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A review by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

1968 May

Trends in banking and finance
Term loans—
big business for big banks


Steel bargaining: a source
of economic instability


Homebuilding—at the

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

in banking and finance
Term loans—big business for big banks
I I ow far commercial banking practice has
departed from the old idea of short-term selfliquidating loans is demonstrated by informa­
tion now available on the amount of “term”
loans outstanding at banks.1
Reports from about 150 of the nation’s
largest banks indicate that more than 45 per­
cent of their outstanding commercial and in­
dustrial loans were made under agreements
that provide the borrower with credit for
more than a year—up to seven or eight years
in many cases. Such loans account for almost
two-thirds of the net increase in business
loans of these banks since a year ago.
The trend toward longer loan maturities
has been underway since the mid-1950s. But
the recent upsurge in term loans coupled with
moderate net growth in total business loans,
new statistical series on commercial and indus­
trial term loans at the large banks in major cities.
The series, which reports loans by industry, is avail­
able from the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System as a supplement to its weekly H.12
release. Data begin on January 25, 1967.

suggests that corporations have been seeking
firm credit commitments from their banks,
posssibly in anticipation of tighter credit.
W h a t a r e “ te rm ” lo a n s?

Several types of borrowing arrangements
are called term loans, their common charac­
teristic being a contractual agreement that the
bank will supply credit for longer than a year.
The type of arrangement (ordinary term
loans, revolving credits, and standby credits)
usually reflects the purpose of borrowing
and the timing of the customer’s financing
needs. Such arrangements are made only for
“qualified” customers—those with well estab­
lished relations with the bank and with fi­
nancial conditions and prospects that meet
rigid standards.
An ordinary term loan is a business loan
with an original maturity of more than one
year. It may be repayable in a lump sum or
in periodic instalments—a serial term loan.
(Loans collateralized by real estate are ex-

B U S IN E S S C O N D IT IO N S is p u b lish e d m o n th ly b y th e F e d e ra l R e se rve B a n k o f C h ic a g o . D o ro th y M. N ich o ls w a s p rim a rily
re sp o n sib le fo r the a rtic le "T re n d s in b a n k in g a n d f in a n c e ," G e o rg e W . C lo o s fo r "S te e l b a rg a in in g : a source o f econom ic
in s t a b ilit y ," a n d Lynn A . S tile s fo r " H o m e b u ild in g —a t the p re cip ice a g a in ? "
S u b scrip tio n s to Business Conditions a r e a v a ila b le to th e p u b lic w ith o u t ch a rg e . For in fo rm a tio n co n cerning b u lk m a ilin g s ,
a d d re ss in q u irie s to the F e d e ra l R e se rve B a n k o f C h ic a g o , B o x 8 3 4 , C h ic a g o , Illin o is 6 0 6 9 0 .


A rtic le s m a y b e re p rin te d p ro vid e d source is cre d ite d .

Business Conditions, M ay 1968

eluded from the definition used here.) The
terms of the loan agreement are tailored to
the specific needs of the borrower and vary
greatly. Repayment schedules can range from
monthly to annually, and the amounts to be
repaid can vary over the life of the loan.
Revolving credit agreements normally al­
low the borrower access to a specified amount
of credit for up to two or three years. Indi­
vidual notes written under such agreements
are short-term—often with 90-day maturi­
ties. But the notes can be renewed at maturity,
and the borrower can pay down and reborrow
to suit his needs for the duration of the agree­
ment. Thus, the credit used is in effect long
term, even though the outstanding amount
often varies with seasonal needs.
Standby credit is another arrangement that
allows the borrower to draw funds from time
to time up to a maximum amount until the
expiration date. There is no provision, how­
ever, for paying down and reborrowing as
there is with revolving credit. Under either
arrangement, the borrower normally pays a
small commitment fee on the unused portion
of credit and may never take down the entire
amount available to him.
A variation that appears to have gained
popularity in recent years is a revolving or
standby credit that can be converted into a
term loan after a certain length of time. Under
this arrangement, the borrower can be as­
sured of credit for seven or eight years. The
arrangement is appropriate where a borrower
needs flexible bank financing during initial
stages of plant construction and expects to ar­
range for permanent financing from another
source but wants protection from the need to
do so under adverse circumstances.
Both ordinary term loan and revolving
credit agreements usually specify definite con­
ditions regarding the use of the funds and
standards of performance in the maintenance

of the borrower’s business and financial posi­
tion. In a sense, the bank and its customer
become working partners in the accomplish­
ment of specific corporate objectives.
As long as he complies with the conditions
of the agreement, the borrower is assured of
bank financing up to the limits stated. For
this privilege, he pays interest on the out­
standing balance and often a commitment fee
on the unused credit—usually Va percent. He
may also be required to maintain a compen­
sating balance.
The bank, in turn, assumes the risks in­
volved in making a commitment to supply a
certain amount of funds as required by the
customer. Sufficient funds to meet loan de­
mands when they arise may be difficult or
costly to obtain. To minimize this risk, the
bank may maintain fairly high liquidity, there­
by reducing current income without any as­
surance that the customer will actually use
the funds. Moreover, while his contract with
the bank usually provides the customer some
protection against rising interest rates, the
bank normally comes under great pressure to
renegotiate the contract if rates fall.
W h y te rm lo a n s?

Term lending on a large scale by commer­
cial banks is a fairly recent development.
Traditionally, prudent commercial bankers
were expected to hold assets with short ma­
turities in keeping with their liabilities—
mainly demand deposits. Long-term credit
needs were served largely by capital markets.
Banks began to venture into the interme­
diate credit area in the 1930s, when funds
were plentiful and the need for such credit
was widespread. Longer maturities were en­
couraged both by experience with Recon­
struction Finance Corporation loans and a
shift in emphasis of supervisory authorities
from liquidity to soundness of assets. In re-


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

cent years, it has been recognized that both
the increased ability of banks to manage their
liabilities and the cash flows resulting from
serial repayment schedules provide substan­
tial liquidity—more perhaps than when most
business loans were 90-day notes that might
have to be renewed several times. At the same
time, intermediate-term bank credit has con­
siderable appeal to many businesses as a
flexible means of financing.
Term loans are well suited to financing of
capital expenditures that can be recouped
from the borrower’s earnings and deprecia­
tion allowances in five to eight years. Also,
credits with one to two-year maturities can
be used to provide interim financing in the
early stages of plant construction or equip­
ment purchases that will eventually be funded
through security issues. Or, term loans may
be preferred over sales of securities at times
when capital market rates are believed high.

Term loans predominate
in capital-intensive industries*
percent of business loans, February 28, 1968



petroleum refining


term loans

other loans

primary metals
metal products
retail trade
other utilities
wholesale trade
commodity dealers


‘ R eported b y 15 la rg e S e ve n th D istrict b a n k s.



Another factor affecting the demand for
term loans and revolving credit is business
expectations regarding the future availability
of bank loans. When monetary policy is re­
strictive, or is expected to become restrictive,
some companies that normally borrow under
established lines of credit prefer more formal
credit agreements with their banks and are
willing to pay a fee for a firm commitment.
W ho b o rro w s?

Typically, term loans have been extended
primarily to large companies in extractive in­
dustries and transportation utilities, such as
railroads, airlines, and trucking concerns,
where operating units are large and financing
needs are not purely seasonal. The funds are
often used to finance equipment purchases.
Term loans are most important in New
York and Chicago, where many of the largest
business companies do their banking. Of all
banks reporting term loans, those in the New
York Federal Reserve District accounted for
54 percent of the term loans reported at the
end of February, compared with 38 percent
of total commercial and industrial loans. As a
proportion of the commercial and industrial
loans in each district, term loans ranged from
61 percent in the New York district to 20
percent in the San Francisco district. Slightly
more than half the business loans on the
books of the 15 large reporting banks in the
Chicago district were term loans, but ratios
for individual banks in the district ranged
from 10 to 65 percent.
Differences in the importance of term loans
at large banks in the Seventh District partly
reflect the industrial mix of the banks’ busi­
ness customers. Term loans are made most
often to large companies in industries with
large capital expenditures. Of outstanding
credits at large Seventh District banks to
companies engaged in mining or petroleum

Business Conditions, M ay 1968

refining, almost 90 percent had more than
one-year maturities. The ratio was about 80
percent for transportation utilities and 70 per­
cent for producers of primary metals.
But the willingness of banks to extend term
loans may be influenced by the amount of
funds they have employed in other long-term
earning assets. Thus on the West Coast,
where, in contrast to New York, banks have
very large investments in mortgages, business
term loans are relatively small.

A rapid shift into term loans
has taken place since last fall*
m illio n dollars

H ow much “ in s u ra n c e " ?

Outstanding commercial and industrial
loans to domestic borrowers at reporting
banks expanded $4 billion over the year
ended in late February. Of that, nearly $2.8

The importance of term loans
varies greatly among
Federal Reserve Districts
term as percent of total commercial

N o te : In clu d e s o n ly b a n k s fo r w h ich term lo an fig u re s
a r e a v a ila b le .

‘ Reported by 15 large Seventh District banks.

billion was in term loans. There was only
modest expansion in term loans before De­
cember. But since then, term loans have
risen sharply while short-term loans have de­
clined. At Seventh District banks, term loans
accounted for more than 80 percent of the
net gain in total business loans.
Both the industrial distribution of the ex­
pansion in term loans and its timing suggest
a considerable substitution of term loans for
short-term borrowings. Many loan officers
have said corporate borrowers want “insur­
ance” that they can obtain bank credit as
needed under tightened credit conditions and
are willing to pay the commitment fee as a
Much of the recent growth, especially for
Seventh District banks, can be attributed to
borrowings by companies engaged in metal
manufacturing. A fourth of the increase at


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

district banks went to
Outstanding term loans are concentrated
producers of primary
among a few industrial groups . . .
metals, who a year ago
United States
Seventh District
accounted for only 2
percent of the out­
standing term loans.
Borrowings of these
companies, which in­
clude steel companies,
p u b lic u tilitie s
probably reflects the
financing needed to
m in in g and
carry stocks built up to
p e tro le u m
meet custom er d e­
m ands in case of a
oth e r
accounting for an unusually
strike this fall. Mining
m a n u fa c tu rin g
large share of recent growth
companies, which are
Seventh District
United States
normally the largest
m etals
term-loan borrowers,
m a n u fa c tu rin g
account for almost
none of the expansion
a ll other
in the period ended in
late February.
Part of the recent
upsurge in term loans
undoubtedly repre­
sents the financing of
* " A I I o th e r" in clu d e s re ta il an d w h o le s a le tra d e , se rv ice s, co n stru ctio n , an d un­
c la s s ifie d . Fo reig n term lo a n s w h ich d eclin ed in the y e a r en ded F e b ru a ry 2 8 , 1 968,
long-term capital
a re in clu d e d in o u tsta n d in g s b ut e xclu d e d fro m g ro w th d istrib u tio n s.
needs. With yields on
high-grade corporate
of term loans as a proportion of bank assets
securities well above 6 percent, businesses eli­
must also be attributed to their appeal to the
gible to borrow at the prime rate—which was
lending banks. The comparatively high yields
6 percent until mid-April—found bank credit
on these loans, coupled with increased confi­
attractive. However, much of the funds cur­
dence that a significant degree of liquidity
rently taken down under long-term loan
can be provided through the management of
agreements is apparently of the revolving
bank liabilities, help explain this trend.
credit type.
Many smaller businesses borrow under
Clearly, the recent shift to term loans can­
serial term-loan contracts. The evidence sug­
not be related to any particular type of busi­
gests, however, that this type of accommoda­
ness expenditure. A number of factors have
tion is provided mainly to large well-estab­
combined to enhance the appeal of these
lished companies with the demonstrated
loans to borrowers in the current financial en­
vironment. But in the long run, the growth
ability to make repayments out of earnings.

Business Conditions, M ay 1968

Steel bargaining: a source
of economic instability
F o r the first time since 1965, continued
economic growth is threatened by the possi­
bility of a work stoppage that could idle more
than four-fifths of the nation’s steel capacity.
Because the availability and price of steel af­
fect nearly every economic activity, periodic
labor-management negotiations in the indus­
try attract widespread interest.
The industry shipped 84 million tons of
steel products last year—a total exceeded
only in 1955 and the years from 1964 through
1966. Shipments this year are expected to
exceed 90 million tons and, if a lengthy strike
can be avoided, maybe surpass the 1965
record of 93 million.
Industrywide bargaining between major
steel producers and the United Steelworkers
began during World War II in response to
urgings of the federal government. This prac­
tice has continued in the postwar period.
Bargaining was usually an annual affair until
1956 when the first three-year contract was
Representatives of the largest companies—
including United States Steel (20 million tons
of shipments in 1967), Bethlehem (13 mil­
lion), Republic (6 million), National (6
million), Armco (5 million), Jones & Laughlin (5 million), Inland (5 million), and
Youngstown (4 million)— and three smaller
companies are participating in negotiations as
a “coordinating committee group.”
The group accounts for more than 80 per­
cent of domestic steel output. A similar pro­
portion of the industry’s capacity will be idled
if a strike is called when the current contract

expires August 1. The current contract could
be extended by mutual agreement, as was
done in 1965. But this is not likely unless the
bargainers are close to a settlement.
Most of the other steel companies are not
organized by the United Steelworkers, have
different contract termination dates, or are
relatively small producers that would proba­
bly be allowed to operate during a strike, as
they were in 1959, with the understanding
that they would ratify agreements the union
reached with larger companies.
Negotiations began in mid-April, and ad­
vance planning had started months earlier.
Agreements are necessary on so-called “eco­
nomic” issues (wages, pensions, life and
health insurance, vacations, and cost-of-living
adjustments) and on “noneconomic” issues
(seniority and grievance procedures, and
various “local conditions and practices,” in­
cluding issues relating to safety, in-plant
transportation, washrooms, cafeterias, meal­
time allowances, work schedules, and crew
sizes). These noneconomic issues obviously
involve costs and benefits to labor and man­
agement, as do wages.
If agreements are reached without a strike,
the country will have avoided a disruptive
development that would become increasingly
serious, depending on the length of the walk­
out. Important considerations are involved
from the standpoint of price inflation, lost
production, and operating efficiency. Also,
insofar as imports are encouraged and exports
discouraged, the nation’s balance of payments
may be affected adversely. These factors are

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

also affected to an extent by the mere threat
of a strike. As in 1962, 1963, and 1965, most
steel producers are operating at practical
capacity as customers accumulate inventories
as a hedge against a possible work stoppage.


vent or at least shorten steel strikes when
negotiations appeared to have reached, or
approached, an impasse. Secretaries of Labor
and even Presidents and Vice Presidents of
the United States have intervened or tried to
intervene to bring negotiations to an agree­
The p o stw a r s trik e s
Major steel strikes were a chronic afflic­
After a strike began in 1952, during the
tion of the postwar U. S. economy until the
Korean War, President Truman ordered the
steel plants seized and operated under govern­
1960s. Walkouts of a month or more hit five
times between 1946 and 1959. The walkout
ment orders. The order was overruled by the
in 1952 lasted two months, and the one in
Supreme Court and a new strike was called.
1959 lasted almost four months. The first
In 1959, after a steel strike had lasted
postwar strike directly involved 450,000
almost three months and production had been
workers engaged in the production of iron and
curtailed or threatened to be curtailed in most
steel, the mining and processing of iron ore,
steel using industries, President Eisenhower
and in transportation (mainly shipping on the
took steps to obtain an 80-day injunction un­
Great Lakes). The other four strikes involved
der the Taft-Hartley Act. Legal procedures
500,000 or more such workers. Many super­
delayed the effective date of the court order
visory and white-collar workers remained at
almost a month. In January 1960, before the
work during the strikes, either because they
injunction period ended, pressures from the
were not union members or because they be­
government and the public helped force a
longed to other unions. All types of em­
strike settlement. President Kennedy in 1962
ployment in the steel industry currently total
and President Johnson in 1965 took active
about 630,000—far more than in any other
interest in negotiations, and Secretaries of
industry producing materials.
Labor Goldberg and Wirtz worked closely
The federal government has tried to prewith the bargaining groups.
In years when there have been
steel strikes, they have accounted
for a large part of all man-days
Postwar steel strikes
lost directly through work stop­
N u m b er
N u m b er
pages caused by labor disputes.
o f w o rk e rs
of days
S ta rt
4 50,000
Strike induced work stoppages
Feb. 17
J a n . 21
5 00,000
were widespread last year. Al­
Nov. 11
Oct. 1
5 60,000
though no steelworkers were in­
J u ly 26
Ju n e 2 f
volved, strikes caused more than
Aug. 5
J u ly 1
40 million idle man-days— 15
5 20,000
Nov. 7*
J u ly 15
million more than in 1966 and the
] ln m ost strik e s som e p la n ts resu m ed w o rk e a r lie r th a n o th e rs,
most since 1959.
t in 1952 the strik e a c t u a lly b eg an on A p ril 2 9 , b ut w o rk e rs
Time lost because of strikes in
retu rn ed to th e ir job s a fte r M a y 2 w h e n the fe d e ra l g o ve rn m e n t
" s e iz e d " the steel p la n ts . The S u p re m e C o u rt ru led a g a in s t the
industries other than steel was
s e izu re , an d the strik e w a s resu m ed Ju n e 2.
relatively small in 1956 and 1959
* W o rk w a s resu m ed w h e n the P re sid e n t o b ta in e d an 8 0 -d ay
—well below the 1947-67 average
in ju n ctio n u n d e r th e T a ft- H a rtle y A c t.

Business Conditions, M ay 1968

M an-days idle in work stoppages



(million man-days)



















of 24 million man-days. But all major steel
strikes have been accompanied and followed
by secondary layoffs and shortened work­
weeks in coal mining, transportation, manu­
facturing, and construction. These effects
have been most noticeable in the auto indus­
try, but they have also been important in the
machinery and equipment industries, fabri­
cated metal products industries, and in heavy
Such reverberations were, of course, most
serious in the case of the 116-day strike in
1959. Because of well publicized and ad­
amantly held opposing stands taken by man­
agement and labor in 1959, steel users
anticipated the strike. For more than three
months before work stopped, steel was pro­
duced at an annual rate of about 135 million
ingot tons—compared with a total of 93 mil­
lion for the year. Millions of tons of steel were
added to inventories. These excess stocks
would have enabled most steel users to main­
tain production through a strike of one or two
months, but not four.
Secondary layoffs rose sharply in October
1959 as steel supplies were depleted. Some
plants with adequate inventories of steel were
forced to reduce operations because suppliers’
production of necessary components was re­
duced. The Department of Labor estimated
that secondary layoffs idled 560,000 workers
by mid-November—more than the number

that had been on strike. In Flint, an area
heavily dependent on auto production, 26
percent of the labor force was laid off. The
proportion was greater than 4 percent in
Chicago, Detroit, and Milwaukee. Govern­
ment agencies reported the strike was ham­
pering output of defense products. Secondary
layoffs would have skyrocketed even further if
the strike had continued a few more weeks.
Losses of output in steel using industries
have typically reached a peak after the steel
plants reopened. It usually takes a month or
more for normal conditions to be restored as
operations gradually increase and pipelines to
users are refilled.
Estimates of the total impact of strikes, in
steel or other industries, can never be exact
or conclusive. Some output of goods contain­
ing steel may be merely postponed. On the
other hand, there are tertiary effects on the
output of the goods and services that might
have been bought with the income lost by
strikers and workers hit by secondary layoffs.
And these effects cannot be even roughly esti­
It is also possible that these disturbances
combine with other maladjustments in the
economy to produce a general business de­
cline. Recessions began in 1953, 1957, and
1960, after surges in activity following the
settlement of steel strikes. However, the part
played by steel strikes during those periods is
too much interwoven with other influences
to allow easy generalization.
Strikes and preparations for strikes reduce
efficiency and raise costs for a number of
reasons. Extremely high rates of operation
involve the use of overtime and obsolete
facilities that are typically less productive
than normal work schedules and first-line
equipment. Costs of carrying excess inven­
tories have been estimated at 15 percent a
year. And some types of goods, including

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

steel, deteriorate if held too long, especially
in makeshift storage facilities. Less efficient
means of transport may be pressed into use.
Perhaps most important, shutdown and start­
up costs can be expensive in many industries,
especially when labor forces cannot be re­
assembled expeditiously.
The in v e n to ry buildups


Although steel strikes have been avoided
since 1959, the possibility of a walkout af­
fected orders and output in 1962,1963,1965,
and now 1968. Customers have been well
aware of contract terminations (or, as in
1963, reopening dates) and have taken steps
to protect themselves by ordering additional
supplies. Manufacturers’ steel inventories
normally range between 30 and 60-day sup­
plies. When a strike threatens, most steel
users try to build additional reserves for an­
other 30 days or more.
Because factors other than strike hedging
affect steel demand—for example, actual and
expected changes in usage and expectations of
price changes—the exact month such build­
ups begin often cannot be pinpointed. More­
over, when the buildup is underway in
earnest, the proportion of shipments intended
for reserve supplies cannot be determined
exactly. Nevertheless, some approximation of
the impact of these inventory buildups and
subsequent liquidations can be made.
Since late 1961, the Department of Com­
merce has tabulated data on inventories of
steel held by manufacturers, steel service cen­
ters, and the steel mills themselves. Changes
in the tonnage of finished steel held by manu­
facturers is shown in the accompanying table.
Inventory changes in manufacturing plants,
steel service centers, steel mills, and in the
construction and extractive industries have
had substantial influence on steel output.
When steel inventories are rising a million

tons a month— as they typically do during a
buildup—there is an increment to total busi­
ness inventories of about $2 to $3 billion on
an annual-rate basis. To this must be added
a sizable but unknown increment to inven­
tories of finished and semifinished goods
made of steel.
Inventory fluctuations have played a major
part in business fluctuations since World War
II. Both the slowdown in the economy in
the second half of 1962 and the excessively
rapid rise in activity after mid-1965 were
unquestionably influenced by inventory
changes related to labor negotiations in steel.
One reason for doubting the continuation of
the current rate of upswing in activity is the
virtual certainty of a substantial liquidation
in steel inventories later this year and a sharp
drop in steel output, even if negotiations are
concluded without a strike.
S te e l p rices an d w a g e s

Until 1959 prices of finished steel had
risen substantially every year since World
War II. Except for 1949 and 1952, the aver­
age price of all industrial goods also rose,
prices commonly going up after the effective
dates of wage increases. It appeared to many
observers that the general wage-price spiral,
together with periodic work stoppages in the
steel industry, had become built into the econ­
omy. But the experience of subsequent years
has been quite different.

Manufacturers' inventories of steel
B e fo re
b u ild u p

P e ak

A fte r
liq u id a tio n

(m illio n tons)

8 .8 (N o v . '6 1 )

1 2 .2 (A p r. '6 2 )


8 .4 (D e c . '62 )

1 1 .9 (J u ly '6 3 )

9 .3 (D e c . '6 3 )


11.2 (D e c. '6 4 )


9.1 (D ec. '6 7 )

1 7 .2 (A u g . '6 5 )

1 0 .8 (A p r. '6 6 )

8 .4 (D e c . '62 )

Business Conditions, M ay 1968

ample domestic capacity relative
to the requirements for steel,
worked toward greater price sta­
bility. At the same time, upward
cost pressures were reduced as
new equipment and improved
processes helped stabilize labor
cost per unit of output in steel and
in the manufacturing industries in
Starting in 1965, with the Viet­
nam war superimposed on a vigor­
ous domestic economy, prices of
steel and most other manufactured
products began creeping up again.
At the end of 1967, both steel
prices and average prices of all
industrial goods were 107 percent
* In clu d e s fa b r ic a te d m e tal p ro d u cts, m a c h in e ry , a n d m otor ve h ic le s.
of the 1957-59 base period.
f l 9 5 9 steel s trik e .
Cost stabilization in 1958-64
^ In ve n to ry b u ild u p d u rin g la b o r n e g o tia tio n s.
reflected increases in worker com­
pensation being about in line with
increased productivity — higher
output per man-hour. The laborFirst, steel strikes have been avoided. Sec­
management agreement negotiated in the
ond, starting in late 1958 and continuing
steel industry in March 1962 called for a
until mid-1965, the average of all wholesale
three-year “package” of higher wages and
prices of industrial (nonfarm) products was
other benefits of about 2.5 percent, less than
the 3 percent-a-year secular rise in produc­
remarkably stable at 101 percent of the 195759 average. Steel prices played a part in pro­
tivity estimated for the entire economy and
suggested by the Administration as a guideviding this stability. At the end of 1964,
finished steel prices averaged no more than in
post for noninflationary wage increases. The
late 1958. The intervening years had seen
agreement of September 1965 was valued at
many moderate selective price adjustments—
almost 4 percent and widely taken to repre­
up and down—in contrast to “across-thesent a breach in the guidepost concept.
board” increases in 1958 and before.
This year, talks are taking place against
Clearly, the economy in general and the
a pattern of contract settlements in other key
steel industry in particular entered a different,
industries (autos, farm and construction ma­
more competitive environment in the late
chinery, and copper) valued at 6 percent or
1950s. In the case of steel, competition in­
more a year. Projections of annual gains in
creased from foreign sources and from alter­
output per man-hour still range close to 3.5
native materials, especially cement and alu­
percent for the economy as a whole.
minum. These developments, with more
Increases in worker compensation well in

Steel output increases sharply
in face of strike threat


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

excess of probable gains in productivity can­
not simply be laid on the doorstep of Big
Labor and Big Industry using monopolistic
powers to raise wages and prices in isolation
from market forces. The super-prosperity that
has characterized the U. S. economy in most
of the period since mid-1965 has brought the
entire cost structure of industry under pres­
sure, especially labor costs.
S trik e s an d s te e l im ports

Steel strikes and inventory buildups result­
ing from threats of strikes have encouraged
foreign penetration of the U. S. steel market.
This country was a net exporter of steel from
the end of World War II through 1958. In
1959, largely because of the long strike, im­
ports of steel exceeded exports. On a tonnage
basis, imports have continued to exceed ex­
ports ever since. The gap has widened sub­
stantially since 1964.

As they learned to meet the quality and
service standards required by U. S. customers,
foreign producers of steel have gradually
broadened their markets here. Where imports
were once confined largely to low-priced
products, such as reinforcing bars and barbed
wire, they now span the whole spectrum of
steel products.
Although price remains the main consid­
eration of most buyers of foreign steel—
which often sells $20 to $30 less per ton than
the domestic product— demand for foreign
steel has tended to jump in years when U. S.
output was curtailed or threatened by strikes.
Imports of steel last year amounted to 11.5
million tons, compared with exports of only
1.7 million. Imports were worth $1.4 billion,
compared with exports of $600 million, for
net imports of about $800 million. As late as
1958, steel had contributed $400 million net
to the trade surplus. This year, steel imports
are expected to rise to about 15
million tons, partly because of the
strike threat. This will amount to
at least 14 percent of total domes­
tic supplies. In case of a long
strike, the proportion could be
much higher and the trend could
continue into 1969.
T o w a rd sta b iliza tio n

The 1960s have not seen the
breakdowns of collective bargain­
ing in steel that brought the strikes
of the 1940s and 1950s and severe
shocks to the entire economy. But
the inventory fluctuations that
have preceded settlements in the
steel industry have had some of
the same disruptive effects—on
smaller but still significant scales
—on industrial efficiency and the
balance of payments.

Business Conditions, M ay 1968

Instability is one of the costs a free econ­
omy must pay for the exercise of basic rights,
including the right of collective bargaining.
An agreement between management and la­
bor will be reached in the end, but the longer
the participants test each other’s will, the
more serious the consequences.
In some countries, changes in wages and

prices in major industries are matters of gov­
ernment decree. One of the dangers inherent
in extended labor-management disputes here
is the possibility that public sentiment may
swing in favor of government intervention,
thus narrowing the area of private decision
making now exercised within the discipline of
free market forces.

at the precipice again?
JC jast year saw a sharp recovery in homebuilding. By the fourth quarter, residential
construction had regained the level from
which the steep decline began in the second
quarter of 1966. Just as the contraction had
been touched off by an abrupt curtailment in
the availability of mortgage funds, revival
came after the stringency eased.
R e flu x o f sa v in g s sin ce la te 1 9 6 6

A pronounced recovery in savings inflows
into mortgage lending institutions began in
late 1966. The improved inflow accompanied
a downturn in interest rates that carried on
into early 1967, following official action in
September 1966 to restrain interest-rate rival­
ry among commercial banks, savings and loan
associations, and mutual savings banks.
Much of the growth in savings funds at
these institutions was earmarked from its on­
set, however, to rebuild liquidity eroded in
the credit squeeze of 1966. Because of this,
as well as the slow tempo of financing typical

of (he first months of a year and the time
needed for builders to reactivate their plans,
the acquisition of new mortgages was delayed.
But by mid-1967, lenders had made substan­
tial headway in rebuilding holdings of cash
and marketable obligations and in retiring
indebtedness; their loan commitments had re­
turned to the high level of early 1966. The
upshot was a sizable flow of funds into mort­
gages throughout the second half. The volume
has remained high—the seasonally adjusted
annual rate of housing starts holding close to
1.5 million units.
With a strong upsurge in market interest
rates underway since early summer, some
hesitancy developed late last year. The spec­
tre of a loss of savings over the year-end in­
terest and dividend crediting date was
apparently a factor inspiring caution in sav­
ings institutions’ assumption of mortgage
lending commitments. The closing weeks of
1967 saw a decline in the rate of savings net
inflows, but even this and the low savings


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

gains in the first quarter of this year added
up to results that were above expectations. To
this—perhaps as much as to anything else—
were due the scattered reductions in rates
noted fleetingly in the first quarter, as well as
softening in other terms on mortgages.
Early reports on the volume of savings over
the end-of-March dividend and interest credit
and April income-tax dates indicate with­
drawals greater than a year ago, although
much smaller than in the first stage of the
credit squeeze two years ago. Results were
apparently much as lenders had expected.
The numerous increases in mortgage interest
rates posted in April appear to have reflected
the growing strength of loan demand more
than any abrupt shrinkage in fund availability.
Two factors are cited as explanations of
savers’ seeming indifference until recently to
the yield advantage market instruments have
offered over savings accounts. One is that
many customers of banks and savings and
loan associations have switched their holdings
from passbook accounts to higher yielding
certificates of deposit, which must be held
specified periods for the interest to be earned.
The other is that the heavy volume of with­
drawals in 1966 apparently included a big
outflow of “hot money”—funds especially
sensitive to interest yields—that did not re­
turn later to the financial intermediaries.
The seco n d h a lf an d b e y o n d


Prospects for the rest of the year (and be­
yond) are unusually hard to evaluate. The
state of the mortgage market and the pace of
homebuilding will depend on a number of
imponderables, all of which are interrelated:
e Vietnam. Will there be a further build­
up? Or, a phasing out?
% The tax surcharge. Will it be adopted? If
so, when? And for how much?
• Federal nondefense spending. Will it be

as projected? Less? Or more?
• Private spending. How much vigor?
• Monetary policy. What will it be?
What eventuates in Vietnam will have a lot
to do with chances for the tax surcharge and
the level of federal spending for other than
defense purposes. And what happens to fed­
eral income and outgo, taken along with the
performance of the rest of the economy, will
continue to influence the course of monetary
The greater the increase in private and
public spending, the greater will be the pres­
sure on productive resources and the greater
the need for restraining action in the interest
of price stability. Restraint can be exercised
by raising taxes (or cutting public spending)
or by restricting monetary growth.
Fiscal restraint bears down directly on
spending. A tax hike tends to discourage pri­
vate spending. A reduction in federal outlays
slows the advance in aggregate spending by
diminishing the share from the public sector.
Monetary policy registers its initial effects
largely on interest rates and the capacity of
banks and other lenders to extend credit. Be­
cause of the importance of credit in financing
the construction and sale of houses— and,
consequently, the central role played by in­
terest rates—the task cut out for monetary
policy takes on special significance to the
housing and mortgage markets when restrain­
ing action is needed.
The new upsurge in interest rates that be­
gan in the first half of 1967 reflects the impact
of vigorously growing credit demand on a
slower growing supply of credit. It is not sur­
prising that some spokesmen for homebuilding and mortgage financing have thrown
their support behind the proposed tax sur­
charge as a backstop to monetary restraint.
High and rising interest rates have been
viewed as a problem not only because they

Business Conditions, M ay 1968

discourage mortgage borrowing but also be­
cause they pose a threat to the continued in­
flow of savings to the financial intermediaries
supplying mortgage funds.
On net, any reduction in outlays for Viet­
nam—or slowdown in their advance—that
may accompany de-escalation would seem
due to be offset in part by stepped up expendi­
tures for poverty and urban-related programs,
resulting in federal spending in the aggregate
remaining strongly expansionary. Without
corrective action on the tax front, sustained
high levels of government spending would en­
tail substantial Treasury demands for credit
and resulting pressure on interest rates.
High interest rates as such may be less
likely to interfere with homebuilding in 1968
than they apparently were in 1966. From
trade sources come reports that mortgage
borrowers have become accustomed to the
level of contract interest rates prevailing for
the last two years or so. Acceptance of high
interest rates doubtlessly reflects the con­
tinued advance in personal income, the up­
trend in prices and building costs, and the
increasing stringency in the housing supply.
Vacancy rates have been unusually low
lately. Vacancies in homeowner units have
been at a “frictional” minimum since 1965,
and slack in rental units has been dwindling
rapidly since late 1966. The decline in va­
cancies was especially rapid in 1967, an aftermath of the sharp drop in residential con­
struction during 1966-67. It is estimated that
if housing starts had not dropped as they
did but had held at the 1.5 million annual rate
prevailing before the dip and after recovery,
400,000 to 500,000 more units would have
been built. This represents a substantial short­
fall in the inflow of new units into the supply
of houses and apartments.
In addition, the rate of family formation is
up appreciably over only a few years ago, and

the rise is expected to continue until the late
1970s as the many young people born since
the war reach marriageable age. While the
draft and prolonged schooling have post­
poned many marriages, prospects are for a
growing number of households to constitute
a plus for homebuilding for several years.
There remains the overhanging threat of
substantial net outflows of savings funds from
savings institutions as long as market securi­
ties yield more than the institutions’ pass­
book and certificate accounts. Any renewal
of savings drains affecting life insurance com­
panies—as by another upsurge in loans to
policyholders—would probably have only a
limited impact on owner-occupied housing.
Home financing by insurance companies has
been at a low level since 1966. Corporate
securities and mortgages on income proper­
ties—including apartments, which now ac­
count for about a third of all housing starts—
have offered more alluring returns than home
mortgage loans.
For the last year or so, acquisition of home
mortgages bearing relatively high contract
interest rates has undoubtedly increased the
average yields of mortgage portfolios, thereby
placing many lenders in a position to match
(at least to a small extent) further advances
in market rates. Taken along with the retire­
ment of debt and the buildup in liquidity that
savings intermediaries have achieved since
late 1966, the advance in asset yields suggests
that high market interest rates may pose a
less serious threat to housing and the mort­
gage market today than comparison with
early 1966 at first implies.
Housing in a clim ate of re stra in t

In a time when the growth of money and
credit has to be restrained to support eco­
nomic stabilization, interest rates can be ex­
pected to advance. The increase is no more


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

than the means by which a relatively limited
supply of funds is rationed among potential
users. Rising rates mean that something has
to give. The normal working of market forces
can usually be expected to result in a pattern
of credit allocation according to the relative
urgency underlying each of a variety of credit
Housing and mortgage finance feel the ef­
fects along with other users of credit—cor­
porate borrowers, consumers, and govern­
ments. This is not the whole story, however.
Several institutional features peculiar to the
housing and mortgage markets appear to ac­
centuate the impact of tight money and credit
on this sector.
Usury laws offer a leading example. In
some cases, the upper limits on interest rates
set by usury laws designed to protect the pub­
lic from avaricious lenders have rationed bor­
rowers out of the market by preventing the
payment of rates attractive to lenders.
Ten eastern and southeastern states had
laws at the end of 1967 setting 6 percent as
the highest contract rate an individual mort­
gage borrower could be charged. In all but
two of these states, however, efforts have been
underway this year to liberalize usury limits.
Virginia has already raised its ceiling, and
an increase is pending in Maryland. Action
still remains to be taken in the other eight
states, which include New York, New Jersey,
and Pennsylvania.
In the Seventh District, a 7-percent usury
limit applies in Illinois, Iowa, and Michigan.
The ceilings are 8 percent in Indiana and 12
percent in Wisconsin. So far, these rate limits
have caused no apparent difficulty in the Mid­
west, but if a 6 -percent ceiling has obstructed
the flow of funds into mortgages in the East,


where interest rates are generally lower than
elsewhere in the country, appreciable further
tightening in credit markets could make the
7-percent limit a hindrance to mortgage fi­
nancing in the Midwest.
Limitations on the rates on FHA and VA
mortgage loans provide another example. To
the extent that mortgage lenders are averse
to extending loans that must be discounted
to produce attractive “effective” interest
yields, the supply of funds available for mort­
gages underwritten by the government simply
contracts. Moreover, discounts may be a ma­
jor deterrent to some borrowers, boosting
out-of-pocket payments beyond their reach.
A further factor is the prevalence of the
long-term fixed rate typical of residential
mortgage loans. The dominance in lenders’
loan portfolios of comparatively low-yield
mortgages dating from periods of easy credit
and low interest rates often handicaps efforts
to offer suppliers of capital attractive returns
in times of higher interest rates.
These considerations point up the signifi­
cance of often arbitrary statutory and regula­
tory provisions—and practices of lending in­
stitutions—that might be modified in the in­
terest of greater stability in residential con­
struction and mortgage finance. But, as long
as there are such rigidities in the housing and
mortgage markets and in their regulatory en­
vironment, pronounced upward movements
in interest rates are likely to bear severely on
these sectors. In the current setting, adoption
of the proposed tax surcharge, which would
reduce dependence on monetary restraint,
could relieve pressure on interest rates and
thereby lessen the exposure of housing and
mortgage finance to the side effects of insti­
tutional rigidities.