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an e c o n o m ic re v ie w b y th e F e d e ra l R e se rv e B a n k o f Chicago

Liabilities that
banks manage
Bank holding companiesconcentration levels in
three district states

ju n e


Liabilities that banks manage

Liability m anagem ent has played an
im portant role in enabling the bank­
ing system to finance the nation s
credit needs. B ut individual banks
that practice it need a sound im age
as well as the ability to p a y com ­
petitive rates.


Bank holding companies—
concentration levels in three district states


There have been an increasing n um ­
ber o f m ultibank holding com pany
form ations in Iowa, M ichigan,
and Wisconsin. How these have
altered the degree o f banking
concentration in the states can
be assessed in term s o f aggregate
and local m arket concentration

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Business Conditions, June 1975

that banks manage
Liability m anagem ent, an innovation that
m any banks adopted in the past decade to
gain a greater measure o f control over their
own growth patterns, has come under in­
creasing scrutiny by bank managements,
supervisors, and customers. A s the term
implies, liability m anagem ent entails the
ability to control the amount o f funds ac­
quired through certain types o f deposits or
borrowings. It enables a bank to make
desired loans and investments without
selling other assets or depending on
customer deposit inflow s to provide the
needed funds. Control is achieved by keep­
ing interest rates on these liabilities com ­
petitive with returns available on alter­
native investments. In financing the asset
expansion o f the past 15 years, “ m anaged”
interest-bearing liabilities o f commercial
banks rose more rapidly than demand
deposits, savings deposits, or capital—the
traditional raw materials o f banking. M a­
jor types o f bank liabilities, some o f the
principal characteristics associated with
each, and the amount on the books o f the
large banks in m ajor cities at the end o f
1974 are indicated on page 4.
While all liabilities can be m anaged to
some degree, negotiable certificates o f
d e p o sit (N C D s) and nondeposit in­
struments are m ost generally associated
with the concept o f liability management.
For the same reasons that the practice
developed, it is likely that m anagem ent o f
liabilities will continue to play an im por­
tant role in banking if the industry is to
m aintain its position as a supplier in the
credit markets.

Why the concern?
Heavy reliance on liability m anage­
ment was a factor in the liquidity problems
that culminated in the failure o f a few large
b a n k s l a s t y e a r . T h e s e fa ilu re s
demonstrated that a bank’ s ability to roll
over some liabilities can be severely im­
paired as a result o f developments, such as
unusual losses, that shake the public’s con­
fidence in the soundness o f the institution.
Should confidence be lost, the magnitude
o f the problem —the amount o f funds that
would flow out o f the bank and how fast
they would be lost—would depend largely
on the degree to which the bank relied on
short-term uninsured liabilities, especially
th ose owed to parties having little
knowledge o f the bank’s basic condition.
To the extent such outflows exceed
holdings o f assets with equally short
maturities, a liquidity crisis m ay arise.
Liquidity problems associated with
liability m anagem ent stem more from
characteristics such as the maturity o f the
instrument and the holder’s relationship to
the bank than from whether the liability is
classified as a deposit or debt. There are
likely to be both volatile and stable funds
in each category. For example, funds ac­
quired via the sale o f a $2 million NCD to a
large corporate investor who is not a loan
customer and does not norm ally keep
working balances with the bank m ay be
more difficult to retain at maturity than an
equal amount o f federal funds purchased
from correspondent banks. (Federal funds
transactions are interbank loans o f im-


Liabilities of Major U.S. Banks as of June 1, 1975

D e m a n d d e p o s it s

Interest rate

(p e r c e n t )



Dec. 31

(p e r c e n t )


P r o h ib it e d

Other factors
affecting use


(b illio n d o lla r s )

O n dem and

S erve


h o ld e r s ’

$ 18 5 .2

w o r k in g

b a la n c e s a n d a s c o m p e n s a t io n to
b a n k fo r s e r v ic e s .
S a v i n g s d e p o s it s

T i m e d e p o s it s le s s t h a n $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0



C a n r e q u ir e 30
d a y s n o t ic e

N o m in im u m a m o u n t ; n o s p e c i fi c
m a tu r ity ; o w n e r s h ip r e s t r ic t e d .

5 8.5


b 'h -l '/i

3 m o s .-6 y r s .

$ 1 ,0 0 0 m in im u m r e q u ire d f o r r a t e s


o v e r & ■ p e r c e n t ; b a n k s m a y s et
m o r e r e s t r ic t iv e c o n d it io n s .
N e g o t ia b le C D s o v e r $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0


S u sp en d ed

M in . 3 0 d a y s

W e ll-d e v e lo p e d s e c o n d a r y m a r k e t .

9 3.0

O t h e r t im e d e p o s it s o v e r $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0


S u spen ded

M in . 3 0 d a y s

M a y be co n v e rte d to n e g o tia b le
fo r m a t o p t io n o f h o ld e r.

3 3 .9


N one

N o lim it

F ed fu n d s p u rch a se d a n d
b o r r o w in g fr o m b a n k s

N one

N one

F ed fu n d s , 1 d a y ;

R e p u rch a se a g reem en ts on

N one

E u r o d o lla r b o r r o w in g

N one

N o lim it, 1

fo r e ig n

M a y b e p u r c h a s e d o n l y fr o m
b a n k s (a n d S & L s ) a n d U .S . a g e n cie s .
B a n k m u s t o w n s e c u r itie s ; in t e r e s t
p a y a b le f o r p e r io d s le s s t h a n 30

M in . 7 y r s .

$ 5 0 0 m in im u m ; in c lu d e d i n c a p it a l

s e c u r it ie s
N one

N one

fo r s o m e p u r p o s e s ;
b o r r o w in g lim it s .

s u b je c t

1 D e p o s it s in s u r e d to $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 ; o t h e r l ia b ilit ie s n o t in s u r e d .

3 G r o s s a m o u n t s d u e t o o w n f o r e ig n b r a n c h e s ; d o e s n o t in -

2L ia b ilit ie s o f m a j o r U .S . b a n k s t o t a le d $ 4 9 0 b illio n o n
D e c e m b e r 31, 1974, i n c l u d i n g lia b ilit ie s f o r o u t s t a n d i n g
b a n k e r s ’ a c c e p t a n c e s , m o r t g a g e in d e b t e d n e s s , a n d o t h e r
lia b ilit ie s n o t s h o w n s e p a r a t e ly .

c lu d e E u r o d o lla r s b o r r o w e d d ir e c t ly o r o t h e r r e s e r v a b le E u r o d o ila r b o r r o w in g s .

4 In c lu d e d in c a p it a l a c c o u n t s o f $ 34 b illio n .

3 .6 :t

in t e r e s t

d a y o r m ore

T r e a s u r y a n d U .S . A g e n c y

C a p it a l n o t e s
a n d d eb en tu res




4 4.3

n .a .4

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

o t h e r , n o lim it

C o s t re la te d
ra te s.

Business Conditions, June 1975

mediately available funds, maturing on
the next business day.) An NCD that
matures the next day and federal funds
p u rch a se d have the same potential
volatility. But federal funds purchased
from correspondent banks often represent
a service to a customer—providing an easy
way to fully invest funds already on
deposit at the buying bank. The service
aspect is especially important when
amounts purchased are less than moneymarket denom inations since the seller
lacks alternative outlets for liquid invest­
ment. Yet, an NCD is a deposit, while
federal funds generally are considered
borrowed funds.
While funds “ purchased” in the money
markets do tend to be more volatile than
the d e p o s its o f local business and
household customers, the observer cannot
make this distinction on the basis o f the
published categories o f bank liabilities.
The risk o f sudden outflows is greatest for
v e r y s h o r t -te r m , u n in su red , la rg e
denom ination liabilities in the hands o f
holders who can shift quickly into other
assets. But nearly all bank liabilities have
to be purchased in one w ay or another.
Even customers do not keep funds with the
bank except for the service or interest
credit that they expect to receive in return.
Banks have to pay competitive rates on
consumer time deposits and offer corporate
customers an incentive to keep excess
working balances in the bank instead o f
seeking other investments.
The necessity for banks to compete ac­
tively for loanable funds reflects the closer
m anagem ent o f cash positions by bank
customers. Short-term interest rates rough­
ly doubled in the decade o f the Sixties,
greatly increasing the opportunity cost of
holding nonearning cash balances. A s
corporations and individuals shifted funds
not needed for transactions into interestbearing instruments, demand deposits at
banks failed to keep pace with the demand
for bank loans. Meanwhile, bank holdings


o f securities that could be sold to provide
funds for lending had been reduced to near
minimum levels—either because sales
would have entailed heavy losses or
because rem aining holdings were needed
as collateral for public deposits. In this en­
vironm ent m any banks—especially those
whose deposits were held by large and
f i n a n c ia lly so p h is tica te d corp ora te
customers—tailored their liabilities to re­
ta in and attract funds that would
otherwise m ove into m oney market in­
Thus, despite some potential for
sudden outflows, a large proportion o f cer­
tain liability items, such as NCDs or
repurchase agreements (RPs) that are
often identified as purchased money, can
be as stable as the more traditional
sources. Indeed, they represent the same
type o f funds that would have been held as
demand deposits 15 or 20 years ago. Some
banks, however, stepped far outside ex­
isting customer relationships by bidding
for money market funds through brokers.
It is clear that there are limits to the ability
o f a bank to support asset growth with
funds acquired in the m oney markets.
These limits are not the same for all banks.
Investors do pay attention to the capital
position o f the institution issuing the
obligation, especially where no collateral
is involved. M any o f the large banks that
increased their liabilities rapidly during
the past 15 years—whether in the form o f
deposits or borrow ings—used up much o f
their capacity for expansion on their ex­
isting capital base. However, in times o f
uncertainty investors tend to favor the
very largest and best-known institutions
on the assumption, whether or not
justifiable, that size is synonym ous with
safety. Smaller banks m ay have to pay a
premium for m oney market funds. The
vast m ajority o f the nation’s small banks
do not have access to the m oney market at
all, but their deposit customers m ay be
somewhat less interest sensitive.


Determining the mix
The structure o f liabilities that has
emerged as a result o f bank competition for
loanable funds over the past decade
reflects several distinguishable, but in­
terrelated factors. The m ost im portant are
regulatory constraints, relative costs, pro­
jected needs, and investor preferences.
While deposits are still by far the m a­
jor source o f funds, the com position o f
deposits has changed. A t the end o f 1974
all deposits accounted for 81 percent o f
total footings o f all com m ercial banks and
88 percent o f all liabilities. Excluding the
largest banks, deposits accounted for 86
percent o f assets and 94 percent of
liabilities. There is no w ay to tell what
proportion o f those deposits represent the
working balances and savings from local
c o m m u n it ie s — th e k in d o f fu n d s
traditionally associated with hard core
stability. But most nondeposit and m oney
market-type deposit liabilities are issued
by the large banks. For the 75 banks with
assets o f $1 billion or more, the deposit
com ponent excluding N CD s is probably
around 50 percent o f assets, com pared to 61
percent for all larger banks. Moreover, a
significant portion o f the increase in their
assets over the past decade w as financed
v ia increases in m oney market-type
liabilities (see chart).

Regulating liabilities
Bank liabilities in the form o f deposits
constitute a m ajor portion o f the nation’s
money supply, and as such, have always
been highly regulated to protect the public
interest. In m anaging its liabilities, a bank
is restricted to the issuance o f instruments
permitted under federal and state statutes
and regulations. The rules set limits in
terms o f maturity, denom ination, rate o f
interest, insurance status or creditor
preference, and permitted holder. Deposits
at most banks are subject to reserve re-

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

NCDs were the major source
for growth at big banks
billion dollars

Negotiable CDs: negotiable certificates in
denominations of $100,000 and over.
Other time deposits: time deposits other than
savings and large negotiable CDs.
Demand deposits: collected demand deposits
minus deposits due from banks.
Fed funds purchased: purchases net of sales
of fed funds to banks plus securities sold under
agreements to repurchase plus borrowings
other than Eurodollars and from Federal
Reserve Banks.
Eurodollars and loans sold: gross liabilities to
banks’ own foreign branches and Eurodollars
borrowed directly plus loans sold outright.

quirements and interest rate ceilings based
largely on maturity and denom ination.
Other liabilities are exempt from these
restrictions but closely constrained with
resp ect to the “ le n d e r ,” allow able
collateral, or overall “ borrow ing lim its”
relative to capital stock and surplus.
While not all banks are subject to the
sam e regu lation s and laws, federal
statutes and Federal Reserve System
re g u la tio n s govern in g operations o f
national and state member banks and

Business Conditions, June 1975

parallel interest rate constraints on in­
sured nonm em ber banks have had the
m ost im portant effects on the overall struc­
ture o f bank liabilities.
The distinction between deposits and
debt liabilities has become increasingly
fuzzy. A number o f bank liabilities current­
ly are defined as deposits for purposes o f
reserve requirements or interest rate
ceilings, or both. Demand deposits are
deposits against which checks are drawn.
They are subject to higher reserve require­
ment ratios than time deposits, and these
ratios are higher for large banks. Paym ent
o f interest is prohibited on dom estically
owned dem and deposits. Demand deposits
are the traditional source o f bank funds,
and they accounted for 72 percent o f total
com m ercial bank deposits in 1960—before
the era o f liability management. By yearend 1974 the share had fallen to 42 percent.
Individuals and businesses hold almost
three-fourths o f the dollar volume o f de­
m and deposits, presumably to cover trans­
actions needs and to pay for banking ser­
vices. Because banks cannot pay interest
on these accounts, they cannot control the
T im e d e p o s its in clu d e s a v in g s
deposits, time certificates o f deposit, and
open accounts. Savings deposits do not
have a specific maturity and are subject to
the lowest interest rate ceiling and the
lowest reserve requirement. Ownership is
restricted to individuals, certain nonprofit
groups, and public bodies. (An exception to
the general rules permits paym ent o f m ax­
imum time deposit interest rates on
savings deposits o f public bodies.)
Tim e certificates o f deposit m ay be
negotiable or nonnegotiable instruments
payable on a certain date not less than 30
days after the date o f deposit. Reserve re­
quirement percentages vary by maturity
and bank size, and interest rate ceilings
vary by maturity but currently apply only
to deposits in denom inations o f less
than $100,000.


Time deposits provided the avenue for
the initial thrust toward bank competition
for funds in the early Sixties. With the
development o f a secondary market for
NCDs o f $100,000 or more, the outstanding
amount o f these obligations, which provid­
ed corporations an alternative to Treasury
bills and com m ercial paper as an outlet for
surplus cash, reached $18 billion within
five years. Concurrently, most banks, both
la rg e a n d sm a ll, were aggressively
p r o m o t i n g s a v i n g s a n d sm a lle r denom ination time deposits in competition
with other banks and thrift institutions.
Legal ceilings on rates paid were rais­
ed several times to permit banks to con­
tinue to attract funds in the face o f rising
market interest rates. But as the economy
showed signs o f overheating in 1966 and
again in 1969, the ceilings were held down
to dampen the pace o f expansion in bank
credit. Unfortunately, this approach not
only reduced inflow s o f loanable funds but
turned them into outflow s—the process
t h a t h a s c o m e to be k n ow n as
“ d is in te r m e d ia tio n .” M ost severely
affected were the large banks with heavy
dependence on NCDs. Faced with this
barrier to sources o f funds that had come to
be the m ajor base for growth, banks quite
naturally m oved to developed sources that
were free from such restrictions via the
issue o f nondeposit instruments.
With some time lag, the banking
a u th o ritie s g ra d u a lly ch a n g e d the
regulations to prevent circumvention o f in­
terest rate constraints, but did not com ­
pletely cut o ff the banks’ access to money
market funds or cripple the mechanism
through which reserves are redistributed
within the banking system. Promissory
notes, which banks began to issue in 1966,
and which are identical with CDs in m any
respects, were brought under the deposit
d e f i n i t i o n a l o n g w ith a n y oth er
obligation “ issued or undertaken . . . as a
means o f obtaining funds to be used in its
banking business.” Excepted from this


definition, and thus rem aining free from
the rate ceiling and reserve requirements
applicable to deposits were (1) interbank
borrowings, which include federal funds
transactions; (2) sales o f Treasury and
U.S. agency securities under repurchase
agreements; and (3) capital notes with
maturities o f seven years or more (or that
meet certain other criteria).
Two other avenues used heavily in the
1969 period o f monetary restraint were Eu­
rodollar borrow ings (m ainly funds ob­
tained by dom estic banks through their
foreign branches) and com m ercial paper
sold by bank holding com panies and
channeled to the subsidiary banks via the
purchase o f loans. Funds acquired through
these arrangements amounted to nearly
$20 billion at the end o f 1969. Both these
sources remained free o f interest rate
ceilings but were made more costly by the
application o f reserve requirements.
Reliance on nondeposit liabilities
declined when interest rate ceilings ceased
to inhibit deposit growth, either because
market rates fell below ceilings or because
the ceilings were raised or suspended. All
ceilings on deposits o f $100,000 or more
were eliminated by the spring o f 1973 and
despite the sharp increases in market in­
terest rates in the ensuing 15 m onths, ex­
pansion in NCDs offset the weakness in
consumer-type deposits and continued to
supply funds for loan expansion, although
at high costs both in terms df rates paid
and higher reserve requirements assessed
on increases in these obligations. Later ad­
justments in regulations gradually re­
duced the advantages attached to the use
o f certa in lia b ilitie s . For example,
d iffe re n ce s in reserve requirements
against time deposits, funds acquired
through holding com pany commercial
paper, and foreign borrow ings are now
relatively minor. Recent adjustments have
encouraged longer maturities by applying
lower reserve requirements to CDs issued
for six m onths or more.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

But som e im p o rta n t differences
between deposits and other liabilities that
banks m anage persist. Time deposits must
remain on deposit for a minimum o f 30
days; nondeposit instruments are not so
restricted. There is no reserve requirement
or deposit insurance assessment on
purchases o f federal funds, repurchase
agreements, or notes and debentures. But
federal funds can be bought only from
domestic banking offices (defined to in­
clude thrift institutions) and federal agen­
cies; rep u rch a se agreements require
specific types o f collateral; notes must
carry maturities o f at least seven years and
are subject to borrow ing limits.

Demand and supply
W ithin th is co m p le x regulatory
framework banks can determine the m ix o f
their m anaged liabilities. Differences in
costs stemming from regulatory treatment
are reflected to some extent in the rates
offered on various instruments. A n im por­
tant element affecting the com position o f
these liabilities at any given time is a
bank’s forecast o f its needs for loanable
funds. If strong loan demand is foreseen
for three to six m onths ahead, the bank
might prefer to provide for those needs by
issuing CDs with maturities o f 180 days or
more. In general, strong loan demand is
often consistent with expectations o f ris­
ing interest rates—adding to the desirabili­
ty o f obtaining the needed funds at current
rates for a relatively long period o f time. In
fact, most bankers do pay attention to
achieving a considerable degree o f cor­
respondence between the maturities o f the
assets and the liabilities they are putting
on their books, and a large portion o f out­
standing 90-day CDs finances 90-day
loans. On the other hand, expectations o f
falling interest rates tend to induce banks
to borrow shorter than their commitments
in order to reduce their average cost o f

Business Conditions, June 1975

Just as im portant to the money
manager, however, is the type o f funds
available. In this area, too, it is necessary
to meet the needs o f the customer—
whether a depositor with a surplus balance
or an unknown m oney market investor. To
offer long maturities when investors want
to stay short will either fail to attract funds
or require a high interest premium.
On any given day the banker will nor­
m ally accom m odate a variety o f customer
preferences within the framework o f the
b a n k ’s needs. Thus, the bank may
purchase federal funds from correspon­
dent banks who find that this outlet
provides both greater liquidity and, when
short-term interest rates are high, a better
average return than securities. A state
fund w hich holds deposits in the bank may
have $100,000 available for two days
before it has to be paid out. Under an RP
the bank sells a Treasury note to the state
and buys it back for delivery two days later
at a predetermined higher price that es­
tablishes the yield to the state. Loans or
municipal obligations from the bank’s
portfolio cannot be sold in this manner
because such transactions are deposits for
purposes o f the rules governing rate
ceilings, and a two-day term places it in the
demand deposit category on which interest
paym ents are prohibited.

Banks as intermediaries
One reason for the extensive set of
regulations governing banks is that ex­
pansion o f bank credit generates new
m on ey , an d u n restrain ed monetary
growth generates price inflation. But in ad­
dition to being m oney creators, banks—
like other financial institutions—are in­
termediaries, that is, they channel the
public’s savings into investments.
Liability m anagem ent has permitted
the banking system to m aintain the extent
o f its participation in the intermediation
function, while rem aining responsive to


the demand deposit and interest rate im­
pact o f monetary control actions. Cor­
porations, individuals, and local units o f
governm ent in the aggregate, have a huge
amount o f funds available between inflows
and outflows o f cash that can be tapped by
borrowers. But its ownership is constantly
changing. These funds will be invested,
either directly in obligations o f borrowers
or through financial institutions. An un­
answered question is how much o f this
flow can best serve the econom y’s needs by
being allocated to borrowers through bank
loans and investments.
Data from the Federal Reserve’s Flow
o f Funds analysis show a sharp contrast in
the effects o f tight m oney on the in­
termediary role o f commercial banks in
1966 and 1969, when CD rate ceilings were
held below market rates, compared with
1973-74 when these ceilings were suspend­
ed. Credit market funds advanced by
banks dropped from 41 percent of total
funds raised by nonfinancial sectors in
1965 to 26 percent in 1966, and from 40 per­
cent in 1968 to 20 percent in 1969. By con­
trast, this share rose from 42 percent in
1972 to a peak o f 46 percent in 1973 before
dropping back to 35 percent in 1974. The
reduction last year reflected the adoption
o f restrictive loan policies as well as a
reduction in business demand for short­
term credit in the second half.
The ability o f the banking system to
maintain or expand this share in the future
will depend heavily on the ability o f in­
dividual banks to further increase their
m a n a g ed lia b ilitie s . T h ere are no
guidelines that can adequately signal
what m ay be excessive reliance on m an­
aged liabilities by any given bank.
Because o f the already high degree o f
capital leverage in m any o f the nation’s
largest banks and their efforts to improve
asset quality and liquidity, however, the
pace o f expansion is likely to slow until the
capital base can be broadened.

Jean L. Valerius


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Bank holding companies—
concentration levels in three district states
The growth o f multibank holding com ­
panies continues to cause concern am ong
some segments o f the banking community.
In the Seventh Federal Reserve District
multibank holding com panies are a legally
sanctioned form o f business organization
in Iow a , M ich igan , and W isconsin.
Pressures currently exist to permit some
form o f multibank organizations in In­
diana and Illinois.
There are convincing arguments on
both sides o f the multibank holding com ­
pany issue. Those w ho support the mul­
tibank form o f organization argue that it
benefits the public through econom ies o f
scale and other synergistic effects. On the
other hand, independent bankers argue
that multibank holding com panies pro­
duce corporations unresponsive to the
needs o f the individual customer and the
local community.
Multibank holding com panies grow by
acquiring banks and assim ilating them
into a single corporate organization. The
proliferation o f multibank structures in a
given geographic area—and the conse­
quent elimination o f independent banks—
could increase the concentration o f bank­
ing resources and m ay lessen competition.
Has the increasing number o f mul­
tib a n k h o ld in g com panies in Iowa,
Michigan, and W isconsin altered the
degree o f banking concentration in these
states? To answer this question, it is help­
ful to look at the concentration effect from
two viewpoints: 1) aggregate concentra­
tion, which analyzes concentration on a
statewide basis; and 2) local market con ­
centration. The aggregate concentration
measure is o f less im portance than the

local market measure because it gives only
a superficial view o f the extent o f com peti­
tion within a state and ignores the com ­
position and structure o f local markets.
Overall, as a banking market becomes
more concentrated, price flexibility and
level o f competition between banks in the
market decline.

Aggregate concentration
For purposes o f this article, aggregate
concentration in a state is defined as the
percent o f the total com m ercial bank
deposits that are held by the five largest
banking organizations in a state— either
individual banks or bank holding com ­
panies. (The number five is arbitrarily
selected.) I f a bank holding com pany that
is one o f the five largest banking organi­
zations in the state were to acquire an ad­
ditional bank, aggregate concentration
would increase. I f a bank holding com pany
that is not am ong the five largest banking
organizations were to acquire an ad­
ditional bank, it would have no effect upon
aggregate concentration. The aggregate
concentration measure is inadequate in
this respect.
By the end o f 1973 all five o f the largest
banking organizations in Iowa, M ichigan,
and W isconsin were either one-bank or
multibank holding companies. T o view the
trend o f aggregate concentration in these
states, the period 1957-74 is used (the Bank
Holding Com pany A ct was passed in
1956). A s shown below, over this period
aggregate concentration has remained
fairly constant within the three states
m a in ly b e c a u s e s m a lle r b a n k in g


Business Conditions, June 1975

organizations have demonstrated the com ­
petitive ability to maintain their share o f
total state deposits:
M ichigan
W isconsin









Note: A s o f December 31.

Multibank holding com panies are
currently active in all three states, but this
has not alw ays been the case. Iowa had
only limited multibank holding com pany
activity before 1972, when state banking
statutes were liberalized. In M ichigan,
where bank holding com panies have been
extremely active, bank holding companies
were illegal until the statutes were chang­
ed in 1971. W isconsin has a history o f bank

holding com pany activity dating back to
the 1920s.
Given these different backgrounds, it
m ig h t be expected that W isconsin’s
aggregate concentration would have in­
creased significantly over time. Aggregate
con cen tra tion in M ichigan shows a
general decline, but because o f the prolific
expansion o f bank holding companies
since 1971, it m ight be expected that the
1974 percentage would be higher, not
lower, than for previous periods.
Statewide aggregate concentration in
banking can change drastically over time,
but this has not been the case in the three
district states. Moreover, it is possible for a
large increase to occur in aggregate con­
centration without similar increases oc­
curring in local banking markets. For ex­
ample, a m ultibank holding com pany that
expands throughout a state by acquiring


“H” ratios: “H” ratios: adjusted Holding
all banks as if for holding company company Percen
Banking districts
effect changi
98 districts total
31 districts with multibank
holding company activity
67 districts with no multibank
holding company activity
7 urban districts
91 rural districts
In 1972 the Iowa banking statutes were
liberalized to allow multibank holding com­
panies greater freedom to expand. As of
December 31, 1974 there were 144 bank
holding companies in Iowa and 11 were mul­
tibank institutions. The holding companies
controlled 178 of the 664 commercial banks
(26.8 percent), and their aggregate deposits
totaled $4.4 billion, about 42 percent of total
commercial bank deposits in Iowa.
The increase in concentration caused by
bank holding company acquisitions has
been minimal. The average H ratio for all 98
banking districts is .259 and the holding
company effect is .004, an increase in concen­

tration of 1.5 percent. This increase took
place within four of Iowa’s 98 districts, one
urban and three rural.
Of Iowa’s 98 banking districts 31 ex­
perienced some multibank holding company
activity; i.e., all bank subsidiaries of Iowa’s
11 multibank holding companies are located
in these districts. The H ratio of these 31 dis­
tricts is .230 and, as a subgroup of the total
districts, they show the greatest holding
company effect (6.5 percent). It is notable
that the 31 districts have less banking con­
centration than the 67 districts where no
multibank holding company activity has oc­

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


banks in several different markets would
not cause increased concentration in
specific locally defined markets; however,
if this multibank holding com pany were
o n e o f th e fiv e la rg e s t b a n k in g
organizations in the state, statewide
aggregate concentration would be in­
creased. Alternatively, selected individual
markets could becom e increasingly con ­
centrated without changing statewide
aggregate concentration.

Local banking markets
When a bank holding com pany wishes
to acquire another bank, the holding com ­
pany must first submit an application to
the Board o f Governors o f the Federal
Reserve System describing and justifying
the acquisition. Each case is carefully
analyzed in terms o f its effects on com peti­

tion and other important issues.
It is necessary to delineate the
geographic area where competition actual­
ly occurs in order to determine the extent o f
competition between two or more banks.
With a relevant banking market—or
markets—defined, concentration ratios
can be determined. Presumably, there is an
inverse relationship between concentra­
tion levels and competition. It is generally
held that the relevant geographic area is
more local than an entire state. (The local
nature o f banking markets was made clear
by the U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. u.
Philadelphia N ational B ank in 1963, and
was reiterated most recently in U.S. u.
M arine Bancorporation and U.S. u. The
Connecticut N ational B ank in June 1974.)
There are several w ays in w hich bank­
ing concentration can be increased within
a local market. Bank mergers increase


Banking districts
78 districts total
36 districts with multibank
holding company activity
42 districts with no multibank
holding company activity
16 urban districts
62 rural districts

“H” ratios: “H” ratios: adjusted Holding
all banks as if for holding company company Percent
effect change

As of December 31,1974 there were a
total of 47 bank holding companies in the
state, 19 of which were multibank com­
panies. Bank holding companies in
Michigan controlled 99 of the 347 commer­
cial banks in the state (28.5 percent), and
aggregate deposits were 21.5 billion, about 73
percent of the total commercial bank
deposits in the state.
Increased concentration of banking
resources in Michigan caused by bank
holding company acquisitions has been
nominal. The average H ratio for all 78 bank­
ing districts is .427 and the holding company
effect is .002, an increase in concentration of




only 0.5 of a percentage point. This increase
occurred in only four of Michigan’s 78 bank­
ing districts, three urban and one rural.
Thirty-six of Michigan’s 78 banking dis­
tricts have experienced some multibank
holding company activity; i.e., all bank sub­
sidiaries of Michigan’s 19 multibank holding
companies are located in these districts. The
H ratio of these districts is .322 and, as a sub­
group of the total districts, they show the
greatest holding company effect (1.9 per­
cent). However, it is notable that these 36 dis­
tricts still have less banking concentration
than the 42 districts where no multibank
holding company activity occurred.

Business Conditions, June 1975


market concentration if both the acquiring
and acquired banks are located in the same
m ark et since the acquired bank is
eliminated as a banking organization (it
usually becom es a branch o f the acquiring
bank) and the market share o f the ac­
quiring bank increases. A bank that opens
several new branches within a given
market (de novo branching) almost cer­
tainly will increase its share o f banking
d ep osits. A ggressive marketing tech­
niques or innovations that attract deposits
also could increase a bank’s market share
at the expense o f its com petitors.1
For the purposes o f this article, the
fo cu s is on increased concentration
resulting when a multibank holding com-

‘The accumulation of banking resources under
the umbrella of common stock ownership by private
individuals, known as group-banking, can be a subtle
form of market concentration. In states where mul­
tibank holding companies are prohibited, group
banking is an effective substitute: there is no way to
outlaw common ownership of banks by individuals.

pany acquires more than one bank in a
single local market. From a concentration
standpoint the effect o f such acquisitions
is essentially the same as in bank
m erg ers — in d e p e n d e n t
b a n k in g
organizations are eliminated from the
banking market.
To exam ine changes in local market
concentration, the states first must be
divided into locally defined geographic
areas. The ideal solution would be to divide
the states into the relevant banking
markets as they exist in the real world. The
com plexity o f delineating such areas,
however, is beyond the scope o f this study.
A s a convenience, county and multicounty
areas are used as proxy markets. (The mul­
ticounty areas are urbanized Standard
Metropolitan Statistical Areas or modified
versions thereof.) These proxy markets are
herein designated as “ banking districts,”
not banking markets.


“H” ratios: “H” ratios: adjusted Holding
all banks as if for holding company company Percent
Banking districts
effect change
67 districts total
27 districts with multibank
holding company activity
40 districts with no multibank
holding company activity
7 urban districts
60 rural districts
Despite the state’s long history of accom­
modating bank holding companies, Wiscon­
sin holding companies control only 26 per­
cent of the state’s commercial banks. As of
December 31, 1974 there were 65 bank
holding companies in the state and of these
24 were multibank companies. Wisconsin’s
bank holding companies controlled 160 of
the. 620 banks in the state, and their
aggregate deposits were $7.7 billion, about 53
percent of the total commercial bank
deposits in the state.
The increase in concentration of bank­
ing resources caused by bank holding com­
pany expansions has been minimal. The

average H ratios for all 67 banking districts
of Wisconsin is .295 and the holding com­
pany effect is .003, an increase in banking
concentration of only about 1 percentage
point. This small increase took place in only
six of Wisconsin’s 67 districts, three urban
and three rural.
Wisconsin’s seven urban districts show
the greatest increase in concentration
because a large percentage of them ex­
perienced some holding company effect.
However, the overall concentration level of
the seven districts is very low, compared to
the other subgroups or to H ratios in Iowa
and Michigan.


The use o f county boundaries is
justified on the basis that m any factors
that determine political boundaries— e.g.,
rivers, lake shores, m ountains, the ex­
istence o f uniform laws and regulations,
the central locations o f m ost county
seats—are coincident with the factors that
determine the geographic limits o f an
econom ic banking market. It is also worth
noting that the Board o f G overnors o f the
Federal Reserve System often defines
“ banking markets” in terms o f county and
multicounty areas in analyses o f bank
holding com pany applications.
A number o f quantifiable measures
have been used to determine the degree o f
concentration within a defined area. The
easy-to-compute conventional ratio, used
earlier to determine statewide aggregate
concentration, is one such measure.
However, it is not a totally satisfactory
measure for analyzing local markets
where all banks are to be considered. The
Herfindahl ratio, although more difficult
to compute than the conventional ratio, is
considered superior to the conventional
ratio because it does take into account all
firms in the market (see box). A n increase
in the Herfindahl ratio (the “ H ” ratio) that
is specifically caused by holding com pany
activity is defined herein as the holding
com pany effect, an effect that com es about
only when a multibank holding com pany
(or com panies) acquires more than one

bank in a specific banking district.

The three-state analysis
Bank holding com panies in Iowa,
Michigan, and W isconsin, including onebank holding companies, control a sub­
stantial share o f all com m ercial bank
deposits in those states. Iow a bank holding
com panies control about 42 percent o f the
state’s bank deposits; M ichigan holding
companies control about 73 percent o f the
state’s deposits; and W isconsin holding
com panies control about 53 percent o f the
state’s deposits.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

There are 144 bank holding com panies
operating in Iowa, 47 in M ichigan, and 65
operating in W isconsin. Despite a substan­
tially greater number o f bank holding com ­
panies in Iowa than either M ichigan or
W isconsin, Iow a’s bank holding com ­
panies do not control a greater proportion
o f deposits than do holding com panies in
the other two states. Surprisingly, the state
with the fewest bank holding companies,
M ichigan, has the greatest proportion o f
Herfindahl Index
Among quantifiable methods developed
to measure market concentration are the con­
ventional ratios and the Herfindahl index.
Concentration in banking is usually
measured by the conventional ratio, which is
the percent of deposits controlled by the
largest bank or banks. For example, a threebank ratio of .65 describes a market where
the three largest banks hold 65 percent of the
total market deposits.
A more sophisticated measure is the Her­
findahl Index (H), expressed by the formula:
n 2
H = E Si
where n = number of banks in the market,
and Si = market share of the ith bank.
The index attains the maximum value of
1.0 where a single firm operates in a market.
The value declines with increases in the
number of firms, increases with rising ine­
quality among any given number of firms,
and vice versa. Unlike the conventional
ratios that measure the combined market
share of an arbitrarily determined number of
the largest firms in the market, the Herfin­
dahl index takes into account all firms in a
market, though it is more sensitive to the
largest. Thus, to the extent that oligopoly or
monopoly power is correlated positively with
both fewness of sellers and inequality in
their sizes, the Herfindahl index is a more op­
timum measure of market concentration
than the simple percentage ratio.
In a five-bank market example, H = (.40)2
+ (,20)2 + (.15)2+ (.15)2+ (.10)2where the largest
bank holds 40 percent of total market
deposits, the second largest bank holds 20
percent, etc.; then H = .16 + .04 + .0225 + .0225 +
.01 = .255.


Business Conditions, June 1975

its deposits controlled by them. This simp­
ly indicates that larger banks are members
o f bank holding com panies in M ichigan
than in Iow a or W isconsin.
The percentage o f banks controlled by
bank holding com panies in the three states
is nearly the same. Bank holding com ­
panies control about 27, 29, and 26 percent
o f the total banks in Iowa, M ichigan, and
W isconsin, respectively. The relative dis­
parity in the percentages o f total state
deposits controlled by bank holding com ­
panies and the percentages of banks con ­
trolled is another indication o f the higher
percentage o f larger banks that are
members o f bank holding companies.
Although the foregoing illustrates
that bank holding com panies have had a
great im pact upon the banking structure in
the three states, their effect on local market
com petition has been slight at best.
Careful analysis shows that the number o f
banking districts in which a holding com ­
pany effect could be measured was sur­
prisingly small. Banking concentration
caused by holding com pany activity in­
creased in only four o f Iow a’s 98 banking
districts, in four o f M ichigan’s 78 banking
districts, and in six o f W isconsin’s 67 bank­
ing districts. The holding com pany effect
increased banking concentration in Iowa
about 1.5 percent, in M ichigan only 0.5 per­
cent, and in W isconsin about 1 percent.
The Herfindahl measure reveals that
o f the three district states, Iowa has the
lowest level o f banking concentration and
M ichigan has the highest. (For more
detailed inform ation on banking concen­
tration, see the individual state statistics.)
However, some caution should be exercised
regarding com parisons am ong the three
states because o f differences in intrastate
bank structures, the number and size o f
b a n k i n g d is tricts , p o p u la tio n and
dem ographic factors, and other minor
variances. T he primary difference helping
to explain the concentration variances
am ong the three states is their intrastate

bank structures: M ichigan has a total o f
347 banks (1,481 branches); Iowa has 664
banks (385 branches); and W isconsin has
620 banks (326 branches).2

Summary and conclusions
The m ajor insight o f this study is that
the holding com pany effect o f multibank
holding com pany expansion in Iowa,
M ichigan, and W isconsin has been minor.
Com parisons do show that there is more
banking concentration in M ichigan than
in W isconsin or Iowa. The differences are
primarily due to different branching laws.
On a statewide basis, a 1.5 percent increase
has occurred in Iowa and 1 percent or less
increases have occurred in M ichigan and
W isconsin. The expansion o f holding com ­
panies in the three states has contributed
little to increased concentration in the
proxy banking markets.
M ost interested observers m ight sur­
mise that the expansion o f multibank
holding com panies would have had a sub­
stantial im pact upon competition at the
local market level. T his assumption m ight
well have been supported by the facts if
bank holding com pany acquisitions were
not subject to Federal Reserve Board ap­
proval. The negligible im pact that holding
com panies actually have had on increased
banking concentration in Seventh District
states lends credence to the regulatory
acumen o f the Federal Reserve Board.
Granted, the record indicates that the
Board approves a great majority o f
holding com pany applications. However,
it would be imprudent for a holding com ­
pany to apply for expansion into an area
where a high probability o f denial exists.
The B oard’s approval rate does not reflect
the silent restraints imposed upon holding
com panies by the likelihood that the Board
will deny acquisitions entailing signifi­
cant anticompetitive effects.

Jack S. Light

-Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 1975. Legal­
ly, Iowa banks have “banking offices” not branches.