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	 NUMBER 347

Chicag­ Fed Letter
How do we measure inflation?
by François R. Velde, senior economist and research advisor

One goal of monetary policy is price stability, which requires a measure of prices over
time. 1 The gold standard maintained the stability of one price, that of gold. Today, we
need to consider a broad array of prices. The Federal Reserve’s policymaking body, the
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), uses the personal consumption expenditures
(PCE) deflator as its index of prices. But what is it, and why does the Fed consider this
measure the most suitable?

In this Chicago Fed Letter, I provide a

brief history of price indexes and examine the two most common ones in the
United States, the PCE deflator (formally
the Chain Price Index for Personal
Consumption Expenditures or PCEPI,
produced by the U.S. Bureau of Economic
Analysis) and the Consumer Price Index
(CPI), produced by the U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS).
Brief history of index numbers

The two major price indexes
in the U.S., the CPI and the
PCE deflator, have long
historical roots.

People have tracked the prices of important commodities and services for a
long time and have long understood
that their variations convey information
about the value of the money that purchases them. The first to grapple explicitly
with the problem of devising a single
measure out of disparate prices was an
English cleric, William Fleetwood. In
the early eighteenth century a fellow at
All Souls College in Oxford was in a bind.
The terms of his scholarship, set by the
founder in the fifteenth century, required
him to resign if he had an annual income
greater than £5. He had just inherited
an annual income of £6, but surely £6 in
1700 was worth much less than £5 in
1440. The fellow consulted Fleetwood,
who had been collecting historical data
on prices. Fleetwood considered that it
was enough to show that a basket of goods

that £5 bought in 1440 would cost much
more in 1700.2 He then showed that the
prices of wheat, beer, cloth, and other
commodities had increased sixfold since
the mid-fifteenth century. Fleetwood did
not actually have to compute an index,
fundamentally because his only concern
was to prove an inequality and because
the price increases he computed for
different commodities were quite close.
A few years later the Frenchman Dutot,3
who wanted to compare the real value
of the French government’s revenues at
various dates, collected prices on a halfdozen commodities, as well as services,
averaged the prices at each date, and
took ratios. Carli4 carried out a similar
exercise to compute the change in the
real value of silver between 1500 and
1750. He computed changes in the prices
of wheat, oil, and wine in various Italian
regions, and took an average of the
changes. These two methods have come
to be known as the Dutot index and
the Carli index.
Fleetwood, Dutot, and Carli were all
trying to solve the same basic problem:
How can one compare the value of money
at different times? For Fleetwood and
Dutot, the problem was a practical one
of comparing nominal sums of money
in different time periods. Carli was trying

in everyday consumption. The California
gold discoveries of
1849 led to another
round of efforts at
measuring inflation
in Europe. There was
increasing interest in
collecting and publishing data: In 1869,
the London Economist
began publishing an
index of commodities
prices and was followed
by other newspapers
and statistical agencies.
Attempts at measuring
inflation also spurred
theoretical work, no1985
tably by Jevons,7 who
Notes: CPI indicates Consumer Price Index; PCE indicates personal consumption
expenditures. Data are quarterly at an annual rate.
used an unweighted
Source: Haver Analytics.
geometric index;
and Laspeyres8 and
to address a related, but different quesPaasche, who proposed two basic index
tion: How can one measure a general
formulas for computing an index of
rise in prices?—in his case the rise due prices between two periods (the former
to the inflow of precious metals after the uses the quantities of the first period,
colonization of the New World. These
while the latter uses the quantities of
early works show the beginnings of what
the second period).
Diewert5 calls the basket approach and
By the early twentieth century, with the
the statistical approach. The first starts
works of Walsh10 and Fisher,11 a sound
from money’s primary function, which
theoretical basis had been developed,
is to buy goods and services, and asks:
which remains the foundation for most
How much money is needed to buy a
modern price indexes. One way to evalgiven basket at different times? The statisuate the suitability of a price index is
tical approach follows a different intuition.
to compare it to the goal of measuring
Prices of goods and services vary over
the amount of money that allows a
time, but there is a general underlying
consumer to reach a constant level of
trend that can be recovered by removing
utilities as prices change over time (the
the random variations among prices.
cost-of-living approach). Another way
Both the Dutot and Carli indexes start
is to see whether it fulfills a number of
from a basket (the choice of goods and
criteria or tests dictated by common sense
services whose prices are included in
or some axiomatic approach. Fisher
the index) but take simple averages
proposed an index that combines the
(of prices for Dutot, of price changes
Laspeyres and Paasche indexes by taking
for Carli) to recover a general trend.
their geometric mean.12 It turns out to
This confusion of the two approaches
be a good approximation of a cost-ofcleared up over time as recurring periods living index, and it passes a number of
of inflation prompted further research desirable tests, which is why it remains
on index numbers. Thus, the Scottish
heavily favored in practice.13
writer Joseph Lowe was trying to meaThe two major price indexes in the U.S.,
sure inflation in England during the
the CPI and the PCE deflator, have long
Napoleonic wars, when he concluded that
historical roots.
treating all prices equally was mistaken
and that goods and services should be
The forerunner of the BLS first proweighted according to their importance duced indexes of food prices in the late
1. Difference between CPI and PCE deflator from 1983

nineteenth century, in the context of
labor disputes over wage increases and
noticeable trends in inflation (20 years
of deflation from the mid-1870s were
followed by 20 years of inflation up to
World War I). From 1919, the BLS began publishing a retail price index, the
ancestor of the CPI, using expenditure
surveys to determine the weights.14 From
its beginnings, the CPI was thus informed
by a cost-of-living concern.
The origins of the PCE deflator reflect
different concerns. At the forerunner
of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
(BEA), a team led by economist Simon
Kuznets began producing estimates of
national income in the midst of the Great
Depression. The goal was to quantify
the extent of the Great Depression and
understand its mechanisms. After World
War II, the BEA began to publish National
Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs)
regularly. As its name suggests, the PCE
deflator, like other deflators in the NIPAs,
was originally a tool designed to eliminate
the effects of inflation on estimates of
national aggregates, one of which was
PCE, the aggregate consumption expenditures of the household sector. Originally
based on a Laspeyres formula, the NIPA
deflators became Fisher indexes in 1996
when chain-weighting was adopted for
all NIPAs.
CPI and PCE deflator, compared

The differences in histories and purposes
of the two indexes help explain the
numerical differences.15
A price index is the product of a formula
that combines the prices and quantities
of a basket of goods into a sequence of
numbers. Therefore, the differences
between two price indexes can come
from different formulas, different goods
in the baskets, different quantities of
goods, or different price series. In the
case of the PCE deflator and the CPI,
the prices are mostly the same (as much
as possible, the BEA uses the price data
collected by the BLS in its construction
of the CPI), so the differences are in the
formula, the basket, and the quantities.16
Formula effects

The CPI and the PCE deflator use two
different formulas.

2. Decomposition of the difference between CPI and PCE deflator, 2002:Q1–2015:Q3

Contribution	 Inflation rate	

Formula effect	

% weight in


	 Video and audio equipment	





	 Personal computers and peripheral equipment	





	 Gasoline and other motor fuel	





	 Electricity, gas, fuel oil, and other household fuels	





Scope effect	
	 Physician services	
	 Hospital and nursing home services	









	 Financial services furnished without payment	





	 Foreign travel by U.S. residents	







Weight effect	


	 Rent of shelter	





	 Gasoline and other motor fuel	





	 Electricity, gas, fuel oil, and other household fuels	









Total	29			
CPI inflation		


PCE inflation		


Notes: CPI indicates Consumer Price Index; PCE indicates personal consumption expenditures. Contributions to the difference
are expressed in basis points (b.p. = 0.01%). The weights are as of September 2015.
S ources: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Table 9.1U of the National Income and Product Accounts, and U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics.

Changes in the CPI are computed using
a Laspeyres formula, in which changes in
prices between two different dates are
weighted by the quantities of the earlier
date. The reason is essentially practical.
It is much easier to collect data on prices
than on quantities. All it takes to collect
the price of apples is to send an observer
to the market or the store. Collecting data
on the quantity of apples requires many
observers to record all the apples purchased. In practice, the BLS collects prices
from a large sample of stores every month
and is able to use them fairly rapidly, but
it derives its information on quantities
from the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE).
The information from this survey cannot
be put to use as readily. Thus, the price
information is updated every month, but
the quantity information is only updated
every two years (every ten years prior to
2002). For example, during 2014 and
2015, the weights are derived from the
CE for the 2011–12 reference period.
The PCE deflator, like other deflators
in the NIPAs since 1996, uses the Fisher
index. This is possible because the PCE
deflator is, effectively, a byproduct. The
main purpose of national accounts is to

provide estimates of aggregate quantities:
How much is produced, consumed, and
invested? Although all the data collected
that form the basis for these estimates
are in current dollars, the reality of inflation requires that some adjustment
be made to give them the meaning of
“real” quantities, hence the need to construct indexes. When the Fisher index
is used to aggregate quantities, the Fisher
index for prices is a natural byproduct,
and the product of the two is proportional
to the original nominal quantities.
The main shortcoming of the Laspeyres
index, from a cost-of-living point of view,
is that by keeping quantities constant at
the original values, it will fail to capture
consumers’ tendency to substitute away
from goods with rising prices toward
goods with falling prices. Hence, it tends
to overweight fast-rising prices, and
overstate inflation. For similar reasons,
the Paasche index will tend to understate inflation, while the Fisher index
better captures consumer substitution.
The formula effect tends to be pronounced for goods whose prices have
marked trends. If the price of a good

has a constant upward trend, consumers
will be constantly reducing their consumption of that good, but a Laspeyres index
(or an index, like the CPI, which uses
the same weights for a long period) will
always overweight that good. Likewise,
the Laspeyres index underweights goods
whose prices trend down. In both cases,
the Laspeyres index overstates inflation.
A good whose price is very volatile will
be overweighted by the Laspeyres index
when its price rises and underweighted
when it falls. To the extent that upswings
and downswings in price are roughly
symmetrical, the effects will cancel out.
Scope effects

The CPI and PCE baskets are not the
same, which accounts for some of the
difference between the two. The technical difference is that the source data
are different, but this also reflects the
different purposes of the two indexes.
The CPI comprises what is purchased
by individual consumers, while the PCE
deflator comprises what is consumed
by consumers as a whole.
The CPI is designed to approximate a
cost-of-living index and is based on a basket approach. The weights are derived
Charles L. Evans, President; Daniel G. Sullivan,
Executive Vice President and Director of Research;
David Marshall, Senior Vice President and Associate
Director of Research; Spencer Krane, Senior Vice
President and Senior Research Advisor; Daniel Aaronson,
Vice President, microeconomic policy research; Jonas D. M.
Fisher, Vice President, macroeconomic policy research;
Robert Cox, Vice President, markets team; Anna L.
Paulson, Vice President, finance team; William A. Testa,
Vice President, regional programs, and Economics Editor;
Helen Koshy and Han Y. Choi, Editors; Julia Baker,
Production Editor; Sheila A. Mangler, Editorial Assistant.
Chicago Fed Letter is published by the Economic
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. The views expressed are the authors’
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System.
© 2015 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
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ISSN 0895-0164

from the CE, in which households are
asked about their actual expenditures.
This means that only out-of-pocket expenditures will be recorded. The concepts underlying the PCE data are slightly
different. The household sector is seen
as a whole, thus intrasector purchases (e.g.,
used cars) are ignored. Conversely, consumption made by or on behalf of households is included, whether or not it is paid
for directly by the consuming household.
Much of health care is provided through
insurance systems, and these services are
consumed but not directly purchased.
The PCE deflator, therefore, includes
medical care services paid for by programs
such as employer-provided health insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid, while the
CPI price index includes only services
purchased by consumers.
Weight effects

Even for categories of goods or services
that are present in both surveys, the
weights can be different. To some degree
this is simply a result of the scope effect:
Removing an item from a basket changes
the relative weights of the remaining
items. But it is also a consequence of
the different source data. The CPI quantity
data are based on individual consumers’
responses to the CE survey, while the PCE
quantity data are based on surveys of
businesses. There are well-known divergences between the two, partly due to
	 Yogi Berra saw price instability when “a
dime isn’t worth a nickel anymore,” but
central banks need more operational


	 The basket he gave as an example was five
quarters of wheat, four hogsheads of beer,
and six yards of cloth (which works out to
four pounds of bread and a generous
six pints of beer per day). See William
Fleetwood, 1707, Chronicon Preciosum: Or,
an Account of English Money, the Price of Corn,
and Other Commodities, for the Last 600 Years,
London: Charles Harper, p. 61.


	 Nicolas Dutot, 1738, Réflexions Politiques
sur les Finances et le Commerce, 1935 ed.,
Paris: E. Droz.


	 Gianrinaldo Carli, 1760, Delle Monete e
dell’Instituzione delle Zecche d’Italia, Vol. 3,
Lucca, Italy: Jacopo Giusti.



W. E. Diewert, 1993, “The early history of
price index research,” in Essays in Index
Number Theory, W. E. Diewert and A. O.
Nakamura (eds.), Vol. 1, Amsterdam:
Elsevier Science, pp. 33–71.

differences in definitions and partly
reflecting different data quality.
Quantifying the difference

Figure 1 plots the difference between
CPI and the PCE deflator from 1983.
CPI inflation is above the PCE deflator
most of the time, and the difference is
positive on average. During the 1990s,
the difference averaged 0.7% and was
persistent. Moreover, the CPI was subject
of a number of criticisms for its upward
biases. As a result, in 2000 the Fed
switched to using the PCE deflator
because of its greater comprehensiveness
and accuracy; and in January 2012, the
FOMC adopted a target of 2% inflation
in the PCE deflator. But over time the
differences have narrowed, as the CPI
has been improved and has come to
resemble the PCE deflator more and
more. Since 2002, the difference has
only been 0.3% on average.
Figure 2 decomposes the difference
between the PCE deflator and the CPI
since 2002. As one would expect, the
formula effect is positive. The overweighting of trending prices is noticeable for computers and video and audio
equipment. Volatile energy goods have
also been a source of difference. The
weight and scope effects are larger in
absolute value than the formula effect,
but they tend to offset each other.
	 Joseph Lowe, 1823, The Present State of England
in Regard to Agriculture, Trade, and Finance:
With a Comparison of the Prospects of England
and France, 2nd ed., London: Longman,
Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown.


Note that the items that contribute to
these two effects tend to have higherthan-average inflation. Since the scope
effect is mostly due to items in the PCE
but not the CPI, it tends to reduce inflation in the CPI. But most of the weight
effect involves items that have a higher
weight in the CPI, hence they add to
CPI inflation relative to PCE.
Some differences are likely to persist,
because there are limits to the changes
that can be made to the CPI. One key
issue is timeliness. The CPI is published
monthly and is never revised, in contrast
to the PCE deflator, which is revised
repeatedly in the years following its publication. Another issue is consistency.
Because of its long history, the CPI has
become embedded in our economy. It
has been used to index many private
contracts, as well as Social Security payments and the payments made on U.S.
Treasury inflation-indexed bonds.

The two indexes, the PCE deflator and
the CPI, have different histories and
purposes. They have tended to converge
over time, although differences in scope
and methods will remain. The differences
are unavoidable, but quantifiable, and
by now relatively small. Both indexes
remain closely watched measures of
price stability.
	An arithmetic mean sums two numbers
and divides the result by two; a geometric
mean takes their product and then their
square root.



	 W. Stanley Jevons, 1863, A Serious Fall in
the Value of Gold Ascertained, and its Social
Effects Set Forth, London: Edward Stanford.


	 Étienne Laspeyres, 1871, “Die Berechnung
einer mittleren Waarenpreissteigerung,”
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik,
Vol. 16, pp. 296–314.



	 Hermann Paasche, 1874, “Über die
Preisentwicklung der letzten Jahre nach
den Hamburger Börsennotirungen,”
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik,
Vol. 23, pp. 168–178.
	Correa Moylan Walsh, 1901, The Measurement
of General Exchange-Value, New York:
Macmillan Company.


	Irving Fisher, 1922, The Making of Index
Numbers: A Study of Their Varieties, Tests,
and Reliability, New York: Houghton
Mifflin Company.


	Another favorite is the Törnqvist–Theil
index, which is a geometric mean of price
changes between two periods weighted by
an arithmetic mean of the quantities in
the two periods.

	The BLS received advice from Irving Fisher
and Wesley Mitchell.


	See Clinton P. McCully, Brian C. Moyer, and
Kenneth J. Stewart, 2007, “Comparing the
Consumer Price Index and the Personal
Consumption Expenditures Price Index,”
Survey of Current Business, Vol. 87, No. 11,
November, pp. 26–33.


	There are other minor differences arising
from seasonal adjustments and treatments
of price series.