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United States Mint 801 9th Street NW Washington DC 20220 Minutes of CCAC Videoconference Public Meeting January 19, 2021 (10:33 am–11:38 am) I. Attendance a. CCAC Members in Attendance (videoconference or telephonic): Thomas Uram (Chairman) Arthur Bernstein (incoming member) Lawrence Brown Sam Gill Dean Kotlowski Mary Lannin Michael Moran Robin Salmon Donald Scarinci Dennis Tucker Peter Van Alfen b. Mint Officers and Staff in Attendance (videoconference or telephonic): David J. Ryder, Director Betty Birdsong, Deputy Director of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Pam Borer, Design Manager, Office of Design Management Russell Evans, Design Manager, Office of Design Management Boneza Hanchok, Design Manager, Office of Design Management Ron Harrigal, Manager, Design and Engraving Joe Menna, Chief Engraver April Stafford, Chief, Office of Design Management Megan Sullivan, Senior Design Specialist, Office of Design Management Roger Vazquez, Design Manager, Office of Design Management Jennifer Warren, Director of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs; and Mint Liaison to the CCAC Greg Weinman, Senior Legal Counsel; and Counsel to the CCAC Elizabeth Young, Attorney Advisor c. Members of the Media in Attendance (telephonic): Paul Gilkes, Coin World Brandon Hall, Coin Update and Mint News Blog Maggie Judkins, Numismatic News Mike Unser, Coin News d. Others in Attendance Elizabeth Finn, Notary Public (transcribing reporter) Jeanne Stevens-Sollman (immediate past member) II. Minutes 1. The public meeting was called to order by Chairman Thomas Uram at 10:33 am. Roll was called with all 11 members in attendance; media attendance was recognized; and the attendance of Mint staff and officers was recognized. 2. Outgoing Committee member Jeanne Stevens-Sollman was publicly recognized and thanked for her eight-year service to the CCAC. Mint Director David J. Ryder expressed the gratitude of the United States Mint and invited Stevens-Sollman to receive her CCAC Public Service Award in Washington at a future date to be determined. Chief Engraver Joseph Menna thanked Ms. Stevens-Sollman for her work on behalf of medalists. Ms. Stevens-Sollman spoke of her experience serving on the Committee, and thanked the Director, members of the Committee, and Mint staff. 3. Incoming Committee member Arthur Bernstein, appointed by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on January 14, 2021, was welcomed, introduced, and sworn in by Director Ryder. Mr. Bernstein made remarks expressing his commitment to the Committee’s work. 4. The minutes and letters to the Secretary of the Treasury from the Committee’s November 17, 2020, meeting were unanimously approved. 5. The Mint presented the candidate obverse and reverse designs for the 2021 “Morgan” and “Peace” dollars authorized by Public Law 116-28, the 2021 Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act. April Stafford outlined the Mint facilities that will be used to produce the coins (Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco), the mintmarks that will denote the Denver and San Francisco Mints; and the privy marks that will be applied at the Philadelphia Mint to represent the historical production of Morgan dollars at the New Orleans and Carson City Mints. Ron Harrigal and Joseph Menna explained the technical and artistic processes of creating “renditions” of, or “homages” to, the Morgan and Peace dollar designs, that “honor the original intent of the original artists as much as possible.” 6. Several Committee members thanked and congratulated Thomas Uram and Michael Moran for their work in getting the authorizing legislation written, passed by Congress, and signed into law. Several Committee members also thanked the Mint’s designers and technicians and recognized their work in producing modern renditions of the Morgan and Peace dollar coins. 7. Mr. Moran made a motion, seconded by Chairman Uram, to recommend to the Secretary of the Treasury that the designs submitted by the Mint be accepted for production. The motion was unanimously approved. 8. A working group composed of Thomas Uram, Donald Scarinci, Robin Salmon, and Lawrence Brown, reported out its recommendations with respect to upcoming commemorative coin and medal programs. 9. In accordance with 31 U.S.C. §5135, the CCAC is charged with`(1) Advising the Secretary of the Treasury on any theme or design proposals relating to circulating coinage, bullion coinage, congressional gold medals and national and other medals produced by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with section 5111 of title 31, United States Code, and (2) Advising the Secretary of the Treasury with regard to-`(A) the events, persons, or places that the Advisory Committee recommends be commemorated by the issuance of commemorative coins in each of the 5 calendar years succeeding the year in which a commemorative coin designation is made; `(B) the mintage level for any commemorative coin recommended under subparagraph (A); and `(C) the proposed designs for commemorative coins. 10. Commemorative Coin Recommendations 1) The CCAC recommends a 2028 Summer Olympic Commemorative Coin program. The 2028 Summer Olympics will be held in Los Angeles, California, and past Olympic-themed, commemorative coin programs have been extremely popular among collectors as well as general public. The Committee unanimously voted in favor of moving this recommendation forward. . 2) The CCAC recommends a commemorative coin in honor of the upcoming 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence (Semiquincentennial) in 2026. The CCAC recommends that Congress authorize a Semiquincentennial commemorative coin either in 2026, or in one of the three years leading up to the Semiquincentennial. The CCAC noted that there are several significant anniversaries related to the Semiquincentennial during the three years leading up to the anniversary, and that those events may lend themselves to appropriate themes for the coins. Ten Committee members voted for this measure and one member was opposed. 11. National Medal Recommendation 1) The CCAC recommends a national medal to recognize posthumously the bravery and sacrifice of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The CCAC noted that this could potentiality to be a Congressional Gold Medal if Congress so authorized. The CCAC noted that the United States Mint has previously recognized past celebrations of the Declaration of Independence with national medals and that such a medal, along with the redesigns of the circulating coins in 2026 as authorized by the Circulating Collectible Coin Redesign Act, would likely be very successful with collectors. The Committee unanimously voted in favor of moving this recommendation forward. 12. Following these discussions and recommendations, Chairman Uram invited a motion to adjourn and the meeting was adjourned at 11:38 am.