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The Role of Segmented Markets
in Monetary Policy


by Aubhik khan

he popular press would lead us to believe that
during the stock market boom of the 1990s
just about everyone was buying and selling
bonds every day. In fact, evidence shows
that most households make only infrequent changes to
their investment portfolio. In this article, Aubhik Khan
discusses this market segmentation and its implication
for the way monetary policy affects interest rates and

Reading the newspapers during
the stock market boom of the late
1990s, one could be forgiven for thinking that every man, woman, and child
was buying and selling stocks and
bonds every day. Nothing could be further from the truth. Recently, economists have begun to assess evidence
that shows that most households make
only infrequent changes to the stocks,
bonds, mutual funds, and money market funds they own. At any time, most
households are not participating in the
majority of financial markets. Jointly,

Aubhik Khan
is a senior
advisor and
economist in
the Research
Department of
the Philadelphia
Fed. This article
is available free
of charge at:

I call these observations evidence of
market segmentation because only a segment of the population is participating
in the market at any time, whether
directly or through a broker.
Seemingly unrelated is a belief
held by many, though not all, economists that when there is a change to
the stock of money in the economy,
interest rates respond immediately,
while inflation responds slowly. More
generally, changes in the supply of
money in the economy appear to have
persistent effects on economic activity,
influencing consumption, investment,
employment, and output.
Actually, the effects of monetary
policy on interest rates and inflation
may, in part, be a consequence of market segmentation. Recent advances
in economic theory suggest that the
real effects of open market operations
— that is, the effect of changes in the
money supply on output and employment — may be amplified by market

In most macroeconomic models,
households are continuously participating in asset markets. The somewhat
simplistic assumptions underlying
these models imply that if it is worthwhile for one household to invest in a
particular stock or bond, it is worthwhile for all households to do so. Of
course, this does not imply that all
households hold the same portfolio.
The economic models are consistent
with the observation that wealthier
households tend to hold more assets
than poorer ones. However, these
models often predict that all households will hold the same fraction of
their wealth in each asset, which requires all households to be readjusting
their portfolios continuously.
Economist Annette Vissing-Jørgensen finds that this prediction is not
consistent with the household data.
To study the behavior of a representative sample of U.S. households, she
uses data for 1968-93 from the survey
research sample of the Panel Study of
Income Dynamics from the University
of Michigan. Supplements also provide
data on financial wealth. In her paper,
Vissing-Jørgensen finds that, over time,
an increasing number of those households with positive financial wealth
(just above 80 percent of the total
number of households) are participating in the stock market. Nonetheless,
even as recently as 1994, only 44.1 percent of households participated in the
stock market. In this sense financial
markets are segmented: Only a fraction of the population of households
is trading at any time. This finding is
Business Review Q4 2006 

inconsistent with the simplest financial
models of portfolio choice.
Interestingly, households that are
active in the stock market change over
time. In the data, some households
held stocks, bonds, or both, in 1989,
but not in 1994. Other households
held either stocks, bonds, or both in
1994, but not in 1989. Thus, a simple
model that assumes some households
can never hold stocks would be inconsistent with the data. Instead, a useful
model for these purposes must explain
why a household is sometimes active
and sometimes inactive. Vissing-Jørgensen also finds there are significant
changes in the fraction of wealth held
as stocks. In particular, it varies across
households and also across time for a
given household.
Examining several possible explanations for segmented stock and
bond markets, Vissing-Jørgensen finds
that transaction costs are the most
likely explanation. These costs, which
include broker’s fees and the costs of
informing oneself about the risks and
returns associated with individual
stocks and bonds, are more easily
borne by wealthy households and are
prohibitive for some poor households.
In related work, economists John
Heaton and Deborah Lucas find that
households whose income — excluding
income from stocks and bonds — is
very risky are less likely to participate
in the stock market. For example,
a household whose principal earner
works in an industry where there are
frequent layoffs is less likely to buy and
sell stocks than another household,
with the same average income but
with less risk to its income. Stocks are
relatively risky investments, and this
finding suggests that households that
already face considerable risk to their
incomes are less tolerant of the additional risks associated with participating in the stock market. Economists
James Poterba and Andrew Samwick

 Q4 2006 Business Review

find that participation in the stock and
bond markets varies with age. In their
paper, they note that older households
are more likely to hold stocks and less
likely to hold tax-exempt bonds.
Motivated by these empirical findings about market segmentation, economists have incorporated segmented
markets into their theoretical models.1
By assuming that households are able
to participate in stock markets infrequently, and different households have
access to the market for stocks and
bonds at different times, these models

open market operations. In an expansionary open market operation, the
monetary authority buys government
bonds. Since these bonds are bought
with currency, these purchases reduce
bond holdings but increase the cash
balances of the private sector.
Economists (and others) believe
that when the central bank adjusts the
money supply through open market
operations, this action affects interest
rates, which, in turn, affect nonfinancial variables such as consumption, investment, output, and unemployment,

Heaton and Lucas find that households
whose income is very risky are less likely to
participate in the stock market.
capture some — but not all — of what
the data show. In particular, most
models of segmented markets don’t
explicitly take account of important
differences across households, such
as age and wealth, and simply assume
that different households have access
to the market for stocks and bonds at
different times.2
Money Is Neutral in the Long
Run. It is widely accepted among pundits and business people that monetary
policy has real economic effects. The
monetary authority adjusts the stock
of currency in the economy through

The paper by Fernando Alvarez, Robert E.
Lucas, Jr., and Warren E. Weber provides a
detailed introduction to monetary models
with segmented markets and includes a list of
references to related papers. The model we
describe in this paper is based on the work of
Alvarez, Andrew Atkeson, and Chris Edmond.

In our working paper, Julia Thomas and I
analyze a model where households choose when
to adjust their portfolios.

as well as inflation. Put differently,
unanticipated changes to the money
supply are believed to have persistent
real effects. While these effects are
thought to persist for some time, most
economists believe they are not permanent. Economists describe such phenomena as short-term nonneutralities.
Let’s discuss the origin of this
term. There is a widely held belief
among economists that while changes
in the money supply might be used to
dampen fluctuations in the economy,
they have no lasting effect on real
economic activity. This is sometimes
referred to as the classical neutrality
of money, which says that there is a
separation between the nominal side
of the economy, where the amount of
currency provided by the government
determines the price level, and the real
side of the economy, where production
and employment take place.3
A variable that is nominal is being measured
in dollars. In contrast, a variable that is real is
being measured in its own units. For example,
if potatoes cost $0.25 each, and a family buys
10 of them, its nominal purchase of potatoes is
$2.50, while its real purchase is 10.

To understand the neutrality of
money and short-term nonneutralities,
it is useful to introduce the concept
of the velocity of money. Simply put,
velocity describes how many times in
a given period money must change
hands so that a given supply of money
is sufficient to pay for all goods and
services. (See A Simple Example of the
Determination of the Velocity of Money.)
The neutrality of money is the
proposition that if there were twice as
much money in the economy, then the
price of all goods and services would
double. Despite this change in prices,
no one would exert more effort to produce more, and real economic activity
would be unaffected because people’s
(nominal) money balances have doubled as well. Thus, velocity would not
Figure 1 provides some evidence
for the relative constancy of velocity
in the long run using M2— a standard
measure of the money supply — and
personal consumption expenditures.4
We see that prices and the ratio of
money to real consumption grow at
roughly the same rate, at least until
the late 1980s. As the money supply
has grown, prices have risen proportionately. But this means that velocity
is roughly constant in the long run,
which is evidence in support of the
long-run neutrality of money.
Money Is Not Neutral in the
Short Run. However, there is evidence
that when the supply of money relative
to personal consumption expenditures
rises, velocity falls in the short run
(Figure 2). The figure plots the difference between the actual value of
each variable and its long-run trend

M2 is a broad definition of money that
includes both currency and interest-bearing
assets that are relatively easy to convert into
currency. Personal consumption expenditures
are a measure of the goods and services
purchased by consumers.

rate of growth. When the money supply grows above or below its long-run
trend, the figure shows money growth
as positive or negative, respectively.
Similarly for velocity.
Notice that whenever the ratio
of money to consumption rises above
trend, velocity tends to fall below 0.
This suggests that prices adjust sluggishly, that is, slower than the rate of
growth of the money supply, and that
velocity falls. The decline in velocity
indicates that there may be real shortrun effects of a change in the money

most specifically the fed funds rate, the
interest rate banks charge one another
for overnight loans of reserves.5
However, academic researchers
disagree about the extent to which
changes in the fed funds rate brought
about by the central bank actually
affect economic activity. While this
may seem surprising, it is less so when
you consider the difficulty of studying
the effects of open market operations.
It is very difficult to empirically link
changes in the macroeconomy with

The interest rate on bonds moves closely with
other short-term interest rates, since holding
government bonds is one of many alternatives
available to investors and the interest rates on
close substitutes can’t diverge too much. For
example, instead of holding government bonds,
a bank could instead buy mortgages — or more
realistically, securities backed by mortgages —
for its portfolio if the interest rate on mortgages
rose substantially beyond the interest rate on a
government bond of comparable maturity.

Academic economists, pundits,
and policymakers agree that monetary
policy — which directly affects the
interest rate on government bonds
— also affects other interest rates,

A Simple Example of the Determination of the
Velocity of Money


o better understand the concept of velocity, consider the
following simple example. There are 100 residents of a
deserted island, marooned there some time ago. At the time
they arrived on the island, they had among them 250 identical
silver coins that they shared equally. The only commodity on
the island is a fruit. Half the residents live on the northern side of the island,
where their trees bear fruit in the summer months; the other half live on the
southern side of the island, where fruit trees are harvested in the winter. For
the sake of discussion, assume that each islander harvests 10 pieces of fruit a
year, and that each fruit is sold for one coin.
In the summer months, each southern resident buys five pieces of fruit
from each northerner for five coins. The trade is reversed in the winter
months. The 250 coins must pay for 500 pieces of fruit each year, and thus
each coin must change hands twice. The velocity of money on the island is
then two. It is the ratio of nominal spending, which is 500, divided by the
money stock, 250. More generally, velocity is equal to price times output
divided by the available stock of money.

Business Review Q4 2006 

Money, Price, and Velocity
LOG (Price level)


LOG (Money over consumption)


LOG (Velocity)





























Ratio of Money to Consumption and Velocity
Deviations from trend




























Money over consumption expenditures



their cause; at this level, the economy
undergoes many simultaneous changes.
The problem in isolating the real
effects of monetary policy is that policy
typically responds to external factors.
Therefore, it’s difficult to separate the

 Q4 2006 Business Review

real effect of these external factors
from the real effect of monetary policy.
Consider the following hypothetical
example. Let’s say there’s a period of
rapid productivity growth, as happened
in the second half of the 1990s in the

United States. The rapid growth in
productivity drives corporate earnings
higher, and stock prices increase. As a
result of the rise in the value of their
assets, households increase spending.
In an effort to prevent a rise in inflation, the central bank pushes up the
fed funds rate. But rates for mortgages,
automobiles, and credit cards also rise.
In the end, inflation does not increase.
Did monetary policy prevent
inflation from increasing? Although
this conclusion may well be correct, it
cannot be proven in the context of the
events described in our example. It is
certainly possible that the increase in
interest rates prevented spending from
growing too fast, thereby offsetting a
rise in inflation. Alternatively, there
may have been no effect on spending
growth, and inflation failed to rise
because higher productivity growth
allowed firms to increase production
without raising prices more rapidly.
The real effect of the central bank’s
increasing interest rates is ambiguous
because we did not study an event in
which central bank policy operated
independently of other events.
The Real Effects of Monetary
Shocks. However, there may be instances when movements in the money
supply occur independently of other
economic events — what economists
call a monetary shock. These events
offer the best settings in which to study
the real effects of monetary policy,
since they are independent of other
changes in the economy. At such times
we can observe the real effects of monetary policy in isolation and improve
our understanding of how it works.
How rapidly does a change in the
central bank’s interest rate affect nonfinancial variables? What is the size of
this effect? How long does it last?
To the extent that there is a
consensus among economists, it involves the following joint movements
of money, interest rates, and prices in

response to a temporary rise in the
growth rate of the money supply.6
Inflation responds slowly, and
the rise in inflation persists for several
An expected increase in future
inflation tends to reduce current real
interest rates, which are measured by
the difference between the nominal
interest rates on bonds and the inflation rate.7 This has been shown, for
example, by economists David Barr
and John Campbell.
Because the inflation rate adjusts
slowly and real interest rates decline
more rapidly, an open market operation reduces nominal interest rates.
(Remember, the nominal rate is the
sum of the real rate plus the inflation
rate.) The fed funds rate falls, as do
other nominal interest rates, such as
those on government and corporate
bonds and on mortgages and car loans.
Temporary changes in real interest rates and in the pace of economic
activity brought about by an unanticipated change in the growth rate of the
money supply (that is, short-term nonneutralities) are a challenge for theoretical macroeconomics. Standard fullparticipation models have difficulty
reproducing such temporary changes.
When the Money Supply Increases, Prices Rise Proportionately.
Figure 3 shows what happens in the
standard model when the central
bank increases the rate of growth of
Unfortunately, there is much disagreement
about the proper approach to identifying
monetary shocks. The paper by economist
Harald Uhlig provides a summary of the current

To be more precise, I am referring to a bond
that does not have its interest rate indexed to
the rate of inflation. Also, since bonds differ
by maturity, there is a real rate of interest
corresponding to each maturity.

the money supply by one percentage
point and then lets it slowly return to
its usual growth rate. Economists refer
to this as a persistent shock to money
growth rates.
As we can see, the inflation rate
and the money growth rate are indistinguishable in the standard model.
This is an implication of the neutrality
of money in the classical model. That
is, as the central bank increases the

in dollar terms does not buy any more
goods or services. That’s why the real
interest rate hasn’t changed at all.
The Real Economy Is Unaffected. The real rate of return on bonds
measures how much more goods and
services a household could consume
in the future by forgoing consumption today. Since the real return on
bonds is unaffected by the temporary
change in the growth rate of money,

Temporary changes in real interest rates and
in the pace of economic activity brought about
by an unanticipated change in the growth
rate of the money supply (that is, short-term
nonneutralities) are a challenge for theoretical
supply of money to households, firms
increase their prices by the same proportion. Prices perfectly track changes
in the stock of money, and this implies
that the growth rate of prices, that
is, the inflation rate, is equal to the
growth rate of money.
The Real Interest Rate Doesn’t
Change. In the bottom panel of Figure 3, we see that the change in the
growth rate of money has had no effect on the real interest rate. In other
words, though prices are changing,
the temporary rise in the growth rate
of money has no effect on the tradeoff
facing households when they decide
how much to spend and how much to
save. This may surprise the reader;
after all, the middle panel shows that
the nominal interest rate has risen.
Doesn’t this mean that households can
earn a higher return if they save their
income by purchasing bonds? This
is true only in the sense that for each
dollar they save by buying bonds, they
will earn more dollars in interest than
before. However, since prices are rising
faster than usual, this extra interest

households have no reason to change
their consumption of actual goods and
services, and there are no real effects
of this monetary shock in the standard
model. All that happens is that the
temporary rise in money growth rates
increases inflation and the nominal
interest rate.
Before we leave our study of the
standard full-participation model, look
again at the middle panel of Figure 3.
In this panel, the nominal interest rate
rose with the growth rate of money.
This prediction of the full-participation model is opposite of what most
macroeconomists believe happens to
nominal interest rates when there’s
an open market operation. Partly in
response to the difference between the
observed data and such predictions of
the standard model, macroeconomists
have begun to explore models that include segmented markets.
The segmented markets model we
study is able to reproduce the decline

Business Review Q4 2006 

A Persistent Shock to Money Growth in Classical Model

money growth rate

Percentage point difference with long-run average value



inflation rate







nominal interest rate









real interest rate









in interest rates — both nominal and
real — following an increase in the
money supply (Figure 4). In this model,
an open market operation that increases the money supply does not lead to a
proportionate rise in inflation. Prices
don’t initially grow as fast as the money
supply, and both real and nominal interest rates fall.
What is it that makes the shortrun response of the segmented markets
model so different from the full-participation model? This has to do with
which households in each model participate in an open market operation.
Sophisticated readers may complain
that the idea of households participat-

 Q4 2006 Business Review

ing directly in open market operations
is unrealistic, and for the most part,
they are correct. Within the private
sector, government bonds are ordinarily held by banks and other financial
institutions. When the central bank
buys government bonds, it increases
the currency banks hold. Banks, in
turn, lend these funds to households
and firms. Our approach is to first
study simple models with segmented
markets that treat open market operations as if they involve direct transactions between households and the central bank. Later, we consider explicitly
how including intermediaries may
affect our conclusions.

With Segmented Markets, Prices
Rise Less Than Proportionately
When the Money Supply Increases.
In the segmented markets model, only
some households buy and sell assets
out of their portfolios at any given
time. A household that sells bonds
during an open market operation
knows that it is not likely to participate
again soon, and so it increases money
balances by more than it intends to
increase immediate spending. Since
households’ money balances have
increased by more than their expenditures, prices increase less rapidly than
the supply of money in percentage
terms. That is, there is only a partial

A Persistent Shock to Money Growth in Segmented Markets Model
money growth rate
inflation rate


Percentage point difference with long-run average value









nominal interest rate






real interest rate









rise in inflation and an increase in real
money balances.8

The careful reader might wonder how the
spending of other households, those not selling
bonds, is affected by the open market operation.
The answer lies in the observation that these
households experience no change in their
money balances because they did not participate
in the trading of bonds for money. Moreover,
since they do not generally expect to participate
soon, they must use what money they have to
finance their spending not just today but also
for some time in the future. Given this, and
because prices are rising, they are unwilling to
substantially increase their current spending.
If they did, they would have to sharply lower
the real quantity of goods and services they
will be able to buy in the future. All in all, the
spending of these households does not change
very much.

Real Interest Rates Fall. Why
do real interest rates fall? One way
to think about this is to ask: What
must happen to the real interest rate
on bonds to make households willing to reduce their bond holdings and
increase their real money balances
— that is, for the government to successfully complete its open market operation? Real interest rates on bonds
must fall. In summary, the monetary
authority’s expansionary open market
operation has led to a decline in real
interest rates, an increase in the real
money supply, and a less than proportional rise in inflation.
This pattern is exactly what we

find in Figure 4, where we reconsider
the effects of a persistent shock to the
growth rate of money identical to the
one we studied in the standard fullparticipation model. Now the same
shock, but observed through the lens
of the segmented markets model, leads
to a fall in both the nominal and real
interest rates. Moreover, as we suggested above, when the money supply
increases faster than usual, prices don’t
rise as fast; so after one quarter, money
grows faster than inflation and real
balances rise. The slow adjustment of
prices in the segmented markets model
is also found in the data, suggesting
that this model may be useful for shed-

Business Review Q4 2006 

ding light on how the economy actually works. 		
Recent models that have segmented asset markets are able to explain
some of the effects of monetary policy.
They help us understand how increases

in the money supply can reduce both
nominal and real interest rates in the
short term and why inflation responds
slowly to such movements in money.
These models explicitly model differences in households’ participation in
financial markets that are found in
household data. In doing so, they con-

tinue a long trend in macroeconomic
research of building models that explicitly acknowledge differences across
households and firms and explore the
economic consequences of such differences. BR

Khan, Aubhik, and Julia Thomas.
“Inflation and Interest Rates with
Endogenous Market Segmentation,”
Working Paper.

Poterba, James M., and Andrew A.
Samwick. “Household Portfolio Allocation
over the Life-Cycle,” NBER Working Paper
6185 (1997).

Vissing-Jørgensen, Annette. “Towards an
Explanation of Household Portfolio Choice
Heterogeneity: Nonfinancial Income and
Participation Cost Structures,” University
of Chicago Working Paper (2002).

Uhlig, Harald. “What Are the Effects of
Monetary Policy on Output? Results from
an Agnostic Identification Procedure,”
Working Paper, Humboldt University (May


Alvarez, Fernando, Robert E. Lucas, Jr.,
and Warren E. Weber. “Interest Rates
and Inflation,” American Economic Review
Papers and Proceedings, 91 (May 2001), pp.
Alvarez, Fernando, Andrew Atkeson, and
Chris Edmond. “On the Sluggish Response
of Prices to Money in an InventoryTheoretic Model of Money Demand,”
National Bureau of Economic Research
Working Paper 10016 (October 2003).
Barr, David G., and John Y. Campbell.
“Inflation, Real Interest Rates, and the
Bond Market: A Study of UK Nominal
and Index-Linked Government Bond
Prices,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 39
(August 1997), pp. 361-83.

 Q4 2006 Business Review

Heaton, John, and Deborah Lucas.
“Portfolio Choice in the Presence of
Background Risk,” Economic Journal, 110
(2000), pp. 1-26.

Housing: Boom or Bubble?
by timothy Schiller


n recent years, the U.S. has seen an
extraordinary increase in demand for housing
and a rapid rise in house prices. Data show
that nationally, the average price of an existing
home, adjusted for inflation, rose more than 8 percent in
2004 and 2005, a faster pace than in any previous year.
Some people have questioned whether this rapid rise was
sustainable, and recent declines in the housing market
have made this question more urgent. In this article, Tim
Schiller asks whether there was a so-called bubble in house
prices or whether fundamental economic factors explain
the rapid increase.

Between 2001 and 2005, the
United States saw an extraordinary
increase in demand for housing and a
rapid rise in house prices. In 2005, for
the fifth consecutive year, sales of both
new and existing homes hit record
highs, according to the National Association of Realtors. The national average price of an existing home increased
more than 8 percent, after inflation,
in both 2004 and 2005, according to
the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) — the
highest annual rates in the history of

Tim Schiller
is a senior
economic analyst
in the Research
Department of
the Philadelphia
Fed. This article
is available free of
charge at: www.

OFHEO data, which begin in 1975.1
Some people questioned whether such
a rapid rise was sustainable. Slowing
in price appreciation and a decline in
home sales this year have made this
question more urgent. Was there a

The data on house prices compiled by the
OFHEO are for single-family homes. The sale
prices of repeated sales of the same properties
are tracked over time for those properties whose
mortgages are purchased or securitized by the
Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie
Mae) or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association (Freddie Mac). To be included in the
data, the mortgage on the sold property must
meet the underwriting standards of Fannie Mae
or Freddie Mac and cannot exceed a maximum
loan limit ($417,000 in 2006). By their nature,
OFHEO data include homes that have been
improved but do not adjust the appreciation
for the value of the improvement. They also
exclude homes that have been mortgaged for
amounts above the limit, even if they were
previously included. Nevertheless, by tracking
specific properties over time, the data provide
measures of the broad trend of house-price

so-called “bubble” in house prices? Or
can the rapid increase be explained
by fundamental economic factors?
We will review the historical context
of house prices nationally and in the
region and outline the way economists
view fundamental influences on house
prices versus a “bubble” in the housing
Historical Trends in
House Prices
Data from the OFHEO indicate
that the real price of houses (that is,
house prices adjusted for inflation) has
gone through periods of increase and
decrease since the beginning of the
data series in 1975, although instances
of nominal price declines have been
rare.2 The long-run trend has been up,
and in 2005, real house prices reached
historical highs. Real house prices are
more than 60 percent higher today
than they were in 1975. Almost all of
that increase has occurred since 1995.
There has been considerable
variation among regions of the country
(see map). The West and the Northeast have had greater price appreciation than the national average. Within
these two regions, the Pacific and
Mountain states have had greater percentage increases in real house prices
in recent years than they did in the
previous episode of rising prices in the
1980s. The New England states have
had less price appreciation recently
than in the 1980s, and the mid-Atlantic states have had roughly equivalent

To measure house prices adjusted for inflation,
we use the consumer price index for all urban
consumers to deflate the OFHEO data, which
are in nominal terms.

Business Review Q4 2006 


Real House-Price Change for States and Census Divisions

New England




Mid Atlantic




Less than 0%
0% - 50%
51% - 100%
Greater than 100%

appreciation. This is evident in Figure
1a, where house prices are plotted on
a logarithmic (log) scale.3 Other parts
of the country have had lower price
appreciation, and in the West South

Equal vertical distances on a log scale represent equal percentage changes, making it easier
to compare changes at different points in time
when the price levels are different. For example,
on a log scale the distance between 100 and
200 (a 100 percent increase) is the same as the
distance between 200 and 400 (a 100 percent

10 Q4 2006 Business Review

Central U.S., there has been a slight
decline in the real price of houses since
1975. Nevertheless, even in the census
divisions that have had smaller houseprice gains than the nation since 1975,
the increase in house-price appreciation has been greater in recent years
than it was in the 1980s (see Figure
The regions with the greatest appreciation have also had the most price
volatility, with alternating periods of
real price appreciation and deprecia-

tion. Limits placed on the supply of
new housing by zoning and other landuse regulations have been a factor in
this greater-than-average appreciation
and in the volatility in some parts of
the country.4 Several states have been
identified as having higher price increases and more volatility as a result
of limitations on new construction:

See the article by Edward Glaeser and Joseph

California, Hawaii, Connecticut, New
Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey.5 It
is interesting to note that all of these
states are in or near coastal areas. Evidently, demand for housing in coastal
areas has risen, while supply of housing
in these areas has been limited by geography and government regulation.
For the three states in the
Philadelphia Federal Reserve District
(Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware), the timing of real house prices
has followed the same basic pattern as
in the nation. The percentage increases and decreases, however, have varied
widely, and in each state, the recent
run-up in house prices has not been
unprecedented. The recent increase
has been proportionally similar to the
increase that occurred in the 1980s.
House-price increases and decreases
in Delaware tracked national ups and
downs fairly closely. In Pennsylvania,
periods of changes in house prices occurred along with national changes,
but the increase since 1995 has been
less than in the nation. As a result, by
2005, house prices in Pennsylvania had
not risen as much since 1975 as in the
nation (Figure 2).
House prices in New Jersey have
shown greater volatility than house
prices in either Pennsylvania or Delaware and more than the national average. House prices increased more rapidly in New Jersey than in the nation
in the 1980s, declined more rapidly in
the early 1990s, and have risen more
sharply since 1995. Consequently,
house prices in New Jersey were more
than twice as high in 2005 as they
were in 1975, a much greater gain than
the national average.
Within the three states of the
region, the OFHEO currently reports
price changes for 22 metropolitan areas
See the article by Karl Case and Robert

OFHEO House-Price Index (Real) —
High Appreciation Census Divisions*

*OFHEO house-price index deflated by CPI.

OFHEO House-Price Index (Real) —
Low Appreciation Census Divisions*

*OFHEO house-price index deflated by CPI.

Business Review Q4 2006 11

and divisions.6 The data for all of these
areas or divisions extend back only 10
years, although they go back further
for some areas. All of these areas and
divisions have had real house-price
appreciation since 1995, but the range
of increases varies widely (Table). The
area with the greatest gain, the Ocean
City, New Jersey, metropolitan area,
had an increase 16 times the increase
in the Erie, Pennsylvania, metropolitan
area, the area with the lowest gain.
From the historical swings in
house prices, we can draw four conclusions: (1) House prices have increased
in the long run relative to the overall
price level, and most of that increase
has occurred in the past 10 years. (2)
Real house prices do indeed rise and
fall, and at the national level, the most
recent run-up is unprecedented. (3)
Although nominal prices have rarely
declined nationally, there have been
nominal declines in those areas with
greater price volatility. (4) There is a
great deal of variation among regions
in the volatility of house prices as well
as in the long-run rate of increase.
Until this year, the recent rise in
house prices has also brought them
to levels that are high relative to incomes and rents. These three measures
— historically high house prices, the
ratio of house prices to income, and
the ratio of house prices to rents — are
commonly mentioned when asking
whether the house-price increase was
a “bubble.” Are these measures good
evidence of this? Do the historical
data suggest that the rapid increase in
A metropolitan area is a county or a group of
contiguous counties with an urban core of at
least 50,000 in population and close economic
ties, as measured by commuting to work, among
the counties. A metropolitan division is a
county or a group of counties within a large
metropolitan area (population of at least 2.5
million) that has a concentration of employment and extensive commuting between adjacent counties. Metropolitan areas and divisions
are delineated by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

12 Q4 2006 Business Review

OFHEO House-Price Index (Real) for the Region*

*OFHEO house-price index deflated by CPI.

the 2001-2005 period was a bubble?
To answer that question, we need to
define a bubble.
Defining and Identifying
As noted earlier, real house prices
have risen and fallen over the past
30 years. But mere price increases
and decreases do not make a bubble.
Economists define a bubble as a rise
in price that cannot be explained by
fundamental factors influencing price.
The most common “nonfundamental”
factor driving price increases is a belief that prices will rise in the future.
In other words, as Joseph Stiglitz has
noted: “If the reason the price is high
today is only because investors believe
the selling price will be high tomorrow
— when ‘fundamental’ factors do not
seem to justify such a price — then
a bubble exists” (italics in original).7


See the article by Joseph Stiglitz.

Some analysts who study asset-price
behavior have found evidence that
in recent years, a growing number of
home buyers have become convinced
that prices will rise and produce large
gains for them.8
A rise in house prices in the absence of fundamental factors would
suggest that they are in a bubble. But
a rise in house prices can also be the
result of fundamental factors, that is,
objective factors that are economically related to price and influence
it. Two fundamental determinants of
house prices that can be measured are
income and rents. We can look at the
price to income ratio of houses and the
price to rent ratio of houses to evaluate
whether fundamental factors are influencing prices. We do that in the next
two sections, and we point out some
necessary qualifications in the use of
these measures.


See the article by Robert Shiller.

Real House-Price Appreciation in the Region*
First Quarter 1995 - Second Quarter 2006
Metropolitan Area or Division

Percent Increase

Ocean City, NJ
Atlantic City, NJ
Edison, NJ
New Jersey
Newark-Union, NJ
Trenton-Ewing, NJ
Camden, NJ
Philadelphia, PA
United States
Wilmington, DE
Vineland-Millville-Bridgeton, NJ
Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA
Dover, DE
York-Hanover, PA
State College, PA
Reading, PA
Lancaster, PA
Lebanon, PA
Scranton-Wilkes-Barre-Hazleton, PA
Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA
Altoona, PA
Johnstown, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Williamsport, PA
Erie, PA


*OFHEO house-price index deflated by CPI

Is There a Relationship
Between Income and
House Prices?
One indicator that has been cited
to support the argument that there has
been a house-price bubble is that house
prices have risen too high in relation
to income. Implicit in this argument
is the idea that there is a stable, or

fundamental, ratio of house prices to
income, and that when this ratio has
been exceeded, house prices are in a
bubble and, absent a rise in income,
are liable to fall. Is this a valid argument?
Research on the history of house
prices and income does not support
the existence of a stable ratio of prices

to income. The ratio of house price to
income trended downward during most
of the period from 1975 to 2000, with
brief rising episodes in the late 1970s
and 1980s, before it began a strong
increase, which has only recently flattened out (Figure 3). Over the years
for which house-price data are available, statistical tests indicate that there
is no consistent relationship between
house prices and income.9 Therefore,
although income could be a fundamental factor influencing house prices,
the ratio of house prices to income
does not appear to be stable or exact.
Thus, we cannot draw any conclusions
about the sustainability of house prices
from the level of income.
The economics of housing markets alerts us to why income is unlikely
to completely determine house prices.
Housing is considered a normal good
in economics; that is, as income rises,
more housing is demanded (in the
form of larger homes or second homes).
However, in itself this increase in the
amount of housing demanded because
of an increase in income does not
imply a fixed relation between income
and the price of a constant-quality
house. If the supply of housing can be
readily increased when the demand
for housing increases, the amount of
housing purchased (for example, the
size of the house or lot or the number
of houses purchased per capita) will
increase with income, and there will
be no increase in its price. If the supply
of housing cannot be increased readily
when demand increases, the increase
in demand due to an increase in income will only raise the price. In reality, the housing market is somewhere
between these two extremes, so an
increase in demand raises prices and
increases the amount of housing available at the same time.


See the 2006 article by Joshua Gallin.

Business Review Q4 2006 13

Index of House Price/Income Ratio*

*OFHEO house-price index and per capita personal income, both deflated by CPI.
The index does not represent the price-income ratio for any specific type of house. Rather,
it indexes the ratio of house prices to per capita income at 100 in 1975. It shows how the ratio has
changed since 1975 based on changes in house prices as measured by the OFHEO house-price
index and changes in per capita income. The chart illustrates that house prices have increased
around 6 percent more than per capita income since 1975. However, house prices generally
declined relative to income from 1975 to 1999. Since then, house prices have increased around 40
percent more than per capita income.

The housing supply’s response to
demand varies from place to place.
As noted earlier, it appears that it
has become more difficult to increase
the supply of houses in recent years.
This limitation on supply has tended
to raise prices more as demand has
increased than was the case before the
past decade or two. Research indicates
that limits on the supply of new housing — zoning and other regulatory restrictions — have been a major factor
in limiting the increase in the supply of
housing in response to increasing demand.10 The more restrictive limitation
of supply makes historical comparisons
of the house price-income ratio inappropriate.
Even if we assume there should be
See the article by Edward Glaeser and Joseph
Gyourko and the one by Glaeser, Gyourko, and
Raven Saks.

14 Q4 2006 Business Review

a stable relationship between income
and the cost of housing, it is not clear
that the purchase price of the house
is the correct measure of the cost of
housing. The purchase price of a house
is the price of an asset, but to the
homeowner, the cost of housing is the
monthly or annual cost of ownership.
Therefore, the correct measure of the
cost of housing is one that takes into
account all the expenses of homeownership, and this measure is usually
called the user cost of owner-occupied
housing. (See The User Cost of Housing.) We can compare this measure
with income and rents to gauge whether the cost of owner-occupied housing
has diverged from historical averages
or from a fundamental level.
When the recent level of interest
rates and the historical average
price appreciation rate (as a proxy
for expected capital gains) are used

to calculate user cost, the current
house cost to income ratio is not
extraordinarily high relative to its
historical range of values. However,
the ratio has approached historical
highs in some areas, suggesting
that there is an element of bubble
psychology in house prices in those
areas.11 As in previous periods of
rapidly rising house prices, the greatest
increases have been in areas on the
coasts: for example, many areas in
California (such as Oakland, Orange
County, San Bernardino-Riverside,
and San Diego) and on the East Coast
(such as Boston, Miami, and Fort
How Are Rents Related to
House Prices?
We can also use the user cost
measure to compare house prices with
rents. The cost measure should equal
the imputed rent of the house, that
is, the value of the housing services it
provides, as measured by the market
rent the house could bring. If the aftertax user cost exceeds the market rent,
it would be less expensive to rent than
to buy, and demand to buy should fall,
thereby reducing house prices. Therefore, when markets are in equilibrium,
the after-tax user cost of an owner-occupied house should be roughly equal
to the actual market rent of a comparable renter-occupied house.
In relating house prices to rents,
we can think of the house price much
like the price of corporate stock, and
we can think of the rent like the
dividend the stock pays. Historically,
periods during which stock prices have
been high relative to dividends have
been followed by periods during which
stock prices grew slowly or declined.12
See the article by Charles Himmelberg, Christopher Mayer, and Todd Sinai.

See the article by John Campbell and Robert

The User Cost of Housing


or a homeowner, the user cost of housing
is the cost of providing himself with
housing services over a given period. It is
generally calculated on an annual basis
and as the after-tax cost, since there are
a number of tax advantages to homeownership. Several
items are included in calculating the annual cost of
owner-occupied housing.
(1) The opportunity cost of the investment in a house
is the main item, and the calculation depends on how
the house is financed. A person who buys a house with
cash forgoes the income that could have been earned
on an alternative asset with the money used to purchase
the house. The opportunity cost should be calculated as
the return on a similarly risky asset. The excess of this
income, expressed as a rate of return, over the risk-free
rate of return represents a risk premium to compensate
for the fact that the buyer of a house is exposed to the
risk of financial loss (from price depreciation), a risk
that a person renting a house does not bear. This return
would be included in taxable income, but the rental value
of owner-occupied housing is not included in taxable
income. Therefore, the opportunity cost of the owner’s
equity in a house should be reduced by the income tax
rate to calculate the after-tax user cost. A person who
buys a house relying completely on a mortgage loan makes
interest payments equal to the purchase price times the
mortgage interest rate. Mortgage interest can be deducted

from income subject to tax, so this element of user cost
should also be reduced by the income tax rate. If the
actual rate of return on nonhousing investments differs
from the mortgage rate, the investment return should
be used for the cash portion and the mortgage rate for
the borrowed portion of the purchase price.*
(2) Costs associated with buying and selling
a house (transaction costs) and an imputed
compensation to the owner for the fact that houses
are not readily sold (houses do not have the liquidity
of financial assets, for example) must be estimated and
added to the user cost of housing.
(3) Property taxes must be added to the cost of
housing but reduced by the income tax rate because
they are tax deductible in most cases.
(4) Maintenance costs, including insurance,
are another item that must be added to the cost of
housing. They are not tax deductible.
(5) The expected capital gain on the house is a
benefit to ownership, so the expected amount of this
gain should be subtracted from the cost of ownership.
For most homeowners capital gains on their primary
residence is exempt from federal income tax. However,
overly optimistic expectations for capital gains are the
impetus for a bubble psychology, and they can drive
prices above fundamental values.

* See the article by James Poterba.

Similar behavior might be expected for
house prices and rents. So the argument that a house-price bubble exists
would take this form: When house
prices are too high relative to rents,
prices are liable to fall. Of course, the
price-rent ratio is not constant over
time; like a stock price-dividend ratio, it will vary depending on market
interest rates and expectations about
future increases or decreases in the
level of rent payments. If the price-rent

ratio exceeds its appropriate value for
a given interest rate, or if expectations
about future increases prove to be too
optimistic, real house prices are likely
to decline. Computing the price-rent
ratio with interest rates and average
historical increases in rents as of 2005
indicates that house prices have not
risen to excessive levels nationally.
However, they have risen above historical norms and near bubble levels in
some areas, the same areas identified

as high priced by the house price-income ratio.13
Fundamental FactorS:
The Interest Rate And THE
Changes in income and user cost,
appropriately measured, can explain

See the article by Himmelberg, Mayer, and
Sinai, and the one by Jonathan McCarthy and
Richard Peach.

Business Review Q4 2006 15

the historical variation in real house
prices, including the strong increase of
the past few years. They indicate that
house prices were not a bubble nationally, although they appear to have
risen to near bubble levels in some
areas. Can user cost tell us more? The
interest rate is an important element
in computing the user cost of housing,
and it largely influences the rental rate
that a landlord would have to charge
in order to achieve a market rate of return when renting a house. Therefore,
the user cost calculation highlights the
sensitivity of fundamental values of
house prices to the interest rate.
Mortgage interest rates have
trended down throughout most of the
recent period of rising house prices.
(Conventional mortgage rates generally
declined from 1995 to 2004, and they
have risen only slightly since.) The
decline in mortgage rates is the reason
home buyers have been able to pay
more for houses without a commensurate increase in the share of their income spent on monthly mortgage payments, a fact reflected in the improvement in the National Association of
Realtors’ affordability index from 1995
to 2004.14 The decline in mortgage
interest rates also contributes to the
rise in the ratio of house prices to rent,
as described above (Figure 4). In fact,
one could argue that innovations in
mortgage financing that have reduced
down-payment requirements and closing costs have made house prices even
more sensitive to interest rates in the
past few years because the interest rate
forms a proportionately larger part of
the total cost of buying a home.15

The index is set to equal 100 when the median family income qualifies for a mortgage on
the median price home, assuming a 20 percent
down payment at the current mortgage rate. See
the website of the National Association of Realtors listed in the References to this article.

Another factor contributing to
the rise in the house price-rent ratio
is an apparent decline in the risk premium that is factored into the user
cost calculation. Other causes might
be a decline in liquidity premium (the
amount owners require to compensate
for the difficulty in buying and selling
a house) and a decline in transaction costs associated with buying and
selling a house. These three factors
— risk, liquidity, and transaction costs
— are known collectively as the housing premium.

How far could real house prices
fall? Using past relationships between
house prices and interest rates, researchers have estimated the possible
decline in real house prices. Richard
Rosen of the Chicago Fed estimates
that if mortgage rates rise around one
percentage point, real house prices
will decline about 6 percent in the
year after the increase. An increase of
around two percentage points would
have an estimated impact more than
twice as large, resulting in a decline
of around 15 percent within a year.17

If the decline in interest rates and the housing
premium explain a good deal of the recent rise
in house prices, what might happen to prices if
the interest rate or the housing premium rises?
If the decline in interest rates
and the housing premium explain a
good deal of the recent rise in house
prices (rising incomes have also been
a factor), what might happen to prices
if the interest rate or the housing
premium rises? Since mortgage interest
rates have gone up during the past
year, this question takes on some
urgency. If interest rates rise, the
house price-rent ratio will have to fall,
and this is likely to occur through a
combination of rising rents and falling
real house prices. Research indicates
that when the price-rent ratio has
risen to high levels in the past, it
subsequently fell as rents rose, and the
increase in real house prices slowed
down or real prices actually declined.
Furthermore, research by Joshua
Gallin of the Federal Reserve Board
suggests that slowing real house-price
appreciation (or a decline in prices)
was a larger factor in the decline of the
price-rent ratio than rising rents.16

Other researchers estimate some housing markets will experience larger price
declines but over a longer period.18
An increase in the housing premium
would also lead to a decline in prices;
some researchers estimate a 10 percent
decrease in price for a 0.5 percentage
point increase in the housing premium.19
Regional Variations in
the Outlook
As noted earlier, house-price appreciation and volatility have not been
uniform around the nation. Some
areas have had higher appreciation
over the long term and, occasionally,
greater downward moves in real prices
than others. If there is, in fact, a period


See the article by Richard Rosen.

See Global Insight/National City

See the article by Sean Campbell and coauthors.


See the article by Christopher Mayer.

16 Q4 2006 Business Review


See the 2004 article by Joshua Gallin.

Index of House Price/Rent Ratio*

*House price is OFHEO index. Rent is CPI for owner’s equivalent rent (data begin in 1983).
The index does not represent the price-rent ratio for any specific type of house. Rather,
it indexes the ratio of house prices to rents at 100 in 1983. It shows how the ratio has changed
since 1983 based on changes in house prices as measured by the OFHEO house-price index
and changes in owner’s equivalent rent as measured by the CPI. The chart illustrates that house
prices have increased around 50 percent more than owner’s equivalent rent since 1983. Most of
the differential increase has occurred since 1999.

of declining real house prices ahead,
these areas are more likely to be affected. In some of these areas, prices in
excess of fundamental factors, reflected most saliently in a rising price-rent
ratio, suggest “bubble” aspects to the
run-up in prices.
Researchers generally agree that
in most metropolitan areas in California and many in Florida, house prices
reached or exceeded the highest levels

that can be explained by fundamental
Among the states in the Third
District, New Jersey has been noted
for high appreciation and volatility,
particularly the shore areas of Atlantic
City and Ocean City. If real house
prices in these areas do enter a period
See the articles by Edward Leamer; John
Krainer; and National City Corporation.


of decline and the historical pattern
of price movements are repeated, the
downward price movement could extend over several years, during which
nominal house prices would slow to
a standstill or even decline while the
general price level moved up, taking
real house prices down.
The rise in house prices over the
past 10 years can be explained mainly
by fundamental factors, namely, rising income and falling interest rates.
However, in some areas, mostly on
the coasts (including, in our region,
New Jersey’s coastal areas), prices have
risen to estimated levels of peak fundamental value. These are areas where
housing demand has been strong and
new supply is limited. These areas
have seen sharper real price increases
and declines than most parts of the
country in the past. It is likely they
will experience sharper real price declines as demand for homes declines.
A key factor affecting demand is the
mortgage interest rate. That rate rose
through most of 2005. It has not exceeded previous peak levels during the
recent surge in house prices. However,
if it does continue to rise significantly
above its high point of the past several
years, the fundamental demand for
housing will be reduced. In that event,
a repetition of the historical pattern of
a multi-year period of stagnant nominal house prices and declining real
prices becomes more likely. BR

Business Review Q4 2006 17


Campbell, John Y., and Robert J. Shiller.
“Valuation Ratios and the Long-Run Stock
Market Outlook: An Update,” Working
Paper 8221, National Bureau of Economic
Research (2001).

Glaeser, Edward L., and Joseph Gyourko.
“The Impact of Building Restrictions on
Housing Affordability,” Federal Reserve
Bank of New York Economic Policy Review
(June 2003), pp. 21-43.

McCarthy, Jonathan, and Richard W.
Peach. “Are Home Prices the Next
‘Bubble’?” Federal Reserve Bank of New
York Economic Policy Review (December
2004), pp. 1-17.

Campbell, Sean D., Morris A. Davis,
Joshua Gallin, and Robert F. Martin. “A
Trend and Variance Decomposition of the
Rent-Price Ratio in the Housing Markets,”
Finance and Economics Discussion Series.
Washington: Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, Divisions of
Research and Statistics and Monetary
Affairs (August 2006).

Global Insight/National City Corporation
Joint Venture. “House Prices in America:
Valuation Methodology and Findings”
(December 2005).

National Association of Realtors.
“Methodology for the Housing
Affordability Index,”
org/research.nsf/pages/hameth, accessed
September 29, 2006.

Case, Karl E., and Robert J. Shiller. “Is
There a Bubble in the Housing Market?”
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2
(2003), pp. 299-362.
Gallin, Joshua. “The Long-Run
Relationship Between House Prices and
Rents,” Finance and Economics Discussion
Series. Washington: Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System, Divisions
of Research and Statistics and Monetary
Affairs (September 2004).
Gallin, Joshua. “The Long-Run
Relationship Between House Prices and
Income: Evidence from Local Housing
Markets,” Real Estate Economics, 34 (Fall
2006), pp. 417-38.
Glaeser, Edward, Joseph Gyourko, and
Raven E. Saks. “Why Have Housing
Prices Gone Up?” Discussion Paper 2061,
Harvard Institute of Economic Research

18 Q4 2006 Business Review

Gyourko, Joseph, and Joseph Tracy.
“A Look at Real House Prices and
Incomes: Some Implications for Housing
Affordability and Quality,” Federal
Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy
Review (September 1999), pp. 63-77.
Himmelberg, Charles, Christopher
Mayer, and Todd Sinai. “Assessing House
Prices: Bubbles, Fundamentals and
Misperceptions,” Journal of Economic
Perspectives, 19 (Fall 2005), pp. 67-92.
Krainer, John. “House Price Bubbles,”
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
FRBSF Economic Letter 2003-6 (March
Leamer, Edward E. “Bubble Trouble?
Your Home Has a P/E Ratio Too,” UCLA
Anderson Forecast Report (June 2003).

National City Corporation. “The
Beginning of the End?” Financial Market
Outlook (August 2005).
Poterba, James M. “Tax Subsidies to
Owner-Occupied Housing: An AssetMarket Approach,” Quarterly Journal of
Economics, 4 (November 1984), pp. 729-52.
Rosen, Richard. “Explaining Recent
Changes in Home Prices,” Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago Chicago Fed Letter (July
Shiller, Robert J. Irrational Exuberance, 2d
ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press,
Stiglitz, Joseph E. “Symposium on
Bubbles,” Journal of Economic Perspectives,
4 (Spring 1990), pp. 13-18.

Mayer, Christopher. “Comments and
Discussion,” in Karl E. Case and Robert J.
Shiller, “Is There a Bubble in the Housing
Market?” Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity, 2 (2003), pp. 299-362.

What Will the Next Export Boom Look Like?
Some Hints from the Late 1980s
by kei-mu yi


espite the recent decline in the value of the
U.S. dollar, the U.S. trade deficit remains at
historic highs. When this deficit eventually
shrinks, it will likely be accompanied by an
export boom. In this article, Kei-Mu Yi examines the
nature of the last export boom in the United States, which
occurred in the late 1980s. He documents whether the
increase in exports was accompanied by an increase in the
number of export markets, export industries, or exporting
firms and plants.

Since February 2002, the value of
the dollar, adjusted for differences in
inflation rates, against a broad set of
world currencies has fallen about 15
percent.1 Standard economic reasoning
suggests that the weaker value of the
dollar will make foreign goods more
expensive for U.S. consumers and

This is based on the Board of Governors’ priceadjusted broad dollar index as of October 2006.
The price adjustment is made so that the purchasing power – in terms of goods and services
– of the currencies can be compared.

Kei-Mu Yi is a
vice president
and economist
in the Research
Department of
the Philadelphia
Fed. This article
is available free of
charge at: www.

firms and, simultaneously, make U.S.
goods cheaper for foreign consumers
and firms. According to this logic,
these two forces should eventually lead
to lower imports and higher exports,
thus yielding a smaller trade deficit.2
In the short run, however, the dollar
depreciation may lead to a worse deficit because it takes time for consumers
and firms to adjust to the new prices.
Indeed, in 2003 and 2004, the
U.S. trade deficit widened sharply as
imports grew considerably faster than
exports. However, more recently, there
have been signs that export growth is
picking up steam. In 2005, real exports
— that is, exports adjusted for inflation — were 7 percent higher than in
2004, while imports were only 6.4 percent higher. This is consistent with the
economic logic discussed above, but
it should be noted that the U.S. trade

A trade deficit exists when a country imports
more goods and services than it exports.

deficit continued to widen in 2005.3
Of course, many economic forces
besides the value of the dollar affect
the U.S. trade deficit. Most prominent
among the causes is the fact that, in
recent years, the U.S. economy has
grown faster than the economies of
most of its important trading partners, thus leading to a greater rate of
increase in U.S. demand for imports
than in foreign demand for U.S.
exports, thereby widening the trade
deficit. Nevertheless, the fact that
growth of U.S. gross domestic product
(GDP) continues to exceed growth of
GDP in foreign countries suggests that
the dollar’s decline has been a force
behind the recent strong performance
of exports.
Two recent articles, one by Caroline Freund and Frank Warnock and
the other by Freund, have documented
the pattern of macroeconomic adjustment following the trough of a large
trade deficit. Freund and Warnock
identify 26 such adjustment episodes in
OECD countries from 1980 to 2003.4
They focus on the broadest measure
of international trade balances, the
current account. The current account
deficit is the sum of the trade deficit in

The growth in the deficit occurred because
imports currently exceed exports by 50 percent.
Consequently, even though exports grew at
a faster rate, the total increase in imports in
dollar terms was greater than the total increase
in exports.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development is an international organization of industrialized countries whose
membership includes most European countries;
the countries belonging to the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – the United
States, Canada and Mexico; and Japan, South
Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.

Business Review Q4 2006 19

goods and services, and the “income”
deficit, which is the difference between
income earned by U.S. residents from
investments in foreign countries and
income earned by foreign residents
from investments in the United States.
A major finding of these articles
is that when the current account deficit shrinks — as they all eventually do
— it is accompanied simultaneously by
an export boom.5 By contrast, imports
are flat or may even continue to grow.
This is an important finding because
as a simple matter of accounting, it
is entirely possible that a decrease in
the current account deficit could be
brought about via a fall in imports with
little or no change in exports. These
papers find little evidence for that
type of adjustment. The papers do not
investigate the fundamental causes of
this adjustment, but regardless of the
causes, their evidence suggests that the
United States will likely experience an
export boom when its current account
deficit begins to shrink.
What will this boom look like?
More specifically, will the United
States expand the number of countries it exports to? Will it expand the
number of goods it exports? If the
latter happens, will the number of
goods expand because existing plants
begin exporting or because new plants
start to export? Or will the U.S. simply
export more of the same goods to the
same countries? The manner in which
export expansion occurs will have
ramifications for how sustained the
export boom will be because in order
to export a good to a new market,
firms often need to incur costs, known
as “sunk” costs, to establish business
relationships, distribution channels,
and marketing.

Two other key findings are that GDP growth
tends to slow and the real exchange rate — that
is, the exchange rate adjusted for differences in
purchasing power — tends to depreciate.

20 Q4 2006 Business Review

If a large share of the growth in
U.S. exports is from new exporters
or new plants, we would expect that
even if the forces that led to the export
boom diminished or disappeared,
many U.S. firms would choose to stay
in the export market, rather than pulling out and re-incurring the sunk costs
at some point in the future, should
the market become desirable again.

A further decline in
the dollar might be
necessary for new
markets — especially
industries and plants
beginning to export —
to be developed.
This would help to ensure that future
declines in exports will be less severe
than in the absence of this “stay put”
We will examine the last great
U.S. export boom — the export
growth that occurred in the late 1980s
and early 1990s — to see if it led to
new export markets for goods. Specifically, we will look at the extent and
nature of U.S. exports from 1986 to
1990, including changes in the total
value of exports, as well as changes
in export destinations and the types
of goods exported. Finally, we will
discuss findings from a very detailed
study of U.S. exports during roughly
the same period.
The main findings are: (1)
Exports responded significantly, but
high growth rates did not occur until
1987 and 1988, more than two years
after the dollar started depreciating.
(2) Geographically, no major new
markets were developed. The U.S.
did not expand the geographic reach
of its exports; rather, the U.S. simply

exported more to its existing trading
partners. (3) In terms of industries, no
new markets were developed, as well.
There were no industries that began
to significantly export; rather, the U.S.
simply exported more products from
the same industries. (4) In terms of
goods or, more specifically, manufacturing plants, some new markets were
developed, as discussed in a recent article by Andrew Bernard and Bradford
Jensen. The authors find that almost
40 percent of U.S. manufacturing
export growth between 1987 and 1992
was by “new” exporters, i.e., manufacturing plants that had not previously
exported. However, there are good
reasons to believe that this growth
was driven by the sharp and prolonged
depreciation of the dollar in the mid1980s. Consequently, a further decline
in the dollar might be necessary for
new markets — especially industries
and plants beginning to export — to
be developed. Otherwise, the adjustment in the U.S. will mainly take the
form of exporting more of the same
goods to the same destinations.
LATE 1980s
Starting in early 1985, the value of
the dollar started declining. Between
February 1985 and April 1988, the
real value of the dollar fell 30 percent
(Figure 1).6 When the dollar’s value
declines, or depreciates, foreign firms
exporting their goods to the United
States that want to maintain their
earnings in their currency must raise
the prices they charge in dollars. At
the same time, U.S. firms can lower
their prices in the currency of the
countries they sell in, and they can
still earn the same amount, or more,
Real value means the value of the dollar
adjusted for different inflation rates so that it
measures changes in purchasing power between
the United States and its trading partners.

Broad Real Dollar Index
February 1985 - December 1989
(1973 = 100)

Ap 5
Ju 5
nAu 85
Oc 5
tDe 85
cFe 85
Ap 6
Ju 6
nAu 86
Oc 6
tDe 86
cFe 86
Ap 7
Ju 7
nAu 87
Oc 7
tDe 87
cFe 87
Ap 8
Ju 8
nAu 88
Oc 8
tDe 88
cFe 88
Ap 9
Ju 9
nAu 89
Oc 9
De 9


Source: Federal Reserve Board

in terms of dollars.7 As suggested in
the introduction, this makes the price
of U.S. imports rise, while the price of
U.S. exports falls.
These price changes have apparently affected U.S. trade. Between
1986 and 1990, the trade deficit in
goods and services shrunk by about
$55 billion, equivalent to 1.6 percent
of GDP.8 The decline in the trade
deficit was spread pretty evenly among
If the dollar declines 30 percent, for example,
U.S. firms that do not change the prices they
charge in terms of foreign currency will earn
approximately 30 percent more in dollars. U.S.
firms could reduce the prices they charge in
terms of foreign currency by up to 30 percent,
and they would still earn the same amount or
more in terms of dollars.

Because of data availability, unless there is
an explicit reference to real data, that is, data
adjusted for inflation, the numbers in the text
hereafter are nominal dollars, or dollars not adjusted for inflation. Measured in real terms (and
with 2000 as the base year), the U.S. net export
deficit shrunk by $100 billion, or 1.7 percent of
GDP, between 1986 and 1990.

its trading partners: When we look at
the data, most bilateral trade deficits — that is, the U.S. trade deficit
vis-à-vis each of its trading partners
— shrunk or surpluses grew. For
example, the U.S. deficits with its two
largest trading partners at the time,
Canada and Japan, each shrunk by
about $15 billion.9
The components of the U.S. trade
deficit are, of course, exports and imports. Between 1986 and 1990, exports
of goods and services rose 72 percent.
Part of this increase simply reflected
higher prices for these goods and
services. But real exports of goods and
services — that is, exports adjusted
for inflation — still rose 56 percent
during this period. In fact, real export
growth was at 9 percent or higher for
four consecutive years (1987-1990), the
Data on bilateral deficits, that is, deficits with
a particular trading partner, refer to deficits in
goods only.

largest rate of growth in any four-year
period over the past 25 years.
Growth of real exports in 1985
and 1986 was low, just 3 percent and
7.7 percent, respectively. Most of the
growth was in the ensuing years, with
1988 being the peak year for export
growth. Note that 1988 was more than
three years after the dollar started
Imports continued to grow, but at
a slower rate than before. While our
focus is on exports, it is worth mentioning that imports continued to increase. But in each year between 1987
and 1990, inflation-adjusted imports
grew at a slower rate than exports,
averaging only 4.5 percent per year.
The top 20 U.S. export partners
(as of 1985) accounted for 78.2 percent
of U.S. merchandise exports in 1986.
In 1990, these partners accounted for a
slightly higher share, 79.8 percent. Had
the United States been shipping goods
to new destinations, the share of U.S.
trade going to these top trading partners would have decreased; this fact
suggests that the export boom did not
significantly involve new destinations.
Instead, most of the increase in U.S.
exports went to the top 20 countries.
These top export destinations can be
broken out into broad regions, such as
East Asia, Europe, the NAFTA countries, and others.10 Figure 2 shows that
U.S. export shares to these regions also
changed only slightly.
We can use a scatter plot to show
the change over time in each individual export partner’s share of total U.S.
exports (Figure 3). The horizontal axis
of Figure 3 measures the share of total
U.S. exports going to each destination
In January 1994, the U.S., Canada, and
Mexico ratified the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA).

Business Review Q4 2006 21

in 1986. The vertical axis measures
the share of total U.S. exports going
to each destination in 1990. Each dot
represents a different export partner
(country). If the share of U.S. exports
going to a destination did not change
between 1986 and 1990, the dot for
that destination would be on the
diagonal line. The figure shows that
most export destinations are very close
to the diagonal. There is very little
change between the two years with
the exception of Mexico (increase
from 5.7 percent to 7.2 percent), South
Korea (increase from 2.9 percent to 3.7
percent), and the United Kingdom (increase from 5.3 percent to 6.0 percent).
In summary, there is no evidence
that the U.S. export boom in the late
1980s led to the opening up of new
markets in terms of countries. The
United States simply exported more
to its largest trading partners. Some
partners, such as Mexico and South
Korea, experienced strong economic
growth during this period; hence, their
demand for U.S. goods rose more rapidly than other countries’ demand.
To examine whether the U.S.
developed new markets in terms of industries or, more specifically, whether
the U.S. export surge included industries that had not historically been
very export-intensive, we examine two
levels of industry data. The first divides U.S. merchandise exports into 67
industries (two-digit Standard International Trade Classification, or SITC).
The second divides U.S. merchandise
exports into 635 industries (three- and
four-digit SITC).11
An example of an SITC (revision 2) two-digit
industry is industry 76, “telecommunications,
sound recording, and reproducing equipment.”
An example of a three-digit industry is industry
761, “television receivers.” An example of a
four-digit industry is industry 7611, “television
receivers, color.”

22 Q4 2006 Business Review

U.S. Export Share of Top 20 Destinations
Grouped by World Regions










East Asia






Scatter Plot of 1986 and 1990 Top 20
U.S. Export Destinations
1990 export share






S. Korea













1986 export share (percent)

We have plotted the share of total
U.S. exports by each of the 67 industries in Figure 4. This figure is similar
to Figure 3: The horizontal axis gives
the share of total U.S. exports by each
industry in 1986, and the vertical axis
gives the share of total U.S. exports by
each industry in 1990. Each industry is
captured by one point on the figure. If
the shares for a particular industry did
not change, its data point should be on
the 45-degree line. The figure shows
little evidence that the U.S. began
exporting in new industries. With
the exception of the categories “other
transport equipment” (airplanes),
“electric machinery,” and “miscellaneous manufactured articles,” export
shares increased little.12
Showing a scatter plot of 635
industries is cumbersome. In Figure
5, the data are presented somewhat
differently, following the method used
by Timothy Kehoe and Kim Ruhl:
Rank all industries by exports in 1986
starting with the industry that exports
the least and ending with the industry
that exports the most. Starting from
the lowest industry, add industries
until the group comprises 10 percent of
total U.S. (merchandise) exports. This
represents the first bin of industries.
Continuing from this point, add up
the next group of industries until they
comprise another 10 percent of U.S.
exports. At the end of this process
there are 10 bins, each accounting for
10 percent of exports. This is what
the black bars in Figure 5 represent.
Because the first bin includes relatively
small exporters, it takes 415.1 industries to fill it with the first 10 percent.
Analogously, it requires only 1.7
industries to fill the final bin with the
last 10 percent.
The blue bars in that figure
indicate the share of total U.S. merThe share of exports accounted for by road vehicles declined by a not unsubstantial amount.

Scatter Plot of 1986 and 1990 Top U.S. Export
1990 export share
Other transport equipment
Electric machinery


Road vehicles

Office machines and computers

Miscellaneous manufactured articles


General industrial machinery
and equipment


Power generators

Non-ferrous metals
Iron and
Artificial resins and plastic
Tobacco products













1986 export share (percent)

* Based on 2-digit SITC codes.

Change in Composition of U.S. Exports
between 1986 and 1990*























Cumulative fraction of exports




*Based on 3- and 4-digit SITC codes.

Business Review Q4 2006 23

chandise exports in 1990 by each bin’s
industries. If all industries’ exports
grew at the same rate (or, less restrictively, if each bin of industries’ exports
grew at the same rate), the black bars
would be the same height as the blue
bars. Each bin of industries would have
the same 10 percent share of total
U.S. exports that they did in 1986. For
the most part, the figure shows little
change. However, the first bin did
show an increase. Specifically, those
lowest exporting industries that collectively accounted for 10 percent of U.S.
exports in 1986 accounted for 14.7
percent of U.S. exports in 1990. This
suggests some, but not much, development of new markets at the industry
level. In other words, more industries
were exporting goods in 1990 than in
A closer look at the exporting
industries in the bottom 10 percent indicates that they tend to be industries
that produce intermediate goods, that
is, goods that will themselves be used
in producing a final good. For example,
the industries include producers of
parts made of iron, steel, and aluminum, as well as materials made from
glass, wool, and cotton. However, the
machinery and transport equipment
industries are not heavily represented.
Having examined two levels of
the data, we now turn to a slice of the
U.S. trade data that is broken down
into very fine detail. Andrew Bernard
and Bradford Jensen’s article examines
the U.S. export boom in the late 1980s
using data that draw from the 1987
and 1992 Census of Manufactures.
This census covers almost the entire
population of plants that produce
manufactured goods.13 So the level of
Over 220,000 plants are surveyed. But in their
analysis, Bernard and Jensen exclude plants that
have fewer than 20 employees.

24 Q4 2006 Business Review

detail is much greater than what we
examined above.
In the following discussion, we
will assume that each plant makes a
different good. With this assumption,
Bernard and Jensen’s results can shed
light on whether new markets were
developed during the last export boom.
This may not be completely accurate
because part of the export boom may
have included an expansion in the
number of plants that, for example,
make a particular type of ball bearing
for sale abroad. This would not be a

be further differentiated: those that
exported in each year; those that
exported in 1987 but not in 1992; and
those that did not export in 1987 but
exported in 1992. The bottom right
panel of Figure 6 shows that plants
that exported in both years accounted
for 61 percent of total manufacturing
export growth. Plants that were in operation in both years but exported only
in 1992 accounted for 38 percent of
total export growth. This number must
be balanced against the export behavior of plants that were in operation in

The numbers suggest that new markets —
even at the level of goods, or more accurately,
plants — were not really developed.
new market per se. A better interpretation might be that Bernard and
Jensen’s results can provide an upper
bound, or ceiling, on the number of
new markets developed during this
Bernard and Jensen find that
existing plants (those that operated
in both periods) accounted for 87
percent of the $80.9 billion increase in
U.S. manufacturing export growth in
their sample between 1987 and 1992.
Plant turnover (new plants and plants
that failed) accounted, on net, for 13
percent of export growth. (See the left
panel of Figure 6.) The top right panel
of Figure 6 shows that new plants
alone accounted for 29 percent of
export growth, but this was offset by a
decline in exports equal to 16 percent
of total growth by plants that failed.
The numbers above suggest that
new markets — even at the level
of goods, or more accurately, plants
— were not really developed. However,
plants that operated in both periods
(those plants that accounted for 87
percent of total export growth) can

both years and that exported in 1987
but not in 1992. These plants accounted for a decline in exports equal to 12
percent of total export growth. On net,
then, existing plants that exported in
only one of the years accounted for 26
percent (38-12) of export growth.
Another way to interpret these
numbers is to view export growth as
coming from two sources: existing
exporters and new exporters. New
exporters can be new plants that
exported or existing plants that began
exporting. From this perspective, 61
percent of export growth is due to existing exporters, and the remaining 39
percent is due to new exporters. This
number is significantly larger than
suggested by the preceding discussion. Of the export growth due to new
exporters, 13 percentage points are due
to net new plants that began exporting, and 26 percentage points are due
to existing plants that (on net) began
exporting. Nevertheless, it is still the
case that the majority of export growth
is in existing goods or markets; moreover, the 39 percent number should be

U.S. Manufactured Export Growth: 1987 to 1992
Share of export growth from plant turnover

Share of export growth by plant type










Share of export growth by continuing plants
(by exporting year)


Continuing 87%




All percentages are of total change in exports by plants covered
in Census of Manufactures from 1987 to 1992 = $80.9 billion





both years

1992 only

1987 only

Source: Bernard and Jensen

thought of as a ceiling on the amount
of exports that involved new markets.
That the majority of export
growth is in existing goods or markets
should not be surprising when we
remember that it is costly to develop
new markets. Depending on whether
the plant already exports, these costs
include establishing business relationships, setting up distribution channels,
and marketing. Many of these costs
are often sunk costs and not easily
recouped. Hence, when exchange rates
change, potential exporters will want
to know if the change is temporary
or permanent before they enter a new
market. Unless the change is perceived
to be permanent, it is natural to expect

that existing exporters would stick
with their existing markets. Relative to
these existing exporters, an exporter
deciding on whether to enter a new
market would face additional costs. It
is likely that a firm or plant that is not
exporting at all will bear even greater
However, the magnitude of the
change in the exchange rate matters,
as well. Even temporary changes in
the exchange rate may induce firms to
make costly sunk investments in new
production and markets if the change
is large enough. The data for the late
1980s support the view that a sizable
share of exports did indeed involve
firms making such investments.

Although the value of the U.S.
dollar has declined recently and U.S.
exports have risen, they have not yet
boomed. If they do boom, we can get a
sense of what might happen by examining the last great U.S. export boom
in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In
that period, exports did not boom
right away; at least two years passed
before the boom began to kick in. In
terms of destinations and industries,
we find very little development of new
markets. Rather, the United States
continued to export heavily to its top
trading partners, and it continued to
ship goods in industries in which it
already had a large export presence.

Business Review Q4 2006 25

However, research by Bernard and Jensen, who examined plant-level data for
the manufacturing sector, finds that
39 percent of export growth between
1987 and 1992 can be accounted for by
plants that (on net) had not previously
The overall pattern of results is
not too surprising when we remember
that it is costly to develop new markets

and that many of the costs are sunk
costs. In the absence of permanent
or large temporary changes in the
exchange rate, it is natural to expect
existing exporters to stick with their
existing markets. The fact that the
value of the dollar dropped 30 percent
in the mid 1980s is apparently a key
reason behind the large share of export
growth due to newly exporting plants.

During the most recent depreciation,
between February 2002 and the present, the dollar has fallen 15 percent,
about two-fifths of what it fell by in the
late 1980s. Unless the dollar depreciates further, exporters are unlikely to
respond to the current depreciation by
developing new markets, suggesting
that the overall export response this
time will be considerably smaller. BR

Bernard, Andrew B., and J. Bradford Jensen. “Entry, Expansion, and Intensity in
the U.S.Export Boom, 1987-1992,” Review
of International Economics, 12, 4 (2004), pp.

Freund, Caroline, and Frank Warnock.
“Current Account Deficits in Industrial
Countries: The Bigger They Are, The
Harder They Fall?” NBER Working Paper
11823, December 2005.

Leduc, Sylvain. “International Risk Sharing: Globalization Is Weaker Than You
Think,” Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Business Review (First Quarter 2005).

Freund, Caroline. “Current Account Adjustment in Industrial Countries?” Journal
of International Money and Finance, 24
(2005), pp. 1278-98.

Kehoe, Timothy J., and Kim J. Ruhl. “How
Important Is the New Goods Margin in International Trade?” Federal Reserve Bank
of Minneapolis Staff Report 324 (October


26 Q4 2006 Business Review

Research Rap

Abstracts of
research papers
produced by the
economists at
the Philadelphia

You can find more Research Rap abstracts on our website at:
html. Or view our Working Papers at:

The Link Between Employment
Density and Patent Intensity
Economists, beginning with Alfred
Marshall, have studied the significance of
cities in the production and exploitation of
information externalities that, today, we call
knowledge spillovers. This paper presents
robust evidence of those effects. The authors
show that patent intensity — the per capita
invention rate — is positively related to the
density of employment in the highly urbanized portion of metropolitan areas. All else
equal, a city with twice the employment density (jobs per square mile) of another city will
exhibit a patent intensity (patents per capita)
that is 20 percent higher. Patent intensity
is maximized at an employment density of
about 2,200 jobs per square mile. A city with
a more competitive market structure or one
that is not too large (a population less than
1 million) will also have a higher patent
intensity. These findings confirm the widely
held view that the nation’s densest locations
play an important role in creating the flow of
ideas that generate innovation and growth.
Working Paper 06-14, “Urban Density and
the Rate of Invention,” Gerald Carlino, Satyajit
Chatterjee, and Robert Hunt, Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia
Test Scores, School Quality,
and House Prices
The expansion of state-mandated tests
in the 1990s and the testing requirements of
the No Child Left Behind Act have supplied researchers with an abundance of data
on test scores that can be used as measures
of school quality. This paper uses the

mandated test scores for 5th grade and 11th
grade in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania,
to examine three issues about the capitalization of school quality into house prices: (1)
At what level do prospective home buyers
evaluate the quality of local public education — at the district level or the level of the
neighborhood school? (2) After accounting
for student achievement as reflected in test
scores, are other aspects of the local public
school system, such as class size or expenditures, capitalized into the value of a house?
(3) Are the positive results the author gets
for the capitalization of school quality into
house prices due simply to the correlation
between high test scores and other desirable
neighborhood characteristics? The results
of the author’s investigation suggest that to
home buyers, some test-score averages are
significantly better indicators of the quality
of the local public school system than others.
In particular, home buyers seem to evaluate
the quality of public education at the district
level rather than at the level of the local
school. Class size at the high-school level has
some independent effect on house prices, but
not class size at the elementary school level.
And once student achievement is accounted
for, expenditures per pupil have no further
effect on house prices. Finally, restricting the
sample to similar neighborhoods along school
district boundaries confirms earlier results for
high school test scores but not for elementary
school scores.
Working Paper 06-15, “Capitalization of
the Quality of Local Public Schools: What Do
Home Buyers Value?,” Theodore M. Crone,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Business Review Q4 2006 27

Divergent Income Performance in
Two Indian States
In this paper the authors study the economic evolution between 1960 and 1995 of two states in India: Maharashtra and West Bengal. In 1960, West Bengal’s per
capita income exceeded that of Maharashtra. By 1995,
it had fallen to just 69 percent of Maharashtra’s per
capita income. The authors employ a "wedge" methodology based on the first-order conditions of a multi-sector neoclassical growth model to ascertain the sources
of the divergent economic performances. Their diagnostic analysis reveals that a large part of West Bengal’s
development woes can be attributed to: (a) low sectoral
productivity, especially in manufacturing and services;
and (b) sectoral misallocation in labor markets. These
patterns, together with additional evidence on developments in the labor market, the manufacturing sector,
and voting behavior, suggest a systematic worsening of
the business environment in manufacturing in West
Bengal during this period.
Working Paper 06-16, “A Tale of Two States: Maharashtra and West Bengal,” Amartya Lahiri, University of
British Columbia, and Kei-Mu Yi, Federal Reserve Bank of
The Cyclicality of Job Loss
and Hiring
In this paper the authors study the cyclical behavior
of job loss and hiring using CPS worker flow data, adjusted for margin error and time aggregation error. The
band pass filter is used to isolate cyclical components.
The authors consider both total worker flows and transition hazard rates within a unified framework. Their
results provide overwhelming support for a "separationdriven" view of employment adjustment, whereby total
job loss and hiring rise sharply during economic downturns, initiated by increases in the job loss hazard rate.
Worker flows and transition hazard rates are highly
volatile at business cycle frequencies. These patterns are
especially strong among prime-age workers. For young
workers, job loss and hiring adjust procyclically due to
movements into and out of the labor force.
Working Paper 06-17, “The Cyclicality of Job Loss and
Hiring,” Shigeru Fujita, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, and Garey Ramey, University of California, San

28 Q4 2006 Business Review

Calculating the Benefits of
Stabilization Policies
The authors calculate the potential benefit of
policies that eliminate a small likelihood of economic
crises. An economic crisis is defined as an increase in
unemployment of the magnitude observed during the
Great Depression. For the U.S., the maximum-likelihood estimate of entering a depression is found to
be about once every 83 years. The welfare gain from
setting this small probability to zero can range between
1 and 7 percent of annual consumption in perpetuity. For most estimates, more than half of these large
gains result from a reduction in individual consumption
Working Paper 06-18, “On the Aggregate Welfare Cost
of Great Depression Unemployment,” Satyajit Chatterjee,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, and Dean Corbae,
University of Texas, Austin
Real-Time Data and Inflation
This paper carries out the task of evaluating inflation forecasts from the Livingston Survey and the
Survey of Professional Forecasters, using the real-time
data set for macroeconomists as a source of real-time
data. The author examines the magnitude and patterns
of revisions to the inflation rate based on the output
price index and describes what data to use as “actuals”
in evaluating forecasts. The author then runs tests on
the forecasts from the surveys to see how good they
are, using a variety of actuals. The author finds that
much of the empirical work from 20 years ago was a
misleading guide to the quality of forecasts because of
unique events during the earlier sample period. Repeating that empirical work over a longer sample period
shows no bias or other problems in the forecasts. The
use of real-time data also matters for some key tests on
some variables. If a forecaster had used the empirical
results from the late 1970s and early 1980s to adjust
survey forecasts of inflation, forecast errors would have
increased substantially.
Working Paper 06-19, “An Evaluation of Inflation
Forecasts from Surveys Using Real-Time Data,” Dean
Croushore, University of Richmond, and Visiting Scholar,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia