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A U G U ST 1992
N U M B E R 60

Chicago Fed Letter
Chicago’s economic
transform ation from
1970 to 2000
Over the last 20 years, Chicago has
apparently moved from a manufactur­
ing based economy to a services based
economy, mirroring a change in the
U.S. economy. Is this an accurate
characterization of the Chicago econo­
my and, if so, what are the implications
for the future of the region? In order
to answer this and other questions, the
Regional Economics Applications
Laboratory1has been developing a
comprehensive analysis of the Chicago
regional economy for the last three
years.2 This analysis has been derived
from the Chicago Region Economet­
ric Input-Output Model [CREIM], a
comprehensive model that enables the
identification of the historical differ­
ences in structure of the Chicago and
U.S. economies over the period from
1970 to 1990, and forecasts of the
structure of the Chicago region for the
period from 1990 to 2000. Our goal is
to try to understand the future for
Chicago in terms of some of the major
structural changes that have occurred
in the last two decades. In so doing,
we will reveal the important changes
that have taken place in the nature of
the economic engine that drives the
region’s economy.
The econom ic crossroads

Twenty years ago, economists assumed
that the vitality of a region’s economy
was inextricably linked to the health of
the region’s manufacturing sector.
According to this view, only manufac­
turing goods could be exported,
hence only manufacturing enjoyed a
multiplier effect in employment, ac­
cording to which jobs in export orient­
ed industries lead to additional jobs in

firms providing inputs and consumer
goods and services. However, during
the period from 1970 to 1990 in Chi­
cago, employment in manufacturing
declined from just under 1 million to
600,000 (see Figure 1), yet the overall
regional economy continued to grow.

S O U R C E : CR EIM , Data Resources INC. (D R I), History
tables for the U.S. economy, 1966-91.

At the same time, Figure 1 shows that
the loss of jobs in manufacturing was
more than offset by growth in jobs in
the service sectors. This suggests that
the view that the health of an econo­
my is necessarily tied to manufacturing
is not plausible. More specifically, it
suggests that services can be exported
just as manufacturing goods can, thus
that the multiplier effect applies to
services as well as manufacturing. In
fact, the idea that services such as in­
surance and financial services can be
exported is well accepted.
In order to understand why employ­
ment in both manufacturing and ser­
vices in Chicago has changed in the
last 20 years, we need to look at the
causes of changes in employment and
their multiplier effects. We have iden­
tified three major factors that account
for changes in employment: produc­
tivity (changes in the amount of out­

put produced with each unit of labor);
demand (changes in the nature and
location of demand for the products
and sendees produced); and business
practices (changes in the way in which
the goods and services are produced).
Each of these factors contributes to
potential changes in the multiplier
effect associated with the major sectors
in the economy, creating further job
losses or gains. CREIM provides a
complete accounting of the ways in
which changes in one sector of the
economy affect the rest of the region.
In this way we can create a picture of
the economic interactions (purchases
and sales) among the sectors in the
Chicago regional economy for the
mid-1970s and again for the mid1980s. A comparison of these two
pictures enables us to determine the
causes of change in employment lev­
els. For ease of exposition, we have
focused attention on manufacturing
and services only.
Why employment in manufacturing
and services has changed

As shown in Figure 2, the transforma­
tion of the Chicago regional economy
from manufacturing dominance to
service dominance occurred at least
2. Employment in the U.S.
millions of persons
28 --------------



__ I







1...L JL—1— I— 1—1— I— I— I— I



'8 3


S O U R C E : C R EIM , Data Resources INC. (DRI), History
tables for the U.S. economy, 1966-91.

’8 7

two years earlier than a similar phe­
nomenon at the national level. This
“crossroads” represents an important
indicator of the structural changes that
were taking place throughout western
economies. The fact that it occurred
earlier in Chicago than for the nation
as a whole is surprising given the gen­
eral perception of Chicago as a old
(and decaying) manufacturing center.
There has been a great deal of conjec­
ture about the causes and consequenc­
es of a replacement of manufacturing
jobs by service jobs. Average wage
levels in manufacturing are higher
than those in the service sectors, how­
ever, there are significant variations in
wage levels within the detailed manu­
facturing sectors such as food and
kindred products and fabricated met­
als. These differences appear to vary
with the size of the establishment,
higher wage levels being found in the
larger establishments. In addition, the
degree to which a local firm or estab­
lishment purchases and sells within the
Chicago region is a more important
determinant of its effect on the econo­
my than whether the firm is in the
service or manufacturing sector. In
particular, the percentage of purchases
made within the region has a major
influence on the size of the multiplier
One effect of the switch from manufac­
turing to service dominance was that
in many cases, those who lost manufac­
turing jobs did not find comparable
employment in the growing service
sectors. Rather, new jobs in the service
sector were taken by new entrants to
the labor force.
The loss of manufacturing jobs did not
reduce the volume of production in
manufacturing in Chicago; in fact, real
output (adjusted for inflation) in 1987
was approximately the same as in
1970. However, this production ema­
nated from a smaller number of estab­
lishments; in addition, we have devel­
oped evidence that over the period
from 1982 to 1987, there was a decline
of between 10% and 20% in the pro­
portion of intermediate inputs that
were purchased by Chicago manufac­
turing establishments from other es­

tablishments within the region. Major
components of the commodity chain
have disappeared as manufacturing
firms in Chicago have increasingly
imported more of their inputs from
outside of the region. One of the
significant consequences of this pro­
cess has been the decrease in the mul­
tiplier effect.
Many manufacturing businesses closed
or relocated outside Chicago due to
international competition, the attrac­
tion of new investment opportunities
elsewhere in the U.S., and the belief
that wage costs were higher in the
Midwest. In the nineteen two digit
manufacturing sectors represented in
Chicago in 1987, wages and salaries
accounted for between 9% and 31%
of total costs. By comparison, the
variation was between 9% and 26% for
the U.S. as a whole and in all but three
sectors, Chicago’s percentage exceed­
ed that for the U.S. However, wage
rates alone may be a misleading indi­
cator of the productivity of a region’s
labor force. To begin with, average
wages and salaries vary significantly
within sectors. In the food and kin­
dred products sector (SIC 20) in Chi­
cago in 1987, for example, the average
wage and salary in larger manufactur­
ing firms (sales greater than $15 mil­
lion) was almost twice that paid in the
smaller firms (sales less than $5 mil­
lion). However, larger firms had a
significant advantage in sales generat­
ed for each dollar spent on wages and
salaries. Within all the two digit manu­
facturing sectors in Chicago, sales in
larger firms were often 30% to 50%
(and in one case, almost 80%) higher
than in smaller firms for every dollar
spent on wages and salaries. While
high wages may have contributed to
the decline of manufacturing, atten­
tion needs to be focused on the pro­
ductivity of expenditures on wages and
salaries and not just on the levels.
When Chicago is compared to the
U.S. as a whole, its manufacturing
productivity has been greater for all
but a few of the last twenty years, and
has even exceeded that for Japan in
the last eight years (see Figure 3). The
good news is that the manufacturing
establishments that have remained in
Chicago are, apparently, the more


competitive ones, the bad news is that
improvements in productivity have
resulted in fewer jobs. The manufac­
turing engine is smaller, more efficient
but, as we will see, experiencing con­
tinual erosion of its preeminent posi­
tion in the region’s economy.
Figure 4 shows the decomposition of
change in manufacturing and services
employment according to the effects
of changes in productivity, demand,
and business practices. Note that
changes in business practices have
been an important component of the
change in employment in manufactur­
4. Decom posing employment change
(19 7 2 -7 9 vs. 1980-87 , p e rc e n t c h a n g e )

M anufacturing














ing. In fact, all sectors of the economy
have reduced their purchases of manu­
factured products between the 1970s
and 1980s. Improvements in labor
productivity have similarly contributed
to a reduction in employment demand
in manufacturing. On the other hand,
for services, the major explanatory
variable is increase in demand. There
is no doubt that increases in female
labor force participation changed not
only the structure of employment but
also changed the volume and composi­
tion of demand generated by larger

numbers of two-earner households.
Until the late 1980s, there was little
evidence of improvements in labor
productivity in services. However, the
same phenomena that affected manu­
facturing a decade or so ago (pressure
to contain labor costs and to improve
labor productivity) appears to have
become a factor in the service sector;
here, labor costs are an even higher
percentage of total costs (ranging
from 22% to 55%) and during the
recent recession there has been sub­
stantial labor shedding in the service
sector as firms strive to gain an edge in
an increasingly competitive environ­
ment. There seems to be considerable
pessimism about the prospects for the
recovery of many of these jobs as the
economy continues to increase
growth. Historically, there were simi­
lar significant improvements in labor
productivity in agriculture and manu­
facturing. However, these improve­
ments occurred over a much longer
period of time than appears to be
happening in the services; perhaps a
century in agriculture, and several
decades in manufacturing, compared
to the significant productivity changes
taking place in the service sector in
less than a decade.
How will services move the econom y
over the next ten years?

CREIM enables us not only to produce
a photograph of the region’s economy
but to project this photograph into the
future. Using establishment level data
as well as data on population, occupa­
tions, and expenditures, CREIM cap­
tures Chicago’s unique economic
structure by portraying the complex
interactions, purchases, and sales rela­
tionships among establishments within
the region and the ways in which in­
comes are spent. In this way, CREIM
provides a more accurate prediction of
the future than would be possible
from observing national trends alone.
Figures 5 and 6 show the forecasts that
we have made of manufacturing and
service employment, indexed to the
respective base level employment
observed in 1991 in Chicago and the
US. Note that the prospects for manu­
facturing are decidedly less attractive

much greater diversification in the
sectors that are exporting goods and
services and in the location of the
markets for these exports. Chicago’s
dependence on its hinterland (the
Midwest) continues to play an impor­
tant role but exports to Canada, to
Mexico and to emerging markets in
Eastern Europe and Asia have allowed
the local economy to assume a more
involved role in the international
Thus, while the decline of a major
sector can never be referred to as
good news, the erosion of the manu­
facturing base in Chicago has been
accompanied by the development of a
service sector that has enabled the
region’s economy to diversify in a way
that may position it to be more com­
petitive in the next decade than if it
had remained dominated by manufac­
turing alone.
—GeoffreyJ.D. Hewings,
Philip R. Israilevich and
Ramamohan Mahidhara

in Chicago than in the rest of the U.S.
where the growth will be flat to mildly
negative. We anticipate that the trends
established in the last twenty years will
continue; while manufacturing em­
ployment will continue to decline (a
further loss of as many as 100,000
jobs), output will decline more slowly.
Once again, the suggestion is that
improvements in productivity will
offset the decline in employment to
some extent. The differential between
service employment growth in the U.S.
and Chicago is much less pronounced;
the divergence at the beginning of the
decade will narrow, with both econo­
mies exhibiting similar growth rates
for the period from 1996 to 2000.

Over the past two decades, Chicago’s
economy appears to have become
more like the nation’s in terms of the
proportion of employment in each of
the major economic sectors. Not only
is the Chicago economy more diversi­
fied but, more importantly, there is

!T h e R egional E conom ics A pplications
L ab o rato ry is a co o p erativ e v e n tu re b e­
tw een th e U niversity o f Illinois a n d the
F ed eral Reserve B ank o f C hicago focusing
o n th e d e v e lo p m e n t a n d use o f analytical
m o d els fo r u rb a n a n d reg io n al eco n o m ic
d ev elo p m en t.
2T h e re g io n a l eco n o m y com prises the
follow ing six counties: C ook, Will,
M cH enry, K ane, Lake a n d D uPage.

Karl A. Scheld, S enior Vice P re sid en t a n d
D irecto r o f R esearch; David R. A llardice, Vice
P re sid en t a n d A ssistant D irecto r o f R esearch;
Carolyn M cM ullen, E ditor.
Chicago Fed Letter is p u b lish ed m o n th ly by th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t o f th e F ed eral Reserve
B ank o f C hicago. T h e views ex p ressed are th e
a u th o rs ’ an d are n o t necessarily th o se o f th e
F ederal Reserve Bank o f C hicago o r th e F ederal
Reserve System. A rticles may b e re p rin te d if
th e source is c re d ite d a n d th e R esearch
D e p a rtm e n t is p rovided with copies o f th e
rep rin ts.
Chicago Fed Letter is available w ith o u t ch arg e
fro m th e Public In fo rm atio n C e n te r, F ederal
Reserve B ank o f C hicago, P.O. Box 834,
C hicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.

ISSN 0895-0164

Tracking Midwest manufacturing activity
Manufacturing output index, 1987=100

Manufacturing output index

Month ago

Year ago









Motor vehicle production
(millions, saar)



Month ago

Year ago





Light trucks




Purchasing managers’ association:
production index

Month ago

Year ago









Manufacturing output in the Midwest continued to expand in May (up 1.7%),
following the pattern set by the purchasing managers’ survey. May’s advance was
markedly above the 0.7% gain in the nation, but more importantly represented a
sustained improvement over a weak January and February for the newly revised
and rebenchmarked MMI.
The MMI has generally outpaced the IP since their common low in April of last
year. With June auto production down slightly and widespread expectations that
the IP declined in June, the MMI may soften in June. However, with the Midwest
PMA for June posting expansion and planned auto production schedules for the
third quarter almost 20% above year-ago levels, the MMI should trend up over
the next several months.

SOURCES: T h e M idwest M an u factu rin g In d ex
(MMI) is a com posite in d ex o f 17 ind u stries,
based on m o n th ly h o u rs w orked a n d kilow att
h ours. IP rep re sen ts th e FRBB in d u strial p ro ­
d u ctio n in d ex fo r th e U.S. m a n u fa c tu rin g sec­
tor. A utos a n d light trucks are m easu red in a n ­
n u alized physical units, using seasonal adjust­
m en ts dev elo p ed by th e F ederal Reserve Board.
T h e PMA in d ex fo r th e U.S. is th e p ro d u c tio n
c o m p o n e n ts from th e NPM A survey a n d fo r th e
M idwest is a w eighted average o f th e p ro d u c ­
tion c o m p o n e n ts from th e C hicago, D etroit,
a n d M ilwaukee PMA survey, with assistance
from B ishop Associates a n d C om erica.

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