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Wartime Federal Reserve Policy
Stable Interest Kates Maintained
Just prior to the United States’ entry into the war Federal
Reserve System credit policy was directed primarily toward
maintaining orderly conditions in the Government securi­
ties market. It was not the aim of policy to maintain at any
fixed level security prices and interest rates, which might
change as the result of factors outside the Federal Reserve
System’s control.
Following Pearl Flarhor, with the vast war borrowing
program, Federal Reserve policy was gradually directed to­
ward two main objectives: (1) supplying member banks
with sufficient reserves to assure that Treasury financial
requirements would be met, and (2) maintaining prices in
the Government securities market to assure that Treasury
financing would be done at reasonable rates in a stable mar­
ket, and to discourage investors from withholding purchases
in order to obtain higher rates later on. That the Federal
Reserve System has been successful in meeting these objec­
tives is indicated by the fact that the war program has never
been held up for lack of funds and by the maintenance
during the war of a virtually constant pattern of interest
rates on Government securities, ranging from Vs per cent on
Treasury bills to 2 per cent on ten-year bonds and 2ki per
cent on twenty-five-year bonds.

While giving assurance that the war effort would never
lag because of a shortage of funds, the Federal Reserve
System has made every effort to reduce the amount of Treas­
ury financing through the banking system to the minimum
consistent with the smooth operation of the war economy.
When the Treasury sells securities to the banking system
it obtains from the banks deposit credits which previously
did not exist. As the Treasury spends these deposits to
meet its war and other expenditures the deposits are added
to the total stock of money in the hands of the public. This
is in sharp contrast to the effect on the stock of money of
Treasury expenditures financed by taxation or by the sale
of securities to others than banks. Tax payments or pur­
chase of securities by nonbank investors result in a transfer
of funds from the public to the Treasury. When the Trea­
sury disburses these funds they are again returned to the
public, with the result that the total stock of money is left
Among the steps taken by the Federal Reserve System
to reduce inflationary pressures have been vigorous support
of heavy wartime taxation, endorsement of price and ration­
ing controls, restriction of consumer credit terms under
Regulation W, participation in the organization and admin­
istration of war loan drives, and attempts to curb bank
credit expansion during these drives. However, despite these
and other efforts by the Government, the total stock of
money rose by more than 60 billion dollars between Decem­

ber 31, 1941 and July 31, 1944—bank deposits, other than
interbank deposits, increasing from less than 69 billion dol­
lars to more than 118 billion dollars, and money in circula­
tion from 11 to over 22 billion dollars.
Approximately matching this expansion in the money
supply has been an addition of about 63 billion dollars to
holdings of Government securities by commercial and
Federal Reserve Banks between the end of December 1941
and the end of July 1944. This represents about 43 per
cent of the 146 billion dollar increase in the public debt,
direct and guaranteed, over this period and approximately
33 per cent of the 190 billion dollars of Government war
expenditures. It should be pointed out that much of the
large increase in the stock of money has reflected a genuine
need by individuals, business firms, and the Government
for additional cash balances to carry on smoothly the en­
larged volume of transactions in the war economy and for
a liquid hedge against the many uncertainties created by the
war environment.

Between the end of 1941 and November 1, 1944, Federal
Reserve Bank credit increased from 2.4 billion dollars to
18.3 billion dollars in order to supply member banks with
the reserves needed to support the wartime expansion in
the money supply. By far the largest part of this 15.9
billion dollar increase in Reserve Bank credit has been
(Continued on Page 7)





------- 15




Soil Depletion—A Challenge to Farming
Fertility Drain Far Exceeds Replacement
Bankruptcy of the soil is something contemplated by a
very few farmers. Like any other reserve, the fertility of the
soil cannot forever be drawn upon without eventually over­
drawing the account. Because of the richness of many of the
American soils little thought in the past has been given to
the limitations of cropping which the soils of the district
can stand.
To be sure, farmers in the Seventh Federal Reserve Dis­
trict have long been sold upon the importance of crop rota­
tion, and have been extensive users of legume crops in order
to improve nitrogen balance. But the alarming extent to
which drains of essential fertility elements from the soil
exceed replacements is not generally recognized by farmers.
Recent surveys show that nearly all farmers think that the
fertility of their soils is not less than it was ten years ago.
During the last five years of war farmers of the district
have very materially stepped up their crop production above
the levels prevailing in the five years preceding the war.
This increase in the output per acre of the district’s farms
has made very serious drains upon the fertility reserves of
the soil. This was beyond doubt a wise use of such reserves,
since one can scarcely conceive of needs for agricultural
production more critical than those prevailing during this
war. However, it is time to begin to take stock of what is
happening to soil fertility, and to begin to think and plan
seriously about making larger offsetting deposits to these
fertility accounts before the yields begin to come out stamped
figuratively "insufficient funds.”
Perhaps no one would question that we have been draw­
ing excessively on fertility elements in the soil during the
last five years. But probably few people realize the extent
to which, even in normal times, we were mining the soil,
exploiting it in the sense of taking out much more than we
were replacing. Some students of the problem say that even
in prewar years we were extracting from the soil 8 to 9
times as much fertility as was being returned. For some
states in the district and for some elements the ratios are
almost unbelievably much higher than this.

tatively and at the present stage of the nation’s soil develop­
ment they do not constitute as great a problem in soil main­
tenance as do the major elements. The trace elements are
iron, manganese, boron, copper, and zinc.
The balance of the discussion in this article will be con­
fined to certain points regarding only three of the major
elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
Nitrogen is an essential constituent of all plant and animal
structures. It is especially important in the tissues concerned
with growth and reproduction. The rate of growth of plants
is more dependent upon nitrogen than any other single
element. Without nitrogen there would be no growth or
reproduction in either plants or animals. Nitrogen supplies
in the soil are supplemented from the air. The most im­
portant device by which supplies from the air are stored in
the soil is the fixing of nitrogen in the roots of certain plants
by bacterial action in the tissue of the roots. Plants capable
of this fixation are known as legumes. Common legume
crops are alfalfa, clover, soybeans, peas, and beans. It is
generally believed that a legume like the soybean supplies
about one-third of the nitrogen content of the total mature
plant from the nitrogen fixed in the roots. Best results are
obtained from soybeans in rotation when the entire crop is
plowed under as a green manure. Cutting for hay or har­
vesting for beans leaves less nitrogen as a reserve in the soil
than plowing the crop under.
The great importance of phosphorus in general farming
arises from the fact that low yield is more often due to a
lack of phosphorus than to the lack of any other element.
It is found in every living cell and is essential to both plant
and animal nutrition. In plants it is heavily concentrated
in the seeds. Adequate phosphorus in cells promotes rapid
plant growth and development, accelerates maturity and
improves the quality of vegetation. It is especially important
in these northern states where, in such crops as com,
maturity before frost date is highly important.
Potassium is widely prevalent in the earth’s soils but only
a very small amount of it is available to plant growth be­
cause of the slowness with which it is converted to useful
forms. Potassium is important to the plant in promoting full
For purposes of effective and economical crop production vigor, providing resistance to disease, and promoting the
two groups of elements are required. The first group, com­ growth processes. Abundant supplies of available potassium
monly referred to as major elements, are required in rel­ are also of material assistance to the plant in utilizing soil
atively large quantities for effective plant growth. These moisture advantageously, especially during drought.
are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potas­
sium, calcium, sulphur, and magnesium. Of these, carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, and a portion of the nitrogen are obtained
Obviously, the drain in plant nutrients from the soil
from the air and from water. The remaining items must be varies considerably between different crops. In general nitro­
obtained from the soil. The second group of elements, often gen is the most important element quantitatively, but this
referred to as “trace” elements, are not less important than should not be taken to mean that it is the most important
the so-called major elements. They are just as essential to element in plant growth. Each essential element is vital to
healthy plant growth. But these are less important quanti­ successful cropping and soil management. Each plant spe-

Page 1

cies has an optimum requirement for each of the elements,
and the quantity of that element required for maximum
production per acre of the crop has no relationship to
the quantitative requirements for the same element in
other crops.
A deficiency of any one of the vital elements of plant
nutrition in a given soil is a substantial bottleneck limiting
the growth of a given crop, and cannot be offset by relative
excesses of other nutrients. For example, some soils in the
district have sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus for high
yields of corn, but a deficiency of potassium limits yields to
as low as. 20 bushels per acre. Additions of small amounts
of potassium have resulted in raising corn yields very sub­
stantially on such soils.
In terms of soil management different crops vary in the
drain upon the soil. The following table illustrates the con­
tent of three elements in terms of pounds per acre, using

illustrative yields. The figures shown are the estimated con­
tent for grain only, except in the case of hay.
Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium

(in pounds per acre)
Corn (45 bushels)............ . ... 44.9
Wheat (25 bushels)........ .... 33.0
Oats (30 bushels) .......... ..... 18.8
Soybeans (25 bushels) ... .... 83.6
Tame Hay (one ton) ............ 47.8
Two points in this table deserve emphasis. It is some­
times believed that soybeans grown for beans are not par­
ticularly a soil-depleting crop because, being a legume, under
proper management the nitrogen balance can be main­
tained. However, the losses in phosphorus and particularly
potassium per acre of soybeans harvested are exceedingly
large. The second point is that many farmers believe that
hay is not particularly soil depleting. This would be true if
all the hay were fed on farms and the manure carefully con-








'43 '35


'43 '33


‘43 3!

'43 '35






*Caution: The relatively better showing for Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin is due in part to understatement of gross drains, since the major crops used
in calculating gross drains are relatively more important in Illinois and Iowa.

Page 2

served and returned to the land with a minimum of loss and
deterioration. But over the district as a whole, less than onehalf of the plant nutrients in livestock manures find their
way back into the soil as an addition to reserves or a re­
placement of plant nutrients taken out. Where hay is sold
off the farm, the drain upon the essential elements in the
soil is substantial.
Fertility is lost from the soil by leaching, by erosion, and
by net drain of crops and livestock sold off the farm. Aside
from erosion control, there are only two general methods
for maintaining soil fertility. Proper handling of livestock
manures so as to save the maximum of plant nutrients is
essentially a negative measure in the sense that it only con­
serves plant elements and minimizes the net loss. The sec­
ond method is the use of fertilizers imported onto the farm
for the purpose of adding to and building up the reserves of
essential elements.

An attempt is here made to estimate the gross nutrient
drains (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) from the soils
of the district by certain major crops. Crops used were
wheat, corn, oats, barley, rye, soybeans, and tame hay. The
nutrient contents for grain only were counted, except for
hay. Deductions were made for the amounts of such crops
fed to livestock. Of the amounts deducted for livestock
feeding only that part was counted as a loss of nutrients
which was not contained in the manures plus estimated
losses in the manure itself. It must be emphasized that these
procedures underestimate the loss of nutrients from the
soil. This is obvious when it is recognized that no account
has been made for minor crops including truck and vege­
table crops, no allowance has been made for losses from
pasturing, and no deduction was made for losses in straw
or stover.
On the basis of this analysis it appears that in some years
during the war the gross drain of nitrogen from the soils of
the Seventh District was as high as 20 per cent above the
average of the prewar years. For phosphorus the loss was
as high in some areas as one-third above the earlier period.
The drains of potassium ran as high as 40 per cent above,
the 1935-39 period for the district.
The charts show the estimated gross drains of nitrogen,
phosphorous, and potassium for each state for the years
1935-44. It must be emphasized that these are in thousands
of tons of the three elements, and that the losses shown are
only for the major crops covered in the estimates. Similar
figures covering all farm output would be substantially

In the five years preceding the war (1935-39) farmers
in the five states of the district were using some fertilizers—
more so in Indiana and Michigan than in the other states.
By the end of 1943 the tonnages of nitrogen, phosphorus,
and potassium applied by farmers in the district were more
than twice the average annual rate for the five prewar years.
For purposes of calculating the use of fertilizers in the

district the annual total of sales of all fertilizers for each
state has been reduced from the reports on average analysis
to tons of the elements contained, that is, to tonnages of
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
The most striking gains for all three elements have been
shown by the state of Iowa where very little fertilizer was
used in the prewar years. The use of nitrogen in 1943 in
Iowa was more than ten times as much as in 1935 and more
than five times larger than the five-year prewar average. The
rates of increase in the use of phosphorous and potassium
were even more striking.
For Wisconsin the 1943 use of nitrogen was more than
four times that in the prewar years and for phosphorus and
potassium nearly five times as large. Applications of nitro­
gen in Illinois were not quite three times as great in 1943
as in the five prewar years, while the use of phosphorus was
about doubled, about one-half of which was from the phos­
phorus which became available from the use of rock phos­
phate. Applications of potassium were not quite double in
1943 what they were in the prewar years.
But even the increased applications of fertilizers have
been too small to offset the increases in drain of nutrients.
In nearly every state the net drains from cropping after
allowing for increased replacements were greater during the
past four years than in the five prewar years. In the charts
the replacements of nitrogen are not shown because they
are so small that they can not be shown.

In view of the rates at which the basic elements of the
soil are being depleted, the prospect for the generations to
come is an extremely serious and sobering one. There is a
vast amount of work to be done in getting farmers, indeed
the agricultural public as a whole, to face up to the job that
must be done in achieving scientific management of soil
fertility and obtaining a balance between what is taken out
of the soil and what is conserved and replaced. If this job
is not done the nation eventually faces bankruptcy of the
Bankers in agricultural communities have a responsibility
not only to develop a better understanding of this problem,
but also to take an aggressive part in leading a crusade in
their territories to check the drastic losses of soil fertility and
to foster sound soil management to the end that the basic
agricultural resource—soil fertility—shall be maintained in a
solvent state.

There are practical opportunities for creative lending in
this field. For example, in some of the low potassium areas
of the district an expenditure of about two dollars per acre
for potassium fertilizer will increase corn yields as much as
10 bushels per acre. Some bankers have already started
sound operations along these lines.
What is said and implied above does not mean that the
critical situation applies to each and every specific farm.
How much fertilizer to place upon a given soil in order to
(Continued on Back Cover)
Page 3

Outlook for Midwest Industry—II
Postwar Manufactures Likely to Resemble Prewar Pattern
Despite unprecedented expansion and adjustment
throughout the war period, the pattern of Midwest industry
following conversion very likely will resemble strongly the
pattern which existed before the war. Productive capacity
will be larger perhaps by one-fifth. Many new firms and
products will be present and some former ones will have
disappeared. Nevertheless, manufacturing in the Seventh
Federal Reserve District, it now appears, will still be domi­
nated by automobiles, food products, iron and steel, and
machinery. In contrast, some other regions of the nation,
notably parts of the South and Far West, which have ex­
perienced some entirely new industrial growth during the
war, probably will emerge from conversion with substan­
tially changed industrial patterns from those which existed
before the war.
In 1939 the Seventh District states, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin, had at least 100 million
dollars of products in 18 peacetime manufacturing groups
as classified by the United States Bureau of the Census, in­









dicating a broad base of diversified manufactures. At the
same time, however, roughly two-thirds of the production
was concentrated in automobiles, food, iron and steel, and
Industrial production in the five states, which amounted
to 13.5 billion dollars in 1939, is now estimated to have
reached 22 billion dollars in 1941 and 35 billion in 1943.
To provide a basis for judging the relative magnitudes of
probable postwar shifts among industry groups in this area,
a total industrial production figure of about 25 billion dol­
lars has been used, derived from tentative estimates and
assumptions, covering the first full year after the end of
the war with Japan. The distribution of estimated indus­
trial production, in the periods mentioned, among the 19
component industry groups is shown graphically. In 1943
a striking shift in industrial emphasis is apparent when air­
craft and ordnance, both virtually new industries in the
area since 1939, accounted for more than one-fourth of
total production. Since these latter industries, however, are







1939.1941,1943, I94V + I



























Page 4



194V +1

expected to decline sharply during and after the Japanese
phase of the war, regardless of the level of general business
conditions, it seems probable that the former peacetime pat­
tern of industrial production to a large degree will be re­
In the first full year following total victory, it is now
estimated that automobiles, food, iron and steel, and ma­
chinery will again account for at least two-thirds of total
production. Within this group, food and steel may be rela­
tively less important than formerly because of the gains in
automobiles and machinery. Moreover, as a result of the
wartime expansion and greater peacetime demand, the air­
craft, chemical, nonferrous metals, and furniture industries
are expected to account for a larger proportion of Midwest
industrial production than in 1939.

Will the Midwest be more important or less important
as an industrial center in the nation as a result of the war?
The available evidence is not conclusive, but Midwest in­
dustry in general probably cannot be expected to show
marked gains relative to the rest of the nation.
The Seventh District states in peacetime produced 24.1
per cent of the nation’s manufactured products and prob­
ably had at least that proportion of the nation’s industrial
productive capacity. During the war these five states have
received a slightly higher proportion, 24.9 per cent, of all
major prime war supply contracts and a somewhat smaller
proportion, 22.1 per cent, of all Government-financed war
facilities. Unfortunately, data are not available to show the
volume of subcontracts in these five states, but there is, how­
ever, agreement that firms in the Seventh District states re­
ceive more subcontracts from businesses outside the district
than outside firms receive from the Midwest. For this reason
the proportion of all subcontracts in the Midwest probably
exceeds that for prime contracts.
Among these Midwest states wartime trends have differed
sharply. Only Michigan and Indiana have received larger
proportions of the nation’s war contracts than they had of
1939 manufactures. Indiana alone has had a greater pro­
portion of new war facilities than might be expected from
the size of peacetime industrial output. In some respects,
consequently, the Midwest has barely held its own indus­
trially during the war, despite having made many of the
largest absolute gains in the nation. Wartime gains here
have been unprecedented, but some other areas with fewer
and smaller prewar manufactures have advanced consider­
ably, both relatively and absolutely, in the national manu­
facturing scene during the war.
The extent to which the Midwest will hold its wartime
gains as compared with other regions cannot now be clearly
foreseen because numerous decisions have to be made with
respect to Government-owned plants both by prospective
purchasers and Government officials. Nevertheless, the out­
look is for the most part favorable. Although more industrial
facilities constructed and installed in the Midwest since
1940 seem likely to require conversion for peacetime use­

fulness than in many other sections of the nation, at the
same time it seems probable that most of these new facilities
will lend themselves more easily to such conversion. More
specifically, the Midwest’s largest war facilities to produce
aircraft parts and engines; heavy guns, ammunition, and
tanks; numerous iron and steel products; and machinery gen­
erally can be put to peacetime use much more easily than,
for example, facilities to build ships, assemble aircraft, and
make explosives, all relatively less important than other war
manufactures in this area. Present war products of many
Midwest industries, in short, very frequently may not find
heavy regular civilian demand, but the facilities commonly
are not so specialized as to prevent extensive conversion and
peacetime use.
The first article on the “Outlook for Midwest Industry,”
appearing in the October 1944 issue of Business Conditions,
considered the transition prospects for Seventh District in­
dustry as a whole and its largest industry groups: transpor­
tation equipment, food products, and ordnance and acces­
sories. The criteria for judging these prospects, stated in
the earlier article, also have been used in considering the
outlook for the other industry groups to be mentioned here.

Production of iron and steel, third ranking industry group
in the Seventh District during peacetime, has surged up­
ward to a rate nearly double that of 1939. The 1940-43
output total was the largest for any previous four-year
period. Despite this record growth, however, the iron and
steel group has dropped to fifth place among district indus­
try groups because of the relatively greater gains in aircraft,
ordnance, chemicals, and nonelectrical machinery production.
To meet the unprecedented demands of the armed forces,
prime war supply contracts totaling more than 900 million
dollars have been awarded to district iron and steel plants.
Since iron and steel are used extensively in most types of
heavy war equipment, prime war contracts reflect only a
small portion of volume of production. Shipbuilding is
now the largest consumer of steel, although this is not re­
flected in prime war contract data. More than 440 million
dollars in iron- and steel-making facilities have been added
to the district’s prewar capacity.
During the period between the ends of the European
and Japanese wars, the demand for iron and steel is ex­
pected to remain relatively high, but to decline with the in­
evitable curtailment of the shipbuilding program. Some
iron and steel is already being released for the production
of civilian goods, and a substantial backlog of demand for
iron and steel remains to be met. The general expansion
in iron and steel capacity throughout the nation since the
beginning of defense preparations is commonly expected to
provide a national capacity substantially in excess of peace­
time needs, and steel will face some competition from light
metals and plastics. The Seventh District industry will share
in this adverse situation. Possible abandonment of some ob­
solete equipment will aid supply-demand relationships.
Page 5

Conversion to peacetime production is likely to be much
less a problem for steel than for some of the other leading
wartime industries. Probably about three-fourths of wartime
facility expansion will be usable in civilian production if
demand is sufficiently large. Most iron and steel plants
can be converted in less than three months, and surplus
problems are expected to be manageable. Government
ownership of new facilities in the industry group is approxi­
mately 65 per cent.

In general, prospects for machinery production, electrical
and nonelectrical, are considered to be favorable during and
for some time after the war in the Pacific. Reconversion is
expected to be accomplished with minimum difficulty to
meet a heavy backlog of demand of both consumers’ and
producers’ durable goods.
A wide diversity of products characterizes the nonelec­
trical machinery group ranging from heavy industrial and
agricultural machinery to washing machines and refrigera­
tors. By value, production of the nonelectrical group has
increased more than three times since 1939 when it ranked
fourth among district industries. Machine tools, which con­
stitute about one-third of the nonelectrical group, are al­
ready in considerable demand for retooling plants during
conversion, but specialized rather than general-purpose ma­
chine producers will benefit the most. Following the war
with Japan and the completion of most industrial conver­
sion, machine tool production is expected to be well below
current levels, depending to a large extent upon export re­
quirements. Engines, turbines, industrial and farm ma­
chinery, tractors, and domestic machinery appliances gen­
erally will be in heavy demand throughout the conversion
period and for at least a year thereafter, assuming favorable
general economic conditions and export prospects.
Conversion of nonelectrical machinery facilities to peace­
time production will also require a relatively short period,
with most plants needing less than three months. From 50
to 75 per cent of new wartime facilities probably will find
some immediate postwar use. Government owns more than
half of the new structures and equipment. Surplus stocks
of some types of nonelectrical machinery, especially generalpurpose machine tools, are expected to be large, but probably
will not seriously disrupt early postwar markets.
The electrical machinery group, which also includes a
diversified list of industries, is dominated by electrical
equipment for industrial use, communication equipment,
and home appliances. The general outlook for this group
is also quite favorable, again because of a huge pent-up de­
mand. The demand level is expected to be considerably
above production both in the interim period between the
European and Pacific wars and for at least a full year there­
after. Facility expansion during the war has been eighth
among all industry groups compared with seventh ranking
in peacetime production. The wartime production rank is
estimated also to be eighth, although value of output is
more than triple the 1939 level.
Page 6


This industry group, which includes industrial chemicals,
drugs, and explosives, has expanded production in the dis­
trict more than three times since 1939 largely because of
requirements for heavy ammunition and chemical com­
ponents needed in related war products. Chemicals have
ranked fifth among industry groups in the district in peace­
time and sixth during the war.
New facility gains since 1940 have exceeded 300 million
dollars, financed nearly 60 per cent by public funds. Many
of these specialized war chemical plants are located outside
of the district’s principal industrial areas for security reasons.
Because of their location and primary use in meeting war­
time munitions needs, less than half of the new facilities
are expected to be used in production of civilian goods.
Industrial chemicals including plastics probably will be
in heavy demand during and for some time after general
industrial conversion, but explosives can face only a stead­
ily declining demand following the war in Europe, reaching
a negligible level shortly after the close of the war with
Japan. Industrial chemical plants will require on the aver­
age about three months or less to convert, but powder plants
most likely will be kept in standby condition or dismantled
because of the difficulties to be faced in attempted conver­
sion to peacetime use.

Growth in the production of nonferrous metals, prin­
cipally aluminum and magnesium, in the Seventh District
during the war has raised total output to nearly three times
the prewar level. These light metals have been needed pri­
marily in aircraft construction, so that with future cutbacks
in the aircraft production program, nonferrous metal re­
quirements will be substantially reduced.
The district’s wartime facility expansion in nonferrous
metals has exceeded 200 million dollars. Probably less than
half of the new facilities will find immediate postwar use.
With no major peacetime substitute for the wartime demand
of the aircraft industry now foreseen, and with sharp com­
petition expected from light steels and plastics during and
after conversion, the short-run production outlook for the
nonferrous metals group may be only moderately better than
during 1941.

The remaining ten industry groups comprise a relatively
small but important segment of Seventh District manufac­
turing production. These ten groups, covering furniture,
leather, rubber, textiles, paper, petroleum and coal products,
lumber, apparel, printing, and stone, clay, and glass prod­
ucts, accounted for 23 per cent of 1939 industrial produc­
tion in the five district states. Because of the relatively
greater importance of tire larger industries, this group of
other industries has declined in importance during the war
to probably less than 15 per cent of the total. After final
victory it seems probable that these ten industry groups will
regain much of their prewar relative importance, contributCContinued on Back Cover)

([Continued from Inside Cover)

needed to offset the tendency for member bank reserve
balances to decline as a result of expansion of money in
circulation to over 24.4 billion dollars on November 1, 1944.
Between the end of 1941 and November 1, 1944, to satisfy
the demands of their customers for currency, member banks
drew on their reserve balances to the extent of about 13.2
billion dollars to obtain the needed currency from the
Federal Reserve Banks. But for this insistent demand for
currency by the public the wartime expansion in Reserve
Bank credit would have been materially less. If, for example,
the public had chosen to hold this money in the form of
demand deposits instead of currency, the necessary expan­
sion in Reserve Bank credit would have been about 5 billion
dollars instead of the almost 16 billion dollars which actual­
ly occurred.
Other factors have also made necessary an increase in
Reserve Bank credit since the end of 1941. Chief among
these has been a reduction of about 2 billion dollars in the
monetary gold stock, which on November 1, 1944 stood at
20.7 billion dollars, and an expansion of somewhat under
1.6 billion dollars in member bank reserve balances. Off­
setting these to some extent, and thereby requiring a
smaller expansion in Reserve Bank credit than would other­
wise be the case, was an increase of almost 900 million
dollars in Treasury currency outstanding.
Of the total increase of 15.9 billion dollars in Reserve
Bank credit which occurred between the end of 1941 and
November 1, 1944, approximately 15.4 billion dollars re­
flected acquisition of Government securities by the Federal
Reserve Banks, and of the remainder over 300 million
dollars represented member bank borrowing and 200 million
dollars expansion of Reserve Bank float. It is to be noted
that all of the increase in Federal Reserve Bank holdings
of Government securities has been in short term issues, with
holdings of maturities in excess of five years actually show­
ing a decline. In fact, about 90 per cent of the total increase
has been in securities maturing in less than six months. This
(in millions of dollars)

December 31, November 1,


Within 6 months...............
6 months to 1 year...........
1 to 5 years......................
Over 5 years....................



+ 13,813
+ 1,762
+ 257
— 480

Total U. S. Government
securities, direct
and guaranteed...........



+ 15,351

Note: Amounts will not necessarily add to totals due to rounding:.

has had the effect of keeping at a minimum the interest
cost on the necessary increase in Federal Reserve Bank
holdings of Government securities.

One of the objectives of Federal Reserve policy during
the war has been to induce member banks to make fuller
use of their reserves. To this end the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem in 1942 inaugurated the practice of buying Treasury
bills at 46 per cent, with immediate credit being given to
member bank reserve accounts, and with the seller having
the option to repurchase bills of a like amount and maturity
if he should again have idle funds available. This step
made Treasury bills the equivalent of excess reserves for
all practical purposes. The use of Treasury bills was further
stimulated when in April 1943 U. S. Government war loan
deposits with commercial banks were made exempt from
reserve requirements. This has enabled member banks to
acquire bills during war loan drives, when banks’ customers
draw on their deposits to purchase Government securities,
and to sell these bills to the Federal Reserve Banks as
reserve-requiring private deposits increase through Treasury
expenditures following war loan drives.
As a further inducement to member banks to utilize their
excess reserves by buying short term Treasury securities,
the Federal Reserve Banks in October 1942 reduced to Vi
per cent the discount rate on advances secured by Govern­
ment obligations maturing or callable in one year or less.
Because of the prevailing tradition against borrowing, this
had little effect in exanding member bank borrowing at the
Reserve Banks for some time, despite the greater profitability
of using idle funds to purchase certificates of indebtedness
and borrowing as funds are needed, rather than buying
Treasury bills and reselling under the repurchase option.
However, there are signs that the greater profitability of the
former procedure is gradually breaking down the tradition
against borrowing. On November 1, 1944 discounts and
advances of the Federal Reserve Banks reached 359 million
dollars, of which 252 million was held by the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, 30 million by the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas, 15 million by the Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis, and the remainder was scattered among
the nine other Federal Reserve Banks.
As a result of these measures, and of the stable rate
pattern maintained on other Treasury securities, member
banks have been willing to reduce their excess reserves
from 3 billion 31 million dollars at the end of 1941 to 1
billion 5 million dollars in the first half of October 1944.
However, most of this reduction has taken place at city
banks. Country banks have continued to carry substantial
amounts of excess reserves. This is probably due to the fact
that country banks have gained reserves faster than they
wished to invest them in view of established customs re­
garding desired types of investment media.
Between the end of 1941 and the first half of October
1944, excess reserves of central reserve city banks in New
Page 7

York and Chicago declined from 1 billion 168 million to
29 million dollars, despite a gradual reduction in the autumn
of 1942 from 26 per cent to 20 per cent in reserve require­
ments against net demand deposits of central reserve city
banks. Excess reserves of reserve city member banks fell
from 1 billion 85 million to 266 million dollars in this
period, and those of country' banks from 778 million to 710
million dollars. A similar pattern is visible in the Seventh
District, excess reserves of all Seventh District member
banks decreasing from 423 million to 136 million dollars.
Excess reserves of Chicago central reserve city banks de­
clined from 190 million to 9 million dollars, of reserve city
banks from 125 million to 31 million dollars, and of
country banks from 108 million to 96 million dollars.

One of the outstanding features of the war period has
been the marked improvement in the liquid position of
member banks. At the end of June 1944, U. S. Government
securities, demand balances with domestic banks, and excess
reserves held by Seventh District member banks amounted
to over two-thirds of their total deposits, compared with
only one-half of their deposits at the end of 1941. The
liquidity of Seventh District member banks is further dem­
onstrated by the fact that on June 30, 1944 the total of
excess reserves, demand balances due from banks, and direct
U. S. Government securities maturing in five years or less
were 44 per cent of total deposits, compared with 41 per cent
a year earlier, and with only 26 per cent at the end of 1941.

Probably the most important factors accounting for the
willingness of banks to add such large amounts to their
liquid assets during the war have been uncertainty about
future interest rates and deposit movements for individual
banks, declining capital ratios of banks generally, and the
moderate rise in short term interest rates compared with the
prewar period. Moreover, the Treasury has taken steps en­
couraging banks to confine their purchases of Government
securities to short term issues. Following the sale of thirteenyear bonds in February 1942, the Treasury has limited
maturities on offerings to banks to ten years and except for
the limited investment of savings deposits, has made newly
offered Government securities of more than ten years matur­
ity ineligible for commercial bank investment.
As, a result of these policies by far the largest part of
presently outstanding Government securities eligible for
commercial bank investment consist of issues maturing in
ten years or less. The total marketable interest-bearing
public debt, direct and guaranteed, amounted to approxi­
mately 146 billion dollars on July 31, 1944. Of this amount
about 21.5 billion dollars consisted of long term issues at
present ineligible for commercial bank investment. These
will only become available to commercial banks over a
period of years begining in 1946, but not in any large
amounts until 1952. This leaves about 124.5 billion dollars
of Government securities available for commercial bank
investment, of which 108.5 billion dollars, or 87 per cent of
the total, mature in ten years or less; and 72.6 billion dollars,
or 58 per cent of the total, are due in five years or less.

(amounts in millions of dollars)
December 81, 1941

Per Cent
of Total

Excess reserves..................... .................................................
Demand balances with banks.................................................
Treasury bills .........................................................................



Treasury certificates .............................................................





Treasury notes .......................................................................
U. S. bonds — direct:
Maturing in 5 years or less.................................................
Maturing in 5 to 10 years...................................................
Maturing in 10 to 20 years.................................................
Maturing after 20 years ...................................................
Savings bonds .....................................................................
Securities guaranteed by the U. S. Government................
Total liquid funds and U. S. Government securities.......
Total deposits ........................................................................
Note: Amounts will not necessarily add to totals due to rounding.

Page 8




June 30, 1943

Per Cent
of Total

June 30, 1944
















Per Cent
of Total




(Continued from Page 6)

ing at least a fifth of total production in the immediate post­
war years. In most, if not all, of these groups the backlog
of demand, which has accumulated during the war because
of interrupted production for civilian use, is expected to
be very heavy.
Collectively, these ten industry groups have had com­
paratively small additions to plants and equipment during
the war, but such expansion as has occurred has been financed
well over 50 per cent by private funds. This last factor
suggests a comparatively high degree of postwar usefulness
of the facilities which have been built. Because many of
these industries have been producing goods for the use of
the armed forces which are very similar to goods normally
consumed by civilians, the minimum average time required
to reconvert plants is considered generally to he less than
one month. Some of the industry groups will he confronted
with surplus products, remaining after the requirements of
the military forces and lend-lease have been met, particu­
larly in textile-mill products, apparel, and leather. Other sur­
pluses, however, should he more manageable.
Production of rubber goods in the district has roughly
doubled during the war years and the outlook is for slight
decrease, if any, following the end of the Pacific war. The
district rubber industry is not heavily concentrated in any
particular type of product and as a result should be able to
adjust easily to demand requirements which will arise fol­
lowing the war.

Because lumber is at present one of the most limited ma­
terials available, it is certain that both the furniture and
lumber groups face a continued very active production per­
iod, extending well beyond the end of the Pacific war. Al­
most no reconversion is needed in these industries, although
some wood requires extended seasoning. Over-all prospects
will depend in large part upon activity in the construction
industry and the prevailing level of incomes.
Reconversion activities are expected to bring a resurgence
of industrial and residential construction. Building materials,
included in the stone, clay, and glass group, which played
an important part in the early period of war preparations
when military cantonments and industrial structures were
in heavy demand, will find extensive use with the resump­
tion of civilian building.
Leather has been in very heavy demand during the war
years, but production has increased only slightly. Leather
products have been extensively diverted from civilian use
to the armed forces and lend-lease. With the decline in
military demand, large quantities of leather and some im­
portant surplus supplies of finished products should begin
to become available. Productive capacity in the industry is
more than ample to meet expected needs and conversion
problems will be at a minimum. Manufacturers of textile-

mill products and apparel may find themselves in roughly
the same position as leather manufacturers. An immediate
heavy demand, coupled with some wartime surpluses is fore­
seen. The latter, however, may be so specialized as to have
only a moderate effect upon sbort-run postwar output.
With an exceedingly heavy demand for automotive gaso­
line, industrial and residential heating oil, and related
petroleum products, the outlook for this industry group is
expected to be favorable both during and for a year or
more after the end of the Japanese war. Coal products,
also included in the group, are dominated by coke and pav­
ing and roofing materials; consequently, steel production and
construction activity will be large determinants of the de­
mand for coal products. Because of the complexity of the
industrial facilities used in this group, conversion will re­
quire as long as three months for many plants. Local sur­
pluses are not expected to be large and most specialized
war facilities probably will find peacetime use in this district.
The paper and printing industry groups have been seri­
ously affected by heavy demands and shortages. The antici­
pated growth in advertising in newspapers and magazines
will be an important short-run stimulus to printing and
publishing as soon as restrictions are lifted and paper be­
comes available in sufficient quantities to meet require­
ments. A decrease in the volume of Government printing,
however, can be expected. Once the backlog of paper
demand is fulfilled, probably within two years of high pro­
duction, output in this industry group may decline sub­
stantially from record wartime levels to conditions where
excess capacity will once again prevail.
In general, these ten industry groups which produce
materials primarily for civilian use will be relatively well
situated during the reconversion period and for at least the
first full year after the Pacific war has ended. Because of
the expected declines in many of the larger war industries,
it will be particularly important during and after conver­
sion that high levels of production and employment be
maintained in these smaller industry groups.
CContinued from Page 3)

achieve sound and conservative soil management is a tech­
nical question that can be answered only by testing samples
of the soil itself.
Soil science and soil testing are progressing rapidly under
the guidance of able leadership in the U.S. Department of
Agriculture and in the state experimental stations and the
state agricultural colleges. These agencies with the assist­
ance of others, including county agents, stand ready and
anxious to apply the technical knowledge of soil science
and management to the problems of the individual farmer.
The task is large. Bankers can render a creative service to
their communities by studying their local situations, by help­
ing to awaken farmers to the seriousness of the problem,
by financing such operations where needed, and by facili­
tating the cooperation of soil scientists, extension workers,
and farmers.