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O C T O B E R 1990
N U M B E R 38

Chicago Fed Letter
Tracking by the N o rth Star
The decade of the 1980s witnessed an
explosive rise in economic develop­
m ent efforts at the state and local
level. By the end of the decade, eco­
nomic development, at one time or
another, had been among the top
three items on most state agendas.
Municipalities, both large and small,
took up economic development as a
major public policy initiative.

During the early 1980s, manufacturing continued to expand. The total
employment became a less significant population of three states—Califor­
com ponent of the national and Dis­
nia, Texas, and Florida—increased by
trict economies. In 1979, 28% of the
over 11 million. Looked at another
District’s employment was derived
way, these three states had a popula­
from manufacturing. By the end of
tion increase during the decade that
1982, the share of manufacturing em­ was almost equal to the 1990 prelimi­
ployment had fallen to about 24%.
nary population estimate for all of the
state of Illinois.
These employment losses and struc­
tural changes were reflected in slug­
Economic shocks, structural changes,
gish or declining population growth
and demographic shifts presented
over much of the decade. For ex­
significant public policy challenges

Source o f concern

There were a num ber of economic
and political reasons that prom pted
state and local interest in economic
development. One of the primary
factors contributing to this interest
was the back-to-back recessions of the
early 1980s. Between December
1979, and November 1982, total nonagricultural payroll employment in
the U.S. fell from 91.3 million to 89.4
million. The effects in the manufac­
turing sector were even more pro­
nounced. During the same period,
manufacturing employment in the
U.S. fell from 20.9 million to 18.2
These effects were felt more severely
in the Seventh District where manufac­
turing represented a larger propor­
tion of total employment relative to
the nation. From December 1979, to
November 1982, total nonagricultural
employment in the Seventh District
declined by 1.3 million workers, a
drop of almost 10%. Over this period
manufacturing employment in the
District fell by some 877,000. Put
another way, the District lost almost
one-fourth of its manufacturing em­
ployment in a three-year period; and
one-fifth of that loss was concentrated
in the Chicago metropolitan area.

ample, preliminary Census data indi­
cate that the five District states’ popu­
lation declined by about 160,000 be­
tween 1980 and 1990. Further, only
two District states (Indiana and Wis­
consin) gained population over the
decade (see Figure 1). While subject
to dispute, these preliminary Census
figures indicate a possible decline of
9.3% in the population of the city of
Chicago and a loss of 19.4% in the city
of Detroit between 1980 and 1990.

for states and municipalities in the
Seventh District. Many involved in
economic development planning
looked for ways to emulate the
growth evolving in the Sun Belt
states. Numerous strategic economic
plans were devised to retain and at­
tract new jobs and industries to the
District. In many instances, the suc­
cess of these efforts was measured by
the local performance as compared
to a perceived Sun Belt competitor.

During the decade of the 1980s,
people in the U.S. continued to move
west and south and the Sun Belt states

However, basing Seventh District
economic development policies upon
economic changes in other regions of

One observation emerges from these
facts. While Chicago has struggled to
decide whether it wants to become
either an industrial center or a serv­
ice center, the balance appears to
weigh in favor of services. On the
other hand, T oronto’s strategy has
been to focus on becoming the de­
sired location for head offices of
European and Asian firms. Thus,
what is of further interest are the
paths followed by the two metropoli­
tan areas to get to where they are
today and where they may go in the

the U.S. may not be appropriate. Is
it reasonable to expect a mature and
structurally changing city, e.g., Chi­
cago, to be able to achieve the 15%
population growth experienced by
Los Angeles during the 1980s? Given
the fundamental differences between
regions (such as climate) and the
changes that have evolved (such as
demographics), it is not clear that
such comparisons will lead to appro­
priate policy prescriptions.
If the Sun Belt region is an inappro­
priate benchmark for comparison,
then what alternative exists? The
challenge becomes one of identifying
economic areas that are somewhat
similar in their economic and demo­
graphic factors. For the purposes of
this Chicago Fed Letter, I have chosen
to compare the metropolitan econo­
mies of Chicago and Toronto.
A comparison o f “ Second Cities”

Chicago and Toronto are similar in
several aspects. Both are viewed as
im portant “ second cities” within
their respective nations in North
America. Chicago is the larger of the
two metropolitan areas with a 1988
population of 7.4 million. Toronto’s
population was 3.5 million.1
The offset to Chicago’s larger abso­
lute size is the fact that Toronto is
Canada’s largest metropolitan area
with 14% of Canada’s population.
Chicago is now the third largest met­
ropolitan area in the U.S. with about
4% of the total population.

Both metropolitan areas have exten­
sive industrial bases (see Figure 2).
In 1989 manufacturing employment
represented about 18% of Chicago’s
employment and 23% of T oronto’s.
Chicago’s manufacturing employ­
m ent share approximately equals
that of the U.S. while T oronto’s is
about 5 percentage points higher
than the Canadian average. Both
metropolitan areas have m anufactur­
ing concentrations in printing and
publishing, chemicals, fabricated
metals, nonelectrical machinery, and
electric and electronic equipment.
Chicago has a larger share of its em­
ployment in the public and private
service sector (39% for Chicago ver­
sus 35% for T oronto).2 Both m etro­
politan areas have attracted a large
num ber of each nation’s corporate
headquarters for industrial activity.
As of 1988, 198 of Canada’s 500 larg­
est industrials had head office opera­
tions in Toronto, while Chicago had
only 42 of the U.S.’s 500 largest in­
dustrial head offices.
Both metropolitan areas have under­
taken efforts to build upon their
banking and other financial service
industries. Interestingly, in 1989
both metropolitan areas had very
similar shares of employment (8%
in Chicago and 9% in Toronto) cen­
tered in finance, insurance, and
real estate. Both metropolitan areas
also have about equal shares of em­
ployment in the combined manufac­
turing and public/private service

Differing patterns o f growth

Comparing employment growth
from the first quarter of 1983
through the fourth quarter of 1989
reveals some interesting insights into
the performance and evolution of
these metropolitan economies.
(This period represents the seven
years of sustained economic growth
in the United States.)
First, the data reveal that T oronto’s
total employment growth over this
period was about 7 percentage points
greater than Chicago’s (see Figure
3). Toronto’s employment was up by
29% compared with Chicago’s
growth of 22%. T oronto’s total em­
ployment growth exceeded that of
both Canada (up 22%) and the U.S.
(up 23%).
Comparing the two areas’ highgrowth sectors reveals that Toronto
tended to exceed Chicago’s growth
in most sectors (see Figure 4).
T oronto’s employment growth was
greater in construction; finance,
insurance, and real estate; retail
trade; and wholesale trade. Chi­
cago’s performance exceeded that of
Toronto in transportation and utili­
ties. Interestingly, both areas had
identical growth in their service sec­
tors (26%).
Differing approaches to change

Many of the forces of change lie
beyond the scope of local control.
Demographic shifts and globalization
of the world economy are factors that

percent, 1 9 8 3 Q 1 -8 9 Q 4
3 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This metropolitan council also pro­
vides a means by which the city of
Toronto can borrow against its finan­
cial resources to support the growing
The metropolitan council finances
education for the area. The system
of public and private schools receives
funding from a metropolitan-wide
property tax. It is felt that this m etro­
politan support for education has
been responsible for retaining
middle class residents in Toronto.

Toronto m etro

U .S .


Chicago metro

affect most regions that they have no
means of modifying.
At the local level, however, planning
and development efforts can modify
the outcome of events that are under
local control. It is in this area that
the two metropolitan areas have
taken different approaches.
In the early 1950s, Toronto enacted a
federal form of government that
consolidated 13 independent munici­
palities into six. These six govern­
mental bodies are responsible for
local affairs, while a metropolitan
council administers certain regional
services, such as trash collection
and transportation, and planning.

Toronto, like many American cities,
has suffered from urban sprawl. To
limit such growth, Toronto planners
have resisted efforts to expand the
highway system through the city.
Such limitations are considered es­
sential to avoid neighborhood dete­
rioration and keep riders on the
public transportation system.
The approach to economic develop­
m ent and planning problems in the
Chicago metropolitan area has been
more fragmented. This arises, in
part, from the fragmented structure
of government in the state of Illinois.
The state, as of 1987, had a total of
6,627 governmental bodies. Of these
governmental units, 1,299 (20%)
were located in the eight-county
Chicago metropolitan area. Many of
these units contribute directly or
indirectly to development-related

These multiple jurisdictions make
the coordination of development
and planning more difficult. The
shift of jobs and businesses to subur­
ban areas has raised the costs and
stymied development planning in
critical areas such as transportation
and education.
It is im portant that state and local
areas identify appropriate areas for
comparison. This article has sug­
gested that in the past many jurisdic­
tions in Seventh District may have
tracked an inappropriate target—the
South and the West. Comparing
Chicago and T oronto’s paths of de­
velopment and change might lead to
more insightful and valuable policy
—David R. Allardicel2
lT h e C h icag o m e tro p o lita n a re a is d e ­
fin e d as C ook, D uP age, G rundy, K ane,
K endall, L ake, M cH enry, a n d Will C o u n ­
ties. T h e T o ro n to m e tro p o lita n a re a
re fe rs to th e T o ro n to C ensus M etro p o li­
ta n A rea, w hich in c lu d e s th e city o f
T o ro n to a n d 29 su rro u n d in g m u n ic ip a li­
2S om e d iffe re n c e s in se c to r e m p lo y m e n t
m ay arise d u e to d iffe rin g m e th o d s e m ­
p lo y ed in th e two c o u n trie s ’ m e th o d s o f
d a ta co llectio n .

Karl A. S cheld, S en io r Vice P re sid e n t a n d
D irecto r o f R esearch; David R. A llardice, Vice
P re sid e n t a n d A ssistant D irecto r o f R esearch;
E dw ard G. N ash, E ditor.
Chicago Fed letter is p u b lish ed m o n th ly by th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t o f th e F ed eral Reserve
B ank o f C hicago. T h e views ex p ressed are th e
a u th o rs ’ a n d are n o t necessarily th o se o f th e
F ed eral Reserve B ank o f C hicago o r th e
F ed eral R eserve System. A rticles may be
re p rin te d if th e so u rce is c re d ite d a n d th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t is p ro v id ed with copies
o f th e rep rin ts.
Chicago Fed Letter is available w ith o u t ch arg e
fro m th e Public In fo rm a tio n C e n te r, F ed eral
Reserve B ank o f C hicago, P.O . Box 834,
C hicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.

and utilities

Finance, insurance,
and real estate


Retail trade


ISSN 0895-0164






After advancing for two straight months, manufacturing activity in the Midwest
dropped 0.9% in July, mostly from employment cutbacks. Modest employment
losses were recorded in about half of the industries, but electrical equipm ent
was the only industry with a sharp decline. Manufacturing employment be­
tween May and July rem ained at its highest level since September 1989.
The decline in Midwest manufacturing was deeper than the 0.1% national
decline in July, with all major sectors in the Midwest weaker. The Midwest re­
bounded from its lowest point of the year in April at about the same pace as
the nation (up 2.5%), with the transportation sector playing a key role.

Chicago Fed Letter
P u b lic In fo rm a tio n C e n te r
P .O . B ox 834
C h ica g o , I llin o is 60690




N O T E: T h e MMI a n d th e USMI are co m p o site
in d ex es o f 17 m a n u fa c tu rin g in d u stries a n d are
d eriv ed fro m e c o n o m e tric m o d els th a t
estim ate o u tp u t fro m m o n th ly h o u rs w o rk ed
a n d kilow att h o u rs d ata. F or a discussion o f
th e m eth o d o lo g y , see “R eco n sid erin g th e
R egional M a n u fac tu rin g In d e x e s,” Economic
Perspectives, F ed eral Reserve B ank o f C hicago,
Vol. XIII, N o. 4, Ju ly /A u g u s t 1989.