Full text of Coinage Act of 1834
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TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. S e ss . I. C h. 95. 1834. o f the several ports, shall be paid for the year one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-three, as if they had been specifically included in the third section o f the act o f the second o f March, o f said year, entitled “ An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses o f government, for the year eighteen hundred and th ir ty -th r e e Provided, however, that in no case shall the compensation o f any other officers than collectors, naval officers and surveyors, whether by salaries, fees, or otherwise, exceed the sum o f two thousand dollars each per annum; nor shall the union o f any two or more o f these officers in one person entitle him to receive more than the sum o f two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; and provided, also, that no officer shall receive under this act a greater annual salary or compensation than was paid to such officer for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, provided, however, that the number o f officers to be employed in any o f the custom-houses shall not be augmented beyond those now in service; and provided further, that the said collectors, naval officers and surveyors shall render, an account quarterly to the treasury, and the other officers herein named or referred to shall render an account quarterly to the respective collec tors o f the customs where they are employed, to be forwarded to the treasury, o f all the fees and emoluments whatever by them respectively received, and o f all expenses incident to their respective offices, which accounts shall be rendered on oath or affirmation, and shall be in such form, and be supported by such proofs, to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, as will in his judgment best enforce the provisions o f this section, and show its operation and effect. S e c . 3. And be it fu rth er enacted, That no payment o f the money, appropriated by this act, or any other act passed at the present session o f Congress, shall be made in the note or notes o f any bank which shall not be at par value at the place where such payment may be made, pro vided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to make any thing but gold and silver a tender in payment, o f any debt due from the United States to individuals. S e c . 4. And be it fu rth er enacted, That the secretary o f the Senate be, and he hereby is, directed to pay, out o f the fund appropriated by law for the pay o f members o f Congress, to Elisha R . Potter, o f the state o f Rhode Island, such compensation as is allowed by law to members o f Congress, for hi3 travel from his place o f residence to the city o f Wash ington, to claim a seat in the Senate, and for his return and also the per diem compensation for the days he was in actual attendance at the seat o f government from the commencement o f the present session o f Con gress, until the final decision by the Senate against his right to the seat so claimed by him. A p p r o v e d , June 27, 1834. 099 A c t o f M arch 2 , 1833, ch . 64. P roviso. Paym ents not to b e made in bank notes be lo w par at p lace o f paym ent. Elisha R . P ot ter to b e paid for m ileage and attendance. S t a t u t e I. C hap. X C V .— An Act concerning the gold coins of the United States, and/or other purposes. B e it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America, in Congress assembled, That the gold coins o f the United States shall contain the following quantities o f metal, that is to say: each eagle shall contain twp hundred and thirty-two grains o f pure gold, and two hundred and fifty-eight grains o f standard gold; each half eagle one hundred and sixteen grains o f pure gold, and one hundred and twenty-nine grains o f standard gold; each quarter eagle shall contain fifty-eight grains o f pure gold, and sixty-four and a halt grains o f stan dard g o ld ; every such eagle shall be o f the value o f ten dollars; every such half eagle shall be o f the value o f five dollars; and every such quarter eagle shall be o f the value o f two dollars and fifty cents; and the June 2 8 , 1834. Standard and w eigh t o f coin s. V o l. ii. 6 4. V o l. ii. 111. TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. 700 Gold and sil ver deposited for coinage to be paid for within five days. Proviso. K ate at which gold coin shall be receivable. G old coins to be set apart for assay. P roviso. A c t to b e in force after July 31, 1834. Statute ess. I. Ch. 96. 1834. said gold coins shall be receivable in all payments, when o f full weight, according to their respective values; and when o f less than full weight, at less values, proportioned to their respective actual weights. S e c . % And be it further enacted, That all standard gold or silver de posited for coinage after the thirty-first o f July next, shall be paid for in coin under the direction o f the Secretary o f the Treasury, within five days from the making o f such deposit, deducting from the amount o f said deposit o f gold and silver one-half o f one per centum: Provided, That no deduction shall be made unless said advance be required by such depositor within forty days. S e c . 3. And be it fu rth er enacted, That all gold coins o f the United States, minted anterior to the thirty-first day o f July next, shall be re ceivable in all payments at the rate o f ninety-four and eight-tenths o f a cent per pennyweight. S e c . 4. And be it fu rth er enacted, That the better to secure a confor mity o f the said gold coins to their respective standards as aforesaid, from every separate mass o f standard gold which shall be made into coins at the said mint, there shall be taken, set apart by the treasurer and reserved in hi3 custody, a certain number o f pieces, not less than three, and that once in every year the pieces so set apart and reserved shall be assayed under the inspection o f the officers, and at the time, and in the manner now provided by law, and, if it shall be found that the gold so assayed, shall not be inferior to the said standard hereinbefore declared, more than one part in three hundred and eighty-four in fineness, and one part in five hundred in weight, the officer or officers o f the said mint whom it may concern, shall be held excusable ; but if any greater inferi ority shall appear, it shall be certified to the President of the United States, and if he shall so decide, the said officer or officers shall be there after disqualified to hold their respective offices: Provided, That if, in making any delivery o f coin at the mint in payment o f a deposit, the weight thereof shall be found defective, the officer concerned shall be responsible to the owner for the full weight, if claimed at the time o f delivery. S e c . 5. A nd be it fu rth er enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after the thirty-first day o f July, in the year one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-four. A p p r o v e d , June 28, 1834. I. June 28, 1834. A c t o f June 25, 1834, ch . 71. Kates at which gold coins shall be receivable after July 31, 1834. Coins o f Great Britain, Portu gal , and Brazil. F rance. Spain, M ex ico, and C olom bia. Annual assays to b e m ade. (a ) S C h ap. XCYI.—An Act regulating the value of certainforeign gold coins within the United States, (a) B e it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America, in Congress assembled, That, from and after the thirtyfirst day o f July next, the following gold coins shall pass as current as money within the United States, and be receivable in all payments, by weight, for the payment o f all debts and demands, at the rates following, that is to say: the gold coins o f Great Britain, Portugal, and Brazil, of not less than twenty-two carats fine, at the rate o f ninety-four cents and eight-tenths o f a cent per pennyweight; the gold coins o f France ninetenths fine, at the rate o f ninety-three cents and one-tenth o f a cent per pennyweight; and the gold coins o f Spain, Mexico, and Colombia, o f the fineness o f twenty carats three grains and seven-sixteenths o f a grain, at the rate o f eighty-nine cents and nine-tenths o f a cent per penny weight. S e c . 2. And be it fu rther enacted, That it shall be the duty o f the Secretary o f the Treasury to cause assays o f the aforesaid gold coins, N otes o f the acts w hich have been passed relative to foreign co in s, vol. ii. p . 374. TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. S ess . I . C h . 97,98,99,100. 1834. 701 made current by this act, to be had at the mint o f the United States, at least once in every year, and to make a report o f the result thereof to Congress. A p p r o v e d , June 28, 1834. S ta tu te I. C h a p . X C V 11. — J it i Act to authorize the removal of the customshouse from Magnolia, to St. Marks in Florida. B e it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America, in Congress assembled, That, the President o f the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to remove the custom house, now established at Magnolia on the St. Marks river in Florida, to the town o f St. Marks or some other point on St. Marks harbour which may be deemed suitable, when in his judgment the public interests and convenience may require it, and after the removal aforesaid the office o f surveyor at St. Marks shall be abolished. A p p r o v e d , June 28, 1834. June 2 8, 1834. P resident to cause custom house to be rem oved. Statu te I. XCVTO.—An Act to attach the territory of the United States west of the Mississippi river, and north i f the slate of Missouri, to the territory of Michi gan. June 2 8, 1834. B e it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America, in Congress assembled, That all that part o f the terri tory o f the United States bounded on the east by the Mississippi river, on the south by the state o f Missouri, and a line drawn due west from the north-west corner o f said state to the Missouri river; on the south west and west by the Missouri river and the White Earth river, falling into the same; and on the north, by the northern boundary o f the United States, shall be, and hereby is, for the purpose o f temporary government, attached to, and made a part of, the territory o f Michigan, and the in habitants therein shall be entitled to the same privileges and immunities, and be subject to the same laws, rules, and regulations, in all respects, as the other citizens o f Michigan territory. A p p r o v e d , June 28, 1834. Territory m ade part o f M ichi gan, and the in habitants sub je cte d to its la w s, & c. C hap. St a t u t e C hap. XCIX.— An Actfo r the benefit of the city of Washington. B e it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America, in Congress assembled, That the Secretary o f the Trea sury be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay, out o f any unappropriated money in the treasury, a sum not exceeding seventy thousand dollars, in quarterly instalments, for one year from the passage o f this act, to the mayor o f the city o f Washington, to be applied under the direction and authority o f the boards o f aldermen and common council, to extinguish so much o f the interest annually accruing on their public debt. A p p r o v e d , June 28, 1834. June 2 8, 1834. A ppropriation to extinguish in terest on public debt o f W ash ington city. Sta tu te C h a p . C . —An Act to enable the President to make an arrangement with the go vernment of France in relation to certain French seamen killed or wounded at Toulon, and their families. W h e r e a s certain French seamen were unfortunately killed and others wounded, by firing a salute from the American frigate United States in the harbour o f Toulon, on the first day o f May last, and whereas it is 3 n 2 I. I. June 2 8, 1834.