . . - .... 137 -137 .. . . - . .. . . . • . - • • .. •• . - • • . . . . • • - • • • . . •• - • • •• • • • • - . • • . . • . • - • • • .. . .. - • •• . • • • - .... Plttsb. & West., pref... 8 - ~ 8 - 8¾ 8 • 9 8 - 8 7 - 13 7¼- 7¼ 8 - 14 12 - 12 .••• - .... 13 - 15~ •••• - ••. , •• - .••• l ~ust Co. ctfs. dep ..... .... - . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . . - ..•. •••• - •••• . . .. - . .. . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - ........ - . . . . ... - .. . . 13¼- 17¼ 17 - 20¼ t15 - 18 • Trust receipts; all paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ; Trust receipts; 1st iustalment paid.  t 25c. paid.  :114-  RAILROAD AND MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. I899-Vontinued.  STOOKS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  M.A.RcH.  APRIL,  MAY,  JUNE. ---, AUGUST. 81!:PT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV BBR. -JULY. ----,1  DEC'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.HighLow.HighLow.HigbLow.HlgbLow.Htgb  ----------,----Reading vot, tr, certs.. 1 ■ t pref. vot. tr, certs. ~d pref, vot. tr, certs. Reu. & Sarato1ra ........ Rio Grande Western... Preterred................. Rome Wat. & Oirdensb, St,J,&G,l, ■ .  20¾- 28),( 20M- 25 20!,(- 22¾ 20¼- 22 16¼- 20½ 22¼- 2!l¾ 19¾- 22¾ 19¼- 21¾ 20),(- 22 20¼- 28¼ 21!4- 25 59 - 63¼ 55½- 62¾ 56!,(- 62¾ 56¾- ~ 42¾- 60 66¼- 66¾ 60¼- ~ 63!,d;- 68¼ 53 - 64¾ 65¾- 62¼ 59¼- 63 31¾- 35¼ 32%- 35¾ 31 - 34¾ 30¼- ~ 29 - 33¾ ~2¼- 81½ 31¾- 38~ 34: - 37¾ 29 - 34¾ 33 - 36 28¼- 35 187 -187 191 -HU .. . • - • .. . . • .. - .... 193 -193 .... - .. • . .. •• - .. • .. .. - .. . . .. .. - .. . . . . . . - .... 200~-200!,d; 4:2 _ 4:3 . . . - . . . . . • • . - • . . . 34 - 40 37¼- 40 38½- 38~ 37¾ - 44 36¼- 36½ 36 - 36 87 - 43¼ 85 - 36 79 - 79¾ 77¾- 83¾ 81 - 82¼ 81 - 82 821,(- 90¼ 77¼- 90½ 78 - 80 76 - 77"4 75!4- 78 76 - 79 74 - 78 180 -130 129M-131¾ 132 -132 180¾-131 131 -1317,{ .... - ........ - ••...• .. - ........ - .... 132 -135 .. . . _ ... . 5¼- 5!1:( 5 - ~ 6 - 7!4 6 _ 7¼ 3!)£- 4¾ 4¼- 5¼ 5¼- 6 4 - 5 5 - 5¾ 5 - 5 5½- 6 38¼- 40 39¾- 42 43 - 51¾ 4:9 - 52½ 50 - 51¾ 4:9¼- M¾ 50* 52 45¾- 48 50 - 52¾ 45 - 50¼ 45 - 48 15 - 17 U - 18 16¼- 17 12 - 16¼ H¾- 16¾ 15 - 16 9 - 10 13%- H¼ 10¾- 18¼ 12¼- 13¼ 9¼- 10 9%- 11¼ 11¾- 12!1:( 10¾- 11% 107,{- 11¾ 10¼- 11¾ 8¾- 10% 11¾- H¾ lOJ,(- 12¼ 10!4- 12¾ 9¼- 11¾ 9¼- 11 69 - 72)4 71%- 73 70 - 71¾ 70 - 71 71 - 73¼ 69¼- 72 66¼- 7S 71 - 72¼ 64: - 71 71 - U¼ 69!1:(- 72 36 - 87¾ 36¾- 39¾ 87!,(- SQ¾ 36¼- 37½ 35½- 37¾ 36!4- 87',( 28¼- 36!,d; 36 - 3S 37 - 44¼ 37¾- !ll~ 37}r 4:1 9 _ 13 16¼- 18¼ 13¾- 16¾ 12!1:(- 15 12¾- 14 12¾- 17 13¼ 11¼1~ 11¼15 11¼9¼- 11¾ 8¾- 12 32¼- 39¾ 37¼- 40¾ 3~- 38½ 29:j,(- 36!ki 80¾- 33% 20 _ 82¼ 80!-l- 35¼ 29¼- 33¾ 29 - 33 :&5 - 81!4 26¼ - 35 59 - 59 50!,(- 60¼ 51¼- 57¾ 64¼- 73% 60 - 70 60 - 65 45 - 52½ 49 - 51 !lO - 45¾ 39 - 45¾ 40 - 56 104¼-106 104:½-105¾ 101 -102¼ 102 -102 103 -103 103 -103¼ 100¼-101 100 -101 101 -102 103 -103 102¾-102¼ .• . - . . . • ..• - ••...•.. - ........ - .•..•.. . - ... . .•• - ... . .... - ........ - .. ...... - ... . .... - ... . .... 12¼- 13~ 12 - 13!,( 12 - 13!4 10 - 12M 10¾- 11¾ 11¼- 12¾ 11¼- 13¼ 11~- 13¼ 11¼- 14¼ 12¾- 14 10¼- 13¾ 48¾- 51~ 47¼- 5~ 4:9¾- 55 47¾- 54 48¾- 52 50¾- 58!,( 51¾- 55:>.f 49¼- 65¾ 19~ 58¼ 55¼- ~ 49¼- 58½ 33 - 35¾ 27 - 34:½ 21»4- 32'7~ 31¾- 36¾ 34 - H¾ 34¾- 38½ 35¾- 39¾ 38¾- 44¼ 30¼- 43¼ 86 - 43¾ 32¾- 37 17J,4- 20¼ 19¼- 23¼ 20¾- 23 18 - 21¼ 17¾- 20¼ 18 - 20¾ 12¾- 18½ 19¾- 25¼ 21~- 25¾ 21½- 24¾ 18½- 23 29 - 29 . .. . - . . .. .. .. - .. .. .. . . - .. .. . .. . - • .. . . .. . - .. . . 20 - 20 23½- 24 30 - so 20 - 20 21 - 21 oi2 - 4:2 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 40 - 40 40¼- 43 ~ - 45 42 - 42 36 - 36 . .. . .. .. - .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. - .. . . .. .. - .. .. .. .. - .. . . . .. . - .. .. .. .. - .. . . .. .. - .. .. .. . . - .. .. 5 - 5 . . . • - . . .. 40¼- 4:6¾ 38¼- 43!,( 42 - 46¼ 43¾- 48 42½- 48¼ 41½- 48¼ 46¼- 51¼ 89¾- 51¼ ~¾- 50¾ 43%- 49½ 4:4¼- 49 50 75¼- 78½ 75%- 78¼ 66¾- 77¾ 75¼- 79¼ 76¾- 80¾ 75¼- 81 84:¼ 78¼- 82¾ 77 - 83½ 76M- 81¾ 73!'4- 79¼ 72 - 78 14¼ •12 - 13¾ •U¾- 13¾ •12¾- 13 . • .. - .. .. . .. . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . .. .. - .. . . . .. . - .. . .. . - .. . . .. . - • . . . • • .. - .... 7¾- 8¾ 6½- 8¼ 7%- 7% 7¼- 8 7¼- 7¾ 7%- 8¼ 7½- 8 8% 7%- 8¾ 8 - 8% 8 - 8% 7¼- 8 22!,(- 25½ 19 - 23¼ 19¼- 21¼ 21¼- 23¾ 22¾- 2!l,1j 21¾- 23¼ 20¼- 22¾ 21¼- 2!l 19 - 23¾ 24¾ 21¼- 23¾ 21l'- 2!l 13 §10½- 12¾ §11 - 12 Ul¾- H½ 512½- 13¾ .. .. - .. .. . . . . - .. .. .. .. - . . .. .. . • - .. . . .. .. - .. . .. .. - • . • . . . .. - ... . 37 §32¼- 36M §31¾- 33¼ §29¾- 86% §33¼- 34¼ .. .. - .. • . . . . . - .. • . .. . . - .. .. . .. . - . .. . . .. . - .. .. . . . . - .. .. . . . - ... . ........ - . ....... - ........ - .. .. 8¼- 11¼ 8¾- 9¾ 8¾- 9% 9¼- 13 10¾- 13 11 - 12¼ 10¾- 12½ 7¾- 11¼ 58 - 58 55 - 60 55 - 59¾ 45 - 57% 50 - 55 54 - 64 59 - 60½ 50 - 55 60¾- 61¼ 60 - 63 60 - 68 64 . .. . .. .. - . . .. .. .. - .. . .. .. - .. .. 2!l - 32¾ 21¼- 24¾ 24¾- 2!l'¼ 23¾- 31¼ 26¾- 32½ 29½- . 3~ 29 - 31¾ 21J,4- 80½ - .. .. . . . . - .. .. .. .. - . . .. b¼- *8¼ • • • • - • .. • .. .. - .. .. . .. - .. . . l½- 2¾ bl¼- 2½1 li¼ - 2 2¼ 2¼- 8 bl½- ll'-( bl½- 3% . . . . - .. .. . . .. - . .. . . .. - .. . . .. .. - .. .. .. .. - . . • . . . .. - ... . b3 - 5 . .. . .. .. - .. .. 5 - 5 .... . .. - ........ - ........ - .... 18¼- 14¼ 14 - 16¾ 14¾- 16¾ 15¼- 18¾ 16¼- 18¼ 15½- HI¼ 19 - 21 15J4- 20 . . .. .. .. - . . .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. - .. .. 48¾- 49¼ 48¾- 66¼ 51!14;- 58% 53 - 59 M¼- 58¼ 51!►.f- 56½ 55 - 68¼ 44 - 56¼  20¾- 25 51¾- 66 26¼· ~ 186 191 25¼- 4:1 66 - 76¼ 128¼-180¾ 5 - 6 48 - 55 13* 17¾ 8%- 14¾ 66 - 75½ 33¼- 44% 6¾- 12 17 - 29½ 36 - 45½ 98¼-106 198 -199¼ 10¾- 14 40¾- 51!'4 33 - U 17¾- HI¾ 20 - 25 35 - 35  do 1 ■ t pref. do 2d pref, St. L. & S. F, v. tr, ctfs. do lat pref. do 2d pref, St. Louis Southweat'n.. Preferred ........ ........ St. Paul & Duluth...... Pref......... .... . . .. .. . .. .. St. Paul Minn. & Man .. Southern vot. tr. ctfa... " " Pref. Southern Pacific Co..... Texas & Pacific.......... . Toledo & Ohio Central Pref . ....................... Toi, St. L. & K. C., pf.. . . .. Union Pacific .RaUwa11... 4l!ijPref................... . .. . 727,.-sU ,Pac. Den. & G., t,rec. •12¾ Wabash..................... 77,.-sPref............ . . . .. .. .. . . . 22 Wbeelln1r & L. Erle.... §5¾Pref.................... .... §27 Wheel. & L, Erle, new .... lat pref... ................. 58¾2d pre~.................... ... . Wlsconeln Central Co.. 2¼Pref............ .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. Wtacon. Ventral, new . .... Pref........................ .. .. EXPRE~S. 109 -119 113 -116¼ 113 -115¼ 112 -115 110 -114 112 -115 113 -115 115 -118 114¾-117¼111 -116¼110 -114: A.dam■ ...................... . 108 -110 American ..... .............. 138 -145 141 -144 140 -143 140 -142~ 139 -us 133 -140 137¼-140¼ 138 -160 H7 -155 147}r152 146 -151¼ 138 -ug United State■ .............. 53¼- 60 54¾- 68!,( 52¼- 56 58 - 55¼ 48 - 53 46 - 50 48 - 50 50 - 54½ 50 - 52½ 49 - 55 4:7¾- 51 45 - 50 Well., .Fano & Oo. .. . . 125 -129¾ 125½-127~ 125 - 129 126 -129 128 -130 125 -130 125 -180 128 -185 181 -135¼ 183 -135 128 -132¼ 1,20 -131 OOA.L & MINING. American Coal............ 133 -138 130 -140 .. .. - .. .. . .. - . . .. . . .. - .. . .. . - .. . 150 -150 144 -145 .. .. - .. . .. . • - . . .. . . .. - .... 145 -145 Anaconda Oopper........ .... ' - .. .. . . .. - . . .. 42½- 48 43 - 70 53 - 68 49 - 56¼ 5 ~ 57¼ 55 - 58½ 5~- 57¼ 41 - 50½ 4:3¼- 48 31¼- 45¼ l½- 1~ Colorado C. & I. Devel. l¾- 1¾ 1%- 2M .. .. - .. . . 1¾- 5~ l}r 3J.( l~- 2½ 1%- 2¼ l½- 3¾ lU- 3~ 1¾- 2¼ 1½- 2 2¼- 2M 2¼- 2½ 2¼- 2¼ 2 - 8 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 6 - 6 .... - .... 2¼- 3 Pref........................ 3 - 3¼ 3 - 3 Oolorado Fuel & Iron .. 31½- 37!1( 30¼- 35 32 - 37¾ 34. - 55 39¼- 53!,( 41¼- 4:6¾ 44 - 47¾ 46¼- 64% 51 - 64 52¾· 57 51¾- 57!,( 34!1(- 56 99 -112¼ 109 -115 105 -109 105 -106 104½-114¼ 114¼-126½ 122¼-122¼ 122 -128 122%-130 92 - 96½ 94½-100 88 -100 Pret.... ... ........... .... 14 - 17¼ 11 - 14¾ 13 - 15¼ 15 - 19% 17 - 21¼ 17¼- 19% 18!4- 20¼ 12!1:(- 18 6½- 7¼ 7 - 13¾ 12 - 18 Col. & H, Coal & Iron.. ~- 9 . . . . . - . . . . . . .. - • .. . . . . . - .. .. • • .. - .... Pref........................ . . . . - . . .. .. . . - . .. . 25 - 25 27 - 27 . .. . - . . . . 30 - 30 . • . . - .. .. .. .. 50 - 60 . . .. - .. .. 52 - 56 . • .. - . . .. 52¼- 52½ .. . . - .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. . • - • .. • . . . . - .. . . . . .. - . .. . .. .. - .. • • 50 - 50 Oon■ olldadoa Ooal..... 73 - 74 74: - 75 70¼- 72 74 - 74½ 75 - 75 70 - 74¼ 72 - 75 60½- 60½ 60¼- 63¼ .... - .... 65 - 65 60 - 60 Home■ Mlnln1r.. . Maryland Coal, pret.... 55 - 55 56 - b6 55 - 58 68 - 60 . .. . - .. .. .. .. - .. . .. . . - .. .. . . . . - .. .. 70 - 70 .. .. - .. .. .. .. - .. .. 70 - 70 NewCentralCoal,new. 40 - 42 .... - .... 40 - 40 37J,4- 38¼ 37¼- 37!,( .... - ........ - .... 38¾- ~ .... - .... 36 - 86 .... - ........ - .... 7¾- 7¾ 7}r 8¼ 8¾- 8¼ 8¼- 8¾ 8¾- S¼ 8¾- 8¾ Ontario Sliver Mlnln1r .. .... - .... 7 - 8¼ 6 - 7¼ 7 - 10¾ 8 - 9¾ 8 - 8 Pennsvlvanla Ooal....... .. .. - .... 862 -362 .. .. - . . .. .. . . - . • .. .. . . - . .. 875 -375 .. .. - .. . . .. . . - .. .. .. . • - . . .. . .. . - .. • . .. .. - .. .. • .. • - .... 2¼- 2½ .... - .... 2 - 2¼ 2 - 2¼ 2 - 2 .... - .... 2 - 2 3 - 3 2¼- 3¼ 2¼- 4 3 - 3 Qulckallver Mlnlnir...... 2½- 3 10 - 119' . .. . - .. . . .. . - . .. . 8¼- 8½ 8¼- 8¾ 8 - 9¼ 9!14- 14 .. .. - . . . . 8 - 10 9½- 9¼ 9 - 10 Pref........ . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . 9~- 11 96 -126 109 -119¾ 110 -119¼ 64 -116¾ 71¾-109 54 - 63¾ 56 - 65¾ 64¼- 72 Tenne ■see Coal & Iron 86 - 48¼ 38¼- 46½ 43¾- MM 51 - 68 Pref........ .. ............. Ill -135 130 -130 180 -H5 14.0 -140 14.5 -145 140 -140 .... - .... 145 -150 150 -150 145 -150 150 -150 ~-150 ~ VARIOUS. .. .. .. .. - .. .. . . . . - . .. . 20 - 21¾ 15 - 20 15¼- 18 16¾- 18% 16 - 191ki 15 - 18 16¾- 17:,t 10%- 17¾ Amer, Oar & Foundry. . .. - . . . . .. .. 65 - 68~ 62 - 68¾ 60 - 65~ 61 - 63¾ 61 - 62¼ 56¾- MM 59¾- 66 Pref........................ . . . . - .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. - .. .. . . . . - .. .. 63 -65 A.mer. Cotton Oil Co.... 34¼- 38 34¼- 37¼ 33¾- 37¾ 35 - 39¾ 34~- 387~ 34 - 37~ 36M- 42% 41\!- 45 41 - 44¼ 42 - 45M 87 - 46 30 - 37¾ Pref............ . .. . .. ... . . . 88!4- 91 90¼- 93 91 - 98¼ 90¾- 94~ 90 - 95 92¼- 92¼ 92 - 93¾ 98¼- 94¾ 93 - 95 92 - 97¾ g2 - 97 92 - 96 35 - 37¼ 85 - 35½ 30 - 35 35 - 35 32 - 32 36 - 36 36 - 86 A.mer. Di ■ t. Tele1rrapb. 33 - 46 41¾- 52 45 - 52¼ 44 - 47 40 - « American Ice Co.......... . . .. - .. .. . . .. - . . .. .. . . - .. . .. .. - .. .. . . . . - . . . . .. . . - .. .. .. . . - .. .. .. .. - .. .. 38~- 41¾ 34 - 3~ 34¾- 37 31 - 867<( . . - .. .. 82 - 85 76¼- 8!l 76¾- 80 ~ - 77 .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .... .. .. . .. PYef............ . . . .. .. ... .. .. .. - .. . . . 9¼- 12% 11 - 16¾ 11¾- 16 g¼- 11 American Linseed .......... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - .... SM- 10 10¼- 13¼ 11½- 13 Pref........... . ............ .... - ........ - ........ - ... . .... - ........ - . .. . 44)4- 4:6'4 47 - 61¾ 51¾- 5'7¾ 50 - 52 48~- 5i 51¾- 60 49¼- 61 6¼- 10 American Maltln1r.. .. . .. 29¾- 37¼ 30 - 33~ 28 - 33½ 26 - 30)4 17~- 27¼ 18½- 22¼ 15 - 19¼ 16!,(- 18 14¾- 16 10 - 16 10 - 13 Pref.... . ...... ............ 82 - 87¾ 82 - 85¼ 82¼- 84¾ 73 - 81½ 72 - 79¼ 729'- 76 61 - 72 66½- 70 66 - 68 45 - 6tl½ 41 - 43¼ 2!l - 4.6 - 40¾ 80 4.0l>J( 35¾3g¼ 34~43¾ 36¼45¾ 38¾40 35 4.2 36¼50¼ 36¼59 50½... . ........ ........ .... . Refin & A.mer. Smelt'ar Pref ............. , .......... .... - ........ - ........ - ... . 89 - 94¼ 80 - 89 80¼- 85¾ 81¾- 87 85 - 112~ 863,:(- 92 85 - 88¾ 85¾- 92 77¼- 91¼ 4¾- 6¼ 3 - 4 4 - 6 6!1:(- 6~ 5¼- 6 Amer. Spirits Mfar ..... .. 13 - 15 12¼- 14¾ 12¾- 15¼ 13¼- 15¾ 9%- 13M 6 - 11¼ 5~- 7 Pref....... . ... .. .. .. . ... . . 35¾- 40 84:,t- 38 36 - 41¾ 37 - 41 30 - 37 29¼- 87 27¼- 27¼ 27¼- 27½ 27 - 27 24 - 24: .. . . - .. . .. . . - .... - 4:8¾ 86¾- 48 4:2 44¼ 40¾45¼ 38!4A.mer. Steel Hoop........ .. . . - . . .. .. .. - .. .. ... . - . . .. 89 - 40¾ 24 - 41~ 26 - 31% 27¼- 36 34 - 39M Pref........................ .. . . - . . . . .. .. - .. .. .. .. - . . .. 80 - 82¼ 70 - 83¾ 73 - 77 75 - 80 78¼- S!l¾ 83 - 86M 80 - 85¼ 82 - ~ 75 - 85 A.m. Steel & Wire, new t38 - Ml,( 45 - MM 59 - 66!1( 58¼- 71¼ 58¼- 72 52 - 64,¾ 53¾- 59¼ 64M- 62¼ 4.5¾- 58¼ 45¼- M¾ 46 - 50 32 - 49% Pref........................ tlOi -128 92¼-10~ 100 -1~ 95 -102½ 93 -100 94¼- 97 94 - 97¼ 97 -101 94¾- 99¾ g3 - g7~ 93 - 95¼ 8!l - 96½ .l.mer~Sutrar Ref. Co ... 123¾-137¾ 127¾-1~ l.36¾-182 149¾-17~ 1393,:(-1~ 138¼-161 1M%-161M 151¾-164¾ 140%-159~ 137¾-166¾ 150¼- 161¼ 114¼-156% Preh....................... 110 -114. 112 -115 114 -123 116 -119 116 -118 117!1(-119¼ 117¼-118¾ ll5M-120J,(117 -121¼116 -118 117¾-119 110 -119 A.mer. Tel. & Cable Co. 98 -103 100 -103 99¼-lOlM 101 -106 100 -103 100 -104 102¾-104¼ 100 -103¼ 98 -101 97¼-100 97§:1-100 94 - 98½ A.mer. Tin Plate ......... .... - .... 37¾- 44¼ 38 - 45¼ 41%- 52:,t 33 - 48¾ 33½- 40 34 - 42 40¾- 44: 37¾- 44¾ 31¼- 39 31¾- 85 20 - 34:¾ Pref........................ . .. - .. .. 93 - 99¼ 93 - 97 88 - 96 81M- 91 81 - 86 8!l - 88 87 - . 91)4 85 - 90¼ 82 - 86)4 82 - 8!l 74: - 83~ American Tobacco Co .. 143 -149¾ 132¼·191¼ 185¼-227¼ 214 -229¾ ags -220 88 - 99% 92 -107¾ 107¼-132¾11~-131¼115¼-12!l¾ll6¾-123¼ 78¼-118 Am. Tobacco Co., pref.. 132 -140 138 -144~ 142¼-156 140 -H5 140 -146~ 13~-141 USM-148 H3 -148 145 -146¼ 143 -H9 144¼-145 121 -143 Dividend scrip .......... 95 -100¼ 97 -100¼ 100 -106 101 -103 100 -102 101 -101¾ 101 -103 104 -104 104),(-104)4 98¼- 98½102 -10~ 98¼-101 Bay State Gas............ 6 - 8¼ 6 - 7M 2¾- 5½ • . .. - . .. . . . . . - • . . . . . .. - . .. . .. .. - . . . . . .. - . . . . . .. . - • • .. . • .. - • . . . .. . . - • .. . . . - .... Brooklyn Rap, Trans.. 77M- 00½ 88¾· 97% 89¼-l~ 106¼-137 100 -133½ 10!¾-118% ll~-1193' 100¾-118 75¼-107¾ 79¾- 907A 85 - 91¾ 61 - 88¼ Ri1rhts....... ..... ......... .. .. - . .. . .. . . - . . .. .. .. - .. . . 2 - 3),( • • • • - • • .. . • • • - • • .. • • .. - .... .. .. - .. • . • .. - .. .. .. .. - .. • .. .. - ........ - ... . Brooklyn Union Gae ... 139 -149¼ 144¾-157 151¼-160 144 -155 138 -148¼ 135 -141 138 -144 186!,(-144% 136 -144 138 -US 138}rU5 1180 -141 B' kin W .& Wh,pf. "B" ... . - .. .. 21 - 21 . .. . - .. .. .. • - .. . . • . •. - .. .. .. .. - • .. . • .. . - ... • . .. . - .. .. .. . . - .. .. .. .. - ... .. .. • - • .. • .. .. - .... 9"- 10¼ 9¼- 16~ 13 - 15¾ 14),(- 16¾ 15¼- 20¾ 14 - 19¼ 14 - 19¾ 16 - 19¼ 10 - 17 Bruna. Dock & c.Impt. 13¾- 1~ 15¾- 17 10¼- 15 - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 92½- 92½ 94 - 94 93 - 93¾. 92 - 92 85 - 85 85 - 85 85 - 85 87 - 87 Capital Traction.... . Ohle, Con■ ol. Traction. . . .. - .. .. .. .. - . .. . .. . . - .. . . 64 - 68¾ 58¼- ~ 5~- 61!4 ~ 59 51 - 57¾ 44: - 53¼ 48!,4- 49¾ 4™i- 49¼ 35 - 47¾ .. .. - .. . . .. . - . .. . . . .. - .. .. .. . • - .. .. .. .. - . . .. .. .. - . . . . .. .. - .... 193 -195 • • .. - ... . Oommerclal Cable ...... l89 -189 .. . - .. • • .. .. 42 - 43¼ 20 - ~ 87 - 38~.... - .. .. .. .. - .. . . .. .. - .. .. 40'7,-s- 43 Oon ■olldated Ice......... 44¼- 50~ 46 - 50¼ 46¼- 48¼ 45¼- 47¾ 40¾- 47 Pref........................ 91¼- 93 94"· 95 96 - 97 90 - 96¼ 90 - 90 88 - 90 87 - 90 .... ' ~ ... 86¼- 86!,4 .... - ........ - ........ - .. .. Oon■olldated Ga.a ........ 189 - ~ 196¾-222 202¼-223¾ 185 -205¼ 165¼-198~ 163 -189¼ 172¾-189'-( 174¼-192¼ 181 -194¾ 183¼-192¼ 187 -201 1168 -193¾ .... - ........ - . . .. ... - ....... - ...... - .... .. . - ... . .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .... Uon ■ , K,O. Smelt. &R. 100 -100 I 1th instalment paid. I Ex 100 p. c. stoclt dividend. t Old stock. 2d lnatalment pald. ... b Trust receipts, • All asse111ments paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  *  I  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS  STOCKS.  115  1.899-{;onclnded. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. Se:PT'BER. OCTOBER NOV 1BER. DE0 1BEB.  - - - -1•----1-- - - -1-----1-----1---- - - - - - - - ----1-----1--------Low.High Low.lligh Low.lligh Low.lligh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High - - - - - - - - - -1- - - -1 STOCKS.  Continental Tobacco ... PreC...................... .. Detroit Gas................ Edlsun Elec. 111nm. Co. Erie Teleirb. & Telepb Federal Steel. ... ........ Pref....... . . . . . . . .. . . . General Electric, new. Glucose Suira.r Refln'g.  .... - ........ - ... . . . - . .. . .. . . -  43 - 64½ 60¾- 66% 43¼- 60¾ 36 - 48 38* 44¾ 43¾- 60¾ 40¼- 48 40¼- ~ 40½- 44¾ 20 - 42¼ 85 - 98¾ 85 - 92;1;( 62 - 89 78 - 88¼ 78¼- 87¾ 87¾-108¼ 90¼- 99½ 90¼- 94½ 90½- 94¼ 71 - 93 63 - 68 67 - 71¼ .... - .•.. 68 - 82 82 - 85 •... - •.•..... - . ... 85 -101 99¼- 119¼ 97 - 98½ 97 - 97 95!1,t- 973' 190 -199 194 -1977-( 193Xa-196 .... - ........ - ••..• , •• - ........ - .... . .. - ... . .. .. - •....•.• - . . •.. .. - ........ - .•.• 92¾- 92¾ ... - .... . . . . - . . . ... - ........ - .....•.. - • . .. 97 - 99 98~102 110 -113 113 -120¼ 108¾-110¾ 101¼-106¾ 61¾- 55¾ 46¾- 63¾ 49¾- 67½ 57¼- 75 50 - 70¼ 63¼- 66¾ 67 - 61 57¼- 62 51 - 62% 5114- l:>9¾ 55 - 62¾ 39l'4- 63~ 82¾- 89¾ 84 - 90 86 - 90¾ 78,.(- 93½ 72¼- 87¾ 78¾- 85¼ 79¾- 82¼ 81 - 83 75¼- 83¼ 76 - 80¾ 78 - 82¾ 67 - 82 95¼-112% 107 -115¼ 112¾-120½ 112¾-122 115 -120 116¼-119¾ 117 -125 123 -125¼119 -125 116¼-128½120¼-182 110 -12~ 118%- 74¼ 68½- 73¾ 66¼- 76¾ 62¼- 76 65¾- 72¾ 65½- 61)¾ 66¼- 69½ 64 - 69¼ 58 - 65 48 - 62 47¼- 58¾ 87 - 54 P1•ef. ........ ... ............ 108¾-110 107 -110 107½;-110 108~-110 106¾-109 106¾-107¾ 107 -107¼ 107 -110 105 -108 97 -109¾ 99 -102¼ 95 -102 Bawa.ti Com. & s. Ret 57¼- 61 78¾- 74 75 - 79¾ 80 - 80 120¼-120¼ . •• - .•..... - . .. • ... - ........ - . .. . - .......• - •....... - ..•• H.B. Claflin Co .......... 97 -108¼ 106¾-109¾ 102¼-107¾ 102¾-107¼ 106 -108¼ 107¼-112 lll;{r-117¼ 114 -115!1,tl13 -115 112 -115 112¼ 115 111 -114 1st pref-.................. 99¼- 99¼ .... - ....•••• - ... . .... - ... . ...• - ••.. 101 -101 .••• - •••....• - ........ - ........ - ......•. "- ... . 2d pref........... ... . ..... .... - .... 100 -100 .... - ... . . ... - .. .. . ... - ....••.• - .....•.. - ........ - ••••••• - ..•.•••• - ........ - .......• - ... . International Pa.per.... 61 - 6S¼ 58¼- 65½ 51 - 59 49 - 65 35 - 56¾ 40 - 45 40¼- H½ 31 - 43 26½- 33 24¾- 29~ 25 - 2~ 17 - 24¾ Pref ....... , .... , .. , . . . . . . . 93 - 95 88 - 93¼ 80¾- 88¾ 80 - 86¼ 78 - 85 76 - 80 75¼- 79¾ 76¼- 80 72¼- 78 67 - 73¾ 69¼- 71¾ 62¼- 70 International Silver ... .... - ... . 30¼- 36 27¼- 32¼ 20 - 28 10 - 21 11 - 17% 12%- 15 14¼- 17¼ 12¼- 15¾ 11¼- 15% 18 - 15¾ 9 - 12' Knick. Ice (Chicaao) ... 63 - 57¼ 57 - 63½ 56¼- 61¾ 45 - 56¾ 53 - 56 60 - 53 49¼- 51½ 47 - 50 40 - 47 39 - 40 .... - ... . 80 - 35 Pref............ .. . . . . . . . . . 74¾- 63 80 - 84 78¼- 81 80 - 80¼ 76 - 79 72 - 78 74 - 7! 75 - 75 74 - 74 77!,(- 77¼ 70 - 70 67¼- 67¼ Laclede Gas, St. Louis. 62 - 57¼ 52¼- 56¾ 51 - 55¾ 68 - 55 52¼- 55 52 - 53¼ 62¾- 58 56 - 66¾ 03¾- 6~ 65 - 81 74%- Si¾ 7! - 85 Pret ......................... 96 - 99 97 -100 97 - 99 99¼- 99½ 101 -102¼ 99¼- 99½ 95¼- 95¼ 98 -100 99¾- 99¾ 98)4-101 102¼-102½ 96¼-100 Manhattan Beach Co.. 5 - 5 8 - 9 8 - 20¾ 16 - 39 20 - 29¾ 16 - 20 . .. - . . . . . . .. - . . . . 11¼- 12 9 - 9 . . . . - . . . 10 - 10 Metropolitan Street .... 187¾-220¼ 215¾-249¾ 235 -269 234 -267 207¾-241¼ 202 -282 t209 -227-U 201 -218¾ 187¼-211¾ 190 -200 190¼-200 14.7 -198!J( Ria-hts ............. ........... - ........ - ........ - .. ...... - .... ... . - ........ - . . .. 18¾- l!l¼ 13¼- 14 .... - .•..••. - ....•••• - .•...•.• - ...• Met. W. S. El. (Chic.) ... .... - ........ - ........ - .... 14 - 15½ 14 - 16 14 - 16½ 15 - 15¼ 13¼- 18 18½- 23½ 24 - 25 23 - 29½ 23 - 29¾ Pree................ . . . . . . - . . . . .. . . - . . . . .. . . - .. . . 45 - 46¼ 44¼- 64 54¼- 58 55 - 56¼ 57 - 62 64 - 67 70 - 74 74 - 83 74 - 82 Micb.-Peninsular Car. 25 - 31 ..•• - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . ...• - ........ - ... . .... - ....... - •••• •··· - ... • . .. - .... •··· - •··· Pret...... .................. 91 - 91 .••. - . .... ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - . .. . .. - •......• - •....... - •.• . .•.• - •.••..•. - ........ - ..•• National Biscuit......... 50 - 6i 49 - 55 47 - 51½ 45 - 52¾ 41%- 48,4 42 - 43% 42¾- 48¾ 46½- 49 44 - 47% 397,t- 45¾ 40¼- 42¾ 31 - 41 Pref..................... . lOi -107¼ 104 -107 103 -lOi½ 101 -104¾ 98¼-103¼ 98 - 98¼ 97¼-100½ 9!)¾-102½ 97¾- 99¾ 95%- 98 94½- 95 89 - 92¾ Nat.LlnseedOIICo . . ... 83'- 9,ii .... - .... 5 - 5 4 - 4 3¾- 3¾ 3½- 4¼••·· - ........ - . ..... - •.•..•.• - ........ - •••.•.•• - •••• Trust certificates...... 7¾- 8¼ 6¼- 6!4 4½- 7 '1 - 5 4 - 5 3¼- 4 2 - 3 2½- 3 2%- 2¾ 2¼- 3¼ 3¼- 3¾ 3¾- $¾ National Lead Co ....... . 87¼- 40½ 35¼- 38½ 32¼- 86¼ 33½- 37¾ 28 - 343-9 28 - 80½ 29¼- 31¼ SO¼- 33;1;( 28¼- 31½ 28 - 31¾ 29¾- 31¾ 22¼- 80 Pref........................ tll½-115 112¾-115 112¼-113 1121}4-113¾ 111 -113¼ 110)4-112¼ 112 -118¼ 112 -113 110 -111¼108 -110½107:14-108¼103¼-106 Nat. Starch Mt1r. Co..... 5 - 5 6 - 8¾ 4¼- 5 5 - 5 6 - 8% ..•• - ........ - .... 5 - 5 5 - 8¼ 8 - I) 8 - 9 ..•. - .. •• 1st pref....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 50 - 60 43 - 47 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . • . . . . . . - . . • . . . .. - . . . . 57¼- 57½ 65 - 70 . . • . - . . . . • . . • - •••• 2d pref........ . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . - . ... 20 - 23 13 - 18 15 - 15 . . . . - • . •. . • . . - . . . . . . . • - . . .. . . . - .. . . 15 - 18 20 - 25 20 - 25 .. . • - •.•. National Steel ........ . ... .... - ........ - .... 50 - 64¾ 4!l - 68 45 - 62 43¾- 53% 49 - 54¼ 53¼- 57½ 49¼- 66% 477-(- 52!1,i 46¼- 50¼ 31M- 4~ Pref........... . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - .. . . 93 - 95 89 - 95 85 - 92¾ 88 - 93 89¾- 114 94 - 99¾ 95 - 98¼ 98¾- 96 98¼- 96¾ 86¼- 95 NewYorkAlrBrake .. 112 -162 135 -153 150 -200 167 -204 125 -196¼160 -188 184¾-230 t172-200 154 -176½188 -165 144¾-151 110 -151¾ North American Co...... 6%- 9 7¾- 10¾ 8%- 9¾ 9 - 12½ 10¼- 12¾ 10%- 12¼ 10:):{- 12¼ 12 - 13¾ 11¼- 13¾ 12½- 13~ 12%- 17¾ 12¼- 1~ Paclftc Malls. S .......... 43¼- 55 50 - 54!4 45¼- 51 i8 - 53¾ 46%- 51% 46½- 49¾ 47 - 49 46 - 48-U 38¾- 47¼ 87¼- 40¾ 88¼- 48 85 - 49~ Park Steel, pref.......... . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . - . . . . .. . . - . . . 110 -110 . . . . - • .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . .. . - .... Peoples' G.-L.& C., Ch. 109%-118¾ 110¾-116¾ 111 -126½ 111¼-129½ 101 -127% 114¼-122¾ 116¼-122 117¼-122¾ 106 -120¾ 107¾ ·115¾ 110,ii-116¼ 90¼-113¼ Philadelphia Co.......... . . . . - . . . . 90 - 96 95¼-102 98 - 98½ . • . • - . • . . .. • . - • • .. 85 - 99 85 - 85 • • • - • • • . . . • • - • • • • . • • • - • • • • .. • • - •••• P.Lorlllard,pret........ 121 -121 •••• - ••...... - . ....••• - .... 117 -117 .••• - •••..... - •.. . .... - ... . .... - .... . ... - •······· - ........ - •··• Pressed Steel Car ....... .... - ........ - ... . .... - .... 53 - 59¼ 45 - 56 44¾- 55 60 - 58½ 66¾- 61 53½- 60 55 - 69¾ 55 - 59¾ 49 - 51> Pref........................ .... - ........ - . ....... - .... 83 - oo 78 - 85 78 - 85¼ 82¼- 89¼ 88 - 90 86 ·- 91 87¼- 90 88¾- 89¾ 75 - 90 Pullman Palace Car .... 156 -164% 158%-162 156¼-162 158¾-161¼ 156 -161 166 -160 159¼-161 157%-159¾ 160 -177 173 -207¾ 192½-188 179!,(-195¾ Repu b. Iron & Steel.... . . . . - . . . . . . . - .. .. . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . 22¼- 29~ 26¾- 38¾ 23%- 28¼ 231,.(- 26¾ 16¼- 26 Pref............ . ........... . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . .. . . . - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . .. . . - . . . 74x- 79 70¼- 79 69¼- 73 68½- 71¾ 60¼- 71 Sliver Bullion Certs ... . .... - ........ - ........ - . . . . 60 - 65 61½- 61¾ 60!,(- 60½ .••• - .......• - .... 59 - 59¼ 59¼- 59¼ 60 - 60'1 58%- 59 Sixth A venue ..... . ....... .... - ....... - .... 200 -200 .... - •....... - .....••• - •••...•. - ••••.••. - ........ - •••...•• - •••.•.•. - •••..•.• - •••• Stand. Dist. & Distrlb. 21 - 25¼ 21¼- 25 22 - 24% 20¼- 24¼ 18¾- 20¼ 12¼- 18¼ 15 - 15½ .••. - ....•••• - ... . •.. - ••••.••• - •••...•• - •••• Pref........................ 78¼- 82¼ 74¼- 79 72¼- 78 69¼- 74¼ 61 - 70 57¼- 66% 61 - 61 .••• - .. • • •• • • - • .. . . . - • .• . . . . • - • . • . . . . . - .•.. Stand. Rope & Twine.. 8½- 12 9¾- 12 9¼- 12 10 - 11½ 7¾- 10 7 - 8¼ 7 - 8 7½- 9 6¼- 8% 6¼- 10¼ 9¼- 15!4 79'- 12'¼ TexD.8 Pac. Land Trust 12 - 15¼ 13%- 15!4 13 - 14),.( 13 - 16¾ 13 - 13½ .... - •... 12 - 12 12¼- 13¾ 11¾- 12½ 11¼- 13 11 - 12½ 12¼- 14¼ Third Avenue (Cable) .. 167 -171 169½-242 195 -229 215 -240 200 -220 185 -200 187 -194 180 -185 160 -180 140 -162½ 147 -156 117¾-162¾ Twin City Rap. Tran... 38 - 65¼ 62 - 71¾ 68 - 70¼ 67¼- 73 65¼- 72¾ 64¾- 69¾ 67 - 69¼ 66 - 66 61¾- 65¾ 60¾- 62¼ 62¼- 70 57½- 69% Pref ........... ........... . 118 -185¼ 135¾-141 189¼-l!ll 137 -138½ 187 -137 137 -139 138 -139 136¼-137 187 -138 187 -137 134 -188½ 137 -137 Union Baa- & Paper .... .... - ... . .... - .... 35 - 45 30 - 40¼ 24¼- 34 24 - 31¾ 25½- 27 26 - 34¾ 29¼- 33½ 25¼- 30 25¼- 28 17¾- 26'¼ Pref ........................ .. .. - .. . ... - .... 83¾- 89 82¼- 88½ 76 - 85¼ 77 - 82¾ 77 - 78 76¼- 85 79¾- 85~ 78¼- 80½ 78 • 79¼ 71 - 79¾ U.S.FlourMillinir ...... .... - ........ - ........ - ....... . - ........ - ...... - ........ - ....... - ... . 24 -58!,,( 20 -20 12 -12 .. .. - •..• Pref. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . 50 - 78¼ . • • • - . • • . 22 - 25 12 - 15 Leather............. ff¾- 8 6¾- 7¾ 6¼- 7¼ 6¼- 7¾ 6 - fl¾ 6¾- 6 6¾- 7 6!4- 11~ 9%- 15½ 12½- 277~ 10¾- 4.0¾ 10¾- 161-' Pref............. . ........... 71 - 75 70¼- 74¾ 69 - 74½ 70 - 78 68¼- 72% 68 - 72!4 70 - 73¾ 72¼- 77 72¼- 80¼ '76¼- Si¾ 77¼- 84½ 64¼- so Rubber Co......... 42%- 53¾ 48 - 54~ 48 - 54¾ 48 - 57 43%- 64¾ 46%- 54% 48¾- 54¾ 49 - 52 46¾- 50 44¾- 49¾ 46 - 49¼ 87%- 47¾ Pref ........................ 111 -120 115¼-118 115¼-117¾ 115¾-119 113 -117 114¼-117¼ 115¼-121 115¾-116¾114%-117 112¼-116½110 -113% 99¾-110¾ Wagner Palace Car ... .... - . ....... - ........ - ... . ... - ... . .... - . . .. .... - ... 181 -182 190 -195 191¼-195 190 -205 193 -196 181¼-1~ West Chicago Street.... . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . - . . . . . . .. - . . .. .. . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 120 -120 . . . . - • • • . • • • • - • . . . • . • - • .• • .. . • - •.•• Western Gas.............. 94 - 98 • •• • - •• .. 98 • 98 . •• . - .. . . . . . - . . . . • • • • - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . .. - • • . . . . - • • • • . • •, - •••..••. - ••• • • •· - • • • • Western Union Tel'ah.. 93¼- Sl8¼ 94 - 96¼ 93~- 95 91¼- 117 SlO - SlZ¾ 87¼'- Pt AP¾- 91 f!7¾- 90~ 87 - 89~ 86%- 89 87"- 89~ 82 - 88%  u. s. u. s.  t  Ex-rights.  1900. STOCKS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. 3111PT 1BER. OCTOBER NOV 1BBR. DEO'BEB.  - - - - - - - - - - - - ----1----1---- - - - - - - - ----1-----1----------  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lo __w_.H_ig_h Low .lligh Low.High Low.lligb Low.lligh Low.lligh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hl,zb 1  RAILROADS. Albany & Susqueh ...... Ann Arbor .................. Pref........................ Atchison Top. & S. Fe.. Pref........................ Bait. & o. vot. tr. cff.. . Pref. vot. tr. ctf........ Rights.................... Buff. Roch. & Plttsb.... Pref ..... .. . .... .• ...••. .. .  Burl. C. Rap. & North .. Canadian Pacific. . . . . . . Canada. Southern....... Central ot Nf'wJersey. Chesapeake & Ohio .....  .. . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . - . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . ... - ... . 204 -204 • •• • - ... . .... - - . . . . . • • • - • • . . • • • • - .... 205 -205 .... - ........ - .... 16¼- 18 17 - 17¼ . ... - .... 16¼- 16½ .... - .. . .•. - •. 16 - 16 16 - 16 16¼- 20 22 - 25 il 18%58¼65¾· 72¾-  45 45 - 47 44¼- 47¼ 44 - 48 42 - 43½ 42 - 42 20¾ 20 - 22½ 22 - 29½ 25 - 29¾ 23¼- 27 23¾- 27!}.t 68¾- 74¾ 60½ 58¼- 64% 60:J(- 82¾ SO¼- 89% 72½- 84¼ ~ 83 77% 74¼- 80¼ 75%- 83 81¾- 90 78~- 85 77¼- 84 . ... - ........ - ........ - . . . . ¼- 1¾ ¼- 1 .... - ••.. 53 - 57¾ 52 - 52 55 - 70¼ 65 - 70 60 - 61 60 - 60 92 - 98 95¾- 98¼ 96 -111 115 -ll5 .•.• - .••. 105 -109 119 -ll9 126¼-126¾ , ••. - •....... - •... 125 -126 125¼-125½ 90¾- 95¼ 96 - 99¾ 95¼- 98¾ 95½- !18 93 - 95¾ 85¼- 95½ 48¼- 50¾ 47¾- 50 47¾- 55~ 53¾- 58½ 51%- 65¾ 4S - 53¾ 115 -ll!ll}.t 116½·118¾ 115 -120 116 -122¾ 116 -121 119 -125 28!1.(- 31¼ 28¾- 30¾ 28 - 33 30 - 33% 26%- 30¾ 24 - 28¾  63¼ 62 - 66¾ 64¾- 78¾ 68¼- 74.¾ 67 - 73  40¼- 42¼ 24¼- 27¼ 68¼- 72¼ 71 - 78 79¾- 82¾ ... . - ... . 64%- 66 112 -112¾ .••. - .... 87¼- 89¾ 48¼- 50¾ 124¾-133¾ 24:14- 28½  43 - 46 44!'4- 46 46 - 47 47 - 62 51 - 69 25%- 29¼ 25¾- 28½ 27½- 38 81%- 41 l37¼- 48'4 69 - 'i2 67¾- 71¾ 69¾- 75¾ 73¾- 85 82¾- 89% 71¼- 76½ 65%- 73% 68¼- 76~ 74¾- 84 7~- 84:>s 79 - 81½ 74%- 79% 76¾- 88 81 - 87½ 84¾- 86!J( .... - .....••• - . .• . ••• - ........ - ........ - •••• ':'O - 73 . • . . - • . • . 70 - 75 74¾- 80 79 - 85 .... - ..... ... - •.. . 109¼-112 115 -120 120 -125 125 -126 .... - .... 123 -130¼ ...• - .••..••• - .•• 87 - 91 84!1:(- 90~ 85¾- 87% 86~- 897-( 85%- 92M 48%- 50~ 48 - 49½ 49½- 54!,{i 53 - 59¾ 57¼- 61~ 129 -189 127¾-135 132¼ 137 134¼-150 144 -150¼ 26¾- 28¾ 25%- 29~ 27¼- 31¾ 29¼- 38¾ 36¼- 42'4  c~~:~a·~·~·~-•.~~~:::::::::.:::: : :::: :::: : :::: :::: : :::: :::: : :::: :::: -~::: :'.:: : ::· :::: : :::· :::: =:::: :::: : :::: !! =:: :¼~ ~·~ ~~~= ~~  Chic. Bnrl. & Quincy ... 119¼-124¾ 121¾ 127 122)4-132 Chic. & East'n Illlnois. 88 - 91 90 - 96 91¼-109 Pref....................... . 120 -124 122 -122 120¾-121 Ohlcaa-o Great West.... 11%- 14 IR¼- 14¼ 13 - 115¼ 4 per cent debenture.. 85 - 88% 85%- 89 86 - 87¼ ~ P• c. pref'., A.......... . 78 - 77~ 74¼- ~ '75~- 78¼ 4 P• c. pref'., B .... .... •. 35~ il¾ 38¾- il~ 374'- 42 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  124¼-133¼ l~-12~ 120½-181¼ 101 -106 100 -105 97 - 99¾ 121¼-124 100¾-120!4 123¾-128½ 13¼- 15¼ 12 - 13¼110 - 12¾ 87 - 89 86 - 88% 81 - 85¾ 76!1;1- 78¾ 74¼- 77¼ 71 - 76 39 - 42 35 - 89% 90 - 35¼  123¼-128¾ 128¼-128)4120¾-126¼128 -129~127¼-189 134.¼-144· 95 - 95 95 - 95 93 - 96¾ 93½- 95 97 -100 92 - 98 124 -124 125 -1 25 ~¾-123½122 · -123½122¾-124¼119¼-122~ 10½- 11¾ 10'4- 11¾ 9¼- 11¾ 10 - 12¾ 11!1,(- 141}.( 14¼- lS. 82¼- 85~ E2¾- 84¾ 82¾- 83~ 82 - 88¼ 87 - 90% OOx,- ~ 69¾- 71!J4 68¼- 71 70¾- 71½ 70 - 74¼ 78 - ~~ 76,t- 82' 33 - 85 30¼- 3~ 81 - 81¼ 81 - 87¼ 38¼- 4MJ 88¼- 45  116  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS  STOCKS.  1900 - Continued. STOCKS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL,  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST, SEPT'BER. OCTOBER~ NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  _____________ Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hii;tb Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hi11:hLow.H1ghLow.H~~ Low. High  Chic. Ind. & Loulsv.... 14 - 17½ 16 - 22¾ 19½- 26- 25 - 29 20½- 26 18 - 22¼ 19 - 2-1½ 22 - 24¼ 20 - 23 20¾- 23 22 - 25 23 - 28¼ Pret ......................... 4514- 4~ 48x\- 56 53¼- 60 56¾- 63'½ 51 - 57 49 - 52½ 50½ · 55 50¾- 58 53 - 57½ 53 - 56 56 - ~ 57 - 64 Chic. Mllw. & St • .Paul .. 115¾-119¾ 118;14-125½ 1201,,(-125~ 118¼-126¾ 114½-119¾ 108½-119).d 109¾-112¼ 110¾-llfi¼ll0½-114%111¾-116~ 115¾-130 125½-148!,4 .Pref .... . ....... .. .......... 169½-173¼ 171 -172!,.( 171 -174½ 172 -174 172¾-17~ 170¾-174¼ 170 -171½ 171 -17!l½173 -174½170 -173¾171½-176 176 -188 Chic. & Northwe1t ...... . 158 -164½ 160 -163% 160 -164¾ 161 -166% 157¾-167½ 150~-167½ 156½-161 157 -166 158½-162¼159 -16!l>!!162 -170 166¾-172¾ Pref ......................... 198 -198½ 198%-199½ 198° -200 197 -199 195¼-200 196}.(-196},{ 197 -197¾ 199¾-203 201 -207 202 -202 203 -211½ 210 -220 Chic. R. I. & .Paclflc .... . 104½-108% 106½-111¼ 106¼-114¾ 107½-114¼ 105 -108¾ 102 -109¼ 104¾-10 ¾ 105½ 10~ 103%--107¾ 105 -109-U 108¼·117}4 113½-122¾ Chic. St• .Paul M. & O ... 120 -123½ 115¾-122½ 114½-114¼ 115 -119 112 -117 114 -116½ 112 -112 112¾-115½ .... - .... 110 -115 114 -126 121 -126 Pret ..... ...................... - ... . 172 -173 175 -175 ... . - .... 175 -175 ... - ........ - . .. . . . .... - ....... - ... . 165 -180 172 -175 Chic. Term'l Tran•fer.. 9 - 11¼ 11 - 12¾ 10 - 13 10)4- 13¾ 11¾- 13¼ 9 - 12¾ 9 - 11¼ 91k!- 10¾ 9 - 9),4' 8¼- 10½ 8½- 11~ 10 - U¾ Pref........................ 32 - 36 34¾- 39 32 - 37½ 35 - 3~ 35 - 1!8¼ 30¼- 35 31¾- 3!l½ 30¼- 33 27 - 31 26½- 29~ 2~- 83¼ 29 - 39¾ Clev. Cln. Chic. & St. L, 60¼- 65 5$¾- 63~ 58½- 66¾ 60¾- 66½ 57¼- 61¾ 55 - 61½ 561k!- 60¼ 50 - 60 57½- 61¾ 61 - 64¾ 62¼- 68¼ 65¾- 76 Pref............ . .......... 106¾ 109½ 106 -108 104 -111½ 110 -110¾ 106 -107 103¼-105¾ 105 -105 106 -106 107 -110½110 -115 112 -ll!l~ 113 -118 Clev. Lor. & Wheel'ii .. 14½- 19 13 - 22½ 18 - 24 2-1¾- 28 27 - 28 24 - 25 25 - 27½ 23½- 26 28 - 28 23 - 23 28¾- 30 25 - 28 Pref........ ......... ...... 46 - 53 51 - 60 56½- 60 58 - 72 66 - 70 . .. - • • .. 66 - 68 . .. . - • .. 64 - 67 . .. . - .. .. 68 - 69¾ 66 - 70¼ Cleve. & Pitt8b, a-uar . . .. . .. ...... - ... .. ... - .... 186 -186 .. .. - ....... - •••. 185¼-187 . .•• - ....... - .•.. 186½-186½ .... - . ... 187¼-187¼ Col. Mid,, vot. tr. ctf8 . 9 - 9~ 9 - 10¾ 9~- 12 11¾- 12¼ 12¼- 12¾ 11½- 11½ .... - ........ - .... ... - ........ - .... ... - ... ... - •••. Pref. vot'ii tru•t ctf8.. 21 - 23¾ 23 - 27½ 26½- 29¾ 28 - 29¾ 29½- 2~ 29 - 29 .... - ........ - ........ - ... ... . - ..... ... - . . .. . • .' - ... . Celoracto & Southern.. . 5~- 6 5%- 6},{ 6 - 7¾ 6 - . 7¼ 5:J:!- 6¼ 5~- 6¾ 6 - 6lk! 6 - 6~ 5 - 6 5¼- ~ 5½- 7¾ 6¾- 8¾ l•t pref... .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. 39 - 4i½ 43 - 44½ 43 - 47¾ 42 - 46 3~- 42½ 40 - H½ 4.0¾- 42 41¾- 42¾ 36 - 41 36½- 39¼ 39½- 44¾ 42½- 46¼ 2d pref... . .. . .. . . . . .. 14½- 15¾ 15 - 17 16½- 20¼ l"7 - 20 15¾- 17 16 - 19!,4 16 - 16½ 16½- 16¾ 14 - 16½ 14 - 16¾ 16 - 19 17 - 19½ Delaware & Hudson ... 113 -119 115 -117 114~-119½ 115 -118¼ 113 -115½ 110 -113% 110½-113¼ lll½-114½106¼-111¾110 -114 112¾-117½115½-134½ Del, Lack. & Western .. 174 -180 177 -186 176¾-183¾ 177 -182 176 -178 175¾ -181 175¼-l'i9½ 1?5 -182½ 171¾-179 173¾(-180 175¾-183 182 -194¾ Denver & Rio Grande .. 16¾- 18¼ 18 - 20½ 19 - 2-1¾ 19 - 22¾ 17¾- 19½ 17 - 18% 17 - 18¾ 18 - 19¾ 17¾- 19¾ 18¾- 20U, 1~- 25¾ 2-1¾- 34½ Pref ..~ ................... .. 66½- 71¾ 69¾- 73¾ 71 - 76),,( 69¾· 75 67¾- 70 6i½- 69¾ 64¾- 67¾ 66¾- 6'3¼ 65¼- 68 66 - 71 69¾- 79¾ 78½- 87¼ De1 Mo. & Ft, Doda-e ... 13¼- 15½ 14 - 16¼ 15 - 19 15½- 18 14 - 15 12 - 13¾ 12½- 13½ .... - .... 12½ · 12½ 14),.(- 17¾ 16½- 17¾ 16¼- 21¾ Duluth So. Sb. & Atl. .. 4¾- 6 5 - 6¼ 5¼- 6¾ 5 - 6 4½- 5 4 - 4 .... - .... 4¾- 4¼ 4¾- 4%1 4 - 4¾ 5 - 5¾ 5 - 6¼ Pref ...................... . 13 - 14¾ 12¾- 16%.1 15¼- 17~ 15 - 16¾ 14~- 16 12¼- 14¾ 12 - 12½ 12 - 12¼ 12 - 13 j ... - .... 14 - 20¼ 13½- 16¾ Brie........................ 11%- 11¾ 11¾- 13¾ 1214- 14¾ 13 - U¾ 11½· 13 10¾- 12¾ 10~- 11 10¾- 10¾ 10½- 11¾ 10¼- 127/4 12 - 14¼ 14 - 27¼ 1 l•t pref. ............... .... 31¾- 33¾ 33½- 38¾ 37 - 43 39 - 43¾ 35½- 39¼ 32 - 38 32 - 34 32¾- 34¾ 30¾- 34½ 33¼- 36¾ 34:$4- 41 40¾- 63½ 2d pref................... 15¾- 16¼ 19¾- 20¾ 19 - 21¾ 19½- 28¼ 18¾- 1~ 17 - 18½ 16¾- 16¾ 15¾- 17¾ 15 - 17¾f 16¼- 1~ 18¾- 21¾ 20½- 43¾ Evanavllle & T. Haute. 40¼- 47½ 46~- 48¾ 48¾- 5!l% 50 - 53½ 47¾- 49~ !l4¾· 48¾ !ll¾- 43¾ 45 - 45 39 - 42½ · 38½· 41¾ 41¾- 43¾ 40 - 45 Pref ........ ................ 90 - 92¾ 93 - 93 9!l - 9!l 93½· 94½ 93 - 93 86¼- 92 84 - 85¾ 84 - 84 76 - 80 74 - 78 76 - 81½ 80½- 82¼ Ft, Worth & Den. City 15 - 15 15 - 15 12½- 12½ 14½- 14¼ 15 - 15¾ l ~- 15¾ ... - •.. 15¼- lf.¼ ... - ........ - .... 17 - 17 17 - 20 Ft. Worth & Rio Gr .... .... - .... .... - .... 17 - 17 18 - 19 17 - 18 15 - 15~ ..•. - .... 17 - 18 20 - 20 20 - 25 24 - 27¾ 1 Great Northern, pref .... 166 -174½ 156 -161¼ 156 -1663' 15l -168 150 -157½ 144~-158 150 -154!1:( 151½-153¾ HQ½-153!1:( 149¾-166¾ 161½·183 177¾-191¾ Ria-ht• ... ............. . .... - . .. 5 - 5¾ . ... - ........ - .. .. . .. - . .. . .• - ........ - ........ - ........ - •.•...•• - .. .. _\ ... . .... - .. . Green Bay & Western . .... - ....... . - . ...... - .... . ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... .... - .. 45 - 46 40 - 46 45½- 49¾ Deben. cert••• Ser. A.. 56 - 57 5!l - 54 53½- 58 58 - 58 56½- 56¾ .. .. - . . .. 56 - 56 .. .. - •••. 56 - 56 .... - .... 58½- 59¾ 69 - 66 Deben. cert,., ~er. B. 6½- 7M n(- 7¾ 6 - 8 7¼- 7~ 6 - ~ 6½- 6¾ . . . . 6 - 6 5¾- 5!1:( 5¾- 7 6~- 8 7½- S¾ Hocklna- Valley ........ . 80½- 34¼ 33½- 34.¾ 32 - 38 37 - 41½ 36½- 40¼ 32¾- 38¾ 34 - 85¾ 34¼- 35¾ 30½- 31½ 31}.(- 38¼ 35¼- 40¾ 38¾- 42% Pref... ~................... 58 - 62¾ 60½- 6!¼ 62¼- 67¼ 65¾- 67¾ 68¼- 67¾ 63¾- 67½ 61 - 64 61!1(- 63½ •59½- 63¾ 62¾- 65½ 63½- 72~ 70¾- 74¾ llllnols Ventral ........... 110¾-114¼ 112 -ll!l% 112½-ll~ 114¼-116¾ lll¼-114¼ 110 -114½ lll½-120¾ 116¼-llS¼ll!l½-1173,(116¾-119¾118¾-126¾ 123½-132¾ Leaaed line, 4 p. C, .. .. 99 - 99 100 -100½ 103 -103 102¼-10.i½ 104 -l0!l 103~-l0S¾ 101 -101 100!}.t-101 1. . . . - . . . 102 -102 .... - •••. Iowa Central ............. . 11¾- 12¾ 12 - 14¼ 13¾- 19,t 17¾- 19¾ 16½- 18 17½- 19¼ 17¾- 20¾ 18¾- 19¾ 17½- 18¾ 17 - 19½ 18½- 21~ 19½- 27¾ Pref......................... 48 - 53 50 - 55¾ 47½- 58 50 - 57¾ 47 - 51 43 - 50 45 - 49¾ 42 - 46 39 - 44¼ 40 - 42 !l2 - 48 44½- 51½ Kanawha & Mlehla-an. 10 - 12½ 12¾- 18¾ 13½- 17 15¼- lflM 15 - 18 16 - 16 14 - 14,!,d 15 - lb¾ ... - .... 14 - 15½ 15¾- 20 17 - 25 K. C. Plttsb, & Gulf.... 7%- 9 8 -t~ +12 -•21½ *17¾- 20:½ *16%- 18 °13\14- 17 *14 - 17 ..• - ........ - ........ - ....... - ........ - .•.. K. C, So., vot, tr. ctf8, .. .... - ... . . .. - ... . .... - .... 17½- 17½ .... - . .... ... - .... 10 - 10 10 - 10 7 - lOlk! 9¼- H 11¾- 14 12¼- 14.¾ .Pref,, vot. tru•t ctf8 ... . ... - ... .. .. • .•. . 42 - 43 41 - 43~ .... - . .. . ... - •••. 35 - 40 30 - 83¾ 27½- 31¾ 29 - 36½ 3!l¾- 39 36 - 38¾ Keok. & Des Molne8.... .. . . - . . .. .. . . - . . . . . .. . - . . . . .. . . - . . .. 3½- 3¾ . . .. - . .. . . . . - .. . . . . • • - .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. . . - . . . 4 - 4 4 - 6 Pref ....................... .... - ... . 15 - 16 17 - 17¼ 17¼- 17¼ 15 - 15 16 - 16 . ..• - ... .. .. - ....... - •... 14½- 15 14½- 14½ 17¾- 23 Klna-•ton & Pembroke, . . . . - . . . . .. . - .. . . . .. . - . . . . .. . . - .. . . . .. . - .. .. . . . - .. .. - . . .. .. - . .. . .. .. - .. . .. . . - .. . . . .. . - . . . 7 - 9¾ Lake Erle & Western ... 21!,(- 27 20¾- 21¼ 20¼- 23~ 23½- 34¼ 26¾- 31 26½- 30¾ 26 - 28¼ 27 - 80 25 - 28J.( 27 - 37¾ 35 - 39,!,d 35 - 52 Pref ........................ 84 - 87 83!,(- 85 84¾- 87¾ 95 -100 92 - 95 92 - 97¼ 93 - 93),,( 93 - 95 92* 93 94¼-110 10234-110 106 -115 Lake Shore .. •• ............ 197 -200 . . . • - .. .. 210 -210 200 -206 210 -212½ 208½-212¾ 208½·209 208 -209 209 -209 210 • 210 230 -%30 2U -240 Lon,r Island ............ .... 47½- 55 50 - 54 50 - 5™ 55 - 70½ 66½- 89 70 - 7!l¾ 71 - 71 60¾- 66¾ 6!¾- 65 63 - 70 6t - 78½ 65 - 70¼ Louisville & Nashville. 77¼- 82¾ 79¼- 8~ 81 - 87 811k!- 87¾ 7$¼- 82½ 73¼- 81¾ 70¾- 75¼ 70½- 72¼ ~ - 73½ 70¾- 76¾ 75 - 81½ 81¾ . 89¼ Manhattan Con•ol ...... 90¾- 99 92¼-101 91¾- 98¾ 92½- 99 87¼- 95 Si - 92 86½- 92¾ 89½- 93 84 - 92~ 8dlJ4-lOO 95¼-t14¾107¼-ll6¾ ltlexlcan Central ... , .... 10½- 12~ 11¾· 13~ 11¾- 14% 13 - 14~ 12¼- 14 11% · 13¼ 11¾- 13¾ 11¾- 12~ 10½- 11¾ 11¼- 13¾ 12¾- 14 13 - 17¾ Mex. National, ctf1... .. . S¾- 4¾ 3¾- 4% SM- 5 3~- 4¾ S¾- 4 2%- 3¾ 3 - 3~ 3¼- 3:lfi 2¾- 3¾ 2¼- 3½ 3 - 4 3½- 5 Mlchla-an Central ........ 104 -110 108 -112 108 -108 108 -109 108 -108 108 -115 105 -105 .... - .... 105 -105 .... - .. 105½-105½105 -105 Mlnneap. & St. Louis.. 58 - 62 60¾- 65½ 60 - 6~ 62½- 69¾ 62 - 66½ 45¼- 63¼ 47¾- 57 55 - 56½ 51 - 551ki 51¾- 61¾ 57¾- 66 6!l - 71½ 2d pref ................ ... 90¾- 93½ 91½- 9U 92¾- 97 95¾- 97¾ 9!l:J4- 98¾ 87½- 96¾ 00¼- 94 93!4- 94¼ 91½- 94 92 - 99½ 97½-104¾ 9~-l0!l Minn. St. P. & S.S. M.. 15 - 17½ 16 - 17 17 - 21 21 - 27 2!l - 26 18 - 25¾ 19¼- 20 lS - 18 14 - 14 17 - 18 16¼- 20¾ 16½- 21¾ Pret....... ............. ... 55 - 55 50 - 53 53~- 62 62 - 69 64¾- 67¾ 57 - 67¼ 58 - 59¾ 57 - 5931; 46¾- 46¾ 4i - 54 !l7 - 53 50 - 55 M.o. Kan•a• & Texa8, .. 10 - 10¾ 10¼- 10¾ 10½- 12¾ 11¼- 12½ 10),,(- 11% 10 - 11¾ 10 - l0M 9½- 10 9 - 9½ 10 - 11 10½- 13¾ 12%- 17¼ Pref ........................ 31¾- 34¾ 32 -· 34~ 32½- 37!4 34!4- 40¾ 32!4- 3o¾ 28!4- 34~ so - 32¾ 30 - 81),,( 25¾- 32 27 - 33½ 31¾- 40 37 - 47½ MlHourl PacUlc.......... 88¾- "¾ 4.4 - 47'¼ 4'-l½- 51¼ 49 - 61¼ 54 - 59'½ 4tl - 57 47"- 53},{ 49~- 52¼ 46~- 52~ 47¼- 5~ 54½- 61½ 59 - 72½ Mobile & Ohio ... ,........ 39 - 40½ !l0M- 47 43½- 48¼ 44½- 48½ 39 - 48 35 - 39½ 35¼- 38¾ 36¼- 39 • 35 - 35 35~- 41 89 - 4:J 40 - 49 Morrl• & EHex ... ........ 183¼-1~ 183½-184 186 -188¾ 188¾-189 188¾-189½ 184 -188½ 185 -186 185 -185¼ 185:½-187½ ... . - .... 186 -188¼ ...• - ...• Na1hv. Chatt, & St, L .. .... - .... .... - ....... - ... . .. - .... 50 - 50 43 - 45 - ........ - ........ - .... .... - ........ - .... 50 - 50 ~. Y • Cent. & Bud, Riv, 131¾-138 130¾-136¼ 132 -139 133¾-139¾ 129¼-135¾ 125%-133¾ 127¼-131 128>9-131 126¼ 131¼ 127½-134½ 132}4-142¾ 140%-145¾ Ria-ht8 .... .......... ,..... 4¼- 4¾ ... - ........ - .. . ..... - .. .. ... - ... .. ... - ........ - . . . . .... - ........ - ........ - .. . ... - ........ - .. . .N. Y. Chic. &St. Loul8 . 12½- l~¼ 12½· 13~ 12 - 14¾ 13 - 14¾ 11½- 12¾ 11 - 11½ .... - .... 11¼- 11½ 11 - l'.l½ 11¾- 15% 13¼- 16~ 15½- 24½ 1st pref .......... ......... 81 - 85 79 - 83 79 - 80 78 - 'i8 74¾- 7~ 75 - 75 75 - 75 .... - .... .. .. - .. 79 - 90 90 - 98 98 -llu 2d pref"..... .. ..... ........ 32 - 35¾ 34¾- 36 32 - 40},{ 36¾- 39¾ 35 - 35¼ 29 - 32½ 30¾- 31¾ ..•. - .... 30 - 30 32 - 38 37 - !ll¾ 4~ ~ 58¾ NewYork&Harlem ... ... - ...... - .... . . - ... - ... !l00 -400 .... - .... !l05 -420 .••• - ........ - ........ - ........ ........ N.Y.Lack.&We1t ..... 130 -130 130 -134 132½-185 133½-134 133 -133½ .... - .... 132¼-132¼ .... - ........ - .... 130¾"-132 13!l -134½183 -134 l!f. Y. N. Haven & Hartt, 212½-215¾ ,US -215 214 -214 211¾-213¾ 211~-215¼ 210)4-212 2101,.(-210½ 210½-212 207M-212 209 -210%210½-213 211 -213 N. Y. Ontario & We8t ... 20¾- 23¼ 22%- 25¾ 22%- 26½ 22½- 26¾ 20%- 22¾ 18¾- 22¼ 18¾- 21 20 - 22¼ 19 - 21¾ 20 - 23¾ 21¼- 261k! 24¾- 32¼ Norfolk & We1tern ... .. . 22¾- 26 25½- 33¾ 81¾- 38 34¾- 40¾ 33¾- 38¾ 30 - 361k! 31¾- 35½ 33 - 34¾ 31¾- 35½ 33¾- 38¾ 36½- 45 41 - 45¾ Pref........... ... . ........ 67 - 71¾ 70½- 75¼ 74 - 78 76 - 81 I 76 - 80 74J,,(- 79 77¾- 78½ 75 - 78 74 - 76½ 75 - 78½ 77½- 82½ St¼- 83 No.Pac.Ry. vot. tr. rec. 50¾- 54½ 51¾- 54¾ 52~- 611)1, 57¾- 62¾ j 55 - 61½ 48 - 61~ 49¾- 52¾ 50¾- 53¾ 45¾- 52½ !l6¾- 58¾ 56%- 7!l¼ 69¼- 86½ Pref, votlnii trust rec. 72½- 75 74 - 76¼ 73½- 78¼ 75¾- 78¼ 73¼- 76¼ 69¾- 76¾ 70 - 72¼ 71 - 72½ 67 - 71~ 68 - 7!l 71¾- 86¾ 81¾- 91½ .Paclfic Coa8t Co.......... 60 - 53 50¼- 5~ 49½- 53 51 - 53~ 4tl - 51 48¼- 52½ 51¼- 54 52½- 56 52¼- 56¾ 57¾- 61½ 66¼- 62 57 - 61¾ 1st pret ........ ........... 85 - 87½ 85 - 85½ 84¾- 85 82 - 87½ 83 - 83 85 - 85¾ 82 - 85 87½- 87½ 82½- 82½ 82 - 90 88 - 88 89¾- 90)4 2d pref..... . . .. . . . .. . .. 64¾- 66!'4 65 - 65¾ 63¾- 63¾ 61½- 64½: 57 - 60¼ 58:l.(- 62 62 - 64 63 - 65¼ 62½- 64¾ 65 - o9½ 68 - 60 66 - 66 i>enn8ylvania RR ....... 128½-133¾ 129¾-136¼ 133½-140¾ 13!l¼-142¾1128½-137¾ 125 -133¾ 126 -129¾ 127½-130¾124¾-1~11¾127¾-135%131M-144ik!141½-H9½ Right•..................... 2%- 3 .. .. - .. . . . • .. - .. .. - . .. . .. .. - .. . . . .. • - • • .. .. • - • • .. • • • - • • • . .. .. - • • .. • .. - • .. .. .. - .. • • . .. • - •••• Sub•cription receipt• 127¾-12~ 131 -133~ 131 -137¼ 135½-135½ 133 -183 .... - ....... - •.. . • •. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ , .. .. Peoria Dec.~ Evansv. . 2¾- 3¼ 1%· 3 2 - 3 2¾- 3¾ 2¼- 4 1%- 2¾ 2 - 2½ 1¾- 2 1¾- 1¾ 1¾- 2¾ l¾- 2¾ 1¼- 2¾ Peoria & Eastern....... . 5½- 6½ 6 - 6¾ 5:1-.(- 9½ 6%- 8:J:( 7 - 7J,( 5 - 6 . . .. - .. .. . .. . - . .. . 5 - 5¾ 6 - 8½ 8 - 8½ 8½- 18 Pere Marquette.. ....... . 20 - 20¼ .•• - ••. 21 - 29¾ 2!l - 26¾ 23%- 25½ 23 - 25¾ 22:1,!- 24¾ 22 - 23½ .... - .... 22½- 2!l 27 - 32 Sl½- 35 Pref.. ...................... 55~(- 55¼ .... - .... M½- 6i½ .... - . . .. 58 - 60 55½- 55½ .... - .... 57 - 57 53 - 5!½ 56 - 60½ 63~- 65 65 - 73½ Pitt•• Clnn. Cb. & St.L 65 - 80½ 68 - 72¼ 6tl¾- 70 63 - 69 56 - 59½ 68 - 60 52½- 59½ 50 - 54 49~- 51 50 - 5~ 55¼- 59 55¼- 59½ Pret ....................... . 90¾- 9!l 85 - 89 81 - 91 82¾- 88 81~- 85 78 - 85 79 - 82¾ 80 - 82¾ 79 - 83 79 - Si 80¾- 87¾ 85 - 90 Pitts. Ft. W. & C., a-uar. .. . . - .... 187½-188 186 -186 187¾-187;1,.( . .. . - . . 188¾-188¾ . . .. .. .. . .. . - .. . . • •• • - .. .. . • .. - .•.. 185 -185 . . • • • - •••• ,Pltt8b, & We•t'n, pref. · -Tru•t Co. ctf8. dep .... *14½- 15 :Ul - 12 *13 - 14 *12 - 12 ;9 - 12 ;8 - 10½ ;U - 2!l ;Z!l½- 24),ji ... . - ........ - ........ - ··~--~ - -:-.":: 1 /Readln1r vot. tr. cert8.. 17¼- 19 18¼- 19¼ 17 - 20¾ 18½- 21½ 16¾- 187/4 16 - 18 16½- 17¾ l~- 17¾ 15 - 16¾ 15½- 19¼ 17¾- 20 19½- 26 l•t pref. vot. tr. cert8, 49 - 56),,( 53!Ji- 60 56~- 65½ 58 - 6~ 54 - 59½ 5-!¾- 591k! 58½- 61¾ 56¾- 60½ 50½- 57¾ 53¾- 60~ 57½- 65 62¾- 71¾ 2d pref. vot. tr. cert,. 26 - 29¼ 28¾- 30¾ 28½- 34¾ 30¾- 35¾ 26½- 31¾ 26½- 31 28 - 29¾ 27¾- 29¾ 23%- 27½ 25¼- ~½ 27½- 3! 3~- 89¼ ill.en118el. & Saratoga, .. .... - ...... .. - .... .... - . . .. .. - .... . .. - .... .. .. - ........ - . .. . 193 -193 1.... - ........ - ....... - .. 200 -200 ;25c. paid. • .\11 assessments paid. t lat instalment paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  0  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS  STOCKS.  117  1900-<Jonlinued. STOCKS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MAR0R.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JUIY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCT0BER. ,"~0V'BER. DEC.B ER  Low.Higb Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.High Low. '9:igh Low.High Low .Hlgh L ow .BighLow .Higb Low.Higb Low.High  Rio Grande Western ... Pret............ .... ..... .. . Rome Wat. & Oirdensb, St.J.&G.I.vot,tr.ctfs. ht pref. do 2d pref. do St. L. & S. F. v. tr. ctfs. 1st pref, do 2d pref. do St. Louis Southwest'n. Preferred........ . . . . .. .. St. Paul & Du.luth...... Pref.... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . Southern vot. tr. ctfs. .. Pref. · " "  43¼- H 44 - 50 80 - 85 85 - 90% l34 -134 130 -132 6 - 6½ 6 - 6¼ 49'¼- 49'¼ 42 - 42 15¾- 15¾ 15 - 16½ 9 - 11 10 - 11 68 - 70 68½- 70 32¾- 36½ 33¾- 37 9½- 12½ 11 - 12¾ 23½- 28¾ ~7¾- 31¼ 60¼- 66 51 - 52  52)4- 60 90 - 93 130¼-131¾ 6 - 6½ 43 - 45 15 - 16½ 10¼- 12 68 - 72¼ 34 - a9 11¼- 13¾ 28½- 34 ... - ... . . . . - . . . . .. . . - ... . LOO -101½ 11 - 12¼ 11¾- 14 13 - 15¾ 51'¼- 55¼ 54'¼- 59 57½ 61¼  54 89¼. .. 6 43 12¾10¾68 35¼11¼29¼. ... 99½13¼56½-  59'¼ 91 .... 6 43¾ 15 12 71¼ 39 13¾ 3-!¾ .... 99½ 15¾ 61¾  53 - 60 87¼- 89 135 -136 5 - 5¼ 38¾- 38¼ . ... - •. . . 9'¼- 10¾ 68 - 70 32½- 35¼ 11 - 12 25¾- 30¾ 57 - 62 .. . - . ... 12 - 13½ 53¾- 57¾  55 87 ... 5 39 11¾8¾70 31 74-  8¾-  21¾. . .. ... 10¾49¼-  68 . .. - .... 59¼87½ 86¼- 88 ...• .... 135 -135 . .. . C.J.ti 5 - 13¾ 6%39 42 - 43 U¼12¼ 14 - 14 14¼10¾ 9 - 9¾ 9¾70 66 - 68½ 67½34¾ 31¾- 33¾ 32¾11¼ 9¼- 107' 10¼28¾ 23½- 27 25¼.. .. .... - .•.... . . . . . . . . .. - . . . . . .. . 12½ 10¾- 11¾ 10¾55'¼ 50 - 53 51¾-  65 54 .... 86 .... ...• 7¾ 7 47¾ 41¼16 15 10 9 68¼ 64 35 31¼13½ 10'¼30¾ 25¼........ . . . . .. 11¾ lOU52'¼ 50¼-  54 53 - 53 60 86 .• .. - ... . 89 .... W3 -1~.... 7¼ 7 - 7½ 7 49'¼ 45 - 50 50¼16 16 - 17 16¼10½ 9'¼- 11¾ 11¼66 65 - 68 68¼34¼ 33 - 37 36 13 11½- 14¾ 13¾30!):t 26'¼- 33 31¾........ - ........ . . - ... .. 12¾ 11 - 13¾ 12~1 55~ 51/Jt- 56 of'¼-  65  80 - 80  94¾ 94 - 95)4  .... 133¼-134½ 7¾ 7¾- 8'¼ 54½ 63¼- 64¼ 17¾ 17¼- 21¼ 20¾ 17¾- 2:l¼ 76 75 - 78 46¾ 45¼- 55 15¾ 15 - 183' 37¼ 36¾- 45~ • . . . .. . . . . .. . . - ... 18¾ 17¾- 23¾ 67¾ 61:l¼- 73¼  :;;::•?~:.~t:~: : ;t '.~: :~ :·~ '.: :~:: E: :r ?: '? 3(_": ~ :;:':~ ~~ :?: ~~ ?: ~1 Sl:": 7~:~: ~::~t: ~,,. 1  Texas & PacUlc........ ...  ~::~:;:!~11~R'!::;~:·  u!~;f:J:•iia:&•c~:n~i:  Wabash..... ............... Pref. .. ..... .......... ... ... Wheel. & L. Erle, new l11t pref... . .... .. . . .. .. . . 2d pref..... .. . . . . ... ...... Wisconsin Cent'I, new. .Pref. ..... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14¾- 16¾ 16 - 17!,4 16 - 19  17¾- 21  !~¾=  5~~=  ~ ·46%= ii~ ·4s =59..  ;:~~2;:¼ 7 - 7¾ 19¾- 21¾ 9¼- 10¾ 52 - 54¾ 26 - 29¾ 17 - 20½ 47¼- 51½  .:~. = 6}.t-  20¾9¾ 52½26¾17 47¼-  ~~~  7¾ 21¾ 11½ 55½ 29 20¼ 53½  EXPRE~S. Adama ... ................... 111 -115½ 114 -117 American . ................. . 142½-149 145 -149½ United Statea............. 46½- 49 i6 - 48 Well&, Fariro & Co . ... . 123½-129 122 -129½  •·  :~.¾~ ~~~  8¼ 20 - 23 10 - 11¾ 52 - 5S 26¼-- 33¼ 16½- 20¾ 49 - 66 6½-  .:.4.¼= 7~21¾10 53¼28¼16¼49 -  16¾- 19½ 13¼- 17  14 - 15¼ 14 -  15¼1 14  - 15¼ 141J(- 18¾ 16¾- 2 J 19%- 26~  6~~ ·52 ~ 56½ ·4s =66¼ ·49¾= 58¾ ·5:;¾: 6~ !~½= !~Jw~ 63¼!·60¼= 74¼1-,,0¼= si~  7~~  9¾ 21~ 11¾ 58¼ 32¾ 20¾ 57  .:~½~ ~~ ~~½= ~~~ 8 20¾9 50 25'¼14½· 44½-  9 6¾- 8¼ 23¼ 17 - 21¼ IO½ 8 - 9% 55 47 - 61¾ 29¾ 21¾- 27½ 17 13 - 16 49 88'¼- 48  .:~.'A-~~~.:.~=~~I:~ =  71!1.(- 76¾ 6!1.(- 7¼ 6¾17¾- 19¼ 17¾8¾- 9¾ 8¾46½- 49¼ 46 22¾- 24,½ 23¾13¼- 14¾ 14 37 - 89¾ 37 -  '7¾  19¼ 9¼ 48¼ 25¼ 14'¼ 39½  6½16 8 44½21~10 30 -  7~ 18¾ 8¾ 48¼ 24½ 13¼ 37  ~6½1. :~.¼= 61¼- 7½ 7¼17¼- 19¾; 18¼.:. 8¼9 464:(- 5114 48 22¼&- 27½ 24 10¼- 14 11 30 - 37 33½-  l:l,gl  ~~~1 ~¾= ~~ 8¾ 8 22¾1 20'¼11¾ 10¼57 52 30¾ ~6¾14½110½37 83 -  14  27 13¼ 57¾ 32 18¼ 44'.U  1  ) 114¼-117 142 -151 45 - 49¾ 123 -128  116 145 48 125  -130 -150 - 49¾ -127  116 -180  118 149½-159 150 46¼ · 48 ;1,5 123 -127½ 120  -120 117 -125 -158 151 -157 - 47% 45½- 47 -123 124½-127  125 -126 123 -126 125 -130¼130 -150 hs11 -150 155 -157¼150 -155½150 -168 165 -167 164 -191 45¼- 47 45 - 47 45 - 61 47¾- 50¼ 49½- 59¾ 124!4-128 122½-129 125¼-130 129 -137 11S3¼-140  COAL & MINING. Amalgamated Copper. . - .... .... - ... . .. - .... .. .. - ... . .... - . ....... - .. . ... - ........ - .... . ... - ... .... . ... 93!,,g- 99¼ 89!1.(- 96!4 American Coal.. . . . . . . . .. - . . . .. - ... . .... - . . .. . .. .... - ........ - . . . . ... .... - ... 150 -155 150 -150 160 -170 166 -175 Anaconda(. opper..... .. 38 - 41¾ 39¾- 46½ 43J4- 61¾ 44¼- 54~ 40¾- 46 87'¼- 43 38½- 44¼ 43¾- 47¼ 40)4- 45½ 42 - 47½ 44¼- 52¾ 46½- 49¾ ColoradoC.&l.Devel. l½- l½ 1¾- l¾ 2 - 2¼ 1¼- 2¾ 1¼- 1¼ .. .. - ... . 1¼- l½ . ..• - ... . .... - , ...... - .... 1½- 1¾ .... - .. . Pref............ ... ..... . . ... - .... .... - . . . 3¼- 3¾ - .. . .. . - . . . .. .. - •... . .•. - . .. . 1)4- l¼ ¾- ¾ '¼- 1 - ....... - .. . Colorado Fuel & Iron .. 40½- 46½ 42¼- 48¼ 42¼- 61¼ 39½- 51½ 35½- 4L½ 29½- 37¾ 31¾- 36 32¾- 36½ 29¾- 35¾ SQ¾- 40½ 37¾- 54'¼ 49½- 66½ Pref ...................... . 121 -131½ 125 -125½ 122 -129½ 127 -130 120 -126 120 -123 120 -120¼ 125 -125 118 -121 117 -117 123 -130 121 -122 Col. & H. Coal & Iron .. 15 - 18½ 16¾- 18~ 15 - 20¾ 17¾- 21 14½- 17 11¼- 15½ 13¼- 15¼ 14¼- 15¾ 12¾- 14¼ 13½- 17'¼ 16 - 18½ 14 - 18!,( Consolidation Coal..... . . . . - . . . . 50 - 50 . . . . - . . . . . - . . . .. .. - . . . . . .. - . .. 48 - 48 52 - 52 . . . • - • . . . . .• - • . . .. . • - . • . . 50 - 60 Home&take Mlnlnir.. . ... - .... . ... - .... .... - . . . . 73 - 73 73 - 73 70 - 70 70 - 70 76 - 76 ...• - .. .. .... - •.. . 78 - 79½ 76 - 80 Maryland Coal, pref.... 70 - 70 75 - 75 81 - 81 78 - 78 . ••. - ... . .... - • • . . ••• - • • • • 75 - 75 74 - 74 76 - 77 75 - 79 75 - 79 NewCentralCoaltnew ..... - ....... - ... .. .. . - ... 37 -37 35 -16 ... . - ... .. ... - ... 33 - -33 34 -34 . ... - ... . 30 -30 30 -3-l Ontario Silver Mlnlnir.. 7¾- 8½ 8¼- 9 8'¼- 9 8½- 8½ 7¾- 7¾ 7 - 7 6'¼- 6% . ... - •.. ... .• - .... 6 - 6 ..•. - .•.. . .• . - ... PennsJ lvanla Coal..... . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . 420 -420 . . . - • . .. . . . . - • . . . • . . - , . . . . . • • - . . . ~¼-450¼ 626 -740 Quicksilver Mlnlu1r . .... . .... - . .. . 2 - 2 2 - 2½ 1¾- 2 l¾- l¾ .... - ••...••• - ••• ¼- ¼ ¼- ½ . ••. - ........ - ... ...• - .. . Pref ....................... . .... - ........ - .... 8¼- 10~ 9 - 9 8½- 9¼ 8 - ~ .. .. - •••..••• - ........ - ... 7¾- 8¼ 8½- 9¾ .•.• - .. . TenneHee Coal & Iron 79~- 87¾ 86¼-104 90½- 98¼ 80¼- 98½ 68¼- 82!):t 62 - 76½ 65 - '16¼ ~ - 72¼ 51¼- 71'4: 49 - 61 64¾- 79¾ 56¼- 72¾ Pref........ .. ............. 156 -157 160 -160 160 -160 . • . - • . . . . . . - • . . .. . • - • • . . . . • • - • • . . . • • • - •• . .. . . • - .. . . . • •• - • . . .. • • • - • . . . . • . - ••• .' . VARIOUS. American Beet Su.gar .. ...• - ........ - .. . ... - ........ - ........ - .. .... .. - ... .. ... - ... ... ........... - •....... - ... 23 - 23 .••• - ••• Pref .. ..... ......, ............... - ........ - . .. . ... - ... ... .. - ........ - . . . . . .. • ........ - ... .. ... - ....... . . .... - . . . 73½- 75 ..•••••• Amer. Car&Foundry. 12¼-14¾ 14 - 18 14¼-17¼ 14 - 17~ lo¾- 17¾ 13¼- 17 14¼-16¾ 16 - 16¼ 13¼-16¾ 14 - 18¾ 17¼- 25¾ 19'¼- 23 Pref...... ................. 69 - 6~¼ 61 - 66 60 - 67¼ 63 - 67% 64 - 66½ 57¾- 66 61 - 65 63 - 63¾ 57'¼- 63¾ 59¼- 64'¼ 63¾- 69¼ 66¼- 72 Amer. Cotton OU Co.... 31 - 34½ 33¼- 35¾ 32¼- 37 35½- 37¾ 33 - 36Xi 30 - 35¾ 82¼- 36 33 - 84¾ 31 - 33¼ 33¼- 36¾ 30½- 37¾ 30¼- 32¼ Pref........... . . . . . . . . .. . . . 90 - 94¼ 94 - 94 93½- 94 96¼-100 95 - 96¾ 90 - 92 89J.(- 90¼ 90 - 90 88¾- 90 90 - 92 90 - 94 Ill - 92½ Amer. Dist. Teleirraph. 24'¼- 33½ 26¼- 31¾ 26 - 27½ . 26 - 28 25 - 26 25 - 25¼ 25 - 26 ·20 - 26 26 - 26 27¼- 33 38 - 37 35¼- 37 Ame , ican Ice Co ......... . 33¼- 42 40 - 44¾ 43¼- 48¾ 47 - 49½ 28¼- 47 27¼- 36 26¾- 38 32½- 37¼ 30 - 84½ 81¼- 37¾ 34¼- 48¼ 37¼- 42¾ Pref............ . . . . . . . . . . . . 72½- '75 75 - 78½ 73¼- 76¼ 74¼- 77 62¼- 76¾ 60½ 66 61¼- 69½ 66¼- 68 64 - 67'¼ 63 - 66 65 - 73 69 - 71'¼ American Linseed ...... 12~- 15½ 13¼- 16¼ 11 - 15 12¾- 14¾ 11¼- 13 9¾- 11¼ 10 - 12¼ ~ 9¾- 12¼ 8~ 10% 9¼- 13¾ 6 - 13¼ 6¼- 8½ Pref.... .... .. . .......... . . 52¾- 56¾ 55 - 60 5'1¼- 68 65¾- 68 54¼- 57 49¾- 65¾ 61 - 58 62 - 55¾ 60 - 52½ 60'¼- 65¼ 36 - 55¼ 34¼- U¾ AmMtcan lllaltinir...... 4¾- 7¾ 5¼- 6¾ SJ.(- 5¼ 4¼- 4¾ 3¾- 4¾ 3 - 3'.U 3 - 4 3¾- 6 4 - 6 4 - 5¼ 4½- 6 4'¼- 6¾ Pref.... ...... ..... ... .... 26 - Slx, 24 - 28 22 - 25¾ 20 - 23 20¼- 23¼ 18'¼· 21½ 19 - 20 19¾- 26 22 - 25 23 - 26 24 - 25¾ 25 - 27¼ Amer. emelt91r & Reftn. 35¼- 39¾ 38¼- 43'¼ 38¼- 42:14 36¼- 42¼ 36¾- U¾ 34½- 38% 35¼- 38½ 36 - 38 35¼- 37¼ 36J.(- 43¼ 40¼- 64½ 50¾- 56¼ Pref.... . .................. . 86 - 90 89'4:- 92 90 - 93 88!4- 9~ 87½- 89¾ 85 - 90¾ 86 - 887,1i 88 - 89¼ S®t- 90 88 - 92 90¼- 99 95 - 98½ Amer.SplrltslllJir...... 3½- 3½ 3 - 4 2 - 4~ 2¼- 2¼ 2¼- 2¾ 2¼- 2¾ 2 - 2 .• - •••. l¼- 2 .••• - ••. . .••• - •••..••• - .•. Pref.......... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . .. . . - . . .. .. . . - .. . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . 14 - 14 . .• - . . . . . • •• - . . . . . . • - ... Amer. Steel Hoop . ...... 41¼- 45¼ 39 - 50¼ 32 - 41% 25¼- 371¼ 20 - 26 17 - 24¼ 18%- 23¾ 17¼- 20% 17 - 20¼ 17¼- 26~ 22¼- 31¾ 2"' • 32¾ Pref............ . . . . . . . . . .. . 80 - 83 82¼- 86 79 - 82 73 - 81¼ 69 - U½ 66 - 73 66'¼- 72 64¾- 67¾ 64¼- 68½ 65 - 76½ 74¼- 80¼ 7o - 79 Am. Steel & Wire, new 45¾- 68¼ 55¾- 69!):t 63¼- 68½ 37¼- 59¾ 33 - 40% 28¼- 37¼ 31 - 36¼ 32 - 3~ 29 - 37¾ 30½- 37¼ Si¼- 52¼ 40½- 47¼ Pref............ . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 - 92¾ 91½- 95 90 - 92¾ 75¼- 91¼ 73 - 80 69½- 77'4 70¾- 75¼ 73 - '76¼ 70 - 76¼ 71'¼- 76l}fi 75 - 90¼ 84 - 89 Amer. Suarar Ref. Co ... 112!,d-137½ 101¼-118¾ 95¾-111¼ lOI¼-121½ 105¼-120 ll0¾-119¾ 113¾-129¾ 117¾-126 112¼-123½114¼-126¼122 -137 122¾-149 Pref .......... .. .... . ....... 111 -115 108 -115 107 -111½ 108¼-113 110 -113½ 114 -116!):t 114¼-118 116 -117 114¼-115¼115 -l17¼ll5¾-117¼114½-118 Amer. Tel. & Cable Co. 92¾- 98½ 93½ · 97¼ 91 • 95½ 90¼- 93 92 - 93 903,(- 93 90 - 95 . .. - •. . . 87 - 88¾ 88 - 91 90 - 95 95 - 96½ Amer. Tin Plate .. . . . . ... 277,1j- 34¼ 31)4- 36¾ 30 - 3¼ 25 - 34¾ 21 - 27!-1, 18 - 23½ 19 - 24¼ 22 - 30 24 - 29¼ 26'¼- 35¼ 32¾- 45¼ 41¾- 67¼ Pref. . . . .................... 80½- 83 81 - 84 80¼- 83 78 - 84¼ 72¼- 79 70¾- 74 74 - 80¾ 78 - 80¾ 77 - 81 79¼· 84 82¼- 89% 87¼- 92 American Tobacco Co . . 94¼ -107¾ 101¼·111¼ 102¼-109¼ 100 -109¾ 85,½-104¼ 84'¼- 95¼ 89 - 98¾ 91¾- 96¼ 85¼- 95¾ 88¼-100¼ 96¼-113 lOi¾-114¾ Pref....... ...... ......... J36 -140¼ 186 -140 139 -139 138 -135 128 -133¾ 129 -129 130 -130 130 -130 128 -128 131 -133 137 -140 137 -138 Dividend scrip. .. . ... ... l:J9 -100 100 -101 100½-102 99¼-100 98 -100 99 -100 99 -100½ 99'¼-100 99¾-100 100 -100 99¾-100 98¾-100 American Woolen Co.. . . . . - ........ - ... . .... - ... . .... - ... .. ... - .. . . . .. - . . . . ... - ... ... .. - ........ - ........ - ....... - ... . 211,,(- 22¼ Pref. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . 76 - 77 B1·ooklyn Rap. Trans .. 66¼- 77 64¼- 77 63¼- 7,i 71 - 80½ 67¼- 74¼ 49 - 73 60¼- 60¾ 52½- 60'¼ 47¼- 56¼ 50½- 64¾ 69¼- 78¾ 69 ..; 88'¼ Brooklyn Union Gas ... 140 -150 145 -161 144 -163½ 150 -154 145 -175 160¼-174 167 -171½ 170 -172 160 -160 166 -170 169¾-181 176 -183 Bru.n&. Dock & C. hnpt. 11½- 16¾ 10 - 14 8¾- 11¼ 8¾- 12 7½- 9 6¾- 8¾ 6¾- 9 7 - 7½ 6½- 7¾ 7 - 9¼ 8¾- 10¼ 8¾- lOJ,( Capital Traction . .. . .. - .... 91¾- 93 92½- 92½ .... - ... .. ... - •.. . ..• - •.. . .... - .. ...... - ••..••• - •.. . 101% 101¾ .... - •....•.• - •.. Chic. Consol. Traction . 37¾- 39¾ 39 - 39 ... . - . . 37 - 89 .... - . . . . ... - ........ - •• • •• - • . .. . .. - . ... .••• - ....••• - ••. . .•.. - .. . Comme1·cial Cable ...... L83 -183 168 -170 168 -168 .... - . .. 168 -175 158 -169 . .. . - •...•... - ••.. 167 -167 •••• - .... , ... - ... . . ..• - .. . Consolidated Gas ........ 186¾-199 179¼-196 174¾-193 180%-193 181 -196¼ 171¼-192½ 174 -181¾ al67¼-79¾ 164 -175 164½-179 172¾-201 186¾-197¾ Riarhts . ........................ - . . . . . . - ... . ... . - . . .. . . . . - .. ... ... - ........ - . .. .. .. - . . 3¼. 5¾ ...• - . .. . ... - .... . ... - .•. Continental Tobacco ... 30¼- 38 29 - 85¼ 28¾- Si¾ 27½- 33!):t 21¼- 30¾ 22¼- 27 23'¼- 27¼ 24 - 26'¼ 23¼- 26¾ 24¼- 30¼ 26¾- 38¼ 32¼- 40¾ Pref . . . . . . .. . ... . . .. . . . . . . . 83½- 89¼ 84 - 87 82¾- 85¾ 80 - 85 70 - 82¼ 75¼- 82 76!1.(- 80 74½- 79 76 - 79¾ 75¾- 83¾ 81 95 88 - 94 Detroit City Gas ......... ... . - ... . 94 - 94¾ .... - .... 94 - 94 93½- 97¼ 94¾- 98½ 91 - 94 90 - 91 89 - 90¼ 90 - 90!):t 90 - 90¾ 00 - 90},( Eighth Avenue .......... . 400 -400 . .. - ••••.... - . . . . . . - ......• - ... . ..•• - •.•. 396 -395 ..•. - ..•.•.• - .•...••• - •.. . .••• - •.....•• - •.. Erie Telearh. & Telt"pb 101 -107¾ 105 -122¾ 104~-104¾ 108 -103¼ 106'¼-106'¼ .... - ........ - ••...••• - ••• . .••• - ........ - ••.. 105},(-105¾1037,(-101!)4 Ri1rb111............... .. . . . . 1 - l½ ... . - ••.. ••.• - . . . . .. - ••....•• - •....••• - • • . • ••• - •......• - •••...•• - • • . . •. - ........ - • .....•. - ...  --------------------------------------------------------a Ex-rlghts. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  A  RAILROAD  118  ·n  STOCKS.  MISCELLANEOUS  1900-C:oncluded. STOCKS.  JANUARY E'EBR'RY.  MA.ROH. APRIL, MAY. - -· - - - - - - - - ---- -  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER, DEO'Bl!:R.  --- --- --- --- --- -----  Low.High Low.Hlgb Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hi1tb Low.High Low.High  Federal Steel.... . ....... 47!1.:(- 65½ 52¼- 57¾ 47¼- 57 39 - 57¾ 33 - 42¼ 28:),(- 37¾ 31¾- 36 31!1.:(- 35'4' 30 - 35½ 31¾- 40¼ 37¾- 52~ 48 - ~ Pref ................... .. 70M- 76 73 - 77½ 72 - 76~ 68 - 75¼ 6t¼- 69½ 60¾- 68¾ 63¼- 68 65 - 67¾ 61 - 67¾ 62 - 69~ 67¾- '17¾ 75 - 79¼ . .. .... ·••· .... - . ... 69 - 75 64 - 74 67¾ 71¾ 71 - 81 76¾- 77¾ 78 - 791,J,f 73!':(- 78¾ 70¾- 72~ 68¾- 71¾ Gas & Elec. of Ber1r Cu. .... General Electric, new.. 120 -124¼ 123¾-129¾ 124' -131½ 128¾-14~ 132½-189~ 126¼-136¾ 127¾-131¾ 130 -HO!J:( 132ll4:-141½ 135¾-145 142 -171¼ 166¼-200 Glucose Suarar Refln'1r. 47 - 57¾ 50 - 58½ 5~- 54 51¾- 55 48¼- 52 47¾- 53½ 44 - 50½ 45¼- 60½ 48½- 55 49¾- 56½ 52:>.(- 60 47 - 54 Pret. ...... . ............... . 98 -101¼ 100 -101¾ 98½- 99½ 98 -199¾ 99~- 99½ 98 - 98 98¾-101 98¾-100~ 98 - 99¾ 98¼-102 100 -103 92 - 99¼ H. B. Claflin Co .......... 118 -116}~ 112¾-1121,J,f 110 -112½ 109 -114 109 -109 106 -109 108 -108 108 -108 107 -110 103 -110½ 110 -112¾ 110 -114 .... .... - .... 111tpref................... .... . .. ... .... .... 101 -101 102½-102½ . ... ... . .. .... .... . . .. .... 2d pref .... .......... . ..... .... .... .. ... ... .... .... . ... .... .... .. .. .... - ... - ... . 100 -100 ··•· - . ... . .. - . .. .... . International Paper .... 22¼- 25½ 21¾- 25¼ 14.½- 23¾ 21 - 24¾ 21 - 2i 17 - 21½ 20 - 26% 22 - 26¼ 20¼- 21% 21¼- 23~ 22 - 23 16 - 22 Pref ..... 66 - 68¼ 66 - 70½ 58 - 67~ 63¼- 67¼ 63 - 65 63¾- 67¾ 64!,(i- U5¾ 66¼- 66¾ 60 - 66~ 62¼- 67¾ 66¾· 76 72¼- 74¾ International Silver ... 9 - 10¾ 8 - 10¾ 6¼- 8 6 6¾- 9¼ 5 - 7¼ ,1 4¾- 7¼ 4¼- 8 6~ 4¾- 4¾ 3¼- 4 3¼- S¾ 4 Internacional Power ... .... ... .... - ... .... .... .... .. .. - .... 21 - 29¼ 24¼- 30¾ 28¼- 29:H\ 27¼- 29 28¼- 39!/4 32¾- 51¼ 50 - 55!ij lnternat. Steam Pump . ... -··· ... 28 - 29!'-( .... .... .... .... ..... - ..... .... .... . ... .... ... . ... . Pref ....................... . .... ... .... .... ... .... .... .. . - .... .... ... . .... - .... .... . .. ... . .. . . 76 - 77½ Knick. Ice (Chicairo) ... 30 - 38 30 - S3 39 - 39 35 - 40 15 38 - 38 15 24 - 27 .... .... . - 15 10 - 15 - 15 Pi.·ef............ .. . . ........ .... - . .. . 66 - 66 ... - . .. .. . - .. 68 - 60 57¾- 67½ 52¾- 52¼ ... ... . ... .. .... 50 - 50 ... .. Laclede Gas, St. Louis. 78¼- 80 73 - 79½ 74 - 78 68 - 71 70 - 76!':( 65 - 71 68 - 75 74 - 75½ 67¼- 73 70 - 76 68 - 75 70 - 79 Pref ....................... .. 96 -100 100¼-100½ 9& - 99 100 -100 95 - 97 99¼-100 .... . .. 97¼- 98 98 - 98 97¾- 98 99 - 99 ... Manhattan Beach Co .. 6¼- 67,( .... - ... . 8 - 14¾ 13¼- 15 10¾- 18¾ 10 - 12 11 - 17 9 9 12 - 1~ 13 - 16 8 8 ·•• · Metropolitan Street .... 159¼-180 164½-182 165 -174½ 157 -169 144),1(-158¾ 145¾-1581,J,f 146 -158¼ 151¼-167¾ 143¾-155~ U7¼-l68¾ 157¼-177 163¼-176 Right8 . ............... .. .. ... . - . ... .. . - ... ... - .... . ... - ... . .... .... .... - ... . ... .... .. ... . - . ... ... . .. . ... - . .. 1¾- 1¾ Met. W. S. El. (Chic.) .. . 24¼- 24¾ 25 - 29 28¼- 35 34 - 37¼ 31 - 32 30 - 30¾ 29 - 31 30 - so 30¼- ~ 30¼- 84 Sl - 84 s~- 80¾. Pref................ .. 73 - 74¾ 76 - 82¼ 78 - 81¾ 78 - 82 i6)4- 78¼ - .. 78¼- 80~ 79 - 79 81¾- 83 81¾- 83 80 - 84¾ 83¼- 83½ Mutual Gas (N. Y .) ..... . .... - . ... .... .... .... - .... .. .. - .... .... . .. .... .... .... - . ... - ...293 -298 - . . .... - .... - .. .. . National Biscuit ........ . 35 - 38 36½- 40¾ 35 - 36½ 32¼- 36¼ 28½- 82½ 23 - 30 35¾- 40~ 35¼- 39¾ 28 - 32¼ SQ¾- 32¾ 31¼- 34¼ 31¾ 87 Pref. .............. ...... 90¼- 92¾ 92¼- 96 89¼- 91 80 - 86 88¼- 90 85 - 85½ 86¼- 88¾ 85 - 88 88¼- 92¾ 91 - 95~ 90¼- 92¾ rn¼- 81 Nat'l Linseed on Co. Trust certificates...... 3¼- 3¼ .... .. . .... - ... . .. .. ... . ... ... , ... - . . ····· - .... . - .... .... .... .... - .... National Lead Co ....... . 25 - 27¾ 23 - 28¾ 23 - 21¾ 22 - 25¼ IR¼- 22~ 18¼· 21 19 - 20!'4 15¾- 20 17 - 18 lll¾- 20~ 18¼- 28 18¾- 21¼ Pref". ...... .. .............. . 104¾-106 104, -106½ 103¼-106 1()4¼-105½ 95 -10! 92¾- 99 91 - 95 83 - 97¼ 871¼- 90 90 - 98 95¼- 97¾ 97¼- 98 ... .... National Salt ............. . .... .... .... . ... .... .... ... .... - ... ... 37 - 397.41 3~- 41 39¾- 46 ~-44¾ .... . Pref . . .. .... . ..... . ......... .... - .... .... - ... . ... - .... . ... - . .. .... - . .. . ... . ... .... . ... - ... . 63 - 70 69½- 70 69 - 767,'.( 70 - 731,(i N atlonal Steel. ....... ... . 40 - 46¼ 46¼- 53½ 41 - 47¼ 33 - 4.6½ 27¼- 3! 20 - 30¼ 23 - 27 23¼- 28 23¼- 27¾ 2! - 31 28¾- 39¾ 33 - 43 Pret ... .. ... ... ........... . 92 - 9i 93¾- 97 94 - 97 88¾- 95¾ 85 - 89¾ 79:1,!- 87½ 83¼- 85¾ 83¾- 86 82¾- 86 82 - 88½ 87½- 93½ 91½- 96¾ National Tube ........... . .... ... 51 - 63¾ 48¾- 6i¼ 43 - 50½ 40¾- 45 43 - 46½ 44¾- 47¾ 44¼- 47 45¾- 55¼ 63¼· 61¼ 60 - 6!l7/4 . Pref ...... ... .............. . .... - .... .... ... 91¼- 92¾ 90 - 92½ 86!':(- 90½ 87½- 90¼ 88 - 90½ 89¾- 93 91¼- 94-;a 92¾- 98¾ 98),4-105 103 -105½ New York Air Brake .. 125 -138 120 -134¼ 125 -137¼ 129 -130 116 -128 120)4-160 130 -142 130 ·-136½ 112 -132 118 -131 124½-175 150 -172 North American Co ..... . 13¾- 15½ 14 - 15¼ 14¾- lo¾ 14¼- 16¾ 14¼- 16 14¼- lo¾ 14¼- 16¾ 15 - 15¾ 14 - 15¼ 141,J,f- 16¾ 16 - 21 18¾- 22¾ O. & I. Nat. & Ill. Gas. .... - . .. .... - .... . ... - ... . . ... .... 25 - 31¾ 26 - 26 .... .... 25 - 25 .... . .. .... - .... . ... 24 - 24 Paclftc Mall S. S .......... 41 - 471,.,{ 85¾- 44¾ 35½- 38¾ 30 - 38 26¼- 33¾ 25¾- 28¾ 26½- 33:1,! 30 - 33:1,! 27¼- 32 30 - 46¼ 40¼- 57 40¼- 49¾ Peoples• G.-L.& C., Ch. 100¼-116¾ 97),4-109¾ 92 -109 101 -111½ 96¾-104¼ 93¼-101¾ 97 -100~ 93!1:(-100¼ 82¾- 93~ 81%- 96 93 -102¾ 96~-110 Philadelphia Co .......... 74 - 74 .... - .... .... - ... . .... .... . .. - .... . ... . ... .... .. .. - .... .... .... .. .. - . .. .... .... - .... Pressed Steel Car ...... . 55%- 5Q¾ 54¼- 58¾ 48 - 64¼ 46 - 64 42¼- 50 42 - 47~ 41 - 46¾ 37!1:(- 41 43 - 57 48¼- 62¼ 32¼- 89~ S6 - 48 PEef. . . ... ................ 85½- 88¼ 86 - 88 83 - 86 79 - 84 76¾- 81 70:1,!- 7~ 7~ - 82}4 81¼- 89½ 81 - 85!ij 72 - 777..-11 73¼- 76 71 - 73 Pullman Co. (The) ... .... l87 -189% 186 -189¾ 183 -187 182 -188¾ 180 -185 176 -183 179 -183¾ 182 -188 182 -187¼ 185 -191 188 -199 199¼-204 Repub. Iron & Steel. .. . 19¾- 24¼ 22¼- 27~ 19!1:(- 23¼ 17 - 24¼ 12 - 16¾ 8¾- 14½ 10¼- 13 9 - 13¼ 10 - 18¼ 11 -15¼ 13 - 19¼ 15 - 17 Pref". ...... . ............... . 64¾- 68¼ 67),4- 70¾ 65¼- 68¼ 58¼- 66¾ 52 - 59 511,J,f- 57:1,! 56¼- 65¾ 62¾- 66'¼ i9¼- 68¼ 53 - 58¼ 49 - 56 50¾- 55 Sliver Bullion Cert8 ... 59,½- 59¼ .... .... 60¾- 60¾ ... .... .... .. .. .. - .... .... - ... .... . ... .... . ... 62¾- 65 65¼- 65½ 64¼· 66 81088-Sheffield SL' 1 & I. .... - . .. . .... - . .. - . .. . .... ... . ... ... . 19¼- 22½ 19¼- 19¾ 19 - 19¾ 18 - 18¾ 17¼- 18½ 19 - 26 23 - 24¼ Pref. .. ......... . .. ........ .... .... .... - ... .... - .... .... - ... . .... .. . 59¼- 63¼ 62\.4- 65¼ 65 - 67 61¼- 67½ 61 - 65 65¾- 71 68 - '70¼ Stand. Rope & Twine .. 8¼- 10¼ 7½- 9~ 4¼- 8 6¼- 7¼ 5¾- 6 4%- 5¾ 5 - 5~ 5 - 7 6 - 7¾ 5 - SM 4¼- 5¼ 4%- 6 Texa8 Pac. Land Trust 11¼- 12% 12¼- 15¾ 13%- 15 14 - 14¾ 13¼- 14 13½- li¾ 14½- 16¼ 15 - 15¼ 14¼- 16 15¼- 16 16 - 17¼ 16 - 21~ Third A venue .... ... ... . 107 -185¼ 50½-108 45¾-112 10~-124 107 -115¾ 108 -113½ 108¼-112¾ 109 -110¼ 108¼-lll¼ 109 -112 109 -116 113 -121¼ Twin Clt:v Rap. Tran ... 66 - 68¼ 64¾- 65¾ 64 - 66½ 63¼- 66½ 62 - 64 62 - 63 ... 61¼- 62 63¼- 67 66¾- 70¼ 61¾- 61¾ 62 - 6~ .... Pref ........... 136 -139 139 -139 138¼-189 141 -142 t41 -141 141¼ 141¼ .... .... - . ... ... - ... . 140 -140¼1141 -H4 146 -14.6 Union Ba1r & Paper ... . 21 - 24¾ 22 - 2o 20¼- 22½ 11½- 21 10 - 13 11¾- 15 11¾- 13 10¾· 12½ 10¾- 11¾ 10¾- 13¾ 18 - 20¼ 163(- 1~ Pret ....... ................ 73¾- 76 75½- 77¾ 72¾- 76¾ 64 - 75 56}(- 65¼ 60¾- 65 63 - 65 64¼· 66¼ 63¼- 67¼ 62¼- 67 66½- 77¾ 70 - 77 U.S. Flour Milling ...... ... - . ... .... - . ... .. .. - . ... .. .... ¼- ½ ½- ½ .... . .. ¼- ¼ . ... - .... .... - .... . - .... . .. Pref........................ .... - . ... 12¼- 13¼ 4 - 6 .. .. - . .. . ... - .... .... - . ... .. - .. ..... .... .... - . ... 1½- 1¼ .••. . ... . ... U. S. Leather ............. 15¼- 19 10¾- 17¾ 10¾- 14¾ 10¼- 14¾ 10¼- 1$¾ 7¾- 11¼ 8¼- 12¼ 10 - 11¾ 9 - 11½ 9!1:(- 12% 11¼- 17¾ 12¾- 15¼ Pref........................ 72¼- 77 70 - 77 71 - 74½ 69 - 74!':( 67 - 71¼ 65 - 70½ 66¾- 691,4 68¼- 69 65¼ · 71¼ 67¾- 72¾ 70¼- 79¼ 74¼- 78¼ U.S. Rubber Co ........ . 36 - 44 30 - 89¼ 25¼- 34 30¼- 36¾ 27 - 30½ 24¼- 28¾ 21 - 28!,4 26 - 31¼ 27¼- 31;.( 28¼- 34½ 28 - 39¾ 24¼- 30¾ 99 -104¾ 90 -102 Pref ........ 96 -100¼ 92 - 96¼ 92 - 95 92¾- 98 94 - 96% 91¼- 95 94¼- 98¼ 84 - 99¾ 74½- 88¾ 92 - 96 183 -185 .... - .... .... - ... ... Waper Palace Car ... .... ... .... - . .. . .. - .... . .. - .... .... - . ... . ... - . ... We8tern Union Tel'llh . . 85 - 88½ 80¼1- 87¼ 81¾- 84¾ 80%- 84¼ 78¾- 82 77¼- 80¾ 78¾- 80¾ 71l¼- 81¾ 77!1:(- 80¼ 78¾ - 82 80¼- 8fllJ1 81¾- 8~  -  -  .... -  .... -  -  -.  -  -  - ....  -  -  ············.  .... - .... ....  -  -  .... .  -  .. .... -. ... .... -  -  -  -  -  -  -  . ... -  ....  -  -  .... -  -  ...  .. - ...  .... - . .. - . .... - . . - .... ....  -  -  - ...  -  -  - ..  .... ... .... --  -  -  -  .  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  .... - . .... .  -  ... -  ....  -  - ...  ... - .  . .... .... -  .... ... -  -  -  -  -  .  ....  -  -.  - ...  -  -  -  -  -  -. -.  -  -  -  -.  ............  ...  -  ···············  -  -  -  ..  -  -  -  1901. STOCKS.  JANUARY FEBR'RY. ____,, ----  ____ ,____ - - - - ---- - - - - - - MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. 3B:PT'BER. OCTOBER NOV'BER. DEO'BER.  Low.High Low .Hil!'h Low.Hil!'h Low .High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hil!'h Low.High  RAILROADS. Ann Arbor.................. 22 - 22 20 - 20 25 - 27 26¼- 30 22¾- 25 25 - 28!'4 24 - 25¾ 25¼- 25¾ 22¾- 22¾ 22¾- 25!,tl 25 - 34 32 - 34 62 - 66 52 - 5eJ.ii 55 - 65 50 - 64 52 - 52 57 - 57~ 53 - 55 62!,tl- 5P 59 - 64 Pref....................... . 66!':(- 58¾ 65¼- 58 56 - 63 74¾- 80 77¾- 853,d 74¼- 8~ 67¾- 89¾ 69¼- 80¾ 71 - 80 .A.tchlson Top. & S. Fe .. 42~- (9¼ 49¼- 58¼ 54!):(- 63¾ 61¼- 78½ 43 - 90¼ 84!':(- 91 91 -104:1,! 70 -108 101- 106¾ 90¼-105¾ 92 - 99¾ 93 - 98¾ 94 - 97½ 96¾-103¼ 96¾-102¼ Pref ... .................... . 82¼- 90¾ 87¼- 90 87¾- 96 Bait. & o. Tot. tr. ctf.. . 81~- 94 b87¼- 93¾ 87¼- 95¾ 90¾-106¾ Bi -113 1C5¾-112¾ 92 -108:J:( 94 -105½ 97 -105 98¼-107 104!1:(-110 99¼-107¾ 90½- 94¾ g2 - 94¾ 91¾- 9~ 93 - 94¼ 94 - 96 Di¾- 96~ 94¾- 97 90 - 93½ 85 - 95 Pref. -vot. tr. ctf....... . 84~- 90 b83¾- 88!,4 84½- 9! ¼- 1¼ Rl1rht8 . . . . . .. . .. . . ... . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . - .. .. 90¾- 96 94 - 98¼ 98!J:! 122 11 t-122 90 - 92 93 - 94 95 86¾87 82¾84 78¼81 77 81 81 85 82½. . Plttab.. & Buff. Roch. Pref .. . ................... 124¼-125 120 -1Z2¼ 116 -121 121¼-12t 121 -125 123 •·128¼ 124 -125 123%-125 125 -125 1125 -126 127 -14.6 140 •143 Burl. C. Rap. & North .. 128 -132 120 -120 125 -135 134¼-lS~ 134-;a-135¾ . .. - ... 133 -133 . ... - .... 133 -136 .... - ....... - .... 134 -184 99 -108¼ 107 -113¾107¼-116!,tll07 -112 110¼-115~ lll¼-115¼ 87 -117½ 102~-108 92%-101 88¾- 91¾ 90 - 90¾ 89¼- 95 Canadian PacUlc. .. Canada Southern...... . St¼- 59 56¼- 59½ 56¾· 65½! 61'4:- 78¾ 64 - 76½ 63¼- 72~ 66 - 69¼ 66¼- 71 66¾- 88 79 - 84~ 81¼- 89 83 - 871}t Central of New Jersey . 145!1:f-160 152 -156¼ lU -156¼ 165 -160 155 -164 160 -167 155 -165 157 -165 160 -165 160¼-176½172 -185 178 -1~ 46 - 49¾ 29 - 52¾ 4.7¼- 52½ 41 - 48~ 4.3 - 48 42¼- 47¼ 43 - 4.7¼ 46¼- 49¾ 44%- 4.9 Chesapeake & Ohio ..... 36¼- 42¾ S::l¼ - 42¾ 39¾- 49 34.¼- 45!1,! 36 - 41¼ 36 - 40~ 35 - 38 35¼- 38¼ 32 - 36¼ Chica1ro & Alton..... .. . 36%- 41½ 38¼- 40½ 38¼- 43¾ 41¼- 60~ 27 - 497,'.( 43 - 4.9 74¼- 79:1:1 75¾- 78¾ 76¼- 79¼ 76lW- 78¼ 76¾- 78¼ 75¾- 78 78 - 82 76 - 82¾ 72¾- 8~ Pref . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72¼- 76~ 74 - 75½ 74¼- 78 Chic. Burl. & Quincy... 138¼-HS½ b138½-48¼ 143)4-17<1½ 172¼-199!':( 178 -199¾ c196 -197 c193:l,!-198 ... - ....... - . .. .••• - ••.. c196 -195 •••• - •••• Chic. & Ea ■ t'n Illinois . 91 - 95¾ 94 -111½ 106 -1191¼ 114 -135!'( 113 -132 126 -133¾ 121},(-131 120¾-128¾ 125 -131¼ 126 -129 127 -140 134"-139 Pref ....................... 120½-124 125 -184 129¾-135 133¼-136 130 -134 134¼-134¼ ... - •.. . 131 -133¾133 -133 135 -136 .••• - •.•...•• - •••• 20!ij- 23¾ 22 - 2~ 21¼- 26U 24¾- 27 i::2¼- 24¼ Chlca1ro Great W~st .... 16 - 111¾ 18¼- 21¾ 18%- 24¼ 22¼- 26¾ 17¾- 25!'4 22¼- 26½ 20¾- 25 4 per cent debenture. . 91¾- 92¾ 92 - 9:'!¾ 92 - Oil}.t 92 - 93¾ 92 - 93¼ 93¾- 94½ 90 - 90¼ 90 - 92 91 - 91 92¼- 93¼ 92¼- 93¼ 91 - 92¼ 81¼- 85 85 - 86¼ 84¼- 89~ 87 - 90¼ 85¾- 88 80¾- 90>t> 81 - 86 ~ p. c. pref., A.......... . 77 - 801¼ 78¾- 85!1:1 79¾- 84¼ E·2 - 84¼ 75 - 84 45¾- 48¾ 46 - 50¾ 42 - 51½ 46 - 60¾ 41 - 49 44 - 52 47 - 54 4.9 - 54~ 4'2 - 53 44¼- 66 4 p. c. pref., B......... . 42 - 45½ 45 - 64 35¾- 40¼ 30¼- 37¼ 32 - 39¾ 38 - 44¼ 38¾- 42¾ 40¼- 50;.( 4.5!,a- 52¼ 31 - 4.0¼ 35¾- 39¾ 23 - 40 27 - 35 Chic. Ind. & Loulsv.. .. 23 - so 71¾- 76½ 73¾- 76¾ 72 - 74¼ 68 - 71¼ 67'~- 733-1 71 - 77¾ 71¾- 73 70 - 75¾ 65 - 74 65½- 71½ 69¾- 74 Pref·-··············· ...... . 58~- 70 Obie. Mllw. & St. Paul .. 142¾-162 147!,.(-165¾ 147',,(-16~ 151¼-175 134 -188 163!-(-185~ 151¾-177¼ 155 -168¾ 164¼-168¾ 164¼-171½ 167¾--174¾ 157¾·169 Pref ....................... . 187¾-195¼ 190 -192~ 1841,J,f-195 1~-19~ 175 -200 185U-11!5 183 , -188½ 182¾-191¾185 -190 184 -192!ij 188 -191¾185¼-190¾ . .. . - .. .. .... - .. . . 4¼- 4¾ 5 - 5¾ ... . - . . . . ... - ........ - ........ - •••...•• - .••••••• - •.. .• ..• - -~· •••• - . .. . Rl1rht8. . ... . ... . ... . . . b Ex dlv1dend and rtahta; rl11:hts sold 1n l<~ebruary at S!J:( to 4)-ji. c Truat receipts. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  110  MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS.  AND  RAILROAD  1901 - <:ontinoed. JANUARY FEBR'RY. MA.ROB.  ---  STOCKS.  MAY,  APRIL, -- - -- ----- - - - - - - - - -JUNE. - - -JULY.  AUGUST. 8EPT'BER. OCTOBER. N0V'BER. DEC'BER.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. fli~b Low.High Low.High Low .High  ----  ----  C blc.&Nortb est ....... 168¼-1'77 17()¼-175 172 -184¾ 183 -212 Pref ............... ... ....... 215 -222¼ 2H -217 207 -217 2U -248 0 hie. R. I. & .Paclftc ..... 116¼-128¾ 121½-128¾ 122¼-136 135),(-165  ---  100 -215 198 -208 188 -203 187 -199x, 100¼-200 190¼-212 ~07¼-213¼ 197 -209½ 214 -233 212 -226 215 -225 215 -221 213 -213 212 -2H¼ 235 -2«¾ 230 -235 125 -169¼ 156!14-175¼ 130 -158½ 135 -146¾ 135 -147 138 -144¾ 148 -149 146 -155'4 . .. .. - .... .... - .. . .. - . ... IO½- 11½ 6½- 11¼ . .. Blirht■ ........•............ ... - . .. . ... . ... . ... Chic. St • .Paul JU. & O ... 126 -137 127 -127 125 -134 184½-145 145 -145 140 -HO .... - . ... 135 -135 140 -140 135 -145 145 -U6¾ 140 -146 Pref ...................... . 184!14 -185 .... - . .. 180 -180 185 -201 - . ... 183 -185 183 -183 185 -185 . - . 195 -198 196 -196 ... C hie. Term'l Tran ■fer .. 10½- 15¼ 13 - 15¾ 13¾- 18 16¼- 31 16 - 25 22 - 25 18 - 23¾ 17¾- 23 19¾- 24¾ 19½- 21½ 1$%- 21~ 15 - 19¾ Pref........................ 33 - 39¾ 34½- 3 ½ 35¾- 43¼ 40 - 57½ 39 - 49 43 - 46¾ 35½- 46½ 36¼- 43 88 - 44¼ 36¼- 41¼ 35½- 39¾ 28¼- 36½ tev. Clo. Chic. & St.L. 73¾- 81 75 - 79 75¼- 82¼ 80 - 90 73 - 86 83 - 89 86 - 92½ 88¾- 91½ 89¼- 99¼ 93¼-100¾ 97 -101 96 - 99¼ Pref"............ .. .......... 115¾-119 116 -117¾ 118 -118¼ 115¼-121 ll~,!-119¾ 119¾-119¾ 116 -118½ 117¾-ll'Th 119 -119¼ 118 -122 l'Zl¾-124 120 -123 32 - 33 . ... . .. 40 - 42¼ . ... - . ... leT. Lor. & Wheel'ir .. 27¾- 29 23¾- 85 81½- 37 34½- 35 35 - 35 38 - 83½ Pre1 .................. ..... 68 - 70¼ 69 - 77½ 71¼- 76½ 74 - 75 74¾- 75¾ ··• - ... - . .. 67 - 74 69¼- 78 72½- 72½ 75 - 78 80 - 82 -190 t89 -189 -195 189 ... 195 . 191¼-191½ .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . a-ua1· .... .... ... PittBb. . & Cleve. - . . .. - . ... 198 -193 9¼- 17 H¼-16½ 12 - 15¾ 12¼- 15.% 12¾- 16;½ 13 - 14¾ 13¾- 15~ 18!,g- 15¼ Oolorado & Southern .. . 6¾- 8¼ 7¾- 11¼ 8 - 12½ 10¾- 18 l•t pref.... . ... ............ 40 - 4<l¾ 40 - 46 42½- 49}( 45½- 56½ 42½- 55 50¾- 53~ 48 - 53 49¾- 58¼ 53 - 57!}.j 52½- 54½ 53¾- 59¾ 55¼- 60 16¼- 18 17¼- 21¼ 18~- 24¼ 20 - 28¾ 18 - 26½ 22¼- 24% 20}t- 24¾ 21 - 27 ~d pref ... . .. ........ 23!,g- 27¼ 23 - 25 24¼- 28¼ 24,a- 28~ ·D elaware & Hud ■ on ... 126½-162¼ 151 -174¾ 162 -174¾ 171 -185½ 105 -180¾ 164 -170 11\4 -168 157 -170 159 -169 160¾-173¾ 168¾-178½ 168 -178 -224 -231 220 t88¼-202 -220 t94 t92 214 -228 220 -240 "l32 -249 2!0 -258 -198½ 200¼-244 .. 217 -236 ■tern 218 We & 283 Lack. Oel. -242¾ Denver & Rio Grande .. 29½- 3:1¾ 82¾- 42½ 37~ 49¼ 42¾· 47¼ 38¼- 53:X, 48%- 63¾ 39 - 48¾ 40¼- 46½ 42 - 51½ 42¼- 45¾ 44 - 47¼ 41¼- 46 Pref ...................... . 80 - 85½ b~- 89:>ti 87¼-100 93¼- 98¾ t.i9¾- 99½ 95¾-103¼ 87¾- 97¾ 88¼- 94¾ 90 - 97¼ 90:):(- 93¼ 92 - 96~ 91¾- 96 .... ... - . ... - .. . ... ½ .... Rla-bta ........... ... .. ¼. . Pref. Interim ctfs ...... . - . 91½- 92¼ 9i¼- 99¾ 88 - 95 - . 61:1 50 69 49 - 50 .. 50 . 50 65 70 70 69 . 65 50½ - 71 Denver & Southwe1t'n . .. - ... . .... - ... . .. .... - ... .... .... . . ... 65 - 65 Pref........ . ............... - . .. 69 - 69¼ 3~- 39 37 - 43½ 38 - 4.3¾ 40 - 42½ 36 - 40¼ 34¼- 41 37 - 45 22),(- 28½ 26¾- 36~ 24 - 38 21 - 25 De ■ lllo. & Ft. Dodire ... 18 - 22 121 -123 .. - . Pref................ . ...... - ... 180 -180 135 -135 ··•· - .... ·•• · . . - . .. . - •• · ... - .. . . 15½- 16~ 1414- 17 D et. So., vot. tr. ctfs ... .... .. ... . . 40 .. . .. . . 89¼36 .. .. .. .. ... ctfs .. .... - 40% Pref. votina- tr. 5 6 - 7 9;1:(- 10¾ 4¾- 6¾ 6 - 8 6¼- 12¼ 10 - 12¼ 8~- 11¾ 9 - 11 10 - 12~ 11 - 12¾ 11 - 12 Duluth So. Sb. & Atl ... 5 Pret ..................... .. 13¾- 15~ 13¾- 16¾ 14¾- 19 15 - 17¾ 15¼- 21¾ 18¼- 22 15½- 20¾ 17 - 20¾ 18½- 22½ 19¼- 22¼ 20¼- 21¾ 17~- 20 27 - 30~ 27¼- 87¼ 35¾- 43~ 24½- 42~ 40¾- 45½ 34 - 43¾ 35¼- 44½ 38¾- 441}.j 88* 44 41 - 48¾ 38 - 48¾ 24¾- 31 Brie ........................ 63 - 72¾ 67 - 72¾ 67¾- 70¾ 70 - 73¾ 69½- 75 l ■ tpref................ .. . 59¾- 69¾ 62¾- 68¼ 63½- 70½ 67¾- 72½ 60 - 72¼ 69,!4- 73¼ 63%- 73 48 55 46 59 57½ 40¼55¼52¾42 47 53 - 60¾ 53¾- 62¾ 58 - 59¾ - 61 - 59 - 60½ 46¼- 59½ ~d pref................ . .. 39¼· 46¾ - 58¾ o5 - 62 50½- 58¾ 57),(- 66¾ 58 - 65 4.9 - 63½ 55 - 61 58 , - 637,( 52 - 62 54½- 68 Bvan■ville & T. Haute. 41 - 44.¼i 41 - 55½ 50 - 58 ... 92 - 92 .... - ... 88 - 88 89¼- 94 83½- 83½ 82 - 84 . Pref ........ .. .............. 81 - 81½ 81 - 90 88 - 90 92 - 95 27 - 29½ 27½- 27½ 26 - 80½ Ft. Worth & Den. City 17 - 17¼ .. .. - . ... 19 - 81½ 29 - 36 22 - 81~ 29 - 30¾ 27 - 28¾ 28¼- so ... - . . . ... . - .. . - . ... Ft. Worth & Rio Gr .... 25 - 26 25½- 29 27 - 29 - ... . . - ... Great Northern, pre1 .. .. 188 -200 189 -191¾ 194 -208 179 -203¼ 167¼-191½ 184¼-187 172 -186 173 -188 179 -189½ 183 -196¾ 192½-202½ 181 -192 .. . .... ... . .... .. .. 24 .... .... 25 ... . 26¼ . 22½. Ria-ht ■ ... . .. . ..., . ... . Green Bay & Western. 52 - 53 50 - 50 57½- 58 59 - 59¼ .. - . .. - ... . ... . . ... . ... . ... Deben. cert11., Ser. A .. 65 - 67 66 - 67¾ 67 - 67 65 - 66 ... 66¾- 67½ 8 9 - 11¾ 10 - 11 9¾ 8 10 - 10.!i 8½- 8¾ 9 9½ 8½- 9½ 8 - 9 9¼ Deben. certs., ~~r. B . 7½- 8¼ 8 - 10¼ 8¾- 10 Hocklna- Valley ...... 41 - 45½ 43¼- 4.9¾ 47½- 55¾ 49 - 55½ 40¼- 57 53¼- 55¾ 49 -M 48¾- 53¾ 49~- 55 51¾- 56¼ 56 - 64½ 60¼- 75½ Pref.....'............... . .. 69:>.(- 72½ 71 - 76 7~!,(- 77½ 74. - 76% 70 - 80 76¾- 79½ 73 - 76¾ 73¼- 76¾ 73 - 76n1 73¾- 77 76¼- 82 80¼- 88½ 127¾-134 130 -139½ 188¼-U6½ 124 -149~ 142 -154¾ 14.5 -IM¾ 141¾-148 141¾-147¼ a138¾-47¾ 138 -142¾ 136 -1407,( Illlnol ■ Central ........... 128½-136 . .. .. - . Leased line, 4 p. c . ... . 105 -105 104 -104 106 -106 105 -106 106 -106 .... - . ·• . 2%- 3¼ 2¼- 2¼ . .... - .... ... - ... 7½- 8¼ .. . - . ... Riirhta ..................... .... - ... . .. . - ... .... - ... . ... - .... .... - . ... .... - . .... ·•· · . ... 77¼- 80 Ind'a Illlnola & Iowa .. - ... Iowa Central ............. 21 - 28 25½- 27¾ 26 - 35 30 - 35¾ 23½- sox 34½- 43¾ 83 - 42½ 86 - 41 85½- 42½ 38 - 42¼ 39½- 41¾ 34c¾-SS¾ Pref ........................ . 48 - 54 52½- 56 53 - 64 59¼- 64½ 53 - 63¼ 62 - 82 70 - 87½ 71 - 77¾ 70 - 81¾ 73 - 80 76 - 79 70 - 75¼ 28!1:(- 41 33 - 35).i 31 - 35 31 - 36 81 - 84¼ 83 - 86¼ 83 - 40 25½- 29 Kanawha & Mlchla-an. 21 - 28 24 - 27½ 25 - 29¾ 25 - 27 ... ... .... - .... .. . . - . ... 79¾- 79¼ 77½- 81¾ . ... - . - ... . ... - . K.O.F .S.& lll. t. K. c. So., vot. tr. ct1s ... 18¾- 17 16 - 19 18¾- 20½ 18 - 25 19¾- 21 20¾- 23 19 - 20¾ 19 - 20 19 - 20½ 17 - 18 18¾- 23 20 - 21¾ 42 40 41 49 42 85 45 39 39¼38 - 42¼ - 4~~ 43¼'- 46 - 42½ - 40¾ 88½.Pref,, Tot. trust ctfB... - 43¼ 36½- 39¼ 41 - 46¾ 42~- 46¾ - . ... 7½- 16½ 15 - 18½ 15¼- 1~ 15 - 16 8 8 6½ 6 - 10½ 8 9½ 8¼- 9:¾ 8 - 10.).( 9 - 9 Keok. & De• Moines .... 35 - 35 .... - .... 32¼- 32½ . .. . 88 - 45½ 4i - 44 40 - 40 40 - 40 36 - 36 24 - 26 24¼- 33 3~½- 84 .Pref ................ 8 8 - 8 . ... - . ... - ... 9 - 10 .... - .... . - . ,Klna-ston & Pembroke. 13 - 14 9¾ - . ... 9 - 11 .. . 8½ 8 - ... let pref. .................. - ... . - .... 45 - 50 . - . ... - . .. . ... - . .. . . ... . .. . ... . - . ... . 70 49 41 76½ 67 67 61 45 50¾71¾ 62¾· 51 - 63¼ 59¼- 74 59 - 62¼ 53¼- 64c - 68½ .Lake Erle & Weatern ... 39¾- 46¼ 64¾- 72½ Pref ............ .. ......... . 108¼·112 113 -114 113 -130 127½-130 109 -127 124 -124 117¾-120 120 -129 123 -185½ 127 -138 129¾-lSi 126 -126 235 -235 230 -.230 285 -235 235 -240 250 -250 · ·•· Lake Shore ................ ... . - . . 275 -325 825 -355 :3¼7½-852¾ Lona- I ■land........... . . . 67 - 70 68 - 70½ 67 - 80¼ 71¾- 74½ 70 - 74% 71 - 82½ 73 - 77 74, - 78 73½- 76 68 - 70 69 - 78 79¾- 00 Loulavllle & Na■ hvllle. 8!¼:- 91¼ 89¼- 93¾ 91¼-101 99¾-111,ii 76 -111 105½-111¾ 99¼-111 99¾-106:'8 100 -106¼ 101 -104¾ 103¾-109¼ 102¾-110¼ Manhattan Con ■ ol ...... 111 -126½ 116 -121½ 117¾-129½ 126¾-181¾ 83 -129 117¾-12S7-1 118¾-124.¾ 114¼-121!1,! 113¼-125½ 117 -123¾ 122¼-139½ 131¼-145 Mexican Central . . ..... 12¼- 16½ 14 - 19½ 17 - 25¾ :&1½- £5½ 19 - 30 25½- 29¼ 21 - 28¾ 22 - 26¼ 22¼- 26¾ 21¾- 24 21 - 25¼ 22 - 26¼ 8 - 18¼ 10¼- 12¾ 8¼- 10½ 8¾- 12¾ 12¼- 14~ 13 - 15¼ 12¾- 15¾ 18¼- 15¼ 6¾ 5¾- 9¼ 7½- 15 Me.s:. National, ctf•· ··•• · S¾- 4¾ 4 ... ... 107¼-107¾ .- . .. .... - .... .... - -··· . - . .... - . ... 116 -HO 128 -180 156 -170 Mlchla-o.n Central ........ Mlnneap. & St. Lout• .. 67¾- 71¾ 69¾- 78¾ 75),6- 89¼ 83¼- 87¾ 80 -100 93 -109¾ 101 -111¼ 106 -110 lOi½-109 104 -111 106 -110 105 -109¾ .Pref ................ ...... . 101¾-110 106 -109¾ 109 -114.-½ 112 -114¼ 112~e-114M 112 -115 111 -115½ 114 -117½ 115 -117¾ 115½-lU¾ 120 -122¼ 120 -122 Minn. St. P. & S. S. Ill . . 18 - 21 18 - 20½ 18½- 21 19)4- 20),f, 15 - 25¾ 21 - 27½ 21 - 26¾ 23¼- 28½ 23¼- 28 25 - 28¾ 28¼- 36¼ 80¾- 36¼ Pref ....................... 53 - 55½ 51¼- 55 50 - 51½ 49 - 55 52 - 63 68 - 78 63¾- 74 70 - 75 70 - 77¼ 72¼- 79 79¾- 94% 86 - 92½ Mo. Kan ■ a• & TexaB... 15 - 19¾ 18)4- 22¾ 19!14- 2->½ 24½- 3£>~ 21 - 83¾ 29¼- 32¾ 24 - 31¾ 24¾- 29¼ 25¾- 30¾ 24 - 27¼ 25¾- 27¾ 21½- 26~ Pref ...................... .. 48¾- 57 50¾- 61 52¼- 60¾ 57 - 68¾ 37 - 67>( 61¾- 66 51 - 64¾ 51 - 57¼ 51 - 577A 48¾- 53 50>(- 55\¼, !Iii½ · 53¾ MIHourl Paclftc ......... 69 - g3 85 - 93¼ 87 -103¼ 100¼-llOh, 72 -116¾ 110½-124½ b96¼-121h 9!¾-108¾ 9i -10i~ 92 - 98¾ 97¾-104¾ 100¾-107¼ .... - . .. .. . .... - . ... . . Blaht• .. .................. .... - ... . .. - . .. ¾- 2¼ .. ·•·· . - . . - .... .... - .... .. .. - . ... .... - ... - . .. .... - - .. .... .Mobile & Ohio .... ...... 44 - 69¼ 68¾- 80 79 - 79¼ - · ···· - . . 79 - 82 80¼- 83 78 - 82 82 - 83 82 - 83½ 83 - 85 83 - 84¼ .... J.P.M.oriran & Co.c1s. -197 193½-193¾ .... - .... 195 -195 195¾-195¼ 197 Morris & E•■ex .......... . 191¾-192 193 -193¾ 198½-197 196!1,!-197¼ .... ·••· 194½-197 Nashv. Chatt. & St. L .. - . ... . - ... . 75 - 75 . - . ... 75½- 75½ 78 - 82¼ . - .. 70 - 75 - . ... N Y. Cent. & Bud. Riv. 129¾-U!!¾ 142¾-147 142¾-148 146~-164¼ 140 -170 154. -mo 149 -158¾ 14\l¼-156!,( 141"),s-16~ 154 -159¾ 158¾ 174½ 160;14-171~ N. Y. Chic. & St. Loul8 . 17%- 24½ 19 - 22½ 19:}.(- 37¾ 31¼- 89 16 - 36¾ 29¾- 37~ 30 - 40¾ 36¾- 4.2 87 - 5711 45½- 54½ 48 - 54 47 - 51¾ 112 -114 110 -120 115 -115).t 115¼-119 118¾-120 l•t -pw-ef .......... ........ . 105 -109 100 -102 97 -115 1187,(-115 lH½-114½ 110 -112 .... ~dpref............ ........ 4.9 - 56¾ 49½- 51½ 47 - 76½ 09 - 79 50 - 76 66 - 78 72 - 82½ 77¾- 82U 75 - 95 83½- 93 88 - 92½ 86 - 897,( 420 --00 - . ... . - . ... .... - .... 109 -409 . New York & Harlem ... ... - ... .... - . . 137 -137 . N. Y.Lack.& West .... . 13i¾-13i¼ 189 -139 136 -136 136 -137 ... . - . .. .136¾-136¾ . 135,\4-135¼ . - ... Y.N.Haven&Ho.rtt. 211 -218¼ 206¾-211½ 208 -210½ 211 -214½ ·,n 2 -215¾ 213 -217 214 -215¼ 215 -216 211 -2157-1 211!,g-21! 211¾-214 210 -214 N. Y. Ontario & West ... 28¼- 85½ SO¾- 34c¼ 80¾- 37 83¾- 88¾ 24 - 40½ 34¼- 39¾ 30 - 37¼ 31¼- 86¾ 31 - SF!¾ 31¼- 35¼ 33¾- 86¾ 82¾-35¾ Norfolk & We•tern .. .... 42 - 46¾ 4.4¾- 48 45!,g- 52~ 49¾- 56 47¼- 57¾ 50 - 55¾ 45½- 53 48½- 07¼ 51 - 57¾ 53¼- 57¼ 56½- 61¾ 52¾- 6()7"' 89 - 90 00 - 92¼ 90¾- 92 86 - 90 82¼- 84)4 82 - Bi¾ 83¼- 87 Pref........... ... 88¼- 90 89½- 90 87 - 90 88¾- 90½ 88 - 90  ....  .... .... -  ....  ...  ....  .. .... - ....  .... - .... ....  -  - .... .... - .... .... - .... - .... ... . - .... .... ... - .... ... - .... .... .. .. ... ... - ... . .. - .... .. ... .... .... - .... ... .... - .. .. ... - .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... ... .... -  .. .. - ... . .... ... ... - .... .... .... ... . - ······  .. .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... ... ... .... - ... ... .. .... - ....  ...  .... ...  -  ········  .... ..  .  -  -  .... .... - ...  ....  ....  ....  ....  ~-  .......  .... .... .. . ··•· .... .... - .... ... - .... ....  ... - .... .. ..  ...  ....  -  -  ....  ....  -  -  ....  ....  .... ...  ....  ...  ...  ...  -  -  ..  ... ....  ...  -  .. ..  - .. ..  -  ..  ...  - ...  .... ...  ....  .... - . .... - ....  ... -  ...  ...  .... .... ....  .... .. .. .... - .... ... .... ... ... .... .... - .. .... .... .... .... ... .... ... .  .... ....  .... .... ..  -  ...  - ... ... - .... .... - ...  .. . .... - ... ...  ...  .... .... ... .... -  .... - ... ... - ... . - ... .... ... - .... ... - .. .... - .... ... - .... - .... .... ... ... - ..  ...  ... - .... .... - ... .... ... . .... ... . ... - .. .... .... .... .... - .... .... .... .... .... -- . .... ... . .... -  .... - .... ....  .... ...  - ....  .  ....  -  - ... .  ....  ..  - ....  ....  - ...  -  .... .... ... .... .... ....  - ..  .. ...  ..  ... .... ... - .... - .... ... ... .... .. .. ... ...  ..  .... .. -- ...  ... ...  ..  - ....  ... ....  ....  ... .  «.  ... .... - .. .... ... - ....  .... .... ....  .. - ... ....  ........  Northern Pacific Ry.Votlnar truat receipas. Pref. votin,r tru ■ t rec Paclftc Coast Co .......... ........ l ■ t pre1 ......... 2d pref..... .... ....... eenn ■ ylvanla RR ....... Rtarht•··•··················  •••••••••••••••••.  77¼- 90 84}(- 89 57 - 61¼ 91 - 94!J;1 63 - 68 142¼-153  83¾72 57 88 -  .....................  · -··  b Ex dividend and rights. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  82¾- 96 87 - 93~ 52½- 59 93 - 93 63 - 66¾ 148¼-155%  .... - .... .... - .... .... - ... .... - .... 28 17~ 18  Receipt ■ · ••· Peoria & Ea■ tern ...... .. 14¾-  Pere Marquette ......... . Pref........................ Pitt•. Clnn. Ch. & St.L Pref q>ltts. Ft. W • & Cb .. 1111  81¼- 87½ 86¼- 88¾ 52 - 54¼ 89 - 89 64¾- 64~ 146!,(-152  -  48 79 62 95  41 74: 57 91¾-  ..  -  28½ 65 75 61 95  - .... - ....  56¼74:¾58 92 -  .. ..  93%-119½ 92 -102 55 - 66 95~- 93 65 - 73 c152 -161½ 8½- 11¼ - · ·•· 27¼- 80  ..  85 61¼ 74¾ 72¼- 74 69½ 65½- 72 94¼ 94 - 99  - ... .  ...  ...  -  ..  107 -d700 150 -150 118 -118 97!,,!-113¾ 96 - 98¼ 95 - 98 59 - ti2 63 - 70 61 - 73 100 -100 70 - 70 63¼- 63~ 68 - 75 137 -158 148½-151¾ 140 -151¾ 6!1:(- 11 ... 8¾- 10¼ . ... - ... 149~-152¼ 140 -151 23 - 28¼ 27¼ - 33 25 - 26 .... . 53 - 75 74}4- 75 80 79 - 86 72½- 78 - 80 67¾- 77 75 - 80 74¾- 75 98 -105 99¾-101 100 -102 - . 1RR4-lll0 ... - ....  ....  .... .... -  ....  .  ....  -  - ...  ...  Ii Stock "cornered;" sales were made for "cash' May 9, as high as 1000.  .... - ... .122½-122½ .... - . ... ... - .. . . ... - ... .  96 - 98¾ 95 - 9 ½ 95)4-108% 100¼-105¾ 99,s-101¼ 68 - 68¾ 62 - 69½ 60 - 65 60 - 77 73 - 78 93 - 95½ ... - ... .. ... - .... 98 -103 100 -10 71,i 70 83 70 61».!67X!- 72 68 80 - 80¼ 141¼-148~ 140¼-147½ 142!,4-148¼ 144¾-152¼ 14.5 -152  . ...  ..  - ... .. - .... .... - .... ... - . ... .. . ... - ... . .... - .. ..... - ....  i46~1~6·· . 2L¾- 29:14 27 - 50 70),(- 70¾ 75 - 75  .... - ... ..... - ... .  72 - 75 102 -102  .  C  70 - 71 102 -102 - ..  Ex right-.  40:}.!- 46 77½- 85 85 - 85  .... - ·•• · ... - ...  41 - 4fi 38 - 41 87¼- 94 83 - 85 ... 82½- 82 . .. 70 - 78½ 74 - 81 104½-107½ 108 -113 11-12 -rn5 ... - .,  -  120  RAILROAD  AND  MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS.  1901-Cootinued. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER OCTOBER NOV'BER. DEC'BER.  --- --- --- --- --- --·--- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - ---- - - - - - -  STOCKS.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Higl' Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  Readlnir vot. tr. certs . . lat pref. vot. tr. certs. ~d pref. vot. tr. certs. Rensselaer & Saratoaa Rlo Grande Western .. . Pref ............ . .......... Rome Wat. & Oirdensb. Rutland, pref.. ......... . St. Jos. & Gr. blandVotinar truat ctfs....... lat pre:f. vot. tr. ctfs .. 2d pref. vot. t ... ctf!!I .. . . St. Law. & Adirondack St. L. & S. F. v. tr.ctfs. 1st pref. vot. tr. ctfs 2d pref. vot. tr. ctfs ... Rlirbta ............. ... St. Louts Southwest'n. Pref........... . ......... . Southern vot. tr. ctfs . . . Pref. " Southern PacUlc Co ..... Te:s:as & Pacific . ...... . .. Toi. Peoria& West'n . Tol.!!St. Louis & We&t. .. Pref. ........................ Union PacUlc RailwlJIII ..• Pre:f ................... ... . Riahts ......•........ . ..... Un. N. J • RR. & Canal. Wabash ..... ............... . Pref ....................... . Wheel. & L. Erle, new l•tpref... ................ 2dpref..................... Wisconaln Cent'), new. .Pref........................  .  24¼- 36 29~- 35 70 - 77 68¼- 77 38 - 47¾ 81l!Ji- 46  29½- 36¼ 34½- 42½ 34: - 46¾ 69¾- 76¾ 74¾- 78½ 65 - 80¾ 40 - 51¾ 49:14- 57¼ 89 - 59¼ - .. - .. ··• 65 - 70 80 - 85 79 - 84 80 - 80 93 - 94'¼ 95 -107 100¾-103 LOl -103},4 - . 140 -uo 140 -140  - .. .... - ... .... ..... .... - .... 135 -135 ... - .... .... .. .. - ... ... - .... .... ··•  .... -  ....  -. - .... .... .... - . .. . ·•·· - ... .... 100~-108 .... - ... .... 140 -140 138¼-138½ .... ... .... - .... - •· · .... - ... . ... - .... ··•· - ... .... .... -  8 59:1420 - 21 20½57 ;- 61½ 61¾21¼- 30½ 30¾79 - 81 80¾53¼- 59½ 59 -  14½ 73 30 7~ 38¼ 82% 65  11J,:(-1sx 65:14- 71 24 - 31¾ 67¼- 74 36 - 47¾ 82 - 88 64 - 72'h  10¾68* 28 70 38 82 65 -  17 - 24¼ ~3 41¼- 62:Jfi 51~18 - 23 21~67¾- 7J¾ 73~4:0¾- 49¼ 42¾23),.(- 29½ 26¼10 - 10 - . .. 10¾- ... 30 78¾- 88 84~ 81¾- 85½ 83¼-  27¾ 57½ 24~ 78 49¼ 31  26 56½23¾76¾ 42:1428 -  35 - 89½ 16 63½- 68 50 26½- 82% 20 78 - 87¾ 76 UJ.!i- 57¾ 29 35¾- 50~ 27  77k 8¾  68 - 62  .... - ... ....  - . .. .... - ··• · ....  ....  ....  ....  ~  ....  36½ 65 29½ 81~ 46¾ 36~  14.}i 11 - 14J.d 13¼- 15¼  75 34~ 75¾ 50x 86 74½  65:1424 64 41 81 59 -  - .... .... -  74: 33~ 77½ 50>t 87 73  - 39  - 68½  - 34¾  70 29 73 45  83 69 8¾31¾65 31%85½1:5¼41~  78½ 36 75½ 54¼ 88 76¼ 4½ 36¾ 71 35¾ 88¾ 63¾ 50¾  - 88% - 57¾ - 521,,t . - ·•·· .... - .... - ·•• · 14¾- 19 14 - 25¼ 21111- 24½ 12 - 19 30 - 37½ 28 - 39½ 35),.(- 39¾ 32 - 36 86¼- 94~ 89-U-120 76 -133 105)4-115½ 88¼- 86½ 84½- 98 85 - 99½ 89½- 92¾ ¾- 1 . - . .... - ... ... -  .. ....  13½ 34½ 97½ 90¾  39 - 45~ 38:14- 45¼ 38¾- 43¾ 42½- 52 45¾- 58 43¾- 48½ 86¼- 47 77 - 80¾ 73 - 79¾ 75¾- 79¾ 73¾- 77¾ 7! - 77¾ 77¼- 81 78¼- 82'¼ 54¼- 58;14 47)4- 57 49¾- 56¾ 49¼- 56½ 48¾- 54% 53:14- 61¼ 55½- 64¼ . ... .. . ... 214 -214 - . 215 -215 .  .. - ... ...  ... - .... .... .... ... - .... .... - . .. . .... - ... .... - .... 137¾-137¾ .... - .... ... - .... ....  11 -12½ 11%- 12~ 10 - 11½ 11 - 11½ 10 -14¾ 55 - 64¼ 65 - 68¾ 60 - 68 55 - 60 60 - 62 27 - 35 25 - 27 24 - 26½ 22 - 22¼ 20½- 22¼ 17 - 27 -100 -120!):t 120 -123½ 129¾-134 70 122 -130¾ 99¾-11~ 114: 3~- 47 87½- 4:7¾ 42 - 48¼ 39¼- 45¼ 42 - 55 50¾- 66 75 - 83!)4 77 - 81 79 - 82 77 - 71) 78 - 82½ 80¼- 83¼ 64¾- 72¾ 65¼- 71½ 64¾- 71¾ 63½- 68 67 - 73¼ 69 - 74 - . .. . . ¼- 3¾ - . · ••· 26 - 30¼ 26 - 30¼ 26½- 28¼ 26¾- 34¾ 26½- 82~ 27 - 32 56 - 66¼ 58 - 64¾ 58¾- 63¾ 54* 62 50;,t- 62 66½- 61¾ 27¾- 33¾ 28 - 84¼ 29¾- 35¾ 31¼- 33% 31¾- 35¼ 31¾- 34% 81½- 87'7/4 82¼- 88¾ 84 - 90 84¾- 87½ 86¼- 94% 90,(- 94¾ 48 - 60¾ 51¾- 61¾ 53¼- 60➔.( 54¾- 61¼ 59¾- 62¾ 66½- 61¼ 84 - 46¾ 37¼- 4:6¾ 39 - 45¾ 37½- 41½ 39 - 42¼ 37¼- 4.1~ 11¾- 15  66½- 76  .... - .... .... 19¼- 22 32¼- 36 89½-110¾ 87 - 90),ji  ....  .. . ....  ....  ·• • ·  .... - ... . .... - ...  2() - 22½ 20 - 24% 32½- 36 33 - 38¾ 93¼-104¾ 92½-102¾ 87¾- 92¼ 86¾- 90  12¾27¾11¼· 58~28½17 4:2 -  19½ 34¾ 15Ui 60 84~ 19½ 45½  16¾28¾13¾54½29¾18 -  42¾-  21¾ 19 42½ 86¾21¾ 18~~ 55¼34),.(33 21¾ 19 48¾ 43¾-  21¾ 16½- 25¾ 42~ 24 - 45½ 20¼ 15¾- 19¼ 59¾ 45 - 57 37 24 - 36 24¾ 15 - 23}} 41>¾ S9 - 48¾  21¾41½18 52 82 19¾;44½-  26 46¼ 22 50 85¾ 26 49  18¼32 16 50 27¾19 89¼-  23 44 20¾ 55¾ 32 25 4:7¼  19:14 37 17¾49 -  23~ 42~ 19¾ 53¾ 28½- 8Z¾ 19¼- 22~ 40¾- 45¾  20¼37 16 46 28¼20 40 -  ...  ... - ...  ..  - .... ....  - ....  20 - 22!14 19¼- 21¾ 17¼- 19!1:( 33½- 37 33½- 86!':t 31½- 35¾ 94%-103 100%-108¾ 97 -103¾ 87 - 90 88!Ji- 94¾ 87 - 90¼ - . . - . . - . ...  ... .... - .... .... - .... .... - ..... .. ... ... - ... . .... - .... .... - .... .... - ... .... - ... .... - .... .... - ... .... - .... ... - .... 280 -282½ 278 -278 .... 11¼- 14¾ 23¾- 29).4 11¾- 12~ 53½- 57~ 27¾- 30¾ 14½-18 38½-45¾  ... - .... - .... .... - . . .... - . ... - .... .. - .... .... - .... - .... . ... - .... .... - .... - ... 97 -112¾ . ... - ....  -  23¾ 19 42¼ 85¾20½ 17 48 58 32¾ 28¼20 24 4:5½ 40 -  ... ... ... ... .... .... - .... . . - . ...  21:% 3S¾ 18 50¼ 29~  20 36¼l'iM49½29)422½ 20:1442½ 40¾-  22¾ 21¾- 23  41¾ 20 53¾ 32 22¾ 4i  39¾17¼48¼28¼-  43 18¾ 52¾ 30 l9M- 21 40 - 43  EXPRE~S. Adam11 ...................... 146 -155 American .................. . 169 -191 United State■ •••.•.•.•.... . 5S - GI)¾ Well■, .Fararo & Co. .... 130 -187½  -187¾ -200 - 89 -142  17f -175 187 -20! 83 - 95 142¾-160  943,r-103¾ 99'¼-128~ 00 -125 180 -180¼ 175 -185 45 - 49¾ 45,t- 54:J,( 37 - 51'4 42¼- 56½ 5514-108½ 85 -107 116 -128 127¾-142¾ 138 -138 15)4- 18¾ l~- 20¾ 15 - 20 60 - 60 99 -104. - . ... .. . 70 - 72 85 - 87 33 - 33 32¼- 32½ 27¼- 33 8 - 8 7 - 7¾ 6)4- 7½ 8 -10¾ 9 - 10 1)4- 3 2 - 5¾ .. . 1 - 1 9 9½ .... 7 8 9 - 1031; 10 - 12¾ 52 - 66¾ 50½- 67¾ 49¾- 62¾ 62 - 69'¼ 50 - 67  118,ii-130  155 -162 178 -195 54¼- 59 138 -139  100 182 57 140  -165 -205 - 80 -145  160 -165 196 -205 72¼-100 140 -150  165 184 79 142  170 186 85 150  -175 -200 - 90 -150  175 190 89 145  -175 180 -185 185¼-195 -198 190 -192 1E8 -192 91 - 99 90 - 92 - 90 -160 159 -170 160 -160  LOO -200  l95 -210 90 - 96 170 -195  195 -202 200¼-205 89 - 98 192 -199¾  COAL & MINING. A.maliramated Copper .. American Coal .. . Anaconda Copperf . .... Colorado Fuel & Iron .. Pre:f ........................ Col. & H. Coal & Iron .. Conso lidation Coal ..... Homestake Mlnlnir .. Maryland Coal, pref .... New Central Coal, new. Ontario Silver Mlnlnir .. Qulcksllver Mlnlnir ...... Pre:f ........................ TenneHee Coal & Iron  83¾- 94'4 87'4- 95 -163 42¼- 47¾ 41¾- 56% 41§:(- 51½ 120¼-122 117 -119 14 - 18¾ 15 -17½ 56¼- 66¾ 75 - 75 80 - 80  ...... ... - ... 163 4QJJi- 4:~  . ...  - ....  .... - ... . .... .... - .... .... .... - ... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - .  ... - ... .... - .... .... - . - .... -  ... .  -  109 -124¼ 110 -122¾ 88%-120 83¼- 92¼ 72½- 89 60½- 76¾ 180 -180 . ... ... . . 176 -180½ 47 - 51¼ 42 - 48¾ 42½- 48½ 34 - 4:7)4 84 -3~ 30 - 35¾ 28',4- 32½ 98 -136>{i 90 -116¾ 00 -100 92¾-104)4 88½- 9534 91),ji- 96 77 - 92½ .... 128 -135 - . ... 131 -131 130 -130 128),ji-130 125 -125 18¾- 25¾ 17½- 23¾ 19 - 21 16 - 20 12¾- 17!14 14 - 19¾ 14½- 1 ... ... 78 - 78 63 - 63 95 - 95 . . . lOO),ji-100¾ 102½-104 103½-103½ . 72)4- 75 . - .... 67½- 67½ - .. . .. .... .... .... 27 - 27~ 26¼- 30 33 - 41 40 - 40 8¼- 10 9¾- 10 8~- 8~ 8 - 9X? 10 - 13 10¾- 11¾ 10 - 10 4 2!':t- 4 4¾ 4:¼- 4¼ 3¼- 4 3¼- 4¾ 4 - 4:!I.( 8¾- 4~ 9¼- 12 . 10 - 10 10 - 10 10 - 11½ 10½- 10½ 9½- 9 58 - 76~ 55½- 72½ 58 - 68¼ 69 - 68¾ 56½- 62¾ 59¼- 66¾ 58¾- 65  .... - ...  .... - .  ....  ....  ... - ..  - .... ...  .  ....  -  .... - ... .. - .... ....  - .. .. ... -  .... - ... . .... - . ... - .... .. - .. ... .... .... .... ... . ···· ··  ....  .... - ...  VARIOUS.  .... .... .... - ....  .Amer. A1rrlc. Chemical so - 32¾ 80 - 30 29 - 30 26)4- 28¾ 29½- 85 30 - 31½ 29 -3~ 24 - 80 21 - 23 22 - 25 21½- 22 Pref........................ . 80 - 81!1:( 89 - 90 89½- 90 80 - 81 81 - 85 81¼- 82 8¼¼-85¼ 83¼- 83¾ SOM- 83½ 81 - 847-i 84 - 91 American Beet Suarar .. .... - . ... 28 -:- 28 25 - 25 .... 25 - 26 .... - ... . ... - ... .... - ... 24 - 24: ..... - . ... 24'¼- 27~ 29 - 30 . .. - . ... Pre:f ........................ 77 - 77¾ 79 - 79 .. .. - .. .... - .... ... .... - .... .... .... .... .... ··•· ··•· A.mer. Bicycle ............ .... . . .. 6 6% 6 - 8}4 6 - '77/4 4½· 5¾ 4 5 3 - 4 l),ji- 3¾ 2 3 3½- 3¾ 1½- 3 Pref ............... .... - .. . ... . .... 26¼- 28¾ 27§:(- 85 31 - 34.¾ 24¼- 28½ 20 - 25 20 - 20 10 - 15 10 - 14¾ 12 -u 10 - 11 A.mer. Car & Foundry. 19 - 23¾ 20¼- 28 20¾- 27½ 26½- 27½ 20 - 29 28 - 85 27 - 33 27¾- 31~ 28 - 81 23¾- 29 25 - 30 28¾-31¼ Pref....................... 67 - 73½ 69'.¼- 72¼ 71½- 82½ 78¾- 83¾ 75¾- 88 82¾- eS¾ 81)4- 89¼ 80 - 87½ 83 - 87¾ 78 - 83lk, 80½- 86 84¾- 867. A.mer. Cotton 011 Co .... 26¾- 31¼ 28 - 31 24 - 28¾ 25½- 30 24'¼- 28½ 27¾- 85¾ 27¼- 34}( 32¼- 35½ 29½- 33¾ 28 - 30% 27 - 31 27¾- 387 Pref ........ .... ............ 88 - 91¾ 87),ji- 89 86 - 86¾ 85 - 89½ 89 - 89½ 89¾- 90½ 87 - 91 91 - 91¾ 88 - 90¾ 88 - 89 8fl - 90 85 - 88 Amer. Dist. Telea-raph. 34 - 34: 35 - 37 36 - 36½ 35 - 36 35 - 40 · ••· - ... . 84 - 3,i .... - •• · 33 - 36 32 - 38¾ 37 - 37 36¾- 361,( Amer. Grass Twine. .... ... .... ... . ... .. .... .... . .. . .... - ... . ... - .... . ... - .... ... ... . ... .... - .... 42 - 45 39¾- 41 American Ice Co .. . ....... 87)4- ill,t 34¼- 37¾ 36 - 41¾ 38 - 40¼ 30 - 39½ 33½- 86¾ 30 - 84¾ 30'¼- 33¼ 26 - 31¾ 25¾- 29~ 26¾- 28% 25¾- 31¾ .P1'ef ............ ............ 68¾- 70 6'na- 69 67!4- 77¾ 71¼- 74¾ 68¾- 74½ 71 - 72}4 68 - 71¾ 68 - 69¼ 66 - 70 62 - 64x, 02 - 64¾ 63 - 69 '.A.merican Linseed ...... 5¼- 7 6¼- 8¾ 8 - 9'4 7,(- 15¾ 12 - 26½ 13¾- 28 24 - 30¼ 2J - 28 18 - 27 17 - 17!.! 12¾- 20 17½- 17 Pref........................ 31 - 37 32!4- 87'4 86 - 89¼ 32 - il 37¼- 55½ 42¾-55!Ji 55* 66 60¼- 65 40 - 64½ 45¼- 49 4.5 - 51 46 - 46 American Locomotive. . .... .... - .... .... - .... .... - . .. . 25 - 32½ 22½- 27 23 - 27 24 - 27!}s 24½- 331fi 29:),(- 38 . Pref- ............... . ...... .. .. .... .... .... . .... ... - . ... . .... - .... ... - .... t5;(- 89 83½- 88 84l}.(- 88¼ 83?}{i- 87¼ 84 - 91¼ 87¼- 9 6¼- 7:14 6 - 6¾ 6¼- 7¾ 6 - 6¾ 5¾- 6¾ 5¼- 5 American Maltlnir...... 4¾- 5¼ 4¼- 5% 4:¾- 6½ 5 - 6% 5 - 7¾ 6½- 8 Pre:f .... . ...... ........ .... 24½- 27½ 24 - 26 ~ - 27¾ 24¾- 26),; 22¼- 26¾ 25~4- 30 27 - 29;!4 27)4- 28½ 24½- 28½ 25 - 25~ 23¾- 25 22½- 24 . .. . - . ... 36 - 4:5¾ 46½- 49 .... - . .. .. .. - .... .... - .... ... - ·•• · .... ... . .. Am. Sh. Steel tr.recta .. - . ... . ... .... 80¼- 96 97½- 97½ ... - . ... ... - .. .... - ··•· .... - ... .... .... ... - ... · ·• .. . - .... Pref. tr. rects ....... . . Am. ~melt'1r & Refln'ir .. 53½- 65½ 45¾- 63¾ 62 - 59~ 53)4- 69 39!Ji- 61¾ 56¼- 59¾ 61 - 58 50 - 55 4 43¼- 52¼ 38¼- 45 40¾- 4.71),4 41!1:(- 46 95 - 977. 90 - 98 977/4-104¾ 99½-104¼ !:19¾-102 96 -101 94¾- 98 96½- 99 Pref ........................ 95 -100 88 - 99¾ 91½- 97 93¼- 99 41¾- 41½ ... - ... ... ... 39 - 40¼ .... ... 26 - 26 38 - 40¾ 30 - 32½ 85¼- 49¾ .... - .... .... American Snafl. .......... .... .... - ·•· · 74¼- 82¼ 73 - 80 76 - 80 79!Ji- 90 Si - 87¼ 85 - 89 86 - 89 83¾- 86 85½- 86 85 - 89 Pref......................... .... ... ... . 2¼- 2½ .... .... ... - ... ... - .... ... . 2½- 2 2 - 2 Amer. 8plrlts Mfir . ..... ··•· .... . ... .... ... - .... Amer. Steel Hoop ........ 23 - 33¾ 26),.(- 87¾ 34)4-a46 146 - 49 .... - .... . . . . -. ... . ... Pref ....................... . 69 - 78 72¼- 86 80¼-aOO a95 - 97½ .... .... . 38 -a46½ a47 . .. 88 38 ... . Am. Steel & Wire, new - 49½ - 53¼ - 47½ .... .. .. . Pref........................ 83¾- 88¼ 88¼-101½ 95-alll¾ all0¾-1~ .... .... .... ... .... ... . . Amer. Svirar Ref. Co ... 131¼-147¾ 183¾-144½ 138¾-144¼ 189¾-152 135 -151½ 140 -153 133½-146¾ 129 -14:l¼ bl20-136¾ 112%-122 116 -12714 103¼-12~ Pref ................ . ....... ll~-119¼ 119¼-122 120½-124 120¾-124: 120!4-l~ 120 -122)4 120¾-130 124 -128½ lU -125 114 -116½ 115 -117¼ 111 -117¾ 2¼- 4¾ .... .... - .... .... 4¼- 6 .. ... ... R11rbts............ ......... ... .... .... .... .... - . .... . Pref, rlahts .. .......... . .... .... - .... 2¼- 3¼ 2¼- ~ · ••· · ••· - . ... Amer. Tel. & Cable Co. 94 - 96¼ 95 - 97 96 - 97 96½-100 97 -100 97 -100 98,(-100 100 -100 l9 -100 97 - 99½ 96½-100 95 - 97 ½ .... . ... .... - ·•• · l6()¼-167!14 158 -159½ 157¾-158¾ l62 -163 . ... . A mer. Telepb. & Teleir. - .... . ... - ...  .... - ... .... ... ...... . -  -  -  - ....  - .... -  .... - .  .... ....  ·•·· -  .  .... - .  ...  ....  -  -  - .... - . ..  ...  -  ... .... .... - .... .... ... - . .... -  .... ... - .... .... . ... .... -. -  - .... ... - .... ... - ... ... - ... ... - ....  -. .... .. .... ... - . ... .... .... .... .... ... ... .... ... - .... - ... .. .... .... .. . . ... .... - ... ... -- .... .... - .... . .... .. -  .... .... - .... .... .... - . .... - .... ... - ... ... .... .... .... ... - ... .... -.... .... .... - .... .. - . . .... - .... .... - ...  1 Par '20 per abare; price1 are doll&11 per ahare--not per cent. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  -  .  .... .... ... - .... .... .... -  .  .  -  -  -  .... - .... ... - .. .... .. -  .  -  a Trust receipt&.  b Ex-rights.  ... - ....  RAILROAD ANO MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS.  121  1901-Concluded. JANUARY °FEBR'RY.  MA.ROH.  - - - ---- - - -  STOCKS.  APRIL.  ---  MAY.  JUNE.  - - -· - - -  JULY.  AUGUST. 8EPT'BER, O0TOBER. NOV'BER. DE0'Bl!lR.  ---  Low.High Low. Hlgb Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hll{h Low.High Low.High  .... - ...  .... -  .... -  -- ... ....... --  ...  .... .... .... .... ... .... .... - ... . ... .Amer. Tin Plate ......... 55 - 65½ 56¾- 79 61 -1'74¾ 1175 - 80 .... .... . ... .... .,.. .. . - ·· · ···· .... ... .... ... Pref"........................ 87 - 91¾ 88 -102 98½-1111~ 11118¾-121 .... .... -138 135 -132 132 .... .... 146¼-146¼ -lU 99 132½-141¾ - . ... American Tobacco Co .. ll~-117½ 114.~·122~ 119~-129¾ l~~-130¼ -189" 186 137 -143 140¼-142~ 145 -147 146 -147 143 -147¾ 147 -149¾ 150 -150 145 -145 145 -145 150 -150 146 -146 148½1-148¼ Pref...... .. ... . ... 10(%-100¾ 100¼-100¾ ... - ... 100~-102 101 -103 100 -103 100 -110 100~-101½ 101 -101 .... - .... .... Dividend scrip .......... ... .... .... . ... .... ... . .... ... .... .... 134 -139~ 125 -137 130 -13~ 131¼-139 .... - .... .. .. .... .... .. ... Morton Tr. Co., rect ■ . .... American Woolen Co ... 16¼- 21¾ 17 - 20~ 13~- 17¾ 15½- 17¾ 14 - 16 15 - 17¾ 18 -1~ ltl½- 18 14¼- 17¼ 15 - 17 16¼- 18½ 15%- 11 77¾- 80~ 79 - 81 73~- 75 78 - 82¾ 79 - 80 'i8¼- 79 74 - 80 Pref........... . ............ 72 - 76¾ 73~- 75 70 - 78½ 71 - 76 72 - 74 Brooklyn Rap. Trans . 73¼- 87¼ 72¾- 81¾ 74 - 85¼ 80'7,-'- 88¾ 68¾- 87¾ 77'¼- 8331, 74~- 82¾ 72¾- 77¾ 61¼- 75¾ 55¼- 65¼ 61¼- 71 60¾-66¼ Brooklyn Union Gas ... 175 -178 177¾-186 185 -209 207 -228 202 -220 215 -21~ 208 -218 215 -217 212 -216¾ 1210 -210 09 -214 W5 -210 Bruns. Dock & C.lmpt. 8¾- 10¼ 9¾- 10¾ 9 -H¾ 11¼- 14½ 10 - 12¼ 10¼- 11~ 0¾- 0½ 10 -11¾ 10 - 10¾ 11 - 11 10¾- 11¾ 10 - 10~ . ... .... .... ... . .. - .... . .. . .... .... .... . .. . . ... - ... ... - . ... .... .... Capital Traction ... . . . 103!1(-108!}.( .... 16 - 18~ 18 -1~ .... ... . .... .... . 14¾- 20¾ 18 - 20¼ 17 - 18 . ... .... . Obie. Onion Traction ... 12 - 12½ - . .... . . . .. 56 - 60 59¼- 60 .... .... .... .... . .. . - .... .... ... Pref........... ............. .... 183 -183 l70 -187 ... 168¼-168½ .... ... . 173¼-180 180 -189 . ... .... 183 -183 .... - .... - . .. . Commercial Cable ...... ... Consolidated Gas ....... . 187 -1~ 191!,,(-195 192 -216¾ 212 -238 195 -228 218 -226 210!,,(-222:J.{ 217 -229¼ 215¼-226 1210~-219:>4 213 -225 211¼-220 .. . .... .... .. .. .... ... .... .. .... .... Continental Tobacco .. ~-45½ 42'4- ~ 44 - 47¾ 44 - 48¾ 43 - 68½ 66¾- 71¼ .... ... . .... ... .... . . ... - ... . .... .. . 66¼- 69¼ 63:J(- 69¼ 65 - 69¼ 69!,,(- 69¼ ·••· Trust Co. receipts .... .... - . ... ... .. .... Pref ...................... . 98~- 96¾ 95¼- 98¾ 08!,,(-108¾ 103 -105 102½-114 113 -124 115 -120 116 -119½ 114~-118 114 -116 114%-118 ll4 -ll('t .... - .... .... ... . .. - ... . 24 - 25 23 - 23¾ .. . 25 - 27¾ 25%- 26½ 25¾- 27 25 - 25 28 - 23 .... Crucible Steel of Amer. .... . .. . .... - .... .... .... . ... - . .. 84¼· 85¼ 84¾-84~ 86 - 86¼ .. . 81~- 82¾ 82 - 84 . ... - ... . .... - . ... . ... Pref......... ... .. .......... ... 74 - 74 72½- 74 .... ..... - . ... . Detroit City Gas.<....... 88¾- 89 88 - 89~ 86¾- 89!'4 89!,,(- 91¾ 87¼- 92 88¾- 89¾ 75 - 75 . ... .... .. .. - ··• · .. .. - .. 75¾- 77¼ . - . .. · ••· .... .... .... 82 - 82 77 - 77 75 - 77 75 - 75 Detr olt United Ry....... .... ... . .. .. ·•• · Diamond Match .. ........ - .... 140¾-145 144¼-152½ 140 -152 127¼-135½ 130¼-137½ L29 -136 .... .... .... .... .... - ... . .... - ... .... - ... 8¾- 10¼ 8 - 10¼ 7¾- 8¾ 7 8¼ 6¾- 7¾ 7¾- 9!,4 7 9¼ Dlstlll'a- Co. of America .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Pref ...... .... - . .. . 80¾-SS¾ 27 - 32 27¾- 29¾ 23¾- 29 26 - 29¾ 29 - ~ 29 - 33¼ ·············· .... .... .... .... . Ela-bth Avenue ........... - ... .... - ... . .... - ..... .. .. 4(15 -405 895 -395 .. .. .... .... .... .... .... ... - .... ... . ... .... - .... .... . ... 41 - 51> 48 - 55¾ 42¾-1152¼ 1152%- 56 .. .. - . ... .... Federal Steel. ... .... .... .... .... - . ... Pref ....... ... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .. 68 - 78 86-11104~ 11108½-05½ . ... - .... 72¾- 90 .... 29 - 29 Gas & Elec. of Bera- Cu. 72 - 80 80 - 82% 81¼- 86¾ 86¾- 95 93¾- 95 40 -101% 30 - 48 30 - 35 30 - 33 24¾- 25 .. .. General Electric ........ 188¼-192¾ 190½-218 210 -219 215 -234 200 -233 231 -269½ 245 -268¾ 246~-268 251 -267¼ 247¼-259¾ 256 -281~ 271 - ~ Glucose Su1iar Reftn'a-. ~7 - 58 45 - 50¾ 45 - 50 49 - 60 48½- 65 57¾- 65 52¼- 61 53¾- 57¾ 55 - 62 37 - 54¼ 39 - 42½ 37 - 40 Pref. ...................... . 95~- 97¾ 94 - 96½ 93¾- 96¼ 96 -102 08 -106 100¾-105 100¼-103½ 101¾-107 104 -105 95 -104¼ 96 - 09 94 - 97 .... - .... 100 -100 100 -100 99¾- 99¾ ... . 105 -110 ... - . ... .... - ... .... - .... .. H. B. Claflin Co ....... ... 109¼-112 110 -110 International Paper ... . 20 - 25¾ 20¾- 25¾ 21 - 28 24 - 27U 18½- 25 22 - 2!½ 20 - 23 20¼- 25¾ 22 - 25¾ 19¾- 24 19¼- 21¼ 19 - 21¼ 69 - 74'A 69 - 74 73 - 81 72¼- 79½ 77¾- 79½ 741¼- 77¾ 75 - 80 77¼- 81!,,( 75 - 79 75 - 77½ 75¾- 78~ Pref .................... 76¼- 81 6 9¼ International Sliver ... 7 - 11 5¾- 77,.-ii 6 - 7¾ 6 - 6¼ 6¼- 10¾ 5¾- 8¼ 6¾- 8 7¾ 6¾- 6¼ 6¾- 8¾ 7 5~- 8 34 83¾... - . .. . 35 - 40 ... . - .... 38 - 48½ 4:l¾- 51 82¾- 89h, 35 - 35 Pref ......................... ..... - . .. . .... . ... 34'(- 89¾ 98 - 39 'i0 -100\.6 95¾-100~ 82 - 96¼ 90 - 00¾ 98 - 98 81¾- 94¾ 87 - 92¼ 87¾- 91 70 - 85 International Power ... 54¾- 59¾ 58 - 70 69¼- 74 37 - 44¾ 43¼- 46¾ 43 - 47 · 47 - 49 46 - 4~ Interoat. Steam Pump 24¼- 28% 25¾- 30 27½- 83¾ 33 - 42 30¼- 41¾ 89¾- 4.1\k, 86!1(- 40 Pref ....................... 74 - 77 75¼- 78 78!,,(- 84 81¾- 84 78 -132¾ 81~- 84 81 - 84 81¾- 86¼ 84 - 86¼ 85 - 89 85 - 88 86½- 8~ .... ... .. .... - ... 16 - 16½1 . ... ... Knick. Ice (Cblcaa-o) .. 12 - 18 15 - 18 15 - 15 19 - 19 19 - 19¾ 20 - 29 ... .... ... .... ... Pref............ - .... 50¾- 52¾ .... - . ... 55 - 62½ 54 - 55¾ 55 - 57 .... ... . .. . .... ········ .... - .... 94 - 9i 94 90 90 90 95 92~ 93 91 Laclede Gas, St. Louis 70 - 72¾ 72 - 77 74 .- 85 82 - 87 'i9 - 85 84¾- 86 8™-95¾ Pret ....................... . 95 - 97 100 -100 100 -100 100 -100 99¼- 99½ 99 - 99 95¾- 99 101 -101 102 -102 102 -102 106¼-106½ 15 - 16 11¼- 14½ 9 - 12¾ 15 - 22 12~- 14 12¼- 12½ 8 9 Manhattan Beach Co .. 8¾- 14¾ 10 - 10 17 - 20¾ 13 - 19 .... .. .. .... 181 -182¾ .... .. Meraenthal. Linotype .. .... ... .. . .... ... . - .... · ·•· ... - .... . ... - .... .. - ... Metropolitan Street ... 158 -17i l59¼-166 160¾-1~ 164 -176½ 150 -174¼ 169%-177 164 -174 163 -170 159 -169 15!¾-164 lb2¼-17l¾ 156 -167!l,! ... . ... .................. .... .. . .. . .. .... .... .... ... .... .... ... .... . ... .. .. Rlaht8. .... - . %- 2 .... - .. ·•·· Met. W. S. El. (Chic.) .. . 27 - 30 27 - 32~ 32 - 36¾ 34 - 86½ 32 - 34 35¼- 37 34 - 35¾ 35¼- 36½ 37¼- 40 40 - 40 39¼- U 89 - 41 85 - 85 87 - 91 Pref................ ... . 91 - 91 89 - 92 91¾- 91~ 92~- 93 90 - 90 .... 79¼- 83¼ 80¾- 84 85¼- 88¾ 87 - 89 . Mil. Et. Ry. & Lt., pref. .... .... .... - ... . .... .... 118 -118 118 -118 .... - .. .. .... .... .... - ... . ... . ... .. .. .... .... .... Mutual Gas (N. Y.) ..... 295 -295 294 -294 .... .... .... - ... . .... - ...... .... .. . - ... .. .. ... .... - ... . 295 -295 .... .... .... • · •• National Bl1teult ......... ;s7 - 48 88 - 40½ 38¼- 42 39 - 41¾ 39¾- 46 43¾- 46 40¾- 45½ 41 - 44¾ 41~- 44½ 41 - 43% 4L½- 43 42½- 4 97 -100¼ 100 -103 100¼-103 100~-108¼ 102 -102¾ 99 -102¼ 102 -103¾ 102½-103% Pref............... 96 - 97 92 - 94 92 - 94¼ 93 - 96 19 - 21 National Lead Co ....... . 16~- 20¼ 15¼- 19 15 - 16½1 16¼- 19½ 15½- 28~ 19 18½- 21 18¼- 21}4 18¾- 21¾ 15 - 18¼ :l5~ 18 - 23 Pref....................... . 82 - 92 82!,:(- 89J.( 83 - 88 83 - 85~ 81 - 89¼ 83 - 93j,;. 7 - 90½ 90 - 90 87 - 90 8!¾- 8~ ... .... 7 ~ - ~ 40 - 43 40 - 42¼ 23 - 40¾ 82 - 32 30¼- 31 National Salt ............ . 40 - 46 40 - 44 42½1- 50 41¼- 47 40 - 46 43¾- 45 41 - 45 75 - 78½ 76 - 78¼ 7,1½- 77¼ 75¼- 77¼ 75¾- 77 75 - 81 62 Pref ........................ 72¾- 79 73¼- 77 76¾- 8.l 61¾- 75¼ - 70 62 - 62 .... .... .... ... . .... · ••· - .... . lfatlonal Steel ........ .. 87 - 44¾ 40¾- 50 43½-1157 v51 - 60~ .... - .... .... .... . ... Pref ......... ..... ... 90 - 93½ 91½-102¼ 99¼--vllS¾ v117 -120 .... .... . - ... ... · ••· ····· ... ... National Tube ........... 53~- 70 51 - 70J.1, 52 -1164¾ v65 - 69 .... ... . ... .... .. . - .... .... ·•• · .Pret ....................... . 93 -106 99 -106}2 100 -vll5 vl17-121 .... - .... .. . - . .. . . .... - .... - ... . .... .... . New York Air Brake .. 15~·160 150:lt-164 160 -164¼ 154 -175 135 -170½ L42½-147~ 133 -143" 135 -149 140 -149!'4 187 -144¾ 140 -15~ 145 -162¼ .... .... .. .. .... .... .... .... 7 - 12½ . Rilrbt8 .................... ... .... ... . .... . ... .... .... .. . ... - .... .... . . ... - . .... ... .. .... .... N. Y.Dock ................. .... H ~ 15 ... .... .. ... - ... . - ... .... - .... ... ... .... . .... - .. .. . - ... . .. . .... Pref........... .... .... .... .... ··•· .... .... .... - .... .... 44 -4~ .... .... - .. .. 173 -178 . ... .... .... .... .... N. Y. & N. J. Telepb'ne ... .... .... ... .. .. ... . ... . ... - .... North American Co..... 19¼- 21¾ 20 - 25 ... . ... . .... ... . .... - ... . ... .. .. .. ... .. . ... .... . . New stock . .............. .... 85 - 89½ 78 - 01 92 -103¾ 97 -103¾ 90 -102 91:1,(- 9~ 92¾- 97!1:t 92 -04 89 -109 73½- 82½ 76 - 01 Pacific J.Uall S. S ......... .40 - 471,,i 88 - 46!-9 83¼- 30 35!1(- 42½ SO¾- 41 87¼- 44½ 86 - 42 37¼- 43 38¾- 44 40 - 45¾ 43¾- ~9¼ 43 - 47¼ Peoples' G.-L.& C., Cb . 9~-1(6¾ 98 -104½! 101 -108¼ L07 -119~ 98¾-119¾ 113½-120½ 111 -1111¾ 1>107¾-15¾ a104!1,!-118 101¼-108 97:1,(-104¼ 96¼-10~ Rla-b .... .... - ... ... . ... . ... . .. . . - ... ... . . .. . ¾- l¾ . - .... - .... -109 106 -106 104 -104 .... - . .. . .... Philadelphia Co ........ .. .... 92 - 95 .... .... ....... .... .... . ··• · 92¼- 927,.-ii 00¼- 04 Pressed Steel Car ....... 85 - 52 35¾- 89¾ 30 - 89¼ 89 - 48¼ 37¾- 46½ 48M- 461)i 40 - 44.¾ 40½- 43¾ 39 - 42!4 87 - 41½ 41¼- 45 38 - 42~ 79 - 86½ 85 - 87 Pref. .. 76 - 88¾ 74¾- 79~ 72½- 88 80 - 89 82 - 86¼ 82¼- 84.~ 7~- E2¾ 'i6 - 83 80 - 87¼ 79 - 86 Pullman Co. (The) ...... L95¼-203 196¼-201~ 198¾-210¾ 209 -217 19'3 -211 208 -212 204¾-209,½ 204J,v-20~ 205 -215 213 -225 213 -220 211 -21~ 15 .. Steel. 17)4 & 13~ Iron Repub. - 21¾ 19 - 21 15¾- 19¾ 18¾- 22½ 17 - 221,,( 18¼- 21~ 11¾- 19,½ 14¾- 1~ 14¾- 16¼ 14!J,.(- 16~ 12¼-18¼ Pref........................ 55~- 65½ 58 - 65 63 - 75¾ 7i¼- 82 67 - 78 74½- 'i8 69;1(- 76¾ 72 - 76~ 60½- 74 64 - 67 66 - 70¼ 65¾- 69'-( .... .... .. ... ..... .. - ... . 28 - 38¼ 29 - 34. 26¼- SI¾ 26 - 82 25 - 31¾ 21¾- 29~ 24¼- 28 18 - i5 Rubber Good8 Mfa- ... . .. .. l'ref..• ...... .... ...... .... - ... .. .. ... .... .. . ... 80 - 00 77¼- 83 76¾- 787A 76¾- 79>ii 70¾- 80 72 - 75~ 75 - 77 65 - 75 Stiver Bulllon Cert8 ... 64¼- 65½ .... - . .. 591¼- 59¾ 60 - 60 .... .. .... .. . .... .... - ... ... .. . ... - .... ... ... 20 87 J. & 1 22¾SL' 23 19¾35 - 41½ 32¼· 40'?1! 35¾- 89 SloH-Sheffleld 33 - 35½ 30½- 33 30 - 31½ 30 - so - 25¼ 30 - 81¾ 28¾- 30½ Pref....................... 65½- 69 67¾- 70).o 70½- 79½ 78¼- 86¾ 80¾- 83¾ 81 - 83~ 80 - 80¾ 80 - 80 80 - 81 7d - 79 79 - 82½ 80 - 82 Stand. Rope & Twine .. 3¼- 5¼ 3¼- 5¼ 3¼- 4¼ 4¼- 5¾ 4¾- '7¾ 5¼- 8~ 6 4¾ - 6¾ 4~- 5 8 4½- 5 4¾- 5 4* 4¾ Texas Pac. Land Trust 19 - 21¾ 20 - 31 29¼- 38 84¼- 42 30 - 41 30¾- 89½ 30 - 40 33 - ~ 37½- 38¾ 82 - 36½ 35 - 38½ 35 - 311¼ Tbh·d A venue .... ... .... 118 -129¾ 119 -128 119 -123 121 -127 117 -125 122 -124 121 -122 121 -123 119 -121 L17¾-118 118 -121 L20 -123 Twin City Rap. Tran ... 65¾- 71½ 67¾- 71 69¼- 76¼ 74 · 76¼ 71 - 85 83¾- 95 90¼· 95¾ 92½-102¾ 98¾-105}.( 97 -101 100 -108½ 105 -109:)ti Pref. .......... 147¼-147¼ 143 -147 1471¼-147¾ 147 -147 .. . .... .... 148 -148 147 -149 150 -157 ... .... 158 -160 L58 -159¼ Union Bair & Paper ... 121'- 18 H¾- 16¼, 15 - 17 12 - 16 12¾- 14 18¾- 19~ 14¾- 17¾ 14½- 18 15¼- 17~ 14¾- 16 14¾- 15¾ 13½- 15¾ 67:J(- 71 65 - 74 70 - 74 Pret ...... . 69¼- 74¾ 70½!- 71h 70¼- 74 70 - 75 73 - 74¾ 71¾- 74½ 70 - ':2½ 71¼- 74¾ 73 - 75!!( U.S. Leather ............ 11 - 14½ 12¾- 15 12 - 14¾ 12¾- 14¼ 7¾- 16¾ 13¼- 15¾ 12 - 14¼ 12¼- 14¾ 12 - 13¾ 10¾- 12:ij 11¾- 13¾ 11~- 12 78 - 79 Pref............. 73¾- 76'-f 73¾- 76¾ 75¾- 79¾ 69¾- 80 1e - 79 78¾· ~ 78¼- 83l}.i 77¾- 81¾ 80 - 83¼ 80¼- 82¾ 78½!- 82 19 - 84 19 - 23~ 19¾- 24 18¾- 22¾ 18¼- 23 U. s. Rubber Co ........ 20¼- 22¼ 19 - 21¼ 17~- 21 16¾- 2C¼ 12¼- 16}4 14¾- 16¾ 12¾- 15½, Pref ........ .... ........... 59!':(- 85 59¾- 62¾ 57½- 6':'¼ 55 - 65 60 - 67 60¾- 65 561¼- 62 55 - 60 53 - 58 47 - 53 48 - 58 48¼- 52 . .. . 42¾- 46½ 45* 55 24 - 54¾ 47½- 52~ 87 - 48¼ 39¾- 45¾ 40¼- 45~ 41 - H¾ 41¾- 44¾ 89¾- 43~ U.S. Steel Corporatlen .... - . ... .... ... 92¾- 06¾ 118¾-101¼ 69 -101¾ 96¼-100¾ 86 - 99¼ 89 - 95¾ 00 - 05¾ 90¼- 05 90½- 94 89¾- 94 ... Pref.. ..... . ................. .... .... 70 - 72 65¼- 72 65½- 70}4 6tS - 72 51 - 65¼ 57 - 65;½ 59 - 62 58¾- 61½ 60½- 64½ 60:lt- 63¾ Va.•Car. Chemical: ..... .... .... .... ... . 122 ·124¾ 116 -121¾ 116 -120 117 -122 ll6 -124½ 120 -125 123 -123 122¼-123½ 122½-124 128 -124 Pref........................ We8tern Union Tel'ab .. 81 - 88¾ 83½- 91 86¼- 97 90¼- 96¾ 85 -100¾ 92¼- 96:U 88 - 04 90 - 94 89¾- 04 90 - 92¾ 89¾- 02½ 90¾- 93 .... .... .. . .... .... .... . .... .. ... .... ... . ... .... .... .... ... Westioab. El,Mfw.ass't . 145 -150 146¼-180 ... .. . ... .... . ... .... 1st pref.. ... .... .... .... . .. . 157 -157 185 -187 ·•• · .. ..  -  ...........  -  ....  .... -  .... ... .. ... .... -- ... - ....  -. ... - ... .... - .... .... .. -  -  - ....  -  -  -  -  -  -  .... -  ...  - ...  -  -  .... .... ...  ..  .... .... - .... -  -  -  - ....  -  .... -  -  -  -  - ..  -  -  ········ .............  -  -  -  -.  ... -  -  -  .... .... -  .... - ........ .. . -  .... -  - ..  -  -  - ........ - .... -  -  ...  ... -  -  - ...  -  -  -  -  -  . --  -  .. ... ... .. .... -  -  - ..  ..  .... -  -  -  ...  ... -  -  -  .  -  -  -  - ....  -.  ... ... .. - .... .... . . -- ... -  -  -  ...  -  -  -  -  .  -  -  -  .....  -  ..  .... -  ..  .......  ..........  -  - ....  -  -  .. ..  -  .... - . - ... ... - ....  .... - .. - ...  -  .... - .... -  -  ... -  - .. 'ti  -  -  .... --  -  -  -  - ... ... - ...  -  -  ... - ... .... - .... ... - ... - .... ... - .. - .... - ... ... - . ... - •.. - .... ... .... - .... ... - ... ... - .... ... ... . - .. ... ... - . - ... - .... - ... - .... - .... ... .... - . -. ... - .. ... - ... ...  -  -  ...  -  ... - ... -  . - ...  -  -.  ··············· .... ...  -  -  -  -  ...........  -  -  -  ················ ·-········  . .... .... -- .... .... .... - .... ················ .... - .... ....  ,, 'I rust re,e11>t~. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ., ~.A-r,g , t..;..  l,  I  -  -  -.  -  K~ an10 ~L•- r,'1lns.  -  .. - . .... --  ... .... -  -  -  ... -  - ..  -  .  122  BOSTON,  PHILADELPHIA AND  BALTIMORE STOCKS AND  BONDS.  PRICES OF STOCKS AND BONDS IN BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Below we show the highest and lowest prices of bonds and stocks at the Stock Ex~hanges in Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore for each month of 1901, taking, in all cases, actual ea.lee as the basis of compilation. BOSTON BONDS IN 1901. BOJ(DS.  JANUARY Fll:BR1RY.  MAROR.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNlll.  JULY.  AUGUST. dEPT'BER. OOTOB:BR. NOV 1BER. lJEO'BER.  -----·---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Low.IDgh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.High Low.ID1th Low.IDgh Low.High Low.High  Am.Bell Telep.,1908.4 100 -1~ 100 -100),d 100 -1~ 100 -100½ 1()()3'-101 101 -101~ 1~-101¼ 10(%-101 00'½· 100¼ 100 -100½ 99¾-100 99 - 99!14 Am.Tele,r.&Tel.'~0 .. 4 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 101 -101),d 101 -101½ 101 -101¼ 101 -lOlJ.d 100¾-101 99%-100½ 99 - 997A 98!1:(- 99¾ - ....... - ........ - .... .... - . ... .... - .... . ... - .... 119 -119 l19 -119 119 -119 Atch. & Nebraaka..... '7 .... - ........ - ... .... Atch. Top. & San. FeGeneral, 199~ ........ 4 101 -102~ 101~102M 101¾·108¼ 102 -102lU 101!4-lOZU 10~-lOSM 102 -103¾ 101 - l ~ 101"-1~ lW¼-103½ 102~-102'7A 101¾-10~ 93¾- 96J.d 95 - 98¼ 96 - 98¾ 95'!- 97 96 - 96¾ 93 - 97~ 92'.(- 93M 93 - 94~ 91¾- ~ 95 - 96 Adjuatment. 199~ ... 4 8~- 91¾ 91~- 93 - . . . . 93%- ~ 94 - 94 Stamped ...... ....... . 4 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .... 126~-12~ ... Boston &Me.-1944.4½ 128¾-1~ .... - .... 101 -101 194!.l ............ - ........ 4 ... . Boston & Montana117 -117 3d 1Hue, 190'7 .. ...... , . ... - .. . 115¾-115½ .... Boa. Term .• lat, '4'7.3¾ .... 86 - 86 86 - 86 84 - 86 78 - 86 82 - 84 86 - 87 86 - 87 86 - 86 84~- 86 82¾- 85 79~- 82 Bo ■ ton Un. Gas, 1st... ~ 80 - 82 56 - 56 62 - 62 62 - 62 49 - 60 48 - 65 60 - 62 60 - 60 64 - 67 6t - 68 60 - 64 52 - 61 !.ld, 1939 .. ..... ... ...... ~ 50 - 54 Burl. & Mo. RiverIn Neb., non-ex. lst .. 8 106 -106!4 .... - ... 106 -106 106 -106 - .... 120¾-121 In Neb., exempt lat .. 8 120 -120 120 -120 - .. . 120!4-12~ .. • • - •••. 120 -121¼ 121 -121 Ll~-12~ . • .. - .... 120¾·121¾ 96 - 96 . . . 94 - 94 Butte & Boaton. ... .... ti .... - • .. . . .. . 98'4-102 100 -100 - .... 189 -189 188 -138 - .... UO -U.O C.R. & Mo. Riv., 1st-, 1~-140¼ . .•. 88 - 84 - 86 82 86 84¾86 85¾86½ 85 86¾ 86¼88 87 88!4 87 88¼ 88 88 - 89 Central Vermont, lst.4 89 - ~ 89 - 00 - .... .... - .... .... - ........ - ... . .. . - .... 107¾-107½ ... - ........ - ••• . . .. - ........ - . ••• Chea. & Ohio, a-en'l .. 4¼ ... - ........ Chic. Hurl. & QuincyDenver Elltenalon .... 4 lQ0¾-101¾ 1~-101" 101'-(-101" 99'-(-102 100¾-l<mt 101¾-101¾ 101 -101 .... - ... LOl -101 lQ0¾-101¼ LOl -101!4101)4-101~ bt, 1903......... .. ... .. ,. 108¼-1~ 108¼-108½ 107¼-1~ L07~-107!1-.{ IQ6M-107~ 106¾-106½ l~-1063,ci 106!4-l~ L05%-1Q5'! 106!4-106 105~105~ 105 -10~ Convntlble, 1903 .. . ~ 140'-(-UO¾ 1~-U4¼ U4!4-151¾ 172,(-197),d 188¾-1~ .... - •• . 196 -196¼ ..•. - ........ - ... . .... - .... 108 -108 Debenture, 1913 . .. ..:I .... - ........ - ........ - ... . .. . - ........ - ........ - .... 109¼'-109),d .. .. - ... . .• - ... . 101!14-103 102 -102J,.( Ill. Div., 1949 ...... 3~ 103 -108¼ 108 -1~ 103 -108 102M-103~ 102¾-102¾ 102~102¼ 10~-102).d lOlM-101" ... - .... 110 -110 .... - ........ - .... . ... - ........ - . ....... Iowa Div., 1919 ...... :i .... - .... .... - .... 103M-104 - • .. 104¼-104¾ 10!l~104% 1()43'-10!¾ .... - .... 104¼-lO!l¾ .... - •••. 104 -104 1919 ............. ..... .. 4 lO!l"-10~ .... - .... 100 -~00 - .... 100 -100 .... - .... . ... - ... 100¾-100¾ •.. .Plain bonds, 1921. .. 4 100 -100 .... .... 100!14-l~ . .•• 101¾-101¾ .... ....... . ..... . Denver Div., 1922 .. 4 .... - .... .... - .... ll~-11~ .... - ...... .. Nebraaka Ellt . . ....... 4 .... - ........ Joint b'da-See Gt. No Ch.J,R'y & U. S,Yd8.~ llO;Jd:-111¼ llOJ,.(-111 111 -112 111 -112¾ 110¾-112 112 -112 112 -112 ll~-111 Ul -111'4 ll0¾-111½ 110 -110¼109¾-110 - .... 102 -102" 102 -102 102 -102 Retandln1r, 19~0 .. .. . 4 .... - ........ - .... 101,(-102 102~-102½ 102¼-102½ . . . . Chic. Mil. & St. Poul- ... 128 -129 .... - .... 129 -129 Dubuque Dlvl8lon .... 6 182"-183 181 -182'4 182 -1823,ci 13~-132½ 130 -181 ... . - .... .... - .... 128¼-128¼ ... - .... . .. . Wisconsin Val. Dlv .. 6 .... - ........ - ........ - •••. LOI> -109 L07 -108 Chlc.&N.Mlch.1931.~ .... - ... 104 -104 108 -108 107 -108 .... - .... 107 -107 107 -107 Vhfo. & West. Mich .... ~ 105 -106 106 -107 107~-110 109 -110 108¾-109 109¾-110 109!J4-110½ 110 -11~ LOS -109 107¾-100 LOO -110 109 -110 Current River99 -102 108 -103½ 103¼·105¾ 105 -107 104¾-105 .. .. - .... .. - ... . 100),.(-104¼ 102 -102 105 -105 . ... 1st, 1927 •· ............. ~ 96¾-100 99 - ~ 99¾- 99M 99¾- 9~ 99!J.(- 99M 09¼-100 LOO -100 100 -100 99¾-100!4 99!4- ~ 99¾-100 98 -100 Det, G.R.& W •• 1946.4 98 - 99 Dominion Coal, 1st .... 8 109¾-110 110¾-110¼ no~-111 110 -110~ 110 -110 UOM-111¼ 110 -111 110 -111 110¾-110½ Ll0¾-111 110 -110¾ 110¾-110¾ Ea11tern, MaH., 1906.6 118¾-114 118¾-118¾ 112¾-118)41123,t;-112½ 112¾-1~ 112 -112 112 -112 lllM-11~ .... - .... Lll~-111~ Lll¾-111¼111 -111¼ - .... 105!4-105¾ - . . . . . . .. - . .. . . . .. - . .. . . .. . Eaatern of Mlnnesota.6 .. .. - . .. . . . . - .. . . .. .. Erle Tele,r. & Teleph.- •••• LOO -105!4 1909 .... ...... .......... 8 104 -105 .... - ........ - •• •. . .. - . ....... - ........ - •... 103¾-108¼ 102 -102 LOl -101 104 -104 100 -101 100 -100),d LOO -100 100 -106 1926 ... ..... ... . .......... ;} 10~-104¼ 102 -108 102¾-102¾ 102 -103M 104 -1~ 108"-104~ . . . . - ••.• 00 - 00 .... - .... 90 - 95 95 - 95 .... - ........ - . ... 95* Off¼ . • - .. • . 96 - 95 .... 1928-........... ......... ~ 95 - 97 90 - 00 00 - 90 90 - 95 90 - 95 96 - 96 96 - 96½ 96 - ~ 96 - 96 93 - 96 98¾- 95 9!l¾- 95 1929...................... 6 00 - 95 - ... . . . .. Fremont & Elk Horn.8 . .. - .. . .. .. - .... U17¾-187½ 18~-187),d .. . . - .... 186 -186 - ••• 186 -186 .... Unstamped .... ....... . 8 187¾-187½ 188!1-.(-188¾ . ... - .... 187¼-137¾ . ..• General Electric ....... ~ 154. -158 159,(-176 176 -180 180 -188 18i -100 202 -208 211¾-21!l 210 -220 214¾-220 213),.(-213~ us -215 284¾-236 96~- 9~ 94¾- 97½ 95%- 97J.d 96~- 97~ 95¾- 97 .. 99!4- 99),d 97!14- 99 Gt.~o.-C.B.&Q. coll.4 ... - ........ - ........ - .... 95!4- 95½ 97 - 97 9i¾- 96!4 Re,rl8tered . ......... ... 4 .... Illinois Steel-1910... ~ .... - ... . 97 - 97 . .•. - .... 99¾ 100½ 101 -101 101 -101 .... - .... . ... - ........ - .... 100 -100~ 1()()3'-100¼101 -101 99 -100 100 -101 101 -102 101 -101 101 -102 100¾-101¼' 100 -101 100 -100),d 100,(-101 101 -101J,.( Non-convert., 1913.. ~ 98 - 99!1,( 97 - 99 - .... . .. - ••.. 134 -134 .... - ... .. ... - ....... . - .... 186¾-186¾ 136 -186 .... Ia. Fall• & 8. C., 1st., .... - . .. . . . . . - .. .. . . . . - .... 115 -115¾ - . . .. . . . . Kansas City Belt ...... 6 . .. . K. C. Clln. & Sprln1r .. ~ 97 -100 100 -102½ 102¾-108¾ 108¼-105~ 107 -107 106 -106 .• .. - ........ - . ... .. . - .... 102 -103 10! -105 .•• . Kan. C. Ft. S. & G ..... 7 114¾-116 11~-115¾ .... - _. . 115 -115 115 -115 . ... - •... 115 -115 114~-lH¾ .... - .... ll!l¼-lli½ 118¼-ll!l½ 114 -ll!l Kan. C . .Ft. S. & Mem.8 115 -118 118¾-122 120 -121¼ 121¾-122½ 119¼-122½ 120 -124 128 -125 123 -124 120¼-123 120 -121½ 122 -124 123,(-12!l Kan. C. Mem.&Blrm.99 - 9~ 99 - 99 98 - 99¼ 100 -1~ 99 -100 99¼-100 99¾-100 99 -100 99¾-100 99 -100 General mort1ra1re ... 4 98¾- 99¾ 99¾-100 93 - 96 88¾- 91 89 - 89 87¾- 88 82 - 87 93 - 95 90 - 98 87¾- 91 90 - 93 Income . . . ........... . 6 75 - 86¼ 83 - 95¼ 89 - 9i K. C. & DI. Ry.& B',re.G .... - .... 106¾ -106½ .... - . . .. 107 -107 106¾-107 108 -108 107¾-108 107!1-.{ 107'4 107¾-107½ .... - ........ - ••.. lOtl -108¼ K.U.St.Jo.&C.B.-ht.1 117¾-118 US -118 117M-118 118 -118¼ 118 -118 116¼-11~ 116,li-ll6¾ 116¾-11~ 115*116 115¾-ll~ 115'4-116 115¼-115¾ - ........ - •••• - ........ - ....... - ....... - ... . 102 -102 .... - ........ - .. . ...• - ........ Lam•on Con8ol. 8. S .. ti .... - ... 105 -106 106~-106¾ .... - .... 105 -105 l05M-105}4 ... - •.. . t05 -106),( 105 -105M .... - ••.. 105~-105!4 Little Rock & Ft. S .... , 105 -107 - ........ - .... 133¾-188~ 188¼-183¼ . ... - .. . 181'4-181¾ .... - . . . . . .. Maine Central, 191~.. .,. . .. . - .. .. . .. • - • .. . •••• - •••• - .. .. . .. . - . .. . . .. . - .... 105),.(-105~ . . . . - . .. . . .. . - . . . . . . . . 1912.. .. ........ ......... 4 . .. - .... 112~-112% US!J:(-118!14 - ........ - .. .. . . .. Met. Telp.& Tel.,' lS.:I .. .. - . . ...... 84 - 85 84 - 85 81~- 88 80 - 82 79~- 81¾ 88 - 85M 82¼- 87¾ 86 - 87 80¼- 88'-i 82 - 84 Melllcan Cent'l-1911.4 79 - 80¾ 79 - 88 SQ'.¼- 30¾ 82¼ - 83% 30 - 30 ..•• - .... 81~- 81!J:( 80* 88~ 29 - 34¾ 31¾- 87~ 83 - 85 28¾- 83 27~- 81 1st con. Inc., 1939 ... 3 27 - 27 2~- 20~ .... - .... . ... - .... 21¾- 21¾ 19¼- 19¾ 22 - 25¾ .... 19~- 20¾ 20 - 23 1!l - 16¼ 15~- 19 ~d con. Inc., 1939 .... 3 . ... 99 - 99 .... - •••• .••• - .. .. - ........ - . Mlchl1ran Telephone .. ~ 99 - 99 .... - .... 99 - 99 .... N. En,r, Cotton Yarn .. ~ 105 -106¾ 105 -105'! 103 -105 103 -108¼ 103 -1~ 103~-lOSM 108¾-104 103¾-104 108¼-108¾ 103 -103¼ LOS -103" 108 -104 51¾- 70 55'!- 61 50 - 55 57¼ 52¾57),d 51 59¾ 6!l!I-.{64 55¾67 61 68 66 69¾ °68 70 6~N. En1r. Gas & Coke ... ~ 65 - 71¾ New En1r. Tele,rraph190S............ ......... . 6 .. .. - .... 102 -102 104 -1°' ... 1901 .. ........... . .. ... ... 6 . .. . - .... 108 -108 - .... 103 -103 1906 . .......... ......... . 8 ... - .... lOi -104 - .... 108 -103 - .... 108 -103 .••. -110 110 191~ ..................... 6 .... - .... New York & .N • .En1r.l8t, 190~ ................ 7 118 -118 112¾-118 112~-112¾ 112!4-112¾ 111¾-111¼ lll¾-111½ 111 -111¼ lll -111 111 -111 110,(-111 11()¼-110¼ 110 -110 ht, 1906 .. ......... . ... 6 10~-109¼ ... - •••• 109 -109¼ lOS!J:(-109~ 1~-1~ 108¼-1~ 107~-1~ 107¾-108 107¾-107¼ 107¾-107~ 107¼-107% 107¼-107¾ - ........ - .... 104~-1043' . ... - ........ - .... O,rd. & L. Ch., 1948 .. 4 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 112 -ll2 .••• Old Colony, 1924 . ...... 4 .... - .... 101¾-101~ .. - ........ Ore,r, Ry. & N., 1948.4 .... - .... ~-12~ .... - .... 125¼-125¾ 125*125:U •••• - •••• Ore,ron l!!ihort Ltne .. .. 6 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 116¼-116¾ lat, consol...... ... ... 6 .... - .. .. 107 -107 .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - ....... - •••• Republican Valley ..... 8 .... Ratland-bt mort- .... 6 .... - .... 108!14-108¾ 103 -108¼ 108¾-103" 108¼-lOSM 103¾-108¼ 103~-lOSJ.d 108¾-108¼ 103¾-103¾102¾-108¾ 102¾-102¾ 101¾-102 - . .. . 99¾-100 .. . - . . .. . • .. - • • • . . .. • - .. • . . .. . - .. . . • • . - .. . . .. .. - • • • . . . .. - • .. • • • • - •••• Ratland-Canadlan .... 4 . .. . - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  BOSTON: BONDS AND STOOKS.  BOSTON BONDS IN BO!fDS.  JANUARY FEBB'BY. ~  APRIL,  12·3  19O1-00NCLUDED. 1  ~ • ·- ~  ~ AUGUST, ~EPT'BEB. OOTOBER. NOV'BER. DEO'B:S~  - - - - - - - - - · - Low.High Low.Hign Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  Seattle Electric. bt ... ~ Swift & Co............... 6 Torrlnarton, 1st,1918.:) Union Paclflc-1941 ... 4 let lien, conv.,1911.4 Un. Elec. Sec., 1926-.~ Verm. & MaH., 1903.~ West End ................. :) 1914 ....... ... .. ... ... . 4~ 191,-, a-old............ .. 4 Wisconsin Central~0-year, 1st, 1949 .. 4  . . . . - .... 100¾-100¼ - .... 1~-104~ 10$¾-103¾ UK -104¼ 104: -104¾ 104¾-104'¼ 104 -106 104¼-105 104*1063' 104%-106 .... - ........ - .... 101 -101 .••• - ........ - . . . .... - ........ - ... ..... - .... . ... - •. • .••. .... - ........ - ...... . - .. . . .... - ........ - ........ - .... 10~-1 ~ ..•. - ........ - •··· •··· - ........ - ........ 106~-106¼ 1051,(-106¼ . .•. - .... l04¼-106 ... - ........ - .... 104*104-U 1043<(-ll~  ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. . .... - .... 103¾-10~ .... - . ... 102¼-102¾ 102¼-102}( 102¼-102¼ 102¼-102¼ 101¾-102 lO{!M-100'4 .... - • ..• 109!14-100!1-.( 109!,.(-109¼ .... . ... 105¾-106¼ 106¾-106¾ 105¼-106~ ....  104 -104: J.04: -104 108%-126¼ 114 -ll!l  .... - ........ - •••• lOS¾--104:'4106%--106¾ 106 -106~ 106 -106 109¾·100½ 106 -10(% 106~-106:U 106 -106 106*108'½ .... •... - . .. • •·· - •.. • • •·· - • •· • 102 -102 •· •· .... - ..•...•. - ....... - ... . :· ·· - ..• . 102¼-102¼ ... . 101¾-101¾ 101¼-101¼ 101¼-101¼ 101 -101¼ .. • • - •••. 101¼-101¼ lOQ'U-101 100¼-lOOU 1 ..•. - ........ - ........ - .... 109'4-109~ 108 -108 .••• 108¾-108¾ 108¼-108¼ 105~-10~ • . . . - • . • . . . • . - .... 106¼-106~ . • • • - ..•. 104' -104:  - .... 87¼- 87¼. ..•. -  BOSTON STOCKS IN 1901. 8T00B..l!i'. JANUARY FEBR'RY. .MABOB, APRIL, MAY, JUNE. JULY. AUGUST, SEPT'BEB. OOTOBEB. NOV'BJIR. DEC'BD. PriutPet" 1hat'e,not1>ercent. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Par. Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low. High Low.HJ.ah Low. High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  --------Atch.T.& Santa Fe.100  42!1.(- 49~ 49¼- 58 HM- 63~ 62 - ~ 60 - 90¾ 8!'1(- 9QU 68½- 88¾ 69¾- 80¼ 71 - 79% 75 - 79¾ '1'1'Ji- 86¼ 74~- SOU BS¼- 9~ 87¾- 89'1( 8~- 95% 94'~-1~ 80 -107¼ l ~ - 1 ~ 92¼-104 923i(- 98~ 93 - 98 94¾- 97 9~-102¾ 97 -102¼ ... - .... . ... - ... . 100¼-10~ ... 251 -255 264 -265 253 -266 25~-265 254 -263 263 -266 263 -268 266 -268 256 -268 256 -268 ~6 -260 257¾-261 1693,&-170 167 -171 168 -180 170 -180 175 -188¾ 176 -187¼ 182 -190 178 -186¾ 166 -177 166 -171~ 164 -167!':( t65 -168 241 -246 242 -246 242 -245½ 244 -248 243 -246 240 -240¼ 238 -:u2 240 -242 240 -242 24S -245 241 -246 24()¼-242 192 -196 194 -195 193¾-196 193 -200 190 -199 19$¾-197 192 -194¼ 192¾-19S~ 191 -193 192 -194' 191 -19S 189 -191¾ 170 -171 168 -172 ' 169!,.(-173¼ 174 -176 170 -173 170 -178 173 -173 168 -171 169 -169 170 -170 170}9-171 171 -171 .Rlarht ■• ............ ............ - •....... •15 - ·27 •07 - •17 - ........ - •... .,. Bost. & Provldence,lOU SOl -803 800 -805 SOO -302 300 -807 297 -802 2W¾-800 800 -SOO 800 -SOO 300 -300 SOI -301 301 -802 301 -806 B'klyn Rap. Ti·an.100 78¾- 84¾ .... - •... 82¾- 82¾ 84¼- 84),( 75¾- 76 82¼- 82J,( .... - .... 69'4- 61¾ .... Canada Soutbern ... 100 .... - .... 63¼- 63¼ ..•. - ........ O. Rap. & Mo. Riv .100 . . . . - ........ - .... tS4!':(-1St!J;( .... - ....... . Central Ma.... .. ..... 100 14: - 16¾ 16 - 20¼ 19 - 20¼ ... - .. . ..•. - ........ Pref ............... .... .100 62 - 62 65 - 65 63¼- 64~ .••. - ........ - ........ Ohesap'ke & Ohlo.100 .... - ........ - .... .... - ... . 49¼- 62 .... Ohle. Burl. & Quln.100 188%-148¼ 138¾-148¼ 144'1(-176¼ 172)(-199¼ 183 -lll9)4 196¼-198 198¾-197¾ 194 -197 .... - •••. 190¾-190¾ .••• Rla-ht8................. . . . SM4 8·16- 4" .. . . - . . . . . . . . - • . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . -  Pref ............ ..... . 100 Baltimore & Oldo .. 100 Bo■ton & Albany .... 100 Boeton El., tr. rec.. 100 Bo ■ton & Lowell . . .. 100 Boston & Maine ..... 100 Pref ................ ... 100  4"  Chic. & E. Illlnoh .. 100 94¾- 94¾ .... ... - ....... Ohle. Gt. Western.100 . ... - ........ - . . . . .... - .... 26¼- 26¼ ... Chic. Ind. & Louls.100 .. . . - ... . ... - ... snr srn sm- sm .... - .... s1~- srn ... Pref.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . - . .. . 68 - 68 . .. . Ohlcaa-o June. R'y .. 100 148¼-146 146 -lM 160 -160 161 -lM 1'8 -1157 164' -162 163 -168 156 -159 153 -169¼ 163 -166 156 -162 155 -169 Pref........ .... . .... .. 100 126 -ISO 127 -129¼ 129¼-lSS 132 -136 126 -183 128 -181 ISO -133 130 -132 130 -182 128¼-132 131 -133¼ lSO -132 Ohle. Mil. & St. P .. 100 148~-166 162¼-164% 150~· 150~ 162%-171 181'4-181~ ..•. - .... l67¼-l673'1i 165 -165 1~-170¾ 172¾-172¾ 169¼-169¼ Ohle. & Norlhweec.100 .... - .... .... - . .. . 173 -173 . ... - •.•• . ... - ••...... Ohle. R. I. & Pac. . 100 121U-126)( 122¾-127-U 126 -128 .... - .... 165 -165¼ .•• . - .... 142¾-l~ . ... - •.•. .•.• - .... 160¾-150¾ Cl. Ctn. Ch. & St.L.100 .... - .. . . .... - .... . ... - ........ - .... 76 - 80¼ .... - ..•. 913%-100 . .•. Ool. & Southern .. .. 100 ... - .... 8-U- 10,li 10¾- 11),( 12~- 17¾ l~- 16" .••. lat pret.. ...... . .. . .. 100 42%- 42% 4 ~ 46¾ .... - .... . ... - • .•• 49 - 49 •••. 2d pref ........ . ...... 100 .. .. - .... 20¼- 20¼ 22¾- ~ ... Oon.&Mont.-Ul.3.100 . ... - .... 197 -19'7 ..•• ClaH 4... • ...... . .. 100 198 -199 198 -199 198¼-198¼ 198 -200 200 -200 200 -200 200 -200 .... - •... 200 -200 t00~-2~ .•.• Conn.& Passum.,pf.100 160 -162 162 -162 162 -162 160 -168 160 -162¾ 161¾-162 .••• - .... 162 -162 162 -162 1613i(-161)4164 -164 165 -166 Oonnecllcut River .. ] 00 i76 -280 278 -280 280 -280 - .••. 286 -286 .... - .... 284 -284 ..•• - .... 286¼-286 . .•. - •••. l!86 -285 Current River .... 100 .... - ... . 12 - 16 14¾- 16 16 - 16 Denv. & R. Gr., pf.100 . .. - •... 93¾- 93¾ ..•. De■ M.& Ft. Dodare,100 .. . . - .. . . 21!1(- 24~ 26* 26¾ .. .. Det.Htlle & s. w .. 100 105 -105 - .....•.• Erle ..................... lOll 28¾- 28¼ 27!1(- 27¾ 30¾- s~ ,o - 40 41¾- 41¼ .... - . . . . 86¼- 87¾ ,s - 43¾ {8 - 4S .••• - .... 42¾- 48¼ .... l•t pref... .... . ...... 100 66~- 68¼ .... - ........ •··· .••• - ....••. 2dpret............... 100 .. .. - ........ - ........ - .... 68'1(- 68¾ ••·· E..-.&T.H.,pret . .. 100 ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 91¼- 91¼ .... Fltchbura-.......... . .. 100 . ... - . ... 93¾- 93¼ .... - . . • . . .. .Pret.. .. ........ ... . .. 100 139 -142 141½-143 lil~-146 144%-148 144 -U'™ 1'2¾-148 142M-147 144 -147 141 -147 142 -146 142M-U6 us -1,s G't North'n, pref .... 100 .... - ........ - .... 20!%-204~ .... Illinois Central~ .... 100 .... - .. . 146U-146~ 147¼-147¼ •••• - .... lS7U-l87U Iowa Central ..... . .. ] 00 2"1(- 25¼ 26"- 27¼ 25'1(- 26'4 . ... - •••. 34%- ~ .... Pref. .. ..... . ..... . .. 100 62),(- 62½ . .•. - . . •. 69 - 59~ .... K.. C. Cl. & Sprlnar.100 .... - .... 10 - 16 15 - 16 16 - 16¼ . .•. K. C. Ft. !!!I. & m. .... 100 44 - 66 60 - 97 95 - 97 a98 -100¼ a102-102 .... Pref ............. .. . . 100 120 -120 121 -136 136 -136 aU6-14.5 ..•. - •••..••• K. C. Mem. & Btr .. 100 20 - 40 S4 - 62 46¾- 48¾ a48 - 49¾ .•• • - •••..••• Loulsv. & Naehv .. 100 89¼- 90¼ 92¼- 92Jfi .... - .... 106¾-106¾ ..•. - •.•...•. - ••.. 104¾-104J,4 .... - .... 104 -104U Maine Central ....... J 00 166 -167 167 -167 171 -171 170 -170 170¼·170¼ 168¾-170 168¾-168¼ .... - . .•. 171 -171 169¾·172:14 172 -173 172 -172 Manchester&Law.l u O .... - ....... - .... 245~-247 ..•• - ........ - ........ Manhattan Elevat.100 .... - .... .. .. - ... . - .... lS5'1(-135J( Mass. Electric Cos.100 24 - 27 24¾- 26¼ 26!',4- 37 33¾· S7 St - 36~ 84'1(- 43 S8 - 46 36¾- 39'4 S4 - 89~ 35¼- S'n-( 3439- 37¾ Sl - ~ Pref ................ . .. 100 77¾- 80 78¾- 80¼ 80 - 91 88 - 91 86 - 91 90 - 96 93 - 95¾ ~ - 93!J4 92 - 93M 92 - 9' 9! - 9i"Jc 91 - 94 Mexican Central .... 100 1S3i(- 16~ HJ4- 18¾ 17 - 25½ 22 - 26 19 - 29¾ 26¾- 29~ 22 - 26¾ 23¾- 23¾ 23 - 2~ 23 - 23½ 21¼- 26 2,l¾- 26¼ Mex. Natlonal ...... 100 .... - ........ 9¾- 1439 .... Mo. Kan. & Tex . .. 1 00 . ... - . . . . 19%- 22 .... - ........ - • •· .. •· • - ... . Pref ............ ... . . .. 100 ... - ........ - ....... - . .. 68J4- 6S}( . .. - • •. .••• - ........ - •.•..... - ... . MIHonrl Paciflc . . .. 100 86 - 88 91%- 91¾ 8' -102% 110¾-110¾ ..•. - ... ... .. - ........ - •... LOSl}.!-103'4 98~- 98¼ ..• - •.• . lOS¼-10~ N. Y.Central.. ... . . . 100141'1(-143¼ 146 -146¼ 144!4-1~ 147%--163¾ 144U-166 . ... - .••. 16~·16~ .... - ... Lol¾--164'¼ . . •. - ••.. 162'1(-172 165:18-17~ N.Y.N.H.&Har t.100211 -218 201 -212¼209 -212 211¾-216 212'1(-216 213 -217¼214 -217½21439-216 211 -216¾211 -214¼212 -214l'4210¼-2U N. Y. Ont. & We8t .. l00 34 - S4 ... - ... . 86¼- SO¼ S6 - 36 - •••. 88¼- 88¼ .... - •••. 85¼- 85¾ .... - .•.. 36 - 86 . •. - .... 34'¼- MU Northern, N. H ....... 100 163 -164 .... - .• 167¾-168¼ 168 -170 .... - ........ - .•.. 170 -170 170 -170 .... - •.•. 170 -170 173 -173 172 -172 Northern PacUlc .... 100 81¾-- 85 82¼- 87¾ . .•. - •••..... - .... 154 -lM .... - ....... - .••• Pref . ..... . ....... ... 100 ... - ........ - .... 104 -104 Norw. & Wore., pf.100 223 -223 .. .. - ... . .• - .... 280 -230 .••• - ... . 231 -231 227 -229 228 -229 229 -229 ~so -230 230 -230¾ ...• - .... Old Colony . ........... .100 206 -208¾ 206 -208¾ 207'1(-20QU 208 -212¾ 207 -211 206 -200 208 -209 208 -208!4 206 -208¼ 206¾-207 207 -209 208!4-210¾ Pacific Coast ...... . .. 100 ... - ... . . . . . - . . . . 68¼· 68¾ .... Pennsylvanla..... . .... lJO 150%--15~ ...• - ..•..••. - . .. . . ... - .••. .. . - .•.. 74¼- 74¾ 75 - 76 Rlarhte . ..... . ................. 4c 11·16 6¼- 6¼ ... . Pere Marqneu-, .. .. 100 SO - 44 39¼- 62 M - 60~ 615 - 58 52 - 65~ 6i - 76 65 - 76 66 - 70 66 - 76 71'¼- 88 82 - 96 79 - 84 Pref.................. 100 70 - 78½ 73 - 78½ 74'1(- 76¼ 78¼- 75¾ 70 - 76¼ 74 - 86 81 - 82¼ 78 - 80 80 - 82¾ 80 - 86¼ 84 - 89 80 - 84 Plt.Cln,Ch.&St.L.100 .... - ...... . - ........ - .... 68!'4- 68'4 .... Prov. & Worces .... 100 ... - ........ - ... .. ... - .... 300 -300¼ .••. Quincy Hrlda-e ....... 100 OO\l¼-209¼ 200¾-200¾ .•.. - •••. 195 -195 .... - .... 200 -200 .••• Readlnar ............. . .. GO 13 - 18 .••• - ,.. 26 - 26 let pref................ IJO 7SU- 7~ . • . . - .. • • .. . . - .. ..  a 'l'rllst receipts. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  124-  BOST ON STOCKS.  BOSTON STOCKS IN 1901--CONTINUED. JANUARY FEB1ARY.  STOCKS.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNJl.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV 1BER. DEO'BER.  Prku ptr ah.are, not per cmt. - - - - - - -  Par. Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hiih  ----------- -Rutland ............ : .. 100  9 - 18½  Pref.............. . .. 100 87 - 91 Rlarht ■ ,............ . .  - - - ---- - - - - - 8 - 10 89¾·100  . ••• - •... 18 - 18 96 -108 94¼-111  .•• 103 -112  106~-l<>P  . •. . .... - . .. . ... - .. . . .•. - ........ - ... ...•. -  St. L. & San Fran.. 100 22¼2d pref ........ ....... 100 .... St.Loul ■ Southw't.100 .... SeattleElectrlc ..... 100 .... Pref.................. 100 . ... Southern .............. 100 .... Pref ................. 100 . ... South. Cal. pref .... 100 .... Southern Pacific. . .. l 00 42¾Texas & Pacific.... . 100 Union Paclflc •.... ... 1O0 78¼.eref ............... ... 100 82 Rhrbt ■ ••••••••••••• .......  Vermont & Mass . .. .100 West .End ... ... . ... .. ~o Pref ..... ...... .... .... ~O Waba■ b ............... 100 Pref ... ............... . 100 Wheel. & L. Erle .. 100 WI ■ • Cent'l (new) .. ] 00 Pref. (new) .. 100 Wor.Nash.& Roch.100  27~ 82¾- S~ 4SJ.:(- 48~ .... - ... . ..•. -  - ..... ... - ........ ........ - ... 84%- 84¾ s~- s'™ .... .. - . ..... . . - ........ .... 22!1(- 20~ 25¼- 25¼ 28!1(- SO¾ 29%.. .. 761}.(- 76:Ji( .... - .... 88¼- 88~ •... ... . .... - ........ - ... . ... - ..... ... -  - .... 42 - 42 .... - •••• 46 - 50 49¼- 51 56 - 61 98 - 98 98 - 99¼ 98 -101 100 -102 101 -102 108 -108  29¾ 82%-- 88¾ .... ........ - ,.. . ... -  - •... 84¼- St¼ 82¼- 82¼ .... - •••..••• - .... 87!1:(- 87!1( .... - ........ - ........ -  ........ - ..... .. - .... 20 - 20 ... - ........ - .... 19 - 19 20 - 20 47~ 46 - 47¾ 48¼- 45~ 5~- 52~ 4~- 57~ 57-U- 62~ 683'- 5~ 583'- 6SU 56¾- 57¾ 59¾- 59¼ 61U- 611' .•. . 85 84  .... -  172¼-17~ 92'4- 94 110 -112¼  .... - ... ... - .... 11¾- 11¾ 17¾- 17¾  .... ... . -  ... . 98 - 98  - •......• - ..•...•. - ... .•... - ........ - .•• . •••• - ••.• 102 -108 101 -105 103 -106 105 -111 98 -116¼ 1~120 - ... .... • 5¼- 10 •••• - •.•. - . . . . 40U- 41U 45¼- 45¾ 41¼- 41¼ 58~- 5S~ 513'- 5~ - .... 71 - 71¾ .•• . -  48~- 49!1( . • • • - • . •. 8iU- 97¾ 87¾- 9!¼ 00 -119¼ 86 -18~ 105¼-116¼ 88 - 00¼ 88!1(- 8~ 84!1(- 97¼ 87¾- 99 89¼- 92¼ ·50 -1·00 •50 -·81¼ .... - . . ..... •.•• - . •...•.. - .... . ... - . .. . . ... - •....... 93!1(- 95 94¼- 98 94¾- 99 94 - 98¼ 94 - 96 ll()U-112 lll¼-118 113¼-11~ 111 -114 112 -115 17¾- 17¾ 19¾- 19M •••• - .... l~- 22 .•.. 28U- 83~ •..• - ••. . .••. - •••••• •• - ••• 45 - 45 ..•. - ... . .... - . .. .. .• . - •...• ... - ........ 17 - 18¾ 19-U- 21 19!1(- 24l,4 ...• - •... 20~- 24 4¼- 44~ 46 - 46¼ .•.. - ... . 441'· 44U 471'- '8  - ........ -  . . •• 90 -110~ 9~-104!1( 98 -101¾ 94!1(-108 8~- 90¼ 88 - 92 87 - 92 86¼- 00 - .••• 95 - 97 110 -112 - . •. . .•.. - • . . .  178 -178¼••·· - .....•.• P5¼- V7 98 - 96¾ 98 111 -118 112¼-113 113 . • • • - . . . 21 - 21 . . . . . . . . - . . . . 40 - 40 .. . .  100¼-108¼ 97!,,(-108½ 89¼- 94¼ 87¾- 00¾  - ••• . 172 -178½rt72 -172 .• - 94 94 - 95 98!,t- 95 -113½ llSJ.d-114¼ 111 -114¼ - •. . . . . . . - .. . . . • . . -  19 - 21U 21¾- 21¾ 2l!J,t- 28¼ 20¾- 21!1( 21 - 21¾ 19!1(- 20 44¼- 44!4 . ••. - ........ - .... 42¾- 42¾ 40¼- 40¼ - ..•. 150 -155 150 -150 150 -150 . . . . .  MISCELLANEOUS. Am.Airrlcul.Chem.100 28 - 83 29 - 83~ 28 - so 28 - 81 253'- 29 29 - 34'¼ 29 - 81¾ 29 - SOU 21 - so 20 - 28¾ 22 - 25¾1 20 - 23~ Pref ................... 100 80 - 82 81 - 85 82 - 85 81¾- 84¾ 80 - 84¼ 84 - 91 87 - ~ 88 - ~ 82¼- 90 80 - 82¼ 81 - 82¾ 79¼- 83 Am. Car & F'ndry •.100 .... - • • • . 28 - 28!1:( . . . . - • •• . • . . . Pref ................•.. 100 .•.. - ..•. 88¼-88¼•··· - • ······ A.mer. Couon 011 ... 100 .... - •... 29¾-~ •••• - •.•. 86 - 86 •.•• - •••.•••• - •••• 29~- 29¼ .... American Ice ....... . 100 . . . . - . . . . ~ - ~ 40!4- 40~ • • • • A.mer. Llnseed ...... 100 .... ~~ .... Pret .................. 100 85!4- 88 ..•• - ........ - •.....• . S2!1(- 82~ ... . A.mer. Locomotive. 100 . . . . - . . - .... ... Pref ............... . . . 100 .... - ... . .... - ........ - ........ 85 - 85 •••• 00~- 91¾ 88¾- 89¾A.mer. Pneumat.Ser.~•• 3!1(- 6 ff¾- 10½ 97.,f- 11 9¼- 10 8¼- 1~ 5 - 10 SM- 9'4 9 - 9!4 - • •• . 6 - 8 6 - 6 5 - 6¼ Pref... .............. . :iO 29 - 88 so - 83 82 - 88 81¼- 82¼ 29¼- 83 29¼- 82 80 - 81 28 - 80 29 - 80¼ 28¼- 80 29 - 81 80 - SO¼ A.mer. Smeltlnir..... 100 59~- 59¾ 58¼- 62¼ 56¾- 56¾ 59 - 59 52!4- 60¼ 56 - 5~ • • • • - • • • . 51 - 62 ~ - 60'4 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . • . . 943,i- 94¼ . . • . - • • . 101 -101 Pret ................... 100 .... - ........ - .... .. 93J1i- ~ .••. Amer. Steel Hoop .. 00 .... - .... 86U- 86~ 86¼- 8~ •... - •••..•.. Am. Steel & Wire .• t 00 39 - 47 40 - 50 40¼- 42'4 ... - ••..•.•• Pref....... ........ . 100 .... - ... . .... - . . . . 9534- 95J.:( .... - ........ American Suirar.... 100 181"-147~ 185!4-143 188U-148'U 139-U-152 185 -151¼ 14(%-15~ 134 -14~ 129~-141 120 -1~112M-122 1163,(-127 108 -126!,t Pref: . .......... ... , . .. 100 117 -119 118¼-118¼ 120 -124 120 -124 121 -124 120 -124 120 -130 125 -128 115 -127~11SJ.(-117 115 -117~ 112 -118 Rlah ta.................... . . . .. - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . - . . . . 4¾- 5J.( 3 - !l¼ .. • • - • . .. .. • • Pref'. rlarhts ............. . .... - ........ - ... . 2~- SM ~- 3 .... - •...•••• Am, Tela-. & Telep.100 151 -164¼ 155 -165 1583'-173 166¾-167 167!1(-182 152 -174¼ 153 -IM¼ 158 -169¼160¾-169 155 -162 156¼-161 160 -165 Rlarhta ..................... .... - ........ - .. . ... - ... ... .. 15¼- 18 16 - 1~ .••• Am. Tin Plate, pf ... 100 .... - .... 101¾-101¼ .•. • - ••..•... Amer. Woolen ....... 100 163,(- 21% 17 - 20J4 14¾- 17¼ 15 - 17 15 - 16 15!4- 18 17 - 20 17 - 18 15½- 18 H - 17¼ 16¼- 18¾ 15 - 18 Pret ... ... , ............ 100 73 - 78 74 - 75 70%-- 75 71~- 75 72 - 75 74 - 82~ 78 - 88 78 - SOJ.( 77 - 80 78~- 77M 76¼- 81 79 - 81 Boston Elec. Llarht.100 100 -240 210 -220 220 -257 240 -250 240 -240 280 -240 285 -285 197 -197 .... Trust Co. receipts..... . . . . Boston Land.......... 1 O . • • . 4 - 4~ 4 - !l 4!,t- 4½ 4 - 4¼ 4 - 4. •• • • ~- 43' 4. - 4 Boston Water Power.. 8 - S¾ S - 8 ..•• 53,(- 5l,( .••• A.Hented..... .. . . . . . . . . . . 3¼- SJ.( 8¾- 7¼ 6¼- ~ 5!1(- ~ 6M- ~ • •• • Boyl ■ ton St. Land . . .. 2 - 4~ 434- 4J,t 4¼- ~ ... . - . .. . ...• Uol. Fuel & Iron . ...100 . . . . - . . .. 523,(- 52~ •.•. - .•...... - .•. . ...• Col.& Hock.C.& I.UI0 .••. - •....... - .•.. 1 ~ MI i •... - ... . 14¼- 1~ ••• • Contlnent'I Tobac.. 100 42 - 44¾ ..•• - ... . "3M-~ G9U- CID¼ •••• - •••.••• . - ...... . Pref ................. .. 100 . ... - .... ~ 9~ 100 -100 .... - •....... - .•..••.• - •••.•••• Oumb.Telep.&Tel.100 .... .... - ....... - ........ - .... 188 -140 .••• - •••. 188 -188 129¼-188311 .••. Dom. Iron & Steel...... 213'- 24 223'- 31¾ 80 - 89 85 - 39 88!1(- ~ 80 - 86~ 293'- 84 28 - ~ 22 - ~ 20 • ~ 27 - 80 243'- 27~ Ea ■ t Bo ■ ton Land.. .. . 8%-- 9!4 8¾- ~ 8¼- 9 8 - 9¾ 8¼- 9¼ 8 - ~ 73'- 8 7M- 1'-' 'I¼- 7!I( 7¾- 8¾ 7 - ~ 7~- 8ff. Edl ■ on Elec. Illum.100 217 -250 240 -250 247¾-270 .... - •.•. 240 -255 250 -250 265 -256 250 -255 ~7¼-251 240 -250 240 -24~ 282 -248 Rlarht ■ .. .. .. ..•• .•... ...... - .....•.. - ........ - . ... 3 - 43' ErleTeleai,&Telep l 00 48 - 99 49!1(- 64 46 - 64 49 - 63 55 - 61~ 60 • 69 47 - 52 45 - 51 Si¼· 45 20 - U 20¼- 25¾ 15 - 22 Federal ~teel ...... . . 100 41!4- 58¼ !l4 - 55 42¼- 60 62!1(- 55M ••.• - .••..... - .••.•••• - ••..•.• Pref........... ........ 100 68¾- 77'4 73 - 88¾ ~-104 1~!1(-105~ •••• - ........ - •••..• . • Frenchman'• B. Ld .... :J . ... ·10 - •25 ·12 -•15 ...• - •.. . .... - .••. •15 - ·15 - ........ - ........ - ....... General Electrlc .... 100 18!¼-192¼ 191%-215 210 -215 2293,(-229~ 209¼-281 2813'-256 24.6 -2~ 2473'-268 259 -260 255 -2593-9258 -280 2753'-288 Pref................... 100 156 -161½ 159¼-190 100 -204 204 -228 219¼ 281 246 -268 •••• - •••• 257 -257 . ••• Gluco ■ e Suai. Reftn. 100 47!1(- 47'-( . • . . 45¼- 4-SJ.4 •• •• - • • •• 42¾- 42311.... Pref ........... . . ... 100 .... ~ 9~ ••• • 4 4 .... lndo-Ea-ypt Comp ... 100 8 - , 8 6 - 8 4 - 7¼ .... - .... 1 - 1 ..• • lnternal'I But.-H .... 10 2 - 2~ •••. 2 - 2 . .•. Internat'I Paper. . 100 .... - ... . ... - ....... - .... 25 - 25 .... Pref ............... ... . l 00 69M- 70½ . . . . - . ... .... - . . • . 74¾- 76¾ 75~- 76!4 77~- 77¾.... - • • • . 7634- 75J.( •• . Merirenthaler Lln .. 100 160 -180 153 -175 157!,t-167 159 -165 159 -177 164 -175¾ 162!14-166 168 -170 166 -169 166 -176 17~-182" 167 -181 Mexican Telephone.. ] O 2¼- 3 2¾- 3 2!1(- SM 8 - 3¼ 2¾- s~ 2¼- 2M 2¾- 2¾ 2¼- 2M 2 - 2¾ 2 - 2¾ 2 - 2¾ 13'- 2¼Mlchla-an Teleph .... 100 .... - .... 55 - 55 - ... . 50 - 50 •••. - .... 50 - 50 .••• - •.. . ...• - •.•. 102 -103 Mlnn.Gen.El.,pf .. 100 ... - ........ - ... 101¼-101½ ...• - ••. ,42-42 ..•• - • • • • 41M;- 41!1( . . • • National Bl ■cult ... . 100 .... - • . • • • . .. - .... 100 -100 • • . . Pref................... 100 .... National Lead ....... 100 17%- 17¾ ••.. - • . • . 16-U- 1~ 19 - 19¼ 19U- 24M; 20¼- 20¼ . . • Pret ................... 100 85-U- 85U .••. JIii atlono.l Salt ........ 1 00 421'- 421' . . . . - •• • . •. . National Steel. .... . 100 .... - .... 4.'i:)f- 47¼ •.•. - •••.••.. Pref ................ . . 100 .... - ........ - .... 1053'-106¼ .••. - ••. . •••. National Tube ...... 100 58¼- 70 52~- 69¾ 58 - 64.~ 65¼- 69¾ .••. Pret ................... 100 98 -106 100 -101% 100 -118 116 - ~ ..•. N. E. Cot.-Yarn, pf, t 00 9534- 99 90 - 95 91 - 92¼ 00 - 92 91 - 98 00¼- 96 91!4- 93 93 - 94'¾ 93¾- 98!,t 00 - 94 90 - 98 88 - 91 N. Enarl'd Gas & C .. 100 1134- 15 11¼- 14¾ 12 - 13 10 - 183' 1~- llU 6¼- 10¼ 5¼- ~ 5!4- 8 6 - 8 5 - 7 434- 9M 49'- 6~ ,.,,, N. Enir. Teleph'ne .. 100 127½-189 135 -187 1853'-141 uo -146 140 -144¼ 189 -144¾ 138¼-141 186 -14.0 185 -188 188 -134¾182 -184 132 -134.¾ Rla-hts.................... .. .... ~- 6 •••• - •••••••• - ••• ••• •• - •••••••• - •••••••• - •••• Pacl8cMall .......... 100 .... - .... 85ff- ~ .... - ........ - ..... . .. - •... 44'¼- 45% Plant'rs'CompreH.100 20 - 24¼ 16 - 20 16 - 17 12 - HS 12 - 14 ~ - 19¼ 14 - 17l,( 12¾- 16 13!1(- 16 14 - 16 1~- 16~ 18 - 15 PreH. St'l Car, pf.. 100 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 84¾- &¾ .... - ••.• ~ - ~ .•. Pullman Company.100 198 -202 198 - ~ 199 -210 208 -215 200 -210¼ 208 -211 205 -210 204 -209¾205 -214 212 -225 21~-~li12 -2!0 Reece Buttonhole.... 10 8 - 9 ~- 8J,t 6¼- 1"' 6 - 7 6 - 7 6¼- 7 6 - 7¼ 6 - 6¼ 6 - 6~ 5!1(- 6 6 - 8¾ 6 - 7 Republic Ir. & St'l.100 20¾- 20¾ •••. Pref................. . 1 00 711%- 76% • • • • -  - ....  - ........ -  b A88888ment paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  BOSTON STOCKS.  BOSTON STOCKS IN STOCKS.  ,JANUARY F11:BR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  1901-CONCLUDED.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. 8EPT'BEB OCTOBER. NOV'BEB.  DEC'BER.  .Pf-ices per share, not per cent.  Par. Low.High Low.ffigh Low.High Low.High Low.IDgh Low.Htizh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  ------·----11 ---- ---- - - - ---- ---- - - - - - -  St. 1tlary'sC.&M.L ... . - ...... .. - ... . 225 -225 55 -55 .... - ........ - ......•• - .... . ... - ... . . .. - . ....... - .... . .. - .. .. Rlarhts ... ..... ......... ... . . .. - . .. . ... - ... . 5¼- 18~ .... - ........ - ..•..••. - ... .. .. - ........ - .... .. .. - .. . . - . .. . . ... - . . . . . . - .••. Stand. Rope & Tw.100 .... - .... .... - ........ - ........ - .... 7¼- 7¾ . .. - .... .. .. - ..•• .• - . . - .. . .. ... - . .. .... - ....... . - ... . Swift & Co ........... 100 102¾-10~ 102M-l~ 10~-110 1~ -108~ l~-107 107 -110 106!14-108 l~-107¾ L06 -107~ 106 -107 106 -107¼ 100 -106~ Tenn. Coal & I-ron.100 5 ~ 65% 5~- 59¼ ~ - 61 6SM- 6SM 55¼- 55¼ ••• - ........ - ... . 60 - 60 .... - ........ - . . 65 - 65 .. .. - ... . Torrlnirton, Class A.23 26 - 28 2~- 28 27¼- 28½ 27'-'- 28 27¼- 28 27¾- 28¾ . ••• - . . . . 28 - 29 . . . . - • . . . 27¼- 27¼ . • . . - . . . . 25¾- 27 Pref ............ ....... . 23 27 - 28 27 - 28 27¼- 28 27¼- 28 28 - 29 28¾- 29 29 - 29 29 - 29 • • • • - • . .. 29 - 29 28 - 29 28¾- 29 Un. Cop. Ld. & lll'1r.23 ~- S¾ S - S'-( S¾- 5 S¾- 4 3 - 3¼ 2!14- Sl,4 3 - ~ S - 83,4 3 - ~ 2¾- 2¼ 2 - 2 .... - •••• United Frult ......... 100 124,¼-127¼ 124¼-127¾ 127 -137 124 -131 123 -129¾ 96 -12«1¾ 90 - 98¼ 83 - 91 ':S - ~ 81!'-(- 90 82¾- 91 87¾- 95 Rlarht ■ .... •. . •. . .. . .. . ... . . .. •. - . .. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . . . . - .. .. .. .. - .. . . . . . . - . . .. •• .. - .... ·01 - ·05½ .. .. - • . • . .. . . - •• . . .. • - .. .. . .. . - ••• . United Shoe Mach'y.23 Sl - 82 8~- 31:¼ 31¼- 85 Sl - 83 Sl - S~ 31¾- 86¾ 36 - 87¾ 37¾- 40 ,lO - 44 40 - 43 42 - 4831! 45!,t- 46¾ Pref .................... . ~3 28¼- 24~ 23¾- 24:¼ 24 - 26 24 - 25 24 - 24!14 2!iM- 25¾ 25 - 26½ 2G - 27 26¾- SO 26"- 28 27¼- 30 28:J(- 29¼ Rl1rhts... ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . - . . . . .. .. - .... ·50 - ·75 •55 - •72 • .. • - .. .. .. • • - .. • • • .. • - • • • • • • • - • • . .. • • - • • • • . • • • - •••. , • .. - • • • . • .. - •••• U. !!ii. Bxpress ........ 100 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 90¼- 90¾ . ... - .... .• - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. . .... - ...•.... - .... .... - •... U.S. Leather ........ 100 11¾- 14% 12lki- 15¼ 12¼- 18¾ 13¼- 14¾ 9 - 1~ 18¾- 15¾ 12¼- 13¼ 18¼- 14¾ 12 - 14¼ 11¾- 12¾ 11!1(- 18 11¼- 1~ Pret ................... 100 74 - 76% 74 - 75M 74%- 75% 76¾- 79¾ 78~- 79¾ 79¼- 80¼ .... - .... 78 - 83¼ 79 - 82¾ 80 - 80 82¼- 82~ 82 - 82 U. s. Rubber ......... 100 19¾- 34 18¾- 22 1~- 22¾ 19¾- 23 20¾- 21½ 21¾- 21'4 19¾- 19¼ 19 - 19 18¼- 18¼ 18¾- 15¼ 15¾- 15¾ 14 - 14¼ Pref.................. 100 ~ - ~~ 60 - ~ 57¼- 58¾ 62~ 62~ 60 - 67 60¾- 63!14 57%- 61 55M- 59½ 53¾- 55 48 - 52~ 46!'(- 58 46 - 50 U. s. Steel Corp'n .. 100 .... - ........ - ... . 45%- 46% 45¼- 54½ 83 - 54% 4~- 52:1,s 87~- 48¼ 89¼- 45¾ 40½- 45'4 41¼- ~ 41¼- 44¼ ~ - 48% Pref....... . ........... 100 .... - ....... - .... 95%- 96 93%-101¼ 88 -101% 98 -100¼ 86¼- 99 89¾- 95¾ 90¾- 96% 90¾- 94!14 90½- 9,i 89¾- 98¾ West End Land ... ~ ... 23 - ... . 1 - l!J:( 1 - l;( 1¼- 1¾ l¼- 1¼ l¼- l¼ ... . - ........ - ... . 1 - 1 ¾· ¾ '4- 1 ·65 -·65 w. Union Tel'nh .. 100 85 - 85% .... - ........ - •....•.. - .••. 93~- 93¼ ... . - •... 91'4- 9l!Ji 90¼- 90½ 90%- 90¾ 91¼- 91¼ 89!14- 92% 91¾- 91¾ Westlnar. El. & Mf1r .. :i0 54 - 57 55;(- 62 59 - 63½ 61~- 66¾ 62 - 64¼ 64 - 70'4 67)4- 70½ 68 - 75 70 - 75 70 - 72½ 70¾- 74¾ 72 - 89¾ Pref.................... .:rn 66 - 70 70 - 72 70 - 78~ 72~- 72J,t 78 - 76¾ 75 - 79 78 - 79¾ 78 - 80 80 - 80¾ 77 - 79¼ 77 - 79¾ 80 - 91 Rl1rhta ... .................... .. - ........ - ........ - . . . . l¾- 2 •••• - •••• •••• - .. • • ••• - ••• . •••• - •••.•••• - ••• •• ••• - ••••••• - ... . .. .. - • • • · Wollaaton Land ........ 3 .... - .... 1¾- 1¾ .... - . . . .... - . .. . ... - . . . . ... - . .•...•. - .... . ... - •.....•. - ....... - . .. . !I:(¾ 1 - 1¼  MINING. Adventure Conaol. .. ,23 *9½· 11 10 - 16 12¼- 16 *14¾-tl7¾ 1~- 19¾ 17 - 22¼ 21 - 26½ 28¼- BS½ 21 - 83 21 - 25~ 21 - 24½ 16 - 24!4 Aetna Con. Qulcksllv.3 1 - 1 •70 - 1 •75 - •75 •75 - ·75 ·75 - •75 , .. . - ... . ..•• - •• • ..•. • - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... •50 - •50 Allonez .................. 2~ 2!1:(- s~ 3 - 4 2½- S¾ 2!14 - s 2M- 8½ 2¾- s 2¾- S½ S¼- 6~ 2~ 5¾ 1¼- 5¾ 4¼- 5 2 - 4:1:( A.mal1ram. Copper.. 100 84¾- 94,¾ 88~- 95 94 -103¾ 100 -128J.i 91 -125 118¾ I ~ 110 -124~ 110¾-122¾ 88 -119¾ 83¾- 92 72½- 88-U 60¾- 'i6% Amer.Gold Dredarlnar.3 .... - ... . - ... .... - . . . . .. 5 - 5½ .... - ... . .•.. - ... . 4~ 4¾ .••. - .... 2 - S 2 - 2 Am. Zinc Ld. & Sm .. 2:} 11¾- 12¾ 9 - 12~ 9 - 11~ 10 - 18 12 - 16~ 18 - 16 lS - 1~ 12 - lS 11¼- 11~ 9%- 10 10 - 10 9¾- 10¼ Anaconda .............. .2:} 42 - 46½ 43¼- 44¾ 45~- 48 47~- o;l 40 - 51 48 - 51¾ 48½ 48~ 46 - 48½ 47 84¼- 37 82%- 84% 29 - 82 Arcadian ............... 2:J 17~- 20¾ 15 - 2034 17¾- 2~ 20 - 23!-\ 15 - l:ll 16~- 11"'4 15 - 16~ 12 - 15:Ji 8¾- 14 5¾- 9¼ 5 - 9 S½- 5¾ Arnold .... : ............. 2/j 4 - 5J,t S¼- 4 S¾- 5~ 3~ - 5 3 - s1,, 2\i · 2loi 2¼- 2'½ l'-(- S 1'4- 2~ lJ.- 1¾ l¼- 1¼ ¾- 1 A•h Bed................. 23 ·S7¾- •50 ·a7¼- ·so ·1s!l4- ·oo ·37¾- ·37}1 ·ao - ·so ·35 - ·35 . .•. - . .. . 25c.- 2oc. 25c.- 25c..... - .... 25c.- 25c . ... - ... . Atlantic ............ ... .2:} 25¾- 29½ 25~- 35 32 - 8674 SO - l:15 29 - 35 31 - 31'1J.i 85 - 38 35 - 88 82!'-(- 43 80 - 41¾ 86 - 42 24¾- 40½ Baltlc .................... !l:} 32¾- 86 343,4- 46 37¾- 47~ 41 - 49» 85 - 6:.l 421¼- 54 50 - Si½ 50 - 57 40!14- 58 39¾- 47 41 - 48 34 - 45¾ Am, L. & T. receipts" .. - ....... - .. .. - . . . .. .... - .. . .... - . . . ... . ... - .. . ... - ... . .... - ........ - ... SOM- 38 Blnirbam (C. & G.) ... 10 15¾- 16¾ 16 - 21¾ 21 - 26~ 23~- 21lx. *20 - 26 i22 - 24¼ 21 - 24.¾ 20¾- 48~ 31 - 42¼ 28 - 31¾ 27¾- SO 24 - 28¾ Bonanza (Dev. Co.) .. 10 1 - 1% 1)4- 1~ 1¼- 1~ l;(- l¾ 1¾- 1~ l¼ l½ 11-16- l~ l¼- l~ 11-16- 1¾ 1 - 1¼ 1 - l¾ 1 - 1 Boaton Qulck ■U-Yer.. 10 5¼- ~ 5¾- 7¾ 6!14- 7¾ 6 - 7 6¾- 6 ... •..• - ....... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .. .. - ... . Boston & Montana .. 2:} 800 -326¾ 312 -881 329½-370 360 - 1457 ISllO 460 438 -498 • • .. - • • • • • • - • • • . • • . - .. • • . • • - .. .. • • .. - .. . . • • • . - •. •• Breece (Iron) ......... 21} .... - ... . ... - ....... . .... - ... . .. .. - . .. .. .. ... - .. . . ... - .. . .... - . . . 1 - 1 l¼- 1¼ 1 - 1 British Columbia..... . 3 22 - 28¼ 19¾- 22 19!J,4- 21~ 14,¾- 19½ 18 - 18¾ . .. . - . . . 15~ 15¾ 13!14- 18¾ 15 - 15 11!4- 14" 123'- 14 .... .- .... Butte & tlo ■ton ....... 1 O 77 - 83 78¾- f!7 86 -106 95 -11u 192 -116 118 -124¾ . . . . - • . . . • . . - • • . . .. • • - .. . . .. . . - .. • . - . .. .. . • - ..• • Calumet & Hecla .. . .2:} 830 -855 842 -855 775 -860 810 -838 820 -840 785 -825 7ll'i -790 700 -750 651 -780 680 -680 615 -665 535 -646 Catalpa(Sllver) ...... 10 ·20 -·20 •••• - ... . ... - .... ·20 -·22~ ·20 -·20 •15 -•15 .. .. - .. .. 15c.- 15c..•• - ... . 15c.- 15c.17¾o-17¾c 12c.- 15c. Centennial. ............ 2:} ~~- 25~ 22¼- 28 24!1:(- 29¾ ~5¼-t32 23¾- 34J,t" 28'-'- Sl!lt 27 - 81¼ 2i - Sl~ 19¾- 32¾ 15¾- 21!1,( 16 - 18M 10¾- 1~ Oenteunlal-Eureka..21} 23¾- 25 24 - 28 27M- S5 Sl - 849' 28 - 34 30 - 32 SO¾- 31¾ .. .. - • . . . . • . . - . . . . .. • . - • . . . • . . - ...... .. - ••.• Central OU ............. !iB~ 12 - 14 18 - 13 11 - 12¾ 11 - 11 11 - 11 .... - .... 7¾- 10 8 - 8 8 - 8~ 8 - 8 8 - 9 ... . - .. . . Cocbltl................... 10 9¾- IS¼ 8¼- 11 8¾- 10 69'- 8½ 5¾- 8 5~- 6¼ 4¾- 5¾ 5 - 5½ SM- 5¾ s~- ~ 4 - 4 19'- S¾ Conaol. Mecur Gold •.. 3 .... - ........ - ... . .... - . .. . 3:1,s- 4 S - SM ~- 8% 2!14- 8 2¾- S 2¾- 2¾ 2 - 2% 1)4- 2 1~- ll}s Cont'l Zinc & Lead .. 10 .... - .. lM- 19' 1 - 1 .•.• - ........ - ........ - ••. 1¾- I¾ 1¼· 1¾ - ••. 1 - 1 .... - . ... 2 - 8 Copper Ran1re .. ..•.. .. 2.) 84¼ · 89 87¼- 50 44 - 58¼ 50 - 60 !i5 - 6,i 52 - 78 71¾- 79¾ 74 - 82¾ 55 - 81¾ 54 - 68¾ 58 - 70 47 - 66 Am. L. & T. recelpta.. . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . . - . .. .. . . . - . . . . . . . - .. . .. . . . - .. . . 44. - 51¼ Crescent (1!!111..-er) ..... t O .... - ... . ·1s - ·18 ·12 - ·12 •15 - •15 .... - ••. . ·10 - ·10 •••. - .. ...... - .••..... - .... . ... - ....... - .•. • ·to -·10 Daly-Weat ...... ........ 20 29¾- SO¾ SO~- 32¾ 34 - 85¾ 86 - 36 35¾- 36¾ 41 - 41 48¼- 48¾ 41 - 41 83 - 40 82 - 86 28 - 83 30 - 30 Dominion Coal ...... 100 82!14- 40 82¾ - 37¾ 37 - 40¾ 36 - 89 82 - 87¾ 83M- 44 87 - 40!,,( 38 - 89¾ 39%- 45¼ 43½- 50 46)4- 49 46 - 53~ Pref ............. ..... 100 108 ,-110 109 -llO 110 -111 lll¾-115 114¼-115¾ 114 -117 114 -116 116 -116~ ll5 -117 116%-119 US -118 116 -120 Dunkin.............. . . . .. . . ·15 - •15 . . . . - .. .. . . . . - . . . . . . • • - • • • . . . • . - .. . • • .. . - . .. . • • .. - .. . . ... - • . .. . . . . - . . . . . . . - .. • .. . . - • . . . . . • . - ..•• Elm River ... ........ ... 12 4¾- 6 4¾- fl¾ 5¾- 7 5¼- 6 s - 6¾ 4 - 5 4¾- 5¾ i¾- 5% S¾- 6 s~- 4 3¼- 3M 2 - 8~ Franklln ................ 26 15½- 18½ l'TJ4- 24M 21 - 25 18 - 21¼ 16 - 19¾ 16"- 18 16¾- 18 17 - 19¾ 16¾- 22M 16¾- 18 16¾- 16¾ 11¼- 16 Guanajuato Conaol ... . ~ . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . - . .. . .. - . . . . . . .. - .. . . . .. . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. - . .. . 6 - SM 5¼4 - 5¼ Humboldt ............... 26 •25 -·75 ·s7¼-·75 ·so -·62¼ •50 -·so •25 -·ss •25 -·25 •••• - ..... ••• - .... 500.- soc.10c.-12¾c..... - ... .... . - . . . hie Royale ....... .... . 23 83 - 89 87 - 42 41 - 45 42 - 54¼ 42 - ~ 42¾- 49),( 41 - 45¾ 38 - 43 25 - 41 23 - 28 21½- 25¾ 18½- 23 MaH Coosol .... ...... .. 23 11 - 13~ 12 - 15 IS - l ~ 16¾- 20¾ 15 - 20 16 - 18 16¼- 19¾ 20 - 3~ 26:1,s - 37¾ 23~ - 29 22 - 25¼ 15 - 25 .lllayflower ..... ........ 23 2 - 2% 2 - i 2M- 3¾ 2~ 2M 2 - 2¾ 1¾- l'U 1¾- 2 2 - 2¾ 2~- S¾ S - 5% 3¾- 4¾ 13'- 3¾ Melones........ ......... . 10 . 1 . - l¼ l¾- 1~ 1)4- l¾ l - 1¾ 2 - ! .... - . ....... · . . . . . .. . - ........ - . . . . . . . - .. . . . .. - .. .. Merced (Gold) ......... 16 5 - 6 5 - 6 5 - 5¼ 5 - 5¾ 5 - 5¼ 5 - 6 5 - 5¾ 41. - 4 5~- 5¾ •••. - . . .... - ........ - .. .. Mlchlaan... ............ . 2:J 5¾- 6" SM- 9 6¼- 7¾ 7 - 9½ 7 - 9 7 - t831i 89'- 15 12¼- 18¾ 12¼- 20 12¼- 16 13 - 14¾ 8 - 13 Mohawk ................ 23 22 - 28½ 23¾- 21l¾ 27¼- 84lM 29¼- 40 Sl - 53¼ 87¼- 48M 89¼- 44¼ 41 - 63 41 - 56!,4 40¾- 46¾ ~O¼ - 43¼ 25 - 40¾ Montana Coal & C ..2:} ~- 7 4 - 6 5 - 6½ 5½- 6% 4%- 5½ 4¾ • 5 5 - 5!,( 5 - 5.11, 4:J.(- 5 4¼- 4¾ 4 - 4¼ 4 - 4¼ Montreal & Bo ■ton ... 6 ... . - ........ - ... .. - . ....... - ........ - ........ - .. . ... - ... . .... - ....... - ........ - ........ - .... 4 - ~ Napa (Qutck•llver) .... , .... - .... 4 - 4 4 - 5 4 - 4¾ 4 - 4 4)4. 4¼ 4 - , - ........ - ... 4 - 4 .... - . .... ... - .. .. National ................. 2:} .... - . . . . 1¾- l¾ .... - . . . 1 - 1 1 - l 1 - 1 l~- l!'-( l~- 4¾ l 9-16- 4 2 - 21'( 2 - 2¾ l½- lk New ldrla (Qulckall.).3 .... - ........ - .... 8 - 8 .... - ........ - ••• . •••• - •••.•.•• - • •• • 6 - 6 ••• - ........ - ........ - .. . .... - • .•• No.Am. GoldDred'a.10 '75 - 1 '75 - •75 •40 - l ·10 -·so .... - ... .. •.. - ........ - ....... - •.•.... - •••... - •....•.. - ...... . - .. .. Old Colony.............. 23 S¼- 3¾ 3¾- 5 4 - 5 4 - 4 S!)(- , .... - .... 2 - 8 8 - 5½ S¾- 5J,( 4 - 5¾ 3M- 4!1.( 8 - 4 O. Dominion (Copp.).23 28;(- 82¾ 8()9'- 38 34!4- 38¾ Sl¼- 3~ 28 - 86¼ SO - 84¾ 28¼- 819' 29 - 85 27 - 85 , 24M- 29¾ 24¼ 27½ 20½- 25¾ Osceola .................. 23 79½- 86~ 83 - 90½ 82 - 94¾ SIM- 89 80¾- 98 87 - 90 87¾- 93~ 9{¾-110¼ 96 -120 93 -103¾ 92 -101¾ 72 - 92 Parrott (S. & 0.) ...... 10 45 - 51 47 - 51¾ 509'- 54¾ 50 - 58 47 - 56¼ 51 - 55¾ 5G - M 50 - 58~ 86¾- 53 36¼- 41¼ 85 - 87!4 27¾- 83 Phenix Conaol ... ... .23 .... - .... 4 - 5¾ 4¾- 5 3¾- 4-U S¼- 4 S¾- 8¾ 4 - 5 4¾- 6¼ 6%- ~ 5¼- 6¾ 5¾- 6 S½- 6 Quincy ....... .. ... ...... 23 152 -180 165 -180 170 -178 170 -187 166 -179 170 -176 170 -180'4 170 -180 159 -180 155 -165 152 -160 125 -155 Rhode Island . ..... .... ~:, 4%- 5 4¾- 10 5¾- 8¼ 5¾- 631! 4 - 6 S¾- 4¾ ~- SM 4 - 6% 4;(- 7% 3M- 4¾ 3¾- 4 8 - 8¾ 8anta.Fe(G.&C.) ... 1U 6 - 734 6¼- 8~ ~- 9 8 -10¼ 6¾- 8¾ 6¼- 7¾ 6¾- 7 7 - 8 4¾- 7¾ 4 - 5¾ 4 - 5 21,4- 3¼ Santa Ysabel (Gold) .. ~ 23,(- 2¾ 2 - 2¾ 1¾- l¾ 1¾- l¼ ... . - .... 50 -·50 .... - .... 50c.- 50c. 75c.- l 50c.- 50c. 75c. -75c. 1 - 1 Shawmut Oil . . . .. ~;J •••• - • ••• 15 - 16 .•.. - . . . lO - 14 15¾- 15¾ . . . .. .. - . . . . - .. . ... - . .. .... - ...... . - .. . . .... - ... . Tamarack.... ... . . .. 23 320 -350 380 -3i0 825 -850 380 -355 815 -343 880 -3!i5 342 -850 343 -350 280 -363 280 -810 265 -295 280 -285 Tecumseh .......... .... .2:} l 9•16- 2 l!li(- 3 l¾- 2/Js l!J.(- 2 1¼- 2¾ 2 - 2 2 - 2¼ 1¾- 2¼ 1 - 3 1 - 2¼ l!J.(- 2 ·62¾-·62¾ Tennes ■ ee Copper .... 23 .... - .... .... - ... . ... 22 - so 19¼- 25)4 20 - 23 22 - 22 22 - 22 17 - 17 14¾- 14¾ 11 - 11 14¼- 1~ Tri-Mountain ......... ~3 19¾- 23 209'- 29 27 - 4,i *34 - 50 87 - 49 46 - 55 50¾- 55 51¾- 57 48 - 58 40¾- 45 41 - 48½ 28 - 41 Trinity ................. .~;} .... ... . - .... 28 - S!i 28 - 39 25 - 35¼ 32~- 41 33¾- 88¾ 33!,,t - 37¼ 25¾- 38¾ 24¼- 27!'-( 24¾- 27" 10 - 25¼ United State ■ •..•...•. .23 9¼- 10¼ 9!1:(- 13½ 18 - 20¼ 18%- 24 15½- 24 19 - 21½ 17 - 20½ 17'4- 21!4 16)4 21½ 15¼- 17% 14!'-(- 16½ 13 - 15J. United 8tatea OU .... 23 11¾- 16½ 13 - 15½ 12~- 17 13¾- 15½ 1s - 15 12 - 13 11 - 13½ 11)4- 15¾ 12¼- 15!14 12 - 13M 12¾- 14½ 10~- IS¼ Utah Con ■ ol. . ... 4°86 31¾- 34½ 32!'(- 37 S3¼- 87¾ 83 - 37¼ 25 - 84 29½- 3~ 29 - 32½ 28¾- 31 28 - 31 22¼- 26 22 - 25 18¼- 24,¼ Victor (Gold) ....... .... ~ ·25 - •25 •50 - ·so .... - .. . . .. . - • . . . ... - . . . ..... ... - ....... . - .. .. . . .. - ........ - ........ - . • . . . . . • ... . Vlcterla ..... .. ........ . .2:J Sl'-(- 4 S¾- 6¼ 3!1:(- 5 4 - 4¾ S½- 5 4¾- 5 4¼- 8 6¾ · 9¾ 7)4- 12 7 - 9 6¾- 7)4 (¾- 6~ Waslllnatou-.......... 2:} ·50 -·50 •55 --SO ·50 - ·6a ·25 - ·50 ·25 - ·so ..•• - .... 25c.- 25c. 250.- 25c.... - .... 12¼-l~c. .... - ........ - ... . Winona ... ............. '..!3 4¼ - 6¾ 5¾- 10 4 - 7¾ 4¼- 5 2'.U- 4¼ 2¾- 8 2¼- s;. 2¼- 4¾ 2¾- 4¾ 2¾- 3 2¼- 3¾ 1¾- 2 Wolverine.. ... . :l .\ 48 50 411 - 66 50 - 55 50 - 51¾ 51¾ 68 57 - 59¾ 58 - 62 61¼- 67 56 - 73 67 - 61¾ 57¼- 59 44 - 58  85"-  ™  Wyandorr.... ·l~ • 1st in11ta.1ment paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  l"-  t¼' 2~ 2 - 2M t Allsessment patd.  11),f  l¼-  2 1 1~ 1 1¾ 11)4- 2¾ I Ktdder, Peabody ~Co.receipts.  1¼- 21}4 l¼- ~ 1 - 1~ ;.Trust Co. recetpt11.  l¼-  1~  l  -  1¼  PHILADELPHIA BONDS.  126  PHILADELPHIA BONDS IN 1901. BONDS.  JANUARY FBBR'RY,  MAROH,  APRIL.  MAY,  JUNE,  JULY.  AUGUST. 8BPT'BJm. OOTOBBR, NOV'BBR. DJ:C'BBR,  RAILROAD AND MISCELLANEOUS. - ........ - ••.• l ~ - 1 ~ .• •. - •. ,, - .... • 1 ~ - ~ .... - .... .. .. - ........ All. Val.-Gen. , 194~.4 .. .. - . ... . .. - .... .... - .... 102¼-1023-<i -Allentown Termlnal .. 3 . . .. - ........ .... - ........ - ........ - .... 116 -116 . .•. Ash. & Plttsb., reg .... 6 .... - .. . . ... 59 50¾ · 55¾ 40¼- 61 29 - 40¼ •62 6'7 65 57¾ 63 69½ 66 68¾ 65¾6~ 62¾68¼ 68)4Asphalt of America ... 3 59 - 68U 61 - 69 - .••. 113¾-118¾ 118 -118 .... - •.•• -Atlantic City-1st ...... 3 115 -115 115 -115!14 ... - .... 1+5 -115 112¾-113¾ 118 -115 .... - ....... - .... 108 -108 .... - ....... Bell's Gap-1st ......... 6 .... - ........ - .... 101¾ 101¾ Belv. Del.-lst, 190~.6 l0i -l0i .... - ••.• 104 -l0i .... Bera-ner & Ena-.-lst .. 6 100~101 .... - .... 101 -101¼ 101 -101¾ 101~102¾ 103 -103 .... - ..•. lOQ¼-101 124 -UM~ ,-128 - .... 121 Bethlehem Steel ........ 6 .... - .... .... Blooms. & Sull .. : ...... 3 .... - .... 90~- 90¼ .... - .... 102~-1023' 102'-(-102'4 103!1(-108!1( 104 -104 104 -104 Brldg. & Millv. Trac.3 .... - .... 102~-102¾ 10211(-102!1( 108 -10~ 108J.4-108¾ . ... Brooklyn Doro Gas ... 3 .... - .... 80 - 80 75 - 75 .... - ........ On.r Trust ofN. Y ...... 3 101!1(-102'4 .... - .... 108¾-10$¾ . .. - ........ - ... 103~-108~ .... <Jataw188a-lst, 1902.6 .... - •.•. 111¾-lll!,i . .. . ........ ........ ... 4 .... 1948 let. coneol., ....... . . ... 101 -101 -Ohartlere-l ■ t.... .... , . ... - .... .... ·Olloctaw & Memphl ■.. 3 108 -110 109 -109¾ 109¾-111'4 112¾·116 118~-115¾ lli!l(-116 111¼-112 lllU-112 112¾-113 ll~-118¾ 116 -116¾ 118 -118 ·Oboe. Ok. & G. -Gen.. 3 •107 -10~ 109 -109¾ lOOM-llOM 11~-111¾ 111~-111¾ 111~-112~ 101%-109¾ 105 -109¾ l0Q¾-111 110 -11~ 111 -112~ 112 -118 Citizens• Pa ■ s., lnde .. 3 107 -109 l0SM-109~ 109 -109¾ .... - .... 10'7 -109 108 -110¾ 110¾-lll .... - .... 110 -110 109 -111 l~-109~ 108¾-109¾ Clearfield & Jeff ....... 6 .... - .... 115~-1153' ..•• - ........ - ........ - .... 120 -120 . . •. - ........ - ........ - .... .. .. - ....... - . .. 120 -120 - ........ - ... .. ... - .. .. .. . - ........ - ... . 107 -107 . ••• - .... .. .. -Connectlnc, 1904 ...... 6 .... - .... . ... CoDB. Trac. of N. J .... 3 100 -109¾ 100¾-110 100%-110¼ 110 -110¾ llQ¾-111¾ lOQ¾-110 10~-109 109 -100 109~-109¾ 109¾-1103,6110~-1113' 109 -109¾ - .... lBM- 18'4 .... - ........ .. .. .. - ........ -Con ■nm. Brew., t.rec,6 .... - ........ Continental Pa■ s'irer.3 .... - .... 108 -108 .... - .... "106 -106 Delano Land ........ . ... 3 .... - ........ - .... .... - ... lH -lH Del.& Bound Bk.-l ■t., llTff-119 11'~114¾ 116 -116 ... - .... 115 -ll5 Delaware Co. Ry ...... 4 .... - ... . .... - ........ - . . .. 86 - 86 . ... - .... 85 - 85 .... - .... 101¾-101~ .. .. Eaat. MUI. & E:s:port..3 .... - .... ... - ....... - ... . 116 -116 11~115¾ IRaeton & Amboy ....... 3 .... - ........ - ....... - .... 115 -115 *lH-114 .... - .... 116 -116 116 -116 .... 104~-106 .... 105"-10~ 108¾-~ 108¼-104¾ Easton Consol. Elec ... 3 1~-104'4 105¼-105¾ 105¾-105¾ 1~107¾ 101 -101 104!1(-10!" .... 112¾-113 118 -118 118 -118 .Ed. El. L stk. tr. ctfs .. 3 .. .. - .... lH¾-115 116~-115~ 11~113"1 113 -114 118¾-118¾ .. .. - .... 114¼-114¾ El. & Peo. Tr.-Tr.rc. 4 100¾-102~ 101 -103 9~-101¾ 9~- 99:1:1 96 - 98"1 90¾- 96'4 94U- 96 96 - 98},( 9~- 98 97 - 98½ 97 - 97!1:1 97¾- 99 Elmira & Willlamsp.lst, 1910 ................ 6 11'7 -117¼ ... . - •.•. 118¾-ll~ .. .. - .. .. . .. . Eqult. Ill. G.-L.-lst .. 3 l~-100¼ 109 -100¾ 108!!(-109 1Q8M-100 108!!(-109 108¾-109¾ 107~-107~ l~-107¾ 107¾-107'4 107¾-108 108)4-109 109 -111 - .... 101 -101 :. Gettysb. & Barrish ... G .... - .... 98 - 98 Girard Pt. Storaire.. 3~ .... - .... 97_97 - ... . 98 - 98 . .. - .... 100 -100 97 - 97 Harrison Bros. & Co.3 . .. - .... 100 -100 .... - .... 101'4:-l0lM .... - .... 102 -102 .... Hestonvllle PaH.-2d.6 .... - .... 120 -120 .. .. Consolidated ...... .. . 3 .. .. - ........ .. . 105 -105 .. .. Holms. Tac.& Frank.:} - .... 105 -105 .... - .... 102¼-105¾ .... Hun.& Br.T.,l ■ t,':l0 .. 4 .... - .... 110 -110 .... - .. . 110 -110 Coneol., 1923 ........ 3 110 -110 lndlanapolls St., u;en .. 4 78 - 78~ 78 - 79¾ 79 - 79~ 7~- 79~ 791'- 80 79!1(- 84 81 - 82 81 - 84 88 - 83½ 83¾- f11 86¾- 88 87 - 88 - ........ - .... .. . . lnternat'l Nav.-lst .. 3 103 -108¾ 10()%-101 - ........ - ...... . - •.. . . .. . - .. . . .. .. - ••.. 68%- 68~ 70~- 70U Kan. (.Jlty So.-lat ...... 3 67~- e8!1( .. .. - .... 69¾- 72 Lehla-h Valley- .... 108.\,6-108¾ 1~-105 .... - • . 106 -106 105!1(-106 106 -106 106 -106 Consol. .. ............ .. 4¾ 108),(-108!,( .... Reirlstered ......... 4¾ 102¾-102'4 104 -104 104 -104 104¼-104¼ 1~104" ...• - •... ...• - .••. 106¾-106¾ 106¾-106~ ... - ..•. 108¾-10~ l0t¾-106¾ let, e:s:t., 1948 ....... 4 1.20 -120 121),(-121}4 121!1(-121M .... - . ....... - ........ - .... .. .. - ........ - .... .. - .... ll7¾-ll7¾ .... - .... 117!1!(-•118 Collateral trust ...... :J ... - ........ - .... 109),(-109},( 109¾-109~ 107¾-108 107¾-l~ 1Q8M-lOS¾ 109 -109¾ 100~-l0QU 109)4-109~ 10!:J -108 109 -109¾ ~d, rear., 1910 . .. ..... 7 131 -181}4 J.28¾-181M 128 -128¾ .... - .... 126¼-128 126 -128 12~-128½ •127~129 127~-127~ 126¾-127 127 -lj7 127¾-127!1( Con•• M., reir., 1923 .. 6 121¾-122¾ 122 128~ .. .. - .... 124 -124¼ 125¼-~ .... - ........ - .... 124 - ~ 124 -126 . ... - .... .... - .... l23%-l~ .... - ... . ~-128¾ .... - ........ - .... 126¾-125¾ .... - .... . ... - ... . 124 -124 Con ■• M.,coup., 1923.6 .... - .... 123~-128¾ 124 -124 126 -126 - ••• •181~-81~ .. .. - •••. .. .. 6 127 -128 129¾-129¾ 181 -181 182 -188 182'.(-183J,4 180 -130 .. .. - .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. Annuity ......... Leh. Val. Coal-let .... 3 105}9-106 106¾-106 l0M:(-107¾ 107¾-108 107'-(-109 109 -110 l~-108 107~-108 108 -108!>.t 108 -109%lom-110J.4110~-ll~ .. .. . •• - .. .. .. .. .. .... Rea-lstered ............. 3 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .. . . .. . - .... •105½-05¾ .... - ........ - ........ - ... . Lehlirh Val. Term'l. .. 3 .... - .... 1115 -115 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - ... . .. - .... 110¼:-110¾ .... - .... llQM-11~ Leh. Val. Ry.-ht ... 4~ •107-109U .... - ... . .... - .... llQ¼-11~ 11~110¾ 110¾-111 .... Reirtstered..... . . .. 4.½ 108¾-108¾ • . .. - ••.. 110~-110¾ .. • . - •••. 109 -109¾ .. .. - .... 109 -109 109¾-109¼ 109 -109¼ 109~-109},(.... - .. . . .. • - •••• - .... 89!J;(- 89!1( Lehla;h Valley Trac. .. 4 .... - ........ - . .. ... - ...... .'. - .... .... - ... . .... Maryland Steel-let .. ~ 102 -102 •100 -100 100 -102 108 -104 103 -108 102 -102 106 -106 106 -106 106 -105 105¾-106¾ 106 -106 106~105!1( 86¾- 48¼ 89 - 42 88 - 42 86 - 40 1 ~ 86 10~- 20 National Asphalt ...... :J 36 - 41 87 - '8 45 - '8¾ 46~- 48¾ 40¾- '8¾ ~ - 47 '.Ne-wn:rk Con ■ol. Ga■ .. 3 106¾-106½ 106 -106  105¾-106  106 -106~ 106¾-1~ 105 -106  Newark PaHenirer .... 3 llff¾-117 117 -118 118~-118¾ 116¾-l~ 11'7 -118¾ .... - .... If. Y. Pb. & Nort.-lat.4. 103 -104 10~-1~ 104 -104 l<>i -104 104 -104 104 -104 - ........ - .... 96~-86],d .... Incomes ...... . ........... 86-85 .... No. Cent'l-2d, 19~0 .. 3 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 120 -120 .... - .... Gold, 1904 ..... ...... . 6 109¼-109¼ .... - ........ - .... 105)4-105~ .... No. Paclftc-Prtor llen.4 .... - .. .. - • •• . General, :l04.7" ...... .. 3 .... - .... 70~- 70% .... North Pennsylvania.- .... Coupon, 1903.......... , 107¾-108 · 108~-108~ 108¾-108¼ .... Gen.mort.,rea;.,1903., .... - .... 108~-108),( . .. - ... 108¾-108½ 1~108¾ 1~108.J.6 let, 1936 ..... ........ 4 . . .. - . . .. .. . . - . .. . .. . - . .. .. .. Debenture, 1903 ..... ti .... - .... ... - ........ - ....... Pa. & N. Y. Canal ...... ,- 116¾-11'7~ 11'7 -117 11'7J,&-11'7J,4 .. .. - .... 117 -117 . ... - .... 109 -109¾ 109 -110 Consol., 1939.......... 3 108 -108 103¾-108¼ .... - .... Coneol., 1939 ...... .4~ 10'~ -102¾ .. . - .... 9 ~ 98~ Consol., 1939 .. ...... . 4 92 - 92 .... -  105 -106~ 105 -106 105 -106 117 -118 118 -118 118 -118 .. .. - ... 106 -105 105 -105 122 -122  .... -  72U- 72¾ .. .. -  107¾-107¾ .... - .... 104 -105 118 -1183' .... - .... ll.SM-118!1!(  - .... 122~-122~ .. . . - .... 108 -108 .... - . . .. 10!¼-101¼ .... - ...... - • .. . • • • • - . .. . 727,-s-  ... . .. .. ••.• 7~  106),(-105~ 106¼-105¾105¾-106½ ... . - .... 106J.4-106~ 106'(-10~ . ... - ... 105¾-105¾ .... - .... 106½-10631! 108M-107¼ - .... ll2l,&-112}4 .. .. - •••. - .... 108¾-l~ . . .. - •.•• . ... 103 -103  .. ..  - .... 109¾-109¾.... - .... 109~110 .. .. 106¼-106¼ • ... 105!1(-105'4 ....  9'¾- 94¾ .... -  Penn ■ylvanla-  122¾-128 120~-120¾ 120 -120¾ 120¾-120¾ 121 -121 121¾-122¾ 1~-128 120¾-121¼ .... - .... 122¾-128 .... - • ••. ... - .... 120¼-121 121 -121 - ....... . - .... 100 -110 .... - •••. 108 -111 .... - .... 109¾-109¾ - .... *107!!(-09J,,( .... ... . - .... 124~-124:~ .... - ........ - ........ _ ... . . . .. .. . - .. .. - .... 105 -106 .... 108¾-108~ .... - .. • . .. . - .. .. . .. - ... 109M-118 lli~-lU¼ 115 -115 115 -115 . ... 109 -110~ 109 -110 lOQ¾-116 118¾-116 115 -116 LU -lli 112 -118 118 -118),d lli -116¾ - ........ - ........ _ 102!1(-108 102!1(-108 .... - .... 108 -108 110 -110  Gen., coupon, 1910 .. ti Gen., reir., 1910 .......6 Oona., coup., 1903 .... 6 Consol., reg., 190~ .. fi Cone., coup., 1919 ... 3 .... - .... .... Con ■ ol., rea-., 1919 .. 3 127¾-12'7~ .... - ........ - .... Equipment trust. ..... 4 .... Collateral trust .... 4~ .. .. - . . .. .. .. - .... 111 -111 Pennsylvania Co..... 4¾ . .. - . 116~-115~ . ... - .. . Penn. & Md. Steel ..... 6 100 -104¼ 108!1(-106¼ 102¾-109¼ Penn. & N. w., 1910 .. 3 101!,4-101¾ .... - .. . 101~-101½ Pennsylvania Steel. .. 3 . ... - ..... ... - ........ - .... People'• Passena;erStock tr. ctts., 1943.4 •106!1(--08¾ 107¾-108),d 108 -108¾ 108 -108 108 -108 106 -109 106 -107¾ 106~-106!,410~-l~ 106¼-106¼ 106¾-107 106!1(-107 People'• Pass'irer Ry.:J .... - .... 112 -112 Philadelphia Co ........ 3 112 -118 114 -114¾ 112 -112¾ 1~112¾ 112M-114 114¾-ll4¼ 114 -114¾ 116 -115¾ 11~-118 ll.2¾-113~ US -118!,4 U2¾-112% Plllladelpbla ElectricTrust ctfs., irold ...... :J l0QU-104 lQSM-105 •102-104.M 102¾-108 102 -102¾ OOM-102 99M-101 100 -108 99¾-104 99¾-101 99!1(-100),d 99¼-l~ Truet certlficatee .... 4 6~- 72 71~ 741" 69~- 71'4 69!1(- 71¾ 683,(- '71 65¼- 69 63 - 66~ 68~- 67 65 - 70 66 - 68 65¾- 61¾ •6i - 66!1( - ........ - .... 120 -120 .... - .... 120¼-120¼ ... - ........ - .... "120 -12~ .... - .... 121¾-121¾ Phil. & Erle-Gen.•~0.3 121%-121% .. . .. •1os~-0B14 1~-10~ l0SM-103',a 100¼-109~ . .. 110 -110 110 -110 . . Gen. mort •• 1 920. .4 10'7M-107M 110 -110 111 -111 *10014-110 . . . • E:z:-interest. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  - .... 124 -124% 12t -124~ 124}(-121}( . ... 12®'-12'7~ 125 -127 .... - . . 128 -128~ .... - .. • lll -112 111~111¼ l:i.2 -112 112 -112 112 -112 110¾-111~ lll¾-111¾ 110¾-110¾ .... - .... 109¾-110¼  12'7'  PHILADELPHIA BONDS AND STOCKS. PHILADEPHIA BONDS IN 19O1-00NCLUDED. MAY.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  JUNK.  JULY.  AUGUST. BEPT'BBR. OOTOB:BB. Nov'BBR. DJCO'BBR.  MA.ROH. APRIL. --- --- - - ------- - - - ---- ---- - - - - - - ----1----  BOKDS.  Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.H!gh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  ---------- ----------------------- ----------------  Phlla. & Readlng- •... 181 -181 182 -}82 2d, 1933 . ............... 6 .. .. - ........ - ........ - ...... - .... 129¾-129½ •••• - ••.. 122¼-122½ 128- 128 Consol., gold .......... . 6 121¾-122¾ . •• • - • . . . . • • • - ••.. 122~-128 . . • . - . . • . . • • . - •••. 119 -119 . . • . 10-year s. f,. 1902 .. 6 .... - .... ... . - ........ - .... 101¾-101½ .. . • - ... .. ... - ... . 107 -107 108 -108 108¼-108¼ Ext. Imp., 1947' ....... 4 107 -HJ8 108 -108 10~-109 107¼-10~ 107¾-107½ .... Con., coup., 1911. .... , 180 -181 181¾-181¾ 181¾-182 . . .• - .•.. 182 -182 . •.• - ••.. 129¾-129¼ .... - ••• 128 -128½ 129 -129¾ 129¾-129¾ 127%-127¾ - .•. . 129 -129 128¾-129 127 -127¾ Cons., reg., 1911 ..... , L8Q¾-181~ 181¾-182 . ••• - •... 181!14-181!14 181 -181¾ ... . Consol. ext., 1937' ... 4 105¼-106:1,4 106 -106 106¼-106:1,4 . ... - ... . 106 - 106'¼ .... Reading Terminal..~ 125*1£5½ 125 -126 126¾-126 125 -126¼ 124¼-•25¾ 125¾-125½ •lU¼-126 126 -126 125 -125 125 -125¾ 124¼-125 124: -126 Phlla. Wilm. & Bo.It.. Trust certlflcates .... 4 108¾-108½ 108¾-109¾ 109¾-109¾ 110 -110¼ 109~-110¾ .•.• - ... . 108¼-109 108¾-109 108¾-108¾ 108¾-109 109 -110 109 -109 Port Readlo11-lst .... ~ 109¾-109½ . .. . - .. .. . . - .... 110 -110 •··· - ... . .... - ... . .... - ..... .. . - .....••. - ....... - ••...• . - ........ Reading, 1997'.......... 4 •92¾- 94:~ 93:14- 95;14 98¼- 95¼ 95 - 95¾ 93!14- 96¾ 96M- 99 94¾- 97 94:¾- 95~ 95¾- 96~ 95 - 97~ 97:14- 99;14 99 -100~ Reading Trn.ctlon...... 6 .... - ... .. ... - . - ... . 106 -106 •··· Rochester Pas"enirer.6 . .. . - ... . 110~-110;J4 110 -110 109 -110 .... - .... . ... - •.. 110 -110 - .... 110¼ 112 Schuylkill R, East S . . ~ 110¾-lll½ lll¾-111¾ 112 -112 112¾-113 118 -113 110¾-110½ 111 -111 111 -111 111 -111 .... - .... .•• - ... •109¾--0~Scranton Traction..... ti .... - . . . 117 -117 .••• - ••.. ..•• - •. ....•• - .•. . • ... - •.. . .•.• Seattle & San Fran ... 6 .... - . .. 59:U- 61 - •••. 118¾-118~ • . • . Second Ave., Plttsb'a-.6 118¼-11~ 118~-ll~ 118¾-118¾ 118¾-118¾ 118¼-118½ .... - . . . 118¾-11~ ll~-119½ . .•. Sham. Val. & Pott8v .. 7' .... - .... 101~-101~ . .. - ... . .. . • - • • • 106 -106 . . . . Sham. Suob.& Lewls.6 .... Steuben-ville & Ind.... ~ .. .. - .. ...... - .... 116¾-115¼ ... Scony Creek .... . ...... . . 7 122 -122 121!J;(-121!J;f .•• Sun. Haz. & Wllkesb.- .•. . 107¾-l<m., 1928 .. .................... ~ .... - ... . 106 -107¾ ... - •... 107¾-107¾ . .• 2d, 1938... . .......... . 6 . . . . - .... 115 :-115 . . . . - .... 116 -116 . . . . - •.•. 118¾-118¼ . • • . Susquehanna Coal. ... 6 .... - ... ..... - ....... Tex. & Pac.-tst, '06.6 .. .. - .... 105¾-106¼ 104 -104 .... Union Passen1rer....... 6 .... - .... 101 -101 • . . . - .. . . 104¼-104¾ .. . . Un. Gas lmp't, deb .... 6 .... United New.Jersey- ... . 120 -120 118%-118% . . . General, 1944 ........ 4 . . . . - ..•. 109¼-109¾ 110¾-110¾ . . . - .... •110 -110 . • • . General, 1923, reg .. 4 .... Un. Ry. & El. (Balt.) .. 4 .... 96 - 95 United Rys., Ir•• tr. ctf.. 86¾- 91~ ...• - • . . 92¾- 94 92¼- 98¼ 92 - 93 90¾- 94 89¾- 90 89¾- 91 88¾- 90 88¼- 89'4 89 - 90 8~- 91 United Trac., Plttsb . . 6 .. .. - .... 116 -116½ 116¾-116¼ 116¼-116¼ 117 -117:1,4 115¾-115% ..•. - .... 114: -115 Welsbach-Coll. tr..... 6 78 - 76¾ 74¾- 77 75¾- 79:!4 78¾- 80¾ 78 - 79¼ 75 - 78 74 - 76 74 - 75 75 - 75 70 - 74: 70 - 7831 64: - 68¾ · W. Jersey & !!!lea Sh.114 -114 . . . . - • . . . . . . lat, con sol,, 1936 . .. .4 .... - ... . .... Western N. Y. & . ..... . ..... .. ...... . ~ 120¼-120¼ 121 -121 121 -122 121¾-121¾ 120¼-120¼ 121¼-lil¼ 119¾-120 119¾-119!,t ll~-119-U 119¼·1 ~ 120~-120~ 121¾-121¼ General .............. 3.4 95 - 99:M 98¼- 99¾ 98¾-100¾ •99¼-100 98¾- 99:>a 9~-lOOJ,4 99:1(-100 99:1( -100 100 -101 •981'(- 9~ 99¼-100~ 100 -10~ . Income ........ .......... ~ . . . . - . . . . 4:5 - 45 .. . . - . • . . 85 - 85 • • . . - . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . - .. . . . .. . West. Penn.-19~S .... 4 118¼-113¾ ..• - ........ - ........ . . . .... - ....... West. l"bll. Pass., 2d.~ .... - ........ - . ... 118 -118 .... ... . . ... - ... WU. & Chester Trac .. ~ .. .. - ... . *105¾--06:1,4 105¾-105!}.t .... - ... 106¾-1063,t ... CANAL. Chesap.& Del.-ht ll'J..~ Lehigh Navl~atlonExtenslon .. ......... . 4¾ RR. mort., 1914, ... 4 Ext., a-old, 1914 .. ... 4 Ge'u. mort., 19:l4 . . 4¾ Coll. trust, 1906 •.. 4¾ Consol., 1911 ......... 7 Fund.& lmp't, 1D4S.4 Pennn..-ll'J n1•t •• Hn 0 . .ff * Ex-interest.  60 - 50  52 - 62  .. . .  - • . . . 53 - 58  118 -113 112¾-113½ *112¾-114: 113 -118¼ .... - .... 1()8¾-108¾ .... . . .. 108¼-108¾ .... - .... 108 -108 . • .. - •... 109 -109 .... · ........ 127¾-127!J.( 129 -129 .... - .. . . 105¾-105¾ 44¾- 44¾ 44¾ - 4.51>4 45¾- 4r,~ 411  58¼- 58:!,4 . • . . -  113!,(-118:1,4 113 -113 - ... . ... . 106¼-106¼ lQS¾-108¾ . . . . - • • . . 129 -129 106 -106  411¼, 4fl¼- 47  - • . . . 51 - 62 111%-111% 112 -112 ~-112¾ . .... ... . • • • - ••• . 109 -109 .. .. - .... 102¾-102~ .... - •.•. •126 -126 126 -126 - •.. . . ... - .... 107 -107 . . . 48¼- 48¼ •~~- 48~ 44¾  111¾-118 112¾-112¾ lll¾-118 .. - ......•• - •... ..• - .... *105 -105 .... - .... 106¼-10~ . . . . - .... 108¾-108½ l ~-108½  .... - • . . . 125¾-125'4 126 -126 105¼-105¾ 411¼- 47 4~¼- 46  .... -  «"'-  PHILADELPHIA STOCKS IN 1901.  __  APRIL. JUNE. JULY. AUGUST. 3EPT'B.ER. OCTOBER. NOV'BBR. DBO'BBR JANUARY FEBR'RY. ;MARCH. STOCKS. __, MAY. ---Pricea per share, not per cm-i,t. - - - - - - Par. J,ow.Htgh Low.High Low.Hiith Low.Righi Low.High Low.Higt Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hiirh Low.High Low.High  .... - .  -------  ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - ----  .... -  ---  --21 - 21 . ... - . ... 22¼- 22  ...  ... 25 - 26¾ 26¾- 28¼ 26¾- 27¾ 23%-•24!,4 .... 20 - 20 . - .... Alle1rheny Val., pf... ~O 24 - 26 l¼ 2% 1:Ji- ~ 1¾- 2~ 1¼- 2¼ 1 - 1¾ 1 ¾- 1 American Alkall . ... ~o 2 ¾- 1 M- :u ¾- ¾ ¾- ¾ ¾ ¾- :!4 •••• - .... ¾- ¾ ¾- ¼ .... - .... ¼ .... - .. Pref., SLO patd ..... . ~O ¼- ¾ ¼- ¼ . ¾- ~ ¾- ~ ~ 6¾- 7¾ 6 American Cement ... 10 7¾- ~ 7 6¼- 7 6¾- 6¾ 6 6 7¼ ~ 7 7½ 6¾- ~ 6¾- 7 6¾ 6 7½ 7 Am.Iron & !!teel.$~ pd. 9¾- 10 5¾- 5¾ 5¾- 5§4: 6 - .... 6 - 6 - .. . 6 . - 6 .... - ... .... - .... 6 6 5¼ .... .. . ... ... .... . ... 46 - 46 . . ... . ... . ... Pret ......... . .. . .... ...~ .... - .... .... - . .... . . Amer. Railways .... .~O 81¾- 83¼ 82¾- 86 34: -8~ 88 - '4¼ 4:2¾- 49 4:2 - 46 4:0 - 42 39¾- 4:2 40 - 41!14 4-0 - 4:1 4-0 - 46 4:8 - 4:5 .... 72"- 81¾ 71¾- 77~ 72¾- 75}4 76¾- 78'8 80¾- Si~ Atch. Top. & s. Fe.too 45 - 49 4:9¾- 57¾ 57 - 61¼ 62¾- 77 707-"- 89¾ .... ... .... Pret ................... 100 86 - 88¾ 89 - 89~ ss,(- 96% 96¼-108¾ 97¾-106)4 108'4-10094 97!4-100 92 - 97 94¼- 94¼ 9; - 97 - .... .... 75 - 75 .... - .... 78 - 73 .... - ... .... - ... . 72¾- 72¼ 72¾- 72~ 72¾- 72½ 71¾- 72¾ 70 - 75 Bell Teleph. <PhUa.)60 - . .... .... - ... .... - .... .... . . .. .. . ... ... - .... .... 41 - 41 Ber1rn. & Ena-el, pf.100 .... - . ... .... - ... 4-0 - 4-0 . ... - . ... .... 61 - 61~ 61 - 61 61 - 61¾ 63 - 6~:1,4 61¾- 63 *60 - 62 Bethlehem Iron ...... ~O 68M-*61 60~- 61½ 61 - 62¾ •57 - 62 . . 18 - 19½ 17¾- IO~ 18 - 2334 19¾- 25½ 21¼- 24½ 21M- 28¼ 22¾- 24 · ••· .... Beth. Steel, ~O .$1 pd, 17 - 20 . . B'kn G.& El. Lt..$~ pd. ... .... - .... 2 2~ 2¾- ~ .... - .... .... .... .... - .... . - .... .... ... . - . 46¾- 47¼ 45¾- 4:7 4:7 - 4:9 Cambria Iron .... ..... ~O 4:5¼- 46 45M- 4:6!1,t 4:5¼- 4:7 4:6M- 4:8¼ 47¾- 49 •4:7 - 48¾ 4:6¾- 47:1,4 4:7 - 4:8 4'™- 48~ Cambria Steel ......... ~o p16¾- 21¾ 16¾- 18½ 15M- 18 16%- 24¼ 17M- 24:¾ 24¾- 31% 22!J;(- 26¾ 22¾- 2~ 24¾- 2~ 26 - 27¾ 25 - 26¾ 24¾- 26 . ... ... - .... 2¼- 6¾ M- 4:% . . .. ... .... Warrants {when IH,). .... - ... .... . - ... .... - . . - . .... - .... Drexel & Co. receipt• - .... .... - .. .. .... - .... 27!4- 27¼ 22¾- 26!4 21¾- 28¾ - .... . - ... . .... .... - . Receipts, $2~ 60 pd ... .... .... .... - .... - ... .... - .... a2¾- 4¾ 1%- 2~ .... . . ... .... . . .... .... . ... . ... . .... . ... - . ... ~85 - . 85 Camden & 811rl. Uo ..!l~ .... - .... Uamden Land ............ :) .... - . .. . .... . ... ¾- !1-.1 ¾- . .. 1¾- 8 1%- 234 1¼- 2 1:!,(- 2 .... - .... 59 - 59½ 59 - 59¾ 59¾- 59½ 59~- 59½ 59 - 59½ 59 - 59 59 - 60 .... - .. 59 - 59 Catawissa, 1st pret .. ~o 56 - 56¾ 59 - ~ 59 - 59 58 - 59 58 - 59½ 58¼- 69 2d pret ................ 60 .... - .... 58¼- 59~ 58 - 69 - . 59 - 59 59 - 59 59 - 60 •59 - 59 59 - 69 148¾-162 158¼·171 176¼-176~ 185 -185 159 -159 167¾-157~ Chic. ltlil. & St. P ... 100 .... - • · · - . 169 -170 .... - . 69:!,(- 75 65 - 70 59¼- 70½ 70 - 74!14 •65 - 73 66¾- 82!1:t 70 - 80 Ch.Ok.& G., v,t. ctfs.60 87¼- 41¼ 4:1¼- 43½ 4:2 - 65~ 53 - 69¼ 62¾- 75 .... . 10 13 . ... 9¼12 .... Warrants ....... . ... . .... - .... - . .. . 52 - 57~ 58 - 58¼ 52¾- 66 58 - 57¼ 58 - 55 Pret. vot. tr. ctfs ... ~o 4:5¼- 4:6½ 4:5 - 4:6¼ 46¼- 52~ 50¼- 58}4 54:¼- 59¾ 5534- 58¼ 58¾- 56 .. .... - . .. . - . .. . 4:0 - 40 .... ... Columbus l!!!treet.... 100 .... .... . - ... .... - . .. . 4:5~- 4:51}.t - ... . .... - . .. .... 83¼- 88½ 27½- 88!,t; 28 - 29!14 27¼- 81½ 25 - 27~ 23 - 28¼ 24: - 28¼ 22~- 24114 20¾- 24, Consol. L. Superlor.~O 28¼· 30\JJf 29½- 31¼ 29¼- 86 ... .... ... n26¾·26¾ .... .... .... ·•· · .... - .... .... Receipts, pret........... /17¾- 18>ii - .... /16¾- 18 - .... Pret ....... ............. . ~O .... 40 - 42 4:1 - 4:3½ 43 - 48¼ 41¼- 49 4:6 - 47 47 - 80¼ 74: - 76 68¼-*72 68 - 71 . 67¾- 70 66 - 67 s ... 3 5 8 . ... . .... . ... . .... .... Pret. warrants ......... . ... . 5¾ 62¾- 69 68 - 68¾ 68 - 68¾ 68 - 68 67¾- 67~ 67¾- 68 67¾- 67¾ 67¾- 68 Cons. Trac. of N. J .1 00 59!J;(- 61¾ 61 - 62 62 - 68 6'™- 67M 21%- 26 22¼- 22~ 21 - 24¾ 22 - 24:~ 23 - 24:i.( 23 -2~ 22%- 23 (Ions.Trac. of Plttsb.~O 26¾- 28½ 25¾- 28~ 23¾- 26¼ 23¾- 25¾ 23¼- 27 60}(- 6034 69 - 59 59 - 60 62 - 62 62 Pret ........ ........... ~O 66¾- 67 68 - 65½ 63,t_- ~ 66~- 66¾ 65¾- 66:1,4 68¼- 65}4 68¾- 64: ... .... - ... . .. 78 - 78 75 - 75 74:¼- 76 ' Cramp & Sons ........... . 81 - 83 79 - 84½ - . 77 - 77 77¾- 85½ 82 - 82 J.( Danville BeHemel'.. l¼ 1 - 1¼ 1 - 1¼ ¼- 1¼ %- 11-4 l¼- 1~ ~- ¼ ¼- % %- ~ IJL- ~ %¾- ~ i('.. ~ • EX-dividend. c eg paid. /$20 paid. neso paid p $10¾ paid. a e2•50 paid. e $7~ pald.  -  ....  -  -  -  .... -  -  .... - .  - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  ... .... -  -  .... - .... .... .... .... .... .... ....  .... .... - .... .... - .... .... .... .... .... -  ........ .... -  .... . .... - . .... -  .... ... .... ....  ..  ~- ... .... - ... .... - . .... - ... .... ... .... .... - ... ... - ... .... .... .... - ... .... - .... ... .... .. - ... ... - . ... ... . .... - ......  -  .... .  .. ...  ....  .... .... .... .... .... .... .... - .... -  ... .... .... - .... ... .... -. .... . ~-  ~  ...  ... -  ...  ...  ....  -  -  .... - .  .... - ... .... ... .... - ... ... ... .... .... - .. ....  ... -  -.  .... - .. -.  ... .... .... .... .... - .... ... - .... - .... ...  ... - ... ... .... ....  .... . ..  ... -  ...  - .... .... - .... ... ... ... ... .... - ....  -~  - .... - .... - ... - .... - ....  "·  PHlLADELPHIA STOCKS. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS IN 1901-CONCLUDED. 8TOCK.~. JANUARY FBBB.'B.Y. MA.ROH. APRIL. MAY. JUNJ:. JULY. AUGUST. 8EPT'B1CR. 00TOB1CR NOV'BER. DEO'BER. Prka r,er ,"hare, not r,er cent. - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - ---- - - - ---- - - - ---- ---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P_ar_. 1Low.Htgh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.Hlgb Low.B.igbLow.HighLow.HighLow.Hlgh .. . - • .. • . .. . - •••. 202 -205 . . 211 -211 Del. & Bound Br ... 100 .... - . • . . 10 - 10 .. .. - .. • . 10 - 10 10 - 10 10 - 10 10 - 10 10 - 10 10 - 10 10 - 10 . . • . DeLongHook&E .. 10 .... S - 4),( S - 8~ 2!ij- S 2'¼- S 2 - 21-fj 2 - 2¾ 1¼- 2),( Diamond State Steel.. .. . . . . 7 - 8 6),(- ~ 6¼- 7 6 - 61' 6¼- 7 5~- 6¾ 31'- 6¼ Pref........... . ....... ......... Diam. State Steel .... 10 .... S¼- 4¼ S1i- b6 5),(- 5¾ .... Girard Tr. Co. rect8 .. .... 6J>;C- 7 5¾- 7 6¼- 6¾ ..• • - .. Ea8ton Consol. Elec .. :rn .... - .... ll9¾- 22 20),(- 21 20¼- 2~ 20 - 2034 19¼ - 20 19!1:(- 19!1:( . ... - .... 19 - 20¼ 20 - 20 20 - 20 .••• East Penn8ylvanla .. 3U 68¾- 70 70 - 70 - .... 70 - 70 .... Elec. Co. of Am.$7¾ pd. •8 - 10 8 - 9~ 8),(- 81i 8!4- 9!1,.( 8 - 91' 7¼- 9 6%- 7~ ~- 73' 7 - 7~ 6¾- 7¼ 6 - 7),( 6 - 6¾ Elec. Stor.Battery.100 77 - 84 68 - 75 69 - 76 68 - 70 52¼- 66 61¾- 80 78 - 87 72 - 77~ 71 - 71~ 65 - 69 58 - 64. 61 - 66¼ Pref.................. 100 78 - 80 68 - 75 70 - 76 ... . - •.•• 58¼- 66 62 - 76 80 - 87 - ........ - .... 65 - 65 ... . Elec.-.Pneumat. Tran 8. .. .. - . .. . . .. . 2~- 2~ 2 - 2 .. . - • .. . .. . . - .. .. .. • • 1¼- 1¼ 1¼- 1¾ .. .. Elmlro. & W'm8P't ... 30 .... - ........ 52¼- 52~ 52¼- 5~ .... - .... 57 - 57 Pref... ..... . ........ 30 ... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 70 - 70 .... - ...... .. Falrm•t Pk. Tran8p ... . 22 - 25 25 - 25 26¾- 28 27¼- 28 27),(- 27¾ 27 - 27¾ .... - .... .... - •... 20 - 2' 22 - 22 . .. . - ........ Frank. & So. Pa88... 30 .... - .... 4.66 -4.66 •••• - ••••.••• - .... 4.50 -450 - .... 449 -449 .... - ... . .. Germantown Pa88 ... 30 .... - .... 150 -160 146 -U9 .... - .•.. 147¼-H7¾ .... - ••.. 146 -147¾ 147¼-148 ... Green & Coate8....... 30 .... - ... 155 -166 - .... .... Haddlngton PaH'ger. .. .. - ........ - .... 71¾- 71¾ ••·· Han-1.•burg ........ 30 110 -110¼ . .. . - .. . 110 -110 . . .. - .... 112 -llS . .. . Harrl8'n Bro8, Co .. 100 . ... - ........ 86 - 85 Pret ... . .............. 100 . ... 70 - 70 He•t-onvllle Pa88..... 30 . . . . - .. .. 48 - 48 48 - 48 .... 47 - 47 Pret . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 30 .... .. . . 78 - 78 78 - 74 .... - . . .. 78 - 78 .... - .... 74 - 74 70.(- 74~ Hhrhland Mill & M . ... i} ... . 2¾- 8 8 - s~ lll(- 11'4 - ••...•.. Huntlngd'n & Br. T. :JO 16 - 16 15 - 16 16 - 16 19 - 22~ 22¼- ~ 21 - 21 - • .. . . . • • 21 - 21 20 - 21¼ 22 - 28 24. - 26 Pret ·· -·-·· .......... 30 •48¼- 60 48 - 49 4'8¼- 49 4'8¾- 50¾ 60¼- 61 50¾- 51 •60),(- 62~ 60¾- 51 51 - 68 62¼- 68~ 69 - 69 68¼- 56 Indlanap. St. Ry .. ,.100 25 - 25 26¾- 27 25 - 26 27 - 81 SO - SO 30¼- 41 88 - 89¼ 87 - 48 - ••.. 42~- 42~ .... - •.•. 4.5 - 45 Int. Sm • .Pow. & Dy.:JO 10 - 10 10 -f82¾ 9 - 12 8¾- 9),( 7 - 9 7 - 8 7 - 12 9 - 10 9 - 101' 9 - 9¼ 9 - 10 9 - 9¼ Pref ............... .... . :SO .... - ........ - .... fSO - 82¾ .... - ........ - ........ - •••..... - .... . . . .... - ........ Lehhrh Valley ........ 30 28¼- 86 S ~ 8~ 82¾- 841' Si1i- 89¼ 29~- 89~ 361'- SSM 84,t- 38¼ 85 - 87¾ 84 - 86½ 38¼- 85 84~- 88~ S!l - 88 Pref.................... 30 .. . . - .. . . . . . . ••• • - . .. . .. • · - .. . . .. . . - .. -. . . .. 40 - 40 Lit Brother8 ........... 10 .... - ........ - ....... 10%- 10!>4 lOJ>;C- 101' .•.. 10¼- 10¾ 10¼- 1~ Little Schuylkill ..... :JO •68 - 59!1( 68 - 69 68 - 68 60 - 60 60 - 60 60 - 60 60 - 60 57~- 57~ 57!1(- 59 58 - 59 59 - 59 60 - 60 Manufact'd Rubber.:rn 1 - 1¾ 1 - 1¾ 1 - 1¼ !Ji- l¼ ~- 1 ),(- ¾ ¼- ¾ ),(- ~ ¼- ),( ¼- ~ Pref ..................... 30 ¼- ¾ .... ),(- ¼ • •·· - ........ - .... - ........ - ........ - ........ Mar■ den Co ........ . 100 6).,(- 7% 6 - 7),( 6¼- 7 6¼- 7¼ 5~- 61i 5¾- 7¼ 4~- 6¼ 5 - 6 5 - 51' 4~- 5}9 4¼- 4ll( 3%- 41' Pref.. .. .. .. , ........ 100 . . .. - . .. . . .. - . . . . SO - SO 20 - 20 Sll(- 82 . . .. - .. . . .. - • . • .. . - .. • . . .. • - .. .. .. .. - • . • . 28 - 28 Metropol'n Street .. 100 - .... 16! -165¼ 172~172'4 169¼-169¼ l7S -173 168¾-168% .... - ........ - ....... - .... 154~154~ •••. - ..•. Mlnehlll ................ 30 58¾- 60 60 - 61¾ 61 - l¼ 61¾- 62¼ 62¼- 64.¼ 62 - 62½ 61 - 62 61¼- 62 61 - 62 61 - 62 62 - 65 64 - 65 Montreal & Bo8. Cop.3 .... - ........ - ........ - ..•. ••• • - ........ - ........ - .. .. .. . 6 - 5¼ National A8phah .... 30 4'¼- 6¼ 5¼- 8¾ 7 - 8¼ 7 - 8¼ 6 - 7!1:( 6 - 6M 6 - 61' 5¾- 5,t 5 - 6 3¼- 5~ 1 - 4 ~- 1¾ Pret ........... ........ .. ~o 8¼- 11¼ 9 - 16 13 - 1~ 1s~ 15~ 11¼- 141' 10¼- 12¾ 9'4- 12 10 - 11¾ 10 - 11~ 7 - 10 2 - 7 1 - s Nesquehoning Val. .. 30 58 - 54. 52),(- 52¼ .... - . •• . 52!4- 52¾ 52¼- 58 52¼- 52¼ .... - .... 523'- 52¾ 51 - 51 .... - . ··- .... - .... N. Haven Iron & St.... 6 6¼- 6 6 - Ci 4!ij- 5 4~- 5 4¾- 6 4~- 5 4-U- 6 4M- 5 5 - 5),( 4* 5¼ 5¼- 6!,4 5¼- ~ Norrl•town .... ....... 30 168 -169 - .... 160 -160 160 -160¼ 160¼-160¼ 160¼-160¼ 161 -161),( 161 -161 160 -168 162%-16~162¼-165 165 -165 North Amerlc'n Co.100 19~- 1~ 21 - 24.~ §90¼- 90)11 ·.... - .... . .. - ........ .... ••• _ ... . Northern Central ... :iO 91 - 91 .... - •... 95 - 95 .. - .... 95 - 95 - .... . ... - .... 1053-1-105¼ No. Llbertle8 Gas .... 23 . . . - ... · 60 - 50 . • .. - • • .. . • . Northern Paclflc .... 100 79 - 88 88 - 87 84%- 95¼ 96 -106¼ 116 -144 .... - ... . .... - ........ .... _... _ ..•• Pr-,fer:red . ..... .... 100 . ... - .... 87¼- 93~ 95 - 96¼ 101 -110 961'- 961i .... - ........ - .... 1()()%-1~ NorthPenneylvanla .. 30 108 -108½ 107¼-109 108 -108¼ lQS),(-109 108 -108 108 -108 - .... 107 -107 108),(-108),(108 -108¾107¼-108½108 -108" Palmetto Co ............ 23 ¼- M .... - .... ¾- !I( %-- ¾ ¾- ¾ %-- 1 ¼- 1 ¼- 1i ¾- ~ ¼- ¾ ¼- ¼ 1-16 - . ¼ Penn•ylv. Ga8 Coal .. :iO .... - ........ - .... 86 - 36 86 - 85 35 - 85 - ........ - •...... - .... 86 - 86 86 - 88 Penn■ylvanla ......... 30 71),(- 75M 73¼- 75M 74),(- 77¾ 763'- 81 69 - 79 78¾- 77 70~- 75¾ 71 - 74),( 70¾- 7~ 71¾- 781' "72),(- 76~ 72'4- 76¼ Warrant■ ...•.  .............. -  18'¼- 16  9 - 16  12 - 16¼ .... - ...•..•. -  Receipt a........ .. . .... . . . . . . . - . .. . . . . . - ........ - . . .. . .. . - . . .. 73'4- 76¼ 70 - 70 . . .. - .. . . . . . . Penn. Elec. Vehlcle .. 30 .... %-- 2 13'- 1¾ l¼- l¼ "- 1¼ 1 - 1 1 - 1 1i- 1 ¾- ¾ P:ref., 810 pald ...... 30 .... ¼- M ¾- 1¼ lJ.t- 1~ ¾- 1),( 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 ~1i 'U- 1¾ 1 - i Penn. & N. W ........ 60 ... 26 - 2~ 26¾- 28 28¼- 28¾ 28¼- 87¼ .... - . . ...... - .... 88 - S3!1i 82 - 86 .... Penn. Salt Mf1r ....... . :JO llB -128 117 -117 •... - .... •117 -120 .... - ..•. 110 -115 118 -118 115 -115 112 -112 109 -110¼ 110¾-112¼ 111 -112 Warrant11 .............. ....... - .. . . ... - .. .. 10 - 15 6¼- 11 - ........ Receipts ..... 830 paid . . - .... . ... - .... 60 - 60 Penn8ylv. Steel. .... 100 64 - 74 66 - 75 65 - 71 - ... SO - 40¾ 40),(- 60 45 - 50 .... - .... 46 - 4.7 48¼- 44¾ 42 - 48 .... Girard Tr. Co. rectB.. . . . . - . . .. 77 - 80 78 - 86 85 - 85 .... - ... . .. .. Pref.................. 100 85 - 85 85 - 95 85¾- 94 100 -100 80 - 85 81'4:- 90 84 - 89¼ 86 - 98 82 - 8~ 85 - 90 82¼- 85 88!'4- 85 Girard Tr. Co. rects. . . . . - ........ - . . . . 94 -100~ 100 -100~ .... - ........ - ........ . .. . . .. . .... .... . .. . Phlla. City Pa8s'ger.:JO . . . . - .... ,2 11¼-211¾ . . • . - . • • • . . . . - . . . 205 -205 . • • . - .... 207¾-20'™ 308 -208 208 -208 Phlladelphla Co ...... 60 •4.0~- 45¼ 44¾- 46!14 U1i- 47 46 - 48 45 - 54.¼ 491'- 53~ •48 - 61¾ 4.8¼- 52¼ 48¼- 52¼ 47!,(- 61!,( 47¾- 49¼ 46 - 48¾ Pref .................... 30 46¼- 48 •45¼- 47¾ 4~- 46% 47 - 48 47 - 4~ 49"- 4.9'4: 4.9¼- 4.9!,,6 *48 - 49¾ 48¼- 48¼ 47~- 48¾ 4'7¼- 47¾ 45¾- 47 Ph Ila. Elec ...... $3 paid t5¼- *7½ 6¼- 8¾ 6!1:(- 6¼ 6'¼- 7 5~- 6% 41'- 6)i 4¾- 51i 5¼- 5!1.( 6¼- 6¼ 5 - ~ 41'- 6¾ 4¾- 6 Phlladelpbla & Erte.. :JU 30 - 86 81¼- 85 80!1(- 82 82 - 87¼ 83 - 34' 84 - 36 85 - 86 85 - 88 38 - 40~ 88¾- 48!,,6 42~- U 43½- 49 Phlladel. Traction ... 60 99 -100¼ 100 -101¼ 96¼-101¼ 97),(- 98 96 - 97¾ 90 - 96~ 98'4:- 96 95!Ji- 97¾ 95¼- 97~ 95!>4- 96 95¼- 98 97),(- 98 Phi la & Trenton ... 100 .. . - .... • ... - .... 280¼-280¼ • • • • - •· • • .. • • - • .. • 283 -288 280¼-280¼ .... - ........ - .. . . . .. - .... 284 -284 ..•. - ... . Phlla. WU. & Balt... :}9 .... - . .. 88 - 88 ..• . - • . . . 92 - 92 . ... - .... . ... - ........ - . . . . . . 102 -109¾ 108 -108 Rallway8 Co. General. .... - . . . . 2M- S¼ 2¾- 21i 2¼- 2M 2¼- 2M 2¼- 2~ 2 - 2~ 2 - 2¾ 2¼- 2¾ 2),(- ~ 6¼- 5M ~- 6¼ Readlnir vot. tr. ctf8.30 12¼- 18¾ 141'- 17½ 141'- 18¼ 17¼- 21:)ji 17 - 23),( 22 - 24' 18¾- 28¾ 19~ 22¾ 19:ui- 2~ 19¼- 211-fi 21¾- 25'U 22¾- 28~ l8t pf. vot. tr. ctf8.:JO 84½- 87 •35¼- 381' 86 - 88 87),(- 89¼ 84½- 40 88¼- 40½ 86%- 89!14 87'4- 39!'4 36¾- ~ 37),(- 881' 88¼- 40¾ 39 - 41% 2d pt. vot. tr. ctl8.30 19.23 15-16 20 - 28 20¼- 251' 25¼- 28!'4 21 - ~ 27¼- 29¾ 23),(- 28¾ 25 - 28),( 24.1'- 28¼ 2'¼- 27M 27 - SO~ 27'4:- 32¼ ReadlngTractlon .... 30 ... - .... SO - 81 . . . - ..•. 83 - 85 .... S~- 82¾ . . .. - .... 83 - 83 . •.• Rldae Ave. Pa88 ..... 30 .... - ........ - .... 810 -810 .... - .... 805 -305 310 -810 ... . - .... 305¼-306~ ..•. Roches. City PaH .. 100 24 - 26 26¼- 82 27'¼- 28M 28 - Sl~ 81 - 81¾ 27 - 28 25 - 25 . ... - .... 34 - 84 .... - .... 40 - 42 Pret . . . ..... -.. .... . . 100 .... .... 90 - 90 95 - 95 Second & 3d PD.88 .... 60 . . . . - ........ - . . 806 -306),( . · · · - ... . 805 -305 308 -303 ...• - .... SOS -SOS 308 -303 South'n Cotton 011 .. 30 .... - .... 68!4- 58¼ .... - •.•. 62 - 52 60 - 60 62 - 70 62 - 70 65 - 65 60 - 60 .•.• Stetson, J. B ... ...... 100 . . .. - .... •··· - .... 188 -138 .... .Pref ................... 100 .. . . - .... 185),(-135~ . ... Su8Q. Iron & Steel ..... 6 •2 - ~ 2~- ~ 2 - ~ 1~- 2¼ 2 - 23' 2 - 2¼ 2 - 2~ 1¾- 23( 1!1.(- 2 l'¼- 2 1!>.(- 2 1~- 11' 13th & 13th Street8.30 .... - ... 311 -811 810 -810 ... . - ........ Tidewater Steel ...... 10 6 - 8 5M - 6!1,.( 6!,(- •6¾ 6¾- 9* 7 - ~ 7 - 8 ~- 7¾ 6 - 7¼ 6 - 7¼ 6 - 9 7!ij- 10 8¼- 8¾ Union PaH'1rer Ry .. :JO - .... 243 -248 .. .. Union Traction ... ... . 30 83!1.(- 87 SS¼- 86!)4 29%-- 84 80!1.(- 38¼ 28 - 821' 24.J,t- SO 26),(- 28 26%-- 31¼ 27 - 30¼ 261'- 28¼ 27¼- 88¾ 31¼- 34.1' Un. Tract'n of Chicago. . .. - .... .. . - .... 15~- 16~ .... - ...... .. - .... . .. _ .... . .. _ ... . .. _ ... . United c ·o •• ot N. J .100 274 -278 280 -280 •280¾-288 285 -286 281 -285 281 -288¾ 280 -280 280 -280 •277¼-280 278¼-280 280~-282 *280 -282¼ United Gall lmp't . . . . 128 -128¾ 122¾-12'7'4 123 -125),( 122¼-1261' 115 -123 118!1(-120 114 -119 114),(-l17!1( 113 -117¾ •ns -116¾ 118 -119¼ 116¾-117¼ Unlt'd Pow. & T:ran.26 32:J.(- 88¾ 88 - 4.0 88 - 39 89 - 40),.( 40!Ji- 46 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 88 - 42 4.7 - 47),( 46 - 4.7 46 - 46 U. s. Steel Corp'n .. 100 .... , - ........ 88¼- 46¾ 46¼- 51¼ SS - 54¼ 47%- 52~ 87¼- 4.9¾ 89¾-•46!1.( 40¼- 461)4 n - !14.!,,6 U¾- 4.4¾ 891'- 48¼ Pref . . . . ... ............ 100 ... - ........ - . .. 92~- 96 94¼-101 90%--101¾ 98¼-100¾ •86¼- 98¾ 89¼- 95 90¾- 95¾ 90!4- 94~ 91~- 94 90¼- 94 Un. Trac., Pltt8., pf.. :JO 51 - 52¼ .... - .... 52¼- 53 62¼- 523' . ... - .... 61!1.(- 51¾ 49~- 49ll4 50!4- 50¼ 60¼- 50J,4 .... 501'- 52),( Warwick Iron & S .. 10 6\li- 8 7¼- 71}4 6¾- 1¼ 61i- 8 6,t- 8 · 7 - 7% 7 - 7¼ 7 - 7),( 6'¼- 7¼ 6¼- 7 6),(- 7 fl¼- 7),( Welebach ............. 100 40 - 4'7 40¼- 43 44%- 54¼ 64' - 55 56 - 55 60 - 55 42 - 62 48¼- 48¾ 48 - 49 .... 88 - 88 Wel8bach of Canada•. 3 1 - 1),( .••. - .... 1 - 1),( 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 M- !I.( .... ¾- ¾ We•t• N. Y. & Penn .. 30 4!Ji- 12¼ 10 - 10 10 - 10 9 - 10 8 - 8 8 - 8 7 - 9 7 - 7 7 - 7 7 - 9¼  :SO  • .1£x•d.1v1u 161.1.u. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1' t,:t·oo pai<1.  i ft'.i paid.  §  New stock.  1 f:to paid.  a '5 paul.  b ftJ¼ p1ue1.  a flu pa1<1.  h. flo paid.  k fll¼ paid,  & 116  paid.  PHILADELPHIA STOCKS-BALTIMORE BONDS.  PHILADELPHIA STOCKS IN 1901-CONCLUDED. JUNE. AUGUST. ::!EPT'BER. OCTOBER. NOV'BER. DEC'BER. MAY. JULY. APRIL. JAN'ARY. FEBR' RY. MARCH. STOCKS. Prices pu- &hare, not per cimt. - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - P1.u. Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low .High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  ----  ----  65 - 66~ 62~ tS3 W. Jeney & Sea Sh.1)0 64¾- 65 - ... 68 - ~ Westmoreland Coal.30 .... - ... W. Phila. Pau'a:er.. 30 .... -  .... . ....  CANAL. Lehlg;h Navlg;atlon ... 30 62½- 68 M orl'l11 .... .. ... .. 100  ..  62¾- 63  .... - .... 68~- 70}4 . .... - .... ... - ....  - - - ---63 - 63 63 - 63 63~ - 65 70 - 70 .... - .... · ••· - .... .... - .... ... - .... .... - ....  6~- 67¾ 65 - 6'™ 67¾-7~ 72¾- 77~ 71 - 74 ;;o !iO -  ....  65 - 65~ 64 - 64½ 64 - 65½ 64¾-6~ ~-67 72 - 72 . 72 - 72 . 72 - 72 - . ... 258 -258 . ... . -  ... ... .... - .... .... ....  68 - 74 68¼- 72 - .. . ..  71lJi · 74  ... - ... ....  - ...  71 - 73½ •71 - 78 78;.(- 78 . .. ···· ··· -  BAL TIM ORE BONDS IN 1901. JANUARY FEBR'RY.  BONDS.  MA.ROH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. 8EPT'UER  ICTOBER. NOV'BER. DEO'BER.  Low.F!gb Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  97 - 9™ 97¼- 9~ 97 - 97¾ 90 - 99 90 - 91 90 - 90 90 - 92 89 - 96 86¾- 90¼ 88¼- 91¾ 89¼- 95 Anacostla & Poto ..... . 3 83 - 92 Atlanco. & Charlotte1st mortiraire.... ... . '7 116¾-116 116½-117 118¾-118}4 .... - ... . 117lJ:(-118 118 -118¾ 115 -115 114¾-lHM 114M-114Y<t 116 -116 116¾-116~ 116*116¾ - .... 100¾-100¾ . . . . - ••• • • . • • - •••• Pref .................. . 3 . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - .. . . .. . - . . . . . . . . Atlo.n. Consol. St. Ry.I) 104½-105¼ 103%-105¼ 102¼-104¼ 103!,(- 105 103¼-105 104 -105 102 -102½ 102!1:(-1021f 102 -104½ 106 -106 106 -106 106¼-l~ Atl. Line ctfs .. . :S .... - • .. . ... - .... . .. - ... . 117½-118 .... - .... 117¼-117¾ .... - .... 115 -116 do (Conn.) ..... 3 .... - ..... . .. - •··· .. . - •··· . ... - ....... - •··· •··· Do - . . . . 99¾- 99~ . . - • . . . . . • . _ 99 - 99 98¼- 98~ 93¼- 99¼ 99 - 99¾ 98 - 99¾ 9'%- 99¾ 98 - 99 4 97¾- 98 do . . . .. .. . . . Do do (So. Car.) .4 .... - .... 103½-103¾ 103!1:1:-104¼ 103½-103¼ 104 -104 .... - .... 102~-102¼ ... - •.. 103}4-103¼ 104¾-104¾ 104¼-104½ . ... _ Do do (Vlra:lnla)4 .... - .. ... ... - . . . . 98 - 98 . ... - . . .. 97½- 97½ . . - ........ Do Atlantic & Danville .. 4 .... - .... 93½- 93½ . ... - .... 105 -106 .... Ual.&Annap.Sb.L .. :002 -10!¾104 -104¼104 -104 104 -1U4¼104>1i-105 102¾-102}( ... - .•• 102 -102½ .... Bait. C. & Ell. M . . . . ... 3 .... - .... 113 -113 .... - ........ - •...... - ....••• - •••..... - •... 114 -114 - ........ - .... 117 -117'4 .... - ....... Bait. c·he9ap. & Atl ... 3 .... - .... 108¾-108}4108,(-1()63' - •.. 110 -110 Bait. City Pass.-ht . . :; 112 -112 .... - .... 111 -111¾ 1113,(-111½ .... - .... 110~-110¾ 110 -110 Certs. ot lndebted .. 4½ .... - .... 105¾-106½ 105½-106½ 106 -106¾ 104½-104½ . ... - ........ - . .. 104¼-104¼ ...• .. . - .... 120¼-120¾ .... - .... 117 -125 Baltimore &Harrisb.:S .... - .... 108 -103 103¼-104 104 -105 ...• - ... . 105,(-105¾ ...• Western Extenslon .. 3 .... - ........ Baltimore & Ohio ... 3½ 96¼- 96½ .... .... 88¼- 88" .•.. Pitts. June.& M.D.3~ .. . - ... . .... - .... 121¾-122 Bait. & Pot.-Tonnel.f; .... - ........ Main Line. 1911 ..... ti . ... - .... 122¾-122¾ .• - • • . . . . . • - . . . 120½-120½ . . .. - •••• 100:J.(-101 101½-101½ 101¾-102 . • • • Baltimore Traction ... 6 102½-102½ .... - •••. 116*117 ... - .••• 117 -117 .•• . 1929 ..... . ................ :s 118½ 118½ .... - .•...... - ......•. - •... 117 -117 - .•. 100 -1~ .... _ •.• Convertible ........... 3 100%-100% .... - ....... . - .... 10$¾-10$¾ lOOlJ:(-1()0¾ 100%-100¾ .••. - ........ - ••.. 10()¾-101 - . . . . . . . - . . • . . . . - . . .. . . .. - .... 100!>8-100¾ 101 -101 • • • • Oonvert •• assented . . :S 93 - 93y.t 93l}(- 94½ 95 - 96?,4 96¾- 97¾ 93 - 93¼ 93 - 93 94 - 96 9i - 94 Carolina Central ...... 4 81! - 90¾ 89¼- 89½ 90 - 95~ 9!¼- 96 - •... 38¾-33¼ ... Cent. ofGa.-~d inc .... :) Consol .. .............. .... ~ ~-100!,,( • . . - • . . . .. . Central Passena:erExt. & lmprovem•t .. 3 . .. . - ........ - .... 118 -119 .... .... 118¾-118'.l ••.• Consol •• 193~ ......... 3 .... - .... l19h;-119½ .... - .....••. - .•.. 92 - 92 .... - ... 90 - 94, . ••. 9i - 94 . ... Chariest. Cons. Elec . . :; .... - .. . . . . . . - . . . 93 - 95½ 9i - 94 . ••• - ..•. l06!14-l06!J41(1™-107¼.... Cbarle•ton ~t. Ry. . :S 105¼-106 106¾-106½ 105¼-106 106 -107¼ · ... 109 -109 107 -107¾ 108 -108¼ 108~-108~ 108!,,(-108¾ .... .••• 108}4-108!,,( -109¾ 108 109½-109¼ 110¼-110¼ 110½-111 -112 ill bt.3 Chas~ & W. Car., Char. Col. & .A.air.116 -116 • •• • - ..••.... _ •... Extended ................ 3 106 -106 106½-1~ ... - ... . 108½-108¼ 111 -115 .... - ... ..... - ...• 108 -108 .•.. _ ••.. - •.•. 109¾-109¾ .... - .... 106J.4-1~ .... - •... 106¼-1~ ... ~d. 1910 ......... ...... '7 106 -106 - •••• 96!,,(- ~ 98 - 99}4 90¾- 96½ 95 - 95 ••.• Citizens' Ry. & Lt ... 3 .... - ........ - .... 9d - 99 96¼- 96¾ 93¾- 99 - 96 95 .... .. .. .... ........ ••· · .... ........ .... City .Ry. L. & P.(N.N>:S .... - .... .... - ... . City & Subarban ....... 3 117 -117 117¼-118 118 -118 118 -ll9 llSlJi-llSM 115¼-115¼ 116 -116¼ 115!,t-116 115¾-115½ .. . - .... 116,(-116}( tU -114~ 94½- 9~ 9l _ 9~ 96 - 97 93½- 96½ 90¼- 94. .... - .... 90 - 98 92 -100 93¼- 97 City & Sub. (Wasb.) .. 3 85 - 96½ 88 - 92½ 90 - 90 Col. & Greenv.-l8t .... 6 117¼-119¾ 120 -120¾ 12~-121 12~-121 121 -121 .. .. - .... ll~-118¼ .... - •..• 120¼-121 122 -122¾ . •.. - .. 122¼-124. Consol'd Gas-1910 ... 6 112 -113" 114 -114~ ll4 -114¼ 114,(-115 115¾-116½ 115¼-116 113 -113 112¼-112"113!,,(-113¾ 113:18-113¾ .••. - .••• 1u -11'¼ Bond11, 1933 .. ........ . 3 111¼-113 113 -113¾ ll2½-113½ 11$¾ ·114½ 113¼-114 114 -115¼ 112 -112½ ll.2¾-112¾ 113¾-113½ 118¾-113~ .... - .... 11O.{-lUi~ 81 _ 86 85 - 85¼ 85¼- 86 89!,,(- 89¾ 85 - 89" 85 - 86 88¼- 91 89¾- 93 ... - .... 93 - 93 Cotton Duck ............. 3 .... 54¼- 58¼ 45 _ 56¾ 60 - 64¾ 57 - 60~ 669,4- 58¾ 54 - 65 61½- 66¼ 6!l - 67 - .. . 59:1:(- 65 Income• ................... .... - . .. . 112¾-112¾ .... - .... 113¼-113¼ .... Cumb. & PennsYlv .... :S .... 63 - 63 ..•. - •..•..•. - ••.. . ••. - •... . .•. - ....... Florida Southern . ... 4 .... - ... . . .. - .... 100 -100 . ... - ......•. - .....•.. Fountain Hotel. ...... 6 .... - •.••.... - ....... - .... 105 -105 G. & A. Termlnal. ..... 3 .... Ga. & Ala.-Uonsol.. .. :) 97 - 97¾ 97 -100)4 100 -106:1( 1061}.(-109¾ 108¼-109¼ 1~-110¼ 107 -108¼ lOOlJ:(-107 106'-(-107~ 106¾-110 110¾-111 110 -112 1st pref.................. 1) 106¾•107¾ 107¼-107¼ 108 -108¼ 105:J,C-108 107¾-108 107 -108 108 -108¾ 107lJ:(-108 107§4-108¼ .... - ••••••. - .....•.. _ ••.• Ga. Car. & No.-lst ... 3 103~-104 103¼-105 104¾-l0SM 109 -111 110 - 111 110 -112 107 -108¼ 10'7¼-108 107 -1()8¼107¼-110 110¾-lll¼lll¼-113 Georgia Pacific-lst ... 6 124 -124 126¾-126¾ .. .. - ........ - .... 128½-128¼ 128 -128¾ .... - . .. L27 -127 127¼·127¼ L27¾-128¾ 128¾-128¼ ••.• _ ••.. Ga. So. & Fl.-lst,'43.:S 112 -112k 112½-113 113¼-114¼ 114¼-115¼ 115¼ ·115¼ 115 -115% 112¼-113 112 -112¾112 -112)6112¼-114 114 -114¾ 114¼-114¼ - .... 49¾- 50 45!>8- 50½ 49¼- 50~ 47¾- 50 G.-B.-S. Brewing; ... 3.4 ... - .... 38 - 40 35 - 39¼ 38¼- 40 38 - 39 Incomes .. ... . .......... .. ... ........ - •....... - ......•• _ .••••••• _ ... . Greater Seaboard ctfs 111 -116¾ 111 -127 126¼-131:1:( .... - .. ...... - .. ..... - .. .. 105 -105 . .. - ..•. lndlanap. Water ...... 6 ... . .. . . 89¾ - 89½ 87¼• 87¾ 88~- 99114 98¼- 98¼ ... 89:1,( 87 91 90 90½ 89 . .. . ... . 95 95 :, . . Tt·actlon Knoxville Lake Rol'd Elevo.ted- ..•. 120¼-120¼ 120%-120¾ 120¼-120½119 -119 119¾·119¾ l19¼-119¾ .... Guaranteed, gold ... 3 120¼-120¼ .... - .... 119 -119 119½-120 99 - 98¼ 98 - 99 .... - .... LOO -100¾ 101 -105 97 - 99¼ 99½-100¾ 99¼-100½ 97!,,(- 98 96¾- 97 Lexln,it. tKy.) !!!t.Ry.3 98 - 99 - .... . ... - .... 51 - 52¼ 51 - 53~ 52 - 52 Maryland Brewlnii .... 6 68¼- 62~ 49¼- 60:¾ !8 - 56¼ 5') - 57½ Trust receipts.......... . . - ........ - . . .. 54½- 54½ 50 - 58¾ 48 - 54 50 - 53 . . . - .•.. 104¼-104½ .... Maryland Steel. ....... . :S . ... - . • . . .. - • • •• - .... 87 - 87 87'-'- 87¼ 89¼- 89½ 89 - 90 Maryland Telephone.I) .. .. - .... 85 - 85 84 - 86¼ 88 - 95 - .... 119 -119 .... Met. St.RR., 1st. •~:S.3 121¾-121¼ l18½-118JJ( 118~ ·119 - .... 118 -118 - .... 103 -103 .... Minn. & St. Louis .... 4 .... 64 - 1:19 .. . . Nashville 8treet Ry ... 3 .... - ... . 62 - 80 62 - 62 ... . 62 - 65 - .... 64 - 65 69¼- 69¼ 60 - 62¼ .... TroBt receipt11... .... .. . ... - .... 60¼- 60¼ 65 - 70½ 69'4- 73 - .... 107 -107 104'4-105 . .. . N' port News & Old Pt.3 107 -107 105 -105 107 -108¾ 107½-108 104 -105!,,( 105 -105!,,( .... - .... 98 - 98¾ 98 - 98 General. 1941 ........ 1) ... . - .... 116 -116 . ••• Norfolk & Carolina... :; 116 -116 115 -115 .... - ........ - ........ - .... 116 -116 . ... - .... 116¾-116¾ . .. . • ••• - .... 93½- 93½ . .•• ... 96¾ 96 98 96 98 97 97¾ 95¼97½ 97¼.... .... 95¼ 95¾. . . . .... !i .. Light & Ry. Norfolk Norfolk Street Ry .... . :, 110¼-110¾ 110¼-110½ .... - .... 111½-112 112¼-112½ 112½-112¼ ..•. - .... 110 -111¼ 111¾-111¾ 111½-112 111¼·111¾ 112 -112 •••..••• - . .. . 101¼-10131; ... - ....... Nort. & West., new ... 4 LOO -100 .... - . ...... No. Baltimore Po.88 ... ~ . ... - .... 121~-122 121¾-12~ 122 -122½ 123 -123 120½-12~ 120 -120½ 120¼-120¼ 120 -120!!:1: 121 -121¾ .... - .••.. ·.•• _ - .... 116!,,(-116¼ .••• - •.•..•.. - •••• . ..• Northern Central. ... 4~ 118½-118,fi .... - ........ - • ......• - ......• - ......•. Gold, 1900 ............. 6 . ... - .... .... - ..... . .. - ... . 109¼-109¼ . . . . - ••.. 106¼-106¾ • . - ..•. 107¾-107" ..•. .... -109 109 108;1:(-109¼ l~-l0SlJ:( 108~-108½ .... . .. 6 . Gold, 1904 ...... ...... Gold, 19Z6, ser.A .... 3 125 -125 125¼-127 .... - .... 126>4-127 125~-125¾ .• .. - .•.. 122½-125 .•.. - ...•.•.. - •••. 123½-125¾ .•.. - ....... . - .... 126 -126 .•. - .... 125½-126¾ 125¼-126 ..•. Gold, 19Z6, ser. B .... 3 125 -125 126 -126 . ... - ....... - ••...... _ - ••••.••. - .. . . ••. Penn. & Md. !!!teel ..... 6 .... - ........ - .... 104 -104 - •... 117¾-ll~ .... - .... 119¼-119¼ .... Peteraburir-Cla88 A ... 3 118¼·118¼ 118~·118¼ 119 -119 119 -119 119¼-119¼ ..•. - . •...••. - ........ - .••. l.28¼-128¼130 -180 Class B ................. 6 .... - ........ - .. . 13! -134 . ... - ... 130 -130 .... . • • . . • • • - •.•. ll.2¾-112½ . . • . - •••.•••• • . .. . . .. • • • . - •••. 112 -112 Phlladelphla Co ........ 3 112 -112 - ........ - ........ Pledm't & Cumberl'd.3 . . .. - .... 11()%-110¾ .... - .... 113),(-114 113¼-114½ . . - ... 115¼-li6~ Plttsb. United 'l'rac ... . :s 114~-115¾ 116 -116¼ 116¼-116!':( .... - •... 117½-117¼ ... - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  1i~-ti7¾  BALTIMORE  180  BONDS  AND  STOCKS.  BALTIM ORE BONDS IN 1901-CONCLUDED. BONDS.  ----------  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  :MAROH.  APBIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BER. OOTOBEB. NOV'BER .DEO'BER.  - - - - ·---- -----1-----1----·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----  Low.High Low.High Low.Hi,rh Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High Low.High  ---  - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----  Potomac Valley .... . ... ~ 101 -101 100 -100 .... - ... lOi -lOi .... - ..•.•.•• - .... 107¼-109½ 110 -110 109 -109 .... - •...•... - •••. 114¼-ll(¾ Raleigh & Auaiu8ta ... 6 115)4-117 - .... 121 -121 122¾-122114125½-125¼ Raleigh & Ga8ton ... . ~ 110)4-111 •••• - ........ - .... 114 -114 115¼-11~ .... Rlchm'd & Danville .. 6 .... - .... 122¼-122¾ .... - .... 123}.(-128¼ .•.. - .. .. Riehm. Fred. & Pot.4¾ .... - .... 108 -108 .•.• - ... . .... - .. .. Richmond Traction ... ~ .. .. - .... 106 -106 Sav. Fla. & W.-l8t ... :i 114 -114 115 -115 - .... 112 -112 .... - .... 115 -115':(115M-116't 1st. 193! ......... .. ..... 6 •. l.28¼-128½ . ... Seab'd & Roanoke .. .. is 109 -109 110 -110 112 -112¼ 113¼-113½ 114 -114 ...• - .... 113¾-113¾ .... - .... 114 -114 114¾-114¾ .... - .... Seaboard ........ ........ 4 - ... 78)4- 81 80¼- 84!1,f 79 - 81¾ 80¼- 85¼ 81 - 8!l'4 82 - 84 82)4- 84¼ 81¼- 82¾ 82¼- 86¼ 85¼- 86 Loan ctfs. extended... 95M- 96½ 96¼-101 101 -102¾ 102¼-102¾ .... . . . . ... - .. .. . .. - ........ - ........ Bond certificate!!'....... 68M- 72¾ 68¼- 74¼ 73;1:1- 80 .... - .. . . .. . . - •....... 10-year ... .......... . ... ~ ... - ........ - ....... - .... 102¼·102¼ 102)4-102% 102 -102¾ 102M-104 101 -101~ 101¾-102¼ Second Ave .• Pittsb'g./S .... - ........ - .... 118 -118 .... - .... .... - ........ - ....... - ........ - ... 118 -118 .... - .. . South Bound ............ ~ 100¼-102'4 102¼-lO!l 104 -110}4 107¼-109 107 -108¼ 107 -107¾ 107¼-l077~ 108 -108},! 107M-108 107¼·108%109 -110 109¾-111 Southern ............... ... is .... - .... ll6)4-116}.( •••• - .... 117 -117 .... - . .• . . . - ..• . 119¾-119M .... - ... . 123 -123¼ Toledo T1.•actioo ........ :i ... . - ........ - ........ - .... 105 -lOf·¾ .... - .... 105¼-105¼ .... - ... ... . • - ... . .•.. - ........ - •... 105)4-105¼ .... - ..•• Un. Elec. Lt. & Pow.4~ 88M- 88'4 87¾- 89 89 - 90 87 - 89½ 87 - 87 87 - 87 86¾- 86¼ 86 - 86 85 - 85 84 - 84¼ 84 - 84 United Ry. & Elec ..... 4 97¾- 98½ 98¼- 99¼ 96 - 97 96½- 97¾ 96¾- 97¾ 95 - 97 96 - 96¾ 97 . - 98}4 94¾- 96 94¼- 95½ 9!l¼- 95¾ 9~- 95% Incomes........ ........ . . 7!¾- 75¾ 73 - 75)4 72½- 76¼ 75¾- 76~ 76~- 77)4 78¼- U¾ 72:1:(- 73¾ 72½- 78¼ 71 - 73½ 70¾- 72 71¾- 73 66¾- 69¾ Va.Elec.&Devel.,lst./S .... - . . ...... - .... 94 - 94 96 - 95 .... - ........ Vlrdnia Mldland18t series................ ti 112 -112 112 -112 .... - .... 110 -110 110¾-110¼ .... - ... . 108¼-108¼ .... 2d series ....... .... ...... 6 119:1:(-119¾ 120 -120 .... - ... 117¼-117½ 117 -117¾ ... . - .... 117:1:(-117¾ .... - .... 116 -116 115 -115 .... - ... 116¾-116¾ 3d serie8. .......... ... :i-6 .... - .... 122)4-122¾ .... - ........ - .••. 123 -123 123 -123 .... - .. .. 4th series ......... 3.4.5 .. .. - ........ - ... . 5th 8erie8 .............. is ...• - •••. 113¼-113½ 112 -11~ 112½-113 114 -11~ 116 -116 115~-116 115¼-116!1:1114¼-116 115"-116 116¾-116:1:(116¼-116~ General, 1936 .... . ... 5 .... -- .. .. .. - ....... - .. . .... - .... 116~-116¾ Wa8hlngton Tract .. 4¼ 63 - 63 62¼- 65½ • . . - . .• . ... - ........ West Va. Cent.-l8t.... 6 113)4-lU 114 -114½ 114¼-115½ 114¾-116¼ 115 -116 116 -116¾ 118¼-lU¼ 113¼-113½ 114 -1H½ll4¾-115 115 -115 115)4-116¼ West. No. Car.-Coos .. 6 117¾-118¾ 119 -119x{ 11~-119~ 120 -120¾ 120 -120 120 -121 - ... . 119¾-120 119 -120 .•.. - ........ Wilmington Bridge, .:i .... - ... . 111¾-111¼ .... Wilm. Col. & .\ uirus .. 6 tu -114 116 -116 .... - .... 117¼-11?¾ .... - .... 115~-115¾ .... - .... . ... - ... . 116¾-116¼ 116¾·11~ ... Wilm. & Newberne .. .4 .... - .... 101¾-101¾ .... Wilm. & Weld.-New .. ~ .... - . ... 128 -128¾ 123~-123¾ 122¾-128 123 -123 123 -123 .... - .... 120!':(-1201}.t 121¼-121½ 121¾-121~ 122 -122 122¾-122¼ General..... .. . . ... 4 . ... - ....... . - . ... 106¼-105¼ . ... -  BAL TIM ORE STOCKS IN 1901. 8TOCK!!'!I.  JANUARY FEBR'RY.  MARCH.  APRIL.  MAY.  JUNE.  JULY.  AUGUST. SEPT'BEB.. OOTOBER. NOV1BER.  D11:c'l1:e:11..  Price, pe,- aharll, ,wt per~: Lo_w ___H_i_g_h Lo_w_._Hi_g_h L_o_w_._H_i_g_h -Lo_w_._Hi_g_h -Lo_w_.R-ig-h L_o_w_._H_i_g_h Low .High Low .High Low .High Low .High Low .High Low. High  -----------  Atlanta & Chari. ... 1 00 . . . . - .. . . .. . . - .. . . .. .. - .... 160 -160 . . . . - .. .. . • .. - .. . . • • .. - -. .. 160 -160 .... - .. . . ... • - .... Atlan. Coast Llne .. 100 121 -121 .... - ........ - ........ - ........ _ ........ _ Do do (Conn.) .... 100 121¾-128¾ 122 -128¼ 127¼-146 164 -165 .... - .... 158 -160 .... - ........ - .... 168¼-162 157 -160 .... - ........ - ... . Atl. Coast Line (new) .. 74 - 76¼ 75).(- 78¾ 79¼- 87 8! - 92 88 - 88¼ 88 - 92 87¼- 90 .. .. - .... 90 - 90 ...• - .•. . 88¼- 89 88~- 88~ Pref ...................... . 105½-lll6 108 -108 111¾·112 114 -116¼ lll¾-111¼ . ... - . .. 109 -109¼ 108 -108½ 108 - 108 108~-108~ 107~-107½ .... Atlant. Transport .. 100 201 -227 220 -225 220 -225 220 -245 241 -252 250 -270¼ 24.0 -261 2!l4¼-260 230 -265 225 -230 220 -2:.!5 230 -236 B. & o. vot. tr. ctfs.100 90¼- 92¾ . •• . - ........ - ........ - .... 102¼-102¾ ... Pref. vot. tr. ctt"l!l.100 85¼- 86¾ .... - ........ - ........ - ........ - .... 93¼- 93¼ .... - ........ Bait. Steam Packet..... .... - .... 2000 -20 00 .... - .... 2000 -2000 .. Baltimore Wareh ... 20 20 - 20 - .....••• - .... 20¾- 20¾ ...• - . ...... . - . ... .. . Canton co ............ 100 94 - 95 96- 99 97 - 99 97 - 98 96 - 96 99 -100 .... - .... 97 - 98 .... Oeut'l Ohio com. rects .. .... 4!l - 44 .... - ........ Consolidated Ga8 .. 100 68 - 60½ 68~- 59U 58¼- 62 60 - 63½ 60¼- 68 62 - 66¾ 64½- 66!':( 6!¾- 65½ 63¼- 64¾ 61¼- 63¼ 61 - 63¾ 61 - 63'4 Con 8olldatton Coal.100 60 - 60¾ .... 60 - i5 62 - 62 63 - 64 64 - 6! 63 - 64¼ .... - ........ - ... . 68 - 73 .... Cotton Duck... .... .. . . .. . 24 - 27¾ 19 - 24¾ 20 - 21¾ 18 - 25!':( 21 - 25 21 - 28 18 - 21 16¼- 19¾ 16¼- 19 15 - 17¼ 16 - 18 10¼- 17¾ Votinir trust certifs .... 23 - 26 19 - 24 19¼- 21¾ 18¾- 26 20¼- 24¾ 20¼- 22¼ 18¼- 19 19 - 19 .•.• - .... .. .. Fredrick Tarnpike .. ~O .... 1 - 1 ~- ¾ ¾- !Ii .... - .... 1 - 1 .... Geoa·ire 8 Cr'k Coal.100 116 -117 . ... - ........ ... . 118 -118 118 -118 :U8 -118 Georgia & Ala ...... 100 . .. . 29¼- 30 32¾- 36 .. • • _ • • • • . .. • _ Pret .................... 100 56 - 56 56 - 60~ •••• - .... 82¼- 82¼ .... - ... . .... Ga. South'n & Fla.100 46 - 46 45 - 45 .... - •··· 60 - 50 50 - 50 .... - .... 48 - 48 .... 1 8 t pref.............. 100 95¼- 96¾ 95¼- 96¾ 97 -100 100 -102 100 -100 98¼- 99 98 - 99),( .... - .... 99¼- 99½ 95½- 95¼ 97 - 97 .... 2dpret ............... 10tJ .... - .... 70 - 70 75 - 77 79 - 80 78¼- 78½ .... - .. ...... - .... 78 - , 78 76 - 78 •••• - .... 773,r 77¼ G.-B.-8. Br. vot. t.ctf11 . . •·· - ........ - . ... .. .. 9¾- 14 12¼- 13 1~- 13 Lexlnaiton t,treet . ....... 37¾- 37¾ 33 - 33 33 - 33 35 - 37¼ ... . - . . .. 42 - 42 42 - 42 .••• - ... . 45 - 4.5 60 - 60 .... Maryland Brew'a-.. 100 S - S¾ 1¾- 4. l"- 4 1"- 2¼ ·06 - 1¼ ·10 - 1¼ .••• - ........ Trust recelpt8......... . . .. - ..... •.. 3 - 7½ 4 - 7 6 7!)4 6 - 7¾ 6 - 6¼ 8~- 6}l( • .. • .Pref..... ............ 100 7¾- 10)4 33'- 9¼ 4 - 10 8 - 6 '20 - 2 •15 - 1~ .... _ ........ Trust recelpt8 ........ .... 6 - 8)4 7¼- 12 11¾- 14M 12 - 13¼ 11!':(- 12 .•.• Mar:, I'd & Penn. RR ... .... - .... 13 - 18 16 - 15 13¼- 13¾ Mer. & Mec.P.B.L.~ISO .... .... 202¾-202¼ .•.• - ... 195 -195 Mercb. & Min. Trans .. .... - .... 145 -145 .... - •••. 153¼-153½ .. . . _ ........ - ........ N a 8 bvllle Ry....... .. . .. . . . . . 2 - 3 2 - 6 4~- 6 4 4~ 2 - 4 2 - 3 3 4 3¼- 3¾ 3 - 3½ 3 - 3 3 - 3 Nat'l Compositype.. .. . ... •·· • .... - ........ 20 - 20 20 - 20 ... . 20 - 20 . ..• Nat'I Enam. & Stamp .. .... 19¼- 2194 22¾- 23 24 - 26~ 25 - 26 - •.. 25 - 25 26 - 28 29¼- 29¼ 31 - 34 Pret . .............. ..... . ... .... 85 - t-15 82 - 86 8:i - 85 87¾- 88 85 - 86½ ..•. - ... . 82¼- 82~ 84~- 86 8:i - 88  :~:,:~8:.fy?f ir;h~~~ Northern Central ... 50  ~~ =~ ·io¼= 10¾ 88¼- 91  893,a- 91  Pennsylvania Steel. .... .... Pref................ ... . •·· . ... - ........ Philadelphia t:o . .. ... /SO .... - ........ Richmond Tractlon.50 51 - 51 .... Seaboard, new............ 9¾- 10¼ 9MPret ........ ............... 24~- !7¼ 24%Seab'd & Roanoke.100 200 -200 .... 2d pret ............... 1 00 200 -200 . . • • ~outhern . ............. 100 .... Un. El. Lt. & P., pf. .. :iD . .. - .... 86¼United Fruit.............. 127 -127 ..•. United Ry. & Elec ... :iO 16~- 17'7~ 15¼Pref... . ............... . 50 86 - 37¼ .... u. S. Cotton Dack ............ - ........ u. S. Steel .................. .... - ........ Vtratnia Brewinir........ . . .. Va.-Car. Chemical..... . ... - .... 62¼Pret......... .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . Va. Electric & Devel ... .... Western .Maryland.. ~O 11¼- 15 15 - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis  10 = 14 90¾- 91  ~  =  ~¼= 91 - 95  ·i~ =  · i2¼= is~ 1·i2½= is·· ·i2 i2~ ·io¾= ii¾ ·iO¼= ii~ 12 11¼- 12 11 - 11 95 - 913 95 -100 95 -100 98 - 9S 98 - 98¼ 98 -100 100 -105 105 -10~ ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - ........ - ........ - .... 45 - 45 .... - ........ -  ........ .... 45 - 46 : ....... 14¾ 13 31¼ 29¼........ .. .. • • • -  .... 17¾ 87% .... • .. .  - ... . I .... .... 56 17¾38 . ... . •. • -  .... .... - •· · .... 86:1:( 37¼- 38 36¼.... . ... - ........ 17 16:Ji- 18~ 17¾- ........ -  ........ - ........ ........ - •··· 47:Ji62½ 67 - 67  .... -  - .. •. . . .. - ........ 16¼ 15 - 16  17¾-  . ... 51 56¼ .. 29½ 22 49¾ 37 ........ .. . . . .. •  - 51  85 - 85  62 - 52  .... 50 - 50 ••.• 43 - 27¼ 24-U- 30¼ 25M- 29~ 27 - 281)4 26~- 28½ 27¼- 47 45¼- 54 45 - 52¾ 47¾- 52 47¾- 54~ 49¾_ - .. • . .. .. _ .. .. • . • • _ _ ........ - ... 33¾- 83¾ .... 39¾ .... - .... 87¼- 88 .... - .... 36 - 38 3!> - 36 Si . .. .. .. _ •• . . ... _ 18 16~- 17~ 15¾- 18 16~- 17¼ 16 - 16¾ 15¾- 16½ 15 •••. 35 - 85 36 - 35 36 - 35 .••• - .... 86M- 36¼ •••• ........ - .... 33¾- 34 .... 47!1:( .... - ........ . .. . .. . . - , .. . 50 - 50 • • • • .... 67¼- 67¾ .••• .. . . . .. . - . . . 11~11~ .. • • .... 50 - 50 21 20 - 24. 28 - 25 20 - 20 .22 - 22M .... 21 -  :  43 43· 27 25¾50:)JI 4~•••..•.• _ • • .. .. • • _ ... . . . . 34 83 -  43 .... 27¾ 25~- 27¼ 51¾ 49 - 51~  34 .... -  15~ 14¼- 16M 14 - 15~ •••. 36 - 36 •••• - ........ -  • .. . .. • • ........ 21