"April 18, 1868, Vol. 6, No. 147," Commercial and Financial Chronicle (April 18, 1868). https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/1339/item/558246, accessed on February 10, 2025.

Title: April 18, 1868, Vol. 6, No. 147

Date: April 18, 1868
Page 1
image-container-0 A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, REPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES. VOL. 6. Bankers and Brokers. John J. Cisco Sc Son, BANKERS, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1868. NO. 59 WALL STREET, NEW Y ORK, BROWN, BROTHERS & CO.’S BUILDING. Receive money on Deposit and allow interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum on daily balances, sub¬ ject to check at sight. Issue Certi icates of Deposit bearing four per cent Interest, payable on demand. Negotiate Loans. Execute promptly orders for the purchase and sa’e of Gold. Buy and Sell Government and other Securities on commission. . Make Collections on all parts of the United States and Canada. Special Agents for the sale of the First Mortgage Bonds of the Union Pacific Railroad Company. AUSTIN Sc OBERGE, 313 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. COMMISSION STOCK BROKERS. J. BELL AUSTIN. CHAS. H. OBERGE. Fisk & Hatch, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, INO. 5 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. Buy and sell, at market rates,'rall descriptions of United States Securities, and give especial attention to the conversion of SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES Into the NEW FIVE TWENTY BONDS OF 1865 AND 1867. Certificates of Deposit issued, Deposits received and .^^.Collections made. Also, General Agents forĈ entral Pacific Railroad First Mort- * gage Ronds, Gray, Prince & Co., BANKERS A BROKERS, 26 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. Henry Wjnthrop Gray. John D. Prince. Geo. T. Green. Wilson,Callaway & Co., Bankers and Commission Merchants, NO. 41 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. Government Securities, Stocks, Bonds and Gold bought and sold on the most liberal terms. Merchants, Bankers and others allowed 4 per cent on deposits. The most liberal advances made on Cotton, Tobacco, &c„ consigned to ourselves or to our correspondents. Messrs. K. GILLIAX.& CO., Liverpool. A. M. Foutb, W. W. Loring. La'ePres. GayosoBank Memphis, Tenn.j Foute & Loring, BANKERS AND BROKERS, B3 BROAD STREET AND 88 NEW STREET. Government Securities of all kinds, Gold, late, Rank, and Railroad Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold. Interest allowed on Deposits subject to check at sight. Collection ®»ade in all the States and Canadas, Eastern Bankers. . Page, Richardson & Co., BANKERS & MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE, GOLD AND BONDS, 114 State Street, Boston. TRAVELLERS’ CREDITS issued on London and Paris available in all parts of Europe. LOANS OF STERLING made to Merchants upon favorable terms. DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CURRENCY received, subject to draft at sight and interest allowed. ADVANCES made on consignmeats to Liverpool and London. Dupee, Beck & Sayles, STOCK BROKERS, No. M STATE STREET, BOSTON. JAMES A. DUPXS, JAMX8 BECK, HENRY 8AYLKS Southern Bankers. Washington. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, H. D. COOKS (of Jay Cook# & Co.), Pans’*. WM. S. HUNTINGTON, Cashier. Government Depository and Financial Agent of tno United States. We buy and sell all classes of Government securities on the most favorable terms, and give especial attention to business connected with the several departments of ths Government. , A _ Full information with regard to Government loans at all times cheerfully furnished. EOB’T H. 3IAURY. JAS. L. MAURY. ROB’T T. BROOKE. R. H. Maury & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS. No. 1014 MAIN ST, RICHMOND, VA., Sterling Exchange, Gold and Silver, Bank Notes, State. City, and Railroad Bonds and Stocks, <fcc., bought and sold on commission. VST Deposits recived and Collections made on all accessible points in the United States. N. Y. Correspondent, Vermilye & Co. Jas. M. Muldon & Sons, No. 52 St. Francis St., Mobile, Ala. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Gov¬ ernment Securities, Bonds, Gold and Silver. Prompt attention given to Collections. References : Babcock Bros. & Co., Bankers, New York. Goodyear Bros. & Durand, Bankers, New York. E. fl. Bulkly & Co., Brokers, New York. Byrd & Hall, New York. Martin, Bates & Co., Merchants, New York. Geo. D. H. Gillespie, late Wolf! & Gillespie. Henry A Hurlburt, late Swift & Hurlbert. Home Insurance Company ot New York. ew York Life Insurance Company. Aetna Insurance Company ot Hartford. Underwriters Agency New York, Charles Walsh. President Bank of Mobile. Henry A Schroeder, Pres. Southern Bank of Ala. Western Bankers. The Marine Company OF CHICAGO. J. Young Scammon Robert Reid .....President. Manager. General Banking and Collections promptly attended to. NO. 147. Western Bankers. Gilmore, Dunlap & Co., 108 Sc 110 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Dealers in GOLD, SILVER, UNCURRENT BANK NOTES, and all kinds ol GOVERNMENT BONDS, COLLECTIONS MADE at all accessible points nd remitted for on day of payihent.' Checks on UNION BANK OF LONDON FOR SALE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Cincinnati, Ohio. John W. Ellis, Pres. Lewis Worthington, V.Pres. Theodore Stanwood, Cashier. CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS $314,852 89 Collections made on all accessible points and promptly remitted for at best rates. Directors: John W. Ellis, Lewis Worthington, L. R^Harrison, Jas. A. Frazer, R. M. Bishop, Robt. Mitchell, William Woods A S. Winslow, Job. Raw son. Cash Capital, $150,000. Real Capital, $1,000,000. Jos. F. Larkin & Co., BANKERS, CINCINNATI. Jos. F. Larkin, f Thomas Fox. John Cochnower, I Adam Poe, 1 general [ partnership, j Thos. Sharp. Harvey Decamp,, j P. Hatden. Job. Hutcheson. W. B Hayden BANKING HOUSES OF I John M. Phillips, (.John Gates. Hayden,Hutcheson & Co NO. 18 8. HIGH STREET, COLUMBUS, OHIO, Do a General Banking, Collection, and Exchange % ' ■ Business. National Trust Company 42S PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Capital $100,000 Particular attention given to collections, and pro seeds promptly remitted. L. A. Benoist & Co., BANKERS, ST. UOUIS, MISSOURI, Buy and Sell Exchange on all the principal cities of the United States and Canadas. Also, drafts on London and Paris for sale. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF IDAHO Boise City, I. T. Organized March 11, 1867, (with circulation), under Act of Congress approved June 8,1864. Capital, $100,000. Authorized Capital, $500,000 j B. M. DU RELL, Pres. C. W. MOORE, Cashier. New York Correspondent,—National Bank of North America. Collections on the principal places in Idaho Terri¬ tory promptly attended to. *s Telegraph Transfers,’* Sight and Time Exchange, for Gold or Currency, can be purchased on this Bank, of National Bank North America, New York City; National Bank of Com¬ merce, Boston, Mass.
image-container-1 4 482 Financial. L. P. Morton & Co., SINKERS, 80 BROAD STREET, NEW TORE. STERLING EXCHANGE, At Sight or Sixty Days; also, Circular Notes and Lat¬ ter* or Credit for Traveller*’ Use, on L. P. MORTON, BURNS & CO.f (53 Old Broad Street, London.) Ain) TECH UNION BANK OF LONDON. Available In all the principal towns and cities of Europe and the East. T elegraphlc orders executed for the Purchase and Bale of Stock* and Bond* In London and New York. Lim P. Mobtoit. Charles E. Milnoi. Waxtbb H. Burn*. H. Cbuobb Oahut. Bel ding, Keith & Co., American Bankers and merchants, 80 LOMBARD STREET, LONDON, E.C. DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, U.S. BONDS AND ALL AMERICAN SECURITIES. Orders for American or European Products promptly executed. Liberal Advances made on Approved Con signments. Collections made and drafts retired. CIRCULARS (published weekly) FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. C. F. I. Sc C. FOR COST, FREIGHT, Insurance, and Commission, any production of Great Britain can be procured at the lowest market rates, through Messrs. BELDING, KEITH & CO., American Bankers and Merchants. 80 Lombard Street, London. Orrters by Cable promptly executed. Circulars issued weekly ou application. Duncan, Sherman & Co., B A IV It E E S CORNER OF PINE AND NASSAU STS., ISSUE CIRCULAR NOTES AND CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT, For the use of Travelers abroad and in the United States, available in all the principal cities of the world; also, COMMERCIAL CREDITS, For nse In Europe, east of the Cape of Good Hopc West Indies, South America, and the United States John Munroe & Co., AMERICAN BANKERS, NO. 7 RUE SCRIBE, PARIS, AND NO. 8 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, Issue Circular Letter* of Credit for Travellers In all parts of Europe, etc., etc. Also Commercial Credits, LETTERS OF CREDIT FOR TRAV¬ ELLERS. EXCHANGE ON LONDON AND PARIS. SIGHT DRAFTS ON EDINBURGH & GLASGOW STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. AT THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. James G. King’s Sons, 54 *" "Hiam Street. S. G. & G. C. Ward, AGENTS TOR BARING BROTHERS Sc COMPANY, 56 WALL STREET, NEW YOI1K, 28 STATE STREET, BOSTON. Drake Kleinwort& Cohen LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. flThe subscriber, their representative ana Attorney s in the United States, is prepared to make advance* on shipments to Messrs. Drake, Kleinwort & Cohen London and Liverpool, and to grant mercantile credits upon them for use in China, the East and West Indies. South America, &c, Marginal credits Of the London House issued for the same purposes. SIMON DE VISSER, 86 Exchange Place, New York. i’HE CHRONICLE [April x8, 1868. Financial Mansfield, 'Freese & Brownell, Bankers and Commission Merchants, NO. 50 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK, TT. S. Bonds, Coin, Stocks, Grain, Flour, and Pro¬ visions Bought and Sold on Commission only. Liberal advances on consignments. Particular at¬ tention given to collections. four per cent, interest allowed on deposits. J. L MANSFIELD, Vice-Pres. 1st Nat. Bank Decatur, Ill. J. L. BROWNEUL, Pres, of the Open Board Stock Brokers, N.Y. I. M. FREESE & CO., Commission Merchants, Chicago, Ill. FREESE & COMPANY, Bankers, Bement, Ill. J. L. Brownell & Bro., BANKERS & BROKERS, 28 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. Stocks, Bonds, Government Securities and Gold Bought and Sold exclusively on commission. Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Individuals received on favorable terms. Refseencss* J. H. Fonda, Pres. National Mech. Banking Ass., N.Y. C. B. Blais, Pre*’t Merchants’ Nat. Bank, Chicago. First National Bank, OF DEC ATUR, ILL. Capital $100,000 Isaac Freese, Pres. J. L. Mansfield, Vice-Pres. T. W. Freese, Cashier. Prompt attention given to collections on all accessi¬ ble points in the Northwest. Freese & Company, BANKER!, Bement, Ill., A Regular Banking and Exchange business transac¬ ted. - u. S. Bonds and Coin bought and sold. Capi¬ talists can make desirable Real Estate Investments through our House. Correspondence solicited. I. M. Freese & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Chicago, 111., Advances made on Consignments. Eastern orders for all Western products solicited. Prompt and care¬ ful attention given. QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF THE MARKET NATIONAL BANK. On the morning of the first Monday of April, 1868. resources: Loans and discounts $2,129,393 53 Overdrafts .*. 812 27 Banking house 85,000 00 Current expenses 19,320 76 Cash items, exchanges, &c 413,239 91 Due from banks and bankers *... 132,922 13 U.S, bonds to secure circulation 672,000 00 Other bonds and stocks. 1,000 00 Circulating notes, other banks 27,226 00 Specie 141,570 97 Legal tender notes $162,525 Compound interest notes 203,000 Three per cent, certificates 170,000 535,525 00 Total v. $1,108,040 5*7 liabilities. Capital $1,000,000 00 Surplus fund 276,051 11 Profit and loss 42,5H2 72 Circulating notes outstanding 594,179 00 Deposits 1,722,365 98 Uncollected che 380,200 00 Due banks and ; 82,541 76 State circulation outstanding .... 8,500 00 Dividends unpaid 1,6-40 00 Total....' $4,108,040 57 I, A. Gilbert, cashier ol the Market National Bank do solemmy swear that the above statement is true, to the be.'t of my knowledge and belief. A. GILBERT, Cashier. Safes for Sale. Two, perfectly new, Marvin’s Safes which the owner has now no use for will be sold at 20 per cent less than the cost price. A. B., P.O. Box 4,582. For Sale. Rochester City 7 Per Cent. Mortgage Water Bonds, ecuritv of which is undoubted, for investments with a Sinking Fund provided for their redemption, due 18S7, for sale at a considerable reduction below r o the present only by ALBERT H. NICOLAY, STOCK BROKER AND AUCTIONEER, No. 43 Pine Street, New York, Financial. Central National Bank, 318 BROADWAY. Capital S3,000.000 Has for sale all descriptions of Government Bonds-. City and County accounts received on terms most fa vorable to our Correspondents. Collections made in all parts of the United States and Canadas WILLIAM A. WHEEjjCCK, President William H. Sanford, Cashier. The Tradesmen’s NATIONAL BANK. 291 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CAPITAL $1,000,00® SURPLUS 450,000 RICHARD BERRY, President, ANTHONY HALSEY, Cashier. Tenth National Bank. Capital $1,000,000. No. 29 BROAD STREET. Designated Depository of the Government. Banket and Dealers’ Accounts solicited. T. H. Stout, Cashier. D. L. ! OSS, Preside S. Thompson’s Nephew, EUROPEAN PASSAGE AND EXCHANGE OFFICE. 73 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Drafts on England, Ireland dc Scotland Bankers furnished with Sterling Exchange and through tickets from Europe to all part* of the United State*. Manners, 7b&fc. 3ci_ Seft., j 3^J^clAAcul «ft., \vv\t\AcY. I CVY'-X Ov\fc. (Z7)ccLl.ctA in. JIL. c~f. <§/'cciLliti/iA ctncL j3ffatcLg.n. ^eeclLCLn.q.e, - and rncm.be.iA afi dtadz etnei LCtrLcyeA in. beetle citicA. ^fkc.cau.ntA af. Jj^anJeA cued /3JctnledA tcceueccL an. LLLctaL tclm.A. Insurance. Niagara Fire Insurance COMPANY. OFFICE 12 WALLJSTREET. CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS, JANUARY 1st, 1868 .'. 363,000 The Directors have declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, free of tax, payable on and after Monday 13th inst. January S, 186S. J, D, STEELE, President. P. NOTMAN, Vice-Prest. Henry Kip, Secretary. iETNA Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD. Incorporated 1819.. Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL..... T $3,000,000. L. J. HENDEE, President. J. GOOD NOW, Secretary. Assets July 1,1867 $4,650,938 27 Liabilities 377,668 46 NSURANCE AGAINST LOSS AND DA IAGE BY FIRE. NEW YORK AGENCY NO. 62 WALL STREET. 118, A. ALEXANDER, Agent.
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