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Chicago Fed Letter
Higher education and economic growth: A conference report
by Richard H. Mattoon, senior economist

The future of higher education and its relationship to economic growth were the focus
of a one-day conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on November 2, 2005.
Cosponsored by the bank, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, and the Midwestern
Higher Education Compact, the event brought together over 100 academic, business,
and government leaders.

In opening remarks, Chicago Fed

President and CEO Michael Moskow
noted that while the relationship between
education, productivity, and economic
growth has never been clearer, financial
support for higher education has waned
while costs have continued to rise.1 While
private universities have been able to
raise tuition and draw on endowments
to maintain fiscal health, public universities have faced difficult times as states
1. Annualized real growth rates in public higher ed. costs and GDP
have reduced financial support and often
1980–81 to 1990–91 to
limited their ability to
offset cuts with large
tuition increases.
Public higher education spending per student
Moskow noted that
Net public tuition per full-time equivalent enrollment
state governments
GDP per capita
are facing competing
Aggregate public higher education spending
demands for funding
from K–12 education
SOURCE: M. McPherson, 2005, “Higher education at a crossroad,” presentation at Chicago
and Medicaid, among
Fed conference, based on data from Digest of Educational Statistics and Economic Report
of the President.
other priorities. Also,
the perception of
higher education as
an important public good has eroded.
Increasingly, Moskow said, higher education is seen as a private good with the
benefits accruing to the student in the
form of higher future wages and quality of life.
Moskow suggested several strategies for
restoring the higher education social

compact. First, universities must be more
transparent in their operations so that
the public will have a better sense of the
value of higher education to society.
Part of this transparency includes more
tightly defining the mission of the university in meeting the multiple goals of
education, research, and public outreach. Another aspect of transparency
is finances. Moskow urged institutions
to make explicit how money is spent and
what resources are available to ensure
that tuition is not a barrier to attendance
for talented students regardless of income. Finally, he argued that higher
education leaders need to address graduation rates that currently hover around
50%. Particularly in the case of nontraditional students, universities need
to devise strategies to help these students
succeed. Moskow concluded that while
American higher education is still the
envy of the world, the rest of the world
is rapidly catching up.
Next, Wick Sloane, visiting fellow at the
Chicago Fed, offered some provocative
ideas. He argued that the U.S. has a
national policy on higher education that
has emerged largely by default and
through provisions in the tax code.
He noted that the two schools where
he obtained his education (Williams
College and Yale University) have implied federal subsidies per student of
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


2. 1988 eighth grade cohort by income and parental education

Percent of
high school
grads who
took the SAT

Percent of
cohort who
took the SAT

Percent of
high school
grads who
scored 1200 or
above on SAT
















Percent of cohort
who are high
school grads
(Diploma or GED)
Family income
Bottom quartile
2nd quartile
3rd quartile
Top quartile
Parental education
Neither parent
attended college
At least one parent
attended college

Percent of
cohort who
scored 1200 or
above on SAT

NOTES: Based on data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 conducted by the National Center for Education
Statistics. The maximum SAT score was 1600 for the period in which this study was conducted. Income quartiles are based on the 2000
Census, deflated to 1991 dollars. The third and fourth quartiles are slightly smaller than they should be, and the bottom two quartiles
are slightly larger, due to variable coding restrictions. The percentage of the cohort who took the SAT is not equal to the product of those
who graduated from high school and the high school graduates who took the SAT because there were nongraduates who took the SAT.
SOURCE: William G. Bowen, Martin Kurzweil, Eugene Tobin, 2005, Equity and Excellence in American Higher Education, Charlottesville, VA:
University Press of Virginia.

$25,000 to $35,000 per year. Sloane arrived at this estimate by calculating the
value of the tax-exempt investment returns that each institution receives on
its endowment and the value of taxdeductible donations. He noted that this
is more than twice the cost of attending
any community college. An additional
subsidy is in the form of indirect cost
recovery for doing federal research.
This can range from 36.5% to 60% and
often helps pay for elaborate buildings
on college campuses. Sloane emphasized
that these are resources that appear to
come before increased financial aid
for students.
Sloane questioned the length of time it
takes to get a degree as a fundamental
driver of higher education costs. He
challenged the idea that a bachelor’s
degree has to consist of four years of
study and 32 credit hours. Breakthroughs
in the study of human cognition may
lead to new ways of reaching students
that are not as time bound. Sloane concluded by noting that his real concern
was with meeting the needs of nontraditional students. Many of these students,
who tend to be older and often have jobs
and families, need better support so that
they can realize their potential. This
will benefit not only these individuals
but society as a whole.

Then, Michael McPherson, president
of the Spencer Foundation, discussed
various measures of the affordability of
higher education for private individuals
and the public. When comparing public
higher education spending per student
to gross domestic product (GDP) growth
per capita from 1980 to 2000, it is clear
that aggregate higher education spending has grown at an equivalent pace to
GDP. This suggests from a social affordability perspective that costs have not
skyrocketed in this period (see figure 1).
However, private affordability, measured
as net public tuition growth relative to
GDP per capita, has eroded. During the
period 1980–81 to 1990–91, net public
tuition per full-time equivalent enrollment grew nearly 5% per year versus real
GDP per capita growth of slightly over
2%. Over the subsequent decade, public
tuition growth slowed to 3.1%, while
GDP grew at 2.13%, slowing the erosion
in private affordability (see figure 1).
McPherson said that the real question
facing higher education is how public
resources should be allocated between
rich and poor students and among different types of institutions to achieve
an optimal distribution for society. Is
it more efficient to invest in our most
talented students and our best institutions, or can more gains be made by

Chicago Fed Letter Midwest Economy January 2006

increasing resources to community colleges and nontraditional student populations? McPherson cited work by Bowen,
Kurzweil, and Tobin (2005)2 that found
that family income and parental education are still major predictors of academic success. Students from the top
income quartile receive a combined SAT
score of 1200 or better by a ratio of 6 to
1 over students from the lowest income
quartile. A similar ratio holds for students
that have at least one parent who graduated from college versus those without
a parent who graduated from college
(see figure 2).
McPherson concluded with two observations. First, higher education policy
is rocket science. These are complex
institutions, and better studies and more
careful analysis need to be developed
to improve policymaking. Second, the
stakes are very high for our society.
Higher education can be a critical element in supporting social mobility and
improving our economic future.
B. Joseph White, president of the University of Illinois, offered a perspective from
the front lines of higher education. He
characterized the three campuses of the
University of Illinois as the most valuable
assets that the state possesses to ensure
that globalization benefits rather than
harms Illinois residents. White cited a
recent visit by a Chinese delegation to
underscore the university’s economic
relevance for the state. The delegation
wanted to learn about best practices for
livestock development to improve the
Chinese diet. University researchers
were able to provide expert advice,
which could very likely lead to increased
exports of midwestern grain to China to
feed a growing livestock population. Such
a visit demonstrated a clear benefit from
the free exchange of ideas through the
university that could lead to potential
trade for the state.
However, the University of Illinois is facing some significant financial challenges.
The university provides a $25,000 per
student education; however, it charges
the students only $8,000 to $10,000
each. It is a reliable employer that provides benefits to the state, and yet the
clear message from the state is that the

university is now on its own financially.
White added that a new social compact
has been developed to adjust to this new
reality. First, it defines what the state can
reasonably do to support higher education. The second and third elements are
increasing revenue from tuition and having faculty leverage external sources to
support their work. The fourth element
is increasing private donations and endowment resources. Finally, leadership
is needed to push cost reductions and
improve productivity.
In conclusion, White discussed the frequent criticism that a university should
be run more like a business. Such an approach, he argued, would eventually
raise tuition to reach a market-clearing
price; this would effectively triple tuition.
Running a university more like a business
also would lead to the closing of financially unattractive operations that are often critical to the mission of the university.
Higher education finance

Professor and former provost Paul
Courant of the University of Michigan
and Professor Richard Vedder of Ohio
University and the American Enterprise Institute offered perspectives on
what drives higher education costs.
First, Courant asked the following
• How is a university like, and not like,
a business?
• Why does tuition keeps rising faster
than the cost of living?
• How happy or unhappy should we
be about the answers to the first
and second questions, or in other
words, how close are universities to
producing educated citizens and
research efficiently?
To answer the first question, Courant
suggested that a major research
university, such as the University of
Michigan, is something akin to a multiproduct firm with many lines of business.
A partial list would include undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education; basic and applied research; and
a wide range of services, such as health
care, technology transfer, athletics,
museums, libraries, concert facilities,

and theaters. A university is involved in
all of these lines of work in order to
meet its broad mission of creating and
transmitting knowledge. In addition, a
university takes advantage of shared
inputs across its lines of work to provide some cost and quality advantages.
Courant suggested that the major disadvantage of this structure comes from
administration and coordination problems. While universities tend to operate
as high-quality firms, administration and
coordination issues also tend to make
them have high production costs. Clearly,
a university is not a profit-maximizing
firm; rather, a university tries to maximize some notion of knowledge-based
value. So, how good are universities at
doing this? How should they be governed and in whose interest?
The second issue concerns tuition outstripping the cost of living, as measured
by the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
For public universities, tuition is only
one source of revenue. As such, the relative growth of other revenue sources
needs to be considered, e.g., declining
state support. Second, university costs
also rise faster than the CPI. Courant
suggested three reasons for rising costs.

• Desire to stay on the cutting edge.
Technology tends to increase costs
because the newest equipment is
needed to make high-value discoveries. Also, competitive pressure to
retain the best faculty puts pressure
on wages.
Courant suggests that the important question is how fast should expenditures
rise given the high rate of return from
university spending.
As for tuition, Courant believes that
given declining public tax support (in
the case of Michigan, state appropriations for general fund expenditures are
down to less than one-fourth of the budget versus one-third three years ago),
tuition becomes the major revenue
source that the administration has some
control over. Still the guiding principle
is for tuition to rise as little as possible,
but enough to maintain quality.
Courant concluded that the objective
of a research university is not profit and
should not be cost minimization. Rather
the goal should be to maintain quality
while promoting access through appropriate financial aid programs.

The perception of higher education as an important public
good has eroded. Higher education is viewed by some as
a private good with the benefits accruing to the student in
the form of higher future wages and quality of life.
• Baumol’s disease. Developed by
William Baumol to explain the growth
of costs in the theater, it suggests
that in certain fields (e.g., the theater) technical change does little to
increase productivity because basic
inputs (e.g., actors and costumes) are
still needed. Since wages still grow
to keep pace with other industries,
costs tend to grow at the overall
rate of inflation plus productivity.
• The role of the university as a conservatory. Universities cannot do all of
their innovation through substitution. They need to retain knowledge of the past.

Vedder offered a different perspective
on what is driving college costs. He noted that college costs (as measured by the
college tuition fee price index of the U.S.
Department of Labor) have risen faster
than even the health care cost index,
and have more than doubled in real
terms since 1980. Even after allowing for
grant assistance, higher education costs
in real terms are still considerably higher.
Of greater concern is that cost increases
in tuition have eclipsed increases in
family income.
Vedder argued that rapidly rising tuition
costs are being driven by surging student demand, which in turn is at least
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


partially driven by government policy
related to financial aid. Essentially, prices
can rise because much of the cost of
tuition is covered by third parties; as a
result, the primary consumers (students)
remain relatively insensitive to price
hikes. Another factor driving costs has
been languishing productivity. Most
university instruction is delivered in the
same manner as it was generations ago.

In contrast to public higher education,
Vedder noted the rise of for-profit universities, such as the University of Phoenix
and Strayer University. These schools
have seen astonishing growth in enrollment and returns on equity, and have
developed a powerful model for meeting
the needs of older, career-minded students. These schools offer a real alternative to traditional higher education.

While the public is concerned with accountability, competition
at both the national and international levels leads universities
to make the investments to stay on top.
Even if instructional productivity has
remained constant, it has fallen relative
to other segments of the economy. In
addition, new staff members are increasingly added outside the classroom. Today
there are six nonfaculty professional staff
per 100 students versus three in 1976.
University pricing practices are also at
play. Schools have become better at price
discrimination, meaning that they charge
different consumers different amounts
of tuition based on the intensity with
which the student wants to purchase the
education. When this is done successfully, it increases the aggregate tuition
yield. There are also issues of cross-subsidy
between various functions on campus—
research, athletics, undergraduate education, and graduate education—that
make pricing less transparent.
According to Vedder’s own research,
there is a lack of evidence that public
spending on higher education promotes economic growth. In fact, his
work finds that states that spend more
on higher education have lower economic growth rates. Similarly, Vedder
finds little evidence that spending does
much to increase student involvement
in university life.
The goal of universal access, regardless
of income, has also not been met. Schools
tend to value academic rankings and have
focused on becoming more elite rather
than expanding access. Median family
income of students at most elite colleges
is easily many times the national level.

Given the competition from for-profit
universities and other current trends,
Vedder argued that growth in university
budgets is likely to slow. State appropriations will be constrained, along with
student financial aid; the earnings differential that college graduates receive
over less-educated populations may
decline as well. These factors will force
universities to find ways to save costs, e.g.,
by finding applications of technology,
increasing teaching loads, and changing
their work force practices, including
revising tenure.
Vedder concluded that traditional universities are expected to lose market share
and will be required to develop new
funding mechanisms. He predicted that
state aid will become more focused on
students than institutions and that forprofit universities will begin to target
the traditional 18- to 24-year-old market as they develop innovative models
to meet students’ needs. While the traditional university will not die, it will
need to change significantly to be successful in the future.
The role of the for-profit university was
the focus of remarks by Robert Silberman,
chairman and CEO of Strayer Education.
Strayer is not that different from traditional schools in that it focuses on the
value of education that it provides its
students. However, Strayer must also pay
attention to its return on capital and
market returns to investors. In addition,
Strayer’s revenue must equal the cost

Chicago Fed Letter Midwest Economy January 2006

of providing education because it does
not have other revenue sources, such as
endowments. Finally, Strayer has to pay
taxes, and it cannot raise tuition indefinitely or it will lose market share.
Silberman stated that, at its core, education is part of the value chain that is
directly related to building income.
Strayer’s business model focuses on
working adults and offers a limited
number of academic disciplines and
limited campus facilities to hold costs
down. It also offers an online university to reach students who cannot attend
a campus. Ironically, this model has
proven successful enough to attract investments from public universities that
have purchased Strayer stock through
their endowments.
Silberman cited three imperatives for
Strayer. First is open enrollment. Strayer
graduates large numbers of minorities,
and admits students regardless of high
school record, as long as they have graduated. Second, the program promotes
academic rigor. Strayer is regionally
accredited and offers BAs, MBAs, and
technical degrees. Third, high student
achievement is required. Between 5%
and 10% of Strayer’s student population fail each quarter.
Silberman concluded that Strayer’s
success is based on efficient use of assets and a different student focus. The
school doesn’t have to offer amenities
or pay for expensive real estate. It also
does not pay for a faculty that is attempting to push the boundaries of knowledge
through research; instead, it hires faculty
that focus on teaching and know their
academic discipline. He suggested that
Strayer’s ultimate success can be seen
in the annual earnings of its graduates, which a recent survey shows rose
from $28,000 to $57,000 in two years
after graduation.
Adapting to the knowledge economy

James Duderstadt, president emeritus
of the University of Michigan, gave the
keynote address focusing on the role of
higher education in driving economic
transformation. Borrowing from Thomas
Friedman’s book, The World is Flat: A
Brief History of the Twenty-first Century,

Duderstadt suggested that information
and telecommunications technologies
have radically changed the economic
landscape, allowing new competitors onto
the economic playing field. In particular,
this is apparent in sophisticated supply
chain management practices that allow
for global sourcing of not only low-skilled
work but almost any form of knowledge
work, no matter how sophisticated. The
impact of this shift has been particularly
disruptive to the industrial Midwest.
For the Midwest, the industrial production paradigm has shifted from materialand labor-intensive products to knowledge-intensive products and services.
This places a high value on knowledge
institutions, such as research universities,
corporate research and development
laboratories, and national research agencies, for creating advanced education, research innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Duderstadt said that the region needs
to develop a strategic plan to harness
these economic forces. As an example,
Duderstadt described the Michigan
Roadmap,3 which he led as part of the
Millennium Project at the University of
Michigan. At its core, the roadmapping
process analyzes where the economy
currently is, where the state would like it
to be, and how much of a gap exists between the two. A roadmap is developed
from this process to describe how to improve the state’s economy. Duderstadt
characterized Michigan’s economy as
facing significant challenges. Its largest
city, Detroit, is among the poorest in the
nation, and one of its major industries,
domestic autos, is suffering staggering
losses. Michigan’s education system is
underachieving, with one-quarter of its
adult population without a high school
degree and only one-third of high school
graduates ready for college. Yet, the state
has a system of higher education that is
regarded as among the finest in the
nation, although it too is beginning to
suffer from a withdrawal of state support.
A particular problem is that Michigan
continues to try and promote short-term
economic strategies to improve its lot.
Rather than funding education and research, state support has gone to building
prisons, sports stadiums, and casinos, with

tax cuts and tax abatements provided to
dying industries. Public debate has tended
to pit groups against one another rather than developing a shared vision for
the state.
To improve Michigan’s and the region’s
economic future, Duderstadt argued that
a commitment to educational opportunity and technological innovation is
a key element. This requires not only
investments in human capital, infrastructure, and appropriate tax and intellectual property policies, but also the
creation of an environment that stimulates creativity and innovation. To achieve
this, the region must leverage its economic assets, which include its size and
market position, research base, geographic location, key industry and research and development centers, and
historical importance to the U.S.
Furthermore, Duderstadt said that the
region has one unique asset in its concentration of strong flagship research
universities. The Big Ten universities
along with the University of Chicago conduct $6 billion per year in research and
development; enroll 300,000 undergraduate and 76,000 graduate students; and
award 20% of the nation’s doctorates
in engineering, chemistry, mathematics,

among these sectors. These could include groups consisting of governors,
mayors, CEOs, and university and foundation presidents. Other resources could
include the National Academies4 and a
coalition of midwestern Federal Reserve
Banks. Financial support could be drawn
from the many foundations that operate
within the region that still have an important stake in the region’s health.
Finally, a roadmapping exercise should
be conducted within each major sector
of the economy. In the end, the challenge of this coalition would be to transform what was once the manufacturing
center of the world economy into what
could become its knowledge center.
Perspectives from higher education

Lou Anna Simon, president, Michigan
State University; Paul Courant, professor and former provost, University of
Michigan; and Richard Saller, provost,
University of Chicago, offered their views
on the challenges facing higher education. Simon noted that the universities’ core mission of providing access to
cutting edge knowledge and democratizing information has remained unchanged. A particular challenge to higher
education is improving connectivity

Most university instruction is delivered in the same manner
as it was generations ago. Even if instructional productivity
has remained constant, it has fallen relative to other segments
of the economy.
and computer science. Despite this
success, all of these universities have
seen diminished state support and, increasingly, are largely supported through
private funds. For the region to succeed,
Duderstadt argued, these institutions
must be at the heart of the strategy.
Finally, Duderstadt laid out a structure
for improving the region’s health. First,
this requires the attention and commitment of leaders from all sectors of society,
including business and industry, state
and local government, higher education,
foundations, and the media. Second,
organizational links need to be built

with other institutions and the public.
Higher education must restore public
trust that it provides access in an inclusive fashion. It must also highlight the
benefits of its basic, applied, and commercial research. In particular, Simon
cited the work of Michigan’s Cherry
Commission on higher education, which
suggested that universities should focus
on giving students the ability to acquire
any form of knowledge and move beyond
an emphasis on vocational training to a
broader, more classical education in order to develop the knowledge workers
of the future.
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Courant suggested that universities have
a special problem when it comes to promoting their value to society. Given that
universities have a stake in the outcome,
there is a moral hazard related to their
suggesting that they should receive significant public resources. To make the role
of the university in promoting growth
more credible, Courant said that the
business community should make the
case that developing basic and applied
research and educating the work force are
important public policy issues. Courant
offered that part of the reason why universities can fulfill this role is because
they promote agglomeration economies
where talented people in the same discipline can join together and share ideas.
Moreover, some institutions in society
still need to serve as repositories for
collected knowledge; while technology
might promote some efficiencies, there
will still need to be a physical place where
knowledge resides.
Saller provided the perspective of a private research university. He suggested
that higher education benefits from
intense competition. While the public
is concerned about accountability, competition at both the national and international level leads universities to make

tuition and attract outside resources
have helped balance them.
In this discussion, the three leaders
agreed that communication was at the
center of the higher education problem. Simon suggested that universities
often fail to speak the language of the
public, and this tends to create distrust.
Saller noted that more work needs to
be done on the tangible outcomes from
higher education spending, and cited a
study by University of Chicago economists Robert Topel and Kevin Murphy
that demonstrated a huge return to society from university research funded
by National Institutes of Health grants.
Research on the returns from other aspects of higher education spending
would be useful.
North Dakota—A statewide effort to
improve higher education

In 1998, North Dakota began a remarkable effort to reform its higher education system. Describing the work of the
North Dakota Roundtable on Higher
Education were Larry Isaak, former chancellor, North Dakota University System,
and president, Midwestern Higher
Education Compact; State Senator Ray
Holmberg, chair, Higher Education

For the Midwest, the industrial production paradigm has
shifted from material- and labor-intensive products to
knowledge-intensive products and services. This places a
high value on knowledge institutions.
the investments to stay on top. In global
rankings, American universities continue
to dominate, but a disturbing trend is
the increasing stratification between
private and public universities. Although
some stratification may be necessary,
the private universities have been able
to attract greater endowment resources and have had more stable funding.
The costs of continuing to provide small
class sizes, as well as price increases in
purchasing new equipment and maintaining lab space for the sciences, have
raised private universities’ overall costs.
Yet private universities’ ability to raise

Roundtable, and chair, North Dakota
Senate Appropriations Committee; Eddie
Dunn, vice chancellor, North Dakota
University System; Joseph Chapman, president, North Dakota State University;
and Roger Rierson, president, Flint
Communications, and Higher Education
Roundtable member.
North Dakota’s economy in 1998 was
struggling and its higher education system
was not seen as a player in the state’s
economic future. There was little cooperation among universities, government, and the private sector, and the

Chicago Fed Letter Midwest Economy January 2006

popular perception was that the North
Dakota University System was a burden
on the state.
Isaak explained that the roundtable’s
efforts led to the development of a
consensus on how the North Dakota
University System could best focus its
assets and talents. The plan included:
• Promoting expansion and diversification of the state’s economy;
• Enhancing the quality of life of the
state’s citizens;
• Engaging at every level with the needs
and problems of the state and its
• Becoming academically competitive
at the national and international
levels; and
• Being accessible and responsive to all
citizens of the state, both individual
and corporate.
Dunn discussed the roundtable’s vision
and structure. Consisting of 61 members,
the roundtable drew from legislators,
private sector leaders, members of the
state board of higher education, college
presidents, government leaders, faculty
members, and students. However, more
than half of the members were either legislators or private sector leaders, ensuring
that traditional higher education interests would not dominate the discussion.
The group established a straightforward
goal—“To enhance the economic vitality
of North Dakota and the quality of life
of its citizens through a high quality,
more responsive, equitable, flexible,
accessible, entrepreneurial, and accountable University System.”
Dunn reported that the roundtable
completed its initial work by May 2000,
although it had managed to have legislation in support of its recommendations
passed as early as 1999. While the process was far from easy, Dunn said that the
nature of the process, the ability to establish a common vision, and private
sector involvement and leadership were
the keys to success.
Senator Holmberg then discussed the
legislative process for the roundtable.
At the outset, the state legislature had

no shared vision of what the university
should be and had developed a mindset
that saw the system as a financial burden.
Proposals to consolidate the system had
been popular, and numerous studies had

university system seemed mired in outdated principles. It was slow to react, risk
averse, not tuned to the needs of the
future work force, and being micromanaged by the legislature. Those in


For a condensed version of this conference
summary, see Richard H. Mattoon, 2006,
“Higher education and economic growth,”
Chicago Fed Letter, Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago, No. 222a, January, available


William G. Bowen, Martin A. Kurzweil,
and Eugene M. Tobin, 2005, Equity and
Excellence in American Higher Education,
Charlottesville, VA: University Press of


James J. Duderstadt (project director),
2005, A Roadmap to Michigan’s Future:
Meeting the Challenge of a Global KnowledgeDriven Economy, University of Michigan,
Millennium Project, report, available at


The National Academies consist of the
National Academy of Sciences, the National
Academy of Engineering, the Institute
of Medicine, and the National Research

A recent study of the economic impact of a reformed North
Dakota State University on its state economy has seen its
contribution rise from $14 million to $105 million in just five years.
been commissioned. The key to successful legislative participation, Holmberg
said, has been the willingness of the legislature to step back yet demand accountability from the higher education board
for a unified higher education system.
He stressed that the legislature created a
structure and support for higher education without excessive oversight.
Next, Chapman reported that the roundtable process has had a profound effect
on the behavior of the universities. It has
focused them on placing students first,
expanding program offerings while bolstering quality, and leveraging external
support. Through these efforts, enrollment at North Dakota State University
grew from 9,700 in 1999 to over 12,000
in 2005. Equally impressive has been the
expansion of doctoral programs from
15 to 40 and growth in doctoral students
from 150 to 500. Research expenditures soared from $44 million in 1999
to $102 million in 2005. Chapman suggested that a new entrepreneurial and
results-oriented culture, based on flexibility, partnerships, vision, and broad
support, is paying real dividends to the
state. The most recent study of the economic impact of the university on the
state’s economy has seen its contribution
rise from $14 million to $105 million in
just five years. Each additional dollar of
state funds is now attracting $9.60 of
external support.
Finally, Rierson described the role of
business in driving higher education reform. To the business community, the

the business community saw a system
that had considerable promise and resources but was underperforming. Most
of all, the university system was not an
asset for private business other than it
provided talent.
What the private sector brought to the
roundtable was a perspective of business
as the ultimate consumer of university
products; it also brought the imperative
that the system needed to be more progressive and entrepreneurial. The strategy was to remove barriers and let the
college presidents lead and be accountable for results. Rierson argued that the
results have been impressive, including
new work force training programs, the
development of centers of excellence,
more trade corridors, and fully occupied
research parks. The state is attracting
new businesses and start-ups and is retaining college graduates at a higher
level. To sum up, Rierson said that a
successful higher education system is one
that is engaged with its communities.

This one-day conference made it clear
that traditional models of higher education finance and service delivery are
under stress. Declining financial support from state sources appears to be a
structural issue, and changing student
demographics require new service delivery models. The question for policymakers is this: If higher education is
essential to economic growth, how do
we best support this critical sector?

Michael H. Moskow, President; Charles L. Evans,
Senior Vice President and Director of Research; Douglas
Evanoff, Vice President, financial studies; David
Marshall, Vice President, macroeconomic policy research;
Richard Porter, Vice President, payment studies;
Daniel Sullivan, Vice President, microeconomic policy
research; William Testa, Vice President, regional
programs and Economics Editor; Helen O’D. Koshy,
Kathryn Moran, and Han Y. Choi, Editors; Rita
Molloy and Julia Baker, Production Editors.
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed are the
authors’ and are not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System.
© 2006 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
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ISSN 0895-0164

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago