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A review by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


What is money?


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Food programs—
increased emphasis
Food programs to improve diets of low in­
come families, greatly expanded in recent
years, will be expanded further by new legis­
lation. Although federal food programs
started in the 1930s, the objectives and
orientation of such programs have been
changed markedly through the years.
Initially, U.S. Government-sponsored food
programs had two purposes: one, more effi­
cient use of “surplus” farm commodities
accumulated under federal government price
support programs; two, to help feed the hun­
gry—the mounting numbers of Depressionconnected low income families and families
receiving welfare payments. Improving the
diets of undernourished people was not the
primary consideration of the early planners.
Over the years, however, the aims of these
programs have been redirected to emphasize
human welfare. During the 1960s, evidence
of widespread malnutrition among relatively
large segments of the population became a
rallying point for many who thought federal
food programs should be expanded—espe­
cially in view of the general affluence pro­
vided by rapid economic growth, rising con­
sumer incomes, and low unemployment.
Food programs currently in operation fall
into two broad areas—those designed to im­
prove the nutrition of children and those
designed to assist low income families. Total
federal expenditures on food programs dur­
ing fiscal 1971 were about $3 billion. This

compares with total food outlays of about
$110 billion for the entire nation. Roughly
one-third of federal food expenditures are for
child nutrition programs, and about twothirds are for family assistance programs.
Feed in g th e children

Most federal food programs designed for
children are operated through school systems.
School food programs date back to before the
turn of the century when several major cities
offered “penny lunch programs.” The federal
government began to provide assistance to
schools to implement lunch programs in the
early 1930s. This assistance was gradually
broadened, and in 1946 Congress provided
for the National School Lunch Program.
Since then, this program has been greatly
Federal support for the program has con­
sisted of limited cash support for each lunch
provided, plus a variety of donated foods to
help the schools hold the line on prices and
to meet nutritional needs. Such support has
averaged around one-fifth of the total cost of
preparing and serving a lunch. The balance
of the cost is met by state and local govern­
ments with most of the balance actually met
by children’s payments.
During the 1960s, increased emphasis was
placed on extending the National School
Lunch Program into low income school dis­
tricts. Additional special federal assistance

Business Conditions, June 1971

School food programs
include more children from
low income families







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cild nsotdfre * -i— i— participation i i i
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obre crv e
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school lunch













1 r

non-school food


N o te: D a ta p lo tte d fro m M arch fig u re s .

now goes to school districts with an enroll­
ment of children from families with incomes
under $4,000—about 30 cents per meal in
fiscal 1971, compared with an average federal
reimbursement of around 5 cents per meal
under the regular program.
About 25 million children—slightly less
than half of the daily school attendance—in
around three-fourths of the nation’s schools
are participating in the program. About 20
million children were included in 1969.
Lunches served free or below cost to children
from low income families account for most
of the increase in participation under the
program. In March 1971, more than seven
million children, or about 29 percent of the
total participating, were receiving lunches
free or below cost. This is up from 3.5 million
children, or 16 percent, in 1969.
Other child feeding programs were insti­
tuted in the late 1960s, and increased funds
have been made available under these pro­

grams to provide meals for needy children,
either free or at subsidized prices.
A federally-sponsored breakfast program
for school children was initiated in 1966 on
a pilot basis. Extended in 1968, the program
operates in economically-depressed areas
and provides breakfast for almost 900 thou­
sand children, triple the number of children
participating in the program in 1969. Nearly
four-fifths of the breakfasts served are free.
A special food service program designed to
provide meals for school children during
vacations, and for pre-school children on a
year-round basis, was initiated in 1968. In
March 1971, nearly 200 thousand pre-school
children were receiving meals through this
program. Summer participation would likely
be about triple the March level based on sum­
mer participation rates in recent years. As
in the breakfast program, most of the meals
under the special program are provided free.
Federal payments under the various foodfor-children programs are expected to total
well over $700 million in fiscal 1971—more
than double year-earlier outlays. In addition,
over one billion pounds of food worth $250
million will be distributed directly to schools
—about the same as last year.
Fam ily a ssista n ce p ro gram s

The Commodity Distribution Program is
the oldest (and until recently the primary)
governmental food assistance program. Under
this program, food commodities are shipped
by the U. S. Department of Agriculture to
various distribution centers throughout the
nation for redistribution to low income fam­
ilies and to institutions.
In the 1930s, Commodity Distribution was
an adjunct to the general farm program.
Foods supplied were those acquired under
price support programs and surplus removal
purchases. In the mid-Sixties, the nutritional


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

content of the donated food was enriched by
including such items as canned fruits and
vegetables, regardless of whether these were
“surplus” commodities under old definitions.
The variety and quantity of commodities
has varied significantly from year to year,
depending in large degree on the price sup­
port activities of the Department of Agri­
culture. Because of these variations in the
kinds and amounts of commodities purchased
by the government, there also have been vari­
ations in the federal cost of the program, the
dietary adequacy of the commodities received
by participating families, and the number of
families participating in the program.
Participation in the Commodity Distribu­
tion Program was highest in its early years—
averaging around 12 million persons annu­
ally during the latter half of the 1930s. As
food surpluses diminished and economic con­
ditions improved during World War II, the
program was sharply curtailed. It expanded
after the war, especially during the late 1950s
when farm surpluses mounted and unemploy­
ment levels rose. The number of persons re­
ceiving food assistance through the direct
distribution program reached a postwar peak
of about 7.4 million persons in 1962. Related
expenditures were around $227 million in
that year.
With improved economic conditions, parti­
cipation in the direct distribution program
declined to today’s 3.9 million people. Even
with reduced participation, costs of the pro­
gram are up sharply, reflecting the increased
variety and quantity of foods made available
per person in recent years.
The Food Stom p P ro g ram


The predecessor of today’s food stamp
program was launched in the late 1930s.
Under the earlier plan, relief families could
purchase between $1 and $1.50 worth of

Participation in Food Stamp
Program increases sharply
million people

orange-colored stamps weekly for each family
member. For each dollar’s worth of orange
stamps purchased, 50 cents worth of blue
stamps were given free. The orange stamps
could be used to purchase almost any food
item, but the blue stamps could be used only
for food items declared to be in surplus. This
first food stamp program was terminated in
the early 1940s.
A new food stamp program was inaugu­
rated on a pilot basis in 1961. From its be­
ginning in eight areas where large proportions
of population were known to be receiving
public assistance, the program gradually was
expanded to additional areas, until in 1964
the Food Stamp Act placed the program on a
permanent basis and authorized expansion to
any county which desired to participate. In
late 1969, participation requirements were
significantly reduced, and program benefits
were increased. Further broadening of pro­
gram benefits was authorized with the pas­
sage of legislation in early 1971.

Business Conditions, June 1971

Through the stamp plan, participants are
able to increase their food purchasing power
by exchanging a small amount of money for
an allotment of food stamps of a higher
value. Most foods in a typical grocery store
can be purchased with food stamps. Alco­
holic beverages, tobacco, soaps, cosmetics,
and pet foods, or any product which is clearly
identified on the package as being from a
foreign country, are excluded.
Food stores may become eligible to parti­
cipate in the program by applying and re­
ceiving authorization from the agricultural
marketing service. Well over 100 thousand
stores participate in the plan. Merchants can
transfer the food stamps to suppliers or re­
deem them at banks. From the banks the
stamps move back along regular banking
channels to Federal Reserve banks, where
they are finally redeemed and destroyed.

residents of an institution. Another excluded
households with an able-bodied adult be­
tween 18 and 65 (except mothers or students)
who will not accept employment at the state
or federal minimum wage.
The maximum value of food stamps that
may be received by a family of four, currently
$106 a month, will be raised to $108 upon
implementation of the new guidelines. This
is roughly equivalent to the Department of
Agriculture’s estimates of the amount of
money that would have to be spent on an
“economy food plan” for a family of four.
Currently, half of the food stamps issued, on
average, are free or bonus stamps. The pro­
portion of stamps required to be purchased,
and those received free or as a bonus, varies
by individual case depending upon the level
of income and family size. In no case, how­
ever, can the cost of stamps equal more than
30 percent of a family’s income.


Income level is the main criterion for parti­
cipation in the Food Stamp Program. State
and local welfare agencies currently deter­
mine which families can qualify to partici­
pate. Included are families that receive public
assistance (qualifying because of dependent
children or elderly or handicapped persons)
and families that have less than specified
levels of income and liquid assets. Under the
1971 amendments, which are expected to be
implemented shortly, uniform national in­
come standards will be used to determine
eligibility. Maximum income allowed for
stamp purchases under the new regulations
range from $ 160 a month for an individual to
$600 a month for a family of eight.
There were other amendments passed in
1971 which were directed at abuses under
the earlier program. One excluded from eligi­
bility unrelated individuals under the age of
60 living as an economic unit who are not

Purchase requirement
rises with income
M o n th ly
incom e

R eq u ired
p u rc h a se s

stam p s

T o ta l stam p
a llo tm e n t

Prop ortion
o f stam ps
p urch ased
(p ercent)

(d o lla rs)

























N o te: E x a m p le b a se d on a f a m ily o f fo u r resid in g w ith in
the co n tin e n ta l U n ited S ta te s.

Prior to 1970, families participating in the
food stamp program were required to pur­
chase food coupons in amounts that reflected
their “normal” level of food expenditures in


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

order to receive free stamps. The purpose
behind this provision was an attempt to insure
that food purchased under the program did
not merely replace normal expenditures for
food without boosting the nutritional level of
the diet of the participating families. The pro­
gram has been modified to reduce the amount
of money required to purchase stamps, but
this feature is still important.
Under the new rules, a family of four with
monthly earnings of $100 would be required
to purchase $25 worth of stamps to receive
$83 worth of bonus stamps free. With
monthly earnings of $360 (maximum for a
family of four), a family would have to pur­
chase $99 worth of stamps to receive $9
worth of bonus stamps. Currently, all re­
cipients must make some payment— 50 cents
per person—in order to receive food stamps.
Under the new regulations, participants with
little or no income—under $20 per month—
will receive stamps free.
Increased participation in the Food Stamp
Program has been stimulated by the more
liberal bonus or free stamp allowances made
available in late 1969. From the start of 1970
to March 1, 1971, participation in the pro­
gram increased from less than four million to
about 11 million persons.
The value of food stamps issued jumped
from $68 million in January 1970 to $250
million in March 1971. Bonus stamps, those
provided free because of the broadened
benefits, increased even more rapidly—from
about $27 million to $142 million over the
same period. This is at an annual rate close
to the $1.75 billion appropriation authorized
for the entire program for fiscal 1971.
Effect of th e p ro g ram s


The precise effects of food programs are
not easily measurable owing to recent sharp
expansion of the program, as well as to the

inherent difficulties in attempts to evaluate
programs so greatly entwined in social issues.
Nevertheless, some inferences as to the pos­
sible effects the present programs might be
having on the overall demand for food and in
upgrading diets of the poor can be drawn
from the information compiled over several
years of food program operations.
Numerous studies have been conducted in
past years on the impact of food programs on
the demand for farm products. Most of the
findings indicate the effect is minimal. These
findings probably still hold, although the sub­
stantial increase in the scale of operations
and the increased importance of the Food
Stamp Program have obviously added to food
demand. The increase in the demand for food
stemming from food programs hinges essenti­
ally on the degree to which such programs
increase consumption over and above what
it would have been without the programs.
Studies on the demand effect of the Com­
modity Distribution Program suggest that
donated commodities are much like a small
increase in income to which recipients re­
spond by spending slightly more for food and
considerably more for nonfood items. One
such study indicated that food expenditures
increase about 10 cents for each $1 worth
of commodities donated. This would imply
a net increase in food expenditures of around
$29 million based on the current $290 million
level of the Commodity Distribution Program
operation. The actual effect on farm prices
may, in fact, be slightly greater than indicated
since government purchases of the donated
commodities frequently are made at times
when supplies are large and prices are de­
pressed. This tends to reduce the amount of
price fluctuation and thereby results in a
higher average price over the longer run.
The Food Stamp program probably has a
much greater impact on the demand for food

Business Conditions, June 1971

per dollar of federal expenditure than does
the Commodity Distribution Program or the
child feeding programs. The amount of addi­
tional spending for food would be equal to
the value of the bonus stamps minus the por­
tion spent on nonfood items. Since partici­
pants are required to purchase a portion of
their total stamp allotment as a condition for
receiving bonus stamps, the degree to which
expenditures can be made for other than food
items is limited, and total food expenditures
likely are increased for most if not all pro­
gram participants.
Additional food expenditures would de­
pend largely upon the level of incomes and
pre-program food expenditures of those fam­
ilies participating in the program. This stems
from the varying portion of stamps required
to be purchased by income level—ranging

Many families with high
income have poor diets
--- --- --- 1
--- --- 1
--- 1
--- --- 1
--- --- 1
family income


S 3 P 0 0 - 4,999

1 1





$5,0 00 -6 ,9 99







32 T






$10,000 and






poor diets**

good diets*


*M et recom mended d ietary a llo w an ce s for seven nu­
**M e t less than two-thirds allo w an ce for one to seven
S O U R C E: 1965 Food Consum ption Survey.

from zero for families with little or no income
to around 75 percent of the allotment for
families with maximum eligible incomes. The
actual effect is difficult to determine since
characteristics of participating families are
not readily available.
Also, some of the increased expenditures
for food represent an upgrading in the diet
level rather than increased purchases of food.
Surveys of stamp participants’ consumption
patterns indicate that the largest increases
are for fresh produce and meat. While in­
creases in consumption of both food cate­
gories are generally indicative of higher
nutritional levels, they also tend to be more
expensive. Thus, although federal expendi­
tures on food programs are currently at an
annual rate of around $3 billion, their actual
stimulus to food demand is much less.
Determining the adequacy of diet is more
difficult than appears at first glance. There
is the problem of determining what consti­
tutes nutritional and esthetic adequacy. The
widely-used standards of nutritional ad­
equacy set forth by the National Research
Council are based on daily needs of seven
nutrients. However, data from the 1965 Na­
tional Food Consumption Survey indicate
that about half of the households were failing
to meet this nutritional standard. In fact, diets
of more than one-fifth of U. S. households
did not contain even two-thirds of the recom­
mended allowances for all seven nutrients.
Meals served under the school lunch pro­
grams are required to meet one-third or more
of the daily dietary allowances recommended
by the National Research Council. A diet
provided by foods donated under the Com­
modity Distribution Program comes very
close to meeting full nutritional needs if ac­
cepted and used as recommended by the De­
partment of Agriculture. Donated foods meet
about four-fifths of the National Research

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Council’s allowances for calories, and supply
more than adequate amounts of the other
recommended daily adult requirements of
vitamins except vitamin A.
Stamp allotments under the Food Stamp
Program are estimated by the Department of
Agriculture to be sufficient to obtain an
adequately nutritional diet. Because of per­
sonal choice, lack of complete information,
and variations in personal needs not ade­
quately reflected in recommended nutritional
standards, many families participating in the
Food Stamp Program probably have diets
that fall below the full recommended allow­
ances although still much improved over
diets before participating in the program.
Several studies were conducted in the
earlier 1960s in an attempt to measure the
effect that the Food Stamp Program had on
nutritional levels. Prior to the program,
slightly more than one-fourth of the families
who later participated in the food stamp
programs had diets meeting the standards
established by the National Research Coun­
cil. After the program had been in operation
for about six months, 48 percent of those who
were using food stamps in Michigan, and 39
percent in Pennsylvania, had diets meeting
the nutritional standards. Of those who quali­
fied for the program but did not take part, the
proportion with diets meeting the standards
remained at about one-fourth.
If a similar study were to be conducted
today, the improvement in diets of partici­
pants over eligible nonparticipants likely
would be even more striking, reflecting the
increased stamp allotments.
Food v e rsu s cash

Although food programs have rapidly ex­


panded in recent years, numerous proposals
are being considered which would substan­
tially alter, if not eliminate, such programs.
Many of the proposals feature income supple­
ments as an alternative to food stamps or
direct distribution. Such programs would
permit a greater choice between purchases of
clothing and shelter, as well as food and other
things depending on individual desires and
needs. Because of the high priority placed on
upgrading nutritional levels, proponents of
food programs generally consider income
supplements a poor alternative to food pro­
grams. Providing the means for an adequate
diet does not guarantee a nutritious diet. For
example, in the 1965 Food Consumption
Survey 18 percent of the households with in­
comes between $5,000 and $7,000 failed to
obtain diets that met two-thirds of the recom­
mended allowance for seven important nu­
trients; 9 percent of the households with in­
comes over $10,000 failed to meet this
People with poor diets may lack knowledge
of the benefits of adequate nutrition or may
not know how to achieve good diets. Another
obstacle to obtaining an adequate diet is the
lure of nonfood consumption goods. After
certain minimum food needs are met, most
of any additional income is typically spent on
other things. Data from the 1965 Food Con­
sumption Survey indicate that only 1 to 2
percent of each additional 10 percent of in­
come can be expected to be spent on food.
Because of these obstacles to obtaining a
high level of nutrition, food programs of some
type, complete with an educational effort, are
likely to be more efficient and less expensive
than cash income grants in improving the
nutritional level.

Business Conditions, June 1971

What is money?

To the man in the street, money is the paper
currency in his wallet and the coins in his
pocket. On a moment’s further reflection, he
names the balance in his checking account
also; checks drawn on it work as well as
currency or coin when he has payments to
make. What about the savings account he
keeps at his bank, or a certificate of deposit
that he holds? For that matter, how about the
savings account he maintains at the savings
and loan? Are these money, too? This is a
harder question.
From m o n ey to n e a r-m o n e y

Unlike the more “obvious” forms of
money, savings accounts or certificates can­
not be immediately and directly used to make
payments. First, they have to be converted
into one of the kinds of money that can be
directly spent. Still, in another sense, they
seem to be all but indistinguishable from
money. While checks cannot be written on
savings accounts, sums on deposit are almost
as readily accessible as checking account
balances. Withdrawals in practice can be
made at any time and without advance notice
to the bank or the savings association. Certif­
icates are somewhat less easy to turn into
cash, as they carry specific maturity dates.
Yet even these instruments can be cashed
on the holder’s demand, with some sacrifice
in interest yield. Savings deposits and certif­
icates, therefore, are less “liquid” than de­

mand deposits (checking accounts), or coins
and currency, but not much. The distinction
is slight. And the interest yield that savings
or other time accounts produce may more
than compensate for their lesser relative
liquidity. Obviously, it does—or depositors
would refuse to keep funds in such forms.
Clearly, savings accounts and other time de­
posits at banks and thrift institutions look a
lot like money and may well deserve to be
encompassed by the definition of money.
Nor does this end the matter. What about
credit union shares? U. S. savings bonds?
Treasury bills and notes? Corporate bonds
and stocks? Is the list endless? Clearly it
cannot be if the definition of money is to be
a useful one. The recitation of asset forms
that need to be considered for inclusion in
the definition of money serves to suggest that
“moneyness” is a matter of degree. If this is
so, if assets of all kinds—and even “nonfinancial” assets—may be thought of as
having moneyness or liquidity to some extent,
it still seems important to draw a line that
will separate money from all other assets.
But where should this line be drawn?
T h re e d efin itio n s

Perhaps the best answer to this question is
that there may be no one best place to draw
the line. Thus, the monthly Federal Reserve
Bulletin carries a tabulation entitled “Mea­
sures of the Money Stock,” in which three

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

such measures are presented. These are
separately labeled and defined as follows:
Mi: currency (including coin) and de­
mand deposits (checking accounts).
M2: Mi plus savings and other time de­
posits of commercial banks, except­
ing negotiable certificates of deposit
of $ 100,000 and more at major com­
mercial banks.
M3: Mo plus deposits of mutual savings
banks and accounts at savings and
loan associations.
The first of these measures, Mi, defines
money quite narrowly; indeed, Mi is often
termed narrow money. Broad money usually
refers to M2, which includes an asset cate­
gory, time deposits, that is slightly less
moneylike than Mi. Similarly, M3 extends
the definition a little further still—further
away from the purest of moneyness.
It may be noted that the Bulletin tabula­
tion labels no one of these as the money stock
or money supply. The three are simply offered
as alternative possible measures. The user or

Annual growth rates
of Mi and M2

the analyst may take his pick. Or, he may
wish to devise a definition of his own, offering
it not necessarily as a definition of money as
such, but rather as the definition of a financial
or monetary magnitude he deems to be signif­
icant. Commercial bank reserves and the
monetary base—two measures of the founda­
tion that bank deposits and bank credit rest
upon—are regarded by some as more useful
than any of the money concepts above. Other
analysts, however, prefer to move out the
other way, to a measure even broader than
M3, to which they add such other financial
asset forms as credit union shares, Treasury
bills, and so on.1
M o ney in th e m a rk e tp la c e

An analyst who views money primarily in
terms of its role as a medium of exchange
usually will be most comfortable with the
narrow Mx definition of money, including as
it does those financial assets that may be used
directly in the marketplace. Coin, currency,
and checks drawn on demand deposits all fit
this description. Although certain other hold­
ings may be so used—a negotiable certificate
of deposit or travelers’ check might be an
example—their importance as media of ex­
change is negligible, and little harm is done
if only those assets encompassed by the Mt
definition are treated as bona fide exchange
M o n ey as liquidity

Money is more than a medium of ex­
change, though, as the textbooks point out.
Beyond its usefulness as a unit of account or
standard of deferred payments is its asset


’Some of the technicalities involved in the deriv­
ation of money supply measures are dealt with in
the accompanying boxed statement, which also
illustrates the interrelations among alternative defi­
nitions of money.

Business Conditions, June 1971

role. As the ultimate in liquid assets, money
is ideal to hold for protection against contin­
gencies, such as unexpected interruptions in
income or needs to cover emergency outlays.
In addition, money balances enable holders
to move quickly to take advantage of invest­
ment or speculative opportunities. In short,
every economic entity is motivated to hold
money not only in order to carry on its
routine activities in the marketplace, but also
to afford it some leeway in the management
of its earning assets and to provide it a cush­
ion against unforeseeable occurrences.
The analyst who assigns priority to the
financial-asset role of money in the economy
is apt to prefer a broader to a narrower
definition of money. In good part, this re­
flects uncertainty over just where the line
around money is to be drawn. Thus, the dif­
ference between currency and demand de­
posits, both of which are within any definition
of money, may appear greater than the dif­
ference between, say, savings and loan ac­
counts, which are components of M3 and
Treasury bills, which are not. Yet the exclu­
sion of bills may not be bothersome if they
tend to behave much as the elements within
the money measure. But in any event, the
money-as-asset analyst regards money as
something considerably more than only the
coins and pieces of paper that people use to
pay their bills and settle their debts.
W h a t’s in a d efin itio n ?

Defining money, then, is a tricky business.
But it is a necessary first step that has to be
taken before any serious study can be made
of money’s role in economic affairs. With a
definition in hand, whichever one it may be,
the analyst may proceed to measure the size
of the money supply and to monitor changes
in it that take place over time.
Professional opinion remains divided on

the nature of the connection between money
and economic activity, and particularly on
the direction of causation. This is despite the
close attention that economists and others
have devoted to monetary matters over the
past 150 years and the voluminous masses of
empirical evidence that they have examined.
One view (the monetarist) emphasizes the
importance of money in determining eco­
nomic activity and contends that changes in
the existing stock of money motivates changes
in spending and income, given the pattern of
money use.
Critics assert that this view assumes away
the problem by positing an unchanged pat­
tern of money use. The critics believe that
any given change in the money supply—as
by a Federal Reserve System move inducing
banks to increase loans and deposits—often
will be offset by a change in velocity. Many
among this group, indeed, question the ef­
ficacy of monetary actions in general, con­
tending instead that fiscal policy measures,
such as changes in the rate of federal spend­
ing or changes in tax rates that affect the level
of disposable income, have far greater impact
on economic activity than do monetary policy
actions. Holders of this view are quick to
agree that monetary policy is not wholly im­
potent, conceding that changes in the money
supply affect interest rates, which, in turn,
influence business investment spending—and
even consumer spending through their impact
on capital values or “wealth.”
Despite major differences on the impor­
tance of monetary matters and the relation­
ship between money and economic activity,
there is all but universal agreement that some
sort of connection exists and, moreover, that
some influence runs from money to economic
activity. (Unless this were so, there would be
little for monetary policy, and central banks,
to do!) But how strong this relationship is,


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Money supply measures and their derivation
The accompanying table illustrates rela­
tionships among three widely used measures
of the money supply, as well as showing the
several adjustments that must first be made
in the important demand deposit component.
The estimates given are averages for four
weeks ending January 27, 1971.

category are deposits at mutual savings banks
and foreign commercial banks, and Mj-type
deposits at Edge Act corporations and
branches and agencies of foreign banks.
Cash items in the process of collection
(CIPC) and Federal Reserve float— often
combined as “bank float”— are accounts that
have much in common.
Both are temporary ac­
counts measuring the
B illio n s of
double-counting of de­
do llars
mand deposits arising
G ross dem and deposits a t a ll com m ercial b a n k s ......................................
$ 242.9
from inherent lags in
— C ash items in process of co llectio n..............................................................
— 31.6
the check clearing pro­
— Interbank deposits ............................................................................................
— 28.6
cess. If check clearing
— U. S. Governm ent deposits ...........................................................................
— Federal Reserve f l o a t .......................................................................................
w ere in stan tan eo u s,
-|-Foreign deposits a t Federal Reserve b a n k s .............................................
-(- 0.4
these accounts would be
= D e m a n d deposits inm oney s u p p ly .................................................................
-|-Currency in hand s of the p u b lic......................... ........................................
+ 49.2
Cash items in the pro­
=M, ............................................................................................... $ 222,1
cess of collection ac­
-(-Com m ercial bank time deposits (excluding CDs
counts for checks that
of $100,000 a n d m ore a t m ajor b a n k s)...............................................
the bank has collected
............................................................................................... $ 429.3
but for which it has not
-(-Deposits at nonbank thrift institutions
yet received credit from
(mutual savings b anks, savings a n d loan a sso cia tio n s)...............
the F ed eral R eserve
=M* ............................................................................................... $ 647.2
bank. Federal Reserve
S O U R C E : F e d e ra l R e se rve B u lle tin a n d F e d e ra l R e se rve S ystem d a ta .
float occurs when two
banks are given credit
for the same reserves.
For example, assume a father sends a
The adjustments made in gross demand de­
posits may be explained as follows:
check for $100 drawn on a Springfield bank
Interbank deposits are liabilities owed by
to his son in Chicago. When his son deposits
one bank to another. They are excluded from
the check in his Chicago bank, the bank
the money supply because the computation
credits his deposit and debits CIPC. Thus, the
of total demand deposits requires consolidat­
Chicago bank registers an increase in demand
deposits. But no corresponding reduction has
ing balance sheets of the individual banks.
Such aggregation results in the canceling out
taken place yet in the Springfield bank’s de­
of all deposits owed by one commercial bank
posits. This temporary double-counting of
to another. N ot included in the interbank
the $100 is called “float,” which the deduc­

Business Conditions, June 1971

tion of CIPC from gross demand deposits is
designed to eliminate.
When the Chicago bank forwards the
check to the Federal Reserve bank, the Fed
makes the proper bookkeeping entries and
then sends the check to the Springfield bank.
The Chicago bank must wait a certain time
(corresponding to the interval judged neces­
sary for the Springfield bank to notify the
Fed that it has received the check) before it
is credited with the reserves. When this
period passes, the Chicago bank records an
increase of $100 in reserves and a reduction
of $100 in CIPC.
If processing the check between the Fed
and the Springfield bank is delayed, the
Springfield bank will not have drawn down
its reserves and deposits at the end of the
prearranged period. As a result, both banks
will be credited with the reserves correspond­
ing to the check. This type of double­
counting of reserves is called Federal Re­
serve float. To correct the money supply for
such double-counting, it is necessary to sub­
tract Federal Reserve float from gross de­
mand deposits. When the Springfield bank
eventually does notify the Fed of receipt of
the check, its deposits and reserves are drawn
down, eliminating float.
The rationale for excluding U. S. Govern­
ment deposits from the money supply is that
such deposits probably have little influence
upon government expenditures. Neverthe­
less, some economists, believing that these
deposits should be included, argue that U. S.
Government deposits are qualitatively no
different than state and local government
deposits, which are included.*
*See Paul S. Anderson and Frank E. Morris,
“Defining the Money Supply: The Case of Gov­
ernment Deposits,” N ew England Economic
R eview, March/April 1969, pp. 21-31. For the
official view, see Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, Supplement to Money

The inclusion of foreign deposits at Fed­
eral Reserve banks also has been questioned.
It has been argued that they are primarily
for foreign exchange transactions rather than
for the purchases of U. S. goods and services
and, therefore, should be excluded from the
money supply.
Recently, adjustments have been made in
the money supply to correct a considerable
understatement, resulting from the rapid in­
crease in Eurodollar transactions. Eurodollar
transactions often have resulted in checks
being deposited with U. S. commercial banks
from their foreign branches, thereby increas­
ing U. S. bank assets (C IPC ) and liabilities
(demand deposits).
As mentioned previously, the purpose of
the CIPC account is to prevent double-count­
ing. Yet, until quite recently, foreign agency
demand deposits have not been included as a
component of demand deposits. Therefore,
the subtraction of CIPC from gross demand
deposits would result in an understatement of
the money supply. This error has become
more serious in recent years as the volume
of Eurodollar transactions has increased.
To correct for this, the demand deposit
component in money supply measures now
includes those deposits associated with Euro­
dollar transactions.
Inclusion of these deposits offsets the
CIPC items associated with Eurodollars,
thereby eliminating the understatement in the
money supply.
and Monetary Statistics, Section I, Banks
and the Monetary System, October 1962, p. 7.

Note: For a more thorough discussion, see
Irving Auerbach, “International Banking Insti­
tutions and the Understatement of the Money
Supply,” Monthly Review, Federal Reserve
Bank of New York, May 1971, pp. 109-18.
Also, see Joseph G. Kvasnicka, “Eurodollars—
An Important Source of Funds for American
Banks,” Business Conditions, Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, June 1969, pp. 9-20.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

and how it compares with influences on
activity from other quarters—and influences
running from activity to money—are ques­
tions that have yet to be fully answered.
Now, granted that money matters, what
concept or definition of the money supply
provides the best measure of monetary in­
fluences upon economic activity? Opinion on
this, not surprisingly, is divided. At least
three points of view may be identified.
The claim fo r n a r r o w m o n ey

On one hand is the belief that it is money in
the narrowest sense, or Mi, that has the most
analytical usefulness. This follows from the
notion that Mi is made up solely of monies
that are directly spendable. Spending, which
is just another way of looking at income, en­
tails the transfer of money (Mi-type money)
from buyers to sellers; therefore, it seems to
follow that changes in Mi play an important
role in determining expenditures. This defini-

Treasury bill rates and

maximum rates payable on
certificates of deposit
percent per annum

tion or a priori approach sidesteps the neces­
sity for any empirical testing.
The o pp o site e x tre m e

Those critical of the monetarist doctrine
believe that what really matters is the econ­
omy’s total liquidity or moneyness. According
to this view, the oncoming course of economic
activity is foreshadowed by today’s liquidity
position of consumers, businesses, and gov­
ernmental agencies. Holdings of Mx-type
money constitute a part of an aspect of
liquidity—a rather nebulous and slippery
term—but no more than that. But clearly,
non-Mi moneylike assets, such as time
deposits, savings certificates, credit union
shares, readily saleable securities, and per­
haps also certain financial assets that are not
readily saleable, also need to be taken into
account. Furthermore, a significant further
aspect of liquidity is the readiness with which
funds may be realized by borrowing, the
“availability” (and price) of credit. Liquidity
to those who subscribe to this position ap­
pears to be little less than the potential be­
hind spending and, therefore, interest rates
are believed to provide a better reading of
monetary conditions than any of the defini­
tions of the money supply. Money, even by
the broadest definition, may be a big part of
total liquidity, but there are other compo­
nents, further into the spectrum of financial
assets (and credit), that enter also. Adher­
ents to this view often define money as the
sum of those financial assets found through
empirical research to be the closest substitues for Mi and M2. Hence, if Treasury bills
were found to be close substitutes for Mx,
money would be defined to include them.
M o ney is w h a t m o n e y does

Finally, there is the stand among those who
emphasize the importance of monetary ac­

Business Conditions, June 1971

tions that money is appropriately defined as
that magnitude whose behavior best predicts
the course of economic activity. If, in the
past, changes in Mi have been a better indi­
cator of contemporaneous or subsequent
changes in, say, total income (GNP) than
have M2 or M3 (or other measures), then
Mi defines money. The task of defining
money, therefore, reduces itself to an exer­
cise in regression analysis, by which the
measure that best explains changes in eco­
nomic activity is identified.
Work that has been done on the problem
appears to suggest that Mi and M2 fit about
equally well, so that either, or an average of
the two, could serve satisfactorily as the
definition of money. But the correspondence
of these two measures has been severely
strained at times.
M i, M2 , an d Regulatio n Q

In much of past experience, Mx and M2
have grown at comparable rates and thus
provided similar readings of monetary condi­
tions. But recently, the aggregates have grown
at distinctly different rates. In 1968 and
1969, market interest rates rose above the
maximum rates payable on bank deposits as

established by Regulation Q. This induced
investors to withdraw their funds from time
deposits and to purchase high-yielding securi­
ties. The decline of time deposits caused M2
to grow at a much slower rate than Mi. Since
1970, however, falling rates in the market
have reversed the flow, and funds have
moved back into time deposits from securi­
ties. In this time, therefore, M2 has grown at
a considerably faster rate than Mi, and the
two measures continue to give considerably
different impressions of monetary conditions.2
The effects of Regulation Q, therefore,
appear to illustrate the point that the appro­
priateness of a definition of money depends
on the use to which it is to be put. Thus,
determining what constitutes money is a
challenging task that is heavily dependent
upon both economic theory and empirical re­
search and, until economists resolve their
differences on how money influences eco­
nomic activity, this issue promises to remain
a controversial one.
Professor Milton Friedman, the U. S.’s foremost
monetarist, has argued that neither measure is re­
liable when M, and M» diverge and that the answer
lies somewhere in between. His solution would be
to eliminate the cause of the divergence; i.e., abolish
Regulation Q.


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

This weekly, single-page review of the everchanging
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Subscriptions are available free of charge upon request.
Send your request to: Research Department, Federal Re­
serve Bank of Chicago, Box 834, Chicago, Illinois 60690.


C O N D IT IO N S is

p u b lish ed

m o nth ly b y the F e d e ra l R ese rve B a n k o f C h ic a g o .

Roby L. S lo a n w a s p r im a rily resp o n sib le fo r the a rtic le "Fo od p ro g ra m s—in cre a se d e m p h a sis "
an d N ich o la s A . Lash fo r " W h a t is m o n e y ? "

S u b scrip tio n s to Business Conditions a r e a v a ila b le to the p u b lic w ith o u t c h a rg e . For in fo r­
m atio n co n ce rn in g b u lk m a ilin g s , a d d re ss in q u irie s to the R esearch D e p a rtm e n t, F e d e ra l
R ese rve B a n k o f C h ic a g o , B ox 8 3 4 , C h ic a g o , Illin o is 6 0 6 9 0 .
A rtic le s m a y be re p rin te d p ro v id e d source is c re d ite d . P le a se p ro v id e the b a n k 's R esearch
D e p artm e n t w ith a co p y o f a n y m a te ria l in w h ic h a n a rtic le is re p rin te d .