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April 30, 2019
The Honorable Steven T. Mnuchin
Secretary of the Treasury
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania A venue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20220





Dear Secretary Mnuchin,

A Public meeting of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) was held on
Wednesday, April 17, 2019, to review and discuss the candidate designs for the obverse of the
2021-2025 American Eagle Platinum Proof Coins.
Artists_submitted set portfolios for all five years as well as_a variety of individual designs. After
discussion, the Committee recommended Set 2 (2021-02-to 0225-2). Set 02 uses the lifecycle of
the oak from seedling to a mighty tree as a metaphor for our country's growth as a nation that
values freedom. _Specifically, it communicates that our Liberty grows to a thing of strength and
beauty from a seed- our Bill of Rights, and that each of the freedoms enumerated in the First
Amendment contributes to the growth and development of our nation.
The set received 24 of a possible 27 votes.

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Thomas J. Uran\
Chairperson, CCAC

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April 30, 2019
The Honorable Steven T. Mnuchin
Secretary of the Treasury
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20220


Dear Secretary Mnuchin,

A public meeting of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) was held on Tuesday,
April 16, 2019, to review and discuss the reverse designs for the 2019 American Innovation
Dollar Coins.
The committee reviewed a portfolio of candidate designs representing a significant innovation
from each state. Design themes were selected by the Secretary of the Treasury based on
recommendations from the governor of each featured state. Several members of the CCAC
expressed concern about recommending a theme at the same time it is reviewing and
recommending designs. The CCAC would prefer that each state identify a single desired
innovation theme, which would permit the artists to better focus on one pai1icular theme.
Our first recommendation was for Delaware. Delaware recommended two themes -(1) Annie
Jtunp Cannon_- classifying the stars, and (2) the invention of nylon. After discussion and scoring,
the clear recommendation for Delaware was DE-R-05. This design features a silhouette of
Annie Jump Cannon against the night sky with a number of stars visible in the sky. This
recommendation received 25 of a possible 27 votes.
Pennsylvania offered three themes to consider-the Pennsylvania Turnpike, the invention of the
polio vaccine, and medical innovation. After discussions, the consensus view was that the polio
vaccine was more significant as an innovation._ The CCAC recommends PA-R-11. This design
depicts an artist's conception of the polio virus at three levels of magnification along with the
silhouette of a period microscope, representing the extreme research that was conducted to
develop a cure for polio. The additional inscriptions are ''Polio Vaccine'' and ''1953''. PA-R-11
received 23 of a possible 27 votes.
The State of New Jersey presented two themes for candidate designs -Thomas Edison's electric
light bulb and the Edison Company's invention of the Strip Kinetograph and Kinetoscope. After
discussion, the committee recommended NJ-R-02. The design features an Edison-style light
bulb with a circular array of buildings oriented outward as if they were rays of light. The design
received 24 of a possible 27 votes.
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Apri1 30, 2019
The Honorable Steven T. Mnuchln
Secretary of the Treasury
Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20220

Dear Secretary Mnuchin,
A public meeting of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) was held on Tt1esday,
April 16, 2019, to review and discuss the obverse and reverse of the Mayflower 400th
Anniversary 24K gold coin as well as a companion silver medal.
Stakeholders present for this program discussion included Herman Viola, Curator Emeritus for
the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian; Lea Filson, General Society of
Mayflower Descendants; and, Bettina Washington, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer with the
Warnpanoag Tribe of Gay Head. Also present was Jovita Carranza, Treasurer of the United
In an effort to aid the CCAC's review and recommendation, the subject matter stakeholders
addressed the history of the Mayflower's arrival and its relationship and impact to Native
Americans This Committee's review lasted over two hours.
The CCAC scored all candidates during the meeting, but no design received the votes necessary
to move forward as a recommendation. _Ultimately, the Committed recommended that the Mint
staff continue dialogue with the subject matter stakeholder as a means of recommending
appropriate designs for the program. The committee did note that none of the designs were well
suited to small gold planchet size, and recommended that the Mint consider modifying any final
designs to appropriately address that constraint.

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Thomas J. Uram
Chairperson, CCAC

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