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Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee Public Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 9:30 AM United State Mint Headquarters 801 9th Street NW, 2nd Floor Conference Rooms A and B Washington, D.C. In attendance: Robert Hoge Erik Jansen Mary Lannin (via telephone) Gary Marks (Chair) Michael Moran Thomas Uram Herman Viola Heidi Wastweet 1. Chairperson Marks called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. 2. The minutes and letters of the September 23, 2014 and September 24, 2014 meetings were unanimously approved. 3. April Stafford of the United States Mint presented the candidate designs for the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders Congressional Gold Medal. Mr. Brian Anderson, Sargent-At-Arms for the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders organization, offered comments on the program and proposed designs. 4. After each member of the Committee had commented on the candidate designs, members rated the designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With eight (8) members voting, the maximum possible point total was twenty-four (24). By Committee rule, a majority of the maximum possible point total (i.e. 13) was required to garner the Committee’s recommendation. The committee’s scores for the designs for the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders Congressional Gold Medal are as follows: Obverse Designs: DTR-CGM-O-01: 0 DTR-CGM-O-01A: 0 DTR-CGM-O-02: 17 (Recommended design) DTR-CGM-O-03: 4 DTR-CGM-O-04: 6 DTR-CGM-O-05: 0 DTR-CGM-O-06: 14 DTR-CGM-O-07: 0 DTR-CGM-O-08: 0 DTR-CGM-O-09: DTR-CGM-O-10: DTR-CGM-O-11: DTR-CGM-O-12: DTR-CGM-O-13: DTR-CGM-O-14: 3 0 0 0 0 0 Reverse Designs: DTR-CGM-R-01: 0 DTR-CGM-R-01A: 0 DTR-CGM-R-02: 17 (Recommended design) DTR-CGM-R-03: 4 DTR-CGM-R-04: 6 DTR-CGM-R-05: 0 DTR-CGM-R-06: 14 DTR-CGM-R-07: 0 DTR-CGM-R-08: 0 DTR-CGM-R-09: 3 5. April Stafford of the United States Mint presented the candidate designs for the American Fighter Aces Congressional Gold Medal. Dr. Gregg Wagner, Board Member of the American Fighter Ace Association, offered comments on the program and proposed designs. 6. After each member of the Committee had commented on the candidate designs, members rated the designs by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points to each, with higher points reflecting more favorable evaluations. With eight (8) members voting, the maximum possible point total was twenty-four (24). By Committee rule, a majority of the maximum possible point total (i.e. 13) was required to garner the Committee’s recommendation. The committee’s scores for the designs for the American Fighter Aces Congressional Gold Medal are as follows: Obverse Designs: AFA-CGM-O-01: 6 AFA-CGM-O-02: 14 (Recommended design) AFA-CGM-O-03: 2 AFA-CGM-O-04: 12 AFA-CGM-O-05: 0 AFA-CGM-O-06: 0 Reverse Designs: AFA-CGM-R-01: AFA-CGM-R-02: AFA-CGM-R-03: AFA-CGM-R-04: AFA-CGM-R-05: 6 0 0 7 0 AFA-CGM-R-06: 0 AFA-CGM-R-07: 15 (Recommended design) AFA-CGM-R-08: 7 7. The following motions were acted upon by the Committee: • Motion by Mr. Moran, seconded by Mr. Uram, that obverse design DTRCGM-O-06 replace DTR-CGM-O-02 as the Committee’s recommendation for the obverse of the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders medal. The motion failed on a vote of four (4) ayes and four (4) nays. • Motion by Ms. Wastweet, seconded by Ms. Lannin, that at the discretion of the art staff that the image of a superstructure be added to the aircraft carrier depiction appearing on the Committee’s recommended obverse design, DTR-CGM-O-02, for the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders medal. The motion was passed with seven (7) ayes and one (1) abstention. • Motion by Ms. Wastweet, seconded by Mr. Viola, that the Committee’s recommended reverse design, DTR-CGM-R-08, be altered by removing the squadron names appearing around the lower perimeter and substituting the inscriptions, “FIRST STRIKE BACK” and “TOUJOURS AU DANGER”, and, that the Committee’s recommended obverse design, DTR-CGM-O-02, be altered by removing the inscription, FIRST STRIKE BACK” and substituting the inscription, “APRIL 18, 1942”. The motion was approved on a vote of seven (7) ayes and one (1) abstention. • Motion by Ms. Wastweet, seconded by Mr. Jansen, that the spade symbol appearing on the Committee’s recommended obverse for the American Fighter Aces medal, ACA-CGM-O-02, be removed in recognition that it is also a central figure in the Committee’s recommended reverse design, ACA-CGM-R-07. The motion was passed with six (6) ayes, one (1) nay and one (1) abstention. • Motion by Ms. Wastweet, seconded by Mr. Moran, that the Committee’s recommended obverse design for the American Fighter Aces medal, ACACGM-O-02, be altered by removing the inscription, “COURAGE – TENACITY – DUTY ABOVE ALL” in recognition that a similar inscription exists on the Committee’s recommended reverse design, ACACGM-R-07. The motion was approved unanimously. • Motion by Mr. Moran, seconded by Mr. Viola, that the Committee’s recommended reverse design for the American Fighter Aces medal, ACACGM-R-07, be altered by removing the four (4) stars shown around the upper perimeter to avoid confusion with the five (5) “kills” threshold necessary to become a fighter ace. The motion was approved on a vote of seven (7) ayes and one (1) abstention. 8. April Stafford of the United States Mint introduced the discussion on design concepts for the Mark Twain Commemorative Coin Program, inclusive of a $5 gold coin and a silver dollar. 9. Committee members discussed design concepts for the Mark Twain Commemorative Coin Program. Chairperson Marks suggested that, in light of the fact that the program calls for two coins (i.e. gold and silver), the design portfolio for the program be presented as simply two sets of designs; obverse and reverse without designation of denominations. This approach would allow the Committee to more easily sort out and match obverse and reverse designs for recommendations for the two different denominations. Design concepts discussed by members included portraits of Mark Twain, in light of his distinctive appearance; an image of a boy with bare feet, straw hat and fishing pole; a riverboat image; an illustration of Haley’s Comet on a reverse to define his birth and death; frogs in recognition of his piece, “Frog of Calaveras County”; symbols of Americana from the mid and late 1800’s; images that would be attractive to young coin collectors; and illustrations of the nautical depth measurement of “Mark Twain”, from which he determined his pen name. After Committee discussion had concluded, Ms. Cindy Lovell, Executive Director of the Mark Twain House and Museum, (via telephonic means) offered comments on the Mark Twain and the Mark Twain Commemorative Coin Program. 10. April Stafford of the United States Mint introduced the discussion on design concepts for the Monuments Men Congressional Gold Medal. Via telephonic means, Mr. Robert Edsel, Chairman of the Board of the Monuments Men Foundation, offered comments on the history of the Monuments Men. 11. Committee members discussed design concepts for the Monuments Men Congressional Gold Medal. Members cautioned that the designs not become too busy or be too expansive in the use of narratives, and that the best designs would be those that focused on iconic images. Design concepts discussed by members included the use of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Girl with the Ermine” painting; an abstract image of two big hands delivering artwork, culture and history back to the world; concepts that explore the symbolic history of stewardship and ownership; the signatures of artists or listing of artists’ names placed together as a single long line representing the art that was saved, such as Van Dyck, Michelangelo and da Vinci; images that evoke the ancient Roman and Greek art cultures; and evocative inscriptions such as “HERITAGE REGAINED”, “CIVILIZATION REVIVED”, “RESTORED” or “STEWARDSHIP”. 12. The following motion were acted upon by the Committee: • Motion by Chair Marks, seconded by Mr. Moran, to include the written submissions of Committee members Jeanne Stevens-Sollman and Michael Bugeja, pertinent to the October 14, 2014 meeting agenda, in the official record of the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. 13. There being no further business, Chairperson Marks adjourned the meeting at 12:50 p.m.