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Characteristics of Construction Agreements, 1972-73 Bulletin 1819 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Bureau of Labor Statistics Characteristics of Construction Agreements, 1972-73 Bulletin 1819 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Peter J. Brennan, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Julius Shiskin, Commissioner 1974 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 GPO Bookstores, or BLS Regional Offices listed on inside back cover. Price $1.05 Make checks payable to Superintendent of Documents Stock Number 2901-01317 P re fa c e This is the first o f a two-part study o f provisions in construction industry collective bargaining agreements. For this study, agreements were selected to represent a variety o f construction crafts in large metropolitan areas. In this first bulletin, the prevalences o f selected provisions are presented in the form o f tabulations; analytical comments and illustrative clauses will follow in the second bulletin. The agreements were selected in part from the files o f the Bureau’s Division o f Industrial Relations and were supple mented by agreements on file with the Construction Industry Wage Stabilization Committee, whose cooperation and assistance in this study are gratefully acknowledged. This bulletin was prepared in the Bureau’s Division o f Industrial Relations by Winston L. Tillery, Carl A. Batlin, and Edward F. Hanley, Jr. in In tro d u ctio n ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Tables: Construction agreements, 1972-73 Part I. Part II. Identifying characteristics o f agreements studied .............................................................................................. 1. Expiration, by year and month ................................................................................................................. 2. Expiration, by union ................................................................................................................................... 3. Duration ....................................................................................................................... 2 3 3 4 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Region ............................................................................................................................................................. Size o f bargaining unit, by union .............................................................................................................. By union and major activity ....................................................................................................................... B ySM SA ........................................................................................................................................................ By SMS A , multiple area coverage .............................................................................................................. 4 4 5 6 7 9. By employer unit 8 .......................................................................................................................................... 10. By geographical scope ................................................... 8 11. By c r a f t ..................................................... 8 Union security, management rights, and other noneconom ic provisions .................................................... 9 ................................................................................ 10 12. Union security and ch eck off provisions, by union 13. C heckoff provisions, by type o f union security 14. Selection, paid time, and “ superseniority” for stewards, by union 15. Antidiscrimination and special minority program provisions 16. Management rights and “ favored nations” provisions, by union 17. Unrestricted work practices provisions, by union 18. Selected foreman provisions, by union ................................ 10 .................................................... ............................................................. 11 11 ........................................................ 12 .................................................................................. 12 ..................................................................................................... 13 19. Ratio o f foremen to w o r k m e n ................................................... 13 20. Minimum number o f workmen requiring a foreman 13 Part III. Apprenticeship and training provisions ....................... .............................................................................................................. 14 21. Selected apprenticeship and training provisions, by u n i o n .................................................................... 15 22. Apprenticeship ratios 23. Prerequisites for entry into apprenticeship programs 24. Length o f apprenticeship programs, by union Part IV. Hiring and referral provisions 25. ................................................................................................................................... 15 ........................................................................... 16 ....................................................................................... 16 ................................................................................................................................. 17 Selected hiring provisions, by union ......................................................................................................... 18 26. Advance notice o f project start .......................................................... 18 27. Pre-job conference provisions 18 28. Source o f hiring 29. Order o f referral for new employm ent, by union .................................................................................. 19 30. Selected referral systems rules, by u n i o n ............................ . .................................................................... 20 ..................................................................................................................... ...................................................................... 19 Tables— Continued Part IV. Hiring and referral provisions— Continued 31. Part V . Penalty for violation o f referral r u le s ............. ..................................................................................... 20 32. Pre-hiring examination provisions .............................................................................................................. 21 33. Provisions for employment o f older w o r k e r s ........................................................................................... 21 Seasonality, safety, and related provisions ......................................................................................................... 22 34. Inclement weather provisions, by union .................................................................................................. 23 35. Employer obligations for employees safety, by u n i o n ........................................................................... 23 36. Rights and obligations o f employees on safe working conditions, by u n io n ....................... 24 37. Labor-management safety committee p rov ision s.................................................................................... 24 Part VI. Provisions governing working conditions ......................................................................................................... 38. Provisions for advance notice o f layoff, by union ............................................................................. 25 26 39. Rules limiting use o f specified materials, tools, or equipment, by union ........................................ 27 40. 41. Selected rules on repairs, by union ......................................................................................................... Jurisdiction o f equipment repairs ............................................................................................................ 27 28 42. 43. 44. 45. Penalty provisions for poor workmanship ........................................................................................... Rules governing crew size, height, and weight, by union .................................................................... Construction standards and limitations on subcontracting, by union ............................................. Restrictions on working employers, non-bargaining unit personnel, and employee transfers, by union ...................................................................................................................................................... Employee transfer restrictions ................................................................................................................ Provisions for furnishing, replacing and storing tools, by u n io n ........................................................ Selected employee facilities, by union .................................................................................................. Work clothing furnished by employer ..................................................................................................... 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 Part VII. Hours, overtime, and premium pay provisions .............................................................................................. 50. Overtime provisions, by union ................................................................................................................ 51. Scheduled daily work hours, by union .................................................................................................... 52. Daily overtime rates, by daily overtime hours ....................................................................................... 53. Scheduled weekly hours, by union ......................................................................................................... 54. Weekly overtime rates, by weekly overtime h o u r s ................................................................................ 55. Overtime rates for work outside regularly scheduled hours, by union ............................................. 56. Graduated overtime provisions ................................................................................................................ 57. Premium pay rates for Saturday and Sunday work ........................................................................... 58. Graduated Saturday premiums ................................................................................................................ 59. Restrictions on working hours, by union .............................................................................................. 60. Limitations on schedule changes ............................................................................................................ 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 46. 47. 48. 49. 61. Overtime restrictions 62. Restrictions on shift work ................................................................................................................................. 63. Restrictions on weekend work ....................................................................................................................... Part VIII. Wages and wage-related provisions ................................................................................................................ 38 38 38 ................................................................................................................... 39 Basic rate structure, by union .................................................................................................................. Wage adjustment provisions, by union .................................................................................................. 40 40 66. Wage and fund security provisions, by union 41 67. Penalty for wage and fund payment default 64. 65. ...................: ................................................................. ................................................................... 41 Tables— Continued Part VIII. Wages and wage-related provisions— Continued 68. Provisions for maintenance o f higher rate in temporary change o f classification, by major activity ........................................................................................................................................................ 41 69. Travel and transportation allowances, by major activity .................................................................... 42 70. 71. 72. Transporation allowance provisions ....................................................................................................... Type o f shift differentials, by union ....................................................................................................... Money differentials for shiftwork ............................................................................................................ 42 43 43 73. 74. 75. 76. Variations in shiftwork hours ................................................................................................................... Pay differentials for hazardous and abnormal conditions, by union ............................................... Cents-per-hour pay differentials for hazardous or abnormal c o n d itio n s ....................... Percentage pay differentials for hazardous or abnormal c o n d it io n s ................................... 43 44 44 44 Part IX. Paid and unpaid leave ............................................................................................................................................ 77. Selected payments for time not worked, by union .............................................................................. 78. Paid meal during overtime hours and premium pay for work during regular meal period, 45 46 79. by union ...................................................................................................................................................... Number o f guaranteed hours o f pay or work in call-inor call-back, by wage rate ........................ 46 47 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. Reporting pay guarantees .......................................................................................................................... Reporting pay for newly hired e m p lo y e e s ..................................... Waiver o f reporting pay provisions ......................................................................................................... Paid vacation plans ...................................................................................................................................... Number o f holidays, by union ................................................................................................................. Premium pay rates for work on paid holidays, by union .................................................................... 47 47 47 47 48 49 86. Premium pay rates for work on unpaid holidays, by union ............................................................... 49 Dispute settlement procedures ............................................................................................................................ 87. Dispute settlement procedures, by union .............................................................................................. 50 51 88. 89. Type o f jurisdictional dispute procedure provisions.............................................................................. No strikes, no lockouts, by union ............................................................................................................ 51 51 Part XI. Employee benefits ................................................................................................................................................. 90. Employee benefit funds, by union .......................................................................................................... 91. Industry advancement funds and workmen’s compensation insurance, by union ......................... 52 53 53 Appendix. Subject index o f agreement provisions ......................................................................................................... 54 Part X . C h a r a c te r is tic s o f C o n s tru c tio n A g r e e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 -7 3 Introduction Traditionally, the construction industry has held an in effect on or after April 1, 1972. This coverage compares with an annual average o f 3,521,000 workers employed in the construction industry in 1972. Agree for relatively large proportions o f total employment as ments were selected, to the extent they were available, for 26 standard construction crafts for each o f the 66 important position in the national econom y, accounting well as gross investment. The industry is characterized largest Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas— that is, by several factors which distinguish it from other indus those tries: 500,000 or more. When two or more agreements covered the same craft and SMSA, the largest in terms o f worker coverage was used. workmen generally are highly skilled; they are highly mobile between employers and geographical areas; unions are single craft rather than industrial, and exercise considerable control over the labor supply; many contracting firms are small and highly specialized; and employment is subject to seasonal factors and rapidly changing construction technologies. Collective bargaining in the industry has becom e a subject o f increasing interest as exemplified by the establishment o f the Construction Industry Stabili zation Committee in 1971. But (with the exception o f wage rates) relatively little research on the subject has been carried on. In the past, the Bureau has included construction among the other major industries in its studies o f agreement provisions. This bulletin and its companion are the Bureau’ s first devoted exclusively to the construction industry and to the extensive analysis o f its collective bargaining agreements. The 769 agreements chosen for this study covered 1,213,317 workers, represented by 16 unions, and were SMSA’ s having 1970 Census populations of In this bulletin, tabulations are presented on a wide variety o f provisions; some are peculiar to construction, others are com m on to all industries. O f the latter, some prevalences do not differ greatly from those o f other industries; others indicate a distinct construction in dustry pattern. A caveat should be inserted— these tabulations reflect only our understanding o f the lan guage o f the agreements, which is open to alternative interpretations. It is also possible that the terms o f the agreements do not necessarily reflect the actual prac tices on the jo b site. In addition to preparing this bulletin, the Bureau’ s Office o f Wages and Industrial Relations is expanding its research in the construction industry with three other studies. These include a study o f work stoppages, an analysis o f health and retirement plans, and a survey o f wage rates and selected fringe benefits. Part I Identifying Characteristics of Agreements Studied Expiration Duration Region Size o f unit Major activity SMSA Employer unit Geographical scope Craft E xp iration W ork ers A g ree m en ts A l l a g r e e m e n ts 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 769 1972 206 4 1 0 , 695 A p r i l -------------------M a y ----------------------June ---------------------J u l y ----------------------A u gu st ----------------S ep tem b er ---------O c t o b e r ---------------N o v e m b e r -----------D e ce m b e r ------ 1973 ---------------------------- 47 60 49 18 12 7 4 3 6 385 2 1 33 103 97 78 22 28 8 5 2 6 117 1 1 1 1 8 ,5 5 0 18 5, 085 5 5 ,4 8 0 15, 990 1 5 ,7 7 5 1 2 ,3 6 5 875 840 5, 735 4 7 0 , 195 235 4 , 100 7 1 ,7 3 0 128, 165 95 , 650 1 1 4 ,2 6 0 1 5 ,4 9 0 2 4 ,2 9 5 2 , 875 4, 730 665 8 , 000 2 5 4 ,2 2 2 J a n u a r y ---------------F e b r u a r y ------------M a r c h ------------------A p r il -------------------M a y ----------------------June ---------------------j u l y ----------------------------- A u gu st ----------------S ep tem b er ---------O c t o b e r ---------------N o v e m b e r -----------D e c e m b e r -----------1974 --------------------------J a n u a r y ---------------F e b r u a r y ------------ T ab le 2 . Expiration A g ree m en ts 1974— Continued M a rc h ------------A p r i l --------------M a y -----------------J u n e ----------------J u l y -----------------A u g u s t ------------S e p t e m b e r ----O c to b e r ----------N o v e m b e r ------D e c e m b e r ------1975 ---------------------J a n u a r y -----F e b ru ary M a r c h -------A p r i l ---------M a y ------------June ----------J u ly ------------A ugu st ------Septem ber • O ctober — N ovem b er • D e ce m b er 1976 ■ 50 W ork ers 17 22 26 35 9 2 2 1 1 1 1 ,8 1 5 22 , 047 3 7 ,2 8 0 164, 625 1 1 ,6 1 5 325 975 300 190 59 6 2 ,1 7 5 1 12 14 13 10 4 2 1 1 28, 130 9, 525 1 3 ,7 6 0 5, 440 3, 180 340 50 100 1 750 1 30 900 16 , 000 1 9 7 7 --------M arc h 5, 000 16 , 000 E x p ira tio n of construction ag re em en ts, by u nion, 19 72—73 A gree m en ts A ll u n io n s ----------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) ---------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) --------------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s (IU E C )--------O p eratin g E n gin eers (I U O E ) -----------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A ) -----------------------------L a th e r s ( W W M L )--------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )----------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ----------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W ) --------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) -----------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------- E xpiration A ll agreem ents Union1 W o rk ers 1972 A g r e e m e n ts 1973 W ork ers A g ree m en ts 1974 W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts 197 5 and la ter2 W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 206 4 1 0 ,6 9 5 385 4 7 0 ,1 9 5 117 2 5 4 ,2 2 2 61 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 7 0 ,8 4 0 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 3 ,2 3 1 42, 290 5 2 ,3 9 0 7 3 22 15 22 18 1 11 16 13 12 13 18 10 14 11 2,210 10, 650 1 7 ,6 4 0 18, 700 85, 550 36, 325 2 , 800 3 3 ,7 1 5 1 0 9 ,2 5 0 5, 680 11,900 6 , 035 3 5 ,4 8 5 2, 465 19, 360 1 2 ,9 3 0 15 8 55 17 23 33 3 , 465 11,200 3 9 ,4 4 0 16, 335 131, 620 2 5 , 570 5 ,805 1 _ _ _ _ 17 5 7 10 7, 460 1 4 ,8 7 5 5 1 ,5 5 0 15, 375 7 2 4 6, 300 2 , 800 2 1 ,9 7 5 _ _ - - - - 18 23 24 32 32 34 30 22 19 44 , 715 76, 400 3 ,8 1 0 2 2 ,8 1 0 16, 025 27 , 130 7, 335 16, 200 28 , 140 1 7 2 5 10 7 4 6 1 4 16, 000 11, 520 6, 500 435 3, 805 2, 315 3, 850 1, 585 700 320 5 10 5 19 8 4 5 9 8 2 5 , 200 7 9 ,1 5 0 685 3 1 ,9 0 5 6, 561 1,7 8 0 1 ,8 4 6 6 , 030 11,000 7 8 ,2 0 5 100 1 A ll unions, with the exception of the T e a m s te r s , are a ffiliated with the A F L -C I O . T h eir com plete n am es a re as fo llo w s: International A sso c ia tio n of Heat and F r o st In su lators and A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H FIA ); International Brotherhood of B o ile r m a k e r s , Iron Ship build ers, B la c k sm ith s, F o r g e r s and H elp ers (B B F ); B r ic k la y e r s , M a so n s, and P la s t e r e r s ' International Union of A m e r ic a (B M P ); International A s so c ia tio n of B rid g e , Structural and O rn am ental Iron w orkers (B SO IW ); United B rotherhood of C arpenters and J o in e rs of A m e r ic a (C J A ); International Brotherhood of E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s (IB E W ); International Union of E levator C o n stru ctors (IU E C ); International Union of Operating E ngineers (IU O E ); L a b o r e r s International Union of North A m e rica (L IU N A ); The W ood , W ir e and M e tal L a th e r s ' International Union (W W M L ); International B rotherhood of P ainters and A llied T r a d e s (P A T ); O p erative P la s t e r e r s ' and C em ent M a so n s' International A sso c ia tio n of the United States and Canada (O P C M ); United A s so c ia tio n of Journeym en and A pprentices of the P lu m bing and P ip efittin g Industry of the United States and Canada (P P F ); United Slate, T ile and C om p osition R o o fe r s , Damp and W a terp ro ff W o r k e r s A sso c ia tio n (RD W W ); Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s International A sso c ia tio n (SMW); International B rotherhood of T e a m s t e r s , C hau ffeu rs, W areh ou sem en and H elp ers of A m e r ic a (IB T ). 2 In clud es one a g r e e m e n t expiring in 1976 and one a g ree m e n t ex pirin g in 1977. A g r e e m e n ts Duration A ll a g r e e m e n t s -----------------------------------------L e s s than 12 m onths -----------------------------------------12 m onths -------------------------------------------------------------13 -2 3 m onths -------------------------------------------------------24 m onths -------------------------------------------------------------2 5 -3 5 m onths -------------------------------------------------------36 m onths ---------------------------------------------------------------37 -4 7 m onths -------------------------------------------------------48 m o n th s ---------------------------------------------------------------O ver 48 m on th s1 --------------------------------------------------- 1 Includes 24 a g r e e m e n ts fo r T a b le 5. Region W o rk ers 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 3 169 39 146 35 320 17 11 29 725 1 1 1 ,295 5 7 ,0 9 0 17 2 ,6 7 1 9 1 ,3 6 0 5 2 3 ,3 6 1 5 4 ,4 8 0 25, 175 1 7 7 ,1 6 0 W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 New England --------------------------------------------------------M iddle A tlan tic ---------------------------------------------------E ast North C e n tr a l---------------------------------------------W e st North C en tral -------------------------------------------South A t la n t ic ------------------------------------------------------E ast South C en tral ---------------------------------------------W e st South C e n t r a l---------------------------------------------Mountain ---------------------------------------------------------------P a c i f i c -------------------------------------------------------------------In terregion ------------------------------------------------------------ 50 132 141 59 114 44 71 31 85 42 9 2 ,2 3 5 20 0, 755 25 5, 330 80, 416 1 0 3 ,0 4 5 2 3 ,7 0 0 6 0 ,5 8 1 2 9 ,4 6 0 28 5, 590 8 2 ,2 0 5 60 m onths and 5 agreem en ts for 61 m onths. S ize o f b arg ain in g u n it in co n stru ctio n a g re em en ts, by u nio n, 1 9 7 2 —73 L e s s than 1 00 A ll agreem ents 100 to 499 500 to 999 U nion1 A gree m en ts A l l u n io n s -------------------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )-------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -----------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) --------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (BSOIW) ---------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -----------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s (IB E W ) ---------------------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s (IU E C )------------------O p eratin g E n gin ee rs ( IU O E )---------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) ---------------------------------------L a th e r s ( W W M L )------------------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) ---------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )--------------------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) ------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W ) ------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W ) ---------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) ------------------------------------------- W o rk ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g ree m en ts W orkers A g ree m en ts W orkers 7 69 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 77 3, 890 278 6 4 ,9 1 7 146 9 9 ,7 9 5 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 , 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 68 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 4 255 - - 19 1 ,0 5 0 22 4 40 6 3 12 4, 900 650 9, 925 2 , 125 450 3, 140 2 3 23 16 3 21 1 ,4 2 5 2 , 200 15, 565 10, 485 2, 025 14, 030 - - 2 40 - - 3 135 905 380 365 - 19 7 8 - - 3 2 10 205 130 425 - 5 2 24 37 36 20 41 13 13 - 1 ,4 0 0 350 3 , 850 8 , 385 7, 296 6, 450 8 , 976 3, 755 3 ,2 6 5 - 4 4 1 15 10 17 7 17 3 - 2, 665 3, 200 555 10, 055 6, 975 1 2 ,7 1 5 4 , 050 1 1 .8 5 0 2 , 000 1, 000 to 1 ,9 9 9 2 , 000 to 4 , 999 10, 000 or m o r e 5 , 000 to 9 ,9 9 9 Union1 A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A l l unions -------------------------------------------- 125 167, 965 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F I A )--------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s (B M P )----------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (BSOIW) ---------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -----------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s (I B E W )-----------------------E le v a to r C on stru c tors (IU E C )-------------------O p eratin g E n gin eers (IU O E )----------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A )----------------------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L )-------------------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) ----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )---------------------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) -------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )-------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SMW) --------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------------------- _ _ F o r fu ll nam es of unions, T a b le 6 . - - 13 11 17 17 19, 150 1 3 ,7 5 0 2 4 , 120 2 2 ,6 1 0 - - 12 10 2 5 3 15 14, 150 12,900 2 , 500 6 , 800 4, 500 19,680 - - 11 9 14, 155 1 3 ,6 5 0 see footnote 1, A g r e e m e n ts 83 _ 2 4 4 17 6 1 11 16 1 6 2 6 W ork ers 2 5 0 , 500 W ork ers 37 2 4 6 , 850 2 2 1 8 2 10, 500 14, 000 5, 000 5 3 ,9 0 0 12,600 A g r e e m e n ts 23 W ork ers 3 7 9 ,4 0 0 . 8 , 500 11, 150 9 ,3 5 0 5 7 ,7 0 0 1 4 ,8 5 0 2 , 800 3 1 ,8 0 0 4 8 ,3 0 0 2 , 800 16, 800 6 , 800 1 5 ,4 0 0 - - 2 5 A g r e e m e n ts 7 ,2 0 0 1 7 ,0 5 0 - - 4 11 2 6 , 000 76 , 650 - 1 1 2 - - 12,000 1 5 2 ,5 0 0 10 , 000 16, 000 39 , 000 1 2 9 ,9 0 0 - - _ 8 , 000 5, 000 14, 000 2 2 0 , 000 _ _ _ - _ _ 5, 200 16, 000 _ - 1 2 - _ 1 8 1 1 2 8 - table 2. C o n stru ctio n a g re e m e n t by union and m a jo r a c tiv ity , 1 9 7 2 —73 M a jo r a ctivity A ll a gree m e n ts Union1 A g ree m en ts A l l u n io n s --------------------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F I A )--------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ---------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )----------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -----------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s (IB E W )-----------------------E le v a to r C o n stru ctors (IU E C )-------------------O peratin g E n gin eers (IU O E )----------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A )----------------------------------------L ath e rs (W W M L ) -----------------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) ----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) -------------------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) --------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )-------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W )----------------------T e a m s t e r s (IBT) ------------------------------------------ F o r fu ll nam es of unions, 769 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 see footnote 1, W ork ers 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 , 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10 , 610 70, 420 30, 936 6 8 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 table 2. Heavy construction G eneral building construction A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers 228 56 8, 751 A g r e e m e n ts 68 Special tra des W o rk ers A g r e e m e n ts W orkers 1 6 8 ,1 7 5 473 4 7 6 , 391 28 5 70 16 7 60 2 3 5 41 71 18 58 45 42 2 6 , 580 6 , 050 46, 170 2 7 ,4 8 0 40 , 850 7 7 ,1 4 5 18, 800 3, 350 3 7 ,8 5 0 10, 320 6 9 ,9 7 0 1 3 ,6 7 0 6 7 ,4 4 5 11,686 3 8 ,9 4 0 85 _ _ _ _ 3 27 20 44 26 36 6 2 37 1 5 3 18 1 ,8 0 0 2 3 ,6 0 0 19, 730 2 3 1 ,4 4 5 3 4 3 5 1 1 4 ,0 0 0 1, 070 5, 500 18, 400 125 - 7 9 ,9 3 5 169, 950 290 450 15, 776 400 1 ,4 4 5 3, 100 2 0 , 830 - - 12 10 3 1 ,8 6 5 63, 500 1,4 9 0 400 1 00 250 3 1 ,4 7 5 - 5 1 1 1 22 Standard m e trop olitan sta tistic a l a rea s A greem en ts W o rk ers A ll a g r e e m e n ts-------------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 S in g le -S M S A A g r e e m e n t s —.................— .......... - 698 8 1 5 ,4 3 2 B o sto n , M a s s ------------------------------------------ - .......... ...... S prin gfield —C hicopee—H olyok e, M a s s ................. P ro v id en ce- Paw tucket- W a r w ic k , R. I -----------H a rtfo rd , C onn ------------------------------------------------------New Y o r k , N . Y ------------------ ------------------ - ................... B u ffa lo , N . Y ................................ ...................— ............... R o ch e ste r , N . Y -----------------------------------------------------A lbany^Schenectady—T r o y , N . Y —-------------------S y r a c u se , N . Y ------------------------------------------------------N ew ark , N . J ----------------------------------------------------------P a te r so n —C li f t o n -P a s s a ic , N . J ------------------------J e r s e y C ity, N . J ---------------------------------------------------P h iladelp h ia, P a ---------------------------------------------------P ittsb u r g h , P a ------------------------------------------------------A llentow n—B eth le h e m , E aston —P a --------------------C leve lan d , O h io -----------------------------------------------------C incinnati, O h i o ---------------------------------------------------C olu m b u s, Ohio ---------------------------------------------------D ayton, O h io -----------------------------------------------------------T o le d o , O h io ----------------------------------------------------------A k ro n, O h io -............. ............................. - ---------------------Youngstow n- W a r r e n , O h io ---------------------------------In dianapolis, In d ......................................... — ............— G ary—H am m ond- E a st C hicago, In d -----------------C h icago, 111------------------------------------------------------------D e tro it, M ic h ---------------------- --------- - ............... —.......... Grand R apids, M ic h —............. - ...................................... M ilw au k ee, W i s -----------------------------------------------------M in n eapolis—St. P au l, M in n ------------------------------St. L o u is, M o ---------------- ---------------------------------------K a n sas C ity, M o. -K a n s -------------------------------------O m aha, N e b r ........ ...................... .................... — .......... — W ilm in gton , Del — .......................................................... 14 9 7 16 20 15 11 9 12 5 5 5 14 14 15 10 15 11 14 9 8 11 14 10 15 14 9 10 16 15 12 16 7 3 7 ,5 4 5 2 ,7 8 5 4 , 820 3 2 ,0 0 5 6 4 ,1 0 5 1 1 ,8 9 0 8 ,2 2 5 9 ,7 2 5 4 ,7 3 5 3 ,2 0 5 2, 370 1 ,7 0 0 2 6 ,8 3 0 3 0 ,9 2 5 8 ,9 7 5 1 8 ,6 9 0 1 0 ,7 7 5 4 ,3 1 0 6 ,6 1 0 6 , 225 4 , 530 2 , 020 8 ,4 4 0 6 , 140 69 , 115 5 4 ,6 3 0 2 , 620 1 3 ,4 2 0 3 9 ,1 9 0 1 7 ,8 4 1 1 7 ,0 3 0 6 , 355 2 ,4 0 5 Standard m etrop olitan sta tistic a l areas B a ltim o r e , Md -------------------------------W ashington, D. C ---------------------------N o r fo lk -P o r tsm o u th , V a -------------Richm ond, V a ---------------------------------G re en sb o ro - W inston S alem - High P oint, N . C .— -------------------------------Atlanta, G a ---------------------------------------M ia m i, F l a ---------------------------------------T a m p a -S t. P e te r sb u rg , F l a -------F t. L auderdale- H ollyw ood, F la — J a ck so n v ille , F l a ---------------------------L o u isv ille , K y ---------------------------------M e m p h is, T e n n ------------------------------N a sh v ille , T e n n ------------------------------B irm in g h a m , A l a ---------------------------New O r le a n s, L a ---------------------------Oklahom a C ity, O k la ------------- -------- Houston, T e x ----------------------------------D a lla s , T e x -------------------------------------San A ntonio, T e x ---------------------------F t. W orth, T e x ------------------------------D enver, C o l o ----------------------------------P hoenix, A r iz ---------------------------------Salt Lake City , Utah---------------------Seattle- E v ere tt, W a s h -----------------P ortlan d , O r e g -------------------------------Los A n g e le s- Long B each, C a l i f San F r a n c isc o - Oakland, C a lif-----Anaheim - Santa- Ana- Garden G ro v e , C alif -------------------------------San D iego, C a l i f -----------------------------San B ernadino- R iv e r sid e , C a lif-. San J o se , C a lif -------------------------------S acram en to, C a lif --------------------------Honolulu, Hawaii ---------------------------M u lti-S M S A A g r e e m e n ts 1 lents W o rk ers 15 11 9 9 1 0 ,8 1 5 2 1 ,4 4 0 2 , 120 1 ,7 8 0 6 12 10 12 7 13 8 10 13 15 14 13 14 8 10 4 12 11 9 13 16 3 8 3, 210 1 2 ,4 6 0 6 , 930 6 , 950 5, 230 4 , 760 5, 300 6 ,6 2 5 5 ,0 7 0 8 , 755 11 , 241 6 , 070 2 2 ,5 7 5 4 , 360 2, 42 0 2, 765 19,080 6 , 990 3 ,8 9 0 3 5 ,8 7 5 1 5 ,9 3 5 10 , 900 5 ,7 5 5 1 9 4 5 6 1 2 , 000 12, 940 1 ,7 8 5 5 ,6 7 0 2, 550 1 , 000 71 3 9 7 ,8 8 5 Standard m e trop olitan sta tistica l areas A ll a g r e e m e n ts c overin g m ore than one SM SA ---------------------------------------B oston —S p rin gfield , M a s s ----------------------------------B o sto n , M a s s . —P r o v id e n ce , R . I ---------------------B oston —S p rin gfield , M a s s . —P rovid en ce, R . I . —H a rtfo rd , Conn ----------------------------------------New ark—P a te r so n , N . J ---------------------------------------N ew ark—J e r s e y C ity, N . J ----------------------------------New ark—P a terso n —J e r s e y C ity, N . J ---------------N ew ark—P a terso n —J e r s e y C ity, N . J . — New Y o r k , N . Y ---------------------------------------------------P hiladelphia—A lle n tow n , Pa ------------------------------P h ilad elp h ia, P a . —W ilm in g to n , D e l ---------------P hiladelp hia—A lle n tow n , P a . — W ilm in g to n , D e l ------------------------------------------------C levelan d —A k ro n , O h i o --------------------------------------C levelan d —C incinnati—C olu m bus— Dayton—T oledo—A k r on—Y oungstown, O h i o -----------------------------------------------------------------------G ary—In d ianap olis, I n d ---------------------------------------G a r y , In d .—C h icago, 111--------------------------------------D e troit—G rand R a p id s, M i c h ----------------------------M ilw a u k ee, W i s . —M in n e a p o lis, M in n .— St. L o u i s ,—K a n sas C ity, M o . —Om aha, N e b .—D e n v e r, C o l o ------------------------------------------N orfolk —R ich m on d, V a ----------------------------------------M ia m i—F t . L a u d erd a le, F la ----------------------------- A greem en ts W o rk ers 71 3 9 7 ,8 8 5 2 2 1 3 ,5 0 0 2, 130 1 1 1 7 45 0 700 15, 500 1 1 ,6 0 0 1 1 1 2 ,8 0 0 500 5, 000 1 1 6 , 000 2, 500 2 2 1 3 2 6 ,0 0 0 12, 900 8 , 000 9 ,4 0 0 1 3 4 4 ,8 0 0 3 ,8 2 5 2 1 ,6 5 0 Standard m etrop olitan sta tistica l a rea s M ia m i—T am pa—F t. Lau derdale— J a ck so n v ille , F l a -----------------------------------------M ia m i—Tam pa—F t. Lau d erd ale— J a ck so n v ille , F l a . —G re en sb o ro , N . C . — A tlan ta, G a .—M e m p h is ,—N a sh v ille , Tenn . —B irm in g h a m , A la ---------------------------Houston—San A nton io, T e x ---------------------------D allas—F t. W orth , T e x --------------------------------Houston—D allas—San Antonio— F t . W orth , T e x .—New O r le a n s, L a . —Oklahom a C ity, Okla ------------------------L o s A n g e le s—A n ah eim , C a l i f ----------------------L os A n g e le s—San B ern ardin o C a l i f -----------L os A n g e le s—A naheinv-San B ern ardin o C a l i f — -------------------------— ----- ----------L os A n g e le s—A nah eim —San Diego— San B ern ardin o, C a lif ---------------------------------L o s A n g e le s—San F r a n c isc o —San D iego— S acram en to, C a l i f ---------------------------------------San F r a n c isc o —San J ose—S acram en to, C a lif — ........... ........ ............-------- L os A n g e le s—San F r a n c isc o —A nah eim — San D iego—San B ern ardin o— San J ose—S acram en to, C a lif ---------------------------------------------------------------National a g r e e m e n t1 2 --------------------------------- 1 M u ltip le a r e a agree m e n t c overs m o re than one SM SA . 2 One a g ree m e n t c o v e r s all S M S A 's except New Y o rk , N . Y . ; one agree m e n t c o v er s a ll except P hoenix, A r iz . , S eattle, W a s h ., San F r a n c is c o , C a l i f .; A nah eim , C a lif .; San D iego, C a lif .; San B ern ardin o, C a li f .; San J o s e , C a li f .; S acram en to, C a li f .; and Honolulu, A gree m en ts W ork ers 100 1 1 7 3, 700 1 ,3 0 0 9 ,8 5 0 1 4 1 5 ,5 0 0 6 , 350 8 , 000 8 1 0 2 ,5 3 0 3 1 0 ,4 0 0 1 12 , 0 0 0 5 6 9 ,4 0 0 1 500 2 21,000 P ortland , H aw aii. O r e ., L os A n g e le s , C a lif. ; E m p loye r Unit A g r e e m e n ts 769 1 ,2 1 3 , 317 Single e m p lo y e r ------------------------------------------------M u ltie m p lo y e r -----------------------------------------------------Single a s s o c i a t i o n ----------------------------------------M u lt i-a s s o c ia t io n -----------------------------------------Industry a r e a s 1 ---------------------------------------------- 7 762 655 74 33 225 1 ,2 1 3 , 092 8 6 7 , 862 3 0 9 ,5 9 0 3 5 ,6 4 0 1 A n In d u str y -A r e a a g r e e m e n t is a " m a s t e r " a greem en t drawn up by a union in a p a rtic u la r in du stry or a r e a , to which individual f i r m s , not banded together as an a s s o c i ation, sign and b ec o m e p a r tie s . T a b le 11. A g r e e m e n ts G eograp hical scope W ork ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------------- A ll a g r e e m e n t s ---------------------------------------- 769 C ity o n ly ---------------------------------------------------------------C ity and v ic in ity -------------------------------------------------Single c o u n ty -------------------------------------------------------M u ltic o u n ty ----------------------------------------------------------Single State --------------------------------------------------------M o r e than one S ta t e ------------------------------------------- 22 39 33 498 46 131 C o n stru ctio n a g re em en ts, by c r a ft, 1 9 7 2 —73 C raft A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers Union1 A ll a g r e e m e n t s ---------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 Single c r a ft agree m e n ts ----------------------------- 493 9 5 1 ,4 1 0 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ---------------------------------------------B o i le r m a k e r s ------------------------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s --------------------------------------------------------C a rp e n ters ----------------------------------------------------------C em ent M a so n s -------------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ------------------------------------------E le v a to r C on stru c tors -------------------------------------G l a z i e r s ----------------------------------------------------------------L a b o r e r s --------------------------------------------------------------L a t h e r s -----------------------------------------------------------------M a r b le M a s o n s ---------------------------------------------------M o s a ic and T e r r a z z o W o r k e r s ----------------------O p eratin g E n g in e e r s ---------------------------------------P i p e f it t e r s -----------------------------------------------------------P l a s t e r e r s -----------------------------------------------------------P lu m b e r s -------------------------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ---------------------------------------S ton em asons -------------------------------------------------------T ile L a y e r s ---------------------------------------------------------T ru ck D r i v e r s --------------------------------------------- ;------- 28 11 5 56 25 61 2 29 51 47 3 5 41 9 16 1 46 1 14 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 2, 560 2 9 0 , 695 13, 000 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 7, 360 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 130 265 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 9 .8 5 5 4 ,7 9 5 930 4 2 ,2 9 0 200 5 ,3 8 0 52, 39 0 M u ltic r a ft a g r e e m e n t s -------------------------------- 276 2 6 1 ,9 0 7 C om p osition and Slate and T ile R o o f e r s -----G la z ie r s , P a in te r s and P a p e r h a n g e rs---------Iro n w o rk e rs and R o d m e n ---------------------------------P a in te r s and P a p e r h a n g e r s -----------------------------P lu m b e r s and P ip efitte rs -------------------------------V a r io u s com bination s of B r ic k la y e r s , S to n em a so n s, P la s t e r e r s , Cem ent M a so n s, M a r b le M a s o n s , T ile L a y e r s , and M o saic and T e r r a z z o W o r k e r s ---------------------------------- 51 2 39 39 50 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 ,8 0 0 52, 710 5 5 ,4 6 0 5 7 ,4 6 0 R o o fe r s (RDWW) P a in te r s (P A T) Iron w orkers (BSOIW) P a in ters (P A T) P lu m b ers (P P F ) 95 7 8 ,2 4 6 B r ic k la y e r s (B M P ), P la s t e r e r s (OPCM ) F o r fu ll n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2< A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (HFIA) B o ile rm a k e r s (B BF) B r ic k la y e r s (BMP) C arp e n ters (CJA) B r ic k la y e r s (B M P ), P la s t e r e r s (OPCM ) E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s (IBEW) E le v a to r C on stru ctors (IUEC) P ain ters (P A T) L a b o r e rs (LIUNA) L ath ers (W W M L ) B r ic k la y e r s (BM P) B r ic k la y e r s (BM P) Operating E n gin eers (IUOE) P lu m b ers (P P F) B r ic k la y e r s (B M P ), P la s t e r e r s (OPCM ) P lu m b ers (P P F) Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SMW) B r ic k la y e r s (BM P) B r ic k la y e r s (B M P ), P a in ters (P A T) T e a m s te r s (IBT) W ork ers 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 29, 56, 59 , 7 9 3, 128, 136, 075 875 305 426 425 211 Part II. Union Security, Management Rights, and Other Noneconomic Provisions Union security C heckoff Steward provisions Antidiscrimination Favored nations Management rights Unrestricted work practices provisions Foremen provisions A ll agreem ents Union sec u rity C heckoff Union12 A ll agreem en ts A ll u n io n s ----------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (HFLA.)---------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s (IU E C )--------O p eratin g E n gin eers ( I U O E )-----------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A ) -----------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L ) -------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) ---------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ----------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )--------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) -----------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------- 1 F o r fu ll n am es of unions, NOTE: T ab le 13. N on additive. W orkers A ll agree m e n ts W ork ers A ll agree m e n ts W o rk ers 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 524 1, 02 7, 107 268 3 2 4 , 366 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 7 0 ,8 4 0 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 , 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10 , 610 70, 420 3 0 , 936 68 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 15 8 65 18 44 40 1 24 38 30 52 41 41 38 38 31 3 , 485 2 0 , 700 5 7 ,3 4 0 3 5 , 155 2 5 1 ,8 5 0 58, 750 16, 000 9 1 ,8 9 0 2 4 4 , 550 7, 555 61 ,4 0 0 27 , 701 5 1 ,1 8 5 10 , 686 38 , 010 50, 850 13 7 19 9 15 24 3 ,4 5 0 14, 850 1 2 ,1 0 5 10, 680 7 2 ,1 0 0 1 9 ,0 5 5 see footnote 1, - - 11 19 16 38 20 16 39 7 15 3 1 ,9 5 0 7 2 ,5 0 0 2 , 370 39 , 150 6 ,8 0 5 1 5 ,8 7 5 9, 461 3 ,9 2 5 10 , 090 table 2. Some a greem en ts contain m ore than one kind of p r o v isio n . C h e c k o ff p ro visio n s in co n stru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , by ty p e of union s e c u rity , 1 9 7 2 —73 Type of checkoff A l l a g ree m e n ts Total Type of union sec u rity A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers A g ree m en ts Dues checkoff W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers Dues and a s s e s s m e n ts Dues and initiation fe e s A g r e e m e n ts W orkers A g r e e m e n ts W orkers No r efe ren ce to checkoff D u es, a s s e s s m e n ts , and initiation fe e s A g r e e m e n ts A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers W o rk ers A l l a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 268 3 2 4 ,3 6 6 217 2 6 5 , 856 4 3 , 120 36 3 4 ,3 4 0 11 2 1 ,0 5 0 501 88 8 , 951 Union s e c u r i t y -----------------------------------------------Union shop1 -----------------------------------------------M o d ified union shop ------------ - ----------A g e n c y shop3 --------------------------------------------M ain tenan ce of m e m b e r sh ip 4 5 --------------Both agency shop and m a in tenance of m e m b e r s h ip -----------------------Sole b a r g a in in g ----------------------- *---------------- -— 524 45 5 50 8 9 1, 0 2 7 ,1 0 7 9 4 9 ,8 8 7 2 6 , 750 2 8 ,4 9 0 19 , 160 201 168 28 2 3 25 7, 646 2 3 1 ,4 3 6 16, 575 7, 650 1 ,9 8 5 168 137 27 2 2 2 1 1 ,6 5 1 185, 901 16, 150 7, 650 1 ,9 5 0 2 2 2 ,3 0 0 2 ,3 0 0 20 , 550 20 , 550 - - 2 3 ,1 4 5 2 2 ,6 8 5 425 35 10 10 - 21 19 1 1 323 287 22 6 6 7 6 9 ,4 6 1 7 1 8 ,4 5 1 10, 175 2 0 , 840 17, 175 2 24 5 2 , 820 186, 210 66 , 720 49 5 4 ,2 0 5 2 - - - 67 820 15 11, i 95 1 2 178 2 , 820 1 1 9 ,4 9 0 - - - - - 500 1 A union shop r e q u ir e s a ll e m p lo y ee s to b e c o m e m e m b e r s of the union within a sp ecified tim e a fter h irin g , or a fter a new p r o v i s i o n is negotiated and to r em ain m e m b e r s of the union as a condition of continued em p lo y m en t. 2 A m o d ified union shop is the sa m e a s a union shop except that certain em ployee groups m ay be exem pted— for e x a m p le , those alre a d y em ployed at the tim e that the p r o v isio n was negotiated who had not a s yet joined the union. 3 A n agen cy shop r e q u ir e s a ll em p lo y e e s in the bargaining unit who do not join the union to pay a fixed amount m on th ly, u sually the equivalent of union d ues, as a condition of em p loym en t, to help d efray the union's ex p e n se s in actin g as a b argainin g agent. The agency shop m ay appear in com bination with other fo r m s of union se c u rity . 4 M ain tenan ce of m e m b e r sh ip d e s c r ib e s an a rran g em en t w hereby em ployees who a r e m e m b e r 1' o f the uni on at the tim e the a g ree m e n t is negotiated, or who volu ntarily jo in s subsequently, m u st m ain tain their m e m b e r sh ip , u su ally fo r the duration of the a g ree m e n t, as a condition of continue -ym ent. 5 Sole bargainin g d e s c r ib e s the a r ra n g em e n t w hereby the union is recogn ized as the e x c i i -c i .- bargaining agent fo r a ll e m p lo y e e s, union and nonunion, in the bargaining unit, but union m e m b e r ship is not req u ired as a condition of em p lo y m en t. Stew ard 2 se le c tio n p r o v isio n A ll agreem en ts A g ree m en ts A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H FLA )---------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s (B M P ) -------------------------------------Iro n w o rk e rs (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) ------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( IB E W )------------------------E le v a to r C on stru c tors (IU E C )-------------------O p eratin g E ngin eers (IU O E )----------------------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A )----------------------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L ) ------------------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) ----------------------------------------------P la s t e r s (O P C M ) ------------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) --------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )-------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W )----------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------------------- 1 * In so m e * that the W orkers A gree m en ts W ork ers Paid tim e fo r stew ards A g ree m en ts W ork ers "S u p e r s e n io r ity " fo r stew a rd s^ A g ree m en ts W ork ers 769 1 ,2 1 3 . 317 663 1 .1 2 5 . 751 370 8 0 3 .5 6 6 267 5 3 7 . 131 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 2 1 , 850 70, 840 52, 710 29 0, 695 77 , 270 18, 800 115, 150 27 1, 300 10, 610 70, 42 0 30, 936 6 8 ,, 245 13,, 231 42 ,, 290 52, 390 13 11 73 36 56 55 _ 3, 665 2 1 , 85 0 65,, 035 47 , 510 2 9 0 , 695 70, 46 0 _ 5 11 29 29 41 29 1 ,6 0 5 2 1 ,8 5 0 2 6 ,0 9 0 4 1 ,1 6 0 2 4 5 ,9 2 5 3 3 , 790 _ 6 5 31 29 31 13 _ 2, 025 1, 9 00 32 , 665 4 1 ,5 3 5 1 6 5 ,5 2 0 2 6 ,0 6 5 _ 36 51 41 64 56 54 37 44 36 1 0 1 , 900 271,, 300 10 ,, 185 67,, 62 0 30,,311 57,, 120 10,, 260 41,, 760 36,, 080 26 34 34 25 31 37 4 18 17 9 3 ,3 3 0 1 8 9 ,4 5 0 4 ,7 6 5 4 0 , 565 2 2 ,4 9 6 4 0 ,9 8 5 1 ,3 2 5 1 8 ,3 3 0 21,900 15 25 7 30 12 18 6 21 18 4 7 ,3 0 5 1 1 6 ,4 5 0 1 ,7 4 0 3 3 ,0 7 0 9 ,7 8 6 2 3 ,0 0 0 1 ,5 0 5 16 ,7 6 0 1 7 ,8 0 5 F o r fu ll n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. A stew ard selection p rovision denotes any p r ovision r efe rrin g to the method used to s e le c t stew a r d s, typ ically by appointment or election . in sta n c e s, p rovision s estab lish a ratio of stew ards to the w ork fo r c e . "S u p e r s e n io r ity " indicates that, in the event of a la y o ff, the stew ard is the la st qualified w ork er to be laid off. A few p ro v isio n s a lso indicate stew ard w ill be rec a lle d fir s t in the event the layoff is tem p o ra ry . N o te : N onadditive. Table 15. A ntidiscrim ination and special m in ority program provisions in construction industry agreem ents, 19 72—73 A g ree m en ts W orkers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ---------------------------------- 769 1 .2 1 3 .3 1 7 Total with an tid iscrim ination p r o v is io n s --------------------------------------------- 539 8 4 6 .4 6 2 379 367 330 157 225 8 3 4 ,4 6 7 7 5 1 ,4 9 7 7 0 4 ,5 6 7 4 0 6 ,4 2 0 5 2 0 , 601 398 7 5 7 ,9 9 7 45 230 4 0 , 735 3 6 6 ,8 5 5 48 1 5 6 ,8 0 0 P rohibition on d iscrim in ation on the b a sis of: Race or c o lo r ------------------------------------Religion or c r e e d -----------------------------National o r i g i n ---------------------------------Age .............................. ............. ........................ S e x --------------------------------------------------------M em b ersh ip or n onm em bersh ip in the u nion --------------------------------------U n specified or general p roh ib ition ........................................... — N o p r o v is io n --------------------------------Total with sp e c ia l p ro v isio n s for m in ority hiring and apprenticeship o p p o rtu n ities----------------------------------------- A ll agreem ents U nion1 A g ree m en ts W ork ers M anagem ent rights p ro v isio n s A g r e e m e n ts "F a v o r e d n a tio n s" p r o v isio n s 2 W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers A ll u n io n s ----------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 130 2 1 3 ,2 7 5 296 6 3 1 ,3 9 6 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )---------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s (IU E C )--------O p eratin g E n gin eers (IU OE)------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) ------------------------------L a th e rs ( W W M L )--------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (OP C M ) ---------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F) --------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )--------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SM W )------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 , 695 77, 270 18, 800 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 6 8 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 52, 390 4 9 15 5 9 9 1 ,2 4 5 1 2 ,6 5 0 10, 885 6 , 630 4 9 ,2 5 0 1 2 ,1 2 5 6 2 29 9 22 53 2 , 075 5, 150 2 5 , 260 9, 155 1 7 1 ,0 2 0 6 2 ,0 5 5 - 10 12 6 10 9 11 7 2 12 - - - 34 , 120 4 8 ,0 0 0 1, 575 6 , 645 3 , 990 15, 555 1 ,3 6 0 855 8 , 390 16 28 12 23 30 35 9 10 12 58, 735 1 5 2 ,6 5 0 2, 905 4 1 ,6 9 0 4 8 ,3 8 5 4 8 ,3 8 5 1,9 5 5 1 3 ,1 0 5 15, 470 1 F o r fa ll n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2 . 2 P r o v isio n s indicating that one party to the agreem en t (em p loyer or union) shall have the opportunity to share in m o re favorab le te r m s negotiated by the other p arty with another em ployer or union. NOTE: T a b le 17. N on additive. U n re s tric te d w o rk p ractices provisions in c o n s tru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , by u n io n , 1 9 72—73 A ll agreem ents Union1 A g ree m en ts W orkers --------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) ---------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------E le v a to r C o n stru c to rs (IU E C )--------O p eratin g E n gin eers (I U O E ) -----------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A ) ------------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L ) -------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (OP C M ) ---------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F) --------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )--------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) -----------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 , 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70, 420 30 , 936 68 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 A l l unions 1 2 3 U n r e str ic te d 2 work p e r fo r m a n ce A g r e e m e n ts U n r e str ic te d 3 techn ological change W ork ers 309 5 9 5 , 771 25 9 38 37 25 8 5, 820 2 0 , 650 2 8 , 870 49,8 6 0 150, 850 18, 850 - - 18 24 25 7 26 29 20 3 15 71, 53 5 134, 450 4 , 440 1 3 ,0 0 0 2 0 , 106 39 , 525 5, 495 9, 050 2 3 ,2 7 0 F o r fu ll n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2 . P r o v isio n s which b a r lim itations on the amount of w ork p erform e d during the w orkday. P r o v isio n s which b a r resista n ce to technological im p rovem en ts or la b o r -sa v in g d evic es on the w ork s ite . A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers 249 5 9 0 ,5 4 2 . _ 5 32 11 29 12 1 18 27 18 7 29 23 19 5 13 6 ,3 5 0 18, 020 1 5 ,7 7 5 1 8 9 ,0 7 5 2 0 , 900 16 , 000 65, 535 1 5 5 ,1 5 0 7 ,8 1 0 11,000 2 0 , 851 2 7 ,2 5 5 4, 576 10, 675 2 1 ,5 7 0 A ll agree m e n ts F o re m a n m in im u m 2 G en eral forem an p ro v isio n 4 F o r e m a n ratio3 Union1 A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers A ll unions ------------------------------------------- 7 69 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 497 7 2 1 ,8 6 6 189 32 1 , 730 282 4 3 7 ,4 8 0 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F I A )-------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s (B BF) ---------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) -------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )---------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) ----------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s (I B E W )----------------------E le v a to r C on stru c to rs (IU E C )------------------O p eratin g E n gin eers (IU O E )---------------------L a b o r e r s (LIUNA ) — ----------------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L ) ----------------------------------------P a in te r s (P A T ) —---------- -------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (OPCM ) ------------------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) -----------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W )---------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) ------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 , 850 70, 840 52, 710 2 9 0 , 695 77, 270 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10 , 610 70, 420 30 , 936 6 8 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 7 10 63 35 41 54 1 ,3 7 0 16 , 850 4 0 , 605 4 6 , 760 189. 320 61, 630 3 4 12 9 16 41 10 15 2 9 7 40 5 16 485 5, 550 2 2 ,2 6 0 8 , 210 4 4 , 450 4 9 ,5 9 5 18, 125 77 , 300 215 3 2 ,5 9 0 2 , 155 48 , 740 1,220 10, 835 “ “ 3 10 16 34 29 54 6 22 1 9 15 46 3 28 6 850 16, 850 8 , 865 46 , 860 1 0 5 ,1 7 5 66 , 535 _ 8, 650 8 2 ,4 0 0 235 7, 295 6 , 065 48, 700 710 24 , 890 1 3 ,4 0 0 1 2 3 4 - - 26 28 35 29 53 50 27 31 8 8 6 , 120 1 1 7 ,1 5 0 6, 670 2 5 , 665 2 9 , 786 50, 765 7, 260 2 4 , 635 1 7 ,2 8 0 - F o r full nam es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. P r o v isio n s which require em ploym ent of a forem an a fter a sp ecified number of jou rneym en a r e em ployed . P r o v isio n s which requ ire forem en to be em ployed at a given ratio to the num ber of jou rneym en w orking. P r o v isio n s which c all for the appointment of a su p e rv iso ry or general fo rem en to coordinate the e ffo rts of se v e r a l forem en on the job site. NOTE: Nonadditive. T a b le 19. R a tio o ffo r e m e n to w o rkm e n in co n stru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 R atio of fo r e m e n to w orkm en A g ree m en ts T a b le 2 0 . M in im u m n um ber o f w o rk m e n re q u irin g a fo rem an in c o n s tru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 W o r k er s M in im u m num ber of w orkm en A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 T otal with ratio of fo r e m e n to w o rk m en ------ 189 3 2 1 ,7 3 0 A ll a g r e e m e n t s ---------------------------------------- ____________7 69 L e s s than 5 w o rk m en 1 ---------------------------------5 to 9 w o r k m e n ----------------------------------------------1 0 to 14 w ork m en ----------------------------------------15 to 19 w orkm en ----------------------------------------20 or m o re w ork m en 2 ---------------------------------R atio v a r i e s ---------------------------------------------------R e fere n c e to ra tio ; no d etails g iv e n -------- 5 31 81 17 17 17 21 1, 940 3 7 ,4 8 0 116, 290 4 3 ,6 2 5 3 3 ,9 4 0 18, 350 70, 105 Total requ iring a fo rem a n after a sp ecified num ber of w orkm en --------------------- 497 7 2 1 ,8 6 6 No p ro v isio n s--------------------------------------------------------- 580 8 9 1 ,5 8 7 to 2 w o r k m e n ---------------------------------------------w o r k m e n ------------------------------------------------------w o r k m e n ------------------------------------------------------w o r k m e n -----------------------------------------------------w o r k m e n -----------------------------------------------------w o r k m e n -----------------------------------------------------w o r k m e n -----------------------------------------------------or m o re w orkm en ------------------------------------ 239 122 65 24 16 9 9 13 2 6 3 ,8 5 1 1 5 2 ,6 7 0 8 3 ,7 7 5 4 3 ,1 8 0 4 5 ,7 2 5 55, 610 26 , 150 5 0 ,9 0 5 No p ro v isio n -------------------------------------------------------- 272 4 9 1 ,4 5 1 1 Includes 1 ag r e e m e n t p rovidin g 1 forem an to 3 w orkm en and 4 a g r ee m e n ts p r o v i ding 1 forem an to 4 w ork m en . 2 Includes 9 a g r e e m e n ts providin g 1 forem an to 2 0 w orkm en; 1 a g ree m e n t to 21 , 1 ag ree m e n t to 2 3 , 1 a g ree m e n t to 2 4 , 2 agree m e n ts to 2 5 , and 3 agreem ents to 30 w orkm en . 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 Part III. Apprentice and Training Provisions Apprenticeship provisions Ratio Prerequisites Length Ap pren ticeship pr ov ision s All agreem ents Total Union1 F und C om m ittee Agree ments W orkers A gree m en ts -------------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3,3 17 638 853,707 485 730, 982 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H FI A) ------------------------B o i l e r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -----------------------------------B r i c k l a y e r s ( B M P ) --------------------------------------I r o n w o r k e r s ( B S O I W ) ----------------------------------C a r p e n t e r s ( C J A ) -----------------------------------------E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E l e v a t o r C o n s t r u c t o r s ( I U E C ) ------------------O p e r a t i n g E n g i n e e r s ( I U O E ) ---------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) ----------------------------------------L a t h e r s (W W M L ) -----------------------------------------P a i n t e r s ( P A T ) ---------------------------------------------P l a s t e r e r s ( O P C M ) --------------------------------------P l u m b e r s ( P P F ) ------------------------------------------R o o f e r s (R D W W ) -------------------------------------------Sh eet M e t a l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) ------ --------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) ------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21,850 70, 840 52,710 290 , 695 77,270 18,800 115, 150 271, 300 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 68, 245 13, 2 31 42,290 52,390 28 11 93 39 56 61 1 28 6, 580 21,850 69, 020 52,710 290 , 695 77,270 16, 000 94, 240 10, 610 70, 225 30, 761 59,845 1 1 ,6 11 42,290 21 11 49 36 49 51 1 27 “ A l l un io ns - 47 71 58 58 41 46 ' 1 F o r fu l l n a m e s NOTE: of unions, s e e fo ot n o t e 1, A gree m ents W orkers A gree ments W orkers W orkers P rerequ isites fo r entry A gree W orkers ments D u r a t io n A gree ments 459 668, 267 89 115, 190 4, 730 21,850 42,470 51,060 280 , 570 63, 635 16, 000 94, 190 18 7 61 28 43 52 2 635 - - - 41 48 37 51 22 41 9, 800 32,785 1 9, 8 41 52,385 6, 726 34, 940 " “ 21 57 35 53 29 46 ~ 4, 315 15, 700 55, 535 37, 180 244,445 64, 660 55, 490 3, 795 65, 720 1 7 ,3 11 52,625 9 ,2 0 1 42,290 ” - 9 - _ 7 1 5 2 - 11,825 1, 150 33,300 3 ,4 0 0 - - - - 16 1 9 3 43 20, 250 265 8, 025 720 35, 620 " “ 404 5 53 ,9 0 2 26 9 76 36 49 61 1 12 6, 080 16, 700 59,080 48,410 213,745 77, 2 70 16, 000 37,000 28 5 35 18 35 54 1 8 6, 580 16, 700 27, 110 30, 355 174, 420 73,745 16, 000 40, 015 Nonadditive. T ab le 2 2 . A p p re n tic e s h ip ra tio s in co n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------------------ 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 Total with ratio of jou rneym en to a p p r e n tic e s--------------------------------------------------- 404 55 3, 902 2 11 68 94 108 11 9 9 16 5 250 2 , 175 56, 521 89 , 670 141, 515 3 2 , 930 3 2 ,4 2 5 2 0 , 100 3 1 ,4 5 5 2 7 , 140 2 to 1 ----------------------------------------------------------3 to 1 ----------------------------------------------------------4 to 1 ----------------------------------------------------------5 to 1 -----------------------------------------------------------6 to 1 ----------------------------------------------------------7 to 1 -----------------------------------------------------------8 to 1 -----------------------------------------------------------10 to 1 --------------------------------------------------------G reater than 1 0 to 1 1 -----------------------------Ratio v a r ie s by sh ift, occupation, or location ---------------------------------------------Ratio v a r ie s with number of workm en -------------------------------------------------One apprentice a fter sp ecified number of jou rneym en ------------------------Othe r 2 -------------------------------------------------------No p rovision --------------------------------------------------- 9 6 ,3 3 0 27 4 2 ,7 2 6 27 8 5 7 ,9 4 0 6 ,7 2 5 365 6 5 9 ,4 1 5 1 Includes 1 agree m e n t which e sta b lish e s a ratio of 11 12 to 1; 2 ag ree m e n ts with 20 to 1; and 1 ag ree m e n t with 50 2 Includes 2 agree m e n ts in which the ratio is su bject m ents in which a ratio was m entioned but not defined; and 2 m axim um and a m in im u m num ber of ap p re n tic es. A gree ments W orkers 683, 662 t abl e 2. Ratio of jou rneym en to ap prentices A gree ments W orkers 565 - - O n -t h e - j o b tra ini ng R a t io to 1; 1 agree m e n t with to 1. to negotiation; 4 a g r e e a g ree m e n ts which set a - - - - 43 63 51 54 38 46 6, 185 66, 320 25, 711 57,825 11, 046 42,290 27 59 26 36 28 44 4, 400 60, 700 15, 2 71 41,985 7, 831 38, 790 ■ “ 163 5 W orkers 437, 520 1 ,2 7 0 _ _ 9 5 13 28 1 12 28 1 21 3 22 9,365 6, 350 53,600 32,835 16, 000 62,815 185,400 30 18,850 1 ,9 8 0 36, 570 _ _ 14 1 10, 855 1 ,6 0 0 T ab le 2 3 . Prerequisites fo r e n try in to a p p re n tic e s h ip pro gram s in c o n s tru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 P re requ isites fo r entry T a b le 2 4 . Ag reem ents W ork ers A ll ag r e e m e n ts ---------------------------------- 769 1 .2 1 3 .3 1 7 Total establishing p r e r e q u is it e s ......... 89 1 1 5 ,1 9 0 E d u c a tio n ------------------------------------------------------A g e -------------------------------------- — ......................... ... Education and age ---------------------------------------- 1 82 6 285 1 0 6 ,6 5 5 8 , 250 No p r o v is io n -------------------------------------------- 680 1 ,0 9 8 ,1 2 7 L en gth o f a p p re n tic e s h ip p ro gram s in co n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , by u nio n, 1 9 7 2 —73 Length of apprenticeship No reference A ll ag: reem ents A gree m ents W ork ers A gree ments W ork ers A l l u n i o n s ---------------------------------------------- 796 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 565 6 8 3 ,6 6 2 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F L A ) ---------------------------B o i l e r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------------------B r i c k l a y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------------------I r o n w o r k e r s ( B S O I W ) -----------------------------------C a r p e n t e r s ( C J A ) ------------------------------------------E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r s (IBEW) ------------------------E l e v a t o r C o n s t r u c t o r s (IUE C) ------------------O p e r a t i n g E n g i n e e r s (IUOE) -----------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) -----------------------------------------L a t h e r s ( W W M L ) ------------------------------------------P a i n t e r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------------------P l a s t e r s ( O P C M ) ------------------------------------------P l u m b e r s ( P P F ) ---------------------------------------------R o o f e r s (R D W W ) --------------------------------------------Shee t M e t a l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) -----------------------T e a m s t e r s (IBT ) --------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 52, 710 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70, 420 3 0 ,9 3 6 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 , 290 52, 390 26 9 76 36 49 61 1 12 43 63 51 54 38 46 6 ,0 8 0 1 6 ,7 0 0 5 9 ,0 8 0 4 8 ,4 1 0 2 1 3 ,7 4 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 6 ,0 0 0 3 7 ,0 0 0 6 , 185 6 6 ,3 2 0 2 5 ,7 1 1 5 7 ,8 2 5 1 1 ,0 4 6 42,290 “ F o r fu ll nam es of u nion s, se e footnote 1, table 2. Includes 1 agree m e n t estab lish in g a 1 y e a r apprenticeship; 2 y ears T otal Union 1 A gree m ents 4 years 3 y ears A gree m ents W ork ers A gree m ents 16 20, 105 244 1 9 8 ,1 0 7 235 _ _ . . 3 1 1 5 1 5 - 1, 100 600 1 6 ,0 0 0 645 270 1,4 9 0 - 1 47 34 1 2 4 37 54 38 26 - 4 , 800 3 4 ,3 8 0 4 2 ,8 1 0 1 5 ,5 0 0 380 10, 650 5, 290 52, 800 2 3 ,4 3 6 8 , 061 - 25 8 24 1 47 55 8 1 6 11 5 44 “ " ” " 1 agreem ent with 1 - 1 / 2 W o rk ers - y e a r s ; and 7 agreem en ts with 3 - 1 / 2 5 ye ars A gree m ents W o rk ers 3 7 7 ,6 0 0 61 6 8 ,7 1 5 5, 880 11,900 2 1 ,6 0 0 5, 000 1 9 2 ,2 4 5 6 8 , 560 2 6 ,3 5 0 250 3, 280 1 ,8 2 5 1, 120 39, 590 " 11 3 1 54 2 200 7 ,8 0 0 190 5 7 ,8 2 5 2, 700 “ W ork ers y e a rs. O th e r2 A gree m ents 9 W o rk ers A gree ments 1 9 ,1 3 5 204 5 2 9 ,6 5 5 „ 2 2 25 3 7 1 29 51 4 10 9 6 13 42 500 5, 150 1 1 ,7 6 0 4 , 300 7 6 ,9 5 0 2 ,8 0 0 7 8 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 4 ,4 2 5 4 , 100 5, 225 1 0 ,4 2 0 2, 185 52, 390 2 1 1 2 1 2 _ 2 , 000 6 , 000 530 10, 050 180 375 - " ~ W ork ers Part IV. Hiring and Referral Provisions Hiring provisions Advance notice o f project start Pre-job conference Source o f hiring Order o f referral Referral systems Penalty for referral violation Pre-hiring examinations Older workers A dvance notice of p r o je c t start A ll agreem en ts U nion1 A g ree m en ts W o rk ers A g ree m en ts 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 218 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 29 0, 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 27 1, 300 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 68 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 1 8 28 9 18 15 1 16 17 14 20 15 30 9 10 7 A ll u n io n s --------------------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )--------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -----------------------------------E r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) --------------------------------------Iron w orkers (B S O IW )----------------------------------C arp e n ters ( C J A ) -----------------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E levator C o n stru c to rs (IUEC) -----------------O perating E n gin eers (IU O E )---------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) ----------------------------------------L ath e rs (W W M L ) -----------------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) ---------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) -------------------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) ------------------------------------------R o o fe r s ( R D W W )-------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W ) ---------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) ------------------------------------------- F o r full n am es of union, NOTE: 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 see footnote 1, W ork ers Right of em p loyer to P r e -jo b conference A g r e e m e n ts Source of hiring W ork ers A g ree m en ts 5 1 4 ,5 0 5 114 38 5, 150 50 2 1 , 3 00 36 , 470 20 , 750 135, 150 2 5 , 965 2 , 800 36 , 325 9 9 ,5 5 0 7, 070 38 , 100 18, 300 3 7 ,4 8 5 2 , 560 17, 880 14, 750 _ _ 1 6 10 15 5 5, 000 9 , 800 2 1 , 055 1 3 1 ,4 2 0 4, 660 6 3 ,3 9 0 8 9 ,7 0 0 100 815 11, 930 11, 340 840 600 34 , 500 - 21 13 1 3 9 9 3 2 16 W ork ers R e je ct r e fe r re d w orkm en A g ree m en ts R etain key m en A g ree m en ts W o rk ers 492 8 6 7 ,2 1 1 388 7 4 3 ,1 8 7 171 4 3 1 ,8 0 0 16 9 43 18 29 55 2 30 36 32 37 38 48 41 38 20 3 , 180 2 1 ,6 0 0 4 1 ,3 1 5 2 7 , 650 1 7 8 ,6 0 0 6 2 ,0 1 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 103, 625 1 8 7 ,1 0 0 8 , 405 4 6 , 385 2 4 , 776 58, 160 1 1 ,0 4 0 37 , 695 36 , 870 14 9 30 12 24 53 1 23 29 25 29 29 40 28 27 15 3, 145 16, 700 29 , 255 2 2 ,1 8 0 1 5 3 ,9 9 5 5 3 ,4 1 0 16 , 000 84, 125 1 7 3 ,8 0 0 7, 840 5 1 ,0 0 5 2 2 ,3 2 1 4 6 , 155 7, 121 2 2 ,5 6 5 3 3 ,5 7 0 11 4 12 9 14 28 1 9 9 3 8 8 24 7 17 7 2 , 550 5, 700 5, 690 17, 750 125, 200 4 3 ,2 2 5 16 , 000 5 3 ,0 6 0 83 , 800 1 ,2 4 0 6 ,1 1 5 8 , 350 2 1 ,7 7 0 2 , 255 17, 010 2 2 ,0 8 5 table 2. N onadditive. T a b le 2 6 . A d v a n c e n o tic e o f p ro je c t s ta rt in co n stru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 T a b le 27. P re -jo b co n fe re n c e pro vision s in c o n s tru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 P r e -jo b conference p ro v isio n s A d van ce notice to union A g r e e m e n ts A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------------------T otal r e fe r rin g to advance notice -------------------------------------------------------O f e m p lo y ee s n e e d e d --------- - ------ ----Of tools and equipm ents needed ------------ O f e m p lo y e e s, to o ls, and equipm ent n e e d e d ----------------------------------------R e fe r e n c e to advance n o tic e, no d eta ils given - --------------------------------------No r e fe r e n c e to advance notice -------------------------------------------------------------- 769 A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers W ork ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------------------ W o rk ers 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 218 5 1 4 ,5 0 5 164 1 4 0 5 ,9 8 0 250 5 9, 800 48 98 , 475 551 69 8,8 12 Total r e fe r rin g to p r e -jo b c o n fe r e n c e ---------------------------------------------M ay be called by either p a r t y ------------------M a y be called by union o n l y ---------------------M andatory if p r o jec t c o sts exceed a certain a m o u n t---------------------------------------R efere n ce to p r e -jo b c on fe re n ce; no r e fe ren c e to d e t a ils ----------------------------O th e r1 --------------------------------------------------------------No refe r e n c e to p r e -jo b conference ---------------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 114 3 8 5 , 150 39 14 175, 275 2 7 ,7 4 5 21 100, 515 39 1 6 2 ,6 1 5 19,000 655 8 2 8 ,1 6 7 1 One agree m e n t r eq u ires a conference when the em p loyer en ters a locality in which he has no perm an en t p lace of b u s in e s s . A gree m en ts Source of hiring W o rk ers A ll a g r e e m e n ts ---------------------------------- 769 1 .2 1 3 ,3 1 7 Total referrin g to sou rce of h i r i n g -------A ll hiring through union r e fe r ra l s e r v ic e 1 ----------------------------------------------------Union given equal opportunity with other sou rce s of w o r k m e n ................ .......... No refe ren c e to so u rc e of h i r i n g ------------ 492 8 6 7 ,2 1 1 412 7 5 2 ,6 5 1 80 277 1 1 4 ,5 6 0 3 4 6 ,1 0 6 1 Includes 102 agree m e n ts which requ ired a ll hiring through the local hiring h all, and 310 a greem en ts which stipulated further that the em ployer was fr e e to hire fr o m outside sou rce s if the union w as unable to supply the requ ired number of w o r k m en within a sp ecified p eriod . Many of the 310 c la u se s requ ired the em p loyer to replace such "o u ts id e " w orkm en with w orkm en r e fe r re d by the union as soon as the latter becam e availa ble. fa b le 29^ O rd er of re fe rra l for new em plo ym en t in construction ag re em en ts, by union, 1 9 7 2 -7 3 O rd er of r e fe r r a l of w orkm en A ll agreem ents Union 1 A ll u n io n s ---------------------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )---------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s (B M P )-----------------------------------------Iron w orkers (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C a rp e n ters (CJA) -----------------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------------------E levator C o n stru c to rs (IU E C )--------------------Operating E n gin ee rs (I U O E ) ----------------------L a b o r e rs ( L I U N A ) -----------------------------------------L ath ers (W W M L ) -------------------------------------------P ain ters (P A T ) ---------------------------------------------P la s te r s (O P C M ) ........................- ........................... P lu m b ers (P P F ) ......................................- ............R o o fe r s ( R D W W )------------------- --------- - ................. Sheet M etal W o r k e r s (S M W ) -----------------------T e a m s te r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------------------- Total F ir s t i n -f ir s t out Group ranking 2 A gree ments W ork ers A gree ments W ork ers A gree m ents W o rk ers 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 267 60 3,, 671 154 3 1 0, 130 179 4 2 7 ,0 2 5 12 8 10 8 15 54 1 20 23 7 15 16 36 14 15 13 2 ,,64 5 17,,9 0 0 19,,8 0 0 17, 550 113,, 550 61,,0 6 0 16, 000 83, 155 127,,4 0 0 6 ,, 215 34,,3 7 0 18, 051 44,, 345 3,,67 5 13, 155 24,,8 0 0 9 8 4 4 3 51 2, 395 1 7 ,9 0 0 1 1 ,9 7 5 1 4 ,3 0 0 4 9 ,5 0 0 5 1 ,6 6 0 11 2 6 8 5 53 - - - 7 7 3 5 7 27 5 10 4 3 0 ,4 5 5 6 8 ,4 0 0 1, 395 6 , 150 9 , 775 2 7 ,9 5 0 1 ,4 5 0 6 , 055 10, 770 16 10 4 13 6 22 7 10 6 2, 360 5 ,8 0 0 16, 175 1 7 ,5 5 0 7 3 ,8 5 0 5 9 ,4 6 0 _ 7 7 ,2 5 5 7 5 ,9 0 0 2 ,8 9 5 33, 195 6 ,7 1 5 2 5 ,2 7 5 2, 145 9 ,8 8 0 1 8 ,5 7 0 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 2 1 , 8 5Q 7 0 ,8 4 0 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 3 0 ,9 3 6 6 8 ,2 4 5 13 ,2 3 1 4 2 , 290 5 2 ,3 9 0 A gree m ents W o rk ers Individual ranking 3 A gree m ents 18 - 1 _ _ 3 W o rk ers 30, 680 _ 850 _ . 8 , 800 _ - 2 2 2 ,6 0 0 _ 3, 200 1 5 200 10, 950 _ _ _ _ - _ 4 4 , 080 E m p loye r m ay request sp ec ific w orkm en A gree W o rk ers m ents No p rovisions O th e r 4 A gree m ents W ork ers A gree ments W ork ers 203 5 1 5 , 111 15 3 6 ,5 8 5 502 6 0 9 ,6 4 6 6 8 5 4 13 35 1 19 21 6 13 14 32 7 10 9 1 ,2 9 5 1 7 ,9 0 0 2 , 800 1 4 ,3 0 0 1 0 6 ,5 0 0 3 7 ,0 0 0 1 6 ,0 0 0 8 1 ,6 5 5 1 2 5 ,3 0 0 5 ,8 1 5 2 4 ,2 5 0 1 5 ,0 5 1 3 5 ,1 4 5 1 ,8 0 0 9 , 580 20 , 720 1 _ 285 1 _ 550 3 1 2 ,9 0 0 _ _ _ 16 3 91 31 41 7 1 21 28 40 58 44 24 37 31 29 3, 935 3, 950 51, 040 35, 160 1 7 7 ,1 4 5 1 6 ,2 1 0 2 , 800 3 1 ,9 9 5 1 4 3 ,9 0 0 4 , 395 3 6 ,0 5 0 12, 885 2 3 ,9 0 0 9, 556 2 9 ,1 3 5 2 7 ,5 9 0 _ _ _ _ 3 _ 1 8 ,0 0 0 3 2 1 1 3, 050 250 650 900 _ _ 1 F o r full n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. 2 "G ro u p ran k in g" r e fe r s to a sy ste m whereby workm en are divided into tow or m o r e groups b ased upon num ber of y e a r s ' experience in the trade, or lo c a l resid en cy, and. all w orkmen with in each group a r e ranked equ ally. 3 Individual ran k in g" r e fe r s to a sy stem whereby each workm en is ranked com p etitively again st ev ery other w orkm an with regard to sp ec ific length of se r v ic e with the fir m , in the industry, the a r e a , etc. (U su a lly , it is r e fe r r e d to as a sen iority sy ste m . ) 4 Includes 9 a g ree m e n ts in which the workm en m ay request a sp ecific e m p lo y er, and 6 a greem en ts in which r e fe r r a l o rd er is based upon length of unem ploym ent. in A ll agreem en ts Union1 P r e -h ir in g e x am ination p r o v isio n 3 Retention of p o s i tion on r e fe r r a l lis t 2 P r e fe re n c e to lo c a l r esid en ts A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers W o rk ers A g ree m en ts A ll u n io n s --------------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 210 2 8 2 ,4 6 0 66 1 9 5 ,6 1 0 242 3 5 6 , 146 167 2 7 1 ,0 5 5 77 2 9 4 , 965 A s b e s to s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) -------------------------B o ile rm a k e r s ( B B F ) -----------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s (B M P ) --------------------------------------Iron w orkers (B S O IW )----------------------------------C arp e n ters ( C J A ) -----------------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E levator C o n stru c to rs (IUEC) -----------------Operating E n gin ee rs (I U O E ) ---------------------L a b o r e rs (L I U N A ) ----------------------------------------L ath ers (W W M L ) -----------------------------------------P ain ters ( P A T ) ---------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) -------------------------------------P lu m b ers ( P P F ) --------------------------------------------R o o fers (R D W W )-------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) ---------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) ------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0, 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 6 8 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 1 2 27 7 13 14 200 10, 500 2 5 , 740 16, 750 65, 350 1 2 ,4 0 0 2 2 2 5 4 23 12 2 2 560 5, 800 2 , 050 15, 150 2 8 , 000 3 2 ,2 2 0 5 2 ,7 0 0 35 , 900 395 10 10 21 26 9 55 1 8 8 3 13 7 42 9 12 8 2, 720 2 1 ,7 0 0 2 3 ,9 2 5 3 7 ,6 8 0 4 2 ,1 0 0 6 2 ,5 9 5 16, 000 8 , 835 27 , 200 390 2 6 , 850 1,916 50, 900 2, 590 1 6 ,2 5 5 14, 490 1 100 1 4 3 8 6 12 13 8 1 3 4 3 5 2 4 160 10, 300 9, 515 1 8 ,0 0 0 74, 850 2 1 ,0 9 5 5 3 ,3 4 0 74 , 300 100 730 11 , 9 0 0 3, 420 1 ,2 5 5 1, 750 1 4 ,2 5 0 A g r e e m e n ts - - 3 2 26 46 23 7 18 18 3 1 9 ,4 6 5 14, 650 3 ,4 5 5 6 1 ,7 8 0 1 2 ,5 1 5 7, 130 5, 200 1 3 ,0 2 5 14, 300 A g ree m en ts W orkers A gree m en ts W ork ers W ork ers E m p loyee penalty for violation of r e f e r ral sy ste m rules E m p loym ent of older w ork ers - - 2 5 3 2 7, 800 1 1 ,0 8 5 - 2,200 1, 750 - 26 5 13 47 2 4 20 13 9 19 - 8 “ - 2 6 , 310 10, 950 60,000 60, 360 2 3 ,5 4 0 30, 500 3 , 690 2 3 ,7 3 0 5, 385 18, 440 8 , 050 “ 1 F o r full n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. 2 R e fe r s to a w o rk m a n 's right to retain his p osition on the r e fe r r a l lis t follow ing a r e fe r r a l under certain conditions. M o st com m on are "s h o r t -t e r m job c l a u s e s ," which p e r m it the w orkm an to retain his nam e at the top of the lis t follow ing r e fe r r a l to a job lasting le s s than a sp ecified p eriod . Other cla u se s permit- the w orkm an to decline one or m o r e s h o r t -t e r m or other job s without losin g his position on the lis t . 3 P r e -h ir in g exam ination s m a y b e required to determ ine the potential em p lo y e e 's com petence (sk ill and a b ility), p hysical fitn e s s , or both. Of the 242 a g r e e m e n ts, 38 banned a p h y sic a l exam ination . NOTE: Nonadditive. T ab le 31. P en alty fo r vio la tio n o f re fe rra l rules in construction ag re em en ts, 19 72—73 P enalty for violation of r e fe r ra l r u le s 1 A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ---------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 Total r efe rrin g to penalty for violation of R eferral ru les ---------------- 77 2 9 4 , 965 59 7 2 0 0 , 575 5 7 ,0 8 0 4 7 2 2 ,2 5 0 15, 060 692 91 8, 352 F o r failu re to report to w ork ------------------F o r inability to do work ----------------------------F o r both failu re to rep ort and inability to work ---------------------------------------F o r unspecified violations ------------------------No refe ren c e to penalty for violation of r e fe r r a l ru les ---------------- 1 In gen eral, violation of the r e fe r r a l ru les being dropped to the bottom of the r e fe r r a l lis t . r e su lts in the e m p lo y e e 's nam e T ab le 3 3 . Provisions fo r em p lo ym en t of o ld er w o rke rs in construction a g re e m e n ts , 19 7 2 —73 P r o v isio n for p r e -h ir in g exam ination A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------------------------ Total r e fe r rin g to p r e -h ir in g exam ination --------------------------------------------------C om p eten cy exam ination re q u ir e d 1 -------------------------------------------------------------C om p eten cy exam ination req u ired under certain cond itions2 ------------------------------------------P h y sic a l exam ination r e q u ir e d --------------------------------------------------------------P h y sic a l exam ination req u ired under certain conditions --------------------------------------------P h y sic a l exam ination not req u ired --------------------------------------------------------- No r e fe r e n c e to p r e -h ir in g exam ination -------------------------------------------------- A gree m en ts 769 242 W ork ers 1, 2 1 3 ,3 1 7 3 5 6 , 146 74 1 3 8 ,3 2 5 110 1 1 3 ,2 6 0 12 1 4 ,0 0 0 31 8 1 ,5 9 5 38 48, 476 527 8 5 7 ,1 7 1 E m p loym ent of old er w ork ers W orker s A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------------------------ 7 69 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 Total requiring em ploym en t of old er w ork ers ---------------------------------------------- 167 2 7 1 ,0 5 5 Total estab lish ing ratio of total w ork ers to old er w o r k e r s ----------------------------------------------- 145 2 0 3 ,8 7 0 2 to 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 8 , 000 2 1 ,0 9 5 29. 450 4 1 ,1 9 5 16, 260 5, 455 1, 950 7, 850 3 9 ,6 6 5 2 0 , 600 1 2 ,3 5 0 12 25, 720 3 to 1 -----------------------------------------------------------4 to 1 -----------------------------------------------------------5 to 1 -----------------------------------------------------------6 to 1 -----------------------------------------------------------7 to 1 -----------------------------------------------------------8 to 1 -----------------------------------------------------------9 to l -----------------------------------------------------------10 to 1 --------------------------------------------------------G re ate r than 10 to l 2 -----------------------------O th e r3 --------------------------------------------------------M in im um of one old er w orker req u ired after sp ecified number of w ork ers are hired --------------------------------R efere n ce to em ploym en t of older w o r k e r s; no d etails given -----------------------No p ro v isio n --------------------------------------------------- 1 A "c o m p e te n c y ex a m in a tio n " is a te st designed to determ ine if a w orkm an is c a pable of p e r fo r m in g jo u r n e y m a n -le v e l w ork. 2 The conditions r e fe r r e d to involve workm en who have not undergone a fo r m a l ap pren ticesh ip p r o g r a m , w hose qualifications are in doubt, or who are recen t a r r iv a ls in the a r e a . A g r e e m e n ts 10 33 53 13 5 4 7 13 4 10 4 1 ,4 6 5 602 9 4 2 ,2 62 1 "E m p lo y m en t of older w o r k e r s " includes p ro v isio n s for the hiring a n d /o r r eten tion of older w o r k e r s; sp ecified age v a rie s fr o m con tract to contract. 2 Includes 3 agree m e n ts which set an 11 to 1 ratio and 1 agreem ent which sets a 12 to 1 ratio. 3 One agree m e n t sets a 5 to 1 ratio for w ork ers over 50 years of age and a 10 to 1 ratio for w ork ers over 60 y e a rs of age; the other a greem en t va rie s the ratio with type of work p e r fo r m e d . Part V. Seasonality, Safety, and Related Provisions Inclement weather Rain gear Safety rights and obligations Safety committees All agreem ents Ri gh t to r e f u s e w o r k in i n c l e m e n t w e a t h e r R a in g e a r p r o v i s i o n 2 U nion1 W orkers A greem ents Agreem ents A l l u n i o n s ---------------------------------------------- 769 1, 2 1 3 , 3 1 7 125 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F 1 A ) --------------------------B o i l e r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------------------B r i c k l a y e r s (B M P ) ---------------------------------------I r o n w o r k e r s (BS OIW) -----------------------------------C a r p e n t e r s (C JA ) ------------------------------------------E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E l e v a t o r C o n s t r u c t o r s ( I U E C ) -------------------O p e r a t i n g E n g i n e e r s ( I U O E ) ----------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) ----------------------------------------L a t h e r s (W W M L ) ------------------------------------------P a i n t e r s ( P A T ) ----------------------------------------------P l a s t e r s ( O P C M ) ------------------------------------------P l u m b e r s ( P P F ) -------------------------------------------R o o f e r s ( R D W W ) -------------------------------------------Sh eet M e t a l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) ---------------- ------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21,850 70,840 52,710 2 9 0 , 695 77,270 18,800 115,150 271,300 10,610 70,420 30,936 68, 245 13,231 4 2, 290 52,390 _ W orkers Agreem ents W orkers 388, 591 17 44,255 - - 1 2 350 9, 200 2 2 19 10 400 1, 775 79, 450 6, 790 - 8 38 1 15 20 2 8 - - 1 6 2 1, 200 30,300 1 ,0 0 5 - - - 39,150 208, 000 1, 000 11, 651 26, 195 - - - _ 900 300 2 1 - - 1 ,0 4 5 13, 135 - 1, 000 2 1 F o r full n am es of unions, see footnote, 1, table 2. 2 A p r o v isio n for rain gear is a statem ent of the e m p lo y e r 's obligation to provide p rotective gear such as rain coats, rainhats, and rubber b oots, for em p loyee s w ork outside in in cle m en t w eath er. The 125 agreem ents include 3 in which the em p lo y er was not p erm itted to p rovide rain ge ar. NOTE: T a b le 3 5 . who continue to Nonadditive. E m ployer o b lig a tio n s fo r em ployee safety in c o n s tru c tio n a g re e m e n ts by u n io n , 19 72—73 R e ferrin g to e m p lo y er safety obligation A ll agreem ents Union 1 T otal A gree ments A ll u n io n s ---------------------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )---------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------------------Iron w ork ers (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C arp e n ters ( C J A ) -------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------------------E le vator C o n str u c to r s (IU E C )--------------------O peratin g E n gin ee rs (I U O E ) -----------------------L a b o r e rs ( L I U N A ) -----------------------------------------L ath e rs (W W M L ) -------------------------------------------P a in ters (P A T ) ---------------------------------------------P la s t e r s (O P C M ) ----- -------------------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) --------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )--------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) -----------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------------------- 769 28 11 101 t 39 i 56 61 / 2/ 41 ¥ 4*7 73 60 60 51 46 42 No referen ce Lighting and ventilation A gree W orkers m ents Safe conditions 2 A ccid en t p rocedu re A gree m ents A g ree m ents A gree m ents W o rk ers A gree m ents 1. 2 1 3 ,3 1 7 622 1 ,0 3 6 , 177 490 8 2 6 ,8 8 7 85 6 3 ,8 6 5 179 3 7 8 ,8 9 7 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 7 0 ,8 4 0 52, 710 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10 ,6 1 0 7 0 ,4 2 0 3 0 ,9 3 6 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 , 290 52, 390 26 11 67 37 49 54 34 47 35 63 50 50 39 32 28 6 , 030 2 1 , 850 6 0 ,3 2 0 4 9 ,9 1 0 2 3 2 ,0 2 5 6 4 ,8 4 0 17 10 58 35 36 36 31 34 34 58 39 27 33 18 24 4 , 385 2 1 ,5 5 0 5 5 ,3 6 0 4 9 , 010 1 7 2 ,7 7 5 4 1 ,3 5 0 6 3 22 4 1 4 1 ,7 7 5 700 1 6 ,2 5 5 5, 700 3, 500 2, 585 3 5 12 18 28 18 520 6 ,4 0 0 8 , 275 1 9 ,8 3 0 1 4 4 ,6 0 0 23, 160 W ork ers - 1 0 7 ,8 0 0 2 5 6 ,3 0 0 4 , 120 6 6 ,4 4 5 28, 026 6 0 ,5 1 5 1 0 ,9 3 1 2 7 ,6 4 0 3 9 ,4 2 5 W o rk ers - 1 0 1 ,3 0 0 2 1 5 ,2 5 0 4 , 020 5 3 ,5 2 0 1 9 ,9 4 6 2 6 ,4 1 5 9, 356 15, 260 3 7 ,3 9 0 - 5 - 2 8 23 - 2 4 1 - 1 0 ,4 4 0 610 6 , 940 9 ,9 1 5 - 425 3, 220 1, 800 - 9 15 5 14 15 10 10 10 7 F ir s t aid kits W orkers - 2 3 ,2 0 5 7 8 ,4 0 0 705 27, 555 8 , 816 1 7 ,3 5 0 3, 251 11,200 5, 630 94 1 1 6 7 9 20 - 3 4 4 13 4 5 11 4 2 Safety equipm ent3 A gree m ents W orkers A gree ments W ork ers W ork ers 1 8 3 ,0 7 2 397 6 8 3 ,5 7 6 147 1 7 7 ,1 4 0 120 5, 000 3 ,0 2 0 1 1 ,5 7 5 66,000 2 2 ,8 1 5 23 9 44 24 30 37 5, 295 16, 550 4 4 ,7 2 5 3 9 ,6 1 0 1 3 4 ,6 0 0 4 2 ,4 8 5 2 550 1 0 ,5 2 0 2 , 800 5 8 ,6 7 0 1 2 ,4 3 0 18, 800 7, 350 1 5 ,0 0 0 6 ,4 9 0 3, 975 2, 910 7, 730 2 , 300 1 4 ,6 5 0 1 2 ,9 6 5 - - - 5, 300 4 2 ,4 0 0 370 1 3 ,3 3 0 566 4 , 600 3 ,5 0 6 2 ,4 5 0 2 , 020 20 32 20 36 26 40 24 16 16 7 1 ,0 8 0 1 7 2 ,6 5 0 1 ,9 4 5 58, 570 18, 311 42 , 140 6 , 585 9, 105 1 9 ,9 2 5 - 34 2 7 7 2 7 4 12 10 10 10 12 14 14 1 F o r full n a m es o f u nion s, see footnote 1, table 2. 2 "S a fe c o n d itio n s" include r e fe r e n c e s to safe transportation, an em ployee sa fety p ro g ra m , rules again st unsafe conditions and equipm ent, and com pliance with la w s, ord inan ces, and safety codes. 3 "S a fe t y eq u ip m en t" in clu d es such item s as safety g la s s e s , gloves for handling hazardou s m a t e r ia ls , g o g g le s, h ard h a ts, etc . which the em p loyer is obliged to provide for em ployees engaged in dan gerou s w o rk . Not included is r e s p ir a to r y equipment which is contained in the "lig h tin g and v e n tila tio n " to ta ls. R e f e r r i n g to right: 3 and o b l i g a t i o n s R ig h t to re f u s e w o r k in u ns a fe conditions All agreem ents Total2 Un io n 1 Agreem ents A l l u n i o n s ---------------------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) ---------------------------B o i l e r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------------------B r i c k l a y e r s (B M P ) --------------------------------------I r o n w o r k e r s ( B S O I W ) -----------------------------------C a r p e n t e r s (C JA) ------------------------------------------E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------------------E l e v a t o r C o n s t r u c t o r s ( I U E C ) --------------------O p e r a t i n g E n g i n e e r s ( I U O E ) -----------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) -----------------------------------------L a t h e r s ( W W M L ) -------------------------------------------P a i n t e r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------------------P l a s t e r s ( O P C M ) --------------------------------------------P l u m b e r s ( P P F ) ---------------------------------------------R o o f e r s ( R D W W ) --------------------------------------------Sh ee t M e t a l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) -----------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------------------- W orkers Agreem ents W orkers A greem ents E m p loyee c o m p l i a n c e with s a f e t y ru l e s W orkers Agreem ents E m p loy ee discipline fo r violation of s a fe t y ru le s E m p l o y e e duty to r e p o r t u ns a fe c o n d it i o n s W orkers A g r e e m e nts W o r k e r s Agreem ents W orkers 1, 213, 317 396 717,886 223 470,366 225 408,570 76 128, 390 35 79,785 373 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21,850 70,840 52,710 290,695 77,270 18,800 115,150 271,300 10,610 70,420 30,936 68, 245 13,231 42, 290 52,390 9 9 44 29 26 32 1 ,8 1 5 16,050 38,015 44,160 146,900 47,130 6 1 24 13 16 15 1 ,4 7 0 800 19, 430 26, 625 106,200 15,225 5 8 26 20 16 25 705 15,900 29,395 36, 885 69,450 40,245 1 160 9 ,4 5 0 2, 830 18, 900 7, 180 1 3 2 2 5 5 3 4 - 160 1 ,0 5 0 4, 400 1 ,4 5 0 24,950 8, 360 7, 300 13,700 - 19 2 57 10 30 29 2 13 20 20 29 29 41 21 37 14 - - - - 28 31 27 44 31 19 30 9 28 95,300 163,400 4, 425 53,885 19,416 26,095 8, 350 6, 960 44,985 18 14 20 28 19 10 14 3 22 71,105 101,100 3, 280 46, 065 10,591 20,170 3, 255 3 ,0 0 0 42 , 050 - 18 17 8 23 20 9 17 5 8 - 11 4 4 4 - - - 53,685 98, 900 1,005 26, 600 10,710 7, 225 5, 180 5, 380 7, 305 4 11 3 5 8 3 8 2 8 20,520 48, 800 49 0 1 ,6 3 5 2, 905 3, 300 1 ,9 5 5 1, 180 9, 085 N on additive. Agreem ents 769 1 F o r full n am es o f u nions, se e footnote 1, table 2. 2 Includes 6 a g ree m e n ts c overin g 3, 205 w o r k e r s, not shown elsew h e re, which p erm it em p loyee s to grieve unsafe cond itions. NOTE: No r e f e r e n c e T ab le 37. L a b o r-m a n a g e m e n t s a fe ty c o m m itte e p ro vision s in co n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 L ab or-m an age m e n t safety c om m itte es A g ree m en ts W o rk ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ---------------------------------------- 769 1 .2 1 3 .3 1 7 Total refe rrin g to safety c o m m it t e e s ----No r e f e r e n c e -------------------------------------------------- 66 703 1 1 4 ,0 9 1 1, 0 9 9 , 2 2 6 - - 2 2 6 355 2, 000 16, 060 W orke r s 496,431 4, 765 5, 800 32,825 8, 550 143, 795 30,140 18,800 1 9, 8 50 10 7 ,9 0 0 6, 185 16, 5 35 1 1, 520 42, 1 50 4, 881 35, 3 30 7 L o Part V I. Provisions Governing W orking Conditions Advance notice o f la y o ff Materials, tools, & equipment rules Repairs Poor workmanship penalty Crew size, height & weight rules Construction standards Subcontracting Working employers Non-bargaining unit personnel Employee transfer restrictions Tools provisions Employee facilities Work clothing R e ferrin g to num ber of hour s of advance notice of layoff Total Un ion 1 A g ree m en ts Worke rs A g reem en ts W ork ers A g ree m en ts A l l u n i o n s ------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 253 4 7 6 , 625 174 3 7 6 , 700 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) -----B o i l e r m a k e r s ( B E F ) ---------------B r i c k l a y e r s ( B M P ) ------ -----------I r o n w o r k e r s ( B S O I W ) --------------C a r p e n t e r s ( C J A ) ---------------------E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r s (I BE W ) — E l e v a t o r C o n s t r u c t o r s (IUE C) O p e r a t i n g E n g i n e e r s (IUOE) — L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) --------------------L a t h e r s ( W W M L ) ---------------------P a i n t e r s ( P A T ) -------------------------P l a s t e r s (O P C M ) ---------------------P l u m b e r s ( P P F ) ----------------------R o o f e r s ( R D W W ) ----------------------Shee t M e t a l W o r k e r s (SMW ) -T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) ----------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21, 850 7 0 ,8 4 0 52, 710 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 115, 150 271, 300 1 0 ,6 1 0 70, 420 30, 936 68, 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 42, 290 52, 390 11 4 44 4 43 39 2 12 11 15 22 24 9 9 4 2, 570 1, 700 36, 635 2, 425 23 8, 270 5 4 ,9 2 0 1 1 ,1 0 0 6 2 ,8 0 0 4, 240 17, 875 5, 435 26, 215 1, 915 5, 980 4, 545 3 4 36 4 35 18 1 9 10 9 20 16 4 4 1 600 1, 700 29, 460 2, 425 2 1 4 ,0 0 0 33, 345 4, 100 4 9 ,9 0 0 4, 190 8, 475 4 , 270 2 0 ,4 9 5 790 2, 700 250 M ore tharl 4 hours; le s s than 24 hour s 2 A l l un io ns ----------------------- A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) -----B o i l e r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ---------------B r i c k l a y e r s ( B M P ) ------------------I r o n w o r k e r s ( B S O I W ) --------------C a r p e n t e r s ( C J A ) ---------------------E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r s (I B E W l — E l e v a t o r C o n s t r u c t o r s (IUEC) O p e r a t i n g E n g i n e e r s (IUOE) — L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) --------------------L a t h e r s ( W W M L ) -----------------------P a i n t e r s ( P A T ) ------------------------P l a s t e r s ( O P C M ) ----------------------P l u m b e r s ( P P F ) ------------------------R o o f e r s ( R D W W ) ----------------------Sh eet M e t a l W o r k e r s (SM W) — T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) ------------------------ 24 hours (1 day) A greem ents 21 2 4 5 1 1 1 4 1 2 48 hours (2 days) 7 6, 510 11 4, 360 1 1 2 1 1 1 350 450 2, 020 1, 600 290 1, 800 2 3 1 2 2 1 “ 250 3, 330 50 325 280 125 " 12 6, 950 1 5 3 1 2 | 1 325 2, 660 1, 220 250 2 ,4 9 5 4 hours 2 hours L e s s than 1 hour W ork ers W ork ers 37, 305 12 1 5 ,4 2 5 570 1 8 ,4 5 0 4 , 315 8, 000 100 265 2, 500 325 2, 780 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 ,0 7 0 1, 255 5, 670 7, 000 75 230 125 - - - O th e r3 No r efe ren ce 16 2 9 , 375 516 73 6. 692 2 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 - 300 575 800 000 900 900 900 000 - 17 7 57 35 13 22 2 39 39 36 58 38 36 42 37 38 4, 010 2 0 ,1 5 0 3 4 ,2 0 5 5 0 ,2 8 5 5 2 ,4 2 5 22, 350 18, 800 1 0 4 ,0 5 0 208, 500 6, 370 52, 545 25, 501 4 2 , 030 11, 316 36, 310 47 , 845 4, 3, 4, 4, 8, 2, - 1 F o r ful l n a m e s o f u n i o n s , s e e fo o t n o t e 1, tabl e 2. 2 I n c l u d e s 1 a g r e e m e n t r e q u i r i n g 5 h o u r s n o t i c e ; 1 a g r e e m e n t f o r 16 h o u r s ; 3 a g r e e m e n t s f o r 8 h o u r s , and 2 a g r e e m e n t s f o r 20 h o u r s . 3 I n c l u d e s 3 a g r e e m e n t s r e q u i r i n g 40 h o u r s n o t i c e ; 1 a g r e e m e n t s ti pu la ti ng m o r e than 90 h o u r s ; 1 a g r e e m e n t in w h i c h a m o u n t o f n o t i c e v a r i e d , to a d v a n c e n o t i c e but g a v e no d e t a i l s on the a m o un t o f a dv an c e n o t i c e . A greem ents W orke rs " and 11 a g r e e m e n t s w h ic h r e f e r r e d L im itation s on sp ec ified m a te r ia ls A ll agree m e n ts U nion1 A l l u n io n s ---------------------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )--------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s (B M P ) ---------------------------------------Iron w ork ers (B S O IW )------------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) ------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W )-----------------------E le vator C o n str u c to r s (IU E C )-------------------O peratin g E n g in ee rs (IU O E )----------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) ---------------- ------------------------L ath e rs (W W M L ) ------------------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) ----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) --------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ---------------------------------------------R o o fe r s ( R D W W )-------------------------------- -----------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ( S M W )-------------- -------T e a m s t e r s ( I E T ) -------------------------------------------- 1 2 W ork ers 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 115 1 4 2 ,4 1 5 52 8 6 ,3 0 0 4 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 , 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70 , 420 30, 936 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 3 800 _ 9 , 405 _ . . 1 1 4 , 800 105 A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers - A g r e e m e n ts - 3 4 5 12 - 690 3, 875 2 4 ,8 0 0 14, 940 70 8 , 000 1, 300 7, 200 265 4 7 ,8 3 0 3 2 ,6 4 5 - 1 1 7 8 1 36 34 “ W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts - 5, 9, 6, 7, 435 150 600 000 9 , 500 3 7 ,4 0 0 655 1 ,4 3 0 4 , 865 1, 015 9 3 3 1 2 1,0 2 7 6 5 W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts - - 2 4 , 500 - - - - - - - - 4 3 ,2 5 0 " ■ re str ic tio n s on siz e of m o r ta r tr o w e ls , L im itations on tools and equipment2 Union-■made m a te r ia ls requ ired F o r e ig n -m a d e A gree m en ts F o r full n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. Includes lim itation s on size of paintbrush es, prohibitions on paint r o lle r s , NOTE: P riso n -m ad e P refab ric ate d 29 _ 6 6 6 _ - 1 4 1 3 2 W ork ers A g ree m en ts 63 1 4 1 ,9 8 5 _ 1 _ 4 160 _ 2, 325 _ 3 2 ,0 0 0 _ _ 9, 840 _ 95, 300 1 1 ,9 5 5 _ _ _ 10 , 000 3, 415 220 5, 480 3, 700 - 3 _ _ 2 4 _ 36 3 6 4 _ " etc . N onadditive. T a b le 4 0 . S elected rules on re p a irs in co n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , by u n io n , 1 9 7 2 —73 A ll agree m e n ts Jurisd iction of equipm ent r e p a ir s 2 P en alty for poor workm anship Union 1 A gree m en ts W o rk ers A ll u n io n s ---------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F I A )---------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ---------------------------Iron w ork e rs (BSOIW) ----------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) ------------------------ -----E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( IB E W )------------E levator C o n stru ctors (IU E C )--------O p eratin g E ngin eers (IUOE)------------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A )-----------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L )--------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )----------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F) ----------------------- --------R o o fe r s (R D W W )---------- ---------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W )-----------T e a m s t e r s (IBT)---------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 29 0 , 695 77, 270 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 68, 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 1 F o r full nam es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. 2 C o v e r s p r ovision s which designate resp o n sib ility for to be of p oor quality when used. A g r e e m e n ts 29 - 2 W orkers 140, 710 _ 945 _ 56, 200 A g r e e m e n ts 98 6 _ 2 - W ork ers 98, 720 1, 535 _ 4 5 , 565 2 3 ,7 0 0 _ . 4, 900 - _ 3 4 4 14 1 7, 025 _ _ 60, 620 _ _ _ 340 3, 150 1, 500 2 4 , 225 325 - - - _ 3 9, 400 - 3 - 16 2 _ - 3 - - - 44 - W ork ers 1 3 9 ,9 1 0 - rep air of m a te r ia ls and equipm ent which a r r iv e at the w o r k -s ite dam aged or which prove 11,000 2 6, boo _ 58, 6 0 0 3, 625 6, 450 1 ,8 2 5 _ - T a b le 4 2 . P e n a lty pro vision s fo r poor w o rk m a n s h ip in c o n s tru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 J urisd iction W orker s Agreem ents T ype of penalty All agreem ents A l l a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------------------------ 769 1 , 2 1 3 , 317 T o t a l r e f e r r i n g to j u r i s d i c t i o n ------------------M a n u f a c t u r e r ' s j u r i s d i c t i o n ------------------------------C o n t r a c t o r ' s j u r i s d i c t i o n ----------------------------------- 29 18 11 140, 710 124,515 16, 195 No r e f e r e n c e ---------------------------------------------------- 740 1 ,0 7 2 , 607 Agreem ents --------------------------------------- T o t a l r e f e r r i n g to p e n a l t y f o r p o o r w o r k m a n s h i p ----------------------------------------------- 1 ,2 1 3,3 17 98 98, 720 R e p a i r at w o r k e r ' s e x p e n s e ---------------------------R e p a i r on w o r k e r ' s t i m e --------------------------------R e p a i r at w o r k e r ' s e x p e n s e and on w o r k e r ' s t im e -------------------------------------------------S u b je c t to n e g o t i a t i o n --------------------------------------R e f e r e n c e to p e n a l t y ; no r e f e r e n c e to type o f p e n a l t y -------------------------------------------------E m p l o y e e s u b j e c t to d i s c i p l i n e ---------------------- 75 12 85, 535 7, 680 1 6 1, 000 2, 730 2 2 375 1 ,4 0 0 No r e f e r e n c e -------------------------------------------------- 671 1, 114, 597 T a b le 4 3 . Rules g overning crew size, h e ig h t and w e ig h t a g re e m e n ts , by u n io n , 1 9 7 2 —73 W eigh t3 H eight2 C rew size A ll agreem ents Union1 A g ree m en ts A ll u n io n s -------------------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) -------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -----------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s (B M P ) --------------------------------------Iron w ork ers (B S O IW )---------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -----------------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ----------------------E le vator C o n str u c to r s (IUEC) --------------O perating E n g in ee rs ( IU O E )---------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) ------------ --------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L ) -----------------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) ---------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )--------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) --------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W ) ------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W ) ---------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) ------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 769 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 A g ree m en ts W ork ers 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 296 4 5 3 ,2 5 6 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 29 0 , 695 77, 270 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 3 0 , 936 68, 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 7 6 43 37 12 56 1 30 9 3 27 15 17 29 1 3 W ork ers W orkers 769 2, 095 2, 750 4 7 , 210 4 9 ,5 6 0 6 6 ,6 5 0 72, 045 2 , 800 97 , 250 4 5 , 150 1 ,8 1 0 14, 750 10, 345 2 1 ,3 0 0 9 ,3 4 1 3 ,4 0 0 6, 800 F o r f u l l n a m e s o f u n i o n s, s e e fo o t n o t e 1, t abl e 2. R e f e r s to c o n t r a c t u a l l i m i t s on the d i s t a n c e a b o v e the g r o u n d an e m p l o y e e m a y w o r k . R e f e r s to c o n t r a c t u a l l i m i t s o n the a m o u n t of w e i g h t an e m p l o y e e m a y lift. A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers 69 106, 406 73 106, 170 3 1, 070 4 5 , 350 6, 150 2, 600 8 ,3 0 0 3 42 1 2 2 1 7 6 9 - 670 4 8 , 140 1 ,6 5 0 1, 130 1 7 ,3 0 0 6, 650 18, 085 9, 120 3 , 425 - - 37 4 1 4 - - - 2 2 ,6 5 0 1 3 ,4 9 0 350 5, 100 1 ,3 4 6 - 4 7 2 2 5 - W o rk ers A gree m en ts A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (HFLA) -----------B o ile rm a k e r s ( B E F ) -------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ---------------------------Iron w orkers (B S O IW )--------------- -----C arp en ters (CJA) -----------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( IB E W )------------E le vator C on stru ctors (IU E C )--------O peratin g Engineers (IUOE)------------L a b o r e rs (L I U N A )-----------------------------L ath e rs (W W M L) ------------------------------P ain ters (P A T) ---------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )--------------------------P lu m b ers (P P F) --------------------------------R o o fer s (R D W W )--------------------------------Sheet M e tal W o r k e r s ( S M W ) --------T e a m s te r s (IBT) --------------------------------- 6 ,5 8 0 2 1 ,8 5 0 7 0 ,8 4 0 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 3 0 ,9 3 6 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 W ork ers A gree m en ts 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 769 Subcontracting lim itation s * Construction standards 2 A ll agreem en ts Union 1 170 1 2 5 ,7 9 5 572 19 4 , 035 27 8 53 31 45 57 1 33 40 35 58 35 42 28 46 33 - - 7 , 720 100 7 0 , 210 1, 100 4 , 360 4 , 075 8 ,0 7 5 2 2 ,1 5 5 975 2, 980 10 21 - 1 49 - 2 25 7 20 18 4 3 1 W ork ers A g ree m en ts 1 ,0 7 5 ,2 9 1 6 ,4 8 0 20, 500 4 9 ,2 7 0 4 4 ,4 1 0 2 6 9 ,1 0 0 7 5 ,1 1 0 1 6 ,0 0 0 1 0 7 ,8 7 5 2 3 5 ,7 5 0 9 .0 1 5 6 4 ,0 4 5 2 4 ,8 4 6 5 7 ,2 6 0 6, 730 4 2 ,2 9 0 4 6 ,6 1 0 1 F o r full nam es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. 2 "C on stru ction stan d ard s" are a set of sp ecification s or a statem en t which e sta b lish es that the w ork p e r fo r m e d w ill be of a sp ecified quality, 3 "S u b con tractin g" is a procedu re in which the origin al em p loyer contracts out a ll or p art of the w ork to another contracting fir m . N ote: Nonadditive. T a b le 4 5 . R e s tric tio n s on w o rk in g em p lo ye rs, n o n -b a rg a in in g u n it p e rs o n n e l, and em p lo yee tra n s fe rs in co n s tru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , by u n io n , 1 9 7 2 —73 Union1 A ll agreem ents A greem en ts A ll u n io n s -----------------------------'----A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ''H F I A )---------------B o ile r m a k e r s (B B F ) ------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------Iron w orkers (B S O IW )------------------------ ( C arp e n ters ( C J A ) -------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W )------------E levator C o n str u c to r s (IUEC) -------O perating E n gin eers ( IU O E )-----------L a b o r e rs ( L I U N A ) -----------------------------L ath ers (W W M L ) -------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) -----------------------------------P la s t e r s (O P C M )--------------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) --------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )--------------------------------Sheet M e tal W o r k e r s ( S M W )-----------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------- F o r full n am es of unions, W o rk ers E m p lo y e r not perm itted to work with tools E m p loye r p erm itted to work with tools under certain circu m sta n c es R e str ic tio n on n o n -b a r g a in ing unit p erson n el doing unit w ork A g ree m en ts A gree m en ts A gree m en ts W orke rs 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 77 9 8 ,4 7 0 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70 , 840 52 , 710 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70, 420 3 0 ,9 3 6 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 , 290 5 2 ,3 9 0 8 1 7 1 1 21 2, 195 900 6 ,4 4 0 1, 000 1 5 ,0 0 0 1 6 ,7 7 0 _ 8 , 000 1, 525 8 , 165 1, 115 22 , 600 2, 560 5, 200 7 , 000 see footnote 1, table 2. - 1 5 10 3 10 7 1 1 167 - 33 - 8 27 _ 1 2 2 27 19 23 12 13 W o rk ers 24 2, 491 _ 2 1 ,8 7 5 _ 106, 600 2 8 ,2 8 0 _ 1 ,4 0 0 4 , 500 400 31 , 155 9, 325 2 6 ,5 8 5 3, 116 9, 255 - 150 3 1 10 3 7 7 1 5 10 9 14 / 14 12 7 36 11 W orkers R estriction on em ployee tra n sfer A g reem en ts W ork ers 2 2 7 ,4 4 5 132 710 5 , 000 4 , 730 4 , 050 4 2 ,0 0 0 7, 290 16, 000 1 5 ,9 5 0 4 7 ,6 5 0 2, 020 4 ,8 4 0 5, 135 1 5 ,3 7 0 2, 050 3 5 ,7 5 5 1 8 ,8 9 5 2 985 12 7 ,9 1 5 9 20 7 3 ,1 0 0 4 5 ,1 1 0 9 1 4 8 11 13 6 35 2 5 3 ,8 1 5 3 5 ,0 0 0 1, 525 8 ,9 1 0 6, 920 2 1 ,6 5 7 1 ,2 3 5 3 1 ,6 5 5 7, 035 2 9 4 ,8 8 0 E m ployee tra nsfer r e str ic tio n s A g r e e m e n ts A ll a g r e e m e n t s ---------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 T otal restrictin g tra n sfe r s ----------------------- 132 2 9 4 , 880 Betw een j o b s ------------------------------------------------------Between p ro jec ts ----------------------------------------------Betw een em p loyers ------------------------------------------Betw een jobs and p rojects -----------------------------Betw een job s and em p loyers -------------------------Betw een p ro jec ts and em p loyers -----------------R eferen ce to r estriction s on tr a n s fe r s ; no details given ----------------------------------------------- 69 8 45 1 4 2 1 3 2 ,9 6 5 10, 800 134, 605 3, 500 8, 050 1 ,3 6 0 3 3, 600 637 9 1 8 , 437 No r efe ren ce to tra n sfer restrictio n s ------------------------------------------------ T a b le 47 . W ork ers P ro vis io n s fo r fu rn is h in g , replacing and s to rin g tools, in c o n s tru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , by u n io n , 1 9 7 2 —73 T ools furnished by T o o l insurance or rep lacem en t A ll agreem en ts U nion1 A ll unions -------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A )--------------E o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------B r ic k la y e r s (B M P ) -------------------------Iron w ork e rs (BSOIW) —--------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) ------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s ( I U E C ) -----O p eratin g E n gin ee rs (I U O E ) ----------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A ) ------------------------------L ath e rs (W W M L ) ------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) ----------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) --------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) -------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )-------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W )----------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------- 1 F o r fu ll n a m es of u nion s, E m ployee E m p loyer A g ree m en ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 333 5 2 3 ,9 7 6 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 , 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 30 , 936 68, 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 52, 390 9 1 30 35 30 52 1 ,9 6 0 300 34 , 195 4 7 ,5 1 0 2 0 0 , 750 62, 040 see footnote 1, table 2. A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers W ork ers A g ree m en ts 383 62 6, 886 193 18 2 43 18 39 55 4 , 345 800 2 5 , 195 1 5 .6 8 5 2 0 9 , 700 7 1 ,1 1 0 4 3 ,2 8 5 1 1 9 ,6 0 0 1 ,8 9 5 3 1 ,0 0 0 1 7 ,2 1 0 5 4 ,6 0 5 6, 056 9 ,2 8 0 17, 120 33 33 37 31 1 7 1 6 3 12 12 2 9 2 - - - 15 4 4 ,3 3 5 - - 8 41 24 8 29 45 6 5 ,2 7 0 3 9 ,9 4 5 18, 116 6, 795 7, 150 3 7 ,0 9 0 18, 520 13 22 13 40 28 51 22 13 6 4 - T o o l storage A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers W ork ers 4 2 3 ,1 2 0 317 6 0 7 ,3 0 1 1, 515 12 4 54 27 51 55 1 7 9 8 7 30 25 8 15 4 3 , 345 1 ,4 0 0 5 2 ,5 8 0 4 0 ,3 0 5 2 8 4 , 775 67, 405 16, 000 30 , 090 2 8 , 050 5, 130 13, 685 13, 666 2 5 , 730 2 , 190 1 5 ,3 3 0 7, 620 - 4 3 ,3 6 0 46 , 435 1 8 8 ,5 5 0 3 8 ,8 6 5 16, 000 2 9 ,3 9 0 10, 000 810 1, 615 7 ,3 5 0 2 3 ,4 0 5 450 8 ,3 2 5 7 , 050 A ll a greem en ts E n c lose d sh elter Drinking w ater S anitary fa c ilitie s Union 1 A gree m en ts W o rk ers A l l u n io n s ----- ----------------------------------------- 769 1 .2 1 3 .3 1 7 301 5 5 9 .0 9 6 369 7 4 9 .9 7 2 253 5 9 7 .3 3 6 A s b e s t o W o r k e r s (HFLA.) ----------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) --------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (BSOIW)-------------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) --------- ---------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s (IB EW )--------------------------E le v a to r C on stru ctors (IU E C )---------------------O p eratin g E ngin eers (IU O E )------------------------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A )------------------------------------------L a th e r s (W W M L )--------------------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (OPCM ) ---------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ----------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )--------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W )-----------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 7 0 ,8 4 0 52 , 710 29 0, 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 115, 150 27 1, 300 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 30, 936 68 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 , 290 52, 390 9 10 41 37 41 12 2, 875 21, 550 3 7 ,0 3 0 4 9 , 560 1 5 7 ,0 7 5 1 3 ,0 3 5 3 9 53 35 51 17 1, 150 2 1 ,4 0 0 4 5 ,9 4 0 3 6 ,8 6 0 2 5 2 ,6 7 5 1 3 ,0 0 0 8 3 ,7 5 0 1 8 4 ,2 5 0 2 ,4 0 5 4 0 , 790 1 2 ,5 0 1 25, 245 5, 981 4 ,8 5 5 19, 170 2 7 39 16 45 13 265 1 4 ,3 5 0 3 6 ,9 5 0 2 7 ,7 0 5 1 9 5 ,6 2 5 1 4 ,3 1 5 _ 7 0 , 810 1 4 2 ,2 0 0 760 3 5 ,7 5 0 5 , 201 2 5 ,4 7 5 705 4 , 905 2 2 ,3 2 0 1 F o r full n am es of unions, see footnote 1, A gree m en ts W ork ers - A gree m en ts - - 6 1 ,9 0 0 130, 550 4 , 600 1 1 ,9 5 0 7, 666 2 9 ,3 0 0 2, 055 1 1 ,1 8 0 1 8 ,7 7 0 21 33 6 7 26 26 7 14 11 25 37 25 20 34 20 23 9 8 table 2. N o te: Nonadditive. 00 T ab le 4 9 . W o rk c lo th in g fu rn is h e d by e m p lo y e r in co n s tru c tio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 W ork clothing furnished A greem en ts W o rk ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s -------------------------------- 769 1 .2 1 3 .3 1 7 Total r efe rrin g to furnishing of work clothing --------------------------------------------------------- 59 106, 745 No r e f e r e n c e ------------------------------------------- 710 1, 106, 572 W o rk ers A gree m en ts - 16 32 5 14 21 20 4 8 11 W o rk ers Part V II. Hours, O vertim e, and Premium Pay Provisions Overtime Scheduled hours Daily overtime Weekly overtime Overtime outside regular hours Graduated overtime Weekend premium pay Restrictions on hours and overtime A ll agreem ents D aily o ve rtim e O vertim e outside of r e g u la rly scheduled hours W e ek ly overtim e Union1 A greem en ts W orkers A gree m en ts A ll unions ______________________________ 769 1 ,2 1 3 , 317 442 7 1 9 ,6 8 1 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A )--------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ---------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) ------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E le v a to r C o n stru ctors (IU E C )-------------------Operating E n gin eers (IU O E )----------------------L a b o r e rs (LIUNA ) ___________________________ L ath e rs ( W W M L ) ------------------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) ----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )---------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) --------------------------------------------R o o fers ( R D W W ) _____________________________ Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W ) ----------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------------- -— 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 7 0 , 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 29 0 , 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 1 0 ,6 1 0 70, 420 30, 936 6 8 , 245 13, 231 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 23 2 66 35 28 23 4 , 830 1, 700 4 4 ,1 5 0 4 7 ,2 8 5 1 5 6 ,2 9 5 3 7 ,8 1 0 1 F o r fu ll nam es of unions, NOTE: Table 51. see footnote 1, A g reem en ts W orkers - 100 W o rk ers 445 8 2 8 ,6 6 6 65 7 10 45 14 42 52 2 20 28 35 40 27 39 25 40 19 2, 030 21 , 050 3 7 ,3 0 5 1 8 ,5 5 0 2 5 4 ,1 0 0 6 2 ,9 9 5 1 8 ,8 0 0 4 6 ,7 0 0 161, 300 5, 710 5 2 ,5 3 0 1 9 ,6 7 5 5 2 ,1 2 0 7, 221 33, 865 3 4 ,7 1 5 7 _ 4 10 _ 2 1 1 13 9 4 7 5 2 800 2, 080 1, 000 7 2 ,9 5 0 2 , 810 - - 12 9 3 11 9 14 4 1 21 8 9 ,1 0 0 1 5 7 ,5 5 0 6 , 110 50, 175 2 5 ,2 3 0 3 1 ,4 0 0 8, 826 1 1 ,2 0 0 4 8 , 020 A gree m en ts 2 5 6 ,0 5 5 1 4 1 7 3 - 28 30 11 48 39 31 33 8 37 W o rk ers Graduated ove rtim e 50, 100 50, 100 1, 305 10, 830 9 ,4 3 0 1 8 ,3 9 5 650 1 ,2 5 0 3 4 ,6 4 0 A gree m en ts Equal distribution of overtim e W o rk ers A greem en ts W ork ers 1 1 5 ,3 0 0 102 1 3 6 ,8 2 5 - 1 3 6 10 24 . 1 _ _ 6 5 6 1 38 1 100 1, 300 5, 550 3 6 ,4 5 0 3 2 ,3 9 0 _ 3, 450 _ - 1, 095 _ 3 3 ,7 0 0 9, 330 2 3 ,0 1 5 1 4 ,9 0 0 25 6 , 190 1 1 ,8 3 5 4 , 080 2 ,4 8 0 8, 350 300 _ 1 2 ,5 0 0 1 ,7 5 0 1 3 ,8 0 0 325 29 , 190 20 table 2. Nonadditive. Scheduled daily w o rk hours in construction ag reem en ts, by union, 1972—73 Scheduled daily hours A ll agreem ents No p rovision U n ion 1 T otal 7V z hours 7 hours A gree m en ts W ork ers A greem en ts W o rk ers A ll u n io n s ---------------------------------------------- 769 1 .2 1 3 , 317 759 1 ,2 0 7 ,8 7 7 57 1 1 7 ,0 1 0 A sb e s to s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) ---------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------ ------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs ( B S O I W ) -----------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) ---------------------------- — -------— E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------------------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s (IU E C )--------------------Operating E n g in e e r s ( I U O E ) -----------------------L a b o r e rs ( L I U N A ) .................................L ath ers ( W W M L ) --------------------------------------------P ain ters (P A T ) — — — — -----P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) P lu m b ers ( P P F ) ............................. ........ R o o fers (R D W W ) ............................. Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SM W ) - — ............... T e a m s t e r s (IB T ) — ----- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 7 0 , 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 27 1 , 300 1 0 ,6 1 0 7 0 ,4 2 0 30, 936 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 28 11 99 39 55 61 2 41 50 47 72 60 60 49 46 39 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70 , 140 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 8 9 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 6 9 ,3 0 0 1 0 ,6 1 0 7 0 ,2 9 0 30, 936 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 2 ,9 1 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 1 ,1 0 0 2 2 8 1 6 8 720 250 1 1 ,7 3 0 1, 150 4 0 ,5 0 0 10, 565 A gree m en ts - 1 4 7 2 6 4 6 " W o rk ers A gree m en ts 5 - 2 - 1 - - - - 6 ,6 5 0 4 , 375 2 3 ,6 2 5 1 ,7 7 0 7 ,2 9 0 1, 335 7, 050 _ - 8 hours W o rk ers 6 , 015 W o rk ers 694 1, 0 5 4 ,5 0 2 26 9 89 38 48 51 2 41 49 42 65 58 54 44 39 39 5, 860 2 1 ,6 0 0 5 6 ,1 3 5 5 1 ,5 6 0 2 2 9 ,1 9 5 5 4 ,5 0 5 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 6 2 ,6 5 0 5, 885 4 6 ,6 6 5 29,166 6 0 ,9 5 5 1 1 ,2 8 6 3 3 ,9 9 0 51 , 100 - 1 1 " - - A gree m en ts . 2, 275 . 2 , 200 . _ 290 1 ,2 5 0 For full names of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. Includes 1 agreement which schedules a 5 hour day, and 2 agreements in which scheduled hours vary by geographical location. O th er2 A g ree m en ts W ork ers 3 , _ . _ 1 1 1 _ _ . _ _ - A greem en ts 30, 350 _ _ _ 20,000 10 , 000 _ - 350 _ . . _ - W ork ers 10 5 ,4 4 0 _ 2 _ 700 1 . _ . 1 _ 1 _ _ 2 . 3 1,0 00 _ _ . 2 , 000 _ _ 130 _ _ 320 _ 1 ,2 9 0 R e fe r r in g to daily ove rtim e rate A ll agreem ents D aily o v e rtim e hours Total A gree m en ts W o rk ers A gree m en ts 1. 213, 317 Tim e and o n e-h a lf W ork ers A g ree m en ts W ork ers A g ree m en ts Other 2 V a r ie s by occupation or geograph ical location Double tim e W orkers A g ree m en ts W ork ers A g ree m en ts W o rk ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------------------- 769 442 719, 681 198 335, 595 229 285, 031 13 97, 430 2 1, 625 D aily o v e rtim e a fter sp ec ified h o u r s -------7 hours --------------------------------------------------------8 h o u r s---------------------------------------------------------Other 1 ------------------------------------------------------ - 442 19 413 10 719, 57, 643, 18, 681 070 846 765 442 19 413 10 719, 57, 643, 18, 681 070 846 765 198 3 192 3 335, 595 8, 570 3 1 5 ,8 3 5 11, 190 229 14 209 6 285, 46, 231, 6, 13 97, 430 2 2 1, 625 1, 625 No r e fe r e n c e to d aily o v e rtim e h o u r s------ 327 493, 636 - - - - 031 875 581 575 96, 430 1 , 000 - - - 1 Includes 1 a g ree m e n ts w hich pays overtim e p rem iu m s after 5 h ours; 3 agree m e n ts after 7 V2 h ours; 1 a greem en t after 10 h ours; by occupation ; and 4 a g r ee m e n ts which r e fe r to daily overtim e hours but give no d eta ils. 2 Includes 1 a g ree m e n t w hich r eq u ires trip le tim e, and 1 agreem ent which r e fe r s to daily ov e rtim e rate but gives no d eta ils. T ab le 5 3 . 12 1 1 a greem en t which v a r ie s ov e rtim e hours Scheduled w ee kly hours in construction agreem ents, by union, 1972—73 Scheduled w eekly hours No p rovision A ll agreem ents Total Union 1 A greem en ts W o rk ers A g reem en ts W ork ers A gree m en ts A ll u n io n s ---------------------------------------------- 769 1, 213, 317 653 1, 074, 531 52 A sb e s to s W o r k e r s (H F L A )---------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------------------E le v a to r C on stru c to rs ( I U E C ) ------------------O perating E n gin ee rs (I U O E ) -----------------------L a b o r e rs ( L I U N A ) -----------------------------------------L ath ers ( W W M L )--------------------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) -----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )----------------------------------------P lu m b ers (P P F )---------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W ) - ------ -------------- ------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) -----------------------T e a m s te r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21, 850 70, 840 52, 710 290, 695 77, 270 18, 800 115, 150 271, 300 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 68, 245 13, 231 42, 290 5 2 ,3 9 0 7 11 71 33 48 59 1 36 44 42 67 50 58 41 46 39 1, 21, 53, 45, 246, 70, 16, 105, 244, 8, 63, 24, 65, 10, 42, 51, 770 850 980 830 295 435 000 980 400 530 995 641 995 940 290 600 2 8 1 5 8 - Other 2 40 hours 35 hours W o rk ers 101, 045 13, 1, 25, 10, 250 510 150 000 565 - - - 1 3 7 1 6 4 6 6, 650 4, 350 23, 625 270 7, 290 1, 335 7, 050 A g ree m en ts 5 85 7 9 62 32 42 48 1 36 43 37 60 49 46 35 39 39 W o rk ers 926, 151 1, 26, 40, 44, 201, 46, 16, 105, 237, 3, 40, 24, 47, 8, 33, 51, 770 600 145 680 295 470 000 980 750 665 370 371 570 895 990 600 A g ree m en ts 16 47, 335 A g ree m en ts 116 21 W ork ers 138, 786 4, 810 - - - - 1 325 - - 1 3 20, 000 13, 400 - - 30 6 8 2 1 5 7 5 6 10 2 10 16, 860 6, 880 44, 400 6, 835 2, 800 9, 170 26, 900 2, 080 6 ,4 2 5 6, 295 2, 250 2, 291 - - 2 _ 515 _ - - 6 2 1 11, 135 710 1, 250 1 F or fu ll n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. 2 Includes 1 a g ree m e n t scheduling 25 hours; 6 agreem en ts with 36 h ou rs; 1 a greem en t with 37 hours, 4 a gree m e n ts having 3 7 V2 hours; agree m e n t in w hich scheduled h ours vary by occupation; and 2 agreem ents in which hours vary by geograph ical location. W ork ers - _ 3 790 1 agree m e n t scheduling 38 hours; 1 R e fe r r in g to w eekly ov e rtim e rate V a r ie s by occupation or geograph ical location A ll agreem ents T otal W e ek ly o v e rtim e hours T im e and one -h a lf W orkers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 100 25 6 , 055 57 1 1 6 ,4 5 5 36 3 5 , 600 6 10 0 , 000 1 4, 000 W e ek ly o v e rtim e after sp ecified h ours ------------------------------------------------------------ 100 2 5 6 , 055 100 2 5 6 , 055 57 1 1 6 ,4 5 5 36 3 5 , 600 6 10 0 , 000 1 4 , 000 L e s s than 40 h o u r s1 -----------------------------40 h o u r s ----------------------------------------------------V a r ie s by lo c a t io n ---------------------------------- 8 91 1 15, 570 2 2 0 ,4 8 5 2 0 , 000 8 91 1 15, 570 2 2 0 ,4 8 5 2 0 , 000 2 55 8, 800 1 0 7 ,6 5 5 . . 5 1 8 0 ,0 0 0 2 0 , 000 1 - 6, 770 2 8 , 830 - . - 6 30 - 4 , 000 - No r e fe r e n c e to w eekly overtim e h ours ------------------------------------------------------- 669 9 5 7 ,2 6 2 ~ " " ” - ~ “ T ab le 5 5 . A g r e e m e n ts R efere n ce to w eekly overtim e rate; no details given A g reem en ts 1 W ork ers Double! -tim e A g r e e m e n ts Includes 3 a g r ee m e n ts which require the overtim e rate after 35 h ou rs; 3 ag ree m e n ts after 36 h ou rs; W orkers W orkers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers _ 1 agree m e n t after 37 h ou rs; and 1 agree m e n t after 2>ll/z h ours. O v e rtim e ra tes fo r w o rk outside regularly scheduled hours in co n stru ctio n ag re em en ts, by union, 1972—73 O v e rtim e ratei outside of r eg u la rly scheduled hours R e fere n c e to o ve rtim e outside of regu lar h o u rs; no d etails given A ll agreem en ts U nion1 T otal T im e and one -h a lf A g ree m en ts W o rk ers A g ree m en ts A ll u n io n s --------------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 445 8 2 8 ,6 6 6 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) --------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -----------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) --------------------------------------Iron w ork ers (B S O IW )----------------------------------C arp e n ters ( C J A ) ------------- ---------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E le vator C o n str u c to r s (IU E C )------------------O peratin g E n gin ee rs ( IU O E )---------------------L a b o r e rs ( L I U N A ) ----------------------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L )-------------------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) ----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) -------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) --------------------------------------------R o o fe r s ( R D W W ) -------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) ---------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21 , 850 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 29 0 , 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 7 10 45 14 42 52 2 20 28 35 40 27 39 25 40 19 2, 030 2 1 ,0 5 0 3 7 , 305 18, 550 2 5 4 , 100 6 2 ,9 9 5 18, 800 4 6 , 700 1 6 1 ,3 0 0 5, 710 5 2 ,5 3 0 19, 675 5 2 ,1 2 0 7, 221 3 3 ,8 6 5 34 , 715 W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts 118 _ Double tim e W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts 2 3 5 , 325 _ - - 12 4, 570 - - 5 12 1 4 ,6 0 0 2 2 ,1 4 0 - - 5 10 1 25 7 4 17 4 16 10, 100 8 7 ,0 5 0 255 4 3 ,3 8 0 2, 680 1 0 ,2 3 0 5, 080 2 , 725 3 2 ,5 1 5 W ork ers V a r ie s 2 A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts 308 4 9 8 ,9 3 1 15 70 , 210 7 10 33 14 35 36 2 11 16 34 14 19 33 8 34 2 2, 030 2 1 ,0 5 0 3 2 ,7 3 5 18, 550 1 7 7 ,5 0 0 38 , 025 18, 800 2 1 ,4 0 0 6 9 ,8 5 0 5 ,4 5 5 8, 450 1 2 ,9 9 5 39 , 390 2 , 141 2 9 , 960 600 . _ 1 3 . - - 4 5 ,0 0 0 1 ,2 3 0 - - 4 2 15, 200 4 , 400 - - 1 - 2 _ 2 “ 700 2 , 500 1, 180 “ 4 _ _ _ 1• ' 1 _ _ _ _ _ 1 - _ 1 W ork ers No referen ce A gree m en ts W o rk ers ,2 4 ,2 0 0 324 38 4, 651 _ _ _ _ 1 7 ,0 0 0 1, 600 _ _ _ _ _ 21 1 56 25 14 9 4, 550 800 3 3 ,5 3 5 34, 160 36, 595 1 4 ,2 7 5 _ 21 23 12 33 33 21 26 6 23 6 8 ,4 5 0 110, 000 4 ,9 0 0 1 7 ,8 9 0 1 1 ,2 6 1 16, 125 6, 010 8, 425 1 7 ,6 7 5 4, 000 _ _ _ 1 ,6 0 0 F o r fu ll n am es of u nion s, see footnote 1, table 2. In cludes 7 a g r e e m e n ts which v a r y the rate by occupation; 7 a gree m e n ts which v a r y the rate with the tim e the em ployee is c alled in; and 1 ag ree m e n t which v a r ie s the rate with the c ost of the p roject. G raduated o v e rtim e p r o v isio n s A g r e e m e n ts Saturday W orkers Sunday P r e m iu m rate A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 T o ta l with graduated o v e rtim e a fter sp ec ified h o u r s --------------------------- 65 1 1 5 ,3 0 0 L e s s than 9 h o u r s -----------------------------------------9 h ours ------------------------------------------------------------10 h o u r s ----------------------------------------------------------11 h o u r s ----------------------------------------------------------12 h ours ----------------------------------------------------------13 h ours ----------------------------------------------------------14 h ours ----------------------------------------------------------1 5 h o u r s ----------------------------------------------------------1 6 h o u r s ----------------------------------------------------------M o r e than 16 h ours -------------------------------------G raduated rate after w eekly h o u r s2 -------- 2 3 32 8 6 3 1 2 5 2 1 575 970 3 7 ,1 8 5 4 4 ,0 8 0 2 2 ,0 3 5 775 50 3, 630 3, 380 1 ,8 2 0 800 No r e fe r e n c e to graduated o v e rtim e ------------------------------------------------- 7 04 1 ,0 9 8 ,0 1 7 1 In a ll but one a g r e e m e n t, the rate changes fr o m tim e and o n e-h alf to double tim e ; in the ex cep tion , fr o m double tim e to trip le tim e. 2 P r o v id e s tim e and o n e -h a lf a fte r 35 hours per w eek, and double tim e a fter 40 h ours or outside of stated h o u r s. A g r e e m e n ts W orkers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers ----------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 7 69 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 T otal with p rem iu m r a t e ----------------------------- 684 1, 11 4, 527 712 1 ,1 4 8 ,6 1 2 T im e and o n e -h a lf ----------------------------------Double t i m e ----------------------------------------------Other ----------------------------------------------------------- 163 508 1 13 3 0 8 , 040 7 2 0 , 657 8 5 ,8 3 0 31 677 24 4 3 ,2 7 0 1, 099, 442 5, 900 85 98 , 790 57 * 64, 705 A ll a g ree m e n ts No refe r e n c e to p rem iu m 1 Includes 9 a g ree m e n ts which varied the rate by occupation; 2 a g ree m e n ts which varied it by season; 1 ag ree m e n t which varied it by occupation and location; and one agree m e n t which r e fe r r e d to prem iu m pay but did not sp ecify a ra te. 2 Includes 2 a g ree m e n ts which varied the rate by occupation; 1 a g ree m e n t which varied it by season; and 1 ag ree m e n t requ iring trip le tim e . Table 5 8 . G raduated S a tu rd a y prem ium s in c o n stru ctio n ag reem en ts, 1972—73 Graduated Saturday p rem iu m p rovision A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------------------ 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 Total establishing Saturday r a t e --------- 684 1, 114, 527 Total establishing graduated rate after specified h o u r s1 -------------------------4 hours ----------------------------------------------------------5 hours ----------------------------------------------------------7 hours ----------------------------------------------------------8 h ou rs2 ----------------------------------------------------------10 hours ---------------------------------------------------------11 hours ---------------------------------------------------------12 hours ---------------------------------------------------------1 5 hours ---------------------------------------------------------1 6 hours ---------------------------------------------------------- 37 5 1 1 19 3 1 1 1 1 75 , 350 1 7 ,2 5 0 85 20 16, 680 1, 515 2 3 ,0 0 0 250 2, 800 500 R eferen ce to graduated Saturday p rem iu m ; no details given ------------------ 4 1 3 ,2 5 0 1 A ll initial rates w ere tim e and o n e -h a lf. The in cr e a se was to double tim e in 36 a g r e e m e n ts, and d o u b le -tim e and a quarter in 1. 2 Includes 1 agree m e n t providing double tim e a fter 8 consecu tive h ours or after 6 o 'clock p. m . R e str ic tio n s on Union 1 A ll agreem ents A greem en ts W o rk ers A ll u n io n s ---------------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F 1 A )--------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ---------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) ------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E le v a to r C o n stru c to rs (IU E C )-------------------O peratin g E n gin eers ( IU O E )----------------------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A ) ----------------------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L ) ------------------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) ----------------------------------------------P la s t e r s (O P C M )-------------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ---------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (RDW W ) -------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ( S M W )-------- -----------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 7 0 , 840 52 , 710 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 3 0 ,9 3 6 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 52 , 390 1 F o r fu ll n am es of union see footnoet 1, N ote: O ve rtim e Schedule changes A gree m en ts W o rk ers 378 11 8 38 35 29 30 1 27 29 17 32 26 26 27 20 22 A gree m en ts Shift work- W o rk ers A gree m en ts 7 4 7 ,5 6 7 217 3 2 2 ,2 1 0 334 3, 050 21,100 4 2 , 955 4 5 ,8 6 0 175, 670 4 2 ,0 2 5 2 , 800 9 4 ,5 0 0 1 6 6 ,5 5 0 2, 640 3 5 ,4 6 0 18 ,9 31 3 3 ,2 2 5 7 , 231 2 0 , 810 3 4 ,7 6 0 3 5 37 7 24 11 1 ,2 8 5 6 , 050 4 2 ,5 3 0 8 , 550 9 6 ,3 0 0 2 5 ,1 6 0 1 10 45 34 39 25 - 1 3 14 32 10 16 22 31 1 - 2 , 000 1 1 ,8 0 0 3, 595 5 5 ,3 5 0 3, 970 3 2 ,4 4 5 6 , 065 2 6 ,7 6 0 350 7 7 4 ,3 9 6 21, 37, 49, 233, 39, - 70, 750 174, 100 305 12, 605 20, O il 52, 800 - _ 31 16 30, 235 31, 060 table 2. Table 6 0 . L im ita tio n s on schedule changes in co n stru c tio n ag reem en ts, 1 9 7 2 —73 A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------Schedule changes p r o h ib it e d --------Advance notice of schedule changes -------------------------------------------Changes req u ire union approval — Tim e d ifferen ce lim ite d 1 --------------Regulation on duration of the change ----------------------------------------------Lim itation depends on p roportion of em ployees a f f e c t e d ------------------P rem iu m pay penalty in schedule change ----------------------------------------------- A gree m en ts 769 W o rk ers 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 l 9 ,5 0 0 25 250 240 1 2 8 ,8 5 0 4 3 1 ,8 4 1 5 5 6 , 251 43 1 0 0 ,4 1 6 3 9,000 1 100 1 R e fer s to statem en ts estab lish in g or r e str ictin g the num ber of hours by' which the schedule m ay be sh ifted , such as c la u se s allowing the w orkday to begin an hour e a r lie r in the w inter to take advantage of daylight h ou rs. N o te: Nonadditive. 400 700 975 435 595 42 5 _ 22 27 4 10 28 42 Nonadditive . Schedule change lim itations Weekend work W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts m ay contain m o r e than 1 lim itation . Holiday work A greem en ts W o rk ers A greem en ts W ork ers 163 2 5 7 ,3 7 0 480 7 9 2 ,3 0 6 _ 27 9 44 36 45 44 1 26 25 34 68 33 24 27 19 18 6 , 530 1 7 ,6 5 0 4 1 ,8 4 5 49, 710 2 3 4 ,8 9 5 4 9 ,0 0 5 1 6 ,0 0 0 92 , 605 1 1 1 ,600 4 , 035 6 8 ,9 7 0 1 8 ,1 6 6 3 5 ,1 8 0 7, 220 1 7 ,4 7 0 2 1 ,4 2 5 - 29 4 19 1 - 1 6 8 35 15 6 24 13 2 2 9 ,3 2 5 4 , 680 91 , 150 700 - 3, 000 3 4 ,1 5 0 1 ,4 7 5 5 4 ,8 9 5 8 , 820 8 , 305 6 , 260 12, 860 1 ,7 5 0 O v e r tim e r e str ic tio n s A g ree m en ts R e str ic tio n s on shift work W o rk ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 , 317 O v e r tim e p rohibited -----------------------------------O v e rtim e lim ite d -----------------------------------------Union ap prov al r e q u ir e d ----------------------------O v e r tim e p erm itte d in an em e r g e n c y --------------------------------------------------- 2 59 130 1, 775 6 7 ,6 8 0 2 3 3 , 625 95 155, 625 A g r e e m e n ts A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------------------ 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 Shift w ork p r o h ib it e d -----------------------------------D uration of shift w ork lim ite d -------------------Shift w ork m u st continue for a sp ec ified p e r io d ------------------------------------------Double shift p rohib ited 1 -------------------------------L im itation on assig n m en t to s h i f t s ----------O verlappin g shifts r e s t r i c t e d -------------------Subject to union approval ---------------------------- 3 7 5, 750 1 9 ,1 0 0 260 91 45 21 105 6 6 1 ,4 8 6 1 8 3 ,8 5 5 2 0 1 ,2 1 5 1 5 2 ,4 6 0 2 2 2 ,0 3 0 1 R e fe r s to prohibition on em ployee w orking two consecu tive 24 hour p eriod . NOTE: N on ad ditive. NOTE: A g r e e m e n ts m a y contain m o re than 1 restr ictio n . Nonadditive. Table 6 3 . Restrictions on w eeken d w o rk in construction ag reem en ts, 1972—73 R e stric tion s on weekend work A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers W ork ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 Total r estrictin g weekend w o r k --------- 163 25 7 , 370 Saturday and Sunday w ork ------------------------Sunday work only ----------------------------------------- 154 9 21 6 , 930 4 0 , 440 No refe ren c e to restr ictin g weekend work --------------------------------------- 606 95 5, 947 shifts within a A g r e e m e n ts m ay contain m o r e than 1 restr ictio n . Part V III. W age and W age-related Provisions Rate structure Wage adjustment provisions Wage security provisions Penalty for default Maintenance o f higher rates Travel and transportation allowances Shift work Hazard and abnormal conditions premiums Rate structure No r e fe ren c e to b asic rate stru ctu re A ll agreem ents Total Union 1 W ork ers A gree m en ts A gree m en ts M inim um rates Single rates W orke rs A g ree m en ts W orke rs A g ree m en ts W o rk ers A g ree m en ts W orke rs --------------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 , 317 764 1 ,2 0 6 , 367 578 9 7 5, 277 186 2 3 1 ,0 9 0 5 6, 950 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A )---------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s (B M P ) --------------------------------------Iron w orkers (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -------------------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------------------E le vator C o n stru c to rs (IU E C )--------------------O p eratin g E n gin eers ( I U O E )----------------------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A )-----------------------------------------L ath e rs (W W M L ) -------------------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) --------------------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) ---------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )--------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SMW) ---------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 52, 710 290, 695 77, 270 18, 800 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 1 0 ,6 1 0 7 0 ,4 2 0 30, 936 68, 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 , 290 5 2 ,3 9 0 27 10 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 46 73 59 59 51 46 42 6 ,4 3 0 16, 850 7 0 ,8 4 0 52, 710 290, 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 1 0 ,5 8 5 7 0 ,4 2 0 3 0 ,1 8 6 6 7 ,2 2 0 13, 231 4 2 , 290 5 2 ,3 9 0 23 5 86 24 45 25 2 38 46 35 62 54 52 38 8 35 5, 570 10, 100 6 2 ,5 0 5 22, 305 229, 945 39, 580 18, 800 1 1 0 ,3 5 0 2 5 2 ,6 0 0 8, 650 6 0 ,4 1 5 2 5 ,6 6 1 6 0 ,9 8 5 9 ,4 1 1 1 0 ,8 0 0 4 7 , 600 4 5 15 15 11 36 860 6, 750 8, 335 3 0 ,4 0 5 60, 750 37, 690 1 1 150 5, 000 - - - - - - 4, 800 18, 700 1, 935 10, 005 4, 525 6, 235 3, 820 3 1 ,4 9 0 4, 790 - 25 A ll unions 1 F o r full n am es of u nion s, T a b le 6 5 . - 3 5 11 11 5 7 13 38 7 - 1 - 1 1 - - - " " W a g e a d ju s tm e n t p ro v is io n s 1 in co n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , by union, 1 9 7 2 —73 A ll agreem ents D e fe r r e d wage in c r e a s e s C ontract reop ener provision s Union 2 W o rk ers A g ree m en ts W orke rs A l l u n io n s ----------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 , 317 645 1, 105, 347 33 4 6 , 375 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) ---------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------Iron w ork ers (B S O IW )------------------------C a rp en ter s ( C J A ) -------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -------------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s (IUEC) -------O p eratin g E n g in ee rs (IU O E )-----------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) ------------------------------L a th e rs ( W W M L )---------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) -----------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) ---------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F )----------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W ) ---------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SMW) — ----T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) ---------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 , 580 21, 850 7 0 ,8 4 0 52, 710 290, 695 77, 270 18, 800 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 27 1, 300 10 , 6 1 0 7 0 ,4 2 0 30, 936 6 8 , 245 13, 231 4 2 , 290 52, 390 20 6 85 34 55 38 2 38 47 39 64 55 46 40 40 36 4, 550 6 , 850 62, 645 4 8 , 260 27 5, 195 57, 170 18, 800 10 9, 8 0 0 26 6, 900 9, 240 67, 580 29, 731 51, 360 10 , 801 3 8 , 840 4 7 , 625 . _ _ 3 9 ,1 0 5 A g r e e m e n ts ^ 30 _ N on additive. - - - - - - - - 1 - 6 , 650 - - - 2 _ 620 - - “ 1 C o s t -o f -liv in g e s c a la to r p ro v isio n s, found with in crea sin g freq u en cy in other in d u str ie s, are rare in construction c o n tra cts, tabulated. 2 F o r full n am es o f u nion s, see footnote 1, table 2. NOTE: W ork ers - and th erefore w ere - 750 1, 025 - see footnote 1, table 2. A gree m en ts - not All a greem en ts P enalty for wage or fund default E m p lo y e r bonding required Union 1 A greem en ts A ll unions W ork ers A g ree m en ts W o rk ers A g ree m en ts --------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 , 317 656 1 ,0 5 2 , 237 398 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )---------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------Iron w ork ers (B S O IW )-----------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) ------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s (IB E W )------------E le v a to r C on stru c to rs (IU E C )--------O peratin g E n gin eers (IU O E )-----------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) -----------------------------L ath e rs (W W M L ) ------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) -----------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )---------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ---------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W ) --------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W )-----------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21, 850 7 0 ,8 4 0 52, 710 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 77, 270 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 30, 936 58, 245 13, 231 4 2 , 290 52, 390 20 7 85 36 50 59 4, 245 16, 300 6 1 ,5 3 5 5 1 ,0 1 0 26 6, 670 75, 660 . 1 0 4 ,8 0 0 20 7 , 000 10, 510 68, 095 28, 936 60, 960 11, 931 37, 010 4 6 , 975 21 - 35 41 45 64 51 48 43 41 31 W orke rs 698, 146 5, 180 . . 58 23 32 35 _ 15 22 27 40 28 40 22 29 6 4 7 , 685 4 0 ,5 2 5 176, 950 42 , 940 _ 55, 015 146, 250 8, 850 5 2 ,1 3 0 18, 335 50, 845 6, 161 3 1 ,0 3 5 16, 245 1 F o r full n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. NOTE: T ab le 67. Nonadditive. Penalty for w a g e and fund paym ent default in co n stru ctio n ag re em en ts, 1972—73 P en alty fo r default A g reem en ts T able 6 8 . Provisions for m ain ten ance of higher rate in tem porary change of classificatio n in construction ag reem en ts, by m ajor a c tiv ity , 1972—73 W ork ers Toted with maintenance of rate p rovision A ll a greem en ts M a jo r activity A g ree m en ts A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------- 769 1, 213, 317 T otal having penalty for default --------Right to withhold s e r v ic e s ------------------------P en alty paym ent r e q u ir e d --------------------------Both p en alties m ay be i m p o s e d ---------------- 656 56 149 451 1 ,0 5 2 , 176, 171, 704, A ll m a jo r a c t i v i t i e s --------------------------- No r e fe ren c e to pen alty fo r default — 113 237 120 385 732 Building construction —general c on tractors ---------------------------------------------------H eavy and highway construction — ge n e r a l con tractors ------------------------------------------ W o rk ers A greem en ts W ork ers 769 1 ,2 1 3 , 317 86 370, 846 228 568, 751 45 225, 740 68 168, 175 27 7 3 ,4 5 0 473 4 7 6 , 391 14 71, 656 1 6 1 ,0 8 0 S pecial trades c o n t r a c t o r s -------------------------- M a jo r activity A ll m ajor a c tivities G en eral con tra cto rs: building construction Type of allow ance A g reem en ts W o rk ers A g ree m en ts W orkers G en eral c o n tr a cto r s: heavy and highway construction A g ree m en ts W ork ers S pecial trades con tractors A g ree m en ts W o rk ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ---------------------------------- 769 1, 2 1 3, 317 228 5 6 8 ,7 5 1 68 168, 175 473 47 6 , 391 T o ta l r e fe r rin g to tra vel or tra n sp ortation a llo w a n c e ------------------- 655 9 7 2 ,4 2 1 170 4 3 7 ,4 0 5 35 8 5 ,2 9 0 45 0 4 4 9 ,7 2 6 Paid tra v el tim e 1 -----------------------------------------T ra n sp o rta tio n allow ance 2 ------------------------L odgin g paid or p r o v id e d --------------------------M e a ls paid or p ro v id e d -------------------------------P ark ing paid or p r o v id e d --------------------------P e r d iem allow ance 3 ---------------------------------- 366 602 168 216 172 303 4 6 7 , 581 83 7, 346 3 5 8 ,3 8 1 4 2 1 ,6 4 1 3 9 2 ,2 2 0 4 6 3 ,9 1 5 68 138 33 37 50 66 1 9 7 ,3 8 0 3 2 5 ,1 9 0 1 7 5 ,1 6 0 1 9 4 ,9 0 0 2 1 3 ,3 0 0 2 3 0 ,3 2 0 17 29 15 17 2 11 2 4 ,9 9 0 78, 580 3 3 ,0 8 5 35, 735 4 , 515 26 , 840 281 43 5 120 162 120 226 2 4 5 ,2 1 1 4 3 3 ,5 7 6 1 5 0 ,1 3 6 1 9 1 ,0 0 6 1 7 4 ,4 0 5 2 0 6 ,7 5 5 No refe r e n c e to tra vel or tra n sp ortation allow ance ------------------- 114 2 4 0 ,8 9 6 58 1 3 1 ,3 4 6 33 8 2 ,8 8 5 23 2 6 ,6 6 5 1 T r a v e l tim e r e fe r s to the paym ent m ade to w ork ers for tim e spent tra velin g to and fr o m a w ork s ite , and m a y include lo n g -d ista n c e and o v e r night tra v e l. 2 T r an sp ortation allow ance is a sp ecific payment fo r the co st of tra v el, including the c o st of tickets on com m on c a r r ie r s or a m ilea g e allow ance when the w ork er u se s h is own autom obile. 3 P e r d iem allow ance is a general daily payment m ade to w ork ers fo r expenses incidental to tra vel and u su ally includes a stated allow ance fo r room , m e a ls , and tra n sp ortation ex p en ses, in contrast to sp ecific paym ents for each . NOTE: N on ad ditive. A g ree m en ts m ay have m ore than one kind of p r o v isio n . Tab le 70 . T ra n sp o rtatio n allo w an ce provisions in construction ag reem en ts, 1972—73 Tran sportation allow ances A g ree m en ts W orkers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ---------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 , 317 Total with transportation a llo w a n c e s --------------------------------------------- 602 837, 346 462 65 0, 395 L ocal transportation allowance 1 ------------Tran sportation paid to and fr o m distant w ork s i t e ---------------------------------------Both lo c a l and lo n g-d ista n ce transportation allowance ----------------------No r efe ren ce to transportation a llo w a n c e ----------------------------------------------- 22 6 0 ,4 1 0 118 126, 541 167 3 7 5 ,9 7 1 1 L o c a l transportation allow ance applies to transp ortation ex p en ses on job s within com m uting distance of the e m p lo y e e 's h o m e. E xam p le s are r e im b u rsem en t fo r t o lls , gas oline, or the u se of the e m p lo y e e 's au tom obile. Type of d ifferen tial Total with shift d ifferen tial X T • 1 Union A gree m en ts W ork ers T im e d ifferen tial A g r e e m e n ts W o r k e r s M oney d ifferen tial A g ree m en ts W o r k e r s A g r e e m e n ts W o r k e r s A i l u n io n s ---------------------------*------------------ 769 1 .2 1 3 , 317 43 8 9 5 0 ,7 0 0 303 7 2 9 ,4 9 5 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )---------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------------------Iro n w o rk e rs (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C a r p e n te r s ( C J A ) ------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------------------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s (IU EC ) ------------------O p eratin g E n g in ee rs (I U O E )----------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) --------------- -------------------------L a th e r s ( W W M L )--------------------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )---------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ---------------------------------------------R o o fe r s ( R D W W ) --------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SMW) ---------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21, 850 70, 840 52, 710 290, 695 77, 270 18, 800 115, 150 271, 300 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 30, 936 68, 245 13, 231 42, 290 52, 390 1 10 62 37 51 27 400 2 1 ,7 0 0 4 8 , 560 5 0 ,4 1 0 2 6 3 ,4 9 5 31, 145 1 6 55 31 42 4 400 15, 400 4 2 , 535 4 4 ,4 8 5 2 0 4 ,7 4 5 3, 780 4 No r efe ren ce shift differen tial T im e and m oney sh ift d ifferen tial A g r e e m e n ts W o r k e r s 1 7 5 ,0 8 5 31 _ _ _ _ 1 4 2 8 13 100 3, 055 1, 650 5 4 ,1 0 0 11, 370 3 3 4 1 10 6, 200 2 ,9 7 0 4 , 275 4 , 650 1 5 ,9 9 5 4 6 ,1 2 0 - - - - - - - - 36 47 6 20 31 45 4 31 30 10 9 , 0 0 0 2 5 1 , 950 455 19, 880 21, 070 5 5 ,2 0 5 1, 120 2 6 ,4 6 0 4 9 , 850 29 44 5 8 29 10 3 15 21 86, 000 2 4 2 ,4 5 0 405 12, 705 1 9 ,1 7 0 12, 620 400 9, 700 3 4 ,7 0 0 7 3 1 12 2 29 1 12 9 2 3 ,0 0 0 9, 500 50 7, 175 1 ,9 0 0 33, 110 720 1 4 ,2 0 5 1 5 ,1 5 0 - - - 6 4 A g ree m en ts W ork ers - 9 ,4 7 5 2, 555 - 331 2 6 2 ,6 1 7 27 1 39 2 5 34 2 5 4 41 53 29 15 47 15 12 6, 180 150 2 2 ,2 8 0 2, 300 2 7 ,2 0 0 4 6 , 125 18, 800 6, 150 19, 350 1 0 ,1 5 5 5 0 ,5 4 0 9, 866 1 3 ,0 4 0 1 2 ,1 1 1 1 5 ,8 3 0 2, 540 1 F o r full n am es of union, see footnote 1, table 2. T ab le 72 . M o n e y d iffe re n tia ls fo r s h iftw o rk in co n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 M on ey d ifferen tial A gree m en ts W ork ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------- 769 1, 2 1 3 , 317 T otal r e fe r rin g to m on ey d iffe r e n tia ls — U n iform cen ts p er h o u r ------------------------U n iform p e r c e n t a g e -------------------------------F la t rate ------------------------------------------------- 135 42 92 1 2 2 1 ,2 0 5 8 9 ,4 6 5 129, 940 1 ,8 0 0 No refe ren c e to m on ey d iffe r e n tia ls -------- 634 9 9 2 ,1 1 2 T ab le 7 3 . V a ria tio n s in s h iftw o rk hours in construction a g re e m e n ts , 19 7 2 —73 V ariation s in shiftw ork hours A g ree m en ts W ork ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 , 317 Toted r e fe r rin g to shiftw ork h o u r s ----------H ou rs u n iform on all s h i f t s -----------;-----H ours v a r y with num ber of sh ifts: tim e d ifferen tial 1 --------------------------------H ours v a r y with num ber of sh ifts: no tim e d iffe r e n tia l-----------------------------R efere n ce to shiftw ork h ou rs: no d etails g i v e n ------------------------------------ 438 343 9 5 0 ,7 0 0 637, 255 83 27 9, 920 No r e fe ren c e to shiftw ork h o u r s --------------- 2 8 , 900 10 2 4 ,6 2 5 339 285, 692 1 The addition of ex tra sh ifts changes the num ber of hours scheduled per shift, and com p en sation is by tim e d ifferen tia l. F o r ex a m p le, in a o n e -sh ift operation, em ployees m ay w ork 8 h o u r s, receivin g 8 h ours pay. W hen a second shift is added, em ployees on both sh ifts would w ork h ours and re c e iv e pay fo r 8 h ou rs. A b n o rm a l conditions pay d ifferen tial3 H azardous duty pay d ifferen tial A ll a gree m e n ts Cents per hour T otal Union1 A gree m ents A gree m ents A gree m ents W ork ers A gree m ents --------------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 370 715, 591 318 637, 371 46 62, 420 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )---------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------------------Iron w orkers (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C arp e n ters (CJA) -----------------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s (IB E W ) ------------------------E levator C o n stru c to rs (IUEC) ------------------Operating E ngin eers ( I U O E j-----------------------L a b o r e rs (L I U N A )-----------------------------------------L ath e rs (W W M L ) ------------------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) -----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (OPCM ) --------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ---------------------------------------------R o o fe r s ( R D W W ) --------------------------------------------Sheet M e tal W o r k e r s ( S M W )----------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I E T ) --------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 29 0, 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 1 1 5 ,1 5 0 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10 , 610 70, 420 30, 936 6 8 ,2 4 5 13 ,2 3 1 . 42, 290 5 2 ,3 9 0 10 46 4 44 41 14 33 16 60 40 21 16 19 6 1, 930 40, 170 4, 975 22 5, 345 4 7 ,6 5 5 4 2 ,2 5 5 2 0 6 , 100 2, 775 55, 515 23, 451 30, 040 3, 645 8 , 785 2 2 ,9 3 0 9 42 4 43 12 13 32 15 57 39 17 15 17 4 1, 680 3 6 ,7 5 0 4, 975 2 2 3 ,5 4 5 1 1 ,3 5 5 4 1 ,0 5 5 2 0 3 ,7 0 0 2, 675 42, 870 2 2 ,6 5 1 2 2 ,4 6 5 3, 545 8 , 055 12, 350 1 4 28 1 3 1 4 1 2 2 250 3 ,4 2 0 34 , 100 1,200 12, 645 800 7, 575 100 730 10, 600 A ll unions W orkers W o rk ers Total O ther2 P ercen tage W orkers A gree m ents 4 _ 1 1 1 1 - - A gree m ents W ork ers 6, 500 _ 1 ,8 0 0 2 , 200 2, 400 100 - Cents p er hour W ork ers A gree m ents W ork ers W ork ers 74 161, 325 71 1 5 5 ,7 7 5 3 5, 550 2 14 2 4 1 7 9 8 15 1 10 1 510 1 8 ,2 9 0 1, 680 4, 370 2 , 000 38, 400 77, 300 9, 890 4, 055 900 2 , 330 1 , 600 2 12 2 4 7 9 8 15 1 10 1 510 1 4 ,7 4 0 1, 680 4, 370 3 8 ,4 0 0 77, 300 9, 890 4, 055 900 2, 330 1, 600 _ 2 1 - 3, 550 2 , 000 - 1 F o r full n am es of u nion s, see footnote 1, table 2. 2 Includes 3 ag r e e m e n ts which r e fe r to a hazard pay d ifferen tial but give no d e ta ils, and one ag ree m e n t which e sta b lish e s a flat (daily) rate. 3 "A b n o rm a l w orking c o n d itio n s" r e fe r s to those circu m stan c es under which em p loyee s oc ca sio n a lly m u st w ork which d iffer fr o m n orm al conditions for the job . e x tr e m e s of heat, c old , or d am p ness or under e x trem ely dirty conditions. Unsafe conditions a r e covered by hazardous duty p ay. NOTE: Percentage A gree m ents _ ' T h ese include working under N onadditive. Tab le 75. Cents-per-hour pay d iffe re n tia ls for hazardous or abnorm al conditions in co n stru ctio n ag reem en ts, 1972—73 H azardous duty pay Table 76. P ercentage pay d iffe ren tials for hazardous or abnormal conditions in construction ag reem en ts, 1972—73 A b n orm a l conditions pay1 C e n ts -p e r -h o u r d ifferen tia l A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers A gree m en ts A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 T otal providin g for c e n t s -p e r hour d if f e r e n t ia l------------------------- 318 6 3 7 ,3 7 1 71 155, 775 3 19 122 28 31 3, 175 2 9 ,5 7 5 26 8 , 036 20 , 320 3 7 ,7 5 5 3 10 34 1 6 2 , 800 7, 140 54, 325 130 4, 03 5 6 15 11,020 28, 395 1 3 500 36, 670 54 139, 035 2 2, 725 39 9 9 ,9 1 5 11 4 7 ,4 5 0 1 145 1 0 cen ts ------------------------------------------------M o r e than 10, le s s than 25 cen ts — 25 cents ------------------------------------------------M o r e than 2 5 , le s s than 50 cen ts — 50 cents ------------------------------------------------M o r e than 50 c en ts, le s s than 1 d o lla r --------------------------------------1 d o lla r or m o r e ---------------------------------In c re a se s with d egree of hazard or a b n o r m a lity ----------------------------------V a r ie s by occupation or a ssig n m e n t ----------------------------------------R e fe r e n c e to c e n ts -p e r -h o u r d iffe r e n tia l; no d etails g i v e n -------No r e fe r e n c e to c e n t s -p e r hour d iffe r e n tia l---------------- ------ 451 5 7 5 ,9 4 6 " 698 A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 A ll a g r e e m e n t s ----------------------------------- 769 T otal re fe r rin g to p ercen tage pay d if f e r e n t ia l-------------------------------------------- 46 6 2 ,4 2 0 7 10, 640 4 13 10 5 ,4 5 0 1 1 ,6 1 5 9, 595 3 1 1 ,2 00 8 1 3 ,7 7 5 10 p ercen t -----------------------------------------------------M o r e than 10, le s s than 50 p ercen t --------------------------------------------------------50 p ercen t -----------------------------------------------------100 p ercen t (double t im e ) --------------------------V a r ie s with occupation, a s s ig n m e n t -------------------------------------------------In c re a se s with d egree of h a z a r d -----------------------------------------------------R e fere n c e to p ercen tage pay d ifferen tia l; no details g i v e n ------------------------------------------------------------- 145 1, 0 5 7 ,5 4 2 1 "A b n o rm a l w orking c o n d itio n s" r e f e r s to those circu m sta n c es under which em p loyee s o c c a s io n a lly m u st w ork which d iffe r fr o m n o rm a l conditions for the jo b . Th ese include w orking under e x tr e m e s of h eat, cold , or d am p n ess or under e x tr e m e ly dirty conditions. Unsafe conditions are covered by h azard ou s duty pay. P ercen tage pay d ifferen tial W o rk ers No refe r e n c e to p ercen tage pay d iffe r e n tia l------------------------------------- 723 1, 150, 897 Part IX. Paid and Unpaid Leave Payments for time not worked Meal period payments Call-in/call-back pay Reporting pay Vacation plans Holidays A ll unions W o rk ers W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts A g r e e m e n ts A g ree m en ts 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 178 2 8 1 ,9 3 0 218 3 2 4 , 885 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 29 0, 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 68 , 245 13 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 5 1 36 14 17 3 875 300 2 8 , 510 1 2 ,5 2 5 8 8 ,4 0 0 2 , 365 13 7 36 9 27 11 2 , 930 6, 950 4 3 ,2 3 0 8 , 180 1 1 2 ,6 7 0 12,910 --------------------------------------------- - A g r e e m e n ts - 2 16 20 23 15 7 12 5 2 5, 300 85 , 800 3 , 605 3 2 ,3 7 5 4, 900 5, 025 2 , 855 3, 795 5, 300 - - - 3 6 , 950 2 , 600 5 9 ,4 1 0 6 , 385 2 7 , 935 2 , 060 2, 525 150 13 16 39 17 20 7 2 1 85 W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts - 24 4 9 3 - 5 4 6 2 4 7 2 13 2 R ep ortin g pay W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers 3 1 8 , 625 707 1, 156, 122 81 170, 835 2 9 ,8 9 5 6 , 650 4 7 ,0 5 0 7, 950 6 10 9 21 13 12 1 ,3 2 5 16, 850 1 3 ,7 9 5 3 6 , 705 55, 925 10, 785 28 11 77 38 51 60 2 38 50 40 63 56 59 47 45 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 5 7 ,1 4 5 5 1 ,7 1 0 2 7 0 , 195 75 , 670 18, 800 1 0 7 ,5 5 0 2 7 1 ,1 0 0 5, 390 65, 280 30 , 506 6 8 ,0 8 0 12, 536 4 1 ,3 4 0 52, 390 1 3 1 3 3 16 50 14, 200 200 4 ,2 5 0 4, 650 23 , 220 - 3 3 ,4 0 0 1 6 ,3 5 0 695 175 2 , 340 9, 480 325 1 5 ,0 8 0 750 - - 6 13 1 - 15 18 3 7 ,0 5 0 105, 200 145 1 1 ,3 8 0 2 2 ,5 1 5 - 1 7 - 900 6, 050 r e q u i r e d to t r a v e l b e t w e e n a j o b - s i t e P a i d m e a l du ri n g o v e r t i m e h o u r s 2 P r e m i u m p a y f o r w o r k du ri n g regular m eal period Union1 W orkers Agreem ents W orkers Agreem ents W orkers A l l u n i o n s ---------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 27 74, 680 175 497,591 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) --------------B o i l e r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------B r i c k l a y e r s ( B M P ) ---------------------------I r o n w o r k e r s ( B S O I W ) ----------------------C a r p e n t e r s ( C J A ) -----------------------------E l e c t r i c a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------E l e v a t o r C o n s t r u c t o r s ( I U E C ) -------O p e r a t i n g E n g i n e e r s ( I U O E ) ----------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) ----------------------------L a t h e r s ( W W M L ) -------------------------------P a i n t e r s ( P A T ) ----------------------------------P l a s t e r e r s (O P C M ) -------------------------P l u m b e r s ( P P F ) ---------------------------------R o o f e r s ( R D W W ) -------------------------------Sh e et M e t a l W o r k e r s ( S M W ) ---------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21,850 70, 840 52,710 290 , 695 77, 270 18, 800 115, 150 271,300 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 68, 245 1 3, 2 3 1 42,290 52,390 1 2 2 2 3 5 100 6, 000 920 2, 000 15, 900 5, 385 9, 000 21,000 - 1 6 12 17 24 12 600 7, 450 10, 065 32,850 135, 450 9, 830 53,055 182,550 400 1,8 0 0 22,536 19,850 735 20, 420 1 2 - 2 3 - 1 4 2 - 5, 000 7, 725 1, 650 F o r fu ll n a m e s o f u ni o ns , s e e fo o t n o t e 1, table 2. Indicates em p lo y er w ill either pay for or provide e m p lo y e e 's m e a l if ove rtim e ex ceed s a sp ecified p eriod . - 16 30 1 1 32 8 3 12 - 10 7 19 4 9 1 - 20, 255 7 3 ,8 0 0 - ’ 5, 325 1, 690 19, 070 325 - - 4 3, 800 r e p o r t i n g p o i n t and t h e i r a ct u a l p l a c e s T ab le 78 . Paid m eal during o vertim e hours and prem ium pay for w ork during regular m eal period in co n stru ctio n ag re em en ts, by u nion, 1972—73 Agreem ents W o rk ers 132 Non additive. A ll agreem ents C a ll-in pay A g r e e m e n ts 170, 140 _ F o r fu ll n a m e s o f u n i o n s , s e e fo o t n o t e 1, t abl e 2. A " p o r t a l to p o r t a l " c l a u s e in a c o n s t r u c t i o n a g r e e m e n t g e n e r a l l y states that e m p l o y e e s w i l l b e pa i d f o r the t i m e at the b e g i n n in g and end o f the w o r k sh i ft . I n d i c a t e s that e m p l o y e e w i l l co n t i n u e to be p a id at the o v e r t i m e ra te w hi le he is taking h i s m e a l p e r i o d . NOTE: P aid m e a l p eriod during ove rtim e h o u r s3 P o r ta l to p ortal pay2 W ork ers A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) ---------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s (B B F ) -------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------------------Iron w ork ers (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -------------------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------------------E levator C o n str u c to r s HU E C )--------------------O peratin g E n gin ee rs ( IU O E )-----------------------L a b o r e r s (L IU N A ) ---------------------- -----------------L ath e rs (W W M L ) -------------------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) -----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) --------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ---------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )---------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SMW) ---------------------T e a m s t e r s (IB T )---------------------------------------------- 1 2 of w ork 3 P aid clean -u p and cloth es changing tim e Paid r e s t periods A ll a g ree m e n ts Union1 T ab le 79. N u m b er of g u a ran tee d hours of pay or w o rk in c a ll-in or c a ll-b a c k , in construction agreem en ts, by w age rate, 1972—73 T ab le 8 0 . R e po rtin g pay g u a ra n te e s ,1 in construction ag re em en ts, 1 9 7 2 —73 Type of guarantee Guarantee to be paid G uaranteed c a l l -i n /c a l l -b a c k hours of pay or w ork A ll agreem en ts A t stra ig h t-tim e rate A gree W ork ers m ents A t p rem iu m rate A gree m ents W o rk ers A gree m ents W ork ers A gree m ents W ork ers 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 53 100, 305 24 67, 350 4 3 , 180 81 170, 835 53 1 0 0 ,3 0 5 24 6 7 ,3 5 0 4 3, 180 L e s s than 2 h ours ------------------------------2 h ours --------------------------------------------------3 hours --------------------------------------------------4 h ours --------------------------------------------------8 h ours --------------------------------------------------V a r ie s ---------------------------------------------------O th e r 1 ------------------------------------------------------ 5 30 6 27 5 3 5 2 3 ,2 0 0 37, 530 2, 215 70, 790 9, 050 9, 350 18, 700 2 23 5 15 1 3 4 2 5 18,900 1 7 ,8 0 0 _ 19, 150 6 , 500 1 2 1 1, 100 2 , 020 60 - - - - No re fe r e n c e to c a l l - i n / c a l l back p a y ----------------------------------------- 688 1 ,0 4 2 ,4 8 2 A ll a g r e e m e n ts ------------------------ T otal r e fe r r in g to num ber of hours of c a l l -i n /c a l l -b a c k p a y -------------------------------------------- — 3 ,2 0 0 1 7 ,7 1 0 2, 155 51, 640! 2, 550 9, 350 1 3 ,7 0 0 - 12 4 - _ 1 5, 000 R ep ortin g pay fo r new ly hired e m p lo y ee s A gree m ents W ork ers ------------------------ 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 T otal with rep o rt pay fo r new h ir e s ---------------------------------------- 161 4 3 0 , 796 A ll a g r e e m e n ts 2 h ours --------------------------------------------------3 h ou rs --------------------------------------------------4 h ours --------------------------------------------------7 h ours ---------------------------------------------------8 h ours --------------------------------------------------F la t rate p r e m iu m ----------------------------V a r i e s 1 ------------------------------------------------No r e fe r e n c e to rep ortin g pay for new h i r e s ------------------------ 90 3 46 1 17 2 2 23 0, 341 9 ,9 5 0 1 3 1 ,1 2 0 2 , 000 4 2 ,1 4 5 2, 340 1 2 ,9 0 0 T otal r e fe r rin g to rep orting p a y --------- 707 1, 156, 122 Single gu aran tee---------------------------------------------- 377 4 8 3 ,4 9 0 hour ----------------------------------------------------------hours -------------------------------------------------------hours -------------------------------------------------------hours -------------------------------------------------------hours -------------------------------------------------------h o u r s -------------------------------------------------------- 5 264 4 80 1 23 1 5 ,5 7 5 25 5, 540 9, 800 156, 090 270 46, 215 T w o -ste p g u a r a n te e --------------------------------------- 137 2 1 6 , 42 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------step gu aran tees2 ------------------- 74 43 16 4 1 1 3 ,0 2 5 8 6 , 846 14, 280 2, 275 T h r e e -s te p gu arantee------------------------------------ 173 4 1 1 ,5 4 1 2 - 4 - 8 h ours -----------------------------------------------Other 3 step gu aran tee s3 ----------------------- 156 17 38 8, 856 2 2 ,6 8 5 2 - 4 h ours 4 - 8 hours 2 - 8 hours Other two _ F o u r -s t e p g u a r a n te e -------------------------------------- 20 4 4 ,6 6 5 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 h o u r s--------------------------------------------- 20 4 4 ,6 6 5 No refe r e n c e to rep orting pay ------------- 62 5 7 ,1 9 5 1 A single guarantee a s s u r e s the em ployee a sp ecified number of hours 1pay for reporting to w ork whether or not work is availa ble. M ultiple -step guarantees a ssu r e additional work or equivalent pay if the em ployee works p ast the p eriod covered by the rep orting pay guarantee. 2 Includes 1 a g r e e m e n t, providing a 3 - 4 hours guarantee; 2 a g r e e m ents with 4 - 6 h o u rs; and 1 ag ree m e n t with 2 - 5 h ours. 3 Includes 1 ag r ee m e n t providing a 1 - 4 - 8 hours guarantee; 4 a g r e e m ents with 2 - 4 - 6 h ou rs; 5 a g ree m e n ts with 2 - 4 - 7 hours; 1 agreem ent with 2 - 6 - 8 h ou rs; 1 ag ree m e n t with 3 - 4 - 8 h o u rs; 2 agreem en ts with 4 - 6 - 7 hours; and 3 agree m e n ts with 4 - 6 - 8 h ou rs. A gree m ents W ork ers A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 T o ta l r e fe r rin g to rep orting pay w a iv e r1 ----------------------------------- 490 9 1 3 ,1 9 7 F u ll w a iv e r ------------------------------------------P a r tia l w a iv e r ------------------------------------- 434 56 76 9 , 987 143, 210 No No refe r e n c e to reporting pay w a iv e r ------------------------------------ 279 30 0, 120 T ab le 8 3 . Paid v a c a tio n plans in c o n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , 1972—73 A gree m ents W o rk ers 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 T otal r e fe r rin g to paid vacation plans ----------------------------- 468 7 5 2 ,6 1 1 Funded p la n s1 --------------------------------------Unfunded plans ------------------------------------ 445 23 7 2 9 ,3 8 1 2 3 ,2 3 0 No r e fe r e n c e to paid vacation p la n s------------------------------ 301 46 0, 706 P aid vacation plans A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------- 1 608 7 8 2 ,5 2 1 1 The n um ber of h ours v a r ie s with the w o r k e r 's d istan ce fr o m the jo b s ite : 2 h ours in sid e a 20 m ile rad ius, 4 h ours outside the 20 m ile r a d iu s. 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 T ab le 8 2 . W a iv e r of repo rtin g pay provisions in co n stru ctio n ag ee m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 -7 3 R ep ortin g pay w aiver W ork ers 7 69 1 2 3 4 7 8 1 Includes 2 a g r e e m e n ts w hich provide a 4 hour guarantee and for w ork beyond 4 h o u r s, an 8 hour g u a r an tee; 1 a g ree m e n t which p rovid e s a 2 and 3/4 hour guarantee; and 2 a g r ee m e n ts which r e fe r to a guarantee but do not p rovide the n um ber of h o u rs. T a b le 81. Reporting pay fo r n ew ly hired em plo yees in c o n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 -7 3 A g ree m en ts A ll a g r e e m e n t s ------------------------------------ V a r ie s A full w aiver of rep orting pay states that the e m p loyer is not obligated to honor the rep orting pay g u a r antee under sp ecified conditions that p revent w ork (e. g. , A c t of God or natural d is a s te r , in clem en t w eath er, e m p loyee at fau lt, e t c .) . A p a rtia l w aiver red u ces but does not elim in a te the obligation. 1 of a la r g e r , Includes 2 a g r ee m e n ts g en eral fund. in which the fund is part N u m ber of holidays 2 A ll agreem en ts Total Union 1 A g reem en ts W o rk ers A gree m en ts W ork ers A ll u n io n s ----------------------------------------------- 769 1, 213, 317 754 1, 191. 317 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )---------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s (B M P )-----------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (BSOIW )-------------------------------------C a rp e n ters (C JA )--------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) ------------------------E le v a to r C o n stru c to rs (IU E C )--------------------Operating E n gin ee rs (IUOE)------------------------L a b o r e r s (L IU N A )------------------------------------------L a th e r s (W W M L )--------------------------------------------P a in ters (P A T )-------------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )----------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ......................................................... R o o fe r s (R D W W )---------------------------------------------Sheet M etal W o r k e r s (SM W )------------------------T e a m s t e r s (IB T)----------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 21, 70, 52, 290, 77, 18, 115, 271, 10, 70, 30, 68 , 13, 42, 52, 5 80 850 840 710 695 270 800 150 300 610 420 936 245 231 290 390 27 11 97 38 55 61 2 41 51 46 71 57 59 50 46 42 6, 21 , 69, 52, 275, 77, 18, 115, 271, 10, 69, 27, 67, 13, 42, 52, 480 850 540 010 195 270 800 150 300 260 840 891 945 106 290 390 9 holidays A ll u n io n s ----------------------------------------------A s b e s to s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) ----------------------------B o ile rm a k e r s ( B B F ) --------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) -----------------------------------------Iron w ork ers (B S O IW )------------------------------------C arp en ters ( C J A ) --------------------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----■ E le vator C on stru c tors (IU E C )---------------------O perating E n g in ee rs (IU O E )-----------------------L a b o r e rs ( L I U N A ) ------------------------------------------L ath ers ( W W M L )---------------------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) .......... .......................................... P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )-----------------------------------------P lu m b er s ( P P F ) -----------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W ) ---------------------------------------------Sheet M etal W o r k e r s (S M W ) ------------------------T e a m s te r s ( I B T ) ---------------------------------------------- — — ---------- — ------------ __ -------------— 6 holidays 5 holidays 33 33, 925 3 1 2 2 2 4 _ 1 2 1 2 4 3 4 2 800 150 1, 445 1 ,0 5 0 3, 300 4, 050 _ 10, 000 1, 530 610 3 80 2, 315 835 3, 710 3, 750 A g ree m en ts 23 _ . 3 3 1 _ W ork ers 34, 265 _ _ 3, 100 11, 300 1, 600 - - 1 4 7 2 _ - 3, 000 325 12, 715 1, 075 - - - _ 2 1, 150 - 4 1 1 _ 3 1 1 1 1 3 _ 2 1 402 14 8 53 20 30 30 1 23 30 19 36 34 31 30 24 19 7 holidays W ork ers 494. 430 3, 20 , 28, 22, 101, 27, 16, 53, 114, 1, 20 , 8, 31, 7, 18, 17, 040 800 410 360 795 785 000 795 950 915 960 270 075 390 830 055 A g ree m en ts 6 5 ,6 5 5 - 3, 105 4, 350 2, 350 27, 700 18, 000 2 , 800 1, 300 200 4, 750 900 200 2 1 .5 7 5 1 600 - - 1, 2, 2, 1, 5, 7, 550 150 800 500 775 _ 000 _ 200 288, 091 113 1, 205 800 26, 795 9, 075 85, 750 18, 750 3 1 18 4 10 14 _ 6 6 12 8 7 8 5 4 7 - - 8 12 5 15 10 11 12 10 7 17, 67, 1, 19, 7, 13, 3, 9, 5, 11 - 1 1 3 1 1 _ 4 1 F o r ful l n a m e s o f u n i on s, s e e fo o t n o t e 1, tabl e 2. 2 I n c l u d e s h o l i d a y s d e s i g n a t e d as pa id o r unpaid and h o l id a y s l i s t e d but not d e s i g n a t e d as e i t h e r . E x c l u d e s N a t io na l E l e c t i o n D ay w h i c h o c c u r s som e agreem ents, 3 I n c l u d e s 8 a g r e e m e n t s with 4 h o l i d a y s , 1 a g r e e m e n t with 12, and 2 a g r e e m e n t s in w h i c h the n u m b e r o f h o l i d a y s v a r i e s . A g ree m en ts 6 1 18 8 8 11 840 750 515 095 510 735 901 275 095 Other 3 11 1 1 1 1 2 2 _ 2 8 h olidays W orkers 142 11 holidays 10 holidays 19 A g ree m en ts W orkers 243, 336 9, 15, 64, 22, 13, 57, 1, 12, 10, 11, 2, 21 , 835 100 085 275 050 735 . 31.5 600 955 585 356 070 980 375 020 No refe ren c e 10, 040 15 22 , 000 150 4, 650 - 1 4 1 1 - 100 1, 300 700 15, 500 . 350 5 80 3, 045 300 125 _ - - 220 800 100 . _ 4, 120 1 2 3 1 1 _ every 4 years and is foun d in P r e m iu m pay rates for w ork on paid h olid ays2 T otal A ll agreem ents A ll u n io n s --------------------------------------------A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )-------------------------E o ile r m a k e r s ( E E F ) ------ _----------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------------- 1— Iron w ork ers (B S O IW )----------------------------------C arp e n ters (CJA) ----------------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E levator C o n stru c to rs (IUEC) -----------------Operating E n gin eers ( IU O E )---------------------L a b o r e rs ( L I U N A ) ----------------------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L ) -----------------------------------------P a in ters ( P A T ) ---------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) -------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ------------------------------------ *------R o o fe r s (RDW W ) -----------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W ) ---------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------------------- A gree m en ts A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers A gree m en ts W o rk ers 769 1. 213. 317 56 118, 815 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21, 850 70, 840 52, 710 209, 695 77, 270 18, 800 115, 150 271, 300 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 68, 245 13, 231 42, 290 5 2 ,3 9 0 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 11 2 50 500 800 000 500 145 800 750 000 2, 2, 9, 13, 18. 23, 14, - 9 1 1 - 5, 080 240 900 - 1 18 - 5, 200 22, 850 7 O th er3 Double tim e and o n e-h a lf Double tim e U nion1 W o rk ers A g r e e m e n ts 6 6. 595 W o rk ers A g r e e m e n ts - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ 2, 800 2, 500 _ 1 1 - - _ 345 _ _ 50 . - _ 10, 000 _ 1, 200 _ _ - - - _ 4 38 16. 350 - _ _ _ 1 1 _ 3 _ 1 . _ 1 No reference T rip le tim e A g ree m en ts 90. 080 1 1 1 1 4 1 9 2 _ 4 - _ 5, 150 W ork ers 1 13 500 800 000 500 645 000 050 000 _ 735 . _ 5, 200 17, 650 2, 2, 9, 1, 16, 20, 14, W o rk ers A greem en ts W ork ers 5 5. 790 713 1, 094^502 1 _ 50 _ 27 10 •100 38 55 55 _ 30 49 47 64 59 59 51 45 24 - - _ 1 _ _ _ _ 2 1 _ _ _ _ _ 1, 500 _ _ _ _ 4, 000 240 _ " - 6, 21, 68, 50, 281, 64, 530 350 040 710 195 125 _ 91, 257, 10, 65, 30, 67, 13, 37, 29, 400 300 610 340 696 345 231 090 540 1 F o r full n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. 2 T otal pay r a te s a re given: stra igh t tim e holiday pay plus prem iu m pay fo r w ork on h oliday. In m o st in stan ces the p rovision allow s 6 paid h olidays a y e a r . 3 Includes 1 a g r e e m e n t in w hich the rate v a rie s with the number of h olid ays; 1 a greem en t, rate v a r ie s with length of se r v ic e , 1 agreem en t, tim e and o n e-h a lf; 2 agreem ents which r e fe r to h o li days but give no d e ta ils. T a b le 8 6 . P re m iu m pay ra tes fo r w o rk on u npaid h o lid a y s , in co n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , by u nio n, 1 9 7 2 —73 A ll agreem ents T otal r e fe r rin g to p rem iu m pay rate Union 1 A g reem en ts W ork ers A g ree m en ts W ork ers A ll u n io n s ---------------------------------------------- 769 1 .2 1 3 . 317 686 1. 07 1. 947 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )--------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ---------------------------------------Iro n w o rk e rs (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C a r p e n te r s ( C J A ) ------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s ( I U E C ) ---------------— Operating E n g in ee rs (IU O E )----------------------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A ) ----L a th e rs ( W W M L ) --------P a in te r s ( P A T ) -----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )- P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) R o o fe r s (R D W W ) ......................... Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SM W ) - T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) --------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 21, 850 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 29 0, 695 77, 270 18, 800 115, 150 27 1, 300 10, 610 70, 420 30, 936 68 , 245 13, 231 42, 290 52, 390 28 10 97 38 54 55 - 30 49 43 55 52 57 50 44 24 . 6, 2>1, 6 Y, 50, 26 5, 64, 580 350 350 710 695 125 . 9 1 ,4 0 0 25 7, 300 9, 855 62, 845 29, 751 65, 445 13, 036 36, 965 29, 540 P r e m iu m pay fo r w ork on unpaid holidays N o reference Tim e and o n e-h a lf A gree m en ts 19 _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 1 _ 8 _ _ 5 _ 2 Double tim e W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers 15. 220 660 1. 02 4. 932 1, 3, 5, 3, _ 100 _ 000 _ _ 000 000 _ 195 1, 425 _ 1, 500 28 10 96 38 53 55 . 26 48 42 47 51 57 45 43 21 6, 21, 67, 50, 26 4, 64, 58, 2 5 2, 9, 59, 29, 65, 11, 35, 27, F o r fu ll n a m es of u nion s, see footnote 1, table 2. In clud es 4 a g r e e m e n ts which provide trip le tim e; and 3 ag ree m e n ts in which the rate v a r ie s by the num ber of holidays, O th e r 2 580 350 250 710 695 125 _ 150 300 710 650 601 445 611 865 890 A g ree m en ts 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ _1 _1 _ 1 1 W ork ers 31. 795 _ ' _ _ _ _ 30, 250 _ _ _ 145 150 1, 100 150 A greem en ts 83 1 4 1 2 6 2 11 2 4 18 8 3 1 2 18 W o rk ers 141. 370 3, 2, 25, 13, 18, 23, 14, 7, 1, 2, 5, 22, 500 490 000 000 145 800 750 000 755 575 185 800 195 325 850 Part X. Dispute S ettlem ent Procedures Jurisdictional disputes Grievance and arbitration Strike bans T a b le 87. D is p u te s e ttle m e n t procedures in co n stru ctio n ag reem en ts, by unio n, 1 9 7 2 —73______________________________________________________ T a b le 8 8 . Type o f ju ris d ic tio n a l d is p u te procedure p ro vision s in co n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , 1 9 7 2 —73 D ispute settlem e n t p ro ce d u res A ll a greem en ts Jurisd iction al disputes Union1 A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers A greem en ts A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A l l u n io n s --------------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 , 317 376 7 4 2 ,2 1 6 26 2 1 ,8 4 5 711 1 ,1 5 9 ,1 8 7 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H FIA) ------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) --------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )----------------------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) -----------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s (IU E C )------------------O p eratin g E n g in ee rs (I U O E ) ---------------------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A ) ----------------------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L ) -----------------------------------------P a in te r s (P A T ) --------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )--------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) --------------------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W )-------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SMW) --------------------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 29 0 , 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 18, 800 115, 150 27 1, 300 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 30, 936 6 8 ,2 4 5 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 9 10 43 33 46 2 1 36 34 18 10 39 35 23 13 24 2 ,4 1 0 16, 850 3 2 , 170 4 6 , 960 2 2 1 ,2 7 5 8 , 500 16, 000 109, 460 1 3 8 ,0 5 0 7 ,2 0 5 1 3 ,9 1 5 26 , 371 3 9 . 880 6 , 780 2 0 , 060 3 6 , 330 2 435 - - 26 18 88 37 51 61 2 35 48 43 68 52 56 48 46 39 1 F o r full n am es of u nions, NOTE: see footnote 1, W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W orkers 2 1 3 1, 180 680 5, 620 - - - - 3 2 1 1 5 3 2 1 ,7 0 0 3, 700 75 2 , 500 1 ,4 5 5 3, 500 600 - - 1 Type of ju r isd ic tio n a l dispute p rocedu re G rievan ce and arb itration G rievan ce only 400 W orkers ----------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 T otal r e fe r rin g to ju r isd ic tio n a l dispute p rocedu re ------------------ 376 7 4 2 ,2 1 6 71 32 282 197, 501 9 1 ,8 8 5 5 0 4 ,8 1 1 60 2 103, 935 1 ,0 7 0 6 19,600 393 47 1, 101 A ll a g ree m e n ts Joint la b o r -m a n a g e m e n t b o a r d -------Joint lo c a l union b o a r d ---------------------A F L -C I O p r o ce d u r e 1 ------------------------Joint international union p rocedu re -----------------------------------------O th er2 ----------------------------------------------------R e fere n c e to ju risd ic tio n a l dispute p r o ce d u r e ; no refe r e n c e to type ----------------------------- 6 , 145 2 1 ,8 5 0 56 , 760 50 , 030 2 8 2 ,5 7 5 7 7 , 270 18, 800 1 0 7 ,8 5 0 2 6 4 , 100 10, 310 66 , 755 2 8 , 961 64, 580 1 2 ,4 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 4 8 ,4 8 0 No r e fe r e n c e to ju risd ic tio n a l dispute p r o c e d u r e --------------------- 1 C onstitutes r e fe r r a l of the dispute to the National Joint B oard for S ettlem ent of J urisd iction al D isp u tes. 2 Includes 1 a g ree m e n t which c a lls for settlem ent by a State arb itration b o a rd , and 1 agreem en t which c a lls for settlem en t by the N ational Lab or Relations B oard . table 2. N O T E : Nonadditive. than one p r o ce d u re. N onadditive. T a b le 8 9 . A g ree m en ts Som e agreem en ts r efe r to m ore No s trik e s , no lockouts in co n stru ctio n a g re e m e n ts , by union, 1 9 7 2 —73 P ro v isio n s for strik e and lockout bans A ll agreem en ts U nion1 Total A g ree m en ts W o rk ers A g ree m en ts L im ite d b an s2 W ork ers A b solu te b ans3 No p r ovision s for strik e and lockout bans A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W o r k er s A g r e e m e n ts W o rk ers A ll u n io n s ---------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 593 1 ,0 0 6 , 342 393 8 1 7 ,3 7 7 200 1 8 8 ,9 6 5 176 20 6, 975 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s ( H F I A ) --------------B o ile r m a k e r s (B B F )-------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ---------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )----------------------C a r p e n ter s ( C J A ) -----------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s (IU E C )-------O p eratin g E n g in ee rs (IU O E )----------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) ----------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L )-------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) ----------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) -------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) -------------------------------R o o fe r s (R D W W ) -------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (S M W ) ----------T e a m s t e r s ( I B T ) -------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6 ,5 8 0 2 1 ,8 5 0 7 0 ,8 4 0 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 ,6 9 5 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 3 0 ,9 3 6 6 8 ,2 4 5 13 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 18 9 64 38 51 56 2 29 45 35 49 50 39 34 38 36 4 , 940 2 1 ,6 5 0 5 2 ,9 0 0 50, 710 24 5 , 195 6 1 ,6 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 9 7 ,6 5 0 2 3 2 ,4 5 0 8 , 775 5 3 ,0 5 0 2 7 ,2 9 6 4 4 , 185 8 , 671 35 , 710 4 2 ,6 9 0 9 7 37 35 36 22 1 24 36 29 30 31 25 20 23 28 2, 510 1 7 ,6 5 0 3 9 , 625 48 , 360 2 0 4 , 220 3 2 ,5 6 5 1 6 ,0 0 0 7 7 ,8 1 5 2 0 6 , 450 4 , 045 48 , 670 2 0 ,4 3 6 34 , 035 4, 471 2 4 ,4 5 5 36 , 070 9 2 27 3 15 34 1 5 9 6 19 19 14 14 15 8 2 , 430 4, 000 1 3 ,2 7 5 2, 350 4 0 , 975 2 9 ,1 0 5 2 , 800 1 9 ,8 3 5 2 6 , 000 4, 730 4, 380 6, 860 10, 150 4, 200 1 1 ,2 5 5 6 , 620 10 2 37 1 5 5 1, 640 200 1 7 ,9 4 0 2 , 000 4 5 ,5 0 0 15, 600 1 2 3 F o r fu ll n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. A lim ite d ban is a statem ent prohibiting strik es or lockouts except under given c ir cu m sta n c e s or for sp ec ific is s u e s . An ab solu te ban is an unmodified statem ent prohibiting strik e s or lockouts during the t e r m of the ag ree m e n t. - 12 6 12 24 10 21 17 8 6 _ 1 7 ,5 0 0 38 , 850 1 ,8 3 5 1 7 ,3 7 0 3, 700 24 , 060 4, 560 6, 580 9, 700 Employee benefit funds Industry advancement programs Workmen’s compensation Health and w e l fa r e fund2 A ll agree m e n ts U nion1 P en sion fund ---------------- E ^T tK --------------in suran ce fund A greem en ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A l l u n io n s ---------------------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 685 1, 122, 337 696 1 ,1 8 7 ,0 4 7 45 13 0, 555 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )--------------------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) ------------------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ---------------------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )-----------------------------------C a r p e n te r s ( C J A ) ------------------------------------------E le c t r ic a l W o r k e r s ( I B E W ) -----------------------E le v a to r C o n str u c to r s (IUEC) ------------------O p eratin g E n g in ee rs ( IU O E )----------------------L a b o r e r s ( L I U N A ) -----------------------------------------L a th e rs (W W M L ) ------------------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) ----------------------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M ) --------------------------------------P lu m b e r s ( P P F ) ---------------------------------------------R o o fe r s ( R D W W ) -------------------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s ( S M W )----------------------T e a m s t e r s (IB T) ------------------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70 , 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 , 695 7 7 ,2 7 0 1 8 ,8 0 0 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10, 610 7 0 ,4 2 0 30 , 936 68 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 28 11 88 39 53 51 2 39 48 36 61 50 56 43 46 34 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 6 1 ,3 2 5 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 7 2 ,8 9 5 57, 985 18, 800 1 1 2 ,0 8 0 2 5 8 , 700 9 ,9 6 5 54, 390 2 9 , 306 60, 995 1 1 ,1 9 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 1 ,1 7 5 28 11 87 39 54 47 2 40 47 41 68 46 59 46 45 36 6 ,5 8 0 2 1 ,8 5 0 6 8 ,1 3 5 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 8 7 ,0 9 5 68, 940 18, 800 115, 080 2 6 7 ,8 0 0 10 , 060 6 9 ,8 3 5 28,206 6 6 , 045 1 2 ,6 8 1 4 1 ,8 1 0 5 1 ,4 2 0 1 _ 4 2 5 9 200 _ 9 ,9 5 0 5, 500 2 1 ,8 7 5 2 5 , 395 10, 100 2 9 ,7 0 0 50 1 6 ,2 5 0 500 6, 150 200 3, 980 705 A g r e e m e n ts - 3 3 1 5 1 3 1 3 4 W ork ers L ife in suran ce fund A g r e e m e n ts 37 _ 4 2 2 7 - 2 3 1 5 1 3 - 2 5 L o s s of incom e b en efits3 W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts 115, 030 7 _ _ 9. 950 5, 500 2 0 , 300 9 ,7 9 5 _ 1 _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 2 10, 000 2 9 ,7 0 0 50 19, 950 500 5, 500 _ 2 , 880 905 " W orkers 1 3 ,2 9 0 _ 580 _ 10, 465 _ _ _ _ 100 _ 1, 100 1, 045 “ 1 F o r fu ll n a m es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. 2 A health and w elfa re fund is generally a m u lti-p u r p o se fund into which the con tra cto rs pay a stated amount fo r each em ployee m an -h o u r of w ork. The m a jo r ity of c la u se s esta b lish in g a health and w elfare fund do not sp ecify the p u rp oses of the fund. The m in o rity that do so com m on ly indicate that the fund m ay p rovide em ployees with life in su ra n ce , m e d ic a l care b en efits, lo s s -o f -in c o m e b en efits, or such other non-w age ben efits as m ay be d esign ated by the a d m in istra to rs of the fund. 3 A lo s s - o f -i n c o m e ben efits fund pays regu lar in stallm en ts in lieu of sa la r y to em p loyee s who are d isab led and cannot w ork. NOTE: Nonadditive. T ab le 91. Industry ad van cem en t funds and w o rk m e n 's co m p en sation insurance in co n stru ctio n ag reem en ts, by u n io n , 19 72—73 A ll agree m e n ts Industry advancem ent fund2 W o r k m e n 's com pen sation insurance Union1 A g ree m en ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers A g r e e m e n ts W ork ers 6 4 2 ,5 5 6 A ll u n io n s ---------------------------------- 769 1 ,2 1 3 ,3 1 7 358 4 6 6 , 065 459 A s b e s t o s W o r k e r s (H F L A )---------------B o ile r m a k e r s ( B B F ) -------------------------B r ic k la y e r s ( B M P ) ----------------------------Iron w ork e rs (B S O IW )-----------------------C a rp e n ters ( C J A ) ------------------------------E le c tr ic a l W o r k e r s ( IB E W )------------E le vator C on stru ctors (IU E C )--------O p eratin g E ngin eers (IU O E )-----------L a b o r e r s (L I U N A )-----------------------------L ath e rs ( W W M L )--------------------------------P a in te r s ( P A T ) ----------------------------------P la s t e r e r s (O P C M )---------------------------P lu m b e r s (P P F ) --------------------------------R o o fe r s ( R D W W )--------------------------------Sheet M e ta l W o r k e r s (SMW)------------T e a m s t e r s (IBT) --------------------------------- 28 11 101 39 56 61 2 41 51 47 73 60 60 51 46 42 6, 580 2 1 ,8 5 0 70, 840 5 2 ,7 1 0 2 9 0 , 695 77 , 270 18, 800 115, 150 2 7 1 ,3 0 0 10 , 610 70, 420 30 , 936 68 , 245 1 3 ,2 3 1 4 2 ,2 9 0 5 2 ,3 9 0 9 2 48 16 29 2 1 ,7 4 0 1, 050 3 6 ,3 1 0 1 7 ,7 8 5 134, 470 2 ,4 0 0 5 1 55 36 32 60 1, 570 100 840 585 670 270 46, 50, 146, 70, - - - _ 14 24 45 16 39 41 22 41 10 4 3 ,3 1 5 97, 550 10, 460 15, 350 14, 145 4 2 ,1 8 0 5 ,9 9 5 3 6 , 015 7, 300 18 20 20 63 30 42 33 31 13 71, 115 69, 700 2 , 850 65, 635 1 2 ,0 7 5 4 9 ,9 5 5 9, 581 3 1 ,9 6 5 1 3 ,6 4 5 1 F o r full n am es of unions, see footnote 1, table 2. 2 A n industry advancem ent fund is ge n era lly a m u ltipu rpose fund with m an y application s which m ay include r e s e a r c h into new m ethods and m a te r ia ls , d evelop m en t of variou s standards, public rela tio n s, p rom otion of the industry and d evelopm ent of m a r k e ts, education, im provin g in tr a -in d u str y relations betw een c o n tr a cto r s, en gin eers, a rc h itec ts, forem en and variou s other e m p lo y e e s, etc . A p p e n d ix . S u b je c t In d e x o f A g r e e m e n t P ro v is io n s Agreement provisions Table number Abnormal working conditions, pay differential f o r .......................................................................7 4 ,7 5 , 76 Advance notice: l a y o f f .................................................................................................................................................. 38 project start ...................................................................................................................................... 2 5 ,2 6 schedule changes............................................................................................................................... 60 Agency s h o p ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Agreements: distribution by c r a f t ........................................................................................................................ 11 distribution distribution distribution distribution by by by by Page 44 26 18 37 10 8 employer u n it ....................................................................................................... major a c tiv ity ....................................................................................................... o c c u p a tio n ............................................................................................................ r e g io n ...................................................................................................................... 9 6 11 4 8 5 8 4 distribution by Standard Metropolitan Statistical A r e a ........................................................... distribution by u n i o n ..................................................................................................................... distribution by worker c o v e r a g e ................................................................................................... 7 ,8 6 5 6, 7 5 4 d u r a tio n ................................... 3 4 expirations ......................................................................................................................................... reopeners ........................................................................................................................................... size g r o u p ........................................................................................................................................... Allowances: lo d g i n g ............................................................................................................................................... meals .................................................................................................................................................. p a rk in g ............................................................................................................................................... per d i e m ............................................................................................................................................. 1 ,2 65 5 3 40 4 69 69 69 69 42 42 42 42 transportation.................................................................................................................................... 6 9 ,7 0 42 travel tim e ........................................................................................................................................... 69 42 Antidiscrimination p r o v is io n s ............................................................................................................ 15 11 Apprenticeship: com m ittee........................................................................................................................................... 21 15 f u n d .................................................................................................................................................... le n g t h .................................................................................................................................................. prerequisites...................................................................................................................................... ratio, apprentices to journeymen ................................................................................................ 21 2 1 ,2 4 2 1 ,2 3 2 1 ,2 2 15 1 5 ,1 6 1 5 ,1 6 15 Arbitration provisions ........................................................................................................................ Assessments, ch e ck o ff o f ...................................................................................................................... 87 13 51 10 Basic rate structure 64 40 Bonding, employer 66 41 Call-in/call-back pay ............................................................................................................................. 7 7 ,7 9 4 6 ,4 7 Change o f classification, rate i n ................................ 68 41 Change o f scheduled hours, limitations on ..................................................................................... 60 37 C heck-off (dues, initiation fees, assessments) ................................................................................ 1 2 ,1 3 10 Classification, maintenance o f rate in change o f ........................................................................... 68 41 Clean-up time, p a i d ....................................................................................................................................... 77 46 Clothes changing, paid ................................................................................................................................ Clothing, w o rk ................................................................................................................................................ Committee: apprenticeship .................................................................................................................................. s a f e t y .................................................................................................................................................. Company pay for union business 77 49 21 37 46 31 15 24 ..................................................................................................... 14 11 Compensation, m ethod o f ................................................................................................................. Conference, p r e -jo b ............................................................................................................................... 64 2 5 ,2 7 40 18 Construction sta n d a rd s........................................................................................................................ Craft co v e ra g e ...................... 44 11 29 8 Crew size rules .............................................................................................................................................. Daily hours o f work ....................................................................................................... 43 28 51 33 Daily overtime: hours .................................................................................................................................................. 5 0 ,5 2 r a t e ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 0 ,5 2 Death benefits ...................................................................................................................................... 90 Deferred wage increases ...................................................................................................................... 65 Differentials, abnormal conditions and hazardous work ............................................................. 7 4 ,7 5 , 76 3 3 ,3 4 33,34 53 40 44 Differentials, s h i f t .................................................................................................................................. Disputes settlement: grievance-arbitration........................................................................................................................ 7 1 ,7 2 43 87 51 jurisdictional .................................................................................................................................... Distribution o f overtime, e q u a l.......................................................................................................... Dues c h e c k o f f ......................................................................................................................................... 88 50 13 51 33 10 Duration: o f agreem ents.................................................................................................................................... o f apprenticeships ........................................................................................................................... 3 21 4 15 90 48 34 53 31 23 Employee: benefit funds .................................................................................................................................... com fort and sanitary facilities........................................................................................................ right to refuse work in inclement w eather................................................................................... rights and obigations concerning safety ..................................................................................... 36 24 transfers, restrictions o n ................................................................................................................. 45, 46 29, 30 Employer: limitations on working with tools o f trade . . . i ....................................................................... 45 29 obligations concerning s a f e t y ........................................................................................................ 35 23 right to h ire ......................................................................................................................................... right to reject union referrals.......................................................................................................... 28 25 19 18 right to retain key p erson nel.......................................................................................................... 25 18 u n it ....................................................................................................................................................... Equal distribution o f overtim e............................................................................................................ 9 50 8 33 Equipment and t o o l s ................................... 39 27 Table number Examinations, pre-hiring...................................................... Expiration o f agreements...................................................... Facilities, employee shelter and sanitation........................ “ Favored nations” cla u ses.................................................... Foremen: 32 Page 1 ,2 21 3 48 16 31 12 18 general ................................................................................ minimum number o f journeymen requiring hiring o f 1 8 ,2 0 ratio o f journeym en to ................................................. 1 8 ,1 9 13 13 13 apprenticeship.................................................................... health and welfare ........................................................... health in su ra n ce ............................................................... 21 90 53 90 53 industry advancement 91 90 53 53 53 53 Funds: .................................................... life insurance...................................................................... loss-of-in com e.................................................................... p e n sio n ................................................................................ 90 90 6 6 ,6 7 15 83 91 41 47 53 10 18 8 13 56 58 87 36 36 51 Hazardous work, pay differentials f o r ............................ Health and welfare f u n d .................................................... Health in su ra n ce.................................................................. Height, rules governing maximum work ........................ Hiring: 7 5 ,7 6 90 90 43 44 53 53 28 older w o r k e r s .................................................................. order o f referral in ........................................................ pre-hiring examination p ro v is io n s.............................. referral list, retention o f position o n .......................... 30, 33 29 30, 32 30 2 0 ,2 1 19 2 0 ,2 1 referral rules, penalty for violation o f ........................ 31 20 20 referral system s............................................................... provisions, s e le cte d ........................................................ 30 25 20 18 sources o f ......................................................................... 25, 28 18, 19 84 85 48 security, wage and f u n d ................................................. vacation................................................................................ workmen's co m p e n sa tio n ............................................... Geographical scope o f agreement...................................... General fo r e m e n .................................................................. Graduated rate: o v e rtim e ........................................................................... Saturday............................................................................ Grievance procedures........................................................... Holidays: n u m b e r............................................................................. rate for work on p a i d .................................................... rate for work on u n p a id ............................................... Hourly pay .......................................... ................................ Hours o f w o r k ...................................................................... Hours, scheduled w e e k ly .................................................... 86 64 5 1 ,5 3 53 49 49 40 3 3 ,3 4 34 Inclement w eather............................................................... 34 23 Industry: advancement fund .......................................................................................................................... distribution o f agreements ............................................................................................................ Initiation fees, ch eck o ff ...................................................................................................................... Insurance: 91 6 13 53 5 10 h e a lth .................................................................................................................................................. life ...................................................................................................................................................... 90 90 53 53 Jurisdiction o f equipment repairs ..................................................................................................... Jurisdictional dispute settlement p roced u res.................................................................................. 40, 41 88 27, 28 51 apprenticeship ................................................................................................................................. s a f e t y .................................................................................................................................................. L ayoff, advance notice o f ............................................................................... 21 37 38 15 24 26 Life insurance ......................................................................................................................................... 90 53 Local residents, preference in h ir i n g ................................................................................................ Lodging, travel allowance for ....................................................................................................... 30 69 20 42 Loss o f incom e b en efits........................................................................................................................ 90 53 Maintenance o f higher rate ................................................................................................................. Maintenance o f m em b e rsh ip ............................................................................................................... Major activity, distribution o f agreements by ................................................................................ Management rights................................................................................................................................. Materials, limitations on employers’ use o f ..................................................................................... Meal periods, p a i d ................................................................................................................................. Meals, allowance for ............................................................................................................................. Medical care b e n e fits ............................................................................................................................. M ethod o f compensation o f shift w o r k ............................................................................................ Minimum number o f workmen requiring hiring o f forem en ........................................................ 68 13 6 16 39 7 7 ,7 8 69, 78 90 71 20 41 10 5 12 27 46 4 2 ,4 6 53 43 13 Minimum rates ...................................................................................................................................... Minorities, provision for apprenticeship or hiring o f .................................................................... Money differentials, for shift w o r k .................................................................................................... 64 15 71, 72 40 11 43 Labor-management comm ittee: Nonbargaining unit personnel, restrictions on work b y ................................................................ 45 29 No-strike, no-lockout p r o v is io n s ....................................................................................................... Notice provisions.................................................................................................................................... 89 2 5 ,2 6 38 60 51 18 26 37 Older worker provisions ...................................................................................................................... 30, 33 * 20, 21 On-the-job tr a in in g ............................................................................................................................... 21 15 Order o f referral in h ir i n g ................................................................................................................... 29 19 5 0 ,5 2 3 3 ,3 4 Overtime: daily overtime ................................................................................................................................. daily overtime rate by daily overtime hours ........................................................................... 52 34 equal distribution o f ........................................................................................................................ for work performed during regular meal period......................................................................... graduated ........................................................................................................................................ 50 78 5 0 ,5 6 33 46 3 3 ,3 6 50 33 outside regularly scheduled hours .............................................................................................. Overtime— Continued rate for work outside regularly scheduled h o u r s ...................................................................... restrictions on ................................................................................................................................. weekend work ................................................................................................................................. 50, 55 5 2 ,6 1 5 7 ,5 8 33, 35 3 7 ,3 8 36 weekly o v e rtim e ............................................................................................................................... weekly overtime rates by weekly overtime h o u r s .................................................................... 50, 54 54 33,35 35 Paid meal p e r i o d ................................................................................................................................... 7 7 ,7 8 46 Paid rest p e r io d ...................................................................................................................................... 77 46 Parking a llo w a n c e ................................................................................................................................. Payment for time not worked .......................................................................................................... 69 77 42 46 Penalty: on employee for poor w orkm anship............................................................................................ 4 0 ,4 2 on employee for violation o f referral r u le s ................................................................................ 31 20 on employer for wage or benefit fund default ......................................................................... Pension f u n d .......................................................................................................................................... Per diem a llo w a n c e ............ . . .............................................................................................................. 67 90 69 41 53 42 Poor workmanship p e n a lt y ................................................................................................................. 4 0 ,4 2 Portal-to-portal p a y ............................................................................................................................... Pre-hiring examination p r o v is io n s ..................................................................................................... Pre-job co n fere n ce ................................................................................................................................. 77 3 0 ,3 2 2 5 ,2 7 27,28 27,28 46 2 0 ,2 1 18 Prefabricated materials, lim ita tion s................................................................................................... 39 27 Preferential hiring o f local residents ................................................................................................ 30 20 Premium pay: holidays .................................................................................................................. Saturday .......................................................................................................................................... S u n d a y ............................................................................................................................................... Prerequisites for apprenticeship ......................... ............................................................................. 8 5 ,8 6 5 7 ,5 8 57 21, 23 49 36 36 15, 16 Project start, advance notice o f ....................................................................................................... 2 5 ,2 6 18 Rain gear provisions............................................................................................................................... Rate stru ctu re........................................................................................................................................ Ratio: apprentices to jo u r n e y m e n ............................................................................................................ 34 64 23 40 2 1 ,2 2 15 foremen to journeymen ................................................................................................................. older workers to total w o r k e r s ..................................................................................................... provisions, selected ................................................................................................................ 1 8 ,1 9 33 25 13 21 18 Region, distribution b y ........................................................................................................................ R e o p e n e rs............................................................................. Repairs, jurisdiction o f equipment .................................................................................................. 4 4 65 40 4 0 ,4 1 27,28 Reporting pay: guarantees.......................................................................................................................................... 7 7 ,8 0 4 6 ,4 7 p rovision ............................................................................................................................................. referrals, first d a y .................................................................................................................... 7 7 ,8 0 81 4 6 ,4 7 47 waiver o f .......................................................................................................................................... Rest p eriod s............................ Restrictions on: employers’ use o f materials, tools, and equipment .................................................................. holiday w o r k ............................................................................................, ........................................ 82 77 47 46 39 59 27 37 o v e rtim e ............................................................................................................................................. 5 9 ,6 1 3 7 ,3 8 schedule changes 5 9 ,6 0 37 ............................................................................................................................ Table Number Restrictions on— Continued shift w o r k ......................... weekend work ................ working em p loyers......... working hours .................. Page 5 9 ,6 2 59, 63 45 59 37, 38 37, 38 29 37 36 35 37 5 7 ,5 8 5 9 ,6 0 10 24 23 24 36 37 8 Safety: employee rights and ob lig a tion s........................................................... employer obligations ............................................................................. labor-management com m ittees............................................................. Saturday w o rk ............................................................................................... Schedule changes, limitations o n ............................................................... Scope o f agreement: geographical .......................................................... Settlement o f disputes: grievance and arbitration........................................................................ jurisdictional disputes procedure.......................................................... Shift work: method o f compensation ...................................................................... money differentials ............................................................................... restrictions on ........................................................................................ variations in shift work h o u r s ............................................................... Short-term job clauses................................................................................. Single rates ................................................................................................... Size distribution o f agreements................................................................. Sole bargaining.............................................................................................. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, distribution o f agreements by Standards, construction............................................................................... Stew ards....................................................................................................... Strike and lockout bans ............................................................................. Subcontracting, limitations on ........................................ ........................ Superseniority for union stewards............................................................. Sunday w o r k ................................................................................................. 87 88 51 51 71 7 1 ,7 2 5 9 ,6 2 73 30 64 5 13 7 ,8 44 14 89 44 14 57 43 43 37, 38 43 20 40 4 10 6 ,7 29 11 51 29 11 36 Technological changes, no opposition to introduction o f .................... Tools and equipment, rules limiting use o f ............................................. Tools, furnishing, replacing and storing.................................... ........... Training, on-the-job........................................................................ ............ Transfer, restrictions on em ployee...................................................... Transportation allowance ...................................................................... Travel time a llow a n ce................................................................................. 17 39 47 21 4 5 ,4 6 6 9 ,7 0 69 12 27 30 15 29, 30 42 42 Union business, pay for time on ............................................................... Union security provisions ........................................................................... Union shop ....................... ............................................................................ Unit, employer ............................................................................................ Unrestricted work provision ...................................................................... 14 12, 13 13 9 17 11 10 10 8 12 83 47 Vacation, paid fund ................................................................................... Wage: adjustments ...................................................................................................................................... 65 40 basic rate stru ctu re.......................................................................................................................... deferred increase ............................................................................................................................ employer payment d e fa u lt ............................................................................................................ maintenance o f higher r a t e ............................................................................................................ re o p e n e r.............................................................................................................. 64 65 6 6 ,6 7 68 65 40 40 41 41 40 security, wage and f u n d ................................................................................................................. 6 6 ,6 7 41 Waiver o f reporting p a y ........................................................................................................................ 82 47 Washup, cleanup and clothes changing time .................................................................................. Weekly hours o f w o r k .......................................................................................................................... Weekend work, restrictions on .......................................................................................................... 77 53 59, 63 46 34 37, 38 Weight lim ita tion s................................................................................................................................. 43 28 Work c lo t h in g ........................................................................................................................................ Work rules concerning safety ............................................................................................................ Working employer, restrictions o n ..................................................................................................... 49 36 45 31 24 29 Workmen’s compensation req u irem en t........................................................................................... 91 53 BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS REGIONAL OFFICES Region I 1603 JFK Federal Building Government Center Boston, Mass. 02203 Phone: 223-6762 (Area Code 617) Region V 8th Floor, 300 South Wacker Drive Chicago, III. 60606 Phone: 353-1880 (Area Code 312) Region II Suite 3400 1515 Broadway New York, N.Y. 10036 Phone: 971-5405 (Area Code 212) Region VI 1100 Commerce St., Rm. 6B7 Dallas, Tex. 75202 Phone: 749-3516 (Area Code 214) Region III P.O. Box 13309 Philadelphia, Pa. 19101 Phone: 597-1154 (Area Code 215) Regions VII and VIII * Federal Office Building 911 Walnut St., 15th Floor Kansas City, Mo. 64106 Phone: 374-2481 (Area Code 816) Region IV Suite 540 1371 Peachtree St., NE. Atlanta, Ga. 30309 Phone: 526-5418 (Area Code 404) Regions IX and X ** 450 Golden Gate Ave. Box 36017 San Francisco, Calif. 94102 Phone: 556-4678 (Area Code 415) Regions VII and VIII are serviced by Kansas City Regions IX and X are serviced by San Francisco