"February 2, 1867, Vol. 4, No. 84," Commercial and Financial Chronicle (February 2, 1867). https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/1339/item/558181, accessed on February 15, 2025.

Title: February 2, 1867, Vol. 4, No. 84

Date: February 2, 1867
Page 1
image-container-0 lanhm’ tecttc, (Stommrmal Sim#, jtoitoNtjj Ponitor, and fttjmrmur |oumal A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, representing the industrial and COMMERCIAL INTERESTS of the united states. VOL. 4. Bankers and Brokers. D. B. Hatch. C. B. Foots H’ j - Late with Fisk A Hatch. F. A. Johnson, Jr., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1867. Hatch, Foote & Co., BANKERS and dealers in government securi¬ ties, GOLD, Ac. No. 11 WALL STREET, Two doors from New Street. NEW YORK. References : Fisk A Hatch, N. Y. Jay Cooke A Co., N. Y. , Phenxx National Bank. John Bloodgood & Co., 22 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. SEALERS IN GOVERNMENT AND OTHER SECURITIES. Interest allowed on deposits of Gold and Curren¬ cy, subject to check at sight, and particular atten¬ tion gi v en to accounts of country banks and hankers. A. G. Graham, RANKER AND BROKER, 3 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK, DEALER IN j. Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Southern Bills on London and Paris, Bill* on Memphis, New Orleans and Mobile. Tyler, Wrenn & Co., RANKERS. NO. 18 WALL STREET, Buy and Sell at most liberal rates, GOVERNMENT sECURITI KS, GOL D, Ac. Orders for purchase and sale of Stocks. Bonds and Gold promptly executed. t TYLER, VLLMANNft; c - Chicago. Riker & Co., BROKERS IN MINING STOCKS, NO. 6 NEW STREET and 80 BROADWAY. SOUTHERN RANK NOTES. Edwin Q. Bell, • BANKER AND BROKER, In Southern Securities and Bank Bill*, to BROADWAY A 5 NEW STREET, New TorIt. Southern Collections. Harrison, Garth & Go., HANKERS, No. 18 NEW STREET, NEW YORK. Harrison, Goddiu Sc Apperson, Bankers and Brokers, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Collections made on all accessible Southern points. W. H. Whittingham, MINING * No- EXPRESS, .. TELEGRAPH, _ RAILROAD, , , * ; AND ALL OTHER STOCKS, / BONDS AND GOLlJ Bought and 8old on Commission. Quotations and sales lists furnished daily on appli- canon. Orders promptly executed. Satterlee & Co., 70 BROADWAY St 16 NEW STREET. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, ALL TAUXTXZS. T. M. Morgan. T. A. Lathuop. Wm. H. Catlin. Morgan, Lathrop & Co., STOCKS, GOLD, * AND GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Bought and Sold on Commission Nos. 3t New Street Sc 36 Broad Street, New York. Refer to JAY COOKE A CO., Bankers, New York. L. S. Watkins, NO. 11 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK, RANKER, And Dealer In all Claeses of Govern* ment Securities and Gold. Collections made in all parts of the United States and British America. Gilliss, Harney & Go., BANKERS, NO. 24 BROAD STREET. Bny and Sell at Market Rates ALL UNITED STATES SECURITIES. Solicit accounts from MERCHANTS, BANKERS and others, and allow interest on daily balances, subject to Sight draft. Wake collections on favorable terms, And promptly execute orders for the Purchase or Sale of Gold, State, Federal and Railroad Securities. M. K. Jesup & Company, BANKERS AND MERCHANTS, Negotiate 84 BROADWAY. Bonds and Loans ror Railroad Cos*, Contract for Iron or Steel Ralls, Locomotives, Cars, ete., and undertake f all business connected with Railways. Hablett McKim. Robt. MoKim. Jno. A. McKim. McKim, Bros. & Co., r BANKERS, 62 WALL STREET. Interest allowed on deposits subject to draft at sigbt, and special attention given to orders' from other places. Gelston & Bussing, BANKERS Sc BROKERS 87 WALL STREET All orders receive oar Personal Attention. ^Bankers and Brokers. Wm, J. Gelston, John S. Bussing. NO. 84. Bankers and Brokers. V ERMILYE & RANKERS. Co., No. 44 Wall Street. New York, Keep constantly on hand for immediate delivery a issues of ' UNITED STATES INCLUDING 6 Per Cent Bonds of 1881, 6 Per Cent 5-20 Bonds of 1862, 6 6 " 1864, 1865, STOCKS, 5 Pet Cent 10-40 Bonds, 7 3-10 Per Cent Treasury Notes, 1st, 2d, A 3d series 6 Per Cent Currency Certificates. New York State 7 per cent. Bounty Loan. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON GOVERN! MENT STOCKS TO BANKS AND BANKERS Compound Interest Notes of 1864 Sc. 1865 Bought and Sold. VERMILYE Sc CO. Western Bankers. L. A. Benoist & Co., BANKERS, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, Buy and Sell Exchange on all the principal citiea of the United States and Canadas. Also, drafts on London and Paris for sale. Scott & Co., Late Scott, Kerr Sc Co., BANKERS, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. Collections made on all accessible points and re¬ mitted for on the day of payment, less current rates of exchange.. The Marine Company OF CHICAGO. J. Young Sgaxmon ...President. Robert Reid Manager. General Banking and Collections promptly attended to. Established 1848. Haskell & Co., RANKERS, ST. LOUIS, MO. Dealers in Government Securities, Gold and Ex¬ change collections made on all accessible points and promptly remitted for at current rates of exchange. Second National Bank. ST. LOUIS, MO. Capital.. $200,0001 Surplus.. $150,566 Prompt attention given to the business of corres¬ pondents. E. D. JONES, Cashier. NORTH-WESTERN STATES bank or Geo. C. Smith & Bro., . 57 X rU-J 48 LASALLE ST., CHICAGO, * (Lake Bank ofMontreal.) ’ *. '> 4> Special attention given to collection*. Draw on—DrexeL Wlnthrop A Co., and Winslow, Lanier ACo., New-York; Drexel A Co., Fhiladel phia, and Bank of Montreal, Canada.
image-container-1 130 THE CHRONICLE. Bankers and Biokers. Fourth National Bank. Capital $ 5,000,000 NASSAU STREET, N. E. COR. PINE STREET. All the Government l oans for sale. Collections made for Dealers on best terms. Central National Bank, 318 BROADWAY. ^Capital 13,000,000. Has for sale all descriptions of Government Bonds— City and Country accounts received on terms mos favorable to our Correspondents. ? Collections made in all parts of the United State and Canadas. WILLIAM A. WHEELOCK, President. WILLIAM H. SANFORD, Cashier. Tenth National Bank. Capital $1,000.00 0. No. 240 BROADWAY. Designated Depository of the Government. Bank era’ and Dealers’ Accounts solicited. J. H. Stout, Cashier. D. L. ROSS, President. The Tradesmens NATIONAL BANK. 291 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CAPITAL $ 1,0* 0,000 URPLUS^. 4u0,000 RICHARD BERRY, President. ANTHONY HALSEY, Cashier. Duncan, Sherman & Co., BANKERS, CORNER OF PINE AND NASSAU STS., ISSUE CIRCULAR NOTES AND CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT, For the use of Travelers abroad and in the United States, available in all the principal cities of the world; also, COMMERCIAL CREDITS, For use in Europe, east of the Cape of Good Hope, West Indies, Soutn America, and the United States. C. POWELL, GREEN Sc CO. Bankers & Commission MERCHANTS, 88 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. Stocks, Bonds and Governments bought and told exclusively on Commission. J ones & Westervelt, BANKERS Sc BROKERS, Government Securities, Stocks, Ronds, and Gold, bought and sold on Commission. COMMERCIAL PAPER AND LOANS OF GOLD AND CURRENCY NEGOTIATED. NOS. 12 NEW Sc 14 BROAD STREETS. Wilson, Callaway & Co., BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 44 Broad Street, N. IT. Government Securities, Stocks, Bonds, and Gold bought and sold on the most liberal terms. Mer¬ chants, bankers, and others allowed 4 per cent, on deposits. The most liberal advances made on Cot¬ ton, Tobacco, &c., consigned to ourselves or to our correspondents, Messrs. J. K. GILLIAT & CO., of Liverpool. Warren, Kidder & Co., BANKERS, No. 4 WALL ST., NEW YORK. Orders for stock s, Bonds, and Gold promptly exe¬ cuted. FOUR PER CENT, INTEREST ALLO W ED on deposits, subject to check at sight. John Cockle & Son, BROKERS In Foreign Exchange, Bonds, Notes, Ac., Scc» (8 2 PINE*STREET, NEW YORK. Rxrbxncks.—Moses Taylor; John Munroe & Co; C, Savage, U.3. Appraiser; W. Cockle, Peoria, Ill.; Hon. F. E. Spinner, Treasurer U. 8., Washington. Southern Bankers. National Bank of the Republic, 809 & 811 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Capital - $500,000 Offers its services to Banks and Bankers on liberal terms.* DIRECTORS: Joseph T. Bailey, Edward B. Orne, Nathan Hides, William Ervien, Benjamin Rowland, Jr., Osgood Welsh, Samuel A. Bispham, Frederic A. Hoyt, William H Rhawn. William H. Rhawn, President, Late Cashier of the Central National Bank. Joseph P. Mumpord, Cashier, Late of the Philadelphia National Bank. George Butler, BANKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, GALVESTON, TEXAS. (Established in 1S47.) Collections promptly attended to and remitted for by Sight Drafts on Messrs. Duncan, Shermau & Co., Bankers, New York. References in New York :—Duncan Sherman & Co; T. H. Frothinghara, Esq., Pres’t. Union Trust Co.; Moses Taylor, E-»q.; K. H. Lowry, Esq., Prest. Bank of Republic; Henry Swift & Co.; H. B. Cl a flin & Co. Office In New York No. 71 Broadway. ROB’T U. MAURY. JA3. L. MAURY. ROB’T T. BROOKE R. H. Maury & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS No. 1014 MAIN ST., RICHMOND, VA. Sterling Exchange, Gold and Silver, Bank Notes, State, City, and Railroad Bonds and Stocks, &c.t bought and sold on commission. Deposits received and Collections made on all accessible points in the United States. N. Y. Correspondent, Yermilye & Co. Jas. M. Muldon & Sons, No. 52 St. Francis St., Mobile, Ala. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Gov¬ ernment Securities. Bonds, Gold and Silver. Prompt attention given to Collections References: Bibcock Bros & Co., Bankers, New York. Goodyear Bros. & Dnrand, Bankers, New York. E. H. Bulkly & Co., Brokers, Netv York. Byrd & Hall, New York. Martin, Bates & Co., Merchants, New York. Geo. D. H. Gillespie, late Wolff & Gillespie. Henry A Hurlburt, late Swift & Hurlbert. Home Insurance Company ot New York. New York Life Insurance Company. ' Aetna Insurance Company of Hartford. Underwriters Agency New Yck, Ch srles Walsh. JPre ident Bank of Mobile. Henry A Schroeder. Pros. Sonthem Bank of Ala. T. H. McMahan & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Domestic and Foreign Exchange. GA L VESTON , TEXA S. Special attention given to Collections of all kinds, having prompt and reliable correspondents at all ac¬ cessible points in the State, and REMITTANCES PROMPTLY MADE IN SIGHT EXCHANGE AT CURRENT RATES. ...~refer to . National Park Bank, Howes & Macy, and Spofford, Tileston & Co., New York. Second National Bank and J. W. Seavef, Esq., Boston. Drexel & Co. and D. S. Stetson & Co., Philadelphia. T. F. Thirkield & Co., Cincinnati. Third National Bank and J os. E. Elder & Goodwin, St Louis. Fowler, Stanard & Co, Mobile. Pike, Ijapeyre & Bro., New Orleans. Drake. Klemwcrth& Cohen, Lon¬ don and Liverpool^, ¥ . , Charles D. Carr & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, AUGUSTA, G A . COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY REMITTED FOR. Conner & Wilson,3 No. 5 Broad Street, Cliarleston, S. C., BANKERS Sc DEALERS IN FOREIGN& DOMESTIC EXCHANGE,SPECIE, BANK NOTES, STOCKS, AND B' »NDS. Especial attention paid to Collections. Refer to Duncan, Sriennau & Co., New York; Drexel & Co., Philadelphia; Tin Franklin Bank, and Johnston Bros., Baltimore; R. H. Maury & Co., Richmond, Va., Charles D. Carr & Co. Augusta, Ga. [February 2,1867. Southern Bankers. Burke & Co., BANKERS, 54 CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS, Draw on Merchants National Bank, New York, and Bank of Liverpool, England. Collections and remittances promptly attended to. Washington. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, H. D. COOKE (of Jay Cooke <fc Co.), Pkes’t. WM. S. HUNTINGTON, Cashier. Government Depository and Financial Agent of tlie United state*. We buy and sell all classes of Government securities on the most favorable terms, end ■•sve especial attention to business connected witb the several departments of tlie Government. Full information with regard to Government loans at all times cueerfully furnished. Eastern Bankers. Page, Richardson & Co , 114 STATE STREET, BOSTON, BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON LONDON AND JOHN MUNBOE Sc CO., PARIS. ALSO ISSUK Commercial Credits for +he purchase of Merchan dlse in England and the Continent. Travellers’ Credits for the use of Travellers abroad. Dupee, Beck & Sayles, STOCK BROKERS, No. 22 STATE STREET, BOSTON. ' JAMES A. DUPEE, JAMES BECK, HENRY SAYLES Western Bankers. J.W. Ellis, Prest. Lewis Worthington, V.-Prest. Theodore Stanwood, Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Cincinnati. Collections made on all points WEST and SOUTH, and promptly remitted for. Capital *tock, $11,000,000. Surplus Fund. $250,000. Directors.—John W. Ellis, Lewis Worthington, L. B. Harrison, William Glenn, R. M. Bishop, William Woods, James A. Frazer, Robert Mitchell, A. 8 Winslow. Gilmore, Dunlap & Co., 10S Sc 110 West Fourtli Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Dealers in GOLD, SILVER, UNCURRENT BANK NOTES, and all kinds of GOVERNMENT BONDS, COLLECTIONS MADE at all accessible points and remitted for on day of pajnnent. Checks on UNION BANK OF LONDON. FOR SALE. D. A. Given, of Watts, Given & Co., Paducah, Ky. D. W. Jones, of Boyle Co., Ky. L. M. Flournoy, Pres’t Commercial Bank of Ky. N. S. Ray, late Casb’r Com’l B’k of Ky., Lebanon, Ky BANKING HOUSE OF Given, Jones & Co., 33 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. Ray, Given & Co., 43 CABONDELET ST., NEW OR¬ LEANS. Orders" for the purchase or sale of Government Securities, Stocks, Bonds, and Gold, promptly executed. Interest allowed on Deposits, subject to cheques at sight. Special attention given to the Foreign Exchange Business. Given, Vone* & Co. are prepared to draw Sterling Bill*, at sight or sixty days, on the Bank of Liverpool, in s<*ms to suit purchasers. The New Orleans House will make Collections in ihat City and at all accessible points South, and remit on the day of payment. We refer to Bank or America and National Bank op State op New York, New York City, and to any of the Kentucky Banks.
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