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Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia



Paper Summary: Tax Reform & Housing, Theodore Crone


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Ten Independence Mall
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106

A s w e m o v e in to th e s e c o n d h alf of th e 1 9 8 0 s , th e re g io n 's e c o n o m y se e m s to be in m u ch b e tte r sh ap e
th an m a n y p e o p le w ou ld h a v e e x p e c te d a few y e a rs ag o . T h is is p articu larly g o o d n ew s co n sid e rin g b oth
th e se rio u s e m p lo y m e n t d e clin e s th e re g io n e x p e rie n ce d in th e 1 9 7 0 s , an d so m e alarm in g fin ancial
d e v e lo p m e n ts in th e n atio n re ce n tly . T h is issu e of th e Business Review su rv e y s th e re g io n a l e c o n o m ic
sce n e in this light. In th e first article, T h o m a s K. D esch an d R ich ard W . L an g b riefly an a ly z e so m e o f th e
ca u se s of th e re c e n t su rg e in th e n u m b e r o f failed b anks n ation ally, an d assess th e h ealth o f bank s in th e
T h ird D istrict. W ith o n ly o n e b ank failure in this D istrict in th e 1 9 8 0 s , an d g o o d s c o r e s fo r D istrict b anks
o n v a rio u s m e a s u re s of b an k s' h ealth , th e co n d itio n o f th e re g io n 's b anks a p p e a rs to b e q u ite g o o d . In th e
se co n d article , Jo h n M. L. G ru e n ste in co n tra sts se v e ra l m e a s u re s o f th e re g io n 's p e rfo rm a n c e relativ e to
th e n atio n in th e 1 9 7 0 s w ith th e 1 9 8 0 s . W h ile th e re g io n 's p e rfo rm a n ce in th e 1 9 7 0 s se e m e d to signal
co n tin u in g d e clin e , so far in th e 1 9 8 0 s it h as p e rfo rm e d m u ch clo se r to th e n atio n al a v e ra g e . T h e an aly sis
su g g e sts b oth th at th e re g io n n o w sh a re s m o re fully in n atio n al e x p a n sio n s an d c o n tra cts less in n atio n al
re c e ssio n s, a n d th at reg io n al g ro w th is n o t lim ited to o n e se cto r, su ch as se rv ice s, b ut is b ro a d b ased.


THE HEALTH OF BANKING IN THE THIRD D IS T R IC T ..........................................................3
Thomas K. Desch and Richard W. Lang

WORKING PAPER SUMMARY: “ The Effect of Recent Tax Reform Proposals
on the Return to Owner-Occupied H ou sing".................................................................................12
Theodore Crone

THE PHILADELPHIA AREA ECONOMY: Faster Growth in the 198 0 s?...................................... 13
John M. L. Gruenstein
by th e

tw elve regional banks located a ro u n d th e nation as well

D epartm ent of R esearch ev ery o th er m on th . It is edited

as the B oard of G o v ern o rs in W ashington. T h e Federal

by Ju d ith F a rn b a ch . A rtw o rk is d ire cte d b y R on ald B.

R e se rv e S y stem w as estab lish ed b y C o n g re s s in 1 9 1 3

W illiam s, w ith th e a ssista n ce o f D ian n e H allow ell.

p rim arily to m a n a g e th e n atio n 's m o n e ta ry affairs.

T h e B U S IN E S S R E V IE W

is p u b lish ed

T h e v iew s e x p re s s e d h e re in a re n o t n e ce ssa rily th o se

Supporting functions include clearing checks, providing

of this Ban k o r o f th e F e d e ra l R e se rv e S y stem . T h e

co in an d c u rre n c y to th e b an k in g sy ste m , actin g as

R ev iew is availab le w ith o u t ch a rg e .

b an k er fo r th e F e d e ra l g o v e rn m e n t, su p erv isin g
co m m e rc ia l banks, an d e n fo rcin g c o n s u m e r cre d it

P le a se se n d su b scrip tio n o rd e rs an d ch a n g e s of
a d d re ss to th e D e p a rtm e n t o f R e se a rch at th e a b o v e

p ro te c tio n law s. In k eep in g w ith th e F e d e ra l R e se rv e

a d d re ss

A ct, th e S y s te m is an a g e n c y o f th e C o n g re s s , in ­


te le p h o n e

(2 1 5 )

5 7 4 -6 4 2 8 .

E ditorial

co m m u n icatio n s also sh ould b e sen t to the D epartm ent

d e p e n d e n t a d m in istrativ ely o f th e E x e cu tiv e B ran ch ,

of R esearch o r telep h o n e (2 1 5 ) 5 7 4 -3 8 0 5 . R equests for

an d in su lated fro m p artisan p o litical p re ssu re s. T h e

ad d itio n al co p ie s sh o u ld be se n t to th e D e p a rtm e n t of

F ed eral R eserv e is self-su p p o rtin g an d reg u larly

P u b lic S e rv ice s.

m ak es p a y m e n ts to th e U n ited S tates T reasu ry fro m

T h e F e d e ra l R e se rv e B an k of P h ilad elp h ia is p art of
the Federal R eserv e S y stem — a S ystem w hich includes

its o p eratin g su rp lu ses.

The Health of Banking
in the Third District
Thomas K. Desch and Richard W. Lang*
The rising number of bank failures since 1981
has fueled concern about the health of the bank­
ing industry. Between 1981 and 1984, more than
150 FDIC-insured banks failed. In 1984 alone,
79 banks failed—a level not approached since
1938 (Figure 1, p. 4 ).1 News reports have been

*Thomas K. Desch is the Senior Vice President of the Super­
vision and Regulation Department and Richard W. Lang is
the Senior Vice President and Director of the Economic
Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia. The authors wish to thank Mark Denesevich,
Diane Mayer, and Eric Sonnheim for their able research
assistance on this paper.
^Bank failure data used in this article are failures of FDICinsured banks, which include some savings banks as well as

widespread that banks are troubled with loan
losses and a general deterioration in their condi­
tion. One of the explanations for this state of
affairs revolves around changes in the economic
environment. Declining prices in the energy
industry, problems in the agricultural sector,
and poor economic performance by foreign

commercial banks. These data include both payoffs and
purchase and assumptions. The data do not include failures
of savings and loans or credit unions. It should be noted that
the high number of bank failures over the past few years
cannot be attributed to the general econom ic and deregulatory environment alone. According to Attorney General
Edwin M eese 3rd, bank fraud was a factor in more than half
of the bank failures in recent years. See Leslie Maitland
Werner, "U.S. Drive on Bank Fraud Set," Wall Street Journal
(April 3 ,1 9 8 5 ), p. D-6.






NOTE: Failures of FDIC-insured commercial banks and savings banks. These data do not include failures of savings
and loans or credit unions.
SOURCE: Annual Report of the FDIC, 1984.

debtors have translated into substantial losses
for banks on energy loans, agricultural loans,
and international loans. A nother prominent ex­
planation in news reports involves the trend
toward financial deregulation, which has ex­
posed banks to stiffer competition for both de­
positors and loan customers.
Despite these widespread reports of problems
in the banking industry, only one FDIC-insured
bank failed in the Third Federal Reserve District
during 1981-84 when bank failures were rising
rapidly for the nation as a whole.2 Indeed, a look
2The Third Federal Reserve District includes the eastern
two-thirds of Pennsylvania, the southern half of New Jersey,
and the state of Delaware.


at several measures of bank soundness and per­
formance reveals that the health of banks in the
Third District has not deteriorated during the
past few years and compares favorably with
banks nationally. These measures help explain
the success of Third District banks in adjusting
to recent changes in the economic and regulatory
The health of the banking system certainly
depends in part on the health of the national
economy, just as the health of individual banks
is tied to the health of the region's economy in
which the bank does most of its business. Banks'

Thomas K. Desch & Richard W. Lang

Health of Banking

problems with deteriorating loan quality can be
traced in part to the rising number of business
bankruptcies resulting from the recessions of
1980 and 1982 (Figure 2). A rise in bankruptcies
in the early stages of a recovery from a recession
is typical in business cycles. As a result of this
increase in bankruptcies, banks faced a rise in
nonperforming loans—loans to businesses that
are not being repaid on schedule—as well as
outright losses on some business loans—called
loan chargeoffs. Banks that have many of their
loans turn sour find that their own health can
deteriorate quite quickly.3
In the early 1980s, business bankruptcies
increased even more sharply than usual in an
economic recovery for several reasons. In addi­
tion to back-to-back recessions in 1980 and
1982—the latter of which was one of the most
severe recessions in the post-World War II
period—the economy in the 1980s has been
experiencing a prolonged period of historically
high real interest rates (that is, interest rates
adjusted for expected inflation). Furthermore,
some sectors of the economy suffered special
problems and did not share equally in the eco­
nomic recovery that began at the end of 1982.
Energy conservation measures that reduced
energy demand and declining energy prices
resulted in cash-flow problems for businesses in
the energy sector. Falling agricultural prices
reduced farm income and land values. In many
other industries, the rise in the value of the
dollar on foreign exchange markets after 1980
increased foreign competition with U.S. pro­
ducers and led to a rising trade deficit. Despite
an increase in consumer and business spending
between late 1982 and m id-1984 that was the
strongest during the first 18 months of an eco­
nomic recovery since 1949-50, foreign compe­

tition took away sales from U.S. manufacturers
in domestic markets, reduced their exports,
helped to hold down their prices, and thereby
narrowed their profit margins. All of these factors
help to explain why some sectors of the economy
found it more difficult to recover from the reces­
sions of the early 1980s, and why banks that lent
to firms in these sectors found the quality of
their loans deteriorating despite the economic
recovery that began in late 1982.
Banks in 1982 also found that changing eco­
nomic conditions in other countries affected the
quality of their loan portfolios. The international
debt problems of several Latin American, East
European, and Southeast Asian nations came to
a head in 1982 and 1983, contributing to the
overall deterioration in the condition of some
U.S. banks by increasing their nonperforming
In addition to the problems tied to general
economic conditions in the early 1980s, the bank­
ing industry also faced an increasingly competi­
tive environment that was spurred by deregu­
lation. Since 1980, deposit interest rates have





3Gary Gorton has shown that, historically, business bank­
ruptcies have been good indicators for predicting bank fail­
ures. See Gary Gorton, "Bank Suspension of Convertibility,"
Journal of Monetary Economics (March 1985), and "Banking
Panics and Business Cycles," Federal Reserve Bank of Phila­
delphia Working Paper, forthcoming.







SOURCE: Dun and Bradstreet. (1984 data are not
comparable to earlier data and are not available.)




been progressively deregulated and barriers to more difficult for weaker financial institutions to
competition among financial institutions for both survive because of increased competition.
Despite the problems facing the banking
assets and liabilities have been reduced.4 Banks
and other depository financial institutions found industry during the past three years, not all parts
in the late 1970s that money market mutual of the U.S. suffered them to the same degree.
funds were competing vigorously for depositors' Although the geographic distribution of bank
funds. This was primarily because banks faced failures is fairly widespread (Figure 3), there are
regulated ceilings on the interest rates they could some areas of the U.S. that have had fewer than
pay depositors, whereas the interest rates that their share of failures given the number of banks
could be paid on money market mutual funds in those regions. This has been the case in the
were unregulated. To free banks and other de­ Third Federal Reserve District.
pository institutions from this competitive dis­
advantage, Congress deregulated deposit interest COMPARING HEALTH
rates in several steps, which resulted in the nation­
wide introduction of NOW accounts in 1980,
Banks in the Third District have not experi­
and of MMDAs in late 1982 and Super-NOW s in
enced the rising number of failures that banks
early 1983. At the same time that Congress pro­
have nationally. In fact, an examination of some
vided for the deregulation of deposit interest
of the measures used to profile banks' health
rates, it also permitted other depository insti­
shows that, on average, the condition of Third
tutions, such as savings and loan associations
District banks in the early 1980s did not dete­
and credit unions, to offer transaction accounts
riorate significantly and that Third District banks
in competition with banks and to make a wider
generally were healthier than the national
range of consumer and commercial loans. In­
average. These measures include asset quality,
creased competition for both deposits and loans
has meant that banks have had
to run harder just to stay in
place in terms of their market
THREE YEAR TOTAL 1 9 8 2 -1 9 8 4
shares and profit margins. So
although deregulation brought
opportunities, it also made it

4 For a discussion of interest rate de­
regulation, see Herb Taylor "The Return
Banks Have Paid on NOW Accounts,"
this Business Review (July/August 1984).
For a discussion of deregulation of barri­
ers to competition for assets and liabili­
ties, see Janice Moulton, "Delaware
Moves Toward Interstate Banking: A
Look at the FCDA," this Business Review
(July/August 1983), Jan Loeys, "Deregu­
lation: A New Future for Thrifts," this
Business Review (January/February
1983), and Janice Moulton, "Antitrust
Implications of Thrifts' Expanded Com­
mercial Loan Pow ers," this Business
Review (Septem ber/O ctober 1984).


NOTE: The 3 failures in New Jersey were not in the Third District.


Health of Banking

Thomas K. Desch & Richard W. Lang

earnings, capital adequacy, and liquidity.5
to absorb such loan losses when they do occur.
Asset Quality. Third District banks managed
The ability to absorb such losses depends both on
to avoid the severe deterioration in loan quality banks' earnings performance—that is, whether
observed nationally. As a percent of total loans,
current earnings can cover such losses—and on
net loan losses (chargeoffs less recoveries) for their capital position—that is, whether the bank
has sufficient capital to cover such losses.
the nation roughly doubled between 1981 and
Earnings. Although the deregulation of de­
1984 (Figure 4). Although this loan-loss ratio for
posit interest rates and heavier competition for
Third District banks began the decade at a level
loans and deposits in the early 1980s helped to
above the national average, the District banks'
increase banks' interest expense, banks' interest
ratio has not been rising during the past few
income was increasing at the same time. In fact,
years. Consequently, this ratio has remained
for the nation as a whole during this period, net
below the national average since 1982, and at
interest margins (that is, net interest income as a
the end of 1984 was only about half that of the
percent of average assets) were quite stable
national average.
(Figure 5, p. 8). But even though banks in the
A major reason for a better loan-loss experi­
Third District have maintained higher net interest
ence in the Third District is that the region's
margins than the national average in the early
economy has a diversified base of manufactur­
1980s, their margins have declined because ining, service, and agricultural firms. Consequently,
banks in this region generally
have been able to avoid concen­
trating their loan portfolios in
one sector or industry. Diver­
sification of banks' loan port­
folios helps to cushion shocks
coming from any one sector or
Third District
industry, such as from energy
loans, agricultural loans, or in­
ternational loans.
Although Third District banks
have avoided an increasing
loan-loss ratio over the past sev­
eral years, another aspect of
banks' health to consider is
whether they are in a position

5Bank regulators construct a detailed
profile of a bank's health based on what
is called the CAMEL rating system. The
CAMEL acronym stands for Capital
adequacy, Asset quality, Management,
Earnings, and Liquidity. For a discus­
sion of the CAMEL rating system, see
"Warning Lights for Bank Soundness:
Special Issue on Commercial Bank Sur­
veillance," Federal Reserve Bank of
Atlanta Economic Review (November






Loan chargeoffs less loan recoveries expressed as a percent of net
loans and leases.
SOURCE: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Quarterly
Reports of Condition and Income for Insured Commercial Banks.





H i Third District

Percent of Assets









NOTE: Net interest margin is calculated as the difference between interest
income (adjusted for taxable equivalence on tax-exempt state and local
securities) and interest expense, expressed as a percent of the beginningand end-of-year assets.
SOURCE: See Figure 4.









NOTE: Return on Assets is calculated as net income as a percent of the
average of the beginning- and end-of-year assets.
SOURCE: See Figure 4.


terest income in the Third Dis­
trict did not increase as much
as interest expense. This nar­
rowing of the net interest mar­
gin for Third District banks has
been more than offset, however,
by an improvement in the dif­
ference between noninterest in­
come and expenses less taxes
and extraordinary items. Conse­
quently, earnings at Third Dis­
trict banks were somewhat
stronger in the early 1980s than
were banks' earnings in other
parts of the nation. In fact, the
return on average assets for
Third District banks has been
increasing since 1981, whereas
it has been declining for banks
nationally (Figure 6). The de­
cline in return on average assets
(ROA) in the national figures
cannot be explained by the
change in net interest margins.
Instead, the decline in ROA na­
tionally is primarily the result
of mounting loan losses—both
increased loan chargeoffs and
additions to loan loss reserves
in the expectation of future
chargeoffs. Excluding such loan
loss figures, banks' earnings na­
tionally improved slightly be­
tween 1981 and 1984, although
they improved even more in
the Third District. So Third Dis­
trict banks have been better
positioned to absorb additional
loan losses than have banks in
other parts of the nation.6
Capital Adequacy. Banks' pri-

6From these data, it appears that the
claim that deregulation of deposit rates
would result in a large drop in banks'


Health of Banking

Thomas K. Desch & Richard W. Lang

mary capital represents funds put up by stock­
holders of the bank (equity capital), as well as
funds set aside in a reserve to cover loan losses
(loan loss reserves).7 Because of poorer loan
quality the past several years, banks nationally
and in the Third District have increased their
loan-loss reserves as a share of their total capital
position in order to be in a better position to

earnings has not been supported by actual declines in net
interest margins nationally. One explanation for this is that
increased interest expenses stemming from deregulation
were offset by the acquisition of higher yielding, riskier
assets which later contributed to the rise in loan losses and
the decline in profits. Net interest margins did decline in the
Third District, however, and loan losses have not been rising
in step with the national figures, suggesting that Third District
banks followed a m ore conservative strategy in acquiring
assets in response to rising interest expenses during the
early 1980s.
For more discussion of the effects of deregulation on
banks' profitability, see Michael C. Keeley and Gary C.
Zimmerman, "Deregulation and Bank Profitability," Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco Weekly Letter, July 13, 1984,
and Mark J. Flannery, "Removing Deposit Rate Ceilings:
How Will Bank Profits Fare?" this Business Review (M arch/
April 1983), pp. 13-21.
7For regulatory purposes, primary capital also includes
mandatory convertible debt outstanding and the bank's
minority interests in consolidated subsidiaries.

absorb loan losses. As a percent of total assets,
Third District banks' average loan-loss reserves
increased from 0.62 percent in 1980 to 0.74 per­
cent in 1984, while nationally this average rose
from 0.54 percent to 0.74 percent (Table 1). In
addition, banks nationally have been increasing
their equity capital as a percent of total assets.
Partly this has occurred in response to the urgings
of the various bank regulators. In fact, all of the
federal bank regulators have recently announced
higher minimum standards for banks' capitalasset ratios.8
The ratios of primary capital to assets have
been on an upward trend in the early 1980s for
both the District and the nation, with the excep­
tion of one year, 1984, in which Third District
banks' average capital-asset ratio declined (Table
1). This decline in 1984 was due largely to the
early retirement of a special assistance package
to one large bank, rather than to a general decline

8The new capital-asset ratio set by the Comptroller of the
Currency and the FDIC is 6 percent, up from 5ty2 percent.
The Federal Reserve has adopted similar guidelines, although
the exact definition of what can be counted to meet die
capital guidelines is somewhat different.


(As Percent of Total Assets)










|Third District






Third District





7.46 |


j Third District


NOTE: The primary capital ratio is the sum of the loan-loss reserve ratio and the equity capital ratio.
SOURCE: See Figure 4.



in the capital-asset ratios at many of the region's
banks. Despite this decline, Third District banks'
capital-asset ratios have been higher than the
national average throughout the 1980s. On the
whole, then, Third District banks' capital has
been in a good position, relative to the national
average, to cover unexpected loan chargeoffs.
Liquidity. Another yardstick by which to assess
a bank's ability to withstand a sudden deteriora­
tion in loan quality or a sudden loss of its deposi­
tors' confidence is generally referred to as a
bank's liquidity—that is, its ability either to con­
vert quickly some of its assets into cash or to
maintain a stable source of funding its assets.
Since a bank's loans are generally less easily
converted into cash (that is, less liquid) than its
securities holdings (particularly short-term
securities), one measure of liquidity is the ratio
of loans and leases to total assets. The higher this
ratio, the less liquid the bank's assets.
Between 1980 and 1983, the loans-to-totalassets ratio decreased slightly for Third District
banks while rising slightly for the nation (Figure
7a). Although the changes were not very large,
this measure suggests that Third District banks'
liquidity increased slightly over the 1980-83
period compared to the national average. The
reversal of this situation in 1984 was primarily
the result of the increasing numbers of new,
rapidly growing banks in Delaware. These insti­
tutions are limited purpose banks that specialize
in credit card or commercial lending, and conse­
quently they maintain higher loans-to-assets
ratios than full service banks.9 As these institu­
tions expanded in 1984, they pulled up the over­
all loan-to-asset ratio for the District.
Another aspect of liquidity can be assessed by
looking also at the banks' liability structure. Banks
that have raised most of their funds from stable
sources of deposits, such as savings and small
time deposits, have a stronger base on which to

9For more information about these limited purpose banks
in Delaware, see Moulton, "Delaware Moves Toward Inter­
state Banking: A Look at the FCD A," this Business Review
(July/August 1983).



increase their assets than those banks whose
major sources of funds are more volatile liabili­
ties, such as short-term certificates of deposit
sold overseas or overnight federal funds pur­
chases. Such liabilities are called "volatile"
because they tend to be sensitive to interest rate
fluctuations and to swings in their holders' confi­
dence about the bank since they are uninsured.
Therefore, banks with a higher ratio of what are
called core deposits to their total assets would be
less subject to sudden shifts of depositors' con­
fidence or to interest rates than banks with lower
core-deposit-to-total-asset ratios.10
This core deposit ratio has been higher for
Third District banks than the national average
during the early 1980s (Figure 7b). In fact, the
core deposit ratios for the nation and the District
declined somewhat between 1979 and 1982 when
market interest rates were substantially above
the ceiling interest rates on core deposits. This
decline was not reversed until money market
deposit accounts were introduced at the end of
1982. The District's higher core-deposit ratio
suggests that Third District banks had a more
stable source of funding their asset growth, and
in particular their loan growth, in the early 1980s
than did banks in other parts of the nation.11
This point is made clearer by examining the
ratio of loans to banks' total sources of funds
(Figure 7c) along with the first two ratios. Banks'
total sources of funds is simply the sum of their
core deposits and volatile liabilities. Although
the mix of funding for banks nationally between

^ C o r e deposits include all demand and savings deposits,
money market deposit accounts, NOW and Super-NOW
accounts, and time deposits in amounts less than $100,000;
volatile liabilities include all time deposits in amounts of
$100,000 or more, deposits of foreign offices, federal funds
purchased, securities sold under agreements to repurchase,
interest-bearing demand notes issued to the U.S. Treasury,
and other liabilities for borrowed money.
n The same conclusion emerges from comparing the
ratios of volatile liabilities to total assets for the Third District
and the nation. It should be noted that the increasing num­
bers of new, rapidly growing limited purpose banks in Dela­
ware pulls down the core-deposit-to-assets ratio for the
Third District banks in 1984.


Health of Banking

Thomas K. Desch & Richard W. Lang


Third District







Total loans and leases less reserves for loan
losses expressed as a percent of total assets.




Total domestic deposits less large CDs (over
$100,000) as a percent of total assets.










1980 and 1983 was shifting away from core de­
posits toward more volatile liabilities, their loansto-total-sources-of-funds ratio changed little,
while this ratio declined for Third District banks
between 1980 and 1982. Combining this with
the changes in the core deposit and loan-toasset ratios shows that banks nationally were
funding their less-liquid assets (loans) with more
volatile sources of funds. Third District banks
between 1980 and 1982 were decreasing the
share of loans in their total asset structure, were
decreasing loans relative to their total sources of
funds, and were not increasing their funding of
their loans through the use of more volatile
sources of funds. In sum, Third District banks
maintained a better liquidity position than the
national average in the early 1980s.
Despite widespread problems in the banking
industry due to the changing economic and deregulatory environments in the early 1980s, the
condition of Third District banks did not deterio­
rate substantially over the past several years.
Indeed, a comparison of measures used to profile
banks' health reveals that Third District banks
generally have been in good condition and com­
pare favorably to banks nationally. This better
health in the early 1980s was reflected in better
loan quality, solid earnings performance, higher
capital ratios, and a better overall liquidity posi­
tion. As a result, Third District banks have been
better able to adjust to recent changes in the
economic and regulatory environments than
have banks in other parts of the nation. This
undoubtedly has helped banks in this region to
avoid the financial difficulties that have plagued
banks in other parts of the country during the
past several years.

Net loans and leases as a percent of the sum
of: domestic and foreign deposits, federal funds
purchased, securities sold under agreement to
repurchase, U.S. notes and other borrowings,
less cash items in the process of collection.
SOURCE: See Figure 4.




Working Paper No. 85-


The Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia occasionally publishes working papers based on
the current research of staff economists. These papers deal with virtually all areas within economics and finance. From time to
time, the results of studies that are of general interest are summarized in the Business Review. The analyses and conclusions
expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia or of the Federal Reserve System.
A list of all available papers may be ordered from WORKING PAPERS, Department of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia, 10 Independence Mall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19106. Single copies of papers may be ordered from the
same address. For overseas airmail requests only, a $2.00 per copy prepayment is required.

The Effect of Recent Tax Reform Proposals
on the Return to Owner-Occupied Housing
Theodore Crone
Three major tax reform proposals have recently been pre­
sented to the Congress: Bradley-Gephardt (S.409); KempKasten (H.R.777); and an Administration proposal. This work­
ing paper examines the effect of these three proposals on the
homeownership decision. By altering the tax advantages to
homeownership, all three proposals would increase the user
cost of owner-occupied housing. This has raised concerns
that the reforms would also lower the homeownership rate in
the U.S., that is, the proportion of households who own their
principal place of residence rather than rent. In this paper,
the homeownership decision is analyzed as an investment
decision in which a household invests its accumulated wealth
in that asset which promises the highest after-tax rate of
return. This return will be dependent upon the tax advantages
of homeowners as well as on the implicit rent they receive
from their property.
A number of provisions in the three proposals would lower
the value of the current tax advantages enjoyed by homeowners, thus raising the cost of owning a home. These include
a reduction in marginal tax rates, an increase in the standard
deduction, the elimination of some non-housing deductions,
and, in the Administration proposal, the elimination of the
deduction for state and local property taxes. The yearly
economic cost of owning a home is the sum of mortgage pay­
ments, maintenance costs, property taxes, and forgone in­
terest on equity minus capital gains. Let us consider a threeperson household with one wage earner and an annual
income of $40,000 who buys an $80,000 house with a 20
percent down payment. With the interest rates that prevailed
in January 1985 and under the assumption of a 5 percent
inflation rate, the after-tax economic cost of living in this
home for the first year would be $7,391 under the current tax
law. This cost would rise by 23 percent under BradleyGephardt, by 8 percent under Kemp-Kasten, and by 20
percent under the Administration proposal.
These estimated increases presume no change in interest
rates or rents as a result of changes in the tax law. However,
both interest rates and rents can be expected to change if any
of the tax reform proposals becomes law. A reduction in
marginal tax rates is likely to reduce the equilibrium interest
rate by the amount that would keep the after-tax rate for the
marginal borrower unchanged. This would imply a 7 percent
reduction in the rates which prevailed in January 1985.


There are also provisions in each of the tax reform pro­
posals which would increase rents. These provisions include
lower marginal tax rates for landlords, an increase in the
capital gains tax rate, and, in the Administration proposal, a
longer depreciation period. Others have estimated that rents
would rise by 6 percent under Kemp-Kasten and by 10
percent under Bradley-Gephardt or the Administration pro­
posal. While rent increases do not affect the cost of homeownership, they will influence the homeownership decision
since the untaxed imputed rent which the homeowner enjoys
represents a major portion of the return on his investment.
The homeownership decision in this study is viewed as a
choice between alternative investments, in this case between
owner-occupied housing and government securities. Based
on a ten-year expected length of residence, the critical income
level above which a three-person household would fare
better by investing in an owner-occupied house under current
law is $30,000.
With no changes in interest rates or rents this critical
income level would rise to $68,000 under Kemp-Kasten or
the Administration proposals. Under Bradley-Gephardt this
household would fare better by investing in a home only if
its expected length of stay were 17 years and its income
$71,000 or more. The longer length of stay required under
Bradley-Gephardt is due to the fact that the major tax advan­
tages come later in the period of residence because the
repeal of indexation increases real marginal tax rates over
If we assume that market interest rates fall by 7 percent
because of the adoption of any of the reform proposals and
that rents rise by 6 percent under Kemp-Kasten and by 10
percent under the other two proposals, the critical income
level for our hypothetical three-person household falls
dramatically. For Kemp-Kasten it is $24,000, for BradleyGephardt it is $30,000, and for the Administration proposal
it is $33,000. Even though the after-tax cost of homeownership
would rise under any of the proposed tax reforms, the results of
this study suggest that because of offsetting effects from
lower interest rates and higher rents the homeownership
rate may actually increase under Kemp-Kasten or BradleyGephardt and decline only slightly under the Administration


The Philadelphia Area Economy:
Faster Growth in the 1980s?
John M. L. Gruenstein*
In the 1970s, economic growth in the Phila­
delphia area was slow, both absolutely and rela­
tive to the nation as a whole. Payroll employment
growth, a commonly used measure of regional
economic activity, lagged far behind the rest of
the country. This, in turn, helped push the
unemployment rate in the region significantly
above the national average. By the end of the
decade there were worries that the region was

*John M. L. Gruenstein is a Vice President and Economist
in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of

locked into a downward spiral of self-reinforcing
slow growth, destined to be outperformed by
booming areas elsewhere, especially in the South
and West.
So far in the 1980s, the region's economy has
shown a fairly small increase in absolute growth
rates, but a very large increase relative to the
nation. The large gap between annual average
employment growth in the nation and in the
region that characterized the 1970s has been
greatly reduced. The region's unemployment
rate has dipped below the U.S. average, and
income is growing faster regionally than nation­



Whether the upturn in absolute and relative the Philadelphia metropolitan area's economic
growth rates of regional economic indicators performance in the 1980s is its sharp improve­
will persist is of concern to a variety of groups ment relative to the nation since the 1970s. While
with interests in the region. Local bankers, for the change in the absolute performance of the
instance, want to keep an eye on potential future region between the two periods included some
growth in loans and deposits, and on how this gains, a variety of commonly used economic indi­
market will compare to others around the country. cators all showed much smaller gaps between
Real estate investors want to judge the level of the region and the nation in the 1980s.
Absolute Performance Mixed. Measures of
new office and industrial development that is
sustainable here, again in both absolute terms both employment and income for the Phila­
and relative to the rest of the nation. Policy­ delphia Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area
makers want to be able to plan for changes in (PMSA) indicate that there was faster growth in
services and in the tax base, and to assess the the 1980s than in the 1970s, although in some
effect of local economic development initiatives cases the change was not very large (Table l ) . 1
on local employment growth and unemploy­
ment rates. Future rates of growth in bank loans,
^The PhUadelphia PMSA includes Philadelphia, Bucks,
deposits, office and industrial space, taxes, and Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties in Pennsyl­
public services are all related to future rates of vania and Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester counties in
growth of general regional economic indicators, New Jersey.
such as employment.
Different explanations about
what underlies the upturn lead
to different expectations about
THE 1970s VERSUS THE 1980s
its continuation. One possible
Percentage Growth
explanation for the upturn in
(Average Annual Rate)
relative performance is the re­
gion's reaction to the longer
period of recessions in the 1980s
Payroll Employment
than in the 1970s. A second
Residential Employment
+ 1.2
explanation often mentioned is
the shift of employment from
+ 1.0
Real Personal Income
+ 1.0
the slow-growing manufactur­
+ 1.7
+ 1.2
Real Income Per Capita
ing sector to the fast-growing
Unemployment Rate (level)
+ 1.8
service sector in the region and
the nation. Trying to assess the
relative importance of these two
factors gives some insight into
the likely persistence of the
NOTE: For employment and unemployment, the 1980s include Jan. 1980 to
turnaround in the region's rela­
Feb. 1985. Data are seasonally adjusted. For income, income per capita, and
tive economic performance.
population, data are annual averages, and the 1980s include 1980 to 1983.

The most striking aspect of

The deflator for both Philadelphia income and U.S. income is the U.S.
Consumer Price Index for all urban workers, which is not available separately
for Philadelphia for 1970.
P op u latio n is included in order to give information about the differences
between income and income per capita, and employment and unemploy­


Philadelphia Economy in the 1980s

Two measures of regional employment flashed
mildly positive signs in the first half of the 1980s:
both payroll employment and residential employ­
ment recorded some acceleration in growth
between the 1970s and the early 1980s. Employ­
ment is the summary indicator most commonly
used by regional economists to measure the
performance of metropolitan area economies.
Employment is fairly well correlated with over­
all regional economic production (also termed
Gross Regional Product, a statistic which is not
consistently available for metropolitan areas),
and employment is available on a much more
timely basis than income.2 The differences
between the two employment measures stem

2Currently Gross Regional Product figures are not avail­
able for the Philadelphia PMSA. In the past they were esti­
mated by W harton Econometric Forecasting Associates
(quarterly), and by the City Economist for the City of Phila­
delphia (annually). Both sets of estimates were based primar­
ily on payroll employment data.

John M. L. Gruenstein

from a variety of factors; a good part of the faster
growth in residential employment in recent years
probably reflects larger percentage gains in the
number of self-employed people compared to
those on company payrolls. (See MEASURING
Data on income growth gave a more favorable
reading. Between 1980 and 1983, the last year
for which data are available, total real personal
income grew at a 2.0 percent annual rate—double
the 1.0 percent rate of the prior decade. Total
real income grew faster than employment prin­
cipally because of faster growth in non-labor
incom e—dividends, interest, rent, and transfer
payments—rather than growth in wages and
salaries. Per capita income growth also acceler­
ated, but at a slower rate than total income,
because of a rise in population in the 1980s
compared to a loss in the 1970s.
Unemployment was up, a negative signal.
Despite the fact that employment growth ex­
ceeded population growth, the 1980s marked a

There are two generally available monthly employment series for the Philadelphia PMSA, payroll
employment and residential employment. While these two series give about the same picture for the region's
performance relative to the nation, they have significant differences in definition and coverage.
The payroll employment series (also referred to as the establishment or nonagricultural series) is
derived from a monthly survey of a sample of business establishments conducted in conjunction with
the state unemployment compensation program. The residential employment series (also referred to as
the household survey) is derived from the monthly Current Population Survey of households. There are
a number of conceptual and practical differences between the two series. Payroll employment does not
include the self-employed, unpaid family workers, domestic workers, and workers absent from their
jobs without pay. All are included in the residential series. Payroll employment measures employment
by place of work, whereas residential employment measures it by place of residence, so commuters into
or out of the metropolitan area would cause a divergence between the two series. Multiple jobholders
are counted more than once in the payroll series, but only once in the residential series. Only workers
over 16 are included in the residential series, but workers of all ages are included in the payroll series.
Finally, since each series is derived from a sample, each is subject to variations in the particular sample
drawn, which may be different from the entire group of business establishments and households. Since
the samples for the two surveys are totally different, this sampling variation would also be different for
the two groups.
For more information about the difference between the two series, see John F. Stinson, Jr., "Comparison of
Nonagricultural Employment Estimates from Two Surveys," Employment and Earnings, March, 1984 and
Gloria P. Green," Comparing Employment Estimates from Household and Payroll Surveys," Monthly
Labor Review, December, 1969.



hefty increase in the local unemployment rate.3
The rise was caused by a larger percentage of the
population entering the labor force in the 1980s.
Broad Relative Improvement. Judging the
Philadelphia area's econom y in isolation gives a
somewhat misleading picture of the region's
underlying economic performance, however.
As with all regions, the Philadelphia area's eco­
nomic fate is linked closely to that of the national
economy. One linkage is through demand for
locally produced products. According to esti­
mates by Professor Anita Summers of the
Wharton School of the University of Pennsyl­
vania, almost 90 percent of this area's manufac­
turing output and 25 percent of its non­
manufacturing output is sold outside the region,
fairly typical figures for regions of this size.4
Because of this strong demand-side linkage, the
region's economy is greatly affected by national
business cycles. Other examples of linkages are
through national demographic shifts and national
government policies, both of which have had
strong impacts on unemployment rates and the
growth of different income components.5 Look­

3 As with employment data, there is more than one source
for unemployment data. The series presented in the text is
an annual average of Current Population Survey data, which
is the basis for the U.S. rate; this is generally regarded as the
most accurate figure for unemployment on an annual basis.
A second series, which is prepared monthly by the Pennsyl­
vania State Office of Employment Security from a survey of
firms, shows an even more dramatic regional turnaround,
with the Philadelphia rate falling below the U.S. rate at the
very beginning of the 1980s.
4 See Anita A. Summers and Thomas F. Luce, Economic
Report on the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area, 1985 (Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985).
5Thus, national comparisons can help adjust for changes
over time in the way some regional econom ic indicators
reflect actual underlying conditions. High unemployment
rates in many regions of the U.S. over the last ten years, for
example, probably reflect much more than specifically re­
gional economic conditions; rather, high rates are related to
a host of nationwide factors, including changes in the age
structure of the population, increased participation of women
in the labor force, changes in regulations regarding unemploy­
ment compensation and welfare, and cultural attitudes. For



ing at the Philadelphia area economy's perform­
ance relative to the national economy's helps
separate out national from local economic factors
and shows a very clear picture of improvement
in the early 1980s.
A common way to compare the region's per­
formance to the nation's over time is to look at
the gap—that is, the difference—between the
national rate of growth of some measure of eco­
nomic activity, like employment or income, and
the regional growth rate for the same indicator.6
Improvement in the region's economic per­
formance relative to the nation can be defined as
a reduction in the resulting gap, if it was negative
to begin with, or a change from a negative to a
positive gap. Using this definition, all of the
commonly used broad economic indicators relay
the same message: substantial relative improve­
ment in the Philadelphia area's economy between
the 1970s and the 1980s (Table 2).
The payroll employment growth gap between
the Philadelphia metropolitan area and the nation
has shrunk from 1.8 percentage points per year
in the 1970s to only 0.5 percentage points per
year during the last five years. Residential em­
ployment showed virtually the same improve­
ment relative to the nation as payroll employ­
Income showed even larger gains relative to
the nation than its absolute gains over the period.
Total real income grew more slowly in the region
than in the nation in the 1970s, but in the early
1980s the gap reversed, with the Philadelphia
area outstripping the U.S. The change in relative
terms was a gain of 1.7 percentage points, com­
pared to an absolute improvement of 1.0. Per
capita income also reversed a negative gap, to
post a 1.1 percentage point per year improve­
ment relative to the nation, about double its

further discussion, see Norman Barrens, "Have Employment
Patterns in Recessions Changed?", Monthly Labor Review,
February, 1981, pp. 15-28.
6Ratios of growth rates have been calculated for the vari­
ables examined in this study and the results show a picture
similar to those for differences.


Philadelphia Economy in the 1980s

)ohn M. L. Gruenstein


Percentage Change
(Average Annual Rate)


Payroll Employment
Residential Employment



Real Personal Income



Real Income Per Capita
Unemployment Rate (level)


+ 1.0






NOTE: See Table 1.

improvement in absolute terms.
Unemployment also showed a large relative
improvement in the region, even though in an
absolute sense it worsened. During the latter
half of the 1970s, the region's unemployment
rate remained suspended above the U.S. rate—
by as much as 2 percentage points toward the
end of the period. This positive gap persisted in
1980 and 1981, but in 1982 the situation turned
around dramatically. Over the past three years,
the Philadelphia region's unemployment rate
has been lower than the nation's, with the differ­
ence reaching almost a full percentage point by
1984. Overall, the average gap between the Phila­
delphia area and U.S. unemployment rates shrank
from 0.6 percentage points in the 1970s to half
that size during the first five years of the current
These figures suggest that Philadelphia's per­
formance improved relative to the nation for all
the commonly used broad indicators of economic
performance in the first half of the 1980s. But is
the improvement likely to persist? The answer
to that question hinges on understanding the
source of the improvement. Two of the most
prominent explanations involve the region's
reaction to the national business cycle and the

shift of employment from
manufacturing to services. And
each leads to different expecta­
tions about the future.

Any region's economy is likely
to fluctuate with the nation's—
+ 1.3
more specifically, the absolute
+ 1.2
rate of economic growth will
+ 1.7
rise and fall over the business
+ 1.1
cycle, almost invariably moving
in the same direction as national
growth. What is less obvious is
that the pattern of relative per­
formance—the difference be­
tween a region's rate of growth
and the nation's—may also vary
systemically between expansions and contrac­
The pattern of the Philadelphia area's relative
rate of growth over the national business cycle
could account for the region's relative improve­
ment in the early 1980s. Somewhat paradoxically,
while the longer period of recessions in the
1980s than in the 1970s probably depressed the
region's absolute performance, it could actually
have contributed to the area's improved per­
formance relative to the nation. This is because the
Philadelphia area's economic structure is such
that historically the gap between national and
regional economic growth has been smaller
during recessions than during expansions.
Smaller Gaps in Recessions. The best com­
monly available indicator for investigating the
cyclical pattern of a metropolitan area's relative
economic performance is payroll employment.7

7 Employment data are available monthly, allowing a
more precise division of the period under study into business
cycles than annual data such as income, and are also much
more up-to-date than income data for metropolitan areas.
Payroll employment data are also available as a consistent
series for a much longer time period than residential employ­
ment and unemployment data.




In the Philadelphia metropoli­
tan area this indicator has shown
a very consistent pattern relative
to the nation (Table 3). The gap
between payroll employment
1 9 5 8 -1 9 8 4
growth in the region and the
(Average Annual Rate)
nation narrows and sometimes
even reverses—that is, turns
Philadelphia —
positive— during recessions or
4/ 60— 2/61
periods of slow national growth.
During expansions, however,
12/69 — 11/70
the gap widens.8 In fact between
11/73— 3/75
1958 and 1985, the gap between
employment growth in the Phila­
1/80— 7/80
delphia region and the nation
7/81 — 11/82
has been larger (more negative)
during any expansion compared
Philadelphia —
to any recession.
The region's pattern of rela­
4/ 58— 4/60
tive performance over the busi­
2/61 — 12/69
ness cycle—smaller gaps in re­
11/70 — 11/73
cessions and larger gaps in
3/75— 1/80
expansions—probably stems
from several factors. For one
7/ 70— 7/81
thing, Philadelphia's economy
11/82— 2/85
is very diversified, and there­
fore more resistant to swings in particular indus­
Longer Recessions Key to Relative Improve­
tries. In addition the Philadelphia area's economy ment? Whatever the reason for the Philadelphia
is probably better at retaining jobs in existing
firms than it is at generating jobs through ex­
pansions of area firms, openings of new branch that, in general, the difference between fast- and slowplants, and start-ups of new firms.9 Since more growing areas is that the former have a greater rate of new
job generation takes place nationally during ex­ job creation through expansions of existing firms and open­
ings of new firms and branch plants. Birch has not looked
pansions than recessions, this would tend to en­ explicitly at business cycle behavior of different places, but
large the employment growth gap during ex­ since more job generation takes place during expansions,
his results would seem to imply that the employment growth
pansions and reduce it during recessions.10

8This is equivalent to saying that employment in the
Philadelphia region is more stable over the business cycle
than national employment.
9For a general discussion of this issue, see John M.L.
Gruenstein, "Targeting High Tech in the Delaware Valley",
this Business Review, May-June, 1984.
10See David Birch, The Job Generation Process, M.I.T. Pro­
gram on Neighborhood and Regional Change, Final Report
to Economic Development Administration, 1979. Birch finds


gap between fast- and slow-growing places should be larger
during expansions than during contractions. Empirical studies
do not show this pattern to be a characteristic of slowgrowing areas generally, however, even though it does clearly
describe Philadelphia's reaction to business cycles. Two
somewhat different sets of results are presented in Janet
Rothenberg Pack, Regional Growth: Historic Perspective
(Washington, D.C.: Advisory Council on Intergovern­
mental Relations, 1980) and Marie Howland, "The Business
Cycle and Long-Run Regional G row th" in William C.
Wheaton, ed., Interregional Movements and Regional Growth
(Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, 1979).


Philadelphia Economy in the 1980s

area's smaller employment growth gaps during
recessions than during expansions, this clearcut cyclical pattern may provide the key to the
area's improved relative performance during the
1980s. About 36 percent of the time between
January 1980 and February 1985 was spent in
recession, when the gap usually narrows or
reverses. Only 22 percent of the 1970s was spent
in recession, however. So Philadelphia's relative
improvement in the early 1980s could be due
just to the unfortunate fact that substantially
more time than in the 1970s was spent in reces­
sions, periods when the region's relative eco­
nomic performance generally improves.
To the extent that the relative improvement of
the 1980s was a result of longer periods of
national recession, Philadelphia's relative eco­
nomic improvement cannot be interpreted as a
change for the better in the underlying structure
of the local economy. Rather it would represent
an unchanged response to external forces. If the
second half of the 1980s were to be marked by
mostly expansionary periods, this would tend to
weaken the area's relative performance once
again. Further, this cause of relative improve­
ment presents a kind of Catch-22—a better rela­
tive performance due solely to longer recessions
would almost certainly imply a worse absolute
If this explanation holds, then we should find
that the employment growth gaps of the region
during the expansions of the 1980s were about
the same as during the expansions of the 1970s,
and similarly for recessions. But, in fact, the gaps
for the expansions of the 1980s were uniformly
smaller. The largest gap during the two expan­
sions of the 1980s, -1.3 percent, was smaller than
the smallest gap during the 1970s, -1.9 percent.
Comparing recessions from both periods shows
an even more striking pattern. In both recessions
of the 1970s the Philadelphia region lost jobs at a
faster rate than the nation. In the 1980s the oppo­
site occurred; the Philadelphia region outper­
formed the nation in the sense that it lost jobs
more slowly during recessions.
To help settle the issue of how much the longer

John M. L. Gruenstein

period of recessions in the 1980s added to the
Philadelphia area's relative improvement, we
can ask a hypothetical question. What would the
relative growth rate of employment have been
in the early 1980s if the percentage of time spent
in recession had been as low as that of the 1970s?
The total employment growth gap for each period
is the sum of the gaps during the expansions and
recessions of that period, weighted according to
their length. So the calculation is made by com­
bining the growth gaps of the 1980s expansions
and recessions with the weights of the 1970s.
This calculation shows that most of the reduction
in the employment growth gap between the two
periods would have occurred even if the total
time spent in recession in the 1980s had been
the same as in the 1970s. The longer period of
recessions in the 1980s accounts for less than 25
percent of the reduction in the gap.11
Thus, most of the closure of the relative employ­
ment growth gap was due to better relative per­
formance during both expansions and recessions
in the early 1980s, rather than just the longer
period of recessions characterizing that period.
This indicates that the relative improvement is
the result of fundamental changes in the struc-

11 To calculate how much the longer period of recessions
of the 1980s contributed to the improved relative perform­
ance of the region, assume that the percentage of time spent
in recessions in the early 1980s was 22 percent, as it was in
the 1970s, rather than the actual figure of 36 percent. Apply
this lower percentage to the average employment growth
gap of the 1980s during recessions, which was + 0 .9 percent.
Make a similar calculation for the expansions, using the
higher percentage of time spent in the expansions of the
1970s, 78 percent, applied to the average employment growth
gap during the expansions of the 1980s, -1.1 percent. Add
the two results. The sum, -0.8 percent, is the employment
growth gap for the 1980s that would have obtained if the
percentage of time spent in recession in the early 1980s had
been as low as it was in the 1970s. The actual employment
growth gap for the early 1980s was -0.5, which is 0.3 percentage
points smaller than the -0.8 calculated. Since the actual
reduction in the gap from the 1970s to the 1980s was 1.3
percentage points, the longer period of recession in the
1980s accounted for 23 percent (0.3/1.3) of the reduction in
the gap.




ture of the Philadelphia area's economy relative
to the nation, which argues for a greater likeli­
hood that the relative improvement will persist.
One fundamental change that has often been
advanced as an explanation for the region's rela­
tive improvement is the shift of employment
from goods-producing industries to servicesproducing industries. This is a trend that has
been occurring nationally and regionally, and
the shift has been more marked in the Phila­
delphia area.
Changing Industrial Composition. Between
1970 and 1980 the national and regional shares
of employment declined for goods-producing
industries—generally defined to include con­
struction, manufacturing, and transportation,
communications, and public utilities—and rose
for services-producing industries—generally
defined to include wholesale and retail trade,
finance, insurance, and real estate, general ser­
vices, and government (Table 4). The sharpest

changes were the drop in the share of manu­
facturing employment and the increase in the
share of employment in general services; the
latter includes such industries as health, higher
education, business services, legal services, per­
sonal services, repair services, and social ser­
The changes in shares for the U.S. came about
because of much faster growth in services than
in manufacturing during the 1970s, whereas the
change in shares in Philadelphia reflected a large
absolute loss of manufacturing jobs combined
with gains in the service sectors (Table 5). In the
early 1980s, Philadelphia maintained a relatively
unchanged growth pattern, in absolute terms,
except for increases in the construction and trade
sectors and a drop in the government sector.
The U.S., however, changed from a gainer to a
loser of jobs in all the goods-producing sectors,
at the same time that employment in all the
services-producing sectors slowed sharply.
The shift of employment shares out of manu­
facturing and into services in the 1970s, both



Transportation, Communications,
and Public Utilities
Finance, Insurance, and
Real Estate
General Services

Philadelphia PMSA




















NOTE: Data are seasonally adjusted for Jan. 1970, Jan. 1980, and Feb. 1985. Mining is excluded for the U.S. For the
Philadelphia PMSA, the mining sector is small and is included in General Services.



Philadelphia Economy in the 1980s

John M. L Gruenstein

nationally and regionally, by itself accounted for
some of the narrowing of the total employment
growth gap in the 1980s. The growth gap for the
services sector was smaller than the manufac­
turing growth gap—indeed, services was the
sector with the smallest gap. Because of this, the
shift to services essentially increased the weight
given to the smallest gap included in the total
employment growth gap. The effect of this shift,
then, was to narrow the total employment growth
gap, and this would have been the case even if
the difference between the sectoral growth
rates—that is, the sectoral growth gaps—had
remained unchanged.12

Most of Improvement Due to Smaller Sectoral
Growth Gaps. Although the shift from manu­
facturing to services explains part of the relative
improvement of the regional economy, most is
explained by faster relative rates of growth of
the individual sectors in the 1980s. The pattern
of sectoral growth gaps (Table 6, p. 22) shows
clearly the large impact of faster sectoral growth
on the reduction in the total employment growth
gap in the early 1980s. The growth rate gaps of
all major sectors except government have de­
clined by substantial amounts over the past five
years. More than 80 percent of the overall reduc­
tion in the total employment growth gap in the

12The exact formula for the total employment gap can be
expressed as the weighted (by the regional percentage of
employment in each sector) sum of the differences between
the regional sectoral growth rates and weighted national
sectoral growth rates, where the weight on each national
sectoral growth rate is the ratio of the national percentage of
employment in that sector to the regional percentage of
employment in that sector. The greater relative shift of em­
ployment from manufacturing to services in the region than

in the nation, therefore, would have caused a further reduc­
tion in the total employment growth gap, over and above
that caused by the general shift to services in both the region
and the nation. Because the percentage composition of em ­
ployment in the region is close to the nation's, however, the
simple difference between the regional and national growth
rates provides a close approximation to the more precisely
defined gap.


(Average Annual Rate)


Philadelphia PMSA


Transportation, Communications,
and Public Utilities
Finance, Insurance, and
Real Estate
General Services









+ 1.5

+ 1.9

+ 1.4


+ 2.2
+ 1.5







NOTE: Data are seasonally adjusted for Jan. 1970, Jan. 1980, and Feb. 1985.




the two components of the re­
duction in the total employ­
ment growth gap—the shift to
sectors with smaller gaps, like
the services, and the reduction
in the sectoral growth gaps themIN THE 1980s
selves—be viewed with regard
to their impact on future relative
Growth Gap
performance of the region's
Philadelphia — U.S.
The shift of employment to­
wards services represents a fun­
damental change in the area's
+ 1.9
and the nation's economic struc­
ture that is unlikely to be greatly
reversed. If it is not, and as long
+ 1.3
and Public Utilities
as the individual sectoral gaps
+ 1.3
remain about the same, this prior
Finance, Insurance, and
shift would continue to con­
Real Estate
tribute to a permanent narrow­
General Services
ing of the employment growth
- 0.1
difference between the region
and the nation, but the contri­
bution would be limited.
*Jan. 8 0 — Feb. 85.
The fact that most of the Phila­
delphia area economy's relative
1980s is accounted for by faster relative growth improvement in the early 1980s was due to
of individual sectors, and less than 20 percent is smaller gaps for almost all sectors of the economy,
due simply to the shift from goods-producing to rather than a shift from one sector to another, is a
cause for greater optimism about the region's
services-producing sectors of the 1970s.13
Given their relative contribution, how should future relative performance. It implies that there
is no necessary limit on how far the total gap
could close, or even reverse. And the across-theboard nature of the sectoral improvement would
13This calculation is made by taking the weighted sum of
appear to point to general factors at work rather
the 1980 Philadelphia sectoral growth rates, using 1970
than special factors that might be more easily
employment shares as weights, and subtracting from it a
similar weighted sum calculated for the U.S. The reduction

in the total employment growth gap calculated this way is
what would have occurred if no shift of employment to
services-producing sectors had taken place in either Phila­
delphia or the nation between 1970 and 1980. This hypo­
thetical reduction is less than 20 percent of the actual reduc­
A further calculation has been done to assess the effect of
simultaneously assigning the sectoral weights and the length
of recessions their 1970 values. This shows that combining
the two effects simultaneously is approximately the same as
adding the two effects together.


During the early 1980s, the absolute perform­
ance of the Philadelphia area economy strength­
ened somewhat (except for a rise in the unem­
ployment rate), despite a substantial slowdown
in the growth rates of employment and income
at the national level. The result was a very signifi­
cant improvement in the Philadelphia region's

Philadelphia Economy in the 1980s

economic performance relative to the nation.
Although it is normal for the region's relative
performance to improve during times of slow
national econom ic growth, the extent of the
improvement indicated that there were more
fundamental forces at work than merely longer
periods of recessions in the nation. Furthermore,
even though the relative improvement was re­
lated to the shift of employment from goodsproducing sectors to services-producing sectors,
which entailed large absolute declines in manu­
facturing employment in the region during the
1970s, most of the relative improvement of the
1980s has been the result of smaller employment
growth gaps for all private sectors of the local
economy. The combined effects of the shift to
services and longer recessions in the 1980s ac­

John M. L. Gruenstein

count for no more than 45 percent of the reduc­
tion in the employment growth gap between
Philadelphia and the nation.
Thus, the trends of the past five years are a
source of optimism that the economic perform­
ance of the region can continue to be close to
that of the nation through the end of the decade.
Ten years ago, Philadelphia would have been
ranked in a low position relative to the rest of the
nation in terms of economic growth. Based on
experience so far in the 1980s, this would no
longer appear to be the case. So businesses and
investors scanning the country for relatively
fast-growing markets should have more reason
than before to conclude that, on the whole, they'd
rather be in Philadelphia.


Business Review
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Ten Independence Mall
Philadelphia, PA 19106
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