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review by th e

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

May 1969

What's happening
to take home pay


Larger farms—
a continuing trend


Personal saving
and inflation


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

W hat’s happening to
take home pay?
h taxes and prices rising strongly it
is sometimes asserted that real buying power
has declined in recent years, or at best held
steady. For some families, this has been the
case. But for the typical family, real buying
power has continued to move higher. The
American standard of living is clearly higher
than ever before.
Not only is this indicated by casual obser­
vation, but it is also supported by the availa­
ble data. The increasing burdens of national
defense, while diverting labor and materials
from civilian uses, have not prevented a
steady rise in income and consumption by the
typical family.
R a p id In co m e r is e


Personal income—including wages, sala­
ries, other labor income, proprietors’ profits,
rents, dividends, interest, and transfer pay­
ments from business and government, less
personal contributions for social insurance—
rose 9 percent last year, more than in any
other year since 1951.
Disposable income—personal income less
taxes on income, personal property, and in­
heritances—rose almost 8 percent last year,
despite the 10-percent surtax on the federal
income tax beginning April 1.
Much of disposable income is not available
for new spending—because of contractual
obligations and because part of the income is
“imputed,” mainly the rental value of owneroccupied dwellings. Changes in disposable
income are nevertheless a fairly good measure
of changes in consumers’ ability to spend.

The rise last year was larger than the year
before and well above the average of the
past 20 years.
But comparison of changes in dollar in­
come requires that allowance be made for
changes in prices of goods and services pur­
chased by consumers. Average prices of these
items rose almost 4 percent last year, leaving
the rise in real income just over 4 percent.
This increase in real buying power equaled
the rise in 1967 and was less than the in­
creases in 1964-66. But it was slightly above
the average increase of the past 20 years.
P e r - c a p it a g a in s

Adjustment of income for changes in taxes
and prices is not enough for evaluation of
changes in affluence, however. It is also
necessary to consider the increase in popula­
tion—the rising number of “mouths to feed.”
Population in this country has been rising
recently about 1 percent a year, with the re­
sult that per-capita real disposable income
rose 3 percent in 1968, the same as the year
before. The average annual increase has been
2.3 percent for the past 20 years. Since 1947,
per-capita real disposable income declined in
1949, 1954, and 1958 (all recession years)
and increased less than 1 percent in 1951,
1957, and 1960.
Judged on the experience of the past 20
years—a period that in the long view of
history could appropriately be described as
showing relatively stable growth—the percapita real income gains since 1965 have
been favorable. Neither higher taxes nor in-

Business Conditions, M ay 1969

flation has kept consumers from buying more
goods and services, and, hence, raising their
levels of living.
W h a t a b o u t “ s p e n d a b le e a r n in g s ? ”

Every month, the U. S. Department of
Labor estimates “spendable average weekly
earnings of production or non-supervisory
workers” for the total private workforce and
for such major sectors as manufacturing, con­
struction, and trade. At first glance, recent
trends in these data seem to conflict with the
trends in total and per-capita disposable in­
Spendable earnings are derived by deduct­
ing federal income and Social Security taxes
from production workers’ average weekly
cash earnings. The resulting data are then
adjusted for changes in the Consumer Price
In estimating the amount of income taxes
to be deducted from average cash earnings,
the department assumes use of the optional


Real income gains remain
substantial despite higher
prices and taxes
percent ch

jfte r taxes)
disposable income in
constant dollars



disposable income in

\ /'c o n s ta n t dollars per capita


standard deduction and calculates two series,
one for workers with no dependents and one
for workers with three dependents, or a total
of four personal exemptions.
Although money wages of production
workers increased more than 13 percent be­
tween 1965 and 1968, the rise was only 3
percent after adjustment for price changes.
After deduction of taxes, real spendable earn­
ings declined slightly in 1966 and 1967 under
the department’s assumptions and increased
enough in 1968 to bring these earnings back
to the 1965 buying power.
Although real spendable earnings declined
several years in the 1950s, there was never a
three-year period without an increase in buy­
ing power of production workers. Can these
results be reconciled with data on disposable
The m a tte r of m e a su re s

Spendable income of production workers,
computed this way, has severe limitations as a
measure of total current income available to
American families for spending. The Depart­
ment of Labor’s series is based on gross
average money wages, which are calculated
by dividing employers’ reports of production
payrolls by the number of production workers
in each establishment.
In manufacturing industries, only 73 per­
cent of all employees are classed as produc­
tion workers. In the nonmanufacturing sec­
tors, which account for almost three-fourths
of the civilian workforce, the proportion of
production workers is less than half.
Also, at least one-fifth of the production
workers are part-time employees working no
more than 35 hours a week. Most such work­
ers do not want full-time jobs—because they
are students, housewives, or for other per­
sonal reasons. But the department, neverthe­
less, counts these workers as employees.


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Furthermore, a large but unknown number of
people hold more than one job and, therefore,
may be counted more than once. With the
strong demand for workers since 1965, the
number of part-time workers and the number
of people holding more than one job has in­
creased faster than total employment. The
inclusion of part-time workers, the counting
of some workers more than once, and the
greater prevalence of part-time and “moon­
lighting” workers all tend to understate the
rise in average spendable income of produc­
tion workers.
Important exclusions from the earnings of
production workers are the supplemental
payments to labor—such as payments for re­
tirement funds, hospitalization, subsidized
lunchrooms, and other benefits. These pay­
ments have been rising relative to cash earn­
ings for many years. Altogether, fringe
benefits account for 25 to 30 percent of the
labor costs of large employers—twice the
proportion 20 years ago. Moreover, these
benefits are not taxable as current income and

Average prices paid by all
consumers have risen less than
the fixed “market basket"*
percent change from previous year


* A s m e asu red b y th e C o n su m e r Price In d e x .

are not part of the base on which Social
Security taxes and benefits are paid.
The department’s assumption in calculat­
ing spendable income that workers use the
standard optional deduction in computing in­
come taxes is probably true in most cases,
but this calculation results in the largest tax
that any worker would pay on a given in­
come. Millions of workers have total deduc­
tions exceeding the optional standard deduc­
tion and, therefore, pay a lower income tax.
Use of the Consumer Price Index to deflate
money income to dollars of comparable pur­
chasing power also poses several questions.
The price index has been rising faster than
the “implicit price deflator” that adjusts dis­
posable income. From 1965 to 1968, the
Consumer Price Index rose 10.3 percent
while the implicit price deflator for consumer
purchases rose 8.8 percent. From 1967 to
1968, the index rose 4.2 percent and the de­
flator 3.6 percent.
The index is based on a fixed mix of pur­
chases taken as typical of moderate-income
city dwellers. The disposable income deflator
is weighted according to the proportion of
income consumers actually spent on various
classes of goods and services. The mix of pur­
chases priced in the index is not exactly
representative of any family, and (as noted
above) it is not designed to represent all
families in the aggregate. For example, both
rents and costs of home ownership are in­
cluded. In January, home ownership costs
were estimated 8 percent higher than a year
before, largely because of the increase in
home mortgage interest rates. About half of
1 percent of the 4.6-percent rise in the Con­
sumer Price Index from January 1968 to
January 1969 reflected higher mortgage in­
terest costs. Yet, this higher cost was in­
curred only by the relatively small proportion
of families that negotiated new mortgages.

Business Conditions, M ay 1969

F a m ily in c o m e a ls o im p o rta n t

Many families have more than one person
earning income from wages and salaries. The
proportion of married women holding jobs
has risen almost every year for the past
decade—a trend encouraged by the ready
availability of jobs, rising wages, and the use
of labor-saving equipment in the home. Of
the 27 million women working early this
year, 16 million were married and living with
their husbands. Family income is also often
supplemented by earnings of unmarried chil­
dren working at jobs ranging from baby sit­
ting or yard work to full-time positions.
Total civilian employment has increased
1.5 million or more every year since 1963.
In the previous five years, the annual increase
in employment averaged less than 1 million.
Since 1965, further gains in employment
have come partly from the rise in the propor­
tion of non-institutional population partici­
pating in the labor force. Under these condi­
tions, suitable jobs have been available to
many people in addition to the male head of

But real spendable earnings of
production workers appear to have
merely regained the 1965 level

^ W o rke rs with th ree d ep e n d e n ts whose incomes a re
d e riv e d e n tire ly from one job an d use the o p tio n al
s ta n d a rd deductions in computing th eir income t a x e s .

the household.
Family income is also supplemented by
earnings from property—from rents, interest,
and dividends—and from pensions and other
social-welfare benefits, as noted in the defini­
tion of personal income. These amounts are
included in the estimates of total personal
income but not in the estimates of production
worker earnings.
Neither personal-income figures nor the
earnings of production workers include in­
come from capital gains or transfers from
other individuals. Gifts and legacies (forms
of transfer payments) are channels through
which spending power of many families,
especially young families, is increased.
G o v e r n m e n t s e r v ic e s

The level of living has risen since 1965,
despite the increase in the share of total goods
and services purchased by the goverment.
Government purchases increased from 20
percent of the gross national product in 1965
to 23 percent in 1968. The federal govern­
ment’s share of total purchases rose from 10
percent to 12 percent, mainly because of
rising defense costs. State and local govern­
ments’ share rose from 10 percent to 11 per­
cent, mainly for schools and welfare pro
If government expenditures had stayed at
the 1965 proportion, another $26 billion of
output would have been available for private
purchases last year. If consumption expendi­
tures had risen by this amount, they would
have been 5 percent higher than they were.
None of the usual data on consumer in­
come or spending allows for the benefits
consumers derive from government outlays.
In theory at least, all government expendi­
tures are proxies for individual expenditures
on functions that cannot be handled as well,
if at all, by individuals.


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

In terms of spending, the largest single
activity of the federal government is defense,
on which the security of the entire population
depends. In addition, people benefit directly
or indirectly from government services pro­
vided in the form of education, health, re­
search, transportation, agricultural improve­
ments, recreation, and aid to the poor. The
efficacy of many government programs can
be argued by at least some. But provision of
resources for these programs in years when
consumers were increasing their direct pur­
chases of goods and services provides an elo­
quent commentary on the vitality and growth
capability of the American economy.

Government purchases have
increased as a proportion
of the gross national product
perc e n t ___

Fu tu re in c o m e g r o w th

If business recessions and all-out wars are
avoided, per-capita consumer buying power
will probably continue to rise, even acceler­
ate. The share of total output going to defense
has stopped rising. The current increase in
capital expenditures will help ensure further
increases in output per manhour. The popu­
lation is growing only half as fast as it was
ten years ago, and the proportion of people
in prime working ages is rising.
Recent growth in real income has been
achieved despite a steady increase in leisure,
principally in the form of longer vacations
and earlier retirements. Some of the nation’s
potential economic growth will undoubtedly
continue to be foregone so that workers can

have more leisure time—another factor not
included in income.
While there is no question that living
standards for most people have risen, it is
always true, of course, that the real purchas­
ing power of many individual families does
not keep pace with increases in prices and
taxes. The uneven impact of inflation is a
major reason for vigorous efforts to moderate
the rise in prices. Current fiscal and monetary
policy is directed toward achieving that result
without seriously hampering growth of pro­
duction and, therefore, real buying power.

Film strip on Truth in Lending—Regulation Z
In d iv id u a ls


firm s

r e g u la r ly

e x te n d in g

cre d it to

co nsum ers w ill be su b je ct to th e n e w T ru th in Lending
la w , b eg in n in g

J u ly

p ro visio n s o f th is la w

1. A

sound film

strip e x p la in in g

a n d the re la te d "R e g u la tio n Z "

the B o ard o f G o v e rn o rs in W a s h in g to n fo r $10 .
The film strip can be used w ith a u to m a tic sou n d p ro ­
jectors ta k in g 35m m film a n d a 33V i-rpm record o r w ith
s ta n d a rd

film -s trip

p ro jecto rs



s e p a ra te


h as been p re p a re d fo r sh o w in g to cre d ito r g ro u p s. The
15 m in u te film can be b o rro w e d fro m the F e d e ra l R eserve


p la y e r . These a re a v a ila b le in m ost a re a s fro m th e u su al
sou rces.

B an k o f C h ic a g o o r its D e tro it b ra n c h or p u rch ase d fro m

Business Conditions, M ay 1969

Larger farms — a continuing trend
T h e sheer force of technology may alter
the American farmer’s traditional role as
owner, manager, and laborer in his own busi­
ness. It could also force further substantial
changes in the financing of farms and the
practices of banks and other lending institu­
tions extending credit to farmers.
The long-standing trend toward larger and
fewer farms primarily reflects the persistent
pressure of advancing technology on the
acreage needed for an efficient farm. And as
the size of farms— and the investment per
farm—increases, financing arrangements that
are adequate today may not serve the needs
of agriculture in the future.
A number of researchers have undertaken
in recent years to peer into the future to see
what may be in store for the country in terms
of number and size of farms. While such
efforts can yield only tentative results at best,
they nevertheless provide broad clues that
managers of financial institutions can use in
assessing their own prospects and plans.
The number of farms in the United States
dropped from almost 4 million in 1960 to
about 3 million in 1968. During that time the
size of the average farm grew substantially—
whether its growth is measured by total
assets, acreage, or gross sales. Total assets
per farm topped $100,000 last year, com­
pared with $50,000 in 1960. Average acreage
per farm climbed to 369, as against less than
300 at the start of the decade. And gross
sales per farm about doubled, reaching some
This trend toward fewer but larger farms
has long been familiar. But the change varies
widely by area and type of farming, clouding
the outlook for the extent of change and time

required for agriculture to reach some sort of
equilibrium. Farms in the Seventh Federal
Reserve District, for example, average around
203 acres. Farms have much larger acreages
in areas where cattle and cotton are impor­
tant and much smaller acreages in areas
where tobacco and vegetables are the princi­
pal crops.
But the number of acres in a farm does
not necessarily gauge its size. In 1964, for
example, there were nearly 20,000 farms in

the United States under 100 acres but with
gross sales of more than $40,000. Of these,
nearly 1,000 had land and buildings valued
at more than $500,000.
Total assets is a useful measure in some
cases. But it is not meaningful where much
of the assets are in forms, such as expensive
residences or extensive recreational facilities,
that do not contribute to the production of
agricultural commodities.
Annual gross sales is used more widely as


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


a measure of farm size than acreage or assets,
though it, too, has shortcomings. Where a
large percentage of sales reflects the cost of
purchased inputs, such as feeder animals,
gross sales tend to overstate the size of the
operation relative to other farms—that is, the
value the farm adds in the production process
is relatively small per dollar of sales.
The average acreage of farms with high
gross sales has declined in recent years, even
though the number of such farms has greatly
increased. In 1959, the average size of farms
with sales of more than $20,000 was 1,338
acres. In 1964, the average size of such farms
had dropped to 1,134 acres, This shift reflect­
ed the rapid increase in specialized farms,
such as livestock feeding farms.
The increased production per acre result­
ing from technological improvements also
boosts gross sales per farm, even when other
measures of size do not change. Change in
prices of commodities is another factor affect­
ing gross sales. The average corn yield in
Illinois, for example, increased from 62
bushels per acre in 1959 to 89 bushels in
1968. During that time, average corn prices
in Illinois declined from $1.13 a bushel to
about $1.02. Despite lower prices the larger
yields would have raised gross sales on a 230acre farm $4,000 in ten years.
Another useful measure of size is total
manhours (or man-years) of labor used on a
farm. But this measure, too, has drawbacks
because of the great variations in labor effi­
“Value added”—gross sales less the cost of
purchased materials—is possibly the most
precise measure of farm size. Widely used in
other types of businesses, this measure has
probably not come into general use in agri­
culture because in the past farmers bought
little of the materials going into their operations.

S o m e p ro je c tio n s

Recent studies of trends in farm size have
focused largely on number of acres as the
measure of size but with some attention to
other measures, especially gross sales. Each
study, of course, is done somewhat differ­
ently; consequently, the conclusions differ.
But the differences themselves—in underly­
ing assumptions and final results—are inter­
esting. One reason is that several of the stud­
ies have used the same target date— 1980.

Business Conditions, M ay 1969

A simple estimate of the prospective
number of farms can be made by extending
the trend of recent years. The number has
declined about 3 percent a year for the last
five years, and the average acreage per farm
has increased about IVz percent a year. Ex­
tension of these trends to 1980 would indicate
a reduction in the number of farms to about 2
million, nearly 1 million less than now. It
would also indicate an increase in average
farm size to 525 acres, an increase of about
40 percent. If production per acre continues
to increase at about the same rate as recent
years and prices of farm products remain at
about current levels, average gross sales per
farm would be around $28,000 in 1980.
A detailed study by Rex Daley, an econ­
omist with the U. S. Department of Agricul­
ture used similar assumptions and obtained
similar results.1 Daley, however, projected
gross income and several other measures in
addition to number and average size of farm
for six classes of farms based on gross sales.
He showed an estimated 2.1 million farms
in the United States in 1980. Of these, the
upper third had more than $20,000 in annual
gross sales and the lower third had sales of
less than $2,500. Altogether, farms were
indicated to average about 538 acres and
have gross sales of around $27,000 in 1980.
By chaining his estimates forward at fiveyear intervals, he concluded that the number
of farms might level off about 1990 at around
1.5 million. The total land in farms was as­
sumed to remain about the same.
While Daley assumes continuation of cur­
rent trends, he suggests that if all farms were
organized like the farms with sales of more
than $40,000, the projected production of
*Rex Daley, Agriculture: “Prospective Growth
and Structural Change,” Rural Poverty in the
United States (President’s National Advisory Com­
mission on Rural Poverty, 1968).

agricultural commodities needed in 1980
could be produced on about half a million
farms. These farms would average about
1,800 acres and require 3 to 3.5 men full­
time to operate them.
W e ig h t o f n e w te ch n o lo g y

Another recent study, conducted by Earl
Heady, an economist at Iowa State Uni­
versity, predicts a still faster decline in the
number of farms—to around 1.5 million in
1980.* This projection—which places some­
what greater emphasis on more rapid adjust­
ments to new technology—implies an in­
crease in average size in 1980 to about 740
acres. Even so, the author considers these
estimates conservative since he expects the
rate of technological progress to accelerate
even faster than estimated for his study,
which would intensify pressures to substitute
capital for labor.
He expects faster adoption of cost-cutting
technology to be spurred, not only by rising
wages but also by greater awareness of avail2
Earl Heady, U. S. Agriculture in 1980, CAED
Report 27 (Iowa State University, 1966).


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

able technology. Competition among sup­
pliers will no doubt stimulate efforts to
capture positions in the tremendously large
market for farm equipment and supplies.
New products and services intended to reduce
farmers’ costs and increase their production
will be researched, developed, and promoted.
And with larger farms, farmers will be more
sensitive to both costs and new technology.
A further increase in the pace of develop­
ment and application of new technology also
implies more specialized farms. Because most
new machinery, equipment, and buildings in­
volve long-term and rather sizable investment
and are often designed for specific functions,
they tend to be too expensive to use unless
the investment can be spread over greater
output. This only serves to intensify the push
toward specialization of farms and, hence,
larger farms.
Another factor this study points out as
favoring faster growth in average size of farm
is the expected retirement of many of the
older farmers over the next ten years. More
than a third of the farm operators are at least
55 years old. The education and the ability
needed by those who succeed these farmers
will be much greater. To earn satisfactory in­
comes, these operators will need larger farms.
C o rrectin g im b a la n ces

Another study focuses only on Midwest
agriculture.3 The authors of this study set for
themselves slightly different objectives and
used different estimating procedures. They
undertook to estimate for 1959, the last year
for which detailed census data were available,
and to project for 1980 the number and size
of farms (and a number of other measures)*


Efficient Organization of the Farm Industry in
the North Central Region of the United States in
1959 and 1980 (North Central Regional Research
Publication No. 182).

Continuation of current trends
point to a sharp reduction in
number of farms (Daley study)
S iz e o f farm
b y sale s
(thousand d o llars)



(thousand farm s)

(p e rcen t)

O ver $40




2 0 -4 0





1 0-2 0





5 -10





2 .5 - 5





U n d e r 2 .5

1 ,4 1 0





3 ,3 7 5

2 ,1 4 0



Per Farm









La b o r used (m anhours)

2 ,3 6 4

2 ,2 3 4



G ro ss income (millions)

$ 1 3 ,3 1 5

2 7 ,0 5 0

Production assets

$ 6 2 ,2 7 0

1 1 2 ,8 5 4

A cres

+ 103


in the North Central states if agriculture in
those states was organized for optimum eco­
nomic efficiency.
The test of efficiency was production at
minimum cost, a volume of output that would
sell in the market at prices providing reason­
able returns to labor and covering the cost of
capital, and a mix of commodities geared to
demands. These would be the conditions
existing when resources were used with opti­
mum efficiency.
The characteristics of agriculture in 71
subregions of the North Central states were
identified as they existed in 1959. These
benchmark data were used in measuring the
imbalances of agriculture in 1959 and esti­
mating changes through 1980. To approxi­
mate conditions of minimum-cost agriculture,
the authors identified the most efficient and
best organized farms in each area and re­
organized the farmland in each subregion
into farms with similar characteristics.
The effect was to sharply reduce the num­
ber while vastly increasing the size of farms
in the region. The number of farms dropped

Business Conditions, M ay 1969

39 percent and acreage per farm rose 64 per­
cent. Capital per farm doubled and gross in­
come more than tripled.
So organized, these farms produced more
than twice the actual output in 1959—which
had been more than demanded at prevailing
prices. As a result, the authors further re­
organized each subregion to equate total
production with market-clearing demand.
This was done by decreasing the input of
capital and labor per land unit until produc­
tion dropped to market-clearing levels.

The result was a further reduction in the
number of farms—to less than half that under
the minimum-cost reorganization and to less
than a third of the actual number existing in
1959. Under these conditions, less than a
third of the 1959 labor requirements was
needed and capital requirements were re­
duced to slightly less than half the 1959 total.
The basic procedures used in estimating
changes in farm characteristics resulting from
the hypothetical minimum-cost and marketclearing reorganizations in 1959 were also

Efficient organization of agriculture
would likely result in more rapid and extensive changes

Land an d
b uildingsb

La b o r

C a p it a l

G ro ss

le ve l

a cre s)

(m illion
d o llars)


(m illion
d o lla rs)

(m illion
d o llars)

(1 9 5 9 =
1 .0 0 )

1 ,1 7 1

N orth C e n tra l R e g io n '

N um b er o f
farm s

3 6 7 ,3 5 0

$ 5 2 ,7 2 0

1 9 ,0 0 2

$ 2 1 ,5 9 9

$ 1 0 ,0 4 1

1 .0 0


3 6 7 ,3 5 0

5 2 ,7 2 0

1 4 ,9 4 9

2 8 ,5 7 1

2 0 ,3 8 9

1 .0 0



3 6 7 ,3 5 0

5 2 ,7 2 0



3 5 6 ,3 5 0

5 1 ,3 1 5

A ctu al
R e o rg a n iz a tio n
C h a n g e from actual
M a rk e t cle a rin g
C h a n g e from actual

-3 9 %
-7 4%

-2 1 %
6 ,4 2 0
-6 6%


1 2 ,1 8 2

9 ,1 4 1

-4 4%

-9 %

.9 7
-3 %

P ro je ctio n '
C h an ge from actual

-7 3%

-3 %

-3 %

4 ,7 6 7
-7 5%

1 1 ,6 6 2

1 5 ,9 8 6


.6 6
-3 4 %

Per farm

C a p it a l

G ro ss

d o llars)


d o lla rs)

d o llars)


$ 4 5 .0

1 6 .2

$ 1 8 .4

$ 8 .6



2 0 .8

3 9 .9

2 7 .5

(a cre s)

Land an d

A ctu al
R e o rg a n iza tio n
C h a n g e from actual
M a rk e t-cle a rin g
C h a n g e from actual

1 ,2 0 0

1 7 2 .0

2 0 .8

M 6%
3 9 .9

2 9 .9

P ro je ctio n '
C h an ge from actual

1 ,1 0 6

1 5 9 .0

1 4 .8
-9 %

3 6 .2

3 1 .0

“ Includes Illinois, In d ia n a , Io w a , K a n sa s, Ken tu cky, M ich ig an , M in n eso ta, M issouri, N e b r a s k a , N orth D a k o ta , O h io , South
D a k o ta , an d W isconsin.
bV a lu e a t a ctu a l 1 9 5 9 lan d p ric e .
'M inim um -cost an d m a rk e t-c le a rin g with p ro d u ctivity in cre ase o f 1 .7 5 p erce n t com pounded a n n u a lly .


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


used in preparing pro­
Sim ilar changes indicated for Seventh
jections to 1980.
District states under assumed conditions
Characteristics of
the 1959 farm indus­
R e o rg a n iza tio n
MinimumM arke t1980
try reorganized to meet
c le a rin g
A ctu al
pro jection f
minimum-cost and
Illin ois
market-clearing goals
1 2 3 ,3 2 8
N um b er o f fa rm s
8 3 ,6 3 1
3 0 ,9 8 1
3 9 ,5 8 0
A c re s o f la n d *
were similar to those
1 6 .4
2 1 .1
2 1 .1
1 4 .4
Months o f la b o r *
projected to 1980, ex­
$ 2 0 ,9 8 5
4 6 ,9 7 6
4 8 ,7 2 3
4 0 ,3 5 4
V a lu e o f c a p it a l*
cept that the labor per4 1 ,4 7 2
G ro s s p ro d u ctio n *
$ 1 1 ,5 6 6
3 4 ,8 2 0
3 9 ,3 1 1
farm in the later year
4 7 ,0 7 8
N u m b er o f fa rm s
8 3 ,9 3 1
1 6 ,4 7 1
2 0 ,3 3 0
was much lower, re­
A c re s o f lan d
flecting the continued
1 5 .4
Months o f la b o r
2 3 .4
1 4 .3
2 3 .0
5 2 ,8 1 4
4 1 ,3 1 5
$ 1 7 ,0 1 4
5 2 ,6 6 1
V a lu e o f c a p ita l
adoption of new labor$ 8 ,7 4 2
3 5 ,6 6 6
G ro ss production
4 1 ,6 8 7
4 0 ,2 1 0
saving technology.
Iow a
Nearly all the adjust­
9 1 ,3 6 8
N u m b er o f farm s
1 5 4 ,3 2 9
4 1 ,0 4 6
4 9 ,0 8 6
ment in number and
A c re s o f lan d
1 5 .8
2 0 .0
2 0 .0
Months o f la b o r
1 4 .6
size of farms was need­
4 5 ,5 6 5
4 5 ,1 3 4
3 4 ,2 6 2
V a lu e o f c a p ita l
$ 2 3 ,3 0 9
ed to correct imbal­
2 8 ,5 9 6
3 1 ,4 9 2
3 1 ,7 9 4
$ 9 ,0 3 0
G ro ss production
ances in the costs of
M ich ig a n
1 8 ,5 2 4
6 5 ,0 4 2
1 6 ,4 3 5
4 1 ,3 2 0
N um b er o f fa rm s
resources and level of
A c re s o f la n d
farm production exist­
1 4 .5
2 3 .2
2 3 .7
Months o f la b o r
ing in 1959.
2 5 ,9 3 2
3 3 ,4 9 4
3 3 ,4 6 3
$ 1 3 ,7 1 2
V a lu e o f c a p ita l
2 7 ,0 9 4
2 8 ,8 0 4
$ 7 ,2 3 5
2 4 ,7 4 0
G ro ss production
The optimum size
W isco nsin
farm in this region in
3 3 ,4 8 6
3 7 ,4 2 6
1 0 6 ,6 9 1
7 9 ,0 7 7
N um b er o f farm s
1980 is described as
A c re s o f lan d
1 6 .7
Months o f la b o r
2 2 .0
2 1 .9
1 7 .4
averaging about 1,100
$ 1 8 ,4 4 0
3 0 ,7 3 2
3 0 ,8 7 5
2 9 ,1 9 9
V a lu e o f c a p ita l
acres— m ore th an
$ 7 ,2 0 6
1 9 ,6 8 4
2 1 ,4 2 5
2 3 ,0 7 5
G ro ss production
twice the 1959 observ­
fA ssom es p ro d u ctivity in cre ase o f 1 .7 5 p ercen t com pounded a n n u a lly .
* P e r fa rm .
ed acreage. This im­
simultaneously to the level of efficiency
plies about a 70-percent decline in the num­
achieved by the most efficient. Efficiency is
ber of farms and is roughly equivalent to the
curtailed by the limited knowledge of entre­
average annual rate of decline observed in
preneurs, lack of mobility of resources, goals
the past decade.
other than optimum efficiency, and public
If the imbalances in agriculture are similar
policies aimed at other than efficient use of
for the nation as a whole— and they probably
are—nationwide correction of a similar mag­
These estimates nevertheless serve to point
nitude would shrink the number of farms in
up the overcommitment of resources in agri­
the United States more than 2 million by
1980—to about 860,000.
culture. They indicate the economic forces
pressing for continued adjustment in farm
But to achieve that degree of efficiency in
the organization of agriculture seems quite
size and number of farms. Future change in
unlikely. No industry ever raises all its firms
the structure of agriculture does not depend

Business Conditions, M ay 1969

on the development of new technology. Such
development will only further intensify the
need for change.
M agn itu des d iffe r but d irectio n c le a r

Estimates of future developments are
hardly ever accurate. But they can provide
signposts that point up the general outline of
particular developments at some juncture in
the future, such as 1980, even though differ­
ent analyses yield somewhat different results.
In agriculture, experience has shown that
mere extension of past trends often tends to
underestimate the magnitude of changes.
Estimates, on the other hand, that assume
substantial institutional changes—such as
elimination of government programs, greatly
improved availability of capital, and rapid in­
crease in quality of management—may tend
to overestimate the rate of change.
While the magnitude of future change can­
not be clear, there is clear agreement recent
trends have not run their course. Many farms
are still too small either to use machinery and
labor efficiently or to provide operators with

satisfactory incomes. And, as new technology
and managerial techniques develop, the eco­
nomic pressures for larger farms become ever
Even by the lowest estimates reported
here, the changes indicated for agriculture
by the end of the next decade pose numerous
questions. It is already difficult for farmers
to build holdings to adequate size, relying on
funds generated through the business and
traditional borrowing. This problem probably
will intensify and it is a problem that will
concern lenders serving agriculture as well as
farmers. Financing practices may have to
undergo substantial adjustment if they are to
serve the needs of farmers, as indicated by
the changes in prospect for the next decade.
The adjustments may very well involve
changes in institutions as well as financing
practices. More reliance may need to be
placed on less traditional practices, such as
leasing, integration, contracts, incorporation,
and other arrangements yet to be devised, to
accommodate the capital needs of individual
farmers in the agriculture of 1980.

Personal saving and inflation
JTersonal saving, while generally at a high
level, has been declining in recent months as a
proportion of disposable personal income.
Personal saving by households was more than
$40 billion (annual rate) in the last half of
1967 and the first half of 1968—7.5 per­
cent of disposable personal income. In the
second half of last year, it averaged about 6.5
percent. And preliminary data for the first
quarter of this year shows a further decline
in the proportion to 5.8 percent.

The decline in the ratio of saving to dis­
posable income since mid-1968 was enough
to neutralize most of the impact of the 10percent surtax on consumer spending. The
surtax had been expected to moderate the
growth in consumer spending soon after it
became effective in midyear. But instead, the
rate of personal saving fell, allowing continu­
ation of the rapid rise in consumer spending,
even though after-tax income was constricted.
Explanation of these developments seems

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

to lie in the larger than expected increase in
consumer income and the uncertainty created
by accelerating inflation.
Savin g a c c e le r a te s , th en slo w s

Saving relative to income rose at an in­
creasing rate from 1963 to 1968. Between
1958 and 1963, disposable personal income
increased at an average annual rate of 4.9
percent while personal saving remained fairly
stable at about $20 billion. Therefore, saving
declined as a proportion of income. In other
words, as spendable income rose, an increas­
ing proportion went for consumer items.
But in 1963, a shift set in with the amount
of personal saving rising faster than dispos­
able income. From the end of 1963 to the
fourth quarter of 1967, disposable income in­
creased at an average annual rate of 7.8 per­
cent. Personal saving suddenly began to grow,
increasing at an average annual rate of 19

Saving has grown faster
than income since 1963

^Periods o f econom ic slow d ow n as d e fin e d b y the
N a tio n a l B u re au o f Economic R e se arch .

percent. As a percent of disposable income,
personal saving rose from an average of about
5 percent in 1958-63 to about 7.4 percent in
1967. In 1968, personal saving slowed while
disposable income continued its rapid rise.
D evelo p m en ts affe ctin g savin g

The proportion of disposable income peo­
ple save is influenced by several factors,
including current and expected incomes, in­
terest rates, and such demographic factors as
age and marital status. But the age distribu­
tion of the population does not change over
short periods. Nor do habitual saving prac­
tices. In the short run, changes in the saving
ratio largely reflect changes in current income
and expectations of future income and prices.
A person whose income has been rising
steadily is apt to expect the rise to continue.
This confidence fosters an optimistic view
that (other things being equal) can stimulate
spending and reduce the sense of need to
“save for a rainy day.” But it also appears
that the opposite might be true if rising in­
comes were accompanied by a quickening
pace of price increases.
An increase in the rate of inflation appar­
ently can cause people to become more un­
certain of the future purchasing power of
their income and savings. When this hap­
pens, they may step up their saving relative
to income in an effort to preserve their level
of consumption in the future.
Sharply rising prices can also change the
form in which additional savings are held.
Concern over the erosion of their purchasing
power may lead people to shift their savings
from financial assets yielding fixed returns,
such as savings accounts, to those with vari­
able return, such as common stocks.
Som e e v id e n ce

It has been customary to assign interest

Business Conditions, M ay 1969

f E x p la in e d sa vin g re p rese n ts the savin g ra tio p re d icte d b y
the in teractio n o f in cre ase s in r e a l d isp o sa b le income
(n om in al d is p o sa b le income ad ju ste d fo r p rice in cre ase s),
an a n n u al r a te o f p ric e in flatio n o f 2 .5 p erce n t o r m ore,
an d the sa vin g ra tio fo r the p revio u s q u a rte r. O f se v e ra l
te ste d , the e q u atio n form th at g a v e the b est results in
term s o f minimum d e v ia tio n b e tw ee n a ctu a l an d p re d icte d
savin g ra tio s w a s :
S / Y = 2 .4 9 + 0 .4 5 5 A Y / Y +
+ 0 .4 6 4 ( S / Y ) - !

0 .7 5 6 Prices

w h e re S e q u a ls p e rso n a l s a v in g s ; Y , d isp o sa b le incom e;
A Y / Y , p erce n t in cre a se in r e a l d isp o sa b le income (d is­
p o s a b le income se a s o n a lly a d ju s te d ); Prices, a “ dummy
v a r ia b le " rece ivin g a v a lu e o f one fo r an n u al ra te s o f
in cre a se s in the consum er p ric e in d e x o f 2 .5 p ercen t or
m ore an d z e ro fo r in cre ase s less than 2 .5 p e rce n t; and
( S / Y ) , the savin g r a tio fo r the p revio u s q u a rte r. The e q u a ­
tion w a s fitte d to the 1 9 5 8 - 6 8 p e rio d b y using q u a rte rly
d a t a . Its “ f it ," m e asu red b y the ad ju ste d co e fficie n t o f
d ete rm in atio n , is 0 .7 2 7 — th at is, a b o u t 7 3 p erce n t o f the
v a r ia b ilit y o f the savin g ra tio is e x p la in e d b y the e q u a ­
tion's v a ria b le s . The e x p la n a t o r y im p o rtan ce o f the p rice
v a r ia b le w a s in d ica te d b y omitting it. The e q u atio n y ie ld e d
a c o e fficie n t o f d eterm in atio n o f o n ly 0 .5 9 2 , o r 5 9 p erce n t.
This e q u atio n form d id b e tte r than others using the stock
o f liq u id asse ts a t the beginning o f the q u a rte r, p erm an en t
incom e, p re vio u s p e a k sp e n d in g , an d a lte rn a te la g
relatio n sh ip s.
'''Periods o f econom ic slow d ow n as d e fin e d b y the
N a tio n a l B u re au o f Economic R e se arch .

rates an important role in determining the
level of saving. And saving as a percent of
income has moved roughly apace with move­
ments of short-term interest rates since 1963.
But efforts to measure the effect of interest
rates on saving apart from the effect of in­
come have not yielded consistent results.
One study has even indicated that in­
creases in interest rates caused consumers
to save a smaller proportion of disposable
income and suggested that this was because
the greater income from interest reduced the
need for saving. On balance, however, the
evidence suggests that rising interest rates
induce greater saving but the effect is no more
important than the effect of rising income.
There are also indications that price in­
flation influences the rate of personal saving.
If a person expects prices to go up, it seems
that he would tend to accelerate his pur­
chases, at least of those things for which
prices are expected to rise. But if a person
wanted to maintain the purchasing power of
his savings, one way to do it would be to in­
crease his saving as prices rose or were ex­
pected to rise. In that event he might choose
to reduce spending and increase saving re­
lative to current income.
Surveys conducted by the University of
Michigan Survey Research Center since 1966
have shown that a rising proportion of con­
sumers expected price increases and planned
to postpone purchases of consumer durables
in anticipation of rising costs of living. Asked
what they would do in defense against price
increases, consumers responded more often
that they would reduce purchases or post­
pone buying than that they would buy in ad­
vance of price increases.
However, there are exceptions to the gen­
eral picture suggested by these responses. In
the summer of 1967, for example, automobile
manufacturers announced higher prices of


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

cars to be introduced that fall, giving rising
costs of labor and materials and the addition
of “safety devices” as the reasons. When ask­
ed if it was a good time to buy a new car,
many respondents in the Michigan survey
answered that it was, citing announced higher
prices for coming models.
Apparently, people with firm plans, involv­
ing a large expenditure, such as for a house,
a car, or a major household durable, are
sensitive to prospective price changes. A
highly publicized announcement that prices
of the goods they intend to buy will be in­
creased causes them to buy sooner rather
than later.
But even though living costs are rising,
consumers apparently do not attempt to buy
more of everything before prices rise further
and, consequently, reduce their ratio of sav­
ing. Most prospective price changes are not
announced in advance. Consumers are often
hardly aware of some price changes. Further­
more, many items of daily consumption do
not store easily and must be bought at about
the rate of their consumption.
The saving ratio is apparently also affected
by the belief that prices may increase more
than income. The Michigan survey showed

that since 1966 a growing proportion of re­
spondents held this view, even though most
of them had recently made income gains that
exceeded the rise in consumer prices. A com­
parison between respondents expecting only
moderate price rises and respondents expect­
ing sizable increases showed that the group
expecting sizable increases often felt worse
off and, therefore, were likely to defer pur­
chases. It would seem, then, that the inflation­
ary psychology of consumers has not been the
traditional one of going from “money to
goods” but one of going from “goods to
Statistical analysis of the available evi­
dence indicates that in 1963-67 greater than
expected increases in purchasing power and
the quickening rise in consumer prices were
major factors affecting the upward move­
ment in the ratio of saving to disposable
personal income. Even though changes in
disposable income appear to have been the
major factor affecting the saving ratio, it ap­
pears significant that the relationship between
the rate of change in consumer prices and the
saving ratio began strengthening in 1966, the
year consumer prices started rising at a decidely faster rate.

BUSINESS CO N D ITIO N S is published monthly by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. G eorge
W . Cloos w a s p rim a rily responsible fo r the article "W hat's happening to take home p a y ,"
Roby L. Sloan and Dennis B. Sharpe fo r "Larg e r fa rm s—a continuing tre n d ," and C harles C.
Tuck "Personal saving and in flatio n ."

Subscriptions to Business Conditions are a v a ila b le to the public w ithout charge. For in fo rm a­
tion concerning bulk m ailin g s, address inquiries to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
Box 834, Chicago, Illinois 60690.

Articles m ay be reprinted provided source is credited.