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Chicag­o Fed Letter
Wage growth, inflation, and the labor share
by Lisa Barrow, senior economist and research advisor, and R. Jason Faberman, senior economist

The recent pattern of nominal wage growth has been a puzzle to economists, researchers,
and policymakers because it lies well below the trend wage growth predicted by inflation
and productivity growth. We show that the difference can be reconciled by accounting
for the labor share of output, which has been on a declining trend for the past 15 years.

Wage growth remains low, despite gen-

eral improvements in the labor market
since the most recent recession. From
2010:Q4 through 2015:Q1, nominal wage
growth in the nonfarm business sector
1. Quarterly nominal wage growth, actual and trend
averaged 2.1% per year,
y/y percent change
up only slightly from
average annual growth
of 1.9% from 2007:Q4
through 2010:Q4.

Between 2010:Q4 and
2015:Q1, trend pro6.0
ductivity averaged 1.4%
per year and the Fed
inflation target was
2%, leading many to
wonder why nominal
wage growth was not
1968 ’72 ’76 ’80 ’84 ’88 ’92 ’96 2000 ’04 ’08 ’12
closer to 3.4% over
Nominal wage growth (actual)
this period. Even if
Trend nominal wage growth
one took into account
Trend productivity growth + inflation
the low rate of actual
inflation over this peNote: The shaded areas represent recessions as classified by the National Bureau of
Economic Research.
riod, it would suggest
Sources: Authors’ calculations using nonfarm business compensation and output per
hour from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, core PCE (personal consumption
that nominal wage
expenditures) inflation from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, ten-year expected
growth should be
inflation from the Survey of Professional Forecasters, and labor share estimates from
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
closer to 2.9%. If wage
growth is a signal of
future inflation, then
understanding the factors contributing
to the shortfall in wage growth is important for informing monetary policy.
In this Chicago Fed Letter, we use the
definition of the labor share of output

to decompose the wage growth gap—
the difference between actual nominal
wage growth and trend wage growth—
into its component parts.1 The labor
share (compensation as a fraction of
business revenue) had been relatively
constant for many years, suggesting
that policymakers could essentially ignore it when thinking about the wage–
inflation relationship. Starting in 2001,
however, labor share began a fairly steady
decline, meaning that it could no longer
be ignored when one estimates trend
wage growth. Our decomposition shows
that accounting for the decline in trend
labor share can explain nearly the entire
gap between observed nominal wage
growth and the growth predicted by
trend productivity growth and inflation.
Framework for thinking about
wage growth

A firm’s labor share represents the total
compensation paid to workers as a
fraction of total revenue. Total worker
compensation is average hourly earnings
(which include wages, salaries, and
benefits in the data, although we will
refer to it as the “wage” for simplicity)
multiplied by total hours worked by all
employees. Total revenue (or value
added) is the average price received
from sales multiplied by total output.
Therefore, one can express the labor
share as follows:
wage × hours
labor share =
price × output

gaps is positive, it
contributes to driving
nominal wage growth
above its trend; and if
one of the component
gaps is negative, it
contributes to driving
nominal wage growth
below its trend.

2. Labor share, actual and trend
share of labor output

Because the measures come from four
different data sources, actual nominal
wage growth need not equal the sum
of its component growth rates. Therefore, the nominal wage growth gap
will be the sum of the labor share growth
gap, the labor productivity growth
gap, and the inflation gap plus a measurement “residual.”3

We apply these defiA look at the data
nitions and relationIn figure 1, we present quarterly nomiships to the data using
nal wage growth from 1968:Q1 through
nonfarm business
2015:Q1, along with the sum of trend
compensation to
productivity growth plus trend inflation.
1968 ’72 ’76 ’80 ’84 ’88 ’92 ’96 2000 ’04 ’08 ’12
measure wage growth,
This sum is what policymakers have
Actual labor share
real nonfarm business
typically used as a measure of trend
output per hour to
Trend labor share
nominal wage growth, since trend labor
measure labor proNote: The shaded areas represent recessions as classified by the National Bureau of
share has historically shown little change.
Economic Research.
ductivity growth, and
During the 1970s, this estimate of trend
Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
the price index of
nominal wage growth was below actual
personal consumpnominal wage growth, while during the
tion expenditures, excluding food and
The equation holds for both individual
1980s and early 1990s it was above actual
energy (i.e., “core” PCE) to measure
firms and for the aggregate economy.
nominal wage growth. At the onset of
inflation. Our measures of labor share,
One can rearrange the terms in this
the Great Recession, observed nominal
both actual and trend, come from
equation to show that the wage is equal
wage growth fell much more than the
the Board of Governors of the Federal
to the product of the labor share, labor
traditional measure of trend nominal
Reserve System. The Board of Governors
productivity (i.e., output per hour), and
wage growth.
estimates trend labor share by applying
the output price,
 output 
a filter to measures of real compensaFigure 1 also plots trend nominal wage
wage = labor share × 
 × price.
tion per hour and labor productivity in growth based on our decomposition
 hour 
described earlier, which accounts for
As a result, one can express wage growth a way that is consistent with our labor
share equation above. We use a measure changes in labor share. The figure shows
as the sum of the growth rates of its
of trend labor productivity estimated
that measured either way, trend nominal
three components. For the aggregate
by the Chicago Fed staff along with
wage growth had essentially the same
economy, this implies that (aggregate)
earlier forecasts from the Congressional pattern until about 2001. From then
nominal wage growth can be expressed
on, accounting for labor share became
as the sum of the growth in the aggregate Budget Office (CBO). We use the Survey
of Professional Forecasters’ (SPF)2 ten-year important as it led to a notably lower
labor share, labor productivity growth,
and the inflation rate (i.e., price growth). ahead forecast to measure trend inflation. estimate of trend nominal wage growth.
Our measure of trend nominal wage
Figure 2 shows why this is the case. It
Similarly, the trend of nominal wage
growth is simply the sum of the trend
plots actual and trend labor share. The
growth can be expressed as the sum of
growth rates of its three components.
the trend growth in labor share, trend
labor productivity growth, and the
3. Components of actual and trend nominal wage growth
trend inflation rate.

We are interested in the nominal wage
growth gap in order to understand which
factors are contributing to the currently
low rate of wage growth. The wage growth
gap is the difference between the nominal wage growth observed in the data
and trend wage growth. It can be represented as the sum of the gaps for its
component parts, i.e., differences between
observed and trend values for labor
share growth, labor productivity growth,
and inflation. If one of the component

Chicago Fed				
trend labor		
in trend
Core PCE
in labor
per hour
1981:Q3– 1990:Q3







1990:Q3– 2001:Q1







2001:Q1– 2007:Q4







2007:Q4– 2010:Q4







2010:Q4– 2015:Q1







Sources: CBO potential labor productivity growth is the ratio of potential GDP to potential hours worked in the nonfarm business
sector from the Congressional Budget Office. Trend PCE (personal consumption expenditures) inflation is the ten-year expected PCE
price inflation from the Survey of Professional Forecasters. Growth in real output per hour is nonfarm business real output per hour of
all persons from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

4. Decomposition of nominal wage growth gap,
ignoring labor share

5. Decomposition of nominal wage growth gap,
accounting for labor share

y/y percent change

y/y percent change















Residual gap
Inflation gap






Labor productivity gap
Nominal wage growth gap

Sources: Authors’ calculations using nonfarm business compensation and output per hour
from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, core PCE (personal consumption expenditures)
inflation from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, and ten-year expected inflation from
the Survey of Professional Forecasters.

figure shows the clear and steady decline
in labor share that began around 2001.
As a result, we see a widening difference
between the trend nominal wage growth
that accounts for the decline in labor
share and the sum of trend labor productivity plus trend inflation in figure
1. Thus, while nominal wage growth is
relatively low by historical standards,
trend wage growth is low as well, particularly once we account for the decline
in labor share.
Figure 3 presents averages over various
periods for the components of nominal
and trend wage growth—labor productivity growth, core PCE inflation, and
labor share growth. Trend labor productivity growth declined considerably
from 2007:Q4 onward, while trend inflation remained roughly constant at
2.1%. From 2007:Q4 to 2010:Q4, trend
growth in labor share was –0.99%; and
from 2010:Q4 through 2015:Q1, it was
–0.78%. Trend growth in labor share
was essentially negligible before 2001,
averaging –0.01% from 1981:Q3 through
1990:Q3 and –0.15% from 1990:Q3
through 2001:Q1.
Decomposing nominal wage growth

As we discussed earlier, one can decompose the gap between actual and trend
nominal wage growth into the gaps of
its component parts. Figure 4 plots this
decomposition from 2000:Q1 through






Residual gap
Labor productivity gap
Nominal wage growth gap




Labor share gap
Inflation gap

Sources: Authors’ calculations using nonfarm business compensation and output per
hour from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, core PCE (personal consumption expenditures) inflation from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, ten-year expected inflation
from the Survey of Professional Forecasters, and labor share estimates from the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

2015:Q1 for the case where we ignore
changes in labor share. The quarterly
nominal wage growth gap is represented
by the line, while the bars represent the
contribution of component gaps. A bar
greater than zero increases the wage
growth gap, and a bar less than zero
decreases the wage growth gap. Over
much of this period, the wage growth
gap is negative, meaning that trend
nominal wage growth (assuming no
change in labor share) exceeds observed
nominal wage growth. The gap is most
negative during the economic downturns
(2001–03 and 2008–12), both of which
experienced weak labor markets well
after the official end of each recession.
From 2010:Q4 through 2015:Q1, the
nominal wage growth gap averaged
–1.34 percentage points, with roughly
60% due to below-trend growth in labor
productivity and the remainder due to
below-trend growth in inflation. The
residual, which includes changes in labor
share in this decomposition, contributes
only 0.09 percentage points to the reduction in the wage growth gap over
this period. In 2015:Q1, the wage growth
gap was –1.53%, with roughly equal shares
attributable to the labor productivity
gap and the inflation gap. Over the
whole period, the residual averages a
contribution of –0.56 percentage points
to the wage growth gap, but this masks
the fact that the residual has large

negative contributions during the recession periods and modestly positive
contributions during the 2004–07
expansion period.
In figure 5, we present the same decomposition, this time explicitly accounting for a labor share gap. When we
account for changes in labor share, the
nominal wage growth gap averages
Charles L. Evans, President; Daniel G. Sullivan,
Executive Vice President and Director of Research;
David Marshall, Senior Vice President and Associate
Director of Research; Spencer Krane, Senior Vice
President and Senior Research Advisor; Daniel Aaronson,
Vice President, microeconomic policy research; Jonas D. M.
Fisher, Vice President, macroeconomic policy research;
Robert Cox, Vice President, markets team; Anna L.
Paulson, Vice President, finance team; William A. Testa,
Vice President, regional programs, and Economics Editor;
Helen Koshy and Han Y. Choi, Editors; Julia Baker,
Production Editor; Sheila A. Mangler, Editorial Assistant.
Chicago Fed Letter is published by the Economic
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. The views expressed are the authors’
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System.
© 2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Chicago Fed Letter articles may be reproduced in
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Prior written permission must be obtained for
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ISSN 0895-0164

only −0.56 percentage points between
2010:Q4 and 2015:Q1, a reduction of
58% from the gap estimated using the
previous decomposition. Furthermore,
the gap is smaller (in absolute value)
than the sum of the average inflation gap
of −0.53 percentage points and the average labor productivity gap of −0.83 percentage points. The difference is almost
entirely accounted for by the positive
average labor share gap of 0.72 percentage points. Trend labor share continued
to fall during this period, as figure 2
shows, but actual labor share fell by less.
This led to a smaller wage growth gap
than was predicted by inflation and labor
productivity alone. The contribution is
consistent with the behavior of the labor
share gap since 2000—it contributes

positively to the wage growth gap during
expansions and negatively to the gap
during downturns.

We find that accounting for changes in
the labor share of output, both observed
changes and changes in its trend, is
important for measuring whether, and
by how much, nominal wage growth is
below its trend value. We find that wages
have been growing below their estimated
trend over the 2010–15 period, but not
nearly as much as ignoring labor share
would suggest. Accounting for abovetrend growth in labor share over this
period suggests that this gap averaged
–0.56 percentage points, while ignoring
the declining labor share trend suggests

that the gap was –1.34 percentage points.
The smaller gap implies that there is considerably more nominal wage pressure,
and consequently less slack, in the labor
market than an analysis that ignores labor
share would suggest.

In this Chicago Fed Letter, “trend” refers to
the value a variable would have in the absence of the business cycle.




More precisely, trend nominal wage growth
is measured as the sum of its component
trends, but actual nominal wage growth
is instead measured directly from the
data. As a result, part of the nominal wage
growth gap will be due to measurement
differences across the data sets used to
estimate trend wage growth. The residual
refers to this component.