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SPECIAL ANALYSES BUDGET OFTHE UNITED STATES FISCALYEAR I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. Three measures of Federal financial transactions Public enterprises, trust funds, and gross expenditures of the Government Civilian employment in the executive branch Investment, operating, and other expenditures Federal credit programs Federal activities in public works Federal education, training, and related programs Federal health programs Federal research, development, and related programs Federal aid to State and local governments Principal Federal statistical programs Foreign currency availabilities and uses International transactions of the Federal Government 3 12 24 33 53 67 82 102 113 133 144 152 158 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price 50 cents FOREWORD This volume of Special Analyses of the United States Budget, 1967, contains facts and figures on special aspects of the President's budgetary recommendations transmitted in The Budget oj the United States Government, 1967. Thirteen special analyses are included, of which four (A through D) are reprints of analyses, already printed in the budget document. GENERAL NOTES 1. All years referred to are fiscal years, unless otherwise noted. 2. Detail in the tables, text, and charts of this volume may not add to the totals because of rounding. SPECIAL ANALYSIS A THREE MEASURES OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS Data on Government financial transactions are used for many purposes. No single set of accounts can serve all purposes equally well. As a result, various budget concepts and forms have been developed to meet different needs. The three measures of Federal receipts and expenditures most commonly used are: (1) the administrative budget, (2) the consolidated cash statement of Federal transactions, and (3) the Federal sector of the national income and product accounts. A reconciliation of these three measures is presented in table A-l. For many years, the administrative budget served as the principal financial plan for conducting the affairs of Government. It represents a focal point for management and decisionmaking with respect to Government activities which are financed by the Government's own funds. As long as almost all Federal financial transactions were carried out with federally owned funds, the administrative budget provided adequate coverage. In recent years, however, trust fund operations which are not included in administrative budget totals have grown rapidly. As a result, the flow of financial transactions between the Federal Government and the public is considerably larger than is shown by the administrative budget. For this reason, the consolidated cash statement of Federal receipts from and payments to the public is designed to present more fully the flow of total cash transactions (excluding borrowing) between the Federal Government and the public. Thus, the consolidated cash statement is useful for determining Government financing and net borrowing requirements and for analyzing the Federal impact on money and credit. Federal receipts and expenditures in the national income and product accounts provide a measure of the direct impact of Federal fiscal activity on the Nation's current flow of income and output. This measure was specifically designed to complement the data on private expenditures and incomes contained in the Department of Commerce national income accounts. The Federal sector account is especially suited for an analysis of fiscal and economic policy. For certain types of problems, none of these measures of receipts and expenditures will serve adequately. Economic activity may be affected by Government transactions which are not reflected immediately or fully in receipts and expenditures. For example, a rapid expansion in new appropriations and in Government orders could stimulate a rise in business activity well before either the delivery of goods, the performance of services, or the payment for them. The management of public debt, loan guarantees, and loan insurance programs have a significant impact in the money and credit markets of the economy not fully reflected by the level of budget expenditures. Consequently, in evaluating the economic impact of Federal Government activities, there is no substitute for complete and detailed analysis of the Government program in all its aspects. THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table A-1. RELATION OF THREE MEASURES OF FEDERAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES, 1965-67 [In billions of dollars] 1965 1967 1966 actual estimate RECEIPTS Administrative budget receipts Plus: Trust fund receipts Less: Intragovernmental transactions Receipts from exercise of monetary authority Equals: Federal receipts from the public Less: Cash transactions excluded from Federal receipts account: Coverage differences: District of Columbia Other Financial transactions: Receipts from loan repayments Miscellaneous: Sale of land, etc Plus: Items added to Federal sector account but not in cash receipts: Netting differences Contributions to Government employee retirement funds Receipts netted against expenditures, etc Timing differences: Excess of tax accruals ( + ) or collections ( —) (corporate, personal, social insurance contributions, etc.) Miscellaneous Equals: Federal receipts, national income and product accounts 93.1 31.0 4.3 .1 119.7 100.0 33.5 4.5 .9 128.2 111.0 .3 .1 .3 .1 .3 .1 .4 .2 .1 .1 .2 .1 .7 .1 -.1 41.6 5.5 1.6 145.5 (2.2) (-2.1) (2.2) (-2.3) .2 * 1.0 .1 -2.6 .1 119.6 128.8 142.2 96.5 106.4 112.8 29.6 4.3 -.6 122.4 33.8 4.5 .7 135.0 37.9 5.5 .2 145.0 1.6 .2 .8 .3 1.0 .3 2.4 .9 .7 1.5 1.0 .4 -1.4 1.0 .7 .7 .1 -.1 (2.2) (-1.5) (2.2) (-2.1) 1.5 _ 9 -.6 .1 .4 .4 .3 118.3 131.0 142.7 (2.2) (-1.5) EXPENDITURES Administrative budget expenditures Plus: Trust fund expenditures (including Governmentsponsored enterprises net) Less: Intragovernmental transactions Debt issuance in lieu of checks and other adjustmentsEquals : Federal payments to the public Less: Cash transactions excluded from Federal sector expenditures account: Coverage differences: District of Columbia, Federal home loan banks, and Federal land banks Other Financial transactions: Net lending in cash expenditures Net foreign currency purchases Miscellaneous: Acquisition of land, etc Plus: Items added to Federal sector account but not in cash payments: Netting differences Contributions to Government employee retirement funds Receipts netted against expenditures, etc Timing differences: Excess of deliveries and accruals ( + ) or payments (—) Checks outstanding and certain other accounts Miscellaneous: Net expenditure of foreign currency and other Equals: Federal expenditures, national income and product accounts *Less than $50 million. (2.2) (-2.3) SPECIAL ANALYSES ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET The administrative budget covers receipts and expenditures of funds owned by the Federal Government—the general fund, special funds, public enterprise funds, and intragovernmental revolving and management funds. Interfund transactions between these Federal accounts are excluded from the total while business-type activities (such as the Post Office) are normally recorded as "net expenditures." Although budget documents placed before the Congress have regularly included both federally owned funds and funds held in trust by the Government, only the former have been traditionally used to calculate budget totals. CONSOLIDATED CASH STATEMENT The consolidated cash statement of Federal receipts and payments is more comprehensive than the administrative budget in that it includes the receipts and expenditures of trust funds as well as funds wholly owned by the Federal Government. Since the consolidated cash statement measures the flow of cash between the public and the Government, intragovernmental transactions (transactions between budget and trust fund accounts) are excluded. Government payments are recorded when checks are cashed while administrative budget outlays are recorded when checks are issued. FEDERAL SECTOR OF THE NATIONAL INCOME ACCOUNTS The Federal sector of the national income and product accounts— like the consolidated cash statement—includes most administrative budget and trust fund transactions. However, in contrast both to the consolidated cash statement and the administrative budget, only those receipts and expenditures which directly affect the current flow of income and output are recorded. The national income accounts exclude all borrowing and lending transactions. The Federal sector account, therefore, excludes transactions involving purely financial claims such as loans and purchases or sales of land. Such transactions represent neither the production of current output nor incomes, even though they may have indirect effects on the level or composition of economic activity. Both the administrative budget and consolidated cash statement count business tax receipts, like other receipts, as they are collected. In contrast, the Federal sector account records some tax receipts— particularly corporate income taxes—as they accrue, on the ground that the main economic impact of these taxes is more closely associated with the accrual of liabilities than with actual cash collections. Also, the Federal sector records most purchases of goods and services when delivery is made, while the administrative budget records most expenditures at the time checks are issued and the consolidated cash statement when funds are withdrawn from Treasury accounts (cash or checks-paid). 6 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table A-2. FEDERAL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES IN THE NATIONAL INCOME ACCOUNTS (in billions of dollars) Description 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate RECEIPTS, NATIONAL INCOME BASIS Personal tax and nontax receipts Corporate profits tax accruals Indirect business tax and nontax accruals Contributions for social insurance Total receipts, national income basis 51.2 27.0 16.8 24.6 54.8 29.3 15.9 28.8 60.5 31.1 16.5 34.1 119.6 128.8 142.2 64.5 30.3 10.9 8.6 4.1 70.7 34.2 12.8 74.4 39.2 9.0 4.3 14.7 9.7 4.7 118.3 131.0 142.7 +1.2 -2.2 -.5 EXPENDITURES, NATIONAL INCOME BASIS Purchases of goods and services Transfer payments Grants-in-aid to State and local governments Net interest paid Subsidies less current surplus of Government enterprises. Total expenditures, national income basis Surplus ( + ) or deficit (—), national income basis Federal sector receipts.—Federal receipts on a national income basis largely reflect the tax payments or liabilities of individuals, corporations and other businesses arising out of incomes earned as well as other tax and nontax receipts. These receipts are classified into the following four categories: (1) personal tax and nontax receipts, (2) corporate profits tax accruals, (3) indirect business tax and nontax accruals, and (4) receipts from contributions for social insurance. Personal tax and nontax receipts consist mostly of individual income taxes, estate and gift taxes, fines, fees, and rental receipts. Corporate profits tax accruals represent the Federal tax liability incurred and accrued by resident corporations on their corporate earnings during the specified year or period. Collections of Federal corporate income taxes usually lag the accruals. Indirect business tax and nontax accruals consist primarily of excise taxes, customs duties, and Federal receipts from rent and royalties. Receipts from contributions for social insurance are composed chiefly of employment taxes, contributions to the retirement funds for Government employees, and deposits by the States to the unemployment trust fund. Federal sector expenditures.—Federal expenditures on a national income basis represent either purchases of currently produced goods and services or outlays which directly affect current levels of income. These expenditures are classified in the following five categories: (1) purchases of goods and services, (2) transfer payments, (3) grantsin-aid to State and local governments, (4) net interest paid, and (5) subsidies less current surplus of Government enterprises. The definitions of the categories have been developed by the Department of Commerce consistent with the framework of accounts covering the Nation's total economic activity. SPECIAL ANALYSES 1. Purchases of goods and services.—These purchases represent the value of the Nation's currently produced output bought directly by the Federal Government. Expenditures for goods and services represent the production and use of resources and constitute a part of the gross national product. They are reported in the national income accounts net of Government sales of goods and services. Purchases include the pay of active military and civilian employees of the Federal Government, employer contributions for retirement, insurance, and other benefits for Federal employees, deliveries of equipment and supplies for defense and other programs, new construction and purchase of existing structures, payments on research and development contracts with corporations and on similar grants to private nonprofit institutions, expenditures for the purchase of commodities to be donated to schools or similar institutions, and generally, the administrative expenses of Government programs. Net interest paid to (or received from) foreigners is included in (or deducted from) puichases of goods and services. 2. Transfer payments.—Transfer payments consist of expenditures by the Federal Government for which no current output or services have been rendered; in other words, they are payments to certain recipients for which no contribution to national production is made during the time period under consideration. Transfer payments are classified into two categories—domestic and foreign. Domestic transfer payments consist of monetary transfers to persons or nonprofit institutions in the United States (excluding territories and possessions). Examples of domestic transfer payments are: Veterans compensation, pensions, and benefits; retired pay to Federal civilian or military personnel; unemployment benefits; old-age, survivors, and disability insurance; nonrepayable outlays for scholarships and fellowships; and payments for construction of private nonprofit hospitals. Although transfer payments do not directly enter GNP calculations as a Federal Government component, they do enter into the income stream and have an impact on national output when respent by the recipients. Foreign transfer payments consist of Federal nonmilitary transfers of money, commodities, or services for which no dollar reimbursement is received. 3. Grants-in-aid to State and local governments.—Grants, for purposes of the national income accounts, are Federal payments (other than for interest on the public debt) to State and local governments, including State and local educational institutions. Most of the grants-in-aid and the shared revenues in Special Analysis J of the budget are included in grants. Excluded, however, are items such as (a) construction outlays for private nonprofit hospitals, (b) grantsin-kind such as farm commodities distributed to State and local government units, and (c) payments to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other possessions. Payments to public educational institutions for research and development contracts are recorded as grants. Like transfer payments and net interest paid, Federal grants-in-aid are counted in the GNP when respent by recipients—in this case, as purchases by State and local governments or as consumption expenditures of individuals receiving State or local transfer payments. 8 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 196 7 4. Net interest paid.—Net interest paid consists of the interest outlays to residents (including State and local governments) minus the interest received from them. 5. Subsidies less current surplus of Government enterprises.—This category consists of two elements which are consolidated for analytical and statistical reasons: (a) subsidy payments to resident businesses, and (b) the "current surplus" or "deficit," as the case may be, of Government enterprises. (a) In principle, a Government expenditure becomes a subsidy when it enables a producer to sell goods and services below the costprice relationship determined by market forces or when it is a payment made to curtail production. By definition, therefore, subsidies are made only to businesses organized for profitmaking purposes (including farms). Examples of subsidies are Government payments to farmers for land retirement, certain outlays for the export of surplus agricultural commodities by business, payments to air carriers, and the operating differential subsidy of the Maritime Administration. (b) Government enterprise is the term applied to those functions of the Government (usually appearing in the budget as public enterprise revolving funds) whose operating costs are to a great extent covered by the sale of goods and services to the public, as opposed to being financed by tax receipts. In short, Government enterprises conduct operations which are of a commercial nature. The difference between their sales and operating expenses constitutes the surplus or deficit of government enterprises. RELATIONSHIP OF CONSOLIDATED CASH STATEMENT TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET Certain adjustments are needed to derive the consolidated cash statement from administrative budget totals, as summarized in table A-l. 1. Trust funds.—The consolidated cash statement covers the financial transactions of Federal trust funds (including Governmentsponsored enterprises) in addition to administrative budget receipts and expenditures. Accordingly, excise taxes that support the highway trust fund, employment taxes, deposits by States for unemployment insurance, veterans life insurance premiums, and other trust fund receipts are included along with the corresponding trust fund disbursements. 2. Intragovernmental transactions.—Administrative budget receipts include amounts paid into the Treasury by trust funds. (These amounts are also reported as trust fund expenditures.) Similarly, there are trust fund receipts, such as interest on trust fund holdings of U.S. securities, which are also reported as administrative budget expenditures. In consolidating the transactions of budget and trust funds, these intragovernmental transactions are eliminated from the combined receipts and expenditures since no exchange of cash with the public is involved in these operations. 9 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table A-3. INTRAGOVERNMENTAL TRANSACTIONS EXCLUDED FROM THE CONSOLIDATED CASH STATEMENT [In millions of dollars] Description 1965 actual Administrative budget receipts which are trust fund expenditures: Franchise taxes from Government-sponsored enterprises. Dividends, interest, etc., from Federal National Mortgage Association Reimbursements for expenses and services ... ... Repayment of advances from unemployment trust fund and other Total, administrative budget receipt items.. __ Trust fund receipts which are administrative budget expenditures: Interest on trust funds.. _ _. Contributions for military service credits ._ . Federal supplementary medical insurance Transitional coverage for hospital insurance Payments to District of Columbia (including Federal grantsin-aid) Employing agencies' payments to employees' retirement funds, _ Awards to Indian tribal funds _ __ __ __ _ Contributions to veterans life insurance funds .. Other. ._ Total, trust fund receipt items.. Deductions from employees' salaries for retirement._ Total, intragovernmental transactions . . 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 5 5 5 17 66 16 72 22 76 106 21 2 194 114 105 1,770 14 1,822 122 26 1.970 122 550 283 102 1,111 58 7 1 101 1.136 86 7 1 152 1.150 85 6 1 3,063 1,046 3.301 1.069 4.318 1.077 4.303 4.484 5,500 3. Exercise of monetary authority.—These receipts now come mostly from seigniorage; that is, they represent the difference between the cost of the metal in coins and the face value of the coins as money. Seigniorage is included in administrative budget receipts, but is not a cash receipt from the public. 4. Debt issuance in lieu of checks.—In a few cases, Government expenditures are made by issuing bonds or notes, or increasing the value of bonds outstanding in lieu of issuing checks. Such transactions are recorded in the administrative budget as expenditures when the debt is thus increased, even though no cash outflow takes place until the debt instrument is redeemed. For example, the administrative budget records interest on savings bonds when it accrues (and is added to the redemption value currently payable) rather than when it is actually paid. In computing cash payments to the public, interest payments are included only when the bonds are cashed. Therefore, an adjustment is made for the difference between the amount of interest accrued and the amount paid. A second example involves transactions in special notes used to pay certain U.S. Government obligations. The Government has paid a 10 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 portion of its subscriptions to the International Monetary Fund, the International Development Association, and the Inter-American Development Bank in non-interest-bearing notes. The notes are considered administrative budget expenditures and become part of the public debt when they are issued. However, they are not counted as a payment to the public until they are redeemed for cash, at which time they cease to be part of the public debt. Conversely, when the institutions return cash to the Treasury in exchange for notes, payments to the public are reduced by the amount of the cash receipts and a corresponding increase in the public debt takes place. Table A-4. DEBT ISSUANCE IN LIEU OF CHECKS, NET (in millions of dollars) Description Accrued interest added to value of debt (savings bonds, etc.) Treasury notes issued for: International Monetary Fund International Development Association Inter-American Development Bank _.. _ . _ United Nations funds securities Armed Forces leave bonds issued * Adjusted-service bonds issued Excess profits tax refund bonds issued 2 _ . Total, debt issuance in lieu of checks, net 1965 1966 1967 End 1967 outstanding 715 711 448 -472 -4 -95 11 _l * * -41 -1 * * -43 -75 -40 _l * * 75 3 5 1 1 250 574 289 16,521 13,269 3,167 *Less than one-half million. Negative figures represent net redemption. Reported as refunds of receipts. 1 2 5. Changes in outstanding checks.—Administrative budget and trust fund expenditures are recorded at the time checks are issued. To reflect more accurately the point in time at which cash payments actually affect Treasury cash balances, an adjustment is made to place expenditures on a checks-paid basis. RELATIONSHIP OF FEDERAL SECTOR ACCOUNT TO THE CONSOLIDATED CASH STATEMENT There are a number of important differences between the Federal sector account and the consolidated cash statement. These are shown in table A-l. Exclusions from the cash budget: Certain transactions reported as receipts or expenditures in the consolidated cash statement are excluded or treated differently in the Federal sector accounts: 1. Coverage differences.—Cash receipts and expenditures of the District of (Columbia are excluded from the Federal sector and included in the State and local government sector of the national income accounts. Likewise, the net expenditures of the Federal Home Loan Banks and the Federal Land Banks are classified elsewhere and excluded from the Federal sector accounts. Geographical exclusions relate to Federal transactions with Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other possessions. SPECIAL ANALYSES 11 2. Financial transactions.—The Federal sector account excludes financial transactions (cash loan repayments and disbursements) since these reflect the exchange of one kind of financial instrument for another. Also excluded are dollar cash outlays for the acquisition of foreign currency—such as Commodity Credit Corporation payments to exporters in exchange for foreign currencies received for the export. 3. Miscellaneous adjustments.—These include primarily transactions involving the sale or purchase of land—items which are included in the cash budget but not in the Federal sector account. Additions to the cash budget: The Federal sector accounts include some transactions which are not reflected in cash receipts or expenditures: 4. Netting differences.—Employer and employee contributions to Federal employees' retirement funds are excluded from the consolidated cash statement as intragovernmental transactions. In the national income accounts, however, these contributions are considered to be part of the total compensation of Government employees and part of contributions for social insurance. The deficit or surplus is unaffected by the adjustment since total receipts and expenditures are both increased by the same amount. Expenditures in the Federal sector account for purchases, interest, and the current surplus or deficit of Government enterprises are recorded net of receipts derived from products or services sold, interest received, and enterprise sales. Where these receipts are included in cash receipts, they are netted against expenditures in the Federal sector account. Again this adjustment does not influence the surplus or deficit, for in effect both receipts and expenditures are decreased by the same amount. 5. Timing differences.—Business taxes are recorded in the national income accounts as they are accrued by the private sector, rather than when they are collected by the Government. The principal timing adjustments for expenditures are: (a) Federal purchases are measured, insofar as is possible, in terms of the delivery of goods and services to the Government, whereas cash payments for these deliveries may precede or follow; and (b) interest on savings bonds and Treasury bills is treated as an expenditure in the Federal sector account when the interest is accrued, rather than when it is actually paid out in cash. 6. Miscellaneous adjustments.—This category consists primarily of the net expenditures of foreign currency. Cash budget transactions involve only dollar outlays; in the Federal sector account net foreign currency spending is treated as if it were a cash outlay. Other adjustments involve a few minor exclusions and imputations to cash receipts and expenditures. SPECIAL ANALYSIS B PUBLIC ENTERPRISES, TRUST FUNDS, AND GROSS EXPENDITURES OF THE GOVERNMENT This analysis presents selected information on the financing of public enterprise funds and the trust funds. It also covers certain receipts and reimbursements from outside the Treasury to general fund appropriations and other accounts which are netted in the administrative budget expenditures, and it indicates the magnitude of total expenditures gross of such netting. Additional tables in this special analysis relating to borrowing and investments in U.S. securities are an integral part of the computation of the changes in public debt in table 11 of part 2 of the budget. PUBLIC ENTERPRISE FUNDS The public enterprise funds are federally owned funds which carry on a cycle of operations, primarily with the public, organized usually on a business-type basis. Some of them are incorporated enterprises; others are unincorporated. Their expenditures have been included, on a net basis, in the administrative budget for many years. The general fund usually supplies them with capital; the provision of such capital, its return, and any dividends given to the general fund are not counted in the budget totals as expenditures or receipts. Expenditures and receipts.—Gross expenditures of public enterprise funds are estimated to be $22.9 billion in 1967, and their receipts will be $21.5 billion (table B-l), resulting in net expenditures of $1.4 billion which are included in the administrative budget totals. The Commodity Credit Corporation and the postal fund together account for slightly more than half of the expenditures. The figures for both 1966 and 1967 take account of both existing and proposed legislation. The expenditures in table B-l include certain interfund payments to the general fund, principally for interest (see note at end of table 14). The receipts shown in table B-l are generally from the public; but they include some transactions from within the Government— notably, the sales of Commodity Credit Corporation inventories and services to appropriations for special activities, accounting for $1.8 billion of the Commodity Credit Corporation receipts shown for 1967. The sales of Tennessee Valley Authority power to Government agencies, payments by all agencies to the Post Office for postal services, and interest paid to certain funds on their investments are other examples of such intragovernmental receipts included in table B-l. 12 13 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table B-1. GROSS EXPENDITURES AND APPLICABLE RECEIPTS OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE FUNDS (in millions of dollars) Gross expenditures Applicable receipts Description 1965 actual Funds appropriated to the President: Economic assistance Other . Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation Farmers Home Administration Rural Electrification Administration (proposed legislation) Other.. Department of Commerce Department of Defense: Military Civil (Panama Canal Company) Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Department of Housing and Urban Development: College housing loan fund Urban renewal fund. Federal National Mortgage Association.. Federal Housing Administration Public Housing Administration Other . Department of the Interior: Existing legislation Proposed legislation Department of Labor Post Office Department Treasury Department General Services Administration Veterans Administration Other independent offices: Export-Import Bank of Washington Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Small Business Administration Tennessee Valley Authority Other Total. Receipts from the public Receipts from other accounts. 1966 1965 1967 1966 1967 actual 51 61 273 72 233 5,179 630 4,259 941 3,889 1,706 196 M15 161 25 15 189 37 111 196 3 109 105 15 133 16 120 15 133 16 135 313 560 897 859 790 127 400 336 657 597 1,314 M.524 885 851 892 1,084 156 229 92 236 ,446 975 560 29 147 133 219 283 5,834 1 * 55 197 5,467 1 * 146 167 223 5,608 1 * 613 607 1,000 145 1.011 105 1,016 121 7,084 870 6,716 967 5,954 1,073 26 68 189 40 164 13 123 13 134 804 113 500 371 32 21,128 1 * 912 96 244 235 2,016 5 2,242 770 959 642 813 37 6 131 199 4,663 1 * 63 139 225 4,730 1 * 62 146 287 5,080 1 * 592 734 1,425 920 1,376 40 608 413 34 1,281 * 7 574 455 32 1.161 1,908 1,590 22,750 22,944 318 264 323 47 17.214 302 351 7 659 7 906 356 371 43 40 19,672 21,524 (14,297) (16,776) (18,714) (2.917) (2,896) (2,810) *Less than one-half million dollars. 1 Includes advances from foreign assistance and special export programs of $2,492 million in 1965, $1,686 million in 1966, and $1,690 million in 1967. 2 Includes $549 million of receipts from sale of certificates of participation under proposed legislation. 3 Includes gross expenditures of $71 million and applicable receipts of $66 million under proposed legislation to establish a revolving fund for consumer protective marketing and regulatory programs. 4 Includes $801 million of receipts from sales of participation in pooled loans under proposed legislation. 'Includes $383 million of receipts under proposed legislation for participation sales for FNMA. Also includes gross expenditures of $88 million and receipts of $342 million in 1967 under proposed legislation authorizing FNMA to sell participations in mortgages and other obligations of other agencies. 6 Includes receipts of $78 million from sale of participations under proposed legislation for public facility loans. 7 Includes gross expenditures of $216,525 thousand in 1967 and receipts of $350,000 thousand in 1966 and $599,817 thousand in 1967 under proposed legislation to sell participation certificates. 14 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Capital and borrowing.—Capital requirements of the public enterprise funds are usually supplied through new obligational authority (either appropriations or some other form of NOA) from the general fund. While most public enterprise funds are operated to be selfsustaining over a period of years, the largest—the Commodity Credit Corporation—has incurred substantial losses in most years. Appropriations have been made regularly to make up for the loss in this fund, the postal deficit, and other losses in a few smaller funds. Contract authorizations have also been provided for the Commodity Credit Corporation and for the Urban Renewal Fund of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Table B-2 reflects all such new obligational authority. Writeoffs shown here are primarily the return of capital or transfer of dividends to the general fund of the Treasury; they include a few cases of lapses of obligational authority. The effect of these capital transactions, together with expenditures and receipts, upon the public enterprise fund group may be summarized as follows (in millions of dollars): Balances, start of year: Cash and securities Undrawn authorizations Adjustments from other funds, net New obligational authority Restoration of undrawn authorization Transfers from other funds Applicable receipts 1965 8,301 25,297 148 5,962 22 19 17,214 1966 8,675 26,280 1967 11,515 27,235 7,921 6,053 165 19,672 21,524 Total available 56,964 62,713 66,327 Gross expenditures Transfers to other funds Writeoffs of authority Balances, end of year: Cash and securities Undrawn authorizations 21,128 14 867 22,750 8 1,205 22,944 16 483 8,675 26,280 11,515 27,235 14,240 28,643 56,964 62,713 66,327 Total application and balances Where the new obligational authority consists of authorizations to expend debt receipts or appropriations to provide capital, rather than to make up deficits or finance losses, it is customary for the amounts thereof to become interest bearing when used or when credited to the fund. Upon the creation of new revolving funds, to finance programs previously financed otherwise, capital may also be provided by the transfer of assets, including appropriation balances, into the new fund. Liabilities and obligations are taken over, also. This budget proposes the conversion of" several programs to a revolving fund basis, among them the three power administrations in the Department of the Interior. Minor adjustments in capital occasionally include other transfers to or from appropriations when authorized by law, and the transfer of real or personal property into or out of a fund. 15 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table B-2. NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY AND WRITEOFFS OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE FUNDS (in millions of dollars) N e w obligational 1965 actual Funds appropriated to the President: Economic assistance 1.199 Other 24 Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation.. 2 1,932 3 Farmers Home Administration.. . 162 Other (proposed legislation) . . Department of Commerce.. 60 Department of Defense—Military... Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Department of Housing and Urban Development: College housing loan fund . 300 Urban renewal fund 750 Federal National Mortgage Association 225 Public Housing Administration... . . 114 Other . . . Department of the Interior: 72 Existing legislation. Proposed legislation Department of Labor 781 Post Office Department _ .. ... ... Treasury Department General Services Administration 150 Veterans Administration ______ Other independent offices: Export-Import Bank of Washington 145 Small Business Administration n 48 Tennessee Valley Authority _ _ Other Total Writeoffs (including capital transfers) authority Description 5,962 1966 1967 stimate stimate 1.053 133 2 3,568 102 20 105 1.121 26 2 24 32 * * 6 303 2.528 85 1967 1966 stimate stimate 1965 actual 4 32 2 (5) * 3 300 689 100 264 242 (8) 741 (8) 280 212 63 82 65 93 930 836 9 (7) 324 1 1 2 101 * 17 250 1 135 657 * 4 242 * 7 24 * 7 * 1 25 12 * * * "60 50 116I 50 50 310 59 64 53 * 59 * 58 * 7.921 6.053 867 1.205 483 * Less than one-half million dollars. 1 Excludes transfer of $74 million from the military assistance appropriation to the Foreign military sales fund. 2 Excludes increase or decrease in advances from special programs, net of research expenditures reported elsewhere, amounting to $18,850 thousand in 1965, —$1,433 thousand in 1966, and —$7 million in 1967. 3 Excludes restoration of undrawn authorizations to spend public debt receipts of $22,185 thousand. 4 Excludes adjustments of $13,406 thousand in expired appropriation accounts, resulting in a reduction of capital assumed at inception of the Economic development revolving fund. 5 Excludes unobligated balance of $1 million transferred to "Operations and maintenance, civil defense" (annuall appropriation act). _ ii ) 6 Includes reduction of $300 million in new obligational authority (authorization to spend public debt receipts) under proposed legislation. *,-,,,ro L J 7 Excludes unobligated balance of $719 thousand and obligated balance of $I7,U58 thousand transferred to Urban mass transportation fund under "Other." 8 Includes reduction of $450 million in new obligational authority (authorization to spend public debt receipts) under proposed legislation for participation sales. 9 Excludes unobligated balances transferred from general fund accounts of $772 thousand to Bonneville Power Administration, and $3,586 thousand to Southwestern Power Administration. Also excludes obligated balances estimated to be assumed at inception of the funds as follows: $89 thousand for Southeastern Power Administration, $2,412 thousand for Southwestern Power Administration, and $84,276 thousand for Bonneville Power Administration. '0 Excludes unobligated balance of $692 thousand transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Mexican farm labor program." . . . . . 11 Excludes unobligated balances transferred to Veterans insurance and indemnities appropriation of 12$7 million in 1966 and $8 million in 1967. . Estimates for 1966 and 1967 include reductions under proposed legislation. It is estimated that $292 million of program obligations will be financed by such legislation. 16 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 Balances available.—The balances of public enterprise funds are shown in table B-3. They are there divided between the balances which are accounted for as assets of the funds, and the undrawn authorizations to obtain capital from the Treasury, to borrow, or (in two cases) to contract in excess of their cash availability. Table B-3. BALANCES OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE FUNDS (in millions of dollars) Cash balances in Treasury and U.S. securities as of Description 1965 actual Funds appropriated to the President: Economic assistance Other Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation Farmers Home Administration Other Department of Commerce Department of Defense—Military Department of Defense—Civil (Panama Canal Company) Department of Health, Education, and Welfare . Department of Housing and Urban Development: College housing loans Urban renewal fund Federal National Mortgage Association. Federal Housing Administration Public Housing Administration Other Department of the Interior: Existing legislation Proposed legislation Department of Labor Post Office Department Treasury Department General Services Administration Veterans Administration Other independent offices: Export-Import Bank of Washington Loans to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Loans to Federal home loan banks Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Small Business Administration Tennessee Valley Authority Other Total. Undrawn authorizations as of June 30 June 30 3,094 9 115 41 129 19 1965 actual 1966 1967 3,166 183 3,310 173 199 44 199 144 56 306 <58 178 52 3 4851 52 205 21 22,418 132 3,526 18 21 5 1966 1967 199 292 2 3,985 106 300 10 10 951 ,430 ,807 415 500 930 10 4 79 393 37 987 89 301 79 1,145 153 678 103 446 79 ,473 '457 702 112 496 892 855 779 223 500 956 48 34 120 305 545 * 1,509 31 115 309 627 * * ,828 230 16 303 501 700 1,321 267 34 142 8,675 1,583 1,934 8 628 8 960 52 153 11,515 5 6 1,463 3,430 4,979 499 1.500 ' 983 266 205 145 5,487 5,968 6,000 3,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 750 750 750 280 430 355 49 21 21 22 161 14,240 26,280 27,235 28,643 *Less than one-half million dollars. 1 Includes adjustment of —$12,175 thousand for unexpended balances of funds transferred from the2 appropriation "Removal of surplus agricultural commodities (sec. 32)." usand in 1965, $1,773,963 Includes unfunded balance of contract authority of $1,029,019 thousc thousand in 1966. and $708,281 thousand in 1967. " includes »3U I million trom sale or certincates or participation under proposed legislation. 8 Cash includes $252,993 thousand and undrawn authorizations include —$66,735 under proposed legislation to sell participations. 7 Includes $77,700 thousand from sale of participations under proposed legislation for public facility loans. 8 Includes the net effect on cash because of sale of participations under proposed legislation. 17 SPECIAL ANALYSES In most cases, a large part of the balances are obligated or reserved— to pay loan commitments, purchase and construction contracts, or other obligations entered into but on which the other party has not yet required or earned the money. The balances include inactive "standby" authority for loans to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the home loan banks, and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. Also included is an unused balance for the never-activated Federal Flood Indemnity Administration (HUD). TRUST FUNDS The trust funds are administered in a fiduciary capacity by the Government. They are not included in the administrative budget totals, and transactions between the general fund and the trust funds are conducted "at arm's length"—that is, payments between them are reported as expenditures and receipts of the funds involved. Expenditures and receipts.—Trust fund expenditures are estimated to be $37.9 billion in 1967, with receipts of $41.6 billion, as shown in table B-4. The transactions of the Federal old-age and survivors insurance fund are somewhat more than half of the totals. Table B-4. EXPENDITURES AND RECEIPTS OF TRUST FUNDS (in millions of dollars) E xpenditures Description 1965 actual Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund . Federal disability insurance trust fund Federal hospital insurance trust fund Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund Unemployment trust fund Railroad retirement accountFederal employees funds Highway trust fund Veterans life insurance funds Federal national mortgage association trust funds Other trust funds Deposit funds Interfund transactions (table 14, note) Subtotal Government-sponsored enterprises Total -. Receipts 1967 1966 estimate estimate 1967 1966 estimate estimate 16,417 1,241 17,502 1,532 856 21,113 2,110 2,731 4,132 1,342 2,674 3,670 711 3,912 1,412 2,780 3,864 721 1,104 3,923 1,584 2,861 4,381 723 1,767 -48 -767 1,500 1,755 1,844 -638 -795 -767 37,313 31,047 33,539 41,608 31,047 33,539 41,608 15,962 1,498 18,848 1,940 53 19,877 1,942 2,426 3,130 1,185 1,410 4,026 616 2,890 1,240 1,617 3,970 543 899 2,947 1,274 1,744 4,080 672 91 1,400 1,753 -166 -793 28,258 1,379 33,293 493 569 29,637 33,786 37,882 1,189 -210 -638 1965 actual 500 The trust funds include a small group of trust revolving funds (see table B-5) which, like the public enterprise funds, are stated on a net expenditure basis in figures used elsewhere in the budget. The Secondary market operations fund of the Federal National Mortgage Association is the most significant in this group. 789-740 O—66 2 18 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 Table B-5. TRANSACTIONS OF TRUST REVOLVING FUNDS (in millions of dollars) Applicable receipts Gross expenditures Description 1965 actual Civil Service Commission (employees' life insurance and health benefits) _. . Federal National Mortgage Association All other trust revolving funds. _ _ Total trust revolving funds,. Receipts from the public . Receipts from other accounts.. 1966 1967 estimate estimate 1965 actual 1966 1967 estimate estimate 651 459 220 712 1.760 197 741 1.314 101 688 368 389 719 360 42 799 814 38 1,330 2,668 2,156 1,444 1,121 1,651 (797) (647) __ (892) (1,053) (229) (598) Treasury financing.—The principal financing provided by the general fund to the trust funds is interest paid on public debt investments of the trust funds. The Government also contributes, as employer, to the employee retirement funds, and under recent legislation, it contributes to the supplementary medical insurance and hospital insurance funds. Such payments are shown in table A-3 in the special analysis, "Three Measures of Federal Financial Transactions." Balances available.—Trust fund balances with the Treasury and U.S. securities are shown in table B-6. These balances are reserved to carry out the purposes of the trust. Table B-6. TRUST FUND BALANCES (in millions of dollars) As of June 30 Description 1964 actual Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund... Federal disability insurance trust fund . Federal hospital insurance trust fund Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund. Unemployment trust fund ..__ __ Railroad retirement account Federal employees funds Highway trust fund Veterans life insurance funds Federal National Mortgage Association trust fund.._ All other trust funds . . Deposit funds. . . Total Balances available on an authorization (table 10) Unappropriated receipts: Available as needed on an indefinite basis Available for appropriation by Congress: District of Columbia United States Soldiers' Home Highway trust fund Unfinanced contract authorization . . Undrawn authorizations to borrow Balances available on a cash basis. 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 19,726 2,264 20,180 2,007 18,835 1,599 803 6,859 3,859 14,844 641 6,779 13 1,420 2,334 7,861 4,016 16,108 285 6,874 20 1,732 2,544 8,882 4,188 17,271 179 7,053 8 1,731 2,710 20,071 1,768 1,108 205 9.858 4,498 18,388 480 7,104 8 1,807 2,759 58,739 61,627 63,259 68,054 70,377 73,501 74,392 78,861 56 36 25 25 -118 105 438 -10,041 -2,077 -133 107 209 -9,982 -2,112 -116 108 175 -10,404 -919 -117 105 393 -10,694 -519 58,739 61,627 63,259 68,054 basis 19 SPECIAL ANALYSES The trust fund balances are affected by the transactions as follows (in millions of dollars): 1965 Balances, start of year Receipts Borrowing from the public, net Total available Expenditures (excluding Government-sponsored enterprises) Balances, end of year Total application and balances 58,739 31,047 99 89,885 28,258 61,627 89,885 1966 1967 61,627 33,539 1,387 96,553 33,293 63,259 96,553 63,259 41,608 500 105,367 37,313 68,054 105,367 GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED ENTERPRISES AND ANNEXED BUDGETS This budget includes with the trust fund expenditures certain transactions of five Government-sponsored enterprises, stated on a net basis. The transactions thus reported relate to investments in U.S. securities and debt issuance for which the Treasury acts as fiscal agent; amounts equal to the net debt issuance or net disinvestments of such enterprises are used as an estimate of net expenditures. The budget appendix includes detailed budget statements with respect to seven self-supporting activities. All of the seven are Federal activities. Three of the Government-sponsored enterprises are in the annexed budget group. The other two—the Federal land banks and the Federal home loan banks—are privately owned and have been omitted from annexed budget coverage. The principal volume of business in this group consists of loans made by two mixed-ownership banking systems. The Federal intermediate credit banks—in which the Government interest is still somewhat over half of the capital—are expected to continue a loan business of over $5 billion a year. The Banks for cooperatives—in which the Government interest has declined to less than a third of the capital—will make loans of about $1.5 billion a year. Repayments of loans to these enterprises are nearly as large. Estimates for the Exchange Stabilization Fund of the Treasury for 1966 and 1967 are not available, except for administrative expenses. Therefore, this title shows only the actual 1965 expenditures and receipts of that fund. Table B—7 summarizes the expenditures and receipts of these annexed budgets. Table B-7. EXPENDITURES AND APPLICABLE RECEIPTS OF ACTIVITIES COVERED BY ANNEXED BUDGETS (in millions of dollars) Gross expenditures Description Milk Marketing Administration. . Comptroller of the Currency . . . . Exchange Stabilization Fund. . Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System Banks for Cooperatives . . . . __ Federal Intermediate Credit Banks Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Total » Not available. 1965 actual 13 17 113 Applicable receipts 1966 1967 estimate estimate 13 19 0) 13 20 0) 1965 actual 13 19 54 1967 1966 esti mate estimate 13 21 13 20 0) 9 1,371 5,356 23 9 1.465 5,451 3 10 1.609 5,888 6 9 1.188 5,194 204 9 1.391 5.252 222 6,903 6.960 7.546 6.680 6.906 0) 10 1,524 5,676 231 7,475 20 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 OTHER EXCLUSIONS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET RECEIPTS The law permits certain collections to be credited as reimbursements to general fund appropriations. Such collections from outside the administrative budget accounts are identified in the detailed schedules of the budget appendix as reimbursements from "non-Federal sources," distinguishing them from reimbursements within the administrative budget sector. The intragovernmental revolving and management funds also have some receipts from outside the Government. Table B-8 reflects the estimated amount of such collections which are credited to appropriations or to intragovernmental funds. Most of the collections reported here are for the sales of supplies and materials from the Department of Defense stock funds to authorized outside parties. Two Veterans Administration life insurance trust funds receive credits from optional income settlements and other similar adjustments, also reflected in this table. Table B^8. REIMBURSEMENTS FROM NONFEDERAL SOURCES TO APPROPRIATIONS AND INTRAGOVERNMENTAL FUNDS (in millions of dollars) Description Funds appropriated to the President Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce. Department of Defense: Military Civil . Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Department of the Interior Department of Justice Department of State Treasury Department Atomic Energy Commission Federal Aviation Agency General Services Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration Veterans Administration Other independent agencies Trust funds Total 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 5 25 2 5 25 2 .618 11 33 1,709 11 59 3 2 33 77 3 4 7 2 * 60 3 3 184 109 3 10 10 2 2 186 1,757 11 138 60 4 2 33 94 3 10 12 2 9 188 2,070 2,209 2,353 23 2 35 35 "Less than one-half million dollars. GROSS EXPENDITURES OF THE GOVERNMENT Table B-9 gives gross expenditures, on a checks-issued basis for all Government-administered funds, except deposit funds; the latter are excluded since they are for the most part suspense accounts. The increase of nearly $30 billion from 1965 to 1967 is largely for two functions—about $11 billion for national defense, in part due to the buildup relating to Vietnam; and slightly over $11 billion for health, labor, and welfare, mostly due to health service for the aged and the increased expenditures from social economic trust funds. 21 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table B-9. GROSS EXPENDITURES OF GOVERNMENT-ADMINISTERED FUNDS (in millions of dollars) Function National defense _ . _ . .. _ International affairs and finance Space research and technology Agriculture and agricultural resources Natural resources Commerce and transportation ._ . Housing and community development Health, labor, and welfare _ . Education Veterans benefits and services . Interest General government Undistributed—special allowances . . _ .. Total The total is derived as follows: Administrative budget expenditures (table 14) Trust fund expenditures (tables 14 and B-4): Total of such transactions _. _ . Elimination of deposit funds included in total. Intragovernmental transactions (table A-3): Trust fund payments to the administrative budget . . Administrative budget payments to trust funds Receipts from the public netted in conventional totals: Receipts of public enterprise funds (table B-l) .. _ Receipts of trust revolving funds (table B-5) Reimbursements to appropriations and intragovernmental funds (table B-8) Substitution of annexed budgets: Gross expenditures of annexed budgets (table B-7) Elimination of net expenditures of Government-sponsored enterprises (included in table B-4).. ._ . . Total 1965 1966 1967 52,554 5,041 5,100 16,659 3,143 12,286 2,641 27,721 1,601 6,982 9,665 2,389 59,374 5,229 5,610 16,481 3,408 12,535 4,639 33,577 2,372 7,259 10,281 2,468 63,446 5,589 5,313 16,838 3.588 12,745 3,983 38,851 3,799 7,488 10,884 2,577 75 350 145,784 163,310 175,451 96,507 106.428 112,847 29,637 33,786 37,882 -194 -3,063 -114 -3,301 -105 -4,318 14,297 16,776 797 892 18,714 1,053 2,070 2,209 2,353 6,903 6,960 7,546 -1,379 145,784 -493 163,310 -569 175.451 210 166 48 BORROWING OTHER THAN FROM THE GENERAL FUND The Tennessee Valley Authority has authority to borrow $750 million from the public. The Federal Housing Administration has an indefinite authorization to issue short-term debentures in connection with its settlements. The Federal National Mortgage Association trust revolving fund has authority to issue its own debt instruments in an amount equal to 10 times the aggregate of its capital and retained earnings. A few funds in liquidation are retiring earlier debt issuances. Government-sponsored enterprises also have their own borrowing authority. Some Government enterprise debt is guaranteed by the Treasury; some is not formally guaranteed. Borrowing and repayments pursuant to these authorities are shown in table B-10. A small portion of such borrowing is from other funds such as the sale of Federal Housing Administration debentures to Federal National Mortgage Association; the larger part is from the public and in effect reduces the Treasury borrowing from the public (see table 11 of part 2). 22 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 Table B-10. DEBT ISSUANCES BY GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISES (OTHER THAN BORROWING FROM THE GENERAL FUND) (in millions of dollars) Description 1965 actual End 1967, estimate 1967 1966 ing Borrowing from the public: By public enterprise funds: Federal Housing Administration l Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation 1 _. . . Home Owners Loan Corporation l Tennessee Valley Authority By trust funds: District of Columbia Armory Board ** Federal National Mortgage Association . _ . By Government-sponsored enterprises: Banks for cooperatives. Federal intermediate credit banks. _ Federal land banks. .. Federal home loan banks Total, borrowing from the public. _ . . Borrowing from other funds: By public enterprise funds: Federal Housing Administration Federal National Mortgage Association . . . By Government-sponsored enterprise funds: Banks for cooperatives ._ _ Federal intermediate credit banks Federal land banks Federal home loan banks . Total, borrowing from other funds. _ Total, debt issuances by Government enterprises ._ ... .. .. 134 -203 * * 45 -153 * * 70 -143 * * 100 395 99 1,387 500 3.685 185 131 52 127 72 182 561 547 326 246 301 303 807 2,755 4.132 5,299 1,366 2.055 1.315 17.228 -20 -39 -11 89 18 74 8 30 30 121 1 3 * * 20 1 1 4 16 -1 -2 9 -26 -3 6 25 23 244 1,372 2.079 1.338 17,472 Note.— Negative figures represent net retirement of debt. *Less than one-half million dollars. Guaranteed by the Treasury (except for a small part of the HOLC obligations). 1 INVESTMENTS IN U.S. SECURITIES A few public enterprise funds, a substantial number of trust funds and the Government-sponsored enterprises may purchase Treasury bonds or notes for investments. In addition, several funds acquire some of the debt issued by Government enterprises, and the Federal Housing Administration acquires some of its own debentures as investments. These investment transactions in securities issued by the Government or its agencies are shown in table B - l l . The public debt bought by the various funds enters into the computation of the debt as shown in table 11 of part 2. 23 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table B-H. PURCHASES OF U.S. SECURITIES BY GOVERNMENTADMINISTERED FUNDS (in millions of dollars) Transactions End Description 1965 actual Investment in Treasury issuances (public debt): By public enterprise funds: Housing and Urban Development: Liquidating programs Federal Housing Administration __ Public Housing Administration Federal National Mortgage Association _ Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Coporation _ _ __ Small Business Administration Veterans Administration _ _ . Maritime Administration By trust funds: Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund Federal disability insurance trust fund _ _ Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund _. . _ Federal hospital insurance trust fund Unemployment trust fund _ _ Railroad retirement account Federal employees' funds _ Highway trust fund Veterans life insurance funds District of Columbia municipal government funds Allother . By Government-sponsored enterprises: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.- _. Banks for cooperatives _ Federal intermediate credit banks Federal land banks Federal home loan banks By Exchange stabilization fund Total, investments in Treasury issuancesInvestments in issuances of other funds: By public enterprise funds: Federal Housing Administration Federal National Mortgage Association. _ By trust funds: Federal National Mortgage Association Veterans Administration District of Columbia municipal government funds Total, investments in issuances of other funds - Total, investments in U.S. securities 1966 estimate -195 -17 6 3 13 1967. estimate outstanding 3 469 12 50 207 261 5 351 1,925 5 29 * 28 * 38 2 218 7 461 -263 -1,443 -432 1,200 164 18,523 1,608 967 149 1.251 -344 103 790 1,003 174 1,156 -105 204 174 296 976 307 1.106 -90 51 174 1,086 9.764 4.396 18.236 70 7,098 _g 2 3 59 -8 29 4 60 180 * -2 220 1 * 223 3,560 45 -104 101 100 1,900 2,349 1,912 4,921 69,734 2 -4 -25 85 -11 38 90 150 1 * -6 -25 7 -4 6 25 23 244 2.355 1.936 4,944 69.978 -2 -60 Note.— Negative figures represent net reduction of investments. *Less than one-half million dollars. 3 -120 5 31 1967 estimate 110 99 257 4 SPECIAL ANALYSIS C CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT IN THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH Following 3 successive years of relatively stable Federal civilian employment, the buildup of military support for Vietnam operations, coupled with the conversion of military to civilian positions in the Department of Defense and rising postal and other workloads, will cause Federal employment to rise in fiscal years 1966 and 1967. Every agency head has been directed to keep the work force at minimum levels by eliminating functions, consolidating operations, closing unnecessary offices and installations, and abolishing vacancies. In order for this program to achieve maximum results, primary attention is being given to controlling employment in full-time permanent positions. FULL-TIME PERMANENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT Vigorous action by agency managers to carry out the frugality and manpower control directives of the President has resulted in maintaining the same level of permanent full-time civilian employment for the past 3 years—approximately 2,230,000. The 1967 budget estimates that by June 1966 civilian employment in full-time permanent positions will be 2,365,000. Since the 1966 budget was originally submitted last January, two major factors have led to an increase in end-of-year civilian employment estimates: First, the increased Defense and foreign assistance activities associated with the heightened conflict in Vietnam, requiring a rise of 79 thousand civilian employees; Second, a series of management improvements which reduce Government costs—chiefly a reduction in Post Office overtime and the conversion of a number of Defense Department positions from military to civilian occupancy. These cost reduction actions will save money but require, in 1966, the substitution of 66 thousand civilian employees for other higher-cost employment services. Aside from employment increases for these two purposes, civilian employment at the end of June 1966 is estimated to be 20 thousand lower than projected in last January's budget. Approximately 56% of all Federal civilian full-time permanent employment for June 1967, other than for Defense military activities, will be in three agencies: Post Office, Veterans Administration, and Health, Education, and Welfare. Another 22% is found in Agriculture, Treasury, Interior, Commerce, and the General Services Administration. The remaining 22% is accounted for by more than 60 smaller agencies of the Government. Estimated civilian employment for the military activities of the Department of Defense, includ24 25 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table C-l. SUMMARY OF FULL-TIME PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT IN THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH As of June Agency 1965 actual 1966 estimate In 1966 budget Current 1967 estimate Increase 1967 over 1966 Post Office Department Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Veterans Administration Department of the Interior Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Treasury Department Department of Housing and Urban Development General Services Administration Agency for International Development... Employment in other civilian agencies Allowance for contingencies 461,211 458,134 481,250 500,000 18,750 81,741 147,007 56,716 80,103 29,162 83,494 88,094 149,331 58,000 82,214 30,400 89,400 92,500 145,700 57,540 81,070 30,360 85,000 99,010 150,850 59,500 82,850 31,840 86,200 6,510 5,150 1,960 1,780 1,480 1,200 13,427 35,370 14,713 255,141 14,458 38,450 15,528 264,805 2,030 14,300 35,750 14,900 258,130 1,900 15,350 15,750 260,600 4,800 1,050 1,000 850 2,470 2,900 Subtotal Department of Defense, Military and military assistance ,258,085 1,290,844 1,298,400 1,343,500 45,100 950,287 1,067,000 1,073,000 6,000 2,232,753 2,241,131 2,365,400 2,416,500 51,100 Total. 974,668 36,750 ing military assistance, is 44% of the total full-time permanent employment for June 1967. The most significant changes for 1967 compared with 1966 are shown in table C-l. Of the total increase of 45,100 for the civilian activities of the Government, 18,750 or 42% is for the Post Office, and 6,510 or 14% is for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Most of the added Post Office employment is to reduce still further the large amount of overtime which many postal employees have often been working, in some cases making their total workweek as much as 70 hours. An estimated 4.5% increase in mail volume, offset by a continued advance in productivity, accounts for the remaining increase in postal employment. Almost 60% of the 1967 increase in employment for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare is attributable to recently enacted legislation for hospital insurance for the elderly, and aid to elementary, secondary, and higher education. The remaining 40% is principally for water pollution control, direct medical care in Public Health and Indian hospitals, and increased surveillance over dangerous drugs and other toxic substances. The Social Security Administration is achieving a productivity improvement of 2.5% per year, principally by automating the recomputation of benefits, with a saving of 1,742 man-years in fiscal year 1967. In addition-— 26 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 • The increase in the Veterans Administration is principally to provide for the 82% rise in nursing home beds, the initiation and expansion of the use of new medical techniques in hospitals for veterans, and an improved quality of medical care for veterans. • The growth in the Department of the Interior is chiefly to take care of education of Indians on Government reservations; support to the Office of Economic Opportunity for the Job Corps; new power facilities; the Northwest-Southwest intertie; and anticipated increase of about 7% in visitors to the national parks. • The increase in the Department of Agriculture is mainly to provide for uncontrollable workload in meat and poultry inspections, expanded loan activities, and more visitors to the national forests; it also provides for support to the Office of Economic Opportunity, and for expansion of resource development projects. • The increase in Treasury is primarily for rising workloads in Internal Revenue operations due to an increase in the number of tax returns of 1.3%, and the accelerated efforts in the Bureau of the Mint to expand coin production, which will result in an increase in the number of coins minted by 35% over 1966. Were it not for anticipated improvements in productivity a substantially larger number of employees would be required. The Bureau of Customs will handle a 5% increase in inspectional workload with a 1.6% increase in inspectors, an increase in productivity of 3.4%. • Other increases are in the General Services Administration to meet greater workloads in the operation of additional public buildings, and supply support activities; in the Tennessee Valley Authority to provide for the operation of power units being completed and for construction for new water resource facilities; and in other agencies to meet requirements for expanded services. • A decrease in employment for the Federal Aviation Agency will result from an increased productivity of 5% for airways facilities operation and maintenance and other economy measures. The following summary breakdown of changes in civilian employment during 1967 indicates the major factors at work: Cost reduction; conversion of military to civilian positions and reductions in Post Office overtime 31.1 thousand Increase in Post Office workloads 7. 8 thousand Increases in major Great Society Programs—health, labor, education, housing and community development, economic opportunity program, and aid to the needy 8.7 thousand Veterans Administration, for improved medical services 5.2 thousand All other —1.7 thousand SPECIAL ANALYSES 27 TOTAL FEDERAL PERSONNEL Almost nine-tenths of executive branch civilian employment consists of permanent full-time employees. The remainder is made up of temporary, part-time, and intermittent workers needed for seasonal work and special assignments of short duration. In addition, the total of Federal Government personnel includes military as well as civilians. The grand total personnel of the executive branch was 5,183,000 in June 1965, and is estimated at 5,663,000 for June 1966, and 5,831,000 for June 1967. Employment of the legislative and judicial branches in June 1965 was about 32,000 in addition. As of Ju ne Civilian employment in the executive branch: 1965 actual 1966 estimate Permanent full time Other than permanent full time Military personnel: Department of Defense Reimbursable details to other agencies Treasury Department (Coast Guard) 2,653,142 2,987,343 3,093,109 1,841 2,343 2,331 31,776 34,153 35,336 Total executive branch personnel Legislative and judicial personnel 5,182,849 5,663,039 31,851 = = = = = Total 1 2,232,753 2,365,400 l 263,337 273,800 1967 estimate 2,416,500 283,500 5,830,776 ===== 5,214,700 Includes 25,860 appointments under the President's youth opportunity campaign. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT Table C-2 presents data on the geographical distribution of Federal employment. Most Federal employees—almost 83%—work in the various States. A little over 11% are located in the Washington, D C , metropolitan area. An additional 6% are in foreign countries and in U.S. territories and possessions. Federal employment in foreign countries has decreased by 3,726 since 1960. This has benefited our balance-of-payments position, as well as reduced costs. PERSONNEL COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS Estimates of the Federal payroll and related costs are shown in table C—3. Direct compensation includes regular pay, and special pay for overtime, holiday, and standby time, differentials for nightwork and oversea duty, flight and hazardous duty, etc. Related personnel benefits include the Government's share of Federal retirement and old-age, survivors, and disability insurance costs; employees' life insurance, health insurance and benefits, and similar payments; cost-of-living and quarters allowances; uniform allowances (when paid in cash); and, in the case of the military personnel, allowances for subsistence, reenlistment bonuses, and certain other cash payments. 28 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table C-2. FEDERAL CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT BY GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION (as of June 1965) Location Washington, D.C., metropolitan area Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland 3 Massachusetts Mi chigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico . New York North Carolina North Dakota Total 280,019 61,915 14,006 22,049 15,327 251,375 36,605 15,596 3,584 55,044 62,363 23,044 7,151 101,315 34,832 17,416 20,470 28,377 24,846 14,847 51.194 61,129 45,780 26,866 18,172 55.339 9,781 15,593 7,133 4,437 56,033 24,534 177,187 31,688 7,282 Total Location Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia 3 Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming _-. _.. Total United States Outside United States: Territories and possessions Foreign countries Total outside United States Total employment Legislative and judicial Total employment, executive branch Other than full-time permanentTotal, full-time permanent employment, executive branch 93.764 45.806 21,518 131,687 12,997 24,596 9.417 37.457 124.386 29,101 3.157 70.736 47.405 11.725 22.410 5.088 2.373,579 33.309 « 121.053 154,362 2,527,941 -31.851 2.496.090 -263.337 2.232.753 1 2 Distribution by State is partially estimated. Includes 255,199 employees of the executive branch and 24,820 of the legislative and judicial branches. 3 Excludes employment within the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, which includes the District of 4Columbia, and the adjacent counties and cities in Maryland and Virginia. Includes 105,519 foreign nationals classified as Federal employees; excludes 130,451 foreign nationals working for Department of Defense under contract agreements, or other arrangements with foreign governments which provide for the furnishing of personal services. The obligations to be incurred for civilian personnel compensation and benefits in 1967 are estimated at $21.2 billion. Some of the personnel are employed by trust funds (such as old-age and survivors insurance) and some are employed by public enterprise funds (such as the Post Office). After deducting for the costs of such employees, the remaining personnel costs are $15.4 billion. 29 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table C-3. ESTIMATED PERSONNEL COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS [Fiscal years. In millions of doll ars] Description Total civilian personnel costs: Direct compensation. _ Personnel benefits Total Civilian personnel costs of trust funds: Direct compensation Personnel benefits 1965 1966 1967 17.450 1.400 18.900 1.500 19,600 1.600 18.850 20.400 21.200 550 50 700 50 700 50 600 750 750 4.200 300 4.500 350 4,700 400 4.500 4.850 5.100 12.700 1.050 13.700 1,100 14.200 1.150 13.750 14.800 15.350 8.800 2.750 10.000 3.000 10,900 3,200 11.550 13.000 14,100 1 Total Civilian personnel costs of public enterprise funds (with their own receipts): Direct compensation Personnel benefits Total Remaining personnel costs (i.e., excluding trust and public enterprise funds): Direct compensation _.. Personnel benefits Total MEMORANDUM Total military personnel costs:2 Direct compensation Personnel benefits Total 1 2 _ . . - -- . - Includes annexed budget agencies. Excludes Reserve components. Government pay scales for "blue collar" workers have for many years been subject to administrative adjustment to correspond to pay for comparable work in private industry; as wages in private industry advanced, Federal compensation for such workers also increased. Pay for most other Federal workers has been set by statute. In 1962, the Congress adopted the principle of comparability with private industry pay for the same work levels, and in pay scale changes effective in October 1962, January 1964, July 1964, and October 1965, significant progress has been made toward the achievement of comparability. The compensation figures reflect such changes, as well as changes in the number of employees. Special efforts were made last year, and again in the preparation of this budget, to hold down unwarranted escalation in average grades and salaries. In 1965, for the first time in a long period, there was no Government-wide change in average grade of Classification Act employees. Average salaries showed only a slight advancement (apart from changes in pay scales), mostly due to within-grade salary advancements and reclassifications of new positions in certain agencies. 30 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 CHANGE IN POSITION STRUCTURE Changes have taken place in the position structure as a result of changes in the character of the Government's workload and in the employee skills required to deal with it. For example, between 1954 and 1965, greater specialization and emphasis on research and development led to an increase of 53% in the number of engineers in the Federal service, and 83% in the number of physical scientists. During this period, the Government's need for professional medical personnel rose 3 1 % and for biological scientists, 46%. At the same time, the expanded efforts to reduce employment and to increase productivity— in many cases by shifting from manual to semiautomatic or automatic processing methods—decreased the need for unskilled employees. A recent analysis made by the Civil Service Commission shows the following changes in position structure of Classification Act employees between 1961 and 1965: • Reduction in percentage of clerical and aide jobs (GS-1 to GS-6) from 53.2% to 47.3% of total employment. • Increase in percentage of professional, technical, and administrative jobs (GS-7 to GS-15) from 46.7% to 52.4% of total employment. • Increase in GS-16 to GS-18 jobs from 0.1 to 0.3% of total employment. During this period many new programs were initiated and ongoing programs were reoriented in scope and complexity with a resulting greater need for higher level professional and technical personnel. Continued vigilance is being exercised to assure that Federal agencies do not adopt topheavy organization and position structures. TRENDS IN NUMBERS OF EMPLOYEES AND WORKLOAD With the continued growth in population, in national income, and in economic activity generally, there has been a concomitant growth in the volume of public services which the Government is called upon to render. In the fiscal year 1967, for example, the participants in the food stamp program will rise 44%; the square nautical miles surveyed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey will increase 19%; the number of passport applications will rise 10%; coins minted will increase 35%; subsidized school lunches served will be up 6%; takeoffs and landings at airports served by Federal towers will increase 10%; establishments with Federal meat inspectors will rise 5%; the number of pieces of mail deposited in the post office will be up 4%; and customs inspections of packages will rise 4%. The staffing for new programs such as hospital insurance for the elderly, and increased demands for services can be accommodated only by increased productivity or additional workers, or a combination of both. The continuing concerted effort to utilize Federal employees more effectively, to improve work methods and organization, and to utilize new techniques to achieve improvements in productivity have resulted in holding Federal employment to much lower levels than otherwise would have been possible. SPECIAL ANALYSES 31 Government Civilian Employment Over the past decade, in fact, total Federal civilian employment (including; temporary and part time) has not risen in step with related factors. For example: • In 1955, there were 14.3 Federal civilian employees for every 1,000 people in the Nation; in 1965, this number was reduced to 12.8. Excluding the buildup of civilian support for Vietnam operations by the Department of Defense, Federal employment per 1,000 population is expected to remain at approximately the 1965 level in both 1966 and 1967. • In 1955, one out of every three public civilian employees worked for the Federal Government, and the other two for State or local government units. In 1965, this ratio was one out of four, and it will continue to drop. 32 T H E BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 A historical comparison of total Federal civilian employment in the executive branch (including temporary and part-time employment) with employment by State and local governments and U.S. population for 1942-67 is shown in table C-4. Table C-4. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT AND POPULATION, 1942-67 Government employment Year 1942 1943 1944 .. „ 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 . 1955 1956 1957 . 1958 1959 1960 1961 - 1962 1963 .. 1964 1965 . _. . 1966 (estimated)4 1967 (estimated)4 Population Federal Total Federal emState and All govern- Federal as executive1 local governployment mental percent of United per 1,000 branch units all governStates ments (thousands) (thousands) (thousands) mental units (thousands) population .. „ -_. . 2,272 3.274 3.304 3.787 2,666 2,082 2.044 2.075 1.934 2,456 2,574 2,532 2,382 2.371 2,372 2,391 2,355 2.355 2 2,371 2.407 2,485 3 2.490 3 2.469 2.496 2.639 2,700 3,310 3,184 3.092 3.104 3.305 3.568 3,776 3.906 4.078 4,031 4,134 4,282 4,552 4,728 5,064 5.380 5.630 5.806 6,073 6,295 6,533 6,834 7.236 7.659 5.582 6.458 6,396 6,891 5,971 5,650 5,820 5,981 6,012 6,487 6,708 6,814 6,934 7,099 7,436 7,771 7,985 8,161 8,444 8,702 9,018 9,324 9,705 10,155 40.7 50.7 51.7 55.0 44.6 36.8 35.1 34.7 32.2 37.9 38.4 37.2 34.4 33.4 31.9 30.8 29.5 28.9 28.1 27.7 27.6 26.7 25.4 24.6 24.6 24.0 135,361 137,250 138,916 140.468 141,936 144.698 147.208 149.767 152.271 154,878 157.553 160.184 163,026 165,931 168,903 171,984 174,882 177,830 180,684 183,756 186,656 189,417 192,119 194,583 16.8 23.9 23.8 27.0 18.8 14.4 13.9 13.9 12.7 15.9 16.3 15.8 14.6 14.3 14.0 13.9 13.5 13.2 13.1 13.1 13.3 13.1 12.9 12.8 13.4 13.6 1 Covers total end-of-year employment in full-time permanent, temporary, part-time, and intermittent positions. 2 Includes piece-rate census workers employed for the decennial census. 3 Excludes 7,411 project employees in 1963 and 406 project employees in 1964 for the public works acceleration program. 4 An official projection of population and of State and local government employment for 1966 and 1967 is not available. The percentages and ratios shown for these years are consistent with a range of reasonable estimates based on recent trends in population and State and local employment. SPECIAL ANALYSIS D INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES This analysis is designed to contribute to a greater understanding of Government activities by dividing Federal administrative budget and trust fund expenditures into several categories: (1) additions to Federal assets; (2) additions to State, local, and private assets; (3) developmental expenditures; (4) current expenses for aids and special services; (5) retirement and social insurance benefits (trust funds only); (6) other services and current operating expenses; and (7) unclassified (trust fund expenditures which do not properly belong in any of the other categories). In each category where applicable, national defense expenditures are reported separately from those for all other (civil) programs. Basically, this analysis distinguishes between two types of expenditures : Those yielding benefits primarily in the future and those providing benefits largely in the year in which they are made. The former are essentially outlays of an investment nature while the latter are principally current expenses for aids, special services, and social insurance benefits. Expenditures yielding benefits over a period of years are shown in the first three classes, while outlays providing mainly current benefits are grouped in the remaining categories. Expenditures from administrative budget funds are shown separately from trust funds in tables D-l and D-2. The sum of the budget and trust fund totals is greater than the total of cash payments to the public primarily because there are intragovernmental transactions. 1. Additions to Federal assets.—This category includes administrative budget expenditures for direct loans, such as loans to finance private housing construction and encourage home ownership, to help small businesses, to finance college dormitory construction, to aid farm ownership and operation, to finance rural electric and telephone systems, and to promote economic development abroad. (Most of these programs are included in the budget total on a net basis; that is, gross disbursements less receipts.) It also includes financial investments in certain international organizations and mixed-ownership enterprises. Expenditures for public works, for changes in major commodity inventories, for major equipment (including military equipment), and for the acquisition and improvement of real property and other physical assets are also covered. Trust fund expenditures in this category consist primarily of mortgage purchases (ret of sales) by the Federal National Mortgage Association in support of its secondary mortgage market operations, and net loans by two Government-sponsored enterprises—banks for cooperatives and the Federal intermediate credit banks. 33 789-740 O—-6C 34 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table D-l. SUMMARY OF INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) Trust fund s Administrative budget funds Description 1965 Additions to Federal assets: Civil: Loans and financial investments . . . 1,873 Physical assets . 2,603 National defense 14,007 Additions to State, local, and private assets: Civil.. . . 1,535 National defense _. _ 19 Developmental expenditures: Civil 8.084 National defense 7.884 Subtotal, investment and developmental type expenditures: Civil. ._ . National defense Current expenses for aids and special services: Civil National defense Retirement and social insurance benefits— civil Other services and current operating expenses: Civil: Interest Other National defense . ._ . District of Columbia, deposit funds, and other unclassified items Allowances and contingencies Interfund transactions Grand total 1966 1967 67 -2,338 3,208 3.309 16,272 17.854 1966 1965 1967 425 50 1,812 64 889 74 5,140 4,303 4.398 1,694 2.170 17 21 1 10,502 8,045 12.538 8,090 14,094 21,910 15,573 24,334 17,807 1,333 18,986 1.330 2 * 72 77 81 15,580 25,965 5.687 6.256 5.442 1 2 * 20,370 1,149 2,693 2,976 3,474 745 867 891 20.246 23.274 27.452 -30 6 208 6 224 6 11.435 3,878 26.920 12,104 3,777 30,897 12,854 3,865 33,426 928 992 1,158 -870 75 -647 350 -712 -638 -795 -767 96,507 106,428 112,847 29,637 33,786 37.882 "Less than one-half million dollars. 2. Additions to State, local, and private assets.—Federal outlays under this heading add to State, local, and private assets. Grant-in-aid expenditures which augment the physical assets of State and local governments are primarily for the construction of highways (mainly through the Highway trust fund), hospitals, airports, waste-treatment works, watershed protection projects, schools in federally affected areas, and public facilities under the area redevelopment program and the temporary accelerated public works program. Federal expenditures which increase the value of privately owned assets are largely for the conservation and improvement of private farmland and water, for grants to States for the building of private hospitals and other health facilities, and for construction subsidies to the merchant fleet. Trust fund expenditures in this category, in addition to the highway program, include the net loans made by the Federal land banks and the Federal home loan banks (Government-sponsored enterprises in which the Federal Government no longer holds any SPECIAL ANALYSES 35 capital stock); these loans strengthen lending institutions which promote farming and individual home ownership. 3. Developmental expenditures.—Federal expenditures of this type include outlays principally for research and development, education and health, and other programs which increase the Nation's fund of knowledge and technical skills and improve the physical vigor of the population. The total of Federal spending shown in this category does not fully reflect the Government's contribution to the productivity of the economy, since it excludes additions to physical assets, as well as certain other programs which further this end. The latter are classified in accordance with their principal purpose; thus, veterans educational benefits are listed as veterans aids rather than as developmental outlays. Similarly, the training of military personnel or other Government personnel is treated as an operating expense and not as part of the Government's education and training programs. 4. Current expenses for aids and special services.—Expenditures classified under this heading provide aids or special services to certain groups—mainly in the year in which the outlays are made. In addition to such items as realized losses of the Commodity Credit Corporation on its farm programs, maritime, operating subsidies, veterans pensions, and grants to foreign nations for economic and military assistance, this category includes (a) administrative and other operating expenses attributable to investment-type programs which benefit specific groups, and (b) the costs of maintaining the physical assets related to those programs. Only part of the Federal Government's aid to special groups is reflected in this classification, which is limited by definition to current expenses. For example, subsidies for the construction of private merchant ships are classified as additions to private assets. Similarly, outlays for which the Federal Government receives assets or collateral (as the acquisition of farm commodities by the Commodity Credit Corporation) are treated as additions to Federal assets. Many indirect Government aids are excluded from this classification either because they are not reflected in expenditures or cannot be readily measured. Examples of such indirect benefits include low interest rates on some loans and certain preferential tax treatments. Although expenditures in this category essentially provide a direct aid or special service yielding immediate benefits, some of the outlays included contribute indirectly to the Nation's future development. Among these are grants for slum clearance and urban renewal. 5. Retirement and social insurance benefits.—This category applies only to trust funds. It covers benefit programs which (a) are financed from special taxes or contributions and (b) provide insurance against the loss of income due to unemployment, retirement, disability, or death. It does not include Government employees' health and life insurance expenditures, which are in the form of subscription and premium payments to approved private companies. It also excludes such noncontributory programs as public assistance grants, military retired pay, and veterans disability and death compensation and pensions which are financed through the administrative budget. 36 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 6. Other services and current operating expenses.—The outlays reported under this heading support a wide range of activities. They consist mainly of current expenditures for: Pay and subsistence of military personnel; repair, maintenance, and operation of physical assets of the national military establishment and general purpose public buildings; conduct of foreign affairs; tax collection; payment of interest on the national debt; and operation and administration of other direct Federal programs not elsewhere classified. 7. Unclassified.—Certain trust fund expenditures represent financial transfers to other trust or budget accounts and cannot be properly classified into any of the categories described above. Advances and repayments between the Railroad retirement account and the Unemployment trust fund (for railroad unemployment benefits) are examples of such transactions. This grouping also includes the expenditures of the District of Columbia which are for the most part locally financed, but are accounted for as a Federal trust fund. Deposit fund transactions (net) are also included here. Recoverability oj expenditures.—In general, Government expenditures for assets are not expected to be recovered by specific revenues. However, most loans, investment in commodity inventories, the construction of powerplants, and outlays for range and forest improvements on public domain and national forest lands are offset in whole or in part by receipts to the Treasury through repayments and sales, specific charges, or recoveries. Where such activities are carried on through revolving funds, as in most loan programs, receipts are credited directly against the expenditures and only the difference is included in the expenditure total in the budget and in this analysis. In other cases, the returns are included as miscellaneous receipts to the Treasury rather than as offsets to expenditures. Whether recovered by specific revenues or not, investment and developmental expenditures in both physical and human capital add to the wealth and income of the Nation and, by helping to expand the tax base, augment the Government's potential future revenues. However, this analysis does not attempt to measure the degree of recoverability of these outlays, the potential gain in public revenues which will be forthcoming from them, nor the duration of future benefits and their discounted present value. Comparison with capital accounting, budgeting, and funding.—The purpose of this analysis is to provide a broad framework for understanding Federal expenditures, recognizing not only outlays to increase physical capital and financial assets, but also developmental expenditures which represent an investment in human capital. It does not distinguish precisely between capital and current items, although it does provide useful general magnitudes. Moreover, it does not make any allowance for depreciation and obsolescence on existing physical assets, anticipated losses on loan programs, or profit or loss on sales of assets at figures different from their book value. Agencies record such allowances only for transactions where the data will serve program and management needs, as in the case of the public enterprise funds. As a result, it is not possible to determine directly from this analysis the net addition to the value of federally owned assets. 37 SPECIAL ANALYSES This analysis is not a capital budget in the sense of a long-range program for the acquisition of assets, or a plan for separate financing of capital expenditures. Some foreign governments and some State and local governments fund a portion of their capital expenditures by separate borrowing and exclude most or all such expenditures from their computation of budget totals, except for annual charges to amortize these capital outlays over a number of years. The U.S. budget, on the other hand, treats outlays for investment items and for other purposes alike in computing the budget surplus or deficit. Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) Description 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate Administrative Budget Funds ADDITIONS TO FEDERAL ASSETS Loans: Civil: To domestic private borrowers: Funds appropriated to the President: Economic opportunity program Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation: Price support, supply, and related programs Rural Electrification Adminstration Farmers Home Administration: Direct loans Agricultural credit insurance Rural housing insurance Emergency credit revolving fund Participation sales Other Department of Commerce: Economic development and other Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Higher education facilities construction.. Defense educational activities Public health service and other Department of Housing and Urban Development: College housing loans Housing for the elderly or handicapped Federal National Mortgage Association: Management and liquidating functions Special assistance functions Government mortgage liquidation Participation sales Federal Housing Administration Other Veterans Administration: Housing loans: Veterans direct loans Loan guarantee revolving fund Other Federal Home Loan Bank Board Small Business Administration: Revolving fund and other. Other agencies Total, to domestic private borrowers, civiL 17 30 25 -303 381 -217 190 -1,309 194 230 17 25 7 32 1 52 -98 -6 1 -560 47 2 131 16 41 55 179 28 157 43 151 56 -318 69 -102 -371 -23 -289 -351 -130 77 -242 -390 -35 14 -107 62 3 29 232 2 -647 -134 2 24 -50 3 -206 -56 2 -20 -410 448 -936 -3,233 28 48 -40 30 32 3 38 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1965 actual 1966 1967 Administrative Budget Funds—Continued ADDITIONS TO FEDERAL ASSETS—Continued Loans—Continued Civil—Continued To State and local governments: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education Department of Housing and Urban Development: College housing loans Public facility loans Urban renewal fund Other.... District of Columbia Other agencies Total, to State and local governments, civil. To foreign borrowers: Funds appropriated to the President: Economic assistance. Department of State: Loan to the United Nations Export-Import Bank of Washington Total, to foreign borrowers, civilTotal, loans, civil 27 -202 -52 22 10 46 42 223 213 •106 1,094 1,050 -217 1,050 17 -399 876 668 846 1,547 -55 -2,492 -2 -2 27 -42 35 24 -44 33 1,570 -99 -2,459 National defense: To domestic private borrowers: Other agencies To foreign borrowers: Funds appropriated to the President: Military assistance Total, loans, national defenseTotal, loans -203 Other financial investments—civil: Investments in quasi-public institutions, trust funds, and international institutions: Funds appropriated to the President: Economic assistance Asian Development Bank International Development Association International Monetary Fund Department of Housing and Urban Development: Federal National Mortgage Association Other agencies -42 -19 75 -12 36 -12 Total, investments in quasi-public institutions, trust funds, and international institutions 326 122 154 17 33 78 * 30 100 2 104 16 120 21 67 50 10 70 62 259 Public works—sites and direct construction: Civil: Funds appropriated to the President: Economic opportunity program Public works acceleration Department of Agriculture: Forest Service— -Other •Less than one-half million dollars. 39 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars)—-Continued Description 1965 actual 1966 1967 Administrative Budget Funds—Continued ADDITIONS TO FEDERAL ASSETS—Continued Public works—sites and direct construction—-Continued Civil—Continued Department of Defense—Civil: Corps of Engineers Other . Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Public Health Service Other Department of the Interior: Bureau of Indian Affairs . National Park Service Bureau of Reclamation . - . ._ Bonneville Power Administration Other Post Office Department Department of State Treasury Department: Coast Guard Other Federal Aviation Agency General Services Administration: Public buildings National Aeronautics and Space Administration Veterans Administration: Hospitals and other Tennessee Valley Authority.. _.. Other agencies ._ ... 896 10 967 16 1,000 15 26 10 36 15 42 32 72 64 246 38 38 56 17 49 59 236 66 50 15 26 67 60 219 102 44 40 29 28 81 223 531 81 135 64 18 12 67 250 495 83 174 89 40 19 77 246 300 73 192 87 2,773 2,924 2,859 996 149 206 1,132 150 * 175 1,III 35 1 160 1,351 1,458 1,307 4,125 4,381 4, 166 -446 13 -197 17 20 -433 -180 -67 National defense: Funds appropriated to the President: Expansion of defense production .. . .. Other agencies . ._ ___ . -73 30 -137 16 -182 13 Total, major commodity inventories, national defense -43 -121 -169 Total, major commodity inventories -476 -301 -236 Total, public works, civil. National defense: Department of Defense—Military: Military construction Family housing _Other Atomic Energy Commission Total, public works, national defense _ . Total, public works, sites and direct construction . Major commodity inventories: Civil: Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation: Agricultural commodities . Department of the Interior _. ._ Total, major commodity inventories, civil. "Less than one-half million dollars. __ . . . 40 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1965 actual 1967 1966 Administrative Budget Funds—Continued ADDITIONS TO FEDERAL ASSETS—Continued Major equipment: Civil: Post Office Department Treasury Department: Coast Guard. Other agencies 54 28 25 Total, major equipment, civil- 107 154 130 11,495 159 13,991 165 15,793 145 Total, major equipment, national defense. 11,653 14,156 15,938 Total, major equipment 11,761 14,310 16.068 2 25 52 25 25 70 55 25 67 109 -50 17 289 -13 16 158 -34 16 Total, other physical assets, civil. 156 411 286 National Defense: Department of Defense—Military.. Atomic Energy Commission 155 867 155 669 155 590 Total, other physical assets, national defense 1,022 824 745 Total, other physical assets—acquisition and improvement. 1,178 1,235 1,031 18,483 19,648 18,724 258 117 45 14 44 46 50 42 38 13 3 63 * 73 16 101 * National defense: Department of Defense—Military. Atomic Energy Commission Other.... 61 40 30 Other physical assets—acquisition and improvement: Civil: Funds appropriated to the President: Economic Opportunity Program Department of Agriculture Department of the Interior Department of Housing and Urban Development: Federal Housing Administration and other Veterans Administration Other agencies Total, additions to Federal assets ADDITIONS TO STATE, LOCAL, AND PRIVATE ASSETS State and local assets: Civil: Funds appropriated to the President: Public works acceleration Department of Agriculture: Watershed protection Other Department of Commerce: Economic Development Administration Office of Appalachian Assistance Bureau of Public Roads: Forest highways and other National Bureau of Standards 'Less than one-half million dollars. 41 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1966 estimate 1965 actual Administrative Budget Funds—Continued ADDITIONS TO STATE, LOCAL, AND PRIVATE ASSETS—Continued State and local assets—Continued Civil—Continued Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Vocational education Higher education facilities School construction in federally affected areas Regional medical programs Hospital construction activities Waste treatment works construction Other: Public health and other Department of the Interior: Land and water conservation Other Federal Aviation Agency: Grants-in-aid for airports Department of Housing and Urban Development: Open space land and urban beautiftcation Grants for basic water and sewer facilities Urban mass transportation fund Other Other agencies Total, State and local assets, civilNational defense: Department of Defense—Military. Total, State and local assets Private assets—civil: Funds appropriated to the President: Public works acceleration Department of Agriculture: Soil conservation Agricultural stabilization and conservation Commodity Credit Corporation Other Department of Commerce: Merchant ships and other Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Health educational facilities, construction Private hospital construction Health research facilities Other National Science Foundation Other agencies Total, private assets Total, additions to State, focal, and private assets. 21 29 71 6 "io" "\2 653 747 19 17 672 764 30 125 430 -3 1 92 133 402 33 1 110 124 33 6 40 2 24 130 37 16 50 3 882 947 ,554 ,711 1967 estimate 42 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1965 actual 1966 estimate Administrative Budget Funds—Continued DEVELOPMENTAL EXPENDITURES Education, training, and health: Civil: Funds appropriated to the President: Economic opportunity program Department of Agriculture: Extension Service Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education: Vocational education Payments to school districts Defense educational activities Higher education facilities construction Grants for public libraries Elementary and secondary educational activities Higher educational activities Other ..... .---"-; Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Public Health Service: Chronic diseases and health of the aged Community health • National Institutes of Health Indian health activities Other Water Pollution Control Administration Welfare Administration: Grants, maternal and child welfare Other Other . Department of the Interior: Bureau of Indian Affairs: Education and welfare Other Department of Labor: Manpower development and training Other National Science Foundation Other agencies 114 85 720 90 103 311 136 2 25 53 117 132 307 137 30 25 295 77 69 190 47 43 193 62 75 21 59 64 236 67 110 28 110 30 13 169 30 14 84 * 89 * 230 6 114 23 279 24 129 32 Total, education, training and health, civil. 1,997 3,403 National defense: Atomic Energy Commission.. 17 17 2,013 3,420 4 7 56 6 111 47 30 21 130 56 32 21 22 23 28 34 Total, education, training, and health. Research and development: Civil: Funds appropriated to the President: Economic opportunity program Other Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service Cooperative State Research Service Forest Service Other Department of Commerce: National Bureau of Standards Other "Less than one-half million dollars. 1967 estimate 43 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate Administrative Budget Funds—Continued DEVELOPMENTAL EXPENDITURES—Continued Research and development—Continued Civil—Continued Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Public Health Service: National Institutes of Health Other Office of Education Water Pollution Control Administration Other Department of the Interior: Geological Survey Bureau of Mines Other Federal Aviation Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration Veterans Administration National Science Foundation Other agencies 4,555 37 147 53 Total, research and development, civil 5,902 National defense: Department of Defense—Military: Military personnel: Research and development Procurement: Test and evaluation support Research, development, test, and evaluation Operation and maintenance Other ... Atomic Energy Commission Military assistance Total, research and development, national defense Total, research and development Engineering and natural resource surveys—civil: Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Defense—Civil Department of the Interior: Geological Survey National Park Service Other Other agencies Total, engineering and natural resource surveys Total, developmental expenditures CURRENT EXPENSES FOR AIDS AND SPECIAL SERVICES Agriculture—civil: Department of Agriculture: Consumer and Marketing Service: Removal of surplus agricultural commodities Other „ Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service: Expenses Sugar Actt 523 67 19 10 31 705 91 48 15 40 769 110 78 36 48 24 24 56 93 25 24 70 125 ,097 42 178 64 26 26 75 155 ,993 43 226 79 7,030 1,241 3 280 75 ,370 35 10 ,256 2 275 75 ,400 40 10 ,270 2 7,867 8,028 8,071 13,769 14,916 15,101 275 70 6,236 32 10 21 25 18 26 24 26 44 28 26 22 45 34 26 44 185 211 224 15,967 18,547 20,629 273 18 321 16 186 13 108 92 125 94 135 85 44 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued 1965 actual Description 1966 estimate Administrative Budget Funds—Continued CURRENT EXPENSES FOR AIDS AND SPECIAL SERVICES—Continued Agriculture—civil—Continued Department of Agriculture—Continued Commodity Credit Corporation and special export programs: Sales for foreign currencies International Wheat Agreement Transfer to supplemental stockpile National Wool Act Price support, supply, and related programs Losses on long-term supply contracts Other Farmers Home Administration: Direct loans Salaries and expenses Other Other Other agencies 1,293 35 41 23 3,399 200 9 1,114 75 34 38 2,670 301 -2 -29 41 -i -29 49 -9 87 21 87 21 5,609 Total, agriculture Business: Civil: Department of Commerce: Patent Office Maritime Administration: Ship operating subsidies and other Other Department of Defense—Civil: Corps of Engineers: Operation and maintenance Other Post Office Department Treasury Department: Coast Guard: Navigation aids Federal Aviation Agency: Operations Civil Aeronautics Board: Payments to air carriers Small Business Administration Other agencies Total, business, civil National defense: Funds appropriated to the President: Expansion of defense production Total, business Labor—civil: Other agencies 4,904 30 33 226 62 197 63 113 -3 174 258 11 17 128 _7 246 258 492 79 5 37 ,466 ,531 498 80 134 14 ,601 ,545 24 28 278 -1 182 219 5 233 * 344 -14 -189 251 2 -286 * 84 107 Homeowners and tenants—civil: Department of Housing and Urban Development: Urban renewal Government mortgage liquidation fund Federal Housing Administration Public housing... Other Federal Home Loan Bank Board Other agencies... Total, homeowners and tenants "Less than one-half million dollars. - 1967 estimate 45 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate Administrative Budget Funds—Continued CURRENT EXPENSES FOR AIDS AND SPECIAL SERVICES—Continued Veterans—civil: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Payments for military service credits Veterans Administration: Compensation and pensions Readjustment benefits General operating expenses Hospitals and medical care Veterans insurance programs Other Other agencies Total, veterans. 105 105 109 49 161 150 _a -1 25 4,430 43 161 1,215 -19 13 7 4,365 132 159 1,259 -37 16 21 5,486 5,954 6,021 875 79 994 84 1,096 147 -141 25 286 -133 26 283 -106 30 986 ,258 1.390 1,198 i ,316 1.114 2,185 2.573 2.503 43 54 87 34 179 * 52 150 299 43 329 37 133 168 19 3,059 33 68 512 10 4,152 89 89 186 * 56 26 23 ,605 41 61 548 31 58 833 31 ,595 54 61 582 30 5,203 5,955 19,139 20.316 21,520 International aids: Civil: Funds appropriated to the President: Foreign economic assistance Peace Corps Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation and special export programs: Emergency famine relief to friendly peoples Export-Import Bank of Washington Other agencies Total, international aids, civilNational defense: Funds appropriated to the President—Military assistance Totai, international aids. Other aids and special services—civil: Funds appropriated to the President: Disaster relief Economic opportunity program Department of Agriculture: Special milk program Food stamp program School lunch program Other Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Hospitals and medical care Health insurance for the aged Assistance for Cuban refugees Public assistance Other ... Department of the Interior: Bureau of Indian Affairs. Post Office Department Other agencies Total, other aids and special services Total, current expenses for aids and special services. *Less than one-half million dollars. 46 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars)—Continued Description 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate Administrative Budget Funds—Continued OTHER SERVICES AND CURRENT OPERATING EXPENSES Repair, maintenance and operation of physical assets (excluding special services): Civil: Department of Agriculture: Forest Service Department of Defense—Civil: Corps of Engineers Department of the Interior: Bureau of Land Management National Park Service Bureau of Reclamation. Southeastern Power Administration Other :-.—" ----------General Services Administration: Public buildings Tennessee Valley Authority Other agencies ... — — ... Total, repair, maintenance, and operation, civil National defense: Department of Defense—Military: Operation and maintenance Family housing Atomic Energy Commission Other agencies .Total, repair, maintenance, and operation, national defense Total, repair, maintenance, and operation of physical assets 143 110 179 148 87 29 25 54 1 46 269 -109 37 27 28 53 -24 7 257 -151 41 26 30 56 -25 7 266 -136 41 606 500 499 12,317 137 136 * 14,125 135 109 * 14,940 145 116 * 12,590 14,369 15,201 13,195 14.869 15.701 74 82 91 97 24 68 64 61 33 * 39 * 48 * 65 160 72 56 28 69 169 75 54 29 72 179 75 58 30 78 33 15 40 26 25 92 80 35 19 41 27 28 97 84 37 20 41 28 30 102 920 980 965 Regulation and control: The Judiciary Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service Other Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Food and Drug Administration Other Department of Justice: Legal activities and general administration Federal Bureau of Investigation Immigration and Naturalization Service Federal prison system Department of Labor Treasury Department: Bureau of Customs Coast Guard Other...... Federal Aviation Agency Interstate Commerce Commission National Labor Relations Board Other agencies _ Total, regulation and control.. "Less than one-half million dollars. _ 47 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1965 1966 1967 Administrative Budget Funds—Continued OTHER SERVICES AND CURRENT OPERATING EXPENSES—Continued Other operation and administration: Civil: International activities: Department of State: Foreign affairs administration International organizations and conferences Educational exchange Other United States Information Agency Foreign Claims Settlement Commission Other agencies Total, international activities Federal financial activities: Treasury Department: Bureau of Accounts Bureau of the Mint Bureau of the Public Debt Internal Revenue Service Other General Accounting Office Other agencies Total, Federal financial activities Other direct Federal programs: Legislative branch Department of Commerce: Environmental Science Services Administration Other Department of Defense—Civil Treasury Department: Claims, judgments, and private relief acts General Services Administration Civil Service Commission Other agencies Total, other direct Federal programs Retirement, unemployment, and accident compensation for Federal employees: Department of Labor: Unemployment compensation for Federal employees.-. Employees' compensation claims and expenses Treasury Department: Coast Guard retired pay and Secret Service annuities Civil Service Commission: Special payments and annuities Other agencies Total, retirement, unemployment, and accident compensation for Federal employees 195 93 54 2 159 35 3 185 102 53 2 161 2 4 191 107 52 2 162 2 4 541 509 521 32 15 50 587 12 45 5 31 27 50 606 12 48 5 33 35 51 630 13 49 4 746 780 814 135 149 162 87 86 6 48 98 7 60 74 101 23 42 34 70 26 52 9 94 23 61 521 472 515 122 53 100 46 100 37 42 44 94 4 98 4 106 5 310 289 296 12 45 40 48 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1965 1966 ate 1967 Administrative Budget Funds—Continued OTHER SERVICES AND CURRENT OPERATING EXPENSES—Continued Other operation and administration—Continued Civil—Continued Shared revenues and grants-in-aid: Department of Agriculture: Forest Service Department of the Interior: Bureau of Land Management Other.. Treasury Department District of Columbia: Federal payment. Other agencies . _ - 34 37 38 - 69 35 43 38 16 70 38 43 39 22 76 37 45 39 18 _ . _. 234 248 254 . 2,351 2,298 2.401 National defense: Department of Defense—Military: Military personnel (excluding research and development). Family housing _Civil defense . _ -. _._ Other Selective Service System Other agencies -- .- 14,496 177 58 -464 43 21 16,320 210 76 -160 60 23 17,875 210 74 14,331 16,529 18,224 . 16,682 18,826 20,625 . 11,346 12,000 12,750 77 * 91 * 91 * 89 104 104 11,435 12,104 12,854 42.233 46,779 50,145 -870 75 -647 350 -712 96,507 106,428 112,847 Total, shared revenues and grants-in-aid Total, other operation and administration, civil. Total, other operation and administration, national defense Total, other operation and administration.. _, -12 53 25 Interest: On the public debt _ _. . . . - Other interest: On refunds: Treasury Department General Services Administration On uninvested funds: Treasury Department Total, other interest -_ Total, interest - 12 . . - - Total, other services and current operating expenses Allowance for contingencies Interfund transactions .. . .. -. Total, administrative budget funds *Less than one-half million dollars. - . - . - - 12 13 49 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1965 actual 1966 Trust Funds (Includes deposit funds and Government-sponsored enterprises) ADDITIONS TO FEDERAL ASSETS Loans—civil: To domestic private borrowers: Department of Housing and Urban Development: Federal National Mortgage Association: Secondary market operations Veterans Administration: Life insurance funds Farm Credit Administration: Banks for cooperatives Federal intermediate credit banks Other agencies Total, loans to domestic private borrowers 49 39 1,503 40 189 149 -1 69 201 425 1,812 Public works—sites and direct construction: Civil: Department of Defense—Civil: Corps of Engineers and other Other agencies 28 27 36 27 36 24 28 475 ,876 3,919 3,861 561 660 300 142 1,221 442 Total, private assets 1.222 444 Total, additions to State, local, and private assets 5,141 4,305 Total, public works, civil National Defense: Department of Defense—Military Total, public works, sites and direct construction Other physical assets—acquisition and improvement—civil Total, additions to Federal assets ADDITIONS TO STATE, LOCAL, AND PRIVATE ASSETS State and local assets—civil: Department of Commerce: Highway trust fund and other Private assets: Civil: Farm Credit Administration: Federal land banks Federal home loan banks Total, private assets, civil National Defense: Atomic Energy Commission DEVELOPMENTAL EXPENDITURES Education, training, and health—civil "Less than one-half million dollars. 789-740 0—66 4 50 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1965 actual 1966 1967 Trust Funds—Continued DEVELOPMENTAL EXPENDITURES—Continued Research and development—civil: Department of Commerce: Bureau of Public Roads and other. Other agencies Total, research and development 66 5 71 74 6 76 * Engineering and natural resource surveys—civil. Total developmental expenditures 79 72 77 81 42 17 42 37 * 40 28 -220 * -121 •151 CURRENT EXPENSES FOR AIDS AND SPECIAL SERVICES Agriculture—civilBusiness—civil: Department of Commerce: Bureau of Public Roads Other .— Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Other Total, business. Labor—civil: Department of Labor: Unemployment trust fund: Grants for administration and other Homeowners and tenants—civil. Veterans—civil: Veterans Administration: Life insurance funds and otherDepartment of Defense—civil ... Total, veterans—civiL.. International aids: Civil: Other agencies .. National defense: Funds appropriated to the President—Military assistance advances -.. Total, international aids. Other aids and special services—civil: Department of Commerce: Highway trust fund Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Federal old-age and survivors insurance: Operating expenses.. Federal disability insurance: Operating expenses Federal supplementary medical insurance: Operating ex- j penses Federal hospital insurance: Operating expensesDepartment of the Interior: Indian tribal funds Other.. *Less than one-half million dollars. -180 -223 * -144 441 502 557 * -28 -16 578 7 507 7 628 7 585 51 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars)—Continued Description 1965 1966 1967 Trust Funds—Continued CURRENT EXPENSES FOR AIDS AND SPECIAL SERVICES—Co n tinu ed Other aids and special services—civil—Continued 11 12 11 Total, other aids and special services— 1.780 2,127 2,429 Total, current expenses for aids and special services. _ _. 3.438 3,843 4,365 15,226 82 18,125 193 19,064 117 765 2,338 15.308 18,318 22,284 .. 2.505 2,284 2,305 Civil Service Commission: Civil Service retirement and disability . .. ... . - .. ... Railroad Retirement Board: Railroad retirement account _ . . Other agencies . . -. 1.308 1.116 8 1,486 1,176 10 1,658 1,195 11 2,433 2,672 2.864 20,246 23,274 27.452 2 3 3 27 4 28 4 28 5 — 31 32 33 Civil: International activities: Department of Justice: Alien property fund: World War I I . . . Other . Foreign Claims Settlement Commission: War claims fundOther agencies -179 38 * 3 4 1 19 5 47 6 - -176 29 91 ... * Other agencies.. _ _ RETIREMENT AND SOCIAL INSURANCE BENEFITS Insurance benefits—civil: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Federal old-age and survivors insurance... Federal disability insurance trust fund Federal supplementary medical insurance . Federal hospital insurance ._ . . Total, insurance benefits, .. _. . . -. _._ ...- — Unemployment benefits—civil: Department of Labor: Unem- ployment trust fund.. - .. Other retirement and social insurance benefits—civil: Total, other retirement and social insurance benefits . Total, retirement and social insurance benefits OTHER SERVICES AND CURRENT OPERATING EXPENSES Repair, maintenance and operation of physical assets, (excluding special services)—civil- - . . ... . . Regulation and control—civil: Department of Agriculture: Inspection, grading, and other Other agencies ... . . . . ... . . Total, regulation and control .- - . Other operation and administration: Total, international activities Federal financial activities. 'Less than one-half million dollars. -- — - -- * 52 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table D-2. INVESTMENT, OPERATING, AND OTHER EXPENDITURES (in millions of dollars) —Continued Description 1965 actual 1966 1967 Trust Funds—Continued OTHER SERVICES AND CURRENT OPERATING EXPENSES— Cont in u ed Other operation and administration—Continued Civil—Continued Other direct Federal programs: Civil Service Commission: Civil service retirement and disability fund: Refunds.. Health benefits and life insurance Other agencies Total, other direct Federal programs 130 -36 2 129 -6 2 133 -58 2 96 125 78 19 19 173 188 Shared revenues and grants-in-aid Total, other operation and administration, civil National defense: Other agencies 6 Total, other operation and administration -57 179 194 Total, other services and current operating expenses __ -24 214 230 UNCLASSIFIED Payments to other trust funds: Federal old-age and survivors insurance Federal disability insurance Alien property fund Railroad retirement account Payments to general fund: Unemployment trust fund District of Columbia Federal National Mortgage Association—secondary market operations Advances from District of Columbia Deposit funds 436 24 10 58 184 384 446 30 150 52 104 446 521 40 25 68 85 489 42 * -210 -75 5 -166 -36 14 -48 Total, unclassified Interfund transactions 928 -638 992 -795 1,158 -767 29,637 33,786 37,882 Total, trust funds.. "Less than one-half million dollars . SPECIAL ANALYSIS E FEDERAL CREDIT PROGRAMS INTRODUCTION Federal credit aids help achieve basic objectives of Government programs in six major areas. Most important are the loan, loan insurance, and loan guarantee programs for: (a) improvement of private housing and encouragement of homeownership; (b) development of agricultural and other natural resources; and (c) promotion of economic development and military preparedness abroad. In Major Federal Credit Programs New Commitments S Billioiu -35 on OR — £J Total X X r^ / 1 *mimmmm -15 15 Guarantees and Insurance - to 5 01956 :: 1957 1958 Fiscal Yean 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 (967 Estimate addition, Federal credit programs provide significant assistance for: (d) domestic business, e.g., small business generally, transportation, and commercial fisheries; (e) community development and public housing; and (f) education. These programs supplement, rather than substitute for, private credit. In some cases, they fill gaps by providing or stimulating a type of credit not otherwise generally available to important groups of borrowers. Often they assume or share in risks which private 53 54 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 lenders, at least initially, cannot reasonably be expected to undertake. Similarly, the terms on which the assistance is provided often are more liberal, with longer maturities, smaller downpayments, or lower interest costs than are generally available otherwise. In several programs, the credit aids are part of a package of Federal assistance. Such a package might also include, for example, grants to provide necessary public facilities for depressed areas; grants for work-training, education, and other types of community action to help combat poverty; or technical aids to help underdeveloped countries plan and construct basic transportation systems. Federal credit programs provide a means of helping borrowers to help themselves. Unlike almost all other Government programs, the initial expenditures involved are largely or wholly repayable, so that the ultimate net cost is normally low. Some programs are fully self-supporting; in most others, the income from interest payments or insurance and guarantee fees covers most of the current expenses (including Treasury borrowing costs) and/or provides reserves for future losses. Customarily, administrative expenses are paid from income, but occasionally separate appropriations are made to finance them. COVERAGE OF SPECIAL ANALYSIS The overall level of Federal credit assistance has been growing because of broadening by the Congress of existing programs and initiation of other programs to meet new requirements. At the same time, important changes in emphasis are occurring. Programs established for temporary reasons in earlier years are liquidating their operations as outstanding loans are repaid or privately refinanced. Similarly, as private investors accumulate experience with ongoing programs, they have often refinanced outstanding Federal loans and directly financed the new credit requirements of borrowers. This year's analysis presents separate information on major credit programs administered by eight Cabinet departments and four other agencies. The 1967 estimates reflect recent enactment of legislation (a) enabling college and vocational students to obtain loans at belowmarket interest rates, (b) broadening credit aid by the newly created Economic Development Administration for depressed areas and economic development centers, (c) creating an insured rural housing loan program and expanding other loan and loan insurance authorities of the Farmers Home Administration, (d) authorizing a new land development mortgage insurance program and making extensive revisions in existing credit programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and (e) liberalizing credit assistance by the Small Business Administration and 1the Farmers Home Administration for victims of Hurricane Betsy. The totals also include estimates of the probable effect of proposed legislation to (a) authorize sales of participations in pools of loans made by the Departments of Agriculture, Health, Education, and Welfare, and Housing and Urban Development, and by the Small Business Administration; and (b) substitute federally assisted private loans for the direct student loan programs of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. l See summary on pp. 64—66 for further details. 55 SPECIAL ANALYSES The analysis includes (in tables E-2 and E-3) the total amounts, but no detailed information, on outstanding loans and guarantees and on net expenditures for numerous smaller or relatively inactive credit programs administered by nine departments and four other agencies; these account for about 0.6% of outstanding direct and guaranteed loans. Loan programs of important quasi-public agencies are excluded from tables E-l to E-5, but their outstanding loans are shown in table E-6. The analysis excludes borrowing from the Treasury by other Federal agencies, whether for loans or other programs. NEW COMMITMENTS New commitments are the best single measure of the short-run trends in most Federal credit programs. They also give the best Table E-1. NEW COMMITMENTS FOR MAJOR FEDERAL CREDIT PROGRAMS CLASSIFIED BY TYPE OF ASSISTANCE, MAJOR AGENCY OR PROGRAM (in millions of dollars) 1965 actual Agency or program Direct loans Office of Economic Opportunity Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation Rural Electrification Administration Farmers Home Administration, _ Department of Commerce: Economic Development Administration. Maritime Administration Department of Defense: Military assistance credits Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education Public Health Service Department of Housing and Urban Development: Federal National Mortgage Association. Federal Housing Administration Public housing program. College housing program Urban renewal program Other major programs Department of Interior: Reclamation loans. Department of State: Agency for International Development Treasury Department: Loans to District of Columbia Veterans Administration Export-Import Bank of Washington Small Business Administration Total by type of assistanceGrand total - 1966 estimate Guaranteed and insured loans 20 Direct loans Guaranteed and insured loans 44 77 .257 12 42 106 13 44 175 44 100 2,084 102 77 635 301 25 26 564 134 144 389 182 159 13 1,660 558 131 160 357 202 143 10 2,740 16,434 1,994 164 300 14.414 474 1,662 60 .657 77 481 852 462 3.030 1.645 68 49 435 .143 601 2,276 142 38 417 2,003 570 6,717 23.021 6,816 26,510 7,975 29.738 735 347 21 673 135 117 411 172 203 10 659 Guaranteed and insured loans 8 355 477 8 371 428 9 69 Direct loans 34 33 9 2,093 477 569 201 1967 estimate 15,001 710 646 143 2,982 33,326 889 646 2,866 2,286 183 28,362 36,337 56 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 advance indication of trends in the economic impact of these programs, since changes in the level of new commitments usually precede corresponding changes in the volume of loans disbursed by either public agencies or private lenders and in the purchase of goods and services by the ultimate borrowers. In this analysis, commitments are defined as approvals by Federal agencies of direct loans or of insurance or guarantees of private loans. They are shown on a gross basis, including administrative reservations or other commitments which do not later result in actual credit extensions, as well as the unguaranteed portions of loans partially covered by Federal guarantees. Direct loans.—New commitments of almost $8 billion estimated for direct loans in 1967 are $1.3 billion higher than the actual commitments made in 1965. The largest increases expected are for loans to foreign borrowers by the Export-Import Bank and the Agency for International Development. Together they will make half of the new direct loan commitments in 1967; this assistance will be an essential part of our economic and trade development effort abroad. The other half of the commitments will be divided among 18 other major credit programs. Guarantees and insurance.—New commitments for guarantees and insurance of private loans will continue to rise to an estimated $28.4 billion in 1967, over 60% more than the actual commitments made 5 years previous (in 1962). Over half of the total new commitments will be for housing loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration. Of the total guarantee commitments, $2.6 billion in 1966 and $3.7 billion in 1967 represent guarantees by the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Export-Import Bank of certificates of participation in pools of loans. The Commodity Credit Corporation expects to curtail sharply its guarantee commitments in 1967 in view of reduced crop production forecasts and lower loan rates under the 1965 farm legislation. Overlapping commitments.-—The total estimated commitments in 1967 of $36.3 billion include several cases where two or more types of Federal assistance are provided for the same borrower or on the same property or project at different stages in the financing process. Guarantees of certificates of participation in pools of loans represent the most important type of such overlapping. Other major examples include: (a) commitments by the Federal National Mortgage Association for purchase of mortgages insured or guaranteed by other Federal agencies, and (b) commitments by the Public Housing Administration .at successive stages in the financing of local low-rent public housing. OUTSTANDING DIRECT AND GUARANTEED LOANS The best index of the level of Federal credit programs over a period of years is provided by the total outstanding direct and guaranteed loans. By the close of 1967, these will total $138.4 billion for major programs, and with smaller programs, $139.3 billion. Outstanding direct loans will remain virtually unchanged in 1966 at the 1965 yearend level of $33.1 billion, but are expected to fall by 57 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table E-2. OUTSTANDING DIRECT LOANS, AND GUARANTEED AND INSURED LOANS FOR MAJOR FEDERAL CREDIT PROGRAMS CLASSIFIED BY AGENCY OR PROGRAM (in millions of dollars) 1965 actual Agency or program Office of Economic Opportunity Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation Rural Electrification Administration.. Farmers Home Administration Department of Commerce: Economic Development Administration. Maritime Administration Department of Defense: Military assistance credits Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education Public Health Service Department of Housing and Urban Development: Federal National Mortgage Association.. Federal Housing Administration Public housing program College housing program Urban renewal program . Other major programs Department of Interior: Reclamation loans. Department of State: Agency for International Development Treasury Department: Loans to District of Columbia... Foreign loans Veterans Administration Export-Import Bank of Washington Small Business Administration Direct loans Guaranteed and insured loans 17 1966 estimate Direct loans Guaranteed and insured loans 47 2,115 4,072 419 1,990 126 109 1967 estimate Direct loans Guaranteed and insured loans 71 819 542 4,456 1.225 727 1,874 4,262 2,054 ,249 1.444 1.997 "419 183 101 454 246 92 3 488 79 40 110 75 287 538 13 758 38 2,121 527 60 1,927 196 342 300 49,042 5,033 1,382 90 8,997 144 848 59 1,427 490 59 2.170 214 421 105 1,930 52.448 5.541 1,042 451 59 1,651 4,505 56,960 1.647 25* 1,867 10,510 306 441 118 149 3,728 139 3.763 6,124 12.030 492 193 3.627 28,924 1.649 2,490 1,147 30,951 2,617 104 868 2,091 1,072 30.097 3.447 209 Total by type of assistance: Major agencies or programs. Other agencies or programs. 32.507 547 91.138 276 32.661 450 98.259 288 30,851 107,599 614 256 All agencies. 33,054 91,414 33.111 98,547 31,465 107,855 605 1,888 662 4.418 302 $1.6 billion in 1967. This decline, if realized, will reverse the continuous uptrend over the past decade and longer in the size,.of the Federal loan portfolio. The overall reduction will occur despite sizable continuing increases over the 2-year period amounting to $3 billion for loans held by the Agency for International Development and another $0.7 billion in loans of the Rural Electrification Administration and the Office of Education. In almost all other long-established direct loan programs the increased emphasis upon substitution of private for public credit will cause substantial reductions in outstanding portfolios—mainly because of the greatly expanded program for sales of participations in pools of loans. The largest net reductions in 1966-67 will be con 58 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 centrated in the Commodity Credit Corporation, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Veterans Administration, and the Export-Import Bank. Simultaneous with this sharp cutback in direct loan portfolios, the increase in outstanding Federal guarantees and insurance of private loans will accelerate, amounting to $16.4 billion over the 2 years. Mortgage and property improvement loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration account for almost half of the anticipated rise, and for over half of the total outstanding guaranteed and insured loans at the end of 1967. Much of the remaining increase represents guarantees by the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Export-Import Bank and the Commodity Credit Corporation of participations in pools of loans administered by these agencies. Other substantial increases are estimated for the Farmers Home Administration, under its broadened insurance authority, and for the Public housing program. The outstanding volume of loans guaranteed by the Veterans Administration will continue to decline as the number of new loans shrinks and the rate of amortization on existing loans rises. The amounts shown include both the guaranteed and unguaranteed portion of outstanding loans in order to give a more complete picture of the economic impact of these programs and to tie in better with banking statistics. Thus, they do not indicate the estimated contingent liability of the Federal Government. The major program for which the contingent liability differs materially from the principal amount of the loans is the veterans loan guarantee program; by the end of 1967, the Government's liability will be about $13.3 billion lower than the amount of guaranteed loans outstanding under that program. DISBURSEMENTS AND REPAYMENTS Direct loans can have a major budgetary impact, since the difference between disbursements and repayments represents net expenditures or receipts. On the other hand, except to the extent that Federal guarantees and insurance of private loans help to minimize direct loans or to increase sales of such loans, they ordinarily have only a minor effect on Federal expenditures. Net expenditures for Federal credit assistance, in total, are relatively small, compared to the economic impact of these programs. Expenditures of all Government lending programs (with the major exception of loans from trust funds or by quasi-public agencies) are included in the administrative budget totals. In most currently active loan programs, collections are offset directly against expenditures. In the case of the Rural Electrification Administration, collections on loans are deposited to miscellaneous receipts, but legislation is proposed to put this program on a revolving fund basis effective for both 1966 and 1967. The proposed participation sales legislation would also put the academic facility loan program of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare on a revolving fund basis in 1967. In the case of foreign loans, disbursements and repayments in foreign currencies are included in the analysis, though they are not included in budget expenditures and receipts. Also included is sales credit extended to buyers of federally owned assets, even when no budget expenditures are involved. 59 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table E-3. DISBURSEMENTS AND REPAYMENTS FOR MAJOR FEDERAL CREDIT PROGRAMS CLASSIFIED BY AGENCY OR PROGRAM (in millions of dollars) 1965 actual Agency or program Office of Economic Opportunity Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation Rural Electrification Administration Farmers Home Administration Department of Commerce: Economic Development Administration. Maritime Administration Department of Defense: Military assistance credits Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education Public Health Service Department of Housing and Urban Development: Federal National Mortgage Association. Federal Housing Administration __. College housing program Public housing program Urban renewal program Other major programs Department of the Interior: Reclamation loans Department of State: Agency for International Development Treasury Department: Loans to District of Columbia Foreign loans Veterans Administration Export-Import Bank of Washington Small Business Administration Total. Net addition to loans: Major agencies or programs Other agencies or programs Adjustment for repayments going directly into miscellaneous receipts Adjustment for net expenditures in foreign currencies, deduct Adjustment for extensions of sales credit, and other, deduct Disbursements 1966 estimate Repayments 17 Disbursements Disbursements Repayments 33 8 2.309 180 851 2 9 1.241 380 1.015 2.550 186 1.625 3 9 128 71 36 223 21 135 21 252 131 333 256 269 126 940 165 853 256 230 99 Repayments 32 2.103 381 828 57 1 2.406 177 589 2.092 370 918 2 12 59 69 42 86 133 13 244 25 203 157 262 176 272 107 699 197 36 165 226 18 12 911 151 32 235 223 17 183 163 276 235 242 104 1967 estimate 15 67 14 1,753 136 ,662 149 1,682 161 62 59 466 658 530 49 35 1,247 1.057 580 46 529 403 444 43 33 574 620 212 3 102 719 1.109 7,982 6,188 ,420 8.169 1,794 38 400 617 45 251 71 195 563 456 906 478 8.000 10,098 -2.098 4 267 581 51 53 Total administrative budget expenditures * 1 1,570 -99 -2.459 See special analysis D, p. 38. Gross loan disbursements of major credit programs are expected to rise by $0.4 billion in 1966 and to decline by the same amount in 1967 to $8 billion, the same level as in 1965. Repayments of $6.2 billion in 1965, however, will increase to an estimated $8.2 billion in 1966 60 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 and $10.1 billion in 1967. The shift from a net excess in expenditures of $1.8 billion in 1965 to a net excess in receipts of $2.1 billion in 1967 arises predominantly from the greatly increased sales of financial assets anticipated under proposed new legislative authority. Net expenditures for loans in the administrative budget show comparable trends, declining from $1.6 billion in 1965 to a net excess in receipts of $2.5 billion in 1967. The adjustments necessary to reconcile the difference in levels are indicated at the end of table E-3. PRIVATE PARTICIPATION IN FEDERAL CREDIT PROGRAMS Despite the number and variety of major Federal credit programs, they directly affect only a small fraction of the total volume of credit, both public and private. Of the estimated private debt of $853 billion outstanding on June 30, 1965, direct Government loans and guarantees of private loans to domestic private borrowers accounted for about 11%. Federal guarantees or insurance of private loans were responsible for most of the Federal assistance. In recent years, and especially during the past year, emphasis has been placed upon obtaining private participation in public credit programs wherever consistent with achievement of the purposes of such programs. Numerous methods are being employed to make this policy effective, including: (a) limitation of direct lending to cases where borrowers cannot otherwise obtain the funds on reasonable terms; (b) liberalization in lending authority of private institutions; (c) expanded use of Government guarantees and insurance of private loans, as an alternative to direct loans; and (d) increased sales of Government loans to private lenders. Legislation is being proposed to authorize a Government-wide program for the sale of participations in outstanding direct loans. Under the expanded program, the Federal National Mortgage Association, as trustee, will continue to administer the pools of loans set aside by the Veterans Administration and by its own special assistance and management and liquidating programs. It will also administer and sell certificates of participation in pools of loans set aside by the Farmers Home Administration, the Office of Education, the Small Business Administration, and the college housing and public facility loan programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The program authorized by this legislation will use many of the techniques successfully employed in earlier sales of participations by the Export-Import Bank and the Federal National Mortgage Association. In addition, new provisions will make it possible for the first time to include in the pools many loans which bear interest rates below current market levels. The agencies pooling such loans will be authorized to make supplementary payments to the trustee, which, together with the interest on the loans in the pools, will assure a level of return adequate to attract private investment. Largely as a result of this proposed legislation, sales of financial assets are expected to increase from the $1.6 billion actually consummated in 1965 to $3.3 billion in 1966 and $4.7 billion in 1967. These 61 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table E-4. DIRECT SALES AND PARTICIPATION SALES OF LOANS BY MAJOR FEDERAL CREDIT PROGRAMS (in millions of dollars) 1965 actual Agency or program Department of Agriculture: Farmers Home Administration Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education Department of Housing and Urban Development: Federal National Mortgage Association.. Federal Housing Administration Public housing program College housing loans Public facility loans Veterans Administration: Direct loan revolving fund Loan guarantee revolving fund Export-Import Bank of Washington Small Business Administration Total by type of saleGrand total Present programs Proposed legislation. 1 2 Direct sales Participation sales 1966 estimate Direct sales Participation sales 40 35 1967 estimate Direct sales Participation sales 15 x 600 MOO 264 6 4 200 93 7 450 814 750 1.564 1,564 60 260 60 45 625 200 975 350 672 2.635 3,307 2,957 350 2 485 5 5 12 61 266 124 31 182 15 520 5 5 820 80 290 154 106 25 J 975 850 534 4,205 4,739 1,889 2,850 Under proposed legislation. Includes $400 million under proposed legislation. figures exclude sales made as part of the usual process of guaranteeing or insuring loans, and sales from one Government agency to another, as well as regular amortization and prepayments of principal. Of the total sales anticipated in 1967, $4,205 million will be accomplished through sales of participations and $534 million from direct sales of individual loans. The timing of sales and the specific assets to be sold are subject to variation depending upon market developments and shifts in the inventory of available assets. INTEREST RATES AND MATURITIES Two of the major ways in which Federal credit programs help achieve program objectives are by providing more favorable interest rates or maturities than many borrowers can obtain from other sources. Table E-5 summarizes the current range of interest rates charged by the various major credit programs on direct loans (or prevailing on insured or guaranteed loans) and the customary maturities for both direct and insured and guaranteed loans. These terms are on newly committed loans by currently active programs, and do not necessarily correspond to those on outstanding loans, or on loans covered by commitments made in earlier years. 62 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table E-5. INTEREST RATES AND MATURITIES FOR MAJOR ACTIVE CREDIT PROGRAMS CLASSIFIED BY AGENCY OR PROGRAM, DECEMBER 1965 Direct loans Guaranteed and insured loans Agency or program Interest rate (percent) Office of Economic Opportunity Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation Rural Electrification Administration Farmers Home Administration Department of Commerce: Economic Development Administration Maritime Administration Department of Defense: Military assistance credits Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education ,. Public Health Service Department of Housing and Urban Development: Federal National Mortgage Association.. Federal Housing Administration College housing program Public housing program Urban renewal program Other major programs Department of Interior: Reclamation loans Department of State: Agency for International Development Treasury Department: Loans to District of Columbia Veterans Administration Export-Import Bank of Washington Small Business Administration Maturity (years) Interest Maturity rate (years) (percent) 15-30 / 3'/2-4 2 3-5 15-25 3-10 0-5 3-51/4 4-6 3 4'/ 8 3-434 0-41/8 0-4'/8 /2 41/8 4-61/2 51/2 3-51/2 3 11-50 12-19 30-40 '/2-50 30-50 V4-1 '/2-40 1-50 22-50 5-40 30-40 25-30 l'A-15 1-30 V2-4 33-50 2 33/4-4</4 31/2-6 0-43/8 4'/ 4 41/2 5-35 1-50 4-8 37/8-5 47/8-5 4'/2-6 43/4 3-6 2 2-10 20-25 7-10 15 15 1/2-50 2V2-35/8 VH0 23/4-3 1/2-40 5-9 5'/ 4 -6'/ 2 4V2-8 3-8 3-20 30 0-7 1-30 1 2 3 When commodity loan is repaid by forfeiting collateral, no interest is charged. Estimate. Program not yet fully operative. On student loans, maturities begin when student leaves school and exclude periods of military or 4 Peace Corps service. In addition, property improvement loans are insured for 4-5% discount per year (equivalent to over 8% simple interest), and with maturities of 6 months to 7 years. Interest rates charged on direct loans vary greatly both among the various Federal credit agencies and sometimes among the various types of loans made by a single agency. Many of the differences in rates reflect mainly differences in the cost of providing the loan (including the cost of borrowing the necessary funds), of administering the varying types of loans and of incurring the varying degrees of risk of probable loss. In many cases, the rate charged is governed by statutory limits or formulas. These sometimes are intended to assure loans at rates below those prevailing in the private market or below the cost to the Government, in order to provide special assistance to particular groups of borrowers as a method of accomplishing Federal program objectives. In some cases, the rates charged reflect mainly Government borrowing costs in earlier periods, rather than current market yields of Government obligations. Interest rates charged on insured and guaranteed loans tend to correspond more closely to market rates of interest on comparable loans by private lenders—allowing for the reduction or removal of 63 SPECIAL ANALYSES the normal private credit risk. In a few cases, interest rates on insured loans are deliberately set below the market rate and a secondary market provided to assure the willingness of the private lender to make the initial loans; for example, the Federal Housing Administration was authorized in the Housing Act of 1961 to insure certain types of loans to finance moderate-income housing at rates well below those prevailing in the private market, and the Federal National Mortgage Association purchases all of such mortgages. Maturities, both on direct and on insured or guaranteed loans, often are substantially more liberal than on private loans of similar types. Private lenders are often limited by law or supervisory policy to shorter maturities. When a Federal agency insures or guarantees the loans, however, these limitations customarily do not apply. When borrowers are acquiring assets yielding income or tangible benefits over a long period of years, long-term loans reduce periodic installments and make it possible for borrowers to undertake such acquisitions with reasonable assurance of repayment. QUASI-PUBLIC CREDIT PROGRAMS The Federal Government also has certain responsibilities for the credit programs of mixed-ownership corporations and other public agencies operating in whole or in part with private funds. Table E-6 summarizes the outstanding loans for eight institutions or groups of institutions of this type which have important lending operations. Table E-6. OUTSTANDING LOANS FOR MAJOR QUASI-PUBLIC CREDIT PROGRAMS CLASSIFIED BY AGENCY AND PROGRAM (in millions of dollars) Outstanding at end of fiscal year Agency 1964 1965 1966 1967 757 2,504 931 2,687 1.008 2.900 1,100 3.124 2.021 2.069 3.609 4.174 506 93 550 645 78 5,881 6,325 595 83 8.195 9.121 3,516 4,769 4,058 5,586 4,493 5,400 4,677 5,800 79 657 Mixed ownership enterprises and trust funds: Farm Credit Administration: Banks for cooperatives Federal intermediate credit banks Department of Housing and Urban Development: Federal National Mortgage Association (Secondary market operations trust fund) Veterans Administration: National service life insurance fund U.S. Government life insurance fund Subtotal, mixed ownership and trust funds Other major quasi-public credit programs: Farm Credit Administration: Federal land banks Federal Home Loan Bank Board: Federal home loan banks. Federal Reserve, Board of Governors: Federal Reserve banks Subtotal, other quasi-public credit programs Total 1 Estimatee are not available. 8,364 10,301 14,245 16,626 0) 0) 64 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Outstanding loans of the five groups of mixed-ownership enterprises and trust funds for which estimates of future fiscal years as well as actual data on the past years are available will increase from a total of $6.3 billion in 1965 to an estimated $9.1 billion by the end of the fiscal year 1967. Heavy net purchases of mortgages by the Secondary market trust fund of the Federal National Mortgage Association are primarily responsible for the anticipated increase. All three other groups of institutions, which are privately owned, increased their outstanding loans during the fiscal year 1965 by a total of $1.9 billion to $10.3 billion. While no data are available on the probable 1966-67 trends in discounts and advances by the Federal Reserve banks, the Federal home loan banks and the Federal land banks expect to add another $0.9 billion to their portfolios during the 2-year period. SUMMARY OF LEGISLATION AUTHORIZING NEW AND BROADENED FEDERAL CREDIT PROGRAMS The following summary lists all legislation authorizing new Federal credit programs or revising existing programs in major respects enacted during the last session of Congress. It excludes simple extensions in expiring laws and increases in funds for continuing programs. I. Department of Agriculture A. Amendments to the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961—Public Law 89-240 (1) Authorizes direct and insured loans to rural public and nonprofit agencies for waste disposal systems, and (2) increases the annual limitation on insured real estate loans. II. Department of Commerce A. Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965— Public Law 89-136 (1) Broadens eligibility for public facility loans and grants and industrial and commercial loans in depressed areas, (2) authorizes guarantees of working capital loans, (3) makes economic development centers eligible for loans and grants to stimulate economic growth of nearby depressed areas, and (4) increases annual authorizations. III. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare A. Higher Education Act of 1965—Public Law 89-392 (1) Authorizes advances to State and nonprofit loan insurance programs for college students, (2) authorizes payment to private lenders of part of interest on insured loans, (3) authorizes Federal insurance for students unable to obtain nonfederally insured loans, (4) liberalizes NDEA loan cancellation for elementary school teachers serving in poverty areas, and (5) reduces interest rate on academic facility loans. SPECIAL ANALYSES 65 B. National Vocational Student Loan Insurance Act of 1965— Public Law 89-287 Authorizes similar advances to non-Federal loan insurance funds, interest contributions and Federal insurance as well as direct loans for vocational students. C Health Professions Educational Assistance Amendments of 1965—Public Law 89-290 Provides partial loan cancellations for doctors, dentists, and optometrists practicing in shortage areas. IV. Department of Housing and Urban Development (and other agencies) A. Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965—Public Law 89-117 (1) Authorizes (a) the Federal Housing Administration to insure land development loans, (b) the Farmers Home Administration to insure rural housing loans, and (c) the Small Business Administration to guarantee lease payments by small businesses; (2) amends statutory interest rate formulas for loans for (a) college housing, (b) housing for elderly and handicapped, and (c) multifamUy housing for moderate income families; and (3) makes numerous other detailed revisions in existing mortgage insurance and direct loan programs. V. Department of the Interior A. Amendments to the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956—Public Law 89-85. Amends statutory interest rate formula for fisheries loans. VI. Department of Labor A. Amendments to Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962—Public Law 89-15. Creates pilot loan and grant program to finance relocation costs of unemployed workers. VII. Department of State (and other agencies) A. Foreign Assistance Act of 1965—Public Law 89-171. (1) Broadens investments eligible for Latin American housing loan guarantees, (2) postpones deadline for 1 year for countries to meet requirements for investment guarantees, (3) authorizes the Department of Defense to sell military assistance loans, with its guarantee, and (4) increases development loan funds which the President may make available to international lending institutions. VIII. Treasury Department. A. National Capital Transportation Act of 1965—Public Law 89-173 Authorizes additional loans of $50 million to the District of Columbia to finance its share of the National Capital rail rapid transit system. 789-740 0—-66 66 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 IX. Farm Credit Administration A. Amendments to Federal Farm Loan Act and Farm Credit Act of 1933—Public Law 89-237 Revises borrowing authority, stock subscription, and other requirements in order to expedite retirement of Government stock in the Federal intermediate credit banks. X. Small Business Administration (and Farmers Home Administration) A. Southeast Hurricane Disaster Relief Act of 1965—Public Law 89-339 Authorizes partial cancellation of principal or waiver of interest due on certain loans made by the Small Business Administration and the Farmers Home Administration to victims of Hurricane Betsy. SPECIAL ANALYSIS F FEDERAL ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC WORKS Many types of public works, large and small, are needed to carry on the civil and defense activities of the Federal Government. Some of these works are built and owned by the Federal Government. Others are constructed by State or local governments with Federal financial assistance in the form of grants or loans. This public works analysis brings together from various parts of the budget information on Federal construction and federally aided State and local public works. Federal expenditures also contribute significantly to the volume of construction undertaken by private cooperatives and nonprofit groups which provide services in the public interest. These activities are not included in the public works tables, but are summarized in a separate section of this analysis. The level of construction activity in the private sector is also affected by other Federal programs. For example, Federal procurement—particularly of defense and space equipment—results in private construction of industrial facilities the cost of which becomes a component in the price of supplies sold to the Government. Other construction aids to the private sector take the form of leases, loans, loan guarantees, and tax concessions. Table F-1. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FOR PUBLIC WORKS, FISCAL YEARS 1958-67 (in millions of dollars) From budget accounts and trust funds Total, civil and defense public works Year 1958.. 1959. 1960 1961 1962 1963.. 1964 1965.. 1966 estimate.. 1967 estimate - .. . . 5,070 6,684 6,846 6,823 6,938 7,196 8,346 8.886 9,167 8,939 Civil public works Total 3,106 4,535 5,011 4.925 5,310 5,790 6,999 7,521 7,697 7,617 Federal construction 1,254 1,521 1,643 1.878 2.085 2,321 2,691 2,800 2.961 2.902 Grants 1.735 2.871 3,211 2,897 3,018 3,280 4,167 4,553 4,528 4.854 Loans (net) National defense public works 1,964 2150 ,835 ,898 6?7 405 ,347 366 470 ,322 117 143 156 149 207 190 142 167 209 -139 Note.— In this and the following tables, nonconstruction costs are excluded; proposed legislation is included for the years 1966 and 1967. Details may not add because of rounding. Federal and federally aided public works constitute an important part of the aggregate annual volume of public construction. In calendar year 1965 direct Federal public works expenditures accounted for 19% of the total volume of public construction in the United 67 68 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 States. The 8 1 % for State and local public works included two components—the Federal aid segment of 16% and the State and local funds of 65%. Table F-2. EXPENDITURES AND 1967 NEW AUTHORIZATIONS FOR CIVIL PUBLIC WORKS, BY AGENCY (in millions of dollars) From budget accounts and trust funds Expenditures Type of program and agency 1965 actual Federal construction: Legislative Branch _ Public works acceleration Office of Economic Opportunity Forest Service Corps of Engineers—Civil Public Health Service Bureau of Indian Affairs Bureau of Reclamation Bonneville Power Administration National Park Service Post Office Department International Boundary and Water Commission. Coast Guard Federal Aviation Agency General Services Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration.. Veterans Administration Tennessee Valley Authority Other Total, Federal construction. Grants to State and local governments: Public works acceleration Soil Conservation Service Economic Development Administration Bureau of Public Roads Office of Education Public Health Service Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. Federal Aviation Agency Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDistrict of Columbia Other Total, grants. Loans to State and local governments, net: Economic Development Administration Bureau of Reclamation Office of Education Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDistrict of Columbia Department of Agriculture Other Total, loans Total, civil public works. *Les« than $500 thousand. 1966 1967 14 33 17 100 919 26 71 247 38 65 56 11 28 81 224 531 83 135 121 20 * 78 104 992 36 49 237 68 60 15 23 18 68 250 495 84 174 190 30 120 1.025 42 67 220 103 61 40 21 40 77 246 300 74 192 222 2,800 2,961 2,902 258 58 21 117 61 7 ,923 129 65 77 65 10 10 64 7 66 67 ,999 256 98 88 60 94 23 96 4,553 4,528 4,854 126" 11 5 6 15 15 5 120 38 12 3 15 14 20 -247 45 167 209 -139 7,697 7,617 ,957 52 66 70 71 12 7,521 22 New authorizations, 1967 estimate SPECIAL ANALYSES 69 Federal expenditures for public works are a significant portion of Federal outlays. Total Federal expenditures for public works in fiscal year 1967 are estimated at $8.9 billion, of which $7.6 billion will be for civil public works and $1.3 billion for military public works and atomic energy facilities. The 1967 estimate is $228 million below the 1966 total. The largest decreases in direct Federal construction are in military public works and space-flight facilities. Increases in grants to States are more than offset by the reduction in net loan expenditures for State and local public works under proposed legislation to facilitate greater use of private credit through sales of shares in pools of loans made by the Government. About half of the expenditures in each of the three years, 1965, 1966, and 1967, will be for grants, reflecting the $3.9 billion level of expenditures for the Federal-aid highway programs and the significant new grant programs authorized in fiscal years 1965 and 1966. These increases will be offset in part by the $110 million decrease in grants for the public works acceleration program, which will be virtually completed in fiscal year 1966. CIVIL PUBLIC WORKS Civil public works expenditures are estimated at $7.6 billion in fiscal year 1967. Grants for the Federal-aid highway programs, financed from trust funds, make up slightly more than half of this total. Expenditures for the natural resources programs, most of which are direct Federal expenditures, are estimated at $2 billion in 1967, about 26% of the total. The total estimate of $7.6 billion for 1967, however, understates the amount of Federal construction activities. This is because many of the Federal loan programs are shown on a net basis— that is, loan repayments on prior-year construction facilities are netted against the current expenditures estimated for the year, thus understating the volume of assistance in the year for which the figures are shown. Many new grant programs for various types of public works were authorized by the 89th Congress, particularly in the education and health programs. Also, grants were authorized for highways in Appalachia and for the Economic Development Administration. New and continuing work.—In fiscal year 1967, direct Federal construction expenditures are estimated at $4.2 billion, of which $2.9 billion is for civil public works and $1.3 billion for defense construction, including atomic energy facilities. Table F-3 summarizes the expenditures for direct Federal civil public works according to whether the expenditures will be for projects started in a prior year, new projects to be started in 1967, or advance planning on projects to be started after the budget year. Most of the expenditures for civil public works in 1967 will be for continuation of the $30.9 billion of construction that was started in prior years. Prior-year expenditures on these projects amount to $18.5 billion. Thus, $9.7 billion of expenditures will be required to complete the work underway. The 1967 budget provides funds for starting new projects for which the total cost is estimated at $2.5 billion. First-year expenditures on these projects in 1967 are estimated at $170 million. 70 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table F-3. ESTIMATED COST OF 1967 DIRECT FEDERAL CIVIL PUBLIC WORKS BY CONTINUING AND NEW WORK (in millions of dollars) From budget accounts and trust funds Agency or program Continuing work: Corps of Engineers National Aeronautics and Space Administration.. Tennessee Valley Authority Bureau of Reclamation General Services Administration Bonneville Power Administration Forest Service Veterans Administration Federal Aviation Agency National Park Service Bureau of Indian Affairs Post Office Department Public Health Service Office of Economic Opportunity International Boundary and Water Commission.. Other Total, continuing work. New projects and features in 1967: Tennessee Valley Authority Forest Service Coast Guard Federal Aviation Agency General Services Administration National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationBureau of Indian Affairs Corps of Engineers—Civil Bureau of Reclamation Bonneville Power Administration Veterans Administration Social Security Administration Post Office Department Other Total, new projects and features. A dvance planning: General Services Administration J Corps of Engineers—Civil National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Tennessee Valley Authority National Park Service Bureau of Reclamation Other Total, advance planning Total, direct civil public works. •Less than $500 thousand. 1 Includes some site costs. Total estimated Federal cost Expenditures prior to 16.211 2,349 10.354 1,857 683 347 5,457 3.447 786 437 695 415 292 952 652 108 175 125 121 1967 estimated expenditures Required to complete 4.859 1.446 296 68 573 219 55 59 308 12 58 95 59 724 998 285 153 213 212 96 96 68 63 60 57 39 31 30 20 247 30,904 18.531 2,668 9.705 243 30 27 27 559 94 47 237 3 1967 207 184 1.796 279 273 27 129 174 833 288 56 86 41 473 2 37 24 16 14 11 10 10 9 6 6 5 2 1 19 204 6 11 13 548 84 37 222 993 52 43 24 48 44 11 170 2.329 175 61 20 13 14 3 30 100 21 4 2 1 2 4 23 18 5 3 2 1 12 51 22 10 8 11 1 15 316 134 64 118 33,730 18.676 2,902 1.000 59 48 26 48 65 2.510 6 1 * SPECIAL ANALYSES 71 In the water resources area, the Corps of Engineers will start construction of 25 new projects. The Bureau of Reclamation will start 3 large projects and a small project. The Tennessee Valley Authoritywill begin construction on the Tellico and Bear Creek projects and a steam powerplant. The Soil Conservation Service will start construction on 35 new watershed projects. The Bureau of Indian Affairs will give particular emphasis in 1967 to the construction of new schools for Indian children. The General Services Administration will start construction of 36 Federal buildings. The Social Security Administration will acquire sites and begin construction of 30 district office buildings, as well as additional office space at the Baltimore headquarters. All of this construction will be financed from trust funds. The $1.2 billion modernization program for veterans hospitals will go forward in 1967. The Veterans' Administration expects to start on the replacement and relocation of hospital projects in Tampa, Fla., and Northport, N.Y. Construction will be undertaken by the Public Health Service on new health facilities for the Indians. Public works to be undertaken by the Coast Guard will include facilities such as air stations, family quarters, cadet barracks, and navigation aids. Among the projects to be started by other agencies are prison facilities; overseas office buildings and residences by the Department of State; and $94 million of new facilities by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Public works planning and surveys.—Construction of some types of public works is preceded by preliminary surveys and general investigations which help to assure economic design of facilities. Comprehensive river basin planning requires coordinated long-range economic, hydrologic, and land-use projections, which serve as a basis for planning individual water resource projects to be started in later years. Expenditures for such studies are not included in the summary tables of this analysis. Expenditures of $64 million will be made in 1967 for advance planning on specific projects, prior to start of construction (shown in table F-3), include outlays for acquisition of some sites for buildings. Advance planning will be started by the National Park Service on parkways, roads, camping and picnicking facilities, and other construction to meet the recreational needs of the increasing number of visitors to the park areas. The Public Health Service will begin planning for modernization of a number of hospitals and construction of an environmental health science center. In addition, the Department of Housing and Urban Development will disburse $20 million in 1967 to State and local government agencies for advance planning of their public works. Such advance planning promotes economy and efficiency. 72 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Authorized reserve of direct Federal public works.—Agencies whose programs regularly include construction of public works generally have a reserve of projects previously authorized. Such projects require only financing and planning for starting. The reserve provides a basis for selection of projects which most adequately fulfill program needs and budgetary policy. Table F-4 indicates the size and the status of planning on the authorized reserve. Table F-4. RESERVE OF PRESENTLY AUTHORIZED PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS FOR UNDERTAKING AFTER 1967 (in billions of dollars) Cost of authorized reserve Agency Corps of Engineers—Civil . Forest Service - Tennessee Valley Authority Bureau of Land Management Federal Aviation Agency . . General Services Administration. Bureau of Reclamation. Bonneville Power Administration Other agencies _. _. Total Estimated total Federal cost Status of plans as of June 30. 1966 Contract could be let Status of plans as of June 30, 1967 In process Not started 2.9 6.2 1.4 1.1 .6 .4 .4 .3 .5 .2 .1 * .1 * * 2.7 1.2 .6 * .1 .2 .1 .3 .6 * .2 .4 11.3 .9 5.2 5.2 .4 .6 .2 .1 .2 Contract could be let In Not 2.5 .1 2.3 1.2 .5 * .1 .1 * * .3 2.6 4.6 4.2 1.4 .2 .4 * .1 .2 .1 .3 .2 .6 .1 .1 .2 .3 .2 "Less than $50 million. Civil public works by function.—The Federal public works activities are classified in table F-7 by major functional categories. The commerce and transportation function, with its large grant outlays for highways and airports and its direct outlays for air navigation facilities and post offices, accounts for $4.3 billion of the $7.6 billion of estimated total expenditures for civil public works in the 1967 budget. In contrast, expenditures of $2 billion for natural resources programs—the next largest functional category—are mainly for direct Federal work. Construction of water resources and related power developments are estimated at $1.6 billion in 1967 (table F-5). Other expenditures will be for parkways, highways, roads and trails, and recreational facilities in the national parks, forests, and Indian and public domain lands; fish and wildlife facilities; and research and engineering facilities for the desalinization of sea and brackish water, coal utilization, and conversion of junk automobiles into usable products. In the agriculture function, the major share of the construction is for research facilities and for the recently enacted program of grants for rural water and sewer systems. 73 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table F-5. BUDGET EXPENDITURES FOR WATER RESOURCES AND RELATED DEVELOPMENTS (in millions of dollars) Type 1965 actual Flood control works: Corps of Engineers—Civil Grants . . . Bureau of Reclamation .. _ Soil Conservation Service (mostly grants) . . International Boundary and Water Commission Tennessee Valley Authority. . . 1966 1967 52.4 .2 3.0 379.9 18.3 15.0 56.1 1.5 3.2 394.4 20.7 11.6 59.1 2.6 3.9 468.9 1.8 474.0 3.1 492.3 1.7 88.6 12.0 10.6 8.2 41.5 14.9 14.9 13.0 73.7 13.9 12.5 8.0 119.4 84.3 108.1 259.0 .7 6.3 258.2 1.2 1.6 268.0 .1 .9 266.0 261.0 269.0 Multiple-purpose dams and reservoirs with hydroelectric power facilities: Bureau of Reclamation Corps of Engineers—Civil _ .. . . International Boundary and Water Commission _ Tennessee Valley Authority 100.9 241.8 8.5 11.9 139.1 322.8 8.2 33.5 104.4 333.9 5.4 33.6 Total, multiple-purpose facilities Steam-electric powerplants: Tennessee Valley Authority.. 363.1 45.9 503.6 47.5 477.3 67.4 ... 55.4 47.9 37.6 2.8 68.3 41.2 66.1 4.2 68.3 30.4 101.5 4.8 _ .. 143.7 179.8 205.0 ... 69.8 .3 77.0 20.0 1.0 98.5 21.0 . 34.3 1.2 20.2 50.8 -45.0 104.1 118.7 126.3 1,512.9 1.672.0 1,747.1 392.1 11.9 9.3 . Total, flood control works Beach erosion control: Corps of Engineers—Civil Irrigation and water conservation works: Bureau of Reclamation Loan and grant program Soil Conservation Service (mostly grants) Bureau of Indian Affairs . . . . .. . Total, irrigation works Navigation facilities: Corps of Engineers—Civil Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Tennessee Valley Authority. . . Total, navigation facilities Power transmission facilities: Tennessee Valley Authority Bureau of Reclamation Bonneville Power Administration Southwestern Power Administration .. .. Total, power transmission facilities. . . . Water supply and waste disposal facilities: International Boundary and Water Commission Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Farmers Home Administration Department of Housing and Urban Development: Grants . . .- . . Loans (net) _ . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Total, water supply and waste disposal Total, water resources and related developments... 74 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Increases in the health, labor, and welfare programs are mainly in the grants for hospitals, mental health centers, and water pollution facilities. Expenditures for the construction of Job Corps centers and related facilities are estimated to decrease from $78 million in 1966 to $30 million in 1967. The major increase in the education function is for grants for higher education facilities. New loans for college housing are estimated to be $333 million in 1967. However, loans for college housing, shown on a net basis, include proposed legislation to facilitate sales of shares in pools of such loans, thus reducing 1967 expenditures for education below the 1966 level. Similarly, expenditures for housing and community development, estimated at $88 million in 1966 and $128 million in 1967, include loans on a net basis. A major decrease of $195 million is estimated for the space program (from $495 million in 1966 to $300 million in 1967), largely as a result of completion of facilities for the manned lunar landing program. NATIONAL DEFENSE PUBLIC WORKS Department of Defense—Military.—The 1967 budget makes provision for implementing a 5-year force structure and financial plan to strengthen and modernize the Armed Forces of the United States. The construction program supports missions and activities of the various services both at home and overseas. It includes facilities used for operations, training, maintenance, research and development, logistics, administration, and troop housing. The program also includes facilities to accommodate the transfer of missions resulting from base closures. Approximately $110 million of the $593 million of new obligational authority for direct construction in 1967 is for facilities in support of research and development. All facilities required to support the realinement of the Army Guard and Reserve forces in 1967 will be financed by prior-year funds. Expenditures are estimated to decrease from $1.3 billion in 1966 to $1.2 billion in 1967. The major decreases are in Air Force construction and family housing programs. Atomic Energy Commission.—Expenditures during fiscal year 1967 will be primarily for continuation of work on production plants and on research and development facilities previously authorized. New projects proposed for 1967 include modifications and additions to existing facilities, as well as additional research and development facilities for weapons development, reactor development, and research in the physical and biomedical sciences. AID TO COOPERATIVES AND NONPROFIT GROUPS Federal grant and loan programs which provide aid for public works of State and local governments sometimes include funds for private nonprofit institutions which carry on similar construction activities, such as those for educational opportunities, promotion of health, and conduct of research. These aids for quasi-public construction activities are not included in the public works tables of this analysis. However, they are shown in table F-6. 75 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table F-6. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FOR CONSTRUCTION BY COOPERATIVE AND NONPROFIT GROUPS (not included in civil public works) (In millions of dollars) 1965 actual Program Federal construction: Howard University Gallaudet College Grants: Hospital construction Health professions educational facilities Health research facilities University laboratories Higher education facilities Public works acceleration program Loans: Rural electrification and telephones (net in 1966 and 1967). College housing (net) Higher education'facilities 1966 1967 3 124 130 24 37 50 42 33 40 8 30 Total. 381 157 2 190 151 55 779 692 146 44 40 50 103 194 -318 30 296 Table F-7. FEDERAL ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC WORKS (in millions of dollars) By major function and agency Function, organization unit, and program EXPENDITURES NEW AUTHORIZATIONS 1965 actual 1967 1966 estimate estimate 1965 actual 1966 1967 estimate estimate CIVIL PUBLIC WORKS International Affairs and Finance Department of State: State Department and Foreign Service buildings Cultural and Technical Interchange Center, Hawaii (grant) U.S. Information Agency: Radio facilities and special international exhibitions Total, international affairs and finance _ _ . _ . . .. 6.1 9.5 4.7 6.3 3.2 7.6 .2 .2 5.7 22.7 18.8 5.1 8.8 15.7 11.8 32.2 23.8 11.3 12.0 23.6 266.4 60.0 101.5 530.9 495.0 300.0 7.3 3.2 19.4 2.0 2.7 1.8 .2 15.2 2.0 20.7 .5 1.5 .5 .1 .8 1.6 Space Research and Technology National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Research and space flight facilities Agriculture and Agricultural Resources Department of Agriculture: Laboratories, research facilities, and library Grants for research facilities. __ . . Soil Conservation Service: Resource conservation and development loans.. 76 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1 9 6 7 Table F-7. FEDERAL ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC WORKS (in millions of dollars)—Continued By major junction and agency Function, organization unit, and program NEW AUTHORIZATIONS 1965 1966 EXPENDITURES 1967 1965 1966 actual actual CIVIL PUBLIC WORKS—Continued Agriculture and Agricultural Resources—Continued Department of Agriculture—Continued Farmers Home Administration: Rural renewal loans Grants for rural housing Grants for rural water and sewer systems Total, agriculture and agricultural resources 1.0 1.0 3.0 20.0 1.0 .7 3.0 3.0 20.0 26.0 12.0 46.9 33.1 2.9 42.8 .3 67.4 7.3 .3 62.1 5.7 .3 61.7 5.2 .3 58.3 4.4 .4 61.0 9.6 107.1 106.4 103.1 100.1 104.2 ,060.5 1,026.9 20.2 27.1 18.3 20.7 894.6 24.5 11.9 964.0 28.0 18.3 Natural Resources Department of Agriculture: Soil Conservation Service: Flood Prevention and watershed protection: Direct work Grants Loans Forest Service: Roads and research, recreational and protective facilities Department of Defense—Civil: Corps of Engineers—Civil: Flood control, navigation, and multiple-purpose projects with power_. Trust funds Grants Department of the Interior: Bureau of Land Management: Roads and other facilities Bureau of Indian Affairs: Irrigation works, roads and schools Ge ological Survey: Laboratory Bureau of Mines: Laboratories, demonstration plants, and helium facilities Appalachian mining area restoration and anthracite mine drainage grants Office of Coal Research: Demonstration plants Bureau of Commercial Fisheries: Facilities Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife: Facilities Appalachian restoration projects (grants) National Park Service: Parkways, roads, buildings, and utilities 1 Bureau of Reclamation: Irrigation and multiple-purpose projects with power i Loans, small irrigation projects Grants, small irrigation projects See footnotes at end of table. ,022.7 20.1 11.9 19.1 17. 9.9 7.7 9.3 71.9 1.0 53. 75.2 71.2 49.4 .6 1.0 15.5 2.5 2.6 10.6 .4 .6 2.2 2.9 4.0 1.2 4.3 4.2 1.3 .5 4.3 3.8 9.3 18.3 3.2 8.2 8.0 1.2 .6 1.2 67.0 53.2 55.8 64.8 60.2 242.8 10.1 241.4 13.2 219.5 9.9 246.7 12.0 236.9 14.7 77 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table F-7. FEDERAL ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC WORKS (in millions of dollars) —Continued By major function and agency Function, organization unit, and program EXPENDITURES NEW AUTHORIZATIONS 1965 actual 1967 1966 estimate estimate 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 stimate CIVIL PUBLIC WORKS—Continued Natural Resources—Continued Department of the Interior—Continued Power transmission facilities: Bonneville Power Administration l Southwestern Power Administration.. Office of Saline Water: Demonstration plants and research facilities. .. . Department of-State: International Boundary and Water Commission: Water resources projects and Chamizal settlement- . Restoration of salmon runs, Fraser River system Facilities for International Pacific Halibut Commission (grant) Tennessee Valley Authority: Power, water resources and chemical facilities. Total, natural resources 86.9 2.6 97.7 2.2 107.7 4.5 38.2 67. 7 4. 2 102. 6 2.8 1.4 5.6 9.4 .8 4. 3 7. 2 38.3 17.5 9.9 11.4 23. 0 21. 0 4. 8 1 3 .5 2 32.2 41.3 44.8 135.1 IV4. 4 192 !> ,842.7 ,840.0 ,813.8 ,700.0 ,850. 4 ,972 9 258.4 33.2 117 0 1 70 34 Id 4 7.9 I 1) 15 4 1 15 5 8.4 60 6 .0 Commerce and Transportation Funds appropriated to the President: Public works acceleration: Grants Direct Federal work Department of Commerce: Economic Development Administration: Grants for public facilities Loans for public facilities . _ . . Area Redevelopment Administration: Grants for public facilities Environmental Science Services AdCoast and Geodetic Survey: Observatories and facilities Bureau of Standards: Buildings. Weather Bureau: Facilities. . . . ._ . . Maritime Administration: Library and 4.0 35.0 45.0 14.8 150.0 34.9 146.5 33.3 1.4 .6 5.6 .4 .8 .4 2 1.2 () 22.5 .3 11 16 3 .3 8.6 .6 (2) .8 Bureau of Public Roads: Federal-ai 1 highways and other trust 3,860 .8 3,89; .5 funds: Grants 3,790.9 3,938.5 4,044.8 3,919.0 .2 Woodrow Wilson Bridge (2) Appalachian development highways: grants . . 129.6 19.6 101.1 (2) 199.6 Forest and public lands highways, 38.1 Grants 42.0 38.3 38.2 1.0 .1 .5 Control of outdoor advertising, grants Department of Defense—Civil: Panama Canal Company: Canal and harbor b .8 improvements and bridge . 1.; 5.8 See footnotes at end of table. 78 T H E BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 Table F-7. FEDERAL ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC WORKS (in millions of dollars) — C o n t i n u e d By major function and agency Function, organization unit, and program NEW AUTHORIZATIONS 1965 actual EXPENDITURES 1967 1966 1965 actual 1966 1967 CIVIL PUBLIC WORKS—Continued Commerce and Transportation—Con. Department of the Interior: Alaska Railroad Post Office Department: Improvements and alterations Treasury Department: Coast Guard: Air stations, quarters, and navigation aids_. Federal Aviation Agency: Air traffic control, navigation, and research facilities Dulles and National Airports Federal-aid airport program: Grants Federal Communications Commission: Construction St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation: Alterations 12.0 13.9 .4 48.2 56.3 15.0 40.0 19.6 29.1 27.8 17.8 39.6 48.2 1.2 28.0 76.9 75.0 50.0 63.4 4.3 73.0 3.9 60.0 1.3 4.1 10.9 17.8 21.7 49.0 1.9 75.0 4.5 70.6 65.0 .1 .1 .7 1.2 Total, commerce and transporta4,259.8 4,328.9 4,545.8 4,542.4 4,278.6 4.345.6 tion Housing and Community Development Department of Housing and Urban Development: Urban transportation grants Public facility loans (net) Grants for water and sewer facilities Grants for neighborhood facilities Advance planning, non-Federal public works: Loans (net) Liquidating programs: Loans (net) Low-rent public housing loans (net) _ - _ National Capital Transportation Agency: Land acquisition and construction District of Columbia: Loans for highway, sewer, and water systems and other structures Federal payment to District: Grant Total, housing and community development 21.0 73.0 73.0 38. 100.0 12.0 14.0 100.0 25.0 7.9 15.0 -.4 11.3 8.0 22.5 1.2 1.2 31.0 -52.5 50.8 12.5 7.9 10.0 -.5 -3.1 -.5 3.7 17.1 .1 2.7 9.1 26.4 28.3 9.7 37.5 22.9 10.7 38.2 9.7 45.3 22.9 61.4 241.7 275.5 67.6 87.9 128.4 55.0 70.0 17.0 78.0 30.0 10.9 5.7 1.0 5.0 Health, Labor, and Welfare Office of Economic Opportunity: Job Corps centers and related facilities Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Food and Drug Administration: Buildings See footnotes at end of table. 4.1 79 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table F-7. FEDERAL ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC WORKS (in millions of dollars) —Continued By major junction and agency Function, organization unit, and program NEW AUTHORIZATIONS 1965 actual 1966 EXPENDITURES 1967 1965 actual 1966 1967 CIVIL PUBLIC WORKS—Continued Health, Labor, and Welfare—Continued Department of Health, Education, and Welfare—Continued Public Health Service: Federal research facilities and National Library of Medicine Indian health facilities x ._ Grants for public hospitals Grants for health research facilities Hospital planning grants, proposed Grants for mental health centers Federal Water Pollution Control Administration: Buildings and facilities _ Grants, including proposed legislation. Saint Elizabeths Hospital: Buildings Social Security Administration: Buildings and district offices (trust fund) _. Total, health, labor, and welfare. _. 16.5 9.6 64.1 22.5 9.0 86.3 1.5 9.0 14.3 94.5 1.5 35.0 50.0 18.3 14.6 98.0 1.5 5.0 50.0 93.0 2.0 121.0 2.0 4.6 188.0 2.1 69.8 .7 .3 4.7 11.4 .3 315.5 372.7 397.6 18O.( 8.9 48.8 17.3 32.1 9.9 12.4 100.0 340.0 40.0 30.0 8.2 60.0 3.6 28.1 14.2 70.0 1.5 2.0 1.6 25.0 77.0 3.0 88.5 3.0 4.7 11.4 28.1 10.0 265.2 288.6 8.2 29.2 11.3 35.0 14.4 30.0 21.3 1.1 5.0 51.0 33.0 10.0 20.0 162.6 39.0 24.1 68.7 93.1 -203.4 Education Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education: Schools in federally affected areas: At Federal installations Grants Higher education facilities: Loans Grants Vocational schools (grants) Libraries (grants) Department of Housing and Urban Development: College housing loans (net). National Science Foundation: Research facilities Smithsonian Institution: John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts Museums Total education 170.0 33.0 30.0 125.0 7.0 35.0 340.0 50.0 30.0 140.0 7.6 11.9 80 8.0 7.3 1.8 8.4 6.0 11.7 10.0 3.4 15.5 4.0 4.0 4.3 442.2 656.0 548.5 3.7 1.0 1.5 2.6 3.6 .2 146.8 264.1 107.4 Veterans Benefits and Services Department of Defense—Civil: Army: Cemeteries United States Soldiers' Home (trust fund) See footnotes at end of table. 2.3 80 T H E BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1 9 6 7 Table F-7. FEDERAL ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC WORKS (in millions of dollars) —Continued By major function and agency Function, organization unit, and program EXPENDITURES NEW AUTHORIZATIONS 1965 actual 1966 1967 1965 actual 1966 1967 CIVIL PUBLIC WORKS—Continued Veterans Benefits and Services—Continued Veterans Administration: Hospital and domiciliary facilities Research facilities. Construction of State nursing homes, grants Corregidor-Bataan Memorial . American Battle Monuments Commission: Memorials and cemeteries . Total, veterans benefits and services- 98.1 2.4 90.5 .4 52.1 .4 .1 2.5 1.4 4.0 80.6 2.2 83.2 .4 73.1 .4 .5 .2 .9 1.0 .1 61.7 83.8 87.2 78.7 46.7 13.1 .4 18.5 1.9 14.2 9.0 4.2 3.3 4.4 .9 8.0 8.6 7.4 7.5 1.0 8.8 13.0 5.9 .3 2.4 2.3 5.1 104.3 95.8 3.5 2.5 79.7 4.8 12.2 10.9 General Government Legislative branch: Architect of the Capitol: Buildings and James Madison library. Government Printing Office: Annex Department of Defense —Civil Army: Power and water systems, Ryukyu Islands: Loans Canal Zone Government: ImprovementsDepartment of the Interior: Office of Territories: Public facilities in Samoa, Guam and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: Grants . Loans Department of Justice: Immigration and Naturalization Service: Border facilities Federal Prison System: Prison facilities. Treasury Department: Bureau of Customs: Border facilities Bureau of Engraving and Printing: Air conditioning Bureau of the Mint: Philadelphia Mint.. General Services Administration: Construction of public buildings, sites and planning 1 Central Intelligence quarters Agency: .. _ Total, civil public works See footnotes at end of table. .3 .2 .3 .3 .2 23.0 4.3 3.5 4.3 11.2 8.9 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 5.8 16.5 22.3 .3 .1 3.0 8.5 2.5 16.4 242.7 207.0 223.8 249.6 246.1 .4 .7 1.3 254.0 313.9 324.2 229.0 Head.. Total, General Government ... 7.6 322.4 336.1 291.4 7,638.6 8,010.1 8,092.7 7,520.6 7,697.2 7,616.8 ===== 81 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table F-7. FEDERAL ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC WORKS (in millions of dollars)—Continued By major function and agency NEW AUTHORIZATIONS EXPENDITURES Function, organization unit and program 1965 actual 1966 1967 1965 actual 1967 1966 estimate < NATIONAL DEFENSE PUBLIC WORKS Department of Defense—Military: Interservice activities: Construction, Defense agencies Loran stations ^ Family housing Civil Defense: Grants for shelters Emergency centers and shelters Army: Construction Construction, Army Reserve Construction, Army National Guard (grants) Navy: Construction Construction, Naval Reserve Air Force: Construction Construction, Air Force Reserve Construction, Air National Guard 14.4 5.0 156.3 219.8 5.0 5.3 3.5 7.8 16.0 345.2 5.0 921.1 190.6 10.8 10.0 269.9 7.0 627.2 9.5 133.6 5.4 373.1 5.0 14.0 693.8 4.0 10.0 242.9 3.6 9.4 7.5 31.7 40.0 10.0 150.0 75.0 3.3 4.0 .5 6.0 1.0 199.2 6.0 320.0 2.0 380.0 .3 8.0 8.7 245.1 6.8 275.0 6.0 250.0 6.0 489.6 3.6 13.8 465.0 4.0 10.0 385.0 5.0 10.0 149.1 175.1 Total, Department of Defense— Military Atomic Energy Commission: Facilities ,211.0 2,686.8 183.4 88.9 609.0 1,159.4 206.4 127.8 ,294.5 175.0 162.0 160.0 Total, national defense public works ,394.4 2,775.7 736.9 1,365.7 ,469.5 ,322.0 9,166.7 ,938.8 Total, civil and defense public works: Budget accounts and trust funds 1 2 9,033.0 10,785.8 8,829.5 Includes small amounts from trust funds. Less than $50 thousand. 789-740 0—(56 G SPECIAL ANALYSIS G FEDERAL EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS This analysis provides information on all programs of the Federal Government which contribute to the support of education, training, and related activities, regardless of the agency which administers them or their primary purpose. It is the first comprehensive analysis of Federal education, training, and related programs based on data in the annual U.S. budget. The data cover fiscal years 1965-1967. The Government will spend an estimated $8.4 billion in 1967 for all education, training, and allied programs broadly defined. This total encompasses all programs classified in the budget functional category 700, "education," for which expenditures in 1967 are estimated to be $2.8 billion. In addition, it includes $5.6 billion for education and training activities classified in other functional categories, including training, conduct of research at universities, national libraries and library aid programs, military professional and occupational training with transfer value to the civilian economy, and aid for international educational activities. Funds for facilities, aid for students, and institutional support all are included. Almost all of these education, training, and related expenditures of $8.4 billion will be from administrative budget funds. They comprise 7.4% of all regular budget expenditures. Trust fund expenditures will total $15 million. Together budget and trust expenditures for these programs account for 5.8% of Federal cash payments to the public. The $8.4 billion in estimated expenditures in this analysis is an increase of $1.3 billion over 1966, and $3.2 billion over 1965. The rise from 1966 is dampened by the effect of estimated receipts from sales of participations in college facility loan pools and offsets due to greater reliance on private credit for student loans under proposed legislation. Expenditures for programs under existing legislation are projected to total $9.3 billion in 1967, an increase of $2.2 billion from 1966 and $4.0 billion from 1965. New obligational authority in 1967 for all the education, training, and related programs will total $10.2 billion, $0.5 billion more than in 1966 and $3 billion over 1965. The gross amount of aid under Federal programs in 1967 will actually be about $1 billion higher, because of the proposed greater reliance on private credit. Although no new obligational authority will be provided for college housing in 1967, commitments for loans from available funds and receipts from loan participation pool sales will continue at about the present level of $300 million. It is also proposed that academic facility loans of $100 million be financed from proceeds of loan participation pool sales. Likewise, an estimated 829,000 student loans, totaling about $800 million will be made for college and vocational training by private institutions with Government interest subsidies through guaranteed programs authorized by the Higher Education Act of 1965 or other laws. 82 83 SPECIAL ANALYSES E d u c a t i o n - Program Trends Federal Expenditures Student A i d Programs Billions 3 - 1956 58 60 62 64 66 67 1956 58 60 62 64 66 67 The development of Federal education, training and. related programs.— The high value placed on education by the American people is reflected in the substantial and increasing proportion of public, as well as private, resources which are devoted to the support of education. In the last decade, particularly, total outlays for education from all sources have increased 50% in relation to the GNP, and in absolute terms have risen two and one-half times. Federal aid to education has grown rapidly during this period—as illustrated by the nearly fivefold increase in the programsi n the functional category "education." The accompanying trend chart shows the contribution of new laws since 1958 on the expansion of Federal aid for the segment of funds normally classified in the budget as "education." Although historically the financing of education has been preponderantly a State and local concern, Federal assistance for education dates back to the allocation of public lands for support of schools in 1785. It has been marked by such milestones as the Morrill Act of 1862 which authorized grants of land or scrip for the establishment of land-grant colleges, the Smith-Lever Act of 1914 relating to cooperative extension work by colleges, and the Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 and the George Barden Act of 1946 which provided support for vocational and technical education. 84 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 The rapid expansion of national defense and war-related programs during and following World War II has resulted in enlarging the Federal role in support of education and training: • Millions of military personnel and civilians were trained in crash programs during the war. • The "GI bills"—the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 and the Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952—while primarily veteran's benefit programs, nevertheless resulted in about $19 billion of Federal expenditures for college and below-college education, and for on-job and on-farm training. • Federal construction and operating assistance for schools in districts affected by Federal activities, authorized in 1950 on a greatly enlarged basis, remained for more than a decade the largest source of Federal aid to elementary and secondary education. Science activities and training, which received a considerable impetus during World War II, have also had increasing Federal attention in recent years: • Major expansion of the National Institutes of Health during the 1950's and the 1960's provided an effective focus for Federal support of health and training and has resulted in increasing the flow of research funds to universities. • Establishment in 1950 of the National Science Foundation added a new source of funds to promote basic science research and science education. • Concern over the large shortages in manpower trained in mathematics, science, and modern foreign languages following the first Sputnik in 1957 led to the enactment of the National Defense Education Act in 1958 which authorized a variety of support programs for elementary, secondary, and college level education. Shortages of highly trained professional personnel and technicians have likewise led to the enactment of many training programs related to specific fields or missions. A good example is the Health .Professions Educational Assistance Act of 1963, more recently augmented by amendments in 1965. The Vocational Education Act of 1963 was designed to reorient earlier Federal-State vocational education programs to meet current day needs for technicians. Growing awareness of the necessity for retraining unemployed persons and for updating skills in a rapidly changing economy similarly led to the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962. The major effort launched by President Johnson in calendar 1964 to attack the causes of poverty has placed a heavy reliance on education and training. The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 authorized 10 major action programs, including the Job Corps, Neighborhood Youth Corps, Adult Literacy, Work Experience, College Work-Study, and Community Action programs, which in 1967 will provide more than $1 billion for basic adult education, work-training, preschool, and other educational and training activities. The strengthening of education through other programs is also a major part of the antipoverty effort. The Government has made great strides in recent years in providing direct Federal support for education at all levels. The Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963 authorized major Federal assistance through SPECIAL ANALYSES 85 grants and loans for construction of undergraduate and graduate academic facilities. Previously, Federal aid for facilities was essentially restricted to college housing loans, first authorized by the Housing Act of 1950, and special-purpose grants, largely in the science area. The largest advances of all in Federal aid for education were made by the 89th Congress. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 authorized more than $1 billion of Federal funds for 1966 alone to strengthen elementary and secondary education for children from low-income families. It also authorized funds for supplementary educational centers and services; for school library resources, textbooks, and other instructional materials; for regional education "laboratories" designed to bring innovation to the classrooms; and for strengthening State departments of education. The Higher Education Act of 1965 authorized a major broadening of Federal support of higher education including assistance for (1) community service and continuing education programs; (2) college library resources, library training and research; (3) strengthening of developing colleges; (4) student assistance on a greatly enlarged scale through educational opportunity grants up to $1,000, federally subsidized, guaranteed student loans, and an expansion and liberalization of the college work-study program enacted in 1964; (5) instructional equipment; and (6) liberalization of grants for higher educational facilities. It also authorized new programs for graduate training of schoolteachers and for establishment of a National Teacher Corps which would serve some schools with large concentrations of the poor. The National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act, also enacted in 1965, initiated Federal support of the humanities and the arts. Federal funds for education, training, and related programs by agency.—Ten Cabinet departments and more than 15 other agencies support or conduct education, training, and related programs as an integral part of their agency's mission. Table G-l summarizes the funds for each agency. Of the $8.4 billion in budget and trust fund expenditures estimated for education, training, and related programs in 1967, $3.8 billion or 45% will be made by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Within this Department, in turn, the Office of Education will spend 72% of the funds; the Public Health Service, including the National Institutes of Health, about 23%. Expenditures for HEW programs, especially in the Office of Education, are increasing sharply, 2%-fold from 1965 to 1967. Most of the HEW expenditures take the form of grants-in-aid or loans. The Department of Defense ranks as the next largest agency, responsible for $2.1 billion or 25% of all the expenditures in 1967, even though specialized military training such as recruit and pilot training have been excluded from this analysis. More than $1.5 billion of the Defense expenditures are for training for skills and occupations which have value in civilian life. In addition, the Service Academies, which account for expenditures of $134 million in 1967, have been included as higher education. All of the remaining agencies of the Federal Government will account for net expenditures of about $2.5 billion for education, train 86 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 ing, and related programs in 1967, or 30% of the total, and a decline of $152 million from 1966. Exclusive of the net receipts under proposed legislation mentioned earlier, the expenditures by all agencies other than HEW and Defense will total $3.2 billion, or about $600 million more than for 1966. These other agencies cover a wide range of activities: • The National Science Foundation's programs have the objective of strengthening basic research and education in the sciences. • The Department of Labor finances programs for occupational training and manpower research. • The Veterans Administration supports the education of disabled veterans, or those of recent service, children of disabled or deceased veterans, and training in medicine and dentistry. • The Department of Agriculture shares with State and local governments the support of the Cooperative Extension Service, the principal public service organization of the land-grant universities. • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has grants and contracts with academic institutions for research, assists graduate students in the sciences, and supports the construction of academic science facilities. Table G-l. FEDERAL FUNDS FOR EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RELATED ACTIVITIES BY AGENCY (in millions of dollars) NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY EXPENDITURES Agency 1965 actual 1966 1967 1,508 3,305 3,479 677 186 748 234 753 347 113 55 31 1965 actual 1966 1967 842 1,511 2,718 487 71 626 143 681 192 57 30 23 86 43 32 111 51 35 2.441 3,789 ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education Public Health Service: National Institutes of Health Other Public Health Service. Vocational Rehabilitation Administration Welfare Administration Other Health, Education, and Welfare- 61 33 31 Total, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Department of Defense: Military activities: Army Navy Air Force Other.,.. Civil activities Total, Department of Defense 1 Office of Economic Opportunity National Science Foundation Department of Labor Department of Housing and Urban Development 2,495 4,452 4,777 459 692 624 123 15 492 735 654 135 20 498 785 681 150 23 443 684 616 120 15 480 726 648 133 19 498 772 666 143 27 1,913 2.036 2,136 ,877 2,006 2,106 457 420 413 835 480 410 929 525 415 92 309 242 637 365 291 1.010 425 293 300 300 221 240 -531 1,510 87 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table G-l. FEDERAL FUNDS FOR EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RELATED ACTIVITIES BY AGENCY (in millions of dollars)—Continued NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY EXPENDITURES Agency 1965 actual 1966 1967 1965 actual 1966 ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET—Con. Economic Assistance 1 Department of the Interior Veterans Administration Department of Agriculture National Aeronautics and Space Administration Atomic Energy Commission Department of State Peace Corps l Smithsonian Institution District of Columbia Library of Congress Military Assistance 1 General Services Administration Federal Aviation Agency National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 2 Department of Commerce Treasury Department United States Information Agency Department of Justice Tennessee Valley Authority U.S. Government Printing Office U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency National Capital Planning Commission.. Transitional grants to Alaska 1 Total net budget funds for education, training, and related activities 183 206 84 168 174 193 82 183 248 229 186 171 95 176 84 164 119 180 82 180 138 84 56 45 37 19 24 36 4 18 134 101 66 58 27 29 26 39 7 19 125 102 66 58 36 30 30 27 18 17 100 79 57 41 28 11 24 36 4 18 144 94 58 44 41 27 26 39 6 19 7 9 10 9 7 2 16 12 11 10 10 2 2 * 7 2 9 11 9 6 2 9,697 10,192 5,202 7,077 7,141 TRUST FUNDS Department of Labor General Services Administration Library of Congress National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Smithsonian Institution Total, trust funds, for education, training and related activities... 13 13 15 12 13 Total budget and trust funds for education, training, and related programs 7,154 9,710 10,207 5,214 7.090 1"Less than $500 thousand. 2 Funds appropriated to the President. Combined with National Council on the Arts. 88 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 • The Department of the Interior provides elementary, secondary, and college level education for Indians. • The Agency for International Development finances both formal and informal education and training of individuals in the developing countries. The forward thrust of Federal education, training, and related programs is indicated by the 43% increase of new obligational authority from 1965 to 1967. Of the $10.2 billion total for 1967, nearly $4.8 billion is for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare— a growth of over 90% in 2 years. The Department of Defense's share in the new obligational authority for 1967 is $2.1 billion, or 21%. All other agencies will receive $3.3 billion, or 32%, of total new obligational authority for 1967. Federal funds for education, training, and related programs by category or type of aid.—Table G-2 shows the distribution of total new obligational authority and expenditures for the programs in this special analysis for the 3 fiscal years 1965-67, showing the level of education aided or the type of assistance provided. The promotion of higher education will amount to $3.8 billion in 1967, 37% of total new obligational authority requested for 1967. In this total, support of facilities, equipment, and institutional development, largely by the Office of Education and the National Science Foundation, comprise over $1 billion. Support of undergraduate, graduate, and professional training, in which many agencies participate, will account for nearly $1.3 billion. University-based research, exclusive of educational research, which is financed largely by agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Defense totals $1.3 billion. Because substantial receipts under proposed legislation from sales of loan participations and because direct student loans will be replaced by subsidized non-Federal loans, net expenditures in the higher education category will total $2.4 billion, 28% of total expenditures. The second largest category, $2.6 billion of new obligational authority, or 25%, will be for aid to preschool, elementary, and secondary education. In this category, more than $1.3 billion will be for programs authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, mostly for educationally deprived children from low-income families. On an expenditure basis this category comprises $2.4 billion, 29% of total estimated outlays. The third largest category, $1.6 billion in new obligational authority, is for training of Federal governmental personnel. More than 90% of these funds are for technical and professional training of military personnel in skills which are usable in civilian occupations. The amounts for the Service Academies and off-duty training are included as higher education. The fourth largest category, $1.4 billion of new obligational authority in 1967, is for vocational education, work training, and other adult or continuing education programs. It encompasses the vocational education programs of the Office of Education, the Manpower Development and Training program of the Department 89 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table G-2. FEDERAL FUNDS FOR EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS BY CATEGORY (in millions of dollars) Category or type of aid NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY 1965 actual 1. Preschool, elementary, and secondary: (a) General support: (1) Operations (2) Facilities (b) Education of special groups: Existing programs Proposed legislation (c) Teacher training Subtotal, preschool, elementary, and secondary 2. Higher education: (a) Facilities, equipment, and institutional development of physical facilities: Existing programs Proposed legislation (b) Support of undergraduate students: (1) Support of individuals: Existing programs Proposed legislation (2) Institutional support (c) Support of graduate and professional training: (1) Support of individuals: Existing programs Proposed legislation (2) Institutional support (d) Research, except educational research (e) Other Subtotal, higher education 3. Vocational education, work-training and other adult or continuing education: Existing programs Proposed legislation 4. Educational research, curriculum development, etc 5. Training of Federal governmental personnel: (a) Military personnel (b) Civilian personnel 6. International educational activities 7. Other Subtotal, existing programs..Subtotal, proposed legislation. Total, budget and trust funds for education, training, and related programs 1966 1967 EXPENDITURES 1965 actual 1966 1967 522 206 752 194 685 160 497 127 549 158 643 169 197 1,318 94 540 111 106 1,539 6 210 75 110 1,446 6 172 1,036 2,370 2,600 793 1,357 2,436 1,041 1,245 ,344 -300 331 557 899 -908 337 555 315 405 21 25 551 18 28 14 19 446 13 25 252 315 177 255 197 1,100 106 260 1,241 142 370 -13 314 1,311 190 117 934 105 185 1,117 124 1,205 158 3,054 3,783 3,813 ,993 2,662 2.382 ,123 ,382 635 ,055 1,303 30 61 134 1,393 34 155 39 74 125 1,366 68 276 173 1,451 87 291 208 1,511 96 346 261 1,358 72 195 133 1,434 82 219 207 1,496 86 255 272 7,154 9,710 10,462 -255 5,214 7,090 9,259 -873 7,154 9.710 10,207 5,214 7,090 8,386 310 -14 248 90 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1 9 6 7 of Labor, and training components of numerous programs financed by the Office of Economic Opportunity. Federal funds for education, training, and related programs by budget functional category.—Table G-4 lists the major Federal programs covered in this analysis under the functional categories in which they are regularly classified in the Federal budget. In each category the programs are in turn listed by the agencies which administer them. Programs classified in the "education" function of the budget, comprise only $2.8 billion—one-third—of the total expenditures for education, training, and related programs from the Federal Government. These are the programs which have as their end purpose the promotion of education. They include all the activities carried on by the Office of Education and by the National Science Foundation, and these two agencies are the largest components. They also include the college housing loan program of the new Department of Housing and Urban Development, and certain other smaller programs, such as education of Indians by the Department of the Interior, activities of the Smithsonian Institution, and the Library of Congress. Expenditures of $5.4 billion in 1967 are included for programs which have as their primary purpose objectives other than the promotion of education and training, but which, nevertheless, contribute significantly to advancing the search for knowledge and education broadly defined. They are administered by a wide variety of other agencies and are classified in other functional categories. A review of this second group of programs indicates the extent to which the Federal Government supports mission-related education and training which contributes to the overall development of our human resources. In 1967, such expenditures are estimated as follows: • $2.3 billions in "health, labor, and welfare." encompassing the economic opportunity programs of $1 billion, the health research and training programs of $900 million, the activities of the Welfare Administration, Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, the manpower development programs, and various other smaller programs. • $2.2 billion in "National defense," including $1.5 billion for training of military and civilian personnel, nearly $0.3 billion for research support by the Department of Defense, and more than $0.1 billion by the Atomic Energy Commission, mostly for research. • $280 million for the expanded education aid programs in the "international affairs" category, mostly through the Agency for International Development and the Department of State. • $176 million in "veterans benefits and services" for vocational rehabilitation of disabled ex-servicemen, educational benefits for children of deceased servicemen, proposed new readjustment benefits, and training of VA medical personnel. • $158 million in "agriculture and agricultural resources," primarily for cooperative research and extension services. • $136 million for "space research and technology" for both mission related research grants and contracts and graduate education in science and technology through the NASA sustaining university program. SPECIAL ANALYSES 91 • $233 million in all other categories of the administrative budget, including "natural resources/' "commerce and transportation," and "housing and community development." Support of graduate and undergraduate students.—The Federal Government is playing an increasing role in the support of graduate and professional training (1) directly, through fellowship and traineeship programs included in this analysis, and (2) indirectly, through research contracts and grants which support thousands of research assistants, principally graduate students. Table G-3 presents preliminary estimates of the number of individuals assisted, including rough estimates of the number of assistantships. While the totals include some undergraduates, the great majority of the individuals are engaged in postgraduate training or study. In addition to support for the individuals reported in table G-3, several prog-rams also finance training for large numbers of teachers through institutes, generally held in the summer. NDEA institutes financed by the Office of Education are estimated to aid 28,000 teachers in 1967, 4,000 more than 1966 and about 7,600 more than 1965. Likewise, the science institutes financed by the National Science Foundation are expected to assist nearly 39,000 high school teachers in 1967, about the same number as in 1966, and 2,700 less than in 1965. The Higher Education Act of 1965 authorized a major expansion in aid to undergraduate and graduate college students which is also not reflected in table G-3. In 1967 well over 1 million students, mostly undergraduates, will be assisted under this act, more than 3 times as many as in 1965 when 317,000 were aided through NDEA student loans. In 1967, 220,000 students will be awarded scholarships, an increase of 105,000 over 1966; about 210,000 will be helped through work study programs, a 60,000 increase; and 775,000 will receive federally subsidized loans, a 475,000 increase. The NDEA student direct loans, estimated at 400,000 in 1966, are expected to be entirely replaced in 1967 by the new subsidized guaranteed loans. Proposed legislation.—The budget contains several legislative proposals which significantly affect 1967 budget expenditures for education. Proposed legislation to authorize pool participation sales of loans, with authority for supplementary funds necessary to assure payments on certificates where loans have been made at interest rates below current market levels, is estimated to result in net proceeds from sales of $85 million in the HEW academic facilities program and $823 million in the college housing program of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. In addition, the legislation would cancel $300 million of new obligational authority otherwise becoming available in 1967 for college housing loans, since existing funds and expected receipts from participation sales will be sufficient to continue during 1967 the present rate of $300 million in new loan reservations. Legislation to shift the National Defense Education Act student loan program to the newly authorized subsidized loan guarantee program under the Higher Education Act, retaining the special assistance to students who subsequently teach, is anticipated to reduce new obligational authority and expenditures, respectively, by $34 million in 1967. Similar legislation for students in the health professions will reduce new obligational authority and expenditures by $21 million. Table G-3. ESTIMATED NUMBERS OF INDIVIDUALS IN GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AIDED BY FEDERAL FUNDS (in thousands) 1965 Department of Defense (Military) Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education Public Health Service: National Institutes of Health Other PHS Other Atomic Energy Commission _ National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation Other . . ... Total *Less than 50. Figures not available. 1 Research assistantships F'ellowships Agency 1966 1967 1965 14.8 24.0 5.0 .2 .1 .3 .1 4.8 * 5.4 .3 .3 .4 .2 4.0 * 5.6 .4 .9 .4 .2 3.8 * 18.2 25.5 35.3 1967 1965 1966 1967 10.8 14.5 24.9 36.3 22.1 22.2 6.0 * 4.5 .1 1.3 2.8 5.4 5.5 .1 1.3 4.2 5.4 6.9 .1 1.0 5.0 5.4 31.2 .6 4.7 4.3 1.4 11.5 5.5 35.3 .7 5.8 4.4 1.5 13.3 5.5 35.8 .9 7.7 4.5 1.2 14.8 5.5 35.2 40.1 46.9 51.5 88.2 105.9 121.7 1.5 6.9 8.3 7.0 .3 7.8 .4 8.0 .5 19.2 3.9 4.0 0) 5.1 4.1 0) * 33.6 29.8 1966 15.1 1.8 4.0 .1 1965 14.5 15.1 0) 1967 14.5 14.5 14.5 7.6 1966 Total Traineeships SPECIAL ANALYSES 93 A proposal to expand programs to ease the readjustment of veterans of recent service by providing education and training assistance would require new obligational authority of $100 million and estimated expenditures of $90 million in 1967. Altogether the above legislative proposals woidd result in a net reduction of $255 million in new obligational authority for 1967 and a net decrease in expenditures of $873 million. The 1967 budget also includes (1) funds for new and expanded programs to be proposed in the field of international education, (2) a proposed reduction in aid for schools in areas affected by Federal activities, and (3) recommendations by the President that the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 should be extended beyond June 30, 1966, and improved, including an increase in the income criterion for allocating funds for fiscal year 1968 from $2,000 to $3,000, repeal of the incentive grant provision for 1967, and changes relating to grants for education of Indian children. The expenditure effects of these latter proposals are not separately identified in the budget. Programs not covered by this special analysis.—Although the scope of this analysis is broad, it does not include a number of activities which are closely allied and which are sometimes included in estimates of expenditures for education. Examples of activities excluded are as follows: Basic recruit training of military personnel and other strictly military training, such as flight training, are excluded because of limited transfer value to the civilian economy. Scientific research conducted outside of academic institutions, or carried on in universitymanaged research centers under Federal contracts, is also omitted, because the portion of their efforts devoted to training is generally limited. The school lunch and special milk programs are omitted because they are largely of a welfare character and their effect on transmission of knowledge is indirect. University service contracts, for example, for operating mental health centers, are excluded. Technical assistance programs between governments or levels of governments which do not involve educational institutions are not included. Finally, many small inservice training programs for Federal civilian employees are not included because it was not readily feasible to obtain the data. Relationship of Federal aid to total national outlays for education.— The significance of the Federal expenditures for education reported in this analysis may in part be appraised in the context of total national expenditures for education from all sources, public and private. Preliminary estimates consistent with those published by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in Health, Education, and Welfare Trends indicate that the total national expenditures for education covering current expenditures, capital outlay, and interest, but not debt retirement, for both public and nonpublic schools and colleges reached $39 billion during the school year ending 1965, approximately 6% of the gross national product. Nearly $27 billion was spent for elementary and secondary education and slightly more than $12 billion for higher education. The HEW series, however, includes only funds obligated by educational institutions. It thus omits major federally operated programs 94 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 such as training of military personnel, the great bulk of on-the-job and similar training activities outside regular schools, as well as the student assistance which is paid to individuals rather than to the colleges. On the other hand, the HEW series includes several major programs which are omitted from the present special analysis, including the school lunch program and about $560 million in funds for research and development in university-managed off-campus research centers for 1965. If the figures for the expenditures in this special analysis for fiscal year 1965 are adjusted to correspond with those in the series prepared by HEW, the Federal funds for elementary and secondary education total approximatelv $1.3 billion, or about 5% of all public and private outlays in the corresponding category; and funds for higher education would total about $3 billion or about 25% of the national outlay in this category reported by HEW. Overall the Federal contribution to the direct financing of the Nation's educational institutions would be about 11%. Table G-4. FEDERAL FUNDS FOR EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS BY BUDGET FUNCTION (in millions of dollars) Functional category, agency, and program Functional code NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY 1966 1965 estimate actual ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FUNDS National Defense: Department of Defense: Support of oversea schools for dependents i Service academies, construction, equipment, and operation Research grants and contracts with educational institutions Professional, technical, and related training: Military personnel Civilian personnel Civil defense research and training Other, mostly support for undergraduate students Military assistance: Training of military and civilian personnel administered by Department of Defense from funds appropriated to the President Atomic Energy Commission: Research, including conduct and facilities Graduate and professional training and related support for higher education Other EXPENDITURES 1967 estimate 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 051 051 051 74 133 264 79 138 277 90 128 305 73 117 255 78 138 270 87 134 285 051 051 051 051 1,362 10 13 42 1,447 14 14 46 1,507 16 16 50 1,354 10 11 42 ,431 13 13 45 1,492 16 16 50 057 36 39 27 36 39 27 058 058 058 72 7 5 87 8 6 67 7 5 1,977 2,120 2,209 Total, national defense. 2,018 2,155 2,242 152 45 58 58 44 46 153 8 9 10 9 10 151 6 7 10 7 9 153 45 53 50 46 49 153 5 6 6 5 5 International affairs and finance: Peace Corps: Training activities United States Information Agency: Information center and library activities, Foreign Service Institute, etc Department of State: Salaries and expenses: Foreign Service Institute, etc Mutual educational and cultural activities: Largely American and foreign student, teacher, professor, specialist, and leader exchange programs Educational and cultural affairs: Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West Table G-4. FEDERAL FUNDS FOR EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS BY BUDGET FUNCTION (in millions of dollars) —Continued Functional code Functional category, agency, and program NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY 1965 1966 EXPENDITURES 1967 1965 1967 1966 e ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FUNDS—Continued International affairs and finance—Continued Agency for International Development (funds appropriated to the President for economic assistance): Educational and training phases of technical cooperation, aid to educational institutions, and training of foreign nationals . U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency: Research _. . Total, international affairs and finance. . . 183 1 174 1 248 1 95 * 119 1 160 1 294 307 382 202 231 280 251 138 134 125 100 144 136 355 13 11 9 11 12 13 355 355 355 49 86 2 53 90 9 46 93 3 49 85 2 53 91 4 46 93 6 149 163 151 146 160 158 402 401 18 * 20 1 20 1 18 * 20 1 20 1 400 28 30 31 28 29 31 .. Space research and technology: National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Research and training . . . . Agriculture and agricultural resources: Department of Agriculture: Agricultural research service: Training and research Cooperative State research service: Payments to State agriculture experiment stations for research . Federal extension service for cooperative extension work Other, including National Agricultural Library .... Total, agriculture and agricultural resources 152 151 .. . Natural resources: Department of Agriculture: Forest Service: Largely payments of shared revenues to States and counties for schools Department of Defense—Civil: Corps of Engineers: Research and training _ Department of the Interior: Shared revenue payments to States and counties under miscellaneous permanent appropriations, largely mineral leasing and grant lands (estimated portion for school support) . . Bureau of Indian Affairs: School construction, alteration, repair, and maintenance. Water and saline water research Fisheries and wildlife research and shared revenue payments to States Tennessee Valley Authority: Mainly in-lieu-of~tax payments and cooperative research 401 401 404 54 6 1 36 9 2 61 9 2 35 4 21 8 2 401 35 8 2 2 109 98 127 502 506 6 2 6 3 6 6 502 501 10 18 10 19 11 17 18 19 11 17 36 38 40 34 38 39 19 29 5 30 27 2 37 19 29 35 27 39 97 44 180 180 262 270 255 172 147 112 186 255 225 293 140 145 6 47 30 120 4 44 20 160 6 Total, natural resources. 81 100 Commerce and transportation: Department of Commerce: Maritime Administration: State schools and other maritime training Research and technical services Treasury Department: U.S. Coast Guard, principally Coast Guard Academy, education of uniformed personnel and oversea dependents -... Federal Aviation Agency: Principally training of civilian Federal personnel Total, commerce and transportation. Housing and community development: Department of Housing and Urban Development: Grants for training in community development skills District of Columbia: Prorated school portion of general Federal contribution 553 555 Total, housing and community development. 6 5 Health, labor, and welfare: Office of Economic Opportunity (funds appropriated to the President): Community Action program: Head Start Adult training, remedial education, research, etc .„ Jobs Corps—Urban and rural centers Neighborhood Youth Corps: In-school and summer Out-of-school -. Work Experience—Adult training, including remedial education Adult basic education VISTA—Training of volunteers See footnotes at end of table. 655 655 655 154 655 655 655 655 655 104 2 36 18 I 6 48 16 4 5 5 10 34 30 1 7 3 1 45 21 5 Table G-4. FEDERAL FUNDS FOR EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS BY BUDGET FUNCTION (in millions of dollars) —Continued Functional category agency, and program Functional code NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY 1965 actual 1966 estimate EXPENDITURES 1967 estimate 1965 1966 estimate actual 1967 estimate ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FUNDS—Continued Health, labor, and welfare—Continued Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Public Health Service: Community Health: Construction of medical schools and other health education facilities. Construction of mental health facilities Health professions training . Proposed legislation to convert loans to medical students to private subsidized guaranteed loans Research grants Other __ ._ __ .. Environmental health: Research grants Other National Institutes of Health: National Institute of General Medical Sciences: Training - __ . _ Research National Institute of Mental Health: Training Research _ . . , Other National Institutes of Health: Training Research grants Research facilities Other Public Health Service Welfare Administration: Maternal and child welfare grants Public assistance grants to States and assistance to refugees Juvenile delinquency and youth offenses research and other activities _ . . . 651 651 651 100 8 34 90 10 65 160 10 117 651 651 651 16 3 31 3 651 651 16 6 651 651 33 25 2 54 45 2 95 -21 25 3 14 3 29 3 -21 22 3 21 9 25 13 13 4 19 8 20 10 52 29 60 31 62 34 37 22 43 24 46 26 651 651 81 47 94 51 99 51 54 38 64 46 71 48 651 127 295 46 3 146 321 45 4 155 335 17 16 80 229 27 3 118 301 31 4 137 321 33 16 15 15 23 21 2 29 24 13 15 2 21 25 20 2 23 3 651 651 651 651 653 659 j Vocational Rehabilitation Administration: Research and training Other health, education, and welfare: Water Pollution Control Administration: Fellowships and training grants Freedmen's Hospital and St. Elizabeths: Medical training and other Department of the Interior: Bureau of Mines: Health and safety training Department of Labor: Manpower Development and Training Act: Institutional and on-the-job training. Apprenticeship, area redevelopment, and research activities. _. 659 6! 88 86 in 3 1 3 2 2 113 4 2 2 57 651 651 652 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 652 652 397 16 400 11 400 15 230 12 279 12 282 11 1,831 2,368 2,619 983 1,831 2,344 24 26 30 24 26 30 701 959 1,070 230 970 701 192 111 65 230 Total, health, labor, and welfare. 704 701 701 332 58 347 50 183 23 311 38 307 47 222 45 701 97 113 88 68 81 79 147 60 99 182 131 64 179 43 n 122 134 34 -34 141 27 40 60 101 64 -34 89 294 169 523 110 523 200 to to Education: Legislative branch: Library of Congress Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education: Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965: Education of the disadvantaged (grants to school districts with families under $2,000^1 ' Supplementary centers, schoolbooks, and strengthening State educational j agencies Aid to federally impacted school districts: Operation Construction National Defense Education Act activities for elementary and secondary education: Primarily school equipment, guidance, testing Aid for undergraduate and graduate college students: Scholarships Work-study National Defense Education Act loans Proposed legislation to convert NDEA loans to subsidized loan guarantees Other, including loan guarantee program Higher education academic facilities: Grants for college, junior college, and graduate facilities Loans Proposed legislation for pool participation sales of loan obligations _ Other aids to higher education institutions, including aid to developing colleges. Expansion and improvement of vocational education Grants for public libraries I 1 87 60 28 162 55 62 243 55 104 240 58 30 132 26 41 173 35 70? 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 704 704 261 135 -85 83 205 51 Table G-4. FEDERAL FUNDS FOR EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RELATED PROGRAMS BY BUDGET FUNCTION (in millions, of dollars)—Continued Functional code Functional category, agency, and program EXPENDITURES NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY 1967 1966 1965 1966 estimate 1965 1967 estimate ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FUNDS—Continued Education—Continued Department of Health, Education, and Welfare—Continued Office of Education—Continued Teacher training: Institutes Fellowships National Teacher Corps Educational research and development: National Defense Education Act Cooperative research _ . Other Other aids to education, including salaries and expenses of Office of Education,. Special institutions and miscellaneous including American Printing House for the Blind, Gallaudet College, Howard University, and educational TV.. . _ . . . Department of Housing and Urban Development: College housing loans. . . . Proposed legislation for pool participation sales of loan obligations Department of the Interior: Bureau of Indian Affairs: Indian education . .. National Capital Planning Commission National Council on the Arts and National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities. National Science Foundation: Basic research and specialized research facilities . . . Grants for institutional science programs . . Science education . . . .. Other science activities --_ -Smithsonian Institution Total, education . 704 704 704 35 20 13 40 43 31 19 10 1 33 20 27 704 4 5 6 3 4 704 704 704 16 14 58 70 25 65 80 25 96 13 1 38 21 20 45 704 28 27 24 20 28 30 702 702 704 704 704 300 300 221 240 289 -823 98 2 * 107 300 -300 115 16 106 * 2 113 7 99 2 * 703 703 703 211 61 122 246 80 126 279 85 133 156 32 101 184 41 115 221 703 704 26 37 28 27 28 36 20 28 25 41 60 118 26 43 2,417 4,278 4,225 1,544 2,318 2,834 9 11 16 9 11 16 . Veterans benefits and services: Veterans Administration: Compensation and pensions: Subsistence allowances for veterans in vocational rehabilitation.. ._ 30 800 5 58 24 76 8 Readjustment benefits: Principally aid under War Orphans' Educational Assistance Act and vocational rehabilitation for disabled veterans.- Proposed legislation: Readjustment benefits for veterans of recent service Training of medical personnel engaged in VA medical activities _ . . 803 803 801-805 Total, general government _ .- -_ -- 32 43 37 34 32 34 36 90 34 84 82 186 84 82 176 901-910 1 f 2 1 1 2 910 910 11 3 16 5 12 9 12 3 14 4 17 9 910 18 9 9 8 14 13 908 6 7 10 4 6 9 905 910 4 1 7 * 18 0 4 1 6 * 5 0 45 45 59 33 46 55 7,141 9,697 10,192 5.202 7,077 8,371 652 9 10 11 9 10 11 704 704 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 905 2 * * * * 13 13 15 12 13 15 7,154 9.710 10.207 5,214 7.090 8.386 __ Total net administrative budget funds for education, training, and related activities TRUST FUNDS Health, Education, and Welfare: Department of Labor: Grants to States for school counseling and testing by employment service _. . . - _ 37 36 100 34 Total, veterans benefits and services General government: Legislative branch: Government Printing Office: Distribution to depository libraries and library activities - . -- . . -. . „Department of Defense—Civil: Canal Zone Government, contribution to schools Ryukyu I slands administration, schools : _. Department of the Interior: Administration of territories, including Trust Territory of the Pacific, prorated portion for schools __ Department of Justice: Vocational training in Federal prison industries and grants for training in law enforcement General Services Administration: National Archives services, Presidential library activities, and national historical publications grants .. . . Transitional grants to Alaska (funds appropriated to the President)... 43 Education: Legislative branch: Library of Congress, gift and trust fund income accounts . . . National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities, fund for private contributions General government: General Services Administration: National Archives gift fund Total, trust funds _. Total, budget and trust funds for education, training, and related programs "Less than $500 thousand. __ SPECIAL ANALYSIS H FEDERAL HEALTH PROGRAMS This analysis provides a comprehensive summary of expenditures for all the medical and health-related activities of the Federal Government. Tt includes those activities classified in the "health" function as well as health programs included in other groupings. Government cash payments to the public in this broad category will rise to an estimated total of $10.3 billion in 1967. This total is derived from $7.8 billion expenditures from administrative budget accounts and $3.3 billion from trust funds, less interfund transfers of $0.8 billion. This spending will finance a wide variety of activities—hospital care and medical treatment in Federal and non-Federal facilities, construction of health facilities, health research and training, and a multitude of preventive and community health and health-related programs in Federal, State, and local governmental institutions and by private hospitals, research organizations, and individual practitioners. The expenditures from administrative budget funds continue to be the largest segment of health spending and they will account for 7% of total administrative budget spending. However, the program for hospital insurance and supplementary medical benefits for the aged under the social security system will be financed through trust funds which will account for 29% of health expenditures in 1967. F e d e r a l E x p e n d i t u r e s , Medical and Health-Related Activities by Category Fiscal Year 1967 Estimated Grants and Payments for Medical Care of Individuals I 2.4 Direct Patient Care Research Including Facilities Construction of Health Facilities Direct, Grants, Etc. Preventive and Community Services Training Including for Research I 102 Agencies Other than Department of HEW Department of H£W SPECIAL ANALYSES 103 Recent trench in Federal health-related expenditures.—Health programs are among the oldest activities of the Federal Government, some of them predating the Constitution. The earliest were for medical care of soldiers, merchant seamen, and veterans. Around the beginning of the present century, the Federal efforts in health research and consumer protection, such as those under the Pure Food and Drug Act, made their appearance. Following World War IT, the directly operated patient care programs of the Defense Department and Veterans Administration overshadowed the other segments of Federal health expenditure. Since that time, while expenditures for these programs increased moderately, the role of the Federal Government shifted rapidly to one of large-scale grant support for health infrastructure—at first hospital and other facility construction, medical research, and State and local community services for specific disease categories or health problems, and, subsequently, health manpower, especially physicians, dentists, and nurses, and, provision of a full range of facilities and services for comprehensive care to individuals or for specific problems such as water pollution. Today, with hospital and supplementary health insurance for the aged through the social security system and medical assistance payments for aged and other needy through welfare grants, the Government role has moved toward assuring to all citizens the availability and accessibility of high quality medical care, regardless of income. Although this special analysis has not existed long enough to provide a long-term series of data, comparable information is available for fiscal 1958. The figures provide some perspective on the sharp change taking place. In 1958, obligations for health activities totaled $3 billion, of which $1.9 billion were by the Defense Department and Veterans Administration, largely for patient care in Federal facilities. By 1967, total expenditures will have grown to $10.3 billion, and $3.3 billion of this spending will be for the new program of care of aged patients who, traditionally, have not been Federal beneficiaries. Thus, these expenditures for the social insurance medical programs will exceed in 1967 the total Federal spending for health in 1958. Another important change from the situation in 1958, reflecting the changing content of the Federal Government's health role, is the relative portion of the Federal health budget which is managed by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. In 1958, the programs of Health, Education, and Welfare accounted for $0.8 billion of the $3 billion Federal total. In 1966, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare is expected to spend $3 billion, 48% of the total of $6.3 billion. Almost all of that spending is from administrative budget funds. In 1967, with the addition of the trust fund programs, HEW's total is expected to rise to $6.6 billion (adjusted for interfund transfers), 64% of the total. Distribution oj Federal health programs by agency.—Eight Cabinet departments and more than a dozen other agencies conduct or support health programs. In addition, every agency finances health programs for Federal employees. Many of the health activities of these agencies are not classified in the "health, labor, and welfare" function, but are carried on as part of programs for other purposes and are classified in the functional categories according to the basic purpose served, such 104 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 as "national defense," "veterans benefits and services," etc. However, because these activities contribute to advancing the Nation's health, they are included in this analysis. Thus, while the regular functional classification shows expenditures of $3.6 billion in 1967 for "health services and research"—all by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare—the amounts included in this analysis are almost three times as large and cover many agencies. Table H-l shows the expenditures for each agency. As has been noted, 64% of all Federal budget and trust fund spending for health in 1967 will be by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Spending by the Department of Defense is increasing by $223 million, due to the military situation in Vietnam and resultant increase in personnel strength of the armed services, and will account for 14% of the total. The Veterans Administration is estimated to account for another 14%. The bulk of the health expenditures by the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration are for the provision of direct care and treatment, most of which is provided in their own hospitals and clinics. These two agencies also have sizable expenditures for health facilities, for training, and for support of health research. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, on the other hand, spends only a comparatively small portion of its health funds to provide direct medical care in Federal facilities, principally for merchant seamen and Indians in Public Health Service hospitals. About half of the Department's expenditures, or $3.3 billion, will be from trust funds and will reflect the first substantial impact of the newly enacted program for health and medical care for older persons. The largest proportion of the Department's health care outlays from administrative budget funds continue to be for medical research and training and for grants to States and localities to cover medical expenses of public assistance recipients and assistance for medical care of the aged. The Department also spends substantial amounts through the Public Health Service for grants for construction of health facilities, for support of local and State community health, and for environmental health activities. The remaining $870 million of the estimated expenditures in 1967 will be made by more than 20 other departments and agencies. Among these, the largest single amount is for the Department of Agriculture for research and for meat and poultry inspection. Significant expenditures are also made by the Agency for International Development and the Department of State which support health activities in other countries, the Atomic Energy Commission with its substantial biomedical research activities in the radiological field, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration with research activities in space medicine, and the National Science Foundation which underwrites basic research in biosciences. The newly organized Department of Housing and Urban Development makes advances and loans for water and sewer facilities, for neighborhood health centers, and other health facilities. The newly enacted programs supporting health facilities and the 1965 expansion of water and sewer facilities programs account for the more than threefold increase in the Department's expenditures from 1966 to 1967. SPECIAL ANALYSES Distribution 105 of Federal health expenditures by category and by bene- ficiary group.—Table H-2 shows the distribution of the total Federal medical and health-related expenditures for the 3 fiscal years, 1965-67, by six categories. The preceding chart on estimated expenditures for 1967 depicts the distribution of the outlays in each category between the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and all other agencies. Of the total expenditures of $10.3 billion in 1967 for medical and health-related purposes, $7 billion, or about 68%, will be for provision of health care either directly in Federal facilities or financed by Federal grants or payments for services by non-Federal facilities. This is an increase of $4.1 billion from 1965, $3.4 billion of which is the change from 1966 to 1967, mostly because of the trust-funded programs of medical care for older people. These social security medical programs are causing a reversal in the previously established ranking of the two largest categories. Whereas direct patient care was the largest category of expenditure through 1966, the onset of large expenditures for the new programs for the aged make the nondirect care category the largest in 1967. The direct care expenditures amount to $2.4 billion, or 23%, of total expenditures. Most of this service is provided in hospitals of the Department of Defense, Veterans Administration, and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, which, in all, contain almost 10% of all hospital beds in the United States. Table H-3 shows the number of hospitals, hospital beds, and the average daily number of patients during 1965-67. The number of individual patients during any year is, of course, many times the daily census because hospital stays average from 7 to 75 days for most agencies. In addition to this large number of inpatients, several million individuals each year receive outpatient care or treatment in the Federal facilities. The 1966 and 1967 increases shown in the data for the Department of Defense reflect increased military operations in Vietnam and supporting activities. Over one-sixth of the population in the United States is potentially eligible for direct hospital carp or medical treatment in Federal facilities. Approximately 22 million living war veterans, including some 2 million with service-connected disabilities, comprise the largest single group of eligibles, although for ailments not related to military service hospital care is provided only to the extent that the veteran certifies that he is unable to pay for his care in private facilities. Active duty and retired uniformed service personnel numbering 3.2 million and their 5.6 million dependents are also covered. Approximately 2.5 million Federal employees are entitled to treatment for in-line-of-duty disabilities, although such injuries are comparatively infrequent. Other eligible groups include 380,000 American Indians and natives of Alaska, 118,000 American seamen, 21,500 inmates of Federal prisons, and civilians in the Panama Canal Zone, narcotics addicts, and patients with leprosy. The second category of expenditures, which will become the largest in 1967 and reach $4.6 billion, or almost 45% of the total, is for grants and payments for hospital and health care in non-Federal facilities. Hospital insurance and supplementary medical benefits for the aged through social security accounts for 72% and grants by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for medical care 106 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 196 7 through public assistance continue to rise. During 1967, an estimated 19 million persons will be eligible although about 4.4 million are expected to receive benefits from the hospital insurance program and about 4.1 million from medical insurance. Medical cost for about 860,000 aged will be met through the spatial Federal-State program of medical assistance for the aged. Under arrangements managed by the Civil Service Commission, health benefits are provided'to over 2 million Federal civilian employees (90% of those eligible), and to 4.7 million of their dependents under the Federal Employees' Health Benefits Act. A similar program provides benefits for 227,000 retired Federal employees and their dependents. These payments are made from trust revolving funds into which are deposited both agency and employee contributions. Since the health benefits funds are revolving funds, with receipts offsetting expenditures, only the net effect of these transactions in the trust funds is included in the expenditures for this category. The Government's contributions, amounting to $165 million in 1965, $169 million in 1966, and $174 million in 1967, are included in the administrative budget figures and are mostly classified in this category. Also included in this category are payments for care of Federal beneficiaries, principally by the Veterans Administration and the Department of Defense in those cases where Federal facilities are not available. Of general benefit to the entire Nation are the infrastructure activities of the Federal Government such as health research, training, and health construction assistance, and the preventive and community services, all of which are discussed separately in following paragraphs. Expenditures for these activities will total $3.3 billion in 1967, an increase of $1.1 billion from 1965. These categories account for almost 2 1 % of the increase over 1965 in total health outlays. The amount of increases over 1965 is greatest for health research and facilities ($408 million), but the other categories will have higher rates of increase: Training (72%), preventive and community service activities (52%), and construction of health facilities (49%). Much of the increase in these programs reflects legislation enacted by the 88th and 89th Congresses for assistance to schools and to students in medicine, dentistry, and other health professions, for programs to combat mental retardation and promote mental health, for regional medical programs to combat heart disease, cancer, and stroke, and for increased Federal efforts for pollution control. Other expanding areas include activities relating to pesticides, community health, and foods and drugs. About 73% of the $1.4 billion in Federal expenditures for healthrelated research and research facilities are by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, particularly the National Institutes of Health, which alone account for $815 million. The Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, the National Science Foundation, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration also make sizable outlays for health research. Training, including training for research, accounts for $546 million in 1967 expenditures. Again, the Public Health Service, and especially the National Institutes of Health, is the major source, although the Department of Defense also spends significant amounts. Of the $635 million for preventive and community health services, $247 million will be spent by the Public Health Service, the Food and 107 SPECIAL ANALYSES Drug Administration, and the Children's Bureau, all agencies of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The Federal Government's programs of assistance to underdeveloped countries are also responsible for about $100 million of the outlays and the Department of Agriculture programs account for most of the remainder. The Hill-Burton hospital construction program accounts for $233 million out of $672 million to be spent in 1967 for construction of facilities other than for research. The Veterans Administration's expenditures of $68 million represent the seventh year of that agency's 15-year hospital replacement and modernization program. The Department of Defense will also spend $115 million for construction. Proposed legislation.—Legislation to fill significant gaps in Federal health programs has been proposed by the President. The 1967 budget includes net new obligational authority of $94 million and net expenditures of $26 million for the following items: (1) $23 million in estimated expenditures for a new Federal-State partnership in health service programs, systems-oriented studies of the organization and delivery of medical care services, planning for accelerated modernization of obsolete hospital and health care facilities, training of medical technologists and allied health professionals, and the improvement of Federal health organization and career development; (2) $24 million for the control of environmental pollution through the demonstration of water pollution control in selected river basins, increased research and development and increased training in pollution sciences, and improved water pollution enforcement authority; and (3) estimated savings of $21 million in expenditures from the conversion of existing direct Federal loans to medical and nursing students to a system of loan guarantees with interest subsidy. Table H-1. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FOR MEDICAL AND HEALTHRELATED PROGRAMS BY AGENCY (in millions of dollars) 1965 actual Agency 1966 estimate 1967 estimate ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Public Health Service: National Institutes of Health. _ .. Other Water Pollution Control Administration Welfare Administration Social Security Administration Other _. Total, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Veterans Administration Department of Defense: Army Navy Air Force _ . . Other Total, Department of Defense - - _ 97.4 1,000.0 737.1 121.0 920.8 37.0 128.9 1,150.0 880.0 181.5 929.2 844.0 168.9 2,210.1 2,944.8 4,153.6 1,265.7 1,343.0 1,386.5 463.3 200.6 400.7 563.7 255.1 414.3 748.7 287.0 420.2 1.7 2.1 2.5 1,066.3 1,235.2 1,458.4 779.8 603.7 100.9 628.3 108 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1 9 6 7 Table H I . FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FOR MEDICAL A N D HEALTHRELATED PROGRAMS BY AGENCY (in millions of dollars)—Continued Agency ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate Continued Agency for International Development . ._ __. Atomic Energy Commission ___ . . . _ _ Department of Agriculture . National Aeronautics and Space Administration Department of Housing and Urban Development __ National Science Foundation. _ . _. _ Civil Service Commission ._ . ... Office or Economic Opportunity... . . .. . Department of State __ __. _ Department of Labor . . __ Department of justice _ Peace Corps ._. __ . . _._ . Panama Canal ... ___ __ __. Small Business Administration Department of the Interior ._. _ _ _ General Services Administration United States Information Agency ._ _ . _ Federal Aviation Agency.._ Military Assistance Program __ _ Transitional grants to Alaska. ._ __ _ ... Contributions by Federal agencies to Federal employees' health benefits funds not included above Total net budget expenditures for health. Interfund transactions. _ _ . _ _ 50.6 90.1 114.2 50.6 39.8 25.9 27.0 5.6 19.5 17.8 7.8 5.9 7.3 8.3 4.4 1.9 0.4 1.7 15.0 0.9 60.0 95 122 79 27 35 29 39.0 21.9 17.8 7.7 7.2 7.8 8.5 4.9 0.7 0.4 1.7 126.7 127.6 129.1 5,163.5 6,232.0 -37.0 7,860.3 -844.0 105.0 8.6 7.4 0.4 3,305.0 -7.9 8.5 0.3 -3.2 121.4 3,305.9 5,160.3 6,316.4 10,322.2 15.0 0.3 92.0 102 128, 75. 87. 35.9 31.7 74.9 23.8 20.3 8.0 7.5 7.8 10.3 4.9 0.4 1.7 20.0 TRUST FUNDS Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Social Security Administration _ __ _. United States Soldiers'Home __. __ Railroad Retirement Board Total trust fund expenditures for health Total budget and trust fund expenditures for health. •10.0 6.9 Table H-2. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FOR MEDICAL AND HEALTHRELATED ACTIVITIES BY CATEGORY (in millions of dollars) Category 1965 actual 1966 estimate Hospital and medical care in Federal facilities 2,022.0 I 2,209.9 Federal grants and payments for hospital and health care in nonI Federal facilities -.-913.8 i 1,374.9 Medical research, total . _._ . -__ 1,040.1 ', 1,320.6 (a) Conduct of research _ _.. - ' (965.5) j (1,214.2) (106.4) (b) Research facilities , (74.6) 448.9 Training, including training for research ' 316.9 493.7 Prevention and community services ' 417.6 ' 468.4 Construction of hospitals and health facilities - . -_- . _' 449.9 Total expenditures from administrative budget and trust accounts 1967 estimate 2,397.9 4,623.1 1,448.3 (1,235.1) (123.2) 546.1 634.5 672.3 6,316.4 10,322.2 109 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table H-3. FEDERAL HOSPITALS, OPERATING BEDS, AND PATIENT LOADS 1965 actual Number of hospitals: Defense Health, Education, and Welfare Veterans Administration Other __ Total Number of operating beds: Defense Health, Education, and Welfare Veterans Administration (Nursing home beds included in total) Other Total Average daily patient load: Defense Health, Education, and Welfare Veterans Administration (Nursing home beds included in total) Other Total 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 225 66 171 35 230 64 166 35 233 64 167 35 497 495 499 39,677 15,822 119,326 (208) 3,159 46,842 15,307 118,664 (1,645) 3,159 61,858 15,220 120,034 (3,000) 3,159 177,984 183,972 200,271 29,376 13,226 109,333 (150) 2,055 35,844 12,892 109,710 (1,510) 2,119 48,150 12,687 111,147 (2,790) 2,144 153,990 160,565 174,128 Table H-4. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FOR MEDICAL AND HEALTHRELATED PROGRAMS (in millions of dollars) Agency and program Functional code 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FUNDS National defense: Department of Defense: Hospital and medical care of military personnel and their dependents, retired personnel and their families on a space available basis, and civilian employees and their dependents overseas^ Research in preventive medicine, improved methods of caring for and rehabilitating the sick and injured, and studies relating to medical problems of military science Professional and technical training of personnel Construction of hospitals and medical facilities Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Stockpiling of medical supplies Atomic Energy Commission: Research on the effects and use of radiation __ Total, national defense ,011.3 1,156.0 98.4 56.6 31.1 108.4 67.1 48.4 118.5 69.3 114.6 12.6 10.0 10.0 89.3 94.6 101.7 1,168.2 ,339.8 1,570.: 051 051 051 051 059 058 110 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 196 7 Table H-4. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FOR MEDICAL AND HEALTHRELATED PROGRAMS (in millions of dollars)—Continued Agency and program Functional code 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FUNDS—Continued [ nternational affairs and finance: Peace Corps: Assistance to underdeveloped countries particularly for nursing and malaria eradication projects- . . . - - . - - . United States Information Agency: Medical care of Foreign Service officers who become ill abroad Agency for International Development: Grants, loans, and other assistance to underdeveloped countries in meeting their most pressing health problems _ Department of State: Contributions to international organizations, conferences, and medical and hospital care of Foreign Service personnel and their dependents-, .. _ Assistance to refugees from Communist countries, except Cuba _ __ Mutual educational and cultural exchange activities Military assistance program: Medical personnel and construction 152 5.9 7.2 7.5 153 0.4 0.4 0.4 152 50.6 60.0 92.0 151 18.0 20.2 21.9 152 153 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.9 15.0 15.0 20.0 91.4 104.5 143.7 251 50.6 79.1 75.6 Department of Agriculture: Plant and animal research; meat and poultry inspections . _ . 355 114.2 122.5 128.2 Natural resources: Department of the Interior: Care of Aleut Indians in Pribilof Island, Alaska, and grant to territories and American Samoa . ._ . ___. 910 4.1 4.6 4.6 506 8.3 8.5 10.3 553 39.8 27.2 87.1 Total, international affairs and finance Space research and technology: National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Research on health factors and human capabilities in advanced aerospace systems- _ Agriculture and agricultural resources: Commerce and transportation: Small Business Administration: Loans for construction and operation of nursing homes and other healthrelated facilities Department of Housing and Urban Affairs: Advances and loans to local communities for construction of sewer, water, and other health-related facilities, and grants for urban services and community facilities 111 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table H-4. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FOR MEDICAL AND HEALTHRELATED PROGRAMS (in millions of dollars)—Continued Agency and program Functional cod 1965 actual 1966 estimate ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FUNDS—Continued Health, labor, and welfare: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Freedmen's Hospital: Operation of a community teaching hospital serving Howard University Medical School St. Elizabeths Hospital: Hospital care for the mentally ill in the District of Columbia Public Health Service: Health services for Indians Construction of Indian health facilities .. Medical care of merchant seamen, narcotic addicts, and other Public Health Service beneficiaries Quarantine activities Grants and loans for construction of hospital and health facilities Support of medical, dental, and nursing education and training __ _ Accident and disease prevention and control Proposed legislation: Support for planning health facilities and services, and for modernization of obsolete medical facilities; conversion of student loans to guaranteed loans Scientific activities overseas Construction of health facilities Environmental health activities National Institutes of Health: Research Training Water Pollution Control Administration Proposed legislation: Clean river demonstration projects and expanded research and training Welfare Administration: Grants for maternal and child welfare Assistance to refugees and repatriated U.S. nationals. Public assistance grants for hospital and health care_ Vocational Rehabilitation Administration: Rehabilitation grants and research and training in problems of handicapped individuals Social Security Administration: General fund payments to trust fund Food and Drug Administration: Enforcement of the pure food and drug laws Department of Labor: Accident prevention and administration of Federal employees workmen's compensation program Department of the Interior: Health research related to mine operation Office of Economic Opportunity Total, health, labor, and welfare. 651 3.9 4.5 651 9.9 12.8 651 651 62.2 9.2 66.7 8.0 651 651 54.5 6.9 58.0 7.5 651 200.5 205.6 651 651 31.9 197.3 80.5 255.3 651 651 651 3.9 16.5 52.1 5.0 25.0 67.3 651 651 651 587.3 145.6 100.9 749.2 195.2 121.0 651 653 653 72.1 2.1 142.4 554.0 3.5 775.0 659 38.9 56.2 37.0 654 651 40.6 51.1 652 6.8 6.9 652 655 0.3 5.6 0.3 39.0 2,203.0 2,973.0 1967 estimate 112 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table H-4. FEDERAL EXPENDITURES FOR MEDICAL AND HEALTHRELATED PROGRAMS (in millions of dollars)—Continued Agency and program Func- 1965 1966 1967 code ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FUNDS—Continued Education: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Practical nurse training . . Defense educational activities . National Science Foundation: Support of basic research in health-related fields _ 704 702 4.9 3.1 4.9 3.9 5.0 7.8 25.9 33.9 35.1 35.9 43.9 48.7 804 1,265.7 1,343.0 1,386.5 906 501 908 11.0 1.7 7.8 10.9 1.7 7.7 13.0 1.7 8.0 906 27.0 29.2 31.7 905 1.9 0.7 910 910 7.3 0.9 7.8 0.3 7.8 57.6 58.3 62.2 Contributions by Federal agencies to employees' health benefits fund not included above. . _ 126.7 127.6 129.1 Total net administrative budget expenditures for health [nterfund transactions 5,163.5 6,232.0 -37.0 7,860.3 -844.0 482.0 -492.1 554.3 -545.7 593.9 -601.8 -10.1 8.6 -7.9 105.0 3,305.0 6.9 7.4 0.4 8.5 0.3 -3.2 121.4 3,305.9 5,160.3 6,316.4 10,322.2 703 Total, education Veterans benefits and services: Veterans Administration: Hospital, domiciliary, and outpatient care of veterans including medical research and construction and modernization of facilities General government: Department of Labor: Hospital and medical care for Federal employees injured in line of duty . Federal Aviation Agency: Research Department of Justice: Medical care of prisoners Civil Service Commission: Government contribution to Federal employees' health benefit funds for retired employees and annuitants General Services Administration: Matching grant for a hospital in southeast Washington, D.C_ . . . . . . . . Panama Canal: Medical and hospital care for civilian and military personnel, sanitation and quarantine Transitional grants to Alaska Total, general government TRUST FUNDS Civil Service Commission (revolving funds): Expenditures for employee health benefits. _ 654 Receipts from employee and Government contributions. Net expenditures from trusts revolving funds . Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Social Security Administration: Expenditures for hospital and supplementary medical insurance . ._ 654 United States Soldiers Home: Hospital and domiciliary care of retired and disabled enlisted personnel of the Regular Army and Air Force . . . __ . 805 Railroad Retirement Board Total net trust fund expenditures for health Total budget and trust fund expenditures for health. SPECIAL ANALYSIS I FEDERAL RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND RELATED PROGRAMS Funds for science and technology are a significant fraction of the Federal budget. Eleven executive departments and independent agencies either support or are engaged directly in the conduct of research and development to a substantial degree. Most of the effort is related to the broad missions and responsibilities of these agencies, while a part of the support is aimed at the general strengthening of the Nation's scientific base. Science and technology programs are reviewed on behalf of the President by the Bureau of the Budget and the Office of Science and Technology, and additional coordination is provided by the Federal Council on Science and Technology. The President may also call upon his Scientific Advisory Committee for advice and recommendations on special problems relating to the Nation's scientific progress. This analysis summarizes separately Federal funds for the conduct of research, for development, and for facilities related to both activities.1 It also provides information on fields of science which are of broad national interest involving the research and development programs of several Federal agencies. Development is financed by the Federal Government to design, fabricate, test, and evaluate prototypes of materials, devices, systems, or processes to accomplish specific agency missions. These include prototypes of complex devices such as military weapons, space vehicles, and nuclear reactors, and of "systems" for such purposes as air defense and aircraft traffic control. Research is supported not only to further specific agency missions— often as a forerunner to development—but also to increase the broad body of scientific knowledge which underlies the future advancement of the Nation's welfare, economic growth, and security. Of particular long run importance to the latter objective is Federal support of basic research, especially that conducted in academic institutions. Development.—Total Federal obligations for development are estimated to decrease slightly, from $10.5 billion in 1966 to $10.2 billion in 1967. Expenditures will approximate $9.8 billion in both years. While there will be changes in specific Defense development programs, the overall funding level for the Department is estimated to be about the same in 1966 and 1967. The small decrease in funds for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration principally reflects the shift in the manned lunar landing program from the more costly development phase toward operational status. Minor changes are Note.— Totals in text tables may not add due to rounding. Generally excluded from this analysis are funds for routine testing, experimental production, information activities, and training programs, This analysis also omits funds for research performed independently by contractors within overhead arrangements on some procurement contracts funded in Department of Defense procurement accounts and for the collection of generalpurpose statistics by the Census Bureau and other agencies. 1 113 789-740 0—66 8 114 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 196 7 estimated in expenditures for most other agencies; a decline in obligations for other agencies is estimated in 1967 particularly reflecting major funding by the Federal Aviation Agency in 1966 of preliminary design work on the supersonic transport. Administrative Budget Obligations for Development S Billions -*«Total 10- 8- 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 Fiscal Ytan 1967 Estimate Table 1-1. OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE CONDUCT OF DEVELOPMENT « (in millions of dollars) Obligations Agency 1965 Department of Defense—Military National Aeronautics and Space Administration Atomic Energy Commission Other Total 1966 5,053.5 5,518.2 Expenditures 1967 1965 5,493.3 4,973.1 1966 1967 4,960.0 5,005.0 3,744.7 3,802.9 3.544.0 3,495.9 3,777.0 907.2 891.3 876.4 907.2 891.3 316.8 272.9 151.4 122.3 219.7 3,618.0 876.4 282.3 9,827.7 10,529.2 10,186.6 9,781.7 9,527.6 9,848.0 1 In this table and tables 1—2 through 1—4 for agencies other than the Department of Defense and NASA "obligations" are generally "new obligational authority" which approximates "obligations" for analysis purposes. In this table and tables 1—2 and 1—3, "obligations" and "expenditures" for the AEC are accrued costs, which approximate obligations and expenditures for analysis purposes. Research.—The overall Federal investment in research is estimated to increase slightly, from obligations of $5.4 billion in 1966 to $5.6 billion in 1967, and from expenditures of $5.1 to $5.3 billion. While research funds of the Departments of Defense, Agriculture, and Interior, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are 115 SPECIAL ANALYSES estimated to remain close to the same levels in 1966 and 1967, increases are estimated for other agencies, particularly the Atomic Energy Commission—for fundamental research; the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare—for medical, environmental, and educational research; the National Science Foundation—for basic research at Administrative Budget Obligations for Research Total 1959 I960 1961 (96S 1964 (963 1965 1966 1967 Estimate Fiscal Yean Table 1-2. OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE CONDUCT OF RESEARCH > (in millions of dollars) Expenditures Obligations Agency 1965 1966 1967 1965 1966 Department of Defense—Military 1,738.4 1.897.9 1,812.1 1,650.0 1.810.0 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1.223.8 1.381.9 1,365.9 1,059.1 1,320.0 364.9 364.9 Atomic Energy Commission 333.5 393.1 333.5 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 893.6 647.9 858.7 1,029.3 1,154.5 National Science Foundation 146.8 177.7 257.0 287.0 217.0 Agriculture .. _ 194.3 227.0 203.2 227.6 220.6 318.2 193.5 265.0 222.0 288.8 Other (94.8) (108.7) (108.9) (88.3) (100.9) Interior . (127.2) (180.1) (209.3) (105.2) (164.1) All other Total.. ! 4,796.7 5,447.4 Includes funds for basic and applied research. 5,551.5 4.225.2 5,058.2 1967 1,795.0 1,375.0 393. J 1,016.8 226.2 217.1 293.6 (106.1) (187.5) 5,316.8 116 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 academic institutions; and the Department of Commerce—particularly for transportation research. Although these increases are relatively small they further demonstrate the growing effort of the Federal Government to strengthen the Nation's "civilian" scientific and technological capability, at the same time continuing to maintain an adequate program of research and development for the defense and space efforts. Research is increasing significantly in such areas as education, water and air pollution, transportation, and the utilization of natural and agricultural resources as well as medical research. To illustrate this trend, defense research—including military-related Atomic Energy Commission programs—has risen only 1% since 1962, while other research programs have almost tripled. Even excluding the substantial increase in NASA programs, all other "civilian" programs are estimated to nearly double in the 5-year period—from $1.7 billion in 1962 to $3.2 billion in 1967. Of this increase of $1.5 billion, less than one-third is accounted for by medical research programs of the National Institutes of Health, despite the substantial growth which programs of that agency have shown. Basic research and support for academic science.—Continued attention has been given in the preparation of the 1967 budget to overall Federal support of research in academic institutions. This is particularly reflected in the continued increase in funds for basic research, which provides the foundation for applied research and development and is a major factor in the maintenance of this country's leadership in science and technology. While much of the total for basic research is spent on the necessary costs of spacecraft, launch vehicles, and other equipment to support the scientific programs of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (see table 1-6), and on the support of Federal or other nonacademic laboratories, more than one-third is expended through grants and contracts in colleges and universities—excluding "offcampus" laboratories operated under contract for the Federal GovTable 1-3. OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE CONDUCT OF BASIC RESEARCH' (in millions of dollars) expenditures Obligations Agency Department of Defense—Military National Aeronautics and Space Administration Atomic Energy Commission Department of Health, Education, and Welfare National Science Foundation Agriculture Other . Total 1 1965 1966 1967 1965 1966 263.1 273.0 297.1 250.0 260.0 275.0 511.7 258.2 605.5 285.1 658.5 310.9 440.5 258.2 580.0 285.1 665.0 310.9 301.1 217.0 73.9 69.8 355.2 257.0 85.0 79.8 390.5 287.0 83.5 88.6 263.7 146.8 70.9 64.5 302.4 177.7 84.9 75.3 344.6 226.2 82.1 83.2 1.694.8 1.940.7 2.116.2 1.494.7 1,765.4 1.987.0 Amounts are included in conduct of research, table 1—2. 1967 117 SPECIAL ANALYSES ernment. Total Federal research funds to colleges and universities proper, including funds for applied research—chiefly medical research supported by the National Institutes of Health—are estimated to be approximately one and a half billion dollars in 1967. Federal research grants and contracts in academic institutions have been, in the past, largely concentrated in a relatively few universities and focused on relatively short-range objectives, as the most expeditious means of meeting the mission needs of individual agencies for immediate research results. It is important to the longrange national interest that Federal research programs reach an increased number of academic institutions and contribute to the strengthening of these institutions. Specialized programs of agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have been directed toward strengthening academic institutions and broadening Federal support of science activities in academic institutions. In 1966 the President directed that, to the degree consistent with their mission responsibilities, all agencies administer their total research grant and contract programs so that Federal funds will contribute more effectively to the long-range strength of the Nation's structure for scientific research and education. Under the 1967 budget, the President's policy will be further implemented by the agencies in the administration of their research funds. Research and development facilities.—Total obligations for facilities in support of Federal research and development programs are estimated to decrease from $849 million in 1966 to $617 million in 1967. Expenditures will also decrease—from $1,054 million in 1966 to $841 million in 1967. These decreases largely reflect the completion of major phases of test facilities and launch complexes related to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration manned lunar landing program. While variations occur between 1966 and 1967 in the funding of facilities for other agencies, they do not signal significant changes. Table 1-4. OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FACILITIES (in millions of dollars) 1965 Department of Defense—Military . National Aeronautics and Space Administration Atomic Energy Commission Department of Health, Education, and Welfare National Science Foundation Agriculture Other Total Expenditures Obligations Agency 1966 1967 1965 1966 1967 68.5 84.9 104.8 99.9 74.6 78.0 532.2 268.9 345.2 189.9 123.0 220.1 537.9 279.4 503.0 260.8 307.0 241.9 102.0 56.2 14.5 41.9 109.5 66.8 24.1 28.9 79.7 61.9 2.6 25.3 51.6 48.4 5.1 55.2 73.1 58.4 20.0 64.5 94.3 56.8 21.6 41.4 1,084.3 849.3 617.4 1,077.6 1,054.3 841.0 118 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Descriptions of the major agency research and development programs are provided in the following section of this analysis. PROGRAMS OF AGENCIES WITH MAJOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MILITARY The programs of the Department of Defense include basic and applied research in subjects of potential military significance; exploratory, advanced, and engineering development of new systems and system components; and development of weapons systems approved for introduction into the operational forces. The principal amounts for these purposes and for the operation of research and testing facilities of the Department are carried in the budget under appropriations entitled "Research, development, test, and evaluation." Certain supporting amounts are provided in the military personnel, procurement, operations and maintenance, and military construction appropriations, as indicated in table 1-5. Research and development related to civil defense is financed under that heading. The total research and development effort will be at substantially the same level in 1966 and 1967. Of the totals shown in table 1-5 for 1967, 4% is for basic scientific research. Approximately 22% is for applied research, including experiments with extensive equipment requirements, designed to solve defense problems. Approximately 74% is for development, test, and evaluation of new military weapons and equipments and for support of laboratory and test facilities for defense research and development. The total amount for basic research will increase in 1966 as shown in table 1-3. Applied research, including projects with extensive equipment requirements, will decline slightly. In 1967 the major share of development efforts will continue to be for conventional and limited war weapons systems; work on future strategic weapons will increase. The composition of the programs of the Department by major fields of concentration is shown in table 1-5. Development of several versions of the new F - l l l aircraft for use by both the Navy and the Air Force, as well as smaller aircraft and helicopters to provide combat support and mobility for the ground forces, will continue in 1967. Development work already started on the new large C-5A cargo transport aircraft will require increased financing in 1967. Missile developments include the Army's project for the Nike-X antiballistic missile system, a new surface-to-air missile system, the Navy's Poseidon, and the new Air Force ballistic missile, Minuteman III. Included in military astronautics are such space programs as the manned orbiting laboratory (MOL) program, reentry and recovery technology programs, and basic engine and vehicle development efforts, such as the Titan III multipurpose space booster program. Totals for the military space program are given in table 1-13. The research and development totals also include substantial efforts for antisubmarine warfare and in the development of improved combat vehicles for use by our land forces. Provision is also made for support of Government-owned laboratories and test installations such as the Atlantic and Pacific missile ranges. 119 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table 1-5. OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE—MILITARY—RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (in millions of dollars) Purpose and budget title Obligations for the conduct of research and development: Research, development, test, and evaluation: Military sciences Aircraft and related equipment. Missile and related equipment Military astronautics and related equipment Ships, small craft, and related equipment Ordnance, combat vehicles, and related equipment. _ Other equipment Program wide management and support Emergency fund 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 619.8 1,094.9 1,955.0 896.7 257.0 342.2 774.6 446.7 606.9 1,225.7 1,964.0 ,048 339 397 944 464.9 19.4 616.4 1,036.8 2,314.5 852.7 6,386.9 277.3 81.9 34,5 7,010.8 280.5 11.3 36.7 11.0 6,893.3 275.8 83.9 42.4 10.0 6,791.9 7,416.1 7,305.4 68.5 84.9 104.8 Total, direct obligations for research and development... 6,860.4 7,501.0 7,410.2 Total expenditures for research and development 6,723.0 6,844.6 6,878.0 Total, direct obligations, research, development, test, and evaluation Military personnel Procurement Operations and maintenance Civil defense Total, direct obligations, for the conduct of research and development Obligations for research and development facilities: Military construction 77.1 271.1 360.2 865.5 451.1 125.0 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION All the activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are classified as research and development for purposes of this special analysis. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is responsible for the development, test, and operation of spacecraft and vehicles for manned and unmanned exploration of space and other nonmilitary applications, and for conducting the broad programs of supporting research and development required for these purposes. In addition, NASA is responsible for conducting research to advance aircraft technology in support of both military and civilian interests. The nature and composition of the research and development programs of NASA are shown on table 1-6. Total expenditures for NASA in 1967 are estimated at $5.3 billion, a decrease of $300 million from the estimate for 1966. This decrease is the first since NASA was established in 1958. New obligational authority will also decrease from $5,175 million in 1966 to $5,012 million in 1967. The NASA program can be sustained at a lower funding level than 1966 because a number of major projects will be progressing from the more expensive development phase into the operational phase and no new starts are planned that will require equivalent 1967 funds. Expenditures for research programs will increase somewhat from 1966 to 1967 while expenditures in the manned space flight and other 120 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 advanced development programs begin to decline. Expenditures for facilities reached a peak in 1965 and will decline in 1966 and 1967 as work on major portions of the manned lunar landing construction program is completed. NASA activities classified as basic research include space flight programs in physics, astronomy, and the biological sciences, and the planetary and interplanetary programs. Also included are the programs of supporting research and technology which result in preliminary investigations for, or instrumentation to be used in, the above described flight programs. The preparation of the scientific experiments carried on the manned flight missions, including the development of research experiments for the lunar expeditions, is also classed as basic research. The other research category includes those activities directed toward the application of new knowledge to the improvement of space systems and aircraft. In this year's analysis it also includes the Surveyor and Orbiter projects which, while generating a wealth of data useful for basic research, are nevertheless now directed primarily toward providing data needed for the design and operation of manned lunar landing systems. The applications technology satellite project is also placed in this category this year. Table 1-6. EXPENDITURES OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (in millions of dollars) Program and type of activity 1965 actual Conduct of research: Basic scientific research in space: Spacecraft, instrumentation, conduct of experiments, and supporting costs.. __ . . . . . .. Procurement of launch vehicles for basic research purposes -Other basic research in space science and technology.. 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 295.8 385.0 480.0 39.5 105.2 60.0 135.0 50.0 135.0 440.5 565.7 580.0 665.0 665.0 640.0 52.9 75.0 70.0 ... 1,059.1 1,320.0 1,375.0 Conduct of development: Manned space flight and supporting development Development of launch vehicles for research purposes. _. Other development . . 3,210.8 94.3 190.8 3,557.0 60.0 160.0 3,418.0 35.0 165.0 3.495.9 3,777.0 3.618.0 7.0 444.0 86.9 8.0 400.0 95.0 7.0 240.0 60.0 537.9 503.0 307.0 5,092.9 5.600.0 5,300.0 Subtotal, basic research ._. Other research ~. - .. Procurement of launch vehicles for other research purposes Total, conduct of research. Total, conduct of development . .. Research and development facilities: Facility grants to colleges and universities . . Manned space flight and supporting facilities . . . . Other research and development facilities.. . Total, research and development facilities. . . . . _ Total, National Aeronautics and Space Administration SPECIAL ANALYSES 121 The development category includes the development and operation of manned space flight systems, except for the scientific experiments discussed above. Development of launch vehicles for research purposes is now included in this category rather than in basic research as in past years. Other development activities are comprised primarily of the SNAP 8, M - l engine, large solid rocket, and Rover nuclear rocket programs, the Nimbus meteorological satellite, and supporting activities. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION The Atomic Energy Commission's research and development programs account in 1967 for 66% of AEC's annual expenditures. Research programs, which m 1967 constitute approximately 3 1 % of the total conduct of research and development, are conducted in the physical and biomedical sciences to secure a better understanding of nuclear structure, nuclear processes, and the effects of nuclear radiation on living organisms and systems. Of the total funds programed for research, about 79% is considered to be basic or fundamental research. The developmental activity primarily comprises programs to develop improved nuclear reactors for a variety of power and propulsion applications, to design and test improved nuclear weapons, and to develop the peaceful uses of radioisotopes and nuclear explosives. The major elements of the AEC research programs are in the physical and biomedical sciences. The physical sciences research program, which increases by 10% in 1967, consists of research in high, medium, and low energy physics and in those aspects of chemistry, metallurgy, and mathematics, of particular importance to nuclear science and technology. In addition, there is a continuing program of research with themonuclear plasmas, the purpose of which is to determine whether the energy released in themonuclear reactions can be controlled. Of special importance in 1967 are AEC's plans to increase by an order of magnitude the intensity of the world's highest energy proton accelerator at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and to design at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory a very high intensity 800 million electron volt linear proton accelerator. Studies are presently underway to choose the most appropriate site for a 200 billion electron volt (Bev) circular proton accelerator. This accelerator, with supporting equipment and facilities, has an estimated capital cost of about $375 million. Design funds for the 200-Bev machine will be requested once a site has been selected and the design has been authorized. AEC's reactor development program includes efforts to develop improved types of central station nuclear power reactors, nuclear rockets (Project Rover), compact nuclear electric power sources for space and other remote applications (Project SNAP), reactors for naval propulsion, and to broaden the base of reactor technology. In 1967, continued emphasis will be placed on advanced power reactors which make improved use of nuclear fuels, including the development of "fast breeder" reactors which would produce more fuel than they consume. In 1967 AEC will initiate design of a large fast flux test facility for the fast breeder program. It is estimated that the total construction cost of this facility would be about $75 million. 122 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table 1-7. EXPENDITURES OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (in millions of dollars) Conduct of research and development Research and development facilities 1965 actual 1966 1967 1965 actual 453.6 423.1 468.4 212.6 77.2 19.8 441.4 468.1 236.0 83.0 27.7 Total, Atomic Energy Commission. 1,240.7 ,256.1 Program Special nuclear materials and weapons Reactor development Physical research Biology and medicine Other research and development 477.6 1966 1967 72.5 94.5 31.7 73.0 99.8 95.2 9.3 2.2 83.1 8.4 2.3 64.6 82.0 81.6 11.0 2.8 ,269.6 279.4 260.8 241.9 258.9 87.5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Expenditures by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for research and development will increase by $162 million to a level of $1,143 million in 1967. This increase occurs primarily in health and health-related research—particularly in programs of the National Institutes of Health. While support continues to be given to expanding the base of knowledge in the life sciences, increasing emphasis will be placed on new and improved methods of prevention, diagnosis, and care. The scope and complexity of pollution problems necessitate a major increase in expenditures to discover the basic mechanisms of the health effects of pollutants and to develop methods for detection and control. New programs of research will be initiated at the National Environmental Health Sciences Center, and university institutes of environmental health sciences will be expanded. The new Water Pollution Control Administration will increase its research on advanced waste treatment methods, and the Food and Drug Administration will broaden its research efforts relating to drug efficacy and safety. Expenditures for Office of Education programs will rise sharply reflecting a major expansion and change in direction authorized as a part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Under that authority, support will be provided for regional educational laboratories at which institutions of higher education, States, private enterprise, and schools will work together to bring the results of educational research and new curricular design to the Nation's classrooms. Increases will also be provided for research centers which focus on current education problems such as education of the disadvantaged, individualized instruction, early childhood learning, teacher education, and strengthening institutions of higher education. Support will also be expanded for development of new curricular materials. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Total expenditures of the National Science Foundation for the support of basic research and research facilities will increase by an estimated $47 million over the 1966 level of $236 million. SPECIAL ANALYSES 123 The major increase in 1967 is for the support of basic research in colleges and universities with emphasis on encouraging research at a wider range of institutions than at the present time. Additional funds are provided for the national research centers in the atmospheric sciences and astronomy—mainly for the completion of a 150-inch optical telescope for which the primary optical system was funded in 1965. Increases are also included for computing facilities, both to assist universities to obtain additional computer capacity and to support computer operations for special scientific purposes. The estimate for Project Mohole to explore the physical properties of the earth's inner layers includes funds for completion of the drilling platform. The Foundation's program in weather modification will be expanded in 1967 in recognition of new opportunities for improving the understanding of the various mechanisms for effecting modification of the weather. Support will be continued for the United States Antarctic Program and for ocean sediment coring. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Expenditures of the Department of Agriculture for research and development are estimated to be $247 million in 1967 compared with $255 million in 1966. Reductions in lower priority work in farm, utilization, and marketing research at 69 separate locations will permit the expansion of other research activities within the reduced overall total, including research operations at more effective, new and expanded farm and utilization research laboratories and watershed research centers. The Department's economic research activities will also increase. An increase in the program of grants to the States for the conduct of basic and applied scientific research at State experiment stations will be more than offset by a decrease in grants to State experiment stations under the Hatch Act. While expenditures for facilities will continue at about the 1966 level, obligations will drop substantially, reflecting the completion of funding for major research facilities. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Expenditures of the Department of the Interior for research and development will increase from $137 million in 1966 to $147 million in 1967. Efforts to improve conservation and sound use of the Nation's natural resources are conducted by the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Geological Survey, the Bureau of Mines, and the Offices of Saline Water, Water Resources Research, and Coal Research. Research also aids the improvement of resources management in such operating bureaus of the Department as the Bureau of Reclamation and Bonneville Power Administration. Research and development programs are seeking new and expanded markets for coal, increased knowledge of the properties of oil shale, and better techniques for recovery of oil from shale. Research on the recovery and utilization of waste metal, particularly auto body scrap, will be expanded in 1967. This will aid in the elimination of unsightly auto junk yards throughout the country. Studies of the geophysical and geochemical properties of the upper mantle of the 124 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 earth's crust—which relate to the technology of obtaining deep-lying mineral deposits—will be continued, as will research on geologic hazards and prediction of earthquakes. The water resources research of the Department will be increased significantly, with emphasis on determination of the distribution of natural chemicals and pollutants throughout natural water systems, surface and underground supplies, augmentation of reservoir inflow by weather modification, and conversion of salt and brackish water to fresh supplies. Research on the effects on fish and wildlife of pesticidal chemicals also will increase. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Expenditures of the Department of Commerce for the conduct of research and development will total $79 million in 1967, an increase of $17 million over 1966. This increase is largely offset by a reduction of $13 million from 1966 to 1967 in expenditures for construction of research and development facilities as the new National Bureau of Standards complex at Gaithersburg, Md., nears completion. In 1967, expenditures for the high-speed ground transportation research and development program, initiated in 1966, will increase by $14 million, principally for investigation of new technology for guideways, power, and control systems, and also for demonstrations of high-speed rail passenger service. The National Bureau of Standards' research program provides for increased standard reference data and performance criteria efforts and for more adequate services and research in data processing standards and computer sciences. An increase is also included for additional work in weather modification, sea-air interaction, and environmental hazards by the new Environmental Science Services Administration. Much of this work was previously conducted in other parts of the Department. SELECTED GOVERNMENT-WIDE SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The following section presents a number of scientific activities of the Federal Government on a Government-wide basis. In these fields, and in many other fields, the office of Science and Technology, with the advice of the President's Science Advisory Committee and the Federal Council for Science and Technology, is active in improving the planning, coordination, and review of Federal research and development programs. Funds for these scientific and technical activities are included in the agency figures shown elsewhere in this analysis. ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES The atmospheric sciences are concerned with the physical and chemical properties, composition, behavior, and processes of the earth's atmosphere and the atmospheres of other planets. In the following table research and development activities only are reported. Weather services programs will be reported separately in a detailed plan prepared by the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research, Environmental Science Services Administration, Department of Commerce. 125 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table 1-8. OBLIGATIONS OF FEDERAL AGENCIES FOR ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES (in millions of dollars) Agency Departments of: Agriculture Commerce Defense Health, Education, and Welfare Interior _._ Atomic Energy Commission Federal Aviation Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation Total 1966 1965 0.7 14.9 76.3 2.0 1.6 7.1 1.9 22.9 207.5 1967 1.0 1.0 17.0 76.6 2.2 3.5 7.5 3.0 .4 24 .9 79.1 2.7 3.9 7.0 2.4 224.; 234.6 17.6 While overall funding for atmospheric research has been significantly influenced in the past by fluctuations in the costs of satellite development and flight activities, these latter costs now are becoming more stable. Exclusive of satellite programs, funding for atmospheric sciences increased 12% to 14% per year from 1962 through 1966; a 7% increase is estimated in 1967. The Department of Commerce, through its new Environmental Science Services Administration, will increase its efforts in weather modification research and will also stress the development of means of predicting and monitoring disturbances in the space environment having important implications to man's use of the upper atmosphere and space. Greater emphasis will also be placed on weather modification research by the National Science Foundation as it continues to support basic research in the atmospheric sciences. The atmospheric research aspects of the water resources program of the Bureau of Reclamation of the Department of the Interior is planned to continue at a slightly higher level for 1967. The Department of Defense will emphasize research in aeronomy (the upper atmosphere) and reduce efforts in meteorology (primarily concerned with phenomena occurring within 50 kilometers of the earth's surface); the Environmental Science Services Administration will emphasize meteorology and reduce its efforts in aeronomy; and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will emphasize both, as well as increasing its studies of the planetary atmospheres. The distribution of Federal support for research in the areas of meteorology, aeronomy, and the planetary atmospheres is as follows: Table 1-9. OBLIGATIONS FOR ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES BY FUNCTIONAL AREA (in millions of dollars) Functional area Meteorological research and service system development Upper atmosphere research Studies of planetary atmospheres _ . Total 1965 1966 1967 102.6 100.2 4.6 112. 8 105. 7 5. 6 118 .7 110 .1 5 .8 207.5 224. 1 234.6 126 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Applied research and development whose principal objective is to improve operational weather services is included in the above amounts. These projects will also be reported in the detailed plan prepared by the Federal coordinator. MEDICAL RESEARCH Federal expenditures for medical and health-related research activities are estimated to be $1,448 million in 1967. This is an expansion of about 10% over the 1966 level of $1,320 million. Of the increase of $128 million in overall medical research expenditures in 1967, $113 million, or 88%, is in expenditures of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, predominately in the National Institutes of Health. Significant increases will occur in both the extramural and the intramural programs of NIH. It is estimated that by 1967, NIH will support approximately 38% of the total national medical research effort of more than $2 billion in public and private funds. Other increases in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare result from a major expansion in environmental pollution research and related health research through the programs of the Public Health Service, the new Water Pollution Control Administration, and the Food and Drug Administration. Table 1-10. EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AGENCIES FOR MEDICAL AND HEALTH-RELATED RESEARCH (in millions of dollars) 1965 actual Agency Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Public Health Service (National Institutes of Health) Other Total, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Department of Defense Atomic Energy Commission Department of Agriculture National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation Veterans Administration Other Total, medical and health-related research Total, conduct of research Total, research facilities 1966 estimate 666.1 (587.3) 28.1 858.1 (749.2) 50.9 694.2 98.4 89.3 38.0 50.6 25.8 40.9 2.9 909.0 108.4 94.6 40.0 79.1 35.0 50.4 3.6 1967 estimate 934.5 (815.0) 87.9 1,022.4 118.5 101.7 40.7 75.6 35.8 49.4 4.0 1,040.1 1,320.1 1.448.1 (965.5) (1,213.7) (1,324.9) (74.6) (106.4) (123.2) The increased level of medical research supported by the Department of Defense is principally for efforts to improve malaria control and treatment measures for use in Southeast Asia. The Atomic Energy Commission's biomedical research program, which is principally concerned with the effects of radiation on man and his environment, will continue to expand. The medical research programs of the other agencies will be at substantially the same level in 1967 as in 1966. OCEANOGRAPHY The national oceanographic program represents the coordinated research and survey efforts of nine agencies to improve our under 127 SPECIAL ANALYSES standing of the oceans in the pursuit of such national interests as defense, the exploitation of food and mineral resources, the improvement of weather forecasting, and the prevention of pollution. To achieve these goals the properties of the ocean must first be understood, and thus the largest effort is directed to ocean research. The research program is directed to describing and understanding the physical and chemical properties of the "world ocean," the effect of the interrelationship of the ocean and the atmosphere, the distribution of marine organisms, the structure of the ocean floor and its history, and the modifications of the ocean by human activities. The survey program provides basic data necessary for research, exploration, and use of the oceans. The increase in survey effort reflects the addition of modern vessels into the fleet and increased survey effort by the Navy related to sound propagation. To insure greater understanding of all Federal marine science and technology, this year's analysis incorporates work in developing vehicles, structures, and other equipments for work in the ocean. Table I—11 below identifies both the regular oceanography program, for comparison with programs previously reported, and the consolidated program for ocean technology and oceanography. The changes in the total for ocean technology and the consolidated totals reflect in part the phasing of construction and equipment contracts. The programs of the several agencies which comprise the national oceanographic program have been developed to meet agency requirements in consultation with the membership of the Interagency Committee on Oceanography of the Federal Council for Science and Technology. The Committee has advised agencies on useful opportunities for ocean research, exploration, and equipment development, and has helped to develop a balanced program that avoids duplicate efforts and insures maximum exchange of information. Table I-ll. OBLIGATIONS FOR OCEANOGRAPHY A N D OCEAN TECHNOLOGY BY FUNCTIONAL AREA (in millions of dollars) 1965 1966 1967 27.3 76.1 5.4 30.7 83.1 1.3 39.8 97.8 112.2 124.2 20.7 6.0 10.3 12.5 3.5 16.2 5.2 9.4 8.4 _.. 37.0 25.4 29.8 ... 134.8 62.0 137.6 40.6 154.0 65.9 Grand total, oceanography and ocean technology 196.8 178.2 219.9 Research ..__ __ - Ocean coring program Surveys and data center. . . . - 70.5 _ . . .. . . _ . . Subtotal, operating programs . . Ship construction . .. .. - .. Facilities construction .. ._ Equipment development and procurement Subtotal, capital programs Total, oceanography Ocean technology . . _ ... .. _. - _ . ... _. _ . .. As shown in table I - l l above, the funds devoted to oceanographic research and survey programs will continue to increase in 1967, while obligations for capital programs will rise slightly. The decrease in total obligations for 1966 results from larger construction obligations 128 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 in 1965 for Project Mohole and the nuclear-powered research vehicle. The decrease in National Science Foundation obligations in 1967 also reflects certain startup costs in 1966 for the ocean coring program which will not recur in 1967. The Foundations^ oceanographic research program will continue to increase. Table 1-12. OBLIGATIONS OF FEDERAL AGENCIES FOR OCEANOGRAPHY (in millions of dollars) 1965 actual Agency 1966 estimate Departments of: Commerce Defense Health, Education, and Welfare Interior State Treasury Atomic Energy Commission National Science Foundation Smithsonian Institution 196. Total 1967 estimate 13.1 80.5 6.3 19.4 .5 2.1 11.6 43.2 1.5 16. 113. 9.7 19.5 .5 178.2 219.9 2.3 13.5 43.0 1.6 SPACE PROGRAMS As shown on table 1-13, new obligational authority for the total Federal space programs is estimated at $6.7 billion in 1967, a decrease of $267 million from 1966. Expenditures decrease $320 million in 1967. The principal decreases are in the NASA program and largely reflect the completion of the Gemini program and the projected progress of the manned lunar landing program from the development phase into the flight operations stage. Except for the operational satellite programs of the Department of Commerce, amounts for the space programs are classified as research and development and are included in the totals in this special analysis. Table 1-13. NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY AND EXPENDITURES FOR FEDERAL SPACE PROGRAMS (in millions of dollars) NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1_. Department of Defense Atomic Energy Commission Department of Commerce: Environmental Science Services Administration. _ National Science Foundation Total 1 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 1965 actual 1966 estimate 5,167.6 1,579.4 5,087.9 1.693.5 4,908. 1,620. 7 5 035.0 1 591.8 5 521.0 1 640.0 5 711 0 1 650.0 228.6 195.6 173. 5 232.2 201.0 m7 12.2 27.3 35. 8 24.1 19.2 27.0 3.2 3.6 2. 9 3.0 3.5 2.8 6,991.0 7,007.9 6,741. 2 6 886.1 7 384.7 7 064.5 Excludes aircraft technology. EXPENDITURES 1967 estimate SPECIAL ANALYSES 129 All activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are included in the amounts shown, with the exception of amounts specifically identified with aircraft technology. Over two-thirds of the 1967 expenditures will be devoted to the achievement of a manned lunar landing within this decade. The balance of the NASA funds provide for continuing unmanned space exploration with satellites and probes, development of space applications, and a continuing program of studies and supporting research. The estimates for the Department of Defense include the projects in the Department's astronautics budget activity and certain amounts in other budget activities which contribute to the space effort, such as missile development, range operations, and various supporting research, development, and operating costs. The amounts shown include funds for the manned orbiting laboratory (MOL), the communications, navigation, and nuclear detection satellite programs, the Titan III space booster, and for supporting research and development. For the Atomic Energy Commission, the table includes amounts for development of nuclear rocket propulsion and nuclear power sources for space applications, including production of isotopic fuels, and amounts for aerospace safety. The amounts shown for Commerce are primarily those related to the establishment and the operation of a satellite system to observe meteorological conditions, and, therefore, are not included in the total for research and development in this special analysis. The amounts for the National Science Foundation are for research in astronomy using rockets and satellite-borne observation instruments. WATER RESEARCH The Committee on Water Resources Research of the Federal Council for Science and Technology has worked intensively during 1965 to develop a balanced, long-term plan for water resources research. The recommendations of the Committee have been independently reviewed by a panel of experts convened under the aegis of the President's Science Advisory Committee, and a report will be published this spring to provide program guidance for the agencies having responsibilities relating to water. In planning their 1967 programs, agencies considered the emerging priorities identified during the Committee's planning process. The total for water resources research in 1967 is $15 million larger than 1966, as shown in Table 1-14. An increase has been provided for research to improve the water resources planning process. Dramatic changes in our planning needs and in water resources management problems make this a vital research area. Increases have been provided for research on pollution control and for saline water conversion processes. 789-740 O— t 130 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table 1-14. OBLIGATIONS OF FEDERAL AGENCIES FOR WATER RESEARCH AND SURVEYS (in millions of dollars) Agency Departments of: Agriculture Commerce Defense Health, Education, and Welfare Interior Atomic Energy Commission _ National Science Foundation Tennessee Valley Authority Total 1965 actual 1966 estimate 19t>7 estimate 13.7 .9 3.6 13.5 33.2 2.8 1.7 .6 16.5 1.0 3.9 17.7 47.5 2.7 1.9 16.5 1.0 5.6 23.9 54.7 2.7 2.0 70.0 92.0 107.3 SCIENCE INFORMATION A strong national scientific and technological effort demands effective mechanisms for the handling of scientific information. To evolve an overall national network able to handle efficiently the data produced by expanding research and development activities, existing information activities must grow in a coordinated manner. For this reason leadership by the Office of Science and Technology and the interagency Committee on Scientific and Technical Information of the Federal Council for Science and Technology has been intensified during the past year. Attention has been focused on the integration of Federal science information activities, developed to meet agency mission needs, into broader national systems. This Committee of the Federal Council on Science and Technology has recently completed a far-reaching study, "Recommendations for National Document Handling Systems in Science and Technology." This study is an important step toward development of a comprehensive course of action so that information activities within individual departments and agencies will be developed in a coordinated, nonduplicative manner. In fiscal year 1967, emphasis will continue to be placed on developing a national network of information systems. Approximately $60 million will be provided for the support of research and development on scientific and technical information systems, techniques, and devices. 131 SPECIAL ANALYSES SUMMARY DATA Table 1-15 below gives historical data on total research and development expenditures by major agency. Table 1-16 following provides information on expenditures for the conduct of research and development and for research and development facilities by agency and major subdivisions for the fiscal years 1965, 1966, and 1967. Table 1-15. BUDGET EXPENDITURES FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 1954-66 (in millions of dollars) Fiscal year 1954 1955 1956. 1957 1958 1959. 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1 2 Department of NASA* Defense ' 2.487 2,630 2.639 3,371 3,664 4.183 5.654 6,618 6,812 6,849 7,516 6,728 6,850 6,886 90 74 71 76 89 145 401 744 1,257 2,552 4,171 5,093 5.600 5,300 AEC 383 385 474 657 804 877 986 111 784 335 505 570 517 .511 D/HEW 63 70 86 144 180 253 324 374 512 632 791 707 980 1.143 Includes civil functions, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics prior to 1958. NSF 4 9 15 31 33 51 58 77 105 142 197 195 236 283 Other 121 140 161 183 220 293 315 356 403 478 496 587 778 816 Total 3,148 3,308 3,446 4,462 4.990 5,803 7.738 9.278 10.373 11,988 14.676 14,830 15.961 15.939 132 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table 1-16. ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET EXPENDITURES FOR FEDERAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS (in millions of dollars) Conduct of research and development Description 1965 Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service Cooperative State Research Service Forest Service . . . Other 1966 1967 111.0 46.6 28.3 15.3 130.3 57.8 28.7 18.1 126.8 47.2 33. 17.8 201.2 234.9 224.9 22.4 10.0 28.3 11.0 24.9 1.1 11.9 6.0 16.7 19.7 20.5 14.3 45.4 62.0 Research and development facilities 1965 1. 1966 1967 3. 2. 3. 10. 11.0 5. 20.0 21.6 28.9 24.2 11.1 79.4 28.9 24.2 11.1 6,623.1 6.770.0 6.800.0 7.9 4.6 5.2 99.9 74.6 78.0 6,627.7 6.775.2 6.807.9 99.9 74.6 78.0 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: 6.6 12.4 10.5 Food and Drug Administration 19.0 78.1 47.8 Office of Education 590.0 878.9 796.3 Public Health Service (National Institutes of Health) . (552.3) (705.8) (768.2) 9.5 35.6 15.4 Water Pollution Control Administration. 30.0 43.3 37.1 Welfare Administration and other .1 51.5 (35.0) Total, Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce: National Bureau of Standards Weather Bureau .. .. Environmental Science Services Administration Office of Transportation Research . Other Total, Department of Commerce Department of Defense: Military . Civil Total, Department of Defense Total, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Department of the Interior: Geological Survey . _ Bureau of Mines Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Office of Saline Water Other 655.1 3.1 1.7 8.-9 1.1 17.4 66! 9 65.7 (40.3) (41.8) 10.0 907.1 1.048.3 51.6 73.1 94.3 . . 24.0 24.0 19.4 10.7 25.9 24.7 24.5 22.3 12.0 35.1 25.6 26.3 23.5 15.1 35.8 .1 .1 5.9 .8 3.7 .6 .6 6.0 4.3 6.9 .2 1.9 2.5 7.2 8.7 Total, Department of the Interior.. 104.0 118.6 126.3 10.6 18.4 20.5 1,240.7 1.256.1 1.269.6 Atomic Energy Commission 93.2 125.0 155.1 Federal Aviation Agency .. National Aeronautics and Space Administration . _ 4,555.0 5.097.0 4.993.0 146.8 226.2 177.7 National Science Foundation 4.2 55.9 55.9 Office of Economic Opportunity 36.6 42.6 42.2 Veterans Administration 42.8 69.2 54.4 Other -. .- 279.4 6.1 260.8 2.1 241.9 2.3 537.9 48.4 503.0 58.4 307.0 56.8 6.0 3.6 8.2 11.5 6.8 .7 3,752.8 4,906.2 5.098.5 1,077.6 1,054.3 841.0 Total, research and development SPECIAL ANALYSIS J FEDERAL AID TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Federal aid to State and local governments in recent decades has become a major factor in the cooperative financing of essential government functions. The rudiments of the present system date back more than 100 years to the enactment in 1862 of the Morrill Act. This act established land-grant colleges and instituted certain federally required minimum standards which are characteristic of the present grant-in-aid system. Federal aid was later initiated for agriculture, highways, vocational education and rehabilitation, forestry, and public health. In the depression years, Federal aid was extended to meet economic security and other social welfare needs. More recently, significant efforts have been made to broaden elementary, secondary, and higher educational opportunities; to develop economically depressed areas of the Nation; to help finance health services and medical care for the indigent; and to launch a concerted attack on poverty. Special efforts are being made to coordinate and further improve the various Federal aid programs in 1967. The proposed Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, already before the Congress, would improve the administration and facilitate congressional review of Federal grantsin-aid. It would also provide a means for coordinating intergovernmental policy in the administration of grants for urban development. Federal Aid to State and Local Governments Budget and Trust Fund Expenditures 1956 1957 1958 Fiscal Years 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 Estimate 133 134 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 The growth of Federal aid programs.—In 10 years, total Federal aid to State and local governments will have more than tripled, rising from $4.1 billion in 1957 to an estimated $14.6 billion in 1967. In relation to total Federal cash payments, Federal aid will have doubled. In the same period, expenditures by State and local governments from their own funds also will have doubled. Although the number and variety of Federal aid programs have increased markedly in the last several decades, about 53 percent of total expenditures in 1967 for assistance to State and local governments will be for two major programs—highway construction and public assistance grants. In the decade ending in 1967, highway construction grants will have increased more than fourfold, rising from $955 million in 1957 to an estimated $4.1 billion in 1967, the largest increase in Federal aid for any single grant program during this period. Grants for public assistance will have more than doubled since 1957, increasing from $1.6 billion to an estimated $3.6 billion in 1967. Increasing population and rapid urbanization have led to greater responsibility, particularly at the State and local level, for providing essential public services in education, health, housing, urban renewal, highways, and public transportation. Continuing economic change has stimulated programs for safeguarding the economic security of individuals. While the major burden of such public services rests with the approximately 90,000 State and local governmental jurisdictions, the Federal Government plays a vital role, both through direct operation of programs and by providing financial assistance to State and local governments. Furthermore, by encouraging a sound and growing economy, the Federal Government helps State and local governments indirectly by promoting a growing tax base. Major program changes for 1967.—In 1967, total expenditures underexisting and proposed programs for financial assistance to other levels of government will increase substantially. The total is estimated to be $1.3 billion more than for 1966 and $3.5 billion more than the actual total for 1965. The major increases in grants for 1967 over the 1966 estimates are as follows: • Educational assistance programs are estimated to rise by $728 million to a total of $1.9 billion, largely reflecting new legislation enacted by the 88th and 89th Congresses for elementary, secondary, vocational, and higher education and for libraries. • Economic opportunity programs will increase by $268 million to an estimated $1.1 billion. • Grants for housing and community development are up by an estimated $189 million (27.5%) over 1966, as programs to assist in solving urban slum, growth, and transit problems are intensified. Smaller increases will occur in the food stamp program ($41 million) and in grants for vocational rehabilitation ($91 million). Significant decreases in expenditures in 1967 are expected to occur in: (1) accelerated public wwks ($117 million), as most projects are now completed; (2) college housing loans ($295 million), reflecting proposed sales of shares in pools of these loans; (3) educational assistance to federally affected areas ($90 million), as a result of recent studies of this program, and the impact of the large new Federal programs which meet many of the same needs; and (4) medical assistance for the aged ($75 million), reflecting the effect of medical health insurance Digitized programs. for FRASER 135 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table J-l. FEDERAL AID BUDGET AND TRUST FUND EXPENDITURES BY AGENCY (in millions of dollars) Agency Executive Office of the President __ __ .„_ . Funds appropriated to the President: Economic opportunity programs Other Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce __. Department of Defense—Military Department of Defense—Civil Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Department of the Interior. _ Department of Justice Department of Labor „ __ Department of State Treasury Department .. Federal Aviation Agency General Services Administration Veterans Administration Other independent offices _. District of Columbia 1 Total, budget and trust fund expenditures for Federal aid. 1965 actual 1966 estimate 0.6 1.2 115.0 331.7 924.8 4,034.7 32.7 16.9 4,210.6 693.8 138.1 821.9 279.2 1,024.5 4,037.9 32.0 21.2 5,341.6 783.9 202.9 415.8 533.2 4.4 4.4 5.1 60.2 70.6 61.6 65.0 1.9 8.1 9.4 .7 9.4 1967 estimate 1,089.8 50.4 884.0 4,255.2 37.7 22.5 6,639.0 594.5 238.8 10.0 558.2 5.4 64.1 60.0 58.0 12.3 61.7 8.7 19.3 108.0 11,127.4 13,299.8 14,646.7 1 Represents Federal payments and loans to the District of Columbia for operations and capital improvements. Federal aid programs by function and agency.—In 1967, Federal aid for health, labor, and welfare activities will amount to $6.6 billion, 45% of the total. Of this amount, $4.6 billion will be for programs administered by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. About 30% of total Federal aid, or $4.3 billion, will be spent for commerce and transportation activities of which highway construction under the Department of Commerce will account for $4.1 billion. Most of the remaining 25% will be distributed between education (13%) and housing and community development (6%). The detailed table at the end of this analysis lists the various programs of Federal aid to State and local governments by function, type of aid, agency, and major program groups. To place the composition of current Federal aid payments in perspective, table J-2 displays a similar distribution of aid by major function for earlier years. In 1955, prior to the advent of the expanded Federal-aid highway program, nearly three-fifths of total payments were made for health, labor, and welfare programs. Public assistance payments alone accounted for nearly one-half of the total. Commerce and transportation activities comprised one-fifth, and agriculture and education, combined, formed another 16% of total aid payments. The Federal-aid Highway Act of 1956 significantly altered the pattern of aid to State and local governments. By 1960, with the infusion of more than $2% billion in additional funds for highway grants, commerce and transportation programs moved to the ascendant position in Federal assistance activities. While all of the other functional categories shown in the table grew in absolute amount, only housing and community development also grew faster than total aid. 136 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 196 7 Table J-2. PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF FEDERAL AIDS TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS BY FUNCTION Function 1965 actual Agriculture and agricultural resources. Natural resources Commerce and transportation Housing and community development Health, labor, and welfare Education Other Total 1967 estimate 5 2 39 6 40 6 1 3 2 30 6 45 13 1 100 100 In more recent years, both the nature and number of aid programs have changed appreciably in response to the needs of State and local governments. There have been a number of new programs enacted in the last 3 years, aimed primarily at broadening the scope of individual opportunity and development. The cumulative effect of these programs has been to place the principal emphasis of Federal aid once again on health, labor, and welfare activities—as well as to give added impetus to education and housing and community development efforts. In 1967, education and health, labor, and welfare programs will account for 58% of estimated total aid payments. Like the earlier periods, nearly all the functional categories will have increased in absolute amount. Between 1965 and 1967, education aid is estimated to increase by $1.2 billion, while health, labor, and welfare payments will rise by about $2.1 billion. Together, these two categories account for over 94% of the estimated total increase in aid payments between 1965 and 1967. Table J-3. FEDERAL AID EXPENDITURES IN RELATION TO TOTAL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES AND TO STATE-LOCAL REVENUE Total expenditures for aid to State and local governments, budget and trust accounts Amount (millions) 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 estimate 1967 estimate - .. - - - - $3,124 3,753 4.111 5,072 6,813 7,174 7,283 8,167 8,818 10,314 11,127 13,300 14,647 As a percent of total cash payments to the public 4 5 5 6 7 8 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 As a percent of State-local revenue J 1] 12 11 12 15 14 13 14 14 15 15 (2) (2) 1 Based on compilations published by Governments Division, Bureau of the Census. Excludes State-local revenue from publicly operated utilities, liquor stores, and insurance trust systems. 2 Not available. 137 SPECIAL ANALYSES Federal aid in relation to total Federal and State-local outlays.— Total financial aid from budget and trust accounts of $14.6 billion will represent about 10% of estimated total Federal cash payments to the public, the same percentage as in 1966. As a source of State and local revenue, Federal aid payments from both trust fund and budget accounts in 1965 were an estimated 15% of all general revenue available to these jurisdictions. Types of Federal aid.—Federal financial assistance to State and local governments takes the form of direct grants-in-aid, shared revenue, and net loans and repayable advances. Grants to States and localities are the most significant type of Federal aid. In 1967, it is estimated that $14.6 billion or 99.3% of total expenditures for all three types of aid will take the form of grants-in-aid. Shared revenue will account for $202 million, or 1.4%, and net loans and repayable advances will have a net repayment of $106 million, due mainly to proposed sales of pools of these loans. Apart from these types of Federal aid, many other Federal expenditures which are not included in this analysis, such as contractual payments or grants to public institutions for research and training in special fields, affect the finances of State and local governments. Table J-4. TYPES OF FEDERAL AID BY FUNCTION, 1967 (in millions of dollars) Function National defense International affairs and finance Agriculture and agricultural resources - Natural resources Commerce and transportation - - -Housing and community development Education Veterans benefits and services General government- . _ Total Grantsin-aid 38.8 5.2 428.1 193.1 4,308.0 877.6 6,615.0 2,033.0 8.7 43.0 14,550.4 Shared revenues Net loans and reTotal aids payable advances 72.1 5.1 38.8 5.2 430.7 342.5 4,323.5 905.9 6,615.0 1,856.3 8.7 120.2 202.1 -105.8 14,646.7 130.0 2.6 19.4 15.5 28.3 -176.7 Types of grant-in-aid formulas.—Before the 1930's, Federal grants were apportioned among the States either as a flat sum per State or on the basis of relative State population. With the growth in the number and variety of grants, the methods of allocating the funds have undergone considerable change. A major feature of this change since World War II has been the increased use of fiscal equalization provisions. Before the war, Federal grants went in largest proportion to the States with greater resources. More recently, many of the grant programs have taken some account of variations among States in relative fiscal capacity. In fact, several of the new grant programs enacted during the past 3 years use a "fiscal capacity" index. Most present Federal grant programs have two distinct but coordinate provisions to determine State shares of grant funds. The first is an apportionment formula which specifies the proportion of 138 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Federal grant funds for which each State is eligible. The second provision, a matching formula, specifies to what extent a participating State must share in the costs of the program. Apportionment formulas vary considerably, but most often incorporate one or more of the criteria embraced by the so-called PFN formula: Population, Financial ability, and Need for the program. • Program need is usually measured by the total population or the relevant population group. • Financial ability is typically measured by relative per capita income. This is the case, for example, in grants for school lunches. Matching requirements—requiring States to share in program costs—are common elements of most grants. The matching or cost-sharing requirements are of two kinds: variable matching, which takes account of the differing abilities of the States to support their aided functions; and fixed ratio matching under which each State is required to share in the same proportion of program cost. The forthcoming Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury for 1965 (table 85, part A) provides more detailed information concerning the actual 1965 grants-in-aid and shared revenues. Among other things, it will show the expenditures made in each State under the various aid programs. Table J-5. FEDERAL AID TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (in millions of dollars) Agency and program Functional code 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate BUDGET AND TRUST ACCOUNTS 1 Grants-in-aid and shared revenue ? National defense: Executive Office of the President: Office of Emergency Planning—Federal contributions to State and local planning Department of Defense—Military: Civil defense shelters andfinancialassistance. . Construction of Army National Guard centers. . _ . . 059 0.6 1.2 1.1 051 051 21.6 11.1 24.0 8.0 29.0 8.7 33.3 33.2 38.8 153 4.4 4.8 5.2 351 352 352 354 387.2 .2 368.7 20.0 3.0 1.5 264.1 21.0 3.0 2.2 355 355 355 .3 45.4 81.9 1.7 56.8 86.9 1.6 46.4 87.2 Total, national defense International affairs and finance: Department of State: East-West Cultural and Technical Interchange Center Agriculture and agricultural resources: Department of Agriculture: Commodity Credit Corporation and Consumer and Marketing Service: Removal of surplus agricultural commodities and value of commodities donated . Rural water and waste disposal facilities Rural housing for domestic farm labor . . ....._ Resource conservation and development. . _. . Agricultural Research Service: Grants for basic scientific research . _ .. . . Agricultural experiment stations . . Cooperative agricultural extension service See footnotes at end of table. 139 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table J-5. FEDERAL AID TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (in millions of dollars)—Continued Agency and program Functional code 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate BUDGET AND TRUST ACCOUNTS 1— Continued Grants-in-aid and shared revenue 2—Continued Agriculture and agricultural resources—Continued Department of Agriculture—Continued Payments to States, territories, and possessions, Consumer and Marketing Service Commodity Credit Corporation: Grants for research. 1.5 1.1 1.0 517.6 541.3 428.1 401 58.3 61.0 65.6 402 15.4 16.1 15.8 402 33.5 36.2 37.5 401 11.9 18.3 20.7 401 1.7 2.0 401 401 .9 1.1 355 355 Total, agriculture and agricultural resources Natural resources: Department of Agriculture: Watershed protection and flood prevention Grants for forest protection, utilization, and basic scientific research National forest and grassland funds; payments to States and counties (shared revenue) Department of Defense—Civil: Corps of Engineers: Payment to California, flood control Payments to States, Flood Control Act of 1954 (shared revenue) Department of the Interior: Payments to States and counties from grazing receipts, grasslands, and sales of public lands (shared revenue) Bureau of Indian Affairs: Resources management Bureau of Reclamation: Grants Payments to Klamath area, Arizona and Nevada (shared revenue) Office of Water Resources Research Payments from grant lands: Oregon, California, and Coos and Douglas Counties (shared revenue) Mineral Leasing Act payments (shared revenue) Bureau of Mines: Mine drainage, solid waste disposal, and Appalachian mining area restoration Aid for commercial fisheries Payment to Alaska from Pribilof Island fund (shared revenue) Fish and wildlife restoration and management Wildlife refuge fund and grasslands payments (shared revenue) Land and water conservation grants Department of State: Pacific Halibut Commission Federal Power Commission: Payments to States (shared revenue) Tennessee Valley Authority: Payments in lieu of taxes (shared revenue) Water Resources Council Total, natural resources. Grants-in-aid Shared revenue See footnotes at end of table. 401 401 401 402 403 403 404 404 404 21.4 47.4 .4 1.0 20.2 .6 6.1 .7 6.2 20.9 48.0 22.3 53.3 .6 2.3 14.0 2.8 20.0 .2 19.4 37.8 .3 45.6 .2 404 405 404 .4 .1 401 .1 401 401 9.0 10.2 11.5 2.0 223.3 283.6 323.1 (107.1) (116.2) (163.5) (120.1) (193.1) (130.0) 1.5 .1 140 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table J-5. FEDERAL AID TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (in millions of dollars) —Continued Agency and program Functional cod 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate BUDGET AND TRUST ACCOUNTS »— Continued Grants-in-aid and shared revenue 2—Continued Commerce and transportation: Funds appropriated to the President: Public works acceleration Department of Commerce: State marine schools Forest and public lands highways Highway beautification and control of advertising Appalachian development highway system Federal aid highway program (highway trust fund). _ Improvement of weights, measures, and technology--. Office of State Technical Services Office of Appalachian Assistance: Special grants and research Economic Development Administration grants Area redevelopment assistance Regional economic planning Appalachian Regional Commission: Administrative budget Other (trust fund) Federal Aviation Agency: Federal aid airport program. _. Small Business Administration: Research and management counseling 507 288.4 124.9 502 503 503 503 503 506 506 .6 38.1 .1 * .6 42.0 12.8 19.6 507 507 507 507 3,979.5 8.4 507 507 501 70.6 506 .2 Total, commerce and transportation. Grants-in-aid, administrative budget. Grants-in-aid, trust fund .6 101.1 ,923.1 M.027.7 6 5 5.6 2.0 4.8 9.0 6.0 2.0 19.5 72.6 6.0 5.5 65.0 .1 60.0 4,386.0 4,212.5 4,308.0 (406.5) (3,979.5) (289.4) (280.2) (3,923.2) (4,027.8) Housing and community development: Department of Housing and Urban Development: Low-income housing demonstration program Low-rent public housing program Urban planning grants Open space land and urban beautification Grants for basic water and sewer facilities Grants for neighborhood facilities Demonstration city grants Urban renewal Urban transportation assistance Other aids for urban renewal and community facilities. District of Columbia: Federal payment 551 552 553 553 553 553 553 553 553 553 555 1.3 206.3 16.6 5.9 2.0 236.3 20.0 17.5 1.2 1.2 1.9 253.6 22.0 29.1 50.8 12.5 5.0 373.5 280.6 11.1 329.5 31.9 37.5 48.7 61.9 559.2 688.4 877.6 659 42.8 149.8 42.3 655 655 655 655 655 5.0 41.1 44.3 20.2 4.4 147.0 280.1 221.0 130.2 43.6 255.0 389.1 247.0 138.7 60.0 659 659 263.0 31.8 272.3 85.4 202.3 126.5 Total, housing and community development. 65.0 2.4 Health, labor, and welfare: Funds appropriated to the President: Disaster relief Office of Economic Opportunity: Community action programs: Head Start Other Neighborhood Youth Corps Work experience Other Department of Agriculture: Special milk and school lunch Food stamp See footnotes at end of table. 141 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table J-5. FEDERAL AID TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (in millions of dollars) —Continued Agency and program • unc:ional code 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 221.1 (146.1) 140.0 10.5 BUDGET AND TRUST ACCOUNTS i— Continued Grants-in-aid and shared revenue 2—Continued Health, labor, and welfare—Continued Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Community health—hospital construction (Portion to private, nonprofit institutions) Other community health activities Environmental health Medical services: Hospitals and medical care, Hawaii; and Indian health facilities National Institutes of Health: Operation, support, and improvement grants, mental health Construction of community mental health centers.. Construction of health research facilities Regional medical programs Grants for waste treatment works and water pollution control Maternal and child welfare Medical care for the aged (public assistance) Public assistance (exclusive of medical care for the Vocational rehabilitation Administration on Aging Department of Labor: Manpower development and training activities Grants to States for administration of employment security programs (trust fund) Equal Opportunity Commission 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 651 193.3 196.6 (124.9) (131.6) 63.2 4.9 93.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 26.3 1.6 3.6 5.0 46.8 25.0 1.5 35.0 1.9 7.6 651 651 651 75.0 97.5 272.2 84.9 121.0 364.1 107.0 146.1 288.8 653 659 659 2,787.2 101.5 * 3,240.8 168.6 3,306.2 259.8 6.0 652 22.5 652 652 393.3 4,477.4 Total, health, labor, and welfare 3.0 82.8 57.6 450.4 500.6 .9 6,180.0 6,615.0 (4,084.2) (5,729.6) (6,114.3) (450.4) (500.6) (393.3) Grants-in-aid, administrative budget. Grants-in-aid, trust fund Education: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Assistance to schools in federally affected areas Elementary and secondary educational activities Defense educational activities: Assistance to elementary and secondary education. Educational statistics program Higher education facilities construction Higher education activities Assistance to land-grant colleges Vocational education Arts and humanities educational activities Grants for library services and construction Training teachers of the handicapped Community services and National Teacher Corps Civil rights educational activities Teaching of the blind Educational television facilities Department of the Interior: Bureau of Indian Affairs: Education and welfare services See footnotes at end of table. 701 701 340.6 342.0 295.0 252.0 1,200.0 701 704 702 702 702 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 67.4 13.3 80.0 2.0 53.0 7.0 77.5 2.0 164.6 32.0 704 1.3 14.5 131.5 14.5 172.0 .2 26.1 3.1 35.0 3.4 .9 7.7 10.0 11.6 1.5 2.9 2.6 204.1 .5 51.1 4.6 15.0 2.9 1.0 7.7 142 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 196 7 Table J-5. FEDERAL AID TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (in millions of dollars) —Continued Agency and program Functional code 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 1.0 2.0 2.0 1,025.2 2,033.0 BUDGET AND TRUST ACCOUNTS i— Continued Grants-in-aid and shared revenue 2—Continued Ed ucation—Continued National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities: Administrative budget Other (trust fund) 704 704 610.3 Total, education. (610.3) (1,024.2) (2,031.0) (2.0) (1.0) Grants-in-aid, administrative budget, Grants-in-aid, trust fund Veterans benefits and services: Veterans Administration: Aid to State homes Grants for construction of State nursing homes. Administrative expenses 7.7 ..... 8.7 .5 .2 7.7 .9 8.1 9.4 8.7 910 .5 4.6 910 13.4 26.0 32.4 910 908 8.3 10.4 4.4 8.0 10.0 910 42.9 43.0 45.0 904 17.2 18.6 19.1 905 908 1.9 .7 804 804 805 Total, veterans benefits and services. General government: Funds appropriated to the President: Transitional grants to Alaska Department of the Interior: Grants to territories Internal revenue collections, Virgin Islands {shared revenue) Department of Justice: Law enforcement assistance Treasury Department: Tax collections for Puerto Rico (shared revenue) Bureau of Customs: Refunds, transfers and expenses of operation, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (trust fund shared revenue) General Services Administration: Hospital facilities in the District of Columbia President's Crime Commissions Total, general government. Grants-in-aid, administrative budget. Shared revenue, administrative budgetShared revenue, trust fund .7 84.2 108.6 115.1 (15.8) (51.3) (17.2) (36.6) (43.0) (53.0) (19.1) 10,903.9 Total grants-in-aid and shared revenue- (53.4) (18.6) 13,087.0 14,752.5 Loans and repayable advances (net) Agriculture and agricultural resources: Department of Agriculture: Rural renewal Resource conservation and development Total agriculture and agricultural resources. See footnotes at end of table. 352 354 .7 1.0 1.6 2.6 2.6 SPECIAL 143 ANALYSES Table J-5. FEDERAL AID TO STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (in millions of dollars) —Continued Agency and program • unc- ional code 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate BUDGET AND TRUST ACCOUNTS i—Continued Loans and repayable advances (net)—Continued Natural resources: Department of Agriculture: Watershed protection and flood prevention Department of the Interior: Irrigation projects 401 401 9.6 4.4 12.0 14.7 5.6 13.9 16.5 24.3 19.4 507 7.9 15.4 15.5 551 552 553 553 553 553 555 4 11.3 38.1 7.9 46.7 -.2 20.5 -3.1 -.5 22.5 7.9 18.5 5.8 13.0 -.5 (4) -52.5 9.9 22.5 2.8 46.1 64.1 28.3 9.4 .6 26.0 .7 68.7 93.1 -201.6 68.7 103.1 -176.7 3.3 2.4 .9 2.3 5.1 5.6 3.2 5.1 283.4 212.7 -105.8 6,346.4 4,372.8 8,520.3 4,374.6 10,020.1 167.5 17.2 223.4 173.5 18.6 212.7 183.0 19.1 -105.8 11,127.4 13,299.8 14,646.7 Total, natural resources. Commerce and transportation: Department of Commerce: Area redevelopment. Housing and community development: Department of Housing and Urban Development: Liquidating programs: Community facilities loans. _ Low rent public housing program Public facilities Public works planning Urban renewal fund Urban transit fund District of Columbia: Capital outlays and operations. 123.9 Total, housing and community development Education: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Higher education facilities Expansion and improvement of vocational education. Department of Housing and Urban Development: College housing Government mortgage liquidation 702 704 702 702 Total, education. General government: Department of Defense—Civil: Corps of Engineers: 910 Construction of power systems, Ryukyu Islands Department of the Interior: Administration of territories 9.0 Total, general government Total, loans and repayable advances Total Total Total Total Total grants-in-aid, administrative budget grants-in-aid, trust funds shared revenue, administrative budgetshared revenue, trust funds loans and repayable advances (net) Total Federal aid- 4,530.4 Note—Detail wiii not necessarily add to totals because of rounding. "Less than $0.05 million. 1 Budget accounts unless otherwise specified, Many expenditures listed here are parts of larger appropriation accounts or trust accounts. 2 Grants-in-aid unless otherwise specified 3 Reflects proposed transfer of forest and public lands highways and the highway beautincation program to the highway trust fund. 4 Net repayments of less than $0.05 million. SPECIAL ANALYSIS K PRINCIPAL FEDERAL STATISTICAL PROGRAMS This analysis summarizes the principal statistical programs of the Federal Government in the 1967 budget. The programs are presented in two categories: Current and periodic. Fiscal 1967 recommendations for current programs, reflecting continuing year-to-year statistical activity in the various agencies, provide for a total of $121.6 million. Recommendations for periodic programs—the large-scale census-type surveys characteristically taken once or twice a decade— amount to $13.3 million in obligations for 1967. Objectives of these programs are to provide accurate, comprehensive, and timely data that are required for operations and policy decisions of the Government, and that furnish the public with information about the functioning of the economy and welfare of the people. The functions of collecting, processing, and analyzing current generalpurpose statistical information are often closely related to other agency objectives. To indicate the interrelationships of the statistical programs carried out by different agencies and to aid in evaluating the Government's overall statistical system, the significant components of current Federal statistical activity are brought together and classified by broad subject areas in this special analysis. These areas and the amounts involved for the current program are summarized in table K - l . Information by agencies for both the current and periodic programs is shown in table K-2. The current statistical programs represent the entire programs of some agencies but only that portion of the programs of other agencies constituting general-purpose statistical activity. This year's presentation reflects two important changes: The inclusion of funds for the statistical work of the Office of Economic Opportunity and a substantial increase in the research and statistical activities of the National Center for Educational Statistics as a result of a reorganization and reassignment of functions not previously included. A brief description of the major program changes is shown below by broad subject areas. The agencies which contribute to each subject area are shown in table K-l. Adjustments made for savings resulting from increased productivity and for additional amounts required for increased pay costs are not itemized in descriptive statements but are reflected in the totals. LABOR STATISTICS Manpower and employment data.—Following several years of planning and testing, the Bureau of Labor Statistics plans to initiate surveys during 1967 which would provide current estimates of employment by occupation within industries. About 125 occupations have been identified as those requiring substantial periods of training, those subject to rapid change, or critical to defense or national welfare. Information is already available on some half of these occupations 144 145 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table K-1. OBLIGATIONS FOR PRINCIPAL CURRENT STATISTICAL PROGRAMS, BY BROAD SUBJECT AREAS (in millions of dollars) Program Labor statistics (Departments of Agriculture, Interior, and Labor; National Science Foundation) Demographic and social statistics (Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and Health, Education, and Welfare; National Science Foundation; Office of Economic Opportunity) Prices and price indexes (Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and Labor) , Production and distribution statistics (Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, and Interior; Civil Aeronautics Board; Interstate Commerce Commission) Construction and housing statistics (Departments of Commerce and Housing and Urban Development; Federal Home Loan Bank Board) National income and business financial accounts (Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and Treasury; Securities and Exchange Commission; Federal Trade Commission) Total, principal current programs 1965 actual 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 23.6 26.2 29.8 18.3 24.9 34.7 5.7 5.7 5.9 35.0 37.1 37.6 3.1 3.9 3.9 9.9 9.2 9.7 95.6 107.0 121.6 from existing sources. In order to provide current annual estimates of employment by occupation and to develop information on the changing occupational composition of major industries, a series of industry surveys ($190,000) would be undertakes for the remaining occupations. It will be 3 years or more before the program is in full operation and information available on the full list of 125 occupations. Funds ($120,000) are recommended for the Bureau of Labor Statistics to support a program of manpower research in depth which would subject existing data to more fundamental analysis in order to study and understand better the problems of accelerating economic growth, reducing unemployment, and assuring a better balance of manpower resources and requirements. Funds are recommended ($500,000) for the Statistical Reporting Service, Department of Agriculture, to strengthen the monthly estimates of employment of farmworkers—operators, hired workers, and unpaid family workers—and quarterly estimates of the wage rates paid hired farm labor. This program has been developed in response to the recommendations of the President's Committee To Appraise Employment and Unemployment Statistics (Gordon committee). The Labor Department has been experimenting with a variety of methods for obtaining job vacancy information from nonagricultural employers. This experience indicates that collection of such data is feasible, although the exact procedures to be used depend on the results of further testing during 1966. Information on job vacancies would be used (1) for developing statistical series on current demand for labor, and (2) for the guidance of employment service operations, educational authorities, and others concerned with the training and placement of the labor supply in localities. With the funds recommended ($2,500,000) quarterly estimates of job vacancies will be developed for large standard metropolitan statistical areas, and possibly for the States and the United States, showing information by occupation and the wage rates offered. This is a cooperative Bureau 789-740 0—66 146 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 of Employment Security, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and State employment security agency program. Wages and industrial relations.—Funds are recommended ($267,000) for an annual survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of salaries of a representative sample of occupations in States, county, and municipal governments. This survey will supplement the annual survey of professional, technical, and clerical occupations in private industry. BLS has planned a regular collection of information on employer expenditures for fringe benefit payments to workers. Biennially, estimates would be prepared for the manufacturing and nonmanufacturing segments of the private economy, with separate detail for production and nonproduction workers. In alternate years, special studies would be made of specific industries having significant national interest. During 1966, a start was made on the specific industry studies. The additional funds for 1967 ($308,000) would provide for the biennial surveys. In addition, an annual report would be made on the value of major collective bargaining settlements, including both the cost of wage increases and of changes in fringe benefits. The annual survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of occupational wage rates in the machinery industries is being placed on a biennial basis to conserve funds ($75,000) and reduce reporting burden. Productivity measurement.—An amount of $100,000 is included for the Bureau of Labor Statistics to increase the number of major industries for which separate productivity estimates are prepared. Bureau of Labor Statistics presently prepares estimates for 30 separate industries. Possibly five to seven industries would be included the first year of the expanded program, some in manufacturing and some in nonmanufacturing. The manufacturing estimates would be prepared from information now available, but the nonmanufacturing estimates may require the collection of additional data, for which planning would be done with the funds requested for 1967. DEMOGRAPHIC AND SOCIAL STATISTICS Health and vital statistics.—The 1967 budget for the National Center for Health Statistics includes a recommended increase of approximately $900,000. This includes $800,000 about equally divided between (1) a decennial revision in scope and design of the health interview survey which would support development of health data for States, metropolitan areas and other smaller areas and population groups, and for areas and people with particular health problems; and (2) surveys of the medical manpower and health facilities of the Nation to provide information needed in relation to the health insurance, medical assistance, and poverty programs. The recommendation also includes $100,000 for printing and distributing standard birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates to the States, for revised printing of the physicians handbook, and for necessary work to adapt the World Health Organization decennial revision of the international classification of diseases for use in the United States in indexing of hospital records and for classification of morbidity and mortality data. Population statistics.—The Census Bureau is exploring the use of administrative records to improve current estimates of family income SPECIAL ANALYSES 147 and other population characteristics and to provide prompt, economical, and consistent estimates of population and family incomes for small areas such as counties and standard metropolitan statistical areas for intercensal years. Use of large-scale automatic data processing techniques is required. Funds ($350,000) are recommended to extend this developmental program during 1967. Educational statistics.—The reorganization of the Office of Education has provided for more centralization of both survey work and data processing in the National Center for Educational Statistics. The 1967 budget includes $750,000 for expanding and improving both the regular statistical program and further development of the analytical model of the educational systems of the United States. The sum of $2.9 million is included for developing a new program of collecting educational achievement data on a uniform nationwide basis for the purpose of assessing the quality of education, for the purchase of data to be collected as a supplement to the current population survey, and to initiate a survey of adult education and training for employment. Additional funds of $500,000 are recommended to cover administrative costs of greatly increased functions and for machine tabulating and printing. Social security statistics.—An increase of $1 million is recommended for 1967 for an expansion of the research and statistics program. A major part of this increase is a result of the 1965 amendments to the Social Security Act which established a new program of hospital and supplementary medical insurance for the aged. An additional increase of $260,000, for the program of economic and social survey contracts, would provide funds for two major studies: The retirement history study, a longitudinal study following a sample of aged persons through a series of periodic interviews for about 10 years; and the study of beneficiaries in nursing homes and other long-stay institutions, a supplement to the national study of the disabled. Welfare statistics.—Primary emphasis in 1967 will be on reassessment of the series of statistical reports required by the Bureau of Family Services from the State public welfare agencies, including methods of obtaining and processing data. Particular attention will be given to statistics related to new medical programs administered by the Welfare Administration and to increased use of sampling and computerized processing of data. The Welfare Administration will also conduct a nationwide study of family living conditions from a sample of open and closed AFDC (aid to families with dependent children) cases and families who applied for but did not receive assistance. This study will provide information on the demographic, social, and economic characteristics of these families; on the effects of specific eligibility requirements; and on living arrangements and housing conditions. The total recommended increase is $900,000. Economic opportunity.—In recognition of the substantial volume of statistical data required to support the antipoverty program of the Office of Economic Opportunity this activity appears for the first time in this analysis. While the major part of the data is obtained 148 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 from other agencies, there is need for statistics specifically directed toward securing analytical detail with respect to the low-income population and appraising the effectiveness of the program. The increase in funds ($2 million) for 1967 is for the purpose of planning, testing the feasibility, and for preparatory work in connection with prospective large-scale surveys which would both probe poverty in depth and be integrated with the 1970 censuses so that changes can be effectively measured. PRICES AND PRICE INDEXES An increase of $75,000 is requested to expand research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the wholesale price area, principally for commodities entering into foreign trade. Slight reductions will be effected by elimination of the breakdown in the wholesale price index by stage of processing and by discontinuance of the weekly wholesale price index. Although weekly data on the small samples which had been used for the latter will no longer be collected weekly, data will be collected for the week falling in the middle of the month as an advance indicator of the monthly index. An increase of $125,000 was appropriated for 1966 for work by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on standard budgets for city workers' families. A further increase of the same amount is requested for 1967. This will provide for the compilation of current standard budgets for selected types and sizes of families at two levels of living—"minimum adequate" and "modest but adequate." PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION The major program changes in this area are in activities of the Department of Agriculture. An amount of $113,000 is requested to complete the long-range program for improving crop and livestock estimates by the Statistical Reporting Service. This repeats the 1966 budget request for this work. Recommended program increases for the Economic Research Service include $650,000 for intensified research on rural economic development, with principal emphasis on depressed rural areas, and $150,000 for economic analysis of water management and use problems in agriculture. These amounts are partially offset by increased productivity and by a $200,000 decrease for a one-time study in 1966 of the away-from-home market for food. Changes are also planned in the content of present programs as a result of completion or cutbacks in individual research and analytical projects and the initiation or expansion of others. The only change recommended in the program of the Bureau of the Census in this area would provide approximately $70,000 to initiate an annual series on retail trade by merchandise lines similar to those on which data were obtained in the 1963 Census of Business. CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING This area continues during 1967 at substantially the 1966 level. There will, however, be some change in content of the program as some projects are completed and others are initiated. The Department of Housing and Urban Development will extend its program of statistical data on housing markets and costs. It SPECIAL ANALYSES 149 will also conduct studies of specific aspects of urban development, markets for specialized types of housing, and financing and cash-flow requirements of various types of construction enterprises. The Bureau of the Census will continue during 1967 to institute improvements in its value of construction-put-in-place statistics. Extension of progress reporting on nonresidential construction to the Western States will become fully operational. Development of new construction patterns for 1-4 family residences, begun in 1966, will be completed and made operational in 1967. NATIONAL INCOME AND BUSINESS FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS The major changes proposed for this area are for work by the Office of Business Economics, as described below. In addition, a small increase ($50,000) is recommended for the Economic Research Service for basic statistics and related research on farm income parity. National economic accounts.-—Program increases of $400,000 are recommended for the Office of Business Economics to improve the balance-of-payments statistics, to expand the work on input-output, and to initiate a program for a comprehensive accounting of the Nation's capital stock. Extensive improvements on balance-of-payments work, including those suggested by the Budget Bureau's Balance of Payments Review Committee (Bernstein) and by the congressional Joint Economic Committee, are required for adequate presentation of major types of international transactions and for analyses of balance-of-payments developments. This work includes particularly the establishment of an inventory of foreign investments. $200,000 is recommended for this program. The expansion of input-output work pertains mainly to the calculation of a 1963 table involving the expansion of industry detail to more than double the number of industries in the previous (1958) table. This is expected to provide a considerably more useful tool for market analysis and add flexibility to the use of input-output for general economic analysis. $100,000 is requested for this work. In connection with the program for measurement of national wealth, the Office of Business Economics will expand its work on the measurement of fixed business capital, business inventories, and consumer assets; and initiate measures of Government real wealth. Part of this program will involve construction of complete balance sheets for the Nation and the major sectors of the economy. The Office of Business Economics is also expected to provide guidance to the Census Bureau and other agencies collecting primary data pertaining to wealth. $100,000 is requested for these activities. PERIODIC PROGRAMS In 1967, work on the 1963 Economic Censuses and the 1964 Census of Agriculture will be completed. The 1967 budget also provides for continuation of work on the preparation for the economic censuses and census of governments covering the calendar year 1967, for which the main task of data collection will be reflected in the 1968 budget. 150 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19 67 Table K-2. OBLIGATIONS FOR PRINCIPAL STATISTICAL PROGRAMS, BY AGENCY (in millions of dollars) Agency 1965 actual 1967 1966 CURRENT PROGRAMS Department of Agriculture: Economic Research Service Statistical Reporting Service Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census Office of Business Economics Department of Defense: Corps of Engineers: Domestic shipping statistics Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: National Center for Educational Statistics National Center for Health Statistics Social Security Administration: Statistical and research activities Welfare Administration: Statistical and research activities... Department of Housing and Urban Development: Urban studies and housing research Department of the Interior: Bureau of Mines: Mineral statisticsDepartment of Labor: Bureau of Employment Security: Statistical activities Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Manpower Policy, Evaluation, and Research: Statistical activities Treasury Department: Internal Revenue Service: Statistical reporting Civil Aeronautics Board: Statistical and research activities Federal Home Loan Bank Board: Statistical activities Federal Trade Commission: Financial statistics Interstate Commerce Commission: Reports and statistics National Science Foundation: Statistics and special analyses Office of Economic Opportunity: Statistical and research activities. Securities and Exchange Commission: Operational and business statistics Total, current programs 10.9 11.9 12.1 12.4 12.5 12.9 15.2 2.3 15.7 2.5 16.2 3.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 2.1 6.3 3.5 7.2 7.6 8.2 4.6 1.5 5.9 1.7 7.3 2.6 .4 2.4 2.7 2.6 2.5 18.5 3.1 20.0 5.2 20.8 3.7 4.0 4.1 6.1 .5 .7 .3 .9 3.5 5.0 5.0 .6 .8 .3 .6 .9 4.0 2.4 .9 .3 .9 4.2 4.4 .3 .3 .3 95.6 107.0 121.6 5.8 15.5 2.7 5.8 1.2 .2 2.3 1.2 1.8 3.2 1.4 3.2 PERIODIC PROGRAMS Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census: 1963 economic censuses 1964 Census of Agriculture 1967 economic censuses 1967 Census of Governments Preparation for 19th Decennial Census Registration and voting statistics Modernization of computing equipment Department of Agriculture: Statistical Reporting Service: Computer purchase and related costs Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: National Center for Health Statistics: Computer purchase and related costs Total, periodic programs Total, principal statistical programs. .9 2.0 1.7 .5 1.1 22.2 15.1 13.3 117.8 122.1 134.9 SPECIAL ANALYSES 151 Preparation for 19th Decennial Census.—Work will continue on establishing the basis for collecting a large part of the 19th Decennial Censuses of Population and Housing by mail. A computer-based geographic coding system will be developed to assign individual addresses to the geographic areas which must be identified in the census publications. Other planning work will include problems of census taking in hard-to-enumerate areas, questionnaire design under self-enumeration conditions, the development of statistical measures relating to the condition of housing and pilot testing of proposals for new or alternative census questions. Computers.—All amounts recommended for the purchase of computer and related costs are contained in the periodic statistical program. Although some of this equipment is used to process current statistics their purchase is included under the periodic program since the amounts represent long-term capital investment and for analytical purposes the total cost should not be charged to the current statistical program. SPECIAL ANALYSIS L FOREIGN CURRENCY AVAILABILITIES AND USES Many agencies of the Government are engaged in activities throughout the world which involve payments in foreign currencies. From some governmental activities, particularly the sale on concessional terms of surplus agricultural commodities, foreign currencies accrue to the Government without purchase with dollars. This analysis presents summary data on foreign currency availabilities and uses. Most currencies accrue to the credit of the United States because of past or current international agreements authorized under several laws. These international agreements deal primarily with (1) sales of commodities (usually surplus agricultural commodities) to foreign purchasers for local currencies, or (2) loans of dollars or foreign currencies which may be repaid in the currency of the borrower. Currencies also become available in much smaller amounts under other kinds of international agreements and from the normal operations of the U.S. Government abroad. A large part of the foreign currencies owned by the United States is committed by the terms of the international agreements under which they are received to be used on a loan or grant basis for mutually beneficial purposes in the country—these are called " country -use" currencies. The currencies which are available for the purposes of U.S. agencies are called "U.S. use" currencies. The Federal Government has established a number of procedures to insure the maximum use of the foreign currencies which are available for U.S. purposes. Efficient use of these currencies is important not only as a matter of sound financial management but because of the need to improve the balance-of-payments position of the United States. Payments of U.S. obligations abroad in foreign currencies rather than in U.S. dollars decreases the balance-of-payments deficit. It is useful for both administrative purposes and for analytical purposes to divide U.S. use foreign currencies into two categories: Excess currencies are the currencies of countries for which the Treasury Department determines (after reviewing the availabilities and prospective uses) that the supply is great enough to more than cover our requirements for the next 2 or 3 years. For 1966, the excess currency countries are: Burma, Ceylon, Guinea, India, Israel, Pakistan, Poland, Tunisia, United Arab Republic (Egypt), and Yugoslavia. They are expected to remain excess-currency countries in 1967. Separate appropriations for "special foreign currency programs" have been provided for several years. These appropriations finance programs which can make good use of excess currencies, and may include projects of lower priority than those financed through regular appropriations. The use of these appropriations results in an expenditure being reported for the using agency and a receipt for the Commodity Credit Corporation or other appropriate fund. In addition, because of the increasing balances of these currencies, the 1967 budget proposes additional direct authorizations to spend 152 153 SPECIAL ANALYSES foreign currencies for seven agencies. These authorizations would permit more of the currencies excess to U.S. needs to be used to fund activities advantageous to the United States, including acquisition of physical assets. They differ from the special foreign currency program appropriations in two respects: first, they are stated in foreign currency units, while the appropriations are in U.S. dollars; and second, they do not affect expenditures or receipts. Nonexcess currencies are those of all countries not designated as "excess." In many of these countries, our supply of currencies is far below our needs, and it is necessary to purchase currencies commercially to meet our requirements. In some of these countries, however, the supply of currencies available for U.S. programs is above our immediate needs, but not by a great enough amount for the country to be declared an excess currency country. Special efforts are made to use these "near-excess" currencies, rather than U.S. dollars, wherever possible, but it is not appropriate to seek additional uses for such currencies, and they are not available for use under the special appropriations or authorizations. The "near-excess" countries currently are: Brazil, Colombia, Congo (Leopoldville), Finland, Indonesia, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey, and Uruguay. No designation of anticipated "near-excess" countries for 1967 has been made, and the list is likely to change. Total availabilities of foreign currencies owned by the United States (excluding small amounts held in trust) are as follows: Table L-l. CASH AVAILABILITY OF FOREIGN CURRENCIES (In millions of dollar equivalents) 1965 actual For U.S. uses: Excess currencies Nonexcess currencies Subtotal, for U.S. uses . For country uses Amounts unfunded in Treasury accounts. - 1967 estimate 1.422 1,626 1,841 371 294 272 1.794 2,508 1.920 2.311 -9 2,113 2.193 4,222 4.261 4.302 Total 1966 estimate -44 Need for foreign currencies.—As indicated in table L-2, the need for foreign currencies in U.S. operations often does not correspond to their availability on a country-by-country basis. Although the United States will have over $2 billion available for U.S. programs, less than $300 million will be in nonexcess currencies and we must purchase almost $1.9 billion of currencies to meet our total requirements. (These figures are based on projections of future collections and requirements; foreign currency transactions are subject to more fluctuation and are, in many cases, less predictable than U.S. dollar transactions.) In nonexcess currency countries a strong effort is made in the negotiation of commodity sales agreements to obtain the maximum amount possible for U.S. uses. Despite this, in the normal course of its worldwide operations, the Government must purchase 789-740 0—66 11 154 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 196 7 large amounts of many currencies while at the same time it is accumulating large inconvertible balances of others. Table L-2. FOREIGN CURRENCY AVAILABLE TO MEET U.S. REQUIREMENTS, 1967 (in millions of dollar equivalents) Requirements (expenditures) Country Supply Excess currencies: Burma - Ceylon Guinea India Israel Pakistan Poland Tunisia United Arab Republic (Egypt) Yugoslavia,. . _ . Total, excess currencies... SJonexcess currencies: Brazil1 Canada.. China (Taiwan)1 Colombia l Congo (L6opoldville)1 . . Finland 1 France Germany, Federal Republic of_. Greece. . .. . __ Indonesia l Italy Japan .... Korea 1 Morocco . .. . Philippines Spain Sudan 1 Syria * .. .... Thailand 1 Turkey ... United Kingdom . Uruguay * Vietnam Other countries Total, nonexcess currencies Total . . Amounts available for use after 1967 Other than special programs Special programs 26 8 10 840 46 175 490 9 134 101 1 * * 4 7 7 14 1 6 5 2 2 1 36 13 9 9 3 8 7 23 6 9 799 27 159 468 6 120 89 1.841 45 90 1,706 21 2 22 4 10 2 7 12 13 10 8 30 14 18 2 7 4 * 3 30 6 2 8 37 11 35 17 4 1 I 157 977 14 * 66 196 47 3 39 64 2 2 38 34 73 1 93 204 1 9 * * 5 272 2,080 2.113 2,125 * * * * * * * * * 1 * * * 2 * * 1 Requirements for commercial purchase in 1967 33 9 1 * 150 964 1 9 25 58 191 34 15 37 58 2 2 35 5 70 1 7 85 175 6 84 1,898 96 1.790 1.898 *Less than $J£ million. 1 Currently designated as "near-excess" currency countries, but this designation may not be effective in 1967. U.S. uses of foreign currencies.—Table L-3 summarizes transactions of U.S. use foreign currencies. Disbursing officers are required to use currencies owned by the Government, if they are available, before purchasing currencies commercially. SPECIAL 155 ANALYSES Table L-3. SUMMARY OF FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS, U.S. USES (In millions of dollar equivalents) 1965 Cash balances brought forward: Excess currencies Nonexcess currencies - - Subtotal, cash balances brought forward . . . .. __ Collections: Public Law 480 sales Foreign assistance programs Other nonloan collections: Sale of military supplies and equipment - - . _. . . . Contributions for support of U.S. forces abroad . . Surplus property and lend-lease .„ . . . _ Informational media guarantees -.. Interest on public deposits Miscellaneous --.._Loan repayments (principal and interest): Public Law 480 loans - . Foreign assistance loans (including Development Loan Fund) _ Subtotal, collections Transfer of excess currencies to country use Total availabilities Expenditures (deduct): Foreign currency expenditure authorizations: Proposed additional authorization Other With dollar credits t o Miscellaneous receipts of the general fund. _ Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture Informational media guarantee fund, USIA Foreign buildings program, State.. . Military assistance program, Defense Deposits for replacement currencies.. Other ... Subtotal, expenditures * . Adjustments due to changes in exchange rates Cash balances carried forward . . . __ . . . . . . . . 1966 1967 1.164 137 1,345 91 1.539 77 1,301 1.436 1,616 169 8 140 7 116 7 12 13 13 3 28 20 9 9 2 27 43 9 9 2 27 38 94 132 109 153 129 176 493 501 -17 514 -18 1,794 1,920 2,113 12 13 31 12 106 193 3 1 15 5 9 140 146 2 6 138 141 2 1 -3 -2 344 -13 304 323 1,436 1,616 1,790 1 Excludes sales of country-use currencies, subject to later replacement, as follows: 1965, $9 million; 1966, $35 million; and 1967, $5 million. Recommendations for special foreign currency program appropriations, 1967.—Most U.S. uses of foreign currencies are covered by unrestricted dollar appropriations. Table L-4 shows the separate appropriations for special foreign currency programs, which are limited to the use of excess foreign currencies. 156 T H E BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table L-4. SPECIAL FOREIGN CURRENCY PROGRAM A P P R O P R I A T I O N S NEW OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY (in thousands of dollar equivalents) 1965 enacted Library of Congress: Collection and distribution of library materials Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service: Salaries and expenses Department of Commerce: International activities: Salaries and expenses National Bureau of Standards: Research and technical services Environmental Science Services Administration: Research and development Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Office of Education: Educational research Office of Vocational Rehabilitation: Research and training. Public Health Service: Scientific activities overseas Welfare Administration: Research and training Department of Interior: Bureau of Commercial Fisheries: Management and investigations of resources Department of State: Acquisition, operation, and maintenance of buildings abroad Smithsonian Institution: Museum programs and related research United States Information Agency: Salaries and expenses Special international exhibitions TotaL 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 1,428 1,690 2,000 3,000 2,492 200 300 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1,000 1,800 2,000 1,000 2,000 5,000 1,200 4,000 19,217 2,000 300 300 200 5,000 6,500 6,250 1,300 5,700 1,200 400 11,112 154 10,941 350 21.828 34,456 54,250 Foreign currency expenditure authorizations.—The budget contains proposed new "Excess foreign currency authorizations," as set forth in table L-5. These authorizations are subject to the appropriations process and provide for the use of specified numbers of foreign currency units rather than an appropriation to cover the expenditure of the currencies. Table L-5. ADDITIONAL EXCESS FOREIGN CURRENCY AUTHORIZATIONS (In millions of local currency units) Country and foreign currency unit Department of Agriculture Department of Defense 4.6 Burma (kyats) 1.0 Ceylon (rupees) Guinea (francs) 49.3 4.1 India (rupees) 39.0 4.2 17.8 Israel (pounds) ___ . 6.3 7.2 Pakistan (rupees) 58.0 Poland (zlotys) 97.8 .1 Tunisia (dinars) .1 United Arab Republic (Egypt) .1 .6 (pounds)-- -_ Yugoslavia (dinars) - - 4.375.0 4,096.3 Department of the Interior Department of Labor 1.4 1.2 0.9 .4 98.6 National Depart- Science ment of FoundaState tion United States Information Agency 2.0 3.6 .6 .4 1.6 .3 3.0 74.0 69.6 2.9 21.2 41.3 .4 .1 .9 100.0 1,508.5 0.7 5.1 13.1 3.4 14.4 33.6 4.7 Total 8.0 6.8 123.2 154.8 39.1 43.2 311.7 .9 .5 2.5 .3 487.6 1,125.0 11,817.4 157 SPECIAL ANALYSES In addition to the proposed new authorizations, unexpended balances of prior foreign currency expenditure authorizations remain for Defense family housing, and Indian rupees are made available under a permanent authorization for use in Nepal by the Agency for International Development. Table L-6 summarizes all transactions under foreign currency expenditure authorizations relating to U.S. uses. Table L-6. SUMMARY OF FOREIGN CURRENCY AUTHORIZATIONS FOR U.S. USES (in thousands of dollar equivalents) 1965 actual New authorizations to spend foreign currency receipts: Proposed additional authorization (see table L-5) Funds appropriated to the President: Economic assistance Department of State . . .. 87,069 8.550 9,000 8,550 96,069 156 156 Total authorizations Expenditures: Proposed additional authorization Funds appropriated to the President: Economic assistance Department of Defense ._ Department of State . . . . . Total expenditures 1967 1966 30,525 - 9.691 1.921 277 10,000 3.000 10,000 2,030 11.889 13,000 42.555 Country uses.—A far larger amount of foreign currencies are used outside of the appropriations process, as summarized in table L-7, for loans and grants in the host country for common defense and economic development. Table L-7. SUMMARY OF FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONSCOUNTRY USES (in millions of dollar equivalents) 1965 actual Balances brought forward, Collections: Public Law 480 sales Foreign assistance program ._ .. - - Subtotal, collections Transfer of excess currencies from U.S. uses Total availabilities - -. Expenditures (deduct): Public Law 480 country loans and grants - Public Law 480 loans to private enterprise Other foreign assistance programs. . . Subtotal, expenditures Adjustments due to changes in exchange rates Balances carried forward - _- -- - - . . 1966 estimate 1967 estimate 1,488 1,384 1.386 1,020 1 910 789 1,020 910 17 789 18 2,508 2,311 2,193 1.032 47 15 859 50 16 835 54 11 1.094 -30 925 900 1.384 1,386 1.293 SPECIAL ANALYSIS M INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT As part of a wide range of efforts to reduce the continuing deficits in the U.S. balance of international payments, the Federal Government carries on a special program to minimize any adverse effects of its activities on the balance of payments. Under this program, agencies with substantial receipts or payments abroad keep their international transactions under close scrutiny. They are required to prepare statistical estimates of their transactions twice each year for review by the Bureau of the Budget. These estimates are evaluated to determine whether all possible actions are being taken to reduce payments and increase receipts. Since emphasis is placed on using this system as a management tool, forward estimates do not merely project current trends or programs, but rather reflect all possible efforts, consistent with the national interest, to minimize payments and to maximize receipts from activities in other countries. This special analysis presents a summary of the international transactions of the Federal Government for fiscal years 1965-67 based on estimates made in September 1965, revised where necessary for comparability with the 1967 budget. Major trends.— On the basis of current estimates, net Federal payments abroad, excluding special transactions, will increase by $679 million between 1965 and 1967. Gross Federal payments abroad are expected to increase from $4.2 billion in 1965 to $4.8 billion in 1966 and $5.4 billion in 1967. Expenditures for defense purposes and to carry out prior commitments for cash investment in international institutions account for almost all of this increase. Otherwise Federal overseas expenditures in 1967 will not be significantly higher than in 1965. Gross receipts excluding special transactions (such as prepayments on loans, negotiated sales of special securities, and advances received on military sales) are expected to rise from the 1965 level of almost $2 billion to more than $2.4 billion in 1967. Table M-1. SUMMARY OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (in millions of dollars) Payments Receipts * Excess of payments 1 Excluding special transactions. 158 1965 estimate 1966 stimate 1967 estimate 4,235 1,992 4.820 2.083 5.362 2.440 2.243 2.797 2.322 159 SPECIAL ANALYSES Trends by agency.—Table M-2 provides a breakdown of total current receipts and payments figures. Agencies which account for the bulk of the Federal Government's international transactions are separately identified. Table M-2. INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT—BY MAJOR AGENCY (in millions of dollars) Description 1965 estimate 1966 1967 Payments: Department of Defense Treasury Department Agency for International Development Department of State Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Atomic Energy Commission Veterans Administration Other Subtotal Deduct: Unfunding of previously reserved foreign currency accounts Total ,604 563 411 228 143 89 70 224 3,045 609 375 251 165 55 72 247 ,488 715 400 244 176 28 72 239 4.332 4,820 5,362 4,235 4,820 5,362 991 477 166 158 158 141 1,062 438 157 170 237 171 1,144 558 282 186 280 152 2,092 100 2,235 152 2,602 162 1,992 2,083 2,440 323 535 47 -60 -71 173 625 -30 905 42 97 Receipts: Department of Defense Export-Import Bank Treasury Department Agency for International Development Department of Agriculture Other Subtotal Deduct: Transactions reported by more than one agency Total Receipts from special transactions (not included in receipts above): Advances received on military exports, net Sales of medium-term, nonmarketable securities, net Prepayment and sales of Export-Import Bank loans Total, special transactions 1 Not available. 0) Forward estimates are not made for receipts from these transactions. Payments.—The estimated increase of $884 million in the level of payments by the Department of Defense for the 2-year period dominates the prospective trend. Increased military operations in Vietnam are largely responsible. The military pay raise and rises in foreign national wage rates and in overseas price levels also contribute to the increase. The Department of Defense will intensify efforts to reduce its net balance-of-payments costs while maintaining all necessary combat capabilities in 1966 and 1967. The Treasury Department makes substantial payments not easily subject to administrative controls. These include (1) interest on the public debt held abroad and (2) U.S. contributions to international financial institutions. (The balance of payments impact of these 160 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 contributions occurs when the institutions convert their U.S. Government notes and letters of credit into cash to meet loan disbursement requirements determined by the progress of individual development projects.) Increased payments to the International Development Association in 1966 and the Inter-American Development Bank in 1967 account for much of the increases in those years. The Agency for International Development is making special efforts to assure that, wherever possible, loans and grants abroad are tied directly to procurement in the United States. Except for limited procurement in some developing countries, its general policy is to prohibit the purchase abroad of any goods with foreign economic assistance funds. Despite increases in overseas procurement for Vietnam emergency requirements, AID will continue to purchase more than 92% of its commodity requirements in the United States. The higher level of overseas payments by the Department of State in 1966 and 1967 results from increased U.S. contributions to international organizations and purchases of U.N. bonds. Overseas payments by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare will increase between 1965 and 1967. Annuities, pensions, and other transfer payments not readily subject to administrative controls account for more than 85% of these payments. The 7% increase in social security benefits payments authorized in the 1965 Social Security Act amendments will substantially increase these overseas expenditures. Veterans Administration payments abroad, mostly for compensation and pensions, will also increase slightly because of broader eligibility and higher benefits provided by recently enacted legislation. Payments by the Atomic Energy Commission will decline sharply because of scheduled decreases in the procurement of uranium concentrates from foreign countries. Fiscal year 1967 will be the last year in which the United States expects to procure foreign uranium. Receipts.—The estimated increase of $448 million in receipts over the 1965-67 period arises mainly from higher Department of Defense sales of military equipment to friendly governments, increasing use of barter for offshore procurement by other agencies through the Department of Agriculture and larger loan repayments to the ExportImport Bank, and the Agency for International Development. Special transactions—which are not included in the totals just discussed—were the source of large additional receipts in 1965. These receipts result from transactions involving advances or loans and are generally negotiated with foreign governments or official monetary authorities. They include: (1) advance payments by foreign governments for military exports, (2) sales of nonmarketable, medium-term securities by the Treasury Department to foreign central banks, (3) repayments by foreign borrowers of loans before they are due. Geographical distribution.—Table M-3 shows a distribution of receipts and payments by major geographic area. Receipts from Western Europe (excluding special transactions, most of which are with Western Europe) are estimated to increase 74% from 1965 to 1967 in contrast to a 6% increase in payments. Payments to other countries are expected to rise by 53% during the same period. 161 SPECIAL ANALYSES Table M-3. DISTRIBUTION OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, BY GEOGRAPHIC AREA (in millions of dollars) 1965 Payments: Western Europe (including international organizations located there) Other countries _. . Other international and undistributed Total 1966 1967 1.918 1.844 473 1.998 2.445 377 2.045 2.829 488 4.235 4.820 5.362 840 J.136 17 1.246 826 10 1.460 973 7 1.993 2,081 2.440 1 Receipts: Western Europe (including international organizations located there) Other countries . . _ . . Other international and undistributed Total 1 Excluding special transactions. Payments by type of transaction.—Between 1965 and 1967, increases in Federal payments abroad will occur primarily in purchases of goods and services for use abroad, in U.S. payroll spent abroad, and in loans. Increased Department of Defense expenditures for Vietnam largely account for the first two. Table M-4. DISTRIBUTION OF FEDERAL PAYMENTS ABROAD BY TYPE OF TRANSACTION (in millions of dollars) 1967 estimate 1965 estimate 1966 estimate 997 1.949 158 450 268 177 474 1.178 2.235 152 395 301 281 446 1,349 2,521 112 422 312 321 498 Subtotal . _ - . Deduct: 3 Payments in excess and near-excess foreign currencies Unfunding of previously reserved foreign currency accounts 4.474 4.987 5,535 142 97 167 172 Total, payments affecting the balance of payments... . . 4.235 4,820 5,362 Description U.S. payroll—amount estimated to be spent abroad ._ Goods and services purchased abroad for use abroad 1 _ . Other purchases of goods and services.. _ . Grants (amounts for use abroad)2 Pensions and similar transfer payments . _ . . . Loans (amounts for use abroad)2 Other ... . 1 2 Includes Defense procurement, including military assistance. Excludes funds tied to procurement in the United States or which are otherwise not currently available for use abroad. 3 See Special Analysis L for definitions of excess and near excess currencies. Since use of these currencies does not increase the flow of dollars abroad, they are deducted in calculating the effect of the'Federal Government on the balance of payments. These figures are estimated on a slightly different basis in Special Analysis L, which reflects certain payments not covered in agency estimates of international transactions. Relation to the budget.—Reports on international transactions do not, in all cases, flow directly from the accounting system used for the administrative budget or trust funds. In some instances they are estimated separately to show all Government receipts or payments 162 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 196 7 which enter the balance of payments. The major differences between data on international transactions and administrative budget and trust fund totals are: 1. Coverage.—Data on international transactions exclude all budget and trust transactions that are within the United States. For example, the administrative budget includes all expenditures for foreign assistance and Department of Defense procurement, while such payments are included as international transactions only to the extent that the procurement is estimated to take place abroad. On the other hand, budget and trust figures exclude all transactions in U.S. Government debt whether domestic or international. But, sales of special Treasury securities overseas and other international debt operations are included in reports on international transactions. 2. Estimated basis oj international transactions.—No separate detailed accounting system has been established for international transactions comparable to that which supports administrative budget and trust fund totals. In many cases, it is necessary to estimate the overseas components of transactions, since these components are not shown directly by accounting data. For example, budget accounts provide precise data on the gross amount of salaries paid in a given overseas area, but do not identify the amount actually spent overseas by employees—which is the relevant statistic for balance-of-payments purposes. Thus, for past years, international transactions are a combination of actual accounting reports and estimates. 3. Timing.—International transactions are recorded at the time when they are known or estimated to affect the balance of payments. The time at which a given international transaction is counted may, therefore, vary considerably from the time at which it is shown in the budget and trust fund accounts. For example, in some cases the U.S. Government makes contributions to international organizations in the form of non-interest-bearing notes. These notes are shown as administrative budget expenditures when issued, but as international payments only when they are cashed. Relationship to balance-of-payments statistics.—Data on Federal receipts and payments abroad are also reflected in the balanceof-payments statistics published by the Department of Commerce. However, as with the administrative budget, the balance-of-payments statistics are designed for pvirposes which are different from those for which the Government agency reports on international transactions have been established. Balance-of-payments data meet the needs for economic analysis and for the measurement of international flows of real resources and money, while agency reports on international transactions serve as both a means of estimating and a management tool for decreasing the balance-of-payments impact of Federal Government programs. Reflecting the different uses of these two bodies of data, the balance-of-payments statistics and the reports on Federal transactions covered in this analysis differ in the following respects: SPECIAL ANALYSES 163 1. Classification.—The reports use classifications by agency and by types of expenditures which are quite different from the broad functional classifications used for the balance-of-payments statistics. 2. Attribution.—Transactions conducted by private businesses, in which the Federal Government is involved, are treated as private in the balance-of-payments statistics. In order to emphasize management decisions, however, Federal agency reports permit the attribution of some such transactions to the Federal Government. For example, military goods may be sold to foreign governments directly by private companies, although the sales are encouraged and sponsored by the Department of Defense. In the balance of payments, such sales would be reported as private receipts from exports. However, for the purpose of measuring the Defense Department's impact on international transactions, some of them are considered Government receipts. 3. Other.—Further differences between the two sets of data involve the timing of certain transactions, the reporting of foreign currencies, and minor differences in coverage of transactions which are considered "foreign." The balance-of-payments statistics do not include a separate identifiable category on total Federal receipts or payments. However, because of the recent interest in the relationship between U.S. Government grants and loans abroad and the balance of payments, the Department of Commerce has included estimates indicating the amount of Government loans and grants which involve direct payments to foreign accounts, distinguished from those which involve no direct dollar outflow from the United States. Agencies report similar data for their estimates on international transactions. A reconciliation between the two sets of data, shown in table M-5, illustrates the kinds of differences which exist between the agency reports and estimates on international transactions and the Department of Commerce balance-of-payments statistics. 164 THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967 Table M-5. GOVERNMENT GRANTS AND LOANS—RECONCILIATION BETWEEN BALANCE OF PAYMENTS AND AGENCY ESTIMATES OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS (in millions of dollars) Description 1965 Government grants and loans, as shown in agency reports on international transactions (lines 4 and 6, table M-4) 627 Difference in definitions of grants and loans: Add: Agency for International Development administrative expenses Peace Corps expenditures Other Deduct: Certain contributions to international organizations Netting of certain receipts Other Differences in coverage and reporting: Add: Inclusion of Trust Territory payments Payments to foreign-flag carriers Payments for expenditures in the United States but entering foreign dollar accounts in U.S. banks Differences in agency reporting estimates Foreign currency transactions (net) Other (net) 116 56 17 6 Transactions involving direct dollar payments to foreign accounts as shown in balance-of-payments statistics 760 U S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1966 0—789-740 43 12 5 91 39 18 13 13