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Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
IS S N 0007-7011

MAY- JUNE 1979

MAY/JUNE 1979

C om m entary by David P. Eastburn
Timothy Hannan
. . . Recent studies suggest that noncompeti­
tive pricing may be more severe in regulated
service industries than in the manufacturing
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
100 North Sixth Street
(on Independence Mall)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


The BUSINESS REVIEW is published by the
Department of Research every other month. It is
edited by John J. Mulhern, and artwork is directed
by Ronald B. Williams. The REVIEW is available
without charge.
Please send subscription orders, changes of
address, and requests for additional copies to the
Department of Public Services at the above ad­
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The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia is
part of the Federal Reserve System—a System

Nariman B ehravesh and John J. Mulhern
. . . Whether to buy an econometric forecast,
and what to buy, is a matter of costs and
benefits for different users.

which includes twelve regional banks located
around the nation as well as the Board of Gover­
nors in Washington. The Federal Reserve System
was established by Congress in 1913 primarily to
manage the nation’s monetary affairs. Supporting
functions include clearing checks, providing coin
and currency to the banking system, acting as
banker for the Federal government, supervising
commercial banks, and enforcing consumer credit
protection laws. In keeping with the Federal
Reserve Act, the System is an agency of the
Congress, independent administratively of the
Executive Branch, and insulated from partisan
political pressures. The Federal Reserve is self
supporting and regularly makes payments to the
United States Treasury from its operating sur­

Preserving Discretion
in Economic Policy
® 1979 by The New York Times Company. Reprinted by permission.

By David P. Eastburn, President
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
swings in the creation of new money is to
require the Federal Reserve to set a target
rate of growth for the money supply and
stick to it. The idea is identified with Pro­
fessor Milton Friedman, who for years has
been preaching not only that the money
supply is a vital determinant of economic
activity but also that the Federal Reserve has
consistently mismanaged money, producing
inflation by letting money grow too fast and
recessions by cutting money growth too
drastically. He concludes that because the
Fed is not smart enough to fine tune the
money supply, it had better stick to a fixed
growth rate. More and more people agree.
Third is the increasing popularity of gold
as a haven for worried investors. As inflation
has rampaged and currencies have gyrated,
the price of gold has skyrocketed. People of
means, looking for a rock of certainty in a sea

One of the characteristics of these troubled
times is a widespread distrust of government
officials. I’m not thinking so much of the fact
that public opinion polls show Congressmen
to be at about the bottom of the list when it
comes to peoples’ feelings of trust. Rather, I
am concerned with the dangerous implica­
tions of this attitude for the field in which I
happen to work—economic policy.
First is the conviction of more and more
people that the only way to get government
spending under control is to force outright
limitations. There is much argument about
what form the limitations should t a k e balanced budget, some proportion of GNP,
etc.—but underlying it all is disillusionment
in the ability of government to keep its
spending within reasonable bounds.
Second is the increasing popularity of the
view that the only way to prevent wide


MAY/JUNE 1979


with a disillusioned public. I wish we public
officials would do a better job; but I fear a
reaction that would impose old rules on us,
most of which have been found wanting, to
meet today’s problems. What is needed are
better officials, more intelligent use of dis­
cretion, and more support from the public—
not blind support, of course, but support that
will encourage policymakers to evolve new
ways to use discretion to meet new problems.
All this is easier to say, of course, than to
do, but several beginning steps have already
been taken. First is Congress’s effort in
recent years to come to grips with the budget
process. This is promising, but it needs time
and support to come fully into its own. It is a
far more intelligent approach to fiscal disci­
pline than arbitrary limitations. Second, in
Federal Reserve policy, is the requirement of
the Humphrey-Hawkins Act to specify
annual growth rates for money and to account
to Congress on results. Earlier requirements
to target money growth proved too slippery;
Humphrey-Hawkins promises more disci­
pline. Third is the commendable effort to
require officials to calculate the costs and
benefits of their regulations, the famous
success story being deregulation of airlines.
These are some specifics. Two general
principles underlie all of them—accountabil­
ity and performance. The public is only to
blame if it fails to hold its officials account­
able for their discretionary actions; to
complain about “them” is a confession of
failure to exercise proper surveillance. At
the same time, an essential ingredient of
credibility in discretionary policy is good
performance. Strict accountability and good
performance go together. In combination
they should make it possible to exercise
discretionary economic policy without
resorting to arbitrary and inflexible rules.

of uncertainty, have turned to art, diamonds,
antiques, land, but above all, gold. They see
it as a commodity that will withstand the
follies of government officials. They may
wish longingly for a return to the gold stan­
I view all this with misgiving, not just
because it is evidence o f poor performance
by officials (and as one of these I react
defensively) but, more importantly, because
it would take us back to a world that did not
work well. Granted, the one we have is not
working well either, but we should be wary
about turning back the clock in a desperate
search for solidity.
The idea of imposing economic rules on
government officials is an old one. The
balanced budget is an old rule. Drawing an
analogy with personal finance, it said that a
government that spends beyond its means is
irresponsible. But since Maynard Keynes
came on the scene in the thirties, most
thinking people have become persuaded that
balanced budgets for governments can, at
times, be bad policy. And so we gradually
have gotten used to thinking that discretion,
rather than a fixed rule, is a better way to
handle government financing.
With Federal Reserve policy, similarly,
early thinking was that certain fixed rules—
the gold standard, and credit supplied ac­
cording to the needs of trade—were better
than discretion in managing money. Experi­
ence taught us otherwise and we now have
discretionary monetary policy.
The gold standard is perhaps the oldest
rule of all, a rule that necessity has long since
jettisoned. Policymakers now manage their
currencies by use of discretion.
So we find ourselves in a world of discre­
tionary economic policy, exercised by
humans beset with impossible problems,
with limited ability to solve them, and faced



Lack of Competition:
Where It’s Found
and How Much It Costs
By Timothy Hannan*
money and time.
The object of these efforts is to weaken the
pricing power and other effects often associ­
ated with the behavior of traditional monop­
olies—manufacturing firms large enough to
dominate a whole industry. But traditional
monopolies are not the sole producers of
these effects. While the cases that steal the
headlines may involve manufacturing indus­
tries, it now appears that service industries
subject to government regulation may be
especially likely to originate these effects. If
so, policymakers may be able to get a better
return on their consumer-protection dollars
by concentrating more of their attentions on
the regulated service sector.

The government’s long-standing concern
over noncompetitive pricing is front-page
news again. One widely publicized case is
being argued over whether the cereal industry
constitutes a shared monopoly for the purpose
of deterring market entry by would-be com­
petitors. Another case involves the possibility
of AT&T’s divestiture of Western Electric.
IBM also is enmeshed in a divestiture case,
and calls for antitrust actions against the oil
companies are being heard from many
Large amounts of resources are devoted to
the competition issue. The IBM and AT&T
cases alone will involve millions of dollars
and thousands of people over a period of
several years. Other efforts in the antitrust
area also call for heavy expenditures of

The use of government policy to combat
noncompetitive behavior has been part of
the American political landscape for almost

*The author, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of
Wisconsin, specializes in banking and urban ec­
onomics. He joined the Philadelphia Fed’s Department
of Research in 1974.


MAY/JUNE 1979


makers, traditional monopolies usually are
hard to maintain for any length of time
because their higher prices and profits tend
to encourage new competitors to set up shop.
In a sense, then, consumers and policy­
makers have a natural ally in the actions of
would-be competitors, and the situation
probably would be much more troublesome
without this inherent weakness in the position
of many temporary monopolies.
Would-be competitors cannot be counted
on, however, to save every situation. In
some cases, it may be impossible to compete
with an established monopolist that controls
the supply of a basic input required to
manufacture a given product. The classic
example of this is the prewar aluminum
industry, where the Aluminum Company of
America (Alcoa) controlled practically every
source of bauxite in the United States. Since
bauxite is a necessary input for the production
of aluminum, Alcoa was able to remain the
sole producer of aluminum for many years.
Inability to compete with established mo­
nopolies may result also from certain industry
production processes which make small
competitors much less efficient than a large
established firm.
Government regulation may produce an
analogous situation by prohibiting market
entry—as it has in the airline industry, for
instance, where would-be competitors have
been excluded from profitable markets. (Such
barriers may be falling, given the current
trend toward deregulation in the airline
industry.) Where entry by new competitors is
difficult, whatever the reason, noncompeti­
tive behavior can persist.

ninety years. It all started in 1890 with
passage of the Sherman A ct—an act which
served as the legal foundation for trust busting
in the years following its passage. Later,
Congress passed the Clayton Act in an effort
to restrain the growth of traditional monop­
olies in their incipiency instead of waiting
for them to become full blown. The Trade
Commission Act, which set up the Federal
Trade Commission, focused on “unfair
methods of competition,” leaving to policy­
makers the task of determining what those
methods were. These three acts together
form the basis of our antitrust laws, and
continuing concern has led to important
amendments to these laws as new kinds of
noncompetitive situations have appeared.
With this concern heating up once again,
it’s useful to ask what accounts for the
resiliency of the issue. A lot of resources
have been devoted to the various policy
approaches to noncompetitive behavior. Is
there a way to evaluate the effectiveness of
these approaches and to find out whether
other approaches may be even more effective?
‘Monopoly’ means ‘one seller’. In a mo­
nopoly situation, the supplying individual or
firm has no competitors to get in the way of
its pricing and sales strategies. While non­
competitive effects can be produced in other
ways—where there are so few sellers that
they’re able to collude in setting prices, or
where prices are set by government regula­
tion—it’s still useful to consider the case of
the traditional monopoly; it provides a famil­
iar point of departure for dealing with other
sources of noncompetitive behavior.
The characteristic behavior of traditional
monopolies can be seen in the prices they
charge for their products and in the amounts
they offer for sale. Free from competitors,
monopolists find it in their interest to charge
a higher price and offer less for sale than they
would if competition prevailed.
Fortunately for consumers and policy­

The ability to raise prices (and profits) and
to reduce amounts offered for sale has been
thought to have an adverse impact on the
political process, on the distribution of in­
come, and (of particular importance to econ­
omists) on economic efficiency.


Its political consequences are hard to assess
with certainty and probably are impossible
to quantify. But many believe that economic
power unchecked by competition can lead to
an undue influence on the political process,
perhaps through lobbying or other efforts.
Worry over such political influence may
have played a role in the passage of antitrust
The fairness of the income redistribution
occasioned by noncompetitive behavior is
another concern. Some argue that artificially
high profits represent a redistribution of
income from the consuming public at large to
the producers who set prices; and since those
producers may be richer on average than
consumers at large, income may be trans­
ferred from the less affluent to the more
affluent. Others argue that the income re­
distribution caused in this way is insignif­
Concern over what happens to the incomes
of different people is fundamental to many
public issues, and this issue is no exception.
Even though it’s quite difficult to determine
the extent of income redistribution occa­
sioned by noncompetitive pricing, many
clearly regard the issue as a potentially
significant one.
Further, such pricing can result in eco­
nomic inefficiency. While inefficiency may
not be the primary reason for popular concern,
it has received the most concentrated study.
Among the different kinds of inefficiency
that have been thought to result, allocative
inefficiency has struck economists as espe­
cially important.
To illustrate: Suppose for a moment that
the economy is divided into two sectors, one
of which is competitive while the other is
characterized by lack of competition. Since
firms in a noncompetitive setting tend to
produce less and offer less for sale than firms
in a competitive environment (something
they must do in order to maintain a higher
price), too few resources are allocated to the
sector they control. As a result, too many
resources are allocated to the competitive

sector. In such a situation, if resources (scarce
land, labor, and other things necessary for
production) could be taken out of the com­
petitive sector and put into the noncom­
petitive sector, society as a whole would be
better off. Because noncompetitive behavior
does not allow this transfer to happen, it
brings about a real economic cost. It leads to
an allocation of resources which is ineffi­
cient because it satisfies consumer demand
with less than maximum effectiveness.
Thus it’s clear that while noncompetitive
behavior could have an undesirable effect on
political life and income distribution, it also
could impose real efficiency costs on society.
Attempts actually to estimate the economic
cost of noncompetitive behavior have come
only recently. This delay may have been
caused by the late development of the theory
that makes such estimates possible, or per­
haps it was caused by the paucity of appro­
priate data in earlier periods. Whatever the
reasons, empirical estimates of the economic
burden now occupy the attention of many
The Harberger Analysis. The first study
to provide an estimate of this loss was
conducted by Arnold Harberger in the 1950s.1
In an attempt to measure how much allocative
inefficiency it causes in the manufacturing
sector, Harberger estimated price increases
that he believed could be attributed to mo­
nopoly power. Using these estimates and
industry sales data, along with an assumption
about how consumer buying patterns change
when prices change, Harberger came up
with a result that probably surprised a lot of
people. His calculations suggested that the
net loss from the exercise of monopoly power
in the manufacturing sector came to no more
than one-tenth of one percent of the Gross
National Product—only enough to give
^See Arnold C. Harberger, "Monopoly and Resource
Allocation,” American Econom ic Review (May 1954),
pp. 77-87.

MAY/JUNE 1979


every family in America a good steak dinner,
by one economist’s figuring. Similar studies
using different data and slightly different
methods soon followed, but most found pretty
much the same things. Measured in this way,
the net loss appeared to be too small to get
excited about.
Some Additional Considerations. While
many critics suggested that the Harberger
analysis understated the true cost of monop­
oly, two attacks on his kind of analysis seem
especially pertinent to policy. The first
concerns the possibility that traditional mo­
nopolies cause appreciable economic losses
in addition to the misallocation of resources
that Harberger worried about. The second
asks whether Harberger, in examining the
manufacturing sector, really was looking in
the right spot.
It’s possible that traditional monopolists
just plain waste resources, especially if, as
many believe, they are less diligent than
competitive firms in controlling their costs.
There is reason to believe also that they have
to use substantial amounts of resources to
obtain and maintain monopoly power. Firms
that agree to collude have to spend a lot of
time and effort coordinating their activities
and guarding against attempts to cheat on the
agreement. Even the act of getting a monopoly
may involve large expenditures to obtain
crucial patents or government-bestowed
Resources used for these purposes are
being used in a socially wasteful way, and if
their amount is substantial, then the true
economic cost may be substantially greater
than that calculated by Harberger.
In an attempt to account for some of this
additional cost, Richard Posner recently has
calculated that monopoly power in mining
and manufacturing accounts for a net loss of
about 0.6 percent of the Gross National
Product.2 While this too is not a shocking

figure, it suggests that the loss from
monopoly is many times larger than indicated
by the earlier estimates.
The second pertinent criticism of Harbergefs
analysis is that, while his original estimates
were confined solely to the manufacturing
sector, more evidence is coming to light that
noncompetitive pricing may occur in its
severest form in other sectors. In Harberger’s
sample of manufacturing industries, the
average increment in prices caused by mo­
nopoly power came to little more than six
percent, with some increments much smaller.
Figure 1 shows some examples. While not all
economists may agree on the precise method
for calculating such price increases, those,
like Harberger, who have attempted the
calculations usually have come up with
rather small figures. Even the celebrated
electrical equipment conspiracy, for instance,
which is one of the most durable and suc­
cessful conspiracies on record in the manuFIGURE 1
Bakery Products


Packaged Foods


Knit Goods






Wire and Nails


Scientific Instruments


‘ Figures adjusted to yield the percentage price
increase over the competitive price.

2Richard A. Posner, “The Social Cost of Monopoly
and Regulation,” Journal of Political Econom y 83
(August 1975), pp. 807-827.

Percentage Increment
in Price

SOURCE: Harberger, p. 80.



facturing sector, apparently succeeded in
raising prices by less than 10 percent on
Where then are the worst offenders?
Strange as it seems, service industries that
are subject to government regulation maybe
more successful at boosting prices and re­
stricting output to noncompetitive levels than
the unregulated industries in the manufac­
turing sector. Regulatory controls over ad­
vertising, market entry, and pricing can drive
prices up appreciably. Figure 2 presents
estimates of the degree by which prices in a
number of such industries exceed competitive
levels. Taken from several different sources,
these estimates vary in reliability and should
not be accepted as definitive. They suggest,
however, that large monopoly-like price dis­
tortions do occur in regulated industries,
with prices estimated to be more than 60
percent above competitive levels in some
Why this relatively poor performance on
the part of regulated industries? Apparently
because entry by new firms is restricted,
price competition in the industry is discour­
aged, and efforts to agree on a mutual price
are not subject to antitrust enforcement. This
is a situation in which prices might be ex­
pected to be artifically high, since non­
competitive pricing is punished neither
through the entry of new competitors nor
through strong antitrust enforcement.4*
Posner calculates the economic cost of
noncompetitive behavior in the regulated
sector to be in the neighborhood of 1.7
percent of the Gross National Product. This
is appreciably greater than his estimate for


Physicians’ Services




Motor Carriers



66 §



*R.A. Kessel, "Higher Education and the Nation’s
Health: A Review of the Carnegie Commission
Report on Medical Education,” Journal of Law and
Economics 15 (1972), p. 119.
^L. Benham, “Price Structure and Professional
Control of Information,” mimeograph, University
of Chicago Graduate School of Business, 1973, p. 19.
* Average of estimates in U.S. Department of
Agriculture studies cited in T.G. Moore, Freight
Transportation Regulation (Washington: American
Enterprise Institute, 1972), and R.N. Farmer, “The
Case for Unregulated Truck Transportation,”
Journal o f Farm Economics 46 (1964), pp. 398-409.
§ Average of estimates computed from R.E. Caves,
Air Transport and Its Regulators (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1972), p. 372; W.A.
Jordan, Airline Regulation in America (Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979), pp. 110111, 124-125; and "Is Regulation Necessary?
California Air Transportation and National Regula­
tory Policy,” Yale Law Journal 74 (1965), pp. 14351436. (This and the three previous estimates were
taken from a table compiled by Posner, p. 818.)


U.S. Congress, Joint Committee on Internal Reve­
nue Taxation, Staff Study o f Income Tax Treatment o f
Treble Damage Payments under the Antitrust Laws,
Washington, Government Printing Office, 1965, p. 39.

^Computed from estimates for Chicago pre­
sented in E.W. Kitch, M. Isaacson, and D. Kasper,
"The Regulation of Taxicabs in Chicago,” Journal
of Law and Economics 14 (October 1971), p. 301.

4 In most respects, regulation of the banking industry
is not of this type. While there are some regulatory
restrictions on the establishment of new banks, antitrust
laws are enforced vigorously in an effort to keep
banking markets competitive.

Percentage Increment
in Price




the mining and manufacturing sectors.
Calculations such as these are speculative
and may miss the mark in the case of some
industries. They do suggest, however, that
lack of competition in the American economy
may carry an appreciably higher price tag
than previously believed and that a good
chunk of the excess may occur in regulated
Findings of this kind are useful in devising
an appropriate policy response because they
help indicate the magnitude of the loss caused
by noncompetitive behavior and they point
to the areas of the economy which are
especially vulnerable to it. Put differently,
they identify the gains that may result from
devoting scarce resources to corrective ef­
forts. The question is how these gains can be
captured most efficiently.
Policymakers can focus on either the
behavior of individual firms in an industry or
on the structure of the industry overall. The
behavioral approach is designed to punish
price fixing and other kinds of anticom­
petitive conduct after they have occurred,
and its most frequently used device is the
antitrust suit. The structural approach has a
different rationale—to maintain industries
more or less free of anticompetitive behavior
by keeping enough firms in the industry to
insure competitive behavior. Suits are used
in this approach, too, but usually to prevent a
merger that would eliminate a strong com­
petitor and thereby reduce competition.
Whatever the underlying rationale, though,
antitrust suits tend to be expensive. Huge
amounts of resources may be required to
pursue just one antitrust case through the
courts. An example is the ongoing AT&T
case, where just one part of the litigation is
expected to cost about $100 million dollars
on the AT&T side alone.5 Both the Federal

Trade Commission and the Justice Depart­
ment’s Antitrust Division, with 1978 budgets
estimated at $66 million and $46 million,
respectively, also devote substantial re­
sources to such cases.6 And then there’s the
time factor: cases such as these can require
many years of litigation.
Because of the cost, policymakers have to
be rather picky in choosing their cases and in
determining the most appropriate method of
attack. The governing principle is to put
policy resources where they are likely to
produce the largest return. While in some
cases the largest return may come from
bringing actions such as the highly publicized
antitrust cases currently in the courts, in
other situations the most effective way of
reducing the burden of noncompetitive be­
havior may involve another approach.
One new twist on the structural approach
can be seen in recent legislative proposals
which, if enacted, could prohibit mergers of
firms with $2 billion or more in assets unless
those firms could show that the mergers
would produce significant competitive bene­
fits. Another new twist is apparent in efforts
to roll back rules that restrict entry or set
prices in the regulated sector. Deregulation
could be an effective procompetitive tool
and could offer a relatively cheap way of
getting a big reduction in monopoly-like
pricing behavior. It already has shown real
promise in the airline industry, for example,
where the lifting of anticompetitive regula­
tions has lowered fares for consumers. And
the trucking industry may offer another
opportunity for increasing competition
through deregulation.
There are many ways to attack the effects
of noncompetitive behavior, and the most
efficient ones are those that yield the most
benefit for the least cost. Recent experience
suggests that increased emphasis on regula­
tory change may pay the biggest dividends.

5Statement by William C. Cashel, Wall Street Journal,
December 1, 1977, p. 26.

6 Budget o f the United States Government, 1979, Appen­
dix, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1978.



The largest antitrust cases currently in the
news reflect a long-standing concern over
traditional monopoly. The reason for this
concern is that noncompetitive behavior
imposes costs on society, and the antitrust
suit is an attempt to reduce those costs. But
traditional monopoly is not the only source
of noncompetitive behavior, and the antitrust
suit is not the only weapon in the arsenal.

Picking the most desirable array of weapons
to use in the battle requires information on
how significant the costs of monopoly-like
behavior are and in what sectors of the
economy those costs are likely to be the
largest. Based on the most recent research, it
seems that several different methods of
eliminating noncompetitive behavior are
worthwhile and that regulatory changes may
offer a particularly large payoff.




From th e
P h ilad elp h ia



W ha t M ay
Happen W hen
You Pay O ff a
Loan Early
Copies of this pamphlet, which explains how to figure the interest when you
pay off a loan early, are available without charge from the Department of
Consumer Affairs, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, P. O. Box 66,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105.



Should You Buy It?

By Nariman Behravesh and John J. Mulhern*
Forecasting the economy, if you haven’t
already noticed, is a growth industry. Recent
years have seen a proliferation of forecasters
and forecasting methods. In the vanguard of
this boom have been a few commercial
econometric forecasters whose clients have
more than doubled in the past five years and
whose revenues now amount to tens of
millions of dollars annually.
What accounts for this unprecedented
growth? Certainly the novelty of econometric
forecasts and the variety of services fore­
casters provide explain part of it. But a more

fundamental factor behind the rapid growth
in the demand for forecasts may be the
increased uncertainty in the economic en­
vironment over the past few years. Models,
with their ability to track massive amounts of
information, appear to offer a measure of
relief from uncertainty. Thus, for a great
many banks, other businesses, and govern­
ment agencies, the increased availability of
forecasting services plus the pressing need
for more accurate economic information have
made the acquisition of econometric predic­
tions worthwhile.
Under what circumstances should you buy
one of the forecasts now being marketed?
That depends on the accuracy, accessibility,
and relevance of the forecasts, as well as on
the state of the economy overall and the
market information otherwise available. The
benefit obtained from such predictions must
outweigh their cost to justify a decision to

*Nariman Behravesh received his Ph.D. from the
University of Pennsylvania in 1978. Formerly a Senior
Economist at the Philadelphia Fed, he now is a Principal
Analyst on the staff of the Congressional Budget Office.
The views presented here do not necessarily represent
those of the Congressional Budget Office.
John J. Mulhern, who received his Ph.D. from the
State University of New York at Buffalo in 1970, joined
the Department of Research in 1976.


MAY/JUNE 1979


radically than they have been in recent years,
for instance, may evoke a misleading answer.
Models can be abused. But when they are
used discreetly and over not too long a
horizon, they can be reliable aids to the
forecaster. Thus models have a lot to offer
the business or government planner.
Prepackaged Forecasts. For a relatively
small consideration, the buyer can obtain
any number of packaged forecasts. Some of
these appear in newsletter form, others are in
the form of computer printouts. The packaged
services vendors offer range all the way from
quarterly macroeconomic forecasts to more
narrowly focused energy forecasts and
agricultural forecasts. And the cost of sub­
scribing to them may run anywhere from a few
hundred dollars to a few thousand, depending
on the detail of the forecast and the effort
needed to generate it.
Prepackaged forecasts don’t allow the
client to participate in the forecasting process
or to change the forecast in any way. But
that’s no obstacle to the typical customer for
this kind of service, who either does not have
the resources to get involved in making
predictions or does not consider it worthwhile
to subscribe to a higher level of forecasting
A ccess to Econometric Models. The
popularity and profits enjoyed by econo­
metric forecasters come from allowing clients
to access models and tinker with forecasts.
The client who wants access to commercial
econometric models typically either disagrees
with the judgmental information imposed on
the models by the forecaster or wishes to
explore What If scenarios, such as the effect
that reimposition of wage-price controls
would have on corporate profits and return
on investment.
For the privilege of tinkering with models
and generating tailor-made forecasts, firms
pay tens of thousands of dollars. The cost
depends on how many models the client
wants to fiddle with, and how often. Firms
that are interested in devoting resources to
forecasting usually are large and can afford

The art of forecasting has come a long way
from isolated intuitive judgments about up­
coming economic conditions. Sophisticated
econometric methods now have become the
basis of many commercially available fore­
casts, the simplest and cheapest as well as
the most complex and expensive.
Models and What They Do. Econometric
models are mathematical representations of
the economy or of its parts—sets of equations
that describe the interactions of key economic
forces.1 By using these models, forecasters
can measure or estimate the impact of one
key change, such as a wage or price increase,
on an industry or on the economy as a whole.
The broad-based or macro models used by
the big forecasters may include hundreds of
equations. One very large model of the U.S.
economy, for example, consists of some 800
Two features of econometric models make
them especially useful as forecasting tools.
First, because of the logic of their construc­
tion, judgmental information can be imposed
on them easily and explicitly. Thus fore­
casters can have the advantage of using
sophisticated models already built without
sacrificing their own experience-based opin­
ions. Second, it is very easy to explore
realistic What If scenarios with these models.
As long as the structure of the models corre­
sponds closely to that of the economy over
recent decades, tracing through the likely
impact of higher interest rates, wage-price
controls, or a tax cut, for example, presents
few difficulties.
Because models are based on the economy’s
historical performance, they are not reliable
guides to what would happen in unusual or
unprecedented scenarios. Asking the model
what would result if taxes were cut far more

See Nariman Behravesh, “Forecasting the Economy
with Mathematical Models: Is It Worth the Effort?”
Business Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia,
July/August 1975.
2 New York Times, January 8, 1978.



ods of prediction may have a slight advantage
over others.4 But the method is not the whole
story: information volume counts, too. The
most accurate forecasts are the ones that rely
on the most complete information.5 Conse­
quently, successful forecasting usually involves
combining different prediction methods.
Many forecasters admit that their predic­
tions consist of roughly equal mixtures of
econometric model inputs and judgmental
inputs. This has been the case, for example,
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia,
where the M IT-PENN-SSRC model has been
modified by the judgments of three staff
forecasters. There does indeed seem to be an
advantage in eclecticism.
Most of the commercial forecasters who
combine judgment and econometrics have
similar track records. One may have an edge
in predicting this or that set of variables, but
none can claim superior prescience overall.
And so many firms subscribe to more than
one forecast in the hope of being assured
access to the most accurate predictions.
Thus the choice among the top-rated com­
mercial forecasters often is made on the basis
of criteria other than accuracy.
Other Criteria. Before subscribing to a
forecast, prospective users need to know
how many of the variables relevant to their
own decisionmaking it predicts. Although
predictions of inflation and unemployment
may be of primary interest at the national
policy level, they may not provide the infor­
mation required for decisionmaking at indi­
vidual firms or agencies. In an attempt to

the staffs needed to run the models.
Customized Models. In many cases, even
this higher level of service won’t satisfy a
firm’s requirements, because the available
models don’t predict the variables that are
most important to it. In cases like this, the
vendor may build a satellite model which is
tied to an existing model but which also
predicts the variables that do interest the
client. The cost of buying a satellite is very
high, but some firms find it worthwhile for
their complex and long-range strategic plan­
ning. Some utility companies, for example,
may use such models to generate load
Thus commercial forecasters provide a
menu of services, and clients have consider­
able leeway in choosing the services best
suited to their interests and budgets.
The choice among forecasts depends on
such features as accuracy and suitability to
the requirements of the user. Whether to
generate forecasts in house or pay for a
commercial forecast depends on how much
of a comparative advantage the commercial
forecaster has in predicting and how much
specialized information the client has which
is not easily transferable to the forecaster. In
some cases, a client’s forecasting needs may
be satisfied easily by outside predictions; in
other cases, only inside forecasts may prove
A ccuracy. However the forecast is gener­
ated, it is valuable only if it is at least as
accurate as comparable forecasts. Judging
predictions on the basis of their accuracy
may not be easy. Fair assessments of accuracy
require looking at long track records, which
are not always available. Nevertheless, at­
tempts have been made to assess the accuracy
of publicly available forecasts of the econ­
omy. These studies suggest that some meth-

4 Stephen K. McNees has published a number of
evaluations of forecasts in the New England Economic
Review, and Vincent and Josephine Su have written a
number of articles for the National Bureau of Economic
Research on this subject.
5 See Nariman Behravesh, “Forecasting Inflation:
Does the Method Make a Difference?” Business Review,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, September/Octoberl976, andR. T. Falconer, C. M. Sivesind, “Dealing
with Conflicting Forecasts: The Eclectic Advantage,”
Business Economics, September 1977.

3 Business W eek, November 7, 1977.




attract more of these smaller customers,
many econometric forecasters have expanded
their models to include more industry detail
and other specialized data. It still remains to
be seen whether the consequent increase in
the size of the models (and the associated
increase in the cost of running them) will pay
off in more accurate forecasts.
The frequency with which predictions are
made also is of great importance to decision­
makers. From their point of view, the timing
of the forecasts should coincide with the
timing of the major decisions to be made.
From the forecast vendor’s point of view, the
frequency of prediction depends on how
often new information is released. Most
macroeconomic forecasting models are based
on quarterly data and, therefore, generate
new predictions once a quarter. But as the
data are revised and as new monthly or
weekly data become available, the quarterly
macroeconomic forecasts may be updated
quite frequently. At least one of the com­
mercial econometric forecasters has an an­
nual model which is advertised as a tool for
long-run planning. At present, weekly or
monthly models of macroeconomic activity
are not well developed and are, therefore,
unreliable. The choice of frequency depends
largely on the cost of predicting more often
versus the extra information that can be
obtained from each new forecast.
The frequency of forecasts is related to
their horizons. Long-term decisions require
forecasts with long horizons. One major
electrical equipment manufacturer, for ex­
ample, has developed a model which helps it
forecast energy requirements and resource
availability out through the end of the century
and even beyond.6 Such a model could make
the difference when basic business decisions
are being made, and its applications to govern­
ment planning also are obvious.
It is only recently that some commercial
forecasters have devoted substantial re­

sources to long-term forecasting; con­
sequently, the errors from their predictions
continue to be very large. But since econo­
metric forecasting still is in its infancy, the
choices with regard to types of variables
predicted, frequency, and horizons of fore­
casts can be expected to widen.
Whether to allocate resources to forecast­
ing is a question of profitability for private
firms and of cost effectiveness for govern­
ment bodies. When are the costs of a forecast
outweighed by the ability it confers to make
better decisions? Two important factors in­
fluencing this choice are general economic
conditions and the types of information
otherwise available to the user through the
markets in which it operates.
Increased Uncertainty Increases the
Demand for Forecasts. In recent years,
uncertainty about inflation and energy sup­
plies has encouraged decisionmakers to try
to acquire as much information about the
future as possible (see RELATIVELY HIGH
usual now for firms to look at more than one
forecast in an attempt to sample different
opinions about the outlook. And a number of
firms have found it profitable to collect
forecasts and market the information gleaned
from them. Also, many newspapers, maga­
zines, and electronic media regularly survey
the leading forecasters.
A good deal of information about the
future of the economy as a whole is available
for free or at a nominal charge. Government
agencies, such as the Department of Com­
merce, are continuously publishing assess­
ments of the economy. And a number of
academic and private organizations make
their views on the future of the economy
available for small fees. Provided these fore­
casts are as accurate as predictions made by
commercial forecasters, it would be unprofit­
able to pay for the commercial forecasts.
Unfortunately, such publicly available fore­
casts cover only a limited number of variables,

6 Financial Times, June 21, 1977.



Index of Uncertainty







SOURCE: Adapted from George Katona, "Behavioral Economics,” Challenge, September/October 1978, p. 17.
Katona’s index reflects expectations about private welfare and business conditions one year out and business
conditions five years out.

viously anticipated futures prices, then turning
around and selling it on that date at the higher
price now expected to prevail at that time.
Economists contend that such obviously
profitable opportunities cannot go unnoticed
and that this accounts for the link between
changes in information and changes in fu­
tures prices.
Is it worthwhile to make price forecasts for
goods or assets that are traded on futures
markets? The answer depends on whether
the forecaster thinks he can predict the
future better than the market does by a
margin that exceeds his cost of forecasting.
The market’s forecast is really a weighted
average of the forecasts of those who cur­
rently are taking trading positions; and much
evidence suggests that this weighted-average
forecast efficiently takes account of readily

such as inflation, unemployment, and real
Some Markets Provide Information
About the Future. Futures markets in com­
modities, foreign exchange, and government
securities implicitly provide information
about the future prices of goods. In a futures
market, buyers and sellers contract to buy or
sell goods at some future date—July 1980, for
example—at a price agreed upon today.
Information that has any bearing on future
movements in these markets is quickly re­
flected in prices. If new information becomes
available suggesting that, say, next year’s
wheat crop will be smaller than previously
anticipated, wheat prices in the futures mar­
ket should rise. If the futures price didn’t
increase, anyone could profit by agreeing to
buy wheat for delivery in July 1980 at pre­


MAY/JUNE 1979


casts—again, a matter of deciding on the
basis of costs and benefits.

available information. Hence, unless one
has some specialized information, it will be
quite difficult to outperform the market. In
this situation, forecasting will not be worth
the effort and one should rely on the futures
prices published in the financial press.
For many goods produced in the economy
there are no futures markets, however, and
here there may be a larger payoff to forecast­
ing. In other words, in markets where infor­
mation is not cheaply available, firms who
have access to accurate forecasts stand to
gain. In such circumstances, the benefits
from forecasting may well outweigh the
In the end, whether a firm can benefit from
buying a given level of forecast services
depends on the amount and type of infor­
mation it can obtain easily from other sources
about its own markets and about the economy
as a whole. It’s a matter of weighing costs
and benefits. If the value of the additional
information provided by forecasts exceeds
the cost, then paying for the information will
be worthwhile. Once this determination is
made, then the firm may decide to generate
its own forecasts or to contract for one or
more of the many available commercial fore­

Thus the decision to buy an econometric
forecast is not always an easy one. Many
forecast vendors are eager to sell their wares,
and many prospective users are ready to pay
for them. But there is no guarantee that a
given level of forecasting services will an­
swer every firm’s or agency’s requirements.
The point of forecasting is to obtain infor­
mation, and information is just one kind of
input in the decisionmaking process. Some­
times it’s a very costly input.
Whether it’s worthwhile to spend a great
deal of money on information depends on the
outcome in profitability or cost effectiveness.
In many smaller operations, accessing models
will not be justified on a cost basis. But for
some firms and agencies, especially those
that deal with an extremely large volume of
information and those that make broad-based
business or policy plans, buying a high level
of econometric forecasting services may have
a lot to offer. In fact, it may make life a good
deal easier for the executive planner.


The Philadelphia Fed’s Department of Research occasionally publishes research
papers written by staff economists. These papers deal with local, national, and
international economics and finance. Most of them are intended for professional re­
searchers and therefore are relatively technical.
Two new papers recently have been added to the series— The E ffects o f M onetary
O perations in the P resen ce o f A ccu rate Perceptions, Rationality, and C ostly Adjustment,
by John J. Seater, and F ed P olicy in the Era o f Resolution 133 (1975-1978): Is W hat They
Said W hat T hey Did? by Ira P. Kaminow.
Copies may be ordered from RESEARCH PAPERS, Department of Research, Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 100 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

on Independence M all
100 North Sixth Street
Philadelphia, Pa. 19106