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23d CONGRESS, DOC. NO. 39. " 1st Session. Ho. or REPS. Treas. Dept. BANKS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, Til t>SM!TTINQ Returns of the incorporated Banks of the District of Columbia, showing the state of their affairs at the close of the year 1833. JANUARY 14, 1834. Read, and laid upon the table. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, January 10, 1834. SIR : I have the honor to transmit, herewith, copies of the returns rendered to this department, agreeably to law, by the incorporated banks in the District of Columbia, showing the state of their affairs at the close of the year 1833. I have the honor to remain, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. B. TANEY, Secretary of the Treasury. The Hon. A. STEVENSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ANNUAL STATEMENT of the Bank of the Metropolis on the Gth day of January, 1834, made to the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with the charter. Capital paid in Noti'.s in circulation Due to banks Treasurer of the United States Due to depositors Due for dividends Surplus* 2500,000 00 160/283 00 146,5S1 11 370,687 75 286,645 C8 10,917 15 29,055 67 Bills and notes discounted Stocks of various kinds Real estate Due from banks Notes of other banks Specie . . . 51,504,120 36 8755,476 216,822 25,131 270,435 26,728 209,524 78 92 90 86 00 90 81,504,120 36 GEORGE THOMAS, Cashier. arc', 5&2E - u n i t e d on p^ipd over in suit, © f CO STATEMENT exhibiting the situation of the Bank of Washington, 31 st Decenibcr, 1833, inclusive. To capital stock paid in notes in circulation . . . balances due to banks amount to credit of individual depositors amount to the credit of depositors in saving fund receipts for discount, house rent, and interest . . . . amount to credit of surplus fund, alter paying dividend to 1st Nowmber other debts . . . . S479J20 113,162 43.450 ' 45,439 00 00 71 31 3 4 , 8 8 8 39 1,449 45 By specie notes and checks of other hanks, viz. Hank of the United States, its Branches, and Northern banks banks of the District hanks of Virginia . . . District Corporation notes balances due by banks stock of this hank received in payment 114 38 2 4 , 7 0 4 91 o f d e b t s. p r o f i t a n d l o s s . . . 8 2 8 , 0 3 1 28 G.I 89 40.954 325 1,941 20,249 . . . stock of various incorporated companies, par value, g83.504 ,V,, received in payment of debts, at bond for sale of old hank, hearing interest legal and incidental expenses bills and notes discounted old hanking house . . . other real estate . . . 02 If 00 00 43 119.1280 00 1,496 75 61,009 8,000 8.791 375,508 14,274 56,277 94 00 60 f CO 69 44 88 g742,329 15 15 BANK OF WASHINGTON, December 31, 1833. E. E. It. C. >\ EIGHTMAN, Cashier. CO STATEMENT Capita! stock .Notes in circulation DIKI to banks Due to individuals Profit and loss of the Patriotic Bank of Washington, 31s* December, inclusive. $250,000 287,080 40,171 116,220 33,206 00 28 75 12 69 Stock of this bank, and other incorporated bodies Suits at law . . . Hanking house, and other real estate Cash funds, specie 55,505 69 Notes of the Bank of the United States, and other specie-paying banks . 118,183 67 Due by banks . . . . Due by individuals for notes discounted - $726,678 84 $103,172 90 2,518 61 13,952 86 173,689 30 85,707 61 342,637 50 o $726,078 84 2 p K. E. G. E . DYSON, Cashier. CO STATEMENT Capital paid in Bought by the bank of the Union Bank oj Georgetown, December 31, 1833. $J78, 230 166, 045 Notes in circulation Due to banks Due to individuals incuts l'artialjpaymentson notes and judgments Hal mice down - - - fSIS, Iftfl 00 95,015 00 3 1 , 382 75 38. 250 sa • I f 560 02 38, 979 97 $537,373 07 UNION BANK, GEORGETOWN, January 8, 1834. Discounted debt Specio . . . Notes and checks on batiks Due I'roui hanks Six pej* cent, stock of Georgetown Turnpike stockC Real estate • ' - ' SunenseAtndVxpease account 8370,817 58 33.365 36 89, If7 8G , r>7,554 1.800 9.553 42.198 >J.HS5 65 00 00 05 87 B5sr,sra 07 DAVID ENGLISH, Cashier. CO o STATEMENT Heal estate Specie - of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Georgetown, to December 31, 1833. - Motet of other hanks Dm- front banks Farmers and Mechanics* Road and Corporation stocks Expenses Hills and notes discounted 883,904 39 31,300 00 15,313 88 15*. 140 92 97,938 78 444 66 533,405 72 8777.448 35 January 1, 1834. E.E. Capital stock Profit and loss, discounts Notes in circulation Mm' to hanks Due to depositor! Unclaimed dividends 8485,900 29,341 125,505 33,053 99,662 3,985 00 75 00 23 54 83 8777,448 35 J. I. STLLL, Cashier. o p f GO o STATEMENT Capital o fthe b a n k Notes in circulation Due to banks Individual depnsites Unclaimed dividends Union B a n k funds Surplus - of the Bank of Potomac, Alexandria, December 31, 1833, inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S500.000 167.554 52,837 107.775 4,691 4,200 34,173 00 54 37 27 50 23 07 Bills and notes (outstanding) Krai estate (including b.uikmp; house) Stock of incorporated companies Potomac H a n k stock A l e x a n d r i a Coi|>oration 5.per cent, stock Ditto * do f> \KV c e n t . \ t o ( k D u e from b a n k s . . . N o t e s of^otlier banjvs, . . . Specie . . . . * 8871,211 98 2523,338 41.R1H 63,661 100,000 25,000 5,150 44,835 S9,80l 37,606 68 86 08 00 00 00 02 38 96 8871,211 9S o 3 EL E. January 1, 1834. C. l'AUE, Cashier. p CO STATEMENT exhibiting the situation of the Bank of Alexandria, 31sf December, 1833. To capital stock Notes in circulation Due to other banks • • Doposite by the Treasurer of the United States Do by individuals Unclaimed dividends Balance 2500,000 00 78,742 50 19,469 39 21,570 97 51,854 47 1,502 00 15,613 31 By bills and notes Specie Notes of other banks Due from other banks Stocks of banks, roads, and corporation 5 per cent. K'-al estate for the use of the bank, and to cover debts Expense account 00 8381,372 13,278 16,854 36,670 15 65 77 47 124,5G5 20 114,175 14 1,836 26 8688,752 64 2 64 J. McKENNlA, Cashier. 2? o CO 1 STATEMENT To capital stock paid in Notes in circulation Due oth iv banks Dividends unpaid Deposites, he. of the Farmers1 Bank qf Alexandria, December 31, 1833, inclusive. 8310,100 00 82,067 50 24,926 66 71>9 50 48.900 40 g-jM.794 06 By hills and notes discounted Notes of other hanks on hand Due from other lianks Specie on hand Real estate Koad .stock Washington and Alexandria Corporation stock Expenses - $400,644 41 13.465 14.777 £3.464 3.761 22 55 87 23 1.050 00 8,700 00 930 78 8466,794 06 o 2 E. E. January 1, 1834. JOHN HOOFF, Cashier. © CO