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A review by the Federal Reserve B an k of Chicago

1 9 5 6 Septem ber

Harder working dollars


Upturn due in farm income


Midwestern economies
The Trend of Business




the steel industry began to push output
back to capacity levels following the resump­
tion of production in early August, most busi­
nessmen were facing the future with renewed
confidence. The shutdown had lasted long
enough to make heavy inroads on the large
stocks of steel built up prior to the strike, but
not so long as to seriously impede production
in steel-using industries. In fact, the reduction
in output during July was widely interpreted
as accomplishing quickly an inventory adjust­
ment which appeared inevitable in any case.
Reassurance as to underlying strength of the
business picture also was provided by the gen­
eral absence of significant secondary effects
from the continued weakness in autos, farm
machinery and home building.
Employment and income remained at record
levels during the summer. Total retail trade,

Em ploym ent, retail trade moved
to new highs before steel strike
b illio n

d o lla rs

C o nd itio ns, Se p te m b e r 1 9 5 6

m illio n

p e rs o n s


somewhat sluggish in the early months of the
year, had moved up to new highs in May and
June. In July, moreover, department store
sales set a new record, exceeding the excellent
year-ago results, and retailers were looking for­
ward to continued record sales in the remainder
of the year. Plant and equipment spending ad­
vanced further, and the demand for both longand short-term loans has been strong enough
to push interest rates up. But most significant
for business and financial planning was the evi­
dence that a mild but unmistakable rise in the
general price level is under way.
Directly following the settlement of the strike,
all major steel companies raised their prices an
average of about $8.50 per ton or 6 V2 per cent.
This action, in itself, raises the average level
of wholesale prices of all commodities by about
one-half of one per cent. But that is only the
start. Steel users are taking steps to pass the
increases along.
Labor-management negotiations in alumi­
num also have resulted in wage and price boosts
—one cent a pound or 4 per cent on pig alumi­
num. In July, copper prices were cut back by
primary producers to 40 cents a pound from
the 46-cent level posted in the spring, but cus­
tom smelters of secondary copper advanced
their prices slightly. Prices of certain other
nonferrous metals also have moved up.
Even before the settlement of the steel dis­
pute, higher prices were being announced for
a long list of goods in an attempt to improve
profit margins in the face of rising costs. Type­
writers, automobile tires, TV sets, beer and
most household appliances were marked up by
manufacturers—in most cases by 2 to 5 per
cent. At the same time, there was softness in
lumber and some textiles, but these price re­

ductions were far outweighed by the boosts
elsewhere. In July, almost half of the members
of the Purchasing Agents Association of Chi­
cago reported paying higher prices for their
principal purchases.
One of the most vigorous developments on
the price front has been in farm prices. From
December through June, average farm prices
increased by 10 per cent. In July they stood 3
per cent higher than last year. And the sea­
sonal decline as 1956 crops are harvested ap­
parently will be less than usual and substan­
tially smaller than last year.
In the second half of last year sharply lower
farm prices largely offset a 4 per cent increase
in industrial goods with the result that the
wholesale price index moved up only slightly.
So far this year, however, both farm and non­
farm prices have been rising with farm prices
providing the main push.
The consumer price index, responding main­
ly to upsurges in meat and fresh fruits and
vegetables, reached a record high in June, 1.6
per cent above a year ago. Further increases
in July activated cost-of-living wage clauses for
1.5 million workers who will get up to 3 cents
more per hour as a result. Although foods
have been responsible for most of the rise in
living costs this year, all major groups of con­
sumer items have been creeping upward.
Steel strike repercussions became most
important after the resumption of operations.
Except for the items in tightest supply, such as
heavy structural shapes, plates and pipe, sub­
stantial inventories had been accumulated dur­
ing the first six months of the year. At least
half of this gain in stocks was wiped out, as in­
ventories were reduced during the strike. Some
additional over-all reduction doubtless occurred
in August.
The automobile industry, the largest steel
customer, accounting for over one-fifth of total
shipments, was reported to have enough steel
on hand to complete 1956 model runs. Work
on parts and components for the 1957 models,
of course, is well under way, and the steel sup­
ply apparently will be adequate for planned
fourth-quarter assemblies.

Farm products provided main price
push in first half
1st h a lf

2 nd h alf
1st half
(per cent change within the periods)
Wholesale prices
products. . . ,. . . .

+ 2.1

— 9.7

+ 10.0

Industrial g o o d s . . . . .
A ll co m m od itie s.. . . . .

+ 0.6

+ 3.6
+ 0.9

+ 1.4


+ 0 .7

+ 2.6

Consumer prices
Foods ................... . . .
A ll ite m s............. . . . .

+ 0.8

— 1.6

+ 3.4

+ 0.1

+ 0.3

+ 1.3

The steel shutdown involved directly about
600 thousand workers. About 125 thousand
were idled in activities closely related to steel
production, such as mining, transportation, fire­
brick manufacture and so on. Additional lay­
offs have been quite limited. Through midAugust, the only large cutback announced by
Midwest firms due to steel shortages has been
the C aterpillar T ractor Com pany (19,000
workers at Peoria, Joliet and Decatur for two
weeks). Obviously, some building is being held
up by lack of structural steel, and other delays
will be encountered due to unbalanced inven­
tories and forced stretching out of delivery
Although retail buying was affected adversely
in Gary, Indiana, and some other steel centers,
there were no drastic reductions in sales. Many
merchants have been willing to liberalize credit
terms for workers who will return to “steady”
jobs at higher rates of pay. Steel spokesmen
now look forward to capacity operations for
the remainder of the year.
H o m e -b u ild in g activity has not improved
as the year moved on. In the first seven months
of the year new private starts for the nation
were estimated at 658,000— 18 per cent less
than last year, and the margin between the two
years had widened during the late spring. In
large Midwest cities the number of housing

H ousing starts rose seasonally
in second quarter but trail 1955
by wide margin











starts, as indicated by permits issued, was as
First-half change from
corresponding period in:
Chicago ...................... — 14%
Detroit ........................ — 11
Milwaukee ................. + 1 8
Indianapolis ................ — 3


— 6

M ilwaukee, the M idwest’s boomtown in
1956, is showing strength in housing as in most
other measures of activity.
Dollar volume of home building generally
has performed better than the number of starts
because of the tendency toward larger and more
completely appointed homes. But Midwest res­
idential building awards, reported by F. W.
Dodge, were off 9 per cent in the first seven
months of the year compared with a slight gain
for all of the other states for which data are
Lenders and builders report that the demand
for mortgage money is strong, and financing
difficulties, doubtless, are playing a part in hold­
ing down new starts. Some institutional lend­
ers currently favor industrial bonds over home
mortgages because of a greater relative im­
provement in yields. Average interest rates on

C o n d itio n s, S e p te m b e r 1 9 5 6

conventional loans are up X
A to Vi per cent as
compared with last year, and discounts are one
or two points greater on guaranteed loans.
Increasingly, builders throughout the coun­
try are plagued by the shortage of improved
land. In several Chicago suburbs the price of
improved residential frontage has doubled in
the past few years—in some cases since last
year. In the Detroit area, new zoning requiring
wider lots, higher permit and inspection fees
together with builders’ contributions to local
improvement funds are said to be adding 500
to 1,000 dollars per lot to development costs.
Insofar as house building is being held back
by tighter money, it is probable that a signifi­
cant easing in the situation must await either
lessened demand from competing uses of funds
such as industrial expansion and municipal im­
provements or a higher level of personal sav­
ing. At the present time, many building mate­
rials, including cement and metals, are being
fully utilized.
Em ploym ent continued to improve through
mid-June. At that time the situation was as
Change from June 1955
per cent
Total nonfarm ....................
Nonmanufacturing ...............
Manufacturing ....................
Construction m ach in e ry....
Industrial machinery........
Electrical g o o d s.................
Primary m etals.................
Farm m a c h in e ry ...............
Motor vehicles...................

+ 1,565
+ 1,351
+ 214
+ 24
+ 70
+ 83
+ 34
— 11
— 190

+ 3 .1
+ 4.0
+ 1.3
+ 18.5
+ 9.7
+ 7.4
+ 2.6
— 6.9
— 20.0

Nonfarm employment declined by 700,000
in July. Part of this was seasonal. The rest
was accounted for, almost entirely, by the steel
strike. Business firms, generally, expect to in­
crease their hirings moderately in the months
ahead. Auto industry payrolls are near their
low for the year and should rise substantially
in the fourth quarter. There is hope that con­
ditions in some of the Midwest centers classi­
fied as “substantial labor surplus” by the Labor
Department in the summer will improve. These
include South Bend, Terre Haute, Detroit, Flint,
Lansing, Muskegon and Kenosha.

Harder working dollars
vertime hours, part-time workers and un­
employed persons are all familiar parts of the
labor scene. Moreover, these terms may be ap­
plied to the nation’s money supply. Unem­
ployed money is the cash stashed away in mat­
tresses or safe deposit boxes and the minimum
balances in checking accounts. Part-time funds
are those that must wait in line in a checking
account or cash box before being spent. Per­
sons receiving their income in monthly or quar­
terly instalments, for example, probably will
draw down this money gradually until their
next payday, leaving some funds idle over most
of the period. Overtime money is that moving
out of the hands or accounts of individuals or
businesses as fast as it moves in, so that even
temporarily unemployed balances are seldom
Just as the proportion of workers in the un­
employed, part-time or overtim e categories
varies with changes in business activity, the
share of the money supply lying idle or work­
ing overtime fluctuates with economic condi­
tions. Consumer and business spending over
the past two years, for example, has risen at
a considerably more rapid rate than has the
stock of money. Hence, on the average, the
money supply has been used more intensively.
Money has passed from hand to hand at a faster
pace— “turnover” of money has increased.
M e a s u r in g tu rn over

At best, we have only indirect or incomplete
estimates of the rate of use of money. There
is, for example, no practical means of telling
how rapidly coin and paper money change
hands. Although the 30 billion dollars in cur­
rency outstanding are equal to one-fourth of
the balances in checking accounts, it is common­
ly assumed that less than 10 per cent of the
dollar volume of all transactions involves the
use of “pocketbook money.”
Payment by check has become the typical

method by which business, governments and
many individuals settle their bills. To keep
abreast of the pace of such spending, the Fed­
eral Reserve compiles figures on the volume of
checks drawn on demand deposits in a sample
of banks throughout the nation. These banks
hold about two-thirds of all outstanding de-

Rise in expenditures since 1954 . . .
billion dollar*

b illion dollar*

has been financed in part by a modest
growth in the money supply, accompa­
nied by sharp gains in money turnover

mand accounts. Outlays by the U.S. Treasury,
although a readily available figure, are excluded
from the data on “checkbook spending.”
M o n e y uses

Using the charges to the accounts of busi­
ness, consumers, and state and local govern­
ment, we find a dollar on deposit in banks out­
side the major financial centers changed hands
20 times during 1955. Some of these outlays
were to pay for goods and services “consumed.”
Last year, such expenditures accounted for 2Vi
of the 20 times each dollar was spent. Inter­
mediate transactions required for the manufac­
ture, processing and marketing of the nation’s
output and services, however, were vastly more
important in providing work for the money
supply, accounting for about 7 of the 20 times
deposits turned over. Thus, expenditures in­
volved in the production, distribution and final
consumption of the nation’s product resulted
in an average turnover of demand deposits of
around 10 times per year.
Over and above these uses of money there
is the huge volume of expenditures associated
with financial dealings. Almost all purchases
of stocks or bonds and real estate and other
property transfers, for example, involve at least

M o re rapid deposit turnover
in New York City mainly reflects
large-scale financial activity

C o nd itio ns, Se p te m b e r 1 9 5 6

one transfer of funds. Moreover, credit extend­
ed as well as the repayment of debt by business
and consumers multiplies the use of demand
deposits. Last year consumers alone made pay­
ments totaling about 50 billion dollars on their
mortgage and instalment debt. The importance
of financial transactions in expanding check­
book spending is indicated by the fact that in
New York, the center for a large part of the
nation’s investment dealings, the deposit turn­
over rate is double that of the rest of the
Recent tre nd s

The intensity of use of demand deposits has
increased sharply over the recent boom. Where­
as expenditures by individuals, businesses and
state and local governments for final products
have risen by 19 per cent since early 1954, the
stock of money has increased by only 6 per
cent. Hence, the money turnover for such GNP
purchases has grown by about 13 per cent over
the past two-and-a-quarter years.
The over-all turnover of checkbook money,
however, has increased at a slightly more rapid
pace. This is a result no doubt of the 1954
and 1955 surge both in security transactions
and credit activity. The velocity or “rate of
travel” of demand deposits in centers in which
financial and investment deals play a relatively
small part is now 16 per cent ahead of the early
1954 pace. As the chart indicates, a large part
of the rise has come since the first quarter of
Cyclical ch an ge s

Changes in the intensity of use of money
tend to mirror movements in over-all economic
activity. In a period of business pickup, for
example, many firms respond to the brightened
outlook by activating idle deposit balances in
order to build up inventories and expand plant
and equipment outlays. Moreover, consumers,
with more optimistic employment prospects,
boost their purchases of goods and services
either by “employing” their savings or adding
to their debt.
As business activity continues to rise, the

expanding demand for credit may outrun the
available supply, with the result that those com­
panies and individuals that are unable to bor­
row all the funds they would like will econo­
mize even further on their cash balances. Fur­
thermore, higher interest rates will coax previ­
ously idle funds into short-term investments,
transferring deposits into the active “working
On the other hand, just as the demands asso­
ciated with high and rising levels of business
activity can be expected to generate more effi­
cient use of money in the aggregate, so can low
or falling levels of business activity be expected
to result in a less intense use of the money sup­
ply. With the dampening of demand in such
periods, many consumers and businesses shift
funds from active to idle balances, with the
result that average turnover decreases. More­
over, the unwillingness of individuals and firms
to add materially to their indebtedness reduces

the rate of use of demand deposits and currency.
Shifts in the intensity of money use, closely
associated as they are with changes in over-all
business activity and the demand for loanable
funds, play an important role in Federal Re­
serve decisions to encourage or limit growth
in outstanding bank credit and hence in the
nation’s money supply. The System in its pol­
icy deliberations must be concerned with the
combined effects of changes in the stock of
money and fluctuations in the rate of use of
that money on total spending. The recent in­
creases, for example, in money turnover that
accompanied the build-up of inflationary pres­
sures in the economy made it necessary for
the Federal Reserve to restrict the expansion
in the money supply more than would otherwise
be called for. Likewise, a fall in the rate of
money use during a period of declining busi­
ness would require System effort to expand
further the stock of money.

Upturn due in farm income
TJ_he descent of farm income has halted after

almost five years of irregular but persistent de­
cline. Despite large programs to stem the down­
trend, the drop was substantial. Running at a
war-borne annual rate of 16.8 billion dollars in
the fourth quarter of 1951, net farm income
had slid to an 11.3 billion rate in the second
quarter of this year. However, the figure has
remained essentially stable for the last four
quarters, and the outlook strongly indicates an
uptrend through the next 12 months at least.
In the first half of this year prices received by
farmers were already rising faster than the
usual movement for that season.
S u p p ly a n d d e m a n d , 1 9 5 1 - 5 5

Farm output increased rapidly between 1951
and 1955. The volume of marketings mounted

11 per cent in those four years, and this pressed
downward on prices.
On the demand side diverse influences were
operating. Population grew 7 per cent; dis­
posable income per person rose about 11 per
cent, but the share of income spent on food
dipped. Thus, total consumer expenditures at
retail for food and other processed farm prod­
ucts increased only 10-12 per cent although
aggregate disposable income climbed more.
While a rise in retail expenditures can usu­
ally be expected to strengthen demand and
prices at the farm level, during the last five
years this influence was more than offset by
the increased supply, rising marketing costs
and, in 1952-53, shrinking exports. Even the
large acquisitions by the Commodity Credit
Corporation failed to stem the tide. Prices re-

Low er crop output to reduce
total farm production this year

ceived by farmers declined an average of 22
per cent, as compared with the 11 per cent gain
in volume of commodities marketed. Since
production costs remained relatively stable, to­
tal net farm income tumbled over 30 per cent.
Incom e prospects im p ro ve

In the period immediately ahead it seems
likely that the demand for farm products will
continue to expand gently, as in recent years.
And, as the expansion of supply was the cru­
cial factor in the recent deterioration of farm
prices and income, so also the prospective im­
provement in farm income is attributed to a
likely reduction in output.
In the second half of this year total output
of livestock products probably will be no higher
than a year ago. Although production of milk
and poultry products may exceed year-earlier
quantities, output of meat animals will be lower
than in the last six months of 1955—due large­
ly to reduced supplies of hogs. Hence, after
eight years of steady uptrend, it appears that
production of livestock products is leveling off,
for the time being at least.
Total crop acreage harvested this year is
expected to be somewhat below 1955. The
July 1 crop report estimated a 1 per cent reduc­
tion from last year, and the “deposit” of 12.3
B usiness
C onditio ns, Se p te m b e r 1 9 5 6

million acres in the soil bank resulted in further
reductions. Feed grains — corn, oats, barley
and sorghums — especially important to the
Midwest farm economy, showed a reduction of
about 9 million acres at midseason, and this
was only partly offset by a 5 million acre rise
in wheat and soybeans.
In addition, yields per acre will be lower than
last year for cotton, wheat, oats, sorghums and
hay, and these reductions will not be fully off­
set by the indicated higher yield for soybeans.
Thus total crop production this year may dip
from 3 to 5 per cent below 1955. This would
have the effect of reducing aggregate farm out­
put somewhat for the first decline in six years.
Since prices usually rise faster than marketings
decline, incomes should rise as a result of this
curtailment of supply.
Another factor in the income situation this
fall will be soil bank payments. Although the
261 million dollars in payments will amount
to less than 3 per cent of total net farm income,
the amount will be almost entirely a net addi­
tion to income since the 1956 program was
inaugurated too late to have much effect on
crop output. In 1957 and subsequent years
soil bank payments presumably will be in lieu
of crop production and sales.
The M id w e st

In general, the Midwest fared slightly better
than the country as a whole in the farm income
slide between 1951 and 1955. However, the
two broad areas that make up Midwest agricul­
ture—the Corn Belt and the Dairy Belt—ex­
hibited dissimilar income patterns within that
period. In the Corn. Belt states of Illinois, Indi­
ana and Iowa net farm income dipped only 3
per cent from 1951 to 1954, whereas the drop
amounted to 33 per cent in the Dairy Belt
states of Michigan and Wisconsin. In 1955,
however, net income declined much more in
the Corn Belt than in the Dairy Belt.
D a iry Belt

Reasons for these diverse income trends can
be found in price movements of the principal
commodities produced in the two belts. Milk

is by far the most important farm commodity
produced in Michigan and Wisconsin. Between
1951 and 1954 the average price received by
U.S. farmers for wholesale milk slid from $4.58
per hundred pounds to $3.97. However, in
1955 the price had inched back to $4.00, and
cash receipts from farm marketings in the Dairy
Belt states showed only a 2 per cent decline.
In the first seven months of 1956 milk prices
averaged 13 cents per hundredweight above the
year-earlier figure. In turn, cash receipts by
farmers in Michigan and Wisconsin ran slightly
above levels of a year ago.
For the remainder of this year gross and net
income probably will continue to exceed yearago levels in the Dairy Belt. The support price
for manufacturing milk is 10 cents per hun­
dredweight higher than last year, and the vol­
ume of production undoubtedly will extend its
upward trend of recent years.
Corn Belt

stantially, but the effects of this on gross and
net income were partly offset by larger and
more efficient production of those crops. Con­
sequently, net income in the Corn Belt dipped
very little between 1951 and 1954.
However, 1955 told a different story. Hog
prices plunged from $21.60 per hundredweight
to $15.00. The feeding margin for beef cattle
shrank. Corn and soybean prices skidded about
10 per cent. Cash receipts declined about 11
per cent, and net income apparently slumped
by at least double that percentage.
The shrinkage of Corn Belt farm income
halted about year-end, and it remained essen­
tially stable (on a seasonally adjusted basis) in
the early part of this year. In the first five
months of 1956 cash farm receipts in Illinois,
Indiana and Iowa ran 2 per cent under yearago.
In July the price of grain-fed beef cattle rose
from 2 to 4 dollars per hundredweight, depend­
ing on grade, and the feeding margin widened.
In August the rise was extended further. The
price spurt was the result of a reduced supply.
It is expected that the supply of high-quality
fed cattle will remain relatively small through
most of the remainder of this year. Conse­
quently, prices and feeding margins should con­
tinue above a year earlier.
The spring pig crop, which will be marketed
largely during the next six months, was 8 per
cent smaller than a year ago. Hog prices moved

In the Corn Belt, hogs, beef cattle, corn and
soybeans are, in that order, the most important
sources of farm income. Together they account
for about 70 per cent of total cash receipts.
Between 1951 and 1954, when Corn Belt
cash receipts held up remarkably well, hog
prices received by farmers actually increased
from an average of $20.00 per hundredweight
to $21.60. Although prices of beef cattle fell
precipitously from their record 1951 level, the
effect of this drop was
not borne fully by Mid­
west farm ers. C o rn
M e a t an im a ls an d crops contribute bulk of cash receipts
Belt cattlemen typically
in Corn Belt; milk most important in Dairy Belt
buy range cattle and
fatten them; hence their
Total cash
receipts, 1955 Cattle
H ogs
D a iry
Poultry Corn So y b e a n s Other
profits are affected by
changes in the margin
(percentage of total cash receipts from various
(million dollars)
commodities, 1955)
between prices of feed­
er cattle and fat cattle,
In d ia n a
and this margin declined
Io w a
m uch less th a n th e
M ic h iga n
over-all price of beef
cattle during the period.
W isconsin
Prices of both corn and
*lncluded in "O ther."
soybeans dropped subSOURCE: U. S. Department of Agriculture.

Prices respond to supply changes
livestock a n d livestock products
v o lu m e of m a r k e t i n g s
per c e n t , 1 9 4 7 - 4 9 * 1 0 0

Corn Belt’s four major commodities looks more
favorable for the remainder of the year. In
addition, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa will receive
relatively large shares of the soil bank pay­
ments, owing to the fact that two-thirds of the
total will be made on corn land. The result
could be a substantial gain in Corn Belt farm
income in the last half of this year.
N ext year


above year-earlier levels last month and should
remain above at least through the winter.
Government crop reports forecast excellent
harvests of corn and soybeans this year in the
Corn Belt. The price support level for soybeans
is $2.15 per bushel compared with $2.04 in
1955. Consequently, even if, as seems likely,
this year’s crop is much larger, the price at
harvesttime should not be far different from
a year ago.
The 1956 price support for corn grown in
compliance with acreage allotments is moder­
ately under a year ago, but this year for the
first time price support loans will be available
at $1.25 a bushel for corn not grown in com­
pliance with allotments. Consequently, even if
this year’s corn crop is as large as last year’s,
the price should not slip nearly as far below
the support level as it did in 1955 when much
corn sold for $1.00 per bushel at year-end.
Thus, the income picture for each of the

B usiness
C ond itio ns, Se p te m b e r 1 9 5 6

Current income trends should hold through
the first half of next year. Beyond that time,
1957 crop conditions and Government pro­
grams will largely dominate the picture. If
support is maintained at the current level for
milk, Dairy Belt income should be at least as
high as this year, especially in view of the likeli­
hood that volume of output will expand further.
Since cutbacks in hog production usually
last about two years in the typical hog cycle, it
seems probable that hog supplies will follow a
downtrend all through next year, and prices
should be very favorable. The cattle-feeding
situation can change quickly and will be deter­
mined largely by the number of cattle placed
on feed this fall.
The income prospects for corn and soybeans
are heavily dependent on Government pro­
grams and whether Dame Nature smiles or
frowns during the critical growing season. But
since additional funds are being channeled into
farm assistance programs and the Midwest in
all probability will be favored with reasonably
good harvests, the current improvement in farm
income stands a good chance of being extended
beyond mid-1957.

Business C o n d itio n s is published monthly by
the f e d e r a l r e s e r v e b a n k o f C h i c a g o . Sub­
scriptions are available to the public without
charge. For information concerning bulk mail­
ings to banks, business organizations and edu­
cational institutions, write: Research Depart­
ment, Federal Reserve Bank Bank of Chicago,
Box 834, Chicago 90, Illinois. Articles may be
reprinted provided source is credited.

Midwestern economies
L_7ome general characteristics of “the Midwest
economy” stand out to the most casual observ­
er— its prosperity, the dominance of a few
types of industries and its ability to hold its
own, that is, to maintain its share of the na­
tion’s economic activity over the years. Yet
these generalizations, while valid, conceal vari­
ations in Midwest economic life that are fully
as significant as the common features. This is
because, realistically speaking, there is no such
thing as “the Midwest economy.” What we do
have is a collection of smaller economies: close
to three dozen distinguishable urban areas in
the Seventh District states and two broad agri­
cultural economies— Corn Belt farming in most
of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri and
substantial portions of Nebraska and Ohio and
Dairy Belt farming in Minnesota, Wisconsin
and Michigan.
What makes a distinctive single economy?
This is a question economists often ponder, at
length, in technical jargon' Briefly, in any one
“economy,” the various industries and geo­
graphic sections intimately depend on each
other. The nation’s major industries are com­
plexly interconnected with their suppliers and
markets throughout the country. For smaller
areas, interdependence is of a different kind.
Much economic activity in an area specifically
depends on the needs of local consumers. Many
small establishments in a community exist to
service the larger local plants which sell through­
out the nation, with both large and small firms
depending on each other.
Moreover, in a single economy, the economic
process goes on within a framework of com­
mon institutions and homogeneous factors of
production, that is, a common labor supply, a
common capital market, similar industries and
the like. For the United States as a whole, this
homogeneity is clearly present. We have free
movement of labor, capital and goods within
our boundaries, a common monetary system,

a common framework of laws and institutions
for foreign economic dealings, and many other
common governm ental institutions, not the
least of which is a uniform nationwide fiscal
system which bears far more heavily on eco­
nomic activity than the many diverse local fiscal
systems. Areas of less than nationwide scope
have homogeneity, though it differs in charac­
ter. For example, although there are no legal
barriers to individual movement and hence our
labor supply is truly a national one, in the short
run people generally are reluctant to move from
place to place. So there are local labor mar­
kets within the national one.
Thus, a metropolitan area’s economic mech­
anism is usually distinctive for it has within
itself major elements of homogeneity—notably
a common labor market and a common market
for locally produced consumption goods and
services. On the other hand, the broad farm
belts have in common similar products which
in turn are the result of similar natural condi­
tions—soils, temperature and precipitation. In
short, the M idwestern econom ic landscape
could be pictured as distinctive urban islands
in two major agricultural seas.
C h a rtin g the rural se a s

What are these economies like? Nearly all
derive their prosperity from specialization in
high-value production — farm or industrial.
Take the rural economies with a third of the
region’s population first. A combination of
fertile soils—90 per cent of the nation’s land
described by soil technicians as excellent lies
here— level topography, generous rainfall, fa­
vorable temperatures, the proximity of large
and growing markets for farm products, and
energetic and technologically advanced farmers
make the Midwest the world’s greatest agricul­
tural area.
Corn Belt farmers concentrate on the pro­
duction of corn for feeding to the cattle and

hogs which provide the bulk of the country’s
meat. Hogs, cattle and calves and corn together
provide two-thirds of Corn Belt farm income.
With some obvious exceptions like cotton, to­
bacco and citrus fruits, Corn Belt land and cli­
mate are such that Corn Belt farmers get first
choice among the crops. If farmers elsewhere
grow these same crops, they do so at a distinct
competitive disadvantage. Not only are there
a number of alternative crops among which
Corn Belt farmers get first choice, but these
alternatives are relatively close to one another
in profitability. This tends to stabilize farm in­
come from year to year and, incidentally, pro­
vides a readily available fund of technical
know-how to facilitate shifts between crops
whenever conditions warrant them. Yet an­
other source of long-term strength and stability
is the fact that Corn Belt agriculture is well
attuned to the basic trends associated with eco­
nomic growth since consumer demand for highquality meat increases as the national economy
expands and consumer incomes rise.
D a iry Belt differs

Dairy Belt farmers, in the northern tier of
the Midwest, are not so well off. The land and
climate are such that the area’s advantage over
other areas extends to the production of only
a few widely grown crops. The area cannot
compete with the Corn Belt in corn-hog-cattle
production, so these farmers do the next best
thing. They grow hay, oats and grasses for
feeding to dairy cows, and they get over twofifths of their income from the sale of dairy
products. Actually, the Corn Belt could pro­
duce much more milk per acre of land than
the Dairy Belt because it can better produce
feeds suitable for dairy cows. However, grains
and meat animals are more profitable than a
milk and roughage economy would be. Hence,
farm incomes in the Dairy Belt average well
below those in the Corn Belt. And there are
other disadvantages. The substantial fixed in­
vestment required for dairy farming permits
far less year-to-year change in the composi­
tion of farm output in response to market
conditions. Moreover, the demand for dairy
C onditio ns, Se p te m b e r 1 9 5 6

products is less responsive to rising income than
the demand for meat, and there are more close
substitutes — for example, vegetable oils for
milk fat. On the other hand, the profitability
of milk production is more stable through boom
and depression than that of producing meat
The urb an isla n d s

The character of Midwest agricultural re­
sources has made its mark on Midwest urban
economies as well. Of the 31 Census-defined
m etropolitan areas in the Seventh D istrict
(cities of 50,000 or more and their environs),
eight specialize heavily in the processing of the
output of Midwest farms or in making equip­
ment for farmers. As one might expect, the
notable farm product processing industries in­
volve meat, corn and soybeans. Nearly all of
the smaller cities derive significant portions
of their livelihoods from providing neighboring
farmers with a wide variety of services.
Midwestern cities, aside from farm product
processing, are not important centers of non­
durable manufactures. In the Great Lakes urban
communities, metals and things made of metal
rule. It all but a few of the 31 metropolitan
areas, the manufacture of steel and nonferrous
metals themselves, machinery, motor vehicles
and parts, or other fabricated metal products
is the predominant local specialty. So much
so that the region, with only a sixth of the
country’s urban population, accounts for a
third of the country’s output of metals and
metal products.
Farm s a n d cars crucial

Actually, Midwestern cities are more de­
pendent on agricultural prosperity and the de­
mand for motor vehicles than these figures indi­
cate, since many firms in the machinery and
metal products industries sell much of their
output for use by firms which themselves man­
ufacture motor vehicles and farm machinery or
process farm products. Last year the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago put the economies of
five medium-sized prosperous Midwest cities
under the microscope and closely examined the

source of their “export” earnings, that is, their
earnings from the sale of goods and services
outside their own metropolitan areas. Cities spe­
cialize in “export” industries, while production
for local consumption is more or less similar in
all cities of a given size. Hence “export” earn­
ings measure the relative importance of local
specialties. Currently, similar studies are under
way for Indianapolis and Milwaukee.
In all seven of these cities, manufacturing
activities related to the Midwest’s most impor­

tant functions — making motor vehicles and
supplying farmers with machinery, fertilizer
and similar items, and processing their output
—yielded at least a fifth of the total “export”
earnings. In Fort Wayne, a mature and seem­
ingly diversified industrial city, automotiverelated manufacturing industries provide about
30 per cent of the area’s “export” earnings. In
Indianapolis, a much larger and considerably
more diverse community now being studied,
auto-related and farm-related manufacturing

Seventh District rural and urban economies

Seventh District metropolitan areas-1 9 5 0 population


Seventh District
I outside District


50,0 00 -1 50 ,00 0


1 5 0 ,0 0 0 -30 0 ,0 0 0

® 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 and over


ISeventh D istrict
loutside D istrict


G re e n B a y


M o in e s



W aterloo

R o ck fori

R a p id s
Quad Cities
F o rt W a y n e *
P e o ria




to half the country’s primary metals
output; the five Seventh District
So u rce s of "e xp o rt" earnings in seven Midwest
states themselves account for a
fourth of the total.
cities recently studied by the Federal Reserve Bank
Along with proximity to the ba­
of Chicago
natural resources, Midwest pro­
Farm product
ducers of durable goods have the
A ll other
A u tom otive
an d farm
advantage of closeness to markets.
Other (government,
a n d related
m achinery
The important fact here is that, de­
m anu­
m anu­
m anu­
spite the recent migrations to the
facturing trade, etc.)
factu rin g
West and Southwest, half the coun­
(per cent of total)
try’s population still lives in the
Decatur, Illinois
northeastern quarter of the United
Fort W ayn e , In d ia n a
States. This directly aids Midwest
W aterloo, Io w a
Flint, M ic h iga n
consum er goods industries—not­
M a d iso n , W isconsin
ably automobiles — and indirectly
In d ia n ap o lis, In d ia n a 1
helps the equally important Mid­
M ilw auk ee, W isco n sin 1
west producer goods manufacturers
'Less than 1 per cent.
who supply other m anufacturers
1Figures are tentative; cities now und er study.
serving the vast consumer markets
in the North Atlantic and Great
Lakes states.
These factors explain the emer­
gence of Midwest durables indus­
tries and to some extent the area’s continued
appears to account for over a fifth of the area’s
predominance. To a large degree, a developed
“export” earnings, despite the apparent hetero­
industrial area persists through its own momen­
tum. That is, m'odern large-scale industry re­
W h y d u ra b le s
quires not only good access to the basic raw
Just as the rural economies have advantages
materials and markets, but also the presence
which make the Midwest the world’s greatest
close-by of a wide variety of supplying and
agricultural area, the urban economies have a
servicing businesses. Once these suppliers have
combination of natural, human and man-made
developed, the area is even more attractive for
resources and markets which together make the
durable goods production. This is the case in
the Midwest. Durable goods producers can find
region the world’s greatest durable goods pro­
ducer. Historically, and logically, the output of
not only the basic metals here, but also an un­
equaled array of the semifinished products they
finished and semifinished durables has depend­
ed on the output of the basic metals themselves.
need and an abundance of small subsidiary
businesses. For example, the five Seventh Dis­
The Midwest is pre-eminent in metals output.
trict states have about a fourth of the nation’s
And this is to be expected, for within 500 miles
10,000 small machine shops. There is some­
of Chicago close to two-thirds of the nation’s
coal production, four-fifths of its iron ore out­
thing of a chicken-and-egg question here, but
put and over a third of its limestone production
Midwestern cities now have both hens and eggs
occur. These are the basic raw materials for
in abundance.
iron and steel production, and by and large
All this has added up to considerable pros­
they reach Midwest metals centers via rela­
perity for Midwesterners, although perhaps at
tively inexpensive water transport. Thus the
the price of somewhat greater exposure to busi­
Midwest, broadly conceived, accounts for close
ness fluctuations. Their personal incomes are

B usiness C ond itio ns, Se p te m b e r 1 9 5 6

on the average about a tenth higher than in the
nation as a whole. Midwest farmers earn about
one-third more than the average of farmers
elsewhere. Moreover, with the exception of
southern Illinois and possibly the northern cut­
over areas, there is little “spot” distress in the
Midwest; that is, there are few communities
in the region which have experienced chronic
unemployment in the midst of national pros­
The local econom ic process

individuals and firms deriving their earnings
from “export” activities, enterprises which pri­
marily serve the local market, like trade and
service establishments, depend for their success
ultimately on the community’s “exporters.”
Moreover, with infrequent exceptions, the
activities that comprise a city’s “taking in its
own washing” ape similar from place to place.
Services rendered by laundries, lawyers and
doctors, bakeries and a variety of retail estab­
lishments are roughly proportionate in differ­
ent cities in the same part of the country. A
city's well-being, therefore, depends mainly on
the external markets for the products in which
it specializes and on the effectiveness with which
its producers compete for these markets. For
example, payrolls, employment, retail sales and
bank deposits in Detroit and most eastern Mich­
igan cities are closely related to the sales of
their principal “export” products — motor ve­
hicles and parts.

The critical role of “exports” in local econ­
omies has been touched on earlier. To some
extent, a city’s way of making its living is a
circular process. People “take in each other’s
washing” — that is, a fair proportion of the
workers in every community earn their keep
by producing goods and services for each other.
This kind of local specialization has existed in
cities for centuries. However, ours is an inter­
dependent national, not local, economy. No
A 5 0 0 m illion d o lla r city
modern city produces within its own borders
all the building materials, clothing, home appli­
Now follow this approach in Fort Wayne, a
ances, automobiles, machinery and equipment
representative Midwest city studied last year.
its citizens want to buy. In highly developed
Here local activities yielded earnings of about
countries, the advanced state of technology per­
185 m illion dollars and “ export” earnings
mits cities and regions
to specialize in the pro­
duction of the things
which they can make
F arm -related manufacturing activities are more im­
most efficiently.
portant in most Midwest cities than elsewhere
To buy the “import­
ed” goods and services
Per cent of m a n u factu rin g em ploym ent in farm
product processing a n d farm m achinery industries
its residents need, a com­
Less than 5
5 -1 0
1 0 -2 5
over 50
2 5 -5 0
munity must produce
goods and services which
C h ic a g o
Q u a d Cities
it can sell outside its
Fort W a y n e
Sp rin gfie ld
Siou x City
own borders. In other
K a la m a z o o
In d ian ap o lis
Green Bay
Terre Haute
W a te rlo o
M u sk e go n
M uncie
M ilw a u k e e
C e d a r R ap id s
words, it must “export,”
South Bend
Des M o in e s
and in substantial vol­
B ay City
Du b u qu e
ume, if its citizens are to
G ra n d R ap id s
Battle Creek
enjoy the great variety
M a d iso n
of goods which go to
make up a high stand­
S a g in a w
ard of living. And since
U.S. average,, exclu din g Seventh District states = 8 per cent.
a large proportion of
sales within a city are to


In Fort W a y n e , local activities —
" t a k in g in each o th e r’s w a s h in g " —
p rovid e

million dollars

part o f the c o m m u n ity 's incom e . . .

a n d part o f its needs.

locally produced goods
and services used in the

The rest of the g o o d s a n d services
it n e e d s m u st b e " i m p o r t e d "
f r o m o t h e r p la c e s .
It pays for these "im p o r ts " . . .

imported goods and
services used in the

and makes its contribution to
the state and Federal governm ents . . .

out of its earnings from "e x p o r t in g " to
the rest of the country and the world.


amounted to close to 300 million dollars. These
local activities provided the bulk of the serv­
ices needed by the community, slightly less than
half the food consumed, just about half the
other soft goods and appreciably less than half
the consumer durables. The rest of the com­
munity’s consumption bill was accounted for
by goods and services produced elsewhere and
“imported”— a total of nearly 165 million dol­
lars. The area’s residents paid for these “im­
ports” and made their contributions (in the
form of taxes) to the state and Federal govern­
ments out of their earnings from “exporting”
to the rest of the country and the world. They
also paid interest, rent and dividends to outside
creditors and to outside owners of assets—real
estate and equity interests—located in the community and received income from their hold­

B usiness
C o nd itio ns, Se p te m b e r 1 9 5 6

earnings from "export" activities

ings of similar assets elsewhere. On balance,
they probably had some capital surplus.
To further improve its position, Fort Wayne
might sell more goods and services outside (in­
crease its “exports”) or produce more of its
own needs locally. It might experience an in­
flux of residents—say retired people—who get
income from outside assets. For most Midwest
communities, “export” earnings are apt to be
the most variable element in the picture. Since
American industries are free to locate where
they can produce most efficiently and Ameri­
can consumers and businesses are free to pur­
chase their needs where they can strike the best
bargains, Midwesterners will continue to pros­
per as long as Midwest communities retain their
present advantages as producers of durable
goods and finished farm products.