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Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee 801 Ninth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20220 C CAC Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee Public Meeting June 18, 2008 United States Mint Headquarters, 801 9th Street NW, Washington DC, 2nd floor In attendance: John Alexander Bill Fivaz Arthur Houghton (by telephone) Rita Laws (by telephone) Gary Marks Rick Meier (by telephone) Mitch Sanders (Chair) Donald Scarinci (by telephone) Joe Winter 1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:40 A.M. 2. Kaarina Budow of the United States Mint presented design candidates for the obverse, reverse, and edge of the 2009 issue of the Native American $1 Coin Program. Under this program, the United States Mint will mint and issue for circulation $1 coins in commemoration of the important contributions made by Native American individuals and tribes to the history and development of the United States. 3. The obverse of the Native American $1 coins will carry the current image on the Sacagawea dollar. A different reverse design every year will carry an image emblematic of one important Native American contribution. The coin’s date and mintmark, and the motto E PLURIBUS UNUM, will appear on the coin’s edge. 4. The reverse design for 2009 is based on the theme of “Agriculture: Spread of Three Sisters.” Beginning around 1000 A.D., “three sisters” symbiotic agriculture involved planting corn, squash, and beans together in the same mound, resulting in an important increase in efficiency. 5. Ms Budow indicated that in developing the theme and designs, the United States Mint consulted with the National Congress of American Indians, the Committee on Indian Affairs of the United States Senate, the Congressional Native American Caucus, and the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian. 6. The proposed obverse is identical to the Sacagawea design issued from 2000-2008, without the date. The proposed edge design has the coin’s date, mintmark, and E PLURIBUS UNUM, separated by stars. The proposed edge design is the same as the edge-lettering template to be used on Presidential dollars beginning in 2009. 7. Some members expressed concern that the removal of the date from the obverse left the design unbalanced, but after some discussion, the committee voted 8-1 to recommend the proposed obverse. The committee also voted 9-0 to recommend the proposed edge lettering. 8. Members generally felt that the reverse design candidates, as a whole, were of high quality. 9. Discussion of the reverse design candidates centered around three images: #2, which shows three crop mounds with the sun in the background #12, which shows a Native American woman planting seeds proximate to three growing crop mounds #15, which shows allegorical representations of the “Three Sisters” crops of corn, beans, and squash in the form of female faces, with images of the crops themselves integrated into the image. 10. Ms Budow indicated that #12 was the preference of several of the groups consulted by the Mint. 11. Most members spoke very favorably of the artistry and symbolism of design #15. However, there was also considerable concern that #15 did not clearly convey the coin’s Agricultural theme, while other designs, such as #2 and #12, conveyed the theme effectively and with appealing artistry. 12. Each member rated each design by assigning 0, 1, 2, or 3 points, with higher numbers indicating more favorable ratings. With nine members present and voting, the maximum possible point total is 27. 13. The committee’s recommendation is design #12, which received 15 points. The committee’s second choice is design #15, with 12 points. Design #2 received 11 points, with scattered points for other designs. 14. There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 9:40 A.M.