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MARCH 1994

Chicago Fed Letter
The impact of the auto
industry on the economy

While the slowdown was noticeable in
most measures of overall m anufactur­
ing activity, it was concentrated in the
motor vehicles and parts segment.
Economists have consistently argued
Build rates during the summer fell
that durable goods are among the
below plans to a seasonally adjusted
primary drivers of economic activity.
annualized rate of less than 10 mil­
The cyclical tendencies of this sector
make durable goods key indicators of lion units. Adding to the weakness
in production, sales slumped from
cyclical turning points and trends in
14.1 million units during the second
the overall economy. No industry
to below 14 million units
better exemplifies this than the auto
during the summer. Some worried
industry. In the Midwest, the auto
sector plays an even more central role whether that sales weakness would
continue past the summer and lead
because of its disproportionate con­
to a further decline in production.
centration in the region. Yet both
nationally and regionally, analysts who If this happened, it would create sig­
wish to use the auto industry as a bell­ nificant problems for the economic
wether for the macroeconomy must
be able to distinguish between the
If viewed without an
industry’s cyclical trends on the one
understanding of the
hand, and technical or structural
adjustments occurring
trends on the other.
in the auto industry,
This Fed Letter examines the impact of the summer statistics
could have seemed to
changes in the auto industry on the
be cause for alarm.
regional and national economy, par­
ticularly focusing on the unique role it Shipments of autos
and parts were down
played last year when events in the
15.5% in July from
industry appeared to jeopardize the
their March peak—
current expansion.
over five times the
decline in total manu­
Summer doldrums
facturing shipments.
In the summer of 1993, the dispropor­ Even though the auto
industry accounts for
tionate impact of the auto sector on
slightly less than 10%
the economy stood out especially
of total shipments, the
clearly. A loss of momentum in the
industry’s decline ac­
m anufacturing sector during those
counted (on a share-weighted basis)
months aroused widespread concern
half of the total decline in m anu­
about whether the economic expan­
facturing shipments and for about
sion could be sustained. Factory or­
85% of the decline in durable goods
ders and shipments declined sharply
manufacturing (see figure 1). In
in July (down 2.6%), capping an al­
industrial production, the decline in
most steady decline in both series
the autos and parts com ponent in
since their peak in the first quarter.
Similarly, the m anufacturing compo­ April (-0.8%) was nearly three times
greater than the decline in total man­
nent of industrial production, which
had peaked in April, ended July 0.3% ufacturing. In addition, the slump in
auto production had effects on sup­
plier industries such as rubber, glass,

and steel, that generated additional
weakness in durable goods manufac­
turing. Thus, while there were certain­
ly other sources of drag on the m anu­
facturing sector, the weakness in auto
production was the critical factor. The
real question was whether it was signal­
ing a weakening overall market, or
whether it was an aberration due to
one-time factors.

The auto slowdown as an aberration

In fact, much of the summer slowdown
in auto production was due to tempo­
rary supply-side interruptions—espe­
cially at General Motors plants—rather

than a sudden downward shift in de­
m and for autos. A large portion of the
slowdown was attributable to model
changeovers, particularly in May and
June, and to technical difficulties in
getting plants running on schedule in
August. For example, car assemblies
over the first four m onths of the year
averaged an annualized rate of 6.3
million units, then fell to about 5.9
million over May and June. By July
and August the rate had dropped

August and Novem­
ber. Similar strong
gains in factory orders
and shipments could
be traced to this sec­
tor as well.
All of these events
affected the Midwest
because of the con­
centration of the auto
industry here. The
summer slump in
economic activity was
almost completely
confined to the re­
gion, as it was due
primarily to the tech­
nical problems at
Midwest auto plants (see figure 2).
As a result, although overall produc­
tion levels in the Midwest had started
the year 40% above year-ago levels,
during the summer they fell below
year-ago levels. Similarly, the region
benefited disproportionately from the
auto production catch-up during the
fourth quarter.

*As of July 1993.
Note: The Seventh Federal Reserve District includes Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

below 5.5 million. Light truck pro­
duction, which had averaged an an­
nualized rate of about 4.6 million
during the first four m onths of the
year, dropped to 4.2 million in May
and June and 4.0 million in July. The
shortage of supply caused by the pro­
duction problems had some impact
on sales as well.
Fortunately, production estimates
suggested that the underbuild would
not continue past the summer. The
initial build schedules for the fourth
quarter, announced during the sum­
mer doldrums, called for production
of over 2.9 million units (1.6 million
cars and 1.3 million light trucks), a
12% increase over the year-earlier
rate. This would be the highest
fourth-quarter rate since 1988. More­
over, tight inventories were also reas­
suring, indicating the need to boost
output in the fourth quarter.
As it turned out, fourth-quarter auto
production almost exactly matched
planned schedules. This output boost­
ed the macroeconomy substantially,
contributing over one-third of all
growth in gross domestic product
(GDP) during the fourth quarter. In
fact, the snapback of the U.S. econo­
my in the fourth quarter is directly
correlated to the expansion in vehicle
production and sales. Industrial pro­
duction rose 0.7% in October and
0.9% in November, both largely be­
cause of a 20% increase in production
of m otor vehicles and parts between

Fundamentals offset
temporary slump

After a disappointing third quarter,
total car and light truck sales in Octo­
ber and November returned to a rela­
tively healthy annualized rate of 14.6
million to 14.7 million units. Total
vehicle sales for the quarter reached
their highest level since the fourth
quarter of 1989. Some
analysts within the in­
dustry expect 1994 sales
to exceed 15 million
units, though this figure
may be overly optimis­
tic. At the other ex­
treme, some doubters
question whether the
pace of auto recovery is
out of line with the
subpar pace of the over­
all economic expan­
sion. If so, the current
rate of vehicle sales
would not be sustain­
able, and a slowdown in
sales during 1994 could
spill over into the rest
of the economy.

Clearly the question is, has the recent
recovery in autos been abnormal, or is
it largely consistent with general eco­
nomic conditions? To answer this
question, it is useful to view the rate of
expansion in vehicle sales in the con­
text of past expansions. Compared
with the highs and lows of the previ­
ous three expansions (following
troughs in 1970, 1975, and 1982), the
recent gains since the trough in the
second quarter of 1991 have clearly
been subpar (see figure 3). Indeed,
auto sales since that trough have been
markedly below the lowest levels of
any previous expansion. This pattern
is similar to the recovery in both GDP
and consumption expenditures (in
constant dollars), relative to their
previous cyclical recoveries. Thus the
vehicle sales pattern in this expansion
is generally consistent with the subpar
nature of the economic expansion.
In fact, by some measures, the expan­
sion in the auto industry may be even
somewhat weaker than the subpar
expansions in the economy or than
consumption expenditures would
suggest. The question is this: Has the
share of consumption going to new
vehicle purchases been roughly in
line with past recoveries? Even if
consumption is weak, consumers may
be spending a greater share on autos
than on other consumption goods. If
so, even though vehicle sales are weak
relative to past expansion standards,
they may be capturing a greater share
of consumption and, therefore, be

Sources: American Automobile Manufacturers Association and
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

rising. Figure 5 shows
what vehicle sales
would have been if the
average im port share
had remained at the
1986-88 level. The
calculations indicate
that 1.7 million fewer
domestically sourced
vehicles would have
been sold in 1993 if
im port shares had held
Shifts in domestic market share
constant. The Big
Given the weak auto sales, why has
Three gained about
there been the perception that autos
500.000 of those units
are leading the recovery? The answer and the rest went to
is that sales have shifted away from
transplants. Assuming
imports and toward domestically
a typical auto plant
sourced vehicles. Domestic cars in­
produces between
creased their market share from 72%
200.000 and 250,000 units, the gains
in 1988 to 79% in 1993. While trans­ to the Big Three represent keeping
plants increased their share by about 3 two plants open, while the shift to
to 4 percentage points over the same
transplants has supported the opera­
period, imports declined from nearly
tion of six new transplant facilities.
20% in 1990 to less than 15% in 1993. These data illustrate how structural
As a result, the auto sector has contrib­ shifts in the auto industry can cause
uted up to half a percentage point
significant repercussions in the na­
more to GDP growth than it would
tional economy.
have if im port market share had re­
mained constant at 1986-88 levels.
In addition to its traditional cyclical
This shift has occurred along with a
the auto industry has been pro­
gradual improvement in total vehicle
a nontraditional stimulus to the
sales, and has provided an additional
current recovery. During 1993, the
spur to the domestic industry as well as industry
affected the macroeconomy
to the regional and national econo­
a market shift from imports
mies. As a result, GDP growth rates
as well as through tem­
have gotten an extra boost that would porary disruptions
to production
not have occurred in past expansions activity. Although the
auto industry
when im port shares were constant or
contributes only 5%
of total GDP, its im­
pact on the U.S. econ­
omy is far greater
than that num ber
would suggest. No
other sector of this
size has a comparable
Given this fact, assess­
ments of macroeco­
nomic activity must
take special account
of the auto industry.
The challenge lies in
understanding short­
term aberrations that
may occur in the
industry as well as the
stronger than expected given the over­
all strength of the economy. However,
the data indicate that the share of
consumption expenditures going to
new vehicle purchases was actually
below the lower bound of the highlow range over past recoveries (see
figure 4). Thus auto sales were in fact
below what one would expect, given
general economic conditions.

‘ Includes Big Three and transplants.
Sources: American Automobile Manufacturers Association and
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

profound structural and cyclical ad­
justm ents that are reshaping it. If one
ignores the effects of model changeovers and increased domestic sourc­
ing of auto assemblies, one may draw
erroneous conclusions about the un­
derlying strength of the economy
and the sustainability of the current
economic expansion. Conversely, an
analysis of such events helps explain
the disproportionate impact the auto
industry has on the national and re­
gional economies.
—Paul D. Ballew and
Robert H. Schnorbus
Karl A. Scheld, Senior Vice President and
Director of Research; David R. Allardice, Vice
President and Assistant Director of Research;
Janice Weiss, Editor.
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed are
the authors’ and are not necessarily those of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the
Federal Reserve System. Articles may be
reprinted if the source is credited and the
Research Department is provided with copies
of the reprints.
Chicago Fed Letter is available without charge
from the Public Information Center, Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago, P.O. Box 834,
Chicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.
ISSN 0895-0164

Tracking Midwest manufacturing activity
Motor vehicle production, millions (saar)

Manufacturing output index
( 1987= 100)

Month ago

Year ago











Motor vehicle production
(millions, saar)

Light trucks


Month ago

Year ago


6. 8

6. 6


Light trucks




Purchasing Managers’ Surveys:
production index




Month ago

Year ago









■ i i—i i. - L t i...i
Note: Dotted lines are estimated production from auto producers.



Light vehicle production rose to a 14-year high in December, with strength in
both car and light truck ouput. Unusually frigid weather prom pted plant
closings in the second half of January, cutting an estimated 2% from planned
first-quarter output. Bad weather also affected sales, but the underlying mo­
m entum in the m arket seemed to remain strong. After the coldest weather
passed, automakers actually raised first-quarter ouput plans. If current sched­
ules are achieved, first-quarter production will continue to rise (on a seasonal­
ly adjusted basis) from the fourth quarter of 1993.



Sources: The Midwest Manufacturing Index
(MMI) is a composite index of 15 industries,
based on monthly hours worked and kilowatt
hours. IP represents the FRBB industrial pro­
duction index for the U.S. manufacturing sec­
tor. Autos and light trucks are measured in
annualized physical units, using seasonal ad­
justments developed by the Federal Reserve
Board. The PMA index for the U.S. is the
production components from the NPMA sur­
vey and for the Midwest is a weighted average
of the production components from the Chi­
cago, Detroit, and Milwaukee PMA survey,
with assistance from Bishop Associates and

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