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Chicag­o Fed Letter
A snapshot of the Midwest economy: Past and present
by Scott Brave, business economist, and Chenfei Lu, associate economist

For over ten years, the Chicago Fed has published an index of national economic activity,
the Chicago Fed National Activity Index. Here, the authors build on the methodology
underlying this index to construct a Midwest counterpart that captures variation in economic
activity in the five states that make up the Seventh Federal Reserve District.

In this Chicago Fed Letter, we extend the

Constructing the MEI

methodology underlying the Chicago Fed
National Activity Index (CFNAI), applying it on a regional basis in order to
describe growth in economic activity in
the five midwestern states that make up
the Seventh Federal Reserve District.1

Like the CFNAI, our Midwest Economy
Index (MEI) is a weighted average of
measures of growth in economic activity.
While the CFNAI is constructed from
national indicators, the MEI is instead
based upon comparable indicators for
the Midwest and the Seventh District
states. Each index weights its indicators
by the relative degree to which they explain the overall variation among them.

1. Midwest and national activity indexes
B. Relative growth

A. Growth in economic activity

















1976 ’80




’96 2000




1976 ’80 ’84



’96 2000 ’04


Midwest Economy Index
Chicago Fed National Activity Index
Notes: All indexes have been standardized to have a zero mean and are expressed in standard deviation units. Shading indicates
official periods of recession as identified by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The Midwest Economy Index encompasses
the five states of the Seventh Federal Reserve District (Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Iowa), and measures growth in
nonfarm business activity. Relative growth is the Midwest Economy Index measured relative to the three-month moving average of
the Chicago Fed National Activity Index.

Previous research has concluded that
Seventh District business cycles are very
similar to their national counterparts.2
However, we find that subtle differences
do exist between midwestern and national
growth in economic activity. We describe
how these differences have changed
over time and what they imply for the
current state of the Midwest economy.

The way in which they do so, however,
varies according to the different data
types. For instance, many of the state and
Midwest indicators we employ differ in
originating date as well as reporting frequency. This produces an “unbalanced”
data set, with monthly and quarterly observations beginning at different times.
Here, we follow the strategy outlined by
Stock and Watson3 to produce a monthly
index that can accommodate this feature
of the data.4
To begin, we translate all 128 data series
into a common frequency by taking a
three-month moving average of the
monthly variables.5 Each is then given
a stationary transformation and standardized to have a zero mean and unit variance. In this sense, the MEI most closely
corresponds to the three-month moving
average of the CFNAI (the CFNAI-MA3).
In this article, when we draw comparisons
between the MEI and CFNAI, these

which somewhat more adversely affected
the Midwest region; and the 1990–91
recession, which was milder but was preceded by an extended period of weakness
in the Midwest region.

2. Sectoral components of the Midwest Economy Index
A. Manufacturing

B. Construction and mining










1976 ’80





2000 ’04


C. Consumer spending


Sectoral and geographic components

1976 ’80








1976 ’80







2000 ’04


D. Services





2000 ’04


1976 ’80





2000 ’04


Contribution to regional growth
Contribution to relative growth
Notes: The sectoral components sum to the Midwest Economy Index in each time period. Manufacturing and construction and mining
summarize production and employment indicators. Services contains only employment indicators, while consumer spending
summarizes employment, unemployment, personal income, and home and retail sales indicators. Shading indicates official periods
of recession as identified by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Relative growth is the Midwest Economy Index measured
relative to the three-month moving average of the Chicago Fed National Activity Index.

comparisons will actually be between
the MEI and the CFNAI-MA3.
Interpreting the MEI

Our motivation in creating the MEI is
to better understand the relationship
between growth in national economic
activity and growth in Midwest economic
activity. The MEI is a measure of regional
economic activity in much the same way
as the CFNAI is for national economic
activity. CFNAI values above zero indicate
growth in national economic activity
above its historical trend, and values
below zero indicate growth below trend.
Similarly, MEI values correspond to deviations in growth in Midwest economic
activity around its historical trend.
We compare the MEI with the CFNAI, as
seen in panel A of figure 1. To make the
indexes directly comparable, both are
shown in standard deviation units. Over
the 34-year period we consider, growth
in Midwest economic activity around its
trend has tended to coincide to a large
degree with its national counterpart.

However, over shorter periods of time
this has not always been the case, particularly around the beginnings and ends
of recessions as defined by the National
Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).6
To highlight these periods, we reconstructed the MEI using the standardized
residuals from linear regressions of each
of its underlying indicators on the current
and lagged value of the CFNAI adjusted
for the frequency of each indicator.7 The
resulting index in panel B of figure 1 is
measured such that a positive value indicates, on average, stronger growth in regional versus national economic activity,
while a negative value indicates the
opposite. We refer to this index as measuring the “relative” growth of the Midwest.
The Midwest business cycle was particularly pronounced during the later
months of the recent recession and those
of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The
same is true for the recoveries that followed. Other significant periods are the
recent recession’s early months, which
were milder regionally; the 2001 recession,

Splitting the MEI into sectoral components, as seen in figure 2, can explain
much of what we see in the previous
figure. The four sectoral components
we consider are manufacturing, construction and mining, consumer spending,
and services. The different types of state
and Midwest indicators that make up
each component are listed in the notes
of figure 2.
Manufacturing (panel A of figure 2) constitutes the largest sectoral component,
followed closely by services (panel D of
figure 2). Together they account for nearly
two-thirds of the variation in state and
Midwest indicators captured by the MEI.
They are also highly positively correlated.
In this respect, much of what we see in
panel A of figure 1 can be summed up
by the following: When manufacturing
has thrived, so has the region.  
It is also manufacturing and services that
exhibit regional growth patterns that most
significantly deviate from the national
business cycle. Overall, the contribution
of services to relative growth is slightly
larger, reflecting the growing importance
of the service sector as the Midwest economy has expanded. As such, it remains
highly positively correlated with manufacturing. A good example of this is
the period from the mid-1980s through
the 1990s, where above-average relative
growth was due in large part to services
but was reinforced by manufacturing
on several occasions.
There are some notable exceptions,
however, including the behavior of the
construction and mining and consumer
spending components (panels B and C
of figure 2) during the recent recession.
Both made contributions to the relative
growth of the region that were positive
before the fall of 2008. Since then, the
construction and mining component has
been a negative contributor to relative
growth. The consumer spending component also turned negative but recently

3. State subindexes of the Midwest Economy Index
A. Illinois

B. Wisconsin

C. Michigan










1976 ’80



’96 2000 ’04


1976 ’80







D. Indiana

E. Iowa







1976 ’80








1976 ’80



1976 ’80















Contribution to regional growth
Contribution to relative growth
Notes: The state subindexes do not sum to the Midwest Economy Index in each time period because a small number of indicators exist only at the regional level. Shading indicates official periods of
recession as identified by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Relative growth is the Midwest Economy Index measured relative to the three-month moving average of the Chicago Fed
National Activity Index.

rose above its contribution level before
the fall of 2008.
Much of this can be explained by the
housing and labor market indicators in
these two sectoral components. The deterioration in housing market conditions
that began in 2006 affected growth in
national economic activity to a larger
degree than it did growth in Midwest
economic activity before the fall of 2008.
Furthermore, job loss played a much
smaller role in declining growth in
Midwest activity early in the recession,
while employment gains during the recovery have subsequently formed a larger
part of Midwest growth attributable to
consumer spending.
Using only the indicators for the respective states in the Seventh District, we also
constructed state subindexes seen in
figure 3.8 No state dominates growth in
Midwest economic activity in the sense
that the states’ contributions to the variance explained by the MEI are fairly
evenly distributed. Contributions from
Indiana and Iowa (panels D and E) do,
however, explain less variation than those

from Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan
(panels A, B, and C). Growth trends
across states are very similar, with the exception of the weakness of the Michigan
economy over the past decade.
During the recent recovery, all five
Seventh District states have made positive contributions to the MEI. Even when
put in “relative” terms, this remains the
case, suggesting that the manufacturingdriven recovery has benefited the region
disproportionately. In this sense, the
Seventh District has been a leading indicator of the recovery. As of July 2010,
growth in Midwest economic activity
remained strong, but had started to slow
in every state except Michigan.

Seventh District business cycles tend to
resemble national business cycles to a high
degree, although there have been several
periods over the past 34 years when the
two have deviated significantly from each
other. The growth of the service industry
over time and the predominance of the
manufacturing sector in the Seventh
District explain the majority of these

deviations. Some variation exists among
the Seventh District states; but on the
whole, growth in economic activity in
each is consistent with that of the nation.
Charles L. Evans, President; Daniel G. Sullivan,
Executive Vice President and Director of Research;
David Marshall, Senior Vice President, financial markets
group; Daniel Aaronson, Vice President, microeconomic
policy research; Jonas D. M. Fisher, Vice President,
macroeconomic policy research; Richard Heckinger,
Assistant Vice President, markets team; Anna Paulson,
Vice President, finance team; William A. Testa, Vice
President, regional programs, and Economics Editor;
Helen O’D. Koshy and Han Y. Choi, Editors;
Rita Molloy and Julia Baker, Production Editors;
Sheila A. Mangler, Editorial Assistant.
Chicago Fed Letter is published by the Economic
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. The views expressed are the authors’
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal
Reserve System.
© 2010 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago ­
Chicago Fed Letter articles may be reproduced in
whole or in part, provided the articles are not ­
reproduced or distributed for commercial gain
and provided the source is appropriately credited.
Prior written permission must be obtained for
any other reproduction, distribution, republication, or creation of derivative works of Chicago Fed
Letter articles. To request permission, please contact
Helen Koshy, senior editor, at 312-322-5830 or
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Letter and other Bank publications are available


ISSN 0895-0164

1 	The CFNAI methodology is described in

detail at
background.pdf. The Seventh District
comprises all of Iowa, but only the greater
parts of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and
Wisconsin. Because of data availability, the
construction of our Midwest Economy
Index entails the entire boundaries of all
five states.

2 	Michael A. Kouparitsas and Daisuke J.

Nakajima, 2006, “Are U.S. and Seventh
District business cycles alike?,” Economic
Perspectives, Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, Vol. 30, No. 3, Third Quarter,
pp. 45–60.

3 	J. H. Stock and M. W. Watson, 2002,

“Forecasting using principal components

from a large number of predictors,” Journal
of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 97,
No. 460, pp. 1167–1179.

The Stock and Watson (2002) method
requires that we specify a number of common factors explaining all 128 data series.
In what follows, we determined the number of common factors to be one.


The complete list of data series is available
upon request from the authors.

 	The NBER’s Business Cycle Dating


Committee maintains a chronology of the
beginnings and ends of recessions that can
be found at­

 	The dominance of employment indicators


in the MEI versus the CFNAI leads to a

slight lag in their dynamic relationship;
hence, the lagged term in the regressions.
Omitting this term does not appreciably
change the results because not every variable was regressed on the lagged value of
the CFNAI. Instead, we used a measure of
model fit called the Bayesian information
criterion to determine which variables
should be regressed on the lagged value
of the CFNAI.

 	Similar metrics are produced by Philadelphia


Fed staff, who use an alternative methodology; see Theodore M. Crone and Alan
Clayton-Matthews, 2005, “Consistent economic indexes for the 50 states,” Review of
Economics and Statistics, Vol. 87, No. 4,
pp. 593–603.