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Chicago Fed Letter
The dollar and the
federal funds rate
In early February the Federal Open
Market Committee announced a
tightening of monetary policy; as of
June, this has been reflected in a 125basis-point increase in the federal
funds rate from 3.0% to 4.25%. In
light of this action, recent movements
in the dollar against the German
mark and Japanese yen seem perplex­
ing. From February 4 to June 30, the
dollar depreciated by 9.9% against
the mark and 10.2% against the yen.
The conventional wisdom would pre­
dict that the dollar should strengthen
following a tightening of U.S. mone­
tary policy. Yet the dollar depreciated
despite central bank interventions in
the foreign exchange markets to
support it. To take another example,
on Wednesday, May 11, the Bundes­
bank cut its discount and Lombard
rates by 50 basis points each. The
Wall StreetJournal characterized this
as “an unexpectedly deep” cut.1 The
day before, the dollar had traded at
1.6735 marks; by Wednesday’s close
in New York, the dollar was trading
lower—at 1.6695 marks.
This Chicago Fed Letter investigates the
empirical relationship between the
federal funds rate and the yen/dollar
and m ark/dollar exchange rates in
the 1980s and 1990s. The evidence
from this period shows that sustained
and large increases in the federal
funds rate led to an appreciation of
the dollar, but it often took two years
for these effects to take noticeable
hold. The effects of monetary policy
actions are difficult to detect initially
because exchange rate fluctuations
over a one-year period are largely
composed of unexplained shocks.
Nevertheless, movements in the fed­
eral funds rate since the most recent

business cycle peak (mid-1990) ex­
plain a surprisingly large fraction of
the long-term movements in the yen/
dollar exchange rate and somewhat
less in the m ark/dollar rate.

Forecasting exchange rate

Accurately forecasting movements in
the dollar over short horizons is a
difficult exercise. In an influential
study, economists Richard Meese and
Kenneth Rogoff concluded that so­
phisticated models of exchange rate
determ ination make poor forecasts.2
These economists suggested a thought
experim ent that, in the context of
today’s foreign exchange markets,
could be described as follows: On
February 4, Chairman Greenspan
announced that “the Federal Open
Market Committee decided to in­
crease slightly the degree of pressure
on reserve positions.” This action sent
the federal funds rate to 3.25% from
its previous average of 3.0%. Immedi­
ately following the announcem ent, the
dollar was trading at 1.752 marks and
109.0 yen. Since the historical pattern
of the federal funds rate is to continue
rising for some time following an ini­
tial upward change in direction, what
values of the dollar should a sophisti­
cated analyst forecast for February 4,
1995? Or 1996? Of the models they
considered, Meese and Rogoff con­
cluded that the best forecasting model
would simply predict no change, that is,
1.752 marks and 109.0 yen for 1995
and 1996. Only at horizons of about
two or three years can the additional
information about the behavior of the
economy add forecasting power to
these models.
One limitation of standard forecasting
models is that they usually identify
changes in monetary policy with
changes in monetary aggregates such

as Ml or M2. A recent study by
Eichenbaum and Evans, however,
indicates a stronger empirical rela­
tionship between the federal funds
rate and the dollar.3 When expan­
sionary (contractionary) changes in
monetary policy are measured by
unanticipated reductions (increases)
in the federal funds rate, the data
indicate that the dollar will depreciate
(appreciate)—but there is a substan­
tial delay between the policy actions
and the maximal effect on the dollar.

Assessing the average relationship
between the federal funds rate and
the exchange rate

For both Germany and Japan, I used
a statistical model to analyze three
financial variables: the federal funds
rate, a short-term interest rate in the
foreign country, and the exchange
rate. The exchange rate was mea­
sured in marks per dollar and yen
per dollar. The statistical model was
a vector autoregression estimated
using weekly data. The German mod­
el was estimated for the period March
1979 through June 1994. Because of
subtle statistical issues involving
trends in the yen/dollar exchange
rate, the Japanese model was estimat­
ed over the period July 1987 though
June 1994. (Estimating the Japanese
model over the 1979 to 1994 period
would have attributed an even greater
explanatory role to the federal funds
rate in affecting the yen/dollar ex­
change rate.) The analysis accounts
for changes in U.S. and foreign m one­
tary policies through exogenous
changes in the federal funds rate
and the foreign short-term interest
rate. This Fed Letter reports only on
the effects that changes in the fed­
eral funds rate have on the value of
the dollar.4

1. Effects of FF and YEN shocks
Effect of FF shock on federal funds rate

Effect of YEN shock on federal funds rate

basis points

basis points

Effect of FF shock on yen/dollar

Effect of YEN shock on yen/dollar

percentage app reciation o f do lla r

percentage app reciation o f do lla r
1.5 r





------------- 1
--------------- 1_________ i_________i_________ i_________i_




w e eks




_q 5

_________i__________i_________ i_________i_________ I_________L.




w eeks



Note: Impulse response functions estim ated from three-variable vector autoregression of federal funds rate,
three-m onth Japanese bill rate, and yen/dollar exchange rate. Data cover July 1987 through June 1994.

How do unusual movements in the
federal funds rate affect the time path
of the dollar? I will refer to such un­
usual movements as FF shocks. These
shocks can be interpreted in the fol­
lowing way. Much as bond market
traders forecast a value for interest
rates each week, the statistical model
can generate forecasts of the federal
funds rate each week on the basis of
its past values as well as past values of
the foreign interest rate and the ex­
change rate. Then the new federal
funds rate occurs this week. If the
forecast is either lower or higher than
the actual value, then the forecast is
in error and the difference is called
an FF shock. When the federal funds
rate is unexpectedly high (low), as on
February 4, that is a positive (nega­
tive) FF shock; this can also be re­
ferred to as a contractionary (expan­
sionary) policy shock.
The first column of figure 1 plots the
average effect of an FF shock on the
federal funds rate (FF) and on the

yen/dollar exchange rate (YEN, mea­
sured as yen per dollar). An average­
sized FF shock causes the federal
funds rate to increase approximately
13 basis points during the first six
months. So a 25-basis-point shock is a
two-standard-deviation shock over the
1987-94 sample period. These shocks
are larger over the 1979-94 period.
This effect persists for about 18
months and then dampens. The ef­
fect of this approximately 13-basispoint FF shock on YEN is initially
small, and even perversely negative
for about six months. By the end of
the first year, however, the dollar has
appreciated by about 0.5%, and this
appreciation persists through the end
of the third year. These estimates
imply that a series of FF shocks total­
ling 125 basis points could increase
the value of the dollar by 5% over a
two- to three-year period.
Of course, many other things cause
exchange rates to fluctuate besides
U.S. and foreign monetary policy

actions. The statistical model for
Japan refers to these as unanticipated
changes in the yen/dollar exchange
rate (YEN shock) that cannot be ac­
counted for by fluctuations in U.S. or
Japanese short-term interest rates.
The model has difficulty capturing
the effects of irregular phenom ena
such as fears of a trade war, the top­
pling of the Berlin Wall, the coup
attem pt against Gorbachev, or presi­
dential elections, to name only a few.
As a result of this difficulty, the model
lumps all such nonm onetary effects
into what I refer to as the YEN shock
for Japan, or the MARK shock for
The second column of figure 1 dis­
plays the effect of the YEN shock on
FF and YEN. Unanticipated shocks to
the yen/dollar exchange rate are
large: An average-sized YEN shock
increases the value of the dollar by
almost 1.5%. The response patterns
of the exchange rate arising from the
YEN and FF shocks indicate that over
shorter horizons, most of the variation
in the yen/dollar exchange rate will
be due to factors unrelated to the
federal funds rate; it turns out that
they are mainly due to YEN shocks.
Over longer horizons, more of the
variation in the yen/dollar exchange
rate will be due to monetary policy
factors such as FF shocks.
These results seem consistent with the
forecasting results reported by Meese
and Rogoff; that is, information about
the stance of monetary policy in the
U.S. is not very helpful for forecasting
future movements in the yen/dollar
exchange rate at horizons under two
years. The results for Germany are

The yen/dollar and mark/dollar
experience, 1987-94

How would the dollar have behaved
over the 1987-94 period if the only
factors influencing it had been U.S.
monetary policy actions? Row 1 of
figure 2 suggests an answer for Japan.
In the upper left panel, the highly
variable blue line is the actual path of
the exchange rate from July 1987
through June 1994. The black line is
the counterfactual path that the vec-

2. Exchange rate movements explained by FF shock
Japanese yen

Eleven-week centered moving average

yen per d ollar

basis points

this sense, the dollar’s depreciation
against the yen and the mark since
February 4 does not seem shocking.
Over longer periods, however, these
unexplained movements in exchange
rates seem to average out. At longer
horizons, then, the economic funda­
mentals of monetary policy seem to
provide reasonable predictions for the
direction and level of the dollar.
—Charles L. Evans
1"What’s news: Business and finance,”
Wall Street Journal, May 12, 1994, p. 1

German mark

Eleven-week centered moving average

2Richard A. Meese and Kenneth Rogoff,
“Empirical exchange rate models of the
seventies: Do they fit out of sample?”
Journal of International Economics, Vol. 14,
No. 1/2, 1983, pp. 3-24.
3Martin Eichenbaum and Charles F.
Evans, “Some empirical evidence on the
effects of monetary policy shocks on
exchange rates,” Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago, working paper, No. 92-32.

Note: Calculations based on three-variable vector autoregression.

tor autoregression predicts the ex­
change rate would have followed if
the YEN and Japanese monetary poli­
cy shocks had been identical to zero.
The yen/dollar exchange rate path
predicted by the FF shocks matches
many of the long-term movements in
the actual exchange rate over this
period. From November 1988 to
April 1990, the dollar appreciated
31%; the FF shocks statistically ac­
counted for about 40% of that appre­
ciation. From April 1990 through
June 1994, the dollar depreciated by
about 60%; the FF shocks captured
roughly half of that fall. The upper
right panel displays the smoothed FF
shock series, where negative (positive)
numbers represent unanticipated
policy easing (contraction). The
shocks were predominantly positive in
1988, and the dollar appreciated in
1989. The shocks were mostly nega­
tive in 1989, and the dollar began to
depreciate in 1990. In 1992 and 1993,
the shocks were more negative than

positive, and the dollar depreciated
from 1992 through June 1994. In
spite of the reasonably close fit, how­
ever, the FF shocks failed to predict
much of the high-frequency variability
in the yen/dollar exchange rate.
The results for the m ark/dollar
(MARK) are substantially weaker but
still interesting (see row 2 of figure 2).
From 1987 to 1989, the average level
of the dollar was about 1.8 marks, the
level implied by the FF shock; from
mid-1992 to the present, the average
level of the dollar has been about 1.6
marks, the level implied by the FF
shock. As with Japan, however, the
forecasted path from the FF shocks
misses the high-frequency variability
in MARK by an enormous amount.


Over short horizons, exchange rates
can follow many paths that do not
correspond to the predictions from
recent monetary policy actions. In

4Twenty-six lagged observations for each
variable were included in the threevariable vector autoregression. The
foreign interest rate variable is a threemonth government bill rate. The feder­
al funds shock is an orthogonalized
shock from the vector autoregression.
For a fuller discussion of the effects of
foreign monetary policy shocks on the
dollar and a discussion of some technical
issues, see Charles F. Evans, “Interest
rate shocks and the dollar,” Economic
Perspectives, Vol. 18, No. 5, September/
October 1994, forthcoming.
5These are discussed in Evans, op. cit.
Karl A. Scheld, Senior Vice President and
Director of Research; David R. Allardice, Vice
President and Director of Regional
Economic Programs; Janice Weiss, Editor.
Chicago Fed Letter is published monthly by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago. The views expressed are
the authors’ and are not necessarily those of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the
Federal Reserve System. Articles may be
reprinted if the source is credited and the
Research Department is provided with copies
of the reprints.
Chicago Fed Letter is available without charge
from the Public Information Center, Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago, P.O. Box 834,
Chicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.
ISSN 0895-0164

Expansion in Midwest m anufacturing activity slowed in recent months, ac­
cording to the Midwest M anufacturing Index. A significant decline in light
vehicle assemblies (on a seasonally adjusted basis) played an im portant role,
partly because of special constraints unrelated to dem and. Even so, appliance
industry output has also softened in recent m onths after strong gains inl993.
While growth has slowed, purchasing m anagers’ surveys suggest that manufac­
turing activity continued to percolate at a high level. Inventory building and
strength in investment helped bolster industrial output in the region. How­
ever, renewed expansion in consum er spending on durable goods is probably
necessary for m anufacturing activity to remain this strong.

Sources: The Midwest Manufacturing Index
(MMI) is a composite index of 15 industries,
based on monthly hours worked and kilowatt
hours. IP represents the Federal Reserve Board
industrial production index for the U.S. manu­
facturing sector. Autos and light trucks are
measured in annualized physical units, using
seasonal adjustments developed by the Board.
The purchasing managers’ survey data for the
Midwest are weighted averages of the produc­
tion components from the Chicago, Detroit,
and Milwaukee Purchasing Managers’ Associa­
tion surveys, with assistance from Bishop Associ­
ates and Comerica.

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