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Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
MAY •JUNE 1989

Theodore M. Crone

The BUSINESS REVIEW is published by the
Department of Research six tim es a year. It is
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Making sense of commercial office mar­
kets is no mean feat. Long stretches of
high office vacancy rates m ight seem evi­
dence that the office market works slowly
or not at all. Popular reports notw ith­
standing, the true measure of slackness or
tightness in an office market is not the
office vacancy rate by itself. The signifi­
cant indicator is the gap between the ac­
tual vacancy rate and the "natural" rate—
the rate that would prevail if developers'
expectations about new leasings were
always met. This gap is critical to under­
standing how the com m ercial office m ar­
ket operates.

Loretta J. M ester
There are no guarantees that managers
will act in the best interest of their bosses,
the shareholders. In fact, studies show
that, unless controlled, managers will divert
resources for their own use and will act
too conservatively in order to avoid the
risk of unemployment. Banking has its
share of these so-called agency problems,
which result from m anagers and owners
having divergent goals and different in­
formation. But there are ways in which
the interests of managers and sharehold­
ers could be aligned more closely.


Office Vacancy Rates:
How Should We Interpret Them?
Theodore M. Crone*
The construction and leasing of commercial
office space receive considerable coverage in
m ost m etropolitan newspapers. Often it is the
office vacancy rate, or the percentage of office
space available for lease, that grabs the head­
lines. But this measure is not an easy statistic to
interpret. The vacancy rate associated with a
healthy office m arket varies from place to place
and from period to period. In a city like Boston,
a 10 percent vacancy rate might be viewed as a

* Theodore M. Crone, Research Officer and Economist, is
head of the Urban and Regional Section in the Research
Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

sign of oversupply. But in a city like Denver, a
10 percent vacancy rate could be seen as a con­
straint on expansion.1 And the same 10 percent
vacancy rate that would have indicated a slack

Tn mid-1988, when the average vacancy rate for 34
downtown markets, according to The Office Network, was
about 18 percent, office vacancy rates in the central business
districts of Boston, Hartford, New York, and Washington,
D.C. were all below 11 percent. In Dallas, Denver, Kansas
City, and Miami, they were greater than 24 percent. More­
over, except for short periods, vacancy rates in the first four
cities have been below the national average for the past 10
years; rates in the latter four cities have generally been
above the national average. It is unlikely that all those cities
with long periods of above-average vacancy rates are al­
ways overbuilt.



office m arket in the late 1970s would be less
likely to signal oversupply in the early 1980s.2
The true m easure of slack in an office market
is the gap between the actual vacancy rate and
what has been called the natural rate. The
natural vacancy rate is the one that would
prevail if developers' expectations about re­
gional economic conditions were realized. A
city's natural vacancy rate cannot be observed
directly, but econom ists have developed some
estimates. The gap between the actual and
natural vacancy rates helps rationalize the way
the commercial office m arket performs.
Making sense of com m ercial office markets
is no mean feat. To the casual observer, pro­
longed periods of high vacancy rates— or some­
times rising vacancy rates accom panied by
new construction— might be evidence that the
office m arket works slowly or m aybe not at all.3
But the realization that it is the gap that matters
suggests that office markets do adjust to shifts
in supply and demand m uch the way that other
markets do.
In the office m arket, vacancies serve the
same role that inventories serve in other m ar­
kets. They are like any store's m erchandise
that is kept on hand for im m ediate purchase.
For some goods there are consum ers who buy
made-to-order items, such as tailor-m ade suits,
and there is no need for the craftsm an, in this
case the tailor, to keep an inventory of finished

2The average vacancy rate for the nation has ranged
from 11 percent to 18 percent since 1983. For the previous
five years, 1978 to 1982, it was much lower— in the 4 percent
to 7 percent range. The years 1972 to 1977 represented an
earlier period of double-digit vacancy rates, according to
the Building Owners and Managers Association.
3For example, the average downtown vacancy rate rose
from about 6 percent in mid-1982 to approximately 16
percent by late 1985; yet office construction continued to
expand in each of the intervening years.



goods on hand. M ost people, however, buy
suits from clothing stores, where they are avail­
able in a short time after only m inor alterations.
Knowing that most people shop around until
they find the suit they want, clothing store
managers keep an inventory on hand in order
not to lose customers who do not want to wait.
Developers sometimes act like tailors and
build to suit, but more often they act like cloth­
ing store managers and keep some inventory
on hand. For some clients, developers build to
suit, or the clients pre-lease space in a building
on which construction has not yet begun. These
clients, especially if they are large users of
space, frequently get concessions on the rental
rate, but they must wait for some time before
they can occupy the building.
Other tenants, however, need to occupy space
quickly and must select from the available
inventory. For these tenants, the existence of
an adequate inventory of office space saves not
only the cost of delay in moving, but also some
of the search costs associated with locating the
right space. Only a developer who has space
readily available will be successful in leasing to
these tenants. Vacancies allow developers to
have different configurations of space avail­
able for potential tenants and to take advan­
tage of any unexpected high demand.
How Much Vacant Space Should D evel­
opers Hold? In deciding how much space to
hold, each developer will weigh the benefits
and costs of holding the inventory. In any
market, the appropriate level of inventories
depends upon the expected level of sales. The
clothing store manager who norm ally sells 50
suits a week will hold more inventory than the
one who normally sells only 25. In the same
manner, the prime consideration in how much
vacant space developers are willing to hold is
the amount of space they expect to be absorbed
in the near future. (Absorption, or the demand
for new office space, is sim ply the am ount of
newly occupied space in a given period minus
the space vacated in that period.)

Office Vacancy Rates: Hons Should We Interpret Them?

But what ultimately accounts for the pace of
office absorption? Leased as an input into the
production of other goods and services, office
space is a requirement for accountants, law­
yers, and bankers, among others. Thus, office
absorption is closely tied to growth in officerelated employment, and developers have to
assess how fast that employment will increase
in the near future, then determine how many
years' or months' supply of office space they
have on hand. In effect, they have to forecast
the growth of certain industries in which a
large percentage of workers occupy commer­
cial office space. These industries are fairly
easily identified. An examination of the San
Francisco office market from 1961 to 1983 found
that the best predictor of the increase in occu­
pied office space was the growth of employ­

Theodore M. Crone

ment in finance, insurance, and real estate.4
And a study of national office markets was able
to establish that the growth of jobs in these
financial services, as well as in other business
and personal services, was the most significant
factor in explaining the amount of office space
absorbed nationwide in the 1967-86 period.5
Based on this historical experience, devel­
opers can expect the demand for office space to
increase with overall job growth in the service

4Kenneth T. Rosen, "Toward a Model of the Office
Building Sector," AREUEA Journal 12 (1984) pp. 261-69.
5William C. Wheaton, "The Cyclic Behavior of the Na­
tional Office Market," AREUEA Journal 15 (1987) pp. 281-


Office Market Surveys
Published on a regular basis, the following surveys contain vacancy rates for individual office
Building Owners and Managers Association, North American Office Market Review: Produced by
the Association since 1986, this semiannual publication contains data on total office space,
occupied space, and vacant space for both downtown and suburban markets in various cities in
the U.S. and Canada. It also includes a range of quoted rental rates for downtown and suburban
markets. This publication replaces an earlier, less complete office market survey by the Building
Owners and Managers Association.
Coldwell Banker, Office Vacancy Index: This quarterly publication contains office vacancy rates for
both downtown and suburban markets in various U.S. cities. The earliest data are for June 1978.
Cushman and Wakefield, Across the Nation: Issued quarterly, this publication contains vacancy
rates for both downtown and suburban office markets in various U.S. cities. The survey contains
a range of rents for older buildings and for new construction. The number of square feet of com­
pleted office construction is also provided in the survey.
The Office Network, International Office Market Report: This semiannual report contains vacancy
rates for downtown and suburban office markets in several U.S., Canadian, and Western
European cities. Rates are given separately for existing buildings and for buildings under
construction. Quoted rental rates are given for the same categories of buildings. The earliest data
are for December 1979.


sector. But not all new jobs in the service sector
generate the same demand for office space.
First, office workers do not all require the same
amount of space. One attem pt to estim ate the
amount of space an office worker uses found
that the typical m anager occupies 372 square
feet of space while the average sales person
occupies less than half that (144 square feet).6
And categories like "m anager" and "sales
person" are them selves fairly broad. Further­
more, there is no guarantee that the am ount of
space occupied by a particular type of office
worker is the sam e in every market. It is
unlikely that a m anager in m idtown M anhat­
tan, where yearly asking rents in new buildings
in m id-1988 averaged $50 a square foot, would
occupy as much space as his or her counterpart
in W ilm ington, Delaware, where the average
was only $22.50. In other words, the demand
for additional office space is determ ined not
only by the num ber of new office workers in an
area, but also by the price of office space.
By and large, developers' planned vacancy
rates will rise and fall with expected job growth.
And at least one recent study found a positive
relationship betw een nonm anufacturing em ­
ployment grow th and the natural vacancy
rates estimated for 17 U.S. cities.7 But the com ­
position of new em ploym ent and the price of
office space will affect the absorption rate and
the planned vacancy rate associated with a
given rate of job growth. Expected absorption
rates rise with increases in expected job growth,
but not in lockstep.
W hile expected demand is the primary fac­
tor determ ining developers' planned vacancy
rates, the costs of holding vacant space also

play a role. The major cost, of course, is the cost
of financing a building, which depends on the
level of interest rates. But this is not the only
cost. Operating expenses— including taxes,
energy costs, and janitorial services— represent
another inventory cost, since some of these
expenses are incurred whether the space is
leased or not. Property taxes, for example, are
an operating expense that can affect the natural
vacancy rate. These taxes must be paid whether
the building is occupied or not. Accordingly,
higher local property taxes seem to lower the
natural vacancy rate.8
Income tax considerations, too, can affect
planned vacancy rates. Even if a building is
only partially occupied and not yet producing
a positive cash flow, investors can sometimes
write off the building's depreciation against
the tax liability on income from other projects.
This becam e an important factor in real estate
investment in the early 1980s, when the in­
come tax law was changed to allow much of the
cost of commercial real estate to be written off
soon after it was first put into service or pur­
chased. This accelerated depreciation reduced
the cost of holding space in new or newly
acquired buildings and may have raised the
natural vacancy rate in the United States.9
With so many regional and national vari­
ables at work, it would not be surprising to find
that developers' planned vacancies in office
space vary from region to region and from one
period to the next. O f course, we cannot ob­
serve each developer's plans directly, but econo­
mists have tried to estim ate the natural va-

8See Shilling, Sirmans, and Corgel (1987).

6David L. Birch, America's Office Needs: 1985-1995
(Cambridge: MIT Center for Real Estate Development,
7James D. Shilling, C.F. Sirmans, and John B. Corgel,
"Price Adjustment Process for Rental Office Space," Journal
of Urban Economics 22 (1987) pp. 90-100.

Estim ates by Richard Voith and Theodore Crone of
natural vacancy rates for 17 cities and suburbs showed a
significant increase in late 1982, about one year after the
passage of the 1981 tax act. The authors suggest that this
increase was due to the change in the tax law. See Voith and
Crone, "National Vacancy Rates and the Persistence of
Shocks in U.S. Office Markets," AREUEA Journal 16 (1988)
pp. 437-58.

cancy rate for various cities— that is, the va­
cancy rate we would observe if developers' ex­
pectations were realized. Recent attempts to
measure the natural vacancy rate for individ­
ual cities have found considerable differences
among cities (see Estimates o f Natural Vacancy
Rates, p. 8).
Assessing the health of an office market is
not sim ply a m atter of estim ating the m arket's
natural vacancy rate or of measuring its actual
vacancy rate. It is a matter of evaluating the
gap between the two.
If the actual vacancy rate exceeds the natural
rate, the m arket is overbuilt and developers
respond accordingly with lower rents and slower
construction. If the actual vacancy rate falls
below the natural rate, then the market is short
on supply and developers raise rents and speed
up construction.
A gap betw een the actual and natural va­
cancy rate can develop any time the natural
rate changes either because expectations about
future growth have changed or because the
costs of holding inventory have changed.
H owever, larger gaps between the actual and
the natural rate generally develop when there
is some unexpected change in demand.
Consider the case of a m arket in which
office-related em ploym ent and office use had
both grown at 4 percent a year for some time
and the vacancy rate had been a steady 6
percent, indicating that the natural vacancy
rate was 6 percent. At any point in time, this
m arket would have a one and a half years'
supply of space available. Now suppose that
in one year office em ploym ent and the use of
space unexpectedly grew by 6 percent. Be­
cause it takes tim e to build large office build­
ings, the level of inventories could fall dram ati­
cally. The actual vacancy rate could drop to 4
percent, producing a 2-percentage-point gap

between the natural and the actual vacancy
rate. M oreover, if developers believe that the
faster growth in em ploym ent and office use is
likely to continue, they may now prefer a 9
percent vacancy rate in order to maintain the
year and a half's supply of space. This scenario
would produce a 5-percentage-point gap be­
tween the actual and the natural vacancy rate.
A similar gap in the other direction could occur
with an unexpected decline in the growth of
office em ploym ent and office use. Over time,
of course, developers will act to eliminate the
gapRents Respond to Changes in the Gap. In
response to such gaps between the natural and
the actual vacancy rate, rents should change,
increasing when the actual rate falls below the
natural rate and decreasing when the opposite
occurs. It is difficult to measure the extent to
which rents in com m ercial office markets react
to these gaps, because the rental rate for office
space is not a publicly quoted price but rather
is set by individual leases.1 Despite this diffi­
culty, at least three studies, each using a differ­
ent measure of rent, have found that a gap
between the actual and desired vacancy rate
does translate into an adjustm ent in rental
rates. One study of national office markets
found a 2.3 percent change in average rents for
each percentage-point deviation of the actual
vacancy rate from the natural rate.1 In a mar­
ket like center-city Philadelphia, where the

10Rents are set by lease agreements that normally last for
five to 15 years. These leases may contain concessions and
special provisions, such as one year of free rent, an allow­
ance for moving costs, or specific terms for increasing the
rental rate over time. There are surveys of average rental
rates, but these are generally quoted rates and do not reflect
the special features in lease agreements. In the following
discussion, changes in rents refer to changes in real rents, or
rents adjusted for inflation.
n See William C. Wheaton and Raymond G. Torto,
"Vacancy Rates and the Future of Office Rents," AREUEA
Journal 16 (1988) pp. 430-36.


MAY/JUNE 1989


Estimates of Natural Vacancy Rates
Wheaton and Torto, in "Vacancy Rates and the Future of Office Rents" (AREUEA Journal, 1988),
estimated that the nation's average natural vacancy rate was about 7 percent in 1968 and rose to almost
13 percent in 1986. They used data from the Building Owners and Managers Association and from
Cold well Banker. A number of factors, including increased growth in office-related employment and
changes in the tax law, could have accounted for this increase.
Shilling, Sirmans, and Corgel, in "Price Adjustment Process for Rental Office Space" (Journal of
Urban Economics, 1987), estimated average natural vacancy rates over the 1960-75 period for 17 cities,
using data from a survey of vacancy rates and rents done by the Building Owners and Managers
sociation.3 The following table shows the resulting estimates:
Average Actual
Vacancy Rate
Natural Rate
Des Moines
Kansas City
New York
San Francisco




Voith and Crone, in "National Vacancy Rates and the Persistence of Shocks in U.S. Office Markets"
(AREUEA Journal, 1988), constructed estimates of natural vacancy rates for a group of U.S. cities
during the 1979-87 period, using data from The Office Network.b In this study, the natural vacancy
rate for each city was assumed to vary over time. In center-city Philadelphia, for example, the
estimated natural vacancy rate ranged from a low of 4.5 percent in December 1980 to a high of 11.0
percent in June 1987 (see figure).

aThe natural vacancy rates were estimated much the way the natural rate of unemployment is often estimated.
Changes in real rents were regressed on actual vacancy rates, and the natural vacancy rate was calculated from the
estimated constant term in the regression equation.
bThe authors regressed the actual vacancy rates on two sets of dummy variables, one set for the cities and one
for the time periods, in a cross-section, time-series model. Because of the lingering effects of shocks to the office
market, the error terms for each city were assumed to be serially correlated. The sum of the coefficients on the cityspecific dummy and the time dummy represents the natural vacancy rate for any period.



Humid We Interpret Them?

Theodore M. Crone

The following table shows the estimated natural vacancy rates for 16 downtown office markets
in mid-1987:
Vacancy Rate
(June 1987)

Kansas City
Los Angeles
New Orleans
New York
Washington, D.C.

Natural Rate
(June 1987)





Estimated Natural Vacancy Rate for Center-City Philadelphia


MAY/JUNE 1989


average asking price of new office space is
about $34 a square foot, this would imply an
increase to almost $38 a square foot if the actual
vacancy rate fell 5 percentage points below the
natural rate.
Estimates for individual markets around
the country in the 1960s and 1970s show changes
in rents ranging from 0.2 percent to 6.3 percent
for each percentage-point gap beween the ac­
tual and the natural vacancy rate.1 This broad
range of estimates may reflect the difficulty in
accurately measuring rent changes. But even
with no agreement on the degree to which
rents adjust, these estimates provide evidence
that developers do react quickly to changing
market conditions by adjusting their rents, since
the rent changes were estimated for the same
year in which the gap occurred. Therefore, as
quoted vacancy rates change, it is important to
determine whether these rate changes are being
accompanied by changes in rents. Such price
changes will indicate that a gap has developed
between the actual and the natural vacancy
The response of office market rents to a gap
between the actual and natural vacancy rate is
a normal part of the price-adjustment process.
Both tenants and developers should react to
these price changes in a way that reduces the
gap (see The Adjustment Process ). But who
accounts for most of the adjustment? And
when should we expect to see results in terms
of the vacancy rate?
The Demand for Office Space Declines
Somewhat as Rents Rise. Demand for new

office space is driven primarily by growth in
certain types of employment, but this is not the
only factor. As rents rise, a given amount of job
growth will result in less absorption of new
space per worker than would occur when rents
were lower. Evidence of this effect is docu-

12See Rosen (1984) and Shilling, Sirmans, and Corgel


mented in Kenneth Rosen's study of the San
Francisco market. After taking account of the
growth in office-related employment, Rosen
estimated that a 1 percent increase in real rents
led to a 0.18 precent decline in occupied office
space. This estimate suggests that office space
per worker does respond to changes in real
rents, but not radically.
Construction Responds to Changes in Va­
cancy Rates and Rents. Most of the adjust­

ment in office markets seems to depend upon
developers, the suppliers of office space.
William Wheaton's study of the national mar­
ket indicated that gaps between the actual and
natural vacancy rate and the subsequent changes
in rents had a much greater effect on new office
construction than on the demand for new space.1
Specifically, he estimated that a 1-percentagepoint decrease in the vacancy rate, and the
resulting rise in rents, would decrease demand
for new space by 2.5 percent but increase office
construction by 6.5 percent. John Hekman
found a similar relationship between new
construction and changes in rent. In an exami­
nation of rents and construction in 14 cities
between 1979 and 1983, Hekman estimated
that a 1 percent increase in real rents produced
an increase of more than 3 percent in the square
footage of new office space under construc­
This new space would not typically become
available for occupancy for one and a half to
two years. Thus, the construction process itself
introduces a lag between the time in which the
actual vacancy rate begins to diverge from the
natural rate and the time in which new space
becomes available. It has been estimated that

13See Wheaton (1987).
14See John S. Hekman, "Rental Price Adjustment and
Investment in the Office Market," AREUEA Journal 13
(1985) pp. 32-47. Hekman's construction variable is the
value of buildings for which permits have been issued
divided by the cost per square foot of new construction.


The adjustment process in the commercial office market can be illustrated in a set of diagrams of
short-run supply and demand. Since it takes time to build office space, the maximum amount of
space available for lease (OZ) in.any period will be determined by decisions made in the past (see
Figure A). No matter how high rents go, the total amount of space cannot be increased very much
in the short run. Some of that space (AZ) will represent planned vacancies. (Since OZ is not total
space in the market but only that available for lease, it is not the case that AZ/OZ is the vacancy rate.)
Developers will have based their building decisions on the expected demand for office space (De)
and on the rent (R) they would have to charge to earn the required rate of return. If actual demand
(Da) turns out to be greater than expected demand, developers will be willing to lease more space
and lower their inventories, but only in exchange for higher rents (R7 With this shift in demand and
higher level of rents, tenants will lease new space equal to OB.
In time, developers will be able to supply more space, and space available for lease in any period
will eventually increase from Z to Z7 (see Figure B). As vacancies return to their desired level, real
rents should also drop (R7), resulting in somewhat more space being leased (OB'). Rents may not
return to their original level, however, because land, one of the major inputs into office construction,
tends to become more expensive as a market grows more rapidly. The increase in construction will
provide for the increased demand (OB') and a return to the desired level of vacancies (B'Z7 which
will be higher than the original level (AZ) because of the more active leasing market.





when some unexpected event causes the actual
vacancy rate to deviate from the natural rate, it
takes most markets almost a year to return half
way to the natural rate.1 Because of these lags
it can appear to someone focusing only on the
vacancy rate that developers are not reacting
quickly to changing circumstances, such as a
drop in demand for new space. But developers
may have already begun to react by lowering
their rents and by slowing the pace at which
new projects are begun, even though projects
already under construction will still be com­

The notion of a natural vacancy rate brings a
new perspective to the interpretation of office
market statistics.
First, it is clear that the
natural rate can vary considerably from city to
city. A city can have a vacancy rate consis­
tently higher than the national average without
having unplanned vacancies or unplanned
inventory. Moreover, the vacancy rate alone is
an inadequate measure of whether an office

15See Voith and Crone (1988).



market is overbuilt. It is also important to look
at changes in rents to see whether the supply of
available space is greater or less than what
developers had planned. Changes in rents are
also the first evidence that an adjustment is
taking place in the local office market to bring
supply and demand into balance. Other signs
of adjustment, such as a change in the amount
of new space coming on the market or a turn­
around in the vacancy rate, can take time be­
cause of the lags in the construction process
Much progress has been made in under­
standing how commercial office markets func­
tion, but many aspects of these markets still
need to be explored. Better measures of the
real cost of office space would help. Estimates
of natural vacancy rates need to be tied more
closely to expectations of future demand for
new space and to the costs of holding inven­
tory. Projections of future office needs could
be greatly improved. For example, little atten­
tion has been paid to how demand for new
space is affected by the need to replace or
renovate older office space. But while recent
research has not answered all of the questions
about office markets, it has taught us to look
beyond the simple vacancy rate and to read
office market indicators with more care.


Owners Versus Managers:
Who Controls the Bank?
Loretta J. Mester*
" Let's remember when we talk about hostile takeovers, the hostility is between the managements o f the two
organizations, not between the shareholders o f either. In fact, the problem that exists is that too often, in
my judgm ent, the managements try to protect themselves from , in effect, their own shareholders, who are
essentially their bosses."
Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, testifying
before the Senate Banking Committee in February 1988 on Bank of
New York's hostile-takeover bid for Irving Bank.

On O ctober 5, 1988, Bank of New York's
year-long struggle to take over Irving Bank
Corporation ended when Irving announced it
would accept BO N Y's tender offer. W hile not

"■ Loretta J. Mester is a Senior Economist in the Banking
and Financial Markets Section of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Philadelphia's Research Department.

the first hostile takeover in the banking indus­
try, the BON Y-Irving transaction is the largest
the industry has experienced to date. Although
Irving claimed during the battle that such hostile
takeovers would "prom ote serious instability
in the industry," the Federal Reserve has taken
the position that it will treat hostile bids no dif­
ferently from friendly bids in assessing whether
or not to permit a takeover.


Why do some managers, as Chairman Green­
span stated, try to "protect themselves" from
their own shareholders? If managers are hired
to act on behalf of the stockholders, the firm's
owners, then why wouldn't the goals of both
always be aligned? Or if managers were in­
clined to act on their own behalf and not on the
owners' behalf, why wouldn't the market en­
sure the replacement of such managers and so
deter any self-serving actions?
The agency theory of the firm can be used to
analyze the relationship between a firm's owners
and managers. It asks whether there are suffi­
cient mechanisms in place that will induce
managers to take actions in the best interests of
owners, or whether managers will be able to
act in their own interests at the expense of
owners. If agency problems exist, are there
ways in which owners can control managers?
The conventional theory of the firm makes
no distinction between the managers of a firm
and its owners: the firm is treated as a single
entity that acts to maximize its stock market
value (and so its long-run economic profits).
But this view applies only to small firms that
are tightly run by entrepreneurial owners will­
ing to take risks. Many firms today, including
banks, are complex organizations. More banks
are members of holding companies, holding a
larger percentage of assets than ever before.1
At the same time, ownership of the bank is
becoming more dispersed—that is, most share­
holders own only a small fraction of the bank's
shares. In today's larger, more complex bank­
ing corporation, decisions are made not by a
single individual but by officers and directors,
who do not, without inducement, have the
same goals as the stockholders. Because out­

1In 1987,68.3 percent of commercial banks were in bank
holding companies (BHCs), holding 91.9 percent of the
industry's assets. This is a substantial increase from 1977,
when 26.5 percent of banks were in BHCs, holding 68.2
percent of the assets.

side directors on the bank's board have no
managerial responsibilities, their goals are less
likely to differ from those of the stockholders
they represent. But inside directors are manag­
ers whose goals do differ from bank owners.
And more control in the hands of inside direc­
tors means more chance of conflict, or so-called
agency problems.
Recent empirical studies of the banking
industry indicate that agency problems do exist.
Agency theory suggests certain prescriptions
that would help minimize the conflict between
bank managers and bank stockholders. These
prescriptions include the Fed's position on
treating hostile takeovers no differently from
friendly takeovers.

The relationship between bank owners and
bank managers is just one example of a princi­
pal-agent relationship. A principal delegates
an agent to take some action on his behalf, often
because the agent is an expert. A person who
hires a real estate agent to sell his house, a per­
former who hires an agent to find her interest­
ing acting roles, or a litigant who hires an
attorney to try his case in court are all princi­
pals who are hiring agents. In fact, the word
"attorney" means agent. (See the Bibliography
for several excellent articles on agency theory.)
Several principal-agent relationships are
found in banks. The bank acts as an agent for
its depositors: when depositors place their money
in a bank account rather than investing directly
in firms, they are delegating to the bank the
responsibility of monitoring the performance
of each firm to which the bank lends deposi­
tors' money.2 Borrowers are also agents for the

2Mitchell Berlin discusses the role of the bank as a
delegated monitor in "Bank Loans and Marketable Securi­
ties: How Do Financial Contracts Control Borrowing
Firms?" this Business Review (July/August 1987) pp. 9-18.

bank: typically, the firm selects the projects it
will develop with the m oney it has borrowed.
But banks can also be thought of as agents for
borrow ers, since the bank works on the firm 's
behalf in obtaining funding for the firm 's proj­
ect. Finally, as in other kinds of firms, the
m anagers of the bank act as agents for the
bank's owners, making decisions about the
bank's everyday operations.
Because the agent can be a specialist, there
are efficiency gains in the principal-agent rela­
tionship. Rather than doing some job for him ­
self, the principal is better off hiring an agent
who is an expert in the field. However, these
gains m ust be weighed against the problems
that arise in the principal-agent relationship.
Problem s can arise if the goals of the agent
differ from the goals of the principal, and if the
agent and principal have different information
relevant for the decisions the agent is supposed
to m ake on behalf of the principal. Both condi­
tions must be present for there to be a problem.
Suppose, for instance, that the agent had the
same goals as the principal. In this case there
would be no problem — the agent, in working
on his own behalf, would also be doing what
the principal wants.
But the goals of the principal and agent are
not always aligned. For exam ple, an attorney
who is paid a flat fee regardless of the outcome
of a case m ight not put forth her best effort to
win on the litigant's behalf. Of course, if the
litigant could see how hard the attorney was
working and knew enough law to determine
w hether the attorney was pursuing the best
strategy to win, then the litigant could fire the
attorney for shirking. Knowing this, the attor­
ney would be com pelled to work hard in order
to get paid. But typically the principal is igno­
rant of some relevant inform ation— the litigant
can't tell how hard the attorney is working and,
even if he could, he doesn't know enough law
to determ ine w hether the attorney is doing the
best possible job. (If the litigant knew enough
law, he w ouldn't have to hire the attorney.)

The benefits in the principal-agent relation­
ship derive from the specialized knowledge of
the agent. But the fact that the principal and
agent have different inform ation causes a prob­
lem if the two have different goals. One way to
solve the problem is to bring the aims of the
agent in line with the aim s of the principal. For
example, if instead of paying the attorney a flat
fee, the litigant paid a fee contingent on the
outcome of the case, then the attorney would
have the incentive to try her best to win. (Many
contracts betw een attorneys and their clients
are written this way.)
The two conditions necessary for a princi­
pal-agent conflict— divergent goals and differ­
ent inform ation— are present in the ownerm anager relationship. The owners of widely
held firms want to m axim ize their firm 's mar­
ket value. Typically, these owners hold a port­
folio of stock in many firms. If their portfolios
are well diversified, they w on't be concerned
about the riskiness of any one firm.3*Managers,
however, have their own goals that may not
coincide with value maximization. Managers
want to m axim ize their own welfare, which
may mean diverting some of the firm 's re­
sources for their own use. For example, man­
agers may want to spend money on perquisites
like large staffs and expensive offices— so-called
expense preference behavior.
In addition, m anagers of large firms are
often paid more than m anagers of small firms.
W hile this could be related to the greater diffi­
culty of m anaging a large firm, it also gives a
m anager the incentive to m axim ize the firm's
size rather than its value. For example, a loan
officer's com pensation might be tied to the
number of loans he makes, not to their quality

3In fact, if the owners of a firm that is leveraged can
declare bankruptcy and have limited liability, they may
want to take on more risk. The owners would benefit from
a risky action if it paid off, but could declare bankruptcy and
avoid the full cost of the action if it didn't.


and so not to the value produced by his portfo­
lio. The manager of a large firm may also find
that he has better employment opportunities
than the manager of a small firm—another in­
centive to maximize size rather than value.
Unlike diversified shareholders of widely
held firms, managers will be concerned about
the riskiness of the firm. The manager may
have developed skills and studied techniques
that can't easily be used in another firm. If so,
then if the firm goes bankrupt, the manager
would suffer a high cost by losing his job. Since
a manager can't be diversified like the firm's
owners can be (that is, he can't hold a portfolio
of employers), he may take on less than the
value-maximizing amount of risk.4
Just as in the litigant-attorney relationship,
it is difficult for the firm's owners to see all the
actions the manager takes on their behalf. And
even if owners see the actions, it is difficult for
them to know if these actions are proper for the
situation, since managers know more about the
firm than the owners. (Recall that one reason to
hire a manager is for his expertise.) Therefore,
unless controlled, managers will not always
act to maximize the wealth of shareholders.
Managers will divert resources for their own
use to provide themselves with perks and will
act too conservatively in order to avoid the risk
of unemployment.
Owners Versus M anagers in Banks. These
same issues characterize the owner-manage­
ment relationship in today's large, complex

4However, there are reasons why managers might take
on more risk than the shareholders would like. For example,
a manager who directs a risky project that turns out to be
successful may increase his attractiveness to other firms.
See Stiglitz [6], Also, if the firm is near bankruptcy, a
manager has nothing to lose by taking on a very risky project
in an attempt to keep the firm solvent and retain his job. So
he has the same incentives as stockholders in leveraged
firms that are near bankruptcy. See Eric Rasmussen,
"Mutual Banks and Stock Banks," journal of Law and
Economics 31 (October 1988) pp. 395-421.


M AY/JUNE 1989

banking organization. But the conflicts be­
tween owners and managers can also explain
why small banks often act in a very risk-averse
manner. In these small banks, the owners are
the managers. They can be thought of as owners
who also manage their bank, but it's better to
view them as managers who also own the
bank. That is, their interests are closer to those
of a typical manager than to those of sharehold­
ers in a widely held firm. Owner-managers in
small banks often have a taste for managing
and therefore try to act in a manner that would
preserve their positions as bank managers. This
would include acting very conservatively—
maintaining high capital-to-asset ratios, for
example—in order to avoid bankruptcy.5
Banking is a regulated industry, and the
regulators want to ensure its safety and sound­
ness. Thus, it might seem that regulators would
prefer the objectives of managers, since man­
agers prefer less risk. However, regulators
also want to ensure an efficient banking indus­
try. They don’t want to support bad managers
who divert bank resources for their personal
use. To the extent that the goals of managers
and owners can be aligned, bad management
would be weeded out and the industry would
become more efficient. Regulations already in
place, such as risk-based capital requirements,
can help control risk-taking in banking.6*
The fact that banks are regulated adds an­
other place for the conflict between owners and
managers to emerge. Periodically, banks must
report their balance sheet information to regu­
lators. Shareholders of the bank have an incen­
tive for downward window dressing, that is, tak­

5For example, in 1987, the capital-to-asset ratio of banks
with assets of at most $100 million was 11.64 percent, while
that of banks with assets of over $1 billion was 8.15 percent.
6But some regulations, such as flat-rate deposit insur­
ance, exacerbate the conflict between bank managers and
stockholders over the optimal level of risk-taking.


ing actions at the end of a reporting period that
allow the bank to report lower values for assets
and liabilities than their average values over
the reporting period. Downward window
dressing reduces the cost of meeting capital
requirements, lowers the cost of deposit insur­
ance (which is based on the bank's reported
liabilities), and may reduce the cost of capital to
the bank by raising the bank's apparent capital
adequacy ratio and thereby making the bank
look safer. So, downward window dressing
raises the value of the bank, which is the aim of
Managers, on the other hand, have an incen­
tive for upward window dressing, since their
compensation is often tied to the size of the
bank. Also, since upward window dressing
reduces the reported capital adequacy ratio,
regulators may then require a capital infusion
into the bank that would lower the chance of
bankruptcy and the risk of managers losing
their jobs.7 Thus, in regulated firms like banks,
the direction of window dressing, expendi­
tures on perks, and risk-taking behavior are
three areas where the conflict between owners
and managers may appear.

While managers and owners have divergent
goals, it is not clear that managers can pursue
their own goals at the expense of owners. There
are some controls that limit the ability of man­
agers to follow the beat of their own drummer.
These controls fall into two groups: labor
market controls and capital market controls.
Labor M arket Controls. Managers want to
act in their own best interests; however, if their
interests can be made to coincide with those of
stockholders, then by acting for themselves
they will be acting for stockholders. For ex­
ample,, if a manager's compensation is tied to

7This is discussed in Allen and Saunders [8].

the value of the firm's stock, then she will want
to act to raise the value of the stock—which is
what the owners want. But even though more
corporations are including stock in managerial
compensation packages, bank size rather than
performance still appears to be the largest
determinant of pay scales in the banking indus­
try.89 Perhaps a better incentive for a manager
is her reputation. Managers with good reputa­
tions will have an easier time finding other
jobs, if they need to, and will have better em­
ployment opportunities than managers with
poor reputations.
Capital M arket Controls.8 Other controls
on the behavior of managers work through the
capital markets. One potential control on
managers is the stockholders' meeting. How­
ever, these meetings are rarely effective since
they are usually controlled by management.
Also, stockholders who are well diversified
usually don't bother to attend the meetings
and vote since they don't have very much of
their wealth tied up in any one firm. Good
management is what economists call a public
good—all the stockholders benefit from good
management, but no individual stockholder

8This was reported by J. Richard Fredericks and Jackie
Arata in Montgomery Securities Annual Banking Industry
Compensation Review, May 5,1987. In studying compensa­
tion at 33 banks in 1985 and 1986, they found no correlation
between the compensation of the top five highest-paid em­
ployees and the performance of the bank.
9Joseph Stiglitz [5] observes that most stock-option
plans were instituted not so that managers would bear more
risk, but as supplements to their salaries. Thus, the incen­
tive effects of these plans are questionable. However, a
Bank Administration Institute survey of 839 banks with
assets under $500 million found a positive correlation be­
tween bank performance and the presence of an annual
bonus program. Of course, it is not clear which came first,
the award program or better performance. See W. Frank
Kelly, "Bank Performance and CEO Compensation," Bank
Administration 62 (November 1986) pp. 52-56.
10Most of the discussion in this section and the next
follows Stiglitz [5] and Jensen [2],



has an incentive to ensure that m anagem ent is
good because the personal gain from doing so
is not great enough. O ther shareholders can
get a "free ride" if one shareholder decides to
become an active participant in the stockholder
meetings. Large shareholders, however, can
exert control on the m anagem ent— they find it
worth their effort— but usually have to be
compensated in some way for taking on the
risk of not being diversified; for exam ple, they
may receive a high fee for being on the board of
One control on the m anagem ent of nonfinancial corporations involves banks themselves.
Like large shareholders, banks have an incen­
tive to m onitor the perform ance of firms to
which they have m ade substantial loans, in
order to avoid default. U nlike equity holders,
who cannot control their funds once invested,
banks have m ore control of their funds: they set
the terms of their loans and can decide not to
reinvest in the firms once the loans mature.
The interbank loan m arket and certificate of
deposit (CD) m arket provide a sim ilar control
on banking firms, especially money-center banks,
which rely greatly on purchased funds. Fed­
eral funds transactions (overnight interbank
loans) are not collateralized, so banks that find
themselves in trouble (perhaps due to the
negligence of m anagem ent) must pay a pre­
mium for such funds. Also, the large, nego­
tiable CDs of large banks trade on a no-name
basis. That is, even though CDs differ with
respect to the quality of the issuing bank, deal­
ers quote a single price for large-bank CDs and
don't specify nam es when trading them.
However, if a bank is in trouble, traders will
refuse to trade the bank's CDs on a no-nam e
basis. Once singled out, the bank will have to
pay a prem ium for funds. (Continental Illinois,
for example, was dropped from the no-nam e

n See Stiglitz [5], p. 144.



list when it ran into trouble in 1982.) In addi­
tion to hurting shareholders (by lowering the
market value of the bank), these "punishments"
have a direct negative im pact on m anagers by
hurting their reputations, by reducing the
amount available for perquisites, by lowering
compensation to the extent it is tied to market
performance, and by increasing their chance of
unemployment due to bankruptcy.
The Threat of T akeo ver Isa Capital M arket
Control on Managers. The 1980s have seen a
new wave of corporate mergers, acquisitions,
and takeovers. The pros and cons of these
takeovers are being debated, especially the
extensive use of debt financing characteristic of
recent takeovers, and the wealth transfers from
employees (many of whom lose their jobs) to
shareholders of the acquired firm (who gain
the takeover premium).
A potential benefit of a w ell-functioning
takeover market is that the threat of a takeover,
in which m anagem ent is usually replaced, can
discipline managers to act in the interests of the
firm 's shareholders. The idea here is that if the
firm 's market value could be enhanced with
better management, then someone could pur­
chase the firm by buying the outstanding shares
from the current shareholders. He could then
remove the bad m anagement, make the proper
decisions to m axim ize the firm 's value, and
gain from that increase in value.
For several reasons, however, this takeover
threat w on't necessarily be effective in control­
ling management. And even if takeovers are
effective in replacing bad m anagem ent, there
are several ways in which m anagers can avoid
this discipline.
For instance, takeovers may not work be­
cause of information problems. A firm m ay be
performing poorly because the current m an­
agement is bad or because the past m anage­
ment was bad. That is, m anagem ent might be
doing the best it can given what it has to work
with. Only the insiders of a weak firm know
which is the case, and if they hold enough stock

in the firm to determine the outcome of any
takeover attempt, they'll sell only if the offer is
more than the firm is worth. In other words,
successful takeovers will be overpriced take­
overs, in which case the new stockholder will
not gain.
As with the stockholders' meetings, there
are free-rider problems associated with take­
overs. Suppose takeovers work and eliminate
inefficient management; then the shareholders
who didn't sell their shares get a free ride and
gain from the firm's increased stock price. Each
shareholder reasons this way, believing she
doesn't have enough stock to affect the success
of the takeover attempt. Therefore, it is in her
interest to hold onto her shares. If everyone
does this, the takeover won't be successful.
Another free-rider problem occurs if it is
costly to find badly managed firms, which are
good takeover targets. Someone who has
expended the resources to find such a firm and
then makes a bid thereby announces to other
potential bidders that the firm is a good target.
The ensuing bidding war drives to zero any
expected profits from taking over the firm, so
the first bidder who expended the resources to
find the target firm earns a negative expected
profit, even if he's successful in taking over the
firm. Therefore, there is no gain in finding
good takeover targets.1
While extreme, these cases point out that it is
not easy to complete a successful takeover.
However, if bidders can find a way to keep
some of the gains from a successful takeover
for themselves (rather than sharing them with
others) they will have an incentive to search
out firms with inefficient management and

12Event studies find that in recent takeovers the excess
returns to acquired firms are usually positive, while those to
acquiring firms are often negative or zero. See Robert
Schweitzer, "How Do Stock Returns React to Special
Events?" in a forthcoming issue of this Business Review.

attempt a takeover.1 But even if the takeover
market would otherwise work smoothly, there
are ways in which managers of targeted firms
can deter takeovers. By thwarting potential
acquirers, these actions help entrench mana­
gers who may not be acting in the sharehold­
ers' interests.1
For example, managers of a targeted firm
can swallow a poison pill , that is, they can take
some action that will make the firm an unat­
tractive candidate for takeover. The action is
something that the firm wouldn't do if it were
not threatened with a takeover. One poison
pill is for the targeted firm itself to take over an­
other firm in order to increase the possibility of
antitrust litigation if its potential acquirer suc­
ceeds. Other poison pills include financial
restructuring of the firm, issuing "poison pill
preferred stock" that raises the cost of a take­
over, or selling off some assets that attracted
the bidder.
In the Bank of New York-Irving fight, Irv­
ing's board voted a poison pill that gave share­
holders certain rights to buy stock at half price
in the event of a hostile merger. They added a
"flip in" amendment that allowed the measure
even if the hostile investor did not attempt an
immediate merger. BONY filed suit against
this defense and a state court invalidated it.
The decision was appealed and the Appellate
Division of the New York Supreme Court upheld
it, which led to the takeover's final resolution.

13See Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny [4],
14These defensive tactics may, however, actually im­
prove the takeover market. Eliminating a bidder can help
solve the bidding-war free-rider problem discussed above
and encourage other firms to study the possibility of taking
over the firm. The increased likelihood of more bids may be
enough to compensate shareholders for the elimination of a
potential acquirer and the costs of discouraging him. See
Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny, "Greenmail, White
Knights, and Shareholders' Interest," Rand Journal of Eco­
nomics 17 (Autumn 1986) pp. 293-309.


Another way a firm can prevent a takeover
involves greenmail. The payment of greenmail
refers to a targeted stock-repurchase plan in
which managers repurchase the stock of a
subgroup of shareholders at a premium over
the market price. Greenmail can be used to
avert a takeover— if offered enough, the poten­
tial acquirer will sell the shares it has accumu­
lated back to management. Usually, the poten­
tial acquirer also signs an agreement prohibit­
ing the purchase of any of the firm's stock for a
period of time, sometimes as long as five years.
Like greenmail, golden parachutes can be
used to deter takeovers by raising their cost. A
golden parachute is a large severance payment
made to top managers who are replaced after a
takeover. By lowering the costs to managers of
losing their jobs, the parachutes also hinder the
threat of takeover in controlling managers.
They may also induce the manager to cave in
and sell the firm at too low a price, or even to
seek out buyers for the firm. On the other
hand, the parachutes may benefit shareholders
by facilitating a takeover. If the managers who
have to decide whether or not to fight the
takeover have golden parachutes, they will be
less inclined to fight—and this can benefit share­
holders. Also, by lowering the costs to mana­
gers of investing in education and training
worth little outside the firm, the parachutes
may increase the efficiency of managers.
On balance, then, whether golden parachutes
are harmful or beneficial to stockholders de­
pends on who receives them and how they are
structured. If the parachutes are paid to the
managers involved in negotiating the terms of
the takeover with a potential acquirer, and if
their value is tied to the increase in the firm's
market value that may occur after a takeover,
then parachutes benefit shareholders. Other­
wise, they are probably detrimental to share­
In general, restrictions on the type or num­
ber of potential acquirers of a firm make take­
overs less likely and limit the ability of the



takeover threat to discipline management. For
example, there are two principal ways for a
corporation to acquire a commercial bank. It
can either acquire a controlling interest in the
bank's stock or it can merge with the bank. But
mergers are prohibited between nonbank cor­
porations and commercial banks, and some
states restrict corporate acquisitions of bank
stock. Also, banks in states that prohibit branch­
ing are less attractive merger partners than are
banks in branching states, all else equal, and
prohibition of interstate banking eliminates outof-state banks as potential bidders, making
takeovers less likely. Thus, in banking, the
threat of takeovers may not ensure that mana­
gers work on behalf of their shareholders.1
However, the recent breakdown of these
restrictions—for example, regional interstate
banking pacts—suggests that the takeover threat
should become more effective in the future.

Although there are many potential mecha­
nisms for ensuring that managers act on behalf
of stockholders, these controls are imperfect
and costly. Just how well do these controls
work in the financial services industry? Are
managers able to pursue their own goals at the
stockholders' expense, or are they disciplined
to act in a way that maximizes the value of the
firm? Empirical studies suggest that there are
agency problems in financial firms: managers
are able to pursue their own interests and do
not always act in an efficient, value-maximiz­
ing manner. (The Bibliography includes refer­
ences to the studies discussed below.)
Several studies of the commercial banking
industry find evidence that managers spend
excessively on perquisites, such as large staffs.
That is, they spend more than the profit-maxi­

15This is the focus of Christopher James [11].


Owners Versus Managers: Who Controls the Bank?

m izing am ount. M ichael Sm irlock and W il­
liam Marshall present evidence that larger banks,
whose m anagem ent is presum ably harder to
control, exhibit such expense preference be­
havior. In a study of states that limit the
acquisition m arket for banks by limiting the
am ount of bank stock a corporation can own,
Christopher Jam es finds that bank managers in
these states spend more on perquisites than do
managers of banks in states that permit corpo­
rate holdings of bank stock. This is evidence
that takeovers can discipline m anagers.1
In a study last year, the author investigated
the savings and loan industry for evidence of
expense preference behavior. Savings and loans
are organized either as stock-issuing institu­
tions or as m utual institutions. Although the
owners of a m utual S&L are, in theory, its
depositors, these owners have virtually no
control over managem ent. Thus, managers of
mutual S&Ls should be more able to follow
their own pursuits than managers of stock
S&Ls. The author's study finds that the mutual
S&Ls are operating with an inefficient mix of
inputs and outputs. W hile this could be due to
the im pact of regulations and to the fact that
mutual S&Ls are not able to issue stock in order
to expand, it is m ore likely evidence that m an­
agers are consum ing some of the firm 's re­
sources as perquisites.
In addition to spending excessively on per­
quisites, m anagers have the incentive to act
m ore conservatively than shareholders would
like and to engage in upward window dress­
ing. Anthony Saunders, Elizabeth Strock, and
N ickolaos G. Travlos find evidence that banks
with diffuse ow nership— that is, no one share­
holder holds a large num ber of shares— are

16However, the methodology of the studies by Smirlock
and Marshall and by James, as well as that of earlier banking
studies, is critiqued in Loretta J. Mester, "A Testing Strategy
for Expense Preference Behavior," Working Paper 88-13/R,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, December 1988.


/. Mcster

more conservative than other banks whose
shareholders can be expected to exert more
influence on the decisions of managers. Linda
Allen and Anthony Saunders find evidence of
upward window dressing in banks located in
states with takeover barriers and in banks whose
managers have no large equity holdings.
To sum up these studies, in cases where the
agency theory predicts that managers of finan­
cial firms will work on their own behalf rather
than on the shareholders' behalf, there is evi­
dence that they do so.
There is evidence that managers of financial
firms are able to pursue their own interests
rather than the interests of shareholders. The
agency theory of the firm suggests several ways
in which the goals of managers and sharehold­
ers could be better aligned, which would lead
to higher efficiency and help resolve agency
Bank managers and directors could be en­
couraged to own stock in the companies they
manage. In this way, they would directly
benefit from the decisions they make that in­
crease the market value of the bank. Since
outside directors' goals are more coincident
with shareholders', increasing the power of
outside directors to remove managers could
induce better behavior by managers. But this
may not have much effect if it is difficult to find
directors with enough knowledge to deter­
mine whether the managem ent should be re­
placed. Finally, decreasing the barriers to
takeovers— including state prohibitions on cor­
porate acquisition of commercial bank stock,
laws prohibiting interstate banking and branch­
ing, and laws restricting hostile takeovers— will
increase the effectiveness of the takeover threat
as a device to control managers; so will the
Federal Reserve's position to treat hostile take­
overs in banking no differently from friendly
takeover bids.

Some argue that today's takeovers are too
often funded by high-risk junk bonds or other
sources of debt that can lead to m acroeconomic
instability by increasing the num ber of bank­
ruptcies when a recession hits.17 And there is
evidence that while shareholders of the target
firm gain in a takeover, their gain is at the
expense of em ployees who lose their jobs or are
forced to take wage cuts.18 Clearly, not all

17See F.M. Scherer, "Corporate Takeovers: The Effi­
ciency Arguments," Journal of Economic Perspectives 2 (Win­
ter 1988) pp. 69-82.

takeovers are in the best interests of society.
However, it should be remembered that an
actual takeover is not necessary to induce
managers to act efficiently— the threat of a take­
over is what is needed. If restrictions on take­
overs are reduced, making the possibility of a
takeover a real threat to inefficient managers,
these managers will be induced to m axim ize
the value of their firms. Easing restrictions on
takeovers could actually lead to a reduction in
the number of acquisitions by reducing the
number of inefficiently managed firms, which
are among the prime takeover targets.

18See Shleifer and Vishny [4].

There are many excellent articles on the agency theory of the firm. Several of the articles cited
in the text are included in this bibliography.
[1] Kenneth J. Arrow, "The Economics of Agency," in Principals and Agents: The Structure of
Business, JohnW. Pratt and Richard J. Zeckhauser, eds. (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1985)
pp. 1-35. This is an excellent overview of the principal-agent relationship. In fact, all of the articles
in this book are recommended.
[2] Michael C. Jensen, "Takeovers: Their Causes and Consequences," The Journal of Economic Per­
spectives 2 (Winter 1988) pp. 21-48. An excellent overview of the takeover as a capital market control
on managers, this article discusses such potential takeover deterrents as greenmail and golden para­
[31 Michael C. Jensen and William H. Meckling, "Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior,
Agency Costs and Ownership Structure," Journal of Financial Economics 3 (1976) pp. 305-360. This
article discusses agency theory and the financial structure of firms.

Owners Versus Managers: IVJ70 Controls the Bank?

Loretta /. Mester

[4] Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny, "Value Maximization and the Acquisition Process," The
Journal of Economic Perspectives 2 (Winter 1988) pp. 7-20. The authors review the agency theory of the
firm and the role of hostile takeovers in disciplining managers.
[5] Joseph E. Stiglitz, "Credit Markets and the Control of Capital," Journal of Money, Credit, and
Banking 17 (May 1985) pp. 133-152. This is an excellent introduction to the conflicts between owners
and managers, and the effectiveness of certain controlling devices.
[6] Joseph E. Stiglitz, "Ownership, Control, and Efficient Markets: Some Paradoxes in the Theory
of Capital Markets," in Economic Regulation: Essays in Honor of James R. Nelson, Kenneth D. Boyer and
William G. Shepherd, eds. (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 1981) pp. 311-340. The
author discusses managerial incentives for risk-taking.
[7] The Symposium on Takeovers, in The Journal of Economic Perspectives 2 (Winter 1988), includes
several papers, in addition to those by Jensen and by Shleifer and Vishny, on the role of takeovers as
an external control mechanism.

Empirical studies of agency problems in financial firms include:
[8] Linda Allen and Anthony Saunders, "Incentives to Engage in Bank Window Dressing:
Manager vs. Stockholder Conflicts," Working Paper No. 471, Salomon Brothers Center for the Study
of Financial Institutions, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University, June
[9] Franklin R. Edwards, "Managerial Objectives in Regulated Industries: Expense-Preference Be­
havior in Banking," Journal of Political Economy 85 (1977) pp. 147-162.
[10] Timothy H. Hannan and Ferdinand Mavinga, "Expense Preference and Managerial Control:
The Case of the Banking Firm," Bell Journal of Economics 11 (Autumn 1980) pp. 671-682.
[11] Christopher James, "An Analysis of the Effect of State Acquisition Laws on Managerial
Efficiency: The Case of the Bank Holding Company Acquisition," Journal of Law and Economics 27
(April 1984) pp. 211-226.
[12] Loretta J. Mester, "Agency Costs in Savings and Loans," Working Paper No. 88-14/R, Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, November 1988.
[13] Anthony Saunders, Elizabeth Strock, and Nickolaos G. Travlos, "Ownership Structure, De­
regulation and Bank Risk Taking," Working Paper No. 443, Salomon Brothers Center for the Study
of Financial Institutions, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University, October
[14] Michael Smirlock and William Marshall, "Monopoly Power and Expense-Preference Behav­
ior: Theory and Evidence to the Contrary," Bell Journal of Economics 14 (Spring 1983) pp. 166-178.

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