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an e c o n o m ic re v ie w b y th e F e d e ra l R eserve B a n k o f Chicago

Foods of the future

The seventh business cycle

m a rc h






Foods of the future


Tests have show n that the nutritive
value o f textured vegetable protein
is high. In pure soybean protein
p rod u cts, th e p rotein efficiency
ratio can be brought to the level o f
meat scientifically.

The seventh business cycle


Although the 1973-75 recession is still
in progress and the ultimate pattern
o f the recovery is in doubt, an
exam ination o f earlier business cycles
provides clues to the future course
o f events.

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Business Conditions, March 1975


oods of the future
One o f the earliest attempts to develop an
alternative to an existing food occurred
when short supplies and high prices in a
wartime econom y prompted N apoleon to
offer a prize to the person who could invent
an edible fat to substitute for butter. The
prize-winning product was margarine. T o­
day, m argarine is a widely used food in
leading industrial nations; in the United
States m argarine sales are two and oneh a lf times greater than those o f butter, the
product it was designed to replace.
Numerous alternative food products
have been introduced since Napoleon
started the search for substitutes. The most
notable success besides margarine has
been shortening and cooking oils to replace
lard. More recent additions in the field o f
successful im itations include non-dairy
coffee whiteners, whipped toppings, and
bacon flavored bits. But where some sub­
stitutes have succeeded, others have failed.
Filled milk, for example, was adopted
rapidly in the United States in the late
1960s and accounted for more than 10 per­
cent o f fluid milk sales in some markets.
However, restrictive regulations have
reduced sales o f filled milk to less than 1
percent o f total milk sales.
Successful alternative foods seem to
have several characteristics in common.
First, the product being imitated is readily
accepted and used by large segments o f the
population. Second, the alternative food
very closely resembles the look, feel, smell,
and taste o f the natural product—or
produces an end result nearly identical to
the original product, as cooking oil does. In
some cases, the alternative food m ay offer
oth er advantages, such as a lower
saturated fat level.
The final and perhaps m ost important
com m on characteristic is that the alter­

native food be priced competitively. This
does not mean that the alternative must be
priced lower than the food being replaced,
although m ost are priced at or below that
point. Convenience values, such as longer
shelf life, less waste, or no refrigeration re­
quired, m ay make the imitation more
desirable if offered at even a slightly
higher price.

Protein: The building blocks
Protein is essential to life processes in
humans and animals. Plants can syn­
thesize protein directly from raw elements
such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen.
Ruminant anim als can convert limited
amounts o f nitrogen to protein but most
animals synthesize protein only indirectly,
deriving their life-giving amino acids
through the assim ilation o f food already
developed by the plant world.
Protein deficiencies are symptomatic
o f certain sectors o f the human population,
even in a country as well o ff as the United
States. Young children, teenagers, preg­
nant women, lactating mothers, elderly
people, and the poor seem to be consis­
tently subject to varying degrees o f protein
deficiency. For some o f these groups, poor
dietary habits are a matter o f choice and
education is the solution. For others—the
poor and the elderly in particular—protein
deficiencies are related to financial or
physical inability to obtain a properly
balanced diet.
One w ay to correct protein deficiencies
is to incorporate more than the normal
levels o f vegetable protein into the human
diet. Over 15 percent o f the U.S. popu­
lation’s total protein intake traditionally
comes from wheat flour. Other plants
providing protein include dry beans, peas,

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


lentils, peanuts, and soybeans. Sources o f
plant protein that are less frequently used
for human consum ption include cotton
seed, sunflower seed, and sesame seed.
Unfortunately, however, plant protein
is usually deficient in one or more o f the es­
sential “ building block” am ino acids that
a n im al p rotein supplies for proper
n u tritiv e b alan ce. Moreover, human
beings have acquired an indelible taste for
animal protein after countless millen­
niums o f devouring it. A large part o f the
world’s population requires that meat,
poultry, fish, or dairy products—and the
look, aroma, and texture associated with
these foods—be provided for sustenance
each day. A ny product that is going to
replace that part o f the human diet provid­
ed by animal protein will have to exhibit
much o f the same sensory qualities.

Animal products are the major
source of protein

soybean products 1%

By the mid-twentieth century scien­
tific technology had provided synthesized
forms o f m any o f the amino acids that exist
naturally in animal protein but are m iss­
in g in plant protein. However, the
problems associated with the differences
in the physical characteristics o f plant pro­
tein and animal protein products remained
unsolved until recently. High protein soy
flour was sometimes utilized as a low-cost
extender in some meat dishes, but the
resulting product was not alw ays physical­
ly appealing.

Technology’s new “ foods”
A process called texturizing trans­
forms basic plant protein into a fibrous
substance that has the chew y appeal o f cer­
tain foods. Nearly all the progress in this
area to date has involved soybeans,
although other plants m ay be included in
the future. The texturizing process uses
either fiber spinning or thermoplastic ex­
trusion to create a protein-rich material
that can be blended with other foods—
such as hamburger or sausage—as an
extender or can be fabricated into a
meat analogue— a totally syn­
thetic product with the look and
texture o f meat. Various ar­
t i f i c i a l f l a v o r i n g s and
supplementary nutrients are
added to give the analogue the
flavor o f the natural meat
To m anufacture a
soy/m eat analogue by spin­
ning, defatted soybean flakes
(50 percent protein) are upgrad­
ed to a soy protein isolate (about
90 percent protein) that is spun to
form fibers. Bundles o f these fibers
are passed through binders, colors,
flavors, seasonings, and supplementary
nutrients, resulting in a distinct physical
fo r m — such as slices or cubes—that
simulates animal products. Generally

Business Conditions, March 1975


speaking, the protein content o f this
methods is reflected in the prices o f the
resulting products. Extruded textured soy
material is higher than the natural
protein products currently are priced
product, although the precise level varies
around 20 cents per pound o f dehydrated
with the com bination o f items that goes
products. Extenders derived from spun
into its manufacture. Also, fat content o f
the meat analogue is markedly lower than
fibers are approxim ately three times more
the natural product. Although fiber spin­
expensive than extenders derived from the
ning has a great deal o f flexibility with
e x tru d in g p rocess. M eat analogues
respect to the types o f products that can be
fabricated from the spun fibers are even
produced, it is also a relatively complex
more expensive because o f the additional
and expensive process.
processing required.
Therm oplastic extrusion,
Soy protein is many times cheaper than
the other method o f producing
protein derived from other sources*
texturized soy protein, uses soy
flour, a cost-saving advantage
dollars per pound of protein derived from:
since no further upgrading is
necessary. With this method, a
cook e r-e x tru d e r fo rce s the
material through a die, the
shape and size o f which con­
trols the texture. The resulting
dehydrated product is an un­
flavored material containing
tuna fish
about 50 percent protein. One
part o f extruded soy protein
plus two parts water results in a
material with 17 percent pro­
tein, approxim ately equal to
the protein content o f meat.
The hydrated mixture is then
m ixed—used as an extender—
with the meat product. It is
generally agreed that the m ax­
imum amount o f extruded soy
protein (hydrated form) that
can be m ixed with a meat
wheat flour
product is about 25 to 30 per­
cent. More than this usually
causes a marked decline in the
extruded soybean flour
desired texture characteristics.
However, spun fibers can be
used both as meat analogues or
granular soybean concentrate
as extenders at higher mix
ratios and still retain what
m a n y p e o p l e co n s id e r a
lowfat soybean flour
desirable texture.
T h e c o s t d iffe r e n tia l
‘ Annual average wholesale prices or
equivalent prices to processors.
between the m anufacturing


Manufacturers use soybeans in dozens of different products

B a b y fo o d s
B a k e ry p r o d u c ts
C e re a ls
H ig h - p r o te in b e v e ra g e s
M e a t e x te n d e rs
P re p a re d m ix e s
T e x tu re d p ro te in
A d h e s iv e s
N u trie n ts fo r:
A n tib io tic s
B e e r a n d a le
Y east

B e v e ra g e s
M e a t a n a lo g u e s
P ro te in a d d itiv e s
A d h e s iv e s
E m u ls ify in g a g e n ts
F ib e rs
F o a m in g a g e n t

B a k e ry p ro d u c ts
D ie te tic fo o d s
M a rg a rin e
P h a rm a c e u tic a ls
A n ti- fo a m a g e n ts
D is p e rs in g a g e n ts
S ta b iliz in g a g e n ts
W e ttin g a g e n ts

C o ffe e w h ite n e rs
C o o k in g o ils
F ille d m ilk
M a rg a rin e
M a y o n n a is e
S a la d o il
V e g e ta b le s h o rte n in g
C a u lk in g c o m p o u n d s
D is in fe c ta n ts
H e r b ic id e s
In s e c tic id e s
P la s tic iz e rs
P r in tin g in k s

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

C a lf m ilk r e p la c e r
F is h fo o d
F o x a n d m in k fe e d
L iv e s to c k a n d
p o u lt r y fe e d
P e t fo o d s

Business Conditions, March 1975

A new era
On February 22, 1971 the Food and
Nutrition Service o f the U.S. Department
o f Agriculture announced that textured
vegetable protein could be utilized as a
meat extender in the school lunch pro­
gram. With some 25 million children being
fed through the program daily, a vast
ready-made market existed for any in­
gredient that would be consumed in quan­
tity. Industry leaders who had been seek­
ing such approval from the U SDA for
years hailed the announcement as a
significant victory for the food industry.
Favorable econom ics prompted the
quick adoption o f a mixture o f textured
v e g e t a b l e p rotein and ground beef
(soy protein/ground beef blends). The
soy/grou n d beef blends reduced the cost o f
the finished food 10 to 20 cents per pound, a
saving for m any schools. Approxim ately
23 million pounds o f textured vege­
table protein were used by schools in 1971.
The high meat prices o f 1973 caused usage
to almost double, and usage is expected
to redouble within two years, reaching
almost four pounds o f textured vege­
table protein per child served by the
S oy/grou n d beef blends had little or no
im pact at the retail level until 1973. Then, a
m ajor supermarket chain test marketed a
soy/grou n d beef blend—75 percent meat
and 25 percent textured soy protein—at 20
cents per pound less than the all-meat
product. Shoppers switched to the cheaper
blend in record numbers. Within six
months the blend was providing more
than 15 percent o f the supermarket’s total
meat volume, and it was outselling regular
ground beef by as much as 10 to 1 in some
trading areas o f the chain. It would seem
that rigid quality control along with
aggressive prom otion largely destroyed
the prejudices m any consumers formerly
held against soy blends.
Soy protein marketed as meat ana­


logues—totally synthetic meat products—
is most often found in health foods or in
other specialized foods for those who prefer
not to eat meat. However, several products
such as the bacon flavored bits and imita­
tion breakfast sausage are gaining con­
sumer acceptance.

Nutritional aspects
Numerous tests have shown that the
nutritive value o f textured vegetable pro­
tein is high and that its protein efficiency
ratio (PER) compares favorably with those
o f meats. PER is one w ay o f measuring the
dietary value o f food protein. Casein, with
a PER o f 2.5, is used as the measurement
standard. The PER o f ground meat typi­
cally averages about 2.7, while the PER o f
textured vegetable proteins is 2.1 or more.
However, the PER o f pure soy protein
products can be brought to the level o f meat
by the addition o f methionine, an essential
amino acid not as readily available in soy
protein as in meats.
Com bining soy protein with meat
definitely results in a nutritionally sound
product. In fact, there is to a certain
degree a synergistic effect—the total
nutritional value o f the combined product
exceeds that o f either product consumed

Acceptance of food substitutes
Consumer acceptance o f alternative
food products is influenced by a com bina­
tion o f sensory, aesthetic, and economic
considerations. While flavor, color, odor,
and texture are very important, advan­
tageous price differentials could prove to
be the basic determinant in overcoming
less desirable sensory properties. Gener­
ally speaking, the physical properties of
soy/m eat blends and meat analogues
closely resemble the products they are
designed to replace. In the case o f blends,
sensory characteristics can vary with the


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

soy/m eat ratio as well as with the brand o f
Results o f recent studies show that
soy/m eat blends are generally acceptable
to the m ajority o f consumers that have
used them. Blends were rated as high or
higher than all meat products in terms o f
tenderness, lack o f fatty taste, and con­
sistency for m aking patties. There was
some negative response to the appearance
o f blends in the precooked state and to the

aroma or flavor. Nevertheless, soy/grou n d
beef blends received higher ratings than
the pure meat product in the category o f
overall food value and general satisfac­
tion. One study showed that the majority
o f soy/ground beef buyers expressed either
a preference for or, at worst, indifference to
the blended product.
Retail sales o f blend products have
varied widely, in part depending on the
price o f the blend versus the all-meat

Soybeans: 2838 B.C.-1975 A.D.
The first recorded description o f the
v ersa tile legume— or soybean—was
made by Chinese Emperor Shang-Nung
in 2838 B.C. Soybeans have served as a
food throughout the Orient over the cen­
turies, and currently the Japanese peo­
ple derive about 12 percent o f their total
dietary protein from soybean products.
Soybeans were introduced to Eu­
rope in the eighteenth century and to the
United States at the start o f the
nineteenth century. It was not until 1908
that English producers built a mill
specifically for crushing soybeans to ex­
tract oil and meal in large quantities.
U nfavorable clim atic conditions in­
hibited European production efforts,
and the bulk o f soybeans for the English
mills were imported from Manchuria.
Soybean oil w as utilized in soap, and
soybean meal as a source o f high protein
animal feed.
The first U.S. soybean processors
also imported the bulk o f their supplies
from Manchuria. Cottonseed oil mills
were used to process soybeans in the
south, and North Carolina was the
leading soybean-producing state until

1924 when Illinois took over the top posi­
tion. Soybean production in the United
States remained relatively unimportant
until World War II brought on a sharp
increase in the demand for margarine,
derived m ainly from soybean oil. U.S.
soybean production first exceeded 100
million bushels in 1942 and reached the
1 billion bushel mark in 1968. In 1973 the
U.S. soybean crop was 1.6 billion
bushels, almost three-quarters o f es­
timated world production.
The soybean provides two im por­
tant food components, fat in the form o f
oil and protein in the form o f meal.
Furthermore, both com ponents are
derived at a per acre rate— assum ing
average U.S. yields—that exceed most
other oilseed, food grain, and feed grain
crops. One bushel o f processed soybeans
typically will result in just under 12
pounds o f oil and almost 48 pounds o f
meal. In the United States approxim ate­
ly 90 percent o f the soybean oil goes to
the edible oil market and the remainder
is utilized in industrial products. About
97 percent o f all soybean meal is utilized
in animal feed and 3 percent in food.

Business Conditions, March 1975

product. A s retail beef prices declined late
in 1973 and early 1974, soy/grou n d beef
sales declined. Some stores dropped the
line entirely. Those that continued to
market the blend through the summer o f
1974 experienced a wide range in the shareof-market figures, from just a few percent
to the m ajority o f the ground beef market.
M any stores that continue to promote the
blended product are reporting an increase
in total ground meat sales. Stores that
m aintained a price differential o f less than
15 cents per pound typically experienced a
decided decline in soy/grou n d beef volume.

Shifts in protein sources
The introduction and acceptance o f
the soy protein analogues and soy/m eat
blends have important im plications for
consumers and livestock producers. A l­
though consumers m ight reduce expen­
ditures while holding consumption levels
constant, it seems more likely that they
will want to purchase a larger volume o f
m eat and m eat blends for the sam e outlay.

T ypically, consumers allocate nearly the
same percentage o f annual income to the
purchase o f meat year after year.
Assum ptions about the degree o f
market penetration that soy protein will
achieve are tentative at best. The potential
shift in resource allocation resulting from
the substitution o f soy protein for red
meats and for poultry in processed foods
was recently outlined by the U.S. Depart­
ment o f Agriculture. Three possible levels
o f market penetration were considered for
the year 1980, with soy protein replacing 4
percent, 6 percent, and 8 percent o f the pro­
tein that otherwise would be supplied in
the form o f processed meat. These repre­
sent minimum and maximum levels o f
market penetration thought possible with
available technology at the time o f the
A ccording to the USD A report, cattle


and ca lf slaughter without any soy protein
substitution would total about 49 million
head by 1980. Within the ranges o f soy pro­
tein substitution levels used by the Depart­
ment, cattle and ca lf slaughter would
decline anywhere from 2 million to slightly
more than 4 m illion head per year. Cattle
slaughter has averaged around 37 million
head per year recently, indicating herds
must still expand, but at a slightly slower
rate than if there were no substitutes. A n­
nual hog slaughter would likely total about
100 million head by 1980 but meat sub­
stitutes, under the above assumptions,
would bring that down to between 92 and
94 m illion head, still 12 to 14 million head
above recent slaughter rates. As a result o f
these reductions in anim al numbers, the
tota l cultivated acreage required to
produce the meat protein level established
for 1980 would decline between .5 and 1 per­
cent. More acreage would have to be
devoted to the production o f soybeans,
while feed grain and roughage acreage
would decline.
The adoption o f soy protein as a sub­
stitute for meat in processed food is likely
to im pinge upon prices o f lower-grade
animals. However, the total effect hinges
on such variables as consumer income and
the prices o f com peting products. Overall,
it appears that a larger amount o f protein
m ight be consumed, but that meat will
make up a smaller portion o f the total.
Furthermore, while supplies o f the various
animal proteins must continue to expand,
though at a slower pace than if no sub­
stitute were utilized, it seems likely that
there m ay come a time when the growth
rate in animal protein m ight stabilize at
very near zero growth. Such changes,
however, must be preceded by additional
technological advances that will lower the
cost and improve the quality o f soy protein
or other vegetable protein extenders and
meat analogues.

Terry Francl


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

The seventh business cycle
Growth in general econom ic activity has
been interrupted seven times by recessions
since World War II. Peaks were reached in
1948, 1953, 1957, 1960, 1966, 1969, and
1973. The subsequent adjustments varied
substantially in amplitude and duration

from the “ m ini-recession” o f 1966-67—
often excluded from the list—to the severe
and pervasive drop that began with the
Arab oil em bargo in October 1973 and
gathered rapid momentum in October
The 1973-75 recession is still in
progress and the ultimate pattern o f the
decline and recovery remains in doubt.
Nevertheless, an exam ination o f develop­
ments in earlier cycles m ay provide clues
as to the future course o f events. While each
recession has its own distinguishing
characteristics, underlying negative and
expansionary forces remain much the
The accom panying charts show the
pattern o f the seven postwar recessions as
reflected in five basic measures:
• “ Real” gross national product (total
expenditures on goods and services ad­
justed for price changes);
• M anufacturing output (from the In­
dustrial Production Index);
• Total payroll employment;
• The total number o f unemployed;
• The general price level (represented as
the gross national product deflator).
Each o f these measures is charted,
with adjustment for seasonal variations,
to show its path during the seven
recessions and recoveries in the time spans
delineated by successive peaks in real
GNP. The lines depicting each cycle begin
at the high watermark reached by real
GNP in the previous cycle.

The postwar recessions
The term recession is sometimes
applied to whole business cycles—the
decline and the subsequent revival or
recovery phase. The term is used here to
denote only the downtrend.
It is certain that the current recession
will be recorded as both the longest and the
deepest since World War II. Real GNP
declined for only two quarters follow ing
the peaks o f 1948 and 1957 and for only one
quarter in 1966-67. The other declines
lasted four quarters, with the 1969-70 drop
extended by the General Motors strike. In
the current recession real GN P has de­
clined each quarter since the fourth
quarter o f 1973. Most analysts believe that
a substantial drop occurred in the first
quarter o f 1975 and that a further,
although smaller, decline is probable in the
second quarter. If so, the 1973-75 recession
will have lasted six quarters, h a lf again as
long as any previous postwar decline.
The amplitude o f a recession m ay be
more important than its duration in deter­
mining its overall impact. Postwar re­
cessions have been mild by the standards
o f the prewar period, but important none­
theless in interrupting average annual
growth o f about 4 percent. Four o f the
declines in real GNP were less than 2 per­
cent, with the 1966-67 decline only a frac­
tion o f 1 percent. The 1953-54 decline was
3.4 percent. Although it lasted only two
quarters, the 1957-58 decline amounted to
3.9 percent and was the sharpest o f the first
six postwar recessions. It now appears that
the drop in real GNP from the fourth
quarter o f 1973 to the first quarter o f 1975
was almost 8 percent, about twice as large
as in 1957-58.


Business Conditions, March 1975

Business cycles vary
At least twice since World War II, in
the spring o f 1956 and in late 1962,
recessions were predicted that did not in
fact occur. These incorrect forecasts were
based on slowdowns in certain key in­
dicators. In 1962, moreover, it was
suggested that a pattern o f successively
shorter upswings had emerged and that a
recession “ was due.”
Ironically, in the late 1960s, after near­
ly a decade o f almost uninterrupted
growth, a widespread notion developed
that the old-style business recession was
extinct. It was suggested that the defini­
tion o f the business cycle be expanded to in­
clude periods o f retarded growth. The title
o f a governm ent publication was changed
from B usiness Cycle D evelopm ents to
B usiness Conditions Digest. U nfortunate­
ly, the business cycle was not dead.
Each business cycle has been unique
in some im portant respects. The recession
o f 1957-58 and the subsequent recovery
was distinctly “ V-shaped,” and was so
described. The decline and recovery of
1969-71 w as abnorm ally elongated and
can be called “ U-shaped.” Important
strikes in the steel, coal, and auto in­
dustries played a m ajor role in delaying
recovery in 1949 and 1970 and, perhaps, in
initiating the recessions that began in 1957
and 1960.
All postwar recessions have been
followed by recoveries that lasted a
minimum o f two years. The upswing that
started in 1961 lasted almost six years—
over eight years if the 1966-67 dip is ex­
cluded. Increases in real GNP from one cy­
cle peak to another have ranged from 8 per­
cent to over 36 percent.
A measure o f the resilience o f the U.S.
econom y has been the time necessary for
real GNP to regain its pre-recession peak
after earlier recessions. In the first six
postwar business cycles the previous peak
was reached or exceeded in one, two, or

three quarters o f expansion.
When the current recession ends and
the recovery phase o f the cycle begins, the
uptrend m ay be fairly rapid. Nevertheless,
a great deal o f lost ground will have to be
regained before real GNP reaches the level
it attained in the fourth quarter o f 1973.
Moreover, the econom y will be handi­
capped in w ays unknown prior to 1973
because o f restricted supplies o f energy,
changed relationships between prices o f
major commodities, serious dislocations in
world markets, severe liquidity problems
o f certain businesses and financial in­
stitutions, and a deterioration in con­
fidence o f consumers and investors un­
matched since the 1930s.

The decline in real GNP in this
recession has been the deepest
since World War II
billions of 1958 dollars

annual rates
i i i i i i i i i i i


i i i ................................i l l

i -J—i

number of quarters from previous peak

Note: T is trough in real GNP.



M a n u fa ctu rin g v o la tile
From 1948 through 1973 real GNP
grew about 3.9 percent per year, while
growth in m anufacturing output averaged
almost 4.6 percent. Peaks and troughs in
these measures were usually coincident
with some tendency for m anufacturing to
lead on the downswing, but declines in
manufacturing output have been much
sharper than declines in the broader
measure o f real GNP. It has taken longer,
moreover, for manufacturing output to
regain its previous cyclical peak, but in­
creases later in the upswing have usually
outpaced real GNP. These com parisons
primarily reflect accum ulations and li­
quidations o f inventories o f manufactured
goods—salient features o f virtually all
business cycles.
Except for a 2 percent drop in 1966-67,
manufacturing output has declined by 8
percent or more in each postwar recession,
using quarterly averages. The largest
decline in the first six recessions was 12.5
percent in 1957-58. From Novem ber 1973 to
February o f 1975 m anufacturing output
dropped almost 15 percent, with 90 percent
o f the drop concentrated in the months
follow ing September 1974. A s in most
earlier business declines, the drop in
durable goods m anufacturing has been
greater than in nondurable goods.
Although m anufacturing activity has
“ bottomed out” in the same quarter as real
GNP in earlier postwar recessions (except
for a one-quarter lag in 1958), its subse­
quent recovery has been more sluggish.
Manufacturing has taken at least one, and
more often two, quarters longer to reach its
previous high than has real GNP. Subse­
quent recovery in manufacturing was
more rapid, however, and gains from one
cyclical peak to another typically have ex­
ceeded the increase in real GN P by a
significant margin. This occurred in all
postwar cycles except for the one that peak­
ed in the fourth quarter o f 1974.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Output o f residential building m a­
terials, passenger cars, and recreational
equipment had been weak all last year.
Starting in October, however, virtually all
types o f m anufacturing began to slide. Ex­
tremely tight supply situations for most
m a teria ls and com ponents suddenly
changed to surpluses, and attempts to
build inventories at all levels gave w ay to
programs to reduce inventories. In the first
quarter o f 1975 signs o f weakness in de­
mand spread to steel and to m any types o f
capital goods. A moderate recovery in out­
put seemed an early prospect only for in­
dustries such as autos that had already li­
quidated inventories to a substantial

Manufacturing output has
declined more sharply than
in earlier recessions
percent, 1957=100

number of quarters from previous peak

Note: T is trough in real GNP.

Business Conditions, March 1975

E m p lo y m e n t la g s c y c le
From 1948 through 1959 peaks in wage
and salary em ployment tended either to
coincide with cycle peaks in real GNP or to
precede them slightly, as in the case o f
m anufacturing output. In the past decade,
however, the pattern has changed. Wage
and salary em ployment has continued to
increase after real GNP has begun to slip.
The tendency for employment to lag
the cycle can be explained, in part, by the
declining relative importance o f m anufac­
turing employment, which tends to be
cyclically sensitive. M anufacturing em­
ploym ent was 35 percent o f the total in
1948, but only 26 percent in 1973, after a
persistent decline. When factory layoffs
are spreading, governments, merchants,
financial institutions, and other service in­
dustries often are increasing payrolls.
Em ploym ent continued to rise through
the slight decline in total activity in early
1967. After total business peaked in the
third quarter o f 1969, wage and salary
em ploym ent continued to rise through the
first quarter o f 1970. In 1974 employment
reached a peak in October, although real
GNP declined quarter by quarter through
the year.
Unfortunately, the tendency for em­
ploym ent to lag total activity was also evi­
dent in the recovery stage o f the last com ­
plete cycle. While real GNP regained its
1969 peak in the first quarter o f 1971,
em ploym ent did not reach the level o f early
1970 until the third quarter o f 1971.
M any employers in fields other than
m anufacturing have laid o ff workers in the
past several m onths, but manufacturing
continues to dominate changes in total
em ploym ent. Payroll employment de­
clined from a record 79.9 million in October
1974 to 76.6 m illion in February 1975.
M anufacturing, which accounted for only
25 percent o f total employment in October,
accounted for three-fourths o f this drop in
em ploym ent. Actually, manufacturing


employment had peaked in December 1973
and was already down 300,000 by October
1974. In addition, the average factory
workweek declined from 40.6 hours in
December 1973 to 38.8 in February 1975.
M any employers plagued with rising
costs and laggin g revenues will be reluc­
tant to resume hiring even when business
activity begins to improve. Some firms and
governments are operating under some
form o f “ freeze” on new hirings. Claims for
unemployment com pensation in March
continued to exceed last year’s volume by a
wide margin. These developments have
helped to build pressures for additional
federally funded public service jobs.

Wage and salary employment
rose through three
quarters of 1974
million persons








number of quarters from previous peak

Note: T is trough in real GNP.



U n e m p lo y m e n t at p o s t w a r h ig h
As employment declines in a reces­
sion, unemployment (defined as those
without jobs who are seeking work) rises,
and more than proportionately. Estimates
o f unemployment include not only those
who have been laid o ff and w ho have not
found jobs, but also those who quit their
last jobs, those who have reentered the
labor force, and new entrants who have
never held jobs.
In late 1973 only 40 percent o f the un­
employed were “ job losers.” The remainder
o f those seeking work had not been dis­
charged from previous jobs. This 40 per­
cent proportion is about norm al for
prosp erou s periods. In a recession,
however, the proportion o f the unemployed
represented by job losers rises. It reached
52 percent in January 1975.
Unem ploym ent is usually discussed as
a percent o f the civilian labor force—the
total o f those employed and those un­
employed. The number o f unemployed
reached 4.2 m illion and the unemployment
rate averaged 4.7 percent in the second h a lf
o f 1973, the lowest levels obtained in the
econom ic expansion that began in 1971.
The rate averaged about 5.2 percent in the
first three quarters o f 1974, before jum ping
sharply to 8.2 percent (7.5 m illion) in
January and February 1975. This w as the
highest rate since Pearl Harbor, but it was
far below the levels prevailing throughout
the 1930s. The rate averaged 25 percent in
1933 before declining to 14 percent in 1937,
the lowest level reached in that decade.
The accom panying chart shows the
number o f unemployed, rather than the un­
employment rate, to coordinate with other
charts in this article. Trends in the un­
employment rate and in the number o f un­
employed are very similar.
In postwar business cycles unem ploy­
ment has traced a rough mirror im age o f
employment, with peaks in unemployment
corresponding with troughs in em ploy­

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

ment and vice versa. However, unem ploy­
ment has tended to m ove to higher levels in
each cycle both in numbers and as a
proportion o f the labor force. The long
period o f prosperity that climaxed in 1969
when unemployment averaged 3.5 percent,
the lowest since the Korean War, w as an
Some analysts expect unemployment
to rise to 9 or 10 percent later in 1975 or in
1976. This dismal projection reflects not
only expectations o f an unsatisfactory per­
formance by the econom y, but also expec­
tations o f increased numbers o f job
seekers, primarily those out o f school or
those from families whose breadwinner
has lost a job.

The number of unemployed
is much larger than
in previous recessions
million persons

Note: T is trough in real GNP.


Business Conditions, March 1975

I n fla t io n a n d r e c e s s io n
Prior to World War II, business expan­
sions were usually preceded by a rising
price level followed by a decline in prices in
the ensuing recession (price stability prior
to 1929 w as an exception). In fact,
r e c e s s io n s w ere som etim es term ed
“ deflations.” The pattern o f price inflation
since World War II has been quite
In the accom panying chart the
general price level is represented by the
“ gross national product deflator,” a
measure obtained by dividing the dollar
value o f GNP by the “ real G N P ” obtained
by deflating com ponents o f total spending
with appropriate price indexes, taking
1958 as equal to 100. Trends in the deflator
are similar to trends in the Consumer Price
The first postwar recession, starting in
1948, saw the deflator decline by almost 3
percent, reaching a low point in the first
quarter o f 1950. Prices rose moderately
prior to the start o f the Korean War in June
1950, when a new burst o f inflation began.
Follow ing the Korean War, each
postwar recession has been accom panied
by increases in the price level, although at
a slower pace. Competition increased as
m argins o f unused capacity and m an­
power widened. In 1958, for example, the
GNP deflator rose 2.5 percent, compared to
3.7 percent in 1957; in 1961 the increase
was 1.3 percent, compared to 1.6 percent in
1960. In the first h a lf o f 1971, prior to the
im position o f price controls, the deflator in­
creased at a 4.8 percent rate, compared to
5.5 percent in 1970. In the recession year
1974, however, the deflator rose more than
10 percent, up from 5.6 percent in 1973,
more than in any year since price controls
were removed in 1947.
The rapid inflation o f 1974 was
aggravated by m uch higher oil prices, poor

The GNP deflator shows
that rapid price inflation
has continued
percent, 1958=100


number of quarters from previous peak


Note: T is trough in real GNP.

crops, problems associated with price con­
trols, and rapidly rising wages in the face
o f an unprecedented decline in worker
productivity. A s output declined and un­
employment increased in late 1974 and ear­
ly 1975, prices o f m any commodities, com ­
ponents, and finished goods declined or at
least rose at a slower pace. It appeared that
general price inflation, at a record annual
rate o f 14 percent in the fourth quarter, was
slowing rapidly in early 1975, and various
analysts predicted a drop to a 5 or 6 percent
rate o f increase later in the year.

George W. Cloos