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BLS Publications, 1972-77 U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin 1990 BLS Publications, 1972-77 U.S. Department of Labor Ray Marshall, Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Julius Shiskin, Commissioner 1978 Bulletin 1990 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D .C . 20402 Stock Number 029-001-02204-2 Preface This bulletin provides numerical listings and a subject index of bulletins and reports issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) from 1972 through 1977. It supplements Bulletin 1749, whic h prov ides numerical listings of all BLS bulletins and reports from 1886 to 1971 and a subject index from 1915. Bulletin 174 contains a subjec t index of bulletins issued before 1915. Pe riodicals are not included in the subjec t index. Subjec t indexes for the1Monthly Labor Review for 1915 through 1975 can be found in Bulletins 695, 696, 1080, 1335, 1746, and 1922. In addition, annual indexes are provided in each December issue of the Review. Twice a year, the BLS publishes an annotated subject catalog of bulletins, reports, press releases, periodicals, and other publications of the Bureau and its regional offices. This catalog and a m onthly publication list are available free of charge. Bulletins still in print are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, W ashington, D C. 20402, or by the Bureau’s regional offices listed on the inside back cover. Reports and bulletin supplements are available, free of charge, as long as supplies last, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, W ashington, D.C. 20212, or its regional offices. All publications may be available for reference at leading public, college, and univer sity libraries. This bulletin was prepared in the Office of Publications by Rosalie K. Epstein. Material in this publication is in the public dom ain and may be reproduced w ithout permission. in Contents Page Numerical listing of bulletins .................................................................................................... 1 Numerical listing of r e p o r ts ........................................................................................................ 18 Special Labor Force Reports ...................................................................................................... 24 Other publications of general interest ...................................................................................... 25 Subject index of bulletins and re p o rts ........................................................................................ 26 v Numerical Listing of Bulletins 1000 1312 -8 -9 -10 1370 -9 -10 -11 -12 1425 -13 -^4 -15 -16 1453 1545 1560 1568 Brief History of the American Labor Movement, Bicentennial Edition (1976). A pocket-sized history of the American labor movement. Summarizes the development of the early organizations of labor and the modern organized labor movement. A special feature is a chronology of im portant events in American labor history, 1778-1975. Employment and Earnings, United States: 1909-71 (1972). 1901-72 (1973). 1909-74 (1976). Latest in a series of comprehensive data books presenting detailed industry statistics on the N ation’s nonagricultural work force. Employment and Earnings, States and Areas: 1939-71 (1973). 1939-72 (1974). 1939-74 (1976). 1939-75 (1977). Latest in a series of comprehensive data books presenting detailed industry statistics on the nonagricultural work force by State and area. Major Collective Bargaining Agreements: Layoff, Recall, and W orksharing Procedures (1972). Adm inistration of Seniority (1972/ Hours, Overtime, and Weekend Work (1975). Safety and Health Provisions (1976). Supplements: Wage Chronology: New York City Laundries, 1965-72 (1972). Wage Chronology: Western Union Telegraph Co., 1968-71 (1972). W age C h ro n o lo g y : FM C C o r p o r a tio n , Chemical G roup—Fiber Division (formerly the American Viscose Division) and the Textile Workers Union of America, June 1968-June 1974 (1974). Wage Chronology: Pasific Longshore Workers, August 1969-July 1975 (1974). 1678 1682 1685 -90 -91 -92 1700 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1570 -5 Three Budgets for an Urban Family of Four Persons, 1969-70 (1972). 1604 Wage Chronology: Federal Emplpyees Under the General Schedule, Aug. 1968-Oct. 1973 (1974). 1606 Tom orrow ’s M anpower Needs: Supp. 3, Match ing Occupational Classifications to Vocational Education Program Codes (1973).Supp. 3 revised 1725 -1 -2 -3 -4 1 (1975). Supp. 4, Estim ating Occupational Sep arations from the Labor Force for States (1974). Wage Chronology: International Harvester Company, 1946-70 (1972). Supp., 1970-73(1973). Wage Chronology Supplement: Armour and Company and Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Sept. 1973-Aug. 1976 (1975). Area Wage Surveys: The Chicago, Illinois, M etropolitan Area, June 1971 (1972). Selected M etropolitan Areas, 1970-71 (1972). M etropolitan Areas, United States and Regional Summaries, 1970-71 (1973). Occupational Outlook Handbook, 1972-73 Edition (1972). See annotation for Bull. 1955. (Reprints of individual occupations and industries covered in the 1972-73 Edition are published in the Oc cupational Outlook Reprint Series,Bulls. 1700-1 to 1700-141.) Industry Wage Survey: Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Coats, April 1970 (1972). Railroad Technology and Manpower in the 1970’s (1972). Chronology: International Shoe Co., 1945-74 (1972). Supp., International Shoe Co., the Shoe Workers, and the Boot and Shoe Work ers, 1972-76 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Paperboard Con tainers and Boxes, March 1970 (1971). M unicipal Labor-M anagem ent Relations: Chronology of Compensation Developments in Milwaukee, 1960-70 (1971). The Employment Problems of Older Workers (1971). Employee Compensation in the Private N on farm Economy, 1968 (1972). Scientific and Technical Personnel in Industry, 1969 (1971). Wage Calendar, 1972 (1972). See annotation for Bull. 1943. Area Wage Surveys: The Scranton, Pennsylvania, Metropolitan Area, July 1971 (1971). The Manchester, New Hampshire, Metro politan Area, July 1971 (1971). The Green Bay, Wisconsin, Metropolitan Area, July 1971 (1971). The Little Rock—North Little Rock, Arkansas, 1725 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 Area Wage Surveys—Continued M etropolitan Area, July 1971 (1971). The Raleigh, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, August 1971 (1971). Binghamton, New York, July 1971 (1971). The Rochester, New York, M etropolitan Area, July 1971 (1972). The Oklahom a City, Oklahoma, M etropolitan Area, July 1971 (1971). The Utica—Rome, New York, M etropolitan Area, July 1971 (1971). The Syracuse, New York, M etropolitan Area, July 1971 (1971). v The Boston, Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, August 1971 (1971). The Trenton, New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, September 1971 (1971). The Omaha, Nebraska—Iowa, M etropolitan Area, September 1971 (1972). The Chattanooga, Tennessee—Georgia, Metro politan Area, September 1971 (1972). The San Jose, California, M etropolitan Area, August 1971 (1972). The Baltimore, Maryland, M etropolitan Area, August 1971 (1972). The Cleveland, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, Sep tember 1971 (1972). The Kansas City, Missouri—Kansas, Metro politan Area, September 1971 (1972). The Columbus, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, 1971 (1972). The Waterloo, Iowa, M etropolitan Area, N o vember 1971 (1972). The Fort Worth, Texas, M etropolitan Area, October 1971 (1972). -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -22 T h e P o rtla n d , M aine, M e tro p o lita n Area, N o vem ber 1971 (1972). -50 -23 The Indianapolis, Indiana, M etropolitan Area, October 1971 (1972). The Salt Take City, Utah, M etropolitan Area, November 1971 (1972). The Burlington, Vermont, Area, December 1971 (1972). The Dallas,Texas, M etropolitan Area, Oc tober 1971 -(1972). The Boise City, Idaho, M etropolitan Area, N o vember 1971 (1972). 4'he Miami, Florida, M etropolitan Area, November 1971 (1972). The Louisville, Kentucky—Indiana, Metro politan Area, November 1971 (1972). The Sioux Falls, South Dakota, M etropolitan Area, December 1971 (1972). Fhe T am pa—St. Petersburg, Florida, Metro politan Area, November 1971 (1972). Fhe San Diego, California, M etropolitan Area, November 1971 (1972). Ih e San Francisco—Oakland, California, -51 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 2 M etropolitan Area, Oc tober 1971 (1972). The Buffalo, New \o rk , M etropolitan Area, October 1971 (1972). The New Orleans, Louisiana, M etropolitan Area, January 1972 (1972). The Dayton, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, De cember 1971 (1972). The M idland and Odessa, Texas, M etropolitan Areas, January 1972 (1972). The Jackson, Mississippi, M etropolitan Area, January 1972 (1972). The Jacksonville, Florida, M etropolitan Area, December 1971 (1972). The Memphis, Tennessee—Arkansas, Metro politan Area, November 1971 (1972). The New Haven, Connecticut, M etropolitan Area, January 1972 (1972). The Norfolk—Portsm outh and Newport News—H am pton, V irginia, M etropolitan Areas, January 1972 (1972). The San Bernardino— Riverside—Ontario, California, M etropolitan Area. December 1971 (1972). The Denver, Colorado, M etropolitan Area, December 1971 (1972). The M inneapolis—St. Paul, Minnesota, Metro politan Area, January 1972 (1972). The Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, M etropolitan Area, January 1972 (1972). The Seattle—Everett, W ashington, Metro politan Area, January 1972 (1972). The Charlotte, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, January 1972 (1972). The Albany—Schenectady—Troy, New York, M etropolitan Area, March 1972 (1972). The Huntsville, Alabama, M etropolitan Area, February 1972 (1972). The Youngstown—Warren, Ohio, Metro politan Area, November 1971 (1972). The Newark and Jersey City, New Jersey, M etropolitan Areas, January 1972 (1972). The Waterbury, Connecticut, M etropolitan Area, March 1972 (1972). The York, Pennsylvania, M etropolitan Area, February 1972 (1972). The Davenport—Rock Island—Moline, Iowa— Illinois, M etropolitan Area, February 1972 (1972). The Cincinnati, O hio—Kentucky—Indiana, M etropolitan Area, February 1972 (1972). Fhe Lubbock, Texas, M etropolitan Area, March 1972 (1972). The Birmingham, Alabama, M etropolitan Area, March 1972 (1972). The Albuquerque, New Mexico, M etropolitan Area, March 1972 (1972). The South Bend, Indiana, M etropolitan Area, March 1972 (1972). 1725 Area Wage Surveys—Continued -61 The St. Louis, Missouri—Illinois, Metro politan Area, March 1972 (1972). -62 The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, November 1971 (1972). -63 The Charleston, West Virginia, M etropolitan Area, March 1972 (1972). -64 The Durham, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, April 1972 (1972). -65 The San Jose, California, M etropolitan Area, March 1972 (1972). -66 The Greenville, South Carolina, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). -67 The San Antonio, Texas, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). -68 The Detroit, Michigan, M etropolitan Area, February 1972 (1972). -69 The Beaumont—Port A rthur—Orange,Texas, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). -70 T h e P r o v id e n c e — P a w tu c k e t—W a rw ic k , Rhode Island—Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). -71 The Worcester, Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). -72 The Richmond, Virginia, M etropolitan Area, March 1972 (1972). -73 The Savannah, Georgia, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). -74 The Fort Lauderdale—Hollywood and West Palm Beach, Florida, M etropolitan Areas, April 1972 (1972). -75 The Canton, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). -76 The Los Angeles—Long Beach and Anaheim — Santa Ana—Garden Grove, California, Metro politan Areas, March 1972 (1972). -77 The Atlanta, Georgia, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). -78 The Toledo, O hio—Michigan, M etropolitan Area, April 1972 (1972). -79 The Houston, Texas, M etropolitan Area, April 1972 (1972). -80 Poughkeepsie—Kingston—Newburgh, New York, June 1972 (1972). -81 The Lawrence— Haverhill, Massachusetts— New Ham pshire, M etropolitan Area, June 1972 (1972). -82 The Wichita, Kansas, M etropolitan Area, April 1972 (1972). -83 The Milwaukee, Wisconsin, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). -84 The Rockford, Illinois, M etropolitan Area, June 1972 (1972). -85 The Muskegon—Muskegon Heights,M ichigan, M etropolitan Area, June 1972. -86 The Des Moines, Iowa, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). -87 The Allentown—Bethlehem—Easton, Pen -88 -89 -90 -91 -92 -93 -94 -95 -96 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 nsylvania—New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, May 1972 (1972). The Paterson—Clifton—Passaic, New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, June 1972 (1972). The Portland, Oregon—W ashington, Metro politan Area, May 1972 (1972). The New York, New York, M etropolitan Area, April 1972 (1972). The Spokane, W ashington, M etropolitan Area, June 1972 (1972). The Chicago, Illinois, M etropolitan Area, June 1972 (1972). The W ashington, D.C.—Md.—Va., Metro politan Area, March 1972 (1972). The Phoenix, Arizona, M etropolitan Area, June 1972 (1972). Selected M etropolitan Areas, 1971-72 (1973). M etropolitan Areas, United States and Region al Summaries, 1971-72 (1974). Industry Wage Survey: Nonferrous Foundries, June 1970 (1972). Analysis of Work Stoppages, 1970 (1972). Industry Wage Survey: W omen’s and Misses’ Coats and Suits, August 1970 (1972). Characteristics of Agreements Covering 2,000 Workers or More (1972). Occupational Outlook for College Graduates, 1972-73 Edition (1972). See annotation for Bull. 1956. Black Americans: A Decade of Occupational Change (1972). Presents 21 charts depicting the occupational advance of black workers from 1960 to 1970. Industry Wage Survey: Candy and Other Confectionery Products, August 1970 (1972). Projections of the Post-Vietnam Economy, 1975 (1972). Industry Wage Survey: Scheduled Airlines, August 1970 (1972). H a n d b o o k of L a b o r S tatistics 1972 (1972). See annotation for Bull. 1865. Wage Chronology: North Atlantic Longshore men, 1934-71 (1972). Supp., Council of North Atlantic Shipping Associations and the ILA, 1971-77 (1976). 1737 Tom orrow ’s Manpower Needs, Vol. IV Revised 1971: The National Industry-Occupational Matrix and Other Manpower Data (1972). 1738 Occupational Employment Statistics, 1960-70 (1972). 1739 Industry Wage Survey: Paints and Varnishes, November 1970 (1972). 1740 Industry Wage Survey: Synthetic Fibers, December 1970 (1972). 1741 Industry Wage Survey: Petroleum Refining, April 1971 (1972). 1742 National Survey of Professional, Adm inistra tive, Technical, and Clerical Pay, June 1971 1736 3 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 (1972). See annotation for Bull. 1980. Industry Wage Survey: Hosiery, September 1970 (1972). U nion Wages and Hours: Printing Industry, July 1, 1971 (1972). Union Wages and Hours: Local-Transit Operating Employees, July 1, 1971 (1972) Monthly Labor Review Index of Volumes 84-93, January 1961-December 1970 (1973). Union Wages and Hours: Building Trades, July 1, 1971 (1972). Industry Wage Survey: Cigarette M anufactur ing, May-June 1971 (1972). BLS Publications, 1886-1971 (1972). Contains an annotated numerical listing of all bulletins and reports published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics from 1886 to 1971 and a subject index of those published since 1915. (A subject index for bulletins published before 1915 can be found in Bull. 174. ) Directory of National Unions and Employee Associations, 1971 (1972). See annotation for Bull. 1937. Industry Wage Survey: Communications, 1970 (1972) . Industry Wage Survey: M en’s and Boys’ Sep arate Trousers, January 1971 (1972). H andling of Rail Disputes Under the Railway Labor Act, 1950-69 (1972). Industry Wage Survey: Machinery Manufac turing, Winter 1970-71 (1972). Labor and Material Requirements for Construc tion of Private Single-Family Houses (1972). U nion Wages and Hours: Local Truckdrivers and Helpers, July 1, 1971 (1972). Industry Wage Survey: Textile Dyeing and Finishing, December 1970 (1972). Indexes of O utput Per Man-Hour: Selected In dustries, 1972 Edition (1972). M unicipal Collective Bargaining Agreements in Large Cities (1972). Black Americans: A Decade of Occupational Change (Revised 1972). See annotation for Bull. 1731. Charts revised and statistical appendix added. Wage Chronology: Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 1943-73 (1972). Supp., Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and the Electrical Workers (IBEW), 1972-76 (1977). Wage Chronology: Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. and B.F. Goodrich Co. (Akron Plants), 193773 (1972). Supp., April 1973-April 1976 (1975). Industry Wage Survey: Fertilizer, March-April 1971 (1972). National Survey of Professional, Adm inis trative, Technical, and Clerical Pay, March 1972 (1973) . 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 4 See annotation for Bull. 1980. Annual Earnings and Employment Patterns of Private Nonagricultural Employees, 1966-67 (1973). Wage Calendar, 1973 (1973). See annotation for Bull. 1943. Wage Chronology: Dan River, Inc. May 1943January 1972 (1973). Supp., Jan. 1973-June 1974 (1975). Industry Wage Survey: Industrial Chemicals, June 1971 (1973). Tom orrow ’s Manpower Needs: Research Report on M anpower Projection Methods (1973) . Employee Compensation in the Private N on farm Economy, 1970 (1973). Wage Chronology: Atlantic Richfield Co. (former facilities of Sinclair Oil Companies), 1941- 72 (1973). Supp., Jan. 1973-Jan. 1975 (1974) . Union Wages and Hours: Grocery Stores, July 1, 1971 (1973). Wage Chronology: Swift 8c Company, January 1942- September 1973 (1973). Outlook for Technology and Manpower in Printing and Publishing (1973). Area W age Surveys: Green Bay, W isconsin, M etropolitan Area, July 1972 (1972). Supp. 1, July 1973 (1973). Supp. 2, July 1974 (1974). L ittle R ock— N orth L ittle Rock, Arkansas, M etropolitan Area, July 1972 (1972). Supp. 1, July 1973 (1973). U tica— R om e, N ew York, M etropolitan Area, July 1972 (1972). Rochester, N ew York, M etropolitan Area, July 1972 (1972). B ingham ton, N ew York, July 1972 (1972). O klahom a City, O klahom a, M etropolitan Area, July 1972 (1972). Supp. 1, July 1973 (1973). R aleigh, N orth C arolina, M etropolitan Area, A ugust 1972 (1972). M anchester, N ew H am pshire, M etropolitan Area, July 1972 (1972). Supp. 1, July 1973 (1973). T a m p a —St. Petersburg, Florida, M etropolitan Area, A ugust 1972 (1972). Supp. 1, A ugust 1973 (1973). Scranton, P ennsylvania, M etropolitan Area, July 1972 (1972). Syracuse, N ew York, M etropolitan Area, July 1972 (1972). T renton, N ew Jersey, M etropolitan Area, Sep tember 1972 (1972). Supp. 1, September 1973 (1973). Supp. 2, September 1974 (1974). Boston, M assachusetts, M etropolitan Area, A ugust 1972(1972). Supp. 1, A ugust 1973 (1973). Supp. 2, A ugust 1974 (1975). C hattanooga, T en n essee—G eorgia, M etropoli- 1775 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 Area Wage Surveys—Continued tan Area, September 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, Sep tember 1973 (1973). Supp. 2, September. 1974 (1975). Cleveland, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, September 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, September 1973 (1973). Omaha, Nebraska—Iowa, M etropolitan Area, September 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, September 1973 (1973). Kansas City, Missouri—Kansas, M etropolitan Area, September 1972 (1973). Buffalo, New York, M etropolitan Area, October 1972(1973). Supp. 1, October 1973 (1974). Supp. 2, October 1974 (1975). Youngstown—Warren, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, November 1972(1973). Supp. 1, November 1973 (1974). Baltimore, Maryland, M etropolitan Area, August 1972(1973). Supp. 1, August 1973 (1973). Supp. 2, August 1974 (1975). Portland, Maine, M etropolitan Area, November 1972 (1973). Lexington, Kentucky, Area, November 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, November 1973 (1974). Supp. 2. (Lexington-Fayette), November 1974 (1975). Columbus, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, October 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, October 1973 (1974). Supp. 2, October 1974 (1975). Fort W orth, Texas, M etropolitan Area, October 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, October 1973 (1974). Dallas, Texas, M etropolitan Area, October 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, October 1973 (1974). Supp. 2, (Dallas-Fort Worth), October 1974 (1975). Waterloo, Iowa, M etropolitan Area, November 1972 (1973). Indianapolis, Indiana, M etropolitan Area, Oc tober 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, October 1973 (1974). Supp. 2, October 1974 (1975). Burlington, Vermont, Area, December 1972 (1973) . Supp. 1, December 1973 (1974). Miami, Florida, M etropolitan Area, November 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, November 1973 (1974). Supp. 2, October 1974 (1975). Memphis, Tennessee—Arkansas, M etropolitan Area, November 1972 (1973). Jacksonville, Florida, M etropolitan Area, De cember 1972 (1973). Boise City, Idaho, M etropolitan Area, Novem ber 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, November 1973 (1974). Salt Lake City, Utah, M etropolitan Area, N o vember 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, November 1973 (1974) . Supp. 2, November 1974 (1975). Dayton, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, December 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, December 1973 (1974). Denver, Colorado, M etropolitan Area, Decem ber 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, December 1973 (1974). Akron, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, December 1972 (1973). -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 Louisville, Kentucky—Indiana, M etropolitan Area, November 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, November 1973 (1974). Los Angeles—Long Beach and Anaheim — Santa Ana—Garden Grove, California, Metro politan Areas, October 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, October 1973 (1974). Supp. 2, October 1974 (1975). Charlotte, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, January 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, January 1974 (1974). San Diego, California, M etropolitan Area, N o vember 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, November 1973 (1974). M idland and Odessa, Texas, M etropolitan Areas, January 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, January 1974 (1974). Austin, Texas, M etropolitan Area, December 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, December 1973 (1974). Supp. 2, December 1974 (1975). Sioux Falls, South Dakota, M etropolitan Area, December 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, December 1973 (1974). Ja&son*, Mississippi, M etropolitan Area, Janu aj|\l9 7 3 (1973). P h ilad elp h ia, P ennsylvania—New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, November 1972 (1973). Ne\y Haven, Connecticut, M etropolitan Area, JanYiary 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, January 1974 (1974). New Orleans, Louisiana, M etropolitan Area, January 1973 (1973). Huntsville, Alabama, M etropolitan Area, Feb ruary 1973 (1973). M inneapolis—St. Paul, Minnesota, M etropoli tan Area, January 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, January 1974 (1974). Newark and Jersey City, New Jersey, M etropoli tan Areas, January 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, January 1974 (1974). Norfolk—Virginia Beach—Portsm outh and Newport News—H am pton, Virginia, Metro politan Areas, January 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, January 1974 (1974). Albuquerque, New Mexico, M etropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974(1974). Cincinnati, O hio—Kentucky—Indiana, Metro p o lita n A rea, F e b ru a ry 1973 (1973). South Bend, Indiana, M etropolitan Area,March 1973 (1973). Lubbock, Texas, M etropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974 (1974). Seattle—Everett, W ashington, M etropolitan Area, January 1973 (1973). Davenport—Rock Island—Moline, Iowa—Illi nois, M etropolitan Area, February 1973 (1973). Waterbury, Connecticut, M etropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974(1974). 1775 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 -80 -81 -82 Area Wage Surveys—Continued York, Pennsylvania, M etropolitan Areas, Feb ruary 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, February 1974(1974). Riverside—San Bernardino—O ntario, Califor nia, M etropolitan Area, December 1972 (1973). Supp. 1, December 1973 (1974). Durham, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, April 1973 (1973). Albany—Schenectady—Troy, New York, Met ropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974 (1974). Supp. 2, September 1974 (1975). Toledo, O hio—M ichigan, M etropolitan Area, April 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, April 1974 (1974). Fort Lauderdale—Hollywood and West Palm Beach, Florida, M etropolitan Areas, April 1973 (1973) . Supp. 1, April 1974 (1974). Birmingham , Alabama, M etropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974(1974). Supp. 2, March 1975 (1975). San Jose, California, M etropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974 (1974). Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, M etropolitan Area, January 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, January 1974 (1974) . Supp. 2, January 1975 (1975). Richmond, Virginia, M etropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). St. Louis, Missouri—Illinois, M etropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974 (1974). Supp. 2, March 1975 (1975). Wichita, Kansas, M etropolitan Area, April 1973 (1973). Houston, Texas, M etropolitan Area, April 1973 (1973). Des Moines, Iowa, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, May 1974 (1974). Canton, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973) . Charleston, West Virginia, M etropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974(1974). W ashington, D.C.—Md.—Va., M etropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974 (1974) . Worcester, Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, May 1974 (1974). Savannah, Georgia, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, May 1974 (1974). San Antonio, Texas, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Atlanta, Georgia, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, May 1974 (1974). Rockford, Illinois, M etropolitan Area, June 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, June 1974 (1974). San Francisco—Oakland, California, Metro politan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974 (1974). B eaum ont—Port A rth u r—O range, Texas, -83 -84 -85 -86 -87 -88 -89 -90 -91 -92 -93 -94 -95 -96 -97 -98 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 6 M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, May 1974 (1974). Milwaukee, Wisconsin, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, May 1974 (1974). P ro v id en ce—W arw ick —P aw tu ck et, R hode Island—Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Poughkeepsie— Kings ton—N ew burgh, Ne w York, M etropolitan Area, June 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, June 1974 (1974). Greenville, South Carolina, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, May 1974 (1974). Portland, Oregon—W ashington, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Chicago, Illinois, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Detroit, Michigan, M etropolitan Area, March 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, March 1974 (1974). A lle n to w n —B eth leh em — E aston, P e n n s y l vania—New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, May 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, May 1974 (1974). Muskegon—Muskegon Heights, M ichigan, M etropolitan Area, June 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, June 1974 (1974). P a te rs o n —C lifto n — Passaic, N e w Jersey, M etropolitan Area, June 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, June 1974 (1974). Lawrence—Haverhill, Massachusetts—New Ham pshire, M etropolitan Area, June 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, June 1974 (1974). New York, New York, M etropolitan Area, April 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, (New York and Nassau— Suffolk), April 1974 (1974). Spokane, W ashington, M etropolitan Area, June 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, June 1974 (1974). Phoenix, Arizona, M etropolitan Area, June 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, June 1974 (1974). Selected M etropolitan Areas, 1972-73 (1974). M etropolitan Areas, United States and Regional Summaries, 1972-73 (1975). Productivity: A Selected, Annotated Bibliog raphy, 1965-71 (1973). Analysis of Work Stoppages, 1971 (1973). Industry Wage Survey: Contract Cleaning Ser vices, July 1971 (1973). Productivity and the Economy, Revised 1973 Edition (1973). See annotation for Bull. 1926. Indexes of O utput Per M an-Hour, Selected In dustries, 1973 Edition (1973). Employment of Scientists and Engineers, 195070 (1973). U nion Wages and Hours: Local-Transit O per ating Employees, July 1, 1972 (1973). Industry Wage Survey: W omen’s and Misses’ Dresses, August 1971 (1973). Characteristics of Agreements Covering 1,000 Workers or More, July 1, 1972 (1973). Occupational Outlook Handbook, 1974-75 Edition (1974). See annotation for Bull. 1955. (Reprints of in dividual occupations and industries covered in the 1974-75 Edition are published in the Oc cupational O utlook Reprint Series, Bulls. 1785-1 to 1785-152.) 1786 Occupational O utlook for College Graduates, 1974-75 Edition (1974). See annotation for Bull. 1956. 1787 Wage Chronology: Ford Motor Company, June 1941-September 1973 (1973). Supp., October 1973-September 1976 (1975). 1788 Wage Chronology: International Paper Co., Southern Kraft Division, December 1937-May 1973 (1973). Supp., The International Paper Co., Southern Kraft Division, and the Paper- -10 1785 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 workers and the Electrical Workers (IBEW), June 1973-May 1977 (1976). Collective Bargaining Agreements in the Fed eral Service, Late 1971 (1973). Handbook of Labor Statistics 1973 (1973). See annotation for Bull. 1865. Industry Wage Survey: Life Insurance, Decem ber 1971 (1973). Industry Wage Survey: Footwear, March 1971 (1973). Industry Wage Survey: Wood Household Furni ture, Except Upholstered, October 1971 (1973). Industry Wage Survey: M en’s and Boys’ Shirts (Except Work Shirts) and Nightwear, October 1971 (1973). Area Wage Surveys: B in g h a m to n , New Y ork—P e n n sy lv a n ia , M etropolitan Area, July 1973 (1973). Supp. 1, July 1974 (1974). M e lb o u rn e —T i t u s v i l l e —C o co a, F lo rid a , M etropolitan Area, August 1973 (1973). -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 Scranton, Pennsylvania, M etropolitan Area, July 1973 (1973). Kansas City, M issouri—Kansas, M etropolitan Area, September 1973 (1974). Supp. 1, Septem ber 1974 (1975). Waterloo, Iowa, M etropolitan Area, November 1973 (1974). Portland, Maine, M etropolitan Area, November 1973 (1974). Supp. 1, November 1974 (1975). Raleigh, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, December 1973 (1974). Supp. 1, (Raleigh— Durham), February 1975 (1975). Jacksonville, Florida, M etropolitan Area, De cember 1973 (1974). Supp. 1, December 1974 (1975). Durham, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, December 1973 (1974). Supp. 1 (Raleigh— -26 -27 -28 -29 1796 1797 1798 1799 7 Durham), February 1975 (1975). Akron, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, December 1973 (1974). Supp. 1, December 1974 (1975). Memphis, Tennessee—Arkansas—Mississippi, M etropolitan Area, November 1973 (1974). Supp. L. November 1974 (1975). Jackson, Mississippi, M etropolitan Area, Ja n uary 1974 (1975). Supp. 1, February 1975 (1975). Huntsville, Alabama, M etropolitan Area, Feb ruary 1974(1974). Supp. 1, February 1975 (1975). Davenport—Rock Island—Moline, Iowa— Illinois, M etropolitan Area, February. 1974 (1974) . Supp. 1, February 1975 (1975). New Orleans, Louisiana, M etropolitan Area, January 1974 (1974). Supp. 1, January 1975 (1975) . Cincinnati, O hio—Kentucky—Indiana, Metro politan Area, February 1974 (1974). Supp. 1, February 1975 (1975). Seattle—Everett, W ashington, M etropolitan Area, January 1974 (1974). Supp. 1, January 1975 (1975). South Bend, Indiana, M etropolitan Area, March 1974 (1974). Supp. 1, March 1975 (1975). P h ilad elp h ia, Pennsylvania—New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, November 1973 (1974). Supp. 1, November 1974 (1975), Wichita, Kansas, M etropolitan Area, April 1974 (1974). Supp. 1, April 1975 (1975). San Antonio, Texas, M etropolitan Area, May 1974 (1974). Houston, Texas, M etropolitan Area, April 1974 (1974). Supp. 1, April 1975 (1975). Canton, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, May 1974 (1974). Supp. 1, May 1975 (1975). Providence—Warwick—Pawtucket, Rhode Is land—Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, May 1974 (1974). Richmond, Virginia, M etropolitan Area, March 1974 (1974). Portland, Oregon—W ashington, M etropolitan Area, May 1974 (1974). Chicago, Illinois, M etropolitan Area, May 1974 (1974). Selected M etropolitan Areas, 1973-74 (1975). M etropolitan Areas, United States and Regional Summaries, 1973-74 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Cigar M anufacturing, March 1972 (1973). Industry Wage Survey: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Production, August 1972 (1973). Occupational Injuries and Illnesses by Industry, July 1-December 31, 1971 (1973). Wage Chronology: Bituminous Coal Mine Operators and United Mine Workers of America, October 1933-November 1974 (1973). Supp., 1974-77 (1977). 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 Wage Chronology: Massachusetts Shoe M an ufacturers and United Shoe Workers of America (A FL-C IO ), J a n u a ry 1945-January 1975 (1973) . S upp.,1975-77 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Textiles, August 1971 (1974) . U nion Wages and Hours: Local Truckdrivers and Helpers, July 1, 1972 (1973). Industry Wage Survey: Flour and Other Grain Mill Products, May 1972 (1973). National Survey of Professional, Adm inistra tive, Technical, and Clerical Pay, March 1973 (1973) . See annotation for Bull. 1980. Industry Wage Survey: Com m unications, 1971 (1974) . U nion Wages and Hours: Printing Industry, July 1, 1972 (1974). U nion Wages and Hours: Building Trades, July 1, 1972 (1974). Wage Chronology: Commonwealth Edison Company of Chicago and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, October 1945-March 1974 (1974). Supp., Com m on wealth Edison Co. and the Electrical Workers (IBEW), 1974-77 (1976). T he U.S. Economy in 1985: A Summary of BLS Projections (1974). Wage Calendar, 1974 (1974). See annotation for Bull. 1943. Productivity: An International Perspective (1974). Presents 32 charts and accompanying tex t com paring productivity trends, levels, and re lated factors for selected countries. Wage Chronology: American Telephone and Telegraph Com pany—Long Lines Depart ment, and Com m unications Workers of Amer ica (AFL-CIO), October 1940-July 1974 (1974). Supp., July 1974-August 1977 (1976). Analysis of Work Stoppages, 1972 (1974). Wage Chronology: United States Steel Corpora tion and United Steelworkers of America (AFL-CIO), March 1937-April 1974 (1974). Supp., May 1974-Juiy 1977 (1975). Wage Chronology: A lum inum Co. of America with United Steelworkers of America and Alum inum Workers International Union, November 1939-January 1974 (1974). Supp.,February 1974-May 1977 (1975). Occupational Supply: Concepts and Sources of Data for Manpower Analysis (1974). Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Six Industries: Textile Mill Products, L um ber and Wood Products, Tires, Alum inum , Banking, and Health Services (1974). U nion Wages and Hours: Local-Transit Oper 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 8 ating Employees, July 1, 1973 (1974). Characteristics of Construction Agreements, 1972-73 (1974). Industry Wage Survey: Metal M ining, Septem ber 1972 (1974). Labor and Material Requirements for Public H ousing Construction, 1968 (1974). Characteristics of Agreements Covering 1,000 Workers or More, July 1, 1973 (1974). Rent or Buy? Evaluating Alternatives in the Shelter Market (1974). Describes a 6-step procedure and provides examples and worksheets for analyzing the fi nancial costs and benefits of ow ning a home compared to renting. Occupational M anpower and T rain in g Needs, Revised 1974 (1974). H andbook of Labor Statistics, 1974 (1974). See annotation for Bull. 1865. Com puter M anpower O utlook (1974). Indexes of O utput Per M an-Hour, Selected In dustries, 1974 Edition (1974). Industry Wage Survey: Com m unications, 1972 (1974). Industry Wage Survey: Hospitals, August 1972 (1974). Occupational Injuries and Illnesses by Industry, 1972 (1974). The Structure of the U.S. Economy in 1980 and 1985 (1975). Projections of gross national product; its in come and demand composition; input-output relations: and output, productivity, and em ployment in 129 industries. Factbook for Estim ating the M anpower Needs of Federal Programs (1975). Contains sets of “manpower factors’’ which show the am ount of employment, by industry and occupation, generated by $1 billion of Fed eral outlays in a recent period, and shows how to apply these factors to obtain rough estimates of a program ’s future employment requirements. Grievance and Arbitration Procedures in State and Local Agreements (1975). Industry Wage Survey: Electric and Gas U til ities, November 1972 (1975). Industry Wage Survey: Leather T anning and Finishing, March 1973 (1975). Impact of Federal Pollution Control and Abate m ent Expenditures on Manpower Require ments (1975). National Survey of Prefessional, Adm inistra tive, Technical, and Clerical Pay, March 1974 (1974). See annotation for Bull. 1980. Industry Wage Survey: Appliance Repair Shops, September 1972 (1975). 1839 1840 Industry Wage Survey: Basic Iron and Steel, September 1972 (1975). U nion Wages and Hours: Local Truckdrivers -13 San Diego, California, M etropolitan Area, N o vember 1974 (1975). -14 Dayton, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, December 1974 (1975). -15 Denver—Boulder, Colorado, M etropolitan Area, December 1974 (1975). -16 Saginaw, M ichigan, M etropolitan Area, N o vember 1974 (1975). -17 Cleveland, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, September 1974 (1975). -18 Newark, New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, Ja n and Helpers, July 1, 1973 (1975). 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 N -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 U nion Wages and Hours: Building Trades, July 1, 1973 (1975). Annual Earnings and Employment Patterns of Private Nonagricultur£l Employees, 1970 (1975). Industry Wage Survey: M en’s and Boys’ Suits and Coats, April 1973 (1975). Industry Wage Survey: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills, November 1972 (1975). Wage Chronology: New York City Laundries and the Clothing Workers, November 1945November 1975 (1975). Supp. 1975-78 (1977). The Revised Workweek: Results of a Pilot Study of 16 Firms (1975). A study of the objectives and methods of intro duction of 3-or4-day workweeks and their ef fects on productivity, absenteeism, plant u til ization, and morale. Also evaluates the avail ability of data and the feasibility of futher re search on the effects of new workweek schedules. Work Stoppages in Contract Construction, 1962-73 (1975). U nion Wages and Hours: Grocery Stores, July 1, 1973 (1975). Wage Chronology: Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., and the Textile Workers, June 1943-April 1975 (1975). S upp.,1975-78 (1977). Area Wage Surveys: Daytona Beach, Florida, M etropolitan Area, August 1974 (1974). G reensboro—W inston-S alem —H igh Point, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, August 1974 (1974). Corpus Christi, Texas, M etropolitan Area, July 1974 (1974). Syracuse, New York, M etropolitan Area, July 1974 (1974). M e lb o u rn e —T i t u s v i l l e —C o co a, F lo rid a , M etropolitan Area, August 1974 (1975). Billings, M ontana, M etropolitan Area, July 1974 (1975). Oklahom a City, Oklahom a, M etropolitan Area, August 1974 (1975). Northeast Pennsylvania M etropolitan Area, August 1974 (1975). Anaheim —Santa Ana—Garden Grove, Cal ifornia, M etropolitan Area, October 1974 (1975). Om aha, Nebraska—Iowa, M etropolitan Area, October 1974 (1975). Gainesville, Florida, M etropolitan Area, Sep tember 1974 (1975). Louisville, Kentucky—Indiana, M etropolitan Area, November 1974 (1975). -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 9 uary 1975 (1975). Sacramento, California, M etropolitan Area, December 1974 (1975). M inneapolis—St.Paul,M innesota—Wisconsin, M etropolitan Area, January 1975 (1975). Milwaukee, Wisconsin, M etropolitan Area, April 1975 (1975). Detroit, Michigan, M etropolitan Area, March 1975 (1975). San Antonio, Texas, Metropolitan Area, May 1975 (1975). Worcester, Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, May, 1975 (1975). Atlanta, Georgia, M etropolitan Area, May 1975 (1975). Fort Lauderdale—Hollywood and West Palm Beach—Boca Raton, Florida, M etropolitan Area, April 1975 (1975). P ro v id e n c e —W arw ick —P aw tu ck et, R hode Island—Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, June 1975 (1975). Hartford, Connecticut, M etropolitan Area, March 1975 (1975). Norfolk—Virginia Beach—Portsm outh, Vir ginia—North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, May 1975 (1975). Norfolk—Virginia Beach—Portsm outh and Newport News—H am pton, Virginia—North Carolina, M etropolitan Areas, May 1975 (1975). W a sh in g to n , D .C .—M a ry la n d —V irg in ia , M etropolitan Area, March 1975 (1975). York, Pennsylvania, M etropolitan Area, Feb ruary 1975 (1975). Chicago, Illinois, M etropolitan Area, May 1975 (1975). Toledo, O hio—M ichigan, M etropolitan Area, May 1975 (1975). San Francisco—Oakland, California, Metro politan Area, March 1975 (1975). San Jose, California, M etropolitan Area, March 1975 (1975). Corpus Christi, Texas,M etropolitan Area, July 1975 (1975). P a te rs o n —C lifto n — Passaic, New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, June 1975 (1975). Nassau—Suffolk, New York, M etropolitan 1850 Area Wage Surveys—Continued Area, June 1975 (1975). -40 Portland, Oregon—W ashington, M etropolitan Area, May 1975 (1975). -41 Richmond, Virginia, M etropolitan Area, June 1975 (1975). -42 Greenville— Spartanburg, South Carolina, M etropolitan Area, June 1975 (1975). -43 Syracuse, New York, M etropolitan Area, July 1975 (1975). -44 Green Bay, Wisconsin, M etropolitan Area, July 1975 (1975). -45 New York, New York—New Jersey,M etropoli tan Area, May 1975 (1975). -46 Billings, Montana, M etropolitan Area, July 1975 0975). -47 Daytona Beach, Florida, M etropolitan Area, August 1975 (1975). -48 Utica—Rome, New York, M etropolitan Area, July 1975 (1975). -49 G reensboro—W inston-Salem —H igh P oint, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, August 1975 (1975). -50 Binghamton, New York—Pennsylvania, Metro politan Area, July 1975 (1975). -51 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, M etropolitan Area, August 1975 (1975). -52 Northeast Pennsylvania M etropolitan Area, August 1975 (1975). -53 Westchester County, New York, May 1975 (1975). -54 M e lb o u rn e —T i t u s v i l l e —C o co a, F lo rid a , M etropolitan Area, August 1975 (1975). -55 Kansas City, M issouru—Kansas, M etropolitan Area, September 1975 (1975). -56 Omaha, Nebraska—Iowa, M etropolitan Area, October 1975 (1975). -57 Gainsville, Florida, M etropolitan Area, Sep tember 1975 (1976). -58 Boston, Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, August 1975 (1976). -59 Dallas—Fort Worth, Texas, M etropolitan Area, October 1975 (1976). -60 Trenton, New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, Sep tember 1975 (1976). -61 Fresno, California, M etropolitan Area, June 1975 (1975). -62 Baltimore, Maryland, M etropolitan Area, Aug ust 1975 (1976). -63 A lb a n y —S chenectady—T ro y , New York, M etropolitan Area, September 1975 (1976). -64 Cleveland, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, September 1975 (1976). -65 P h ilad elp h ia, Pennsylvania-r-N ew Jersey, M etropolitan Area, November 1975 (1976). -66 Indianapolis, Indiana, M etropolitan Area, October 1975 (1976). -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 -80 -81 -82 -83 -84 -85 -86 -87 -88 -89 1851 10 Chattanooga, Tennessee—Georgia, M etropoli tan Area, September 1975 (1976). Poughkeepsie—Kingston—Newburgh, New York, M etropolitan Area, June 1975 (1976). Buffalo, New York, M etropolitan Area, October 1975 (1976). Poughkeepsie, New York, M etropolitan Area, June 1975 (1976). Saginaw, Michigan, M etropolitan Area, No vember 1975 (1976). Portland, Maine, M etropolitan Area, November 1975 (1976). Dayton, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, December 1975 (1976). Salt Lake City—Ogden, Utah, M etropolitan Area, November 1975 (1976). Anaheim —Santa Ana—Garden Grove, Cali fornia, M etropolitan Area, October 1975 (1976). Miami, Florida, M etropolitan Area, October 1975 (1976). San Diego, California, M etropolitan Area, No vember 1975 (1976). Columbus, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, October 1975 (1976). Louisville, Kentucky—Indiana, M etropolitan Area, November 1975 (1976). Akron, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, December 1975 (1976). Jackonsville, Florida, M etropolitan Area, De cember 1975 (1976). Denver—Boulder, Colorado, M etropolitan Area, December 1975 (1976). Austin, Texas, M etropolitan Area, December 1975 (1976). Lexington—Fayette, Kentucky, M etropolitan Area, November 1975 (1976). Memphis, Tennessee—Arkansas—Mississippi, M etropolitan Area, November 1975 (1976). Los Angeles—Long Beach, California, M etro politan Area, October 1975 (1976). Sacramento, California, M etropolitan Area, December 1975 (1976). Selected M etropolitan Areas, 1975 (1977). M etropolitan Areas, United States and Regional Summaries, 1975 (1977). Expenditures and M anpower Requirements for Selected Federal Programs (1975). One of a series of studies presenting estimates of labor requirements, by industry and occupa tion, generated by Federal expenditures. Study covers five programs selected to be broadly rep resentative of different types of Federal expendi tures: The Veterans Adm inistration health care program, the National Institutes of Health, the manpower institutional training program, the National Aeronautics and Space Adm inis tration, and the Space Shuttle program. 1852 Library Manpower: A Study of Demand and Supply (1975). 1853 Industry Wage Survey: Contract Construc tion, September 1972 (1975). Industry Wage Survey: Communications, 1973 (1975). Industry Wage Survey: Nursing Homes and Related Facilities, May 1973 (1975). Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Five Industries: Pulp and Paper, Hydraulic .Cement, Steel, Aircraft and Missiles, Wholesale Trade (1975). Union Wages and Hours: Printing Industry, July 1, 1973 (1975). Wages and Demographic Characteristics in the Work Clothing M anufacturing Industry, March 1972 (1975). Pilot study designed prim arily to test feasi bility of collecting employee job and demo graphic characteristics data (sex, age, race, educational status, family position, for the United States as a whole and for the South) par ticularly in industries paying significant num bers of employees hourly rates at or near the Federal m inim um wage. Industry Wage Survey: Machinery Manufac turing, February 1973 (1975). Ph.D. Manpower: Employment, Demand, and Supply, 1972-85 (1975). Characteristics of Agreements in State and Local Governments, January 1, 1974 (1975). Industry Wage Survey: Banking, AugustNovember 1973 (1975). Industry Wage Survey: Hosiery, September 1973 (1975). Contract Clauses in Construction Agreements (1975). Handbook of Labor Statistics 1975—Reference Edition (1975). Contains complete historical data for the major series produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, beginning with the earliest reliable and consistent data and running through calen dar year 1974. Includes technical notes. Wage Chronology: Bethlehem Steel Corpora tion [Shipbuilding Department] and the IUMSW, June 1941-August 1975 (1975). Supp., Bethlehem Steel Corporation (Shipbuilding Department) and the Marine and Shipbuilding Workers, 1975-78 (1977). Union Wages and Hours: Local-Transit Opera ting Employees, July 1, 1974 (1975). Monthly Labor Review Reader (1975). A selection of 55 articles from the Monthly Labor Review from 1969 to 1975 which reflect 1) economic or social policy issues, 2) progress in the development of statistical concepts and 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 11 m ethodology, or 3) statistical practices of other countries. Industry W age Survey: Departm ent Stores, September 1973 (1975). W age Chronology: Federal Em ployees Under the General Schedule Pay System, July 1924October 1974 (1975). Supp., 1975 (1976). Industry W age Survey: Fluid M ilk, OctoberNovem ber 1973 (1975). W age Calendar, 1975 (1975). See annotation for Bull. 1943. Em ployee C om pensation in the Private N o n farm Econom y, 1972 (1975). O ccupational Injuries and Illnesses in the U nited States, by Industry, 1973 (1975). O ccupational O utlook H andbook, 1976-77 Edition (1976). See annotation for Bull. 1955. (Reprints of individual occupations and industries covered in the 1976-77 Edition are published in the Occupational Outlook Reprint Series, Bulls. 1875-1 to 1875-155.) Industry Wage Survey: Auto Dealer Repair Shops, June 1973 (1975). Analysis of Work Stoppages, 1973 (1975). Occupational Outlook for College Graduates, 1976-77 Edition (1977). See annotation for Bull. 1956. Directory of Data Sources on Racial and Ethnic Minorities (1975). U.S. W orking Women: A Chartbook (1975). U n io n W ages and Hours: P rinting Industry, July 1, 1974 (1975). U n ion W ages and Hours: Local Truckdrivers and H elpers, July 1, 1974. Industry Wage Survey: Hotels and Motels, June 1973 (1975). Wage Chronology: Martin Marietta Aerospace and the Auto Workers, March 1944-November 1975 (1976). Supp., 1975-78 (1977). Collective Barganining Agreements for Police and Firefighters (1976). Jobseeking Methods Used by American Work ers (1975). Wage Chronology: International Havester Co. and the Auto Workers, February 1946-September 1976 (1976). Characteristics of Major Collective Bargaining Agreements, July 1, 1974 (1975). Union Wage and Hours: Building Trades, July 1, 1974 (1975). Productivity Indexes for Selected Industries, 1975 Edition (1976). National Survey of Professional, Administra tive, Technical, and Clerical Pay, March 1975 (1975). See annotation for Bull. 1980. 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 Labor and Material Requirements for Private M ultifamily H ousing Construction (1976). Wage Chronology: Rockwell International (Electronics, North American Aircraft/Space Operations) and the UAW, May 1941-Sep tember 1977 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Iron and Steel Found ries, November 1973 (1976). Wage Chronology: T he Boeing Co. (W ashing ton Plants) and International Association of Machinists, June 1936-October 1977 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Meat Products, March 1974 (1976). The Hourly Earnings Index, 1964-August 1975 (1976). Wage Calendar, 1976 (1976). See annotation for Bull. 1943. State Government Employee Compensation, 1972 (1976). Area Wage Surveys: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, M etropolitan Area, January 1976 (1976). New Orleans, Louisiana, M etropolitan Area, January 1976 (1976). M inneapolis—St. Paul, M innesota—Wiscon sin, M etropolitan Area, January 1976 (1976). York, Pennsylvania, M etropolitan Area, Feb ruary 1976 (1976). South Bend, Indiana, M etropolitan Area, March 1976 (1976). Seattle-Everett, W ashington, M etropolitan Area, January 1976 (1976). Cincinnati, O hio—Kentucky—Indiana, Metro politan Area, March 1976 (1976). Jackson, Mississippi, M etropolitan Area, Feb ruary 1976 (1976). San Francisco—Oakland, California, Metropo litan Area, March 1976 (1976). Newark, New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, J a n uary 1976 (1976). Birmingham, Alabama, Metropolitan Area, March 1976 (1976). Washington, D.C.—M aryland—Virginia, Met ropolitan Area, March 1976 (1976). San Jose, California, M etropolitan Area, March 1976 (1976). Hartford, Connecticut, M etropolitan Area, March 1976 (1976). Detroit, Michigan, M etropolitan Area, April 1976 (1976). Worcester, Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, February 1976 (1976). Huntsville, Alabama, M etropolitan Area, April 1976 (1976). Raleigh—Durham, North Carolina, Metropol itan Area, February 1976 (1976). St. Louis, Missouri—Illinois, Metropolitan Area, March 1976(1976). -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 P ro v id e n c e —W arw ick —P aw tu ck et, R hode Island—Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, June 1976 (1976). -32 C hicago, Illin ois, M etropolitan Area, May 1976 (1976). N orfolk— V irginia Beach— Portsm outh and N ew port N ew s— H am p ton , V irgin ia— N orth C arolina, M etropolitan Areas, May 1976(1976). R ichm ond, V irginia, M etropolitan Area, June 1976 (1976). N assau-Suffolk, N ew York, M etropolitan Area, June 1976 (1976). -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 12 Fort Lauderdale— H o llyw ood and West Palm Beach— Boca R aton, Florida, M etropolitan Areas, April 1976 (1976). W ichita, Kansas, M etropolitan Area, April 1976 (1976). M ilw aukee, W isconsin, M etropolitan Area, April 1976 (1976). San A ntonio, T exas, M etropolitan Area, May 1976 (1976). T oled o, O h io — M ichigan, M etropolitan Area, May 1976 (1976). D avenport— Rock Island—M oline, Iow a—I lli nois, M etropolitan Area, February 1976 (1976). H ouston, T exas, M etropolitan Area, April 1976 (1976). N orfolk— V irginia Beach— Portsm outh, V ir g in ia - N o r t h C arolina, M etropolitan Area, May 1976 (1976). C anton, O h io, M etropolitan Area, May 1976 (1976). Fresno, C alifornia, M etropolitan Area, June 1976 (1976). Atlanta, G eorgia, M etropolitan Area, May 1976 (1976). Greenville—Spartanburg, South Carolina, M etropolitan Area, June 1976 (1976). Green Bay, Wisconsin, M etropolitan Area, July 1976 (1976). Paterson—Clifton—Passaic, New Je rsey, Met ropolitan Area, June 1976(1976). Billings, Montana, M etropolitan Area, July 1976 (1976). Stamford, Connecticut, M etropolitan Area, May 1976 (1976). Corpus Christi, Texas, Metropolitan Area, July 1976 (1976). Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, M etropolitan Area, August 1976 (1976). Northeast Pennsylvania M etropolitan Area, August 1976 (1976). Syracuse, New York, M etropolitan Area, July 1976 (1976). Daytona Beach, Florida, M etropolitan Area, August 1976 (1976). 1900 Area Wage Surveys—Continued -46 Westchester County, New York, May 1976 (1976). -47 G reensboro—W inston-Salem —H igh P oint, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, August 1976 (1976). -48 New York, New York—New Jersey, Metro politan Area, May 1976 (1976). -49 Binghamton, New York—Pennsylvania, Metro politan Area, July 1976 (1976). -50 Poughkeepsie, New York, M etropolitan Area, June 1976 (1976). -51 Portland, Oregon—W ashington, M etropolitan Area, July 1976 (1976). -52 Baltimore, Maryland, M etropolitan Area, August 1976 (1976). -53 Boston, Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, August 1976 (1976). -54 Gainsville, Florida, M etropolitan Area, Sep tember 1976 (1976). -55 Poughkeepsie—Kingston—Newburgh, New York, M etropolitan Area, June 1976 (1976). -56 Trenton, New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, Sep tember 1976 (1977). -57 Chattanooga, Tennessee—Georgia, Metro politan Area, September 1976 (1977). -58 Indianapolis, Indiana, M etropolitan Area, Oc tober 1976 (1977). -59 A lb an y —S chenectady—T roy, New York, M etropolitan Area, September 1976 (1977). -60 Kansas City, Missouri—Kansas, M etropol itan Area, September 1976 (1977). -61 Omaha, Nebraska—Iowa, M etropolitan Area, October 1976 (1977). -62 Cleveland, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, Septem ber 1976.(1977), -63 Dallas—Fort Worth, Texas, M etropolitan Area, October 1976 (1977). -64 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—New Jersey, Met ropolitan Area, November 1976 (1977). -65 Salt Lake City—Odgen, Utah, M etropolitan Area, November 1976 (1977). -66 Miami, Florida, M etropolitan Area, October 1976 (1977). -67 Anaheim—Santa Ana—Garden Grove, Cali fornia, M etropolitan Area, October 1976 (1977). -68 Columbus, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, October 1976 (1977). -69 Louisville, Kentucky—Indiana, M etropolitan Area, November 1976 (1977). -70 Buffalo, New York, M etropolitan Area, October 1976 (1977). -71 Sacramento, California, M etropolitan Area, December 1976 (1977). -72 Portland, Maine, M etropolitan Area, December 1976 (1977). -73 Denver—Boulder, Colorado, M etropolitan -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 -80 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 13 Area, December 1976 (1977). Saginaw , M ichigan, M etropolitan Area, N o vember 1976 (1977). M em phis, T ennessee—Arkansas—M ississippi, M etropolitan Area, Novem ber 1976 (1977). Akron, O h io, M etropolitan Area, December 1976 (1977). L os A ngeles— L on g Beach, C alifornia, Metro politan Area, October 1976 (1977). Dayton, O h io, M etropolitan Area, December 1976 (1977). San D iego, C alifornia, M etropolitan Area, N ovem ber 1976 (1977). Jacksonville, Florida, M etropolitan Area, December 1976 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Men’s and Boys’ Shirts (except Work Shirts) and Nightwear, June 1974 (1976). Analysis of Work Stoppages, 1974 (1976). Union Wages and Hours: Local-Transit O per ating Ernployees, July 1, 1975 (1976). Wage Chronology: Lockheed-California Com pany (Div. of Lockheed Aircraft Corp.) and M achinists’ Union, March 1937-October 1977 (1976). Handbook of Labor Statistics 1976 (1976). Supplements Bull. 1865 by providing data for 1967 through 1975 for the major series produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Includes technical notes. Industry Wage Survey: Men’s and Boys’ Sepa rate Trousers, June 1974 (1976). Union Wage and Hours: Building Trades, July 1, 1975 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: W omen’s and Misses’ Dresses, August 1974 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Communications, October-December 1974 (1976). BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies (1976). Contains 33 chapters covering the major sta tistical programs of the Bureau of Labor Statis tics. Each chapter provides a brief account of the development of the series, a description of the data, methods of collection, statistical proce dures, and uses and limitations. Appendixes discuss the BLS seasonal factor method and industrial and geographical classification of data. Industry Wage Survey: Contract Construction, September 1973 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Motor Vehicles and Parts, 1973-74 (1976). Union Wages and Hours: Printing Industry, July 1, 1975 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Miscellaneous Plastics, September 1974 (1976). 1936 1915 W age C hronology: 1941-77, A tlantic R ichfield and the O il Workers (Former Sinclair O il Facilities) (1976). Supp., 1977-79 (1977). 1916 Industry W age Survey: Contract C lean in g Ser vices, July 1974 (1976). 1917 U n io n W ages and Hours: L ocal Truckdrivers and H elpers, July 1, 1975 (1976). 1918 O ccupational Projections and T ra in in g Data (1976). 1919 U .S. Workers and T h eir Jobs: T h e C h a n gin g Picture (1976). C ontains 16 color charts w h ich illustrate patterns of change in the Am erican econom y and labor force. Prepared to mark the N a tio n ’s b icentennial. 1920 C ollective B argaining Agreem ents for State and C ounty G overnm ent Em ployees (1976). 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 Industry Wage Survey: Corrugated Solid Fiber Boxes, March 1976 (1977). 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 and M onthly Labor R eview Index of V olum es 94-98, January 1971-75 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Pressed or Blown Glass and Glassware, May 1975 (1976). Wage Chronology: EMC- Corp., Chemical G roup—Fiber Division, and the TWUA, 194577 (1976). Union Wages and Hours: Grocery Stores, July 1,1975(1976). Productivity and the Economy (1977). Presents charts and explanatory text on pro ductivity change and how it is r elated to changes in costs, prices, and employment. Whenever possible, comparisons are made with foreign count ties. Wage Chronology: Western Union Telegraph Co. and the Telegraph Workers and the C om m u nications Workers, November 1943-July 1976 (1976). Annual Earnings and Employment Patterns of Private Nonagricultural Employees, 1971 and 1972(1976). Industry Wage Survey: Machinery M anufactur ing. Winter 1974-75 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Wood Household Furniture, November 1974 (1976). National Survey of Professional, Adm inistra tive, Technical, and Clerical Pay, March 1976 (1976). See annotation for Bull. 1980. Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in the United States, by Industry, 1974 (1976). Productivity: A Selected, Annotated Biblio graphy, 1971-75 (1977). Wage Chronology: Dan River, Inc., and the Textile Workers (UTWA), 1943-76 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Fabricated Structural Steel, November 1974 (1977). 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 14 Industry Wage Survey: Appliance Repair, November 1975 (1977). Directory of National Unions and Employee Associations, 1975 (1977). A biennial directory providing data on membership and characteristics of unions and employee associations, including addresses, names of major officers and officals, number of locals, num ber of members, convention dates, and publications. Includes a summary of signi ficant developments in organized labor during 1974-75. Productivity Indexes for Selected Industries, 1976 Edition (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Candy and Other C on fectionery Products, August 1975 (1977). Analysis of Work Stoppages, 1975 (1977). BLS Measures of Compensation (1977). An introduction to the various BLS series on employee compensation. Describes each set of data, indicates the m anner in which it is de veloped, and points out its use and lim itations. Illustrative statistics and a summary table com paring the series supplem ent the discussion. Industry Wage Survey: Structural Clay Prod ucts, September 1975 (1977). Wage Calendar, 1977 (1977). An annual summary of expirations, reopen ings, and wage-adjustment provisions of collec tive bargaining agreements covering 1,000 workers or more. Data are tabulated for the coming year by m onth and industry. Industry Wage Survey: Cigarette M anufactur ing, May 1976 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Textiles, May 1975 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Footwear, April 1975 (1977). Characteristics of Agreements in State and Local Governments, July 1, 1975 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Petroleum Refining, April 1976 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Hospitals, August 1975January 1976 (1977). Area Wage Surveys: (published in 1977) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, M etropolitan Area, January 1977. Jackson, Mississippi, Metropolitan Area, January 1977. M inneapolis—St. Paul, M innesota—Wiscon sin, M etropolitan Area, January 1977. Huntsville, Alabama, M etropolitan Area, February 1977. New Orleans, Louisiana, M etropolitan Area, January 1977. York, Pennsylvania, M etropolitan Area, Feb ruary 1977. 1950 -7 -35 Area W age Surveys— C ontinued Newark, N ew Jersey, M etropolitan Area, Jan u ary 1977. B irm ingham , A labam a, M etropolitan Area, March 1977. Hartford, C onnecticut, M etropolitan Area, March 1977. -38 -10 St. Louis, Missouri—Illinois, M etropolitan Area, March 1977. -39 -11 W a s h in g to n , D .C .— M a r y la n d — V ir g in ia , M etropolitan Area, March 1977. -40 -12 Seattle—Everett, W ashington, M etropolitan Area, January 1977. Detroit, Michigan, M etropolitan Area, March 1977. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, M etropolitan Area, April 1977. Worcester, Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, April 1977. Wichita, Kansas, M etropolitan Area,April 1977. Atlanta, Georgia, M etropolitan Area, May 1977. Toledo, O hio—M ichigan, M etropolitan Area, May 1977. San Jose, California, M etropolitan Area, March 1977. N o rfo lk — V irg in ia B each — P o r ts m o u th , Virginia—North C arolina, M etropolitan Area, May 1977. Norfolk—Virginia Beach—Portsm outh and Newport News—H am pton, Virginia—North Carolina, M etropolitan Areas, May 1977. -8 -9 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -2 2 -24 -37 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 P r o v id e n c e — W a r w ic k — P a w tu c k e t, R h o d e Island—Massachusetts, June 1977. -23 -36 M etropolitan . Area, 1951 R ich m on d , V irginia, M etropolitan Area, June 1977. San A n ton io, T exas, M etropolitan Area, May 1977. 1952 1953 -25 Poughkeepsie, New York, Metropolitan Area, June 1977. 1954 -26 D avenport— R ock Island— M oline, Iow a— Illi nois, M etropolitan Area, May 1977. 1955 -27 Nassau—Suffolk, New York, Metropolitan Area, June 1977. Canton, Ohio, M etropolitan Area, May 1977. San Franciso—Oakland, California, Metro politan Area, March 1977. Fresno, California, M etropolitan Area, June 1977. New York, New York—New Jersey, Metro politan Area, May 1977. Portland, Oregon—W ashington, M etropolitan Area, Mav 1977. Greenville—Spartanburg, South Carolina, M etropolitan Area, June 1977. P aterso n — C lifto n — P assaic, New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, June 1977. -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 15 Corpus Christi, Texas, M etropolitan Area, July 1977. Green Bay, Wisconsin, M etropolitan Area, July 1977. Utica—Rome, New York, M etropolitan Area, July 1977. Northeast Pennsylvania M etropolitan Area, August 1977. Baltimore, Maryland, M etropolitan Area, August 1977. Billings, Montana, M etropolitan Area, July 1977. Chicago, Illinois, M etropolitan Area, May 1977. G reensboro—W inston-Salem —H igh Point, North Carolina, M etropolitan Area, August 1977. Daytona Beach, Florida, M etropolitan Area, August 1977. Chattanooga, Tennessee—Georgia, Metro politan Area, September 1977. Cincinnati, O hio—Kentucky—Indiana, Metro politan Area, July 1977. Gainesville, Florida, M etropolitan Area, Sep tember 1977. Trenton, New Jersey, M etropolitan Area, Sep tember 1977. Houston, Texas, M etropolitan Area, August 1977. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, M etropolitan Area, August 1977. Boston, Massachusetts, M etropolitan Area, August 1977. Industry Wage Survey: Scheduled Airlines, August-November 1975 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Nonferrous Foundries, May 1975 (1977). Wage Chronology: The Anaconda Co. (Mon tana M ining Div.) and the Steelworkers, 1941-77 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Communications, October-December 1975 (1977). Occupational O utlook Handbook, 1978-79 Edition (1978). Designed for use in vocational guidance and eductional and economic planning, this edition of the Handbook assesses the employment out look for several hundred occupations and 35 industries through the mid-1980’s. (Reprints of occupations and industries covered are publish ed in the Occupatonal O utlook Reprint Series, Bulls. 1955-1 to 1955-42.) T om orrow ’s Jobs. M etalworking Occupations. Printing and Publishing Occupations. Factory Production Occupations. Clerical Occupations. Office Machine and Com puter Occupations. 1955 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 R eprint S eries— C on tin u ed B anking and Insurance O ccupations. B usiness O ccupations. Service O ccupations. Food M erchandising O ccupations. Protective and Related Service O ccupations. Education and Related O ccupations. Sales O ccupations. C onstruction O ccu p ation s— Structural. C onstruction O ccu p ation s— F in ish in g. Air and Water T ransportation O ccupations. R ailroad O ccupations. D rivin g O ccupations. E nvironm ental Scientists and Conservation O ccupations. -20 E ngineering and Related O ccupations. -21 Physical and L ife Scientists. -22 M athem atics and Related O ccupations. -23 P u b lic U tilities O ccupations. -24 M otor V ehicle and M achinery Repairers. -25 M achine Repairers and Operators. -26 Sm all Business O ccupations. -27 H ealth Practitioners. -28 H ealth O ccupations [I], -29 H ealth O ccupations [II]. -30 Lawyers, City M anagers, and Social Science O ccupations. -31 C o u n selin g and Related O ccupations. -32 Social Service O ccupations. -33 Perform ing Arts and Entertainm ent-R elated O ccupations. -34 D esign O ccupations. -35 C om m u n ication s-R elated O ccupations. -36 A griculture and L o g g in g and Lum ber M ill Products Industries. -37 E nergy-Producing Industries. -38 Petroleum R efin in g, Industrial C hem ical, D rug, and Paper and A llied Products Industries. -39 A lu m in u m , Iron and Steel, and Foundry Industries. -40 Aircraft, M issile, and Spacecraft; O ffice M achine and Com puter; and M otor V ehicle and E q u ip m en t M anufacturing Industries. -41 A pparel, B aking, Laundry and Dry C leaning, and T ex tile M ill Products Industries. -42 G overnm ent O ccupations. 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 O ccupational O u tlook for C ollege Graduates, 1978-79 Edition (1978). A guide to career op portunities in a broad range of professional and related occupations for w hich a college education is, or is becom ing, the usual educational background for em p loy m ent. C ontains reprints of relevant o ccu p ation al statements from Bull. 1955, a brief summary of expected changes in the N a tio n ’s econom y through the m id-1980’s, and an analysis of the supply and dem and situation for college grad 1973 1974 1975 1976 16 uates over this period. Characteristics of Major Collective Bargaining Agreements, July 1, 1975 (1977). Comparative Growth in M anufacturing Pro ductivity and Labor Costs in Selected Industri alized Countries (1977). Consumer Expenditure Survey: Diary Survey, July 1972-June 1974 (1977). This 387-page bulletin presents detailed expenditure and income data from the diary component of the 1972-73 Concumer Expend iture Survey. In 129 tables, income and expend itures of families and single consumers are classified by socioeconomic characteristics of families to provide a comprehensive body of information for a broad range of analytical purposes. Wage Chronology: Pacific M aritime Associa tion and the International Longshorem en’s and W arehousemen’s Union, 1934-78 (1977). Technological Change and its Labor Impact in Five Industries: Apparel, Footwear, Motor Vehicles, Railroads, Retail Trade (1977). Industry Wage Survey M en’s and Boys’ Suits and Coats, April 1976 (1977). Employee Compensation in the Private N on farm Economy, 1974 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Nursing Homes and Related Facilities, May 1976 (1977). Who Are the Unemployed? A Chartbook (1977). Handbook of Labor Statistics 1977 (1977). Supplements Bull. 1865 by providing data for 1967 through 1976 for the major series produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Includes technical notes. Industry Wage Survey: Textile Dyeing and Finishing, June 1976 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Shipbuilding and Repairing, September 1976 (1977). Estim ating Price Trends of Industrial C oun tries’ Exports to OPEC (1977). Workers of Spanish Origin: A Chartbook (1977). Trabajadores de Origen Hispano: Libro de Graficos (1977). Spanish-language version of Bull. 1970. Union Wages and Hours: Building Trades, July 1, 1976 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Paints and Varnishes, November 1976 (1977). Union Wages and Hours: Local-Transit O pera ting Employees, July 1, 1976 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Synthetic Fibers, August 1976 (1977). Occupational T raining in Selected Metal working Industries, 1974: A Report on a Survey of Selec ted Occupations (1977). Also published as R8cD M onograph 53 of the 1977 Edition (1977). Union Wages and Hours: Local Truckdrivers and Helpers, July 1, 1976 (1978). 1985 Consumer Expenditure Survey: Interview Survey, 1972-73: Annual Expenditures and Sources of Income Cross-Classified by Family Characteristics (1972 and 1973 Combined) (1978). Presents annual averages for over 50 items of expenditure, summarizing all expenditure data collected in the interview component of the 1972-73 Consumer Expenditure Survey. Also presents annual averages for sources of income. This bulletin is available only through the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, on microfiche or in printed copy. 1986 Union Wages and Hours: Printing Industry, July 1, 1976 (1978). 1987 Industry Wage Survey: Hosiery, July 1976 (1977). Employment and T raining Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 U.S. W orking W omen: A D atabook (1977). Industry W age Survey: Industrial C hem icals, June 1976 (1977). International C om parisons of U n em p loym ent (1978). N ation al Survey of Professional, A dm inistra tive, T echnical, and Clerical Pay, March 1977 (1977) . T h e results of this annual survey of salaries in selected occupations in private industry are used to help set pay levels for Federal w hite-collar em ployees. O ccupational Injuries and Illnesses in the U nited States, by Industry, 1975 (1978). W age C hronology: Pacific Coast S h ip b u ild in g A ssociation and Various U n ion s, 1941-77 (1978) . Productivity Indexes for Selected Industries, 17 Numerical Listing of Reports 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 Labor Law and Practice in Venezuela (1972). Labor Law and Practice in Norway (1972). Characteristics of Workers in Large States and SMSA’s, 1970 (1971). Injury Rates by Industry, 1969 (1971). Labor Law and Practice in Denmark (1972). Employment in Perspective: The Negro Employment Situation (1971). Labor Law and Practice in Uruguay (1972). Labor Law and Practice in the Republic of Zaire (1972). The Social and Economic Status of Negroes in the United States, 1970 (1971). Published jointly with the II.S. Department of Commerce. E m p lo y m e n t in P e rsp e c tiv e : R e g io n a l Aspects of Unemployment, 1969-70 (1971). Employment in Perspective: Discouraged Workers and Recent Changes in Labor Force Growth (1971). Employment in Perspective; Summer Job Situation for Youth, 1971 (1971). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: W omen’s Hosiery M anufacturing, 1969 (1971). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: B itu m in o u s C oal M in in g , 1969 (1971). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Basic Steel M anufacturing, 1969 (1972). Work Attitudes of Disadvantaged Black Men: A Methodological Inquiry (1972). Geographic Profile of Employment and U n employment, 1971 (1972). See annotation for Rpt. 504. Labor Law and Practice in the Philippines (1972). Labor Law and Practice in The Republic of China (Taiwan) (1972). Labor Law and Practice in T hailand (1972). Injury Rates by Industry, 1970 (1972). Labor Law and Practice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1972). Labor Law and Practice in Colombia (1972). Labor Law and Practice in Great Britain (1972). Area Wage Survey: Territory of Guam, Ja n uary 1972 (1972). Work Injuries in Atomic Energy, 1970: A Survey of Privately Owned and Operated Establish ments (1972). A report to the Atomic Energy Commission by the U.S. Department of Labor. 412 412-2 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 W hat Every Employer Needs to Know about OSHA Recordkeeping (1972). (Revised 1973.) W hat Every Employer Needs to Know About OSHA Recordkeeping (1975). Updates Rpt. 412. Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Construction—Special Trade Contractors, 1969 (1972) . Labor in the U.S.S.R. (1972). Employment in Perspective: Summer Job Sit uation for Youth, 1972 (1972). , Employment in Perspective: Unemployment of Black Workers (1972). Selected Earnings and Demographic Character istics of Union Members, 1970 (1972). How the Government Measures Unem ploy ment (1973). See Rpt. 505. Supplementary Compensation in the PATC Survey Industries (1973). Report on supplementary compensation in the industries covered by the National Survey of Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Pav. Census Employment Survey User’s Guide (1973) . Geographic Profile of Employment and U n employment, 1972 (1973). See annotation for Rpt. 504. Employment in Perspective: Summer Job Sit uation for Youth, 1973 (1973). Coverage and Vesting of Full-Tim e Em ploy ees Under Private Retirement Plans: Findings From the April 1972 Survey (1973). Published jointly by the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Social Security Adm in istration). 424 Manpower Impact of Federal Government Pro grams: Selected Grants-In-Aid to State and Local Governments (1973). 425 Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: W omen’s and Misses’ Suits and Coats M anu facturing, 1971 (1973). 423 426 427 18 Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Department Stores, 1971 (1973). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Pulp and Paper M anufacturing, 1971 (1973). 428 429 430 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 T3 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 E m p lo y ee C o m p e n s a tio n a n d P a y ro ll Hours: Heavy Construction Industry, 1971 (1974). Early Retirement Provisions of Pension Plans, 1971 (1974). Occupational Employment: (series published in 1974). Industrial Chemicals Industry, June 1971. Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipm ent Industry, June 1971. Special Industry Machinery, Except Metalwork ing Machinery, June 1971. Motorcycles, Bicycles and Parts and Selected Transportation Equipm ent Industries, April 1971. Office, Computing, and Accounting Machines Industry, June 1971. Railroad Equipm ent Industry, June 1971. Am m unition, Except for Small Arms, June 1971. Construction, M ining, and Materials H andling Machinery and Equipm ent Industry, June 1971. Soap, Cleaners, and Toilet Goods Industry, June 1971. Plastics Materials and Synthetics Industry, June 1971. General Industrial Machinery Industry, June 1971. Ordnance and Accessories Industry (Except Guided Missiles, Space Vehicles, and Large Am m unition), June 1971. Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Coats Industry, May 1971. Sugar Industry, June 1971. Farm Machinery and Equipm ent Industry, June 1971. Drug Industry, June 1971. Ship and Boat Building and Repairing Indus try, June 1971. Hydraulic Cement Industry, April 1971. Metal Cans Industry, June 1971. Miscellaneous Plastic Products Industry, June 1971. W omen’s and C hildren’s Undergarments Industry, May 1971. Electric Test and Distributing Equipm ent Industry, June 1971. Jewelry, Silverware, and Plated Ware Industry, April 1971. Electronic Components and Accessories Indus try, June 1971. Household Furniture Industry, June 1971. Radio and Television Receiving Equipm ent Industry, June 1971. Electric Lighting and W iring Equipm ent Industry, June 1971. Metalworking Machinery and Equipm ent 19 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 Industry, June 1971. Petroleum Refining Industry, May 1971. Service Industry Machines Industry, June 1971. Electrical Industrial Apparatus Industry, June 1971. W omen’s and Misses’ Outerwear Industry, May 1971. Selected Electrical Equipm ent and Supplies Industry, June 1971. Products of Purchased Glass Industry. May 1971. C hildren’s Outerwear Industry, May 1971. Paperboard Mills Industry, April 1971. Fur Goods, Hats, Caps, Millinery, and Mis cellaneous Apparel Industry, May 1971. Wooden Containers Industry, May 1971. Concrete, Gypsum, and Plaster Products Indus try, April 1971. Converted Paper and Paperboard Products Industry, April 1971. Miscellaneous Foods and Kindred Products Industry, June 1971. Structural Clay Products Industry, April 1971. M en’s and Boys’ Furnishings Industry, May 1971. Household Appliances Industry, June 1971. Public Building Furniture and Miscellaneous Furniture and Fixtures Industry, June 1971. Logging Camps and Logging Contractors Industry, May 1971. Iron and Steel Foundries Industry, April 1971. Nonferrous Foundries Industry, April 1971. Paperboard Containers and Boxes Industry, April 1971. Pottery and Related Products Industry, April 1971. Aircraft and Parts Industry, June 1971. Tobacco Manufactures Industry, April 1971. Miscellaneous Machinery, Except Electrical, Industry, June 1971. Tires and Inner Tubes Industry, June 1971. Paints and Allied Products Industry, April 1971. Gum and Wood Chemicals and Miscellaneous Chemical Products, April 1971. Sawmills and Planing Mills Industry, May 1971. Partitions and Fixtures Industry, June 1971. Engines and Turbines Industry, June 1971. Miscellaneous Wood Products Industrv, 1971. Agricultural Chemicals Industry, April 1971. Pulp Mills, Paper Mills, and Building Paper and Building Board Mills Industry, April 1971. Nonferrous Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding Industry, April 1971. Primary Metal Products Industry, April 1971. Grain Mill Products Industry, June 1971. Office Furniture Industry, June 1971. 430 O ccupational Em ploym ent—Continued -67 Millwork, Veneer, Plywood, and Prefabricated Structural Wood Products Industry, May 1971. -68 Flat Glass Industry, May 1971. -69 Confectionery and Related Products Industry, June 1971. -70 Miscellaneous Fabricated Textile Products Industry, May 1971. -71 Pressed or Blown Glass and Glassware Industry, May 1971. -72 Rubber Footwear, Reclaimed Rubber, and Other Fabricated Rubber Products Industry, June 1971. -73 Gloves and Mittens, Industrial Belting, and Other Selected Leather Goods Industry, June 1971. -74 Plum bing and Heating. Except Electric,In dustry, June 1971. -75 Screw Machine Products Industry, June 1971. -76 Coating, Engraving, and Allied Services Industries, June 1971. -77 Fabricated Structural Metal Products Industry, June 1971. -78 Nonferrous Smelting and Refining Industries, April 1971. -79 Leather T anning and Finishing Industry, June 1971. -80 Stone Products and Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Mineral Products Industries, April 1971. -81 Petroleum and Coal Products, Except Petro leum Refining, Industry, May 1971. -82 . Luggage, Handbags, and Personal Leather Goods Industry (SIC 316 and 317), June 1971. -83 Metal Stampings Industry, June 1971.. -84 M iscellaneous Fabricated Wire Products Industry, June 1971. -85 Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products Industry, June 1971. -86 Pens, Pencils, Office and Art Supplies Industry, June 1971. -87 Bakery Products Industry, May 1971. -88 Watches, Clocks, and Watchcases Industry, June 1971. -89 P h o to g ra p h ic E q u ip m e n t and S u p p lie s Industry, June 1971. -90 Mechanical Measuring and Control Devices Industry, June 1971. -91 Beverage Industry, May 1971. -92 Optical Instruments and Lenses Industry, June 1971. -93 Toys and Sporting Goods Industry, June 1971. -94 Com m unication Equipm ent Industry, June 1971. -95 Meat Products Industry, June 1971. -96 Canning and Preserving Industry, June 1971. -97 E n g in e e rin g and S cientific In stru m e n ts -98 -99 -100 -101 -102 -103 -104 -105 -106 -107 -108 -109 -110 - I ll -112 -113 431 432 433 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 20 Industry, June 1971. Knitting Mills Industry, April 1971. Floor Covering Mills Industry, April 1971. Miscellaneous Textile Goods Industry, April 1971. Yarn and Thread Mills Industry, April 1971. Weaving Mills (Cotton) Industry, April 1971. Weaving and Finishing Mills (Wool) Industry, June 1971. Medical Instruments and Supplies Industry, June 1971. Musical Instruments and Miscellaneous M an ufactures Industries, June 1971. Weaving Mills (Synthetics and Silk) Industry, April 1971. O phthalm ic Goods Industry, June 1971. Narrow Fabric Mills Industry, April 1971. Textile Finishing, Except Wool, Industry, April 1971. Costume Jewelry and Notions Industry, June 1971. Dairy Products Industry, May 1971. Cutlery, H and Tools, and Hardware Industry, June 1971. Nonrubber Footwear Industry, May 1971. Geographic Profile of Employment and U n employment, 1973 (1974). See annotation for Rpt. 504. New Procedures for Estim ating Unem ploym ent in States and Local Areas (1974). See Rpt. 500. State Government Employee Compensation, 1972: II.S. Summary (1975), Michigan (1974)Ohio (1974). California (Revised 1975). Minnesota (1974). Alaska (1974). Pennsylvania (1974). New Jersey (1974). North Dakota (1974). Oklahoma (1974). Tennessee (1974). Vermont (1974). Massachusetts (1974). Alabama (1975). Connecticut (1975). Colorado (1975). Arizona (1975). Arkansas (1975). Florida (1975). Delaware (1975). Illinois (1975). Hawaii (1975). Georgia (1975). West Virginia (1975) 433 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 State Government Employee Compensation, 1972—Continued Utah (1975). Texas (1975). Idaho (1975). Indiana (1975). W ashington (1975). New York (1975). Wisconsin (1975). Wyoming (1975). Virginia (1975). Nevada (1975). New Mexico (1975). North Carolina (1975). Oregon (1975). Rhode Island (1975), South Carolina (1975). South Dakota (1975). New Ham pshire (1975). Iowa (1975). Lousiana (1975). Maine (1975). Maryland (1975). Mississippi (1975). Kentucky (1975). Kansas (1975), Missouri (1975). M ontana (1975). Nebraska (1975). Work Stoppages in Government, 1972 (1974). The Development and Uses of Table Producing Language (1975). See Rpt. 515. Current Developments in Productivity, 1973-74 (1975). Work Stoppages in Government, 1973 (1975). Occupational Safety and Health Statistics: Con cepts and Methods (1975). See Rpt. 518. Relative Importance of Components in the Consumer Price Index, December 1975 (1976). Relative Importance of Components in the Consumer Price Index, December 1974 (1975). Major Programs 1975/Bureau of Labor Sta tistics (1975). See annotation for Rpt 488. Employee Compensation in the PATC Survey Industries, 1972 (1975). See annotation for Rpt. 464. Employment in Perspective: Unemployment Among Household Heads (1975). BLS File of State, County, and M unicipal Col lective Bargaining Agreements, Spring 1975 (1975).. Unemployment: Measurement Problems and Recent Trends (1975). Revised and updated version of comments by 446 447 -1 -2 -3 448 -1 -2 -3 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 -1 -2 -3 -4 456 457 21 Julius Shiskin, Commissioner of Labor Statis tics, to the Denver Chapter, National Associa tion of Business Economists, May 29, 1975. Employment in Perspective: Job Loss and Other Factors Behind the Recent Increase in Unemployment (1975). Employment in Perspective: Summer Job Situa tion for Youth, 1975 (1975). Number not issued. Number not issued. Employment in Perspective: Summer Job Situa tion for Youth, 1976 (1976). Consumer Expenditure Survey Series: Diary Data 1972: Selected Weekly Expendi tures Cross-Classified by Family Characteristics (1975) . Diary Survey 1973: Selected Average Weekly Ex penditures Classified by Family Characteristics (1976) . Diary Survey, July 1973-June 1974: Selected Weekly Expenditures Cross-Classified by Family Characteristics (1976). The Consumer Price Index: How Will the 1977 Revision Affect It? (1975). Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Ex perience [1974]—National Emphasis Program Industries: Foundries and Metal Stampings. An OSHA Guide. (1976). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Banks, 1973 (1976). Geographic Profile of Employment and Unem ployment, 1974 (1976). Supp. (1976). See annotation for Rpt. 504. Work Stoppages in Government, 1974 (1976). BLS File of State, County, and Municipal Col lective Bargaining Agreements, Fall 1975 (1976). Consumer Expenditure Survey Series: Interview Survey, 1972 and 1973: Average An nual Expenditures for Motor Vehicle Purchases, Maintenance, Repair, and Operations, Selected Data, 1972 and 1973 (1976). Interview Survey, 1972 and 1973: Average Annual Expenditures for Selected Commodity and Service Groups Classified by Family Characteristics, 1972 and 1973 (1976). Interview Survey, 1972 and 1973: Average Annual Expenditures for Commodity and S e rv ic e G r o u p s C la s s if ie d by N in e Family Characteristics, 1972 and 1973 (1976). Interview Survey, 1972-73: Average Annual In come and Expenditures for Commodity and Ser vice Groups Classified by Family Character istics (1977). Directory of Labor Force Studies Based on the Current Population Survey (1976). Conventions 1976: National Unions. Employ ee Associations, and State Labor Bodies (1976). 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 Collective Bargaining in the Rubber Industry (1976). Major Programs 1976/Bureau of Labor Statis tics (1976). See annotation for Rpt. 488. Chartbook on Occupational Injuries and Ill nesses, 1974 (1976). BLS Publications on Productivity and Tech nology (1976). Publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, January-June 1975 (1976). Concepts and Methods Used in Labor Force Statistics Derived from the Current Population Survey (1976). Published jointly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Bureau of the Census. Super sedes Rpt. 313. Employee Compensation in the PATC Survey Industries, 1974 (1977) Report on compensation structure in the in dustries covered by the National Survey of Pro fessional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Pay. Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Drug M anufacturing, 1973 (1976). CETA Prime Sponsors, Program Agents, and Areas of Substantial Unemployment: Labor Force, Employment, and Unemployment, Jan. 1975-Feb. 1976 (1976). See annotation for Rpt. 473. Collective Bargaining in the Meat Products In dustry (1976). Directory of Occupational Wage Surveys, Jan. 1950-Dec. 1975 (1976). Some Soc ial Aspec ts of Unemployment (1976). Publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, July-Dee ember 1975 (1976). Data Processing at BLS (1976). CETA Area Employment and Unemployment, Jan. 1975-May 1976 (1976). Supp. (1976). CETA Area Employment and Unemployment, 1975 Annual Averages (1976). Later reports in this series are not listed. They are available only from National Technical In formation Service, U.S. Department of Com 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 merce, on microfiche or in printed copy. An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Experience1, 1974: Con struction Industries (1976). 475 An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Experience. 1974: M anu facturing Industries (1976). 476 An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1974: Tiansportation and Public Utilities Industries (1976). 477 An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm s In jury and Illness Experience. 1971: Wholesale 494 474 495 496 497 198 22 and Retail Trade Industries (1976). An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1974: Service Industries (1976). Collective Bargaining in the Motor Vehicle and Equipm ent Industry (1976). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Textile M anufacturing, 1973 (1976). Geographic Profile of Employment and U n employment, 1975 (1976). See annotation for Rpt. 504. Publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, January-June 1976 (1976). Work Stoppages in Government, 1975 (1976). Revising the CPI: A Brief Review of Methods (1976). Collective Bargaining in the Electrical Mach inery, Equipm ent, and Supplies Industry (1976) . Labor Force and Unemployment (1976). A paper presented by Julius Shiskin, Com missioner of Labor Statistics, at the Univer sity of Michigan Economic and Social Outlook Program, November 18, 1976. BLS File of State, County, and M unicipal Col lective Bargaining Agreements, Fall 1976(1977). Major Programs 1977/Bureau of Labor Sta tistics (1977). An annual report describing principal data gathering activities, publications, and other information services of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Collective Bargaining in the Basic Steel Indus try (1977). A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: National Emphasis Program: Foundries (1977). A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: Construction In dustries (1977). A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm ‘s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: M anufacturing Indusries (1977). A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: Services Industries (1977) . A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: Transportation and Public Utilities Industries (1977). A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: Wholesale and Retail Trade Industries (1977). Publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, July-December 1976 (1977). Relativ e* Importance of Components in the CPI, December 1976 (1977). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 Plastics and Synthetics M anufacturing, 1973 (1977) . Conventions 1977: National Unions, Employee Associations, and State Labor Bodies (1977). Estimating State and Local EJnemployment: Problems and Perspectives (1977). Updates Rpt. 432. Chartbook on Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in 1975 (1977). Collective Bargaining in the Telephone Indus try (1977). Directory of Wage Chronologies, 1948-Tune 1977 (1977). Geographic* Profile of Employment and U n employment, 1976 (1977). Presents annual labor force, employment, and unemployment data for States and large metropolitan areas based on the Current Pop ulation Survey. How the Government Measures Unemploy ment (1977). Supersedes Rpt. 418. Directory of Occupational Wage Surveys, Jan. 1970-Dec. 1976 (1977). BUS Data Bank Files and Statistical Routines (1978) . Employment in Perspective: A Cyclical Analy 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 23 sis of Gross Flows in the Labor Force (1977). The BLS Industrial Price Program: A Survey of Users (1977). Collective Bargaining in the Longshore Indus try (1977). Employment in Perspective: Summer Job Situa tion for Youth, 1977 (1977). Publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, January-June 1977 (1977). Collective Bargaining in the Areospace Indus try (1977). Collective Bargaining in the Bituminous Coal Industry (1977). The Development and Uses of Table Producing Language (1978). Report on BLS computer program ( I'PL) de signed to reduce the time between collecting sur vey data and processing the results in statis tical tables. Supersedes Rpt. 435. Wage Payment Plans in M anufacturing In dustries (1977). The Consumer Price Index: Concepts and Content Over the Years (1977). Occupational Safety and Health Statistics: Concepts and Methods (1977). Supersedes Rpt. 438. Special Labor Force Reports F o llo w in g is a list of Special L a b o r Force R eports w h ic h have been p u b lish e d since 1972. T hese reports are reprints of articles p u b lis h e d initially in the Monthly Labor Review , su p p le m e n te d by a d d itio n a l tables and technical notes. Reports are available free of charge, as long as supplies last, from the national or regional offices of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. See inside back cover for addresses. Num ber 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 Marital and Family Characteristics of the Labor Force, March 1972. 154 155 C h ild re n of W o rk in g Mothers, M arch 1972. E m p lo y m e n t of H ig h School G ra d u a te s a n d D ropouts, O ctober 1972. The U.S. L a b o r Force: P rojections to 1990. J o b Losers, Leavers, a n d E ntrants: T ra its a n d Ire n d s. Y oung Workers: In School a n d O ut. G o in g Back to School at 35. 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 190 E ducation of Workers: Projections to 1990. E ducational A tta inm e nt of Workers, M arch 1973. W ork E xperience of the P o p u la tio n in M arch 1972. E m p lo y m e n t a nd U n e m p lo y m e n t in 1973. M arital and Family Characteristics of the L a b o r Force* in M arch 1973. Chilchen of W o rk in g Mothers, M arch 1973. M u ltip le J o b h o ld in g , May 1973. Job Situation ol V ietnam -era Veterans. E m p lo y m e n t of H ig h School G ra d u a te s a n d D io p o u ts, 1973. Employment of Recent College Graduates, October 1972. 170 Employment of School-Age Youth, October 1973. 171 Work Experience of the Population, 1973. 172 Job Tenure of Workers, January 1973. 173 Marital and Family Characteristics of the Labor Force, March 1974. 174 Children of Working Mothers, March 1974. 175 Educational Attainment of Workers, March 1974. 176 Occupational Mobility of Workers. 177 M ultiple Jobholders in May 1974. 178 Employment and Unemployment in 1974. 179 Trends in Overtime Hours and Pay, 1969-74. 180 Students, Graduates, and Dropouts in the Labor Market, October 1974. 181 Work Experience of the Population in 1974. 182 M ultiple Jobholders in May 1975. 183 Marital and Family Characteristics of the Labor Force, March 1975. 184 Going Back to School at 35 and Over. 185 Employment and Unemployment During 1975. 186 Educ ational Attainment of Workers, Marc h 1975. 187 Length of W orking Life for Men and Women, 1970. 188 Long \V7orkweeks and Premium Pay. 189 Families and the Rise of Working Wives—An Overview. Jobse e king M ethods Used by U n e m p lo y e d Workers. E m p lo y m e n t of Recent College G raduates, O ctober 1971. C ha n g e s in the E m p lo y m e n t S itua tion in 1972. 153 156 157 169 E m p lo y m e n t a n d U n e m p lo y m e n t in 1971. U sual Weekly E a rn in g s of A m erican Workers, 1971. M arital a n d Fam ily Characteristics of the L a b o r Force. E m p lo y m e n t of H ig h School G raduates a n d D ropouts, O ctober 1971. An Analysis of U n e m p lo y m e n t by H o u s e h o ld R e la tio n sh ip . E m p lo y m e n t of School-Age Y outh, O ctober 1971. E d u c a tio n a l A tta in m e n t of Workers, M arch 1972. T h e E m p lo y m e n t S itu a tio n of V ietnam Era Veterans, 1972. 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 24 Women Who Head Families: A Socioeconomic Analysis. Students, Graduates, and Dropouts in the Labor Market, October 1975. Work Experience of the Population in 1975. Educ ational Attainment of Workers, March 1976. M ultiple Jobholders, May 1976. Weekly and Hourly Earnings Data from the Current Population Survey. Long Hours and Premium Pay, May 1976. New Labor Force Projections to 1990. The Labor Force Patterns of Divorced and Sepa rated Women. 199 200 201 202 203 204 E m p lo y m e n t a n d U n e m p lo y m e n t in 1976. S tudents, G ra dua te s, a n d D r o p o u ts In the L a b o r M arket, O ctober 1976. W o rk E xperience of the P o p u l a t i o n in 1976. T h e E xtent of J o b Search by E m p lo y e d Workers. Y e a r-R o u n d F u ll- T im e E a r n in g s in 1975. G o in g Back to School at 35 a n d Over. 205 206 207 208 C h ild re n of W o r k in g M others, M arch 1976. M arital a n d F am ily Characteristics of the L a b o r Force in M arch 1976. Absence F ro m W o r k — M e a su rin g the H o u r s Lost, May 1973-76. L a b o r Force T re nds: A Synthesis a n d Analysis a n d a B ibliography. Other Publications of General Interest Periodicals A vailable by Subscription Free P ublications C h a rtb o o k on Prices, Wages, a n d Productivity (m onthly). C P I Detailed R e p o rt (m onthly). C u rre n t W age D evelopm ents (m onthly). E m p lo y m e n t a n d E a rn in g s (m onthly). M o n th ly L a b o r Review. O c c u p a tio n a l O u tlo o k Q uarterly. P roduc e r Prices a n d Price Indexes (m o n th ly ) (formerly W holesale Prices a n d Price Indexes). Ju st P u b lish e d (m onthly). M ajor P r o g r a m s /B u r e a u of L a b o r Statistics (annual). P u b lic a tio n s of the B ureau of L a b o r Statistics (sem i a n n u a l). U.S. D e p a rtm e n t of State Indexes of Living Costs A broad a n d Q u a rte rs A llow ances (quarterly). H ow to Order W rite to S u p e rin te n d e n t of D ocum ents, U.S G o v e rn m e n t P r in tin g Office, W a sh in g to n , D.C S u b sc rip tio n s: Other Subscription Items 20102. Digest of Selected H e a lth a n d In su ra n c e Plans. Digest of Selected Pension Plans. F ree p u b lic a tio n s : (issued every 3 years; s u p p le m e n ts issued p eriodically) W rite to B u re a u of L a b o r Statistics, G A O B u ild in g , 441 G St. N W ., W a sh in g to n , D.C. 20212, or to the B u r e a u ’s reg io n a l offices listed o n the inside back cover. 25 Subject Index of Bulletins and Reports (Publication dates are given in parentheses. Entries marked with an asterisk (*) are annotated in numerical listings.) AEROSPACE INDUSTRY (See also Employment; Occupational outlook.) BLACK WORKERS (See Minority workers.) BUILDING TRADES (See also Occupational outlook.) Collective Bargaining in the Aerospace Industry, Rpt. 513 (1977). Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Five Industries, Bull. 1856 (1975). Wage Chronology: Lockheed-Califomia Company (Div. of Lockheed Aircraft Corp.) and Machinists’ Union, Mar. 1937-Oct. 1977, Bull. 1904 (1976). Martin Marietta Aerospace and the Auto Workers: Mar. 1944-Nov. 1975, Bull. 1884 (1976); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1884 (1977). Rockwell International (Electronics, North American Aircraft/Space Operations) and the UAW, May 1941-Sept. 1977, Bull. 1893 (1976). The Boeing Co. (Washington Plants) and International As sociation of Machinists, June 1936-Oct. 1977, Bull. 1895 (1976). Union Wages and Hours: Building Trades, July 1--: 1971, Bull. 1747 (1972); 1972, Bull. 1807 (1974); 1973, Bull. 1841 (1975); 1974, Bull. 1889 (1975); 1975, Bull. 1907 (1976); 1976, Bull. 1972 (1977). BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Catalogs, directories, and indexes BLS Data Bank Files and Statistical Routines, Rpt. 507 (1978). BLS Publications, 1886-1971, Bull. 1749 (1972).* BLS Publications on Productivity and Technology, Rpt. 461 (1976) . Directory of Labor Force Studies Based on the Current Population Survey, Rpt. 456 (1976). Directory of Occupational Wage Surveys: Jan. 1950-Dec. 1975, Rpt. 468 (1976); Jan. 1970-Dec. 1976, Rpt. 506 (1977). Directory of Wage Chronologies, 1948-June 1977, Rpt. 503 (1977) . Monthly Labor Review Index of--: Vols. 84-93, Jan. 1961-Dec. 1970, Bull. 1746 (1973); Vols. 94-98, Jan. 1971-75, Bull. 1922 (1976) . Publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics: Jan.-June 1975, Rpt. 462 (1976); July-Dee. 1975, Rpt. 470 (1976); Jan.-June 1976, Rpt. 482 (1976); July-Dee. 1976, Rpt. 496 (1977); Jan.June 1977, Rpt. 512 (1977). AIRLINES (See Transportation.) ALUMINUM INDUSTRY (See also Occupational outlook.) Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Six Industries, Bull. 1817 (1974). Wage Chronology: Aluminum Co. of America with United Steel workers of America and Aluminum Workers International Union: Nov. 1939-Jan. 1974, Bull. 1815 (1974); Feb. 1974-May 1977, supp. to Bull. 1815 (1975). Data processing Data Processing at BLS, Rpt. 471 (1976). The Development and Uses of Table Producing Language, Rpt. 435 (1975)*; Rpt. 515 (1978).* APPAREL INDUSTRY (See Clothing industry.) Programs Major Programs/Bureau of Labor Statistics: 1975, Rpt. 441 (1975); 1976, Rpt. 459 (1976); 1977, Rpt. 488 (1977).* The BLS Industrial Price Program: A Survey of Users, Rpt. 509 (1977) . APPLIANCE REPAIR SHOPS Industry Wage Survey: Appliance Repair Shops: Sept. 1972, Bull. 1838 (1975); Nov. 1975, Bull 1936 (1977). BUS TRANSPORTATION (See Transportation.) AUTO DEALER REPAIR SHOPS CANDY AND CONFECTIONERY INDUSTRY (See also Employ ment.) Industry Wage Survey: Auto Dealer Repair Shops, June 1973, Bull. 1876 (1975). Industry Wage Survey: Candy and Other Confectionery Products: Aug. 1970, Bull. 1732 (1972); Aug. 1975, Bull. 1939 (1977). BANKING INDUSTRY (See also Occupational outlook.) CEMENT INDUSTRY (See also Employment.) Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Banks, 1973, Rpt. 451 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Banking, Aug.-Nov. 1973, Bull. 1862 (1975). Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Six Industries, Bull. 1817 (1974). Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Five Industries, Bull. 1856 (1975). CHEMICAL INDUSTRY (See also Occupational outlook.) Industry Wage Survey: Industrial Chemicals: June 1971, Bull. 1786 (1973); June 1976, Bull. 1978 (1977). 26 Atlantic Richfield Co. (former facilities of Sinclair Oil Compa nies): 1941-72, Bull. 1771 (1973); Jan. 1973-Jan. 1975, supp. to Bull. 1771 (1974). Atlantic Richfield and the Oil Workers (Former Sinclair Oil Facilities): 1941-77, Bull. 1915 (1976); 1977-79, supp. to Bull. 1915 (1977). Berkshire Hathaway Inc., and the Textile Workers: June 1943Apr. 1975, Bull. 1849 (1975); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1849 (1977). CHINA, REPUBLIC OF (See Taiwan.) CIGAR AND CIGARETTE MANUFACTURING Industry Wage Survey: Cigar Manufacturing, Mar. 1972, Bull. 1796 (1973). Cigarette Manufacturing: May-June 1971, Bull. 1748 (1972); May 1976, Bull. 1944 (1977). CLAY PRODUCTS INDUSTRY (See also Employment.) Bethlehem Steel Corporation (Shipbuilding Department) and the IUMSW: June 1941-Aug. 1975, Bull. 1866 (1975); 197578, supp. to Bull. 1866 (1977). Bituminous Coal Mine Operators and United Mine Workers of America: Oct. 1933-Nov. 1974, Bull. 1799, (1973); 1974-77, supp. to Bull. 1799(1977). Commonwealth Edison Company of Chicago and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers: Oct. 1945-Mar. 1974, Bull. 1808 (1974); 1974-77, supp. to Bull. 1808 (1976). Council of North Atlantic Shipping Associations and the I LA, 1941-77, supp. to Bull. 1736 (1976). Dan River, Inc.: May 1943-Jan. 1972, Bull. 1767 (1973); Jan. 1973-June 1974, supp. to Bull. 1767 (1975). Dan River, Inc., and the Textile Workers (UTWA), 1943-76, Bull. 1934(1976). FMC Corporation, Chemical G roup-Fiber Division (formerly the American Viscose Division) and the Textile Workers Union of America, June 1968-June 1974, supp. to Bull. 1560(1974). FMC Corp., Chemical G roup-Fiber Division, and the TWUA, 1945-77, Bull. 1924 (1976). Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. and B.F. Goodrich Co. (Akron Plants): 1937-73, Bull. 1762 (1972); Apr. 1973-Apr. 1976, supp. to Bull. 1762(1975). Ford Motor Company: June 1941-Sept. 1973, Bull. 1787 (1973); Oct. 1973-Sept. 1976, supp. to Bull. 1787 (1975). International Harvester Company: 1946-70, Bull. 1678 (1972); 1970-73, supp. to Bull. 1678 (1973). International Harvester Co. and the Auto Workers, Feb. 1946Sept. 1976, Bull. 1887 (1976). International Paper Co., Southern Kraft Division: Dec. 1937May 1973, Bull. 1788 (1973); June 1973-May 1977, supp. to Bull. 1788 (1976). International Shoe Co.: 1945-74, Bull. 1718 (1972); 1972-76, supp. to Bull. 1718 (1976). Lockheed-California Company (Div. of Lockheed Aircraft Corp.) and Machinists’ Union, Mar. 1937-Oct. 1977, Bull. 1904 (1976) . Martin Marietta Aerospace and the Auto Workers: Mar. 1944Nov. 1975, Bull. 1884 (1976); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1884 (1977) . Massachusetts Shoe Manufacturers and United Shoe Workers of America (AFL-CIO); Jan. 1945-Jan. 1975. Bull. 1800 (1973); 1975-77, supp. to Bull. 1800 (1976). New York Q ty Laundries, 1965-72, supp. to Bull. 1453 (1972). New York City (Area) Laundries and the Clothing Workers: Nov. 1945-Nov. 1975, Bull. 1845 (1975); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1845 (1977). North Atlantic Longshoremen, 1934-71, Bull. 1736 (1972). Pacific Coast Shipbuilding Association and Various Unions, 1941-77, Bull. 1982(1978). Pacific Gas and Electric Company: 1943-73, Bull. 1761 (1972); 1972-76, supp. to Bull. 1761 (1977). Pacific Longshore Workers, Aug. 1969-July 1975, supp. to Bull. 1568 (1974). Pacific Maritime Association and the International Longshore men’s and Warehousemen’s Union, 1934-78, Bull. 1960 (1977). Rockwell International (Electronics, North American Aircraft/ Space Operations) and the UAW, May 1941-Sept. 1977, BuU. 1893 (1976). Swift & Company, Jan. 1942-Sept. 1973, Bull. 1773 (1973). The Anaconda Co. (Montana Mining Div.) and the Steelworkers, 1941-77, Bull. 1953 (1977). The Boeing Co. (Washington Plants) and International Associa tion of Machinists, June 1936-Oct. 1977, Bull. 1895 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Structural Clay Products, Sept. 1975, Bull. 1942 (1977). CLEANING SERVICES, CONTRACT Industry Wage Survey: Contract Cleaning Services: July 1971, Bull. 1778 (1973); July 1974, Bull. 1916 (1976). CLOTHING INDUSTRY (See also Employment; Occupational out look.) Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: W omen’s and Misses’ Suits and Coats Manufacturing, 1971, Rpt. 425 (1973). Industry Wage Survey: Men’s and Boys’ Separate Trousers: Jan. 1971, Bull. 1752 (1972); June 1974, Bull. 1906 (1976). Men’s and Boys’ Shirts (Except Work Shirts) and Nightwear: Oct. 1971, Bull. 1794 (1973); June 1974, Bull. 1901 (1976). Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Coats: Apr. 1970, Bull. 1716 (1972); Apr. 1973, Bull. 1843 (1975); Apr. 1976, Bull. 1962 (1977). Women’s and Misses’ Coats and Suits, Aug. 1970, Bull. 1728 (1972). Women’s and Misses’ Dresses: Aug. 1971, Bull. 1783 (1973); Aug. 1974, Bull. 1908 (1976). Technological Change and its Labor Impact in Five Industries, Bull. 1961 (1977). Wages and Demographic Characteristics in the Work Clothing Manufacturing Industry, Mar. 1972, Bull. 1858 (1975).* COLLECTIVE BARGAINING General BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976) .* Characteristics of Agreements Covering 1,000 Workers or More, July 1-: 1972, Bull. 1784 (1973); 1973, Bull. 1882 (1974). Characteristics of Major Collective Bargaining Agreements, July 1-: 1974, Bull. 1888 (1975); 1975, Bull. 1957 (1977). Directory of Wage Chronologies, 1948-June 1977, Rpt. 503 (1977) . Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-ReferenCe Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Wage Calendar: 1972, Bull. 1724 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1766 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1810 (1974); 1975, Bull. 1872 (1975); 1976, Bull. 1898 (1976); 1977, Bull. 1943 (1977).* Specified employers and unions Wage Chronology: Aluminum Co. of America with United Steelworkers of Amer ica and Aluminum Workers International Union: Nov. 1939Jan. 1974, Bull. 1815 (1974); Feb. 1974-May 1977, supp. to Bull. 1815 (1975). American Telephone and Telegraph Comp any-Long Lines De partment, and Communications W orkers of America (AFLCIO): Oct. 1940-July 1974, Bull. 1812 (1974); July 1974Aug. 1977, supp. to Bull. 1812 (1976). Armour and Company and Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Sept. 1973-Aug. 1976, supp. to Bull. 1682 (1975). 27 United States Steel Corporation and United Steelworkers of America (AFL-CIO): Mar. 1937-Apr. 1974, Bull. 1814 (1974); May 1974-June 1977, supp. to Bull. 1814 (1976). Western Union Telegraph Co., 1968-71, supp. to Bull. 1545 (1972). Western Union Telegraph Co. and the Telegraph Workers and the Communications Workers, Nov. 1943-July 1976, Bull. 1927 (1976). American Telephone and Telegraph C om pany- Long \ Lines Department, and Communications Workers of Arherica (AFL-CIO): O c t 1940-July 1974, Bull. 1812 (1974);\July 1974-Aug. 1977, supp. to Bull. 1812 (1976). Western Union Telegraph Co., 1968-71, supp. to Bull. 1545 (1972). Western Union Telegraph Co. and the Telegraph Workers and the Communications Workers, Nov. 1943-July 1976, Bull. 1927 (1976). Specified industries and occupations COMPENSATION (See also Earnings; Wages and benefits.) BLS File of State, County, and Municipal Collective Bargaining Agreements: Spring 1975, Rpt. 444 (1975); Fall 1975, Rpt. 454 (1976) ; Fall 1976, Rpt. 487 (1977). Characteristics of Agreements in State and Local Governments: Jan. 1, 1974, Bull. 1861 (1975); July 1, 1975, Bull. 1947 (1977) . Characteristics of Construction Agreements, 1972-73, Bull. 1819 (1974). Collective Bargaining Agreements for Police and Firefighters, Bull. 1885 (1976). Collective Bargaining Agreements for State and County Govern ment Employees, Bull. 1920 (1976). Collective Bargaining Agreements in the Federal Service, Late 1971, Bull. 1789 (1973). Collective Bargaining in the — Aerospace Industry, Rpt. 513 (1977). Basic Steel Industry, Rpt. 489 (1977). Bituminous Coal Industry, Rpt. 514 (1977). Electrical Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Industry, Rpt. 485 (1976). Longshore Industry, Rpt. 510 (1977). Meat Products Industry, Rpt. 467 (1976). Motor Vehicle and Equipment Industry, Rpt. 479 (1976). Rubber Industry, Rpt. 458 (1976). Telephone Industry, Rpt. 502 (1977). Contract Clauses in Construction Agreements, Bull. 1864 (1975). Grievance and Arbitration Procedures in State and Local Agree ments, Bull. 1833 (1975). Municipal Collective Bargaining Agreements in Large Cities, Bull. 1759 (1972). Municipal Labor-Management Relations: Chronology of Compen sation Developments in Milwaukee, 1960-70, Bull. 1720 (1971). BLS Measures of Compensation, Bull. 1941 (1977).* COMPUTER OCCUPATIONS (See Occupational outlook.) CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY (See also Occupational outlook.) A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Experience. 1975: Construction Industries, Rpt. 491 (1977). An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Ex perience, 1974: Construction Industries, Rpt. 474 (1976). Characteristics of Construction Agreements, 1972-73, Bull. 1819 (1974) . Contract Clauses in Construction Agreements, Bull. 1864 (1975). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Construction-Special Trade Contractors, 1969, Rpt. 413 (1972). Heavy Construction Industry, 1971, Rpt. 428 (1974). Industry Wage Survey: Contract Construction: Sept. 1972, Bull. 1853 (1975); Sept. 1973, Bull. 1911 (1976). Labor and Material Requirements fo rConstruction of Private Single-Family Houses, Bull. 1755 (1972). Private Multifamily Housing Construction, Bull. 1892 (1976). Public Housing Construction, 1968, Bull. 1821 (1974). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Work Stoppages in Contract Construction, 1962-73, Bull. 1847 (1975) . CONSUMER EXPENDITURES AND INCOME BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976) .* Consumer Expenditure Survey: Diary Survey, July 1972-June 1974, Bull. 1959 (1977).* Consumer Expenditure Survey: Interview Survey, 1972-73: Annual Expenditures and Sources of Income Cross-Classified by Family Characteristics (1972 and 1973 Combined), Bull. 1985 (1978).* Consumer Expenditure Survey Series: Diary Data 1972: Selected Weekly Expenditures Cross-Clas sified by Family Characteristics, Rpt. 448-1 (1975). Diary Survey 1973: Selected Average Weekly Expenditures Classified by Family Characteristics, Rpt. 448-2 (1976). Diary Survey, July 1973-June 1974: Selected Weekly Expendi tures Cross-Classified by Family Characteristics, Rpt. 448-3 (1976). Interview Survey, 1972 and 1973: Average Annual Expendi tures for Motor Vehicle Purchases, Maintenance, Repair, and Operations, Selected Data, 1972 and 1973, Rpt. 455-1 (1976). Interview Survey, 1972 and 1973: Average Annual Expendi tures for Commodity and Service Groups Classified by Nine Family Characteristics, 1972 and 1973, Rpt. 455-3 (1976). Interview Survey, 1972 and 1973: Average Annual Expendi tures for Selected Commodity and Service Groups Classified by Family Characteristics, 1972 and 1973, Rpt. 455-2 (1976). Interview Survey, 1972-73: Average Annual Income and Ex penditures for Commodity and Service Groups Classified by Family Characteristics, Rpt. 455-4 (1977). Specified provisions Grievance and Arbitration Procedures in State and Local Agree ments, Bull. 1833 (1975). Major Collective Bargaining Agreements: Administration of Seniority, Bull. 1425-14( 1972). Hours, Overtime, and Weekend Work, Bull. 1425-15 (1975). Layoff, Recall, and Worksharing Procedures, Bull. 1425-13 (1972). Safety and Health Provisions, Bull. 1425-16 (1976). COLLEGE GRADUATES Occupational Outlook for College Graduates: 1972-73 Edition, Bull. 1730 (1972); 1974-75 Edition, Bull. 1786 (1974); 1976-77 Edition, Bull. 1878 (1977); 1978-79 Edition, Bull. 1956 (1978) .* COLOMBIA Labor Law and Practice in Colombia, Rpt. 408 (1972). COMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRIES (See also Occupational out look.) Collective Bargaining in the Telephone Industry, Rpt. 502 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Communications: 1970, Bull. 1751 (1972); 1971, Bull. 1805 (1974); 1972, Bull. 1828 (1974); 1973, Bull. 1854 (1975); Oct.-Dec. 1974, Bull. 1909 (1976); Oct.-Dec. 1975, Bull. 1954 (1977). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Wage Chronology: CONSUMER PRICE INDEX BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 ( 1976).* 28 Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Relative Importance of Components in the Consumer Price Index (CPI): Dec. 1974, Rpt. 440 (1975); Dec. 1975, Rpt. 439 (1976); Dec. 1976, Rpt. 497 (1977). Revising the CPI: A Brief Review of Methods, Rpt. 484 (1976). The Consumer Price Index: Concepts and Content Over the Years, Rpt. 517 (1977). The Consumer Price Index: How Will the 1977 Revision Affect It? Rpt. 449 (1975). DATA PROCESSING processing.) DENMARK (See U.S. Workers and Their Jobs: The Changing Picture, Bull. 1919 (1976) .* Labor force groups Employment in Perspective: Summer Job Situation for Youth: 1971, Rpt. 397 (1971); 1972, Rpt. 415 (1972); 1973, Rpt. 422 (1973); 1975, Rpt. 447 (1975); 1976, Rpt. 447-3 (1976); 1977, Rpt. 511 (1977). The Negro Employment Situation, Rpt. 391 (1971). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* The Employment Problems of Older Workers, Bull. 1721 (1971). Trabajadores de Origen Hispano: Libro de Graficos, Bull. 1971 (1977) .* U.S. Working Women: A Chartbook, Bull. 1880 (1975). U.S. Working Women: A Databook, Bull. 1977 (1977). Workers of Spanish Origin: A Chartbook, Bull. 1970 (1977). Bureau of Labor Statistics—Data Labor Law and Practice in Denmark, Rpt. 390 (1972). Occupations and industries DEPARTMENT STORES Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Department Stores, 1971, Rpt. 426 (1973). Industry Wage Survey: Department Stores, Sept. 1973, Bull. 1869 (1975). DISCOURAGED WORKERS Employment in Perspective: Discouraged Workers and Recent Changes in Labor Force Growth, Rpt. 396 (1971). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* DRUG INDUSTRY (See also Employment; Occupational outlook.) Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Drug Manufacturing, 1973, Rpt. 465 (1976). EARNINGS (See also Wages and benefits.) Annual Earnings and Employment Patterns of Private Nonagricultural Employees: 1966-67, Bull. 1765 (1973); 1970, Bull. 1842 (1975) ; 1971 and 1972, Bull. 1928 (1976). BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976) .* BLS Measures of Compensation, Bull. 1941 (1977).* Employment and Earnings, States and Areas: 1939-71, Bull. 13709 (1973); 1939-72, Bull. 1370-10 (1974); 1939-74, Bull. 137011 (1976); 1939-75, Bull. 1370-12 (1977).* Employment and Earnings, United States: 1909-71, Bull. 1312-8 (1972) ; 1909-72, Bull. 1312-9 (1973); 1909-74, Bull. 1312-10 (1976) .* Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); Bull. 1790 (1973) ; 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977) .* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* The Hourly Earnings Index, 1964-Aug. 1975, Bull. 1897 (1976). EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATIONS (See Labor organizations.) EMPLOYMENT General Annual Earnings and Employment Patterns of Private Nonagri' cultural Employees: 1966-67, Bull. 1765 (1973); 1970, Bull. 1842 (1975); 1971 and 1972, Bull. 1928 (1976). BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* Census Employment Survey User’s Guide, Rpt. 420 (1973). Employment and Earnings, United States: 1909-71, Bull. 1312-8 (1972) ; 1909-72, Bull. 1312-9 (1973); 1909-74, Bull 1312-10 (1976) .* Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972), Bull. 1790 (1973) ; 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977) .* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* 29 Computer Manpower Outlook, Bull. 1826 (1974). Employment of Scientists and Engineers, 1950-70, Bull. 1781 (1973). Library Manpower: A Study of Demand and Supply, Bull. 1852 (1975). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Occupational Employment (series published in 1974): Agricultural Chemicals Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-61. Aircraft and Parts Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-51. Ammunition, Except for Small Arms, June 1971, Rpt. 430-7. Bakery Products Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-87. Beverage Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-91. Canning and Preserving industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-96. Children’s Outerwear Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-35. Coating, Engraving, and Allied Services Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-76. Communication Equipment Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-94. Concrete, Gypsum, and Plaster Products Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-39. Confectionery and Related Products Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-69. Construction, Mining, and Materials Handling Machinery and Equipment Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-8. Converted Paper and Paperboard Products Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-40. Costume Jewelry and Notions Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430110. Cutlery, Hand Tools, and Hardware Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-112. Dairy Products Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-11 1. Drugs Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-16. Electric Lighting and Wiring Equipment Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-27. Electric Test and Distributing Equipment Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-22. Electrical Industrial Apparatus Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 43031. Electronic Components and Accessories Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-24. Engineering and Scientific Instruments Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-97. Engines and Turbines Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-59. Fabricated Structural Metal Products Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-77. Farm Machinery and Equipment Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-15. Flat Glass Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-68. Floor Covering Mills Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-99. Fur Goods, Hats, Caps, Millinery, and Miscellaneous Apparel Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-37. General Industrial Machinery Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 43011. Gloves and Mittens, Industrial Belting, and Other Selected Leather Goods Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-73. Grain Mill Products Industry, June 1971,Rpt. 430-65. Gum and Wood Chemicals and Miscellaneous Chemical Products, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-56. Household Appliances Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-44. Household Furniture Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-25. Hydraulic Cement Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-18. Industrial Chemicals Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-1. Iron and Steel Foundries Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-47. Jewelry, Silverware, and Plated Ware Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-23. Knitting Mills Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-98. Leather Tanning and Finishing Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 43079. Logging Camps and Logging Contractors Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-46. Luggage, Handbags, and Personal Leather Goods Industry (SIC 316 & 317), June 1971, Rpt. 430-82. Meat Products Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-95. Mechanical Measuring and Control Devices Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-90. Medical Instruments and Supplies Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-104. Men’s and Boys’ Furnishings Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-43. Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Coats Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-13. Metal Cans Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-19. Metal Stampings Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-83. Metalworking Machinery and Equipment Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-28. Millwork, Veneer, Plywood, and Prefabricated Structural Wood Products Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-67. Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-85. Miscellaneous Fabricated Textile Products Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-70. Miscellaneous Fabricated Wire Products Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-84. Miscellaneous Foods and Kindred Products Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-41. Miscellaneous Machinery, Except Electrical, Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-53. Miscellaneous Plastic Products Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430- Pens, Pencils, Office and Art Supplies Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-86. Petroleum and Coal Products, Except Petroleum Refining, In dustry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-81. Petroleum Refining Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-29. Photographic Equipment and Supplies Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-89. Plastics Materials and Synthetics Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-10. Plumbing and Heating, Except Electric, Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-74. Pottery and Related Products Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 43050. Pressed or Blown Glass and Glassware Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-71. Primary Metal Products Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-64. Products of Purchased Glass Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-34. Public Building Furniture and Miscellaneous Furniture and Fixtures Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-45. Pulp Mills, Paper Mills, and Building Paper and Building Board Mills Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-62. Radio and 'Television Receiving Equipment Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-26. Railroad Equipment Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-6. Rubber Footwear, Reclaimed Rubber, and Other Fabricated Rubber Products Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-72. Sawmills and Planing Mills Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-57. Screw Machine Product^ Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-75. Selected Electrical Equipment and Supplies Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-33. Service Industry Machines Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-30. Ship and Boat Building and Repairing Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-17. Soap, Cleaners, and Toilet Goods Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-9. Special Industry Machinery, Except Metalworking Machinery, June 1971, Rpt. 430-3. Stone Products and Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Mineral Products Industries, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-80. Structural Clay Products Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-42. Sugar Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-14. Textile Finishing, Except Wool, Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430109. Tires and Inner Tubes Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-54. Tobacco Manufactures Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-52. Toys and Sporting Goods Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-93. Watches, Clocks, and Watchcases Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-88. Weaving and Finishing Mills (Wool) Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-103. Weaving Mills (Cotton) Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-102. Weaving Mills (Synthetics and Silk) Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-106. W omen’s and Children’s Undergarments Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-21. W omen’s and Misses’ Outerwear Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-32. Wooden Containers Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-38. Yarn and Thread Mills Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-101. Occupational Employment Statistics, 1960-70, Bull. 1738 (1972). Occupational Manpower and Training Needs, Revised 1974, Bull. 1824 (1974). Occupational Projections and Training Data, Bull. 1918 (1976). Ph. D: Manpower: Employment, Demand, and Supply, 1972-85, Bull. 1860 (1975). Scientific and Technical Personnel in Industry, 1969, Bull. 1723 (1971). The National Industry-Occupational Matrix and Other Manpower Data, Bull. 1737 (Vol. IV revised of Bull. 1606, Tomorrow’s Manpower Needs) (1971). 20. Miscellaneous Textile Goods Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430100 . Miscellaneous Wood Products Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 43060. Motorcycles, Bicycles and Parts and Selected Transportation Equipment Industries, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-4. Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-2. Musical Instruments and Miscellaneous Manufactures Indus tries, June 1971, Rpt. 430-105. Narrow Fabric Mills Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-108. Nonferrous Foundries Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-48. Nonferrous Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-63. Nonferrous Smelting and Refining Industries, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-78. Nonrubber Footwear Industry, May 1971, Rpt. 430-113. Office, Computing, and Accounting Machines Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-5. Office Furniture Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-66. Ophthalmic Goods Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-107. Optical Instruments and Lenses Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 43092. Ordnance and Accessories Industry (Except Guided Missiles, Space Vehicles, and Large Ammunition), June 1971, Rpt. 430-12. Paints and Allied Products Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-55. Paperboard Containers and Boxes Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-49. Paperboard Mills Industry, Apr. 1971, Rpt. 430-36. Partitions and Fixtures Industry, June 1971, Rpt. 430-58. 30 States and areas Labor in the U.S.S.R., Rpt. 414 (1972). Labor Law and Practice in: China (Taiwan), the Republic of, Rpt. 404 (1972). Colombia, Rpt. 408 (1972). Denmark, Rpt. 390 (1972). Great Britain, Rpt. 409 (1972). Norway, Rpt. 387 (1972). Philippines, Rpt. 403 (1972). Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of, Rpt. 407 (1972). Thailand, Rpt. 405 (1972). Uruguay, Rpt. 392 (1972). Venezuela, Rpt. 386 (1972). Zaire, the Republic of, Rpt. 393 (1972). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* CETA Area Employment and Unemployment: Jan. 1975-May 1976, Rpt. 472 and supp. (1976)*; 1975 Annual Averages, Rpt. 473 (1976).* CETA Prime Sponsors, Program Agents, and Areas of Substantial Unemployment: Labor Force, Employment, and Unemployment, Jan. 1975-Feb. 1976, Rpt. 466 (1976).* Characteristics of Workers in Large States and SMSA’s, 1970, Rpt. 388 (1971). Employment and Earnings, States and Areas: 1939-71, Bull. 13709 (1973); 1939-72, Bull. 1370-10 (1974); 1939-74, Bull. 137011 (1976); 1939-75, Bull. 1370-12 (1977).* Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment: 1971, Rpt. 402 (1972); 1972, Rpt. 421 (1973); 1973, Rpt. 431 (1974); 1974, Rpt. 452 and supp. (1976); 1975, Rpt. 481 (1976); 1976, Rpt. 504 (1977).* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* FOREIGN LABOR STATISTICS (See also Foreign labor condi tions. ) BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* EMPLOYMENT COST INDEX BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* BLS Measures of Compensation, Bull. 1941 (1977).* ENGINEERS (See also Occupational outlook.) FOUNDRIES (See also Employment; Occupational outlook.) Employment of Scientists and Engineers, 1950-70, Bull. 1781 (1973). National Survey of Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Pay: June 1971, Bull. 1742 (1972); Mar. 1972, Bull. 1764 (1973); Mar. 1973, Bull. 1804 (1973); Mar. 1974, Bull. 1837 (1974); Mar. 1975, Bull. 1891 (1975): Mar. 1976, Bull. 1931 (1976); Mar. 1977, Bull. 1980 (1977).* A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: National.Emphasis Program: Foundries, Rpt. 490 (1977). Evaluating Your Firm ’s Injury and Illness Experience (1974): Na tional Emphasis Program Industries: Foundries and Metal Stampings. An OSH A Guide. Rpt. 450 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Iron and Steel Foundries, Nov. 1973, Bull. 1894 (1976). Nonferrous Foundries: June 1970, Bull 1726 (1972); May 1975, Bull. 1952 (1977). ESCALATOR CLAUSES Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* FURNITURE INDUSTRY (See also Employment.) FAMILY BUDGETS Industry Wage Survey: Wood Household Furniture, Nov. 1974, Bull. 1930 (1976). BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* Three Budgets for an Urban Family of Four Persons, 1969-70, supp. to Bull. 1570-5 (1972). Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*, 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* GLASS INDUSTRY ( See also Employment.) Industry Wage Survey: Pressed or Blown Glass and Glassware, May 1975, Bull. 1923 (1976). GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES (See also Occupational outlook.) BLS File of State, County, and Municipal Collective Bargaining Agreements: Spring 1975, Rpt. 444 (1975): Fall 1975, Rpt. 454 (1976); Fall 1976, Rpt. 487 (1977). FEDERAL EMPLOYEES (See Government employees.) FEDERAL EXPENDITURES Characteristics of Agreements in State and Local Governments: Jan 1, 1974, Bull. 1861 (1975); July 1, 1975, Bull. 1947 (1977). Collective Bargaining Agreements for Police and Firefighters, Bull. 1885 (1976). Collective Bargaining Agreements for State and County Govern ment Employees, Bull. 1920 (1976). Collective Bargaining Agreements in the Federal Service, Late 1971, Bull. 1789 (1973). Grievance and Arbitration Procedures in State and Local Agree ments, Bull. 1833 ( 1975). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Municipal Collective Bargaining Agreements in Large Cities, Bull. 1759 (1972). Municipal Labor-Management Relations: Chronology of Compen sation Developments in Milwaukee, 1960-70, Bull. 1720 (1971). State Government Employee Compensation, 1972, Bull. 1899 (1976). State Government Employee Compensation in -, 1972: Alabama, Rpt. 433-13 (1975). Alaska, Rpt. 433-5 (1974). Arizona, Rpt. 433-16 (1975). Arkansas, Rpt. 433-17 ( 1975). California, Rpt. 433-3 (Revised 1975). Colorado, Rpt. 433-15 ( 1975). Connecticut, Rpt. 433-14 ( 1975). Expenditures and Manpower Requirements for Selected Federal Programs, Bull. 1*851 (1975).* Factbook for Estimating the Manpower Needs of Federal Pro grams, Bull. 1832 (1975).* Impact of Federal Pollution Control and Abatement Expenditures on Manpower Requirements, Bull. 1836 (1975). Manpower Impact of Federal Government Programs: Selected Grants-in-Aid to State and Local Governments, Rpt. 424 (1973). FOOTWEAR Industry Wage Survey: Footwear: Mar. 1971, Bull. 1792 (1973); Apr. 1975, Bull. 1946 (1977). Technological Change and its Labor Impact in Five Industries, Bull. 1961 (1977). Wage Chronology: International Shoe Co.: 1945-74, Bull. 1718 (1972); 1972-76, supp. to Bull. 1718 (1976). Massachusetts Shoe Manufacturers and United Shoe Workers of America (AFL-CIO): Jan. 1945-Jan. 1975, Bull. 1800 (1973); 1975-77, supp. to Bull. 1800 (1976). FOREIGN LABOR CONDITIONS International Comparisons of Unemployment, Bull. 1979 ( 1978 ). 31 Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Six Industries, Bull. 1817 (1974). Delaware, Rpt. 433-19 (1975). Florida, Rpt. 433-18 (1975). Georgia, Rpt. 433-22 (1975). Hawaii, Rpt. 433-21 (1975). Idaho, Rpt. 433-26 (1975). Illinois, Rpt. 433-20 (1975). Indiana, Rpt. 433-27 (1975). Iowa, Rpt. 433-41 (1975). Kansas, Rpt. 433-47 (1975). Kentucky, Rpt. 433-46 (1975). Louisiana, Rpt. 433-42 (1975). Maine, Rpt. 433-43 (1975). Maryland, Rpt. 433-44 (1975). Massachusetts, Rpt 433-12 (1974). Michigan, Rpt. 433-1 (1974). Minnesota, Rpt. 433-4 (1974). Mississippi, Rpt. 433-45 (1975). Missouri, Rpt. 433-48 (1975). ' Montana, Rpt. 433-49 (1975). Nebraska, Rpt. 433-50 (1975). Nevada, Rpt. 433-33 (1975). New Hampshire, Rpt. 433-40 (1975). New Jersey, Rpt. 433-7 (1974). New Mexico, Rpt. 433-34 (1975). New York, Rpt. 433-29 (1975). North Carolina, Rpt. 433-35 (1975). North Dakota, Rpt. 433-8 (1974). Ohio, Rpt. 433-2 (1974). Oklahoma, Rpt. 433-9 (1974). Oregon, Rpt. 433-36 (1975). Pennsylvania, Rpt. 433-6 (1974). Rhode Island, Rpt. 433-37 (1975). South Carolina, Rpt. 433-38 (1975). South Dakota, Rpt. 433-39 (1975). Tennessee, Rpt. 433-10 (1974). Texas, Rpt. 433-25 (1975). Utah, Rpt. 433-24 (1975). Vermont, Rpt. 433-11 (1974). Virginia, Rpt. 433-32 (1975). Washington, Rpt. 433-28 (1975). West Virginia, Rpt. 433-23 (1975). Wisconsin, Rpt. 433-30 (1975). Wyoming, Rpt. 433-31 (1975). State Government Employee Compensation, U.S. Summary, 1972, Rpt. 433 (1975). Wage Chronology: Federal Employees Under the General Schedule, Aug. 1968Oct. 1973, supp. to Bull. 1604 (1974). Federal Employees Under the General Schedule Pay System: July 1924-Oct. 1974, Bull. 1870 (1975); 1975, supp. to Bull. f870 (1976). Work Stoppages in Government: 1972, Rpt. 434 (1974); 1973, Rpt. 437 (1975); 1974, Rpt. 453 (1976); 1975, Rpt. 483 (1976). HOSIERY MANUFACTURE Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: W omen’s Hosiery Manufacturing, 1969, Rpt. 398 (1971). Industry Wage Survey: Hosiery: Sept. 1970, Bull. 1743 (1972); Sept. 1973, Bull. 1863 (1975); July 1976, Bull. 1987 (1977). HOSPITALS (See Health services.) HOTEL INDUSTRY Industry Wage Survey: Hotels and Motels, June 1973, Bull. 1883 (1975). HOURS OF WORK Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* Major Collective Bargaining Agreements: Hours, Overtime, and Weekend Work, Bull. 1425-15 (1975). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* The Revised Workweek: Results of a Pilot Study of 16 Firms, Bull. 1846 (1975).* HOUSING CONSTRUCTION (See Construction.) I HOUSING COSTS Rent or Buy? Evaluating Alternatives in the Shelter Market, Bull. 1823 (1974).* INCOME DISTRIBUTION (See also Consumer expenditures and incom e.) Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* INSURANCE INDUSTRY Industry Wage Survey: Life Insurance, Dec. 1971, Bull. 1791 (1973). JOB SATISFACTION Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* JOBSEEKING METHODS Jobseeking Methods Used by American Workers, Bull. (1975) . LABOR DISPUTES ( See also Work stoppages.) Handling of Rail Disputes Under the Railway Labor Act, 1950-69, Bull. 1753 (1972). LABOR FORCE GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS (See also Employment.) BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976) .* Characteristics of Workers in Large States and SMSA’s, 1970,' Rpt. 388 (1971). Concepts and Methods Used in Labor Force Statistics Derived from the Current Population Survey, Rpt. 463 (1976).* Directory of Labor Force Studies Based on the Current Population Survey, Rpt. 456 (1976). Employment in Perspective: ^ A Cyclical Analysis of Gross Flows in the Labor Force, Rpt. 508 (1977). Discouraged Workers and Recent Changes in Labor Force Growth, Rpt. 396 (1971). Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966(1977).* Labor Force and Unemployment, Rpt. 486 (1976).* Industry Wage Survey: Flour and Other Grain Mill Products, May 1972, Bull. 1803 (1973). GREAT BRITAIN Labor Law and Practice in Great Britain, Rpt. 409 (1972). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* GROCERY STORES (See also Occupational outlook.) Union Wages and Hours: Grocery Stores, July 1--: 1971, Bull. 1772 (1973); 1973, Bull. 1848 (1975); 1975, Bull. 1925 (1976). HEALTH SERVICES (See also Occupational outlook.) Industry Wage Survey: Hospitals: Aug. 1972, Bull. 1829 (1974); Aug. 1975-Jan. 1976, Bull. 1949 (1977). Nursing Homes and Related Facilities: May 1973, Bull. 1855 (1975); May 1976, Bull. 1964 (1977). 1886 32 Occupational Supply: Concepts and Sources of Data for Manpower Analysis, Bull. 1816 (1974). Tomorrow’s Manpower Needs: Estimating Occupational Separa tions from the Labor Force for States, Supp. 4 to Bull. 1606 (1974). U.S. Workers and Their Jobs: The Changing Picture, Bull. 1919 (1976).* LUMBER INDUSTRY (See also Employment; Occupational out look.) Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Six Industries, Bull. 1817 (1974). MACHINERY MANUFACTURING (See also Employment.) Collective Bargaining in the Electrical Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Industry, Rpt. 485 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Machinery Manufacturing: Winter 1970-71, Bull. 1754 (1972); Feb. 1973, Bull. 1859 (1975); Winter 197475, Bull. 1929 (1977). Wage Chronology: International Harvester Company: 1946-70, Bull. 1678 (1972); 1970-73, supp. to Bull. 1678 (1973). International Harvester Co. and the Auto Workers, Feb. 1946Sept. 1976, Bull. 1887 (1976). LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Brief History of the American Labor Movement, Bull. 1000, Bicentennial Edition (1976).* Conventions 1976: National Unions, Employee Associations, and State Labor Bodies, Rpt. 457 (1976); 1977, Rpt. 499 (1977). Directory of National Unions and Employee Associations: 1971, Bull. 1750 (1972); 1973 (unnumbered) (1974); 1975, Bull. 1937 (1977).* MANUFACTURING (See also Employment; Occupational Out look.) LABOR REQUIREMENTS BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* Expenditures and Manpower Requirements for Selected Federal Programs, Bull. 1851 (1975).* Factbook for Estimating the Manpower Needs of Federal Pro grams, Bull. 1832 (1975).* Impact of Federal Pollution Control and Abatement Expenditures on Manpower Requirements, Bull. 1836 (1975). Labor and Material Requirements fo rConstruction of Private Single-Family Houses, Bull. 1755 (1972). Private Multifamily Housing Construction, Bull. 1892 (1976). Public Housing Construction, 1968, Bull. 1821 (1974). Manpower Impact of Federal Government Programs: Selected Grants-in-Aid to State and Local Governments, Rpt. 424 (1973). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: Manufacturing Industries, Rpt. 492 (1977). An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Ex perience, 1974: Manufacturing Industries, Rpt. 475 (1976). Comparative Growth in Manufacturing Productivity and Labor Costs in Selected Industrialized Countries, Bull. 1958 (1977). Wage Payment Plans in Manufacturing Industries, Rpt. 516 (1977). MEAT PRODUCTS ( See also Employment.) Collective Bargaining in the Meat Products Industry, Rpt. 467 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Meat Products, Mar. 1974, Bull. 1896 (1976) . Wage Chronology: Armour and Company and Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Sept. 1973-Aug. 1976, supp. to Bull. 1682 (1975). Swift & Company, Jan. 1942-Sept. 1973, Bull. 1773 (1973). LAUNDRIES (See also Occupational Outlook.) Wage Chronology: New York City Laundries, 1965-72, supp. to Bull. 1453 (1972). New York City (Area) Laundries and the Clothing Workers: Nov. 1945-Nov. 1975, Bull. 1845 (1975); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1845 (1977). Occupational Training in Selected Metalworking Industries, 1974: A Report on a Survey of Selected Occupations, Bull. 1976 (1977) .* LAYOFF MILK INDUSTRY Major Collective Bargaining Agreements: Layoff, Recall, and Worksharing Procedures, Bull. 1425-13 (1972). Industry Wage Survey: Fluid Milk, Oct.-Nov. 1973, Bull. 1871 (1975). METALWORKING INDUSTRIES (See also Employment; Occupa tional Outlook.) LEATHER AND PRODUCTS (See also Employment; Footwear.) MINING Industry Wage Survey: Leather Tanning and Finishing, Mar. 1973, Bull. 1835 (1975). Collective Bargaining in the Bituminous Coal Industry, Rpt. 514 (1977). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Bituminous Coal Min ing, 1969, Rpt. 399 (1971). Industry Wage Survey: Metal Mining, Sept. 1972, Bull. 1820 (1974). Wage Chronology: Bituminous Coal Mine Operators and United Mine Workers of America: Oct. 1933-Nov. 1974, Bull. 1799 (1973); 197477, supp. to Bull. 1799 (1977). The Anaconda Co. (Montana Mining Div.) and the Steelwork ers, 1941-77, Bull. 1953 (1977). LOCAL-TRANSIT EMPLOYEES Union Wages and Hours: Local-Transit Operating Employees, July 1—: 1971, Bull. 1745 (1972); 1972, Bull. 1782 (1973); 1973, Bull. 1818 (1974); 1974, Bull. 1867 (1975); 1975, Bull. 1903 (1976); 1976, Bull. 1974 (1977). LONGSHORE WORKERS Collective Bargaining in the Longshore Industry, Rpt. 510 (1977). Wage Chronology: Council of North Atlantic Shipping Associations and the ILA, 1971-77, supp. to Bull. 1736 (1976). North Atlantic Longshoremen, 1934-71, Bull. 1736 (1972). Pacific Longshore Workers, Aug. 1969-July 1975, supp. to Bull. 1568 (1974). Pacific Maritime Association and the International Longshoremen’s and W arehousemen’s Union, 1934-78, Bull. 1960 (1977). MINORITY WORKERS Black Americans: A Decade of Occupational Change, Bull. 1731 (1972)*; Bull. 1760 (Revised 1972).* Directory of Data Sources on Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Bull. 1879 (1975). Employment in Perspective: The Negro Employment Situation, Rpt. 391 ( 1 9 7 1 ) . Unemployment o f Black Workers, Rpt. 41 6 ( 1 9 7 2 ) . 33 Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* The Social and Economic Status of Negroes in the United States, 1970, Rpt. 394 (1971). Trabajadores de Origen Hispano: Libro de Graficos, Bull. 1971 (1977).* Work Attitudes of Disadvantaged Black Men: A Methodological Inquiry, Rpt. 401 (1972). Workers of Spanish Origin: A Chartbook, Bull. 1970 (1977). Work Injuries in Atomic Energy, 1970, Rpt. 411 (1972). OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* Computer Manpower Outlook, Bull. 1826 (1974). Library Manpower: A Study of Demand and Supply, Bull. 1852 (1975). Occupational Manpower and Training Needs, Revised 1974, Bull. 1824 (1974). Occupational Outlook for College Graduates: 1972-73 Edition, Bull. 1730 (1972); 1974-75 Edition, Bull. 1786 (1974); 1976-77 Edition, Bull. 1878 (1977); 1978-79 Edition, Bull. 1956 (1978).* Occupational Outlook Handbook: 1972-73 Edition, Bull. 1700 (1972); 1974-75 Edition, Bull. 1785 (1974); 1976-77 Edition, Bull. 1875 (1976); 1978-79 Edition, Bull. 1955 (1978).* O ccupational Outlook Reprint Series (1978): (Note: Listed below are the 42 reprints from the 1978-79 Edition of the Occupa tional Outlook Handbook. Listings of earlier reprint series are contained in bulletins listed in previous entry.) Industries: Agriculture and Logging and Lumber Mill Products, Bull. 1955-36. Aircraft, Missile, and Spacecraft; Office Machine and Computer; and Motor Vehicle and Equipment Manu facturing, Bull. 1955-40. Aluminum, Iron and Steel, and Foundry, Bull. 1955-39. Apparel, Baking, Laundry and Dry Cleaning, and Textile Mill Products, Bull. 1955-41. Energy-Producing, Bull. 1955-37. Petroleum Refining, Industrial Chemical, Drug, and Paper and Allied Products, Bull. 1955-38. Occupations: Air and Water Transportation, Bull. 1955-16. Banking and Insurance, Bull. 1955-7. Business, Bull. 1955-8. Clerical, Bull. 1955-5. Communications-Related, Bull. 1955-35. Construction: Finishing, Bull. 1955-15. Construction: Structural, Bull. 1955-14. Counseling and Related, Bull. 1955-31. Design, Bull. 1955-34. Driving, Bull. 1955-18. Education and Related, Bull. 1955-12. Engineering and Related, Bull. 1955-20. Environmental Scientists and Conservation, Bull. 1955-19. Factory Production, Bull. 1955-4. Food Merchandising, Bull. 1955-10. Government, Bull. 1955-42. Health Occupations, Bulls. 1955-28 and -29. Health Practitioners, Bull. 1955-27. Lawyers, City Managers, and Social Science Occupations, Bull. 1955-30. Machine Repairers and Operators, Bull. 1955-25. Mathematics and Related, Bull. 1955-22. Metalworking, Bull. 1955-2. Motor Vehicle and Machinery Repairers, Bull. 1955-24. Office Machine and Computer, Bull. 1955-6. Performing Arts and Entertainment-Related, Bull. 195533. Physical and Life Scientists, Bull. 1955-21. Printing and Publishing, Bull. 1955-3. Protective and Related Service, Bull. 1955-1 1. Public Utilities, Bull. 1955-23. Railroad, Bull. 1955-17. Sales, Bull. 1955-13. Service, Bull. 1955-9. Small Business, Bull. 1955-26. Social Service, Bull. 1955-32. Tomorrow’s Jobs, Bull. 1955-1. Occupational Projections and Training Data, Bull. 1918 (1976). Occupational Supply: Concepts and Sources of Data for Manpower Analysis, Bull. 1816 (1974). MOTOR VEHICLE MANUFACTURING (See also Employment; Occupational Outlook.) Collective Bargaining in the Motor Vehicle and Equipment Indus try, Rpt. 479 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Motor Vehicles and Parts, 1973-74, Bull. 1912 ( 1976). Technological Change and its Labor Impact in Five Industries, Bull. 1961 (1977). Wage Chronology: Ford Motor Company: June 1941-Sept. 1973, Bull. 1787 (1973); Oct. 1973-Sept. 1976, supp. to Bull. 1787 (1975) . NORWAY Labor Law and Practice in Norway, Rpt. 387 ( 1972). NURSING HOMES (See Health services.) OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION Tomorrow’s ManpoweriNeeds: Matching Occupational Classifica tions to Vocational Education Program Codes, Supp. 3 to Bull. 1606 (1973); Supp. 3 Revised (1975). OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT (See Employment; Occupa tional outlook.) OCCUPATIONAL INJURIES AND ILLNESSES (See also Occupa tional safety and health,) A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975 Construction Industries, Rpt. 491 (1977). Manufacturing Industries, Rpt. 492 (1977). National Emphasis Program: Foundries, Rpt. 490 (1977). Services Industries* Rpt. 493 (1977). Transportation and Public Utilities Industries, Rpt. 494 (1977). Wholesale and Retail Trade Industries, Rpt. 495 (1977). An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Ex. perience, 1974: Construction Industries, Rpt. 474 (1976). Manufacturing Industries, Rpt. 475 (1976). Service Industries, Rpt. 478 (1976). Transportation and Public Utilities Industries, Rpt. 476 (1976). Wholesale and Retail Trade Industries, Rpt. 477 (1976). BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976) .* Chartbook on Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in—: 1974, Rpt. 460 (1976); 1975, Rpt. 501 (1977). Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Experience (1974): Na tional Emphasis Program Industries: Foundries and Metal Stampings. An OSHA Guide. Rpt. 450 (1976). Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976; Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* Injury Rates by Industry: 1969, Rpt. 389 (1971); 1970, Rpt. 406 (1972). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 ( 1975).* Occuational Injuries and Illnesses (in the United States), by Indus try: July 1-Dec. 31, 1971, Bull. 1798 (1973); 1972, Bull. 1830 (1974); 1973, Bull. 1874 (1975); 1974, Bull. 1932 (1976); 1975, Bull. 1981 (1978). What Every Employer Needs to Know About OSHA Recordkeep ing, Rpt. 412 (1972; Revised 1973); Rpt. 412-2 (1975).* 34 Outlook for Technology and Manpower in Printing and Publishing, Bull. 1774 (1973). Ph. D. Manpower: Employment, Demand, and Supply, 1972-85, Bull. 1860 (1975). Railroad Technology and Manpower in the 1970’s, Bull. 1717 (1972). Tomorrow’s Manpower Needs: The National Industry-Occupa tional Matrix and Other Manpower Data, Bull. 1737 (revision of Vol. IV of Bull. 1606) (1972). PLASTICS AND SYNTHETICS Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Plastics and Synthetics Manufacturing, 1973, Rpt. 498 (1977). Industry Wage Survey: Miscellaneous Plastics, Sept. 1974, Bull. 1914 (1976). POLLUTION CONTROL EXPENDITURES Impact of Federal Pollution Control and Abatement Expenditures on Manpower Requirements, Bull. 1836 (1975). OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (See also Occupa tional injuries and illnesses.) PREMIUM PAY Major Collective Bargaining Agreements: Hours, Overtime, and Weekend Work, Bull. 1425-15 (1975). Major Collective Bargaining Agreements: Safety and Health Provi sions, Bull. 1425-16 (1976). Occupational Safety and Health Statistics: Concepts and Methods: Rpt. 438 (1975); Rpt. 518 (1977).* PRICES (See also Consumer Price Index.) BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* Estimating Price Trends of Industrial Countries’ Exports to OPEC, Bull. 1969 (1977). Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING Occupational Manpower and Training Needs, Revised 1974, Bull. 1824 (1974). Occupational Projections and Training Data, Bull. 1918 (1976). Occupational Training in Selected Metalworking Industries, 1974: A Report on a Survey of Selected Occupations, Bull. 1976 (1977).* OIL INDUSTRY (See Petroleum industry.) PRINTING INDUSTRY (See also Occupational outlook.) OLDER WORKERS Outlook for Technology and Manpower in Printing and Publishing, Bull. 1774 (1973). Union Wages and Hours: Printing Industry, July 1—: 1971, Bull. 1744 (1972); 1972, Bull. 1806 (1974); 1973, Bull. 1857 (1975); 1974, Bull. 1881 (1975); 1975, Bull. 1913 (1976); 1976, Bull. 1986 (1978). The Employment Problems of Older Workers, Bull. 1721 (1971). PAINT AND VARNISH INDUSTRY (See also Employment.) Industry Wage Survey: Paints and Varnishes: Nov. 1970, Bull. 1739 (1972); Nov. 1976, Bull. 1973 (1977). PRODUCTIVITY PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS (See also Employment; Occupa tional Outlook.) BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* BLS Publications on Productivity and Technology, Rpt. 461 (1976). Comparative Growth in Manufacturing Productivity and Labor Costs in Selected Industrialized Countries, Bull. 1958 (1977). C urrent Developments in Productivity, 1973-74, Rpt. 436 (1975). Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* Indexes of Output per Man-Hour: Selected Industries: 1972 Edi tion, Bull. 1758 (1972); 1973 Edition, Bull. 1780 (1973); 1974 Edition, Bull. 1827 (1974). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Productivity: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography: 1965-71, Bull. 1776 (1973); 1971-75, Bull. 1933 (1977). Productivity: An International Perspective, Bull. 1811 (1974).* Productivity and the Economy: Bull. 1779 (Revised 1973); Bull. 1926 (1977).* Productivity Indexes for Selected Industries: 1975 Edition, Bull. 1890 (1976); 1976 Edition, Bull. 1938 (1977); 1977 Edition, Bull. 1983 (1977). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Pulp and Paper Manufacturing, 1971, Rpt. 427 (1973). Industry Wage Survey: Corrugated and Solid Fiber Boxes, Mar. 1976, Bull. 1921 (1977). Paperboard Containers and Boxes, Mar. 1970, Bull. 1719 (1971). Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills, Nov. 1972, Bull. 1844 (1975). Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Five Industries, Bull. 1856 (1975). Wage Chronology: International Paper Co., Southern Kraft Divi sion: Dec. 1937-May 1973, Bull. 1788 (1973); June 1973-May 1977, supp. to Bull. 1788 (1976). PENSIONS (See Retirement plans.) PETROLEUM INDUSTRY (See also Employment; Occupational outlook.) Industry Wage Survey: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Production, Aug. 1972, Bull. 1797 (1973). Petroleum Refining: Apr. 1971, Bull. 1741 (1972); Apr. 1976, Bull. 1948 (1977). Wage Chronology: Atlantic Richfield Co. (former facilities o f Sinclair Oil Compa nies): 1941-72, Bull. 1771 (1973); Jan. 1973-Jan. 1975, supp. to Bull. 1771 (1974). Atlantic Richfield and the Oil Workers (Former Sinclair Oil Facilities): 1941-77, Bull. 1915 (1976); 1977-79, supp. to Bull. 1915 (1977). PROJECTIONS (See also Occupational outlook.) BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Projections of the Post-Vietnam Economy, 1975, Bull. 1733 (1972). The Structure of the U.S. Economy in 1980 and 1985, Bull. 1831 (1975).* The U.S. Economy in 1985: A Summary of BLS Projections, Bull. 1809 (1974). Tomorrow’s Manpower Needs: Research Report on Manpower Projection Methods, Bull. 1769 (1973). PHILIPPINES Labor Law and Practice in the Philippines, Rpt. 403 (1972). 35 Tomorrow’s Manpower Needs: The National Industry-Occupa tional Matrix and Other Manpower Data, Bull. 1737 (Vol. IV Revised of Bull. 1606) (1972). SHOE INDUSTRY (See Footwear.) PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (See Government employees.) STEEL INDUSTRY (See also Employment; Occupational out look.) PUBLIC UTILITIES (See Utilities.) Collective Bargaining in the Basic Steel Industry, Rpt. 489 (1977). Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Basic Steel Manufac turing, 1969, Rpt. 400 (1972). Industry Wage Survey: Basic Iron and Steel, Sept. 1972, Bull. 1839 (1975). Fabricated Structural Steel, Nov. 1974, Bull. 1935 (1977). Iron and Steel Foundries, Nov. 1973, Bull. 1894 (1976). Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Five Industries, Bull. 1856 (1975). Wage Chronology: United States Steel Corporation and United Steelworkers of America (AFL-CIO): Mar. 1937-Apr. 1974, Bull. 1814 (1974); May 1974-July 1977, supp. to Bull. 1814 (1975) . SPANISH-ORIGIN WORKERS (See Minority workers ) RAILROADS (See also Occupational outlook.) Handling of Rail Disputes Under the Railway Labor Act, 1950-69, Bull. 1753 (1972). Railroad Technology and Manpower in the 1970’s, Bull. 1717 (1972). Technological Change and its Labor Impact in Five Industries, Bull. 1961 (1977). RECALL Major Collective Bargaining Agreements: Layoff, Recall, and Worksharing Procedures, Bull. 1425-13 (1972). STRIKES (See Work stoppages.) RETAIL TRADE (See Trade, wholesale and retail.) SUPPLEMENTARY COMPENSATION Wages and benefits.) RETIREMENT PLANS Labor Law and Practice in the Republic of China (Taiwan), Rpt. 404 (1972). TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE RUBBER INDUSTRY (See also Employment; Tire Industry.) BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976) .* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Outlook for Technology and Manpower in Printing and Publishing, Bull. 1774 (1973). Railroad Technology and Manpower in the 1970’s, Bull. 1717 (1972). Technological Change and its Labor Impact in Five Industries, Bull. 1961 (1977). Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Five Industries, Bull. 1856 (1975). Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Six Industries, Bull. 1817 (1974). Collective Bargaining in the Rubber Industry, Rpt. 458 (1976). Wage Chronology: Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. and B.F. Goodrich Co. (Akron Plants): 1937-73, Bull. 1762 (1972); Apr. 1973-Apr 1976, supp. to Bull. 1762 (1975). SAFETY (See Occupational safety and health.) SAUDI ARABIA Labor Law and Practice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Rpt. 407 (1972) . SCIENTISTS (See also Occupational outlook.) TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH INDUSTRY (See Communica tions. ) Employment of Scientists and Engineers, 1950-70, Bull. 1781 (1973) . Impact of Federal Pollution Control and Abatement Expenditures on Manpower Requirements, Bull. 1836 (1975). Scientific and Technical Personnel in Industry, 1969, Bull. 1723 (1971). TEXTILE INDUSTRY (See also Employment; Occupational Out look.) Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Textile Manufactur ing, 1973, Rpt. 480 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Synthetic Fibers: Dec. 1970, Bull. 1740 (1972); Aug. 1976, Bull. 1975 (1977). Textile Dyeing and Finishing: Dec. 1970, Bull, 1757 (1972); June 1976, Bull. 1967 (1977). Textiles: Aug. 1971, Bull. 1801 (1974); May 1975, Bull. 1945 (1977). Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Six Industries, Bull. 1817 (1974). Wage Chronology: Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., and the Textile Workers: June 1943-Apr. 1975, Bull. 1849 (1975); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1849 (1977). Dan River, Inc.: May 1943-Jan. 1972, Bull. 1767 (1973); Jan. 1973-June 1974, supp. to Bull. 1767 (1975). Dan River, Inc., and the Textile Workers (UTWA), 1943-76, Bull. 1934 (1976). FMC Corporation, Chemical G roup-Fiber Division (formerly the American Viscose Division) and the Textile Workers Union of America, June 1968-June 1974, supp. to Bull. 1560 (1974). SENIORITY Administration of SERVICE INDUSTRIES A Guide to Evaluating Your F inn’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: Services Industries, Rpt. 493 (1977). An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Ex perience, 1974: Service Industries, Rpt. 478 (1976). SHIPYARDS (See also Employment.) Industry Wage Survey: Shipbuilding and Repairing, Sept. 1976, Bull. 1968 (1977). Wage Chronology: Bethlehem Steel Corporation (Shipbuilding Department) and the IUMSW: June 1941- Aug. 1975, Bull. 1866 (1975); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1866 (1977). Pacific Coast Shipbuilding Association and Various Unions, 1941-77, Bull. 1982 (1978). Compensation; TAIWAN Coverage and Vesting of Full-Time Employees Under Private Retirement Plans, Rpt. 423 (1973).* Early Retirement Provisions o f Pension Plans, 1971, Rpt 429 (1974). Major Collective Bargaining Agreements: Seniority, Bull. 1425-14 (1972). (See 36 FMC Corp., Chemical G roup-Fiber Division, and the TWUA, 1945-77, Bull. 1924 (1976). New Procedures for Estimating Unemployment in States and Local Areas, Rpt. 432 (1974).* Some Social Aspects of Unemployment, Rpt. 469 (1976). Unemployment: Measurement Problems and Recent Trends, Rpt. 445 (1975).* Who are the Unemployed? A Chartbook, Bull. 1965 (1977). THAILAND Labor Law and Practice in Thailand, Rpt. 405 (1972). TIRE INDUSTRY (See also Rubber industry.) UNION MEMBERSHIP Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Six Industries, Bull. 1817 (1974). TRAINING (See Occupational training.) BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* Brief History of the American Labor Movement, Bull. 1000, Bicentennial Edition (1976).* Directory of National Unions and Employee Associations: 1971, Bull. 1750 (1972): 1973 (unnumbered) (1974); 1975, Bull. 1937 (1977).* Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* Selected Earnings and Demographic Characteristics of Union Members, 1970, Rpt. 417 (1972). U.S. Workers and Their Jobs: The Changing Picture, Bull. 1919 (1976) .* TRANSPORTATION (See also Occupational outlook.) UNIONS (See Labor organizations.) A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: Transportation and Public Utilities Industries, Rpt. 494 (1977) . An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Ex perience, 1974: Transportation and Public Utilities Industries, Rpt. 476 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Scheduled Airlines, Aug. 1970, Bull. 1734 (1972); Aug.- Nov. 1975, Bull. 1951 (1977). URUGUAY TRADE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL (See also Occupational out look. ) A Guide to Evaluating Your F inn’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: Wholesale and Retail Trade Industries, Rpt. 495 (1977). An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Ex perience, 1974: Wholesale and Retail Trade Industries, Rpt. 477 (1976) . Technological Change and its Labor Impact in Five Industries (Retail Trade), Bull. 1961 (1977). Technological Change and Manpower Trends in Five Industries (Wholesale Trade), Bull. 1856 (1975). Labor Law and Practice in Uruguay, Rpt. 392 (1972). U.S.S.R. Labor in the U.S.S.R., Rpt. 414 (1972). UTILITIES (See also Occupational outlook.) A Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Experience, 1975: Transportation and Public Utilities Industries, Rpt. 494 (1977) . An OSHA Guide to Evaluating Your Firm’s Injury and Illness Ex perience, 1974: Transportation and Public Utilities Industries, Rpt. 476 (1976). Industry Wage Survey: Electric and Gas Utilities, Nov. 1972, Bull. 1834 (1975). Wage Chronology: Commonwealth Edison Company of Chicago and International Brotherhood o f Electrical Workers: Oct. 1945-Mar. 1974, Bull. 1808 (1974); 1974-77, supp. to Bull. 1808 (1976). Pacific Gas and Electric Company: 1943-73, Bull. 1761 (1972); 1972-76, supp. to Bull. 1761 (1977). TRUCKDRIVERS (See also Occupational outlook.) Union Wages and Hours: Local Truckdrivers and Helpers, July 1—: 1971, Bull. 1756 (1972);, 1972, Bull. 1802 (1973); 1973, Bull. 1840 (1975); 1974, Bull. 1882 (1975); 1975, Bull. 1917 (1976); 1976, Bull. 1984 (1978). UNEMPLOYMENT BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* * CETA Area Employment and Unemployment: Jan. 1975-May 1976, Rpt. 472 and supp. (1976).* 1975 Annual Averages, Rpt. 473 (1976).* CETA Prime Sponsors, Program Agents, and Areas of Substantial Unemployment: Labor Force, Employment, and Unemployment, Jan. 1975-Feb. 1976, Rpt. 466 (1976).* Employment in Perspective: Job Loss and Other Factors Behind the Recent Increase in Unemployment, Rpt. 446 (1975). Regional Aspects of Unemployment, 1969-70, Rpt. 395 (1971). Unemployment Among Household Heads, Rpt. 443 (1975). Unemployment of Black Workers, Rpt. 416 (1972). Estimating State and Local Unemployment: Problems and Perspec tives, Rpt. 500 (1977). Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment: 1971, Rpt. 402 (1972); 1972, Rpt. 421 (1973); 1973, Rpt. 431 (1974); 1974, Rpt. 452 and supp. (1976); 1975, Rpt. 481 (1976); 1976, Rpt. 504 (1977).* Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* How the Government Measures Unemployment,Rpt. 418 (1973); Rpt. 505 (1977).* International Comparisons of Unemployment, Bull. 1979 (1978). Labor Force and Unemployment, Rpt. 486 (1976).* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* VENEZUELA Labor Law and Practice in Venezuela, Rpt. 386 (1972). VETERANS Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Occupational Manpower and Training Needs, Revised 1974, Bull. 1824 (1974). Occupational Projections and Training Data, Bull. 1918 (1976). Tomorrow’s Manpower Needs; Matching Occupational Classifica tions to Vocational Education Program Codes, Supp. 3 to Bull. 1606 (1973); Supp. 3 revised (1975). WAGES AND BENEFITS (See also Compensation; Earnings.) General BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976) .* Directory of Occupational Wage Surveys, Jan. 1950-Dec. 1975, Rpt. 468 (1976); Jan. 1970-Dec. 1976. Rpt. 506 (1977). Directory of Wage Chronologies, 1948-June 1977, Rpt. 503 (1977) . 37 Cincinnati, Ohio-Ky.-Ind.: Feb. 1972, Bull. 1725-56; Feb. 1973, Bull. 1775- 53; Feb. 1974, Bull. 1795-16; Feb. 1975, Supp. to Bull. 1795-16; Mar. 1976, Bull. 1900-7; July 1977, Bull. 195045. Cleveland, Ohio: Sept. 1971, Bull. 1725-17; Sept. 1972, Bull. 1775-15; Sept. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-15; Sept. 1974, Bull. 1850-17; Sept. 1975, Bull. 1850-64; Sept. 1976, Bull. 1900-62. Columbus, Ohio: Oct. 1971, Bull. 1725-19; Oct. 1972, Bull. 177523; Oct. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-23; Oct. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-23; Oct. 1975, Bull. 1850-78; Oct. 1976, Bull. 1900- Employee Compensation in the Private Nonfarm Economy: 1968, Bull. 1722 (1972); 1970, Bull. 1770 (1973); 1972, Bull. 1873 (1975) ; 1974, Bull. 1963 (1977). Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* U.S. Workers and Their Jobs: The Changing Picture, Bull. 1919 (1976) .* 68 . Area wage surveys (metropolitan areas) Corpus Christi, Tex.: July 1974, Bull. 1850-3; July 1975, Bull 1850-37; July 1976, Bull. 1900-41; July 1977, Bull. 1950-35. Dallas, Tex.: Oct. 1971, Bull. 1725-26; Oct. 1972, Bull. 1775-25; Oct. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-25. Dallas-Fort Worth, Tex.: Oct. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-25; Oct. 1975, Bull. 1850-59; Oct. 1976, Bull. 1900-63. Davenport-Rock Island-Moline, Iowa-Ill.: Feb. 1972, Bull. 1725-55; Feb. 1973, Bull. 1775-57; Feb. 1974, Bull. 1795-14; Feb. 1975, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-14; Feb. 1976, Bull. 1900-25; May 1977, Bull. 1950-26. Dayton, Ohio: Dec. 1971, Bull. 1725-36; Dec. 1972, Bull. 177534; Dec. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-34; Dec. 1974, Bull. 185014; Dec. 1975, Bull. 1850-73; Dec. 1976, Bull. 1900-78. Daytona Beach, Fla.: Aug. 1974, Bull. 1850-1; Aug. 1975, Bull. 1850-47; Aug. 1976, Bull. 1900-45; Aug. 1977, Bull. 1950-43. Denver, Colo.: Dec. 1971, Bull. 1725-44; Dec. 1972, Bull. 177535; Dec. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-35. Denver-Boulder, Colo.: Dec. 1974, Bull. 1850-15; Dec. 1975, Bull. 1850-82; Dec. 1976, Bull. 1900-73. Des Moines, Iowa: May 1972, Bull. 1725-86; May 1973, Bull. 1775-72; May 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-72. Detroit, Mich.: Feb. 1972, Bull. 1725-68; Mar. 1973, Bull. 177589; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-89; Mar. 1975, Bull. 185022; Mar. 1976, Bull. 1900-15; Mar. 1977, Bull. 1950-13. Durham, N.C.: Apr. 1972, Bull. 1725-64; Apr. 1973, Bull. 177561; Dec. 1973, Bull. 1795-9. Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood and West Palm Beach, Fla.: Apr. 1972, Bull. 1725-74; Apr. 1973, Bull. 1775-64; Apr. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-64. Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood and West Palm Beach-Boca Raton, Ha.: Apr. 1975, Bull. 1850-26; Apr. 1976, Bull. 1900-20. Fort Worth, Tex.: Oct. 1971, Bull. 1725-21; Oct. 1972, Bull. 177524; Oct. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-24. Fresno, Calif.: June 1975, Bull. 1850-61; June 1976, Bull. 190029; June 1977, Bull. 1950-30. Gainesville, Fla.: Sept. 1974, Bull. 1850-11; Sept. 1975, Bull. 1850-57; Sept. 1976, Bull. 1900-54; Sept. 1977, Bull. 1950-46. Green Bay, Wis.: July 1971, Bull. 1725-3; July 1972, Bull. 1775-1; July 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-1; July 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-1; July 1975, Bull. 1850-44; July 1976, Bull. 1900-37; July 1977, Bull. 1950-36. Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, N.C.: Aug. 1974, Bull. 1850-2; Aug. 1975, Bull. 1850-49; Aug. 1976, Bull. 1900-47; Aug. 1977, Bull. 1950-42. Greenville, S.C.: May 1972, Bull. 1725-66; May 1973, Bull. 177586; May 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-86. Greenville-Spartanburg,» S.C.: June 1975, Bull. 1850-42; June 1976, Bull. 1900-36; June 1977, Bull. 1950-33. Guam, Territory of: Jan. 1972, Rpt. 410. Hartford, Conn.: Mar. 1975, Bull. 1850-28; Mar. 1976, Bull. 190014; Mar. 1977, Bull. 1950-9. Houston, Tex.: Apr. 1972, Bull. 1725-79; Apr. 1973, Bull. 177571; Apr. 1974 Bull. 1795-22; Apr. 1975, Supp. 1 to Bull. 179522; Apr. 1976, Bull. 1900-26; Aug. 1977, Bull. 1950-48. Huntsville, Ala.: Feb. 1972, Bull. 1725-50; Feb. 1973, Bull. 177548; Feb. 1974, Bull. 1795-13; Feb. 1975, Supp. T to Bull. 179513; Feb. 1976, Bull. 1900-17; Feb. 1977, Bull. 1950-4. Indianapolis, Ind.: Oct. 1971, Bull. 1725-23; Oct. 1972, Bull. 177527; Oct. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-27; Oct. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-27; Oct. 1975, Bull. 1850-66; Oct. 1976, Bull. 190058. Note: For dates of publication, see Numerical Listing of Bulletins. Akron, Ohio: Dec. 1972, Bull. 1775-36; Dec. 1973, Bull. 1795-10; Dec. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-10; Dec. 1975, Bull. 1850-80; Dec. 1976, Bull. 1900-76. Albany-Schenectady-Troy, N.Y.: Mar. 1972, Bull. 1725-49; Mar. 1973, Bull. 1775-62; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-62; Sept. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-62; Sept. 1975, Bull. 1850-63; Sept. 1976, Bull. 1900-59. Albuquerque, N. Mex.: Mar. 1972, Bull. 1725-59; Mar. 1973, Bull. 1775-52; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-52. Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, Pa.-N.J.: May 1972, Bull. 1725-87; May 1973, Bull. 1775-90; May 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-90. Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, Calif.: Oct. 1974, Bull. 18509; Oct. 1975, Bull. 1850-75; Oct. 1976, Bull. 1900-67. Atlanta, Ga.: May 1972, Bull. 1725-77; May 1973, Bull. 1775-79; May 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-79; May 1975, Bull. 1850-25; May 1976, Bull. 1900-30; May 1977, Bull. 1950-17. Austin, Tex.: Dec. 1972, Bull. 1775-42; Dec. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-42; Dec. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-42; Dec 1975, Bull. 1850-83. Baltimore, Md.: Aug. 1971, Bull. 1725-16; Aug. 1972, Bull. 177520; Aug. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-20; Aug. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-20; Aug. 1975, Bull. 1850-62; Aug. 1976, Bull. 190052; Aug. 1977, Bull. 1950-39. Beaumont-Port Arthur-Orange, Tex.: May 1972, Bull. 1725-69; May 1973, Bull. 1775-82; May 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-82. Billings, Mont.: July 1974, Bull. 1850-6; July 1975, Bull. 1850-46; July 1976, Bull. 1900-39; July 1977, Bull. 1950-40. Binghamton, N.Y.(-Pa.): July 1971, Bull. 1725-6; July 1972, Bull. 1775-5; July 1973, Bull. 1795-1; July 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-1; July 1975, Bull. 1850-50; July 1976, Bull. 1900-49. Birmingham, Ala.: Mar. 1972, Bull. 1725-58; Mar. 1973, Bull. 1775-65; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-65; Mar. 1975, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-65; Mar. 1976, Bull. 1900-11; Mar. 1977, Bull. 1950-8. Boise City, Idaho: Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-27; Nov. 1972, Bull. 1775-32; Nov. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-32. Boston, Mass.: Aug. 1971, Bull. 1725-11; Aug. 1972, Bull. 177513; Aug. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-13; Aug. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-13; Aug. 1975, 1850-58; Aug. 1976, Bull. 1900-53; Aug. 1977, Bull. 1950-50. Buffalo, N.Y.: Oct. 1971, Bull. 1725-34; Oct. 1972, Bull. 1775-18; Oct. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-18; Oct. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-18; Oct. 1975, Bull. 1850-69; Oct. 1976, Bull. 1900-70. Burlington, Vt.: Dec. 1971, Bull. 1725-25; Dec. 1972, Bull. 177528; Dec. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-28. Canton, Ohio: May 1972, Bull. 1725-75; May 1973, Bull. 1775-73; May 1974, Bull. 1795-23; May 1975, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-23; May 1976, Bull. 1900-28; May 1977, Bull. 1950-28. Charleston, W. Va.: Mar. 1972, Bull. 1725-63; Mar. 1973, Bull. 1775-74; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-74. Charlotte, N.C.: Jan. 1972, Bull. 1725-48; Jan. 1973, Bull. 177539; Jan. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-39. Chattanooga, Tenn.: Sept. 1971, Bull. 1725-14; Sept. 1972, Bull. 1775-14; Sept. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-14; Sept. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-14; Sept. 1975, Bull. 1850-67; Sept. 1976, Bull. 1900-57, Sept. 1977, Bull. 1950-44. Chicago, 111.: June 1971, Bull. 1685-90; June 1972, Bull. 1725-92; May 1973, Bull. 1775-88; May 1974, Bull. 1795-27; May 1975, Bull. 1850-33; May 1976, Bull. 1900-32; May 1977, Bull. 195041. 38 Jackson, Miss.: Jan. 1972, Bull. 1725-38; Jan. 1973, Bull. 1775-44; Jan. 1974, Bull. 1795-12; Feb. 1975, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-12; Feb. 1976, Bull. 1900-8; Jan. 1977, Bull. 1950-2. Jacksonville, Fla.: Dec. 1971, Bull. 1725-39; Dec. 1972, Bull. 1775-31; Dec. 1973, Bull. 1795-8; Dec. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-8; Dec. 1975, Bull. 1850-81; Dec. 1976, Bull. 1900-80. Kansas City, Mo.-Kans.: Sept. 1971, Bull. 1725-18; Sept. 1972, Bull. 1775-17; Sept. 1973, Bull. 1795-4; Sept. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-4; Sept. 1975, Bull. 1850-55; Sept. 1976, Bull. 185055; Sept. 1976, Bull. 1900-60. Lawrence-Haverhill, Mass.-N.H.: June 1972, Bull. 1725-81; June 1973, Bull. 1775-93; June 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-93. Lexington, Ky: Nov. 1972, Bull. 1775-22; Nov. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-22. Lexington-Fayette, Ky.: Nov. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-22; Nov. 1975, Bull. 1850-84. Little Rock-North Little Rock, Ark.: July 1971, Bull. 1725-4; July 1972, Bull. 1775-2; July 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-2. Los Angeles-Long Beach, Calif.: Oct. 1975, Bull. 1850-86; Oct. 1976, Bull. 1900-77. Los Angeles-Long Beach and Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, Calif.: Mar. 1972. Bull. 1725-76; Oct. 1972, Bull. 1775-38; Oct. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-38; Oct. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-38. Louisville, Ky.-Ind.: Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-29; Nov. 1972, Bull. 1775-37; Nov. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-37; Nov. 1974, Bull. 1850-12; Nov. 1975, Bull. 1850-79; Nov. 1976, Bull. 1900-69. Lubbock, Tex.: Mar. 1972, Bull. 1725-57; Mar. 1973, Bull. 177555; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-55. Manchester, N.H.: July 1971, Bull. 1725-2; July 1972, Bull. 17758; July 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-8. Melbourne-Titusville-Cocoa, Fla.: Aug. 1973, Bull. 1795-2; Aug. 1974, Bull. 1850-5; Aug. 1975, Bull. 1850-54. Memphis, Tenn.-Ark. (-Miss.): Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-40; Nov. 1972, Bull. 1775-30; Nov. 1973, Bull. 1795-11; Nov. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-11; Nov. 1975, Bull. 1850-85; Nov. 1976, Bull. 1900-75. Metropolitan Areas, United States and Regional Summaries: 197071, Bull. 1685-92; 1971-72, Bull. 1725-96; 1972-73, Bull. 177598; 1973-74, Bull. 1795-29; 1975, Bull. 1850-89. Miami, Fla.: Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-28; Nov. 1972, Bull. 1775-29; Nov. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-29; Oct. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-29; Oct. 1975, Bull. 1850-76; Oct. 1976, Bull. 1900-66. Midland and Odessa, Tex.: Jan. 1972, Bull. 1725-37; Jan. 1973, Bull. 1775-41; Jan. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-41. Milwaukee, Wis.: May 1972, Bull. 1725-83; May 1973, Bull. 177583; May 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-83; Apr. 1975, Bull. 185021; Apr. 1976, Bull. 1900-22; Apr. 1977, Bull. 1950- 14. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.-Wis.: Jan. 1972, Bull. 1725-45; Jan. 1973, Bull. 1775-49; Jan. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-49; Jan. 1975, Bull. 1850,20; Jan. 1976, Bull. 1900-3; Jan. 1977, Bull. 1950-3. Muskegon-Muskegon Heights, Mich.: June 1972, Bull. 1725-85; June 1973, Bull. 1775-91; June 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-91. Nassau-Suffolk, N.Y.: June 1975, Bull. 1850-39; June 1976, Bull. 1900-35; June 1977, Bull. 1950-27. New Haven, Conn.: Jan. 1972, Bull. 1725-41; Jan. 1973, Bull. 1775-46; Jan. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-46. New Orleans, La.: Jan. 1972, Bull. 1725-35; Jan. 1973, Bull. 177547; Jan. 1974, Bull. 1795-15; Jan. 1975, Supp. 1 to Bull. 179515; Jan. 1976, Bull. 1900-2; Jan. 1977, Bull. 1950-5. New York, N.Y.-N.J.: Apr. 1972, Bull. 1725-90; Apr. 1973, Bull. 1775-94; May 1975, Bull. 1850-45; May 1976, Bull. 1900-48; May 1977, Bull. 1950-31. New York and Nassau-Suffolk, N.Y.: Apr. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-94. Newark, N.J.: Jan. 1975, Bull. 1850-18; Jan. 1976, Bull. 1900-10; Jan. 1977, Bull. 1950-7. Newark and Jersey City, N.J.: Jan. 1972, Bull. 1725-52; Jan. 1973, Bull. 1775-50; Jan. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-50. Norfolk-Portsmouth and Newport News-Hampton, Va.: Jan. 1972, Bull. 1725-42. Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Portsmouth, Va.-N.C.: May 1975, Bull. 1850-29; May 1976, Bull. 1900-27; May 1977, Bull. 1950-20. 39 Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Portsmouth and Newport News-Hampton, V a.(-N .C): Jan. 1973, Bull. 1775-51; Jan. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-51; May 1975, Bull. 1850-30; May 1976, Bull. 1900-33; May 1977, Bull. 1950-21. Northeast Pennsylvania: Aug. 1974, Bull. 1850-8; Aug. 1975, Bull. 1850-52; Aug. 1976, Bull. 1900-43; Aug. 1977, Bull. 1950-38. Oklahoma City, Okla.: July 1971, Bull. 1725-8; July 1972, Bull. 1775-6; July 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-6; Aug. 1974, Bull. 1850-7; Aug. 1975, Bull. 1850-51; Aug. 1976, Bull. 1900-42; Aug. 1977, Bull. 1950-49. Omaha, Nebr.-Iowa: Sept. 1971, Bull. 1725-13; Sept. 1972, Bull. 1775-16; Sept. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-16; Oct. 1974, Bull. 1850-10; Oct. 1975, Bull. 1850-56; Oct. 1976, Bull. 1900-61. Paterson-Clifton-Passaic, N.J.: June 1972, Bull. 1725-88; June 1973, Bull. 1775-92; June 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-92; June 1975, Bull. 1850-38; June 1976, Bull. 1900-38, June 1977, June 1977, Bull. 1950-34. Philadelphia, Pa.-N.J.: Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-62; Nov. 1972, Bull. 1775-45; Nov. 1973, Bull. 1795-19; Nov. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-19; Nov. 1975, Bull. 1850-65; Nov. 1976, Bull. 1900-64. Phoenix, Ariz.: June 1972, Bull. 1725-94; June 1973, Bull. 177596; June 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-96. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Jan. 1972, Bull. 1725-46; Jan. 1973, Bull. 1775-67; Jan. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-67; Jan. 1975, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-67; Jan. 1976, Bull 1900-1; Jan. 1977, Bull. 1950-1. Portland, Maine: Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-22; Nov. 1972, Bull. 177521; Nov. 1973, Bull. 1795-6; Nov. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 17956; Nov. 1975, Bull. 1850-72; Dec. 1976, Bull, 1900-72. Portland, Oreg.-Wash.: May 1972, Bull. 1725-89; May 1973, Bull. 1775-87; May 1974, Bull. 1795-26; May 1975, Bull. 1850-40; May 1976, Bull. 1900-51; May 1977, Bull. 1950-32. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: June 1975, Bull. 1850-70; June 1976, Bull. 1900-50, June 1977, Bull. 1950-25. Poughkeepsie-Kingston-Newburgh, N.Y.: June 1972, Bull. 172580; June 1973, Bull. 1775-85; June 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 177585; June 1975, Bull. 1850-68; June 1976, Bull. 1900-55. Providence-Warwick-Pawtucket, R.l.-Mass.: May 1972, Bull. 172570; May 1973, Bull. 1775-84; May 1974, Bull. 1795-24; June 1975, Bull. 1850-27; June 1976, Bull. 1900-31; June 1977, Bull. 1950-22. Raleigh, N.C.: Aug. 1971, Bull. 1725-5; Aug. 1972, Bull. 1775-7; Dec. 1973, Bull. 1795-7. Raleigh-Durham, N.C.: Feb. 1975, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-7; Feb. 1976, Bull. 1900-18. Richmond, Va.: Mar. 1972, Bull. 1725-72; Mar. 1973, Bull. 177568; Mar. 1974, Bull. 1795-25; June 1975, Bull. 1850-41; June 1976, Bull. 1900-34; June 1977, Bull. 1950-22. Riverside-San Bemardino-Ontario, Calif.: Dec. 1972, Bull. 177560; Dec. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-60. Rochester, N.Y.: July 1971, Bull. 1725-7; July 1972, Bull. 1775-4. Rockford, 111.: June 1972, Bull. 1725-84; June 1973, Bull. 1775-80; June 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-80. Sacramento, Calif.: Dec. 1974, Bull. 1850-19; Dec. 1975, Bull. 1850-87; Dec. 1976, Bull. 1900-71. Saginaw, Mich.: Nov. 1974, Bull. 1850-16; Nov. 1975, Bull. 185071; Nov. 1976, BU11. 1900-74. St. Louis, Mo.-111.: Mar. 1972, Bull. 1725-61; Mar. 1973, Bull. 1775-69; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-69; Mar. 1975, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-69; Mar. 1976, Bull. 1900-19; Mar. 1977, Bull. 1950-10. Salt Lake City, Utah: Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-24; Nov. 1972, Bull. 1775-33; Nov. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-33; Nov. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-33. Salt Lake City-Ogden, Utah: Nov. 1975, Bull. 1850-74; Nov. 1976, Bull. 1900-65. San Antonio, Tex.: May 1972, Bull. 1725-67; May 1973, Bull. 1775-78; May 1974, Bull. 1795-21; May 1975, Bull. 1850-23; May 1976, Bull. 1900-23, May 1977, Bull. 1950-24. San Bernardino-Riverside-Ontario, Calif.: Dec. 1971, Bull. 172543. San Diego, Calif.: Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-32; Nov. 1972, Bull. 1775-40; Nov. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-40; Nov. 1974, Bull. 1850-13; Nov. 1975, Bull. 1850-77; Nov. 1976, Bull. 1900-79. San Francisco-Oakland, Calif.: Oct. 1971, Bull. 1725-33; Mar. 1973, Bull. 1775-81; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-81; Mar. 1975, Bull. 1850-35; Mar. 1976, Bull. 1900-9; Mar. 1977, Bull. 1950-29. San Jose, Calif.: Aug. 1971, Bull. 1725-15; Mar. 1972, Bull. 172565; Mar. 1973, Bull. 1775-66; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 177566; Mar. 1975, Bull. 1850-36; Mar. 1976, Bull. 1900-13; Mar. 1977, Bull. 1950-19. Savannah, Ga.: May 1972, Bull. 1725-73; May 1973, Bull. 177577; May 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-77. Scranton, Pa.: July 1971, Bull. 1725-1; July 1972, Bull. 1775-10; July 1973, Bull. 1795-3. Seattle-Everett, Wash.: Jan. 1972, Bull. 1725-47; Jan. 1973, Bull. 1775-56; Jan. 1974, Bull. 1795-17; Jan. 1975, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-17; Jan. 1976, Bull. 1900-6; Jan. 1977, Bull. 1950-12. Selected Metropolitan Areas: 1970-71, Bull. 1685-91; 1971-72, Bull. 1725-95; 1972-73, Bull. 1775-97; 1973-74, Bull. 1795-28; 1975, Bull. 1850-88. Sioux Falls, S. Dak.: Dec. 1971, Bull. 1725-30; Dec. 1972, Bull. 1775-43; Dec. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-43. South Bend, Ind.: Mar. 1972, Bull. 1725-60; Mar. 1973, Bull. 1775-54; Mar. 1974, Bull. 1795-18; Mar. 1975, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1795-18; Mar. 1976, Bull. 1900-5. Spokane, Wash.: June 1972, Bull. 1725-91; June 1973, Bull. 177595; June 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-95. Stamford, Conn.: May 1976, Bull. 1900-40. Syracuse, N.Y.: July 1971, Bull. 1725-10; July 1972, Bull. 177511; July 1974, Bull. 1850-4; July 1975, Bull. 1850-43; July 1976, Bull. 1900-44. Tampa-St. Petersburg, Fla.: Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-31; Aug. 1972, Bull. 1775-9; Aug. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-9. Toledo, Ohio-Mich.: Apr. 1972, Bull. 1725-78; Apr. 1973, Bull. 1775-63; Apr. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-63; May 1975, Bull. 1850-34; May 1976, Bull. 1900-24; May 1977, Bull. 1950-18. Trenton, N.J.: Sept. 1971, Bull. 1725-12; Sept. 1972, Bull. 177512; Sept. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-12; Sept. 1974, Supp. 2 to Bull. 1775-12; Sept. 1975, Bull. 1850-60; Sept. 1976, Bull. 1900-56; Sept. 1977, Bull. 1950-47. Utica-Rome, N.Y.: July 1971, Bull. 1725-9; July 1972, Bull. 17753; July 1975, Bull. 1850-48; July 1977, Bull. 1950-37. Washington, D.C.-Md.-Va.: Mar 1972, Bull. 1725-93; Mar. 1973, Bull. 1775-75; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-75; Mar. 1975, Bull. 1850-31; Mar. 1976. Bull. 1900-12; Mar. 1977, Bull. 1950- Armour and Company and Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Sept. 1973-Aug. 1976, supp. to Bull. 1682 (1975). Atlantic Richfield Co. (former facilities of Sinclair Oil Compa nies): 1941-72, Bull. 1771 (1973); Jan. 1973-Jan. 1975, supp. to Bull. 1771 (1974). Atlantic Richfield and the Oil Workers (Former Sinclair Oil Facilities): 1941-77, Bull. 1915 (1976); 1977-79, supp. to Bull. 1915 (1977). Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., and the Textile Workers: June 1943- Apr. 1975, Bull. 1849 (1975); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1849 (1977). Bethlehem Steel Corporation (Shipbuilding Department) and the IUMSW: June 1941-Aug. 1975, Bull. 1866 (1975); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1866 (1977). Bituminous Coal Mine Operators and United Mine Workers of America: Oct. 1933-Nov. 1974, Bull. 1799 (1973); 197477, supp. to Bull. 1799 (1977). Commonwealth Edison Company of Chicago and International Brotherhood o f Electrical Workers: Oct. 1945-Mar. 1974, Bull. 1808 (1974); 1974-77, supp. to Bull. 1808 (1976). Council of North Atlantic Shipping Associations and the ILA, 1941-77, supp. to Bull 1736 (1976). Dan River, Inc.: May 1943-Jan. 1972, Bull. 1767 (1973); Jan. 1973-June 1974, supp. to Bull. 1767 (1975). Dan River, Inc., and the Textile Workers (UTWA), 1943-76, Bull. 1934 (1976). FMC Corporation, Chemical Group—Fiber Division (formerly the American Viscose Division) and the Textile Workers Union of America, June 1968-June 1974, supp. to Bull. 1560 (1974). FMC Corp., Chemical G roup-Fiber Division, and the TWUA, 1945-77, Bull. 1924 (1976). Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. and B.F. Goodrich Co. (Akron Plants): 1937-73, Bull. 1762 (1972); Apr. 1973-Apr. 1976, supp. to Bull. 1762 (1975). Ford Motor Company. June 1941-Sept. 1973, Bull. 1787 (1973); Oct. 1973- Sept. 1976, supp. to Bull. 1787 (1975). International Harvester Company: 1946-70, Bull. 1678 (1972) ; 1970-73, supp. to Bull. 1678 (1973). International Harvester Co. and the Auto Workers, Feb. 1946Sept. 1976, Bull. 1887 (1976). International Paper Co., Southern Kraft Division: Dec. 1937May 1973, Bull. 1788 (1973); June 1973-May 1977, supp. to Bull. 1788 ( 1976). International Shoe Co.: 1945-74, Bull. 1718 (1972); 1972-76, supp. to Bull. 1718 (1976). Lockheed-California Company (Div. of Lockheed Aircraft Corp.) and Machinists’ Union, Mar. 1937-Oct. 1977, Bull. 1904 (1976). Martin Marietta Aerospace and the Auto Workers: Mar, 1944- Nov. 1975, Bull. 1884 (1976); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1884 (1977). Massachusetts Shoe Manufacturers and United Shoe Workers of America (AFL-CIO): Jan. 1945-Jan. 1975, Bull. 1800 (1973) ; 1975-77, supp. to Bull. 1800 (1976). New York City Laundries, 1965-72, supp. to Bull. 1453 (1972). New York City (Area) Laundries and the Clothing Workers: Nov. 1945-Nov. 1975, Bull. 1845 (1975); 1975-78, supp. to Bull. 1845 (1977). North Atlantic Longshoremen, 1934-71, Bull. 1736 (1972). Pacific Coast Shipbuilding Association and Various Unions, 1941-77, Bull. 1982 (1978). Pacific Gas and Electric Company: 1943-73, Bull. 1761 (1972); 1972-76, supp. to Bull. 1761 (1977). Pacific Longshore Workers, Aug. 1969-July 1975, supp. to Bull. 1568 (1974). Pacific Maritime Association and the International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union, 1934-78, Bull. 1960 (1977). Rockwell International (Electronics, North American Aircraft/Space Operations) and the UAW, May 1941-Sept. 1977, Bull. 1893 (1976). 1 1. Waterbury, Conn.: Mar. 1972, Bull. 1725-53; Mar. 1973, Bull. 1775-58; Mar. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-58. Waterloo, Iowa: Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-20; Nov. 1972, Bull. 177526; Nov. 1973, Bull. 1795-5. Westchester County, N.Y.: May 1975, Bull. 1850-53; May 1976, Bull. 1900-46. Wichita, Kans.: Apr. 1972, Bull. 1725-82; Apr. 1973, Bull. 177570; Apr. 1974, Bull. 1795-20; Apr. 1975, Supp. 1 to Bull. I 79520; Apr. 1976, Bull. 1900-21; Apr.1977, Bull. 1950-16. Worcester, Mass.: May 1972, Bull. 1725-71; May 1973, Bull. 1775-76; May 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-76; May 1975, Bull. 1850-24; Apr. 1976, Bull. 1900-16; Apr. 1977, Bull. 1950-15. York, Pa.: Feb. 1972, Bull. 1725-54; Feb. 1973, Bull. 1775-59; Feb. 1974, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-59; Feb. 1975, Bull. 1850-32; Feb. 1976, Bull. 1900-4; Feb. 1977; Bull. 1950-6. Youngstown-Warren, Ohio: Nov. 1971, Bull. 1725-51; Nov. 1972, Bull. 1775-19; Nov. 1973, Supp. 1 to Bull. 1775-19. Specified employers and unions Wage Chronology: Aluminum Co. of America with United Steelworkers of Amer ica and Aluminum Workers International Union; Nov. 1939Jan. 1974, Bull. 1815 (1974); Feb. 1974-May 1977, supp. to Bull. 1815 (1975). American Telephone and Telegraph Com pany-Long Lines Department, and Communications Workers of America (AFL-CIO): Oct. 1940-July 1974, Bull. 1812 (1974); July 1974-Aug. 1977, supp. to Bull. 1812 (1976). 40 Swift & Company, Jan. 1942-Sept. 1973, Bull. 1773 (1973). The Anaconda Co. (Montana Mining Div.) and the Steelwork ers, 1941-77, Bull. 1953 (1977). The Boeing Co. (Washington Plants) and International As sociation of Machinists, June 1936-OCt. 1977, Bull. 1895 (1976). United States Steel Corporation and United Steelworkers of America (AFL-CIO): Mar. 1937-Apr. 1974, Bull. 1814 (1974); May 1974-July 1977, supp. to Bull. 1814 (1975). Western Union Telegraph Co., 1968-71, supp. to Bull. 1545 (1972). Western Union Telegraph Co. and the Telegraph Workers and the Communications Workers, Nov. 1943-July 1976, Bull. 1927 (1976). Specified industries Employee Compensation and Payroll Hours: Banks, 1973, Rpt. 451 (1976). Basic Steel Manufacturing, 1969, Rpt. 400 (1972) Bituminous Coal Mining, 1969, Rpt. 399 (1971). Construction-Special Trade Contractors, 1969, Rpt. 413 (1972) . Department Stores, 1971, Rpt. 426 (1973). Drug Manufacturing, 1973, Rpt. 465 (1976). Heavy Construction Industry, 1971, Rpt. 428 (1974). Plastics and Synthetics Manufacturing, 1973, Rpt. 498 (1977). Pulp and Paper Manufacturing, 1971, Rpt. 427 (1973). Textile Manufacturing, 1973, Rpt. 480 (1976). Women’s and Misses’ Suits and Coats Manufacturing, 1971, Rpt. 425 (1973). Women’s Hosiery Manufacturing, 1969, Rpt. 398 (1977). Employee Compensation in the PATC Survey Industries: 1972, Rpt. 442 (1975); 1974, Rpt. 464 (1977).* Industry Wage Surveys: Appliance Repair Shops: Sept. 1972, Bull. 1838 (1975); Nov. 1975, Bull. 1936 (1977). Auto Dealer Repair Shops, June 1973, Bull. 1876 (1975). Banking, Aug.-Nov. 1973, Bull. 1862 (1975). Basic Iron and Steel, Sept. 1972, Bull. 1839 (1975). Candy and Other Confectionery Products: Aug. 1970, Bull. 1732 (1972); Aug. 1975, Bull. 1939 (1977). Cigar Manufacturing, Mar. 1972, Bull. 1796 (1973). Cigarette Manufacturing: May-June 1971, Bull. 1748 (1972); May 1976, Bull. 1944 (1977). Communications: 1970, Bull. 1751 (1972); 1971, Bull. 1805 (1974); 1972, Bull. 1828 (1974); 1973, Bull. 1854 (1975); Oct.-Dec. 1974, Bull. 1909 (1976); Oct.-Dec. 1975, Bull. 1954 (1977). Contract Cleaning Services: July 1971, Bull. 1778 (1973); July 1974, Bull. 1916 (1976). Contract Construction: Sept. 1972, Bull. 1853 (1975); Sept. 1973, Bull, 1911 (1976). Corrugated and Solid Fiber Boxes, Mar. 1976, Bull. 1921 (1977). Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Production, Aug. 1972, Bull. 1797 (1973). Department Stores, Sept. 1973, Bull. 1869 (1975). Electric and Gas Utilities, Nov. 1972, Bull. 1834 (1975). Fabricated Structural Steel, Nov. 1974, Bull. 1935 (1977). Fertilizer, Mar.-Apr. 1971, Bull. 1763 (1972). Flour and Other Grain Mill Products, May 1972, Bull. 1803 (1973) . Fluid Milk, Oct.-Nov. 1973, Bull. 1871 (1975). Footwear: Mar. 1971, Bull. 1792 (1973); Apr. 1975, Bull. 1946 (1977). Hosiery: Sept. 1970, Bull. 1743 (1972); Sept. 1973, Bull. 1863 (1975); July 1976, Bull. 1987 (1977). Hospitals: Aug. 1972, Bull. 1829 (1974); Aug. 1975-Jan. 1976, Bull. 1949 (1977). Hotels and Motels, June 1973, Bull. 1883 (1975). Industrial Chemicals: June 1971, Bull. 1768 (1973); June 1976, Bull. 1978 (1977). Iron and Steel Foundries, Nov. 1973, Bull. 1894 (1976). Leather Tanning and Finishing, Mar. 1973, Bull. 1835 (1975). Life Insurance, Dec. 1971, Bull. 1791 (1973). Machinery Manufacturing: Winter 1970-71, Bull. 1754 (1972); Feb. 1973, Bull. 1859 (1975); Winter 1974-75, Bull. 1929 (1977). Meat Products, Mar. 1974, Bull. 1896 (1976). M en’s and Boys’ Separate Trousers: Jan. 1971, Bull. 1752 (1972): June 1974, Bull. 1906 (1976). M en’s and Boys’ Shirts (Except Work Shirts) and Nightwear: Oct. 1971, Bull. 1794 (1973); June 1974, Bull. 1901 (1976). M en’s and Boys’ Suits and Coats: Apr. 1970, Bull. 1716 (1972); Apr. 1973, Bull. 1843 (1975); Apr. 1976, Bull. 1962 (1977). Metal Mining, Sept. 1972, Bull. 1820 (1974). Miscellaneous Plastics, Sept. 1974, Bull. 1914 (1976). Motor Vehicles and Parts, 1973-74, Bull. 1912 (1976). Nonferrous Foundries: June 1970, Bull. 1726 (1972); May 1975, Bull. 1952 (1977). Nursing Homes and Related Facilities: May 19,73, Bull. 1855 (1975) ; May 1976, Bull. 1964 (1977). Paints and Varnishes: Nov. 1970, Bull. 1739 (1972); Nov. 1976, Bull. 1973 (1977). Paperboard Containers and Boxes, Mar 1970, Bull. 1719 (1971) . Petroleum Refining: Apr. 1971, Bull. 1741 (1972); Apr. 1976, Bull. 1948 (1977). Pressed or Blown Glass and Glassware, May 1975, Bull. 1923 (1976) . Pulp. Paper, and Paperboard Mills, Nov. 1972, Bull. 1844 (1975). Scheduled Airlines: Aug. 1970, Bull. 1734 (1972); Aug.-Nov. 1975, Bull. 1951 (1977). Shipbuilding and Repairing, Sept. 1976, Bull. 1968 (1977). Structural Clay Products, Sept. 1975, Bull. 1942 (1977). Synthetic Fibers: Dec. 1970, Bull. 1740 (1972); Aug. 1976, Bull. 1975 (1977). Textile Dyeing and Finishing: Dec. 1970, Bull 1757 (1972); June 1976, Bull. 1967 (1977). Textiles: Aug. 1971, Bull. 1801 (1974); May 1975, Bull. 1945 (1977) . W omen’s and Misses’ Coats and Suits, Aug. 1970, Bull. 1728 (1972) . W omen’s and Misses’ Dresses: Aug. 1971, Bull. 1783 (1973); Aug. 1974, Bull. 1908 (1976). Wood Household Furniture (Except Upholstered): Oct. 1971, Bull. 1793 (1973); Nov. 1974, Bull. 1930 (1976). Municipal Labor-Management Relations: Chronology of Compen sation Developments in Milwaukee, 1960-70, Bull. 1720 (1971). State Government Employee Compensation, 1972, Bull. 1899 (1976). State Government Employee Compensation in—, 1972: A la b a m a , R p t . 4 3 3 -1 3 (1 9 7 5 ) . Alaska, Rpt. 433-5 (1974). Arizona, Rpt. 433-16 (1975). Arkansas, Rpt. 433-17 (1975). California, Rpt. 433-3 (Revised 1975). Colorado, Rpt. 433-15 (1975). Connecticut, Rpt. 433-14 (1975). Delaware, Rpt. 433-19 (1975). Florida, Rpt. 433-18 (1975). Georgia, Rpt. 433-22 (1975). Hawaii, Rpt. 433-21 (1975). Idaho, Rpt. 433-26 (1975). Illinois, Rpt. 433-20 (1975). Indiana, Rpt. 433-27 (1975). Iowa, Rpt. 433-41 (1975). Kansas, Rpt. 433-47 (1975). Kentucky, Rept. 433-46 (1975). Louisiana, Rpt. 433-42 (1975). Maine, Rpt. 433-43 (1975). Maryland, Rpt. 433-44 (1975). Massachusetts, Rpt. 433-12 (1974). Michigan, Rpt. 433-1 (1974). Minnesota, Rpt. 433-4 (1974). 41 Mississippi, Rpt. 433-45 (1975). Missouri, Rpt. 433-48 (1975). Montana, Rpt. 433-49 (1975). Nebraska, Rpt. 433-50 (1975). Nevada, Rpt. 433-33 (1975). New Hampshire, Rpt. 433-40 (1975). New Jersey, Rpt. 433-7 (1974). New Mexico, Rpt. 433-34 (1975). New York, Rpt. 433-29 (1975). North Carolina, Rpt. 433-35 (1975). North Dakota, Rpt. 433-8 (1974). Ohio, Rpt. 433-2 (1974). Oklahoma, Rpt. 433-9 (1974). Oregon, Rpt. 433-36 (1975). Pennsylvania, Rpt. 433-6 (1974). Rhode Island, Rpt. 433-37 (1975). South Carolina, Rpt. 433-38 (1975). South Dakota, Rept. 433-39 (1975). Tennessee, Rpt. 433-10 (1974). Texas, Rpt. 433-25 (1975). Utah, Rpt. 433-24 (1975). Vermont, Rpt. 433-11 (1974). Virginia, Rpt. 433-32 (1975). Washington, Rpt. 433-28 (1975). West Virginia, Rpt. 433-23 (1975). Wisconsin, Rpt. 433-30 (1975). Wyoming, Rpt. 433-31 (1975). State Government Employee Compensation, U.S. Summary, 1972, Rpt. 433 (1975). Supplementary Compensation in the PATC Survey Industries, Rpt. 419 (1973).* Union Wages and Hours: Grocery Stores, July 1-: 1971, Bull. 1772 (1973); 1973, Bull. 1848 (1975); 1975, Bull 1925 (1976). Printing Industry, July 1-: 1971 Bull. 1744 (1972); 1972, Bull. 1806 (1974); 1973, Bull. 1857 (1975); 1974, Bull. 1881 (1975); 1975, Bull. 1913 (1976); 1976, Bull. 1986 (1978). Wage Chronology: Federal Employees Under the General Schedule, Aug. 1968Oct. 1973, supp. to Bull. 1604 (1974). Federal Employees Under the General Schedule Pay System: July 1924-Oct. 1974, Bull. 1870 (1975); 1975, supp. to Bull. 1870 (1976). Wage Payment Plans in Manufacturing Industries, Rpt. 516 (1977). Wages and Demographic Characteristics in the Work Clothing Manufacturing Industry, Mar. 1972, Bull. 1858 (1975).* 1974, Bull. 1867 (1975); 1975, Bull. 1903 (1976); 1976, Bull. 1974 (1977). Local Truckdrivers and Helpers, July 1—: 1971, Bull. 1756 (1972); 1972, Bull. 1802 (1973); 1973, Bull. 1840 (1975); 1974, Bull. 1882 (1975); 1975, Bull. 1917 (1976); 1976, Bull. 1984 (1978). WHOLESALE TRADE (See Trade, wholesale and retail.) WOMEN WORKERS Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* U.S. Working Women: A Chartbook, Bull. 1880 (1975). U.S. Working Women: A Databook, Bull. 1977 (1977). WORK ATTITUDES Work Attitudes of Disadvantaged Black Men: A Methodological Inquiry, Rpt. 401 (1972). WORK STOPPAGES Analysis of Work Stoppages: 1970, Bull. 1727 (1972); 1971, Bull. 1777 (1973); 1972, Bull. 1813 (1974); 1973, Bull. 1877 (1975); 1974, Bull. 1902 (1976); 1975, Bull. 1940 (1977). BLS Handbook of Methods for Surveys and Studies, Bull. 1910 (1976).* Handbook of Labor Statistics: 1972, Bull. 1735 (1972); 1973, Bull. 1790 (1973); 1974, Bull. 1825 (1974); 1975-Reference Edition, Bull. 1865 (1975)*; 1976, Bull. 1905 (1976)*; 1977, Bull. 1966 (1977).* U.S. Workers and Their Jobs: The Changing Picture, Bull. 1919 (1976).* Work Stoppages in Contract Construction, 1962-73, Bull. 1847 (1975) . Work Stoppages in Government: 1972, Rpt. 434 (1974); 1973, Rpt. 437 (1975); 1974, Rpt. 453 (1976); 1975, Rpt. 483 (1976) . WORKING LIFE Monthly Labor Review Reader, Bull. 1868 (1975).* WORKSHARING Major Collective Bargaining Agreements: Layoff, Recall, and Worksharing Procedures, Bull. 1425-13 (1972). WORKWEEK M o n t h l y L a b o r R e v i e w R e a d e r , B u ll. 1868 (1975).* The Revised Workweek: Results of a Pilot Study of 16 Firms, Bull. 1846 (1975).* Specified occupations National Survey of Professional, Administrative, Technical, and Clerical Pay: June 1971, Bull. 1742 (1972); Mar. 1972, Bull. 1764 (1973); Mar. 1973, Bull. 1804 (1973); Mar. 1974, Bull. 1837 (1974); Mar. 1975, Bull. 1891 (1975); Mar. 1976, Bull. 1931 (1976); Mar. 1977, Bull. 1980 (1977).* Union Wages and Hours: Building Trades, July 1-: 1971, Bull. 1747 (1972); 1972, Bull. 1807 (1974); 1973, Bull. 1841 (1975); 1974, Bull. 1889 (1975); 1975, Bull. 1907 (1976); 1976, Bull. 1972 (1977). Local-Transit Operating Employees, July 1--: 1971, Bull. 1745 (1972); 1972, Bull. 1782 (1973); 1973, Bull 1818 (1974); YOUTH Employment in Perspective: Summer Job Situation for Youth: 1971, Rpt. 397 (1971); 1972, Rpt. 415 (1972); 1973, Rpt. 422 (1973); 1975, Rpt. 447 (1975); 1976, Rpt. 447-3 (1976); 1977, Rpt. 511 (1977). ZAIRE Labor Law and Practice in the Republic of Zaire, Rpt. 393 (1972). * U .S . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1978 O - 261-017/72 42 Bureau of Labor Statistics Regional Offices Region I 1603 JFK Federal Building G overnm en t C enter Boston, Mass. 0 2 2 0 3 Phone: (617) 2 2 3 -6761 Region IV 1371 Peachtree Street, NE. Atlanta, Ga. 3 0 3 0 9 P h o n e :(4 0 4 )8 8 1 -4 4 1 8 Region V Region II Suite 3 4 0 0 1515 Broadway N ew York, N Y. 10036 Phone: (2 1 2 )3 9 9 -5 4 0 5 9th Floor Federal O ffice Building 2 3 0 S. Dearborn S treet Chicago, III. 6 0 6 0 4 Phone: (3 1 2 )3 5 3 -1 8 8 0 Regions VII and V III* 911 Walnut S treet Kansas City, Mo. 64106 Phone: (8 1 6 )3 7 4 -2 4 8 1 Regions IX and X** 4 5 0 G olden G ate Avenue Box 3 6 0 1 7 San Francisco, Calif. 94102 P h o n e :(4 1 5 )5 5 6 -4 6 7 8 *R eg ion s VII and VIII are serviced Region III 3 5 3 5 M arket S treet P.O. Box 13309 Philadelphia, Pa. 19101 (215) 5 9 6 -1 1 5 4 Digitized forPhone: FRASER Region VI Second Floor 5 55 Griffin Square Building Dallas, Tex. 7 5 2 0 2 Phone: (214) 749 -3 5 1 6 by Kansas City * * Regions IX and X are serviced by San Francisco U. S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Washington, D C. 20212 Postage and Fees Paid U.S. Department of Labor Third Class Mail Official Business Penalty for private use, $300 Lab-441