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February 1969

Federal Reserve Policy:
Pressure is Beginning to Pay Off
by David P. Eastburn
It is of course disquieting to see prices continuing to rise. The fact that w h olesale prices
of industrial com m odities in creased at an annual rate of 6.5 per cent in January is clear
evidence that inflation is still very much w ith us. And the persistently low level of this
country’s balance of trade is not ju st a coincidence. N evertheless, this kind of new s should
be taken calm ly— not com placently but calm ly. The Federal R eserv e’s policy of steady,
unrelenting pressu re is beginning to pay off-.
The rationale for the F ed ’s policy stance is b ased on the nature of the problem s it con­
fronts. Inflation is the numberrone problem now, but actions to deal with it will have an
effect on the level of unem ploym ent. D esirab le as it might be to slow inflation w ithout
raising unem ploym ent, this happy com bination seem s too much to expect. L ess rapid rates of
econom ic growth are n ecessary to dam pen inflationary p ressu res. It is clear, how ever,
who will be laid off first, and w hat w ould be the im pact on b u sin essm en ’s efforts to
em ploy the hard core should the econom y slow substantially. Consequently, Federal
Reserve officials m ust constantly weigh the benefits of reducing inflation again st the costs
— social as w ell as econom ic— of more unem ploym ent. One w ay to reduce these costs
is to apply restraint gradually, giving the econom y time to ad ju st with a minimum of
dislocation and layoffs.
This is the Federal R eserv e’s current policy. Sharp m oves that induce a credit crunch
might well succeed in breaking the back of inflation, but it also could break the spirit of
m any of the n ation ’s d isadv an taged at a time when their expectation s have been rising.
The stead y approach, unfortunately, m ean s that much of the effects of rapid grow th in
money and credit during last sum m er and fa ll m ust be written off. To com pensate for it
now by a drastic contraction w ould be very costly. A ccordingly, prices will continue to
rise faster in the m onths ahead than would be desirable, and m ay give a m isleading
im pression of progress m ade in fighting inflation.
Indeed, the fa cts indicate con siderable progress. In recent w eeks, growth in the m oney
supply has slow ed con siderably and bank credit has actually declined. B an ks— no longer
just the big ones in N ew York City but sm aller banks elsew here as w ell— in creasingly are
feeling a squeeze in their ability to raise fu n ds. They are p assin g on their attitudes as
well as higher co sts to borrow ers.
The pace of the econom y’s growth is slow ing, perhaps not so much as needed to have
m axim um effect on inflation, given our concern over unemploym ent, but the trend is
unm istakably in the right direction. Continued pressu re on m oney and credit will help to
keep it in the right direction.
A s the effects of this pressu re w ork them selves out in succeeding m onths, the pace of
the econom y’s growth w ill slow further. Indeed, there are a few signs that such a slow dow n
is already occurring. Inflation is still with us, and given the fact that policy effects are felt
only after som e delay, it will be with us for som e months yet. But the forces to stop it are
already at w ork; their effects will be increasingly clear in the w eeks ahead.

BUSINESS REVIEW is produced in the Department of Research. Evan B. Alderfer is Editorial Consultant; Ronald B.
Williams is Art Director. The authors will be glad to receive comments on their articles.
Requests for additional copies should be addressed to Public Information, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 19101.


Making Economic
Sense Out Of
by Edward G. Boehne

A growing number of state and local govern­
ments are finding themselves in a severe financial
bind because their expenditure responsibili­
ties are outpacing their own ability to raise
revenues. Consequently, many governors and
mayors are beating a path to Washington in
search of help from the national coffers. And
federal officials have responded with grants. Up
to the present, these grants— called conditional
grants— have had “ strings” attached. Now the
call is heard for federal revenue-sharing in the
form of unconditional grants with “ no strings”
as to how the money is spent at the state and
local levels.
The sharp contrast between existing condi­
tional grants and proposals for unconditional
grants raises an obvious question: are condi­
tional and unconditional grants alternative solu­
tions to the same fiscal problem, or is there a
rationale for both types of grants? The answer,
in a nutshell, is that in the context of our
national-state-local system of government both
types of grants make economic sense. Condi­
tional grants are ideal for supporting those
public services which are performed at the statelocal level but whose benefits spill over to ad­
joining communities and perhaps the nation as
a whole. Unconditional grants, on the other
hand, are well-suited for arresting the fiscal
imbalance which has arisen because the ability
of many states and localities to raise revenue
is not keeping pace with their burgeoning

All existing federal grants to state and local
government are conditional. That is, they come
with a number of fiscal conditions. First, funds
must be used for specific purposes; they cannot
be tossed into a pool of funds and be used for



general financing of state-local services. Second,
grants are typically apportioned on the basis of
need as measured, say, by population. Third,
in some cases the amount of aid is also deter­
mined by the ability of states and localities to
raise their own tax revenue. For example, under
the School Lunch and Mental Health programs
low-income states receive more aid per capita
than do high-income states. Fourth, federal
grants are most often matching, requiring the
recipient to come up with some funds on its
own. On average, recipients of conditional
grants must raise $1 for every $2 received from
Washington. Fifth, grants are closed-end. That
is, the Federal Government will continue to put
up money only so long as its total contribution
is below some limit.
Conditional grants from the Federal Govern­
ment to state and local units will have about

tripled in the 1960’s— soaring from $7 billion
in 1960 to an estimated $21 billion in 1969,
as shown in the chart. And by 1970 conditional
grants are estimated to total $25 billion. Fed­
eral grants now account for 18 per cent of
state-local revenue, compared to 14 per cent in
1960. It is clear that federal grants have
assumed a substantial role in financing public
services at all levels of government.
The bulk of federal aid is earmarked for
highway construction, health and welfare ser­
vices, and education and manpower programs,
with community development and housing
projects accounting for an increasing share of
total grants ( see chart). Such well-known
public programs as interstate highway construc­
tion, Model Cities, Head Start, Teachers’ Corps
and Food Stamp programs are included under
these broad headings.

Billions of Dollars

Fiscal Years
Source: Bureau of the Budget





Presumably when city councilmen, state legis­
lators, or individual citizens decide on the types
and magnitudes of public expenditures, they
base their decisions on some kind of trade-off
between costs and benefits. Fire and police pro­
tection, public libraries and mass transit systems,
for example, cost a good deal of money. But
each of these public services also provides
benefits. The object is to maximize the benefits
that can be obtained from the limited resources
If citizens of the governmental unit which
pays for public goods and services receive all
of the benefits from their expenditures, the
benefit-cost calculation is fairly straightforward.
Each public good or service is weighed on the
merits of its total benefits and on the burdens
of its total costs.
But what happens when a substantial share
of the benefits of local (or state) expenditures
spill over into adjoining communities or states,
or spill out over the entire nation? Total bene­
fits are now not weighed against total costs.
Rather, only those benefits received by the
paying community are weighed against total
costs. So, it is possible that an individual com­
munity or state might decide against spending
its scarce dollars on a given project because the
benefits it receives do not justify the costs it
pays. But the total benefits flowing to all
citizens— whether inside or outside the state
or community which foots the bill— may more
than justify the cost of the project.
An example is public higher education. State
legislatures parceling out funds tend to favor
undergraduate and professional education in
law, medicine, and dentistry over graduate
studies in the humanities, social sciences, and
natural sciences because a higher percentage of

those with baccalaureate degrees and graduates
from professional schools are more likely to
remain in the state as teachers, businessmen,
government officials, lawyers, dentists, and phy­
sicians that are Ph.D. recipients in physics,
French, or economics. From the vantage point
of a single state, therefore, a legislator might
easily reason that the benefit return from a dollar
spent on undergraduate and professional educa­
tion is greater than a dollar spent on graduate
education. But from a national viewpoint the
result may be a less-than-optimal flow of stateappropriated funds for graduate education.
Research projects need to be manned and col­
lege faculties need to be staffed even though
those qualified to fill these positions may be
trained in Pennsylvania and may later work in
Therefore, a strong case exists for the Federal
Government to support financially those public
services (like graduate education) produced at
the state and local levels whose benefits spill
over in substantial amounts to the entire nation.
Such benefits are no less real than those which
are restricted to one locality or region. To
ignore them would seriously hamper efficient
use of the nation’s resources.
Necessary conditions. At least two conditions
are required if grants are to compensate effec­
tively for spillovers. First, grants compensating
for spill overs should be functional in nature.
That is, funds need to be used specifically to
finance services whose benefits spill over. Other­
wise, recipients could use the money to finance
services whose benefits are more local or regional.
Second, grants should be of the matching
type. If, for example, one-half of the benefits
of a particular state program spill over to the
rest of the nation, then the total cost of the
project should be borne equally by federal and
state governments. But if one-tenth of the



Some of those public services whose benefits primarily accrue
locally, regionally, or nationally are listed below.


Fire Protection
Police Protection
Parks and Recreation
Public Libraries
Water Distribution
City Streets



Air and Water Pollution
Water Supply
Parks and Recreation
Public Libraries
Sewage and Refuse Disposal
M ass Transit
Arterial Streets and Intercity Highways
Urban Planning and Renewal



Parks and Recreation
Aid to Low-Income Groups
Communicable Disease Control

a Services with few important benefit spillovers beyond the local level of government,
b Services with significant spillovers beyond the local level but not beyond the regional
c Services with significant spillovers beyond the regional level.
Source: George F. Break, Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in the United States
(Brookings Institution), 1967, p. 69.

For example, the Easton, Pennsylvania, police and fire departments
basically provide services to Easton and little benefit spillover occurs.
Philadelphia International Airport, on the other hand, provides
services to the entire region as well as to the City of Philadelphia.
Water and air antipollution projects generate benefits well beyond
the boundaries of individual cities, metropolitan areas, and in some
cases even states. Educational benefits spill over from individual
communities to entire states; and benefits from higher public edu­
cation, in turn, spill over from individual states throughout the
entire nation.




have gained widespread attention and bipartisan
support as a remedy for the general fiscal im­
balances plaguing states and localities.1 Although
individual proposals for revenue-sharing have
varied in detail, the basic characteristics are:
(1 ) the Federal Government would allocate a
specific percentage, say 1 or 2 per cent, of its
income-tax base annually to states or localities, or
both;2 (2 ) aid recipients would have discretion
on the use of the revenue; (3 ) allotment of
funds would be on a per capita basis, thus
affording some redistribution of tax recepits
from high-income to low-income areas.3
The significance of the last of these three
characteristics is perhaps least understood. Per
capita distribution of grant money is a com­
promise of pragmatic necessity. Ideally, uncon­
ditional aid ought to be apportioned on the
basis of need for public services and tax-raising
ability. Given social values, need depends not
only on population, but also on age distribution,
density of population, income distribution and
local cost factors. Taxing ability, on the other

It is apparent that conditional grants can play
a vital role in our intergovernmental system.
But it is also clear that conditional grants, with
their many “ strings,” are unsuited to reduce
the fiscal disparities which arise because general
expenditures outpace general revenues at the
state-local level. What states and localities need
is a general revenue supplement to add to their
tax receipts so they can provide a greater vol­
ume of purely state and local public services.
Unlike compensating for spillovers, specific
interference by the Federal Government on the
spending side is unnecessary because the same
state or local jurisdictions which receive the
benefits also select them through their choices
of public services.
Revenue-Sharing Proposals. Unconditional
grants-in-aid, in the form of revenue-sharing,

1The revenue-sharing idea originally came from
Walter Heller, Chairman of the President’s Council of
Economic Advisors from 1961-1964. See U .S. News
and World Report, lune 29, 1964, p. 59. For a later
and more detailed version of the proposal, see Walter
Heller, New Dimensions of Political Economy (Harvard
University Press, 1966) Chapter III.
The bipartisan support for revenue-sharing is exem­
plified by the backing given to it by Candidates Hubert
Humphrey and Richard Nixon in the recent presidential
Besides alleviating the financial squeeze of state and
local governments, revenue-sharing was originally advo­
cated also as a way of spending the so-called “ fiscal
dividend”— a term applied to the difference between
automatic increases in federal revenues because of eco­
nomic growth and increases in federal spending. The
rapid rise in military spending since 1965, however, has
left no fiscal dividend to spend. With optimism rising
for an end to the Vietnam War, there is again talk of a
fiscal dividend— and with it a rejuvenated interest in
revenue-sharing on the part of federal officials.
2At 2 per cent, the dollar amount of revenue-sharing
in 1969 would be approximately $6.5-7 billion per year.
3The redistribution occurs because high-income areas
pay more per capita in federal taxes than do low-income

benefits spill over, then grants should pay for
only one-tenth of the total cost. In other words,
for those services having benefit spillovers to be
ranked on an equal footing with those whose
benefits are purely local, the dollar value of
conditional grants ought to be the same per­
centage of total cost as is the proportion of
spillover benefits to total benefits. Unfortu­
nately, economic measures of spillover benefits
lack this kind of precision. This suggests that
until such precision is attained “ guesstimates”
of spillover magnitudes will have to be made.
Ideally, a third requirement for the most
efficient use of conditional grants is that they
should be open ended. That is, there should
be no fixed upper limit on the total amount of
grants. Spillovers do not cease at these artificial
ceilings and neither does the case for efficient
allocation of resources. Of course, the Federal
Government would be reluctant to issue a carte
blanche for all funds state and local officials
might like.



hand, depends on per capita personal income
as well as property and sales tax bases. But to
construct an allotment formula to include all
these variables would be difficult and probably
not politically feasible. So, per capita aid dis­
tribution provides a simple, albeit crude,
allotment criterion.
Nonetheless, because some jurisdictions, no­
tably central cities of urban complexes, bear a
disproportionate share of the fiscal burdens
plaguing state and local governments, some
additional aid— over and above a general per
capita distribution— may be necessary. A recent
study points out that the deepening fiscal crisis
in American cities is caused by the rising num­
ber of underprivileged citizens concentrated in
urban centers.4 At the same time, tax bases of
cities are growing at a decreasing rate or in
some cases actually declining. As a result, local
taxes in central cities take about a third more
of their residents’ personal income than do
taxes in suburbs. Even a rising tax effort in
central cities, however, has been insufficient to
keep them on a par with suburbia. In 1957, for
example, central cities spent $9 more per pupil
on education than did suburbs. By 1965, central
cities had fallen behind ($574 to $449) subur­
ban jurisdictions.
Some proposals for revenue-sharing, there­
fore, call for only 90 per cent of the shared
revenue to be alloted strictly on a population
basis. The remaining 10 per cent would then be
apportioned to the poorest states and the need­
4Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Rela­
tions, Fiscal Balance in the American Federal System,
Vol. 2 ( “Metropolitan Fiscal Disparities” ), Washington,
D.C., October 1967. For an analysis of fiscal disparities
in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area, see Richard W.
Epps, “The Metropolitan Money Gap,” Business Review,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, June, 1968.


iest central cities. Under this plan, the simplicity
of per capita distribution could be maintained
and the fiscal disparities among localities and
states mitigated as well.

If all public services were performed and
financed centrally, ideally the tax resources of
the entire nation would be pooled and distrib­
uted throughout the country according to need.
There would be no imbalance between expendi­
ture responsibility and revenue-raising ability,
and the geographical spillover of benefits would
not be a problem. But for political, historical,
and economic reasons, American Government
is decentralized within a federalist system.
Given our system of multi-level government,
grants-in-aid make economic sense. On the one
hand, conditional grants are especially wellsuited to compensate jurisdictions for services
which cause significant benefit spillovers to
citizens of other jurisdictions. On the other
hand, unconditional grants-in-aid provide an
ideal means of mitigating fiscal imbalances.
In practice, the roles of conditional and un­
conditional grants are blurred. The distinction
between those benefits which remain internal
and those which spill over and become external
is most imprecise. What constitutes taxable
capacity and a reasonable tax burden are far
from objectively determined. But lack of clarity,
precision, and objectivity do not cause the fiscal
problems of federalism to diminish. In fact, the
problems are becoming increasingly evident.
There is, therefore, much to be said for making
sensible use of grants-in-aid in financing multi­
level government— and that includes provision
for both types of grants, conditional as well as

Break, G eorge F. Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in the United States, W ashington,
D. C., The Brookings Institution, 1967.
“ Federal A id to State and Local G overnm ents,” Special Analysis, Budget of the United
States, 1970, W ashington, D.C., U.S. Governm ent Printing Office, 1969.

Fiscal Balance in the American Federal System, Vols. 1 and 2, A dv iso ry Com m ission on
Intergovernm ental R elations, W ashington, D.C., U .S. G overnm ent Printing Office,
O ctober 1967.
Heller, W alter W. New Dimensions of Political Economy (especially Chapter III,
“ Strengthening the F iscal B ase of Our F ederalism ” ), Cam bridge, M assach u setts, H ar­
vard U niversity P ress, 1966.

M easures of State and Local Fiscal Capacity and Tax Effort, A dvisory Com m ission on
Intergovernm ental Relations, W ashington, D.C., U.S. G overnm ent Printing Office,
O ctober 1962.
Pechm an, Joseph A. “ Financing State and Local G overnm ent,” A Symposium on Federal
Taxation, N ew York, A m erican Bankers A ssociation , 1965.
R evenue Sharing and Its Alternatives; What Future for Fiscal Federalism ? V ols. I-III, Joint
Econom ic Committe, C ongress of the United States, W ashington, D.C., U.S. G overn­
m ent Printing Office, 1967.



A Jogtrot Through
Penn's Woods
by Evan B. Alderfer

Ten years ago we took a tour with the chief
forester into Penn’s Woods and reported on the
venture in the Septem ber 1958 Business
Review. Now we take a jogtrot through the
woods and the forest literature to see what
changes have been wrought. Our report is based
upon field work of professional foresters sum­
marized by the Northeastern Forest Experiment
Station in its 1968 publication, “ The Timber
Resources of Pennsylvania.”
Between the foresters’ 1955 survey and their
1965 re-survey, the Commonwealth’s commer­
cial forests have grown in acreage, in standing
timber, in sawtimber volume. And the annual
growth exceeds the annual cut. Encouraging
developments indeed are these in an age noto­
rious for its pollution and plunder of natural

More than half of Pennsylvania’s land area is
a forest; thus, the state continues to ‘live up to
its name. Moreover, there was a 10 per cent
gain in forest acreage in the decade between

Digitized for10

surveys. This increase may come as a surprise
to all but the forest-wise. The casual observer
might easily be misled to believe that our
forests are on the wane because it is a common
sight to see a stand of trees being chewed up to
make way for urban development, superhigh­
ways, industrial sites, high-tension lines, and
other uses. Perhaps it is the noisy bulldozers
that bulldoze the m isconception into our
Of course there was a time when the lumber­
ing boom and forest fires threatened to denude
Pennsylvania of its forests. The low point of
forest acreage was reached about the time of
World War I. During the period of denudation,
innumerable acres of forest land became crop
and pasture land.
The war changed things. High wage-paying,
war-related industries attracted many farm
workers who never returned to farming. Once
begun, the trend away from the farm was
encouraged by the postwar prosperity of the
’twenties, the depression of the ’thirties, World
War II, and the trend toward large-scale, highly
mechanized farming with its ever-increasing
capital requirements. Thousands of acres of
marginal farm land reverted to forest land.
Unlike deforestation, which is usually rapid
and raucous, reforestation is slow and silent. It
goes something like the following. A hard­
scrabble, hillside farm is finally abandoned. The
first summer, weeds quickly take over. The next
summer some grass gets a foothold under the
weeds, and blackberry seedlings make their
appearance. After several more years, clusters of
trees push up above the brambles. The trees
may be gray birch from wind-borne seeds, and
Eastern red cedar trees from seeds dropped by
birds that had dined on red cedar berries. Ulti­


mately, maples and oaks crowd the birches and
red cedars for sunlight. By and by the oaks and
maples predominate. Thus, Pennsylvania crop­
land and treeless pasture reverted to forest at
an annual rate of better than 150,000 acres
during the measured decade.
Increases in forest acreage were most preva­
lent in counties in the western part of the state,
as shown on the map, “ Changes in Forest Area,
1955 to 1965.” It was also in this region— the
Allegheny Plateau and mountain area— that the
increases were most pronounced, percentage­
wise. Fully two-thirds of the Pennsylvania
counties had increases. Losses occurred notably
in the northeastern and southeastern counties.
A scatter of six counties showed no change.
Incidentally, Philadelphia and Delaware coun­
ties were scratched as too urban to produce
commercial timber.



Almost 60 per cent of Pennsylvania’s land area
is now forest-covered. In terms of counties, 41
of the state’s 67 counties have forests covering
half or more of their respective areas. Some
sections of the state are just about as woodsy
as they were when the Indians owned the place.
Forest-covered counties to the extent of 90 per
cent or more are Cameron, Elk, Forest, and
McKean in the northwest. Moreover, the un­
shaded counties on the map are by no means
treeless; half of them are forest-covered be­
tween a third and a half of their respective
areas. Unused land, sooner or later, is taken
over by trees. As might be expected, the most
forest-forsaken counties are those swarming
and teeming with people, such as Philadelphia
and Delaware, and agricultural paradises such
as Lancaster and York.

No Change




| Areas 50 per cent or more commercially forested


Pennsylvania is endowed with quite a variety of
forest trees and large shrubs. About 125 species
are native to the state but large numbers of
these are found as dense undergrowth, often so
thick as to prevent jogging through. The under­
growth, however, is not to be despised, for it
tends to protect the soil from erosion, to con­
serve the fertility of the soil, and to afford
shelter to birds which prey upon the insect
enemies of the forest.
Of trees that tower over the underbrush—
those five inches or more in diameter (breast
high, as foresters measure standing timber)—
there was a 30 per cent increase in volume
between 1955 and 1965. About 25 species con­
stitute the total stand of timber. The leading
species and their relation to the total may be
seen in the table.

Digitized for12

(In millions of cubic feet)

Select white o a k s ....... .
Select red o a k s .......... .
Other red oaks .......... .
Chestnut oak* .......... .
Sugar M a p le .............. .
Soft maples .............. .
Black c h e r r y .............. .
Other hardw oods......... .
Total hardwoods . .
White p i n e ................
H e m lo c k ................... .
Other so ftw o o d s.........
Total softwoods . . .
All s p e c ie s ..................


♦Includes 11.3 million cubic feet of other white oaks.
Source: Roland H. Ferguson, "The Timber Resources
of Pennsylvania,” United States Forest Service
Bulletin NE-8, 1968.


Things worth noting in the table are: that
hardwoods (the broadleaf varieties) make up
over 90 per cent of the stand; that oaks are by
far the leading species, accounting for about
40 per cent of the total. Things worth noting in
the forest are: that oaks predominate in almost
every part of the state except for an irregular
band along the northern border; that some
individual species sometimes congregate in pure
stands, but that mixed stands are more common.
Oaks are famous and have a worldwide repu­
tation for their sturdiness, great strength, and
the high commercial value of their wood. Most
of them attain great age and are aggressive
competitors in the ceaseless struggle for lebensraum in the forest. Economically, the genus
rates with the highest. Oak wood is used for
furniture, construction, interior finish of houses,
and many other applications where strength
and hardness are required.
Next in volumetric importance are the
maples: they account for over a fifth of the
growing stock. Maples make beautiful shade
trees, and some species yield a sweet sap easily
concentrated into maple syrup or sugar. Maple
wood is fine-grained, dense and, in some species,
the wood is hard and beautifully curled which
makes it especially desirable for cabinet work
and furniture.
Black cherry, which increased substantially
in the decade between surveys, is the only other
species with a stand in excess of a billion cubic
feet. It is a valuable tree. The wood is hard and
strong, and does not warp or split in seasoning.
It is used in furniture and finish, high-class
panels, • and also for tools, implements, and
White pine and hemlock together account
for almost 90 per cent of our softwoods (ever­

greens). White pine grows rapidly in a variety
of soils, and pine wood is adaptable for prac­
tically all uses except where strength, hardness,
and durability in contact with soil are required.
White pine and other fast-growing evergreens
are grown for the Christmas-tree market, to
which Pennsylvania makes a substantial
Hemlocks grow slowly, mature gracefully,
break easily. Their brittle, coarse-grained wood
is confined to uses such as laths, weather-board­
ing of buildings, and paper pulp.

Seedling to sapling to poletimber to sawtimber
are the major stages in the life and times of a
tree. Upon attaining a minimum diameter of
five inches, a tree acquires commercial size of
interest to pulp and paper manufacturers. Not
until it attains a diameter of at least 10 inches
is it regarded as sawtimber and begins to be­
come an item of interest to the lumber people.
Pennsylvania forests increased 27 per cent in
merchantable sawtimber during the decade
under review. All species except birch, beech,
and basswood contributed to the increase in
which the family of oaks predominated.
Unfortunately, from a commercial point of
view over half of the stand of sawtimber vol­
ume is in trees under 15 inches in diameter.
These are still in the fast-growing stage, but
what the lumber and veneer trades want are
the really big trees— the 20- to 30-inchers, and
they want them now.

The average net annual growth of Pennsylvania
trees was 615 million cubic feet from 1955 to
1965, while the average annual cut was only
204 million cubic feet. A three-to-one ratio of



growth to cut doesn’t look like dipping into
arboreal capital. But note: average growth ver­
sus average cut. Average is a blanket term that
may offer specious warmth, in spots.
For example, softwood growing stock is being
cut more heavily in relation to growth than
hardwood— 50 per cent of softwood growth
versus about 30 per cent of hardwood growth
as the chart shows.
Moreover, sawtimber suffers deeper cuts in
relation to growth than total growing stock.
The chart shows an annual cut of 439 million
board feet of sawtimber out of an annual
growth of about a billion board feet for a
slightly better than a two-to-one ratio of growth
over harvest. And the deepest cut of all
occurred in softwood sawtimber where, as the
chart shows, the cut was three-fourths of the
growth. The comfort of the “ average” shrinks
as we go from the general to the specific.

T E N -Y E A R A V E R A G E N E T
MillionCubic Feet

Softwoods FI ardwoods

Million Board Feet

Softwoods Hardwoods

Source: Roland H. Ferguson, “The Timber
Resources of Pennsylvania," United States
Forest Service Bulletin NE-8. 1968



Lumber production in Pennsylvania reached
a peak of more than two billion board feet a
year around the turn of the century. Then a
decline set in, which reached a bottom of about
200 million board feet in 1932— a year when
almost everything in the American economy
scraped bottom. In the decade between surveys,
production rose from 495 million to 545 mil­
lion board feet. That is not a gain worth pro­
claiming from the rooftops, but it is a gain
within limits of a sustained yield basis instead
of an after-us-the-deluge basis of bygone days.
The modest increase in lumber production
during the decade was accompanied by a sub­
stantial growth in scale of operation. Big saw­
mills producing at least a million board feet
per year increased from less than 100 to more
than 150, while the total number of sawmills
in operation declined from more than 2,000 to
about half that number. Apparently, the socalled “ peckerwood” mills— the small portable
sawmills— encountered rough going.
The pulpwood harvest during the decade rose
by 80 per cent— ever so much more than the
increase in the lumber harvest. All but 15 per
cent of the pulpwood consisted of hardwoods,
in which oak and hickory predominated.
Pennsylvania’s pulp output is the product
of 12 mills. Three of the mills are in Blair
County, two each in Elk and York, and one
each in Erie, Clinton, Wyoming, Northumber­
land, and Philadelphia. Pulp is usually made
directly into paper by integrated concerns that
perform all of the processes from debarking the
logs to last finishing operations of the paper
ready for delivery by the roll or the ream.
In terms of cubic footage, lumber accounts
for 55 per cent of the total harvest, and pulp­
wood almost 30 per cent. The remainder con­
sists of veneer logs, cooperage logs, mine


timbers, posts, miscellaneous industrial wood
such as hewn ties and shingle bolts, and
fuel wood.

Although Pennsylvania is woodsier than it was
a generation ago, it is not so wooded as it could
be or should be. To be sure, our forest acreage
is expanding and the growth of timber exceeds
the harvest. But both growth and cut are too
small, as any recent buyer of lumber knows.
Despite the Commonwealth’s vast acreage of
forest land, too much of it is inadequately
forested. Almost two million acres are popu­
lated too sparsely or with scrubby trees that
have little chance of ever producing good

The reason for the gap between what our
forests produce and what they could produce
lies largely in their ownership and manage­
ment. Forest-anchored industries such as lum­
ber companies, and pulp and paper companies,
strange as it may seem, own only 4 per cent of
the commercial forest land. Farmers own 22
per cent, other private owners 54 per cent, and
the remaining 20 per cent is publicly owned;
that is, property of the federal, state, or local

State and federal forests, under supervision
of professional foresters, are well-managed so
as to produce a maximum yield of desirable
lumber, along with water, game, recreation, and
natural beauty— the multiple-use concept.
Forest-anchored industries, by reason of huge
investments in forest land, practice selective
cutting, reforestation, and related aspects of
silviculture. Thus, only about a fourth of Penn’s
Woods receive tender loving care.
Where good management is most lacking is
in the forests that are privately owned, and
these account for three-fourths of the forest
acreage in the state. Among the quarter-million
private owners are numerous motives of own­
ership— aesthetic, recreational, speculative, or
perhaps just the simple satisfaction of landlordship. Many of these people are averse to having
any trees removed even if it does not interfere
with their basic motives of ownership.
Of course private owners, as all other
owners, benefit by the forest fire protection and
fire prevention work conducted by the Pennsyl­
vania Department of Forests and Waters. Fires
over 100 acres are now rare owing largely to
well-trained fire control personnel and mecha­
nized equipment. Losses from insects and dis­
ease now exceed many times the losses by fire.
Professional advice and assistance on forest
management are available from the Department
of Forests and Waters to all private owners
seeking aid. Unfortunately, the corps of profes­
sional foresters is too small. So overburdened
are they with requests for aid and advice that
some of them are over a year behind schedule.
Unless there is a change in priorities among all
the demands for Commonwealth funds, Penn’s
Woods will just have to grow as best they can.
At least Pennsylvania is better off than a sister
state whose chief executive remarked, “ A tree’s
a tree. How many do you need to look at? See
one, you’ve seen them all.”


Third Federal
Reserve District
Per cent change

United States
Per cent change

Dec. 1968



Dec. 1968





+ 2
+ 1
-1 2
- 5

+ 10
- 1
+ 5
-1 0
-1 0

+ 9
+ 1
+ 6
- 4


+ 4

+ 5

Wilmington ..


Trenton ......


+ 11
+ 3

+ 13
- 1


+ 12
+ 13
+ 8
- 2
+ 17
+ 21+

+ 10
+ 10
+ 13
+ 5
+ 21
+ 14+

+ 5t

.♦. .
+ 5*



+ 12
+ 12
+ 10
+ 3
+ 16
+ 24




+ 3
+ 5

+ 2
+ 4

W holesale................
Consumer ................

•Production workers only
••Value of contracts
‘ •••Adjusted for seasonal variation

+15 SM SA ’s

Per cent
Dec. 1968










+ 5

+ 29

+ 26

+ 13

+ 8


+ 3

+ 2

+ 11



+ 18

+ 3

+ 8
+ 14



Altoona ......








+ 2

+ 3

+ 14

+ 4

+ 15







+ 2


+ 14

+ 2

+ 13

+ 3



+ 3


-1 5

+ 10



+ 11



+ 6

+ 7

+ 13



+ 12



+ 17

+ 2

+ 11


+ 21

+ 9

+ 14

Harrisburg ...


Lancaster ...



Lehigh Valley


+ 2

+ 3

+ 10

Philadelphia .




+ 2

+ 4


+ 2


+ 11



+ 37


-1 0




+ 2



+ 16

+ 3

+ 9


+ 9



+ 11

+ 2

+ 9


+ 9

+ 4

+ 8


+ 8

Scra nton___


Wilkes-Barre .

Per cent
Dec. 1968




Per cent
Dec. 1968

Payments* • Deposits***

Atlantic City .

(All member banks)
Deposits .................
Loans ....................
Investments ............
U.S. Govt, securities .
Other ...................
Check payments*** ...


Per cent
Dec. 1968


Production ..............
Electric power consumed
Man-hours, total* . . . .
Employment, total .. . .
Wage income* .........




+ 3

York .........







•Not restricted to corporate limits of cities but covers areas of one or
more counties.
••All commercial banks. Adjusted for seasonal variation.
•••Member banks only. Last Wednesday of the month.