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CCAC Public Meeting Tuesday, March 15, 2005 801 9th Street, NW Washington, DC 2nd floor conference room A A public meeting of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday March 15, 2005 at U.S. Mint Headquarters in Washington, DC. Attending the meeting were Tom Noe (Chairman), Mitch Sanders (Vice Chairman), Ute Wartenberg Kagan (Secretary), Daniel Altshuler (via telephone), Leon Billings, Bill Fivaz, Connie Harriman, Rita Laws, Robert Remini, and Ken Thomasma. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Noe at 1:00 PM, a quorum of ten members being present. On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes from the CCAC’s January 25, 2005 meeting were approved unanimously. The committee also wished to clarify the Chairman’s letter to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding its recommendation for the Nevada state quarter. Specifically, regarding Nevada’s “Silver State” design, the committee prefers to replace the statement “the mountains in the background should be enlarged” with “mountains should be added to the background.” The committee then heard about the activities of two subcommittees. In preparation for the committee’s annual report it was agreed that suggestions regarding future commemorative coinage themes would be discussed at the CCAC’s May meeting. Ideas for the committee’s website were also discussed, including possible mechanisms for receiving input from the public. There followed a discussion about the CCAC’s upcoming July meeting in San Francisco at the annual convention of the American Numismatic Association. The committee plans to discuss its commemorative theme recommendations in a public forum at the convention, as a way to receive input from the coin collecting community and other persons interested in commemorative themes. Members also raised the possibility of future meetings at sites other than Washington, DC. The committee then turned its attention to the state quarter designs for Colorado. Information about designs and the accompanying narratives was presented by Stacy Anderson of the U.S. Mint. The committee evaluated designs using a procedure whereby each member assigned each design a rating of 0, 1, 2, or 3 points, with higher numbers indicating higher ratings. With 10 members present and voting, the resulting scale ranges from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 30 points. Descriptions of the designs and the committee’s recommendations are presented below; the designs themselves are attached to the end of these minutes. Colorado Designs Number Inscription Primary Design Element 1 2 3 Rocky Mountains Cliff Palace, mountains, blue spruce tree Soldier-skier, mountains 4 5 Colorful Colorado Mesa Verde Birthplace of the 10th Mountain Division The Centennial State Pikes Peak or Bust CCAC Point Rating (maximum=30) 14 5 0 Mountains, Columbine flower Pikes Peak, pick and shovel The CCAC recommends design #4 for Colorado. Members considered this design to be appealing and very representative of the state. There was a consensus that on design #4 the large letter “C” should be eliminated or reduced in size. It was also suggested that if design #1 were chosen, “The Centennial State” should be substituted for “Colorful Colorado.” Finally, the committee received updates on various matters from Mint staff. Jack Szcerban informed the committee about an idea for the American Eagle Platinum Bullion program, whereby designs for 2006, 2007, and 2008 would honor the three branches of American government. Madelyn Marchessault presented information about passed and pending bills related to coinage and medals. The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM. The next CCAC meeting is scheduled for May 24, 2005. 20 13