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WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF SOCIAL RESEARCH + Chronology of The Federal Emergency Relief Administration May 12, 1933, to December 31. 1935 By DORIS CAROTHERS w ReBearch Morwgraph VI United Statee GoYernment Printing Office Waahington 1 1937 Digitized by Google WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION HARRY L. HOPKINS, Administrator CORRINGTON GILL, A88istant Adminietrator HOW ARD B. MYERS, Director Division of Social Research Digitized by Google DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED ST~T··· ,,c ' .... ,,~~ JUtl 1 5 1931 LEITER OF TRANSMITTAL WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION, Washington, D. 0., January f0, 1997. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith a Chronology of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration from the date of its inception, through December 31, 1935. The Chronology records important relationships between the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the States, as shown by the formal written rules and communications which were sent for State guidance. These are supplemented by digests of other material either fundamental to the relief program or indicative of its changing emphasis. The Chronology was prepared by Doris Carothers, under the supervision of Anne E. Geddes and the direction of Howard B. Myers, Director of the Division of Social Research, Works Progress Administration. Acknowledgment is made to Anita J. Faatz, Director of the Social Work Department, Maryland Board of State Aid and Charities, who developed the plan of the Chronology; to Glenn Steele, who edited the manuscript; to Mary E. Jamison, who prepared the appendixes; and to the many persons who provided constructive criticism during the preparation of the monograph. CORRINGTON GILL, Assi8tant Administrator. L. HOPKINS, Works Progress Administrator. HON. HARRY m Digitized by Google Digitized by Google CONTENTS Introduction______________________________________________________________________ I. The early program_____________________________________________________________ II. Transfer of Work Relief to Civil Works__________________________________________ III. The Emergency Work Relief Program____________________________________________ IV. Inauguration of the Works Program and liquidation of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration______________________________________________________________ Appendix A. Serial communications, rules and regulations and manual advance bulletins of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. Series A-Administration_______________________________________________________ Series AO-Administrative orders________________________________________________ Series C--Surplus commodities__________________________________________________ Series C(}-Surplus commodities_________________________________________________ Series DA-Drought areas __________ .. ___________________________________________ Series E-Education___ ___________________________ ____ ____ ______ ___________ ____ Series E spl-Education-speciaL _______ ___ ____________ ________________ __ _______ Series FS--Field staff___________________________________________________________ Series NA-Nutrition__________________________________________________________ Series RD-Rural rehabilitation_________________________________________________ Series RDO-Rural rehabilitation, Southern States________________________________ Series RDS-Rural rehabilitation, Southern States_________________________________ Series RS-Research and statistics _____________________________________________ . _ Seriess--Bafety_______________________________________________________________ Series SH-Belf-help cooperatives________________________________________________ SeriesT-Transient____________________________________________________________ Series W-Women's work_______________________________________________________ Series WD--Work Division_____________________________________________________ FERA Rules and Regulations___________________________________________________ FERA Manual Advance Bulletins_______________________________________ __ ______ Appendix B. List of working procedures for FERA work projects________________________ Appendix C. Serial communications and rules and regulations of the Federal Civil Works Administration. Series CW A-Administration___________________________________________________ Series CW-E-Engineering_ ___ __ __ _________ __ ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ __ __ __ _______ Series CWA-F-Federal projects________________________________________________ Series CW-8--Safety__________________________________________________________ Series CW-T-Traffic survey___________________________________________________ FCWA Rules and Regulations___________________________________________________ Appendix D. Executive Orders affecting the program of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration______________________________________________________________________ Appendix E. Catalogs and indexes of publications, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Works Progress Administration, and National Youth Administration_________________ Appendix F. Funds made available to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the Federal Civil Works Administration, May 1933 through December 1935__________ Appendix G. Chronological list of major forms for current reports to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, May 12, 1933, to December 31, 1935_________________________ Index_______________________________________________________________________________ V Digitized by Google v11 1 27 49 79 92 94 94 96 97 98 99 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 104 104 105 107 108 108 109 112 113 114 114 115 116 117 119 120 121 125 Digitized by Google INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Chronology is to record important relationships between the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the States, as shown by the formal written communications from the FERA to Governors and to State Emergency Relief Administrations, during the time in which the FERA acted as the agent of the Federal Government in assisting the States to meet relief needs arising from unemployment. The record extends from May 12, 1933, when the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 was approved, to December 31, 1935, when the grant-in-aid program drew to a close. The latter date was set arbitrarily and does not mark the termination of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. The final grants to the States had then been determined, however, and the program was in process of liquidation throughout the latter half of 1935 as the Federal Government gradually withdrew support for relief. The Chronology covers the four major phases in the history of the FERA in the following sections: I. The early program. II. Trans£er of Work Relief to Civil Works. III. The Emergency Work Relief Program. IV. Inauguration of the Works Program and liquidation of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. It must be pointed out, however, that no chapter is complete in itself. It is " inevitable that some material regarding initiation or liquidation of a particular phase must appear in preceding or subsequent chapters. Throughout the entire period of its administration, the FERA kept in constant touch with the States, issuing such instructions as would insure the proper use of Federal funds and outlining the policies, procedures, and standards to be observed in general relief operations and in the conduct of special programs to meet special needs. The Chronology is based chiefly on the formal written rules, serial communications, telegrams, letters, and memoranda which were sent for State guidance. These are supplemented, however, by digests of other material either fundamental to the relief program or indicative of its changing emphasis, such as basic laws, pronouncements of the President, including Executive Orders, and certain regulations and communications of the Civil Works and Works Progress Administrations. Only communications of the CWA and the WPA that had a significant bearing on relief operations were selected for inclusion. The FERA Chronology does not attempt to present a record either of Civil Works, or of the Works Program which was developed by the WPA and cooperating agencies during the period of FERA liquidation and carried forward after December 31, 1935. In selecting the FERA data for mention in the chronological record, the objective was to include only the more significant communications relating to the general relief and special programs. Except for communications concerning programs that were limited to certain areas, such as the drought-relief program, the data chosen were generally applicable to all States. Lists of all serial communications issued by the VII Digitized by Google VIII Introduction FERA and by the CWA, given by series and by subject in Appendixes A, B, and C, show which serial communications the chronological record includes and excludes. The FERA serial communications were coded according to a system initiated in September 1933. All excerpts in the text carry a marginal reference to source and the codes shown below are given, with serial numbers, as citations for communications in the following series: A-Administration. AO-Administrative orders. C-Surplus commodities. CO-Surplus commodities. DA-Drought areas. E-Education. E spl-Education-special. FS-Field staff. NA-Nutrition. RD-Rural rehabilitation. RDO-Rural rehabilitation, Southern States. RDS-Rural rehabilitation, Southern States. RS-Research and statistics. &-Safety. SH-Self-help cooperatives. T-Transient. W-Women's work. WD-Work Division. WDO-Working procedures for FERA work projects. Certain appendixes carry information about material which was as a rule omitted from text mention. References to report.a of various divisions of the FERA and to publications of the WPA were usually omitted from the text as catalogs and subject indexes of these publications are available and are listed in Appendix E. Information on the Federal financing of emergency relief is shown in a tabular statement of the funds made available to the FERA and the CWA from May 1933 through December 1935, Appendix F. In the field of current reporting, the FERA request.a and instructions which were sent from time to time were usually omitted from the running record, but Appendix G gives a chronological list of the major forms used for current reports. In evaluating the completeness of the FERA data included in the present record, it must be borne in mind that the FERA communicated with the States by other means than the formal written word. Contacts were made by telephone and also by visits of FERA officials and members of the field staff, including field representatives and examiners, regional engineers, social workers, and research supervisors. This record was prepared to serve the needs of administrative officials, research workers, and others who are interested in the administration of relief. It should be useful in all research relating to the FERA 8Jld particularly in studies of Federal, State, and local administration. In addition, the Chronology should have value as a re~erence handbook for those who wish to trace the development of the FERA policies relating to specific topics. It is believed that the detailed index 8Jld the full appendixes will be particularly useful for this purpose. Digitized by Google I THE EARLY PROGRAM May12,1931. The Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 "To provide for cooperation by the Federal Government with the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia in relieving the hardship and suffering caused by unemployment, and for other purposes" is approved by the President. Among the provisions of the act are the following: 1. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is directed to make available for expenditure under this act not to exceed $500,000,000 from its funds in addition to the fund authorized under title I of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 (sec. 2a). 2. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration is created, all the powers of which shall be exercised by a Federal Emergency Relief Administrator; the Administration and the office of Administrator shall cease to exist 2 years after the date of enactment of the act 1 (sec. 3a). 3. The Administrator may assume control of the relief administration in any State where, in his judgment, more effective and efficient cooperation between the State and Federal authorities may thereby be secured The Federal Emergency Rellet Act of 1933 (Puhllc, No. 16, 73d Cong.). (sec. 3b). 4. The Administrator may make grants to the States "to aid in meeting the costs of furnishing relief and work relief and in relieving the hardship and suffering ca.used by unemployment in the form of money, service, materials, and/or commodities to provide the necessities of life to persons in need as a result of the present emergency, and/or to their dependents, whether resident, transient, or homeless" (sec. 4a). 5. Not to exceed $250,000,000 shall be granted quarterly to States applying therefor, State being • The Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 (Public RMOlutlon No. JJ, 74th Cons., Apr. 8, 111311) provided for the oontlnuatlon or the Federal Emerpncy Relief Act of 11183, ea amended, until June 80, 1936. The Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 111341 (Title II, Public, No. 739, 74th Cong., June 22, 1936) authorizes and directs &be Admlnlatrator to ll'IU!date the affairs of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration under the act of 11133, and provides that funds available to the Adm.lnistratlon sbal1 be avallable ror upendlture for IIUCh purpoee until June 30, um. 1 Digitized by Google 2 May 22, 1933. May 23, 1933. Chronology oj the Federal Emergency Reluj Adminutration entitled to receive for any one quarter an a.mount equal to one-third of the amount expended by the State, including all civil subdivisions thereof, for the above purposes out of public moneys from all sources, during the preceding quarter (sec. 4b). 6. The balance of the a.mounts made available by this act, except the a.mount allowed for administrative expenditures, shall be used for grants to be made whenever the Administrator finds that all available moneys in the State, supplemented by any moneys available under section 4b, will fall below the estimated needs within the State for the purposes specified in section 4a: provided, that the Administrator may make additional grants (a) to aid needy persons who have no legal settlement in any one State or community; (b) to aid in assisting cooperative and self-help associations for the barter of goods and services (sec. 4c). 7. After October 1, 1933, notwithstanding the provisions of section 4b, the unexpended balance of the amounts available for the purposes of section 4b may, in the discretion of the Administrator and with the approval of the President, be available for grants under section 4c (sec. 4d). 8. The decision of the Administrator as to the purpose of any expenditure shall be final (sec. 4e). 9. Any State desiring to obtain funds under this act shall through its Governor make application therefor from time to time to the Administrator (sec. 5). 10. The Administrator upon approving a grant to any State shall so certify to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation which shall, except upon revocation of a certificate by the Administrator, make payments without delay to the State in such amounts and at such times as may be prescribed in the certificate (sec. 6). The Federal Emergency Relief Administrator assumes office. The Administrator sends the first general communication to the States, informing Governors that it is the intent of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 that grants for relief to any State shall be from the $250,000,000 available on a matching basis before any grants are made from the second $250,000,000; that matching is upon the basis of $1 of Federal funds to $3 from public local, State, and Federal funds expended for relief during the preceding quarter of the year. Relief in this instance is defined as expenditures for (1) family relief within the home; (2) wages in cash or in kind for Digitized by Monthly Repon of the FERA, May-Jone 11138. Pint Geaenl C-aalcatloa to Gcwernon. Teleimun (Hopkins). Google 3 The Early Program Mayll8,ltaa. Ma)' 31, 1913. Junes, 111183. June 7, 11133. work relief; (3) of homeless and transient persons outside of institutions. Attention is called to the information on file with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation concerning relief expenditures from public funds during the first quarter of 1933. The Administrator states that in determining any grant he will be guided by this information, insofar as it is complete and pertinent. Governors are requested to notify the Administrator if grants on a matching basis are desired. The first grants are made to the States.' The first general notification of grants to the States is sent to Governors. The Administrator makes available to each State an amount equal to one-third of its expenditures from public funds for the months of January and February 1933, as reported to the RFC. Notice is given that upon certification by the State of the amount actually expended during March 1933, one-third of the total expenditure will be made available. The Administrator expresses the opinion that the cooperative intent of the law will be given effect if the funds made available are used (1) for the payment of wages in cash or in kind on work relief to applicants for relief whose need has been properly established; (2) for the purchase of such commodities as are properly a part of direct relief for resident, transient, and homeless unemployed; (3) for the payment of general administration costs, excepting those for rental of local and State administration headquarters, salaries of regularly employed public officials assigned to unemployment relief administration, and salaries of all relief workers not under the direct supervision of a public relief official. The interpretation is given that the latter costs should be met by the States and local political subdivisions and that State and local funds should be used for hospitalization, the care of dependent children in institutions or boarding homes, institutional of all kinds, pensions, and welfare activities normally carried on by State and local politicnl ·subdivisions. A system of current reporting is initiated by a request for a monthly report of obligations incurred for relief from public funds and of the number of families and nonfamily persons given relief, by counties. (See Appendix G for a list of forms used subsequently.) The States are requested to submit a certified statement of obligations incurred for relief during January, February, and March, 1933. 1 Telelram (BopkiDa). Badlofl'lnt Gruta. Telepam (Bopkillll), FERAJ'«m:IO. Letier (Bopklm), Oranta were made to Colorado, lliino!s, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, and Tuas. Digitized by Google 4 Chronology oj tM Ftkral Emergency Relief Administration 111111110, 11133. The Federal Administrator informs Governors and State Administrators that passage of a public works bill in the near future is probable. He suggests that a classification of relief cases be made by occupation and ability to work in order that prompt action can be taken when calls are made for workers. It is noted that no decision has been made as to methods of recruiting and that relief officials "should expect to have only a reasonable proportion of workers taken from relief lists as distinct from those unemployed and not on relief." Governors and State Administrators attend a conference in Washington called by the Federal Administrator for the purpose of acquainting them with the policies to be pursued in the administration of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933.8 Following the conference, the President addresses the group at the White House, stating, in part: Lett« (Hopkins). FERAJ>ress ReloaaeNo.7. Monthly Report FERA, or the Ma:,-.June JU33. The Emergency Relief Act is an expression of the Federal Government's determination to cooperate with the States and local communities with regard to financing emergency relief work. It means just that. It is essential that the States and local units of government do their fair share. They must not expect the Federal Government to finance more than a reasonable proportion of the total. It should be borne in mind by the State authorities and by the 5,000 local relief committees now functioning throughout the land that there are 4,000,000 families in need of the necessities of life. Obviously the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator should put as much responsibility as possible on the State administration. This means a competent set-up in each State • • •. It is essential that there be effective coordination of relief and public works in all communities • • •. It is a primary purpose of my administration to cooperate with the States and with industry to secure work opportunities for as many of the unemployed as possible, by which they will find employment through normal channels. But until these jobs are available the Federal Government, States, and every local community must provide relief for every genuinely needy unemployed person in America. I know that I can count on your full and complete cooperation with the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator, and I can assure you on his behalf of a sympathetic understanding of your problems and of decisive action when that is necessary. June 111, 11133. The President approves the National Industrial Recovery Act, authorizing the appropriation of $3,300,000,000 "to encourage national industrial recovery, to foster fair competition, and to provide for the construction of certain useful public works, and for other National Indu,. trial Recovery Act (Public, No. 67, 73d Cong.). • See FERA Rules and Regulations No. 1 for written Instructions concerning certain ol these policies. Digitized by Google TM Early Program June 21, im purposes."' (The Federal Civil Works Administration was created by Executive Order on November 9, 1933, under the authority of title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act.) FERA Rules and Regulations No. 1, Governing Expenditures of Federal Emergency Relief Funds, sent to the State Emergency Relief Ad.ministrations with the statement that the FERA does not intend to correspond with local units. The SERA's 6 are requested to distribute the regulations and to instruct local units to refer to the SERA's for necessary interpretations. The regulations specify that grants of Federal emergency relief funds are to be administered by public agencies after August 1, 1933, and prohibit the turning over of funds to private agencies. In connection with the, it is stated: FERA Rulee 11114 ReculatlonaNo. L Hundreds of private agencies scattered throughout the land have freely and generously offered their services in the administration of public funds. It would be a serious handicap to relief work if the abilities and interests of these individuals were lost. But these individuals should be made public officials, working under the control of public authority. Thousands of these workers are serving and will continue to serve without pay, but, if paid, they should be compensated in the same manner as any other public servant. June rt, ltlll It is ruled that Federal funds granted to the States may be used to pay for medical attention and medical supplies for families receiving relief and to pay the cost of shelter for the needy unemployed, but may not be used for payment of hospital bills, for the boarding out of children either in institutions or private homes or for providing general institutional care. It is noted that the latter services to the destitute should be made available through State or local funds. As persons employed on work-relief projects by the States or their subdivisions are not Federal employees, it is ruled that premiums for accident insurance in connection with work-relief programs may not be paid from Federal funds, but should be paid out of State or local moneys. The first unmatched grant to a State, under section 4c of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, is made to Texas. The first Monthly Report of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration is issued, beginning a series of : .:: :- , , Monthly ReJ>On of the FERA, May-June 1933. Monthly Report oftbe FERA, May-June 11133. • The appropriation was made In the Fourth Deftclency Act, llscal year 11133 (Public, No. 77, 73d Cong., June lG, 1933). 1 Tbla abbreviation ill U8ed throughout the report to designate all State Emergency Belief Admlnlstratlona. Digitized by Google 6 llllF 1, .... 11111'7, 11133. lu11'7,lllll. IIIIF 11, 11131. Ohronology of the Fd,,ral, Emergency R,liej Admini8tration. monthly publications on activities and expenditures, required by the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933. FERA Rules and Regulations No. 2 are issued. It is ruled that Federal relief funds cannot be granted on the basis of expenditures for (I) rental of buildings used for relief operations; (2) salaries of regularly employed public employees other than those employed full time in connection with emergency unemployment relief and under the supervision of the unemployment relief authority and salaries of relief workers not working directly under the supervision of the unemployment relief authority; (3) the purchase of automobiles and other equipment used in connection with relief administration. The first instructions regarding assistance to cooperative and self-help organizations are issued. Directions are given regarding application and accounting for funds. The appointment of a person on the State administrative staff to be responsible for the development of this program is suggested. Attention is called to the requirement of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 that the State shall make application for funds through its Governor and application forms are transmitted to State Administrators. FERA Rules and Regulations No. 3 are issued, giving instructions concerning the following subjects: 1. The administration of Federal emergency relief funds by •public agencies (Supplement to Rules and Regulations No. I). A public agency is defined as (I) a public welfare department supported by taxes and controlled by the local government; (2) a local unemployment relief administration that has full authority and control in the expenditure of State and Federal public relief funds, conforms to the rulings of the SERA and maintains the records and forms required by the SERA. Local public agencies must be approved by the SERA. In the absence of creative local legislation, an agency created and sustained by executive action may be recognized as a public agency. A public official or public agent is defined as a person who is engaged in carrying out the purposes of the public agency, who is a member of the official staff and who is responsible to the chief executive employed to administer unemployment relief. His compensation may or may not be paid from public funds. Personnel loaned by a private agency for the administration of public unemployment relief must become an Digitized by Google FERA R~IIDd Reeu)atlona No. 2. Self-MltC.,.. Letter (Post) . Letter (HopldDI). FERA Rules IIDd Reculationa No. 3. 7 The Early Program integral part of a public agency. Visible evidence of the integration must be shown by: use of the name of the public agency at all times; use of all records and forms of the public agency. All bills must be paid directly by the public agency. It is expected that there will be cooperative relationships between public and private agencies on matters other than the determination of relief, but the public agency shall not pay for supplemental services so rendered by private agencies. 2 . .Adequacy of relief-work relief or direct relief. Relief shall be given as provided in this act to all needy unemployed persons and/or their dependents. Those whose employment or available resources are inadequate to provide the necessities of life for themselves and/or their dependents are included. An obligation is imposed to see that the needy receive "sufficient relief to prevent physical suffering and to maintain minimum living standards" and to see that no relief is given to persons who are not actually in need. A maximum of efficiency and economy, with a minimum of delay in providing relief should be developed. The amount of relief must be based on an estimate of the weekly needs of the individual or family and an estimate of the weekly income, including wages or other cash income, farm or garden produce, and all other resources. The relief given should be sufficient to provide the estimated weekly needs to the extent that the family is unable to do so from its own resources. The foJlowing types of relief may be allowed through cash, orders, or in kind: (1) food, determined by the number, ages, and needs of the individual members of the family in general accordance with standard food schedules; (2) provision of shelter or its equivalent; (3) light, gas, fuel, and water for current needs; (4) necessary household supplies; (5) clothing; (6) medicine, medical supplies and/or medical attendance to be furnished in the home. 3. Investigation and service-work relief and direct relief. The investigation of all applications for relief is required and the following rules are established: Each local relief administration should have at least one trained and experienced investigator on its staff. There should be not less than 1 supervisor, trained and experienced in the essential elements of family case work and relief administration, to supervise the work of not more than 20 investigating staff workers. Digitized by Imeatlptloa aadSenlc:e. Google 8 Ohronowgy of tM Fed6ral Emergency Relief Administration A registration record of all local applications for relief should be kept at a central office. The minimum investigation shell include a prompt visit to the home; inquiry as to real property, bank accounts, and other financial resources of the family; an interview with at least one recent employer; determination of the ability and agreement of family, relatives, friends, churches, and other organizations to assist; also the liability under public welfare laws of the several States, of members of a family, or relatives, to assume such support in order to prevent such member becoming a public charge. Investigation shall be made, not only of persons applying directly to the office, but also of those reported to it. There must be contact with each family through visits at least once a month or oftener, if necessary. Investigators should not be overloaded with cases. While no exact standard is being set as to the number of cases per worker, State Administrators should see that a sufficient number of workers are utilized in local relief district to insure reasonable investigation procedure. Duplication of relief must be avoided, and every precaution should be taken to prevent overlapping of relief agencies, both public and private. Frequent and careful reinvestigation should be undertaken at regular intervals. 4. Direct relief shall be in the form of food, shelter, light, fuel, necessary household supplies, medicine, medical supplies, and medical attendance, or the cash equivalent of these to the person in his own home. Direct relief does not include relief, where provision is already made under existing laws, for widows or their dependents and/or aged persons. Bills for hospital or institutional care may not be paid, nor the cost of boarding out of children. Feed for livestock and seed for gardens cannot be allowed unless the family is enabled thereby to produce additional food for immediate family needs. Shelter allowances include. payment of current rent or its equivalent and are further interpreted to include tax or mortgage interest payments on the home and land occupied and held title to by the relief recipient where the allowance is no greater than the normal minimum rent allowance and where such payment is necessary to prevent the loss of the home and the eviction of the owner. Digitized by DnctBeUer. Google 9 TM Early Program In no instance shall a relief grant be made which directly or indirectly makes possible an increased. capital investment in private properties. 5. The following instructions on work-relief wages and projects are given: All work-relief wages shall be based upon the relief need of the individual and/or his dependents. The rate of wages should be a fair rate of pay for the work performed. Total compensation should meet the budgetary requirement of the relief recipient. Payment shall be by check, in cash, or in kind. Allowance should be on the basis of day's wages, or the equivalent, for the hours worked. Work relief should be allowed only those who are employable. There shall be no discrimination because of race, religion, color, noncitizenship, political affiliation, or because of membership in any special or selected group. Where skilled personnel is required, skilled wages for skilled work must be paid. Such personnel taken from the work-relief lists should be staggered. Where such skilled personnel is required full time, it should be provided otherwise than on a work-relief basis. Work-relief projects must be projects undertaken on Federal, State, or local public properties. Work projects for private institutions or agencies, nonprofit or otherwise, are therefore prohibited except as such projects, undertaken by governmental units, may benefit the public health or welfare. Work-relief projects must be for work undertaken by a State or local relief administration independent of work under a contract or for which an annual appropriation has been made. It must be, in general, apart from normal governmental enterprises and not such as would have been carried out in due course regardless of an emergency. Persons employed on work-relief projects by the States and their subdivisions ought to be covered by compensation or accident insurance. If such insurance is provided it must be carried by State or local moneys. (See Rules and Regulations No. I, p. 5.) All local work-relief projects must be submitted for approval to the SERA's. 6. Rules on relief for transients define settlement, for the purposes of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, as residence within a State for a period of I continuous year or longer. Hence, all persons in need of W•kllellel. ..... llelleflwTlaa- 12801D•-s1-2 Digitized by Google 10 Ohronol-Ogy of t~ Fe<kral, E~rgency Relief Administration relief who have not resided in a State for 12 consecutive months may be considered as proper claims on the FERA, under section 4c of the act, which provides for additional grants to States "to aid needy persons who have no legal settlement in any one State or community." Needy persons who have resided in a State for more than a year, but who may be termed "transient" in that they may not have acquired legal State or local settlement, are to be classified as coming within the usual meaning of relief under section 4a of the act. Programs and projects for the care of transients shall be approved and supervised by the SERA's. Requests for Federal funds shall be accompanied by information on the number of transients to be cared for, the program proposed, and its probable cost. li acceptable plans are submitted, grants will be made over and above the grants made for direct relief and work relief. The SERA's shall file with the FERA such reports as may be required on requests for and expenditure of funds allowed for transient persons as defined under section 4c of the a.ct. Transients may be provided for either through direct relief or work relief. A Department on Transients will be set up in the FERA to cooperate with SERA's in establishing permanent policies and standards of service. 7. The following rules and regulations govern grants to be made "to aid in assisting cooperative and self-help associations for the barter of goods and services": It is to be understood definitely that expenditures on any of these units are to be considered as experimental, until such units prove either that they have actually reduced the relief expense and at the same time given adequate relief or have prevented a rise in the relief expense. Funds to establish a barter unit will be forwarded to the SERA over and above the regular relief grant, upon approval of the application by the SERA and the FERA. The SERA is advised to keep in as close touch as possible with any unit that is set up under its recommendation. It should require reports on expenditures of funds and on progress. These reports should be on file with both the SERA and the FERA. li any SERA wishes to make an experiment of its own without using an already existing barter unit, such application will be given immediate consideration upon the filing of the plan of organization with the FERA. Digitized by Self-loelp .... Barter. Google 11 The Early Program July 11, 111133, July 12, 1m. .July 14, 1911. July 11, 1m. A report of the conference of State Emergency Relief Administrators held in Washington on July 9 and 10 is given. Discussing cooperation in the financing of relief, the Federal Administrator stated: "It is not the intention of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration to carry one hundred percent of relief costs where State and local resources cfl.Il still be tapped." At a joint session with officials of the United States Employment Service,11 a cooperative arrangement for placement of unemployed persons on jobs was discussed. The SERA's are advised that no commitments, involving expenditure of Federal emergency relief funds, should be made on establishing reemployment bureaus in local communities without first securing definite approval of the Federal Administrator. The Administrator announces that the FERA will assist the National Reemployment Service "so that there will be full cooperation with the National Industrial Recovery Act in providing work opportunities for the unemployed." The FERA will finance the current expenses of new reemployment offices to be established in communities where needed and where employment offices do not now exist. Allotments of funds over and above regular grants will be made for this purpose, upon approval of the plans by the FERA. The State Relief Administrator is directed to aid the State Reemployment Director in determining the number and location of offices necessary and the probable monthly cost of each office. He is also instructed to record the number of families on the relief lists in the area to be served by each office. The selection of local reemployment managers must be approved by the State Emergency Relief Administrator. If other employees are required, they must be selected from persons eligible for work relief. The SERA's are authorized to expend funds received under the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 for Indians-ward as well as nonward. The Office of Indian Affairs will continue to be responsible for the relief of ward Indians in concentrated Indian areas but where the State-wide relief organization covers areas through which Indians are scattered, it is felt that a more economical administration can be secured by including Indians in FERAP191 Re1eue No.~- Telegram {Hopkins). . ._,..,_ o--.. Letter {Hoptina). Care ofladlam. Letter (Hopkins). • The United States Employment Service was created as a bureau In the Depart. mentor Labor by Public Act, No. 30, 73d Cong., June 6, 11133; the National Reemployment Service was set up on June 22, 1933, as an agency or the United States Employment Service. Digitized by Google 12 luly 20, 111133. Ohr()'Tl,Qlogy of the FefUroJ, E~rg,ncy Relief Administration the general program. The superintendent and other employees on Indian reservations have been authorized by the Com.missioner of Indian Affairs to assist in Statewide relief programs. The Federal Administrator writes to the Governors and State Relief Administrators concerning relief costs, stating, in part: The States and local subdivisions must assume a reasonable share of the cost. Some have already done so through both regular and special sessions of legislatures. Every department of Government that has any taxing power left has a direct responsibility to help those in distress. The Federal Government has made provision to carry a substantial share of unemployment relief needs, but unless many States and local subdivisions make immediate provision for a larger measure of support than they are now providing the unemployed and their dependents will suffer. I am establishing in the Federal Emergency Relief Administration technical services to assist in determining the extent to which further resources can be made available in States and local subdivisions, and what may be considered a fair division of responsibility as between the individual States and the Federal Government. Slate . . . 1-a 1h11 MUy. Letter {Bopldna). State and local emergency relief administrations are urged to put forth every effort in two directions: (1) Full cooperation with each agency In the community that can put men to work; (2) development of State and local resources sufficient when added to Federal grants to give reasonably adequate relief to those in need. July 21, 1933. FERA Rules and Regulations No. 4, Governing Conditions of Employment on Work-relief Projects, are issued, effective August 1, 1933. State and local relief administrations may not employ any persons under 16 years of age on work-relief projects. Funds granted under the Federal Emergency Relief Act of I 933 may be used in paying work-relief wages only at or above 30 cents an hour. The local prevailing wage rate for the type of work performed should be paid if it is in excess of 30 cents per hour. Hours of work which may be allowed on work-relief projects limited as follows: (I) if the work is physical labor-not more than 8 hours in any 1 day, 35 hours in any 1 week, or 150 hours in any 1 month; (2) if the work is in an office and involves the use of clerical employees, ete.-not more than 8 hours in any 1 day nor more than 40 hours in any 1 week. The number of hours of work given per week or per month should be only enough to provide for the budgetary needs of the family. Digitized by Google Em,loJmaton Worl:-nUef'PntJecla. FERA Rules and RelllJ)atlonsNo.f. 13 The Early Program Ju)F21,1981. Jal}'Z, 11133 FERA Rules and Regulations No. 5, Governing Em- BmploJmeatof AdmllllatraChe ployment of Personnel on Administrative Pay Roll P---i. Rules and under the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, are FERA Regu)atloDS No. 6. issued, effective August 1, 1933. State and local relief administrations may not employ any persons under 16 years of age; nor any persons for more than 40 ·hours in any I week, except those in managerial or executive positions. Minimum wage rates which State and local emergency relief administrations may pay are prescribed as follows: $15 per week in any city of over 500,000 population or its immediate trade area, $14.50 per week in any city of between 250,000 and 500,000 population or its immediate trade area, $14 per week in any city of 2,500 to 250,000 population or its immediate trade area. All wages in towns of less than 2,500 are to be increased by not less than 20 percent, provided that this shall not require wages in excess of $12 per week. Copies of the application form for Federal grants to Letter (Poat). assist self-help associations are sent to Governors, who are informed that Federal funds will be made available upon approval of the application. Governors and State Administrators are notified that M-.m• Belief to TruState programs for the care of transients and homeless ......... a_.. demand immediate attention. Rules and Regulations No. 3 of July 11, 1933, are cited and interpreted. Seamen are to be classed as transients. The statement of plan to be submitted to the Federal Administrator should include (1) a general statement as to the proposed State organization for planning; (2) the size and type of the problem; (3) the proposed method of dealing with the problem by localities; (4) the estimated cost of financing the plan. It is pointed out that in any local community there will be three types of homeless persons or families: (1) local homeless residents; (2) State homeless, more than 12 months in State; (3) transient homeless, less than 12 months in State. The third group is provided for by additional grants to the States, but it is desirable that the three types of homeless persons or families should be cared for through a centralized local program. Plans should be made either on a municipal, county, district, or State basis, the smaller units being closely linked with the SERA. Plans should provide for utilization of existing personnel and agencies whenever possible and for: (1) a central State bureau, to render advisory and supervisory ·- Digitized by Google 14 Ohronofugy of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration service, as pa.rt of the SERA; (2) local or district administrative units, the numbers to depend upon the need e.s shown. Needs are listed e.s follows: (I) central registration e.nd case-work facilities; (2) shelter, food, and clothing, adapted to individual needs; (3) medical and health service; (4) transportation either to place of legal residence or other destination when found desirable and necessary on a case-work be.sis, for families e.nd unattached persons; (5) work, adapted to the physical handicaps of the clients, if any; the possibility of work opportunity should be sought through local work projects, public works, and employment bureaus; (6) preventive programs. Shelter may be congregate or in boarding homes, camps and other suitable agencies which may be willing to pool their resources under the State or local program. Shelter care of good quality for unattached males implies that case-work service shall be available to all clients; that beds, bedding, balanced diet, medical service, work, recreation, laundry, bathing, barbering, and clothing shall be included in the program and that there shall be proper segregation of the men according to age, etc. Shelter for families, unattached women and girls and boys should be individualized according to need. A program to be considered adequate should make provision for meeting in a suitable way the needs of transient men and boys, women and girls, and families. In any consideration of the transient family a very careful case-work evaluation of their situation and future plan should be made. The allocation of funds by the Federal Administrator will be to the States; the States will compensate the local unit on the be.sis of reimbursement for moneys spent in accordance with the agreed-upon plan. All accounts are subject to audit by Federal authority. If the time element makes impossible the immediate development of a State-wide plan, the Federal Administrator will take under advisement the question of approval of local projects approved by the SERA to meet emergent situations, with the understanding that ultimately the local project is to be integrated with the State program. If any State law or the rule of any emergency relief administration holds that an individual who is receiving relief may not acquire legal residence while such relief is being received at public expense, it is assumed that the Digitized by Google 15 The Early Program 1uly-, 11118. .-\ug. l, 11133. Aug. 4, 111113. Aug. I, 11133. .Aug. ll, 11111&. Aug. 11, 1133. emergency relief of transient and homeless will in no way conflict with the existing law. Federal relief funds may not be used to help support county health units, per se. Units or personnel of the units that are used in the administration of unemployment relief may be paid from Federal relief funds for the part of the time spent in this work. Governors and SERA's are informed that work-relief projects on Federal property or under Federal Departments probably can be arranged, under the same limitations as other work-relief projects. Methods of putting the projects into operation are described. It is noted that workers on such Federal projects will be protected under the provisions of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act of 1916. A Federal official must be in charge of such projects. At the request of the SERA's, standard forms of a case record card and a financial data sheet are sent for guidance in preparing forms. The Trend of Urban Relief from June to July 1933, the first in .a series of monthly reports on urban trends, is issued by the FERA. (See Series RS, Appendix A for list of reports issued subsequently.) FERA Rules and Regulations No. 6 are sent, requiring that purchases of supplies with Federal funds, and all orders given to relief cases be made only from stores which have complied with the applicable approved code or the provisions of the President's Reemployment Agreement. The SERA's are reminded that it is essential that all local relief administrations be kept informed of FERA rulings and policies. The first communication in regard to the emergency education program is issued. Authorization is given to pay work-relief wages to needy unemployed teachers or other persons competent to teach who are assigned to elementary schools in rural counties, provided (1) assignment is to appropriate educational authorities who will have entire supervision of their activities; (2) assignment is only to schools previously ordered closed or partially closed for the coming school year because of lack of funds. Authorization also is given to pay work-relief wages in cities as well as rural counties to needy unemployed persons competent to teach adults unable to read and write English. Relief funds should not be used to relieve counties of their proper responsibility for education, nor should relief teachers be substituted for regularly employed teachers. Digitized by Letter (Hopldna). Letter (Hopkins). Letter (GUI). FERA Press Rel - No. 163. J'ERA Rules and Regulations No. 8. Letter (Hopldna). Letter (Bopldnl). Google 16 ChrOMwgy of the Fe<kral Emergency &lief Administration AUi, 23, 11133. Revised rules on self-help and cooperative grants, with amplified instructions in regard to application for and reporting of funds, are issued. Among the rulings concerning the operation of the program are the following: Any grant made to a cooperative should be for those of its activities that are supplemental to the other means of support of its members. It is expected that a substantial proportion of the members will be persons eligible for relief or who would be eligible, if it were not for their membership in the cooperative. In general, funds granted from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration for cooperatives should be used for working capital for the purchase of mobile or shortlived equipment, for tools, for gasoline, canning equipment, cans, and any other of the items commonly included in the working capital of such an enterprise. No Federal funds should be invested in permanent plant or land, although Federal funds may be used for advantageous leaseholds for temporary use. Thus, if the property of a cooperative is classified as (1) consumable goods, (2) working or circulating capital, and (3) long-term investment, Federal funds should be used only for working capital. The cooperative must undertake to exercise extreme care that its operation shall not in any way reduce the wage of labor in the community. It must agree to pay its members at least 30 cents per hour in scrip, book-credit or kind, while the beneficiary of Federal funds. Unless it is sufficiently productive to make such return to its members, the cooperative shall not be considered eligible to further grant of Federal funds. It is the general intention that no goods produced by the cooperative under Federal grant shall find their way into the open market. It is announced that 200,000,000 to 300,000,000 pounds of processed meat, obtained through the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, will be put in the hands of the SERA's for distribution by local agencies in areas where relief standards are low. Authorization is given to the SERA's to cooperate with the Bureau of Immigration of the United States Department of Labor by financing the transportation of needy dependents desiring to accompany aliens who are being deported. It is suggested to State Administrators that a general survey of food orders and food prices would be timely, in view of the advance in retail food prices. It is essential Aug. 23, 1933. Aug. 215, 1933. Sept. 7, 1933. Digitized by Letter (Baker). FERA Press Re, lease No. 100. Letter (Hopkins). Letter (Hopkins). Google 17 TM Early Program Sept.10, lGII. that revisions be in the amount of money allowed for food requirements in all forms of relief to make adequate provisions under increased prices. FERA Rules and Regulations No. 7, Governing Medical Care Provided in the Home to Recipients of Unemployment Relief, are issued. Extracts from Rules and Regulations Nos. 1 and 3 are given and the scope of medical care as previously defined is construed to include bedside-nursing care as an adjunct to medical care, and emergency dental service. The following are among the regulations established: 1. A uniform policy shall be determined on the basis of an agreement between the relief administration and the State and/or local organized medical, nursing, and dental professions. In such agreements, the relief administration should recognize within legal and economic limitations the traditional relationships as between family and physician, dentist and patient, and physician and nurse. The physician, dentist, and nurse must agree to furnish the same type of service to an indigent person as would be given to a private patient; but such service shall be a minimum consistent with good professional judgment and charged for at the agreed rate. The policy adopted shall be to augment and render more adequate facilities already existing in the community. It shall imply continua.nee of the use of hospitals, clinics, and medical, dental, and nursing services already established in the community. Federal emergency relief funds shall not be used in lieu of local and/or State funds to pay for these established services. The phrase "in their homes" shall be interpreted to include office service for ambulatory patients, with the understanding that such office service shall not supplant the services of clinics already provided. 2. A uniform procedure for authorization of medical, dental, and nursing care in the home shall be established. All authorizations shall be issued in writing on the regular relief order blank by a local relief official prior to giving the care; except that authorization may be given by telephone if immediately followed by a written order. Authorization for bedside-nursing care shall be based upon the recommendation of the attending physician in cases where there is a physician in attendance. Authorizations for medicine and medical supplies shall be issued only upon the written request of the attending physician. Digitized by MedblC.... PERA Rules and Reeu)atfonsNo. 7. Google 18 Chronology of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration Authorization for medical care for acute illness shall be limited to a definite period and a maximum expenditure or number of visits (not more than 2 weeks or 10 visits), according to the general agreement made between relief officials and physicians. Medical care in excess of this amount may be authorized only after reinvestigation of the case in the home by the relief administration. Medical care for chronic illness shall be authorized on an individual basis. Visits shall be limited in frequency by agreement (not more than one visit per week for a period not exceeding 2 or 3 months). Authorization for obstetrical care in the home shall include an agreed minimum number of prenatal visits (where possible), delivery in the home unless such would involve undue risk to the patient, and necessary postnatal care. Medical and nursing services not covered above and dental service shall be authorized on an individual basis. Dental care shall, in general, be restricted to emergency extractions and repairs. A fee schedule for medical dental, and nursing services shall be agreed upon. It is suggested that a flat rate be established for the usual services and that there be an agreed reduction from the usual fee for special services, with an agreed maximum fee. All fees shall be determined at an appreciable reduction from the prevailing minimum charges for such services. The rate for bedside-nursing care shall not exceed the cost per visit established for accredited visiting nursing organizations. This schedule shall apply only where the expenditure of Federal relief funds is involved and shall not preclude the payment of additional amounts from local funds. Itemized bills for each patient shall be submitted to the relief administration monthly. Retroactive authorizations shall not be issued or honored for payment. 3. It shall be the responsibility of the SERA to formulate a program in this field and to make sure that programs formulated by local administrations are in accord. The SERA shall file with the FERA a copy of its program for medical, nursing, and dental care, including the statement of policy, fee schedules, and detailed procedures. All persons licensed or registered to practice medicine, nursing, dentistry or as pharmacists shall be eligible to participate in the program, subject to local statutory limitations and the general policy. Digitized by Google 19 The 'Early Program Sept.12,11181. Sept. u, 1-. Sept_ 18, 11183. Sept. 10. 1m. Sept. :n. um. The Federal Administrator submits a report on drought relief at a meeting of the Executive Council.7 The President orders that the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator and the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration, with the Secretary of the Interior and the Chief of the United States Bureau of Public Roads, formulate plans and procedure for the immediate construction of feeder roads in drought areas. Funds will be provided from the public works funds and the Federal emergency relief appropriation. The Federal Administrator is authorized by the President to allot funds for work as well as for unemployment relief in drought areas. Under this authorization special emergency relief funds will be provided for food and clothing for needy families and feed for livestock. Forage will be shipped as required and provision will be made for purchase of seed for spring crops by fanners unable to furnish security for crop loans. The Administrator announces that Federal relief funds may be used to provide food and work relief for victims of recent hurricanes. Relief work will be carried on in cooperation with the American Red Cross. Substitute post office employees who apply for relief should be given full consideration and aid should not be refused on the theory that they hold regular jobs. Reference is made to the previous ruling that relief shall be given "those whose employment or available resources are inadequate to provide the necessities of life for themselves and/or their dependents." Federal funds for the care of transients in the States should be used for "bona fide transients." Funds for transient care are not intended for seasonal migratory workers in industralized types of agriculture. The Federal Administrator is opposed to subsidizing this type of industry by supplying workers' transportation to their legal residences out of relief funds. State Administrators are advised to cooperate with labor and employment exchanges on this problem. A memorandum regarding the emergency education program is issued, containing rules to be observed by the State Department of Education and by relief authorities with respect to work relief for rural teachers and for persons competent to teach adults unable to read and DnlaslltBellel. Mlnutea or the Meetlna: or the Executfve Coun• ell. White Houae " - ReleHe, Sept. 13, 11133. l'BRA Re- Letter (Hopkin,). A-L A-2. 'Established by Executive Order 6202-A, July 11, 1033, to coordinate Inter-agency problems or ol'Jl(anlzatfon and work or the new governmental agencies. The Federal Emergency Reller Administrator was appointed as a member. Digitized by ~ leue No. 2111. Google 20 Sept. 22, 11133. Bept. 22, 11133. Sept. 22, 11133. Bept. 23, 11133. Sept. 23, 1933. Sept. 26, 1933. Bept. 26, 1933. Chronology of the F«kral, E~rgency &lief Administratwn write English. Only persons certified as in need of relief by the SERA or its authorized agents may be employed as teachers. The SERA shall determine the amount to be paid each teacher according to FERA Rules and Regulations Nos. 3 and 4. The FERA has requested the United States Office of Education and the Federal Boa.rd for Vocational Education to assist in the educational aspects of the relief program. The FERA is interested in furthering good work-relief projects in cooperation with other governmental departments-Federal, State, and local. It is suggested that States stimulate work of this kind. The instructions of August 1 regarding Federal workrelief projects are modified in certain respects. Details are given concerning the initiation, approval, conduct, and financing of such projects. The President announces the availability of surplus commodities, which the Agricultural Adjustment Administration will purchase and the FERA will distribute to the unemployed in the various States. The allocation of 100,000,000 pounds of cured pork is announced. Other products such as beef, dairy and poultry products, and cotton probably will be available soon. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the commodities will be given in addition to the amounts now received by the unemployed, wherever inadequate, for the purpose of providing reasonable standards of sustenance. The SERA's are instructed to appoint persons to have charge of the surplus commodity program, to survey the needs immediately, and to establish machinery for distribution. Additional information in regard to relief practices is requested for use in interpreting monthly reports of the SERA's. Authority is given for the extension of the emergency education program. Relief funds may be used for the employment of unemployed persons on relief who are qualified to teach or render other types of necessary service for approved projects which include the education and training of (1) unemployed adults who are in need of vocational training or adjustment to make them employable; (2) unemployed adults who are physically handicapped and need additional training m work opportunities; (3) unemployed and other adults who are in need of further general educational opportunities. Instructions are given regarding work-relief projects for vocational education, vocational rehabilitation, and Digitized by Google A-6. A-6-L RH. Estienaloaer Emer,enc:, Bcla- catloa Pncraa. A-3L. A-3. 21 The Early Program lleiJ'.'ll,laa. 0..2,la 0...4,Ia general adult education. Teachers must be certified as in need of relief by the SERA or its authorized agents, and wages shall be determined according to FERA Rules and Regulations Nos. 3 and 4. Federal funds for educational work relief may be expended by the States only on the basis of plans prepared by the State Departments of Education and approved by the SERA's and the FERA. The SERA's are reminded of the orders issued at the meeting on June 14, 1933: (1) that the qualifications and salary of all personnel of the SERA paid from Federa.l funds must be approved by the Field Representative of the FERA; and (2) that the research, statistical, and accounting organization in each State must be approved by the FERA. Relief offices are told that the FERA probably will take a census of all persons receiving public unemployment relief 88 of October 31, 1933. Additional clerical help may be needed, and an increase in office personnel from the relief rolls will be approved on a work-relief basis. A communication is sent concerning children under 16 years of age thrown out of work 88 a result of minimum age provisions in the President's Reemployment .Agreement and in NRA codes. Cooperative arrangements with the schools are urged in order to bring needy families of such children to the attention of State and local relief administrations. Relief should be granted to the family wherever necessary. No attachments may be made to the wages of any persons on work relief financed from Federal funds. A program of child-feeding in the schools is authorized, to provide one meal a day for children of relief families, found after examination to be suffering from underfeeding and malnutrition. The Federal Surplus Relief Corporation is incorporated under the laws of Delaware. The primary purposes of the Corporation are: (1) To asaist In relieving the ez:lstfng national emergency by the purchaae, processing, and distribution for consumption d. agricultural and other products as a means to remove surpluses and improve prices; (2) to apply these surplU8 agricultural and other products In the form of foodstuffs, clothing, fuel, and otherwise to the relief of hardship and suffering call8ed by unemployment. Digitized by R~. A-U. A-11. A-14. Pedenl&m,I• ..... ltelletONpcao Montb1Y Report of the FJ!:RA, 0.. oemberlll33. Google 22 Chronology of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration Oct. 6, 1933. Statement is made of policy regarding relief to strikers. 8 The FERA v..-ill not attempt to judge the merits of a labor dispute. Each case applying for relief will be considered on its merits as a relief case, wholly apart from any controversy in which the wage earner may be involved. Unless the National Labor Board of the NRA decides that the basis for a strike is unreasonable and unjustified, the FERA authorizes local relief agencies to furnish relief to the families of striking wage earners who are found to be in need. Instructions are given for action to be taken in connection with health and sanitation in transient shelters, camps, and other facilities. The FERA forwards standard reporting and recording forms for the transient program. The FSRC is considering plans for the purchase of certain foodstuffs through the cooperation of the AAA and also by arrangements with industries for price concessions on other commodities to be purchased by the SERA's. The SERA's are requested to submit estimates of commodity needs and suggestions in regard to commodities which could be purchased at a saving through price arrangements. Announcement is made of the appointment of a Director of Women's Work for the FERA. Each SERA should appoint a person to direct women's work relief. The appointment must be approved by the FERA. Plans for increasing purchases of coal for relief consumption are being considered and SERA's are requested to submit estimates of amounts needed during the coming winter. Samples of a schedule to be used in a census of persons receiving unemployment relief in the United States are sent to the SERA's, together with a description of the project. It is announced that a series of regional conferences will be held with the SERA staff members who will be in charge of the census. Methods to be used in conducting the census must be worked out by the SERA staff and plans should be submitted for discussion at the regional conferences. In many instances workrelief persons can be utilized; in other localities it may be necessary for the case workers to fill out the schedules. (The first regional conference was held on October 18; enumeration was begun October 25, 1933.) Oct. 9, 1933. Oct. ll, 1933. Oct.10, 11133. Oct. 10, 1933. Oct.10, 11133. Oct. H, 11133. • The first statement of this policy was made to an individual State In 1ul:y (FERA Press Release No. 105). Digitized by Google A-17. A-18. A-Ill. A-3>. A-21. A-22. u_,..,_, BellefC.- Letter (0111). 23 The Early Program Ocl. 10, 11133. Oct. ID, 11133. Oct. I), 11133. Oet. llO, 111113. Oet.11, 111113. It is announced that workers' education classes may be E-1. orga.nized under the authorization of September 26 to use Federal emergency relief funds for approved projects for the education and training of "unemployed and other adults who are in need of further general educational opportunities." The appointment of a member of the FERA staff to help develop the program is reported. The agreement of the national wholesale and retail c-1. grocery organizations to cooperate with the FSRC to handle surplus commodities through local stores is reported, and instructions are given for the selection of State and county distributors. It is pointed out that where successful commissaries are now in operation, they will distribute the surplus foodstuffs, but that it will not be necessary to set up new commissaries with work-relief labor to fill this function. The SERA staff should include a man experienced in distribution of foodstuffs. Instructions are given to review all relief cases in order Ao-1. that any family or person not entitled to unemployment relief may be dropped. To check relief rolls, agreements should be reached with employers to report the names of persons added to their pay rolls. A study of relief allowances should be made to determine whether they are adequate for winter needs. Such a study will enable the SERA's to determine the areas in which surplus commodities are most needed to augment relief. State, municipal, or prin.te funds must bear the cost of materials and accessory services required for Federal work-relief projects. Arrangements have been made for the following projects in connection with Federal departments: (1) Treasury Department, Bureau of Public Health Service-malaria control, rural sanitation, and the control of rats as carriers of disease; (2) Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology-mosquito control; (3) Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey-control of rats as predatory animals; (4) Department of Commerce, Coast and Geodetic Surveytying in control surveys; (5) Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce-building census. Federal funds may be used for the assignment of quali- A-311 fied workers on a work-relief basis to the local NRA Compliance Board offices. .a.--. Digitized by Google 24 Chronology of tM F«kral, Emer~ncy Reluf Administration Oct. 23, 1933. Authorization is given to provide work-relief wages for qualified and unemployed teachers and other workers on relief who are needed to organize and conduct nursery schools under the control of the public school systems. Plans must be approved by local relief and school authorities and submitted to State Superintendents of Public Instruction and State Emergency Relief Administrators. Funds granted for general relief or those granted for work relief in education may be used. Food supplies may be provided under the authorization of October 4 relating to child-feeding programs. It is noted that the nursery school program includes participation of parents. The collection and distribution of surplus agricultural products available locally for the gathering is suggested as a work-relief project. Distribution should be only to families eligible for relief and should be in addition to regular relief allowances. Detailed instructions are given for the selection of distributors of surplus commodities, methods of issue, and ordering and stock control. Work-relief regulations are relaxed in order to provide for continuous supervision on clerical and professional projects. Forty hours a week may be allowed. In determining budgetary needs, the previous standard of living may be taken into account, making it possible to pay $10 to $15 per week and thus retain persons full time. Neither the FERA nor the PWA can approve projects on which it is planned to use the 30 percent cash grant from the PWA to cover the cost of materials and accessory services and to make up the remaining 70 percent by using work-relief labor to do the work. The communication states: Oct. 26, 1933. Oct.28, 11133. Oct. ao, 1933. Oct. 30, 11133. N....,. &c--. A-211. A-71. C-4. A-28. A-:111. The line is clearly drawn between Public Works, which are intended to revive the country by paying wages for work done on desirable projects, and the Relief Administration, which provides those already destitute with an opportunity to earn their minimum subsistence requirements. Nov. 2, 1933. Nov. G, 11133. Half-rate transportation for transients will be granted on a Nation-wide basis, according to an agreement of the FERA and the Association of Railway Executives. It is urged that the State Transient Director be the sole officer to issue requests upon which half-rate tickets may be procured. Selection of the method of distribution of surplus commodities in the State is the responsibility of the SERA. The advantages of using regular wholesale, Digitized by T-& c0-2. Google ~ 25 F.arly Program retail, and distribution channels are cited. Any other method, except the use of previously established oommiBAAries, should be reported, together with its estimated cost. Eligibility for surplus commodities is extended to include "persons not on public relief rolls, but in need of relief"-including families receiving mothers' aid, old age assistance cases, clients of private family welfare societies, etc. Selection of eligibles may be made on the basis of an investigation by "agencies of proper standards designated by the local relief administration and approved by the State Relief Administrator." Commodities distributed must be over and above prior conswnption. They will be distributed by the public relief administration through the regular distribution channels for surplus commodities. FERA Rules and Regulations No. 8, Governing Organization and Operation of Transient Service Bureaus, are issued. This bulletin summarizes previous rulings and communications on relief to transients. Information on methods of organizing State transient bureaus and regional service centers is amplified. No regional center may be established without the approval of the Field Representative of the FERA. Consideration must first be given to availability of proper housing. Health authorities must be consulted regarding sanitary requirements, whether shelter is provided on a congregate basis, in lodgings, or in camps. Where congregate feeding is undertaken, meals should be provided on the basis of schedules prepared by qualified dietitians. Breadlines, soup kitchens, and kindred projects should be discouraged. Adequate care should be given to transients without any time limitation and no "passing on" will be tolerated except by a reference center to a treatment center within the State. It is suggested that return to legal or other residence be arranged by interstate agreements. In relation to migratory workers, it is ruled that the interpretation of the term "transient" will not apply to people who do not secure sufficient wages from their labor to meet living requirements. Responsibility for their rests upon the States in which, and employers for whom, they work. C-a. T........,nt8-Ylee FERA Roles and R<>gulatlonsNo.8. 128019°-87~1 Digitized by Google 26 Chronology of tM FetUral, ETMrgency Relief Administration It iq expected that every transient registered will be given a complete physical examination and that necessary medical care will be provided. It is expected that each center will promote the development of a variety of work projects for the purpose of utilizing various skills; develop educational and vocational activities, using personnel resources available on a work-relief basis; provide for recreation and leisuretime activities for individuals and groups. In addition, the development of rehabilitation projects in certain areas in camps, colonies, subsistence farms, etc., should constitute a very important part of program making. Digitized by Google lI TRANSFER OF WORK RELIEF TO CIVIL WORKS NOT. 8, 19111. Nov. II, 1911. A communication to State Administrators announces that the President is creating the Civil Works Administration and appointing as its Administrator the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator. "The purpose of this agency is to provide employment to 4 million persone able and willing to work, now unemployed. The first task of this agency will be to provide regular work at regular wages for the 2 million now on so-called work relief. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration will name its State and local emergency relief administrations as State and local Civil Works Administrations." The presence of State Administrators at a meeting in Washington on November 15 is requested. The Federal Civil Works Administration is established by the President under the authority of title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act; and for the purpose of increasing employment quickly: "to administer a program of public works as a part of, and to be included in, the comprehensive program under preparation by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, which program shall be approved by the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works and shall be known as the 'Civil Works Program.'" The Federal Emergency Relief Administrator is appointed as Federal Civil Works Administrator. An allocation of $400,000,000 is made to the Federal Civil Works Administration from the appropriation of $3,300,000,000 authorized by section 220 of the National Industrial Recovery Act. The State Emergency Relief Administrators are advised of their appointment as State Civil Works Administrators. Procedure to be used by the States in ordering surplus commodities is explained. The Women's Division issues its first bulletin. The development of the program for providing destitute women and girls with work-relief opportunities is described. Among the types of projects in operation are sewing, gardening, canning, teaching, and other work in connection with the emergency education program, and l'ederal Chll WorbAaalulCraCloa. Telegram (Hopldua). Establlllhed b~ E:t0011dve Order M»-B. T~Jegram (Hopkins). 27 Digitized by Google 28 NOT. 111, 11133. NOT.111, 111133. Chronology of the Fe<Ural, Emergency Relief Administration personnel service. Other projects are under preparation. Directors of women's work activities are being appointed in the SERA's. The use of volunteer service from women's organizations in carrying out the program is urged. Governors, Mayors, State and local Civil Works Administrators, and other interested persons meet with the Federal Civil Works Administrator to hear about and discuss plans for the Civil Works Program. State quotas of persons to be put to work on Civil Works projects, which were determined by taking into consideration population and relief load, are announced. FCWA Rules and Regulations No. 1 are issued. 1 The following are among the rules established: 1. It is the intention of the Federal Civil Works Administrator to use, insofar as is practicable, existing work divisions of the Federal, State, and local emergency relief administrations. Additional technical personnel, if found necessary, will be appointed by the Federal Civil Works Administrator. 2. It is contemplated that all persons on work relief and all work-relief projects under way as of November 16, 1933, in order to share in the funds available for Civil Works projects, are to be transferred between November 16 and 19, 1933, to the CWA. The objective of the CWA is the employment of 4,000,000 persons by December 15, 1933. Two million of these persons receiving relief on November 16, 1933, either as work relief or direct relief, are to be employed on Civil Works projects by direct transference from the relief office to Civil Works projects on or before December 1, 1933. On or after December 1, or prior to this date, if the relief quota has been transferred and employed by the CWA, all applications for employment will be made through the local employment agencies designated by the United States Employment Service and placements will be made in accordance with preferences as set forth in title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act. 3. All public works projects of the character heretofore constructed or carried on either by the public · authority or with public aid to serve the interest of the general public are eligible, provided that: (1) They are socially and economically desirable, and (2) they may be undertaken quickly. All Civil Works projects • Only those sections of the Rules and Regulations which directly affect the relier program are mentioned here. Digitized by Google Proceeding!! of the General and Exec• utlve Meetings, Federal Civil Works Administration, Nov. 15, lll33. FCWA Rules and Regulations No. l. AdmlDlatratlYe Set-,.. Tranater Prom Work-relief Project&. T,pMotProJect& Tra,ntifer of Work B,,l,ief to Oitril W orb must be carried on by force account (day labor), and not by contract. 4. No project for which application has been made PWA. to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works and which has not been referred by it to the Civil Works Administration is acceptable as a Civil Works project. No project which a public body is able to finance under the terms of title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act, and the rules and regulations thereunder, is acceptable as a Civil Works project. 5. All Civil Works projects shall be submitted to the local CWA on forms furnished by the Federal CWA. The local CWA's shall submit such applications to the State CWA, with recommendations for approval or disapproval. State Civil Works projects shall be submitted directly to the State CWA. The State CWA shall approve these projects with such limitations as the Federal Civil Works Administrator may establish. 6. The hours of labor, wage rates, etc., on Civil Works ....... w... projects shall be fixed in accordance with the rules and regulations established by · the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, as follows: (1) 30-hour week. Except in executive, administrative, or~ supervisory positions, no individual directly employed on a Civil Works project shall be permitted to work more than 30 hours in any 1 week; provided that (a) working time lost because of inclement weather, or unavoidable delays in any 1 week may be made up in the succeeding 20 days, (b) the limitation of not more than 130 hours' work in any 1 calendar month may be substituted for the requirement of not more than 30 hours' work in any 1 week on projects in localities where a sufficient amount of labor is not available in the immediate vicinity of the work, and (c) work up to 8 hoUI'B a day, or up to 40 hours a week may be permitted on projects located at points where camps or floating plants are necessary for the housing and boarding of all the labor employed. (2) No person under 16 years of age shall be employed on Civil Works projects. (3) The maximum of human labor shall be used in lieu of machinery wherever practicable and consistent with sound economic and public advantage. (4) All persons employed on Civil Works projects shall be paid just and reasonable wages, which shall be compensation sufficient to provide, for the hours of labor as limited, a standard of living in decency and comfort. .............. ...... Digitized by Google 30 NoT.16, 11133. NOT. l&, 11133. <Jhronol,ogy of tM Fe&ral, Emergency &lief Administration The CWA shall pay not less than the minimum hourly wages for skilled and unskilled labor prescribed. by the Federal Administrator of Public Works, viz: That for the purpose of determining wage rates on all construction financed from funds appropriated. by the Administrator of Public Works under the authority of the National Industrial Recovery Act, the United States shall be divided into three zones. The hourly wage rates to be paid on construction projects in these zones shall not be less than the following: Southern zone: skilled labor, $1; unskilled labor, $0.40. Central zone: skilled labor, $1.10; unskilled labor, $0.45. Northern zone: skilled labor, $1.20; unskilled labor, $0.50. On road projects the wage rates shall be those which have been fixed by the State Highway Departments, in accordance with section 204c of the National Industrial Recovery Act. FCWA Rules and Regulations No. 2, Procedure for Allotting and Disbursing Funds Under the $400,000,000 Allotment Made by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works to the Federal Civil Works Administration, are issued. Rulings and instructions a're given concerning allotments, estimates of cash requirements, designation and functions of disbursing officers, pay roll, check register, and voucher procedure. It is announced that field disbursing officers of the Veterans' Administration have been designated as special disbursing officers of the FCWA. There will be one such special disbursing officer in each State. He will designate an assistant disbursing officer, on the nomination of the State Administration, in each political subdivision where Civil Works projects are located. Personnel heretofore serving as disbursing officers in connection with emergency relief operations should be utilized to the fullest extent possible. Their designation as assistant disbursing officers for the CWA will not operate to terminate their appointments covering disbursements of funds for other relief projects. FCWA Rules and Regulations No. 3, Approved Civil Works Project Applications, are issued. Instructions are given for the submission to the FCWA of Civil Works project applications approved by the State CWA and of monthly progress reports on Civil Works projects in operation. Digitized by FCW A Rules and Regulations No. :I. FCW A Rules and Regulations No. 3. Google Transfer of Work Rel,ief to Oiuil Works Nn.17,1- No•.18, Im. Not'. 18, 1918. 31 Civil Works employees taken from relief rolls or who are from case-investigated families not on relief may receive surplus commodities. Commodity tickets may be distributed through the CWA. The National Emergency Council is created for the purpose of coordinating and making more efficient and productive the work of the numerous field agencies of the Federal Government established under and for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and the Federal Emergency Relief Act. The Federal Emergency Relief Administrator is designated as a member of the Council.2 The Federal Surplus Relief Corporation will deal with only a few basic commodities secured chiefly out of processing taxes levied by the AAA or by donation from the producers. Other surplus commodities, if used for relief purposes, will have to be purchased by the SERA's out of current funds. The Federal Civil Works Administrator instructs the States on methods to be observed in making allotments to political subdivisions and in giving employment according to preference. Three-fourths of the employees and of dollar allotments shall be distributed among the cities and counties in accordance with their population and one-fourth in accordance with their respective proportion of the total relief case load for the State. Preference in employment should be given, first, to those now engaged on work relief regardless of the percentage of the total; second, to additional direct relief cases up to 50 percent of the total, if the number of work-relief cases is less than 50 percent of the allotment; third, all additional employees must be chosen through the Reemployment Service. Representatives of national women's organizations throughout the country attend a conference at the White House to discuss the emergency needs for unemployed and destitute women. An address on the Civil Works Program is given by the Federal Administrator. State Civil Works Administrations in no case should exceed the quota of persons allocated to the State. Personnel required for State and local CWA's in connec- Nalleml ..... ltlllCJ' Coadl. E:recudn Order Gm-A. 00-10. Telegram (Hopl<ln.s). FERA Prellll Releue No. 41:1. Letter (Hopkins). • The work of the National Emergency Council supplemented that of the E:recutlve Council; the two lll!llllclell were consolidated Oct. 211, 1934 (Executive Order 6889-A). The Nadonal Emergency Council was reestablished Iune 13, 1935, and authorized to oontlnue to perform functions not inconsistent with the Emergency Relief Appropria• Uoa Act of 191111 (E:recatlve Order 7073). Digitized by Google 32 Chronology of flu Ferural, E~rgency Relief Adminiatratum. Nov. 22, 11183. tion with the Civil Works Program will constitute a Civil Works project in itself. Letter State CWA's told that "all employees of the CW A Night (Hopkins). who suffer injuries while in the performance of duty will be paid compensation during disability and provided with medical attention under the conditions prescribed in the Federal Employees' Compensation Act of September 7, 1916, and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the United States Employees' Compene.stion Commission." All CWA's should be instructed to pay Civil Works employees during periods of disability at a rate not to exceed 663' percent of their regular weekly wage. No payment shall be made, however, for the first 3 days of disability. Every effort must be made to pay all Civil Works pay OWA-1. rolls out of CWA funds, or out of State or local funds, and not from Federal relief funds. If the use of Federal relief funds is the only alternative to nonpayment of pay rolls, the Federal Civil Works Administrator should be notified to this effect, and specific approval for the use of relief funds should be obtained. Under all circumstances, the meeting of pay rolls should be the primary consideration. Federal OD■Crel The President prescribes rules and regulations with or State RelW reference to the authority of the Federal Administrator to A.......1r■tioE1ecutlve Order assume control of the administration of relief in a State, 6442. as provided in the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933. The following are among the rules establi<,hed: 1. Control may be assumed in any State where, in the judgment of the Federal Administrator, more effective and efficient cooperation between State and Federal authorities may thereby be secured in carrying out the purposes of the act. 2. A State Emergency Relief Administration and any necessary advisory committees may be created in the State by the Federal Administrator. 3. Such State Emergency Relief Administration shall (1) under the direction of the Federal Administrator, be responsible for the distribution and expenditure of funds granted to the State by the Federal Administrator; (2) appoint the necessary personnel, volunteer or paid, and fix the salary of all paid workers, subject to the approval of the Federal Administrator: provided that no salary may exceed the amount fixed in section 3b of the act; (3) appoint the necessary local emergency relief administrations, organizations, or directors. 4. All personnel appointed in a State by the Federal Administrator under the authority of this order shall Nov. 22, 1933. Nov. 22, 11133. Digitized by Google Tramjer of Work Re/,ief to Oiuil Works NOT, 211, 111111. NoT. 211, 1881. NOY,25, 1111113. NoT.26, 1111113. NoT. 71, 11133. NOY. 'II, 1933. 33 serve at his pleasure; all personnel appointed by the State Emergency Relief Administration under the authority of this order shall serve at the pleasure of the Federal Administrator and/or the State Emergency Relief Administration. Employees who are paid from Federal, State, or local relief funds are not eligible for compensation for injury under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act and should be provided compensation from other sources. Effective at once wages for all persons employed on projects directly relating to relief offices, such as nursing services, interviewing and investigating, work in sewing and canning centers, etc., and for all persons employed on projects, such as vocational education, adult education, nursery schools, etc., shall be paid at the prevailing wage rate in the community for the type of work done and in no circumstances less than 30 cents an hour. Wages for these workers must be paid from local, State, or Federal relief funds and not from CWA funds. State Civil Works Administrations are notified of the urgent need for speed in formulating their programs and warned that laggard States which have not approved useful work projects suitable for the allotment of men allowed may have the bale.nee of their unassigned quotas transferred elsewhere after December 15. FCWA Rules and Regulations No. 4, Federal Projects, are issued. Instructions are given for the employment of workers through the local CWA's, pay-roll procedure, purchase of supplies, and reporting. 3 FCWA Rules and Regulations No. 5, Compensation Benefits for Civil Works Employees Paid From Civil Works Administration Funds, When Injured in the Performance of Their Duties, are issued. (A revised edition was issued on December 12, 1933.) FCWA Rules and Regulations No. 6, Wage Rates, are issued and specify: CWA-4. Clril w. . 9err. lcel'l'ojee-. Tell!lll'UD (Hopkln.s), FERA Pn,ss Release No. 426. FCW A RulM and RegulationsNo.4. FCW A Rules and Regulations No. 5. FCW A Rules and Regulations No. O. In the event that the prevailing hourly rate prescribed under collective agreements or understandings between organized labor and employers on April 30, 1933, shall be above the minimum set for any district within that zone, that agreed wage rate shall be the rate to be paid for employees on projects financed from funds appropriated by the Administrator of Civil Works. Nov. 'It, 1913. In order to provide coal for emergency relief purposes on a uniform basis and at a substantial saving in cost, the FERA has devised a plan to supervise the supplying • J'CW A Rulee and Regulatlom No. 8, Supplementary Regulations C o n ~ J'ederal Projects, were issued Dec. 2, 11133. FCW A Rules and Regulations No. g, is.,ued Dec. 7, 11133, aupenede Noe. • and 8. A 1111pplement to No. g was issued Jan. 6, 1934. Digitized by Google 34 Nov. 28, 1933. Nov. 29, 1933. Dec. I, 1933. l)ec. I, JD33. Dec. I, 1933. Chronology of the Fe<kral Emergency Reluf Administration of fuel and to assist the SERA's. Instructions are given regarding distributing and ordering procedure. Local dealers will supply the coal and it will be replaced by coal purchased through the FSRC. The distinction between Civil Works and Civil Works Service projects is explained. Civil Works projects are those directly connected with construction work or leading directly or indirectly to construction work in the future. Civil Works Service projects are sen;ce projects relating to relief offices and educational projects listed in the telegram of November 23 nnd other similar projects. Quotas already assigned must include CWS projects. Wages on CWS projects are to be paid from available local, State, and Federal relief funds. All employees on CWS projects must be "persons eligible for relief." In order to reduce case investigations, committees from professional organizations may be used to determine need. In furnishing personnel for Federal CWA projects, wherever possible particular attention should be given to the employment of women. Their names may be drawn from the lists of the National Reemployment Service without regard to the ratio of persons already placed from relief and NRS lists, respectively. The Director of Transient Activities points out that nonresidents are ineligible for employment on projects financed by the PWA or the CWA. Nonresident veterans are in the same category as other transients. Attention is called to possible sources of aid for transient veterans through the Veterans' Administration, and special services of the American Red Cross. To fulfill its obligation to provide adequate and immediate care to transients, the FERA requires the utmost cooperation of the SERA's. Although not expected, to share in the financial responsibility for transient care, the SERA's are given the responsibility for the administration of Federal funds for this purpose with the expectation that they will direct the immediate establishment of adequate services. Stringent restriction on the use of railways as a means of free transportation will be enforced by the railroads beginning January 1, 1934. By agreement with the FERA these restrictions have been withheld pending the establishment of an adequate transient service in all of the States. Further instructio::is and suggestions are given regarding transient care. Digitized by Te._ (Hoptlne). W-2. T-10. T-12. Google Transfer of Work Relief to Civil Works Dee. 2, 1111113. Dec. 6, 11183. Dec. 7, 1818. Dee. 8, Ul33. Civil Works Service projects will be administered by the State Emergency Relief Administrations and not by the State Civil Works Administrations. Reimbursement to the SERA's for expenditures for local reemployment offices for the period August 1 to November 18, 1933, will be made upon receipt of required reports and application for reimbursement. On November 18, support of the reemployment service was terminated by the FERA and assumed by the FCWA. Rulings affecting women's work are issued. Civil Works and Civil Works Service projects upon which women may be employed are listed. Distinctions between Civil Works and Civil Works Service projects are discussed. Women placed on Civil Works Service projects must be drawn from persons on relief or eligible for relief; those placed on Civil Works projects are to be certified by reemployment offices. Women employed on Civil Works Service projects are to be paid from local, State, or Federal relief funds through their regular disbursing offices; those employed on Civil Works projects are to be paid from CWA funds through the disbursing offices established by the Veterans' Administration. The hourly rate of pay is to be a minimum of 30 cents or the prevailing rate. The 30-hour maximum per week applicable for Civil Works projects applies in all women's work projects. Quotas already assigned to the States include both men and women. The State Director of Women's Work is responsible to the State Civil Works Administrator and is a member of the State CWA staff. Instructions are given on the organization and conduct of nursery schools and the employment of needy teachers and other workers as authorized on October 23, 1933. It is expected that emergency nursery schools will serve children of needy unemployed families. General policies with respect to the organization and administration of other divisions of the emergency education program will apply to nursery schools. It is provided that partially qualified professional workers may be given training before the nursery schools are opened. All work-relief projects of a desirable character in designated drought areas shall be taken over and made CWA projects. Farmers may apply for employment on Civil Works projects on the same basis as all other persons. Funds appropriated by the PWA to the Bureau of Public Roads for materials in drought areas Digitized by OWA-10 A-88. A-at. Google 36 Deo.8,111113. Deo. ti, 111113. Dec.11,111311. Dec. 11, 11188. Dec. 13, 11133. Chronology of the Federal, Emergency Relief Administration may be used in Civil Works projects. Persons not covered by the Civil Works quota who are in need of drought relief (livestock feed and seed needs are interpreted as relief needs) must be handled as regular relief cases with FERA funds. Farmers employed on Civil Works projects are not entitled to feed andseed allowances unless they make specific requests that are approved by the SERA. Indians on relief, ward or nonward, are eligible for surplus commodities. An additional country-wide quota of 40,000 teachers is announced, to be allotted to the States in the same proportion as Civil Works quotas. This quota for teachers is separate from and in addition to the quota previously allotted to the States for Civil Works and is a part of that reserved for Federal projects. Teachers so employed must be in need of relief and will be paid from relief funds. They should be assigned to teaching positions on the six authorized emergency education projects. The FERA has decided to decentralize the purchase and processing of beef for relief consumption wherever the States prefer to make their own arrangements. The SERA's are requested to advise the FERA whether they wish cash grants for this purpose or prefer to receive canned beef. (Decentralization in the purchase of other commodities was provided for through later orders.) Self-help cooperatives may be included with other agencies designated to investigate and select eligibles for surplus commodities from needy persons not on relief. FCWA Rules and Regulations No. 10, Hours, Wage Rates, and Conditions of Employment, are issued. Previous rules are amended and amplified. Rulings in regard to Civil Works specify: I. Except in executive, administrative, supervisory, or clerical positions, hours of labor of workers on Civil Works projects shall be limited to 8 hours in any 1 day. Clerical workers may be employed 39 hours per week. 2. The rates for semiskilled labor should be set between the wage rate for skilled and unskilled labor in accordance with local prevailing rates, unless ot,herwise provided for by agreements approved by PWA's within or through the State. The minimum wage rates designated are not to be used in discriminating against assistants, helpers, apprentices, and serving laborers who work with and serve skilled journeymen mechanics and who are not to be termed "unskilled la.borers." Digitized by C0-22. E-6. C0-23. C--5 Suppleme~t. FCW A Rules and Regulations No. 10. Ch11 Woru. Hoara. W1119Ratea. Google 37 Transfer of Work Relief to Oivil Works On clerical, office, statistical, survey, and general whitecollar jobs the prevailing rate in the community shall be paid, but not less than specified minimums. 3. In the event that any question shall be raised as to what wage rates prevail in any district under agreements and understandings between organized labor and Civil Works Administrators, the United States Department of Labor shall determine such rates if and when requested by State Civil Works Administrators, before starting opei:ations on a project. A Board of Labor Review has been created by the Public Works Administration. This board shall hear all issues arising under the operation of all work financed from funds allocated by the Administrator of Civil Works and from such problems as may result from fundamental changes in economic conditions. The decision of the Board of Labor Review shall be binding upon all parties. In the employment of labor on Civil Works projects, first preference shall be given to employees on projects previously started or completed. The intention is to provide continuous work after initial employment. In the employment of labor on any Civil Works project, preference shall be given as set forth in Bulletin No. 2 of the Public Works Administration. 4. On all Civil Works projects reasonable precautlions shall be taken for the safety of employees, and all applicable provisions of the Federal, State, and municipal safety laws shall be observed. All machinery and equipment and other physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with recognized safety codes. Attention is directed to the recommendation of the National Safety Council that wherever large numbers of employees are concentrated or where an unusually large number of accidents occur, , safety director shall be appointed to supervise proper safeguards and to train employees to avoid accident hazards. Rulings in regard to Civil Works Service specify: 1. The maintenance of ma.xi.mum identity of Civil Works and Civil Works Service employees is essential, while maintaining at the same time the necessary distinction as to source of funds. 2. The rules governing hours of labor on Civil Works Service projects shall be the same as those set by the Civil Works Administration for Civil Works projects. Wages for Civil Works Service workers shall be the prevailing wage rate in the particular community for the type of work done, but not less than 30 cents per hour. Digitized by s.revPnnWita. CITIJWoruSenlce. ...... Boanud w. . Google 38 Deo. 14, 11133. Deo. H, 11133. Deo.Ul,11131. Deo.18, 111.U. Dec. 3), 11133. Dec. 21, 11133. Chronology of th£ Fed£ra1 Emergency Reluf Administrati-On Minimum wages for clerical and professional workers in Civil Works Service positions shall be the rates specified for Civil Works employees in similar positions. 3. Civil Works Service employees are not covered by Federal compensation insurance. The local CW A in charge of Civil Works Service projects shall be responsible for seeing, wherever possible, that all employees on such projects are covered by accident or employees' compensation insurance, to be paid from State or local funds. Use of Civil Works Service projects for clerical and other assistance in offices of county agents and home demonstration agents is suggested. Instructions are given on the organization of workers' education classes in the general adult education program, authorized on September 26, 1933. Teachers' training should be included in the program. A safety program is launched by the Federal Civil Works Administration. Cooperation of all State and local Administrators with safety officials is requested. The appointment of a safety director or inspector in each unit, State, city, and job is recommended. The appointment of a Director of Safety for the Federal Civil Works Administration is announced. An outline of the program and organization plan is forwarded and reports on safety measures already adopted are requested. Distribution of surplus commodities to Civil Works employees may be discontinued "if, in your State or any localities in it, there is objection to the continued distribution of the surplus commodities to Civil Works employees." If distribution is discontinued, the commodities may be supplied to public institutions-"over and above their present purchases." The choice between Civil Works employees and such institutions as recipients is given to the SERA's. The SERA 's are requested to secure the loan of a person to act as a nutrition advisor, if they have no one on the staff acting in that capacity. The name and qualifications of tbis official are to be reported to the FERA. Specific Civil Works projects should be used for the employment of members of cooperative or self-help groups, if possible; work-shifts may then be arranged in such a way as to take due account of the requirements of cooperative activities. Digitized by Lett« (Hoptlm). E-7• s.ter., .....,__ cw-s 1, 2. c0-31• A--35. A-38. Google Transfer of Work Reluf to Civil Works Deo.ts.llllD. DN.'D,111113. 19111. 2, 1984. 1-.a. 111:w. Jan. 6, llXM. Ian. e, tixw. 1an. 10, 1934. 1an. 12, 1934. . The Manual of Financial Procedure, Accounting, and Reporting for State and Local Civil Works Administrations' is issued by the FCWA. Instructions are given concerning forms to be used, application for and approval of CWA projects, employee records, pay rolls, time recording, purchasing and voucher procedure, fund-control and project registers to be kept by local administrations, reports from local to State CWA's, State administration accounting and reporting, and Civil Works Service projects. Word has come to the office of FCWA that workers are still being taken from relief rolls for Civil Works jobs. This is positively prohibited. Henceforth all persons must be placed through the NRS from the self-sustaining unemployed. A questionnaire on the method of handling CWA labor disputes is sent to State Administrators. The replies will be used in the formulation of labor policy and procedure. The names and experience of staff representatives in charge of labor relations are requested. The importance of making careful and adequate investigations of new applications for relief is stressed. The SERA's are warned against the tendency to make superficial examinations, which has developed in some sections of the country since the launching of the Civil Works Program, because of the general impression that a person must be on relief in order to get a job. State Departments of Education may use emergency funds to employ teachers for adult education in prisons. No work should be done on a project for which application has been made to the PWA unless the application has been rejected by the PW A and reconsidered favorably by local and State CWA's. PW A and CWA workers should not be employed on the same project. Signs identifying all CWA and CWS projects must be posted in order that the public may know what is being done under Civil Works. The pay of CWA workers is not subject to attachment while in the hands of a disbursing officer. 39 FCWAManual of Fillanolal Procedure, Accounting. and Reporting. CWA-31. E-8. Telegram (HopklDB). CWA~. CWA-48. • Issued In mimeographed form Dec.11.1933. Additions and amendments were made from time to time. -□igitized by Google 40 <Jhronology of the Federal Emergency &luf Administration J1111. 12, 111M. All relief organizations should be informed that the United States Government is willing to pay the return transportation to country of birth of any alien "who has fallen into distress or has become a public charge." Applications for transportation are to be made to the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization. As announced on December 18, 1933, distribution of surplus commodities to Civil Works employees may be discontinued, if there is objection. The FERA, however, does not desire any State to cut off distribution from all Civil Works employees. Surplus commodities shall be distributed to nursery schools, transient centers, self-help cooperatives, and institutions participating in the public relief program or receiving public aid, on affidavit that such commodities are over and above present consumption. Persons now employed on CWA and CWS projects in rural areas (communities having less than 2,500 population and open country) may be.placed on a basis providing an average of 15 hours' employment per week for each worker. This does not apply to existing work in camps or to supervisory, administrative, and technical and professional personnel. Additional persons may be employed providing that the total number of man-hours per week and the total expenditures for labor and materials are not increased. The hours worked per week must be the same on all projects in any given community. Employment of additional workers shall be in accordance with FCWA Rules and Regulations No. 10 and shall be from union locals or through NRS offices. Appointment of a person on the SERA staff to direct local projects in workers' education is authorized. Qualifications for the position are prescribed; the appoiJ;i.tment is to be made subject to the approval of the FERA. Instructions of January 15 on CWA and CWS projects in rural areas apply to Federal as well as to State and local projects. State Civil Works Administrations are given preliminary instructions on labor relationships. It is to be made clear that every dismissed worker has the right of appeal to the local CWA and to be represented at a hearing by a person of his own choosing. The State and Federal CWA's should be kept informed of appeals and decisions. It is ruled that Civil Works employment shall be open on the usual basis to farmers who have cooperated in the programs of the AAA. J1111. 18, 111114. J1111.1s, 11134. Jan. 15, 11134. Jan. 16, 11134. Jan. 17, 11134. Jan. 17, 11134. Jan. 18, 11134. Digitized by A-a&. C<>-36. Night Letter, Miineo.1110. F.-10; E spl-8. CWA-F2. CWA-51. CWA-52. Google 41 Transfer of Work Reluf to Civil Works J1111.18,lQIN. Jan. 18, 191M. Jan. 19, llllM. Jan. 19, 1113'. Ian. 20, 111114. 1an. 23, 19114. 11111.rt,UIIH. 1ui. 28, 1113'. Effective January 19, hours of Civil Works and Civil Telegram, Mimeo. 931. Works Service per diem workers are to be reduced as follows: in cities of over 2,500 population to a maximum of 24 hours per week; in towns of under 2,500 population and in open country to 15 hours per week. Supervisory, clerical, and professional workers are to be limited to 30 hours per week. This does not include administrative workers in administrators' offices. No new name may be added to the pay roll except as an actual replacement. It is suggested that State Transient Directors discuss with the State Directors of Women's Work the possibility of production of items necessary for transient shelters and camps, such as mattresses, sheets, pillowcases, bed.sacks, and clothing. A cooperative arrangement regarding material costs should be made. In transferring persons from relief rolls to Civil Works, the relief files have not always been cleared of their names. The local agencies must be instructed to do this at once. / States interested in relief or subsistence garden programs shall submit plans for approval. Any State program must be approved by the State Department of Agriculture or the Agricultural Extension Service of the • United States Department of Agriculture. Administrative costs will be paid out of regular State relief funds. Relief allowances shall not be reduced because of the cost of seeds or fertilizer or because of income from the prod./ ucts of the gardens. Orchestras, bands, etc., for the employment of mu- CWA-M. sicians, may be organized as CWS projects but not as CWA projects. Instructions of January 18 regarding reduction of hours Telegram (HopltiDII). of wof:\i on Civil Works and Civil Works Service projects are interpreted to allow a maximum of 24 hours per week in counties which are predominantly urban. The Federal Civil Works Administrator wires State Telegram, Mlmeo.683. Administrators as follows: "I want to make it perfectly clear that all Civil Works pay rolls and records of purchase of supplies are public records and, therefore, open to inspection." / Further instructions are given for the cooperative self-help program. Each SERA is asked to designate a staff member to be responsible for contacts with cooperatives. The Joint Committee on Self-help has been set up by the FERA and the Subsistence Homesteads Division of the Department of the Interior to advise and assist self-help groups that are receiving Federal funds. / 1280t9•-a1--4 Digitized by Google 42 Chronology of the Fe<kral Emergency Relief Administration Jan. 30, 11134,. It is suggested that a. cooperative arrangement be effected immediately between transient bureaus and the regularly constituted boards of public welfare or other authorized agencies to handle requests for verification of residence and arrangements for return of residents to their communities. Because of the complaint that the emergency education program classes in commercial subjects open to all comers, attention is again called to the regulation of September 26, 1933 (A-3L), that attendance in vocational classes is limited to "unemployed adults who are in need of vocatione.l training or adjustment to make them employable." Additional funds are made available to provide relief for more unemployed teachers during the remainder of the school year. The funds are available until June 30, 1934, and are over and above the present emergency education allotments. Teachers may be employed in elementary and secondary schools in communities having less than 6,000 population, if the districts have made the maximum financial effort and are still obliged to close the schools before the expiration of the normal term. Teachers already employed in the schools, whose sole source of income is their salary, may be continued. Teachers shall be selected by the proper school authorities and certified by the relief authorities. The pay of such teachers shall not be higher than that stipulated for the same positions during the current year. The SERA's are authorized and directed tomakerelief funds available to the end of the current academic year, but not including the summer session, for part-time employment of college students who need aid. A special allotment of funds for this purpose will be made by the FERA. The pay shall be from $10 to $20 per calendar month per student employed and shall be earned by socially desirable work. The hourly rate of pay shall be that commonly paid by the college or university for the type of service rendered, but not less than 30 cents per hour. No student shall work more than 30 hours in any week or more than 8 hours in any day. No person, whether paid or volunteer, who is connected with the CW A shall use his position for his own political or financial advantage. All CWA's should exercise care that no person connected with the CWA shall engage in political activity that in any way interferE>.s with the effectiveness and integrity of Civil Works operations. Acceptance of fees, gifts, commissions, or Jan. 31, 11134. Feb. 2, l!IM. Feb. 2, 1934. Feb. 2, 1934. Digitized by T-28. E-13. E-14. Coll.,.e Sta•t Aldl'....-. E-16. CWA-61. Google 43 Transfer of Work Relief to Oivil Works Feb. G, 11134. Feb. 13, l!IM. Feb. 14, 11134. Feb. IS, 11134. any additional compensation as a result of Civil Works activity is prohibited. A bulletin suggests the purchase of clothing, shoes, and bedding for the State as a whole, from regular relief funds. The services of the FERA Advisor on Clothing are offered to help in the planning of State programs. / The FSRC issues a statement of the restrictions which will govern the purchase of submarginal land.11 It is stipulated: (1) that the lands purchased shall be such as in general fall under subsection (c) of section 202 of the National Industrial Recovery Act; (2) that they shall be lands having an aggregate production capacity equivalent to those lands reclaimed or improved under the public works program; (3) that they shall be lands now used for agricultural purposes which normally yield an insufficient return to provide reasonably adequate standards of living for those residing on and working such lands; (4) that they shall be lands available and suitable for national forest purposes, parks or recreation spaces, bird or game refuges, additions to Indian reservations, or such that their protection and development will serve to retard soil erosion, etc.; (5) that it shall be possible to work out a definite and acceptable plan for the rehabilitation of the population at present living on such lands. / Distribution of surplus commodities to CWA employees is ordered discontinued on February 15. Certain Federal Civil Works projects are to be discontinued on February 15. The total number of Civil Works employees in each State is to be reduced by the number working on these projects. Nursery school programs have been held up by failure of the SERA's to authorize purchase of food. Approval of nursery school programs by the FERA includes permission to use funds for purchase of food. The President approves the act of Congress making an additional appropriation for carrying out the purposes of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, for continuation of the Civil Works Program under the Federal Civil Works Administration, and for other purposes. The following are among the provisions of the act: 1. The sum of $950,000,000 is appropriated, to remain available until June 30, 1935. CO-ff. C-8, C0-49. CWA-F8. E spl-H. Additional Appropriation for Relief and for Civil Works (Public, No. ua, 73d Cong.), ~ 1 • On Dec. 28, 1933, ~.000,000 was allocated by the Federal Emergency Admlnistra / Uon of Public Works to the Federal Surplll8 Relief Corporation for the land adjustment program, The money was reallocated on Feb, 28, 1934, to the FERA because of legal j tecbnlcalitles. Digitized by Google <Jhronology of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration Feb. 16, 1934. 2. The funds appropriated shall be available for expenditure for such projects and/or purposes and under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe. 3. Nothing contained in the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 shall be construed as precluding the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator from ma.king grants for relief within a State directly to such public agency as he may designate. 4. No part of the appropriation shall be allotted for expenditure for any Civil Works project under any other department or establishment of the Federal Government except for the completion of projects for the improvement of Federal lands or public property in progress and uncompleted on the date of the approval of this act, and except such sums as may be necessary for maintenance and operation of reemployment agencies, and medical, surgical, and hospital services, and for administration, supervision, inspection, disbursing, and accounting purposes, and printing and binding, in connection with State and/or local Civil Works projects. 5. The provisions of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, are extended, so far as applicable, to employees of the FCWA only for disability or death resulting from traumatic injury while in the performance of duty. Among the limitations specified are the following: (1) The total aggregate compensation in any individual case shall not exceed $3,500, and the monthly compensation shall not exceed $25, both exclusive of medical costs; (2) the minimum limit on monthly compensation for disability and the minimum limit on the monthly pay on which death compensation is to be computed, as established by the Federal Employees' Compensation Act, shall not apply to employees of the FCWA; (3) the rights of employees of the FCWA to compensation or benefits which have accrued prior to the date of approval of this act shall terminate on that date, and thereafter compensation or benefits shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of this act. The sum of $500,000,000 is allocated to the FERA from the appropriation of this date, of which $150,000,000 shall be available for the expenditure during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, and the remainder for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935.6 Allomtlonttl Fand& Co die FERA. Executive Order 6603. • From the $350,000,000 allocated for the fiscal year 1935, the sum of $100,000,000 wall made available for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, by Executive Order 6709, May 14, 1934, and the sum of $50,000,000 was made immediately available by Executive Order 6735, June 11, 1934. Digitized by Google 45 Transfer of Work Re/,uf to Civil Works J'eb. U.llllM. J'eb. IS. laH. Feb. IS. HIM. Feb. 19, 111:H. The sum herein allocated shall be available for making grants to States and for administrative expenses under the provisions of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, and under the existing rules and regulations of the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator which are hereby adopted by the President. The Administrator is hereby authorized to prescribe other rules and regulations that may be necessary. AllomUoaef The sum of $450,000,000 is allocated to the FCWA l'uda lo&he from the appropriation of February 15, to be available PCWA. ExemUve Order for expenditure under existing rules and regulations of IIG02. the FCWA and amendments hereafter made by the head of the Civil Works Administration.7 Rules and regulations for the administration of E-17. Federal emergency relief for schools are issued, dealing with the eligibility of school districts to have their teachers paid from relief funds. Redaetloala A reduction in Civil Works and Civil Works Service DaploJ-CWA cws ProJpay rolls is ordered, effective February 23. Employees ..... eeta. should be dropped in accordance with relative need; Letter, first, those from families having another member work- Night Mlmeo. 1283. ing and then, workers who have other resources. Needy women shell receive equal consideration with needy men. Major reductions shell be made in communities in which seasonal opportunities for reemployment are greatest or where there is least industrial unemployment. Least desirable projects should be discontinued first. Reductions in the education program and other Federal projects will be ordered through Federal departments. Any new employment shell be-on the basis of need. Effective not later than March 2, wages paid will be at the prevailing rate for the kind of work performed in each community, but not less than 30 cents per hour. Hours of work will remain at 24 hours per week in urban communities and 15 hours per week in rural areas and open country. Rotation or staggering of groups of employees is prohibited. A sufficient number of clerical employees must be retained to complete accounting records for all projects. Civil Works Service projects become Civil Works projects and must be transferred within 2 weeks. Letter It is ruled that except in special cases no salary on any Day (Hopkins). project, administrative or otherwise, shall be more than the maximum provided in FCWA Rules and Regulations No. 10. Few exceptions are justified and any made must be approved by the Washington Office. 'The aum of $'76,000,000 and the sum or $30,000,000 were transferred to the FERA from this allocation, respectively, by ExecuUve Order 6689, Apr. 24, 11134, and by E:i:ecutlve Order Cl962, Jan. :H, 1936. Digitized by Google 46 Feb . '4, 19M. Feb . 28, 11134. Feb. 28, 11134. OhroMlogy oJ IM Fe(kral E~r~ncy &1:uf Administration The SERA's are advised that all FSRC grain for livestock feed in drought areas will be shipped hy the middle of March and that the Corporation will purchase no more grain for this purpose. Authorization is given to purchase feed for livestock from available relief funds. Further reduction of the number of employees on all Civil Works projects other than Federal project.s is ordered, effective by March 2. Reductions must be made in accordance with instructions given on February 16. The necessity of retaining sufficient clerical employees to assure completion of accounting and other records is emphasized. Instructions are given for weekly reductions to be made during March in the number of employees on all Civil Works projects other than Federal projects and the emergency education program. Clerical and administrative employees who are no longer needed shall not be retained. It is expected that substantial reductions in clerical forces will be made. / A White House press release outlines the program which will follow Civil Works and which is designed to meet the needs of three separate groups of the unemployed: 1. Distressed families in rural areas. Relief funds will be expended in a manner and to an extent that will enable rural families to achieve self-support. Work for wages from relief funds is not an essen tie.I part of this phase of the program and will be provided only insofar as it is necessary to accomplish the primary objective. No encouragement of an extension of competitive farming is contemplated, but rather the placing of thousands of persons, who have made their living from agriculture, into a relationship with the soil that will provide them, a security they do not now enjoy. / 2. Those composing "stranded populations" (living in single-industry communities in which there is no hope of future reemployment). The solution of the problem of these families involves their physical transplanting, in a large majority of cases. It is planned to explore this situation and, in collaboration with the Subsistence Homesteads Division of the Department of the Interior and with other Federal and local agencies, to devise and apply definite remedial measures, which will affect an appreciable number of these families. These measures will be directed first at maintenance on small tracts of land and then at the Digitized by Google Day Letter, Mimeo. 13611. Night Lett«, Mimeo. l.ot. -'----*•' Protnim to Fallow Clffl Woc-llL White Hooae Press Rei- Transfer of Work Rdief to Oivil Works 47 development of supplemental industrial opportunities to provide for a normal standard of living. / 3. The unemployed in large cities. Direct relief as such, whether in the form of cash or relief in kind, is not an adequate way of meeting the needs of able-bodied workers. They very properly insist upon an opportunity to give to the community their services in the form of labor in return for unemployment benefits. Therefore, work programs which would not normally be undertaken by public bodies, but which are at the same time outside of the field of private industry, will be projected and prosecuted in and near industrial communities. Labor on these projects will not be expected of dependent members of the community who are unable to work, but will be confined to those needy unemployed who can give adequate return for the unemployment benefits which they receive. Every effort will be made to continue opportunities for work for the professional groups in need-teachers, engineers, architects, artists, nurses, and others. This program expresses a conviction that industrial workers who are unemployed and in need of relief should be given an opportunity for livelihood by the prosecution of a flexible program of public works. The several States will be aided, as the Federal relief law provides, in the financing of this enterprise. Digitized by Google Digitized by Google III THE EMERGENCY WORK RELIEF PROGRAM Mar. 8, 1934. The new program of work is announced, to become effective March 31, on which date the CWA will be suspended and work divisions will be organized by the emergency relief administrations. All desirable State and local Civil Works projects in operation on the date of suspension may be transferred to the new work divisions. Separate instructions with regard to Federal projects and emergency education projects will be given. The new program of work will be carried forward in communities of more than 5,000 population and in counties or political subdivisions which are predominantly urban or industrial. Persons employed on Civil Works on the date of its suspension may be transferred to the work divisions. Any additional persons employed by the work divisions shall be selected on a basis of need. Needy women shall receive equal consideration with needy men. Hours of work shall be limited to 24 per week. The prevailing wage will be paid, but not less than 30 cents per hour. The maximum weekly earnings shall not in any case exceed the amount necessary to meet budgetary requirements. A committee, consisting of one representative each from organized labor, business, and the local relief administration shall determine prevailing wage rates. An adjustment committee shall be appointed to hear grievances. Responsibility for providing accident compensation insurance rests with the States and localities. Funds for the Emergency Work Relief Program will be included in the monthly grants to the States by the FERA. Such funds shall be used to provide employment only for persons in need of relief. No separate grants will be made for material purchases. Work divisions will be responsible for the planning, organization, and conduct of the program. All projects will be approved by the SERA. They shall be of a public character, of economic and social benefit to the general public or to publicly owned institutions. All projects must be carried on by force account lm1lnlcllom1 for Pn,pam. WD-1. 49 Digitized by Google 50 Mar. II, 111114. Mar. 9, 11134. Mar. 20, 11134. Chronology of IM Federal, E'TMf'flency Relief Administration (day labor) and not by contract. They shall be undertaken independently of work under a contract or for which an annual appropriation has been made and must be, in general, apart from normal governmental enterprises. Adequate provision shall be made for safety of employees and insofar as possible the activities of the safety department in the CWA shall be maintained and carried on as a part of the work divisions. Effective March 15, Civil Works will be stopped in recognized drought areas and the relief program will be based on relief requirements defined as "assistance, either in cash or kind, sufficient to enable the family receiving the same to have adequate food, clothing, fuel, and other necessities heretofore generally allowed as proper relief items." Determination of the amount and type of assistance is to be based upon investigation of the resources of the individual and budgetary needs. Payments by the Government on cotton or wheat contracts and ability of the applicant to secure loans from public or private sources should be taken into account. Work projects, governed by conditions and regulations similar to those for other work projects, may be carried on. They may be a continuation of present CWA projects. Grain or other livestock feed may be supplied through the FSRC or from the special drought relief grant on the same basis of need. Such feed may be supplied when the products of the livestock or poultry are for home use or are to be sold to purchase necessary budgeted relief requirements. The FERA announces that it has in preparation a manual of procedure, accounting, and reporting, which will be ready about the end of March. Since this may change procedures of handling Federal relief funds somewhat, it is suggested that work on any manuals being prepared for the guidance of local relief offices be suspended, pending receipt of the FERA manual. (See FERA Manual Advance Bulletins, Appendix A.) Suggested projects for the work divisions are outlined. They will fall into six major fields of activity at the beginning of the program, with workers tentatively distributed as follows: (1) planning (as a guide for approval of projects), 3 percent; (2) public property, 30 percent; (3) housing, 15 percent; (4) production and distribution of goods needed by the unemployed, 15 percent; (5) public welfare, health and recreation, 7 percent; (6) public Digitized by Google .....,.......... 0...,.tA-. .A.-41. 51 The Emergency Work Relief Program Mar. 22, 1113'. Mar. 22, 11134.. Kar,22.UIIU. education, arts and research, 10 percent; undistributed, 20 percent. The administrative staffs in each State and in the larger cities and counties should include an engineer in charge of planning and coordination. No person shall be employed in work divisions less than 54 hours a month nor less than 3 days in any 1 week. Persons whose budgetary deficiency is less than this shall receive direct relief. All wages must be paid by cash or by check. All projects must be approved by the State Administration. Administrative projects may be maintained so far as work can be performed efficiently with workers drawn from the relief rolls. Workers on these projects shall be employed on a weekly basis at the going rate in the community. General instructions are issued for emergency relief administration pay-roll procedure. One copy of every pay roll must be forwarded to the FERA. A bulletin is issued recommending procedure to be followed by State and local relief administrations in connection with the purchase of materials and supplies. Statement of a new plan for rural areas is submitted. Civil i~'orks and direct relief programs in rural areas and towns of less than 5,000 population will be replaced as of April 1, 1934, by a program of rural rehabilitation, the objective of which is "the placing of the individual family in a position to become self-eupporting." All relief cases in rural areas shall be closed as of April 1 and persons in need are required to reapply. Work projects shall be developed to provide a means of exchanging work for advances of consumable goods or capital goods for selfsustenance purposes. They may be a continuation of unfinished preferred Civil Works projects. Payment for work may be made in cash only in exceptional cases approved by the SERA. Work shall be valued at the prevailing rate but not less than 30 cents per hour. Hours shall be limited to 24 per week except where capital goods are being worked out. It should be the policy of the SERA to refuse relief to a family failing to have a home garden, if there are facilities for it. Each SERA shall submit by April 10, 1934, a plan for carrying out this program. All workers who are on State and local CWA pay rolls, except the necessary auditing, accounting, disbursing, and certifying officers, are to be dropped March 31. Digitized by ll'ERAManoal Advanoe Bulletlll No.1. FERA Manual Advance Bnlletlll No.2. Baral Reliabllltalloa .......... RD-1. Telegram, Mlmeo. Ulflll. Google 52 Mar. 23, 1934. Mar. 23, 1934. Mar. 24, 1934. Mar. 211, 19M. Mar. 28, 19M. Mar. '¥7, l!IM. Mar. '¥7, 11134. Mar. 28, 111:H. Mar. 28, 19M. Mar. 80, 19M. (Jhronowgy of thl FfAkraJ, Emergency Reluf Administration Attention is called to the funds made available on February 2, 1934, for lump-sum grants to the States for the rural school continuation program. The transition from Civil Works Administration to work divisions of the SERA's is discussed, with special reference to accident compensation. CWA records must be completed and arrangements made for payment of compensation. Employees of work divisions will not be protected under the provisions of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act of 1916. Federal CWA projects need not all be terminated March 31, but will be reduced or terminated in accordance with instructions issued by the Federal department in charge of the project. A comprehensive review of CWA activities, giving an accurate picture of CWA installation, operation, and accomplishments, is requested from each State. Suggestions are made as to the content of the report. General rules and regulations in regard to grants and disbursements of ERA funds are forwarded. The formula to be employed by the State ERA in distributing FERA funds to local ERA's should be developed to satisfy most equitably the particular unemployment and relief conditions and needs within the State. A bulletin on work-project procedure is issued. It deals with duties of the work division; resubmission of CWA projects; closing out CWA projects; applications for new projects; classification of projects according to field of activity; numbering of projects; transfer of employees from Civil Works projects; placement of workers; regulations in regard to administrative, supervisory, and technical employees; and the relation of social service divisions to work divisions. The FSRC announces that revised ordering procedure is to be effective April 1, 1934, and reports a temporary curtaihnentinavailable quantities of surplus commodities. No person shall be employed on work relief less than 54 hours per month for unskilled or 30 hours per month for other labor, or less than 3 days in any 1 week for any labor. Persons whose budget deficiency is less than this, shall receive direct relief. Engineering and clerical personnel for State planning boards and for regional and local planning boards may be supplied by the work divisions, under the same limitations that govern other work division projects. Special grants for the emergency education program will be discontinued, beginning April 1. It is desired that Digitized by Google E-:11. OW.A.-'19. CWA-1' 12. A<>-6. FERAManunJ Advance Bulletin No.a. FERA.Manual Advance Bulletin No.t. Telegram, Mlmeo.173'. Telegram (Hopt:lu), --53 The Emergency Work Relief Program the six-point education program be continued from available funds to the middle of May as a part of the Emergency Work Relief Program. Instructions of March 22, 1934, on the rural rehabilitation program amplified with regard to tests to be applied in determining eligibility of persons for aid. The initiation of an information exchange service is announced by the Advisor on Food Requirements of the FERA. Food and nutrition outlines and plans, sent to the FERA from individual States, will be reproduced and distributed to Nutrition Advisors in all States. (See Series NA, Appendix A.) The SERA's are informed that wherever an adequate system of accident benefits for those injured in the performance of duty on work division jobs has not been established, the local relief administrations should be notified of each "lost time" injury so that they may act on the basis of need. The Federal Administrator writes to the SERA's: Apr. 2, 18N. Apr.l,JJM. Apr.4,19H. RD-2. A0-7. Stateandr-1 ~mlbllll:7, As you are aware, the emphasis of the FERA program ia being placed upon work relief or subsistence activities for normally employable people. We feel, particularly now, that it is important that States and localities continue responsibility for various types of chronic cases and also continue and extend such services as pensions for widows, aged, etc. There has been some intimation that in a number of States many widows with dependent children have gone over to the CWA or ERA rolls, either because more relief was granted than was available under the pension or because pensions were eliminated entirely. Apr. 4, 19M. Apr. 11, 11134, Apr. 13, 11134. J The SERA's are requested to send information on the situation regarding mothers' pensions. A cooperative program for the purchase and distri- RD0-2. bution of surplus dairy cows is being considered by the AAA and the FERA. Southern State Relief Administrators are requested to submit an estimate of the number of cows which can be advantageously placed with , rural rehabilitation families. E spl-25, 26; A White House conference is called for April 30 to W-29. discuss plans for the establishment of resident schools or camps for unemployed women. The Emergency Education Office and Women's Division of the FERA are especially interested. SERA's are invited to send representatives. Regulations regarding hours of work on work division Telegram, Miweo. 190'J. projects are modified; no person may be employed less than 6 or more than 8 hours in any 1 day, nor leE's than 18 hours a month. Total work may be consolidated in Digitized by Google 54 Apr. 14, 1934. Ohrooology of the Federal, Emergency Relief Administration any part of the month. Persons whose budget deficiency is less shall receive direct relief. The first list of preferred projects is issued, / explanation: Because of their relationship to the relief organizations and the immediate or prospective contribution that they can make to the reduction of the relief load, there are certain projects that are national in scope which the Relief Administration wishes to have you give a preferred position. You will be notified of these from time to time. These preferred projects are to be given priority in any location where projects are being conducted using Federal funds. Apr. 14, 111114. Apr. 18, 1934. Apr. 18, 1934. Apr. 20, 11134. Apr. 20, 1934. Apr. 23, 1934. The following are so designated: (1) subsistence homesteads; (2) planning boards; (3) debt conciliation committees; (4) Agricultural Adjustment Administration committees; (5) NRA compliance boards and National Emergency Councils; (6) land acquisition projects of the FSRC; and (7) administrative, production, housing, and self-help projects in benefit of the relief administration. It is expected that the State and local administrations may also establish local priority for proposed projects not , included here. -~ Cooperation of the rural rehabilitation department of the SERA with the Farm Debt Conciliation Committee in each State is suggested. The ideal arrangement would be to make farm debt conciliation a part of the SERA rural program carried out under the advice of the State Farm Debt Conciliation Committee. Suggestions are given for the use of SERA personnel in this connection. / A conference to discuss the emergency education program for the summer and the coming year is called for the week of May 21. It is suggested that the person in the State Department of Education who will be in charge of the program be sent to represent the SERA. A summary report on Federal Civil Works projects which will be terminated on April 28 is requested. A bulletin on statistical and survey projects is issued. The FERA desires that more ample provision be made for work projects involving the white-collar group. Such projects must be conducted in an efficient, carefully planned, and comparable manner in the various localities and must be submitted to the FERA for criticism and approval. Instructions are given for procedure with respect to fire protection, accident prevention, and sanitation in transient centers and camps. Complete instructions on commodity distribution procedure are issued, covering organization requirements, Digitized by Google A-'7. E-22. CWA-Fl6. FERA Manual Advance Bulletin No.7. 55 The Emergency Work Relief Program Apr. :M. 1116. Apr. . , 1a Apr . . , 11M. Apr, 17, JtN. Apr. 'II, 111N. Apr. 'El, 1• Apr.•• 1111M. Ma,. 1, tlllM. accounting and statistical requirements, receipt of commodities into commissaries, responsibility for issuing commodities, stock records, a.ccounting for commodities produced on work projects, and the monthly report on commodity distribution. 1 The SERA 's are requested to submit informa.tion on the Memorandum, Mlmeo.111112 progress and status of State programs for medical care. Although reports to the FERA indicate that expenditures for medical care are being in 46 States, less than one-third of these Sta.tee have filed copies of their programs with the FERA, as required. by FERA Rules and Regulations No. 7. The SERA's are instructed to intervene and modify the Telegram, Mlmeo. :IOOO wage rate established by the local administrations for work division projects where evidence is presented that such rates are not in fa.ct the prevailing rates. Such modification shall be only after adequate bee.ring by adjustment boards or committees. Instructions for completion of public works of art Telegram, Mimeo. :mil. projects are issued. Transfer of artists to local work divisions is ordered, effective April 30. Reasonable relief allowances and minimum necessary materials should be provided. After the present work is completed, relief to artists will be continued on the basis of case investigation. After June 30, 1934, the National Reemployment A-48. Service will be wholly supported by funds other than those of the FERA. Relief administrations may continue to furnish work-relief labor to the offices. When units established by work divisions for the. c<>-a1. production and distribution of goods produce more commodities than can be absorbed by the local relief administration, the FSRC will 8.'!Sist in distribution. Persons engaged in work division projects are entitled c0-410. to receive surplus commodities. / The Committee on National Land Problems is created I r Exooutlve Order 1 "to make a comprehensive survey and to study national · 0093• land problems."~, The committee shall be composed of one representative of each of the following: Department of the Interior, Department of Agriculture, Federal Emergency Relief Administration. , The program of transi8Ilt care is to be regarded as an A-ro. integral part of the State relief program. The State Relief Administrator has the final administrative re• A revised edition was Issued Nov. 9, 1934; amended by Manual of Pollclea and Procedure Governing the Distribution of Surplus Commodities, Jan. 1, 193/i. 1 The committee was abolished by the Executive Order establlshlng the National Beloum. Board (Executive Order tflTl, .June 30, 11134). Digitized by Google 56 Maya, 1934. MRy 3, 1934. May II, 11134. May II, 11134. May 12, 11134. May U, 1934. Ohronology of tM Fe<Ural, Emergency &luj Adminiatration sponsibility and should delegate responsibility and authority to the State Transient Director whose program should be geared to therestoftheStateprogram. The Director of Transient Activities on the FERA staff will be in a technical and advisory relationship to the State program. The establishment of FERA regional offices is announced and instructions for their conduct are given. Each region is to be in charge of the Field Representative and will have assigned to it a field examiner, social worker, and engineer, and, where necessary, a rural rehabilitation expert. Funds will be available for incidental expenses of the regional office, if necessary, but it is expected that in most instances this cost can be taken care of by State Administrations. Suggestions are given on the method of submitting statistical projects for the approval of the FERA. Use of the application for approval of work projects is advised (FERA Form 141). Supplementary information must also be sent, together with copies of the questionnaires and other forms to be used. The SERA's are requested to forward two copies of the final results obtained on these projects. The SERA's are advised that approximately 545,500 veterans or their dependents will be affected by the veterans' provisions of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act. It is requested that the SERA's get in touch with Veterans' Administration representatives in the States and inform local ERA's of the provisions of the act so that veterans on relief may receive any additional compensation to which they are entitled. Suggestions are sent for the curtailed emergency education program for the summer months. The continuation of vocational rehabilitation, literacy classes, and nursery schools is desired. The FERA will not make special grants for these purposes. The program should be financed from the general grant to the State, as approved work division projects. Information concerning canning and preserving projects planned under the Emergency Work Relief Program is requested. The Federal Administrator writes: Inform&tion has come to this Administration that in certain States the position of Director of Women's Work is being discontinued under the new program. This is contrary to the desire of this Administration. In the new program we expect that women will receive their full share of the jobs among those persons you are employing and it is highly desirable that this work be directed by some competent person on your staff. Digitized by Google .......oe-. FS-1. RS-H. A0-10. E-23. C-21. Directors of Women's W-33. Work. 57 TM Emergency Work Relief Program Mar 22, 1934. M1721,19U. Jone 3, 1934. Allocation of funds may be made to the States for the training of social workers during the swnmer and, under certain conditions, through next year. Plans and amounts to be allotted must be approved by the FERA. It is ruled that no retroactive adjustment in wage rates that would result in additional payment to Civil Works employees will be made. Consequently no wage rate adjustment pay rolls will be honored by any disbursing officer of the CWA. / Southern State Relief Administrators are advised to proceed with plans for purchase of dairy cows and distribution to rural rehabilitation clients, in cooperation with the State Agricultural Extension Services. / Federal relief funds over and above all existing commitments may be obtained for establishment of certain types of resident schools and educational camps for unemployed women. The limitations of the program are cited and procedure for setting up the projects is suggested. A further statement of policies to govern the conduct of emergency nursery schools is issued. Upon request, funds will be supplied for the employment of a State supervisor. Special training for partially qualified nursery school teachers in teacher-training centers is authorized. Centers will be established for training teachers of workers' education during the summer. The SERA's will be allotted the number of persons permitted to attend, and funds will be made available for travel and maintenance. / States in drought areas are advised that relief programs shall henceforth be based on meeting the individual needs of destitute farmers with cash payments for work on approved projects. This program will replace granting of livestock feed and other commodities in kind. Hours of work shall not exceed 30 per week, and wages shall be at the prevailing rate, but not less than 30 cents per hour. , The Emergency Work Relief Program in drought / areas will be under the direction of work divisions and the engineering staff. General principles regarding material allowances followed under the CWA are operative, except that every effort should be made to produce material by work-relief labor. Particular attention should be given to projects which will provide facilities for the preservation and processing of food. All funds allocated to the States for drought feed and seed relief may be used. If desirable, a working fund ~•ISedal Fs-2. CWH3. nns-2. =: w-. E-21. E-a Letter (Hopttns). Telt!gram. 2347 Mlmeo. · , / Telegram. 2348 Mimeo. ' 128019°-37-11 Digitized by Google 58 lane I, 18M. June 7, 111M. June II, 111M. June 11, 11134. June 12, 11184. Jane 18, lGM. Jane 111, 1934. JUJM 111, 11134. Chronology of the Fe<hral, Emergency Relief Administration may be withheld for bulk purchase of seed and feed for/ resale to persons receiving cash under the program. / It is desired that the standards of safety established A-62. during the operation of the CWA be maintained on work projects. The SERA's are requested to forward information on their safety plans and organization and on the kind of safety advice desired from the FERA. Instructions are given for the operation of training E-25• centers for workers' education teachers. It is announced that there will be no change in the A0-1L requirement that States and local political subdivisions be responsible for providing relief offices. Efforts should be made to have the localities furnish adequate quarters. A manual summarizing the rules and policies relating sa-1. to self-help cooperatives is issued. Suggestions are given for handling and use of fruit Co-eL and vegetable crops with particular reference to surpluses and to produce of relief and community gardens. Produce which cannot be made available to relief recipients in a fresh form should be handled by work-relief projects for drying, canning, or otherwise preserving this food for relief distribution within the State. Should any State have an excess of foodstuffs which cannot be absorbed within the State in preserved form, the FSRC will assist the State in disposing of the surplus in nearby States for relief use, or in transporting and redistributing the products as a part of its commodity distribution program. The cleaning, renovation, and beautifying of rural W-M. schools is suggested as a work project for women. Reduction in budgets for transient activities is ordered T--CII. beginning in July. Adequate and efficient service is to be maintained through cooperation with other departments of the relief administration, use of work-relief labor and adjustments in the program. Emergent")' ApThe Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935, is propriation Act, 1035 Fiscal approved by the President. Two sp~cific appropriations (Title II,YearPublic, No. 412, 73d from which allocation of funds can be made to the FERA Cong.) are included: (1) the sum of $899,675,000 3 appropriated to carry out the purposes of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933, the National Industrial Recovery Act, and the act of March 31, 1933, under which Emergency Conser• The sum of $143,000,000 from this appropriation was allocated to the FERA. Digitized by Google 59 The Emergency Work Reli4 Program June 22, 19M. Jam 22 and 211, 11134. June 21, 191N. vation Work was authorized; (2) the sum of $525,000,000' appropriated to meet the emergency and necessity for relief in stricken agricultural areas. The act further provides that not exceeding $500,000,0006 in the aggregate of any savings or unobligated balances in funds of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation may, in the discretion of the President, be transferred and applied to the purposes of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 and/or title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act; and any unobligated balances in appropriations (including allocations of appropriations) of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works' may, in the discretion of the President, be transferred and applied to the purposes of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933. Shipment of cattle from drought areas to certain States will start shortly. Instructions on procedure are given. Additional funds for shipment, testing, pasturage, and canning will be provided on request. Grants will be made to employ State Supervisors for the emergency education program for the coming year. Plans for the program, including selection of supervisors, are to be made jointly by the SERA and the State superintendent of Public Instruction. Plans must be approved by the FERA. Supervisory positions need not be filled by persons in need of relief. Institutes for the supervisors will be held at 13 centers located at established institutions. Special allotments of funds for this purpose will be made to the SERA's in States where the institutes are held. The prohibition agamst use of Federal funds for rental of offices or purchase of equipment (FERA Rules and Regulations No. 2) does not apply to the transient program insofar as it is necessary to rent space and purchase equipment for shelters. Attention is called, however, to a previous order that "office and shelter space should be secured without rental wherever possible." Telegram, Mlmeo.llllW. E-28, 28L. ' The sum of $223,690,000 from this appropriation was allocated to the FE RA for making grants to States, together with the sum or $53,300,000 ror the purchBBe or land In stricken agricultural areas. Of the latter total, however, $50,000,000 WBB impounded and reallocated to the Farm Credit Administration for crop production loaWI and the remainder was transferred to the Resettlement Admlnlstratlon with the transfer or the land program to that agency. • AllocatloWI to the FE RA under this authorization totaled $500,000,000. 1 The sum or $262,000,000 WBS trBWICerred to the FERA from unobligated balances of PWA funds, of which $148,000,000 WBB a balance remaining from the appropriation authorized by the National Industrial Recovery Act and $114,000,000 was a balance of funds allocated to the PW A from the appropriation or $899,675,000 provided In this Act (Par. 1, Emergency Appropriation Act, llacal year 1936). Digitized by Google 60 Chronology of the Fe<hral Emergency Relief Administration lW111311, 1934. Employment of all persons on Civil Works pay rolls shall be terminated by July 14, 1934. Any accounting or disbursing functions, handling of claims, storage of records, etc., may be made a project under the SERA after that date. Additional instructions regarding procedure in drought areas are issued, describing the activities and responsibilities of the relief administrations, the FSRC, and cooperating agencies of the United States Department of Agriculture. Subjects covered are designation of drought areas, emergency relief operations, and livestock operations. A bulletin on Objectives and Suggested Procedure for Rural Rehabilitation, summarizing previous bulletins and statements of policy, is issued. The Committee on Economic Security and an Advisory Council are established to study problems relating to the economic security of individuals. The committee "shall report to tho President not later than December 1, 1934, its recommendations concerning proposals which in its judgment will promote greater econonuc security." The Federal Emergency Relief Administrator is made a member of the committee. Tho FERA has authorized the purchase of 250,000 bales of cotton to be used for making mattresses and comforters for distribution as surplus commodities. Ticking will be purchased by the FSRC and will be paid for out of a special allotment of funds. The mattresses are to be made under tho direction of work divisions in relief workrooms and with relief labor. It is hoped that the project will be primarily one for women. All previous instructions regarding hours of work on work projects are superseded. Henceforth the usual hours shall be not less than 6 nor more than 8 per day, nor more than 30 in any 1 week, and not more than 128 in a calendar month. Exceptions are cited. The Industrial Emergency Committee is created "to make recommendations to the President with respect to problems of relief, public works, labor disputes, and industrial recovery and to study and coordinate the handling of joint problems affecting these activities. 7 The Federal Emergency Relief Administrator is appointed a member of the committee. The National Resources Board is established and the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator is appointed a member. lWlll 27, 1934. JUDe 71, 1934. JW111:J8, 10M. Jone 211, 111M. June 211, 111M. June 30, 111M. June 30, 1034, A0-12. C-211. M lscellaneou.s No. 60. c-ai,... _ ~le Seemlt7. Executive Order ta57. WD-7. lnd•&rlal Emer11....,,. c-mJ&lee. Executive Order 6770. Na &lonal Be- _....,. Baud. • Amended by Executive Orders 6836, Aug. 31, 1934, and 6860, Sept. 71, 11134. Digitized by Google Tht, E~rgency Work &lief Program 61 The functions of the board shall be to prepare and present to the President a program and plan of procedure dealing with the physical, social, governmental, and economic aspects of publio policies for the development and use of land, water, and other natural resources, and such related subjects as may from time to time be referred to it by the President. / lane 30, 111114. luly 2, lllM. lul:, 2, 1111M. 1th 2, 1111M. luly a, lilM. lul:, a, 111M. Regional conferences of State transient officials may not be called without clearing through the Washington Office. It is pointed out that State laws govern the right of a transient to vote. If a transient exercises the voting privilege, however, his relief needs must be taken care of in some other manner than through transient bureaus. A suggested plan for establishing meat-canning plants for relief purposes is issued. The Work Division of the FERA has been designated to promote professional projects and projects for nonmanual workers. The procedure for submission of statistical and survey projects to the FERA for approval and for the prosecution of Project F-48, National Relief Census and Supporting Studies, is not changed. Eligibility for employment will be established by means of a questionnaire filled by the applicant and verified by a professional or technical organization or by a case worker. Weekly wage rates sha.11 be set by the county wage-rate committee, at not less than $2.50 per day. Hours sha.11 be restricted to 7 per day and days to 5 per week, based on budgetary deficiency. Wages must be paid in cash or by check. Additional allotments of Federal relief funds for educational projects will be made and a definite quota of persons to be employed will be assigned beginning August 1, 1934. It is hoped that, in the development of this program, 40,000 teachers will be employed throughout the United States. Special a.llotments of Federal relief funds will be made to the States to continue the program of providing parttime jobs for college students during the next school year. SERA's are requested to comply with the order of April 14, 1934, giving preferred status to submarginal land acquisition projects. Relief to unemployed seamen must be uniform in a.11 ports and a special seamen's division sha.11 be established within the local transient organization. Eligibility is defined and standards of relief are prescribed. Digitized by x-u.... Ordlr em. WD-e. .E-aO. E ». Google 62 Chronology of the Federal Emergency Reluf Administration 1uly5andt, Jll3f,. Instructions regarding mattress-making projects are sent with the request that the projects be put in operation at once. Details regarding the provision of training centers for nursery school teachers, as authorized May 24, are announced. Self-help cooperative groups may arrange for their members to make donations of labor to the cooperative, equivalent to the value of surplus commodities received, but failure to make such donations shall not limit in any way the distribution of surplus commodities. The principle of State and local responsibility for compensation for injury on work division projects is emphasized. State Administrations are urged to canvass all possible sources of funds which might be used to meet this responsibility. Use of State insurance funds or establishment of a self-insurance plan is suggested to cover fatalities or permanent disabilities, risks not covered by direct relief. Improvement of relief-office facilities, commissaries, storerooms, workrooms, and transient centers is suggested as a proper use for work-relief labor. Particular attention is called to the possibility of payment of rental for offices through such activity. The SERA's are requested to make tentative contacts with packing houses in the States to determine what facilities will be available for processing excess hogs under the com-hog contracts. Speed in cattle slaughtering and processing is imperative. The State Work Project Directors and the Regional Engineers are responsible for expediting the work and should cooperate with Directors of Rehabilitation and Commodity Distribution. Information is requested on status of work and on the relation between production and estimated relief consumption. State Superintendents of Public Instruction and the SERA's are requested to submit plans for emergency nursery schools for the winter of 1934-35. The Federal Administrator has given assurance that the nursery school program will, if possible, be supported throughout the coming school year. Tanning and the production of articles from hides of cattle, sheep, and goats for relief distribution are suggested as work projects. ]uly 11, 1934. July JO, 1934. 1ulJ' II, lllCW. 1UIJ' ti, 11134. Iuly 12, 11134. 1 uly 16, 1934. Iuly 23, 11134. luly 23, 11134, Digitized by W-45 to 48. Espl-33. WD-11. C-32. Night Letter, Mlmeo. 2817. E spl-37. WD-13. Google 63 The Emergency Work Relief Program loly 25, 1934. 1uly 11, 1934. Aac. 2, 11134. Policies and principles of organization and adminis- E-3l. tration of parent education activities are outlined.8 The general policies governing work division projects apply to the program. Qualified and needy unemployed persons may be employed and may receive inservice training. Supervisors may be employed under the authorization of June 22, 1934. The FERA will supply forms for a suggested organize.- RD-6. / tion of a State Rural Rehabilitation Corporation. The articles of incorporation and other corporate documents should be sent to the FERA for suggestions before they are submitted to the Secretary of State for final adoption/ / Work-relief projects are suggested to provide forage, WD-1'. such as hay, oat and wheat straw, soybean hay, and cottonseed meal, which will soon be needed for droughtrelief cattle awaiting processing. When necessary, the crop may be purchased by contract with private property owners. Drought-relief funds a.llocated to the States may be used for this purpose. / Methods to accelerate the State beef slaughtering and wn-1a. processing programs are outlined. In order that approved plants may continue in operation and their products may be available for interstate shipment, arrangements for Federal inspection should be made. Further instructions and interpretations concerning C~ work division projects for professional and nonmanual PNtJec• workers are given. Quotas assigned for each State wn-111. should be reached by October. Persons must be eligible for relief, but need not be on the relief rolls. Budgets sha.11 provide for health, decency, and comfort "commensurate with the previous standard of living." It is intended that continuous employment be provided, with a minimum of follow-up. Funds granted for professional and nonmanual workers may not be used for present State or local administrative staffs, but planning and supervisory projects may be initiated under these ad. ministrations. Up to 10 percent of the cost of the project may be used for materials. A statement regarding reimbursement for expenditures RB-29• in connection with the cattle program is issued. Further • Parent education work had been carried on since Jaouary 1934 under the authorlza. tlon for nnrNry schools and for general adult education. The Parent Education Office of the FERA was operated under the cooperative direction oftbe United States Office of Education, the Natlonat Council of Parent Education, and the FERA. Digitized by Google ... 64 AIJ&. 9, 11134. Aug. 7, 1934. Aug. 9, 1934. Aug. 11, 1934. Aug. 13, 1934. AuJ. 15, 1934. Chrorwlogy of tM Federal Emergency Reluf Administration requests for funds must be submitted in the regular application for relief grants and must be accompanied by a supplementary financial statement on the cattle program. A further statement is made in regard to the use of meat processing plants under Federal contracts and under State contracts. It is not intended that there should be any competition for plant facilities between the Federal and the several State programs for slaughtering and processing of livestock. SERA's requested to investigate and report on the practicability of work projects to preserve green forage by use of the trench silo. / Regional Field Representatives of the FERA and Regional Directors of the Land Policy Section of the AAA should be notified of Rural Rehabilitation Corporation meetings on organization in order that they may assist in the formulation of corporate policies a.long uniform lines in connection with programs for rural rehabilitation, submarginal land purchase, and resettlement of stranded opulations. , The Rural Rehabilitation Corporation of each State should be a stock company to comply with the requisites of proper financing. An agreement between the FERA and the AAA for the handling of surplus contract pigs is reported. SERA's are instructed to make immediate plans with the Agricultural Extension Service in the State to receive and distribute pigs. Methods of procedure are suggested. Formation of a Livestock Disposition Committee is announced by the FSRC. The committee will correlate Federal and State activities in connection with the purchase and disposition of livestock. A warning against political activity states: J The President has repeatedly stated that partisan politics shall have no place in Federal Emergency Relief activities. Notwithstanding the publicity given this policy, there arise from time to time cases where there is every indication that partisan politics do enter into the administration of relief in the States. Continued employment of personnel must be on the basis of qualification and in the case of relief recipients, actual need is the only factor to be considered. Political and religious beliefs are of no concern to relief agencies and must not enter into relief activities. Employees of relief administrations shall in no way use their official positions in attempts to control political movements and shall not engage in political activities that in any way interfere with the effectiveness and integrity of relief operations. Any relief employee who may run for political office, whether National, State, or local, must resign, and any employee found to Digitized by Google C-M. wo-11. RD-e. RD-7. RD-e. A0-16. ....u1ca1 A.eCIYlv, 65 TM Emergency Work Relief Program be engaging In activities in conflict with the clear intent of this order will be summarily dismissed. The contents of this order shall be brought to the attention of every employee of the relief administration, both in State and local offices. Anc. 11, 11184. / Reports on policies and plans for the rural rehabilitation program prepared by the conference of Regional Advisors and Coordinators in Washington August 6-13, are sent to State Administrators and Rural Rehabilitation Directors for use at regional conferences. / SERA's are requested to withhold FERA funds for emergency nursery schools until the State plan requested on July 23, 1934 (E spl-37), is approved by the FERA. States are warned against using unsa.fe methods of vegetable canning: Mlmeo. 8070, 3107. NA-28. This matter is of such importance that immediately upon receipt of this letter some person in your State Administration should at once assume the responsibility of seeing that proper processes are used throughout your State. Bept.1,191t. Sept. 7, 11184. Sept. 11, 111134. / Further instructions on the administration of drought relief and relative to cooperation of relief officials with representatives of the United States Department of Agriculture and the Farm Credit Administration are sent to SERA's in States with recognized drought areas. Procedures which have been prescribed, especially those with regard to livestock feed and forage, should be put into effect immediately./ The resettlement and rehabilitation of families living / on land to be acquired under the land program are the responsibility of the SERA in the State in which the land is to be acquired. Instructions on procedure are given./ Announcement is made of a cooperative arrangement with the Bureau of Public Roads whereby relief funds will be used for the employment of relief labor on public roads in drought areas; other costs will be paid from Public Works highway funds. (See reference on drought relief, Sept. 12, 1933.) The FERA again states its policy regarding relief to strikers. (See A-17, Oct. 5, 1933.) The FERA advises the SERA's that there will be no Federal fuel plan in operation this winter, but suggests that the SERA's make adequate provisions. "It is the desire of this Administration that the people on your relief rolls be given every possible consideration in respect to their fuel requirements." (See A-30, Nov. 27, 1933.) Digitized by DA-6, liA, liB. RD-11. DA-7. A-17 Amendment. A-62. Google 66 Sept. 18, UIM, Sept. 18, lllM. Sept. 21, 1118'. Sept. 'ZI, 181M,. Sept. 28, l!IM, Oct. a, 111M. Oct.3, l!IM. Oct.,, 111M. Chronology of the Fe<kral, Effl(!rgency Relief Administration A communication concerning the present status of funds obtained by the States from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for emergency relief purposes, under section le of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932, is sent to the SERA's in response to inquiries. It is pointed out that provisions in the 1932 act for repayment were waiv~d by an act of the last Congress (Public, No. 393, 73d Cong., approved June 18, 1934). A complete recheck of families on relief is requested. Some reports to the FERA indicate that a few families, wherein the head of the household is employed full time, are receiving relief. It is contrary to the FERA policy to supplement the wages of full-time employees with relief funds. Mattress-making work projects under the SERA's will be closed when approximately 1,000,000 mattresses have been produced for distribution to the needy. It is expected that the enterprise will be completed within 2 or 3 mon tbs. The services of vocational teachers of agriculture and home economics should be utilized in the rural rehabilitation program. Instructions on proced·ire are given and cooperation with State Directors of Emergency Education and State Supervisors of Vocational Education is requested. A small admission to public art exhibits and entertainments produced as work-relief projects may be charged to persons who can pay, with a. view to making the projects self-supporting. Relief-supported entertainments, however, must not be allowed to compete with existing nonrelief facilities. Resident schools and camps for unemployed women may be continued through the winter, using general relief funds, with the approval of the SERA. Special earmarked funds cannot be granted at this time. The FERA will continue to give desired advisory service. Projects of the Federal Housing Administration are made preferred projects. They should be handled as local work projects. Employment of nonrelief labor or payment of administrative or operating expenses for cooperating agencies is not authorized. The warning against political activity by relief employees (A-59, Aug. 15, 1934) should not be interpreted to apply to clients as well as to administrative personnel. A0-18. FERA Presa Releue No. 922. RD-16. WD-21. Telegmm, Mlmeo. 3593. This was not the original intention and it should be understood that this office does not intend to prohibit relief clients from Digitized by Google 67 The Emergency Work Relief Program political activity, providing this is carried on outside of working hours. Od.11.J.IN. Oct. 211, 1llN. Oet. "'· 111114. Oct. 211, 11134. Nov. 2, 11134. Announcement is made that the Division of Research and Statistics and the Work Division of the FERA are formulating a procedure for occupational clas~ification, index, and assignment of workers on work division jobs. It will be to the advantage of all if States and counties that are working up such procedures will delay pending receipt of the FERA material. It is desired to secure uniform procedure throughout the country. Balances of earmarked funds in grants to the States remain available for the specified purpose from month to month until the termination of the program or activity. Transfers of funds may be made only after authorization has been obtained from the FERA. The only exception is the transfer of funds between the general relief and transient programs to adjust for the cost of care of interstate and intrastate transients. Provision should be made for the moving and relocation of relief families occupying housing which will be demolished in slum-clearance projects conducted by the ERA or by the Housing Division of the PWA. Surveys to locate and secure suitable housing and the actual moving of relief families may be made work-relief projects. Suggestions are given for the training of leaders for parent education groups in the emergency education program. The research section of the Division of Research, Statistics, and Finance of the FERA, which has a number of Nation-wide research projects in the field, is endeavoring to secure as many of the workers as possible through the work divisions of the SERA's. These projects provide emplovment for persons of the professional and nonmanual type and will be cleared through the regular routine outlined in Bulletin WD-4, April 20, 1934. The appointments of a Medical Director and a Dental Advisor for the FERA are announced. The former will direct policies and activities in the field of medical relief, advise on health and sanitation matters, and assist in developing work-relief projects which promote health. Word has reached the FERA that funds granted for the education program and for projects such as the repair of school buildings have not been allotted in some States and areas in such a way as to give employment to Negroes in proportion to their probable needs. WD-21. Rs-a. wn-a lH7. wn-211.. Ao-:io. JC-a The purpose of the Relief Administration is to give employment to those in need and to rehabilitate the human resources of the Digitized by Google 68 Chronology of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration Nation. Accordingly, the State Administrators and responsible school officers are expected to distribute employment paid for out of relief funds on a basis of needs with complete equity among the groups concerned. NOY. 7, 11134. Nn.10. 11134. NOT. 12, 11134. Nol'. 111, 11134. The authority of SERA's to extend relief to Indians, whether ward or nonward, is broadened. Indians may be included in all relief programs and activities on the same basis and under the same regulations as any other applicants for relief. Officials of the Indian Service will cooperate with the SERA's in formulating plans. A change in policy on vocational rehabilitation as a project in the emergency education program is announced. All funds expended on new rehabilitation cases will be restricted to relief cases certified by the local relief administrations. The employment of teachers or other workers on a work-relief basis is no longer required, if the cases can be cared for by the regular SERA staff. If emergency workers are retained, they shall be paid on the same basis as workers in other phases of the emergency education program. / The SERA's in drought States are instructed to discontinue the distribution of livestock feed and to turn over their stocks of feed to the Rural Rehabilitation Corporations. All such feed, except that needed for cattle received from the FSRC, should be sold at market prices to the general public. Complaints that persons not eligible for relief are receiving livestock feed prompt this action. Eligible persons may be furnished with funds for feed through work relief, or with disbursing orders. / The Manual of Work Division Procedure is forwarded to the SERA's. All previous rulings concerning workrelief procedure are assembled in section 1. Instructions for the classification and assignment of workers are given in section 2. 9 FERA Form 144, family occupational record, is suggested for use in classifying all persons certified by social service divisions as eligible for work. Coordination between work divisions and social service divisions is required. It is suggested that where the number of persons to be employed warrants, the work division designate a person to supervise the initiation and maintenance of the registration and classification service in each county office. The SERA's are informed that "all previous rules and regulations governing minimum hourly rates of pay are herewith rescinded so that the prevailing rate in the A_., ll:-39. Letter (Hopltlm). Manual or Worlr. Division Procedure. Pnftlll.. Wace ltele. A0-21, 1 A revised edition or section 2 or the Manual ol Wort Division Procedure, Occupa• tlonal Classification, was issued In June !113~. Digitized by Google 69 TM Emergency Work Relief Program Nov."• 1111W. Dec. a, 1113f. Dec. e.111M. / Dec. 13. 11M. nee. 1a, 1111U. Dec. 18, 111M. Dec. :io. 11134. Dec. 22, 111M. Dec. :u. 1111H. / community for the kmd of work performed will be the governing factor in determining hourly wage rates hereafter." The SERA's are requested to submit data on administrative obligations, personnel, and activities, to be used in connection with an analysis of administrative costs. The SERA's are informed about the disposition of excess hogs under the com-hog contracts of the AAA. Hogs may not be used for breeding; must be butchered by March 1, 1935; and the meat must be used only for relief purposes. (Last date for butchering was advanced to June 1, 1935, by Supp. RD-20, Jan. 15, 1935.) A report on the joint conference of Regional Directors of the Land Program and Rural Rehabilitation Advisers is issued. It deals with the purposes, procedures, and regulations governing the operation of the land program of the FERA, resettlement and rehabilitation of persons in the submarginal areas, functions of Rural Rehabilitation Corporations, etc. / / Henceforth relief to seamen shall be provided on the same basis as relief to other transients. No special exemptions from transient policy shall be made, but separate housing may be provided if it is a practical and economical arrangement. In connection with a check of FERA operations during the last 18 months, the SERA's are requested to submit special reports on balances of the FERA grants in banks, cash on hand, and inventories of general relief commodities on November 30, 1934. The FERA announces the appointment of a Director of the Parent Education Program. Further decentralization of the transient program is necessary. State transient departments shall function as all other departments of the SERA's. Monthly budgets will be submitted by the State Administrator, together with his recommendation. Attention is called to the desirability of participation by Negro physicians, dentists, and pharmacists in the medical relief work among Negroes "so far as economic limitations and the maintenance of efficient service will allow." There have been complaints of discrimination. The rules and regulations governing medical care are cited. Plans for purchase and distribution of seeds for subsistence gardens are discussed and the States are asked to submit opinions on methods and estimates of the cost of the various plans under local conditions. Digitized by RD-30. RD-21. T-MSupplement R&-47. A0-22. A-n. co.... Google 70 Dec. :M, 111184. Dec.28,11134. Dec. 28, 193t. laa. 4, 1936. Chronology of the FedRral Emergency Relief Administration / A statement on rural rehabilitation policies is issued, dealing with repayment of adva.nces to rural rehabilitation cases, functions of Rural Rehabilitation Coryorations, and use of funds granted for the program. Financial policies and procedures for the rural rehabilitation program are explained in a comprehensive bulletin. A special bulletin on the college student aid program is issued, summarizing information on administrative procedures and suggested work activities. The desirability of SERA cooperation in the program is stressed and it is suggested that a staff member be designated to work with the participating colleges. The President delivers his annual message to Congress, announcing that "work must be found for able-bodied but destitute workers" and that" the Federal Government must and shall quit this business of relief." In discussing the problem of what the Government should do with approximately 5 million unemployed now on the relief rolls he states, in part: RD-22. RD-22A. / About 1½ million of these belong to the group which in the past was dependent upon local welfare efforts. Most of them are unable for one reason or another to maintain themselves independently-for the most part, through no fault of their own. Such people, in the days before the great depression, were cared for by local efforts--by States, by counties, by towns, by cities, by churches, and by private welfare agencies. It is my thought that in the future they must be cared for as they were before. I stand ready through my own personal efforts, and through the public influence of the office that I hold, to help these local agencies to get the means nece88&ry to assume this burden. The security legislation which I shall propose to the Congress will, I am confident, be of assistance to local effort in the care of this type of cases • • •. There are, however, an additional 3½ million employable people who are on relief. With them the problem is different and the responsibility is different. This group was the victim of a Nationwide depreBBion caused by conditions which were not local but national. The Federal Government is the only governmental agency with sufficient power and credit to meet this situation. We have assumed this task and we shall not shrink from it in the future. It is a duty dictated by every intelligent consideration of national policy to ask you to make it possible for the United States to give employment to all of these 3½ million employable people now on relief, pending their absorption in a rising tide of private employment. It is my thought that, with the exception of certain of the normal public building operations of the Government, all emergency public works shall be united in a single new and greatly enlarged plan. With the establishment of this new system we can supersede the Federal Emergency Relief Administration with a coordinated Digitized by Google PrealdeaC'a M- _,. ,- o,..,_, H. Doc. No. 1, 74th Cong., lat Bess. 71 The Emergency Work Relief Program authority which will be charged with the orderly liquidation of our present relief activities and the substitution of a national chart for the giving of work. This new program of emergency public employment should be governed by a number of practical principles. (1) All work undertaken should be useful-not just for a day or a year, but useful in the sense that it affords permanent improvement in living conditions or that it creates future new wealth for the Nation. (2) Compensation on emergency public projects should be in the form of security payments which should be larger than the amount now received as a relief dole, but at the same time not so large as to encourage the rejection of opportunities for private employment or the leaving of private employment to engage in Government work. (3) Projects should be undertaken on whioh a large percentage of direct labor can be used. (4) Preference should be given to those projects which will be self-liquidating in the sense that there is a reasonable expectation that the Government will get its money back at some future time. (5) The projects undertaken should be selected and planned so as to compete as little as possible with private enterprises. This suggests that if it were not for the necessity of giving useful work to the unemployed now on relief, these projects in most instances would not now be undertaken. (6) The planning of projects would seek to assure work during the coming fiscal year to the individuals now on relief, or until such time as private employment is available. In order to make adjustment to increasing private employment, work should be planned with a view to tapering it off in proportion to the speed with which the emergency workers are offered positions with private employers. (7) Effort should be made to locate projects where they will serve the greatest unemployment needs as shown by present relief rolls, and the broad program of the National Resources Board should be freely used for guidance in selection. Our ultimate objective being the enrichment of human lives, the Government has the primary duty to use its emergency expenditures as much as possible to serve those who cannot secure the advantages of private capital. Ian. 5, 1935. Telet!ram, A telegram goes to the SERA's: Mimeo.™<I. Pending any changes in the program of unemployment relief it is necessary that all relief administrations be kept at full efficiency. All State and local contributions expected to be kept up to full and proper share of relief funds required. Ian. 7, 1111.16. The Directors of Emergency Education and of Women's Work are asked to cooperate in the development of a program for vocational training in home economics and crafts, and training for household work. Teaching personnel may be used to advantage on projects of the women's work divisions for canning, making and remodeling clothing, weaving rugs, making bedding, soap, baskets, toys, wicker furniture, etc. Digitized by Google 72 lan.9,1936. 1&D. 14, 1936. Jan. 17, 11136. 1an. 18, 1935. Jan. 25, 1935. l'eb. 6, 11136, Feb. 7, 11136. Chronology of the F~ral, Emergency Reluj Administration FERA Rules and Regulations No. 6, dated August 11, ..t.-n. 1933, are canceled. The requirement of certificates of compliance applies to commodities purchased by State or local relief administrations for distribution to relief clients. Certificates of compliance are not required from establishments which fill the food or commodity orders of individual relief clients, but relief administrations should not name in such orders establishments reported to be in violation of compliance. / Farm and home management plans should be worked RD-:is. out for the individual farm family in the rural rehabilitation program. Field workers should be instructed in budgeting and planning methods by farm management specialists. The United States Department of Agriculture will cooperate in conducting training schools. / / Transient fa.milies should be regarded as eligible for A-74. 1 rural rehabilitation on a selective basis. Instructions are given for the cooperation of transient, rural rehabilitation, social service, and general acinjnistrative officials in making necessary arrangements. , A Manual of Accounting Procedure Suggested for su-12. Self-help Cooperatives is issued. / The SERA's should not delay in assembling adequate RD-21. / personnel to handle the relocation of needy fa.milies who are to be removed from submarginal land purchased in connection with the FERA land program. Relocation and purchase plans should be developed simultaneously and should be coordinated. ', / Supplementing the order of November 12, 1934, regard- D..t.-o. ing livestock feed, the SERA's in drought States are instructed to tum over stocks of planting seed for forage or other farm crops to the Rural Rehabilitation Corporations. Instructions are given concerning transfer trans- / actions and information to be submitted to the FERA/ / Home economists on staffs of the SERA's are requested NA-«2. to supply information on budgetary standards and current food allowances./ Further safety and sanitary regulations are ordered A-76. put into effect immediately in transient centers and camps. Increases in facilities necessary to meet these requirements are authorized in connection with work projects. New camps shall be limited to a maximum of 250 men. Expansion of city shelter facilities involving a permanent investment of relief funds is not authorized. Contract arrangements, however, may be made with hotels or rooming houses that meet the regulations, during the transition period. Authorization will Digitized by Google 73 The Emergency Work Relief Program Feb. 15, 1935. Feb. 21, 1935. Feb. 23, 11136. Feb. 25, 11131. !ltlar. 1, 11135. Mar. 8, 111135. be given to make commitments beyond present available transient funds on receipt of required data. The instructions of February 7, 1935, on safety and sanitary regulations in transient shelters are amplified in regard to expansion or relocation of facilities. Procedure is outlined for the installation of the occupational classification record (FERA Form 144). The .Assistant Director of the Division of Research, Statistics, and Finance, FERA, will direct the work of installing and filling out this form. Regional Engineers will make initial contacts with the SERA and the necessary administrative provision for installation of the system. Supervision of all matters relating to filling in, editing, and coding of occupations will be vested in the Regional Research Supervisors. Supplementary instructions on procedure for installation of FERA Form 144, supplementary instructions for filling in FERA Form 144,1° supplementary instructions for checking FERA Form 144 are sent to SERA's. Installation of the form will involve the cooperation of the work division, the social service division, and the statistical division of the SERA. The State Statistician should supervise the filling in of the card, the checking of entries, and the coding of occupations; the State social service division should arrange for the cooperation of all social service divisions in providing information from case records; the State work division should arrange for cooperation of local work divisions in interviewing eligible workers. The State work division is to have charge of installation and operation when the cards are completed. Filling in, checking, and coding in the local offices will be in charge of the head of the work division. Weekly reports on the prevalence of communicable diseases in transient camps are required. Effective March 1, all farmers in drought areas receiving livestock feed relief from SERA's should be classified as rural rehabilitation clients. The Federal Emergency Relief Administrator and the Director of the Land Program, as he may be authorized by the Administrator, are authorized (1) to acquire by purchase or by exerci.He of the power of eminent domain any real or personal property or any interest therein in connection with the construction or carrying on of any project or program financed by allocations, allotments, or transfers made, or to be made, to the FERA under A-7S Supplement. Letter, Mlmeo. 4780. Letter, Mlmeo. 4'193. Night Letter (Westbrook). Executive Order 0083. 11 AdclfCloDal ID8tructloD8 were lamed ID 1UDe 1936. 128019°-87-6 Digitized by Google 74 Mar. S, 1935. Mar. 9, 1935. Mar. 16, 1935. Mar. 'rt, 1935. Apr. 8, 11135. Chronology of the Fe(Ural, Emergency Relief Administration the authority and in accordance with the provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act or acts supplementing the appropriations heretofore made therefor; (2) to sell any security acquired or any property so constructed or acquired or to lease any such property with or without the privilege of purchase; and (3) to administer or to direct the administration of such property. Revised instructions on the administration of Federal Mtmeo. @ 78• emergency relief for schools are issued. The regulations are intended primarily to avoid the possibility of school districts unloading old debts on the FERA; to prevent the FERA in effect paying the current truces of a district because the final date of tax payment has been advanced beyond the end of the current school year; and to prevent the FERA extending credit to districts that are in such financial condition that credit could be secured from local sources. A report on the action of the conference on rural R~. rehabilitation, held in Washington February 25 to March 1, is issued. It deals with the feed program in drought areas, general policies of the program, and includes committee reports to the conference on factgathering in distress areas and on settlement of families from submarginal areas. Relief Administrators in drought States are notified DA-lo. that the AAA will expedite the issuance of checks for benefit payments and other items of income to which farmers in drought areas are entitled. Local Administrators should be so informed· in order that this revenue may be taken into account in planning budgets for rural clients. Pay rolls, vouchers, and other records are public rec- A0-25• ords and ell are open to inspection, except reports, affidavits, statements, or other papers obtained during confidential investigation, and case records of relief clients. The Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, "to ..._ 1E1em,Aergency iaRe-tt • • • , ppropr on // proVIde relief, work relief, and to mcrease employment. /1Act or 11135 (Pu~ lie Res. No. 11, by providing for useful projects", is approved by the mh Cong.). President .. · Among the provisions of the act are the following: · 1. The sum of $4,000,000,000 is appropriated, together with the separate funds established for particular areas by proclamation of the President pursuant to section 15 (f) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (but any amounts thereof shell be available for use only for the area for which the fund was established) (sec. 1). Digitized by Google 75 The Emergency Work Reluf Program 2. In addition, the use of the following funds is authorized: (a) not exceeding $500,000,000 in the aggregate of any savings or unexpended balances in funds of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation; (b) not exceeding a total of $380,000,000 of such unexpended balances as the · President may determine are not required for the purposes for which authorized, of the following appropriations: the appropriation for national industrial recovery contained in the Fourth Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933, approved June 16, 1933; the appropriation for emergency relief and civil works contained in the act approved February 15, 1934; the appropriation for emergency relief and public works, and for relief in stricken agricultural areas,contained in the Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935, approved June 19, 1934; and any remainder of the unobligated moneys referred to in section 4 of the act (48 Stat. 22) approved March 31, 1933 (sec. 1). 3. With the exception of such part of the appropriation made in this act as the President may deem necessary for continuing relief as authorized under the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, as amended,1 1 or for restoring to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works any sums impounded or transferred by order of the President after December 28, 1934, to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, this appropriation shall be available for certain classes of projects (sec. 1). 4. The fundsl'are to be used in the discretion and under the direction of th& President. They are to be immediately available and to remain available until June 30, 1937 (sec. 1). 6. The provisions of the act of February 15, 1934 (48 Stat. 351), relating to disability or death compensation and benefits shall apply to those persons receiving from the appropriation made herein, for services rendered as employees of the United States, security payments in accordance with schedules established by the President (sec. 2). 6. In carrying out the provisions of this joint resolution the President may appoint, without regard to the provisions of the civil-service laws, such officers and employees, and utilize Federal officers and employees, and, with the consent of the State, such State and local "Amounts totaling $935,930,086 were allocated or transferred to the FERA up to Dec. 31, lWS. Digitized by Google 76 Apr. 11, 19315. / Apr. 24, 19315. Chronology of the Fe<kral, E~rgency Relief Administration officers and employees, as may be necessary; prescribe their authorities, duties, responsibilities, and tenure; and, without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, fix the compensation of any officers and employees so appointed. Any Administrator or other officer, or the members of any central board, or other agency, named to have general supervision at the seat of Government over the program and work contemplated and receiving a salary of $5,000 or more per annum from the appropriation, and any State or Regional Administrator receiving a salary of $5,000 or more per annum from the appropriation (except persons now serving as such under other law), shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate (sec. 3). 7. In carrying out the provisions of this joint resolution the President is authorized to establish and prescribe the duties and functions of necessary agencies within the Government (sec. 4). 8. The President shall require to be paid such rates of pay for all persons engaged upon any project financed in whole or in part, by the funds appropriated, as will in his discretion accomplish the purposes of this joint resolution, and not affect adversely or otherwise tend to decrease the going rates of wages paid for work of a similar nature. The President may fix different rates of wages for various types of work on any project, which rates need not be uniform throughout the United ~tates (sec. 7). 9. The Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, as amended, is continued in full force and effect until June 30, 1936, or such earlier date as the President may fix by proclamation (sec. 10). 12 A special report of land acquired in connection with the rural rehabilitation program, through March 31, 1935, is requested. (Additional information, through May 31, 1935, is requested by RS-62, May 22, 1935.) / Copies of FERA Form 144A, individual occupational classification record, with instructions for filling in and checking are forwarded. This form is issued as an optional supplement to the family occupational classification record (FERA Form 144) and its use is recommended in offices that care for more than 5,000 cases. RS-58. Mlmeo. 6089. 6090, 6181. 11 The Emergency Relief Appropriation Act or 19.'l6 (Title II, Public, No. 739, 74th Cong., June 22, 1936) authorizes and directs the Administrator to liquidate the affairs or the Federal Emergency Relief Administration under the act of 1933, as amended, and provides that funds available to the Administration shall be available !or expenditure !or such purpose until June 30, 1937. Digitized by Google 77 The Emergency Work Relief Program Plans for a national tabulation of the data on occupational classification (FERA Form 144) for the case load of March 1935 are announced. The filling and checking of all forms should be completed by May 15, 1935. White-collar.projects should be arranged for copying the data from FERA Form 144 to transcription sheets. Samples of the transcription sheets to be used in the occupational inventory 13 are sent to the SERA's, with instructions. The Federal Administrator writes to the State Administrators: Apr. 21,la Apr. 71, 111116. Apr. 'Zl, 11186. Oeeapaao..J lnftDloly. Letter, Mlmeo. 6196. Letter, Mlmeo. 6206. A-81. I have instructed the Field Representatives and the Regional Social Workers to survey with you and your Director of Social Service effective plan'8 for reexamination of your case load. You are hereby authorized to carry out any measu'rell which you and the regional field staff may agree upon as necessary to this end. Apr. ao. llla6. Apr. 30, 11186- May 2, 11135- May a. 11186- / The Resettlement Administration is established by the 7Execuuve Order President, under the authority of the Emergency Relief > rm. Appropriation Act of 1935. Order is given for transfer from the ·FERA to the ., ~uve Order Resettlement Administration of (a) all the real and personal property, contracts, options, records, etc., acquired by the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator and the Director of the FERA Land Program, (b) all balances of appropriations heretofore made available to the FERA . for the land program, and (c) all personnel employed under the supervision of the Director of the FERA Land Program. The Administrator of the Resettlement Administration is authorized to exercise in connection with the property transferr~d all the powers and functions previously given to the Federal Emergency Relief Ad-/ ministrator and the Director of the Land Program. / Instructions in Bulletin WD-4, April 20, 1934, regarding WD-4 Bevlaed. statistical, survey, and research projects are revised and amplified. The SERA's are instructed to designate State Coordinators of Statistical Projects, after consultation with the FERA Field Representatives and Regional Research Supervisors. Designation of a person on the State work division WD-30. staff to direct public service projects is requested. Certain special reports on such projects will be required. 11 Later referred to Bl! the labor Inventory. Digitized by Google • Digitized by Google IV INAUGURATION OF THE WORKS PROGRAM AND LIQUIDATION OF THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION Kqe,1985. Mayio,11135. AdmlalatraUH The Division of Applications and Information of the o....,..e1o. or tbe Worlte ProN a.tional Emergency Council, the Advisory Committee pam. on Allotments, and the Works Progress Administration Executive Order are established. The President prescribes the respective 7mt. duties of these agencies, as follows: The Division of Applications and Information "shall receive all applications for projects, ca.use the applications to be examined and reviewed, obtaining when necessary aid and assistance of governmental departments or agencies, and transmit such applications to the Advisory Committee on Allotments hereinafter established. The division shall furnish information to the public on allotments and on the progress of all projects as they initiated and carried forward." The Advisory Committee on Allotments "shall make recommendations to the President with respect to the allotments of funds for such projects covered by the applications submitted by the Division of Applications and Information as will constitute a coordinated and balanced program of work under the said act." The Works Progress Administration "shall be responsible to the President for the honest, efficient, speedy, and coordinated execution of the work relief program as· a whole, and for the execution of that program in such manner as to move from the relief rolls to work on such projects or in private employment the maximum number of persons in the shortest time possible." The order provides that the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator shall serve also as Administrator of the Works Progress Administration. Surplus commodities now allocated to the States 0-72. according to the actual number of relief cases reached by the commodity distribution division rather than on the basis of the total case load. The SERA's are urged to follow the same procedure in making allocations to local administrations. 79 Digitized by Google 80 Chronology of tM Federal, Emergency Relief Administration May ll,Ul36. It is suggested that plans be formulated for a summer recreation program under the direction of a person in the public service projects section of the State work division. A statement, "Social Work in the Administration of Unemployment Relief", is sent to State Directors of Social Service. The President prescribes rules and regulations 1 relating to wages, hours of work, and conditions of employment under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935. A schedule of monthly earnings is established, setting the rates to be paid workers in four regions of the United States, according to degree of urbanization within the region and classes of work (unskilled, intermediate, skilled, and professional and technical). The Works Progress Administrator or his representative may adjust rate of earnings for any class of work in a locality by not more than 10 percent from the monthly earnings. Maximum.hours of work for persons employed on a salary basis,in accordance with the schedule of monthly earnings, shall be determined by the Works Progress Administrator, but shall not exceed 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. Projects to which the schedule of earnings and hours of work do not apply are listed. Rules with regard to conditions of employment specify, in part: (1) No person under 16 years of age, and no one whose age or physical condition is such as to make his employment dangerous to his health or safety, or to the health and safety of others may be employed on a work project; (2) preference in employment shall be given to persons from the public relief rolls and, except with the specific authorization of the WPA, at least 90 percent of all persons working on a project shall have been taken from such rolls; (3) only one member of a family group may be employed on the Works Program, except as specifically authorized by the WPA; (4) all work projects shall be conducted in accordance with safe working conditions, and every effort shall be made to prevent accidents; (5) wages paid by the Federal Government may not be pledged or assigned. The SERA's shall require that all employable persons now receiving emergency relief from public funds be registered with the employment offices designated by the United States Employment Service, in order that such persons may be classified as to occupation and fitness for work and thus be available for referral to public and private employment. May 16, 11136. May 20, 11136. May 22, 1935. 1 Rules and regulations were amplified and modified In subsequent orders. Digitized by Google WD-31. A-83. w............ .......... Boan ea Wor.. E:<eCUtlve Ordlr 70f6. Inauguration of the Works Program and Liq:11:idation of the FERA M&)'22,Ulll6. / Maylll,11186. May 31, 11136. June 5, 11136. Special reports are requested concerning the financial condition and operation of State rural rehabilitation divisions and Rural Rehabilitation Corporations, as of May 31, 1935. (Similar information, as of June 30, 1935, is requested by R8--63A, June 21, 1935.) / A report is requested concerning all work-relief projects operating as of May 1, 1935, in these fields: (1) planning; (2) public welfare; (3) public education, arts, and research. Regional meetings are called to plan the summer teacher and supervisory training program and the emergency education program for the next year. All employable nonresident persons receiving transient relief from public funds must be registered with employment offices designated by the United States Employment Service. The President prescribes rules and regulations relating to procedure for employment of workers under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935. Among the provisions are: Persona shall be eligible for employment on projects whc (a) are registered with the employment offices designated by the United States Employment Service, in accordance with the administrative order issued May 22, 1935, by the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator, and (b) were receiving public relief in May 1935: Provided, however, that as the various occupational classes in such group are exhausted through employment, other persons who (1) become eligible for public relief st1bsequent to May 1935, and (2) are certified to the Works Progress Administration and the United States Employment Service by the State Emergency Relief Administrations may be added to the list of those eligible for such employment. Persons who once become eligible for employment on projects shall not have their eligibility affected by temporary employment in other public employment or in private industry. All persons (a) who are employed on projects conducted by the State Emergency Relief Administration and continued by the Works Progress Administration, and who are otherwise eligible, or (b) who are certified by the United States Employment Service as eligible for employment on projects to be conducted by the Works Progress Administration shall be regarded as continuously certified for assignment to work on projects to be conducted by the Works Progress Administration unless they are requisitioned by the United States Employment Service for employment on other projects, in other public work, or in private industry. JUDI 7, 11136. / The N atione.l Resources Committee and Advisory Committee are established and their functions are prescribed. The Federal Emergency Relief Administrator is appointed as a member of the National Resources Committee. The N e.tional Resources Boe.rd and the Advisory Committee established by Executive Order Digitized by 81 RS-63. E--44; E-« Supplement. A-84 Supplement. Ralea lorBmp1',y- .......... _ , OD Worlla Exeoutlve Order 1oao. Executive Order 7066. Google 82 lune 11, 19311. June 16, 19311. June 17, 11186. June 111, 19311. / Ohronology of the Federal, Emergency Relief Admini..~tration 6777, June 30, 1934, are abolished and all personnel, property, records, rights, etc., of the Board and all unexpended balances of moneys heretofore made available for expenditure by the Boa.rd transferred to the Na-/ tional Resources Committee. The attention of the SERA's is called to a ruling of the WPA: "The enrollment of a member of a family group in the Civilian Conservation Corps shall not preclude the employment of some other member of the same family group on any project financed in whole or in part from funds appropriated under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935." The use of FERA Form 144A as a supplement to FERA Form 144 is made mandatory. It is planned to use FERA Form 144 as a "stationary family reference ca.rd" and FERA Form 144A as an "active file individual ca.rd." Cards for eligible workers in cases that received relief d uring May 1935 are to be kept separate from those for eligible workers in cases accepted for relief subsequent to May. State Works Progress Administrators gather for a 3-day conference in Washington and the Federal Administrator presents for the guidance of prospective sponsors of projects a preliminary statement on the types of projects available, the procedure to be followed in making applications, the method of placing labor and suggested standards of classification for labor. "Projects must be planned with relation to the number, ages, sex, and occupational characteristics of persons on relief in the locality where the project would be executed, and to provide continuous work." It is announced that the SERA responsibility for rural rehabilitation cases will cease, as of June 30, 1935, when the Resettlement Administration will assume the responsibility. Construction projects being carried on by the work divisions of the SERA's under the auspices of rural rehabilitation divisions will be financed from the FERA funds until June 30, 1935, and thereafter by funds made available by the Resettlement Administration. All obligations incurred for rural rehabilitation or drought-relief purposes should be assumed by the State Rural Rehabilitation Corporations and all funds, equipment and property, books of account, files and records including case records of clients should be transferred as of June 30, 1935. A certified financial statement of assets and liabilities of all State Rural Rehabilitation Corporations as of the close of June 30, 1935, shall be furnished to the FERA by July IO, 1935. Digitized by A-86. RB-&. WPAPreasR&1-No.Hl. ........ Tra....-otllual Rellablll&atlea A-4rl. Google Inauguration of the Works Program and Liquidation of the FERA 1une21,11135. JllJIIX, 1816. llllll 211, 11136. J1111e 211, 11136. 11111e 211, 11136. June 71, 11136. Responsibility for relief cases in rural areas not accepted for rural rehabilitation or not receiving loans for livestock relief in recognized drought areas prior to May 31, 1935, will remain with the SERA's. / The decision of the FERA and thl Resettlement / Administration to have an audit of the records of Rural Rehabilitation Corporations to verify the balance sheet as of the close of business June 30, 1935, is announced. All State Administrators and other relief officials are requested to cooperate. The FERA and the Resettlement Administration will be jointly responsible for the audit. Administrative expense will be assumed by the Resettlement Administration. / State Works Progress Administrations are instructed on the utilization of ERA work-relief organization and personnel. Most of the work division functions of the State and local ERA's and many of the projects will be transferred to the WPA's. Only those persons who possess the necessary qualifications for the work to be performed should be transferred from the work divisions. The National Youth Administration is established within the Works Progress Administration: "To initiate and administer a program of approved projects which shall provide relief, work relief, and employment for persons between the ages of 16 and 25 who are no longer in regular attendance at a school requiring full tune, and who are not regularly engaged in remunerative employment." It is announced that the State Works Progress Administrators shall be responsible for maintaining a current labor inventory and other related records of persons eligible for employment on the Works Program.2 WPA Bulletin No. 7, Labor Employment Procedure, is issued, defining eligibility for employment on the Works Program. Procedure for certification and assignment and the functions of relief agencies, WPA offices, and employment offices are outlined. Instructions are given for the labor inventory and reassignment offices of the WPA. The SERA's are required to prepare and transmit records of persons eligible for employment to Works Progress Administration offices and to the employment offices designated by the USES. The term "persons eligible for certification", as used hereinafter, shall mean all persons, male or female, who WPA Bulletln No.a. National Y. . th AdmJuotrallu. Executive Order 7086. WPA-e. WPA Bulletin No.7. Certllleatloll t.r EmploJmeat. A-ail. • A manual of Instructions for labor Inventory reports was Issued In November 1935 CWPA Clrcnlar No. G). Digitized by 83 Google 84 Jmie t8, 1113a. Chronology of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration are receiving relief on the date of certification and who were either receiving relief in May 1935 or were accepted for relief subsequent to May, and are working or seeking work, are 16 years of age or over, and are not currently serving sentence in a penal or correctional institution. The term "relief" as used hereinafter shall mean aid, given for direct human consumption, consisting of money, goods, orders for general relief commodities or services (electricity, gas, water, medical, lodging, etc.). The term "persons receiving relief" as used hereinafter, shall mean all persons who are included in: (a) resident emergency relief cases (families, single persons, or local homeless persons) which receive relief under the general relief program (direct relief or work program); (b) cases receiving relief under the emergency education program; this program does not include the college student aid program; (c) transient cases which on the date of certification have been registered with a local transient center for a period of 2 weeks or more. Instructions are given for the preparation of FERA Form 600, certification of eligibility; FERA Form 601, notice of case change; and FERA Form 602, cancelation of certification of eligibility. FERA Forms 144 and 144A and supplementary records are to be transferred from the ERA offices to offices designated by the State Works Progress Administrator, upon request. Until such transfer, the records shall be maintained by State and local ERA's. Instructions are sent to social service and transient divisions regarding certification and transfer to work, supplementing WPA Bulletin No. 7. Among the rulings given are: Priority of workers within families shall be suggested by the social service division, based upon such considerations as health, disabilities, preservation of skills, and morale. Continuation of direct relief shall be conditioned upon receipt of notice of the client's registration at the employment office. On the date of payment of first pay check to a person accepted for work on the Works Program, the social service division shall stop relief and close the case. This ruling necessitates a change in the present definition of a closed case and a case shall not be held under care for a month after relief is stopped. In general, the same principles governing the removal from the relief rolls and transfer to the Works Program Digitized by Google A-410. Inauguration of tM Works Program and Liquidation of tM FERA 1al11, 1936. 1aJrl5, 11135. 1a11 2a, 11116. Aug. 11, 11136. Aug. 12, 11116. Aue. H. 11116. of persons eligible for employment shall apply to nonresidents receiving transient relief. No certification of transients (except in the case of those who return to their place of legal settlement) shall be made for those who register after July 15, 1935. It should be made clear to the transients now in work camps that their chance for speedy absorption into the Works Program is not jeopardized by their removal from population centers. Not only will their records remain in the files of the employment office until they are employed but it may be assumed that many of the existing transient camps will be transferred, together with their certified personnel, to the Works Program. A review of all work-relief activities in each State for the period April 1, 1934, to July 1, 1935, is requested. The review should convey an accurate picture of work division installation, operation, and accomplishment. An outline is given of topics to be covered. The SERA's are urged to report for the State as a whole and for individual counties the total number of March cases from which cases with eligible workers were selected for the occupational inventory.3 A memorandum on standards and procedure in establishing educational camps for unemployed women is issued. The following interpretations of Bulletin A-90 in regard to the certification of relief clients for employment on the Works Program are given: (1) The term "persons receiving relief" does not include those in cases receiving only medical relief or only surplus commodities; (2) all persons who on the date of certification are receiving aid through the emergency education program or on a professional and technical project must have their eligibility for relief determined on the same basis as all other persons. Instructions are given to State Works Progress Administrations and State Emergency Relief Administrations regarding the installation of FERA Form 144 and Form 144A files and the labor inventory system.• The new ruling that enrollment for CCC camps is limited to persons with dependents on relief rolls includes enrollment for veterans' CCC camps. The President approves the Social Security Act "to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system E➔7. A-90A. Boclal Security Act (Public, No. 271, Mth Cong.). • Also referred to as tbe labor Inventory. • A manual of Instructions ror l\llng and maintaining FE RA Forms 144 and 144A was laaued AIJl. 211, 11116 (WPA Circular No. 5). Digitized by 85 Google 86 Aug.16,11135. Aug. Ill, 11136. Aug. 27, 11136. Aug. 27, 1936. Aue. 28, 11136. Aue. 28, 1936. <Jhrono'logy of the Federal, Emergency Relief Administration of Federal old-age benefits, and by enabling the several States to make more adequate provision for aged persons, blind persons, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health, and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws; to establish a Socia.I Security Board; to raise revenue; and for other purposes." The inauguration of the new Works Program and anticipated changes in the financing of relief necessitate additional information on obligations incurred for emergency relief from local public funds for the fiscal years July 1, 1933-June 30, 1934, and July 1, 1934June 30, 1935. The SERA's are requested to have the reports prepared by local units and certified by a State official. Persons with May relief status who reapply for relief after a period of private employment may be certified for employment on the Works Program, if accepted for relief and otherwise eligible for certification. All ERA's are urged to continue allowances to relief cases transferred to WPA projects for a period sufficient to maintain such cases until they receive their first checks from the WPA. It is requested that ERA's cooperate fully in certification of students for the school aid program. Youths are eligible for school aid if their families received relief in May 1935 and are still receiving public assistance or have employment on the Works Program. Instructions are given to SERA's in regard to the liquidation of the surplus commodity distribution program "as the Federal Emergency Relief Administration withdraws from direct relief." Family allotments of commodities are to be increased and eligibility is modified. Local relief administrations should be instructed to remove from the relief rolls all persons certified to receive surplus commodities only. Such persons, however, may continue to receive surplus commodities. The word "Federal" in connection with surplus commodity distribution shall be eliminated. It is suggested that Statewide WPA projects for the distribution of surplus commodities be prepared and submitted for approval under the initial sponsorship of the SERA's and to be sponsored by the permanent State welfare agencies after Federal relief funds are withdrawn from the State. The WPA announces its adoption of the Occupational Classification and Code of the FERA for the following purposes: (1) maintenance of a perpetual inventory of Digitized by Google RS-70. A--'¥1. WPA-27· WPA Circular No. 2. Inauguration of tM Works Program and Liquidation of the FERA Aug. 211, 11136. Aus. 30, 11136. Sept. 4, 11135. Sept. a, 111111. Sept. 28, 11136. Sept. 30, 11116,. the relief labor supply, (2) reassignment of workers to WPA projects, (3) coding of occupations listed on the 888ignment slips filled by the United States Employment Service and other official employment or pay-roll records of the WPA. Rules and regulations are prescribed with regard to student aid projects, which will be supervised by the National Youth Administration, and to the employment of youth on WPA projects. Attention is called to the procedure for enrolling eligible transient boys in the CCC. The SERA's are told that it is imperative that machinery be set up and efforts be made to secure the maximwn enrollment in view of the early discontinuation of Federal relief grants. Certification for employment on the Works Program of a case which received relief in May 1935 or thereafter is not to be canceled if the case is closed because a member of the relief group has secured private employment. Cases which received relief in May 1935 and which have been closed before certification because a person in the relief group secured private employment shall, if accepted upon reapplication for relief, be certified as cases with May relief status. The SERA's receive this order: "After midnight September 20 no more persons shall be accepted for service and relief from special transient funds." Because of the termination of transient intake, instructions regarding the certification of transients for employment on the Works Program are modified. Employable transients shall be certified as eligible if they remain under transient care for 2 weeks after September 20, 1935, providing that: (1) They are eligible for relief, and (2) they have not left their domiciles for the purpose of obtaining employment as transients on the Works Program. The establishment of five regional or field offices is announced "for the purpose of furnishing State and district Administrators and Directors timely information and interpretation of established policies and procedures of the FERA and the WPA and also for the purpose of maintaining a means and a system of reporting to the Washington Office." It is pointed out that: "It is a function of the regional staff to foster desirable and helpful relationships with Federal, State, and local governmental departments or agencies to the end that the entire program may be well-balanced and coordinated." Digitized by 87 Executive Order 716'. A-98. A-119. CloaeetTlualat lnlake. Telegram (Williams). A-UN. A-106. Google 88 Oot.1,11136. Chronology of tM Federal E~rgency Relief Administratwn State Works Progress Administrations are instructed with regard to the number of persons who must be put to work on WPA jobs by November 1 in order to reach the objective of employing 3,500,000 persons in the United States on the Works Program on that date. The letter states, in part: Lett« (Gill>. The Works Progress Administration's program within the State should be so distributed as to provide employment in the various localities in proportion to the number of employable workers on the relief rolls, with due allowance made for employment furnished by other agencies operating under the Works Program. Oot. I, 1935. Oct. 4, 11186. Oct. 18, 1935. Oct. 21, 1935. Oct. 311, 1936. An order is issued regarding certification of women A-1oe. for employment on the Works Program. Women who are working or seeking work, whether or not they appear to be needed at home to care for minor children, should be certified, if they meet other requirements for eligibility. Authorization is given to extend relief to transients A-101. through the local relief offices, using general relief funds. Earmarked grants will be continued for the care of persons now receiving relief in transient camps and shelters, until the transients are absorbed by the Works Program or until Federal rslief grants to the States are discontinued. / Information is requested concerning relief garden and WD-311. canning activities, supplementing the reports of workrelief activities for the period April 1, 1934, to July 1, 1935./ / The Resettlement Administration will make arrange- A-108. ments with the SERA's to take care of Resettlement intake through joint intake offices, 88 a result of an agreement between the WPA and the Resettlement Administration. Any additional cost for this purpj>se, however, is not chargeable to Federal relief funds. / An alphabetical index of occupations, designed to aid WP.A. Circular in coding occupations according to the Occupational No. u. Classification and Code (WPA Circular No. 2), is sent to the States. The index is based principally upon the "Alphabetical Index of Occupations, Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930" and was prepared by the Division of Research, Statistics, and Finance of the FERA. Additional instructions are given in regard to certifi.- A-IKIA. cation of eligibility for and assignment to Works Program employment: 1. The phrase "member of a relief group" includes "unattached" nonfamily individuals as well 88 persons who are members of relief households. Digitized by Google Jnavgu,rali<m of the Works Program and Liquidation of the FERA 2. If no person included within a relief group certified as eligible for Works Program employment has as yet been assigned to a Works Program job, the local agency may cancel the certification if any of the following conditions exist: (a) The certification was made by mistake; (b) all persons included within the relief group who have been certified as eligible workers die, are incapacitated, or move from the locality; (c) a change takes place in the family situation which makes the case ineligible for relief, unless the change was the employment in private industry of a person included within the relief group. 3. When a certified case is closed by the relief agency because a person included within the relief group has secured private employment, the certification is not to be canceled, but the employment office and the WPA should be notified that the person is employed in private industry and is temporarily not MSignable. 4. The fact that a member of a certified relief group has secured private employment and is temporarily unassignable to a Works Program job does not preclude the assignment of other persons included in the same case. Also, should a member of a certified relief group who has secured private employment lose such employment, he may return directly for assignment to a Works Program job regardless of the amount of salary or wage received in private employment. 5. Only after careful consideration of all the factors involved should relief be discontinued because of the refusal of a Works Program job by a member of a certified relief group. In no instance should discontinuance of relief to such a case automatically result in cancelation of the certification. If it has been decided to discontinue relief, cancelation should be made only after consultation between the local ERA and the WPA. A telegram goes to State Works Progress Administrators: Telegram (Hopkins), You are hereby instructed to accept no person for employment under the Works Program who was not on the relief rolls prior to November 1, 1935. NoT.21, 1915. The SERA's are notified that persons who were employed on the emergency education program or who were on relief at any time between May 1 and November 1, 1935, are eligible for employment on WPA education projects. The SERA's are authorized to accept applications for certification for Works Program employment from persons who were rural rehabilitation clients at any time Telegram. Mlmeo. 7310. A-110, 128019°-37-7 Digitized byGoo~le 89 90 Dec. 27, 1986. Ohr0Mlo911 of IM F«kral Erru~'M'/1 Iulitf Adminiafrati.on between May 1 and November 1, 1935. Certification shall be based on current eligibility for relief. Instructions are issued concerning reports that are to be submitted by the SERA's for the period during which be.lances of FERA funds remain in the States The regular relief and financial reports which are to be continued are listed. In addition, the following summary statement.a of relief activities financed with FERA nmds are requested: (l} an accounting for all FERA grants received through October 31, 1935, by program or activity; (2} summary of obligations incurred from FERA funds through October 31, 1935, by month and by activity; (3} summary of total obligations incurred through October 31, 1935, by month and by source of funds. A report on completed, transferred, or discontinued ERA Work Program projects and a statement concerning tools, equipment, and materials transferred to the Works Progress Administration also are requested. Digitized by Google APPENDIX A &rial Communicatwns, Ruhs and Rtgulatwns, and Man'Utll Admnce Bulletins of IM Federal Emergency &luf Administration Series A-Administration. Series AO-Administrative orders. Series C--Surplus commodities. Series CO-Surplus commodities. Series DA-Drought areas. Series E-Education. Series E apJ-Education--special. Series FS-Field staff. Series NA-Nutrition. Series RD-Rural rehabilitation. Series RDO-Rural rehabilitation, Southern 8eriea RDS-Rural rehabilitation, Southern Series RB-Reaearch and statistics. Series S-Safety. Series 8H-8elf-help cooperatives. 8eries T-Transient. Series W-Women's work. Series WD-Work Division. FERA Rules and Regu)ations. FERA Manual Advance Bulletin& 91 Digitized by Google 92 <Jhronology of the Federal, Emergency Reluf Adminiatrati<m Series A-Administration Date 8er1ea and l'IIC'IJno. ID chro- Subject DO. DOloCJ' Sept. 19, 1933 Sept. 20, 1933 Sept. Z,1933 Do••••••• Sept. 22, 1933 A-1. •••••••• ••••. Federal transient funds not Intended for csre of seMOnal ml'"11torJ workers........ . 111 A-2 ..••••..••••.• Instructions on work relief for teachers: rural schools and literacy classes........ ..... 111 A-3L ••••••••••• . Authorir.atlon for vocational education, vocational rehabilitation, and general adult 20 education. A-3 .••••••••• •••. Instructions on work reUeffor teachers (A-3L)... ... . •..• . ... .••.•.••••.. .. .••.•.. .. 20 A-4 •••••••••••••. Announcement of plan for distribution of surplus commodities...................... 20 A-6 .••••••••••••• Developmontofwork•relielproJects In cooperation with go.-ernmental units........ . . 20 A+L ...•.•.•.•. Modification of instructions on Federal work•relief projects.......................... 20 A+2 .•..••••••.. List of Federal departments . ...........................••••...•...•.•••................•.••..• A-6-3 •..••••• • ••. ~quest to Federal dePRrtments for project Information .•.••..•.•........•.......... . .•.•.•... A~ •.•••••••••••• 011[anlr.atlon for commodity distribution............. . .............................. 20 Do••••••• Do ••••••• Do••••••. Do... ... . Sept. 23, 1933 Sept. 71, 1933 A-7 ..•••••••••••• Sept. Z, 19:13 A-8 .••••••••••• •• A-0 .•.• •• •••• ••.• A-10•••..••••••.. A-11. •••.•••••••• A-12 ..•...••••••• A-13 •..••• • •••••. A-14 .•.•••.•••••. A-16 ....•••.•• • •• Oct. 6, 1933 A-18 .....••.••••. Do...... . A-17 .... .•••• • •• . Sept. 13, 1934 A-17 Amdt •..••. Oct. 9, 1933 A-18 .. ••.. •• .• ••• Do...... . A-I0 ..•..••• •• ••. Oct. JO, 1933 A-ll> ..... ••••••• · ic:tf:;i~~f1~ns~ ~f>:~~riic::f::n.i ·acoounit,ig oriiwiiau,;ii iuiil" ot .personnei ......... 2i l)Bid from Federal funds. Sept. 71, 11133 Sept. 211, 1933 Applications for funds covertn, pork purchMe .....•.••••.••.•.•••••••••.....•..•.••.......•.•• Recipe leaflets for families receiving sslt pork .............••...........•. .... ... .... . .....•.•.• Relief policy in affected by minimum sge stand&rds.... .. . ...... •. .. .. . . . .. . . . 21 Request !or monthly reports on work relier and on operations of 80ll·help cooperatives ...•••. •.• • 21 Garnishment of work•relief wages ...................................... . .. ... ....... Distribution of recipe leaflets to consii:nees of pork shipments ....... .... ....•......... . ..•••.• 21 Authorir.atloD for pro'"11m of chlld·leeding in the schools... . ........................ Time limit for nnloadlng pork shipments ..•••••.••••.•••••••.•....•.....•......•..•. ·······-·· Policy reg&rding relief to strikers. . ............. .. .. ............. . ........... ...... .. 22 Reiteration of A-17....... . ................................... ....................... 65 Ilealth and SRnitRtlon ID transient camps.. ... . . . . . . . . • . •• •.. •• •. •. . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . . 22 Recording and reporting forms for transient program ........ ....... .. ...... .... .... . 22 E•timates on State requirements for certRin oommoditie.<I... .. . .. ..•.•..... .. . . ..•.• . 22 Do •.••••. A-21. ••••••••• ••. FERA Director of Women's Work; request for appointments of Do...... . Oot. 2, 11133 Do.••••• . Oct. a, 1933 Oct. 4, 19:<a A~:;:~;:~~. 22 Do ••..... A-22 ••••••••••••. Estimates on State coal requirements................. ... ....... .... ............... . 22 Oct. H. 1933 A-23 .•••••••• •• •. Inquiry on extent of work•relief employment on roads and highways ......... ... .....• •• •••••• Oct. ll), 1933 A-24 ••••••••••••• List of Federal work•relief projects ........•.•.........••..•....•.••.••....•.•.•••..• : 23 Do ...... . A-25 ..•..•••• •••• Assil(nment ol workers to NRA Compliance Doe.rd offices. .. .... .................... 23 Oct. 23, 1933 A-26 •.••••••••• •. Expansion ol educational program to include nursery schools... ..................... 24 Oct. 25, 1933 A-'n ....••••.••.. Suggestion for local projects to collect and distribute surplus agricultural products..... 24 24 Oct. 30, 1933 A-211 ..••••••••••• Hours and wa11es of cleriCRl and proress,onal workers .... .. . . ... ................... .. Do ...... . A-29 .•••••••••••• Distinction between purpose of PW A and FE RA projects... ....................... 24 Nov. 71, 1933 A-30 .•..•••• •••.. Procedure under Federal coal plan.................................................. . 33 Dec. I, 1933 A-31. •••••••••••• Responsibility of BE RA 's for adequate trnnslent aervtce... . .. .. .... ...... ... . . .. .. . . 84 Dec. 2, 1933 A-32 .••••••••••• • Operation of coal plan In smsll communilles .......•..•.•.•....•....•.....•.•...•.•..••••••••.. Dec. 4, 1933 A-33 ..•... . .• •••• Support of reemployment offices................... .. . .......... .. .... ... ........... 35 35 Dec. 8, 1033 A-34 ....•.•••• ••. Traosrer of work•relief projects in drought areas to CW A... . .. .......... .......... .. Dec. ll>, 1033 A-35 •.••••••••••. Beloction of State Nutrition Advisors .... ... ................ . ... . ......... .... ..... .. 38 Dec. 21, 1933 A-36 .......••••• • Development of CW A projects to employ members of aelf•belp oooperatlves . .. . . . .. 38 3V Jan. 3, 1934 A-37 ...••••..•••• In lnvestigatlnl( new applications for relief... .................................. Jan . 12, 1934 A-38 ...••••. •••.• Transportation of aliens on relief to no live countries. . ............................... 40 Jan. Ill, 1934 A-311 ..•.. .••••••• Clearanoe of CW A from relief Illes.... ........ . . .............................. . 41 Jan. 28, 1034 A-40 ••••••••••••• Developments In selr·help cooperative program.. .. . . ... . .......................... . . 41 Mar. 9, 1934 A-41. ••••••••••• • FERA msnual or procedure, accounting and reporting, ID preparation.......... ... . 50 llO Do ..••••• A-42 •• ••••••••••. Termination of Civil Works ID drought areas, effllctlve March 16, 1934; outline of new program. Mar. 14. 1934 A-43 .....•.•••••. New form olrecelpt forlnndsgrsnted by FERA .•......•.•..... . .................••...••• •...•• Mar. 21, 1934 A-44 •••••••••••.. Helieffor 1mbstltute Post Office employees.- . .. ... ........•.. . . ...• ..... .. ......•.. ...••.....• 62 Mar. 28, 1934 A-45 ••••••••••••. Eni:lneering and clerical personnel !or planning boards.... ... .. . ... .... ... ........ . . 64 Apr. 14. 1934 A-48 .......••••.. List ol preferred projects. . ...... ... ........................ ... .... ..... . ........ .. .. July 6, 1934 A-48 Bupp ..•• - •. Supplement to A-48 with respect to submar11lnal land ac;:tisltionifrojects.... . .. . . . .•. 81 Ape. H,IIIM A-47 .•••.•• ••••.. ?,:1fi:~~=M!::.billtatlon departments o tbe SE A's and State farm 64 M Apr. 71, 1934 A-48 ...•......... Termination ol FERA support for NRS offices; work-relleflabor for NRB.... ... .... Apr. 30, 1934 A-40 •••••••••• • •. Use ol tools transferred from CW A .................................................. ..••.•.... 55 May 1, 1034 A-50 •.••••••••• •. Supervision of transient programs by State Relief Admlnlstrntors. ........•.•....... May 16, 1934 A-51. •.••••..••. • Materials and supplies purchased from CW A funds ... . •..•... .........••............••••••••• 158 June 6, 1934 A-52 ..•••••.••... MninteDBnce of CW A SRfety standards on work projects.. . ....................... . . June 4. 1934 A-SI ..••••• •••••. Safety In warehouse operat ion and commodity handlin~ . ... ... ......................• •.•.• •••• June 6, 1934 A-M ..••.••.• •••. Transferolmaterialslrom the Procurement DivlsionortheTreasury Departm~nt..•.... ••. .•..• June 9, 1934 A-55 ...•.••.• •• •. Distribution ol milk cows and yearlini:s to self-help cooperaUves.•..••••••.••.•....•.••••• .•.• :;e June 23, 1934 A-.56 .•••••••• •••• Expenditures for rental and equipment, trnnsient servioe.... ..........•..... ..••. ... June 2.~. 1934 A-57 ...••••.•••. . Preferred position olprojects to furnish workrelieftolocalreemploymentotlloes . ..•....•..•.••.• June 'n, 1934 A-58 ..•••••.••••. Req uest for lnlormntion on statistical and research projects . ....•.•••..•.••..•........••....... 6t Aug. 15, 1934 A-59 .••.•••.••••. Warninl( al(l\inst politiCRl activity In relier administration........................... Aug. 18, 11134 A--M .•••••••••••. Bslety inspection or buildings used by relief administrations ...••.•... ....... .....•...• ••••.••• Bepl. 6, 1934 A~l. ••...••••••. Code complillnce In contra.cts for purchase ollin cans.............•..••.•..•.•.•..•.•.••••..... 65 Sept. 18, 1934 A~2 ....•. •.•••.. f'hanf!e in fuel plan. . .. . .... . ......................... ............ .................. 66 Do . ..... . A-& ..•••.. •• .••. Provision for reJ18yment of RFC funds waived by act of Congress................... Sept. 28. 1934 A~ •••••••••••.. DispoSRl of works of Rrt ................ ...•..•.. ••... •• •••.•..•.•... ..... . ... .••••.• ••.••. ••• . Oct. 2, 1934 A~-·-······ ···· Field visits of FERA Chief Engineer••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••.•••••••••••...•• c:1~i'~~J1 Digitized by Google 93 Appendix A Serus A-Administration-Continued . Due Oct. Oct. 4, 1934 II, 1934 Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. 211, 1934 7, 1934 1934 16, 22, 1934 Jan. 11, 1U36 Do------17, 1935 Jsn. Feb. Feb. Feb. June Feb. Feb. July Feb. Apr. Apr. May 7, 1936 16, 1935 2, 1935 18, 1936 11, 1936 111, 1935 111, 1936 26, 1935 22, 1935 'ZT, 1936 1, 11136 May 16, 11136 May 22, 1936 May 31, 1936 J1me 11, 1936 J1me 17, 11136 June Ill, 11135 June 26, 1U36 8eriell and 1111. A-e& -----------_ A-G7 ____________ A-88------------A-ell A-70 ----------__________ _ A-71 ____________ _ A-72 ____________ _ A-73------------A-74.. ___________ _ A-76 ____________ _ A-76 Supp ______ _ A-76 ____________ _ A-78A __________ _ A-77. ___________ _ A-78 ____________ _ A-78A __________ _ A-71L __________ _ A-80 ____________ _ A-81__ __________ _ A--82 ----------- A-83------------- A-84 ____________ _ A-84 Supp______ _ A-86 ____________ _ A-88 ____________ _ A-87 ____________ _ A-88 ____________ _ June 'ZT, 11136 A-811 ____________ _ June 28, 11136 A-to____________ _ 7, 1113a 8, 11136 II, 11136 12, 11136 111, 11136 A-toA __________ _ __________ _ A-92 ____________ _ A--413 ____________ _ A~------------ Aug. Aug. 'ZT, 211, 1935 11135 Aug. 'ZT, 11135 Aug. 30, 11135 Sept. 4, 11135 A~------------A-96 ____________ _ ____________ _ A-116 ____________ _ A-911 __________ _ Oct. 30, 193S Sept. 12, 193S __________ _ A-JOO___________ _ Aug. Aug. Au,:. Aug. Aug. A➔ L A ➔7 A➔IIA l)o _______ A-101_ __________ _ Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. 21, 1935 26, 1936 28, 11135 30, 11135 3, 1935 4, 1935 21, 1935 ,._ 1935 A-102.. __________ _ A-103__ _________ _ A-lot. __________ _ A-106.. __________ _ A-108.. __________ _ A-107 ___________ _ A-1111.. __________ _ A-108___________ _ 23, 11135 A-no___________ _ Dec. II, 1935 A-lll ___________ _ Dec. 7, 11135 A-112. __________ _ Do•• _____ A-113.. __________ _ Dec. 14, 11136 Dec. 17, 1936 Dec. 18, 1936 Do_______ Dec. 27, 11136 Pallno. Subject lnobronology Interpretation of warning against political IICtlvlty (A-69)___________________________ Ill Use or surplus cotton ______ ---------------------------------------------------------- _________ _ Limitations on franking privilege _______ --------------------------------------------- _________ _ Extension of relief program for Indians______________________________________________ ea Importance of prompt application for funds and preparation of supporting briefs_. ___________ _ Participation of Negro physic!~ and dentists In medical relief program____________ 1111 Canoolatlon of Rules and Regulations No. 6;codes Instructions on certificates of compliance_ 72_ Purchaae of co81 In compliance with NRA ______________________________________________ Rural rehabilitation for lllllected transient famillea___________________________________ 72 Additional safety and sanitary regulations for transient centers and camps__________ 72 Amplification of A-76, with respect to expansion of transient facllltlea_______________ 73 Compliance with Executive Orders and NRA codea _________________________________ _________ _ Requirement for oortltlcatea of compliance rescinded __________________________________________ _ Transmittal of A-76 to safety directors and Inspectors_------------------------------ _________ _ ~== :~::!iw:Ci!,~78===================================================== ========== Weekly reports on prevalenoe or communicable diseases In transient camps__________ 73 Attendanoe at National Conferenoe or Social Wed: ___________________________________________ _ Plans for reexamination or case loads_----------------------------------------------77 ~:io:;~1:a~:roi:n~ct!':a.1i~h~nisiiat1on·of-llllemployment- --------80 relief. Employable persons receiving relief to be registered with employment offloea.._______ 80 Application of A-84 to nonresident persons receiving transient relief_________________ 81 WPA employment and CCC enrollment for members ohame family group_________ 82 Distribution of WP A Clrcnlar No. 1 containing Information for sponaora of projects___________ _ Transfer of rural rehabilitation program to Resettlement Admlnlstratlon____________ 82 ReQuest for copies or articles of Incorporation and bylaws or subsidiary corporations _________ _ of State Rural Rehabilitation Corporations and other rebabllltatlon organlutlons. Preparation and transmittal of records or persons eligible for employment on Worb 88 Program. Transmittal of WP A Bulletin No. 7 and snpplementary Instructions to soela1 .-vtoe 84 and transient divisions. Interpretation or A-00 with respect to eligibility for oertillcatlon_____________________ 81 Transmlttalo(atatementon educational campe for women tosoclal s«Vloedlvlalons ___________ _ Appointment of Director of Transient Actlvltlea for FERA and WPA _______________________ _ Enrollment In veterans' CCC camps limited to veterans with dependents on relief__ 81 May relief status of persons who reapply for relief after a period of private employ88 ment. Extension of relief until first WPA pay check __ ------------------------------------88 Production or school clothing by ERA and WPA sewing rooms ______________________________ _ 86 Cooperation In certification of youths for school aid__________________________________ Arrangements to expedite OCO enrollments_________________________________________ 87 Relief status of persons who secured private employment subsequent to May 11136 87 (supersedes A-IK). Interpretation or A➔II and additional Instructions___________________________________ &a Transfer of CW A files on Injury compensation claims to State WPA's ________________________ _ Hotel addresses of State Relief Administrators when In WBSh.lngton, D. Q ___________________ _ Change In wordlnll oUnvltatlons to bid _____________________________________________ ---------Exemption from Federal taxes on gasoline, lubricating oil, etc ________________________________ _ 87 Modification or Instructions for certification of transients for WP A employment____ Establlabment of regional offloes__ __ __ ______ ____ ____ ____ __ __ ________ ___________ ___ ___ 87 Certl1lcatlon or women for employment on Works Program_________________________ 88 Authorization for extension ofrelierto transients through local relief offloes__________ 88 Joint Intake offices for Relief and Resettlement Administrations...__________________ 88 Dlllcontlnuance of weekly telegraphic reports on cbangee In case load ________________ ---------Eligibility of penons with rural rehabilitation status for oertillcatlon to WPA_______ 811 Discontinuance or qll8lterly reports of transient divisions. __________________________ ---------Uae of ERA and WPA eqofpment by Resettlement Administration ___ ------------- ---------Continuation or weekly ~rts on ERA W orll: Program employment; dlacontlnua- ------- --- ~r': !r~~~y"'~~A--------------------------------------------------------- A-UL _________ _ A-116. __________ _ Dlacontlnoance or monthly analysis of applications and cases under care ____________ ---------A-lid. ••• _______ _ DIBCOntlnoance of monthly summary of C88eB receiving unemployment relief under ---------general relief program. A-117___________ _ ERA projects for production and distribution of commodities. ______________________ ---------A-118.. __________ _ Instructions on reporting for the period during wblcb balanoes of FERA grants 90 remain In the Btatea. Digitized by Google <Jh,;onology of the FtAkral, E~rgency Reluj Administration Seriu AO-Administrative Or<krs Berillll and DO. Paceno. Subject In chroDolOCJ' 21 AO-1. •••...•••.. Review or relief load and study ohdequacy or allowanoee. .. .. . . . . . . . . ..... .. . . . . . . . A0-2 .•...•...•.. nivisioii.cii"Iiiv~i1giii1oii ·oi 'tCiC:i:ieiiviineiit oi. ::::: ::::: A0-3 •••••••..... Interior. J'eb. S, 1934 Ao-4 ••••.•..••.. Agreement wltb U. 8. Departmentorlmtlcewltb respect to CW A investigations .•....•.••••••• 62 Mar, 2B, 111:H AO-6 .•.•.••..... Request for repom on operation and aocomplishments or CW A..................... Apr. 4, 1934 AO-e .•••••••••.. State responsibility for chronlo rellefand pension - - . •• . • ... •. . . • . . . . . . . . . .• . . • . . 63 RelieUor persons Injured In work division employment............................. 63 Apr. 3, 1934 AO-7 .•.•........ May 3,1934 A0-8 .••••.•••... FERA programa at Nation81 Conference or Social Work ••..••••...........•.••••......•.••••• May 8, 1934 Ao-9 ••••••.•••.. Policy on grub-staking gold miners .............•.•••...•...•.•............•..•••..•..•••..•••• 1111 May 9,1934 A0-10 .....•..•.. Notice or act providing addition81 compeDS11tion to veterans......................... 58 June 9, 1934 A0-11 .......... . Need oflocal provision for adequate quarters ror relier offices........................ eo June 2B, 111:H A0-12 •.•........ Order terminating employment o( persons on CW A pay rolls not later than luly 14, 111:H. July 10. 1934 A0-128upp •.•.. CW A accident claim adjustments ..............................•....•....•...........••...••.• July 9,111:H A0-13 •.•.......• Salaries or administrative employees In State and COUDtY relief offices subject to Fed· ......... . era! Income tax. J'eb. 8, 1935 A0-13 Bupp ..... Excerpt from Income tax decision or Commissioner or Internal Revenue ............. ......... . Mar. 1, 1935 AO-13 Bupp. 2.•• Interpretation o( ruling In A0-13 .•••...........•...........••.••.•.•.•.•.•••.•...•.........•.• July l&, 1934 A0-14 ....•...... CatUe branding ........•••.•.•.•.....................................•.•.•...•••.•.......••••• Aug. 13, 1934 A0-15 ...••.•.... Purpose and organb.atlon oh Livestock Disposition Committee.................... 1H Sept. 16, 1934 AO-16 ......••.•. Appointment o( FERA Chief Engineer .•..•.•...••......................•...........•.•.•..•• Do ...... . AO-17 ......•..•. Assignments or Regional Engineers ......•.••............•................................••.• Sept. 18, 1934 A0-18 .....•••... Request rorrecheck oUamilies on relief.............................................. ae Sept. 29, 1934 A0-19 .......... . Applications for (unda and supporting forms ........•.......•.......•.•..•...........•...••••• Oct. 29, 1934 AO-:IO. •••••••••• Appointments o( Medical Directorand or Dental Advisor (or FERA................ 67 Nov. Jg, 1934 AO-21. •..•...... Establishment of prevailing wage rate............................................... 68 Dec. 20, 1934 A0-22 ...••...... Decentralimtion of transient program............................................... 69 Feb. 28, 1935 AO-23 .......... . Mar. 30, 1935 AO-238upp .•... g~~it!~~~fci~k~!~ttt~.!!i.8.8.·.::: :: : ::: : :::::::::: :: :::::: :: : :::::::::::: ::: :::::::::: Mar. &, 1935 A0-24 ..•.....•.. Exemption from Federal taxes on gasoline, lnbricating oil, etc ............•...........•...•...• Mar. ~.1935 AO-26 .••.•.•.•.. Publlo recorda available for inspection............................................... 7t Apr. 18, 1935 A0-26 .••..••.•.. Request that BERA's discontinue direct communication with various Federal de- ......... . partmoots. Apr. 22, 11135 AO-~ •••.•••.••• Telegraph and long distance telephone for use only In emergencies..•.••••••••..........•...••• Oct. ~1933 ~~'f!iw~1°fu~es~~~i:g1i Nov. l&, 1933 11,111:H 11111. Series O-Surplus ·Commodities [Additional communications regarding surplus commodities may be found In other series] Date Oct. 19, 1933 Serles and no. Page no. In chronoiOCJ' Subject C-1 •••••.•...•••• Cooperation or national grocery organl&atlons in dl!trlbutlon o( rood surpluses and selection or State and cou'ltY outlets. :D Do .••••.• 0-2 ...•.•••••••.. State requirements for apples .•..•........•.•••••••••••....•.•••.•.•.•..••••..........••.•.•.• Oct. 24, 1933 C--3 ...•.•..••.... Appointment or State committees representing food distributors .•.......•.................... Oct. 28, 1933 C-4 .......•.•.... C-4 Fuel.. ..•.... C-6 .........•.... Dec. 11, 1933 C-6 Bupp ..•.•... Nov. 3, 1933 ~ ............. . Dec. 22, 1933 C-7 ............. . Feb. 6, 1933 C-8 ............. . Mar. 14, 1934 C-9........••.... Mar. 15, 1934 C-10............ . Do .•••.•• C-11···-········· May 12, 1934 C-11 Supp ...••.. Mar. 19, 1934 C-12 .....•.••.... Mar. 26, 1934 C-13 ............ . Apr. 4, 1934 C-14 .......•..... Apr. 6, 1934 C-15 ............ . Aug. 23, 1935 C-15A ..•........ Apr. 5, 1934 C-16............ . Apr. 9, 1934 C-17 ........•.•.. Apr. 14, 1934 C-18 ............ . Apr. ~. 1934 C·l9- ••••••.•••.. May V, 1934 C-20..•......•... May 12,11/M C-21. .•..•••..•.. Dec. 8,1933 Nov. &, 1933 Selection or distributors, method or issue, and ordering and stock control............ 24 Letter to 0081 code authorities on coal replacement and purchase orders ..•...•........••.•••.. Eligibility (or surplus commodities.................................................. 25 Selection or eligibles by self·help cooperatives........................................ se Stock control and accounting .........•....................•..•.•.......................•...•.• Designation or SERA staff member to handle coal distribution ............................... . 43 Restrictions governing the purchase or submarginal land............................ Allocations or flour ......••••••...........•.....•...•••...................................•.... Allocations or cereal food .....................................•.....•..••.....•...........•••.• Grass seed for use on projects ........................••.•.•...•...........................•.•.. Request for information on grass•seed orders .•...........•...•.•.............•...........••..• Smoked pork distribution ................ ·-·······•································· ....•..•.• Transmittal or forms for field reports on distributors and on rood stocks ••....................• Request for information on chan~es in methods or distribution .••••••••••....•..........••.••• Correct form for reporting butter analysis .•............•.•........••....•....•...........•..•• ~l't'!';:;\~t~':i~!n~ui:~mi~~~il':1."'~'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: Routing or original Government hills orlarling ...............•.•.•...................•.......• Routing and numbering of carload lot shipping instructions ............•.....................• DLsposition or commodities unfit for consumption ......•...•.................•.......•••••••.• Prohibition or direct negotiations between s•:RA's and processors or packers ••..•...•.••••••• Request for information on canning and preserving programs....................... r,e Digitized by Google 95 AP1MndizA Series 0-Surplm Commodities-Continued Date Ma1lo~-~~ l!epL 16,1113' May 211,11134 Kay 211, 11134 DO------May 28,11134 Jwie 31, 11134 JUDe 'ZI, 1934 July II, 1934 July 11, 1934 Jul]' 12, 11134 July 2f, 11134 Aug. 22, 11134 Jul]' 11, 1934 Sertealllldno. Papno. In chro- Subject noloa 0-22 ____________ _ C-23 ____________ _ 0-23 ____________ SUPl>-------_ 0-:H 0-25 ____________ _ Distribution of eXCll88 supplJea _________________________________________ ----------·--. Monthly report on J.l'SRC commodity dbtributlon __________________________________ Supplemental report on J.l'SRC commodity dlatributlon •• ___________ ---------------Request for repona on May cues receiving commodities and on expected case loadsRouting ol receipt ol delivery. __________________ .. _______________ . _________________ . e-z ____________ _ Advance notlceol Balety Bulletin No. 23 on handling and storage ___________________ 0-'ZI. ___________ _ Consignee's certillcate of delivery on Government bills of lading_____________________ 0-28 ____________ _ c-211 ____________ _ Changes In orders and bills of lading ___ -------·------------------------------------- _... ____ •• -------··· ------···· _________ _ ---------· ---------· . ________ _ ---------· ~=~~:rt~~tJ::::.::r:b~-~~-~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --------~ c--30 _____________ •• - - -- - ---_ Ordering cotton and ticking_. _______________________________________________________ ---------· C-31-. 0-32 ____________ _ Excess bogs under com-bog contraets ____________ ------------ __ . ____________ ----·-·-82 c--33 ____________ _ Instructions for handling 11moked pork. _____ . _____ ------------------ __________ ------ ---------C-33 Bupp ______ _ Revision of Instructions with respect to spoiled meat_ ________________________________________ _ C--34 '-··--------- Request for monUlly reports on cotton and ticking used and on mattress-making --------·e--341 ___________ _ projects. 8epL 4, 11134 C-35 ____________ _ Appointment of new Federal Director of Commodity Distribution ___________________________ _ M Aug. 8, 11134 C-38 ____________ _ Meat processing plants under Federal and under State contracts____________________ Aug. 4, 1934 c-37 ____________ _ Request for weekly reports on beef canning __________________________________________ ---------Aug. 8, 11134 C-38 ____________ _ Instructions for reports on movement of livestock from drought areas _______________ ------·--· Aug. 21, 11134 C-311 ____________ _ Cannln_g of fror.en boned beeL ______ ---------------------------------------. ________ --··-----for estimates olneeds in advance olmontbly orden _______________________ ___________ _ 8epL 8, 11134 C4() ____________ _ Requestregulations governing handling of cotton _____________________ .. _______________________ _ Sept. 7, 11134 C-41. ___________ _ Special Drought cattle for Indian reservations ________________________________________________________ _ Sept. 11, 11134 Elimination of hazards In meat canning and Blaugbterlng _____________________________________ _ Sept. 12, 11134 C~----·-------0-43 ____________ _ DlsJ)OBltlon of bides ______ . ____ . ________________________________ . ________ . ____ . ______ . ________ • Sept.no13, 11134 _ C-,44 ____________ _ Livestock Disposition Committee ___________________________________________ . ________________ _ ______ no______ _ C-45 ____________ _ Contracts for temporary pasturage In drought areas _________________________________ _________ _ -- ------ Rental of storage space for canned meats ___ -----------·-·--------------------------- _________ _ Sept. 14, 11134 C-411 C-47 _____ ____________ _ Distribution of commodities to recipients olcollege student aid _______________________________ _ Do------- C-48 ____________ _ Distribution of mat~-- _____________ ---· ______ -- _________________________ • _______________ _ Sept. 18, 1934 C-49 ____________ _ Curtailment of cattle program In drought &rel\S __________________________________ _ Sept. 111, 11134 (}-ro ____________ _ BpeclftcetlonsInforoperation ftour ___________ ------ __________________________________ ------ ___________ . ___ _ Do------- C--61_ ___________ _ Fees for brand Inspection of drought cattle ___________________________________________________ _ Sept. 31, 11134 C--62 ____________ _ Request lor weekly reports on State relief cattle program _____________________________________ _ Oct. 6, 11134 0-62A __________ _ Letter to 0eld officials on weekly cattle program reports ______________________________________ _ Do ______ _ C--63 ____________ _ Recipes for preparation of veal. •• __________ ----·----------------- ____________________________ _ NOT. 2, 1934 C-M ____________ _ J.l'orm olaffldavlt to be used by Institutions ••• _______________________________________________ _ Sept. 211, 11134 C--66 ____________ _ Requeet for reports on receipt and disposition olexcesa bogs under corn-bog contracts_. ___ • _.. __ . Oct. 16, 11134 NOT.Do2,1934 ----------_ Request for weekly report on bides, skins, and pelts _________________________________ ---------· ______ _ CJ-611 C--67 ___ ____________ Questlonnall'S on work projects for processing drought cattle __________________________________ _ C-67A __________ _ Do------- C--68 ____________ _ Covering Jetter lor C--67 ______ . ______ . _____ -----···---------------- __________ . _.. _____________ _ NOT. 8, 11134 C--69 ____________ _ Prunes excluded from commodity distribution _______________________ ----··--------- _________ _ Discontinuance of special reports on cotton and ticking use and on mattress-making _________ _ Nov. 17, 11134 Dec. 14, 1934 C-«) _______ -----Jan. 28, 11136 C-«> Bupp ______ . Jan. 7, 11135 C~'------------Jan. 6, 1935 C~------------Jan. 30, 1935 ~------------Feb. 8, 1935 C~------------Feb.Do 16, 11136_ ~ C~------------______ A __________ _ l'eb. 110, 1935 ~------------c~7 _ Mar. 11, 1935 C-418 ____________ ____________ _ Apr. 22, 1935 C-611 ____________ _ Apr. 211, 11135 C-70 ____________ _ May 11.1935 May May June May May May Jane Jane Jane Jaly Aug. Aug. Aug. Dec. Dec. I 18,Ul35 28, 1935 10, 1935 11,1935 10, 1935 16, 1935 11135 8, 11135 26, 1935 16, llrl5 28, llrl5 211, llrl5 '11, 11135 13, 11135 111,11135 a. C-70 Bupp ______ _ C-70 Bupp. 2. ___ . C-70 Supp. 3____ . C-71. _________ - .. C-72 ____________ _ 0-73 ____________ _ C-74 ____________ _ C-75 ____________ _ C-711_. __________ _ C-77 ____________ _ 0-78 ____________ _ C-711 ____________ _ C-80 ____________ _ C-81. ___________ _ C-82 ____________ _ Mlmeo. 2983. 1 projects. =i~r1g!~~r.!S~i::iiicasei::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: Allotmentsofsoounid wool for making comforters.-·-----·------------------ _________________ _ ~~:=:::~~1:i;:~-~~-~~~~~-~~~~!'.'~:-~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: Inspection of canned meat storage _____________ . _____________________________________ . ________ _ Price arrangements for State purcbaae of medicinal liver extract _____________________ -------·-· Letter to State Medical Advisors on price arrangements lor medicinal liver extract __ _________ _ Discontinuance of affidavits from transient centers ___________________________________________ _ Discontinuance of affidavits from nUfllery schools maintained by 8ERA's ____________________ _ Bummer storage of coats, comforters, and blankets••.• ________________________________________ _ Reporting on canned beef_. _________________________________________________________ . ________ _ Revised price arrangements lor State purchase ofllver oils____________________________________ _ Additional quotations for State purch8!18 o(llverolls _________________________________________ _ Correction of price quotations on liver oils ____________________________________________________ _ Revision of price quotations on liver oils._-------------------------- ________________ ---------· Request for report on FBRC stock of textiles _________________________________________________ _ Revised basis lor allocation of commodities__________________________________________ 711 Balvage of shipping contafners ________________________________________________________________ _ ~:::::~r:;;:~l~iiiii1iiii:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: Supplies available for canoing progralllll ______________________________________________________ _ Cooperation with SERA'S In preparation of a review ol work-relief activities _________________ _ Liquidation of exbtlng lnventorfee __________________ . __ ____ ___________ ________ __ ___ _ SCI Standard label for commodities purchased and packaged.----------------·---------- _________ _ Transmittal of bulletin ol prune recipes _____ .--------------------------------------- -···-----Distribution of commodities to nursery schools operating under WPA _______________ ---·-----Revised affidavit for me by puhllc Institutions _______________________ ... ------------ _________ _ Mlmeo. 3233. Digitized by Google 96 (Jl,,rono'logy of the Fe<kral, Emergency Relief Administration Seriu 00-Surplm Commodities [Additional communlcaUons regarding surplus commodlUes may be found In other -1es) Date Nov. 1, 1933 Nov 8,1933 Do .•....• Nov. II, 1933 Do ••..... Nov. 11, 1933Nov. 17, 1933 Do .••.•.. Do...... . Nov. 18, 1933 Do ...... . Nov. 24, 1933 Nov. 22, 1933 Nov. 24, 1933 Do .••..•• Nov. 27, 1933 Nov. 28, 1933 Nov. 29, 1933 Dec. 2, 1933 Dec. 8. 1933 Dec. 8, 1933 Do••••••. Do .••••.. Do ..•..•• Dec. 9, 1933 Feb. 2, 1934 Dec. 11, 1933 Dec. 12, 1933 Dec. 18, 1933 Dec. 21, 1933 Dec. 22, 1933 Dec. 29, 1933 Jan. 2, 1934 Jan. 6, 1934 Do•.•.••• 1an. 9, 1934 1an. 12, 1934 Jan. 13, 1934 Ian. 15, 1934 Do .••..•. 1an. 16, 1934 Jan. 111, 1934 Do ••••••• Do •••.••. Do •••...• Jan. 20, 1934 Ian. 27, 1934 Jan. 29, 1934 Jan. 31, 1934 Feb. 3, 1934 Feb. 8. 1934 Feb. 9, 1934 Feb. 15, 1934 Feb. 111, 11134 Feb. 23, 1934 Feb. 20, 1934 Mar. 8, 1934 Mar. 16, 1934 Mar. 21, 1934 Aug. 14, 1934 Mar. 'rl, 1934 Apr. 6, 1934 Apr. 11, 1934 Do .••.... Apr. 27, 1934 Do .••.••. lune 12, 11134 Sept. 18, 1934 Sept. 19, 1934 Sept. 27, 1934 Nov. 14, 1934 Jan. 21, 1935 Jan. 31, 19U Nov. 21, 1934 1 Page no. in chronology Series and no.• C0-1. •••..•..... State advance commitments of commodities.•.•••••••••..••...•.•••••••.••.•.••.•.....•....•.• C0-2 •••..•...... Responsibility or SERA's for selection or methods or distribution.................... H co-a..••........ State advance commitments of commodities for nonrelief ramilies ......•...•••....... -······--CO-4 ••.•••••.... Selection of wholesale distributors with relrigeration facilities .•......•..•......•.•.........••.• CQ-.5 ••••••••.••• C0-6 ...•.•.•.••. CO--l!A •••••..•.. CO-8.••..••..... Commodities for Civil Works employees............................................ 31 C0-9 .••.•....... Supplement to CO-6, ordering procedure .....•••...•....•............••..•.......... 00-10 ••••.•...•. Distribution of basic commodities by FSRC; purchase of local food surpluses by 31 SERA's. C0-11 .•.•..•.... Advance commitments of dried beans .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ······---C0-11 Supp .•... Bean distribution limited to selected States .••.•..•••••.••.••••..••••..••.••••••••...•..•••..• C0-12 ...••.•••.. Local arrangements with bakers ••••••••••••••.•••••••.•••••••.....•.......•... ···-·- .....•.••• C0-13 ...•••..... Advance commitments of cheese .. ············-····································- ....••.••• C0-14 ...••••••.. Refusal of requests for shipments by peddler cars ..•..••••.•.............•..•....•.....•••••••• C0-15 ........•.. CO-15 Supp •.... CO-16 ..••..••... Decision Bl(ainst Insurance o( commodities •••••.•••. '. .•••.•...•......•......•...•........••••• C0-17 ..••..••... Distribution of flour instead or wheat. .••...•••••.•..•...•.....................••....•....•••• C0-18 .••...••... Price arrangements for State purchase otr!ce .............................•........•..••...•.•• CO-19 .•.•.•.•... State and local negotiations for an adequate supply of fluid milk ••••.........•.......•...••••• C0-20 .•••.•••... Request for report on handling rates paid to distributors .•.....•.•..........•.•..•...•••.••••• C0-21. ••..•.•..• .Allocation of special funds to States for direct purchase of eggs ...................... .•........ C0-22 .•••.••••.• Commodities for Indians............................................................ 38 C0-2.1 ......••... State arrangements for purchasing and processing heel.............................. 36 CO-23 Supp .•.•. Inspection ofprore.ssing plants by the Bureau of Animal Industry .•...•••....••••••••••••••... CO-24 ....•••.••. Smoked pork shipments ...............•....••••.••••••••••••••••••.•.•••.•.•••.••....•.•.•.••• CO-25 ...•••••.•. Price arrangements for State purchase of liver oils •••••••••••.•.•••••••.•••••.•.••••..••••••... C0-26 .••.•.....• Distribution to Civil Works employee.,............................................. 38 C0-27 .•..•.•.•.. Feed for cattle in drought areas .•.••.•......•.•.•••.•.........•..•••..••....•.••..•..•••.••••• C0-28 ..••.•.••.. Regulations governing distribution to !nst!tut!om, with affidavit form ••.•.••.•...•.•••••••••• CO-29 .•...•..... Method of handling grants ror State purchases .••............•...........•............••.••..• CO--30 .•.•..••••. .Advance commitments of grain for stock feoo in drought areas ....................... ......... . CO-31. .•••.••.•. Supplement to CO~.A. ordering procedure ..••.........•.••....•.•.•..••...•.•.••••....•.•.•.• CO-32 ..•.•.•..•. Report to carrier's Bl(ents on loss, damage, or shrinkage ••••.•...•.•.•.•...•.•.....••.••.....•.• CO-33 ..•........ Re<1uest f~r reports on methods used in distribution .••••.•••.•••••.•••••.•....•..•..••••..••.• CO-34. •..•.••.•. Per1shab1hty of smoked pork ........................................................ ......... . CO-35 .•.•....... Substitute for CO-26 with respect to Civil Works employees.···············--······ 40 40 C0-36 ••....•.•.. Substitute for CO-28, regulatiom on distribution to institutiom..................... CO-37 .•.••••••.• Description of milkwheato, with commitment form •••••••••••••••••......••••••••••.•••.••••• C0-38 .•.••...... Flour packBl(ing..•........••...•..... __ ........•••....•........•........•....••.•.••.•••••••.• CO-39 ....•.•.•.. Correction of table of prices and vitamin content of liver oils ••••............•.•...••.••.•.••.• CQ40 .••.•.••... Request for State plans for su bslstence and relief gardens............................ 41 C0-41. •..•...... Request for inrormation on milk distribution ••••••••.•.......•.•............•••...•..••.•••.•• C0-42.•.•.•..... Leaflet of canned beef recipes .......•••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•.•.........•....•..••..•.••..••• CO-43 .••.••..... Preparation of smoked pork for cooking ••.••••...•.................................. .......... C0-4-4 ..•........ Possibility of distributing lard ........•.•••••.•.•.••••••••••.•...•.•.•...........•....•.•..••• CO-45 ••..•...•.. New Issue of FSRO Form 10, shipping lmtructiom..••..••.•.•••...•...•.•.•...•••....•.••••.• C0-46 •••••••••.. Routing of shipping Instructions •••....•..•..•••••••••••••.......•.•.•.•.•...•.•.•••.•.....•.• '3 C0-47 .•..•...... State purchase of clothing, shoes, bedding, eto............... .• .• . •.•.•.•••.• .•.•.••. C0-48 ......••... Desi~nation of dates for delivery •••......••...••........•.••.•...•.•.•••.••••..••••....••.••.• '3 CO-49 ....•...... Discontinuance of distribution to Civil Works employees........................... CO-50 .......... . .Allocation of citrus fruits to selected St.ates •••••••.•.••••••.•.• _......•••••.•.•••.••......•..•• C0-50Supp .•... .Amount of oranges per carload •••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••....••.....•.•••.••.•••..•....•.•• C0-50 Supp. 2•. _ Change in carload content •..........•.•......... -·············-·····-··············· ...•..•••• C0-51. ..•••••... Weights for minimum and maximum carload shipments .••..•.•••.•.•.•••.•••.•.••....•.••••• CO-52 ••...•..... Request for report on clothing distribution in 1933•••••••••••••...•••••••.•••••.••.....••.•••.• CQ--53 ••••••••••. Legal action on irregularities .•......•...•.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•••.•...• CO-54 .......... . Procedure for claiming refund of processing tax ...................................... ......... . CO-M Supp .•... Revision of CO-M ............••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••....••.....•.•••..•...........•••. CO-55 ....•••.... 62 CO-56 ....•.•.... CQ-.51 ••••••••••. CO-58 .••.••.•... '.6~\~':iga:'i~iPH~ehd~ 65 C0-59 .••.••.••.. Distribution by FSRC of goods produced by work divisions........................ 65 CQ--00••••••••••• Commodities for employees on work division projects............................... 68 C0-61. •••.••.•.. Surplus fruit and vegetable crops.................................................... C0-62 ••••••••••. for information on use of cod liver oil ..••...•••........••.••.•••••••••.•••....••••.•.• C0-63 .••••.••.•. Reminder on commodities for transient centers ••••..••••.•.•••..•••••••••••••••...•......•...• C0-64 ..•.••••... .Approved commodity label •.•..•••••••......•••.....•......•••.••.•••••.••••••••......••••••• CO-65 •---······· Compliance with Executive Order No. 66-16 and NRA codes .......•...•••.............•••••.• CO-& Supp .••.. Mod1llcation of Executive Order No. 6646 by Executive Order 6767, with respect to ....•••••• prices. C0-65A Supp.... Modification of C0-65 with ffi<pect to certificates of compliance...•••••••••••••••...•••••••••• C0-66........... Reporting on canned meat production .•••••••••••••••••••.••••.•.•..•••••••••••••••••••••••••• C0-7 was canceled. i ~r~~r!irr~~~~;;=~~;~t==================:==:========:================: ::::::::~ ~~;~~~:~n\):~':8. ~~ ~~~."'.':::::: :: :::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: :::: ::: ::: t~~:::::~~~;~~.~~--.·.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ue1~!tb~iiim~dittes''oniormsand.iooci.ii~keLi.:::::::::::: • Circular Letter No. ~ - Digitized by Google Appendix A 97 Series 00-Surpl'I.UI Oommoditiu-Continued Date ilertllll and DO, l'llgeno. In chro- Subject no!Off Dec. e, 1934 Dec. 11, 111134 Dec. 2', 111134 1936 , - . 1& 1935 23, 1936 Mar. 18, 1935 .Auc. 28,1935 ,an. ', ,an. C~........... C CHIS........... CO-S •••.••••••• C0-70........... C0-71 •.......... C0-72........... C0-73........... C0-74 •••..••.••• Conae"atlou of canned meat supplies •.•••••••.•••....•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.•...•••••• Disposition of surplus hogs under corn•hog contracta. . • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • ••• •• •• • • • . . . . . ..•.••••• Inquiry ou plana for purchue and distribution of seed foraubslstence gardens....... ell Revision of CC>-M, ordering procedure •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••••••••......•••••••• Introduction and uae of dry skim milk ••••••••••••.••.•.•••••••.•••.•.••••••.•...•....••.••••• Contractor's notl.llcatlon sticker•••••••••••••••.••••..••.•.................•...........•...•••• Supply of reporting forms •••.••••••••••••••••.••••.•....•...•...•...........••..•.••...•.••••• Increaaeoffamllyallotments........................................................ 80 E::::::: §~~=========== i&';rJ!n:foir~·~::ita:~~=f~t:~tro~us~~:s~ii~~~: E Do....... C0-78........... Liquidation of Inventories and propoeala for distribution tbrough Stat&-wlde WPA 1G Do....... C0-79........... Sponsorship of WPA projects for commodity distribution........................... 1G tlon. . projects. I Thia oommunlcaUon bean a double code, co-n and NA-41. Series DA-Drmi,ght Areaa , [Additional communications reprdlng droUlfht anu may ha found In other -ie.) ..Date 8er:la and DO, Page no. Subject In chronology DA-1. ..••.••.••. TraDS1Dittal of Regulation No. 20 of Farm Credit Administration •.•••••••••••••.••. ---------DA-2 .•..•.•••... Regionsl conferences on rural rehabilitation and drought relleL ....•.............••. ---------DA-3.•.....••.•• Distinction between titles of representatives or FERA and or U.S. Department of A grlculture. Sept. 1, 1934 DA-4 ..••.••••••• Cooperation with Bureau of Agricultural Economics In surv~ offood and livestock .. ········86 Sept. 8, 1934 DA-li..•••••.•••• Cooperation with the Decent of Agriculture and Farm redlt Admlnistratlon •. issued by agricultural drought committees.•••••..•••••.. 66 Do----·· DA-,5A ••..•.•.•• Clearance certificates to 86 Do••.••.. DA-liB •••.•••••• Functions or U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Administration, and FERA In the drought program. Sept. 8, 11134 DA~ •••.•.•.•.•• Records of AAA in connection with relief administration •••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 86 Sept. 11, 1934 DA-7.••.....•.•. Work•relief labor on public roads .•.•..•••.••••......••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••. 8, 11135 DA-8 ..•.•.•.•.•. Polley of AAA In connection with sale of seed stocks ••••.•..••••.•.•••.•.•.....•.... ····-···12 26, 11135 DA-9 •.....•••••• Transfer of livestock feed and planting seed from SERA'S to Rural Rehahllltatlou Corporations. 74 Mar. lfl, 1935 DA-10 .•.•.••••.• Benefit payments of AAA In connection with planning relle! budgets.._•••••••••.•. Aug. fl, 1934 Ang 13, 1934 Aug, 2', 11134 ---------- ,an. ,an. Digitized by Google 98 Chron-0logy of th,. Federal, Emergency Reli.ej Administration Series E-Edumtion (Additional communications regarding education may be found In other ..tes) Date Papno. Sub,lect Serles and no. In~ DO)OCJ' Oct. UI, 11133 E-1. ............ . Af~R~:l~;. for work81'11' education program and appointment of apeclallst on 23 E-2 ............. . Supplement to rules governing education program···------···············--·• ................ _ E-3............ .. Request for report on develo,:ment of program.·····--·---·-········· ...................... _._ E--4._ .......... .. Organl•atlon and conduct o nW"SMy school program.·--·-··· .. ···.................. 36 E-5 ............. . Additional country•wide quota of teacll81'11 ••• ·······-··--··-··········.. ............ 38 E--6 ............ .. Funds for teaching supplies .• ___ .....•.......... ···-·······--·········· ................. ·-··· _ E-7 ............ .. Organbatlon and fostructlon of workers' education classes ..•..•. ·-·····............. 38 E-11 ............ .. Adult education In prisons.......................................................... 311 Do---··-- E-9 ............ .. Inquiry on appointment or State speclalh!ts In workers' education ....................... ···-·. Jan. 111, 1934 E-10 ........... .. Authorbatlon for appointment or 8tste specialists In worker.,' education............. 40 Jan. 17, 1934 E-11. ........... . Request for report on development of program .............................................. __ Jan. 11, 1934 E-13........... .. Authorlmtlon for housing for resident schools for needy unemployed women .............. ·- •• Jan. 81, 11134 E-13 ........... .. E!igihility for classes In commercial subjects ....... --···············-·······......... 42 Feb. 2, 1934 E-14 ........... .. Authorimtlon for rural school continuation program................................. 42 E-15 ........... .. Authori•ation for college student aid program.·-.................... .. . . . .. . .. . . . • .. 42 Do·-·--·· Undated ...•• E-15Bupp ..... .. Waiver of rule on matriculation•·····-··-----············· ................................ . Feb. II, 1934 E-16 ............ . Interpretation or E-14 ............................................................... ···--···-· Feb. 16, 1934 E-17 ............ . Instructions on rural school continuation program................................... 45 Feb. 19, 11134 E-17Supp ..... .. Form for report on rural school districts ..................................................... __ Mar. 2, 11134 E-18 ............ . Interpretation of Instructions on rural school continuation program .................. ·--·····-Mar. II, 1934 E-UI .. _........ .. Affidavit to support applicdtion for rural school relief........................................ __ Mar. 23, 1934 E-20 ............ . Adequacy otrunds for rural school continuation..................................... 52 May s, 1934 E-21-. .......... . State representation at conference on program_······----········ .................... ·····-·-·Apr. 18, 1934 E-22 ........... .. Announcement or conference on program ... ·-··········-············................ M May 9, 11134 E-23 ........... .. Curtailed program for summer months.............................................. M May 23, 1934 E-24 ............ . Authorlmtion for resident schools and educational camps for unemployed women._ r,7 lune 7, 1934 E-25 ........... .. Policies for teschers' training centers In workers' educat1on. •••••••.•••.•. -...... .... 511 May 24,1934 E-26 ........... .. Policies for nursery schools under State work divisions __ ···-·········--·............ 67 lune 19, 11134 E-26L ......... .. Report forms for nursery school J:ograms .................................................... . lune 12, 1934 E-27 ............ . Travel expense to resident schoo and e&mps for unemployed women ................. •··-·-·lone 22, 1934 E-28 ............ . FERA grants for State Supervisors ..... ·---·-·-----·-·-·--·--·-······.............. 611 lune 23, 1934 E-28L .......... . Selection and training of State Supervisors.·-·········-----··················....... 611 luly 3, 1934 E-29 ........... .. Continuation of coliege student aid program, 1934-35.---···-·-······ ... ....... ...... 81 July 26, 1934 E-29 Supp ..... .. Interpretation of E-29 ......................... ····-··-·-·-·········· .................. ··-··--Sept. 8, 1934 E-29Amdt. ... .. Waiver of rule on equitable division between sexes .• ·-·-······················· .. ··· .... ·-···Oct. II, 1934 E-29Amdt .... .. Waiver of rule on attendance ....... - ...................................................... ·-·81 July 2, 1934 E-30 ........... .. Program for the coming school year; additional allotments of Federal relief funds.... July 12, 1934 E-30L .......... . Employment of teachers on professional proJocts .................................... ·······-·113 July 211, 1934 E-31. .......... .. Organir.stion and administration of parent education activities...................... Aug. 27, 11134 E-32 ............ . FERA approval of State plans for emergency nursery scbools_._··················.. 115 Aug. 30, 11134 E-33 ............ . Provisions for supervisory edministration •. ··-·-·-··-··-······-················---·· ... ····--· Aug. 31, 1934 E-34·-·-········· September grants for college student aid ......••• ·-··· .. ··••····•·· ......................... __ _ Sept. 29, 11134 E-35 ............ . Use of teachers In agriculture and home eoonomics on rural rehabilitation programs .. ·--··-··-ea Oct. 8, 11134 E-36·-········· .. Oeneral relier grants for continuation or resident schools and camps for unemployed NoY. -, 11133 Dec. 4, 11133 Dec. 7, 1933 Dec. 9, 1933 Dec. 16, 1933 Dec. 14, 1933 Jan. 6, 1934 women. E-37 ........... .. E-38 ............ . E-39 ............ . E--40........... .. 1,11135 E--41-. .......... . 28, 1934 E--42............ . 7, 11135 E--43 ............ . E--44 .......•.•••• Ma~:~~- E--44Supp ...... . June II, 111311 E--45 ............ . June 11.11136 E--46 ........ -•··· Aug. 8, 1935 E--46A .......... . July 12, 1935 E--47• ........... . July 211, 1935 E--47 •........... . Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Dec. lan. t 23, 1934 2, 1934 10, 1934 18, 1934 Mimeo. 5881. Training of leaders for parent education groups .. __ .• ·- ••.• ······-·.................. 117 Employment of Negroes ................ ···-···-·-······--·····-·· .. •··· .. ··........ G7 Revised policy on vocational rehabUitatlon .... ·········-······-····· .............. .. 68 Appointment or FERA Director of Parent Education._ ••• _......................... 811 Reference list for use In adult education cl11-sses .............................................. ·Special bulletin on oollege student aid program...................................... 70 Tesching J)<'rsonnel for vocational training on women's work projects................ 71 Regional meetings to plan summer teacher training programs....................... 81 Attendance at regional meetings .......... ·--·· .. -· .•..... ·--···-··.................. 81 Topics for discussion at regional meetings.··················-···················--·· ·······--Suggestions for training oourses for parent education leaders ................................ __ _ Bibliography for use in training courses for parent education leadel'I! ... ···-·····-·· ........... . Teschers' training centers in workers' education.·-·········---·············--······· ·····-·-·Standards and procedure In estahiishiog educational camps for unemployed women. 115 • Mimeo. 0007. Digitized by Google 99 Appendix A SeM E spl-Edut,o,tion-Spuial [Additional commmdcaUons reprdlng llpeda1 edoeeUon may be foaDd ID c,&i. ...,J Date Pap no. In chro- Subject 8erlea 1111d no. 1 nology Dee. Il, 111133 E spl-l.--······· Letter lo workers' edueatlon committees requesitng cooperatlonofloeal poops. __ ·- .... _. _....•• Jan. 10, 11134 Espl-2•. ·-······- Letter lo alllllated achoola for workers, 1111nounomg workers' eduoa&lon Jll'OIJ'Ull. ·-· _.... _. _. _.•• Do.. ••• __ • E srl-3 __ ....••.• Letter to Industrial secretaries of the YWCA on plans for workers' edueatlon •• ·--··· ·---···-·· Do. •••• _. Espl-4 •••.....•. Letter to YWCA secretaries responsible for b ~ 1111d professional women's work --·---··-· on plans for workers' education. Do. .•••.. E spl-11.- ....... . Letter to br1111ch secretaries of YWCA on plllllsfor workers' eduoatlon __ ·-··--··-···· ···-·····Do.-•··· E spl-G·--······· Letter to executive secretaries of International Institutes on plana for workers' edu· ··-····--- catlou. E spl-7--········ Requesi for tmhlbli material on workers' edueatlon __ ··---··--····--·-··-·-·---·---·Appointment of State Directors of Workers' Education by achoo! oftllllll'8 and SERA's. Jan. 18, 11134 E spl-8. -········ Peb. 2,11134 E spl-11- •..•..... Selection or State Directors or Workers' Education; resident achoolsforunemployed women. Jan. "-11IM E spl-10_ .... _.•.• Letter of Office of Education transmitting mggeatlons of Advllory Oommlttes of National Council or Parent Education. Feb. 2, 11134 E spl-11. -····-·· Report or Conferenos on Workers' Education-······-·-·····-··············--··-·-·· :reb. 14,11134 E spl-13_._ •..... Reauest for list of workers' education teachers--······-·-···-················--·-·-· Do-····-- E spl-14-·····-·- Autnoriutlon of funds for purchase offood for n ~ schools.... ••••••• _._ •• __ ._._.__ Feb. 21.11134 E spl-llL -··--·-· Letter to State chief school officers on appointment or State Dlreetcn of Workers' Education. Do..•••••• E spl-U!. •.• _••.• Letter to BERA's on appointments or State Dlreetcn of Woran' Bduoa&ion...•• -•. Do.. •••••• E spl-17. ··---··· 8election or State Directors or Workers' Education.----------·---------··----------Do..-·-·-· E spl-18 .•...... _ Outline of project for resident schools for unemployed women.-·-·-·----·······--·-· Mar. a, 11134 E spl-111_ •..... _. Letter or National As8oclaUon for Nuraary Education on FERA program for nuraary schools. Mar. :I0,11134 Espl-20 .•... --·· Letter enclosing minutes of Conference on Workers' Education..·--··-···-···-··-·•·· Mar. 22, 11134 E spl-21._ ... _.. _ Minutes of Conference on Workers' Education ••••••••••••••••••. --·-·-··-·······-•· Mar. 28, 11134 E spl-22--······· 8uuestlons for readi::,t on workers' education •••••••••••••••••••.• --···-·-········-· Mar. 30, 11134 E spl-23 .•. --···· sc~~cl': Apr. II, 11134 E spl-24--····-·Apr. 11. 11134 E spl-26 1 • ·-····- Announosment of WhiteHowie conference on resident schools and camps for unem• Jan. 13,11134 t'!-~'13:n '° ·-·· ·-···---·-·---- ·-·-···-·· ·---·-·--48 ------··-·-····---·-·----- __ ·-·····•··-••·••· .. ·••··-···· ·-··--····-···· ···- ~!~·cii"ii~"n·Educaiion:::::::::: :::::::::: Do_ ...... E spHlll 1••• - •••• ~~r.:I:o,i~pl-26_ ..•. ·-- • ······-•••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••••• __ •••..••...... _ 63 as Apr. 30,11134 Apr. 18, 11134 Espl-27 ..•...••• Tentative agenda for White HOWlll Conferenos •••••••••••• -•• ···-·-·-···••·•········ ····-····· E spl-28 ....... __ _ Applications of workers' education teachers.··············-··-···-·-····-····· ...... ·•··-·-··. June 11, 11134 June :I0,11134 Ja,ly 111, 11134 E spl-30_ .. _._ ... Attendanoe of workers' education teachers at training schools.--······-··········· Espl-31..._ •..... Training oenters for workers' education teachers.-·•·····-·--··-·······-······.·-·· .. E spl-32·---•···· Organization, curriculum and teaching, resident achoola, and camps for unemployed women. Espl-33·-··--··· Letter to State Superintendents of Schools OD appointment of State Directors of Workers' Edocatlon. E spl-34--·-····- Reauest for lnform&tlon on training programs for D'111'811r)' school teacben..·-···-·-•-· E spl-35---·--··· Policies for training centers for nursery school teachers-·········--······-··-··--···. E spl--36--··--·-- Establishment of local nursery school units ..... _.···-···-····-·······-·········· .... E spl-37 ......•.. Request for State plans for nursery schools, J934--3li_ ••• - •. ··-·-··············--·-·· _. E spl-38. ··-····· Outline of work for Institutes for State Nursery School Supervisors•••.•.•••.• _...... E spl-311. ·-----·. Asslatanosof the U. 8. Employment Service in collegestudentald program___ ···-·•·· E spl-4(L .... -·-· Attendanoeat Institutes for State Nursery School Supervisors.••••.•.•••.•••.•...... E spHL_ ...... . Authorisation for expenditure In connection with nursery school Institutes- •. ··-•··· E spl--42- • _. _. _. _ 8erlell of addresses delivered at Institutes !or State Nursery School Buperv'-8: Mimeo. a~Emergency nursery schools and State organizations.• _••• ·-·-····· Mimeo. 32'17-Organlzation and standards of nursery school (lro)ects..-·-········ Mimeo. 3271-ResponsibllltyofStateNursery School S u ~ to State Relief Administrators. Mimeo. 3272-8ecurlng trained teachers for nursery achools.... ••••••••••••••.•..•. Mimeo. 3273-Healtb In nursery schools..• ·--··································· Mimeo. 3274--Evaluating the nursery school program_······-··················· Mlmeo. 3240-Tralning prior to and during teaching period ••••• ·--··-··-··--··· Mimeo. 3241-Responsiblllty of supervisors of nuraary schools lo loeal edueatlonal and community organizations. Mimeo. 3324-Nutrltion in relation to n'111'811r)' achool prognm._·········-··-·· Do•••••• _ E spl-28A ....... . Application blank for teachers•••••• ·-·-···········-···········-····-···········-···. ·-·-··-··· Do.•• ___ . E spl-29. ····-·-- Recommendation ofappllcants for positions In workers' education program·-··-··-· ··-······· July 21,11184 Ju)y Ju]y Aug. Ju]y Aue. Aug. Aog. - 11134 11,11134 Llll34 23. 11134 10, 11134 Ia, 11134 17, 11134 Aug, 211, 11134 l!eJJ&, 1. 11134 1 JI: 11)1-12 not available. • 0-.-S by the DlreetGrofWomen'a Work and the Director of Workers' Edocatlon. Digitized by Google ......... . ·-········ .•.•.•.•.• ·-········ ·-········ 02 ·······--· 02 ···-···-·· ···-······ ·-···-·-·· .........• ·•···-···· .........• ·-···-·-·· ·-········ ·•······-· ·•-·-···-· ·••·-····· ••.••••••• ·-·····--· 100 Chronology of the Federal, E~rgency lulu} Admini8tration Series FS-Fuld Sta.fl [Addidonal oommonlcatlons n,prdfnc the lleld stair may be loalld In otlw .i.J Daa P1119no. 8erlea and DO. In chroDOIOI)' May 3, 11134 May 16, 1934 FS-L........... Establishment, organization, and function of regional offloea.. ....................... . FS-2............. Allocation offunda IOI' training social workers •••••••.••••••••..•.•••.•••••••.•.•.••. l58 fi1 Series NA-Nutrition [Additional oommunlcatlons reprdlug nutrition may be found In other Nries) Date Apr. a, 111114 Apr. 4, 11134 8eri8I and no.I Papno. In cJuo. Subject nolOI)' 151 NA-4 .••......... lnfOl'matlon exchange IIM'Vlce............. .. .. ..... .... .......... .. ...... ............ NA-.'I ...•........ Meal rlannlng and food allowanOO!I for MassachmeKll State transient centers........ ......... . Do ...... . NA-G .•.•.•..•... Schoo lunches for children of relief families: Missouri •.•.•...............•.•••...•••.••••.••.• Family bud~tstandardaand plan for bllsinerellefon budget deficiency: New 1-y........... . NA-8•••••..••••. Food llp8Ci cations as a basis for setting mlnlmum standard !or iirooer:r Ol'der: •••••••••• Minnesota. Apr. lll, 1034 NA-9 .•••.••.••.. Rtandarda for achool lonches: Ohio••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.........•.•••••••.•..••••...•.• Apr. :13,1934 NA-10 .••........ Food budgets· Ohio...•••.•.••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••.............•...•.•.•...•••.•.•.• Do••••••. NA-11. ••••...... Do••••••. NA-12 ••••••.•... ~e:l1~~~!r':~~fnan!~~~hi?i~'.~:::::::::::::::::::::: :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: :: :: : : :: : : : : : : Do••••••• NA-13.. ...•..... ~~~iol.i>iic:iiei.ioi-·ii·raiiiilioiiiveari<i.1>1ai1tii:iiiil1aiis:·aotiili. :::::::::: Apr. lit, 1934 NA-14 •••........ Carolina. May 4,1934 NA-15 .••••.•.... Referen003, dlet&ry problems In various countrle!! and of various races; U. S. Depart• ment of Agriculture, Bureau of Home Economics. May 8, 1934 NA-UI.. •••••.•.. Weekly food for 40 children in a oounty orphanage: South Carolina .•..........•....•..••...•• May 21,1934 NA-17 .••........ Proper care of milk: Ohio ....•••.....•••••••.•••••••••••••••••••.•..•.................•.•....• Do•••..•• NA-18 ..•.•...•.. Food cost budget In Worcester, Mas• .•........•..••••••••••••••.......................••....• May 111, 1934 NA-111 ...•••••... General Instructions for relief canning: TexRS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jone 18, 11134 NA-20 .....••.... Announooment of mooting of National Home Economics Association ..................•.•...•• Do..•••.. N A-2L .••..... _ Attendanoo at mooting of National Home Economics Association .••.••••...................•.• Joly II, 1934 NA-2'l .•.••...•.. Pudding recipe: Worooster, Mass .....•.•..•..•..•••.•.••••••••••••••....•............•.••.••• July 17, 1934 NA-23 .......... . Instructions for comblnmg and cooking vegetables: Ohio .•••••••••••..................•.•....• July 18, 1934 N A-24 ..•.•...... Milk· Ohio .• _.•...•..........•....•.•.••..•.•..•.•••.....•••.....••.........................• 1ull' 23, 1934 NA-25 .......... . Menus, recipes, and weekly grD<'t'rY orders for family of five: Indiana...........•.•.....•.....• Do••••••. NA-26 ....•.•.... Weekly grorery orders and menus for /iO men in transient center: Indiana •...........•.......• Do..•.... NA-27 .•......... Menus and recipes for transient shelters: Indiana ........•••.•...•.•.•.......................• 65 Aug. 31, 1934 NA-28 ...•.....•• Respo1Lsihility in the SE RA's for proper canning processes.......................... July 31, 1934 NA-211 .......... . Use of canned salmon: Iowa .......•..........•.••••••.•.••••••••.•.•.....•...................• Aug. 24,11134 NA-l!O .......... . Food schedules, comparative costs: Wisconsin. __ ••••••••••••••••••·•·•············ .....•...• Do••••••• NA-31.. •...•.... Cabbage: Wisconsin .••...•.•.•.••••••.•.••••.•........••...•.•...........•..•..........•....• Do••••••• NA-32 .•••.•••••• Standards for grocers' oommittees; storaga, purchasing, and distribution of food: ..••••..•• Wisconsin. Do .•••••• NA-33 ....•...... CompRratlve price list for studying food costs: Wisconsin ...•..•...•.........•..........•.•...• Aug. 28, 1934 NA-34 .......... . Transient bureau food standards: Wisconsin_ ........•...................•..............•.••..• Aug. 22. 1934 NA~'!5 .......... . Foods allowable on relieffood schedule: WLsconsin .....................................•..•.••• Oct. 4, 1934 NA-36 .......... . Conference during meeting of American Dietetics Association ..........................••..••.• Oct. 8, 1934 NA-37 .......... . Nutrition and home economics program: Ohio __ ............•...•....•...•................•.•.• Oct. 16, 1934 NA-38 ...•.•..... Report of Conference of FERA Nutrition Advlsors ....•.••.......•.....•...•..............•.• Dec. 13, 1934 NA-311 .......... . Special diet allowanoos; based on data from 12 States..•...•..•....•..•.•••.............•..•••• Dec. 17, 1934 NA---40 .......... . Transmittal of bulletin on dry skim milk ...•..•..•...••...............•..••................•.• Jan. 18, 1935 NA-41• ......... . Introduction and use of dry skim milk .............••..•..•....•.......................•••.••. 72 Feb. 6, 1935 NA-42 .....••••.. Request for Information on budgetary standards and current food allowances........ Feb. 11, 1935 NA-43 ..••...•... Bags for dry skim milk .................••.•..•••••..•.••..•..•.•..•••.........•.•.....••.••••• Feb. 7, 1935 NA-44 •.•••••••.. Investigation of food•polsonlng cases.••••••...•.•....•••............•.......... _......•••.••••• Apr. 9, 1934 Apr. 18, 1934 NA-7 .•..•.•..... ~=~:: ~:::J 1 This series wRS started with No. 4. Communications numbered 1, 2, and 3 were not released. communication bears a double code, NA-41 and CO-71. 1 This Digitized by Google Appendix A 101 Series RD-Rural, Rehabi/,itatW'II, (Additional communlcatiou ncardinc roral rehabilitation may be found In otber aerlelJ Due Berleeandno. Paaeno. In~ noioQ' Subject Mar. 22,19M Apr. 2,19M Do•••••.• Apr. 2S, 11134 Joi:, 2, 1934 Joly 11, 1934 Aug. 8, 1934 Ang. 9, 1934 Aug. 11,193' Aug. 27, 1934 Ang. 81, 111:K Sept. 7, 1934 l!epL 18, 1934 RD-1. ••••••••... Statement of policy for rural program ••••••••..•.....•..•. :......................... 41 RD-2. •••••••••.. Eligibility \eel.9 for rehabilitation.................................................... 61 RD-li.. .•••.••.. Eligibility In relation to crop loans ...•••••••..•••••••..•••.....•.•..•••••••..•...•.....••••••• RD-a. ••..•.•.••. Cash payment for wort In rural areas .•.••..••.•...•••••.........•.•••.......•.•••••.•••.•••.. RO-.. ••.••...... : RD-6.. •••••••.•.. fp8:ro~!r'O:~i:a~-:r~~~~~liiuiaii«iii.eoiiioiaiiiiiii.lii.iiu:: RD-e••••••••••.. Attendance at meetlnp of Rural Rehabilitation Corporations....................... M RD-7•••.•••.••.. Organlmtlonor Rural Rehabilitation Corporations aa atoclt companies.............. M RD-8••••.•••••.. Aen,ement with AAA for handling surplus contract pigs............................ M R~•..•........ Request for budgetary data to BUpport application for funds .•••••••...........•......•••.••••• RD-10•.•.••.•... Membership of boards of directors of Rural Rehabilitation Corporations. • • • . . . . . . • . . ....••••• RD-11.. •.•.•••.. ReNttlement and rehabilitation In relation to land program......................... M RD-12. .••.•..•.. Transmittal of article "Rehabilitation of Stranded Families" ........................ ......... . Do••..... RD-13•.......... Request for revised budgetary data to support application for fnnda ••••.••••.•••.•....••.•.•.• Sept. 31, 19'&4 RD-lL ...••.... Arrangementa for land-eppralsal services .......••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•...•••••.•.• Sept. 'ZI, 11134 BD-16.. ..•...•.. Services ofvocatlonal teachers In rural rehabilitation programs .•................ _... M Od. ',llllH RD-UL .••••.... Request for namee and addresses of members of Boards ot Dlrecton or Rural Reha- .•.•••.•.• bllit~tion Corporations. Nov. 1, 1934 RD-17 ••....•.... Letter aeoompanyinl radio dlalocne on rehabilitation proa:ram ••••••••.•••.••••••••• .....••.•• Nov. 10, 111:K RD-18 .•••.••.... Acquisition or land •••..•.••••••..•..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••........••..•.•.....•.•.•• Nov.38,11134 BD-19.••••••.... Interpretation of 10-anlt livestock limitation•••••••••.••.•.•••••••.•.....•......••..•••...•.•• Dec. 3, 1934 RD-:ll ........•.. Disposition ot UC8811 bop under the oorn•bog contncts of AAA..................... . • 1111 Jan. 18,11135 BD-31 Supp..... Supplement to RD-:ll............................................................... Dec. e, 1111H RD-21 •••••....•. Report of Joint conference of Regional Dlrertora of Land l'rOllf8lll and Rural • Rehabilitation Advisers. Jan. 8,1985 BD-21AmdL .. Re_presentatlon of FERA on Boarda of Directors of Rural Rehabilitation ••••••.••• Uorporatlons. 70 Dec. :M,1111114 RD-22•••.•••.... Statement of rural rehabilitation policies............................................ 70 Dec. 38, 1934 BD-3li.. •••••... Financial policies and procedure.................................................... Nov. ao, 1111114 BD-ZI ••••••••••• :hclaslon of State Duectors from Boarda or Dnctors of Rural Rehabilitation •••••••••• Jan. t, 1936 Jan. 17, 11135 lan. H, 11136 Jan. :M, 1916 RD-24•.••••••••• u~~~anaaement forms. •••••••••••.••...••••••..••..•••••••..•••.•...•.•......••.•.••• BD-25•.••••••••. RD-:16.. •••••••••• BD-27••..••....• Feb. 25,1936 RD-28. •••••••••• Mar. 1,1935 RD-211••••••••••. Apr. 2, 1936 RD-211 Supp••••. Mar. 0, 11136 BD-30••••••••••• Do•••••.• RD-31. .•.•••.•.. Mar. 211, 111311 RD-n.. ••••••.•.. Apr. 0, 111311 RD-33 •••••••••.. Apr. IO, 11136 RD-M.. •••••••••• Condemned cattle.•••......•.......•.•••.....•.••.••.•••..••••••.•...•••••.•.•••.......•.•..•• Farm m&llll(l8Dlent plans for Individual cases........................................ Adequate personnel for relocating families from submarginal areas................... 72 72 Adherence to standard purchasing procedure. •••••.•.•••..••....•...•..•••...•.......•••.•..•• Speclllcatlons lor wort stock and regulations governing purchasee ................... .........• Interpretation of RD-211 with respect to purchases without competitive blda ..•.....•••••••••• Report of Waablnlrton conference on drought relief and rehabilitation............... M Exception to ret1Ulatlon concerning first lien on crops•.••••••••••••.•..•..•••••••••..•••••••••• =~~n::i1::i ?!e~g8~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: Request for namee of managers of Rural Rehabilitation Oorporatwns•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Serits RD<>-Rural Rehabilitation, SouiMrn Statu [Additional communications regarding rural rehabilitation In Southern States may be found In other lllriee) Data Apr. 4, 111114 llerles and no. Paaeno. In chro- Subject noJoa RD0-1. .. ....... Request lor Information on dlspl-ent of farm tenants •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Do....... RD0-2. •.••. .• . . Request for estimates or number of cows and pip for placement..................... Digitized by Google aa 102 Okronology of IM Federal E~rgency &lief Admini8tration Series RDS-Rural, Rehabilitation, SoutMrn States [Additional oommunlcatlona regardlnr rural rehabilitation In Southern States may be found In other ..i.1 Data May 10, 1934 May 22, 1934 Series and P-oo. lo chronology Subject DO. RDS-I.......... Cooperation with AAA In connection with cotton adjustment l)l'Oll&III •••••••••••••••••••••••• RDB-2............ Purchue and dilltributioo or dairy cows............................................. 57 Series RS-Research and Stati8tics [Additional communications regarding ~ h and statbtics may he found In other awles) Date Berles and no. 1 Page no. In chronoloCJ' Subject Sept. Bept. Bept. Sept. Oct. Jan. Feb. 11, 1933 21, 1933 23, 1933 27, 1933 18, 1933 1, 1934 12, 1934 Dec. 16, 1933 RS-1.. .........•. RS-2 ............ . RS-3 ............ . RS--4 ............ . RS--6 ............ . RS-7 •............ RS-8.. ......•.... RS-9 ••........... Ian. 8, 1934 Mar. 13, 1934 Apr. 12, 1934 Apr. 23, 111:U RB-10 ........... . RS-11.. ......... . RS-12.. ......... . RS-13..•......... May 3, 1934 May 15, 1934 May 22, 193-i 56 RS-IL ••........ Procedure for submitting statistical projects to FERA for approvaL................. RS-15.. .•........ Trend of urban reiieffrom March to April 1934............................................... . RS-16 •.•........ Continuance of Form 10-C, monthly report on relie!cases and applications, for May ........•. 1934, pending revision. RS-IL .......•.. Classification of projects acoording to field of activity ••.•••.......................•.........••• RS-18.. ......... . CW A advances through Mny31, 1934, by States ........................................ ·-··-· RS-IL •......... Trend of urban reiie!!rom April to May 1934 .................. ·-·········-·········· .........• RS-31..••........ Instructions for reporting of funds granted for cooperatives, the National .........• Reemployment Service, rural schools, Federal research projects, and the public May June June June 29,19M 8, 1934 12, 1934 20,193-i June 25, 1934 June 27, 1934 Trend of urban relief from July to August 1933 ...........................•.......••....•...••• Request for report on salaries of administrative personnel. ...................•................ Questionnaire on relief practices..................................................... 20 Plaos for census of persons on relief.................................................. 21 Trend of urban relief from August to September 1933 .........................................• Trend of urban relieffrom November to December 1933 ...........•..........•..•...........• Trend of urban relief from December 1933 to January 1934 .........•.........••.•...•...•...••• Cases receiving relief during November 1933 and numbtt trans(erred to Civil Worts ........•. projects, by cities. Federlll emert{ency relief grants through December 31, 1933 .•.•••••••••.•••.•.•...•.......•..•. Trend of urban relief from January to February 1934 ••.•...•.•••..••........................•• Trend of urban relieffrom February to March 1934 ..........•••••.•.••.......................• Request for preliminary report on number of resident cases receiving relief and obli• ~~c'Ji' f~~ i';i4~mployment relief from all public funds during April and .........• c:O~~~~~:~r~~~.!· RB-21.. .•.......• 10-c for June 1934 ........ ······························-······ ·········RS-:22.••..•....•• Separation or data for drought counties in weekly telegraphic report on ERA work .....•...• pr()Kfam. Do••••••• RS-23 •........•.. Instructions for N'lportlng drought relief operations .• ·-· .•••. -· ............................... . July 12, 1934 RS-24 .••......... Request for preliminary data on the operation of the rural rehabilitation program .•...........• July 13, 1934 RS-25 ••••.....•.. Continuance of Form 10-C for July 1934......... - ••••••••••.••.•......••..•.•................• July 12, 19M RB-211 .......•.... Trend of urban relief from May to June 1934. ······················-······ .•.•...•.•.........• July 23, 1934 RS-27 ........•... Importance of prompt submission of applications for monthly grants ...••.•. ·-···· .•••.•.....• Sept. 17, 193-i RS-27 Supp...•.. ReQuest for prompt submission ofapplicntions for October grants ••• -..•.•••.........•.••....• July 27, 1934 RS-28-. ....•.•... Instructions for adjustments on C\\ A financial report ..•••••.••...••...•.•.••................. 63 Aug. 3, 1934 RS-29.......•.... Reimbursement for State expenditures for cattle r.rot{ram... •.•••••••••.......•..... Aug. 7, 1934 RS-30 •...•.•••..• Instructions for monthly reporting or rural rehabilitation program ••••...•..•.•••.........•.... Aug. 15, 1934 RS-31.. ..•.•.•..• Trend of urban relier from June to July 1934 ............••.....•..........•.•••.............•.. Aug. lll, 1934 RS-32....•...•.•. Coopemtion between State offices and specie.I disbursing officers (CW A) ............ ......... . Aug. 23,1934 RS-33.•..•.•.•••. Instructions for reporting the colitll(e student aid program ................................... -· Do.. ••••• RB-M••.••••••••• Instructions for reporting of funds granted for centers for tminlng workers' education .....•••• _ teachers; institutes for training emergency education supervisors; institutes !or training nursery school super,·isors; resident schools and educational camps for unemployed women; social workers' training program; handling, processing, pasturing, etc., of cattle from drought areas; and mattress•making projects. Aug. 25,1934 RS-35 ••••••....•• Revision of Bulletin RS-20..•••....• ············-··-········-····-·················· ..••••.•.• Continuance of Form 10-C for August 1934....•••••••••••••••••• - ••••••••••••••..... ··-···· .•• RS-36 ..••.•...... Aug. 28, 1934 Sept. 15, 1934 RS-37 ..••........ Trend of urban relief from July to Aut{USt 1934 ••..••••.••.•..•.•••••••• ·-··········· ...•.....• Modification of instructions on reporting procedure and pay roll preparation cover• .•.••....• RB-38 ••••....•••. Oct. 12, 1934 Ing professional and nonmsnual employees on WQrk projects. Instructions on accounting for funds granted to the States and on ftnanclal reports.. tf1 R8-31L ••...•.... Oct. 13, 1934 Oct. 18, 1934 RS--40 .••••..•.... Trend of urban relief from Auimst to September 1934............•.•........•....••....•.....•. Instruction, for monthly reporting oD the emergency education and college student ..••••.•.• R8--4L •......... Nov. 2,193-i aid prOl{raWS. Do_..... RS--42••••.•...••• or Bulletin RS--U_ ......•....•....•.••.••.••.•.•••.•.••..•.....•.••••••.••...•. 1 RB-6 not available. Digitized by Google 103 Appendix A Serus RS-Research and Statistics-Continued Date Nov. ll, l!IM Nov. 14, 11134 Nov. 17, 1934 Nov. :M,1934 Dec. 8, 1934 Dea. 13,lllH J)o_ _____ Dec. 111,11134 Jan. 15,11135 Jan. 17, 11135 Jan. 25, 1113a J'eb. 7, 1935 Do_ •..•• Mar. :18, lll35 Apr. 15, 11135 l'eb. 14, 11135 Mar. 14,11135 Do•••..•. Apr. 11,11136 Do.-·--·· Apr. MaJ' May May 18, 11135 2. 11135 13, 1935 22, 11135 DO--·--· JUDII 21, 11135 J1111a 13, 1936 Jwie L\11135 Jone 211, 11135 Do_ ..••.• July 11,1935 Joly :M, 11135 Aug. H, 1ll35 Aug. U, 11135 Sept. Oct, Nov. Dec. 13, 11135 14, 1935 13, 1935 14,1935 8erlee aod no. Papno. In cbro- Subject noloff RS--43 ___________ _ Revision of FERA Manual Advance Bulletin No. 7aod changes In montblyreport• ······-··Ing on commodity distribution. RS-44.. __________ _ Trend of urban relief from September to October 11134.------·-·····-················ ······-··RB-44 Rev ______ _ RS--46 ___________ _ Revision of~-···········-·-·-···· .•.....•.•••• ·········--·· __ -····-···-·······RS-48__ _________ _ RIM1----·····-·· Request for special reports OD balances of FERA grants aod on Inventories of relief commodltie.,. RS48•••••• ·--··· Trend of urban relief from Ootober to November Ul34...- •• ---·····----·········-···· RIMI!•••. -•...•.. Instructions for monthly reporting of obligations Incurred In connection with the handling, care, and processing of cattle, sheep, and goats from drought areas. RB-liO•••..• -.•-·· Trend of urban relief from November to December 11134. --·········--·-············· RB-61 ••••••. _. __ _ Changes In FERA Manual Advance Bulletin No. 7, Revised_·········--········- .. RB-62·-····--·--· Change In Instructions RB--41 for reporti_DJ the emergency education program •• ·--·RB-53 .••••. -.--•· Request for suggestions OD proposed revision of Form 10-c ••• ·-····-············-··R8-S3A .•...... -- Tentative Instructions for revised Form 1~···················-·---·--·-·-------·-R8-63B ••.•.•• _.. Instructlons for reportinll monthly analysis of applications and cases nuder care on Form 240, superseding "li'orm l~R8-63C ••. ·-····- Modiftcatlon of weekly telegraphic report on changes In case load, and of Instructions In Manual Advance Bulletin No. ll, RB-M .••••...•• -- Trend of urban relief from December 11134 to January 11135.·------······-··-······-·RS-55..•••.•.•.•. Trend of urban relief from January to February 193S •• ------····-··-··--·····-····-RB-M•.••..•. -·•· Revt.ed Instructions for preparation of report on commodity distribution.. ••. -·•··-·RB--57.••• -•...•.. Trend of urban relief from February to March 1935 .• ·-·----·--··----·-···-··-···---RB-68...•........ ReQuest for special report of land aoqulred through March 31, 11135, In connection wltb rural rehabilitation program. RS-511 .•••..•..••• Revlslonofsu_pporting statements to applications forgranta and briefs llled therewith_ RIH!O-·····-····· Supplemental report on the rural rehabilitation program·-·-···········-·--···--·-·R~'---······-·· Trend of urban relief from March to April 1935----·--·-·-·----·-··-·······-··-·-·--R~2..•......... Request for special report on real estate aoqulred through May 31, 11135, ID connection with rural rehabUltatlon program. R~·-·········· Request for SUJ?plementary ftnanclal report on rural rehabilitation divisions and Rural Rehab1htation Corporations 88 of May 31, 1935. R~A-····----· Request for report RS-63, 88 of June 30, 11135; audit and verlftcatlon of Rural Rebabllitatlon Corporation records. R!HM.·-·-··-·-· Trends In urban relief from April to May 11135..• ·--···-·············-- ······-·-·--·· R~·······-···· Form 144A, Individual occupational classification record, mandatory supplement to Form 144. WHll-···-······- Reporting procedure for JulJ' 11135 and subsequent months under new Works Program. RB-MA .•... _.... Transmittal of Bulletin RB-M--··--··-··- __ ··-·--·-·-··-·--·-. ___ --· -··-······-·· -· R!Hi'_·-··-···•· Trend of urban relief from May to June 193S __ ····---·-----·----------··-·-··-···--· ruHIS.••• ·---···· Revt.ed deftnltlonsof "closed case", "case under care during the month", and "medlcal care." ruHIII .••.. _..•.•. Trend of urban relief from June to July 1935-•• ----·--··-·-·--·····-·--·-·-··------· RS-70••...•.••••. Instructions for reporting analysis of obligations Incurred for emergency relief from local public fnnds during the tlscal years ending June 30, 1934, and June 30, 11135, RS-7L.--·--·--- Trend of urban relieffrom July to August 1935. _----··--·---·--------------·-······RS-72...•.....•.. Trend of urban relief from August to September 193S-.• ·---·-----·----·--·--·-·-·-·RB-73._ ••........ Trend of urban relief from September to Oct-0ber 1935 .• ·-··------ -----·-------····-RS-7L •.... _.... Trend of urban relief from October to November 1935 _______________________________ ····-····· ~i:u~i= ~r=~:&~~~~~~:~~~:~~-~~~~.'~~::::::::::::::: ···-···-~~1111 ••••...••• ••• _. _•••• ·············-····· ······-··· •••••••••• --······-• ___ •••• _. __ ••••••• _ ----·--··-··--····· -·----·-·· -···-----· 78 -······-·- -·-·-·-·-- -·----·--· 79 81 81, 83 --·-··-··- 82 ___ ·-····-··-·-·-·· ·--······--·····--· 88 --·····-·· ---·---··· -·----···· --------·· Series S-Sajety [Additional oommnnlcatlons regarding safety may be found In other sarles) Date June 14, 11135 JWIII 211, 11135 Serles and no. Page no. In chronology Subject S-1. •• _··------ .. Responsibility of project supervison, for safety ol worken, ___ ... ---------------------- ----·--·-S-2 •• - ____ ....... Importance of safety precautions In transporting men In trucks ______ ---------------- -----··--· Digitized by Google Ohron<>logy of the Fed.tral, Emergency Relief Admini8tralion 104 Serus SH-Self-help Oooperativu [Additional communications regarding aelf•lwlp cooperatives may be round In other-iesJ SH-1. ....•...... SH-I Rev .•.•..•. SH-2 .•••.••••... SH-3 ..•••••..... SH-4 ••.•••••.... Do. •••••• SH-5 .•••..•••••. Aug. 1li, 1934 SH-3 ..••.•...... Sept. 8, 1034 SH-7 ..•......... Sept. 14, 1934 SH-,'! .••..••..... Sept. 21, 1034 SH-9 ..••••...... Nov. 3, 1034 SH-10 .......... . Jan. 111, 1935 SH-12 ••.••••.... Feb. 1, 1935 SH-13.••••.••••. June Dec. June Joly Aug. 11. 1034 17, 1034 11, 1034 10, 1934 11, 11134 Pagano. In chro- Subject Serles and no. 1 noJocy Manual or RulM and PollelM....................................................... 158 Revision or Manual or Rules and Policies ...••...••..•..........•....•.........•.•...•.•.•.••• Request for Information on activities .•.•..••.•....••.•...•.•.•••••••••..•.••••.•.•.........•.• Relf•help nae ofsurplus commodities................................................. 112 Request to cooperath·es for information to be published In Cooperative Self-help •••..•...•.••• Requei,t to the !lERA's for Information to be published In Cooperative Self•belp .•••...•..•.•• O!Ier oraewlng machines from the FERA ....•.....•.........•••••••••••..••••••.••........••• Transfer or unused CC'O camps ................•.............•••••••••.....••..•.•...........• Revolvlng fund for small cash grants ......................................................... . Pur~hase or commodities from cooperatives for transient centers ..•............••.•...•.•...•.• Bulletin of general information ............................................................... . Manual of Accounting Procedure................................................... 72 Citation or ruling on Federal gasoline tax ....••.•..••••.••••••••••.••.•.••••••••••••• ········-- t SH-11 was canceled before It was released. Series T-Transient [Additional communication regarding transient activities may be round In other aeries) Date Serles and no. 1 Oct. 19, 1933 Oct. 21, 1933 Nov. 2, 1933 Nov. 9, 1933 Nov. 2t, 1933 Nov. 27, 1933 Dec. ~.1933 Dec. 1, 1933 Feb. 19, 1934 Dec. 1, 11133 Do ••••••• Do ••.•••. Do •••••.• T-1. •••.....•••.. T-2 ••••...•.•.... T-3 .••••..•..••.. T-4 ............. . T-5 .•••••.•.•..•. T-6 .••••..•...••. T-7 .•.....•.•.•.. T-,11 ............. . T-,'I Supp..•..... T-9 ....•..••..... T-10 .•........... T-11. •••••....... T-12...•.•••...•. Do....... T-12 Enc •••••••. Dec 11, 11133 T-13 ...•••.•••••. Dec. 16, 11133 T-lL .••.•.•.•.. Dec. 22, 1933 T-15 .••••••••••.. Jan. 6, 1934 T-lG .•••••••••••. Do .•••••• T-17••••••••••••. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. J&n. Jan. 11, 1934 S. 1934 10, 1934 11, 1934 23, 1934 17, 11134 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 26. 1034 Do •••...• 18, 1934 19, 1934 30, 1034 Do .•••••• Do ....... Feb. 10, 1934 Feb. 13, 1934 Mar. 9, 1934 Mar. 19, 1034 Do .•..... Mar. 23, 1034 Do .••.... Mar. 29. 1934 Apr. 8, 1934 t T-2G was T-18 ....•••••.... T-10 ..•.•••••••.. T-20 .••••••••••.. T-21. .....•••••.• T-21 Supp .•••.•. T-22 .••••••••••.• T-23 ..•..•.••..•. T-24 ....••••.•... T-25 .•••••••••••. T-27 .••••••...... T-28 ....••••••... T-29 .•••••••••••. T-30 .••••••••..•. T-31. •••••••.••.. T-32 .••••••.••••. T-33 ...•...•••••. T-34 ...•...••••.. T-35 .••...••••... T-35 ..•.•••••••.. T-37 .••.••••••••. T-38 .•••••••••••• T-39 ••••••••••••. not released. Page no. In chronokc7 Subject Request for reports on personnel. ....•.•••••••.•.•••.•.•••••.•.•.....•....••••.•.•...•...••••• Needs for surplus commodities ..••••••.•••••.•••.•..••••••••••.•..•.....••••••.......•••.•...• Balf·rate railroad transportation.................................................... 21 Request for Information for Directory or Transient Bureaus and Camps..••••••.....••.•..••.• Request for report.• on transient activities ..........•...........•••••••.•••...••.••..••....••.• Cooperation with National Association or Travelers Aid Societies ..•••.......•••........•••••• Clothing and equipment for centers and camps ............................................... . Oovernment telegraphic rata ................................................................ . Collect telegrams ............................................................................. . Acd,lent prevention and insurance ...........•.................•....•.••.•••.•......•••••••••• Ineligibility or transient veterans for PW A or CW A employment................... M Orders for surplus commoditie11 .....••.•••.......•...........••••.•••••••.••..•..••..•••••••••• Railroad action a!Iectlng transiency................................................. H Notice or railroad restrictions to be posted .....•..................•...•.•.........•....••••.••• Federal ClvU Works projects for construction and repair or buildings for transients ..••.••••••• Cooperation with Veterans' Administration .•••••.•.....••••••••••.•..••••••.•••••.. ·········Red Cross-vice available for veterans ....•..•••.•..••..•••••..••....••••••..••.••. ········-Request for reports on Civil Works projects for repair and construction or transient ·········shelters. Printing or forms .....•••••••••.•...•••........ ·····-···················-· .•••••••••.••••.•..• Reporting of interstate and Intrastate transients ..............••.............••.•...•.•......•• Agreement with Protective Section of the Americab Railway Association ...••.•.•...•....•••• Appointment or FERA Assistant Director or Transient Activities ................... ·········Request for reports or financial and other data ................................................ . Instructions on reports requested In T-21. .................................................... . Delay In shipment of report forms ........•.••••• -•••••••••••••....••.•...•••••••.•...•....•••• Filing of affidavits for surplus commodities.........................•...•....••...... ·········Production or bedding and clothing by Women's Division or CW A................. 41 Cooperation with American Library Association •••••..•.•••.••......•••••••........ ·····-··-Reduced telephone rates ..................................................................... . 42 Verification or legal settlement and return or transients.............................. Arrangements with railroads through Federal Transient Division ................... ········-Caution with respect to commitments for expenditures ....................................... . i~~~i;:,i!ra' c'ifv~ti:S~:::::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::::: :: :::: :: ::::: ::: Request for budget estimates and reports on operation •.•.••••••..••••.....•....•.•. ········-Request for list or CW A and CWS employees in transient divisions .•••.......••.••• ········-Inquiry on types of positions filled by transients and cash allowances .••....•••.••••..•..••.••• Gardens for transients ........................................................................ . I~1~~'ro1'p~lng tax .................•••.......•......••••••..........••••...•..••..••••• : Cooperation with police and magi.strata In vagrancy or trespassing cases ••••.••••••• --······-- Digitized by Google 105 Appendix A Series T-Transunt-Continued Data Apr. 4,11134 Apr. :X,, 1934 Apr. 23, 1934 Apr. 30, 1934 May 4,1~ May 18, 1113-1 May 21,lfl:14 Jane a, 1934 June 111, 1934 Do...... . lane 28, 1934 Jane 30, 1934 Do •...... July 6, 1934< Do...... . Dec. 13, 1934 July JI, 1934 July 23, 1934 July 211,1934< Aug. 2, 1934 Aug. 10, 1934< Do .•...• Sept. 10, 1934< Sept. 18, 1934< Sept. 'ZT, 1934< Sept. 12, 111:H Do .••..• Do •••... Sept. H, 1934 Sept. 17, 1934 Dec. 1, 1934 1an. 18, llm Jan. 29,llm llerieeand DO. T-40 ......•••.•.• T-41- ..••.•..•••. T-42 •....••••••.. T-43 ......••.••.. T-44 •....•••..... T-45 •••......••.. T-411 ......•••.•.• T--47 ...•.••..•... T~ .......•.••.. T--49 ....•....•••. T-.50 ......•....•. T--61- •••..•..•••. T--62 ....•....•••• Page no. In chronology Subject Transfer or Oovemment property ........... _.........................•••.•....•..•• .....•.••• Fire protection, accident prevention, and ll&llltation......... •• .. •. . . •• . . ••••.. .. . . . . M Use or CCC camps ••....•.....••.•••.••.........••••••.•...•...••.........••....•••..•...•...• Attandanoe at National Conferenoe of Social Work .•...............•......••.............•...• Request for financial and statizltical reports and budget estimates .................... ......... . Mandatory nature of health and safety regulations •.........•.•.•••.•..•.•..••..........•••..• Request for inventory equipment. ••..•.•.................••......•••.•.••••....•.......••••.• The Transient Program, review b:, the Federal Director .................••.....•.......•••..• Jtequest for information for Directory of Transient Bureaus 11.Dd Campe..••.•...... _ ...... • Reduction of budget and program adjuatmenta...... .. • . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .• •• . . .• . . . .. . • · 68Publlshlng of transient oenter newspapers ...............•...........•••..............•.•...•.. Approval of regional conferences by Washington Office.............................. GI Exercise of voting prlvileJ! by transients ..•.....•••..................•......•...... _ GI T--63 •..••..••.... T--64 .......•..... ~rd~~!:~r~.~f···~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ········ei T--64 Supp •.••.•• Modification of T--64. .•........ .•....•.••.••••••••••••.•.. ..•. .. ........... .•. .••. .. _,.. T--65 ....•......•• Supply or financial and statistical forms .....................................•....•.. -········T--66 '············ Request for summary report of transient activities ....•...........••....•....••••.....•..•••.•• T--66 '············ Revision of form and instructions for monthly operations report ...........••.•..•........•..•• T-57 •..•....•.•.. Correction or Instructions for monthly operations report ..........................••.........•• T--68 .•••.•••.•••• Letter transmlttln1 Directory of Transient Bureaus and Camps, with request for ......•.•• changes and additions. T--69........... .. Enrollment or veterans In CCC •.•.....•......•.•.•...........••.....•....••....••...•.....•.• +:::l·supr::::::: inJ:1W1~~n:fJ!:t~~~~.~~.'~~.~~.~~·.~~~.~~~~~~:::: :::::::::: T-00 Supp. 2••........ do .••......•••...•••.....•••••.....••••...•..........•.......•.....••••.•...............•• T~L............ Revision of 110Cial-reoord forms .•••.••.•..•...•••....•......•...............••...•..... ·······T~lA. .....••... Instructions for filling face shoot •.•....••.••...•.•••......•.....•......•••...................•• T~!B........... Instructions for filling registration card ••......•.••••••....••...........•.............•......•• T~2............. Use of handbook of National Association for Travelen Aid and Transient Service .....•..•..•• T-Q............. Instructions for relief-order forms ............••.•......................................•..•••.• T~............. Letter transmitting editing Instructions, Study or Transient Service Bureau Cases.....•......•• T--M •...•••....•. Check on questionnaires to transients provided with transportation •.•...........•...•....•••• T-00......... .••. Supply of report forms •••..•••••••..••....•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••........•.••........•...• Apr. 3,llm T~7 .••.•........ Request for sample cash allowance pay roll .........•........••.•.............•........••....•• Do...... . T~.. .••........ Request for Information for new Directory of Transient Bureaus and Camps .•.........•..••.• lane 7, 1936 T~9.. ........... Request for survey or transient activities, with summary . .ts •.•.........•..........••...•.• Jane JO, 1936 T~ Supp .....•. Correction oflnstructlons ror survey summary sheets ••••••••••.•.•..........•.•........•.••.•• Sept. 28, 1936 T-70 •.•......•••. Transient camp work projects under WPA ••••..........••........•.••..•.•..•.•..•. ·········- Mlmeo. 2852. I I Mlmeo. 2UOI. Series W-Women's Work [Additional communications regarding women's work may be found In other aeries) Date Nov. 14, 1933 Nov. 29, 1933 Dec. 1,1933 Do....... Do....... nee. 6, 1933 Dec. 13, 1933 Dec. 111, 1933 Dec. 16, 1933 Dec. 21, 1933 Dec. 22, 11133 Dec. 211, 1933 Jan. 4, 111:H Jan. Jan. 8, 1934 9, 1934 Serles and no. Page no. ID chronology Subject 'ZT U W-2 .••...•...... Employment or women on Federal CivU Works projects............................ W-3 •••....•.•... List of work prolecta for women ...................•.•......•••.......•...•••.........•.....••• W--4 •••••.•.•.... Poat omce employment during Christmas 8"ason .•......... _...........•...............•..•.• W--6 ••••....•.... Number of women employed on Civil Works and Civil Works Service projects, by .......••• States. w~ ....•........ Rulings affectln& emplo)'llleDt of women on Civil Worn and Civil Worn Service 36 projects. W-7 .••••••••.••• suaested projects, working prooeduree, and reqnest for regular reportfn111 ..••.•••...........•.• W-8 .•••••••.•••. Opportunities for employment of women on Federal ClvU Works projects ..••.••.•....•...••.. W-9 .••••......•.. Suaestlons for employment or women on Civil Works projects.•••.•••...........•......•....• W-10 •••...•..... Urging placement of women on Civil Works projects ..•..••.........••••••.•.•••.•.....•.....• W-ll •••..•...••. RequCllt for lists of Civil Works projects; suggestions from Alabama .••••.•.•..••.....•.......• W-12 ••••••...••• Request for Information on State programs ...........•..•••••.........•....•...........•...... W-13 ••••........ Request for names or employees or Women's Division; notice or child health study •.•......•.• W-14 •••••.•••..• List of research and statistical projects under Federal supervlaion •••••••....••.•....••.......• W-16 ••••.•••.••• Project of Alabama Department of Archives and HistorJ'••••••••••.•••.•••••••.•...•••.•••.••• W-1. ••••.•...•.. Development and OJ)('ratlon of prolUIUD············ _.. .......•...•..........••.•.... 128019",-.37-8 Digitized by Google 106 Chronology of till Federal Emergmcy Reli6J Administration Serus W-Women's Work-Continued Papno. In chro- Serles and no.• Date noloo' Jan. II, 11134 W-111 •••.••••.•.. Placement of women on safety projects .............................................. ......... . Do....... W-17 •••.••.•.... Opportunitlesforemployment ohromen on education projects; inquiry on reporting .• ••.•••.••• Jan. 11, 11134 W-18 •••..•...•.. Oppo~unitles for employment of women on sanitation su"ey of Public Health ••••••.••• 8eITIC8. Jan. 30, 1934 Do •••.... Do •••.... Apr. 18, 1934 Feb. 17, 1934 Feb. 28, 1934 Mar. 23, 1934 Mar. 13, 1934 W-111 .••..•...... Request for State plans of organization .•....•••••••••••....••..••••.•...•.•...........••.••••• W-:Kl .••.•..•.... Form for reporting State organization pl8D8 .•.•.•.•.•••.....•••.•...•••.•...........•...•.•••• W-21 ••••.•••••.. Request for reports on number of projecta1 by type •.•••••..••••••••.•.•.•.......••..•.•....••• W-22 ........... . W-23 ........... . W-24 ........... . W-25 ..•..•..••.. W-26 .. ......... . Jan. Ill, 1935 Form for reporting numberof proJects ana workers ....•.•••••.•••.••••..•..............••..•.. Letter transmi ttlng W-22 ..•••••••••••..•••....•••...•..••.••.•••••••••.•....•.•.•....•..•.••• Request for complete reporting ••.•..••••.••...••••.....••••••••••••••••.•..••..•••••••...••••• Request for information on camps for girls and women .••••...•...•••.•........•••••.•..•.•••• Demobilization of CWA and pi8D8 for women under the new work•rellef program: •••••••••• South Dakota. W-'¥1 ........... . Request for Information on nursing services ••••••••••.•••.....••.••.•.•.•...••••..•.......•.•• 0 W-28 ........... . uiiem." ......•. 61 W-:111 ........... . ployed women. W-30 ........... . Request for exhibit material .••••.•••••....•••..•.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..........•••• W-31 •...••..••.• Attendance at National Conference of Social Work .••••••••••••••..•.•.••••••..•..•.....•.•••• W-32 ••.......... Reminder of requests for complete reporting •••.......•......•.......•..••••..........•.••••..• till W-33 •••.••••.••• Desirability of continuing positions of State Directors under new program........... 68 W-34 ..••••...... Renovation of rural school houses and yards......................................... W-35 ........... . for Information on canning plants .••.••••••.••••.•.•.•....••.•.............•.•.•.•••• W-36 ..•......... Additional instructions on mattress making .•.•••••••.•.•••.••.•..•.••••.......•....•.....•.•. W-37 ........... . Sample of froperly filled project application form •••••••..•.•••.•..••••..............••...•••• W-37-L ......... . Semlmont ly project reports .......•............•••.•..•....••........•.•...............•.•.•• W-38 ........... . Request for weekly reports, with particular reference to drought areas............... ......... . W-39 ..•.....••.. Production and laundering of equipment for canning centers ..•.•••••••••..........•.....••••• W-40 .....•...•.. Classification or records or women certified for work project., ......••.•••.•...••..........•••••• 80 W41. ..•........ Distribution to States of raw cotton for mattresses and bedding..................... W42 ...•.••••... Women's uniforms for use In canning projects .....••.••...•.••...•...•.••••••.........•••••.•• W-43 .......•.... Spedflcatlons for ••.•.•.•••...............••.................•.•.•••..........•.•.•• W44 ........... . Projects for making soap ..........••...•..........•.•••••.•.•••••......•...••...............•• W44A .......... . Working procedure for making soap by machine •••••••.•.•.•••.•••....•.•••••.......•••..•.•• W44B .......... . Working procedure for making soap by hand ..•...•••••••••••••••••........•.•..............•• W44C •..•....... Leaflet: Borne-made Soap...•.••......•..•.......••••••••.•••••••....•...•.••.........•....••• 62 W45 •..•.•••.•.. Mattre.'lll•making project, with request for weekly pr(lf(ress reports................... 62 W46 .....•••••.. Workrooms and equipment for mattress•maklng project.,............................ 62 W47 ..........•. State requisitions for ticking and cotton to include amounts for sel!•helpcooperatlves.. 62 W48 .••..•.••••• Inspection of mattress workrooms and mattresses................................... W49 ......•..... Dutch_ers' aprons and coats for use In beef-canning projoots •••••••.•...•....•.•..........•..•.. W-liO. ••••·•••••· Quostwn and answer manual for mattress-making projects •••••••••.••.........•..........••.• W-liOL •••••••.•.. Letter transmitting W-50 ........•••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••..•........•..........•..• W--51. •••••••••.. Instructions for reporting projects ...••.•••••••••••••••..•••••••••.•..........................• W--52 •.•.•••••••. Surplus property avoliable for distribution •.••••••••••••••••••..••...........•...•........•..• W--53. ·•··•······ Request for Information on recreation projects•••••••••.•.••••••••••..........•..•.......•••••. W--53 Supp ..•..• Reminder of request in W--53 ....................•...•.••......•.....•..•................•••... W--M,54A ...•••• Sample application for mattress-making project, with covering letter ••....................••.• W--55 ....•••••••• Cancelation of request In W-40....•••..•..•......•..•••••••••••••••••...•••.......•.........•• W-66 •...•••••••• Destruction of insanitary mattresses apd comforters ..•........••••••.•.•..•..•............... W-57 ....••.•.... Cooperation with Directors or Surplus Commodity Distribution •••••••...•.•.....•.........•. W--58 •••.••...... Assistance of home economists .............••••••••••••••••.••••••..•.....•.•••.•.....•.•..••• W-59 ..••••.•.•.. Requisitions for final allotments of ticking ........•....•••.•••••••......•....•....•••........•• W-60 •..•.....•.. Discontinuance or semimonthly project reports •.....•......••••••....•..•...............•....• W~L .......•••. Assignment of emergency education teachers to work projects .•.•.••..•.....••.••.•...•.•.•••• Jan. 24, 1935 W~2 .••••••••••• May :Kl, 1935 w~ ........... . Apr. 6, 11134 Apr. 8, 1934 Apr. 11, 1934 Apr. 30, 1934 Apr. 25, 1934 Apr. Zl, 1934 May 14, 1934 June 16, 1934 June 15, 1934 June 16, I 934 June 8, 1934 June 21, 1934 Do ..••... Do •••.... JUDe 26, 1934 June 211, 1934 June 30, 1934 July 2, 1934 July 6, 1934 Do •••••.. Do •.••.•. Do...•... Do•...... Do ...... . July 6, 1934 Do....•.. July II, 1934 Aug. 1, 1934 Do...... . Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. Aug. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. 2, 1934 8. 1934 10, 1934 7, 1934 10, 1934 13, 1934 16, 1934 26, 1934 13, 1934 28, 1934 10, 1934 ~8i;\1t:"li~~\:~~°:! Ja:::!ak c=.i1:::·oamps aiici ·resident ·scliooii ior· ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: !~~~~. ~~~~~=: Mar. 6, 1935 w~ ........... . Mar. 8, Hl3.~ W-M .....•..••.. Emergency homemaking projects ......••........••••••••••••..•..•...................•••••.•• June 10, 1935 1 No ~i~r;ttt~~~,v:;,~~~I~~ Appraisal and development of recreation projects .................................... ......••.. W~7 •••.....••.. Projects for training household workers ...•...•...................................... .......... communication was lasued under the number W-66. Digitized by Google Appeooi,x A ~ 107 WD--Work Division [Additional oommunlcatlons nprdlng the Work Division may be found In other -'el) Date Seri.sandno.1 Mar. 8, 111114 WD-L •••••••••. WD-2 •••••••..•• WD-3 •••••••.••. WD-4 •.....•.•.. WD-4Rev ••..•. Mar. 15, 111:H Mar.?ll,11134 Apr. 20, 11134 May 2, 11135 May 22, 1Q34 June 211, 111114 Page Bubleel no. In chronology WD-6 ..•........ Btatement of polic:,•••• ········-·----··--·-····-·--·-·-·-----······---·-·····---·-·411 Deflnltlon of urban and industrial lll'NS lnoluded In program--·-··-··-·-···-------·- --··-····· Outline ofpro)ecta by field ofactlvlt:, ••• -·-··-·-··-·-·---·············---··--··--··IIO Instructions for aubmittlng plaDI for statistical and survey fc:ljects to FERA .. _.... M ~'1!:o~=:1~~-~~-~~~~~.~~~~-~~::::::::::::: ···----·~ cal advloe on projects tor Insect pest control ••••• --········-··-·-·-···-·••·•·- ··-·····-· WD-4 ••••..•..•. T Do••••••• WD-7 •••••.•..•. Revised ruling on hours of worlt.. ••••••••••••••••.••• ---······-·-··--··-····-··--···· Jal:, 7, 1Q34 Joly 2, 1934 July 11, 11134 Do.....•. Jal7 21, 1934 Do.•..••. July 33, 11134 Aug. 2, 11134 Do •••• _. Do.....•• Ang. Sept. Sept. .Sept. Oct. 7, 1934 15, 11134 18, 11134 28, 1934 8, 11134 o«. 22, 11134 0ct. 13, 11134 Nov. 1, 1113' o«. 26, 11134 Nov. e, 1934 Nov. 13, 1934 Dec. 14, 11134 Apr. 18, 11136 May 3, 11136 May 11, 11136 Ma:, 23, 1935 May 27, 11136 June 6, 11136 June 1,11136 June 10, 11136 Jal:, 24, 11136 June 26, 11136 Jal:, 16, 11136 Aug. 3,11136 Oct. 18, 11136 I IIO WD-8 •••••••.•.. Dlspoea] of exceas materlaJa_ •• ·······--·-··-·······-···-········ ·•-··•·· -·· ·- -·- ··-. -·-··-···· WD-11 ••••••••••• Instructions for procedure on prof811111onal proJ:ts·-··················•······-······· 81 WD-10 ..•.....•. State and local responsibility for lnJured emp o:,-··-············-·-··--··-···-····112 WD-11 .••....... Use of work-relief labor to Improve relief o111.oe facllitlea ••••••• ····--··· .. ···-·······82 WD-12 ......... . Announcement of monthly bulletin on Work Division activltlea ..•....... __ -········ .- ····-··· WD-12A •...•.... Letter to Regional Engineers on monthly bulletlu.................... -.. •-··-···-·-· ·•--···-·WD-13 ..••.•.... Tanutng of hides and production ofleatber goods .......... ··-·-·····-·········-···-· 02 OS WD-H ••••..•.• - Development of projects to supply feed for drougbt•relief cattle•..• ___ •.•••••..•. _... WD-16 •••.•••... WD-18 .•.•....• - !~~=~~~!=::~iciiiai"aiuiiioiimaiiiiai WD-17 ••......•• POl!Slbllity of work projects to construct trench silos•.•••••.•.•...•...•. -...•. -...... M WD-18 •••...••.. Cotton for comforter lllllngs __ ····-·--·-·············-·······-·········-···-·-·-·· ··- -········· WD-19-·····-··· Construction of templets for alrmarll:lng••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• --··-··· -·······-· WD-20 ••• ·--···· :; WD-21 ••••••.••• i:U1.f1~~~~~~ ror~fo'!rcl.:\8ricai10ii·me.·iii<iei;aiici.uiliiimeiii. of workers. WD-22 •••• ·--··- Importance of complying with health and sanitation laws ..•.••••••.••.•••••••.•.. -..•.•••.••• 01 WD-ZI-·-·--•··· Moving and relocation of relief families In collJIIICtlou with slum clearance .•.••.••• _. WD-24·····-···· Iutrepretatlon of reporting instructions with respect to prof811111onal and nolllllllllual ...•.•.•.• workers. 01 WD-25 •••••.•••. Natlon•wlde research projects of the FERA Division of a-ch, Statistics, and Finance. WD-26 .•• ·--···· Professional and nolllllllllual projects for part-time college students.···········-··- .•. ·-···-·-· WD-27 .•••..•.•• Disposition offunda from wreclclng contractors' bids ••••••••••••.•..••••••••.• _..... _. _. _. _•.• WD-28 ••.•..••.• Purchase and distribution of dried sil:lm mllil:.• ·-································-·· __ --······· WD-211-··-··--·· Functions of Btate work divisions .•..••. ··-·············-········--···········-···-. _..•.•.••• WD-30 •••.••.••• Designation of SERA staff member to direct public service projects •••••. ·-····-··-· 77 WD-31. •.•••• _•• Development of summer recreation projects •. ·········-···········-·············••·80 WD-32 ....••.... Requestfor survey of public servloe projects In operation Ma:, 11 11136..... .• .. . . .• .. 81 WD-32 Bupp •... Reports from coordinators ofstatlstical projects In connection with aurveJ.·-··•··•-- ...•..•••• WD-32 Supp. L ClassUlcatlon of workers by sex .............................. -.......... ··········- __ ····-····· WD-33 •••• ·-···· Appointment of FERA Director and Assistant Director for Professional and Service ····-·-··· Projects. WD-34 ••••••.. -. Summary of data, FERA rural electrlflcatlon aurve:,, with form and Instructions •••...•.•...• WD-34A.- ••••••• Closing of FERA ruralelectrltlcationsurve:, and transfer of data to Rural ElecUUlca- -········· tlon Admlnlstratlon. WD-36- .•.•..•.. Dispoea] of Federal surplus property Including camps vacated b:, OCC .•••.•.•.•... ··-·-····· WD-36 ...•...... Request for reports on March case loads In connection with ocoupational Inventor:,_. 86 W~---·-··-·· Photographic records of relief projects.················-·-·-···················-·-- .... ··-····• Wl)..;)11 ....•••... Request for Information on relief gardenlu& and canning activities................... 88 woii.m::::: WD-37 was Issued b:, the WPA as WP-7. Digitized by Google : 108 Chronology of ~ Fedn-al, EfM1'f/fflC'// Relief Administration FERA Rulu and Regulation& Pageno. In chroDOl0e7 Snb)eot Date No. June 23, 11133 July 1, 11133 July 11,11183 3 ••••••••••••••.•• 1 ••••••••••••···· Rules governing upendlturm of Federal emergency relJef funds ........•.•••.•••.•.. Supplement to Rules and RcCtlons No. 1 and rules governing adequacy of relief, Investigation and servloe, rellef, work relief, relief to translen&a, and self•help II II July 21, 11183 4••••••••••••••••• Conditions of emplo1'1J191lt on work-relief r.roJecta ..•••••••••.•••••••••.•......••.••• 12 1a 2•••••••••••••••.• Additional rules governing expenditures of Federal emergency relleffnnds .•.•••..... and barter. Do. ••••.. 5•••.•••.•••..•... Employment of personnel on admlnlstrat ve pay roll under the Federal Emerpncy Ang. 11, 11183 Sept. 10,UIGl3 Nov. II, 11133 Relief Act or 1933. &••••••••••••••••• Purchase of supplies In compliance with NRA oodes or provisions of the President's Reemployment Agreement. 7.••••.•••••...... Medical care provided In the home to recipients of unemployment relief..•..•....... 8••••••••••••••••. Organization and operation of transient service bureaus .•.•••.••••••.••..•••.•.•••.• 6 16 17 25 FERA Manual Advance Bulletins Date No. Paceno. Subject In chrono!Off Mar. llO, 1934 1....... ........ .. Emergency Relief Administration pay•roll procedure................................ Mar. 22, 1g34 2................. Purchasing and voucher procedure.................................................. Mar. 26, 11134 3....... .•.•.•.•.. Grants and disbursements of ERA funds............................................ 51 51 r:.-~ ~= L:::::::::::::: ::!J:.i:i~~·toviiii.i:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........~~ !E. ~ !5 li;;::::::::::::.i~r;~r:.m=t~!:!~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ········:1 Apr. 23, 11134 Apr. '¥1, 11134 52 8.••...•.........• Applications for FERA grants. (Superseded by RS-W, April 18, 111311)_ .•...•.•......•.••••.. Q••••••••••••••••• Reports to the FERA •••.....•.•••••••••.•••••............••••••••••••.•..••...•..•...•.••••.. Digitized by Google APPENDIX B List of Working Prowluru for FERA Work ProjeclB ..... (1-ued In Work Dlvlllon Bulletins, 8slel WDO, from Mardi 21, 19114, to July 22, 1986) 1rJ>O WDO Bulletin Title Uld oocle A. PlumlDc JIIQlects: ~:r..: 17 • boaalng .......,,._ Al. 1. and eetfmaUnl of repair of boulN and balldmplnlleaofrent. Al. 2. ~andPlannlDsllffprojectl. Al. a. 1-CiaalllrV9)'andplllllnlnc forrunldlltrlbutlon JID& Al. 4. PJannlns of C!Ollm1ledon for 111W pubUo IChoolbaala AL 6. Pllmnlns of addltlom and alta'atlona for public IClhoolliomm. Al. II. PJum1nc of npalra for public 11Choolboll8M. Al. 7. Low«-thoulng: Pnparatlonofplam. Al. a. 'II 'II • • • II II • 18 • 11 • 'II 1,18 2 rt,rtA II • • • :Iii ...• 111 I It 111 27 2 4 21 • Low-emt bomlnc: Prellmlnarlelt-l'nlBpec,tu. Al. 9. Sarvq for loaa&loll of peat and mack _ , _ _ Al. 10. B. Pabllo property pro)eota: CoDltructlon of ooncrete roads. Bl. 1. ComtruotloaofcemenUldewalb. Bl. 2. ComtruaU01uand~yroads. Bl. a. Conmuetlon p-avelroads. Bl. 4. Comlnlctlon brlcll: pavement&. Bl. 6. NewcomtruoUonofm-1amroads. Bl. II. Consuuotlcmofoonereteourbl. Bl. 7. COllltruotloD of stone ourblnc. Bl. a. Bubblutcme 111tter. Bl. II. Construction ofooncnte gutter. Bl. 10. Btnetnamelllps. B2. 1. Conltructlon of addltlonll 1111d alterations for pubHollCboolbouse8. B3. 1. Construction of new echool balldlnp, their oompletlon, Inspection, and aoceptance. B3. 2. New constractlon of State and city oftlce balldlnp. B3. a. Bemodellng and reconditioning buildlnp for emsgency unnery schools. B4. 1. Construction of equipment, tnralture, and play material for emergency D ~ sehoola. B4. 2. Bcbool cbalra. B4. a. Bepaln for public sehoolhousm. B4. 4. l'lllng cabinet for oocapatloaal clua111catlon record cards. B4. 6. Constractlon ohanltary 'lll'lvy. B7. 1. Dll1rlbatlonlln•forruiafelectrlllcatlon. BIi. 1. Rural paeratlng lltatlona. BIi. 2. Pole and cnJIIHrlll procurement and treating proJeeta for rural electrtllcatlon. BIi. 8. Tourist park. Bll. 1. dams for public swimming poola Otl~ AJr marking for elnraJB. B 15. l . 'l.'ransplantlngtrem,abrabe,parkwaJS. Bl6. 2. Bnlalon control. Bl&. a. Oom1ractloa flab bateberlel, IIIJfflcll balldlns, and ponds. BIS. 1. Plantlilg o f ~ and clams. Bl&. 2. Bat control. B17. 1. Screw worm control. Bl8. 1. Pleld mdentcontrol. BIS. 2. Predatory an.lmal control. BIS. a. Prutootion of bidel, llklna, or pelta from h111111fal llllecta. B 18. 4. Jack rabbit control. Bl8. 6. Controlofbrown-tallandglpsymoth. Bl8. II. Bae-' control. BIii. 1. Bllllter rm& control. B Ill. 2. Dateb elm~- BIii. 8. A=:n~ worklns . . - i - on road con- 16,38 16,38 27,38 27.38 27,38 211,38 118,38 2,11,88 2, II, 18 27,38 14,111 14,38 2, 18, 88 8, 1M, 88 4,88 4,88 4,88 4, 1M, 88 6, lM,88 5, 2t,38 6, 28, 38 6, 28, 38 6, 28, 38 6, 28, 38 6, 28,88 6, 28, 38 a,-,38 6, 28, 38 6, 28, 38 &,:N,88 a. :N, 88 a. 28, 38 a. 24,38 a. 28,38 a. 28, 38 6,24,38 &,28,18 8,88 18,38 21,38 Title and code o. Pro~g:vlde bomlns: and repair of h0118M In Ilea of rent. 01. 1. Impeetlon and mielr of farnacee In h - by relief famlllel. 01. 2. Adobe or IUD dried brick. 02. 1. Rammed earth wall oonltraotlon of farmbomN and balldlnp. 02. 2. Low-east bomdng: a - I oomtraotlon. C2. 8. Oollltructlon of low-emt ~ oonstructlon. c2. 4. Brick wall oomtraotlon. 01. 6. Demolition. C4. 1. Demolition. 04. 2. l!eptlc tank. 06. 1. Location, ll'IJl'ftY, 1111d PlrlOIIDll for opaatlon ol dormitory qllllrt88 for oommtmlt)' -lien. 06. 2. Oonatructlon of Ice ho~- cs. a. D. Pmdootlon and distribution or goods needed by the unemployed: Sewing room for dremmaklng. DI. 1. Hand weavlnc of woolen fabric for IIIIIUnp. DI. 2. Tanning bid• by hand. DI. 3. Machine-operated worlmhop ror tannins heavy hld1111. DI. 4. w orlmhop ror tanning calfBldns and klpu!ns. DI. 6. Making leather prmenta and - . . DI. a. Making men'■ and boJB' lllllta and ovarcoata. DI. 7. Workroom for maklna:women'sooats. DI. a. . Makins women's bfo11- and glrla' middy blooses. DI. II. Worlr:room for making women's skirts. Dl. 10. Workroom for men'■ and boys' cotton work pants. DI. JI. Worlcroom for making men's and boJB' llhlrta. DI. 12. W orlcroom for making men's and bon' sho.. DI. 13. Workroom for making WlllllllD's and mi..• shoes. DI. 14. Workroom for making children's and Infants' sboe11. DJ. 15. Workroom for convertlnK raw cotton Into flnlshed knitting yarn. DI. 111. Workroom for converting cotton yarn Into knit fabrics. DI. 17. WorJcroomforconvertlngrawwool Into 1lnlsbed knitting JVII. DI. 18. WorJcroomforconvertlnc flnfsbed woolm nm Into knit fabrics. DI. 111. Worlcroom with automatic power looma for weavhut cotton fabrics. DI. 31. Workroom with noDB1Jtomatfo power looms for weaving woolen fabrics. DI. 21. Worlcroom for makln« rayon and cotton underwear. DI. 22. Worlr:room for making knit IIDderwear. DI. 23. Sweaters, batbln& salts, and other knit goods. DI. 24. Workroom for making men'■ and women'■ lelt hats. DI. 26. 8ewlnll room for making overalls. DI. 211. Procedure for 98lvMIDI: sheep pelts. DI. 27. Routine Inspection-of leather pnnenta d111'1111 ~ Dl. 28. 109 Digitized by Google Ohrondogy of the Ft.deral. Emerge,u;y Relief A.dminiatration 110 List of Working Proudurufor FERA Work Projed8-Continued WDO Bulletin 23,38 :H,38,88 :H,88 :H,88 28,88 211, 88 211, 38 84,38 84,38 84,38 2, 18, 38 2, 18, 38 a, 18, 38 11,22, 38 8,38 11,88 11,88 8,811 8,38 8,88 18,38 23,38 23,38 23,38 211,38 2'1, 38 84,38 84,38 18,38 2'1, 38 11,31,38 81, 38 11,31,38 21, 38 28,38 BG,38 BG,88 84,38 2, 38 6,23,38 6,38 e, 28,38 11, 22,38 211,38 211,88 28,88 28,38 211,38 83,38 83, 38 83,38 83,38 83,38 2,38 11,38 8,38 8,38 e, 38 8,38 18,38 Title and code D. Produetlon and dlltrlbatlon of gooda needed by the unemployed-Continued. Heetms equipment for mat~ workrooms. DI. 211. Maldns wool comforten. DI. ao. 8oomlna raw wool and mak1q Into bats. DJ. BJ. ~ abeep pelts. DI. 12. A oompoelte clothlns production workroom. DI. 83. Making Infants' layettes. DI. 84. Bupenlllon for lllllall rural workrooms. DI. 16. Laundry, cleanlq and 1JN!111iD1 eatabllahments. DI. M. Sewing~- DI. 87. Workroom for r e ~ ehoes. DI. 38. Cllll!ling aenter. D2. 1. Hand operated bakery. D2. 2. Meeteamlinsoenter. D2. a. Workroom for making peanut butter. D2. 4. w orlaoom for oolllltructlns stationary loe bosee. D2. II. ~Dter for making and oannlng ~ t . D2. II. Workroom for OCIIIRl'UCtlnl refriprator trucll: bodies. D2. 7. Central abattoir. D2. 8. <'Anter for euttlng and bonina'. meet. D2. II. Center for cannlnc IIOUP, "broth, stew, and hambarpr. D2. 10. Center for the drying of fruits and veptablea. D2. 11. Dried 1ldm milk. D2. 12. Center for making maple 111pr and maple slrup. D2. 13. Center for mak.1111 cld•. D2. 14. Handling canned meats for storap. D2. Ill. Work center for mating vlD4'1!111'. -02. 111. Cooperative merketlng oentenl. D2. 17. Cafeteria equipment and arrancement. D2. 18. Wood fuel. D3. 1. l'nperatlon of peet fuel. D3. 2. Community garden. D4. 1. Subllatenee garden. D4. 2. lnduatrial mbllstenoe garden• D4. 3. Tobacco ourfns oenter. D4. 4. Bot beds and oold framee for eerly planting. D4. II. Plannl111 and Inaugurating a oounty prden _J)lOlralll. D4. II. Workroom for J)IICDllns of - i s for mbalstenee gard11111. D4. 7. Co111trnctton and operation of Kl'ellllhouaa. D4. 8. Cabinet maklns and repelr. DI. l. Workroom for maklns mat~. DI. 2. Workroom for maldns wooden beds. DII. 3. Workroom for making cerpeta and rup by hand. DI. 4. Making mapa by hand. DI. 7. Making kitchen uwnslls. DI. 8. Workroom for hand weevtns 111&11 of burlap. DII. II. Making sheets, pl]]ow - • and towvls. DI. JO. Workroom for making oorn brooms. DI. 11. Wuhlns and drying chiobn feethen for . pllowa. DII. 12. Making wooden chairs and stools. DI. 13. Mating Iron beds. D5. 14. Making wooden lockers. DI. 15. Sheet metal Binn and drain boards. DI. 111. Xl&chen work tables. DII. 17. Small portable 1111wmlll. DII. 1. P~n12.IDIIJ operated separately from aawmlll. Hand operated unJt for making qulcll:Jlme. DII. a. Hand operat&d brick proJect. DII. 4. Project for mating clay tile. DII. II. Specialty handcraft shop. De. II. Yow• unit for maldns ooncrete and cinder blocll:. DII. 7. WDO Bulletin 18,88 21,38 22,38 22,38 22,88 211, 38 211, 38 811,38 4,88 11,211,38 8,38 2, 38 8,38 21,38 22,88 23,38 211,38 211,38 2'1, 38 28,38 84,38 84,38 84,38 84,88 83,88 83,38 83,38 8,38 4, 8G, 38 17,38 17,38 17,38 28,38 28,38 2, 38 8, 16, 88 8, 12,38 8,38 4,88 4,38 4,38 12, 38 12, 38 21,38 23,88 211,38 111,38 811,38 21,38 23,38 23,38 23,38 23,38 23,88 23,38 23,88 23,38 211,38 BG,88 38,38 Title and code D. Production and distribution of gooda -Sed by the unemployed-Continued. Loalns operation. DII. 8. Hand-made ooncrete and cinder block. DII. 11. Salvaging of brick. DII. 10. Salvap of plumblns ma&erlala. DII. 11. Salvaging of lumb.. and mlllwork. DII. 12. ~ limestone blocb. DII. 13. and ornamental Iron ob)ects. 1 Machine-made shlDgles. DII. 111. Cutting hay from uniacl land. D7. J. Ballnlr hay and straw. D7. 2. Sbndcli1111 and baling conutowr. D7. 8. Automobile-repair project. D7. 4. Automobile-painting project. D7. &. Sm■ll wornbop for making and repairing har- · D7. aent... II. Soap-maklnK D7. 7. Malcfng basbts. D7. 8. PNmdlDS attachments for tent■ lad ID winter. D7. II. Wooden~. D7. 10. Ual11g shredded grades of peat. D7. 11. MalcfDI and -bftrst-ald kill. D7. 12. Communltyoent..n . D7. 13. Grist mill and feed mill. 7. 14. Cutting and atorlng Ice. D7. JS. Prlntl1111ahopforoommu:r~center. D7. 111. Sterlll&lng apperatu■ for and m- par. D7. 17. Wuhlng dlahee and m- par. D7. 18. Construction of pin« pong and game tables. D7. 111. E. Public welfare: Bedside nursing. El. 1. VlaltlDK houaekeepers. E2. 1. Fooda and nutrition. E2. 2. Demonstration me of IUl'J)lus oommodltles. E2. 8. Publicity for public health. E3. I. Campa for underprlvllepd children. ES. 2. llaln WIBlrlllllll-tat IIUJ'VeY. Ea. 3. Urban summer planround. l!:4. J. Recreational leadenhlp for urban aenten. E4. 2. Arts and handicrafts c l - for recreation. E4. 8. Athletic dlreotor!I for rural districts. E4. 4. Vocatlonal training for genenl houaehold workers. E4. 6. V ocatlonal training for hotel and lDBtltutlon workers. E4. II. CommunJtyservlcecenter. E4. 7. Inventory of oommunlty recreation need& E4. 8. Play streets. E4. II. 8oclal and recreational mDBlc for children and adults. E4. 10. Vooatlonal training for .-,al houaehold workers. E4. 11. ~ for oommunlty physical recreation Pageants and feBtlvals. E4. IS. Information for penons on relief. E4. 14. Aid for crippled children. Ell. J. of oommunity Clothlnlt and equipment unJt. Ee. a. Education through study and discussion unit In oommunlty service aenter. Ell. 4. Employment unit of oommunlty service center. Ell. II. Food unit of oommunlty service center. Ell. 11. Health unit of oommunlty service oenter. Ell. 7. Housing unit of oommunlty service center. Ell. 8. Recreation unit of oommunlty service oenter. Ell. II. Story telling and reading service to handicapped persons. Ell. 10. ToDBOrlal service. EG. 11. Visiting housekeeper (revised). Ell. 12. A~;:. iwr.'llslon Digitized by Google 111 App~ndix B LiBt of Working Procedurufor FERA Work Projeds-Continued WDO BIIDedn ae,as 13 13,38 lf,38 16,38 lt,38 ao 3 1 13 13 13 14 H H H H u.•111 ., • 21,38 21 21 23 26 26 28 28 28 28 28 6, 12 6, 12 12, 38 12, 38 Title and code E. Public welfare-Continued. HOU8811:eeplng aide. Ee. 13. Operation of delousing facllltle11 for humans. 11:e. u. Deloullng clothing and otller articles. EG. 15. F. Public education, arts, and ffleel'Oh: Community study centers. Fl. 1. Public forum ~oe. Fl. 2. Aiding blind and near blind. Fl. 3. Preparing 3S mm. photographs as aids to teaching. Fl. 4. Compilation of IIUide book to free entertainments. 1. Hlnortc American buildings. F2. 2. Inventory of State, county, and mUiliclpe.J ucblves. F2. 3. Inventory of military records. F2. f. Inventory of historical manuscripts. F2. 5. Legal l'l!l!e&rcb work. F2. e. Supplemental geodetic control IIUl'Vey. F2. 7. Survey of resident schools for unemployed women. F2. 8. Survey to collect testimony of u-elaves. F2. n. "· Am!lgnment servlce for part-time college students. F2. 10. Survey of adult education needs. F2. 11. 8clent111c rl!l!earch. F2. 12. Preliminary rural electr111catlon IIUl'Vey. F2. 13. (Supplement) Preliminary rural electr111cation IIUVey. F2. 13. Houslngsurvey. F2. If. Survey of streets, alleys, and blgbways. F2. 15. Survey of public lands In city, county, or State. F2. 16. "'-1Dent maps for munlclpe.J or other tax districts. F2. 17. A~en• 'llld Inventory of real estare. F2. 18. Wage rate study. F2. 19. The Pffparatlon of an accurate dlrec-torY of members of the bar now engaged In active legal work. F2. 20. A survey of law students and what becomes of them. F2. 21. InVl!l!tlgatlng public welfare needs. F2. 22. Conducting a traffic survey. • F2. 23. Iconography of campus and community life. F2. 2'. Specilled commissions for artists. F3. 1. Individual projects for artists. F3. 2. Community art survey. Fa. a. Community art centers. Fa. f. WDO Bulletin 25 30,38 30,38 13 17 17 21 26 2, 16, 38 5, 15, 38 5, 15, 38 12, 38 12,38 21,38 30,38 30, 38 30, 38 6, 15, 38 12,38 12,38 12,38 2,38 2, 38 3,38 3 3, 38 15, 38 19,38 19 21 28 30,38 10 10 10 14, 38 21 3 3 16 19 M,38 Title and code F. Public education, arts, ape! -.,b-Contlnued. Mal<lng topograpblCBI maps of campus and environs. F3. &. Poster designing. Fa. e. Artists bureau and uhlbltlon gallery. n. 7. Classlflcation and pb711lcal renovation of records. Ff. 1. Photographic records of work projects. Ft. "2. Recording results of work projects. N. 8. Installation of work division occupational clalllflcatlon records. Ff. f. Placement bureau for coU..graduatell. Ff. 6. 01'2lU1lzlng symphony orcbl!l!tra (revised). Fli. 1. Organldng band concerts. F5. 2. dance orcbl!l!tras. F&. a. Community music survey. Fli. f. M uslc centers. F 6. 6. Organizing chamber music groups, 1'6. e. Singers for group and solo program. F6. 7. Opera and operetta. F6. 8. Visiting music teacbenl for rural dlstrlcu. F5. II. Organizing tb•trical comllllllieB. F6. 1. Workshop and theater tor marionettft and puppets. F6. 2. Portable tb•ter. Fe. a. Dramatic centers. Fe. ,. Traveling library. F7. 1. lnduing law reports. F7. 2. Museum. F7. a. Preeervatlon of newspaper clippings for lib1V7• F7. 4. Mending and repairing boob In public library. F7. 6. Arcbltectural models for museums. F7. I. Cooperative rural library eervloe. F7. 7. School book repair. F7. 8. Project for public library service. F7. II. Travellng muaeum exhibits for schools. F7. 10. Vlllagereadtngrooms. F7. 11. Individual projects for writers. F8. 1. Specified commissions for writers. F8. 2. Preparation of Iconographies. F8. 3. Legal aid bureaus for relief clients. F8. 4. Collecting lolk lore. F8. 6. 0. Administrative projects: Commodity distribution center. 01. 1. Distribution ol relief commodities direct to the door. 01. 2. Technical suDerVfsory ~oa. 01. a. Study oflocal capacity to finance rellef. 01. 'H. Tool and sundry equipment projects: Repair shop, particularly for repair of lllrlcultural machinery. H 1. I. Digitized by Google APPENDIX C Serial Oommunicatwm and Rules and Regulatwm of the Fedmil, Oiuil Worka Administration Series CWA-Administration. Series CW-E-Engineering. Series CWA-F-Federal project.a. Series CW-S-Safety. Series CW-T-Tratlic survey. FCW A Rules and Regulations. Series OWA-Administration Date Berles and DO. Pap no. In cluo- Subject DllloSY Nov. 22. 1933 Nov. 21, 1933 Nov. 22, 1933 Nov. 23, 1933 Nov. 24, 1933 Do .•••..• Nov. ~.1933 Nov. 29, 1933 Do•••..•• Dec. 2, 1933 Dec. 4, 1933 Dec. 5. 1933 Dec. 9, 1933 Dec. 7, 1933 Dec. 9, 1933 Dec. 8, 1933 Dec. 9, 1933 Dec. 15, I 933 Dec. 16, 1933 Dec. 15, 1933 Dec. 18, 1933 Do ......• Dec. 20, 1933 Dec. 22, 1933 Dec. 27, 1933 Dec. 26, 1933 Dec. 27, 1933 Do ......• Dec. 29, 1933 Do ••..... Jan. 2, 1934 Do .••••.. Do ••••••• Do ••••... Jan. 3, 1934 Jan. 6, 1934 Do ••••••. Do •••••.. Do •••.... Jt.D. 8, 1934 Do ••••.•. Do .••..•• Jan. 29, 1934 Jan. 10, 1934 Do.••...• Jan. 11, 1934 Do••••••• CWA-1.. •.••.... CWA-2......... . CWA-3 ......•... CWA-4 .•..•••••. CWA-5.••••.•••• CW A-6.••••••••• CWA-7 ..•••••••• CWA-8 .•..•.•••. CWA-9......••.. CWA-10 ........• CWA-11.. •.•.•.. CWA-12• ...•••. CWA-12• ...... . CWA-13• ...... . CWA-13• .•..... CWA-14.. •...... CWA-14 1 ••••••• CWA-16.. ....•.. CWA-16 .•..•.•.• CWA-17 ....•••.. CWA-18 ...•••... CWA-19 .•.•••••. CWA-20...•.••.. CWA-21.. ...... . CWA-22 ..•...... CWA-23 ........ . CWA-24 ...•.•... CWA-25.. ••.•... CWA-2fl .....•... CWA-27 ...•.•... CWA-28 ..••.•... CWA-29 ...•..... CWA-30 ..••..... CWA-31 ..••.•.•• CWA-32..•...... CWA-33 .....•... CW ..\-34 ...••.... CWA-34A ...... . CWA-3.L ••...•. CWA-36 ..••••••. CWA-37 .....•... CWA-38 .....•... CWA-38 Supp... CWA-39 ...•.•... CWA-40...•.•... CW A-41.. ••.•... CWA-4.2••.•••••. Supp. Instr. No. 1: Report• and Corms, use of CW A and FERA funds, etc............. 32 State CW A Accounting ManuBI .........•..•••.................•••••.•.••..•........•....••.. Use of franking privileKc; oath of office for Federal employees........•.....•.•........•...••..• Supp. Instr. No. 2: Compensation ror injuries .._.................................... 33 Allotment of workers ror Federal projects ...•........••••••••••.•......•.•...•.....•.......•••• Supp. Instr. No. 3: Pay roll and purchasing procedure ..••.........•..•...................•••• Supp. Instr. No. 4: Chango in weekly teleKraphic report; revision of purchue order ...••....••• Supp. Instr. No. 5: Purchase and prO<'urcment procedure_ •.•••....••.....•....••.•...•..•.••. E~e_rge'!CY procurement.of s_mall tools .....••.....•......•••...............•.•.••..........•.• D1stmct10n between Civil"\\ orks and Civil Works Service projects.................. 35 Federal project for improvement of airports•••••••••••••••••.•..•.....•.....•................•• Titlesofollicials, State CWA .••.........••••••••••••••••••••••...•..•.............. .......... Supp. Instr. i:-o. 6: Supplement to CW A-3 •••••••••••••••••••.••................... .........• Employment of students ......•...•.............•....••••••••.••....•.....•••.•.•.•...•......• Shipment oftlnanl'ial, accounting, and reporting forms .•••...........••.•.••••.•••...•.•...••. As.signment of tec·hnicnl and clericnl personnel to planning ho11rds .•...•....••••.•••..........• Arrangements with American Bankers' As.soeintion for cashing pay checks ....••.•...•.......• Technical advisors from FederBI departments ........................................•........ Elimination of service charge for cashing CW A checks; staggered pay days .......... ......... . Coordination or re<"Ords of enirineering and accounting divisiollll ..............................• Transmittal of Rules and Regulations No. 6, Rev. on accident compellll8tion .....•.....••....• Procedure in nudit of pay rolls ..........•••••••••••••.•••••.••••.•••...•.•.......•......•..... Improvement of Civil Works Pro1m1m ..........•••.••••..•.••••••.••..•.....•...........•...• Projects to as.sist agriculturBI adjustment agents ••..•••..•.••••••.•.................. ·······-·· Supp. Instr. B-1: Revision or CW A-3 ................•..•....................................• Rupp. Instr. B-2: Weekly payment of employees and preparation of pay checks....•.......•.• Procedure In cooperation with master painters .•...•••••••••.•.....................• -········· Relier workers ineli~ible for CWA Jobs.............................................. 311 Method of numbering projects ... ·-·-······················•···············•··-····· ...•.....• Supp. Instr. B·3: Purchasing procedure for Federal projects ........•....................••.... Hours and rates of pay !or enumerators in Census Bureau project. .••.•••....•...........••..• Submission or project applications for spprovBI ..••........•......••.••..................••...• Federal research projects_ .••••••••••••..•••••.•.............•...•.••.•...•.................... State labor relations................................................................. 311 Progress or airport eonstruction_projects .......................••..•................•........••• Proposal for survey of strnm, failures, and capacity of bridges .•.........................•...•• Letter to Fednnl departments on rate of pay for supervisors of FederBI projects ..........•...• TransmittBI of CW A-34 to SF.HA's .••.•...............••••.•••.•............................• Requisitions for printed rorrns .....•••••••.....••..•...••.•................•.••...........•.•.. l~~ii~f i~~.1?,,,C;:~,"}~ct~~~I';r;,iecis:::: ::: :::::: :: ::::: ::::: :::: :: ::: ::: :::::::::::: :::::: :::: f~c:;.e;;~:; ~r c~~':'.'.:\~~r 8,\i~:k:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: Provision of l!Ol!l!les .•...................•. ·- ......••..•.•.................•.•.•.•.•..•••••.•.. Information signs for projects........................................................ 39 List for ordering tools and equipment. ....................... _... _.•................ ·········Supp. Instr. B-4: Weekly telegraphic reports on Civil Works and Civil Works ·········Scrvice projects. J&ll. 12, 1934 CW A-43 .•.•.•... Supp. Instr. B-5: Rental of space and lesses .......••...•...........•........••..•.•. ········-· Do •••• -.. CW A-44 ••.•.•... Supp. Instr. B-6: Travel authorization .............•.....•..••...•..••.•••••.••••••. ········-· 1 Mlmeo. No. M6. I Mime<>- No. 528. • Mtmeo. No. 560. I Mlmeo. No. 637. 'Mtmeo. No. 564. 112 Digitized by Google Appe-ndi.x 0 113 Seriu OWA-AdminiBfration-Continued Date 8erlel and no. Page no. In chro- Subject nology 11111. 12,193' Do--····Do-•••.• 1an. 13, 19:'U Jan. 111,19M Do .••.•.. Ian. 17, 11134 Jan. 18, 1113' 1an. 20, JIIIM CWA--f5•••••••.. CWA--48........ . CWA--f7•...•.... CWA--4&. •..•.... CWA--f9...••.... CWA-liO.•.••.... CWA-61. .••...• CWA-62...••..•. CW A-63•••••..•• CWA-63 Bupp••. CWA-6L ••....• CW A-66.•••.•••. CWA-66.....•••. Do ••••.•. CWA-67•.•...... 1a.n. 26, 19:'U CW A-68 .....•••• Do .••.•.• CWA-li9..•..•••• 1an. 30, 11134 CWA-«I•.•.••••• Feb. 2,193' CWA~L .••••.. Feb. 14, 111M CW A-412•.••••••• Mar.13,19U Ian. 20, 1113' 1an. ~,11134 Ian. 25,11134 Feb. 20,188' Feb. 18, 19:'U J'eb. 20, 1934 Mar. 14, 111H Do••••••• Do ••••••• Mar. 10.19:'U Mar. 19, 188' Mar. 20,lllH CWA •.••.•.••.. CWA-63••.•..••• CWA-M •..•••••• CWA-GII......•.. CWA-G6 Supp... CWA-611••••••••• CWA~..••••••• CWA-68 •.••••••. CWA~..•••.•.• CWA-70•..••••.. CWA-7L •••••.. CWA-72.•...••.. CWA-73..••••.•• CWA-74 .•••••••• CWA-75 ...•.•••• CWA-78 .•....••• CWA-77••.••.••• CWA-78••••••••. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May May lune CWA-79 ...••.•.. CWA-80.•..•••.. CWA-81.. .•..••. CWA-82.••.•.•.. CWA--83•.•••.••. CWA-M.••••.••. CWA-& .••••••.• Do••••••• Feb. 21, 11134 Mar. 1,193' Do••••••• Mar. 2,193' Mar. 8,193' Mar. e, 188' Do.-••••• Do ••••••• 23,19M 21(1,11134 8,lUM f, 11134 19,193' 25,193' 19, 11134 Supp. Instr. B-7: Contracts and oodes of fair oompetltlon •••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.••••••• Supp. Instr. B-8: Attachment of CWA wages....................................... 5 Supp. Instr. B-11: Distributlonofr:!t~.",';,Y~ business .. '. .••.•••••••••..•....•...••....•...•••.• Tranamittal of regulations to local · tratlons ..........••••••.•••.•.••....•.....•..•..••• S';f.P• Instr. B-10: Auditing and accounting functions of State CW A's .•.•.•.••••.......•...•• S v ~ material, for approved oooperatives.•.••..............••••.••...•...••.....•.••••..•• Estah ishment of State boards to hear a~Js on dismissal 40 Employment offarmers who have part! pated In AAA program.................... 40 Supp. Instr. Jl-11: Claims for amounta due decreased or lnoompetent CWA em• ..••...••• ployees. Amendment to Bupp. Instr. B-lL........................................................... . Employment of musicians under Civil Works Service............................... 41 Instructions on trans1>0Ratlon requests and reimbursement for travel expense ..•••...••.•••.•• Use of ■tandard apecihcatlons In procuring material ..•••••••••••..••.....•.•••.••••..••••••..• Personnel for Federal statistical and research projects .•......•••.•.....•••.....•••.....•...•.• Supp. lmtr. B-12: Reimbursement of U. B. War Department for tools ...........•...•..•.•••• Observation of health and aafety measures ...•••.•...•.•..••.•.•.•........•..•.•••.•.....•••.• Distribution of Mannal of Financial Procedure, Acoountlng, and Reporting ...•••.•.•••••••.• Warning ag~ JJ:Olitical activity by CWA employ-·····~························ 42 Supp. Instr. B 13: Use of automobile8. Supp. Iriatr. B-H. Prooedure conoerntnii: .••..•.••• travel vouchers. Bupp. Instr. B-15: Claims on 8CCOIIDt of damage toorloaa of privately owned property...••..•••• PDrcbase of au~plies .•••••....•..•.•••.•...••..••••.•••••••••..••••.•••.•••..•...••...•••.••••• Cooperation with Farm Debt Adjustment Committees ••••••.••..••...•...•.....•....••.....• State and local planning projects ...........•.•••••.••••••••...•.••....•••.....••••...•••....•• List of States having State Planning Boards ........•••..•.....••..•.......•.•..••••...••.••••• Relief during period of delay In payment of accident compematlon................. . . .•••....• Supp. Instr. B-16: Identical bids and local preference •.•••....•...•............•••••.•...•.... Inspection and testing of materials ..........••....••.•••••...•.••..............••........•.... Supp. Imtr. B-17: Purchase and rental of equipment ..................•................••.... Revised J)8ge8 for Manual of Financial Procedure, Acoormtlng, and Reporting ••.............• Introduction of new pay•roll analysis., ...........•...•.•••••••••••.••...••..••.•••.....•.....• Supp. Instr. B-18: Payment ofadmio1stratlveemploy-.•.••••••.•••..•.•....••••...........• Transfer of Civil Works Bervtce projects to CWA ••.•••••••••.•••..•....•..•....•.........••.• Delay In presentation of vouchers ........••••••••••••••••••.••••.......•...•.••••••.....•••.•• Bupp. Imtr. B-19: Transfer of CWA property .••••••.••.••.•.•••...........••.•.......••••..•. Bupp. Instr. B-20: Contract numbering ..•.•••.•••••••.••••••.••.......••..•••••••....•.....•• Bupp. Instr. B-21: Closing of CWA projects and records .•.•.•.............••...•.....••.••.•• Bupp. Instr. B-22: Compliance with "Buy American "Act, NRA Codes and Pres!· ••••..•••• dent's Reemployment Agreement. 62 Bupp. Instr. B-23: Continuation of accident unit to care for compensation-····· Supp. Instr. B-24: Arrangements for terminating CW A-•.•.................•........•••...•• Supp. Imtr. B-26: Preparation of pay rolls ••••••••••.••••••••..••..•.•••••.•.•••••••..•••••••• Fllln,: of CWA reoords with Rtate ERA'•······-·································••· ..••.•.•.• Retroqctlve adjustment In wage rate................................................ 67 Acoount!ng procedure on vouchers eeot to the Wa.shlngton Office for payment ••.•••••••....•.• Procedure 1ri cases of alJeKed forgery of CWA checks .••••••••.•.•.•••••••••.•.••••••..•••••..•• • Mimeo. No. 1313. Series OW-E-Engineeri,ng Date Page no. In chronology Subject Berlm and no. J'eb. llS,1934 CW-E 1. •••••••• Rep(!ri on value of tools and equipment...................................................... . May 26,lllM CW-E 6•.••••••. Supplement to CW-E 3.••••.••..•••.•.•..•.••••••••••.•.......•.•.•........••.•.••..••••••.•• Mar. 20, 1934 CW·E 2•••••..•• BpeciJlcatlons for paints, varnishes, and brushes ....•.............•..•.•.•.••..••••.....•.....• Do••••••• CW-E 3•.••••••• Report on oompleted1 transferred, or discontinued projects ...•..........•.•••.••......••.•..•• Apr. 13,193' CW-E 4•••.••••• Completion of airI>on oonstruction •.••..••...•••.•........•••...•••............•........•....• • Digitized by Google 114 Ohrorwlogy of tM FtAkral Emergency Relief Admini,tration Seriu OWA-F-FeMTal Project& [Additional oommtmlcatlon regarding Fed«al Civil Wona projects may be found ID other_.., Date Serles and DO. Subject ....,._ lnabronok,ff :~~:. g:i:! t::::: E;~==~~~~)~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:......~ Do....... Jaa. llO, 11134 J'el>. 7, 11134 :J'eb. 13, 11134 Do....... J'eb. 14,11134 Feb. 71, 11134 MIii'. 2, 11134 MIii'. 24, 1934 Apr. e, 11134 Apr. 13, 1934 Apr. 18, 11134 Apr, 28, 1934 cw A-F 4..... . . Purchase or materlala and reduction or bo11111 •.......•••...•.••.....•..•.•••••••..•...•••••...• Decision of ComptrollR' General on ealary reduction of FCWA amployees.. ••••...•...••••.•..• Cban«e In weekly report ODJ:o)ects. ••••••······· ··········--·-·-·················· ·•••·••·•• Continuation of projects 11D er Slate or local administration •••••••••...•••.•...•••••.•••.....• Termination of .-ertaln rcrojecta.. . ..••.••... .....••••••••.•. .••• •••••....• ••...... .. . 43 Co,ntlnuatlonofstatlstcal1111d-,.chpro)ects ..••••••••••••••••••.•............••.••••.••••• Completion of work on emergency landing ftelds ... ..•••••....•• ••• • ••.......•..•. .. ···--·-·-· Reduction ID per90nnel OD War and Navy Department proJecta..•. - .•...... .........•••.••..• Termination of projll<'ta by Federal departmentll In charp.. .. ............. .. .... . .. a Curtailment and termlnatlonofprojecta.- •.•••••••••••••••.•••.•..•............•••••••••••••• Inventory of equipment. .••.... . •.•......••.•••••.•.•••••.• •. .• ....... ..... . .....•..••••••.••• CW A-FI&.... . . Request for final progress report on projecta............. . ... .......•..•• . .......... • 64 CW A - F HI.. .... Tnwsfer of tools and equipment. •••••••..••...••.... •••.••. ...•..•••••...••...... •.• •.•.••••• CWA-F 5 ••••••. cw A-F 6. · ····. CW A-F 7.. ... . . CW A-F 8.. .. . . . CWA-FII ••.•••. CWA-F 10 • ••• . . CW A-F II...... CW A-F 12. •. •.. CWA-F 13 ••••.. CW A-F 14. •• •.. Series OW-S-Safety [Additional communloatlons regardlnr the ClvU W«ll:a safety program may be found In otbs IWlee) Date Bertee and no. Subject ....... ID abro- nokv Bulletin No. 1: Safety campaign and appointment of FERA Director of Safety.... . as aa CW-S2 ...•••.• • • Organization of program. ..... ..................................................... . CW-S 3.••• ••• .. Announcement of program by Director of Safety .....• ••• ........•.••••••........••. . ••• .••••• CW-84 .••••••. . Bulletin No. 2: Form for weekly aocldent summary . .•• •.•. ..... •.. •.••... .... ..... ..•• •.•••.• CW-85 .••.•.•.. Bulletin No. 3: First aid •...•...............••..•.•.•.•••••.•...................... . ..•....• •• CW-86 .•••••• • . Bulletin No. 4: Distribution or afety posters ....................................... . . . . . . Dec. Ill, 1933 cw-s 7 .•• •• •••. Sofety program In Colorado .....•..••..•..•.......... ..•.. ....•........... .. . . ... ••• .••••. ···Deo. 28. 1933 CW-88 .• • •.•••. Conlerence of Directors or Safety of Mld• We.,tem States .•.. ... ......•. .. ..•.•..•. .. .• ••.• .. .. Dec. 71, 1933 CW-89 .••••••.. Sofety lrupectlons . ..••••••••••....••••••••••••.••••..•.•• ••.... ...•......•...•..•.•...•.... ..• Do...... . CW-S 10 ..•.••• . Transportation of workers by truck •• •••• •••• • •••••••••••••...... .... ..... ... ... •....• ...•.••• 11111. 1, 1934 CW-S 11. •••.•.. 11111. I, 11134 CW-812 .•• . .... ~-··-··· CW-813• .••••.. Conference of Directors of Sofety of New Endand Sta.tee ••••.. .. ..•.... .... .....•••...•.. ••••. Jan. 4, 11134 CW-813• .•••••. B1dletln No. Q: Precautions in demollshing •tmcturm •• ••.•••.•...•......•...........••....•.• Do ...... . CW-S 14 .. . .... . Bulletin No. 8: Boodling explosive., .••••.••• .•.......••••..••• . .•.••....••.....•••••.•••• ••••• Do...... . CW-S 15 •••••••• Weekly aocldent reports; distribution of reouscltatlon charts ...•••....••............••. •. .•..• 11111. 5, 11134 CW-S 16 .••••... Ian. II, 11134 CW-Sl7.. . •. ••. . Jan. e, 11134 CW-818 ••••• .. . Bulletin No. II: Precaullona on tree-surgery pro)ecta .•••... ...... ........ •......• .. ••.••• •..•• Jan. 10, 11134 CW-8111 .•.•• .. . Jan. 11, 11134 CW-820 .. ••••.. ~~'&~u~ Jan. 11, 11134 CW-821 • ••. .. . . Summary of Btste safely programa ss reported to da,te •••••• _...••••.. •.•••.•.•••••..••• •.•. •.• Jan. 15, 1934 cw-s 22 •••••... Accident Analysis No. 1 .. ·-·· ·- ·-- ·-······ ·······-······-·-····-······-···-········ .........• Jan. 18, 11134 CW-823 .•••.•.. Interpretation or Bulletin No. 11; Inquiry on number or men employed on aafet7worlc . ...... _.. . Jan. 19, 11134 cw-s 24 • •• • •... Ac<'ldent Analysis No. 2 ••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••• Do ...... . CW-8 25 •••••••• Bulletin No. 12: Cave-lru .. •...• •............••••••••••••••.............••••••••••..••• •. .•••• Jan. 2111, 1934 CW-8 26 . ••• • ••• Bulletin No. 13: Heolth program precautions ..••....•••.................•.•••••••.••••....••• Do ...... . CW-826B .•..••. Re<1u"st for cooperation of Stale Health Officers .•...••.• •.... ..............•.••• .. .....•.•..•• Jan. 'rl, 11134 CW-S'rl ..•. •••• Accident Annlysis No. 3 •••.••••••.•••••••••••••• •• • • •• •••• •••.•••.•••••••••••..•••••..••••••• Do •.....• CW-828 . • ••• •.. Report on snfety program, by States.•••••••••••••. •••. . .••. .•..•..•............• . .• .••••• •.•• Feb. &, 1934 CW-8 211 •••••••• Accident Analysis No. 4 .• •......••..•...•...•...•...• .••••..• .••••••.•..•.........•.•• • .•.••• Feb. 6, 1934 CW-8 30 .••• .•.. Bulletin No. 15: Physical oondltlon of emp_loyees ••.••••••.•.•••••.•••.••••..•..•...••••.••..• Do •...... cw-s 31. • •.••.. Bulletm No. 14: Purchase of printed supplies .••...•.•••• _...•.... ......••.••.••. •• •••.• .•.• .• Feb. 9, 193t CW-S 32 .••.•• . . Accident Analysis No. 5••••••••••.•••••....•.••..•.• •••••.•••.•.•.•••.•••• ••.••••••.•••• ••••• Feb. 12, rnH CW-833 •. •.••.. Bulletin No. 16: Airport comtructlon or Improvement •••................•.•••.•..•..•••.....• Feb. 14, 19.14 cw-s 34 ....••••. Field repre.sentatives .•••••••••••••••••...••.•..••••..• •• •• •...•....•...•.....•.•...•.•••••..•• Feb. 20, 1934 cw~qas ..•..... Accident Analysis No. 6 • • •• •••••. ... .••.. _.•••.••••.••••.• . .••.••••.••.•••••••••••••••••••••• Feb. 28. 1934 CW-836 .••.•••• Bulletin No. 17: Poison Ivy and poison sumac ... .••.••.........•...•. ..•. . .. •...••. . ...••...• Do......• CW-837 .••••••. Accident Analysis 11:o. 7 •••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••.•••••• •• ••..• .. •• ••••••••• .• • ••••••••• Mer. 3, 1934 CW-838 ..•.•••. Rullet in No. 18: Tools ..•.• . •......... _.......... .. .. •••... ...•... .. .....• ...•.....••••. ••• •.• Mar. 10, 1934 CW-8 39 .•••... • Safety In the work•rellef programs; traltlc surveys .•. ••.•••.....•.•• ..•.. .•• ••• ••.•.•• ••.•• •• •• • Mimeo. No. 755. 1 Mlmeo. No. 747. Deo. 15, 11133 CW-81.. •••••••. Do•••...• Dec. 18, 1933 Deo. 111, 1933 Deo. 21, 1933 Deo. 2'l, 1933 ::!l::a: :~:r :~:;:~!'or;t.-.-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: :: :::::::::::::: :: :: :::::::: ~~~:l~tr%~~~,~~-:r~::-.-.~==~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: ~~.<ioii~ie,;:::: :: ::: ::: :: ::: :::~ ::::::::: :::::: :: :: :::: :::: :::::::: :::: ::: ::::::: • Digitized by Google 115 Appendi.x 0 &rids OW-S-Safety-Continued Date Beril!II and no. Pa&eno. Subjeot In ohro- noloff Mar. 12, 1113' OW-840•••.••••• Mar. 16, 1113' OW-8 U ..•.••••• Mar. 111,lllM CW-842 •••••••• Mar. 17, 1113' CW-843 ••••.•.• Mar.:M,lllM CW-8 44 •.•....• Mar. 28,IIIM cw-s.a....... . 8, 111M CW-844•••••••. 17, 11134, CW-847•••••.••• Do •••••.• CW-8 48........ . :IO,IIIM CW-8411•••.••••• Do. ..... . CW-Sl!ll.. •••••.. CW-861.. .•.••.• CW-862..•.••••• CW-86:1•.••••••• CW-864.. ••••.•• CW-866••••••••• CW-81111••••••••• CW-8 67••••.•.•• June 111, 1934 CW-8 68 ••••.••• July II, 1934 CW-8611.. ••.•••• July 11, 1934 CW-860••••••••• July 12, UIM CW-8 61. ••••••. July 18, 1934 CW-8 ll2 •••.••.• July 111, 111M CW-8 63•••••••• July 211,1934 CW-SM •••••••• July lll, IIIM CW-865 .••••••• July 211, 111M CW-88G ••••.••• Aue. 16, 1934 CW-887 •••••.•• Sept. II, 1934 CW-868 .••••••• Aug. 30, 1934 CW-81111 ••.••••. Sept. 14, 1934 CW-8 1111 Supp..• Oct. 1, 1934 CW-8 70 ••••.••• Sept. ,S,111:K CW-871 •.••.••• NOT. 11, 1934 CW-S72..•.••••• Feb. 26,l!IU CW-8 73 ••..•••.• Mar.:I0,11136 CW-874.. •••.••• Do••••••• CW-875.. ..••••. Apr. '11, 11136 CW-8711 ••.•.••• Apr. 30,11136 CW-8 77 •••••.•• May 1,111:K May 21,lllM Do.•••••• Do........ Jmie II, 1934 June ,S,1934 June JA1934 Accident .Anal}'lla No. 16...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . Bulletin No. 23: Handling and storing oommoditles...... . . . . . • . . . . • . • . . • • • . • . . . . • . . . ..•.•.•.• Bulletin No. 24: Sunburn, mnstrote, and heat uhauatlon ••.........•...•.....•.•...•••.•.••• t~:hlt~~~ ~·li:iiimcfcimiiiiieeiitiirs::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: Form for monthly report on &rarislent centers and oamps....... • . . . • . • • • . • . . . . . • • • . . . ..•.••..• Transmittal of Accident .Analysis No. 17•••••••••••••.•...............••.••......•...•••.•.••• i~:r~t~rr~~~~========================================== t~~:hltit:.-1J:8C~·_;ireiiiovabiebeticiiio·tie·uaed·1n·ciuiiiiiiructs:::::::::: ========== :::::::::: Mattress~Ject Inspection form ••..•.•.•...••.•.•.•••.••••••••••••••••.......••.•.......•.•.• Bulletin o. 28: Huarda In Blaughtertng and meat--can.nlns proJecta................. . ........ . Bulletin No. 211: Steam boilers .••...•.•...•.•......•••.•••••••..•.••••...........•.•.....•.•.• Amendment of CW:-S ffll .. _ ......................................................... .........• ii:Sttt{'5~=t~~J~;i:i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::: :=::~r! :::::::::: Report on lmpectlon of transient oampa and shelters .•.•...•...........••... __ ._ ...........•.. Notloeon Inspection of trucka •••••••••••.•...•••.•.......•.•.•...•••...•..••......•.......••.. Bulletin No. 33: Safety Inspection of truck&.... .•.•.....•.....•...•.•.•.•••..••..•.......•...•••• Stria OW-T-Traffic S'IJiT"Vt'/I Date Serles and no. Pa&eno. Subject In cbronol()ff CW-Tl.. .•••••• Genen1 plan for community tralllo snrvey ••••......•..........•.•...•....•••..••...•..••••••• Do •••••.. OW-TIA ••••••• Distribution ol C W-T 1.............................. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . Feb. 16, 111:M CW-T2 •.••••••. CW-T3 ..•.•.... CW-T4 •••••.••. Do...... . CW-T4A •••.••. Feb. :M,111:K CW-T6 ••.•.•••• Mar. 7, 1934 CW-Ttl ••..••... Mar. 8, 111:M CW-T7 ••••..••. Apr. 14, 1934 CW-T8 •••.••••• :Feb. :Ill, 111:M :Feb. 21, 111:K Feb. 211, 111:M E~~~~~~:~~~~:~~==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====== ======== Additional snggestlon on school lllfety programs......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . Manual offorms and Instructions .•.•........•••••••••••••..••.•••..•••.••....••.•....•••....• Traffic survey under the Emergency Work Rellet Program of J'BRA •• - ••••••••.••..•.••••••• Estimate of number ottorms needed •••.••..••••••••••••••••••••••.•••...•....••.....••••....• Questionnaire OD proiir-.........•............•.................•...........................• Digitized by Google 116 Ohronol-Ogy of IM Fe<kral, Emergency Relief Administration FOWA Rules and Regw,ationtt Date Nov. 16, 11133 Do ••••... Do....... Nov. 26, 1933 Nov. 71, 11133 Do •..•... Do ••.•.•. Dec. 2, 1933 Dec. 7, 1933 Dec. 13,1933 Deo. 19, 1933 Dec. 28, 1933 No. Paa•no- Subject lD cbro- nolOD' L •.............. General administration statement.••...•.. -··-·-.................................... Procedure for allotment and disburmient offund•········-········-················· 2••••••••••••••••• 3••••••••••••••••. Approved Civil Woru project applications.··········-·-········-··-··-······-····· •-·······-·-···-·· Federal projects .••.•..••....•...••....•••••..•.•.•.........•.. _-···-................ 6....•. -•......... Compensation benefits. (Revised Dec. 12, 11133.).................................... 28 30 30 33 33 33 &--··--···-·-····· Wage rates ....... _.....•.... __ .. _••. ________ .• _•.•••.•.••.••.•..•... _••• __ .•.•.•.. __ 7__ ·····-····-··-- Delivery of pay ohecks; purchases; Insurance .•• ____ ---·--·························· ·········8 •••••••••••.••• __ Supplementary regulations concerning Federal projects __ ······-········............. 33 33 9-·-········-·--·· Revised regulations concerning Federal projects (Supplement Issued Jan. 6, IIIM) •• •• ae 10 __ ······-·--·--- Hours, wage rates, and conditions ol employment._.··················-············11--·-··-····-···· Office equipment; voided checks ..••••.••••..•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.•..••••....••••.••••• 12.••....•..•••••. Travel on official business .•..•••••••••••.••••••••••••..•...•••••••••••.•••..••••••.•.•.•.••••• Digitized by Google APPENDIX D Eucutive Ortkrs Affecting tM Program of tM Federal, Emergency Relief Administration Date J'une J'uly J'uly Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. 10. 11133 11, 1933 '11, 1933 II. 11133 17. 1933 18, 11133 22, 11133 28, 1933 II. 1934 10. 1934 16, 1934 Do------- Mar. 1,11134. Mar. 14. 1934 Apr. :M, 1934 Apr. 28, 1934 May 4.1934 May l', 1934 J'une 11, 1934 J'une 21, 11134 J'une 23, 1934 Page no. In chronology Title No. 11166 _____________ _ Organization of Executive agencies ___________________________________________________________ _ 6202-A __________ _ Executive Council _____ ---------------______________________________________________ 111 Central Statistical Board _____________________________________________________________________ _ (1226 ___ -__________ --- ------ -_ 6420-B Creation of the Civil Works Administration_________________________________________ 'rT 6433-A __________ _ Creation of the National Emergency Counc!J________________________________________ 31 (lf40 _____________ _ Rates of compensation of Government employees In emergency apncles not subject _________ _ to the Classification Act and acts amendatory thereof. (1442 _____ ---- --- - - Prescribing rules and regulations under the Federal Emergency Rel!ef Act of 1933__ 9540 _____________ _ Postponement of oertaln provisions of Execntive Order No. 6166 or June 10, 1933_____________82 _ 655() ___ ---- ------ _ - Regulating the further allocation and obligation of emergency funds __________________________ _ 6554 _____________ Amendment of Executive Order No. 6440 or November 18, 1\133 _______________________________ _ (16()2 ____________ - Allocation of funds to the Federal Civil Works Administration______________________ 46 44 ll603. -- -- -- -- -----_ Allocation ollunds to the Federal Emergency Rel!ef Administration_________________ (1(122 _____________ Amendment of Execntlve Order No. 6440 of November 18, 1933, as amended by Exeontlve Order No. 6554 of January 10, 1934. f1&411 ______________ Government contracts and contracts Involving the use of Government funds _________________ _ 1MJ811 ______________ Transfer of funds to the Federal Emergency Relier Administration from funds allo46 cated to the Federal Civil Works Administration. 66113 _________ -- -- - Creation of the Committee on National Land Problem•----------------------------66 6i()() -------_ Amendment of Executive Order No. 6225 of July Zl, 1933 _____________________________________ _ 67011 _______ _____________ Making certain funds available to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration for 44 the ftscal year 1934. (1735 ______________ Making certain funds lmmedlately available to the Federal Emergency Relief 44 Administration. 117411..____________ Rate!! of compensation of Government employees In emergency agencies, etc., not subject to the Classification Act BS amended. 11747 ___ ___________ Allocating funds to meetthe emergency and necessity for rel!efln stricken agrlcnltural areas. June 211, 1934 11767______________ Establishing the Committee on Economic Becurlty and the Advisory Council on 80 Economic Becurlty. Do______ _ 117117______________ Modification of Executive Order No. 6646 of March H, 1934, etc ______________________________ _ 80 J'une 30, 1934 (1770 ______________ Creating the Industrial Emergency Committee_____________________________________ National Resources Board ____________ -------------- ______ ---------------____________ M. 111 Do------- em______________ 683(1_____ _________ Amending Executive Order No. 6770 of June 30, 1934._______________________________ 80 Ans. 31, 1934 Sept_ '11, 1934 686() ______________ -- ___ do _____ - -------- --------------- ------- -- ------ ---------- --------- ___ . __________ _ 80 6889-A___________ Consolidating the Executive Counc!I and the National Emergency Counc!J_________ 81 Oct. 211, 11134 Nov. 21, 1934 811()9 ______________ Withdrawal of public lands for use in connection with a grazing project ______________________ _ Dec. 1, 1934 «11110-B ___________ Allocating funds from the appropriation to meet the emergency and necessity for _________ _ relief in stricken agr!cnl tural areas. J'an. 2C, 11136 11962______________ Transfer of funds to the Federal Emergency Rel!ef Administration from funds allo46 cated to the Federal Civil Works Administration. 1)964______________ Withdrawal for classiftcatlon of all public lands In certain State!! ______________________________ _ Feb. 6, 11136 78 Mar. e, 11136 OIIS,1 ______________ Authorizing and designating the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator to acquire property for certain purposes. Apr. 8, 11135 7003 _______ ------ - Amendment of Executive Order No. 11700 of May 4, 1934_. _------------------------- _________ _ 77 Apr.Do 30, 11135_ 70Z7 ______ 7028 _____________ --------------_ Establishment of the Resettlement Administration__________________________________ Transfer of certain property, functions, lunds, etc., from the Federal Emergency 77 Relief Administration to the Resettlement Administration. May e, 11136 70:M ______________ Establishing the Division of Applications and Inlormation, the Advisory Com79 mittee on Allotments, the Works Pro!ll'ess Administration, and for other May 20, 11136 704(1______________ Prescribing rules and regulations relating to wages, hours of work, and conditions or 80 employment under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936. May 28, 1935 7057 ______________ Establishment or the Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration ____________________________ _ June 6, 11135 7()60______________ Prescribing rules and regulations relating to procedure for employment of workers 81 under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of lg:J/j. 81 Jone 7, 1935 70115 _____________ _ Creating the National Resources Committee._______________________________________ Jone 12, 11135 7073 7070 ___ - - ---------_ Regulations governing appointments of employees paid from emergency funds. ______________ _ _____________ the National Emergency Council____________________________________ 31 Reestablisblng June 13, 11135 7083 _____________ _ June :M, 11136 Prescribing rules and regulations relating to methods of prosecuting projects under the Emergency Relier Appropriation Act of 1935. Jone 118,11136 7086 ______________ Establishment of the National Youth Administration within the Works Progress 83 Administration. Joly a, 11136 70112______________ Rate!! of compensation or Government employees In agencies established under the _________ _ Emergency Relief Appropriation Act ol 1935. July 211, 11136 7117 ______________ Amend!ni Executive Order No. 7046 of May 20, lg:JS _________________________________________ _ July 30, 111116 711g___ ___________ ____do ________________________________________________________ ------------- ------ - --- ------- 117 Digitized by Google 118 <JhrO'Mlogy of the Fe<kral, EmergtMf! lul,ief Admini8tn.dion .Eucutive Ordffs Affecting the Program oJ the Federal E~rge'IIC7/ Relief Administration-Continued Date AUi-_ 8, 11186 Do------J>cL ______ Aug. 19, lllaa Aug. 21,lua& Aq. 23, lllaa Aug . 211, 11116 No. Pa,eno. Title In chroDOIOCY 71114..________ ____ Modlllcatlon of EHoutlve Order No. 7070 of 1une 12, 1936. __________________________ ______ ___ _ 7125_____________ _ Amendment to Executive Order No. 7060 of 1une 6, 1936 .• ----------------------·--- _________ _ 71:.111______________ Submission of fll!tlmatee to the Bureau of the Budget of espendltlln!II for admlnls- ______ ___ _ tratlve el1)8D.SeS In eertal.n cases. 718Q___________ ___ Amendment of Executive Order No. 71211 of Augoat 6, 1gaa___________________________________ _ 7162_____________ _ Admlnll!tration of relief, work rellef and uaeful pro)ect3 for the Virgin Islands ________________ _ 1 7167 _____________ _ l'nlllcrlbiog rulflll and l'8gll}atlons 1'61atlng to wagfll! of unatlaobed workers under the - - -···-··· Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936. 7JM___ __ __ __ _____ l'Nt!cr!blngrules and l'8gll}atloosrelating to student aid projects and toemplo:,ment 87 of Joutb on other projects under tbe Emerii:ency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935. n74 _________ _____ Amendment of Executive Order No. 71'.llllof Aul{USt 6, 1936__________________________ ··-------71V7____________ __ Modification of Executive Order No. 7070of June 12, 1935 _. ·- --·- ·- ·--------------·- ____ _____ _ 720(1._ ____________ Amending Executive Order No. 7027 of April 30, 1~------···-- -- -- ··--·------------ ____ __ ___ _ n'.13----- --· -·-··· Amending Executive Order No. 70teof MaJ :Ill, 11135 _______ ____________ __ _____________ ____ ___ _ 7Wt ___ -- -- -- - - -- . ·- -- _do._---·-··-··-···-·-··----------·--·-···---··-·-··--· ---- ---------------- ------ - -----·--.. 72311 _____ -- -- --.. - . ____ do. ___________ - - --- --- ---- --- - -- -- --- --- - - -- -- - - - - - - .. -· - •. -. - -.. - - .• - -. - .• -- ---- - • ····-. -- Digitized by Google APPENDIX E <Jalal,og3 and J,ukus of Publicatiom of Federal E~rgency Reluf Administration, Works Progrus Administration, and National Youth. Administration Index to Policies, Reports and Other Publications, Federal Emergency Relief Administration (May 31, 1933-December 31, 1934). Summary of Policies, Reports and Other Publications, Federal Emergency Relief Administration (aemimonthly), January to December 1935. Catalog of Research Bulletins 188ued by Research Section, Division of Research, Statistics and Finance, Federal Emergency Relief Administration and Division of Social Research, Works Progreaa Administration, November 1936. Subject Index of Research Bulletins 188ued by Research Section, Division of Research, Statistics and Finance, Federal Emergency Relief Administration and Division of Social Research, Works Progreaa Administration, November 1936. DigeG of Publications Released by the Works Progrees Administration and the National Youth Administration, December 1, 1935. DigeG of Policfes, Reporta, and Other Publications 188ued by the Works Progress Administration (llemfmonthly), December 1935lndex to Bulletins and Other Publications l18Ued to State Administrators by Works Progreaa Admhuslration and National Youth Administration, January 1, 1936. 119 Digitized by Google APPENDIX F Fu:nds Made Available to tM Federal ETMrgency Relief Administration and tM F~rol, Civil Works Administration, May 1933 Through, December 1935 [In thousands of dollars) Authorization or appropriation FERA FCWA Total Reallocnted Net avail• au t borimto other able after ngencies transfer au'ftio:i~a• Reallocated Net avail· tlons and to FERA able after allocations transfer ~=u~~ Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1gaa (Reconstruction Finance Corporation funds) .••................ National Industrial Recovery Act......•....•...•.•.. Act of February 15, 1934 ••••••••.••••••••.••.•.••••••• Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935: Title U, par. 1: Appropriated for relief &nd other purposea by the act. ................................... . Reconstruction Finance Corporation bal· ances...................................... . Public Works Administration balances: Balance,, of funds received under National Indu.strial Recovery Act ..... . Balances of funds received under Emer• gency Appropriation Act, fiscal year $500,000 25,035 605,000 I $'!8, 96() $411,040 ~5 605,000 • 25,000 143,000 143,000 M0,000 M0,000 148,000 148,000 1W5•••••••••••••••.•••••••••.•.••••••.. 114,000 114,000 Title II, par. 2: Appropriated for relief in stricken agricultural areas by the act. ...••••••.........•••••.•.• Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935••••.•.••. 276,980 935, gao Grand total.................................... $3,247, 1145 { •roooo} • ;i'. 390 $167,350 $88,960 400,005 450,000 $106,000 $88,960 400,005 345,000 $938,965 $105,000 $833,IHIS 223,500 935,930 $3,080, 595 • Transferred to the Federal Civil Works Adminl•tration. • Represents transrer of accounts of FERA Land Program to the Resettlement Administration. • Trans!erred to the Farm Credit AdmiDJstration. 120 Digitized by Google APPENDIX G Chronol,ogical, List of Major Forms .Ior Current Report8 to the Federal Emergency Relief Aclminiatration, May 11!, 1933, to December 31, 1935 1 Form no. Title Date Installed Date of last report Reference to general Instructions I I. Repurta on General Rel~/ and Special Program. 10 .•.•••••.••••. Monthly IIUDllDIII")' of total obligations June 11133.......... June 11133.......... lncmred for relief by political mb• divisions from publlo funds, and number of famllles and or nonfllmily pnonsglvenrelleffrompubllcfunds (by counties). IOA •••••••.•..• Monthly report of obllptlons lncmred July 11133.... •••• •. April 1934......... for unemployment relleUrom public funds1 by counties (Including num• ber or resident families and persons and tnmslent persons recel vlng relief and report on administrative costs). lOB .•••••....•. Monthly llnanclal report or obligations -···.do ••••...•••...•.•• do •••.•••••••. incurred for unemployment relief (by source of funds). lOC .••••.•.•••• Monthly report covering receiv- February lllk •••. _ April 11135.••••••.• ing unemployment relleffrom public funds, applications received, cases opened and closed (by coun- Letters June 6 and July 8, 11133 Letter July 8, um, A-2, R~ A-3, E-2, CW A-l«!i_ E-16, Manual Advanoe .i,ulletln No. 9, RS-23. Letter July 8, um, cwA-10, E-16, Manual Advance Bui· letin No. 9. Letters Jan. IO and Feb. II, 1934, RS-Ill, 21, 26, 80, 33, 84, 35, 311, 38, 41, Manual Ad· vance Bulletin No. 7 Revised, RB-411, 63, 63A, and tfee). 63B. 195 •••••••••••.• Monthly statement of upenditures or April l!IU ••••••••. June 11135•••••••••• Manual Advance Bulletin No. FERA and Staterelleffunds (granta, 11, RS-20. 23, 30, 33, 34, 35J.ll8, 39, 41, Manual Advance J:Jul• commitments, and balanoea). Jetln No. 7 Revi-1, R&-411, RD-22&, RS-a, RS-ell. 1111... ........... Monthly report or local ERA a:pen• .•••• do••.••..•..•..••.•• do••·-·······- Manual Advance Bulletin No. 11, RS-20, 84, 86, 38, 39, 41, dltures and belanoea. Manual Advance Bulletin 1111. ••••••••••.. Monthly report on administrative May 1934. • • • •• • . • (I) •••••••••••••••• - M~i],l~dv~~ \ ~ , : ~ : ll'Ojec'8 covering all administrative II, RS-20, letter Juna ~J 1984. RB-30, 33, 34, 35, U, Manual expenses of all unemployment rellel Advanca Bulletin No. 7 programs conducted under the supervlsionoftbe State ERA (lnclud• Revised, RB-46, 48, RD-Zia. ln11 number of administrative employees) (by countle11). 1119••••••..•.•.• Monthly report on all unemployment .•. June 1936..•••••••. _ Manual Advance Bulletin No. relief extended to all relief cases ~:i~~ from all public funds (amount paid In cash and in kind, under generel No. 7 Revi-1, RS-411, 118. relief and all other programs) (by counUes). llOO •••••••••••.. Monthly summary and analysl!, or May 1934 ••••••• _. June 11135.•.•.•••.. Manual Advance Bulletin No. 9, RS-20, 23, 30, 33, 34, 35, 41, total obllptlons Incurred during the Manual Advance Bulletin montb by all ERA'S in tbe State. No. 7 Revised, RB-fV, 66. Supp. 200 .••••• Supplementary report on special pro- . ..•• do ••.••••••••••.•••• do••••••••••••. Rt-;tMfn 'i:Jo~?1if:J1~:anca 111111DS (number orrammesand single persons, amount of relief extended, and total amount of ohllgatlons lnCUJTed b:, pr011ramsl. '81. •••••••.•.•• Report OD total obllgatlons Incurred June 11134 ...•.•.....•••• do.•••••••••... Letter June 27, 1934, RS-30, 33, 34, 35, 41, Manual Advance for UIIIIDlployment relief during the montb by IIOUl'Oe of funds (by ooun• Bulletin No. 7 Revised, RSties). 4V, 66. :ltO••••••••••••• Monthly anal:,si, of applloatlona and May 11136 •••••••....••• do••••••••••••• RS-63B, 630, 118. cases under care (general relier and rural rehabllltatlon programs). B ............ . Report on total obligations Incurred July 11135.......... (•)................. RB-M, A-118. for unemployment relief during the month, by source of funds (by coun• ties). 1 The following forms for current report& are omitted: Applications for p:ants and supporting statemenia, preliminary forms r« reporting special J)l'OIJl'IIID8, forms for pr011f88!1 reports on projects for special groups, and forms for miscellaneous reports. t Addll.loual Instructions were Issued verbally and In letters and telegrams to individual States. • Conl.lnued after Dec. 31, 11135. ~:is-0:- 3ti;i1;,t1~ 121 12so10°-a1--e Digitized by Google Chronology oj the Federal Em6rgency Relief Administration 122 Chronological List of Major Forms for Current Reports to the Federal Emergency Relief AdminiBtration, May 1:e, 1933, to December 31, 1935--Continued Form no. Title Date Installed Date of last report Rererenoo to general instructions I. Reports on General Relief and Special Programs--Continucd 193·-----·----·· Monthlystntementofexpendlturesof 1uly 1935._ ........ (')··········-······ RS-M, A-118. FER.-\ and fltate relief fund• (grnnts,commltments,and halancesl. 241----------··· Monthly analysis of applications and ...•. do .•.••• ---···· November 1935.... RS-00, 68, A-115, 118. cases under care. II. Reports on the General Relief Program 151- ••••.•...••• Pay roll for personal services (relief or April 1934.-·-····· nonreliel, type of project, and source of funds). 100•.•••••• ·-··· Weekly report on number of persons, ..•.. do... -•••••••.. hours, and earnings on ERA work program (by counties). Weekly tele!l'rsphlc report on chnn~es May 1034. •• •..•.. In case load (!or specified urban areas). 198 •. ·-······-·· Monthly report on unemployment .. _._do............. relier extended to resident cases under the general relief program (number offanulies and persous and nmount of relier extended, by work and directreliefnnd by counties). 192........... .. Monthly supplement on cases recelv• July 1935._ ••••••.. Ing unemployment relief under the general relief program (summary o! data on 198, and relief is.sued to cases a!t<ir assignment to WPA) (by oountle.s). {') .••••..••........ Manual Advance Bulletin No. I, WD-16, RS-17, RS-38, A-118. ('l•-·•··••······•·· Manual Advance Bulletin No. 5, RS-20, 23, 33, 3', 36, 38, fl, 49, A-113, 118. December 1935 .... Manual Advance Bulletin No. 9, RS-530, 66, A-109, A-118. (•) .••••..•••....... Manu•I Advance Bulletin No. 9, RS-20, 23, 30, 33, 34, 35, 38, 41; Manual Advance Bull&tin No. 7 R<lvised, RB-49, 66, 68, A-118. December 1035 •••• RS-M, 68, A-116, ll8. III. Reports on Special Programs I. SelC·help Cooperath·es: 17 •••• ·-········ Monthly progress report of self•help September 1933 __ • May 1934 ......•.. cooperatives (persons assisted, ac• tlvltles, and expenditurPs). 17, Rev .•..• _.. Monthly 11rogres.1 report of selC•help June 1934--······· December 1934 .••. cooperatives (a more detailed report on persons assisted, activities, and expenditures). 30 .•••••••••.... Monthly report on coopera• January 1935 •. _... (1) ••••••••••••••••• lives (membership, accounts, and ll<'tivities). 2. Transient: TR~·-······-· Monthly statistical report: Movo• October 1933 ...... June 1934._ •.•.•.. ment of transient c88"s and indivld• uals. TR-7 ••••••. - .. Analysis of transients applying for . •••• do_··-········ .•.•• do............ first time and of cloS<'r! rases (a~e. race, arnl se,: or new ca"W~..:; re!:!'istered during the month; analysis or cases closed, by reason for dosing) (monthly). TR-8 •••••••••. Trsnslents newly registered: Number •••• _do .••.•.••.....•••• do._ ••.•••.... and State or origin (monthly). Letters Aug. 23, 1933, June 5, 1Y34, SH-1. Letltlr June 6, 1934, SH-1, SH-1 Revised. SH-1 R<lvlsed. Letter July 5, 1933, FERA Rules and Regulations No. 8, A-19. Do. Do. 841. •.••••.. - ... Monthly financial report and budget.. December 1933 .•.. January 1934 ••.... T-21, T-21 Supp., letter Feb. 16, 193-1. 12i8 •••••••• ____ ..... do.. ·--··-·····-···········-·····•· February 1934 .•... June 1934•••• -•.•.. Letters Feb. 16 and Feb. 24, 1934, T-H, letter July 5, 1934. Telegrnphic report on mldmontbly ....• do •.••• - .••.... (')···--··········· Letter Feb. 10, 1934, telegram Mar. 27, 1934, letter Apr. 4. census of transients. 1(134, letter July 5,1934, A-I 18. Le Iler July 6, 1934, RS--46, 300 .• ·-········· Monthly financial report, transient July 1934 .......... {'>········-···-···· A-118. division (reconciliation of income: commitments incurred, outstanding obli~mtions, unohligated halanoos or funds; commodities purchased, is• sued, and available for future requi• sition). I Continued niter Dec. 31, 1935. Digitized by Google 123 Appendi3: G Chronological List of Major Form, for Current Report, to the Fw.naZ Emergency Relief Administration, May lf, 1938, to December 31, 1935-Continued Form no. Title Date Installed Reference to general instructions Date of last report 111. Report, on Special Progra-Continued 2. Transient: Continued July 1934__________ (>) _________________ division (obligations incurred for administration, work department, relief, and plant and eqalpment). _____ do _____________ Analysis of ~ opened and closed during the month, transient division. Quarterly report: Race,, and sex of September 1934. _. September 1935 __ . Individuals and families under care, transient division. Quarterly n>port: State of origin of . _. __ do _________ .. _. . • _.• do ____________ • Individuals and famllles under care, transient division. 3. Surplus Commodities: Monthly report on Federal Surplus April 11134 _________ November 1934-. .. Relief Corporation commodity distribution (receipts and Issues). August 1934 ____________ do ____________ _ Supplement to monthly report on Federal Surplus Relief Corporation commodity distribution (production and distribution of beef and veal). Monthly report on commodity dis- December 1934.... tribution (receipts and issues). 301.------------ Monthly operations report, transient 302 ____________ _ 303. -----------30t. ___________ _ 220. ----------·· 220.A __________ _ 230. -- --- - --- - .. ('>--------------··· 4112 ____________ _ 403 ____________ _ D) ____________ _ 510____________ _ Letter July 6, 1934, REH6, A-118. Letter July 6, 11134, A-111, A-118. Do. Manual Advance Bulletin No. 7, C-23, RS-34, Manual Advance Bulletin No. 7 Revi.ed. C-23 Bupp., Manual Advance Bulletin No. 7 Revised. ('>-------------•·· 231. ------ --- .•• Monthly report of Inventory losses In _____ do_____________ till.-------- .. - . Letter July 6, 1934, T-611, T-67, REH6, A-118. ('l--------·--··· .. connection with commodities distributed. 4. Rural Rehabilitation: Monthly report on rural rehabilita- April 1934 _________ June 1935__________ RB-30, Jetter Ang. 9, 11134, RDtion program (number of families 2'la, RIHJ6. and penons recel vlng relief, and goods issued, by counties). _____ do _________________ .do ____________ _ Monthly report on special operations Do. of the rural rehabilitation division Oand acquired, farm debt adjustment units, families receiving relief, and repayments). Monthly report on goods Issued nnder ____ .do__________________do ____________ . Do. the rural rehabilitation program. 6. Emergency Education: Monthly report on emergency educa- September 11134•--RB-41, RB-42, RS-62, A-118. tion proeram (number of pupils, persons employed and obligations Incurred, by type of project). II. College Student Aid: Monthly report on college student aid September 111341___ June 1935 __________ RB-33, RB-41, RS-62, RIHG. prop-am (number of colleges partlcl· pattng, number of students employed, and obligations Incurred, and type of work). ('>---------------- • Continued after Dec. 31, 11135. • Prior to the installation of Form 620, emergency education activities were reported on Form lOA, beginning in October 1933; and on supplement to Form 200, beginning in May 1934. 1 Prior to Ule installation of Form 610, college student aid activities were reported on Form lOA, beginning In February 11134; and oo supplement to Form 200, beilnning In May 1934. Digitized by Google Digitized by Google INDEX Pap Accident compensation: Civil Works employees: Act of February 15, 1934, provisions on________________ '4 Death compensation________ '4 Eligible for Federal compensation ___________________ 32,'4 FCW A Rules and Regulations No.5___________________ 33 Payment, transition to Emergency Work Relief Program____________________ 52 Civil Works Service employees: Federal compensation, ineligible for ___________ - ___ - _ 33, 38 State or local funds, use suggested___________________ 38 Work-relief employees: Emergency Work Relief Program: Federal compensation, ineligible for___________ 52 Relief where system is inoperative__________ 53 State and local responsibility ________________ 49,62 Federal projects____________ 15 State or local projects_______ 5, 9 Works Program employees: Act of February 15, 1934, applicable when____________ 75 Accident prevention (see also Safety): 37 Civil Works projects____________ Transient centers and camps____ _ 54 80 Works Program projects_________ Accounting: CWA. (See Civil Works Administration.) FERA manual in preparation____ 50 Self-help cooperatives___________ 6, 72 State organization, FERA approval____ ______ _____________ 21 Adequate relief: Defined_______________________ 7 FERA Rules and Regulations No. 3___________________________ 7 Obligation to provide_ _ _ _ _______ 7 Adequate relief-Continued. Relief allowances, study suggested_ 23 State and local resources to be developed for__________________ 12 Work relief or direct relief________ 7 Adjustment board or committee: Wage rates, Emergency Work Relief Program _________________ 49, 55 Administration: FCWA ____ ---·---- _____ __ ______ 28 FERA. (See Federal Emergency Relief Administration.) State and/or local relief admini&trations: Competent set-up in State___ 4 FERA Rules and Regulations No. 3___________________ 6-7 Kept at full efficiency_______ 71 Private agency personnel loaned to________________ 6-7 Public agencies_____________ 6-7 Administration of Unemployment Relief, Social Work in the____________ 80 Administrative costs, data requested for FERA analysis oL _ _ _____ _____ 69 Administrative expenses, FERA: Allocation of February 15, 1934, provisions ___________________ 44-45 Federal Emergency Relief Act, provisions __________________ _ 2 Administrative personnel. (See Personnel.) Administrative projects: Civil Works Administration _____ _ 31-32 Emergency Work Relief Program_ 51,54 Admission charge, art exhibits and entertainments produced as workrelief projects ___________________ _ 66 Adult education (see al,o Emergency education program): CWS projects, wage rate _______ _ 33 In prisons, authorized __________ _ 39 Program authorized, instructions_ 20-21 Workers' education. (See Workers' education program.) Advisory Committee on Allotments: Established, functions __________ _ 79 125 Digitized by Google 126 /'Tide"' Pa.. Age: Minimum: Administrative employees, SERA and ERA _________ _ 13 Civil Works project employees _________ ________ _ 29 Work-relief employees ______ _ 12 Works Program employees __ _ 80,84 NYA program, limits __________ _ 83 Aged persons: Aid to States, Social Security Act_ 86-86 Ineligible for direct relief, when___ 8 Agricultural Adjustment Act: National Emergency Council, functions relating to__________ 31 Agricultural Adjustment Administration: Aseistance to Rural Rehabilitation Corporations__________ _______ 64 Benefit payments, to expedite in drought areas________________ 74 Committees, preferred work projects_________________________ 54 Farmers cooperating with, eligible for Civil Works employment___ 40 Handling of surplus contract pigs, FERA and ___________________ 64, 69 Proceseed meat obtained through_ Processing taxes, commodities secured through______________ Purchase of dairy cows, FERA and AAA program____________ Purchase of foodstuffs, cooperation with FSRC_ __________ _ _ ____ _ Purchase of surplus commodities._ Agricultural and other surpluses, removal of, FSRC purpose__________ Agricultural Extension Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture: Approval of State plans for relief or subsistence gardens_________ Handling of surplus contract pigs. Aliens: Deported, transportation of needy dependents__________________ Transportation to country of birth, when________________________ Work relief, discrimination because of noncitizenship forbidden____ Allocation of funds. (See Funds.) Alphabetical Index of Occupations ___ _ American Red Cross: Hurricane relief, cooperation ____ _ Transient veterans, special services 16 31 53 22 20 21 41 64 16 40 9 Amount of relief. (See Budgetary needs; Relief allowance.) Appeal, right of, dismiseed CW A worker_______________________ ___ 40 Appendixes ________________________ 9l-123 Application for funds. (Su Funds.) Application for projects. (See Civil Works Administration; Emergency Work Relief Program; Wark relief prior to Civil Works; Works Program.) Application for relief. (See Relief, application for.) Appropriatione: Continuation of Civil Works Pro- 43--44 gram ________________________ National indUBtrial recovery_____ Relief: Act of February 15, 1934. ___ Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935. __________ Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 __________ Federal Emergency Relief Act_____________________ Relief in stricken agricultural areas ________________________ Works Program ________________ Architects, work opportunities for____ Art exhibits, work-relief projects, admiseion charge___________________ Artists: Transfer to work division projects_ Work opportunities for__________ Aseignment of workers. (See Civil Works Administration; Emergency Work Relief Program; Work relief prior to Civil Works; Works Program.) Aseociation of Railway Executives (see alao Railroads): Transportation of transients, agreement with FERA_____________ Attachments: CW A workers' pay, prohibited when________________________ Work-relief wages paid from Federal funds, prohibited_________ Automobiles, purchase from Federal funds prohibited__________________ 88 Bands, CWS projects, not CW A projects ___________________________ _ 19 Bank accounts, relief applicant's, investigation ________________________ _ 34 Dig1t1zed by Google 4-5 43-44 68-59 74-76 1 58-59 74-75 47 66 55 47 24 39 21 6 41 8 lnderD Goods and services, grant.a of Federal funds to assist_._._._____ Unit.a (au oleo Self-help coopera-tive organizations)________ ___ _ Bedding, purchase for State by SERA suggested________________________ Beef (au oleo Cattle program; Meat canning plants; Meat proce88ing plants): Purchase and procelllling, dec:1mtralization. ··- ______ ________ _ Slaughtering and procelllling pro- 2 10 43 36 gram __ ._____________________ 63 Benefit payments, AAA, to be expedited in drought areas_____________ 74 Blind persons, care of: Aid to States, Social Security Act. 85-86 Board of Labor Review, PWA: Relation to CWA____ ___________ 37 Boarding care of children. (Su Children.) Boards of Public Welfare: Return of transient.a to residence.. 42 Budgetary deficiency: Ba.sis of relief allowance, work or direct ••.•••••.••••••••• _____ 7 Direct relief to be allowed when amall_ .•.•.... __ -· ___ ••••• IU, 62, 64 Hours of work based on, professional and nonmanual workers. 61 Budgetary needs: Drought areas, baaf.9 of relief al· lowance ____ ··----------·-·-·50 Work-relief employees: Compensation to meet.·-···· 9, 49 Hours of work based on ••. -. 12 Budgetary standards: Clerical and professional project employees •••••.• --·-··· ___ -· 24 Information requested from BERA home economists_._··-- •. ·-__ 72 Profeaional and nonmanual proj• ect employees. _________ __ .___ 63 Budget.a, drought areas, AAA benefit payment.a in relation to--·····-··-- 50, 74 Bureau of Biological Survey, U. 8. Department of Agriculture: Work-relief project, control of rats as predatory animals_ · ···--··23 Bureau of Entomology, U. 8. Department of Agriculture: Work•relief project, mosquito con• trol.·---------··· - -·-·- ·-- -23 127 Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com· merce, U. S. Department of Com• merce: Work•relief project, building cen• sus_·······----····-· ------- · 23 Bureau of Immigration, U. 8. Department of Labor: Transportation of aliens_ •• ______ 16, 40 Bureau of Public Health Service, U. S. Department of the Treasury: Work-relief projects: Control of rats as carriers of disease ••••• ·---·-------23 Malaria control. .• __________ 23 Rural sanitation •.•• _. __ • __ . 23 Bureau of Public Roads, U. 8. Department of Agriculture: Chief of, duties relating to droughtrelief program•••• _•• ___ •• _... 19 Funds, use for projects in drought areas ........... ·-··--···· 3:>-36,65 Campe: Educational, and resident schools for unemployed women. (See Educational camps.) Transient. (Su Transients.) Canning projects: Civil Works Service project.a_ •• __ 33 Information requested, plans for work projects. __ ._ . _______ .__ 56 Report requested.-· ____ .. _.____ 88 Warning against unsafe methods__ 66 Work•relief projects_____________ 27 Case load: ERA investigators._. _______ _--· 8 March 1935, basis of occupational (labor) inventory _____________ 77, 85 Reexamination ordered._. ____ 23, 66, 77 Case records: Form for guidance-····-·--··- - · 15 Information for FERA Form 144. 73 Not public or open to inspection_. 74 Rural rehabilitation clients, transferred to Rural Rehabilitation Corporations____________ ____ _ 82 Transients, forms ___ .___________ 22 Case-work service to be available for transients_. ______________ • ____ • __ 14 Case workers, ERA: Number, qualifications_______ __ _ 7~ Cases, relief. (Su Relief cases.) Cash payments: Direct relief..·•·- _______ ---- · 7, 8 Drought areas, assistance in______ 50 Rural rehabilitation allowances, exceptional cases_______ __ _____ 61 Work-relief wages ______ 3, 7, 9, 51, 57, 61 Digitized by Google 128 Indea, Pap Cattle program: Funds ______________________ 59,63-64 Livestock Disposition Committee_ 64 Procedure ___________ •••• 59,60,63-64 Shipment to begin •••••••••• -... 59 Slaughtering and processing·---·62 Central file, ERA: Applications for relief, required •• _ 8 Central registration, transient program_ 14 Certification for Works Program employment. (Su Works Program.) Child welfare: Aid to States, Social Security Act. M-86 Child.feeding program: Authorized.·--····· ••••••.•.. ·21 NUJ'llery schools, food supplies for_·-·-----···---···-·-···-24 Children: Boarding care, payment of cost: Direct relief, prohibited when. 8 Federal funds, use prohibited_ 5 State and local funds, use suggested __ •.••••... ··-·-·· 3,5 Child•feeding program authorized. 21 Crippled, aid to States, Social Security Act.-----·-·-·-·· ••• 85-86 Dependent: Aid to States, Social Security Act-·-·-·············-·· 85-86 Direct relief prohibited, when_ 8 Nursery school program. (Su Nursery school program.) Relief policy and minimum age standards_····-···-·-·------21 Chronic cases, State and local responsi• bility for ____ ..••••••••• ·---···- 53 Civil Works Administration: Accident compensation. (See Accident compensation.) Accounting: Appropriation of February 15, 1934, use authorized for... 44 Completion of records_._ _ 45, 46, 60 Employee, retention oL .• 45, 46, 51 FCW A Manual of Financial Procedure, Accounting and 39 Reporting .•••.•. _.··--··Administrative employees: Civil Works project •..• ____ _ 31-32 46 Reduction in number-·-·· .• _ Use of position for political or financial advantage pro42 hihited_ ·- .•• _•••....•. -· Administrative set-up •.• ·-·-···· 27, 28 Administrator appointed ________ • 27 Allocation of funds to_··-·-· 27, 45, 120 Civil Works Administration-COn. Allotments of employees and funds to local CWA's, instructioDB •• _ 31 Appropriation for continuation of Civil Works Program _________ 43-« Attachment of pay of CWA workers prohibited-----·------···39 Auditing officers, retention after March 31, 1934.·---------·--51 Board of Labor Review, PWA, relation to-------·----------37 Certifying officers, retention after March 31, 1934.• _____________ 51 Civil Works projects: Application and approval_ 29, 30, 39 Appropriation of February 15, 1934, use for..••. ·--·44 Carried on by force account (day labor), not by contract 28-29 52 Closing out---·-·-------··· Distinction between CWS projects and _____________ 34, 35 Drought areas: Materials------------·· 35-36 Transfer of work-relief to .•••• ------·--·--·- 35-36 Transfer to drought area program·--······-··· 50 Employment. (Su Civil Works Administration, Em• ployment.) Hours of work. (See Hours of work.) Human labor, use of maximum ••..• ·--- --- ····-· •• 29 Office personnel, State and local CWA's··-·········· 31-32 Orchestras and bands, ineligi• ble as.··-·-······--····· 41 Reports.·--······-·······- 30,39 cooperative mem• bers_____ ·-·········-··-38 Signs, posting ordered_ .•••• 39 Transfer of CWS projects to. 45 Transfer of work•relief proj• ects to •.••• ·-··········28 Transfer to rural rehabilitation program_········-··· 51 Transfer to work divisions •.. 49, 52 Types of projects __ ._.... 28-29, 34 Wage rates. (See Wage rates.) Wages. (See Wages.) Civil Works Service projects: Administration by SERA's___ 35 Defined •••... -···-·-----·- 33, 34 Digitized by Google 129 Pare Civil Worb Adm.infatration-Con. Civil Worb Service projeoteContinued. Distinction between Civil Works projecta and ••••••• H, 35 (Su Civil Employment. Works Administration, Em• ployment.) Hours of wort. (See Houn of work.) Offices of oounty agenta and homedemolllltration agenta, 38 suggested for............. Orebestr&a and bands, Bug· 41 geeted u................ 34 Quotaa.................... 39 Sign.a, posting ordered....... Transfer to Civil Works proj• 46 eota..................... (See Wage Wage rates. rat.ea.) Wages. (Bu Wages.) Clerical employees, retention to complete records •••••••• - - • • • • 46, 46 Communications, aerial, content. 112-116 Death compensation. (Su Aocident compensation.) Disbursing officers, retention after 61 March 31, 1934....... •• • • •• •• ERA'sto beuaedulocaICWA'e•• 27, 28 Employment: 28 Application for............. CW A and PW A workers, pro89 hibited on same projects... Clearance of names from re41 lief files.................. Conditions of •••••••• 29-30, ~ 37 Continuous................ Dillmillaed workers, right of 40 appeal_.................. Eligibility for-27, Civil Worb projects.... 28,29,31,37 35 Drought areas...... Farmers cooperating 40 with AAA....... Civil Worb Service proj• eeta••••••••••••••••• 34, 35 29 Minimum age.............. Nonrelief pel'IIOns •••••••• 28, 31, 39 34 Nonresidents Ineligible. ..... Placement of additional workers from relief rolla pro39 hibited............ . ..... Placement through NRS of• fices .•.••.•.. 28, 31, 34, 35, 39, 40 Civil Worka Administration-Con. Employment-Continued. Preference regulated by PWA 37 Bulletin No. 2............ Reduction: 45 Education program..... Federal projects.. 40, 43, 46, 52 • Hours of work, Civil Worb and Civil Works Service projects •.•••• 40, 41 Number of employees: Civil Works proj• ects••.•..•.•• 43, 46, 46 Civil Works Service 45 projects......... 41 Replacements.............. Rotation or staggering pro45 hibited.................. cooperative mem38 bers..... •• • .• •• • • •• •• • • • Termination •••••••••••• 49,51,60 Transfer from direct or wort relief.••..••••.••••••• 27,28,31 Women ••••..•••••••..•.••. 34, 35 Federal Civil W orb Administra27 tion, establlahment of. . • . . . . • • FCW A Manual of Financial Procedure, Accounting and Reporting for State and Local Civil 89 Works Administrations........ Federal projects: 34 Employment of women...... FCW A Rules and Regulations 83 Noe. 4, 8, 9, and No. 9 Supp; 40, Reduction of employment... 43, 45, 52 Report eummarhlng, re54 quested.................. 36 Teachers included in quota... Termination ••••••••••••••• 62, 54 Funds: Allocation to FCW A. • • • • • • • 27, 45 31 Allotments to local CW A's... Allotting and disbursing pro30 cedure....... •• • . • • • • ••• • Civil Works pay rolls: CW A funds, use of...... 32, 35 32 Relief funds, use of...... Civil Works Service pay rolls: CW A funds, use pro33 hibited.............. Relief funds, use of.. 33, 34, 35 Drought areas, use of funds appropriated to the Bureau of Public Roads.......... 35-36 Transferred to FERA ...... 45,120 Dig1•1zed by Google 130 lrulere Pace Civil Works Administration-Con. Hours of work. (Su Hours of work.) Labor relationships_____ __ ___ ___ 39, 40 Medical attention, Civil Works employees _______ _____ _______ 32. 44 National Reemployment Service, support assumed by FCW A____ 35 Pay rolls: Funds _______________ 32,33,34,35 Procedure _________________ 30,39 Public records__ __ __________ 41 Proceedings of Washington Conference of November 15, 1933_ _ 28 Purchase of supplies, public records____________ ____________ 41 Purchasing procedure_ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ 39 Purpose of the Federal Civil Works Administration ______ __ _ 27, 28 Quotas, State ______ 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36 Records, completion oL __ _ ___ __ _ 45, 46 Report of activities requested: Federal projects__________ __ 54 State CWA's_______________ 52 Rules and Regulations, FCWA_ __ 116 Allocation of February 15, 1934, to be spent under, and amendments_________ _ __ _ 45 No. 1 Administration, projects, hours, wage rates, etc _____________ __ _______ 28-30 No. 2 Allotment and disbursement of funds _____ __ 30 No. 3 Project applications __ _ 30 No. 4 Federal projects ______ _ 33 No. 5 Compensation benefits _ 33 No_ 6 Wage rates ___ __ _____ _ 33 No. 8 Federal projects ______ _ 33 No. 9 Federal projects _____ _ 33 No. 9 Supp. Federal projects_ 33 No. 10 Hours, wage rates, conditions of employment ___ _ 36-38 So.fety Director, FCW A, appointed _____________________ _ 38 Safety program: Continued in Emerge ncy Work Relief Program ____ _ 50, 58 Launched _________________ _ 38 Safety provisions on Civil Works projects ___________________ - _ 37 Speed in formulating State pro11:ram, urged _______ ____ _____ __ 33 SERA's to be used as State CW A's 27, 28 Surplus commodities, distribut.ion to employees of_ ______ __ 31, 38, 40, 43 Termination _____________ 49, 50, 51, 60 Pap Civil Works Administration-Con. Transition to Emergency Work Relief Program__ __ ___________ 49, 52 Wage rates. (Su Wage rates.) Wages. (See Wages.) Civilian Conservation Corps: Act of March 31, 1933: Additional appropriation to carry out purposes ________ 58-59 Balances, use authorized, Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935_ _____ _ 75 Enrollment: Effect on family eligibility for Works Program employment________________ ____ 82 Eligibility_______ ________ __ 85 Transient boys, urged_______ 87 Classification and assignment of workers. (Su Occupational classification.) Clothing: Direct or work relief, allowed__ __ 7 FERA Advisor on, services offered_ 43 Federal funds, use In drought areas ____________________ ___ _ 19 50 Production by Women's division for transient shelters_____ _____ 41 Purchase for State by SERA, sugj!;ested____________________ 43 Transients _________ ____________ 14 Coal (see also Fuel) : Amounts needed, SERA estimates _____ ___ ___ ____________ 22 FERA plan for supplying for relief purposes __ ______________ _____ 33-34 Purchases for relief consumption, plans for increasing______ __ __ _ 22 Coast and Geodetic Survey, U. S. Department of Commerce: Work-relief project, tying in control surveys_____________ _____ 23 College student aid program: Funds available for 1934-1935 school year______ _ ___ _ _ __ _ __ 61 Procedures and activities, instructions summarized_ ________ ____ 70 Program initiated: funds, eligibility, rate of pay, hours of work__ _______ ____ _______ ____ 42 SERA staff member to direct program, appointment suggested____ ___ _____ ________ __ _ 70 Color, discrimination because of, forbidden on work-relief projects___ __ 9 Dig1!1zcd by Google lndea, 131 Pue Page Commissaries: Improvement, use of work-relief labor suggested_______________ 62 Surplus commodity distribution, when ________________________ 23,25 Commissioner of Immigration, U. S. Department of Labor: Transportation of aliens_________ 40 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, U. S. Department of the Interior: State relief programs, assistance__ 12 Committee on Economic Security: Established, purposes, membership 60 Committee on National Land Problems: Created, purposes, membership, abolished____________________ 55 Commodities, general relief, inventory requested________________________ 69 Commodity distribution. (See Surplus commodities.) Communicable diseases, in transient camps, report required____________ 73 Communications, list of: Federal Civil Works Administration: Administration ___________ 112-113 Engineering. ______________ 113 114 Federal projects____________ 116 Rules and Regulations______ Safety ___________________ 114--115 Traffic survey______________ 115 Federal Emergency Relief Administration: Administration_____________ 92-94 Drought areas, relief in______ 97 Education _________________ 98-99 Field staff_________________ 100 Manual Advance Bulletins___ 108 Nutrition__________________ 100 Research and statistics____ 102-103 Rules and Regulations______ 108 Rural rehabilitation _______ 101-102 Safety_____________________ 103 Self-help cooperatives_______ 104 Surplus commodities ________ 94--97 . Transient ________________ 104--105 Women's work ___________ 105-106 Work Division_____________ 107 Working procedures for projects ___________________ 109-111 Compensation: Accident. (See Accident compensation.) Administrative personnel. (See Salaries.) Conference: Emergency education program, May 21, 1934 _______________ _ Governors and State Relief Administrators, June 14, 1933 ___ _ Governors, Mayors, State and local Civil Works Administrators, November 15, 1933 ______ _ Rural rehabilitation program: Conference on Rural Rehabilitation, February 25 to March 1, 1935 ___________ _ Regional Advisors and Coordinators, August 6-13, 1934_ Regional Directors of the Land Program and Rural Rehabilitation Advisors, December 6, 1934 ____________ - - _- _State Relief Administrators, July 9 and IO, 1933 ______________ _ State Works Progress Administrators, June 17-19, 1935________ _ White House, on needs of unemployed women, November 20, 54 4 28 74 65 69 11 82 1933 _______________________ _ 31 White House, on resident schools or camps for unemployed women, April 30, 1934___________ 53 Continuation of relief and Civil Works, Act of February 15, 1934: Appropriation, authorired uses___ 43-44 Balances, use authorized, Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935______________________ 75 Digest _________________________ 43-44 Federal accident compensation___ Grants for relief directly to public agency authorized____________ Contract: Civil Works projects not to be carried on by _________________ Emergency Work Relief projects not to be carried on by_ _______ Work-relief projects, independent of work on___________________ Cooperative and self-help groups. (See Self-help cooperative organizations.) Cooperative relationships, public and private agencies_ _________ ________ Com-hog contracts, use of excess hogs for relief purposes ________________ Cotton: Contracts, Government payments on, relation to relief allowances_ Purchase authorized for making mattresses and comforters_____ Digitized by Google 44, 75 44 28-29 49-50 9 7 62, 69 50 60 lnde~ 132 Pap County agents: CWS projects suggested for offlcea 38 of___________________________ County health units: Federal relief funda not available 15 for___________________ _______ Crafts, vocational training In, develop71 ment of program_________________ Crippled children: Aid to States, Social Security Act_ 85-86 Current reporting. (Su Reporting.) Dairy cows, purchase and distribution, rural rehabilitation program ________ 53, 57 Day labor: Civil Worka projects, carried on by_ 2S-29 Emergency Work Relief projects, carried on by _________________ 49-50 Death compensation. (Su Accident compensation.) Debt conciliation committees: 54 Preferred work projects__________ 54 BERA cooperation with_ _ _ ______ 67 Dental Advisor, FERA, appointed____ Dental care, rules and regulations (au olao Medical care) _________________ 17-18 Dependent children, care of. (Su Children.) Direct relief: 7 Adequacy of work relief and_____ 8 Aged persons, ineligible when____ 7 Amount____________ ___________ Boarding out of children, not 8 included_________ __ __________ Commodities, use of funds for 3 purchase of__________________ Hospital or institutional care, not 8 included__ __________ _________ Investigation and service, work relief and _____ __ -- -- ____ ____ _ 7-8 Persons with small budgetary deficiency ____________ _____ 51, 52, 54 Recipients, CWA employment ____ 28, 31 Recipients, eligibility for Works (Su Program employment. Works Program.) Rural rehabilitation program to 51 replace in rural areaa___ _______ Services included (aee olao Relief 8 allowance)___________________ 10 Transients, work relief or________ Widows or their dependents, in8 eligible when_________________ Works Program employees, discontinued when ___________ 84, 86, 89 Disability, compensation for. (See Accident compensation.) Disbursement of funds. (Su Funds.) Discretionary grants. (Su Grants to States.) Diseaees, communicable. (See Communicable diseaees.) Dismissed workers, CWA, right of appeal___________________________ Division of Applications and Information, National Emergency Council: Established, functions __________ _ Division of Research, Statistics, and (Su Federal Finance, FERA. Emergency Relief Administration.) Drought areas: AAA benefit payments to be expedited in __________________ _ Cattle shipments from _________ _ Civil Works Program in ________ _ Executive Council meeting on program, September 12, 1933 _ _ __ _ Instructions on procedure ________ Livestock feed. (See Livestock feed.) Obligation for aid assumed by Resettlement Administration___ Program change, work relief_____ Program following Civil Worka__ _ Road construction ______________ Seed. 40 79 74 59 35-36 19 60, 65 82-83 57-58 50 19, 65 (See Seed.) Earmarked grants. (Su Grants to States.) Education. (See Emergency education program.) Education projects. (See Emergency education program; Works Progress Administration.) Educational camps: Resident schools and, for unemployed women: Continuation, 1934-1935 ___ _ 66 Establishment, standards and procedures for ____ _______ _ 85 Federal funds available for __ _ 57 White House Conference ____ _ 53 Eight-hour day: Civil Works projects, when _____ _ 29 College student aid program ____ _ 42 Emergency Work Relief Program_ 53, 60 Work relieL _____________ - -- - - 12 WPA employment_ ____________ _ 80 Dig,;1z1cd by Google 133 Eligibility: 21 Child-feeding program___________ Employment: Civil Works projects________ 27, 28,29,31,36,37,40 Civil Works Service projects_ 34, 35 College student aid program_ 42 Emergency education program ________ 15, 1~20,21,24,63 Emergency Work Relief program: General_______________ 49 Professional and nonmanual projects ______ 61, 63 Rural school continuation program_________________ 42 Work relief prior to Civil Works: Discrimination prohibited 9 Employables only_______ 9 Need properly established 3 Works Program. (Su Works Program.) Medical relief__________________ 5, 17 Relief: Artists____________________ 55 Direct and work relief recipients_ _________________ 7-9 Drought areas, persons fn_ ___ 19, 50 Hurricane victims___________ 19 Inadequate income, persons with ____________________ 7, 19 Rural rehabilitation clients ___ 51, 53 Seamen _________________ 13,61,69 Self-help cooperative members 16 Strikers ____________________ 22,65 Substitute post office employees__________________ 19 Transients _________ ~10, 13, 19, 25 Rural school continuation program, school districts __________ 45, 74 Surplus commodities. (See Surplus commodities.) Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1936: Approved, appropriations ________ SS-59 Balances, use authorized by Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936______________________ 75 Emergency Conservation Work. (See Civilian Conservation Corps.) Emergency education program (aee al,o under special programs): Authorized: Adult education____________ Adult education in prisons___ Literacy___________________ 20 39 15 Emergency education program-Con. Authorized-Continued. Nursery school_ ___________ _ 24 Parent education __________ _ 24,63 15 Rural schooL ----------- --Vocational education _______ _ 20 Vocational rehabilitation ___ _ 20 Workers' education ________ _ 23 Conduct of program, instructions for ___________ 1~20, 20-21, 35, 38, 63 Conference on 1934-1935 program_ 54 Conferences, regional, on 19351936 program _______________ _ 81 Curtailed program, summer of_ 1934 _______________________ 56 Educational authorities, relation 15,21 to __________________________ Employment: Eligibility _____ 15, 1~20, 21, 24, 63 Negroes, proportionate ______ 67-68 Women____________________ 27 WPA education projects__ ___ 89 Funds, additional and assignment of quotas____________________ 61 Program during Civil Works: Additional quota of teachers_ 36 Civil Works Service projects_ 33, 34 Reduction in employment___ 45 Special grants discontinued, conducted. as part of Emergency Work Relief Program _________ 52-53 State Directors: Conference attendance_ _ _ ___ 54 Cooperation in rural rehabilitation program___________ 66 Cooperation in vocational training in home economics and crafts_______________ 71 State Supervisors: funds for, selec59 tion, training_________________ Teacher training. (Su Teacher training.) U. S. Office of Education and Federal Board for Vocational Education, in relation to_ _________ 20 Vocational classes, attendance limitations ___________________ 20, 42 Wage rates ____________________ 20, 21 Emergency Relief Administrations, local: 6-7 Administrative organization______ Administrative personnel_ ______ 7-8, 13 CW A, relation to: Clearance of names of Civil Works employees from relief files__________________ 41 Digitized by Google l'Tldex 134 Pare Emergency Relief Administrations, local-Continued. CW A, relation to-Continued. Named as CWA's __________ _ Work divisions, use by CW A's ________________ -- 27 28 Development of local resources to meet relief costs _____________ _ 12 Disbursement of funds, rules and regulations __________________ _ 52 Drought areas, functions in _____ _ 60 Emergency Work Relief Program. (See Emergency Work Relief Program.) FERA Form 144, functions relating to ____________________ 73, 84, 85 FERA Form 144A, functions relating to _______________________ 84,85 FERA not to correspond with___ 5 Federally controlled State, appointment ___________________ 32-33 NRA compliance, relief orders____ 15, 72 Office headquarters: Federal funds, use for rental prohibited_______________ 3, 6 Improvement by work-relief labor ___________________ _ 62 State or local funds, use for rental ___________________ 3,58 Pay-roll procedure, instructions __ _ Purchase of materials and supplies, procedure __________________ _ Slum-clearance projects, moving and relocation of relief families_ Student aid program, certification for _________________________ _ Surplus commodities: Designation of agencies to select eligibles for ________ _ Persons receiving only, removal from relief rolls_____ Work-relief organization and personnel, utilization by WPA____ Works Program, relation to: Certification. (See Works 51 51 67 86 25 86 83 Program.) Relief allowances, continuance ________________ 84,86,89 Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932, Title I: Funds obtained by States, pro66 visions for repayment waived__ Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935: Administrative employees _____ - - - 7&-76 Agencies, President may establish_ 76 Pap Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936--Continued. Appropriation: Amount ___________________ 74-75 Available for: Continuing relief under Federal Emergency Relief Act______________ 75 Projects_______________ 75 Restoring sums to PW A_ 75 Funds available immediately and until June 30, 1937____ 75 Funds to be used under direction of the President______ 75 Digest_________________________ 74-76 Employment of workers under, 81 rules and regulations_________ Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, as amended, continued__ 76 National Emergency Council in relation to___________________ 31 Purpose_______________________ 74 Resettlement Administration es77 tablished under authority of___ Wage rates, hours and conditions 80 of employment under_________ Wage rates to be prescribed by the President____________________ 76 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936: Funds available to FERA for liquidation, until June 30, 1937 ___ 1, 76 Emergency Work Relief Program: Accident compensation. (See Accident compensation.) Drought areas __________________ 50, 57 Emergency education program continued as a part of______ 52-53, 56 Funds_________________________ 49 Grievance committee____________ 49 Hours of work. (See Hours of work.) Instructions, general. ___ - - ______ 49-50 Projects: Administrative _____________ 51, 54 Admission charge, art exhibits and entertainments_______ 66 Application for_____________ 52 Approval _______________ 49,51,56 Day labor, carried on by____ 49-50 Health, FERA Medical Director to develop_________ 67 Mattress-making _________ 60, 62, 66 Preferred _______________ 54, 61, 66 Procedure, FERA Manual Ad52 vance Bulletin No. 4_ _____ Professional and nonmanual __ 61, 63 Digitized by Google Inde~ 135 Paire Emergency Work Relief ProgramContinued. Projects-Continued. Public character____________ 49 Public service, appointment of State Director requested 77 Public works of art_________ 55 Reports requested _______ 56, 81, 90 Research, survey and statistical _________________ 54, 56, 77 Slum clearance, ERA or PWA, moving and relocation of relief families_____________ 67 Suggested: Fields of activity _______ 50-51 Provision of forage for drought-relief cattle___ 63 Recreation program, summer of 1935__________ 80 Rural schools, improvement oL _ _ _ _________ 68 Study of forage preserv&tion by use of trench silo_________________ 64 Surplus garden produce, 58 preservation oL ______ Tanning and production of articles from hides_ _ 62 Transient camps, to increase facilities of_______________ 72 White-collar workers_ _______ 54 Report on accomplishments requested______________________ 85 Rural rehabilitation program in relation to_____________ _____ 51 Safety, adequate provision, CWA activities to be continued______ 50, 58 Urban or industrial communities__ 49 49 Wage rate committee___________ Wage rates. (See Wage rates.) Wages. (See Wages.) Women to receive full share of jobs_ -i9, 56 Women's work, necessity for State Director_____________________ 56 Work divisions: Direction of program ________ -i9, 52 Employees: Administrative, super52 visory and technical__ Placement on projects__ 52 Selection oL ___________ -i9 Surplus commodities, eligible for______________ 55 F..stablishment of___________ 49 FERA Form 144, functions__ 73 Manual of Work Division Procedure, and revision____ 68 Emergency Work Relief ProgramContinued. Work divisions--Continued. Occupational classification, index and assignment to jobs, formulation of procedure__ Planning boards, authorized to supply personnel to_____ Research projects of FERA, workers secured through___ Transfer of functions, personnel and projects to WPA's__________________ Transition from Civil Works 67 52 67 83 to ______________________ 49,52 Employables: FERA emphasis on assistance to__ 53 Federal responsibility, plans for care _________________________ 70-71 Receiving relief, registration with USES office required__________ Receiving transient relief, registration with USES office required__ Work relief allowed only to______ WPA employment distributed within States on basis of number on relief_____________________ Employment: Administrative personnel, State and local ERA's______________ CWA. (See Civil Works Administration.) Emergency education program (See Emergency education pro- 80 81 9 88 13 gram.) Emergency Work Relief Program. (See Emergency Work Relief Program.) Full-time, supplementation of wages contrary to FERA policy_______________________ 66 Offices designated by USES. (See U. S. Employment Service.) Preference: CWA _______ --- -------- 28, 31, 37 Works Program____________ 80 Private, effect on Works Program eligibility ______________ 81, 86, 87, 89 4 Public works __________________ Records. (See Occupational classification.) SERA's and ERA's to cooperate with agencies in providing_____ 12 USES and FERA, cooperative arrangement for ____________ ---11 Works Program. (See Works Program.) Digitized by Google lnderc 136 p ... Pare Expenditures for relief-Continued. State and local (see also Funds): Ba.sis for matched grants ____ 1-2, 3 Employment-Continued. • Works Progress Administration. (See Works Progress AdministratioJ:\.) Youth. (See National Youth Administration.) Engineers: Emergency Work Relief Program staff: Drought areas ____ - ________ _ 57 Planning and coordination __ _ 51 FERA, regional_ _____________ • - 62, 73 Work opportunities for ______ . __ _ 47 Work-relief personnel for planning boards authorized ____________ _ 52 Equipment: Relief Administration, purchaae from Federal funds prohibited._ 6 Rural rehabilitation program, transfer to Rural Rehabilitation Corporations ____________ _ 82 Transferred to WP A, statement _ requested ___________________ 90 Transient program_. ______ . _.. __ 59 Transient Bhelters and camps, production for __________ . ___ ._ 41 Eviction, tax or mortgage interest payments to prevent, when ____ - _. ___ _ 8 Excess hogs (see alao Pigs): Disposition through SERA's, rulCB_ 69 Packing facilities, SERA's to contact packing houses _________ __ 62 Executive Council: Consolidated with National Emergency CounciL ____________ _ 31 Drought relief_ ________________ _ 19 Established, purposes __________ _ 19 Executive Orders affecting the program of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration _______ 117-118 Expenditures for relief: Federal emergency relief funds (su also Funds): FERA Rules and Regulations 5 No. l___________________ FERA Rules and Regulations No. 2______ ____ _________ FERA Rules and Regulations No. 3________ ___________ Monthly report required, first issue____________________ Purpose, decision of Federal Administrator final___ ____ 6 6-7 5-6 2 Family visits, direct- and work-relief 8 clients___________________________ Family welfare societies: Clients eligible for surplus com25 modities_____ ________________ Farm and home management plans, 72 rural rehabilitation families________ Farm Credit Administration: · Drought-relief program, coopera-tion ______ •. __ . _____ ... _.... _ 19, 65 Funds reallocated to ___ . _.... __ 59, 120 Farm debt conciliation, cooperation of 54 SERA___________________________ Farmers: Civil Works employment._.__ 35-36, 40 (Su Drought Drought relief. areas.) Rural rehabilitation. (Su Rural rehabilitation program.) Federal Board for Vocational Education: Cooperation in emergency education program ________________ _ Federal Civil Works Administration. (See Civil Works Administration.) Federal control of relief adminiBtration in State: Authorized ____________________ _ Rules and regulations for._ .. _.__ Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works. (See Public Works Administration.) Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933: Application for fundB, requirement ..••.•. __ •. ____ • _____ • __ Appropriation__________________ Continuation of relief under, funds appropriated for __ 43-44, 58-59, Digest_________________________ Grants. (See Grants to States.) Liquidation of FERA under, authorized_____________________ National Emergency Council in relation to _____________ -- - - - Policies to be followed in adminietratiou oL _.. ____ .. _____ . __ - . Purposes, intent, interpretation_ 1, Report of activities and expenditures required by ________ .____ Settlement defined for purposes of_ Digitized by Google 20 1 32-33 2, 6 1 74-76 1-2 l, 76 31 4 2-3, 4 5-6 9 137 PIIP Federal Emergency Relief Administration: Administrator: Appointed Administrator of FCWA _________________ _ 27 Appointed Administrator of WPA ________ - _- - - _- - - - - - 79 Assumes office ___ •. ________ _ 2 Control of State Relief Administration: Authorized ____________ _ 1 Rules and regulations for. 32-33 Grants: Authorized to make to public agencies ______ _ Authorized to make to_ States ______________ 44 1-2 Liquidation of FERA, authorised to direct- _______ _ 1, 76 Member of: Committee on Economic_ Security ____________ 60 Executive CounciL ___ • _ 19 Industrial Emergency Committee _______ . __ _ 60 National Emergency Council _____________ _ 31 National Resources Board National Resources Committee ____ - - - - - - -- - - Office created _____________ _ Rules and regulations, authorized to make additional Advisor on Clothing, services offered______________________ 69 Director of Transient Activities, relation to State program _____ _ Director of Women's Work ap-_ pointed _____________________ of ___________________ Workers' Education_ Director appointed 60 Division of Research, Statistics, and Finance: Alphabetical Index of Occupations prepared by ______ _ Assistant Director, responsibility for installation and filling in FERA Form 144_ Occupational classification, index and assignment of workers, formulating pro- 81 1 Research projects, use of workrelief labor ______________ _ 45 43 Advisor on Food Requirements, information and exchange service announced by____________ 53 Allocations, reallocations and transfers of funds to. (See Funds.) Appropriations for expenditure by ____________ 1,43-44,58-59,74-76 Approval of SERA appointments_ 21 Approval of State plans: Emergency education pro- gram____________________ Federal Emergency Relief Administration-Continued. Catalogs and indexes of publications_ _______________________ 119 Check of operations, 1933-1934, SERA data requested_________ 69 Committee on National Land Problems, representation on___ 55 Communications, serial, content_ 91-111 Dental Advisor appointed ______ _ 67 Director Parent Education ap-_ pointedof _____________________ 21 Garden program____________ 41 Self-help cooperatives_______ 10 Social workers' training______ 57 Transient care____________ 9-10, 13 Approval of State :research, statistical and accounting organization______________________ 21 Beef purchaaing and processing, decentralization______________ 36 cedure __________________ _ 56 22 23 88 73 67 67 Field Representatives: Reexamination of case load, assistance in_____________ 77 Regional offices, direction____ 56 Rural Rehabilitation Corporations, assistance to_______ 64 State· Coordinator of Statistical Projects, consultation on appointment__________ 77 Transient service centers, approval____ ____ ___________ 25 Fuel plan: Announced ________________ 33-34 Inoperative for winter of 1934-1935_______________ Funds. (See Funds.) Grant.a to States. (See Grants to States.) Joint Committee on Self-help established in cooperation with Department of the Interior____ Land program. (See Land program, FERA.) Liquidation authorized__________ 128019·-37--10 Digitized by Google 65 41 1, 76 138 lnde~ Pase Page Federal Emergency Relief Adminietra tion-Contin ued 108 Manual Advance Bulletins_______ 51 No. 1 Pay-roll procedure_____ No. 2 Purchase of materials 51 and supplies_____________ No. 3 Grants and disburee52 ments of ERA funds______ 52 No. 4 Work project procedure_ No. 7 Commodity distribution procedure, and revisions ___ 54-55 Manual of procedure, accounting, 50 and reporting in prep,uation__ Medical care, State plans submitted to _____ _______________ 18, 55 Medical Director, appointed, funo67 tions_ _________________ ______ National Reemployment Service, support withdrawn ____________ 35, 55 Occupational Classification and Code adopted by WPA ________ 86-87 63 Parent Education Office. ______ • Program emphasis on 8811istance to 53 employables __ • _ • __ _•• ___ - • - Purchase of cotton for mattress 60 project authorized.___________ Regional engineers: 62 Cattle program, functions____ FERA Form 144 installation, 73 functiona _. ________ - - - - - Regional offices: established, in56 structions, personnel, expenses. Regional Research Supervisors, functions relating to FERA 73 Form 144 installation____ ___ __ Regional Social Workers,assistance 77 in reexamination of case load_ Resident schools and camps for 66 women, advisory service _______ 108 Rules and Regulations_._ _______ Allooation of February 15, 1934, to be spent in accordance with ___ ______ ___ 44-45 Distribution and interpreta5 tion to ERA's___ _________ No. 1 Expenditure of Federal 5 emergency relieffunds_ ____ No. 2 Expenditure of Federal 6 emergency relieffunds_ ____ No. 3 Supplement to No. 1, adequacy of relief, investigation and service, direct relief, work relief, relief to transienta, self-help and barter __ _____ ________ ____ 6-10 No. 4 Conditions of employmenton work-relief projects_ 12 Federal Emergency Relief Administration-Continued. Rulea and Regulations-Contd. No. 5 Employment of admin13 istrative person neL ______ • No. 6 Purchase of supplies in compliancewithNRAcodes_ 15, 72 No. 7 Medical care _________ 17-18 No. 8 Transient service bureaus ____________________ 2~26 Rural Rehal>ilitat ion Corporations: Asset8 and liabilities, state82 ment to be submitted to___ 63 Assistance in organization___ Audit of records, agreement with Resettlement Admini83 stration_________________ Statistical projects, approval, reports _______ --- ----- ---- -- _54, 56, 77 Strikers, relief to, policy_________ 22, 65 Supplementation of full-time wages 66 contrary to policy oL_________ Transient care, obligation _______ 9-10, 34 Working procedures for FERA work projecta. ______________ 109-111 FERA Form 10, monthly report of obligations incurred and number of 3 persons served, submission requested_ FERA Form 144. (See Occupational classification.) FERA Form 144A. (Su Occupational classification.) FERA Form 600, certification of eligi84 bility, preparation of______________ FERA Form 601, notice of case change, 84 preparation of____________________ FERA Form 602, cancelation of certifi84 cation of eligibility, preparation of__ Federal emergency relief for schools (see also Rural school continuation program): Rules and regulations for administration ____ • ____________ 45, 74 Federal Employees' Compensation Act of 1916: 33 CWS employees not protected by_ Employees of CW A protected by_ 32, 44 Employees of work divisions not 52 protected by_ ___________ _____ Employees on Federal work-relief 15 projects protected by _________ • Employees receiving security wagrs 75 protected by________________ Federal financing of relief (see also Funds): Funds available to FERA and 120 FCWA______________________ Dig,t,zed by Google Inde.c 139 Pa&'e Federal grants. (See Grants to States.) Federal Housing Administration: Preferred work projects__________ 66 Federal inspection, of beef-slaughtering plants___________________________ 63 Federal old-age benefits: System established, Social Security 85--86 Act _________________________ Federal projects: CW A. (See Civil Works Administration.) Work relief. (See Work relief prior to Civil Works.) Federal Surplus Relief Corporation (see also Surplus commodities): Cattle received from, feed for____ 68 Commodities: Curtailment of quantities available ______________ - 52 Produced by use of work relief, distribution ________ 55, 58 Will deal only with basic____ 31 Incorporated, purposes__________ 21 Land acquisition projects________ 54 Livestock Disposition Committee, formation announced__________ 64 Livestock feed: Grain or other, to supply in drought areas_ --- ---- -- -50 Grain purchase discontinued46 National grocery organizations to cooperate with_______________ 23 Ordering procedure revised_______ 52 Price concessions, arrangements with industries_-------------22 Procedure in drought areas, responsibility ________ -------------60 Purchase of: Coal for relief distribution-__ 33-34 Foodstuffs, cooperation of AAA____________________ 22 Submarginal land, rules for__ 43 Ticking for mattress project__ 60 Fees, acceptance by persons connected with CWA prohibited _____________ 42-43 Field offices. (Su Regional offices.) Financial data sheet, form for guid15 ance____________________________ Financial policies and procedures, rural rehabilitation program _______ - _- __ 70 Financial Procedure, Accounting and Reporting for State and Local Civil Works Administrations, FCWA Manual------------------------- 39 Paie Financial resources, relief applicant's, investigation_____________________ 8 Financial responsibility for relief costs (see also Funds; Responsibility, State and/or local): Federal ________ 4,9-10, 11, 12,34, 70-71 State and local ______ 4, 11, 12, 53, 70-71 Fire protection, transient centers and camps___________________________ 54 Five-day week, professional and nonmanual employees________________ 61 Food: Allowed: Direct relief_ ______________ _ 7,8 Drought areas _____________ _ 19,50 Hurricane victims _________ _ 19 Information requested of W!'l , SERA home economists __ _ 72 Transients ________________ _ 14 Work relief_ ______________ _ Child-feeding program authorized_ FERA service ex-_ changeinformation _____________________ 7 21 53 Nursery schools, use of funds for purchase ____________________ 24, 43 Orders and prices, survey suggested Preservation and processing, work projects in drought areas _____ _ Requirements, FERA Advisor on_ State outlines and plans ________ _ Forage: Drought areas, to be provided ___ _ For drought cattle, production by work project or purchase of_ __ _ Preservation by trench silo, work_ project _____________________ 16 57 53 53 19 63 64 Force account: Civil Works projects to be carried on by _______________________ 28-29 Emergency Work Relief projects to be carried on by ___________ 49-50 Forty-hour week: Administrative personnel_ ______ _ 13 Civil Works projects, when _____ _ 29 Work relief: Clerical or office work ______ _ 12 Supervision, clerical and professional projects ________ _ 24 WPA projects _________________ _ 80 Fourth Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933: Appropriation _________________ _ 5 Balances, use authorized by Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935_____________________ _ 75 Digitized by Google 140 Fuel (au also Coal): Allowed: Direct relief________________ Drought areas______________ 7, 8 50 Work relief________________ 7 FERA fuel plan: Announced _____________ 22, 33-34 Inoperative, winter 1934- 1935____________________ 65 SERA to make adequate provi65 sion_________________________ Funds: Civil Works Administration. (S,e Civil Works Administration.) Federal emergency relief: Acoounting. (Su Accounting.) Administration by public agencies, rules ____________ 6, 6-7 Allocated, reallocated, or transferred to FERA---43, 44-46, 5&-59, 76, 120 Applications for: Cattle program _________ 63-64 Belf-help and cooperative organisations, instructions________________ 6 State grants____________ 2, 6 Appropriations: Actor February 15, 1934_ 43-44 Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935 ________________ 5&-59 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 ___ 74-76 Federal Emergency Relief 1 Act_________________ Available for: Administration _____ 2, 8, 44-45 Cattle program_________ 59 Child-feeding___________ 21 CWA pay rolls, when •• _ 32 CWS project wages__ 33, 34, 35 College student aid pro- gram ________________ 42,61 Dental care____________ Direct relief, purchase of commodities for______ Drought areas, relief in__ 17 3 19, 36,50,57-58,65 Educational work relief_ _ 15, 20,23,24,36,39,61,63 Emergency Work Relief Program_____________ 49 Food for use in nursery schools ______________ 24,43 Grants to States for relief and work relief_______ 1-2 Funds---Continued. Federal emergency relief-Con. Available for-Continued. Hurricane victims, relief 19 for__________________ Indians, care of _________ 11-12 Land, purchase of_ __ 43, 73-74 Liquidation of FERA___ 1, 76 Livestock feed, purchase of_ ______________ 19, 46, 50 Mattress project________ 60 Medical care _________ 5, 17-18 NRA Compliance Board offices_______________ 23 Nursing care___________ 17 Reemployment offices, when ________________ 11, 36 Regional offices, when___ 56 Rental of space and purchase of equipment for 59 transientshelteJ'I!_____ Resident schools and educational C&DlJ>II for unemployed women _____ 57, 66 Road construction, when .. 19, 65 Rural rehabilitation program ________________ 51,82 Rural school continuation program _____________ 42,52 Self-help and cooperative organizations ____ 2, 10, 13, 16 Shelter________________ 5 State SupervisoJ'I!, emergency education program _____________ 57,59,63 Teacher training, emergency education pro- gram __________ 35,38,57,63 Training of social workers 57 Transient care_________ 1, 2,3,9-10, 13-15,59,72--73,88 Work relief____________ 1, 3 Disbursement, rules and regutions_ __ ___ ___ __ __ __ ____ _ 52 Earmarked, balances________ 67 Expenditures. (See Federal Emergency Relief Administration.) General relief, transfers______ 67 Grants. (See Grants to States.) Land program, transfer to Resettlement Administration_ 77, 120 Professional and nonmanual projects, authorized uses ___ 61, 63 Purchase of clothing for State by SERA________________ 43 Digitized by Google lnde:r: P'unde-Cootioued. Federal emergency relief-Coo. Report& requested from SERA's (,u al,o Reporting; Report&): Balances and cash oo band, November 30,_ 1934 ________________ For period balances remain in States _______ _ Funde-Continued. State and/or local-Continued. Use suggested-Continued. Care of dependent chil- dren_________________ 69 90 Uae prohibited for: Accident compeosation premiums, employees on State or local workrelief projects ________ _ Boarding out of children_ Education, to relieve counties of reeponsibility _______________ _ Hospital bills __________ _ Institutional care ______ _ Medical care, lo lieu of State _______________ and/or local_ funds Migratory workers, transient funds __________ _ Purchase of automobiles and other equipment__ Rental of relief head- 141 6 6 16 6 6 17 19 6 quarters_____________ 3, 6 Resettlement Adminilltration intake, office 88 expense______________ Salaries, when__________ 3, 6 Supplementation of fulltime wages___________ 66 Public W orkll, use for road work in drought areaa ________________ 19, 65 RecoDlltruction Finance Corporation: Available to FERA ______ 1, 69, 120 Loaua to States, repayment provillioDII waived_________ 66 State and/or local (au al,o Responsibility, State and/or local): ContributioDII to be kept to proper share______________ 71 Use suggested: Accident compeosation iDllurance, CWS employees______________ 38 Accident iDllurance premiums, employees on State or local workrelief projects _____ 5, 9, 49, 62 Civil W orkll pay rolls, when________________ FERA regional offices, incidental expeDlle&___ Hoepitalisation_________ Institutional Pensions_______________ Rental of relief head- care_______ 3, 6 32 56 3, 5 3, 6 3, 53 quarters_____________ 3 Salaries of certain workers 3 Welfare activities normally carried on by State and local subdivisions_ 3 State, municipal or private: Materials and acceeeory services for Federal work-relief 23 projects__________________ Transferred to FERA from PWA, restoration ___________________ 75 Works Program (.., alto Worb Program): Appropriation ______________ 7(.-75 Gardens: Produoe of, relation to relief allowance _______________________ _ Projects ______________________ _ 7, 41 27 Refusal of relief if no garden is kept, when __________________ _ Relief and____________________ community, use of_ produce Relief or subsistence, State program for ____________________ _ 61 58 41 Relief, summary report requested_ 88 Beed allowed as direct relief, when_ 8 Subsistence, plans for purchase and distribution of seed ______ _ 69 Gas, allowed, direct or work relief ___ _ 7 Government payment.a on cotton or wheat contracts, lo drought areaa __ 50 Governors: Applications for grant.a of Federal emergency relief funds _________ 2, 3, 6 Washington conferences: Administration of Federal Emergency Relief Act, June 14, 1933 _____ -- ______ --- _ Civil Works Program plans, November 15, 1933 ______ _ 28 Grain for livestock feed. (Su Livestock feed.) Digitized by Google Indez 142 Pare Grants to public agencies: Federal Emergency Relief Administrator authorized to make directly______________________ 44 Grants to States (see alao Funds): Accounting for: FERA Manual Advance Bulletins, rules on__ __________ 52, 108 Received through October 31, 1935, summary requested__ 00 Allocation of February 15, 1934, available for_ _ _ ______ ________ 44-45 Allocations from drought-relief appropriation of June 19, 1934, available for_ _ __ _______ ______ 59 Applications to be made through Governors_ _ _________ ________ 2, 6 Certificate of, revocation________ 2 Discretionary. (See Unmatched.) Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, provisions______________ 1-2 Federal Emergency Relief Administrator to make___________ 1-2 First general notification of______ 3 First grants____________________ 3 First unmatched grant__ ____ ____ 5 Intent of Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933____________ 2-3 Matched: Applications_______________ 3 Basis of first grants_________ 2-3 Federal Emergency Relief Act, provisions___________ 1-2 Purposes. (See Funds; and under special subject.) Unmatched: Federal Emergency Relief Act, provisions_______________ 2 First unmatched grant______ 5 Health: FERA Medical Director to advise on _________________________ _ Reports on communicable diseases in transient camps ___________ _ Work-relief projects to promote __ Hides, production of articles from, suggested as work-relief project ___ _ Hogs. (See Excess hogs; Pigs.) Home demonstration agents: CWS projects suggested for offices Home economics: Teachers, utilization in rural rehabilitation program ___________ _ Vocational training in, program __ 67 73 Homeless (aee alao Transients): Care, rules ____________________ _ Expenditures for, basis of relief grants _________________ _ Relief for, authorized ___________ _ Hospital care: Direct relief, payment of bills prohibited __________________ _ Federal funds, use prohibited ___ _ State and local funds, use suggested ______________________ _ Hourly wage. (See Wage rates.) Hours of work: Administrative employees, State and local ERA's _____________ _ Civil Works projects: FCW A Rules and Regulations No. l __________________ _ 38 66 71 2-3 1, 3 8 5 3,5 13 29 FCW A Rules and Regulations No. 10 _________________ _ 36 Reduced __________________ _ Women __________________ _ 40, 41 35 Civil Works Service projects: FCW A Rules and Regulations No. 10__________________ 37 Reduced ___________________ 40,41 Women____________________ 35 College student aid program_____ 42 Emergency Work Relief Program_ 49, 51,52,53-54,60 Drought areas______________ 57 Professional and nonmanual projects ________________ _ 61 Rural rehab iii ta tion program ____ _ 51 Work relief prior to Civil Works __ 12, 24 WPA projects _________________ _ 80 Household supplies, allowed: Direct relief____________________ Work relief____________________ Housing projects: ERA, preferred projects ________ _ FHA, preferred projects ________ _ Slum clearance, moving and relocation of relief families _________ _ Hurricane relief_ __________________ _ 67 62 13-15 Immigration and Naturalization Service. (See Bureau of Immigration, U. S. Department of Labor.) Independent Offices Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935: Additional compensation available for veterans on relief_ ________ _ Index of Occupations, alphabetical arrangement ____________________ _ Digitized by Google 7, 8 7 54 66 67 19 56 88 /11dez 143 Pare Indian Affairs, Office of. (Bee Office of Indian Affairs, U. 8. Department of the Interior.) Indian reservation oflloials, asalatance in relief program__________________ 12 Indians: Relief program broadened........ 68 BERA's authorized to ext.end relief __________________________ 11-12 Surplus commodities, eligible for__ Industrial Emergency Committee: Created, purpoeee, membership.__ Industry, cooperation in providing work opportunities_____________________ Injury. (See Accident compensation.) Inspection, Federal, of beef slaughtering plante________________________ Institutional care: Direct relief, payment of bills prohibited_ _____________________ Federal funds, use prohibit.ed_ ___ State and local funds, uae BUggested _ _ ___________ __ ___ __ ______ 36 60 4 63 8 5 3,5 Institutions, distribution of wrplue commodities to, when _____________ 38, 40 Inaurance, accident. (See Aoaldent compensation.) Intake: FERA Rules and Regulationa No. 3___________________________ 7-8 Resettlement Administration, arrangement for joint offices_____ Transient, closed_______________ Interstate agreemente, for return of traneiente to residence_____________ Interviewing and investigating, CWS projects for______________________ Investigation: CWS eligibility_________________ Eligibility for employment on nonmanual projects______________ Eligibility in drought areas______ Investigation and service, ERA's: Adequate investigation, necessity for sufficient workers__________ Adequate investigation urged.___ FERA Rulea and Regulationa No. 3___________________________ 88 87 25 33 34 61 50 8 39 7-8 Persona reported to ERA's, lnveetigation of need______________ 8 Reexamination of case load ordered _____________________ 23,66, 77 Paae Investigators, ERA, number and qualifications_____________________ 7-8 Job refusal, Works Program, discontinuation of relief, when___________ Joint Committee on Self-help_________ 89 41 Kind, relief in: Direct relief_ _________________ 1, 3, 7, 8 Drought areas__________________ 60 Rural rehabilitation program.____ 51 Work-relief wages _______________ 3, 7, 9 Labor employment procedure, WPA Bulletin No. 7___________________ 83 Labor inventory: Current, maintenance by State Works Progress Administrators. 83 Instructions for ______________ 77, 83, 85 Occupational Cl8118ification and Code, use for _________________ 86-87 Referred to as occupational inventory _____________________ 77,85 Report on March 1935 case load requested for basis____________ 85 Labor relations, CWA _______________ 39, 40 Land: Acquired In rural rehabilitation program, reports requested._._ 76 Committee on National Land Problems.___________________ 55 Land adjustment program, funds_____ 43 Land program, FERA: Acquisition, administration, and disposal of property ________ 43, 73-74 Conference, Regional Directors of Land Program and Rural Rehabilitation Advisers, report.__ 69 Dfrector____________________ 73-74, 77 Moving and relocation of families.72 Tran&fer to Resettlement Administration ordered______________ 77 Land, submarginal: Projects for acquisition of. ___ • __ 54, 61 Restrictions governing purchase, FSRC_______________________ 43 Legal residence. (See Residence.) Legal settlement. (See Settlement.) Liability for support of dependents._. 8 Light, relief allowance for: Direct relief___ _________________ 7, 8 Work relief.___________________ 7 Liquidation of surplus commodity distribution program________________ 86 Liquidation of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration_____________ 1, 76 D1gtzrdbyGoogle lndei» 144 Pan Literacy program (au alao Emergency education program): 15 Authorized __ ··----············· M Continuation, summer 1934•••••• Rules and regulations ••••••••••• 19--20 Livestock Disposition Committee: 64 Estabfished, purposes ••••••••••• Llvest.ock feed: Civil Works employees, ineligible 36 to receive, unless approved.... 8 Direct relief allowance, when..... Drought areaa: Distribution program superseded by work•relief program .•..•.•....• •• •..... 57,68 Farmers receiving, classified ae rural rehabilitation cli73 ents ...........•••••... _. 46 FSRC purchase discontinued. 74 Program outlined ..•••..• _.. Purchaee and resale to work• relief employees.......... 57-58 Purcbaae from relief funda authorised .......•••.. 19,46,50 SERA distribution discon• tinued, stocks transferred to Rural Rehabilitation Cor. 68 poration11... •. •• •• ••. • . . . Supplied, when•••••••.•. 19, 36, 50 Livestock program (au alao Beef; Cattle program; Meat canning plants; Meat processing plants): 60 Instructions on operations....... 64 Livestock Disposition Committee. Living standards, minimum, obligation 7 to grant sufficient relief to maintain. Local communities: Relief offices, should provide ••.• _ 3, 58 Relief, responsibility for. (See Responsibility, State and/ or local.) Local emergency relief administrations. (Su Emergency Relief AdmiDistra-tions, local.) Local funds. (See Funds.) Local homeless. (Su Homeless.) Local reemployment offices. (Su Reemployment offices, local.) Local responsibility. (See Reeponsf. bility, State and/or local.) Machinery, use of human labor in lieu of, CWA projects.·-·············· Manual Advance Bulletins, FERA. (See Federal Emergency Relief Ad. ministration.) 29 Manual of Accounting Procedure Sug. gested for Self•help Cooperatives... Manual of Financial Procedure, Accounting and Reporting, FCW A.... Manual of Policies and Procedure Governing the Distribution of Sur• plus Commodities................. Manual of Work Division Procedure: issued, revision................... March 1935 case load, basis of occu~ tional (labor) inventory........... (Su Grants to Matched grants. States.) Materials: Emergency Work Relief Program._ Federal projects, acceesory servioea and......................... Professional and nonmanual projects......................... Public works of art projects...... Purchase of supplies and, rules and regulations for SERA's and ERA's.. •••••••••••••••••••• Transferred to WPA, statement requested.................... Use of PW A funds for cost of, and work relief for labor prohibited.. Maternal welfare: Aid to States, Social Security Act.. Mattresses, production for transient shelters by women's division....... Mattress-making project: Authorized, materials, procedure.. Instructions ....••••• -.......... Termination ..•• ····-·······... Mayors, conference with Federal Civil Works Administrator.............. Meat-canning plants, suggested plan.. Meat processing plants, Federal or State contracts................... Medical care: Acute illness................... Ambulatory patients, when...... Authorizations for care, written, telephone....• _.............. Bedside-nursing care included.... Bills submitted to ERA monthly. Chronic illness ...• ··········-·· CW A employees, when.......... Continued use of community serv• ices......................... Dental care included............ Direct relief, allowed ••••••••••• Eligibility .••... _.• • ••.. . .... _. FERA Rules and Regulations No.7 Federal funds, use for •.... _.____ Digitized by Google 72 39 55 68 77, 85 49 23 63 65 51 90 24 86-86 41 60 62 66 28 61 64 18 17 17 17 18 18 32, 44 17 17 7, 8 5, 17 17-18 5 145 Pqe Medical care-Continued. Federal funds, uae in Uea of State and/or local funds prohibited___ Fee echedule _______ -----------Hospitalisation not included •••• _ Mieoellaneoua aervicee----------- Obstetrical care________________ Partiaipatlon of medical, nuning, dental, and pharmaceutical profeaaionain program________ Participation of Negro phyalclana, dentists, and pharmacista_ __ _ _ Persona receiving only, ineligible for certification for Worka Pro- gram________________________ 17 18 5, 8 18 18 18 69 85 Policy_________________________ 17 Relation of ERA to profeeakmal 17 organisations_________________ Report. OD programs requ.ted from SERA'•----------------- 18, 65 Standard of service_____________ 17 SERA approval of local programs_ 18 Transients_____________________ 14 Work rellef,allowecL ____________ 7 Medical Director, FERA, appointed__ Medicine and medical BUppllea: Allowed, direct relief____________ Allowed, work relief_____________ 67 7, 8 7 Authorisations for_------------17 Federal funds, usefor____________ 5 Migratory workers, ineligible for transient relief _______________________ 19, 25 Mini.mum age. (See Age.) Minimum wage rates (,- alao Wage Administrative pencmnel, State and local ERA'a, by city population_ - _ - -- --- -------------· 13 Civil Works employees__________ 30, 83, 35, 36-37, 45 Civil Worlta Service employees___ 33, 35,37-38 College student ald program_____ 42 Emergency Work Relief Program_ 49 Aboliahed __________________ 68-69 Drought areas______________ 57 ProfeNional and nomnanual projects_________________ Rural rehabilitation program ____ Self-help oooperative members___ Work-relief employees___________ Monthly earnings, echedule of: WPA, by class of wort and degree of urb&nb&tion_______________ Monthly report of FERA, initiated __ - - 61 51 16 12 80 ~6 Mort«age interest, payments allowed, when___________________ __ _______ Mothers' aid caaea, eligible for surplus commodities_____________________ Mothers' penaiona, information ~ qu.ted from BERA'•------------Muaiciana, employment on CW8 projects_____________________________ National Council of Parent Education: Cooperation in parent education work________________________ National Emergency Council: Division of Applications and Information of, establiabed, pur- poeee________________________ Established, purpoees, membership, consolidated, reeat&bli8hed Preferred work projects__ ________ National Industrial Recovery Act: Additional appropriation for purposes of, authorized__________ Allocation to FCWA from appropriation authorized by_________ Approved, purpoaes, appropriation authorized___________________ Construction financed under authority, wage rates____________ FCW A established under authority of title IL________________ Funds allocated t.o PW A from appropriations for, transferred t.o FERA ____________________ 59, National Emergency Council in relation t,o___________________ Placements on Civil Works jobe in accordance with preferences ~t forth in title II____________ Projects ineligible for Civil Works when public body can finance under title II________________ Purchaee of submarginal land, conditions applicable ____________ , 8 2S A 41 63 79 31 54 58 27 4-5 30 27 120 31 28 29 43 National Labor Board: Strikes, decision on justification__ 22 NRA Codes: Chidren discharged because of minimum age provisioDS__________ 21 NRA compliance: Purchaee of commodities for distribution by State and local ERA's _ 72 Purchaee of supplies with Federal funds, and relief orders _______ 15, 72 NRA Compliance Board offices: Preferred work projects__________ 54 Work-relief personnel for_ _ _ _____ 23 Digitized by Google 146 lnde.rJ Pac• National Reemployment Service (aee al,o U. S. Employment Service): Civil Works employment, placement through____ 28, 31, 34, 35, 39, 40 EstabliBhed____________________ 11 FERA to finance local office ex• 11 penses, when _________ ._______ Reimbursement for local office expenditures __ --------------35 Support terminated by FERA and assumed by FCWA___________ 35 Support terminated by FERA, work-relief labor supplied______ 55 National Resources Board: AboliBhed, transfer of personnel, funds, etc., to National Resources Committee ________ ------_---- 81-82 Established, purposes, membership _________________________ 60-61 National Resources Committee: Established, purposes, membership_ 81-82 National Safety Council: Recommendations, Civil Works Program-------------··-----37 National wholesale and retail grocery organizations, cooperation in 11Urplu11 commodity distribution____________ 23 National Youih Administration: 83 Established, purposes___________ Student aid projects, supervision 87 119 Publications _________ ---·-·-·-__ Needy pen,ons not on relief: Eligible for surplua commodities, when----·············--·---25 Negroes: Employment on work projects and emergency education program, equitable treatment .• ·-·---·-· 67-68 Medical care program, participa• tion __ •. _•.• _•. ·-· ••••••••••• 69 Noncitizenship. (See Aliens.) Nonrelief workers: Civil Works employment.···- 28, 31, 39 4 Public works employment ... _._. Works Program employment_ .. _. 80 Nonresidents (8ee al8o Transients): CW A or PW A projects, ineligible for employment.............. 34 Receiving transient relief: Certification and transfer to Works Program employ• ment_ .......••..•.•.. 84--85,87 Employables, registration with employment offices re• quired_.................. 81 bY--------------------···--- Pace N onresidents--Continued. Veterans, ineligible for CWA or PWA employment- ••••••••••• Nursery school program (8ee alao Emer• gency education program): Authorized ••••••••••••••••••••• CWS projects •••••••••.•••••••• Continuation, 1934--1935 school year ••••.••••.••••••.•••••.• 62 Continuation, summer of 1934.•.. 56 Food supplies provided __ ••••••.• 24, 43 Funds, use of general relief or edu• cational work relief. •••••••••• 24 Funds withheld pending approval 65 of State plans ••. ·-·······-··· Instructions for conduct of program_················--····· 35, 57 Parent participation included _____ 24, 63 Plane, approval by educational and relief authorities_. ____ ._ •. 24 62 Plans requested·-----······-···· State Supervisor, funds available 57 for __ ······-·----·---·-·····Surplus commodities distributed to--············-············ 40 Training centers, instructions.-·-· 62 Training of workers authorized... 35, 57 47 Nurses, work opportunities for....... Nursing care, rules and regulations (au al8o Medical care) .. ········-·---- 17-18 Nursing services, CWS project•••••. 33 Nutrition Advisor, SERA: 38 Appointment suggested·-······-· Information exchange service, food and nutrition plans ••••• - ••••• 53 C•• Obligations incurred for relief al8o Reports): Monthly report initiated ..•.•.. _. 3 Obstetrical care •••• ·-···········--· 18 Occupational cl88Bification: Employable relief cases, registration with USES offices•••• ---· 80, 81 FERA Form 144, family occupational classification record: FERA Form 144A as supplement to ..... ·-·········· 76, 82 Filing and maintaining, in• structions to State ERA's and WPA's·····-·-····-· 85 Installation, instructions, func• tions of State and local officials .••••.•.•• _....... 73 Maintenance by SERA's and ERA's·-·····-·-·--· · ··· 84 Digitized by Google lnde;c 147 Paire Occupational classificatlon-COn. FERA Form 144-Continued. Stationary family reference card____________________ Suggested for use, instructions_ Transfer to WPA offices on request__________________ FERA Form 144A, individual occupational classification record: Active file individual card, mandatory use___________ Filing and maintaining, instructions to State ERA's and WPA's______________ Maintenance by SERA's and ERA's__ _ _________ ___ ___ 82 68 84 82 85 84 Suggested for use, instructions____________________ 76 Transfer to WPA offices on request__________________ 84 Index of Occupations, alphabetical arrangement_________________ 88 Occupational Classification and Code, FERA, adopted by WPA_ 86-87 Persons eligible for Works Program employment_________________ 83 Relief cases, suggested___________ 4 Workers on work division jobs: Manual of Work Division Procedure, and revision____ ___ 68 Procedure for classification, index and assignment being formulated_______________ 67 Occupational inventory (,u alto Labor inventory): Announced, basis, instructions____ 77 SERA's to report March 1935 c&11e load, by counties and by States_ 85 Transcription sheets and instructions________________________ 77 Office of Education, U. 8. Department of the Interior: Cooperation with FERA: Emergency education program 20 Parent education program___ 63 Office of Indian Affairs, U. S. Department of the Interior: Cooperation in State relief program _____________________ 11-12,68 Relief of ward Indians___________ 11 Old-age assistance cases, eligible for surplus commodities______________ 25 Old-age benefits, Federal: Establishment of system, Social Security Act _________________ 85-86 Orchestras, CWS projects, not CW A projects_________________________ Organized labor: Civil Works wage rates: Agreements with Civil Worke Administrators___________ Agreements with employers, payment of agreed rate____ Emergency Work Relief Program wage rates: Prevailing wage rate committee, representation on_____ 41 37 33 49 Parent education program (aee alto Emergency education program): Administration, policies and principles for •• ___ • -- ______ -- ___ _ 63 Authorized ____________________ _ 24,63 Eligibility ____________________ _ 63 FERA Director appointed ______ _ 69 Supervisors, employment authorized__ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ 63 Training of leaders ______________ 63, 67 Part-time employment, college students 42 Pay rolls (au alao Civil Works Administration; Emergency Relief Administrations, local): Public records, open to inspection_ 41, 74 Pensions: Mothers', information requested __ 53 State and local funds, use suggested ______________________ _ 3 Widows and aged, State and local responsibility ________________ _ 53 Personnel: Administrative (,u alto under special programs): CWA: Reduction.____________ 46 Use of SERA and ERA __ 27, 28 ERA: Employment of, FERA Rules and Regulations No. 5_______________ 13 Employment on basis of qualification only_____ 64 Federally con trolled States _______________ 32-33 Supervisors and investigators_______________ 7-8 UeebyCWA ___________ 27, 28 Emergency Work Relief Program: FERA Manual Advance Bulletin No. 4________ Digitized by Google 52 148 Penonnel-Continued. Adminiatrative--Oontinued. Emergency Work Relief Pro- gram-Continued. Utili.r.ation by WPA_____ 83 Work divisions ______ 49, 51, 52 ·BERA: Employment of, FERA Rules and Regulations No.5_______________ 13 Employment on baaia of qualification only ___ - _ 64 Federally con trolled States _______________ 32-33 P&id from Federal funds, FERA approval______ 21 Political activity forbidden ______________ 6H5 Use by CWA __________ 27, 28 Works Program: Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 __ 75-76 County health unit.a, use of Federal funds, when _________ --- -15 Private agency, use In administn.tion of public unemployment relief ___ • ____________________ 5, 6-7 Pigs (au al,o Excess hogs): Surplus contract, FERA and AAA agreement on handling___ 64 Planning boards: Personnel, work divisions authorized to supply________________ 52 Preferred work project.a _________ • 54 Planning projects, Emergency Work Relief Program ___________________ 50, 81 Political activity: CW A employees, prohibited______ 42 Relief administration employees, 6H5 prohibited ___________________ Relief clients ___________________ 66-67 Political affiliation: Discrimination because of, prohibited_ _____________ __ ______ 9 Population: Relief load and, basis for allotment of CWA funds__________ 31 Relief load and, basis for assignment of CWA quotas _________ 28, 31 Preferred projects: FERA list issued, explained______ 54 Federal Housing Administration projects_____________________ 66 State and local ERA's___________ 54 Submarginal land projects, compliance with order requested___ 61 p_. President of the United States: Addreu, conference of Governon and State Administrators _____ _ 4 Authority vested in: Appropriation Act of February 15, 1934 ___________ __ 43-4-4 Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935_____ _ 59 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 __________ 75-76 Federal Emergency Relief_ Act ____________________ 2 Drought-relief program, orders formulation of_ _____________ __ 19 Executive Ordera affecting the FERA program ____________ 117-118 FERA rules and regulations adopted by __________________ 44-45 Message to Congress, January 4, 7~71 1935 ________________________ Works Program: Administrative organisation, relation to __ • ___________ _ 79 Procedure for employment prescribed by ___________ _ 81 Wages, hours of work and conditions of employment prescribed by __________ __ President's Reemployment Agreement: Children discharged because of minimum age provisions_______ FERA Rules and Regulations No. 6, compliance________________ Prevailing wage rates. (See Wage 21 15 rates.) Price concessions: Purchase of foodstuffs, coopen,.tion of FSRC, SERA'e, and industries______ ______________ 22 Prices, improvement in, FSRC purpose_ 21 Prisons, adult education in, use of Federal funds________________________ 39 Private agencies: Care of unemployables__________ 70 Federal emegency relief funds not to be turned over to_ ______ 5 LoSB of abilities and interests would handicap relief work_____ 5 Offer services in administration of public funds_________________ 5 Personnel, use by public agencies_ 5, 6-7 Services: Cooperative arrangements with public agencies_______ 7 Overlapping, prevention of___ 8 Supplemental, use of public agency funds prohibited___ 7 Digitized by Google 149 Pap Private agencies or inatitutlo1111, work• relief projecte for, prohibited; exoeption •• ·--·-------···---- ------- -· Private employment. (&, Employ• ment.) Produce, farm or garden: Belief allowanoe reduction because of, prohibited_ ••• ________ .___ Relief allowance, relation to-···-Profemiooal and noomanual projects: FERA reeearch projecte in the Public ee"ioe projects: Appointment of 8tat.e Director 9 '1 7 leld-·-····---·-···-·····---- 67 lnatructiona_ ••••• -.---·-·-·---· 61,63 Profemiooal and t.echnical worken, WPA employment, wage n.tee._.___ 80 Profemlooal groups. work opportunities for_···---------··-·-·-···------t7 Profeaiooal or t.echnical organisatiom: Investigation of eligibility for CWS employment_. ____ ._--·· 34 Investigation of eligibility for em• ployment on proft'llllliooal and nonmanual projecte _____ • _____ 61 ProjeGta. (&, Civil Works Adminietration; Emergency Work Re Ii e f Program; Work relief prior to Civil Works; Worb Program.) Publio agenoy: Defined..... ·--····--·····-··· 6 Federal Emergenoy Relief· latrator authorised to make grant.a to--------·----------« Federal emergency relief funds, administration by __ ··----····- 5,~7 Local. BERA approval.·---·---6 Penonnel loaned by private agency to ...••••• ·-··············-· ~7 Servioee: Cooperative arrangements with private agencies-··--7 Overlapping, prevention of __ • 8 Public health (au al,o Health): Aid to Btatee, Social Security Act ~86 Public health or welfare, work•relief project.a benefiti.Dg ___ ····---·----9 Publio Health Service, Bureau of. (Su Bureau of Publio Health Service, U.S. Department of the Treasury.) Public officials: Administering publlo relief funds, defined----···-·-----·--··--· 6 Private agency peraonnel admin· istering public funds must be- come •• - - •• • • • ·• • • • ••••• •• • • • 5 requested---·--··-·--·-···-·· Bummer recreation program suggested aa. -·····--·---·-····· Public welfare department, local: Publio agency for administration 77 80 of publio relief funds, when.... Public welfare projects, report 19- 6 quested_........................ 81 Public works: Bill to be passed for employment of relief and nonrelief peraom_ _ Coordination with relief ___ • _____ Funds, use for road work in drought t 4 &re88-·--------·-·--·-----·-- 19,65 National Industrial Reoovery Act t-5 Public Worka Administration: Allocation of funds to FSRC for land adjustment program_·-·-43 Balances: Transfer for purpoee of Fed• eral Emergency Relief Act 59 authorized ________ ···---Transferred to FERA.·---· 59, 120 Civil Works Administration, relation to: Employment preference __ -·· 37 Funds allotted to, allotment and disbursing prooedure.. 30 Hours of work............. 29 Projecta.---··············· 29, 39 Wage rates ••••••••••••• 29-30, 37 Disapproval of certain projects 2t prohibited ••••••• _........... Projects, distinction between work• relief and---·---····-·-··-··· 24 Projects financed by, nonresidents ineligible for employment _____ • 34 PWA and CW A workers, employ• ment on same project forbidden. 39 Restoration of sums transferred to FERA, authorized- -···--·---75 Slum-clearanoe project.a, moving and relocation of relief families. 67 Qualifications (see alao Personnel): ERA supe"iaors and investiga7-8 tors •••• -·-·· - • • • • -- •• •• • --· • SERA persoDDel, PERA approval. 21 Quotas: CWA-·-·-·-······ 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36 WPA, instructions to States on distributing••••••••••• ·-···-88 Digitized by Goos le lnde:r, 150 Pare Page Race, discrimination because of, for• bidden on work•relief projects_..... 9 Railroads, transportation of transients. 24, 34 Rate of pay. (See Wage rates.) Real property, relief applicant's, in• vestigation_ •••. _...•.....••••• -·. 8 Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Allocation of funds to FERA __ 1, 59, 120 Balances, use authorized by Emer• gency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 .•.••. ·-···········-·· 75 Grants to States by FERA, relation to.......................... 2 Loans to States, repayment requirement waived_········-··· 66 Records, basis of grants to States for first quarter of 1933........ 3 Records: Applications for relief, central office of local agencies......... 8 CWA, completion of..·-········ 4IS, .a Local agency, maintenance of records required by SERA..... 6 Public and open to inspection: CWA..................... 41 ERA, limitations........... 74 Relief case. (See Case records.) Transfer from SERA's to WP A's.. 84 Recreation program, suggested....... 80 Red CroBB. (See American Red CroBB.) Reemployment Agreement, President's. 15, 21 Reemployment offices, local (see alao National Reemployment Service): Administrator of SERA, duties in connection with.............. 11 Appropriation of February 15, 1934 available for, as Civil Works projects-·······-···-·· 44 Civil Works employment, placement through •••• 28, 31, 34, 35, 39, 40 Establishment: number, location, cost, etc..................... 11 FERA financing_····-·········· 11 Reimbursement of SERA for ex• penditures ..... ·-··-········· 35 Work-relief personnel for .••••••• 11, 55 Reemployment Service. (See National Reemployment Service.) Reexamination of case load .••••••• 23, 66, 77 Refusal of relief, to families in rural areas failing to have gardens... ••• 51 Refusal of Works Program job, discon• tinuation of relief, when........... 89 Regional Engineers, FERA: Cattle program, functions........ 62 FERA Form 144 installation, functions.·--················ 73 Regional offices: Federal Emergency Relief Ad· ministration: Established, conduct, person. nel, funds for.·-···-······ 56 Works Progress Administration: Established, functions.. . • • • • 87 Regional Resc:arch Supervisors, FERA, installation of FERA Form 144.... 73 Regional Social W orkere, FERA, assis• tance in reexamination of case load.. 77 Registration of employables on relief with employment offices .. -····· .80, 81, 84 Reinvestigation of relief need, by local agencies ••••••••••••••.••••.. 8, 23, 66, 77 Relief Administration projects, distinction between Public Works projects and........................ 24 Relief allowanoe (see alao Budgetary deficiency; Budgetary needs; and under program or subject): Artists on publio works of art projects..................... 55 Direct relief recipients .••••••••• l, 3, 7, 8 Drought areas, persons in........ 50 Hurricane victims.............. 19 Persons transferred to Works Program, continuation............ 84, 86 Revision necessary because of in• creased food prices •.•••••••••• 16-17 Rural rehabilitation clients...... 51 Seamen........................ 61 cooperative members... 16 Study suggested •••••••••••••••• 16, 23 Transients.•-··················l, 3, 14 Work relief recipients ••••••••• • 1, 3, 7, 9 Relief, application for (see also Eligi• bility for relief): Investigation required .•••••••••• 7-8, 39 Relief cases (see also Case load): Case change, notice to WPA..... 84 Classification by occupation and ability to work............... 4 Closed, change in definition...... 84 Drought area residents not covered by Civil Works quota......... 36 Rural areas: Closed and reapplication required •.• ·•······· - · • · · · 51 Responsibility of SERA for cases not tranaferred to Resettlement Administration.................. •• • 83 Works Program employees, cloced when ••••••••......•••..••••. 84,86 Relief costs. (See Financial responsi• bility; Funds.) Digitized by Google lnde0 151 Page Relief, direct. (See Direct relief.) Relief files, clearance of names of per• 41 eons transferred to Civil Works. • • • Relief funds. (See Funds.) Relief gardens. (See Gardens.) Relief load (,ee al,o Case load): Areas to be served by reemploy. ment offices •• --···········--11 CW A, basis for allotment of money and employment ••••••••••••• 28, 31 Relief offices: Federal funds, use for rent prohibited ••• • - • • - - - • - • - • - - • • • • • 3, 6 Payment of rental through fm. provement of, suggested....... 62 States and subdivisions should provide_ ••••••••••••••••••••• 3,58 Relief orders: Direct relief •••••••••••••••••••• 7 NRA compliance••••••••••••••• 15,72 Work relief •••••••••••••••.•••• 7 Relief practices, information requested 20 from SERA's .•• ·------·-·-·-···Relief rolls: Civil Works employees no longer 39 to be taken from.·--··-······ Enrollment in CCC camps limited to persons with dependents on._ 85 Persons receiving surplus commodities only, removal ordered •••• 86 Public works employees not all to be taken from·-·············Transfer of peraons to Civil Works, 41 clearance of files ••••• ··-._.·-Worka Program project.a, preference to persons from_ •• _•••••• 80 Relief status (11ee alao Works Program): Eligibility of persons for school 86 aid, relation to •• ·-··········· Eligibility of persons for Works Program employment, relation to ••••••..••• 81, 83-84, 85, 86, 87, 89 Relief, work. (See Work relief.) Religion, discrimination because of, forbidden on work.relief projects •••••• 9 Religious beliefs, no coneem to relief agencies •••••• ·-···---------···-Relocation of families: Removed because of slum-clear• ance projects................. Removed from submarginal land. Rent: Allowed: Direct relief. ••••••••• ·-···· Work relief................ Relief offices. (See Relief offices.) 64 67 72 7, 8 7 Reporting: Current: Forms •••••• ·-··----·-· 3, 121-123 3 System initiated ••• _........ FCWA ••.••••••••••••.••••...• 33, 39 FERA Manual Advance Bulletins ..••••••••••••••••••••.• 50,108 Regional offices to maintain system of •••••••••••••••••••• -.. 87 cooperative funds, instructions ••••••••• -·----·---- 6, 16 Transient_···--·--··-··-·--··-· 22 Reports (see alao under program or subject): Barter units----··--··-··----·-10 CW A, summary requested_·--_. - 52, 54 Emergency Work Relief Program. 56, 81,85,90 Labor inventory................ 83 Medical care program, SERA •••• 18, 55 Monthly: Activities and expenditures, FERA.................. 6-6 Commodity distribution..... 54-55 Information on relief practices 20 requested, to interpret..... Obligations incurred and persons served ••• ···-··. 3, 121-123 Trend of urban relief........ 15 Obligations incurred for relief: FERA funds, through October 90 31, 1935................. First quarter of 1933........ 3 Local public funds, July 1, 1933-June 30, 1935. ••••.. 86 MonthlY---··········· 3, 121-123 Total, by source of funds, through October 31, 1935.. 90 Reemployment office expendi• tures .•. ·-··-··········--···· 35 Rural Rehabilitation Corporations and divisions................. 81 Safety measures.·-·-··· ..•..••• 38, 58 SERA, to be submitted while bal· ances of FERA funds remain in States ...... ·-··············· 90 Transient care .•••••.. ·-·-······ 10 Research organization, State, FERA approval_···············-········ 21 Research projects: FERA Division of Research, Ste.tistics, and Finance, field proj• ects_·············-··--···-·67 Professional and nonmanual work• ers-·--··--··-····-·-·--·· 54,56, 77 Report requested •• -----·--·--·81 Digitized by Google 152 Paae Research Supervlaora, Regional, FERA---························ 73 Resettlement Administration: Established.................... 77 FERA land program, transfer to. 77 Funds transferred to_ ••••••• 59, 77,120 Intake, agreement with WP A for joint offices.·-··············· 88 Rural rehabilitation program, transfer to ••••.•••••.•.•••••• 8?r83 Resettlement and rehabilitation of families, land program: Conference report............... 69 SERA responsibility............ 65 Resettlement of stranded populations: Program to provide_·---········ 46-47 Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, policies relating to............ 64 Residence (aee also Settleme:it): Acquisition of, transient relief In relation to .•••.•••••••••••••• H-15 Eligibility for transient relief, defined_·······-············· 9-10 Retum of transients to .••••••••• 25, 42 Verification of tranaient'a........ 42 Resident achoola and educational camps. (See Educational camps.} 4, Responsibility, Federal, for relief costs. 9-10,11, 12,34,7~71 Responsibility, State and/or local (aee also Funds): Accident compensation... 5, 9, 38, 49, 62 Chronio cases.................. 53 Dependent children, care of...... 3, 5 Hospitalization ••• ·······------3, 5 Institutional care •••• ·----···3, 5 Pensiona __ ········--·--·-----·· 3,53 Relief financing •••••• 4, 11, 12, 53, 7~71 Relief office headquarters ••• ···-- 3, 58 Unemployables, care of•••••••• _. 70 Welfare activities normally carried on_······-·······-·-·····-·· 3 Review of case load, ordered ••• ·-. 23, 66, 77 Road construction, drought-relief program, funds for .••••••••••••••• _•• 19, 65 Road projects, Civil Worka Program. wage ratea-······-·--··-·-··--··80 Rules and regulations: FCW A. (See Civil Works Ad· ministration.} FERA. (See Federal Emergency Relief Administration.) Federal emergency relief for echoola ••••••••••••••••••••.. 45,74 Rural areas, program to follow Civil Works_·····-····--··-···-··-··-· 46,51 Rural Rehabilitation Corporations, Stat.e: Audit of reoorda, FERA and Resettlement Administration agreement........................ 83 Financial condition and operation, reports requested ••••••••••••• 81, 82 Functions_··-········-········· 69, 70 Livestock feed to be turned over to, drought States............... 68 Organization •••• ·····-····..... 63, M Seed to be tumed over to, drought States •••••••••••• -.......... 72 Stock company................. M Transfer of rural reh&bili1111tion program to Resettlement Administration .•••••••••••••••• _ 82 Rural rehabilitation program: Cattle program, functions of State Director_·-··-····-·········· 62 Clients eligible for Works Program employment, when_·-···· 89-90 Conference reports __ ·--······ 65, 69, 74 Corporations. (Su Rural Reba,. bilitation Corporations.} Dairy cows, purchase and diatri• bution to families In Southem Statea .... -·---·······-···--- 53,57 Eligibility_. __ ·---·-·····------- 51,53 Farm and home management plans for families __ •• ___ -··- ______ . 72 Farm debt conciliation •• ______ ._ 54 Farmers receiving feed relief classi• fiedaaruralrehabilitationclients_ 73 Financial condition and operation of State divisions, report requested- - - - - - - - - - - • · • - - - - - - 81 Financial policies and procedures_ 70 Land acquired, report requested_ 76 Policy statements issued ••• _____ • 60, 70 Program announced, purposes, plan-·····-·-·--·-·--------· 51 Transfer of responsibility to Resettlement Administration_.... 82 Transients, eligibility for_ •• _____ 72 Vocational teachers of agriculture and home economics, utilization of .•••• ·--··----·-·------··66 Rural school continuation program: Funds available for, eligibility, 42 wages __ ·-----··-·······----Lump-sum grants for ••••• ·-···· 52 Rules and regulations.·····-···· 4o, 74: Rural school· teachers (au also Emer• gency education program): Work-relief wages, payment auth• orized, when __ ··-·-······--·15 Digitized by Google lndea: 153 Pace Safety: Civil Works Program: FCW A Rules and Regulations No. 10__________________ 37 Program launched_ _ __ _ ___ _ _ 38 Emergency Work Relief Program: Adequate provision, maintenance of CWA activities ___ 50, 58 Information and plans requested_________________ 58 Transient centers and camps, regulations established _________ 54, 72-73 Works Program projects_________ 80 Salaries, administrative personnel: FERA approval required, when __ 21 Federally controlled State_______ 32 Payment from Federal funds_____ 3, 6 Payment from State or local funds_ 3 Private agency personnel loaned to public agencies_____________ 5 Works Program, in relation to Senate confirmation of appointments_ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ 76 Sanitation: FERA Medical Director to advise on__________________________ 67 Transient centers and camps, instructions ___________ 22, 25, 54, 72-73 Schools (see alao Emergency education program): Federal emergency relief for, rural school continuation program___ 42, 45,52,74 Resident, for women _________ 53, 57, 66 Rural, work projects for improvement suggested_______________ 58 Seamen: Classed as transients____________ 13 Relief eligibility and standards___ 61 Relief provided on same basis as to other transients______________ 69 Seamen's division in local transient organization __ • _____________ _ 61 Separate housing ______________ _ 69 Security legislation, Federal: President to propose ___________ _ 70 Social Security Act approved ____ _ 85-86 Seed: Direct relief allowance, when____ _ 8 Drought areas: Civil Works employees eligible for, when________________ 36 Purchase and resale to employees, Emergency Work Relief Program ___________ 57-58 Seed-Continued. Drought areas-continued. Purchase, provision to be made for_________________ 19 Stocks ordered transferred to Rural Rehabilitation CorPorations_ _ __ _ _ ___ __ __ ___ 72 Self-help cooperative organizations: Civil Works projects for employment of members_____________ 38 Eligibility for membership_______ 16 Expenditures considered as experimental, until value proved_____ 10 Experimental units, establishedment by SERA's_____________ 10 FERA Rules and Regulations No.3_______________________ 10 Federal funds _____________ 2, 10, 13, 16 Goods not produced for open market______________________ 16 Ineligible to receive Federal funds, when________________________ 16 Instructions, general_ _ _ __ __ __ _ 6, 10, 16 Joint Committee on Seli-help established_ _ _ _ __ _ ___ __ __ ___ _ __ 41 Manuals: Accounting procedure_______ Rules and policies__________ Preferred work projects__________ State Director, appointment requested ______________________ 72 58 M 6, 41 Surplus commodities: Distribution to_____________ 40 Labor in return for_________ 62 Selection of persons to receive_ 36 Sell-insurance plan, accident compensation, suggested for work division projects_________________________ 6Z: Semiskilled labor, Civil Works projects, wage rates_______________________ 36, Senate confirmation, appointment of Works Program officials, when_____ 76i Service (see also Investigation and service, ERA's): FERA Rules and Regulations No. 3, direct or work relief_____ 7-8 Settlement: Defined for purposes of Federal Emergency Relief Act_________ 9-10 Families from submarginal landa_ _ 65~ 69, 72, 74" Sewing projects: Civil Works Service_____________ 33 Work-relief for women__________ 21 128019°-37--11 Digitized by Google lndeJJ 154 Pare 7, 8 Direct relief____________________ Needy unemployed_____________ 5 Transients_____________________ 14 Work relief____________________ 7 Shoes, purchase for State by SERA sug43 gested___________________________ Signs, CW A and CWS projects, posting ordered______________________ 39 Six-point education program. (See Emergency education program.) Skilled work: 30 CWA, wage rates_______________ Work relief, wage rates__________ 9 WPA employment, wage rates____ 80 Slum-clearance projects, moving and relocation of relief families_________ 67 Social Security Act, approved, purposes ____________________________ 85---86 Social Security Board, established ____ 85---86 Social service divisions: Certification for Works Program employment, functions________ 84 Cooperation, rural rehabilitation program_____________________ 72 Discontinuation of relief to Works Program employees, when_____ 84 Installation of FERA Form 144, 73 functions____________________ Relation to work divisions, Emergency Work Relief Program_____ 52 Social Work in the Administration of Unemployment Relief_____________ 80 Social W orkere: FERA, Regional, assistance in reexamination of case load_______ 77 Funds available for training______ 57 Staggering of employment: CWA employees, prohibited______ 45 Work-relief personnel, skilled_____ 9 Standard of living: Civil Works wages to provide decency and comfort____________ 29 Professional and nonmanual projects, budgets to take into account previous _______________ 24, 63 State Agricultural Extension Service, Southern States: Purchase and distribution of dairy cows, cooperation_____________ State Department of Agriculture: Subsistence garden program, approval____ _____________ _____ _ 57 41 State Department of Education (aee alao State Superintendent of Public Instruction): Adult education in prisons, use of Federal funds________________ 39 Emergency education program, plane prepared by____________ 21 State Emergency Relief Administrations (au alao under program or subject): Administration: Competent set-up necessary__ 4 Kept at full efficiency_______ 71 Maximum responsibility to be given to_________________ 4 Administrative personnel. (See Personnel.) Administrators: Attend Washington conferences____________________ 4, 11 Cooperation with Federal Administrator______________ 4 Obligation to see that local agency has adequate per8 sonnel___________________ Purchase and distribution of dairy cows _______________ 53, 57 Reemployment offices, duties in connection with________ 11 Surplus commodities, approval of investigating agencies___ 25 Transient care: Administrative responsibility_------------- 55---56 Budget to be submitted by__________________ 69 Approval of local public agencies__ 6 Beef purchasing and processing___ 36 Budgetary standards, information requested from_______________ 72 CWS projects, administration by__ 35 College student aid program, appointment of staff member_____ 70 Designated as CWA's___________ 27 Emergency education program: Eligibility, certification of__ 20, 21 Plans __________________ 21,24,62 Representation at conference_ 54 Supervisors________________ 59 Wages, determination of_ ____ 20, 21 Emergency Work Relief Program: Accident compensation, canvass of sources of funds____ 62 Project8: Approval ______________ 49,51 54 Preferred, designation of_ Digitized by Google lnde~ 155 Paire State Emergency Relief Administrations-Continued. Emergency Work Relief Program-Continued. Safety plans and organization, information requested_____ 58 Wage rates, local, modification of__ _ _ __ __ ___ ___ _ ___ 55 Women's work, State Director necessary________________ 56 Farm debt conciliation, cooperation suggested________________ 54 FERA Form 144, functions relating to ___ -- - - -- -- -- -- - ____ 73, 84, 85 FERA Form 144A, functions relating to _______________________ 84, 85 FERA rulings and policies, distribution and interpretation to local unit.a___________________ 5, 15 Federallycontrolled ___________ 1,32-33 Feed and seed for farmers on Civil Works project.a, approval required_______________________ 36 Feed for livestock, in drought areas: Distribution discontinued, stocks to be turned over to Rural Rehabilitation Corporations________________ 68 Purchase from relief funds authorized_________________ 46 Funds (au alao Funds): Balances of FERA funds in banks to be reported by_ __ 69 Distribution to ERA's_______ 52 Hogs, excess, survey of facilities for processing___________________ 62 Indians, authority to grant relief to _______________________ 11-12,68 March 1935 case load, to report___ Materials and supplies, purchase of_ NRA compliance, purchase of commodities_____________________ Nunery school program: Failure to authorize purchase of food__________________ Funds to be withheld pending approval of plans_________ Plans, submiSBion to FERA__ Nutrition advisors______________ Obligations incurred for relief, July 1, 19~June 30, 1935, report requested from___________ Obligations, personnel and activities, report requested__________ Pigs, surplus contract, to make plans for handling____________ 85 51 72 43 65 62 38 86 69 64 State Emergency Relief Administrations-Continued. Reemployment offices, local, reimbursement of expenditures for_ _ Registration of employables with employment offices, to be required by ____________________ • 35 80 Relief financing, responsibility____ 12 Report forms _________________ 121-123 Report.a, final__________________ 90 Resettlement Administration, arrangement with, for joint intake offices_______________________ 88 Resettlement and rehabilitation of families from submarginal land_ 65, 72 Resident schools or camps for women, representation at White House Conference____________ 53 Rulings, local public agency must conform with ______ ___ ·________ 6 Rural rehabilitation program: Approval of cash payment for work____________________ 51 Farm debt conciliation, use of personneL _ _ __ _ ___ ___ __ _ _ 54 Plans to be submitted to FERA___________ _______ 51 Refusal of relief to families failing to have a garden___ 51 Respo!lllibility to cease as of June 30, 1935 ____________ 82-83 Seed to be turned over to Rural Rehabilitation Corporations, in drought States_________ ______ 72 Self-help and cooperative organizations: Appointment of person to develop program __________ . 6, 41 Approval of applications_____ 10 Experimental unit, establishment____________________ 10 Supervision and report.a_____ 10 Social service divisions, FERA Form 144 installation, functions_ 73 Statistical projects: Appointment of State Coordinator________________ 77 Report.a-----------~------Statisticians, FERA Form 144 installation, functions_________ Surplus commodities: Allocations to ERA's, change in basis__________________ Appointment of program director_ _ ___ __ ___ __ __ __ _ __ 20, Digitized by Google 56 73 79 23 Index 156 Pa&'e Page State Emergency Relief Administrations-Continued. Surplus commoditi-Continued. Distribution to Civil Works employees or public institutions____________________ 38 Estimate of needs__________ 22 Liquidation of program, instructions________________ 86 Purchase of commodities from current funds____________ 31 WPA projects for distribution, to sponsor_______________ 86 Transient care: Administration of Federal funds and establishment of adequate services_________ 34 Approval and supervision of programs________________ 10 Approval of local emergency projects_________________ 14 Central State bureau, part of SERA ________________ 13-14 Coordination of program with other departments __ 55-56, 58, 69 Local and district units linked wi\t.h--------~----------13 Policies and standards of service, establishment of_____ 10 Reports, filed with FERA by_ 10 Women's work: Appointment of State Director 22 Appointments in SERA's reported___________________ 28 Work divisions: FERA Form 144 installation, functions________________ 73 Public service projects, appointment of staff director requested________________ 77 Transfer of functions, proprojects and personnel to WP A's_ - __ ______ _____ ___ 83 State Highway Departments: Civil Works road projects, wage 30 rates________________________ State homeless. (See Homeless.) State insurance funds, use suggested for accident compensation____________ 62 State planning boards. (See Planning boards.) State Reemployment Director: Establishment of reemployment offices, duties_________________ 11 State responsibility. (See Responsibility, State and/or local.) State Superintendent of Public Instruction (see also State Department of Education): Emergency education supervisors, functions relating to__________ 59 Nursery school program, plans ____ 24, 62 State welfare agencies: Surplus commodity distribution, to sponsor WP A projects for______ 86 Statistical organization, State, FERA approval________________________ 21 Statistical, survey and research projects, instructions______________ 54, 56, 77 Statistical workers, Civil Works projects, wage rates__________________ 37 Stranded populations, relief program to provide for _______________________ 46-47 Work Project Directors, cattle program, functions______________ 62 Workers' education, appointment of State Director_____________ 40 9 Work-relief projects, approval____ Works Program, relation to: Certification. (See Works Program.) Transfer of records of persons eligible for employment to USES and WPA _________ 83-84 State funds. (See Funds.) Strikers, FERA policy regarding relief to ____ --- -- __ -- _-- ------ ---- --- _ 22, 65 Student aid projects: Eligibility_____________________ 86 NYA supervision, rules and regu87 lations______________________ Submarginal land: Acquisition, preferred work projects for_____________________ 54, 61 Land Program Director and Federal Administrator, functions relating to ___________________ 73-74 Restrictions governing purchase of 43 Rural Rehabilitation Corporation policies relating to purchase of__ 64 Subsistence gardens. (See Gardens.) Subsistence Homesteads Division, U. S. Department of the Interior: Joint Committee on Self-help established by FERA and_______ 41 Stranded populations, collaboration in plans to aid____________ 46 Subsistence homesteads, preferred work projects____________________ 54 Substitute post office employees, eligible for relief_________________________ 19 Digitized by Google lnde.e 157 Page Supervisors: ERA, qualifications, number_____ 7 State: Emergency education program 59, 81 Nursery school program_____ 57 Parent education program___ 63 Supervisory employees, Emergency Work Relief Program __ ···-------52 Supplies, purch88e of: FERA Manual Advance Bulletin No. 2---·------------------51 FERA Rules and Regulations No. 6-·------·------------------ 15 Surplus commodities (aee alao Federal Surplus Relief Corporation): Accounting: FERA Manual Advance Bulletin No. 7 and revisions __ 54-55 Manual of Policies and Procedure Governing Distribu• tion-----••-------------55 Report of commodities on hand requested___________ 69 AAA, relation to program __ 16, 20, 22, 31 Allocation, change in basis_______ 79 Allocation of cured pork_________ 20 Basic, dealt with by FSRC. _ _ ___ 31 Curtailment of quantities avail• able __ ········---·----------62 Decentralization in purch886 and processing ••• ------·-·------36 Distribution: Basis of_ _________ 20, 24, 25, 38, 40 Discontinuance to Civil Works employees_. __________ 38, 40, 43 Methods------·-·--·-·-· 23,24-25 Procedure: FERA Manual Advance Bulletin No. 7 and revisions •• ·-·--------- 54-55 Manual of Policies and Procedure-···------55 Products of work division units_.--·-·_____________ 55 Surplus fruit and vegetable crop&--·-----------·----58 WPA projects for ___ ._______ 86 Distributors, selection of_ ________ 23, 24 Eligibility ••• -------------·- 16,20,24 Civil Worksemployees._____ 31 Indians on relieL .•• ----···36 Institutions •••••••••••• _•. _ 38, 40 Modified ............ ·-·-·· 86 Nursery schools •• ---------40 Persons not on relief rolls____ 25 Surplus commodities-Continued. Eligibility-Continued. Selection of eligibles _______ _ 25,36 Self-help cooperatives. _____ _ 40,62 Transient centers __________ _ 40 Work division employees ___ _ 55 Initiation of Program __________ _ 20 Liquidation of Program ________ _ 86 National wholesale and retail grocery organizations, cooperation_ 23 Ordering procedure __________ 24, 27, 52 Persons receiving only __________ • 85, 86 Processed meat to be allocated to 8ERA's __ • _______________ --· 16 Produce of relief and community gardens _____________________ _ 58 Self-help cooperatives, donation of labor for. ___ .·- _________ ---· 62 State Directors _____ • ________ 20, 23, 62 Work projects _______________ 24, 55, 58 Survey projects. (See Statistical, sur• Tey and research projects.) Tax or mortgage interest payment al• 8 lowed, when ___ ··---------------·· Teacher training: Emergency education_._________ 81 Nursery schools. ____________ 35, 57, 62 Parent education ___________ ____ 63, 67 Workers' education __________ 38, 57, 58 Teachers (aee alao Emergency education program; Rural school continuation program): Employment of: CWS projects ___________ 33,34, 36 Emergency education program- 15, 19-20, 21, 24, 63 Rural school continuation program __ ·------------·· f2 Vocational, agriculture and home economioa ___________________ • 66 Work opportunities to be continued ____ .__________________ Technical employees: Emergency Work Relief Program: Certification for W orka Program employment._______ Regulations relating to______ WPA employment, wage rates____ Tennessee Valley Act of 1933: Additional appropriation to carry out purposes ____ ·-·--------·Territories: Federal Government to cooperate with, in providing relief________ Digitized by Google 47 85 52 80 58 1 158 lnde:c Thirty-hour week: Civil Works projects, when ___ 29, 35, 41 Civil W orka Service projects_____ 35, 37 42 College student aid program_____ 60 Emergency Work Relief Program_ 57 Work projects, drought areas____ Toole transferred to WPA, report r&-_ quested _______ •• ________________ 90 Training: Social workers, authorized ______ _ Supervisors. (Su Supervisors.) Teachers. (See Teacher training.) Tranaient(s); Transient program: Accounts subject to Federal audit_ Bona fide transients, Federal funds limited to care of_ _____ ___ ___ _ Boys, enrollment in CCC urged __ Breadlines, should be discouraged_ Budgets, State, reduction ordered_ Camps (see also Transient shelters): Care in _____ ______________ _ 67 14 19 87 25 68 14 Expansion and relocation, ca,. pacity ___________________ 72-73 Facilities, increase authorized when ________________ 72-73 54 Fire protection_____________ Reports on communicable 73 diseases, required_________ Safety instructions. ______ 54, 72-73 Sanitation instructions. _____ 22, 25, 64, 72-73 Transfer to Works Program 85 probable_________________ Case-work service, should be available _________ ••.. _•• ____ _ 14 Central registration, need for ___ _ 14 CW A and PW A employment, ineligible for __________________ _ 34 Conferences, interstate. ________ _ 61 Congregate feeding ____________ _ 25 Congregate shelter _____________ _ 14, 25 10 Department established in FERA. Direct relief for ________________ _ 3, 10 Educational activities, develop. 26 ment in centers_______________ Eligibility for care ______ 9-10, 13, 19, 25 14 Emergency projects_____________ Equipment, production by women's division ________________ _ 41 Federal Emergency Relief Act, 1, 2 provisions relating to__________ Rules and Regulations No. FERA 3 ___________________________ 9-10 FERA Rules and Regulations No. 8--------------------------- 25-26 Federal financial responsibility9-10,34 for ________________________ p ... Transient(s); Transient programContinued. Funds: 34 Administration by SERA's___ 14 Allocation to States_________ Av&ilable for improvement of shelter facilities ___________ 72-73 Federal under Available Emergency Relief Act _____ 1, 2, 3, 9-10, 13-15 Earmarked grants to be con88 tinued___________________ General relief, use authorized_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reimbursement to local units for expenditures__________ Rental of shelter space and purchase of equipment____ Requests for grants, reports on expenditures__________ Transfers between general relief and__________________ Homeless, classed as____________ Ineligible persons _________ 10, 19, 25, Intake ordered closed September 20, 1935_____________________ 88 14 69 10 67 13 61 87 Leisure-time activities, provision 26 in centers___________________ Medical care, to be provided•• ___ 14, 26 Memorandum on Relief to Transients and Homeless __________ 13-15 Migratory workers ineligible. ___ • 19, 25 25 "Passing on", prohibited________ 26 Physical examination required____ 10 Policies and standards of service.14 Preventive programs____________ 26 Recreation, provision in centers__ Rehabilitation projects, to be de26 veloped_ _ _____ ______________ _ 22 Reporting and recording· fortWI___ 10 Reports on expenditures_________ Residence: Acquisition of, transient relief in relation to _____________ 14-16 Governs eligibility__________ 9-10 Return to legal or other: arrangeCooperative ments with local agen42 cies_________________ agreements Interstate 25 suggested____________ Transportation for ______ 14, 25 arrangements Verification, 42 with local agencies_______ Rural rehabilitation, eligibility for, 72 selection.____________________ Seamen _____________________ 13, 61, 69 Segregation by age and sex______ D1g1t1zcd by Google 14 Inde~ 159 Pap Tranaient(s); Transient program-Continued. Service bureau, State______ 13-14, 26-26 Service centers, regional__________ 25-26 Shelter(s): City, exp&nsion involving permanent investment not authorized_________________ 72 Congregate or in boarding homes, camps, lodgings, other agencies____________ 14 Hotels and rooming houses, contracts with____________ 72 Purchase of equipment and rental of space___________ 59 Safety instructions _______ 54, 72-73 Sanitation instructions______ 22, 25, 54, 72-73 Service and standards_______ 14 Boup kitchens, should be discouraged_ _ _ ________ ______ ___ 25 State plan: Administrative units ________ 13-14 Central State bureau part of SERA ___________________ 13-14 Estimated cost offinancing__ • 10, 13 FERA approval required ____ 10, 13 Use of existing personnel and agencies ____ .____________ 13 State relief program, in relation to ____________________ 55-56,58,69 Surplus commodities, eligible to receive______________________ 40 Transportation ___________ 14, 24, 25, 34 Veterans, sources of aid for_ _ ____ 34 Vocational activities, development in centers____________________ 26 Work relief for ______________ 10, 14, 26 Work-relief labor, suggested for: Improvement of centers or camps ___________________ 62,72 Maintenance of adequate service______________________ 58 Works Program employment: Eligibility, certification of. 84-85, 87 Registration with employment office required_______ 81 Transportation: Dependent aliens _______________ 16, 40 Transients _______________ 14, 24, 25, 34 Trench silo, work projects for preservation of forage, study suggested. __ • 64 Trend of urban relief, monthly report on, aeries initiated._______________ 15 Twenty-four hour week: Civil Works and Civil Works Service projects, urban areas _______ 41, 45 Twenty-four hour week-Continued. Emergency Work Relief Program_ Rural rehabilitation program____ 49 51 Unemployables: Ineligible for work relief_________ 9 Responsibility for care._. _______ 63, 70 Unemployment compensation, Social 86-86 Security Act _____________________ Unemployment relief census __________ 21, 22 Union locals (see also Organized labor): Employment of workers from_____ 40 U. S. Department of Agriculture: Committee on National Land Problems, representation on____ 55 Drought-relief program, ooopera.tion _________________________ 60, 65 Farm and home management plans for rural rehabilitation 72 families, cooperation_ _________ Garden programs, approval by Agricultural Extension Service_ 41 U. S. Department of Labor: Prevailing wage rates, CWA, determination of________________ 37 U. S. Department of the Interior: Committee on National Land 55 Problems, representation on____ Secretary, duties relating to drought-relief program_________ 19 U. S. Employees' Compensation Commission: 82 Accident compensation, CW A.... U.S. Employment Service: Conference of officials with Administrators of SERA's________ 11 Established____________________ 11 Local offices designated by: CWA employment__________ 28 Works Program employment: 81 Certification of eligibility_ Functions outlined, WP A Bulletin No. 7________ 83 Notified of temporary unassignability_______ 89 Records of eligible persons to be transmitted to___ 83 Registration with, required ____________ 80,81,84 U. S. Veterans' Administration: CWA disbursing, functions_______ Compensation under Independent Offices Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935, oooperation with SERA's______________________ Transient veterans, eources of aid_ Digilized by Google 30 56 34 lndez 160 Unmatched grants. (Su Grant.a to States.) Unskilled labor: Civil Works project.a: Assistants, helpers, appren• tices and serving laborers not to be classed as....... Wage rates.... ............. Emergency Work Relief Program, • hours of work..... . .......... WPA employment, wage rates.... 36 30 52 80 Veterans: CCC camps, eligibility for enroll• 85 ment........................ 56 Compensation.................. Transient: Ineligible for CWA or PWA 34 employment.............. 34 Sources of aid for........... Veterans' Administration, U. S. (Su U.S. Veterans' Administration.) Vocational education program (see auo Emergency education program): Authorized, instructions ..••••••• 20-21 33 CWS projects.................. Classes, limitation on attendance. 20, 42 State Supervisors, cooperation in 66 rural rehabilitation program. ... Vocational rehabilitation program (,ee alao Emergency education program): Authorized, instructions.. . ...... 20-21 Continuation of classes, summer 1934........................ 56 68 Policy change.................. Vocational teachers, agriculture and home economics, use in rural reha66 bilitation program ..• ····-·····--71 Vocational training program .. ____ ._. Volunteer service, women's work•relief program •..........•.••..• . ..••.. 27-28 Vouchers, public records, open to in• 74 spection.. •• • . . • •. •• •• •••••••• •• • Wage rates: Administrative personnel, SERA's and ERA's, minimum, by city 13 population ...... __ .•. _....... Civil Works projects: 57 Adj11Stments . • .. _•.• .• .• •.. Exceptions to FCWA Rules 45 and Regulations No. 10.. .. FCW A Rules and Regulations 30 No. L .. _.. . . . -· - .. ___ __ FCW A Rules and Regulations No. 10 .• _.. __ -·- · _. -·--. 36-37 Wage ratce--Continued. Civil Works projecte--Continued. Prevailing. (See Prevailing.) 30 Skilled and unskilled, by zones Emergency education program .• • 20, 21 Prevailing: Civil Works project.a: Clerical and other whitecollar jobs, minimum specified .•••• _. __ •. __ 37 Determination by U. 8. Department of Labor, when .••..•...•.. • ..• 37 FCW A Rules and Regu• lations No. 6; rate agreed between organ• ized labor and employ• ers •...•..•••••..•... 33 Minimum, 30 cent.a per hour •••••••.••..•..• 35,45 Semiskilled labor•••• __ . 36 Civil Works Service project.a: Clerical and professional positions, minimum 38 specified............. Minimum, 30 cent.a per hour ••.......•••• 33,35,37 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935: Wages not to decrease 76 going rates........... Emergency Work Relief Program: 51 Administrative project.a • Determination by local 49 committee........... Minimum, 30 cent.a per hour ••...••.•••.• 49,~9 Modification by SERA, M when................ Minimum, 30 cents per hour: Abandoned, Emergency Work Relief Program •• ~ 9 Civil Works projects ____ 35, 45 Civil Works Service projects •••. _. . ... 33, 35, 37 College student aid pro42 gram................ Emergency Work Relief 49 Program............. FERA Rules and Regula12 tions No. 4........... Rural rehabilitation pro51 gram................ Digr'zeabyGoogle lndez Wage rates-Continued. Prevailing-Continued. Minimum, 30 cents per hour-Continued. Self-help cooperative program________________ Work-relief____________ in drought Work-relief areas________________ Professional and nonmanual projects: Determination by county wage rate committee___________ Minimum, $2.50 per day____ Rural school continuation program Work relief prior to Civil Works: Clerical and professional projects_ _ _________________ _ FERA Rules and Regulations No. 3___________________ FERA Rules and Regulations No.4___________________ 57 61 61 42 24 9 12 Civil Works Service: Relief funds, use of_ ______ 33, 34, 35 Work relief: .Attachments to, prohibited when paid from Federal funds___________________ 21 · Budgetary requirement in relation to _____ 7, 9, 12, 24, 49, 61 Emergency education program, authorization to pay __________________ 15, 20,24 FERA Rules and Regulations No.a___________________ No. 4_ __ _____ ________ ___ Federal funds available for__ Wages-Continued. Work relief-Continued. Payment, method of: Cash ________ 3,7,9,51,57,61 Check ______________ 9,51,61 Kind __________________ 3, 7,9 ~ 16 12 Minimum, 30 cents per hour__ 12 Skilled work_______________ 9 Works Program projects: Executive Order 7046_ ______ 80 President authorized to pre~cribe_ _ __ _______________ 76 Works Progress Administration projects: Adjustments_______________ 80 Schedule of monthly earnings, by class of work and degree ofurbanization___________ 80 Wages: Civil Works Administration: Attachments to, prohibited__ 39 32 Relieffunds, useof__________ Standards _________________ 27,29 FERA Rules and Regulations 161 9 12 1, 3 Works Program: Executive Order 7046_______ 80 Pledging or assignment prohibited__________________ 80 Water, allowed, direct or work relief___ 7 Wheat contracts, Government payments on, drought areas___________ 50 White-collar jobs, Civil Works projects, wage rates_________________ 37 White-collar projects (see alao Statistical, survey and research projects): Occupational inventory, arrangement for_____________________ 77 Provision for, urged, Emergency 54 Work Relief Program_________ Widows: Ineligible for direct relief, when___ 8 State and local responsibility for pensions to__________________ 53 Women; Women's work: Civil Works Administration: Civil Works and Civil Works Service projects_ _ _ _ ____ __ 35 34 Federal projects, employed on_ Director, FERA, appointed______ 22 Director, State: Appointment of_ ___________ 22, 28 Emergency Work Relief Program, continuation desired_ 56 Responsible to State Administrator of CWA___________ 35 Division, FERA, program outlined 27-28 Equal consideration with men: CW A and CWS employment reduction________________ 45 Emergency Work Relief Program ____________________ 49,56 Mattress project primarily for___ 60 Production of articles for transient shelters, suggested____________ 41 Resident schools and educational camps for. (See Educational camps.) Rural school improvement sug58 gested as work project for_____ Types of projects in operation____ 27-28 Vocational training in home economics and crafts and household training_________________ 71 Digitized by Google 162 /'Ni,e~ Pap Pap Women; Women's work-Continued. White House Conference on emer• gencyneeds. ________________ _ Works Program employment: Eligibility, certification of. __ _ (See Emergency Work divisions. Work Relief Program.) Work relief. (See Emergency Work Relief Program; Work relief prior to Civil Works.) Work relief prior to Civil Works: Accident compensation. (See Aooident oompensation.) Adequacy _____________________ _ Eligibility: Discrimination prohibited •• __ Employables only. ___ - • ___ • Employees, transfer to CW A_ •• __ Workers' education program--Con. Instructions for conduct of pro31 88 7 9 9 27, 28,31 Rules and Regulations No._ FERA 3 __________________________ 9 FERA Rules and Regulations No. 4--- -- ---------------------- Funds available for, Federal Emergency Relief Act ____________ _ Funds available for, in drought 12 1,3 areas _______________________ _ 19 Hours of work. (See Hours of work.) Hurricane victims, available for __ 19 Investigation and service _______ _ 7-8 NRA Complia,nce Board offices, assignment of work-relief personnel to_._ ••• ________ - ••• __ 23 Projects: Cooperation with Federal, State, and local govern20 ments _____________ -----Distinction between Public 2-l Works and ____ ----_ - --- __ Drought areas, transfer to CWA. _ --------- _____ - -- 35-36 Federal ________ ._. __ • __ • 15, 20, 23 Materials and accessory serv23 ices, Federal projects______ Subm.i.ssion of local projects 9 for SERA approval.______ 28 Transfer to CWA____ __ _____ Transients •• __ ••••• _____ 10, 14, 26 Wage rates. (See Wage rates.) Wages. (See Wages.) Women ___ _________________ 27-28 Workers' education program (aee alao Emergency education program): Authorized _____ • ___ ••• _•••• ____ FERA Director appointed. _____ • 23 23 38 gram__________________ ______ State Director, appointment sug40 gested_______________________ Teachers' training ___________ 38, 57, 58 Works Program (11ee also Works Progress Administration): Accident compensation. (See Accident compensation.) 79 Administrative organization _____ • Advisory Committee on Allot79 ments_ ______________________ Division of Applications and In79 formation _______ ---- ____ .... _ Employment: Assignment: 84 Priority within families__ Rules and regulations_ 83, ~89 80 Conditions of._ ••• ______ --Eligibility: Certification: Cancelation ____ . ___ 84, 89 Caneelation prohibited, when ____ •. _ 87, 89 Emergency education employeee_ 84, 86, 89 Employees on SERA 81 projects. ___ .____ FERA Forms 600, 84 601, and 602, use_ General instructions. 83-84. 88-89 Rural rehabilitation clients __________ _ 89-00 Transients______ 84-85, 87 Unattached nonfami88 ly individuals. __ • 88 Women____________ 86 Youth_____________ 81, Definition of___________ 83-84,85,86,87,~89 Not affected by: Enrollment of family 82 member in ccc_ _ Temporary employment______ 81, 86, 87, 89 Registration with employment office re81 quired_______________ Relief status: May 1935. 81, 83-84, 86, 87 Prior to November 89 1, 1935_______ ___ Subsequent to May 1935 _________ 81,83-84 Digitized by Goog Ie Index 163 Pa&'e Works Progress Administration-Con. FERA Forms 144 and 144A, instructions ____________________ 84, 85 Hours of work: Administrator to prescribe, maximum established_____ 80 Labor inventory, State Administrators to maintain ___________ 83, 85 National Youth Administration 83 established within.___________ Occupational Classification and Code of FERA, adopted by _____ 86-87 Occupations, Alphabetical Index__ 88 Offices, functions_______________ 83 Publications___________________ 119 Purposes______________________ 79 Regional offices, establishment____ 87 Relief agencies, functions relating to (aee al&o Works Program)____ 83 Tools, equipment and materials transferred to________________ 90 Wage rates for employment on projects: Adjustments authorized_____ 80 Monthly schedule prescribed, by class of work and degree of urbanization___________ 80 Wages: Payment of, discontinuation ofrelief__________________ 84, 86 Pledging or assignment, prohibited _________ _________ 80 Washington Conference, June 1719, 1935_____________________ 82 Work projects, ERA, transfer to WPA_______________________ 83 Work relief organization and personnel, utilization of__________ 83 Works Program, relation to ___ ~___ 79 Youth, employment on projects___ 87 Works Program-Continued. Employment-Continued. Limited to one member of family___________________ 80 Objective, November 1, 1935, instructions to States__ ___ 88 Persons ineligible_ - - __ - __ 80, 84, 85 Preference to persons from re,. lief rolls_________________ 80 WPA Bulletin No. Procedure, 7_______________________ 83 Refusal of_________________ 89 Employment offices, functions relating to ________ -- _______ - - - 83 Funds: Allotments ________________ _ 79 Appropriation _____________ _ 74-75 Hours of work _________________ _ 80 Projects: Application, approval, allotment of funds, and conduct of_______________________ 79 Appropriation available for __ 74-75 NY A to administer, for youth_ 83 Purposes and objectives outlined, President's Message January 4, 1935 ________________________ 70-71 Safety, accident prevention______ Transient camps, transfer to______ Wage rates____________________ Wages, pledging 01' assignment prohibited __________________ _ Workll Progret111 Administration established, functions ________ _ Works Progress Administration: Accident compensation. (See Accident compensation.) Administrator appointed ________ _ Agreement with Resettlement Administration for joint intake_ offices ______________________ Distribution of surplus commodities, State projects for ________ _ Education projects_____________ _ Employment. (See Works Program.) Employment objective _________ _ Employment procedure, WPA Bulletin No. 7 _______________ _ Employment quotas, State ______ _ Established __________________ _ 80 85 80 80 79 79 88 Youth (aee alao National Youth Administration): NY A to administer program for___ Student aid program: Eligibility for______________ Rules and regulations for projects_________________ SERA's to cooperate in certification for_______________ WPA projects, employment on____ 86 89 88 83 88 79 0 Digitized by Google 83 86 87 86 87