Full text of The Children's Bookshelf, Bureau Publication No. 304
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the CHILDREN'S BOOKSHELF Who are your children’ s friends? Do they know Tigger and Mr. Popper and that scamp of a boy, Nils? Have they roller-skated with Lucinda and skied with O lle? Do they saddle and bridle Smoky and play they are driving the two-headed Pushmi-Pullyu? No matter where children live, all these friends can be right at hand. In city or country, east or west, they step right out of the pages of the books in which they were born and become living companions for those lucky boys and girls whose parents appreciate their need of good reading. Giving books to children only on special occasions like birthdays and Christmas is a relic of the time when chil dren’ s books were few. Nowadays we might well buy good books just as regularly as we do shoes, or anything else children require. It is hard to think of any other https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 things belonging to childhood that are a more all-around permanently good investment. Books are pleasure-giving First of all, books are fun. From the time the 2-yearold takes a "Saturday Walk" with his father until he is ready to ride "At the Back of the North Wind," there is endless variety in the enjoyment to be had from books. Whether a child gets to know Babar first, or Ching, or Madeline, doesn't matter. He’ ll delight in their adven tures over and over again, and he'll never forget them. And mother and child who have laughed together over Roo and been anxious with Peter Rabbit and Mrs. Mallard of "Make Way for Ducklings" in their predicaments, will always have something in common, something shared that bobs up time and again as they catch each other's eye and remember the jolly reading-aloud times. Good books encourage the love of beauty There's an extra amount of fun in books nowadays be cause of the wide variety of splendid, colorful illustrations. Who doesn't wish sometimes that he could be a child all over again and see Clare Newberry's kittens through the eyes of an 8-year-old? Grown-ups who read Mother Goose aloud have as much enjoyment as their listeners, nowadays, when artists like Rojankovsky have put their new interpretations on the good old jingles. People who were brought up on Caldecott and Kate Greenaway have a pretty good idea of how jolly it must be to have a new Gramatky or Tasha Tudor book come out, or come upon Sheppard's pictures of Pooh for the first time. And the d'Aulaires, the Petershams, Daugherty, and Beatrix Potter--those inspired illustrator-authors—must have been born to illustrate just those stories they have written. Books broaden a child’s world Good books help to widen a child's horizon. They de velop his sympathy and understanding and give him infor mation on which his growingly thoughtful mind can go to 2 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis work. From being a self-centered baby, he grows to ward an understanding of himself as a part of the great world. He reaches out in wonder, grasping bit by bit at the fringes of knowledge about a universe in which the ’’Gulf Stream” and ’’Animal Weapons" play a part, as well as the men who lived in "Prehistoric Am erica" or went to the court of Kublai Khan like Marco Polo. He learns of his country’ s pioneers in "These United States" and of his world of today in "Picture Book of Molecules and Atoms. ’’ He finds that there are books that explain trains and trucks and television. He learns that he may some time see the unseen by X -ray and perhaps hugs the thought that someday maybe he will add to the useful knowledge that men store up by means of the microscope. If he is a child who likes to dream, he will thrill to the tales of early man or ancient buried cities and begin to understand the world he lives in a little better because he has had a glimpse into the distant days of "George Washington’ s W orld." No matter what a child's interests, there is always a book that seems to have been written just for him or her. There is a "Pet Book” for the child who is never content without some living creature to take care of and "Patterns in the Sky" for the one who is tantalized by what the wink ing stars seem to say to him. The lad who lives in a crowded city must take much of his adventure vicariously; but books like "Door to the North" and "The Matchlock Gun, ’’ in which he experiences the thrill of the first ex plorers of America, and the dangers of American pioneer life in his own country, will give him patterns of bravery as well as adventure. Books guide a child’s first steps in world citizenship We must acquaint our children with the peoples whose problems will be their problems in a common future. We must show them how like ourselves other peoples are, how differences in color or religion or food habits are unimportant as compared with the sameness of the blood— that identical stuff here or in Asia or the South Seas that makes people's hearts beat with fear or love or anger. Children will accept these truths as a matter of course if https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 they are brought up on books like the Chinese story of "Little Pear" or ’In My Mother's H ouse," which the Indian children near Santa Fe helped to write. "Nino" in Italy and little "Fujio" in Japan have desires very like those of children in the United States, although the way they live may be different. Ten-year-old Teka, 'T he Little Flute Player" of India, waits as anxiously for his father's return as ever any American child longed for his father's homecoming after painful absence. Reading ability is encouraged by early acquaintance with boob An excellent reason for introducing a child early to good books is that the greater his background experience with them, the richer the contribution he is able to make to and receive from school. This doesn't mean that parents should try to teach their children to read, as this often interferes with the methods used at school. Reading aloud to them is far better. So much of a child's education must come through books that we should use every means to add to his chances of looking on reading with enjoyment. * Many children struggle along through their school years, tremendously handicapped by their lack of ability to read with ease and comprehension. The farther they get in school, the more hopeless it all becomes; for their suc cess depends more and more upon their reading rapidly and grasping what they read. . Their hobbies and interests, whether music or boat building or electronics, will be fur thered or hindered in accordance with whether or not they cut their eye teeth on books. There are children for whom it has never become fun to read. Children to whom enjoyable, attractive, wellchosen books are supplied as food for their minds, just as good food is provided for their bodies, have an initial ad vantage over children whose first acquaintance with books comes at school. A child who already knows that books are a delight starts off on the right foot when he begins to learn to read. 4 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Careful choice of books is important Now supplying books for children isn't a matter of buy ing just any books that appear in book stores. Of late, such a flood of books fo r children has poured onto the market that it is hard to know which books to buy. It is not a question of price, for very many excellent books are priced very reasonably. The average parent will feel safer if he relies on those who spend much time studying the books that are published and who take great pains to find out what children actually like. The help of librarians and of nursery school, kindergarten, and other teachers is always freely given. What makes a book good? The best books are those that have such real quality that their appeal is very broad. The ideal child's book, in fact, is a "whole family" book—one that can be read with pleasure and absorption by grown-ups, too. Walter Edmonds puts it well, saying that a really good book for children should have "enough stuff, humor, reality, wis dom, excitement to be interesting to an adult mind. " As proof of this we needn't go further than Kipling’ s "Just So Stories. " No father or mother ever thinks of it as a chore to read them aloud I Modern classics that parents enjoy as much as they did their own childhood favorites are not lack ing. Who would m iss knowing that remarkable doll Hitty, Freddy the Detective, Bartholomew Cubbins, and Flicka? The physical make-up of a book makes more difference to children than grown-ups would guess. Even the color of the cover matters! Blue, red, and yellow—the bright primary colors—are the very little child's favorites, inside a book or out. Not until children are older do they appre ciate the softly tinted illustrations that appeal so much to adults. If a child is just beginning to read to himself, it is especially important that the type in his books be big and clear and not too different in style from that which he has been accustomed to in his beginning readers. Books should be stoutly put together; for although children can be trained to handle books carefully, anything that is going https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 to be used as much as a well-liked book must be sturdy and durable. How illustrations add to enjoyment In illustrations, very little children want plenty of ani mals, children, and the other familiar things of their everyday life. They love many little details—the tiny pictures on the walls of the houses Leslie Brooke draws for his animals to live in, smoke coming out of a chimney, Peter Rabbit’ s little clogs. They want pictures to tell a story rather than to be fanciful and decorative. They are not yet ready at this age for the so-called "artistic” and intricately imaginative pictures that grown-ups like. They thoroughly enjoy humor in pictures as well as in words. And they like pictures on every page. Little children enjoy variety in the size and shape of, books as well as in their contents. They can be taught the care books deserve by learning to handle gently their large, beautiful picture books. They love to own and carry around very tiny books, too, as the lasting popu larity of such a story as "The Little Family" testifies. To be worth buying, a book should be of more than pass ing interest, one the child will enjoy listening to, looking at, or reading to himself over and over. A story may be very slight indeed, but its pictures may tell so much that a child will turn back to them often, always finding fresh enjoyment. "Johnny Crow's Garden" is a good example. The story depends mostly on amusing rhymes: "The sheep went to sleep and the armadillo used him for a pillow ." The dismay of the unfortunate sheep when the porcupine tried the same tactics is hilariously funny. When buying books we must know what interests chil dren have at certain ages. Is there a 3-year-old who wouldn't listen with all his ears to a story about colts or kittens? Can you imagine a 6-year-old who wouldn't be interested in the tale of how William (in "Wait for William” ) rode the elephant in a circus parade? Girls of 10 raptur ously read over and over again books about favorite heroines. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Special interests are encouraged by books Almost before we realize they are individuals with ideas of their own, children begin to have special interests that can be furthered by providing the right books. A child who notices the living creatures about him should have access to authentic books like Herbert S. Zim 's, Henry B. Kane's, W ilfrids. Bronson’ s, and Roger T. Peterson's so that he won’ t be misled when he com es across careless misstate ments. When a little girl announces she is going to learn to fly, instead of being laughed at, she should be given a book that will familiarize her with the different kinds of planes. Children who watch a new house or bridge going up will enjoy "Construction Ahead" or "Underneath New Y ork." If they get in the habit of going to books for the answers to their questions, children will, by the time they are 10 or so, be using a library as naturally as they turn on the radio. This-is our main object, is it not? That children shall come to have such friendly, natural attitudes toward books that they will seek them out when they want to learn some thing or when they want to spend some leisure in thorough enjoyment. If books have been their friends from their earliest years, they will always be a resource. When a moment's escape from reality is needed, when other form s of entertainment or companionship are not available, when hearing about a discovery in science or a famous name sets them wondering—these are the times when children should have books as readily accessible as water to drink. And these books should be their very own. Books from the library are fine, but books of one's very own that can be picked up again and again, pored over, and reread when ever fancy demands, are even better. It is hard to esti mate the value to a child of a library of his own, for the impressions made on his mind may lie too deep to be chat tered about. A favorite character may, unknown to anyone but the child himself, serve as a stimulus to effort that is far beyond our ability to calculate. A good account of the life history of some bird or insect may be so exactly what a child needs to complement his own observations that he is given the initial impetus to serious study. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 7 The list of books that follow are grouped with more emphasis on interests than on age. It is almost im possi ble to say of a book that it is for a child of 5, or one of 8, for one child of 3 will like to hear the supposedly 5-yearold story, and another of 10 may not be mentally old enough for the 8-year-old book. Reading aloud adds to family companionship Children will listen with great enjoyment to a book that they are not yet capable of reading by themselves. Up to the age of 9 or 10, most boys and girls are not reading full-length books; but a child is delighted to hear such stories as "Pinocchio” or "The Wind in the Willows" long before his reading ability is enough advanced to make it pleasurable for him to read them alone. This advancement of a child's understanding beyond his reading skill shows how desirable (as well as pleasurable) it is for families to do much reading aloud. Even start ing a story aloud sometimes whets the appetite of a child who hasn't yet become hungry enough for books not to need a little anticipatory taste to get him started. A family that sets aside only 20 minutes a day for reading aloud will have read more than 120 hours in a single year! Older children will be so eager to go on with the story that they can be counted on to "spell" mother and father in reading, turn-about fashion. Parents also welcome the well-done informative books now written for children and breathe a grateful sigh for the help such books as "Sea and Shore," "Everyday Weather and How It W orks," or "You and Space Travel” give them. A mother or father who makes a practice of taking chil dren’ s questions seriously will never regret the time spent searching for answers. Keep in mind that many, many children who "don't like to read" feel that way because reading hasn’ t become fun. When that is the case, the reasons for the child's slow progress in reading should be sought, and help should be given where it is needed. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis If this is done early enough, the teen-age years, during which leisure-tim e habits are being formed, will become a period when children eagerly feast on the wide variety of good things to be found in books. But no matter how well a child can read, he is unlikely to think of this as one of the very nicest ways of having a good time unless he is provided with books of his own and has parents who have enjoyed those books with him from the days when he began to listen to nursery rhymes. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ABC and MOTHER GOOSE BOOKS RING O’ ROSES. Warne. $ 3 .......................... Leslie Brooke ABC BOOK. Illustrated by the author. Doubleday. $2. 5 0 .......... ..............Charles Buckles Falls NURSERY RHYMES. Knopf. $2. 50______ C. Lovat Fraser ALL AROUND THE TOWN. Lippincott. $ 2 ........................................ Phyllis McGinley GAY MOTHER GOOSE. Illustrated by Françoise. Scribner. $ 2 .5 0 .......................................... Mother Goose https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 MOTHER GOOSE. Illustrated by Tasha Tudor. Oxford. $ 2 .................................... ...............Mother Goose THE REAL MOTHER GOOSE. Illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright. Rand. $2. 5 0 . . . . Mother Goose P IC T U R E S T O R Y B O O K S for Y O U N G C H I L D R E N DON’ T COUNT YOUR CHICKS. Doubleday. $2. 50 Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire LITTLE WILD HORSE. Houghton. $2. 50 . .Hetty B. Beatty PELLE’ S NEW SUIT. Harper. $1.75___ ____ Elsa Beskow THE FIVE CHINESE BROTHERS. Coward. $1. 75 Claire H. Bishop JOHNNY CROW’ S GARDEN. Warne. $1.75 L. Leslie Brooke 12 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DICK WHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT. Scribner. $1.75.......................................... Marcia Brown GOLDEN EGG BOOK. Simon & Schuster. $1 Margaret Wise Brown GOODNIGHT MOON. Harper . $1.75 Margaret Wise Brown THE SEASHORE NOISY BOOK. Harper. $1. 50............................ ... Margaret Wise Brown WAIT TILL THE MOON IS FULL. Harper. $1.75.......... ..................... Margaret Wise Brown JUST TAMMIE! Dodd. $2 Dorothy and Marguerite Bryan THE LITTLE HOUSE. Houghton. $2.50 Virginia Lee Burton MIKE MULLIGAN AND HIS STEAM SHOVEL. Houghton. $2.50............................... Virginia Lee Burton THE HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE PICTURE BOOK. War ne. $ 3 .................... » ..................... Randolph Caldecott HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF PANCAKES. Viking. $1.25........................................ Audrey Chalmers A BELL FOR URSLI. Oxford. $2.50.............. Selina Chonz LITTLE BRUIN AND PER. Abingdon. $ 1 .2 5 ............................... Haaken Christensen WILD BIRTHDAY CAKE. Doubleday. $ 2 .5 0 .................................. Lavinia R. Davis THE STORY OF BABAR. Random. $ 1 . . . Jean de Brunhoff WHAT EVERY YOUNG RABBIT SHOULD KNOW. Dodd. $ 2 .2 5 ................ ................................. Carol Denison THE DOGCATCHER’ S DOG. Holt. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 2 ............ André Dugo 13 A FOR THE ARK. Lothrop. $ 2 .................. Roger Duvoisin PETUNIA AND THE SONG. Knopf. $ 1 .7 5 ...............................................Roger Duvoisin MR. T. W. ANTHONY WOO: the story of a Cat and a Dog and a Mouse. Viking. $ 2 ................ Marie H. Ets CRYBABY CALF. Rand. 60$............ Helen and Alf Evers PRAYER FOR A CHILD. Macmillan. $ 1 ----- Rachel Field ANGUS AND THE DUCKS. Doubleday. $ 1 .2 5 ............ ..........................M arjorie Flack ASK MR. BEAR. Macmillan. $1.75 ...........M arjorie Flack WAIT FOR WILLIAM. Houghton. $ 2 ........ M arjorie Flack JEANNE-MARIE COUNTS HER SHEEP. Scribner. $ 2 .........................................................Françoise MILLIONS OF CATS. CINDER. Grosset. LITTLE TOOT. Coward. $ 1 .7 5 .............. Wanda Gag 50$.......................................Romney Gay Putnam. $ 2 .2 5 ........ ... Hardie Gramatky DEAR UNCLE LOOY. Knopf. $1.75 Peggy Gulick and Elizabeth Dresser THE BIG SNOW. Macmillan. $2.50 Berta and Elmer Hader LITTLE BOY BROWN. Lippincott. $ 1 . 7 5 . . . Isobel Harris EDDIE AND GARDENIA. Morrow. $2. 50 Carolyn Hayward HURRY, HURRY. $ 1 .5 0 .......... Edith Thacher Hurd Scott. FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS. Houghton. $2. 50 Juliet Kepes 14 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE STORY OF FERDINAND. Viking. $1.50 Munro Leaf and R. Lawson THE LITTLE FAMILY. Doubleday. 75£........ Lois Lenski SNIPP, SNAPP, SNURR, AND THE GINGERBREAD. Whitman. $ 1 .5 0 ............................................ Maj Lindman FINDERS KEEPERS. Harcourt. $2 William Lipkind and Nicholas Mordvinoff LITTLE GOLDEN LIBRARY (many titles). Simon. 25£ each. Farmer Jones, Busy Timmy, Fix it, Please, etc. BLUEBERRIES FOR SAL. Viking. $2.. Robert McCloskey MAKE WAY FOR DUCKLINGS. Viking. $ 2 .7 5 ....................................... Robert McCloskey THE RED HORSE. Coward. $ 1 . 7 5 . . . . . . . Elsa Moeschlin THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS. Grosset. 50$ ................................................ Clement Moore APRIL’ S KITTENS. Harper. $2.50.. .Claire T. Newberry FEATHER MOUNTAIN. Houghton. KATY NO-POCKET. Houghton. $ 2 ........ Elizabeth Olds $ 2 .5 0 .......... Emmy Payne PUSS IN BOOTS. Illustrated by Marcia Brown. Scribner. $ 2 ............................................. Charles Perrault BOX WITH RED WHEELS. Macmillan. $1.75 Maud and Miska Petersham A BOAT FOR PEPPE. Scribner. $ 2 .................. Leo Politi A TALE OF PETER RABBIT. Warne. 85£...................................... Beatrix Potter THE TALE OF SQUIRREL NUTKIN. Warne. 85£................................................................. Beatrix Potter https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 CURIOUS GEORGE. Houghton. $2.50 H. A. Rey THE 500 HATS OF BARTHOLOMEW CUBBINS. Vanguard. $ 2 .5 0 .............................................. . D r . Seuss MAGIC MICHAEL. Macmillan. CAPS FOR SALE. Scott. $ 2 .......... Louis Slobodkin $ 1 .7 5 ............ Esphyr Slobodkina THE FIRST CHRISTMAS. Harper. PUMPKIN MOONSHINE. Oxford. $ L .......... Robbie Trent $ 1 ............ Tasha Tudor THE CAMEL WHO TOOK A WALK. Aladdin. $ 2 ...................................................Jack Tworkov WHOSE LITTLE BIRD A M I ? . Crowell. $ 1 ...........................................Leonard Weisgard FISH IN THE AIR. Viking. $ 2 .............................Kurt Wiese WONDER BOOKS (many titles). Grosset. 25£ each. Let’ s Play Indian, The Magic Bus, etc. , SATURDAY WALK. Scott. ALL FALLING DOWN. THE STORM BOOK. 16 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $ 1 ........................ . Ethel Wright Harper. $1. 75 Gene Zion and M. B. Graham Harper. $ 2 ........ .. .Charlotte Zolotow ANSWERS LITTLE to CHILDREN’S QUESTIONS THE FIRST THANKSGIVING. Knopf. $2.. .Lena Barksdale ALL KINDS OF TIME. Harcourt. $ 2 .............. Harry Behn ALL AROUND YOU. Whittlesey. $ 2 .......... Jeanne Bendick GOLDEN ENCYCLOPEDIA. Simon. $ 2 .5 0 .......................... ................. Dorothy Bennett UPS AND DOWNS. Scott. $ 1 ........................ E. S. Berkley PERHAPS I'LL BE A RAILROAD MAN. Aladdin. $1.75 .............................................. Ray Bethers ILLUSTRATED GOLDEN DICTIONARY. Simon. $3.95 Stuart A. Courtis and Garnette Watters WHAT’ S IN THE SKY. Oxford. $ 1 .5 0 ........ M. P. Dunham THE STORY OF A BABY. Viking. $ 3 ........ Marie Hall Ets 245242 0 - 53 - 3 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17 ALL ABOUT US. Capitol. $2 Eva Knox Evans YOUR OWN STORY: human reproduction simply explained. University of Minnesota P ress. 50$ Marion L. Faegre TIM TADPOLE AND THE GREAT BULLFROG. Doubleday. $ 1 .2 5 ...................................... Marjorie Flack THE BIG BOOK OF COWBOYS. Grosset. $ 1 ........................................ Sydney E. Fletcher THE MERRY FIDDLERS. Aladdin. $1.75 Alice E. Goudey VERY FIRST GARDEN. Oxford. 50$.......... Dorothea Gould THE BIG BOOK OF ANIMALS EVERY CHILD SHOULD KNOW. Grosset. $ 1 ............................ Dena Humphreys LET’ S GO OUTDOORS. Doubleday. $2.75 Harriet E. Huntington LET’ S GO TO THE SEASHORE. Doubleday. $2. 75 Harriet E. Huntington CABOOSE. Lothrop. $ 1 . 5 0 . . . Clement and Edith T. Hurd TELL ME ABOUT GOD. Rand. $ 2 .......... Mary Alice Jones SAFETY CAN BE FUN. Lippincott. $ 1 .7 5 ___ Munro Leaf THE LITTLE TRAIN. Oxford. $ 1 .................... Lois Lenski RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT. Doubleday. $ 2 .............................. ........Golden MacDonald RUBY THROAT, the story of a humming bird. Morrow. $2 .................................. Robert M. McClung PICTURE BOOK OF THE WEATHER. Lothrop. $ 2 ...........................................Jerome S. Meyer THE BIG FIRE. Houghton. $2. 5 0 ................ Elizabeth Olds 18 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RIDING THE RAILS. Houghton. $2.50 JESUS’ STORY. Macmillan. Elizabeth Olds $2 Maud and Miska Petersham PICTURE BOOK OF ANIMAL BABIES. Macmillan. $ 2 ........................ W. W. and Irene Robinson GOD’ S FIRST CHILDREN. Roy. $ 2 ............ Ester Salminen HOW BIG IS BIG? From Stars to Atoms. Scott. $ 1 .7 5 .......................... Herman and Nina Schneider LET’ S LOOK UNDER THE CITY. Scott. $ 1 .5 0 .......................... Herman and Nina Schneider SUN, MOON, AND STARS. McGraw. $3 W. T. Skilling and R. S. Richardson DO YOU KNOW ABOUT FISHES? Morrow. $1.50 .......................................Janet Smalley THE FIRST BOOK OF AUTOMOBILES. Watts. $ 1 .7 5 .......................................... Campbell Tatham TRAVELERS ALL. (Seeds.) Scott. $ 1 .2 5 ............................................ Irma E. Webber UP ABOVE AND DOWN BELOW. (Roots and tops of plants.) Scott. $ 1 .................. ........... Irma E. Webber THE FIRST BOOK OF BIRDS. Watts. $ 1 .7 5 .................................. Margaret Williamson THE GREAT WHALES. Morrow. $ 2 .......... Herbert S. Zim REAL FIRE ENGINES. (Also, The Big Book of Real Trucks, Trains, etc. ). Grosset. $1 each...................................... George J. Zoffo j T https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 B O O K S of POETRY AN INHERITANCE OF POETRY. Houghton. $4 Gladys L. Adshead and Annis Duff SUNG UNDER THE SILVER UMBRELLA. Macmillan. $ 2 .7 5 ........................ Association for Childhood Education UNDER THE TENT OF THE SKY. (Poems about animals. ) Macmillan. $ 2 .7 5 ---------------- John E. Brewton, comp. BRIDLED WITH RAINBOWS. Macmillan. $2.75 S. W. and John E. Brewton, comps. RHYMES AND VERSES. Holt. $ 3 . 5 0 . . . Walter De la Mare VERY YOUNG VERSES. Houghton. $2.50 Barbara P. Geismer and Antoinette B. Suter, comps. RING AROUND. Macmillan. $3.50 Mildred P. Harrington, comp. A POCKETFUL OF RHYMES. Crowell. $2 Katherine Love, comp. FAR AND FEW. Little. $2.50 .....................David McCord NOW WE ARE SIX. Dutton. $1. 7 5 .................. A. A. Milne WHEN WE WERE VERY YOUNG. Dutton. $ 1 .7 5 .....................L ............... .. A. A. Milne A CHILD’ S GARDEN OF VERSES. Illustrated by Roger Duvoisin. Heritage. $3 Robert Louis Stevenson SILVER PENNIES. Macmillan. $1.35 Blanche Thompson, comp. RAINBOW IN THE SKY. Harcourt. $3. 75 Louis Untermeyer, comp. 20 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NEW ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF FAVORITE HYMNS. Garden City. $ 1 .2 5 .............. . ..........................Inez Bertail FIRESIDE BOOK OF FOLKSONGS. Simon. $ 3 .9 5 .................. ................... M. B. Boni, comp. SINGING TIME. Day. $2.50 Satis N. Coleman and Alice G. Thorn THE LITTLE SINGING TIME. (Preschool age.) Day. $ 2 .5 0 .................... Satis N. Coleman and Alice G. Thorn SONGS OF AMERICAN FOLKS. Day. $2.50 Satis N. Coleman and A. Bregman THE BIG BOOK OF FAVORITE SONGS FOR CHILDREN. Grosset. $ 1 ...........................................Dorothy Commins COWBOY JAMBOREE: Western Songs and Lore. Knopf. $ 3 . . . .................................................. H. W. Felton STORIES OF OUR AMERICAN PATRIOTIC SONGS. Vanguard. $ 2 .7 5 .................................. John Henry Lyons https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21 SONGS FOR THE NURSERY SCHOOL. Willis. $2. 50 ...................................... L. P. McCarteney AMERICAN FOLKSONGS FOR CHILDREN. Doubleday. $ 4 ............ ..................Ruth C. Seeger, comp. THE GOLDEN SONG BOOK. Simon. $ 1 .................................... Katharine T. Wessels SING FOR CHRISTMAS. Dutton. $3. 7 5 .......... Opal Wheeler SING MOTHER GOOSE. Dutton. $3. 75.......... Opal Wheeler HOW OTHER CHILDREN for children from 6 to 14 NINO. (Italy.) Viking. $ 2 .5 0 .......... .. . ...... Valenti Angelo SMOKY BAY. I OLA. (Iceland.) Macmillan. $2.50 Steingrimur Arason (Norway.) Doubleday. $2.75 Ingri and Edgar Parin d’ Aulaire Digitized for 22 FRASER https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MADELINE. (France. ) Simon. $ 2 . . . . Ludwig Bemelmans COCOLO. (Italy. ) Harper. $ 2 .5 0 .............................. Bettina BRIGHT MORNING. (England.) Viking. $1.50 Margery Bianco POPO AND FIFINA, CHILDREN OF HAITI. Macmillan. $ 2 .5 0 .............. A. Bontemps and L. Hughes JAN'S VICTORY. (Holland.) Longmans. $2.50 Betty M. Bowen HENRY—FISHERMAN. (Virgin Islands. ) Illustrated by the author. Scribner. $ 2 .......................... Marcia Brown SOMI BUILDS A CHURCH. (Lapland. ) Viking. $ 2 ...................................................Rafaello Busoni JUNGLE BOY. (Philippines. ) Longmans. $ 2 .............................................. Lysle Carveth IN MY MOTHER'S HOUSE. (Indians of our Southwest. ) Viking. $ 2 .5 0 .......................................... Ann Nolan Clark THE BOY WITH THE PARROT. (Central America. ) Macmillan. $ 2 .5 0 ............... Elizabeth Coatsworth MY PET PEEPELO. (M exico.) Oxford. $ 2 ...................................................... Ellis Credle FUJIO. (Japan. ) Macmillan. $ 2 ..........Raymond Creekmore BUSH HOLIDAY. (Australia.) Doubleday. $ 2 .5 0 ..................................................... StephenFennimore ESKIMO BOY. Lothrop. $ 2 .................... Pipaluk Freuchen THE FAMILY FROM ONE END STREET. (England. ) Vanguard. $ 2 .5 0 ............................................ Eva Garnett SARANGA, THE PYGMY. (Africa. ) Scribner. $ 2 .7 5 ...............................................Attilio Gatti https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23 A SUMMER TO REMEMBER. (Switzerland.) Whittlesey. $ 2 .2 5 ............ .....................Erna M. Karolyi RACING THE RED SAIL. (G reece.) Longmans. $ 2 .2 5 ......................................... A. G. Kelsey LITTLE PEAR. (China.) Harcourt. $ 2 .2 5 ........ .................. Eleanor F. Lattimore MARTA THE DOLL. (Poland.) Longmans. $ 2 ...................... ......... .. Eloise Lounsbery AT THE PALACE GATES. (P eru .) Viking. $2 .............................................. Helen R. Parish DAUGHTER OF THE MOUNTAINS. (Tibet and India.) Viking. $ 2 .5 0 .............................. ............... Louise Rankin SWALLOWS AND AMAZONS. (England.) Lippincott. $ 3 ........ ................................ Arthur Ransome MARKET DAY FOR TI ANDRE. (Haiti.) Viking. $ 2 ..................................................... Maia Rodman THE SINGING TREE. (Hungary.) Viking. $ 2 .5 0 ...................................................Kate Seredy LI LUN, LAD OF COURAGE. (China and India.) Abingdon. $ 2 .5 0 .................................Carolyn Treffinger THE COTTAGE AT BANTRY BAY. (Ireland.) Viking. $ 2 .5 0 .................. ....................Hilda Van Stockum THE SAUCEPAN JOURNEY. (Sweden.) Macmillan. $2. 5 0 ....................................Edith Unnerstad TREASURE TROVE OF THE SUN. (Russia.) Illustrated by Rojankovsky. Viking. $2.75 M. Prishvin 24 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IN F O R M A T IO N to S U IT ALL TASTES the world around us EVERYDAY BIRDS. Houghton. $ 1 .......... Gertrude E. Allen ATOMS AT WORK. Harcourt. $2.25 . . George P. Bischoff THE ADVENTURES OF MAYA, THE BEE. Pellegrini. $ 3 ...................................... Waldemar Bonsels THE GULF STREAM. Vanguard. $ 2 .5 0 ........ Ruth Brindze CATS. Harcourt. $ 2 .............................. Wilfred S. Bronson THE FIRST BOOK OF TREES. Watts. $ 1 . 7 5 . . . ................................ . M. B. Cormack ALONG NATURE’ S HIGHWAY. Day. $ 2 .............. .............................. Carroll Lane Fenton ROCKS AND THEIR STORIES. Doubleday. $2.50 Carroll Lane and Mildred H. Fenton ONE GOD: the ways we worship Him. Lothrop. $2. 50 .................................... Florence M. Fitch SUNSHINE AND RAIN. Singer. 96£ G. W. Frazier and H. Dolman VULPES, THE RED FOX. Dutton. $ 2 .7 5 ...................... ......... John and Jean George 245242 0 - 53 - 4 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 MINN OF THE MISSISSIPPI. Houghton. $3 .........................................Holling C. Holling SEA AND SHORE. Macmillan. $3.. .Clarence J. Hylander WILD WORLD TALES: the tale of the mouse, the moth, and the crow. Knopf. $ 3 .........................Henry B. Kane THE WONDER OF LIFE: how we are born and how we grow up. Simon. $2 Milton Levine, M. D ., and Jean H. Seligmann ANIMAL TOOLS. (Also, Animal Tracks, Animal Weapons.) Morrow. $ 2 ........ George F. Mason AMERICAN BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. Random. $ 1 .9 5 .......... ...................Cecile Hulse Matschat PET BOOK FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Scribner. $2.75............................................A. P. Morgan HOW TO KNOW THE BIRDS. New American Library. 3 5 £ ............ Roger T. Peterson JUNIOR BOOK OF BIRDS. Houghton. $ 2 .7 5 ...................................Roger T. Peterson AMERICA'S TREASURE. (Our natural resou rces.) Harcourt. $ 3 .5 0 ........................... W. Maxwell Ree PATTERNS IN THE SKY. Morrow. $ 2 .5 0 ......................... THE SILVER MINK. Little. W. Maxwell Ree $ 2 . 5 0 . . . . Ivan T. Sanderson EVERYDAY WEATHER AND HOW IT WORKS. Whittlesey. $ 2 .7 5 .................................Herman Schneider YOU AMONG THE STARS. Scott. $2.25 Herman and Nina Schneider HOW TO KNOW THE WILD FLOWERS. New American Library. 35£ .................Alfred Stefferud 26 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ANIMALS FROM EVERYWHERE. Warne. $ 2 .............. ... .................... Clifford Webb FROGS AND TOADS. (Also, O w ls.) Morrow. $ 2 ................................... Herbert S. Zim MICE, MEN, AND ELEPHANTS. Harcourt. $ 2 .................................. Herbert S. Zim LIGHTNING AND THUNDER. Morrow. $ 2 .................................... Herbert S. Zim INSECTS. Simon. $1 Herbert S. Zim and Clarence Cottam people and places GEORGE WASHINGTON. (Also Benjamin Franklin. ) Doubleday. $2. 7 5 ........ Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire DANIEL BOONE. Harper. $ 1 .7 5 ................ Esther Aver ill INDIANS OF THE LONGHOUSE. Morrow. $ 2 ............ .............................. . Sonia Bleeker STORY OF THE NEGRO. Knopf. $3 . . . . . Arna Bontemps OUR COUNTRY'S STORY. Rand. $ 2 .5 0 ............ ... .........................Frances Cavanah THE FIRST BOOK OF PRESIDENTS. Watts. $1. 7 5 ................................................. Harold Coy BALLET FOR BEGINNERS. Knopf. $3. 75 Nancy Draper and M. E. Atkinson LIFE OF AUDUBON. (With illustrations from his paintings.) Harper. $ 2 .5 0 .................. Clyde Fisher THE COURAGE AND THE GLORY. Lippincott. $2. 7 5 ...................................John J. Floherty https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27 ANDREW JACKSON. Scribner. $ 2 ........ Genevieve Foster THE BIRDMAN: the story of Leonardo da Vinci. Stravon. $ 1 .................................................Mitchell Foster THE STORY OF THE GREAT LAKES. Harper. $ 1 .7 5 ..............................................................Marie Gilchris THESE UNITED STATES AND HOW THEY CAME TO BE. Macmillan. $ 4 ...................................... Gertrude Hartman THE WORLD WE LIVE IN AND HOW IT CAME TO BE. Macmillan. $ 4 ................................ Gertrude Hartman BENJAMIN WEST AND HIS CAT GRIMALKIN. Bobbs. $ 2 .5 0 .................. Marguerite Henry HOW THE FIRST MEN LIVED. Lothrop. $1.50 ...............................Lancelot Hogben, ed. AMERICA'S ETHAN ALLEN. Houghton. $ 2 .5 0 ........................................................StewartHolbroo BETTER KNOWN AS JOHNNY APPLESEED. Lippincott. $ 2 .5 0 .......................................Mabel L. Hunt A PICTURE HISTORY OF FRANCE. Watts. $ 3 ..................................................................... ClarkeHutton HE WENT WITH MARCO POLO. Houghton. $ 3 ...................................Louise Andrews Kent MAN'S WAY, FROM CAVE TO SKYSCRAPER. Harper. $2. 5 0 ...........................Ralph and Adeline Linton SKY HIGHWAYS: geography from the air. Houghton. $ 2 .5 0 .............. .Trevor Lloyd INDIANS ON HORSEBACK. Crowell. $ 2 .5 0 ...........................................Alice Marriott STORY OF THE GREAT PLAINS. Harper. $ 1 .7 5 .............. . .M . McNeer and C. H. Dewitt 28 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INVINCIBLE LOUISA. (Life of Louisa A lcott.) Little. $ 2 .5 0 .........................................Cornelia L. Meigs THE PICTURE STORY OF THE PHILIPPINES. McKay. $2.50 .......... ................................Hester O’ Neill THE EARTH FOR SAM: the story of mountains, rivers, dinosaurs, and men. Harcourt. $4.50 William M. Reed THE WRIGHT BROTHERS Random. $ 1 .5 0 ..................................... Quentin Reynolds LEIF ERIKSSON, FIRST VOYAGER TO AMERICA. Harper. $ 2 . , ................................. Katherine B. Shippen HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Random. $ 1 .9 5 .................................. Arensa Sondergaard BOY ON HORSEBACK. (Autobiography.) Harcourt. $ 2 .5 0 ....................................... Lincoln Steffens THE LAND OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. Lippincott. $2. 5 0 ...........................................Alicia Street MOZART THE WONDER BOY. Dutton. $ 2 .7 5 .......................O. Wheeler and S. Deucher PREHISTORIC AMERICA. Random. $1. 5 0 ...................................... Ann Terry White LOST WORLDS: adventures in archeology. Random. $ 3 .............................................. Ann Terry White YOU AND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Children’ s P ress. $1. 50.. Paul Witty and Julilly Kohler AMOS FORTUNE, FREE MAN. Aladdin. $2. 5 0 .........................................Elizabeth Yates https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 men at work MARIONETTES, Easy to Make! Fun to Use! Lippincott. $2. 7 5 .....................................Edith F. Ackley ELECTRONICS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Whittlesey. $2. 5 0 ....................................... Jeanne Bendick TELEVISION WORKS LIKE THIS. Whittlesey. $ 2 .......... ............Jeanne and Robert Bendick CONSTRUCTION AHEAD. Viking. $ 3 ....... Henry Billings THE FIRST BOOK OF ESKIMOS. Watts. $1. 7 5 .......................................Benjamin Brewster THE STORY OF OUR CALENDAR. Vanguard. $ 2 .5 0 .......... Ruth Brindze WHAT MAKES IT TICK? Houghton. $3. .Katharine Britton THE STORY OF SOUND. Harcourt. $ 2 . . . James Geralton PICTURES TO GROW UP WITH. Studio. $3.50 ....................................... .. .Katharine Gibson UNDERNEATH NEW YORK. Rinehart. $ 3 ................................................ Harry Granick THE BOY BUILDER. Dodd. $ 3 .5 0 ___ Edwin T. Hamilton FIRST BOOK OF INVENTIONS. Chanticleer. $ 1 . 5 0 . .......................Lancelot Hogben, ed. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN: the story of the St. Bernard. Whittlesey. $ 1 .7 5 ...................................... Ruth A. Knight FUN WITH MAGIC. Digitized for 30FRASER https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lippincott. $ 2 . 5 0 . . . Joseph Leeming O. K. FOR DRIVE-AWAY: How Automobiles Are Built. Macmillan. $ 2 .5 0 ................................... Henry B. Lent YOU AND SPACE TRAVEL. Childrens P ress. $1. 5 0 ........ . ..................John Lewellen PICTURE BOOK OF MOLECULES AND ATOMS. Lothrop. $ 2 ................................................... Jerome Meyer COINOMETRY: an introduction to coins and currency. Sterling. $2.50.. .Robert V. Masters and Fred Reinfeld A FIRST ELECTRICAL BOOK FOR BOYS. Scribner. $3 — .................................... Alfred P. Morgan FIRST CHEMISTRY BOOK FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Scribner. $ 2 .7 5 .....................................Alfred P. Morgan THE BOAT AND SHIP BOOK. Sloane. $ 1 .7 5 .............................Margaret and Stuart Otto PARTNERS: United Nations and Youth. Doubleday. $ 3 . 5 0 ...................... Eleanor Roosevelt and Helen Ferris LET’ S FIND OUT: a picture science book. Scott. $ 1 .7 5 ........................ Herman and Nina Schneider EVERYDAY MACHINES AND HOW THEY WORK. Whittlesey. $ 2 .5 0 .............................. Jeanne Schneider A BOY AND A MOTOR. Harper. $ 2 . . . Raymond F. Yates THE BOYS’ BOOK OF MAGNETISM. Harper. $ 2 .5 0 .............. .......................Raymond F. Yates CODES AND SECRET WRITING. Morrow. $2 PARACHUTES. SUBMARINES. Harcourt. Harcourt. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S. Zim $2.75 . . . . S. Zim $ 3 .............. S. Zim 31 STORIES 9 to GIRLS 12 aover THE WONDERFUL YEAR. Messner. $ 2 .5 0 ............................................Nancy Barnes WATCH FOR A TALL WHITE SAIL. Morrow. $ 2 .5 0 ...................................... .Margaret E. Bell TWENTY AND TEN. Viking. $ 2 .5 0 ................................. Claire Huchet Bishop HAUNTED HUT. Knopf. HIGH TRAIL. Doubleday. $ 2 .5 0 .................. . M. G. Bonner $ 2 .5 0 .................... Vivian Breck CADDIE WOODLAWN. Macmillan. $ 2 .5 0 .................................Carol Ryrie Brink DRUSILLA. Macmillan. $ 2 .5 0 ................ Emma L. Brock THE LONESOMEST DOLL. Houghton. $2.50.........................................Alice F. Brown AWAY GOES SALLY. Macmillan. $2. 75 ...........................Elizabeth Coatsworth WINTER ON THE JOHNNY SMOKER. Morrow. $2.50.........................Mildred Houghton Comfort 32 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SKIP-COME-A-LOU. Lippincott. $2.50 Ada Claire Darby THE DOOR IN THE WALL. Doubleday. $2. 5 0 .................... Marguerite L. De Angeli HENNER’ S LYDIA. Doubleday. $ 2 .5 0 .................... Marguerite L. De Angeli THE MELENDY FAMILY. Rinehart. $ 3 ............................................. Elizabeth Enright (Containing The Saturdays, The Four Story Mistake, and Then There Were Five) THIMBLE SUMMER. Rinehart. $2. 75.. Elizabeth Enright THE MIDDLE MOFFAT. Harcourt. $ 2 .5 0 ........................................................EleanorEstes HITTY, HER FIRST 100 YEARS. Macmillan. $ 2 ............................................................. RachelField TOMAS AND THE RED HEADED ANGEL. Messner. $ 2 .5 0 .................................Marion Garthwaite BLUE WILLOW. Viking. THE DOLLS’ HOUSE. $ 2 .5 0 ............... Viking. Doris Gates $ 2 .5 0 ........... Rumer Godden TREASURE IN THE COVERED WAGON. , Lippincott. $ 2 .5 0 ...................................Vera M. Graham THE FAIR ADVENTURE. Viking. $ 2 .5 0 ...................................Elizabeth Janet Gray SIERRA SALLY. Nelson. LISA AND LOTTIE. $ 2 .....................Eleanor Hoffman Little. $ 2 .5 0 ............ .. Erich Kastner THE BEST CHRISTMAS. Doubleday. $1. 5 0 ............ ............................. Lee Kingman JUDY’ S JOURNEY. Lippincott. $2. 5 0 ............................ Lois Lenski PRAIRIE SCHOOL. Lippincott. $2. 7 5 .............................Lois Lenski https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33 HIGH HARVEST. Harcourt. MARGARET. Harper. $ 2 .5 0 .............. Elizabeth Low $ 2 .5 0 ............ ............ J. S. Lowrey SHUTTERED WINDOWS. Houghton. $ 2 .7 5 ...................... Florence Crannell Means KILDEE HOUSE. Doubleday. WINDIGO. Harcourt. $ 2 .5 0 ... R. G. Montgomery $ 2 .5 0 ............ Kathrene S., Pinkerton ROLLER SKATES. Viking. $ 2 .5 0 .................. Ruth Sawyer DOWNRIGHT DENCEY. Doubleday. $ 2 .5 0 .........................Caroline Dale Snedeker CIRCUS SHOES. Random. $ 2 .7 5 .............. Noel Streatfeild ALL-OF-A-KIND FAMILY. Follett. $ 2 .7 5 .......................................... BEANY MALONE. Crowell. Sidney Taylor $ 2 .5 0 ........ Lenora M. Weber THE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE. Harper. $ 2 .................................................Laura I. Wilder LIBERTY FOR JOHANNY. Longmans. $2.50 Adelaide H. and John C. Wonsetler f 34FRASER Digitized for https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STORIES for B O Y S 9 to 12 and over / V SMOKE JUMPER. Houghton. $2. 75 . . . Marjorie Hill Allee THE ROOSTER CLUB. Viking. $2 .. STOCKY, BOY OF WEST TEXAS. Winston. $ 2 .5 0 .......... ................... , . . Elizabeth W. Baker LITTLE FLUTE PLAYER. Morrow. $2. 5 0 .............................. PECOS BILL, the Greatest Cowboy of All Time. Whitman. $ 2 .5 0 ............................ LODESTAR. Crowell. $ 2 .5 0 .......... . .Franklyn M. Branley WINDFALL FIDDLE. Knopf. $2. 50 ................ Carl Carmer FIVE BOYS IN A CAVE. Day. $2. 5 0 ........ Richard Church DOOR TO THE NORTH. Winston. $ 2 .5 0 ............................ . Elizabeth Coatsworth GREAT CAESAR’ S GHOST. Doubleday. $1. 5 0 ........................ DANIEL BOONE. Viking. $ 3 .5 0 .. 35 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Gro GRANGER. Holiday. $2.25 Robert Davis PARTNERS OF POWDER HOLE. Holiday. $ 2 .2 5 ........ ......................................Robert Davis SKIPPACK SCHOOL. Doubleday. $2. 5 0 .....................Marguerite L. De Angeli THE TWENTY-ONE BALLOONS. Viking. $ 2 .5 0 ................................. . William Pène DuBois THE MATCHLOCK GUN. Dodd. $2. 7 5 .................................... THE MIDNIGHT HORSE. Vanguard. $ 2 .5 0 ...................... . . . . . Monica Edwards "I HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT.” (John Paul Jones. ) Dodd. $ 2 .7 5 .................................... CRUISE OF THE JEANNETTE. (First expedition to seek North Pole by Bering Sea.) Dodd. $2.75 Edward Ellsberg GINGER PYE. Harcourt. $2.50... JOHNNY TREMAIN. Houghton. $3. NORTH FORK. Viking. $ 2 .............. THE BOY JONES. (A chimney sweep in Victoria’ s London.) Viking. $ 2 . . ........ Patricia Gordon FARM BOY. Viking. $ 2 . 5 0 . . . . . . . . ........ Douglas Gor siine ADAM OF THE ROAD. Viking*. $ 3 .................. .................... . Elizabeth Janet Gray SALTWATER SUMMER. Morrow. $ 2 .5 0 ............................. NICHOLAS AND THE WOOL-PACK. Putnam. $ 2 .5 0 ........................................... Cynthia Harnett 36 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ROCKET SHIP ’ ’GALILEO. ” Scribner. $ 2 .5 0 .......................... FARMER IN THE SKY. Scribner. $ 2 .5 0 .......................... JUSTIN MORGAN HAD A HORSE. Grosset. $ 1 .2 5 ............ ............. . SPICE AND THE DEVIL'S CAVE. Knopf. $ 3 ...................... ................ Agnes Danforth Hewes CALL ME CHARLEY. Harper. $2 . LASSIE COME-HOME. Winston. $2.50 . . . Eric M. Knight DANIEL IN THE CUB SCOUT DEN. Aladdin. $ 2 .5 0 ............................. ........ Julilly H. Kohler BLACK RIVER CAPTIVE. Random. $ 2 .7 5 .......................... , BOOM TOWN BOY. Lippincott. $ 2 .5 0 ............ Lois Lenski THE WAHOO BOBCAT. Lippincott. $2. 50 ...................... .......... J. W. Lippincott NONE BUT THE BRAVE. Houghton. $ 2 .5 0 ........ Rosamond Van der Zee Marshall JIM DAVIS. Macmillan. $1.50... BOY WITH A PACK. Harcourt. $ 2 .5 0 ........................ CEDAR’ S BOY. Harcourt. $2. 50. . . . . Stephen W. Meader HARI, THE JUNGLE LAD. Dutton. $ 2 .5 0 .............................. MY FRIEND FLICKA. Lippincott. $ 3 ............................ https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37 HANNIBAL’ S ELEPHANTS. Longmans. $2. 50........ Alfred Powers MERRY ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD. Scribner. $ 3 .................................................. Howard Pyle GREAT NORTHERN? Macmillan. $3 .. . . Arthur Ransome TRIGGER JOHN’ S SON. Viking. $2. 50 . . . . T. P. Robinson GREEN TREASURE. Harper. $2.50.. ............ M. I. Ross RED FOX OF THE KINAPOO. Longmans. $ 2 .7 5 .............................. .. William M. Rush MOJAVE JOE. Knopf. $ 2 .5 0 ................ .......... D. C. Scott CALL IT COURAGE. Macmillan. $ 2 .5 0 ............ ................. .Armstrong Sperry ABE LINCOLN: Frontier Boy. Bobbs. $ 1 .7 5 ...................................... . Augusta Stevenson HIGHPOCKETS. Morrow. $ 2 .5 0 .......... LIONS ON THE HUNT. (South African Veldt.) Viking. $ 2 .5 0 .................................. Theodore J. Waldeck RIDE, COWBOY, RIDE! McKay. $2.50. ........ Billy Warren THIS BOY CODY. Watts. $ 2 .5 0 ............ A PLACE FOR PETER. Doward. $2. 5 0 ..................................... Digitized for38 FRASER https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LAST/N6 FAVOR/TES of BOTHBOYS and G I R L S AESOP’ S FABLES. Grosset, $1. 25; Viking, $2. 50 Illustrated by Artzybasheff....................................... Aesop LITTLE WOMEN. Little, $2; Grosset, 75$......................... Louisa M. Alcott ALICE’ S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND. (Contains Through the Looking G lass.) Macmillan, $2; Heritage, $3; McKay, $1; Grosset, $ 1 .5 0 .......................................... .. Lewis Carroll ARABIAN NIGHTS. Macmillan. $ 2 ............ .....................Padraic Colum, ed. ROBINSON CRUSOE. Houghton. $ 3 ................ Daniel Defoe PERSONAL HISTORY OF DAVID COPPERFIELD. Ginn. $ 2 .2 0 .............................................. Charles Dickens HANS BRINKER. Scribner, $3; Grosset, 75$............ .. Mary Mapes Dodge TALES FROM GRIMM. Coward. $ 2 .7 5 ............ Wanda Gag https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 39 JUNGLE BOOK. Doubleday, $2.50; Grosset, $ 1 .5 0 ........ Rudyard Kipling RED FAIRY BOOK. (Also Green, Yellow, Blue, etc.) Longmans, $2.50; McKay, $ 1 .......... Andrew Lang, ed. THE STORY OF DR. DOOLITTLE. Lippincott. $2. 7 5 ................................. AT THE BACK OF THE NORTH WIND. Macmillan. $ 2 .......................................George MacDonald STORY OF KING ARTHUR AND HIS KNIGHTS. Scribner. $3. 5 0 ...............................................Howard Pyle BAMBI. Noble, $1. 50; Grosset, 75£ . . . BLACK BEAUTY. (Short version .) Illustrated by Paul Brown. Scribner. $3 Anna Sewell HEIDI. Houghton, $3; Grossett, 75£ . . . KIDNAPPED. Scribner, $3; G fosset, $1.50 Robert Louis Stevenson GULLIVER’ S TRAVELS. Heritage. $ 3 .5 0 .................................... ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER. Harper, $1.50; Grosset, 75£.............. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. Grosset. $ 1 .5 0 .......... .......................... .. Johann D. Wyss Digitized for 40FRASER https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 EMPEROR’ S NEW CLOTHES. Houghton. $ 2 .............................Hans Christian Andersen MR. POPPER’ S PENGUINS. Little. $ 2 .5 0 .................. Richard and Florence Atwater THE FAST SOONER HOUND. Houghton. $ 2 .5 0 ................ A. Bontemps and J. Conroy THE HAPPY PLACE. Little. $2. 5 0 .......................................Ludwig Bemelmans SAD-FACED BOY. Houghton. $ 2 .5 0 ........ Arna Bontemps FREDDY, THE DETECTIVE. Knopf. $ 2 .5 0 ................................. ROUNDABOUT TURN. Warne. ANDY AND THE LION. Walter R. Brooks $1.50. .Robert H. Charles Viking. $2 . . . . James Daugherty THE GREAT GEPPY. Viking. $ 2 .5 0 ...................................William Pene DuBois BIG ROAD WALKER. Lippincott. PETERKIN PAPERS. Houghton. $ 2 ........ Eula B. Duncan $ 3 ........ Lucretia P. Hale JUST SO STORIES. Doubleday. $2. 5 0 . . . Rudyard Kipling McWHINNEY’ S JAUNT. Little. $2. 50 ___ Robert Lawson https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41 THE COMPLETE NONSENSE BOOK. Dodd, $3.50; Little, $ 2 .5 0 ...........................Edward Lear HOMER PRICE. Viking. $ 2 .5 0 ............ Robert McCloskey ROOTABAGA STORIES. Harcourt. $ 3 ........ Carl Sandburg AND TO THINK THAT I SAW IT ON MULBERRY STREET. Vanguard. $ 2 .5 0 .................................................Dr. Seuss JOHN HENRY AND THE DOUBLE-JOINTED STEAM DRILL. Messner. $ 2 ................................................... Irwin Shapiro HONK, THE MOOSE. Dodd. $ 2 .7 5 .....................Phil Stong GREAT-GRANDFATHER IN THE HONEY TREE. Viking. $ 2 .............................................Samuel F. Swayne MARY POPPINS. Harcourt. $2. 50 .. . Pamela L. Travers THE STORY OF SERAPINA. Viking. $ 2 .5 0 ...............................................Anne H. White for R E A D I N G A L O U D ANDERSEN’ S FAIRY TALES. Appleton, 80Ç; Coward, $ 2 .9 0 ................ . Hans Christian Andersen TOLD UNDER THE MAGIC UMBRELLA. (Collection of stories. ) Macmillan. $2.75 Association for Childhood Education 42 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A BOOK OF AMERICANS. (Verses about famous people. ) Rinehart. $2.75 Rosemary C. and Stephen Vincent Benêt GRANDFATHER TALES. Houghton. $ 2 .7 5 ................................ Richard Chase, ed. THE JACK TALES. Houghton. $ 3 . . . . Richard Chase, ed. READ-TO-ME STORYBOOK. Crowell. $ 2 ............ Child Study Association of America BLUE CAT OF CASTLE TOWN. Longmans. $ 2 .7 5 .......................... Catherine C. Coblentz THE ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO. Macmillan, $2; World, $1,50; Dutton $ 1 .7 5 .............. C. Collodi (pseud. ) CHILDREN'S HOMER: the adventures of Odysseus and the tale of Troy. Macmillan. $ 2 . 7 5 . . . . Padraic Colum OF COURAGE UNDAUNTED: Across the Continent With Lewis and Clark. Viking. $ 3 .5 0 ........................................ James Daugherty LIFE WITH FATHER. Knopf. $ 3 .7 5 .............. Clarence Day TIME TO LAUGH. (Nonsense and folk ta les.) Knopf. $ 2 .5 0 ........................................ Phyllis R. Fenner GEORGE WASHINGTON'S WORLD. Scribner. $ 3 .5 0 ........................ MY FATHER’ S DRAGON. Random. $ 2 ................................ Genevieve Foster Ruth Stiles Gannett THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS. Scribner. $ 2 .......................................... Kenneth Grahame UNCLE REMUS: his songs and his sayings. (Folk ta les.) Appleton, $2. 50; Grosset, $1.25 Joel Chandler Harris https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 43 WONDERBOOK AND TANGLEWOOD TALES. (Greek mythology.) Houghton. $ 3 ............ Nathaniel Hawthorne KON-THQ. Rand. $ 4 .....................................Thor Heyerdahl SONS OF THE VOLSUNGS. Holt. $ 2 .5 0 .........................Dorothy G. Hosford, adapter A LITTLE BOY LOST. (Fanciful, imaginative ta le .) Knopf. $ 2 .5 0 .'............................................. W. H. Hudson THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF NILS. Pantheon. $ 5 ...............................................Selma Lagerlof RABBIT HILL. Viking. $ 2 .5 0 .....................Robert Lawson AMAHL AND THE NIGHT VISITORS. Whittlesey. $ 2 .7 5 ...... ........................Gian-Carlo Menotti WINNIE-THE-POOH. Dutton. $ 1 .7 5 ___ A. A. Milne MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY. Little. $ 3 ...............................C. Nordhoff and J. N. Hall THE ARKANSAW BEAR. Harper. $ 2 .5 0 .................................Albert Bigelow Paine OLD PETER’ S RUSSIAN TALES. Nelson. $ 2 .......... THE YEARLING. Scribner. Arthur Ransome $3.50 M arjorie Kinnan Rawlings PAUL BUNYAN. Illustrated by Rockwell Kent. Harcourt. $ 3 ................................................................ EstherShepha HUNTERS OF THE GREAT NORTH. Harcourt. $ 3 ...................................Vilhjalmur Stefansson THE HOME BOOK OF VERSE FOR YOUNG FOLKS. Holt. $ 4 .7 5 .........................................Burton E. Stevenson A GARDEN WE PLANTED TOGETHER. Whittlesey. $2 United Nations Department of Public Information 44 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis S I M P L E STORIES for B E G I N N I N G READERS BROWNIES—HUSH! Oxford. $ 1 .2 5 ___ Gladys L. Adshead TIM AND CHARLOTTE. Oxford. $ 2 . . . . Edward Ardizzone WINGS FOR PER. Doubleday. $2.75 Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire LITTLE OWL INDIAN. Houghton. $ 2 .2 5 ........................................ Hetty B. Beatty TIM AND THE TOOL CHEST. Morrow. $2 . . .Jerrold Beim THE LITTLE IGLOO. Harcourt. $ 2 .2 5 .......... . Lorraine and Jerrold Beim TWO IS A TEAM. Harcourt. $ 2 .......................... Lorraine and Jerrold Beim SKIPPER JOHN’ S COOK. Scribner. $ 2 .......... ............... ......................Marcia Brown STONE SOUP. Scribner. $ 2 ................ ..........Marcia Brown RIDING THE PONY EXPRESS. Crowell. $ 2 .5 0 .......................................... Clyde R. Bulla https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45 KATY AND THE BIG SNOW. Houghton. $ 2 .5 0 ..................................Virginia Lee Burton THE SCHOOLHOUSE IN THE WOODS. Winston. $ 2 ...............................................Rebecca Caudill I HAD A PENNY. Viking. $ 1 ...................Audrey Chalmers FIRST ADVENTURE. (A Plymouth Colony episode.) Macmillan. $ 1 .5 0 ............................. Elizabeth Coatsworth DOWN, DOWN THE MOUNTAIN. Nelson. $2 . . . . ...... ........................................ Ellis Credle THE BEARS ON HEMLOCK MOUNTAIN. Scribner. $ 2 ............................................ Alice Dalgliesh ROGER AND THE FOX. Doubleday. $2. 5 0 ...................................Lavinia R. Davis WEE JACK AND HIS NEIGHBORS. Day. $ 2 .5 0 .......................................... Carroll Lane Fenton A HOME FOR SANDY. Watts. $ 1 .5 0 ............ A PUPPY FOR KEEPS. Holiday. Romney Gay $1.25___ Quail Hawkins THE LITTLE FELLOW. Winston. $ 2 .5 0 .......................; ..............Marguerite Henry RUSTY WANTS A DOG. Macmillan. $ 1 .4 0 .......... ..........Miriam E. Huber, et al. THE ESKIMO STORE. Whitman. $1. 50 ............Ann Lange CAP’ N DOW AND THE HOLE IN THE DOUGHNUT. Abingdon. $ 1 . 5 0 . . . . . ............................ Le Grand COWBOY SMALL. Oxford. $1........................................ Lois Lensk HAPPY JACK. Macmillan. $ 1 .7 5 ............... Miriam Mason THE HORSE WHO LIVED UPSTAIRS. Lippincott. $ 2 .................. ......................Phyllis McGinley 46 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis POGO'S TRAIN RIDE. Holt. $1. 5 0 .......... Jo and Ernest Norling THE LITTLE HOUSE ON STILTS. Whitman. $ 1 .5 0 .................................... CURIOUS GEORGE TAKES A JOB. Houghton. $ 2 .5 0 ............ ........................ .......... H. A. Rey PRETZEL. Harper. $ 1 .7 5 ...................... WHITEY AND THE RUSTLERS. Holiday. $ 1 .2 5 ...................................... LITTLE WIENER. Harcourt. $ 1 .7 5 ___ McELLIGOT’ S POOL. Random. $2.50., WHITE SNOW, BRIGHT SNOW. Lothrop. $ 2 .............. Alvin Tresselt and Roger Duvoisin for use with CONVALESCENT CHILDREN YOUR CHILD CAN BE HAPPY IN BED. Crowell. $ 2 .9 5 .........................Cornelia Stratton Parker PLAY-A-BED BOOKS #1, 2, and 3. (Also Travel Fun Book, Pencil Fun Book, e t c . ) Seahorse. $1 each. PLAY FOR CONVALESCENT CHILDREN IN HOSPITALS AND AT HOME. Barnes. $1. 6 0 ............ Anne M. Smith RECREATION WHILE ON THE MEND IN HOSPITALS AND AT HOME. National Recreation Association. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 47 READING REFERENCES for PAR E NT S t FIRST ADVENTURES IN READING. Lippincott. $2. 2 5 ...................... May Lamberton Becker BEQUEST OF WINGS: a family1s pleasures with books. Viking. $ 2 .5 0 ............................................ . Annis Duff READING WITH CHILDREN. Viking. $3 . . . Anne T. Eaton BOOKS, CHILDREN AND MEN. Horn Book. $ 3 ................................................ Paul Hazard SAVE YOUR EYES: a list of library books forvisually handicapped children. Marcia M. Hill and Dora Crouter Salem, Oregon. Division of Special Education, Oregon State Department of Education, 1950. No price given. BOOKS FOR TIRED EYES. 4th ed. 1951. 80 p. American Library Association. $1 Charlotte Matson and Lola Larson Lists 1800 books for adults and children. Children's books are in 14-point type or larger and are graded. WAY OF THE STORYTELLER. Viking. $ 2 .5 0 ............ ................................ 48 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ruth Sawyer « THE HORN BOOK. (Magazine about children’ s books and reading.) 248 Boylston St., Boston 16, M ass., $3.50 per year. * Other lists of children’ s books are available from the American Library Association, 50 East Huron St., Chicago 11, 111., the Association for Childhood Educa tion International, 1200 - 15th St., N. W . , Washington 5, D. C . , the National Council of Teachers of English, 211 West 68th S t., Chicago 21, 111., and from State departments of education. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 49 TITLE INDEX A for the A r k ................................. ABC B o o k ....................................... Abe Lincoln: Frontier Boy . . . . Adam of the R o a d ................... .. . Adventures of Maya, the Bee . . Adventures of P in o cch io .............. Adventures of Tom Sawyer . . . . Aesop’ s F a b le s ......................... A lice's Adventures in W onderland................................. All About Us ................................. All Around the T o w n ................... All Around Y o u .............................. All Falling D ow n ............................ All Kinds of T i m e .............. .. . . . All-of-a-K ind Family ................. Along Nature's H ighw ay.............. Amahl and the Night V isitors . . American Butterflies and M oths. American Folksongs for C h ild ren ....................................... Am erica’ s Ethan A lle n ................. A m erica's T r e a s u r e .............. . . Amos Fortune, Free M a n ........... Andersen's Fairy T a l e s .............. And To Think That I Saw it on Mulberry S t r e e t ...................... Andrew Jackson ...................... Andy and the L i o n ......................... Angus and the D u c k s ................... Animal T o o l s ................................. Animal T r a c k s .............................. Animal Weapons ............................ Animals from Everywhere . . . . A pril's K itte n s .............................. Arabian Nights . . . *■.............. Arkansaw B e a r .............................. Ask Mr. Bear ............................... At the Back of the North Wind . . At the Palace G a te s...................... Atoms at W o r k .............................. Away Goes S a lly ............................ Ballet for B e g in n e r s ................... B a m b i........... ................................... Beany Malone ................................. Bears on Hemlock Mountain . . . Bell for Ursli . .............................. Benjamin Franklin ...................... Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin .................................... https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 11 38 36 25 43 40 39 39 18 11 17 16 17 34 25 44 26 22 28 26 29 42 42 28 41 14 26 26 26 27 15 39 44 14 40 24 25 32 27 40 34 46 13 27 28 Bequest of Wings ............................48 Best Christmas ...............................33 Better Known as Johnny A pp leseed................................. ' . 28 Big Book of Animals Every Child Should K n o w .................................. 18 Big Book of C o w b o y s ................... 18 Big Book of Favorite Songs for C h ild ren ..........................................21 Big Book of Real Fire Engines. . 19 Big Book of Real T r a in s ..................19 Big Book of Real Trucks ...............19 Big F i r e ......................................... 18 Big Road W a lk er........... .'. . . . . 41 Big S n o w ............................. . . . . 14 28 B ir d m a n ........................... Black B e a u t y .................................... 40 Black River Captive ...................... 37 Blue Cat of Castle T o w n ........... 43 Blue Willow . .............................. . 33 Blueberries for S a l ..........................15 Boat and Ship B o o k ...................... 31 Boat for P e p p e .............................. 15 Book of A m e r ic a n s ......................... 43 Books, Children and Men . . . . . 48 Books for Tired E y e s.............. .. . 48 Boom Town B o y ...............................37 Box With Red Wheels .....................15 Boy and a M o t o r ...............................31 Boy B u ild e r .......................................30 Boy J o n e s ..........................................36 Boy on H o rse b a ck ............................ 29 Boy With a P a c k ...............................37 Boy With the Parrot ...................... 23 Boys’ Book of M agnetism ........... 31 Bridled With Rainbow s....................20 Bright M orning................................. 23 Brownies—Hush!. ............................ 45 Bush Holiday....................................... 23 Busy Tim m y................ 15 C aboose............................................ 18 Caddie Woodlawn........................... 32 Call It Courage ...............................38 Call Me C h a r le y ...............................37 Camel Who Took A W a l k ........... 16 Cap'n Dow and the Hole in the Doughnut..................... 46 Caps for S a l e ................................. 16 C a t s ..................... 25 Cedar's Boy ....................................... 37 A Children’ s Homer ......................... 43 Child's Garden of V erses . . » . . 20 C inder............................................... 14 Circus S h o e s ...................... .. 34 C ocolo. .................................... .. 23 Codes and Secret W r itin g .............. 31 C o in o m e tr y .......................................31 Complete Nonsense B o o k .............. 42 Construction A h e a d ......................... 30 Cottage at Bantry B a y ....................24 Courage and the G l o r y ....................27 Cowboy Jamboree: Western Songs 21 and L o r e ................... Cowboy S m a ll.................................... 46 Cruise of the Jeannette....................36 Crybaby C a l f .....................................14 Curious George ............................... 16 Curious George Takes a Job . . . 47 Daniel B o o n e ............................27, 35 Daniel in the Cub Scout D en. . . . 37 Daughter of the Mountains.............. 24 David Copperfield . ......................... 39 Dear Uncle Looy ......................... 14 Dick Whittington and His Cat . . . 13 Do You Know About Fishes? . . . 19 Dogcatcher's D o g .............................13 D olls' H ouse....................................... 33 Don't Count Your Chicks ............... 12 Door in the W a l l ...............................33 Door to the N o r t h ............................ 35 Down, Down the Mountain........... 46 Downright D e n c e y ............................ 34 D ru silla............................................... 32 Earth for Sam .....................................29 Eddie and G ard en ia...................... 14 Electronics for Young People . . 30 E m peror's New C lo th e s ................. 41 Eskimo B o y ................................... 23 Eskimo S t o r e .................................... 46 Everyday Birds ............................... 25 Everyday Machines and How They W o r k .................................... 31 Everyday Weather and How It W o r k s ......................................... 26 Fair Adventure..................................33 Family From One End Street. . . 23 Far and F ew ....................................... 20 Farm B o y ..........................................36 Farmer in the Sky ............................ 37 Farmer Jones ........................ 15 Fast Sooner Hound ......................... 41 Feather M ou n ta in ......................... 15 Finders K e e p e rs ............................... 15 Fireside Book of Folksongs. . . . 21 First A d v e n tu re ...............................46 First Adventures in Reading. . . 48 First Book of Automobiles . . . . 19 First Book of B i r d s ...................... 19 First Book of E s k im os....................30 First Book of Inventions................. 30 First Book of P r e s id e n t s ........... 27 F irst Book of T r e e s ..........................25 F irst Chemistry Book for Boys and G irls .......................................... 31 First C h r istm a s............................... 16 F irst Electrical Book for Boys . 31 F irst T h an ksgivin g..........................17 Fish in the A i r .............. J............... 16 Five Boys in a Cave ........... .. . . 35 Five Chinese B r o th e rs................. 12 Five Hundred Hats of Bartholomew C u b b in s.............. 16 Five Little M on k ey s........... .. 14 Fix It, Please .............................. 15 F l i p .................................................. 13 Four Story M ista k e ......................... 33 Freddy, the D e t e c t iv e ....................41 Frogs and T o a d s ...............................27 F u jio. .................................................. 23 Fun With M agic..................................30 Garden We Planted Together . . . 44 Gay Mother G o o s e ......................... 11 27 George W ash ington ................ George Washington's World . . . 43 Gid G ra n ger....................................... 36 Ginger Pye ........................ 36 God's First C h ild re n .................... 19 Golden Egg B o o k ............................... 13 Golden E n cy clo p e d ia .................... 17 Golden Song B o o k ................... .. . 22 Goodnight M oon........... .. 13 Grandfather T a l e s ............................ 43 Great C aesar's G host...................... 35 Great G eppy........... ........................... 41 Great-Grandfather in the Honey T r e e ............................................... 42 Great N o rth ern ?...............................38 19 Great W h a le s ................ Green T r e a s u r e ...............................38 Gulf Stream ....................................... 25 G ulliver's Travels ......................... 40 Halfway to H eaven............................ 30 Hannibal's E lephants...................... 38 Hans B r in k e r .................................... 39 Happy Jack ....................................... 46 Happy P la c e ....................................... 41 Hari, the Jungle L a d .......................37 Haunted H u t ....................................... 32 He Went With M arco Polo . . . . 28 H eidi. ................... 40 Henner's L y d ia ................... . . . . 33 H en ry --F ish erm a n ......................... 23 Here Comes D a d d y ...................... 15 Hey Diddle Diddle Picture Book . 13 51 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis High H a r v e s t .................................... 34 High T r a i l ..........................................32 H ighpockets....................................... 38 History of the United States for Young P eop le................................. 29 Hitty, Her First 100 Years . . . . 33 Home Book of Verse for Young 44 F o lk s ........................ Home for Sandy..................................46 Homer P r i c e .................................... 42 Honk, the M o o s e ...............................42 Horn B o o k ..........................................49‘ Horse Who Lived Upstairs . . . . 46 How Big Is Big: From Stars to A tom s....................................... 19 How the First Men L i v e d ........... 28 How To Know the B i r d s ........... .. 26 How To Know the Wild Flowers . 26 Hundreds and Hundreds of P a n c a k e s .................................... 13 Hunters of the Great North . . . . 44 Hurry, H u rry ................................. 14 I Had a P en n y ...................... .. . . . 46 "I Have Just Begun to Fight” . . . 36 If I Ran the Z o o ................................. 42 Illustrated Golden D ictionary. . . 17 In My M other's H o u s e ....................23 Indians of the Longhouse................. 27 Indians on Horseback . . . . . . . . 28 Inheritance of P o e tr y .......................20 I n s e c t s ............................................... 27 Invincible Louisa................................29 Jack T a l e s ..........................................43 Jan's V i c t o r y .................................... 23 Jeanne-Marie Counts Her Sheep. 14 Jesus' S to ry .................................... 19 Jim D a v i s ..........................................37 John Henry and the Double-Jointed Steam D r i l l .................................... 42 Johnny C row 's Garden . . . . . . . 12 Johnny T r e m a in ................... 36 Judy's J o u r n e y ................................. 33 Jungle B o o k ....................................... 40 Jungle B o y ..........................................23 Junior Book of Birds . ...................26 Just So Stories . ........................... 41 Just Tammie 1 ................................. 13 Justin Morgan Had a Horse . . . 37. Katy and the Big Snow.......................46 Katy N o-P ocket............................... 15 K idn apped..........................................40 Kildee H o u s e .................................... 34 K o n -T ik i............................................ 44 Land of English P eop le....................29 L assie-C om e-H om e......................... 37 Leif Eriksson, First Voyager to A m e r ic a ..........................................29 52 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 31 L et's Find O u t ................... L et's Go Outdoors ......................... 18 L et's Go To the S e a sh o r e ........... 18 Let’ s Look Under the C ity ........... 19 L et's Play Indian............................ 16 Liberty for Johanny......................... 34 Li Lun, Lad of C o u r a g e ................. 24 Life of Audubon..................................27 Life With F a th er...............................43 Lightning and Thunder . . . . . . . 27 Lions on the H u n t............................ 38 Lisa and L o t t ie ..................................33 Little Boy Brow n............................... 14 Little Boy L o s t ................................. 44 Little Bruin and P e r ....................... 13 Little F a m ily .....................................15 Little Fellow . , ....................46 Little Flute P l a y e r ......................... 35 Little Golden L ib ra ry .................... 15 Little H ou se........................................13 Little House on S tilts .......................47 Little House on the P rairie . . . . 34 Little Ig lo o ..........................................45 Little Owl Indian...............................45 Little P e a r ..........................................24 Little Singing T i m e ................ 21 Little T o o t ....................................... 14 Little T r a i n .................................... 18 Little W ie n e r .................................... 47 Little Wild H o r s e .............................12 Little W o m e n .................................... 39 L o d e s ta r ............................................ 35 Lonesomest D o l l ...............................32 Lost W o r ld s ....................................... 29 M a d e lin e ............................................ 23 Magic B u s ....................................... 16 Magic M ic h a e l.................................. 16 Make Way for D ucklings..................15 Making an O r c h e s tr a .......................27 Man's Way, From Cave to S k y scra p e r.................................... 28 M arga ret......................................... 34 Marionettes, Easy to Make! Fun to U se! .................................... 30 Market Day for Ti A n d r e ........... 24 Marta the D oll.................................... 24 Mary Poppins ...................... . . . . ^2 Matchlock G u n ..................................36 M cElligot's Pool ............................... 47 McWhinney's J a u n t......................... 41 Melendy Fam ily................................. 33 M erry Adventures of Robin Hood .....................................38 M erry Fiddlers ............................ 18 M ice, Men and E lephants........... 27 Middle M offa t.................................... 33 Midnight H o r s e ........................ 36 4 •* ** Mike Mulligan and His Steam S h o v e l.........................* ............. 13 Millions of Cats.................................. 14 Minn of the M is s is s ip p i................. 26 Mojave J o e .......................................38 Mother G o o s e ................................. 12 Mozart the Wonder B o y ........... .. 29 Mr. Popper's P e n g u in s ..............41 Mr. T. W. Anthony W o o .............. 14 Mutiny on the B o u n ty .......................44 My Father's D ragon......................... 43 My Friend F l i c k a ............................ 37 My Pet Peepelo ...............................23 New Illustrated Book of Favorite H y m n s......................................... 21 Nicholas and the Wool P a c k . . . . 36 Night Before C h r is tm a s ..................15 Nino . ............................................... 22 None but the B r a v e ......................... 37 North F o r k ..........................................36 Now We Are S i x ...............................20 Nursery R h y m es.......................... 11 O. K. for Drive-away: How Automobiles Are B uilt................. 31 Of Courage Undaunted . . . . . . . 43 O l a ....................................................... 22 Old P eter's Russian T ales........... 44 One God: the ways we worship H im .................................................. 25 Our Country's Story......................... 27 O w ls .....................................................27 Parachutes..........................................31 Partners of Powder Hole................. 36 Partners: United Nations and Y outh ............................................... 31 Patterns in the S k y ......................... 26 Paul Bunyan....................................44 Peanut ............................................... 46 Pecos Bill, the Greatest Cowboy of All T im e ................... ............. 35 P e lle 's New S u it ............................12 Pencil Fun B o o k ............................47 Perhaps I'll Be a Railroad M a n ................................................. 17 Pet Book for Boys and Girls . . . 26 Peter kin P a p e r s ............................41 Petunia and the Song...................... 14 Picture Book of Animal Babies. . 19 Picture Book of Molecules and A t o m s ........................................ 31 Picture Book of the Weather . . . 18 Picture History of F ran ce........... 28 Picture Story of the P h ilip p in es................................. 29 Pictures from Mother Goose . . . 12 Pictures to Grow up W it h ........... 30 Pinocchio .......................................43 Place for P e te r ................................. 38 Play-a-bed B o o k s ............................ 47 Play for Convalescent Children . 47 Pocketfull of R h y m es.......................20 P ogo's Train Ride ............................ 47 Popo and Fifina, Children of H a i t i ............................................... 23 Prairie School.................................... 33 Prayer for a C h ild ............................ 14 Prehistoric A m e r i c a .......................29 P r e t z e l ............................................... 47 Pumpkin M oonshine...................... 16 Puppy for K e e p s ...............................46 Puss in B o o ts............................ .. . 15 Rabbit H i l l ..........................................44 Racing the Red S a i l ......................... 24 Rainbow in the Sky............................ 20 Read-to-M e Story B o o k ................. 43 Reading With C h ild re n ....................48 Real Mother G o o s e ..........................12 Recreation While on the Mend in Hospitals and at H om e................. 47 Red Fairy B ook................................. 40 Red Fox of the Kinapoo. . . . . . . 38 Red Horse . . . .............................. 15 Red Light, Green L i g h t ..................18 Rhymes and V e r s e s ......................... 20 Ride, Cowboy, R id e......................... 38 Riding the Pony E xpress................. 45 Riding the R a i l s ............................ 19 Ring A rou nd.......................................20 Ring O 'R o s e s ................................. 11 Robinson C r u s o e ...............................39 Rocket Ship "G a lile o "...................... 37 Rocks and Their S to r ie s ................. 25 Roger and the F o x ............................46 Roller S k a te s................... 34 Rooster C l u b .................................... 35 Rootabaga S t o r ie s ............................42 Roundabout T u r n .............................. 41 Ruby T h ro a t................................... 18 Rusty Wants a D og ................ . . . 46 Sad-faced B o y .................................... 41 Safety Can Be F u n .............................18 Saltwater Sum m er............................ 36 Saranga, the Pygm y......................... 23 Saturday W alk................................. 16 Saturdays............................................ 33 Saucepan J o u r n e y ............................ 24 Save Your E y es................................. 48 Schoolhouse in the W o o d s ........... 46 Sea and S h o re .................................... 26 Seashore Noisy B o o k ................ . 13 Shuttered W in d o w s ................ 34 Sierra S a lly ....................................... 33 Silver M i n k ....................................... 26 Silver P e n n ie s ........................ 20 53 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Sing for C h r is t m a s ......................... 22 Sing Mother G oose............................ 22 Singing T im e........................ 21 24 Singing T r e e ........................ Sing-Song............................................ 20 S k i d .....................................................36 Skip-C om e-A -L ou .............. .. . . . 33 Skippack School................................. 36 Skipper John's C ook ......................... 45 Sky H ighw ays.................................... 28 Smoke Jumper. . . ............................ 35 Smoky B a y ..........................................22 Snipp, Snapp, Snurr, and the G in g e rb re a d ...................... ; . . 15 Somi Builds a Church.......................23 Songs for the Nursery School . . 22 Songs of American F o l k s ........... 21 Sons of the V o ls u n g s ...................... 44 Spice and the D evil's Cave . . . . 37 Stocky, Boy of West Texas . . . . 35 Stone Soup ^ .................45 Stories of Our American Patriotic S o n g s ............................ 21 Storm B o o k ..................... 16 Story of a B a b y .............................. 17 Story of B a b a r ........................ 13 Story of D r. D oolittle ...................... 40 Story of Ferdinand ...................... 15 Story of King Arthur and His Knights................................. 40 Story of King Arthur and His Knights ..........................................40 Story of Our C a le n d a r ....................30 Story of Serapina................ 42 Story of Sound.................................... 30 Story of the Great Lakes . . . . 28 Story of the Great P l a i n s ........... 28 Story of the N e g r o ............................ 27 S u b m a rin es....................................... 31 Summer to R e m e m b e r ....................24 Sun, Moon, and S tars....................... 19 Sung Under the Silver U m b r e lla ....................................... 20 Sunshine and R a in ............................ 25 Swallows and A m azon s....................24 Swiss Family Robinson....................40 Tale of Peter R a b b it .................... 15 Tale of Squirrel Nutkin .............. 15 Tales From G rim m ......................... 39 Television Works Like This . . . 30 T ell Me About God ...................... 18 Then There Were F i v e ....................33 These United States and How They Came To B e ......................... 28 Thimble Summer...............................33 This Boy C o d y ..................................38 Through the Looking Glass . . . . 39 54 https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Tim and C h arlotte.........................45 Tim and the Tool C h e s t .............. 45 Tim Tadpole and the Great B u llfr o g ....................................... 18 Time to L a u g h ................................. 43 Told Under the Magic U m b r e lla .......................................42 Tomas and the Red Headed A n g e l........... ....................................33 Travel Fun B o o k ...................... .. . 47 Travelers All ................................. 19 Treasure in the Covered Wagon . 33 Treasure Trove of the Sun . . . . 24 Trigger John's S o n ......................... 38 Twenty and T e n ................................. 32 Twenty-one B a llo o n s .......................36 Two Is a T e a m ................................. 45 Under the Tent of the S k y ........... 20 Underneath New York . . . . . . . 30 Uncle R e m u s ................ 43 Up Above and Down B elow ........... 19 Ups and D o w n s .............................. 17 Very F irst Garden.............................18 Very Young V e r s e s ......................... 20 Vulpes, the Red F o x ................... 25 Wahoo B o b ca t........... .. ......................37 Wait for W illia m ............................... 14 Wait Till the Moon Is Full . . . . 13 Watch for a Tall White Sail . . . . 32 Way o f the S to ry te lle r ....................48 Weejack and His Neighbors . . . . 46 What Every Young Rabbit 13 Should Know........... .. What Makes It T i c k ? .......................30 What's in the Sky............................ 17 When We Were Very Young . . . . 20 White Snow, Bright Snow . . . . . 47 Whitey and the R u s t le r s .................47 Whose Little Bird Am I ? .............. 16 Wild Birthday C a k e ..........................13 Wild World Tales: The Tale of the Mouse, the Moth, and the C row ...................... - .............. 26 W in digo.............................. 34 Wind in the W illo w s......................... 43 Windfall F id d le ................................. 35 Wings for Per . ...................... 45 Winnie-the-Pooh 7 ............................ 44 Winter on the Johnny Smoker . . . 32 Wonder B ook s................................. 16 Wonder of Life . ...................... 26 Wonderbook and Tanglewood T a le s ..................... 44 Wonderful Adventures of Nils . . 44 Wonderful Y e a r ................................. 32 World We Live In and How It Came To B e ..................................28 4 Wright B r o t h e r s ...............................29 Y e a r lin g ............................................ 44 You Among the S t a r s .......................26 You and Space T ra v e l...................... 31 You and the Constitution of the United S ta tes...............................29 Your Child Can Be Happy in Bed ............................................ . 47 Your Own Story .............. 18 LIST of PUBLISHERS Abindgon-Cokesbury P ress . . . . 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