Full text of Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1941-1970
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Washington, D.C. BANKING AND MONETARY STATISTICS 1941-1970 Published in Septem ber 1976 Library o f C ongress C atalog C ard N u m b er 76-20317 C opies o f this p ublication m ay be obtained fro m Publications Services, D ivision o f A dm inistrative Services, B oard of G overnors o f the F e d e ra l R eserve System, W ashington, D .C . 20551. The price is $15.00 p e r copy. R em ittances should be m ade payable to the o rd e r o f the B oard o f G overnors o f the F ed eral Reserve System in a fo rm collectible a t p a r in U .S. currency. (S tam ps an d coupons not accepted.) Preface In 1943 the Board o f Governors published B anking and M o n eta ry S tatistics to m ake available — in one place and o n a uniform basis— major series • relating to banking, m onetary, and other financial developm ents. M ost o f those statistics had b een collected by governm ental authorities as an incident to their supervisory responsibilities over financial institutions; other statistics, particularly those relating to securities markets, had been gathered chiefly by private agencies. D uring the late 1 9 5 0 ’s and the 1 9 6 0 ’s the Board published a number o f pam phlets that updated som e o f the statistics included in B anking an d M o n eta ry Statistics. W ith this volum e the Board is now bringing together m ost o f the materials that had been included in those pam phlets and also data to update— in revised form , if n eces sary— series in other sections o f the original B an k ing an d M o n e ta ry Statistics. W hile m ost o f the statistics in this volum e cover the period beginning with 1941, a few series are show n for longer periods. A ll o f the series end with D ecem b er 1970. H ereafter the Board plan's to publish an Annual S tatistical D ig est. T he D ig est w ill update m any o f the tables in this volum e, will present new series in their entirety, and w ill include revised data for series previously published. T he first such publica tion will cover the period 1971—75. * * * * B oth the Board o f G overnors and the Federal R eserve Banks collect, analyze, interpret, and pub lish statistics on R eserve Bank credit, m em ber bank credit, changes in the banking structure, and a variety o f other m atters that have a bearing on banking and credit conditions in this country and abroad. T he System also publishes considerable data com piled by other Federal and State super visory agencies and by private agencies. It has b een the practice of the Board to m ake the m ore im portant o f these series available to the public, through its annual reports, the m onthly Federal Reserve B ulletin, a n d /o r regular releases. B oth this volum e and the original B anking an d M o n eta ry Statistics— Part I o f w hich has n ow been reprinted and is referred to herein as B anking and M on etary Statistics (1 9 1 4 —4 1 )— were designed to assem ble, in convenient publications, bank ing and m onetary statistics that have previously appeared in the B oard’s annual reports and in the m onthly Bulletin. In com bination, the tw o volum es present a w ealth o f banking and financial statistics covering a period o f m ore than 6 0 years. T his volum e includes m ost o f the financial series for w hich current data are published in the F ed eral Reserve B ulletin and also som e series that are no longer show n in the B ulletin but that are o f historical interest. T he statistics relate in large part to the condition and operation o f the Federal R e serve Banks and m em ber banks, but also there are * iii Preface-continued data on the condition and operation o f all banks, including State banks that are not members o f the Federal Reserve System , and on bank debits, bank incom e, bank suspensions, and bank holdj ing com panies. In addition, there are statistics on ■ nonbank financial institutions, currency, money rates, securities markets, Treasury finance, con sumer credit, gold, and international financial developm ents. T he tables in each section are preceded by an introductory text, w hich gives som e indication of the purpose o f the data, the sources o f the figures, the history and methods o f their com pilation, and other facts that will guide the reader in the use o f the figures. In m any instances the text provides— for background purposes— a brief description o f that part o f a series that was published in the earlier B anking an d M o n eta ry S tatistics. In many instances inform ation that w ould custom arily be included in footnotes to tables has been incor porated in the text. A cknow ledgm ent is gratefully m ade to the G o v ernment agencies w hose figures have been used. T hese include the D epartm ent o f the Treasury, the Comptroller o f the Currency, the Federal D ep osit Insurance Corporation, the Federal H om e Loan Bank Board, the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, the Securities and E x change Com m ission, and the N ational Credit U n ion Administration. Similarly, acknow ledgm ent is made to a number o f private agencies, including the N ational Bureau o f E conom ic R esearch, Standard and P oor’s Cor poration, M oody’s Investors Service, the N ew York Stock Exchange, the A m erican Stock Exchange, the N ational A ssociation o f M utual Savings Banks, Securities Industries A ssociation, and the Institute o f L ife Insurance. Board of Governors of the F ederal Reserve System 1941-1970 BANKING AND MONETARY STATISTICS Contents Section 1 M O N ETA RY SYSTEM— SUM MARY M EASURES T e x t ________________________________________ 17 Tables Section Section Section Section 2 3 4 5 1 M EM BER BANKS T e x t _________ 45 Tables 60 INSURED BANKS T e x t _________ 125 Tables 130 W EEKLY R EPO R TIN G BANKS Text __________________ __ 143 Tables 160 BANK DEBITS T e x t ______ 319 T ables 328 v Contents-continued Section 6 BANK INCOM E T e x t________________________________ ________________________ 367 Tables ____________________________________________________3 7 8 Section Section 7 8 BANK SUSPENSIONS T e x t __ _______ _________ ___________ _________________________ _ 419 Tables ________ _______ _____________ __ ___ _________________„ . _ 423 BANKS AND BANK HOLDING COMPANIES Text ______ _____ ______________ _______ ___ ___________________ _ Section 9 . 425 T a b le s ___________________ ______________ _______________ .... 429 FED ER A L RESERV E BANKS T e x t___________________ ______________ ___________ __________ 4 5 9 T a b le s __________________ ______________ ______________________... Section 10 Section 11 467 M EM BER BANK RESERVES AND R ELA TED ITEMS T e x t__ _________________ __ ______________ _________________ _ 507 Tables ________ ______________________ ________________ __________ 524 CURRENCY T e x t__________________ ______________________________________ 6 1 1 Tables ________________ ___ ___________ ________________________ Section 12 617 M ONEY RATES AND SECURITIES M ARKETS T e x t __________ ___________ ____________ ___ __________ __________ 6 2 7 Tables ________ ______ ___ ___________ ______ __________ __________ Section 13 667 U.S. GOVERNM ENT FINANCE T e x t__ ______________ ____ __________ ________________ __________ 8 5 5 T a b le s ________ _____________ ______________________ ______ ___ vi 865 Section 14 GOLD T e x t__________________________________________________________893 T a b le s ________________________________________________________899 Section 15 IN TER N A TIO N A L FIN A N CE T e x t__________________________________________________________ 923 T a b le s ________________________________________________________932 Section 16 CONSUM ER C RED IT T e x t__________________________________________________________ 1049 T a b le s ________________________________________________________1081 KEY TO SYMBOLS IN T A B L E S ________________________________ 1168 vii Section 1 MONETARY SYSTEMSUMMARY MEASURES Contents IN T R O D U C T IO N _____________________ _3 C onstruction of the B roader M oney S to c k M e a su re s— M 2 t o M s ________ 10 M O N EY STOCK M EASURES AND R E L A T E D D A T A __________________ _4 Seasonal A d ju stm en t ________________ 10 D evelo pm ent of M oney Stock M e a su r e s ___________________________4 LIQ U ID ASSET H O L D IN G S ___________ 11 C o n c e p t o f M x _________________________6 BANKING S E R IE S ____________________ 12 Types of deposit holders Eliminating duplication 6 6 C onstruction of the N arrow M oney S to c k M e a s u re — M x ________________ _7 Currency component Domestic dem and deposit com ponent Foreign demand deposit component W hat C onstitutes a C lassification B a n k s _____________ of B ank ?____________ 12 C overage, and C hanges or C lassification 7 7 9 Series 1 on in 13 C overage ■ _____________ 14 B ank C r e d it ________________ 16 Tables 1.1 Money Stock and Related Data, Monthly, 1947-70 A. B. Seasonally A d ju ste d ______________ :____________________________________ 17 Not Seasonally A d ju sted _____________________________________ __________ 20 1.2 Liquid Asset Holdings of Private Domestic Nonfinancial Investors, Monthly, 1948-70 1.3 Principal Assets, Liabilities, and Number of Commercial Banks, Varying Dates, 1941-70 _________________________________________________________ 27 1.4 1.5 Loans and Investments at Commercial Banks, Monthly, 1948-70 _________________ 32 Principal Assets, Liabilities, and Num ber of Mutual Savings Banks, June and December Call Dates, 1941-70_______________________________________________ 36 Num ber and Deposits of Commercial and M utual Savings Banks, by Class of Bank, June and December Call Dates, 1941-70----------------------------------------- 37 Changes in the Num ber of Commercial Banks, by Class of Bank and by Character of Change, 1 9 4 1 -7 0 ---------- .------------------------------------------------------------ 40 Number of Banks on the Par List and not on the Par List, by Federal Reserve District and by Class of Bank, 1941-70 ____________________________________ 42 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 23 Section 1 M ONETARY S Y S T E M SUMMARY MEASURES INTRODUCTION ported data have been undertaken. Among the new data that have proven useful in the anal ysis of monetary and banking developments are statistical measures of the money stock, private holdings of liquid assets, and commercial bank credit. Most of the aggregate series pub lished currently have been developed since 1960, and several revisions in the data have been incor porated since initial publication. This section provides in one place a consolidation of all the changes that have been made in the series over the past two decades; it also provides a con venient point of reference for future changes. In 1960 the Federal Reserve introduced a new measure of the money stock based on averages of daily figures to supplement for certain analytical uses the series on the money stock that had been appearing as an adjunct to the consolidated condition statem ent.1 The The banking and monetary system provides the economy with a unique source of liquidity and a means of payment and serves as a major channel for the movement of savings funds into investment. Because of the importance of these functions to the economy, information about the nature and behavior of bank credit and money is essential to an understanding of eco nomic developments. Primary responsibility for regulating the flow of bank credit and money in the United States is vested in the Federal Reserve System. The discharge of this responsibility requires detailed, accurate, and current information concerning the economic situation in general and the work ings of the banking and monetary system in particular. Consequently, the Federal Reserve System over the years has continually sought to improve the quality of the basic monetary data collected and of the analytical measures con structed from these data. Since publication of Banking and Monetary Statistics by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in 1943, numerous re visions and analytical reformulations of the re 1 In the consolidated statem en t the asset, liability, and capital acco u n ts of the private banking system — the co m m ercial and m u tu a l savings banks— w ere p re sented consolidated w ith the assets, liabilities, and cap ital accounts o f the m o n eta ry system — the F e d e ra l R eserve B anks, the E xchange S tabilization F u n d , the P ostal Savings System , and the gold a n d T rea su ry 3 Monetary System—Summary Measures There has also been a major improvement in the basic data collected from the private banking system. Up to 1947 the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal De posit Insurance Corporation were compiling somewhat different balance-sheet statistics for noninsured banking institutions. In that year the three agencies worked out an arrangement for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to compile a uniform series of statistics for all banking institutions. From then through 1970 figures for all insured banks were available semiannually except during 1961-63, when they were reported quarterly. new daily-average money stock series through 1970, as revised in 1976, is shown in Table 1.1. Another, more comprehensive method of presenting financial data developed by the Board in the 1950’s is the series of flow of funds accounts, which present financial flows, as well as assets and liabilities, not only for the banking system but also for other major sectors of the economy— nonbank financial institutions, nonfinancial businesses, consumers, governments, and the rest of the world.2 c urrency accounts. F ro m this statem ent it w as possible to o b tain a picture o f the b anking and m o n eta ry sys tem o f the U nited S tates as a w hole and o f the ch an nels th a t connected the banking and m o n eta ry institu tions o f the c o untry w ith the F e d e ra l R eserve System . G o v e rn o rs of the F e d e ra l R eserve System , 1955); also in Intro d u ctio n to F low o f F unds (B oard of G o v ern o rs o f the F ed eral R eserve System , 1975). S u m m ary d a ta are published on a sem iannual basis in the F e d e ra l R eserve B ulletin. - A com prehensive description o f the concepts, m ethodology, and statistical in fo rm a tio n contained in these flow of fu n d s accounts is set fo rth in F low o f F u n d s in the U nited States, 1919-1951 (B oard of MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND RELATED DATA DEVELOPM EN T OF MONEY STOCK MEASURES Money performs the essential economic func tions of providing a medium of exchange and of serving as both a readily available store of value and a standard of value. M onetary trans actions and the financial instruments used in effecting them take a variety of forms, and many types of claims other than currency and demand deposits may serve to provide part of the public’s requirements for liquidity. The stock of money is constantly being ex tinguished as debts at banks are repaid, and new money is being created when banks extend credit by making loans and purchasing securities. The volume of money that the public chooses to hold— in its pockets, in tills, in deposit ac counts, and in other liquid asset forms— varies from time to time relative to its holdings of other assets and to the total volume of expen ditures in the economy. Public demand deter mines the proportion of the money stock held in the form of currency and the proportions held in demand deposits at banks and in other forms. Inasmuch as the Federal Reserve System has primary responsibility for regulating the total volume of money available to meet the public’s demands, it is essential that the System have an accurate, frequent, and promptly avail able measure of the money stock. Throughout its existence, therefore, the System has collected and published data on the money stock. Historically, the only instruments that per formed all of the functions of money were the public’s holdings of currency and coin and of demand deposits in banks. The System’s first long-term series on the money stock was that published in Table 9 of Banking and M one tary Statistics (1914-41). This table shows data for both demand and time deposits and currency for June call dates from 1892 to 1922 and for June and December call dates for 1923 41. D ata for later years appeared regularly in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. 4 Section 1 In early 1948 the Board of Governors re leased the first materials on the consolidated condition statem ent for the banking system. This statement related currency and deposit liabilities of the banking system to banks’ assets. A year later the Board began to publish data for the consolidated statement each month. D ata on the money stock, previously available only for call dates, were published thereafter as a part of this consolidated statement. Each of these measures of the money stock and related items was as of a single date. Al though there are advantages in being able to relate the components of the money stock to specific dates for purposes of comparison with other financial variables similarly measured, statistics as of a single date are subject to varia bilities that complicate interpretation. To provide a more refined measure for use in analyses that focus on the performance of the money stock itself and on its relation to aggregate flows o r other variables relatively free of the hazards of single-date measurement, the Board in late 1960 introduced a new meas ure of the money stock based on averages of daily figures. This series was estimated back to 1947.3 A t that time only a narrow measure of the money stock— M 1— was published. Some refinements of this daily-average series were published in the summer of 1962, and a new series on time deposits adjusted was added.4 In the 1960’s and early 1970’s further re finements were made in the money stock series as additional data became available; as banking practices changed— particularly as such changes were related to the transfer of foreign funds; and as other banking institutions, such as agen cies and branches of foreign banks and Edge A ct corporations, became a more significant factor in the structure of U.S. financial institu tions. Still other refinements have become nec essary as a result of relatively recent introduc tions— such as NOW (negotiable order of with drawal) accounts, telephonic transfers of funds, and overdraft arrangements— which have brought about a lessening of the distinction be tween demand deposits and other liquid assets. In recognition of the proliferation of such close substitutes for money as these are, the Board has broadened the concept of the money stock measures that it uses in implementing monetary policy. By April 1975, five such measures were being published, as compared with only a single measure as late as 1971.5 8 Inasmuch as the monthly series for the money stock does not begin until 1947, data to update the money stock series shown in Table 9 of Banking and M onetary Statistics (1914—41) are shown below for the period 1941-46: 4 For a detailed description of these series, see “A N ew Measure of the Money Supply,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, October 1960, pp. 1102-23; and “Revision of the Money Supply Series,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, August 1962, pp. 941-51. 5 The descriptions as contained in this section apply to the five measures as revised in early 1976. Related deposits M oney stock Time Date Total C ur rency outside banks D e mand deposits ad justed 1941—June 30............ Dec. 31............ 45,521 48,607 8,204 9,615 1942—June 30............ Dec. 31............ 52,806 62,868 1943—June 30............ Dec. 31............ U.S. G ov ern ment Total C om mercial banks M utual savings banks Postal Savings Sys tem 37,317 38,992 27,879 27,729 15,928 15,884 10,648 10,532 1,303 1,313 753 1,895 10,936 13,946 41,870 48,922 27,320 28,431 15,610 16,352 10,395 10,664 1,315 1,415 1,837 8,402 71,853 79,640 15,814 18,837 56,039 60,803 30,260 32,748 17,543 19,224 11,141 11,738 1,576 1,786 8,048 10,424 1944—June 30............ Dec. 30............ 80,946 90,435 20,881 23,505 60,065 66,930 35,720 39,790 21,217 24,074 12,471 13,376 2,032 2,340 19,506 20,763 1945—June 30............ Dec. 31............ 94,150 102,341 25,097 26,490 69,053 75,851 44,253 48,452 27,170 30,135 14,426 15,385 2,657 2,932 24,381 24,608 1946—June 29............ Dec. 31............ 105,992 110,044 26,516 26,730 79,476 83,314 51,829 53,960 32,429 33,808 16,281 16,869 3,119 3,283 13,416 3,103 5 Monetary System—Summary Measures economic characteristics not unlike deposits of large private economic entities. Eliminating duplication. Both cash items in process of collection, as reported on the books of the banks, and Federal Reserve float, derived from Federal Reserve condition statements, arc deducted from gross deposits to derive the de mand deposit component of the money stock. Gross deposits contain a sizable element of duplication because checks are added to the ac counts of payees before they are subtracted from the accounts of issuers. Deducting cash items in the process of collection, as recorded on the books of commercial banks, makes a partial correction for this double counting. An addi tional adjustment is made by deducting Fed eral Reserve float, which represents items in the process of collection by Federal Reserve Banks. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s it be came necessary to adjust the measured money stock for a bias that had developed in cash items. This bias was related mainly to the process of clearing transactions that involve agencies and branches of foreign banks, Edge Act corporations, and other foreign-related in stitutions. The checks issued by these institu tions in transferring funds are recorded as cash items in the process of collection on the books of domestic banks. However, the deposits gen erating these cash items had not been picked up in the gross deposit data entering into the money stock calculation. This generation of cash items without any recording of the coun terpart liability had resulted in a downward bias in the estimates of the money stock. Adjustments for this cash-items bias were in corporated into the money stock series by col lecting appropriate data from agencies and branches of foreign banks, Edge Act corpora tions, and other foreign-related institutions. These institutions began reporting such data in late 1970. F or the period 1959 to 1970, when reported data were not available, estimates were based on the changes in interbank deposits around certain holidays.6 CONCEPT O F M 1 Inasmuch as Mj is the basis of all of the money stock measures, it will be described in substantial detail. This measure, known as the narrow measure of the money stock, is defined as (1) demand deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to domestic commercial banks and the U.S. Government, less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float; (2) foreign demand balances at Federal Reserve Banks; and (3) currency and coin out side the Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and vaults of all commercial banks. Types of deposit holders. The M l measure includes dem and deposits held in commercial banks by individuals, partnerships, and cor porations— both domestic and foreign. It also includes both demand deposits held by financial institutions such as savings and loan associations and life insurance companies and demand de posits at commercial banks that are due to mu tual savings banks, to banks in U.S. territories and possessions, and to foreign banks. In addi tion, it contains demand deposit liabilities to foreign governments, central banks, and inter national institutions held at Federal Reserve Banks, as well as those held at commercial banks. Amounts due to these institutions rep resent cash available for transactions in much the same way as balances of other financial in stitutions, and they involve no duplication of funds held by others. Domestic commercial interbank deposits are excluded from the Mj series because such de posits involve double counting; deposits “due to” commercial banks are matched by “due from” accounts at other commercial banks, and in theory— if not in fact— the two accounts cancel each other when the statements of all commercial banks are consolidated. Deposits of the Federal Government are also excluded, but those of State and local govern ments are included. U.S. Government deposits are excluded primarily because they do not represent money in the hands of the public and they have little influence on the expendi tures of the Federal Government. However, deposits of State and local governments exhibit GAt the time that the cash-items-bias correction was made, Mi-type deposits of Edge Act corporations, agencies of foreign banks, and foreign investment corporations were folded into the M i series. Deposit 6 Section 1 straight-line interpolation. Weekly estimates of nonmember vault cash are then derived by multiplying the estimated weekly vault cash ratio by the reported weekly-average holdings of vault cash by member banks. Monthlyaverage vault cash is derived from a proration of the weekly estimates. For estimates since the latest call report, the most recent call report ratio is held constant until data for another call report become available. Domestic demand deposit component. The demand deposit component of the money stock is based on data from a number of sources. These include daily figures and single day figures— whether weekly, monthly, or for call report dates four times each year. Demand deposit liabilities of member banks represent by far the largest part of the demand deposit component of the money stock. The basic source of such deposit data is the report of deposits submitted by member banks for determination of reserve requirements. This re port provides daily figures, but the deposit breakdowns available do not match the defini tions of deposits used in the money stock. Con sequently, a num ber of adjustments must be made in the basic data as reported. The money stock concept excludes demand deposits due to the U.S. Government and de mand deposits due to domestic commercial banks. Therefore, these items must be deducted from gross demand deposits as a first step in determining the demand deposit component of the money stock. Fortunately, both deposits “due to the U.S. Governm ent” and those “due to banks” are shown as separate categories on the report of deposits. However, since depositreport figures for “due to banks” include de posits of mutual savings banks and foreign banks as well as deposits of domestic commer cial banks, it is necessary to estimate the mutual and foreign portions from other sources, as explained below, and add them back. M ore over, as was noted earlier, it is also necessary — to avoid double counting of demand de posits that are shown on the books of two banks at the same time— to deduct cash items in the process of collection from gross demand de posits to derive the demand deposit component of Mj. Although these adjustments improve the series, the problem of bias has not been solved in full— either statistically or conceptually. The residual bias, however, does not appear large enough, nor are changes in it great enough, to impair the usefulness of the data for most analytical purposes. C ONSTRUCTION O F T H E NARROW M ONEY STOCK M EASURE— M x Of the two components of the narrowly de fined money stock— currency and demand de posits— the currency component presents fewer problems of construction. Therefore it is treated first. Currency component. The currency com ponent is defined as all currency and coin out side the Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and commercial banks. Daily data on currency in circulation outside the Treasury and the Fed eral Reserve System are available from daily statements from the U.S. Treasury Department. Since vault cash can be used to meet reserve requirements, member banks report both their vault cash holdings and their deposits to the Federal Reserve for determination of required reserves. Consequently, the amount of vault cash held at member banks is available on a daily basis, but vault cash at nonmember banks must be estimated. Estimates of vault cash held at nonmember banks are based on the ratio of vault cash of nonmember banks to vault cash of member banks on call report dates. Beginning with M arch 1973 these benchmark relationships have been available four times each year— as of each call date. Before that time call report benchmark data were available only twice a year — usually the last day of June and the last day of December. Estimates of the vault cash ratio for each week between call report dates are based on a liabilities o f bran ch es o f fo reig n banks have alw ays been included. F o r details o f this revision, see “R e vision o f M oney S upply S eries,” F e d e ra l R eserve B u l letin, O ctober 1969, pp. 7 8 7 -8 0 3 ; a n d “R evision of the M o n ey S tock,” F e d e ra l R eserve B ulletin, D ecem ber 1970, pp. 8 8 7 -9 0 9 . 7 Monetary System—Summary Measures process of collection associated with interbank transactions in New York City, data reflecting the volume of these transfers are collected from Edge Act corporations, agencies and branches of foreign banks operating in the United States, and other foreign-related insti tutions in New York City.7 These data are used as a proxy measure for the amount of cash items that have been recorded on the books of member banks and deducted from member bank demand deposits. Such items should not have been deducted because there is no cor responding money stock liability on the books of banks. Consequently they are added back in the calculation of iW,. As indicated above, Federal Reserve float represents double-counting of deposits in the money stock and it too is deducted from private demand deposits in order to approximate the M 1 concept of demand deposits. Daily float data are derived from the daily reports of con dition of the Federal Reserve Banks. Federal Reserve float fluctuates widely from day to day. In December 1970 deduction of float reduced the demand deposit component of M , about $3.6 billion on the average. The second largest deposit component of the domestic money stock is the domestic non member bank component. Data for nonmem ber banks are available four times a year from call reports. In order to estimate the deposits of these banks for other periods, the ratio of the nonmember banks’ demand deposit com ponent of the money stock to that of the smaller member banks’ demand deposit com ponent is computed for each call report date. A straight-line interpolation of this ratio, ad justed for changes in bank structure (that is, changes reflecting shifts in membership status, mergers, liquidations, and so forth), is made between call report dates. Weekly ratios so de rived are then applied to weekly-average de posits data reported by the smaller member banks, in order to obtain weekly- and monthlyaverage estimates of the demand deposits com ponent of the money stock at nonmember Figures for cash items in the process of col lection are available on a daily basis from the report of deposits because such items are allowed as a deduction in the computation of deposits subject to reserve requirements. How ever, cash items as shown on that report are not broken down to show items associated with private demand deposits separately from those associated with all other operations of the bank; only a gross figure is available. From past investigations it is known that gross cash items in the process of collection overstate those items that should properly be deducted from the deposits component of the money stock. The data on gross cash items in clude, for example, cash items associated with interbank deposits, with U.S. Government de posits, and with redemptions of U.S. savings bonds and coupons of U.S. Government securi ties, as well as cash items associated with bank credit cards and food stamps. It is believed, based on contacts with bank accountants and on other investigations, that the distortions caused by continuing to include these items are not large, and further that these distortions remain a fairly constant proportion of total deposits. Therefore, even though the level of the money stock may be distorted slightly, growth rates are not affected in a significant way because of the overstatement of cash items from these sources. On the other hand, a significant part of the gross cash items in the process of collection reflect the transfer of interbank funds related to Euro-dollar transactions in the New York money market and should not be deducted from money-stock-type deposits. However, these transfers create interbank demand deposits, and such deposits are not included in the money stock measure. Deducting from money stock deposits the amount of cash items gen erated from the transfer of Euro-dollar funds that are not associated with money stock causes an understatement of the level of the series. And if these cash items are growing rapidly relative to total deposits, the growth rate of the series is distorted. In order to adjust for the cash items in the 7 These data are reported to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on a daily basis. 8 Section 1 banks. (Monthly-average estimates are derived from prorations of the weekly estimates.) Be yond the period of the most recent call report, ratios are estimates based on a regression equa tion and judgment. As new call report data become available, these weekly and monthly estimates for nonmember banks are bench m arked to the universe data available from the call report. As noted earlier, the money stock figures published herein do not include demand de posits due to domestic commercial banks. How ever, they do include demand deposits due to foreign commercial banks, mutual savings banks, and banks in U.S. territories and pos sessions. To eliminate deposits due to domestic commercial banks, deposits “due to banks” as shown on the member bank report of deposits are deducted from gross demand deposits. However, as noted above, this correction im properly removes deposits due to mutual sav ings banks, foreign commercial banks, and banks in territories and possessions from the money stock.8 Therefore, estimates of the de posits due to these institutions must be derived from other data sources and then added back to demand deposits to obtain the desired demand deposit component of the money stock. Figures for deposits due to foreign commer cial banks and to mutual savings banks are available for each Wednesday for large weekly reporting banks, which hold the bulk of these deposits. These Wednesday figures are used as a proxy measure for the weekly-average level of such deposits at the weekly reporting banks. M onthly-average estimates are based on pro rations of the weekly-average estimates. Esti mates of deposits due to foreign commercial banks and mutual savings banks at nonweekly reporting banks are derived from call report data. Between call report dates such deposits are estimated on the basis of a straight-line interpolation. Demand deposits due to banks in territories and possessions are not so readily available. In order to estimate this component, it is necessary to make a special tabulation of the call report showing the balance sheet data for banks located outside the United States— in the so-called “other areas.” The asset item “demand deposits due from U.S. banks” as reported by banks in territories and possessions is assumed to be equivalent to U.S. banks’ liability item, “demand deposits due to banks” in territories and possessions, which is not re ported separately by banks in the United States. The amount of such deposits, which is relatively small, is added to the demand deposit component of the money stock. In addition to demand deposits at domestic commercial banks, M x-type deposits at Edge Act corporations, agencies and branches of foreign commercial banks, and other foreignrelated institutions are included in the money stock. F or reserve requirem ent purposes, Edge Act corporations must file a report of deposits on a weekly basis just as member banks do. These weekly reports, showing daily data, are the source of the Edge Act money stock com ponent. From 1972 through early 1975, esti mates of M j-type deposits at agencies and branches of foreign banks and other foreignrelated institutions were based on last-Wednesday-of-the-month reports filed by these institu tions. Since April 1975, daily deposit figures have been collected from each of these institu tions by the New York Reserve Bank.0 Foreign demand deposit component. D ata on demand deposits due to foreign official in stitutions at Federal Reserve Banks are avail able on a daily basis from the statements of condition of the Federal Reserve Banks. The amount of such deposits held by foreign gov ernments, central banks, and international insti tutions is relatively small. 8 It should be noted th a t deposit liabilities o f banks in U .S. territo rie s and possessions are n o t p a rt o f the m oney stock. H ow ever, deposit liabilities o f banks in the U n ited S tates to banks in U .S. territo rie s and possessions a re included. 9 9 P rio r to 1972, M \ deposits at these foreig n -related institutions w ere estim ated on the basis o f call rep o rts and m on th ly re p o rts filed w ith the N ew Y o rk State B anking D e p artm en t. In som e instances b a ck data w ere not read ily available, and estim ates h a d to be m ade based on end-of-year call re p o rt d a ta and o th er in fo r m atio n th a t co u ld be gath ered by the staff o f the F e d e ra l R eserve. Monetary System—Summary Measures The M ;| measure— defined as M - plus de posits at mutual savings banks, savings capital at savings and loan associations, and credit un ion shares— is constructed in a slightly differ ent m anner from M>. Deposit data for thrift institutions are available only for the last day of each calendar m onth.10 In order to approxi m ate the monthly-average concept of the M x and M 2 measures, successive month-end obser vations for deposits at thrift institutions are averaged. These estimated monthly-average figures are added to the monthly average for M 2 to derive the monthly average for M a. The M i and M s money stock measures, which are defined, respectively, as M 2 plus large negotiable CD’s and M s plus large negotiable C D ’s, are derived by adding a monthly-average estimate of negotiable CD ’s in denominations of $100,000 or more. The actual level of CD ’s outstanding is available for each Wednesday of the month from reports of large weekly report ing banks. Monthly-average estimates are based on a weighted average of the Wednesday fig ures. Since negotiable CD’s were not im portant before 1961, M 2 and M 4 would be equal prior to that date; as would M 3 and M s. CONSTRUCTION O F T H E B RO ADER M ONEY STOCK M EASURES— M 2 T O M5 In addition to M „ the Board of Governors publishes four broader measures of the money stock. All are based in part on M x. The proce dure for constructing the broader money stock measure— M 2— is very similar to that of M x. M 2 includes— in addition to the currency and demand deposit components of — time and savings deposits at commercial banks other than large negotiable certificates of deposit (CD’s) and all deposits due to the U.S. Govern ment and domestic commercial banks. Time deposits liabilities of branches of foreign banks are included, but time deposits of agencies of foreign banks, of Edge Act corporations, and of other foreign-related institutions are not included. Figures for total time and savings deposits of member banks are available from the report of deposits submitted by these banks for reserve requirement purposes, but nonmember bank time deposits must be estimated on the basis of call report data. The method used is similar to that for estimating demand deposits at non member banks. T hat is, the ratio of nonmember time deposits to the time deposits of smaller member banks is derived from the call report data; and weekly ratios are estimated by straight-line interpolation between call report dates, adjusted for changes in bank structure, and are applied to the weekly time deposits reported by smaller member banks. Adjustments to eliminate time deposits due to the U.S. Gov ernment and to domestic commerical banks are derived from data for weekly reporting banks and the call report. Negotiable C D ’s in denominations of $100, 000 or more arc deducted from total time and savings deposits in computing M 2. F or this pur pose monthly-average estimates are based on a weighted average of the Wednesday figures as reported by large weekly reporting banks. While M . as shown in Table 1.1 is com puted only from 1959 to date, this series can be extended back to 1947 by adding total time and savings deposits to M x. The use of nego tiable C D ’s as money m arket instruments did not begin until about 1961. SEASONAL ADJUSTM ENT Measuring the seasonal in any time series is a difficult task, and this is especially true of the money stock measures and related data. These series are responsive not only to changes in general economic conditions but also— and particularly so— to changes in monetary policy. Moreover, as these series are used more and more in the implementation of monetary policy, it becomes increasingly difficult to separate policy-induced changes in the series from true “seasonal” changes. All of the seasonally adjusted series are de rived by use of the Census Bureau’s X - l l seasonal adjustment program. A multiplicative, 10 The sources of these data are: mutual savings banks, National Association of Mutual Savings Banks; savings capital at savings and loan associations. Fed eral Home Loan Bank Board; and credit union shares, National Credit Union Administration. These three series are seasonally adjusted separately using the Census Bureau’s X - l l seasonal adjustment program. 10 Section 1 time deposits are estimated on the basis of data for large banks that report each Wednesday and on single-date call report figures for other banks. Seasonal influences for these data are insignifi cant. For negotiable C D ’s weighted, monthly averages of Wednesday figures are seasonally adjusted separately as an additional component of total time and savings deposits that is in cluded in the M4 and M r, money stock measures. Deposits at thrift institutions— that is, de posits at mutual savings banks; savings capital in savings and loan associations; and credit union shares— are all seasonally adjusted sepa rately and then aggregated. The month-end series are seasonally adjusted by an X - l l multi plicative moving seasonal option similar to that applied to Mj and M 2 components, and the sea sonally adjusted monthly-average series are de rived by averaging successive month-end sea sonally adjusted data. moving seasonal option of this program is used to update seasonal factors each year, and the results are reviewed and modified in some in stances in order to reduce the impact of nonseasonal influences on the seasonal factors or to take account of influences causing changes in seasonal factors when known. In general, the published M 1 series is close to the X -l 1 results. The currency and dem and deposit compo nents of M 1 are seasonally adjusted separately, and the seasonally adjusted components are aggregated to derive Mj. F or the time deposit component of M 2, member and nonmember time deposits other than C D ’s are also season ally adjusted separately and then aggregated. From this seasonally adjusted aggregate, esti mates of time deposits due to the U.S. Gov ernment and to domestic commercial banks, not seasonally adjusted, are subtracted. For this purpose U.S. Governm ent and interbank LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS State and local governments, and nonprofit organizations. Nevertheless, the asset types shown are somewhat incomplete. They are limited to the most im portant and long-standing forms of liquid investment, and they omit some types that have become sizable in recent years, such as short-term lending to commercial banks through security repurchase agreements and shares in money market mutual funds. Also omitted are any liquid investments abroad that are held by these domestic groups. Such invest ments in other countries may be denominated in U.S. dollars, as in the Euro-dollar market, or in other currencies, but they are omitted regard less of the currency used. It should also be noted that in recent years there has been a growing amount of illiquidity among some of the deposit forms included in the total. During the past decade time deposits at commercial banks and thrift institutions have increasingly taken the form of nonnegotiable certificates of deposit (CD’s) with specified maturities of 2 to 4 years or more. These cer Liquid assets in this compilation include the types of deposits and currency that appear in money stock tabulations, and in addition they include short-term marketable U.S. Govern ment securities, savings bonds, and commercial paper, which are m ajor types of nondeposit assets that can be converted into money on short notice without heavy transaction cost. Statistically, the money stock components are taken directly from money stock data in sea sonally adjusted form, and the other compo nents are calculated by procedures parallel in method to the money stock derivation. Liquid assets as shown here (Table 1.2) differ conceptually from the money stock in that they are holdings by domestic nonfinancial residents of the United States, whereas the money stock totals include holdings by foreign investors of U.S. money components and holdings by U.S. financial institutions other than commercial banks. The liquid asset totals are thus an ag gregate measure of readily spendable funds held by U.S. households, nonfinancial businesses, 11 Monetary System—Summary Measures tificates can be redeemed before maturity, but only by forfeiting some of the interest that has accrued on them. As such certificates approach maturity, the interest loss on a $5,000 certificate, for example, can be several hundred dollars, making the transaction-cost of redemption high for an asset classified as “liquid.” In recent years about half of the commercial bank time deposits of less than $100,000 have been in the form of nonnegotiable C D ’s; and about half of the deposits in nonbank financial institutions were also in this form. Inasmuch as these certificates have a wide range of terms to maturity— hence a wide range of redemption costs— available data provide little basis for a simple assessment of their liquidity over time. 9 10 11 The components of the table are as follows: from money stock data, after deducting foreign holdings. Open market paper held domestically outside banks and other financial insti tutions. Short-term marketable U.S. Govern ment securities excluding official, foreign, and financial institution holdings. In cludes all issues due in 1 year or less from month shown, plus a sliding pro portion of issues due in from 13 to 24 months. Includes issues by Treasury, other budget agencies, and Federally sponsored credit agencies. Series E and H savings bonds held by individuals. Derivation of money stock components in columns 2 through 6 and 8 is described on pages 7-10. Estimates of foreign and finan cial institution holdings to be excluded from liquid asset totals are based on the Federal R e serve’s flow of funds statistics. Flow of funds data are also the source of amounts shown for commercial paper and U.S. Government secur ities, including U.S. savings bonds. In trans ferring flow of funds data to this tabulation, holdings were converted to monthly averages by averaging month-end amounts and were then seasonally adjusted directly as holdings by the Census Bureau’s X - l l procedure. Flow of funds accounts themselves have no direct sea sonal adjustment of outstandings. Column(s) 1 Sum of columns 2 and 7. 2 Sum of columns 3, 4, 5, and 6. This total constitutes the amount of M 3 held by domestic nonfinancial sectors. 3, 4, 5 Money stock components after deduct ing foreign and financial institutional holdings. The sum of these three col umns represents the amount of M 2 held by domestic nonfinancial sectors. 6 Deposits at nonbank thrift institutions as published in money stock statistics. 7 Sum of columns 8, 9, 10, and 11. 8 Negotiable CD’s of more than $100,000 BANKING SERIES The remainder of this section is devoted to a description of the main segments of the bank ing sector of the monetary system. The nongovernmental part of the banking system of the United States is made up of thousands of separate institutions, some char tered by the Federal Government, some by the States. In addition, there are a few private banks. Such banks were excluded from Table 14 of Banking and Monetary Statistics (1914 41) but are included in the otherwise com parable Table 1.7 here. WHAT CONSTITUTES A BANK? In these series a private financial institution is included as a bank if it accepts deposits from the general public or if it conducts principally a fiduciary business. This definition conforms to the definition used by the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance C or poration, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in the commercial and mutual savings bank statistics published begin ning with 1947. Under this definition certain 12 Section 1 by law to be members of the Federal Reserve System and of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. State member banks. Banks organized under State laws may be admitted to membership in the Federal Reserve System upon complying with certain prescribed conditions. State mem ber banks of the Federal Reserve System, with m inor exceptions, are required to be members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. State member banks are subject to both Federal and State supervision. Insured nonmember banks. State banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System may be admitted to Federal deposit insurance upon meeting certain prescribed conditions. These banks also are subject to both Federal and State supervision. Noninsured banks. Noninsured banks do not come under Federal supervision. They include banks chartered under State laws, which are sub ject to State supervision; private banks, which are generally not supervised by any banking authority; and branches of banks in foreign countries that are licensed to do business by the State in which the branch is located. CLASSIFICATION OF BANKS Broad classification of banks by function based on the type of deposit business they pri In this section banks (other than Federal marily conduct divides banks into two cate Reserve B anks) are classified in three ways: gories: commercial banks (Tables 1.3 and 1.4) (1 ) by supervisory jurisdiction; (2 ) by func and mutual savings banks (Table 1.5). tion, that is, broadly by the type of deposit Commercial banks. Commercial banks are business handled; and (3 ) by whether they banks whose business includes the holding of charge or do not charge for clearing checks. checking accounts and other deposits subject to Classification by supervisory jurisdiction de withdrawal on demand, and the making of pends partly on the incorporation of the bank, short-term, self-liquidating loans for commer whether under Federal or State law; partly on cial, agricultural, and industrial purposes. (They whether the bank is a member in the Federal may also, and usually do, hold time and savings Reserve System; and partly on whether its deposits as well.) Commercial banks include deposits are insured (Tables 1.6 and 1.7). both Federally chartered and State-chartered in National banks. National banks are incorpo stitutions. The second group includes State rated under Federal law, and they operate under commercial banks, nondeposit trust companies, the supervision of Federal authorities only. All stock savings banks, industrial banks, and cash national banks in the United States are required depositories. Private banks also fall into this category. M ost commercial banks are Federally insured, some are not. 11 For complete descriptions o f the types o f institu M utual savings banks. With a few m inor tions included and of those excluded, see the 1956 exceptions, mutual savings banks carry only Annual R eport of the Federal D eposit Insurance Cor savings and other time deposits, and they in poration, pp. 88-89. types of banks previously excluded, such as private banks, were thereafter included, and there were some changes in classification. But the changes had little effect on data for the years 1941-46 shown in this section.11 F or the years before 1947 a financial institu tion is one that accepted money from the gen eral public for deposit in a common fund, sub ject to withdrawal or transfer by check on dem and or on short notice, and made loans to the general public. Under both definitions building and savings and loan associations, personal loan and other small-loan companies, credit unions, mortgage companies, sales fi nance companies, insurance companies, Fed eral Reserve Banks, and credit agencies owned in whole or in part by the Federal Government are excluded. In arriving at the num ber of banks, the unit is a single bank, including any branches; branches are not counted separately. However, banks joined through ownership or control by a common holding company are counted as separate banks. 13 Monetary System—Summary Measures tively, of 1959. Their deposits were $172 mil lion and $386 million, respectively, on the call date before admission. A part from three national banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System— one in Alaska (included since April 1954), one in Hawaii (included since April 1959), and one in the Virgin Islands (included during the period May 1957-Decem ber 1968)— these tables do not include data for banks in terri tories or possessions of the United States; therefore the figures differ from those published by the Comptroller of the Currency for national banks and by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for insured banks. In this publica tion branches of foreign banks doing business in the United States are generally included, but agencies and Edge Act corporations are ex cluded. Assets and liabilities of branches of domestic banks outside the United States are also excluded. All commercial banks include all Federal Reserve member banks and all nonmember commercial banks. Stock savings banks and nondeposit trust companies are included with commercial banks. During 1941 three mutual savings banks became members; these banks are included in both member bank figures and insured mutual savings bank figures. (One withdrew from membership in 1960, a second in 1961, and the third in 1962.) They are not included in the total for commercial banks and are counted only once in the total for all banks. One noninsured, nondeposit trust company is also included in the member bank series through December 1968 but is excluded there after. A few noninsured banks for which asset and liability data are not available are included in the number of banks. Beginning with December 1947 the series were revised as announced in November by the three Federal bank supervisory agencies. At that time a net of 115 noninsured nonmember commercial banks with total loans and invest ments of $110 million were added, and 8 banks with total loans and investments of $34 million were transferred from the noninsurcd vest their funds primarily in mortgage loans and securities. All of them are State-chartered insti tutions, and they exist in only a few States; most are in the northeastern section of the United States. M any are Federally insured. The third classification is that for collection of checks at par. The Federal Reserve Act pro vided for a system of check collection through Federal Reserve Banks to eliminate the undue expense and delay that up to that time had been involved in check collections in nearly all parts of the country. Under this system the Federal Reserve Banks receive and forward for payment checks drawn on member banks, all of which are required to remit at par, and on those nonmember banks that have agreed to remit at par. The statistics of banks on the par list and not on the par list (Table 1.8) include all banks on which some checks are drawn, except for the few mutual savings banks that carry de mand deposits, and exclude banks on which no checks are drawn. Banks on the par list include all member banks and those nonmember banks that have agreed to remit at par. Banks not on the par list are nonmember banks that have not agreed to remit at par on checks forwarded for payment through the Federal Reserve Banks. Checks on such banks are not collectible through the System. The total number of nonmember banks in Table 1.8 differs somewhat from the number of nonmember banks shown in other tables of this section largely because Table 1.8 excludes and the other tables include banks on which no checks are drawn, principally industrial banks and trust companies without deposits. COVERAGE, AND CHANGES IN COVERAGE OR CLASSIFICATION The statistics in this section include all non governmental banks in the United States. All banks in Alaska and Hawaii have been in cluded since those two territories were admitted to statehood in January and August, respec 14 Section 1 reopens with a new name and a new charter, the action is still classed as a reopening rather than as a primary organization. A consolidation or absorption represents the corporate union of two or more going banks into one bank that continues under a single charter, either a new or an old one. The term is used in an economic rather than a legal or technical sense, the essential consideration be ing that the business of two or more going banks becomes concentrated under one charter and one management. Banks absorbed by other banks and converted into branches are counted as consolidations or absorptions. The classifi cation also includes cases in which two or more banks absorb another bank and then distribute its business among themselves or in which the assets and liabilities of a weak bank are trans ferred to another bank to avoid suspension. The banks that go out of existence or are con verted into branches because of consolidations or absorptions are counted; the continuing or absorbing banks are not counted. A voluntary liquidation represents the vol untary discontinuance of operations and the surrender of its charter by an uctive bank. However, voluntary liquidations legally inci dental to conversions, consolidations, or ab sorptions are included in one of those cate gories, not in this one. F or example, if a bank transfers most or all of its assets to another bank under an agreement whereby the second bank assumes its liabilities, the change is counted as a consolidation or absorption, not as a liquidation. An admission to or a withdrawal from Fed eral Reserve membership represents a case where a State bank joins or leaves the Federal Reserve System. A few State banks are orga nized with the intention of becoming members before opening for business. Such banks are counted both as prim ary organizations of non member banks and as admissions to member ship under increases in State member banks and under decreases in nonmember banks. Unclassified changes are those changes that cannot be classified elsewhere because of spe mutual savings bank to the nonmember com mercial bank category. In addition to these specific changes, and the organization of new banks, the comparability of figures for classes of banks is affected some what by changes in Federal Reserve member ship, Federal insurance status, mergers, and so forth. The following paragraphs describe in detail the various types of changes shown in Table 1.7. A primary organization represents the char tering of a newly organized bank except when the issuance of a new charter is incident to a consolidation, merger, absorption, succession, or conversion of a going bank. A conversion represents the issuance to an active bank of a national charter to supersede a State charter under which the bank had pre viously been operating, or of a State charter to supersede a national charter. Only simple con versions looking toward permanent operation under the newly issued charter and involving •no other change in status are included in this category. Some conversions are effected merely as a necessary legal step in a consolidation, merger, or absorption, the new charter being surrendered shortly after the conversion. Such cases are considered consolidations or aborptions rather than conversions unless the tempo rary bank’s existence runs over the end of the calendar year. In this event it is counted as a conversion in the year in which the change in charter occurs and as a consolidation, merger, or absorption in the year following when the newly issued charter is surrendered. This is done so that the status of changes will agree, insofar as practicable, with the number of banks shown in the year-end abstracts of con dition reports. A suspension represents the temporary or perm anent closing of a bank to the public by supervisory authorities or by the bank’s board of directors because of financial difficulties. A reopening of a suspended bank {included with “unclassified changes” in Table 1.7) rep resents the resumption of operations of a pre viously suspended bank. Even if the bank 15 Monetary System—Summary Measures Generally speaking these loans fluctuate widely, but they have little net effect on the volume of credit available to the public. F or the period 1959 to date, however, the series continue to exclude loans to domestic commercial banks, but they include those to foreign commcrcial banks. This treatment of domestic interbank loans is similar to that accorded interbank de posit liabilities in the money stock series. Be ginning June 30, 1969, loans and investments were reported gross— that is, without deduction of valuation reserves— rather than net of valua tions reserves as had been done previously. Data shown in Table 1.4 beginning January 1959 have been revised to include valuation reserves. Beginning with May 1969 a new series on “bank loans plus loans sold outright to affili ates” is shown. Transfers of loans to affiliates increased sharply in 1969 and early 1970 in response to restraints on bank credit expansion. Over this period the new combined series re flects more accurately the total volume of lend ing by commercial banks, inasmuch as loans initiated by the banks and then transferred to their affiliates were removed from the banks’ books and, consequently, were not reported in the usual condition statement. cial circumstances involved in the change or because of a lack of essential data. SERIES ON BANK CREDIT Table 1.4 shows for all commercial banks the following data: total loans and investments; total loans; holdings of U.S. Government secur ities; and holdings of other securities, which consist mainly of State and municipal issues. Both seasonally adjusted figures and figures without seasonal adjustment are shown. In view of the substantial seasonal and cyclical move ments in bank credit, a seasonally adjusted series facilitates historical analysis and makes it easier to view the current trend in bank credit and its components. Such a series indicates much more clearly than unadjusted data the banking system’s responses to changes in mone tary policy. The basic data used for the series are the end-of-month (last Wednesday) estimates of major balance sheet items for all commercial banks published in Table 1.3. F or the period through 1958 all loans to other commercial banks were excluded from the data for both total loans and total loans and investments. 16 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.1 MONEY STOCK AND RELATED DATA, MONTHLY, 1947-70 A. SEASONALLY ADJUSTED [In billions of dollars] M oney stock M onth Total Demand Currency deposit component com ponent M oney stock Time deposits ad> justed 1 M onth Total Demand Currency deposit com ponent component Time deposits ad* justed1 1947—Jan.. Feb.. M ar. Apr. M ay June July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 109.5 109.7 110.3 111.1 111.7 112.1 112.2 112.6 113.0 112.9 113.3 113.1 26.7 26.7 26.7 2 6 .6 26.6 26.6 26.5 26.5 26.7 26.5 26.5 26.4 82.8 83.0 83.7 84.5 85.1 85.5 85.7 86.1 86.3 86.4 86.8 86.7 33.3 33.5 33.6 33.7 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.4 34.7 35.0 35.2 35.4 1953—Jan .......................... Feb......................... M ar........................ Apr......................... M ay ....................... Ju n e ....................... July......................... Aug......................... Sept........................ Oct.......................... Nov........................ Dec......................... 127.3 127.4 128.0 128.3 128.5 128.5 128.6 128.7 128.6 128.7 128.7 128.8 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.7 99.9 99.9 100.4 100.7 100.7 100.7 100.8 100.9 100.8 100.9 100.9 101.1 41.4 41.6 41.9 42.1 42.4 42.6 42.9 43.2 43.5 43.9 44.2 44.5 1948—-Jan.. Feb. Mar. Apr. M ay June July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 113.4 113.2 112.6 112.3 112.1 112.0 112.2 112.3 112.2 112.1 111.8 H I.5 26.4 26.3 26.2 26.1 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 2 6 .0 26.0 2 6 .0 25.8 87.0 86.8 86.4 86.3 86.0 86.0 86.2 86.2 86.2 86.1 85.9 85.8 35.5 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.8 35.8 35.9 35.9 35.9 36.0 36.0 1954—J a n .......................... Feb......................... M ar........................ Apr......................... M ay ....................... Ju n e....................... J u ly ....................... Aug........................ Sept........................ Oct.......................... Nov........................ Dec......................... 129.0 129.1 129.2 128.6 129.7 129.9 130.3 130.7 130.9 131.5 132.1 132.3 27.7 27.7 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.4 27.4 27.4 21A 101.3 101.5 101.6 101.0 102.1 102.3 102.8 103.2 103.5 104.1 104.7 104.9 44.8 45.2 45.6 46.1 46.5 46.8 47.3 47.8 47.9 48.1 48.2 48.3 1949—Jan.. Feb. M ar. A pr. M ay June July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 111.2 111.2 111.2 111.3 111.5 111.3 111.2 U l.O 110.9 110.9 111.0 111.2 25.7 25.7 27.7 25.7 25.7 25.6 25.5 25.5 25.3 25.3 25.2 25.1 85.5 85.5 85.6 85.6 85.8 85.7 85.7 85.6 85.6 85.6 85.8 86.0 36.1 36.1 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.4 36.4 36.4 36.4 36.4 36.4 1955—Jan .......................... Feb......................... M ar........................ A pr......................... M ay....................... Ju n e ....................... Ju ly ........................ Aug......................... Sept........................ Oct.......................... N ov........................ Dec......................... 133.0 133.9 133.6 133.9 134.6 134.4 134.8 134.8 135.0 135.2 134.9 135.2 27.4 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.6 27.6 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.8 27.8 27.8 105.6 106.4 106.0 106.3 107.0 106.8 107.2 107.0 107.3 107.4 107.1 107.4 48.5 48.7 48.8 49.0 49.0 49.2 49.3 49.3 49.6 49.7 49.9 50.0 1950—Jan.. Feb. M ar. Apr. May June July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 111.5 112.1 112.5 113.2 113.7 114.1 114.6 115.0 115.2 115.7 115.9 116.2 25.1 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.2 25.1 25.0 24.9 24.9 24.9 24.9 25.0 86.4 86.9 87.3 88.0 88.5 89.0 89.6 90.1 90.3 90.8 90.9 91.2 36.4 36.6 36.6 36.7 36.9 36.9 36.8 36.7 36.6 36.5 36.6 36.7 1956—Jan .......................... F e b ......................... M ar........................ A pr......................... M ay....................... Ju n e....................... Ju ly ........................ Aug........................ Sept........................ O ct.......................... N ov........................ Dec......................... 135.5 135.5 135.7 136.0 135.8 136.0 136.0 135.7 136.2 136.3 136.6 136.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.1 28.2 107.7 107.7 107.8 108.1 107.9 108.1 108.0 107.8 108.2 108.2 108.4 108.7 49.9 49.9 50.1 50.3 50.4 50.7 50.9 51.2 51.5 51.6 51.8 51.9 1951—Jan.. Feb.. Mar. Apr. M ay June July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 116.7 117.1 117.6 117.8 118.2 118.6 119.1 119.6 120.4 121.0 122.0 122.7 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.6 25.7 25.8 26.0 26.0 26.1 91.7 92.0 92.4 92.6 92.8 93.2 93.4 93.8 94.5 95.1 96.0 96.5 36.7 36.6 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 37.2 37.4 37.7 37.8 38.0 38.2 1957—Jan .......................... Feb......................... M ar........................ A pr......................... M ay ....................... Ju n e....................... July........................ Aug........................ Sept........................ Oct......................... Nov........................ Dec......................... 136.9 136.8 136.9 136.9 137.0 136.9 137.0 137.1 136.8 136.5 136.3 135.9 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 108.6 108.6 108.7 108.7 108.8 108.6 108.7 108.8 108.4 108.2 108.0 107.6 52.6 53.1 53.7 54.0 54.5 54.8 55.3 55.7 56.1 56.6 57.0 57.4 1952—Jan.. Feb. M ar. Apr. May June July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec.. 123.1 123.6 123.8 124.1 124.5 125.0 125.3 125.7 126.4 126.7 127.1 127.4 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.4 26.5 26.7 26.7 26.8 26.9 27.0 27.2 27.3 96.9 97.3 97.5 97.6 98.0 98.4 98.6 98.9 99.4 99.7 99.9 100.1 38.4 38.7 38.9 39.1 39.3 39.5 39.7 40.0 40.3 40.5 40.9 41.1 1958—Jan .......................... Feb......................... M ar........................ A pr......................... M ay ....................... Ju n e ....................... July ........................ A ug........................ Sept........................ Oct.......................... Nov........................ Dec......................... 135.5 136.2 136.5 137.0 137.5 138.4 138.4 139.1 139.5 140.1 140.9 141.1 28.3 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.3 28.3 28.4 28.4 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.6 107.2 107.9 108.3 108.7 109.2 110.1 110.0 110.7 IU .l 111.6 112.4 112.6 57.6 59.2 60.5 61.5 62.3 63.2 64.0 64.6 64.8 64.9 65.2 65.4 For notes see last page o f Part B o f this table. 17 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.1 MONEY STOCK AND RELATED DATA, 1947-70—Continued A. SEASONALLY A D JU STED —Continued [In billions of dollars] Over-all measures Related data Deposits a t commercial banks M onth Cur rency N onbank thrift institu* . tions Mi M a Mi (6)+(7) Af2 0 ) +(10) (2)+(11) (2)+(9) (3)+(9) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1959—Jan........... F e b .......... M ar.......... A pr.......... M ay......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly .......... Aug.......... Sept.......... O ct........... N ov.......... Dec.......... 142.2 142.5 143.1 143.3 143.9 144.2 144.9 144.5 144.2 143.8 143.7 143.4 208.5 208.6 209.2 209.9 210.6 211.1 212.0 211.5 211.4 211.0 211.2 210.9 293.9 294.6 296.0 297.3 298.9 300.1 301.7 302.0 302.5 302.7 303.4 303.8 208.5 208.6 209.2 209.9 210.6 211.1 212.0 211.5 211.4 211.0 211.2 210.9 293.9 294.6 296.0 297.3 298.9 300.1 301.7 302.0 302.5 302.7 303.4 303.8 28.7 28.7 28.8 28.7 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.1 29.0 29.0 28.9 28.9 113.5 113.8 114.3 114.6 115.0 115.1 116.0 115.4 115.2 114.9 114.7 114.5 66.3 66.1 66.1 66.5 66.7 67.0 67.0 67.0 67.2 67.2 67.5 67.4 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 ,0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 .0 66.3 66.1 66.1 66.5 66.7 67.0 67.0 67.0 67.2 67.2 67.5 67.4 85.4 86.0 86.7 87.5 88.2 88.9 89.7 90.5 9 1 .2 91.7 92.2 92.9 I960—Jan........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly .......... Aug.......... Sept.......... Oct........... N ov.......... Dec.......... 143.3 142.9 142.S 143.0 142.6 142.7 143.4 144.0 144.3 144.3 144.2 144.2 210.7 209.9 209.7 210.3 210.1 210.6 212.1 213.5 214.7 215.5 216.5 217.1 304.2 304.1 304.6 305.9 306.5 307.7 310.0 312.4 314.4 316.1 317.9 319.3 210.7 209.9 209.7 210.3 210.1 210.6 212.1 213.5 214.7 215.5 216.5 217.1 304.2 304.1 304.6 305.9 306.5 307.7 310.0 312.4 314.4 316.1 317.9 319.3 28.9 28.9 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 114.3 114.0 113.9 114.0 113.6 113.8 114.5 115.0 115.3 115.2 115.2 115.2 67.4 66.9 66.8 67.3 67.5 67.8 68.6 69.6 70.4 71.3 72.3 72.9 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 67.4 66.9 66.8 67.3 67.5 67.8 68.6 69.6 70.4 71.3 72.3 72.9 93.6 9 4 .2 94.9 95.6 96.4 97.1 97.9 98.8 99.7 100.6 101.4 102.3 1961—Jan ........... Feb........... M a r......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ......... Ju ly.......... Aug.......... Sept.......... O ct........... N ov......... Dec.......... 144.4 144.9 145.2 145.6 146.1 146.4 146.5 146.8 147.3 147.8 148.4 148.7 218.0 219.5 220.0 221.2 222.5 223.4 224.3 225.2 226.1 227.1 228.3 228.6 321.2 323.6 325.0 327.0 329.3 331.2 333.0 334.8 336.6 338.5 340.7 342.1 218.1 219.7 220.5 221.8 223.4 224.5 225.6 226.7 227.9 229.2 230.7 231.4 321.3 323.9 325.5 327.7 330.1 332.2 334.3 336.3 338.4 340.7 343.2 344.8 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.9 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.4 29.4 29.6 115.5 115.9 116.3 116.7 117.1 117.4 117.5 117.7 118.1 118.4 119.0 119.1 73,8 74.9 75.2 76.2 77.3 78.1 79.1 79.9 80.6 81.4 82.3 82.7 0.1 0.3 0 .4 0 .6 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.8 73.7 74.6 74.8 7 5.6 76.5 77.1 77.8 78,4 78.8 79,3 79,9 79.9 103.2 104.1 105.0 105.8 106.8 107.7 108.7 109.6 110.J 111.4 112.4 113.4 1962—Jan........... Feb.......... M ar.......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ......... Ju ly .......... Aug.......... Sept......... O ct........... N ov.......... D ec.......... 148.9 149.1 149.5 149.8 149.8 149.9 149.7 149.5 149.4 149.9 lSO.5 150.9 230.2 231.7 233.5 235.1 235.6 236.6 237.2 237.5 238.3 239.9 241.5 242.9 344.6 347.1 349.9 352.5 354.0 356.0 357.7 359.2 361.1 363.9 366.7 369.2 233.2 134.9 236.9 238.7 239.4 240.6 241,5 242.1 243.1 245.0 246.9 248.5 347.6 350.3 353.3 356.1 357.8 360.0 362.0 363.7 365.9 369.0 372.1 374.9 29.6 29.7 29.8 30.0 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.2 30.3 30.3 30.4 30.6 119.3 119.3 119.6 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.6 119.3 119.1 119.6 120.0 120.3 84.2 85.8 87.4 88.9 89.6 90.7 91.7 92.6 93.7 95.0 96.4 97,6 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 .0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 81.2 82.7 84.1 85.3 85.8 86.7 87.5 88.0 88.9 89.9 91.0 92.0 114.4 115.4 116.4 117.4 118.4 119.4 120.5 121.6 122.8 124.0 125.2 126.4 1963—-Jan........... Feb.......... M ar......... Apr.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly ......... Aug.......... Sept.......... O ct........... N ov......... Dec.......... 151.5 151.8 152.2 152.7 153.3 154.0 154.6 154.7 155.1 155.8 156.9 156.5 244.7 245.8 247.1 248.6 250.0 251.4 252.7 253.8 255.0 256.7 259.0 258.9 372.5 375.0 377.6 380.4 383.1 385.7 388.2 390.5 392.8 395.8 399.3 400.3 250.7 252.0 253.6 255.4 257.1 258.8 260.4 261.8 263.4 265.5 268.2 268.5 378.4 381.2 384.1 387.2 390.2 393.1 395.9 398.5 401.2 404.6 408.5 409.9 30.6 30.8 31.0 31.2 31.3 31.5 31.6 31.8 31.9 32.0 32,3 32,5 120.9 121.0 121.2 121.6 122.1 122.5 123.0 122.9 123.1 123.8 124.7 124.1 99,2 100.2 101.4 102.7 103.7 104.8 105.8 107.1 108.3 109.7 111.3 112.0 6.0 6 .2 6.5 6.8 7.1 7.4 7.7 8.1 8.4 8.8 9.2 9 .6 93.2 94.0 94.9 95.9 96.7 97.4 98.0 99.1 99.9 100.8 102.0 102.3 127.7 129.2 130.5 131.8 133.1 134.3 135.5 136.7 137.8 139.1 140.3 141.4 1964—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar.......... A pr.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly .......... Aug.......... Sept.......... Oct........... N ov......... D ec.......... 156.9 157.3 157.8 158.0 159.0 159.5 160.6 161.4 162.3 162.9 163.6 163.7 259.9 261.1 262.1 263.0 264.8 266.4 268.2 270.0 272.1 273.6 275.5 277.1 402.6 405.0 407.2 409.4 412.5 415.5 418.8 422.0 425.5 428.3 431.6 434.4 270.3 271.9 273.1 274.3 276.5 278.4 280.3 282.1 284.5 286.4 288.7 289.9 413.0 415.8 418.2 420.6 424.3 427.5 430.8 434.1 437.9 441.2 444.7 447.2 32.5 32.7 32.9 33.0 33.3 33.5 33.6 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.2 34.3 124.4 124.6 124.9 125.0 125.7 126.0 127.0 127.6 128.4 128.9 129.4 129.5 113.4 114.6 115.3 116.2 117.5 118.9 119.7 120.7 122,1 123.6 125,0 126.2 10.5 10.8 11.0 11.2 11.7 12.0 12.1 12.1 12.4 12.9 13.1 12.8 102.9 103.8 104.3 105.0 105.8 106.9 107.6 108.6 109.8 110.7 111.9 113.4 142.7 144.0 145.1 146.4 147.7 149.1 150.6 152.0 153.5 154.8 156.1 137.3 Mi Demand For notes see last page o f Part B o f this table. T ime and sav ngs 18 (6) O) Total C D ’s Other (8) (9) (10) 01) MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.1 MONEY STOCK AND RELATED DATA, 1947-70—Continued A. SEASONALLY ADJUSTED—Continued [In billions o f dollars] Over-all measures Related data Deposits a t commercial banks M onth Mx Mi (6)+ (7) (1)H-(10) M a Mi (2)+(11) (2)+(9) (3)+(9) C ur rency Demand Total C D 's Other (7) (8) (9) (10) do 34.4 34.6 34.7 34.8 34.9 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.7 36.0 36.1 36.3 129.7 129.9 130.3 130.5 130.7 131.4 131.8 132.0 132.9 133.8 134.3 134.9 128.8 130.7 132.1 133.5 134.8 136.5 138.0 139.7 141.5 143.7 145.3 146.4 13.9 14.1 14.4 14.7 15.2 15.6 15.6 16.0 16.3 16.8 16.7 16.4 114.9 116.7 117.8 118.8 119.6 120.9 122.3 123.8 125.2 126.9 128.6 130.0 158.4 159.5 160.5 161.5 162.5 163.6 164.7 165.8 166.9 168.1 169.3 170.4 491.7 494.1 496.7 500.5 502.4 503.9 505.1 506.2 508.3 508.1 508.7 510.9 36.6 36.8 36.9 37.1 37.3 37.4. 37.6 37.8 37.9 38.0 38.1 38.3 136.0 136.6 137.2 138.3 138.1 138.3 137.4 137.2 138.0 137.3 137.2 137.3 147.8 148.7 149.8 151.9 153.6 154.4 156.0 156.9 157.4 157.2 157.0 157.9 16.6 16.6 16.9 17.6 17.8 17.9 18.2 17.9 17.6 16.5 15.6 15.5 131.2 132.1 132.9 134.3 135.8 136.5 137.8 139.0 139.8 140.7 141.4 142.4 171.3 172.1 172.8 173.1 173.4 173.9 174.1 174.4 175.0 175.6 176.3 177.3 336.8 341.4 344.9 346.4 350.4 354.6 358.0 361.2 364.1 366.5 368.6 370.5 515.4 521.2 526.0 529.2 535.0 540.8 545.8 550.5 554.7 558.4 561.7 564.5 38.5 38.7 38.9 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.4 39.5 39.8 39.9 40.0 40.4 137.1 138.6 139.7 139.0 140.7 142.1 143.4 144.4 145.2 146.0 146.5 146.9 161.3 164.1 166.3 168.4 170.5 173.3 175.2 177.3 179.1 180.5 182.1 183.3 17.1 18.4 19.0 19.0 18.9 19.5 19.5 19.9 20.3 20.1 20.3 20.6 144.2 145.7 147.3 149.4 151.6 153.8 155.7 157.4 158.8 160.4 161.8 162.6 178.5 179.8 181.2 182.9 184.6 186.2 187.8 189.3 190.7 192.0 193.1 194.0 546.7 550.1 553.3 556.2 560.1 563.9 567.0 571.5 575.9 580.2 585.4 589.6 372.4 375.0 377.2 378.5 381.2 383.8 386.8 390.9 394.7 398.4 402.8 406.4 567.3 570.9 574.1 576.4 580.1 583.7 587.8 593.0 597.9 602.9 608.5 613.1 40.6 40.7 41.1 41.4 41.5 41.8 42.0 42.3 42.6 42.8 43.2 43.4 147.6 148.4 148.9 149.5 151.4 152.6 153.5 154.3 155.3 156.2 157.6 158.7 184.2 185.9 187.2 187.6 188.4 189.4 191.3 194.3 196.7 199.4 202.0 204.3 20.7 20.8 20.8 20.2 20.0 19.9 20.8 21.6 22.0 22.7 23.1 23.5 163.6 165.1 166.5 167.4 168.3 169.5 170.5 172.7 174.7 176.7 178.9 180.8 194.9 195.9 196.9 197.9 198.9 199.9 201.0 202.2 203.3 204.5 205.7 206.7 384.9 386.5 387.9 389.3 390.3 391.8 391.0 390.0 390.7 391.1 392.1 392.3 592.6 595.3 597.8 600.0 601.7 603.9 603.6 603.2 604.6 605.3 606.6 607.3 406.6 406.8 407.1 407.8 4G8.0 408.1 405.4 402.8 402.6 402.4 403.2 403.3 614.3 615.7 617.0 618.6 619.4 620.2 618.0 615.9 616.4 616.6 617.7 618.2 43.6 43.9 44.1 44.2 44.4 44.7 44.9 45.2 45.3 45.6 45.9 46.1 159.6 160.3 160.7 161.3 161.7 162.1 162.3 161.9 162.4 162.5 162.8 162.8 203.3 202.6 202.3 202.3 201.9 201.4 198.2 195.6 194.9 194.3 194.5 194.4 21.7 20.3 19.2 18.5 17.7 16.3 14.4 12.7 11.8 11.3 11.1 10.9 181.6 182.3 183.1 183.8 184.1 185.1 183.8 182.9 183.1 182.9 183.4 183.5 207.7 208.9 209.9 210.7 211.4 212.0 212.6 213.2 213.8 214.2 214.5 214.9 393.0 392.0 394.5 398.0 400.1 402.4 406.0 410.4 414.5 417.1 420.0 423.5 607.9 606.9 610.1 614.6 618.0 621.5 626.7 633.3 639.7 644.7 650.0 656.2 403.5 402.7 406.0 411.0 413.5 415.8 422.5 429.3 435.4 439.5 443.8 448.8 618.4 617.6 621.5 627.6 631.4 634.9 643.2 652.1 660.6 667.1 673.8 681.5 46.3 46.5 46.7 47.0 47.5 47.7 47.9 48.1 48.3 48.5 48.8 49.1 164.2 163.2 164.3 165.5 165.8 166.0 166.3 167.7 169.2 169.3 169.9 170.5 193.1 193.0 194.9 198.5 200.2 202.2 208.3 213.5 217.9 221.7 225.2 229.2 10.5 10.6 11.4 13.0 13.4 13.4 16.5 18.9 20.9 22.4 23.8 25.3 182.6 182.4 183.5 185.5 186.8 188.8 191.8 194.6 197.1 199.3 201.3 204.0 214.8 214.9 215.6 216.6 217.8 219.1 220.7 222.8 225.2 227.6 230.0 232.7 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1965—Jan ........... Feb........... M ar.......... A p r.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly .......... Aug.......... Sept.......... O ct........... N ov.......... D eo.......... 164.2 164.4 164.9 165.3 165.6 166.5 167.1 167.4 168.6 169.8 170.4 171,3 279.1 281.1 282.7 284.1 285.2 287.4 289.4 291.2 293.8 296.7 299.0 301.3 437.5 440.6 443.2 445.6 447.7 451.0 454.1 457.0 460.7 464.8 468.3 471.7 292.9 295.2 297.0 298.7 300.3 302.9 305.0 307.1 310.1 313.4 315.7 317.7 451.3 454.7 457.5 460.2 462.9 466.5 469.7 472.9 477.0 481.5 485.0 488.0 1966—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar.......... A pr.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly.......... Aug.......... O ct........... Nov.......... Dec.......... 172.6 173.3 174.1 175.4 175.4 175.6 175.0 174.9 175.9 175.3 175.4 175.7 303.9 305.4 307.0 309.8 311.2 312.1 312.8 313.9 315.7 316.0 316.8 318.1 475.1 477.5 479.8 482.9 484.6 486.0 486.9 488.3 490.7 491.6 493.1 495.4 320.5 322.0 323.9 327.3 329.0 330.0 331.0 331.8 333.3 332.5 332.4 333.6 1967—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar.......... Aj>r.......... M ay ......... J u n e ......... Ju ly .......... Aug.......... Sept.......... O ct........... N ov.......... D ec.......... 175.6 177.3 178.6 177.9 179.9 181.4 182.8 183.8 185.0 185.9 186.6 187.3 319.7 323.0 325.9 327.3 331.5 335.1 338.4 341.3 343.8 346.3 348.3 349.9 498.3 502.8 507.1 510.2 516.1 521.3 526.2 530.6 534.5 538.3 541.4 543.9 1968—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar.......... A pr.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly .......... Aug.......... Sept.......... Oct........... N ov.......... Dec.......... 188.2 189.2 189.9 190.9 192.9 194.5 195.5 196.6 197.9 199.0 200.8 202.2 351.8 354.3 356.4 358.3 361.2 364.0 366.0 369.3 372.6 375.7 379.7 382.9 1969—Jan........... Feb........... M ar.......... Aj>r.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly .......... Aug.......... Sept.......... O ct........... N ov.......... D ec.......... 203.2 204.2 204.8 205.5 206.2 206.8 207.2 207.1 207.7 208.1 208.7 208.8 1970—Jan........... Feb.......... M ar.......... At>r.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly ......... Aug.......... Sept......... O ct........... N ov.......... D ec.......... 210.4 209.7 211.0 212.5 213.3 213.6 214.2 215.8 217.5 217.8 218.6 219.6 (6) For notes see last page o f Part B o f this table. N onbank thrift institu tions Time and savings 19 'EM—SU M M A R Y M EASURES 1.1 MONEY STOCK AND RELATED DATA, MONTHLY, 1947-70 B. N OT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED [In billions o f dollars] Money stock Time deposits ad justed i U.S. Govt, demand deposits 1 Time deposits ad justed 1 Month J.i rO\ m«i Currency com ponent Dem and deposit com ponent 26.7 26.5 26.5 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.8 26.7 26.7 26.8 85.2 83.3 82.9 82.7 83.4 84.5 84.9 85.5 86.5 86.9 87.8 89.1 33.2 33.4 33.7 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.2 34.4 34.7 35.0 35.1 35.1 2.6 3.3 3.6 2.9 2.3 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.6 2.2 1.6 1.0 1953—Jan ............... Feb............... M ar............. Apr.............. M ay............ June............. July.............. Aug.............. Sept.............. Oct............... Nov.............. Dec............ : 130.5 128.1 127.7 126.7 126.7 127.6 127.0 127.0 127.9 128.8 129.9 132.1 27.4 27.3 27.4 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.8 27.8 27.9 27.9 28.0 28.2 26.4 26.2 26.1 25.9 25.8 25.9 26.0 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.2 89.5 87.2 85.7 84.5 84.4 85.0 85.3 85.6 35.5 35.6 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.9 36.0 35.9 35.9 36.0 • 35.9 35.7 .9 1.7 2.1 2.3 2.7 2.2 2.0 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.4 1.8 1954—J a n ............... Feb............... M ar............. A pr.............. M ay ............. Ju n e ............. Ju ly .............. Aug.............. Sept.............. Oct............... N ov.............. D ec,............. 132.3 129.8 128.9 127.2 128.1 129.0 128.8 129.0 130.1 131.5 133.1 135.6 27.7 27.5 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.5 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.9 25.7 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.4 25.5 25.4 25.4 25.5 25.4 25.5 88.0 85.9 84.9 84.0 84.2 84.8 84.7 84.9 85.5 86.0 88.4 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.4 36.4, 36.3 36.1 1.6 2.7 3.0 2.6 1.9 1.5 1.4 2.8 3.2 3.4 3.5 2.8 1955—Jan ............... Feb............... M ar.............. A pr.............. M ay............. Ju n e ............. Ju ly ............. A ug.............. Sept.............. O ct............... N ov............. Dec.............. 136.4 134.5 133.1 132.8 132.7 133.5 133.4 133.0 134.2 135.1 135.9 138.6 27.4 27.2 27.3 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.7 27.7 27.8 27.9 28.1 28.4 3. 3. 3 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 4. 4, 3. 25.1 25.0 25.1 25.1 25.0 24.9 25.0 24.9 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.4 88.9 87.4 86.8 86.4 86.9 88.0 88.5 89.3 90.1 91.2 91.8 93.4 36.4 36.5 36.7 36.8 36.9 37.0 36.9 35.7 36.6 36.6 36.5 36.4 2.8 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.4 3.4 3.4 2.8 3.0 2.4 1956—Jan ............... Feb............... M ar.............. A pr.............. M ay............. Ju n e ............. July.............. Aug.............. Sept.............. 139.1 136.0 135.2 135.1 134.0 135.1 134.5 134.0 135.4 136.2 137.5 140.3 27.9 27.6 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.8 28.1 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.4 28.8 2, 4. 4. 5. 4. 3. 4. 4. 3. 4. 3. 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.1 25.3 25.6 25.7 25.9 26.1 26.3 26.6 94.5 92.5 92.3 91.0 91.2 92.4 91.9 92.7 94.1 95.2 97.0 99.2 36.7 36.6 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.9 37.3 37.5 37.7 37.9 38.0 38.0 2.1 3.3 4.5 6.1 5.1 4 .6 4.8 4.2 3.6 3.9 3.1 2 .7 1957—Jan ............... Feb............... 140.3 137.3 136.1 136.1 135.2 135.9 135.6 135.6 136.1 136.4 137.2 139.3 28.2 27.9 27.9 28.0 28.0 28.2 28.4 28.3 28.4 28.4 28.6 28.9 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 3. 4. 3. 3. 26.2 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.3 26.5 26.7 26.8 27.0 27.2 27.5 27.8 100.0 38.4 38.6 38.9 39.1 38.3 39.6 39.9 40.1 40.3 40.6 40.8 40.9 2.2 3.3 3.9 4.5 4.3 4.3 7.6 6.3 5.2 5.4 5.2 4.9 1958—Jan ............... F eb............... M ar............. A pr.............. M ay ............. June............. July ............. Aug.............. Sept.............. 138.8 136.4 135.4 136.4 135.7 137.4 137.0 137.8 138.9 140.0 142.0 144.7 28.2 27.9 27.9 28.0 28.1 28.3 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.6 28.8 29.2 2. 2. 4. 4. 5. 6. 6. 5. 4. 4. 3. 3. 86.2 86.6 86.8 88.1 86.6 98.0 97.4 96.1 96.4 97.7 96.9 97.4 98.9 99.7 100.9 103.0 rt B o f this table. 20 Nov.............. Dec.............. A pr.............. M ay ............. June............. July.............. Aug.............. Sept.............. Nov.............. Dec.............. N ov.............. po; 3. 4, 4, 3. 2 2 5, 6. 5 4 4 3 3 3. 4, 4 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 5 2. 2. 1. M ONETA RY SYSTEM—SUM M ARY MEASURES 1-1 MONEY STOCK AND RELATED DATA, MONTHLY, 1947-70—Continued B. N O T SEASONALLY ADJUSTED—Continued [In billions of dollars] Related data Over-all measures Deposits at commercial banks M onth M\ Mi Mz Mi Mi (6)+ (7) (1) +C12) (2) +(13) (2) +(11) (3)+ ( H ) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) C ur rency (6) D emand Total Membe (7) (8) Time and savings Domes tic non member (9) N on bank thrift institu tions U.S. G ovt. depos its (14) Total C D ’s Other (10) (H) (12) (13) 1959—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ Ju ly ......... Aug......... Sept......... O ct.......... N ov......... Dec.......... 145.5 142.6 141.9 143.0 142.0 142.7 143.5 143.1 143.6 143.9 145.0 147.1 211.1 208.4 208.1 209.7 209.0 210.1 211,0 210.5 211.1 211.3 211.8 213.7 296.9294.6 295.0 297.2 297.2 299.3 301.0 300.8 302.0 302.6 303.6 306.7 211.1 208.4 208.1 209.7 209.0 210.1 211.0 210.5 211.1 211.3 211.8 213.7 296.9 294,6 295.0 297.2 297.2 299.3 301.0 300.8 302.0 302.6 303.6 306.7 28.6 28.4 28.5 28.5 28.7 28.9 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.0 29.2 29.5 116.9 114.2 113.4 114.5 113.2 113.8 114.3 11*.9 114.5 114.9 115.8 117.6 96.9 94.7 94.1 94.9 93.8 9 4.2 94.5 94.0 94.0 94.1 94.7 96.3 19.3 18.8 18.5 18.8 18.6 18.6 18.9 19.0 19.4 19.6 19.9 20.1 65.6 65.8 66.2 66.7 67.1 67.4 67.6 67.4 67.5 67.4 66.8 66.6 0 .0 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 65.6 65.8 66.2 66.7 67.1 67.4 67.6 67.4 67.5 67.4 66.8 66.6 85.8 86.2 86.9 87.6 88.2 89.2 90.0 90.3 90.9 91.4 91.8 93.0 3.2 4 .3 3.7 4 .6 5.2 4 .0 4 .9 5.1 5.2 4 .9 4 .7 4 .9 I960—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ J u ly ......... Aug......... Sept......... O ct.......... N ov......... Dec.......... 146.6 142.9 141.6 142.9 140.7 141.1 142.0 142.5 143.7 144.5 145.6 148.0 213.4 209.6 208.6 210.3 208.5 209.3 211.1 212.5 214.4 215.9 217.1 220.0 307.4 304.0 303.8 306.1 304.8 306.7 309.3 311.1 313.7 316.1 318.1 322.3 213.4 209.6 208.6 210.3 208.5 209.3 211.1 212.5 214.4 215.9 217.1 220.0 307.4 304.0 303.8 306.1 304.8 306.7 309.3 311.1 313.7 316.1 318.1 322.3 28.9 28.6 28.7 28.8 28.8 28.9 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.3 29.6 117.7 114.3 113.0 114.1 111.9 112.2 112.9 113.5 114.6 115.4 116.3 118.4 96.4 93.7 92.8 93.8 91.9 92.1 92.7 93.2 94.0 94.4 95.0 96.7 20.1 19.5 19.1 19.2 18.9 18.9 19.1 19.2 19.5 19.8 20.2 20.4 66.8 66.6 67.0 67.5 67.8 68.3 69.1 69.9 70.7 71.4 71.5 72.0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 66.8 66.6 67.0 67.5 67.8 68.3 69.1 69.9 70.7 71.4 71.5 72.0 94.0 94.4 95.1 95.8 96.3 97.4 98.2 98.6 99.4 100.2 101.0 102.3 4.1 4.1 4.3 3.6 6.4 6.3 6.7 6.1 5 .4 5 .7 5.8 4 .7 1961— Jan........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ Ju ly ......... Aug....... Sept....... O ct........ N ov....... Dec........ 147.8 144.9 144.0 145.7 144.1 144.7 145.0 144.9 146.6 148.0 149.8 152.9 220.8 219.2 219.1 221.6 221.0 222.2 223.3 223.6 225.6 227.4 228.9 231.9 324.5 323.6 324.4 327.6 327.6 330.2 332.2 332.9 335.8 338.5 341.0 345.5 220.9 219.5 219.5 222.2 221.8 223.2 224.6 225.1 227.4 229.5 231.4 234.7 324.6 323.9 324.8 328.2 328.5 331.2 333.5 334.4 337.6 340.6 343.4 348.2 28.8 28.6 28.6 28.7 28.7 28.9 29.2 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.7 30.2 118.9 116.3 115.4 117.0 115.4 115.8 115.8 115.7 117.3 118.6 120.1 122.7 97.2 95.1 94.6 96.0 94.7 95.1 95.0 94.8 95.9 96.9 97.9 100.2 20.6 20.0 19.6 19.8 19.5 19.5 19.6 19.7 20.1 20.5 21.0 21.4 73.2 74.6 75.5 76.5 77.7 78.6 79.5 80.2 80.9 81.5 81.5 81.8 0.1 0.3 0.4 0 .6 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.8 73.1 74.4 75.0 75.8 76.9 77.5 78.3 78.7 79.1 79.4 79.1 79.0 103.6 104.4 105.3 106.0 106.7 108.0 108.9 109.3 110.2 U l.l 112.0 113.6 4.1 4.8 4 .7 2.8 4 .7 4 .5 4.3 5.5 5.2 6.5 5.8 4 .9 1962—Jan......... Feb........ M ar....... A pr........ M ay___ June___ J u ly .... Aug....... Sept....... O ct........ N ov....... Dec........ 152.5 149.1 148.2 150.3 147.7 148.0 148.2 147.4 148.5 150.1 151.9 155.1 233.2 231.5 232.6 235.9 233.9 235.1 236.1 235.7 237.5 240.1 242.0 246.1 348.1 347.2 349.4 353.5 352.2 354.8 356.8 356.9 359.9 363.7 366.8 372.6 236.1 234.7 236.0 239.4 237.7 239.2 240.4 240.3 242.3 245.1 247.4 251.8 351.0 350.3 352.7 357.1 356.0 358.9 361.1 361.6 364.7 368.7 372.1 378.3 29.5 29.4 29.5 29.7 29.7 30.0 30.3 30.3 30.3 30.4 30.8 31.2 123.0 119.7 118.7 120.5 117.9 118.0 117.9 117.1 118.2 119.7 121.1 123.9 100.1 97.3 96.4 97.9 95.7 95.9 95.7 95.1 95.8 96.9 97.9 100.4 21.7 21.3 21.1 21.5 21.0 20.8 21.0 20.9 21.3 21.7 22.2 22.4 83.6 85.6 87.7 89.2 90.0 91.1 92.2 92.9 93.8 95.0 95.5 96.7 2.9 3.2 3.3 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.3 4 .7 4.8 5.0 5.4 5.7 80.7 82.5 84.4 85.6 86.2 87.1 87.8 88.3 89.0 90.0 90.1 91.0 114.9 115.6 116.7 117.6 118.3 119.7 120.7 121.3 122.4 123.6 124.8 126.5 3.8 4 .7 5 .0 3.8 7 .0 7 .2 7 .0 6.8 7 .2 7.3 6.1 5.6 1963—Jan......... Feb........ M ar....... A p r... . . M ay___ Ju n e ___ J u ly .... Aug....... Sept....... O ct........ N ov......... Dec.......... 155.4 151.8 151.0 153.2 151.0 151.8 153.1 152.6 154.1 156.0 158.4 160.9 248.2 245.7 246.4 249.5 248.1 249.6 251.4 251.8 254.1 256.9 259.6 262.3 376.5 375.2 377.3 381.5 381.1 384.3 387.2 388.0 391.5 *95.6 399.4 403.9 254.0 251.9 252.9 256.3 255.3 257.1 259.3 260.1 262.4 265.5 268.7 271.9 382.3 381.4 383.7 388.3 388.3 391.7 395.0 396.3 399.8 404.2 408.5 413.5 30.5 30.5 30.7 30.9 31.0 31.4 31.8 31.9 32.0 32.1 32.6 33.1 124.9 121.3 120.2 122.3 120.0 120.4 121.3 120.7 122.2 123.9 125.8 127.8 101.0 98.1 97.3 99.0 97.0 97.4 98.0 97.5 98.6 99.8 101.2 102.9 22.8 22.2 21.9 22.3 22.0 22.0 22.3 22.2 22.6 23.1 23.6 23.9 98.6 100.1 101.9 103.1 104.3 105.2 106.2 107.5 108.3 109.5 110.2 111.0 5.8 6.2 6.5 6.8 7 .2 7.4 7.8 8.3 8 .4 8.6 9.1 9 .6 92.8 93.9 95.4 96.3 97.1 97.8 98.4 99.2 100.0 100.9 101.1 101.3 128.3 129.4 130.9 132.0 133.0 134.6 135.8 136.3 137.4 138.7 139.8 141.6 4 .8 5.7 6.0 4 .2 7.1 7.5 7 .8 6.3 6 .6 5.3 4 .3 5.1 1964— Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e........ Ju ly ......... Aug......... Sept......... O ct.......... N ov......... Dec.......... 161.3 157.2 156.4 1S8.6 156.0 157.2 159.0 158.9 161.3 163.3 165.2 168.6 264.2 261.0 261.2 264.0 262.1 264.3 266.8 267.5 271.0 274.1 276.3 280.9 407.4 405.2 406.8 410.7 409.7 413.7 417.5 419.1 423.9 428.5 431.9 438.3 274.4 271.7 272.1 275.3 274.0 276.3 279.0 280.0 283.3 286.7 289.3 293.8 417.6 416.0 417.7 422.0 421.6 425.7 429.8 431.6 436.2 441.0 444.8 451.2 *2.4 32.3 32.6 32.8 *3.1 33.4 33.7 33.9 33.9 34.1 34.6 35.0 128.9 124.9 123.8 125.9 122.9 123.9 125.2 125.1 127.4 129.2 130.6 133.6 103.8 100.5 99.7 101.4 98.9 99.8 100.7 100.4 102.1 103.4 104.3 106.8 24.1 23.3 23.1 23.5 23.0 23.1 23.5 23.6 24.2 24.8 25.2 25.7 113.0 114.5 115.7 116.7 118.0 119.1 120.0 121.1 122.0 123.4 124.1 125.2 10.2 10.8 10.9 11.3 11.9 12.1 12.3 12.5 12.3 12.6 13.0 12.9 102.9 103.8 104.8 105.4 106.1 107.0 107.8 108.6 109.7 110.8 111.2 112.3 143.3 144.2 145.6 146.7 147.6 149.4 150.8 151.5 152.9 154.3 155.5 157.4 4.1 4 .8 6 .0 4 .2 6.8 7 .6 6.9 6.3 6.5 5.5 5.8 5.5 1965—Jan........... Feb.......... M ar......... 169.0 163.9 163.4 283.8 280.7 281.8 442.8 440.4 442.7 297.3 294.8 296.1 456.3 454.5 457.1 34.4 34.2 34.4 134.7 129.7 129.1 107.5 103.6 103.2 26.0 25.1 24.9 128.3 130.8 132.7 13.5 14.1 14.3 114.8 116.8 118.3 159.0 159.7 161.0 4 .2 5.7 6.6 For notes see next page. 21 1.1 MONEY STOCK AND RELATED DATA, MONTHLY, 1947-70—Continued B. N O T SEASONALLY ADJUSTED—Continued [In billions o f dollars] Related data O v erall measures Deposits a t commercial banks M onth Mi Mt Ms Mi M, (6) +(7) (1) +(12) (2) +(13) (2)+(11) (3)+(11) Demand C ur rency Total Time and savings 1 DomesMemberJ tic nonI member (8) 1 (9) Total C D ’s (10) 01) Other N on bank thrift institu tions U.S. G ovt. depos its (14) (!) (2) (3) (4) (5) (12) (13) 1965— A pr.......... M ay........ Ju n e........ Ju ly ......... A ug......... Sept......... O ct.......... N o v ...... Dec.......... 166.1 162.2 164.2 165.4 164.7 167.6 170.2 172.0 176.5 285.4 282.3 285.2 287.8 288.5 292.8 297.3 299.8 305.4 447.2 444.6 449.1 452.7 453.8 459.2 464.9 468.5 476.0 300.1 297.6 300.8 303.7 305.0 309.1 313.7 316.3 321.7 461.9 459.9 464.7 468.6 470.2 475.5 481.4 485.1 492.2 34.5 34.6 34.9 35.4 35.5 35.7 36.0 36.5 37.1 131.7 127.5 129.2 130.0 129.2 132.0 134.2 135.5 139.4 105.2 101.8 103.2 103.7 102.9 105.0 106.6 107.3 110.6 25.3 24.6 24.9 25.2 25.2 25.9 26.5 27.1 27.7 134.0 135.4 136.6 138.3 140.2 141.4 143.5 144.3 145.2 14.7 15.3 15.6 15.8 16.4 16.3 16.5 16.6 16.3 119.2 120.1 121.1 122.4 123.8 125.1 127.0 127.8 129.0 161.8 162.3 163.9 164.9 165.2 166.4 167.7 168.7 170.5 5.5 9 .7 9.1 9 .0 7 .3 5.5 5 .0 4.1 4 .6 Feb.......... M ar......... A p r......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ Ju ly ......... Aug......... Sept......... O ct.......... N ov......... Dec.......... 177.7 172.4 172.5 176.4 171.8 173.9 173.3 172.1 174.9 175.7 176.9 181.0 308.8 304.5 306.0 311.2 308.1 310.5 311.2 311.2 314.7 316.5 317.4 322.3 480.6 476.8 479.3 484.7 481.3 484.7 485.5 485.0 489.3 491.6 493.1 499.8 325.1 321.1 322.9 328.8 326.0 328.3 329.5 329.5 332.3 332.8 333.0 337.8 497.0 493.4 496.2 502.2 499.2 502.6 503.8 503.4 506.8 508.0 508.7 515.3 36.5 36.4 36.5 36.8 37.0 37.3 37.8 37.8 37.9 38.1 38.5 39.1 141.2 136.0 135.9 139.6 134.8 136.6 135.5 134.3 137.0 137.6 138.3 141.9 111.9 107.8 107.9 110.9 106.9 108.4 107.0 106.1 108.3 108.7 109.0 112.2 28.2 27.1 26.9 27.5 26.8 27.0 27.3 27.0 27.5 27.7 28.2 28.6 147.4 148.7 150.4 152.4 154.2 154.4 156.2 157.4 157.4 157.1 156.1 156.9 16.3 16.6 16.9 17.5 17.9 17.8 18.3 18.4 17.6 16.3 15.6 15.5 131.1 132.1 133-5 134.9 136.3 136.6 137.9 139.0 139.8 140.8 140.5 141.4 171.8 172.3 173.3 173.4 173.2 174.2 174.3 173.8 174.5 175.2 175.7 177.5 3.8 5.1 4 .5 3 .0 7.1 6.1 8 .0 5.1 4.3 4 .8 3.7 3 .4 1967—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar....... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ J u ly ......... Aug....... Sept....... O ct........ N ov....... D ec.......... 180.7 175.7 176.8 178.9 176.4 179.7 181.4 181.2 183.9 186.2 188.1 192.9 324.6 321.3 324.7 328.9 328.5 333.7 337.2 338.7 342.8 346.7 348.9 354.3 503.6 501.3 506.4 512.0 512.9 520.2 525.3 527.5 533.0 538.3 541.4 548.5 341.5 339.8 343.7 347.8 347.3 352.8 356.7 359.1 363.1 366.8 369.5 375.1 520.5 519.7 525.4 530.9 531.7 539.4 544.8 547.9 553.3 558.4 562.0 569.2 38.5 38.? 38.5 38.6 38.8 39.2 39.6 39.6 39.7 40.0 40.5 41.2 142.3 137.4 138.3 140.2 137.5 140.6 141.8 141.6 144.2 146.3 147.7 151.7 112.3 108.6 109.7 111.2 109.0 111.6 112.3 112.1 113.9 115.5 116.4 119.7 28.8 27.8 27.6 28.0 27.5 27.9 28.4 28.4 29.2 29.6 30.1 30.8 160.8 164.1 166.9 168.9 170.9 173.1 175.3 177.9 179.1 180.5 181.4 182.1 16.9 18.4 19.0 18.9 18.8 19.2 19.4 20.4 20.3 20.1 20.7 20.7 143.9 ' 145.7 147.9 150.0 152.2 153.9 155.8 157.5 158.9 160.5 160.7 161.4 179.0 179.9 181.6 183.2 184.4 186.6 188.1 188.8 190.2 191.6 192.5 194.2 4 .2 5.1 4 .9 4.8 6 .5 4 .0 5.7 4.3 5 .0 6.3 5.3 5 .0 1968—Jan ......... Feb........ M ar....... A p r......... M ay ___ Ju n e........ J u ly .... Aug....... Sept....... O ct.......... N ov......... 193.6 187.4 188.1 191.9 189.3 192.9 194.5 194.0 196.7 199.0 202.5 208.1 356.8 352.5 355.2 360.1 358.4 362.6 365.2 366.7 371.3 375.8 380.3 387.5 552.2 548.4 552.6 558.4 557.3 563.1 566.6 568.2 573.9 579.8 585.3 594.3 377.4 373.3 376.0 380.0 378.0 381.9 385.7 388.8 393.4 398.8 403.9 411.3 572.8 569.2 573.4 578.4 576.9 582.4 587.0 590.3 596.1 602.7 608.9 618.1 40.5 40.3 40.7 41.0 41.3 41.8 42.3 42.5 42.6 42.8 43.6 44.3 153.1 147.1 147.4 150.9 148.0 151.1 152.3 151.5 154.0 156.2 158.9 163.8 120.7 116.0 116.3 119.1 116.7 119.1 119.7 119.0 120.6 122.3 ! 124.1 128.1 31.1 29.9 29.8 30.5 30.1 30.6 31.2 31.2 32.1 32.6 33.4 34.3 183.9 185.9 187.9 188.2 188.7 189.0 191.1 194.8 196.7 199.7 201.4 203.2 20.6 20.8 20.8 19.9 19.6 19.3 20.4 22.1 22.2 23.0 23.6 23.8 163.3 165.1 167.1 168.2 169.2 169.6 170.7 172.8 174.6 176.8 177.8 179.4 195.4 195.9 197,4 198.3 198.8 200.5 201.4 201.5 202.7 204.0 205,0 206.8 5 .0 7 .2 6.7 4.3 6.5 5 .6 5.8 5.7 6.0 6.3 4.5 5.0 1969—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A or.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ Ju ly ......... Aug......... Sept......... O ct.......... N ov......... Dec.......... 209.0 202.2 202.8 206.6 202.4 205.3 206.3 204.4 206.3 208.2 210.3 214.8 390.1 384.5 386.8 391.4 387.5 390.7 390.3 387.4 389.3 391.0 392.3 396.9 598.3 593.3 597.2 602.5 598.9 603.5 603.3 599.9 602.5 604.6 606.1 611.9 411.9 404.9 405.9 409.5 404.8 406.6 404.3 400.4 401.2 402.5 403.7 408.0 620.1 613.7 616.3 620.7 616.2 619.4 617.4 612.8 614.4 616.2 617.5 623.0 43.5 43.4 43.7 43.8 44.2 44.7 45.2 45.4 45.3 45.6 46.4 46.9 165.5 158.9 159.1 162.7 158.2 160.6 161.2 159.0 161.1 162.5 163.9 167.8 129.4 124.0 124.2 126.9 123.1 124.8 125.0 123.1 124.3 125.4 126.3 129.3 34.8 33.5 33.4 34.5 33.7 34.4 34.8 34.6 35.4 35.8 | 36.4 37.2 202.9 202.6 203.2 203.0 202.4 201.3 198.0 196.0 194.9 194.4 193.4 193.2 21.8 20.3 19.2 18.2 17.3 15.9 14.1 13.0 11.9 11.5 11.4 11.1 208.2 181.1 182.3 208.8 184.0 210.4 211.2 184.8 185.2 211.4 185.4 212.8 183.9 213.0 183.0 212.5 182.9 | 213.2 213.7 182.8 182.0 213.8 182,1 I 215.1 4 .9 6.9 4.8 5.3 9 .2 6.0 5.6 4.3 5.3 4 .2 5.2 5 .6 1970—Jan........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ Ju ly ......... Aug......... Sept......... O ct.......... N ov......... Dec. 216.3 207.4 209.0 213.6 209.6 212.2 213.4 213.2 216.1 217.6 220.1 225.8 398.4 389.8 393.5 400.3 397.7 401.5 405.4 407.7 412.8 416.6 419.7 428.1 613.6 604.5 609.7 617.8 616.0 621.7 627.2 630.4 637.1 643.0 647.7 659.1 409.0 400.4 404.9 413.0 410.7 414.5 421.4 427.0 434.1 439.7 444.1 453.8 624.2 615.1 621.1 630.5 629.0 634.7 643.3 649.6 658.4 666.0 672.1 684.7 46.1 45.9 46.3 46.6 47.3 47.7 48.3 48.3 48.2 48.5 49.2 50.0 170.2 161.5 162.7 167.0 162.3 164.5 165.2 164.9 167.8 169.1 170.9 175.8 131.2 124.5 125.7 128.9 125.1 127.0 127.1 126.8 129.1 130.0 131.1 135.0 37.7 35.7 35.6 36.7 35.8 36.0 36.5 36.5 ; 37.2 37.6 38.2 39.2 192.7 193.0 195.9 199.3 201.1 202.3 208.0 213.8 218.1 222.0 224.1 228.1 10.6 10.6 11.4 12.7 13.0 13.0 16.1 19.2 21.4 23.1 24.4 25.7 182.1 182.4 184.5 186.7 188.1 189.3 191.9 194.6 196.7 199.0 199.7 202.4 4 .8 7.1 6.9 5.3 6.4 6.5 6.8 7.1 6.9 6 .2 5.7 7.3 (6) 1 A t all commercial banks. N ote.— Unless otherwise noted, series represent averages o f daily figures. Composition o f components is as follows: Currency: Amounts outside the Treasury, the Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults o f all commercial banks. Demand deposits: Amounts o f (1) demand deposits a t all commercial banks other than those d u e.to domestic commercial banks and the U.S. Govt., less cash items in the process o f collection and Federal Reserve float, and (2) foreign demand balances a t Federal Reserve Banks. 22 (7) 215.2 214.8 216.2 217.5 218.3 220.2 221.8 222.7 224.3 226.4 228.0 230.9 CD.s: Negotiable time certificates of deposit (CD's) issued in de nom inations o f $100,000 or more by large weekly reporting hunks. “ Other” time and savings deposits: Figures lo r all commercial banks for savings deposits, for tune deposits open account, and for time C D ’s other than negotiable time C D ’s issued in denominations o f S i00,000 o r m ore by large weekly reporting banks. Excluded arc time deposits of the U.S. Govt, and domestic commercial interbank time deposits. Nonbank thrift institutions: Averages o f beginning- and end-of-month figures for (1) deposits a t mutual savings banks and {2) savings capital a t savings and loan associations. MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.2 LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS OF PRIVATE DOMESTIC NONFINANCIAL INVESTORS, MONTHLY, 1948-70 [Seasonally adjusted monthly averages, in billions o f dollars] Currency and deposits Other types Deposits M onth Total U.S. Government securities Ti me Total Total Currency market paper (9) Short term market able (10) 58.3 58.4 58.5 58.6 58.6 58.7 58.7 58.8 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.5 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .3 11.8 11.7 11.6 11.6 11.5 11.4 11.4 11.3 11.3 11.2 11.2 11.5 46.4 46.6 46.7 46.8 46.9 47.0 47.1 47.3 47.5 47.7 47.7 47.8 29.9 30.2 30.4 30.6 30.8 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 31.9 32.1 59.4 59.5 59.6 59.9 60.1 60.3 60.6 60.8 61.0 61.2 61.4 61.8 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .4 .4 .4 .4 .5 11.1 11.0 11.0 11.1 11.1 11.3 11.4 11.4 11.5 11.7 11.8 12.1 48.0 48.2 48.3 48.5 4 8.6 48.7 48.9 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.2 49.3 34.5 34.6 34.6 34.7 34.9 34.9 34.7 34.6 34.5 34.4 34.5 34.6 32.4 32.7 32.9 33.2 33.4 33.6 33.8 33.8 33.9 34.1 34.3 34.5 61.6 61.5 61.7 61.9 62.1 62.4 62.6 62.5 62.6 62.7 62.8 63.1 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .3 .4 .4 .4 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.8 11.9 12.1 12.3 12.3 12.5 12.7 12.8 13.1 49.4 49.5 49.6 49.7 49.8 49.8 49.9 49.8 49.8 49.7 49.7 49.6 83.6 83.9 84.3 84.4 84.6 85.0 85.2 85.6 86.3 86.9 87.8 88.3 34.6 34.5 34.5 34.6 34.8 34.9 35.2 35.5 35.8 35.9 36.1 36.3 34.7 34.8 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.7 36.1 36.3 36.6 36.9 37.3 37.6 62.7 62.4 62.3 62.4 62.5 62.7 63.0 62.9 63.1 63.4 63.6 64.1 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .5 12.8 12.6 12.7 12.9 13.0 J3.3 13.5 13.5 13.7 14.0 14.0 14.5 49.6 49.4 49.3 49.2 49.1 49.1 49.1 49.1 49.0 49.1 49.1 49.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.4 26.5 26.7 26.7 26.8 26.9 27.0 27.2 27.3 89.0 89.2 89.3 89.4 89.6 90.0 89.9 90.1 90.5 91.0 91.2 91.7 36.5 36.8 37.0 37.2 37.4 37.6 37.8 38.1 38.4 38.7 39.0 39.1 38.2 38.6 39.0 39.3 39.7 40.1 40.5 41.0 41.5 42.0 42.4 42.8 64.6 65.3 65.8 65.7 65.5 66.0 66.6 67.2 67.3 67.6 67.9 68.3 .6 .5 .5 .6 .6 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 14.9 15.7 16.2 16.2 16.0 16.4 16.9 17.5 17.5 17.8 18.1 18.4 49.1 49.1 49.0 49.0 49.0 49.0 49.0 49.1 49.1 49.1 49.1 49.2 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.7 91.4 91.6 92.1 92.3 9 2 .4 92.4 92.5 92.7 92.5 9 2 .6 92.7 92.9 39.4 39.5 39.8 40.0 40.3 40.4 40.7 4 1 .0 41.2 41.6 41.7 41.9 43.3 43.8 44.2 44.7 45.2 45.7 46.2 46.7 47.2 47.7 48.2 48.6 69.0 69.8 70.8 72.1 72.6 73.3 74.0 74.5 74.1 73.6 73.5 73.5 .7 .7 .8 .8 .7 .7 .7 .8 .9 1.0 1.0 1.1 19.0 19.7 20.7 21.9 22.5 23.3 23.9 24.4 23.9 23.4 23.1 23.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.5 49.4 49.3 49.3 49.3 49.3 49.3 49.3 49.3 Dem and N onbank financial institu tions (6) (7) (1) (2) (3) (4) C om mercial banks (5) 1948—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar.......... A pr.......... M ay......... Jun e ......... Ju ly .......... Aug.......... Sept.......... O ct........... Nov.......... Dcc.......... 226.7 226.8 226.5 226.5 226.2 226.4 226.7 227.1 227.4 227.5 227.6 227.8 168.4 168.4 168.0 167.9 167.6 167.7 168.0 168.3 168.4 168.4 168.4 168.3 26.4 26.3 26.2 26.1 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 25.8 80.3 80.0 79.6 79.5 79.1 79.0 79.2 79.1 79.0 78.9 78.7 78.6 33.7 33.9 33.9 33.9 33.9 34.0 34.0 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.2 34.2 28.0 28.1 28.3 28.4 28.6 28.7 28.9 29.1 29.3 29.4 29.6 29.7 1949—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar.......... A pr.......... M ay......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly ......... Aug.......... Sept.......... O ct........... N ov.......... Dec.......... 227.5 227.8 228.2 228.7 229.4 229.8 230.2 230.5 230.7 231.1 231.5 232.2 168.1 168.3 168.6 168.9 169.3 169.5 169.6 169.7 169.7 169.9 170.1 170.5 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.6 25.5 25.5 25.3 25.3 25.2 25.1 78.2 78.1 78.2 78.2 78.4 78.4 78.4 78.3 78.3 78.3 78.5 78.8 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.4 34.4 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 1950—Jan ........... Feb........... M ar.......... A pr.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly ......... Aug.......... Sept......... O ct........... N ov.......... D ec.......... 232.6 233.5 234.3 235.6 236.5 237.3 238.0 238.2 238.3 239.0 239.5 240.5 171.0 171.9 172.6 173.7 174.4 175.0 175.4 175.6 175.7 176.2 176.7 177.4 25.1 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.2 25.1 25.0 24.9 24.9 24.9 24.9 25.0 79.1 79.5 79.8 80.5 80.9 81.4 81.9 82.3 82.4 82.9 83.0 83.3 1951—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... J u ly ......... Aug.......... Sept......... Oct........... N ov......... D ec.......... 240.7 240.7 241.2 241.8 242.6 243.8 245.1 246.0 247.6 249.1 250.8 252.5 178.0 178.3 178.9 179.4 180.1 181.0 182.1 183.1 184.5 185.7 187.2 188.4 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.6 25.7 25.8 26.0 26.0 26.1 1952—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly ......... Aug.......... Sept......... O c t.. . . . . N ov......... D e c ......... 254.5 256.2 257.5 258.1 258.8 260.4 261.5 263.3 264.7 266.3 267.8 269.2 189.9 190.9 191.7 192.4 193.2 194.4 194.9 196.0 197.4 198.7 199.8 200.9 1953—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ......... Ju n e ......... Ju ly ......... Aug.......... Sept.......... Oct........... Nov.......... Dec.......... 270.5 272.2 274.6 276.9 278.2 279.5 281.2 282.7 282.8 283.4 283.8 284.5 201.5 202.4 203.7 204.8 205.6 206.3 207.2 208.2 208.7 209.7 210.3 211.0 F o r note see end o f table. Negoti able C D ’s* 23 (8) Savings bonds (11) MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.2 LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS OF PRIVATE DOMESTIC NONFINANCIAL INVESTORS, MONTHLY, 1948-70 — Continued [Seasonally adjusted monthly averages, in billions of dollars] Currency and deposits Other types Deposits M onth Total U.S. Government securities Time Total Currency Total Open narket paper (9) Sh o rt term market able (10) 73.5 73.3 72.9 72.8 72.2 71.6 71.0 71 :2 71.4 71.4 71.3 71.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 23,0 22.8 22.4 22.2 21.6 21.0 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.4 20.2 20.2 49.4 49.3 49.3 49.4 49.4 49.5 49.6 49.6 49.7 49.8 49.9 49.9 55.8 56.4 57.0 57.5 58.1 58.7 59.3 59.9 60.5 61.1 61.7 62.3 71.4 70.8 70.5 71.6 72.8 74.0 74.8 76.1 77.2 78.5 79.5 79.6 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 20.2 19.7 19.4 20.3 21.5 22.5 23.3 24.6 25.7 27.0 27.9 28.1 50.0 50.0 50.1 50.1 50.2 50.2 50.2 50.3 50.2 50.2 50.2 50.2 46.9 47.0 47.3 47.5 47.5 47.7 48.0 48.3 48.5 48.6 48.8 48.9 62.9 63.5 64.1 64.7 65.3 65.9 66.0 67.2 67.7 68.3 68.9 69.5 79.9 80.7 80.1 79.4 79.3 79.0 78.1 78.5 78.8 79.1 79.4 79.6 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 28.4 29.0 28.4 27.6 27.6 • 27.2 26.4 26.8 27.0 27.3 27.8 28.0 50.3 50.3 50.3 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.3 50.3 50.3 50.3 50.2 50.1 99.3 99.4 99.5 99.4 99.4 99.0 99.2 99.2 98.7 98.4 98.4 97.9 49.7 50.3 50.9 51.2 51.8 52.1 52.6 53.0 53.4 53.9 54.2 54.6 70.1 70.7 71.2 71.7 72.3 73.0 73.5 74.0 74.6 75.1 75.7 76.4 80.2 80.7 81.2 81.6 81.9 82.4 82.6 82.9 82.7 82.2 81.9 82.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 L.6 28.7 29.5 30.1 30.7 31.2 31.9 32.3 32.7 32.6 32.2 32.0 32.3 50.0 49.8 49.6 49.4 49.3 49.2 49.0 48.8 48.7 48.5 48.4 48.3 28.3 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.3 28.3 28.4 28.4 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.6 97.6 98.4 98.5 98.8 99.1 99.9 99.7 100.1 100.7 101.2 102.0 102.1 54.7 55.8 56.9 57.9 58.7 59.6 60.4 61.1 61.2 61.3 61.6 61.8 77.1 77.5 78.2 79.0 79.7 80.4 81.1 81.8 82.6 83.4 84.1 84.8 82.3 81.0 79.8 78.8 77.6 76.4 75.1 75.3 75.3 75.8 76.8 77.3 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 t .4 1.3 32.5 31.2 30.1 29.1 28.0 26.9 25.7 25.9 26.0 26.6 27.6 28.2 48.2 48.2 48.1 48.1 48.1 48.0 48.0 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.8 47.8 28.7 28.7 28.8 28.8 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.1 29.0 29.0 28.9 28.9 103.1 103.3 103.8 104.3 104.6 104.7 105.7 105.3 104.9 104.7 104.5 104.1 62.7 62.5 62.6 63.0 63.2 63.6 63.8 63.8 64.1 64.2 64.6 64.7 85.5 86.0 86.7 87.5 88.2 88.9 89.7 90.5 91.2 91.7 92.2 92.9 78.0 78.4 79.2 80.6 81.5 82.5 83.8 84.7 84.7 85.2 85.1 84.8 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 .9 1.0 29.0 29.5 30.5 32.0 33.1 34.2 35.7 36.8 37.1 37.8 37.8 37.7 47.7 47.6 47.5 47.4 47.2 47.1 46.9 46.8 46.6 46.4 46.3 46.1 Demand (4) Com mercial banks (5) Nonbank financial institu tions (6) (7) (1) (2) (3) 1954—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ Ju ly ......... Aug.......... S e p t... . . . O ct........... N ov......... Dec.......... 285.3 286.1 286.4 286.7 288.0 288.3 289.0 290.5 291.6 293.2 294.5 295.3 211.8 212.7 213.6 213.9 215.8 216.6 218.0 219.3 220.2 221.8 223.2 224.0 27.7 27.7 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 92.9 93.0 93.1 92.5 93.6 93.7 94.2 94.5 94.9 95.5 96.1 96.3 42.1 42.4 42.7 43.1 43.4 43.6 44.0 44.5 44.5 44.8 45.1 45.1 49.1 49.6 50.2 50.7 51.2 51.8 52.3 52.9 53.5 54.1 54.6 55.2 1955—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ July. . . . . Aug.......... Sept......... O ct........... N ov......... Dec.......... 296.9 298.2 298.1 300.2 302.8 304.6 306.5 308.3 310.5 312.5 313.9 315.0 225.5 227.3 227.6 228.6 230.0 230.6 231.7 232.1 233.2 234.0 234.4 235.4 27.4 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.6 27.6 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.8 27.8 27.8 97.0 98.0 97.5 97.8 98.4 98.2 98.6 98.5 98.7 98.6 98.2 98.5 45.3 45.4 45.6 45.8 45.9 46.1 46.1 46.1 46.4 46.5 46.7 46.8 1956—Jan........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ Ju ly ......... Aug.......... Sept......... O ct........... N ov......... D ec.......... 316.4 317.9 318.2 318.5 319.0 319.7 319.7 320.7 322.3 323.3 324.7 325.8 236.5 237.2 238.1 239.2 239.7 240.8 241.6 242.1 243.4 244.2 245.2 246.2 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.1 28.2 98.8 98.7 98.8 99.1 99.0 99.2 99.0 98.7 99.2 99.4 99.4 99.5 1957—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e ........ Ju ly ......... Aug.......... Sept......... O ct........... N ov......... D ec.......... 327.6 329.2 331.0 332.2 333.6 334.7 336.1 337.4 337.7 337.9 338.6 339.3 247.4 248.5 249.8 250.6 251.7 252.3 253.5 254.5 255.0 255.7 256.7 257.2 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 1958—J a n ........... F eb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e......... Ju ly ......... Aug......... Sept......... Oct........... N ov......... D ec.......... 339.9 341.0 341.7 342.7 343.4 344.6 344.7 346.8 348.3 350.2 353.0 354.6 257.6 260.0 261.8 263.9 265.9 268.2 269.6 271.5 272.9 274.4 276.3 277.3 1959—Jan ........... Feb.......... M ar......... A pr.......... M ay ........ Ju n e......... Ju ly ......... A ug.......... Sept......... O ct........... N ov......... D cc.......... 357.9 359.0 361.1 364.0 366.5 368.9 371.9 373.3 373.9 374.7 375.4 375.5 279.9 280.6 281.9 283.4 285.0 286.4 288.2 288.6 289.2 289.6 290.3 290.6 For note sec erid o f tabic. Negoti able C D ’s 1 24 (8) Savings bonds (11) MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.2 LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS OF PRIVATE DOMESTIC NONFINANCIAL INVESTORS, MONTHLY, 1948-70 — Continued [Seasonally adjusted monthly averages, in billions o f dollars] O ther types Currency and deposits Deposits M onth Total U.S. G overnm ent securities Time Total Currency Total Demand Com mercial banks (5) N onbank financial institu tions (6) N egoti able C D ’s 1 Open m arket paper (8) (9) S hort term m arket able (10) 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.1 2 .2 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 38.9 39.7 39 ; i 39.4 39.0 38.2 37.1 36.4 35.9 35.6 34.8 34.0 45.9 45.8 45.7 45.7 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.7 45.7 Savings bonds CD (2) (3) (4) 1960— Jan.. Feb. M ar. Apr. M ay June July. Aug. Sept. O ct.. Nov. Dec. 377.4 378.5 379.4 380.5 380.5 380.7 382.0 383.6 385.1 386.5 387.6 388.2 291.4 291.6 292.2 293.4 293.7 294.7 296.9 299.1 301.0 302.5 304.4 305.7 28.9 28.9 29.0 2,9.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 2.9.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 104.2 ■104.1 104.0 104.1 103.6 103.5 104.1 104.5 104.8 104.6 104.6 104.6 64.7 64.3 64.3 64.6 64.7 65.1 65.9 66.8 67.6 68.4 69.4 69.9 93.6 94.2 94.9 95.6 96.4 97.1 97.9 98.8 99.7 100.6 101.4 102.3 85.9 87.0 87.3 87.1 86.8 86.0 85.1 84.5 84.1 83.9 83.2 82.5 1961—Jan.. Feb., M ar. Apr. M ay June July. Aug. Sept. O ct.. Nov. Dec. 389.3 391.4 392.6 394.7 397.4 399.5 401.6 403.1 404.3 407.3 410.3 412.5 307.5 309.9 310.9 312.8 315.0 316.6 318.2 319.6 321.2 323.1 325.2 326.3 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.9 28.9 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.4 29.4 29.6 104.8 105.2 105.0 105.1 105.6 105.7 105.5 105.4 105.6 106.0 106.4 106.3 70.6 71.6 72.0 73.0 73.7 74.3 75.0 75.5 75.9 76.3 76.9 77.0 103.2 104.1 105.0 105.8 106.8 107.7 108.7 109.6 110.5 111.4 112.4 113.4 81.7 81.5 81.7 81.9 82.4 82.9 83.4 83.5 83.1 84.2 85.2 86.2 .1 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.4 2 .4 2 .4 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.4 2 .7 3.1 33.2 33.0 33.0 32.9 33.2 33.3 33.6 33.5 32.8 33.4 33.6 34.0 45.7 45.8 45.9 45.9 46.0 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.2 46.3 46.4 46.5 1962—Jan.. Feb.. M ar. Apr. May June July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 415.6 417.9 420.9 423.7 425.4 428.3 431.8 435.1 436.4 438.6 441.7 444.5 328.6 330.8 333.5 336.1 337.6 339.5 341.4 343.0 344.7 347.4 349.9 352.3 29.6 29.7 29.8 30.0 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.2 30.3 30.3 30.4 30.6 106.1 105.8 106.1 106.1 106.2 106.3 106.3 106.2 105.8 106.1 106.3 106.5 78.4 79.9 81.2 82.5 83.0 83.7 84.4 85.0 85.9 87.0 88.0 88.8 114.4 115.4 116.4 117.4 118.4 119.4 120.5 121.6 122.8 124.0 125.2 126.4 87.0 87.1 87.4 87.6 87.8 88.8 90.3 92.1 91.6 91.2 91.8 92.2 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 .0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.3 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 .0 4 .0 4 .0 4 .0 34.5 34.4 34.5 34.5 34.4 34.9 36.0 37.3 36.3 35.5 35.9 36.1 46.5 46.5 46.6 46.6 46.6 46.6 46.7 46.8 46.8 46.8 46.8 46.9 1963—Jan.. Feb. M ar. Apr. M ay June July. Aug. Sept. O c t.. Nov. Dec. 448.2 451.0 453.9 457.4 461.2 464.4 467.6 471.6 473.8 476.6 480.4 482.5 355.4 357.8 360.5 363.4 366.0 368.3 370.6 372.8 375.0 377.8 381.1 382.3 30.6 30.8 31.0 31.2 31.3 31.5 31.6 31.8 31.9 32.0 32.3 32.5 107.0 107.1 107.5 108.0 108.5 108.7 109.1 109.0 109.1 109.6 110.3 109.8 90.0 90.7 91.5 92.4 93.1 93.8 94.4 95.3 96.1 97.1 98.3 98.6 127.7 129.2 130.5 131.8 133.1 134.3 135.5 136.7 137.8 139.1 140.3 141.4 92.8 93.2 93.4 94.0 95.2 96.1 97.0 98.8 98.8 98.8 99.3 100.2 5.5 5.7 6 .0 6.3 6 .6 6.9 7.2 7.6 7.9 8.3 8.6 9 .0 3.9 4 .0 4.1 4.3 4.5 4 .7 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.8 36.4 36.4 36.1 36.2 36.7 37.0 37.4 38.7 38.3 38.0 38.1 38.5 46.9 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 47.5 47.6 47.7 47.8 47.9 48.0 1964—Jan .. Feb. M ar. Apr. M ay June July. Aug. Sept. O ct.. Nov. Dcc. 485.7 488.6 491.5 494.0 497.7 500.8 503.6 506.4 510.3 514.3 517.3 518.4 384.8 387.0 388.9 390.9 393.9 396.8 400.0 403.0 406.4 409.3 412.4 415.1 32.5 32.7 32.9 33.0 33.3 33.5 33.6 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.2 34.3 110.3 110.3 110.4 110.4 111.0 111.2 112.1 112.6 113.4 113.9 114.6 114.6 99.3 100.0 100.4 101.1 101.9 103.0 103.7 104.6 105.7 106.6 107.6 108.9 142.7 144.0 145.1 146.4 147.8 149.1 150.6 152.0 153.4 154.8 156.1 157.3 100.9 101.6 102.6 103.1 103.8 104.0 103.6 103.4 103.8 105.0 104.9 103.4 9.8 10.1 10.3 10.4 10.8 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.2 11.6 11.9 11.6 4.8 5.1 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.3 6 .7 7.0 7.2 7.1 7.1 38.3 38.2 38.6 38.7 38.7 38.5 37.8 37.1 36.9 37.5 37.0 35.7 48.1 48.2 48.2 48.3 48.4 48.5 48.5 48.6 48.7 48.8 48.8 48.9 1965—Jan .. Feb.. M ar. Apr. May June July. Aug. Sept. O c t.. Nov. Dec. 521.4 524.9 528.5 531.5 532.4 539.2 542.3 546.4 551.1 555.3 559.2 563.2 418.1 421.2 423.5 426.0 425.5 431.3 434.3 437.0 440.6 444.6 448.0 451.5 34.4 34.6 34.7 34.8 34.9 35.0 35.2 35.4 35.7 36.0 36.1 36.3 114.8 115.0 115.4 115.7 113.2 116.6 116.9 116.9 117.7 118.6 118.9 119.6 110.4 112.1 113.0 114.0 114.9 116.1 117.5 118.9 120.4 122.0 123.7 125.2 158.4 159.5 160.5 161.5 162.5 163.6 164.7 165.8 166.9 168.1 169.3 170.4 103.3 103.7 105.0 105.5 106.9 108.0 108.0 109.4 110.5 110.6 111.1 111.7 12.7 13.0 13.3 13.5 13.9 14.3 14.4 14.7 15.1 15.6 15.5 15.0 6 .9 6 .8 6 .7 6.7 6.8 7 .0 7.1 7 .2 7.4 7.6 8.0 8.5 34.7 34.9 35.9 36.1 36.9 37.4 37.2 38.2 38.6 38.0 38.1 38.7 49.0 49.1 49.1 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.4 49.5 49.5 49.5 For note see end o f table. 25 (7) (11) MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.2 LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS OF PRIVATE DOMESTIC NONFINANCIAL INVESTORS, MONTHLY, 1948-70 — Continued [Seasonally adjusted monthly averages, in billions o f dollars] Other types Currency and deposits Deposits M onth Total | Total Time Currency Demand i Com| mercial banks (4) 1 (5) | Total Negoti able C D ’s 1 1 l Open I m arket j paper j (8) | (9) 112.9 113.2 113.6 115.2 115.9 116.5 118.1 117.7 117.9 119.2 119.9 119.5 15.3 15.4 15.8 16.3 £6.5 26.6 16.9 16.7 16.5 15.4 14.5 14.5 1 8.6 8 .6 8 .6 8.6 8 .6 8 .6 8.8 9 .0 9.3 9 .8 10.3 10.8 178.5 179.8 181.1 182.8 184.6 186.2 187.9 189.4 190.8 192.0 193.2 194.2 119.9 120.3 120.2 119.1 117.7 117.2 116.6 117.2 118.5 119.3 120.6 122.7 16.1 17.3 17.9 17.9 17.8 18.4 18.4 18.8 19.1 18.8 19.0 19.2 11.2 11.5 11.7 11.7 11.6 11.4 11.2 11.0 11.0 11.4 12.1 12.8 157.4 158.9 160.2 161.1 162.1 163.3 164.4 166.6 168.5 170.4 172.6 174.2 195.1 196.0 197.0 198.0 199.0 200.0 201.0 202.1 203.2 204.4 205.6 206.7 124.1 125.3 126.9 128.2 129.9 132.3 135.1 136.5 136.7 137.5 138.2 140.0 19,3 19.5 19.4 19.0 18.9 18.8 19.8 20.6 21.0 21.6 21.9 22.5 13.2 13.3 13.5 13.9 14.7 15.5 16.4 17.3 18.1 18.6 18.8 18.8 141.3 142.2 142.7 143.5 143.8 144.1 144.4 143.8 144.1 144.3 144.7 144.7 175.4 176.1 176.7 177.4 177.9 178.8 177.7 177.0 177.2 176.9 177.3 177.3 207.8 208.9 210.0 210.8 211.5 212.2 212.6 213.1 213.7 214.1 214.4 215.0 141.2 143.1 144.6 147.0 147.2 146.3 146.5 149.2 152.0 152.9 153.6 154.4 20.8 19.5 18.4 17.8 17.1 15.7 13.8 12.0 10.9 10.0 9.4 9.1 19.3 19.7 20.3 20.9 21.5 22.5 24.0 26.2 28.2 29.2 2 9 .2 ; ' 28.9 . 146.1 145.1 146.3 147.7 148.3 148.6 149.1 150.7 152.4 152.5 153.0 153.2 176.4 176.5 177.9 179.5 180.8 183.0 186.1 189.0 191.6 194.2 196.3 199.2 215.0 215.0 215.5 216.4 217.6 219.0 220.6 222.8 225.1 227.6 230.2 232.8 156.2 158.7 159.3 160.0 159.5 158.7 159.5 157.1 154.4 154.2 153.6 152.5 8.4 8.0 8.2 9.8 10.3 10.5 13.6 15.9 18.3 20.0 21.4 23.1 29.8 31.3 32.7 33.6 34.0 33.5 31.9 29.0 26.0 24.5 24.3 24.5 (2) (3) 1966—J a n . . . Feb.. M ar.. A pr.. M ay. June. J u ly .. Aug.. Sept.. O c t.., N ov.. Dec.. 567.7 570.4 572.7 577.6 579.7 581.5 584.2 585.3 588.1 590.1 592.0 593.8 454.8 457.2 459.2 462.4 463.9 465.0 466.1 467.6 470.1 471.0 472.1 474.3 36.6 36.8 36.9 37.1 37.3 37.4 37.6 37.8 37.9 38.0 38.1 38.3 120.6 121.1 121.6 122.8 122.5 122.5 121.8 121.7 122.6 121.9 121.7 121.7 1967- -Jan ... Feb.. M ar.. A p r.. M ay. June. July. . Aug.. Sept.. O c t... Nov.. Dec.. 597.0 601.9 605.6 607.4 611.4 615.8 619.9 624.8 630.0 634.5 638.8 643.6 477.1 481.6 485.4 488.3 493.7 498.6 503.4 507.6 511.5 515.2 518.2 520.9 38.5 38.7 38.9 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.4 39.5 39.8 39.9 40.0 40.4 121.3 122.8 123.8 122.9 124.3 125.6 126.9 127.8 128.6 129.3 129.7 130.0 138.7 140.2 141.6 143.6 145.7 147.6 149.3 150.9 152.4 154.0 155.3 156.3 1968- "Jan.. Feb.. M ar.. A p r.. M ay. June. July. Aug.. Sept.. O c t.. Nov.. Dec.. 647.9 652.6 657.1 661.2 666.5 672.4 678.2 683.6 688.0 693.0 698.7 704.6 523.8 527.3 530.2 533.0 536.6 540.2 543.1 547.2 551.3 555.5 560.4 564.5 40.6 40.7 41.1 41.4 41.5 41.8 42.0 42.3 42.6 42.8 43.2 43.4 130.7 131.6 131.9 132.5 133.9 135.0 135.6 136.2 137.0 137.9 139.1 140.1 1969- -Jan .. F e b .. M ar.. A pr.. M ay. June. July. Aug.. Sept.. O ct.. Nov.. Dec.. 709.4 714.2 718.2 723.0 724 - 8 726.1 726.1 728.2 732.3 733.8 735.9 737.5 568.2 571.1 573.6 575.9 577.6 579.8 579.7 579.1 580.3 580.9 582.3 583.1 43.6 43.9 44.1 44.2 44.4 44.7 44.9 45.2 45.3 45.6 45.9 46.1 1970- J a n .. F e b .. M ar.. A p r.. M ay. June. July. , Aug.. Sept.. O c t.. N ov.. D ec.. 740.0 741.9 745.7 750.5 753.8 757.0 763.2 767.6 771.9 776.9 781.8 786.9 583.8 583.2 586.3 590.5 594.2 598.3 603.7 610.5 617.5 622.7 628.3 634.4 46.3 46.5 46.7 47.0 47.5 47.6 47.9 48.1 48.3 48.5 48.8 49.1 ! ! | 1 i j ! 126.3 127.2 127.8 129.3 130.7 131.2 132.6 133.8 134.6 135.4 136.0 137.0 1 Negotiable time certificates o f deposit. 26 j ! 1 1 171.3 172.2 172.9 173.1 173.4 173.9 174.1 174.4 175.0 175.6 176.3 177.3 j | 1 I , U.S. Government securities ■ . S hort term market able (10) (7) (I) N onbank financial | institui tions 1 (6) i ; ! j ! 1 j| j 1 j 1 ! 1 i. j 1 j | | | | 1 . 1 . ! | i | , , J , 1 j 1 ; i ; : | '! i j Savings bonds (11) 39.4 39.5 39.5 40.6 41.0 41.5 42.5 42.1 42.2 44.0 45.0 44.1 49.6 49.6 49.6 49.7 49.8 49.8 49.9 49.9 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.1 42.4 41.3 40.3 39.0 37.8 36.9 36.3 36.6 37.6 38.2 38,6 39.7 50.2 50.2 50.3 50.4 50.5 50.6 50.7 50.7 50.8 50.9 50.9 51.0 40.5 41.5 42.8 44.1 45.2 46.7 47.6 47.2 46.3 45.9 46.1 47.2 49.6 52.4 54.5 56.8 57.2 56.8 57.4 59.8 61.8 62.6 63.8 65.3 66.9 68.4 67.5 65.7 64.4 63.9 63.2 61.4 59.2 58.6 56.6 53.6 i 1 1 ! i 1 | | I . 1 , i , | , ; 1 , j 51.1 5!.1 51.1 51.1 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.3 51.4 51.4 51.4 51.4 51.5 51.5 51.4 51.4 51.4 51.3 5t .2 51.2 51.2 51.1 5 1 .t 51.1 51.1 51.0 51.0 50.9 50.9 50.8 50.8 50.9 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.3 PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, A N D NUM BER OF COMMERCIAL BANKS, VAR YIN G DATES, 1941-70 [Single-date figures; amounts in millions o f dollars] Loans and investments D ate Total Loans U.S. Govt. obliga tions Other secu rities Cash assets T otal assets— Total lia bilities and capital ac counts 1 Deposits Interbank Total De mand Other Bor row ings Dennand Time Time U.S. G ovt. Total capital ac counts N um ber of banks Other 1941—-June 30.. Dec. 31.. 47,627 50,746 20,355 21,714 20,114 21,808 7,159 7,225 25,792 26,551 75,295 79,104 67,500 71,283 10,936 10,982 40,565 44,349 15,999 15,952 15 23 7,106 7,173 14,305 14,278 1942—June 30.. D ec. 31.. 53,652 67,393 20,265 19,221 26,411 41,379 6,976 6,793 24,822 28,039 80,207 97,091 72,312 89,135 10,273 11,308 46,373 61,431 15,665 16,395 16 13 7,237 7,330 14,228 14,136 1943—June 3 0 .. Dec. 31.. 76,633 85,095 17,665 19,117 52,454 59,842 6,514 6,136 25,943 27,677 104,210 96,080 114,350 105,923 10,383 11,003 67,566 75,569 17,632 19,350 28 49 7,501 7,719 14,073 14,034 1944— June 30.. Dec. 30.. 95,731 105,530 21,010 21,644 68,431 77,557 6,290 6,329 27,629 30,206 124,904 116,133 137,237 128,072 11,219 12,235 83,588 91,653 21,326 24,184 86 123 7,982 8,265 14,009 13,992 1945—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 114,505 124,019 23,672 26,083 84,069 - 6,764 7,331 90,606 30,127 146,094 136,607 34,806 160,312 150,227 12,605 14,065 96,725 105,921 27,276 30,241 69 219 8,618 8,950 14,000 14,011 1946—June 2 9 .. Dec. 31.. 119,448 113,993 27,130 31,122 84,473 74,780 7,845 8,091 32,378 34,223 12,311 12,656 98,043 92,446 32,536 33,930 87 45 9,352 9,577 14,026 14,044 1947—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 112,756 116,284 33,679 38,057 70,539 69,221 8,538 9,006 32,704 146,975 37,502 155,377 89,281 1,343 94,367 34,947 35,360 63 65 9,880 10,059 14,183 14,181 1948—Jan. 28 .. Feb. 25 .. Mar. 31.. Apr. 28 .. May 2 6 .. June 30.. July 28 .. Aug. 25 .. Sept. 29 .. Oct. 27 .. Nov. 24 .. Dec. 31.. 116,600 115,540 113,600 114,340 114,570 113,855 114,760 115,100 113,600 114,120 114,220 114,298 38,240 38,660 38,860 38,850 39,520 39,865 40,140 40,630 41,720 41,640 42,320 42,488 69,350 67,930 65,470 66,270 65,870 64,798 65,310 65,100 62,460 63,260 62,780 62,622 9,010 8,950 9,270 9,220 9,180 9,192 9,310 9,370 9,420 9,220 9,120 9,189 33,640 151,910 140,350 33,660 150,910 139,180 32,590 147,870 135,960 32,630 148,700 136,910 32,180 148,580 136,550 34,168 149,799 138,142 33,240 149,840 137,880 33,110 150,090 138,110 36,000 151,360 139,240 36,820 152,710 140,720 36,680 152,710 140,340 38,596 154,702 142,843 11,750 11,220 10,670 10,640 10,380 11,178 11,030 10,960 11,020 11,390 11,280 11,997 250 250 250 260 260 258 260 260 260 260 260 272 1,220 1,660 2,290 2,360 2,250 2,072 2,290 2,280 2,660 2,210 2,130 2,338 91,790 90,460 87,150 88,040 88,080 88,734 88,500 88,840 89,470 91,030 91,050 92,316 35,340 35,590 35,600 35,610 35,580 35,899 35,800 35,770 35,830 35,830 35,620 35,920 280 340 460 240 310 66 290 270 350 190 480 56 10,110 10,150 10,170 10,200 10,290 10,287 10,340 10,390 10,420 10,460 10,480 10,480 14,185 14,193 14,197 14,198 14,194 14,187 14,185 14,187 14,188 14,180 14,177 14,171 1949—Jan. 26.. Feb. 23.. Mar. 30.. Apr. 27.. May 25 .. June 30.. July 27.. Aug. 31.. Sept.28 .. Oct. 2 6 .. Nov. 30.. Dec. 31.. 114,470 113,410 112,500 112,510 113,440 113,773 114,770 117,930 118,530 119,480 119,700 120,197 42,450 42,030 42,370 41,320 40,930 41,025 40,510 41,190 41,680 41,780 42,660 42,965 62,970 62,240 60,880 61,950 63,170 63,220 64,440 66,710 66,700 67,560 66,910 67,005 9,050 9,140 9,250 9,240 9,340 9,528 9,820 10,030 10,150 10,140 10,130 10,227 36,130 36,030 34,240 34,030 32,820 34,166 32,600 31,920 31,630 32,450 32,680 35,650 152,360 151,280 148,470 148,300 148,060 149,699 149,120 151,700 151,880 153,680 154,280 157,677 140,040 139,010 136,070 135,910 135,650 137,520 136,480 138,830 139,170 141,150 141,330 145,174 11,400 10,670 10,230 10,040 10,100 10,608 10,610 10,930 10,950 11,400 11,260 12,388 260 260 260 270 330 330 350 330 340 340 340 321 1,910 2,920 3,280 1,990 1,790 2,145 1,330 2,940 3,580 3,450 3,060 3,074 90,570 89,170 86,170 87,410 87,200 87,983 87,870 88,330 88,030 89,710 90,750 93,062 35,900 35,990 36,130 36,200 36,230 36,455 36,320 36,300 36,270 36,250 35,920 36,328 440 340 420 380 340 30 540 670 380 170 450 20 10,550 10,560 10,620 10,650 10,660 10,780 10,760 10,830 10,880 10,930 11,050 10,967 14,168 14,159 14,162 14,162 14,161 14,150 14,154 14,157 14,160 14,159 14,154 14,156 1950—Jan. 25 .. Feb. 2 1 .. M ar. 29 .. Apr. 26 .. M ay 31.. June 30.. July 26 .. Aug. 30.. Sept. 27.. Oct. 2 5 .. Nov. 29.. Dec. 30.. 121,230 120,600 120,300 120,330 121,160 121,767 122,320 123,300 123,560 124,450 125,380 126,675 42,940 43,130 43,650 43,800 44,080 44,796 45,980 47,270 48,930 49,850 51,510 52,249 67,980 67,070 65,810 65,540 66,100 65,751 64,950 64,230 62,540 62,520 61,740 62,027 10,310 10,400 10,840 10,990 10,980 11,221 11,390 11,800 12,090 12,080 12,130 12,399 32,750 32,870 31,410 31,880 32,540 33,268 33,460 33,330 34,270 34,700 35,160 40,289 155,780 155,230 153,400 153,900 155,560 156,908 157,690 158,680 159,680 161,060 162,500 168,932 143,080 142,440 140,270 140,820 142,070 143,827 143,940 144,950 145,840 147,280 148,190 155,265 11,730 11,370 10,930 10,930 10,780 11,039 10,900 10,940 11,110 11,910 11,850 13,577 320 320 300 310 350 396 410 430 430 430 460 462 3,160 91,580 4,010 90,290 4,140 88,260 3,050 89,760 3,010 91,140 3,622 91,863 3,410 92,630 3,650 93,530 3,440 94,500 2,920 95,670 2,800 97,010 2,806 101,917 36,290 36,450 36,640 36,770 36,790 36,907 36,590 36,400 36,360 36,350 36,070 36,503 310 280 510 410 530 46 610 390 420 260 660 90 10,980 11,020 11,080 11,090 11,250 11,387 11,420 11,470 11,500 11,580 11,620 11,590 14,158 14,152 14,151 14,153 14,143 14,144 14,135 14,127 14,129 14,129 14,130 14,121 1951—Jan. 31.. Feb. 2 8 .. M ar. 2 8 .. Apr. 25.. M ay 30.. June 30.. July 2 5 .. Aug. 2 9 .. Sept.2 6 .. Oct. 31 .. Nov. 2 8 .. Dec. 31.. 125,050 125,010 125,740 125,390 125,060 126,045 126,070 127,030 128,550 130,480 131,860 132,610 52,710 53,540 54,420 54,350 54,460 54,821 54,590 55,160 55,960 56,750 57,270 57,746 59,980 59,060 58,770 58,470 58,110 58,521 58,720 59,140 59,690 60,850 61,630 61,524 12,360 12,410 12,550 12,570 12,490 12,703 12,760 12,730 12,900 12,880 12,960 13,339 36,950 37,870 36,560 36,660 36,220 37,384 36,920 36,300 38,170 39,650 39,160 44,645 163,990 164,960 164,210 164,050 163,400 165,501 165,040 165,520 168,700 172,270 173,180 179,465 149,230 150,440 149,650 149,600 148,570 151,457 150,560 150,570 153,870 157,060 157,540 164,840 11,640 11,580 11,100 11,250 10,870 11,421 11,830 11,630 12,220 12,880 12,710 14,536 580 580 530 490 480 525 560 570 590 610 620 550 2,610 98,170 4,060 97,970 6,170 95,470 5,620 95,800 4,620 96,100 6,126 96,381 4,350 96,780 3,860 97,230 4,880 98,770 3,490 102,310 3,580 103,090 3,359 108,259 36,230 36,250 36,380 36,440 36,500 37,004 37,040 37,280 37,410 37,770 37,540 38,137 1,150 870 910 640 940 75 450 720 590 730 1,010 34 11,610 11,630 11,660 11,130 11,770 11,951 11,980 12,060 12,090 12,200 12,200 12,216 14,116 14,110 14,120 14,117 14,114 14,107 14,108 14,105 14,105 14,102 14,096 14,089 153,321 142,890 149,718 139,033 135,907 144,103 F o r notes see end o f table. 27 11,679 240 12,792 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.3 PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, A N D NUM BER OF COMMERCIAL BANKS, V ARYING DATES, 1941-70— Continued [Single-date figures; amounts in millions o f dollars] D eposits Loans and investments D ate Total Loans U.S. Govt. obliga tions Other secu rities Cash assets Total assets— Total lia bilities and Total capital ac counts1 Interbank D e mand Time 930 1,080, 470 6,700, 5,900 6,180, 5,000 6,720: 4,9411 12,240 12,280 12,340’ 1,050 12,460 1,220 | 12,500! 94 12,601 1,770, 12.580 1,400 12.630 920' 12,720 1,720 12,800 1,960 12,820 188' 12,888 14.086 14.086 14,077 14.073 14,079 14.070 14,076 14.074 14.070 14,062 14,057 14,046 3,920 5,100 5,530. 2,560l 2,600, 3,634| 7,170^ 6,6801 5,870 3,440 5,410 4,146 107,260 106.150 104,550 105.150 104,330' 105,718! 104.120 104,130i 106.190 107.780 108,030* 112,604! 41,080 41.320 41,550 41.780 42,050 42,5811 42,630 42,790 43,130! 43,530 43,250! 43,997, 1,7 loj 1,480 1,520 1,4801 1,420; 1131 1,160 12,8901 12,950' 0,980; 13,070 13,180! 13,275' 13,290 l,2 0 0 i 13,3501 640 13.520 1,030] 13,570 1,290' 13.630 62j 13,559 14,042 14,035 14,028 14.018 14.018 14,009 14,006 14,004 13,997 13,990 13,982 13.981 230 300 420 510 590 699 760 790 790| 7001 7001 759 3.110 4.220 5,060 4,190 4,810 5,591 3,580 5,140 4,120 5,730 6,620 4,172 109,470; 107,500 204.860 *05,950i 105.780 106,996 106,960| 106,240! 108,970) 110,870 112,490 116,567| 44.070 44,340 44,810 45,000 45,380 45,983 46,290 46,540; 46,740 47.0301 46,600' 47,209j 5201 13,600 13,700* 13.750 13,870i 13,930 14,038 14,060' 14,120, 14,200 14.420 14,640 31 14,576 13.982 13,960 13,954 13,944 13,940 13,937 13,929 13,919 13,909 13,895 13,879 13,840 800| 3,470 4,260 4,0701 4,610 5,1301 5,078] 5,7401 4,860l 4.220 4,530i 4,210 3,709 115,710! 113.120 110,150i 112,710] 111,060 112,983 112.190 112.440 113,640 114,860j 116,930 123,187 47,180' 47,310 47,570 47,610 47.780 48,214 48,050] 48,330[ 48,430 48,540: 48,100,! 48,715 970] ,090 .490 ,290' ,390j 13,833 13,824 13,803 13,786 13,784 13,781 13,776 13,763 13,759 13,742 13,737 13,716 510 420 430 470 510' 613, 540 560 590 610 590 460. 2,010 117,550, 115,090] 112,870; 114.860 113,520 115,824i 114,110' 113,020 115,110 117,560 118,110) 125,282 48,610; 48,880! 49,190 49,140 49.320 50,030 50,020 50,210 50,400 50,570! 49,970) 50,908; ,590 ,630 ,810 ,870 15,34oj 13,723 460 460 470| l,62o| 118,57o! 51,56oj ,490' ,670, ,830 .550 ,9101 ,690 740 730 760 790 810 846 860 900 900 1,050 1,130 1,167 13,270 13,390 13,570 13,670 13,840 14,026 14,140 14,380 14,280 14,170 14,170 14,143 39,070 38,970 39,380 39,220 38,530 40,702 39,260 38,380 40,130 40,400 41,820 44,666 174.010 173.520 174,020 173,800 173,890 177,415 178.250 177.210 179,400 182,080 185.790 188,603 158,410 157,620 158,810 157,910 157.720 162,348 161,560 160.770 163,260 164.990 168,340 172,931 12.780 12,360 12,650 11,790 11,630 12,897i 1953--=Jan. 28 .. Feb. 25.. M a r.2 5 .. Apr. 29 .. May 27.. June 30.. July 29.. A u g .26.. Sept. 30., Oct. 28 .. N o v .25.. Dec. 31.. 140,780 140,100 140,000 138,520 138,100 137,957 143,190 143,130 142,990 143,970 145,530 145,687 63,860 64,070 65,170 65,280 65,440 65,025 65,630 66,040 66,260 67,120 67,250 67,593 62,760 61,900 60,520 58,890 58,310 58,644 63,220 62,590 62,200 62,340 63,720 63,426 14,160 14,130 14,310 14,350 14,350 14,287 14,340 14,500 14,530 14,510 14,560 14,668 39,920 40,500 39,420 38,560 38,450 41,156 38,420 38,260 40,640 40,100 40,710 44,828 182,960 182.870 181,570 179,320 178.870 181,425 183,940 183.790 186,080 186.480 188.720 193.010 165,780 165,830 164.530 162,180 161,630 165.531 166,880 166,520 169,090 169.050 170,920 176,702 12.780 12,530 12,140! 11,900 11,840 12.752 1954-—Jan. 27.. Feb. 24 .. Mar. 31.. Apr. 28 .. May 26 ., June 30.. July 28 .. A ug.25.. Sept.29 .. Oct. 27.. Nov. 24.. Dec. 31.. 145,330 144,900 142,790 144,110 145,690 146,383 147,280 149,490 150,580 154,010 155,710 155,916 66,460 66,870 67,050 66.750 67,120 67,337 67,290 66,450 67,250 67,740 69,450 70,619 64,160 63,030 60,650 62,130 63,280 63,508 64,340 67,300 67,330 70,160 70,110 68,981 14,710 15,000 15,090 15,230 15,290 15,538 15,650 15,740 16,000 16,110 16,150 16,316 40,330 40,290 40,490 39,830 39,330 41,569 39,260 38,540 39,670 40,720 41,260 43,559 188,150 187.670 185,740 186.520 187.670 190,585 189,190 190.670 192,900 197.480 199.720 202,378 171,360 170,270 169,220 169,400 170,080 174,068 171.770 173,130 175.300 179.300 181,280 184,757 13.480 12.9 lOj 13,070l 12,750, 12,520 13,798 13,180 13,420 13,680 13.970 13.870 15,050 1955=—Jan. 26 .. Feb. 23.. M ar.30.. Apr. 27.. May 25.. June 30.. July 27 .. Aug. 31.. Sept. 28.. Oct. 26.. Nov. 30.. Dec. 31 .. 156,250 154,820 153,490 155,540 155,570 155,264 156,990 156,680 157,260 158,860 159,390 160,881 70,550 71,180 72,310 72,920 73,850 75,183 76,570 77,340 78,390 79,210 81,390 82,601 69,000 66,800 64,180 65,630 65,000 63,271 63,700 62,490 62,020 62,860 61,370 61,592 16,700 16,840 17,000 16,990 16,720 16,809 16,720 16,850 16,850 16,790 16,630 16,688 41,080 40,470 39,250 39,920 38,700 41,025 39,790 39,680 40,190 40,590 41,580 46,838 200,270 198.250 195,700 198,540 197.210 199.249 199.710 199,340 200,350 202,410 204,100 210,734 181,590 179,240 176.460 179,500 177.990 181,516 180,470 180,200 180.990 182,640 184,020 192,254 13,430 12,790 12,920 12.870 12,330 13,483! 12,7301 12,840 12,940 12,960 13.010 15,058 760 750 700' 690i 759 760 730 760 750 770 585 1956-=»Jan. 25.. Feb. 29.. M ar.28.. Apr. 25.. May 30.. June 30.. July 25.. Aug. 29.. Sept.26.. Oct. 31.. Nov. 28 .. Dec. 31.. 159,410 158,350 159,930 160,080 159,690 160,008 159,580 161,030 162,030 162,540 163,970 165,123 81,980 82,540 84,690 85,290 85,960 86,887 87,140 87,470 88,480 88,780 89,510 90,302 60,900 59,170 58,600 58,150 57,310 56,620 56,190 57,170 56,950 57,450 58,200 58,552 16,530 16,640 16,640 16,640 16,420 16,502 16,250 16,390 16,600 16,310 16,260 16,269 40,260 40,530 39,940 39,880 39,970 42,444 39,920 39,730 41,700 42,360 42,390 48,720 202,730 202,040 202,980 203,070 202,780 205,712 202,690 204,090 207.160 208,430 209,930 217,460 182.720 181,670 182.440 182,330 181.980 186.326 181.980 183,150 185,690 186.990 188.370 197,515 13,040 12,640 12,780 12,750 12,180! 13,626 13,020 12,900 13.480 13,770, 13,770 16,133 1957=—Jan. 30.. Feb. 27.. M a r.2 7 .. Apr. 24 .. May 29.. June 26.. July 31.. Aug. 28.. Sept. 25.. Oct. 30.. N o v .2 7 .. Dec. 31.. 162,810 162,490 162,860 165,120 165,070 165,600 165,380 165,900 166,320 167,900 167,270 170,068 88,930 89,340 90,630 90,990 91,180 93,280 92,340 92,840 93,400 92,970 92,940 93,899 57,710 56,830 55,740 57,460 57,070 55,500 56,280 56,170 55,870 57,310 56,910 58,239 16,170 16,320 16,490 16,670 16,820 16.820 16,760 16,890 17,050 17,620 17,420 17,930 40,800 41,510 40,700 41,260 40,770 41,380 42,040 41,320 41,260 41,790 42,800 48,428 207,290 207,680 207,230 210.160 209,600 210.710 211,310 211.250 211,590 213,840 214,220, 222,696 185.930 185,940 185.440 188.460 187.370 188,880 189,710 188,680 188.930 190,740 191.050 201.326 12,720 12,820 13,01Oj 13,040* 12,100 12,020 13,000 13,250 13,100 14,788! 12 , 2 0 0 ) 12,900' 13,510 12.970 13,350 13,240, 13,090 15,636 Time N um ber of bunks 38,260 38,510; 38,750! 38,930' 39,150! 39,615 39,6801 39,890 40.070 40,4101 40.300 41,012 61,990 61,260 61,120 60,450 60,700 61,178 62,900 61,960 61,610 62,860 64,090 63,318 12,260 13,220 13,120 13,140 14,575 Total capital 104,3Go' 102,580 101,300] 102,410 102,2801 103,385 102,440, 102,090 103,140] 105,770! 107.440 111,6591 2,530 3,630 5,560' 4,230 4,090; 57,510 57,590 57,840 58,220 58,520 59,233 59,720 60,210 61,200 62,410 63,400 64,163 12,110 Other 540 540, 550! 550, 570 614 630| 630 650 690 740 744 132,770 132,240 132,530 132,340 133,060 134,437 136,760 136,550 137,090 139,440 141,660 141,624 28 Bor row ings Demand 1952=—Jan. 30.. Feb. 27.. Mar. 26,, Apr. 30.. May 28 .. June 30.. July 30.. Aug. 27.. Sept.24.. Oct. 29.. N o v .2 6 .. Dec. 31.. F or notes sec end o f table. Other j 5*837' 3,6401 6,170 4.110 5,450 5,232 3,290 5,460 5,110^ 3,480] 4,930 3,733' 2,510, 3,510 4101 4,050 500, 5,040i 4,490' 480 3,390j 440 400; 4,130| 450 3,580, 470, 3,180) 3,040 460 385i 3,898; 117,040 114,520' 116,690 114,740, 115,660 116,660! 115,1201 115,130 117,070; 118,160! 123,967, 52,110'! 52,930! 53,270 53,890, 54,350 54,710! 55,060^ 55,420 55,780; 55,300 56,440J 1,010 230 630 960 55 750 760 610 760; 790, 14.650 14,730 14,680 14,770 14,890 150 14,906 ,5001 14,980 . 2 0 0 ! 15,100 .280! 15,110 ,460 15,300 ,480 15,390 159 15,300! ,7401 354 ,580! ,480 ,620' ,450| ,390 75 ,220 ,750 ,690 ,790 ,710 77( 15,510! 13,703 15,550, 13,702 15,7101 13,697 15,820! 13,691 15,927 13.679 15,940[ 13,677 16,040, 13.680 16,280! 13,679 16,330 13,667 16,4001 13,659 16,302 13,640 16,380^ 16,500, 16.520 16.580 16,680, 16.750 16,970, 17,090 17,140| 17,380' 17,440 17,3681 13,636 13,631 13,633 13,628 13,619 13,613 13,610 13,608 13,603 13,588 13,578 13,568 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.3 PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL BANKS, VARYING DATES, 1941-70—Continued [Single-date figures; am ounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments D ate Total Loans U.S. Govt. obliga tions O ther secu rities Cash assets Total assetsTotal lia bilities and capital Total ac counts1 Deposits Interbank D e mand Other Bor row ings Dem and Time U.S. G ovt. Time T otal capital ac counts N um ber of banks O ther 1958—Jan. Feb. M ar. A pr. M ay June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 29 26........ 26 30........ 28........ 23........ 30 27 ........ 24 ........ 29 26 31........ 167,650 168,580 171,410 175,560 175,440 179,905 177,600 179,990 179,510 181,670 184,050 185,165 92,020 92,090 92,980 93,450 92,900 95,571 93,610 93,760 94,230 94,970 96,060 98,214 57,700 58,260 59,550 62,830 63,140 64,194 64,130 66,060 64,720 66,170 67,660 66,376 17,930 18,230 18,880 19,280 19,400 20,140 19,860 20,170 20,560 20,530 20,330 20,575 41,070 41,340 41,290 42,850 41,120 43,507 41,880 41,270 41,330 42,160 44,310 48,990 213,050 214,320 217,090 222,870 220,840 227,847 223,970 225,620 225,260 228,130 232,700 238,651 190,470 191,480 194,400 199,850 197,590 204,335 200,920 201,840 201,050 203,990 207,570 216,017 13,130 13,000 13,260 13,930 13,530 13,789 14,290 14,150 14,010 14,000 13,590 15,799 1,700 2,130 2,300 2,390 2,450 2,495 2,390 2,380 2,400 2,340 2,360 2,372 2 3 5 5 5 9 4 5 4 3 5 4 150 500 560 180 420 205 000 490 220 440 600 250 116 115 114 118 115 117 117 116 117 121 123 130 650 010 180 160 230 086 590 800 430 030 580 104 56,840 57,840 59,100 60,190 60,960 61,759 62,650 63,020 62,990 63,180 62,440 63,493 1,150 1,070 900 1,000 1,110 1,136 810 1,300 1,560 1,400 2,150 73 17,470 17,580 17,710 17,810 17,920 18,178 18,190 18,310 18,410 18,470 18,550 18.486 13,561 13,556 13,558 13,551 13,545 13,535 13,521 13,517 13,515 13,509 13,514 13,501 1959--J a n . Feb. M ar. A pr. M ay June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 28 25 ........ 25 29........ 2 7 ........ 24........ 29 26 ........ 30........ 28 . 25 , 31 .. 185,620 183,840 182,940 185,740 185,810 185,920 187,660 188,190 187,790 188,380 188,280 190,270 97,710 97,890 99,190 101,210 102,440 104,450 105,940 107,370 107,830 108,160 109,470 110,832 67,530 65,520 63,160 63,630 62,620 60,860 61,110 60,290 59,230 59,620 58,480 58,937 20,380 20,430 20,590 20,900 20,750 20,610 20,610 20,530 20,730 20,600 20,330 20,501 42,400 42,740 41,380 42,550 41,760 41,930 41,570 41,430 43,910 43,330 44,150 49,467 232,470 230,900 228,710 232,830 232,100 232,380 233,870 234,170 236,500 236,440 237,210 244,686 207,960 205,760 203,850 207,800 206,670 206,630 208,130 207,910 211,480 210,200 210,210 219,903 13,110 12,850 13,030 12,850 12,750 12,870 12,630 12,900 13,700 13,150 13,200 15,649 2,410 2,290 2,340 2,360 2,230 2,030 1,990 1,910 1,780 1,710 1,610 1,441 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 5 4 5 490 150 590 280 890 420 680 720 140 190 400 050 124 122 120 123 121 121 123 12! 123 124 125 131 210 490 450 440 510 570 220 460 830 320 930 593 63,740 63,980 64,440 64,870 65,290 65,740 65,610 65,920 66,030 65,830 65,070 66,169 1,770 2,210 2,050 2,090 2,240 2,710 2,580 2,770 1,410 2,480 2,860 615 18,570 18,620 18,730 18,890 18,990 19,030 19,170 19,340 19,440 19,500 19,590 19,556 13,512 13,504 13,494 13,491 13,482 13,479 13,476 13,486 13,478 13,478 13,476 13,474 1960—Jan. Feb. M ar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 27 . 24 , 30 27 . 25 . 29 ........ 27 31........ 28 ........ 26 .. 30 31 . 187,780 186,540 185,680 188,810 188,580 188,900 190,890 191,240 193,270 195,580 195,490 199,509 109,550 110,250 111,390 112,950 113,630 114,840 114,170 114,660 115,430 114,790 115,010 117,642 57,980 56,170 54,160 55,830 55,140 54,210 56,700 56,580 57,690 60,390 60,180 61,003 20,250 20,120 20,130 20,030 19,810 19,850 20,020 20,000 20,150 20,400 20,300 20,864 42,470 42,780 41,780 42,610 41,360 42,880 43,010 43,080 43,710 45,100 46,110 52,150 235,280 234,300 232,590 236,480 234,980 237,040 239,270 240,000 242,530 246,290 247,290 257,552 208,650 12,920 206,810 12,710 204,350 12,680 208,080 12,520 206,090 12,210 209,010 13,300 210,420 13,070 210,240 13,500 213,520 13,670 216,580 14,180 218,230 15,600 229,843 17,079 1,390 1 ,290 1,270 1,470 1,490 1,440 1,480 1,610 1,670 1,690 1,740 1,799 3 4 4 4 6 7 6 5 7 5 5 5 540 480 410 480 880 060 230 440 390 970 360 945 125 122 119 123 118 119 121 120 121 124 125 133 290 690 690 090 690 540 430 570 100 420 260 379 65,510 65,640 66,300 66,520 66,820 67,670 68,210 69,120 69,690 70,320 70,270 71,641 2,340 2,820 3,290 3,000 3,180 2,170 2,590 2,920 2,050 2,480 1,330 163 19,650 19,730 19,860 19,960 20,110 20,280 20,380 20,580 20,660 20,810 21,000 20,986 13,480 13,482 13,482 13,480 13,486 13,485 13,484 13,483 13,485 13,474 13,470 13,472 1961--J a n . M ar. M ar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 25 . 1 , 29 , 26 , 31 , 30........ 26 30, .. 27 25 , 29 30........ 197,020 199,300 197,990 199,720 201,160 201,848 205,070 205,120 209,910 210,290 211,250 215,441 114,210 116,720 116,640 117,180 117,850 117,953 118,070 118,450 120,520 120,470 121,670 124,925 61,880 61,310 59,670 60,740 61,450 61,824 64,740 64,160 66,130 66,630 66,210 66,578 20,930 21,270 21,680 21,800 21,860 22,071 22,260 22,510 23,260 23,190 23,370 23,937 43,810 45,430 42,040 43,400 44,090 45,595 43,320 42,370 44,130 45,320 46,130 56,432 246,590 250,430 246,020 249,040 251,240 253,749 254,480 253,580 260,560 261,910 263,510 278,561 218,530 220,760 216,330 219,390 221,180 224,997 224,790 222,870 229,080 231,050 232,070 248,689 15,020 14,420 13,660 13,500 13,500 13,633 13,620 13,340 13,930 14,530 14,920 17,914 1,800 1,800 1,820 1 ,900 430 461 460 460 470 480 470 481 3 5 4 2 4 6 5 5 8 5 5 5 320 830 160 010 790 362 550 340 160 680 460 946 126 125 122 126 124 125 125 123 125 128 129 141 350 090 170 660 230 161 350 190 420 640 730 920 72,040 73,620 74,520 75,320 78,230 79,380 79,810 80,540 81,100 81,720 81,490 82,429 600 1,860 1,880 1,750 1,740 443 1,230 1,880 2,230 1,830 1,830 471 21,100 21,170 21,170 21,200 21,490 21,745 21,680 21,870 22,250 22,060 22,290 22,459 13,472 13,464 13,463 13,460 13,461 13,463 13,459 13,454 13,451 13,437 13,433 13,432 1962--J a n . Feb. M ar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 31 , 27 . 28 . 25 ........ 30........ 30........ 25 29 ........ 26 ........ 31 ........ 28 28 ........ 213,730 214,260 215,180 217,390 217,960 220,670 220,410 222,140 225,270 228,560 229,260 235,839 122,420 123,780 125,380 126,610 127,480 129,193 128,730 130,430 132,840 134,400 134,840 140,106 67,240 66,030 64,440 64,650 64,400 64,443 64,180 63,850 64,250 65,550 65,600 66,434 24,070 24,450 25,360 26,130 26,080 27,034 27,500 27,860 28,180 28,610 28,820 29,298 46,910 47,670 44,680 45,390 45,390 48,728 44,600 44,670 46,630 49,690 47,450 54,049 267,400 235,560 268 540 236,350 266,340 234,430 269,180 237,200 269,690 237,580 276,220 245,298 271,520 239,640 273,230 240,050 278,400 245,480 284,890 251,470 283,310 249,680 297,116 262,122 14,190 14,110 13,750 13,730 13,200 14,400 13,830 13,840 14,530 15,260 15,190 16,008 480 510 510 520 520 525 520 510 510 520 520 535 4 5 6 3 7 9 5 7 8 6 6 6 910 090 260 920 170 080 530 450 090 380 090 829 131 130 125 130 126 128 127 124 128 133 132 141 500 510 920 120 310 785 450 900 100 970 280 041 84,480 86,130 87,990 88,910 90,380 92,507 92,310 93,350 94,250 95,340 95,600 97,709 2,200 2,310 2,420 2,360 2,070 786 1,930 2,750 2,610 2,780 2,500 3,627 22,500 22,570 22,630 22,750 22,930 23,183 23,020 23,200 23,330 23,560 23,680 24,094 13,943 13,428 13,417 13,407 13,414 13,422 13,419 13,421 13,417 13,414 13,427 13,432 1963-—Jan. Feb. M ar. Apr. M ay June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 30........ 27 27 24 ........ 29 2 9 ........ 31........ 28........ 2 5 ........ 30........ 2 7 ........ 20........ 232,040 233,620 234,860 234,920 236,490 241,014 240,980 240,380 244,840 246,080 249,070 254,162 136,340 138,410 139,360 139,540 141,750 145,049 145,560 145,800 148,870 149,670 152,650 156,006 66,200 65,270 64,840 64,010 63,010 63,542 62,480 60,870 61,810 61,960 62,300 63,196 29,500 29,940 30,660 31,370 31,730 32,423 32,940 33,710 34,160 34,450 34,120 34,959 45,970 47,540 45,640 46,460 46,880 51,156 48,340 45,390 48,080 47,950 50,470 50,711 285,050 288,210 287,590 288,580 290,510 299,875 296,710 293,000 300,250 301,460 307,060 312,773 14,100 14,140 13,800 13,910 13,730 15,042 14,000 13,800 14,510 14,790 14,880 15,267 520 4 320 133 050 99,280 520 6 440 131 610 100,760 520 7 330 128 890 102,420 560 3 760 132 000 103,260 540 6 820 129 480 104,710 550 11 060 133 624 105,902 530 7 130 133 190 106,800 530 5 870 129 270 107,870 550 8 850 132 320 108,330 550 3 610 135 780 110,180 550 4 390 139 040 110,420 526 6 729 141 534 111,064 2,670 3,070 3,100 3,270 3,060 1,545 2,960 3,240 2,930 3,690 4,430 3,664 23,840 24,010 24,070 24,180 24,360 24,582 24,520 24,600 24,720 24,920 25,000 25,677 13,440 13,443 13,451 13,456 13,472 13,482 13,503 13,515 13,524 13,540 13,558 13,570 251,270 253,470 252,960 253,490 255,280 266,179 261,650 257,340 264,560 264,910 269,280 275,120 For notes see end o f table. 29 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.3 PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL BANKS, VARYING DATES, 1941-70—Continued [Single-date figures; am ounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Loans and investments Date Loans U.S. Govt. obliga tions O ther secu rities Cash assets Total assetsTotal lia bilities and capital ac counts1 Other Interbank Demand D e mand Time Bor row ings Total capital ac counts Time N um ber of banks U.S. | Other Govt, i 1964—Jan. 29.. Feb. 26.. M ar. 25., Apr. 29., M ay 27., June 30. July 29. Aug. 26. Sept. 30. Oct. 28. Nov. 25. Dec. 31. 249,790 250.590 253,880 254.590 255,720 260.179 258,640 260.330 266.180 266,600 271.120 277,376 153.050 154,000 156,810 158,660 160,860 164,463 163,840 164,400 167,670 167,220 170,330 175,589 62.140 61.540 61,500 60,120 59.110 59,322 58,280 58,800 60,710 61,360 62,670 62,991 34,600 35,050 35,570 35.810 35.750 36,394 36,520 37,130 37,800 38.020 38,120 38,796 47,670 47,930 47,390 47.890 48,000 53,168 47,720 47.910 52.870 51.100 52.200 60,489 305 ,330 306 ,340 309, 270 310, 580 311, 810 321, 909 314 530 316 090 327! 890 326 230 331 ,980 346 ,921 268,800 269.090 272,110 272.400 273.170 284,903 275,710 277,230 289,190 286,080 290.580 307.170 14,090 13,960 14,070 13,700 13,680 15,272 13.770 14,390 15,820 15,360 15.460 17,938 570 590 630 640 630 677 690 680 700 710 710 819 820 137,4201113,900, 790 115,020 ,450 116,090 ,570 117,310 ,030 118,630 257 139 ,110 119,587 110 135 ,640 120,500 ,710 121,410 ,090 122,380 ,390 123,850 130 124,190 510 155 184 126,719 3.230 3,320 3.270 3.560 3.560 2,099 3.950 3,540 2,760 3.940 4,500 2,679 25.380 25.670 25.750 26,080 26.380 26,768 26,590 26,760 27.110 27.240 27.380 27,795 3,586 3,604 3,614 3,633 3,647 3.669 3,689 3,697 3,724 3,736 3.746 3.761 1965--Jan. 27.. Feb. 24.. M ar. 31.. Apr. 28.. M ay 26.. June 30.. July 28.. Aug. 25.. Sept. 29.. Oct. 27.. Nov. 24.. Dec. 31.. 274,000 275,730 278.350 281,240 282.230 287,723 285,940 287,840 291.470 295.330 2.97,140 306,060 173.420 175.530 179,040 181.530 183,930 188,641 187,060 188,900 191,690 192,800 194,560 201,658 61.520 60.520 59,040 58.320 57,190 56,853 56.320 55.510 55,930 58.450 58.820 59,547 39,060 39.680 40,270 41,390 41 ,110 42,229 42,560 43.430 43,850 44,080 43,760 44,855 51,010 51,580 54.510 51.640 51.180 57,063 51.090 50.510 52.830 52.890 55,040 60,899 333 ,810 336 ,010 342 110 342 060 342 ,700 354 ,553 346 ,440 347 ,720 354 ,060 357 ,920 361 ,840 377 ,264 292.770 294,130 300.770 299.140 299,180 311,632 302,650 303,030 309,640 311,860 314,690 332,436 14,800 14,890 16,300 14,450 14.240 16,171 14.460 14,900 15,850 15.710 15.770 18,426 129,440 890 4.060 143 940 6,710 140 131,220 950 8,350 142 133,070 134,370 920 6,850 142 970 9.890 138 135,650 032 11,796 145 137,366 980 6.890 141 350 138,970i 010 7,230 139 ,2801140,610 040 7,370 143 ,380 142,000 030 4.120 147 ,000,144,000 030 5.440 147 ,970 144,480 008 5,525 160 ,780 146,696! 4.400 4,330 3.670 5.020 4.970 3,682 4,730 5,060 4.400 5.780 5.970 4,472 27,640 27.750 28,100 28,210 28,490 29,479 29,280 29,410 29.630 29.890 30,060 30,272 3.785 3.786 3.789 3.793 3,796 3,791 3.787 3.789 3.793 3,799 3,805 3,804 1966—Jan. Feb. M ar. Apr. M ay June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 26.. 23.. 30.. 27.. 25.. 30.. 27.. 31.. 28.. 26.. 30.. 31., 302,190 302,030 304.350 307.110 308.120 314,238 312,380 313,980 314.920 314,220 315,770 322,661 198,130 199,610 203,490 205,180 207.430 211.980 211.050 211,820 212,500 211.980 213.460 217,726 59,630 57,310 55,430 55.450 53,550 53,503 52,720 53,730 53,610 53,590 54,390 56,163 44.430 45,110 45.430 46,480 47.140 48,755 48,610 48.430 48.810 48,650 47,920 48,772 54,500 55.640 54,130 56,430 54.180 60,013 56,420 55,530 55,260 56,980 60.890 69,119 366 930 367 J 9 0 368 840 373 ,780 372 ,710 385 393 379 790 380 630 381 ,160 381 940 387 650 403 368 319,970 319.670 321.090 327,120 324,360 338.004 328,840 329,010 328,940 329,800 333.460 352,287 15.410 15,830 15.240 15.560 14.920 17,034 15,480 15,930 16,310 16,020 17,110 19.770 050 3,930 151 ,730 147,850 060 5.440 148 ,680 148,660 070 5.120 148 ,420 151,240 090 5,030 152 650 152,790 080 7,780 146 ,130 154,450 098 10,998 153 ,846 155,029 090 6,180 149 ,320 156,770 130 4.720 149 ,780 157,450 060 6,000 148 440 157,130 010 4.720 151 510 156.540 900 3,810 155 ,630 156,010 967 4,992 167 ,751 158,806 6.170 6,750 6,160 4.940 5,610 4,353 7.230 7.170 7,050 6.970 7.950 4,859 30.240 30,310 30,440 30.670 30,790 31,309 31.090 31.360 31.510 31.630 31,930! 32,054| 3.794 3.794 3.801 3.802 3.802 3.802 3.801 3.801 3.790 3,789 3,784 3,767 1967—Jan. Feb. M ar. Apr. M ay June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2 5 .... 2 2 .... 2 9 .... 2 .6 .... 3 1 ..., 3 0 ..., 2 6 ..., 3 0 .... 25 , . . . 2 9 ..., 3 0 .... 320,320 320,890 326.570 328,830 330,400 334,857 338.570 341.230 345,780 348,810 351,100 359,903 214,970 213,600 216,750 218,730 219,880 223,952 224,780 224,340 227.430 227.420 228.460 235,954 56,000 56,600 57.830 56.150 55.830 54,233 57.110 59.140 60,090 62,370 62,850 62,473 49,350 50.690 51,990 53,950 54.690 56,671 56.680 57.750 58,260 59.020 59,790 61,477 58,600 60,220 57,360 60,380 63,710 65,059 62,070 58,810 61.300 61.300 61,730 77,928 389 820 392 220 395 100 400 610 405 880 412 118 412 380 411 ,730 418 910 421 870 424 650 451 ,012 337,320 338,870 342.400 347,590 352.140 359,531 357,750 356.250 363,390 366.250 368,100 395,008 16,050 16,640 16.350 16.560 17,520 18,029 17.020 16,750 17,040 17.170 16,970 21,883 1,180 1.350 1.350 1.370 1,468 1,480 1,550 1,530 1,430 1,340 1,314 162,070 164,420 167.730 168,870 171,710 173,833 175,600 178.160 178.570 180,030 181,170 182,511 7.010 6,740 6.270 6,640 7,080 5,166 6,910 6,520 6,470 6,140 6,920 5,777 32,0501 32.240 32,470 32,580 32,880 33,285 33,030 33.360 33,190 33,680 33.890 34,384 3.762 3,756 3,760 3,758 3.743 3.744 3.746 3.744 3,743 3,735 3,739 3.722 1968—Jan. Feb. M ar. Apr. M ay June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 31. 28. 27. 24. 29. 29. 31. 28. 25. 30. 27. 31. 356,970 357.750 357,910 361,660 363.110 367,560 373,480 375,550 382,080 387,450 390,010 401,262 ,010 ,420 570 ,990 ,300 ,580 ,370 ,050 ,920 ,860 ,730 259 62,230 63.150 61,200 59,840 60.320 58,604 60,530 61,480 62.540 64,760 62.820 64,466 61,730 62,180 63.140 63.830 63,490 64,376 64,580 66.020 67,620 68.830 69,460 71,537 66.830 64,760 63,950 63.870 65.100 75,334 69,610 67,020 69.850 71,780 76,690 83,752 436, 580 434, 980 434, 870 438, 550 441, 150 456 827 456, 670 455, 820 465, 490 473, 100 480, 640 500, 657 378,960 376.490 374.490 377,080 377.460 394.004 391,330 388,280 396,410 403.580 408,830 434,023 17,470 16.920 16.710 17.340 17.340 20,638 19.170 18.020 19,250 19,690 20,500 24,747 1,320 1.370 1,280 1,230 1,100 1,094 1,310 1.350 1,410 1,330 1,260 1,211 6,920j 168,490 184,760 9,060 162.550 186,590 5,320! 163,100 188,080 4,040 166.550 5,060! 165,180 4.970 177,837 5,800 172,610 4.970 168,720 8,540 170,480 6,0701 176,120 3,250 182,000 5,010 199,901 187,920 188,780 189,465 192,440 195,220 196.730 200,370 201,820 203,154 6,820 7.270 8.150 8,930 9,700 8,131 10.150 11,130 11,660 11.670 13.020 8,899 34,420 34,520 34,600 34,810 35.110 35,774 35,740 35,850 36.090 36,400 36.510 37,006 3.717 3.717 3.716 3.714 3,720 3.723 3.717 3.714 3,707 3,703 3,687 3,679 1969—Jan. Feb. M ar. Apr. M ay 2 9 ... 2 6 ... 2 6 ... 3 0 ... 2 8 ... 394,820 393.470 394,900 400.750 399.920 261,130 263,120 264,970 270,470 272,720 63.150 59,470 58.510 57,980 55,380 70,540 70,880 71,420 72,300 71,820 71.850 71,590 72.090 81,110 76,700 480,940 480,700 482,870 498,200 493,250 407,780 404.520 403.670 417,000 408.520 19.350 19,550 19,910 21,230 20,990 1,080 7,540 178,270 5,830]l76,230 4,250 176,360 8,950 184,290 6,530 178,200 201.540 201,900 202.160 201.570 201,850 12,830 13.010 14,360 15.780 17,490 3.673 3.673 3,677 3.669 3,668 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 309. . 3 0 ... 2 7 ... 2 4 ... 2 9 ... 2 6 ... 3 1 ... 410,279 409,200 405,860 408,670 409,210 413,080 421,597 283,850 283,240 280,680 284,300 284,420 287,130 295,547 54,044 54,700 54,330 53,200 54,410 55,070 54,709 72,385 71,260 70,850 71,170 70,380 70,880 71,341 88,209 74,370 76.200 75.910 76,960 82,340 89,984 516, 501, 499, 503, 504, 514, 530, 425,363 404,040 401,770 404,160 406,800 413,300 435,577 25,187 21,060 21.410 21,260 22.190 23.190 27,174 882 860i 870! 14,740 38,823 19,450 38,480, 21,270 38,660, 21,610 38,860 21,240 39,310 21,960 39,450 18,3601 39,978 3.673 3.682 3.683 3,681 3.683 3.684 3,661 2 1 . .. . 1,110 1,010 990 960 950 810 880: 680l 735l For notes see next page. 30 4.680 153 410 6,200 150 430 5,520 151 ,450 6.440 154 ,370 4,160 157 ,380 5,152 161 ,048 5,920 157 ,730 3,640 156 150 7,020 159 1230 6.680 160 940 4,980 163 ,640 5,234,184 ,066 5,639 193,787 199,868 5,490 180,260 196,370 4,860 179,840 194,790 7.610 180,550! 193,930 6,180 184,1501193,400 6.610 190,100^192,720 5,054|208,870|193,744| MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.3 PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL BANKS, VARYING DATES, 1941-70—Continued [Single-date figures; am ounts in millions o f dollars] Deposits Loans and investments Date Total 1970—Jan. Feb. M ar. A pr. M ay June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 28 ........ 25........ 25........ 29........ 27........ 30........ 29........ 26 ........ 30........ 28........ 25........ 31 410,980 408,890 412,410 417,170 417,340 423,240 425,530 430,080 436,790 439,590 442,970 461,194 Loans 287,330 286,680 288,230 290,550 290,370 296,091 296,330 297,900 301,530 301,460 302,160 313,334 U.S. Govt. obliga tions 52,960 51,400 51,520 52,330 52,640 51,569 53,510 55,050 55,750 57,180 58,280 61,742 O ther secu rities 70,600 70,810 72,660 74,290 74,330 75,579 75,690 77,130 79,510 80.950 82,530 86,118 Cash assets 77,400 78,900 76,360 78,410 78,930 85,631 74,930 78,820 85,760 78,310 82,400 93,643 Total assetsTotal lia bilities and capital Total ac counts1 506,770 506,780 508,420 515,650 516,630 529,679 520,800 529,640 543,900 539,190 546,950 576,242 406,380 406,390 407,980 413,780 413,720 432,429 422,740 429,680 447,320 440,030 446,170 480,940 1 Includes other assets and liabilities not shown separately. 2 D ata beginning June 30 reflect (1) inclusion of consolidated reports (including figures for all bank-premises subsidiaries and other significant majority-owned domestic subsidiaries) and (2) reporting o f figures for Interbank Other Demand De mand 21,550 22,230 21,810 21,600 22,180 26,338 22,440 22,890 26,480 24,780 24,680 30,608 Time 620 620 580 660 690 898 1,350 1,630 1,710 1,740 1,740 1,975 Bor row ings Total capital ac counts N um ber of banks 22,620 22,620 22,840 23,530 23,080 18,546 19,850 20,160 18,170 20,200 21,680 19,375 40,030 40,230 40,370 40,590 40,850 41,708 41,510 41,720 42,040 42,080 42,270 42,958 13,662 13,665 13,664 13,665 13,665 13,671 13,671 13,675 13,678 13,684 13,687 13,686 Time U.S. Govt. 6,320 7,380 6,140 6,230 5,960 8,076 7,170 8,270 8,470 6,250 5,840 7,938 Other 186,130 191,760 182,940 193,220 183,090 196,360 185,620 199,670 183,7401201,150 192,999 204,118 181,540 210,240 182,520 214,370 190,810 219,850 185,030 222,230 189,080 224,830 209,335 231,084 total loans and for individual categories of securities on a gross basis— that is, before deduction of valuation reserves— rather than net as pre viously reported. 31 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.4 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS, MONTHLY, 1948-70 [In billions of dollars] Seasonally adjusted M onth > Total loans and investm ents3 N ot seasonally adjusted Total loans and investments 2 Securities Loans 2 U.S. Govt * Other Secu ritics Loans “ U.S. Govt. Other 1948—Jan........................... Feb........................... M ar.......................... A pr........................... M a y ........................ Ju n e ......................... Ju ly .......................... Aug.......................... Sept.......................... O ct........................... N ov .......................... Dec........................... 115.2 115.4 115.1 115.4 115.4 114.7 115.0 114.5 113.2 113.1 113.0 113.0 37.7 38.2 38.5 39.0 39.8 40.1 40.6 40.7 41.1 41.3 41.4 41.5 68.4 68.0 67.4 67.2 66.4 65.4 65.2 64.5 62.8 62.6 62.4 62.3 9.1 9.1 9 .2 9 .2 9 .2 9 .2 9 .2 9 .2 9 .2 9 .2 9 .2 9 .2 116.4 115.2 113.4 114.1 114.4 113.7 114.5 114.8 113.3 113.9 U 4 .0 114.2 38.0 38.4 38.7 38.7 39.3 39.7 39.8 40.3 41.4 41.4 42.1 42.4 69.4 67.9 65.5 66.3 65.9 64.8 65.3 65.1 62.5 63.3 62.8 62.6 9 .2 9.1 9 .2 1949—Jan............................ F eb........................... M ar.......................... A pr........................... M ay ......................... J u n e ......................... Ju ly .......................... Aug.......................... Sept.......................... O ct........................... N ov .......................... Dec........................... 113.3 113.2 113.8 113.5 114.2 114.6 115.0 117.3 118.2 118.5 118.4 118.7 42.0 41.6 41.9 41.4 41.1 41.3 41.0 41.3 41.2 41.5 41.8 42.0 62.2 62.3 62.7 62.8 63.6 63.7 64.3 66.1 67.0 66.9 66.4 66.4 9.1 9 .3 9 .2 9 .2 9 .4 9 .6 9.7 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 114.3 113.1 112.2 112.2 113.1 113.7 114.5 117.6 118.3 119.3 119.5 120.1 42.3 41.7 42.1 41.0 40.6 40.9 40.2 40.9 41.5 41.6 42.5 42.9 63.0 62.2 60.9 62.0 63.2 63.2 64.4 66.7 66.7 67.6 66.9 67.0 9.1 9.1 9 .3 9 .2 9 .3 9.5 9 .8 10.0 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.2 195 0 ~ J a n ........................... F eb........................... M ar.......................... A pr........................... M ay ......................... Ju n e ......................... Ju ly .......................... A ug.......................... Sept.......................... O ct........................... N ov.......................... D ec........................... 120.0 120.4 121.1 121.4 122.1 122.4 122.6 122.9 123.1 123.4 123.9 124.7 42.4 42.8 43.3 43.8 44.4 45.1 46.4 47.4 48.5 49.5 50.3 51.1 67.1 67.1 67.0 66.6 66.6 66.1 64.9 63.9 62.8 61.8 61.3 61.1 10.4 10.6 10.8 11.0 U .l 11.2 11.3 11.6 11.9 12.1 12.2 12.4 120.9 120.3 120.1 120.0 121.0 121.7 122.0 122.9 123.3 124.3 125.0 126.6 42.6 42.8 43.5 43.5 43.9 44.7 45.7 46.9 48.6 49.7 51.1 52.2 68.0 67.1 65.8 65.5 66.1 65.8 65.0 64.2 62.5 62.5 61.7 62.0 10.3 10.4 10.8 U .O 11.0 11.2 U .4 11.8 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.4 1951—Jan ........................... F eb........................... M ar.......................... A pr........................... M ay ......................... Ju n e ......................... Ju lv .......................... A ug.......................... Sept.......................... O ct........................... N ov.......................... Dec........................... 123.8 124.8 125.7 126.3 126.0 126.5 126.2 126.7 128.1 128.9 129.6 130.2 52.1 53.0 53.7 54.1 54.6 55.0 54.9 55.2 55.5 55.9 55.8 56.5 59.2 59.2 59.5 59.6 58.9 58.8 58.7 58.9 59.8 60.1 60.8 60.4 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.6 12.6 12.7 12.7 12.6 12.7 12.9 13.1 13.4 124.7 124.5 125.2 124.9 124.7 125.9 125.6 126.4 128.1 129.8 131.2 132.5 52.3 53.0 53.9 53.9 54.1 54.7 54.1 54.6 55.5 56.1 56.6 57.6 60.0 59.1 58.8 58.5 58.1 58.5 58.7 59.1 59.7 60.9 61.6 61.5 12.4 12.4 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.7 12.8 12.7 12.9 12.9 13.0 13.3 1952—-Jan............................ F eb......... ................ M ar.......................... A p r.......................... M ay ......................... Ju n e ......................... Ju ly .......................... Aug.......................... Sept.......................... O ct........................... N ov.......................... Dec.......................... 131.1 131.8 132.3 133.4 134.0 135.0 137.0 136.2 136.4 137.9 139.3 139.1 56.6 57.1 57.3 58.1 58.5 59.3 59.9 60.3 60.6 61.6 62.3 62.8 61.1 61.2 61.4 61.7 61.7 61.7 63.1 61.7 61.6 62.1 62.8 62.2 13.4 13.5 13.5 13.7 13.9 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 132.0 131.5 132.1 131.9 132.6 134.3 136.4 136.0 136.4 138.8 141.3 141.5 56.7 56.9 57.4 57.8 58.0 59.1 59.3 59.6 60.5 61.8 63.0 64.0 62.0 61.3 61.1 60.5 60.7 61.2 62.9 62.0 61.6 62.9 64.1 63.3 13.3 13.4 13.6 13.7 13.8 14.0 14.1 14.4 14.3 14.2 14.2 14.1 1953—Jan ............................ Feb........................... M a r......................... A pr........................... M ay ......................... Ju n e ......................... Ju ly .......................... Aug.......................... Sept.......................... O ct........................... N ov.......................... Dec........................... 139.3 139.7 139.6 139.5 138.7 138.5 143.5 142.8 142.6 142.2 142.9 143.1 63.3 63.7 64.3 64.9 65.0 64.9 65.6 66.0 66.0 66.3 65.9 66.2 61.7 61.8 61.0 60.2 59.4 59.4 63.6 62.4 62.2 61.4 62.4 62.2 14.3 14.2 14.3 14.3 14.4 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 140.3 139.4 139.2 137.9 137.2 137.8 142.8 142.5 142.6 141.2 144.9 145.5 63.4 63.4 64.4 64.7 64.5 64.9 65.2 65.4 65.9 66.3 66.7 67.4 62.8 61.9 60.5 58.9 58.3 58.6 63.2 62.6 62.2 62.3 63.7 63.4 14.2 14.1 14.3 14.4 14.4 14.3 14.3 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.6 14.7 F o r notes see end o f table. 32 9 .0 9 .0 9.3 9 .2 9 .2 9.2 9 .3 9 .4 9 .H MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES i.4 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS, M ONTHLY, 1948-70—Continued __________________________________________ ________[In billions of d o l l a r s ] ____________ Seasonally adjusted M onth > Total loans and investments 5 N o t seasonally adjusted Secu rities Total loans and investments 2 Loans 5 U.S. G ovt.4 Other Secu rities Loans * U.S. Govt. Other 1954— J a n . . . F e b .. M ar.. A pr.. M ay. June. Ju ly . . A u g .. Sep t.. O c t... N ov.. Dec.. 143.8 144.4 144.8 145.1 146.1 146.9 147.3 149.2 150.1 152.2 153.0 153.1 66.0 66.4 66.7 66.5 66.6 67.0 66.8 66.4 66.9 67.1 68.2 69.1 63.0 63.0 63.1 63.4 64.2 64.5 64.9 67.1 67.3 69.0 68.6 67.6 14.8 15.0 15.0 15.2 15.3 15.5 15.7 15.7 15.9 16.1 16.2 16.4 144.8 144.0 142.5 143.6 144.8 146.2 146.6 148.9 150.1 153.3 155.1 155.7 66.0 66.0 66.8 66.3 66.2 67.2 66.6 65.9 66.8 67.0 68.9 70.4 64.2 63.0 60.7 62.1 63.3 63.5 64.3 67.3 67.3 70.2 70.1 69.0 14.7 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.5 15.7 15.7 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 1955—J a n ... Feb.. M ar.. Apr.. M ay. June. Ju ly . . Aug.. Sep t.. O ct.. N ov.. D cc.. 154.5 154.6 154.7 155.5 155.6 155.6 156.6 155.9 156.4 157.0 156.6 157.6 70 .0 70.8 71.2 72.1 73.2 74.3 75.5 76.7 77 .4 78.5 79 .6 80.6 67.7 66.9 66.6 66.5 65.6 64.5 64.3 6 2 .4 62.2 61.7 60.3 60.3 16.8 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.7 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.7 16.8 16.7 16.8 155.5 153.8 152.4 154.4 154.5 154.8 155.8 155.6 156.4 158.1 158.2 160.3 69.8 70.2 71.2 71.8 72.8 74.8 75.4 7 6.2 77.5 7 8.4 80.2 82.0 69.0 66.8 64.2 65.6 65.0 63.3 63.7 62.5 62.0 62.9 61.4 61.6 16.7 16.8 17.0 17.0 16.7 16.8 16.7 16.9 16.9 16.8 16.6 16.7 1956—J a n .. Feb.. M ar.. A p r.. M ay. June. July. Aug.. S ep t.. O c t.. N o v .. Dec.. 158.0 158.2 159.6 159.2 159.2 159.7 159.1 160.2 160.7 160.5 161.4 161.6 81.4 82.1 83.4 84.2 85.1 85.4 85.9 86.6 87.0 87.7 87.8 88.1 59.9 59.4 59.7 58.4 57.7 57.8 56.9 57.1 57.2 56.6 57.3 57.2 16.7 16.7 16.6 16.5 16.4 16.5 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.3 16.3 16.3 158.3 157.1 158.5 158.7 158.4 159.3 158.3 159.8 160.7 161.3 162.7 164.5 80.9 81.2 83.3 83.9 84.7 86.2 85.8 86.3 87.2 87.6 88.2 89.7 60.9 59.2 58.6 58.2 57.3 56.6 56.2 57.2 57.0 57.5 58.2 58.6 16.5 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.4 16.5 16.3 16.4 16.6 16.3 16.3 16.3 1957—Jan .. Feb.. M ar.. A pr.. M ay. June. Ju ly .. Aug.. S e p t.. O ct.. N ov.. Dec.. 161.6 162.2 162.5 163.8 164.6 164.6 164.7 164.9 165.1 165.7 164.9 166.4 88.5 88.9 89.5 90.1 90.3 91.1 91.0 91.5 91.8 91.7 9 1 .4 91.5 56.8 56.9 56.6 57.2 57.5 56.8 56.9 56.5 56.4 56.4 55.9 56.9 16.3 16.4 16.4 16.5 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.9 16.9 17.6 17.6 17.9 161.6 161.1 161.4 163.8 163.8 164.3 164.1 164.6 165.1 166.5 165.9 169.3 87.7 87.9 89.1 89.7 89.9 9 2.0 9 1.0 9 1.5 9 2.2 9 1 .6 91.5 9 3 .2 57.7 56.8 55.7 57.5 57.1 55.5 56.3 56.2 55.9 57.3 56.9 58.2 16.2 16.3 16.5 16.7 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.9 17.1 17.6 17.4 17.9 1958—Jan .. Feb.. M ar.. A pr.. May. June. Ju ly . Aug.. S e p t.. O c t.. N ov.. D ec.. 166.3 168.3 170.8 174.0 174.7 178.6 176.6 178.6 177.9 179.2 181.7 181.2 91 .4 9 1 .6 9 2 .0 92.1 91.8 92.7 9 2 .2 92.1 92.3 93.5 94.6 95.6 56.8 58.3 59.9 62.7 63.6 65.9 64.4 66.4 65.2 65.2 66.7 65.1 18.1 18.3 18.8 19.1 19.4 19.9 19.9 20.2 20.4 20.5 20.5 20.5 166.2 167.1 169.9 174.0 173.8 178.2 176.2 178.3 177.9 180.1 182.7 184.4 90.5 9 0.6 91.5 91.9 91.3 9 3.6 9 2.2 92.1 92.6 93.4 94.7 97.5 57.7 58.3 59.6 62.8 63.1 64.6 64.1 66.1 64.7 66.2 67.7 66.4 17.9 18.2 18.9 19.3 19.4 20.0 19.9 20.2 20.6 20.5 20.3 20.6 F o r notes see end o f table. 33 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.4 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS, MONTHLY, 1948-70—Continued [In billions of dollars] N ot seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Securities Loans M onth » Total loans and in vestments 3 Total 2 Commercial and industrial U.S. G ovt.4 Securities Loans O ther Total loans and in vestments 3 T o ta l2 Commercial and industrial U.S. G ovt. O ther M ar........... Apr............ M ay .......... Ju n e .......... Ju ly ........... Aug........... Sept........... O ct............ N ov........... Dec............ 186.4 185.6 184.6 186.2 187.3 187.1 188.2 189.0 188.7 188.3 188.3 188.7 99 .2 99 .5 100.6 101.9 103.4 104.1 106.3 107.8 108.5 109.1 109.9 110.5 35.5 35.7 35.8 36.2 37.0 37.4 38.1 38.3 38.5 38.8 39.1 39.4 66.6 65.5 63.5 63.5 63.2 62.4 61.3 60.6 59.6 58.6 57.9 57.7 20.6 20.6 20.5 20.8 20.7 20.6 20.6 20.6 20.6 20.6 20.5 20.5 186.2 184.3 183.5 186.2 186.3 186.5 188.1 188.6 188.9 189.2 188.7 192.3 98.3 98.3 99.8 101.7 103.0 105.1 106.4 107.8 108.9 109.0 109.9 112.8 35.0 35.1 35.8 36.0 36.9 37.8 37.8 38.2 38.7 38.8 39.4 40.2 67.5 65.5 63.2 63.6 62.6 60.9 61.1 60.3 59.2 59.6 58.5 58.9 20.4 20.4 20 .6 20.9 20.8 20.6 20.6 20.5 20.7 20.6 20.3 20.5 1960—Jan ............ Feb ............ M ar........... A pr............ M ay .......... Ju n e .......... Ju ly ........... Aug........... Sept........... O ct............ N ov........... Dec............ 188.8 188.4 189.1 189.6 189.9 190.2 191.6 192.5 194.0 195.8 196.0 197.4 111.4 112.2 112.9 113.8 114.2 114.6 115.0 115.4 116.0 116.1 116.1 116.7 40.0 40.3 40.6 41.1 41.3 41.4 41.5 41.5 41.8 41.9 42.0 42.1 57.0 56.0 56.2 55.9 55.9 55.8 56.6 57.1 58.0 59.4 59.4 59.9 20.4 20.2 20.0 19.9 19.8 19.8 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.3 20.5 20.8 188.6 187.3 186.4 189.2 188.9 189.6 191.5 191.9 194.3 196.7 196.8 201.5 110.4 111.0 112.1 113.3 113.9 115.6 114.8 115.3 116.4 115.9 116.3 119.6 39.4 39.8 40.9 40.9 41.3 41.9 41.2 41.2 41.8 41.8 42.3 43.1 58.0 56.2 54.2 55.8 55.1 54.2 56.7 56.6 57.7 60.4 60.2 61.0 20.3 20.1 20.1 20.0 19.8 19.8 20.0 20.0 20.1 20.4 20.3 20.9 1961- Jan............. Feb............ M ar........... A pr............ M ay .......... Ju n e .......... Ju ly ........... Aug........... Sept........... O ct............ N ov........... Dec........... 198.9 201.0 201.1 201.1 203.2 204.3 206.2 207.3 209.8 210.2 211.4 212.8 117.0 118.6 118.3 118.4 119.0 118.9 119.6 119.8 120.6 121.6 122.5 123.6 42.1 42.3 42.5 42.5 42.5 42.4 42.7 42.9 43.0 43.2 43.3 43.9 60.8 61.0 61.2 61.1 62.3 63.4 64.4 64.9 66.1 65.5 65.3 65.3 21.4 21.4 21.6 21.6 21.9 22.0 22.2 22.6 23.1 23.1 23.6 23.9 198.8 200.1 198.7 200.4 202.1 203.9 206.3 205.9 210.5 211.2 212.1 217.7 116.0 117.5 117.3 117.9 118.8 120.0 119.3 119.2 121.1 121.4 122.5 127.2 41.5 41.9 42.8 42.4 42.3 42.8 42.3 42.5 43.0 43.2 43.6 45.2 61.9 61.3 59.7 60.7 61.5 61.8 64.7 64.2 66.1 66.6 66.2 66.6 20.9 21.3 21.7 21.8 21.9 22.1 22.3 22.5 23.3 23.2 23.4 23.9 1962—Jan ............ Feb............ M ar........... A pr........... M ay .......... Ju n e .......... Ju ly ........... Aug........... Sept........... O ct............ N ov........... Dec............ 214.4 215.4 217.3 218.9 220.4 221.8 222.5 224.7 225.7 227.6 229.4 231.2 124.2 125.1 127.0 128.0 128.7 129.8 130.0 131.7 133.3 134.4 135.7 137.3 44 .0 44.1 44 .6 44.8 45.2 45.5 45.7 46.3 46.7 47.0 47.4 47 .6 65.9 65.7 65.0 65.0 65.5 65.1 65.1 65.2 64.4 64.6 64.6 64.7 24.3 24.6 25.3 25.9 26.2 26.9 27.4 27.8 28.0 28.6 29.1 29.2 214.2 214.9 215.7 218.2 218.6 222.7 221.3 222.5 226.4 229.1 230.1 237.0 122.9 124.4 125.9 127.4 128.2 131.2 129.6 130.8 134.0 134.9 135.7 141.3 43.4 43.7 44.8 44.7 45.0 45.9 45.2 45.8 46.7 47.1 47.7 49.1 67.2 66.0 64.4 64.7 64.4 64.4 64.2 63.9 64.3 65.6 65.6 66.4 24.1 24.4 25.4 26.1 26.1 27.0 27.5 27.9 28.2 28.6 28.8 29.3 1 9 6 3 -Jan ............. Feb............ M ar........... A pr............ M ay .......... Ju n e.......... J u ly ........... Aug........... Sept........... O ct............ N ov........... Dec............ 232.9 234.6 235.7 236.8 238.8 241.0 242.6 243.3 244.8 246.2 248.2 250.2 138.3 139.4 140.7 141.0 142.8 144.8 145.7 147.3 148.9 150.5 152.5 153.7 47.9 48.1 48.4 48.7 49.0 49.4 49 .6 49.7 50.1 50.8 51.5 52.1 64.8 65.0 64.3 64.6 64.1 63.9 64.1 62.6 62.0 61.3 61.3 61.5 29.8 30.2 30.7 31.2 31.9 32.3 32.8 33.4 33.9 34.4 34.4 35.0 232.4 233.7 235.1 235.7 236.9 242.9 241.5 240.9 245.8 246.3 248.9 256.5 136.7 138.5 139.6 140.3 142.2 146.9 146.1 146.3 149.8 149.9 152.5 158.0 47.3 47.7 48.6 48.6 48.8 49.9 49.0 49.2 50.1 50.6 51.9 53.7 66.2 65.3 64.8 64.0 63.0 63.5 62.5 60.9 62.3 63.4 29.5 29.9 30.7 31.4 31.7 32.4 32.9 33.7 34.2 34.4 34.1 35.1 1964— Jan............. Feb............ M ar........... A pr........... M ay .......... Ju n e .......... J u ly .......... Aug........... Sept........... O ct............. Nov........... Dec............ 250.9 252.6 254.1 255.8 257.5 259.6 260.6 263.4 266.6 267.1 270.3 272.4 155.3 156.6 158.1 159.5 161.2 162.9 164.3 165.8 167.7 168.6 170.6 172.9 52.4 52.8 53.0 53.5 54.0 54.5 54.9 55.5 56.1 56.6 57.3 58.4 60.6 60.7 60.4 60.6 60.4 60.5 59.9 60.8 61.4 60.6 61.2 60.8 35.0 35.3 35.6 35.7 35.9 36.2 36.4 36.8 37.5 37.9 38.5 38.7 250.3 251.3 254.0 254.8 255.7 261.9 258.8 260.7 266.9 267.1 271.0 279.2 153.6 154.7 157.0 158.9 160.9 166.2 164.0 164.8 168.4 167.7 170.2 177.4 51.8 52.4 53.2 53.4 53.9 55.1 54.4 54.9 56.1 56.3 57.4 60.2 62.1 61.5 61.5 60.1 59.1 59.3 58.3 58.8 60.7 61.4 62.7 63.0 34.6 35.0 35.6 35.8 35.8 36.4 36.5 37.1 37.8 38.0 38.1 38.8 1965—Jan............. Feb............ M ar........... A pr............ M ay .......... Ju n e .......... 275.1 277.8 279.2 282.5 284.5 286.7 175.7 178.0 180.3 182.6 184.5 186.5 59.6 60.7 61.8 62.8 63.6 64.4 59.9 59.8 58.4 58.7 58.7 58.3 39.5 40.0 40.5 41.2 41.3 41.9 274.4 276.0 279.2 281.3 282.5 289.3 173.8 175.8 179.9 181.6 184.2 190.2 58.9 60.3 62.2 62.5 63.4 65.5 61.5 60.5 59.0 58.3 57.2 56.9 39.1 39.7 40.3 41.4 41.1 42.2 1959—Jan............. F or notes see next page. 34 6 1 .8 6 2 .0 M ONETARY SYSTEM—SUM M ARY MEASURES 1.4 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS, MONTHLY, 1948-70—Continued [In billions of dollars] Seasonally adjusted Loans and investments* Loans M onth 1 Total Plus loans sold 3 N ot seasonally adjusted Total* Loans and investments3 Securities Commercial Plus and industrial loans sold3-® Plus Total loans sold1 U.S. G o v t.4 O ther Plus loans sold3 Total Loans T otal3 Plus loans sold2'8 Securities Commercial and industrial Total Plus loans sold 9 U.S. G ovt. Other 1965-July.. 289.0 A u g .. 290.6 292.0 O c t... 295.6 N o v .. 297.3 300.1 188.5 190.1 191.7 194.1 195.8 198.2 65.2 65.9 66.8 67.6 68.4 69.5 58.1 57.4 56.8 57.6 57.3 57.1 '4 2 . 4 43. 1 43. 5 43. 9 44. 2 44. 8 286. 5 288. 5 292. 1 295. 5 297. 7 307. 6 187.7 189.6 192.3 192.9 195.1 203.2 64.8 65.5 66.8 67.1 68.3 71.4 56.3 55.5 55.9 58.5 58.8 59.5 42.6 43.4 43.8 44.1 43.8 44.9 302.9 F e b ... 303.9 M a r .. 304.8 308.3 309.9 June6. 313.1 Ju ly . . 313.6 314.3 S e p t.. 315.0 O c t... 314.1 N o v .. 314.1 D ec. . 316.1 200.2 202.2 203.8 206.3 207.9 209.4 210.3 210.9 211.9 212.8 213.1 213.9 70.5 71.4 72.2 73.2 74.1 75.7 76.7 77.6 78.2 78.6 78.7 78.6 57.7 56.2 55.2 55.8 54.8 55.4 54.8 55.4 54.5 52.8 52.6 53.5 45. 0 45. 5 45 8 46 ?. 47 2 48 3 48 5 48 0 48 6 48 5 48 4 48 7 302. 4 301. 6 303. 8 307 1 307 8 315 9 312 6 313 1 314 6 313 8 314 8 324 0 198.4 199.2 203.0 205.2 207.1 213.6 211.2 211 .0 212.2 211.6 212.5 219.0 69.7 70.7 72.6 72.8 74.0 77.2 77.1 76.7 77.9 78.0 78.6 80.6 59.6 57.3 55.4 55.5 53.6 53.5 52.7 53.7 53.6 53.6 54.4 56.2 44.4 45.1 45.4 46.5 47.1 48.8 48.6 48.4 48.8 48.6 47.9 48.8 319.9 323.2 327.2 329.3 330.9 333.3 337.9 342.2 345.3 347.8 350.0 352.0 215.9 216.4 217.7 218.8 219.3 220.3 222.4 223.9 226.3 227.3 228.8 231.3 79.5 80.1 81.0 81.5 82.0 82.9 83.6 83.7 84.4 84.5 84.9 86.2 54.1 55.7 57.2 57.0 56.9 56.8 58.9 60.9 60.9 61.5 60.9 59.4 49 51 52 53 54 56 56 57 58 59 60 61 9 1 3 5 7 2 6 4 1 0 3 3 319 320 325 328 329 335 337 340 344 347 350 360 8 4 9 3 4 3 7 1 7 6 0 8 214.4 213.1 216.1 218.2 218.9 224.4 223.9 223.2 226.3 226.2 227.4 236.8 78.9 79.1 81.1 81.8 81.7 84.5 84.1 82.6 84.0 83.8 84.6 88.4 56.0 56.6 57.8 56.2 55.8 54.2 57.1 59.1 60.1 62.4 62.9 62.5 49.3 50.7 52.0 53.9 54.7 56.7 56.7 57.8 58.3 59.0 59.8 61.5 355.5 359.3 M a r .. 359.4 361.2 M ay .. 363.6 365.5 July. . 371.4 376.4 S ep t.. 381.3 386.0 387.8 390.2 233.2 234.4 235.4 237.2 238.6 240.4 244.5 247.3 250.5 253.0 256.5 258.2 86.5 87.0 87.8 88.7 89.2 89.6 90 .6 91 .6 92.5 93 .4 95 .2 95.9 60.2 62.3 60.8 60.8 61.6 61.3 62.4 63.2 63.4 63.8 61.2 60.7 62 62 63 63 63 63 64 65 67 1 6 2 2 4 8 5 3 6 4 5 3 7 4 69 2 70 1 71 3 356 356 357 360 361 367 371 373 380 385 387 400 8 6 4 6 4 232.3 231.3 233.0 236.8 237.5 244.8 246.8 246.3 250.5 251.8 255.3 264.4 85.7 55.9 87.8 89.2 88.7 91.4 91.3 90.3 92.1 92.7 94.7 9 8 .4 62.2 63.2 61.2 59.8 60.3 58.6 60.5 61.5 62.5 64.8 62.8 64.5 61.7 62.2 63.1 63.8 63.5 64.4 64.6 66.0 67.6 68.8 69.5 71.5 272.3 274.2 274.9 275.5 277.3 280.3 282.3 283.0 97.7 98.8 99.7 101.2 102.1 102.6 103.0 103.4 103.8 104.5 105.1 105.7 102.9 103.9 104.9 105.6 106.4 107.8 108.5 108.3 60.6 59.0 57.9 58.9 57.1 57.0 56.5 56.0 54.0 53.4 53.2 51.5 71 0 71 4 71 3 71 3 71 7 71 7 71 2 70 8 71 0 70 8 71 6 71 .1 391 390 392 398 397 403 399 396 398 398 402 412 4 4 3 3 1 2 4 2 0 7 0 1 398.6 405.3 402.2 399.5 401.8 403.5 406.8 416.1 257.7 260.1 262.3 268.0 269.9 276.8 273.5 271.0 273.6 273.9 276.1 286.1 271.4 278.9 276.3 274.3 277.4 278.7 280.9 290.0 96.5 97.7 99.7 101.6 101.8 104.4 103.1 102.0 103.8 103.6 104.4 108.4 63.2 59.5 58.5 58.0 55.4 54.0 54.7 54.3 53.2 54.4 55.1 54.7 70.5 70.9 71.4 72.3 71.8 72.4 71.3 70.8 71.2 70.4 70.9 71.3 284.6 285.0 286.3 286.7 287.4 288.1 291.9 293.5 292.8 293.3 293.5 294.7 105.4 105.2 105.1 105.3 105.5 106.5 107.5 108.1 108.8 109.0 109.3 UO.O 109.8 110.2 110.4 110.9 111.9 113.0 113.8 114.1 112.5 112.2 112.0 112.1 50.3 50.8 51.1 53.3 54.5 54.3 55.9 56.8 56.7 56.0 56.2 57.9 71 1 71 .3 72 .4 71 .3 74 .1 74 9 75 .6 77 .3 79 .4 81 .4 81 4 85 .9 399 1 397 2 400 5 404 8 405 .3 411 7 414 ,1 416 .8 424 .7 425 ,6 429 3 446 .8 405.1 403.8 407.3 411.9 413.4 419.7 422.3 424.9 430.0 429.9 433.1 449.8 275.6 275.0 276.3 278.1 278.4 284.5 284.9 284.7 289.5 287.5 288.4 299.0 281.5 281.5 283.1 285.3 286.4 292.6 293.1 292.7 294.7 291.8 292.3 301.9 104.1 104.0 104.9 105.5 105.2 108.4 107.3 107.1 109.4 108.4 108.8 112.5 53.0 51.4 51.5 52.3 52.6 51.6 53.5 55.1 55.8 57.2 58.3 61.7 70.6 70.8 72.7 74.3 74.3 75.6 75.7 77.1 79.5 80.9 82.5 86.1 1967-Jan... F eb ... M a r .. A p r. . M ay .. Ju n e .. J u ly .. Aug. . S e p t.. O c t.. . N o v .. D ec. . 1968-Jan.. . 1969-J a n . .. F e b ... A p r. . M a y .. June6. J u ly .. A u g .. S e p t.. O c t... N o v .. D e c .. 392.2 393.6 394.6 398.7 399.6 400.8 399.8 399.0 398.5 399.7 402.3 401.7 401.1 402.9 402.6 402.3 402.3 404.5 407.1 405.6 260.6 263.2 265.4 268.5 270.8 272.1 272.1 272.2 273.5 275.5 277.5 279.1 1970-Jan... F e b ... M a r .. A p r. . M ay.. Ju n e .. Ju ly . . A u g .. S ep t.. O c t... N o v .. D ec. . 400.0 400.5 403.0 406.1 407.9 409.2 415.2 419.6 423.7 426.3 429.3 435.5 406.0 407.1 409.8 413.3 416.0 417.3 423.4 427.6 428.9 430.7 433.1 438.5 278.6 278.4 279.5 279.5 279.3 280.0 283.7 285.5 287.6 288.9 289.7 291.7 1 D ata are for last Wednesday o f m onth except for June 30 and Dec. 31; data are partly or wholly estimated except when June 30 and Dec. 31 are call dates. 2 Series excludes commercial interbank loans as follows: domestic and foreign through 1958; domestic only thereafter. 3 Loans sold are those sold outright by commercial banks to own subsidiaries, foreign branches, holding companies, and other affiliates. * Derived by subtracting “ Loans” and “ O ther securities” from ‘‘Total loans and investments.” 5 Beginning June 9, 1966, about $1.1 billion o f balances accumulated for payment o f personal loans were deducted from total loans as a result 9 9 102.6 105.7 105.0 104.2 106.4 106.9 107.8 111.0 108.5 109.0 110.2 111.1 1 1 1 .6 114.8 113.6 113.1 113.1 U 1 .6 U 1 .5 114.6 of a change in Federal Reserve regulations. Beginning June 30, 1966, CCC certificates of interest and Export-lm port Bank portfolio fund participation certificates totaling an estimated $1 billion are included in “ Other securities” rather than in “ Loans.” o Beginning June 30, 1969, data include all bank-premises subsidiaries and other significant majority-owned domestic subsidiaries; earlier data include commercial banks only. Also, loans and investments are reported gross, without valuation reserves deducted, rather than net of valuation reserves as was done previously. Data for January 1959 through M ay 1969 have been adjusted to include valuation reserves. 35 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.5 PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, JUNE AND DECEMBER CALL DATES, 1941-70 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loan s and invest ments Investments Cali date Total _ Loans Total Cash assets U.S. G ov ernment Other obligations securities Total assets— Total liabilities and capital accounts 1 Total deposits Total capital accounts N um ber of banks 1941-—June 30 ......................... Dec. 31......................... 10,321 10,379 4,958 4,901 5,363 5,478 3,426 3,704 1,937 1,774 968 793 11,996 11,804 10,648 10,533 1,312; 1,241 550 548 1942-—June 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 10,360 10,754 4,822 4,695 5,538 6,059 3,891 4,572 1,647 1,487 753 663 11,682 11,933 10,395 10,668 1,249 1,236 547 546 1943-—June 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 11,248 11,871 4,581 4,484 6,666 7,387 5,290 6,090 1,376 1 ,297 722 797 12,429 13,046 11,141 11,738 1,247 1,276 545 545 1944- —June 30......................... Dec. 30......................... 12,976 •13,931 4,414 4,370 8,562 9,560 7,306 8,328 1,257 1,232 535 584 13,836 14,788 12,471 13,376 1,325 1,378 544 543 1945-—June 30......................... Dec. 31 ......................... 15,134 16,208 4,307 4,279 10,827 11,928 9,588 10,682 1,240 1,246 583 609 15,951 17,020 14,426 15,385 1,477 1,592 542 542 1946— June 29......................... Dec. 31 ......................... 17,125 17,704 4,356 4,526 12,769 13,179 11,438 11,778 1,331 1 s400 747 818 18,054 18,703 16,281 16,869 1,715 1,784 541 541 1947--Ju n e 30......................... Dec. 31 ......................... 18,339 18,641 4,686 4,944 13,653 13,696 12,140 11,978 1,513 1,718 839 886 19,362 19,714 17,442 17,763 1,842 1,889 533 533 1948--J u n e 30......................... Dec. 31 ......................... 19,226 19,395 5,234 5,686 13,992 13,709 11,976 11,476 2,0162,233 832 878 20,252 20,474 18,211 18,405 1,955 1,999 532 532 1949--Ju n e 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 20,094 20,400 6,050 6,578 14,044 13,822 11,657 11,428 2,387 2,394 800 873 21,105 21,493 18,949 19,293 2,065 2,122 530 531 1950—June 30 ......................... Dec. 30 ......................... 21,192 21,346 7,203 8,137 13,989 13,209 11,569 10,868 2,420 2,342 831 797 22,252 22,385 19,943 20,031 2,189 2,247 530 529 1951--Ju n e 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 21,697 22,259 9,020 9,862 12,677 12,398 10,205 9,819 2,472 2,579 851 886 22,835 23,439 20,404 20,915 2,285 2,407 529 529 1952--Ju n e 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 23,091 24,003 10,509 11,349 12,582 12,654 9,606 9,422 2,976 3,231 966 918 24,378 25,233 21,782 22,621 2,438 2,479 529 529 1953--Ju n e 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 25,124 25,810 12,091 12,925 13,033 12,885 9,464 9,184 3,569 3,701 867 983 26,333 27,130 23,628 24,398 2,516 2,559 528 528 1954— June 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 26,959 27,868 13,890 14,998 13,069 12,871 9,017 8,748 4,052 4,123 987 1,026 28,315 29,276 25,440 26,359 2,626 2,694 528 527 1955--Ju n e 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 28,990 29,898 16,172 17,456 12,818 12,442 8,675 8,460 4,142 3,982 989 965 30,382 31,274 27,334 28,187 2,757 2,812 528 527 1956—June 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 31,066 31,940 18,639 19,777 12,427 12,163 8,297 7,971 4,130 4,192 917 920 32,421 33,311 29,184 30,032 2,885 2,947 527 527 1957--June 6 ........................... Dec. 31......................... 32,950 33,782 20,487 21,216 12,463 12,565 7,906 7,552 4,557 5,013 839 890 34,254 35,168 30,678 31,695 3,042 3,059 525 522 1958--Ju n e 23......................... Dec. 31......................... 35,274 36,320 22,237 23,357 13,037 12,963 7,417 7,265 5,620 5,698 916 921 36,678 37,779 32.869 34,040 3,181 3,219 520 519 1959- -June 10................... Dec. 3 1 ......................... 37,221 37,561 24,149 25,126 13,072 12,435 7,349 6,864 5,724 5,570 780 829 38,526 38.943 34,503 34,983 3,315 3,359 518 517 1960—June 15......................... Dec. 31......................... 38,300 39,114 26,069 27,122 12,230 11,992 6,628 6,239 5,603 5,752 764 872 39,598 40,574 35,335 36,353 3,465 3,553 515 514 1961—-June 30......................... Dec. 30......................... 40,344 41,259 28,211 29,393 12,133 11,866 6,281 6,136 5,852 5,730 862 936 41,818 42,833 | 37,551 38,487 3,660 1 3,768 514 514 1962--June 30......................... Dec. 2 8 ......................... 42,872 44,558 30,930 32,716 11,941 11,842 6,278 6,129 5,663 5.714 | 884 890 44,418 46,086 39,888 i 41,531 I 3,853 3,951 512 51! 1963--June 2 9......................... Dec. 2 0 ......................... 46,397 48,089 34,665 36,679 11,732 11,410 6,166 5,872 5,566 5,539 890 826 48,020 I 49,621 43,248 1 44,516 1 4,031 4,205 511 509 1964— June 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 50,226 52,363 38,656 41,085 J 1,570 11,278 6,016 5,788 5,554 | 5,490 905 1,004 52,000 54.239 ! 46,940 j 49.138 4,269 4,401 506 505 1965—-June 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 54,415 56,260 43,096 45,288 11,319 10,971 5,753 5,470 5,566 5,501 1,020 1,017 56,382 1 58,219 1 1 50,980 52,760 j 4,536 4,663 504 505 F o r note sec end o f table. 36 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.5 PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, JUNE AND DECEMBER CALL DATES, 1941-70—Continued [Amounts in millions o f dollars] Loans and investments Total assets— Total liabilities and capital accounts 1 Investments Call date Total Cash assets Loans U.S. Gov ernment Other obligations securities Total Total deposits Total capital accounts Num ber of banks 1966—June 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 57,446 59,023 46,627 48,297 10,819 . 10,726 5,122 4,753 5,697 5,973 965 966 59,414 61,008 53,727 55,350 4,761 4,871 505 504 1967— June 30......................... Dec. 3 0 ......................... 61,898 64,232 50,018 51,590 11,880 12,642 4,304 4,280 7 ,576 8,362 1,152 996 64,150 66,362 58,259 60,494 4,932 4,987 503 501 1968— June 29 ......................... Dec. 31......................... 66,855 68,905 53,097 54,803 13,758 14,102 4,205 3,819 9,553 10,283 959 996 69,029 71,148 62,870 64,922 5,111 5,269 501 500 1969— June 30 ......................... Dec. 31......................... 71,403 72,385 56,625 58,075 14,778 14,309 3,623 3,243 11,155 11,066 831 891 73,509 74,560 66,754 67,537 5,406 5,521 499 496 1970—June 30......................... Dec. 31......................... 74,309 76,548 59,206 60,348 15,103 16,199 3,173 3,072 11,930 13,127 907 1,244 76,583 79,222 69,285 72,081 5,620 5,711 496 493 1 Includes other assets and liabilities not shown separately. 1.6 NUMBER AND DEPOSITS OF COMMERCIAL AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, BY CLASS OF BANK, JUNE AND DECEMBER CALL DATES, 1941-70 Commercial banks M utual savings banks M em ber banks Call date N onm em ber banks Total Total Total National State Total Insured N on insured Total Insured N on insured Num ber 1941—June 3 0.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,855 14,826 14,305 14,278 6,556 6,619 5,130 5,117 1,426 1,502 7,752 7,662 6,869 6,810 883 852 550 548 53 52 497 496 1942—June 3 0 .......................... Dcc. 3 1 .......................... 14,775 14,682 14,228 14,136 6,647 6,679 5,101 5,081 1,546 1,598 7,584 7,460 6,755 6,667 829 793 547 546 53 56 494 490 1943—June 3 0.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,618 14,579 14,073 14,034 6,703 6,738 5,060 5,040 1,643 1,698 7,373 7,299 6,598 6,535 775 764 545 545 61 184 484 361 1944— June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 0 .......................... 14,553 14,535 14,009 13,992 6,773 6,814 5,036 5,025 1,737 1 ,789 7,239 7,181 6,494 6,452 745 729 544 543 192 192 352 351 1945—June 3 0.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,542 14,553 14,000 14,011 6,840 6,884 5,015 5,017 1,825 1,867 7,163 7,130 6,440 6,416 723 714 542 542 192 192 350 350 1946—June 2 9.......................... Dec. 31.......................... 14,567 14,585 14,026 14,044 6,887 6,900 5,012 5,007 1,875 1,893 7,142 7,147 6,446 6,457 696 690 541 541 191 191 350 350 1947—June 30.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,716 14,714 14,183 14,181 6,928 6,923 5,012 5,005 1,916 1,918 7,258 7,261 6,461 6,478 797 783 533 533 191 194 342 339 1948— June 3 0.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,719 14,703 14,187 14,171 6,925 6,918 4,998 4,991 1,927 1,927 7,265 7,256 6,493 6,498 772 758 532 532 193 193 339 339 1949—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,680 14,687 14,150 14,156 6,903 6,892 4,987 4,975 1,916 1,917 7,250 7,267 6,517 6,540 733 727 530 531 191 192 339 339 1950— June 3 0 .......................... Dcc. 3 0 .......................... 14,674 14,650 14,144 14,121 6,885 6,873 4,971 4,958 1,914 1,915 7,262 7,251 6,553 6,562 709 689 530 529 192 194 338 335 1951—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 31.......................... 14,636 14,618 14,107 14,089 6,859 6,840 4,946 4,939 1,913 1,901 7,251 7,252 6,581 6,602 670 650 529 529 201 202 328 327 1952—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,599 14,575 14,070 14,046 6,815 6,798 4,925 4,909 1,890 1,889 7,258 7,251 6,622 6,627 636 624 529 529 205 206 324 323 1953—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,537 14,509 14,009 13,981 6,765 6,743 4,874 4,856 1,891 1,887 7,247 7,241 6,655 6,672 592 569 528 528 213 219 315 309 1954— June 30.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,465 14,367 13,937 13,840 6,721 6,660 4,835 4,789 1,886 1,871 7,219 7,183 6,662 6,647 557 536 528 527 219 218 309 309 37 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.6 NUMBER AND DEPOSITS OF COMMERCIAL AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, BY CLASS OF BANK, JUNE AND DECEMBER CALL DATES, 1941-70—Continued Commercial ba nks M utual savings banks Nonmember br nks M ember banks Call date Total Total Total National State Total Insured N on insured Total Insured N on insured N umber 1955—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 31.......................... 14,309 14,243 13,781 13,716 6,611 6,543 4,744 4,692 1,867 1,851 7,173 7,176 6,660 6,677 513 499 528 527 218 220 310 307 1956— June 30 .......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,206 14,167 13,679 13,640 6,499 6,462 4,667 4,651 1,832 1,811 7,183 7,181 6,713 6,737 470 444 527 527 220 223 307 304 1957— June 6 ............................ Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,144 14,090 13,619 13,568 6.445 6,393 4,647 4,620 1,798 1,773 7,177 7,178 6,748 6,753 429 425 525 522 234 239 291 283 1958—June 2 3 .......................... Dec. 31.......................... 14,055 14,020 13,535 13,501 6,357 6,312 4,599 4,578 1,758 1,734 7,181 7,192 6,768 6,793 413 399 520 519 239 24 L 281 278 1959— June 10.......................... Dcc. 31.......................... 13,988 13,991 13,470 13,474 6,280 6,233 4,559 4,542 1,721 1,691 7,193 7,244 6,810 6,878 383 366 518 517 25!! 268 267 249 1960—June 15~.............. .......... Dec. 31.......................... 14,006 13,986 13,491 13,472 6,217 6,174 4,542 4,530 1,675 1,644 7,276 7,300 6,926 6,948 350 352 515 514 268 325 247 189 1961^—June 30.......................... Dec. 30.......................... 13,977 13,946 13,463 13,432 6,141 6,113 4,524 4,513 1,617 1,600 7,323 7,320 6,990 6,997 333 323 514 514 325 330 189 184 1962—June 3 0 ............... .......... Dec. 2 8 ............... .. 13,934 13,940 13,422 13,429 6,070 6,049 4,500 4,505 1,570 1,544 7,353 7,380 7,036 7,072 317 308 512 511 33 J 331 181 180 1963— June 2 9 .......................... Dcc. 2 0 ............... „ ........ 13,993 14,079 13,482 13,570 6,058 6.112 4,537 4,615 1,521 1,497 7,424 7,458 7,133 7,173 291 285 511 509 33 V 330 180 179 1964— June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 1 ............... .. 14,175 14,266 13,669 13,761 6,180 6,225 4,702 4,773 1,478 1,452 7,489 7,536 7,215 7,262 274 274 506 505 327 327 179 178 1965—June 30.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,295 14,309 13,791 13,804 6,235 6.221 4,803 4,815 1,432 1,406 7,556 7,583 7,294 7,320 262 263 504 505 327 328 177 177 1966—June 29.......................... Dec. 31.......................... 14,307 14,271 13,802 13,767 6,194 6,150 4,811 4,799 1,383 1,351 7,608 7,617 7,359 7,384 249 233 505 504 330 330 175 174 1967— June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 30.......................... 14,247 14,223 13,744 13,722 6.108 6,071 4,780 4,758 1,328 1,313 7,636 7,651 7,418 7,440 218 211 503 501 332 33J 171 170 1968— June 2 9 .......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,225 14,179 13,724 13,679 6.039 5,978 4,742 4,716 1,297 1,262 7,685 7,701 7,474 7,504 211 197 501 500 331 33$ 170 167 1969— June 30.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 14,172 14,157 13,673 13,661 5,936 5,869 4,700 4,668 1,236 1,201 7,737 7,792 7,528 7,595 209 197 499 496 332 330 167 166 1970—June 3 0 .......................... Dcc. 3 0 .......................... 14,167 14,179 13,671 13,686 5,803 5,767 4,637 4,620 1,166 1,147 7,868 7,919 7,675 7,735 193 184 496 493 330 328 166 165 Deposits (in millions of dollars') 1941--June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 31.......................... 78,120 81,816 67,472 71,283 58,512 61,717 37,273 39,458 21,238 22,259 8,969 9,574 7,104 7,702 1,865 1,872 10,648 10,533 1,803 1 ,789 8,845 8,744 1942--June 30.......................... Dec. 31.......................... 82,706 99,796 72,311 89,132 63,404 78,277 40,534 50,468 22,871 27,808 8,915 10,864 7,754 9,535 1,161 1,329 10,395 10,664 1,864 2,048 8,531 8,616 1943- -June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 31.......................... 107,224 117,661 96,083 105,923 84,016 92,262 54,589 59,961 29,427 32,302 12,076 13,671 10,557 11,842 1,519 1,829 11,141 11,738 2,739 7,534 8,402 4,203 1944— June 30.......................... Dcc. 30.......................... 128,605 141,449 116,133 128,072 101,276 110,917 65,585 71,858 35,690 39,059 14,869 17,168 12,880 14,809 1,989 2,358 12,471 13,376 8,235 8,910 4,236 4,466 1945—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 31.......................... 151,033 165,612 136,607 150,227 118,378 129,670 76,533 84,939 41,844 44,730 18,242 20,571 15,880 18,119 2,362 2,452 14,426 15,385 9,671 10,363 4,754 5,022 38 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.6 NUMBER AND DEPOSITS OF COMMERCIAL AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, BY CLASS OF BANK, JUNE AND DECEMBER CALL DATES, 1941-70—Continued Commercial banks M utual savines banks M ember banks Call date N onm em ber banks Total Total Total National State Total Insured N on insured Total Insured N on insured Deposits (in millions o f dollars) 1946—June 2 9 ..........................1 159,171 Dec. 3 1 .......................... 155,902 142,890 139,033 122,519 118,170 80,212 78,775 42,307 39,395 20,387 20,879 18,108 18,836 2,279 2,043 16,281 16,869 10,979 11,428 5,302 5,442 1947— June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 153,349 161,865 135,907 144,103 115,435 122,528 77,146 82,023 38,289 40,505 20,488 21 ,591 18,240 19,340 2,248 2,251 17,442 17,763 11,901 12,207 5,541 5,556 1948—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 156,353 161,248 138,142 142,843 117,452 121,362 78,753 81,407 38,699 39,955 20,706 21,497 18,509 19,296 2,197 2,201 18,211 18,405 12,581 12,772 5,630 5,633 1949— June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 156,470 164,467 137,520 145,174 116,980 123,885 78,219 83,113 38,761 40,772 20,556 21,305 18,410 19,269 2,146 2,036 18,949 19,293 13,241 13,592 5,709 5,702 1950—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 0 .......................... 163,770 175,296 143,827 155,265 122,707 133,089 82,430 89,281 40,277 43,808 21,137 22,193 19,108 20,216 2,029 1,976 19,943 20,031 14,128 14,320 5,815 5,711 1951—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 171,860 185,756 151,457 164,840 129,737 141,015 86,589 94,173 43,149 46,843 21,737 23,843 19,741 21,912 1,996 1,932 20,404 20,915 14,924 15,368 5,479 5,547 1952—June 30.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 184,130 195,552 162,348 172,931 138,769 147,527 92,720 98,974 46,049 48,553 23,598 25,424 21,606 23,464 1,993 1,960 21,782 22,621 16,081 16,785 5,702 5,836 1953—June 30.......................... Dec. 31.......................... 189,159 201,100 165,531 176,702 140,830 150,164 94,475 100,654 46,355 49,510 24,722 26,560 22,841 24,555 1,880 2,005 23,628 24,398 17,695 18,383 5,933 6,015 1954— June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 31.......................... 199,508 211,115 174,068 184,757 148,252 157,252 99,362 105,851 48,890 51,401 25,838 27,528 23,819 25,657 2,020 1,871 25,440 26,359 19,195 19,885 6,246 6,474 1955—June 30.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 208,850 220,441 181,516 192,254 154,670 163,757 98,636 103,903 56,034 59,854 26,870 28,522 25,082 26,779 1,788 1,742 27,334 28,187 20,590 21,237 6,743 6,950 1956—June 3 0.......................... Dec. 31.......................... 215,510 227,546 186,326 197,515 158,388 167,906 100,826 107,161 57,563 60,744 27,962 29,635 26,316 28,073 1,646 1,562 29,184 30,032 21,959 22,886 7,225 7,146 1957— June 6 ............................ Dec. 3 1 .......................... 216,986 233,020 186,308 201,326 157,593 170,637 100,989 109,091 56,605 61,545 28,740 30,715 27,292 29,266 1,448 1,449 30,678 31,695 23,578 25,022 7,100 6,672 1958—June 2 3 .......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 237,204 250,057 204,335 216,017 173,904 182,816 110,065 116,714 63,839 66,102 30,458 33,227 28,942 31,696 1,516 1,532 32,869 34,040 26,082 27,277 6,787 6,763 1959— June 10.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 242,096 254,885 207,594 219,903 174,811 184,706 112,659 119,638 62,152 65,069 32,810 35,224 31,365 33,795 1,444 1,429 34,503 34,983 28,041 28,577 6,461 6,405 I960—June 15.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 249,163 266,196 213,829 229,843 179,519 193,029 116,178 124,911 63,341 68,118 34,328 36,834 32,942 35,391 1,386 1,443 35,335 36,353 28,824 31,502 6,511 4,850 1961—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 3 0 .......................... 262,547 287,176 224,997 248,689 189,226 209,630 122,485 135,511 66,741 74,119 35,785 39,073 34,391 37,560 1,394 1,513 37,551 38,487 32,530 33,400 5,020 5,087 1962— June 3 0.......................... Dec. 2 8 .......................... 285,186 303,653 245,298 262,122 206,057 219,468 133,728 142,825 72,329 76,643 39,256 42,654 37,814 41,142 1,442 1,513 39,888 41,531 34,581 36,104 5,306 5,427 1963— June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 2 0 .......................... 309,428 319,636 266,179 275,120 222,619 229,376 145,513 150,823 77,106 78,553 43,560 45,743 42,035 44,280 1,525 1,463 43,248 44,516 37,585 38,657 5,663 5,859 1964— June 30.......................... Dec. 31.......................... 331,843 356,308 284,903 307,170 238,052 255,724 155,978 169,615 82,074 86,108 46,850 51,447 45,411 49 389 1,439 2,057 46,940 49,138 40,797 42,751 6,143 6,387 1965—June 30.......................... Dec. 31.......................... 362,611 385,196 311,632 332,436 259,743 275,517 171,528 193,860 88,215 81,657 51,889 56,919 49,869 54,806 2,020 2,113 50,980 52,760 44,293 45,887 6,686 6,874 1966—June 3 0.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 392,882 408,860 339,154 353,510 281,209 292,004 197,792 206.456 83,417 85,547 57,946 61.506 55,937 59,434 2,009 2,073 53,727 55,350 46,681 48,254 7,046 7,096 1967—June 3 0 .......................... Dec. 30.......................... 419,062 456,784 360,803 396,291 297,529 327,011 211,098 231,374 86,432 95,637 63,274 69.279 61,216 67,107 2,058 2,172 58,259 60,494 50,877 52,910 7,383 7,584 1968—June 29.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 458,109 500,160 395,239 435,238 323,935 356,351 229,028 257,884 94,908 98,467 71,304 78,887 68,866 76,368 2,438 2,519 62,870 64,922 54,991 56,859 7,879 8,062 1969—June 3 0.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 493,267 504,245 426,513 436,708 345,347 350,759 251,489 256,314 93,858 94,445 81,166 85,949 78,610 83,380 2,556 2,570 66,754 67,537 58,286 ’ 58,864 8,468 8,673 1970—June 3 0.......................... Dec. 3 1 .......................... 502,658 553,826 433,373 481,745 346,228 385,176 254,261 283,664 91,967 101,512 87,145 96,568 84,865 93,998 2,280 2,570 69,285 72,081 60,194 62,680 9,091 9,402 39 MONETARY SYSTEM -SUM M ARY MEASURES 1.7 N ature o f classified change 1941 1942 CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL HANKS, BY 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1951 1949 j 1950 All commercial banks S3 53 22 22 49 49 69 69 1,7 117 144 144 in 111 80 80 72 ! 72 1 110 8 167 9 152 4 111 99 111 96 87 93 4 } 60 42 89 69 86 62 72 38 -1 0 14,278 + 3 14,136 +1 14,034 13,992 I I Consolidations and absorptions: 55 29 11 56 19 12 + 1 ............. + 122 14,011 14,044 14,181 -3 14,171 / 54 1 40 1 17 80 19 1 «» 68 j 62 ! 62 J 73 73 104 1 " 96 , 3 i 116 3 „ 58 1 71 ;l 58 1 20 24 j 10 1 18 12 i 12 1 11 j 13 1 4'6 1 4-1 i 4-2 14,156 14,121 14,089 14,046 1 i National banks 13 7 4 2 13 3 5 5 21 g 6 7 33 17 7 9 35 21 11 3 27 19 6 18 T 2 54 2 36 4, ............. 45 29 32 28 7 34 U 27 5 34 21 19 3 19 7 2 21 9 6 7 4 5 2 i 5,081 5.040 5.025 5,017 5,007 5,005 5 2 3 19 12 4 3 i ’ > i ,7 1 7 , 3 i 11 1 9 j 15 ,5 30 45 22 1 5 2 i 1 1 32 6 1 2 t 40 4 41 Consolidations and absorptions: } 22 6 2 6 5,117 / ( 35 ! 29 24 : 7 j 21 I I i 6 l 1 1 i 4,991 | 5 4,975 j 4,958 ' 4.939 I 4.909 1 State member banks 32 5 106 2 104 117 4 113 113 5 108 95 8 87 65 9 56 52 14 38 21 12 10 17 77 H 39 27 23 , 1 2 4 5 12 2 2 2 5 3 1 6 7 7 2 3 2 11 11 11 4 1 6 5 16 1 I 1,499 1,595 1,695 1,786 1,864 1,890 1,915 1,924 169 1 166 2 Consolidations and absorptions: \ ) 8 ; 1 I I 4 22 i 6 J .1 32 1 n iI 8 9 I 10 1 •* ! 19 1 24 i 8 1 ' 14 1 ,1 n I 1 3 1 2 1 4 i 3 11 11 ! 4 / 1 1,914 1,912 ! 1,898 « 1 n4 12 1 29 17 3 I............. 1 9 i | 1,886 N on member commercial banks 56 45 6 5 28 20 6 2 52 42 7 3 67 56 4 7 99 92 5 2 127 114 2 11 84 78 1 5 66 60 2 4 243 4 233 9 214 2 185 1 151 110 92 1 68 37 34 2 166 56 61 3 104 45 49 5 113 37 32 7 108 38 17 9 87 21 18 12 3 56 25 18 8 2 38 19 9 11 2 27 -1 0 7,662 + 3 7,460 4-1 7,299 7,181 + 1 7,130 7,147 4-12?. 7,261 -3 7,256 Consolidations and absorptions: ) 40 I { 66 ' 54 1 11 I 61 i 4 20 9 10 3 15 J 1 11 1i S8 i 5? 4 I 75 1 I \ 39 ' 13 1 H I 9 4-1 7,267 ' 7,251 i 63 51 1 1 1 11 I 1 64 3 I 68 54 5 9 69 3 25 J 17 9 ;l 2 8 33 <) 12 j 12 7,252 1 7,25i i MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES CLASS OF BANK AND BY CHARACTER OF CHANGE, 1941-70 1954 1953 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 All commercial banks 1968 1969 1970 - 64 64 73 73 116 116 123 123 89 89 97 97 117 117 135 135 112 112 183 183 298 298 336 336 198 198 118 118 102 102. 87 87 134 134 185 185 129 4 216 3 240 4 199 3 163 3 164 8 172 3 137 2 153 9 188 2 155 2 143 8 156 7 142 1 148 4 130 151 4 159 1 92 23 10 175 31 7 204 27 5 166 23 7 134 23 3 126 25 5 148 18 3 106 25 4 126 13 5 164 18 4 139 12 2 120 13 2 130 19 113 24 4 114 19 11 120 10 128 18 1 127 23 8 13,981 +2 13,840 13,716 13,640 +2 13,568 13,501 + 28 13,474 13,472 + 1 13,432 13,427 -1 13,569 -1 13,761 + 1 -1 0 13,804 13,770 -3 13,721 + 1 13,679 13,662 13,688 N ational banks 14 12 1 1 30 18 4 8 36 28 2 6 39 30 2 7 24 20 2 2 25 19 3 3 30 23 6 1 47 32 9 6 35 26 9 76 63 13 188 162 8 18 232 200 13 19 111 88 10 13 48 25 13 10 29 18 4 7 27 14 7 6 33 16 8 9 52 40 7 5 67 98 132 2 80 1 57 1 67 1 73 59 52 2 86 76 74 1 69 2 63 70 1 69 80 2 100 1 54 9 80 14 1 65 10 1 45 8 56 9 64 7 40 10 44 5 72 8 55 7 1 48 6 53 11 54 3 42 5 53 7 3 3 1 i 3 6 2 9 63 3 1 1 5 53 7 4 115 10 1 1 3 7 2 7 5 12 28 39 4,856 + 1 4,789 -1 4,692 4,651 + 2 4,620 4,578 +7 4,542 4,758 4,716 4,669 4,621 4,530 13 4,513 4,503 4,615 4,773 4,815 -1 4,799 3 State m ember banks 20 to 10 18 6 12 21 4 16 1 16 6 10 10 3 7 9 2 7 9 4 5 12 5 7 7 2 5 9 4 5 7 3 4 8 3 4 1 5 4 1 11 5 4 2 4 3 1 4 1 3 13 7 3 3 8 8 23 1 34 42 56 48 1 48 52 58 50 1 64 58 49 51 66 42 1 55 73 ] 63 14 3 22 4 34 4 26 6 25 5 27 2 31 5 26 2 14 3 17 1 18 3 12 4 7 1 17 5 15 3 4 4 2 2 2 13 3 15 27 3 1 6 15 19 5 1 4 36 3 1 2 14 9 25 4 « 16 3 « 25 8 22 13 19 io 23 13 32 4 21 7 40 8 42 7 38 4-1 1,884 1,868 + 1 1,848 1,808 1,770 1,731 1,688 1,642 ■ 1,599 1,544 1,493 1,452 1,406 1,351 1,313 1,262 1,202 1,147 Nonm em ber commercial banks 50 42 4 4 56 49 3 4 89 84 3 2 104 87 3 14 82 66 3 13 92 76 1 15 107 90 2 15 132 98 9 25 101 84 1 16 147 116 6 25 168 133 13 22 157 5 19 136 106 7 23 127 88 7 32 107 81 5 21 124 72 12 40 181 111 28 42 214 137 39 38 59 3 115 3 96 2 99 2 85 1 78 18 76 3 76 2 82 6 87 2 86 2 81 7 90 5 81 1 74 2 74 91 1 85 24 11 10 1 10 73 13 6 8 12 55 13 4 6 16 65 10 5 7 10 63 9 3 2 7 45 11 •4 3 7 57 8 2 1 5 47 10 4 6 7 55 6 5 5 5 61 5 4 10 5 58 3 1 18 4 43 7 1 19 4 60 11 49 4 11 7 1 59 6 13 1 47 15 4 10 4 6 3 69 8 1 9 3 59 13 8 5 —1 7,241 + 1 7,183 7,176 7,181 7,178 7,192 + 21 7,244 7,300 + 1 7,320 7,380 -1 7,461 -1 7,536 + 1 7,583 -9 7,620 -3 7,650 + 1 7,701 7,791 7,920 ° C orrected. 1 Includes involuntary liquidation o f one bank. 133 N ote.— F igures include private banks. Reopenings o f suspended banks are included in “ Unclassified” category. 41 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES 1.8 NUMBER OF BANKS ON THE PAR LIST AND NOT ON THE PAR LIST, [lincl of F . R. district and class o f bank 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 All districts: 11,543 6,619 4,924 N o t on par list (nonm cm ber)......... 2,731 Boston: New York: Richmond: N o t on pur list (nonm em ber)......... Atlanta: N o t on par list (nonniem ber)......... Chicago: St. Louis: Minneapolis: N o t on par list (nonm em ber)......... Kansas City: N ot on par list (nonm em ber)......... D allas: ( N o t on par list (nonm em ber)......... San Francisco: N o t on par list (nonm em ber)......... 1951 1952 1953 11,422 6,679 4,743 2,710 11,501 6,738 4,763 2,529 11,552 6,814 4,738 2,445 11,876 6,884 4,992 2,133 11,957 6,894 5,063 2,086 12,037 6,917 5,120 2,041 12,06t 6,912 5,149 2,011 12,178 6,887 5 291 1,873 12,162 6,868 5,294 1,853 12,158 6,835 5,323 1,829 12,122 6,792 5,330 1,820 12,085 6,737 5,348 1,801 509 347 162 508 348 160 504 346 158 503 347 156 495 340 155 490 336 154 493 336 157 495 336 159 485 329 156 475 325 150 471 323 148 469 321 148 464 316 148 992 797 195 987 799 188 976 806 170 964 816 148 955 814 141 936 801 135 926 797 129 908 783 125 894 768 126 873 751 122 858 737 121 837 720 117 814 700 114 883 659 224 873 652 221 862 646 216 858 647 211 851 647 204 846 649 197 844 647 197 841 645 196 836 640 196 835 639 196 829 632 197 820 621 199 799 607 192 1,211 673 538 2 1,195 685 510 2 1,183 707 476 2 1,180 710 470 1 1,177 721 456 1,168 722 446 1,145 710 435 1,134 704 430 1,125 700 425 1,117 693 424 1,106 685 421 1,090 673 417 1,065 652 413 722 447 275 289 722 460 262 288 724 465 259 284 733 468 265 274 756 472 284 249 785 475 310 228 790 475 315 220 798 478 320 211 804 479 325 208 804 477 327 203 812 477 335 196 812 477 335 193 814 477 337 193 399 317 82 704 405 318 87 693 400 316 84 696 408 316 92 696 489 325 164 626 516 331 185 628 547 340 207 619 557 346 211 626 577 351 226 611 596 353 243 601 618 355 263 599 630 360 270 594 642 363 279 589 2,237 899 1,338 220 2,226 925 1,301 215 2,349 953 1,396 86 2,361 969 1,392 71 2,396 995 1,401 62 2,416 999 1,417 57 2,428 1,000 1,428 56 2,434 1,003 1,431 54 2,490 1,001 1,489 2,487 1,005 1,482 2,483 1,009 1,474 2,476 1,005 1,471 2,480 1,011 1,469 1,058 437 621 443 1,035 450 585 446 1,051 456 595 413 1,073 475 598 387 1,093 490 603 366 1,111 495 616 356 1,115 495 620 352 1,126 495 631 343 1,135 496 639 337 1,134 496 638 336 1,139 495 644 325 1,140 493 647 323 1,144 493 651 316 567 452 115 716 557 454 103 718 555 454 101 715 566 467 99 702 588 472 116 685 592 470 122 680 609 475 134 669 620 476 144 658 678 478 200 600 677 477 200 598 677 476 201 597 676 476 200 600 677 472 205 598 1,646 741 905 176 1,608 744 864 173 1,593 741 852 167 1,590 749 841 164 1,732 751 981 15 1,731 753 978 19 1,740 758 S82 11 1,740 760 980 9 1,740 756 984 9 1,749 756 993 9 1,743 751 992 9 1,745 752 993 9 1,752 753 999 7 814 573 241 152 809 570 239 149 814 575 239 143 824 580 244 136 849 585 264 120 868 595 273 113 897 613 284 110 906 618 288 109 914 623 291 108 922 630 292 106 931 633 298 103 939 634 ^05 101 947 635 312 98 505 277 228 29 497 274 223 26 490 273 217 23 492 270 222 14 495 272 223 10 498 268 230 5 503 271 232 4 502 268 234 1 500 266 234 493 266 227 j 491 262 229 488 260 228 487 258 229 Philadelphia: Cleveland: 1950 ’ 42 MONETARY SYSTEM—SUMMARY MEASURES BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT AND BY CLASS OF BANK, 1941-70 year] 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 11,960 6,654 5,306 1,787 11,862 6,537 5,325 1,785 11,815 6,456 5,359 1,754 11,759 6,387 5,372 1,741 11,722 6,306 5,416 1,719 454 311 143 444 303 141 435 298 137 430 293 137 422 286 136 415 276 139 787 680 107 728 625 103 685 586 99 655 559 96 630 530 100 777 587 190 743 563 180 717 547 170 698 533 165 1,029 632 397 1,002 615 387 986 606 380 817 476 341 187 821 473 348 177 659 373 286 585 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 11,709 6,110 5,599 1,636 11,724 6,045 5,679 1,617 11,893 6,107 5,786 1,594 12,128 6,224 5,904 1,547 12,221 6,220 6,001 1,492 12,238 6,149 6,089 1,449 12,266 6,071 6,195 1,375 12,666 5,977 6,689 932 12,786 5,870 6,916 792 13,100 5,773 7,327 501 408 268 140 398 260 138 391 253 138 388 251 137 382 250 132 384 251 133 385 248 137 384 247 137 380 243 137 379 236 143 376 231 145 602 507 95 585 491 94 570 475 95 547 451 96 530 426 104 530 419 111 516 409 107 512 400 112 499 384 115 491 374 117 488 364 124 476 352 124 672 513 159 651 499 152 636 488 148 616 474 142 592 456 136 578 443 135 554 421 133 541 408 133 522 387 135 501 370 131 492 359 133 483 345 138 456 321 135 976 599 377 964 589 375 938 572 366 928 565 363 909 551 358 883 527 356 867 513 354 852 506 346 843 504 339 836 498 338 826 492 334 816 484 332 806 475 331 794 470 324 819 470 349 168 816 465 351 162 806 455 351 157 797 447 350 151 785 435 350 143 778 428 350 131 763 421 342 118 752 413 339 107 759 418 341 95 748 409 339 84 732 399 333 80 732 392 340 70 715 378 337 62 699 366 333 50 694 361 333 39 682 379 303 586 721 391 330 577 737 397 340 575 757 401 356 566 780 403 377 557 809 418 391 558 836 420 416 546 864 430 434 541 923 467 456 533 1,006 502 504 514 1,063 520 543 492 1,091 524 567 470 1,123 528 595 447 1,164 536 628 426 1,278 538 740 334 1,531 546 985 121 2,485 1,017 1,468 2,484 1,022 1,462 2,477 1,020 1,457 2,473 1,019 1,454 2,473 1,018 1,455 2,464 1,005 1,459 2,470 997 1,473 2,479 1,002 1,477 2,499 1,005 1,494 2,509 1,010 1,499 2.523 1,016 1,507 2,527 1,006 1,521 2,537 995 1,542 2,545 987 1,558 2,550 974 1,576 2,547 952 1,595 2,563 943 1,620 1,142 490 652 315 1,151 492 659 308 1,165 492 673 300 1,167 491 676 300 1,174 489 685 293 1,184 488 696 290 1,187 480 707 289 1,192 478 714 280 1,200 474 726 276 1,217 475 742 269 1,237 481 756 256 1,262 483 779 242 1,272 480 792 235 1,291 478 813 215 1,309 474 835 197 1,354 465 889 152 1,407 459 948 104 679 473 206 601 684 473 211 601 688 473 215 599 691 474 217 599 694 476 218 599 701 477 224 597 708 474 234 598 711 476 235 598 710 470 240 602 724 485 239 607 745 494 251 607 754 495 259 603 760 494 266 595 780 493 287 576 1,176 489 687 181 1,179 490 689 179 1,187 489 698 178 1,747 749 998 7 1,752 749 1,003 7 1,758 752 1,006 6 1,755 749 1,006 6 1,757 749 1,008 6 1,768 755 1,013 6 1,770 756 1,014 4 1,775 756 1,019 4 1,796 764 1,032 3 1,841 796 1,045 2 1,887 830 1,057 2 1,908 835 1,073 1,919 835 1,084 1,924 836 1,088 1,931 833 1,098 1,941 829 1,112 1,952 807 1,145 957 632 325 92 969 634 335 91 986 634 352 89 1,001 634 367 84 1,014 631 383 83 1,036 633 403 81 1,063 632 431 77 1,074 630 444 75 1,104 632 472 75 1,160 656 504 74 1,196 672 524 71 1,211 675 536 69 1,220 673 547 67 1,224 667 557 66 1,226 651 575 65 1,229 640 589 77 1,274 639 635 59 427 234 193 402 209 193 15 378 187 191 15 360 174 186 15 359 169 190 15 359 165 194 8 362 165 197 3 371 160 211 2 375 162 213 2 404 172 232 2 457 215 242 2 464 225 239 2 452 216 236 2 437 197 240 1 416 182 234 1 403 170 233 390 155 235 1959 1960 11,695 11,711 6,227 6,169 5,468 5,542 1,690. 1,672 43 Section 2 MEMBER BANKS Contents IN T R O D U C T IO N ____________________ 47 C urrency CHANG ES IN M E M B E R S H IP ________ B alances w ith D omestic and F oreign B anks ______________________________ 55 48 and C o i n ___________________ 55 CLASSIFICATION F O R R ESERV E P U R P O S E S -------------------------------------- 49 C ash I tem s B RA N C H REPO RTS -------------------------- 50 C ustomers ’ L iability C LASSIFICATION O F L O A N S _______ 50 O ther A sset I t e m s ___________________ 55 CLASSIFICATION O F INV ESTM EN TS 51 N um ber CLASSIFICATION O F D E P O S IT S _____ 51 D eposits — G e n e r a l ___________________ 56 D EM A N D DEPOSITS A D JU S T E D ------- 52 C ertified N ET DEM AN D D E P O S IT S ___________ 52 I nterbank D e p o s it s ___________________ 56 of in P rocess of C ollection _ 55 on A cceptances 55 B a n k s ____________________ 56 and O ffic er s ’ C hecks , etc . O TH E R ITEM S AND CHANGES IN __________B orrowings __________________________ R E PO R T IN G L oans and R eserves 53 A cceptances O utstanding ___________ 56 57 57 I n v es t m e n ts ----------------------- 53 O ther L iabilities ____________________ 57 F ederal R eserve B anks 54 C apital A c c o u n t s ____________________ 57 w ith 45 Tables 2.1 All M em ber Banks, Call Dates, 1939-70 2.2 A. Total Assets and Num ber of B a n k s -----------------------------------------------------60 B. T otal Liabilities -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------62 C. Classification of Loans ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 D. Classification of Investm ents---------------------------------------------------------------- 67 E. Classification of D e p o sits-------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 Reserve City M ember Banks— New York City, Call Dates, 1939-70 A. B. C. 2.3 Total Assets and Num ber of B a n k s -----------------------------------------------------73 Total L iab ilities-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 Classification of L o a n s ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------78 D. Classification of Investm ents---------------------------------------------------------------- 80 E. Classification of D e p o sits_____________________________________________ 83 Reserve City Member Banks— City of Chicago, Call Dates, 1939-70 A. B. 2.4 Total Assets and Num ber of B a n k s ---------------------------------------------- ------ 86 Total L iabilities___________________________________ ___________________ 88 C. Classification of L o a n s _______________________________________________ 91 D. Classification of Investm ents---------------------------------------------------------------- 93 E. Classification of D e p o sits_____________________________________________ 96 Reserve City Member Banks— Other, Call Dates, 1939-70 2.5 A. Total Assets and Number of B a n k s___________________________________ 99 B. Total L iabilities______________________________________________________ 101 C. Classification of L o a n s _______________________________________________ 104 D. Classification of Investm ents__________________________________________ 106 E. Classification of D e p o sits_____________________________________________ 109 Country M ember Banks, Call Dates, 1939-70 A. B. C. D. E. Total Assets and Number of B a n k s _______________________________ _ _ Total L iabilities______________________________________________________ Classification of L o a n s _______________________________________________ Classification of Investm ents__________________________________________ Classification of D e p o sits_____________________________________________ 46 112 114 117 119 122 Section 2 MEMBER BANKS INTRODUCTION At the end of 1970 member banks of the Federal Reserve System held more than fourfifths of the assets of all commercial banks in the United States. This section presents de tailed statistics on the condition of these mem ber banks: all national banks in the 50 States and the District of Columbia, which are re quired by law to be members of the System, and those State banks that have become mem bers upon meeting certain requirements. “Call reports”— supplied by the banks upon call by the supervisory authorities—are the source of these statistics _on condition. As re quired by law, the Comptroller of the C ur rency issues calls on national banks, and the Federal Reserve issues calls on State banks that are members of the Federal Reserve Sys tem. Since the beginning of 1961 all member banks have been required by law to submit at least four call reports each year; however, data for only two of the calls— the midyear and the year-end— have been tabulated in most years. Previously only three calls had been required, but four were usually made. Detailed instruc tions issued by each supervisory authority for preparation of call reports are identical in most respects. Any differences in statistics resulting from differences in instructions have been ad justed in the process of tabulation. Data in this section are based on figures col lected by the two banking supervisory agen cies. Data for the period through 1968 were published by the Board in its Summary Report — Assets and Liabilities of M ember Banks.1 Since then the data have been shown in A s sets and Liabilities of Commercial and M utual Savings Banks published by the Federal De posit Insurance Corporation (F D IC ). Similar figures, in less detail, are published in the Fed eral Reserve Bulletin. The tables in this section summarize the principal assets and liabilities of member banks on call dates for the period 1939-70. 1 U ntil 1962 th e S u m m a ry R ep o rt— A ssets and L iabilities o f M e m b e r B a n k s w as called M e m b e r B a n k C all R e p o rt. • 47 Member Banks acter of demands that may be made on the banks. The following paragraphs describe the prin cipal factors that affect the comparability of data shown in the tables in this section. The descriptions cover the changes in classification and content of the important balance sheet items and indicate how the new classifications compare with those shown for earlier years in Banking and M onetary Statistics (1914-41). More detailed information about the content of individual items in the tables appears at the end of this section. Among the more important factors affecting comparability of statistics relating to member banks are changes in membership in the Fed eral Reserve System, changes in the classifica tion of banks for reserve purposes, and the consolidation of branch reports with headoffice reports for banks operating branches. Changes in reporting requirements also affect comparability. Beginning with June 1969, for example, banks were required to submit con solidated reports including figures for all m a jority-owned bank premises subsidiaries and other significant majority-owned domestic subsidiaries.4 Mergers and consolidations— whether between member and nonmember banks or between member banks having differ ent reserve classifications— also affect the com parability of the figures over time. Table 2.1 shows data for all member banks; Table 2.2, for reserve city banks in New York City; Table 2.3, for reserve city banks in Chi cago; Table 2.4, for other reserve city banks; and Table 2.5, for country banks. Parts A and B of each table show major assets and liabili ties, respectively; Part C, a classification of loans; Part D, a classification of investments; and Part E, a classification of deposits. It should be noted here that in Tables 2.2 and 2.3 the reserve classification— reserve city— is used to denote banks in New York City and Chicago, even though the two cities were offi cially “central reserve cities” until July 28, 1962, as described later.2 Statistics of loans and investments made by banks show the volume and kinds of credit ex tended to different types of borrowers. These data, together with information on reserves and borrowings,3 indicate the liquidity of bank assets and also, under normal conditions, the nature of banks’ response to the credit de mands of their customers. On the other hand, the amounts and types of deposits that banks hold—whether as checking or as savings and other time deposits—indicate the asset prefer ences of the various broad classifications of customers of banks and the volume and char- B eginning N ov. 9, 1972, designation of b a n k s as reserve city b an k s fo r re serv e-req u irem en t purposes has been based on size of b a n k (n et d em an d deposits of m o re th a n $400 m illio n ). 3 F o r d a ta on m em ber b a n k s’ reserves and th eir b o rro w in g s at F e d e ral R eserve B anks, see “ M em ber B ank R eserves and R elated Item s,” Section 10 of this p u b licatio n . 1 C o n so lid atio n of subsidiaries raised to ta l assets and to ta l liabilities a n d capital accounts by a n esti m ate d S860 m illion a t all com m ercial banks. (C o m p a riso n n o t available fo r m em b e r banks.) CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Federal Reserve System is increased by the establishment of new na tional banks, by the conversion of nonmember banks into national banks, or by admission of State banks (new or existing) to membership. As a result, assets of member banks increase. Absorptions of nonmember banks by member banks also cause total member bank assets to increase. Conversely, member bank assets de cline when State member banks withdraw from Federal Reserve membership, when na tional banks convert into State banks and then withdraw from membership, or when nonmem ber banks absorb member banks. 48 Section 2 CLASSIFICATION FOR RESERVE PURPOSES in outlying sections of reserve cities as country banks. Beginning with July 28, 1959, it has had the authority to designate banks in reserve cities—regardless of the location of the bank within those cities—as country banks on the basis of the character of business transacted by the bank. On December 31, 1941, 6 of the 7 member banks located in the Boroughs of Brooklyn and the Bronx of New York City were classi fied as reserve city banks, and all 12 members in the Boroughs of Queens and Richmond were classified as country banks. (One mem ber bank in the Borough of Brooklyn, with a branch in the Borough of M anhattan, re mained a central reserve city bank.) Likewise, there were 33 member banks in Chicago clas sified as reserve city banks; the remainder were classified as central reserve city banks., (No bank in Chicago was classified as a coun try bank.) There were 48 member banks in 17 other reserve cities that were classified as country banks at the end of 1941. The banks thus reclassified were relatively small, typically neighborhood banks. Under the National Bank Act, national banks were permitted to carry some of their reserves with other national banks in certain designated cities, and the banks in these re serve cities in turn were required to hold somewhat larger reserves than other banks. Differentials in reserve requirements for var ious classes of banks were also required by the Federal Reserve Act. The requirements were generally higher for banks that were located in large financial centers than for those in small centers.5 The Federal Reserve Act also gave the Board of Governors authority—previously possessed by the Comptroller of the Currency —to classify cities for reserve purposes. Until July 28, 1962, banks could be classified as (1) central reserve city banks; (2) reserve city banks; or (3 ) other banks, generally re ferred to as country banks. Pursuant to the amendments to the Federal Reserve Act passed in 1959, the Board’s authority to clas sify or reclassify cities as central reserve cities was term inated effective July 28, 1962. From time to time the Board has changed its desig nations of cities as central reserve and reserve cities.6 N ot all banks in central reserve cities were necessarily classified as central reserve city banks, and not all banks in reserve cities were classified as reserve city banks. Until July 28, 1959, the Board had authority to designate banks in outlying sections of central reserve cities either as reserve city banks or as country banks. It also had authority to designate banks On December 31, 1970, there were 12 member banks located in the five Boroughs of New York City that were classified as country banks. The only banks classified as reserve city banks were located in the Borough of M anhat tan, and there were 11 such banks. In Chicago there were 43 member banks classified as country banks and only 9 classified as reserve city banks. There were 257 member banks in 40 other reserve cities classified as country banks at the end of 1970. Banks that have been reclassified as country banks are the smaller banks in their respective reserve cities, and the character of business transacted by these banks is unlike that generally transacted by reserve city banks. 5 F o r c h an g es in reserve re q u ire m e n ts b y classes of b a n k s d u rin g th e p eriod J u n e 21, 1917-D ec. 31, 1970, see T ab le 10.4 in Section 10 o f this p u b lic a tion. 6 A co m p lete list of changes in c en tral reserv e city and reserve city designations, 1914-70, is given in T ab le 10.5 in S ection 10 o f this p ublication. 49 Member Banks BRANCH REPORTS However, for the tabulations herein, the assets and liabilities of such branches are not consoli dated with the assets and liabilities of the par ent bank, as is done in the case of domestic branches. Instead, only the net amount due from or to each such branch is reflected in the parent bank’s report among “other assets” and “other liabilities,” as discussed later.7 A t the end of 1970, 81 member banks had in active operation a total of 536 branches in 66 foreign countries and overseas areas of the United States. Call reports submitted by a member bank operating branches reflect the consolidated condition of the bank and all of its domestic branches regardless of location. The reports are always tabulated according to the location and reserve classification of the parent bank, even if the branches are located in communities dis tant from the parent bank and outside the re serve city. However, if a bank that would nor mally be classified as a country bank maintains an office in a reserve city, that bank may be classified as a reserve city bank; if so, totals for all of its offices are included in the reserve city figures. 7 Beginning with June 1969, banks with foreign operations were required to publish a report of con dition consolidating foreign branches and significant majority-owned foreign subsidiaries with the bank’s domestic operations. These consolidated figures are not included in the summary statistics as are the fig ures on domestic operations. M ember banks that operate one or more branches in foreign countries or in U.S. de pendencies and insular possessions must sub mit a separate report for each such branch. CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS In the call report for December 31, 1938, a new classification of loans based more on pur pose of loan than on type of collateral was adopted.8 This classification provided informa tion on commercial and industrial loans, agri cultural loans, and loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying securities made to oth ers than brokers and dealers. The new classifi cation substantially reduced the total for “other loans,” which then reflected principally consumer loans to individuals. As of Decem ber 31, 1942, the figures for “other loans” were broken down into “other loans to indi viduals” (4 categories) and “other.” The cate gories of “other loans to individuals” that be came available then were types of instalment loans, for which figures had been reported on separate schedules for several years. Beginning with the June 10, 1959, call date, loans to “other” financial institutions were reported separately for the first time. Loans to such in stitutions had previously been reported largely against “commercial and industrial loans” and “other loans.” Continuity of some of these loan categories was broken beginning December 31, 1965, when Federal funds sold were excluded from some of the loan categories and reported sepa rately and again on June 30, 1967, when secu rities purchased under resale agreement were also broken out and reported separately.9 Beginning with June 30, 1966, two types of 8 For a more detailed description of the classifica tion of loans prior to 1938, see Banking and M one tary Statistics (1914-41), pp. 63, 64, 67, and 68. 9 For further information on Federal funds sold and securities purchased under resale agreement, see discussion on p. 54 and footnote 16 of this section. 50 Section 2 i “other securities.” It is estimated that for all commercial banks (not just member banks) these changes increased the total for “other se curities” by about $1 billion. loans— (1) loans to farmers directly guaran teed by the Commodity Credit Corporation and (2) Export-Import Bank portfolio fund participations—were reclassified from loans to CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS The breakdown of investments other than U.S. Government securities into major types that was used in the tables in Banking and M onetary Statistics (1914-41) has been re placed with totals for holdings of (1) State and local government issues, (2 ) other bonds, notes, and debentures— with separate figures for Fed eral agency issues and for other issues beginning with 196110— and (3) corporate stock through mid-1965. After that such stock is combined with “other” under “other bonds, notes, and debentures.” Beginning June 1969, certain in vestments in subsidiaries, formerly classified as “other securities,” are eliminated in the consolidation process. Since October 1928, figures have been avail able separately for (1) U.S. Government secu rities, by type of security, and (2) other securities. During World W ar II banks’ hold ings of U.S. Government securities grew much faster than their holdings of other securities, and such holdings represented a much larger proportion of the banks’ total investments than before the war. In the postwar period, how ever, holdings of U.S. Government securities declined somewhat whereas holdings of other securities rose at a rapid rate. At the end of 1970, as the tables in this section indicate, holdings of the latter group accounted for 60 per cent of the securities portfolios of member banks. The data in this section also show hold ings of U.S. Government securities in four m a turity groups. 10 Including certain guaranteed loans and portfolio fund participations beginning June 30, 1966, as noted above under “classification of loans.” CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS Deposit figures on a substantially compara ble basis have been reported for the following principal classes: interbank, U.S. Government and postal savings, other demand, and other time. Beginning with October 3, 1928, figures have been available for various types of de mand and time deposits: interbank (classified into domestic and foreign); U.S. Government; State and local government; certified and officers’ checks; and individuals, partnerships, and corporations (IP C ), Beginning with April 12, 1961, the deposit schedule was revised to provide the following new items: (1) demand and time deposits due to mutual savings banks; (2) savings de posits, in the time category; and (3) demand and time deposits due to foreign governments and official institutions. Demand and time de posits due to mutual savings banks had pre viously been reported with other domestic in terbank accounts, and deposits in the new “foreign official” category had previously been reported largely as foreign interbank acounts.11 11A breakdown of IPC demand and time deposits of savings and loan associations was obtained for the period Dec. 31, 1965, to Dec. 31, 1968, but these fig ures are not shown separately here. 51 Member Banks DEMAND DEPOSITS ADJUSTED and deposits due to foreign commercial banks, also previously excluded, accounted for $951 million. The reclassification of a large part of the S654 million of demand deposits that for eign official institutions held in U.S. banks ac counted for most of the remainder; of that about $560 million had previously been classi fied as foreign commercial bank deposits, and $50 million as domestic interbank. Accordingly, less than $50 million of foreign official deposits had been included in deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations, and therefore in the total for demand deposits adjusted. Cash items in process of collection have al ways been deducted from gross demand depos its to eliminate, insofar as practicable, the counting of deposits by both the bank on which checks are drawn and the bank in which they have been deposited. This double count ing arises because banks give their depositors credit for the checks that they deposit before the checks are actually collected. Thus until the checks reach the drawee banks and arc charged to drawees’ deposit accounts, both the drawers and the drawees have the same funds —according to the banks’ reports. The tables showing principal liabilities of member banks (P art B ) include a memo randum item on “demand deposits adjusted.” This demand deposits adjusted figure is de signed to measure the resources of a commu nity on deposit with banks and readily available for use. Until early in 1961 demand deposits ad justed had represented gross demand deposits less: (1) all interbank deposits (commercial and mutual savings bank, domestic and for eign) ; (2) U.S. Government deposits; and (3) cash items in process of collection. But begin ning with April 12, 1961, a new concept was adopted. This concept includes all demand de posits except those of the U.S. Government and of domestic commercial banks, and it ex cludes cash items in process of collection. As a result of these changes in concept, and of certain reclassifications of data, described below, demand deposits adjusted were about $2.2 billion higher on. April 12, 1961, than they would have been under the previous con cept and classification. Demand deposits due to mutual savings banks, previously excluded, accounted for $654 million of the increase, NET DEMAND DEPOSITS A nother memorandum item on deposits that appears in the tables on principal liabilities is net demand deposits, which are the amounts of deposits subject to reserve re quirements according to the definition of the term “net demand deposits” in effect on the particular call date.1- Inasmuch as the defini tion of the term has been changed from time to time, principally because of changes in law 12 M em b er b an k s m ak e re p o rts of deposits a t reg u la r in te rv als fo r th e p u rp o se of com puting th e re serves re q u ire d b y law as described in Section 10 of this pu b licatio n . 52 and regulations, the series is not fully compa rable throughout the period back to 1914. After the Banking Act of 1935, and through January 28, 1964, net demand deposits were defined as the excess of all demand deposits, including deposits due to other banks and the U.S. Government, over cash items in process of collection and demand balances due from other banks except (1) Federal Reserve Banks, (2) foreign banks or branches thereof, (3) foreign branches of domestic banks, and (4) private banks. In April 1943 an amend ment to the law exempted U.S. Government Section 2 war loan deposit accounts from reserve re quirements; this exemption expired 6 months after the cessation of hostilities.13 In December 1959 the Board changed the definition of demand deposits to exclude drafts drawn upon, or other authorizations to charge, a member bank’s reserve account at the Fed 13 For description of the composition of net de eral Reserve Bank. Effective January 29, mand deposits for earlier years and of the effect on different classes of banks of the change in composi 1964, it ruled that balances due from private tion prescribed by the Banking Act of 1935, see (unincorporated) banks are an allowable de Banking and Monetary Statistics (1 9 14-41) pp. 65 duction for the computation of deposits for re and 66. And for the principal changes in the defini tion of “due to banks” and of changes in the com serve purposes. (The law has never permitted position of “due from banks” up to the passage of banks to make deductions from time deposits the Banking Act o f 1935, see pp. 66 and 67 of that in computing required reserves.) publication. OTHER ITEMS AND CHANGES IN REPORTING are shown gross—that is, without deduction of valuation reserves—rather than net of such re serves as they had been shown before. This raised total loans by $4,588 million and total securities by SI67 million. In most years breakdowns of loans and in vestments are available only for the June and December calls. However, beginning with the fall of 1950 and continuing through the spring LOANS AND INVESTM ENTS of 1963, breakdowns are available for the spring and autumn calls as well as for June and Prior to June 30, 1969, both total loans and December. total investments are shown at net book value— Figures for commercial loans include open that is, less charge-offs and valuation re market paper. Figures for other loans to indi serves. Overdrafts are included in the loan fig viduals—broken down into (1) instalment, ures. Beginning with June 30, 1948, figures for with separate figures for retail auto, other re various loan items are shown gross (that is, tail, repair and modernization, and other, and before deduction of valuation reserves); they (2) single-payment—are shown separately be do not add to the total and are not entirely ginning with December 31, 1942. These were comparable with prior figures. Similarly, begin all previously a part of “other loans.” ning with December 31, 1965, the components Beginning with June 10, 1959, the call re of U.S. Government securities are shown at port schedule was revised to segregate loans to par value rather than at book value; they do nonbank financial institutions. The major com not add to the total and are not entirely com ponents of the new loan item are: (1) loans parable with earlier data. to sales finance companies, factors, etc., and to Beginning June 30, 1969, figures for total mortgage companies and other real estate loans, total securities (and components), total lenders—practically all of which had been in assets, and total liabilities and capital accounts cluded in “commercial and industrial loans” ; and (2) loans to personal finance and loan 14 For details concerning the composition of items companies, to savings and loan and similar as before 1939, see Banking and M onetary Statistics sociations, and to insurance companies—prac (1914-41) pp 67-71. The following paragraphs describe the com position of various asset and liability items for member banks for the period beginning with 1939, as shown in the tables in this section. The general nature of the item is indicated, and changes in the form of the call report affecting the item are noted.14 53 Member Banks tically all of which had been included in “other loans.” 15 Federal funds sold were reported separately on the call report beginning with December 31, 1965. Previously they had been included largely in “loans to banks,” with smaller amounts included in “loans for purchasing and carrying securities” and in “other loans.” 16 Similarly, figures for securities purchased under agreement to resell were reported sepa rately beginning June 30, 1967. Prior to that time they too had been reported in “loans,” primarily in “loans to banks.” (In the tables here the combined totals of Federal funds sold and of securities purchased under agreement to resell are shown in the notes to Part C, which appear at the end of Table 2.5 E.) Holdings of foreign securities, shown as a separate total in Banking and Monetary Statis tics (1914-41) are included in “other bonds, notes, and debentures” or in “corporate stock.” Holdings of Federal Reserve Bank stock likewise are not shown separately. Secu rities of Federal agencies and corporations, re ported separately for the first time in June 1961, are included here with “other bonds, notes, and debentures.” “Corporate stock” in cludes shares in savings and loan associations. ber 1, 1959, banks were authorized to count part of their vault cash (currency and coin) as legal reserves, and after November 23, 1960, to count all of it. In the data presented here the two components of member bank reserves are shown separately. There is a general re quirement that reserve balances reported by member banks should consist of collected funds as shown by the member banks’ books. Some member banks, however, particularly the smaller ones, do not make a distinction on their books between cash items in process of collection and collected funds. Consequently, to some extent the amount of reserves with Reserve Banks as reported by member banks may exceed the amounts shown on the books of the Reserve Banks. Other differences in reporting, however, tend to make the amounts of reserves reported by the member banks smaller than the amounts shown by the Reserve Banks. Many member banks reduce their reserve balances, as shown on their books, as soon as they draw drafts on the Reserve Banks or authorize charges to their reserve accounts in payment of checks received from the Reserve Banks for collection and remittance—although the R e serve Banks do not make such charges until receipt of the drafts or authorizations. A similar result arises from the fact that the RESERVES W ITH FED ER A L RESERVE Reserve Banks credit the reserve accounts of BANKS member banks with the proceeds of notes and other noncash items upon collection thereof, Between mid-1917 and December 1959 the although member banks are not in position to item “reserve with Federal Reserve Banks” make corresponding entries on their books represented a bank’s total reserve balance with until notified that collection has been made. its Reserve Bank, and each member bank had This lack of synchronization of entries on the to satisfy its legal reserve requirements entirely books of the Federal Reserve Banks and of out of these balances. Beginning with Decemthe member banks accounts for the difference 10 The remainder ($1 million) of the $5,277 mil between aggregate reserve balances as tabu lion involved in the reclassification had been included lated from member bank call reports and as in “loans to banks.” For a reconciliation of loans shown by the books of the Federal Reserve outstanding on June 10, 1959, see Federal Reserve Bulletin for January 1960, p. 12. Banks. For example, as of December 31, 18 The term “Federal funds” refers to credit bal 1970, member banks reported $23,319 million ances with Federal Reserve Banks, which may be of reserve balances, compared with $24,150 purchased by member banks from one another, or from nonmcmber institutions maintaining clearing ac million shown on the books of the Reserve counts with Federal Reserve Banks, usually on a Banks (Table 9.1 of Section 9 of this publica day-to-day basis, for the purpose of replenishing re tion). serves. 54 Section 2 and payable immediately upon presentation in the United States—including checks with Fed eral Reserve Banks in process of collection and checks on hand that will be presented for payment through the clearing house on the fol lowing business day. Included are Government checks and warrants drawn on the Treasurer of the United States in process of collection, and such other items in process of collection as are payable immediately upon presentation in the United States. Savings bonds on hand are re ported as cash items in process of collection if the reporting bank’s practice is to forward them for collection at least every other day. Cash items in process of collection may be viewed either as cash or as a deduction from deposits. It is in the latter sense that the item is used in computing net demand deposits and demand deposits adjusted, as described earlier. It should be noted here that many banks do not make a distinction on their books between (1) collected balances due either from Federal R e serve Banks or from other banks and (2) checks in process of collection, but rather re port all as balances. In that event figures for cash items in process of collection are under stated. The amount of understatement probably is not large, however, and the fluctuations may be unimportant. CURREN CY AND COIN “Currency and coin,” designated by the term “cash in vault” in Banking and Monetary Sta tistics (1914—41), consists of all U.S. coin and currency held in a bank’s vault, including cur rency and coin in transit to or from Federal Reserve Banks. As already indicated, member banks have been able to count all of their vault cash as legal reserves since November 23, 1960. BALANCES W ITH DOM ESTIC AND F O R E IG N BANKS Statistics for balances with domestic banks represent demand and time balances with banks in the United States; they include such balances with U.S. branches of both foreign banks and foreign agencies. Balances with foreign banks represent de m and and time balances with banks in foreign countries and balances with foreign branches of other U.S. banks. (Net balances due from or to their own branches in foreign countries or in overseas areas of the United States are included in “other assets” and “other liabili ties,” respectively.) Reciprocal balances with foreign banks and their branches are always reported gross, whereas those with domestic banks are reported net. CUSTOMERS’ LIA B ILITY ON ACCEPTANCES CASH ITEM S IN PROCESS OF COLLECTION The item “customers’ liability on accept ances” consists of the aggregate liabilities to a bank of its customers on outstanding drafts and bills of exchange that have been accepted by the bank or by other banks for its account and that are outstanding—that is, not held by the bank; if the acceptances are held by the bank, they are required to be reported as loans and discounts. Cash items in process of collection represent the amounts that banks have credited to de positors’ accounts but have not yet collected from the banks on which the deposited checks were drawn.17 The item consists of checks in process of collection—drawn on any banking institution 17 Checks for which deposit credit has been given are charged back to depositors’ accounts if collection is not effected. Moreover, banks generally do not permit depositors to draw on deposits for which credit has been given in advance of actual collection of the checks. O TH E R ASSET ITEM S Beginning in June 1964 several changes were made in classifications of other items on 55 Member Banks posit liabilities.1^ Usually, however, the series for both total demand and total time deposits are the same as those shown for later years of the period covered by Banking and Monetary Statistics (1 9 1 4 -4 1 ). Since that book was pub lished, there have been a few changes in the detail reported for types of deposits. Among time deposits, figures for deposits of “indi viduals, partnerships, and corporations” broken down between savings and time deposits were not available for the period 1939-60. How ever, on the basis of the breakdown for years beginning with 1961, it can be assumed that the figures before 1961 represent mainly sav ings deposits. Beginning with June 30, 1942, reciprocal bank balances have been excluded from demand balances with banks in the United States. the balance sheet. The earlier classifications and the changes are discussed below. Before June 1964 the item “bank premises, etc.” included the net book value— that is, less charge-offs and depreciation reserves—of (1) premises actually owned by the bank and oc cupied by it or its branches, if any, (2) lease hold improvements, and (3) furniture and fixtures owned. And “other real estate” represented the net book value of all real es tate owned other than bank premises, and in vestments and other assets indirectly represent ing bank premises or real estate—that is, amounts of stocks and bonds indirectly repre senting real estate and the amount of loans, contracts of sale, or other assets indirectly rep resenting bank premises or other real estate. Beginning June 1964 the categories “bank premises, etc.” and “other real estate” were combined into an item designated in the call report as “fixed assets.” Beginning with the December 1967 call, however, the two items are again shown separately. “Other assets” is a residual item. It includes income accrued but not collected, expenses prepaid, cash items not in process of collec tion, net amounts due from branches in for eign countries and in overseas areas of the United States, and suspense debits. C ER TIFIED AND O FFICERS’ CHECKS, ETC, The demand deposit item “certified and officers' checks, etc.” represents chiefly the lia bility of the bank on (1) checks certified but not yet presented for payment and (2) checks drawn on the bank by its officers but not yet presented for payment. It also includes out standing letters of credit and travelers’ checks sold for cash by the reporting bank or its agent. N UM BER O F BANKS The figures for number of banks shown in Part A of each table represent the number of member banks in active operation that submit ted condition reports as of the respective call dates. They exclude inactive banks that may not have been formally terminated through voluntary liquidation, or suspension, and that consequently may be included in other pub lished series of existing banks. INTERBANK DEPOSITS There have been a number of changes in the reporting of interbank deposits. Beginning with December 31, 1938, all member banks reported their reciprocal interbank balances on a gross basis; before that date, these deposits had not been reported on a uniform basis. Be ginning with June 30, 1942, such balances with domestic banks were reported on a net basis. The effect of this change was to reduce reported balances due from banks and re ported balances due to banks by approxi- DEPOSITS—GEN ERA L Since 1939 the Board has ruled a few times on whether specific liabilities were, in fact, de 1S For .specific rulings, readers may refer to the Federal Reserve Bulletin. 56 Section 2 ACCEPTANCES OUTSTANDING mately $600 million each. Certified and officers’ checks, dividend checks, and letters of credit and travelers’ checks sold for cash were regarded during various periods as deposits “due to banks” for reserve purposes, but in the tables presented here, they are excluded from interbank deposits. From time to time questions have been pre sented as to whether certain kinds of financial institutions were “banks” within the meaning of Section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act, which relates to reserve requirements, or within the meaning of some other provision of law. In 1928, for example, the Board ruled that deposits of M orris Plan banks and mutual savings banks should be classified as demand deposits due to banks,19 but that deposits of building and loan associations should not be so classified. In 1935, the Board ruled that the term “banks” as used in Section 19 did not in clude private banks, but in 1964 it revoked its 1935 ruling, and beginning January 29 of that year private banks have been classified as banks for reporting purposes. These and other such rulings had some effect on the amounts reported as due to and due from banks, but no attempt has been made to obtain any statistics on the effect of these rulings on reported fig ures, and there is no reason to think that the comparability of the series has been affected materially. The principal components of “other liabili ties,” a residual item, on December 31, 1970, were net amounts due to own branches in for eign countries and in overseas areas of the United States, expenses accrued and unpaid, income collected but not earned, dividends de clared but not yet payable, securities bor rowed, and suspense credits and miscellaneous liabilities. The composition of the item has changed from time to time, partly as a result of rulings on whether certain transactions re sulted in deposit liabilities or in other liabilities, as already mentioned. The rapid growth in other liabilities that began in 1966 reflected in part increases in large banks’ liabilities to their own foreign branches as these banks obtained funds from the Euro-dollar market through their foreign branches. BORROWINGS CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Figures for borrowings represent the total amount borrowed by a bank from all sources on its own promissory notes, on notes and bills rediscounted, and on any other instruments given for the purpose of borrowing money; the figures also include Federal funds purchased and, since December 1957, loans and securi ties sold under repurchase agreement.20 The capital accounts shown in the tables on liabilities are common stock, preferred stock, surplus, undivided profits, and reserves for contingencies. The figures for preferred stock are the total par value of such stock, plus the face amounts of capital notes and debentures issued by member banks. The figures for common stock are obtained by deducting figures for preferred stocks, as described above, from the total of common stock, preferred stock, and capital notes and debentures. The item “acceptances outstanding” repre sents the amount of outstanding drafts and bills of exchange accepted by a reporting bank or by other banks acting as agents for the re porting banks, less own acceptances acquired by the reporting bank through discount or pur chase. OTHER LIABILITIES 19 Deposits of mutual savings banks were included with domestic interbank deposits until early 1961. 20 Monthly figures o f borrowings by member banks at Federal Reserve Banks are shown, by class of bank, in Table 10.2 of Section 10 of this publication. 57 Member Banks tirement account under a plan for retirement of preferred stock or capital notes and deben tures contained in a bank’s articles of associa tion or agreement, under which such preferred stock or capital notes and debentures were is sued. Also included are amounts set aside for possible or unforeseen decrease or shrinkage in the book value of assets, or for other unfore seen or indeterminate liabilities not otherwise reflected on a bank’s books not covered by in surance. “Surplus” and “undivided profits” are the amounts formally transferred to these accounts up to the respective call dates, but no amount reported as “book” surplus or undivided prof its was included as such if such transfer im paired the capital stock. “Reserves for contingencies” include (1 ) re serves for dividends payable in common stock, (2) reserves for other undeclared dividends, and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures, and (3) amounts set aside in a re 58 MEMBER 2.1 ALL MEMBER BANKS A. TOTAL ASSETS AND NUMBER OF BANKS [Assets in millions o f dollars] Loans and invest ments i Balances with— nvestments Call date Total assets Total Loans Total U.S. j Govt. , Other securities j securities Reserve with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Domes- ' tic j Foreign banks banks C ash items Bank i prem| ises, etc. , O ther V real j estate I | 1939--M ar. 29............... June 30............... Oct. 2 ............... Dec. 30............... 49,645 51,908 54,401 55,361 32,095 32,603 33,075 33,941 13,047 13,141 13,470 13,962 19,048 19,462 19,605 19,979 13,351 13,777 13,810 14,328 5,697 5,685 5,794 5,651 9,112 10,011 11,617 11,604 777 712 774 841 4,403 4,674 5,304 5,506 I ! ! , I1 46 43 40 24 i 1,481 j 2,183 1,921 1,807 1940— Mar. 26............... June 29............... Dec. 31............... 56,233 57,846 62,658 34,163 34,451 37,126 13,939 13,969 15,321 20,224 20,482 21,805 14,421 14,722 15,823 5,803 5,761 5,982 12,279 13,751 13,992 862 789 991 5,634 ! 5,751 j 6,185 1 23 16 11 1,562 1 1,523 j 2,784 1 922 1 917 . 914 1941—-Apr. 4 ............... June 30............... Sept. 24............... Dec. 31............... 63,088 64,857 66,497 68,121 38,983 40,659 41,943 43,521 15,878 16,729 17,546 18,021 23,104 23,930 24,397 25,500 16,988 18,078 18,338 19,539 6,116 5,852 6,059 5,961 13,531 12,959 13,246 12,396 837 999 1,061 1,087 6,340 1 6,293 j 6,562 6,246 j 7 10 7 '» 1,796 2,429 2,147 3,383 i j » j 1942--Apr. 4 ............... June 30............... Dec. 31............... 67,458 69,946 84,917 44,287 46,800 59,263 17,834 16,928 16,088 26,453 29,872 43,175 20,449 24,098 37,546 6,004 5,774 5,629 12,725 12,295 13,072 884 1,022 1,019 6,271 ,j 5,770 1 6,147 j 1943--June 30............... Oct. 18............... Dec. 31............... 90,821 102,085 99,372 67,155 78,112 74,258 14,823 17,716 16,288 52,332 60,397 57,970 46,980 55,255 52,948 5,353 5,142 5,022 12,093 12,128 12,835 1,142 1,150 1,132 5,579 5,789 5,450 II 12 13 19 18 20 1944— Apr. 13............... June 30............... Dec. 30............... 101,943 108,684 118,706 78,027 83,587 91,569 16,135 18,084 18,676 61,892 65,503 72,893 56,771 60,339 67,685 5,121 5,164 5,208 12,497 12,813 14,261 1,265 1,143 1,271 5,266 | 5,799 |! 6,354 j 1945--M ar. 20............... June 30............... Dec. 31............... 117,081 126,436 138,304 90,524 99,426 107,183 17,219 20,588 22,775 73,305 78,838 84,408 67,915 73,239 78,338 5,389 5*599 6,070 14,605 14,807 15,811 1,365 1,150 1,438 1946- June 29............... Sept. 30........ Dec. 31............... 131,400 128,781 127,241 102,032 99,706 96,362 23,302 24,775 26,696 78,729 74,931 69,666 72,272 68,232 63,042 6,458 6,699 6,625 16,001 15,792 16,015 1947=-June 30............... Oct. 6 ............... Dcc. 31............... 124,797 128,290 132,060 94,802 97,328 97,846 28,655 30,738 32,628 66,146 66,590 65,218 59,198 59,288 57,914 6,948 7,302 7,304 1948--A pr. 12............... June 30............... Dec. 31............... 126,675 127,297 131,392 95,896 95,449 95,616 33,062 33,871 36,060 62,834 61,578 59,556 55,364 54,139 52,154 1949--A pr. 11.............. June 30............... Nov. 1.............. Dec. 31............... 126,350 127,259 131,605 134,431 93,835 95,315 100,888 101,528 34,905 34,456 35,565 36,230 58,930 60,859 65,323 65,297 1950=-A pr. 24............... June 30............... Oct. 4 ............... Dec. 30.............. 131,032 133,742 136,176 144,660 101,521 102,745 104,367 107,424 36,785 37,658 41,612 44,705 64,736 65,087 62,755 62,719 942 934 932 924 ■ ! | f Cus- ^ tomers* 1 liability 1 Other on assets 1 accept- ! ances N um ber of banks 107 . 102 1 81 108 220 194 215 188 6,331 6,330 6,339 6,362 404 371 339 98 i 79 j 83 1 286 199 231 6,377 6,398 6,486 919 ' 913 915 911 J 331 319 , 305 278 i 81 ' 79 ; 65 72 , 263 198 246 216 6,528 6,556 6,596 6,619 1,806 n 2,622 ! 4,030 j 913 I 913 904 268 j 255 228 f 62 1 59 ! 41 | 231 198 201 6,629 6,647 6,679 3,477 i 3,508 1 4,353 883 880 861 | 194 , 177 ' 158 I 54 1 49 1 44 | 226 275 261 6,703 6,724 6,738 19 18 17 3,542 j 4,025 3,958 i 855 j 842 : 817 | 146 ; 133 111 54 1 51 62 < 271 274 286 6,764 6,773 6,814 5,772 j 6,486 7,117 | 17 24 23 3,570 | 3,299 5,456 813 1 801 788 ; 106 j 93 ' 84 ! 47 j 41 | 66 1 263 309 338 6,823 6,840 6,884 1,141 1,382 1,576 5,772 j 5,660 5,936 | 34 61 56 5,133 1 4,870 j 6,005 | 787 | 795 ■ 789 t 80 80 ■ 75 1 91 ( 96 U7 | 331 338 311 6,887 6,898 6,900 16,040 16,946 17,797 1,409 1,496 1,672 5,521 j 5,993 6,270 | 34 25 25 5,690 1 5,135 7,081 1 798 { 808 j 820 ! 74 i 77 70 86 1 119 141 ! 342 362 338 6,928 6,929 6,923 7,471 7,439 7,402 16,750 17,356 20,406 1,563 1,606 1,486 5,374 S 5,419 5,674 I 19 23 29 5,637 | 5,899 6,608 1 837 | 847 872 I 72 | 73 72 i 156 j! 192 ( 180 i 371 434 450 6,932 6,925 6,918 51,362 53,132 57,052 56,883 7,568 7,727 8,271 8,414 19,186 17,808 16,150 16,429 1,609 1,568 1,538 1,521 5,057 1 5,065 j 5,635 6,194 21 18 49 41 5,105 1 5,965 ; 5,720 1 7,133 888 1 893 j 911 J 907 | 74 81 84 84 149 > 135 j 137 1 170 426 412 493 425 6,913 6,903 6,901 6,892 55,575 55,759 52,618 52,365 9,161 9,328 10,137 10,355 15,643 15,864 16,536 17,459 1,653 1,358 1,686 1,643 5,288 5,478 ! 5,718 6,868 36 50 142 142 5,313 6,629 6,029 i 9,413 923 925 946 957 147 171 233 209 422 424 421 447 6,891 6,885 6,885 6,873 461 452 1 443 418 I, 86 , 97 ' 99 100 BANKS ■ 105,705 106,563 108,388 112,247 46,318 46,866 47,936 49,561 59,387 59,698 60,452 62,687 48,861 49,108 49,647 51,621 10,527 10,590 10,805 11,065 19,305 18,946 19,857 19,912 1,713 1,403 1,930 2,062 5,533 5,567 6,515 7,463 110 119 58 49 6,027 7,209 6,221 9,767 978 993 1,015 1,023 105 105 111 112 278 236 241 325 434 471 422 479 6,869 6,859 6,846 6,840 1952-—Mar. 31............... June 30............... Sept. 5 ............... Dec. 31............... 148,064 151,540 151,393 160,826 110,997 113,502 114,654 119,547 49,429 50,526 51,314 55,034 61,568 62,976 63,340 64,514 50,174 51,261 51,382 52,763 11,394 11,715 11,958 11,751 19,586 19,333 20,300 19,810 1,772 1,821 1,651 2,081 6,372 6,470 6,110 7,378 41 40 46 75 7,289 8,383 6,574 9,911 1,048 1,066 1,080 1,100 111 111 110 112 350 286 287 324 497 530 581 488 6,826 6,815 6,808 6,798 1953-—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20............... 30............... 30............... 31............... 154,401 154,258 158,228 163,983 116,489 115,789 120,185 122,422 55,646 55,613 56,633 57,762 60,843 60,176 63,552 64,660 48,798 48,318 51,506 52,603 12,045 11,858 12,047 12,057 19,882 19,448 19,215 19,997 1,883 1,956 2,010 1,870 5,961 6,378 6,323 7,554 46 58 51 63 8,088 8,627 8,319 9,897 1,130 1,141 1,166 1,179 112 114 116 114 307 275 340 375 502 472 501 511 6,770 6,765 6,753 6,743 1954— Apr. 15............... June 30............... Oct. 7 ............... Dec. 31............... 158,949 162,203 166,649 172,242 120,814 123,185 129,519 131,602 57,407 57,197 57,233 60,250 63,407 65,988 72,286 71,352 50,801 53,111 58,757 57,809 12,606 12,876 13,529 13,543 19,229 18,925 18,908 18,735 1,824 2,001 1,930 1,843 6,377 7,062 6,896 7,613 51 62 88 118 8,377 8,672 6,927 9,767 1,212 1,228 1,261 1,292 104 106 107 110 403 359 386 580 559 603 627 583 6,731 6,721 6,703 6,660 1955-—Apr. 11............... June 30............... Oct. 5 ............... Dec. 31............... 169,388 169,686 170,820 179,414 130,903 130,788 132,343 135,360 61,737 64,315 67,381 70,982 69,166 66,473 64,961 64,377 54,968 52,543 50,931 50,697 14,198 13,930 14,030 13,680 18,575 17,942 18,437 18,722 2,095 2,017 2,003 2,019 6,728 6,704 6,447 7,612 81 101 78 97 8,325 9,535 8,872 12,965 1,341 1,361 1,394 1,444 120 126 135 136 564 438 437 422 656 673 674 637 6,616 6,611 6,571 6,543 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10............... 30............... 26............... 31............... 173,242 174,820 175,983 184,874 134,030 134,428 136,154 138,768 72,488 74,783 76,305 78,034 61,542 59,645 59,849 60,734 47,703 46,226 46,354 47,575 13,839 13,419 13,494 13,159 18,487 18,234 18,502 18,707 2,127 1,686 2,296 2,487 6,720 6,787 6,429 8,124 68 65 120 59 9,063 10,765 9,471 13,529 1,480 1,523 1,568 1,604 138 145 151 157 432 484 589 705 697 704 703 736 6,519 6,499 6,488 6,462 1957-—M ar. 14............... June 6 ............... Oct. 11............... Dec. 31............... 178,284 176,507 181,836 188,828 137,492 137,808 140,338 142,353 77,760 78,448 80,308 80,950 59,732 59,360 60,030 61,403 46,235 45,829 46,241 47,079 13,497 13,531 13,789 14,324 18,628 18,501 19,203 18,973 2,196 2,065 1,889 2,536 6,287 5,931 6,586 7,806 62 72 63 76 10,292 8,700 10,035 13,355 1,645 1,688 1,753 1,770 161 172 186 198 754 748 958 983 767 823 825 779 6,455 6,445 6,418 6,393 1958-—M ar. 4 ............... June 23............... Sept. 24............... Dec. 31............... 184,159 194,003 190,784 202,017 142,571 151,589 150,684 154,865 79,784 82,146 80,798 84,061 62,787 69,443 69,885 70,804 47,867 53,165 53,285 54,299 14,920 16,277 16,600 16,504 18,569 18,570 17,953 18,428 2,015 2,277 2,370 2,441 6,690 6,913 6,625 7,977 54 104 116 112 10,210 10,626 9,126 14,230 1,806 1,873 1,912 1,955 205 212 220 221 1,174 948 848 841 865 893 930 946 6,382 6,357 6,339 6,312 1959--M ar. 12............... June 10............... Oct. 6 ............... Dec. 31............... 195,549 197,265 199,084 205,726 153,728 155,289 155,942 157,879 84,074 88,431 92,471 94,779 69,654 66,858 63,470 63,100 52,960 50,225 46,796 46,813 16,693 16,633 16,674 16,287 18,143 18,086 18,291 17,932 2,270 2,351 2,201 2,222 6,411 6,375 6,700 7,532 76 94 86 108 10,982 10,949 11,670 15,715 2,004 2,062 2,159 2,208 223 236 233 244 787 726 687 746 925 1,096 1,116 1,140 6,288 6,280 6,246 6,233 1960—M ar. 15............... June 15............... Oct. 3 ............... Dec. 31............... 200,329 204,167 207,402 216,577 155,076 157,657 160,865 165,619 95,354 98,344 98,815 99,933 59,722 59,313 62,050 65,685 43,605 43,526 45,969 49,106 16,117 15,788 16,080 16,579 17,806 17,918 17,552 16,720 2,326 2,427 2,249 2,518 6,898 6,913 7,275 8,582 75 94 140 136 13,653 14,524 14,209 17,799 2,261 2,319 2,413 2,366 259 278 287 331 948 970 1,250 1,383 1,027 1,068 1,164 1,122 6,221 6,217 6,197 6,174 1961--A pr. 12............... June 30............... 27 ___ Dec. 30............... 210,807 213,719 219 287 235,112 165,481 168,049 174 936 179,599 99,504 99,992 102 355 106,232 65,977 68,057 72 582 73,366 48,332 50,361 53 863 54,058 17,645 17,696 18,719 19,308 16,188 16,488 16,038 16,918 2,708 2,142 2,932 2,813 7,095 6,897 6,761 8,724 142 142 154 243 13,716 14,414 12,697 20,880 2,466 2,516 2,558 2,608 354 362 376 385 1,469 1,417 1,513 1,622 1,187 1,290 1,322 1,320 6,146 6,141 6,132 6,113 1962--M ar. June Sept. Dec. 2 6............... 30............... 2 8............... 28............... 224,681 232,359 234,833 249,488 179,272 183,497 186,518 195,698 106,765 109,212 111,993 118,637 72,507 74,285 74,526 77,061 51,924 52,065 51,323 52.968 20,583 22,219 23,203 24,092 16,519 16,839 16,999 17,680 2,866 2,399 2,553 3,263 6,833 7,182 7,291 7,897 179 169 149 227 13,076 16,264 15,295 18,361 2,660 2,711 2,772 2,839 401 398 408 409 1,549 1,423 1,365 1,587 1,326 1,477 1,481 1,527 6,086 6,070 6,053 6,049 1963--M ar. 18............... June 2 9 ............... Dec. 2 0 ............... 244,456 251,214 261,469 195,060 199,495 210,127 118,490 122,088 131,712 76,570 77,407 78,415 51,461 50,399 49,342 25,109 27,008 29,073 16,098 16,529 17,150 3,005 2,644 3,131 7,689 7,690 7,359 194 233 287 16,136 17,833 16,468 2,897 3,095 3,325 412 365 363 1,546 1,517 1,556 1,420 1,813 1,703 6,039 6,058 6,112 1964— June 3 0 ............... Dec. 3 1 ............... 269,437 289,142 215,132 228,497 138,649 147,690 76,484 80,807 46,235 48,717 30,249 32,089 16,774 17,581 3,511 3,490 7,807 9,057 343 282 18,332 22,327 3,* 53 3,980 1,645 1,628 2,040 2,300 6,180 6,225 1965--June 3 0 ............... Dec. 3 1 ............... 296,049 313,384 237,328 251,577 158,832 169,800 78,496 81,777 43,396 44,992 35,100 36,785 17,842 17,992 3,853 3,757 7,831 8,957 240 243 20,431 21,864 4,147 4,269 1,755 1,798 2,621 2,927 6,235 6,221 1966—June 3 0 ............... Dec. 3 1 ............... 321,220 335,500 258,638 264,627 179,127 183,743 79,511 80,884 39,942 41,924 39,569 38,960 18,094 19,069 4,044 4,249 8,147 9,400 212 238 22,355 27,783 4,457 4,654 1,982 2,108 3,290 3,372 6,194 6,150 BANKS 140,188 141,612 144,757 153,439 MEMBER 1951-—Apr. 9 ............... June 30............... Oct. 10............... Dec. 31............... MEMBER 2.1 ALL MEMBER BANKS — Continued A. TOTAL ASSETS AND NUMBER O F BANKS—Continued [Assets in millions of dollars] Cali date Balances with— Investments Total assets Total Loans Total U.S. Govt. Other securities securities Reserve with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Domes tic banks Foreign banks Cash items Bank prem ises, etc. O ther real estate Cus tomers’ liability on accept ances O ther assets N um ber of banks 1967—June 30.............. Dec. 30.............. 342,271 374,562 274,247 294,098 187,795 197,827 86,452 96,271 40,636 46,956 45,816 49,315 18,999 20,275 3,728 4,646 8,686 10,550 231 267 25,747 33,208 4,893 4,969 217 2,291 2,246 3,448 4,086 6,108 6,071 1968—June 29.............. Dec. 31.............. 377,849 413,479 298,575 326,023 203,961 221,222 94,614 104,802 43,361 47,881 51,254 56,920 20,846 21,230 3,999 5,634 9,218 11,279 203 252 32,863 35,360 5,210 5,490 256 251 2,314 2,368 4,364 5,591 6,039 5,978 1969—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 425,158 433,146 330,587 337,613 234,841 242,995 95,746 94,618 39,382 39,833 56,364 54,785 19,801 21,449 4,828 5,676 10,370 11,931 247 287 43,369 39,691 6,188 6,571 264 276 2,970 3,165 6,536 6,486 5,936 5,869 1970—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 429,689 466,225 336,266 366,520 240,814 254,516 95,451 112,004 37,324 45,399 58,127 66,604 21 526 23,319 5,476 5,445 10,617 13,744 316 320 37,606 38,673 6,902 7,353 291 289 3,791 3,561 6,901 7,004 5,803 5,767 On F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 2.1 ALL MEMBER BANKS— Continued B. TO TA L LIABILITIES [In millions of dollars] Cali date 1939-M a r. June Oct. Dec. Total liabil ities and capital Deposits Total Inter bank U.S. Govt. and postal savings Other demand Other time Accept ances o u t stand ing Bor row ings Capital accounts Other liabil ities Sto cks Sur plus Total Com mon Pre ferred Demand deposits U ndi vided profits Reserves for contin gencies, etc. A d justed N et 29.. 30.. 2 .. 30.. 49,645 51,908 54,401 55,361 43,666 45,873 48,430 49,340 7,578 7,846 9,143 9,410 843 753 726 794 23,845 25,770 27,039 27,489 11,401 11,504 11,522 11,647 7 5 5 3 121 120 99 124 383 414 337 372 5,467 5,496 5,530 5,522 2,020 2,023 2,028 2,030 374 367 358 333 2,097 2,112 2,121 2,166 671 678 701 675 305 317 323 317 22,364 23,587 25,118 25,681 26,302 27,441 29,652 30,326 1940—M ar. 2 6 .. June 29. . Dec. 31.. 56,233 57,846 62,658 50,178 51,729 56,430 9,599 9,690 10,423 777 769 672 28,022 29,400 33,213 11,779 11,869 12,122 2 3 3 109 94 97 383 412 430 5,562 5,608 5,698 2,035 2,038 2,050 313 320 307 2,180 2,207 2,280 715 711 721 319 332 340 26,461 27,877 30,429 | 31,160 32,514 35,262 1941—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 63,088 64,857 66,497 68,121 56,824 58,512 60,105 61,717 10,645 10,436 10,944 10,525 578 673 830 1,760 33,372 35,107 35,969 37,136 12,229 12,295 12,361 12,296 3 3 13 4 93 94 78 86 414 449 450 426 5,754 5,800 5,852 5,886 2,058 2,064 2,071 2,085 299 295 282 277 2,294 2,319 2,340 2,394 758 768 802 775 345 354 357 355 31,576 32,678 33,822 33,754 36,381 37,411 38,957 39.708 4 .. 30.. 24.. 31.. i BANKS Loans and investments 1942--A pr. 4 .. June 30 .. Dec. 3 ! .. 67,458 69,946 84,917 61,013 63,404 78,277 10,409 9,971 11,000 2,213 1,773 7,980 36,476 39,587 46,600 11,915 12,073 12,698 14 6 5 74 68 46 428 477 488 5,930 5,991 6,101 2,095 2,121 2,129 266 258 250 2,407 2,446 2,499 802 806 847 359 360 376 34,670 36,966 42,570 40,943 42,868 55,326 1943--June 30.. Oct. 18.. Dec. 31.. 90,821 102,085 99,372 84,016 94,968 92,262 10,552 10,706 10,555 7,307 17,651 9,564 52,434 52,119 56,995 13,724 14,491 15,148 18 150 39 61 56 54 474 523 540 6,252 6,389 6,475 2,138 2,147 2,191 239 232 226 2,578 2,623 2,770 897 975 866 400 412 423 48,957 48,612 52,642 54,140 53,759 57,990 1944—Apr. 13.. June 30.. Dec. 30.. 101,943 108,684 118,706 94,631 101,276 110,917 10,260 10,903 11,884 11,581 17,737 18,614 56,798 55,854 61,265 15,992 16,781 19,154 100 75 111 63 58 72 523 580 638 6,627 6,696 6,968 2,219 2,234 2,287 216 208 182 2,784 2,856 3,048 967 967 1,009 442 431 443 53,255 51,829 57,308 58,489 57,203 63,088 1945--M ar. 20.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 117,081 126,436 138,304 108,967 118,378 129,670 11,331 12,230 13,640 12,510 22,069 22,278 64,744 62,432 69,640 20,382 21,647 24,111 285 52 208 56 49 76 635 681 761 7,138 7,276 7,589 2,311 2,372 2,451 173 164 142 3,084 3,159 3,383 1,112 1,107 1,116 458 474 497 61,175 59,133 64,184 66,969 65,111 70,918 1946—June 29.. Sept. 3 0 .. Dec. 31.. 131,400 128,781 127,241 122,519 119,680 118,170 11 801 11,484 12,060 12,110 7,868 2,786 72,594 73,688 76,248 26,014 26,640 27,076 72 77 30 108 109 132 781 838 814 7,920 8,077 8,095 2,510 2,573 2,587 118 112 105 3,505 3,471 3,595 1,271 1,403 1,287 515 518 520 67,461 68,818 70,243 73,646 74,812 76,540 1947--Ju n e 30.. Oct. 6 .. Dec. 31 .. 124,797 128,290 132,060 115,435 118,495 122,528 11,041 11,976 12,403 1,201 2,419 1,281 75,285 75,928 80,609 27,908 28,172 28,235 50 332 54 99 134 165 898 867 850 8,315 8,463 8,464 2,631 2,639 2,649 88 84 82 3,702 3,743 3,824 1,402 1,498 1,410 492 498 501 69,595 70,793 73,528 76,184 79,067 80,822 1948-—Apr. 12.. June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 126,675 127,297 131,392 116,672 117,452 121,362 10,549 10,833 11,641 2,217 1,951 2,233 75,418 75,950 78,759 28,488 28,717 28,728 235 53 45 172 214 201 985 954 982 8,610 8,624 8,801 2,675 2,679 2,713 77 75 69 3,848 3,885 3,970 1,512 1,524 1,602 498 460 448 69,781 70,051 72,152 77,063 77,298 80,210 1949--A p r. 11.. June 30.. Nov 1.. Dec. 31.. 126,350 127,259 131,605 134,431 116,011 116,980 120,640 123,885 10,333 10,374 11,330 12,097 2,686 2,138 3,157 3,013 74,077 75,362 77,235 79,791 28,915 29,107 28,919 28,985 199 21 416 11 164 149 159 199 1,028 1,086 1,153 1,163 8,949 9,022 9,236 9,174 2,803 2,808 2,815 2,828 66 66 65 59 3,945 4,000 4,039 4,215 1,688 1,698 1,859 1,648 446 450 459 424 68,972 69,397 71,515 72,658 76,774 76,574 80,068 81,263 1950--A p r. June Oct. Dec. 24 .. 131,032 30.. 133,742 4. , 136,176 30.. 144,660 119,967 122,707 124,477 133,089 10,642 10,849 11,749 13,448 2,856 3,522 2,661 2,705 77,182 78,892 81,010 87,783 29,286 29,443 29,056 29,153 252 30 241 79 161 190 264 240 1,305 1,293 1,489 1,558 9,347 9,523 9,705 9,695 2,860 2,902 2,916 2,936 58 57 56 55 4,261 4,376 4,399 4,561 1,742 1,760 1,898 1,752 426 429 436 392 71,869 72,263 74,981 78,370 79,789 80,800 83,287 87,160 1951-—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 9 .. 30.. 10.. 31.. 140,188 141,612 144,757 153,439 128,229 129,737 132,369 141,015 11,541 11 347 13,111 14,425 6,446 6,018 4,081 3,357 81,150 82,867 85,287 92,867 29,092 29,506 29,891 30,366 309 55 250 26 310 266 263 353 1,499 1,566 1,699 1,827 9,840 9,987 10,177 10,218 2,979 3,033 3,053 3,098 52 51 50 44 4,587 4,665 4,698 4,809 1,840 1,860 1,992 1,884 382 378 384 383 75,123 75,657 79,066 83,100 87,060 86,913 89,115 92,770 1952--M ar. June Sept. Dec. 31 .. 30.. 5 .. 31.. 148,064 151,540 151,393 160,826 135,165 138,769 136,937 147,527 12,595 12,812 12,766 14,617 5,681 5,728 4,323 4,887 86,042 88,730 88,126 95,453 30,847 31,499 31,723 32,570 299 69 1,596 165 372 304 306 343 1,843 1,874 1,923 2,030 10,385 10,526 10,632 10,761 3,189 3,217 3,221 3,257 41 43 44 37 4,857 4,950 4,972 5,188 1,927 1,942 2,016 1,895 371 374 379 383 78,753 80,347 81,552 85,543 89,964 91,687 91,757 96,786 1953--A p r. June Sept. Dec. 20.. 30.. 30.. 31.. 154,401 154,258 158,228 163,983 139,795 140,830 143,803 150,164 12,567 12,933 13,238 15,170 3,355 3,688 5,865 4,064 90,753 90,401 90,496 96,024 33,119 33,808 34,204 34,905 1,213 75 591 43 326 293 357 400 2,108 1,990 2,226 2,059 10,958 11,070 11,251 11,316 3,309 3,331 3,346 3,382 36 36 36 34 5,243 5,315 5,354 5,481 1,998 2,011 2,148 2,053 372 377 367 366 82,665 81,774 82,177 86,127 91,719 91,051 93,930 96,507 1954—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 158,949 30.. 162,203 7. . 166,649 31.. 172,242 144,436 148,252 151,717 157,252 13,869 14,733 15,191 15,983 3,575 5,465 6,870 4,049 91,305 91,454 92,268 99,604 35,686 36,599 37,388 37,616 587 38 409 15 421 374 403 608 1,920 1,831 2,108 2,156 11,586 11,709 12,012 12,210 3,444 3,465 3,501 3,605 34 36 33 33 5,572 5,617 5,693 6,010 2,170 2,209 2,395 2,174 366 381 390 388 82,928 82,783 85,341 89,836 92,365 94,154 98,653 100,477 153,379 154,670 154,162 163,757 14,433 14,462 14,698 15,865 5,044 4,994 3,583 3,654 95,892 96,742 97,230 105,400 38,010 38,472 38,651 38,838 1,038 115 1,197 137 582 459 460 451 2,092 1,982 2,268 2,286 12,297 12,461 12,734 12,783 3,703 3,747 3,782 3,828 33 32 34 34 6,017 6,103 6,144 6,295 2,179 2,216 2,407 2,264 365 362 367 362 87,567 87,207 88,358 92,435 98,601 98,199 98,432 102,690 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10.. 30.. 2 6 .. 31.. 173,242 174,820 175,983 184,874 155,842 158,388 157,615 167,906 14,567 14,508 14,361 16,855 3,801 5,107 4,839 3,593 98,208 98,904 98,239 106,850 39,267 39,870 40,176 40,608 1,440 302 1,532 48 460 508 615 735 2,355 2,328 2,652 2,531 13,145 13,293 13,570 13,655 3,950 3,984 4,021 4,085 33 32 32 32 6,492 6,557 6,625 6,796 2,316 2,363 2,533 2,391 355 356 358 351 89,145 88,139 88,768 93,320 99,299 99,325 99,922 104,084 1957--M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14. . 178,284 6 .. 176,507 11.. 181,836 31.. 188,828 159,593 157,593 161,871 170,637 13,913 13,736 14,487 16,328 2,085 3,234 3,867 3,746 101,602 97,612 99,136 105,547 41,992 43,011 44,381 45,015 1,564 1,374 1,759 57 792 778 1,003 1,023 2,540 2,704 2,736 2,558 13,796 14,058 14,467 14,554 4,172 4,191 4,284 4,334 32 31 31 31 6,843 6,875 7,007 7,212 2,418 2,627 2,814 2,635 330 334 332 342 91,311 88,912 89,101 92,191 99,458 98,316 99,327 102,967 BANKS 169,388 169,686 170,820 179,414 MEMBER 1955--A p r. 11.. June 30.. Oct. 5 .. Dec. 3 1 .. B. MEMBER 2.1 ALL MEMBER BANKS—Continued TOTAL LIABILITIES—Continued [In millions o f dollars] Deposits Total Inter bank U.S. Govt. and postal savings Other demand Other time Bor row ings Accept ances out stand ing Demand deposits Capital accounts Other liabil ities . . . Stocks Sur plus Total Com mon Pre ferred U ndi vided profits Reserves for contin gencies, etc. Ad justed N et 1958-—M ar June Sept Dec. 4 .. 184,159 23 .. 194,003 24 .. 190,784 31. . 202,017 164,196 173,904 170,031 182,816 15,240 15,540 15,633 17,414 3,473 8,916 4,061 4,122 98,989 99,812 99,764 110,448 46,494 49,635 50,573 50,832 1,144 1,078 1,514 54 1,203 978 874 877 2,821 2,863 2,991 2,809 14,795 15,181 15,375 15,460 4,389 4,426 4,487 4,527 31 30 30 31 7,250 7,341 7,414 7,677 2,767 3,009 3,047 2,807 358 374 397 419 88,779 89,186 90,639 96,218 98,585 104,251 101,299 107,330 1959-—M ar June Oct. Dec. 12.. 195,549 10.. 197,265 6. . 199,084 31.. 205,726 174,338 174,811 176,674 184,706 15,200 14,936 15,145 16,387 2,437 2,703 4,564 4,763 105,119 104,671 104,398 110,989 51,582 52,502 52,567 52,568 1,746 2,686 2,385 581 813 757 727 795 3,005 3,092 3,042 3,380 15,646 15,919 16,256 16,264 4,692 4,773 4,853 4,893 30 29 28 27 7,772 7,841 7,930 8,056 2,763 2,908 3,093 2,932 388 369 352 356 94,137 93,722 92,728 95,274 103,026 102,738 103,909 107,328 1960 —Mar. June Oct. Dec. 15. . 15.. 3 .. 31.. 200,329 204,167 207,402 216,577 176,710 179,519 182,280 193,029 14,152 14,672 15,629 18,076 4,209 5,979 6,952 5,524 105,940 105,566 104,255 112,393 52,410 53,302 55,444 57,036 2,546 2,503 1,829 130 980 1,010 1,278 1,425 3,613 4,305 4,748 4,595 16,480 16,829 17,268 17,398 5,042 5,081 5,127 5,165 27 24 24 24 8,127 8,208 8,312 8,586 2,943 3,176 3,444 3,229 340 340 361 395 92,287 91,042 90,046 94,594 102,382 103,276 I0 3 ,6 U 107,780 1961-—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12. . 30.. 27. . 3 0 .. 210,807 213,7J9 219,287 235,112 185,375 189,226 192,305 209,630 13,961 13,352 13,607 17,498 2,159 5,994 7,547 5,641 107,498 105,568 105,312 119,595 61,758 64,311 65,839 66,897 1,610 382 2,128 438 1,496 1,445 1,545 1,660 4,469 4,639 4.923 4,746 17,857 18,027 18,386 18,638 5,354 5,382 5,443 5,512 24 24 23 23 8,770 8,841 8,893 9,354 3,314 3,380 3,605 3,328 395 401 422 420 95,377 92,750 94,158 100,660 102,349 103,122 106,524 112,612 1962“—M ar June Sept. Dec. 2 6 .. 30.. 2 8 .. 2 8 .. 224,681 232,359 234,833 249,488 197,084 206,057 207,347 219,468 13,643 14,146 14,434 15,667 6,385 9,008 7,898 6,328 105,535 108,014 108,310 117,999 71,521 74,889 76,705 79,473 2,063 735 1,455 3,550 1,587 1,465 1,399 1,623 5,063 4,924 5,070 4,994 18,884 19,179 19,562 19,854 5,624 5,659 5,690 5,720 23 22 21 41 9,510 9,606 9,667 9,909 3,313 3,467 3,752 3,745 414 425 433 440 94,164 93,555 94,666 101,528 105,136 107,191 107,569 113,331 1963 -M ar. 18.. June 2 9 .. Dec. 20.. 244,456 251,214 261,469 214,451 222,619 229,376 15,049 14,761 14,900 5,001 9,989 6,225 111,306 111,548 117,562 83,096 86,321 90,690 2,883 1,440 3,499 1,576 1,564 1,584 5,627 5,353 5,954 19,919 20,238 21,054 5,830 5,876 6,006 41 43 149 10,056 10,175 10,469 3,544 3,696 3,968 449 448 462 96,903 95,637 102,816 107,173 110,499 114,538 1964 -June 30.. Dec. 31.. 269,437 289,142 238,052 255,724 15,052 17,670 9,570 6,077 115,624 128,539 97,807 103,437 1,936 2,481 1,677 1,667 5,711 6,369 22,060 22,901 6,398 6,491 526 789 10,755 11,006 3,871 4,070 511 545 99,288 108,324 113,709 120,464 1965--June 30.. Dec. 31.. 296,049 313,384 259,743 275,517 16,206 18,294 11,054 5,126 120,077 132,131 112,406 119,966 3,455 4,234 1,786 1,832 6.743 6,875 24,323 24,926 6,903 7,002 1,479 1,585 11,114 11,398 4,228 4,302 600 641 101,733 112,569 118,252 124,034 1966 -June 30.. Dec. 31.. 321,220 335,500 281,209 292,004 17,092 19,581 10,183 4,645 126,572 138,218 127,362 129,559 3,985 4,618 2,022 2,164 8,326 10,436 25,678 26,278 7,157 7,232 1,664 1,660 11,557 11,777 4,618 4,896 681 713 106,472 112,920 122,572 124,438 1967--June 30.. Dec. 30.. 342,271 374,562 297,529 327,012 18,481 21,980 4,820 4,866 132,546 151,980 141,683 148,186 4,920 5.370 2,346 2,313 10,238 H , 770 27,237 28,098 7,425 7,507 1,874 1,929 12,061 12,549 | 5,144 5,209 732 903 109,132 121,530 120,288 134,079 1968“=-June 29 .. Dec. 31.. 377,849 413,479 323,935 356,351 20,577 24,580 4,412 4,639 146,470 163,920 152,475 163,212 7,684 8,458 2,375 2,403 14,716 16,206 29,139 30,060 7,744 7,853 2,123 2,014 12,803 13,479 5,609 5,840 860 875 116,269 131,491 128,306 145,297 1969--June 30.. Dec. 31.. 425,158 433,146 345,347 350,759 24,819 26,450 5,179 4,300 158,207 169,750 31,471 29,699 31,317 32,047 8,276 8,385 1,854 1,868 ; 13,990 14,381 6,362 6,558 835 855 118,038 133,435 133,620 148,219 429,689 466,225 346,229 385,176 25,814 30,875 7,124 6,866 155,916 168,032 . 13,999 1 17,395 | i 17,507 18,578 3,024 3,245 1970--June 30.. Dec. 31.. 157,062 150,259 ’ 157,375 179,404 33,184 34,100 8,611 8,765 1,902 f 1.918 14,357 14,63.3 7,492 7,9#* 822 815 121,562 133,169 139,940 152,279 For notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 3,865 3,656 : 28,903 ' 24,713 BANKS Call date Total liabil ities and capital 2.1 ALL MEMBER BANKS — Continued C. LO ANS [In millions o f dollars] O ther loans to individuals To farmers Call date Total loans Com mer cial T o financial institutions Other ccc To brokers and dealers Instalment On To j Banks others 13,047 13,141 13,470 13,962 5,187 5,203 771 788 838 731 733 736 5,841 730 790 700 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 13,939 13,969 15,321 5,988 6,660 736 865 447 642 668 652 1941—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 4, 30, 24. 31 15,878 16,729 17,546 18,021 7,807 738 575 635 44 ’8,67i 972 594 598 39 1942—Apr. 4. June 30, Dec. 31. 17,834 16,928 16,088 8,383 7,387 726 526 I 563 554 934 562 538 1943—June 30, Oct. 18. Dec. 31. 14,823 17,716 16,288 6,554 270 584 ‘ 7,421 461 1944—Apr. 13, June 30, Dec. 30. 16,135 18,084 18,676 7,023 7,531 425 630 1945— Mar. 20. June 30. Dec. 31. 17,219 20,588 22.775 7,095 8,949 481 216 1946—June 29. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 23,302 24.775 26,696 9,685 13,154 1947—June 30. Oct. 6. Dec. 31. 28,655 30,738 32,628 1948—Apr. 12. Ju n e .30, Dec. 31. 56 Other Total land O ther R etail auto Other retail O ther |; Single| Payment 1,726 1,776 743 768 2,957 289 1,884 784 3,069 3,228 296 299 1,978 2,118 795 810 3,020 3,230 3,365 305 2,254 807 3,565 ’ 3,494 295 2,396 803 3,653 3,501 3,423 292 266 2,441 2,458 767 700 1,847 211 260 131 31 3,351 839 57 3,274 598 568 2,200 2,249 2,130 2,108 3,207 3,209 644 640 3,089 3,133 3,407. 3,378 81 796 2,395 2,480 74 810 1.506 1,467 79 5,357 13,820 12 961 1.507 1,154 100 i 6*962 44 i!003‘ ’ iii 1,065 33,062 33,871 36,060 16,734 17,631 15 582 1,225 1,217 1,171 1,324 1949—Apr. 11. June 30. Nov. 1. Dec. 31. 34,905 34,456 35,565 36,230 15,213 341 i5,857 701 1950—Apr. 24. June 30. Oct. 4. Dec. 30. 36,785 37,658 41,612 44,705 15,708 18,337 20,521 327 164 248 I R e serve for bad debts 2,671 2,796 2,435 655 1,540 2,419 610 1,484 258 243 2,373 2,390 577 576 1,467 1,505 3,248 3,455 262 277 2,415 2,522 572 656 4,267 340 3,085 842 385 3,903 1,069 6,240 430 4,620 ’ii3 *7*130 *447' 956 834 159 120 7,777 8,244 480 476 1,958 803 98 8,383 488 I 6,365 1,530 5,859 1,737 j 758 97 8,834 498 I 6,758 1,578 6,551 1,840 1,382 1,770 I 807 901 927 101 304 88 9,547 10,117 10,522 506 | 7,452 521 7,935 526 I 8,247 I 1,588 1,661 1,749 7,401 8,176 8,314 1,908 2,188 2,177 278 285 1,073 3,174 843 190 231 987 770 157 216 996 791 122 126 141 160 220 225 984 995 973 818 1,688 1,900 136 169 174 224 252 292 1,126 1,216 879 1,057 2,464 264 392 1,469 1,078 3,308 392 282 268 504 1,861 940 1,190 3,998 600 368 345 637 2,047 865 *5*381 ’ ’i l i o i ' 4,662 *757' 480 712 I 2,235 *839 5,883 6,264 1,414 1,504 5,249 5,585 339 598 692 560 628 787 816 2,310 2,305 881 886 1,330 718 680 866 2,265 837 399 1,549 877 797 891 2,437 937 484 1,040 1,236 1,271 845 923 944 977 1,027 1,021 2,631 1,004 2,802 1,194 2,901 I 1,350 519 529 595 994 1,143 296 363 BANKS 603 55 R epair and mod erni zation Total 279 284 1,120 On resi dential pro p erty 2,749 2,828 1,398 1,443 1,565 1,561 farm Other MEMBER 29 30 2 30 1939— Mar. June Oct. Dec. Real estate i Guar* anteed by ^ For purchasing o r carrying securities MEMBER 2.1 ALL MEMBER BANKS—Continued C. LOANS—Continued [In millions of dollars] Total loans Call date Com mer cial F o r purchasing o r carrying securities To financial institutions Real estate Instalment Other G uar anteed by ccc Other To brokers and dealers To others Banks Other Total On farm land On resi dential prop erty O ther Total Retail auto Other retail Repair and m od erni zation Other Singlepay ment Re serve for bad debts 1951—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 9 .. 3 0 .. 10.. 31.. 46,318 46,866 47,936 49,561 22,158 22,161 23,165 24,347 127 26 138 154 1,719 1,893 1,988 1,987 1,276 1,601 1,138 1,551 892 882 840 851 347 152 334 148 10,720 10,975 11,173 11,334 542 552 559 544 8,387 8,604 8,754 8,878 1,791 1,818 1,859 1,913 8,342 8,458 8,441 8,524 2,162 2,197 2,231 2,176 1,219 1,183 1,093 1,123 917 931 973 1,007 1,049 1,066 1,083 1,118 2,994 3,081 3,061 3,099 1,355 1,347 1,358 1,387 617 630 639 720 1952—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 31.. 30 .. 5 .. 31 .. 49,429 50,526 51,314 55,034 24,276 23,732 23,973 26,233 105 43 249 403 2,050 2,221 2,196 2,013 1,202 2,084 1,473 2,032 837 829 941 966 304 152 432 155 11,405 11,628 11,855 12,213 554 570 571 572 8,926 9,119 9,321 9,608 1,926 1,939 1,963 2,032 8,616 9,268 9,599 10,396 2,181 2,471 2,579 2,864 1,108 1,168 1,249 1,493 995 1,092 1,167 1,287 1,177 1,244 1,276 1,358 3,156 3,292 3,327 3,394 1,376 1,322 1,355 1,422 742 752 759 798 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20 .. 30.. 30.. 31.. 55,646 55,613 56,633 57,762 26,118 25,763 26,025 25,519 337 149 375 1,537 2,019 2,085 1,993 1,726 1,719 1,687 1,783 2,321 970 933 89 8 1,060 291 153 407 161 12,416 12,628 12,840 13,020 585 592 595 585 9,744 9,907 10,089 10,224 2,088 2,129 2,156 2,210 11,104 11,612 11,819 11,911 3,199 3,463 3,626 3,610 1,667 1,744 1,753 1,791 1,303 1,369 1,432 1,474 1,433 1,486 1,512 1,519 3,503 3,550 3,496 3,517 1,487 1,432 1,326 1,358 815 829 831 850 1954— Apr. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 30.. 7 .. 31 .. 57,407 57,197 57,233 60,250 24,837 24,362 24,357 25,007 1,878 1,453 460 1,732 1,778 1,950 1,930 1,797 1,939 2,411 2,451 2,881 1,036 1,106 1,168 1,363 608 174 494 239 13,195 13,440 13,913 14,433 601 610 618 623 10,306 10,483 10,850 11,236 2,288 2,348 2,445 2,574 11,650 11,840 11,915 12,127 3,472 3,508 3,485 3,482 1,640 1,633 1,578 1,598 1,437 1,447 1,473 1,466 1,557 1,605 1,647 1,680 3,545 3,647 3,731 3,901 1,345 1,339 1,432 1,618 859 ‘877 887 949 1955—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 11.. 30.. 5 .. 31.. 61,737 64,315 67,381 70,982 25,491 26,894 28,800 31,019 1,104 673 319 657 1,922 2,126 2,157 2,068 2,780 2,808 2,658 3,150 1,342 1,440 1,440 1,560 853 416 938 569 14,949 15,594 15,981 16,391 656 682 695 710 11,636 12,102 12,381 12,666 2,657 2,809 2,906 3,014 12,621 13,489 14,119 14,313 3,731 4,136 4,517 4,720 1,582 1,653 1,686 1,734 1,395 1,418 1,465 1,507 1,772 1,881 1,907 1,826 4,141 4,402 4,544 4,527 1,649 1,869 1,969 2,374 973 994 1,001 1,119 1956 -A p r. 10.. June 30 .. Sept. 2 6 .. Dec. 31.. 72,488 74,783 76,305 78,034 32,221 33,725 34,574 36,296 463 314 239 441 2,079 2,238 2,231 2,038 2,616 2,586 2,236 2,447 1,560 1,522 1,458 1,473 1,074 661 1,338 650 16,734 17,172 17,606 17,811 720 731 735 724 12,863 13,169 13,477 13,609 3,151 3,272 3,395 3,478 14,556 15,330 15,448 15,765 4,867 5,067 5,135 5,127 1,706 1,926 1,943 2,080 1,474 1,540 1,595 1,651 1,895 1,945 1,982 2,011 4,614 4,851 4,794 4,896 2,356 2,426 2,379 2,497 1,171 1,190 1,203 1,383 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14.. 6 .. 11.. 31.. 77,760 78,448 80,308 80,950 36,107 36,500 37,504 37,868 434 205 125 244 2,040 2,248 2,286 2,228 2,216 2,132 2,272 2,448 1,402 1,416 1,370 1,409 1,209 989 890 718 17,753 17,768 18,103 18,231 726 732 736 728 13,509 13,480 13,636 13,669 3,518 3,557 3,731 3,834 15,633 16,229 16,682 16,775 5,194 5,423 5,635 5,627 1,982 2,061 2,103 2,125 1,623 1,661 1,755 1,770 2,040 2,112 2,191 2,224 4,794 4,973 4,999 5,030 2,404 2,410 2,542 2,597 1,438 1,449 1,465 1,570 M ar. 12.. June 23 .. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 79,784 82,146 80,798 84,061 35,936 36,125 35,941 37,444 383 226 280 438 2,232 2,548 2,604 2,614 2,586 3,574 1,807 2,730 1,457 1,706 1,549 1,599 1,598 1,680 1,587 710 ! ............. 18,259 18,712 19,302 20,013 735 760 777 787 13,650 13,931 14,413 14,891 3,874 4,021 4,111 4,335 16,270 16,544 16,567 17,028 5,518 5,468 5,429 5,436 1,956 1,909 1,824 1,902 1,724 1,741 1,803 1,846 2,208 2,323 2,396 2,449 4,863 5,104 5,115 5,394 2,653 2,657 2,814 3,211 1,590 1,625 1,652 1,724 84,074 88,431 92,471 94,779 36,895 34,172 35,565 36,826 304 129 67 87 2,689 3,003 3,110 3,029 2,056 2,260 2,229 2,885 1,612 1,669 1,593 1,587 1,522 1,820 1,905 811 5,277 6,043 6,801 20,437 21,180 21,824 22,185 795 821 835 835 15,213 15,715 16,171 16,352 4,429 4,644 4,818 4,999 17,201 18,397 19,359 19,877 5,546 5,984 6,370 6,425 1,929 1,980 2,082 2,201 1,823 1,909 2,050 2,118 2,509 2,709 2,924 3,008 5,395 5,815 5,933 6,125 3,111 2,298 2,583 2,603 1,753 1,772 1,806 1,912 95,354 June 15.. 98,344 Oct. 3 .. 98,815 Dec. 31 .. 99,933 37,387 38,204 38,246 39,288 86 53 232 403 3,001 3,243 3,219 3,106 1,987 2,469 2,593 3,124 2,309 2,212 947 6,453 6,736 6,434 6,726 22,176 22,309 22,446 22,518 830 850 850 852 16,286 16,283 16,288 16.241 5,060 5,176 5,309 5,426 19,9 4 4 1,488 1,521 1,564 20,932 21,333 21,622 6,518 6,941 7,097 7,085 2,206 2,232 2,265 2,280 2,100 2,178 2,272 2,283 3,054 3,216 3,320 3,357 6,065 6,365 6,379 6,618 2,586 2,550 2,529 2,694 1,943 1,950 1,951 2,059 38,821 38,872 39,062 40,931 522 336 213 592 3,187 3,386 3,417 3,342 2,308 2,780 2,943 3,877 1,582 1,709 1,696 1,827 1,929 970 2,354 1,014 5,427 5,644 6,010 6,893 22,716 23,086 23,514 23,987 870 882 895 911 16,284 16,547 16,843 17,109 5,562 5,658 5,776 5,966 22,107 22,421 22,377 22,852 6,952 7,081 7,054 7,163 2,821 2,630 2,372 2,291 2,208 2,247 2,273 2,268 3,412 3,486 3,535 3,552 6,714 6,977 7,143 7,579 3,003 2,900 2,887 3,198 2,097 2,112 2,118 2,281 1958 1959- M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12.. 10.. 6 .. 31 .. I960 —M ar, 15.. 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12.. 30.. 27 .. 30.. 99,504 99,992 102,355 106,232 1 ,4 8 4 2 ,1 9 4 BANKS Other loans to individuals To farmers 106.765 109,212 111,993 118,637 40.63S 41,435 42,210 43,843 699 546 212 667 3,379 3,675 3,737 3,752 3.550 3,088 3,360 4,954 1,777 1,699 1,644 1,777 2,510 1,453 1,943 2,445 6.060 6,789 6,972 7,936 24,271 25,362 26,358 27,162 949 1,014 1,045 1,065 17,084 17,757 18,391 18,915 6,239 6,592 6,922 7,181 22,769 24,006 24,297 24,799 7,236 7,808 7,991 8,256 2,180 2,209 2,204 2,282 2,197 2,238 2,294 2,304 3,568 3,782 3,906 3,974 7,588 7,968 7,902 7,984 3,424 3.480 3,594 3,657 2,311 2,320 2,334 2,356 1963-—M ar. 18. . 118,490 June 29. . 122,088 Dec. 20. . 131,712 43,832 44,701 47,403 772 492 451 3,808 4,172 4,208 4,283 4,436 5,124 1,790 1,880 2,136 2,994 1,844 3,439 7,528 8,134 8,875 27,683 29,127 31,009 1,114 1,185 1,236 19,202 20,156 21,314 7,367 7,786 8,459 24,869 26,366 27,908 8,394 9,121 9,684 2,316 2,390 2,533 2,245 2,315 2,417 4,008 4,252 4,498 7,906 8,289 8,776 3,531 3,557 3,765 2,601 2,622 2,607 1964— June 3 0 .. 138,649 Dec. 3 1 .. 147,690 49,217 53,717 182 250 4,573 4,393 5,341 5,142 2,320 2,411 2,733 3,250 9,887 10,179 32,794 34,587 1,366 1,404 22,348 23,240 9,079 9,943 30,275 32,024 10,702 11,316 2,766 2,954 2,411 2,483 4,819 5,035 9,576 10,236 4,137 4,824 2,810 3,087 1965-—June 30. . 158,832 Dcc. 3 1 .. 169,800 58,640 63,979 208 266 4,761 4?, 833 5,729 4,915 2,442 2,714 3,516 >3,868 10,735 12,475 36,577 38,988 1,472 1,539 24,373 25,966 10,733 11,483 34,582 36,418 12,505 13,136 3,104 3,290 2,481 2,563 5,463 5,761 I t , 030 11,669 4,783 4,832 3,141 3.489 1966—June 3 0 .. 179,127 Dec. 3 1 .. 183,743 69,357 72,553 (3) (3) 5,244 5,318 5,036 5,389 2,717 2,660 ‘ 3,634 14,166 13,068 12,349 40,862 42,384 1,584 1,645 26,945 27,707 12,333 13,032 37,933 37,925 13.833 13,872 3,389 3,644 2,580 2,643 6,048 6,235 12,082 11,531 4,808 4,757 3,531 3,758 1967-—June 3 0 .. 187,795 Dec. 30 .. 197,827 75,921 79,344 (*) (3) 5,737 5,702 4,175 5,820 2,743 3,099 1,620 1,754 11,354 11,587 43,130 45,528 1,688 1,770 28,033 29,630 13,409 14,128 38,912 40,454 14,095 14,100 3,838 4,387 2,613 2,715 6,429 6,793 11,937 12/459 ‘ 8,007 >8.628 3,805 4,090 1968-—June 2 9 .. 203,961 Dec. 3 1 .. 221,222 81,922 87,819 (*) (2) 6,081 5,921 4,525 6,174 3,057 3,379 1,778 2,012 11,259 12,797 47,697 50,461 1,920 1,903 30,782 32,492 14,994 16,066 42,291 45,404 14,881 15,631 4,722 5,343 2,667 2,787. 7,230 7,766 12,791 13,876 • 9,505 i 11,740 4,154 4,485 1969--Ju n e 3 0 .. 234,841 Dec. 3 1 .. 242,995 92,926 96,095 (2) (3) 6,348 6,187 4,996 5,408 3,473 3,286 2,386 2,258 12,820 14,035 52,556 53,207 2,102 2,006 33,772 34,278 16,683 16,922 47,457 48,388 16,414 16,417 5,893 6,957 2,852 2,861 8,188 8,292 14,110 13,862 i'll,8 7 9 i 14,132 4,588 5,128 1970--Ju n e 3 0 .. 240,814 Dec. 31. . 254,517 95,190 97,954 (s) (3) 6,626 6,538 3,749 5,963 2,920 3,028 2,228 2,345 13,452 14,688 53,215 54,600 1,973 2,206 34,303 34,841 16,938 17,553 48,729 49,829 16,087 15,913 7,784 8,716 2,814 2,875 8,400 8,869 13,644 13,456 i 14,705 1 19,57l 5,141 5,185 1962-—M ar 2 6 .. June 3 0 .. Sept. 2 8 .. Dec. 2 8 .. F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 2.1 ALL MEMBER BANKS—Continued On D. INVESTM EN TS [In millions of dollars] U.S. Govt, securities 1 Direct Call date Notes, maturing— Total invest ments Total 10,691 10,946 10,891 11,184 1940—M ar. 26. June 29. Dec. 31. 20,224 20,482 21,805 11,314 11.600 12,337 1941- -Apr. June Sept. Dec. 23,104 23,930 24,397 25,500 13,501 14,238 14,095 15,707 4. 30. 24. 31. M arketable, m aturing— Within 1 year After 1 year Total Within 1 year 1-5 5-10 10-20 O ver 20 years 303 441 2,604 2,720 7,783 7,786 713 781 2,520 2,826 3,029 2,889 563 2,223 8,398 773 3,018 3,657 797 652 2,543 2,594 8,261 9,091 682 1,367 3,202 2,886 3,776 4,345 600 493 1,127 2,631 10,481 1,380 3,538 5,057 505 971 3,007 11,729 1,425 3,504 5,634 1,521 1,289 1,166 N on m arket able G u a r anteed Federal agency C orpo rate stock (includ ing F. R. Bank stock) Other 2,660 2,831 2,920 3,144 2,555 2,554 2,764 2,692 2,688 2,682 2.582 2,519 454 449 447 439 3,107 3,121 3,486 2,905 2,888 3,013 2,465 2,446 2,553 433 427 417 3,487 3,839 4,243 3,832 3,206 2,984 3,161 3,090 2,499 2,459 2,497 2,479 401 392 412 BANKS 19,048 19,462 19,605 19,979 Bills Cer tifi cates Secu rities of Slates, etc. MEMBER 29. 30. 2. 30. 1939- -Mar. June Oct. Dec. O ther bonds, notes, and debentures D. MEMBER 2.1 ALL MEMBER BANKS—Continued INVESTM ENTS—Continued [In millions of dollars] U.S. Govt, securities 1 Total invest ments Call date Other bonds, Notes, m aturing— Total Cer tifi cates Bills 1942—Apr. 4 .. June 3 0 .. Dec. 3 1 .. 26,453 29,872 43,175 16,978 21,413 35,006 1,509 4,363 1943—June 3 0 .. Oct. 18.. Dcc. 31.. 52,332 60,397 57,970 44,493 55,255 50,603 6,278 4,360 1944—Apr. 13.. June 30.. Dec. 30.. 61,892 65,503 72,893 56,771 59,452 66,784 4,466 3,748 1945—M ar. 20 .. June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 73,305 78,838 84,408 67,915 73,206 78,323 1946—June 2 9 .. Sept. 3 0 .. Dec. 31 .. 78,729 74,931 69,666 72,251 68,232 63,030 1947 —June 30 .. Oct. 6 .. Dec. 31 .. 66,146 66,590 65,218 59,189 59,288 57,904 1948—Apr. 12.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 62,834 6!,578 59,556 55,364 54,131 52,149 1949- -A p r. 11.. June 30.. Dee. 31.. 58,930 60,859 65,323 65,297 1950 —Apr. 24. . June 30.. Oct. 4 .. Dec. 30 .. Bonds G u ar anteed M arketable, maturing— Within 1 year After 1 year Total Within 1 year 1-5 5-10 10-20 Over 20 years N onm arket able Secu rities of States, etc. debentures rate stock ing F . R. Bank stock) Federal agency Other 4,948 9,079 6,621 5,928 i,iii 1,118 144 152 3,471 2,685 2,540 3,173 2,934 2,965 2,448 2,456 2,287 383 384 377 5,039 9,934 7,156 1,254 161 2,487 5,259 14,915 5,564 1,356 171 2,345 2,876 2,818 2,729 2,127 2,003 1,973 349 321 321 30,118 34,927 5 096 5 309 17,813 22,467 5,358 5,118 1,477 1,578 374 455 887 902 2,818 2,834 2,858 1,990 2,020 2,031 313 311 319 14,723 14,271 40,266 44,792 6,380 7,897 26,638 28,656 4,545 5,357 2,026 2,152 677 729 33 16 2,989 3,102 3,254 2,097 2,198 2,521 303 299 295 15,292 10,467 45,420 8,598 28,746 5,027 2,319 729 20 10,043 5 602 46,219 10,939 26,334 5,853 2,368 725 11 3,307 3,617 3,548 2,861 2,808 2,803 290 274 274 773 7,544 4,369 46,502 12,424 24,611 6,309 2,449 709 10 1,987 1 5 *8i 6 4,815 45,286 15,728 19,674 6,673 2,108 1,102 10 3,982 4,224 4,199 2,688 2,800 2,827 278 278 278 4,104 2,800 40,242 38,761 11,319 16,515 19,907 13,389 5,984 5,860 1,945 1,648 1,087 1,349 8 5 4,452 4,436 4,480 2,739 2,724 2,642 280 279 281 51,362 53,128 57,052 56,879 2,188 ^ 7,597 2,588 7,999 1 2,651 | 8,469 : 3,389 : 10,409 1,639 40,369 21,655 8,705 6,689 1,987 1,334 4 5,085 37,996 23,704 6,895 3,955 2,058 1,384 4 4,637 4,710 5,141 5,274 2,649 2,732 2,843 2,851 282 284 287 289 64,736 65,087 62,755 62,719 55,575 55,753 52,613 52,357 3,539 1 3,588 3,665 , 4,821 1,868 1.468 9,990 12,633 14,054 37,404 34,524 33,170 23,986 21,012 19,777 7,370 7,356 7,05. 2,557 2,551 2,542 2,169 2,229 2,218 1,323 1,376 1,582 5 6 « 5,954 6,040 6,512 6,640 2,914 2,993 3,322 3,413 293 296 302 301 1951—Apr. 9 .. June 30 .. Oct. 10.. Dee. 3 t .. 59,387 59,698 60.452 62,687 48,854 49,101 49,633 51,606 2,694 3,485 1 4,232 1 6,399 2,524 4,739 6,010 14,005 12,313 10,192 9,596 32,155 30,778 30,470 29,601 18,901 17,919 17,721 16,863 7,000 6,566 6,428 6,432 2,597 2,591 2,570 2,594 2,023 2,026 li 2,037 2,017 1,634 1,677 1,714 1.695 7 7 14 15 6,926 6,978 7,288 7,528 3,298 3,304 3,209 3,223 303 307 308 314 1 9 5 2 -M ar. June Sept. Dec. 3 1 .. 30 .. 5 .. 3 1 .. 61,568 62,976 63,340 64,514 50,160 51,240 51,366 52,744 5,115 5,423 4,269 6,565 6,125 6,134 5,476 4,255 9,499 9,468 9,461 9,835 29,421 30,215 32,160 32,087 16,363 16,333 15,994 15,542 6,777 7,280 9,507 10,088 2,628 2,901 2,973 4,684 1,94* 1,97! 1,943 1,704 1,731 1,744 1,774 14 21 16 19 7,960 8,125 8,410 8,409 3,114 3,268 3,227 3,010 319 322 322 332 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20.. 30.. 3 0 .. 31.. 60,843 60,176 63,552 64,660 48,772 48,289 51,475 52,571 3,599 4,064 4,171 i! 4,095 S 9,581 9,242 10,909 10,300 31,868 31,176 27,793 29,890 15,749 17,277 13,813 14,996 9,670 8,182 8,263 9,183 4,678 3,854 3,867 3,883 i02 102 103 1,770 1,761 1,749 1 ,7 2 . 26 29 30 8,860 8,680 8,902 8,871 2,850 2,838 2,803 2,841 335 340 342 344 1,872 6,285 3,546 5,410 14,485 18,948 1,651 2,672 9,418 5 251 23,545 12,071 6,906 27,265 14,228 13,982 10,640 14,127 2,633 2,275 i 5,584 16,985 1,072 1,167 ! ; ! ! 1 3,725 3,807 8,602 8,287 ; ” BANKS Direct 1954—Apr. 15. June 30. Oct. 7. Dec. 31. 63.407 65,988 72,286 71,352 50,767 53,076 58,744 57,789 3,957 3,915 4,531 4,075 4,973 4,417 3,740 4.307 7,488 10,374 13,012 12,464 34,348 34,369 37,460 36,944 11,729 11,319 14,614 10,803 16,655 17,011 16,558 19,782 4,153 4,239 4,487 4,571 76 64 42 1.723 1.724 1,738 1,745 34 36 13 20 9,598 9,890 10,490 10,449 2,660 2,637 2,682 2,729 348 350 357 365 1955—Apr. 11. June 30. Oct. 5. Dec. 31. 69,166 66,473 64,961 64,377 54,956 52,530 50,922 50,688 2,999 2.377 2,534 3,250 3,204 1,281 960 1,738 13,450 13,969 13,119 11,508 35,303 34,903 34,309 34,192 9,310 8,976 8,554 10.755 19,348 19,373 19,299 17,784 4,634 4,575 4,482 3,713 275 237 261 234 1,736 1,742 1,713 1,706 12 13 10 9 10,834 10,584 10,747 10,444 2,992 2,961 2,895 2,843 372 386 388 393 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10. 30. 26. 31. 61,542 59,645 59,849 60,734 47,691 46,213 46,343 47,563 1,956 2,013 2,147 4,383 1,428 840 1,783 1,469 10,930 10,332 9,954 9,493 33,377 33,029 32,459 32,218 10,450 10,309 10,842 17,281 17,633 17,290 16,094 9,480 3,673 3,908 4.031 4.032 153 149 144 149 1,468 1,373 1,349 1,277 11 12 11 12 10,802 10,557 10,687 10,494 2,633 2,456 2,397 2,250 405 406 411 415 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14. 6. 11. 31. 59,732 59,360 60,030 61,403 46,223 45,821 46,234 47,073 3,540 3,439 3.377 3,948 1,679 2,798 3,517 3,534 8,914 7,952 8,055 8,560 32,090 31,632 31,285 31,031 17,277 17,192 18.756 19,548 9,410 9,262 7,957 6,849 4,009 4,067 3,587 3,730 150 142 109 101 1,244 969 877 803 6 7 10,780 10,768 11,086 11,235 2,297 2,345 2,277 2,645 419 418 426 444 1958—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4. 23. 24. 31. 62,787 69,443 69,885 70,804 47,862 53,160 53,280 54,294 3,700 3.574 3,082 4,644 2,396 2,905 6,148 6,143 8,504 10,480 10,568 11,117 33,262 36,201 33,482 32.390 19,360 18,052 19.181 18,338 8,975 13,016 9,278 9,601 3,805 3,847 3,745 3,216 330 478 433 439 791 807 845 796 5 5 5 6 11,641 12,786 13,393 13,405 2,828 3,037 2,748 2,630 450 455 459 470 1959—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12. 10. 6. 31. 69,654 66,858 63,470 63,100 52.955 50,216 46.771 46.771 4,416 3,854 3.574 4,612 5,488 3,688 1,820 1,812 11,326 11,410 11,448 11,604 31,725 31,264 29,929 28,744 20,235 19,763 18,685 17,878 7,022 6,940 7,643 8,144 3,224 3,351 2,466 1,795 468 438 417 393 777 771 718 534 5 9 25 41 13,739 13,820 13.978 13,677 2,476 2,328 2,204 2,108 479 485 492 502 1960—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15. 15. 3. 31. 59,722 59,313 62,050 65,685 43,547 43,453 45,875 49,007 3,235 2,521 4,625 6,402 949 1,583 2,223 2,296 11,484 11,959 13,398 15,072 27,878 27.390 25,629 25,236 20.181 19,898 17,722 17,897 5,383 5,209 5,518 4,973 1,438 1,399 1,450 1,496 367 406 518 458 509 478 421 412 58 73 94 99 13,732 13,473 13,897 14,141 1,874 1,796 1,656 1,903 512 518 527 536 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12. 30. 27. 30. 65,977 68,057 72,582 73,366 48,197 50,222 53,721 53,914 5,216 5,962 9,693 9,229 1,681 2,951 1,933 1,842 3,386 4,181 5,058 6,457 12,548 12,295 13,266 14,932 25,367 24,834 23,771 21,454 4,001 5,427 4,508 1,975 12,198 11,018 11,585 12,871 7,094 6,397 5,765 4,688 1,665 1,590 1,517 1,614 408 401 397 307 135 139 142 144 15,284 15,220 16,115 16,691 1,140 1,278 1,434 1,510 672 642 609 524 550 556 562 583 1962- M ar. June Sept. Dec. 26. 30. 28. 28. 72,507 74,285 74,526 77,061 51,784 51,920 51,185 52,838 7,262 6,467 6,124 8,862 3,184 2,984 2,901 3,249 7,407 9,448 4,903 4,269 12,716 11,919 14,660 15,174 21,215 21,102 22,597 21,284 1,901 794 3,636 1,795 11,133 11,496 8,410 8,839 6,264 6,987 9,556 9,825 1,624 1,537 720 608 293 288 275 217 139 145 138 131 17,994 19,321 20,129 20,773 1,473 1,742 1,884 2,103 515 536 549 572 601 621 642 644 1963- -Mar. 18. June 29. Dec. 20. 76,570 77.407 78,415 51,378 50,314 49,246 7,839 6,863 8,032 2,628 2,608 1.307 2,916 3,470 4,532 16,565 15,953 13,539 21,431 21,420 21,836 1,241 1,100 830 7,203 7,560 10,156 11,808 11,690 9,755 970 865 899 209 205 196 84 85 96 21.978 23,533 25,210 1,938 2.237 2,604 521 557 552 671 681 708 1964— June 30. Dec. 31. 76,484 80,807 46,108 48,588 6,707 9,932 16 5,053 5,575 13,519 9,663 20,813 23,419 1,512 1,515 9,193 11,240 9,060 9,866 863 634 185 164 126 130 26,579 28,374 2.238 2,439 695 517 738 759 1965—June 30. Dec. 31. 78,496 81,777 43,302 44,992 6,260 9,441 5,637 5,325 5,792 4,781 25,612 26,291 694 1,713 12,398 12,939 11,413 10,663 954 911 153 66 93 76 31,036 32,588 2,678 2,984 547 1,214 839 1966—June 30. Dec. 31. 79,511 80,884 39,942 41,924 5,525 8,074 859 493 4,125 4,728 4,993 5,061 25,333 24,520 890 1,097 13,188 13,897 10,428 8,677 769 793 58 56 93 89 33,896 33,800 4,449 3,823 1,223 1,337 1967—June 30. Dec. 30. 86,452 96,271 40,636 46.956 5,392 9,633 377 3,464 4,419 7,508 9,237 24,626 24,305 1,031 2,783 14,880 15,177 7,780 5,364 882 930 53 51 229 308 39,085 41,520 4,932 5,849 1,799 1,946 1968—June 29. Dec. 31. 94,614 104,802 43,361 47,881 4,415 4,983 11,311 23,372 3,673 13,017 5,704 934 43,382 48,423 5,817 6,277 2,054 2,221 1969—June 30. Dec. 31. 95,746 94,618 39,382 39,833 2,914 2,592 13,654 20,060 4,982 13,573 567 897 101 48,600 47,227 5,975 5,847 1,789 1,711 1970—June 30. Dec. 31. 95,451 112,004 37,324 45,399 3,247 5,974 13,642 14,287 1,403 186 697 156 50,108 55,662 6,153 8,680 1,866 2,262 For notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. MEMBER 2.1 ALL MEMBER BANKS — Continued E. D EPO SITS fin millions o f dollars] Demand Time Cali date JPC State and local govt. U.S. Govt. Interbank IPC Total Foreign Savings Other time Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. U.S. Govt. and postal savings Dom estic Com m er cial M utual savings Foreign 749 11,615 11,719 11,727 11,852 10,940 11,063 11,104 11,215 461 441 418 432 68 59 51 51 133 142 154 144 696 700 11,980 12,070 12,319 11,368 11,459 11,687 411 410 435 52 59 56 150 134 135 681 67i 12,431 12,495 12,558 12,487 11,837 11,898 11,980 11,878 392 397 382 418 54 55 50 50 147 138 147 133 10,101 746 811 12,087 12,236 12,841 11,520 11,673 12,366 395 400 332 49 49 56 123 109 82 5 5 1,050 1,065 1,573 9,648 9,806 9,603 832 833 891 13,866 14,667 15,330 13,382 14,176 14,822 341 316 327 71 109 120 66 62 58 5 5 4 11,468 17,634 18,509 1,058 1,460 1,251 9,263 9,904 10,881 937 937 945 16,165 16,947 19,317 15,645 16,448 18,807 347 333 347 113 104 105 54 52 47 6 11 11 12,409 21,967 22,179 1,305 | 1,138 I 2,450 j 10,250 11,064 12,333 1,016 1,106 1,243 20,548 21,809 24,274 20,004 21,254 23,712 378 392 399 101 102 99 54 44 46 11 16 18 65.589 67,129 69.127 4,826 J 12,009 4,763 7,763 4,915 2,672 2,179 ! 1,796 2,207 10,391 10,042 10,644 1,339 1,370 1.353 26,187 26,817 27,253 25,568 26,150 26,525 447 491 551 101 104 114 I 46 45 43 26 27 19 87.361 90,162 94,138 67,933 69,047 72,704 5,376 5,059 5,504 1.095 2,308 I 1,176 ! 1,976 1,821 2,401 9,612 10,471 10,978 1.369 1,455 1.375 28,074 28,333 28,390 27,259 27,511 27,542 649 661 693 106 110 105 38 37 39 21 13 11 116,672 117,452 121,362 88,041 88,583 92,459 68,093 68,204 70,947 5,570 5,873 5,850 2,115 |j 1,846 1 2,122 1,755 1,873 1,962 9,133 9,433 10,098 1.375 1.353 1,480 28,632 28,869 28,902 27,616 27,805 27,801 872 I 912 ! 102 | 106 ! Ill 33 31 30 9 16 33 1949—Apr. 1 1 . .. . June 30___ Nov. 1___ Dec. 3 1 . . . . 116,011 116,980 120,640 123,885 86,906 87,576 91.393 94,561 66,766 67,157 69,493 71.589 5,849 i 5,983 | 5,913 6,017 2,563 1,980 ' 2,987 2,838 1,462 2,222 1,829 2,185 8,855 8,864 9,778 10,623 1,411 29,105 1.369 29,405 1,393 ! 29,248 1,310 29,324 27,885 28,038 27,876 27,934 1,030 I 1,069 1,043 1,051 122 157 170 175 27 24 25 24 39 117 134 139 1950—Apr. 2 4 . . . . June 30__ _ Oct. 4 ____ Dec. 3 0 . . . . 119.967 90.361 122,707 92,878 124,477 95,005 133,089 103,412 69,365 70,463 73,190 78,659 6,100 6,428 1 6,048 6,400 2,687 3,340 2,482 | 2,523 I 1,718 2,001 1,772 , 2,724 9,150 9,368 10,115 11,669 1,343 I 29,605 1,278 | 29,829 1,398 29,472 1,437 I 29,677 28,213 28,328 27,921 28,032 1,074 ! 1,115 1,135 1,121 : 170 182 180 183 27 26 26 24 123 178 210 318 1939—M ar. June Oct. Dec. ^ ^ Foreign govt. and other Interbank Certi- J Domestic fied j and i officers’ Com checks, mer etc. M utual cial savings BANKS IPC Total de posits 2 9 .... 3 0 .... 2 .... 3 0 .... 43,666 45,873 48.430 49,340 32,051 34,154 36,703 37,488 20,845 22,448 23,983 24,604 2,467 2,532 2,390 2,321 775 694 675 743 ; 533 790 666 563 ; 6,816 7,097 8,989 8,507 1940— M ar. 2 6 ___ June 2 9 ___ Dec. 3 ! . . . . 50,178 51,729 56.430 38,197 39,659 44,110 24,965 26,397 29,576 2,499 2,529 2,724 725 i 711 ! 616 j 558 ! 475 I 913 I 9,449 8,852 9,581 1941—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 4 ___ 3 0___ 2 4___ 3 1 .... 56,824 58,512 60,105 61,717 44.393 46,016 47,546 49,231 29,752 31,429 32,149 33,061 2,957 2,940 3,090 3,066 523 619 781 1,709 662 738 730 1,009 j 10,498 9,610 10,797 9,714 1942— Apr. 4 . . . . June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 3 ! . . . . 61,013 63,404 78,277 48,926 51,168 65,436 32,602 35,646 42,139 3,285 3,230 3,318 2,164 1,724 | 7,923 589 I 711 I 1,142 10,286 9,110 1943—June 3 0 . . . . Oct. 1 8 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 84,016 94,968 92,262 70,151 80,301 76,932 47,863 47,849 51,820 3,522 7,236 3,206 1 17,542 3,602 9,444 1944— Apr. 1 3 . .. . June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 3 0___ 94,631 101,276 110,917 78,466 84,328 91,600 52.126 50,756 56,270 3,613 3,638 3,744 1945— M ar. 2 0 ___ June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 108.967 118,378 129,670 88,419 96,569 105,395 59,409 57,417 62,950 4,030 3,877 4,240 1946—June 2 9 . . . . Sept. 3 0 ----Dec. 3 1 . . . . 122,519 119,680 118,170 96,332 92,864 90,917 1947—June 3 0 . . . . Oct. 6 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 115,435 118,495 122,528 1948—Apr. 1 2 . .. . June 3 0 ___ Dec. 3 1 . . . . S 615 593 13 14 10 1951—Apr. 9 ..................... 128,229 June 3 0 ..................... 129,737 Oct. 10..................... 132,369 Dcc. 3 1 ..................... 141,015 98,588 99,664 101,825 109,970 73,118 74,061 77,511 83,240 6,190 6,713 6,059 6,666 6,256 5,811 3,848 3,101 1,841 2,093 1,717 2,961 9,739 9,659 11,435 12,634 1,444 1,327 1,255 1,369 29,640 30,073 30,544 31,045 27,891 28,263 28,667 29,128 1,201 1,243 1,224 1,238 190 206 233 257 25 23 23 22 333 339 397 400 1952— M ar. June Sept. Dec. 31 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 5 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 135,165 138,769 136,937 147,527 103,600 106,512 104,415 114,045 77,007 79,186 79,731 85,680 6,816 6,989 6,591 7,029 5,409 5,439 4,023 4,567 2,219 2,555 1,803 2,744 10,841 11,013 10,897 12,594 1,308 1,329 1,370 1,431 31,565 32,257 32,522 33,482 29,556 30,196 30,413 31,266 1,291 1,303 1,309 1,303 272 288 300 321 24 28 33 32 422 441 466 560 1953 Apr. June Sept. Dec. 2 0 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 31..................... 139,795 140,830 143,803 150,164 105,740 106,027 108,544 113,930 80,998 80,741 81, 132 85,711 7,234 7,403 6,989 7,530 3,044 3,378 5,555 3,756 2,520 2,256 2,375 2,783 10,593 10,947 11,153 12,858 1,350 1,300 1,341 1,291 34,055 34,803 35,259 36,234 31,783 32,412 32,825 33,311 1,337 1,395 1,380 1,595 311 310 310 308 29 32 32 38 595 653 713 983 1954 Apr. 15..................... 144,436 June 3 0 ..................... 148,252 Oct. 7 ..................... 151,717 Dec. 3 1 ..................... 157,252 107,089 109,856 112,446 117,826 81,146 81,034 82,775 88,859 7,623 7,839 7,058 7,781 3,268 5,165 6,546 3,715 2,537 2,581 2,435 2,964 11,246 11,956 12,280 13,015 1,270 1,280 1,352 1,493 37,347 38,396 39,271 39,425 33,932 34,687 35,370 35,650 1,754 1,912 2,017 1,966 307 300 324 334 5! 54 63 64 1,302 1,443 1,496 1,412 1955 Apr. 11..................... 153,379 June 3 0 ..................... 154,670 Oct. 5 ..................... 154,162 Dec. 3 1 ..................... 163,757 113,625 114,411 113,720 123,239 86,073 85,706 87,091 93,687 7,345 8,117 7,462 8,075 4,714 4,656 3,258 3,327 2,474 2,919 2,678 3,638 11,533 11,482 11,720 13,002 1,486 1,531 1,513 1,511 39,754 40,259 40,442 40,518 36,002 36,504 36,776 36,972 2,008 1,968 1,875 1,865 330 338 325 327 52 50 38 38 1,362 1,400 1,428 1,315 155,842 158,388 157,615 167,906 115,053 116,847 115,792 125,708 87,647 87,404 87,859 95,163 7,780 8,496 7,684 8,211 3,486 4,806 4,538 3,292 2,781 3,004 2,696 3,475 11,757 11,627 11,400 13,818 1,603 1,510 1,615 1,749 40,789 41,542 41,823 42,197 37,275 37,916 38,264 38,769 1,992 1,954 1,913 1,839 315 302 301 301 38 42 42 39 1,168 1,328 1,304 1,250 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14..................... 6 ..................... 11..................... 3 1 ..................... 159,593 157,593 161,871 170,637 115,996 112,911 115,921 124,100 91,017 86,624 89,136 93,804 7,778 8,371 7,634 8,412 1,789 2,932 3,575 3,472 2,807 2,616 2,366 3,331 11,059 10,799 11,450 13,356 1,546 1,568 1,760 1,726 43,596 44,682 45,950 46,537 40,028 40,883 42,253 42,845 1,965 2,128 2,128 2,170 296 302 292 275 50 46 34 27 1,258 1,323 1,243 1,220 1 9 5 8 -M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4 ..................... 2 3 ..................... 2 4 ..................... 31..................... 164,196 173,904 170,031 182,816 115,457 121,744 117,005 129,497 87,729 87,703 89,326 98,133 8,430 8,628 7,992 8,603 3,231 8,658 3,782 3,822 2,831 3,482 2,447 3,712 11,703 11,676 11,994 13,614 1,532 1,597 1,464 1,613 48,740 52,160 53,026 53,319 43,936 46,339 47,468 48,004 2,558 3,296 3,104 2,829 242 259 279 300 67 139 144 141 1,937 2,127 2,030 2,046 1959—Mar. June Oct. Dec. 12..................... 10..................... 6 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 174,338 174,811 176,674 184,706 120,379 120,021 122,245 130,542 93,911 93,353 92,892 98,532 8,203 8,207 8,218 8,915 2,154 2,406 4,298 4,504 3,004 3,110 3,288 3,542 11,493 11,446 12,091 13,389 1,614 1,499 1,458 1,659 53,959 54,790 54,429 54,165 48,699 49,565 50,094 50,185 2,884 2,937 2,473 2,383 283 297 265 259 132 124 105 81 1,962 1,866 1,492 1,257 I960— Mar. June Oct. Dec. 15..................... 15..................... 3 ..................... 31..................... 176,710 179,519 182,280 193,029 122,895 124,678 125,052 134,117 94,847 93,896 92,147 99,134 8,156 8,304 8,563 9,016 3,959 5,745 6,715 5,287 2,937 3,366 3,544 4,244 11,568 11,980 12,648 14,875 1,428 1,387 1,434 1,561 53,815 54,841 57,228 58,912 49,878 50,534 52,328 53,477 2,532 2,768 3,117 3,559 249 234 237 237 71 98 129 175 1,085 1,208 1,418 1,464 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 7 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 185,375 189,226 192,305 209,630 123,115 124,376 125,930 142,170 95,227 92,238 93,211 104,803 654 648 686 650 8,442 9,241 8,479 9,487 1,909 5,731 7,293 5,381 3,175 3,441 2,935 4,654 654 580 576 675 12,112 11,481 11,781 15,249 941 1,016 968 1,270 62,261 64,849 66,375 67,460 48,330 49,648 50,500 51,985 7,657 8,652 9,037 8,367 1,763 1,809 2,088 2,174 4,008 4,203 4,214 4,371 250 263 254 260 16 15 14 8 130 156 170 178 107 104 98 117 1962— Mar. June Sept. Dec. 26..................... 30..................... 2 8 ..................... 2 8 ..................... 197,084 206,057 207,347 219,468 124,971 130,544 130,045 139,393 93,016 94,173 95,340 103,929 645 652 560 717 8,616 9,107 8,961 9,270 6,125 8,734 7,653 6,086 3,258 4,080 3,448 4,083 597 642 585 652 11,606 11,991 12,432 13,419 1,108 1,163 1,065 1,237 72,113 75,513 77,302 80,074 53,421 55,213 56,848 58,296 11,078 12,424 12,830 13,595 2,156 2,156 2,111 2,424 4,866 5,096 4,916 5,158 261 274 245 243 21 32 31 28 190 191 193 207 122 128 128 123 1963—Mar. 18..................... 214,451 June 2 9 ..................... 222,619 Dec. 2 0 ..................... 229,376 130,740 135,696 138,065 97,882 97,333 103,296 600 620 834 8,874 9,535 9,376 4,760 9,761 5,986 3,950 4,060 4,055 616 679 582 12,942 12,467 12,796 1,117 1,242 1,140 83,711 86,923 91,311 59,636 61,023 62,666 15,045 16,451 18,627 2,670 2,848 3,033 5,745 5,999 6,364 241 228 240 38 33 39 210 237 222 125 103 121 1964—June 3 0 ..................... 238,052 Dec. 3 1 ..................... 255,724 139,493 151,383 100,942 112,060 663 819 9,639 10,293 9,342 5,838 4,379 5,368 716 709 12,531 14,895 1,280 1,403 98,559 104,340 65,099 67,888 22,107 23,669 3,556 3,868 7,045 8,012 227 239 73 110 306 321 146 233 1965—June 3 0 ..................... 259,743 Dec. 3 1 ..................... 275,517 146,238 154,475 103,731 115,023 771 882 10,127 10,840 10,806 4,890 5,449 5,386 741 825 13,268 15,152 1,346 1,477 113,505 121,042 71,473 75,581 28,315 30,293 4,026 4,052 8,592 10,041 247 236 210 154 400 450 240 236 1966—June 3 0 ..................... 281,209 Dec. 31..................... 292,004 152,715 161,439 108,268 119,556 764 860 11,445 11,406 9,979 4,432 6,095 6,396 843 747 13,909 16,304 1,412 1,736 128,494 130,565 73,654 72,624 39,073 41,771 4,301 4,180 10,334 10,983 204 213 163 142 523 424 242 228 BANKS 10..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 6 ..................... 3 1 ..................... MEMBER 1956— Apr. June Sept. Dec. MEMBER BANKS 2.1 ALL MEMBER BANKS—Continued E. D EPO SITS— Continued [In millions of dollars] Demand Time IPC Call date Total de posits Total IPC Interbank Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. U.S. Govt. Certi fied and officers' checks, - etc. IPC Donnestic M utual savings Total Commer- Foreign 14,834 18,054 1,557 1,861 Savings Interbank Other time Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. U.S. Govt. and postal savings Dorr estic M utual savings C om m er cial Foreign 1 143,236 149,589 73,558 75,748 50,368 54,489 5,010 5,093 12,747 12.856 240 235 473 204 649 665 192 299 1,834 f153.695 2,036 164,603 75,957 76,513 58.593 66,361 4.553 4,671 13,373 15,668 286 330 196 144 522 633 216 283 20,977 22,464 2,072 2,399 158,088 151,055 74.833 73,154 64,703 60,834 4,453 6,321 13,071 9,951 305 186 36 30 464 339 222 241 21,870 25,333 2,313 158,234 2,882 181,542 7 3 ,158 76,452 64,344 80,005 6,730 4,541 13,142 18,406 168 406 92 409 1,290 191 169 1967—June 30................... 297,529 154,293 113,360 Dec. 30.................... 327,012 177,423 13.1,318 763 866 11,566 11,857 4,580 4,631 6,857 7,940 777 896 1968—June 29................... 323,935 170,240 123,966 Dec. 31................... 356,351 191,748 141,621 749 855 12,503 12,851 4,127 4,309 9,251 8,592 828 1 16,981 896 t 20,587 1969—June 30................... 345,347 Dec. 31................... 350,759 187,258 133,082 199,704 145,082 775 911 12,916 13,274 4,874 4,114 11,513 10,483 1,049 977 1970—June 30................... 346,229 187,995 132,884 Dec. 31................... 385,176 203,634 146,580 922 893 12,930 13,250 6,957 6,460 9,179 7,309 940 927 1 F o r notes see end of Table 2.5 E. 273 2.2 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS — NEW YORK CITY A. TOTAL ASSETS AND N UM BER O F BANKS [Assets in millions o f dollars] Loans and investments Balances with— Investments CaU date Total assets Total Loans Total U.S. Govt. Other securities securities Reserve with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Cash items D om es tic banks Foreign banks Bank prem ises, etc. Other real estate Cus tom ers’ liability on accept ances Other assets N um ber of banks 8,408 8,688 9,044 9,339 3,086 2,988 3,116 3,296 5,322 5,700 5,928 6,043 4,025 4,484 4,558 4,772 1,296 1,216 1,370 1,272 4,582 4,975 5,929 5,915 63 61 85 89 156 112 109 125 29 26 23 14 604 1,029 806 560 212 210 208 207 51 51 51 40 78 75 57 75 60 56 65 49 36 36 36 36 1 9 40-M ar. 26............... June 29............... Dec. 31............... 17,174 17,918 19,688 9,594 9,829 10,910 3,211 3,014 3,384 6,383 6,815 7,527 4,972 5,486 6,044 1,412 1,328 1,483 6,386 7,072 7,057 84 88 102 163 119 122 13 11 6 568 453 1,137 206 204 200 40 37 34 69 54 57 51 52 63 36 36 36 1941—Apr. 4 ............... June 30............... Sept. 24............... Dec. 31............... 19,625 19,863 19,748 19,862 11,696 12,493 12,930 12,896 3,502 3,778 3,939 4,072 8,194 8,715 8,991 8,823 6,625 7,268 7,331 7,265 1,568 1,447 1,660 1,559 6,715 5,857 5,534 5,105 85 136 96 93 154 131 114 141 4 5 5 6 588 900 731 1,290 203 202 201 200 34 34 33 31 54 50 40 44 91 53 64 55 36 36 36 36 1942—Apr. 4 ............... June 30............... Dec. 31............... 19,315 20,143 24,127 13,123 14,019 17,957 4,173 4,066 4,116 8,950 9,953 13,841 7,381 8,550 12,547 1,569 1,404 1,294 5,236 4,762 4,388 81 88 72 190 103 82 7 8 8 349 847 1,313 199 202 199 31 30 28 32 32 22 68 52 57 36 37 37 1943—June 30............... Oct. 18............... Dec. 31............... 24,029 27,117 25,499 18,982 22,137 19,994 4,009 5,373 4,428 14,974 16,764 15,566 13,887 15,734 14,563 1,087 1,031 1,002 3,473 3,426 3,596 92 100 92 52 71 61 12 10 13 1,111 1,053 1,436 193 191 192 22 20 17 29 27 26 63 81 71 37 37 37 1944—Apr. 13............... June 30............... Dec. 30............... 25,918 28,003 29,230 20,805 22,669 24,003 4,594 5,479 5,760 16,211 17,190 18,243 15,175 16,157 17,179 1,035 1,033 1,065 3,530 3,455 3,766 111 85 102 57 60 76 11 10 10 1,090 1,420 967 190 188 180 16 14 12 30 27 36 77 75 79 37 37 37 1945— Mar. 20............... June 30............... Dec. 31............... 28,238 30,813 32,887 22,734 25,756 26,143 5,054 7,069 7,334 17,681 18,687 18,809 16,568 17,492 17,574 1,113 1,196 1,235 3,949 3,879 4,015 104 89 111 62 64 78 10 14 12 1,093 716 2,223 178 176 172 11 10 7 25 24 37 71 84 89 37 37 37 1946—June 29............... Sept. 30............... Dec. 31............... 30,143 28,080 27,380 23,304 21,972 20,834 6,506 6,258 6,368 16,798 15,714 14,465 15,646 14,410 13,308 1,152 1,304 1,158 4,255 4,015 4,046 85 129 131 68 61 87 18 30 25 2,102 1,553 1,948 169 169 164 5 5 4 54 60 64 83 86 78 37 37 37 1947—June 30............... Oct. . 6 ............... Dec. 31............... 26,890 26,792 27,982 20,332 20,469 20,393 6,548 6,881 7,179 13,784 13,588 13,214 12,571 12,305 11,972 1,213 1,283 1,242 4,166 4,254 4,639 123 143 151 50 55 70 20 14 15 1,884 1,530 2,387 161 160 159 4 4 3 55 70 83 95 93 83 37 37 37 1948—Apr. 12.............. June 30............... Dec. 31............... 26,191 26,272 26,956 19,547 19,019 18,759 7,169 7,550 8,048 12,378 11,469 10,712 11,129 10,358 9,649 1,249 1,110 1,063 4,481 4,883 5,643 141 122 117 46 46 67 10 12 17 1,602 1,734 1,913 158 158 157 3 3 4 98 124 105 106 170 173 37 35 35 1949—Apr. 11............... June 30............... Nov. 1............... Dec. 31............... 25,258 26,598 26,312 26,962 18,065 19,103 19,451 19,583 7,546 7,689 7,505 7,550 10,519 11,413 11,946 12,033 9,383 10,278 10,751 10,746 1,136 1,135 1,195 1,287 5,164 4,726 4,532 4,462 140 130 114 112 41 56 35 68 11 10 34 26 1,437 2,187 1,742 2,318 156 156 154 152 4 4 3 3 87 86 83 100 152 141 163 138 35 35 25 25 1950—Apr. 24............... June 30............... Oct. 4 .............. Dec. 30............... 25,607 26,261 26,437 28,954 19,216 19,548 19,821 20,612 7,616 7,723 8,821 9,729 11,599 11,825 11,001 10,883 9,987 10,281 9,132 8,993 1,613 1,544 1,869 1,890 4,297 4,235 4,418 4,693 131 92 125 118 33 38 41 78 21 32 92 94 1,541 1,931 1,510 2,939 152 151 151 153 3 3 3 3 96 110 136 125 119 120 139 139 25 25 24 23 BANKS 14,243 15,282 16,376 16,413 MEMBER 1939—Mar. 29............... June 30............... Oct. 2 ............... Dec. 30............... A. MEMBER 1 2 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—NEW YORK CITY—Continued TO TA L ASSETS AND NUM BER O F BANKS—Contioued [Assets in millions o f dollars] Loans and investments Total assets Investments Total Loans Total U.S. Govt. Other securities securities Reserve with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Domes tic banks 1951—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 9 .............. 30.............. 10.............. 31.............. 28,061 28,444 27,680 30,464 20,371 20,604 20,280 21,379 10,008 10,234 10,527 11,146 10,363 10,370 9,753 10,233 8,413 8,460 7,718 8,129 1,949 1,910 2,035 2,104 5,379 5,053 5,356 5,246 143 96 159 159 38 48 39 79 1952—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 31.............. 30.............. 5 .............. 31.............. 29,449 30,365 28,203 31,053 20,892 21,710 20,901 22,130 10,940 11,268 10,944 12,376 9,953 10,442 9,957 9,754 7,741 8,212 7,663 7,678 2,211 2,231 2,295 2,076 5,349 5,266 5,050 5,059 137 168 134 148 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20.............. 30.............. 30.............. 31.............. 28,779 28,814 29,692 30,684 20,579 20,452 21,568 22,058 12,169 11,883 12,114 12,289 8,409 8,569 9,454 9,769 6,266 6,639 7,436 7,765 2,143 1,930 2,018 2,004 5,052 5,204 4,885 4,846 1954— Apr. 15.............. June 30.............. Oct. 7 .............. Dec. 31.............. 29,584 30,771 31,271 32,193 21,755 22,681 23,794 23,880 11,924 11,619 11,633 12,039 9,831 11,062 12,161 11,841 7,457 8,695 9,643 9,342 2,374 2,367 2,518 2,499 1955—Apr. 11.............. June 30.............. Oct. 5 .............. Dec. 31.............. 31,155 31,559 30,792 33,228 23,578 23,099 23,007 23,583 12,819 13,016 13,882 14,640 10,758 10,083 9,125 8,943 8,212 7,782 6,774 6,796 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10.............. 30.............. 26.............. 31.............. 30,905 31,801 31,457 33,381 23,159 23,270 23,422 23,809 14,945 15,373 15,804 15,987 8,214 7,896 7,618 7,822 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14.............. 6 .............. 11.............. 31.............. 32,629 30,993 31,594 33,975 23,793 23,293 23,277 23,828 16,213 15,895 16,067 16,102 1958—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4 .............. 23 .............. 24.............. 31.............. 33,582 36,664 32,782 36,398 24,664 27,149 25,230 25,966 1959—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12.............. 10.............. 6 .............. 31.............. 34,553 34,387 34,081 35,750 1960—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15.............. 15.............. 3 .............. 3 1 ............. 1961—-Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12.............. 30.............. 27.............. 30.............. Cash items Foreign banks Bank prem ises, etc. Cus tom ers5 liability on accept ances Other real estate Other assets Num ber of banks 69 1 79 31 28 1,603 2,116 1,363 3,051 153 154 156 153 3 2 2 2 169 152 157 209 134 139 138 157 23 22 22 22 264 92 34 84 20 19 27 55 2,248 2,589 1,533 3,073 155 155 155 157 2 2 2 3 220 190 195 205 161 172 17! 139 22 22 22 22 143 127 135 129 42 49 49 70 23 34 26 35 2,436 2,465 2,504 2,993 158 158 158 158 3 3 3 3 201 190 234 253 143 131 131 139 22 22 22 22 4,635 4,614 4,636 4,398 134 131 154 126 49 60 39 67 27 35 48 76 2,395 2,684 1,978 2,914 158 161 167 162 3 4 3 3 289 249 273 388 138 153 178 179 22 22 22 21 2,546 2,300 2,351 2,148 4,414 4,399 4,265 4,431 163 138 145 127 41 87 81 111 43 58 39 52 2,139 3,067 2,544 4 226 174 175 177 185 3 3 3 414 320 318 318 187 213 214 193 18 18 18 18 6,000 6,011 5,650 6,057 2,214 1,885 1,968 1,765 4,145 4,331 4,133 4,375 145 94 147 161 91 89 73 99 30 33 90 28 2 633 3,207 2,753 3,966 172 176 178 187 i l 2 297 355 423 492 234 246 237 262 18 18 18 18 7,580 7,398 7,210 7,726 5,661 5,738 5,420 5,880 1,919 1,660 1,789 1,846 4,458 4,080 4,361 4,564 151 143 116 158 51 45 39 110 32 37 32 41 3,161 2,386 2,576 4,110 189 195 208 215 3 4 5 5 542 533 703 698 249 277 279 245 18 18 18 18 16,208 16,764 15,464 16,165 8,457 10,385 9,766 9,802 6,295 8,035 7,350 7,486 2,161 2,350 2,416 2,315 4,230 4,418 3,819 4,454 127 145 142 161 55 76 62 92 24 40 55 57 3,124 3,593 2,233 4,534 220 225 233 244 5 6 6 6 850 700 638 591 283 313 366 293 18 18 18 18 25,979 25,648 25,315 25,291 15,825 16,514 17,502 18,121 10,154 9,134 7,813 7,170 7,672 6,745 5,418 5,002 2,481 2,389 2,395 2,168 3,987 4,090 3,779 3,908 161 148 140 151 60 66 56 138 34 48 40 51 3,175 3,202 3,521 4,925 248 256 294 323 6 6 6 6 579 520 481 510 324 402 450 447 18 17 16 16 34,524 36,102 37,306 39,767 24,962 25,774 26,386 27,726 18,073 18,350 17,760 18,465 6,889 7,424 8,626 9,262 4,637 5,384 6,354 6,980 2,252 2,040 2,273 2,282 3,798 4,054 4,031 3,398 139 144 144 199 76 87 78 147 27 40 76 77 4,155 4,565 4,894 6,480 331 331 366 291 5 7 7 49 664 712 943 1,036 367 389 382 364 16 16 15 15 37,092 38,741 39,540 43,538 26,902 28,220 29,453 30,297 17,678 18,054 18,183 19,535 9,224 10,167 11,270 10,762 6,419 7,642 8,402 7,862 2,805 2,524 2,868 2,900 3,612 3,563 3,603 3,286 202 130 203 240 118 98 78 143 77 71 78 146 4,269 4,754 4,105 7,348 307 326 323 52 57 60 63 1,116 1,044 1,136 1,207 437 478 502 469 15 15 14 13 339 BANKS Call date Balances with— 26.............. 30.............. 2 8 .............. 28.............. 40,069 41,910 41,263 46,135 29,930 30,396 30,511 32,989 19,795 19,224 20,060 21,954 10,134 11,172 10,452 11,034 6,805 7,659 6,596 7,017 3,330 3,513 3,856 4,017 3,271 3,495 3,338 4,121 231 165 184 251 68 106 99 156 84 87 76 123 4,451 5,700 5,175 6,398 347 356 365 382 67 69 73 1.148 1,014 982 1,420- 472 523 461 521 13 13 16 17 1963—M ar. 18.............. June 29.............. Dec. 20.............. 44,295 44,981 46,434 32,941 32,847 34,827 21,501 21,446 23,577 11,440 11,401 11,249 6,984 6,506 6,154 4,456 4,895 5,095 3,341 3,439 3,625 254 191 264 126 121 96 76 88 119 5,503 5,963 5,269 390 510 532 74 6 8 1,100 1,095 1,012 490 722 683 16 13 13 1964—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 49,716 53,867 36,693 39,507 25,490 27,301 11,203 12r206 5,779 6,178 5,424 6,028 3,919 3,730 273 278 82 180 157 129 6,119 7,504 611 614 1,101 1,039 762 889 14 13 1965—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 57,150 59,517 42,225 44,763 30,975 33,125 11,250 11,638 4,907 5,203 6,342 6,435 4,274 3,788 314 310 199 122 109 127 7,290 7,529 620 623 1,113 1,077 1,007 1,179 13 12 1966—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 62,408 64,424 46,453 46,536 35,796 35,941 10,658 10,594 4,466 4,920 6,192 5,674 3,356 4,062 313 326 235 201 97 98 8,929 10,182 628 645 1,165 1,210 1,232 1,165 12 12 1967—June 30.............. Dec. 30.............. 65,668 74,609 47,701 52,141 36,441 39,059 11,260 13,082 5,048 6,027 6,212 7,055 4,397 4,786 279 397 188 476 112 113 9,712 13,025 673 685 36 1,415 1,376 1,191 1,574 12 12 1968—June 29.............. Dec. 31.............. 75,544 81,364 51,361 57,047 39,544 42,968 11,817 14,078 5,046 5,984 6,771 8,094 5,013 4,506 305 443 559 420 97 112 14,659 14,467 701 721 45 27 1,359 1,424 1,444 2,197 12 12 1969—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 89,283 87,753 57,885 60,333 46,232 48,305 11,653 12,028 4,445 5,048 7,208 6,980 4,212 4,358 400 463 424 455 92 90 21,095 16,983 785 809 31 33 1,789 1,944 2,569 2,285 12 12 1970—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 85,666 89,384 57,088 62,347 44,881 47,161 12,207 15,186 4,413 6,009 7,795 9,177 4,621 4,683 429 436 606 1,308 87 89 17,328 15,199 839 869 31 30 2,317 2,237 2,322 2,187 12 12 1962—M ar. June Sept. Dec. F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E . 2.2 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—NEW YORK CITY—Continued -j ** B. TO TA L LIA BILITIES [In millions o f dollars] Call date 1939—M ar. June Oct. Dec. Total liabil ities and capital Deposits Total Inter bank U.S. Govt. and postal savings Other demand Other time Capital accounts Other liabil ities Stocks Total Com mon Pre ferred Sur plus Demand deposits U ndi vided profits Reserves for contin gencies, etc. A d justed N et 1,592 1,586 1,587 1,592 538 538 538 539 10 10 10 10 808 809 809 815 171 170 169 173 65 59 62 56 7,605 8,012 8,676 8,899 10,863 11,495 12,878 13,081 75 64 67 219 249 262 1,601 1,599 1,615 539 539 539 10 9 9 815 815 827 180 181 191 59 55 49 9,562 10,235 11,062 13,767 14,671 15,662 10 62 59 48 53 236 251 239 229 1,623 1,625 1,635 1,648 539 539 539 539 9 9 9 9 827 828 828 841 197 198 207 213 51 51 52 47 11,645 11,619 11,506 10,761 16,116 16,087 16,128 15,689 776 734 734 4 3 39 37 26 231 282 296 1,655 1,698 1,727 539 559 559 9 9 9 841 861 866 219 222 241 47 48 53 11,335 11,711 11,899 16,065 16,435 19,946 776 794 842 11 120 29 34 31 34 273 316 317 1,774 1,808 1,862 561 561 562 9 9 9 906 928 980 239 247 235 59 63 76 13,543 12,750 13,899 17,201 16,384 17,551 12,337 13,341 14,531 14,507 3,285 3,516 4,243 4,238 135 84 72 74 8,209 9,041 9,482 9,459 708 699 735 736 1940—M ar. 2 6 .. June 2 9 .. Dec. 31.. 17,174 17,918 19,688 15,278 16,007 17,744 4,302 4,491 4,678 68 67 48 10,131 10,688 12,199 777 761 819 1941—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 4 .. 30.. 2 4 .. 31.. 19,625 19,863 19,748 19,862 17,705 17,929 17,816 17,932 4,598 4,572 4,604 4,207 29 32 135 866 12,233 12,520 12,237 12,051 844 805 840 807 1942—Apr. 4 .. June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 19,315 20,143 24,127 17,386 18,122 22,078 3,959 3,967 3,945 967 863 4,186 11,685 12,558 13,212 1943—June 30 .. Oct. 18.. Dec. 31 .. 24,029 27,117 25,499 21,937 24,843 23,256 3,687 3,675 3,680 2,820 6,571 3,400 14,654 13,803 15,334 1 BANKS 224 265 187 228 14,243 15,282 16,376 16,413 MEMBER 90 90 71 86 29 .. 30 .. 2 .. 30.. Accept ances out stand ing Bor row ings B. MEMBER 2.2 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—NEW YORK CITY—Continued TO TA L LIABIL1TES—Continued [In millions o f dollars] Deposits Call date Total Inter bank U.S. Govt. and postal savings Other demand Other time Borrow ings Acceptances 1 Other outliabil stand ities ing I C apital accounts Stocks Sur plus Total C om m on Pre ferred Dem and deposits U ndi vided profits Reserves for contin gencies, etc. A d justed N et 1944—Apr. 13.. June 30.. Dec. 30 .. 25,918 28,003 29,230 23,635 25,679 26,773 3,653 3,968 4,041 4,033 6,157 6,729 15,079 14,674 15,009 869 879 994 68 64 96 35 30 42 290 324 354 1,891 1,907 1,966 573 574 579 8 8 8 969 978 1,001 255 264 293 85 83 85 13,989 13,254 14,042 17,616 17,194 18,051 1945—M ar. 2 0 .. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 28,238 30,813 32,887 25,709 28,363 30,121 3,921 4,276 4,657 4,304 7,627 6,950 16,402 15,359 17,287 1,083 1,101 1,227 164 40 195 29 29 44 341 358 407 1,995 2,023 2,120 580 580 600 8 8 1 1,002 1,018 1,093 310 323 323 95 94 103 15,309 14,643 15,065 19,207 18,880 19,660 1946—June 29 .. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 30,143 28,080 27,380 27,484 25,403 24,723 4,332 4,194 4,246 3,503 2,119 666 18,260 17,672 18,376 1,390 1,418 1,435 27 5 63 67 72 394 408 381 2,176 2,196 2,205 601 601 601 1 1 1 1,096 1,096 1,126 363 388 374 114 no 102 16,158 16,119 16,429 20,431 20,276 20,605 1947--June 30.. Oct. 6 .. Dec. 31.. 26,890 26,792 27,982 24,142 23,787 25,216 4,148 4,287 4,464 193 576 279 18,377 17,471 19,040 1,423 1,454 1,432 1 268 30 63 79 97 450 407 381 2,234 2,250 2,259 611 611 611 1 1 1 1,162 1,186 1,197 391 380 382 68 72 69 16,494 15,941 16,653 20,751 20,725 21,036 1948--A pr. 12.. June 30.. Dec. 3 1.. 26,191 26,272 26,956 23,211 23,362 24,024 4,005 4,027 4,213 389 347 459 17,303 17,326 17,686 1,513 1,662 1,665 119 26 25 107 136 118 487 486 482 2,268 2,262 2,306 611 609 609 1 1 1 1,197 1,194 1,204 396 399 442 62 59 50 15,701 15,592 15,773 20,029 19,893 20,335 1949--A pr. June Nov. Dec. 11.. 3 0.. 1 .. 31.. 25,258 26,598 26,312 26,962 22,222 23,619 23,075 23,983 3,840 3,920 4,028 4,192 488 587 868 678 16,312 17,441 16,660 17,499 1,583 1,670 1,520 1,614 104 94 94 98 116 5)4 545 531 551 2,324 2,340 2,328 2,312 659 664 651 651 1 1 2 2 1,158 1,178 1,183 1,235 456 448 442 401 51 49 50 22 14,875 15,254 14,918 15,182 19,109 19,593 19,648 19,835 1950—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 2 4 .. 30.. 4 .. 30.. 25,607 26,261 26,437 28,954 22,393 23,213 23,172 25,646 3,831 3,894 4,204 4,638 553 721 552 488 16,454 16,984 16,823 18,836 1,555 1,613 1,593 1,684 152 74 70 104 122 155 144 630 585 689 743 2,330 2,341 2,347 2,351 652 652 650 653 2 2 2 2 1,237 1,237 1,234 1,242 415 425 436 432 24 26 26 23 14,913 15,053 15,313 15,898 19,133 19,444 19,821 20,642 1951--A p r. June Oct. Dec. 9 .. 30.. 10.. 31.. 28,061 28,444 27,680 30,464 24,679 25,064 24,221 26,859 4,259 4,107 4,464 4,832 1,824 1,846 1,083 901 16,914 17,484 17,120 19,490 1,682 1,627 1,555 1,636 120 1 62 5 183 172 170 223 713 809 817 951 2,366 2,398 2,410 2,425 656 673 673 682 2 2 2 2 1,242 1,254 1,254 1,260 442 447 459 461 24 22 22 20 15,311 15,368 15,757 16,439 21,059 20,978 20,907 21,734 1952--M a r. June Sept. Dec. 31 .. 30 .. 5 .. 31 .. 29,449 30,365 28,203 31,053 25,851 26,745 24,188 27,309 4,349 4,639 4,277 4,965 1,631 1,705 1,126 1,202 18,180 18,659 17,137 19,361 1,692 1,742 1,648 1,780 1 20 483 132 ; 234 204 210 217 920 936 850 890 2,443 2,460 2,472 2,505 702 702 702 702 2 1 1 1 1,260 1,275 1,275 1,364 460 461 473 417 19 20 21 20 15,931 16,070 15,604 16,288 21,267 21,922 20,537 21,850 1953--A p r. 2 0 .. June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 28,779 28,814 29,692 30,684 24,772 25,244 25,996 27,037 4,458 4,578 4,645 5,214 522 18,008 937 1 17,849 1,744 17,725 832 > 18,894 1,784 1,880 1,882 I 2,097 1 392 8 2 23 212 200 244 269 871 817 887 783 2,533 2,544 2,563 2,572 711 711 711 714 1 1 I 1,379 1,379 1,379 1,380 420 431 449 456 21 21 23 21 15,572 15,384 15,221 15,901 19,975 20,262 20,927 20,995 1954—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 30.. 7 .. 31.. 29,584 30,771 31,271 32,193 25,775 27,225 27,461 28,252 5,189 5,516 5,436 5,709 686 1,429 2,048 791 17,881 18,114 17,671 19,414 2,018 2,165 2,306 2,338 237 1 147 1 301 259 287 411 660 657 723 725 2,611 2,630 2,654 2,803 719 719 719 776 1,410 1,410 1,410 1,543 457 475 495 460 24 25 29 23 15,486 15,430 15.693 16,500 20,130 21,021 21,810 21,684 1955-—Apr. June Oct. Dee. 11.. 30 .. 5 .. 31 .. 31,155 31,559 30,792 33,228 26,984 27,791 26,437 29,378 5,124 5,454 5,202 5,600 1,607 1,187 733 815 i 17,936 18,926 18,289 20,719 2,317 2,224 2,214 2,244 323 1 10 516 1 1 428 339 335 338 727 703 776 766 2,693 2,715 2,728 2,745 779 779 784 784 1,477 1,477 1,480 1,482 416 439 444 459 19 19 20 18 15,797 15,859 15,745 16,493 21 342 21,222 20,424 21,655 1956—Apr. 10.. June 30 .. Sept. 2 6 .. Dec. 31 .. 30,905 31,801 31,457 33,381 26,709 27,775 26,703 29,149 5,068 5,327 5,105 5,987 874 j 1,201 i 1,029 783 18,444 18,902 18,200 19,940 2,323 2,346 2,369 2,439 297 38 580 2 314 374 ! 438 514 802 808 920 843 2,783 2,805 2,815 2,873 790 790 796 808 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,540 469 492 495 504 21 21 22 20 15,811 15,695 15,447 15,974 20,669 21,044 20.461 21,646 ' i \ \ 280 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 BANKS Total liabil ities and capital 1957--M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14.. 6 .. 11.. 31.. 32,629 30,993 31,594 33,975 27,929 26,322 26,261 29,371 5,027 5,033 5,152 5,781 320 724 910 762 19,924 17,836 17,468 19,959 2,659 2,729 2,732 2,869 430 326 683 2 569 556 738 731 820 882 849 735 2,880 2,907 3,063 3,136 828 829 875 888 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 540 540 633 696 488 514 536 534 23 23 19 17 16,763 15,450 14,892 15,849 21,050 20,120 19,954 21,348 1958--M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4 .. 23 .. 24 .. 31.. 33,582 36,664 32,782 36,398 28,269 31,469 27,608 31,679 5,726 6,119 5,703 6,525 816 2,974 869 1,005 18,608 18,898 17,553 20,704 3,120 3,478 3,485 3,445 470 483 385 872 723 657 621 810 775 891 815 3,161 3,214 3,240 3,282 893 893 893 904 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 698 703 703 749 545 577 597 580 24 41 46 48 15,483 15,305 15,320 16,170 20,426 22,523 20,100 21,834 1959--M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12.. 10.. 6 .. 31.. 34,553 34,387 34,081 35,750 29,276 28,879 28,450 30,647 5,831 5,600 5,383 5,753 485 505 957 1,051 19,385 19,211 18,602 20,419 3,576 3,562 3,508 3,423 560 809 897 232 598 546 515 551 836 853 870 959 3,283 3,300 3,349 3,361 956 990 998 .998 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 762 764 766 766 527 520 561 574 38 26 23 23 16,210 16,010 15,081 15,494 20,728 20,466 20,111 21,150 1960—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 15.. 3 .. 31.. 34,524 36,102 37,306 39,767 28,757 29,719 30,648 33,761 4,942 5,201 5,757 6,505 731 1,165 1,972 1,244 19,704 19,898 19,226 21,833 3,380 3,455 3,693 4,179 691 980 749 692 747 968 1,071 1,000 1,227 1,448 1,381 3,385 3,430 3,493 3,554 1,052 1,052 1,051 1,063 1 1 1 1 1 769 789 779 788 540 559 628 670 23 30 35 33 15,549 15,332 14,332 15,352 20,258 20,598 20,820 21,714 1961--A pr. June Sept. Dec. 12.. 30.. 27 .. 30.. 37,092 38,741 39,540 43,538 30,051 32,225 31,890 36,818 4,016 4,378 4,078 5,487 300 1,424 1,522 1,305 19,860 19,832 19,317 23,129 5,876 6,591 6,973 6,897 842 121 1,106 283 1,140 1,068 1,162 1,237 1,463 1,693 1,712 1,517 3,597 3,634 3,670 3,683 1,083 1,083 1,109 1,099 1 1 1 1 813 813 813 903 659 693 696 636 41 45 53 45 16,606 16,119 16,198 17,089 19,613 20,575 20,528 22,208 1962--M ar. 26 .. June 30 .. Sept. 28 .. Dec. 28 .. 40,069 41,910 41,263 46,135 32,611 35,039 34,257 37,885 4,238 4,727 4,571 4,990 1,422 1,971 1,592 1,461 19,344 20,296 19,790 22,231 7,607 8,045 8,303 9,203 829 381 567 1,728 1,182 1,050 1,012 1,152 1,740 1,679 1,588 1,472 3,707 3,761 3,839 3,898 1,114 1,114 1,131 1,137 1 1 1 1 908 908 927 980 629 680 719 712 57 59 63 69 16,005 15,796 15,710 17,095 20,248 20,930 20,428 21,889 1963--M a r. 18.. June 29 .. Dec. 20.. 44,295 44,981 46,434 36,245 37,454* 38,327 4,959 4,920 4,503 935 2,111 1,495 20,493 20,351 20,960 9,859 10,072 11 369 1,357 794 1,438 1,125 1,133 1,036 1,648 1,669 1,649 3,920 3,931 3,984 1,159 1,143 1,148 2 001 1 980 2 035 685 734 728 75 73 73 16,103 15,669 16,763 20,502 21,075 21,324 1964—June 30 .. Dec. 31.. 49,716 53,867 41 545 45,191 5,028 5,524 2,183 1,561 21 224 23,896 13,110 14,210 924 1,224 1,122 1,073 1,722 1,909 4,402 4,471 1,263 1,260 168 164 2 087 2 085 722 792 164 170 16,389 17,729 21,854 22,804 1965--Ju n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 57,150 59,517 47,322 49,270 5,643 5,746 2,647 1,355 22,380 24,265 16,651 17,904 1,423 1,987 1,138 1,104 2,173 2,041 5,094 5,114 1,441 1,439 670 671 2 029 2 093 760 721 195 191 16,430 18,190 22,527 23,119 1966—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 62,408 64,424 51,799 51,837 6,476 6,837 2,344 1,099 24,020 26,535 18,960 17,366 1,293 1,874 1,189 1,259 2,949 4,156 5,179 5,298 1,440 1,447 663 674 2 095 2 143 793 849 188 185 16,556 18,013 23,014 23,545 1967--Ju n e 30.. Dec. 30.. 65,668 74,609 52,665 60,407 7,000 7,979 1,106 1,154 25,656 31,282 18,902 19,992 1,841 1,880 1,458 1,436 4,101 5,172 5,603 5,715 1,476 1,487 826 842 2 190 2 271 904 915 208 199 17,459 20,004 22,985 26,136 1968--Ju n e 29 .. Dec. 31.. 75,544 81,364 59,329 63,900 8,547 9,586 913 961 31,125 33,351 18,745 20,003 2,283 2,733 1,408 1,452 6,502 7,141 6,022 6,136 1,495 1,499 988 764 2 297 2 592 1,039 1,089 204 193 18,223 20,808 24,779 28,330 1969--Ju n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 89,283 87,753 62,534 62,381 11,638 10,617 1,036 738 34,453 36,126 15,407 14,899 3,671 4,405 1,830 2,008 14,965 12,658 6,283 6,301 1,644 1,645 533 576 2 855 3 006 1,095 928 155 147 15,504 21,316 25,153 29,737 1970—June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 85,666 89,384 60,615 67,186 11,469 13,464 1,276 1,110 32,590 32,235 15,280 20,377 4,057 4,500 2,370 2,318 12,250 8,894 6,374 6,486 1,645 1,687 565 558 2 856 2 610 1,167 1,528 141 103 17,479 19,770 27,045 29,351 F o r notes see end of Table 2.5 E. MEMBER BANKS C. MEMBER 2.2 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS — NEW YORK CITY — Continued LOANS [In millions o f dollars] ! Call date Total loans mercial [ G uar anteed by ccc 1939— Mar. 29................. Oct. 2 ................. Dec. 30................. 1940— Mar. 26................. Dec. 31................. 1941—Apr. 1945 3,502 3,778 3,939 4,072 Dec. 31................. Oct. 18................. Dec. 31................. 4,009 5,373 4,428 4 ................. or carrying securities 1 i 1 To Other brokers and dealers To others i ,888 7 6 ii 188 44 133 1 59 73 1,905 2,125 5 5 320 465 188 190 12 .............. 25 137 .............. 130 fiS 63 71 66 426 443 2,503 J 422 186 ........ 33* 129 65 64 503 2,807 1 412 169 32 123 62 60 23 21 121 117 66 65 2,84 i 2,546 i ) 21 2,274 23 2,515 22 2 167 193 955 240 23 113 62 1,054 323 42 107 62 798 389 4,171 1,196 Dec. 31................. 6,548 6,331 7,179 5,361 64 30 .............. .......... 53 .............. i ,657 1,742 4,792 1,410 2 i9 81 1,497 1,105 1,421 242 276 285 86 ............... 269 .............. 207 116 22 207 110 190 208 205 138 3 48 292 38 20 67 324 194 104 57 47 500 15 52 26 79 327 212 111 68 43 564 21 75 4i 83 345 238 85 88 .............. 359 347 234 202 95 330 183 98 123 123 124 137 i(ii 224 _______ 209 256 339 414 442 17 22 i i 20 25 24 30 225 232 181 272 186 55 64 616 643 30 38 157 52 650 44 205 .............. .............. 3 1 .............. 22 23 in* 160 51 689 48 46 47 .............. 756 862 930 ... 4,656 5,672 6,328 27 21 6 93 85 27 2 378 267 248 3 252 455 .. :::::::: 1,701 264 47 79 1 475 127 44 286 4,710 213 52 99 7,546 7,689 7,505 7.550 37 3, 56 n a ............ 104 46 270 287 40 250 225 51 45 8 :::::::: 303 is 43 76 .............. 80 .............. .............. 83 963 1,102 52 38 42 26 .............. 54 % .............. . . . 2,528 1,539 1,172 2,453 3 522 41 40 93 86 5,275 5,642 425 52 46 46 41 " ” 545* 427 440 ............ i ...................................i. ! 1 .............. 232 253 751 859 7,169 7.550 8,048 .............. i .................................| ................ for bad debts .......... 430 787 i,096 Dec. 30................. Other ' 67 68 1,852 7,616 7,723 8,821 9,729 Retail auto S7 61 3,169 Dec. 31................. Other 1 Repair i and O ther modretail I erni] zation .......... 1 4,078 1950—Apr. 24................. Total 124 130 6,506 6,258 6,368 1949—Apr. 11................. Total On resi dential prop erty 7 7 !............ 41 Dec. 31................. Dec. 31................. Other On farm land j Other Single- { pay ment i 209 215 .............. j 2,380 3,044 j Apr. 12................. Banks Re- Instalment 668 555 5,054 7,069 7,334 1946—June 29................. O ther loans to individuals Real estate institutions 5 5 2,430 2,610 Mar. 20................. 1 1,577 1,602 4,594 5,479 5,760 Dec. 31................. 1948 3,211 3,014 3,384 4,173 4,066 4.116 1942—Apr. 00 4 ................. 3,086 2,988 3.116 3,296 1 J 291 368 49 62 84 86 35 .............. ................. 89 53 109 61 105 129 .............. L 141 177 202 75 90 97 325 228 . . 100 110 118 i09 117 120 344 374 404 270 347 391 87 96 BANKS To farmers j 6,840 6,845 7,443 7,852 943 1,287 874 1,219 279 273 254 262 278 111 252 124 461 502 534 514 409 443 458 429 52 59 77 85 942 954 899 920 89 87 86 82 205 188 149 150 115 119 124 129 126 131 135 144 408 429 405 413 408 404 416 426 141 142 145 172 1952—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 31................. 30................. 5 ................. 31................. 10,940 11,268 10,944 12,376 7,914 7,659 7,661 8,680 954 1,619 1,087 1,531 243 234 273 286 181 121 258 107 472 426 409 386 396 366 356 331 76 60 53 54 930 981 1,022 1,136 83 102 107 117 146 138 147 225 122 136 147 165 154 166 174 186 426 439 447 444 419 403 414 432 174 176 181 183 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20 ................. 30................. 30................. 31................. 12,169 11,883 12,114 12,289 8,581 8,345 8,475 8,218 1,276 1,274 1,383 1,667 270 237 211 320 139 98 203 117 392 406 395 383 338 341 321 310 54 65 74 73 1,240 1,285 1,275 1,294 134 152 153 150 266 275 273 284 170 182 187 193 198 208 215 218 471 468 447 449 453 419 355 359 183 183 185 193 1954—Apr. 15................. June 30................. Oct. 7 ................. Dec. 31................. 11,924 11,619 11,633 12,039 7,860 7,447 7,304 7,231 1.433 1,778 1,792 2,041 320 364 364 432 376 138 362 185 394 390 418 467 321 317 338 367 73 72 80 100 1,219 1,220 1,216 1,232 109 111 105 103 220 210 172 168 184 180 180 183 259 264 265 268 447 456 493 510 346 329 368 459 188 190 192 211 1955—Apr. 11................. June 30................. Oct. 5 ................. Dec. 31................. 12,819 13,016 13,882 14,640 7,433 7,928 8,683 9,126 2,145 2,034 1,773 2,144 438 466 449 511 604 231 559 383 581 656 645 577 488 554 530 462 93 102 116 115 1,284 1,379 1,404 1,506 117 141 152 180 •56 156 161 185 169 170 171 173 279 294 304 278 563 618 616 689 421 523 582 624 213 217 215 248 1956—Apr. 10................. June 30................. Dec. 14,945 15,373 15,804 15,987 9,592 10,191 10,765 11,266 1,662 1,691 1,336 1,409 513 494 433 402 613 411 731 437 608 609 633 617 457 446 455 472 151 163 176 145 1,519 1,590 1,538 1,558 183 189 180 165 189 210 196 199 160 161 159 161 280 293 295 298 706 736 707 735 688 633 615 611 252 246 249 313 Mar. 14................. June 6 ................. Oct. I I ................. Dec. 16,213 15,895 16,067 16,102 11,465 11,344 11,717 11,651 1,292 1,152 1,115 1,280 373 389 361 387 668 652 472 462 599 567 591 565 439 407 392 372 158 159 199 193 1,509 1,516 1,513 1,513 164 175 177 173 199 194 185 193 157 158 160 161 297 308 324 320 6^2 681 669 666 624 593 613 591 317 319 316 348 4 ................. 23................. 24................. 31................. 16,208 16,764 15,464 16,165 11,252 10,978 10,648 10,928 1.433 2,164 1,085 1,652 396 420 361 382 723 829 856 503 559 557 579 641 363 367 405 461 196 184 168 174 1,459 1,437 1,450 1,502 168 170 156 149 198 171 165 169 161 153 153 153 315 319 328 328 617 624 648 702 736 737 844 921 351 358 361 365 1959 Mar. 12................. June Oct. Dec. 15,825 16,514 17,502 18,121 10,618 9,523 10,105 10,549 1,319 I 1,556 1.442 1,740 | 387 409 416 403 829 966 912 531 1,344 1,639 1,788 661 746 853 936 467 536 645 688 195 211 208 249 1,539 1,625 1,705 1,739 149 162 177 170 183 173 173 184 151 154 168 167 331 349 371 374 725 787 816 844 840 717 821 833 367 374 391 406 1960 Mar. 15................. June Oct. Dec. 31................. 18,073 18,350 17,760 18,465 10,583 10,499 10,367 10,876 1,090 I 1,463 1,353 1,574 | 357 366 367 399 1,100 1,050 849 500 1,842 1,886 1,744 1,799 902 870 815 868 4 4 649 619 559 582 253 250 252 282 1,774 1,821 1,827 1,930 174 195 180 198 219 207 215 228 170 178 186 210 380 397 412 430 831 844 834 863 825 795 830 940 411 406 400 432 1961—Apr. 12................. June Sept. 27................. Dec. 17,678 18,054 18,183 19,535 10,707 10,578 10,528 11,278 1,179 1,629 1,617 1,956 372 429 451 467 508 476 533 376 1,348 1,448 1,563 1,711 856 841 868 934 .............. 1 557 566 550 581 295 275 318 352 1,950 2,074 2,009 2,072 193 199 185 186 247 283 193 182 208 209 209 210 430 449 459 466 872 935 962 1,027 1,190 1,025 1,063 1,220 439 449 453 504 1962 19,795 19,224 20,060 21,954 11,064 10,980 11,520 11,943 2,031 1,512 1,686 2,766 456 409 397 425 798 568 572 572 1,463 1,774 1,771 2,087 992 1,084 1,202 1,329 1 1 2 2 569 601 652 763 422 481 548 564 2,035 2,075 2,079 2,143 182 209 206 220 172 167 154 160 204 202 202 201 472 493 518 520 1,005 1,004 998 1,041 1,452 1,321 1,348 1,196 508 508 522 526 1963—M ar. 18................ June 29................ Dec. 20................ 21,501 21,446 23,577 11,839 11,630 12,332 2,138 2,308 2,677 409 448 569 1,020 546 1,007 2,040 2,044 2,247 1,425 1,845 1,968 2 4 3 800 U 17 1,256 623 724 709 2,119 2,161 2,257 216 251 238 192 174 204 198 200 204 518 543 567 996 993 1,044 1,082 1,034 1,068 585 583 573 1964—June 30................ Dec. 31................ 25,490 27,301 12,647 14,189 3,045 2,742 625 623 1,014 1,179 2,762 2,615 2,296 2,546 10 14 1,461 1,558 825 974 2,548 2,654 309 292 197 201 212 215 625 651 1,205 1,294 1,128 1,371 595 649 1965—June 30................ Dec. 31................ 30,975 33,125 16,082 18,075 3,657 2,866 561 665 1,212 *1,423 2,977 3,471 2,866 3,139 10 14 1,833 2,031 1,023 1,094 2,832 2,928 346 345 159 117 201 204 696 710 1,430 1,552 1,419 1,340 647 802 1966—June 30................ Dec. 31................ 35,796 35,941 19,815 21,214 3,305 3,109 647 598 ‘ 1,125 *1,135 3,898 3,265 3,411 3,465 10 9 2,195 2,185 1,206 1,271 2,965 2,799 364 330 95 93 204 207 746 762 1,555 1,406 1,413 1,209 799 868 1957 5 ? 1958— Mar. June Sept. Dec. Mar. 26................. June Dec. 125 162 142 203 126 15 10 13 13 20 10 <*) (*) 3 2 6 6 6 4 BANKS 10,008 10,234 10,527 11,146 MEMBER 1951—Apr. 9 ................. June 30................. Oct. 10................. Dec. 31................. MEMBER 2.2 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—NEW YORK CITY—Continued C. LOANS— Continued [In millions of dollars] Total loans Call date Com m er cial To financial institutions . . G uar anteed by 36,441 39,060 22,352 23,183 f (!) (2) 1 9 6 8 -June 2 9 .. Dec. 31.. 39.544 42,968 24,042 25,258 <*) 1969—June 30.. Dcc. 31.. 46,232 48,305 26,469 28,189 1970—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 44,881 47,161 26,692 27,189 Instalment . Other ccc 1967—June 30.. Dec. 30.. Real estate i 2,004 2,044 1,352 1,372 2,889 3,099 325 297 125 ! 142 j 195 .97 786 815 1,457 1,648 > 1,592 i 1,700 867 975 3,495 3,619 27 30 2,033 2,056 1,435 1,533 3,197 3,485 317 335 155 202 j 189 186 827 840 1,708 1,922 > 1,865 i 2,441 979 1,082 3,819 4,547 4,041 3,835 94 89 2,140 1,885 1,807 1,861 3,707 3,595 373 292 286 1 399 j 185 174 926 917 1,937 1,813 i 2,668 • 2,609 1,090 1,248 4,178 3,741 3,728 3,883 32 2,011 2,032 1,684 1,851 3,773 3,907 288 354 461 | 590 1 166 185 973 1,010 1,885 1,768 »2,081 1 2,397 1,248 1,257 2,579 3,874 644 831 791 914 3,084 2,990 3,364 3,431 2,976 3,803 796 903 1,015 1,099 3,118 3,426 3,410 3,695 887 776 1,218 1,047 2,444 4,174 741 687 1,228 1,169 16 (■> 15 Singlepay ment 9 14 Banks 17 13 12 j | Repair 1 and O ther modretail | ernit zation i Other To others u Total On resi dential prop erty To brokers and dealers 13 19 Re serve for bad debts Other Other On farm land Total Retail auto 1 Other F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 2.2 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—NEW YORK CITY—Continued 00 O D. INVESTM ENTS [In millions of dollars] U.S. Govt, securities 1 ! Other bonds, notes, and debentures Direct Call dote Total invest ments Notes, maturing - Total 1939 M ar. June Oct. Dcc. Bills ; CertifiI1 catcs 1 1 315 . f : 5,322 5,700 5,928 6,043 2,939 3,360 3,401 3,497 1940 —M ar. 26. June 29. Dcc. 31. 6,383 6,815 7,527 3,686 4,162 4,429 421 . 207 . 1941= -Apr. June Sept. Dec. 4. 30. 24. 31. 8,194 8,715 8,991 8,823 5,005 5,517 5,411 5,585 577 1942- -Apr. 4. 30. FRASER June Dcc. 31. 8,950 9,953 13,841 5,866 7,383 11,476 Digitized for Within 1 year 68 ;. 168 . 29. 30. 2. 30. G ua ratuecd M arketable, m aturing- 1 Ii 311 !. After 1 year l ota I 1-5 2,040 2,284 318 328 797 2,385 318 1,092 1,245 2,650 2,977 281 596 1,526 3,415 795 831 908 i 1 i Within 1 year 5-10 < : : ■ 1,623 3,652 776 4,572 5,420 897 1,230 10*20 725 827 650 756 921 917 1.200 1,233 , ; 1,422 !,0 3 6 " 1,058 ;■ 1 663 2,144 1 1,746 2,056 > ■ -582 480 662 579 544 569 542 533 ... ... ......... . . . 1,286 5,324 1,615 726 634 695 527 540 642 159 155 146 ... ... 771 651 819 729 652 651 698 688 146 145 143 142 773 623 1 593 , 658 639 556 1,285 1,436 155 . 1,722 ■ 2,636 1,822 1,455 ... 131 i ......... . . . 100 ......... . . . !,515 1,166 1,071 87 O ther 1,086 1,123 1,157 1,275 347 ......... . . J 373 ......... . . . ...! 229 ......... . . . i ii 90 Secu rities of States, etc. Federal agcncy 1,620 1,75! 1,920 1,679 1,110 \ 402 1,855 Over 20 f years N on m arket able ' CorpoI rate stock j (includ ing l F. R. Bank j stock) [ ... , 1 1 170 167 166 160 MB 142 145 BANKS O ther loans to individuals F o r purchasing o r carrying securities To farm ers 1943—June 30.. Oct. 18.. Dec. 31 .. 14,974 16,764 15,566 12,913 15,734 13,579 1,985 2,818 1,656 6,454 1,861 2,599 1,914 80 974 1,328 3,409 1,829 7,014 1,602 3,889 1,437 85 984 484 486 444 473 439 454 129 105 104 1944—Apr. 13.. June 30.. Dec. 30.. 16,211 17,190 18,243 15,175 15,956 16,990 1,258 913 4,242 3,740 2,805 3,745 7,650 8,592 1,650 1,458 4,827 6,192 1,099 887 74 55 1 1 201 189 487 456 468 447 477 483 102 100 113 1945—M ar. 20 .. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 17,681 18,687 18,809 16,568 17,490 17,573 424 477 3,538 3,433 3,607 3,325 9,920 10,337 1,729 1,973 7,137 7,421 852 842 201 99 1 1 2 1 515 567 606 501 535 533 97 94 96 1946—June 29 .. Sept. 3 0 .. Dec. 31.. 16,798 15,714 14,465 15,645 14,410 13,307 201 2,980 2,229 10,234 1,857 7,164 1,079 133 1 1 387 1,725 992 10,202 2,069 6,683 1,304 142 5 1 535 693 557 523 518 506 94 94 95 1947—June 30.. Oct. 6 .. Dec. 31 .. 13,784 13,588 13,214 12,570 12,305 11,971 137 1,103 775 10,555 2,574 6,296 1,525 157 4 1 1,002 640 558 9,771 3,398 4,760 1,475 118 21 631 694 638 486 492 510 96 96 95 1948—Apr. 12.. June 30 .. Dec. 31.. 12,378 11,469 10,712 11,129 10,358 9,649 693 589 983 1,183 *520 365 8,162 7,512 1,901 3,063 4,904 3,255 i ,206 1,082 129 89 22 23 721 583 563 433 434 407 95 94 94 1949—Apr. June Nov. Dec. 11.. 30.. 1 .. 31.. 10,519 11,413 11,946 12,033 9,383 10,278 10,751 10,746 777 1,472 132 7,897 4,542 1,881 1,350 95 29 720 1,785 835 7,405 5,081 1,436 754 81 55 658 611 668 752 385 431 434 442 93 93 92 93 1950—Apr. 24 .. June 30.. Oct. 4 .. Dec. 30.. 11,599 11,825 11,001 10,883 9,987 10,280 9,132 8,991 900 781 824 458 159 250 1,594 1,643 1,711 7,328 6,549 6,206 4,939 4,250 3,976 1,827 1,722 1,646 402 399 417 96 113 104 64 64 63 2 1,030 959 1,144 1,123 489 492 632 673 9J 93 93 94 1951—Apr. 9 .. June 30.. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31.. 10,363 10,370 9,753 10,233 8,412 8,459 7,716 8,127 612 1,034 598 1,122 354 450 616 1,736 1,565 1,470 1,428 6,064 5,506 5,197 4,960 3,810 3,170 2,914 2,677 1,668 1,736 1,693 1,697 428 448 446 446 93 94 85 88 65 59 60 53 2 2 2 2 1,230 1,176 1,325 1,385 626 638 615 622 94 95 95 97 1952—Mar. June Sept. Dec. 31.. 30 .. 5 .. 31 .. 9,953 10,442 9,957 9,754 7,741 8,212 7,663 7,677 927 1,062 569 1,079 671 692 467 233 1,411 1,400 1,408 1,170 4,733 5,058 5,219 5,195 2,450 2,544 2,255 2,077 1,697 1,839 2,268 2,427 445 531 550 628 85 85 86 56 58 60 62 1 1,517 1,436 1,579 1,453 597 696 618 522 98 98 98 101 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20 .. 30 .. 30 .. 31 .. 8,409 8,569 9,454 9,769 6,264 6,637 7,434 7,763 204 789 828 924 201 203 1,132 1,104 1,082 1,035 1,143 1,130 4,777 4,611 4,331 4,605 2,024 2,308 2,024 2,106 2,076 1,897 1,822 1,995 621 346 401 420 4 27 27 56 56 58 57 2 2 1 1 1,506 1,318 1,422 1,365 537 511 495 539 101 101 101 100 1954—Apr. 15.. June 30 .. Oct. 7 .. Dec. 31.. 9,831 11,062 12,161 11,841 7,454 8,690 9,639 9,332 782 1,014 844 785 516 711 552 597 710 1,454 2,179 1,924 5,447 5,510 6,064 6,026 1,756 1,723 2,657 2,233 3,154 3,248 2,768 3,183 449 456 555 551 30 26 26 2 58 58 58 58 3 6 5 10 1,789 1,851 2,016 1,977 485 416 401 416 101 101 101 106 1955—Apr. 11.. June 30.. Oct. 5 .. Dec. 31.. 10,758 10,083 9,125 8,943 8,206 7,775 6,772 6,794 481 537 330 552 496 146 37 100 1,843 1,830 1,555 1,141 5,386 5,262 4,850 5,002 1,614 1,578 1,221 1,572 3,137 3,088 3,049 2,935 569 530 514 433 11 10 10 6 56 56 56 57 6 7 2 2’ 1,990 1,754 1,816 1,609 448 433 421 424 108 114 114 114 8,214 7,896 7,618 7,822 5,996 6,007 5,646 6,054 246 325 117 724 82 70 301 194 1,024 1,082 943 976 4,644 4,529 4,285 4,160 1,427 1,313 1,181 2,013 2,780 2,648 2,541 1,569 384 537 533 553 2 3 2 3 52 29 28 23 4 4 3 3 1,812 1,514 1,611 1,406 289 260 246 248 112 111 111 111 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14.. 6 .. 11.. 31.. 7,580 7,398 7,210 7,726 5,657 5,738 5,420 5,880 444 685 321 648 176 219 163 214 895 781 1,046 1,093 4,142 4,052 3,889 3,924 1,814 1,793 1,900 2,364 1,738 1,672 1,427 976 565 563 537 567 3 2 2 3 23 23 23 14 3 1,578 1,311 1,447 1,435 230 238 232 298 111 111 110 113 1958—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4 .. 23 .. 24.. 31.. 8,457 10,385 9,766 9,802 6,295 8,035 7,350 7,486 733 1,023 431 643 168 286 1,149 1,106 1,037 1,729 1,570 1,602 4,357 4,996 4,200 4,135 2,447 2,745 2,628 2,546 1,239 1,603 971 1,035 585 535 497 448 72 97 90 91 14 15 15 15 1,645 1,748 1,965 1,869 403 489 337 326 113 113 113 120 BANKS 10.. 30.. 26 .. 31.. MEMBER 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. MEMBER 2.2 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—NEW YORK CITY—Continued D . INVESTM ENTS—C ontinued (In millions o f dollars] O ther bonds, notes, and debentures Direct Call date Total invest ments Notes, maturing— Bills ^ Cer tifi cates Bonds G uar anteed M arketable, m aturingWithin 1 year After 1 year Total Within 1 year 5-10 Over 20 years 10-20 Non m arket able C orpo rate stock (includ ing F. R. Bank stock) Secu rities of States, etc. Federal agency Other 1959—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12. 10. 6. 31. 10,154 9.134 7,813 7,170 7,672 6,743 5,415 4,999 1,261 1,165 580 639 917 350 133 227 1,795 1,717 1,388 1,277 3,699 3,511 3.314 2,856 2,359 2,171 1,976 1,545 768 779 899 1,080 459 452 332 127 108 105 103 too 2 3 3 2,090 1,978 2,031 1,833 269 287 239 206 123 124 125 129 1960—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15. 15. 3. 31. 6,889 7,424 8,626 9,261 4.634 5,383 6,353 6,979 606 681 1,380 1,422 93 369 508 578 1,242 1,546 1,574 1,708 2,694 2,787 2,891 3,271 1,827 1,922 1,823 2,379 711 706 862 629 52 54 96 151 100 101 105 106 3 I I 1 1,958 1,722 1,996 1,964 161 185 143 182 133 134 133 135 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12. 30. 27. 30. 9,224 10,167 11,270 10,762 6,411 7.635 8,394 7,853 804 1,512 2,596 2,117 515 887 505 442 1962—Mar. June Sept. Dec. 26. 30. 28. 28. 10.134 11,172 10,452 11,034 6,799 7,653 6,590 7,013 1,471 1,989 1,142 1,998 603 492 497 508 1963- M ar. 18. June 29. Dec. 20. 11,440 11,401 11.249 6,981 6,502 6,148 1,799 1,639 1,711 247 240 147 1964—-June 30. Dec. 31. 11,203 12,206 5,760 6,166 1965—June 30. Dec. 31. 11.250 11,638 1966—June 30. Dec. 31. 1,355 1,239 1,572 1,831 3,416 3,354 3,040 2,797 514 826 689 429 1,970 1,694 1,651 1,662 718 649 551 523 208 178 142 178 8 7 8 9 2,497 | 2,196 2,576 2,635 53 89 57 43 119 101 97 81 136 138 138 141 968 1,299 732 574 1,442 1,632 1,935 1,913 2.315 2,241 2,285 2,019 449 161 549 140 997 982 488 509 687 913 1,201 1,343 176 179 41 21 .5 6 6 4 3,045 | 3,158 I 3,486 3,585 1 70 145 149 188 68 58 66 86 146 151 155 159 443 342 424 2,197 2,167 1,917 2,296 2,115 1,949 17 44 46 462 441 735 1,762 1,597 1,141 50 28 22 3 3 6 4,082 4,451 4,653 141 203 177 57 68 84 176 173 181 1,333 1,958 840 674 1,785 1,298 1,802 2.236 89 157 728 865 957 1,146 23 63 19 12 4,952 5,579 211 204 75 56 186 188 4,901 5,203 1,036 1,538 668 520 452 468 2,745 2,869 8 73 999 1,072 1,601 1,590 136 133 6 7 5,799 5,879 246 332 73 225 10,658 10,594 4,466 4,920 1,229 1,797 198 74 363 485 387 457 2,466 2,276 8 29 943 796 1,412 1,340 102 110 7 10 5,361 4,967 583 I 379 248 329 1967—June 30. Dec. 30. 11,260 13,082 5.048 6,027 1,112 1,897 104 568 I 844 1,185 1,118 2,239 2.236 19 160 932 1,106 1,149 836 138 133 34 I 66 | 5,485 6,318 286 306 | 441 431 1968—June 29 Dec. 31. 11,817 14,078 5,046 5,984 847 637 1,222 2,489 311 1,000 1,057 120 66 ! 6,034 | 7,233 265 | 376 | 471 485 1969—June 30. Dec. 31. 11,653 12,028 4,445 5.048 629 197 1,350 2,154 272 , 1 810 31 | 40 6,553 6,192 363 ! 510 292 278 1970—June 30. Dec. 31. 12,207 15,185 4,413 6,009 592 1,701 1,831 47 1 743 10 30 6,847 7,757 589 i 1,003 ; 417 For notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 320 I 643 682 666 i 358 BANKS U.S. G ovt, securities 1 2.2 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS — NEW YORK CITY - • Continued E. D EPO SITS [In millions o f dollars] Time Demand Interbank IPC Call date Total de posits Total IPC Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. U.S. Govt. Certi fied and officers’ checks, etc. Interbank Domestic Total M utual savings Com mer cial 29. 30. 2. 30. 12,337 13,341 14,531 14,507 11,621 12,633 13,791 13,764 7,677 8,281 8.812 9,030 260 288 321 251 135 84 72 74 272 472 349 178 2,731 2,992 4,237 3,542 1940—Mar. 26. June 29. Dec. 31. 15,278 16,007 17,744 14,495 15,242 16,920 9,652 10,283 11,357 219 258 370 68 67 48 260 147 471 4,296 3,840 4,032 1941—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 4. 30. 24. 31. 17,705 17,929 17,816 17,932 16,856 17,118 16,971 17,119 11,629 11,895 11,595 11,282 302 319 300 319 29 32 135 866 302 306 342 450 00 1942- -A pr. 4 . U> June 30. Dec. 31. 17,386 18,122 22,078 16,605 17.384 21,340 11,235 12,014 12,501 296 271 263 967 863 4,186 1943—June 30. Oct. 18. Dec. 31. 21,937 24,843 23,256 21,156 24,040 22,406 14,001 13,149 14,373 249 215 252 1944—Apr. 13. June 30. D ec. 30. 23,635 25,679 26,773 22,753 24,782 25,760 14,482 13,740 14,448 1945- -Mar. 2 0 .. June 3 0 .. Dec. 3 1 .. 25,709 28,363 30,121 24,608 27,238 28,867 1946—June 2 9 .. Sept. 3 0 .. Dec. 3 1 .. 27,484 25,403 24,723 1947—June 3 0 .. Oct. 6 .. Dec. 3 1 .. Foreign 546 516 Savings Other time Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. U.S. Govt. and postal savings Domestic M utual savings Com m er cial Foreign 53 46 52 43 646 641 783 766 824 742 732 768 35 29 51 4,594 3,948 4,598 3,595 6 is 607 848 811 845 813 806 778 810 778 38 27 29 29 154 273 448 3,953 3,284 3,209 679 733 781 738 738 751 717 711 25 17 23 4 3 2,820 6,566 3,395 404 438 710 2,939 2,914 2,867 744 757 810 780 803 850 755 768 816 21 26 26 3 3 3 201 213 199 4,026 6,150 6,722 396 722 361 2,792 3,105 3,179 855 852 851 881 896 1,013 846 861 977 23 17 17 5 10 10 15,614 14,789 15,712 293 229 237 4,296 7,618 6,940 494 341 1,338 2,996 3,271 3,535 914 989 1,105 1,101 1,125 1,254 1,065 1,082 1,206 18 19 20 10 15 16 26,060 23,952 23,253 16,836 16,657 17,216 293 247 218 3,495 • 2,112 651 1,132 768 942 3,127 2,954 3,031 1,178 1,213 1,195 1,424 1,452 1,469 1,372 1,400 1,395 17 17 39 9 7 15 26 26 19 24,142 23,787 25,216 22,683 22,308 23,760 17,202 16,463 17,646 260 225 290 179 564 267 915 783 1,105 2,898 2,975 3,236 1,228 1,298 1,217 1,459 1,480 1,456 1,407 1,437 1,418 17 17 14 14 12 12 21 13 11 1948—Apr. 1 2 .. Ju n e .3 0 .. Dec. 3 1 .. 23,211 23,362 24,024 21,674 21,671 22,313 • 16,345 16,306 16,695 232 272 241 375 333 445 725 748 750 2,776 2,830 2,904 1,220 1,183 1,278 1,537 1,691 1,711 1,460 1,621 1.646 54 41 20 14 14 14 9 14 31 1949—Apr. 11.. /June 3 0 .. Nov. 1 .. Dec. 3 1 .. 22,222 23,619 23,075 23,983 20,584 21,834 21,423 22,219 15,526 15,986 15,475 16,408 235 254 357 196 471 562 841 640 550 1,201 827 895 2,598 2,680 2,744 2,996 1,204 1,150 1,178 1,084 1,638 1,785 1,652 1,764 1,555 1,637 1,493 1,590 28 33 28 24 18 25 27 38 36 89 105 112 1950—Apr. 2 4 .. June 3 0 .. Oct. 4 . . Dec. 3 0 .. 22,393 23,213 23,172 25,646 20,704 21,411 21,370 23,657 15,559 15,896 15,975 17,490 270 279 273 258 518 684 515 451 625 809 575 1,087 2,621 2,692 2,900 3,207 1,112 1,051 1,132 1,162 1,689 1,801 1,802 1,990 1,535 1,594 1,565 1.647 20 19 28 37 35 37 37 37 98 150 171 268 BANKS 655 653 683 693 MEMBER 689 716 708 741 743 1939- -M ar. June Oct. Dec. MEMBER 2.2 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—NEW YORK CITY—Continued E. D EPO SITS—Continued [In millions of dollars] Demand IPC Call date Total de posits Total IPC 1951—Apr. 9 ................... Oct. 10.................... Dec. 31.................... Foreign govt. and other Interbank State and local govt. U.S. Govt. Interbank IPC Certi fied Domestic and officers’ checks, M utual etc. savings j ™iaf Total Foreign Savings Other time BANKS Time Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. U.S. Govt. and postal savings 24,679 25,064 24,221 26,859 22,698 23,140 22,306 24,862 16,071 16,381 16,243 17,880 234 280 310 321 1,786 1,808 1,040 858 609 823 566 1,289 2,801 2.744 3,113 3,385 1,197 1,104 1,033 1,128 1,982 1,924 1,915 1,997 1,647 1,605 1,533 1,614 35 22 23 22 38 39 43 43 Domestic Com m er cial M utual savings 1 Foreign 261 259 317 318 1952—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 31.................... 30................... 5 .................... 31................... 25,851 26,745 24,188 27,309 23,777 24,600 22,102 25,004 17,033 17,275 16,365 17,919 312 305 262 322 1,583 1,651 1,071 1,143 835 1,079 510 1,120 2,943 3,193 2,791 3,346 1,072 1,096 1,103 1,154 2,074 2,145 2,085 2,305 1,666 1,721 1,624 1,752 26 21 24 29 48 53 55 59 4 8 8 334 346 374 457 1953—Apr. June Slept. Dec. 20.................... 30.................... 30.................... 31.................... 24,772 25,244 25,996 27,037 22,451 22,774 23,478 24,056 16,716 16,617 16,381 17,509 336 333 332 315 469 887 1,694 778 956 899 1,012 1,071 2,898 2,979 2,969 3,363 1,077 1,059 1,089 1,021 2,320 2,470 2,518 2,981 1,752 1,841 1,844 1,958 32 39 37 139 53 50 49 53 5 7 6 12 479 534 581 820 1954—Apr. 15................... June 30................... Oct. 7 ................... Dec. 31................... 25,775 27,225 27,461 28,252 22,572 23,763 23,825 24,663 16,423 16,601 16,240 17,823 385 404 333 368 632 1,378 1,994 736 1,074 1,109 1,098 1,223 3,039 3,237 3,076 3,336 1,020 1,033 1,083 1,177 3,204 3,462 3,636 3,588 1,899 2,014 2,090 2,146 119 151 216 192 54 51 54 54 22 20 19 18 1,109 1,226 1,257 1,178 1955—Apr. 11................... June 30................... Oct. 5 .................... Dec. 31.................... 26,984 27,791 26,437 29,378 23,520 24,373 23,045 25,990 16,811 17,300 16,895 18,919 239 374 306 302 1,552 1,131 675 756 887 1,252 1,087 1,498 2,870 3,129 2,910 3,364 1,162 1,187 1,171 1,151 3,464 3,418 3,393 3,388 2,150 2,114 2,142 2,171 167 110 72 72 55 57 58 59 11 10 10 7 1,081 1,128 1,111 1,078 1956—Apr. June Slept. Dec. 10................... 30................... 26................... 31................... 26,709 27,775 26,703 29,149 23,389 24,337 23,285 25,709 16,955 17,396 16,713 18,482 280 396 381 286 820 1,166 993 747 1,209 1,110 1,106 1,172 2,883 3,080 2,813 3,622 1,242 1,190 1,279 1,400 3,320 3,438 3,419 3,441 2,220 2,285 2,316 2,395 104 60 52 44 54 35 36 36 9 9 8 9 934 1,049 1,006 957 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dcc. 14.................... 6 ................... 11.................... 31.................... 27,929 26,322 26,261 29,371 24,258 22,548 22,567 25,565 18,556 16,660 16.341 18,377 261 261 266 299 286 688 878 737 1,107 914 862 1,284 2,833 2,775 2,777 3.480 1.216 1,249 1,444 1,389 3,671 3,774 3,695 3.806 2,612 2,662 2,656 2,813 46 67 75 56 34 36 32 24 8 7 6 6 970 1,002 925 906 1958—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4 .................... 2 3 ................... 24.................... 31.................... 28,269 31,469 27,608 31,679 23,602 26,189 22,392 26,458 17,012 16,916 16,518 18,835 370 337 297 329 792 2,946 847 968 1,226 1,645 737 1,540 2,979 3,084 2,874 3,519 1,224 1,261 1,118 1,267 4,667 5,280 5,216 5,221 2,959 3,229 3,308 3,345 161 249 177 100 23 28 22 36 34 78 71 75 1,489 1,696 1,639 1,664 1 9 5 9 -M ar. June O ct. Dec. 12.................... 10.................... 6 ................... 31.................... 29,276 28,879 28,450 30,647 23,961 23,726 23,685 26,211 18,007 17,657 16,898 18,573 288 295 305 310 458 1,090 479 1 1,259 ; 931 1,399 i 1,027 1,536 2,846 2,888 3,019 3,462 1,272 1,148 1,133 1,303 5,315 5,153 4,765 4,436 3,437 3,423 3,398 3,359 139 140 no 65 27 27 26 24 73 69 61 46 1,639 1,495 1,170 942 1960—-Mar. June Oct. Dec. 15.................... 15.................... 3 ................... 31.................... 28,757 29,719 30,648 33,761 24,487 25,247 25,790 28,339 18,006 17,754 56,867 19,051 239 294 307 305 707 1,140 1,947 2,971 3.149 3,509 4,105 1,105 1,060 1,108 1,184 4,269 4,47! 4,858 5,422 3,325 3,360 3,536 3,976 55 95 157 203 24 j 24 i 25 27 36 51 62 100 829 941 1,079 1,116 . 1,459 1 1,849 2,052 i 2,476 ; J i 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12................... 30................... 27.................... 30................... 30,051 32,225 31,890 36,818 23,997 25,423 24,707 29,693 17,414 17,140 16,914 19,665 523 502 538 548 278 365 309 333 266 1,380 1,485 1,267 1,644 1,825 1,556 2,583 337 292 279 342 2,855 3,170 2,919 3,988 678 749 707 967 6,054 6,801 7,182 7,125 2,707 2,831 2,929 3,092 1,575 2,093 2,191 2,017 1,367 1,422 1,608 1,626 226 245 245 162 33 44 37 38 10 8 7 1 70 91 102 112 65 68 64 77 1962—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 26................... 30................... 28................... 28................... 32,611 35,039 34,257 37,885 24,762 26,731 25,697 28,421 16,785 17,059 17,134 19,034 486 521 455 594 243 327 310 366 1,379 1,918 1,544 1,408 1,830 2,390 1,892 2,237 288 326 311 333 2,927 3,317 3,269 3,521 824 874 784 929 7,849 8,308 8,560 9,463 3,444 3,721 4,039 4,282 2,372 2,555 2,545 2,920 1,571 1,547 1,490 1,734 220 221 230 266 43 53 48 53 10 16 16 14 118 116 117 118 71 77 76 75 1963—Mar. 18................... June 29................... Dec. 20................... 36,245 37,454 38,327 26,116 27,136 26,667 17,484 17,314 17,769 470 509 704 309 357 368 880 2,052 1,419 2,231 2,172 2,119 296 349 271 3,630 3,453 3,216 818 932 801 10,129 10,317 11,660 4,465 4,517 4,665 3,124 3,189 4,110 1,952 2,040 2,144 318 326 449 55 59 76 20 5 18 106 115 113 89 67 83 1964—June 30................... Dec. 31................... 41,545 45,191 28,046 30,470 17,934 19,825 546 689 420 441 2,112 1,486 2,323 2,940 364 361 3,427 3,751 920 976 13,499 14,721 5,083 5,293 4,949 5,433 2,549 2,808 528 677 71 74 47 94 180 196 91 146 1965—June 30................... Dec. 31................... 47,322 49,270 30,005 30,761 17,923 19,988 626 720 561 620 2,561 1,271 3,270 2,937 390 420 3,725 3,771 950 1,034 17,316 18,509 5,658 5,937 7,434 8,255 2,877 2,904 682 807 87 84 189 138 250 242 139 141 1966—June 30___ ; .......... Dec. 31................... 51,799 51,837 32,168 33,921 18,859 21,392 632 721 815 608 2,279 1,016 3,713 3,814 472 395 4,405 4,710 992 1,265 19,631 17,916 5,475 5,196 9,601 8,314 3,042 2,937 841 918 65 83 140 89 312 264 154 115 1967—June 30.................... Dec. 30.................... 52,665 60,407 32,860 39,604 20,154 24,940 620 704 796 890 1,021 1,084 4,086 4,748 403 409 4,668 5,491 1,111 1,337 19,804 20,803 5,371 5,485 8,987 10,041 3,415 3,314 1,129 1,152 85 70 265 115 451 436 100 190 1968—June 2 9 ................... Dec. 31................... 59,329 63,900 39,983 43,202 23,282 26,766 596 689 1,203 1,068 824 888 6,043 4,827 431 491 6,277 7,040 1,326 1,433 19,346 20,698 5,440 5,455 9,164 10,032 2,892 2,893 1,250 1,623 89 73 63 58 329 372 120 193 1969—June 30................... Dec. 31................... 62,534 62,381 46,669 47,169 24,711 27,591 627 762 1,314 1,168 983 694 7,801 6,605 637 532 9,087 8,177 1,509 1,641 15,865 15,211 5,354 5,219 6,557 5,119 2,823 4,354 672 207 53 45 12 5 253 176 140 86 1970—June 30................... Dec. 31................... 60,615 67,186 44,973 45,782 25,032 27,033 793 746 1,136 1,171 1,236 1,039 5,628 3,286 544 509 8,931 9,774 1,673 2,225 15,642 21,404 5,195 5,415 5,400 10,903 4,113 2,595 572 1,464 40 71 22 156 228 687 71 113 F o r notes see end of Table 2.5 E. MEMBER BANKS MEMBER 2.3 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS — CITY OF CHICAGO A. TO TA L ASSETS AND NUM BER O F BANKS [Assets in millions o f dollars] Balances with— Loans and investments Total assets Total Loans To,a. 00 9\ U.S. Govt. Other securities securities F. R. Banks Currency and coin Domes tic banks Foreign banks Cash items Bank prem ises, etc. Cus tom ers’ liability on accept ances Other estate N um ber of banks , i 17 15 17 15 13 13 13 14 16 15 13 13 13 13 17 16 14 14 13 14 13 13 16 15 17 13 13 13 i 18 22 20 15 15 13 17 ................. 17 17 ................. 3 I 3 2 1 22 22 20 13 13 13 231 194 310 17 16 16 ................. 3 1 1 3 ! 15 19 20 12 12 12 2 263 325 414 16 16 16 3 1 3 « ! 18 20 17 13 13 14 162 144 175 1 1 1 349 309 464 2 | 43 ! 18 20 19 14 14 14 26 28 28 146 152 143 1 1 1 346 401 435 15 15 ................. 15 ................. ; 16 16 ................. i 3 * 21 20 20 14 14 13 1,255 1,174 1,126 1,183 27 25 27 27 129 149 104 159 1 294 353 364 481 17 16 16 16 5 6 7 7 20 21 27 23 13 13 13 13 1,092 1,080 1,159 1,216 29 26 29 30 121 114 136 133 314 418 430 651 16 16 16 16 5 3 7 6 . 22 23 27 23 13 13 13 13 1939—M ar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 3,018 3,374 3,558 3,595 1,965 2,052 2,050 2,105 545 544 563 569 1,420 1,507 1,487 1,536 1,100 1,175 1,172 1,203 319 332 315 333 705 897 1,080 993 22 26 37 42 178 235 237 283 2 2 2 1 100 118 107 128 21 21 21 20 6 6 6 5 1940— Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 3,507 3,815 3,995 2,222 2,205 2,377 564 603 696 1,658 1,602 1,681 1,319 1,258 1,307 339 344 375 909 1,187 1,051 25 39 42 195 242 319 1 109 100 165 20 20 20 5 5 4 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 3,945 4,264 4,341 4,363 2,649 2,707 2,573 2,760 780 846 918 954 1,869 1,861 1,655 1,806 1,466 1,483 1,304 1,430 403 377 351 376 815 1,062 1,278 1,021 20 41 39 43 283 262 271 298 137 150 142 204 20 19 19 19 4 3 3 2 1942—Apr. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 4,446 4,553 5,364 2,806 3,116 3,973 923 906 832 1,883 2,210 3,141 1,490 1,858 2,789 393 352 352 1,088 973 902 27 43 39 286 220 164 201 163 247 19 19 18 2 2 2 1943—June 30 Oct. 18 Dec. 31 5,588 6,315 5,876 4,332 5,045 4,554 784 1,023 1,004 3,548 4,022 3,550 3,167 3,693 3,238 381 330 312 785 785 821 39 39 38 173 170 158 1 2 2 218 232 265 18 18 18 2 1944— Apr. 13 June 30. Dec. 30, 6,044 6,428 6,860 4,727 5,124 5,443 962 1,064 1,184 3,765 4,060 4,258 3,417 3,688 3,913 348 372 345 796 811 899 40 41 43 183 179 177 2 1 1 254 230 259 1945— Mar. 20 June 30. Dec. 31 6,558 7,104 7,459 5,212 5,730 5,931 1,012 1,250 1,333 4,199 4,480 4,598 3,840 4,130 4,213 360 350 385 892 929 942 45 33 36 144 180 200 1946—June 29 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 6,525 6,419 6,349 5,167 4,972 4,765 1,329 1,370 1,499 3,837 3,602 3,266 3,485 3,260 2,912 353 342 355 870 900 928 25 24 29 162 156 172 1 1 1 i 1947—June 30 Oct. 6. Dec. 31. 6,359 6,556 6,866 4,802 5,040 5,088 1,565 1,724 1,801 3,237 3,316 3,287 2,890 2,935 2,890 347 381 397 973 993 1,070 36 30 30 1948—Apr. 12 June 30. Dec. 31. 6,291 6,509 6,774 4,681 4,742 4,799 1,663 1,714 1,783 3,018 3,028 3,016 2,620 2,667 2,633 398 361 383 1,051 1,144 1,325 1949—Apr. June Nov. Dec. 11 30 1. 31. 6,341 6,586 6,949 7,320 4,595 4,841 5,275 5,424 1,617 1,537 1,564 1,618 2,978 3,303 3,711 3,806 2,567 2,888 3,256 3,324 412 415 455 482 1950— Apr. June Oct. Dec. 24 30 4 30 6,692 6,938 7,119 7,649 5,091 5,256 5,305 5,569 1,527 1,557 1,776 2,083 3,565 3,699 3,529 3,487 3,012 3,138 2,969 2,911 553 562 560 576 j ■ O ther ( assets 11 5 2 I 2 2 3 I 4 , 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 i 1 2 3 1 | 1 | 1 ! 1 | 17 ................. 1 ......... 1 BANKS Reserve Investments Call date 5,320 5,520 5,487 5,731 2,142 2,215 2,358 2,468 3,178 3,305 3,129 3,264 2,621 2,742 2,599 2,711 557 564 530 552 28 i 27 30 32 139 130 129 165 4 4 3 2 356 454 445 589 16 16 16 16 5 5 5 6 23 38 21 23 13 13 13 13 1952—Mar. 31............... June 30............... Sept. 5 ............... Dec. 31............... 6,839 7,610 7,714 8,297 5,224 5,664 5,738 6,240 2,403 2,380 2,419 2,748 2,821 3,284 3,319 3,493 2,276 2,721 2,749 2,912 545 563 570 581 27 30 26 32 22 135 118 169 2 2 2 2 364 472 448 663 16 15 15 16 6 5 4 4 24 27 31 26 13 13 13 13 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20.............: 30............... 30............... 31............... 7,627 7,729 8,102 8,366 5,635 5,627 5,973 6,204 2,591 2,552 2,609 2,776 3,044 3,075 3,364 3,428 2,461 2,529 2,804 2,856 583 546 560 572 32 31 28 34 128 123 113 166 2 3 3 3 459 582 573 625 16 16 15 15 3 3 4 5 29 26 26 27 13 13 13 13 1954—Apr. 15............... June 30............... Oct. 7 ............... Dec. 31............... 7,804 8,064 8,143 8,520 5,792 5,975 6,343 6,518 2,621 2,589 2,473 2,784 3,171 3,386 3,870 3,734 2,575 2,825 3,302 3,120 595 561 568 614 27 30 26 29 131 154 119 162 3 3 7 8 579 559 465 577 15 15 15 15 5 5 3 5 36 33 30 29 13 13 13 13 1955—Apr. 11............... June 30............... Oct. 5 .............. Dec. 31............... 8,086 8,102 7,967 8,720 6,254 6,288 6,210 6,542 2,650 2,846 2,968 3,342 3,605 3,441 3,242 3,200 2,918 2,742 2,537 2,506 687 699 705 695 32 28 28 32 107 127 94 141 5 5 7 7 542 581 592 816 15 15 15 15 3 4 4 4 34 32 30 28 13 13 13 13 10............... 30............... 26............... 31............... 8,193 8,349 8,233 8,695 6,324 6,336 6,251 6,473 3,315 3,572 3,571 3,772 3,009 2,764 2,679 2,701 2,309 2,088 2,061 2,113 700 676 618 588 31 27 29 37 98 124 103 174 6 4 4 5 577 690 667 797 15 15 15 15 2 2 2 30 31 31 28 13 13 14 14 1957— Mar. 14............... June 6 ............... Oct. 11............... Dec. 31............... 8,327 8,147 8,310 8,595 6,434 6,266 6,298 6,446 3,621 3,789 3,897 3,852 2,813 2,477 2,402 2,594 2,209 1,884 1,869 2,032 604 593 532 562 29 28 29 39 103 95 96 148 3 5 3 6 697 604 677 820 15 15 15 15 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 5 7 7 34 37 42 41 14 14 14 14 1958— Mar. 4 ............... June 23............... Sept. 24............... Dec. 31............... 8,356 8,929 8,522 9,071 6,359 6,942 6,577 6,830 3,492 3,594 3,405 3,637 2,867 3,348 3,173 3,193 2,266 2,694 2,537 2,562 601 654 636 631 32 31 29 36 99 128 99 185 3 35 23 15 646 537 657 865 15 15 14 14 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 48 46 45 50 14 14 14 14 J959— Mar. 12.............. June 10.............. Oct. 6 ............... Dec. 31............... 8,657 8,520 8,645 8,967 6,712 6,581 6,689 6,885 3,481 3,643 3,978 4,206 3,231 2,938 2,712 2,679 2,602 2,235 2,037 1,985 629 703 675 694 30 29 33 33 100 105 103 142 6 7 9 10 735 710 688 898 14 14 14 17 7 7 7 7 14 16 13 10 43 52 48 45 14 14 14 14 1960—Mar. 15............... June 15............... Oct. 3 ............... Dec. 31............... 8,817 8,928 8,815 9,219 6,746 6,707 6,802 7,050 4,173 4,386 4,422 4,485 2,573 2,320 2,379 2,565 1,927 1,664 1,778 1,882 647 656 601 683 30 28 30 33 99 109 117 171 8 9 12 12 844 992 661 931 17 18 22 23 7 7 9 9 19 20 30 43 47 44 58 48 11 11 11 10 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12............... 30............... 27............... 30............... 8,885 9,068 9,296 10,383 6,871 7,020 7,278 7,606 4,532 4,249 4,212 4,626 2,339 2,771 3,066 2,980 1,569 2,058 2,229 2,041 770 714 838 940 31 28 32 37 | 88 111 74 158 14 12 13 13 845 755 819 1,506 23 23 24 25 9 10 11 11 58 66 69 86 52 50 50 51 10 10 9 9 1962— Mar. June Sept. Dec. 26............... 30............... 28............... 28............... 9,576 10,009 10,540 11,432 7,687 7,937 8,345 8,957 4,494 4,672 4,945 5,418 3,193 3,264 3,400 3,538 2,223 1,936 2,006 2,129 970 1.329 1,395 1,409 34 | 31 35 44 | 94 94 113 99 12 15 10 22 587 838 858 1,045 25 31 36 41 II 9 13 11 86 75 65 78 59 64 69 65 9 9 12 13 1963—M ar. 18............... June 2 9 ............... Dec. 2 0 ............... 11,132 11,440 11,776 9,078 9,082 9,615 5,473 5,545 6,220 3,604 3,537 3,395 2,275 2,071 1,705 1.329 1,466 1,690 42 ! 40 49 157 154 98 21 22 18 763 947 787 42 44 52 12 22 19 90 79 53 71 77 67 13 12 12 1964—June 3 0 ............... Dec. 3 1 ............... 12,046 13,289 9,636 10,562 6,266 7,102 3,370 3,460 1,750 1,873 1,620 1,587 53 55 151 150 47 26 947 1,129 72 80 74 86 142 195 12 12 1965—June 3 0 ............... Dec. 3 1 ............... 13,535 14,290 10,835 11,455 7,367 8,219 3,468 3,236 1,761 1,700 1,707 1,536 64 73 97 151 15 16 1,107 1,145 87 91 83 104 218 213 11 11 1966—June 3 0 ............... Dec. 3 1 ............... 14,490 14,935 11,715 11,802 8,567 8,756 3,149 3,047 1,585 1,545 1,564 1,502 77 92 235 136 13 I? 1,058 1,578 106 111 111 133 235 251 11 11 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 00 \ BANKS 7,201 7,477 7,513 7,972 MEMBER 1951—Apr. 9 ............... June 30............... Oct. 10............... Dec. 31............... A. MEMBER 2.3 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—CITY OF CHICAGO—Continued TOTAL ASSETS AND NUMBER OF BANKS—Continued [Assets in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Total assets Total Loans Total oo U.S. Govt. Other securities securities Reserve with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Domes tic banks Foreign banks Bank prem ises, etc. Cash items Cus tomers’ liability on accept ances Other real estate O ther assets N um ber of banks 1967—June 30.............. Dec. 30.............. 15,073 16,296 12,133 12,744 8,924 9,223 3,209 3,520 1,576 1,574 1,633 1,947 954 1,105 80 94 m 151 14 27 1,230 1,570 116 165 1 146 149 245 290 11 10 1968—June 29.............. Dec. 31.............. 16,168 18,099 12,848 14,274 9,248 10,286 3,600 3,988 1,762 1,863 1,838 2,125 926 1,164 69 98 237 281 13 15 1,402 1,449 236 2 2 169 171 309 409 9 9 1969—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 17,869 17,927 14,321 14,365 10,573 10,771 3,749 3.594 1,616 1,564 2,132 2,030 652 869 78 123 134 150 17 15 1,835 1,645 271 290 2 2 198 125 361 344 9 9 1970—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 18,291 19,892 14,648 15,745 10,987 11.214 3,661 4,531 1,540 2,105 2,121 2,427 885 1,148 96 126 135 160 11 20 1,495 1,621 303 2 2 287 255 429 492 9 9 F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 2.3 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—CITY OF CHICAGO—Continued B. TO TA L LIA BILITIES [In millions of dollars] Call date 1939—Mar. June Oct. Dec. Total liabiW ities and capital Deposits Total Inter bank Capital accounts U.S. Govt. and postal savings Other demand Other time 3,018 3,374 3,558 3,595 2.741 3,090 3,274 3,330 844 759 867 888 83 60 63 83 1,349 1,784 1,854 1,867 464 488 490 492 1940 -M a r. 26 .. June 29 .. Dec. 31.. 3,507 3,815 3,995 3,235 3,541 3,710 1,004 956 1,004 84 83 94 1,653 1,998 2,107 494 504 504 1941—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 3,945 4,264 4,341 4,363 3,658 3,970 4,044 4,057 1,158 1,018 1,089 1,035 112 100 95 .27 1,892 2,356 2,370 2,419 496 498 491 476 Accept ances out stand ing Other liabil ities Stocks ................. ........................... Surplus Total Comm on 29 .. 30. . 2 .. 30. . 4. . 30 .. 24.. 31 .. Bor row ings Preferred Demand deposits I I Undi 1 vided i profits j Reserves for contin gencies, etc. A d justed N et 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 14 11 11 11 261 270 270 250 101 101 101 101 26 26 26 1 72 | 72 74 87 32 39 38 30 30 33 32 32 1,250 1,666 1,747 1,739 2,012 2,263 2,452 2,441 15 u 12 253 260 270 101 101 100 i i 2 87 ! 87 | 104 31 36 29 33 34 35 1,544 1,898 1,941 2,448 2,695 2,721 2 3 2 2 15 12 15 16 270 279 279 288 KM) 100 100 100 2 2 2 2 104 ' 104 109 121 28 36 31 29 37 37 37 37 1,755 2,205 2,228 2,215 2,743 3,061 3,146 3,084 . BANKS Call date Balances with— . 00 'O 4,134 4,241 5,040 1,262 1,038 1,117 296 201 667 2,120 2,543 2,803 455 460 453 21 17 18 289 293 304 100 100 100 1 1 1 121 121 127 29 32 37 38 38 39 1,919 2,379 2,557 3,197 3,403 4,176 1943—June 30.. Oct. 18.. Dec. 31. . 5,588 6,315 5,876 5,251 5,974 5,523 1,045 1,117 985 509 1,243 716 3,220 3,116 3,316 477 497 506 23 22 26 312 317 326 101 101 131 1 1 127 127 130 43 46 25 41 43 39 3,002 2,885 3,050 3,878 3,836 3,882 1944— Apr. 13.. June 30. . Dec. 30.. 6,044 6,428 6,860 5,679 6,053 6,468 1,024 1,105 1,148 866 1,105 1,400 3,274 3,300 3,300 515 544 620 33 29 35 329 343 354 131 131 133 131 141 147 26 28 33 42 43 42 3,019 3,070 3,041 3,865 3,999 4,016 1945—M ar. 2 0 .. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 6,558 7,104 7,459 6,161 6,702 7,046 1,108 1,193 1,312 900 1,499 1,552 3,520 3,346 3,462 632 663 719 42 38 33 353 362 377 132 132 142 146 146 148 32 40 42 43 45 46 3,289 3,152 3,153 4,262 4,173 4,268 1946—June 29 .. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 6,525 6,419 6,349 6,092 5,983 5,905 1,071 1,050 1,153 791 527 154 3,452 3,612 3,770 779 793 827 34 35 34 394 397 404 142 143 144 158 158 158 47 49 54 47 48 47 3,189 3,287 3,356 4,100 4,185 4,343 1947—June 30.. Oct. 6 .. Dec. 31.. 6,359 6,556 6,866 5,908 6,097 6,402 1,080 1,136 1,217 182 163 74 3,776 3,920 4,201 869 878 911 32 35 32 416 420 426 144 144 144 164 164 179 59 63 54 49 49 50 3,427 3,612 3,737 4,527 4,767 4,852 1948—Apr. 12. . June 30.. Dec. 31. . 6,291 6,509 6,774 5,826 6,039 6,293 1,028 1,077 1,064 103 106 189 3,777 3,906 4,039 918 950 1,000 34 29 31 426 436 444 145 145 160 2 179 189 194 55 54 43 48 48 46 3,432 3,505 3,604 4,417 4,536 4,715 1949—Apr. June Nov. Dec. 11.. 30.. 1 .. 31.. 6,341 6,586 6,949 7,320 5,856 6,087 6,395 6,810 1,002 1,008 1,127 1,191 236 200 210 263 3,585 3,823 4,006 4,277 1,033 1,056 1,051 1,079 35 30 37 33 445 462 466 470 160 160 160 160 2 2 2 2 194 196 196 215 43 54 55 42 46 51 52 51 3,291 3,470 3,642 3,797 4,399 4,528 4,872 5,088 1950—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 24 .. 30. . 4 .. 30.. 6,692 6,938 7,119 7,649 6,178 6,419 6,585 7,109 998 1,015 1,142 1,229 183 215 171 177 3,915 4,094 4,203 4,604 1,082 1,095 1,070 1,099 38 34 41 44 470 482 484 490 160 160 163 164 2 2 2 2 220 225 226 231 37 42 41 43 51 52 53 49 3,601 3,676 3,773 3,954 4,658 4,788 4,947 5,220 1951—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 9 .. 30.. 10. . 31.. 7,201 7,477 7,513 7,972 6,656 6,921 6,950 7,402 1,048 1,040 1,249 1,307 524 487 306 247 3,992 4,272 4,282 4,710 1,093 1,122 1,113 1,138 46 40 48 50 492 501 506 513 164 164 164 180 2 2 2 2 232 237 237 227 44 48 52 55 51 51 52 49 3,636 3,818 3,837 4,121 5,066 5,213 5,260 5,506 1952—Mar. June Sept. Dec. 31.. 30.. 5 .. 31.. 6,839 7,610 7,714 8,297 6,183 7,027 7,019 7,686 1,493 1,182 1,235 1,350 459 310 264 347 3,121 4,375 4,376 4,789 1,109 1,160 1,144 1,201 55 48 59 65 516 530 532 541 196 196 196 199 2 2 2 2 228 239 239 241 41 43 44 51 49 50 51 49 2,757 3,903 3,928 4,126 4,679 5,251 5,301 5,645 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 2 0 .. 30.. 30.. 31.. 7,627 7,729 8.102 8,366 6,962 7,119 7,338 7,724 1,175 1,216 1,278 1,387 191 204 371 262 4,427 4,495 4,487 4,837 1,170 1,204 1,201 1,239 67 55 70 71 542 551 557 566 201 201 202 202 2 2 2 2 241 246 247 254 49 53 57 58 49 49 50 50 3,968 3,913 3,914 4,211 5,196 5,201 5,442 5,683 1954— Apr. June Oct. Dec. 15. . 30.. 7 .. 31. . 7,804 8,064 8,143 8,520 7,149 7,419 7,463 7,845 1,225 1,340 1,342 1,321 221 414 469 256 4,475 4,403 4,398 4,977 1,228 1,263 1,254 1,290 74 58 70 70 571 583 592 600 203 203 204 214 2 2 2 2 255 261 261 281 60 63 71 49 51 55 55 54 3,896 3,844 3,933 4,400 5,192 5,422 5,598 5,794 1955—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 11. . 30.. 5 .. 31.. 8,086 8,102 7,967 8,720 7,293 7,431 7,251 8,010 1,181 1,180 1,284 1,296 302 349 206 227 4,525 4,606 4,474 5,165 1,285 1,297 1,288 1,321 71 55 67 75 602 612 620 628 214 214 214 217 2 2 2 2 282 287 287 296 5Q 54 62 61 55 56 56 53 3,983 4,024 3,881 4,349 5,336 5,405 5,255 5,717 1956—Apr. 10.. June 30.. Sept. 26 .. Dec. 31 .. 8,193 8,349 8,233 8,695 7,213 7,631 7,302 7,943 1,246 1,195 1,215 1,372 221 357 317 188 4,469 4,781 4,488 5 ,0 © 1,277 1,298 1,283 1,315 73 74 81 82 631 639 646 660 235 236 237 238 2 2 2 2 297 302 302 308 44 47 53 59 53 53 53 53 3,892 4,092 3,820 4,272 5,250 5,504 5,238 5,647 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 8,327 8,147 8,310 8,595 7,330 7,284 7,315 7,792 1,144 1,184 1,240 1,347 92 101 186 199 4,785 4,691 4,582 4,904 1,308 1,308 1,307 1,342 82 92 107 103 654 665 676 689 240 240 240 242 2 2 2 2 309 309 315 323 59 68 73 77 45 46 46 45 4.088 4,087 3,905 4,084 5,212 5,258 5,219 5,465 14.. 6 .. 11.. 31.. BANKS 4,446 4,553 5,364 MEMBER 1942—Apr. 4 .. June 3 0 .. Dec. 31 .. B. MEMBER 2.3 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—CITY OF CHICAGO—Continued TO TA L LIABILITIES—Continued [In millions of dollars] Deposits Total Inter bank Capital accounts U.S. Govt, and postal . savings Other demand Bor row ings Other time Accept ances out stand ing Other liabil ities Sto cks Total C om mon Sur plus Pre ferred Demand deposits U ndi vided profits Reserves for contin gencies, etc. A d justed N et 1958— Mar. June Sept. Dec. 4 .. 2 3.. 2 4.. 31.. 8,356 8,929 8,522 9,071 7,377 8,022 7,628 8,214 1,241 1,288 1,340 1,391 195 709 252 256 4,592 4,626 4,642 5,136 1,349 1,399 1,394 1,431 158 80 55 3 8 10 13 12 118 109 112 109 695 708 714 733 252 252 277 277 2 2 2 2 324 345 322 323 73 62 67 83 46 47 47 49 3,945 4,089 3,985 4,271 5,242 5,921 5,441 5,694 1959--M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12.. 10.. 6 .. 31.. 8,657 8,520 8,645 8,967 7,619 7,375 7,513 8,062 1,195 1,191 1,221 1,253 106 127 258 279 4,923 4,657 4,614 5,070 1,395 1,399 1,419 1,460 179 272 261 40 15 16 15 11 115 115 103 92 729 743 754 762 284 287 288 289 2 2 2 2 325 328 333 363 71 80 87 67 48 47 44 42 4,187 3,947 3,926 4,171 5,352 5,123 5,268 5,532 1960—Mar. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 15.. 3 .. 31.. 8,817 8,928 8,815 9,219 7,496 7,692 7,792 8,197 1,157 1,276 1,298 1,441 231 338 534 329 4,700 4,669 4,495 4,899 1,409 1,409 1,465 1,528 449 333 81 35 19 20 31 43 103 117 126 122 749 765 786 822 290 290 290 294 2 362 369 369 416 55 64 83 68 41 42 44 44 3,856 3,678 3,834 3,968 5,115 5,138 5,489 5,505 1961--A pr. June Sept. Dec. 12.. 30.. 2 7 .. 30.. 8,885 9,068 9,296 10,383 7,828 8,037 8,153 9,283 1,260 1,135 1,220 1,637 89 382 479 374 4,677 4,602 4,527 5,268 1,802 1,918 1,928 2,003 42 10 94 35 58 66 69 87 127 108 124 109 830 848 856 870 321 321 325 328 418 423 423 428 47 59 63 74 44 45 45 40 3,871 3,881 3,746 3,809 5,084 5,244 5,322 5,598 1962--M ar. June Sept. Dec. 2 6 .. 30.. 2 8 .. 2 8 .. 9,576 10,009 10,540 11,432 8,136 8,810 9,224 9,993 1,144 1,146 1,254 1,294 374 553 484 417 4,329 4,520 4,684 5,264 2,288 2,591 2,803 3,018 357 34 H2 262 86 75 65 78 127 197 206 151 870 894 933 948 329 330 340 343 453 459 473 487 48 62 76 73 40 42 44 44 3,782 3,728 3,869 4,262 5,147 5,264 5,426 5,809 1963--M ar. 18.. June 29 .. Dec. 20.. 11,132 11,440 11,776 9,593 10,141 10,296 1,249 1,218 1,229 272 590 401 4,863 4,840 4,887 3,210 3,493 3,781 267 111 255 90 79 53 227 135 175 954 974 996 344 344 368 488 493 496 79 92 92 44 45 41 4,146 3,941 4,144 5,455 5,576 5.614 1964—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 12,046 13,289 10,630 11,807 1,208 1,470 592 401 4,744 5,362 4,085 4,574 210 204 74 86 115 136 1,017 1,056 404 406 4 9 510 516 83 108 16 17 3,845 4,294 5,453 5,960 1965—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 13,535 14,290 11,699 12,475 1,324 1,475 703 349 4,926 5,656 4,745 4,995 438 355 84 105 218 223 1,096 1,132 423 423 9 9 531 536 102 130 32 34 3,881 4,571 5,718 6,196 1966—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 14,490 14,935 12,385 12,673 1,273 1,458 682 311 5,249 6,008 5,182 4,897 521 484 113 133 319 445 1,152 1,199 439 439 9 9 567 580 104 134 33 37 4,251 4,502 5,882 6,052 1967--June 30.. Dec. 30.. 15,073 16,296 12,814 13,985 1,291 1,455 300 269 5,537 6,250 5,685 6,011 359 383 147 150 529 433 1,224 1,346 440 438 9 12 605 620 133 158 37 117 4,370 4,758 5,733 6,255 1968--June 2 9 .. Dec. 31.. 16,168 18,099 12,70! 14,526 1,240 1,556 95 259 5,768 6,542 5,598 6,169 S ll 682 169 172 1,125 1,285 1,363 1,433 474 474 12 40 632 640 125 146 120 132 4,428 5,183 5,447 6,613 1969--June 30.. Dec. 31.. 17,869 17,927 13,035 13,264 1,393 1,692 275 176 6,192 6,770 5,175 4,625 1,230 1,290 200 126 1,913 1,731 1,492 1,517 481 491 40 40 662 677 162 159 147 149 4,428 5,222 5,864 6,840 1970—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 18,291 19,892 13,266 15,042 1,698 1,979 348 283 6,102 6,663 5,118 6,117 1,507 1,851 291 263 1,661 1,150 1,566 1,586 491 491 40 40 696 744 206 181 132 131 4,683 5,120 6,509 7,140 For notes see end of Table 2.5 E. ' BANKS Call date Total liabil ities and capital 2.3 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS — CITY OF CHICAGO — Continued C. LOANS [In millions o f dollars] F or purchasing or carrying securities To farmers Total loans ate Com mer cial 354 344 Other 5 5 57 59 66 13 8 5 60 23 42 6i 54 16 19 8 10 8 8 62 84 20 11 8 101 22 13 8 95 22 23 14 15 8 7 41 383 432 492 8 5 780 846 918 954 630 5 36 55 732 6 48 52 1942—Apr. 4. SO June 30. ^ Dec. 31. 923 906 832 712 658 29 34 50 32 1943—June 30. Oct. 18. Dec. 31. 784 1,023 1,004 1944—Apr. 13. June 30. Dec. 30. 3 4 3 Singlepay ment 7 7 70 71 564 603 696 , Repair and m od erni zation 12 12 32 39 1940—Mar. 26. June 29. Dec. 31. 22 Total Other To others 545 544 563 569 4. 30. 24. 31. Re- Instalm ent On resi dential prop erty To brokers and dealers 29. 30. 2. 30. 1941—Apr. June Sept. Dec. R eal estate Other Guar* anteed by ccc 1939—Mar. June Oct. Dec. Other loans to individuals To financial institutions Banks Other 1 Total On farm land Retail auto 62 5 Other retail Other 14 9 34 90 18 for bad debts 41 15 7 51 4 12 7 28 15 3 102 52 1 22 1 15 7 45 3 11 6 24 13 962 1,064 1,184 710 738 10 14 i 3 102 163 130 163 2 21 24 1 1 15 14 6 10 49 45 4 3 10 n 5 5 30 25 40 32 1945— Mar. 20........... June 30. Dec. 31. 1,012 1,250 1,333 670 760 12 1 2 159 211 299 233 23 36 1 1 15 16 7 19 50 51 3 3 12 13 5 5 30 29 34 40 1946—June 29. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 1,329 1,370 1,499 804 1 188 185 43 1 20 22 76 6 6 46 32 1,094 3 117 101 51 1 25 25 105 16 16 12 7 54 28 1947—June 30........... Oct. 6. Dec. 31. 1,565 1,724 1,801 1,178 1 100 84 42 1 27 14 130 29 23 14 8 57 29 1,418 3 73 87 46 1 30 15 149 31 30 16 7 65 26 1948—Apr. 12. June 30........... Dec. 31. 1,663 1,714 1,783 1,357 1,412 2 4 61 71 75 63 47 51 1 1 30 31 16 19 156 176 34 36 38 42 17 21 7 10 59 67 32 27 15 20 1949—Apr. 11. June 30........... Nov. 1. Dec. 31. 1.617 1,537 1,564 1.618 1,178 4 2 83 60 48 1 29 19 156 35 33 22 10 55 26 20 1,211 2 5 109 56 51 1 32 18 172 35 38 26 11 63 33 22 1950—-A pr. 24. June 30........... Oct. 4. Dec. 30........... 1,527 1,557 1,776 2,083 1,116 1,322 1,567 22 3 5 8 109 81 110 64 65 69 ............... 54 58 65 1 1 1 35 39 46 18 19 19 180 207 207 41 52 51 38 48 52 25 30 30 12 11 10 64 66 64 35 66 87 26 28 32 1 23 17 BANKS 40 4 MEMBER 2 763 612 MEMBER 2.3 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—CITY OF CHICAGO—Continued C. LOANS—Continued [In millions of dollars] Other loans to individuals To financial institutions R eal estate Instalment Total loans Call date Com mer cial O ther G uar anteed by ccc To brokers and dealers To others 8 6 11 16 102 113 77 94 67 64 60 63 Other Other Banks 12 2,142 2,215 2,358 2,468 1,643 1,717 1,865 1,977 2,403 2,380 2,419 2,748 1,927 1,856 1,872 2,080 12 11 11 14 73 166 147 239 80 61 67 66 38 15 2,591 2,552 2,609 2,776 1,988 1,992 2,041 1,912 11 7 6 6 181 142 145 286 67 71 71 75 4 1 1,898 1,835 1,833 1,847 148 130 6 4 6 7 155 242 238 345 74 74 73 89 28 7 .. 2,621 2,589 2,473 2,784 1955—A pr. 11.. June 30.. Oct. 5 .. Dec. 31.. 2,650 2,846 2,968 3,342 1,816 1,940 2,140 2,390 137 96 5 5 6 11 14 185 270 223 275 1956—Apr. 10. . June 30.. 3,315 3,572 3,571 3,772 2,465 2,663 2,700 2,781 6 5 7 7 8 17 14. . 6. . 11.. 31. . 3,621 3,789 3,897 3,852 2,789 2,859 2,981 2,903 1 1 1958- M ar. 4 .. 3,492 3,594 3,405 3,637 2,676 2,618 2,584 2,628 .............. 1951—Apr. 9 .. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31.. 1952—M ar. 31 .. 1953—Apr. 2 0 .. 1954—Apr. 15. . Oct. Dec. 31. . 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. Sept. 24 .. Dec. 31. . I 1 152 134 :::::::: .............. Total On resi dential prop erty On farm land Total O ther Retail auto Other retail Repair and m od erni zation Other Singlepay m ent R e serve for bad debts 69 70 73 70 1 1 1 1 48 49 51 48 20 20 21 21 193 192 178 180 47 48 48 45 44 42 28 32 28 26 26 25 11 11 10 11 64 65 65 67 85 89 89 109 37 37 37 41 70 67 68 67 1 1 1 1 48 44 44 43 22 22 24 24 173 183 187 211 42 48 50 57 28 29 30 41 24 24 25 27 11 11 12 14 68 71 70 71 112 83 75 104 45 46 47 49 67 70 68 70 1 1 1 42 44 43 43 24 25 24 27 227 235 242 234 60 63 61 58 52 54 58 59 26 25 26 26 14 18 19 19 74 75 78 72 103 89 85 95 54 55 54 55 73 81 80 91 1 11 46 52 52 61 27 28 28 29 209 206 211 223 53 52 55 56 57 55 54 59 24 24 26 26 12 12 12 12 62 63 65 70 86 74 77 105 56 55 56 58 80 88 95 99 5 6 8 9 111 122 128 128 1 1 1 1 77 87 92 92 33 34 35 35 237 244 263 316 64 61 71 73 64 65 68 107 25 24 24 24 13 14 15 14 70 80 85 97 133 134 157 174 59 60 62 65 201 170 170 203 99 96 89 97 26 8 31 5 130 133 134 134 1 1 94 94 92 92 36 38 42 41 283 384 364 439 76 78 77 76 81 176 156 230 23 23 25 26 15 16 17 18 87 90 90 89 171 179 152 173 74 74 75 76 7 6 6 9 160 172 164 200 95 96 98 97 6 11 8 4 135 135 141 143 1 95 96 98 99 39 39 42 43 348 430 423 425 76 77 74 73 149 212 204 207 27 28 30 30 18 19 20 20 79 95 95 95 174 173 174 176 93 95 99 106 8 8 7 15 153 178 113 266 92 100 95 97 5 165 63 10 150 143 147 161 1 1 1 106 99 101 104 43 43 46 56 345 336 333 357 70 66 63 61 131 117 120 131 29 28 27 26 20 21 21 21 95 105 102 119 169 153 173 210 106 107 109 108 43 1 3 1 9 5 9 -M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12.. 10.. 6 .. 3 1 .. 3,481 3,643 3,978 4,206 2,596 2,678 2,509 2,527 14 16 15 21 131 146 131 268 103 107 114 124 21 38 43 33 538 588 164 181 180 183 1 1 1 1 107 121 123 121 56 59 56 61 370 386 412 435 62 67 74 76 143 141 146 158 25 24 23 23 22 23 27 28 118 132 143 150 191 203 149 148 110 111 113 121 1960—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 15.. 3 .. 31.. 4,173 4,386 4,422 4,485 2.636 2,716 2,797 2,690 23 20 17 21 162 187 203 322 56 93 67 67 546 581 576 564 175 183 iSS 196 1 1 1 1 114 121 126 129 60 61 61 66 408 396 401 421 76 76 79 78 149 129 124 129 23 20 20 19 28 31 31 30 132 141 147 164 168 21 i 179 197 122 125 128 129 1961—Apr. 12.. June 30 .. Sept. 2 7 .. Dec. 30 .. 4,532 4,249 4,212 4,626 2,627 2,555 2,527 2,609 19 18 19 23 218 205 185 354 122 123 123 134 . 1 131 1 131 ! 129 137 184 91 55 479 459 494 669 193 202 211 221 1 1 1 1 127 134 146 156 64 67 65 64 586 538 493 476 73 74 70 69 310 227 174 133 18 17 17 17 30 30 31 31 156 189 202 226 206 188 240 229 135 136 141 146 2 25 53 BANKS F or purchasing o r carrying securities To farmers 26.. 30 .. 28 .. 28 .. 4,494 4,672 4,945 5,418 2,677 2,659 2,745 2,941 22 20 22 29 202 265 248 407 130 147 145 152 86 89 96 89 575 611 688 703 235 278 338 362 165 202 241 258 70 75 96 102 447 456 514 523 71 80 95 100 105 93 88 95 16 18 34 34 30 34 40 43 224 233 257 252 270 298 309 369 149 151 160 162 1963—Mar. 18.. June 29 .. Dec. 20 .. 5,473 5,545 6,220 2,989 3,051 3,378 28 28 35 350 358 497 163 176 181 139 135 242 698 741 751 379 393 401 284 289 281 95 104 119 537 555 594 102 104 108 104 97 118 29 28 27 50 59 57 252 268 285 369 288 318 179 182 182 1964—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 6,266 7,102 3,332 3,870 26 24 498 510 192 203 200 227 893 948 409 465 283 322 123 142 600 669 118 128 108 121 25 26 81 68 268 325 318 430 203 244 1965—June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 7,367 8,219 4,099 4,642 26 32 465 444 232 244 266 1 260 1,007 1,201 514 577 328 388 184 186 702 762 150 167 125 126 26 28 66 72 335 369 308 316 253 259 1966—June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 8,567 8,756 4,983 5,311 64 394 406 254 222 *257 1212 1,293 1,161 592 622 399 421 190 199 744 751 184 178 96 135 29 23 76 82 359 333 276 273 262 267 1967—June 30.. Dec. 30.. 8,924 9,223 5,562 5,714 41 46 309 459 205 220 174 162 1,019 951 671 675 427 399 242 274 741 754 175 130 137 159 28 31 83 94 318 339 »472 1 506 270 263 1968—June 29 .. Dec. 31.. 9,248 10,286 5,796 6,118 39 49 355 535 220 253 173 205 1,046 1.219 693 738 454 488 237 248 748 848 122 130 147 159 28 27 93 108 358 424 1 428 i 592 251 273 1969—June 30.. Dec. 3 1 .. 10,573 10,771 6,353 6,444 44 50 366 337 264 262 179 186 1,144 1.219 790 842 428 555 360 284 888 862 135 124 179 182 29 24 114 117 430 415 1 545 > 569 275 291 1970—June 30.. Dec. 3 1 .. 10,987 11,214 6,635 6,502 45 42 379 356 141 191 152 138 1,154 1,284 823 864 571 575 250 284 942 1,015 122 114 258 276 32 33 115 138 414 453 1 715 » 821 296 291 1962—Mar. June Sept. Dec. F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 'O 2.3 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—CITY OF CHICAGO—Continued D. INVESTM ENTS [In millions of dollars] U.S. Govt, securities 1 O ther bonds, notes, and debentures D irect Call date Notes, maturing— Total invest ments Total 992 1,040 1,017 1,031 1940—M ar. 26. June 29. Dec. 31. 1,658 1,602 1,681 1,180 1,125 1,194 1941- -Apr. June Sept. Dec. 1,869 1,861 1,655 1,806 1,342 1,346 1,145 1,311 4. 30. 24. 31. M arketable, maturing— Within 1 year After 1 year Total Within 1 year 1-5 5-10 10-20 Over 20 years 212 234 660 621 37 36 125 119 333 301 165 164 176 701 33 123 445 254 297 161 145 710 752 25 52 137 117 417 125 803 69 256 ’ 153' 903 ‘6i‘ 121 185 N on m arket able G uar anteed Federal agency Other 101 108 135 155 172 149 154 147 162 142 150 139 142 29 29 29 28 448 483 100 100 139 134 112 175 177 188 137 140 159 27 27 28 98 534 102 *ii9 54i i83 125 138 159 119 226 190 175 182 151 162 151 169 26 26 25 24 BANKS 1,420 1,507 1,487 1,536 Cer tifi cates C orpo rate stock (includ ing F. R. Bank stock) MEMBER 29. 30. 2. 30. 1939—M ar. June Oct. Dec. Bills Bonds Secu rities of States, etc. D. MEMBER 2.3 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—CITY OF CHICAGO—Continued INVESTM ENTS—Continued [In millions o f dollars) U.S. Govt, securities 1 Call date Total invest ments Notes, maturing— Total vo 4^ 1942—Apr. 4. June 30. Dec. 31. 2,210 3,141 1,883 1,381 1,768 2,706 1943—June 30. Oct. 18. Dec. 31. 3,548 4,022 3,550 3,091 3,693 3,163 1944—Apr. 13. June 30. Dec. 30. 3,765 4,060 4,258 1945—M ar. 20. June 30. Dec. 31. Bills Cer tifi cates Bonds G uar anteed M arketable, maturing— After 1 year Within 1 year Total Within 1 year 1-5 5-10 10-20 Over 20 years N on m arket able Secu rities of States, etc. Federal agency C orpo rate stock (includ ing F. R. Bank stock) Other 162 391 1,068 1,282 58 87 248 531 581 483 181 180 1 108 90 83 207 164 166 163 166 165 23 22 21 795 399 1,424 295 455 530 143 2 75 877 484 1,602 325 630 503 143 1 74 209 164 158 154 146 134 18 19 20 367 250 1,038 1,045 587 779 1,665 1,809 355 394 695 779 467 484 146 149 2 2 31 31 186 204 160 143 150 169 19 19 16 3,840 4,130 4,213 127 133 1,253 1,467 814 749 1,936 1,864 434 417 944 896 393 488 162 61 3 3 177 154 181 167 182 190 16 14 13 3,837 3,602 3,266 3,485 3,260 2,912 14 1,042 529 1,900 407 997 434 60 3 60 498 146 2,207 694 980 471 60 3 153 148 167 190 185 178 10 9 9 1947—June 30. Oct. 6. Dec. 31. 3,237 3,316 3,287 2,890 2,935 2,890 106 368 ' 132 2,284 589 1,077 555 60 3 132 235 248 2,274 717 849 627 64 17 175 205 213 163 167 175 9 9 10 1948—Apr. 12. June 30. Dec. 31. 3,018 3,028 3,016 2,620 2,667 2,633 160 183 250 275 214 217 2,043 1,958 489 729 878 596 613 615 49 3 14 15 223 185 210 164 166 163 10 10 11 1949— Apr. June Nov. Dec. 11. 30. 1. 31. 2,978 3,303 3,711 3,806 2,567 2,888 3,256 3,324 369 343 125 2,051 943 433 655 3 ii 331 690 358 1,945 1,007 463 455 2 18 236 235 263 290 165 169 181 180 11 11 11 11 1950—Apr. 24. June 30. Oct. 4. Dec. 30. 3,565 3,699 3,529 3,487 3,012 3,138 2,969 2,911 352 253 232 276 140 131 555 673 700 1,954 1,903 1,847 1,079 1,045 1,009 518 480 467 336 337 329 6 26 27 15 15 16 340 340 327 335 201 210 221 230 12 12 12 12 1951—Apr. 9. June 30. Oct. 10. Dec. 31. 3,178 3,305 3,129 3,264 2,621 2,742 2,599 2,711 180 . . 209 204 334 150 245 332 696 653 502 520 1,745 1,729 1,649 1,526 888 906 832 720 477 441 437 421 327 330 326 332 37 36 36 35 16 16 ................. 16 16 341 347 327 351 205 204 191 189 12 12 12 12 2,821 3,319 3,493 2,276 2,721 2,749 2,912 87 366 314 407 207 371 341 224 497 494 517 607 1,485 1,490 1,578 1,674 684 670 664 726 418 432 528 549 332 338 336 383 34 35 35 356 363 360 384 176 187 197 184 13 13 13 13 3,044 3,075 3,364 3,428 2,461 2,529 2,804 2,856 56 147 119 123 198 235 541 450 607 551 686 684 1,600 1,596 1,458 1,598 652 777 614 683 563 535 560 625 370 267 265 16 15 ................. 16 ................. 16 ................. 15 14 13 13 409 375 384 400 160 157 162 158 13 14 14 14 357 397 181 637 473 199 3,417 3,657 3,882 4,199 4,480 4,598 1946—June 29. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 1952—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 31. 30. 5. 31. 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20. 30. 30. 31. 3,284 ” , 4 6 5 BANKS Other bonds, notes , and deben tures Direct 1954—Apr. 15.. June 30 .. Oct. 7 .. Dec. 31 .. 3,171 3,386 3,870 3,734 2,575 2,825 3,302 3,120 156 113 244 70 280 261 223 241 466 721 864 855 1,672 1,731 1,970 1,953 442 479 738 711 950 943 913 922 267 293 303 302 1955—Apr. 11.. June 30 .. Oct. 5 .. Dec. 31 .. 3,605 3,441 3,242 3,200 2,918 2,742 2,537 2,506 137 76 31 111 172 66 39 68 789 812 619 604 1,820 1,788 1,848 1,723 531 501 579 631 901 895 858 977 302 304 312 45 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10.. 30 .. 26 .. 31 .. 3,009 2,764 2,679 2,701 2,309 2,088 2,061 2,113 28 46 43 112 54 3 21 42 557 476 453 316 1,670 1,564 1,544 1,643 625 526 547 850 986 977 936 731 45 46 47 47 5 I 5 5 5 10 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14.. 6 .. II . . 31.. 2,813 2,477 2,402 2,594 2,209 1,884 1,869 2,032 314 75 36 65 26 74 72 126 271 223 278 313 1,598 1,513 1,483 1,528 842 784 817 923 696 670 592 519 46 45 62 78 5 5 5 2 1958—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4 .. 23.. 24 .. 31.. 2,867 3,348 3,173 3,193 2,266 2,694 2,537 2,562 265 268 170 232 68 145 406 361 324 490 453 522 1,609 1,791 1,508 1,446 910 749 707 677 593 935 733 723 74 72 37 26 29 1959—Mar. June Oct. Dec. 12.. 10.. 6 .. 31.. 3,231 2,938 2,712 2,679 2,602 2,235 2,037 1,985 413 178 125 108 273 205 124 78 440 439 450 467 1,476 1,414 1,338 1,332 874 849 837 806 575 512 484 517 13 41 1960—M ar. 15.. June 15.. Oct. 3 .. Dec. 31 .. 2,573 2,320 2,379 2,565 1,926 1,664 1,778 1,882 300 46 129 132 50 42 49 37 443 480 551 663 1,134 1,096 A ,048 1,050 723 683 695 849 405 380 320 168 1961— Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12.. 30 .. 2 7 .. 30 .. 2,339 2,771 3,066 2,980 1,569 2,057 2,229 2,041 154 438 708 478 20 153 102 92 136 147 169 230 401 449 397 497 857 871 854 743 106 197 195 41 565 515 513 573 178 153 142 113 7 4 3 17 693 630 696 816 27 37 94 84 28 25 25 13 22 22 22 27 1962— Mar. June Sept. Dec. 26 .. 30.. 28 .. 28 .. 3,193 3,264 3,400 3,538 2,223 1,936 2,006 2,129 681 200 184 377 202 151 64 115 178 384 216 280 469 460 566 569 693 741 975 788 12 6 349 36 564 571 265 291 96 157 337 451 20 8 886 1,150 1,216 1,242 44 100 93 104 12 44 37 22 28 35 49 42 1963—Mar. 18.. J une 29 .. Dec. 20, , 3,604 3,537 3,395 2,275 2,071 1,705 572 426 347 60 71 42 177 155 156 603 627 443 863 791 716 21 33 11 261 281 285 518 472 366 62 4 53 1,167 1,226 1,361 101 170 269 19 27 17 42 42 43 1964—June 30., Dec. 31.. 3,370 3,460 1,750 1,873 418 564 122 180 530 217 679 911 89 106 285 372 248 393 57 40 1,370 1,392 191 131 15 16 45 48 1965—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 3,468 3,236 1,761 1,700 473 542 147 144 152 128 988 959 1 24 410 412 497 452 80 73 1,493 1,400 103 68 34 1966—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 3,149 3,047 1,585 1,545 411 350 18 4 163 137 121 119 954 1,004 7 40 474 544 415 351 58 69 1,326 1,328 168 105 70 69 1967—June 30.. Dec. 30.. 3,209 3,520 1,576 1,574 295 427 14 122 136 262 209 951 852 14 58 607 552 262 184 68 58 1,434 1,487 102 335 97 124 1968—June 29 ,. Dec. 31 .. 3,600 3,988 1,762 1,863 413 124 384 899 138 520 193 1,564 1,810 145 179 128 136 1969—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 3,748 3,594 1,616 1,564 109 10 416 813 196 580 9 28 1,867 1,837 141 104 125 88 1970—June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 3,661 4,531 1,540 2,105 154 109 549 522 56 446 10 10 1,861 2,054 162 272 98 100 21 7 7 7 7 3 29 29 27 6 22 160 160 177 184 14 14 14 15 17 18 14 450 456 468 476 223 228 222 203 15 15 15 15 497 489 443 440 187 171 158 131 16 16 16 16 10 8 8 465 460 396 408 123 116 120 137 17 17 17 17 6 6 451 495 487 491 133 141 131 122 17 18 18 18 490 564 544 562 120 120 112 113 18 19 19 20 537 564 526 607 90 73 55 54 20 20 20 21 11 10 10 10 6 31 6 6 6 2 1 69 77 BANKS 20 20 421 387 378 415 MEMBER For notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 69 69 84 58 14 16 16 17 E. MEMBER 2.3 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS — CITY OF CHICAGO — Continued D EPO SITS [In millions o f dollars] Demand Total de posits [1 , f Total IPC State j Foreign j and govt. ; local ‘ and j govt, 'i other ! il U.S. , Govt. j Certi fied and officers’ checks, etc. 1 29. 30. 2. 30. 2.741 3,090 3,274 3,330 2,277 2,602 2,781 2,835 1,182 1,565 1,632 1,676 | ! |l 141 ' 197 1 195 j 167 1940—Mar. 26. June 29. Dec. 31. 3,235 3,541 3,710 2,737 3,033 3,201 1,503 1.782 1,905 I 1941— Apr. June Sept. Dec. 4. 30. 24. 31. 3,658 3,970 4,044 4,057 3,158 3,468 3,554 3,581 1,685 2,109 2,112 2,152 * 1942—Apr. 4. )£ June 30. Dec. 31. 4,134 4,241 5,040 3,678 3,781 4,585 1.886 2,292 2,588 i 1943—June 30. Oct. 18. Dec. 31. 5,251 5,974 5,523 4,771 5,474 5,015 2,981 2,901 3,097 1944—Apr. 13. June 30. Dec. 30. 5,679 6,053 6,468 5,164 5,509 5,848 1945— Mar. 20. June 30. Dec. 31. 6,161 6,702 7,046 1946—June 29. Sept. 30. Dec. 31 . » Domestic 1 ComM utual | mersavings | cial 83 60 60 80 26 22 27 24 """"s. m 80 79 90 18 17 27 1,004 949 997 181 213 228 233 108 95 95 127 26 33 29 34 1,158 1,010 1,089 1,027 203 226 178 296 201 665 31 24 38 1,262 1,028 1,105 1 202 187 174 506 1,241 713 36 28 44 1,032 1,104 972 3,088 3,040 3,100 r J 155 218 , 167 866 1,105 1,400 30 41 33 1,011 1,090 1,132 5,529 6,038 6,327 3,324 3,124 3,160 1 j ( 162 193 } 237 ' 900 1,499 1,552 34 29 66 6,092 5,983 5,905 5,311 5,188 5,076 3,153 3,335 3,495 262 1 234 i 228 789 525 152 1947—June 30. Oct. 6. Dec. 31 . 5,908 6,097 6,402 5,037 5,218 5,489 3,417 3,548 3,853 304 323 28S 1948—Apr. 12. June 30. Dec. 31 . 5,826 6,039 6,293 4,908 5,088 5,292 3,489 3,539 3,702 1949—Apr. 11 . June 30. Nov. I . Dec. 3t . 5,856 6,087 6,395 6,810 4,821 5,028 5,339 5,726 1950— Apr. 24. June 30. Oct. 4. Dec. 30. 6,178 6,419 6,585 7,109 5,092 5,319 5,512 6,003 1939— M ar. June Oct. Dec. Interbank IPC Interbank I I , 1 | j Savings I Foreign i j I | U.S. 1 Govt. and | postal savings 1 State I Foreign | and O ther | govt. | local time I and 1 govt. 1 other 9 464 488 493 495 452 471 469 483 ,1 7 8 498 508 509 482 489 496 15 i 8 486 480 469 476 22 8 500 502 491 476 ; 10 12 455 460 455 455 460 453 1 13 13 14 480 499 508 477 497 505 14 15 16 515 544 620 514 543 619 1,092 1,174 1,292 16 19 20 632 663 719 631 663 719 37 44 47 1,047 1,026 1,130 24 24 24 781 795 829 779 792 823 181 161 72 55 50 63 1,056 1,111 1,196 24 25 21 871 879 913 864 871 902 251 320 284 102 105 188 37 47 53 1,004 1,055 1,038 24 22 26 919 951 1,001 908 940 989 3,299 3,475 3,653 3,932 257 : 307 315 . 286 234 197 206 258 30 41 39 60 954 962 1,090 1,151 48 46 37 40 1,035 1,059 1,056 1,084 3,626 3,716 3,823 4,250 250 178 211 167 174 39 53 52 70 956 977 1,098 1,177 42 37 44 48 1,086 1,099 1,073 1,106 1 ; J j 1 199 , 174 ' 325 328 284 j 746 867 879 j .1 10 12 ! : ; 12 17 21 10 11 10 17 2 2 2 ) i 1 i i j i ■ 4 i 6 I 7 9 l 2 2 2 10 i 11 11 ! 1 1 1 1,022 1,044 1,041 1,069 11 ' 12 10 10 2 3 4 4 1,072 1,086 1,060 1,089 10 9 9 10 4 4 J J i , ’ Domestic M utual savings Com - j1Foreign mer- Ii cial I1 BANKS IPC 6,656 6,921 6,950 7,402 5,560 5,795 5,833 6,259 3,669 3,905 3,975 4,404 273 316 258 240 520 484 302 242 50 51 48 66 1,006 1,216 1,269 37 34 33 38 1,097 1,126 1.117 1,143 1,082 1,112 1,103 1,128 11 10 10 11 3 3 4 5 1952—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 3 1 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 5 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 6,183 7,027 7.019 7,686 5,064 5,857 5,866 6,476 2,779 4,037 4,039 4,491 252 287 285 242 455 306 260 343 89 52 53 56 1,454 1,136 1,188 1,308 35 39 42 37 1,119 1,170 1,152 1,210 1,099 1,150 1,134 1,190 11 11 u 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 1953 2 0 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 30 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 6,962 7,119 7,338 7,724 5.781 5,905 6,126 6,473 4,064 4,123 4,125 4,500 299 320 301 272 187 201 368 259 63 53 61 64 1.133 1,175 1,233 1,339 34 33 37 39 1,181 1,214 1,212 1,251 1.162 1,194 ' 1,191 1,229 8 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 1954—Apr. 15..................... June 30 ..................... Oct. 7 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 7,149 7,419 7,463 7,845 5,901 6,134 6,180 6,531 4,170 4,032 4,074 4,622 248 297 265 274 218 410 465 251 58 74 58 80 1,172 1,287 1,276 1,264 35 34 41 40 1,248 1,285 1,282 1,313 1,218 1,253 1,245 1,280 10 10 10 10 3 4 4 6 4 3 1 14 15 23 18 1955—Apr. 11..................... June 3 0 ..................... Oct. 5 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 7,293 7,431 7,251 8,010 5,983 6,112 5,941 6,672 4,236 4,238 4,167 4,781 227 288 240 299 296 343 200 222 62 79 66 85 1.124 1.125 1,229 1,246 37 39 38 40 1,310 1,319 1,311 1,337 1,275 1,287 1,278 1,313 10 10 10 8 6 6 6 6 19 16 16 10 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 6 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 7,213 7,631 7,302 7,943 5,923 6,316 6,006 6,617 4,144 4,283 4,119 4,690 255 399 303 294 217 350 312 184 71 98 66 85 1,200 1,149 1,169 1,318 37 36 37 46 1,290 1,314 1,296 1,327 1,268 1,288 1,271 1,302 8 9 11 12 4 6 5 5 9 10 9 7 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14..................... 6 ..................... 11..................... 31..................... 7,330 7,284 7,3t5 7,792 6,011 5,956 5,990 6,432 4,397 4,152 4,164 4,493 316 459 350 333 88 97 183 195 72 80 67 77 1,100 38 35 39 40 1,319 1,328 1,325 1,360 1,296 1,298 1,297 1,332 12 10 10 10 4 4 3 3 1 6 15 14 14 1958— M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4 ..................... 2 3 ..................... 2 4 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 7,377 8,022 7,628 8,214 5,986 6,580 6,191 6,742 4,161 4,095 4,166 4,746 357 456 408 302 192 705 247 249 73 75 68 88 1,167 36 38 39 43 1,391 1,442 1,437 1,472 1,339 1,389 1,383 1,423 10 10 10 7 3 4 1 3 3 3 38 36 35 31 1959—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12..................... 10..................... 6 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 7,619 7,375 7,513 8,062 6,186 5,937 6,058 6,572 4,569 4,345 4,179 4,636 279 235 350 329 99 120 251 272 75 77 85 105 1,120 1,119 1,152 1,187 44 41 41 43 1,433 1,438 1,455 1,491 1,384 1,387 1,408 1,449 11 12 11 12 7 8 8 8 3 1 29 31 28 22 I960— Mar. June Oct. Dec. 15..................... 15..................... 3 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 7,496 7,692 7,792 8,197 6,056 6,237 6,265 6,606 4,364 4,301 4,026 4,499 253 283 366 298 223 335 530 327 83 85 104 102 1,091 1,193 1,200 1,327 43 40 39 53 1,440 1,455 1,527 1,591 1,400 1,401 1,458 1,521 9 8 7 7 8 4 4 2 1 1 5 6 23 42 54 55 1961—A pr. June Sept. Dec. 12..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 7 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 7,828 8,037 8,153 9,283 6,016 6,107 6,213 7,261 4,373 4,114 4,103 4,817 9 11 15 13 211 364 330 315 87 380 476 369 85 113 79 124 2 1 2 1,214 1,091 1,173 1,576 37 33 37 45 1,812 1,930 1,940 2,022 1,389 1,435 1,437 1,491 327 400 403 405 78 75 80 99 8 8 8 8 2 2 3 5 2 5 4 4 6 5 5 9 1962—Mar. June Sept. Dec. 2 6 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 8 ..................... 2 8 ..................... 8,136 8,810 9,224 9,993 5,827 6,193 6,397 6,951 4,009 4,071 4,245 4,789 14 11 10 16 222 330 325 351 369 546 477 410 85 109 104 109 2 1,089 1,082 1,193 1.234 39 44 42 41 2,309 2,617 2,828 3,043 1,641 1,833 2,045 2,115 525 628 621 747 115 120 122 140 8 10 15 16 5 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 10 13 13 12 1963—M ar. 18..................... June 2 9 ..................... Dec. 2 0 ..................... 9,593 10,141 10,296 6,363 6,626 6,493 4,449 4,350 4,482 9 5 18 288 373 275 265 584 395 118 112 112 2 2 1,189 1,153 1,167 44 47 43 3,231 3,515 3,804 2,212 2,320 2,430 791 881 958 157 161 207 49 130 185 7 6 6 9 11 13 5 5 4 1964—June 3 0 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 10,630 11,807 6,514 7,206 4,307 4,911 11 18 311 312 587 396 114 122 2 2 1,134 1,387 47 59 4,116 4,600 2,558 2,720 1,090 1,395 239 245 199 213 5 5 17 13 8 9 1965—June 3 0 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 11,699 12,475 6,922 7,437 4,527 5,188 15 14 276 328 699 345 109 126 2 1.235 1,376 60 59 4,777 5,037 2,881 3,006 1,420 1,516 262 263 181 210 5 4 10 19 17 20 1966— June 3 0 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 12,385 12,673 7,158 7,751 4,763 5,561 18 14 336 286 680 310 131 146 1,170 1,361 59 71 5,227 4,923 2,777 2,634 1,815 1,639 261 267 329 356 2 1 28 15 12 10 Apr. June Sept. Dec. 1,010 1.133 1,186 1,293 1,211 1,263 1,314 2 11 7 3 BANKS 9 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 10..................... 3 1 ..................... MEMBER 1951—Apr.June Oct. Dec. MEMBER BANKS 2.3 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—CITY OF CHICAGO—Continued E. D E P O S IT S —Continued [In millions of dollars] Demand Time Interbank IPC Call date Total de posits Total IPC VO 00 Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. U.S. Govt. Certi fied Domestic and officers’ checks, C om etc. M utual mer cial savings IPC Interbank U.S. Total Foreign Savings Other time Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. G ovt. and postal savings Domestic M utual savings Com m er cial Foreign 1967—June 30.................... Dec. 30.................... 12,814 13,985 7,107 7,951 5,050 5,738 11 13 307 283 299 267 169 217 2 2 1,207 1,356 62 77 5,707 6,034 2,548 2,508 2,325 2,524 343 377 470 602 1 2 12 9 9 12 1968—June 29.................... Dec. 31.................... 12,701 14,526 7,081 8,334 5,284 6,077 16 13 277 245 93 257 192 207 1 1 1,159 1,445 61 89 5,619 6,192 2,401 2,170 2,377 3,083 311 292 509 624 7 2 10 11 10 11 1969—June 30.................... Dec. 31.................... 13,035 13,264 7,834 8,622 5,627 6,260 17 13 321 • 268 274 175 228 229 1,297 1,580 69 96 5,201 4,642 2,004 1,862 2,484 2,096 295 451 391 216 1 1 10 11 15 2 1970—June 30.................... Dec. 31.................... 13,266 15,042 8,131 8,875 5,582 6,199 15 14 326 240 347 282 178 210 1 1 1 1 1,606 1,852 75 77 5,136 6,166 1,820 1,875 2,251 3,303 657 371 390 568 1 13 46 3 3 F o r notes see end of Table 2.5 E. 2 2.4 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS — OTHER A. TOTAL ASSETS AND NUM BER O F BANKS [Assets in millions o f dollars] Loans and investments Call date Balances with— Investments Total assets Total Loans Total U.S. O ther Govt. securities securities Reserve with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Cash items Domes tic banks Foreign banks Bank prem ises, etc. Other estate Cus tomers’ liability ' on accept ances O ther assets Num ber of banks 11,624 11,756 11,880 12,272 4,936 5,004 5,127 5,329 6,688 6,751 6,752 6,944 5,005 4,991 4,999 5,194 1,683 1,760 1,754 1,749 2,459 2,735 3,053 3,118 342 318 323 348 2,106 2,210 2,485 2,485 12 12 11 7 584 755 745 828 328 324 324 321 216 213 206 198 24 23 20 28 84 81 87 83 347 346 345 346 1940—Mar. 26............... June 29............... Dec. 31............... 19,770 20,230 21,873 12,153 12,160 13,013 5,305 5,365 5,931 6,848 6,795 7,081 5,069 4,947 5,204 1,779 1,848 1,877 3,336 3,759 4,027 364 334 396 2,632 2,679 2,741 6 3 3 671 700 1,110 319 320 322 188 181 165 24 21 20 76 72 77 345 344 348 1941—Apr. 4 ............... June 30............... Sept. 24............... Dec. 31............... 22,195 22,908 23,817 24,430 13,494 14,013 14,588 15,347 6,165 6,498 6,861 7,105 7,328 7,515 7,727 8,243 5,440 5,700 5,914 6,467 1,888 1,815 1,813 1,776 4,107 4,125 4,359 4,060 361 385 425 425 2,859 2,793 2,885 2,590 3 3 792 1,011 987 1,439 321 320 321 325 160 154 147 134 21 23 21 24 78 80 82 82 346 348 350 351 1942—Apr. 4 ............... June 30............... Dec. 31............... 24,375 25,177 30,868 15,605 16,535 20,915 6,989 6,564 6,102 8,616 9,971 14,813 6,832 8,188 13,038 1,784 1,783 1,775 4,221 4,254 4,940 348 357 365 2,703 2,279 2,202 3 3 3 931 1,205 1,916 326 324 319 131 126 115 24 22 14 84 72 80 352 353 354 1943—June 30............... Oct. 18............... Dec. 31............... 33,999 38,242 37,359 24,677 28,826 27,521 5,533 6,539 6,201 19,144 22,287 21,321 17,417 20,616 19,682 1,727 1,671 1,639 4,848 4,800 5,116 395 393 391 1,892 1,930 1,758 4 4 4 1,658 1,753 2,058 310 308 297 100 93 85 19 17 13 96 118 115 352 354 357 1944-—Apr. 13............... June 30............... Dec. 30............... 38,140 40,687 44,332 28,676 30,943 33,603 5,997 6,761 6,822 22.680 24,182 26,781 21,009 22,484 25,042 1,67! 1,698 1,739 4,998 5,109 5,687 442 399 441 1,784 1,922 2,004 4 5 4 1,723 1,810 2,101 295 288 278 79 75 66 18 18 22 121 118 124 357 355 356 1945—Mar. 20............... June 30............... Dec. 31............... 43,862 47,180 51,898 33,452 36,572 40,108 6,346 7,155 8,514 27,106 29,417 31,594 25,304 27,523 29,552 1,802 1,894 2,042 5,836 5,882 6,326 470 396 494 1,874 2,029 2,174 5 7 1,752 1,814 2,283 277 273 272 64 58 55 16 13 23 114 135 155 359 360 359 1946—June 29............... Sept. 30............... Dec. 31............... 48,873 48,021 47,523 37,675 36,706 35,351 8,862 9,814 10,825 28,813 26,892 24,527 26,585 24,614 22,250 2,228 2,278 2,276 6,332 6,278 6,337 399 471 532 1,858 1,777 1,923 12 25 25 2,083 2,250 2,836 274 279 279 55 54 54 31 29 43 154 152 141 355 356 355 1947—June 30............... Oct. 6 ............... Dec. 31............... 46,368 47,947 49,659 34,611 35,792 36,040 11,441 12,495 13,449 23,170 23,297 22,591 20,845 20,884 20,196 2,325 2,413 2,396 6,274 6,764 7,095 470 494 562 1,864 1,835 2,125 10 8 7 2,623 2,507 3,276 285 290 300 54 56 51 26 40 50 151 161 152 353 353 353 1948—Apr. 12............... June 30............... Dec. 31............... 47,023 47,373 49,255 34,969 35,065 35,332 13,352 13,373 14,285 21,617 21,692 21,047 19,234 19,222 18,594 2,382 2,470 2,453 6,403 6,462 7,701 511 521 483 1,791 1,852 1,845 6 8 9 2,779 2,886 3,279 301 306 320 51 52 50 51 60 66 159 161 170 344 335 335 1949—Apr. 11.............. June 30............... Nov. 1............... Dec. 31............... 47,292 47,240 49,845 51,098 34,741 35,034 38,110 38,301 13,740 13,261 14,053 14,370 21,001 21,772 24,057 23,931 18,445 19,076 21,076 20,951 2,556 2,696 2,981 2,980 7,220 6,781 6,130 6,413 521 500 498 482 1,678 1,744 1,726 1,965 7 6 12 12 2,529 2,588 2,732 3,296 325 328 336 338 52 58 59 59 54 40 44 60 165 162 198 171 336 336 344 341 1950—Apr. 24............... June 30............... Oct. 4 ............... Dec. 30............... 49,720 50,987 52,005 55,369 38,287 38,697 39,433 40,685 14,493 14,868 16,574 17,906 23,794 23,829 22,859 22,779 20,612 20,510 19,268 19,084 3,182 3,319 3,591 3,695 5,988 6,206 6,331 6,806 520 428 538 519 1,686 1,747 1,858 2,206 12 15 37 40 2,597 3,242 3,140 4,428 343 343 350 355 61 72 74 76 43 53 84 71 182 183 160 184 338 336 337 336 BANKS 17,779 18,426 19,133 19,687 MEMBER 1939—Mar. 29............... June 30............... Oct. 2 ............... Dec. 30............... MEMBER 2.4 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—OTHER—Continued A. TO TA L ASSETS AND NUMBER O F BANKS —Continued [Assets in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Balances with— Total assets Total T Loans Total U .S. O ther Govt. securities securities Reserve with F . R. Banks Currency and coin Domes tic banks Foreign banks Cash items Bank prem ises, etc. Other real estate Cus tomers* liability on accept ances O ther assets N um ber of banks 1951--Apr. 9 .............. June 30.............. Oct. 10.............. Dec. 31.............. 53,004 53,870 55,453 58,654 39,594 39,991 41,098 42,694 18,537 18,558 18,962 19,651 21,057 21,432 22,136 23,043 17,328 17,659 18,361 19,194 3,729 3,774 3,775 3,849 7,339 7,438 7,544 7,582 530 446 600 639 1,786 1,808 2,107 2,356 35 32 21 16 3,013 3,451 3,389 4,606 356 362 368 373 80 81 87 88 95 72 74 105 177 189 165 195 325 324 320 321 1952--M ar. 31.............. June 30.............. Sept. 5 .............. Dec. 31.............. 56,758 57,799 58,518 61,941 42,242 43,091 43,900 45,583 19,555 19,745 20,401 21,697 22,687 23,346 23,499 23,886 18,692 19,123 19,169 19,624 3,995 4,223 4,329 4,262 7,664 7,312 8,046 7,788 553 551 507 651 2,078 2,083 1,737 2,419 17 16 16 15 3,415 3,964 3,503 4,671 383 393 396 406 87 86 86 86 118 87 84 110 203 217 243 213 320 319 319 319 1953--Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20.............. 30.............. 30.............. 31.............. 59,670 59,587 60,944 63,547 44,666 44,352 45,906 46,755 22,094 22,150 22,493 22,763 22,572 22,201 23,413 23,993 18,144 17,756 18,959 19,559 4,429 4,446 4,453 4,434 7,743 7,420 7,499 8,084 583 609 626 568 1,918 2,150 2,071 2,463 19 19 20 22 3,926 4,250 3,980 4,788 416 421 432 441 86 87 87 86 98 77 99 114 214 203 224 225 321 321 319 319 1954— Apr. 15.............. June 30.............. Oct. 7 .............. Dec. 31.............. 61,350 62,624 64,426 67,165 46,124 47,056 49,676 50,738 22,515 22,453 22,531 23,986 23,609 24,603 27,145 26,752 19,044 19,813 22,042 21,718 4,565 4,791 5,103 5,034 7,753 7,553 7,724 7,783 571 611 598 558 2,006 2,352 2,048 2,327 19 22 30 31 3,995 4,118 3,422 4,724 453 458 466 502 73 74 75 77 102 100 105 181 253 279 282 244 309 310 303 300 1955-=-Apr. 11.............. June 30.............. Oct. 5 .............. Dec. 31.............. 66,396 66,293 67,017 70,478 50,758 50,596 51,323 52,459 24,530 25,654 27,042 28,622 26,228 24,942 24,281 23,837 20,899 19,697 19,093 18,826 5,329 5,245 5,188 5,011 7,639 7,359 7,607 7,727 655 634 626 638 2,079 2,232 2,022 2,515 30 37 29 35 4,207 4,435 4,391 6,078 518 526 540 567 80 86 89 91 144 109 111 98 285 280 280 270 297 297 294 292 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10.............. 30.............. 26.............. 31.............. 68,149 68,524 69,300 72,854 52,142 52,071 52,875 53,915 29,358 30,122 30,951 31,783 22,784 21,949 21,924 22,132 17,769 17,051 17,048 17,368 5,015 4,898 4,876 4,764 7,659 7,471 7,745 7,649 666 542 718 787 2,088 2,201 2,094 2,656 29 26 23 23 4,482 5,120 4,689 6,601 588 612 632 641 87 89 93 96 128 120 155 203 282 271 276 283 290 291 290 289 1957--M ar. 14.............. June 6 .............. Oct. 11.............. Dec. 31.............. 69,452 68,965 71,166 74,196 52,869 53,137 54,198 55,259 31,307 31,435 32,364 32,805 21,561 21,702 21,834 22,454 16,828 16,797 16,893 17,352 4,733 4,905 4,941 5,102 7,624 7,701 7,997 7,763 697 653 580 790 2,033 1,825 1,862 2,585 24 28 25 26 4,946 4,326 5,147 6,377 654 665 689 698 96 104 109 123 204 207 242 275 306 320 316 303 285 282 281 278 Mflr. June 23.............. Sept. 24.............. Dec. 31.............. 71,805 76,155 75,976 79,781 55,226 59,273 59,327 60,558 32,054 32,851 32,830 34,003 23,172 26,422 26,497 26,555 17,942 20,436 20,455 20,645 5,229 5,986 6,041 5,910 7,523 7,576 7,540 7,472 628 707 744 768 2,046 2,277 2,077 2,670 24 26 35 37 4,876 4,858 4,852 6,753 714 738 747 762 127 135 139 142 310 237 195 231 330 329 321 387 278 280 277 274 12.............. 10.............. 6 .............. 31.............. 77,338 77,952 78,255 81,443 59,788 60,812 60,624 61,621 34,379 36,315 37,890 38,686 25,408 24,497 22,734 22,935 19,485 18,663 16,954 17,292 5,923 5,834 5,780 5,643 7,722 7,350 7,635 7,532 722 750 702 681 2,087 2,110 2,064 2,381 31 35 33 43 5,532 5,365 5,661 7,574 785 800 832 840 141 146 143 149 185 182 186 219 344 402 375 403 273 273 270 265 i960--M ar. 15.............. June Oct. 3 .............. Dec. 31.............. 77,527 78,780 79,363 83,464 58,853 59,750 61,144 62,953 38,589 39,534 39,820 40,002 20,264 20,216 21,325 22,950 14,886 14,921 15,993 17,396 5,378 5,295 5,331 5,554 7,342 7,482 7,148 7,354 710 740 684 753 2,276 2,229 2,130 2,610 36 41 47 42 6,676 6,886 6,421 7.910 850 872 900 921 158 168 169 172 259 234 269 298 368 378 450 452 226 224 218 217 1961— ^Apr. June Sept. Dec. 81,719 82,141 84,480 90,815 63,203 63,670 66,473 68,565 40,027 39,747 41,021 42,379 23,176 23,923 25,452 26,186 17,462 18,053 19,291 19,748 5,713 5,870 6,161 6,438 6,986 7,104 6,987 7,533 :: 851 654 921 858 2,074 2,071 2,059 2,542 47 54 58 6,686 6,647 6,017 9,204 965 982 996 1,018 185 189 193 194 290 300 301 321 i 431 470 476 501 206 205 205 206 1958 1959= -Mar. June Oct. Dec. 12.............. 30.............. 27.............. 30.............. 79 BANKS Investments Call date 26.............. 30.............. 28.............. 28.............. 86,963 89,885 89,387 94,914 68,373 70,145 69,903 73,130 42,588 43,824 44,432 46,567 25,785 26,321 25,471 26,563 18,779 18,627 17,769 18,398 7,006 7,694 7,702 8,165 7,445 7,406 7,435 7,671 897 764 771 1,021 2,137 2,111 2,081 2,253 69 57 52 73 6,017 7,264 6,971 8,520 1,036 1,070 1,081 1,099 202 192 188 190 302 323 305 373 486 554 599 584 206 206 193 191 1963—M ar. 18.............. June 29 .............. Dec. 20 .............. 92,622 95,433 99,643 72,594 74,614 78,370 46,710 48,164 51,891 25,884 26,451 26,478 17,382 17,326 16,686 8,502 9,124 9,792 7,130 7,183 7,587 935 815 935 2,301 2,234 2,105 90 114 141 7,388 8,180 8,010 1,136 1,173 1,259 188 193 201 336 317 456 525 610 580 190 194 190 1964— June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 102,245 109,053 80,466 84,670 54,604 57,555 25,862 27,115 15,488 16,326 10,375 10,789 7,106 7,680 1,072 1,065 2,296 2,433 129 107 8,540 10,322 1,496 1,537 443 472 696 768 183 182 1965—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 110,063 116,350 87,225 91,997 61,079 65,117 26,146 26,880 14,030 14,354 12,116 12,526 7,274 7,700 1,149 1,139 2,202 2,341 95 84 9,145 9,883 1,582 1,630 513 578 879 998 179 171 1966—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 118,490 124,233 94,169 96,201 68,117 69,834 26,051 26,367 12,182 13,040 13,869 13,326 8,102 8,353 1,238 1,326 2,196 2,517 82 103 9,146 11,929 1,687 1,769 660 716 1,209 1,319 170 169 1967—June 30.............. Dec. 30.............. 125,891 136,988 99,850 106,086 70,155 73,933 29,695 32,154 12,455 14,667 17,240 17,487 8.084 8,618 1,131 1,452 2,165 2,805 89 105 10,754 13,888 1.845 1,857 80 688 678 1,287 1,420 166 163 1968—June 29.............. Dec. 31.............. 136,950 152,289 108,001 119,339 76,560 83,966 31,441 35,373 13,083 15,036 18,358 20,337 8,806 8,847 1,233 1,800 2,117 2,986 81 100 12,290 14,403 1.952 2,069 99 110 733 710 1,638 1,925 163 161 1969—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 153,120 157,816 120,082 121,628 88,875 91,200 31,207 30,428 11,635 11,944 19,572 18,484 7,945 9,044 1,499 1,787 2,776 3,456 119 158 14,926 15,509 2,425 2,625 114 114 892 968 2,341 2,527 159 157 1 9 7 0 -June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 155,111 171,876 121,435 133,861 90,374 96,301 31,061 37,560 11,372 14,700 19,689 22,860 8,784 9,710 1,728 1,748 2,810 3,731 191 152 13,592 15,922 2,759 2,977 125 120 1,061 964 2,625 2,691 156 157 1962—M ar. June Sept. Dec. F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 2.4 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—OTHER—Continued B. TO TA L LIABILITIES [In millions o f dollars] Call date Total liabil ities and capital Deposits Total Inter bank U.S. Govt. and postal savings Capital accounts Other demand Other time Stocks Total 2,985 3,104 3,495 3,686 442 434 424 449 7,910 8,408 8,762 9,004 4,519 4,553 4,517 4,602 1940—M ar. 26 .. June 29 .. Dec. 31 .. 19,770 20,230 21,873 17,810 18,231 19,844 3,696 3,676 4,076 443 439 346 9,071 9,475 10,691 1941—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 4 .. 30.. 24 .. 31.. 22,195 22,908 23,817 24,430 20,143 20,813 21,712 22,313 4,180 4,162 4,486 4,460 291 360 402 511 1942—Apr. 4 .. June 30 .. Dec. 31 .. 24,375 25,177 30,868 22,240 23,046 28,700 4,379 4,191 4,957 1943—June 30.. Oct. 18.. Dec. 31.. 33,999 38,242 37,359 31,782 35,974 35,070 4,870 4,947 4,874 Pre ferred Sur plus U ndi vided profits Reserves for contin gencies, etc. Ad justed N et 26 26 24 32 99 89 91 85 1,795 1,812 1,821 1,828 655 656 657 658 141 139 135 137 653 658 661 671 225 233 238 238 122 126 130 125 7,326 7,654 8,017 8,176 8,570 8,904 9,397 9,756 4,600 4,641 4,731 28 26 24 99 100 101 1,833 1,873 1,904 657 658 660 126 136 127 678 698 721 246 246 251 125 136 145 8,400 8,774 9,581 9,845 10,133 11,173 10,929 11,490 12,048 12,557 4,742 4,800 4,777 4,786 26 29 24 28 110 125 133 121 1,917 1,940 1,948 1,967 662 665 668 678 124 123 113 111 726 738 747 764 258 263 266 260 148 152 154 154 10,137 10,480 11,060 11,117 11,659 12,117 12,974 13,406 651 441 2,004 12,620 13,720 16,765 4,590 4,694 4,974 29 26 16 120 120 123 1,981 1,985 2,028 682 683 683 108 101 100 769 781 804 263 265 279 159 11,689 155 12,515 163 • 14,849 13,937 14,796 19,548 2,414 6,274 3,430 19,061 19,005 20,713 5,437 5,748 6,053 22 19 16 124 131 138 2,071 2,112 2,135 685 686 693 96 94 92 821 833 889 297 325 283 172 175 177 20,435 20,336 21,843 2 6 2 6 17,403 17,251 18,654 BANKS 15,856 16,499 17,197 17,741 D emand deposits MEMBER 17,779 18,426 19,133 19,687 O ther liabil ities Com m on 29 .. 30,. 2 .. 30.. 1939—M ar. June Oct. Dec. Accept ances o u t stand ing Bor row ings MEMBER 2.4 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—OTHER—Continued B. TOTAL LIABILITIES—Continued [In millions of dollars] 1 Call date Deposits Total Inter bank D emand deposits Capital accounts U.S. Govt. and postal savings Other demand O ther time 1944— Apr. 13.. June 30 .. Dec. 30. . 38,140 40,687 44,332 35,785 38,295 41,804 4,633 4,858 5,524 4,029 6,498 6,197 20,719 20,215 22,368 6,404 6,724 7,715 1945—Mar. 2 0 .. June 30. . Dec. 31. . 43,862 47,180 51,898 41,197 44,515 49,085 5,205 5,631 6,448 4,298 7,694 8,259 23,488 22,496 24,655 8,207 8,694 9,723 1946—June 2 9 .. Sept. 30. . Dec. 31 .. 48,873 48,021 47,523 45,893 44,952 44,477 5,376 5,242 5,570 4,574 3,012 1,034 25,566 26,099 27,057 1947--June 30.. Oct. 6 .. Dec. 31.. 46,368 47,947 49,659 43,252 44,734 46,467 4,903 5,524 5,649 353 835 450 1948--A pr. 12.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 47,023 47,373 49,255 43,721 44,149 45,943 4,680 4,909 5,400 1949--A pr. June Nov. Dec. 11.. 30.. 1 .. 31.. 47,292 47,240 49,845 51,098 43,884 43,852 46,218 47,559 1950--A pr. 24 .. June 30.. Oct. 4 .. Dec. 30. . 49,720 50,987 52,005 55,369 1951--A pr. June Oct. Dec. 9 .. 30. . 10.. 31. . Accept ances out stand ing Bor row ings Sto •cks Total Com mon Sur plus Pre ferred U ndi vided profits Reserves for contin gencies, etc. A d justed N et ................. 22 21 26 144 162 175 2,186 2,207 2,327 699 705 725 89 86 79 901 932 1,023 313 315 319 183 169 180 18,996 18,405 20,267 21,913 21,419 23,859 70 3 2 21 16 26 179 195 218 2,395 2,450 2,566 738 788 815 74 71 68 1,044 1,063 1,132 354 336 350 185 192 201 21,735 20,682 22,372 25,139 24,361 26,727 10,377 10,600 10,816 27 30 4 38 35 49 239 272 265 2,676 2,731 2,729 849 905 908 48 45 43 1,180 1,130 1,175 401 448 400 198 202 203 23,483 23,849 24,221 27,062 27,383 27,940 26,789 27,087 28,990 11,207 11,288 11,378 11 35 1 30 45 59 279 286 288 2,796 2,847 2,844 921 924 927 32 30 30 1,201 1,208 1,228 440 479 461 202 205 198 24,166 24,580 25,714 27,510 29,053 29,637 834 770 848 26,961 27,202 28,351 11,247 11,268 11,344 60 3 8 58 69 73 316 283 303 2,869 2,870 2,928 929 928 935 28 27 22 1,230 1,233 1,261 482 499 ’ 530 199 183 179 24,182 24,316 25,072 27,863 28,101 29,425 4,675 4,665 5,285 5,713 1,064 764 1,244 1,202 26,682 26,859 28,142 29,040 11,463 11,565 11,548 11,604 47 1 73 60 46 50 70 321 336 395 381 2,980 3,005 3,108 3,087 965 965 978 980 22 22 22 18 1,271 1,281 1,299 1,352 541 557 625 564 181 180 185 173 24,153 24,271 25,410 25,744 28,164 27,868 30,120 30,610 46,039 47,187 47,967 51,437 4,948 5,069 5,486 6,448 1,180 1,474 1,034 1,036 28,235 28,897 29,910 32,366 11 676 11,746 11,536 11,587 65 14 102 48 59 94 82 437 458 524 527 3,131 3,268 3,318 3,322 989 1,026 1,030 1,036 16 15 15 15 1,374 1,459 1,467 1,557 577 598 629 579 175 170 177 135 25,637 25,655 26,770 27,938 29,999 30,360 31,332 33,114 53,004 53,870 55,453 58,654 48,953 49,874 51,197 54,466 5,264 5,264 6,289 6,976 2,488 2,340 1,547 1,209 29,729 30,518 31,397 34,094 11,472 11,751 11,964 12,187 93 8 125 4 111 82 80 115 505 475 572 548 3,342 3,431 3,479 3,521 1,047 1,075 1,085 1,093 14 14 14 11 1,558 1,595 1,615 1,675 595 623 639 623 129 123 127 120 26,716 27,067 28,008 29,489 32,554 32,719 33,588 35,160 1952--M a r 31.. June 3 0 .. Sept 5. . Dec. 3 1 .. 56,758 57,799 58,518 61,941 52,290 53,425 53,299 57,357 5,678 5,908 6,176 7,001 158 25 750 125 90 88 117 596 597 695 715 3,590 3,663 3,685 3,745 1,119 1,135 1,137 1,154 638 658 660 638 119 118 120 118 28,651 28,703 29,239 30,609 34,244 34,538 35,090 36,912 59,670 59,587 60,944 63,547 54,391 54,861 55,713 58,663 106 85 105 122 804 750 855 778 3,806 3,874 3,917 3,984 1,172 1,186 1,191 1,211 1,842 1.890 1,905 1,970 669 677 700 690 116 115 114 105 29,906 29,444 29,578 30,986 34,978 34,609 35,683 37,129 1954- -A pr. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 3 0 .. 7 .. 3 1 .. 61,350 62,624 64,426 67,165 56,161 57,665 59,024 61,796 6,280 6,636 i 7,071 ! 7,444 1,448 2,113 2,556 1,568 33,930 14,503 34,058 i 14,859 i 34,234 15,162 37,418 1 15,365 779 718 864 881 4,067 4,124 4,226 4,300 1,234 1,244 1,263 1,287 2,006 2,021 2,075 i 2,164 l 712 738 768 740 109 114 114 103 29,935 29,940 30,812 32,694 i 35,386 36,041 38,065 39,046 1955--A pr. 11. . June 3 0 .. Oct. 5 .. Dec. 31. . 66,396 66,293 67,017 70,478 60,600 60,854 60,878 64,733 6,813 6,545 ; 6,903 : 7,446 1,891 1,961 1,431 1,394 36,278 i 15,619 36,459 15,889 15,909 36,635 39,835 16,058 3 398 50 524 82 109 105 108 185 10 13 12 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 1,704 1,740 1,755 1,828 20.. 30 .. 30.. 31.. | 5,874 I 6,066 6,233 7,254 < 12,386 12,664 12,784 13,156 1953- -Apr. June Sept. Dec. 2,160 32,066 2,188 32,666 32,742 1,597 35,281 ■ ■•920 33,832 1.325 ‘ -461 1 33,694 2,166 i 33,558 1 1,602 35,773 \ 147 111 115 105 850 786 922 918 4,400 4,492 4,579 4,641 1,342 1,371 , 1,382 ! 1,409 6 6 6 6 747 765 813 777 101 99 101 90 32,071 32,024 32,243 33,757 38,317 37,918 38,157 39,750 19 56—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 68,149 68,524 69,300 72,854 61,556 62,392 62,481 66,524 6,872 6,633 6,766 7,878 1,440 2,030 1,987 1,315 37,124 37,324 37,260 40,647 669 179 589 2! 138 126 164 211 964 925 1,065 1,022 4,823 4,902 5,001 5,076 1,466 1,477 1,490 : 1,522 6 6 6 6 2,204 2,251 1 2,278 1 2,360 ’ 2,502 2,530 ! 2,577 2,650 93 94 94 82 32,641 32,203 32,570 34,046 38,535 38,282 38,824 40,190 10.. 30 .. 2 6 .. 31.. 4 O ther liabil ities 1 8 563 13,360 13,640 i 17 354 13,755 | 14,033 ................. 16,120 16,406 16,468 16,683 234 11 204 , l : . | : , ; ! i 756 795 834 816 I BANKS Total liabiU ities and capital 1957—M ar. 14.. June 6 .. Oct. 11.. Dec. 31 .. 69,452 68,965 71,166 74,196 62,493 61,796 63,793 67,483 6,422 6,228 6,684 7,542 819 1,171 1,416 1,471 38,119 36,874 37,619 39,960 17,133 17,522 18,074 18,510 592 681 743 21 212 213 252 281 1,054 1,093 1,094 1,042 5,101 5,182 5,285 5,370 1,548 1,550 1,573 1,605 6 6 6 6 2,651 2,668 2,667 2,752 816 875 958 924 80 83 81 83 33,173 32,549 32,473 33,583 37,988 37,703 38,295 39,611 1958—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4 .. 23 .. 24 .. 31.. 71,805 76,155 75,976 79,781 64,450 68,672 67,918 72,647 6,879 6,813 7,177 7,884 1,363 3,242 1,613 1,553 37,127 38,003 38,243 42,259 19,081 20,615 20,885 20,951 423 350 947 14 316 243 200 237 1,184 1,274 1,236 1,124 5,433 5,617 5,675 5,760 1,612 1,643 1,664 1,675 7 7 7 7 2,760 2,802 2,862 2,997 963 1,065 1,040 977 91 100 102 103 32,251 33,145 33,392 35,505 37,953 40,436 39,624 41,792 1959—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12.. 10.. 6 .. 31.. 77,338 77,952 78,255 81,443 69,373 69,382 69,921 73,675 6,825 6,811 7,124 7,753 875 980 1,804 1,793 40,390 39,990 39,548 42,668 21,283 21,601 21,445 21,460 654 1,141 876 238 192 187 191 226 1,287 1,312 1,215 1,197 5,833 5,930 6,052 6,106 1,741 1,757 1,803 1,821 7 7 7 7 3,043 3,065 3,105 3,138 946 1,000 1,048 1,054 96 101 89 87 34,858 34,625 33,887 35,095 40,054 39,840 40,365 41,878 1960—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 15.. 3 .. 31.. 77,527 78,780 79,363 83,464 68,861 69,887 70,351 75,067 6,716 6,870 7,122 8,315 1,565 2,399 2,594 2,045 40,060 39,759 38,941 42,267 20,520 20,859 21,695 22,440 1,045 870 697 73 263 239 272 304 1,290 1,603 1,699 1,597 6,069 6,181 6,343 6,423 1,828 1,845 1,866 1,879 6 6 6 6 3,118 3,137 3,201 3,331 1,036 1,117 1,196 1,131 80 76 75 77 33,385 32,873 32,519 34,357 39,079 39,605 39,729 41,717 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12.. 30.. 27 .. 30 .. 81,719 82,141 84,480 90,815 72,699 73,557 74,956 81,883 7,151 6,397 6,850 8,412 777 2,342 3,011 2,213 40,718 39,721 39,409 44,986 24,053 25,098 25,687 26,271 642 131 844 81 292 304 306 328 1,493 1,465 1,599 1,526 6,592 6,684 6,775 6,997 1,953 1,967 1,977 2,024 7 7 7 3,406 3,439 3,468 3,732 1,143 1,186 1,232 1,143 83 87 92 92 34,393 33,432 33,745 36,187 39,752 39,613 41,056 43,718 1962—Mar. June Sept. Dec. 26 .. 30 .. 28 .. 2 8 .. 86,963 89,885 89,387 94,914 77,276 80,631 79,687 84,248 6,765 6,697 6,969 7,559 2,546 3,780 3,096 2,420 39,769 40,601 39,855 43,609 28,196 29,554 29,767 30,660 752 240 638 1,388 305 328 309 376 1,559 1,484 1,585 1,639 7,070 7,201 7,168 7,263 2,073 2,086 2,046 2,050 7 7 7 7 3,788 3,830 3,799 3,894 1,109 1,184 1,225 1,219 93 95 92 93 34,137 33,710 33,232 35,481 40,783 41,556 40,754 42,740 1963—M ar. 18.. June 29 .. Dec. 20 .. 92,622 95,433 99,643 82,100 85,555 87,994 7,155 6,922 7,320 1,945 3,862 2,283 40,922 41,291 43,459 32,078 33,479 34,932 1,038 407 1,416 341 323 460 1,849 1,708 2,076 7,294 7,440 7,697 2,076 2,093 2,124 7 7 82 3,937 3,989 4,105 1,180 1,256 1,285 95 95 101 33,917 33,502 35,859 40,263 41,573 42,905 1964—June 30 .. Dec. 31 .. 102,245 109,053 91.145 97.145 7,012 8,423 3,840 2,272 42,387 46,883 37,906 39,568 572 841 453 476 1,965 2,103 8,110 8,488 2,248 2,256 269 477 4,179 4,268 1,328 1,400 87 ’ 86 34,281 37,047 42,390 44,838 1965—June 30 .. Dec. 31 .. 110,063 116,350 97,418 103,034 7,342 8,628 4,400 1,844 42,971 47,092 42,706 45,470 1,271 1,548 518 584 2,083 2,178 8,774 9,007 2,327 2,375 586 641 4,294 4,375 1,461 1,505 105 111 34,279 37,703 43,241 45,260 1966—June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 118,490 124,233 104,323 109,173 7,367 8,826 4,032 1,690 44,519 49,004 48,405 49,653 1,756 1,952 672 720 2,441 2,915 9,297 9,472 2,404 2,437 692 672 4,410 4,456 1,624 1,738 169 169 35,856 37,572 44,509 44,877 1967—June 30.. Dec. 30.. 125,891 136,988 110,614 120,847 8,037 9,684 1,958 1,795 46,396 53,289 54,223 56,080 2,109 2,555 696 682 2,717 2,871 9,755 10,033 2,507 2,522 729 750 4,583 4,807 1,761 1,739 175 215 36,147 39,957 43,208 47,886 1968—June 29 .. Dec. 31.. 136,950 152,289 118,470 132,638 8,430 10,488 1,517 2,052 50,394 57,449 58,129 62,648 3,720 4,239 743 714 3,666 4,015 10,351 10,684 2,600 2,661 788 851 4,911 5,114 1,851 1,858 201 199 38,667 43,674 45,571 52,199 1969—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 153,120 157,816 125,451 126,536 9,187 10,905 2,333 1,660 54,079 58,923 59,852 55,048 7,311 9,881 902 979 8,290 8,956 11,166 11,464 2,794 2,833 902 855 5,184 5,268 2,082 2,294 203 213 39,781 44,169 47,564 52,255 1970—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 155,111 171,876 123,895 140,661 9,803 11,909 3,182 2,769 53,317 59,328 57,593 66,655 9,779 10,391 1,073 970 8,495 7,633 11,868 12,221 2,918 2,976 890 910 5,246 5,520 2,591 2,574 223 240 40,393 44,093 49,641 54,225 F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. MEMBER BANKS C. MEMBER 2.4 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS — OTHER — Continued LOANS [In millions o f dollars] I J Call date Total loans mer cia! i Oct. 2 ................. Dec. 30................. 4,936 5,004 5,127 5,329 | 2,033 ! 2.022 I 228 214 2,256 221 Dec. 31................. 5,305 5,365 5,931 2,290 2,589 . 176 263 3,081 175 Dec. 31................. 6,165 6,498 6,861 7,105 3,456 300 6,989 6,564 6,102 3,318 2,957 1940—Mar. 26................. June 30................. 152 162 Ii 1 2,652 88 j ..............L 3,058 158 ■ To brokers and dealers ! 1 To ; others J 1 115 115 1 119 1 . i 87 1 115 1 78 1 97 j 159 ! 234 ,j 118 115 409 311 , ■ 6,346 7,155 8,514 2,883 3,661 i 7i 1 65 , 1 32 , Ii 17 i I, 3 ! 1 7 ; 1947—June 30................. Dec. 31................. 1948—Apr. 12................. Dec. 31................. 1949—Apr. 11................. Nov. 1................. Dec. 31................. 11,441 12,495 13,449 5,726 7,088 9 ........ ........ 93 96 793 811 363 377 ........... j i ,335 94 862 379 i .............. 92 . ' 1 372 . 1 1 436 91 157 217 j 267 375 381 87 1,020 370 i i i 527 80 1,087 361 i,524 1 486 80 66 1,102 1,117 R epair and mod erni zation 1 R etail O ther auto | retail ! 1,224 1,307 j . . ..........1 .................. " '3 4 2 ' 303 808 109 126 93 90 77 1,124 277 670 1.110 256 658 903 777 13 13 14 1 1 385 1 379 60 47 1,085 1,096 239 236 650 660 133 139 37 i 1 1 147 427 j 1,503 9 17 j .............. 1 378 \ 1 459 51 52 1,098 1,145 229 261 757 855 165 321 i f 264 i| 1,142 12 i 1,743 59 1,350 334 1,073 130 j 183 704 is j 2 237 67 1,738 432 1,436 181 | 150 136 194 185 j 540 16 [ 2 713 74 2,156 483 1,675 272 | 179 218 170 , 484 15 3 147 74 2,547 526 1,969 342 1 233 428 360 17 14 13,740 13,261 14,053 14,370 6,227 111 268 150 321 10 ; . 1,508 1................................ 54 126 130 63 | 74 72 57 ! 1,312 308 440 270 455 288 68 if, 75 79 447 439 337 299 .............../ 71 87 85 112 92 110 508 546 306 387 145 625 441 181 787 418 172 230 822 389 238 260 897 351 .............. 282 298 . 889 878 352 398 66 | 172 125 153 3,333 3,503 80 80 2,707 2,834 547 589 2,158 2,315 438 520 274 314 275 306 3 559 82 2,875 602 2,408 601 315 330 303 860 375 167 948 420 203 1,024 J ,097 1,133 436 490 587 249 207 250 183 309 12 ........... 3,742 83 3,030 630 2,745 718 385 391 304 6,596 7,688 8,646 90 49 59 277 304 334 201 168 207 324 371 386 !2 31 16 4,029 4,239 4,423 84 85 86 3.337 3,513 3,652 608 640 685 889 1,011 1,012 461 542 550 421 3,453 3.498 468 323 345 335 ___ 480 61 ' 6,704 ... .......... 1,457 .............. | .................................| ................ 64 258 276 1,168 .......... 1,465 3 161 , for bad debts 1,066 1,116 .............. i ................................. 1,420 j O ther Singlepay ment j ...............: : : : : : : : .............. .............. I 905 965 1 | i 477 6 ■07 121 O ther Total 1 249 1 284 3 ............. 4 117 farm land On resi dential prop erty j [ 177 153 6,823 7,282 16,574 17,906 O ther | Total 4 13,352 13,373 14,285 14,493 14,868 Oct. 4 ................. Dec. 30 ................. 5,548 222 9 2,787 3,034 3,932 17 12 [ ........ 198 | 194 114 j 5,997 6,761 6,822 8,862 9,814 10,825 Re- Instalm ent i 228 221 ioo 128 Banks 6 15 1944—Apr. 13................. 1946- June 29................. i: . 210 207 5,533 6,539 6,201 1945— Mar. 20................. .. Real estate O ther 1943—June 30................. Oct. 18................. Dec. 31................. Dec. 30................. j 1 G uar anteed f Other by ccc 1939— Mar. 29................. O ther loans to individuals il T o financial institutions 457 215 219 BANKS Fo r purchasing o r carrying securities To farmers 1951—Apr. 9 ................. June 30................. Oct. 10................. Dec. 31................. 18,537 18,558 18,962 19,651 9,336 9,254 9,578 10,140 1952—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 31................. 30................. 5 ................. 31................. 19,555 19,745 20,401 21,697 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20................. 30................. 30................. 31................. 22,094 22,150 22,493 22,763 1954—Apr. 15................. June 30................. Oct. 7 ................. Dec. 31................. 22,515 22,453 22,531 23,986 1955—Apr. 11................. June 30................. Oct. 5 ................. Dec. 31................. 24,530 25,654 27,042 28,622 10,752 1956— Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10................. 30................. 26................. 31................. 1957— M ar. June Oct. Dec. 23 5 16 14 356 420 457 499 195 164 153 203 55 37 35 20 4,453 4,558 4,611 4,651 333 354 414 422 119 26 119 28 4,679 4,799 4,923 5,099 93 3,673 3,757 3,793 3,820 692 707 718 738 3,431 3,456 3,474 3,518 980 985 1,004 977 500 486 441 457 456 465 484 500 342 345 356 372 1,153 1,176 1,189 , 1,212 575 559 554 552 250 256 260 294 95 98 98 99 3,836 3,952 4,058 4,199 748 749 768 802 3,522 3,805 3,957 4,347 962 1,093 1,143 1,300 451 472 507 599 498 549 581 637 396 419 429 460 1,216 1,273 1,297 1,352 546 532 551 567 301 303 305 329 4,264 4,336 4,426 4,509 816 831 830 846 4,638 4,849 4,922 4,942 1,450 1,558 1,635 1,616 659 684 678 681 648 680 702 719 484 496 496 487 1,397 1,431 1,410 1,439 601 596 556 572 333 344 345 350 887 910 955 1,009 4,759 4,797 4,825 4,912 1,546 1,549 1,538 1,542 612 601 579 578 694 693 702 691 472 478 498 498 1,435 1,476 1,508 1,602 573 598 627 670 357 369 374 389 1,660 1,855 2,076 2,162 564 598 607 619 661 672 702 721 537 572 572 560 1,708 1,802 1,877 1,854 702 789 779 1,017 398 407 412 453 2.210 88 94 100 10,021 10 9,756 10,842 2 16 23 476 516 525 478 10,768 10,609 10,718 10,568 14 5 37 401 445 464 441 374 440 424 409 456 129 49 194 40 5,181 5,270 5,358 5,453 101 229 203 308 10,145 S88 556 87 591 346 398 410 366 287 326 346 407 449 468 523 622 187 31 99 50 5,540 5,639 5,860 6,134 100 103 4,552 4,630 4,804 5,023 12,040 13,212 401 252 73 110 388 449 470 457 379 444 508 542 602 651 658 696 234 164 365 163 6,339 6,603 6,727 6,962 115 126 132 142 5,168 5,343 5,433 5,610 1,055 1,133 1,162 1,210 5,130 5,500 5,834 5,916 29,358 30,122 30,951 31,783 13,615 13,978 14,267 15,170 70 31 35 46 440 490 501 443 539 502 455 501 689 676 683 712 391 201 7,121 7,357 7,573 7,654 138 138 138 133 5,743 5,930 6,089 6,115 1,240 1,289 1,346 1,406 5,998 6,306 6,377 6,512 2,275 2,303 2,295 614 697 726 772 708 747 775 811 592 598 603 610 1,874 1,988 1,970 2,023 963 1,044 1,013 1,088 469 483 487 544 31,307 31,435 32,364 32,805 14,798 14,919 15,378 15,702 34 7 8 12 429 488 494 482 443 496 610 603 679 672 659 673 474 295 346 236 7,569 7,481 7,533 7,667 130 128 130 129 6,039 5,963 5,955 6,018 1,400 1,390 1,449 1,520 6,446 6,630 6,801 6,893 2,301 2,376 2,445 2,470 757 763 793 808 790 798 834 838 619 633 657 680 1,980 2,060 2,072 2,097 995 1,005 h—‘ © 1958— M ar. June Sept. Dec. 14................. 6 ................. 11................. 31................. 558 559 565 596 4 ................. 23................. 24 ................. 31................. 32,054 32,851 32,830 34,003 14,639 14,789 15,069 15,808 15 19 41 47 489 592 636 622 705 881 435 518 712 904 811 851 748 603 577 191 7,645 7,841 8,080 8,405 127 132 138 140 5,986 6,094 6,288 6,503 1,531 1,615 1,653 1,761 6,627 6,741 6,708 6,930 2,390 2,344 2,325 2,332 733 715 657 703 807 823 847 865 670 723 743 765 2,025 2,136 2,135 2,265 1,079 1,103 1,109 1,301 603 622 636 1959— Mar. June Oct. Dec. 12................. 10................. 6 ................. 31 ................. 34,379 36,315 37,890 38,686 15,637 14,285 14,768 15,252 20 7 3 5 649 746 782 760 438 404 428 580 846 860 782 776 480 714 753 235 2 j635 2,944 3,369 8,698 8,986 9,212 9,251 147 150 155 151 6,758 6,969 7,117 7,097 1,793 1,867 1,940 2,003 6,985 7,513 7,946 8,211 2,375 2,558 2,738 2,770 703 717 766 831 854 896 970 999 797 891 994 1,030 2,256 2,450 2,478 2,583 1,307 848 967 980 680 683 694 733 1960—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15................. 15................. 3 ................. 31................. 38,589 39,534 39,820 40,002 15,355 15,778 15,864 16,223 2 1 48 127 723 803 812 760 462 511 597 719 724 713 738 739 885 924 935 351 3,088 3,184 3,083 3,216 9,054 9,036 9,042 9,005 148 156 152 152 6,936 6,860 6,812 6,733 1,970 8,057 8,430 8,570 8,721 2,759 2,904 2,958 2,941 815 826 837 840 961 997 1,043 1,044 1,029 1,076 1,118 1,139 2,493 2,627 2,614 2,757 969 892 864 909 731 739 734 769 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12................. 30................. 27................. 30................. 40,027 39,747 41,021 42,379 15,910 15,862 16,190 16,879 153 87 50 218 793 876 884 858 553 610 682 976 712 749 704 784 930 344 1,140 470 2,650 2,751 2,893 3,261 9,106 9,256 9,406 9,590 158 162 165 172 6,780 6,883 6,988 7,113 2,168 9,030 8,954 8,934 9,172 2,846 2,890 2,959 1,199 1,033 919 881 996 2,253 2,304 1,010 1,022 1,020 1,170 1,179 1,189 1,181 2,820 2,843 2,919 3,131 959 1,028 909 998 768 771 771 827 1962— Mar. June Sept. Dec. 26................. 30................. 28................. 2 8 ................. 42,588 43,824 44,432 46,567 16,690 17,077 17,092 17,660 242 215 61 248 873 969 967 931 912 1,179 556 797 9,748 10,272 10,674 11,030 7,122 7,479 7,774 8,003 2,440 2,582 2,682 2,798 9,177 9,682 9,650 9,860 3,003 3,222 3,270 3,367 839 831 809 849 988 1,006 1,015 1,020 2,872 3,148 3,205 3,583 185 926 1,053 749 727 705 752 1,020 1,186 1,263 1,292 1,333 3,162 3,360 3,264 3,291 980 1,129 1,177 1,266 835 838 824 836 938 1,045 1,068 1,159 1,090 1,243 767 786 891 1,128 751 1,224 3,409 3,886 4,286 11,252 11,683 12,525 235 261 278 8,159 8,430 8,888 2,858 2,992 3,359 9,894 10,464 11,106 3,427 3.686 3,939 853 883 926 997 1,034 1,086 1,346 1,426 1,508 3,271 3,435 3,646 1,284 1,380 1,462 917 926 927 10,000 10,010 10,128 10,624 11,210 149 258 363 362 345 347 202 218 211 888 220 535 103 102 97 98 101 212 2,078 2,120 2,211 2,886 1,134 668 46,710 48,164 51,891 17,555 17,805 18,862 241 199 151 1964—June 30................ Dec. 31................ 54,604 57,555 19,624 47 58 1,126 1,037 1,155 1,060 970 986 953 1,134 4,706 4,887 13,207 13,611 321 294 9,338 9,480 3,548 3,838 12,063 12,802 4,302 4,568 1,077 -1,159 1,074 1,103 1,572 1,640 4,037 4,332 1,753 1,977 1,000 21,102 1965—June 30................ Dec. 31................ 61,079 65,117 22,817 24,784 63 52 1,151 1,154 978 954 1,034 1,108 1,241 '1,106 5,076 5,820 14,213 15,056 296 304 9,743 10,310 4,174 4,442 13,636 14,305 4,925 5,143 1,218 1,327 1,083 1,129 1,781 1,899 4,629 4,807 1,981 1,999 1,111 1,222 1966—June 30................ Dec. 31................ 68,117 69,834 26,903 ' 28,090 j 899 1,084 1,123 1,079 *1,100 11,502 5,911 5,748 15,629 16,044 294 306 10,602 10,777 4,733 4,961 14,672 14,375 5,294 5,189 1,347 1,441 1.123 1,155 1,953 1,982 4,955 4,608 1,857 1,968 1,232 1,307 (2) (2) i ! 1,255 1,25. | 1,099 BANKS 1963— M ar. 18................ June 29............ Dec. 20................ MEMBER 218 229 2,020 1,102 C. MEMBER 2.4 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—OTHER—Continued LOANS—Continued [In millions o f dollars] Call date Total loans Com m er cial G uar anteed by CCC To brokers and dealers Other O ther loans to individuals T o financial institutions Real estate Instalm ent Banks Other Total 1,064 ' 1,143 539 578 5,323 5,446 16,098 16,969 To others On resi dential' p rop erty Other 299 287 10,848 11,522 4,952 5,160 On farm land Total O ther R e serve for bad debts Retail auto O ther retail Repair and m od erni zation O ther Singlepay ment 14,548 15,047 5,152 5,074 1,523 1,804 1,124 1,142 1,981 2,035 4,768 4,993 i2 ,9 6 6 i 3,367 1,327 1,419 1967—June 30 .. Dec. 30 .. 70,155 73,933 28,887 30,609 (a) <2) 1,360 1,311 695 881 1968—June 2 9 .. Dec. 3 1 .. 76,560 83,966 31,720 34,632 (a) (*) 1,414 1,362 758 1,116 1,206 1,254 513 588 5,196 6,005 17,861 18,939 310 286 11,959 12,695 5,593 5,958 15,625 16,916 5,298 5,525 1,965 2,286 1 ,1 0 0 1,159 2,232 2,440 5,029 5,506 i 3,726 '4 ,7 1 6 1,459 1,564 19©—June 3 0 .. Dec. 3 1 .. 88,873 91,200 37,120 37,701 (?) (2) 1,512 1,386 760 878 1,360 1,300 885 876 5,816 6,006 19,417 19,706 297 274 13,164 13,509 5,955 5,923 17,354 1 7,5© 5,713 5,616 2,475 2,950 1,183 1,171 2,544 2,543 5,438 5,289 i 4,652 i 5,778 1,611 1,841 1970—June 3 0 .. Dec. 31.. 90,374 96,301 37,502 38,627 (2) (*) 1,478 1,428 588 910 1,152 1,322 689 798 5,981 7,015 19,536 19,848 265 251 t 3 , 302 13,444 5,970 6,154 17,156 17,322 5,287 5,153 3,166 3,572 1,135 1,140 2,545 2,715 5,023 4,743 »6,292 »9,031 1,840 1,856 F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 2.4 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—OTHER—Continued D. INVESTM ENTS [In millions of dollars] U.S. G ovt, securities 1 • D irect Call date Total invest ments Notes, m aturing— ,| Total C er tifi cates Bills Bonds M arketable, m aturing— W ithin I A fter 1 year | 1 year Total 1 1939 —M ar. 29 6.751 6.752 6,944 4,181 4,102 4,089 4,222 6,848 6,795 7,081 4,107 3,978 4,155 4 .. 30 .. 2 4 .. 31 .. 7,328 7,515 7,727 8,243 4,393 4,538 4,668 5,294 1942—Apr. 4 .. June 30 .. Dec. 31.. http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ 8,616 9,971 14,813 5,781 7,383 12,227 6,6 88 Oct. 2 .. Dec. 3 0 .. 1940—M ar. 2 6 .. Dec. 31 .. 100 I ............... 78 I ...................... “ 1 I Within 1 year 1-5 977 1,014 3,105 3,010 233 273 819 3,339 267 87 ' 103 ( 839 771 3,052 3,281 239 470 .................| 73 i 606 3,859 314 751 4,248 1 j Over 20 years 1,049 1,224 1,230 1,091 | 593 422 ii a i i 1,403 | !| 357 1,417 1,712 217 178 j 5-10 I ......... .........I .................. 1,179 : ! 1941—Apr. June Sept. Dec. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 295 674 2,253 981 1,723 5,i49 6,810 359 418 823 ; 922 ; i G u a r anteed ! Federal j agency t Other C orpo rate stock (includ ing F. R. Bank stock) SI ................. ................. . . . 823 889 909 972 823 895 897 890 704 710 701 705 156 156 156 155 963 9© 1,049 928 981 984 700 715 740 152 153 1,034 979 975 956 705 694 680 149 148 144 140 941 925 954 707 722 691 137 136 130 1 <%1 i ! i ,2 2 2 ! 2 ,1 2 0 j 203 2,234 377 1,047 1,162 1,246 1,173 2,544 ' 2,349 j, 391 378 1,051 806 811 i ■ | 579 ■ 1,441 | 10-20 Nonm arket able Secu rities of States, etc. Other bonds, notes, and debentures 1,278 \ I I i !| i ,789 1 3,252 ' : 688 BANKS F or purchasing, or carrying securities To farm ers 1943—June 3 0 .. Oct. 1 8 .. Dec. 31.. 19,144 22,287 21,321 16,560 20,616 18,933 2,626 3,529 1,828 8,576 1,680 3,630 2,829 429 10 857 1,802 4,691 2,497 9,943 1,993 5,522 1,930 485 12 1944— Apr. 13.. June 30 .. Dec. 30.. 22,680 24,182 26,781 21,009 22,082 24,601 1,914 1,704 5,586 5,730 3,893 5,181 io,689 11,987 1,764 2,000 6,400 7,471 1,982 1,947 515 539 1945—M ar. 2 0 .. June 30 .. Dec. 31 .. 27,106 29,417 31,594 25,304 27,513 29,547 1,320 • 1,034 6,598 6,982 5,689 5,653 i 3,906 15,878 2,308 2,744 8,997 10,380 1,814 2,173 1946—June 2 9 .. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31 .. 28,813 26,892 24,527 26,578 24,614 22,246 410 6,038 4,014 16,116 3,192 10,332 1,910 16,013 3,887 9,274 1947—June 30.. Oct. 6 .. Dec. 31.. 23,170 23,297 22,591 20,842 20,884 20,193 373 1948—Apr. 12.. June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 21,617 21,692 21,047 19,234 19,220 18,593 1949—Apr. 11.. June 30.. Nov. 1 .. Dec. 31 .. 21,001 21,772 24,057 23,931 18,445 19.076 21.076 20,951 1950—Apr. 2 4 .. June 30.. Oct. 4 .. Dec. 30.. 23,794 23,829 22,859 22,779 20,612 20,510 19,267 19,083 1951—Apr. 9 .. June 30.. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31.. 21,057 21,432 22,136 23,043 1952—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 31.. 30.. 5 .. 31.. 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 662 613 608 123 120 118 27 30 402 440 933 963 1,000 621 620 627 116 116 113 743 533 45 47 10 5 1,034 1,100 1,126 655 680 809 114 114 108 632 49 7 48 4 1,194 1,269 1,272 928 918 916 106 90 88 1,993 628 334 3,038 1,503 15,967 4,364 8,636 2,240 680 47 3 2,358 1,901 15,560 5,445 6,968 2,330 604 213 3 1,364 1,390 1.342 872 933 964 90 90 90 783 1,056 3,244 3,201 1,501 1,090 13,692 13,247 3,820 5,870 6,919 4,464 2,211 2,185 539 489 203 240 3 1 1.343 1,446 1,421 950 935 942 89 89 90 875 3,367 603 14,230 8,008 2,795 2,507 688 232 1,189 4,180 2,124 13,457 8,483 2,317 1,616 783 258 1,471 1,559 1,742 1,727 995 1,046 1,144 1,159 91 91 95 95 1,179 1,211 1,218 i ,954 699 499 4,005 5,053 5,536 13,372 12,303 11,830 8,711 7,586 7,223 2,595 2,658 2,531 942 948 966 857 863 855 267 249 254 i l 1,918 1,988 2,119 2,184 1,167 1,231 1,367 1,410 96 99 105 101 17,328 17,657 18,354 19,186 920 1,177 1,680 2,524 1,069 2,017 2,493 5,169 4,665 3,806 3,640 11,238 10,746 10,851 10,528 6,783 6,611 6,684 6,416 2,484 2,166 2,166 2,145 964 978 993 981 758 744 732 737 250 247 276 250 l l 7 8 2,281 2,318 2,384 2,458 1,347 1,353 1,288 1,286 102 103 103 104 22,687 23,346 23,499 23,886 18,682 19,107 19,157 19,610 2,023 2,080 1,503 2,387 2,550 2,520 2,171 1,774 3,594 3,656 3,679 3,854 10,515 10,851 11,805 11,594 6,274 6,270 6,286 6,030 2,326 2,510 3,436 3,551 978 1,099 1,110 1,742 685 715 707 252 257 265 272 10 16 12 14 2,670 2,832 2,925 2,934 1,218 1,284 1,296 1,213 106 108 108 115 2 0 .. 3 0 .. 3 0 .. 31.. 22,572 22,201 23,413 23,993 18,123 17,733 18,935 19,534 1,273 1,344 1,167 1,230 1,475 1,453 3,494 3,357 3,688 3,542 4,335 4,201 11,687 11,393 9,939 10,746 6,060 6,680 5,145 5,644 3,576 2,930 3,058 3,391 1,781 1,479 1,443 1,430 36 27 27 270 268 266 254 21 23 24 25 3,188 3,184 3,220 3,196 1,124 1,142 1,112 1,115 116 120 121 123 1954—Apr. 15.. June 30.. Oct. 7 .. Dec. 31.. 23,609 24,603 27,145 26,752 19,018 19,786 22,036 21,711 1,312 1,241 1,381 1,326 1,842 1,590 1,474 1,695 3,148 4,183 5,122 4,954 12,716 12,773 14,060 13,736 4,360 4,258 5,374 3,830 6,490 6,683 6,790 7,998 1,582 1,553 1,618 1,618 26 22 15 20 257 257 264 271 26 26 6 7 3,410 3,585 3,875 3,782 1,031 1,081 1,097 1,121 124 125 131 131 1955—Apr. 11.. June 30.. Oct. 5 .. Dec. 31.. 26,228 24,942 24,281 23,837 20,896 19,694 19,088 18,821 894 503 574 813 1,303 481 361 657 5,558 5,773 5,437 4,708 13,142 12,937 12,717 12,643 3,314 3,113 2,928 3,812 7,783 7,799 7,865 7,146 1,652 1,657 1,580 1,333 120 87 72 81 273 281 271 270 3 3 5 5 3,983 3,916 3,907 3,778 1,214 1,189 1,140 1,089 133 140 141 144 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10.. 30.. 2 6 .. 31 .. 22,784 21,949 21,924 22,132 17,765 17,047 17,045 17,364 417 374 407 1,185 478 279 603 441 4,505 4,086 3,898 3,742 12,364 12,308 12,136 11,995 3,682 3,679 4,107 6,735 7,047 6,902 6,205 3,455 1,330 1,430 1,535 1,517 70 67 62 68 235 230 227 219 4 4 4 4 3,829 3,823 3,843 3,820 1,032 920 876 784 154 155 158 160 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14.. 6 .. 11.. 3 1 .. 21,561 21,702 21,834 22,454 16,824 16,794 16,891 17,350 868 758 752 1,009 548 1,179 1,322 1,285 3,502 3,038 3,039 3,297 11,907 11,819 11,778 11,760 6,778 6,737 7,570 7,729 3,338 3,329 2,822 2,581 1,520 1,545 1,241 1,317 69 63 35 30 203 146 110 103 4 3 2 2 3,770 3,888 3,980 4,027 802 858 794 893 161 159 167 182 1958—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4 .. 2 3 .. 24 .. 31 .. 23,172 26,422 26,49726,555 17,941 20,435 20,453 20,642 950 874 656 1,293 775 1,009 2,391 2,370 3,426 4,410 4,517 4,497 12,790 14,142 12,889 12,482 7,754 7,299 7,604 7,335 3,492 5,195 3,706 3,855 1,332 1,365 1,299 1,048 109 167 133 132 103 117 147 111 1 2 2 3 4,104 4,767 4,902 4,864 942 1,032 951 855 183 186 188 191 BANKS 3,799 MEMBER 441 2,176 749 942 938 913 D. MEMBER 2.4 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—OTHER—Continued INVESTMENTS—Continued [In millions of dollars] U.S. Govt, securities 1 Call date Notes, maturing— Total invest ments Total Certificates Bills Bonds M arke table, matu ring— Within 1 year After I year Total Within 1 year 1-5 5-10 Over 20 years 10-20 N on m arket able G uar anteed Secu rities of States, etc. O ther bonds, notes, and debentures Federal agency C orpo rate stock (includ ing F. R. Bank stock) Other 1959—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12.. 10.. 6 .. 31.. 25,408 24,497 22,734 22,935 19,482 18,661 16,935 17,257 790 870 823 1,484 2,137 1,512 689 645 4,333 4,230 4.070 4, 09 12,222 12,049 11,353 11,019 8,176 7,974 7,311 7,064 2,752 2,742 3,039 3,232 1,038 1,110 787 550 142 112 101 90 113 110 115 83 2 2 19 35 4,909 4,885 4,923 4,830 821 753 658 610 194 196 199 202 1960—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 15.. 3 .. 31 .. 20,264 20,216 21,325 22,950 14,835 14,853 15,904 17,304 599 464 1,203 2,031 204 365 670 794 3,808 4,006 4,683 5,461 10,224 10,018 9,349 9,018 7,705 7,582 6,727 6,672 1,936 1,864 2,011 1,752 439 429 448 437 83 85 106 100 61 59 57 57 51 68 89 92 4,700 4,623 4,663 4,817 476 467 457 522 202 205 211 215 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12.. 30.. 27 .. 30.. 23,176 23,923 25,452 26,186 17,365 17,954 19,193 19,649 1,747 1,784 2,916 3,020 566 1,175 803 741 1,264 1,538 2,106 2,703 4,821 4,754 5,008 5,902 8,967 8,704 8,359 7,283 1,570 2,216 1,816 724 4,393 3,782 4,126 4,566 2,489 2,204 1,916 1,486 448 438 438 448 66 65 64 59 97 99 98 99 5,052 5,174 5,432 5,710 256 284 322 364 184 188 180 128 221 224 226 236 1962—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 26.. 30.. 28.. 28.. 25,785 26,321 25,471 26,563 18,681 18,531 17,678 18,316 2,038 1,611 1,305 2,343 1,333 1,267 1,291 1,403 3,248 3,942 1,898 1,563 4,624 4,245 5,377 5,694 7,438 7,467 7,807 7,314 689 273 1,479 729 4,331 4,603 3,153 3,158 1,920 2,111 2,967 3,244 440 419 153 132 57 61 55 51 97 96 91 82 6,278 6,867 6,894 7,252 357 437 417 515 128 143 144 149 242 246 247 249 1963—M ar. 18. . June 2 9 .. Dec. 20.. 25,884 26,451 26,478 17,327 17,280 16,642 1,751 1,685 2,152 1,236 1,191 545 1,065 1,200 1,553 6,228 6,082 5,046 7,048 7,122 7,346 415 418 302 2,402 2,507 3,672 3,924 3,925 3,090 258 224 237 49 48 45 55 46 44 7,630 8,163 8,810 483 558 562 134 141 143 254 263 276 1964—June 30. . Dec. 31.. 25,862 27,115 15,444 16,266 2,206 3,200 1,789 1,933 4,777 3,729 6,671 7,403 645 614 2,925 3,492 2,850 3,105 210 164 41 28 44 60 9,449 9,871 377 492 257 125 291 301 1965—June 30.. Dec. 3 1 .. 26,146 26,880 13,977 14,354 1,819 2,972 2,156 1,852 2,005 1,429 7,997 8,413 167 561 3,899 4,004 3,566 3,522 338 315 26 10 53 19 11,108 11,504 542 581 159 441 306 1966—June 3 0 .. Dec. 3 1 .. 26,051 26,367 12,182 13,040 1,453 2,384 267 168 1,108 1,335 1,412 1,338 8,308 8,207 370 509 4,237 4,522 3,481 2,951 215 219 5 6 36 15 12,361 12,033 1,084 847 424 447 1967—June 3 0 .. Dec. 30 .. 29,695 32,154 12,455 14,667 1,474 3,140 65 1,190 1,307 1,728 2,251 8,254 8,165 227 771 4,990 5,242 2,779 1,864 252 281 6 7 106 145 15,240 15,376 1,360 1,362 640 748 1968—June 29 .. Dec. 31 .. 31,441 35,373 13,083 15,036 966 1,725 2,604 8,016 1,336 4,442 1,916 317 5 89 16,177 18,111 1,386 1,303 794 923 1969—June 30 .. Dec. 31 .. 31,207 30,428 11,635 11,944 487 232 348 5 39 17,621 16,625 1,240 1,176 711 683 7 ................. 23 17,733 19,771 1 s256 2,210 700 X79 1970—June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 31,061 37,560 11,372 14,700 F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 600 1,029 1,357 ................ i , 3,278 3,509 7,155 5,225 1.762 404 ................. ................. 4,808 4,475 .. . . 59 280 ................. ................. BANKS Direct 2.4 RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS — OTHER — Continued E. D EPO SITS [In millions o f dollars] Time D em and Interbank IPC Call date Total de posits Total IPC State and local govt. U.S. G ovt. Total Foreign Savings O ther time State and local govt. Dom estic C om m er cial M utual savings 108 115 120 117 214 219 226 12 18 19 115 105 106 4,540 4,590 4,591 4,542 202 211 186 243 19 19 19 20 111 55 63 4,699 4,796 5,059 4,366 4,454 4,805 224 239 169 18 18 22 90 82 62 4,749 4,843 4,770 71 59 63 5,518 5,845 6,151 5,265 5,605 5,902 172 ]44 151 56 48 45 40 344 384 488 4,531 4,757 5,421 62 65 70 6,498 6,806 7,788 6,237 6,567 7,561 167 158 154 55 45 40 38 35 32 4,260 7,655 8,221 416 422 611 5,094 5,510 6,307 78 90 110 8,277 8,764 9,790 8 02 8 8,529 9,563 179 166 160 38 39 38 32 30 29 2,003 1,955 2,077 4,531 2,971 991 558 543 693 5,220 5,089 5,417 129 125 127 10,447 10,669 10,884 10,190 10,381 10,580 187 219 235 43 42 43 27 27 25 23,934 24,508 26,003 2,301 2,025 2,282 311 789 405 554 554 705 4,773 5,378 5,497 109 125 131 11,269 11,355 11,445 10,888 10,975 11,045 319 314 332 41 46 45 21 32,417 32,821 34,533 24,123 24,198 25,302 2,314 2,442 2,401 793 728 801 524 562 649 4,539 4,751 5,213 124 140 168 11,304 11,327 11,409 10,792 10,771 10,798 455 496 547 40 42 46 17 16 16 43,884 43,852 46,218 47,559 32,357 32,186 34,564 35,857 23,806 23,928 25,475 25,912 2,421 2,413 2,180 2,478 1,017 701 1,178 1,142 455 518 487 650 4,508 4,460 5,077 5,498 150 166 168 176 11,527 11,666 11,654 11,702 10,856 10,923 10,936 10,987 607 642 611 617 47 62 66 60 14 46,039 47,187 47,967 51,437 34,269 35,335 36,317 39,733 25,230 25,729 26,992 28,939 2,444 2,579 2,331 2,575 1,124 1,408 971 976 561 590 587 852 4,730 4,848 5,223 6,174 180 181 212 217 11,770 11,852 11.650 11,704 11,062 11,093 10,882 10,956 614 653 654 631 56 65 63 60 13 13 1940—Mar. 2 6 .........‘.......... June 2 9 ..................... Dec. 31..................... 17,810 18,231 19,844 4 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 4 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 11,201 11,806 12,546 13,005 889 917 801 813 420 415 410 435 123 160 158 190 2,813 2,920 3,374 3,516 13,083 13,464 14,987 7,978 8,372 9,468 942 956 995 431 422 327 150 147 228 3,581 3,526 3,919 20,143 20,813 21,712 22,313 15,271 15,884 16,807 17,403 9,552 10.142 10.637 11, 127 1,206 1,139 1,221 1,144 273 341 383 491 171 209 190 286 4,069 4,000 4,377 4,302 O 1942—Apr. 4 ..................... VO June 30..................... Dec. 31..................... 22,240 23,046 28,700 17,541 18,250 23,641 11,105 12,199 15,06! 1,313 1,304 1,319 633 422 1,982 202 218 385 1943—June 3 0 ..................... Oct. 18..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 31,782 35,974 35,070 26,264 30,129 28,919 17,276 17,462 18,790 1,452 1,214 1,448 2,383 6,223 3,373 1944— Apr. 13..................... June 30..................... Dec. 30..................... 35,785 38,295 41,804 29,287 31,490 34,016 18,879 18,367 20,371 1,496 1,464 1,509 1945— Mar. 2 0 ..................... June 30..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 41,197 44,515 49,085 32,920 35,751 39,295 21,456 20,559 22,281 1946—June 2 9 ..................... Sept. 30..................... Dec. 3 1..................... 45,893 44,952 44,477 35,446 34,284 33,593 1947—June Oct. 6 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 43,252 44,734 46,467 1948—Apr. 12..................... June 3 0 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 58 63 4,276 4,320 4,319 4,362 41 49 4,728 4,767 4,857 4,386 4,422 4,506 53 54 4,872 4,929 4,906 4,910 4,289 4.052 4,831 333 329 475 3,975 6,453 6,157 1,615 1,516 1,763 23,005 23,601 24,288 31,983 33,379 35,023 43,721 44,149 45,943 1949—Apr. 11..................... June 3 0 ..................... Nov. 1 ..................... Dec. 31..................... 1950—Apr. 2 4 ..................... June 3 0 ..................... Oct. 4 ..................... Dec. 3 0 ..................... • 31 51 108 110 103 20 22 11 11 11 12 10 1 3 3 28 30 28 26 28 39 47 BANKS 50 4,656 4,693 4,650 4,736 Foreign MEMBER 6,899 7,331 7,803 8,002 Foreign govt. and other U.S. Govt. and postal savings 22 19 14 14 15,856 16,499 17,197 17,741 1941—Apr. June Sept. Dec. Interbank IPC 243 233 198 240 2 9 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 ..................... 30..................... 1939— Mar. June Oct. Dec. Foreign govt. and other Certi fied D om estic and officers’ Com checks, etc. M utual m er cial savings E. MEMBER 2 .4 . RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS—OTHER—Continued D EPO SITS—Continued [In millions of dollars] Time Demand Call date Total IPC Foreign govt. .and other State and local govt. U.S. G ovt. C erti fied and officers’ checks, etc. Total M utual savings C om m er cial Znterbank IPC Dorr estic Foreign 1 1 Foreign I O ther i govt. Savings 1 time 3 and j other BANKS Interbank IPC Totai de posits State and local govt. U S. Govt. and postal savings Domestic J ComM utual j m ersavings cial Foreign 1951—Apr. 9 ................... June 30................... Oct. 10................... Dec. 31................... 48,953 49,874 51,197 54,466 37,335 37,965 39,071 42,105 26,732 27,214 28,691 30,722 2,397 2,713 2,154 2,550 2,426 2,272 1,474 1,124 600 592 552 822 4,981 4,996 6,021 6,695 199 178 179 192 11,618 11,909 12,126 12,361 10,767 11,020 11,244 11,473 706 731 720 714 62 68 73 85 12 10 10 9 72 80 79 81 1952—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 31................... 30................... 5 .................... 31................... 52,290 53,425 53,299 57,357 39,725 40,570 40,317 43,987 28,834 29,258 29,689 31,798 2,586 2,689 2,441 2,693 2,074 2,097 1,499 1,814 646 719 612 791 5,396 5,624 5,864 6,662 188 182 211 230 12,565 12,855 12,983 13,370 11,634 11,913 12,035 12,417 752 751 749 739 86 90 98 105 8 10 10 9 85 92 91 101 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 2 0 ................... 30................... 30................... 31................... 54,391 54,861 55,713 58,663 40,806 40,994 41,719 44,365 30,416 30,192 30,432 32,065 2,678 2,866 2,489 2,880 1,221 1,358 2,063 1,504 738 636 638 828 5,525 5,744 5,895 6,869 227 197 202 219 13,585 13,867 13,995 14,298 12,592 12,847 12,980 13,203 768 794 775 830 104 103 103 98 9 8 9 9 113 116 127 157 1954— Apr. 15................... June 30................... Oct. 7 .................... Dec. 31.................... 56,161 57,665 59,024 61,796 41,371 42,495 43,519 46,081 30,594 30,503 31,217 33,677 2,670 2,877 2,392 2,876 1,349 2,015 2,453 1,457 666 677 625 866 5,890 6,220 6,616 6,946 203 202 216 259 14,789 15,171 15,505 15,715 13,555 13,867 14,186 14,399 948 992 977 965 99 97 103 111 9 15 26 26 178 199 214 213 1955—Apr. 11................... June 30................... Oct. 5 ................... Dec. 31................... 60,600 60,854 60,878 64,733 44,589 44,570 44,553 48,330 32,850 32,681 33,263 35,752 2,687 3,021 2,622 3,048 1,780 1,843 1,325 1,288 741 757 750 1,035 6,257 5,979 6,304 6,903 274 289 290 303 16,011 16,284 16,325 16,403 14,600 14,871 14,965 15,117 1,018 1,018 944 941 in 117 106 106 23 24 13 14 259 253 297 225 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10................... 3 0 ................... 2 6 , ................. 31................... 61,556 62,392 62,481 66,524 45,090 45,589 45,591 49,432 33,536 33,341 33,940 36,519 2,856 3,120 2,601 3,092 1,332 1,918 1,871 1,201 732 862 719 1,036 6,327 6,078 6,176 7,298 308 269 284 286 16,466 16,803 16,889 17,091 15,147 15,392 15,494 15,748 974 1,013 974 935 107 112 115 114 14 18 18 15 224 268 288 279 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14................... 6 ................... 11................... 31 ................... 62,493 61,796 63,793 67,483 44,952 43,839 45,289 48,558 34.683 33 177 34,381 35,906 2,667 2,911 2,570 3,111 704 1,051 1,297 1,358 768 787 668 943 5,851 5,648 6. 13 6,962 277 266 259 279 17,541 17,956 18,504 18,924 16,139 16,432 16,988 17,335 995 1,089 1,086 1,175 114 120 119 113 18 16 14 7 275 299 297 295 1958—Mar. June Sept. Dec. 4 ................... 23 ................... 24 ................... 31................... 64,450 68,672 67,918 72,647 44,861 47,550 46,530 51,194 33,418 34,119 34,787 38,054 2,989 3,065 2,676 3,153 1,278 3,150 1,492 1,429 721 818 780 1,052 6,200 6,115 6,502 7,217 256 282 293 289 19,589 21,122 21,387 21,453 17,740 18,910 19,295 19,480 1,340 1,705 1,589 1,471 85 92 121 124 19 25 31 31 405 390 351 346 1959—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12................... 10................... 6 ................... 31................... 69,373 69,382 69,921 73,675 47,650 47,298 48,072 51,817 36,534 36,201 35,992 38,321 2,954 I 2,959 i 2,722 ! ; 3,304 751 858 1,709 1,698 1 902 1 830 i < 833 1 j 1,043 ' 6,225 6.159 6. 547 7,162 285 291 268 288 21,722 22,085 21,850 21,858 19,831 20,136 20,249 20,231 1,452 1,466 1,196 1,229 124 122 95 95 27 27 23 19 289 335 287 285 1960—Mar. June Oct. Dec. 15.................... 15................... 3 .................... 31.................... 68,861 69,887 70,351 75,067 48,014 48,703 48,261 52,217 36,560 36,156 35,240 37,986 6.210 | 265 ! 20,847 272 21,183 268 i 22,090 301 1 22,850 19,244 19,484 20,209 20,652 1,276 ■ 1,375 1,485 1,787 16 29 41 43 224 216 273 283 2,720 1 1,479 1 2,803 ; 2,319 2,512 i 2,904 3,329 1 1,960 i 780 ! 801 I 796 953 , i 6. 354 6,540 7,688 86 : 80 i 81 85 1961--A pr. June Sept. Dec. 12................... 72,699 30................... 73,557 27................... 74,956 30.................... 81.883 48,487 48,297 49,103 55,440 36,648 35,459 35,704 40,231 120 130 129 85 3,111 3,286 2,832 3,520 679 2,241 2,909 2,103 839 845 744 1,152 154 138 144 161 6,729 5,977 6,432 7,946 207 220 209 243 24,212 25,260 25,853 26,443 18,802 19,539 19,951 20,653 2,901 3,055 3,190 2,866 313 307 394 443 2,038 2,197 2,152 2,310 98 101 102 110 2 2 2 2 29 32 37 32 30 28 25 28 1962--M ar. June Sept. Dec. 26.................... 30................... 2 8 ................... 28................... 77,276 80,631 79,687 84,248 48.897 50,893 49,754 53,422 35.796 36,388 36,000 39,311 142 116 92 101 3,057 3,191 2,928 3,216 2,436 3,670 3,008 2,337 773 907 834 980 153 144 125 145 6,307 6,250 6,543 7,085 231 228 223 248 28,379 29,738 29,933 30,825 21,308 22,050 22,506 23,064 3,911 4,317 4,276 4,422 464 480 492 541 2,512 2,706 2,493 2,633 no 110 88 83 4 8 8 5 31 32 33 43 38 35 37 33 1963--M a r. 18................... June 29................... Dec. 20................... 82,100 85,555 87,994 49,850 51,895 52,896 37,082 36,972 39,173 116 103 108 2,822 3,195 3,144 1,863 3,793 2,212 901 1,021 1,034 146 151 143 6,683 6,421 6,815 237 239 267 32,250 33,660 35,099 23,564 24,031 24,898 5,087 5,900 6,413 554 636 671 2,873 2,913 2,950 82 70 72 6 11 10 54 69 52 30 31 33 1964— June 30................... Dec. 31................... 91,145 97,145 53,052 57,366 37,965 42,031 102 105 3,234 3,508 3,771 2,195 1,086 1,238 156 160 6,460 7,803 278 326 38,092 39,779 25,763 26,869 8,024 8,085 757 774 3,362 3,840 69 77 13 7 60 59 45 69 1965--June 30................... 97,418 Dec. 31................... 103,034 54,464 57,287 38,475 42,237 125 143 3,280 3,532 4,325 1,773 1,091 1,180 158 163 6,716 7,928 294 330 42,954 45,747 28,105 29,856 9,590 9,812 847 842 4,163 4,960 75 71 14 7 85 133 74 66 1966--June 30................... 104,323 Dec. 31................... 109,173 55,640 59,230 39,729 43,902 109 120 3,513 3,708 3,968 1,633 1,168 1,274 173 154 6,670 8,095 310 343 48,683 49,943 28,099 27,466 14,260 15,793 954 945 5,093 5,450 64 57 15 48 134 99 66 86 1967--Ju n e 30................... 110,614 Dec. 30................... 120,847 55,943 64,377 41,489 48,021 128 144 3,399 3,542 1,880 1,715 1,380 1,580 162 167 7,162 8,817 342 390 54,671 56,470 27,746 28,446 19,176 20,443 1,208 1,361 6,094 5,830 78 80 184 83 111 143 75 84 1968--June 29................... 118,470 Dec. 31................... 132,638 59,924 .44,948 69,514 51,519 131 149 3,641 3,835 1,399 1,884 1,674 1,947 166 171 7,568 9,554 397 456 58,546 63,123 28,442 28,767 22,153 25,074 1,315 1,430 6,219 7,378 117 168 119 80 110 158 71 69 1969--June 30................... 125,451 Dec. 31................... 126,536 65,231 71,160 48,317 52,933 127 129 3,792 3,934 2,171 1,575 1,843 1,928 185 164 8,353 9,909 444 590 60,219 55,376 27,805 27,050 24,521 21,910 1,295 1,479 6,231 4,609 162 86 19 1 127 90 59 151 1970—June 30................... 123,895 Dec. 31................... 140,661 65,962 73,192 47,685 53,370 111 129 3,798 3,793 3,115 2,547 1,723 2,035 159 176 8,861 10,629 509 512 57,933 67,469 27,058 28,410 22,619 28,230 1,912 1,526 6,005 8,489 67 222 61 96 109 443 103 53 F o r notes see end of Table 2.5 E. MEMBER BANKS MEMBER 2.5 COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS A. TOTAL ASSETS AND NUMBER OF BANKS [Assets in millions o f dollars] Loans and investments 1 Balances with— Call date Investments Total assets Total Loans Total U.S. Govt. Other securities securities Reserve with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Cash items Domes tic banks Foreign banks 1939— Mar. 29.............. June 30............... Oct. 2 ............... Dec. 30............... 14,605 14,826 15,333 15,666 10,098 10,109 10,102 10,224 4,480 4,605 4,665 4,768 5,618 5,504 5,437 5,456 3,220 3,127 3,082 3,159 2,398 2,377 2,356 2,297 1,367 1,403 1,555 1,578 350 307 329 363 1,963 2,117 2,473 2,614 3 3 4 2 1940— Mar. 26.............. June 29............... Dec. 31.............. 15,783 15,884 17,101 10,194 10,257 10.826 4,860 4,987 5,309 5,334 5,270 5,517 3,060 3,030 3,269 2,273 2,240 2,248 1,648 1,733 1,857 389 328 452 2,645 2,711 3,002 2 1 2 1941—Apr. 4 .............. June 30............... Sept. 24.............. Dec. 31............... 17,322 17,822 18,591 19,466 11,144 11.446 11,852 12,518 5,431 5,607 5,828 5,890 5,713 5,839 6.024 6,628 3,456 3,627 3,789 4,377 2,257 2,212 2,235 2,250 1,894 1,914 2,075 2,210 372 437 501 526 3,044 3,106 3.293 3,216 1942 -A pr. 4 ............... June 30............... Dec. 31............... 19,322 20,074 24,557 12,753 13,130 16,419 5,749 5,393 5,038 7,004 7,737 11,380 4,746 5,502 9,172 2,258 2,235 2,208 2,180 2,306 2,842 429 533 542 1943—June 30.............. Oct. 18.............. Dec. 31.............. 27,205 30,411 30,638 19,164 22,103 22,188 4,497 4,780 4,654 14,667 17,323 17,534 12,509 15,212 15,465 2,157 2,111 2,069 2,987 3,116 3,303 1944—Apr. 13............... June 30............... Dec. 30............... 31,841 33,566 38,284 23,819 24,850 28,520 4,582 4,780 4,910 19,238 20,071 23,610 17,170 18,009 21,552 2,068 2,061 2,058 1945— Mar. 20............... June 30............... Dec. 31............... 38,423 41,339 46,059 29,126 31,368 35,002 4,807 5,114 5,596 24,319 26,253 29,407 22,204 24,094 26,999 1946—June 29............... Sept. 30............... Dec. 31............... 45.859 46,261 45,988 35,886 36,056 35,412 6,605 7,334 8.004 29,281 28,722 27,408 1947-—June 30............... Oct. 6 .............. Dec. 31............... 45,179 46,995 47,553 35,057 36,027 36,324 9,102 9,638 10,199 1948 -A p r. 12.............. June 30............... Dec. 31............... 47,169 47,143 48,407 36,699 36,623 36,726 1949 —Apr. I I ............... June 30............... Nov. 1............... Dec. 31............... 47,459 46,835 48,499 49,051 1950—Apr. 24............... June 30............... Oct. 4 .............. Dec. 30............... 49,013 49,556 50,615 52,689 Bank 1 ' prem ( ises, etc. | i . ! I ! Other estate Cus tom ers’ liability on accept ances O ther assets N um ber of banks 381 379 380 376 188 183 181 175 2 2 2 2 60 42 46 41 5,935 5,935 5,945 5,966 372 I 377 373 372 171 148 137 2 1 3 143 60 78 5,983 6,005 6,089 2 1 1 1 279 367 286 449 | i 1 j 375 372 373 368 133 128 121 110 3 3 3 3 76 48 85 65 6,133 6,158 6,197 6,219 3.092 3,168 3,699 2 2 2 325 406 ! 554 370 368 368 105 97 83 4 3 3 63 60 46 6,228 6.244 6,275 616 619 611 3,462 3,618 3,474 2 2 2 491 470 ! 593 361 362 354 71 64 56 3 3 3 49 54 54 6,299 6,318 6,331 3,173 3,438 3,909 671 618 684 3,242 3,638 4,097 2 2 2 475 566 i 631 353 349 342 51 44 33 4 3 52 59 64 6,357 6,368 6,408 2,115 2,159 2,408 3,927 4,117 4,527 745 632 796 3,693 4,213 4,665 2 2 2 493 ! 575 | 641 : 341 335 327 31 25 22 3 3 62 70 74 6,415 6,431 6,476 26,556 25,948 24,572 2,725 2,774 2,836 4,543 4,599 4,703 631 758 883 3,684 3,666 3,753 3 4 4 685 742 | 807 j 327 331 330 20 20 17 3 4 5 76 81 74 6,482 6,492 6,494 25,955 26,389 26,125 22,893 23,164 22,857 3,063 3,225 3,268 4,628 4,934 4,993 780 829 929 3,444 3,959 3,900 3 3 2 834 ! 790 ! 954 1 337 344 346 16 16 16 3 4 78 88 84 6,524 6,525 6,519 10,877 11,234 11,945 25,822 25,389 24,781 22,381 21,892 21,278 3,442 3,497 3,504 4,815 4,866 5,736 884 934 858 3.391 3,369 3,619 2 2 2 910 ! 878 | 980 ! 361 366 379 17 17 17 3 3 3 86 84 87 6,537 6,541 6,535 36,434 36,338 38,052 38,219 12,003 11,968 12,442 12,692 24,431 24,370 25,610 25,527 20,967 20,889 21,969 21,862 3,464 3,481 3,640 3,665 5,547 5,127 4,362 4,371 922 913 899 901 3,208 3,117 3,770 4,002 2 1 1 1 845 836 881 1,039 390 392 404 401 18 19 21 21 4 3 3 4 89 89 105 93 6,529 6,519 6,519 6,513 38,927 39,245 39,808 40,558 13,148 13,510 14,441 14,988 25,779 25,734 25,367 25,570 21,964 21,830 21,250 21,377 3.814 3,904 4,118 4,193 4,266 4,343 4,628 4,745 973 813 994 976 3,448 3,579 3,683 4,450 2 2 3 3 861 1.037 949 1,396 412 415 429 433 21 21 21 20 4 4 99 98 94 101 6,515 6,511 6,511 6,501 193 282 263 292 213 i 270 ! BANKS i 40,420 40,448 41,523 42,444 15,630 15,858 16,089 16,296 24,789 24,590 25,434 26,148 20,498 | 20,247 20,970 1 21,587 4,291 4,343 4,464 4,561 5,278 5,172 5,579 5,676 1,012 834 1,141 1,231 3,570 3,581 4,240 4,862 3 3 3 2 1,055 1,188 1,024 1,521 453 461 476 482 21 22 22 21 9 7 6 6 100 104 99 104 6,508 6,500 6,491 6,484 1952-—M ar 31............... June 30............... Sept 5 ............... Dec. 31............... 55,017 55,766 56,958 59,535 42,638 43,037 44,115 45,594 16,531 17,133 17,550 18,213 26,108 25,904 26,565 27,381 21,465 21,206 21,801 22,549 4,643 4,698 4,764 4,832 5,420 5,495 5,873 5,820 1,056 1,072 984 1,250 4,007 4,159 4,221 4,706 2 2 2 2 1,262 1,358 1,089 1,503 494 502 513 522 22 22 22 23 7 4 4 4 109 114 135 111 6,471 6,461 6,454 6,444 1953-—Apr. June Sept Dec. 20............... 30............... 30............... 31............... 58,325 58,129 59,490 61,385 45,610 45,359 46,739 47,404 18,792 19,028 19,417 19,934 26,818 26,330 27,322 27,470 21,927 21,394 22,306 22,423 4,891 4,936 5,016 5,047 5,764 5,505 5,465 5,780 1,125 1,189 1,221 1,140 3,874 4,057 4,090 4,855 2 2 2 3 1,266 1,330 1,262 1,491 540 546 561 564 23 24 26 26 4 4 3 4 116 112 120 119 6,414 6,409 6,399 6,389 1954— Apr. 15............... June 30............... Oct. 7 ............... Dec. 31............... 60,211 60,745 62,809 64,364 47,143 47,474 49,706 50,466 20,346 20,537 20,596 21,442 26,796 26,937 29,110 29,024 21,725 21,779 23,770 23,629 5,071 5,158 5,340 5,395 5,624 5,468 5,411 5,377 1,093 1,230 1,152 1,129 4,191 4,496 4,690 5,057 2 2 3 2 1,408 1,310 1,062 1,552 585 594 613 614 27 28 30 30 6 5 5 6 132 138 138 131 6,387 6,376 6,365 6,326 1955-—Apr. 11............... June 30............... Oct. 5 ............... Dec. 31............... 63,751 63,732 65,043 66,988 50,313 50,806 51,803 52,775 21,739 22,799 23,490 24,379 28,574 28,006 28,313 28,397 22,939 22,321 22,528 22,570 5,635 5,685 5,785 5,826 5,429 5,163 5,579 5,429 1,245 1,217 1,205 1,222 4,502 4,259 4,251 4,844 2 2 3 3 1,436 1,452 1,345 1,845 634 645 663 677 36 36 42 45 3 5 4 3 150 149 150 145 6,288 6,283 6,246 6,220 1956-—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10............... 30............... 26............... 31............... 65,995 66,147 66,994 69,945 52,406 52,752 53,607 54,571 24,871 25,716 25,980 26,491 27,535 27,035 27,627 28,080 21,625 21,076 21,595 22,037 5,910 5,959 6,032 6,042 5,576 5,316 5,499 5,526 1,284 1,024 l,40i 1,502 4,443 4,373 4,159 5,194 3 3 3 2 1,371 1,748 1,361 2,166 705 719 743 760 50 54 56 58 4 4 6 5 151 155 159 162 6,198 6,177 6,166 6,141 1957--M a r. 14............... June 6 ............... Oct. 11............... Dec. 31............... 67,876 68,404 70,766 72,062 54,396 55,112 56,565 56,820 26,619 27,330 27,980 28,191 27,777 27,782 28,585 28,629 21,537 21,409 22,058 21,815 6,240 6,373 6,527 6,814 5,542 5,631 5,704 5,576 1,319 1,241 1,164 1,549 4,099 3,966 4,589 4,964 3 3 3 1,488 1,384 1,636 2,048 787 813 841 841 61 62 69 67 3 3 6 3 177 188 188 191 6,138 6,131 6,105 6,083 1958-—Mar. 4 ............... June 23............... Sept. 24............... Dec. 31............... 70,416 72,255 73,505 76,767 56,321 58,225 59,550 61,511 28,030 28,937 29,099 30,257 28,292 29,288 30,450 31,254 21,363 22,000 22,943 23,606 6,928 7,288 7,507 7,648 5,672 5,392 5,535 5,444 1,228 1,395 1,456 1,476 4,491 4,432 4,387 5,030 3 3 3 4 1,563 1,638 1,384 2,077 858 895 918 935 70 68 70 66 6 2 4 7 204 204 198 216 6,072 6,045 6,030 6,006 1959-—Mar. 12............... June 10............... Oct. 6 ............... Dec. 31............... 75,000 76,405 78,104 79,567 61,249 62,248 63,314 64,082 30,388 31,960 33,101 33,766 30,861 30,288 30,212 30,316 23,201 22,581 22,388 22,535 7,660 7,707 7,824 7,781 5,439 5,647 5,837 5,573 1,357 1,423 1,327 1,357 4,163 4,093 4,477 4,870 3 4 4 4 1,540 1,672 1,799 2,318 957 991 1,018 1,028 69 77 78 82 8 9 7 7 214 240 243 246 5,983 5,976 5,946 5,938 1960— Mar. 15............... June 15............... Oct. 3 ............... Dec. 31............... 79,462 80,357 81,919 84,126 64,516 65,427 66,533 67,890 34,519 36,074 36,813 36,981 29,996 29,353 29,720 30,909 22,156 21,556 21,845 22,848 7,841 7,797 7,875 8,060 5,667 5,388 5,300 5,070 1,446 1,515 1,391 1,534 4,446 4,488 4,950 5,655 4 4 4 5 1,978 2,080 2,233 2,477 1,063 1,098 1,124 1,130 89 95 102 101 6 5 7 7 246 256 275 258 5,968 5,966 5,953 5,932 1961--A pr. June Sept. Dec. 12............... 30............... 27............... 30............... 83,111 83,769 85,971 90,376 68,505 69,139 71,732 73,131 37,267 37,942 38,938 39,693 31,239 31,196 32,794 33,438 22,882 22,608 23,941 24,407 8,356 8,588 8,853 9,031 4,695 4,828 4,521 5,210 1,624 1,329 1,777 1,678 4,815 4,618 4,551 5,881 5 5 5 1,916 2,258 1,756 2,822 1,171 1,185 1,216 1,226 107 107 112 117 6 7 7 8 267 293 294 298 5,915 5,911 5,904 5,885 1962--M ar. June Sept. Dec. 26............... 30............... 28............... 28............... 88,073 90,555 93,642 97,008 73,282 75,019 77,759 80,623 39,888 41,492 42,556 44,698 33,395 33,528 35,203 35,926 24,117 23,843 24,953 25,425 9,278 9,685 10,250 10,501 4,822 5,023 5,230 4,817 1,705 1,438 1,564 1,947 4,535 4,872 4,998 5,389 14 10 10 8 2,021 2,463 2,291 2,398 1,252 1,255 1,290 1,316 121 128 134 135 13 11 13 17 309 337 351 357 5,858 5,842 5,832 5,828 1963--M ar. 18............... June 2 9 ............... Dec. 2 0 ............... 96,408 99,361 103,615 80,447 82,952 87,316 44,805 46,934 50,023 35,641 36,019 37,293 24,820 24,496 24,797 10,822 11,522 12,496 4,771 4,933 4,919 1,774 1,599 1,884 5,105 5,182 5,060 8 8 10 2,482 2,743 2,402 1,330 1,369 1,482 138 145 136 20 27 34 334 405 373 5,820 5,839 5,897 1964--June 3 0 ............... Dec. 3 1 ............... 105,430 112,932 88,337 93,759 52,289 55,733 36,048 38,026 23,218 24,341 12,830 13,685 4,826 5,165 | 2,113 2,092 5,278 6,295 11 20 2,726 3,372 1,673 1,750 27 440 448 5,971 6,018 1965--June 3 0 ............... Dec. 3 1 ............... 115,302 123,227 97,043 103,362 59,411 63,338 37,632 40,023 22,697 23,735 14,935 16,288 5,267 1 5,463 2,326 2,235 5,333 6,344 21 15 2,889 3,308 1,858 1,924 31 46 39 517 537 6,032 6,027 1966--June 3 0 ............... Dec. 3 1............... 125,833 131,909 106,300 110,089 66,647 69,212 39.653 40,877 21,709 22,419 17,944 18,458 5,697 1 5,839 2,415 2,506 5,481 6.545 20 20 3,222 4,093 2,036 2,129 46 50 614 638 6,001 5,958 BANKS 51,922 51,821 54,111 56,349 MEMBER 1951-—Apr. 9 ............... June 30............... Oct. 10............... Dec. 31............... MEMBER 2.5 COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS—Continued A. TOTAL ASSETS AND NUMBER OF BANKS—Continued [Assets in millions of dollars] J Loans and investments Total Loans j | U.S. Govt. 1 Other l securities securities I Total Reserve with F. R . Banks Currency and coin I S ! 1 Domes- I tic 1 F o re ig n [ banks ] banks j j 1 Bank prem ises, etc. Cash items Cus tomers* liability on accept ances Other real estate O ther assets N um ber of banks I 1967—June 30.............. Dec. 30.............. 135,639 146,668 114,563 123,127 72,276 1 42,288 75,612 47,515 21,557 1 20,731 1 24,689 I 22,826 5,565 5,767 2,237 2,704 6,180 7,117 16 I 1968—June 29.............. Dec. 31.............. 149,186 161,727 126,365 135,364 78,609 1 47,756 84,002 | 51,362 23,469 24,998 24,287 I 26,364 6,101 6,713 2,392 3,293 6,305 j 7,592 22 12 24 1 4,052 4,725 2,259 2,262 100 42 43 725 801 5,919 5,886 4,512 5,042 2,364 2,463 ! 111 111 53 64 972 1,060 5,855 5,796 1969—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 164,886 169,650 138,298 141,287 89,161 92,718 49,138 48,568 21,686 21,278 27,452 27,291 1 6,991 7,179 2,851 3,302 7,036 1 7,870 19 24 j 5,512 5,554 2,707 1 2,847 116 128 91 130 1,265 1,331 5,756 5,691 1970—June 30.............. Dec. 31.............. 170,621 185,073 143,095 154,568 94,573 48,521 99,841 1 54,726 19,999 28,522 1 22,586 | 32,140 I 7,236 7,778 3,222 3,135 7,066 8,544 26 59 5,191 5,930 3,001 3,183 134 137 127 105 1,526 1,634 5,626 5,589 | I F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 2.5 COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS—Continued B. TO TA L LIABILITIES [In millions o f dollars] Call date Total liabil ities and capital C apital accounts Deposits Total Inter bank U.S. Govt. and postal savings Other demand Other time Borrow ings ances out stand ing Other liabil ities Stocks Sur plus Total Common | Prefcrred Dem and deposits U ndi vided profits Reserves for contin gencies, etc. A d justed N et 29. . 30 .. 2 .. 30.. 14,605 14,826 15,333 15,666 12,733 12,943 13,427 13,762 464 467 538 598 183 176 168 189 6,377 6,537 6,941 7,158 5,710 5,764 5,780 5,817 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 46 49 48 48 1,818 1,828 1,852 1,851 1 727 j 728 732 733 197 193 187 186 563 573 578 593 243 236 256 234 88 99 99 105 6,183 6,255 6,677 6,866 4,857 4,779 4,925 5,048 1940 =M ar. 26 .. June 2 9 .. Dec. 31.. 15,783 15,884 17,101 13,854 13,950 15,132 596 568 665 182 179 184 7,168 7,239 8,216 5,908 5,964 6,067 2 3 3 2 1 3 50 52 55 1,875 1,876 1,909 738 1 740 . 176 174 169 600 607 628 258 249 250 103 106 111 6,954 6,969 7,845 5,100 5,015 5,705 1941—Apr. 4 .. June 30 .. Sept. 2 4 .. Dec. 31.. 17,322 17,822 18,591 19,466 15,319 15,799 16,532 17,415 708 684 766 822 145 182 198 256 8,318 8,741 9,314 10,109 6,148 6,192 6,255 6,228 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 54 61 63 60 1,943 1,956 1,990 1,982 164 162 158 155 637 649 656 669 275 272 298 273 110 114 113 117 8,039 8,374 9,028 9.661 5,863 6,146 6,709 7,529 1939—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 751 758 * 760 j 765 768 BANKS Jnvestments ! Total assets Call date Balances with— 17,253 17,996 22,459 809 776 980 299 268 1,122 10,051 10,766 13,819 6,094 6,185 6,537 4 3 3 4 4 3 56 57 51 2,005 2,014 2,042 774 780 786 148 146 140 676 684 703 291 286 291 115 119 121 9,726 10,360 13,265 7,744 8,235 11,655 1943—June 30.. Oct. 18.. Dec. 31.. 27,205 30,411 30,638 25,047 28,177 28,414 949 965 1,015 1,564 3,563 2,018 15,499 16,196 17,632 7,034 7,452 7,748 7 25 10 3 3 3 54 55 58 2,094 2,151 2,153 791 799 805 133 129 124 724 736 771 317 357 322 128 131 131 15,009 15,726 17,039 12,626 13,204 14,714 1944—Apr. 13.. June 30.. Dec. 30.. 31,841 33,566 38,284 29,532 31,248 35,871 950 972 1,171 2,653 3,978 4,287 17,726 17,665 20,588 8,204 8,634 9,825 28 11 16 4 3 2 56 64 74 2,221 2,239 2,321 816 824 851 118 113 94 783 806 876 372 359 364 132 136 136 17,251 17,099 19,958 15,095 14,591 17,162 1945—M ar. 20.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 38,423 41,339 46,059 35,900 38,798 43,418 1,097 1,129 1,223 3,008 5,250 5,517 21,335 21,231 24,235 10,460 11,188 12,442 51 9 11 3 2 3 74 90 103 2,395 2,440 2,525 862 872 894 90 85 73 892 933 1,010 417 408 401 135 143 147 20,842 20,656 23,595 18,360 17,697 20,263 1946—June 29.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 3 1 .. 45,859 46,261 45,988 43,049 43,342 43,066 1,023 998 1,091 3,243 2,209 932 25,316 26,305 27,044 13,468 13,830 13,999 18 41 26 3 4 5 115 122 134 2,674 2,752 2,757 917 924 933 69 65 61 1,071 1,086 1,136 460 518 458 157 158 169 24,630 25,563 26,237 22,053 22,969 23,651 1947—June 3 0 .. Oct. 6 .. Dec. 3 1 .. 45,179 46,995 47,553 42,133 43,876 44,443 910 1,030 1,073 473 845 478 26,342 27,450 28,378 14,409 14,552 14,514 38 28 23 ' 3 6 4 136 139 149 2,869 2,946 2,934 955 960 966 55 53 50 1,175 1,185 1,220 511 576 513 173 172 185 25,508 26,660 27,424 23,395 24,522 25,027 1948—Apr. 12.. June 30. Dec. 31.. 47,169 47,143 48,407 43,914 43,903 45,102 837 821 964 891 728 737 27,377 27,517 28,683 14,810 14,837 14,719 55 24 12 4 4 3 148 156 166 3,048 3,056 3,123 989 997 1,008 48 47 44 1,242 1,269 1,310 580 573 588 189 170 173 26,466 26,639 27,703 24,754 24,769 25,735 1949—Apr. June Nov. Dec. 11.. 30.. 1 .. 31.. 47,459 46,835 48,499 49,051 44,050 43,422 44,952 45,534 816 781 890 1,001 898 587 835 870 27,498 27,238 28,427 28,974 14,837 14,816 14,799 14,689 48 20 19 11 4 3 4 4 158 174 190 197 3,200 3,215 3,335 3,305 1,018 1,018 1,026 1,036 42 41 39 39 1,323 1,344 1,362 1,413 649 640 736 639 168 171 172 178 26,653 26,402 27,546 27,935 25,102 24,586 25,427 25,729 1950—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 2 4 .. 30.. 4 .. 30 .. 49,013 49,556 50,615 52,689 45,357 45,888 46,753 48,897 865 871 917 1,133 940 1,111 905 1,005 28,578 28,916 30,074 31,977 14,973 14,989 14,858 14,782 35 15 64 9 4 5 7 8 200 216 235 244 3,416 3,433 3,555 3,532 1,058 1,063 1,073 1,083 39 39 38 37 1,430 1,456 1,472 1,531 713 695 793 697 176 180 180 185 27,717 27,879 29,125 30,581 25,998 26,207 27,186 28,184 1951—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 9 .. 30 .. 10 .. 3 1 .. 51,922 51,821 54,111 56,349 47,940 47,877 50,001 52,288 969 936 1,109 1,309 1,610 1,344 1,145 1,001 30,515 30,592 32,488 34,572 14,845 15,005 15,259 15,406 96 36 60 16 10 7 7 7 235 242 262 278 3,640 3,658 3,782 3,760 1,111 1,121 1,131 1,143 35 34 33 31 1,556 1,580 1,593 1,647 759 742 842 746 179 182 183 194 29,460 29,404 31,464 33,051 28,380 28,003 29.360 30,371 1952—M ar. 3 1 .. June 3 0 .. Sept. 5 .. Dec. 3 1 .. 55,017 55,766 56,958 59,535 50,841 51,571 52,431 55,175 1,075 1,083 1,078 1,301 1,430 1,525 1,336 1,419 32,676 33,029 33,870 36,022 15,660 15,934 16,146 16,433 61 24 262 25 7 4 4 5 272 292 319 361 3,836 3,873 3,942 3,970 1,172 1,183 1,186 1,201 29 28 29 27 1,665 1,696 1,701 1,755 788 780 839 790 183 186 187 196 31,413 31,671 32,781 34,519 29,774 29,976 30,828 32,379 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 2 0 .. 30 .. 30 .. 31 .. 58,325 58,129 59,490 61,385 53,670 53,606 54,756 56,740 1,061 1,073 1,081 1,315 1,318 1,086 1,584 1,369 34,486 34,363 34,725 36,520 16,805 17,084 17,367 17,536 206 49 103 20 5 4 3 4 366 368 413 428 4,078 4,101 4,213 4,194 1,225 1,233 1,242 1,255 27 27 26 25 1,781 1,800 1,823 1,877 859 850 942 849 186 192 180 189 33,220 33,033 33,463 35,029 31,570 30,979 31,878 32,699 1954—Apr. 15. . June 30.. Oct. 7 .. Dec. 31.. 60,211 60,745 62,809 64,364 55,351 55,943 57,770 59,360 1,174 1,241 1,343 1,508 1,220 1,510 1,797 1,434 35,019 34,879 35,965 37,794 17,938 18,313 18,665 18,624 111 26 43 11 7 6 5 6 407 398 451 480 4,336 4,372 4,540 4,506 1,289 1,299 1,315 1,328 24 27 25 24 1,900 1,925 1,947 2,022 941 933 1,061 924 182 188 192 208 33,611 33,569 34,903 36,242 31,657 31,670 33,180 33,954 1955—Apr. 11.. June 30.. Oct. 5 .. Dec. 31.. 63,751 63,732 65,043 66,988 58,501 58,594 59,596 61,636 1,315 1,283 1,309 1,523 1,244 1,498 1,213 1,217 37,153 36,751 37,833 39,681 18,790 19,062 19,240 19,215 201 55 134 52 3 5 4 4 445 437 503 527 4,601 4,642 4,806 4,769 1,367 1,383 1,401 1,418 24 24 26 25 2,054 2,089 2,101 2,156 967 959 1,089 967 190 188 190 201 35,716 35,299 36,489 37,836 33,606 33,654 34,596 35,568 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10.. 30.. 26 .. 31 .. 65,995 66,147 66,994 69,945 60,364 60,591 61,129 64,289 1,380 1,353 1,275 1,618 1,266 1,520 1,506 1,306 38,171 37,897 38,291 41,194 19,546 19,821 20,057 20,171 203 84 166 21 4 4 6 5 516 521 585 583 4,908 4,947 5,107 5,046 1,458 1,481 1,499 1,517 24 24 24 24 2,192 2,224 2,245 2,298 1,046 1,030 1,151 1,012 188 189 189 196 36,800 36,149 36,930 39,028 34,846 34,495 35,400 36,601 1957—Mar. June Oct. Dec. 14.. 6 .. 11.. 31 .. 67,876 68,404 70,766 72,062 61,841 62,192 64,501 65,991 1,320 1,290 1,412 1,658 854 1,238 1,355 1,315 38,775 38,211 39,466 40,724 20,892 21,453 22,268 22,294 287 267 129 30 4 3 6 3 583 637 686 678 5,162 5,304 5,443 5,359 1,556 1,572 1,596 1,599 24 23 23 23 2,343 2,358 2,392 2,440 1,056 1,170 1,247 1,099 183 181 186 198 37,287 36,827 37,830 38,676 35,208 35,235 35,858 36,543 BANKS 19,322 20,074 24,557 MEMBER 1942—Apr. 4 .. June 30.. Dec. 31.. B. MEMBER 2.5 COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS—Continued TO TA L LIABILITIES—Continued [In millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Inter bank U.S. Govt. and postal savings Other demand Other time Bor row ings Accept ances out stand ing Capital accounts Other liabil ities Stocks Total « Common Prej ferred Sur plus I Dem and deposits U ndi vided profits Reserves for contin gencies, etc. Ad justed N et 1958--M ar. June Sept. Dec. 4 .. 2 3 .. 2 4 .. 31. . 70.416 72,255 73,505 76,767 64,101 65,741 66,877 70,277 1,394 1,320 1,413 1,615 1,099 1,992 1,328 1,307 38,663 38,286 39,326 42,349 22,944 24,142 24,810 25,005 93 164 126 37 7 2 4 7 710 706 751 761 5,506 5,641 5,747 5,685 1,632 1,638 1,653 1,671 22 21 21 21 2,468 2,490 2,527 2,608 1,186 1,305 1,343 1,166 198 186 202 219 37,100 36,648 37,942 40,272 34,964 35,371 36,135 38,010 1959--M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12. . 10. . 6 .. 31.. 75,000 76,405 78,104 79,567 68,070 69,175 70,790 72,323 1,349 1,333 1,417 1,627 972 1,090 1,544 1,640 40,422 40,812 41,634 42,832 25,329 25,940 26,195 26,224 354 463 352 71 8 9 7 7 767 812 854 1,132 5,801 5,946 6,101 6,034 1,711 1,739 1,764 1,786 21 20 19 18 2,643 2,683 2,726 2,789 1,219 1,309 1,397 1,237 206 195 196 204 38,882 39,140 39,834 40,514 36,892 37,310 38,165 38,767 1960--M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 15. . 3. . 31. . 79,462 80,357 81,919 84,126 71,597 72,222 73,489 76,004 1,337 1,325 1,451 1,815 1,682 2,078 1,853 1,905 41,476 41,240 41,593 43,395 27,102 27,579 28,592 28,889 362 320 302 23 6 5 7 7 1,220 1,358 1,475 1,495 6,277 6,453 6,645 6,599 1,872 1,893 1,920 1,928 19 18 18 18 2,878 2,913 2,963 3,052 1,312 1,437 1,537 1,361 196 192 207 240 39,498 39,159 39,361 40,917 37,930 37,935 37,572 38,844 1961--A pr. June Sept. Dec. 12. 30. 27. 30. . . . . 83,111 83,769 85,971 90,376 74,797 75,407 77,306 81,646 1,533 1,443 1,460 1,961 994 1,846 2,535 1,749 42,243 41,413 42,059 46,211 30,027 30,705 31,252 31,725 84 121 84 40 6 7 7 8 1,386 1,373 1,488 1,593 6,838 6,861 7,085 7,088 1,997 2,011 2,032 2,061 17 17 17 16 3,133 3,167 3,190 3,292 1,464 1,442 1,614 1,475 227 225 233 243 40,507 39,318 40,470 43,575 37,901 37,690 39,618 41,088 1962--M ar. June Sept. Dec. 26. 30. 28. 28. . . . . 88,073 90,555 93,642 97,008 79,061 81,577 84,178 87,342 1,496 1,577 1,640 1,824 2,043 2,705 2,725 2,031 42,092 42,596 43,981 46,895 33,429 34,698 35,832 36,593 126 80 139 172 13 11 13 17 1,637 1,564 1,691 1,732 7,237 7,323 7,621 7,744 2,108 2,128 2,172 2,189 16 16 14 34 3,361 3,409 3,469 3,547 1,527 1,541 1,732 1,739 225 229 234 234 40,240 40,321 41,855 44,689 38,959 39,441 40,961 42,893 1963--M ar. 18.. 96,408 June 29. . 99,361 Dec. 20. . 103,615 86,513 89,470 92,759 1,686 1,701 1,848 1,849 3,425 2,046 45,028 45,066 48,256 37,949 39,278 40,608 222 127 390 20 29 35 1,903 1,841 2,055 7,750 7,894 8,377 2,250 2,297 2,366 34 36 66 3,631 3,712 3,833 1,600 1,613 1,864 235 236 248 42,737 42,524 46,049 40,954 42,274 44,695 1964— June 30. . 105,430 Dec. 31. . 112,932 94,733 101,581 1,804 2,254 2,954 1,844 47,270 52,398 42,705 45,086 230 213 27 32 1,908 2,221 8,531 8,886 2,484 2,568 86 139 3,979 4,136 1,739 1,770 243 273 44,773 49,253 44,013 46,862 1965-=Junc 30. . 115,302 Dec. 31. . 123,227 103,304 110,738 1,896 2,445 3,304 1,578 49,800 55,118 48,305 51,598 323 343 46 40 2,269 2,433 9,359 9,673 2,712 2,764 214 264 4,260 4,394 1,905 1,947 269 304 47,143 52,104 46,766 49,459 1966—June 30. . 125,833 Dec. 31. . 131,909 112,702 118,320 1,976 2,461 3,126 1,544 52,785 56,672 54,816 57,643 416 308 49 51 2,616 2,920 10,050 10,309 2,875 2,909 300 305 4,486 4,598 2,097 2,175 292 322 49,810 52,832 49,167 49,965 1967--June 30. . 135,639 Dec. 30. . 146,668 121,436 131,773 2,153 2,862 1,454 1,647 54,956 61,161 62,873 66,102 611 552 45 45 2,891 3,294 10,655 11,005 3,002 3,060 310 324 4,682 4,851 2,348 2,397 312 373 51,156 56,812 48,363 53,801 1968 -June 29. . 149,186 Dec. 3 !.. 161,727 133,435 145,287 2,360 2,950 1,889 1,367 59,183 66,578 70,003 74,392 871 804 54 65 3,423 3,765 11 403 11,807 3,177 3,218 336 359 4,962 5,133 2,593 2,746 335 351 54,952 61,827 52,509 58,155 1969--June 30. . Dec. 31.. 164,886 169,650 144,327 148,578 2,601 3,236 1,536 1,725 63,562 67,930 76,628 75,688 1,787 1,820 92 131 6,304 6,354 12,376 12,766 3,357 3,416 378 397 5,289 5,430 3,023 3,177 329 346 58,324 62,729 55,038 59,387 1970-=June 30. . 170,621 Dec. 31. . 185,073 148,452 162,288 2,844 3,522 2,319 2,704 63,906 69,806 79,383 86,255 2,164 1,836 130 106 _______ _ 6.498 7,036 13,377 13,807 3,556 3,610 407 410 5,559 5,759 3,528 3,686 327 341 59,008 64,184 56,745 61,562 F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. BANKS Total liabil ities and capital z s COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS — Continued C. LOANS [In millions o f dollars] To farmers Call date Total loans Fo r purchasing o r carrying securities O ther loans to individuals To financial institutions Real estate mercial Re- Instalm ent O ther G uar anteed by ccc Other To brokers and dealers To others Banks Other Total On farm land On resi dential prop erty Other R epair and m od erni zation Total Retail auto O ther retail O ther Singlepay ment 1,223 1,235 517 S31 24 22 226 229 6 5 1,363 1,402 185 187 870 897 309 318 1,121 1,180 Oct. 2 ................. Dec. 30................. 4,480 4,605 4,665 4,768 1,314 49 S 20 224 4 1,477 194 955 328 1,234 June 29................. Dec. 31................. 4,860 4,987 5,309 1,361 1,453 546 son 17 21 208 201 3 3 ............... 1,544 1,644 203 208 1,000 1,081 340 355 1,307 1,397 5,431 5,607 5,828 5,890 17 195 3 1,739 217 1,158 364 1,504 1,676 659 20 183 2 1,823 215 1,234 373 1,528 Dec. 31................. 5,749 5,393 5,038 1,512 1,226 339 433 16 17 169 161 2 2 1,834 1,797 212 199 1,259 1,261 363 338 674 90 91 1943—June 30................. Oct. 18................. Dec. 31................. 4,497 4,780 4,654 1,017 158 465 17 164 2 1,750 196 1,234 320 555 60 1,084 277 436 25 197 2 1,725 191 1,233 302 529 1944— Apr. 13................. 4,582 4,780 4,910 1,096 1,149 192 352 479 450 33 32 345 310 2 2 1,708 1,719 197 195 1,220 1,234 290 290 4,807 5,114 5,596 1,162 1,484 245 150 510 498 32 42 422 471 4 4 1,771 1,881 211 224 i,263 1,324 297 333 6,605 7,334 8,004 1,781 49 630 34 354 3 2,398 280 1,676 442 937 124 Dec. 31................. 2,433 57 624 29 273 5 2,970 317 2,089 564 1,312 189 77 100 2,744 9 765 26 244 5 3,381 355 2,380 645 1,693 285 114 134 Dec. 31................. 9,102 9,638 10,199 1939 Mar. 29................. 1941—Apr. 4 ................. Dec. 31................. 1942—Apr. 4 ................. 1945—Mar. 20................. Dec. 31................. 1946—June 29................. 1,593 S62 1,297 391 145 347 2 120 312 369 53 51 116 310 379 536 547 55 56 46 50 118 118 3i 7 323 390 348 611 707 61 77 57 74 130 147 363 409 358 359 193 506 419 249 698 301 319 841 235 114 for bad debts 781 23 227 5 3,827 373 2,736 718 1,979 362 142 184 362 928 224 Dec. 31................. 3,279 3,296 13 422 966 935 22 21 204 187 4 3 4,236 4,467 399 396 3,040 3,239 797 833 2,318 2,451 492 550 197 228 214 241 413 419 1,002 1,013 263 259 70 93 Apr. 11................. June 30................. Nov. 1................. Dec. 31................. 12,003 11,968 12,442 12,692 3,098 227 1,092 23 175 2 4,567 405 3,304 858 2,644 650 264 253 458 1,019 254 114 3,150 492 989 36 173 3 4,784 414 3,491 879 2,945 748 326 290 480 1,102 256 136 1950—Apr. 24................. June 30................. Oct. 4 ................. Dec. 30................. 13,148 13,510 14,441 14,988 3,339 3,656 3,980 216 115 188 1,163 1,256 1,219 33 28 33 177 189 187 3 3 5,125 5,406 5,591 422 435 439 3,790 4,014 4,154 914 956 998 3,346 3,653 3,679 916 1,041 1,029 400 469 467 299 326 327 532 554 555 1,200 1,264 1,301 263 292 285 155 158 178 1949 BANKS 37 MEMBER 3,096 10,877 11,234 11,945 1948—Apr. 12................. C. MEMBER 2.5 COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS—Continued LOANS—Continued [In millions of dollars] Call date Total loans Com m er cial G uar anteed by CCC Other For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others O ther loans to individuals To financial institutions O ther Banks Real estate Total On farm land ' On resi dential prop erty Other Instalment Total R etail auto O ther retail Repair and m od erni zation O ther Singlepay ment O ther R e serve for bad debts . 1951—Apr. June Oct. Dec. 9 .. 30.. 10.. 31 .. 15,630 15,858 16,089 16,296 4,339 4,345 4,279 4,377 103 20 122 139 1,355 1,467 1,520 1,471 36 37 35 35 183 183 181 178 4 3 3 5,738 5,846 5,954 6,099 453 458 459 451 4,257 4,355 4,453 4,579 1,028 1,033 1,043 1,069 3,776 3,856 3,890 3,906 1,046 1,078 1,094 1,071 470 467 474 484 319 321 339 353 571 579 582 591 1,370 1,411 1,402 1,407 286 295 300 300 189 194 196 212 1952—M ar. June Sept, Dec. 31 .. 30 .. 5. . 31.. 16,531 17,133 17,550 18,213 4,414 4,462 4,440 4,631 94 41 234 381 1,561 1,693 1,660 1,520 25 41 36 43 181 179 187 191 3 4 17 5 6,184 6,337 6,454 6,661 458 472 472 473 4,646 4,757 4,864 5,035 1,080 1,108 1,118 1,153 3,990 4,299 4,434 4,702 1,094 1,229 1,280 1,391 483 530 564 627 351 383 414 458 617 647 662 698 1,445 1,510 1,513 1,528 299 304 315 318 221 226 227 238 1953—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20 .. 30 .. 30 .. 31 .. 18,792 19,028 19,417 19,934 4,781 4,817 4,790 4,822 323 145 338 860 1,562 1,612 1,545 1,345 51 41 52 59 193 201 206 210 20 6 6 4 6,777 6,883 7,018 7,114 483 488 492 487 5,100 5,185 5,299 5,362 1,193 1,209 1,227 1,264 4,999 5,243 5,379 5,441 1,555 1,689 1,776 1,786 689 731 744 767 458 483 518 537 736 764 781 794 1,561 1,576 1,560 1,557 331 328 329 332 244 247 247 253 1954— Apr. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 30 .. 7 .. 31.. 20,346 20,537 20,596 21,442 4,934 5,071 5,092 5,306 980 625 373 805 1,425 1,546 1,512 1,424 64 66 75 89 193 200 208 220 18 6 22 4 7,187 7,331 7,555 7,742 500 511 517 520 5,387 5,482 5,655 5,786 1,300 1,338 1,383 1,436 5,464 5,618 5,662 5,760 1,764 1,796 1,787 1,781 751 768 774 793 535 551 565 566 814 851 872 902 1,601 1,652 1,664 1,718 340 339 361 384 258 263 265 291 1955—Apr. 11.. June 30.. Oct. 5 .. Dec. 31.. 21,739 22,799 23,490 24,379 5,490 5,815 5,937 6,290 440 311 242 537 1,528 1,670 1,674 1,590 • 71 61 154 189 223 234 238 255 10 15 6 15 7,918 8,214 8,482 8,723 540 556 562 567 5,902 6,118 6,326 6,502 1,475 1,540 1,594 1,654 5,970 6,366 6,618 6,575 1,890 2,079 2,216 2,304 798 833 851 823 540 551 569 589 943 1,001 1,017 972 1,800 1,902 1,966 1,886 393 424 451 559 303 310 312 354 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10.. 3 0 .. 26 .. 31.. 24,871 25,716 25,980 26,491 6,549 6,892 6,842 7,080 386 279 204 394 1,630 1,740 1,722 1,578 213 223 276 334 260 257 254 261 43 21 41 6 8,875 9,073 9,266 9,407 582 592 593 591 6,569 6,699 6,842 6,929 1,724 1,783 1,831 1,887 6,756 7,050 7,169 7,256 2,398 2,525 2,574 2,591 822 843 864 878 583 609 637 654 1,008 1,037 1,067 1,085 1,946 2,036 2,027 2,048 534 569 598 625 375 388 393 450 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14.. 6 .. 11.. 31.. 26,619 27,330 27,980 28,191 7,055 7,378 7,427 7,613 400 197 117 232 1,604 1,752 1,786 1,737 321 312 382 365 256 259 252 252 62 31 65 16 9,451 9,586 9,838 9,856 594 603 606 599 6,936 7,014 7,191 7,179 1,921 1,968 2,041 2,078 7,330 7,653 7,945 7,944 2,653 2,795 2,938 2,911 878 892 922 916 650 678 732 742 1,106 1,151 1,190 1,204 2,043 2,137 2,164 2,171 611 638 653 696 470 477 485 520 1958—M ar. 4 .. June 2 3 .. Sept. 2 4 .. Dec. 31 .. 28,030 28,937 29,099 30,257 7,369 7,739 7,640 8,080 368 207 239 392 1,734 1,948 1,960 1,976 295 351 174 294 256 282 282 268 122 82 91 6 9,906 10,172 10,497 10,806 607 621 633 640 7,195 7,372 7,619 7,823 2,103 2,179 2,244 2,344 7,840 8,030 8,076 8,239 2,890 2,888 2,886 2,894 895 906 882 899 726 737 776 802 1,202 1,260 1,304 1,335 2,127 2,239 2,229 2,308 669 664 687 779 530 538 546 583 1959—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12.. 10.. 6 .. 31.. 30,388 31,960 33,101 33,766 8,043 8,650 8,183 8,498 284 122 64 82 2,024 2,240 2,313 2,239 168 154 228 298 277 293 282 284 192 102 197 11 10,913 11,267 11,579 11,816 648 670 679 683 7,881 8,089 8,286 8,446 2,385 2,508 2,614 2,687 8,309 8,872 9,296 9,491 2,960 3,197 3,382 3,409 900 949 997 1,028 794 835 88 8 930 1,359 1,446 1,533 1,576 2,295 2,446 2,495 2,549 773 864 646 643 595 604 608 652 1960—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 15.. 3 .. 31.. 34,519 36,074 36,813 36,981 8,813 9,212 9,218 9,499 83 52 184 274 2,244 2,413 2,384 2,315 273 308 440 508 281 286 293 293 153 1 976 242 ! 1,085 361 I 1,031 1,147 29 12,045 12,220 12,402 12,449 681 693 692 694 8,588 8,683 8,792 8,797 2,777 2,844 2,918 2,959 9,705 10,286 10,535 10,550 3,510 3,767 3,880 3,867 1,023 1,070 1,089 1,082 946 983 1,022 1,010 1,616 1,713 1,759 1,757 2,610 2,753 2,785 2,834 625 652 656 647 679 681 689 729 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12.. 30.. 2 7 .. 3 0 .. 37,267 37,942 38,938 39,693 9,577 9,877 9,816 10,165 344 248 164 361 2,370 2,489 2,507 2,450 359 337 459 5,1 367 400 412 438 950 307 I 59 i 986 1,060 626 1.251 116 12,561 12,788 13,029 13,242 706 719 730 738 8,820 8,964 9,160 9,258 3,034 3,105 3,140 3,245 10,540 10,855 10,941 11,132 3,840 3,918 3,913 3,949 1,066 1,088 1,086 1.094 987 1,012 1,025 1,020 1,782 1,828 1,855 1,874 2,866 3,010 3,061 3,195 648 659 676 751 756 756 753 805 922 1,056 BANKS To farm ers 26 .. 30.. 2 8 .. 28 .. 39,888 41,492 42,556 44,698 10,207 10,719 10,854 11,299 456 330 149 406 2,472 2,677 2,741 2,781 405 424 499 728 442 416 397 447 448 240 478 764 1,149 1,256 1,308 1,563 13,297 13,728 14,145 14,441 762 800 824 834 9,228 9,475 9,725 9,892 3,307 3,453 3,596 3,716 11,110 11,792 12,054 12,273 3,980 4,298 4,420 4,569 1,065 1,119 1,153 1,177 989 1,012 1,044 1,049 1,880 1,992 2,056 2,079 3,197 3,372 3,382 3,399 721 732 760 826 819 822 828 831 1963--M ar. 18.. June 2 9 .. Dec. 2 0 .. 44,805 46,934 50,023 11,448 12,215 12,831 530 293 289 2,829 3,085 3,085 635 680 708 452 469 496 708 412 966 1,381 1,463 1,591 14,627 15,206 16,114 876 919 954 9,959 10,321 10,889 3,792 3,965 4,272 12,319 13,186 13,951 4,648 5,080 5,399 1,167 1,236 1,285 1,022 1,054 1,100 2,094 2,224 2,366 3,387 3,592 3,801 796 856 917 919 931 925 1964— June 30.. Dec. 31.. 52,289 55,733 13,614 14,556 136 182 3,399 3,311 644 830 534 599 565 710 1,525 1,730 16,883 17,964 1,033 1,094 11,266 11,881 4,583 4,989 15,063 15,899 5,973 6,328 1,384 1,473 1,100 1,139 2,541 2,676 4,066 4,284 939 1,047 1,012 1,095 1965--June 30.. 59,411 Dec. 31. . 63,338 15,641 16,478 145 214 3,569 3,626 629 650 616 698 796 11,079 1,675 1,983 18,984 20,217 1,164 1,218 12,469 13,237 5,351 5,762 17,413 18,423 7,083 7,481 1,602 1,720 1,170 1,202 2,921 3,080 4,636 4,940 1,074 1,177 1,131 1,207 1966—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 66,647 69,212 17,657 17,938 (2) (*) 3,938 3,986 437 790 693 761 11,152 11,318 1,966 2,175 21,230 22,253 1,278 1,327 13,749 14,325 6,203 6,601 19,552 20,000 7,990 8,175 1,850 1,974 1,225 1,258 3,274 3,410 5,214 5,183 1,261 1,307 1,239 1,317 1967--June 30. . 72,276 Dee. 30.. 75,612 19,120 19,839 (*) (2) 4,323 4,332 591 607 830 906 116 100 1,928 2,200 22,996 24,453 1,378 1,466 14,755 15,665 6,863 7,321 20,735 21,554 8,442 8,599 2,053 2,282 1,266 1,345 3,579 3,849 5,394 5,479 1,341 1,433 1968—June 29.. Dec. 31.. 78,609 84,002 20,363 21,811 (2) (2) 4,610 4,493 436 720 835 969 77 119 1,899 2,147 25,647 27,164 1,581 1,585 16,336 17,252 7,730 8,327 22,721 24,154 9,144 9,641 2,454 2,696 1,350 1,414 4,078 4,378 5,695 6,024 12,977 i 3,054 i3 i4 8 5 i 3,989 1969--June 30.. Dec. 31.. 89,161 92,718 22,984 23,762 (2) (a) 4,779 4,739 460 498 963 947 104 148 2,041 2,263 28,308 28,824 1,707 1,640 18,040 18,329 8,561 8,854 25,509 26,362 10,192 10,385 2,953 3,425 1,455 1,491 4,604 4,715 6,305 6,345 i 4,014 >5,176 1,613 \ ,747 1970--June 30.. Dec. 31.. 94,573 99,841 24,361 25,637 (2) (2) 5,088 5,052 337 524 887 828 159 239 2,139 2,648 29,127 30,005 1,674 1,951 18,419 18,790 9,034 9,264 26,858 27,585 10,390 10,292 3,899 4,276 1,481 1,518 4,767 5,006 6,321 6,493 ' 5,617 >7,323 1,757 1,781 1962--M ar. June Sept. Dec. 1,466 1,565 F o r notes see end o f Table 2.5 E. 2.5 COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS—Continued D. INVESTM ENTS [In millions of dollars] U.S. Govt, securities 1 O ther bonds, notes, and debentures D irect Notes, maturing— Total invest ments Call dfite Total 29 30.. 2. 30 1940—Mar. 26 Dec. 31 4 .. Sept. 2 4 .. Dec. 31.. M arketable, m aturing— Within 1 year After 1 year Total Within 1 year 1-5 5-10 10-20 Over 20 .years G uar anteed Federal agency O ther 261 643 683 699 725 1,001 1,025 1,058 1,061 1,298 1,253 1,200 1,140 99 98 97 96 875 1,092 150 126 719 695 710 1,076 1,097 1,146 1,101 1,051 1,012 96 92 90 795 1,294 113 822 1,423 452 694 788 919 861 1,176 1,165 1,191 1,222 991 958 955 941 90 89 89 87 5,618 5,504 5,437 5,456 2,578 2,444 2,383 2,434 15 11 585 563 1,978 1,870 126 144 620 655 817 741 4J6 329 31 431 1,972 156 663 893 5,334 5,270 5,517 2,341 2,335 2,559 36 45 451 433 1,849 2,081 138 250 686 614 5,713 5,839 6,024 6,628 2,762 2,839 2,870 3,517 60 374 2,404 202 iio 481 2,926 228 N on m arket able BANKS 1941—Apr. Certifi. cates C orpo rate stock (includ ing F. R. Bank stock) MEMBER 1939—M ar. June Oct. Dec. Bills Bonds Secu rities of States, etc. COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS—Continued D. MEMBER 2.5 IN V ESTM EN TS-C ontinued [In millions of dollars] U .S. Govt, securities 1 Notes, m atunng— Total invest ments Call date Total 1947June 30.. Dec. 31 .. 7,004 7,737 11,380 3,950 4,878 8,598 1943--June 30 .. Oct. 18.. Dec. 31.. 14,667 17,323 17,534 11,928 15,212 14,927 1944—Aor. 13.. June 30.. Dec. 30 .. 19,238 20,071 23,610 1945--M a r. 2 0 .. June 30 .. Dec. 31 .. 1946-—June 2 9 .. Bills Cer tifi cates 171 671 355 1,251 1,194 1,032 17,170 17,757 21,310 24,319 26,253 29,407 22,204 24,073 26,989 Dec. 31.. 29,281 28,722 27,408 26,544 25,948 24,566 June 30.. Oct. 6 .. Dec. 31 .. 25,955 26,389 26,125 22,887 23,164 22,851 197 480 1948- -A pr. 12. . June 3 0 .. Dec. 31. . 25,822 25,389 24,781 22,381 21,886 21,273 552 760 1949-—A pr. June Nov. Dec. 30.. 1. . 31. . 24,431 24,370 25,610 25,527 20,967 20,886 21,969 21,859 630 19S0-—Apr. 24. . June 30.. Oct. 4. . Dec. 30. . 25,779 25,734 25,367 25,570 21,964 21,825 21,244 21,372 1951- -Apr. 24,789 24,590 25,434 26,148 20,493 20,243 20,964 21,582 982 1,065 1,750 2,418 951 2,027 2,568 1947 1 1 .. 9 .. June 30.. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31. . Bonds Marke table, m aturing— Within 1 year After 1 year Total [ Within 1 year ] 1-5 5-10 | i 10-20 150 581 156 538 1,241 1,229 1,214 838 805 777 78 77 78 742 836 344 422 252 241 1,212 1,212 1,230 779 774 752 76 76 76 i 486 1 854 920 1,460 629 677 21 9 1,264 1,281 1,342 774 802 989 77 77 78 10,253 I 605 1,494 676 12 9,397 1 903 1,538 670 6 1,426 1,507 1,551 1,219 1,187 1,204 80 81 82 1 990 1,552 656 5 2 242 1,322 851 6 1,813 1,934 2,006 1,167 1,208 1,178 83 83 83 1,228 1,068 848 1,071 4 2,165 2,223 2,286 1,191 1,189 1,131 86 1 9S4 1 978 2 177 i.io i 1,056 4 1,053 4 2,272 2,306 2,467 2,505 1 ,104 1 ,086 1,085 1,070 87 88 89 90 976 5 2,666 2,753 92 2? 93 94 96 3,250 4,874 10,114 12,540 1,327 1,457 4, 613 4, 544 14,504 16,713 5,231 3, 696 4,020 2' 470 3,035 2,583 3,121 3,340 1,148 3,286 ................ 3,753 1,107 1,344 1,390 2,133 869 588 1, 368 7,091 3,094 2,096 8,705 926 882 3,362 3,466 3. 355 4,422 762 630 4,194 5,102 447 279 419 460 136 142 I 883 603 * 694 642 5,892 8,025 1 810 800 1 1,909 2,763 9,560 9,959 17,170 3,142 17,797 4,289 1, >60 17,696 4,897 8,601 2, 108 17,681 6,168 7,098 1, 868 1, 128 16,344 16,046 5,109 6,854 7,205 5 ,075 778 i e , i92 8 ,1 6 2 3,596 1 , 768 i 5 , i 89 9 ,1 3 3 2 ,6 8 0 3, 835 5, 263 14,750 13,768 13,286 9 ,2 5 7 8,131 2,431 2,495 7 ,568 7 ,4 2 0 5, 430 4, 414 4, 008 13,107 12,797 12,774 12,587 7,233 7,291 7,050 2,223 2,132 2,169 6, 404 ................. 1 130 1,193 5 5 2,998 4 4 6 5 3,075 3,137 3,252 3,334 1, 20 1,110 1,114 1,127 ?»§ 98 100 1,400 1,402 1,424 4 5 4 4 3,417 3 494 3,546 3,639 1,123 1,101 1,116 1,091 102 103 102 103 1,428 1,424 1,412 1,399 3 4 5 < 3,756 3,802 3,876 3,911 1,029 1,028 1,034 1,029 105 105 107 107 2 ,4 0 8 830 1,231 1 049 1,249 2,371 878 835 80S 1,136 1,303 1,152 1,184 834 1,157 1,355 1,362 1,376 1,144 1 380 1 ,137 1,116 57 42 44 31. . 30.. 5 .. 31.. 26,108 25,904 26,565 27,381 21,460 21,200 21,797 22,545 2,078 1,914 1,883 2,692 2,697 2,551 2,497 2,024 3, J97 J18 3, *58 4, 204 12,688 12,817 13,559 13,625 6,955 6,849 6,789 6,709 2 ,3 3 6 2,498 3,274 3,560 *72 933 977 1,931 1953- -Apr. June Sept. Dec. 20 .. 30.. 30. . 31. . 26,818 26,330 27,322 27,470 21,923 21,390 22,301 22,418 2,065 1,784 2,056 1,819 1,851 1,916 3,436 3,374 4, 204 4, 114 4, 745 4, 285 13,803 13,576 12,065 12,940 7,013 7,513 6,030 6,563 3,456 2,820 2,823 3.172 1 907 1 762 1 7*8 1t762 86 87 1,056 1,060 1,102 1,100 1,209 1,226 5 2,923 876 867 1952--M ar. June Sept. Dec. Other 86 84 81 1,339 2,276 Federal agency 919 929 874 1,204 279 532 G ua ranteed 1,253 1,222 1,252 1 674 1 641 3,696 5,436 Over 20 years N on m arket able C orpo rate stock (includ ing F. R. Bunk stock) 797 624 574 i , i 89 2,661 657 1,240 6, 107 Secu rities of States, etc. Other bonds, notes, and debentures BANKS Direct 1954—Apr. 15 .. June 30.. Oct. 7 .. Dec. 31.. 26,796 26,937 29,110 29,024 21,719 21,775 23,767 23,626 1,707 1,548 2,062 1,893 2,334 1,855 1,492 1,774 3,165 4,017 4,847 4,731 14,514 14,355 15,366 15,228 5,170 4,859 5,846 4,028 6,061 6,138 6,087 7,679 1,855 1,938 2,010 2,100 32 27 23 21 1,395 1,393 1,401 1,399 6 4 3 3 3,977 4,067 4,221 4,275 984 980 1,008 1,007 no 110 111 112 1955—Apr. 11.. June 30.. Oct. 5 .. Dec. 31 28,574 28,006 28,313 28,397 22,936 22,318 22,525 22,567 1,487 1,261 1,599 1,774 1,233 587 523 913 5,261 5,554 5,508 5,056 14,955 14,916 14,895 14,825 3,851 3,783 3,825 4,740 7,528 7,592 7,527 6,726 2,112 2,084 2,076 1,902 75 70 94 89 1,389 1,387 1,372 1,368 3 3 3 3 4,412 4,458 4,555 4,581 1,108 1,111 1,112 1,127 116 117 118 119 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10.. 30 .. 2 6 .. 31 .. 27,535 27,035 27,627 28,080 21,622 21,072 21,59! 22,033 1,265 1,267 1,579 2,362 814 489 858 792 4,844 4,688 4,660 4,458 14,699 14,628 14,493 14,420 4,716 4,791 5,006 7,683 6,820 6,763 6,413 3,724 1,915 1,895 1,916 1,916 77 75 75 73 1,171 1,104 1,083 1,024 3 4 4 4 4,663 4,731 4,790 4,827 1,125 1,105 liin 1,088 122 123 125 127 1957—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14.. 6 .. 11.. 31.. 27,777 27,782 28,585 28,629 21,533 21,405 22,054 21,811 1,914 1,920 2,268 2,226 929 1,326 1,960 1,909 4,246 3,910 3,691 3,857 14,444 14,248 14,135 13,819 7,844 7,878 8,469 8,532 3,638 3,590 3,116 2,773 1,878 1,914 1,746 1,768 74 72 67 66 1,009 792 737 680 4 4 4 4 4,968 5,109 5,263 5,365 1,142 1,134 1,131 1,316 130 131 132 133 1958—Mar. June Sept. Dec. 4. . 23 .. 24 .. 31.. 28,292 29,288 30,450 31,254 21,360 21,997 22,940 23,603 1,752 1,409 1,825 2,475 1,385 1,465 2,202 2,306 3,718 3,852 4,028 4,495 14,506 15,272 14,885 14,327 8,249 7,259 8,243 7,780 3,651 5,283 3,869 3,988 1,815 1,875 1,912 1,699 123 185 190 196 667 669 671 663 4 3 3 3 5,440 5,775 6,038 6,181 1,351 1,375 1,329 1,326 137 138 140 141 1959—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 12. . 10.. 6 .. 31 .. 30,861 30,288 30,212 30,316 23,199 22,577 22,384 22,531 1,952 1,642 2,046 2,381 2,161 1,622 874 863 4,757 5,023 5,541 5,751 14,329 14,290 13,924 13,536 8,826 8,769 8,561 8,464 2,927 2,907 3,221 3,316 1,713 1,749 1,339 1,116 211 214 207 195 652 652 597 446 3 5 4 4 6,250 6,392 6,480 6,452 1,266 1,168 1,195 1,179 1960—M ar. June Oct. Dec. 15.. 15.. 3 .. 31.. 29,996 29,353 29,720 30,909 22,151 21,552 21,840 22,842 1,731 1,329 1,913 2,817 602 807 995 888 5,992 5,928 6,591 7, 240 13,826 13,489 12,342 11,897 9,926 9,712 8.477 7,<>97 2,331 2,259 2,325 2,423 944 914 903 903 181 191 278 225 444 414 359 349 4 4 5 6 6,537 6,565 6,712 6,752 1,148 1,072 1,001 1,144 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12.. 30.. 27 .. 30. . 31,239 31,196 32,794 33,438 22,852 22,575 23,906 24,371 2,511 2,228 3,474 3,614 580 737 524 566 1,665 1,853 2,101 2,858 5,970 5,853 6,288 6,702 12,126 11,904 11,519 10,631 1,811 2,187 1,807 781 5,270 5,027 5,294 6,070 3,709 3,390 3,155 2,566 1 ,001 971 936 971 335 329 326 241 30 33 35 36 7,042 7,220 7,410 7,530 803 868 960 1,019 341 328 307 302 171 172 175 179 1962—M ar. June Sept. Dec. 26. . 30 .. 28 .. 28 .. 33,395 33,528 35,203 35,926 24,080 23,800 24,911 25,380 3,071 2,667 3,493 4,144 1,047 1,075 1,049 1,223 3,013 3,823 2,057 1,852 6,180 5,582 6,782 6,997 10,769 10,653 11,530 11,164 751 353 1,259 890 5,241 5,341 4,503 4,881 3,561 3,806 5,051 4,786 987 932 504 447 229 221 213 160 37 43 41 45 7,785 8,146 8,532 8,694 1,002 1,059 1,225 1,296 306 290 302 316 185 189 191 194 1963—M ar. 18.. June 2 9 .. Dec. 2 0 .. 35,641 36,019 37,293 24,794 24,461 24,751 3,718 3,112 3,822 1,085 1,106 573 1,231 1,773 2,398 7,537 7,078 6,133 11,224 11,392 11,825 787 605 471 4,078 4,332 5,464 5,605 5, 695 5,158 600 609 587 154 151 145 25 36 46 9,099 9,692 10,385 1,213 1,306 1,596 310 321 308 200 203 208 1964— June 30.. Dec. 31. . 36,048 38,026 23,154 24,283 2,749 4,209 15 2,302 2,787 6,427 4,419 11,661 12,867 689 638 5,254 6,510 5,005 5,222 574 367 139 130 64 57 10,808 11,531 1,460 1,612 347 320 216 222 1965—June 30.. Dec. 31. . 37,632 40,023 22,663 23,735 2,932 4,389 2,666 2,810 3,184 2,756 13,881 14,049 517 1,055 7,089 7,451 5,749 5,099 401 390 125 55 34 49 12,637 13,805 1,786 2,003 282 479 231 1966—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 39,653 40,877 21,709 22,419 2,431 3,544 376 247 2,491 2,770 3,072 3,147 13,606 13,034 505 521 7,534 8,034 5,120 4,035 395 395 52 49 50 63 14,849 15,473 2,613 2,493 481 492 1967—June 30.. Dec. 30 .. 42,288 47,515 21,557 24,689 2,512 4,168 194 1,583 2,133 4,331 5,660 13,181 13,050 770 1,793 8,351 8,277 3,590 2,479 424 458 46 43 88 96 16,927 18,338 3,184 3,846 620 642 1968—June 2 9 .. Dec. 31 .. 47,756 51,362 23,469 24,998 2,188 2,497 7,101 11,970 1,888 7,055 2,539 449 39 93 19,607 21,269 4,020 4,418 660 678 1969—June 3 0 .. Dec. 31 .. 49,138 48,568 21,686 21,278 1,688 1,784 8,610 9,937 2,751 6,375 295 481 35 54 22,559 22 572 4,230 4 057 661 aa i 1970—June 30 .. Dec. 31 .. 48,521 54,726 19,999 22,586 1,472 4,252 7,883 6,709 895 5,301 107 377 29 127 23,667 26,079 4,145 5 196 710 157 159 162 164 BANKS 144 147 149 151 MEMBER For notes see end of Table 2.5 E. ‘ MEMBER 2.5 COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS — Continued E. D EPO SITS [In millions o f dollars] Time D em and Call date Total de posits Total IP C I Foreign I 1. govt. I and j r other ! 1 2 9 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 12,733 12,943 13,427 13,762 6,953 7,113 7,584 7,884 5,087 5,272 5,736 5,896 ! 1940—M ar. 2 6 ..................... June 2 9 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 13,854 13,950 15,132 7,882 7,921 9,003 5,832 5,960 6,846 1941— Apr. June Sept. Dec. 4 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 24 ........ ............ 3 1 ..................... 15,319 15,799 16,532 17,415 9,109 9,545 10,215 11,127 6 886 7,282 7,805 8,500 ^ 1942— Apr. 4 ..................... ts> June 3 0 ..................... N> Dec. 3 1 ..................... 17,253 17,996 22,459 11,102 11,753 15,869 8,376 9,141 11,989 1943—June 3 0 ..................... Oct. 18..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 25,047 28,177 28,414 17,959 20,658 20,593 13,604 14,336 15,561 1944—..........Apr. 13.......... June 3 0 ..................... Dee. 3 0 ..................... 29,532 31,248 35,871 21,261 22,547 25,975 15,677 15,609 18,350 1945— Mar. 2 0 ..................... June 3 0 ..................... Dec. 31..................... 35,900 38,798 43,418 25,363 27,542 30,907 19,014 18,945 21,797 1946 June 2 9 ..................... Sept. 3 0 ..................... Dec. 31..................... 43,049 43,342 43,066 29,515 29,441 28,996 22,594 23,536 245128 1947. June 3 0 ..................... O ct. 6 . ................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 42,133 43,876 44,443 27,659 29,257 29,866 1948* Apr. 12..................... June 3 0 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 43,914 43,903 45,102 1949—A pr. 11..................... June 3 0 ..................... Nov. 1 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 1950 Apr. 2 4 ..................... June 30..................... Oct. 4 ..................... Dcc. 3 0 .................... 1939— Mar. June Oct. Dec. Interbank j State i and 1' U.S. local Govt. govt, f s Dom estic and officers’ checks, etc. M utual sa rings 35 37 33 29 29 29 I. 142 143 145 146 31 31 30 31 31 30 32 30 1. 1 145 143 140 30 31 32 27 27 20 1. J. 11. » 148 146 149 37 51 56 17 16 17 *. 52 52 57 15 15 14 !. j 156 157 175 10,279 10,981 12,224 181 207 219 56 54 52 21 14 17 . !. . 13,534 13,901 14,070 13,226 13,577 13,727 242 254 272 48 54 55 18 17 17 \ 8 7 7 14,475 14,619 14,576 14,101 14,229 14,177 308 324 337 49 50 45 17 17 17 814 798 943 8 9 8 14,872 14,900 14,781 14,456 14,473 14,369 354 364 350 46 49 49 15 14 13 . 427 462 477 579 796 762 868 979 8 8 10 9 14,906 14,895 14,886 14,774 14,453 14,433 14,406 14,289 385 383 394 400 56 67 73 73 12 12 13 13 . . . 493 549 558 715 844 850 894 1,111 8 9 10 10 15,060 15.076 14,947 14,877 14,544 14,555 14,414 14,339 429 434 444 443 74 75 76 82 13 12 13 12 . . . . 568 538 633 1 269 1,269 1,341 1,370 ^ 1 J ‘ 114 151 168 225 163 190 169 239 677 652 734 790 1,473 ( 1,429 1,558 ! 269 237 1,090 202 196 272 782 747 957 1,619 1 1.590 1,727 | 1,527 3,512 1,962 277 271 344 928 945 994 1 ,7 6 1 ; 1,743 : 1,868 | 2,601 3,926 4,230 288 314 369 929 951 1,149 1,959 1,939 2,004 i 2,952 5,195 5,465 361 346 435 1,068 1,108 1,199 2,269 2,328 : 2,391 1 3,194 2,155 877 453 441 524 997 972 1,067 23,380 24,528 25,203 2,511 i 2,487 1 2,647 : 424 794 432 451 435 528 885 1,006 1,049 29,042 29,003 30,321 24,136 24,161 25,248 2,772 2,839 2,925 , 844 680 688 468 516 510 44,050 43,422 44,952 45,534 29,144 28,528 30,066 30,759 24,135 23,767 24,890 25,337 2,937 3,009 3,060 3,058 , 842 520 762 797 45,357 45,888 46,753 48,897 30,297 30,812 31,806 34,020 24,949 25,122 26,400 27,980 3,136 3,246 3,116 3,282 866 1,036 828 922 l! 3 | j 1 5,972 6,029 6,129 5,757 5,816 5,917 2 2 6 210 6,254 6,317 6,288 6,006 6,049 6,110 6,082 3 4 6,151 6.242 6.589 5,948 6,042 6,397 4 4 5 7,088 7,519 7,821 6,886 7,306 7,599 6 5 8 8,271 8,702 9,896 8,048 8,477 9,650 8 8 8 10,537 11,256 12.511 8 8 8 ji 151 147 150 m 164 187 2 2 1 f Com- 1 Foreign M utual ; mersavings s cial j| J 147 143 151 2 5,557 5,619 5,632 5,677 j 25 26 27 26 1,205 i! M 15 ] 1,184 i ! 5,780 5,830 5,843 5,878 Dom estic 46 40 35 35 438 439 511 571 ! State : 1Foreign f and t O ther govt. , local Savings ^ tim e and " govt. other U.S. G ovt. and postal savings 153 145 148 140 114 135 131 172 j Total i » 137 136 133 154 1 | i | 1 J Com- j Foreign mer- !] -cial j 1,176 1 1,130 1,073 1,090 i Interbank IPC Certi- BANKS f IPC 2 2 \ 1 j j :i 1............... ! 1 !; ! | i 1 ■ 'i ;l 1 I I. . f. . j. L . !. • . . . • 1951—Apr. 9 ..................... June 3 0 ..................... Oct. 10..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 47,940 47,877 50,001 52,288 32,995 32,764 34,615 36,744 26,646 26,562 28,601 30.234 3,286 I 3,404 ! 3,336 j 3,554 | 1,523 1,248 1,032 876 1952 M ar. June Sept Dec. 3 1 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 5 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 50,841 51,571 52,431 55,175 35,034 35,485 36,130 38,578 28,360 28,616 29,639 31.473 3,666 3,708 1 3,603 | 3,772 ! 1,297 1,384 1,194 1,267 1953 Apr. June Sept. Dec. 2 0 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 3 0 .................... 3 1 ..................... 53,670 53,606 54,756 56,740 36,702 36,355 37,222 39,035 29.802 29,810 30,193 31,636 3,922 3,885 3,868 4,063 1,168 932 1,429 1,216 1954—Apr. 15..................... June 3 0 ..................... Oct. 7 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 55,351 55,943 57,770 59,360 37,245 37,464 38,922 40,551 29,959 29,898 31,244 32,736 4,321 4,261 4,068 4,263 1955—Apr. 11..................... June 3 0 ..................... Oct. 5 ..................... Dec. 3 1 ..................... 58,501 58,594 59,596 61,636 39,533 39,355 40,181 42,246 32,177 31,487 32,765 34.235 1956—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 10..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 6 ..................... 31..................... 60,364 60,591 61,129 64,289 40,651 40,605 40,909 43,950 195 7 -M ar. June Oct. Dec. 14..................... 6 ..................... 11..................... 3 1 ..................... 61,841 62,192 64,501 65,991 to 1958— Mar. 4 ..................... June 2 3 ..................... Sept. 2 4 ..................... Dec. 31..................... 583 626 551 783 947 913 1,085 1,285 10 11 10 11 14,944 15,114 15,386 15,543 14,396 14,526 14,788 14,914 449 480 471 491 87 96 113 125 12 12 1 1 1 1 1 650 705 629 777 1,048 1,060 1,053 1,278 13 12 13 11 15,807 16,087 16,301 16,597 15,157 15,413 15,621 15,908 503 521 526 525 134 141 142 152 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 763 664 820 1,037 1,049 1,055 1,288 11 11 12 12 16,968 17,251 17,535 17,704 16,277 16,531 16,810 16,921 528 553 557 615 151 154 154 153 1 1 1 1 1 1,069 1,362 1,635 1,271 739 720 654 795 1,145 1,212 1,311 1,469 13 11 11 17 18,106 18,479 18,848 18,809 17,261 17,553 17,850 17,826 677 759 815 799 151 148 162 163 16 15 17 19 1 3 3 3 4,191 4,433 4,293 4,425 1,085 1,339 1,057 1,061 785 831 775 1,020 1,282 1,249 1,277 1,488 13 15 15 17 18,968 19,239 19,414 19,390 17,977 18,232 18,390 18,371 813 830 850 844 158 158 156 157 18 16 16 16 3 3 3 2 33,012 32,383 33,088 35.473 4,390 4,581 4,399 4,538 1,116 1,372 1,361 1,160 769 934 805 1,183 1,348 1,321 1,243 1,580 16 15 15 16 19,713 19,986 20,219 20,339 18,640 18,950 19,182 19,324 906 871 875 847 150 148 145 146 15 15 15 15 2 2 2 7 40,775 40,568 42,075 43,545 33,381 32,635 34,249 35,029 4,533 4,740 4,448 4,669 711 1,097 1,217 1,181 860 835 769 1,027 1,275 1,243 1,374 1,621 14 18 17 18 21,066 21,624 22,427 22,447 19,981 20,491 21,312 21,366 912 962 956 928 143 142 138 135 24 23 14 13 7 7 7 5 64,101 65,741 66,877 70,277 41,007 41,425 41,892 45,103 33,138 32,573 33,854 36,498 4,714 4,769 4,610 4,819 969 1,857 1,197 1,175 811 943 862 1,032 1,358 1,267 1,355 1,565 17 15 14 13 23,093 24,315 24,985 25,174 21,897 22,811 23,481 23,755 1,047 1,331 1,328 1,250 130 135 131 132 14 33 39 31 5 5 5 5 I i j ! . 668 68,070 69,175 70,790 72,323 42,583 43,061 44,430 45,942 34.802 35,150 35,823 37,003 4,682 I 4,718 4,841 4,972 846 i 950 1,407 I 1,508 938 944 970 857 1,302 1,281 1,373 1,578 14 19 16 24 25,488 26,114 26,360 26,380 24,047 24,620 25,039 25,146 1,282 1,320 1,155 1,077 125 140 137 132 29 28 20 16 5 6 8 8 I960— Mar. June Oct. Dec. 15..................... 15..................... 3 ..................... 3 1 ..................... 71,597 72,222 73,489 76,004 44,337 44,490 44,736 46,956 35,686 36,014 37,598 4,923 4,986 5,083 1,951 1,725 1,783 616 631 593 713 1,296 1,285 1,399 1,755 15 14 18 23 27,260 27,732 28,753 29,048 25,910 26,289 27,125 27,327 1,192 1.290 1,467 1,562 132 127 127 122 18 17 22 27 8 9 12 10 1961—Apr. June Sept. Dec. 12..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 7 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 74,797 75,407 77,306 81,646 44,614 44,549 45,906 49,777 36,792 35,525 36,490 40,091 2 6 6 4 4,842 5,226 5,008 5,320 877 1,730 2,423 1,641 607 657 556 796 161 149 152 171 1,314 1,243 1,257 1,739 20 14 15 15 30,183 30,858 31,400 31,869 25,432 25,843 26,183 26,749 2,854 3,104 3,253 3,079 4 5 6 6 1,736 1,752 1,810 1,891 117 116 112 108 3 5 5 5 30 29 28 29 6 3 4 3 1962— Mar. June Sept. Dec. 2 6 ..................... 3 0 ..................... 2 8 ..................... 2 8 ..................... 79,061 81,577 84,178 87,342 45,484 46,727 48,197 50,599 36,425 36,656 37,961 40,795 3 4 3 7 5,093 5,261 5,398 5,337 1,940 2,601 2,623 1,931 570 676 618 756 155 171 148 173 1,283 1,342 1,427 1,580 14 17 17 19 33,577 34,851 35,981 36,744 27,028 27,609 28,257 28,835 4,270 4,923 5,389 5,506 6 8 7 9 2,125 2,158 2,178 2,242 103 104 102 100 7 8 7 8 35 37 38 41 2 3 3 2 1963—Mar. 18..................... June 2 9 ..................... Dec. 2 0 ..................... 86,513 89,470 92,759 48,411 50,039 52,010 38,866 38,697 41,872 5 4 4 5,456 5,610 5,590 1,752 3,332 1,960 700 755 790 172 177 166 1,440 1,440 1,597 19 25 29 38,102 39,431 40,749 29,396 30,155 30,673 6,043 6,481 7,146 7 10 11 2,504 2,631 2,778 97 94 86 13 17 12 42 42 43 1 1 1 1964—June 3 0 ..................... 94,733 Dec. 3 1 ..................... 101,581 51,881 56,340 40,736 45,292 4 6 5,674 6,031 2,872 1,760 856 1,068 194 187 1,511 1,954 34 41 42,853 45,240 31,695 33,007 8,044 8,756 11 40 2,956 3,283 83 83 14 9 48 52 2 10 1965—June 3 0 ..................... 103,304 Dec. 3 1 ..................... 110,738 54.847 58,990 42,805 47,611 5 4 6,010 6,360 3,222 1,501 979 1,143 191 241 1,593 2,076 41 54 48,457 51,748 34,828 36,782 9,870 10,709 40 42 3,566 4,064 81 77 7 9 56 57 9 8 1966—June 3 0 ..................... 112,702 Dec. 3 1 ..................... 118,320 57,749 60,537 44,917 48,701 5 4 6,781 6,805 3,052 1,474 1,082 1,161 196 197 1,664 2,138 52 57 54,953 57,783 37,304 37,328 13,398 16,026 43 30 4,071 4,260 74 71 5 50 46 10 17 6 BANKS 12..................... 10..................... 6 ..................... 3 1 ..................... MEMBER 1959—M ar. June Oct. Dec. MEMBER 2.5 COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS— Continued E. D EPO SITS—Continued [In millions o f dollars] Demand Time Call date IPC Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. U.S. Govt. C erti fied and officers* checks, etc. IPC Interbank Domestic Total Com* M utual I mersavings cial Foreign Savings Other time BANKS Interbank IPC Total de posits Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. U.S. Govt. and postal savings Domestic C om m er cial Foreign M utual savings 1967- 121,436 Dec. 30................... 131,773 58,383 65,491 46,667 52,620 4 4 7,064 7,142 1,380 1,564 1,221 1,395 210 I 1,795 2,390 318 42 57 63,053 66,281 37,893 39,308 19,881 21,482 44 40 5,054 5,272 75 83 23 6 75 77 8 13 1968= 133,435 Dec. 31................... 145.287 63,252 70,698 50,452 57,259 6 4 7,382 7,703 1,811 1,281 1,343 1,612 230 233 1.977 2,549 51 58 70,183 74,589 39,674 40,120 24,899 28,173 35 56 5,395 6,043 78 86 14 7 73 94 15 11 1969- 144,327 Dec. 31................... 148,579 67,524 72,753 54,427 58,297 4 7 7,490 7,905 1,447 1,671 1,641 1,721 225 281 2,240 2,799 49 72 76,803 75,826 39,670 39,022 31,141 31,709 41 37 5,776 4,920 88 54 5 21 74 60 7 2 1970= 148,452 Dec. 31.................... 162.288 68,929 75,785 54,584 59,978 3 4 7,670 8,045 2,259 2,592 1,650 1,779 236 241 2,471 3,078 56 68 79,523 86,502 39,084 40,752 34,075 37,569 48 49 6,176 7,885 60 112 9 21 58 113 14 GENERAL NOTES TO TABLES 2.1 TH ROUGH 2.5: i—* Beginning June 30, 1969, figures take into account the IO following changes made effective as o f that date: (1) inclusion of consolidated reports (including figures for all bankpremises subsidiaries and other significant majority-owned domestic subsidiaries) and (2) reporting o f figures for total loans and for individual categories o f securities on a gross basis-=thot is, before deduction o f valuation reserves— rather than as previously reported. Beginning June 30,1969. a small member bank in the Virgin Islands, and through June 30, 1970, a small bank engaged exclusively in trust business, have been excluded. NOTES TO SPEC IFIC PARTS O F TA BLES: Pari “ C ” of all tables: P a rt “D " of all tables: 1The following tabulation shows, for each class o f m ember bank, the am ounts, (in millions o f dollars) of Federal funds and o f securities pur chased under agreements to resell that have been included in various loan items: 1 Beginning with Dec. 31, 1965, com ponents shown a t par rather than a t book value; they do not add to the total (shown a t book value) and are not com parable with earlier figures. Reserve city member banks Date All member New York City Chi cago Included in "‘loans to banks": 1965—Dec. 31......... . . . 1966—June 30......... . . . Dec. 31......... . . . 1,861 1,772 2,119 412 134 109 72 no 31 Other C oun try Federal Funds 471 526 817 905 1,002 1,161 Included in ‘"other loans": Federal funds and securities purchased under agreements to resell 1967 ’June Dec. 1968—June Dec. 1969—June Dec. 1970—June Dec. 30............... 30............... 3 0 ........ 31 ............... 30............... 31 ............... 30............... 31............... 3,377 3,438 4,041 5,550 5,444 7,356 8,267 12,677 423 415 556 747 992 802 553 774 192 266 192 312 207 215 383 475 1,168 1,219 1,422 2,197 1,997 3,020 3,473 6,007 1,594 1,538 1.871 2.295 2,248 3,318 3,858 5,420 2 Beginning with June 30, 1966, loans to farm ers guaranteed by the CCC are classified as securities (“ Federal agency” under “ O ther bonds, notes, and debentures”). Section 3 INSURED BANKS Contents IN T R O D U C T IO N ________________ ____127 B A C K G R O U N D IN F O R M A T IO N A N D SOURCES O F DATA_______ 127 TA B U LA R G R O U P IN G S A N D C O V ER A G E_______________________128 125 Tables 3.1 3.2 Insured Commercial Banks, June and December Call Dates, 1939-70 A. Total Assets and N um ber of Banks.................................................................... ........ 130 B. Total Liabilities_____________________________ ___________________ _— ___ 132 C. Loans_________________________________________________________— ...134 D. Investments______________ ___ _________________________________ _____—_ 136 E. Deposits__________________________________________________________ ____ 138 Insured M utual Savings Banks, June and December Call Dates, 1939-70 A. Principal Assets________________________________________________ _______ 140 B. Principal Liabilities and Num ber of Banks_______________________ _— ..... 141 126 INSURED BANKS Section 3 INTRODUCTION M ost of the series for insured banks, pre sented in this section, are the same as, or sim ilar to, those for mem ber banks, as described in Section 2. F o r details concerning the series presented in this section, readers may there fore find it helpful to refer to the text of Section 2. The m aterials shown below are largely of a background nature. BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND SOURCES OF DATA All mem ber banks of the Federal Reserve System, both national and State, have their de posits insured by the FDIC. Nonm em ber banks are adm itted to insurance upon application to and approval by the Corporation. The maxi mum am ount of insurance for each deposit account has been raised from time to time since the Corporation was created. A t the end of 1970 the maximum was $20,000.1 Call reports are required by law to be rend ered by national banks to the Com ptroller of Statistics of assets and liabilities of insured banks, based on tabulations of so-called “call report” data at semiannual intervals, provide detailed inform ation for the largest coverage of banks now reporting on a com parable basis. Detailed figures by States and by m ajor classes of insured banks were published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (F D IC ) for end-of-June and end-of-December dates for the period June 1934 through December 1968 in a report entitled Assets and Liabilities of Oper ating Insured Banks. Beginning with June 1969, the report was expanded to .cover all commercial and mutual savings banks, and it is entitled Assets and Liabilities— Commercial and M utual Savings Banks. 1 In late 1974 the maximum for individual accounts and for demand accounts o f public units was raised to $40,000, and full insurance for time and savings accounts up to $100,000 was approved for public units. 127 Insured Banks the Currency and by State member banks of the Federal Reserve System to their respective Federal Reserve Banks at least three times a year.2 Insured nonmember banks are required to submit reports of condition at such times as the FD IC may request; since its inauguration the Corporation has always called for at least two such reports each year, as of June and December. In recent years all three regulatory agencies have requested spring and fall calls in addition to those for m idyear and year-end. The F D IC combines summary figures for national banks and State member banks of the Federal Reserve System with corresponding summary figures compiled by the Corporation from the reports of insured nonm em ber banks, thus arriving at the aggregate statistics covering all insured banks.3 The compilation is facili tated by the fact that the forms of call reports prescribed for national banks, State member banks, and insured nonmember banks are sub stantially the same.4 2 A ll S tate b anks a n d tru st com panies in th e D is tric t o f C o lu m b ia, w hether in su re d o r n o ninsured, are re q u ire d to subm it re p o rts o f co n d itio n to the C o m p tro lle r o f th e C u rre n cy . In ad d itio n , th o se th a t are m em b ers o f the F e d e ra l R eserve System a re req u ired to su b m it c o n d itio n re p o rts to th e F e d e ra l R eserve B ank o f R ichm ond. 3 T h e C o m p tro lle r o f the C u rre n cy sum m arizes th e c o n d itio n re p o rts o f n a tio n a l banks, a n d the B o ard o f G o v e rn o rs of th e F e d e ra l R eserve System su m m arizes th o se o f S tate m em b e r banks. 4T h e F D IC provides a special fo rm o f re p o rt fo r insured m u tu a l savings b an k s th a t are not m em bers of th e F e d e ra l R eserve System . H ow ever, m u tu a l sav ings b anks th a t a re m em b ers o f th e F e d e ra l R eserve System subm it re p o rts o n the sam e fo rm as insured com m ercial banks. D u rin g 1941, th ree m u tu a l sav ings b anks becam e m em b ers o f th e F e d e ra l R eserve System . T h e th re e re m a in e d m em bers un til 1960, w hen o n e o f th em w ithdrew fro m m em bership. A n o th e r w ithdrew in 1961, a n d the la st o n e in 1962. TABULAR GROUPINGS AND COVERAGE Table 3.1 of this section shows data for all insured commercial banks, corresponding to those shown for all member banks in Tables 2.1-2.5 of Section 2 of this publication. Table 3.2 summarizes data for insured mutual sav ings banks. The statistics include the assets and liabilities of any insured banks in U.S. posses sions. On December 31, 1970, there were nine insured banks in the possessions; one was a national bank in the Virgin Islands, and— like other national banks— it was a member of the Federal Reserve System. It should be noted that whereas the assets and liabilities of these banks are included in the figures given in this section, they are excluded from the figures for insured commercial and mutual savings banks given in Section 1, Table 1.6. Their exclusion does not appreciably affect the aggregates for all insured banks, because the nine banks in the possessions had total assets of only $3.7 billion at the end of 1970, or a little m ore than Vz of 1 per cent of the total for all insured banks. Additional statistics relating to insured banks are given in Sections 1 and 6. 128 INSURED 3.1 INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1939-70 A. TOTAL ASSETS AND NUMBER OF BANKS (Assets in millions o f dollars] Call date Balances with— Investments Total assets Total Loans Total U.S. ! Other G ovt. securities securities Reserve with F. R. Banks Currency and coin Domes tic banks Foreign banks Cash items B ank prem ises. etc. O ther real estate c Cus tom ers’ liability Other assets N um ber of banks accept ances 1939-—June 30............ Dec. 30............. 59.426 63,147 38,033 39,294 16,040 16,866 21,993 22,428 15,038 15,567 6,955 6,860 10,011 11,604 918 1,067 6,142 7,319 44 25 2,239 1,861 1,107 1,091 610 566 104 110 217 210 13,569 13,535 1940—Jane 29............ Dec. 31............ 65,589 70,720 39,836 42,561 17,014 18.397 22,821 24.163 15,901 17,064 6,920 7,099 13,751 13,992 984 1,235 7,540 8,204 16 12 1,573 2,847 1,081 1,071 507 463 81 84 221 251 13,480 13,438 1941--June 30............ Dec. 31............ 72,984 76,827 46,192 49,294 19,913 21,262 26,279 28,032 19,371 21,047 6,908 6,985 12,959 12,396 1,243 1,359 8,299 8,574 10 11 2,489 3,453 1,067 1,061 429 370 79 73 218 237 13,423 13,430 1942--June 30............ Dec. 31............ 78,710 95,459 52,649 66,251 19,922 18,906 32,726 47,344 25,936 40,712 6,790 6,632 12,295 13,072 1,291 1,307 8,106 9,085 13 13 2,678 4,117 1,060 1,048 339 301 59 41 219 226 13,403 13,347 1943--June 30............ Dec. 31............ 102,405 112,246 75,282 83,522 17,392 18,843 57,890 64,678 51,542 58,694 6,348 5,985 12,092 12,834 1,450 1,447 8,436 8,451 19 20 3,540 4,438 1,023 994 257 207 54 45 252 287 13,302 13,274 1944—June 30............ Dec. 30............ 122,647 134,613 93,960 103,408 20,732 21,355 73,228 82,053 67,104 75,896 6,124 6,157 12,812 14,260 1,468 1,626 8,785 9,797 18 17 4,108 4,047 972 940 172 139 52 63 302 317 13,269 13,268 1945--June 30............ Dec. 31............ 143,457 152,582 112,380 121,835 23,379 25,769 89,001 96,067 82,422 88,933 6,579 7,133 14,806 15,810 1,477 1,832 9,967 11,082 24 24 3,384 5,555 918 903 116 100 41 66 342 375 13,282 13,302 1946—June 2 9 ........... Dec. 31............ 150,743 147,365 117,438 112,208 26,796 30,740 90,642 81,468 82,998 73,575 7,644 7,893 15,999 16,013 1,473 2,015 9,109 9,489 34 57 5,237 6,130 900 902 92 85 92 118 368 346 13,335 13,359 1947--June 30............ Dec. 31............ 144,373 152,773 110,712 114,304 33,258 37,592 77,454 76,712 69,155 67,960 8.299 8,752 16,039 17,796 1,806 2,148 8,504 9,742 35 26 5,814 7,225 914 936 83 80 87 143 378 373 13,391 13,403 1948--June 30............. Dec. 31............ 147,244 I52,163 111,823 112,317 39,382 41,979 72,441 70,339 63,507 61,407 8,933 3,932 17,355 20,404 2,065 1,941 8,244 8,955 23 30 6,020 6,768 967 999 82 80 193 180 471 489 13,420 13.419 1949—June 30 ............ Dec. 3 1 ............ 147,216 155,319 111,779 118.323 40,535 42,499 71.243 75,824 61,988 65,847 9,255 9,977 17,807 16,428 2,039 1,988 7,786 9,476 18 42 6,083 7,288 1,028 1,046 90 93 135 171 453 464 13,423 13,436 1950—June 30 ............ Dec. 3 0 ........... 154,701 166,792 119,977 125,007 44,379 51,809 75,598 73,198 64,609 61,047 10,989 12,151 15,863 17,458 1,815 2,165 8,378 10,481 51 142 6,799 9,619 1,071 1,109 107 110 175 217 466 484 13,449 13,446 J951--June 30............ Dec. 31............ 163,351 177,449 124,327 131,044 54,408 57,371 69,919 73,673 57,482 60,599 12,437 13,074 18,945 19,911 1,863 2,686 8,679 11,598 120 49 7,400 9,998 1,155 1,193 116 123 239 330 508 518 13,451 13,455 1952--Ju n e 30............ Dec. 31............ 175,339 186,682 132,788 140,105 58,861 63,824 73,927 76,280 60,186 62,408 13,741 13,872 19,331 19,809 2,384 2,750 9,964 11,521 40 75 8,599 10,144 1,249 1,291 122 123 290 329 573 535 13,450 13,439 1953--June 30............ Dec. 31............ 179,586 J91,063 136,485 144,118 64,723 67,266 71,761 76,851 57,766 62,473 13,995 14-379 19,446 19,995 2,586 2,508 9,917 11,764 59 64 8,822 10,148 1,344 1,392 127 128 279 378 521 569 13,435 13,432 1954--June 30............ Dec. 31............ 188,643 200,588 144,800 154,483 67,011 70,341 77,789 84,142 62,561 68,121 15,228 16.021 18,924 18,734 2,652 2,471 10,724 11,887 62 118 8,879 10,024 1,450 1,523 121 124 362 583 669 641 13,400 13 f 323 1955--June 3 0 .......... Dec. 31............ 197,566 209,145 153,882 159,601 74,931 82,360 78,951 77,240 62,454 60,877 16,498 16,364 17,941 18.721 2,683 2,684 10,274 11,778 102 98 9,765 13,279 1,602 1,700 142 154 440 427 734 703 13,287 13,237 BANKS Loans and investments 1956—June 30............ Dec. 31............ 204,252 216,145 158,818 164,090 86,691 90,143 72,127 73,947 55,941 57,958 16,185 15,990 18,232 18,706 2,276 3,270 10,573 12,529 66 60 11,067 13,879 1,802 1,894 164 176 488 709 766 832 13,229 13,218 1957--June 6 .............. Dec. 31............ 207,182 221,534 163,528 169,131 90,913 93,801 72,615 75,330 56,072 57,686 16,542 17,644 18,500 18,972 2,748 3,346 9,549 12,117 74 78 8,927 13,707 1,998 2,096 193 219 757 988 908 881 13,211 13,165 19S8--June 23............ Dec. 31............ 226,624 237,473 178,881 184,188 95,487 98,132 83,394 86,057 63,592 65,789 19,802 20,267 18,568 18,426 3,028 3,259 10,722 12,399 106 114 10,906 14,594 2,229 2,322 239 249 957 855 988 1,067 13,144 13,124 1959-—June 10............ Dec. 31............ 232,487 243,423 185,140 189,277 103,282 110,695 81,858 78,582 61,464 58,391 20,394 20,192 18,084 17,931 3,119 3,010 10,166 11,984 97 111 11,222 16,176 2,453 2,624 266 276 738 760 1,202 1,274 13,097 13,114 1960—June 15............ Dec. 31............ 241,329 256,323 189,182 198,542 115,186 117,522 73,996 81,020 54,408 60,522 19,588 20,498 17,917 16,720 3,253 3,347 10,759 13,434 96 140 14,856 18,261 2,768 2,829 316 375 982 1,409 1,200 1,265 13,147 13,126 1961--Ju n e 30............ Dec. 30............ 252,632 277,374 200,902 214,469 117,849 124,807 83,052 89,662 61,350 66,091 21,703 23,571 16,488 16,918 2,901 3,693 10,978 13,898 145 249 14,885 21,424 2,992 3,102 414 442 1,433 1,652 1,493 1,528 13,136 13,115 1962--Ju n e 30............ Dec. 2 8 ............ 275,130 295,983 219,787 234,935 129,130 140,023 90,657 94,912 63,980 65,966 26,676 28,946 16,839 17,680 3,185 4,259 11,546 12,821 178 237 16,755 18,802 3,236 3,403 463 481 1,457 1,619 1,684 1,745 13,111 13,126 1963--Ju n e 29............ Dec. 2 0 ............ 298,809 311,791 240,183 253,405 144,965 155,933 95,218 97,472 63,122 62,812 32,095 34,660 16,529 17,150 3,487 4,053 12,265 12,012 245 299 18,350 16,931 3,682 3,945 445 449 1,550 1,591 2,072 1,954 13,196 13,291 1964— June 30............ Dec. 31............ 321,084 345,130 259,491 276,056 164,480 175,096 95,010 100,960 58,954 62,588 36,057 38,372 16,774 17,581 4,553 4,552 12,439 14,649 366 301 18,838 22,951 4,587 4,754 1,691 1,697 2,345 2,591 13,401 13,493 1965--Ju n e 30............ Dec. 31............ 352,795 375,394 286,424 304,765 188,118 201,114 98,306 103,651 56,496 59,210 41,810 44,441 17,842 17,992 4,991 4,866 12,633 14,839 260 256 20,942 22,484 4,983 5,144 1,825 1,863 2,896 3,186 13,535 13,547 1966—June 30............ Dec. 31............ 384,908 402,946 314,206 322,742 212,673 218,456 101,533 104,286 53,180 55,904 48,353 48,382 18,094 19,069 5,247 5,457 13,133 15,394 223 251 22,911 28,481 5,397 5,620 2,065 2,178 3,631 3,755 13,559 13,541 1967--Ju n e 30............ Dec. 30............ 411,917 450,713 335,012 359,973 224,792 236,710 110,220 123,264 53,976 62,229 56,244 61,034 18,999 20,275 4,860 5,953 14,150 17,065 245 280 26,423 33,959 5,684 6,007 256 283 2,356 2,315 3,931 4,602 13,533 13,517 196R-—June 29............ Dec. 31............ 456,304 505,453 367,428 406,440 245,223 271,198 122,205 135,242 58,311 64,171 63,894 71,071 20,846 21,230 5,195 7,216 14,988 18,425 216 264 33,605 36,134 6,316 6,657 325 323 2,403 2,473 4,981 6,291 13,519 13,488 1969-—June 30............ Dec. 31............ 516,579 530,715 410,491 421,849 284,804 296,464 125,686 125,385 52,845 54,530 72,841 70,855 19,805 21,453 6,266 7,347 16,870 19,620 275 321 44,340 40,594 7,564 8,070 344 361 3,101 3,309 7,523 7,791 13,473 13,473 1970-—June 30............ Dec. 31............ 529,911 576,351 423,380 461,361 296,931 314,142 126,450 147,219 51,391 61,617 75,059 85,602 21,532 23,325 7,107 7,084 17,625 22,490 344 395 38,479 39,753 8,550 9,143 388 407 3,955 3,753 8,551 8,638 13,487 13,511 For notes see last page of Part E o f this table. INSURED BANKS INSURED 3.1 INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1939-70 — Continued B. TO TA L LIA BILITIES [In millions o f dollars] Call date NJ Total Inter bank U.S. Govt. C apital accounts Postal sav ings Other demand Other time Bor row ings Accept ances ou t stand ing Other liabil ities Stocks Sur plus Total Com mon Pre ferred U ndi vided profits Reserves for contin gencies, etc. M em oran dum— Demand deposits adjusted 1939—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 0 ... 59,426 63,147 52,327 56,076 7,943 9,523 753 808 65 51 28,733 30,695 14,834 14,998 16 14 122 126 446 406 6,515 6,524 2,427 2,432 528 482 2,381 2,443 799 789 380 378 26,494 28,834 1940— June 2 9 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 65,589 70,720 58,425 63,469 9,795 10,539 789 701 41 35 32,520 36,670 15,28! 15,525 14 11 96 98 447 467 6,606 6,673 2,436 2,441 457 431 2,484 2,563 837 838 394 400 30,947 33,823 1941—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 72,984 76,827 65,617 69,421 10,546 10,654 702 1,797 28 25 38,658 41,302 15,682 15,643 11 10 94 87 489 467 6,773 6,842 2,452 2,469 407 380 2,603 2,686 898 896 413 412 36,170 37,849 1942—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 78,710 95,459 71,162 87,820 10,076 11,144 1,806 8,215 22 13 43,898 52,344 15,360 16,103 12 10 69 46 514 526 6,953 7,056 2,859 2,849 2,741 2,802 936 972 417 434 41,221 48,227 1943—June 3 0 ... Dec. 31. .. 102,405 1J2,246 94,582 104,116 10,681 10,705 7,765 10,068 9 7 58,8(8 64,369 17,309 18,967 24 46 61 55 508 576 7,229 7,454 2,841 2,875 2,887 3,090 1,039 1,006 462 483 55,278 59,931 1944—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 0 ... 122,647 134,613 114,180 125,752 11,038 12,074 18,865 19,862 6 5 63,319 70,024 20,952 23,786 84 122 58 73 615 677 7,711 7,990 2 895 2 912 3,190 3,402 1,130 1,169 496 506 60,212 65,977 1945—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 143,457 157,582 134,282 147,811 12,401 13,884 23,583 23,841 5 5 71,448 80.290 26,845 29,791 65 215 49 77 718 807 8,341 8,672 2,978 3,032 3,529 3,785 1,294 1,293 541 562 68,063 74,735 1946—Junc 2 9 ... Dec. 31. .. 150,743 147,365 140,649 137,029 12,008 12,320 13,045 3,047 5 5 83,534 88,232 32,057 33,426 83 39 110 133 832 875 9.070 9,288 3,071 3 142 3,933 4,060 1,485 1,495 581 591 78,296 82,101 1947—June 3 0 ... Dcc. 31. .. 144,373 152,773 133,696 141,887 11,243 12,670 1,355 1,433 5 5 86,699 92,992 34,395 34,789 60 61 100 167 958 921 9,560 9,736 3 171 3 194 4,183 4,316 1,644 1,650 562 575 80,884 85,767 1948—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 147,244 152,163 135,981 140,683 11,035 11,900 2,160 2,436 6 6 87,456 90,998 35,324 35,342 63 53 216 202 1,027 1,064 9,957 10,160 3 230 3 264 4,391 4,504 1,804 1,873 533 520 81,436 84,230 1949—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 147,216 155,319 135,416 143,194 10,578 12,369 2,296 3,232 86,715 91,891 35,821 35,696 27 14 150 200 1,169 1,262 10,454 10,649 3.368 3 395 4,552 4,803 2,010 1 ,954 524 496 80,632 84,602 1950—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 0 ... 154,701 166,792 141,992 153,498 11,067 13,746 3,778 2,979 6 7 9 10 90,798 100,813 36,338 35,949 37 87 194 249 1,400 1,678 11,078 11,281 3 483 3 518 4,986 5,200 2,108 2,093 502 469 83,999 91,195 1951—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 163,351 177,449 149,684 163,172 11,583 14,783 6,323 3,615 22 27 95,335 107,172 36,419 37,575 69 38 269 357 1,688 2,015 11,641 11,923 3,629 3,699 5,322 5,504 2,238 2,259 453 461 87,935 97,174 1952—June 30. .. Dec. 31.. 175,339 186,682 160,622 171,357 13,105 14,998 6,096 5,263 32 33 102,376 110,662 39,013 40,401 91 189 308 348 2,015 2,203 12,303 12,585 3,833 3,876 5,666 5,938 2,353 2,307 451 464 93,777 100,518 1953—June 30 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 179.586 191.063 164,046 175,083 13,250 15,557 3,959 4,455 32 30 104,812 111,628 41,992 43,412 105 59 297 403 2,164 2,253 12.975 13,265 3,965 4,031 6,080 6,284 2.471 2,499 458 451 95,990 101,489 1954 = June 30 ... Dec. 31. .. 188,643 200,588 172,458 183,309 15,056 16,383 5,895 4.525 30 32 106,066 115,709 45,411 1 46,660 50 23 376 612 2,019 2,366 13,741 14,279 4,137 4,287 6,436 6,857 2,701 ' 2,653 467 482 97,188 105,684 1955—June 30. . Dec. 31. .. 197,566 209,145 180,174 190,989 14,806 16,283 5,439 4,066 31 31 112,227 122,397 47.671 48,213 138 150 462 456 2,185 2,541 14,607 15,009 4,457 4,567 6,976 7,209 2,724 2,777 449 457 102,462 109,118 BANKS Deposits Total liabil ities and capital u> u> 1956—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 204,252 216,145 185,179 196,507 14,876 17,291 5,568 4,071 30 28 115,150 124,641 49,555 50,476 342 63 513 740 2,588 2,815 15,631 16,020 4,758 4,872 7,496 7,760 2,930 2,941 447 446 104,083 110,762 1957—June 6 ... Dec. 31 ... 207,182 221,534 185,405 200,485 14,105 16,763 3,664 4,181 26 25 114,088 123,442 53,523 56,075 1,437 68 786 1,029 2,996 2,866 16,558 17,086 5,005 5,169 7,859 8,242 3,268 3,232 425 443 113,261 109,735 1958—June 2 3 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 226,624 237,473 203,437 215,169 15,931 17,876 9,469 4,590 24 22 116,609 129,558 61,405 63,123 1,126 70 987 891 3,180 3,153 17,894 18,191 5,290 5,418 8,398 8,789 3,733 3,457 472 527 105,703 114,965 1959—June 10... Dec. 3 1 ... 232,487 243,423 206,706 219,012 15,360 16,867 3,086 5,324 21 20 123,008 130,983 65,231 65,818 2,762 609 769 809 3,456 3,762 18,793 19,232 5,690 ,5,861 8,976 9,276 3,657 3,632 469 462 111,786 114,806 1960—June 15... Dec. 31 ... 241,329 256,323 212,965 228,993 15,089 18,605 6,656 6,194 19 18 124,350 132,832 66,851 71,344 2,580 152 1,023 1,451 4,755 5,068 20,006 20,658 6,092 6,208 9,464 9,916 4,011 4,021 440 514 109,494 114,571 1961—June 30 ... Dec. 3 0 ... 252,632 277,374 224,266 247,905 13,792 18,084 6,646 6,223 18 17 124,717 141,400 79,093 82,181 433 462 1,461 1,689 5,061 5,195 21,410 22,123 6,464 6,622 10,215 10,798 4,214 4,157 518 546 109,832 119,976 1962—June 3 0 ... Dec. 2 8 ... 275,130 295,983 244,618 261,443 14,639 16,263 9,835 7,091 18 18 128,333 140,534 91,794 97,536 773 3,584 1,499 1,656 5,391 5,547 22,849 23,752 6,826 6,937 11,106 11,458 4,372 4,790 544 567 111,578 121,733 1963—June 2 9 ... Dec. 2 0 ... 298,809 311,791 265,565 274,647 15,333 15,557 11,270 6,997 i7 17 133,184 141,112 105,761 110,962 1,499 3,577 1,597 1,620 5,913 6,625 24,235 25,322 7,172 7,451 11,819 12,163 4,663 5,113 579 595 114,833 124,181 1964—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 321,084 345,130 284,551 306,230 15,725 18,439 10,509 6,772 19 20 138,754 154,503 119,543 126,497 2,039 2,591 1,724 1,737 6,355 7,134 26,413 27,438 8,304 8,739 12,552 12,893 4,913 5,113 645 693 119,916 131,552 1965—June 30 ... Dec. 31 ... 352,795 375,394 310,752 331,513 16,897 19,111 12,054 5,805 18 144,655 160,145 137,127 146,451 3,576 4,337 1,855 1,898 7,493 7,742 29,120 29,905 9,929 10,200 13,082 13,465 5,363 5,438 745 802 123,714 137,661 1966— June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 384,908 402,946 338,405 352,840 17,851 20,425 11,237 5,248 153,323 167,233 155,993 159,935 4,138 4,729 2,106 2,234 9,305 11,450 30,954 31,693 10,543 10,648 13,702 13,999 5,875 6,166 835 880 130,411 138,752 1967—June 3 0 ... Dec. 3 0 ... 411,917 450,713 360,210 395,796 19,240 22,905 5,436 5,524 160,508 183,585 175,025 183,782 5,062 5,549 2,412 2,382 11,302 12,980 32,931 34,006 11,126 11,325 14,372 14,983 6,539 6,611 895 1,087 134,085 149,625 1968—June 2 9 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 456,304 500,238 394,543 434,652 21,415 25,654 5,291 5,389 177,185 199,235 190,652 204,374 7,932 8,683 2,466 2,509 16,000 17,767 35,363 36,628 9,580 9,773 2,286 2,201 15,326 16,174 7.142 7,420 1,028 1,061 143,580 163,100 1969—June 3 0 ... Dec. 31. .. 516,579 530,715 426,352 436,990 25,805 27,643 5,998 5,273 193,049 208,194 201,500 195,880 14,467 18,052 3,156 3,387 34,164 32,709 38,440 39,576 10,322 10,529 2,070 2,102 16,869 17,461 8.164 8,427 1,015 1,058 148,710 167,599 1970—June 30 ... Dec. 3 1 ... 529,911 576,351 433,972 482,514 27,055 32,264 8,259 8,380 192,542 208,989 206,115 232,880 18,260 19,182 4,029 3,849 32,357 28,240 41,294 42,566 10,903 11,138 2,160 2,199 17,599 18,072 9,622 10,146 1 ,011 1,011 154,064 169,236 For notes see last page o f Part E o f this table. INSURED BANKS 3.1 INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1939-70 — Continued C. LOANS [In millions o f dollars] F o r purchasing securities Call date Total loans Com mer cial G uar anteed by ccc Other To brokers To and others dealers Other loans to individuals To fina ncial institu ions Real estate Instalment Banks Other Total On farm land On resi dential prop erty Other Total Retail auto Repair and m od erni zation Other retail Other Singlepay m ent Other R e serve for bad debts 3,524 3,635 1939—June 30___ Dec. 30___ 16,040 16,866 5,689 6,332 1,192 1,094 755 817 828 794 60 57 3,990 4.137 531 534 2,468 2,597 991 1,006 1940—June 29___ Dec. 31___ 17,014 18,397 6,502 7,179 1,183 1,281 464 663 742 727 43 44 4,283 4,470 544 544 2.720 2,883 1,020 1,044 Dec. 31___ 19,913 21,262 8,343 9,215 1 167 1 450 592 614 703 662 45 40 4,632 4 775 551 535 3,039 3 208 1,041 1 031 1942—June 30___ Dec. 3 1 . . . 19,922 18,906 8,868 7,758 1 164 896 746 569 950 620 597 30 27 4,772 4,647 526 476 3,262 3,263 984 907 2,270 280 329 403 1,257 3,899 1,015 1943—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 17,392 18,843 6,888 7,778 364 598 952 907 1,134 1,414 671 922 31 ...............4,549 58 ...............i 4,438 471 449 3,230 3,204 848 786 1,937 1,868 180 160 231 192 335 310 1,192 1,206 865 860 1944—June 30----Dec. 3 0 . .. . 20,732 21,355 7,407 7,921 504 806 970 917 2,221 2,269 2,296 2,265 61 59 4,365 4,344 468 450 3,153 3,157 744 738 1,862 1,888 169 174 173 192 313 318 1,207 1,205 1,045 885 1945—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 23,379 25,769 7,502 9,462 595 305 1,036 1,010 3,113 3,164 3,601 3.607 57 49 j ............... 4,415 4,679 483 507 3.192 3,332 739 840 2,108 2,361 185 225 210 266 350 398 1,363 1,472 951 1,133 1946—June 2 9 . . . . Dec. 31___ 26,796 30,740 10,336 14,019 97 102 1,269 1,256 2,417 1,517 2,656 1,609 57 ...............1 5,740 81 ...............i 7.106 618 684 4,041 5,058 1,081 1,365 3,070 4,031 349 514 399 328 311 524 675 1,798 2,203 1,154 1,017 1947—June 30----Dec. 31___ 33,258 37,592 14,768 18,015 20 65 1,528 1,544 1,517 823 1,278 1,190 101 ...............8,204 114 ...............9,271 765 793 5,924 6,816 1,515 1,661 4,893 5,655 775 966 427 551 407 558 840 944 2,446 2,637 946 914 Dec. 31----- 39,382 41,979 17,838 18,765 21 885 1,955 1,889 i,1 8 3 1,336 i ,079 939 160 ...............10,106 121 ...............|j 10.671 857 848 7,448 7,913 1,800 1,911 6,414 6,806 1,260 1,435 692 797 651 729 1,045 1,080 2,766 2,766 958 974 331 409 1949—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 40,535 42,499 16,296 16,939 533 976 2,201 1.987 1,972 1,749 901 855 878 886 8,060 8,513 1,955 2.014 7,172 8,007 1,670 1,955 841 1,023 788 923 1,140 1.170 2,733 2,935 923 1,023 454 548 1950—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 0 . .. . 44,379 51,809 16,842 21,808 472 367 2,357 2,466 1,856 1,789 913 1.036 102 ............... 12,292 90 ...............13.416 920 946 9,344 10,250 2,028 2,219 9.050 10,061 2.399 2,701 1,217 1.474 973 1,075 1,281 1.334 3,180 3,477 1,086 1,448 590 673 1951—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 31___ 54,408 57,371 23,547 25,788 51 279 3,001 3,052 1,616 1,571 1,001 961 155 ............... 149 ............... 14,021 14.487 1,007 983 10,708 11,081 2,306 2,423 10.296 10,399 2.742 2,724 1,389 1,344 1,063 1,150 1,401 1,463 3,702 3,718 1,432 1,498 713 814 1952—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 58,861 63,824 25,232 27,816 74 684 3,496 3,141 2,106 2,050 943 1,083 153 ............... 157 ............... 14,925 15,616 1,041 1,037 11,413 11,996 2,471 2,583 11,363 12.642 3,101 3,555 1,421 1.780 1,248 1,473 1,622 1,759 3,971 4,074 1,419 1,539 851 904 1953—June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 64,723 67,266 27,361 27,158 285 2,165 3,325 2,719 1,704 2,344 1,053 1,182 155 ............... 162 ............... 16,148 16,613 1,084 1,062 12,356 12,744 2.707 2,806 14,067 14,412 4,296 4,462 2,062 2,115 1,566 1,695 1.893 1.942 4,250 4,197 1,563 1,473 938 961 1954—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 67,011 70,341 26,069 26,823 1,919 2,234 3,155 2.893 2,439 2,907 1,230 1,503 176 ............... 240 ............... 17,149 18,347 1,121 1,139 13.056 13,979 2,973 3,229 14,412 14,720 4.362 4,341 1,955 1,921 1,670 1.687 2,054 2,133 4,371 4,638 1,452 1,745 991 1,071 1955—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 74,931 82,360 28,833 33,210 874 1,147 3,464 3,265 2,834 3,230 1,591 1,744 418 ............... 573 . . . . . . . . 19,713 20,767 1,243 1,279 14,957 15,715 3,512 3,773 16,333 17,160 5,111 5,807 2,000 2,080 1,632 1,735 2,276 2,298 5,215 5,238 1,993 2,533 1,124 1.268 99 98 ...............i 10,893 ............... 3,797 4,033 i! ............... ............... 4,431 4,506 1956—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 86,691 90,143 36,097 38,707 586 864 3,621 3,251 2,669 2,565 1,705 1,671 666 654 21,753 22,484 1,333 1,317 16,330 16,836 4,091 4,331 18,343 18,829 6,239 6,297 2,277 2,438 1,779 1,909 2,452 2,531 5,596 5,653 2,601 2,679 1,350 1,562 1957--June 6 ......... Dec. 3 1 . .. . 90,913 93,801 39,035 40,546 406 455 3,635 3,575 2,251 2,569 1,614 1,602 1,001 728 22,513 23,104 1,348 1,349 16,728 16,990 4,437 4,766 19,488 20,200 6,700 6,971 2,430 2,511 1,929 2,062 2,662 2,814 5,766 5,842 2,610 2,798 1,640 1,776 t958—June 2 3 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 95,487 98,132 38,925 40,457 407 799 4,103 4,128 3,677 2,797 1,908 1,813 1,697 718 23,689 25,267 1,420 1,453 17,279 18,420 4,989 5,394 20,064 20,680 6,814 6,802 2,300 2,313 2,039 2,172 2,948 3,112 5,963 6,282 2,854 3,426 1,838 1,955 1959--June 1 0 .... Dec. 3 1 . .. . 103,282 110,695 41,627 40,195 262 196 4,795 4,787 2,312 2,982 1,889 1,828 1,850 819 7,119 26,648 28,031 1,537 1,571 19,353 20,247 5,758 6,214 22,352 24,134 7,484 8,052 2,416 2,681 2,250 2,500 3,424 3,783 6,776 7,118 3,557 2,774 2,010 2,172 1960—June 1 5 .... Dec. 3 1 . .. . 115,186 117,522 41,784 43,132 126 677 5,202 4,963 2,586 3,247 1,720 1,811 2,367 971 7,070 7,115 28,323 28,694 1,625 1,631 20,257 20,288 6,442 6,775 25,496 26,377 8,711 8,928 2,737 2,806 2,575 2,694 4,046 4,227 7,427 7,722 2,735 2,890 2,222 2,356 1961--June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 0 . . . . 117,849 124,807 42,743 45,157 574 928 5,441 5,296 2,910 4,030 1,970 2,107 1,009 1,033 5,999 7,310 29,275 30,330 1,700 1,731 20,525 21,150 7,051 7,449 27,258 27,820 8,936 9,062 3,145 2,808 2,659 2,693 4,388 4,480 8,131 8,776 3,091 3,403 2,419 2,606 1962--June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 2 8 . . . . 129,130 140,023 45,919 48,668 870 1,112 5,904 5,961 3,234 5,121 1,982 2,104 1,474 2,552 7,227 8,468 32,071 34,309 1,910 2,003 21,963 23,368 8,198 8,939 29,412 30,524 9,903 10,529 2,756 2,858 2,677 2,762 4,779 5,034 9,296 9,340 3,700 3,898 2,663 2,694 1963--June 2 9 . . . . Dec. 2 0 . .. . 144,965 155,933 49,869 52,984 800 817 6,731 6,645 4,615 5,326 2,204 2,477 1,904 3,595 8,642 9,441 36,769 39,088 2,221 2,303 24,833 26,245 9,715 10,540 32,640 34,532 11,685 12,437 3,008 3,201 2,790 2,910 5,406 5,719 9,751 10,265 3,803 4,024 3,011 2,995 1964— June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 164,480 175,096 55,120 60,040 366 514 7,311 6,983 5,492 5,356 2,687 2,794 2,841 3,421 10,435 10,850 41,447 43,733 2,535 2,617 27,595 28,739 11,317 12,378 37,598 39,815 13,828 14,662 3,494 3,749 2,917 3,013 6,151 6,441 11,209 11,950 4,431 5,144 3,249 3,553 1965--June 3 0 . .. . Dec* 3 1 . . . 188,118 201,114 65,370 71,235 411 534 7,650 7,669 5,925 5,088 2,861 3,175 3,683 »4,159 11,379 13,186 46,271 49,394 2,772 2,888 30,155 32,159 13,344 14,346 43,078 45,497 16,230 17,139 3,937 4,177 3,025 3,127 6,987 7,389 12,898 13,666 5,117 5,188 3,626 4,011 1966—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 212,673 218,456 77,085 80,408 <2) <2) 8,482 8,549 5,222 5,643 3,225 3,150 1 3,993 *4,593 13,810 13,186 51,999 54,100 3,006 3,112 33,544 34,658 15,449 16,330 47,726 47,992 18,135 18,290 4,356 4,693 3,167 3,216 7,814 8,091 14,255 13,702 5,207 5,170 4,076 4,337 1967--June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 0 . .. . 224,792 236,710 84,371 88,258 <2) <2) 9,324 9,260 4,383 6,017 3,275 3,724 1,701 1,848 12,158 12,447 55,497 58,678 3,251 3,419 35,313 37,374 16,933 17,885 49,572 51,628 18,726 18,890 4,944 5,610 3,211 3,352 8,415 8,883 14,276 14,893 3 8,913 3 9,582 4,403 4,733 1968--June 2 9 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . . . 245,223 265,982 91,221 98,161 <2) <2) 9,984 9,712 4,723 6,409 3,673 4,069 1,882 2,146 12,075 13,677 61,632 65,333 3,732 3,735 38,865 41,149 19,036 20,449 54,262 58,415 20,066 21,200 6,073 6,833 3,328 3,494 9,456 10,189 15,339 16,699 a 10,597 »13,275 4,826 5,216 1969--June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . . . 284,804 296,464 104,291 108,394 (2) (a) 10,546 10,324 5,180 5,647 4,170 3,995 2,5442,425 13,640 14,939 68,729 70,326 4,061 3,993 43,265 44,280 21,403 22,053 61,670 63,356 22,437 22,706 7,576 8,909 3,619 3,655 10,847 11,019 17,191 17,066 « 14,035 » 17,059 5,261 5,886 1970—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . . . 296,931 314,142 108,278 112,215 <2) (2) 11,241 11,154 3,886 6,209 3,545 3,518 2,457 2,581 14,308 15,794 70,962 73,053 4,030 4,319 44,594 45,495 22,339 23,239 64,270 66,006 22,466 22,366 10,036 11,115 3,617 3,717 11,215 11,879 16,936 16,929 a 17,983 3 23,612 5,931 5,999 F or notes see last page o f Part E o f this table. z C/3 C & W 0 a > Z * xn INSURED 3.1 INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1939-70 — Continued D. INVESTM ENTS [In millions o f dollars] U.S. G ovt, securities 1 Call date Bonds Notes, maturing— Total Bills Certificates G uar anteed M arketable, maturing— I W ithin 1 A fter 1 year I 1 year Total W ithin 1 1 year , * * 5-10 10-20 Over 20 years 1939—June 30. . Dec. 30___ 21,993 22,428 11,948 12,153 446 571 2,925 2,388 8,577 9,194 837 838 3,120 3,308 3,152 3,963 1,468 1,086 1940—June 2 9 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 22,821 24,163 12,531 13,344 805 662 2,699 2,756 9,027 9,926 750 1,458 3,489 3,153 4,110 4,752 1941 June 30. . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 26 279 28.032 15,291 16.945 1,135 988 ................. 2,758 3,159 11,398 12,798 1,471 1,551 3,836 3,970 1942—June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 3 1 .. . . 32,726 47,344 23.062 37,993 1,536 4,462 1,979 6,729 3,732 5,800 15,816 21,002 1,765 2,865 1943—June 30___ Dec. 3 1 . . . 57,890 64,678 48,881 56,192 6,557 4,637 10,316 13,220 5,717 7,673 26,291 30,662 1944—June 30 .. .. Dec. 3 0 . . . . 73,228 82,053 66,141 74,919 4,709 3,972 15,469 15,303 11,835 15,781 1945—June 30___ Dec. 31___ 89.001 96,067 82,379 88,912 2,831 2,456 17,206 19,075 1946—June 2 9 . .. . Dec. 31___ 90,642 81,468 82,974 73,560 1.220 1,272 17,642 12,293 1947—June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 31___ 77,454 76.712 69,141 67,946 836 2,124 1948—June 30___ Dec. 31___ 72,441 70.339 63,495 61,398 2,327 2,822 1949—June 30___ Dec. 3 1 . . . 71,243 75,824 61,982 65,841 1950—June 30___ Dec. 3 0 ... . 75,598 73,198 1951—June 30___ Dec. 3 1 ... . Securi ties of States, etc. N on m arket able O ther bonds, notes, and debentures Federal agency C orpo rate stock. (includ ing F .R . Bank stock) 0 th e r 3,090 3,414 3,141 3,285 3,291 3,068 522 509 677 564 3,370 3,719 3,483 3,608 2,943 3,010 494 481 5,528 5,929 562 1,347 4,080 4,102 3,551 3.652 2,890 2,890 467 443 5,322 10,047 7,156 6,470 1,306 1,337 266 284 2,873 2,718 3,494 3,533 2.866 2,680 430 419 5,497 5,791 11,215 16,776 7,782 6,160 1,501 1,620 296 316 2,661 2,501 3,441 3,288 2,520 2,342 387 355 34,128 39,862 5,650 5,918 20,020 25,467 6,046 5,797 1,790 1,917 621 764 963 978 3,394 3,424 2,388 2,386 16,456 16,047 45,884 51,333 7,122 9,030 30,071 32,230 5,164 6,092 2,433 2,787 1,094 1,195 43 22 3,686 3,875 2,567 2,938 12,007 6,781 52,106 53,214 9,933 12,728 32,279 29,700 5,726 6,597 2,973 3,008 1,195 1 1,180 1 24 15 3,975 4,301 3,354 3,295 j 1 315 298 5,342 5,920 53,519 52,347 14,531 18,341 27,674 22,202 7,101 7,534 3,066 2,654 1,147 ! 1,616 1 14 14 4,828 5.131 3,170 3,320 I 302 302 9,454 10,068 5,071 3,395 46,643 45,114 13,525 19,374 22,386 15,114 6,733 i 2,419 2,059 6,581 1,581 i 1,986 5,436 5,511 3,193 3,113 \ | 306 307 2,846 3,692 10,440 12,488 L 2,045 5,811 46,651 43,849 24,903 27,278 9,992 7,692 7,389 i 2,411 1 1,956 2,409 6 2,009 | 4,461 5,766 6,403 3,181 3,261 * 307 313 64,601 61,036 3,849 4.122 6,116 1 1,937 11,599 16,774 43,038 38,203 27,509 22,594 8,107 7,737 2,995 2,986 j 1,908 2,331 | 12 | 8 6 6 : 8 11 ' 7,262 i 7,959 3,409 3,869 il 318 324 69,919 73.673 57,471 60,578 3,820 7,223 3,116 i 7,536 14,783 11,274 35,753 34,546 20,720 19,645 7,169 7,024 3,050 1 2,343 ' 3,055 2,335 2,471 2,487 11 i 21 8,344 9,016 3,763 3,720 329 338 1952 - J u n e 30___ Dec. 3 1 . .. . 73,927 76,280 60,161 62,386 6,092 7,629 7,664 5,504 J 11,125 11,740 35,281 37,513 19,110 18,350 8,002 11,206 i 3,371 1 2,268 5,362 2,531 2,595 25 22 9,652 10.006 3,743 3,509 346 357 1953—June 30___ Dec 31___ 71,761 76,851 57,734 62,439 4,931 4,900 5,010 10,088 11,148 12,308 36,644 35,143 20,408 17.790 9.036 10,158 4,494 i 4,533 2,578 i 2,538 32 33 10,334 10,620 3,296 3,387 366 372 1954—June 3 0 . . . . Dec 31___ 77,789 84,142 62,523 68,100 4,582 4,907 5,509 5,282 12,242 14,545 40.190 43,366 13.483 12,486 19,164 22,979 4,919 5,286 92 57 2,532 2,558 38 21 11,716 12,387 3.134 3,242 1955—June 3 0 . . . . Dec 3 1 . . . . 78,951 77,240 62,439 60,866 3,001 4,112 1,667 2,296 16,505 13,879 41,265 40,579 10,635 12,909 22,512 20,529 5,305 4,365 271 283 2,542 2,494 15 10 12,582 12,501 3,502 3,442 9,444 | 7,555 ? ! . ‘ ............... 2,518 2,554 129 123 j ! 342 348 327 320 , 378 392 ' 413 422 BANKS Direct Total invest ments 1956—June 3 0 ... . Dec 3 1 . . . . 72,127 73,947 55,927 57,944 2,760 5,779 1,228 1,985 12,574 11,746 39,365 38,434 12,533 20,677 20,048 11,007 4,567 4,684 184 183 2,033 1,883 13 13 12,731 12,717 3,020 2,829 435 443 1957—June 6 ___ Dec 3 1 . .. 72,615 75,330 56,064 57,679 4,666 5,298 3,611 4,771 9,986 10,510 37,801 37,100 20,733 23,418 10,705 8,003 4,715 4,329 174 132 1,475 1,217 8 7 13,139 13,733 2,955 3,435 448 476 1958—June 2 3 .. .. Dec 3 1 .. . . 83,394 86,056 63,587 65,783 4,424 6,175 3,844 7,367 12,225 13,259 43,094 38,982 21,485 22,096 15,350 11,360 4,510 3,826 540 501 1,209 1,198 5 6 15,502 16,317 3,812 3,446 487 505 1959—June 10___ Dec 3 1 . . . . 81,858 78,582 61,455 58,349 5,035 6,192 4,694 2,406 13,940 14,735 37,786 35,016 23,931 22,047 8,246 9,548 3,945 2,183 509 454 1,155 784 10 42 16,790 16,754 3,085 2,899 520 539 1960—June 1 5 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 73,996 81,020 54,335 60,423 3,532 7,999 2.186 2,887 15,097 18,877 33,520 30,660 24,518 21,648 6,112 6,086 1.725 1,815 460 524 705 587 73 100 16,581 17,337 2,451 2.591 555 571 1961—June 3 0 ... . Dec. 3 0 . . . . 83,053 89,662 61,209 65,945 7,320 11,378 3,298 2,099 5,359 8,185 15,015 17,970 30,217 26,313 6,510 2,402 13,304 15,708 7,915 5,826 1,918 1,940 570 436 142 147 18,490 20.104 1,752 2,112 869 735 592 620 1962—June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 28___ 90,657 94,912 63.830 65,830 8,255 11,570 3,578 3,917 11,223 5,199 14,676 18,519 26,098 26,625 1,040 2,253 14,077 11,332 8,684 11,968 1,885 769 412 303 149 136 22.918 24,583 2,345 2,870 749 804 664 689 1963—June 29___ Dec. 20___ 95,218 97,472 63,028 62,707 9,064 10,999 3,203 1,652 4,486 5,921 19.260 16,403 27,015 27,732 1,491 1,141 9,760 12,932 14,366 12,244 1,112 1,137 285 278 94 105 27,611 29,611 2,973 3,503 781 784 730 761 1964— June 30___ Dec. 3 1 . . . . 95,010 100,960 58,819 62,447 8,994 13,301 33 6,313 7,097 16,742 11,872 26,737 30,177 1,863 1,904 12,021 14,766 11,488 12,482 1.098 778 267 247 135 140 31,230 33,344 3,099 3,446 932 763 796 819 1965—June 30___ Dec. 31». . . 98,306 103,651 56,392 59,210 8,874 13,134 7,110 7,035 7,502 6,198 32,906 33,820 999 2,360 16,169 16,985 14,394 13,260 1,113 1,072 231 143 104 96 36,351 38,480 3,739 4,513 818 902 1,447 1966—June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 101,533 104,286 53,180 55,904 8,113 11,374 1,061 706 5,630 6,295 6,759 7,144 32,639 31.455 1,241 1,400 17,358 18,275 12,984 10,702 930 957 40 61 119 130 40,427 40,832 6,454 5.959 1,472 1,591 1967—June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 30___ 110,220 123,264 53,976 62,229 8,009 13,134 554 4,364 5,745 10,288 12,879 31,645 31.279 1,493 3,857 19,435 19,492 9,591 6,737 1,043 1,109 29 59 273 343 46,679 49,821 7,416 8.901 2. 149 2,312 1968—June 2 9 . . . . Dec. 31___ 122,205 135,242 58,311 64,171 7,003 6,536 15,964 29,603 4,728 16,697 7,078 1.100 62 290 52,460 58,392 9,021 10,082 2,414 2,598 1969—June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 31___ 125.686 125,385 53,837 54,530 5.056 3,828 19,514 24,615 6.616 16,855 706 1.087 57 <2) 59,859 58,944 9,777 9,772 2,213 2,140 1970—June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 126.450 147,219 51,391 61,617 * 5,196 9,121 19,124 17,766 1,995 14,652 233 836 50 (*) 62,710 69,390 9,995 13.278 2,354 2,934 F o r notes see last page o f Part E o f this table. INSURED BANKS INSURED 3.1 INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1939-70 — Continued £. D EPO SITS [In millions o f dollars] IPC Call date Total de posits I Total TPr 1W* LO 00 Foreign 1 sovt. and other State and local govt. U.S. Govt. Tim e \ Interbank Certi fied Domestic and officers* checks, Foreign etc. M utual; savings dal Interbank IPC Total Other time Savings Foreign govt. and other State and local govt. I U.S. Domestic Govt. I and „ postal I savings M u tu a l; C om Foreign m er savings j cial 535 527 80 69 157 160 14 10 74 69 151 156 8 6 15,208 15,152 502 ■ 523 I 475 | 492 65 59 156 150 7 7 15,545 16,261 14.890 15,706 471 397 56 61 2 123 834 893 17,462 19,160 16,897 18,573 412 395 939 948 21,128 23,958 20,545 23,361 11,217 12,566 1,119 1,248 27,016 29,964 2,320 2,361 10,584 10,888 1,346 1,364 1,249 1,327 2,111 2,559 9,807 11,236 7,135 7,186 2,054 2,325 2,020 2,113 77,021 82,129 7,341 7,424 2,139 3,054 105,254 117,007 80,705 89,993 7,944 7,916 3,595 2,794 149,684 163,172 112,664 124,880 84,766 95,701 1952—June 3 0 . . . . ........ Dec. 31................ 160,622 171,357 120,810 129,992 1953—June 30................ Dec. 31................ 164,046 175,083 1954—June 30................ Dec. 31................ 1955—June 30................ Dec. 31................. 1939—June 30................ Dec. 30................. 52,327 56,076 37,243 40,839 24,772 27,197 3,122 2,886 739 790 838 613 7,177 8.601 595 753 15,084 15,237 14,298 1940—June 29................. Dec. 31................. 58,425 63,469 42,911 47,716 28.899 32,401 3,099 3,298 756 666 521 971 8.937 9.677 699 703 15,515 15.753 14,780 15,001 1941—June 30................. Dec. 31................. 65,617 69,421 49,706 53,561 34,331 36,547 3,535 3,677 666 1,763 792 1,077 9,700 9,823 682 673 15,911 15,860 1942—June 30................. >71,162 87,820 Dec. 31................. »55,618 71,559 39.266 47,128 3,866 3,997 1,772 8,167 766 1,219 2 9,202 10,234 2 746 813 1943—June 30................ Dec. 31................ 94,582 104,116 77,120 84,956 53,423 58,346 4,262 4,353 7,700 9,951 1,132 1,669 9,768 9,743 1944— June 30................. Dec. 30................. 114,180 125,752 93,052 101,793 57,364 64,149 4,404 4,520 18,763 19,759 1,551 1,354 10,031 11,063 1945—June 30................. Dec. 31................ 134,282 147,811 107,266 117,847 65,508 72,606 4,700 5,099 23,483 23,743 1,240 2,585 1946—June 29................ Dec. 31................. 140,649 137,029 108,408 103,416 75,405 79,903 5,808 5,968 12,944 2,932 1947—June 30................. Dec. 31................. 133,696 141,889 99,127 106,935 78,091 83,738 6,497 6,695 1948—June 30.......... .. Dec. 31................. 135,981 140,683 100,496 105,155 78,301 81,699 1949“ June 30................. Dec. 3 1 . . . ........... 135,416 143,194 99,286 107,146 1950—June 30................. Dec. 30................. 141,992 153,498 1 9 5 1 -June 30................. Dec. 31................ i 14,471 92 25 5 75 124 74 64 5 4 408 424 107 109 57 53 11 26,364 29,295 482 496 105 103 49 52 16 18 32,240 33,613 31,505 32,761 552 665 106 119 51 49 26 19 1 1,371 | 1,379 34,569 34,954 . 33,624 J 33,964 771 826 110 110 43 43 9,628 10,344 1,357 | 1,488 35,485 35,528 ( 1,061 1,080 I 111 117 35 35 2,353 i 2,338 j 9,058 10,885 i 1 I 34,577 j 34,464 1,243 1,233 163 184 29 29 2,150 2,905 9,579 11,957 36,130 36,049 1,315 36,738 1.281 t 1,442 , 36,491 34,983 34,582 1,356 1,367 191 195 31 29 8,312 6,111 8,314 J 3,352 2,257 3,157 I 9,883 12,975 ii 1,335 37,020 ii 1,381 j 38,292 i 34,916 36,057 1,504 1,518 234 290 27 27 90,937 98,898 8,712 8,818 5,804 4,937 2,727 2,947 11,290 12,956 1,339 1,438 39,813 41,365 I 37,410 38,795 1,603 1,606 324 359 34 42 121,007 130,289 93,119 99,196 9,253 9,445 3,641 1 2,441 4,136 2,988 11,248 13,229 1,306 1,296 43,038 44,794 I 40,276 41,484 19716 1,9 2 8 350 350 41 48 172,458 183,309 125,198 134,783 93,465 102,715 9,828 9,808 ; 5,582 4,178 2,773 3,186 : 12,262 13,398 1,288 1,498 47,260 48,526 I 43,112 j 44,276 2,299 2,384 343 379 63 75 1,442 1,413 180,174 190,989 130,659 141,037 98,885 108,326 5,089 3,727 3,143 3,888 11,808 13,397 1,535 1,516 49,515 49,951 45,257 45.891 2,414 2,322 382 370 61 51 1,401 1,318 10,198 10,183 ! 1,374 3 4 ,2 6 2 34,262 11 21 11 I | ! 16 34 118 139 . i ; ! 177 318 339 400 442 563 655 984 BANKS Dem and i 1 185,179 196,507 133,894 144,385 101,238 110,483 10,685 10,406 5,253 3,754 3,228 3,753 11,974 14,233 1,517 1,756 51,285 52,122 47,084 48,113 2,471 2,363 345 345 55 51 1,330 1 251 185,405 200,485 130,150 142,827 100,697 109,186 10,550 10,650 3,347 3,889 2,841 3,606 11,134 13,760 1,581 1,737 55,256 57,658 50,835 53,325 2,687 2,750 343 317 65 44 1,325 1,222 203,437 215,169 139,440 •149,488 102,017 114,645 10,864 10,901 9,191 4,265 3,728 4,012 12,030 14,037 1,611 1,629 63,997 65,681 57,335 59,570 4,070 3,553 302 347 159 160 2 131 2,051 206,706 219,012 139,128 151,538 109,173 115,672 10,449 11,432 2,774 5,048 3,386 3,878 11,828 13,832 1,518 1,675 67,578 67,473 61,526 62,697 3,705 3,121 333 296 143 100 1 871 1,260 212,965 228,993 144,520 155,709 109,967 116.606 10,719 11,650 6,405 5,940 3,665 4,576 12,364 15.555 1,401 1,582 68,445 73,284 63,271 66,834 3,580 4,510 270 272 115 199 1,210 1,469 1961—June 30................ Dec. 30................. 224,266 247,905 144,566 165,093 108,492 123,490 8 652 656 11,836 12,216 6,363 5,943 3,737 5,037 605 700 11,849 15,752 1,032 1,298 79,700 82,812 61,145 63,888 10,898 10,673 3 1,811 2,178 5,239 5,442 301 297 23 15 173 196 109 122 1962—June 30................. Dec. 28................. 244,618 261,444 152,117 163,217 111,465 123,297 660 724 11,793 12,064 9,539 6,825 4,415 4,450 669 684 12,393 13,907 1,183 1,265 92,501 98,227 67,386 71,044 15,927 17,634 2,163 2,432 6,318 6,427 314 284 42 38 217 240 133 127 1963—June 29 ................ Dec. 20................ 265,565 274,647 159,101 162,952 115,731 123 561 626 842 12,387 12,261 11,019 6,729 4,439 4,448 710 610 12,925 13,323 1,264 1,177 106,463 111,694 74,390 76,414 21,072 23,619 2,857 3,045 7,442 7,884 268 286 47 49 281 269 107 129 1964—June 30................ Dec. 31................ 284,551 306,230 164,123 178,691 120,715 134,301 676 826 12,561 13,498 10,252 6,501 4,802 5,878 749 740 13,051 15,493 1,316 1,455 120,428 127,539 79,448 82,967 27,857 29,838 3,574 3,894 8,665 9,799 277 291 83 119 358 383 168 250 1965—June 30................ Dec. 31................. 310,752 331,513 172,378 183,837 124,665 139,078 783 893 13,280 14,242 11,777 5,524 5,928 5,932 774 861 13,785 15,779 1,387 1,529 138,374 147,676 87,356 92,555 35,161 37,641 4,054 4,086 10,557 12,170 295 281 217 162 456 510 277 271 1966—June 30................. Dec. 31................. 338,405 352,840 181,115 191,737 131,001 144,324 774 869 14,914 15,059 10,988 4,990 6,634 6,981 876 783 14,471 16,947 1,457 1,784 157,289 161,103 91,016 90,077 48,021 52,184 4,332 4,212 12,623 13,462 249 258 173 148 585 477 289 284 1967—June 30................ Dec. 30................ 360,210 395,796 183,465 210,457 137,094 158,491 771 874 15,202 15,578 5,150 5,239 7,441 8,641 807 935 15,406 18,788 1,594 1,910 176,745 185,339 91,462 94,451 62,849 68,276 5,050 5,166 15,664 15,888 287 286 477 209 708 727 248 335 29................. 31................. 394,543 434,652 202,523 228,725 150,200 172,007 758 867 16,303 16,881 4,961 5,012 9,924 9,480 862 934 17,646 21,425 1,869 2,119 192,020 205,927 94,988 96,166 74,526 84,340 4,629 4,752 16,510 19,115 330 377 200 149 591 714 246 313 30................. 31................. 426,352 436,990 223,674 240,131 162,900 178,186 811 940 16,929 17,559 5,636 5,051 12,409 11,508 1,089 1,017 21,763 23,394 2,135 2,475 202,678 196,859 94,977 93,796 85,296 82,445 4,502 6,379 16,724 13,260 362 223 37 31 526 415 254 310 1970—June 30................ Dec. 31................. 433,972 482,514 226,711 247,170 164,400 181,897 942 920 17,091 17,785 8,050 7,915 10,109 8,387 985 975 22,739 26,291 2,395 3,001 207,261 235,343 94,310 98,816 87,804 106,147 6,796 4,627 17,205 23,290 210 465 94 278 510 1,424 332 295 Dec. 31................. 1958—June 23................. 1968—June Dec. u> VO. 1969—June Dec. GENERAL NOTES TO TABLE 3.1 Beginning June 30, 1969, figures take into account the following changes made effective as o f that d a te : (1) inclusion of consolidated reports (including figures for all bankpremises subsidiaries and other significant majority-owned domestic subsidiaries) and (2) reporting o f figures for total loans and for individual categories o f securities on a gross basis—that is, before deduction o f valuation reserves— rather than as previously reported. P a rt E : 1 N ot com parable with am ounts reported for prior dates because o f the exclusion o f reciprocal interbank dem and deposits with banks in the U nited States, except private banks a n d U.S. branches o f foreign banks. These reciprocal deposits were $624,029,000. 2 Estimated. 3 D eposits o f foreign governments, central banks, and so forth, which include deposits o f international institutions, were n o t reported separately; such deposits were included for the m ost part with foreign interbank deposits. BANKS P art D : * Beginning Dec. 31, 1965, figures for total holdings o f U.S. G ovt, direct securities include holdings o f guaranteed securities. As o f that date, com ponents o f the total are shown a t par rather than a t book value; they do not add to the total (shown a t book value) and are not com parable with earlier figures. 2 Reclassified as obligations of Federal agencies. INSURED NOTES TO SPEC IFIC PARTS O F TABLE 3.1 P art C * Amounts o f Federal funds included in this item are (in millions o f dollars): 1965—Dec. 31 2,064 1966—June 30 2,061 Dec. 31 2,460 3 Beginning with June 30, 1966, loans to farm ers guaranteed by the CCC are classified as securities ("Federal agency" under “ Other bonds, notes, and debentures"}. 3 A m ounts o f Federal funds and o f securities purchased under agreements to resell that are included in this item are (in millions o f d ollars): 1967—June 30 3,876 Dec. 30 3,924 1968—June 29 4,655 Dec. 31 6,526 1969—June 30 7,075 Dec. 31 9,712 1970—June 30 10,878 Dec. 31 15,952 INSURED BANKS 3.2 INSURED MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS A. PR IN C IPA L ASSETS, JU N E AND DECEMBER 1939-70 [In millions of dollars] Loans and investments Loans Investments Real estate U.S. G overn ment obliga tions Call date Total Total Other Total Other securi ties Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of col lection Bank premises, furniture, a nd fixtures Other assets Other real estate Total assets 1939—June 3 0 . .. . Dcc. 3 0 .... 1,197 1,329 576 605 552 572 23 33 621 724 411 244 303 95 133 16 18 75 73 12 1,393 1,566 1940—June 29 Dcc. 3 1 .... 1,317 1,655 598 637 568 601 30 35 719 1,018 420 548 299 470 167 202 18 25 71 94 11 8 1,585 1,984 1941—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 . .. . 1,655 1,693 641 642 604 609 37 33 1,015 1,050 569 629 446 421 201 151 25 24 89 81 8 10 1,979 1,958 1942—June 3 0 .... Dec. 3 1 .... 1,800 2,007 692 740 664 712 29 28 1,108 1,267 686 422 405 143 130 24 27 77 77 10 861 2,056 2,254 1943—June 3 0 .... Dcc. 3 1 . .. . 2,704 7,525 1,0t3 3,073 986 3,046 27 27 1,691 4,452 1,264 3,844 427 608 170 559 33 77 82 154 1944— June 3 0 ... . Dec. 3 0 .... 8,489 9,223 3,111 3,110 3,081 3,077 31 33 5,378 6,113 4,752 5 509 626 604 381 400 78 76 120 1945—June 3 0 .... Dec. 3 1 .... 10,063 10,846 3,089 3,081 3,051 3,041 38 40 6,974 7,765 6,368 7,160 607 606 422 429 1946—June 2 9 .... Dec. 3 1 .... 11,453 11,891 3,132 3,250 3,091 3,207 41 44 8,322 8,641 7,662 7,946 660 695 1947—June 3 0 .... Dec. 31. .. 12,375 12,683 3,370 3,560 3,322 3,507 48 53 9,005 9,123 8,216 8,165 1948—June 3 0 .... Dec. 31----- 13,142 13,312 3,769 4,109 3,917 4,260 59 59 9,373 9,202 1949—June 3 0 .... Dcc. 3 1 . .. . 13,880 14,209 4,397 4,814 4,553 4,973 56 60 1950— June 3 0 ... , Dcc. 3 0 .... 14,827 15,101 5,288 6,086 5,447 6,237 66 1951—June 3 0 .... Dec. 3 1 .... 15,668 16,190 6,829 7,523 1952—June 3 0 .... Dec. 3 1 .... 16,857 17,621 8.043 8,691 1953—June 3 0 .... Dcc. 3 1 .... 18,609 19,252 1954— June 30___ Dcc. 3 1 . .. . 20,121 377 9 13 48 3,009 8,364 75 51 54 9,119 9,827 75 71 47 26 51 51 10,658 11 ,424 550 612 70 70 14 U 50 53 12,138 12,637 789 958 658 675 70 78 10 4 55 59 13,169 13,499 8,169 7,795 1,204 1,407 644 684 80 82 7 5 61 66 13,933 14,150 9,484 9,394 7,940 7,832 1,544 1,562 629 682 83 82 4 73 84- 14,672 15,060 9,539 9,015 7,945 7,487 1 594 1 528 659 617 84 5 88 79 88 6 94 15,663 15,907 6,973 7,605 80 83 8,839 7,169 6,921 1,670 1,746 688 8 ,6 6 8 695 89 93 4 3 145 148 16,595 17,129 8 ,1 2 2 8,753 85 93 8,814 8,930 6,730 6,593 2,084 2,337 756 732 96 103 2 3 171 153 17,883 18,612 9,325 10,016 9,384 10,070 102 109 9,284 9,236 6,642 6,476 2,642 2,760 692 799 109 114 1 1 178 167 19,590 20,334 10,804 11,651 10,839 11.700 134 127 9,317 9,179 6.309 6,117 3,008 3.062 807 832 121 20,830 129 3 2 385 588 21,237 21,981 1955—June 3 0 .... Dcc. 3 1 .... 21,617 22,331 12,567 13,563 12,613 13,609 135 144 9,050 8,768 5,998 5,858 3,052 2,910 808 785 135 139 3 2 199 201 22,761 23,458 1956—June 3 0 .... Dec. 3 1 .... 23,168 24,170 14.514 15,542 14,539 15,568 168 168 8,654 8,628 5.636 5,518 3,018 3,110 739 739 146 152 2 3 217 218 24,271 25,282 1957—June 6 ........ Dec. 3 1 .... 25,185 26,535 16,228 17,194 16,187 17,210 238 182 8,957 9,341 5.505 5.404 3.452 3,937 672 719 157 167 4 3 ! 2^3 246 26.241 27,671 1958— June 2 3 .... Dec. 3 1 .... 27,869 28,980 18,132 19,180 18,065 19,155 268 232 9,737 9,800 5,234 5,215 4.503 4;585 745 752 176 183 4 5 226 270 29,021 30,189 1959— June 1 0 .... Dcc. 3 1 .... 30,150 30,580 20.106 20.942 20,033 20,884 274 264 10,044 9,638 5,324 5,016 4,721 4,622 630 192 686 200 7 S 249 269 31.228 31,743 1960—June 1 5 .... Dec. 3 1 .... 31,133 33,794 21.721 23,852 21,526 23,731 406 338 9,411 9,942 4,743 4,787 4,669 5,155 624 766 206 227 10 14 239 292 32.211 35,092 1961—June 3 0 .... Dec. 3 0 ... . 34,764 35,660 24,775 25,812 24,654 25,640 331 392 9,989 9,848 4,741 4,690 5,248 5,158 756 828 236 247 21 20 297 310 36,074 37,065 1962—“June 3 0 .... Dcc. 28___ 36,989 38,597 27,179 28,778 26,973 28.441 422 552 9,810 9,819 4,708 4,639 5,102 5.180 779 784 256 269 j 20 20 321 282 38.366 39,951 20 6 1 1963—June 2 9 .... Dec. 2 0 . .. . 40,128 41,664 30,533 32,300 30,264 31,892 485 626 9,595 9,365 4,545 4.324 5,050 5.041 789 722 279 290 j 23 23 j 362 320 41 .580 43.019 1964— June 3 0 .... Dec. 3 1 .... 43,431 45.358 34,050 36,233 33,706 35,823 556 620 9,381 9,125 4,316 4,110 5.064 5,015 799 893 337 I 343 1 Oi 456 450 45.022 47,044 140 IN SU R ED BANKS 3.2 A. INSURED MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS—Continued PR IN C IPA L ASSETS, JU N E AND D ECEM BER, 1939-70—Continued [In millions o f dollars] Loans and investments Loans Investments Total Real estate U.S. G overn ment obliga tions Other securi ties Call date Total O ther Total Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of col lection Bank premises, furniture, and fixtures Other real estate Other assets Total assets 1965—June 3 0 .... Dec. 31.. 47,03! 48,735 37,970 39,964 37,479 39,436 702 738 9,060 8,770 3.975 3,760 5,085 5,010 910 904 366 381 0) 0) 500 480 48,806 50,500 1966— June 30___ Dec. 3 1 . .. . 49,680 51,269 41,103 42,593 40,525 41,808 789 925 8,577 8,676 3,432 3,324 5,145 5,352 854 848 403 415 0) C1) 514 518 51,452 53,049 1967—June 30___ Dcc. 30___ 53,787 55,939 44,149 45,492 43,218 44,596 1,067 1,023 9,638 10,447 3,034 3,111 6,604 7,336 1,016 882 411 429 28 31 568 587 55,810 57,867 1968—June 2 9 .... Dec. 3 1 . .. . 58,179 60,090 46,815 48,287 45,736 47,177 1,201 1,232 11,365 11,803 3,039 2,855 8,325 8,948 833 883 455 470 40 36 622 643 60,130 62,123 1969—June 3 0 .... Dec. 3 1 . .. . 61,863 62,672 49,708 50,829 48,322 49,329 1,508 1,620 12,155 11,844 2,635 2,446 9,520 9,398 713 780 484 497 38 48 646 637 63,745 64,634 1970—June 3 0 . .. . Dec. 3 1 .... 64,077 66,106 51 ,730 52,635 49,873 50,696 1,980 2,058 12,346 13,471 2,377 2,354 9,970 11,117 785 1,116 508 529 60 63 686 728 66,116 68,541 1 Included in "bank premises, furniture, and fixtures.” 3.2 INSURED MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS—Continued B. PR IN C IPA L LIA BILITIES, AND N UM BER, JU N E AND DECEM BER [Amounts in millions o f dollars] Call date Total deposits Capital accounts Miscel laneous liabilities Total Capital notes and debentures Surplus and guaranty funds Undivided profits Total liabilities Reserves for con tingencies N um ber of banks 1939— June 30.......... Dec. 30.......... 1,246 1,409 3 4 144 153 10 9 95 107 23 21 16 15 1,393 1,566 49 51 1940—June 29.......... Dec. 31.......... 1,428 1,818 6 5 151 161 8 8 101 127 20 19 22 6 1 ,585 1 ,984 51 53 1941—June 30.......... Dec. 31.......... 1,803 1.789 11 6 166 164 7 7 128 130 24 19 6 8 1,979 1,958 53 52 1942—June 30.......... Dec, 31.......... 1,864 2,048 9 5 182 201 6 6 143 156 24 28 8 11 2,056 2,254 53 56 1943—June 30.......... Dec. 31.......... 2,739 7,534 12 22 258 808 6 5 208 632 34 149 10 21 3,009 8,364 61 184 1944— June 30.......... Dec. 30.......... 8,235 8,910 25 25 858 892 5 5 665 700 163 163 26 24 9,119 9,827 192 192 1945— June 30.......... Dec, 31.......... 9,671 10,363 30 26 956 1,034 5 5 733 791 188 205 30 33 10,658 11,424 192 192 1946—June 29.......... Dec. 31.......... 10,979 11,428 36 36 1,122 1,173 5 5 837 879 239 243 42 45 12,138 12,637 191 191 1947—June 30.......... Dec. 31.......... 11,901 12,207 50 40 1,218 1,252 4 5 907 939 255 256 51 52 13,169 13,499 191 194 1948— June 3 0 ......... Dec. 31.......... 12,581 12,772 50 44 1,302 1,334 5 5 971 998 273 281 54 51 13,933 14,150 193 193 1949— June 30.......... Dec. 31.......... 13,241 13,592 50 49 1,381 1,420 5 5 1,028 1,060 291 295 58 59 14,672 15,060 191 192 1950—June 30.......... Dec. 30.......... 14,128 14,320 69 74 1,467 1,513 6 5 1,087 1,124 313 322 62 62 15,663 15,907 192 194 1951—June 30.......... Dec. 31.......... 14,924 15,368 88 83 1,582 1,678 0) (l) 1,164 1,217 357 384 61 77 16,595 17,129 201 202 1952—June 30.......... Dec. 31 16,081 16,785 102 96 1,700 1,730 0) 0) 1,241 1,270 380 371 78 89 17,883 18,612 205 206 141 IN SU R ED BANKS 3,2 B. INSURED MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS—Continued PRINCIPAL LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, JUNE AND DECEMBER, 1939-70—Continued [Amounts in millions o f dollars] C npital account s Call date Total deposits Miscel laneous liabilities Total Capital notes and debentures Surplus and guaranty funds Undivided profits Reserves for con tingencies Total liabilities Number of banks 1953—June 30.......... Dcc. 31.......... 17,695 18,383 124 133 1,771 1,819 (M (') 1,301 1,340 371 370 100 109 19,590 20,334 213 219 1954—June 30.......... Dec. 31.......... 19,195 19,885 175 176 1,868 1,920 (l) (') 1,401 1,443 373 366 93 no 21,237 21,981 219 218 1955—June 30.......... Dec. 31.......... 20,590 21,237 206 215 1,965 2,006 0) (•) 1,475 1,515 373 367 117 123 22,761 23,458 218 220 1956—June 30.......... Dcc. 31.......... 21,959 22,886 251 267 2,061 2,130 (l) (l> 1,552 1.618 368 364 141 147 24,271 25,282 220 223 1957— June 6 ............ Dcc. 31.......... 23,578 25,022 423 340 2,240 2,309 0) (') 1,647 1,743 439 403 154 163 26,241 27,671 234 239 1958—June 23.......... Dec. 31.......... 26,082 27,277 506 440 2,433 2,473 (') (*) 1,783 1,861 480 427 170 185 29,021 30,189 239 241 1959—June 10.......... Dec. 31.......... 28,041 28,577 579 512 2,608 2,654 0> 0) 1,899 1,967 514 481 196 206 31,228 31,743 251 268 1960—Ju n e !5 .......... Dcc. 31.......... 28,824 31,502 652 592 2,735 2,998 1,995 2,161 533 566 207 ^7^ 32,211 35,092 268 325 32,530 33,400 454 474 3,090 3,191 2,209 2,270 593 625 288 296 36,074 37,065 325 330 Dec. 28.......... 34,581 36,104 525 504 3,259 3,343 2,324 2,364 652 699 282 281 38,366 39,951 331 331 1963—June 29.......... Dec 30.......... 37,585 38,657 581 790 3,414 3,572 1 2,440 2,474 700 828 274 269 41,580 43,019 331 330 1964—June 30.......... Dcc. 31......... 40,797 42,751 608 562 3,618 3,731 1 1 2,582 2,659 748 760 288 311 45,022 47,044 327 327 1965—June 30.......... Dec. 31.......... 44,293 45,887 665 655 3,848 3,957 1 3 2,726 2,799 803 822 318 334 48,806 50,500 327 329 1966—June 30.......... Dec. 31.......... 46,682 48,256 723 654 4,046 4,140 3 3 2,846 2,924 859 822 338 392 51,452 53,049 332 332 1967—June 30.......... Dec. 30.......... 50,880 52,913 740 717 4,191 4,238 3 3 3,009 3,072 787 774 391 388 55,810 57,867 334 333 1968— June 29.......... Dcc. 31.......... 54,992 56,861 788 781 4,350 4,481 3 4 3,163 3,246 795 843 388 389 60,130 62,123 332 334 1969— June 30.......... Dcc. 31.......... 58,289 58,868 849 1,068 4,607 4,698 4 5 3,322 3,317 883 970 399 405 63,745 64,634 333 331 1970—June 30.......... Dcc. 31 , 60,198 62,684 1,142 1,000 4,777 4,857 5 6 3,357 3,382 990 1,018 425 451 66,116 68,541 331 329 1 Included with reserves for contingencies. 142 Section 4 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS Contents IN T R O D U C T IO N ___________________ 145 CO V ER A G E O F SERIES____________ 146 _____ 146 ______ ____ _____ 148 ______________ 148 ASSETS A N D LIA BILITIES_________ 149 R Banks e p o r t in g and C i t i e s ______ 1966 June A Breakdow d ju s t m e n t July 1959 R P n rocedures e v is io n . __________________149 Loans G overnm ent securities Reconciliation, etc. U .S . A p r il 1961 R e v is io n Deposits Loan classification — _______________ _____ ________________ 153 1969 R 153 153 e v is io n _________________ __154 Reserves on loans and securities C onsolidation of domestic subsidiaries Newly reported inform ation M em oranda 154 154 155 155 C O M M ER C IA L A N D IN D U ST R IA L LOANS, BY IN D U S T R Y __________ _157 149 150 150 151 e v is io n Loans Investments July In d u stry R I n a u g u r a t io n R O ther 151 153 e v is io n s R T of S e r ie s hrough and 1963__________ 157 e v i s i o n s _______________________ ______ 158 Sample criteria: Volume o flo a n s Changes in loan classifications New m aturity classification 143 159 159 159 Tables 4.1 4.2 4.3 Assets and Liabilities A. M ember Banks, Weekly, 1941-65___ ______________________________ ____ 160 B. Large Commercial Banks, Weekly, 1965-70_____________________________ 260 Commercial and Industrial Loans, by Industry A. Changes. Weekly, at M ember Banks. 1951-63 _________________ 288 B. Outstanding, Weekly, at M ember Banks, 1964-66--------------------- -- ----------302 C. Outstanding, Weekly, at Large Commercial Banks, 1967-70---------- ----------- 308 Term Commercial and Industrial Loans O utstanding at Large Commercial Banks, M onthly, 1967-70_ __________ _________ _________________________ 316 144 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS Section 4 INTRODUCTION The series as revised in July of that year included only banks with deposits of $100 million or more as of Decem ber 31, 1965; banks with total deposits of less than $100 million were dropped. As a result of the change in size criteria, some nonm em ber banks were included in the series. In view of these changes, the title of the series on assets and liabilities was changed from “Condition of Weekly R e porting M ember Banks in Leading Cities” to “Weekly Condition R eport of Large Commer cial Banks.” In a further change in July 1969, the series was revised to include figures for significant domestic subsidiaries. In December 1970, the most recent period for which figures are shown herein, banks in the weekly reporting series held about 55 per cent of the loans and investments of all com mercial banks in the United States. However, they held almost 75 per cent of all commercial and industrial loans, and the smaller num ber that classified their commercial and industrial loans by industry accounted for about 85 per cent of the total of such loans for all banks in The B oard of Governors, in cooperation with the Federal Reserve Banks, has collected weekly reports of condition from selected m em ber banks in leading cities since November 1917. The purpose of the reports is to provide information on money m arket and credit devel opments more prom ptly than is possible on the basis of call reports of condition or the some what abbreviated data that are available monthly for all commercial banks by classes. The weekly reports show details on assets and liabilities of the reporting banks and, since 1951, an industry breakdown of commercial and industrial loans for a slightly smaller group of banks. T o meet increasingly urgent needs for infor m ation concerning changing conditions in banking and in credit markets, a m ajor change was m ade in the series in 1966. The revision had two aims: (1 ) to cover the largest volume of bank assets possible in the smallest num ber of banks; and (2 ) to account for a m ajor share of the short-term fluctuations in m ajor asset and liability categories of those banks. 145 Weekly Reporting Banks process for recent years is given later in this section. The following material describes major changes in the series for weekly reporting banks beginning with 1941, and Tables 4.1 through 4.3 provide data for all such banks. Separate balance sheet data for weekly report ing banks in New York City and for such banks in other leading cities are not included in this section, but such data are available regularly in the Federal Reserve Bulletin as well as in mimeographed statements, which are published each week. the weekly reporting series. The banks were located for the most part in large cities, where they are affected quickly by short-term money market factors. The weekly series is not typical of conditions among smaller banks, for which changes take place slowly and may be quite different. The weekly reporting series has been adjusted to prevent distortions that would otherwise occur as a result of the merging of nonreporting banks into weekly reporting banks or the with drawal from the series of banks that cease to report. A detailed description of the adjustment COVERAGE OF SERIES Statistics for weekly reporting banks are affected by the num ber of banks included, by mergers of reporting and nonreporting banks, and by the procedures for incorporating such changes in the series. cluded” and “included” branches in order to obtain estimates for use in the series.1 Hence, the series became more representative of cur rent banking conditions in the larger cities than it had been before. As a result of this change, the total number of cities, including only the head-office cities of branch systems, was reduced from 101 to 94. Some cities not included in the earlier series were added, while a number of other cities were eliminated. Cities were selected on the basis of the ratio of member bank deposits in the city to the deposits of all commercial banks in the Federal Reserve district, but exceptions were made for special situations. No city could be included unless the banks that reported in that city accounted for 75 per cent of all mem ber bank deposits in the city. With two minor exceptions, however, the actual coverage ranged between 90 and 100 per cent. Previ ously the coverage had been less than 60 per cent in some cities. The number of banks reporting was increased from 371 to 441. Nearly one-half of the in crease was in three cities— New York, Chi cago, and Washington— where 27, 26, and 14 banks, respectively, were included as compared with 16, 12, and 8 in the old series. The percentage of total commercial bank R EPO R TIN G BANKS AND CITIES The reporting banks and the cities covered remained virtually unchanged in the period 1941 through June 1947. Since then, however, it has been necessary to change the coverage of the series several times in order to reflect the appreciable changes that have taken place in population growth and business activity, in volume and distribution of bank deposits, in the form of banking organization, and in general economic activity. The first of these changes in series was made in July 1947. At that time a num ber of im portant banks were added and the num ber of cities covered was reduced. One of the major changes in 1947 was to include consolidated figures for all branches of all reporting banks, regardless of location. Growth of branch banking had introduced a num ber of inconsistencies and difficulties in reporting, because most branches outside the reporting centers had been excluded from the old series. The inclusion of all branches elim inated the necessity of prorating certain aggre gate asset and liability figures between “ex 'T h e inclusion o f all b ranches also rem oved the possibility of indicating precisely the n u m b er of cities included in the series. 146 Section 4 deposits represented by the revised series was increased from 49 to about 57, and the per centage of total member bank deposits repre sented was increased from 57 to about 67. The increased coverage was particularly large in the San Francisco Reserve District. The re vised series included more than 75 per cent of all commercial bank deposits in that District, as compared with about 39 per cent in the old series. Most of the increase reflected the in clusion of the assets and liabilities of all branches of reporting banks wherever located. Beginning with July 1947, the weekly report ing series included more than 98 per cent of the deposits of banks in New York City and Chicago and 96 per cent of the deposits of other reserve city banks. The so-called “coun try” banks in the series held about 17 per cent of the deposits of all country member banks. During the late 1940’s and in the 1950’s the banking structure showed further sub stantial change. The num ber of banks declined — largely as a result of mergers— and the num ber of branches expanded sharply. In fact, as a result of mergers and absorptions and of withdrawals of banks from membership in the System, the num ber of banks in the weekly reporting series declined by 84 in the period from July 1947, when the series was revised, to a total of 357 in mid-1959. Moreover, banking operations expanded more in some areas than in others. This made it advisable to change the reporting groups in many areas to improve the usefulness of the series for re gional analysis. On July 8, 1959, therefore, the number of cities, including only the head-office cities of branch systems, was increased from 94 to 107, and the number of banks was increased from 357 to 368, a net expansion in coverage of 11 banks (37 added and 26 elim inated). For the most part the banks that were added were of substantial size, while those taken out were relatively small. As a result of these changes, the proportion of total commercial bank de posits represented by the weekly reporting member bank series increased from about 55 to 60 per cent, while the proportion of total mem ber bank deposits represented increased from about 65 to 70 per cent. In the process of revising the coverage of the series, adjustments that had been made in the series over the years were eliminated. These adjustments had been made to prevent accumulated distortions that would otherwise have resulted from mergers of nonreporting banks with reporting banks. This revision alone accounted for about two-fifths of the $10 billion of assets added to the series. As of April 1961 the series was revised to include 106 cities (including only the headoffice cities of branch systems) and 356 banks. This represented a reduction of one in the num ber of cities and 12 in the number of banks from July 1, 1959. One reporting bank had moved its head office to a reporting city, and this caused a reduction in the num ber of head-office cities. The reduction in the number of banks resulted from mergers and absorptions and from the withdrawal of one bank from Federal Reserve membership. A net increase of $1.7 billion in coverage resulted from eliminating accumulated adjust ments previously made at the time of bank mergers to prevent distortions. Mergers of two large banks accounted for about $1 billion of the increase. Numerous other mergers of non reporting banks with reporting banks accounted for the remainder. Mergers and absorptions of banks and the establishment of branches continued at a fast rate in the 1960’s, and by July 1966, when the series was again revised, the num ber of report ing banks had declined by 12, to 344. As previously noted, the series as revised in 1966 covered virtually all of the assets of mem ber and nonmember commercial banks in the United States with deposits in excess of $100 million. The revised panel included 341 report ing banks compared with 344 before; 91 smaller banks were dropped, and 88 were added. The net effect of adding large banks and dropping smaller ones was to increase total assets by about $12.4 billion, or about 6 per cent.2 The revised series included more than 61 -T h is figure excludes an increase of $3.4 billion re flecting additions of the “adju stm en t b a n k ” described later. 147 Weekly Reporting Banks industrial loans as of December 31, 1965. And the revised panel, consisting of between 150 and 160 large commercial banks, member and nonmember, accounted for about 90 per cent of all business loans in the weekly reporting series and for about 70 per cent of total busi ness loans of all insured commercial banks. By December 1970 these percentages had de clined to about 85 and 60, respectively. per cent of the assets of all commerical banks. However, for some of the more volatile and im portant asset and liability items that are held predominantly in large commercial banks, the coverage was substantially greater. IND USTRY BREAKDOW N A bout 200 member banks in the weekly reporting series were asked to submit data during April 1951 for tabulation of a new series on commercial and industrial loans by industry. At the end of May 1951, 220 banks were reporting changes in their larger loans as to industry and purpose. Practically the only changes in num ber of banks from then until January 1964, when the number had declined to approximately 200, were the result of mergers. During that period this group of banks held roughly 90 to 95 per cent of total commercial and industrial loans of all weekly reporting member banks and between 70 and 75 per cent of those of all insured commercial banks. A bout 200 banks continued to report sta tistics for the industry classification after the series was changed to show loans outstanding instead of changes beginning in late 1963, as described later in this section. However, from then through 1966 these banks accounted for declining percentages of total commercial and industrial loans of all weekly reporting member banks and of all insured commercial banks. By the end of 1966 the proportions had de clined to about 80 per cent and 65 per cent, respectively. When the weekly reporting bank sample was changed in mid-1966, 16 smaller banks that were dropped from the weekly reporting series were also excluded from the commercial and industrial loan series; however, these banks continued to report individual bank data to the end of the calendar year 1966. At the year-end an additional 47 banks were dropped and 25 banks were added to the reporting panel. The series, as revised, included most weekly reporting large commercial banks that had more than $50 million in commercial and ADJUSTM ENT PROCEDURES There is a continuing need to adjust the weekly reporting series to reflect the merging of nonreporting banks into the weekly report ing banks and the withdrawal of any banks that cease to report. Until the series was re vised in 1966, such adjustments had been made only when a comprehensive revision of the series was undertaken. A t the time of that revision, for example, total assets were in creased by $3.4 billion because of adding in adjustments to cover the 1961-66 period. Under the reporting methods adopted in 1966, the cumulative effects of such adjustments are reduced, because the adjustments are now being added (or subtracted, as the case may be) each year so as to reflect the actual levels of assets and liabilities of all banks reporting. Once a bank merges with another bank, of course, it is impossible to segregate future changes in its assets and liabilities from changes in the assets and liabilities of the bank into which it merges. Nevertheless, for many pur poses, it is essential to maintain as high a de gree of comparability as possible between sum mary data for one week and summary data for another week. For this purpose, the Board has used an “adjustment bank” process. Since the 1966 revision of the series, this is the way the adjustment bank has worked: When a nonreporting bank, for example, merges with a reporting bank, the amounts of its assets and liabilities as of the date of the merger are set aside and held in the adjustment bank. (Such amounts are considered “negative” components.) Similarly, if a reporting bank drops out of the series, its outstanding assets and liabilities, as of the date of the withdrawal, 148 Section 4 are placed in the adjustment bank (as positive com ponents). Each week during the year the figures for all large commercial banks are re duced or expanded, as the case may be, by the net of the components in the adjustment bank. In this way, comparability is m aintained in the series from week to week. A t the end of the year the B oard publishes cumulative figures for the adjustment bank. These figures indicate the extent to which each asset and liability item for the last Wednesday of the year for all large commercial banks has been affected by the adjustment bank process. Then, as of the first Wednesday of the next year, these figures are automatically “folded into” the series by the elimination of the adjustm ent bank. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES measure of business loans because it included loans to sales finance companies and to m ort gage companies. In some weeks, changes in loans to sales finance companies alone were larger than the net change in loans to all other business borrowers combined. Secondly, no category reflected the volume of bank credit being extended to the foregoing financial intermediaries or to other types such as personal loan and finance companies, in surance companies, and savings and loan associations. Loans to the latter types of in stitutions were reported with “other” loans, along with loans to churches, charitable and educational institutions, and so forth. At times the volume of credit to these financing insti tutions expanded sharply but was not iden tifiable except through special surveys. Segregation of loans to financial institutions and redefinitions of other loan categories to remove the loans to these institutions provided users of the series with a m ore accurate meas ure of the amount of bank credit being chan neled from banks through nonbank financial intermediaries, and it im proved the usefulness of all loan categories, particularly the com mercial and industrial loan segment. The avail ability of figures for loans to domestic com mercial banks provided an accurate measure of domestic interbank transactions. Heretofore it had been difficult to m easure such loans, for they were combined with loans to mutual savings banks and loans to foreign banks; loans to the latter have become increasingly important. A less im portant change in loan classifica tions was the provision of more information The form in which statistics for assets and liabilities of weekly reporting banks were re ported remained virtually unchanged during the period 1941 through mid-1959. There after, major revisions were made in July 1959, April 1961, June 1966, and July 1969, as described below. JU L Y 1959 R EV ISIO N The new report form adopted in July 1959 was designed to provide a more adequate breakdown of loans and to show more in form ation on the maturities of U.S. Govern ment security holdings. Loans. The most im portant change among loan categories was the segregation of loans to financial institutions. Loans to these institu tions, which previously had been included in commercial and industrial loans, in “other” loans, and, to a lesser extent, in loans to banks were shown for four types of institutions: 1. Domestic commercial banks; 2. Foreign commercial banks; 3. Sales finance, personal finance, factors, and other business credit companies; and 4. Other financial institutions (m utual sav ings banks, insurance companies, mortgage companies, savings and loan associations, and Federal lending agencies) . Users of banking data had believed for some time that inadequacies in the loan classification were seriously limiting the analytical value of the data. In the first place, the commercial and industrial loan category was not a clean 149 Weekly Reporting Banks loan items affected by reclassification, there is a reconciliation for only one date— July 1, 1959, when the banks were requested to pro vide a reconciliation between the old and the new forms. The reclassifications consisted of the follow ing transfers: (1 ) from commercial and indus trial loans— $3,241 million of loans to sales finance companies, factors, etc., to the new item for sales finance and personal finance companies, and $1,183 million of loans to mortgage companies and other real estate lenders to the new item of “other” nonbank financial institutions; (2 ) $2 million of loans to mutual savings banks, from loans to banks to loans to “other” nonbank financial institu tions; (3 ) $505 million of loans to personal finance and loan companies, from “other” loans to the new item for sales finance and personal finance companies; and (4 ) the fol lowing from “other” loans to “other” nonbank financial institutions: $74 million of loans to savings and loan and similar associations, $112 million of loans to insurance and investment (that is, those holding stock of operating com panies for management or developmental pur poses) companies, and $42 million of loans to Federal lending agencies. The accompanying table shows the extent to which the revised loan items were affected by reclassification as well as by the changes in coverage on that date. Other balance sheet items were affected only by the changes in coverage. on the types of securities for which loans for purchasing or carrying securities were being made. In the past, all reporting banks had shown loans to brokers and dealers separately from those to others, but only the banks in New York and Chicago had reported loans for purchasing or carrying U.S. Government obligations separately from loans for purchas ing or carrying other securities. Thenceforth, all weekly reporting banks showed that break down. Such a breakdown helps to identify the amounts of credit being used to finance these two groups of securities. U.S. Government securities. When the new form was inaugurated, each bank began to report its combined holdings of Treasury notes and U.S. Government bonds with remaining m aturities as follows: Within 1 year After 1 year but within 5 years After 5 years This maturity breakdown provides data for studies of current developments in bank liquid ity and shows the extent to which city banks participate in, or otherwise rearrange their portfolios at times of, m ajor Treasury financ ing operations. Reconciliation, ctc. F or all items that were not reclassified, year-earlier data were com piled to reflect the added coverage of cities and banks. Some of the banks added were already reporting weekly to the Federal Reserve Bank in their district, but in many cases weekly figures for the period July 1958-June 1959 had to be estimated from less frequent reports of condition, deposit reports for reserve com putation purposes, and other sources. Never theless, the portion estimated is small in rela tion to the total. No data were available prior to July 1, 1959, however, for the revised loan classifica tions or subdivided items; these include com mercial and industrial loans, loans to banks, other loans, loans to financial institutions, the breakdown of loans for purchasing or carrying securities (except at the banks in New York and C hicago), and the maturity distribution of U.S. Governm ent bonds and notes. F or the Effect on Loans of Reclassification and Changes in Coverage, Ju ly 1, 1959 [In millions of dollars] | Loan category Hftect o f - • Old j“ — series RcAdded classifi- covercation ! age Commercial and in d u strial... 32,012 —4,424 N onbank financial institu, tions: 1 Sales finance, personal finance, ctc.......................................... , 4-3.746 O th e r...................................................... .. ■+ 1,413 Foreign banks............................................ *-2 Domestic commercial banks.................................. “ Other**...................................... 12,992 = 733 150 New series 894 28,482 • 86 f49 3,832 1,462 596 1,519 13,640 •v 6 +1,381 Section 4 A PR IL 1961 R EVISION with other “interbank” accounts, and deposits in the new “foreign” category had previously been reported largely as “foreign interbank.” Reporting member banks were asked to clas sify their deposits on both the old and new bases as of April 26, 1961. T he accompanying table shows how deposit items were affected by the new classifications. The new concept of demand deposits ad justed includes all demand deposits except those of the U.S. Government and of domestic commercial banks, less cash items in process of collection. This differs from the previous con cept because of the inclusion of demand de posits due to mutual savings banks ($524 mil lion) and deposits due to foreign entities ($1,491 m illion). Of the latter, $1,437 million had previously been classified as foreign inter bank deposits and $54 million as domestic in- Deposits. The form for reporting deposits was revised effective April 26, 1961, to pro vide the following new items: (1 ) demand deposits due to m utual savings banks, (2) savings deposits in the time deposit category, and (3 ) for both demand and time deposits, several items classified as foreign— chiefly amounts due to foreign governments and offi cial institutions, central banks, and interna tional institutions. Items in group 3, together with deposits of foreign banks, make up the new “foreign” category that is available for both demand and time deposits. Postal savings deposits, previously reported separately, were combined with U.S. Government time deposits. Demand and time deposits due to mutual savings banks had previously been reported D eposit Reconciliation for W eekly Reporting M em ber Banks, April 26,1961 Old classification New classification Item J Individuals, I partner- J U.S. A mount I ships, Governand ment I corporations 1 States and political sub divisions Demand deposits adjusted 1 Interbank Certified and officers’ checks Domestic Foreign In millions of dollars Demand 87,446 65,527 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations*. Foreign— T o ta l ...................................................... Governments, international institutions, etc.* 2.............................................................. Banks* 2............................................................. U.S. G overnm ent................................................. States and political subdivisions*.................... Certified and officers’ checks* 2....................... Domestic interbank: C om m ercial....................................................... M utual savings* 2............................................ 65,418 65,418 1 ,6 0 0 109 D e m a n d deposits adjusted 3. 6 4 ,0 6 4 566 1,034 1,076 5,229 3,045 ! 5,229 !1 3,045 ! 1 i I ..................., .................... ................... , ................... 1.................... ................... 1 1,016 ...................S.................... ................... j 109 1,076 10,554 524 ............... T o tal........................................................................ 38,175 33,596 Individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions— T o tal.................................................. Savings............................................................... O th e r.................................................................. 27,836 5,463 33,299 Foreign— Total .......: ....................................... 1 ,8 6 4 297 1,754 297 ! 1 11,132 1 ,4 3 7 54 54 ................... 1.................... 1 10,554 ................... ;.................... . 524 1 ................. 1 ................... | .................... !.................... 2,723 62,049 1,431 403 1,034 I | ................... ! ................. ................... ' .................... 1 154 1 1 1 1,702 1,5 6 7 1,457 110 110 154 154 2,723 2,723 128 7 128 7 * Included in new concept o f demand deposits adjusted. 1 Old concept—dem and deposits other than interbank (deposits due to m utual savings and foreign banks as well as those due to domestic commercial banks) and U.S. Government, less cash items reported as in process o f collection. S 229 ! Time Governments, international institutions, etc. 2.............................................................. Banks 2............................................................. . U.S. G overnm ent (incl. postal savings) 2. . . States and political subdivisions.................... Domestic interbank: Commercial 2.................................................. M utual savings 2.............................................. 1 u* © T o tal........................................................................ 151 2 Separate figures shown only for this reconciliation. 3 New concept—total of items marked with an asterisk, less cash items in process of collection. Weekly Reporting Banks Assets and Liabilities of Large Commercial Banks, June 29,1966 (In millions o f dollars) For purchasing o r carrying securities Basis Total loans Total I Com* j loans, and invest net 1 cul I and ments 'I I indus-| tural I trial I To brokers and dealers dSi* As.ri- To financial institutions To others Bank Real <estate I D oPers. U.S. U.S. ther I] I mes- | and Govt. Other G ovt. Osese For* I tic 1 sales se se | eign ,i com- j finaa O ther : curi curi curi curities ties I mercos., ties ties i cial ( etc. 1 1 Old b a sis .. 172,898 127,784 55,792 1,675 670 3,862 92 2,144 1,506 New basis. 186,535 136,239 58,246 1,753 682 3,972 871 2,231, 1,498 N et increase, or decrease ( —). 13,637 8,455 2,454| I Nonbank 12 78 lio! -5 87 —8 r 1 3,338, 7,050j 4,885,26,662 16.014 11,432i 1,158 2,760 , I i 120 i Cer tifi cates 177 i' r r~ ^ i 123 3,146 .. 2,320i 159 Other securities I Cash 1 ; items , Bal Balm ances ances with pro with do I Total cess forof mes eign col tic Certif. banks l a banks Tax I of | l Other All After war* tion 5 yrs. [rants par’ i nties S?SU‘ 3., other ticipa-1 tion 4 1 Notes and bonds m aturing— Bills J iValuaI tion ;i re 1serves Cash assets U.S. Government securities Total 1 . j All j other ! " ! ; < 1 ' 26,275( 2,601 3,218 6,873 j 4,762 23,516,.................. Investments Basis ConForsu m er '] eign in sta ll govts, ment W ith 1 to in 1 yr. 5 yrs. ____ Obligations ofj O ther bonds, (States and po-j corp. stocks j litical subdiv. ji and securities i All other Cur- t Rcassets 1 rency serves with |1 and F.R . | coin , Banks , ... ( _ .... Old basis.......... 20,276 2,133 561 2,763 8,829 13,504 7,307 New basis......... 22,482 2,277 588 3,076 9,895 13,976i 7,702 Net increase, or decrease ( —). 2,206 144 27 313 1,066 472 395 Deposits Demand Total unad justed T otal & IPC Old basis.......... ,185, t86,!02,318 70,259 New b asis......... 199,084 108,899 75,830 Net increase, or I I 5,571 decrease(—). 13,898 6,581 |l D o- | Foreign | mes| tic 1 U S . ComI G ovt, j com- i merGovt., mer- j j cial e tc .6 cial banks banks I i 1 1 I 5 ,6 5 1j 7,4711 11,936 738 6,161 7,764 11,858 778 States and political subdivisions IPC 510 40 -7 8 | 36 48,413| 28,687) 7,317| Borrowings Basis From F.R. Banks From others Other liabilities Capital accounts Total loans (net), adjusted 8 458 5,633 8,500 17,520 217,297 124,566 New basis......... 453 5,806 8,926 18,717 232,986 132,901 -5 173 426 1,197 15,689 F o r notes see opposite page. 5,309] 6,920’ 7,691 1 Foreign Do mes tic inter bank G ovt., e tc .6 634 4,333 6471 4,348 Com mer cial banks 222 228 771 1,172] M emoranda Total assets— Total liabilities and capital accounts Old basis........... N et increase, or decrease ( —). j States ( I and I \ polit- 1 ical 1 O ther . subI j sions Sav ings VOO\ I OOK) 1 Basis Time 152 8,335 Total loans (net), | Demand 1 adjusted, deposits , and adjusted 9 invest ments * 169,680 13,517 Large certificates o f deposit 10 Total issued Issued to IPC ’s Issued to others 65,159 , 17,743 j ................... | .................... 71,286 ( 18,268 6,127 | 13,076 5,192 ^ j ! 525 ................... ..................... Section 4 terbank deposits. As a result of changes in classification as of April 26, 1961, demand de posits adjusted (new concept) increased from $62,049 million to $64,064 million. Loan classification. M inor revisions in the loan classifications of foreign banks and of “other nonbank financial institutions,” and in “all other” loans resulted from more precise definitions of loans to international institutions and foreign entities. These reclassifications re sulted in decreases of $163 million in loans to foreign banks and $28 million in loans to “other” nonbank financial institutions, and an increase of $191 million in “all other” loans as of April 26, 1961. reporting on the foreign loans of U.S. banks. Moreover, the new information provides an up-to-date check on flows of U.S. bank funds abroad and permits analysis of changes in credit extended to domestic borrowers. Investments. Banks’ holdings of securities of States and politicial subdivisions had be come increasingly im portant in recent years, and better current information on their hold ings was required. A new item “tax warrants, etc.” issued by States and political subdivisions was created to provide details on banks’ hold ings that are not available from other sources. Moreover, since borrowings by States and local governments through these tax warrants are thought to show wide seasonal swings, segrega tion of this item provides a more accurate esti mate of changes in bank holdings of “all other” municipal securities, now shown separately. Previously these two items had been included in “other securities.” In the new form all bank holdings of Federal agency participation certificates are reported as a separate item. With the expansion in the number and amount of such issues by Federal agencies, bank holdings of these certificates had increased sharply. Included in this item are participations in pools of loans made by the Commodity Credit Corporation, the ExportIm port Bank, the Federal National Mortgage Association, and the Small Business Adminis tration. Some of the instruments had previously been classified as loans; for example, CCC cer tificates of interest had been in “agricultural loans,” and Export-Im port Bank portfolio fund participations had been in “all other loans.” And others had been included in “other securi ties.” About $700 million of the $1.3 billion of such participations held by respondents at the end of June 1966 were Export-Im port Bank portfolio fund participations. The new report form also provided for a new memorandum item on negotiable time certificates of deposit issued in denominations JUNE 1966 REVISION The revision of the report form in 1966, as in most previous revisions, was designed to furnish new details about bank lending and in vestment practices and about the sources of banks’ funds that would be useful to authorities in making decisions on monetary policy. (A t the time of this revision, the coverage of the series, as noted earlier, was shifted from mem ber banks to large commercial banks.) Loans. A new category of loans entitled “consumer instalment loans” was created to augment the consumer credit series collected from banks on a monthly basis; it provides more current information on the volume of consumer instalment credit outstanding at banks. Such credit, which had previously been included in “all other loans,” now constitutes a substantial part of the total loan portfolios of commercial banks. A new item, “loans to foreign governments and official institutions,” also previously in cluded in “all other loans,” provides needed information on flows of credit to foreigners. When related to data collected by the Treas ury, these new data provide fairly complete N o te s to ta b le on o p p o site p a g e : 6 Deposits of foreign governments and official institutions, central banks, and international institutions. 7 Includes U.S. Govt, and postal savings, not shown separately. s Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks. 9 All demand deposits exccpt those of the U.S. G overnment and domestic commercial banks, less cash items in process of collection. 10 Negotiable certificates of deposit issued in denominations of $100,000 or more. 1 After deduction o f valuation reserves. 5 Individual items shown gross. 3 Includes short-term notes and bills (under 1 year) issued by States and political subdivisions. 4 Federal agencies only. 5 Includes certified and officers’ checks, and deposits o f mutual savings banks not shown separately. 153 Weekly Reporting Banks Respondent banks reported on both the old and the new basis on June 25, 1969, but they were not required to provide overlap data for earlier weeks. The net effect of the changes was to increase total assets of banks in the large commercial bank series by $4.1 billion. The overlap data are shown in detail in the table on pages 156 and 157. It should be noted that changes in some of the items offset changes in others and hence had no effect on the level of total assets. Reserves on loans and securities. The effect of including valuation reserves was to raise the level of total loans and investments by $3.7 billion at the large commercial banks. Most of the addition reflected increases in the loan component; total loans were raised by $3.5 billion. Inclusion of valuation reserves raised the total securities portfolio by only $125 million. However, these increases in levels were not so large as had been expected, and it is now believed that some banks had already been including valuation reserves in reports of total loans and probably of total investments. Indi vidual loan items had previously included such reserves and were not affected by this change in reporting procedures. Individual categories of securities were affected by the inclusion of valuation reserves on securities, but there is no information as to how such reserves had been allocated as be tween individual categories of U.S. Govern ment securities and other securities. It is be lieved, however, that in previous reports the greater part of such valuation reserves had been deducted from longer-term State and municipal securities rather than from U.S. Government securities. On the liabilities side of the balance sheet, reserves on loans and on securities are re ported separately in the large commercial bank series. Each of these items was raised com mensurately to the increase in earnings assets from this source. Consolidation of domestic subsidiaries. Sub sidiaries consolidated are of two types: (1 ) majority-owned bank-premises subsidiaries, all of which must be consolidated, and (2) other majority-owned nonbank subsidiaries that meet of $100,000 or more to individuals, partner ships, and corporations (IP C ). Such informa tion makes it possible to measure the extent to which holdings of this group affect fluctuations in total CD ’s outstanding in this size category. M oreover, by subtracting the am ount of these large-denomination C D ’s held by IPC ’s from the figures for other time deposits, IPC, in the balance sheet portion of the statement, it is possible to deduce approximately the changes that have taken placc in the amount of savings certificates, savings bonds, and similar types of time deposits commonly used by banks to attract personal savings. The growth of these consumer-type deposits was very sub stantial in late 1965 and early 1966 as an in creasing num ber of banks expanded their efforts to m arket these types of savings in struments. JULY 1969 REVISION Beginning July 2, 1969, the Board revised its “Weekly Condition R eport of Large Com mercial Banks” to take account of substantive changes in content and format of the official call reports of condition that had been intro duced by the three Federal supervisory agencies in the first call of 1969.3 As a result of the revision, respondent banks are now required (1 ) to submit consolidated reports, including figures for all bank-premises subsidiaries and other significant majority-owned domestic sub sidiaries; (2) to report figures for total loans and for individual categories of securities on a gross basis— that is, without deduction of val uation reserves— rather than net of such re serves, as they had been previously; and (3 ) to provide detailed data on short-term lending and borrowing transactions that involve either transfers of Federal funds balances on the books of the Reserve Banks or purchases or sales under agreements to repurchase. n Uniform reporting concepts are maintained in the weekly report of condition for large banks and in the call report for all commercial banks, in order to facilitate estimation and benchmarking of current monthly and weekly data on assets and liabilities for all commercial banks. 154 Section 4 a significance test. Accounts of sister sub sidiaries or of a holding company parent such as exist in the “one bank” or other-holdingcompany type of organization are not included. Consolidation has the following effects on the balance sheet of a reporting bank: Hold ings of capital stock of certain types of m ajor ity-owned subsidiaries, previously shown as an investment, become part of total capital in the consolidated report. And the individual asset and liability accounts of the subsidiaries are combined and reported with the asset and liability accounts of the reporting parent insti tution. All intercorporate accounts— for ex ample, loans by the parent bank to the sub sidiary and deposits of the subsidiary in the parent bank— are eliminated. The statistical effect of consolidating subsidiaries was to raise total assets and total liabilities and capital by about $412 million at large commercial banks. In the revised series two new items appear as a result of the consolidation: The one on the assets side, “investments in subsidiaries not consolidated,” reflects investments in domestic subsidiaries that did not meet the significance test, as well as investments in foreign subsidi aries and in subsidiaries that are classified as banks and therefore are not consolidated. This item amounted to $432 million on June 25, 1969. The required balancing item on the liabilities side, “minority interest in consoli dated subsidiaries,” is negligible because almost all the consolidated subsidiaries were wholly owned; because this item is so small, it is not shown separately in the following table. Within the balance sheet, one effect of the consolidation procedure was to reduce “other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities” by a net of $413 million; this reduction reflected the shift of specific investments to the new asset item “investments in subsidiaries not consoli dated” and the addition of holdings of con solidated subsidiaries. The “other assets” cate gory in this series was raised by about $275 million, reflecting principally the real estate holdings of bank-premises subsidiaries that were consolidated. On the liabilities side, the item that was most affected by consolidation was “other liabili ties,” which rose by $386 million. The increase stemmed from consolidation of bank-premises subsidiaries and probably reflected the m ort gage liabilities of these subsidiaries. The in crease in capital at these banks was $28 mil lion. Borrowings expanded by $17 million, resulting in part from the consolidation of cur rent borrowings of subsidiaries and in part from more accurate reporting of Federal funds and securities repurchase transactions. Newly reported information. In addition to these changes, detailed data on Federal funds and related transactions were reported for the large commercial bank series. In gen eral, these new data conform with those re ported in the call report. A new item was added on the assets side of the balance sheet for loans in the form of “Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreement to resell.” There is a break down of this item for transactions with: (1) commercial banks; (2 ) brokers and dealers, with a further breakdown of transactions be tween those involving U.S. Treasury securities and those involving other securities; and (3 ) others. These transactions with the first two of these groups had previously been reported in loans to the corresponding groups on the balance sheet of large commercial banks. Transactions with “others” had, for the most part, been included in the commercial and industrial loan category. The corresponding liability item, “Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase,” was also reported separately but without the detailed breakdown. Such transactions had previously been included in “borrowings from others.” Memoranda. Items derived for special ana lytical purposes continue to be shown as mem oranda. The two items, “total loans (gross), adjusted” and “total loans and investments (gross), adjusted” were not affected by the new breakout of Federal funds and security repurchase transactions. However, the levels of these measures were raised by folding in val uation reserves, and the level of loans was raised by the consolidation of domestic sub sidiaries as described above. 155 Weekly Reporting Banks Large Commercial Banks—Comparison of Series on Old and New Bases, June 25,1969 (In millions o f dollars) R eason for change New basis Old basis Asset o r liability item Net change Consoli dation Inclusion o f reserves on— Loans +3,351 5 ,7 6 3 + !,7 S 3 4,841 +4,841 + 5 ,7 6 3 +4,841 638 240 44 +638 +240 + 44 -4 638 +240 444 1 71 ,6 7 8 169 ,5 0 3 78,394 2,077 78,403 2,078 -2 ,1 7 5 +9 1,480 3,778 849 3,530 -6 3 1 -2 4 8 +7 -8 108 2,759 107 2,737 -1 -2 2 -2 2 5,986 5,514 33,321 5,973 5,511 33,304 -1 3 5,348 1,712 19,627 1,010 14,085 526 1,712 19,672 1,022 14,079 -4 ,8 2 2 0 +45 + 12 -6 2 2 ,5 3 8 2 2 ,5 8 9 +51 1,176 0 4,210 12,120 5,032 1,184 0 +8 0 4,210 12,163 5,032 0 +43 0 +43 3 7 ,91 5 3 7 ,6 2 7 | -2 8 8 -4 1 3 4,607 29,090 4,612 29,210 +5 + 120 1 1,245 1,245 2,560 0 -4 1 3 1 2,973 30,638 15,275 3,094 4,888 12,076 30,638 15,275 3,097 4,893 432 12,351 +3 +5 +432 +275 298,102 302,168 + 4 ,066 1 2 8 ,6 2 0 1 28 ,6 1 0 -1 0 3,755 15,825 3,755 15,825 0 0 90,631 6,313 90,621 ! 6,313 i j. n *a * Other: T o t a l ............................................................ Commercial and industrial..................... A griculture................................................. F o r purchasing o r carrying securities: To brokers and dealers: U.S. Treasury securities.................. Other securities................................. To others: U.S. Treasury securities.................. O ther securities................................. To nonbank financial institutions: Personal and sales finance cos., etc.. O th e r....................................................... Real estate.................................................. To commercial banks: D om estic................................................ F o reig n................................................... Consumer instalm ent............................... Foreign governments............................... All o th e r..................................................... Investments: U.S. Treasury securities: T o t a l ........................................................................... B ills............................................................................. Certificates................................................................ N otes and bonds m aturing— W ithin 1 y e ar....................................................... In 1=5 years.......................................................... A fter 5 years......................................................... O ther securities: Total ........................................................................... O bligations o f States, e tc .: Tax w arrants........................................................ All o th e r................................................................ Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities: Certificates o f participation.............................. All o th e r................................................................ Cash items in process o f collection................. Reserves with F.R . B anks................................. Currency and co in .............................................. Balances with domestic b a n k s ......................... Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated. O ther assets.......................................................... , Total asscts/Total liabilities . Deposits: D em and: T o t a l ...................................................... U.S. G overnm ent............................... Domestic commercial banks. . . . . . . Other dem and: IP C .................................................... States and political subdivisions. Foreign: Governments, etc....................... Commercial banks..................... M utual savings banks................... Certified and officers’ c h e c k s.. . . +1 -3 -1 7 -1 0 0 703 1,942 713 8,738 703 1,942 713 8,738 0 0 0 0 T o t a l ...................................................... 103,968 1 03 ,9 5 9 U.S. G overnm ent............................... Domestic commercial b an k s............ Other time: IPC: Savings......................................... O th e r............................................. States and political subdivisions. Foreign: G overnments, etc....................... Commercial banks..................... 241 469 241 469 -9 0 0 47,550 41,281 9,771 47,541 41,281 9,771 —9 0 0 4,445 211 4,445 211 0 0 Tim e: 156 +3,529 + 125 + 5 9 | -t 3 ,5 2 9 + 53 I................... + t ................... -5 , 7 6 3 -4 4 -638 -240 -1 -1 3 -3 -1 7 -4,841 + 19 +45 +12 -6 ■ rSl +8 +125 = +5 ! +120 0 1 i -3 0 3 j Securities 235,482 232,131 Loans: Federal funds sold, etc.: 1 T o t a l .................................................... To commercial b an k s...................... To brokers and dealers, involvingU.S. Treasury securities............. Other securities............................. To o thers............................................ Breakout o f items +3 . + 5 r11. + 432 +275 j. +412 -1 0 I + 3 ,5 2 9 +125 Section 4 Large Commercial Banks—Comparison of Series on Old and New Bases, June 25,1969—Continued (In millions o f dollars) R eason for change Asset or liability item Old basis New basis N et change Consoli dation Inclusion of reserves on— Loans Federal funds purchased, etc. { Borrowing fro m — F.R . B an k s.............................. O thers....................................... Other liabilities 4........................ Reserves fo r— L o an s........................................ Securities.................................. n.a. 12,798 + 12,798 1,049 15,243 26,620 1,049 2,462 27,006 0 -1 2 ,7 8 1 +386 3,529 125 + 3 ,529 + 125 Total capital accounts......................................................... 22,602 22,630 +28 +28 166,330 226,783 78,402 169,899 230,115 78,392 + 3,569 + 3 ,332 -1 0 +40 —322 1 5 ,2 7 4 15,271 —3 -3 9,216 6,058 13,459 9,215 6,056 13,459 -1 -2 0 -2 Memoranda: T otal loans (gross), adjusted......................................... T otal loans and investments (gross), adjusted.......... Dem and deposits adjusted............................................. Large negotiable C D ’s: T otal ............................................................................... To IP C ’s ......................................................................... To o th ers....................................................................... Gross liabilities o f banks to their foreign branches. Breakout o f items Securities + 12,798 + 17 +386 -12,798 + 3,529 + 125 + 3 ,5 2 9 + 3,529 + 125 -1 0 -1 n.a. N ot available. 1 Includes securities purchased under agreements to resell. 2 Includes effect o f consolidation and o f inclusion o f reserves on securities (latter not available by type of security). 3 Includes securities sold under agreements to repurchase. 4 Includes minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS, BY INDUSTRY The series showing industry breakdown, the only source of information on bank loans by industry and maturity, has undergone a number of changes similar to those in the asset and liability series; there have been two major re visions— one in January 1964 and one in De cember 1966.4 Changes in the reporting form and the sample have been aimed at acquiring more useful data and improving statistical reli ability. In particular, the accuracy with which loans are classified by business of borrower has been greatly improved. The industry breakdown of the commercial and industrial loan series serves a num ber of purposes: (1) It is a short-run indicator of the strength of business loan demand at banks; (2 ) it provides a basis for estimating total business loans of banks; (3) it may be used to gauge the effects of special situations and of seasonal 1 For a description of the changes in number of banks and the ratios of loans they held to the total for all banks in the series and for all commercial banks, see p. 148. Adjustment procedures too are described on that page. borrowing patterns in different industries, and (4 ) it is useful in projecting future capital m arket pressures and expansion or inventory build-up in individual industries. Usefulness of this series over long periods of time is limited, however, as it is in the series on assets and liabilities of weekly reporting banks. A direct comparison of current data with those collected before 1964 is impossible for several reasons: Before January 1964 the data show am ount of change rather than total loans outstanding; the series has an upward bias because of a lag in netting out repay ments; and the breakdown of loans by business of borrower is different. INAUGURATION OF SERIES AND REVISIONS THROUGH 1963 The series on commercial and industrial loans by industry began in 1951 as a supple ment to the Weekly Condition Report. There was a need to collect information on the types of businesses that were borrowing at banks, for Weekly Reporting Banks O ther bankers acceptances, which relate to commercial transactions, were no longer classi fied by industry but were shown as a separate category. Earlier, all bankers acceptances had been classified according to the business of the payee. Another m ajor revision was implemented in December 1966. It was necessitated by changes resulting from the revision of the weekly re porting bank sample in June 1966, when the coverage of that series was shifted from mem ber banks to large commercial banks and sm all. banks were dropped from that sample. The revision in the industry series was implemented on December 28, 1966. Figures for that date, as shown in the accompanying table, were col lected on both the old and the new basis. These figures represent the only reconciliation between the old and the new series. There are three differences between the old loan reports and those following the 1966 re vision: (1 ) volume-of-loans sample criteria, the outbreak of war in Korea had brought a sharp expansion in bank credit to businesses. During the second half of 1950, “commercial, industrial, and agricultural” loans, as shown on the “Condition of Weekly Reporting M em ber Banks in Leading Cities,” had risen by $4 billion. According to a survey m ade by the Board of Governors in October 1951, the in crease had been in commercial and industrial rather than in agricultural loans. Between May 23, 1951, and December 31, 1963, several minor revisions were made in the series. The “purpose” classification was dropped after April 30, 1952, on the eve of the suspension of the Voluntary Credit Re straint Program /’ Beginning with the week ended July 8, 1959, loans to sales finance com panies and certain other nonbank financial in stitutions were excluded because they were being shown separately in the weekly report ing bank series after that series was revised in July 1959. It should be noted, however, that because loans to other nonbank financial in stitutions had been included in various items of the loan series, the new figures are not strictly comparable with the old figures. On September 27, 1961, numerous industry classifications were added to reduce industrial misclassification. Mining was separated from manufacturing, and five categories were set up under both durable and nondurable goods manufacturing. Commercial and Industrial Loans of Weekly Reporting Banks (In millions o f dollars) December 28, 1966 Industry D urable goods manufacturing: Primary m etals....................................... M achinery............................................... T ransportation equipm ent.................. Other fabricated metal products........ O ther durable goods............................. Nondurable goods m anufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobacco.................. Textiles, apparel, and leather............. Petroleum re tirin g ................................. Chemicals and rubber.......................... Other nondurable goods..................... Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas................. ............... T rad e : Com m odity dealers............................... Other wholesale..................................... R etail....................................................... T ransportation, communication, and other public utilities:........................ T ransportation....................................... Com m unication..................................... Other public utilities............................ C onstruction............................................... Services........................................................ All other domestic loans......................... Bankers’ acceptances................................ Foreign commercial & industrial loans. O T H E R REVISIONS On December 31, 1963, there was a major revision of the series. Beginning with data for January 8, 1964, all participating banks were asked to report their commercial and industrial loans on an outstanding basis rather than as changes in dollar volume. To reflect the new procedure, the series was renamed “Commer cial and Industrial Loans Outstanding by Industry.” Bankers acceptances for the creation of dol lar exchange were excluded after the revision. Total classified loans........................ M em o: Total commercial and indus* trial loans o f large commercial banks. BFederal Reserve Bulletin, May 1952, pp. 501 and 502; and June .1952, p. 674. o.a. 158 Not available. Old New basis | basis j (Mem- I (ta rg e I Change ber coml. j banks) banks) ! I 950 4,123 2,001 1,575 1,987 836 4,033 1,995 1,568 1,963 -1 1 4 -9 0 -6 -7 -2 4 2,808 1,825 1,613 2,268 1,529 2,720 1,862 1,426 2,115 1,472 37 -1 8 7 -1 5 3 -5 7 1,482 2,930 3,473 1,405 2,893 3,547 7,2 61 ; 6,745 3,706 772 2,267 2,604 4,828 5,902 535 2,872 | 67 ! 4,015 7 2,872 49,588 j 55,146 5,558 I! 3,983 I 3,825 ] 2,537 6,715 528 n.a. I 60,590 -1 5 8 -7 7 -3 7 74 ! j -5 1 6 Section 4 and agencies thereof located in the United States. Virtually all loans by U.S. banks to foreign businesses are made by the banks that report in this series. The former “transportation, communication, and other public utilities group” is divided into three components after the revision. Loans out standing to companies in this group had shown substantial growth. Since these industry compo nents engage in different types of activities and have different borrowing patterns— some use banks for short-term interim financing prior to seeking funds in the capital markets, while others rely more extensively on bank financing for longer-term funds— the additional informa tion is valuable for analytical purposes. “All other types of business, mainly serv ices” were subdivided into “services” and “ all other domestic loans” for the same reasons. This change also helped to identify the portion of business loans not classified by industry. Bankers acceptances continued to be re ported separately with no breakdown by in dustry or by domestic or foreign origin. New maturity classification. In addition to the 1966 revisions indicated above, the revised panel of respondent banks began to report new information monthly on the amounts of term loans in each business loan category. These are defined as outstanding loans with an orig inal maturity of more than 1 year and out standing loans granted under a formal agree ment— revolving credit or standby— on which the original maturity of the commitment was in excess of 1 year. The monthly data on term loans, which begin with January 1967, have been published on a regular basis both in the B oard’s releases and in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. (2 ) changes in loan classifications, and (3 ) a new maturity classification. Sample criteria: Volume of loans. With few exceptions banks in the revised series were limited to those having total business loans outstanding in the am ount of $50 million or more as of December 31, 1965. A t this level of outstanding loans banks generally tend to become im portant lenders to institutions in the national credit markets. Banks in the old series that had business loan volume of less than $50 million were dropped, and others that met this size standard were added. However, a few banks with total business loans of somewhat less than $50 million were added if they were im portant lenders in one or two industry cate gories or if they had had a record of strong business loan expansion in years just prior to the revision. Use of a $50 million cutoff assured adequate dollar coverage while limiting the num ber of respondent banks. Moreover, these larger banks accounted for most of the fluctuations in total commercial and industrial loans. The new panel of between 150 and 160 banks ac counted for about 90 per cent of such loans in the weekly reporting bank series and for about 70 per cent of the total at all insured commercial banks. Changes in loan classifications. In the old series, foreign business loans had been in cluded with domestic loans in the appropriate industry group, but in the new series they are shown as a separate category. Thus the classi fication by industry consists solely of loans to domestic businesses. Foreign business loans are defined as those made to any firm domiciled outside the United States or organized under the laws of a foreign country, except branches 159 W EEKLY R EPO R TIN G BANKS 4.1 ASSETS A N D A . M E M B E R B A N K S, (In millions Lon ns and investments _____ _ . — _- Total Total Total adjusted Adjusted Net Lo, .ns ________. . _ ____ ______. For purchasing or carrying securities . ... . ..... . „ . ... Com mercial, To brokers and To indus trial. dealers others 1 and as- ____________ ____ rieul! U.S. Other turai U.S. 1 Other Govt. securiGovt. securisecurities sccurities ties ties [ ___ ___ _ Real estate _. . Lo.:ns to banks , All other ■ • 1941 8 15 22 29 25,614 2.5,669 25,684 25,676 25,576 25,633 25,649 25,641 9,265 9,244 9,252 9,273 9,303 9,280 9,287 9,308 5,338 5,350 5,367 5,390 500 462 465 458 459 462 458 459 1,228 1,230 1,227 1 ,229 38 36 35 35 740 740 735 737 5 19 26 26,184 26,248 26,381 26,450 26,149 26,214 26,345 26,414 9 302 9,343 9,387 9,459 9,337 9,377 9,423 9,495 5,437 5,490 5,540 5,546 440 424 418 478 461 459 458 455 1 ,230 1,231 1,230 1,232 35 34 36 36 734 730 74! 74S Mur. 5 12 19 26 26,668 26,744 26,843 26,918 26,629 26,705 26,806 26,881 9,553 9 650 9,677 9,761 9,592 9,689 9,714 9,798 5,610 5,706 5,754 5,763 502 498 471 542 455 458 455 453 1,229 1,229 1,226 1,226 39 39 37 37 757 759 771 777 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 26,952 27,138 27,163 27,546 27,550 26,900 27,099 27,124 27,509 27,510 9,776 9,807 9,832 9,794 9,830 9,828 9,846 9,871 9,831 9,870 5.812 5,841 5,880 5,864 5,886 504 497 485 461 465 454 455 449 445 445 1,228 1,228 1,229 1,231 1,235 52 39 39 37 40 778 786 789 793 799 May 7 14 21 28 27,601 27,742 27,798 27,915 27,565 27,702 27,758 27,873 9,856 9,913 10,006 10,184 9,892 9,953 10,046 10,226 5,924 5,963 5,999 6,040 444 445 455 571 442 443 447 451 1,234 1,237 1,237 1,239 36 40 40 42 812 825 868 883 J une 4 11 18 25 28,061 28,131 28,155 28,279 28,022 28,091 28,113 28,241 10,144 10,198 10,220 10,286 10,183 10,238 10,262 10,324 6,072 6,137 6,162 6,197 496 478 471 487 444 447 444 452 1,240 1,241 1,246 1,246 39 40 42 38 892 895 897 904 9 16 23 30 28,325 28,481 28,577 28,646 28,771 28,285 28,440 28,538 28,609 28,728 10,413 10,412 10,484 10,467 10,529 10,453 10,453 10,523 10,504 10,572 6,268 6,307 6,370 6,399 6,435 529 505 505 46 i 478 453 446 447 441 439 1,244 1,248 1,249 1,252 1,253 40 41 39 37 43 919 906 913 914 924 Aug. 6 13 20 27 28,761 28,874 29,025 29,107 28,722 28,832 28,984 29,064 10,558 10,621 10,647 10,654 10,597 10,663 10,688 10,697 6,484 6,545 6,584 6,583 462 457 444 448 439 440 437 437 1,254 1,254 1,252 1.254 39 42 41 43 919 925 930 932 Sept. 3 10 17 24 29,238 29,230 29,098 29,120 29,193 29,187 29,058 29,080 10,858 10,932 10,877 10,914 10,903 10,975 10,917 10,954 6,619 6,707 6,756 6,782 607 588 469 481 436 437 437 437 1,256 1,258 1,260 1,258 45 43 40 40 940 942 955 956 Oct. 1 8' 15 22 29 29,125 29,132 29,385 29,618 29,582 29,086 29,092 29,342 29,581 29,545 10,985 11,036 11,201 11,175 11 ,166 11,024 11,076 11,244 11,212 11,203 6,844 6,904 6,987 6,979 6,973 494 493 551 535 531 428 427 439 433 431 1,257 1,256 1,258 1,262 1,265 39 41) 43 37 37 962 956 966 966 966 Nov. 5 12 19 26 29,523 29,611 29,656 29,693 29,481 29,570 29,620 29,654 11,196 11,276 11,249 11 227 11,238 11,317 11,285 11,266 6,990 7,061 7,058 7,029 550 554 527 536 436 430 428 428 1,256 1,261 1,260 1,259 42 41 36 39 964 970 976 975 Dcc. 3 10 17 24 31 29,691 29,891 30,306 30,293 30,085 29,653 29,848 30,261 30,250 30,050 11,221 11,314 11,384 11,399 11,335 11,259 11,357 11,429 11,442 11,370 7,021 7, tOO 7,202 7,218 7,145 548 550 544 532 535 427 430 425 422 422 1,256 1,262 1,258 1,261 1,259 3S 43 45 43 35 969 972 955 966 974 Jan. Feb. 12 July 160 W EEKLY Balances w ith— nvestments ient securities Bills Certif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks Other assets D o mestic ba nks Foreign banks 685 725 726 685 11,944 11,990 11,994 12,009 3,682 3.674 3.677 3.674 1,432 1,737 1,562 1,532 552 519 524 527 12,010 12,142 12,171 12,111 3,370 3,475 3,420 3,352 1,189 1.209 1,232 8 15 22 29 732 720 737 727 12.392 12,427 12,443 12.373 3.723 3.724 3,778 3,855 1,425 1,563 1,562 1,755 510 522 518 530 11,611 11,640 11,804 12,003 3,314 3,351 3,388 3,473 1,236 1,264 1,241 1,255 5 12 19 26 840 909 970 864 12.392 12,376 12.373 12,470 3,844 3,770 3.786 3.786 1,576 1,718 1,682 1,616 509 527 505 517 11,910 11,976 11,533 11,438 3,427 3,472 3,490 3,480 1,248 1 , 195 1,166 1,172 5 12 19 26 742 868 878 878 869 12,589 12,609 12,616 13,033 13,058 3,793 3,815 3,798 3,804 3.753 1,699 1,437 1,831 1,617 1,878 491 521 501 522 516 11,315 11,428 11,668 11,235 11,208 3,588 3,439 3,548 3,400 3,386 1.174 1.197 1,226 2 9 16 23 30 931 961 975 929 13,090 13,128 13,016 13,067 3,688 3,700 3,761 3,693 1,430 1,791 1,736 1,685 532 554 535 563 11,124 (1,125 11,433 11,493 3,437 3,484 3,530 3,532 1,239 1,274 1,273 1,186 7 14 21 28 950 1,030 1,056 1,098 13,236 13,203 13,231 13,206 3.692 3,660 3,606 3.651 1,784 1,877 1,828 1,705 565 596 581 596 10,982 11,046 10,883 10,788 3,511 3,465 3,500 3,439 1,212 1,217 1,206 1.219 4 11 18 25 1,080 1,071 1,087 1,081 1,074 13.213 13,400 13,419 13,512 13,514 3,579 3,557 3.548 3.549 3.611 1,938 1,699 2,009 1,667 1,758 570 597 546 548 561 10,863 10,665 10,899 10,855 10,835 3,516 3,412 3,583 3,496 3,481 1,149 1.158 1,169 1.159 1,180 2 9 16 23 30 1,075 1,059 1,064 1,079 13,478 13,500 13.529 13.529 3.611 3.652 3,744 3,802 1,519 1,889 1,731 1,707 537 556 536 559 10,662 10,594 10,696 10,633 3,410 3,539 3,495 3,462 1,181 1.174 1.175 1.187 6 13 20 27 1,019 936 844 814 13,548 13,560 13,564 13,583 3.768 3,759 3,773 3.769 1,721 1,782 1,928 1,799 543 573 551 559 10,534 10,725 10,879 10,830 3,502 3,530 3,676 3,592 1.204 1,223 1,194 1.198 3 10 17 24 785 815 842 817 797 13,516 13,492 13,536 13,836 13,851 3,800 3,749 3,763 3.753 3,731 2,179 1,748 2,523 2,016 1,812 537 558 550 562 568 10,792 10,804 10,816 10,358 10,215 3.596 3,523 3,645 3,504 3,449 1.209 1.205 1.191 1.192 1,247 1 8 15 22 29 815 832 898 950 13.791 13,800 13,798 13,785 3,679 3,662 3.675 3.692 1,979 2,343 2,293 1,883 550 588 543 574 10,058 10,140 10,361 10,534 3,276 3,361 3,342 3,335 1.210 5 12 19 26 990 971 976 959 883 13.792 13,912 14,243 14.214 14,166 3.650 3.651 3,658 3.678 3,666 1,830 1,854 2,284 2,087 2,791 554 595 600 564 555 10,575 10,603 9,972 9,880 9,825 3,344 3,288 3,389 3,288 3,255 1,214 1,212 1,202 1,202 ................. 1,215 1.220 1.188 1,212 1,162 1,168 1,153 3 10 17 24 31 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A. M EM BER BANKS, (In m illions Dem and deposits Total demand and time deposits D ate Total Adjusted Interbank U nadjusted Individuals, partnerships, and corps. States and political subdivisions U.S. Government Domestic Foreign Certified and officers’ checks 1941 Jan. 8 15 22 29 39,605 40,175 39,997 39,852 22,494 22,703 22,898 22,932 34,038 34,562 34,424 34,281 21,930 22,466 22,415 22,401 1,521 1,498 1,550 1,579 448 349 261 214 9,006 9,121 9,069 8,959 658 652 634 644 475 476 495 484 Feb. 5 12 19 26 39,713 40,017 40,299 40,875. ' 22,798 22,981 23,157 23,431 34,117 34,420 34,702 35,276 22,158 22,456 22,617 22,812 1,605 1,648 1,619 1,820 330 331 331 332 8,924 8,925 9,033 9,137 640 620 619 621 460 440 483 554 M ar. 5 12 19 26 40,731 41,019 40,598 40,532 23,362 23,487 23,186 23,259 35,118 35,413 35,003 34,943 22,811 23,155 22,690 22,647 1,692 1,585 1,624 1,725 333 328 330 322 9,208 9,236 9,161 9,115 639 644 644 631 435 465 554 503 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 40,629 40,550 41,302 40,910 41,138 23,093 23,430 23,577 23,762 23,712 35,044 34,950 35,710 35,325 35,543 22,518 22,716 23,245 23,085 23,173 1,747 1,709 1,688 1,797 1,903 396 390 389 388 386 9,228 9,054 9,265 8,910 8,929 628 639 648 648 638 527 442 475 497 514 May 7 14 21 28 40,726 41,334 41,675 41,718 23,616 23,846 24,265 24,311 35,143 35,753 36,102 36,149 22,804 23,378 23,632 23,612 1,845 1,847 1,849 1,870 394 395 397 390 9,047 9,067 9,053 9,107 656 654 651 656 397 412 520 514 June 4 11 18 25 41,452 41,670 41,490 41,362 23,888 24,071 23,872 24,046 35,891 36,117 35,939 35,807 23,337 23,675 23,517 23,507 1,752 1,757 1,706 1,749 455 454 457 458 9,122 9,055 9,123 8,934 642 660 659 664 583 516 477 495 July 2 9 16 23 30 41,731 41,379 42,139 41,725 41,953 23,949 23,920 24,260 24,381 24,544 36,167 35,810 36,578 36,167 36,389 23,667 23,562 24,157 24,004 24,029 1,604 1,569 1,560 1,593 1,750 463 465 467 470 470 9,158 9,071 9,195 9,002 8,965 659 655 647 647 652 616 488 552 451 523 Aug. 6 13 20 27 41,433 41,981 42,022 42,019 24,217 24,245 24,455 24,453 35,861 36,404 36,449 36,450 23,546 23,927 23,897 23,787 1,735 1,736 1,825 1,894 502 520 533 565 8,981 9,109 9,106 9,103 642 641 624 622 455 471 464 479 Sept. 3 10 17 24 42,087 42,404 42,668 42,425 24,349 24,503 24,375 24,390 36,520 36,834 37,097 36,856 23,719 23,948 24,040 23,853 1,876 1,843 1,785 1,811 591 590 596 608 9,240 9,336 9,592 9,440 619 623 606 619 475 494 478 525 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 42,777 42,295 43,419 42,557 42,179 24,277 24,400 24,640 24,382 24,258 37,210 36,712 37,846 36,981 36,601 23,894 23,788 24,772 23,989 23,662 1,906 1,857 1,823 1,840 1,889 580 442 276 598 653 9,557 9,496 9,782 9,347 9,245 617 626 625 638 633 656 503 568 569 519 Nov, 5 12 19 26 41,881 42,541 42,697 42,470 23,876 24,151 24,192 24,452 36,293 36,955 37,110 36,904 23,394 24,134 24,052 23,979 1,904 1,853 1,708 1,822 658 658 726 777 9,145 9,167 9,263 9,139 635 636 636 653 557 507 725 534 Dcc. 3 10 17 24 31 42,450 42,676 42,971 42,558 42,980 24,324 24,682 24,060 23,994 23,650 36,922 37,135 37,461 37,076 37,500 23,814 24,241 24,059 23,878 23,993 1,780 1,726 1,690 1,658 1,721 826 774 1,345 1,403 1,475 9,294 9,173 9,120 8,928 8,934 648 652 652 664 650 560 569 595 545 727 162 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W E E K L Y , 1941-65— C ontinued o f dollars) Borrowings Time deposits Total Individ* States and uals, part* political subdivi nerships, and corps. sions Interbank U.S. G overn ment Domestic From F .R . Banks Foreign O ther liabilities C apital accounts T otal liabilities and capital accounts 736 754 745 754 3,825 3,823 3,826 3,823 44,167 44,754 44,570 44,430 Jan, O ther Date 1941 5,567 5,613 5,573 5,571 5,224 5,276 5,237 5,240 194 191 189 185 24 24 24 23 119 116 117 117 6 6 6 6 5,596 5,597 5,612 5,599 5,251 5,254 5,270 5,273 200 197 194 179 24 24 25 26 116 117 118 116 5 5 5 5 1 1 734 737 746 755 3,832 3,833 3,834 3,836 44,280 44,588 44,894 45,466 Feb. 5 12 19 26 5,613 5,606 5,595 5,589 5,295 5,285 5,275 5,271 174 175 172 171 25 26 26 26 114 115 117 116 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 764 780 793 777 3,842 3,832 3,827 3,831 45,338 45,632 45,219 45,141 M ar. 5 12 19 26 5,585 5,600 5,592 5,585 5,595 5,269 5,286 5,280 5,274 5,269 171 171 168 168 181 25 24 26 25 26 115 114 113 113 114 5 5 5 5 5 751 761 763 761 765 3,839 3,844 3,847 3,850 3,855 45,219 45,160 45,913 45,522 45,764 Apr. 1 1 5,583 5,581 5,573 5,569 5,255 5,247 5,242 5,240 183 186 182 183 26 26 26 26 114 115 116 113 5 7 7 7 773 774 767 789 3,862 3,861 3,862 3,864 45,363 45,970 46,305 46,374 M ay 1 1 7 14 21 28 5,561 5,553 5,551 5,555 5,233 5,225 5,235 5,239 181 181 170 169 26 26 26 26 114 114 113 114 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 785 788 789 795 3,877 3,873 3,873 3,868 46,115 46,332 46,153 46,026 June 4 11 18 25 5,564 5,569 5,561 5,558 5,564 5,243 5,258 5,255 5,254 5,260 174 165 161 158 158 26 26 24 26 26 114 113 114 113 113 7 7 7 7 7 1 757 755 772 768 763 3,872 3,876 3,871 3,877 3,869 46,361 46,012 46,783 46,371 46,586 July 2 9 16 23 30 5,572 5,577 5,573 5,569 5,273 5,276 5,276 5,271 157 157 158 159 25 25 20 20 110 112 112 112 7 7 7 7 ----------- - - 1 754 757 752 752 3,882 3,884 3,883 3,883 46,070 46,626 46,658 46,655 Aug. 1 1 6 13 20 27 5,567 5,570 5,571 5,569 5,268 5,273 5,273 5,270 156 156 155 159 21 21 21 21 115 113 115 112 7 7 7 7 1 I 1 1 765 772 776 787 3,889 3,886 3,881 3,885 46,742 47,063 47,326 47,098 Sept. 3 10 17 24 5,567 5,583 5,573 5,576 5,578 5,267 5,285 5,278 5,283 5,285 160 157 156 154 153 21 21 21 21 21 112 113 111 111 112 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 2 2 772 782 793 789 796 3,888 3,892 3,897 3,902 3,896 47,438 46,970 48,110 47,250 46,873 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 5,588 5,586 5,587 5,566 5,298 5,292 5,295 5,275 152 156 154 151 21 21 20 22 no 110 111 111 7 7 7 7 3 3 5 4 789 799 801 815 3,914 3,915 3,912 3,918 46,596 47,258 47,415 47,207 Nov. 5 12 19 26 5,528 5,541 5,510 5,482 5,480 5,232 5,209 5,172 5,149 5,172 155 192 194 195 173 23 23 23 23 23 111 111 109 108 106 7 3 2 2 2 1 828 841 814 804 770 3,927 3,924 3,926 3,916 3,913 47,208 47,443 47,713 47,280 47,664 Dec. 7 7 6 3 10 17 24 31 163 1 1 1 1 1 8 15 22 29 9 16 23 30 BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In millions Loans L oan an d invest ncn ts | T o al ” T otal T otal adjusted N et A djusted F o r p u ieh asi i g o r carry in g secu •ities ... — • | C om i m ercinl, ! in d u s 1 trial, an d a g ricu l tu ral , To others T o b ro k ers and dealers U.S. G o v t. securities U .S. G o v t. sccurities 1 O th er • 1 securi■ tics * O th er ■ securiI ties ; i i R eal estate 1 j Loans to banks 30,132 30,233 30,2!1 3 0 s 342 3 0,082 30,185 30,175 30,305 11,272 11.260 11,163 11,218 11,322 11,308 11,199 11,255 7,1 4 4 7 154 7,1 4 8 7.2 0 2 521 518 444 448 412 407 406 409 30,354 30,452 30,532 30,943 30,319 30,420 30,497 30,906 11,207 11,290 11,334 11,355 11,242 11,322 11 369 11,392 7,211 7,2 8 3 7 ,3 1 4 7 ,3 2 4 425 450 460 471 410 404 408 410 30,918 31,034 31,031 30,781 30,886 31,005 31,004 30,754 11,342 11,382 11,419 11,375 11,374 11,411 11,446 11,402 7,331 7,3 8 3 7 ,4 5 9 7 ,4 3 4 460 455 417 408 410 410 408 407 30,494 30,883 31,502 3 1,393 31,205 30,465 30,856 31,477 31,363 31,175 11,365 11,354 11 307 11,212 11,064 11,394 11,381 11,332 1 I 242 11,094 7,427 7 ,3 9 7 7,367 7,289 7,135 408 449 438 433 441 407 400 40S 400 395 27 31,135 31,222 31,888 31,726 31,110 31,198 31,864 31,692 10,983 10,977 10,988 10,928 11,008 11,001 11,012 10,962 7 ,0 5 6 7,081 7,013 6 ,9 5 0 456 433 502 533 393 395 415 405 3 10 17 24 31,679 3 1 ,736 31,677 31,587 31,651 31,707 31,650 31,555 10,877 10,815 10,749 10,686 10,905 10,844 10,776 10,718 6 ,9 2 4 6 ,9 2 4 6 ,9 0 6 6 ,8 5 5 528 475 433 448 1 8 32,382 32,366 33,338 33 ,396 33,512 3 2 ,346 32,342 33,291 33.369 33,483 10,704 10,637 10,799 10,737 10,667 10,740 10,661 10,846 10,764 10,696 6 ,8 1 0 6 ,8 0 0 6 ,8 2 7 6 ,7 7 2 6 ,7 6 8 519 485 609 623 569 33,509 33,603 34,517 34,503 3 3,470 3 3 ,566 34,479 34,474 10,610 10,605 , 10,596 10,448 10,649 10,642 10,634 10,477 6 ,7 3 5 6 ,7 5 4 6 ,7 1 2 6 ,6 5 9 551 537 584 cp 34,457 34,322 34,358 35,349 35,954 34,431 3 4,278 34,336 35,327 35,889 10,356 10,283 10,291 10,304 10,296 10,382 10,327 10,313 10,326 10,361 6,5 9 5 6 ,5 5 8 6 ,6 1 6 6 ,5 7 6 6,5 5 2 493 472 442 513 526 35,975 35,908 3 7 ,714 37,549 35,949 35,888 37,688 37,503 10,247 10,244 10,315 10,274 10,273 10,264 10,341 10,320 6,6 0 5 6,6 2 3 6,6 1 5 6,581 3 7 ,924 37,691 37,905 37,939 37,880 37,657 37,880 37,920 10,401 10,445 10,307 10,341 10,147 1 10,172 1 10,039 10,058 | 38,387 38,444 39,829 4 0 .4 5 7 41.469 38,365 38,422 39,803 4 0 ,410 4 1 ,4 1 6 10,273 10,282 10,203 10,636 10,268 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 I1 18 25 I 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 15 22 29 S 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 II IS 25 2 9 16 23 30 ' 10,295 10,304 10,229 10,683 ( 10,321 I . i 1 1 i ! i # i I 1 1 I | * f \ 439 434 532 529 jp 6,5 7 4 6 ,6 1 8 6 ,5 4 7 6 ,4 9 4 664 544 479 444 i 6 ,4 4 0 6 ,4 0 4 6 ,3 5 0 6 ,4 0 9 6 ,3 0 4 700 751 743 1,099 850 164 1 j 1 i I i 1! 403 404 405 396 393 382 414 411 407 406 402 389 379 381 379 374 371 381 ] i , 389 383 394 409 382 ~ 1~ 1,255 , 1,252 1,248 ' 1,248 ; 50 48 36 i 37 j I ,940 1,929 1,917 1,911 1 1 1 1,248 | 1.250 1,251 1 1,2 5 0 | 35 1 V 35: 37 1 1,913 1,903 1 ,901 1,9 0 0 1 j 1,2 4 8 1 1 ,2 4 6 i 1,246 1,245 32 1 29 < 27 27 j 1 893 1,888 I 889 1,881 1,245 1,2 4 4 1 1,2 4 4 j 1,244 1 ,246 1 29 27 25 30 30 1 1 ,878 1,864 1 ,8 5 0 1 ,846 1,847 1,245 1,244 1,246 1,246 25 24 24 , 34 , 1 ,833 1 ,824 1 ,812 I 794 ' 1 1 , 1 ‘ , ! i I 27 i| 32 1 ,7 7 9 1 ,770 1,767 I 749 1,236 1,234 1 .232 1 1,231 ; 1,230 i 1 ,2 3 0 ; 1,230 1,229 1 ,2 3 6 , 36 24 47 27 29 1 ,746 1,7 3 6 1,717 1 ,7 0 0 1,693 39 37 38 29 . 1 ,688 1 ,682 1 ,682 1,661 l ■ 1 ,230 1 ,2 2 7 . 1,2 2 2 1 1,223 i 1,221 1,217 1,2 1 6 1,217 1,2 1 7 , 26 ' 44 22 2? i 65 ' 1,657 1 ,647 1 ,637 1,621 1 ,6 1 6 26 i 20 26 1 46 i 1,611 1,603 1 ,584 1 ,578 1,213 1,212 1,209 * 1,209 44 ' 34 j 25 ' 19 1,5 8 0 1 ,5 6 6 1,548 1,5 3 6 1,207 1 ,2 0 4 1 ,2 0 4 1,2 0 0 1 1,199 22 22 1 1 ,537 1 ,5 4 0 1,5 1 2 1,519 1,533 1 , * 1 \ ; 375 368 367 369 370 367 364 356 All other ' ' 7 14 j . ; I ^ 1,243 1,242 1,238 | 1 ,238 ; 229 ! \ {\ i , ( J i 26 ,i! 47 53 i WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued o f dollars) lances with— Investments U.S. Governm ent securities Certif icates Notes nnd bonds Other securities Cash items in proccss o f col lection C ur rency nnd coin Reserves with F.R. Banks Other assets D o mestic banks Total assets Dale Foreign bnnks Total Bills 15,145 15,259 15,339 15,398 957 1,047 1,147 1,240 14,188 14,212 14,192 14,158 3 3 3 3 665 666 673 689 1,671 2,060 1,953 1, 892 568 571 539 552 10,053 10,285 10,507 10,452 3,190 3,364 3,366 3,329 8 7 8 8 1 142 1 ,174 1,173 1 ,188 46,764 47,694 47,757 47,763 Jan. 7 14 21 28 15,430 15,433 15,449 15,855 1,266 1,274 ! ,240 1,206 3 3 3 3 682 697 714 696 1.746 1,809 1,911 2,453 531 548 532 547 10,229 10,268 10,394 10,001 3,282 3,250 3,321 3,267 7 8 7 7 1,219 1,213 1,194 1 ,207 47,368 47,548 47,891 48,425 Feb. .... ------- - 14,164 14,159 14,209 14,649 4 11 18 25 15,874 15,935 15,759 15,644 1,199 1,238 1,067 923 3 3 3 3 670 688 826 735 1,764 1,945 2,032 1,736 526 556 523 515 10,233 10,301 10,287 9,957 3,260 3,263 3,312 3,300 6 7 7 7 1,219 1,220 1.194 1,155 47,926 48,326 48,386 47,451 Mar. ------------- 14,675 14,697 14,692 14,721 4 11 18 25 15,389 15,776 16,446 16,435 16,405 680 1,045 1,113 1 ,103 1,058 3 3 3 3 3 711 726 724 716 706 1,985 1,653 2,363 1,856 1,918 491 520 502 519 535 9,951 10,049 9,884 9,896 9,902 3,367 3,265 3,323 3,214 3,217 7 8 9 8 8 1,146 1 176 1,163 1 150 1,218 47,441 47,554 48,746 48,036 48,003 Apr. 606 609 611 14,709 14,731 14,727 14,723 14,736 1 8 15 22 29 16,471 16,576 17,210 17,180 1,068 1,150 1,236 1,226 676 676 687 674 14,727 14,750 15,287 15,280 3 3 3 3 656 645 666 584 1,795 2,038 1,963 1,887 516 541 485 514 9,646 9,794 9,709 9,695 3,248 3,369 3,297 3,428 8 8 8 8 1 157 1 154 1 168 1,158 47,505 48 126 48,518 48,416 May 6 13 20 27 17,226 17,346 17,364 17,361 1,281 1,388 1,390 1,384 672 675 672 670 15,273 15,283 15,302 15,307 3 3 3 3 548 546 537 508 1,895 1,805 2,062 1,857 488 524 510 517 9,812 9,754 9,821 9,650 3,415 3,357 3,481 3,339 7 6 7 9 1,152 1,148 1,095 1,192 48,448 48,330 48,653 48,151 June 3 10 17 24 18,232 18,313 19,110 19,218 19,387 1,447 1,526 1,633 1,751 1,921 1,471 1,482 1,461 1,454 1,455 15,314 15,305 16,016 16,013 16,011 3 3 3 3 3 410 392 382 414 429 2,301 1,872 2,543 1.866 1,874 475 503 491 493 509 9,351 9,308 9,207 9.638 9,602 3,290 2,675 2,740 2.687 2,709 II 8 10 10 9 1,114 1,122 1,140 1,153 1,193 48,924 47,854 49,469 49,243 49,408 July 1 8 15 22 29 19,441 19,509 20,425 20,564 2,009 2,065 2,107 2,229 1,414 1,406 2,251 2,256 16,018 16,038 16.067 16,079 3 3 3 3 419 452 458 462 1,842 2,065 1,892 1,887 475 495 480 491 9,613 9,667 9,642 9,533 2,713 2,775 2,678 2,644 8 8 8 9 1,179 1,157 1,180 1,170 49,339 49,770 50,397 50,237 Aug. 5 12 19 26 20,588 20,525 20,588 21,488 22,054 2,245 2,226 2,385 2,423 2,337 2,267 2,224 2,223 3,093 3,029 16,076 16,075 15,980 15,972 16,688 3 3 3 3 3 487 470 457 535 539 1,874 1,889 2,367 2,048 2,385 473 498 496 503 496 9,379 9,361 9,571 8,846 8,618 2,635 2,696 2,870 2,617 2,526 to 10 9 9 10 1,184 1,181 1,154 1,186 1,210 50,012 49,957 50,825 50,558 51,199 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 22,179 22,149 23,931 23,786 2,536 2,627 2,721 2,811 3,007 3,002 2,983 2,945 16,636 16,520 18,227 18,030 3 3 3 3 523 495 442 443 1,942 2,756 2,211 2,200 506 536 502 524 8,700 9,086 9,184 9,155 2,535 2,713 2,575 2,635 10 9 9 9 1,168 1,175 1,189 1,234 50,836 52,183 53,384 53,306 Oct. 7 14 21 28 24,120 24,027 24,423 24,581 2,911 2,832 3,218 3,369 3,358 3,363 3,367 3,383 17,851 17,832 17,838 17,829 3 3 3 3 359 323 310 300 2,539 2,159 2,327 2,333 523 515 516 517 9,053 9,278 9,376 9,478 2,639 2,665 2,800 2,741 7 7 10 7 1,199 1,204 1,199 1,193 53,884 53,519 54,133 54,208 Nov. 4 11 18 25 24,808 24,843 26,317 26,510 27,835 3,570 3,617 3,851 3,974 3,786 3,429 3,388 3,418 3,452 4,958 17,809 17,838 19,048 19,084 19,091 3 3 3 3 3 284 297 283 264 313 2,329 2,060 2,531 2,425 2,953 516 556 551 556 559 9,483 9,845 10,106 9,660 9,428 2,768 2,733 2,834 2,771 2,598 8 10 11 10 9 1,214 1,215 1,155 1,142 1,151 54,705 54,863 57,017 57,021 58,167 Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 1942 165 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BANK S, (In millions Total •demand and time deposits D ate Demand deposits , Individuals, partnerships, and corps. Total Adjusted Unadjusted States and political subdivisions U.S. Government Interbank Domestic Foreign Certified and officers’ checks 1942 Jan. 7 14 21 28 42,079 43,030 43,078 43,077 23,884 24,169 24,426 24,747 36,628 37,622 37,698 37,711 23,384 24,046 24,132 24,206 1,651 1,620 1,712 1,820 1,492 1,580 1,547 1,451 S 9 9 8 938 174 137 988 643 639 635 633 520 563 535 613 Feb. 4 11 18 25 42,685 42,869 43,199 43,727 24,453 24,731 24,961 24,712 37,348 37,550 37,888 38,419 23,883 24,275 24,619 24,595 1,826 1,810 1,758 1,804 1,464 1,469 1,237 1,671 9 8 9 8 066 918 148 937 619 623 631 646 490 455 495 766 Mar. 4 11 18 25 43,221 43,620 43,662 42,722 24,815 25,129 25,010 24,574 37,916 38,350 38,417 37,480 24,313 24,777 24,577 23,933 1,773 1,768 1,835 1,876 1,784 1,792 1,835 1,850 8 8 8 8 933 851 911 690 620 633 629 630 493 529 630 501 Apr. I 8 15 22 29 42,712 42,809 44,000 43,289 43,259 24,197 24,799 24,725 25,145 25,358 37,475 37,576 38,767 38,060 38,024 23,673 24,093 24,590 24,526 24,636 1.916 1,888 1,920 1,995 2,096 8 8 8 8 8 792 781 880 643 597 632 623 625 636 645 593 471 578 480 544 May 6 13 20 27 42,738 43,360 43,754 43,608 24,854 25,241 25,395 25,511 37,497 38,133 38,532 38,403 23,997 24,752 24,752 24,825 2,102 2,061 2,080 2,030 1,869 1,720 2,174 1,780 1,506 ■ 1,393 1,292 1,834 1,521 8 8 8 8 802 908 687 826 653 654 653 658 550 466 526 543 June 3 10 17 24 43,630 43,505 43,837 43,316 25,483 26,022 26,058 25,948 38,428 38,301 38,620 38,129 24,922 25,433 25,755 25,462 1,971 1,902 1,879 1,865 1,301 824 608 652 9 8 9 9 088 993 227 012 661 657 665 660 485 492 486 478 July 1 8 15 22 29 44,120 43,029 44,614 44,412 44,563 25,502 25,654 25,822 26,313 26,670 38,918 37,835 39,428 39,219 39,364 25,343 25,321 25,936 25,942 26,236 1,803 1,718 1,730 1,772 1,811 3,442 1,094 1,914 2,053 1,782 9 8 8 8 8 005 541 470 313 364 668 674 679 674 674 657 487 699 465 497 Aug. 5 12 19 26 44,465 44,883 45,534 45,365 26,138 26,526 26,718 27,168 39,264 39,670 40,310 40,125 25,651 26,379 26,424 26,836 1,824 1,753 1,735 1,763 2,120 1,872 2,614 2,009 8 8 8 8 477 523 418 382 687 684 668 679 505 459 451 456 2 9 16 23 30 45,120 45,048 45,926 45,637 4 6 ,2 t 5 27,217 27,650 28,085 27,807 27,424 39,880 39,794 40,680 40,379 40,951 26,818 27,300 28,180 27,504 27,344 1,806 1,806 1,752 1,847 1,909 1,511 832 417 1,124 2,018 8 8 9 8 8 604 746 136 721 453 674 677 675 679 671 467 433 520 504 556 Oct. 7 14 21 28 45,893 47,232 48,427 48,333 27,819 28,183 28,431 28,639 40,619 41,944 43,138 43,040 27,387 28,579 28,304 28,345 1,862 1,851 1,837 \,9 4 1 1,434 1,103 3,103 2,696 8 9 8 8 745 227 717 825 679 675 676 680 512 509 501 547 Nov. 4 11 18 25 48,895 48,530 49,138 49,203 28,593 28,927 29,698 30,224 43,591 43,215 43,806 43,879 28,555 28,683 29,615 30,089 1,969 1,911 1,866 1,901 2,821 2,292 1,700 1,310 8 9 9 9 944 152 394 310 694 685 687 702 608 492 544 567 Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 49,664 49,795 51,959 51,961 53,099 28,852 29,011 29,120 28,504 28,257 44,366 44,500 46,656 46,657 47,775 28,733 28,765 29,350 28,644 28,709 1,867 1,793 1,766 1,723 ,.7 » 3,092 3,388 4,857 5,636 6,757 9 9 9 9 9 389 334 420 354 077 704 707 728 738 731 581 513 535 562 742 _____ . _____ Sept. 166 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Borrowings Individ States and uals, part political subdivi nerships, sions an d corps. u . s. Govern ment Interbank Domestic From F. R. Banks O ther O ther liabilities Capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Date Foreign 1942 5,451 5,408 5,380 5,366 5,130 5,097 5,072 5,058 186 181 179 181 22 23 23 20 106 100 99 100 7 7 7 7 762 747 766 765 3,922 3,916 3,912 3,920 46,764 47,694 47,757 47,763 Jan. 7 14 21 28 5,337 5,319 5,311 5,308 5,025 5,007 5,003 5,005 186 187 185 180 20 20 20 20 99 98 96 96 7 7 7 7 757 751 765 768 3,925 3,927 3,926 3,929 47,368 47,548 47,891 48,425 Feb. 4 11 18 25 5,305 5,270 5,245 5,242 5,006 4,977 4,964 4,957 179 173 162 165 20 20 20 20 93 93 92 93 7 7 7 7 765 775 793 797 3,939 3,930 3,930 3,391 47,926 48,326 48,386 47,451 M ar. 4 11 18 25 5,237 5,233 5,233 5,229 5,235 4,953 4,945 4,945 4,940 4,929 164 169 170 172 189 20 20 20 20 20 93 92 91 90 90 7 7 7 7 7 6 3 5 6 8 786 806 804 805 807 3,937 3,936 3,937 3,936 3,929 47,441 47,554 48,746 48,036 48,003 Apr. 1 8 15 22 29 5,241 5,227 5,222 5,205 4,927 4,920 4,918 4,918 197 193 192 174 20 20 20 20 90 88 86 87 7 6 6 6 \ 816 816 814 854 3,947 3,948 3,947 3,946 47,505 48,126 48,518 48,416 May 2 3 8 6 13 20 27 5,202 5,204 5,217 5,187 4,914 4,916 4,927 4,939 175 175 177 138 20 20 20 20 87 87 87 85 6 6 6 5 2 2 2 5 863 871 865 889 3,953 3,952 3,949 3,943 48,448 48,330 48,653 48,151 June 3 10 17 24 5,202 5,194 5,186 5,193 5,199 4,955 4,956 4,957 4,969 4,975 137 129 121 119 120 20 20 20 20 20 85 84 83 80 80 5 5 5 5 4 15 1 36 3,950 3,954 3,948 3,953 3,951 48,924 47,854 49,469 49,243 49,408 July 16 839 870 871 872 878 1 8 15 22 29 5,201 5,213 5,224 5,240 4,981 4,995 5,006 5,019 116 114 115 116 20 20 20 24 79 79 78 77 5 5 5 4 22 24 I 1 891 899 901 906 3,961 3,964 3,961 3,965 49,339 49,770 50,397 50,237 Aug. 5 12 19 26 5,240 5,254 5,246 5,258 5,264 5,019 5,030 5,027 5,040 5,038 115 116 113 114 121 24 26 26 26 26 77 78 75 74 74 5 4 5 4 5 2 21 2 5 53 915 916 930 950 958 3,975 3,972 3,967 3,968 3,973 50,012 49,957 50,825 50,558 51,199 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 5,274 5,288 5,289 5,293 5,056 5,070 5,084 5,087 116 116 103 102 26 26 26 26 71 72 71 73 5 4 5 5 7 5 7 14 957 965 966 972 3,979 3,983 3,984 3,987 50,836 52,183 53,384 53,306 Oct. 7 14 21 28 5,304 5,315 5,332 5,324 5,100 5,117 5,128 5,121 103 99 105 106 26 26 26 26 70 68 68 66 5 5 5 5 17 973 979 987 998 3,999 4,004 4,007 4,006 53,884 53,519 54,133 54,208 Nov. 1 1 4 11 18 25 5,298 5,295 5,303 5,304 5,324 5,102 5,098 5,107 5,108 5,130 100 100 100 100 100 26 26 26 26 26 65 66 65 65 64 5 5 5 5 4 1 11 1 5 1 1,022 1,043 1,043 1,043 1,055 4,018 4,014 4,014 4,011 4,012 54,705 54,863 57,017 57,021 58,167 Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 167 S S EPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A. MEM BER BA NK S, (In millions Loans ______ ____ __________ ________ „ = Lon nsand investments Total , , _ _____ i l Com - ' mcrcial, 1 indus- . trial, 1 and ag ricul tural 1 Total Total adjusted Adjusted Net 1 t j " " 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 I?. 11> 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 ... - .. .. 1 To ' T o brokers and , others dealers ! ______ j _____ __________ ___ _ 1 1 „ 1 Other U.S. ' Other ! U.S. Govt. ! securiGovt. securisccurities sccuritics ! ties i | ties Rea: estate Loans to I banks J 'i j | All other i i ] j i \ ! I 6 ... — For purchastng or currying securities . .. ...... 41,324 41,208 41,336 41,534 10,015 9,780 9,697 9,684 10,035 9,81! 9,722 9,738 6,240 6,183 6,162 6,149 718 578 552 567 1 , ! ! 381 370 350 342 1,195 M 92 1,188 1,189 41,708 41,475 41,365 41,353 41,662 41,417 41,315 41,282 9,744 9,723 9,631 9,572 9,790 9,781 9,681 9,643 6,131 6,131 6,081 6,042 637 636 616 607 : 358 350 347 346 1,184 1 1,182 1,179 1,176 ! 54 * j 46 ! 58 i 50 7 [1 1 41,470 41,861 42,198 42,004 41,391 41,413 41,805 42,124 41,954 41.337 9,460 9,432 9,485 9,443 9,402 9,517 9,488 9,559 9,493 9,456 5,963 6,030 6,027 5,975 5,912 585 509 572 588 1 342 333 335 342 344 1,176 1,176 i 1,168 1,169 1 1,162 i 57 56 74 50 54 41,646 42,250 44,127 45,772 41,563 42,168 44,022 45,689 9,352 9,482 10,309 10,554 9,435 9,564 10,414 10,637 5,825 5,806 5,805 5,850 665 ! 814 1,482 1,652 | 343 354 487 504 46,108 47,289 47,368 47,068 45,987 47,171 47,293 47,019 10,553 10,276 9,999 9,852 10,674 10,394 10,074 9,901 5,808 5,767 5,745 5,707 1,586 1,394 1,198 1 ,156 47,182 46,808 46,965 46,147 45,843 47,088 46,775 46,870 4 6 ,lOt 45,815 9,694 9,557 9,554 9,408 9,457 9,788 9,590 9,649 9,454 9,485 5,662 5,637 5,625 5,565 5 542 45,563 46,822 46,612 46,482 45,506 46,752 46,564 46,435 9,536 9,605 9,401 9,432 9,593 9,675 9,449 9,479 46,954 46,899 47,040 46,719 46,918 46,846 47,001 46,675 9,535 9,490 9,521 9,564 46,739 46,902 49,412 50,143 50,998 46,665 46,848 49,333 50,087 50,922 51,278 51,6-48 53,477 52,982 | ] ' i ' j ! 20 1 31 41,344 41,239 41,361 41,588 25 1,481 1,457 1 ,445 1,437 1,434 1,424 1.408 1,401 1 j 1 | 1,304 1,384 1,383 1,369 1 ,367 1,160 i 1,150 j 1,159 1,161 | 83 1 82 ! 105 1 83 I ,359 1,348 1,376 1,387 617 585 553 506 1,1 5 6 ;! 1,155 i 1,153 1,152 121 1 118 | 75 49 1,386 1,375 1,350 1,331 1,046 983 1,019 927 1,014 491 465 438 432 424 1,150 i 1,150 I 1,144 1,153 1 1,158 94 33 95 46 28 1 1 345 5,565 5,638 5,618 5,628 1,092 1.102 948 992 420 405 394 379 1.148 1,160 1,159 1,157 j 57 70 48 47 ■ , 1 | 1,311 8, 300 1,282 1,276 9,571 9,543 9,560 9,608 5,678 5,714 5,740 5,739 1,058 985 1,010 1,052 371 371 363 366 1,154 j 1,151 j 1,147 1,147 i 36 i 53 39 1 44 | 1 ,274 1 ,269 1,261 1,260 9,630 9,717 10,796 11,188 11,726 9,704 9,771 10,875 11,244 11,802 5,735 5,765 5,992 6,132 6,207 1,127 1,192 1,691 1,827 1,994 358 352 647 750 999 1,145 1,147 ! 1,140 1 1,141 1,135 74 54 79 56 1 76 1,265 1,261 1,326 1.338 1,391 51,219 51,579 53,363 52,911 12,058 11,940 11,767 11,697 1 2 ,t 17 12,009 11,881 11,768 6,277 6,307 6,361 6,424 2,084 1,984 1,828 1,750 1,126 1,082 1,029 978 52,642 52,051 51,989 51,462 52,563 51,967 51,913 51,391 11,618 11,399 11,235 11,196 11,697 11,483 11,311 11,267 6,458 6,451 6,435 6,423 1,697 1,601 1,487 1,571 936 836 807 717 51,166 50,535 50,509 49,950 49,734 51,077 50,452 50,388 49,839 49,671 10,936 10,843 10,871 10,886 10,776 11,025 10,926 10,992 10,997 10,839 6,379 6,395 6,410 6,486 6,421 1,447 1,411 1,450 1,393 1,328 635 575 547 531 578 617 168 ! * ! , j i j 1 322 I , 328 1 ,3 3 1 1,319 1,137 1,136 1,135 1,132 59 69 114 71 1,434 1,431 1,414 1,413 1,129 U2? 1,128 1,125 79 84 76 71 1,398 1,384 1,378 1,360 1,125 1,123 1,123 1,108 1,108 89 83 121 111 63 t ,350 1.339 1.341 1,368 1.341 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Balances with— Investments U.S. G overnm ent securities Certif icates Notes and bonds Other securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency nnd coin Reserves with F.R. Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets Total assets Date l'otal Bills 28,025 28,142 28,347 28,564 4,019 4,136 4,309 4,440 4,977 4,996 5,016 5,060 19,029 19,010 19,022 19,064 3,284 3,286 3,292 3,286 2,373 2,350 2,235 2,327 537 544 498 515 9,933 9,778 9,675 9,756 2,697 2,690 2,658 2,670 16 12 13 12 1,154 1,177 1,177 1,209 58,054 57,790 57,617 58,077 Jan. 6 13 20 27 28,648 28,428 28,424 28,438 4,476 4,239 4,154 4,153 5,059 5,060 5,074 5,003 19,113 19,129 19,196 19,282 3,270 3,266 3,260 3,272 2,177 2,119 2,495 2,441 494 529 500 539 9,418 9,276 9,508 9,445 2,512 2,494 2,631 2,592 12 12 11 10 1,264 1,205 1,213 1,224 57,585 57,110 57,723 57,604 Feb. 3 10 17 24 28,657 29,108 29,343 29,289 28,706 4,244 4,557 4,692 4,452 3,755 5,001 5,034 4,996 5,007 4,993 19,412 19,517 19,655 19,830 19,958 3,296 3,265 3,296 3,222 3,229 2,383 2,235 2,476 2,254 2,494 502 524 544 523 500 9,351 9,550 9,781 9,472 9,224 2,572 2,603 2,723 2,561 2,488 10 10 9 10 10 1,244 1,228 1,195 1,193 1,198 57,532 58.011 58,926 58,017 57,305 Mar. 3 10 17 24 31 28,998 29,475 30,487 31,909 3,911 4,149 4,773 4,840 5,007 5,140 5,353 6,532 20,080 20,186 20,361 20,537 3,213 3,211 3,226 3,226 2,339 3,030 2,554 2,596 490 526 516 556 9,544 9.285 8,642 8,608 2,482 2,618 2,658 2,618 11 12 12 14 1,199 1,220 1,192 1,223 57,711 58,941 59,701 61,387 Apr. 7 14 21 28 32,331 33,799 34,215 34,093 4,947 5,343 5,583 5,463 6,708 6,814 6,880 6,883 20,676 21,642 21,752 21,747 3, t03 3,096 3,079 3,074 2,512 2,691 2,573 2,332 510 527 508 533 8,284 8,333 8,419 8,489 2,542 2,567 2,491 2,461 12 12 12 12 1,230 1,266 1,241 1,260 61,198 62,685 62,612 62,155 May 5 12 19 26 34,317 34,141 34,251 33,631 33,295 5,636 5,346 5,804 5,195 4,860 6,883 6,910 6,923 6,986 6,991 21,798 21,885 21,524 21,450 21,444 3,077 3,077 3,065 3,062 3,063 2,515 2,248 2,810 2,344 2,798 504 538 558 531 503 8,570 8,694 8,894 8,677 8,556 2,410 2,335 2,441 2,308 2,297 11 11 13 13 18 1,280 1,285 1,218 1,187 1,208 62,472 61,919 62,899 61,207 61,223 June 2 9 16 23 30 32,987 34,165 34,207 34,072 4,463 4,627 4,762 4,478 6,985 6,982 6,985 7,029 21,539 22,556 22,460 22,565 2,983 2,982 2,956 2,931 2,492 2,891 2,384 2,387 514 552 528 539 8,529 8,683 8,740 8,714 2,272 2,382 2,307 2,238 14 15 12 13 1,174 1,212 1,228 1,216 60,558 62,557 61,811 61,589 July 7 14 21 28 34,464 34,437 34,574 34,209 4,238 4,114 4,132 3,678 7,599 7,581 7,603 7,633 22,627 22,742 22,839 22,898 2,919 2,919 2,906 2,902 2,372 2,361 2,396 2,283 515 526 515 525 8,705 8,776 8,986 9,050 2,217 2,222 2,296 2,186 12 13 12 11 1,290 1,228 1,249 1,227 62,065 62,025 62,494 62,001 Aug. 4 11 18 25 34,100 34,213 35,584 35,947 36,210 3,524 3,570 4,267 4,354 4,360 7.635 7,657 8,110 8,248 8,368 22,941 22,986 23,207 23,345 23,482 2,935 2,918 2,953 2,952 2,986 2,460 2,330 3,649 2,554 2,603 503 520 562 563 582 9,203 9,562 9.609 8,637 8,306 2,207 2,234 2,549 2,291 2,287 12 11 12 12 13 1,266 1,283 1,272 1,202 1,213 62,390 62,842 67,065 65,402 66,002 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 36,215 36,698 38,682 38,327 4,211 4,585 4,880 4,626 8,417 8,407 9,318 9,274 23,587 23,706 24,484 24,427 2,946 2,941 2,914 2,887 2,353 3,341 2,702 2,586 539 574 541 559 8,200 8,267 8,321 8,392 2,208 2,293 2,314 2,265 13 14 15 14 1,220 1,233 1,255 1,253 65,811 67,370 68,625 68,051 Oct. 6 13 20 27 38,071 37,732 37,857 37,377 4,405 4,177 4,340 3,909 9,270 9,190 9,163 9,183 24,396 24,365 24,354 24,285 2,874 2,836 2,821 2,818 2,755 2,714 2,857 2,703 543 547 553 549 8,354 8,472 8,521 8,689 2,233 2,236 2,297 2,156 14 13 16 16 1,274 1,278 1,241 1,284 67,815 67,311 67,474 66,859 Nov. 3 10 17 24 37,341 36,823 36,722 36,169 36,109 3,918 3,554 3,615 3,198 3,238 9,165 9,058 8,957 8,844 8,750 24,258 24,211 24,150 24,127 24,121 2,800 2,786 2,795 2,784 2,786 3,036 2,510 3,165 2,883 3,010 545 575 593 610 601 8,785 8,789 8,983 8,788 8,776 2,194 2,155 2,284 2,171 2,163 16 17 14 15 15 1,303 1,280 1,226 ! ,205 1,203 67,045 65,861 66,774 65,622 65,502 Dec. I 8 15 22 29 1943 16 9 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In millions Demand deposits Total demand and time deposits D ate Total Adjusted Unadjusted Individuals, partnerships, and corps. States and U.S. Government political subdivisions Interbank Domestic Foreign Certified and officers’ checks 1943 Jan. 6 13 20 27 53,016 52,734 52,545 53,008 28,367 28,964 29,472 30,056 47,635 47,338 47,117 47,567 28,357 29,001 29,393 29,823 1,722 1,751 1,784 1,866 6,742 5,944 5,360 5,129 9,425 9,347 9,330 9,343 728 733 720 712 661 562 530 694 Feb. 3 10 17 24 52,510 51,950 52,590 52,440 29,753 30,157 30,620 31,129 47,037 46,475 47,103 46,940 29,434 29,877 30,699 31,350 1,888 1,855 1,829 1,842 5,245 4,410 3,940 3,366 9,136 9,071 9,322 9,286 736 718 726 788 598 544 587 578 M ar. 3 10 17 24 31 52,362 52,820 53,699 52,813 52,032 31,305 32,116 32,385 32,128 31,848 46,834 47,290 48,176 47,282 46,493 31,162 31,917 32,338 31,954 31,815 1,858 1,850 1,855 1,831 1,913 2,964 2,716 2,778 2,817 2,266 9,453 9,505 9,800 9,342 9,139 729 718 737 741 746 m 584 668 597 614 Apr. 7 14 21 28 52,443 53,667 54,406 56,146 32,955 32,996 30,313 30,098 46,861 48,094 48,832 50,558 32,725 33,427 30,370 30,112 1,899 1,850 1,782 1,890 1,408 1,639 5,995 8,044 9,439 9,708 9,248 9,092 720 721 722 728 670 749 715 692 May 5 12 19 26 55,952 57,362 57,334 56,892 29,528 30,051 30,652 31,185 50,368 51,748 51,692 51,230 29,423 30,293 30,719 31,072 1,761 1,767 1,766 1,837 8 ,4 9 6 ' 9,342 8,861 8,294 9,112 8,935 8,869 8,673 720 729 737 746 856 682 740 608 June 2 9 16 23 30 57,149 56,613 57,517 55,851 55,915 31,386 32,061 32,787 32,472 32,289 51,458 50,919 51,816 50,112 50,171 31,395 31,890 33,064 32,383 32,536 1,838 1,794 1,793 1,756 1,852 7,981 7,029 6,358 5,764 5,652 8,826 8,823 9,106 8,773 8,666 750 758 755 759 766 668 625 740 677 69!) July 7 14 21 28 55,201 57,182 56,458 56,216 32,325 32,883 33,386 33,840 49,425 51,381 50,631 50,325 32,330 33,236 33,381 33,688 1,781 1,790 1,811 1,846 4,924 5,973 5,345 4,777 8,908 8,868 8,748 8,544 776 766 768 777 706 748 578 693 Aug. 4 11 18 25 56,698 56,610 57,072 56,543 33,746 33,796 34,311 35,145 50,785 50,666 51,094 50,554 33,535 33,797 34,341 34,963 1,857 1,831 1,802 1,829 5,300 5,131 4,769 3,791 8,582 8,604 8,838 8,550 785 774 780 758 726 529 564 636 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 56,840 57,300 61,531 59,950 60,527 35,733 36,283 32,862 31,613 30,601 50,828 51,262 55,514 53,971 54,555 35,533 36,102 33,775 31,830 30,903 1,922 1,912 1,752 1,615 1,676 3,072 2,802 8,747 10,176 11,833 8,770 9,047 9,477 8,870 8,757 793 800 779 758 761 738 599 984 722 625 Oct. 6 13 20 27 60,370 61,889 63,061 62,537 30,322 30,742 31,366 31,817 54,371 55,877 57,027 56,479 30,395 31,652 31,718 32,069 1,682 1,622 1,621 1,699 12,203 12,204 13,470 12,680 S,725 8,835 8,718 8,620 768 755 771 776 598 809 729 635 Nov. 3 10 17 24 62,287 61,796 61,915 61,265 31,774 32,039 32,649 33,201 56,198 55,686 55,785 55,122 32,039 32,226 33,124 33,434 1,834 1,749 1,713 1,731 12,110 11,401 10,610 9,870 8,771 8,753 8,902 8,561 788 779 767 787 656 778 669 739 Dec. 1 a 15 22 29 61,406 60,159 61,026 59,858 59,771 33,651 34,075 34,750 34,185 33,895 55,252 53,970 54,815 53,627 53,504 33,970 34,147 35,287 34,521 34,297 1,766 1,717 1,708 1,716 1,696 9,068 7,921 7,280 7,088 7,231 8,710 8,668 8,843 8,667 8,549 787 796 777 804 819 951 721 920 831 912 170 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65— Continued o f dollars) Time deposits Borrowings Other liabilities Capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 1 1 16 13 1,010 1,028 1,031 1,030 4,027 4,027 4,025 4,026 58,054 57,790 57,617 58,077 Jan. 6 13 20 27 4 5 5 4 12 71 17 41 1,026 1,047 1,072 1,077 4,037 4,042 4,044 4,046 57,585 57,110 57,723 57,604 Feb. 3 10 17 24 56 57 59 58 56 5 5 5 4 4 29 31 66 26 102 1,088 1,112 1,109 1,121 1,112 4,053 4,048 4,052 4,057 4,059 57,532 58,011 58,926 57,017 57,305 M ar. 3 10 17 24 31 29 30 30 31 56 55 55 56 5 5 5 5 79 58 110 84 1,123 1,149 1,116 1,090 4,066 4,067 4,069 4,067 57,711 58,941 59,701 61,387 Apr. 7 14 21 28 116 118 117 117 31 31 31 31 52 54 54 55 4 5 5 5 92 134 71 46 1,066 1,097 1,108 1,117 4,088 4,092 4,099 4,100 61,198 62,685 62,612 62,155 May 5 12 19 26 5,480 5,485 5,494 5,529 5,530 121 117 117 119 119 32 34 34 35 39 53 53 51 50 50 5 5 5 6 6 82 21 82 41 14 1,129 1,166 1,180 1,197 1,179 4,112 4,119 4,120 4,118 4,115 62,472 61,919 62,899 61,207 61,223 June 2 9 16 23 30 5,776 5,801 5,827 5,891 5,564 5,586 5,616 5,677 U6 119 117 120 40 40 40 40 50 50 49 49 6 6 5 5 66 72 34 32 1,160 1,174 1,191 1,198 4,131 4,129 4,128 4,143 60,558 62,557 61,811 61,589 July 7 14 21 28 5,913 5,944 5,978 5,989 5,701 5,732 5,766 5,769 119 119 119 121 40 40 40 45 49 48 48 49 4 5 5 5 37 48 32 50 1,177 1,207 1,232 1,247 4,153 4,160 4,158 4,161 62,065 62,025 62,494 62,001 Aug. 4 11 18 25 6,012 6,038 6,017 5,979 5,972 5,792 5,816 5,792 5,755 5,749 123 123 123 121 119 45 46 49 49 51 47 48 48 49 48 5 5 5 5 5 101 81 67 38 61 1,276 1,287 1,295 1,245 1,249 4,173 4,174 4,172 4,169 4,165 62,390 62,842 67,065 65,402 66,002 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 5,999 6,012 6,034 6,058 5,770 5,784 5,802 5,829 118 117 118 117 57 58 59 59 49 48 50 48 5 5 5 5 39 50 107 37 1,216 1,242 1,267 1,280 4,186 4,189 4,190 4,197 65,811 67,370 68,625 68,051 Oct. 6 13 20 27 6,089 6,110 6,130 6,143 5,859 5,882 5,902 5,913 118 117 118 118 60 61 61 63 47 45 44 44 5 5 5 5 56 43 61 64 1,261 1,254 1,276 1,308 4,211 4,218 4,222 4,222 67,815 67,311 67,474 66,859 Nov. 3 10 17 24 6,154 6,189 6,211 6,231 6,267 5,929 5,957 5,982 6,003 6,037 114 119 117 116 118 63 64 64 64 64 43 44 43 43 43 5 5 5 5 5 76 118 125 131 114 1,327 1,344 1,368 1,390 1,368 4,236 4,240 4,255 4,243 4,249 67,045 65,861 66,774 65,622 65,502 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 Individ uals, part nerships, and corps. States and political subdivi sions U . S. G overn ment 5,381 5,396 5,428 5,441 5,188 5,204 5,232 5,247 100 99 103 102 26 28 28 28 63 61 60 60 4 4 5 4 5,473 5,475 5,487 5,500 5,268 5,276 5,289 5,305 112 107 106 106 28 28 28 29 61 59 59 56 5,528 5,530 5,523 5,531 5,539 5,333 5,340 5,333 5,352 5,361 105 99 97 88 89 29 29 29 29 29 5,582 5,573 5,574 5,588 5,396 5,384 5,367 5,381 96 99 117 115 5,584 5,614 5,642 5,662 5,381 5,406 5,435 5,454 5,691 5,694 5,701 5,739 5,744 Total Interbank Domestic Other From F. R. Banks Foreign Date 1943 171 EPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Loans j investments i. j' Total Total adjusted I j I Total \ -—™ — — | WUIIlmereial, , industrial, i and agN et ' riculAdjusted tural ‘ I r— F o r purchasing or carrying securities , — 1“ -------1 To To brokers nnd I others dealers j _ —_ _ ___ _____ 1 1 | Other U.S. U.S. Other securi Govt. 1 G ovt. 1 securi securi< ties ties | securi- , tics tics : • = = Real estate Loans to banks j | All other j i 5 12 19 26 49,527 49,539 49,892 50,288 49,467 49,488 49,832 50,215 10,643 10,665 10,703 10,829 10,703 10,716 10,763 10,902 6,335 6,360 6,349 6,369 743 827 843 971 563 543 589 583 337 298 290 278 303 296 300 301 1,107 1,1 0 4 1,107 1,106 60 51 60 73 j i 1 j 1,255 1,237 1,225 1,221 2 9 16 23 52,177 53,256 53,854 53,267 52,091 53,155 53,762 53,197 11,345 11,425 11,780 11,600 11,431 11,526 11,872 11,670 6,396 6,393 6,446 6,412 1,057 959 1,153 1,109 592 602 601 603 657 831 903 838 304 301 355 318 1,099 1,095 1,092 1,092 86 101 92 70 1 , ! | 1,240 1,244 1,230 1,228 1 8 15 22 29 53,290 52,903 52,884 52,401 52,012 53,188 52,826 52,797 52,342 51,957 11,433 11,453 11,344 11,116 10,963 11,535 11,530 11,431 11,175 11,018 6,394 6,369 6,396 6,370 6,305 1,042 1,182 1,079 909 861 625 614 616 617 621 759 687 635 619 579 302 305 307 301 301 1,089 1,085 1,083 1,082 1,081 102 77 87 59 55 1 j l ( 1,222 1,211 1,228 1,218 1,215 12 19 26 5 5 f ,633 51,596 51,453 51,064 51,559 51,533 51,387 50,982 10,696 10,557 10,392 10,281 10,770 10,620 10,458 10,363 6,215 6,188 6,151 6,069 745 694 605 676 617 612 627 619 533 485 432 355 298 298 297 287 1,078 1,076 1.077 1,078 74 63 . 66 1 82 i 1 ,210 1 ,2 04 1,203 1,197 3 10 17 24 31 50,674 50,611 50,319 50,240 49,988 50,612 50,554 50,264 50,201 49,933 10,194 10,110 10,181 10,150 10,026 10,256 10,167 10,236 10,189 10,081 6,035 6,015 5,990 5,906 5,846 653 593 620 672 622 600 616 553 570 570 334 303 299 287 279 295 306 307 310 310 1,0 7 4 1,074 1,0 7 2 1,072 1,073 1,203 1,203 1,3 4 0 1,333 1 ,3 2 6 7 14 21 28 50,032 50,405 51,152 55,036 49,979 50,356 51,114 54,983 10,102 10,200 10,378 12,111 10,155 10,249 10,416 12,164 5,870 5,913 5,939 6,027 696 736 812 1,380 565 576 623 652 272 265 285 1,295 303 309 311 321 1,071 1,072 1,072 1,073 62 57 j 55 1 39 .i 55 i 1 53 ,| 49 38 53 5 12 19 26 56,262 57,211 57,304 57,065 56,170 57,137 57,177 57,981 12,191 12,257 11 872 11,643 12,283 12,331 11,999 11,727 6,037 6,040 6,068 6,088 1,159 1,242 1,019 880 664 653 636 609 1,575 1,575 1,399 1,318 344 332 326 346 1,069 1,070 1,072 1,070 92 74 . 127 84 1,343 1,3 45 1,3 5 2 1,3 32 2 9 16 23 30 56,917 56„524 56,383 55,906 55,700 56,830 56,474 56,317 55,861 55,646 11,400 11,246 11,142 11,041 11,011 11,487 11,296 11,208 11,806 11,065 6,015 6,013 6,001 6,006 5,984 807 758 710 742 797 639 593 594 605 596 1,213 1,161 1,091 971 917 334 337 364 341 338 1,071 1,068 1.071 1.072 1,071 87 ^ 50 66 !• 45 54j 1,321 1 ,3 1 6 1,311 1,3 04 1,3 0 8 6 13 20 27 55,493 55,041 54,766 54,673 55,432 54,990 54,720 54,641 11,029 10,915 10,900 10,948 11,090 10,966 10,946 10,980 5,986 6,016 6,055 6,076 836 778 818 819 601 614 621 704 893 803 679 618 341 339 334 339 1,066 1,066 1,065 1,062 61 1 51 46 ! 32 , 1 ,3 0 6 1,299 1,328 1 ,330 4 11 18 25 54,436 54,087 54,079 54,088 54,398 54,021 54,024 54,023 10,961 10,981 10,925 11,042 10,999 11,047 10,980 11,107 6,091 6,110 6,136 6,183 838 852 848 812 719 727 684 805 592 575 546 522 331 328 330 335 1,061 1,063 1,062 1,062 38 ,j 66 55 ji 65 1,3 29 1 ,3 2 6 1,3 19 1,323 I 8 15 22 29 53,914 53,570 54,043 54,222 55,093 53,833 53,507 53,976 54,135 55,029 11,290 11,176 11,216 11,343 11,601 11,371 11,239 11,283 11,430 11 665 6,247 6,287 6,328 6,300 6,274 917 922 988 1,095 1,421 889 760 717 734 697 506 497 477 485 505 345 325 328 350 331 1,060 1,061 1,061 1,059 1,061 81 63 67 j 87 j 64 1 1 ,3 2 6 1,3 24 1 ,317 1 ,320 1,312 6 13 20 27 58,603 59,524 59,881 59,737 58,527 59,425 59,799 59,678 12,527 12,930 13,063 12,927 12,603 13,029 13,145 12,986 6,382 6,420 6,494 6,518 1,430 1,480 1,451 1,431 718 714 715 706 1,286 1,603 1,663 1,526 332 336 344 353 1,059 1,058 1,055 1,058 76 99 1 82 ; 59 . 1 ,320 1,319 1,341 1,3 3 5 172 1 1 ,325 1,329 1,3 36 1,363 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W E E K L Y , 1941-65— C ontinued of dollars) Investments Balances with— U S. Govcrnn lcntseeurit ies C ertif icates Notes and bonds Other securities Cash items in process of col lection C ur rency nnd coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks Other assets Total assets Date Total Bills 36,033 36,044 36,352 36,585 3,179 3,090 3,154 3,089 8,670 8,777 8,859 8,995 24 24 24 24 184 177 339 501 2,791 2,779 2,777 2,801 2,731 2,627 2,644 2,715 552 569 544 564 8,716 8.881 9,003 9,031 2,229 2,189 2,198 2,247 17 15 17 17 1,220 1,230 1,248 1,239 64,992 65,050 65,546 66,101 Jan. 5 12 19 26 37,930 38,902 39,139 38,755 3,660 4,223 4,125 3,689 8,691 8,818 9,036 9,077 25 25 25 25 579 861 978 989 2,816 2,828 2,843 2,842 2,666 2,483 3,005 2,870 536 542 529 560 8,810 8,539 8,333 8,320 2,276 2,285 2,321 2,122 15 15 15 t6 1,253 1,292 1,315 1,328 67,733 68,412 69,372 68,483 Feb. 2 9 16 23 38,898 38,522 38,601 38,329 38,087 3,848 3,531 3,608 3,488 3,247 9,043 8,973 8,976 8,877 8,910 26 26 26 25 25 007 018 017 964 930 2,857 2,851 2,852 2,897 2,907 2,776 2,528 3.728 2,673 2,443 506 519 552 549 552 8,510 8,529 8,752 8,521 8,294 2,174 2,107 2,183 2,074 2,001 16 16 15 15 13 1,340 1,315 1,229 1,204 1,228 68,612 67,917 69,343 67,437 66,543 M ar. 1 8 15 22 29 38,961 38,089 38,110 37,834 3,137 3,286 3,264 2,981 8,933 8,963 8,994 8,960 25 25 25 25 891 840 852 893 2,902 2,887 2,885 2,867 2,569 2,915 2,838 2,519 518 561 550 559 8,448 8,696 8,799 8,692 2,006 2,073 2,070 1,987 13 12 13 11 1,227 1,231 1,237 1,235 66,414 67,084 66,960 66,067 Apr. 5 12 19 26 37,613 37,635 37,232 37,184 37,029 2,773 2,818 2,441 2,433 2,299 8,968 8,963 8,938 8,886 8,886 25 25 25 25 25 872 854 853 865 844 2,805 2,809 2,851 2,867 2,878 2,493 2,457 2,670 2,389 2,697 533 551 547 559 526 8,767 8,792 8,992 9,056 9,060 1,957 1,999 2,050 2,033 2,118 10 12 10 11 II 1,255 1,260 1,272 1,278 1,313 65,689 65,682 65,860 65,566 65,713 May. 3 10 17 24 31 37,027 37,259 37,832 39,917 2,285 2,357 2,381 2,942 8,834 8,911 9,231 10,341 25 25 26 26 908 991 220 634 2,850 2,897 2,904 2,955 2,352 3,003 2,977 2,834 539 588 580 595 9,282 9,526 9,493 8,952 2,059 2,189 2,202 2,267 13 13 13 12 1,303 1,296 1,202 1,246 65,580 67,020 67,619 70,942 June 7 14 21 28 41,048 41,917 42,424 42,460 3,549 3,623 3,907 3,821 10,755 11,098 11,093 11,135 26 27 27 27 744 196 424 504 2,931 2,963 2,881 2,878 2,695 3,191 2,751 2,637 548 586 561 556 8,826 8,719 8,686 8,761 2,373 2,425 2,287 2,280 14 15 14 20 1,260 1,291 1,273 1,292 71,978 73,438 72,876 72,611 July 5 12 19 26 42,488 42,289 42,229 41,875 41,675 3,881 3,725 3,658 3,324 3,077 11,057 11,004 10,990 11,009 11,057 27 27 27 27 27 550 560 581 542 541 2,942 2,939 2,946 2,945 2,960 2,551 2,331 2,652 2,491 2,429 532 535 526 545 574 8,764 8,750 8,817 8,883 9,031 2,177 2,186 2,239 2,132 2,096 20 21 21 20 20 1,308 1,312 1,313 1,293 1,326 72,269 71,659 71,951 71,270 71,176 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 41,446 41,113 40,860 40,724 2,914 2,644 2,491 2,473 11,001 10,962 10,815 10,757 27 27 27 27 531 507 554 494 2,957 2,962 2,960 2,969 2,497 2,912 2,731 2,704 531 574 558 582 9,072 9,263 9,160 9,077 2,074 2,169 2,127 2,120 20 14 13 13 1,326 1,342 1,214 1,217 71,013 71,315 70,569 70,386 Sept. 6 13 20 27 40,506 40,130 40,197 40,092 2,368 2,127 2,269 2,202 10,641 10,536 10,435 10,370 27 27 27 27 497 467 493 520 2,931 2,910 2,902 2,889 2,585 2,887 2,841 2,693 547 572 581 586 9,115 9,344 9,412 9,565 2,112 2,082 2,196 2,101 13 14 14 14 1,221 1,224 1,219 1,227 70,029 70,210 70,342 70,274 Oct. 4 11 18 25 39,656 39,467 39,883 39,929 40,544 1,774 1,670 1,923 1,627 1,768 10,247 10,163 10,102 10,274 10,392 27 27 27 28 28 635 634 858 028 384 2,887 2,864 2,877 2,863 2,884 3,242 2,941 3,458 3,188 3,211 565 585 573 585 642 9,591 9,634 9,906 10,101 10,073 2,105 2,096 2,249 2,190 2,210 11 11 11 10 10 1,273 1,262 1,282 1,287 1,307 70,701 70,099 71,522 71,583 72,546 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 43,112 43,598 43,826 43,842 2,145 2,301 2,233 2,428 10,359 10,338 10,281 10,110 30 30 31 31 608 959 312 304 2,888 2,897 2,910 2,909 2,705 3,241 3,236 3,337 613 661 655 657 9,517 9,448 9,285 9,328 2,262 2,318 2,279 2,295 12 13 12 16 1,291 1,312 1,214 1,232 75,003 76,517 76,562 76,602 Dec. 6 13 20 27 1944 173 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions D em and deposits Total demand and time deposits D ate Individuals, partnerships, and corps. Total Adjusted States and political subdivisions U.S. Government Interbank Domestic Unadjusted Foreign Certified and officers* checks 1944 Jan. 5 12 19 26 59,342 59,366 59,822 60,387 33,732 34,308 34,862 34,814 53,023 53,008 53,444 53,994 33,881 34,516 34,985 34,916 1,734 1,708 1,740 1,849 6,894 6,462 6,198 6,669 8,853 8,801 8,922 8,982 813 810 818 814 848 711 781 764 Feb. 2 9 16 23 62,023 62,712 63,659 62,771 31,873 31,702 31,509 31,902 55,625 56,292 57,242 56,335 32,006 31,722 32,214 32,433 1,741 1,657 1,643 1,643 11,462 12,431 13,070 12,459 8,817 8,859 8,855 8,291 807 817 803 813 792 806 657 696 M ar. 1 8 15 22 29 62,850 62,167 63,541 61,617 60,708 32,327 32,778 33,447 32,860 32,660 56,398 55,672 57,044 55,104 54,173 32,609 32,863 34,153 32,970 32,649 1,706 1,66! 1,656 1,727 1,782 12,030 11,024 10,422 10,435 10,235 8,441 8,492 8,604 8,294 7,995 824 850 843 842 840 788 782 1,366 836 672 Apr. 5 12 19 26 60,605 61,280 61,084 60,150 32,872 33,766 34,248 34,524 54,044 54,687 54,463 53,518 32,789 34,120 34,438 34,398 1,841 1,799 1,802 1,949 9,635 8,929 8,303 7,737 8,122 8,217 8,208 7,863 846 860 866 875 811 762 846 696 M ay 3 10 17 24 31 59,804 59,736 59,890 59,512 59,634 34,649 34,932 35,362 35,969 36,208 53,135 53,022 53,137 52,734 52,831 34,357 34,784 35,440 35,670 36,184 2,005 1,963 1,947 2,004 2,054 7,196 6,692 6,056 5,472 4,934 7,914 8,054 8,165 8,026 8,108 883 887 884 S78 884 780 642 645 684 667 June 7 14 21 28 59,506 60,936 61,493 64,904 36,879 37,229 36,426 33,008 52,659 54,073 54,631 58,045 36,649 37,569 36,447 33,170 1,962 1,912 2,043 1,765 4,149 4,263 5,486 12,589 8,409 8,713 8,872 8,759 870 865 870 855 620 751 913 907 July 5 12 19 26 65,967 67,422 66,800 66,591 32,561 32,481 32,945 33,503 59,093 60,524 59,867 59,628 32,658 33,031 33,303 33,738 1,706 1,660 1,619 1,690 13,917 14,755 14,472 13,989 9,051 9,231 8,825 8,617 869 866 874 882 892 981 774 712 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 66,284 65,640 65,925 65,211 65,142 33,597 33,565 33,894 34,400 35,097 59,273 58,579 58,822 58,075 57,974 33,650 33.519 34,233 34,449 35,111 1,777 1,750 1,719 1,741 1,756 13,602 13,085 12,601 11,783 11,100 8,654 8,742 8,810 8,540 8,479 869 856 865 861 869 721 627 594 701 659 Sept. 6 13 20 27 64,878 65,176 64,336 64,229 35,469 35,895 35,522 35,435 57,673 57,917 57,029 56,883 35,558 36,403 35,757 35,499 1,742 1,737 1,739 1,762 10,189 9,465 9,135 9,221 8,668 8,794 8,785 8,656 850 851 856 867 666 667 757 878 Oct. 4 11 18 25 63,911 63,937 64,020 63,837 35,383 35,890 36,614 37,438 56,426 56,374 56,447 56,230 35,450 36,281 36,985 37,567 1,780 1,745 1,752 1,844 8,712 7,746 6,977 6,351 8,887 8,994 9,168 8,884 859 857 847 864 738 751 718 720 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 64,203 63,546 64,941 64,870 65,686 37,587 37,627 38,417 39,169 38,539 56,553 55,862 57,218 57,203 58,025 37,808 37,950 39,188 39,417 38,823 1,954 1,936 1,894 1,992 2,039 5,804 5,217 4,821 4,553 5,757 9,069 9,220 9,665 9,445 9,650 851 857 857 848 868 1,067 682 793 948 888 Dec. 6 13 20 27 68,393 70,037 70,104 70,186 35,824 35,867 35,104 35,042 60,742 62,369 62,415 62,482 35,965 36,535 35,513 35,675 1,804 1,761 1,701 1,700 11,743 12,780 13,653 13,791 9,603 9,603 9,561 9,433 867 878 861 879 760 812 1,126 1,004 174 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65— Continued o f dollars) Time deposits Total Borrowings Individ States and uals, part political nerships, subdivi sions and corps. U . S. G overn m ent Interbank Domestic From F . R. Banks Foreign Other liabilities C apital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts O ther Date 1944 6,319 6,358 6,378 6,393 6,097 6,134 6,153 6,167 118 119 121 121 54 54 54 55 43 44 43 43 7 7 7 7 49 54 68 55 1,320 1,347 1,374 1,364 4,281 4,2*3 4,282 4,295 64,992 65,050 65,546 66,101 Jan. 5 12 19 26 6,398 6,420 6,417 6,436 6,169 6,185 6,182 6,198 123 126 128 129 58 60 59 60 41 42 41 42 64 58 57 51 1,341 1,333 1,348 1,348 4,305 4,309 4,308 4,313 67,733 68,412 69,372 68,483 Feb. 7 7 7 2 9 16 23 6,452 6,495 6,497 6,513 6,535 6,213 6,264 6,265 6,282 6,306 131 126 127 125 123 59 57 57 58 58 42 41 41 41 41 7 7 7 7 7 77 36 80 69 84 1,361 1,391 1,397 1,419 1,419 4,324 4,323 4,325 4,332 4,332 68,612 67,917 69,343 67,437 66,543 M ar. 1 8 15 22 29 6,561 6,593 6,621 6,632 6,330 6,357 6,386 6,407 124 129 130 J30 59 59 58 48 41 41 40 40 7 7 7 7 67 52 103 J09 1,393 1,397 1,415 1,446 4,349 4,355 4,358 4,362 66,414 67,084 66,960 66,067 Apr. 5 12 19 26 6,669 6,714 6,753 6,778 6,803 6,445 6,491 6,527 6,556 6,575 129 128 131 129 130 48 48 48 48 48 40 40 40 38 38 7 7 7 7 12 75 110 123 200 188 1,433 1,452 1,461 1,464 1,488 4,377 4,384 4,386 4,390 4,403 65,689 65,682 65,860 65,566 65,713 May 3 10 17 24 31 6,847 6,863 6,862 6,859 6,623 6,639 6,639 6,643 127 127 126 119 47 47 47 48 38 38 38 37 12 12 12 12 210 152 159 65 1,458 1,530 1,556 1,570 4,406 4,402 4,411 4,403 65,580 67,020 67,619 70,942 June 7 14 21 28 6,874 6,898 6,933 6,963 6,663 6,685 6,720 6,751 117 118 118 119 46 46 46 45 36 37 37 36 12 12 12 12 76 64 148 79 1,515 1,528 1,511 1,519 4,420 4,424 4,417 4,422 71,978 73,438 72,876 72,611 July 5 12 19 26 7,011 7,061 7,103 7,136 7,168 6,798 6,850 6,890 6,921 6,952 119 117 119 121 122 45 46 46 46 46 37 36 36 36 36 12 12 12 12 12 42 51 47 f8 53 1,506 1,526 1,535 1,522 1,532 4,437 4,442 4,444 4,449 4,449 72,269 71,659 71,951 71,270 71,176 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 7,205 7,259 7,307 7,346 6,992 7,043 7,093 7,131 121 123 121 122 46 46 46 46 34 35 35 35 12 12 12 12 96 91 164 81 1,575 1,586 1,594 1,600 4,464 4,462 4,475 4,476 71,013 71,315 70,569 70,386 Sept. 6 13 20 27 7,485 7,563 7,573 7,607 7,273 7,351 7,356 7,394 119 120 121 120 46 46 46 46 35 34 38 35 12 12 12 12 23 157 190 283 1,600 1,614 1,629 1,651 4,495 4,502 4,503 4,503 70,029 70,210 70,342 70,274 Oct. 4 11 18 25 7,650 7,684 7,723 7,667 7,661 7,436 7,473 7,508 7,454 7,450 120 116 118 117 116 46 46 46 45 45 36 37 39 39 38 12 12 12 12 12 318 328 320 461 562 1,662 1,700 1,736 1,724 1,773 4,518 4,525 4,525 4,528 4,525 70,701 70,099 71,522 71,583 72,546 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 7,651 7,668 7,689 7,704 7,444 7,461 7,486 7,501 114 113 113 112 45 45 45 45 36 37 33 34 12 12 12 12 365 217 234 151 1,703 1,734 1,690 1,743 4,542 4,529 4,534 4,522 75,003 76,517 76,562 76,602 Dec. 6 13 20 27 ' 175 REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In millions L oans Loans and investments Total Total Total adjusted Adjusted Net _ _ For purchasing or carrying securities _____ Com ____ _____ mercial. Real To brokers and To indus others , estate trial, dealers . ____ ... and ag ‘ ricul ' ' i U.S. tural U.S. O ther , Other Govt, G ovt. I securi securi- 1 securi- : ties securi- 1 ties ties .= - = : Loa ns> | t« | banks ' i ! 1 ij All other 1 - j' i i 1 1 | 3 10 17 24 31 59,887 59,560 59,635 59,620 59,247 59,780 59,499 59,543 59,566 59,175 12,523 12,443 12,259 12,133 12,036 12,630 12,504 12,351 12,187 12,108 6,425 6,436 6,425 6,387 6,351 t 1,245 1,262 1,208 j 1,143 ; 1,121 1 724 702 707 751 748 1,416 1,329 1,202 !, 140 1,093 354 354 1 354 355 369 1,054 1,056 1,053 ; 1,051 : 1,049 | 7 (4 21 28 59,007 58,923 58,753 58,501 58,928 58,839 58,682 58,430 11,773 11,810 11,622 11,563 11,852 11,894 11,693 11,634 6,346 6,369 6,313 6,251 995 1,037 967 964 1 774 775 730 773 961 , 943 ! 912 899 j 353 ! 348 368 j 346 1,049 1,050 J 1,047 1,044 79 | 84 1 7> i 71 1,295 1,288 1,285 1,286 7 14 21 28 58,424 58,155 58,071 57,797 58,342 58,085 58,014 57,734 11,435 11,349 11,227 11,117 11,517 11,419 11,284 11,180 6,198 6,186 6,155 6,088 951 924 i 889 j 838 ! 745 736 748 776 864 824 770 74. i 1 1 j 1,044 1,042 ! 1,041 ; 1,040 57,349 57,387 57,291 57,058 57,270 57,321 57,219 56,971 10,913 10,911 10,984 11,044 10,992 10,977 11,056 11,131 6,044 6,017 5,958 5,938 749 812 918 1,044 ■ f 1 j 759 737 776 747 684 656 640 623 , 1 ! , 1,041 : 1,043 1,041 1,040 j 82 70 ; 57 63 ! | 79 j 66 '! 72 ! 87 ; 1,286 1,291 1,277 1,291 4 11 18 25 347 : 346 1 347 343 ■ 345 348 353 353 1,291 1,298 1,298 1,299 2 9 16 23 30 57,176 56,995 57,228 57,482 57,541 57,071 56,910 57,123 57,382 57,424 11,211 11,135 11,253 11,446 11,519 11,316 11,220 11,358 11 546 11,636 5,904 5,829 5,797 5,790 5,768 ! 1,084 1,132 1,237 1,446 1,505 I ! 1 s 810 794 830 832 840 384 353 362 362 i 364 1 1,047 i 1,045 1,044 1 1,046 | 1,049 105 ! 85 los ; 100 i 117 1,378 1,389 I , 396 1,389 1,393 6 13 20 27 58,254 58.896 63,005 63.537 58,152 58,788 62,914 63,459 11,784 12,016 13,455 13,757 11,886 12,124 13,546 13,835 5,822 5,860 5,900 5,923 869 870 902 886 390 381 388 395 , 1,044 j 1,045 1 1,047 1,052 102 j 108 ' 91 78 1,406 1.415 1,442 1,448 4 Ii 18 25 64,291 64.235 63,994 63,853 64,223 64,171 63,916 63,763 13,975 13,708 13,457 13,250 14,043 13,772 13,535 13,340 5 ,9 4 t 5,928 5,928 5.903 1,439 i 1,595 " 1,730 1,841 ■ 1,821 1,667 1,518 ) 1,465 604 1 593 587 581 600 > I,| 814 , 850 2,046 j 2,212 879 877 899 905 398 396 395 397 : 1,048 1,051 1,052 1,051 68 'I 64 78 < 90 ; 1,487 1.485 1,481 1,479 I 8 15 22 29 63,696 63,052 63,094 62.680 62,546 63,602 62,984 62,994 62,597 62,469 13,299 12,907 12,906 12,805 12,764 13,393 12,975 13,006 12,888 12,841 5,926 5,914 5,949 5,948 5,982 1,457 ■ 1,350 1,364 1,385 i 1,443 j 964 863 841 827 820 2,401 j 2,304 1 2,184 2,050 | 1,995 i 1,858 , 1,828 ( 1,706 1 1,599 421 398 395 : 408 394 1,055 1,053 1,055 1,058 1,058 94 « 6S 'I 100 83 ( 11 ’ 1,481 1,471 1,474 1,473 1,468 5 12 19 26 62,382 61,842 61,584 61,251 62,248 61,749 61,470 61,200 12,733 12,590 12,650 12,680 12,867 12,683 12,764 12,731 6,055 6,095 6,124 6,113 1,418 ] 1,328 ! 1,386 ,i 1,451 818 802 877 905 1,507 1 1,437 1 1,335 i 1,283 397 396 399 : 398 1,059 1,058 1,061 i 1,060 134 93 114 | 51 | 1,479 1,474 1,468 1,470 3 10 17 24 31 61,030 60,883 61,075 61,007 60,945 60,954 60,818 60,999 60,935 60,825 12,510 12,428 12,245 12,207 12,390 12,586 12,493 12,321 12,279 12,510 6,218 6,271 6,251 6,266 6,328 1,366 1,269 1,190 i 1,203 : 1,287 " 828 872 852 848 890 1,155 1,067 985 | 922 890 1 395 396 405 399 416 : 1,063 j 1,065 1,063 1,062 1 1,060 ^ 76 i 65 76 il 7y 120 1,485 1,488 1,499 1,507 1,519 7 14 21 28 61,034 61,112 62,057 62,381 60,953 61,063 6 t ,979 62,315 12,450 12,653 13,192 13,566 12,531 12,702 13,270 13,632 6,480 6,628 6,751 6,778 1, 2 2 9 ; 1,251 f 1,375 : 1,674 870 855 838 807 391 387 410 416 1,060 ; 1,067 * 1,070 1 1,073 81 49 78 6(i $ 1,542 1,554 1,581 1,596 5 12 19 26 67,140 68,034 68.102 67.733 67,011 67,936 68,006 67,662 15,124 15,853 15,856 15,758 15,253 15.951 15.952 15,829 i 6,964 7,128 7,241 7,259 1,717 1,996 S 1,893 1,917 819 832 901 865 878 < 911 1,167 , 1,222 ! j 2,458 2,697 2,589 j 2,495 427 437 442 432 1,079 I 1,081 1 1,091 1,091 , 129 98 | 96 75 1,660 1,682 1,699 1,699 176 1 ' | 107 61 92 54 72 ' 5 !l , 1 ,305 1,304 1,310 1,306 1,305 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Balances with— Investments U.S. G overnm ent securities Total Bills Certif icates Notes and bonds Other securities Cash items in process ofcollection C u r rency and coin Reserves with F.R. Banks D o mestic banks Foreign ba nks O ther assets Total assets Date 1945 44,354 44,166 44,393 44,554 44,257 2,864 2,774 2,947 2,926 2,553 10,099 9,985 9,955 10,029 9,971 31,391 31,407 31,491 31,599 31,733 2,903 2,890 2,891 2,879 2,882 3,413 2,917 3,071 3,174 2,924 597 603 582 580 563 9,238 9,325 9,434 9,403 9,302 2,446 2,264 2,292 2,191 2,110 12 12 14 12 13 1,236 1,291 1,303 1,311 1,342 76,829 75,972 76,331 76,291 75,501 Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 44,219 44,061 44,105 43,912 2,526 2,446 2,443 2,140 10,159 10,101 10,036 9,994 31,534 31,514 31,626 31,778 2,936 2,968 2,955 2,955 2,761 3,526 3,007 3,173 547 589 565 565 9,358 9,432 9,440 9,560 2,085 2,179 2,136 2,164 13 11 12 12 1,329 1,350 1,343 1,392 75,100 76,010 75,256 75,367 Feb. 7 14 21 28 43,977 43,799 43,773 43,565 2,350 2,238 2,260 2,082 11,555 11,498 11,432 11,312 30,072 30,063 30,081 30,171 2,930 2,937 3,014 3,052 2,740 3,279 2,777 2,757 564 619 594 607 9,551 9,725 9,753 9,543 2,121 2,218 2,159 1 , 110 11 11 11 11 1,344 1,345 1,259 1,269 74,755 75,352 74,624 74,094 M ar. 7 14 21 28 43,286 43,327 43,143 42,854 1,846 1,770 1,709 1,497 11,282 11,221 11,098 10,973 30,158 30,336 30,336 30,384 3,071 3,083 3,092 3,073 2,917 2,904 3,056 2,806 564 572 581 594 9,611 9,823 9,857 9,933 2,119 2,131 2,150 2,121 13 15 13 13 1,271 1,253 1,276 1,267 73 844 74,085 74,224 73,792 Apr. 4 11 18 25 42,844 42,748 42,853 42,897 42,842 1,530 1,339 1,399 1,218 1,195 10,845 10,832 10,767 10,774 10,663 30,469 30,577 30,687 30,905 30,984 3,016 3,027 3,017 3,039 3,063 3,039 2,620 3,187 2,964 3,036 567 566 587 605 600 9,997 10,077 10,254 10,216 10,418 2,138 2,115 2,230 2,123 2,179 15 12 12 12 13 1,300 1,294 1,323 1,345 1,350 75,232 73,679 74,821 74,747 75,137 May 2 9 16 23 30 43,296 43,676 46,334 46,543 1,368 1,418 1,946 1,889 9,397 9,417 10,470 10,539 32,531 32,841 33,918 34,115 3,072 3,096 3,125 3,159 2,883 3,436 3,630 3,159 580 582 574 585 10,400 10,660 10,142 9,755 2,172 2,345 2,463 2,412 14 15 19 20 1,352 1,343 1,243 1,289 75,655 77,277 81,076 80,757 June 6 13 20 27 47,116 47,338 47,267 47,312 1,932 2,090 1,935 1,913 10,664 10,647 10,646 10,603 34,520 34,601 34,686 34,796 3,132 3,125 3,192 3,201 3,218 3,191 3,136 2,929 542 582 567 567 9,732 9,599 9,710 9,796 2,424 2,415 2,338 2,254 21 18 15 14 1,333 1,328 1,340 1,333 81,561 81,368 81,100 80,746 July 4 11 18 25 47,000 46,771 46,770 46,458 46,371 1,656 1,585 1,633 1,420 1,463 10,581 10,462 10,385 10,277 10,196 34,763 34,724 34,752 34,761 34,712 3,303 3,306 3,318 3,334 3,334 3,280 2,527 2,835 2,908 2,688 543 539 545 556 586 9,833 9,785 9,934 9,939 10,010 2,170 2,191 2,324 2,300 2,229 13 16 15 15 14 1,339 1,342 1,356 1,376 1,385 80,874 79,452 80,103 79,774 79,458 Aug. 1 8 15 22 29 46,182 45,823 45,473 45,140 1,451 1,229 1,213 1,144 10,502 10,347 10,220 9,964 34,229 34,247 34,040 34,032 3,333 3,336 3,347 3,380 2,743 3,174 3,268 2,961 540 583 570 590 10,061 10,117 10,265 10,072 2,183 2,226 2,204 2,086 15 15 14 12 1,388 1,423 1,277 1,274 79,312 79,380 79,182 78,246 Sept. 5 12 19 26 45,143 45,108 45,471 45,458 45,142 1,310 1,284 1,553 1,303 969 9,803 9,830 9,864 9,906 9,863 34,030 33,994 34,054 34,249 34,310 3,301 3,282 3,283 3,270 3,293 2,880 3,305 3,400 3,082 3,558 539 588 572 576 568 10,191 10,250 10,345 10,413 10,336 2,172 2,187 2,288 2,193 2,209 13 13 14 13 14 1,316 1,286 1,302 1,319 1,350 78,141 78,512 78,996 78,603 78,980 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 45,263 45,176 45,550 45,501 1,173 1,016 1,116 975 9,731 9,741 9,889 9,832 34,359 34,419 34,545 34,694 3,240 3,234 3,237 3,248 3,253 3,949 3,488 3,540 575 620 590 627 10,289 10,474 10,460 10,741 2,215 2,334 2,241 2,273 14 13 13 13 1,372 1,359 1,378 1,392 78,752 79,861 80,227 80,967 Nov. 7 14 21 28 48,654 48,817 48,827 48,541 2,164 2,031 1,962 1,674 11,193 11,187 11,218 11,186 35,297 35,599 35,647 35,681 3,233 3,266 3,323 3,363 3,750 3,776 3,573 3,338 598 651 654 668 10,485 10,037 10,237 10,133 2,518 2,570 2,525 2,416 15 18 21 16 1,439 1,425 1,269 1,402 85,945 86,511 86,381 85,706 Dec. 5 12 19 26 177 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In millions Dem and deposits Total demand and time deposits D ate Total Adjusted Unadjusted Individuals, partnerships, and corps. States and political subdivisions U.S. Government Interbank j Domestic Foreign Certified and officers' checks ... 1945 Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 70,456 69,487 69,824 69,798 68,956 34,667 35,112 35,686 35,987 36,076 62,672 61,660 61,983 61,924 61,051 35,219 35,302 36,170 36,268 36,251 1,735 1,807 1,711 1,772 1,859 13,870 13,130 12,755 12,634 12,314 9,843 9,623 9,580 9,226 8,823 879 878 , 891 903 914 Feb. 7 14 21 28 68,503 69,367 68,572 68,632 36,034 36,282 36,635 37,018 60,540 61,371 60,529 60,537 35,935 36,977 36,830 37,347 1,892 1,896 1,888 1,939 11,950 11,610 11,075 10,523 8,873 9,029 8,883 8,883 922 924 929 940 968 935 924 905 M ar. 7 14 21 28 67,980 68,687 67,944 67,405 37,149 37,635 37,585 37,347 59,830 60,509 59,714 59,155 37,168 38,158 37,569 37,198 1,923 1,921 1,986 2,077 9,942 9,481 9,345 9,222 9,065 9,195 9,082 8,902 934 919 925 1 927 798 835 807 829 Apr. 4 11 18 25 67,107 67,278 67,355 37,184 38,037 38,603 39,099 58,867 58,978 59,012 58,427 37,091 38,077 38,739 38,902 2,065 2,057 2,080 2,183 8,794 7,976 7,305 6,686 9,045 9,119 9,102 8,875 927 942 946 961 945 807 840 820 M ay 2 9 16 23 30 67,145 66,602 67,786 67,487 67,717 39,147 39,490 39,900 40,516 40,378 58,745 58,152 59 289 58,977 59,192 38,907 39,044 40,006 40,153 40,190 2,289 2,271 2,239 2,308 2,374 6,484 5,898 5,792 5,343 5,501 9,110 9,160 9,408 9,148 9,256 965 984 1,002 1,006 1,021 990 795 842 1,019 850 June 6 13 20 27 68,210 69,903 74,104 73,904 40,683 41,189 37,176 36,367 59,650 61,318 65,512 65,285 40,323 41,404 37,554 36,525 2,268 2,232 1,861 1,909 5,428 5,499 13,633 14,978 9,629 10,160 10,040 9,763 1,027 1,034 1,033 1,018 975 989 1,391 1,092 July 4 11 18 25 74,894 74,666 74,302 73,823 35,875 36,308 36,852 37,440 66,258 65,976 65,574 65,050 36,019 36,683 37,178 37,506 1,831 1,765 1,807 1,902 16,135 15,488 14,769 14,176 10,013 9,965 9,780 9,453 1,017 1,024 1,037 1,052 1,243 1,051 1,003 961 Aug. 1 8 15 22 29 73,808 72,444 73,074 72,663 72,307 37,533 37,062 37,444 37,587 38,140 64,972 63,543 64,133 63,637 63,250 37,626 36,989 37,691 37,834 38,115 1,904 1,829 1,812 1,959 1,864 13,741 13,362 13,005 12,244 11,739 9,366 9,543 9,789 9,840 9,623 1,052 1,049 1,060 1,058 1,060 1,283 771 776 702 849 Sept. 5 12 19 26 72,141 72,155 72,037 71,020 38,485 38,671 39,017 38,817 63,040 63,000 62,838 61,793 38,465 39,100 39,209 38,798 1,894 1,874 1,843 1,918 10,989 10,150 9,652 9,501 9,760 9,935 9,824 9,446 1,063 1,070 1,077 1,068 869 871 1,233 1,062 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 70,980 71,376 71,854 71,349 71,652 38,690 39,082 39,362 39,929 39,592 61,770 62,122 62,555 62,023 62,307 38,577 39,229 39,896 39,862 39,726 1,975 1,928 1,886 1,991 2,137 9,406 8,793 8,520 3,036 8,098 9,729 9,860 10,186 9,882 9,945 1,065 1,082 1,087 1,094 1,114 1,018 1,230 980 1,158 1,287 Nov. 7 14 21 28 71,378 72,370 72,691 73,270 39,449 39,501 39,805 40,247 62,008 62,994 63,297 63,875 39,518 40,265 40,030 40,230 2,094 2,092 2,079 2,181 7,919 7,884 8,521 8,547 10,265 10,581 10,397 10,432 1,122 1,079 1,086 1,109 1,090 1,093 1,184 1,376 Dec. 5 12 19 26 78,523 79,226 79,048 78,225 37,452 37,381 37,974 37,556 69,146 69,846 69,666 68,805 37,726 37,990 38,160 37,662 1,984 1,893 1,969 1,981 15,958 16,761 16,149 16,100 10,871 10,812 10,833 10,666 1,115 1,116 1,137 1,145 1,492 1,274 1,418 1,251 ----------- -- --------------- 178 1,126 920 876 1,121 890 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65—Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Individ States and uals, part political subdivi nerships, sions and corps. Borrowings U. S. Govern ment Interbank Domestic Foreign From F. R. Banks Other liabilities Capital accounts Other Total liabilities and capital accounts D ate 194S 7,784 7,827 7,841 7,874 7,905 7,584 7,626 7,639 7,668 7,697 112 111 112 115 117 45 45 46 46 46 32 34 33 34 34 11 11 11 11 11 97 139 164 138 169 1,674 1,730 1,732 1,733 1,740 4,602 4,616 4,611 4,622 4,636 76,829 75,972 76,331 76,291 75,501 Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 7,963 7,996 8,043 8,095 7,750 7,783 7,832 7,883 122 122 123 125 46 45 44 44 34 35 33 32 11 11 11 11 205 224 271 288 1,739 1,762 1,751 1,771 4,653 4,657 4,662 4,676 75,100 76,010 75,256 75,367 Feb. 7 14 21 28 8,150 8,178 8,230 8,250 7,936 7,956 8,011 8,028 125 125 123 125 44 44 44 44 34 42 41 42 11 11 11 11 310 203 206 215 1,783 1,786 1,787 1,786 4,682 4,676 4,687 4,688 74,755 75,352 74,624 74,094 M ar. 7 14 21 28 8,240 8,300 8,343 8,372 8,042 8,098 8,133 8,163 99 105 107 106 44 44 44 44 44 42 48 48 11 11 11 11 237 283 335 452 1,796 1,804 1,813 1,816 4,704 4,720 4,721 4,725 73,844 74,085 74,224 73,792 Apr. 4 11 18 25 8,400 8,450 8,497 8,510 8,525 8,190 8,240 8,285 8,298 8,314 108 107 110 109 109 44 44 44 44 44 47 48 47 48 47 11 11 11 11 11 531 472 429 635 797 1,815 1,858 1,860 1,871 J ,872 4,741 4,747 4,746 4,754 4,751 74,232 73,679 74,821 74,747 75,137 May 2 9 16 23 30 8,560 8,585 8,592 8,619 8,345 8,371 8,388 8,415 109 108 109 109 43 43 45 43 47 47 33 36 16 16 17 16 824 721 328 202 1,853 1,898 1,883 1,889 4,768 4,755 4,761 4,762 75,655 77,277 81,076 80,757 June 6 13 20 27 8,636 8,690 8,728 8,773 8,434 8,487 8,529 8,574 108 109 108 107 44 47 43 43 34 31 32 32 16 16 16 17 64 78 149 234 1,808 1,822 1,850 1,887 4,795 4,802 4,799 4,802 81,561 81,368 81,100 80,746 July 4 11 18 25 8,836 8,901 8,941 9,026 9,057 8,637 8,701 8,738 8,824 8,853 107 108 110 110 111 42 44 44 44 44 33 32 33 32 32 17 16 16 16 17 381 299 304 345 385 1,864 1,879 1,894 1,924 1,921 4,821 4,830 4,831 4,842 4,845 80,874 79,452 80,103 79,774 79,458 Aug. 1 8 15 22 29 9,101 9,155 9,199 9,227 8,899 8,954 8,994 9,023 no no 113 112 43 42 43 42 32 32 32 33 17 17 17 17 362 399 272 360 1,951 1,972 2,007 1,995 4,858 4,854 4,866 4,871 79,312 79,380 79,182 78,246 Sept. 5 12 19 26 9,210 9,254 9,299 9,326 9,345 9,008 9,052 9,099 9,128 9,148 110 111 108 105 104 42 42 43 44 44 33 32 32 32 32 17 17 17 17 17 289 262 266 339 405 1,978 1,973 1,976 2,004 2,003 4,894 4,901 4,900 4,911 4,920 78,141 78,512 78,996 78,603 78,980 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 9,370 9,376 9,394 9,395 9,173 9,181 9,199 9,194 106 104 104 no 43 43 43 43 31 31 31 31 17 17 17 17 412 515 540 663 2,026 2,038 2,052 2,085 4,936 4,938 4,944 4,949 78,752 79,861 80,227 80,967 Nov. 7 14 21 28 9,377 9,380 9,382 9,420 9,188 9,190 9,195 9,228 102 102 97 99 42 42 43 45 29 30 30 31 16 16 17 17 354 258 328 451 2,101 2,072 2,047 2,076 4,967 4,955 4,958 4,954 85,945 86,511 86,381 85.706 Dec. 5 12 19 26 . 179 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Loans Loans and investments Total Date Total Total adjusted Adjusted - - - F o r purchasing o r carrying securities Net Com m ercial, indus trial, an d ag ricultural To brokers and dealers U.S. j O ther G ovt. securisecuritics ties j T0 Real estate oth crs U.S. Govt. securi ties O ther securi ties All other Loans to batiks „ . 1946 Jan . 2 9 16 23 30 67,948 67,838 68,220 68,112 68,211 67,865 67,789 68,176 68,029 68,155 15,807 15,261 15,180 15,138 15,134 15,890 15,310 15,224 15,221 15,190 7,249 7,242 7,296 7,275 7,300 1,910 1,636 1,586 1,636 1,608 881 763 765 732 729 2,531 2,418 2,303 2,252 2,225 427 420 421 429 462 1,095 1,098 1,101 1,106 1,107 83 49 44 83 56 1,714 t ,684 1,708 1,708 1,703 Feb. 6 13 20 27 68,223 67,943 68,182 68,148 68,117 67,885 68,102 68,093 15,029 15,016 15,101 15,123 15,135 15,074 15,181 15,178 7,342 7,361 7,386 7,382 1,535 1,524 1,558 1,655 715 706 701 690 2,184 2,153 2,128 2,082 429 431 465 438 1,110 1,118 1,125 1,129 106 58 80 55 1,714 1,723 1,738 1,747 M ar. 6 13 20 27 67,689 67,749 66,298 65,975 67,628 67,694 66,238 65,907 14,975 15,166 15,351 15,622 15,036 15,221 15,411 15,690 7,458 7,486 7,491 7,464 1,480 1,655 1,824 2,066 674 690 721 757 2,031 2,006 1,959 1,948 440 430 428 426 1,130 1,136 1,140 1,152 61 55 60 68 1,762 1,763 1,788 1,809 Apr. 3 10 17 24 65,247 65,338 65,515 65,340 65,161 65,278 65,434 65,263 15,186 15,164 14,944 14,915 15,272 15,224 15,025 14,992 7,506 7,560 7,509 7,468 1,575 1,586 1,414 1,388 779 719 720 757 1,917 1,875 1,854 1,830 417 422 425 427 1,157 1,163 1,170 1,185 86 60 SI 77 1,835 1,839 1,852 1,860 M ay 1 8 15 22 29 64,433 64,067 64,071 64,160 63,887 64,342 63,967 64,006 64,069 63,813 14,962 14,811 14,750 14,721 14,830 15,053 14,911 14,815 14,812 14,904 7,473 7,456 7,461 7,467 7,482 1,400 1,349 1,342 1,294 1,370 804 754 715 718 797 1,780 1,747 1,702 1,671 1,663 444 435 442 457 450 1,195 1,206 1,214 1,221 1,228 91 100 65 91 74 1,866 1,864 1,874 1,893 1,840 June 5 12 19 26 63,331 62,864 62,505 61,748 63,251 62,748 62,413 61,658 14,662 14,670 14,711 14,827 14,742 14,786 14,803 14,917 7,469 7,507 7,520 7,529 1,279 1,242 1,264 1,400 744 733 728 7.9 1,629 1,610 1,588 1,559 448 448 453 454 1,239 1,251 1,264 1,277 80 116 92 90 1,854 1,879 1,894 1,889 July 3 10 17 24 31 61,049 60,615 60,869 60,547 60,662 60,895 60,504 60,749 60,426 60,473 14,734 14,913 14,641 14,682 14,723 14,888 15,024 14,761 14,803 14,912 7,611 7,717 7,810 7,974 8,018 1,199 1,315 1,031 832 932 754 744 703 785 672 1,511 1,472 1,431 1,393 1,355 455 463 452 457 482 1,284 1,296 1,306 1,313 1,332 154 111 120 121 189 1,920 t , 906 1,908 1,928 1,932 Aug. 7 14 21 28 59,786 59,910 60,030 59,983 59,653 59,733 59,856 59,811 14,744 14,815 14,847 14,906 14,877 14,992 15,021 15,078 8,136 8,295 8,416 8,496 861 840 783 807 667 616 586 564 1,328 1,300 1,269 1,252 452 452 467 444 1,338 1,349 1,356 1,367 133 177 174 172 1,962 1,963 1,970 1,976 Sept. 4 11 18 25 59,096 59,212 59,408 59,074 58,943 59,101 59,312 58,942 15,024 15,075 15,270 15,411 15,177 15,186 15,366 15,543 8,607 8,765 8,925 9,070 834 794 851 899 552 534 543 497 1,217 1,138 1,078 1,067 436 428 425 421 1,377 1,386 1,405 1,412 153 111 96 132 2,001 2,030 2,043 2,045 Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 58,108 58,170 58,317 58,768 58,554 57,981 58,043 58,205 58,645 58,366 15,350 15,365 15,519 15,609 15,905 15,477 15,492 15,63! 15,732 16,093 9,164 9,381 9,547 9,622 9,759 786 637 638 658 800 467 436 428 412 408 1,037 994 973 940 920 418 407 410 413 423 1,424 1,435 1,445 1,458 1,473 127 127 112 123 188 2,054 2,075 2,078 2,106 2,122 Nov. 6 13 20 27 57,609 57,548 57,736 57,791 57,378 57,337 57,638 57,645 16,025 16,310 16,377 16,402 16,256 16,521 16,475 16,548 9,846 10,029 10,156 10,143 835 923 881 913 420 415 387 412 900 908 840 814 409 405 453 419 1,479 1,493 1,503 1,513 231 211 98 146 2,136 2,137 2,157 2,188 Dcc. 4 11 18 25 31 57,583 57,641 56,865 56,173 56,153 57,435 57,453 56,642 55,990 56,086 16,458 16,515 16,671 16,737 16,627 16,606 16,703 16,894 16,920 16,694 10,171 10,287 10,351 10,334 10,251 925 875 753 866 947 422 398 603 579 428 794 767 723 700 682 415 428 430 427 434 1,520 1,531 1,541 1,553 1,563 148 188 223 183 67 2,211 2,229 2,270 2,278 2,322 180 • WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Balances with— Investments U S. Governn nent securit ies Notes and bonds Other securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks Other assets Total assets D ate Total Bills C ertif icates 48,674 49,133 49,629 49,531 49,656 1,761 1,958 2,030 1,754 1,742 12,130 12,371 12,593 12,716 12,778 34,783 34,804 35,006 35,061 35,136 3,384 3,395 3,367 3,360 3,365 4,188 3,192 3,705 3,266 3,103 610 613 583 568 585 10,217 10,175 10,375 10,236 10,088 2,595 2,448 2,526 2,352 2,238 19 20 19 20 20 1,335 1,340 1,348 1,368 1,377 86,912 85,626 86,776 85,922 85,622 Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 4 9 ,7 i6 49,485 49,586 49,518 1,703 1,526 1,514 1,517 12,868 12,788 12,894 12,860 35,145 35,171 35,178 35,141 3,372 3,384 3,415 3,452 3,240 3,885 3,377 3,383 545 604 573 597 10,133 10,110 10,004 9,992 2 ,2 31 2,309 2,275 2,268 20 21 20 19 1,397 1,464 1,416 1,444 85,789 86,336 85,847 85,851 Feb. 6 13 20 27 49,222 49,088 47,458 46,818 1,415 1,268 1,008 785 12,669 12,686 12,272 11,944 35,138 35,134 34,178 34,089 3,431 3,440 3,429 3,467 3,109 3,708 3,348 3,319 551 593 562 569 9,911 10,051 9,8869,871 2,243 2,237 2,110 2,071 23 23 24 26 1,438 1,444 1,328 1,338 84,964 85,805 83,556 83,169 M ar. 6 13 20 27 46,538 46,689 47,050 46,935 1,039 1,243 1,376 1,262 11,345 11,252 11,346 11,344 34,154 34,194 34,328 34,329 3,437 3,425 3,440 3,413 3,458 3,286 3,772 3,366 536 580 564 591 9,807 9,816 9,868 9,958 2,116 2,157 2,226 2,141 22 24 23 24 1,340 1,343 1,369 1,368 82,526 82,544 83,337 82,788 Apr. 3 10 17 24 45,993 45,777 45,871 45,965 45,593 1,052 984 1,220 1,262 1,014 10,608 10,461 10,333 10,417 10,359 34,333 34,332 34,318 34,286 34,220 3,387 3,379 3,385 3,383 3,390 3,820 3,092 3,942 3,405 3,525 541 569 558 574 568 10,152 10,123 10,045 9,978 10,118 2,154 2,128 2,254 2,118 2,119 22 26 25 24 24 1,419 1,420 1,431 1,422 1,440 82,541 81,425 82,326 81,681 81,681 May 1 8 15 22 29 45,222 44,716 44,324 43,437 1,205 824 1,268 758 9,827 9,680 9,705 9,380 34,190 34,212 33,351 33,299 3,367 3,362 3,378 3,394 3,504 3,967 3,888 3,491 580 612 587 600 10,195 10,219 10,208 10,244 2,118 2,195 2,148 2,096 27 27 25 26 1,470 1,493 1,366 1,371 81,225 81,377 80,727 79,576 June 5 12 19 26 42,744 42,185 42,643 42,266 42,269 1,026 709 1,121 780 773 9,905 9,687 9,572 9,557 9,605 31,813 31,789 31,950 31,929 31,891 3,417 3,406 3,465 3,478 3,481 3,915 3,647 3,991 3,566 3,640 545 619 594 590 580 10,111 10,141 10,177 10,145 10,221 2,164 2,143 2,241 2,132 2,175 30 31 38 51 51 1,387 1,368 1,422 1,413 1,455 79,201 78,564 79,332 78,444 78,784 July 3 10 17 24 31 41,454 41,460 41,571 41,463 667 760 862 758 8,908 8,832 8,797 8,762 31,879 31,868 31,912 31,943 3,455 3,458 3,438 3,442 3,181 3,966 3,506 3,300 580 608 581 617 10,280 10,194 10,162 10,087 2,102 2,230 2,134 2,107 50 49 49 48 1,434 1,456 1,461 1,477 77,413 78,413 77,923 77,619 Aug. 7 14 21 28 40,492 40,595 40,525 39,990 581 810 805 576 8,011 7,847 7,726 7,441 31,900 31,938 31,994 31,973 3,427 3,431 3,517 3,541 3,415 3,909 3,948 3,519 589 656 617 613 10,201 10,201 10,342 10,169 2,028 2,111 2,213 2,083 49 47 47 46 1,460 1,494 1,356 1,345 76,838 77,630 77,931 76,849 Sept. 4 11 18 25 39,088 39,187 39,230 39,619 39,044 679 734 857 1,233 660 6,547 6,621 6 ,6 (8 6,701 6,729 31,862 31,832 31,755 31,685 31,655 3,543 3,491 3,456 3,417 3,417 3,820 3,359 4,554 3,625 3,636 576 617 591 623 637 10,242 10,146 10,202 9,961 10,161 2,113 2,092 2,241 2,128 2,121 56 55 53 51 52 1,352 1,366 1,374 1,371 J , 390 76,267 75,805 77,332 76,527 76,551 Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 37,967 37,626 37,881 37,859 444 490 779 741 5,918 5,710 5,640 5,641 31,605 31,426 31,462 31,477 3,386 3,401 3,380 3,384 3,989 4,656 4,090 3,943 636 678 641 633 10,127 10,278 10,215 10,215 2,087 2,205 2,129 2,108 48 48 49 49 1,389 1,384 1,394 1,404 75,885 76,797 76,254 76,143 Nov. 6 13 20 27 37,623 37,572 36,559 35,837 36,029 671 596 1,010 567 886 5,532 5,497 5,382 5,254 5,202 31,420 31,479 30,167 30,016 29,941 3,354 3,366 3,412 3,416 3,430 3,644 4,212 4,586 3,875 4,734 643 710 710 663 639 10,320 10,457 10,469 10,489 10,111 2,122 2,184 2,226 2,120 2,234 47 47 50 47 50 1,420 1,449 1,324 1,343 1,340 75,779 76,700 76,230 74,710 75,261 Dcc. 4 11 18 25 31 1946 181 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS ANI) A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In. millions Total demand and time deposits Date Demand deposits Total Adjusted Unadjusted Individuals, 1 States and ' U.S. 1 partnerships, I political i G overnment I and corps, subdivisions j \ Interbank Domestic T Certified and officers* checks Foreign - ' 1946 2 9 16 23 30 79,636 78,395 79,539 78,659 78.288 37,066 37,384 37,728 38,037 38,026 70,141 68,843 69,971 69,061 68,674 37,674 37,491 38,257 38,084 i 37,933 1,949 1,934 1,956 2,024 2,123 16,660 16,100 16,165 16,032 16,227 11,061 10,986 11,213 10,562 10,131 j 1,166 1,181 1,160 1,164 1,187 ' J ' ! 1,631 1,151 1,220 1,195 1,073 Feb. 6 13 20 27 78,386 78,870 78,426 78,439 37,821 37,542 37,687 37,610 68,738 69,198 68,718 68,697 37,650 38,170 37,727 37,741 2,138 2,140 2,141 2,160 16,291 16,348 16,387 16,481 10,180 i 10,212 10,065 10,026 1,206 1,211 1,202 1,197 1 J 1 j 1,273 M 17 1,196 1,092 M ar. 6 13 20 27 77.417 77,963 75,947 75,359 37,387 37,606 37,435 37,116 67,646 68,179 66,158 65,556 37,286 37,950 37,426 36,990 2,142 2,159 2,165 2,243 15,843 15,637 14,459 14,536 10,099 | 10,008 9,690 1 9,352 | 1,208 1 1,220 1,226 1,233 i 1,068 1,205 1,192 1,202 Apr. 3 10 17 24 74,723 75,093 75,895 75,303 36,553 37,259 37,748 38,089 64.895 65,244 66,029 65,403 36,320 I 37,126 1 37,912 i 37,959 2,281 2,288 2,308 2,308 14,008 13,923 13,637 13,334 9,629 9,531 9,634 9,378 J ! 1 | 1,247 1,245 1,238 1,236 1,410 1,131 1,300 1,188 May 1 8 15 22 29 75,119 73.981 74,977 74.289 74,286 38,242 38,251 38,348 38,727 38,945 65,186 64,010 64,980 64,273 64,204 38,041 37,770 38,690 38,581 38,669 ' , I 2,456 2,398 2,381 2,345 2,433 12,363 11,990 11,922 11,666 11,377 1,256 1,255 1,228 1,228 1,236 1,565 1,175 1,219 1,206 1,364 June 5 12 19 26 73,743 73,850 73,168 72.085 39,471 39,505 39,869 39,522 63,628 63,720 63,025 61,912 39,190 ' 39,738 I 40,034 39,295 2,436 2,372 2,370 2,436 10,071 9,654 8,644 8,660 9,505 i 9,422 9,540 1 9,247 I 9,125 i 9,352 j 9,355 9,363 i 8,997 1,230 1,239 1,261 1,242 1,349 1,362 1,353 1,282 July 3 10 17 24 31 71,650 71.012 71,799 70,921 71,162 39,241 39.134 39,247 39,427 39,362 61,463 60,799 61,571 60,679 60.895 39,374 39,250 39,757 39,505 I 39,508 j 2,318 2,256 2,212 2,239 2,274 7,665 7,413 7,449 7,161 7,299 9,403 9,371 9,639 9,287 9,347 j 1,239 1,234 1,245 1,238 1,247 1,464 1,275 1,269 1,249 1,220 Aug. 7 14 21 28 69,780 70,773 70,255 69,994 39,069 39,078 39,170 39,303 59,477 60.456 59,925 59,666 38,867 39,593 39,322 39,273 2,232 2,209 2,206 2,245 6,586 6,622 6,664 6,556 9,409 j 9,537 ! 9,314 j 9,214 J 1,232 1,253 1,271 1,293 1,151 1,242 1,148 1,085 Sept. 4 11 18 25 69,107 69.981 70,313 69,176 39,437 39,619 39,767 39,492 58,778 59,641 59,967 58,797 39,415 40,088 40,279 39,603 2,264 2,209 2,236 2,232 5,354 5,408 5,442 5,482 9,285 1 9,395 9,499 9,010 I 1,287 1,310 1,311 1,294 1,173 1,231 1,200 1,176 9 16 23 30 68,671 68.085 69,648 68,872 68,841 39,237 39,277 39,267 39,690 39,653 58,277 57,673 59,230 58.456 58,427 39,418 39,314 40,522 40,029 39,851 2,370 2,229 2,198 2,185 2,308 4,680 4,559 4,588 4,639 4,640 9,258 9,206 i 9,552 9,216 1 9,207 1,282 1,272 1,269 1,286 1,291 1,269 1,093 1,101 1,101 1,130 Nov. 6 13 20 27 68.012 68,920 68,507 68.418 39,530 39,501 39,840 40.135 57,580 58,488 58,049 57,988 40,032 40,661 40,460 40,638 2,309 2,298 2,244 2,270 3,401 3,425 3,459 3,524 9,350 | 9,614 9,391 1 9,121 1,310 1,292 1,269 1,265 1,178 1,198 1,226 1,170 Dec. 4 11 18 25 31 68,045 68,913 68,373 66,897 67,713 39,999 40,322 41,010 40,536 39,981 57,606 58,474 57,930 56,436 57,177 40,178 40,957 41,840 40,977 40,922 2,248 2,243 2,275 2,238 2,269 3,311 3,375 1,484 1,554 1,795 9,406 9,337 9,582 9,219 9,415 | i 1,246 1,228 1,268 1,252 1,252 1,217 1,334 1,481 1,196 1,524 Jan. Oct. | 182 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEKLY, 1941-fiS— Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Individ* States and uals, part political nerships, subdivi and corps. sions Borrowings U .S . G overn ment Interbank Domestic From F. R. Banks Foreign O ther Other liabilities Capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts D ate 1946 9,495 9,552 9,568 9,598 9,614 9,304 9,360 9,376 9,402 9,416 99 101 101 105 106 44 44 44 43 44 31 30 30 31 31 17 17 17 17 17 232 161 162 187 259 2,051 2,074 2,080 2,079 2,080 4,993 4,996 4,995 4,997 4,995 86,912 85,626 86,776 85,922 85,622 Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 9,648 9,672 9,708 9,742 9,442 9,464 9,496 9,526 115 117 120 123 44 44 46 46 29 29 29 30 18 18 17 17 290 350 297 275 2,088 2,087 2.088 2,102 5,025 5,029 5,036 5,035 85,789 86,336 85,847 85,851 Feb. 6 13 20 27 9,771 9,784 9,789 9,803 9,554 9,563 9,569 9,577 123 126 126 127 46 47 47 47 30 30 29 29 18 18 18 23 361 626 429 614 2,131 2,160 2,119 2,131 5,055 5,056 5,061 5,065 84,964 85,805 83,556 83,169 M ar. 6 13 20 27 9,828 9,849 9,866 9,900 9,597 9,622 9,638 9,670 131 128 130 130 48 47 47 49 30 30 30 29 22 22 21 22 628 268 261 282 2,091 2,090 2,088 2,100 5,084 5,093 5,093 5,103 82,526 82,544 83,337 82,788 Apr. 3 10 17 24 9,933 9,971 9,997 10,016 10,082 9,704 9,740 9,765 9,785 9,851 129 131 130 129 128 48 48 49 50 51 28 28 29 28 28 24 24 24 24 24 198 181 77 122 118 2,105 2,137 2,148 2,142 2,156 5,119 5,126 5,124 5,128 5,121 82,541 81,425 82,326 81,681 81,681 May 1 8 15 22 29 10,115 10,130 10,143 10,173 9,882 9,901 9,915 9,943 129 125 121 120 51 52 54 56 29 27 27 28 24 25 26 26 173 176 184 126 2,164 2,209 2,238 2,230 5,145 5,142 5,137 5,135 81,225 81,377 80,727 79,576 June 5 12 19 26 10,187 10,213 10,228 10,242 10,267 9,958 9,969 9,980 9,994 10,020 121 134 139 139 139 54 55 55 55 55 27 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 233 204 172 168 253 2,156 2,181 2,199 2,185 2,189 5,162 5,167 5,162 5,170 5,180 79,201 78,564 79,332 78,444 78,784 July 3 10 17 24 31 10,303 10,317 10,330 10,328 10,051 10,064 10,075 10,075 141 143 145 145 56 56 58 60 28 27 27 28 27 27 25 20 232 237 230 183 2,211 2,209 2,245 2,245 5,190 5,194 5,193 5,197 77,413 78,413 77,923 77,619 Aug. 7 14 21 28 10,329 10,340 10,346 10,379 10,075 10,084 10,092 10,120 147 149 150 152 59 59 56 58 28 28 28 27 20 20 20 22 288 162 162 215 2,232 2,278 2,238 2,250 5,211 5,209 5,218 5,208 76,838 77,630 77,931 76,849 Sept. 4 11 18 25 10,394 10,412 10,418 10,416 10,414 10,133 10,156 10,161 10,162 10,159 153 148 149 146 145 58 59 58 59 60 28 27 28 27 28 22 22 22 22 22 145 209 179 149 194 2,225 2,277 2,278 2,272 2,286 5,226 5,234 5,227 5,234 5,230 76,267 75,805 77,332 76,527 76,551 Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 10,432 10,432 10,458 10,430 10,180 10,178 10,185 10,158 144 145 163 162 60 59 60 60 26 27 27 27 22 23 23 23 334 329 194 156 2,283 2,299 2,302 2,320 5,256 5,249 5,251 5,249 75,885 76,797 76,254 76,143 Nov. 6 13 20 27 10,439 10,439 10,443 10,461 10,536 10,169 10,169 10,171 10,192 10,256 162 161 164 161 165 60 61 60 61 69 27 27 27 27 27 21 21 21 20 19 181 219 299 283 6 2,296 2,320 2,305 2,286 2,287 5,257 5,248 5,253 5,243 5,255 75,779 76,700 76,230 74,710 75,261 Dec. 4 11 18 25 31 ' 183 BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In millions Loans and investments Total . Ad justed __ .... r o r purchasing or carrying securities Total Total ad justed Loans _______ ___ ----- ------ „ ____ =______ Net Com mercial, indus trial, and ag ricul tural i To brokers and dealers , ____ Other U.S. securi G ovt. ties securi ties _ _ _ _ ___ To others .___ __ Real estate O ther U.S. G ovt. 1 securi securi ties ties M em o: val uation reserves Loans 1 Alt to ,| other banks j ,i 8 15 22 29 63,986 64,442 64,430 64,167 63,872 64,331 64,300 63,952 19,049 19,107 19,134 19,351 19,163 19,218 19,264 19,566 11,315 11,437 11,542 11,599 813 727 671 818 440 426 418 417 695 6S1 655 625 509 513 506 514 2,507 2,529 2,550 2,563 114 1 2,770 2,794 111 130 2,792 215 2,815 5 12 26 63,880 63,549 63,372 63,309 63,694 63,448 63,246 63,139 19,209 19,479 19,512 19,589 19,395 19,580 19,638 19,759 11,673 11,780 11,757 11,820 595 728 739 789 411 401 453 402 626 520 616 616 506 509 508 496 2,578 2,594 2,613 2,631 186 101 | 126 170 i 2,820 2,847 2,826 2,835 5 12 19 26 63,687 63,875 63,873 63,461 63,536 63,728 63,753 63,281 19,376 19,567 19,566 19,671 19,527 19,714 19,686 19,851 11,910 12,119 12,208 12,192 447 423 343 394 432 430 393 432 592 574 564 561 498 496 496 496 2,657 2,673 2,698 2,721 151 147 120 180 2,840 2,852 2,864 2,875 2 9 16 23 30 62,979 63,111 63,474 63,420 63,438 62,800 62,931 63,363 63,300 63,254 19,841 19.792 19j 697 19,537 19,680 20,020 19,972 19,808 19,657 19,864 12,271 12,269 12,172 12,057 12,043 433 438 411 333 414 441 402 402 406 419 566 654 542 543 542 497 490 492 492 509 2,739 2,767 2,783 2,806 2,831 179 180 III 120 184 2,894 2,880 2,895 2,900 2,922 7 14 21 28 63,247 63,137 63,053 63,239 62,990 62,977 62,937 63,048 19,666 19,754 19,701 19,824 19,923 19,914 19,817 20,015 11,953 11,960 11,857 11,792 446 544 597 773 484 438 399 396 538 532 524 527 486 483 498 482 2,845 2,868 2,895 2,897 257 160 116 191 2,914 2,929 2,931 2,957 4 11 18 25 62,909 62,970 63,406 63,285 62,672 62,861 63,276 63,134 20,048 19,971 19,942 20,079 20,285 20,080 20,072 20,230 11,752 11,763 11,754 11,757 829 760 713 784 576 507 526 514 528 525 503 498 477 485 485 480 2,904 2,930 2,949 2,967 237 109 103 151 2,982 ....... 3,001 3.012 3,079 lL rt 9 16 23 30 63,371 63,227 63,416 63,513 63,479 63,213 63,096 63,294 63,360 63,244 20,119 19,911 20,019 20,041 20,273 20,277 20,042 20,141 20,194 20,508 11,875 11,857 11,914 11,949 12,033 742 605 501 519 573 524 457 585 530 522 515 511 513 509 522 472 467 464 463 502 2,993 3,017 3,038 3,065 3,091 158 131 122 153 235 3,121 3,120 3,127 3,129 3,153 , 123 123 123 123 123 6 13 20 27 63,629 63,513 63,646 63,730 63,360 63,272 63,395 63,524 20,393 20,456 20,641 20,894 20,662 20,697 20,892 21,100 12,158 12,304 12,367 12,472 616 531 604 735' 499 468 465 451 509 509 496 502 472 468 483 475 3,110 3,126 3,149 3,168 269 241 251 206 3,152 i 3,173 , 3,200 ! 3,214 123 123 123 123 3 10 17 24 63,799 64,292 64,714 (>4,566 63,584 64,081 64,520 64,291 20,997 21,108 21,189 21,294 21,212 21,319 21,383 21,569 12,584 12,783 12,924 13,002 714 605 475 498 452 442 449 435 502 504 499 497 474 477 477 477 3,183 3,201 3,220 3,238 215 211 194 275 3,211 1 3,219 , 3,268 3,271 | 123 123 123 124 1 8 15 22 29 04,796 64,719 64,620 65,029 65,034 64,550 64,434 64,392 64,875 64,847 21,810 21,783 22,030 21,994 22,385 22,056 22,068 22,258 22,148 22,572 13,183 13,269 13,499 13,662 13,885 667 554 498 344 406 567 536 568 493 564 497 499 495 491 480 479 487 489 487 497 3,256 3,270 3,291 3,307 3,328 246 285 228 154 187 124 124 124 124 12 19 26 5 64,910 64,937 64,924 65,042 64,664 64,755 64,744 64,807 22,448 22,698 22,694 22,864 22,694 22,880 22,874 23,099 14,039 14,220 14,282 14,346 399 444 • 374 458 462 463 432 472 474 458 439 433 487 487 516 488 3,343 3,359 3,379 3,392 246 182 180 235 3,285 3,292 , 3,314 3,334 1 3,350 j 3,369 3,392 ! 3,397 1 3,402 3 10 17 24 31 65,027 65,140 65,385 65,305 64,815 64,797 64,849 65,208 65,112 64,709 22,999 23,052 23,341 23,529 23,222 23,229 23,343 23,518 23,722 23,328 , 14,437 i 1 14,540 | 14,698 ! 14,798 1 14,730 443 421 646 634 492 434 418 403 404 376 512 510 491 491 515 3,400 3,425 3,441 3,458 3,472 230 291 177 193 106 19 476 428 331 407 , 292 184 ! I ! 1 ' . . ...” . ,. . " * 3,424 3,437 3,458 3,464 , 34,92 1 . 125 125 125 125 127 127 127 127 127 147 ^^ WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Balances w ith— Investments V S. G overni n en t securi ties To Ull Bills Certif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities C ash items in process o f col lection C u r rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets Total assets Date 1947 40 41 41 40 870 271 215 642 754 1,133 917 438 6,307 6,300 6,449 6,345 33,809 33,838 33,849 33,859 3,953 3,953 3,951 3,959 4,043 5,018 4,518 4,110 788 756 747 765 11,944 11,885 11,835 11,690 2,351 2,570 2,412 2,255 52 50 51 53 953 970 980 1,008 84,117 85,691 84,973 84,048 Jan. 8 15 22 29 40 40 39 39 539 023 802 619 566 341 441 424 6,076 5,765 5,507 5,382 33,897 33,917 33,854 33,813 3,946 3,946 3,932 3,931 3,776 4,292 4,518 4,411 694 730 733 740 11,684 11,601 11,411 11,460 2,213 2,230 2,290 2,253 49 47 47 47 1,017 1,022 1,032 1,044 83,313 83,471 83,403 83,264 Feb. 5 12 19 26 40 40 40 39 159 138 141 480 1,019 872 1,311 793 5,318 5,437 5,641 5,503 33,822 33,829 33,189 33,184 4,001 4,023 4,046 4,130 4,170 4,612 4,431 4,026 702 771 751 749 11,440 11,434 11,492 11,362 2,334 2,462 2,425 2,208 43 45 47 49 1,067 1,068 931 953 83,443 84,267 83,950 82,808 Mar. 5 12 19 26 38 39 39 39 39 850 034 556 650 465 692 819 1,181 1,003 753 5,036 5,066 5,15! 5,304 5,402 33,122 33,149 33,224 33,343 33,310 4,109 4,105 4,110 4,113 4,109 4,252 4,002 4,881 4,004 4,390 706 770 725 749 727 11,167 11 545 11,563 1!,489 11,512 2,285 2,310 2,453 2,259 2,321 50 43 40 43 41 967 965 966 988 1,038 82,406 82,746 84,102 82,952 83,467 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 39 39 39 39 273 197 226 220 607 579 697 827 5,367 5,275 5,211 5,135 33,299 33,343 33,318 33,258 4,051 4,026 4,010 4,004 3,966 4,872 4,178 4,202 740 778 746 788 11,531 11 574 11,623 11 394 2,256 2,403 2,285 2,219 44 39 43 50 1,042 1,042 1,017 1,031 82,826 83,845 82,945 82,923 M ay 7 14 21 28 38 38 39 38 536 817 246 943 471 819 1,151 832 4,776 4,692 4,799 4,782 33,289 33,306 33,296 33,329 4,088 4,073 4,088 4,112 4,194 4,558 4,702 4,321 736 784 767 771 11 598 11 629 11,768 11,728 2,225 2,290 2,418 2,228 53 36 41 42 1,051 1,045 911 912 82,766 83,312 84,013 83,287 June 4 11 18 25 38 39 39 39 38 990 099 145 154 739 989 1,100 1,072 951 638 4,648 4,570 4,551 4,672 4,535 33,353 33,429 33,522 33,531 33,566 4,104 4,086 4,130 4,165 4,232 4,826 4,278 4,972 4,144 4,237 730 783 756 763 777 11,627 11,755 11,853 11 808 11,915 2,325 2,305 2,408 2,268 2,234 34 30 30 32 32 928 936 960 962 990 83,841 83,314 84,395 83,490 83,664 July 2 9 16 23 30 38 38 38 38 735 588 527 395 726 649 608 611 4,384 4,325 ' 4,305 4,162 33,625 33,614 33,614 33,622 4,232 4,228 4,227 4,235 3,864 4,590 4,344 4,148 721 774 735 783 11,921 11,924 11,945 12,020 2,255 2,363 2,298 2,264 32 30 24 25 1,009 1,027 1,035 1,041 83,431 84,221 84,027 84,011 Aug. 6 13 20 27 38 38 39 38 354 699 022 680 582 812 1,077 694 4,138 4,095 4,146 4,154 33,634 33,792 33,799 33,832 4,233 4,274 4,309 4,317 4,483 4,668 5,022 4,357 784 854 791 808 12,176 12,266 12,348 12,236 2.257 2,394 2,512 2,318 23 28 25 24 1,083 1,105 958 952 84,605 85,607 86,370 85,261 Sept. 3 10 17 24 38 38 38 38 38 400 373 103 632 192 519 545 629 938 769 4,025 3,993 3,997 4,125 4,032 33,856 33,835 33,477 33,569 33,391 4,340 4,278 4,259 4,249 4,270 5,035 4,394 6,489 4,827 4,743 743 790 800 800 816 12,383 12,477 12,571 12,421 12,309 2,370 2,439 2,672 2,429 2,352 25 24 24 24 23 987 991 999 1,011 1,018 86,339 85,834 88,175 86,541 86,295 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 37 37 37 37 982 834 829 724 717 807 1,041 1,021 3,924 3,763 3,765 3,793 33,341 33,264 33,023 32,910 4,234 4,223 4,221 4,219 4,892 5,993 5,285 5,264 774 872 817 800 12,429 12,180 12,417 12,458 2,402 2,483 2,461 2,326 24 23 22 25 1,045 1,059 1,065 1,079 86,476 87,547 86,991 86,994 Nov. 5 12 19 26 37 37 37 37 37 560 564 653 366 227 948 1,110 1,367 1,299 1,530 3,291 3,272 3,289 3,263 3,338 33,321 33,182 32,997 32,804 32,359 4,238 4,233 4,214 4,217 4,260 5,078 4,906 5,991 5,212 6,331 818 882 896 815 826 12,413 12,489 12,857 12,700 13,138 2,334 2,363 2,533 2,387 2,694 25 24 26 21 25 1,111 1,123 995 983 1,006 86,806 86,927 88,683 87,423 88,835 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 18 5 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Dem and deposits Total demand and time deposits Date Individuals, partnerships, and corps. Total Adjusted States ond political subdivisions U.S. Government Inter sank Domestic Unadjusted Foreign Certified and officers’ checks ' 1947 Jan. 8 15 22 29 77,516 79,145 78,374 77,282 46,564 46,830 46,787 46,552 63,352 65,005 64,228 63,135 46,362 47,425 46,763 46,106 2,800 2,861 2,863 2,948 1,516 1,586 1,674 1,819 9,891 10,233 9,892 9,310 1,338 1,338 1,357 1,344 1,445 1,562 1,679 1,608 Feb. 5 12 19 26 76,581 76,703 76,687 76,442 45,975 45,586 45,212 45,124 62,404 62,507 62,449 62,163 45,430 45,500 45,381 45,199 2,948 2,978 2,888 2,937 1,965 2,026 2,045 2,135 9,343 9,264 9,313 9,154 1,345 1,339 1,361 1,339 1,373 1,400 1,461 1,399 M ar. 5 12 19 26 76,739 77,579 77,261 76,018 45,002 45,234 45,499 45,288 62,366 63,222 62,924 61,689 44,797 45,625 45,596 44,951 2,951 2,885 2,939 3,069 2,277 2,357 2,020 2,092 9,581 9,661 9,625 8,943 1,336 1,358 1,349 1,340 1,424 1,336 1,395 1,294 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 75,490 75,990 77,465 76,284 76,716 44,482 45,011 45,537 45,960 46,150 61,139 61,596 63,090 61,884 62,319 44,210 44,683 46,000 45,485 45,798 3,075 3,029 3,022 3,111 3,350 1,817 1,870 1,890 1,625 1,476 9,227 9,369 9,428 8,933 8,944 1,361 1,344 1,354 1,362 1,359 1,449 1,301 1,396 1,368 1,392 May 7 14 21 28 76,017 77,100 76,248 76,172 45,731 45,760 46,061 46,314 61,591 62,665 61,788 61,712 44,990 46,012 45,700 45,807 3,240 3,222 3,261 3,268 1,372 1,438 1,333 1,119 9,114 9,200 8,846 8,736 1,408 1,395 1,370 1,341 1,467 1,398 1,278 1,441 June 4 11 18 25 75,894 76,505 77,228 76,488 46,627 46,779 47,035 46,989 61,429 62,030 62,745 61,997 46,008 46,596 47,103 46,521 3,365 3,237 3,231 3,285 350 434 472 544 8,910 8,940 9,209 8,768 1,348 1,319 1,327 1,375 1,448 1,504 1,403 1,504 July 2 9 16 23 30 77,089 76,537 77,665 76,729 76,820 46,626 46,525 46,963 47,187 47,145 62,580 62,030 63,156 62,218 62,306 46,443 46,351 47,459 46,899 46,816 3,191 3,061 3,040 3,079 3,109 596 656 491 539 648 9,182 9,228 9,376 9,009 8,968 1,350 1,343 1,354 1,339 1,308 1,818 1,391 1,436 1,353 1,457 Aug. 6 13 20 27 76,543 77,277 77,144 77,192 46,809 46,574 46,780 47,105 62,022 62,756 62,602 62,658 46,219 46,879 46,683 46,747 3,128 3,051 3,043 3,162 748 791 825 868 9,271 9,441 9,261 9,123 1,330 1,360 1,392 1,414 1,326 1,234 1,398 1,344 Sept. 3 10 17 24 77,730 78,719 79,485 78,280 46,954 47,350 47,498 47,303 63,175 64,127 64,891 63,676 46,884 47,514 48,174 47,266 3,124 3,069 2,996 3,036 940 950 889 945 9,364 9,728 10,047 9,647 1,434 1,431 1,435 1,424 1,429 1,435 1,350 1,358 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 79,391 78,880 81,224 79,713 79,184 47,056 46,767 46,927 47,467 47,771 64,792 64,264 66,602 65,095 64,561 47,330 46,838 48,892 47,974 47,988 3,076 2,925 2,954 2,908 3,027 1,561 1,652 1,344 1,372 969 9,728 10,034 10,437 10,029 9,664 1,412 1,417 1,405 1,400 1,414 1,685 1,398 1,570 1,412 1,499 Nov. 5 12 19 26 79,445 80,362 80,005 79,737 47,452 47,275 47,622 47,982 64,835 65,749 65,410 65,198 47,766 48,696 48,449 48,460 3,129 3,060 3,028 3,141 1,095 1,105 1,036 1,048 10,005 10,002 10,090 9,526 1,391 1,374 1,377 1,378 1,449 1,512 1,430 1,645 Dcc. 3 10 17 24 31 79,663 79,757 81,704 80,321 82,061 48,247 48,570 4 9 ,1 6 0 65,146 65,240 67,190 65,781 67,413 48,379 48,966 50,216 49,446 49,809 3,146 3,106 3,122 3,119 3,246 741 717 461 544 793 9,702 9,673 10,190 9,792 10,251 1,378 1,374 2,388 1,357 1,353 1,800 1,404 1,813 1,523 1,961 48,876 48,685 186 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65— Continued o f dollars) Time deposits U . S. Govern ment Borrowings Interbank Other liabilities Capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Individ uals, part nerships, and corps. States and political subdivi sions 14,164 14,140 14.146 14.147 13,770 13,759 13,776 13,775 258 245 234 237 52 52 52 51 132 103 129 290 844 837 847 844 5,625 5,606 5,623 5,632 84,117 85,691 84,973 84,048 Jan. 14,177 14,196 14,238 14,279 13,794 13,809 13,849 13,887 248 250 254 254 50 53 51 53 254 277 221 318 830 838 846 853 5.648 5,653 5.649 5,651 83.313 83,471 83,403 83,264 Feb. 5 12 19 26 14,373 14,357 14,337 14,329 13.958 13,943 13,923 13,914 279 280 278 282 51 51 52 49 168 151 182 245 871 872 845 875 5.665 5.665 5,662 5,670 83,443 84,267 83,950 82,808 M ar. 5 12 19 26 14,351 14,394 14,375 14,400 14,397 13,936 13,952 13,929 13.958 13,955 285 311 316 313 312 48 48 48 48 48 373 207 89 115 172 859 862 870 864 863 5,684 5,687 5,678 5,689 5,716 82,406 82,746 84,102 82,952 83,467 A pr. 2 9 16 23 30 14,426 14,435 14.460 14.460 13,977 13,984 14.004 14.005 320 323 327 324 47 47 48 49 232 165 110 168 853 866 874 862 5,724 5,714 5,713 5,721 82,826 83,845 82,945 82,923 M ay 7 14 21 28 14,465 14,475 14,483 14,491 14,014 14.024 14.025 14,039 322 322 329 325 48 48 48 48 257 148 137 139 881 932 919 930 5.734 5,727 5.729 5.730 82,766 83,312 84,013 83,287 June 4 11 18 25 14.509 14,507 14.509 14,511 14.514 14.055 14.057 14.057 14.061 14.061 328 326 327 324 329 49 47 46 46 44 140 132 95 133 192 873 902 901 889 907 5.739 5,743 5.734 5.739 5,745 83,841 83.314 84,395 83,490 83,664 July 2 9 16 23 30 14.521 14.521 14,542 14,534 14,072 14,074 14,094 14,081 332 330 330 335 38 37 38 38 235 271 225 156 5,765 5,767 5,762 5,771 83,431 84,221 84,027 84,011 Aug. 906 896 892 6 13 20 27 14,555 14,592 14.594 14,604 14,104 14,138 14,142 14,153 334 336 332 329 35 34 36 38 179 188 189 257 911 921 914 938 5.785 5,779 5,782 5.786 84,605 85,607 86,370 85,261 Sept. 3 10 17 24 14,599 14,616 14.622 14,618 14.623 14,151 14,166 14.174 14.169 14.175 328 328 327 327 327 38 38 38 39 39 239 234 216 98 368 905 908 927 923 923 5,804 5,812 5,808 5,807 5,820 86,339 85.834 88,175 86,541 86,295 Oct. 14,610 14,613 14.595 14.539 14.169 14,162 14,147 14,096 324 332 329 323 38 38 38 39 277 426 201 447 911 913 954 985 5,843 5,846 5.831 5.825 86,476 87,547 86,991 86,994 Nov. 5 12 19 26 14.517 14.517 14.514 14.540 14,648 14,069 14.061 14.055 14,090 14,192 328 335 341 333 338 39 41 38 38 39 303 345 156 298 37 998 993 993 979 911 5,842 5.832 5,830 5.825 5.826 86,806 86,927 88,683 87,423 88.835 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 Total Domestic From F. R. Banks O ther D ate Foreign 1947 187 15 22 29 15 22 29 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BANK S, (In millions Loans Loans and investments . — Total Date Total Total ad justed A d justed N et Com mercial, indus trial, and ag ricul tural F or purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers U.S. G ovt. securi ties Other securi ties To others U.S. Govt. securi ties Real estate O ther securi ties Loans to banks All other M em o: val uation reserves 1948 Jan. 7 14 21 28 65,142 65,088 65,530 64,953 64,998 64.941 65,348 64.773 23,085 23,096 23,212 23.214 23,229 | 14,718 23,243 14,770 23.394 : 14,842 23.394 14,808 245 181 221 230 | 442 I 426 I 416 444 353 337 330 | 312 502 506 504 500 Feb. 4 11 18 25 64,874 64,410 64,277 64,057 64,603 64,244 64,028 63,804 23,081 23.258 23,204 23,357 23,352 14,725 23,424 I 14,773 23,453 14,700 23,610 14.672 229 351 | 399 532 392 392 370 402 306 307 299 294 M ar. 3 10 17 24 31 63,494 64,128 63,756 63,232 62,220 63,261 63.863 63,566 62,978 62,005 23,206 23.389 23,202 23,167 23,237 23,439 23,654 23,392 23,421 23,452 14,621 14.673 14,665 14,571 14,510 476 436 349 431 494 355 524 411 375 411 Apr. 7 14 21 28 62.870 62,855 63,454 62,940 62,631 62,664 63,074 62,750 23,095 23,078 23,100 22,970 23,334 23,269 23,480 23,160 14,430 14,426 14.298 14,253 403 379 423 387 May 5 12 19 26 63,132 63.174 63,456 63,070 62.935 62.942 63,222 62,826 23,049 23.215 23,122 23.390 23,246 23,447 23,356 23.634 14.299 14,349 14,302 14.300 June 2 9 16 23 30 62,936 63,426 63,085 62,872 62.646 62,717 63,224 62.863 62,624 62,495 23,302 23,362 23,393 23,540 23,589 23,521 23,564 23,615 23,788 23,740 July 7 14 21 28 62,606 62,857 63.175 63,083 62,295 62,594 62,847 62,815 23,621 23,638 23,650 23,591 Aug. 4 1i 18 25 63,168 63,034 63,399 63,241 62,926 62,784 63,053 62.942 15 22 29 63.231 63,291 63,718 63,020 61,905 6 13 20 27 144 i 147 182 180 3,490 3,520 3,528 3,541 150 150 150 150 491 3,538 489 3,555 485 I 563 480 I 578 1 271 166 249 253 3,550 3,541 3,538 3,549 150 150 150 150 285 281 276 ! 279 286 480 I 487 480 , 476 476 582 ' 596 , 611 623 1 628 233 265 190 254 215 3,557 3,542 3,566 3,568 3,595 150 150 156 156 163 428 407 482 422 281 272 274 280 477 476 490 470 3,640 1 3,656 | 3,669 3,682 ! 239 191 380 190 3,599 3,625 3,627 3,641 163 163 163 165 422 480 422 682 404 417 388 394 277 279 280 I 281 I 475 475 485 485 3,707 | 3,730 ; 3,745 3,758 197 232 234 244 3,630 3,650 3,665 3,656 165 165 165 166 14,207 14,246 14,339 14,355 14,345 644 505 482 590 678 414 534 469 440 474 279 278 , 282 276 ! 275 495 504 484 503 505 3,768 3,784 3,801 3,811 3,825 219 202 222 248 151 3,661 3,677 3,702 3,734 3,729 166 166 166 169 242 23,932 23,901 23,978 23,859 14,403 14,481 14,502 14,490 672 588 480 448 447 456 545 506 271 273 272 272 501 503 500 506 3,831 3,837 3,843 | 3,858 j 311 263 328 268 3,739 3,742 3,748 3,752 243 242 240 241 23,562 23,783 23,744 23,823 23,804 24,033 24,090 24,122 14,627 14,813 14,872 14,847 271 341 217 336 510 452 464 441 256 250 250 249 503 502 500 493 3,873 ' 3,887 3,894 3,910 242 250 346 299 3,764 3,780 3,789 3,790 242 242 242 243 62,992 63,009 63,477 62.774 61,590 23,856 23,941 24.258 24,397 24,584 24,095 24,223 24,499 24,643 24,899 14,887 14,931 15,183 15.201 15;239 336 384 405 525 592 407 379 388 376 451 243 242 234 229 225 494 486 492 486 492 3,920 3,933 3,951 3,957 3,961 | 239 282 241 246 315 3,813 3,830 3,850 3,867 3,870 244 244 245 244 246 62,174 62,114 62,296 62,441 61.935 61.943 62,072 62,215 24,292 24,543 24,315 24,409 24,531 24,714 24,539 24.635 15,311 15,458 15,374 15,410 269 309 194 213 410 464 414 439 225 220 216 209 489 487 485 490 3,970 3,989 4,002 ' 4,010 |l 239 171 224 226 3,866 3,865 3.877 3,886 248 249 247 248 3 10 17 24 62.232 62,378 62.647 62,462 61,937 62,141 62,419 62,264 24,435 24,626 24,716 25,014 24,730 24,863 24,944 25,212 15,433 15,595 15,581 15,559 223 315 392 624 439 397 410 455 207 200 202 198 478 476 506 4,021 4,028 4,035 4,045 295 237 228 198 3,872 3,862 3,869 3.878 248 249 249 251 1 8 15 22 29 62,330 62,558 62.870 63,141 62,751 62,112 62,363 62,674 62,947 62,510 24,874 25,007 25,093 25,344 25,318 25,092 25,202 25,289 25,538 25,559 15,542 15,475 15,610 15,632 15,577 507 642 588 807 875 467 495 487 487 456 198 203 197 199 202 475 487 470 470 469 4,044 I 4,052 | 4,066 4,070 4,062 218 195 196 194 241 3,893 3,904 3,915 3,920 3,930 252 251 240 241 253 Sept. Nov. Dec. 188 3,485 I 3,506 j 3,521 3,529 1 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Investments Balances with— U.S. G overnm ent securities C ertif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection Cur* rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks Other assets Total assets Da te Total Bills 37,642 37,587 37,886 37,323 2,031 2,060 2,354 2,209 3,387 3,327 3,437 3,410 32,224 32,200 32,095 31,704 4,271 4,258 4,250 4,236 4,718 5,463 5,052 4,552 845 842 779 792 12,726 13,051 12,546 12,689 2,566 2,551 2,419 2,243 82 21 23 18 936 1,021 1,040 1,044 87,015 88,037 87,389 86,291 Jan. 7 14 21 28 37,310 36,791 36,634 36,281 2,468 2,214 2,210 2,156 3,408 3,271 3,207 3,115 31,434 31,306 31,217 31,010 4,212 4,195 4,190 4,166 4,137 4,756 5,223 5,076 730 795 771 815 12,435 12,429 12,154 12,296 2,227 2,175 2,298 2,287 21 14 13 13 1,070 1,068 1,080 1,091 85,494 85,647 85,816 85,635 Feb. 4 11 18 25 35,845 36,193 36,061 35,469 34,433 2,048 2,347 2,379 1,930 1,272 3,972 4,028 3,938 3,907 3,745 29,825 29,818 29,744 29,632 29,416 4,210 4,281 4,303 4,342 4,335 4,446 5,012 5,123 4,746 4,941 721 782 757 779 752 12,957 12,736 12,675 12,366 12,146 2,301 2,316 2,442 2,191 2,237 14 15 12 15 16 1,116 1,127 1,030 1,023 1,057 85,049 86,116 85,795 84,352 83,369 M ar. 3 10 17 24 31 35,215 35,260 35,643 35,475 1,853 2,006 2,307 2,219 3,831 3,778 3,851 3,839 29,531 29,476 29,485 29,417 4,321 4,326 4,331 4,305 4,198 5,453 5,058 4,607 753 799 767 799 12,374 12,490 12,350 12,548 2 ,2 1 9 18 17 18 20 1,051 1,060 1,082 1,097 83,483 85,028 85,000 84,192 Apr. 2,354 2,271 2,181 7 14 21 28 35,640 35,499 35,866 35,237 2,448 2,296 2,571 1,945 3,770 3,809 3,882 3,879 29,422 29,394 29,413 29,413 4,246 4,228 4,234 4,199 4,365 5,329 5,082 4,571 743 828 777 805 12,511 12,555 12,034 12,490 2,246 2,286 2,285 2,132 19 21 18 20 1,151 1,156 1,169 1,190 84,167 85,349 84,821 84,278 M ay 5 12 19 26 35,218 35,667 35,250 34,869 34,666 1,986 2,368 2,124 1,793 1,704 4,880 4,915 4,841 4,765 4,669 28,352 28,384 28,285 28,311 28,293 4,197 4,195 4,220 4,215 4,240 5,124 4,524 5,699 4,865 5,218 764 805 775 803 767 12,636 12,610 13,384 12,897 12,889 2,269 2,334 2,467 2,209 2,378 21 24 21 20 22 1,248 1,266 1,138 1,130 1,164 84,998 84,989 86,569 84,796 85,084 June 2 9 16 23 30 34,431 34,656 34,879 34,870 1,593 1,758 1,997 2,042 4,543 4,500 4,447 4,420 28,295 28,398 28,435 28,408 4 ,2 4 3 ' 4,300 4,318 4,354 5,078 5,556 4,877 4,468 797 844 792 816 13,054 12,994 12,922 12,988 2,331 2,457 2,234 2,174 21 20 24 22 1,152 1,177 1,165 1,181 85,039 85,905 85,189 84,732 July 7 14 21 28 35,023 34,660 34,904 34,702 2,303 2,081 2,318 2,186 4,290 4,208 4,218 4,182 28,430 28,371 28,368 28,334 4,341 4,341 4,405 4,417 4,272 4,797 4,888 4,354 743 803 771 796 13,013 13,215 12,985 13,073 2,240 2,255 2,270 2,140 49 21 21 22 1,173 1,209 1,206 1,208 84,658 85,334 85,540 84,834 Aug. 4 11 18 25 34,714 34,652 34,744 33,921 32,559 2,148 2,084 2,488 1,980 1,142 4,164 4,181 4,174 4,037 3,745 28,402 28,387 28,082 27,904 27,672 4,422 4,416 4,475 4,456 4,447 4,488 4,424 6,557 4,995 4,802 748 815 803 813 833 13,099 13,200 13,709 13,487 14,625 2,167 2,209 2,540 2,259 2,122 23 23 23 24 23 1,237 1,232 1,150 1,111 1,122 84,993 85,194 88,500 85,709 85,432 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 33,235 33,022 33,416 33,526 1,827 1,698 2,257 2,503 4,475 4,456 4,444 4,389 26,933 26,868 26,715 26,634 4,408 4,378 4,341 4,280 4,374 6,347 5,256 5,140 788 886 820 842 14,273 14,538 14,585 14,687 2,208 2,315 2,318 2,201 24 21 22 22 1,126 1,140 1,134 1,152 84,967 87,361 86,431 46,485 Oct. 6 13 20 27 33,268 33,319 33,525 33,073 2,378 2,454 2,511 2,090 4,423 4,420 4,515 4,457 26,467 26,445 26,499 26,526 4,234 4,196 4,178 4,177 5,481 4,986 5,945 5,095 813 850 825 817 14,530 14,584 14,557 14,688 2,250 2,208 2,350 2,107 24 21 24 23 1,179 1,188 1,189 M 89 86,509 86,215 87,537 86,381 Nov. 3 10 17 24 33,075 33,179 33,440 33,455 32,987 2,106 2,199 2,285 2,249 1,807 4,458 4,428 4,826 4,823 4,742 26,511 26,552 26,329 26,383 26,438 4,163 4,177 4,141 4,148 4,205 5,416 4,540 6,363 5,257 5,251 812 880 891 916 919 14,574 14,418 15,044 14,593 14,893 2,185 2,103 2,406 2,234 2,247 24 21 23 25 28 1,236 1,235 1,154 1,135 1,152 86,577 85,755 88,751 87,301 87,241 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 1948 189 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EMBER BANK S, (In millions Demand deposits Total demand and time deposits Date Total Adjusted Unadjusted f U.S. j! Individuals, I States and I partnerships,I political j G overnment a. and corps. I subdivisions Interbank Domestic j Certified and officers’ checks Foreign 1948 Jan. 7 14 78,475 78,371 78,727 78,557 48,223 47,644 47,409 47,559 63,768 63,631 63,969 63,753 47,806 47,798 47.950 47.937 3,253 3,197 3,142 3.223 801 876 885 77,974 78,964 78,640 77,043 76,100 47,296 47,581 47,011 46,391 45.340 63,138 64,134 63.837 62,220 61,294 47,134 47,332 47,508 46,266 45.445 3,219 3,460 3,255 3.291 3,363 76,363 77,978 77,732 77,078 45,978 46,210 46,718 46,671 61,527 63,149 62,900 62,261 45,608 47,000 46.636 46,418 77,059 78,171 77,675 77,019 46,529 46,373 46.440 46,857 62,218 63,316 62.837 62,182 77,808 77,797 79.380 77,510 78,116 46.646 46,996 47,259 46.647 46,414 77,790 78,807 78,035 77,588 926 1,009 1,148 1,098 1,154 1,297 ! 9,026 9,040 , 9,238 , 8,563 8,375 I 1,361 1.353 1,367 1,366 1.341 j , 389 ,801 ,371 ,580 ,473 3,311 3,297 3,609 3,484 1,376 , 1,314 i 1,199 1,309 8,612 8,821 8,578 8,364 1,363 ! 1.351 j 1.347 1.310 j ,257 ,366 ,531 ,376 46,032 46,888 46.673 46,628 3,534 3,414 3,424 3,451 1,367 1,597 1,452 1,272 8,666 8,699 8,523 8,171 1,291 I 1.318 1,340 1.311 ,328 ,400 ,425 ,349 62,904 62,880 64,437 62,543 63,066 46,627 46,724 48,153 46,689 46,671 3,478 3,463 3,395 3,359 3,517 1,252 I 1,301 1,001 I 1.092 I 1,265 8,572 8,740 ! 9,148 8,588 8,835 1,310 1.319 1,330 1.351 1,334 ,665 ,333 ,410 ,464 .444 46,247 46,127 46,726 46,839 62,791 63,790 63,015 62,592 46,318 47,357 46,984 46,666 3,352 3,260 3,321 3.400 1,072 I M93 1,282 1,259 | 9,047 9,242 8.761 8,631 1.347 1,372 1.369 1.395 | , 1 , ,655 ,366 ,298 ,241 77,580 78,238 78,330 77,635 46,777 46,706 46,746 47,059 62,610 63,257 63,370 62,687 46,458 46,967 47.161 46.937 3.401 3,274 3.263 3,283 1,306 I 3,387 1,433 1,294 8.885 8,982 8,914 8,580 1.370 1,385 1,389 1,400 i , 1 i ,190 ,262 77,887 78,022 81,442 78,560 78,149 47,056 I 46,932 47,446 I 46,838 46,660 62,946 63,076 66,462 63,561 63,161 46,919 46,993 49,078 47,263 46,940 3.370 3.264 3,208 3,171 3,241 1,217 1,204 1,234 1,416 1,704 1,408 i 1.422 1.420 1.416 1.396 ,255 ,099 ,717 ,399 ,281 77,844 80,069 79,300 79,323 46.441 46,593 46,998 47,422 62,836 65,073 64,307 64,334 46,491 48,385 47.951 48,019 3,202 3,124 3,055 3,182 I , 1 I 1,590 , 1,581 ! 1,498 | 1,459 8,777 9,094 9,805 8,896 8,599 9,024 9,127 9, 126 8,907 1,407 1.425 1,429 1,406 ,122 10 79,246 78,947 17 24 78,886 46,607 46,929 46,907 47,301 64,249 63,961 65,386 63,953 47,474 47.446 48,270 47,801 3,299 3.205 3,141 3,170 1,513 ! 1,389 1,580 | 1,374 9,225 9,252 9,538 8.762 1.423 1,405 1.416 1.421 ,315 ,264 ,441 ,425 79,321 78.380 81,528 79,897 79,949 47.341 47,584 48,290 47,928 47,794 64,441 63,452 66,597 64,916 64,870 47,840 47,635 49,803 48.446 48,214 3.292 3,230 3,221 3.250 3,282 1,264 900 9,005 9,002 9,518 9,140 9,079 1,415 1.426 1,482 1,499 1,472 ,625 ,259 ,629 ,489 ,549 3 10 7 14 5 12 19 26 2 June 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 Aug. 568 ! 520 i 589 693 ; ,301 ,405 ,540 ,475 28 July 3.263 3,271 3.222 3.249 1.340 ' 1,338 1.353 1.368 21 May 48.635 49.672 49,282 48,701 9,267 I 9,017 1 9,099 8,824 4 11 17 24 31 Apr. 65,537 66,589 65,887 64,707 ,440 ,483 ,518 ,420 18 25 M ar. 48,620 48,963 48,970 48,818 1.346 1 1.351 , 1,332 1.347 j 28 Feb. 80,175 81,219 80,542 79,352 10,285 I 10,292 j 9,944 9,297 | 21 4 11 18 25 Sept. 15 22 29 6 Oct. 13 20 27 Nov. 3 Dec. 15 22 29 80,344 190 944 1.092 1,274 i .I ! i i I ,210 ,193 ,431 ,248 ,361 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY , 1941-«5— Continued o f dollars) Tim e deposits Total Individ States and uals, part political nerships, subdivi an d corps. sions Borrowings U . S. Interbank merit Domestic Foreign From F. R. Banks Other Total O ther liabilities Capital accounts and capital accounts D ate 1948 14,638 14,630 14,655 14,645 14,177 14,158 14,158 14,142 347 359 383 391 77 77 77 75 37 36 37 37 128 90 130 206 878 902 891 897 5,834 5,826 5,82*6 5,836 87,015 88,037 87,389 86,291 Jan. 7 14 21 28 14,707 14,740 14,758 14,804 14,153 14,170 14,184 14,227 443 458 463 465 75 76 75 76 36 36 36 36 242 491 291 258 924 934 949 964 5,853 5,851 5,849 5,856 85,494 85,647 85,816 85,635 Feb. 4 11 18 25 14,836 14,830 14,803 14,823 14,806 14,256 14,246 14,227 14,233 14,221 471 476 468 482 478 74 73 73 73 73 35 35 35 35 34 220 288 311 422 360 984 999 978 1,018 1,025 5,871 5,865 5,866 5,869 5,884 85,049 86,116 85,795 84,352 83,369 M ar. 3 10 17 24 31 14,836 14,829 14,832 14,817 14,238 14,229 14,239 14,222 490 495 487 492 77 76 76 76 31 29 30 27 199 123 325 141 1,031 1,038 1,054 1,071 5,890 5,889 5,889 5,902 83,483 85,028 85,000 84,192 Apr. 7 14 21 28 14,841 14,855 14,838 14,837 14,245 14,239 14,230 14,229 491 512 505 504 77 77 77 78 28 27 26 26 138 181 153 225 1,058 1,091 1,091 1,124 5,912 5,906 5,902 5,910 84,167 85,349 84,821 84,278 May 5 12 19 26 14,904 14,917 14,943 14,967 15,050 14,283 14,296 14,324 14,346 14,417 517 514 510 512 520 77 77 81 79 79 27 30 28 30 34 134 112 127 216 28 1,132 1,158 1,146 1,155 1,036 5,924 5,922 5,916 5,915 5,904 84,998 84,989 86,569 84,796 85,084 June 2 9 16 23 30 14,999 15,017 15,020 14,996 14,353 14,358 14,360 14,337 532 545 532 532 80 81 80 81 34 33 48 46 306 185 229 200 1,032 1,009 1,021 1,032 5,911 5,904 5,904 5,912 85,039 85,905 85,189 84,732 July 7 14 21 28 14,970 14,981 14,960 14,948 14,306 14,308 14,283 14,273 538 543 549 547 80 84 84 83 46 46 44 45 130 142 249 225 1,018 1,019 1,033 1,038 5,930 5,935 5,928 5,936 84,658 85,334 85,540 84,834 Aug. 4 11 18 25 14,941 14,946 14,980 14,999 14,988 14,271 14,277 14,315 14,322 14,317 539 539 534 548 541 85 85 86 84 84 46 45 45 45 46 107 178 87 169 285 1,046 1,038 1,030 1,038 1,044 5,953 5,956 5,941 5,942 5,954 84,993 85,194 88,500 85,709 85,432 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 15,008 14,996 14,993 14,989 14,337 14,335 14,324 14,321 541 532 536 533 84 83 85 86 46 46 48 49 127 284 121 143 1,018 1,035 1,040 1,037 5,978 5,973 5,970 5,982 84,967 87,361 86,431 86,485 Oct. 6 13 20 27 14,997 14,986 14,958 14,933 14,323 14,321 14,302 14,287 536 527 518 509 85 85 85 85 53 53 53 52 212 205 139 435 1,045 1,069 1,062 1,072 6,006 5,994 5,992 5,988 86,509 86,215 87,537 86,381 Nov. 3 10 17 24 14,880 14,928 14,931 14,981 15,079 14,238 14,282 14,281 14,324 14,403 505 509 514 522 540 85 85 85 85 85 52 52 51 50 51 149 261 100 289 200 1,091 1,105 1,122 1,113 1,077 6,016 6,009 6,001 6,002 6,015 86,577 85,755 88,751 87,301 87,241 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 191 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In millions Loans Loans and investments Total D ate Total Total ad* A d Net justed justed F o r purchasing o r carrying securities Com mercial, | To T o brokers and indus trial, others dealers an d ag - | riculOther tural O ther U.S. U.S. securi G ovt. securi G ovt. securi securi ties ties ties ties Real estate Loans . Alt to I other banks I M em o : val uation reserves 1949 Jan. 5 12 19 26 62,638 62,596 62,879 62,852 62,474 62,414 62,694 62,617 24,805 24,905 24,764 25,035 24,969 25,087 24,949 25,270 15,374 15,415 15,414 15,381 620 714 581 890 438 399 406 419 203 199 196 187 467 469 456 452 4,066 1 4,083 J 4,081 4,084 i 164 182 ,i 185 235 I Feb. 2 9 16 23 62,696 62,170 61,991 61,946 62,438 61,993 61,837 61,685 24,986 24,773 24,687 24,604 25,244 24,950 24,841 24,865 15,318 15,294 15,265 15,222 859 721 722 673 438 434 410 423 1S6 188 190 189 477 475 444 454 4,079 1 4,085 4,085 , 4,086 M ar. 2 9 16 23 30 61,976 62,046 62,359 61,749 61,171 61,710 61,768 62,072 61,576 60,863 24,351 24,273 24,602 24,523 24,726 24,617 24,551 24,889 24,696 25,034 15,147 15,106 15,095 14,962 14,904 499 497 812 832 1,047 448 426 452 460 50! 191 192 189 193 205 439 437 438 441 433 4,082 4,086 4,084 4,086 i 4,083 j 258 177 154 261 266 278 287 173 308 A pr. 6 13 20 27 61,041 61,100 61,267 61,315 60,819 60,901 61,042 61,052 24,013 23,723 23,919 23,747 24,235 23,922 24,144 24,010 14,627 14,543 14,304 14,162 632 464 801 748 514 482 570 580 197 195 190 199 430 432 426 418 M ay 4 11 18 25 61,635 62,049 62,154 62,281 61,326 61,848 61,964 61,997 23,698 23,384 23,686 23,415 24,007 23,585 23,876 23,699 13,976 13,908 13,747 13,628 916 622 1,016 892 550 594 644 602 198 197 194 200 June 1 8 15 22 29 62,336 61,916 62,603 62,606 62,609 62,003 61,738 62,397 62,402 62,317 23,478 22,918 23,028 23,358 23,590 23,811 23,096 23,234 23,562 23,882 13,476 13,424 13,385 13,292 13,170 1,058 581 627 806 1,025 620 600 652 886 931 July 6 13 20 27 62,555 62,855 63,264 63,458 62,391 62,632 63,015 63,208 23,003 22,678 22,735 22,781 23,167 22,901 22,984 23,031 12,996 12,964 12,870 12,886 654 523 688 718 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 63,796 64,207 64,693 65,121 65,779 63,532 63,935 64,345 64,888 65,506 22,895 22,906 22,913 22,825 23,218 23,159 23,178 23,261 23,058 23,491 12,826 12,906 12,939 12,942 12,965 Sept. 7 14 21 28 65,689 66,294 66,463 66,062 65,542 66,046 66,276 65,823 23,196 23,414 23,340 23,759 23,343 23,662 23,527 23,998 Oct. 5 12 19 26 66,077 66,207 66,439 66,772 65,922 66,042 66,257 66,590 23,605 23,710 23,609 23,739 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 66,666 66,656 66,506 66,723 66,839 66,455 66,326 66,273 66,501 66,625 Dec. 7 14 21 28 66,938 67,574 67,412 67,421 66,705 67,200 67,084 67,102 3,924 3,922 3.917 3,909 287 287 287 287 j 3.918 1 3,865 I j 3 .8 6 2 j 3 ,$ 4 9 289 289 291 292 3,837 ' 3,821 3,826 3,843 1 3.851 1 292 292 294 294 298 4,081 1 4,079 j 4,078 4,078 ; 222 1 3,833 1 199 i 3,828 I 225 3.851 263 j 3.863 1 301 300 301 301 421 416 421 437 4,077 ' 4,086 { 4,089 4,083 1 309 201 190 284 ! ; 1 1 3.861 3.862 3,872 3,871 301 301 297 298 199 201 209 209 241 429 421 420 421 418 4,092 4,103 1 4,105 | 4,112 4,121 j 333 178 206 204 292 ! 3,904 ■ 3,889 j 3,929 I 3,931 i 3,985 300 301 299 299 301 883 674 664 631 237 229 227 224 412 443 531 435 4,115 1 4,126 ! 4,134 ' 304 305 305 305 837 808 816 681 985 683 609 599 619 624 226 223 216 215 220 437 458 441 442 445 4,141 4,143 4,161 | 4,166 4,181 4,185 164 j 4,010 4,024 223 249 1 4,026 250 | 4,051 306 305 305 305 308 13,007 13,171 13,289 13,384 859 857 716 991 671 646 660 677 218 215 196 195 442 488 444 443 4,186 4,202 4,211 i 4,207 J 264 1 4.049 272 , 4,046 4,041 348 233 1 4.050 273 4,102 t 147 i 4,119 4,140 248 187 ; 4,133 239 | 4,172 23,760 23,875 23,791 23,921 13,425 13,566 13,647 13,680 758 730 521 564 706 658 664 716 190 186 185 184 445 442 448 420 4,212 1 4,233 4,244 1 4,253 , 155 i 4,179 165 [ 4,206 182 1 4,211 4,234 182 310 311 311 312 24,114 24,334 24,069 24,107 24,399 24,325 24,664 24,302 24,329 24,613 13,694 13,783 13,776 13,772 13,775 853 934 644 672 920 764 769 756 730 703 177 174 177 174 173 420 429 420 422 453 4,246 4,265 4,277 4,295 4,299 211 330 233 222 214 J 4,272 4,292 1 4,330 J 4,355 ! 4,393 312 312 311 313 317 24,579 24,756 24,373 24,575 24,812 25,130 24,701 24,894 13,807 13,882 13,864 13,904 1,024 1,032 648 748 778 824 833 860 175 174 167 171 424 425 425 428 4,302 4,325 1 4,337 | 4,342 1 233 j 4,388 374 4,413 328 | 4,421 4,445 319 319 319 322 323 192 j 306 305 309 310 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, l»41-«5— Continued o f dollars) Investments Balances w ith— U.S. G overnm ent securities Certif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets T otal assets D ate Total Bills 33,484 33,324 33,749 33,411 2,197 2,157 2,425 2,036 5,669 5,515 5,613 5,511 25,618 25,652 25,711 25,864 4,185 4,185 4,181 4,171 4,602 5,042 4,894 4,530 812 862 803 803 14,964 14,716 14,713 14,710 2,365 2,287 2,262 2,130 27 24 25 24 1,139 1,138 1,156 1,165 86,547 86,665 86,732 86,214 Jan. 5 12 19 26 33,268 33,016 32,890 32,814 1,987 J , 841 1,798 1,780 5,364 5,201 5,094 5,036 25,917 25,974 25,998 25,998 4,184 4,204 4,260 4,267 4,343 4,126 5,294 4,967 726 790 748 817 14,380 14,322 14,172 14,271 2,011 2,000 2,096 2,089 25 23 24 25 1,168 1,164 1,165 1,177 85,349 84,595 85,490 85,292 Feb. 2 9 16 23 33,069 33,206 33,112 32,680 31,750 2,000 2,083 2,013 1,695 1,063 5,048 5,060 4,992 4,874 4,624 26,021 26,063 26,107 26,111 26,063 4,290 4,289 4,358 4,373 4,387 4,631 4,233 5,350 4,334 4,430 720 785 746 768 785 14,404 14,196 14,606 14,179 13,888 2,129 2,071 2,237 1,970 1,996 23 24 24 25 25 1,190 1,190 1,107 1,093 1,105 85,073 84,545 86,429 84,118 83,400 M ar. 2 9 16 23 30 32,397 32,767 32,765 32,951 1,387 1,639 1,666 1,827 4,778 4,775 4,705 4,712 26,232 26,353 26,394 26,412 4,409 4,411 4,358 4,354 4,255 5,001 4,693 4,300 742 807 775 797 14,143 14,107 14,263 13,919 2,125 2,246 2,018 2,009 22 18 18 18 1,104 1,101 1,105 1,118 83,432 84,380 84,139 83,476 Apr. 6 13 20 27 33,263 34,111 33,872 34,145 1,836 2,356 2,088 2,203 4,750 4,913 4,898 4,996 26,677 26,842 26,886 26,946 4,365 4,353 4,406 4,437 4,280 4,752 4,834 4,067 728 796 761 788 13,988 13,196 13,438 13,189 2,062 2,136 2,081 2,049 18 17 17 18 1,133 1,135 1,141 1,158 83,844 84,081 84,426 83,550 M ay 4 11 18 25 34,035 34,347 34,867 34,515 34,178 2,105 2,165 2,516 2,224 1,832 5,225 5,385 5,397 5,279 5,284 26,705 26,797 26,954 27,012 27,062 4,490 4,473 4,502 4,529 4,549 4,990 4,066 5,446 4,400 4,422 749 785 761 769 792 13,243 13,293 13,649 13,475 13,231 2,099 2,101 2,296 2,023 2,089 18 17 17 17 19 1,183 1,183 1,100 1,064 1,082 84,618 83,361 85,872 84,354 84,244 June 1 8 15 34,735 35,254 35,507 35,590 2,153 2,471 2,614 2,610 5,431 5,543 5,575 5,605 27,151 27,240 27,318 27,375 4,653 4,700 4,773 4,837 4,771 4,915 4,982 4,159 762 826 755 788 13,281 12,828 12,785 12,938 2,377 2,401 2,174 2,062 17 17 17 15 1,077 1,083 1,089 1,109 84,840 84,925 85,066 84,529 July 6 13 20 27 35,773 36,144 36,485 37,114 37,307 2,603 2,563 2,772 3,128 3,260 5,716 6,042 6,136 6,359 6,392 27,454 27,539 27,577 27,627 27,655 4,864 4,885 4,947 4,949 4,981 4,034 4,304 4,626 3,901 4,281 720 762 728 761 733 13,034 12,868 12,759 12,341 12,413 2,063 2,141 2,215 2,150 2,076 14 15 15 13 12 1,133 1,135 1,143 1,153 1,197 84,794 85,432 86,179 85,440 86,491 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 37,378 37,594 37,874 37,004 3,217 3,229 3,400 2,608 6,476 6,633 7,227 7,181 27,685 27,732 27,247 27,215 4,968 5,038 5,062 5,060 4,384 5,458 4,645 4,251 771 817 776 803 11,823 12,096 11,627 12,005 2,230 2,347 2,155 2,043 17 15 13 36 1,200 1,218 1,090 1,115 86,114 88,245 86,769 86,315 Sept. 7 14 21 28 37,261 37,300 37,625 37,838 2,717 2,716 2,817 2,982 7,290 7,276 7,399 7,391 27,254 27,308 27,409 27,465 5,056 5,032 5,023 5,013 4,476 5,125 4,956 4,648 738 804 780 791 12,232 11,961 12,276 12,040 2,261 2,272 2,319 2,183 42 40 44 44 1,111 1,114 1,120 1,134 86,937 87,523 87,934 87,612 Oct. 5 12 19 26 37,388 37,042 37,257 37,430 37,248 2,618 2,378 2,449 2,468 2,357 7,273 7,187 7,268 7,333 7,245 27,497 27,477 27,540 27,629 27,646 4,953 4,950 4,947 4,964 4,978 4,534 4,898 5,957 4,699 4,952 736 839 779 776 797 12,332 12,040 12,234 11,920 12,021 2,146 2,170 2,375 2,121 2,115 48 49 48 44 44 1,159 1,160 1,176 1,181 1,237 87,621 87,812 89,075 87,464 88,005 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 37,153 37,409 37,657 37,469 2,308 2,529 2,745 2,544 7,120 7,136 6,927 6,856 27,725 27,744 27,985 28,069 4,973 5,035 5,054 5,058 4,437 5,672 5,004 5,320 834 916 891 929 12,185 12,259 12,131 12,146 2,129 2,411 2,319 2,286 53 47 44 42 1,229 1,245 1,117 1,127 87,805 90,124 88,918 89,271 Dec. 7 14 21 28 1949 193 22 29 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In m illions D emand deposits Total demand and time deposits D ate Total A djusted Individuals, partnerships, and corps. Unadjusted States and political subdivisions U.S. Government Interbank Domestic Foreign ' ‘ ......... . Certified and officers' checks ‘ 1949 Jan. 5 12 19 26 79,471 79,393 79,562 78,768 47,437 47,519 47,670 47,665 64,334 64,247 64,451 63,660 47,482 48,129 48,094 47,486 3,268 3,213 3,178 3,301 1,115 835 987 1,139 9,722 9,427 9,358 8,795 1,458 1,424 1,542 1,531 1,289 1,219 1,292 1,408 Feb. 2 9 16 23 78,025 77,403 78,327 77,917 46,945 46,553 46,079 46,299 62,895 62,258 63,187 62,768 46,576 46,164 46,693 46,620 3,408 3,319 3,393 3,419 1,476 1,559 1,729 1,817 8,631 8,522 8,635 8,246 1,500 1,498 1,450 1,439 1,304 1,196 1,287 1,227 M ar. 2 9 16 23 30 77,744 77,229 78,843 76,485 75,949 46,112 46,072 46,182 45,473 44,909 62,554 62,013 63,643 61,284 60,739 46,014 45,725 46,760 45,129 44,341 3,418 3,448 3,404 3,471 3,588 1,706 1,645 1,889 2,009 2,095 8,696 8,645 8,802 8,094 7,917 1,409 1,418 1,420 1,374 1.388 1,311 1,132 1,368 1,207 1,410 Apr. 6 13 20 27 76,161 77,096 76,612 76,092 44,820 45,237 45,757 46,175 60,953 61,860 61,351 60,812 44,395 45,807 45,950 45,737 3,487 3,323 3,422 3,548 2,026 1,698 1,428 1,188 8,463 8,522 8,092 7,781 1,389 1,402 1,381 1,368 1,193 1,108 1,078 1,190 M ay 4 11 18 25 76,120 76,766 76,540 76,135 45,822 45,921 45,816 46,383 60,809 61,417 61,193 60,757 45,151 45,853 45,788 45,770 3,706 3,598 3,498 3,596 1,058 1,000 1,095 1,087 8,298 8,401 8,121 7,918 1,351 1,343 1,327 1,302 1,245 1,222 1,364 1,084 June 1 8 15 22 29 77,130 76,041 78,550 76,452 76,770 46,364 46,295 46,844 46,319 46,093 61,732 60,634 63,138 61,030 61,257 46,128 45,737 47,494 46,154 45,805 3,683 3,545 3,431 3,357 3,361 790 576 770 890 1,356 8,258 8,397 8,767 8,087 8,047 1,330 1,300 1,311 1,334 1,339 1,543 1,079 1,365 1,208 1,349 July 6 13 20 27 77,596 77,604 77,480 76,855 45,844 46,035 46,472 46,683 62,115 62,152 62,040 61,427 45,744 46,586 46,520 46,301 3,358 3,236 3,280 3,379 1,145 813 714 921 9,011 9,036 8,521 8,300 1,344 1,353 1,351 1,364 1,513 1,128 1,654 1,162 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 77,221 77,991 78,574 78,045 78,595 46,282 46,268 46,050 46,316 46,753 61,804 62,582 63,181 62,648 63,185 45,685 45,998 46,232 45,947 46,416 3,432 3,291 3,240 3,257 3,367 1,591 1,961 2,244 2,377 2,196 8,533 8,691 8,907 8,698 8,597 1,364 1,358 1,354 1,356 1,358 1,199 1,283 1,204 1,013 1,251 Sept. 7 14 21 28 78,781 80,777 79,342 78,664 46,410 46,930 46,436 46,457 63,376 65,380 63,943 63,262 46,288 47,963 46,761 46,465 3,239 3,170 3,080 3,165 1,949 2,186 2,508 2,636 9,268 9,471 9,065 8,634 1,365 1,335 1,289 1,284 1,267 1,255 1,240 1,078 Oct. 5 12 19 26 79,561 80,133 80,525 80,162 46,286 46,283 46,738 47,341 64,170 64,738 65,114 64,761 46,355 47,212 47,475 47,547 3,178 3,054 3,009 3,122 2,677 2,533 2,669 2,468 9,375 9,429 9,389 8,991 1,356 1,368 1,362 j 1,313 1,229 1,142 1,210 1,320 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 79,632 79,960 81,527 79,895 80,184 46,848 46,709 46,625 47,274 47,648 64,250 64,564 66,156 64,552 64,872 46,867 47,120 48,135 47,590 48,037 3,299 3,155 3,116 3,181 3,255 2,335 2,321 2,525 2,432 2,117 9,159 9,261 9,695 8,838 8,827 1,374 i 1,375 1,354 i 1,309 | 1,328 1,216 1,332 1,331 1,202 1,308 Dec. 7 14 21 28 79,849 82,383 81,216 81,545 47,726 48,652 48,254 48,253 64,522 67,035 65,834 66,104 47,745 49,724 48,603 48,857 3,147 3,184 3,181 3,296 1,848 1,846 1,808 1,955 9,193 9,560 9,476 9,297 1,318 l 1,305 1,292 J 1,279 1,271 1,416 1,474 1,420 194 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Borrowings Time deposits Interbank From F. R. Banks Capital accounts and capital Individ uals, p art nerships, and corps. States and political subdivi sions 15,137 15,146 15,111 15,108 14,451 14,446 14,417 14,412 550 560 567 570 85 85 85 85 51 55 42 41 66 257 143 410 997 1,002 1,022 1,017 6,013 6,013 6,005 6,019 86,547 86,665 86,732 86,214 Jan. 5 12 19 26 15,130 15,145 15,140 15,149 14,419 14,418 14,412 14,422 582 599 600 597 86 86 87 88 43 42 41 42 279 137 118 293 1,017 1,019 1,020 1,053 6,028 6,036 6,025 6,029 85,349 84,595 85,490 85,292 Feb. 2 9 16 23 15,190 15,216 15,200 15,201 15,210 14,452 14,480 14,460 14,451 14,458 593 592 598 603 602 87 87 87 90 91 58 57 55 57 59 229 212 497 533 347 1,052 1,062 1,044 1,054 1,046 6,048 6,042 6,045 6,046 6,058 85,073 84,545 86,429 84,118 83,400 M ar. ?. 9 16 23 30 15,208 15,236 15,261 15,280 14,469 14,481 14,483 14,485 592 607 632 648 92 92 91 93 55 56 55 54 173 160 421 253 1,023 1,046 1,034 1,047 6,075 6,078 6,072 6,084 83,432 84,380 84,139 83,476 Apr. 6 13 20 27 15,311 15,349 15,347 15,378 14,493 14,503 14,493 14,497 645 643 645 666 98 98 98 102 75 105 111 113 575 151 714 230 1,045 1,070 1,083 1,086 6,104 6,094 6,089 6,099 83,844 84,081 84,426 83,550 May 4 11 18 25 15,398 15,407 15,412 15,422 15,513 14,513 14,521 14,532 14,544 14,596 667 668 664 662 664 103 103 104 106 115 115 115 112 110 138 286 119 106 690 250 1,084 1,083 1,101 1,103 1,097 6,118 6,118 6,115 6,109 6,127 84,618 83,361 85,872 84,354 84,244 June 1 8 15 22 29 15,481 15,452 15,440 15,428 14,584 14,556 14,539 14,535 644 641 645 640 115 116 117 120 138 139 139 133 84 146 420 484 1,019 1,037 1,028 1,040 6,141 6,138 6,138 6,150 84,840 84,925 85,066 84,529 July 6 13 20 27 15,417 15,409 15,393 15,397 15,410 14,520 14,514 14,499 14,493 14,502 641 642 645 646 647 121 120 118 119 121 135 133 131 139 140 380 228 398 163 640 1,027 1,044 1,043 1,060 1,062 6,166 6,169 6,164 6,172 6,194 84,794 85,432 86,179 85,440 86,491 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 15,405 15,397 15,399 15,402 14,500 14,485 14,493 14,501 640 640 637 632 126 126 122 122 139 146 147 147 75 188 140 359 1,070 1,106 1,105 1,096 6,188 6,174 6,182 6,196 86,114 88,245 86,769 86,315 Sept. 7 14 21 28 15,391 15,395 15,411 15,401 14,497 14,496 14,514 14,501 625 628 626 627 122 123 123 123 147 148 148 150 94 110 121 133 1,072 1,070 1,083 1,099 6,210 6,210 6,205 6,218 86,937 87,523 87,934 87,612 Oct. 5 12 19 26 15,382 15,396 15,371 15,343 15,312 14,500 14,524 14,502 14,461 14,431 605 593 591 605 608 123 124 124 124 123 154 155 154 153 150 647 487 172 178 398 1,101 1,121 1,150 1,172 1,176 6,241 6,244 6,226 6,219 6,247 87,621 87,812 89,075 87,464 88,005 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 15,327 15,348 15,382 15,441 14,431 14,451 14,476 14,537 618 619 620 621 128 128 133 130 150 150 153 153 525 307 286 315 1,196 1,225 1,205 1,183 6,235 6,209 6,211 6,228 87,805 90,124 88,918 89,271 Dec. 7 14 21 28 T otal U. S. Total O ther liabilities ment Domestic O ther D ate Foreign 1949 ----- .... 195 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Loans Loans and investments Total Date Total Total ad justed Ad justed N et Com mercial, indus trial, and ag ricul tural F or purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers U.S. Govt. securi ties O ther securi ties To others U.S. Govt. securi ties Real estate M em o: val uation reserves Loans AU to other banks , Other securi ties 1950 Jan. 4 I 67,222 I 66,951 11 67,357 67,140 18 : 67,670 67,401 25 67,818 67,496 24,402 I 24.673 24,165 24,382 24,186 24,455 24,257 24.579 13,851 13,857 13,861 13,871 702 443 429 445 827 807 843 883 174 161 j 151 ! 150 \ 425 421 428 422 4,347 1 4,379 i 4,392 4,400 271 217 269 322 4,446 1 4,468 4,453 4,455 1' 370 371 371 369 1 1 : 1 67,266 67,139 66,977 66,985 67,112 66,881 66,626 66,679 24,332 24,262 24,426 24,294 24,486 24,520 24,777 24,600 13,918 13,885 13,905 13,854 511 443 543 403 853 860 936 994 147 I 146 141 137 426 447 430 431 4,396 4,402 ; 4,399 4,410 154 4,455 ' 258 4,453 351 I 4,444 306 4,439 [ 374 374 372 374 66,831 66,283 66,855 67,006 66,563 66,529 66.034 66,707 66,683 66,351 24,439 24,244 24,504 24,463 24,674 24,741 24,493 24,652 24,786 13,834 13,799 13,889 13,843 13,790 613 500 528 508 746 916 852 918 938 924 136 137 i 141 144 ! 145 j 434 428 465 434 443 4,413 4,422 4,442 4,461 4,465 302 1 4,470 j 249 1 4,481 1 148 , 4,498 323 4,512 212 4,540 1 377 375 377 377 379 5 12 19 26 66 ,626 66,608 66,696 66,514 66,215 66,263 66,399 66,248 24,713 24,692 24,564 24,650 25,124 13,729 24,037 13,716 24,861 | 13,574 24,916 j 13,475 747 700 665 796 991 989 1,013 1,025 146 138 136 138 i j 1 , 450 460 465 468 4,472 4,491 4,502 4,513 411 4,559 j 345 ; 4,580 297 1 4,591 1 266 4,615 i 381 382 382 380 3 10 24 31 66,534 66,401 66,689 66,951 67,103 66,166 66,078 66,384 66.587 66,868 24,641 24,595 24,539 24,620 24,798 25,009 24,918 24,844 24,984 25,033 I 13,420 ! 13,365 13,377 j 13,359 | 13,359 715 714 547 538 700 1,098 1,073 1,101 1,116 1,101 144 137 140 137 138 480 475 488 523 489 4,522 4,541 4,563 4,576 4,595 368 323 305 364 235 382 384 384 384 384 June 7 14 21 28 66.960 67,299 67,905 67.960 66,663 67,049 67,621 67,555 24,795 24,855 24,977 25,179 25,092 25,105 25,261 25,584 13,394 13,459 13,532 13,602 , ; 1 j 1 i i 530 448 330 368 1,190 1,207 1,317 1,349 139 133 137 , 144 506 504 505 508 4,612 4,644 4,664 4,682 July 5 12 19 26 67,652 67,586 67,875 68,028 67,286 67,332 67,635 67,724 25,367 25,215 25,455 26,067 25,733 25,469 25,695 26,371 13,660 13,725 13,791 13.911 540 441 614 944 1,267 i 1,091 j 1,040 1 1,064 144 146 150 164 500 498 491 501 67,847 67.923 68,107 68,164 68,570 67,633 67.587 67,779 67,776 68,21 2 26,167 26,404 26,568 26,706 26,895 26,381 26,740 26,896 27,094 27,253 14,022 14,187 14,359 14,512 14,739 943 883 903 602 505 991 1,027 976 974 922 ' 1 i 1 168 184 195 203 199 508 510 512 517 544 Sept. 68,456 68,842 69,522 68,767 68,066 68.587 69,038 68,428 27,125 27,480 27,786 28,163 27,515 27,735 28,270 28,502 14,932 15,330 15,517 15,725 461 374 342 506 946 941 1,042 981 1 ! , 1 196 I 189 ] 181 184 Oct. 68,662 68,663 68,841 69,230 68,363 68,372 68,619 68,984 28,278 28,586 28,600 28,892 28,577 28,877 28,822 29,138 15,865 16,090 16,096 16,269 371 387 368 461 986 971 i 958 946 j Nov. 69,237 69,373 69,414 69,668 69.923 68,925 69,029 69,214 69,425 69,546 29,075 29,330 29,588 29,793 30,209 29,387 29.674 29,788 30,036 30,586 16,476 16,669 16,906 16,975 17,084 339 419 388 467 657 69,807 70,301 71,444 71,789 69,305 70,097 71.034 71,270 30,078 30,356 30,736 31,080 30.580 30,560 31,146 31,599 17,261 17,461 17,801 17,839 481 452 448 690 1,016 ' 942 • 982 992 l 1,014 i 983 1 992 I 1,017 ; 1,052 j Feb. M ar. 15 22 29 Apr. May 17 Aug. Dec. 2 4 ,8 8 6 196 1 j ‘ il 4,644 4,674 4,707 4,755 4,800 i ’ i j 4,810 4,845 4,877 i 4,912 , J 4,932 ! 4,948 4,982 5,079 386 385 385 386 4,712 4,755 4,776 4,794 297 j 250 | 284 ] 405 ;| 366 254 240 1 304 j 4,815 4,833 4,868 4,898 4,938 214 5,111 i 336 1 5,170 328 5,146 I 388 5,389 358 5,439 1 391 390 391 389 391 4,956 523 4,992 546 530 ; 5,015 : 5,035 534 390 1 5,503 255 5,500 484 5,550 339 ; 5,590 ' 392 392 391 392 189 | 188 184 186 | 543 : 5,050 547 . 5,086 5,102 553 543 ' 5,119 299 201 i 222 246 5,668 1 5,709 5,733 . 5,762 ( 394 392 394 394 182 181 183 186 187 185 185 180 175 546 564 555 559 605 ! 5,126 I 5,149 m 5,167 J 5,191 5,213 312 344 200 243 377 5,786 : 5,800 i 5,803 5,817 5,845 , 396 394 396 394 396 558 601 559 561 5,212 5,240 5,254 5,270 502 204 410 519 5,799 I 5,827 5,880 5,895 401 402 403 402 | i , | ‘ i 1 i , j | 388 389 389 390 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued o f dollars) Investments Balances with— U. S. G overnn lent securit es Certif icates Notes nnd bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets Total assets D ate Total Bills 37,514 37,920 38,131 38,077 2,542 2,999 3,271 3,220 6,866 6,804 6,756 6,694 28,106 28,117 28,104 28,163 5,035 5,055 5,084 5,162 5,167 4,812 5,017 4,433 809 839 787 782 12,774 12,403 12,219 12,237 2,680 2,415 2,335 2,221 45 38 39 36 1,119 1,108 1,145 1,142 89,816 88,972 89,212 88,669 Jan. 4 11 18 25 37,595 37,375 36,975 37,162 2,762 2,595 2,306 2,402 6,152 5,947 5,862 5,858 28,681 28,833 28,807 28,902 5,185 5,244 5,225 5,223 4,894 4,077 6,004 5,027 706 760 750 757 12,384 12,078 12,297 12,012 2,049 2,046 2,255 2,155 38 42 38 40 1,172 1,156 1,171 1,158 88,509 87,298 89,492 88,134 Feb. 1 8 15 22 36,774 36,463 36,877 36,702 36,118 2,212 2,024 2,394 2,200 1,768 5,071 4,909 4,856 4,782 4,638 29,491 29,530 29,627 29,720 29,712 5,316 5,327 5,326 5,518 5,559 5,298 4,344 5,865 4,654 4,386 708 763 743 759 785 12,104 12,058 12,438 11,816 11,727' 2,106 2,173 2,468 2,095 1,990 36 39 40 37 37 1,189 1,198 1,091 1,079 1,102 88,272 86,858 89,500 87,446 86,590 Mat*. 1 8 15 22 29 35,920 35,941 36,177 35,922 1,616 1,633 1,874 1,715 4,384 4,370 4,341 4,309 29,920 29,938 29,962 29,898 5,582 5,630 5,658 5,676 4,523 5,417 5,117 4,697 729 804 764 794 11,816 11,857 11,639 11,841 2,131 2,204 2,186 2,062 37 36 34 36 1,097 1,102 1,098 1,112 86,959 88,028 87,534 87,056 Apr. 5 12 19 26 35,916 35,899 36,251 36,359 36,456 1,753 1,744 1,972 2,025 2,125 4,307 4,316 4,417 4,402 4,420 29,856 29,839 29,862 29,932 29,911 5,609 5,584 5,594 5,608 5,614 4,610 4,703 5,229 4,873 5,260 731 787 768 787 783 11,776 11,733 11,891 11,844 11,820 2,175 2,151 2,348 2,120 2,127 34 38 38 37 35 1,140 1,147 1,144 1,160 1,202 87,000 86,960 88,107 87,772 88,330 May 3 10 17 24 31 36,183 36,505 36,935 36,638 2,005 2,250 2,523 2,641 3,141 3,173 3,220 2,916 31,037 31,082 31,192 31,081 5,685 5,689 5,709 5,738 4,671 5,806 5,140 4,876 781 831 792 818 11,940 12,139 12,021 11,884 2,146 2,391 2,344 2,198 35 40 46 49 1,200 1,207 1,129 1,134 87,733 89,713 89,377 88,919 June 7 14 21 28 36,152 36,248 36,222 35,727 2,405 2,522 2,496 2,025 2,264 2,231 2,217 2,200 31,483 31,495 31,509 31,502 5,767 5,869 5,958 5,930 5,233 5,694 5,386 5,235 754 854 797 816 12,118 12,088 11,972 12,250 2,294 2,458 2,198 2,156 50 50 48 53 1,154 1,155 1,175 1,186 89,255 89,885 89,451 89,724 July 5 12 19 26 35,496 35,154 35,078 34,894 35,082 1,831 1,599 1,502 1,761 2,297 2,134 2,063 2,072 1,702 1,359 31,531 31,492 31,504 31,431 31,426 5,970 6,029 6,133 6,176 6,235 5,192 5,175 6,107 5,583 5,279 757 808 767 801 830 12,153 12,120 12,056 12,395 12,126 2,180 2,099 2,292 2,156 2,184 54 56 76 76 84 1,228 1,243 1,265 1,243 1,264 89,411 89,424 90,670 90,418 90,337 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 34,698 34,840 34,869 33,845 2,301 2,889 3,091 2,391 1,288 1,318 1,358 1,156 31,109 30,633 30,420 30,298 6,243 6,267 6,383 6,420 5,212 6,493 6,191 5,600 804 857 825 855 12,370 12,544 11,899 12,472 2,162 2,408 2,278 2,139 97 106 95 108 1,295 1,316 1,196 1,196 90,396 92,566 92,006 91,137 Sept. 6 13 20 27 33,694 33,358 33,580 33,729 2,397 2,159 2,437 2,551 1,046 1,023 1,029 1,040 30,251 30,176 30,114 30,138 6,391 6,428 6,439 6,363 5,277 5,937 6,431 5,547 792 860 839 844 12,294 12,433 12,755 12,379 2,311 2,247 2,461 2,315 137 159 152 151 1,233 1,224 1,243 1,233 90,706 91,523 92,722 91,699 Oct. 4 11 18 25 33,535 33,392 33,349 33,306 32,984 2,481 2,353 2,280 2,263 2,044 1,048 1,066 1,085 1,104 1,124 30,006 29,973 29,984 29,939 29,816 6,315 6,307 6,277 6,326 6,353 5,861 6,001 7,453 5,857 5,755 793 871 835 826 912 12,404 12,313 12,610 12,351 12,504 2,222 2,251 2,606 2,214 2,213 146 143 143 141 130 1,263 1,259 1,266 1,261 1,278 91,926 92,211 94,327 92,318 92,715 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 32,924 33,439 33,854 33,674 2,058 2,638 2,894 2,778 1,014 805 779 787 29,852 29,996 30,181 30,109 6,303 6,302 6,444 6,516 5,741 6,553 6,358 7,179 879 998 972 1,005 12,778 13,075 12,823 12,738 2,268 2,674 2,696 2,589 128 122 133 127 1,303 1,298 1,203 1,225 92,904 95,021 95,629 96,652 Dec. 6 13 20 27 1950 197 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . MEMBER BANK S, (In millions Demand deposits Total demand and time deposits Date Individuals, partnerships, and corps. To tal A djusted States and political subdivisions U.S. G overnment Interbank ............................. Domestic Unadjusted Foreign Certified and officers' checks 1950 Jan. 4 II 18 25 82,300 81,502 81,700 81,064 47,975 48,140 48,245 48,514 66,787 65,996 66,209 65,589 48,346 48,452 48,596 48,219 3,325 3,208 3,267 3,460 2,050 1,895 1,940 2,101 10,293 9,937 9,783 9,327 1,302 1,212 1,224 1,214 1,471 1,292 1,399 1,268 Feb. 1 8 15 22 80,710 79,622 81,585 80,448 47,767 47,330 46,930 46,848 65,224 64.106 66,082 64,926 47,600 46,814 48,132 47,133 3,456 3,372 3,386 3,355 2,322 2,438 2,630 2,811 9,039 9,065 9,297 8,991 1,202 1,1% 1,221 1,249 1,605 1,221 1,416 1,387 M ar. 1 8 15 22 29 80,318 79,168 81,983 79,571 78,630 46,926 46,711 47,236 46,468 46,162 64,793 63,614 66,433 64,030 63,095 47,193 46,558 48,235 46,407 45,848 3,454 3,277 3,266 3,406 3,431 2,302 1,951 2,384 2,630 2,691 9,021 9,327 9,676 8,990 8,608 1,246 1,281 1,272 1,288 1,248 1,577 1,220 1,600 1,309 1,269 Apr. 5 12 19 26 79,015 80,174 79,680 79,136 45,981 46,492 46,656 47,149 63,457 64,632 64,119 63,536 45,810 47,378 47,078 47,120 3,377 3,263 3,359 3,447 2,587 2,332 2,103 1,823 9,106 9,098 8,925 8,555 1,260 1,293 1,318 1,312 1,317 1,268 1,336 1,279 May 3 10 17 24 31 79,034 79,041 80,257 79,821 80,198 46,928 46,881 46,933 47,380 47,530 63,423 63,432 64,649 64,149 64,519 46,672 46,780 47,525 47,286 47,856 3,601 3,409 3,400 3,443 3,571 1,668 1,697 2,121 2,061 1,982 8,966 8,898 9,107 8,576 8,477 1,251 1,253 1,259 1,259 1,270 1,265 1,395 1,237 1,524 1,363 June 7 14 21 28 79,738 81,772 81,351 80,848 47,519 47,942 48,040 47,972 64,033 66,059 65,638 65,099 47,448 49,010 48,201 47,925 3,537 3,462 3,614 3,611 1,672 1,854 2,238 2,350 8,900 9,178 8,935 8,618 1,271 1,279 1,285 1,283 1,205 1,276 65,437 66,262 65,652 65,779 47,647 48,615 48,552 48,912 3,516 3,351 3,237 3,374 2,355 2,319 2,340 2,205 9,207 9,467 8,961 8,644 1,246 1,235 1,237 1,229 1,466 1,275 1,325 1,415 1,312 July 5 12 19 26 81,168 81,957 81,322 81,382 47,396 47,547 47,728 48,466 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 81,134 81,120 82,487 82,148 82,120 48,264 48,351 48,098 48,561 48,995 65,542 65,546 66,903 66,579 66,564 48,555 48,597 49,479 49,078 49,368 3,443 3,342 3,263 3,219 3,321 1,946 1,812 2,127 2,546 2,390 8,884 8,949 9,118 8,614 8,624 1,256 1,259 1,253 1,275 1,276 1,458 1,587 1,463 1,847 1,585 Sept. 6 13 20 27 82,045 84,390 83,583 82,790 48,581 49,269 49,030 49,238 66,513 68,867 68,056 67,236 49,186 51,134 50,623 50,198 3,244 3,146 3,150 3,245 2,357 2,424 2,236 2,338 9,059 9,368 9,319 8,737 1,304 1,313 1,280 1,323 1,363 1,482 1,448 1,395 Oct. 4 11 18 25 82,419 83,173 84,473 83,411 48,985 48,839 49,339 49,891 66,869 67,627 68,924 67,884 49,615 50,299 51,261 50,875 3,351 3,163 3,136 3,191 1,804 2,018 1,851 1,712 9,436 9,455 9,911 9,319 1,367 1,378 1,392 1,415 1,296 1,314 1,373 1,372 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 83,461 83,561 86,036 83,771 84,021 49,471 49,230 49,250 49,850 50,546 67,940 68,015 70,465 68,266 68,521 50,445 50,517 51,814 51,032 51,305 3,362 3,331 3,351 3,291 3,371 1,805 1,766 2,044 1,815 1,624 9,376 9,619 10,358 9,385 9,225 1,427 1,399 1,360 1,359 1,371 1,525 1,383 6 13 20 27 84,206 86,714 87,168 87,779 50,452 51,676 51,770 51,642 i 68,721 71,128 71,537 72,105 51,156 53,383 53,181 53,518 3,330 3,368 3,385 3,393 1,462 1,408 1,469 1,572 9,707 10,127 10,581 10,300 1,359 1,364 1,359 1.412 1,707 1,478 1,562 1,910 Dec. 198 1,384 1,625 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Individ States and uals, p art political nerships, subdivi and corps. sions Borrowings U . S. Interbank ment Domestic Foreign From F. R. Banks Other Other liabilities C apital accounts liabilities and capital accounts Date 1950 15,513 15,506 15,491 15,475 14,612 14,606 14,593 14,577 620 620 620 619 128 127 127 128 153 153 151 151 224 151 196 270 1,081 1,104 1,110 1,129 6,211 6,215 6,206 6,206 89,816 88,972 89,212 88,669 Jan. 4 11 18 25 15,486 15,516 15,503 15,522 14,578 14,607 14,594 14,614 627 628 626 627 128 128 128 128 153 153 155 153 458 325 493 257 1,108 1,109 1,197 1,207 6,233 6,242 6,217 6,222 88,509 87,298 89,492 88,134 Feb. 1 8 M 22 15,525 15,554 15,550 15,541 15,535 14,647 14,685 14,675 14,671 14,660 609 610 614 612 617 121 121 121 121 120 148 138 140 137 138 506 218 71 398 458 1,219 1,228 1,212 1,237 1,248 6,229 6,244 6,234 6,240 6,254 88,272 86,858 89,500 87,446 86,590 M ar. 1 8 M 15,558 15,542 15,561 15,600 14,684 14,664 14,684 14,705 614 615 616 633 121 121 120 121 139 142 141 141 470 336 315 355 1,208 1,246 1,273 1,291 6,266 6,272 6,266 6,274 86,959 88,028 87,534 87,056 Apr. 15,611 15,609 15,608 15,672 15,679 14,717 14,711 14,713 14,732 14,738 633 637 636 637 636 122 121 120 123 122 139 140 139 180 183 364 300 235 323 417 1,298 1,314 1,310 1,315 1,389 6,304 6,305 6,305 6,313 6,326 87,000 86,960 88,107 87,772 88,330 M ay 15,705 15,713 15,713 15,749 14,740 14,746 14,739 14,768 655 652 654 652 122 122 124 132 188 193 196 197 256 192 213 309 1,402 1,425 1,407 1,340 6,337 6,324 6,406 6,422 87,733 89,713 89,377 88,919 June 15,731 15,695 15,670 15,603 14,749 14,712 14,679 14,627 650 648 650 638 134 137 136 134 198 198 205 204 338 142 345 529 1,303 1,333 1,348 1,354 6,446 6,453 6,436 6,459 89,255 89,885 89,451 89,724 July 15,592 15,574 15,584 15,569 15,556 14,613 14,583 14,574 14,550 14,535 638 645 658 662 663 136 135 133 133 133 205 211 219 224 225 437 444 307 370 296 1,368 1,402 1,420 1,432 1,445 6,472 6,458 6,456 6,468 6,476 89,411 89,424 90,670 90,418 90,337 Aug. 15,532 15,523 15,527 15,554 14,512 14,518 14,516 14,537 661 649 654 662 133 130 131 130 226 226 226 225 380 190 410 329 1,479 1,506 1,529 1,526 6,492 6,480 6,484 6,492 90,396 92,566 92,006 91,137 Sept. 6 13 20 27 15,550 15,546 15,549 15,527 14,537 14,539 14,543 14,520 655 655 653 652 129 126 126 126 229 226 227 229 205 282 170 194 1,575 1,562 1,582 1,582 6,507 6,506 6,497 6,512 90,706 91,523 92,722 91,699 Oct. 4 11 18 25 15,521 15,546 15,571 15,505 15,500 14,513 14,542 14,524 14,484 14,475 653 647 664 640 642 126 126 126 125 125 229 231 257 256 258 344 508 152 401 520 1,589 1,600 1,608 1,614 1,629 6,532 6,542 6,531 6,532 6,545 91,926 92,211 94,327 92,318 92,715 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 15,485 15,586 15,631 15,674 14,466 14,510 14,520 14,578 637 640 643 642 126 126 126 126 256 310 342 328 495 126 316 738 1,668 1,661 1,615 1,597 6,535 6,520 6,530 6,538 92,904 95,021 95,629 96,652 Dec. 6 13 20 27 199 7.7 29 5 17 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 7\ 28 S 12 19 26 7. 9 16 23 30 ORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In m illions Loans Loons and investments — Total Total ad justed A d justed '■ — F o r purchasing or carrying securities Total N et mcrcial, indus trial, and ag ricul tural To brokers and dealers U.S. G ovt. securi ties Other securi ties To others Real estate U.S. Govt. securi ties Other securi ties Loans to banks All other M em o: val uation reserves - 3 10 17 24 31 71,212 70,824 70,449 70,384 69,527 70,702 70,400 70,045 70,021 69,203 30,907 30,868 30,896 31,075 31,217 31,417 31,292 31,300 31,438 31,541 17,871 17,934 17,983 18,029 18,131 512 487 426 487 533 1,066 987 1,015 1,041 1,021 174 162 159 164 167 576 577 582 582 587 5,280 5,287 5,298 5,298 5,299 510 424 404 363 324 5,865 5,876 5,878 5,921 5,928 437 442 445 447 449 7 14 21 23 69,225 69,241 69,231 69,501 68,912 68,800 68,828 69,089 31,356 31,481 31,474 31,777 31,669 31,922 31,877 32 ,1 8 J 18,331 18,459 18,598 18,743 516 519 397 492 1,012 1,000 978 1,006 167 175 174 171 577 575 575 577 5,303 5,326 5,327 5,331 313 441 403 412 5,899 5,875 5,869 5 ,9(H) 449 448 444 443 7 14 21 28 69,290 69,538 70,447 70,198 68,748 69,173 69,942 69,773 31,603 31,808 32,182 32,282 32,145 32,173 32,687 32,707 18,689 18,956 19,174 19,202 274 231 218 279 1,119 1,113 1,263 1,233 163 150 145 146 583 578 576 572 5,326 5,342 5,371 5,369 542 365 505 425 5,893 5,886 5,884 5,930 444 448 449 449 4 11 18 25 70,122 69,707 69,756 69,863 69,527 69,388 69,352 69,398 32,254 32,058 31,977 32,013 32,849 32,377 32,381 32,478 19,196 19,262 19,198 19,127 243 138 124 196 1,263 1,095 1,060 1,071 144 132 129 127 577 595 602 597 5,365 5,382 5,406 5,420 595 319 404 465 i 5,921 5,907 5,913 5,932 455 453 455 457 2 9 16 23 30 70,108 69,392 69,582 69,493 69,369 69,617 69,051 69,165 68,959 68,987 32,170 32,207 32,251 32,080 32,046 32,661 32,548 32,668 32,614 32,428 19,186 19,164 19,233 19,115 19,048 246 263 272 174 271 1,113 1,132 1,087 1,092 1,061 125 125 123 123 123 602 609 595 633 596 5,419 5,440 5,456 5,467 5,476 491 ! 5,935 341 5,930 5,941 417 5,932 534 382 5,928 456 456 456 456 455 6 13 20 27 69,037 69,492 70,434 70,635 68,673 69,054 69,950 70,112 31,968 31,991 32,193 32,354 32,332 32,429 32,677 32,877 18,992 19,085 19,216 19,220 214 191 235 376 1,048 1,020 1,036 1,023 124 125 125 129 630 597 597 587 5,489 5,521 5,524 5,530 364 438 484 523 5,926 5,909 5,916 5,947 455 457 456 458 4 11 18 25 70,268 70,099 70,085 70,114 69,876 69,571 69,522 69,679 32,374 32,218 32,108 32,074 32,766 32,746 32,671 32,509 19,153 19,120 19,035 18,958 419 398 406 455 1,091 1,017 991 986 127 126 125 135 584 579 578 576 5,534 5,539 5,546 5,555 392 528 563 435 5,926 5,899 5,887 5,869 460 460 460 460 1 8 15 22 29 70,100 70,028 70,305 70,331 70,488 69,776 69,610 69,763 69,869 69,970 32,163 32,062 32,218 32,305 32,398 32,487 32,480 32,760 32,767 32,916 19,124 19,170 19,379 19,503 19,502 349 239 205 209 268 1,041 981 950 905 902 127 129 129 131 128 573 565 564 562 570 5,545 '5 ,5 5 5 5,561 5,571 5,584 324 418 542 462 518 5,865 5,882 5,891 5,887 5,906 461 459 461 463 462 5 12 19 26 70,372 70,725 71,604 71,408 69,917 70,269 71,078 70,994 32,543 32,926 33,018 33,068 32,998 33,382 33,544 33,482 19,586 19,842 19,938 20,078 299 357 352 290 900 947 973 952 129 130 130 131 567 568 570 561 5,581 5,588 5,595 5,605 455 456 526 414 5,943 5,956 5,923 5,915 462 462 463 464 3 10 17 24 31 71,223 71,085 71,508 72,606 72,648 70,669 70,760 71,035 72,031 72,021 33,090 33,176 33,325 33,350 33,456 33,644 33,501 33,798 33,925 34,083 20,171 30,314 20,489 20,472 20,571 225 157 121 119 134 953 949 955 975 943 123 128 128 124 127 567 564 565 565 557 5,615 5,618 5,633 5,638 5,653 554 325 473 575 627 5,902 5,913 5,912 5,935 5,950 466 467 478 478 479 7 14 21 28 72,340 72,526 72,652 73,260 71,733 71,835 71,926 72,603 33,510 33,807 33,787 33,831 34,117 34,498 34,513 34,488 20,667 20,848 20,872 20,865 137 172 153 228 912 966 943 920 124 120 121 122 556 556 556 558 5,655 5,675 5,671 5,670 607 691 726 657 5,939 5,949 5,950 5,949 480 479 479 481 5 12 19 26 73,072 73,771 74,842 74,878 72,712 73,286 74,166 74,280 34,158 34,452 34,836 34,905 34,518 34,937 35,512 35,503 21,006 21,219 21,442 21,592 370 421 440 388 950 970 1,080 1,031 119 117 116 118 558 563 579 573 5,661 5,669 5,673 5,668 360 485 676 598 5,974 5,974 5,987 6,030 480 481 481 495 200 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued o f dollars) Investments Balances with— U.S. G overnm ent securities Certif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets Total assets Date Total Bills 33,294 33,046 32,634 32,443 31,504 2,470 2,368 2,209 2,081 1,618 30,824 30,678 30,425 30,362 29,886 6,501 6,486 6,515 6,503 6,482 6,846 5,796 6,472 5,596 5,674 894 890 838 851 795 13,045 12,923 13,753 13,519 14,260 2,874 2,422 2,555 2,295 2,166 132 137 126 131 123 1,235 1,237 1,252 1,264 1,302 96,238 94,229 95,445 94,040 93,847 Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 31,093 30,858 30,900 30,791 1,444 1,402 1,505 1,577 29,649 29,456 29,395 29,214 6,463 6,461 6,454 6,521 5,042 7,276 5,693 6,340 818 882 833 823 14,145 13,945 13,981 14,173 2,113 2,362 2,177 2,203 121 118 123 132 1,319 1,317 1,331 1,383 92,783 95,141 93,369 94,555 Feb. 7 14 21 28 30,606 30,782 31,198 30,886 1,479 1,718 2,220 1,933 29,127 29,064 28,978 28,953 6,539 6,583 6,562 6,605 5,690 7,017 5,647 5,587 828 871 834 872 14,056 14,518 14,339 14,150 2,273 2,518 2,368 2,118 124 135 126 129 1,373 1,377 1,244 1,279 93,634 95,974 95,005 94,333 M ar. 7 14 21 28 30,674 30,713 30,750 30,805 1,812 1,829 1,842 1,946 28,862 28,884 28,908 28,859 6,599 6,617 6,625 6,580 5,478 5,787 6,192 5,419 796 844 826 849 14,234 14,536 14,651 14,267 2,280 2,422 2,413 2,247 117 100 106 112 1,284 1,293 1,295 1,318 94,311 94,689 95,239 94,075 Apr. 4 11 18 25 30,836 30,339 30,425 30,382 30,443 1,971 1,641 1,742 1,696 1,769 28,865 28,698 28,683 28,686 28,674 6,611 6,505 6,489 6,497 6,498 5,493 5,042 6,567 5,278 5,659 795 839 821 845 861 13,960 13,864 14,044 13,741 13,712 2,217 2,161 2,378 2,229 2,129 108 110 99 112 113 1,350 1,348 1,342 1,336 1,364 94,031 92,756 94,833 93,034 93,207 May 2 9 16 23 30 30,207 30,555 31,186 31,176 1,806 2,147 2,800 2,745 28,401 28,408 26,804 26,846 6,498 6,508 6,571 6,582 5,210 6,264 5,844 5,515 832 883 843 890 14,216 14,463 14,513 14,249 2,331 2,635 2,474 2,242 111 113 109 110 1,372 1,378 1,258 1,285 93,109 95,228 95,475 94,926 June 1,582 1,585 6 13 20 27 30,886 30,697 30,739 30,949 2,457 2,338 2,325 2,500 1,573 1,553 1,539 1,499 26,856 26,806 26,875 26,950 6,616 6,656 6,675 6,656 6,099 5,717 5,921 5,196 812 911 858 863 14,205 14,288 14,243 14,091 2,299 2,338 2,433 2,320 100 99 103 111 1,291 1,274 1,264 1,280 95,074 94,726 94,907 93,975 July 4 11 18 25 30,997 30,920 30,949 30,983 30,930 2,648 2,592 2,670 2,716 2,593 2,224 2,299 2,252 2,246 2,239 26,125 26,029 26,027 26,021 26,098 6,616 6,628 6,596 6,581 6,642 5,842 5,020 6,174 5,125 4,851 807 839 829 852 896 14,051 14,226 14,184 14,119 14,092 2,318 2,289 2,478 2,290 2,151 107 114 117 112 116 1,308 1,335 1,334 1,333 1,342 94,533 93,851 95,421 94,162 93,936 Aug. 1 8 15 22 29 30,768 30,722 31,333 31,212 2,436 2,368 2,962 2,934 2,219 2,186 2,538 2,493 26,113 26,168 25,833 25,785 6,606 6,621 6,727 6,714 5,625 6,659 6,131 5,851 847 916 881 912 13,794 14,035 14,633 14,317 2,278 2,471 2,478 2,311 110 114 96 88 1,390 1,385 1,240 1,255 94,416 96,305 97,063 96,142 Sept. 5 12 19 26 30,878 30,849 30,976 31,940 31,926 2,711 2,678 2,800 3,763 3,748 2,768 2,798 3,038 3,056 3,010 25,399 25,373 25,138 25,121 25,168 6,701 6,735 6,734 6,741 6,639 5,603 5,446 7,187 5,747 6,292 855 919 886 901 870 14,844 14,707 14,748 14,668 14,437 2,447 2,586 2,760 2,559 2,439 61 52 43 39 35 1,272 1,271 1,280 1,274 1,332 96,305 96,066 98,412 97,794 98,053 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 31,596 31,457 31,524 32,082 3,455 3,336 3,346 3,949 2,982 2,990 3,010 2,994 25,159 25,131 25,168 25,139 6,627 6,571 6,615 6,690 5,666 7,694 6,576 5,828 896 981 874 987 14,385 14,555 14,569 14,462 2,439 2,661 2,417 2,315 53 53 58 60 1,331 1,352 1,351 1,385 97,110 99,822 98,497 98,297 Nov. 7 14 21 28 31,856 32,115 32,577 32,522 3,837 4,048 4,525 4,512 2,960 2,995 3,611 3,583 25,059 25,072 24,441 24,427 6,698 6,719 6,753 6,853 5,789 6,965 6,455 6,494 902 1,033 1,005 1,077 14,722 14,688 15,334 14,930 2,292 2,462 2,593 2,482 61 37 35 44 1,423 1,451 1,377 1,391 98,261 100,407 101,641 101,296 Dec. 5 12 19 26 1951 . . . . . --------- 201 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BANK S, (In million!) D em an d deposits T o tal dem and and tim e deposits D ate T o tal A djusted Individuals, p artn ersh ip s, a n d corps. S tates an d political subdivisions U.S. G o v ern m en t In te rb an k D om estic U nadjusted Certified an d officers' checks F o reig n 1951 Jan . 3 10 17 24 31 87,674 85,768 86,923 85,404 84.696 51,292 51,306 51,702 51,684 51,232 71,962 69,986 71.190 69,679 68,970 52,810 52,130 53,202 52,276 51,760 3.480 3.427 3.428 3,513 3,657 1,194 1,089 1,261 1,398 1,622 11,221 10,399 10,403 9,654 9,089 1,409 1,396 I 1.352 , 1.347 1.353 | 1,848 1,545 1.544 1,491 1,489 F eb. 7 14 21 28 83,819 86,427 84,717 85,684 50,781 50,510 50,491 50,649 68,090 70,733 69,029 69,983 50,767 52,684 51,285 51,813 3,619 3,574 3,541 3,640 1,739 1,983 2,462 2,588 9,181 9,637 9,050 9,034 1.347 ! 1,327 1 1.333 1,372 j 1.437 1,528 1,358 1,536 M ar. 7 14 21 28 84,802 87,525 86,421 85,459 50,577 51,826 50,321 49,487 69,097 71,804 70,683 69,682 51,078 53,660 51,092 50,104 3,476 3,433 3,436 3,489 2,108 1,992 4,248 4,622 9,383 9,615 9,124 8,646 1,713 1,750 1.440 1,481 Apr. 4 11 18 25 85,667 86,266 86.696 85,388 49,042 49,205 49,870 50,214 69,920 70,507 70,950 69,657 49,511 50,346 51,039 50,645 3,488 3,365 3,521 3,686 957 821 241 882 9,024 9,299 9,271 8,765 1.339 | 1.354 f 1.343 j 1.340 I 1,419 1,395 1 1.376 1.377 M ay 2 9 16 23 30 85,183 83,879 85.742 84,120 84,217 50,163 49,572 49,350 49,865 50,034 69,490 68,167 70,041 68,440 68,513 50,257 49,552 50,932 50,189 50,591 3,950 3,792 3,685 3,719 3,857 3,520 3,149 3,380 3,197 3,005 8,971 9,057 9,392 8,761 | 8,476 1.343 1.347 1,352 1.339 1.339 1,449 1.270 1,300 1,235 1,245 6 13 20 27 84,494 86,505 86.742 86,071 50,286 51,133 50,875 49,916 68,759 70,700 70,908 70.191 50,455 52,606 51,791 50,500 3,680 3,584 3,537 3,589 2,723 2,397 3,569 4,679 9,207 j 9,564 J 9,331 8,781 4 11 18 25 86,316 85,816 85,895 85,255 49,340 49,667 49,892 50.533 70,416 69,871 69,948 69.321 50,250 50,622 51,021 50,971 3.644 3.480 3,336 3,532 4,339 3,619 3,111 2,962 9,345 i 9,578 | 9,759 9,364 ; 15 22 29 85,552 84,988 86,355 85,193 84,878 50,383 50,185 49,909 50,296 50,976 69,623 69.033 70,400 69,234 68,860 50,860 50,410 51,573 50,914 51,174 3.644 3,457 3.331 3.331 3.362 2,673 2,812 3.010 2,959 2,609 9,472 9,772 10,061 9,604 9,189 1.333 1 1,342 I 1.289 1,300 i 1,293 1.290 1 1.265 , 1.266 I 1,253 i 1,244 1,246 | 1,250 ; 1,235 1 5 12 19 26 85.332 87,173 87,824 87,152 50,584 51,420 51.357 50.533 69.321 71,160 71,778 71,071 51,479 53,473 52,801 51,696 3.331 3,236 3,247 3,300 2,082 1,548 2,833 3,747 9,802 i 10,311 10,259 9,739 1 1,228 1 1,399 1,370 1.440 1,388 O ct. 3 10 17 24 31 87,377 87.333 89,539 88,698 88,736 50,517 50,878 51,323 52,251 52,124 71.270 71,203 73,385 72,522 72,479 51,395 51,846 53,988 53,312 53,517 3,291 3,214 3,118 3,311 3.465 3,690 3.011 2,365 2,835 2,543 10,228 ' 10,645 1 11,269 i 10,465 10,295 1,232 | 1.223 ! 1,241 i 1.224 1.225 1.434 1,264 1,404 1,375 1.434 Nov. 7 14 21 28 87,783 90,306 89,012 88,638 52,175 52,249 52.357 53,040 71,505 74.034 72,794 72,409 53,086 55,163 54,031 53,964 3,485 3,387 3,315 3.466 1,855 1,795 2,104 2,241 10,591 11,057 J 10,505 I 10,074 ! 1,218 1.239 1.252 1.226 1.270 1,393 1,587 1.438 5 12 19 26 88,308 90,562 91,815 91,263 53,204 54,243 54,822 54,059 72,065 74.270 75,499 74,863 54,047 56,209 55,996 55,493 3,378 3.363 3,391 3,410 1,427 1,200 2,016 2,319 10,406 1 10,610 I 10,920 i 10,672 1.239 1.252 1,286 1,319 I 1,568 1,636 1,890 1,650 July A ug. Sept. 202 \ | I * | t j ! ! 1,222 1 1,198 , 1,201 1,521 1,281 1,502 1,302 1,361 1,207 1,391 1,342 1.545 1,282 1,456 1,226 1,721 1,338 1,179 1,176 1,291 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Individ States and uals, p art political nerships, subdivi and corps. sions Borrowings U. S. Interbank From F. R. Banks ment Domestic Foreign . T ?tal O ther liabilities Capital accounts and capital accounts O ther Date 1951 15,712 15,782 15,733 15,725 15,726 14,615 14,632 14,578 14,537 14,533 644 659 661 685 689 127 127 127 126 128 326 364 367 377 376 469 370 414 517 982 1,572 1,559 1,587 1,593 1,627 6,523 6,532 6,521 6,526 6,542 96,238 94,229 95,445 94,040 93,847 Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 15,729 15,694 15,688 15,701 14,516 14,492 14,479 14,495 712 703 706 703 127 124 126 126 374 375 377 377 825 551 478 664 1,580 1,615 1,640 1,647 6,559 6,548 6,534 6,560 92,783 95,141 93,369 94,555 Feb. 7 14 21 28 15,705 15,721 15,738 15,777 14,499 14,513 14,527 14,555 700 700 700 697 126 126 127 127 380 382 384 398 647 281 462 717 1,625 1,617 1,576 1,603 6,560 6,551 6,546 6,554 93,634 95,974 95,005 94,333 M ar. 7 14 21 28 15,747 15,759 15,746 15,731 14,555 14,556 14,524 14,519 719 727 735 728 127 127 127 128 346 349 360 356 490 215 311 416 1,583 1,625 1,650 1,681 6,571 6,583 6,582 6,590 94,311 94,689 95,239 94,075 Apr. 4 11 18 25 15,693 15,712 15,701 15,680 15,704 14,477 14,494 14,485 14,473 14,485 732 735 741 734 746 129 130 128 130 131 355 353 347 343 342 567 591 797 580 664 1,663 1,657 1,668 1,704 1,714 6,618 6,629 6,626 6,630 6,612 94,031 92,756 94,833 93,034 93,207 May 2 9 16 23 30 15,735 15,805 15,834 15,880 14,514 14,585 14,613 14,661 749 747 745 743 132 132 135 135 340 341 341 341 257 358 398 500 1,729 1,701 1,660 1,666 6,629 6,664 6,675 6,689 93,109 95,228 95,475 94,926 June 6 13 20 27 15,900 15,945 15,947 15,934 14,646 14,684 14,692 14,677 740 742 737 738 135 140 140 140 379 379 378 379 440 612 708 383 1,619 1,597 1,606 1,632 6,699 6,701 6,698 6,705 95,074 94,726 94,907 93,975 July 4 11 18 25 15,929 15,955 15,955 15,959 16,018 14,673 14,690 14,685 14,708 14,741 740 742 743 733 751 138 139 143 143 143 378 384 384 375 383 627 457 634 551 602 1,626 1,669 1,718 1,700 1,730 6,728 6,737 6,714 6,718 6,726 94,533 93,851 95,421 94,162 93,936 Aug. 1 8 15 22 29 16,011 16,013 16,046 16,081 14,736 14,736 14,761 14,795 746 740 737 734 145 147 148 147 384 390 400 405 540 631 785 518 1,795 1,763 1,714 1,721 6,749 6,738 6,740 6,751 94,416 96,305 97,063 96,142 Sept. 5 12 19 26 16,107 16,130 16,154 16,176 16,257 14,831 14,847 14,874 14,878 14,958 728 726 723 720 719 149 151 152 151 152 399 406 405 427 428 450 210 324 502 644 1,710 1,758 1,788 1,805 1,840 6,768 6,765 6,761 6,789 6,833 96,305 96,066 98,412 97,794 98,053 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 16,278 16,272 16,218 16,229 14,971 14,963 14,918 14,915 718 719 706 720 156 157 157 157 433 433 437 437 628 770 739 870 1,867 1,921 1,928 1,950 6,832 6,825 6,818 6,839 97,110 99,822 98,497 98,297 Nov. 7 14 21 28 16,243 16,292 16,316 16,400 14,939 14,986 15,022 15,104 716 724 714 715 161 163 163 163 427 419 417 418 1,093 974 957 1,177 2,022 2,039 2,042 2,019 6,838 6,832 6,827 6,837 98,261 100,407 101,641 101,296 Dec. 5 12 19 26 _ 203 BANKS LJEJ 4.1 ASSETS AND A. M EM BER BANK S, (In millions Loans Loans and investments F o r purchasing o r carrying securities Total Com mercial, indus trial, and ag ricul tural To brokers and dealers Total Total ad justed A d justed 2 9 16 23 30 75,131 74,645 75,141 74,516 74,946 74,566 74,009 74,410 73,995 74,123 34,951 34,539 34,756 34,396 34,280 35,516 35,175 35,487 34,917 35,103 21,588 21,433 21,605 21,449 21.320 313 178 129 I 86 109 6 13 20 27 74,682 74,598 74,418 74,449 74,144 74,019 73,862 73,758 34,318 34,331 34,430 34,358 34,856 34,910 34,986 35,049 21,271 21,307 21,311 21,322 5 12 19 26 74,339 74,561 74.844 74,659 73,569 73,916 74,326 74,261 34,335 34,537 34,812 34,668 35,105 35,182 35,330 35,066 2 9 16 23 30 74,024 73.844 74,029 74,004 74,265 73,482 73,289 73,625 73,595 73,824 34,623 34,545 34,649 34,711 34,701 7 14 21 28 74,095 74,157 74,290 74,774 73,713 73,675 74,785 74,309 4 11 18 25 74,657 74,882 75,928 76,344 2 9 16 23 30 U.S. Govt. securi ties To others Real Loans I All estate I to | other | banks I M em o: val uation reserves Other securi ties U.S. Govt. securi ties 1,034 949 1,031 883 867 121 114 113 103 108 573 571 568 565 565 ! 108 140 258 179 984 897 905 106 107 103 104 563 565 567 563 5,735 5,747 5,736 5,729 538 f 6,101 579 i 6,100 556 j 6,109 6,106 691 550 550 551 550 21,324 21,404 21,642 21,537 185 241 238 166 904 940 972 971 105 105 105 104 562 565 564 565 5,719 5,720 5,723 5,730 770 645 518 398 1 6,090 6,116 6,123 6,153 554 554 555 558 35,165 35,100 35,053 35,120 35,142 21,345 21,221 21,221 21,044 I 20 966 I 207 266 315 476 539 1,078 1,069 1,110 1,166 1,165 119 107 107 106 97 567 566 572 573 572 5,735 5,736 5,756 5,758 5,753 542 6,130 555 1 6,137 404 6,125 409 6,144 441 6,166 558 557 557 556 557 34,648 34,634 34,560 34,770 35,030 35,116 35,065 35,235 20,892 I 20,874 20,800 1 20,697 597 561 457 656 1,118 1,136 1,185 1,238 95 97 98 96 572 572 572 571 5,756 5,765 5,760 5,771 382 ! 6,175 482 1 6,186 505 6,246 465 6,299 557 557 558 558 74,274 74,460 75,305 75,712 34,626 34,637 35,018 35,317 35,009 35,059 35,641 35,949 20,591 20,687 20,946 I 20,955 571 536 560 724 1,283 1,185 1,227 1,306 96 95 105 106 567 564 557 559 5,768 5,778 5,787 5,806 383 , 6,308 422 ! 6,350 623 6,395 632 6,42(1 558 558 559 559 78,448 77,676 77,596 77,149 77,078 77,686 77,092 76,924 76,724 76,682 36,103 35,668 35,475 35,408 35,320 36,865 36,252 36,147 35,833 35,716 1,386 20,738 1,039 20,750 813 20,808 730 20,799 626 20,756 I 1,421 1,343 1.316 1,316 1,373 226 217 215 200 157 574 570 571 571 571 5,812 5,822 5,825 5,839 5,850 762 584 672 425 i 396 6,507 6,488 6,491 6,517 6,552 561 561 564 564 565 6 13 20 27 76.605 76,534 76,288 76,440 76,007 75,899 75,646 75,818 35,338 35,284 35,183 35,354 35,936 35,919 35,825 35,976 20,834 20,900 20,978 21,108 383 317 260 282 1,525 1,456 1,243 1,221 149 140 135 137 578 574 654 655 5,860 5,882 5,890 5,897 598 635 642 , 622 6,574 6,580 6,589 6,621 565 565 566 567 3 10 17 24 76,130 76,250 76,960 76,488 75,515 75,661 76,091 75,795 35,472 35,734 36,038 36.004 36,087 36,323 36,907 36,697 21,200 21,419 21,692 21,782 246 266 234 164 1,225 1,207 1,230 1,145 139 133 136 135 662 656 646 649 5,911 5,946 5,953 5,963 615 589 869 693 | 6,656 6,675 6,715 6,733 567 568 568 567 1 8 15 22 29 76,723 78,349 78.606 77,909 77,954 75,896 77,671 77,804 77,359 77,333 36,254 36.535 36,891 36,866 37.018 37,081 37,213 37.693 37,416 37,639 21,854 21,990 22,236 22,333 22,457 184 274 294 259 271 1,238 1,281 1,300 1,206 1,173 132 130 129 118 116 646 645 650 649 635 5,977 5,986 6,006 6,020 6,032 827 i 6,789 678 j 6,798 802 6,847 550 6,852 6,904 621 566 569 571 571 570 5 12 19 26 77,995 77,971 78,081 79,447 77,565 77,525 77,582 78,986 37,364 37,675 37,817 38.004 37,794 38,121 38,316 38,465 I 22,670 22,911 23,043 23,058 379 395 368 508 1,153 1,187 1,194 1,200 116 112 110 112 632 631 632 629 6,035 6,061 6,078 6,078 430 j 6,951 446 6,950 499 | 6,965 461 6,993 572 572 573 574 3 10 17 24 31 79,248 79,338 79,977 79,803 79,486 78,815 78,915 79,344 79,285 79,335 38.019 38,290 38.535 38,785 38,953 38,452 I 23,130 38.693 23.321 39,168 23,423 39,303 23,494 I 39,104 23,390 431 422 480 552 709 1,181 1,197 1,226 1,232 1,293 110 113 116 126 153 624 626 644 653 654 6,081 6,085 6,073 6,096 6,095 433 7,039 423 7,082 633 I 7,151 518 7,201 151 1 7,253 577 576 578 569 594 204 915 Other securi ties 5,733 5,737 5,744 5,750 .5 ,7 4 5 565 636 731 521 823 ' I 6,132 6,103 6,111 ; 6,103 6,114 543 546 545 548 548 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Investments Balances with— U. S. Governn ncnt securit ies Certif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets Total assets D ate Total Bills 32,682 32,541 32,756 32,649 32,900 4,193 4,148 4,296 4,169 4,393 3,651 3,613 3,663 3,714 3,760 24,838 24,780 24,797 24,766 24,747 6,933 6,929 6,898 6,950 6,943 7,929 5,537 6,812 5,612 5,581 1,002 991 925 920 926 15,043 15,078 15,166 15,428 14,935 2,963 2,674 2,801 2,698 2,415 48 57 56 51 46 1,420 1,415 1,436 1,437 1,469 103,536 100,397 102,337 100,662 100,318 Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 32,833 32,651 32,431 32,357 4,302 4,108 3,905 3,920 3,812 3,857 3,902 3,868 24,719 24,686 24,624 24,569 6,993 7,037 7,001 7,043 5,298 7,467 6,067 5,985 868 964 909 944 14,935 14,962 14,909 14,659 2,329 2,519 2,402 2,392 43 42 44 37 1,477 1,492 1,520 1,548 99,632 102,044 100,269 100,014 Feb. 6 13 20 27 32,173 32,312 32,416 32,420 3,822 4,018 4,195 4,152 3,762 3,744 3,773 3,783 24,589 24,550 24,448 24,485 7,061 7,067 7,098 7,173 5,601 6,540 6,076 5,679 852 920 896 905 14,660 14,687 15,722 , 15,147 2,376 2,499 2,787 2,726 40 35 37 38 1,552 1,547 1,440 1,439 99,420 100,789 101,802 100,593 M ar. 5 12 19 26 31,604 31,454 31,690 31,671 31,917 3,465 3,341 3,578 3,494 3,688 3,675 3,636 3,675 3,709 3,752 24,464 24,477 24,437 24,468 24,477 7,255 7,290 7,286 7,213 7,206 5,865 5,481 6,990 6,189 6,391 839 896 886 895 865 14,644 14,552 15,067 14,848 14,901 2,692 2,398 2,541 2,292 2,320 40 41 37 40 36 1,470 1,454 1,456 1,446 1,465 99,574 98 666 101,006 99,714 100,243 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 31,845 31,854 32,035 32,174 3,477 3,445 3,532 3,601 3,801 3,779 3,793 3,796 24,567 24,630 24,710 24,777 7,220 7,187 7,190 7,365 5,406 6,603 6,281 6,096 870 931 884 960 14,936 14,859 15,106 14,770 2,286 2,475 2,333 2,334 41 43 40 36 1,464 1,464 1,473 15,04 99,098 100,532 100,407 100,474 May 7 14 21 28 32,359 32,504 32,850 32,934 3,738 3,907 4,072 4,ltl 3,763 3,756 3,766 3,723 24,858 24,841 25,012 25,100 7,289 7,319 7,437 7,461 6,089 6,196 7,084 6.261 957 1,012 963 997 14,848 14,838 15,959 14,959 2,340 2,399 2,572 2,388 44 41 39 40 1,525 1,515 1,422 1,428 100,460 100,883 103,967 102,417 June 4 (1 18 25 34,044 33,820 33,862 33,719 33,726 3,789 3,472 3,540 3,419 3,366 3,954 3,904 3,855 3,799 3,763 26,301 26,444 26,467 26,501 26,597 7,539 7,604 7,587 7,597 7,636 6,932 6,012 6,898 5,810 5,839 920 993 942 955 978 15,047 15,140 15,215 15,157 15,309 2,565 2,436 2,518 2,348 2,280 38 31 35 31 31 1,417 1,403 1,412 1,412 1,447 105,367 103,691 104,616 102,862 102,962 July 2 9 16 23 30 33,040 32,951 32,808 33,683 2,892 2,840 2,810 2,753 3 548 3,512 3,424 3,403 26,600 26,599 26,574 26,527 7,629 7,664 7,655 7,781 5,384 6,370 5,836 5,514 909 964 924 979 15,013 14,895 15,093 14,683 2,381 2,483 2,371 2,286 31 37 39 38 1,458 1,461 1,448 1,478 101,781 102,744 101,999 101,418 Aug. 6 13 20 27 32,368 32,223 32,360 32,127 2,625 2,530 2,830 2,632 3,268 3,208 3,126 3,121 26,475 26,485 26,404 26,374 7,675 7,704 7,693 7,664 6,032 6,121 7,357 5,860 938 995 926 953 14,578 15,022 15,610 15,312 2,346 2,398 2,755 2,685 45 33 38 35 1,500 1,514 1,398 1,411 101,569 102,333 105,044 102,744 Sept. 3 10 17 24 32,018 33,534 33,315 32,893 32,819 2,568 4,158 4,049 3,714 3,681 2,666 2,584 2,543 2,474 2,482 26,784 26,792 26,723 26,705 26,656 7,624 7,602 7,598 7,600 7,496 7,072 6,071 8,927 6,611 6,209 896 930 956 948 1,001 14,850 14,917 15,195 15,407 15,171 2,424 2,410 2,726 2,435 2,369 37 37 37 39 43 1,432 1,406 1,379 1,398 1,429 103,434 104,120 107,826 104,747 104,176 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 32,745 32,480 32,321 33,517 3,622 3,428 3,390 4,574 2,463 2,468 2,490 2,467 26,660 26,584 26,441 26,476 7,456 7,370 7,444 7,465 7,222 8,381 7,083 6,928 928 1,044 969 986 14,998 15,067 15,293 15,595 2,441 2,579 2,553 2,392 39 37 39 35 1,470 1,473 1,486 1,505 105,093 106,552 105,504 106,888 Nov. 5 12 19 26 33,420 33,290 33,396 33,091 32,967 4,545 4,495 4,568 4,336 4,163 2,488 2,470 2,474 2,453 2,467 26,387 26,325 26,354 26,302 26,337 7,376 7,355 7,413 7,409 7,415 6,395 6,566 7,308 7,251 8,812 987 1,084 1,084 966 1,013 15,553 15,491 15,676 15,792 14,549 2,414 2,395 2,618 2,524 3,079 38 39 30 55 73 1,533 1,551 1,464 1,460 1,469 106,168 106,464 108,157 107,851 108,481 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 1952 205 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Demand deposits. Total demand and time deposits Date Total Adjusted Individuals, U.S. States and ' .[partnerships. I political j Government i and corps. I subdivisions Unadjusted Interbank Domestic j Foreign Certified and officers' checks 1952 Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 94,158 90,854 92,751 91,288 90,519 54,098 54,429 55,277 55,327 55,041 77,463 74,102 76,043 74,560 73,774 56,271 55,079 57,020 55,959 55,504 3,632 3,499 3,544 3,590 3,747 2,257 1,631 1,269 1,368 1,671 11,831 11,212 11,393 10,979 10,220 1,348 1,293 1,292 1,274 1 , 261 2,124 1,388 1,525 1,390 1,371 Feb. 6 13 20 27 90,010 91,93! 90,318 89,963 54,220 53,811 53,269 53,387 73,218 75,119 73,485 73,085 54,373 55,997 54,163 54,335 3,777 3,709 3,583 3,651 2,133 2,334 2,881 2,585 10,327 10,288 10,027 9,899 1,240 1,219 1,241 1,229 1,368 1,572 1,590 1,386 Mar. 5 12 19 26 89,242 90,826 92,356 91,242 53,329 54,114 53,702 52,615 7 2 ,3 13 73,817 75,345 74,220 53,931 55,610 54,832 53,177 3,538 3,459 3,422 3,581 1,977 1,708 3 r 616 4,491 10,160 10,215 10,704 10,182 1,246 1,240 1,247 1,253 1,461 1,585 1,524 1,536 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 90,126 89,108 91,158 89,660 90,346 51,856 51,883 52,523 52,863 53,026 73,109 72,074 74,120 72,620 73,274 52,409 52,287 54,262 53,354 53,608 3,763 3,640 3,719 3,820 4,123 3,715 3,381 3,169 2,922 3,221 10,422 10,046 10,176 9,377 9,373 1,251 1,283 1,262 1,269 1,263 1,549 1,437 1,532 1,878 1,686 May 7 14 2! 28 88,828 90,498 90,532 90,340 52,599 52,662 52,881 53,565 71,731 73,387 73,377 73,126 52,489 53,926 53,470 53,840 4,065 3,957 3,919 4,067 2,735 2,957 3,474 2,945 9,749 9,943 9,459 9,219 1,242 1,222 1,282 1,301 1,451 1,382 1,773 1,754 June 4 11 18 25 90,238 90,734 93,821 92,607 53,216 53,905 54,637 53,575 72,995 73,456 76,516 75,263 53,913 55,069 56,039 53,975 3,854 3,643 3,615 3,857 2,731 2,283 3,233 4,465 9,666 9,811 10,302 9,680 1,293 1,261 1,260 1,282 1,538 1,389 2,067 2,004 July 2 9 16 23 30 95,289 93,592 94,158 92,602 92,432 52,409 52,451 52,707 53,166 53,479 77,923 76,235 76,790 75,208 75,040 53,509 53,143 54,620 53,874 53,879 3,749 3,697 3,489 3,538 3,750 6,995 6,187 5,691 5,255 4,860 10,322 10,310 10,248 9,732 9,541 1,265 1,275 1,246 1,245 1,321 2,083 1,623 1,496 1,564 1 ,689 Aug. 6 13 20 27 91,502 92,552 91,613 91,169 52,571 52,544 52,468 53,116 74,107 75,145 74,214 73,742 52,867 54,056 53,396 53,838 3,772 3,510 3,497 3,512 4,712 4,522 4,634 4,130 10,099 10,350 9,963 9,693 1,341 1,359 1,313 1,289 1,316 1,348 1,411 1,280 Sept. 3 10 17 24 91,203 92,008 94,987 92,829 52,982 53,634 53,932 52,990 73,744 74,506 77,470 75,266 53,941 54,923 56,098 54,042 3,609 3,497 3,407 3,386 3,186 2,839 3,675 4,533 10,197 10,587 11,214 10,565 1,347 1,325 1,292 1,318 1,464 1,335 1,784 1,422 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 93,120 93,507 97,338 94,133 93,449 53,024 52,880 53,368 53,948 54,314 75,515 75,837 79,658 76,425 75,714 54,526 53,910 57,203 55,605 55,508 3,568 3,427 3,339 3,486 3,614 3,601 4,737 4,473 3,739 3,487 10,478 10,805 11,538 10,768 10,338 1,340 1,344 1,352 1,359 1,366 2,002 1,614 1,753 1,468 1,401 Nov. 5 12 19 26 94,034 95,618 94,547 95,876 53,760 54,042 53,956 54,688 76,211 77,789 76,745 78,054 55,633 57,100 55,810 56,306 3,736 3,581 3,529 3,604 3,100 2,966 3,379 4,751 10,792 11,043 10,999 10,352 1,337 1,357 1,328 1,335 1,613 1,742 1,700 1,706 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 95,161 95,298 97,465 96,628 98,974 55,125 55,866 56,566 55,448 55,373 77,340 77,439 79,540 78,651 80,855 56,171 57,222 58,576 57,446 58,264 3,610 3,507 3,512 3,579 3,798 3,836 3,007 3,109 3,544 3,567 10,643 10,655 11,194 11,038 11,693 1,341 1,345 1,363 1,370 1,410 1,739 1,703 1,786 1,674 2,123 206 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Borrowings Time deposits Total Individ States and uals, part political subdivi nerships, sions and corps. U . S. ment Interbank Domestic From F. R. Banks Foreign Other Other liabilities Capital accounts liabilities and capital accounts 1 D ate 1952 16,695 16,752 16,708 16,728 16,745 15,404 15,451 15,412 15,427 15,429 716 725 725 727 733 162 164 156 163 166 413 412 415 411 417 500 658 706 450 825 1,955 1,954 1,959 1,998 2,030 6,923 6,931 6,921 6,926 6,944 103,536 100,397 102,337 100,662 100,318 Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 16,792 16,812 16,833 16,878 15,466 15,486 15,486 15,528 745 746762 766 165 166 169 169 416 414 416 415 654 1,088 911 959 2,010 2,059 2,090 2,123 6,958 6,966 6,950 6,969 99,632 102,044 100,269 100,014 Feb. 6 13 20 27 16,929 17,009 17,011 17,022 15,578 15,656 15,659 15,664 762 763 761 764 171 170 170 170 418 420 421 424 1,035 902 485 355 2,167 2,084 1,981 2,004 6,976 6,977 6,980 6,992 99,420 100,789 101,802 100,593 M ar. 5 12 19 26 17,017 17,034 17,038 17,040 17,072 15,641 15,660 15,669 15,677 15,700 769 771 770 768 772 169 170 172 171 172 438 433 427 424 428 465 571 851 1,059 872 1,974 1,971 1,984 1,977 1,975 7,009 7,016 7,013 7,018 7,050 99,574 98,666 101,006 99,714 100,243 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 17,097 17,111 17,155 17,214 15,728 15,726 15,766 15,813 768 784 782 785 173 171 175 175 428 430 432 441 1,210 954 799 1,021 1,988 2,015 2,013 2,034 7,072 7,065 7,063 7,079 99,098 100,532 100,407 100,474 May 7 14 21 28 17,243 17,278 17,305 17,344 15,842 15,867 15,892 15,939 779 775 775 767 174 176 175 178 1,095 1,062 1,059 717 2,037 1,998 2,000 1,999 7,090 7,089 7,087 7,094 100,460 100,883 103,967 102,417 June 4 11 18 25 17,366 17,357 17,368 17,394 17,392 15,947 15,934 15,928 15,951 15,947 768 770 781 783 784 179 179 182 182 186 448 460 463 460 .................... 472 474 477 478 475 1,025 1,104 1,436 1,216 1,499 1,945 1,896 1,939 1,947 1,927 7,108 7,099 7,083 7,097 7,104 105,367 103,691 104,616 102,862 102,962 July 2 9 16 23 30 17,395 17,407 17,399 17,427 15,973 15,973 15,965 15,984 778 777 772 771 183 189 189 190 461 468 473 482 1,202 1,106 1,281 1,139 1,952 1,963 1,985 1,983 7,125 7,123 7,120 7,127 101,781 102,744 101,999 101,418 Aug. 6 13 20 27 17,459 17,502 17,517 17,563 16,012 16,046 16,066 16,108 770 772 764 764 190 188 193 192 487 496 494 499 1,254 1,166 892 709 1,960 2,012 2,023 2,058 7,152 7,147 7,142 7,148 101,569 102,333 105,044 102,744 S ept 3 10 17 24 17,605 17,670 17,680 17,708 17,735 16,144 16,212 16,220 16,249 16,266 761 752 744 742 743 190 191 191 191 189 510 515 525 526 537 1,071 1,376 1,229 1,345 1,405 2,066 2,049 2,078 2,084 2,119 7,177 7,188 7,181 7,185 7,203 103,434 104,120 107,826 104,747 104,176 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 17,823 17,829 17,802 17,822 16,342 16,327 16,272 16,295 747 748 754 751 192 194 195 195 542 560 581 581 1,718 1,618 1,634 1,632 2,117 2,091 2,116 2,163 7,224 7,225 7,207 7,217 105,093 106,552 105,504 106,888 Nov. 5 12 19 26 17,821 17,859 17,925 17,977 18,119 16,289 16,324 16,385 16,440 16,569 756 756 764 764 763 196 195 195 196 201 580 584 581 577 586 1,626 1,756 1,296 1,824 145 2,143 2,190 2,174 2,165 2,104 7,238 7,220 7,222 7,234 7,258 106,168 106,464 108,157 107,851 108,481 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 207 BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Loans Loans and investments Total Total Total ad justed Ad justed N et Com mercial, indus trial, and ag ricul tural F or purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers U.S. Other Govt, securisecuri- ; ties 1 | To others Real estate All other Loans to j banks j U.S. I Other G ovt. | securisccuri- | ties ties M em o: | valI1 uation | reserves i 7 14 21 28 79,095 78,955 78,728 78,313 78,645 78,417 78,103 77,833 38,445 38,227 38,165 38,207 38,895 38,765 38,790 38.687 23,159 23,188 23,087 23,011 468 283 257 331 1,271 1,179 1,195 1,212 137 132 136 134 657 659 663 665 6,094 I 6,106 6,104 6,120 450 538 625 480 7,260 7,281 7,324 7,335 601 601 601 601 4 11 18 25 77,958 77.878 78,014 77,711 77,593 77,483 77,283 77,003 38,235 38,290 38.161 38,067 38,600 38.685 38,892 38,775 22,952 22,989 22,881 22,869 408 426 351 287 1.178 1.179 1,204 1,172 132 135 I 134 134 I 678 666 I 665 661 6.121 6.122 6,135 6,147 365 395 731 708 7,369 7,377 7,395 7,405 603 604 604 608 4 11 18 25 77,534 77,844 78,010 77.808 76,965 77,455 77,395 77,032 38,201 38.584 38.826 38,812 38,770 38,973 39,441 39,588 22,922 23.139 23,418 23,337 1,482 1,589 1,505 1,513 796 791 792 792 6,156 * 6,167 6,159 6,173 569 389 615 | 776 : 7,455 I 7,507 7,561 7,607 610 609 609 610 1 8 15 22 29 76,827 76,882 76,925 76.412 76.301 76.050 76,423 76.493 75,919 75,690 38,870 39,049 39.162 38,884 38.826 39,647 39.508 39,594 39,377 39,437 23,269 23,297 23,287 23,156 23.133 1,561 1,703 1,756 1,612 1,540 808 797 807 796 789 6,176 j 6,180 6,210 6,206 ! 6.214 j 777 459 432 493 611 7,665 7,681 7,711 7,723 7,760 609 609 609 609 610 6 13 20 27 76,238 75.809 76,017 75.879 75,685 75,435 75,136 75,009 38,955 38,889 38,804 38,671 39.508 39,263 39.685 39,541 23.139 23,083 22.965 22,836 1,633 1,574 1,625 1,564 796 802 789 784 6.214 i 6,227 j 6,246 6,260 I 553 374 881 870 7,784 7,812 7,789 I 7,838 : 611 609 610 611 3 10 17 24 75,981 76,466 76,640 76,065 75.051 75.597 76,023 75,355 38,509 38,797 39.037 38,733 39,439 39,666 39,654 39,443 22,690 22,732 22,985 22,797 1,547 1.762 1,716 1,567 779 767 769 746 6,257 6,274 6,293 6,304 < 930 869 617 710 7,847 7,872 7,893 7,938 611 610 619 619 1 8 15 22 29 76,545 76,067 80,048 79,992 79,606 75.597 75,300 79,620 79,337 79,160 38,701 38,599 38,840 38,968 38,935 39.649 39,366 39.268 39,623 39,381 22,585 22,590 22,651 22,671 22,643 1,719 1,603 1,764 1,863 1,830 755 747 751 764 763 6,302 j 6,306 6.322 6.322 6,326 948 767 428 655 446 7,960 7,973 7.972 7,967 7,992 620 620 620 619 619 5 12 19 26 79,870 79,814 79,349 79.301 79,200 79,133 78,738 78,647 39,141 39.282 39,123 39,033 39,811 39,963 39,734 39.687 22,799 22,912 22,940 22,891 1,878 1,882 1,714 1,666 740 746 745 735 6,321 6,343 6,348 6,358 670 681 611 654 8,022 8,020 7,997 8,005 619 621 621 622 2 9 16 23 30 79.385 79,138 79,482 78,916 78.901 78,623 78.493 78,805 78,087 78,499 39,305 39,454 39.584 39,113 39,303 40,067 40,099 40,261 39,942 39,705 22.965 22,957 23,295 23,035 23,103 1,850 2,017 1,802 1,615 1.763 732 731 737 729 726 6,365 6,372 6,383 6,392 6.397 762 645 677 I 829 402 8,016 7,999 7,988 7,963 7,935 623 622 621 621 621 7 14 21 28 79,115 78.902 79,072 79,538 78.343 78,246 78,222 78,732 39,402 39,381 39,079 39,488 40,174 40,037 39,929 40,294 23,146 23,201 23,112 23,301 1,792 1,696 1,460 1,663 734 732 728 724 6.398 6,418 6,425 6,438 772 656 850 806 7,953 7,955 7.975 7,983 621 621 621 621 4 11 18 25 79.413 80,494 80,540 80,371 78,858 79,759 79,822 79,810 39,669 39,915 39,793 39,649 40,224 40.650 40,511 40,210 23,315 23,340 23,377 23,205 1,847 2,003 1,861 1,869 720 773 755 762 6,427 6,445 6.457 6,462 555 735 718 561 7,982 7.975 7,965 7,971 622 621 622 620 2 9 16 80,522 80.386 81,058 80,896 81.302 79,819 79,662 80.344 80,226 80,656 39,565 39,587 39,846 40.037 40,374 40.268 40,311 40,560 40,707 41,020 23.134 23,081 23,130 23,361 23,380 1,877 1,947 2,135 2,016 2,248 748 753 757 827 S68 6,449 6.458 6,473 6,461 6,481 703 724 714 670 646 7,978 7,970 7.973 7,995 8,019 621 622 622 623 622 208 3 ! I , I I WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Investments Balances with— U. S. G overnn lent securit ies C ertif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Fbreign banks O ther assets Total assets Date Total Bills 32 32 32 32 841 740 453 143 4,152 4,082 3,925 3,710 2,452 2,482 2,474 2,458 26,237 26,176 26,054 25,975 7,359 7,450 7,485 7,483 6,091 7,241 6,673 5,891 1,018 1,017 953 978 15,353 15,111 15,225 15,110 2,445 2,606 2,544 2,344 58 53 54 53 1,461 1,467 1,461 1,472 105,521 106,450 105,638 104,161 Jan. 7 14 21 28 31 31 31 31 885 729 535 478 3,464 3,281 3,224 3,156 2,496 2,567 2,299 2,271 25,925 25,881 26,012 26,051 7,473 7,464 7,587 7,458 5,794 6,637 6,843 6,805 902 956 929 992 15,146 14,917 14,879 14,701 2,307 2,321 2,487 2,410 60 58 56 40 1,508 1,525 1,499 1,509 103,675 104,292 104,707 104,168 Feb. 4 11 18 25 31 31 31 30 276 328 014 650 3,010 3,144 2,855 2,595 2,234 2,218 2,239 2,169 26,032 25,966 25,920 25,886 7,488 7,543 7,555 7,570 6,294 6,566 7,111 6,289 904 953 935 931 14,711 14,850 15,452 14,832 2,351 2,386 2,516 2,318 40 43 42 45 1,547 1,559 1,421 1,448 103,381 104,201 105,487 103,671 M ar. 4 11 18 25 29 29 29 29 29 547 736 622 384 249 1,701 1,852 1,832 1,659 1,583 2,115 2,158 2,115 2,062 2,038 25,731 25,726 25,675 25,663 25,628 7,633 7,638 7,709 7,651 7,615 6,689 6,920 7,843 6,339 6,232 883 924 916 931 973 14,038 14,320 14,574 14,266 14,247 2,635 2,291 2,508 2,372 2,324 46 45 42 41 43 1,466 1,469 1,473 1,455 1,485 102,584 102,851 104,281 101,816 101,605 Apr. 1 8 15 22 29 29 29 28 28 185 040 822 775 1,539 1,510 1,422 1,443 2,011 1,961 1,970 1,971 25,635 25,569 25,430 25,361 7,545 7,506 7,510 7,563 5,883 7,029 6,472 5,951 892 977 924 973 14,480 14,578 14,471 14,496 2,308 2,365 2,379 2,328 51 50 40 40 1,499 1,494 1,489 1,501 101,351 102,302 101,792 101,168 May 6 13 20 27 29 29 29 29 144 383 528 211 2,043 2,276 2,604 2,327 1,850 1,843 2,044 2,040 25,251 25,264 24,880 24,844 7,398 7,417 7,458 7,411 6,038 6,379 7,248 6,137 893 955 931 965 14,537 14,860 15,505 14,872 2,347 2,604 2,822 2,652 44 47 43 45 1,512 1,514 1,392 1,407 101,352 102,825 104,581 102,143 June 3 10 17 24 29 29 33 32 32 501 262 326 911 705 2,514 2,309 3,085 2,956 2,855 2,090 2,095 5,227 5,030 4,985 24,897 24,858 25,014 24,925 24,865 7,395 7,439 7,454 7,458 7,520 7,467 5,860 8,028 6,201 5,884 887 936 935 937 977 14,558 14,484 14,124 14,585 14,394 2,672 2,476 2,919 2,446 2,315 48 45 41 38 43 1,402 1,386 1,397 1,410 1,440 103,579 101,254 107,492 105,609 104,659 July 1 8 15 22 29 32 32 32 32 536 333 098 005 2,820 2,667 2,492 2,433 4,904 4,813 4,775 4,729 24,812 24,853 24,831 24,843 7,523 7,518 7,517 7,609 5,907 6,753 6,340 5,791 881 949 926 957 14,385 14,333 14,446 14,364 2,346 2,481 2,444 2,354 43 40 43 45 1,458 1,473 1,469 1,495 104,890 105,843 105,017 104,307 Aug. 5 12 19 26 31 31 31 31 31 797 512 604 393 663 2,289 2,106 2,237 2,034 2,317 4,705 4,691 5,607 5,591 5,522 24,803 24,715 23,760 23,768 23,824 7,521 7,527 7,617 7,581 7,533 6,034 6,402 8,117 6,619 7,391 899 954 950 965 936 14,139 13,929 14,383 14,186 14,212 2,441 2,513 2,756 2,632 2,604 38 40 43 46 50 1,542 1,533 1,472 1,459 1,512 104,478 104,509 107,203 104,823 105,606 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 31 31 31 31 359 319 588 795 2,097 2,013 2,222 2,388 5,446 5,438 5,477 5,502 23,816 23,868 23,889 23,905 7,582 7,546 7,555 7,449 6,401 8,292 6,819 6,545 925 1,018 954 1,004 14,094 14,254 14,272 14,160 2,516 2,805 2,650 2,617 48 45 42 47 1,488 1,467 1,470 1,515 104,587 106,783 105,279 105,426 Oct. 7 14 21 28 31 32 32 32 652 448 605 745 2,236 2,152 2,308 2,399 5,485 5,424 5,460 5,401 23,931 24,872 24,837 24,945 7,537 7,396 7,424 7,416 6,979 6,932 7,506 6,764 948 1,002 985 975 14,483 14,280 14,749 14,604 2,493 2,559 2,659 2,483 53 51 46 42 1,520 1,529 1,581 1,599 105,889 106,847 108,066 106,838 Nov. 4 11 18 25 32 32 33 32 *2 792 668 036 696 800 2,394 2,350 2,745 2,489 2,569 5,399 5,363 5,348 5,344 5,303 24,999 24,955 24,943 24,863 24,928 7,462 7,407 7,462 7,493 7,482 6,769 6,384 7,570 7,037 7,733 982 1,089 1 ,067 1 ,034 1,066 14,235 14,494 14,821 14,665 14,701 2,568 2,424 2,779 2,709 2,972 49 46 48 59 66 1,639 1,660 1,539 1,540 1,569 106,764 106.483 108,882 107,940 109,409 Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 1953 209 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In millions Demand deposits Total demand and time deposits Date Total Adjusted Individuals, partnerships, and corps. States and political subdivisions U.S. Government Unadjusted Interbank Domestic Foreign Certified and officers' checks 1953 Jun. 7 14 21 28 94,673 95,785 95,048 93,349 55,211 55,602 55,738 55,546 76,600 77,738 76,987 75,271 56,035 57,471 57,108 56,112 3,689 3,625 3,735 3,894 2,744 2,214 2,227 2,362 11,197 11,353 11,022 10,158 1,357 1,328 1,327 1,314 1,578 1,747 1,568 1,431 Feb. 4 11 18 25 92,730 93,390 93,972 93,410 54,589 54,349 53,771 53,811 74,628 75,263 75,825 75,216 54,980 55,455 55,298 55,342 3,945 3,942 3,766 3,790 2,684 2,846 3,514 3,309 10,255 10,165 10,426 10,011 1,306 1,266 1,271 1,280 1,458 1,589 1,550 1,484 M ar. 4 11 18 25 92,716 93,247 94,685 92,999 53,876 54,841 54,479 53,275 74,446 74,948 76,378 74,683 54,819 56,317 5 6 ,t43 54,165 3,790 3,628 3,665 3,659 2,762 2,089 3,020 4,170 10,221 10,087 10,409 9,643 1,293 1,365 1,359 1,306 1,561 1,462 1,782 1,740 Apr. 1 8 15 22 29 92,106 92,284 93,710 91,249 91,008 51,802 52,723 53,542 53,897 54,176 73,827 73,905 75,351 72,854 72,585 52,785 53,751 55,717 54,765 54,608 3,828 3,703 3,948 4,010 4,241 3,934 3,056 2,437 1,672 1,426 10,092 9,878 10,194 9,636 9,436 1,310 1,328 1,335 1,310 1,315 1,878 2,189 1,720 1,461 1,559 May 6 13 20 27 9Q.704 91,501 91,204 90,597 53,352 53,346 53,084 53,889 72,228 73,035 72,714 72,057 53,503 54,761 53,873 54,332 4,243 4,114 4,118 4,181 1,878 1,532 2,028 1,509 9,826 9,852 9,766 9,364 1,289 1,276 1,364 1,344 1,489 1,500 1,565 1,327 June 3 10 17 24 90.753 92,341 94,628 91,988 53,708 54,900 54,981 53,454 72,180 73,727 75,974 73,263 54,185 55,417 56,697 5 4 ,t24 4,041 4,174 3,825 3,911 1,356 1,119 1,979 2,566 9,758 10,033 10,472 9,831 1,320 1,296 1,294 1,275 1,520 1,688 1,707 1,556 July I 8 15 22 29 93,183 90,908 97,698 95,211 94,224 52,820 52,836 52,643 53,315 53,395 74,433 7 2 ,165 78,943 76,443 75,452 54,263 53,457 55,156 54,380 54,082 3,975 3,787 3,614 3,628 3,736 2,469 1,800 6,039 5,770 5,292 10,393 10,393 10,950 9,876 9,577 1,284 1,276 1,283 1,281 1,304 2,049 1,452 1,901 1,508 1,461 Aug. 5 12 19 26 94,402 95,094 94,252 93,760 53,177 53,189 52,671 53,330 75,627 76,328 75,425 74,951 53,618 54,734 53,822 54,010 3,877 3,795 3,697 3,747 5,096 4,806 5,050 5,027 10,138 10,301 10,111 9,560 1,309 1,279 1,253 1,243 1,589 1,413 1,492 1,364 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 93,881 93,874 96,751 94,296 95,344 53,059 53,034 53,527 52,801 52,814 75,065 74,997 77,857 75,381 76,359 53,699 54,216 56,203 54,164 54,639 3,834 3,681 3,606 3,489 3,711 4,639 3,817 3,884 4,197 4,434 10,090 10,490 11,059 10,504 10,412 1,243 1,254 1,270 1,260 1,308 1,560 1,539 1,835 1,767 1,855 Oct. 7 14 21 28 94,019 96,369 94,693 94,782 52,961 53,307 53,968 54,692 74,965 77,189 75,437 75,478 53,847 56,446 55,706 55,965 3,684 3,425 3,555 3,612 3,662 3,039 2,549 2,346 10,693 11,322 10,837 10,622 1,248 1,229 1,264 1,273 1,831 1,728 1,526 1,660 Nov. 4 11 18 25 94,900 96,124 97,093 95,859 54,005 53,675 53,697 54,302 75,545 76,728 77,798 76,545 55,408 55,132 55,771 55,845 3,725 3,670 3,540 3,696 2,369 3,859 4,165 3,768 10,913 11,008 11,153 10,421 1,279 1,254 1,277 1,290 1,851 1,805 1,892 1,525 Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 96,000 95,382 98,362 97,314 99,122 54,376 55,159 56,085 55,679 56,217 76,657 75,929 78,828 77,694 79,404 55,727 56,236 58,121 57,210 57,817 3,685 3,607 3,731 3,902 3,963 3,410 2,406 2,412 2,595 2,594 10,792 10,680 11,475 11,124 11,568 1,310 1,300 1,286 1,259 1,292 1,733 1,700 1,803 1,604 2,170 . 210 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEK LY , 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Borrowings Individ States and uals, p art political nerships, subdivi and corps. sions U . S. G overn ment Interbank Domestic From F . R. Banks Other liabilities Capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Other Foreign Date 1953 18,073 18,047 18,061 18,078 16,532 16,497 16,517 16,528 756 766 767 770 202 202 197 201 583 582 580 579 1,539 1,308 1,240 1,426 2,051 2,126 2,119 2,127 7,258 7,231 7,231 7,259 105,521 106,450 105,638 104,161 Jan. 7 14 ?l 28 18,102 18,127 18,147 18,194 16,556 16,579 16,601 16,641 775 779 777 783 200 198 199 198 571 571 570 572 1,504 1,415 1,223 1,260 2,165 2,204 2,227 2,193 7,276 7,283 7,285 7,305 103,675 104,292 104,707 104,168 Feb. 4 11 18 25 18,270 18,299 18,307 18,316 16,720 16,744 16,747 16,749 776 773 770 771 195 196 195 198 579 586 595 598 1,140 1,411 1,416 1,241 2,214 2,230 2,072 2,107 7,311 7,313 7,314 7,324 103,381 104,201 105,487 103,671 M ar. 4 11 18 25 18,279 18,379 18,359 18,395 18,423 16,726 16,785 16,766 16,794 16,799 777 793 786 793 803 195 193 191 191 190 581 608 616 617 631 1,009 1,077 1,062 1,074 1,107 2,124 2,142 2,168 2,144 2,130 7,345 7,348 7,341 7,349 7,360 102,584 102,851 104,281 101,816 101,605 Apr. 1 8 15 22 29 18,476 18,466 18,490 18,540 16,835 16,812 16,832 16,876 825 832 829 825 191 189 188 189 625 633 641 650 1,122 1,256 1,048 1,016 2,129 2,146 2,147 2,142 7,396 7,397 7,393 7,413 101,351 102,302 101,792 101,168 M ay 6 13 20 27 18,573 18,614 18,654 18,725 16,901 16,932 16,975 17,041 829 827 826 826 187 187 189 187 656 668 664 671 1,026 906 536 705 2,158 2,168 2,017 2,043 7,415 7,410 7,400 7,407 101,352 102,825 104,581 102,143 June 3 10 17 18,750 18,743 18,755 18,768 18,772 17,052 17,052 17,067 17,075 17,074 826 829 831 828 822 190 189 190 189 189 682 673 667 676 687 972 882 331 910 912 1,998 2,023 2,036 2,072 2,094 7,426 7,441 7,427 7,416 7,429 103,579 101,254 107,492 105,609 104,659 July 1 8 15 22 29 18,775 18,766 18,827 18,809 17,080 17,070 17,087 17,078 824 819 822 813 188 189 191 193 683 688 727 725 931 1,161 1,180 906 2,106 2,138 2,136 2,182 7,451 7,450 7,449 7,459 104,890 105,843 105,017 104,307 Aug. 5 12 19 26 18,816 18,877 18,894 18,915 18,985 17,083 17,142 17,165 17,198 17,259 823 817 806 804 804 187 189 191 188 190 723 729 732 725 732 914 919 781 831 504 2,200 2,240 2,200 2,219 2,249 7,483 7,476 7,471 7,477 7,509 104,478 104,509 107,203 104,823 105,606 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 19,054 19,180 19,256 19,304 17,289 17,324 17,371 17,374 795 839 856 865 189 188 189 187 781 829 840 878 841 673 821 849 2,212 2,230 2,233 2,251 7,515 7,511 7,532 7,544 104,587 106,783 105,279 105,426 Oct. 7 14 21 28 19,355 19,396 19,295 19,314 17,400 17,405 17,305 17,307 864 857 855 865 187 191 191 189 904 943 944 953 1,167 895 1, 15 1,098 2,254 2,255 2,294 2,311 7,568 7,573 7,564 7,570 105,889 106,847 108,066 106,838 Nov. 4 11 18 2b 19,343 19,453 19,534 19,620 19,718 17,311 17,366 17,431 17,486 17,596 882 918 923 940 932 190 189 190 191 190 960 980 990 1,003 1,000 916 1,235 754 887 567 2,271 2,293 2,209 2,189 2,148 7,577 7,573 7,557 7,550 7,572 106,764 106,483 108,882 107,940 109,409 Dec. 2 y 16 23 30 211 74 BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In millions Loans Loans and investments Total Total ad justed Total Com mercial, indus trial, and ag ricul tural Ad justed For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers U.S. Govt. securi ties Other securi ties To others U.S. Govt. securi ties Other securi ties ! M emo: Real 1 Loans ’ All 1 val estate to 1 other i uation banks 1 .1 reserves i ■1 I F ._ _ _ _ _ . . . . p - J -j 6 13 20 27 80,819 80.376 79,838 80,070 80,139 79,778 79.478 79,545 39.766 39,432 38,960 38,714 40.446 40,030 39,320 39,239 22,942 22,846 22,686 22,502 2.119 1,913 t ,633 1,583 862 856 859 858 6,479 6,490 1 6,484 i 6,480 , 680 ! 8,001 1 598 7,964 1 360 7,936 1 525 7,927 i 637 637 638 636 3 10 17 24 30,660 79,868 79,872 79,744 80,119 79,151 79,083 78,883 39,422 39,06S 39,007 38,596 39,963 39,785 39,796 39,457 22,638 22,556 22,555 22,446 2,180 2,031 1,977 1,682 826 818 830 819 6,486 | 6,485 6,500 6,501 541 717 789 861 ' 7,924 1 1 7,810 1 j 7,777 1 7 ’m j 632 632 632 634 3 10 17 24 31 79,534 79,700 80,765 79,247 78,055 78,855 79,150 80,064 78,634 77,814 38,722 38,902 39,320 39,153 39,076 39,401 39,452 40,021 39,766 39,317 22,407 22,481 22,939 22,821 22.763 1,907 2.005 1,931 1,834 1,758 811 S ll 814 820 847 6,478 6,489 6,509 6,517 6,522 7,754 ! 679 550 1 7,752 i 701 7,767 , 613 7,800 241 7,825 I 635 636 640 639 639 7 14 21 28 79,078 78,742 78,858 79,118 78,406 78,175 78,261 78,618 38,858 38,839 38.767 38,441 39,530 39,406 39,364 38,941 22,714 22.558 22,348 22.183 1,676 1,799 1,925 1,744 828 828 840 849 6,532 i 6,542 1 6,544 6,553 672 567 597 500 1,751 7 ,7 5 0 1 7,753 j 639 639 640 641 5 12 19 26 79,893 79.670 80,530 80,502 79,128 78,794 79,764 79,649 38,669 38,853 38,823 38,569 39,434 39,729 39,589 39,422 22,145 22,045 21,975 21,854 2,014 2,314 2,275 2,108 866 866 922 938 6,541 6,559 6,582 6,590 765 876 766 853 7,743 ! 7,710 | 7,709 | 7,719 640 641 640 640 2 9 16 23 30 80,519 80,151 S I , 683 80,702 81,081 79,624 79.478 80,997 80,210 80,895 38,324 38,015 38,707 38,584 38,950 39,219 38,688 39,393 39,076 39,136 21,599 i 21,571 1 21,973 I 21,896 | 21,884 2,141 1,847 2.120 2,059 2,379 915 910 $91 893 899 6,592 6,598 6,623 6,641 6,671 895 673 686 492 186 7,721 I 7.733 7,74.1 7,741 7,772 644 644 643 646 655 7 14 21 28 81,101 81,076 81,111 81,445 80,558 80,437 80,585 80,746 38,737 38,675 38,341 38,254 39,280 39,314 38,867 38,953 21,728 21,647 21.558 21,524 2,263 2,271 2,067 2.005 890 891 874 875 6,674 6,698 6,705 6,718 543 639 526 699 7,836 j 7,823 7,790 7,787 1 654 655 653 655 4 11 IB 25 83,548 83,267 82,861 82,977 82,850 82,720 82,405 82,368 37,905 38,072 37,949 37,963 38,603 38,619 38,405 38,572 20,770 20.829 20,759 20,773 2,368 2,409 2,308 2,286 884 917 907 897 6,736 6,766 6,801 6,823 698 547 456 609 7,803 7,806 1 7,831 |i 7,839 ; 656 655 657 655 1 8 15 22 29 82,778 82.670 83,084 82,980 83,222 82,204 82,020 82,440 82,381 82,689 37,967 38,034 38,175 38.018 38;495 38,541 38,684 38,819 38,617 39,028 20,798 20.829 21,023 21,005 21,015 2,228 2,265 2,145 1,999 2,403 904 904 913 932 941 6,831 6,838 6,871 6,884 6,902 574 650 644 599 533 7,866 7,856 7,882 7,858 7,893 660 658 659 660 659 6 13 20 27 85,346 85,567 85,412 85,498 84,803 84,722 84,675 84,789 38,548 38,781 38,709 38,679 39,09! 39,626 39.446 39,388 21,102 21,195 21,126 21,043 2,363 2,457 2,412 2,407 955 956 973 993 6,907 6,924 6,955 6,978 543 845 737 709 7,883 j 7,910 7,905 7,920 j 662 661 662 662 3 10 17 24 85,721 84,930 86,3.11 86,523 84,932 84,424 85,745 85,892 38,844 38,588 39,503 39,947 39,633 39,094 40,089 40,578 21,104 21,133 22,107 22,132 2,466 2,165 991 2,333 1,014 1,032 6,997 7,026 7,051 7,077 789 506 586 631 7,949 7,925 7.971 8,035 1 1,001 663 662 662 662 1 8 15 22 86,553 86.376 87,200 87,448 87,249 85,783 85,583 86,470 86,564 86,506 40,114 40,181 40,690 40,751 40,980 40,884 40,974 41,420 41,635 41,723 22,214 22,255 22,359 22.423 22.423 2,367 2,390 2,679 2,567 2,688 1,037 1,034 ! ,049 1,077 1,113 7,083 7,088 7,136 7,156 7,176 770 793 730 884 743 8,075 8,078 8,125 8,187 8,240 l I 2,02 2 212 7,747 i j \ | ( 662 664 658 659 660 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued o f dollars) Investments Balances with — U.S. G overnm ent securities Certif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks Other assets Total assets n Date Total Bills 32,861 32,870 32,987 33,287 2,594 2,581 2,735 3,048 5,202 5,138 5,076 4,942 25,065 25,151 25,176 25,297 7,512 7,476 7,531 7,544 7,165 7,410 7,157 6,229 1,002 1,022 961 979 14,7 J3 14.786 15,159 14,525 2,700 2,721 3,003 2,699 58 55 60 58 1,563 1,595 1,559 1,618 108,020 107,965 107,737 106,178 Jan. 6 13 20 27 32,989 32,409 32,346 32,476 2,517 2,034 2,074 2,216 4,764 4,639 4,110 4,091 25,708 25,736 26,162 26,169 7,708 7,674 7,730 7,811 6,714 6,232 7,528 6,895 912 960 923 990 14,598 14,362 14,487 14,096 2,421 2,413 2,559 2,547 53 59 60 54 1,654 1,612 1,567 1,577 107.012 105,506 106,996 105,903 Feb. 3 10 17 24 32,292 32,292 32,848 31,609 30,850 2,084 2,162 2,591 2,669 2,076 4,097 4,067 4,121 2,848 2,737 26,111 26,063 26,136 26,092 26,037 7,841 7,956 7,896 7,872 7,888 6,329 6,333 7,294 6,301 7,231 900 939 925 933 884 14,263 14,304 14,863 14,483 13,990 2,477 2,459 2,608 2,442 2,992 47 54 54 55 52 1,605 1,596 1,522 1,510 1,576 105,155 105,385 108,031 104,971 104,780 M ar. 3 10 17 24 31 31,518 31,298 31,452 32,160 2,486 2,296 2,392 2,987 2,867 2,908 2,925 3,045 26,165 26,094 26,135 26,128 8,030 8,038 8,042 8,017 5,979 7,423 6,957 6,408 886 965 922 970 14,006 14,041 14,299 14,423 2,547 2,670 2,613 2,710 51 50 47 47 1,571 1,607 1,602 1,631 104,118 105,498 105,298 105,307 Apr. 7 14 21 28 32,377 31,994 32,958 33,041 2,985 2,383 2,400 2,377 3,285 3,408 2,660 2,680 26,107 26,203 27,898 27,984 8,082 7,947 7,983 8,039 6,595 7,155 6,801 6,175 874 963 918 965 13,954 14,168 14,433 14,370 2,662 2,665 2,545 2,486 65 67 68 66 1,674 1,660 1,644 1,690 105,717 106,348 106,939 106,254 May 5 12 (9 26 33,196 33,217 34,058 33,379 33,724 2,428 2,370 2,909 2,322 2,619 2,684 2,684 2,817 2,760 2,777 28,084 28,163 28,332 28,297 28,328 8,104 8,246 8,232 8,247 8,221 6,927 6,052 7,599 6,543 7,729 915 951 913 949 909 14,241 14,675 14,449 14,604 13,961 2,528 2,664 2,920 2,476 2,984 66 62 57 60 62 1,692 1,690 1,599 1,574 1,638 106,888 105,245 109,220 106,908 108,364 June 2 9 16 23 30 33,575 33,549 34,018 34,221 2,518 2,522 2,861 3,045 2,755 2,729 2,758 2,754 28,302 28,298 28,399 28,422 8,246 8,213 8,226 8,271 6,877 8,126 6,690 6,139 931 986 930 966 14,131 13,920 13,913 13,952 2,853 2,745 2,760 2,573 67 80 77 68 1,610 1,602 1,622 1,674 107,570 108,535 107,103 106,817 July 7 14 21 28 36,605 36,389 36,185 36,107 3,728 3,578 3,414 3,423 4,382 4,256 2,614 2,573 28,495 28,555 30,157 30,111 8,340 8,259 8,271 8,298 7,005 6,522 6,615 5,986 883 941 914 932 13,472 13,648 13,748 13,621 2,816 2,629 2,571 2,466 79 81 81 89 1,688 1,673 1,649 (.668 109,491 108,761 108,439 107,739 Aug. 4 11 18 25 35,862 35,526 35,790 35,908 35,696 3,135 2,876 3,090 3,124 2,868 2,559 2,505 2,534 2,497 2,504 30,168 30,145 30,166 30,287 30,324 8,375 8,460 8,475 8,455 8,498 6,483 6,342 8,583 6,544 6,825 885 943 936 951 992 13,522 13,327 13,569 13,297 13,438 2,489 2,634 2,805 2,731 2.544 88 91 88 91 89 1,698 1,696 1,606 1,618 1,653 107,943 107,703 110,671 108,212 108,763 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 37,614 37,364 37,403 37,533 2,765 2,535 2,628 2,706 2,478 2,447 2,402 2,375 32,371 32,382 32,373 32,452 8,641 8,577 8,563 8,577 6,511 8,409 7,093 6,802 904 1,032 947 1,003 13,754 13,602 13,924 13,864 2,750 2,815 2,786 2,662 93 95 83 91 1,674 1,639 1,671 1,707 111,032 113,159 111,916 111,627 Oct. 6 13 20 27 37,358 37,377 37,677 37,411 2,500 2,539 2,802 2,605 2,369 2,362 2,359 2,300 32,489 32,476 32,516 32,506 8,730 8,459 8,565 8,534 7,753 7,015 7,932 7,448 951 984 964 960 13 *877 14,186 14,056 13,935 2,616 2,738 2,982 2,542 79 81 86 88 1,736 1,778 1,730 1,746 112,733 111,712 114,081 113,242 Nov. 3 10 17 24 37,106 36,752 37,174 37,205 36,902 2,378 2,225 2,615 2,693 2,543 2,240 2,150 2,763 2.816 2.768 32,488 32,377 31,796 31,696 31,591 8,563 8,650 8,606 8,608 8,624 7,844 6,668 9,719 7,838 7,740 967 1,059 1,065 1,084 1,084 13,891 13,980 14,355 14,167 14,141 2,642 2,569 2,830 2,794 2,693 90 95 82 100 106 1,835 1,864 1,776 1,814 1,849 113,822 112,611 117,027 115,245 114.862 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 1954 213 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Demand deposits Total demand and time deposits Date Total Adjusted Individuals, jl States and ; U.S. 1 .] partnerships, j| political k Government | subdivisions and corps. Unadjusted Interbank Domestic Foreign Certified and officers’ chccks 1954 Jan. 6 13 20 27 97,465 97,701 97,823 96,007 55,272 56,044 56,090 56,115 77,753 78,012 78,098 76,220 56,436 57,637 57,591 56,782 3,973 3,843 3,905 4,009 2,313 1,745 1,928 1,839 11,743 11,560 11,677 10,766 1,260 1,253 1,246 1,271 2,028 1,974 1,751 1,553 Feb. 3 10 17 24 96,304 94,732 96,337 95,231 55,588 54,789 54,143 54,038 76,456 74,865 76,432 75,279 55,831 55,230 55,739 55,313 4,093 4,049 3,953 3,930 2,275 2,107 2,862 2,798 10,619 10,477 10,600 10,230 1,260 1,260 1,299 1,318 2,378 1,742 1,979 1,690 Mar. 3 10 17 24 31 94,566 94,898 97,570 94,546 94,948 53,913 54,753 54,897 53,325 51,812 74,486 74,751 77,399 74.245 74,646 54,791 55,689 56,535 53,994 52,824 3,908 3,803 3,675 3,858 4,232 2,424 t ,891 3,011 3,362 3,838 10,517 10,495 10,949 10,028 10,538 1,303 1,279 1,248 1,229 1.227 1,543 1,594 1,981 1,774 1,987 Apr. 7 14 21 28 93,767 95,251 94,987 95,105 52,376 52,933 53,736 54,108 73,374 74,808 74,534 74,637 52,764 54,572 54,714 54,488 3,996 3,971 4,119 4,308 3,347 2,498 2,232 2,671 10,403 10,669 10,354 10,171 1,269 1,285 1,255 1,279 1,595 1,813 1,860 1,720 May 5 12 19 26 95,294 95,591 96,384 95,649 54,047 54,153 53,715 54,358 74,697 74,998 75,697 74,900 54,159 55,321 54,485 54,619 4,467 4,332 4.221 4,362 2,056 1,601 3,545 3,149 10,731 10,838 10,367 9,995 1,268 1,251 1,269 1,223 2,016 1,655 1,810 1,552 June 2 9 16 23 30 96,238 95,809 98,964 96,317 98,640 53,930 54,778 56,166 54,116 53,319 75,452 74,960 78,034 75,350 77,544 54,597 55,146 57,765 54,572 54,715 4,418 4,129 4,086 4,163 4,329 2,982 2,296 1,983 3,192 4,085 10,386 10,599 11,035 10,214 11,151 1,227 1,235 1,251 1,285 1,260 1,842 1,555 1,914 1,924 2,004 July 7 14 21 28 97,495 98,292 97,003 96,393 53,311 53,652 54,481 54,949 76,431 77,034 75,703 75,050 54,264 55,518 55,436 55,360 4,026 3,905 3,922 4,033 3,547 2,690 2,335 2,091 11,403 11,306 10,936 10,516 1,293 1,260 1,261 1,355 1,898 2,355 1,813 1,695 Aug. 4 11 18 25 99,147 98,155 97,987 97,152 54,217 54,127 53,748 54,215 77,744 76,748 76,490 75,703 54,564 55,107 54,736 54,693 4,046 3,951 3,904 3,826 3,683 3,413 3,688 3,495 11,494 11,361 11,115 10,710 1,345 1,325 1,324 1,297 2,612 1,591 1,723 1,682 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 97,455 97,215 100,150 97,778 98,179 54,066 54,013 54,490 54,547 55,043 76,008 75,712 78,695 76,306 76,712 54,746 55,000 57,230 55,812 55,884 3,939 3,738 3,754 3,579 3,756 3,247 2,731 2,400 2,681 2,605 10,911 11,354 11,970 11,277 10,977 1,301 1,272 1,252 1,257 1,262 1,864 1,617 2,089 1,700 2,228 Oct. 6 13 20 27 100,524 102,325 101,125 100,756 54,276 54,672 55,470 56,050 79,006 80,795 79,579 79,174 55,403 57,837 57,203 57,281 3,664 3,442 3,503 3,642 5,190 4,611 4,165 3,783 11,744 11,750 11,494 11,190 1,285 1,353 1,357 1,349 1,720 1,802 1,857 1,929 Nov. 3 10 17 24 101,441 100,931 103,202 102,087 55,472 55,573 55,682 56,254 79,858 79,371 81,781 80,674 57,256 56,926 57,879 57,557 3,865 3,698 3,796 3,803 3,793 3,833 4,741 4,522 11,516 11,657 12,119 11,116 1,324 1,293 1,307 1,334 2,104 1,964 1,939 2,342 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 102,535 101,225 105,719 103,788 103,224 56,414 56,583 57,926 58,025 58,445 81,138 79,763 84,217 82,209 81,611 57,876 57,648 61,036 59,697 60,117 3,956 3,754 3,816 3,917 3,939 4,223 3,706 3,226 3,184 2,597 11,303 11,426 11,953 11,737 11,359 1,354 1,380 1,393 1,425 1,470 2,426 1,849 2,793 2,249 2,129 214 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Individ States and uals, p art political subdivi nerships, and corps. sions Borrowings U . S. G overn ment Interbank Domestic From F . R. Banks Foreign Other O ther liabilities Capita] accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Date 1954 19,712 19,689 19,725 19,787 17,580 17,562 17,540 17,574 945 943 950 959 190 189 190 192 997 995 1,045 1,062 857 571 242 453 2,098 2,115 2,093 2,110 7,600 7,578 7,579 7,608 108,020 107,965 107,737 106,178 Jan. 6 13 20 27 19,848 19,867 19,905 19,952 17,619 17,635 17,642 17,663 970 961 967 972 190 191 192 188 1,069 1,080 1,104 1,129 895 1,027 899 895 2,183 2,118 2,120 2,121 7,630 7,629 7,640 7,656 107,012 105,506 106,996 105,903 Feb. 3 10 17 24 20,080 20,147 20,171 20,301 20,302 17,734 17,763 17,713 17,767 17,771 994 997 1,049 1,109 1,087 189 189 190 190 192 1,163 1,198 1,219 1,235 1,252 796 725 845 786 161 2,126 2,093 1,953 1,960 1,979 7,667 7,669 7,663 7,679 7,692 105,155 105,385 108,031 104,971 104,780 Mar. 3 10 17 24 31 20,393 20,443 20,453 20,468 17,818 17,817 17,851 17,854 1,101 1,120 1,079 1,078 192 192 193 192 1,282 1,314 1,330 1,344 647 505 568 429 1,981 2,020 2,018 2,018 7,723 7,722 7,725 7,755 104,118 105,498 105,298 105,307 Apr. 7 14 21 28 20,597 20,593 20,687 20,749 17,895 17,916 17,949 17,996 1,147 1,123 1,142 1,136 191 190 190 190 1,364 1,364 1,406 1,427 647 943 720 718 2,001 2,036 2,057 2,093 7,775 7,778 7,778 7,794 105,717 106,348 106,939 106,254 May 5 12 19 26 20,786 20,849 20,930 20,967 21,096 18,041 18,110 18,127 18,212 18,304 1,129 1,130 1,175 1,121 1,146 189 188 188 187 187 1,427 1,421 1,440 1,447 1,459 781 535 541 876 29 2,070 2,099 1,927 1,911 1,889 7,799 7,802 7,788 7,804 7,806 106,888 106,245 109,220 106,908 108,364 June 2 9 16 23 30 21,064 21,258 21,300 21,343 18,256 18,301 18,309 18,337 1,154 1,277 1,277 1,285 188 189 187, 186 1,466 1,491 1,527 1,535 410 548 371 613 1,842 1,880 1,924 1,980 7,823 7,815 7,805 7,831 107,570 108,535 107,103 106,817 July 7 14 21 28 21,403 21,407 21,407 21,449 18,382 18,405 18,411 18,443 1,273 1,267 1,265 1,263 195 196 197 196 1,553 1,539 1,534 1,547 533 793 717 710 1,963 1,961 1,975 2,018 7,848 7,852 7,850 7,859 109,491 108,761 108,439 107,739 Aug. 4 11 18 25 21,447 21,503 21,455 21,472 21,467 18,433 18,487 18,501 18,514 18,520 1,257 1,253 1,193 1,194 1,195 197 197 199 199 200 1,560 1,566 1,562 1,565 1,552 583 571 585 451 537 2,019 2,029 2,058 2,103 2,150 7,886 7,888 7,878 7,880 7,897 107,943 107,703 110,671 108,212 108,763 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 21,518 21,530 21,546 21,582 18,608 18,639 18,641 18,681 1,181 1,209 1,238 1,231 203 203 204 211 1,526 1,479 1,463 1,459 462 767 681 621 2,133 2,147 2,189 2,301 7,913 7,920 7,921 7,949 111,032 113,159 111,916 111,627 Oct. 6 13 20 27 21,583 21,560 21,421 21,413 18,699 18,679 18,578 18,578 1,220 1,215 1,179 1,176 203 203 203 203 1,461 1,463 1,461 1,456 983 387 474 689 2,178 2,262 2,268 2,324 8,131 8,132 8,137 8,142 112,733 111,712 114,081 113,242 Nov. 3 10 17 24 21,397 21,462 21,502 21,579 21,613 18,555 18,621 18,655 18,732 18,806 1,183 1,180 1,195 1,198 1,154 203 203 209 209 209 1,456 1,458 1,443 1,440 1,444 2,359 2,473 2,438 2,489 2,459 8,162 8,152 8,146 8,144 8,174 113,822 112,611 117,027 115,245 114,862 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 109 128 78 373 215 766 652 596 746 632 BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Loans Loans and investments Total Total ad justed F or purchasing or carrying securities Total A d justed N et Com mercial, indus trial, and ag ricul tural To brokers and dealers U.S. Govt. secunties Othcr securi ties To others M emo: valnation reserve.? Loans , All to other banks Real estate U.S. 1 Other Govt. securisecuri- | ties __ ._ , n ™ 877 1 8,216 i 854 8,235 8,243 i 748 811 | 8,275 1 5 12 19 26 86.656 86,290 86.152 86,495 85,779 85,436 85,404 85,684 40,591 40,406 40,264 40,332 41,468 41,260 41,012 41,143 22,254 22,157 22,083 21,994 2,541 2,419 2,324 2,449 1,101 1,082 1,080 1.055 7,182 I 7,217 7,238 7,263 2 9 16 23 86,129 85,634 85,411 85,274 85,266 84,766 84,580 84,241 40,483 40,560 40,629 40,520 41,346 41,428 41,460 41.553 21,926 21,968 22.123 22,108 2,582 2.590 2,454 2,326 1.056 1,062 1,083 1,092 7,279 7,294 : 7,326 ! 7,342 j 863 868 ' 831 1,033 ! 8,346 8,349 8,350 8,360 | 706 703 707 708 2 9 16 23 30 85,267 85.152 85,890 84,883 84,432 84,341 84,167 84,843 83,921 83,380 40,751 40,898 41,444 41,382 41.448 41.677 41,883 42,491 42,344 42,500 22,241 22,265 22,584 22,637 22,597 2,374 2,452 2,718 2,491 2,483 1,080 1,075 1,081 1,100 1.113 7,359 7,373 7,402 i 7,432 7,474 926 8,408 985 1 8,444 j 1,047 8,372 962 l 8,435 1,052 1 8,488 711 711 713 713 707 6 13 20 27 85,878 85,613 85,755 85,808 85,013 84,823 84,864 84,778 41,512 41,666 41,787 41,818 42,377 42,456 42.678 42,848 22,449 22,543 22,530 22,545 2,669 2.672 2.741 2,660 1,106 1,103 7,482 7,517 7,542 7,570 ' 865 790 891 1,030 8,521 8,547 8,590 8,652 715 716 716 717 4 11 18 25 85,298 85,106 85,781 85,330 84,464 84,214 84,679 84,280 42,010 42,078 42,208 42,263 42,844 42,970 43,310 43,313 22,607 22,721 22,737 22,641 2,717 2.591 2,649 1.113 1.113 2,686 1,131 7,590 i 7,633 ' 7,657 7,686 834 892 1,102 1,050 8,701 8,739 8,763 8,840 718 719 719 72. 1 8 15 22 29 85,278 85,006 85,859 85,555 85,379 84,164 84.012 85,009 84,449 84,472 42,440 42,464 43,425 43,409 43,674 43.554 43,458 44,275 44,515 44,581 22,636 22,623 23,355 23,433 23,501 2.742 2,702 2,826 2,648 2,678 1,155 1,171 1,182 1,192 1.190 7,719 7,756 7,797 7,828 7,873 I ] ! 1,114 994 850 1,106 907 8,910 8,936 8,988 9,029 9,153 722 724 723 721 721 6 13 20 27 85,125 85,098 86,195 86,100 84,095 84.013 85,169 84,914 43,518 43,687 43,925 44,064 44,548 44,772 44,951 45,250 23,326 23,465 23,429 23,526 2.673 2,647 2,856 2,808 1.203 1.199 1.204 1,206 7,893 | 7,923 ; 7,937 J 7,978 1,030 1,085 1,026 1,186 9,152 9,185 9,232 9,280 729 732 733 734 3 10 17 24 31 85,765 85,438 85,132 85,192 85,478 84,878 84,416 84,210 84,098 84,412 44,113 44,164 44,262 44,443 44,696 45,000 45,186 45,184 45,537 45,762 23,550 23,754 23,940 24,050 24,171 2,775 2,558 2,409 2,413 2,467 1.190 1.197 1,196 1,189 1,184 7,993 8,028 i 8,069 8,100 8,120 j 887 1,022 922 1,094 1,066 9,340 9,364 9,384 9,428 9,492 735 737 736 737 738 7 14 21 28 85,189 85,824 85,318 85,399 84,150 84.735 84,516 84,493 44,570 45,029 45,241 45.449 45,609 46,118 46,043 46,355 24,080 24,400 24,570 24,660 2,392 2,404 2,391 2,406 1,188 1.200 1,206 1,194 1,039 8,135 8,188 j 1,089 802 8,216 8,257 1 906 9,513 9,575 9,595 9,669 738 738 737 737 5 12 19 26 85,502 86,935 86,509 86,350 84,616 85,542 85,571 45,641 46,035 45,974 46,071 46,527 46,868 46,941 46,850 25,010 25,114 25,082 25.124 2,567 2,705 2,636 2,587 1,177 1.198 1,180 1,224 7,972 i 8,001 1 8,040 8,049 | 886 833 967 779 9,650 9,754 9,771 9,824 735 737 735 737 2 9 16 23 30 86,356 86,013 86,790 86,167 86,487 85,623 85,259 85,781 85,369 85,337 46,499 46,604 47,017 47,067 47,331 47,232 47,358 48,026 47,865 48,481 25,303 25,485 25,783 25,833 26,014 2,689 2,593 2,646 2,578 2,605 1,245 1.248 1.249 1.249 1,248 8,073 8,106 8,143 8,181 ! 8,188 | 733 754 1,009 798 1,150 9,926 9,910 9,935 9,964 10,015 737 738 739 738 739 7 14 86,419 86,951 87,929 87,864 85,451 85,698 86,846 86.736 47,552 47,844 48,324 48,390 48,520 49,097 49,407 49,518 26,117 26,317 26,627 26,707 2,714 2,787 2,910 2,852 1,252 1,261 1.270 1.271 968 8.156 8.156 I 1,253 8,158 i 1,083 1,128 8,147 10,053 10,063 10,102 10,159 740 740 743 746 86,102 216 1,100 1,108 1,121 j 1 | 1 703 704 704 704 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued o f dollars) Investments Balances with— u S. Covcrni ncnt securi tics Certif ied tcs Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R. Banks Do mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets Total assets Date Total Bills 36,573 36,513 36,602 36,441 2,279 2,301 2,497 2,434 2,729 2,714 2,644 2,638 31,565 31,498 31,461 31,369 8,615 8,517 8,538 8,911 7,134 7,766 7,303 7,704 958 1,031 964 968 14,329 13,946 13,869 13,766 2,691 2,627 2,630 2,504 114 103 III 104 1,862 1,863 1,898 1,932 113,744 113,626 112,927 113,473 Jan. 5 12 19 26 35,799 35,280 35,057 34,750 2,065 1,747 1,881 1,821 2,551 2,412 1,832 1,676 31,183 31,121 31,344 31,253 8,984 8,926 8,894 8,971 7,136 6,238 8,222 7,483 898 938 925 993 13,947 13,651 13,829 13,483 2,493 2,483 2,571 2,548 109 105 96 88 1,979 1,999 1,924 1,943 112,691 111,048 112,978 111,812 Feb. 2 9 16 23 34,599 34,177 34,374 33,509 32,885 1,816 1,677 1,949 1,696 1,286 1,633 1,535 1,542 1,197 1,117 31,150 30,965 30,883 30,616 30,482 8,991 9,092 9,025 9,030 9,047 7,317 6,567 8,182 6,598 6,751 893 925 905 927 965 13,511 13,535 14,177 13,521 13,399 2,788 2,358 2,652 2,463 2,579 87 95 81 91 73 1,971 1,963 1,924 1,887 1,909 111,534 110,595 113,811 110,370 110,108 Mar. 2 9 16 23 30 34,425 34,096 34,063 33,983 1,739 1,572 1,731 1,750 2,154 2,076 1,991 1,911 30,532 30,448 30,341 30,322 9,076 9,061 9,014 8,977 6,831 8,081 7,405 7,176 888 999 926 974 13,767 13,716 13,667 13,608 2,477 2,657 2,511 2,465 77 84 77 80 1,947 1,962 1,944 1,979 111,865 113,112 112,285 112,090 Apr. 6 13 20 27 33,571 33,395 33,743 33,296 1,517 1,377 1,269 1,176 1,783 1,798 1,284 1,214 30,271 30,220 31,190 30,906 8,883 8,741 8,728 8,721 7,178 7,411 7,761 6,727 879 964 921 963 14,001 13,615 13,797 13,671 2,354 2,552 2,577 2,367 87 76 76 94 1,974 1,969 1,876 1,867 111,771 111,693 112,789 111,019 May 4 11 18 25 33,026 32,831 32,842 32,303 32,076 1,081 1,060 1,255 1,084 1,019 1,149 1,091 1,017 760 743 30,796 30,680 30,570 30,459 30,314 8,698 8,717 8,742 8,737 8,722 8,104 6,732 9,701 7,719 7,434 916 940 925 949 1,009 13,567 13,374 13,998 13,896 13,582 2,468 2,408 2,631 2,521 2,582 81 78 90 77 91 1.910 1,895 1,827 1,806 1,840 112,324 110,433 115,031 112,523 111,917 June I 8 15 22 29 31,797 31,663 32,565 32,161 914 869 1,318 1,196 729 709 1,126 1,086 30,154 30,085 30,121 29,879 8,780 8,663 8,679 8,689 7,789 8,476 8,014 7,201 926 1,020 951 981 13,406 13,605 13,732 13,812 2,582 2,599 2,543 2,386 95 87 86 75 1,829 1,813 1,805 1,824 111,752 112,698 113,326 112,379 July 6 13 20 27 31,975 31,634 31,261 30,972 30,948 1,160 1,123 997 916 985 932 813 706 651 625 29,883 29,698 29,558 29,405 29,338 8,790 8,618 8,687 8,683 8,768 6,839 6,906 7,677 6,542 7,483 912 951 938 960 947 13,647 13,277 13,444 13,131 13,308 2,372 2,397 2,504 2,358 2,390 77 91 84 77 73 1,851 1,850 1,795 1,807 1,862 111,463 110,910 111,574 110,067 111,541 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 30,791 30,940 30,546 30,347 890 1,150 1,009 994 607 617 537 496 29,294 29,173 29,000 28,857 8,789 8,766 8,729 8,697 7,156 9,409 7,975 7,705 973 1,031 967 1,030 13,116 13,198 13,364 13,370 2,361 2,657 2,474 2,426 69 67 77 70 1,854 1,891 1,807 1,806 110,718 114,077 111,982 111,806 Sept. 7 14 21 28 30,282 31,419 30,941 30,922 989 1,141 1,035 1,067 480 1,544 1,300 1,266 28,813 28,734 28,606 28,589 8,693 8,648 8,627 8,578 7,836 9,060 8,454 7,598 968 1,022 990 1,012 13,307 13,338 13,713 13,772 2,509 2,603 2,453 2,441 76 76 78 74 1,850 1,837 1,838 1,845 112,048 114,871 114,035 113,092 Oct. 5 12 19 26 30,559 30,300 30,377 29,961 29,643 842 775 932 787 636 28,521 1,196 1,088 28,437 1,053 28,392 872 1 28,302 824 28,183 8,565 8,355 8,387 8,341 8,363 7,759 8,073 10,179 8,220 8,780 948 1,041 997 969 1,023 13,899 13,382 13,285 13,392 13,431 2,381 2,386 2,686 2,340 2,487 76 75 70 69 76 1,899 1,910 1,838 1,836 1,952 113,318 112,880 115,825 112,993 114,236 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 29,559 29,559 30,260 30,122 690 778 1,534 1,535 8,340 8,295 8,262 8,224 7,569 9,321 8,561 9,587 1,060 1,175 1,134 1,194 13,435 13,570 13,901 13,655 2,356 2,629 2,692 2,801 73 74 74 80 1,904 1,894 1,838 1,840 112,816 115,614 116,129 117,021 Dcc. 7 14 21 28 1955 939 991 956 910 27,930 27,790 27,770 27,677 217 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Total demand and time deposits Demand deposits _______, States and political subdivisions Unadjusted Individuals, partnerships, nnd corps. _____= . Total Adjusted __ _____ U.S. _ _________ Interbank ... Government . __ ____ Domestic Foreign Certified and officers’ checks 1955 Jan. 5 12 19 26 102,321 102,065 101,684 102,084 57,857 57,981 58,368 58,716 80,665 80,369 80,022 80,410 59,012 60,113 59,884 59,383 3,958 3,841 3,981 4,348 2,242 1,502 1,477 1,948 12,012 11,717 11,502 10,695 1,420 , 1,403 1,372 1 1,347 2,021 1,793 1,806 2,689 Feb. 2 9 16 23 100,944 99,592 101,344 100,169 57,639 57,394 56,598 56,744 79,268 77,921 79,676 78,497 58,317 57,889 58,672 58,311 4,232 4,148 3,984 4,027 2,320 2,330 2,779 2,764 10,821 10,633 10,701 10,110 1,352 1 1,326 i 1,376 1,396 2,226 1,595 2,164 1,889 M ar. 2 9 16 23 30 99,902 98,832 102,402 98,799 98,289 56,270 56,769 57,861 56,282 55,590 78,207 77,090 80,671 77,040 76,540 57,762 57,795 60,070 57,158 56,474 3,960 3,781 3,722 3,966 4,062 2,633 2,078 2,497 2,615 2,534 10,610 10,312 10,755 10,127 10,235 1,377 1,364 1,376 1,418 1,430 1 1,865 1,760 2,251 1,756 1,805 Apr. 6 13 20 27 100,249 101,642 100,827 100,557 55,086 55,849 56,613 56,969 78,465 79,895 79,128 78,863 56,262 58,293 58,190 57,921 3,819 3,825 3,931 4 ,2 16 4,299 3,488 3,132 I 3,105 10,836 11,025 10,536 10,175 1,413 j 1,425 1,442 1 1,438 1,836 1,812 1,897 2,008 M ay 4 11 18 25 100,142 100,386 101,287 99,387 55,981 56,234 56,294 56,437 78,461 78,718 79,584 77,669 56,771 57,608 57,777 57,123 4,449 4,258 4,350 4,338 3,510 3,266 3,841 3,368 10,341 10,387 10,254 9,625 1,451 1,420 | 1,434 I 1,512 1,939 1,779 1,928 1,703 June 1 8 15 22 29 100,600 98,907 103,535 100,995 100,321 56,011 56,374 57,726 57,127 56,156 78,862 77,097 81,723 79,153 78,444 57,624 57,242 60,835 58,451 57,376 4,361 4,162 4,062 4,162 4,258 3,148 2,209 2,211 2,681 3,224 10,094 10,354 10,637 10,141 10,108 1,505 ' 1,428 | 1,448 1,485 1,522 1 2,130 1,702 2,530 2,233 1,956 July 6 13 20 27 100,139 101,148 101,823 100,779 55,336 56,113 55,866 56,416 78,319 79,372 80,055 79,033 57,157 58,928 58,050 57,921 4,083 3,851 3,729 3,886 2,832 2,374 1 4,145 3,937 10,862 10,934 10,529 9,955 1,500 1 1,475 1,501 1 1,524 1,885 1,810 2,101 1,810 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 99,750 99,377 100,030 98,559 100,032 55,865 55,645 55,360 55,669 55,931 77,990 77,600 78,257 76,820 78,251 56,984 56,993 57,454 56,786 57,523 3,963 3,900 3,853 3,838 3,990 3,374 3,035 1 3,168 j 3,162 1 3,256 10,441 10,579 10,638 10,031 10,163 1,471 j 1,435 1,414 | 1,416 1,418 1,757 1,658 1,730 1,587 1,901 Sept. 7 14 21 28 99,089 102,269 100,256 100,128 55,555 56,110 56,263 56,306 77,321 80,464 78,417 78,298 57,310 59,946 58,699 58,316 3,734 3,642 3,636 3,772 2,522 2,102 | 2,219 2,635 10,665 11,401 10,524 10,188 1,423 1,442 1 1,436 1,464 1,667 1,931 1,903 1,923 Oct. 5 12 19 26 100,283 102,915 101,991 101,144 55,860 55,618 56,293 57,066 78,413 81,008 80,119 79,247 57,857 58,996 59,145 59,094 3,790 3,641 3,606 3,793 2,364 3,995 3,284 2,932 10,863 10,883 10,614 10,218 1,490 I 1,452 1,474 1,433 2,049 2,041 1,996 1,777 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 101,057 100,593 103,873 101,014 102,028 56,394 55,955 56,047 56,386 56,900 79,092 78,659 82,043 79,196 80,218 58,130 57,994 59,817 58,662 59,475 4,055 3,963 3,976 3,895 3,971 2,876 2,496 3,115 2,962 2,870 10,593 10,687 11,246 10,219 10,288 1,470 1 1,448 | 1,456 1,409 1,380 | 1,968 2,071 2,433 2,049 2,234 Dec. 7 14 21 28 100,464 103,466 103,938 105,117 57,256 58,558 58,739 58,882 78,682 81,649 82,101 83,256 59,100 61,940 61,348 62,166 3,847 3,863 3,869 4,026 1,890 1,521 2,329 2,239 10,546 10,802 11,035 11,057 1,421 j 1,447 1,437 | 1,491 1,878 2,076 2,083 2,277 218 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued WEEKLY, 1941-65—Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Individ States and uals, p art political subdivi nerships, and corps. sions Borrowings U. S. ment Interbank Domestic From F. R. Banks Other liabilities Capital accounts liabilities and capital accounts Foreign Date 1955 21,656 21,696 21,662 21,674 18,845 18,865 18,857 18,856 1,158 1,157 1,122 1,126 213 210 210 211 1,440 1,464 1,473 1,481 197 355 136 263 713 669 563 563 2,337 2,383 2,406 2,391 8,176 8,154 8,138 8,172 113,744 113,626 112,927 113,473 Jan. 5 12 19 26 21,676 21,671 21,668 21,672 18,864 18,874 18,875 18,890 1,126 1,127 1,132 1,138 208 210 207 205 1,478 1,460 1,454 1,439 506 155 338 193 616 622 640 727 2,431 2,470 2,454 2,509 8,194 8,209 8,202 8,214 112,691 111,048 112,978 111,812 Feb. 2 9 16 23 21,695 21,742 21,731 21,759 21,749 18,930 18,971 18,957 18,996 18,990 1,145 1,152 1,140 1,132 1,132 205 205 206 206 207 1,415 1,414 1,428 1,425 1,420 212 287 173 375 468 663 712 744 705 806 2,513 2,525 2,261 2,270 2,427 8,244 8,239 8,231 8,239 8,118 111,534 110,595 113,811 110,370 110,108 Mar. 2 9 16 23 30 21,784 21,747 21,699 21,694 19,043 19,001 18,980 18,969 1,130 1,147 1,133 1,142 207 206 208 208 1,404 1,393 1,378 1,375 531 423 390 349 591 568 605 681 2,337 2,324 2,308 2,327 8,157 8,155 8,155 8,176 111,865 113,112 112,285 112,090 Apr. 6 13 20 27 21,681 21,668 21,703 21,718 18,975 18,976 18,999 19,014 1,132 1,135 1,132 1,129 209 209 210 209 1,365 1,348 1,362 1,366 547 185 159 319 602 626 799 774 2,273 2,277 2,311 2,287 8,207 8,219 8,233 8,252 111,771 111,693 112,789 111,019 May 4 11 18 25 21,738 21,810 21,812 21,842 21,877 19,037 19,070 19,082 19,108 19,173 1,113 1,122 1,099 1,085 1,059 213 213 215 216 217 1,375 1,405 1,416 1,433 1,428 388 216 632 253 514 783 737 523 909 693 2,286 2,311 2,093 2,117 2,117 8,267 8,262 8,248 8,249 8,272 112,324 110,433 115,031 112,523 111,917 June 1 8 15 22 29 21,820 21,776 21,768 21,746 19,125 19,093 19,108 19,082 1,059 1,053 1,045 1,021 211 211 211 210 1,425 1,419 1,404 1,433 483 334 433 371 767 839 741 832 2,070 2,089 2,052 2,107 8,293 8,288 8,277 8,290 111,752 112,698 113,326 112,379 July 6 1J 20 27 21,760 21,777 21,773 21,739 21,781 19,104 19,142 19,110 19,111 19,146 1,018 991 1,021 1,010 1,032 211 210 209 211 207 1,427 1,434 1,433 1,407 1,396 802 395 494 275 315 498 698 606 726 654 2,102 2,128 2,125 2,181 2,174 8,311 8,312 8,319 8,326 8,366 111,463 110,910 111,574 110,067 111,541 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 21,768 21,805 21,839 21,830 19,128 19,158 19,209 19,210 1,031 1,028 1,007 993 207 202 202 202 1,402 1,417 1,421 1,425 467 404 737 538 608 802 388 501 2,198 2,260 2,262 2,286 8,356 8,342 8,339 8,353 110,718 114,077 111,982 111,806 Sept. 7 14 21 28 21,870 21,907 21,872 21,897 19,249 19,318 19,292 19,324 979 973 966 954 202 200 199 200 1,440 1,416 1,415 1,419 548 773 710 897 532 488 623 308 2,293 2,294 2,318 2,310 8,392 8,401 8,393 8,433 112,048 114,871 114,035 113,092 Oct. 5 12 19 26 21,965 21,934 21,830 21,818 21,810 19,356 19,338 19,195 19,180 19,192 952 947 954 961 971 205 206 205 205 204 1,452 1,443 1,476 1,472 1,443 1,109 1,106 472 686 495 351 326 626 426 723 2,345 2,387 2,401 2,409 2,495 8,456 8,468 8,453 8,458 8,495 113,318 112,880 115,825 112,993 114,236 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 21,782 21,817 21,837 21,861 19,197 19,259 19,283 19,354 979 976 990 969 203 205 205 204 1,403 1,377 1,359 1,334 842 384 572 377 589 825 668 640 2,450 2,492 2,500 2,417 8,471 8,447 8,451 8,470 112,816 115,614 116,129 117,021 Dec. 7 14 21 28 __________ 219 REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Loans investments ___ ____ ________ Total For purchasing or carrying secu 'ities To tal Total ad justed Ad justed Net Com mercial and indus trial Agri cultural To brokers and dealers U.S. Govt. securi ties Other securi ties To others | U.S. Other Govt. 1 securisecuri* 1 ties ties . .. Real estate - Loans to banks a i; other M em o: val uation reserves 18 25 88,014 86,608 86,533 86,282 86,513 85,710 85,467 85,209 48,327 47,856 47,739 47,559 49,828 48,754 48,805 48,632 26,112 25,860 25,790 25,676 561 566 562 565 2,840 2,662 2,633 2,529 1,297 li ,295 1,283 n ,291 8,135 8,127 8,150 8,160 1,501 898 1,066 1,073 10,204 I 10.172 ' 10,148 10,163 822 826 827 825 1 8 15 22 29 85,642 85,135 85,502 85,169 85,430 84,694 84,140 84,310 84,072 84,190 47,741 47,515 47,611 47,494 47,694 48,689 48,510 48,803 48,591 48,934 25,720 25,635 25,737 25,707 25,796 570 576 564 564 550 2,625 2,492 2,482 2,407 2,422 1,302 1,281 1,288 1,285 1,287 8,154 8,161 8,197 8,194 8,224 948 995 1,192 1,097 1,240 10.197 10.198 10.172 10,175 10,259 827 828 829 838 844 7 14 28 85,639 86,571 87,588 87,006 84,338 85,349 86,489 85,631 47,914 48,655 49,586 49,373 49,215 49,877 50,685 50,748 25,944 26,536 27,217 27,266 540 541 524 515 2,463 2,549 2,732 2,436 1,290 1,293 1,293 1,292 8,254 8,287 8,320 8,341 1,301 1,222 1,099 1,375 10,268 10,300 10,350 10,373 845 851 850 850 4 11 18 25 86,703 86,583 86,743 86,724 85,454 85,447 85,487 85,340 49,277 49,383 49,504 49,628 50,526 50,519 50,760 51,012 27,095 27,202 27,291 27,364 483 481 479 478 2,495 2,444 2,350 2,347 1,294 1,287 1,298 1,295 8,344 8,377 8,412 8,424 1,249 1,136 1,256 1,384 10,420 10,447 10,5JO 10,575 854 855 856 855 2 9 16 23 30 86,567 85,943 86,422 86,422 86,054 85,448 84,887 85,241 85,115 84,724 49,953 49,942 50,167 50,243 49,900 51,072 50,998 51,348 51,550 51,230 27,583 27,558 27,726 27,615 27,307 470 473 477 478 477 2,412 2,378 2,363 2,492 2,435 1,298 1,281 1,278 1,280 1,277 8,430 8,457 8,471 8,494 8,503 1,119 1,056 1 181 1,307 1,330 10,618 10,652 10,710 10,743 10,756 858 857 858 859 855 6 13 27 86,182 86,599 87,618 87,081 84,726 85,236 86,336 85,622 50,060 50,483 51,354 51,144 51,516 51,846 52,636 52,603 27,498 27,775 28,453 28,389 473 483 463 456 2,430 2,452 2,598 2,380 1,273 1,259 1,269 1,271 8,508 8,547 8,582 8,606 1,456 1,363 1,282 1,459 10,732 10,821 10,846 10,89') 854 854 857 857 4 11 18 25 86,980 86,458 86,279 85,799 85,521 85,132 84,905 84,515 51,097 50,922 50,876 50,723 52,556 52,248 52,250 52,007 28,381 28,275 28,195 28,160 462 459 462 463 2,398 2,335 2,362 2,241 1,278 1,270 1,264 1,259 8,591 8,619 8,627 8,651 1,459 1,326 I 374 1,284 10,849 10,827 10,824 10,813 862 863 858 864 1 8 15 22 29 85,976 85,726 87,256 87,131 86,725 84,609 84,402 86,051 85,857 85,541 50,925 50,814 51,131 51,227 51,120 52,292 52,138 52,336 52,501 52,304 28,291 28,282 28,577 28,724 28,711 443 445 452 458 457 2,269 2, 42 2, 50 2,069 1,948 1,255 1,247 1,238 1,243 1,235 8,671 8,678 8,716 8,737 8,738 1,367 1,324 1,205 1,274 1,184 10,864 10,886 10,862 10,861 10,895 868 5 12 19 26 87,010 87,337 87,291 86,965 85,684 85,868 85,843 85,677 51,295 51,457 51,599 51,729 52,621 52,926 53,047 53,017 28,894 29,084 29,220 29,246 461 470 474 478 1,905 1,864 1,925 2,019 1,233 1,223 1.210 1,210 8,747 8,775 8,798 8,810 1,326 1,469 1,448 1,288 10,925 10,913 10,843 10,835 870 872 871 869 3 10 17 24 31 86,615 86,597 87,525 86,584 86,781 85,655 85,338 86,066 85,584 85,660 51,798 51,765 51,858 51,747 51,992 52,758 53,024 53,317 52,747 53,113 29,371 29,356 29,349 29,211 29,449 478 477 487 481 482 1,930 1,902 1,958 1,997 1,975 1,230 1,224 1,217 1,211 1,208 8,794 8,815 8,834 8,849 8,957 960 1,259 1,459 1,000 li l 2l 10,871 10,870 10,888 10,876 10,900 876 879 875 878 879 7 14 21 28 86,639 86,922 87,597 87,441 85,602 85,630 86,431 86,207 52,209 52,495 52,545 52,461 53,246 53,787 53,711 53,695 29,636 29,948 29,973 29,928 485 491 476 479 1,970 1,911 1,963 1,915 1,198 1,199 1,198 1,205 8,857 8,870 8.860 8,855 1,037 1,292 1,166 1,234 10,941 10,954 10,953 10,956 878 878 878 877 5 12 19 26 87,368 87,762 88,853 89,205 86,171 86,473 87,704 87,925 52,722 52,997 53,596 53,777 53,919 54,286 54,745 55,057 30,012 30,342 30,802 30,848 468 469 464 465 2,071 1,985 2. 12 2,214 1,197 1,197 1,202 1,202 S,848 8,856 8,865 8,852 1,197 1,289 1,149 1,280 11,003 877 864 866 871 4 11 21 20 2 20 11,012 11,017 11,067 866 864 865 864 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Balances with— Investments U.S. G overnm ent securities Total Bills Certif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks O ther assets D o mestic banks Total assets D ate Foreign banks 1956 29,957 29,686 29,509 29,475 1,535 1,395 1,348 1,351 866 859 811 820 27,556 27,432 27,350 27,304 8,229 8,168 8,219 8,175 9,097 8,479 8,525 7,578 1,061 1,068 1,011 995 13,916 13,706 13,734 13,474 2,768 2,534 2,554 2,422 83 74 71 72 1,832 1,845 1,901 1,905 116,771 114,314 114,329 112,728 Jan. 4 11 18 25 28,822 28,498 28,542 28,395 28,272 1,044 938 1,074 948 910 698 638 617 613 586 27,080 26,922 26,851 26,834 26,776 8,131 8,127 8,157 8,183 8,224 7,913 6,898 9,533 8,002 8,285 919 942 960 972 931 13,609 13,422 13,591 13,015 13,284 2,390 2,304 2,590 2,456 2,377 66 65 65 62 74 1,984 1,956 1,934 1,919 1,992 112,523 110,722 114,175 111,595 112,373 Feb. 1 8 15 22 29 28,157 28,431 28,654 27,995 763 987 1,113 837 563 611 865 708 26,831 26,833 26,676 26,450 8,267 8,263 8,249 8,263 7,292 8,776 7,921 7,420 917 986 929 998 13,288 13,389 13,470 13,382 2,383 2,552 2,539 2,533 67 69 61 68 1,955 1,967 1,898 1,958 111,541 114,310 114,406 113,365 M ar. 7 14 21 28 27,852 27,696 27,695 27,509 750 699 839 782 663 645 635 618 26,439 26,352 26,221 26,109 8,325 8,368 8,288 8,203 7,430 8,209 8,229 7,639 914 979 957 969 13.291 13,417 13,452 13,321 2,622 2,664 2,678 2,445 65 68 65 74 1,927 1,911 1,926 1,946 112,952 113,831 114,050 113,118 Apr. 4 11 18 25 27,357 26,939 27,082 26,877 26,873 753 572 736 634 679 588 568 578 549 544 26,016 25,799 25,768 25,694 25 650 8,138 8,006 7,992 7,995 7,951 8,121 7,297 9,228 8,021 8,090 895 948 917 966 980 13,412 13,344 13,204 13,197 13,133 2,421 2,294 2,555 2,359 2,350 70 70 71 63 74 1,972 1,995 1,935 1,965 1,995 113,45R 111,891 114,332 112,993 112,676 May 2 9 16 23 30 26,719 26,745 27,055 26,582 629 651 796 683 517 543 622 358 25,573 25,551 25,637 2 5 ,5 4 J 7,947 8,008 7,927 7,896 7,517 9,074 8,529 7,999 925 1,003 967 1,003 13,180 13,570 13,573 13,283 2,341 2,571 2,541 2,611 58 63 60 68 2,021 2,038 1,967 2,000 112,224 114,918 115,255 114,045 June 6 13 20 27 26,559 26,349 26,264 26,050 688 583 538 551 355 345 372 362 25,516 25,421 25,354 25,137 7,865 7,861 7,765 7,742 9,142 8,604 9,565 7,715 922 1,025 979 974 13,649 13,287 13,381 13,095 2,645 2,559 2,562 2,374 66 57 62 71 1,995 1,982 1,988 2,007 115,399 113,972 114,816 112.035 July 4 11 18 25 25,978 25,824 27,199 26,859 26,576 498 435 716 626 548 350 321 1,383 1,260 1,187 25,130 25,068 25,100 24,973 24,841 7,706 7,764 7,721 7,771 7,845 8,229 7,272 9,427 7,796 7,474 915 936 934 953 1,017 13,048 12,960 13,456 13,448 13,120 2,427 2,287 2,523 2,368 2,413 156 61 71 115 119 1,970 2,068 2,086 2,046 2,108 112,721 111,310 115,753 113,857 112,976 Aug. 1 8 15 22 29 26,501 26,545 26,383 26,096 463 575 760 605 1,117 1,114 1,056 970 24,921 24,856 24,567 24,521 7,888 7,866 7,861 7,852 8,116 9,296 8,823 8,457 931 1,059 994 1,024 13,290 13,251 13,529 13,412 2,462 2,561 2,581 2,533 112 112 110 118 2,115 2,118 2,102 2,140 114,036 115,734 115,430 114,649 Sept. 5 12 19 26 25,979 25,732 26,392 26,057 25,961 486 347 1,070 909 818 953 905 851 813 790 24,540 24,480 24,471 24,335 24,353 7,878 7,841 7,816 7,780 7,707 8,199 8,028 9,883 7,947 8,781 927 1,011 968 1,003 963 13,627 13,286 13,428 13,630 13,402 2,507 2,404 2,708 2,392 2,446 111 114 126 129 167 2,150 2,141 2,147 2,181 2,259 114,136 113,581 116,785 113,866 114,799 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 25,752 25,599 26,254 26,141 630 601 1,265 1,260 825 783 779 762 24,297 24,215 24,210 24,119 7,641 7,536 7,632 7,605 8,563 10,220 9,442 8,539 990 1,067 977 1,092 13,441 13,082 13,741 13,518 2,504 2,670 2,441 2,487 116 114 62 66 2,235 2,266 2,224 2,259 114,488 116,341 116,484 115,402 Nov. 7 14 21 28 25,820 25,884 26,578 26,654 1,144 1,261 1,919 1,936 720 714 714 724 23,956 23,909 23,945 23,994 7,629 7,592 7,530 7,494 8,609 9,731 9,280 9,490 1,019 1,165 1,148 1,221 13,645 13,609 14,151 13,708 2,379 2,517 2,684 2,763 48 58 58 64 2,300 2,309 2,267 2,275 115,368 117,151 118,441 118,726 Dec. 5 12 19 26 221 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Demand deposits Total demand and time deposits Date j To tal Adjusted Individuals, partnerships, and corps. States and political subdivisions U.S. Government ,. _ Interbank ____and ! Domestic j Foreign Unadjusted . Certified , . „r officers’ chccks 1956 Jan. 4 11 18 25 104,613 102,385 102,163 100,559 58,384 58,421 58,572 58,735 82,771 80,603 80,418 78,866 61,156 60,813 60,959 59,977 4,122 4,046 4,081 4,516 2,101 1,139 880 872 11,703 11,137 10,972 10,213 1,486 1 1,427 1,469 1 1,468 ^ 2,203 2,041 2,057 1,820 Feb. 1 8 15 22 29 100,330 98,444 101,536 99,371 99,957 57,607 57,047 56,391 56,105 56,230 78,685 76,782 79,903 77,716 78,265 58,946 58,004 59,798 58,069 58,326 4,399 4,284 4,241 4,145 4,319 1,477 1, 19t 1,862 2,155 2,391 tO ,165 10,174 10,627 9,968 9,878 1,523 j 1,472 1,490 1,486 1 1,481 | 2,175 1,657 1,885 1,893 1,870 Mar. 7 14 21 28 98,972 101,820 101,807 100,819 56,417 57,603 56,500 55,733 77,269 80,031 80,020 79,009 57,701 60,553 58,329 57,147 4,113 4,020 4,044 4,254 1,722 1,614 3,958 4,342 10,323 10,522 10,155 9,996 1,515 1,516 ] 1,486 1,518 j 1,895 1,806 2,048 1,752 Apr. 4 II 18 25 100,471 101,159 101,406 100,398 55,392 56,211 56,713 56,908 78,634 79,358 79,614 78,631 56,886 58,392 58,842 58,257 4,122 4,014 4,083 4,281 3,404 2,426 2,483 2,624 10,858 10,932 10,662 9,939 1,550 1,580 1,527 1,521 j 1 j 1 1,814 2,014 2,017 2,009 May 2 9 (6 23 30 100,879 99,212 101,778 100,209 100,100 55,896 55,559 54,999 55,444 55,521 79,112 77,437 79,963 78,345 78,242 57,224 56,694 57,943 56,988 57,319 4,632 4,339 4,315 4,231 4,451 3,343 2,998 3,848 3,797 3,669 10,235 10,064 10,362 9,561 9,464 1.517 1,519 1,526 1,522 1,498 I ■ I 1 | 2,161 1,823 1,969 2,246 1,841 June 6 13 20 27 99,485 102,106 102,455 101,454 55,641 56,974 56,905 56,210 77,506 80,083 80,348 79,268 57,057 60,050 59,128 57,960 4,230 4,128 4,200 4,367 2,614 2,190 3,116 3,420 10,241 10,363 10,335 10,171 1,871 1,870 2,106 1,882 July 4 11 18 25 102,637 101,208 102,179 99,398 55,248 55,346 55,774 56,114 80,468 79,112 80,130 77.328 57,689 58,026 58,677 57,868 4,471 4,089 3,923 4,044 3,605 2,477 2,334 1,794 10,977 11,194 10,921 10,129 1,493 J 1,482 1,463 : 1,468 1 1 1,496 1 1,491 , 1,536 1,576 | 2,230 1,835 2,739 1,917 Aug. 1 8 15 22 29 100,009 98,258 102,752 100,706 100,256 55,556 55,428 54,697 55,007 55,381 77,929 76,169 80,680 78,592 78,107 57,492 56,968 58,167 56,939 57,026 4,168 3,948 3,922 3,891 3,928 2,085 1,371 4,006 4,053 3,648 10,465 10,481 10,945 10,147 10,052 1,594 1,617 1,605 1,589 1,552 1 J 1 2,125 1,784 2,035 1,973 1,901 Sept. 5 12 19 26 100,801 102,464 102,332 101,573 54,920 55,777 55,908 55,374 78,678 80,240 80,142 79,368 57,327 59,485 59,098 57,961 3,949 3,777 3,640 3,831 3,205 2,294 2,689 3,404 10,843 11,307 11,112 10,543 1,594 1 1,566 1,610 1,590 1,760 1,811 1,993 2,039 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 100,889 100,353 103,525 100,591 101,718 54,915 55,289 55,623 56,206 56,069 78,664 78,125 81,311 78,383 79,481 57,448 57,904 60,057 58,713 58,980 3,800 3,741 3,570 3,673 4,007 3,010 2,264 2,752 2,114 2,303 10,980 11,012 11,510 10,563 10,725 1,560 ; 1,532 | 1,543 1,553 1,866 1,672 1,879 1,767 1,863 Nov. 7 14 21 28 100,883 103,115 103,114 102,297 55,588 55,882 55,900 56,632 78,704 81,102 81,169 80,354 58,529 60,431 59,370 59,296 3,710 3,691 3,772 3,909 1,822 1,769 3,301 2,877 11,146 11,594 10,864 10,646 1,585 1,637 1,662 1,660 j 1,912 1,980 2,200 1,966 Dec. 5 12 19 26 101,897 103,842 105,004 105,362 56,745 58,266 58,148 58,214 79,936 81,789 82,870 83,097 59,422 61,871 61,356 61,707 3,933 3,933 3,905 3,953 2,087 1,151 2,412 2,380 10,806 10,996 11,368 11,326 1,689 1 1,645 1,662 1,687 ; 1,999 2,193 2,167 2,044 222 , WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Time, deposits Total Individ States and uals, part political subdivi nerships, sions and corps. Borrowings U .S . Interbank From F. R. Banks ment Domestic Foreign Other liabilities Capital accounts liabilities and capital accounts 8,477 8,480 8,458 8,475 116,771 114,314 114,329 112,728 Jan. 4 II 18 25 D ate 1956 21,842 21,782 21,745 21,693 19,363 19,356 19,327 19,272 961 961 955 959 207 202 204 203 1,311 1,263 1,259 1,259 344 702 751 733 1,096 484 657 615 2,241 2,263 2,300 2,346 21,645 21,662 21,633 21,655 21,692 19,251 19,273 19,250 19,291 19,331 963 969 982 975 992 202 208 209 206 202 1,229 1,212 1,192 1,183 1,167 836 718 851 545 496 504 672 843 687 851 2,341 2,358 2,388 2,421 2,467 8,512 8,530 8,557 8,571 8,602 112,523 110,722 114,175 111,595 112,373 Feb. 1 8 15 72 29 .21,703 21,789 21,787 21,810 19,354 19,412 19,393 19,406 983 1,010 1,025 1,032 198 195 195 195 1,168 1,172 1,174 1,177 507 574 966 566 960 843 701 936 2,501 2,474 2,336 2,422 8,601 8,599 8,596 8,622 111,541 114,310 114,406 113,365 M ar. 7 14 71 28 21,837 21,801 21,792 21,767 19,414 19,382 19,323 19,311 1,044 1,044 1,055 1,058 200 197 200 180 1,179 1,178 1,214 1,218 541 864 722 747 857 727 857 865 2,443 2,378 2,381 2,410 8,640 8,703 8,684 8,698 112,952 113,831 114,050 113,118 Apr. 4 11 18 25 21,767 21,775 21,815 21,864 21,858 19,304 19,334 19,352 19,368 19,378 1,072 1,050 1,049 1,054 1,041 179 180 180 180 177 1,212 1,211 1,234 1,262 1,262 792 852 556 590 381 666 672 844 982 949 2,386 2,413 2,406 2,456 2,482 8,735 8,742 8,748 8,756 8,764 113,458 111,891 114,332 112,993 112,676 M ay 2 9 16 23 30 21,979 22,023 22,107 22,186 19,492 19,548 19,596 19,652 1,049 1,027 1,025 1,031 176 175 177 176 1,262 1,273 1,309 1,327 365 529 637 343 1,104 984 965 1,017 2,490 2,524 2,420 2,444 8,780 8,775 8,778 8,787 112,224 114,918 115,255 114,045 June 6 13 20 27 22,169 22,096 22,049 22,070 19,641 19,588 19,576 19,593 1,002 999 1,006 1,007 184 183 182 180 1,342 1,326 1,285 1,290 471 526 380 362 1,129 1,057 1,061 1,003 2,346 2,363 2,395 2,459 8,816 8,818 8,801 8,813 115,399 113,972 114,816 112,035 July 4 11 18 25 22,080 22,089 22,072 22,114 22,149 19,596 19,616 19,613 19,645 19,661 1,004 1,011 1,009 1,009 1,005 ’ 180 180 178 178 178 1,300 1,282 1,272 1,282 1,305 315 570 669 685 322 1,079 1,096 928 1,002 852 2,464 2,531 2,556 2,607 2,671 8,854 8,855 8,848 8,857 8,875 112,721 111,310 115,753 113,857 112,976 Aug. 1 8 15 22 29 22,123 22,224 22,190 22,205 19,657 19,727 19,713 19,739 998 992 976 966 180 181 185 183 1,288 1,324 1,316 1,317 574 487 344 479 1,114 1,200 1,158 929 2,660 2,696 2,715 2,755 8,887 8,887 8,881 8,913 114,036 115,734 115,430 114,649 Sept. 5 12 19 26 22,225 22,228 22,214 22,208 22,237 19,760 19,778 19,769 19,765 19,794 971 948 939 930 929 190 189 189 189 189 1,304 1,313 1,317 1,324 1,325 902 511 398 767 427 666 1,013 1,173 748 817 2,747 2,769 2,765 2,824 2,858 8,932 8,935 8,924 8,936 8,979 114,136 113,581 116,785 113,866 114,799 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 22,179 22,013 21,945 21,943 19,771 19,629 19,565 19,556 895 889 889 898 184 185 184 186 1,329 1,310 1,307 1,303 1,006 267 547 265 768 1,115 980 921 2,840 2,862 2,860 2,908 8,991 8,982 8,983 9,011 114,488 116,341 116,484 115,402 Nov. 7 14 21 28 21,961 22,053 22,134 22,265 19,598 19,701 19,752 19,886 899 900 927 922 184 185 181 182 1,280 1,267 1,274 1,275 510 399 659 519 978 911 828 868 2,940 2,957 2,914 2,934 9,043 9,042 9,036 9,043 115,368 117,151 118,441 118,726 Dec. 5 12 19 26 223 ' BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In m illions Loans F or purchasi ng o r carrying sccu ritics Total .A d justed N et C om mercial and indus trial Agri cultural T o brokers and dealers U.S. Govt. securi ties O ther securi ties To others U.S. Govt. securi ties Real estate Loans to banks All other Other securi ties M em o: val uation I reserves 2 9 16 23 30 53,375 52,501 52,255 51,855 51,776 54,765 53,762 53,548 53.176 52,953 30,681 30,298 30,143 29.900 29,816 456 455 452 449 444 2,130 1,745 1,745 1,659 1,689 1,208 1,201 1,190 1,183 1,182 8,839 8,832 8,831 8,807 8,790 1,390 1,261 1,293 1,321 1,177 11,069 10,977 10,903 10,866 10,868 1,008 1,007 1.009 1.009 1,013 6 13 20 27 51,664 51,712 51,748 51,779 52,698 53,123 52,810 53.176 2 9 ,7 2 6 29,817 29,910 29,871 436 440 437 443 1,761 1,694 1,689 1,760 1, 55 1,151 1,153 1,148 8,770 8,782 8,766 8,762 1,034 1,411 1,062 1,397 10,833 10,843 10,808 10,813 1.017 1.015 1.015 1.018 6 13 20 27 51.887 52,310 53.115 52,831 53,161 53,756 54,486 54,255 30,007 30,410 31,149 31,012 437 434 430 431 1,797 1,791 1,822 1,670 1,150 1,156 1,148 1.146 8,736 8,740 8,746 8,740 1,274 1,446 1,371 1,424 10,803 10,824 10,864 10,874 1.043 1.045 1.044 1,042 3 10 17 24 52,944 52.888 53,251 53,072 53,989 53,934 54,372 54,289 30,906 30,961 31,103 30,928 416 415 421 421 1,952 1,834 1,874 1,842 1,152 1,155 1,176 1,174 8,691 8,690 8,699 8,690 1,045 1,046 1,121 1,217 10,873 10,879 11,024 11,062 1.046 1.046 1.046 1.045 1 8 15 22 29 53.454 52,988 53,134 52,926 52,756 54;495 54,234 54,382 54,254 53,983 31,030 30,921 31,147 30,906 30,661 420 417 422 422 416 2,113 1,762 1,667 1,706 1,765 1,173 1,167 1,159 1,156 1,156 8,679 8,665 8,669 8,664 8,661 1,041 1,246 1,248 1,328 1,227 11,086 11,103 11,117 11,121 11,144 1.047 1.047 1.047 1.049 1.047 5 12 19 26 52,834 53,413 54,434 54.454 54,258 54.306 55,489 55,678 30,750 31,094 32,039 32,097 420 425 424 428 1,767 1,940 1,969 1,842 1,163 1,168 1,170 1,169 8,649 8,667 8,675 8,667 1,424 893 1,055 1,224 11,134 11,167 11,205 11,301 3 10 17 24 31 54,282 53,972 53,852 53.496 53,568 55,381 55,061 55,022 54,857 54,800 31,877 31,755 31,641 31,355 31,310 433 431 429 428 428 1,892 1,710 1,679 1,610 1,660 1,184 1,162 1,157 1,143 1,142 8,649 8,645 8,657 8,666 8,675 1,099 1,089 1,170 1,361 1,232 11,303 11,324 11,345 11,350 11,412 1,056 1.055 1.056 1.056 1,059 7 14 21 28 53,541 53,650 54,064 53,935 54,634 55,058 55,332 55,183 31,322 31,537 31,790 31,583 420 428 427 429 1,644 1,548 1,755 1,810 1,140 1,136 1,132 1,120 8,665 8,685 8,682 8,696 1,093 1,408 1,268 1,248 11,408 11,375 11,337 11,355 1 1.058 1.059 1.059 1,058 4 11 18 25 53,864 54.115 54,597 54,332 55,419 55,294 55,775 55,519 31,616 31,843 32,163 31,967 430 436 440 441 1,692 1,675 1,791 1,748 1,133 1,116 1,129 1,114 8,683 8,708 8,718 8,725 1,555 1,179 1,178 1,187 11,366 11,394 11,413 11,394 1.056 1.057 1.057 1.057 2 9 16 23 30 54,563 54,228 54,253 53,603 53,614 55.752 55,415 55,301 54,746 54,974 31,885 31,697 31,663 31,363 31,304 446 440 440 444 452 2,021 1,921 1,922 1,589 1,642 1,118 1,118 1,116 1,111 1,106 8,727 8,729 8,759 8,769 8,758 1,189 1,187 1,048 1,143 1,360 11,427 11,383 11,411 11,385 6 13 20 27 53,535 53,684 53,726 53,329 54,835 55.306 54,821 54.752 31,301 31,387 31,353 31,093 450 449 441 434 1,554 1,590 1,737 1,610 1,102 1,091 1,094 1,093 8,751 8,776 8,777 8,777 1,300 1,622 1,095 1,423 11,411 11,437 11,452 11,387 11,385 1,061 1.060 1.058 1.058 1.059 4 11 18 25 31 53.496 53,908 54,689 54,518 54,658 55,121 55,223 56,139 55,702 55,364 31,135 31,385 31,872 31,853 31,801 437 434 433 435 436 1,756 1,915 2,190 2,022 2,190 1,094 1,805 1,106 1,114 1,154 8,761 8,779 8,780 8,772 8,761 1,625 1,315 1,450 1,184 706 11,379 11,360 i 11,374 1 11,390 11,448 224 j ! j 1 1.049 1.048 1.048 1.050 1.060 1,061 1.063 1.063 1.067 1,070 1,066 1.068 1,132 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65—Continued of dollars) Balances with— Investments U. S. Governr nent securi ties Certif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Other assets Total assets Date Foreign banks Total Bills 26,774 26,272 26,823 26,330 26,101 2,093 1,697 2,298 1,907 1,681 703 690 706 681 680 23,978 23,885 23,819 23,742 23,740 7,485 7,425 7,425 7,398 7,420 11,061 8,265 9,621 8,214 7,841 1,132 1,086 1,000 1,003 1,017 13,600 13,665 13,587 13,639 13,530 3,156 2,525 2,621 2,490 2,304 60 62 59 60 72 2,314 2,304 2,323 2,323 2,374 120,347 115,366 117,007 114,633 113,612 Jar.. 2 9 16 23 30 25,921 25,672 25,809 25,723 1,443 1,257 1,426 1,461 780 743 823 746 23,698 23,672 23,560 23,516 7,484 7,444 7,512 7,536 7,664 9,688 8,341 8,757 920 1,040 980 1,014 13,756 13,119 13,595 13,359 2,330 2,441 2,431 2,364 74 72 63 62 2,380 2,370 2,365 2,351 113,227 114,969 113,906 114,342 Feb. 6 13 20 27 25,532 25,676 25,990 25,164 1,251 1,370 1,763 1,317 773 783 761 415 23,508 23,523 23,466 23,432 7,556 7,667 7,642 7,609 8,091 8,910 8,504 8,155 950 1,031 961 991 13,217 13,194 13,437 13,038 2,345 2,476 2,535 2,584 67 62 63 61 2,347 2,339 2,295 2,333 113,266 115,111 115,913 114,190 M ar. 6 13 20 27 26,635 26,305 26,258 25,972 1,243 1,112 1,146 1,034 1,608 1,467 1,421 1,347 23,784 23,726 23,691 23,591 7,674 7,737 7,759 7,672 8,743 7,800 9,141 8,203 905 967 956 996 13,818 13,482 13,415 13,519 2,467 2,348 2,541 2,393 74 71 73 66 2,349 2,365 2,371 2,408 116,654 115,009 116,886 115,518 Apr. 3 10 17 24 26,034 25,552 25,221 25,114 25,878 1,125 880 867 850 1,665 1,311 1,302 1,620 1 ,615 1,581 23,598 23,370 22,734 22,649 22,632 7,641 7,547 7,550 7,586 7,608 9,687 7,663 10,116 8,231 8,585 897 944 929 966 942 13,736 13,389 13,388 13,198 13,368 2,497 2,350 2,512 2,345 2,242 56 62 60 50 72 2,460 2,451 2,421 2,402 2,399 117,503 114,192 116,579 114,146 115,077 May 1 8 15 22 29 25,790 25,690 25,633 24,917 1,638 1,585 1,541 985 1,561 1,536 1,527 J ,429 22,591 22,569 22,565 22,503 7,586 7,651 7,603 7,601 7,945 9,310 8,914 8,809 924 1,013 977 1,026 13,113 13,619 13,505 13,350 2,358 2,432 2,457 2,409 65 66 64 68 2,419 2,411 2,323 2,381 114,458 116,498 116,965 116,239 June 5 12 19 26 26,310 26,020 25,642 25,223 25,241 2,334 2,013 1,725 1,481 1,504 1,475 1,455 1,409 1,327 1,342 22,501 22,552 22,508 22,415 .22,395 7,612 7,589 7,596 7,525 7,556 9,378 8,689 9,652 8,198 8,798 899 1,026 988 995 966 13,576 13,351 13,400 13,334 13,275 2,463 2,359 2,513 2,404 2,463 212 79 72 70 63 2,207 2,342 2,355 2,367 2,468 118,038 116,516 117,240 114,973 115,630 July 3 10 17 24 31 24,821 24.646 25,303 24,914 1,286 1,177 1,918 1,623 1,714 1,655 1,582 1,562 21,821 21,814 21,803 21,729 7,593 7,572 7,606 7,621 7,470 9,053 8,359 8,782 930 1,017 973 1,043 13,047 12,818 13,017 13,242 2,320 2,478 2,356 2,265 62 60 57 60 2,445 2,501 2.538 2,621 113,322 115,203 115,541 115,731 Aug. 7 14 21 28 24,787 24,762 24,747 24,537 1,473 1,469 1,458 1,306 1,583 1,586 1,578 1,506 21,731 21,707 21,711 21,725 7,630 7,704 7,708 7,689 8,693 8,997 9,510 8,319 965 1,056 1,006 1,025 12,792 13,072 13,431 13,128 2,444 2,401 2,523 2,388 64 60 63 60 2,622 2,627 2,608 2,617 115,416 115,973 117,371 115,282 Sept. 4 11 18 25 25,654 25,324 25,346 25,270 25,191 1,197 1,061 1,120 1,128 1,156 1,732 1,673 1,668 1,639 1,600 22,725 22,590 22,558 22,503 22,435 7,681 7,715 7,693 7,666 7,938 9,110 8,205 9,933 8,216 8,617 953 996 977 1,017 1,053 13,325 13,168 13,232 13,363 13,367 2,385 2,350 2,554 2,341 2,344 63 58 64 57 73 2,679 2,693 2,668 2,692 2,702 117,602 115,924 117,768 115,368 116,259 Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 24,959 24,785 24,938 25,010 1,011 883 1,006 1,007 1,584 1,601 1,666 1,713 22,364 22,301 22,266 22,290 7,783 7,634 7,668 7,733 9,015 9,740 9,462 9,479 973 1,087 1,015 1,023 13,176 12,862 13,608 13,340 2,335 2,455 2,379 2,354 55 59 63 53 2,709 2,705 2,646 2,706 115,840 116,633 116,600 116,450 Nov. 6 13 20 27 25,619 25,630 26,010 26,087 26,423 1,042 1,124 1,470 1,533 1,888 1,697 1,726 1,730 1,725 1,752 22,880 22,780 22,8110 22,829 22,783 7,743 7,852 7,879 7,882 7,906 8,903 9,109 9,819 9,732 11,841 1.038 1,170 1,181 1,112 1,131 13,421 13,734 13,834 13,807 13,670 2,329 2,346 2,617 2,599 3,193 58 58 72 70 74 2,748 2,725 2,662 2,657 2,712 116,980 117,847 120,213 119,648 122,314 Dec. 4 11 18 25 31 1957 225 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Dem and deposits Total demand and time deposits Date Total Adjusted Individuals, partnerships, and corps. States and political subdivisions U.S. Government Interbank Domestic Unadjusted Foreign Certified and officers* checks 1957 Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 107,497 102,421 104,224 101,795 100,668 57,629 57,760 58,523 58,296 58,076 85,230 80,036 81,717 79,254 78,087 61,966 60,130 61,976 60,545 59,951 4,183 4,011 4,183 4,095 4,211 2,181 949 643 624 790 12,640 11,425 11,329 10,537 9,854 1,719 1,637 1,601 1,583 1,526 2,541 1,884 1,985 1,870 1,755 Feb. 6 13 20 27 99,910 101,611 100,491 101,010 56,874 56,423 56,214 56,370 77,263 78,934 77,746 78,211 58,685 60,408 58,701 59,228 4,083 3,888 4,030 4,099 873 844 1,518 1,554 10,338 10,500 10,140 9,991 1,514 1,479 1,533 1,539 1,770 1,815 1,824 1,800 M ar. 6 13 20 27 99,710 101,639 102,402 100,895 55,791 56,905 55,704 55,472 76,798 78,534 79,204 77,651 57,951 60,262 58,458 57,769 4,031 3,796 3,808 4,033 1,008 958 3,062 2,304 10,361 10,240 10,382 10,244 1,547 1,521 1,552 1,476 1,900 1,757 1,942 1,825 Apr. 3 10 17 24 103,263 101,523 103,619 102,231 55,118 55,588 56,588 56,695 79,928 78,169 80,341 78,950 57,179 57,763 59,483 58,793 4,045 3,872 4,121 4,193 3,946 2,756 2,289 2,354 10,646 10,518 10,783 10,148 1,475 1,507 1,540 1,550 2,637 1,753 2,125 1,912 M ay I 8 15 22 29 103,934 100,652 103,094 100,625 101,573 56,213 55,273 55,057 55,151 55,149 80,608 77,260 79,638 77,090 77,890 58,635 56,859 58,910 57,316 57,383 4,545 4,361 4,297 4,315 4,439 2,822 2,581 2,327 2,334 3,214 10,298 10,156 10,559 9,748 9,406 1,588 1,587 1,579 1,626 1,536 2,720 1,716 1,966 1,751 1,912 June 5 12 19 26 101,063 102,887 103,578 103,025 55,320 56,448 56,276 55,729 77,329 79,124 79,910 79,240 57,144 59,718 59,105 58,013 4,371 4,272 4,092 4,483 2,367 1,511 2,800 3,125 10,173 10,330 10,327 9,903 1,524 1,525 1,593 1,674 1,750 1,768 1,993 2,042 July 3 10 17 24 31 104,651 103,336 104,144 101,881 102,610 54,307 54,750 55,167 55,570 55,550 80,906 79,585 80,353 78,100 78,843 57,306 57,438 58,972 57,915 58,276 4,238 4,109 3,836 3,945 4,169 5,004 3,820 3,060 2,349 2,381 10,576 10,664 10,814 10,286 10,447 1,641 1,662 1,660 1,697 1,667 2,141 1,892 2,011 1,908 1,903 Aug. 7 14 21 28 99,992 101,6i2 101,844 101,850 55,096 54,683 54,482 54,973 76,176 77,815 78,052 78,035 56,832 58,233 57,159 57,374 4,108 3,839 3,838 3,878 1,313 1,423 3,124 2,647 10,568 10,902 10,301 9,972 1,729 1,754 1,786 1,661 1,626 1,664 1,844 2,503 Sept. 4 11 18 25 101,498 102,180 103,224 101,268 54,413 55,671 55,094 54,788 77,652 78,253 79,278 77,247 57,290 59,048 58,789 57,485 3,932 3,802 3,784 3,887 2,203 1,020 2,043 2,173 10,645 10,880 10,973 10,352 1,698 1,685 1,658 1,615 1,884 1,818 2,031 1,735 Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 103,647 101,999 104,075 101,490 102,124 54,015 54,344 54,774 55,383 55,805 79.566 77,865 79,922 77,340 77,973 57,159 56,850 59,352 58,193 58,495 3,872 3,650 3,581 3,702 3,857 4,008 2,757 2,087 1,662 1,683 10,737 10,843 11,383 10,354 10,154 1,696 1,716 1,745 1,725 1,714 2,094 2,049 1,774 1,704 2,070 Nov. 6 13 20 27 101,803 102,505 102,389 102,335 54,800 55,025 55,110 55,464 77,687 78,538 78,502 78,402 57,758 59,215 58,456 58,772 3,987 3,677 3,729 4,005 1,400 1,158 1,913 1,758 10,773 10,949 10,378 10,062 1,699 1,666 1,639 1,639 2,070 1,873 2,387 2,166 Dec. 4 11 18 25 31 102,705 103,556 105,907 105,538 109,690 55,389 56,710 56,651 56,169 56,887 78,727 79,448 81,773 81,235 85,184 58,063 59,833 60,040 59,800 61,887 3,981 3,825 3,917 4,013 4,331 2,332 1,418 2,374 2,800 2,458 10,493 10,559 11,259 10,851 12,305 1,610 1,652 1,670 1,683 1,693 2,248 2,161 2,513 2,088 2,510 226 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65—Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Individ States and uals, p art political subdivi nerships, and corps. sions Borrowings U. S. Interbank ment Domestic Foreign From F. R. Banks Other liabilities Capital accounts liabilities and capital accounts Other D ate 19S7 22,267 22,385 22,507 22,541 22,581 19,919 20,022 20,143 20,169 20,214 916 935 942 948 939 182 184 182 182 183 1,250 1,244 1,240 1,242 1,245 309 254 179 262 475 788 929 878 830 682 2,713 2,717 2,703 2,719 2,740 9,040 9,045 9,023 9,027 9,047 120,347 115,366 117,007 114,633 113,612 Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 22,647 22,677 22,745 22,799 20,268 20,292 20,363 20,407 956 959 965 964 181 179 180 183 1,242 1,247 1,237 1,245 723 359 741 304 728 1,115 745 1,101 2,778 2,794 2,854 2,810 9,088 9,090 9,075 9,117 113,227 114,969 113,906 114,342 Feb. 6 13 20 27 22,912 23,105 23,198 23,244 20,499 20,684 20,759 20,819 987 990 1,002 994 180 179 181 180 1,246 1,252 1,256 1,251 670 475 781 451 970 1,079 998 1,054 2,811 2,818 2,642 2,671 9,105 9,100 9,090 9,119 113,266 115,111 115,913 114,190 M ar. 6 13 20 27 23,335 23,354 23,278 23,281 20,897 20,912 20,838 20,834 1,004 1,009 1,016 1,040 182 185 184 182 1,252 1,248 1,240 1,225 1,009 1,086 719 562 593 554 658 776 2,654 2,702 2,762 2,814 9,135 9,144 9,128 9,135 116,654 115,009 116,886 115,518 Apr. 3 10 17 24 23,326 23,392 23,456 23,535 23,683 20,870 20,938 20,969 21,037 21,082 1,063 1,066 1,079 1,087 1,111 181 181 182 181 179 1,212 1,207 1,226 1,230 1,311 978 634 532 535 688 559 882 914 958 759 2,853 2,835 2,856 2,839 2,856 9,179 9,189 9,183 9,189 9,201 117,503 114,192 116,579 114,146 115,077 M ay 23,734 23,763 23,668 23,785 21,129 21,180 21,111 21,205 1,105 1,097 1,098 1,124 180 181 180 181 1,320 1,305 1,279 1,275 366 1,071 910 615 1,019 468 610 755 2,790 2,860 2,658 2,611 9,220 9,212 9,209 9,233 114,458 116,498 116,965 116,239 June 5 12 19 26 23,745 23,751 23,791 23,781 23,767 21,171 21,174 21,221 21,227 21,219 1,125 1,116 1,132 1,125 1,123 188 187 186 186 187 1,261 1,274 1,252 1,243 1,238 970 792 564 270 271 618 544 664 826 682 2,553 2,600 2,641 2,764 2,671 9,246 9,244 9,227 9,232 9,396 118,038 116,516 117,240 114,973 115,630 July 3 10 17 24 31 23,816 23,797 23,792 23,815 21,275 21,265 21,285 21,292 1,119 1,136 1,133 1,135 186 187 185 185 1,236 1,209 1,189 1,203 645 395 582 605 611 988 808 857 2,654 2,801 2,898 2,979 9,420 9,407 9,409 9,440 113,322 115,203 115,541 115,731 Aug. 7 14 21 28 23,846 23,927 23,946 24,021 21,319 21,398 21,397 21,451 1,130 1,130 1,136 1,133 185 186 187 186 1,212 1,213 1,226 1,251 366 640 951 672 1,129 720 750 856 2,975 2,986 3,018 3,034 9,448 9,447 9,428 9,452 115,416 115,973 117,371 115,282 Sept. 4 11 18 25 24,081 24,134 24,153 24,150 24,151 21,494 21,574 21,612 21,631 21,635 1,143 1,132 1,116 1,109 1,111 184 181 181 181 179 1,260 1,247 1,244 1,229 1,226 595 582 524 548 589 841 743 588 702 887 3,045 3,112 3,065 3,104 3,093 9,474 9,488 9,516 9,524 9,566 117,602 115,924 117,768 115,368 116,259 Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 24,116 23,967 23,887 23,933 21,654 21,535 21,447 21,487 1,066 1,043 1,057 1,063 176 175 170 169 1,220 1,214 1,213 1,217 551 266 928 410 851 1,187 593 950 3,045 3,089 3,113 3,154 9,590 9,586 9,577 9,601 115,840 116,633 116,600 116,450 Nov. 6 13 20 27 23,978 24,108 24,134 24,303 24,506 21,507 21,619 21,622 21,762 21,951 1,086 1,101 1,134 1,168 1,175 167 168 167 166 167 1,218 1,220 1,211 1,207 1,213 380 784 694 671 22 1,097 709 828 676 3,192 3,214 3,187 3,147 2,967 9,606 9,584 9,597 9,616 9,635 116,980 117,847 120,213 119,648 122,314 Dec. 4 11 18 25 31 227 \ 8 15 22 29 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Loans Loans and investments D ate Total Total ad justed A d justed "" F o r purchasing o r carrying securities Total Net C om mercial and indus~ trial Agri cultural To brokers and dealers U.S. Govt. securi ties Other securi ties To others Real estate Loans to banks All other ...... M em o: val uation reserves U.S. Other G ovt. 1 securisecuritics tics i 1958 Jan. 8 15 22 29 89,094 88,391 88,146 87,644 87,744 87,018 86,521 86,187 53,748 53,211 52,673 52,245 55,098 54,584 54,298 53,702 31,130 30,843 30,337 30,119 439 436 438 437 2,022 1,815 1,833 1,645 1,108 1,105 1,116 1,125 8,750 8,747 8,753 8,744 1,350 1,373 1,625 1,457 11,431 11,398 11,329 11,308 1,132 1,133 1,133 1,133 Feb. 5 12 19 26 88,770 88,689 88,460 88,804 87,066 87,156 87,027 87,361 52,726 52,679 52,422 52,281 54,430 54,212 53,855 53,724 29,912 29,806 29,932 29,925 447 443 438 442 2,230 2,303 1,968 1,882 1,124 1,117 1,171 1,178 8,732 8,738 8,737 8,742 1,704 1,533 1,433 1,443 11,420 11,411 11,316 11,251 1,139 1,139 1,140 1,139 M ar. 5 12 19 26 90,263 90,960 92,083 91,243 88,576 89,408 90,474 89,813 52,434 52,776 53,551 53,006 54,121 54,328 55,160 54,436 29,716 29,847 30,513 30,499 445 445 448 448 2,267 2,555 2,682 2,070 1,191 1,185 1,189 1,284 8,709 8,725 8,710 8,734 1,687 1,552 1,609 1,430 11,247 11,162 11,156 11,116 1,141 1,143 1,147 1,145 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 90,945 91,574 94,479 93,702 93,984 89,541 89,834 92,713 92,052 92,483 52,699 52,962 53,575 53,036 52,995 54,103 54,702 55,341 54,686 54,496 30,313 30,131 30,129 29,714 29,645 450 458 454 460 462 1,983 2,418 2,931 2,776 2,749 1,274 1,280 1,280 1,314 1,315 8,695 8,712 8,729 8,735 8,746 1,404 1,740 1,766 1,650 1,501 11,135 11,114 11,205 11,189 11,235 1,151 1,151 1,153 1,152 1,157 M ay 7 14 21 28 93,470 93,145 93,364 93,623 91,973 91,785 91,803 92,100 52,533 52,395 52,029 52,068 54,030 53,755 53,590 53,591 29,581 29,546 29,378 29,241 470 470 473 477 2,373 2,257 2,067 2,204 1,312 1,298 1,302 1,288 8,757 8,774 8,800 8,821 1,497 1,360 1,561 1,523 11,196 11,207 11,168 11,195 1,156 1,157 1,159 1,158 June 4 11 18 25 94,615 95,241 97,592 97,256 92,934 93,534 95,988 95,833 52,492 53,029 54,252 53,801 54,173 54,736 55,856 55,224 29,122 29,229 29,803 29,780 478 485 494 500 2,774 3,177 3,671 3,170 1,296 1,287 1,388 1,381 8,817 8,853 8,870 8,891 1,681 1,707 1,604 1,423 11,165 11,160 11,191 11,246 1,160 1,162 1,165 1,167 July 2 9 16 23 30 96,756 103,784 103,186 102,969 102,516 95,262 102,162 101,799 101,482 101,169 53,513 57,051 56,818 56,509 56,313 55,007 58,673 58,205 57,996 57,660 29,786 30,303 30,126 29,830 29,710 510 762 767 777 790 2,819 2,530 2,421 2,456 2,323 1,433 1,462 1,458 1,417 1,385 8,890 10,652 10,698 10,705 10,744 1,494 1,622 1,387 1,487 1,347 11,257 12,586 12,590 12,567 12,604 1,182 1,244 1,242 1,243 1,243 Aug. 6 13 20 27 104,749 104,184 103,764 103,670 103,134 102,551 102,432 102,042 56,085 55,992 56,224 56,096 57,700 57,625 57,556 57,724 29,769 29,837 30,077 30,051 788 804 822 814 2,095 1,910 1,830 1,687 1,315 1,281 1,275 1,278 10,742 10,786 10,827 10,847 1,615 1,633 1,332 1,628 12,622 12,620 12,639 12,666 1,246 1,246 1,246 1,247 Sept. 3 10 17 24 103,722 104,040 103,606 102,652 102,011 102,416 101,837 101,127 56,354 56,613 56,921 56,623 58,065 58,237 58,690 58,148 30,038 30,246 30,637 30,476 815 808 799 797 1,852 1,860 1,714 1,689 1,288 1,288 1,290 1,292 10,856 10,886 10,933 10,964 1,711 1,624 1,769 1,525 12,755 12,776 12,799 12,655 1,250 1,251 1,251 1,250 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 103,166 103,372 104,010 103,394 103,266 101,338 101,927 102,418 101,915 101,792 56,871 56,799 57,156 56,952 57,074 58,699 58,244 58,748 58,431 58,548 30,521 30,470 30,699 30,555 30,569 798 801 808 816 829 1,830 1,747 1,742 1,662 1,660 1,271 1,263 1,274 1,270 1,280 10,982 11,047 11,124 11,153 11,189 1.828 1,445 1,592 1,479 1,474 12,715 12,712 12,753 12,740 12,789 1,246 1,241 1,244 1,244 1,242 Nov. 5 12 19 26 103,551 103,644 103,113 104,397 101,900 101,662 101,743 103,196 57,379 57,629 57,721 57,917 59,030 59,611 59,091 59,118 30,688 30,844 30,861 30,836 832 841 838 840 1,757 1,800 1,798 * 1,935 1,276 1,275 1,267 1,269 11,244 11,288 11,336 11,381 1,651 1,982 1,370 1,201 12,827 12,829 12,868 12,905 1,245 1,248 1,247 1,249 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 104,567 104,938 105,583 105,229 105,426 102,901 103,116 103,991 103,913 104,688 57,995 58,348 59,193 59,161 59,867 59,661 60,170 60,785 60,477 60,605 30,928 31,066 31,450 31,408 31,699 827 832 836 843 841 1,876 2,044 2,404 2,320 2,569 1,273 1,279 1,286 1,298 1,315 11,374 11,420 11,455 11,471 11,487 1,666 1,822 1,592 1,316 738 12,967 12,958 13,013 13,070 13,252 1,250 1,251 1,251 1,249 1,296 228 ‘ WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Investments Balances with— U.S. G overnm ent securities Certif icates Notes and bonds O ther securities Cash items in process o f col lection C ur rency and coin Reserves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets Total assets Date Total Bills 26,087 25,945 25,861 25,923 1,581 1,485 1,389 1,431 1,734 1,714 1,796 1,799 22,772 22,746 22,676 22,693 7,909 7,862 7,987 8,019 8,459 10,008 8,769 7,782 1,077 1,028 1,011 1,031 13,758 13,635 13,782 13,458 2,420 2,633 2,417 2,480 1,271 63 65 64 1,502 2,723 2,838 2,899 117,581 118,481 117,028 115,358 Jan. 8 15 22 29 26,290 26,313 26,452 26,856 1,458 1,400 1,254 1,552 2,051 2,087 1,076 1,119 22,781 22,826 24,122 24,185 8,050 8,164 8,153 8,224 8,498 8,777 8,109 8,163 905 1,013 952 1,012 13,452 13,264 13,562 13,469 2,505 2,503 2,694 2,518 57 55 63 56 2,960 2,931 2,855 2,925 117,147 117,232 116,695 116,947 Feb. 5 12 19 26 27,707 28,025 28,255 28,108 1,963 2,069 2,247 2,120 1,149 1,136 1,170 1,156 24,595 24,820 24,838 24,832 8,435 8,607 8,668 8,699 8,423 9,373 8,593 8,414 890 1.000 952 978 13,262 13,457 13,512 13,109 2,434 2,510 2,461 2,607 54 58 62 60 2,978 2,923 2,888 2,898 118,304 120,281 120,551 119,309 M ar. 5 12 19 26 28,113 28,055 30,164 30,107 30,548 2,057 1,945 2,092 1,918 2,146 1,140 1,159 1,131 1,149 1,169 24,916 24,951 26,941 27,040 27,233 8,729 8,817 8,974 8,909 8,940 8,148 7,745 10,169 8,982 9,576 901 965 952 968 922 12,960 13,031 13,560 13,297 12,982 2,964 2,413 2,623 2,445 2,698 64 62 61 68 89 2,891 2,852 2,835 2,845 2,949 118,873 118,642 124,679 122,307 123,200 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 30,496 30,511 30,856 31,093 1,895 1,819 1,887 1,964 1,191 1,225 1,318 1,298 27,410 27,467 27,651 27,831 8,944 8,879 8,918 8,939 7,948 9,288 8,281 8,155 909 994 964 1,049 13,018 12,855 12,879 12,877 2,400 2,789 2,683 2,769 81 74 76 83 2,871 2,866 2,799 2,810 120,697 122,011 121,046 121,366 May 7 14 21 28 31,289 31,216 32,399 32,615 1,925 1,735 2,327 2,421 1,346 1,351 1,598 1,621 28,018 28,130 28,474 28,573 9,153 9,289 9,337 9,417 8,789 8,939 10,230 8,744 927 1,010 999 1,010 12,840 13,210 13,548 13,387 2,613 2,649 2,725 2,696 102 104 108 109 2,905 2,897 2,774 2,779 122,791 124,050 127,976 125,981 June 4 11 18 25 32,575 34,999 34,814 34,723 34,651 2,294 2,188 2,018 1,989 2,015 1,650 1,776 1,762 1,808 1,802 28,631 31,035 31,034 30,926 30,834 9,174 10,112 10,167 10,250 10,205 9,516 9,148 10,221 9,802 8,453 968 1,144 1,130 1,137 1,169 13,318 13,757 14,015 13,886 13,643 2,962 3,092 3,154 3,032 3,070 123 114 116 119 117 2,766 2,948 2,939 2,983 3,063 126,409 133,987 134,761 133,928 132,031 July 2 9 16 23 30 36,826 36,308 35,942 35,584 2,248 1,918 1,732 1,541 4,841 4,780 4,692 4,629 29,737 29,610 29,518 29,414 10,223 10,251 10,266 10,362 8,531 9,497 8,672 8,218 1,048 1,154 1 , 114 1,185 13,733 13,798 13,752 13,577 2,945 2,957 2,878 2,705 109 121 122 109 3,058 3,038 2,897 2,978 134,173 134,749 133,199 132,442 Aug. 6 13 .20 27 35,346 35,340 34,579 34,139 1,485 1,709 1,685 1,417 4,592 4,510 4,430 4,379 29,269 29,121 28,464 28,343 10,311 10,463 10,337 10,365 8,994 9,124 9,829 8,258 1,127 1,178 1,142 1,173 13,394 13,447 13,463 13,349 2,927 2,860 3,053 2,801 118 117 111 115 2,991 2,970 2,921 2,950 133,273 133,736 134,125 131,298 Sept. 3 10 17 24 34,103 34,695 34,834 34,570 34,351 1,477 2,114 2,079 1,984 1,882 4,345 4,339 4,365 4,257 4,191 28,281 28,242 28,390 28,329 28,278 10,364 10,433 10,428 10,393 10,367 10,036 8,451 11,608 9,270 8,874 1,073 1,125 1,144 1,169 1,204 13,258 13,430 13,727 13,922 13,483 2,967 2,700 3,040 2,793 2,819 120 114 117 103 98 2,995 2,945 2,915 2,910 2,966 133,615 132,137 136,561 133,561 132,710 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 34,260 34,017 34,004 35,225 1,821 1,644 1,657 2,887 4,172 4,161 4,158 4,213 28,267 28,212 28,189 28,125 10,261 10,016 10,018 10,054 10,353 10,546 9,780 10,264 1,111 1,245 1,175 1,161 13,452 12,916 13,840 14,112 2,846 3,012 2,832 2,812 96 95 91 95 3,030 3,086 3,001 2,996 134,439 134,544 133,832 135,837 Nov. 5 12 19 26 34,891 34,609 34,636 34,618 34,627 2,546 2,257 2,339 2,366 2,400 4,363 4,364 4,340 4,325 4,325 27,982 27,988 27,957 27,927 27,902 10,015 10,159 10,162 10,134 10,194 9,653 9,349 10,818 10,736 12,912 1,190 1,298 1,314 1,177 1,220 13,465 13,501 14,128 14,159 13,816 2,787 2,769 3,107 2,970 3,672 90 87 87 101 110 3,058 3,035 2,991 2,982 3,014 134,810 134,977 138,028 137,354 140,170 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 1958 229 . WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BANK S, (In millions Demand deposits Total demand and time deposits D ate Total Adjusted Individuals, partnerships, and corps. States and political subdivisions U.S. 1 Government I Interbank __ _ Domestic Unadjusted Certified and officers’ J checks -,j Foreign 1958 Jan. s IS 22 29 103,615 105,065 102,959 101,672 56,356 56,532 56,556 56,134 79,167 80,433 78,235 76,749 58,647 60,399 58,845 57,924 4,119 4,064 4,099 4,176 1,364 844 855 1,048 11,311 11,465 10,501 10,252 1,677 1,584 1,554 1,533 2,049 2,077 2,381 1,816 Feb. 5 12 19 26 103,226 103,124 102,843 103,020 55,880 55,548 54,882 54,943 77,977 77,558 77,107 77,120 57,554 58,224 56,893 57,040 4,312 4,193 4,118 4,141 1,417 1,222 2,144 2,308 10,681 10,526 10,493 10,203 1,501 1,485 1,479 1,503 2,512 1,908 1,980 1,925 M ar. 5 12 19 26 103,917 106,029 106,334 105,584 54,503 56,031 55,243 54,507 77,739 79,629 79,775 78,808 56,624 59,231 57,703 56,381 4,216 4,008 4,027 4,227 2,405 1,982 3,699 3,935 10,914 10,738 10,749 10,499 1,494 1,505 1,491 1,453 2,086 2,165 2,106 2,313 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 105,207 104,434 110,303 108,048 109,209 54,119 55,251 56,491 56,361 55,699 78,372 77,408 83,126 80,733 81,776 56,070 56,829 59,290 57,922 57,863 4,286 4,193 4,746 4,651 4,937 3,092 1,711 3,471 3,131 3,945 11,519 11,199 11,490 10,746 11,009 1,494 1,502 1,505 1,513 1,547 1,911 1,974 2,624 2,770 2,475 M ay 7 14 21 28 106,614 108,134 106,934 107,272 54,915 54,706 54,671 55,434 79,033 80,477 79,159 79,366 56,272 57,750 56,476 56,917 4,625 4,438 4,608 4,739 3,670 3,436 3,919 3,556 10,949 11,479 10,770 10,751 1,551 1,568 1,518 1,470 1,966 1,806 1,868 1,933 June 4 11 18 25 108,461 109,543 113,898 112,115 55,686 57,100 57,434 55,266 80,479 81,366 85,691 83,715 57,195 59,267 60,019 57,067 4,923 4,660 4,564 4,601 3,193 2,432 5,057 7,324 11,367 11,353 11,411 10,870 1,444 1,542 1,559 1,511 2,357 2,112 3,081 2,342 July 2 9 16 23 30 112,540 118,968 120,139 119,203 117,405 56,090 58,912 59,735 60,549 60,755 84,039 86,625 87,852 86,880 85,041 57,176 61,121 63,158 62,703 62,322 4,426 4,697 4,481 4,544 4,637 6,372 4,783 4,170 3,325 2,816 12,061 12,290 12,065 11,551 11,383 1,530 1,492 1,661 J ,653 1,634 2,474 2,242 2,317 3,104 2,249 Aug. 6 13 20 27 118,972 119,541 118,151 117,259 59,849 59,670 59,438 59,953 86,540 87,114 85,781 84,862 61,460 62,674 61,672 61,753 4,668 -4,448 4,462 4,536 4,484 4,210 4,485 3,881 12,026 12,123 11,591 11,191 1,650 1,614 1,595 1,619 2,252 2,045 1,976 1,882 Sept. 3 10 17 24 117,987 118,181 118,796 115,886 59,613 60,814 60,939 59,716 85,574 85,625 86,428 83,541 61,822 63,360 64,263 61,782 4,657 4,451 4,338 4,363 3,673 2,294 2,116 2,923 11,717 11,885 12,041 11,206 1,577 1,508 1,503 1,438 2,128 2,127 2,167 1,829 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 118,180 116,819 121,200 117,763 117,455 60,118 59,773 60,329 60,933 61,541 85,912 84,514 88,896 85,471 85,149 62,996 62,082 65,768 64,145 64,045 4,577 4,223 4,121 4,176 4,396 2,620 3,193 3,121 2,359 2,077 11,710 11,667 12,390 11,410 11,165 1,428 1,430 1,448 1,499 1,492 2,581 1,919 2,048 1,882 1,974 Nov. 5 12 19 26 118,626 118,374 117,918 119,710 60,749 61,170 61,169 61,589 86,373 86,286 85,942 87,750 64,164 65,208 64,466 64,980 4,772 4,464 4,403 4,620 3,968 1,347 2,157 3,645 11,860 11,760 11,336 10,776 1,443 1,463 1,500 1,476 2,166 2,044 2,080 2,253 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 118,746 118,975 122,270 121,625 126,175 61,520 63,298 63,800 62,877 63,507 86,774 86,912 90,172 89,314 93,665 64,239 65,914 67,267 66,591 68,599 4,595 4,554 4,585 4,587 4,841 2,893 1,466 2,152 2,829 2,952 11,244 11,288 11,846 11,310 12,709 1,464 1,511 1,556 1,562 2,339 2,179 2,766 2,435 2,979 230 - , ' 585 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES—Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Borrowings Individ States and uals, p art political subdivi nerships, sions and corps. U . S. G overn ment Inter >ank Domestic From F . R. Banks Other Other liabilities C apital accounts liabilities and capital accounts Foreign D ate 1958 24,448 24,632 24,724 24,923 21,907 21,961 21,029 22,062 1,183 1,192 1,201 1,216 137 134 134 137 1,221 1,345 1,360 1,508 619 128 298 118 754 697 1,043 782 2,944 2,947 3,094 3,111 9,649 9,644 9,634 9,675 117,581 118,481 117,028 115,358 Jan. 8 15 77 29 25,249 25,566 25,736 25,900 22,157 22,245 22,306 22,390 1,304 1,362 1,380 1,443 136 136 134 134 1,652 1,823 1,916 1,933 75 143 68 79 999 1,053 862 807 3,149 3,211 3,217 3,311 9,698 9,701 9,705 9,730 117,147 117,232 116,695 116,947 Feb. 5 12 19 26 26,178 26,400 26,559 26,776 22,578 22,720 22,832 22,969 1,474 1,516 1,528 1,540 142 139 137 137 1,984 2,025 2,062 2,130 56 155 191 48 1,195 994 1,129 711 3,402 3,358 3,157 3,203 9,734 9,745 9,740 9,763 118,304 120,281 120,551 119,309 M ar. 5 12 19 26 26,835 27,026 27,177 27,315 27,433 23,003 23,138 23,217 23,290 23,367 1,551 1,571 1,625 1,672 1,703 139 140 141 142 142 2,142 2,177 2,194 2,211 2,221 53 89 255 190 63 670 1,145 1,147 1,024 771 3,158 3,171 3,194 3,242 3,304 9,785 9,803 9,780 9,803 9,853 118,873 118,642 124,679 122,307 123,200 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30 27,581 27,657 27,775 27,906 23,488 23,508 23,609 23,701 1,759 1,778 1,792 1,781 139 141 143 145 2,195 2,230 2,231 2,279 75 56 40 54 859 648 883 837 3,264 3,291 3,300 3,297 9,885 9,882 9,889 9,906 120,697 122,011 121,046 121,366 May 7 14 21 28 27,982 28,177 28,207 28,400 23,769 23,940 23,939 24,076 1,805 1,861 1,907 1,969 144 144 143 145 2,264 2,232 2,218 2,210 81 104 106 60 961 1,104 913 707 3,350 3,354 3,109 3,128 9,938 9,945 9,950 9,971 122,791 124,050 127,976 125,981 June 4 11 18 25 28,501 32,343 32,287 32,323 32,364 24,168 27,713 27,832 27,861 27,906 1,956 2,200 2,142 2,139 2,136 171 168 166 169 170 2,206 2,262 2,147 2,154 2,152 - - - - - - 52 100 78 27 63 783 1,078 712 836 616 3,058 3,229 3,251 3,268 3,326 9,976 10,612 10,581 10,594 10,621 126,409 133,987 134,761 133,928 132,031 July 2 9 16 23 30 32,432 32,427 32,370 32,387 27,996 28,019 27,998 28,028 2,123 2,113 2,073 2,057 170 171 170 172 2,143 2,124 2,129 2,140 224 106 198 111 996 1,098 857 1,022 3,332 3,350 3,343 3,379 10,649 10,654 10,650 10,671 134,173 134,749 133,199 132,442 Aug. 6 13 20 27 32,413 32,556 32,368 32,345 28,062 28,169 28,033 28,054 2,046 2,025 2,005 1,989 169 171 168 168 2,136 2,191 2,162 2,134 127 406 164 278 1,117 1,102 1,238 1,152 3,359 3,367 3,264 3,311 10,683 10,680 10,663 10,671 133,273 133,736 134,125 131,298 Sept. 3 10 17 24 32,268 32,305 32,304 32,292 32,306 28,067 28,112 28,138 28,161 28,192 1,928 1,910 1,896 1,875 1,866 169 169 171 171 172 2,104 2,114 2,099 2,085 2,076 151 322 158 705 236 1,305 1,023 1,248 1,089 943 3,261 3,234 3,236 3,292 3,329 10,718 10,739 10,719 10,712 10,747 133,615 132,137 136,561 133,561 132,710 Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 32,253 32,088 31,976 31,960 28,191 28,048 27,941 27,957 1,802 1,791 1,773 1,747 172 173 172 172 2,088 2,076 2,090 2,084 409 256 482 859 1,257 1,680 1,210 1,016 3,371 3,457 3,450 3,456 10,776 10,777 10,772 10,796 134,439 134,544 133,832 135,837 Nov. 5 12 19 26 31,972 32,063 32,098 32,311 32,510 27,964 28,029 28,069 28,179 28,390 1,742 1,754 1,729 1,791 1,800 172 173 174 183 185 2,094 2,107 2,126 2,158 2,135 246 335 465 696 21 1,491 1,369 1,099 911 1 3,518 3,500 3,406 3,316 3,139 10,809 10,798 10,788 10,806 10,834 134,810 134,977 138,028 137,354 140,170 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 __________ - - - - - - 23 1 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . MEM BER BA NK S, (In millions 1.317 1.318 1.319 1.318 1.318 1.321 1,323 1.322 1,325 30,207 30,228i 30,624 30,692 30,665 936 941 941 939 953 426 262 608 410 453 13,930' 14,019. 14,146) 14,1951 1.329 1,328 1.330 1,332 t ,898 1,776 1,762 1,739 1,708 161 171 169 169 168 1,259 1,247 1,261 1,278 1,280 3,846 3,767 3,868 3,901 3,939 1,476 1,470 1,495 1,514 5,540 12,517 12,534; 12,580' 12,583: 12,598' 1,535 1,090 1,210 1,200 1,320' 596 593 609 618 610 13,834| 13,842 13,904 13,953 14,005' 1,345 1,349 1.353 1.354 1,361 1,708 1,756 1,769 1,701 170 169 170 169 1,283 1,217 1,270 1,265 4,032 4,021 4,089 4,069 1,552 1,576 1,577 1,540 12.587, 12,625 12,651| 12,676; 1.388 1,487 1,201' 1,378 598 599 619 613 14,090l 14,127 14,144 14,204 1.366 1,368 1.367 1.368 1,690 1,608 1,612 1,590 1,664 168 162 165 166 166 1,278 1,257 1,246 1,227 1,199 4,059 3,945 4,106 3,927 3,973 1,555 1,567 1,580 1,583 1,613 12,667* 12,708 12,7611 12,7S8i 12,779' 1,1081 M 67j 1,456 1,210] 735 639 652 647 644 677 14,254 14,257 14,312! 14,313 14,392] 1.368 1,367 1.366 1.365 1.367 1,744 1,631 1,716 1,686 164 163 176 161 1,200 1,187 1,197 1,198 3,848 3,770 3,733 3,647 1,601 1,619 1,635 1,662 12,7851 1,165 12,817 1,281: 727| 12,8361 947 12,849] 677 671 686 673 14,375 14,417 14,4011 14,416 1.367 1.366 1.366 1.365 1,705 1,705 1,779 1,778 164 155 157 161 1,202 1,201 1,195 1,194 3,807 3,712 3,739 3,735 1,683 1,681 1,690 1,688 716 743 734 750 14,519 14,510 14,472 14,479] 1.367 1.367 1 366 1.366 1,768 1,716 1,977 1,970 2,131 154 149 150 157 167 1,185 1,193 1,193 1,198 1,181 3,835 3,841 4,250 4,304 4,472 1,734 1,713 1,711 1,717 1,758 12,828- 1,356 12,862 1,204 12,884 1,098 12,899 1,368 j 12,895 1,457: 12,916i 1,501! 12,974 1,315 12,975 U601,: 1 2,97s1 1,274 777 797 784 789 809 14,573 14,576! 14,641 14,647 14,680 .,371 1 369 1.366 1.367 1,370 232 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Balances with— Investments U.S. G overnm ent securities N otes and bonds m aturing— Other securi ties Cash items in process of collec tion C ur rency and coin R e serves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets Total assets D ate T otal Bills Certif icates 34,078 33,801 34,862 34,701 2,258 2,218 2,248 2,193 4,210 4,051 3,925 3,817 27,610 27,523 28,689 28,691 10,181 10,157 10,068 10,013 10,117 11,301 10,264 9,369 1,203 1,256 1,158 1,189 13,946 13,729 13,903 13,643 2,883 2,974 2,847 2,748 87 85 83 81 2,944 135,873 2,961 136,176 2,992 136,064 3,020 134,667 Jan. 7 14 21 28 34,529 34,138 33,758 33,412 2,192 2,049 2,451 2,351 3,864 3,742 3,991 3,808 28,473 28,347 27,316 27,253 10,061 9,944 9,984 10,031 9,413 10,106 10,367 9,969 1,064 1,153 1,136 1,204 13,636 13,344 13,637 13,484 2,740 2,773 2,848 2,797 84 77 77 78 3,055 3,075 2,962 2,949 134,270 134,169 134,395 133,957 Feb. 4 11 18 25 33,199 33,178 32,852 31,905 2,355 2,450 2,326 2,189 3,751 3,716 3,598 2,904 27,093 27,012 26,928 26,812 10,091 10,235 10,257 10,218 10,006 9,873 10,377 9,066 1,049 1,148 1,122 1,148 13,249 13,193 14,031 13,364 2,794 2,805 2,889 2,691 77 72 85 75 2,980 2,939 2,876 2,933 133,329 133,698 135,285 132,347 Mar. 4 11 18 25 33,123 32,980 32,687 32,229 31,877 2,676 2,652 2,502 2,249 2,160 2,854 2,856 2,816 2,730 2,673 27.593 27,472 27,369 27,250 27,044 10,351 10,471 10,579 10,429 10,445 10,670 9,335 11,905 10,314 9,815 1,080 1,096 1,120 1,147 1,177 13,210 13,771 13,935 13,809 13,518 3,412 2,690 3,117 2,734 2,779 78 74 78 75 70 3,006 2,937 2,934 2,899 2,990 136,700 134,385 138,048 135,193 134,681 Apr. 1 8 15 22 29 31,484 32,250 31,549 31,277 1,987 3,024 2,590 2,408 2,630 2,585 2,458 2,435 26,867 26,641 26,501 26,434 10,274 10,205 10,257 10,296 9,662 10,976 9,910 9,640 1,065 1,177 1,143 1,195 13,672 13,580 13,102 13,254 2,668 2,784 2,847 2,705 71 78 90 77 2,990 3,013 2,973 2,980 133,782 136,535 134,603 134,089 May 6 13 20 27 31,095 30,994 30,598 30,061 2,360 2,345 2,164 1,722 2,372 2,342 2,262 2,211 26,363 26,307 26.172 26,128 10,238 10,197 10,120 10,085 9,804 9,959 11,306 9,672 1,098 1,172 1,169 1,201 13,166 13,308 13,734 13,331 2,702 2,749 2,968 2,712 82 90 90 72 3,032 3,074 2,978 3,025 134,017 134,692 136,629 133,981 June 3 10 17 24 30,363 31,351 31,880 31,091 30,632 1,766 2,870 3,533 3,047 2,772 2,178 2,121 2,076 2,046 1,876 1,743 1,742 1,690 1,560 1,543 17,945 17,822 17,810 17,669 17,687 6,731 6,796 6,771 6.769 6,754 10,279 10,319 10,315 10,307 10,261 11,614 9,902 12,335 10,221 9,401 1,149 1,175 1,196 1,203 1,236 13,076 13,532 13,633 13,809 13,384 3,033 2,682 2,957 2,790 2,674 60 65 68 62 68 3,214 3,135 3,154 3,102 3,139 138,442 137,250 141,288 138,350 136,705 July 1 8 15 22 29 30,030 29,582 29,836 29,656 2,360 2,084 2,476 2,394 1,185 1,162 1,116 1,113 1,588 1,552 1,843 1,809 18,102 18,015 17,636 17.594 6,795 6.769 6,765 6,746 10,187 10,128 10,126 10,137 9,630 10,531 10,071 9,241 1,092 1,229 1,183 1,220 13,313 13,108 13,208 13,256 2,710 2,790 2,780 2,668 74 74 77 89 3,235 3,246 3,108 3,043 136,472 137,154 136,959 136,078 Aug. 5 12 19 26 29,442 29,331 29,281 28,751 28,511 2,312 2,255 2,331 2,060 2,008 1,112 1,115 1,103 1,057 1,050 1,750 1,734 1,687 1,636 1,618 17,541 17,504 17,425 1.7,272 17,114 6,727 6,723 6,735 6,726 6,721 10,211 10,260 10,292 10,266 10,244 9,800 9,978 11,997 10,072 11,217 1,147 1,229 1,221 1,252 1,180 13,219 12,910 13,358 13,284 13,081 2,775 2,894 3,132 2,811 2,994 68 73 94 81 78 3,121 3,138 3,099 3,107 3,220 136,291 136,539 139,811 136,522 137,393 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 28,058 27,835 28,879 28,584 1,671 1,497 2,330 2,114 1.089 1.090 1,100 1,133 1,623 1,587 1,541 1,530 16,964 16,924 17,150 17,069 6.711 6.737 6,758 6.738 10,290 10,225 10,146 10,089 9,940 12,329 10,889 10,366 1,159 1,278 1,232 1,275 13,211 13,062 13,674 13,657 2,703 3,061 2,841 2,712 72 79 84 90 3,214 3,240 3,151 3,183 135,814 138,444 137,840 136,928 Oct. 7 14 21 28 28,447 28,083 27,932 27,622 1,909 1,628 1,598 1,499 1,273 1,295 1,160 1,128 1,585 1,554 1,767 1,716 16,988 16,902 16,706 16,560 6,692 6,704 6,701 6,719 10,072 9,890 9,887 9,864 11,817 10,283 11,446 11,402 1,171 1,252 1,238 1,225 13,411 13,001 13,478 13,312 2,877 2,934 2,929 2,724 73 82 89 80 3,200 3,223 3,152 3,240 139,094 136,435 137,990 137,506 Nov. 4 11 18 25 28,556 28,391 28,176 27,882 27,856 2,510 2,390 2,321 2,164 2,260 1,141 1,158 1,131 1,125 1,102 1,782 1,812 1,840 1,885 1,924 16,385 16,318 16.172 16,076 15,969 6.738 6,713 6.712 6,632 6,601 9,894 9,947 10,005 9,968 9,961 10,919 10,093 12,633 11,928 12,234 1,259 1,365 1,373 1,337 1,414 13,288 13,227 13,560 13,364 13,336 2,819 2,710 3,115 3,091 3,093 81 79 82 80 109 3,321 3,279 3,232 3,301 3,342 138,713 137,555 141,978 140,983 141,493 Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 W ithin I year 1 to 5 years A fter 5 years 1959 233 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In m illions Demand deposits Total demand and time deposits D ate Total Adjusted Individuals, partnerships, and corps. States and political subdivisions U.S. G overnment Interbank Domestic U nadjusted Foreign CertiHed and officers' checks 1959 Jan. 7 14 21 28 120,207 120,764 120,867 119,174 62,903 62,886 63,383 62,791 88,010 88,536 88,605 86,920 65,519 67,141 66,401 65,168 4,632 4,530 4,619 4,719 1,451 930 2,539 2,904 12,019 11,965 10,977 10,453 1,520 1,454 1,442 1,403 2,869 2,516 2,627 2,273 Feb. 4 11 18 25 118,803 118,739 118,728 117,968 61,733 61,718 60,880 61,268 86,550 86,622 86,562 85,781 64,047 64,819 64,044 64,296 4,734 4,488 4,679 4,583 2,995 2,536 3,164 2,861 11,006 10,796 10,701 10,262 1,403 1,466 1,450 1,421 2,365 2,517 2,524 2,358 M ar. 4 11 18 25 117,408 117,983 119,569 116,611 60,399 61,868 61,233 60,847 85,142 85,655 87,233 84,222 63,326 65,044 64,671 63,391 4,609 4,422 4,408 4,476 2,295 1,451 3,047 2,425 10,891 10,871 10,927 10,299 1,551 1,592 1,649 1,585 2,470 2,275 2,531 2,046 Apr. 1 8 15 22 29 121,154 118,713 122,211 119,194 118,943 60,057 60,903 62,009 62,080 62,016 88,737 86,268 89,824 86,742 86,437 63,125 63,378 66,465 65,038 64,249 4,833 4,459 4,828 4,817 5,124 5,099 3,517 2,732 2,483 2,934 11,349 10,989 11,689 10,447 10,291 1,562 1,524 1,489 1,418 1,381 2,769 2,401 2,621 2,539 2,458 May 6 13 20 27 117,860 120,620 118,850 118,050 60,431 60,410 60,454 60,938 85,319 88,094 86,326 85,493 62,864 64,625 63,526 63,626 4,974 4,651 4,736 4,871 3,052 4,482 3,973 3,347 10,768 10,798 10,470 10,053 1,406 1,428 1,519 1,515 2,255 2,110 2,102 2,081 June 3 10 17 24 117,552 118,002 120,620 117,684 60,240 61,598 61,426 60,781 84,908 85,377 88,007 85,071 62,781 64,560 65,802 63,572 4,761 4,576 4,299 4,582 2,806 1,645 2,758 2,957 10,592 10,714 11,001 10,147 1,466 1,461 1,516 1,514 2,502 2,421 2,631 2,299 July 1 8 15 22 29 121,999 120,861 125,018 121,966 120,212 61,457 61,122 61,816 62,592 62,838 88,543 87,484 91,680 88,670 87,028 65,067 63,876 66,916 65,645 65,130 4,917 4,576 4,590 4,621 4,751 3,073 3,826 4,691 3,893 3,328 10,866 11,084 11,296 10,497 10,020 1,533 1,550 1,542 1,467 1,441 3,087 2,572 2,645 2,547 2,358 Aug. 5 12 19 26 119,812 120,153 120,276 119,262 61,844 61,673 60,647 61,416 86,646 87,042 87,197 86,205 64,344 65,452 63,925 63,782 4,889 4,625 4,588 4,623 2,923 2,413 4,309 3,873 10,791 10,999 10,718 10,262 1,458 1,426 1,452 1,413 2,241 2,127 2,205 2,252 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 119,694 119,647 123,198 119,735 121,777 60,842 61,261 61,777 60,873 60,811 86,711 86,636 90,263 86,768 88,810 63,613 64,453 67,019 64,180 64,785 4,657 4,511 4,418 4,507 4,690 3,687 2,576 3,158 3,836 4,299 10,867 11,348 11,866 10,550 11,024 1,515 1,473 1,465 1,437 1,459 2,372 2,275 2,337 2,258 2,553 O ct. 7 14 21 28 118,989 121,610 121,376 120,289 60,700 61,474 61,444 61,868 86,151 88,832 88,621 87,596 63,951 67,080 65,558 65,345 4,421 4,270 4,270 4,398 2,811 1,736 3,906 3,496 11,281 11,861 10,935 10,486 1,419 1,432 1,447 1,380 2,268 2,453 2,505 2,491 4 11 18 25 122,202 119,606 120,880 120,144 61,247 61,474 61,427 61,891 89,569 87,173 88,690 87,943 65,170 64,712 65,547 65,596 4,883 4,549 4,715 4,805 3,442 2,563 3,035 2,771 11,697 11,466 11,426 10,544 1,366 1,387 1,356 1,335 3,011 2,496 2,611 2,892 2 9 16 23 30 121,169 119,914 125,225 123,928 124,837 61,652 62,476 64,097 63,132 63,857 88,978 87,722 93,036 91,535 92,330 65,237 65,536 68,830 67,542 68,273 4,834 4,657 4,725 4,714 4,866 3,858 2,587 3,183 3,604 3,163 11,110 11,062 11,580 11,326 11,464 1,439 1,504 1,543 1,545 1,612 2,500 2,376 3,175 2,804 2,952 Nov. • Dec. 234 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Time deposits Individ States and uals, part* political subdivi nerships, sions and corps. Borrowings U . S. m ent Interbank Domestic Foreign From F. R. Banks Other liabilities Capital accounts liabilities and capital accounts Date 1959 32,197 32,228 32,262 32,254 28,067 28,094 28,105 28,101 1,780 1,779 1,778 1,786 189 188 184 184 2,161 2,167 2,195 2,183 669 383 308 319 1,118 1,116 947 1,181 3,078 3,120 3,186 3,197 10,801 10,783 10,756 10,796 135,873 136,176 136,064 134,667 Jan. 7 14 21 28 32,253 32,117 32,166 32,187 28,129 28,100 28,150 28,150 1,772 1,782 1,789 1,800 179 179 179 178 2,173 2,056 2,048 2,059 272 186 353 372 1,145 1,177 1,152 1,456 3,212 3,239 3,344 3,331 10,838 10,828 10,818 10,830 134,270 134,169 134,395 133,957 Feb. 4 11 18 25 32,266 32,328 32,336 32,389 28,226 28,318 28,334 28,354 1,788 1,782 1,809 1,751 179 180 180 182 2,073 2,048 2,013 2,102 410 350 893 453 1,293 1,229 1,027 1,331 3,351 3,275 2,956 3,104 10,867 10,861 10,840 10,848 133,329 133,698 135,285 132,347 M ar. 4 11 18 25 32,417 32,445 32,387 32,452 32,506 28,371 28,399 28,333 28,339 28,411 1,786 1,757 1,745 1,769 1,798 180 179 180 179 179 2,080 2,110 2,129 2,165 2,118 239 657 764 856 371 1,361 1,082 1,112 1,148 1,338 3,042 3,013 3,048 3,091 3,092 10,904 10,920 10,913 10,904 10,937 136,700 134,385 138,048 135,193 134,681 Apr. 1 8 15 22 29 32,541 32,526 32,524 32,557 28,435 28,444 28,495 28,563 1,810 1,821 1,819 1,825 179 178 178 179 2,117 2,083 2,032 1,990 734 495 231 352 1,096 1,302 1,332 1,488 3,123 3,179 3,229 3,226 10,969 10,939 10,961 10,973 133,782 136,535 134,603 134,089 M ay 6 13 20 27 32,644 32,625 32,613 32,613 28,628 28,677 28,703 28,823 1,840 1,830 1,811 1,781 176 177 177 177 2,000 1,941 1,922 1,832 578 741 995 715 1,666 1,728 1,036 1,580 3,233 3,240 3,016 3,030 10,988 10,981 10,962 10,972 134,017 134,692 136,629 133,981 June 3 10 17 24 33,456 33,377 33,338 33,296 33,184 29,612 29,573 29,550 29,526 29,512 1,833 1,818 1,808 1,788 1,717 184 183 185 183 183 1,827 1,803 1,795 1,799 1,772 462 880 636 562 425 1,790 1,351 1,442 1,662 1,831 2,991 2,949 3,002 2,984 3,017 11,200 11,209 11,190 11,176 11,220 138,442 137,250 141,288 138,350 136,705 July 1 8 15 22 29 33,166 33,111 33,079 33,057 29,531 29,530 29,521 29,516 1,709 1,694 1,682 1,658 180 180 180 180 1,746 1,707 1,696 1,703 ............... 462 411 382 326 1,852 2,177 1,869 2,042 3,090 3,140 3,145 3,159 11,256 11,273 11,287 11,289 136,472 137,154 136,959 136,078 Aug. 5 12 19 26 32,983 33,011 32,935 32,967 32,967 29,553 29,595 29,578 29,630 29,653 1,633 1,617 1,583 1,579 1,569 179 182 179 178 175 1,618 1,617 1,595 1,580 1,570 434 299 312 606 173 1,669 2,081 1,887 1,733 937 3,178 3,203 3,139 3,173 3,161 11,316 11,309 11,275 11,275 11,345 136,291 136,539 139,811 136,522 137,393 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 32,838 32,778 32,755 32,693 29,598 29,572 29,584 29,557 1,538 1,529 1,500 1,486 153 155 150 150 1,549 1,522 1,521 1,500 467 276 715 699 1,752 1,898 1,195 1,344 3,250 3,324 3,227 3,239 11,356 11,336 11,327 11,357 135,814 138,444 137,840 136,928 Oct. 7 14 21 28 32,633 32,433 32,190 32,201 29,541 29,374 29,256 29,281 1,458 1,432 1,360 1,372 149 150 147 151 1,485 1,477 1,427 1,397 487 352 583 429 1,770 1,723 1,750 2,013 3,226 3,333 3,369 3,527 11,409 11,421 11,408 11,393 139,094 136,435 137,990 137,506 Nov. 4 11 18 25 32,191 32,192 32,189 32,393 32,507 29,294 29,327 29,342 29,442 29,564 1,368 1,373 1,392 1,466 1,482 150 150 149 150 150 1,379 1,342 1,306 1,335 1,311 439 394 390 291 246 2,072 2,234 1,508 1,879 1,593 3,604 3,606 3,484 3,497 3,368 11,429 11,407 11,371 11,388 11,449 138,713 137,555 141,978 140,983 141,493 Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 235 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA N K S, (In millions Loans Loans and investments Total Total ad justed For purchasing or carrying securities Total A d justed Net Com mer cial and indus trial Agricul tural T o b r okers a n d d waters To nonbank financial institutions T o com m ercial banks To oth crs Per sonal and U .S. U.S. sales Govt. O ther G ovt. Other fi Other secu secu secu secu nance rities rities rities rities cos. ctc. Real estate All other D o mes tic F o r eign Memo: valua tion re serves i 1960 Jan . 6 13 20 27 106,339 105,242 106,467 105,329 105,235 104,162 104,916 103,600 67,961 67,574 67,031 66,728 69,058 68,712 68,104 68,044 30,368 30,328 30,174 30,060 940 924 920 920 334 331 277 256 1,968 1,834 1,727 1,665 164 163 155 158 1,175 1,182 1,172 1,174 4,299 4,166 3,916 3,800 1,787 1,775 1,808 1,769 12,951 12,962 12,956 12,948 1,097 1,138 1,073 1,316 759 757 752 761 14,656 1,440 14,593 1 1,441 14,615 1,441 14,662 | 1,445 F eb . 3 10 17 24 104,599 104,256 104,316 104,074 103,502 103,020 102,896 102,689 66,841 66,725 66,987 67,016 67,938 67,961 68,407 68,401 30,157 30,263 30,468 30,378 924 927 920 922 356 313 248 297 1,587 1,496 1,469 1,519 161 153 145 150 1,158 1,159 1,154 1,152 3,791 3,723 3,835 3,850 1,753 1,738 1,740 1,738 12,936 12,930 12,963 12,957 1,097 1,236 1,420 1,385 752 770 761 760 14,714 14,702 14,734 14,744 2 9 16 23 30 104,045 103,509 104,782 104,081 103,765 102,887 102,299 103,463 102,822 102,353 67,342 67,017 68,079 67,812 67,703 68,500 68,227 69,398 69,071 69,115 30,520 30,531 31,261 31,256 31,227 919 911 917 916 928 255 221 276 168 145 1,520 1,496 1,450 1,394 1,342 154 142 145 139 141 1,149 1,139 1,136 1,133 1,137 4,106 1,726 3,920 1,707 4,232 1,693 4,197 1,679 4,077 1,724 12,923 12,904 12,898 12,896 12,904 1,158 1,210 1,319 1,259 1,412 751 754 772 759 758 14,771 1 1,452 14,747 1,455 14,756 l 1,457 14,735 I 1,460 14,785 1,465 A pr. 6 13 20 27 103,301 102,162 104,223 102,629 106,363 104,919 105,987 104,364 67,652 67,927 68,542 68,303 68,791 69,521 69,986 69,926 31,096 31,181 31,190 31,142 922 921 916 924 214 293 604 371 1,340 1,380 1,503 1,446 137 137 142 139 1,128 1,120 1,123 1,124 4,148 4,190 4,303 4,273 1,657 1,650 1,631 1,647 12,869 12,881 12,895 12,900 1,139 1,594 1,444 1,623 777 763 754 766 14,831 14,877 14,942 15,031 j I I ; M ay 4 11 18 25 105,915 105,320 105,635 105,766 104,356 104,006 104,235 104,044 68,550 68,454 68,597 68,400 70,109 69,768 69,997 70,122 31,217 31,254 31,425 31,368 932 932 942 950 377 318 238 175 1,457 1,451 1,437 1,416 140 146 162 144 1,123 1,118 1,120 1,121 4,467 4,376 4,347 4,252 1,610 1,614 1,624 1,635 12,874 1,559 12,877 1,314 12,883 1,400 12,877 1,722 773 791 776 772 15,044 15,041 15,108 15,154 1 1,464 ! 1,464 l 1,465 i 1,464 8 15 22 29 105,732 105,368 106,945 106.416 106,038 104,248 103,952 105,521 105,084 104,732 68,669 68,327 69,848 69,614 69,516 70,153 69,743 71,272 70,946 70,822 31,374 31,192 31,730 31,814 31,851 955 954 964 963 979 202 148 615 435 199 1,512 1,464 1,626 1,495 1,471 171 172 161 146 139 1,117 1,130 1,132 1,139 1,139 4,370 4,246 4,536 4,532 4,611 1,608 1,607 1,628 1,639 1,628 12,861 12,853 12,866 12,852 12,862 1,484 1,416 1,424 1,332 1,306 775 756 760 741 737 15,190 15,271 15,296 15,324 15,364 1,466 1,466 1,466 1,466 1,464 July 6 13 20 27 106,120 104,592 108,314 106,863 107,539 106,569 107,418 106,038 69,439 69,496 69,160 68,662 70,967 70,947 70,130 70,042 31,655 31,580 31,370 31,189 980 990 1,005 1,015 230 1,480 493 1,484 432 1,425 260 1,405 141 143 145 139 1,142 1,155 1,147 1,139 4,719 1,635 4,610 1,621 4,620 1,631 4,524 1,620 12,837 1,528 12,860 1,451 12,857 970 12,838 1,380 742 722 700 698 15,340 15,300 15,286 15,293 j 1,462 1,462 1,458 1,458 A ug. 3 10 17 24 31 108,087 107,554 107,726 107,072 107,514 106,466 106,033 106,319 105,745 106,161 69,292 69,055 69,053 68,605 68,761 70,913 70,576 70,460 69,932 70,114 31,312 1,030 31,276 1,032 31,323 1,035 31,107 1,035 31,174 1,047 500 478 534 467 475 1,487 1,476 1,470 1,393 1,396 150 144 143 147 145 1,142 1,133 1,135 1,143 1,143 4,596 1,632 4,449 1,639 4,343 1,642 4,201 1,645 4,211 1,658 12,827 12,830 12,837 12,879 12,881 1,621 1,521 1,407 1,327 1,353 702 691 663 672 669 15,378 1,464 15,372 1,465 15,387 i 1,459 15,374 1 1,458 15,422 1,460 S ept. 7 14 2t 28 108,003 106,404 108,511 106,865 109,620 108,141 108,560 107,534 68,836 69,227 70,049 69,552 70,435 70,873 71,528 70,578 31,134 31,509 31,770 31,744 1,044 1,057 1,067 1,079 530 645 845 616 1,501 1,480 1,503 1,455 150 1,152 4,204 1,638 157 1,153 4,031 1,676 175 1,156 4,340 1,671 151 1,155 4,151 1,675 12,867 12,874 12,877 12,874 1,599 1,646 1,479 1,026 679 684 693 676 15,397 ! 1,460 15,419 j 1,458 15,385 1,433 15,425 1,449 O ct. 5 12 19 26 108.859 107,261 108,405 106,889 107,747 106,972 109,684 108,765 69,349 69,211 68,918 68,931 70,947 70,727 69,693 69,850 31,597 31,723 31,740 31,631 1,091 1,095 1,094 1,094 529 390 276 445 1,521 1,501 1,495 1,516 143 142 139 140 1,168 1,160 1,159 1,170 4,060 4,042 3,786 3,726 1,707 1,678 1,693 1,667 12,846 12,856 12,861 12,849 1,598 1,516 775 919 690 670 681 690 15,458 1 1,461 15,416 i 1,462 15,453 1,459 1,457 15,460 N ov. 2 9 16 23 30 110,477 109,696 110,206 109,487 109,<407 109,144 108,039 108,624 108,250 108,668 69,640 69,146 69,535 69,207 69,278 70,973 70,803 71,117 70,444 70,017 31,861 1,101 31,775 1,101 32,056 1,108 31,917 1,101 31,972 1,095 630 1,635 311 1,601 421 1,582 313 1,586 281 1,574 142 143 140 147 133 1,164 1,163 1,158 1,164 1,162 3,810 3,735 3,703 3,636 3,670 1,699 1,693 1,691 1,684 1,685 12,840 1,333 12,837 1,657 12,864 1,582 12,847 1,237 12,844 739 m 701 700 685 684 15,527 1,458 15,545 1,459 15,562 I 1,450 15,576 1,449 15,629 1,451 7 14 21 28 110,085 111,066 113,466 113,195 108,724 109,863 111,774 111,763 68,991 69,783 71,408 71,009 70,352 70,986 73,100 72,441 31,773 ‘1,092 316 1,570 534 1,577 32,009 1,091 32,358 >1,100 1,186 1,722 955 1,659 32,156 1,111 126 135 141 138 1,163 1,167 1,178 1,193 3,567 1,694 3,773 1,701 4,245 1,713 4,264 1,697 12,817 1,361 12,838 1,203 12,827 1,692 12,824 1,432 689 693 712 751 15,625 15,705 15,655 15,677 Juno Dcc. 236 .- . 1,448 1,449 1,450 1,451 1,467 1,466 1,461 1,460 1,441 1,440 1,429 1,416 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Investments Balances w ith— U.S . Governn lent securities N otes and bonds m aturing— Total Bills C ertif icates O ther securi ties W ithin 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Cash items in process of collec tion C ur rency and coin R e serves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets T otal assets D ate 1960 27,404 27,798 27,294 27,065 2,054 2,712 2,445 2,283 1,012 1,013 1,000 1,070 1,938 1,888 1,813 1,762 15,789 15,592 15,462 15,365 6,611 6,593 6,574 6,585 9,877 9,957 9,837 9,807 11,654 11,816 11,193 10,148 1,292 1,367 1,261 1,292 14,341 13,519 13,472 12,921 2,946 3,000 2,901 2,727 81 80 81 84 3,284 3,317 3,402 3,496 139,937 139,566 137,545 135,584 Jan. 6 13 20 27 26,830 26,497 26,081 25,898 2,016 1,769 1,644 1,588 1,221 1,205 503 490 1,772 1,752 1,686 1,643 15,232 15,180 17,073 17,171 6,589 6,591 5,175 5,006 9,831 9,798 9,828 9,775 10,524 9,773 11,466 10,876 1,164 1,237 1,191 1,285 13,241 13,043 13,120 12,740 2,703 2,698 2,851 2,805 79 78 77 73 3,565 3,618 3,515 3,500 135,875 134,703 136,536 135,353 Feb. 3 10 17 24 25,724 25,437 25,478 25,210 24,863 1,630 1,499 1,612 1,401 1,083 478 438 422 435 443 1,626 1,622 1,575 1,550 1,568 17,080 16,991 17,014 17,062 17,053 4,910 4,887 4,855 4,762 4,716 9,821 9,845 9,906 9,800 9,787 10,580 9,338 11,580 9,869 9,794 1,140 1,175 1,169 1,216 1,242 12,951 12,913 13,243 12,796 13,191 2,826 2,638 2,984 2,893 2,748 81 78 76 77 76 3,532 3,519 3,458 3,474 3,662 135,155 133,170 137,292 134,406 134,478 M ar. 2 9 16 23 30 24,727 24,868 26,554 26,356 923 1,090 1,611 1,488 444 437 453 456 1,595 1,557 1,603 1,573 17,117 17,096 18,144 18,163 4,648 4,688 4,743 4,676 9,783 9,834 9,823 9,705 10,071 11,707 11,221 10,380 1,128 1,257 1,253 1,257 13,082 13,019 13,212 13,269 2,636 2,758 2,745 2,677 84 72 73 80 3,632 3,633 3,595 3,597 133,934 136,669 138,462 137,247 Apr. 6 13 20 27 26,273 26,070 26,160 26,140 1,365 1,241 1,296 1,343 472 472 886 864 1,654 1,625 960 976 18,091 18,111 18,408 18,353 4,691 4,621 4,610 4,604 9,533 9,482 9,478 9,504 10,868 10,810 11,051 9,830 1,130 1,238 1,214 1,250 13,585 13,447 13,056 13,039 2,670 2 ,7 U 2,796 2,650 77 93 77 78 3,663 3,619 3,571 3,543 137,908 137,238 137,400 136,156 May 4 11 18 25 26,117 26,004 26,107 25,928 25,716 1,327 1,258 1,422 1,212 962 886 869 884 894 888 980 974 973 953 954 18,355 18,329 18,252 18,254 18,296 4,569 4,574 4,576 4,615 4,616 9,462 9,621 9,566 9,542 9,500 11,892 9,906 13,304 11,009 10,447 1,216 1,201 1,213 1,246 1,309 13,067 13,364 13,573 13,558 13,146 3,067 2,659 3,131 2,774 3,071 84 79 76 82 75 3,579 3,594 3,576 3,587 3,726 138,637 136,171 141,818 138,672 137,812 June 1 8 15 22 29 25,624 27,816 27,793 27,686 908 3,130 3,165 3,054 904 901 888 878 949 945 897 942 18,281 18,285 18,301 18,288 4,582 4,555 4,542 4,524 9,529 9,551 9,616 9,690 11,935 12,400 11,426 10,199 1,197 1,310 1,242 1,278 13,544 13,503 14,051 13,508 2,907 2,920 2,737 2,750 83 75 77 78 3,663 3,725 3,734 3,812 139.449 142,247 140,806 139,043 July 6 13 20 27 27,429 27,265 27,534 27,514 27,750 2,797 2,639 2,401 2,409 2,623 861 868 1,325 1,328 1,325 979 987 728 743 766 18,254 18,227 18,220 18,167 18,179 4,538 4,544 4,860 4,867 4,857 9,745 9,713 9,732 9,626 9,650 10,444 10,302 11,279 9,525 10,485 1,169 1,226 1,216 1,257 1,219 13,523 13,243 13,617 13,072 13,280 2,761 2,710 2,817 2,680 2,700 83 85 87 84 81 3,836 3,854 3,785 3,767 3,914 139,903 138,974 140,527 137,457 139,193 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 27,774 27,855 28,357 28,180 2,605 2,684 3,071 2,839 1,355 1,353 1,371 1,377 768 772 1,168 1,224 18,176 18,178 17,846 17,818 4,870 4,868 4,901 4,922 9,794 9,783 9,735 9,802 10,734 12,688 11,565 10,657 1,248 1,313 1,268 1,320 12,820 13,070 12,921 13,667 3,022 3,033 3,087 2,822 89 85 101 95 3,859 3,828 3,908 3,940 139,775 142,528 142,470 141,061 Sept. 7 14 21 28 28,059 27,836 28,151 29,946 2,719 2,482 2,788 4,430 1,410 1,409 1,422 1,459 1,212 1,216 1,287 1,435 17,803 17,822 17,776 17,757 4,915 4,907 4,878 4,865 9,853 9,842 9,903 9,888 11,259 12,074 11,354 11,005 1,178 1,317 1,289 1,310 13,287 12,941 13,185 13,922 2,956 3,094 3,490 2,745 105 101 105 114 3,998 4,000 3,982 4,030 141,642 141,932 141,152 142,810 Oct. 5 12 19 26 29,687 29,254 29,480 29,388 29,690 4,063 3,656 3,493 3,346 3,524 1,474 1,471 1,292 1,290 1,340 1,595 1,578 2,404 2,425 2,494 17,690 17,693 17,145 17,158 17,190 4,865 4,856 5,146 5,169 5,142 9,817 9,639 9,609 9,655 9,700 12,211 11,461 13,640 11,830 12,038 1,223 1,331 1,285 1,276 1,364 13,744 12,913 12,954 12,936 12,650 2,824 2,818 3,119 2,797 3,761 101 99 92 85 88 4,141 4,181 4,047 4,048 4,114 144,721 142,499 145,343 142,459 143,422 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 29,787 30,064 30,178 30,547 3,498 3,719 3,750 4,052 1,437 1,468 1,525 1,551 2,595 2,611 2,597 2,600 17,145 17,179 19,901 18,075 5,112 5,087 4,405 4,269 9,946 10,016 10,188 10,207 10,541 12,101 12,240 13,168 1,381 1,557 1,515 1,650 12,054 12,525 12,749 12,499 2,852 3,335 3,081 3,194 84 94 82 105 4,090 4,062 3,940 3,967 141,087 144,740 147,073 147,778 Dec. 7 14 21 28 237 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BANK S, (In millions Demund deposits Total demand and time deposits Date Total Adjusted Individuals, partnerships, nnd corps. eStates and, political subdivisions U.S. Government Inter bank Domestic Unadjusted Foreign Certified and officers* checks 1960 Jon. 6 13 20 27 122,755 123,052 120,624 118,671 62,627 63,098 62,922 62,760 90,419 90,866 88,600 86,653 66,753 68,008 66,844 66,133 4,877 4,651 4,826 4,651 2,438 2,864 2,008 2,110 12,200 11,637 11,031 10,248 1,500 1,451 1,446 1,387 2,651 2,255 2,445 2,124 Feb. 3 10 17 24 118,559 116,960 118,533 117,609 61,267 61,240 60,032 60,382 86,560 84,985 86,589 85,704 64,351 64,113 64,492 63,898 4,978 4,806 4,706 4,730 2,628 1,908 3,111 2,907 10,786 10,707 10,605 10,147 1,355 1,357 1,375 1,392 2,462 2,094 2,300 2.630 Mnr. 2 9 16 23 30 117,331 115,054 119,779 116,771 116,080 60.169 60,228 60,889 59,810 59,722 85,415 83,047 87,712 84,597 83,872 63,450 62,723 65,727 62,777 62,500 4,973 4,708 4,417 4,716 4,901 2,973 1,719 2,919 3,116 2,863 10,353 10,352 10,934 10,413 10,076 1,340 1,410 1,390 1,389 1.417 2,326 2,135 2,325 2,186 2,115 Apr. 6 13 20 27 115,727 118,262 120,116 118,732 59,443 60,784 61,929 61,333 83,471 85,949 87,807 86,293 62,676 65,596 65,491 64,376 4,556 4,486 5,046 5,046 1,592 1,218 2,707 3,243 10,969 10,855 10,566 9,956 1,396 1,385 1,384 1,381 2,282 2,409 2,613 2,291 May 4 11 18 25 119,366 118,619 118.982 117,389 59,561 59,330 58,672 58,907 86,880 86,113 86,433 84,793 62,772 63,034 62,592 61,783 5,244 4,941 4,985 4,967 4,634 4,107 4,955 4,966 10,486 tO ,501 10,382 9,737 1,331 1,365 1,373 1,353 2,413 2,165 2,146 1,987 June 1 8 15 22 29 120,395 117,220 123,446 120,000 119,865 58,8 It 59,135 60,411 60,230 59,267 87,816 84,529 90,692 87,126 86,779 62,863 61,855 66,151 63,639 62,625 5,191 4,882 4,623 4,S73 4,773 5,035 3,556 4,322 4,092 4,996 10,725 10,589 11,279 10,401 10,642 1.353 1,343 1,376 1,394 1,427 2,649 2,304 2,941 2,727 2,316 July 6 13 20 27 120,684 123,507 121,770 120,304 58,278 59,074 59,891 60,595 87,625 90,384 88,523 86,981 62,956 64,431 64,414 63,778 4,661 4,416 4,476 4,705 4,589 5,969 4,824 4,383 11,450 11,542 10,964 10,424 1,373 1,399 1,418 1,380 2,596 2,627 2,427 2,311 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 120,895 119,988 121,128 118,567 119,884 60,034 59,610 58,806 59,230 59,565 87,444 86,455 87,376 84,673 85,942 63,082 62,576 63,032 61,892 62,846 5,001 4,744 4,680 4,630 4,846 4,571 3,744 4,638 3,985 3,698 11,011 11,315 11,209 10,597 10,789 1,384 1,484 1,444 1,426 1,405 2,395 2,592 2,373 2,233 2,358 Sept. 7 14 21 28 120,349 123,143 123,613 122,311 59,639 60,655 59,797 59,441 86,300 88,927 89,358 87,977 63,134 66,456 64,198 62,915 4,732 4,547 4,570 4,683 2,553 2,191 4,777 5,551 11,988 12,033 11,817 10,973 1,386 1,360 1,402 1,355 2,507 2,340 2,594 2,500 Oct. 5 12 19 26 122,687 122,827 122,999 123,431 58,778 59,196 60,353 60,971 88,256 88,335 88,421 88,830 62,863 64,774 65,147 64,799 4,677 4,243 4,376 4,584 4,680 3,218 2,143 4,104 12,213 12,459 13,068 11,269 1,326 1,388 1,503 1,481 2,497 2,253 2,184 2,593 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 125,283 122,699 125,596 122,870 124,823 60,433 59,441 59,203 59,864 60,398 90,573 88,063 91,065 88,261 90,121 64,539 63,764 65,531 64,240 64,920 4,998 4,607 4,622 4,821 4,914 4,445 3,665 4,076 3,836 3,537 12,127 12,121 12,742 11,363 12,801 1,357 1,375 1,404 1,368 1,347 3,107 2,531 2,690 2,633 2,602 Dec. 7 14 21 28 121,661 125,870 127,621 128,601 60,611 63,085 62,725 62,139 86,790 90,829 92,462 93,215 64,304 67,773 67,479 67,647 4,609 4,566 4,621 4.747 2,121 1,726 3,712 3,979 12,135 12,483 12,325 12,392 1,382 1,434 1,460 1,537 2,239 2,847 2,865 2,913 238 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEKLY, 1941-65—Continued of dollars) Time deposits Total Individ States and uals, part political subdivi nerships, and corps. sions Borrowings U. S. Interbank From F. R . Banks ment Domestic Other Other liabilities Capital accounts liabilities and • capital accounts Date Foreign 1960 32,336 32,186 32,024 32,018 29,331 29,195 29,101 29,049 1,546 1,550 1,542 1,593 148 146 146 152 1,311 1,295 1,235 1,224 1,147 350 661 242 1,300 1,360 1,346 1,683 3,274 3,349 3,479 3,525 11,461 11,455 11,435 11,463 139,937 139,566 137,545 135,584 Jan. 6 13 20 27 31,999 31,975 31,944 31,905 29,046 29,045 29,023 29,006 1,602 1,598 1,626 1,615 151 153 151 152 1,200 1,179 1,144 1,132 635 432 588 237 1,579 2,090 2,083 2,201 3,599 3,713 3,827 3,799 11,503 11,508 11,505 11,507 135,875 134,703 136,536 135,353 Feb. 3 10 17 24 31,916 32,007 32,067 32,174 32,208 29,034 29,120 29,169 29,259 29,283 1,609 1,607 1,615 1,633 1,639 ISO 149 148 149 148 1,123 1,131 1,135 1,133 1,138 552 528 277 231 665 1,896 2,173 1,945 2,005 2,229 3,828 3,868 3,768 3,876 3,923 11,548 11,547 11,523 11,523 11,581 135,155 133,170 137,292 134,406 134,478 M ar. 2 9 16 23 30 32,256 32,313 32,309 32,439 29,293 29,258 29,203 29,233 1,660 1,669 1,710 1,730 141 141 141 141 1,162 1,245 1,255 1,335 557 314 269 405 2,038 2,402 2,266 2,303 3,999 4,073 4,211 4,159 11,613 11,618 11,600 11,648 133,934 136,669 138,462 137,247 Apr. 6 13 20 27 32,486 32,506 32,549 32,596 29,260 29,286 29,301 29,342 1,747 1,743 1,738 1,759 140 140 139 138 1,339 1,337 1,371 1,357 389 613 113 158 2,299 2,104 2,273 2,635 4,158 4,201 4,343 4,268 11,696 11,701 11,689 11,706 137,908 137,238 137,400 136,156 M ay 4 11 18 25 32,579 32,691 32,754 32,874 33,086 29,362 29,536 29,535 29,648 29,812 1,769 1,740 1,813 1,823 1,869 139 138 134 135 134 1,309 1,277 1,272 1,268 1,271 75 400 206 632 63 2,161 2,455 2,068 1,879 1,727 4,255 4,343 4,374 4,416 4,348 11,751 11,753 11,724 11,745 11,809 138,637 136,171 141,818 138,672 137,812 June 1 8 15 22 29 33,059 33,123 33,247 33,323 29,779 29,800 29,858 29,916 1,859 1,892 1,952 1,967 133 133 134 132 1,288 1,298 1,303 1,308 380 299 866 140 2,279 2,154 1,809 2,184 4,283 4,474 4,563 4,593 11,823 11,813 11,798 11,822 139,449 142,247 140,806 139,043 July 6 13 20 27 33,451 33,533 33,752 33,894 33,942 29,973 30,045 30,187 30,244 30,293 1,965 1,967 2,009 2,076 2,079 135 133 133 135 139 1,378 1,388 1,423 1,439 1,431 189 107 388 99 309 2,361 2,254 2,311 2,107 2,141 4,580 4,742 4,811 4,798 4,907 11,878 11,883 11,889 11,886 11,952 139,903 138,974 140,527 137,457 139,193 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 34,049 34,216 34,255 34,334 30,372 30,519 30,554 30,672 2,066 2,072 2,079 2,037 135 135 135 135 1,476 1,490 1,487 1,490 72 71 11 530 2,491 2,406 1,902 1,319 4,910 4,971 5,019 4,924 11,953 11,937 11,925 11,977 139,775 142,528 142,470 141,061 Sept. 7 14 21 28 34,431 34,492 34,578 34,601 30,748 30,810 30,901 30,921 2,035 2,026 2,017 2,027 138 137 135 135 1,510 1,51 • 1,525 1,518 44 68 12 863 1,932 1,958 1,060 1,435 4,966 5,047 5,063 5,019 12,013 12,032 12,018 12,062 141,642 141,932 141,152 142,810 Oct. 5 12 19 26 34,710 34,636 34,531 34,609 34,702 30,992 30,924 30,807 30,879 30,892 2,037 2,028 2,018 2,023 2,115 1L36 136 :i36 139 139 1,545 1,548 1,570 1,568 1,556 307 114 77 250 25 1,925 2,402 2,290 1,964 1,090 5,112 5,172 5,269 5,282 5,314 12,094 12,112 12,111 12,093 12,170 144,721 142,499 145,343 142,459 143,422 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 34,871 35,041 35,159 35,386 30,967 31,112 31,119 31,318 2,196 2,215 2,302 2,327 141 142 142 140 1,567 1,572 1,596 1,601 38 23 47 22 1,930 1,478 2,105 1,839 5,292 5,233 5,161 5,132 12,166 12,136 12,139 12,184 141,087 144,740 147,073 147,778 Dec. 7 14 21 28 239 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . MEM BER BA N K S, (111 m illions Loans Loans and investments .. . F o r purchasing or carrying securities Total Date Total ad justed Total Ad justed N et C om mer cial and indus trial 1961 Agricul tural To brokers and dealers To others To nonbank ^financial institutions — - Per sonal and U.S. U.S. sales Govt. O ther Govt. Other O ther fi secu secu secu secu nance rities rities rities rities cos. etc. Jan. 4 11 18 25 113,901 111,827 111,479 110,265 111,701 110,405 110,125 509,757 70,920 69,628 69,256 68,463 73,120 71,050 70,610 68,971 32,021 31,882 31,678 31,375 1 1,119 1,121 1.107 1.108 Feb. 1 g 15 22 112,305 111,174 112,616 111,778 110,987 109,966 111,124 110,549 69,626 68,948 69,486 69,332 70,944 70,156 70,978 70,561 31,294 31,274 31,517 31,477 1,111 1,112 1,116 1,110 858 418 612 587 M ar. 1 8 15 22 29 112,459 110,974 (11,484 110,082 113,110 111,556 111,733 110,453 111,559 110,015 69,787 68,964 70,164 69,815 69,638 71,272 70,366 71,718 71,095 71,182 31,531 31,501 32,226 32,252 32,203 1,124 1,110 1,118 1,121 1,129 Apr. 5 12 19 26 111,694 110,617 111,727 110,546 112,259 111,084 112,618 111,059 69,622 69,681 69,830 69,801 70,699 70,862 71,005 71,360 32,056 1,137 31,982 1,135 31,870 1,146 31,735 1,156 A pr. 26 112,618 111,059 69,801 71,360 31,735 1,156 May 3 10 17 24 31 112,872 112,698 113,820 113,308 113,444 111,606 111,272 112,822 111,927 112,147 70,153 70,109 70,432 69,901 69,913 71,419 71,535 71,430 71,282 71,210 31,905 31,803 31,883 31,586 31,460 1.184 1.185 1.185 1,197 1,141 June 7 14 21 28 112,912 111,406 114,744 113,807 115,512 114,190 114,343 113,106 69,047 69,848 70,350 70,171 70.553 70,785 71,672 71,408 31,161 31,519 31,702 31,769 1,149 1,148 1,147 1,155 July 5 12 19 26 115,084 113,683 114,304 116.067 113,257 112,402 182,910 1115,045 70,361 69,940 69,989 69,835 72,188 71,221 71,383 70,857 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 116,510 115,233 116,194 115,649 115,779 114,923 114,041 114,555 114,224 114,301 70,072 69,623 70,040 69,704 69,551 Sept. 6 13 20 27 115,S19 116,648 117,251 118,706 114,270 115,106 115,920 117,103 Oct. 4 11 18 25 117,677 118,561 119,473 118,242 Nov. Dec. 1,181 1,176 1,166 1,171 4,189 3,930 3,858 3,632 1.413 1,344 1,373 1.414 121 120 127 132 1,176 1,169 1,175 1,174 738 395 600 452 343 1,483 1,422 1,430 1,442 1,462 125 121 121 121 113 1,173 1,161 1,166 1,176 1,186 402 517 579 609 1,485 1,556 1,772 1,788 115 111 113 112 1,209 1,229 1,246 1,254 1,697 1,685 1,644 1,632 Real estate D o mes tic All other F or eign . ..... . - Memo: | valua tion 1 «*1serves L . .. I|l 738 706 706 (.95 15,699 , 1,528 15,554 1,531 J5,489 1 1,535 13,489 | 1,534 3,598 1,616 3,523 1,590 3,544 1,595 3,513 1,586 12,787 12,758 12,775 12,780 1,318 1,208 1,492 1,229 698 696 698 671 16,496 i 1}M2 16,484 1,540 16,494 t , 540 16,430 1,542 3,678 3,387 3,677 3,483 3,379 1,631 1,596 1,601 1,624 1,653 12,766 12,738 12,741 12,735 12,727 1,485 1,402 1,554 1,280 1,544 642 657 683 675 682 16,442 i 1,546 16,422 1,546 16.350 ! 1,549 16,285 1,551 16,311 1,550 3,439 3,305 3,287 3,289 1,589 1,575 1,603 1,616 12,722 1,077 12,756 1,181 12,759 1,175 12,772 1,559 675 691 703 700 16,348 16,376 16,304 16,322 1,555 1.552 1.552 1.552 609 1,788 112 1,254 3,289 1,588 12,772 1,559 537 16,513 1,552 614 594 891 549 542 1,886 1,952 1,923 1,922 1,897 112 109 108 126 108 1,271 1,268 1,285 1,310 1,326 3,375 3,292 3.287 3.287 3,382 1,585 1,603 1,618 1,639 1,675 12,770 1,266 12,803 1,426 12,825 998 12,842 1,381 12,855 1 ,297 578 576 558 561 585 16,428 16,481 16,427 16,439 16,504 1,555 1.557 1.558 1,557 1,562 163 360 729 380 1,996 2,098 2,036 2,061 103 103 105 104 1,326 1,332 1,340 1,343 3,257 3,314 3,360 3,332 3,663 1,703 2,672 1,693 12,832 1,506 937 12,863 12,904 1,322 12,896 1,237 558 551 564 579 16,402 16,420 16,354 16,418 1.563 1.563 1.563 1,559 31,615 1,151 31,549 1,161 31,380 1,160 31,320 1,168 475 336 793 720 2,069 2,114 2,073 2,012 106 103 106 106 1,360 1,367 1,376 1,364 3,482 3,253 3,144 3,116 1,727 1,730 1,737 1,748 12,902 12,923 12,942 12,952 1,827 1,281 1,394 1,022 614 587 572 582 16.430 ! 1,570 16,387 1 1,570 16,276 1.570 16,317 1.570 71,659 70,815 71,679 71,129 71,029 31,499 1,091 31,359 1,095 31,592 1,101 31,498 1,116 31,476 1,112 620 434 529 426 279 2,003 1,948 1,893 1,847 1,857 106 110 106 104 102 1,371 1,367 1,370 1,378 1,377 3,321 3,266 3,379 3,304 3,254 1 ,745 1,763 1,781 1,786 1,790 12,956 12,973 13,002 13,038 13,055 1,587 1,192 1,639 1,425 1,478 582 572 580 551 565 16,346 16,304 16,278 16,224 16,253 1.568 1.568 t ,571 t , 568 1.569 69,662 70,306 71,025 70.989 70,911 71,848 72,356 72,592 31,548 31,728 31,937 31,805 1,116 1,134 1,145 1,166 264 477 755 739 1,853 1,978 1,985 1,898 103 107 11S 109 1,355 1,373 1,370 1,320 3,274 1,818 3,286 1,852 3,495 1,868 3,460 2,027 13,058 13,101 13,126 13,136 1,249 1,542 1,331 t ,603 572 559 552 509 16,273 16,282 16,245 16,391 1,572 1.571 1.571 1.571 116,175 It 6,984 117,777 117,035 70,726 70,989 71,466 71,093 72,228 72,566 73,162 72,300 31,786 31,849 32,020 31,877 1.179 474 1,853 1.180 711 1,982 1,189 1,013 1,932 1,205 750 1,993 104 99 96 103 1,317 1,305 1,301 1,304 3,389 3,219 3.174 3,047 2.143 2,128 2,180 2,191 [ 13,140 1,502 13,196 i ll , 577 13,221 j I ,696 13,247 -1,207 522 535 530 530 16,396 16,359 16,379 16,413 1,577 1,574 1,569 1,567 1 8 15 22 29 118,898 117,467 118,220 116,899 119,516 118,162 118,707 117,255 118,628 117,319 71,843 71,647 72,434 71,741 71,670 73,274 72,968 73,788 73,193 72,979 32,085 1,210 1,072 32,010 1,206 986 32,136 1,216 1,341 32,024 1,220 833 520 32,109 1,226 2,055 1,966 2,080 2,016 2,063 98 97 100 103 102 1,310 1.317 1.318 1,330 1.319 13.132 3i 10S 13,106 >3,023 3,073 2,226 : 13,245 2,245 13,269 2,314 13,312 2,30$ 13,338 2,302 13,347 1,431 1,321 1,354 1,452 1,309 525 540 553 566 587 16,456 16,475 16,527 16,541 16,584 1.571 1.572 1,569 1.561 1.562 6 13 20 27 118,828 119,164 121,837 122,565 71,530 71,920 73,809 74,569 73,250 73,224 75,285 76,078 32,016 32,223 32,733 32,920 1,227 356 1,230 336 1,238 773 1,270 1,019 2,136 2,163 2,404 2,379 103 102 104 125 1,324 1,327 1,335 1,343 3,025 3,108 3,628 3,769 ,2,325 12,329 2,339 j2 ,365 1,720 1,304 1,476 1,509 6111 605 627 657 16,619 16,675 16,764 16,877 1.564 1.564 1,555 1,554 132 131 129 126 To commercial IvinWe 12,821 2,200 12,810 1,422 12,809 1,354 12,800 508 117,108 117,860 120,361 121,056 1,121 1,730 619 1,545 761 1,444 581 1,388 ....., 240 13,352 13,386 13,419 13,399 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1941-65— Continued of dollars) Investments Balances with— U.S . G overnr nent secur ties Notes anc bonds m aturing— Total Bills C ertif icates W ithin 1 year 1 to 5 years A fter 5 years O ther securi ties Cash items in process of collec tion C ur rency and coin R e serves with F.R . Banks D o mestic banks Foreign banks O ther assets Total assets D ate 1961 30,614 30,530 30,645 31,007 4,038 3,894 4,119 4,441 1,583 1,590 1,533 1,589 2,639 2,638 2,641 2,682 18,227 18,291 18,255 18,242 4,127 4,117 4,097 4,053 10,167 10,247 10,224 10,287 13,141 12,029 11,936 10,443 1,434 1,483 1,402 1,382 12,703 12,157 12,492 12,355 3,355 3,075 2,970 3,530 107 91 89 105 4,047 4,103 4,009 4,065 148,688 Jan. 144,765 144,377 142,145 4 11 18 25 31,086 30,630 31,120 30,681 4,479 4,124 3,907 3,688 1,613 1,599 1,173 1,096 2,727 2,749 3,878 3,921 18,230 18,140 18,181 18,005 4,037 4,018 3,981 3,971 10,275 10,388 10,518 10,536 12,171 9,980 14,091 11,155 1,289 1,302 1,348 1,396 12,250 12,879 12,533 12,367 2,938 2,687 3,121 3,007 92 90 98 101 4,158 4,085 4,066 3,963 145,203 Feb. 142,197 147,873 143,767 1 8 15 22 30,635 30,401 30,606 29,820 29,519 3,674 3,484 3,687 3,002 2,772 1,098 1,199 1,217 1,196 1,169 3,992 4,044 4,086 4,103 4,078 17,919 17,794 17,737 17,661 17,590 3,952 3,880 3,879 3,858 3,910 10,552 10,717 10,786 10,818 10,858 13,001 10,978 13,103 11,046 10,682 1,260 1,286 1,285 1,336 1,382 12,095 12,258 12,169 12,426 11,886 3,018 2,751 3,084 3,007 2,875 107 108 127 124 106 4,067 4,132 4,112 4,157 4,312 146,007 M ar. 142,997 146,990 143,829 142,802 1 8 15 22 29 30,045 29,761 30,327 30,340 3,344 3,048 3,575 3,580 1,159 1,242 1,268 1,307 4,190 4,247 4,329 4,413 16,424 16,271 16,186 16,141 4,928 4,953 4,969 4,899 10,950 11,104 10,927 10,918 11,237 12,547 11,916 11,752 1,264 1,393 1,378 1,398 12,507 12,287 12,266 11,790 3,266 2,949 3,133 2,933 118 123 93 122 4,225 4,228 4,236 4,284 144,311 Apr. 145,254 145,281 144,897 5. 12 19 26 30,340 3,580 1,307 4,413 16,141 4,899 10,918 11,572 1,398 11,790 2,933 122 4,284 144,897 Apr. 26 30,590 30,290 31,438 31,188 31,397 3,728 3,379 3,447 3,259 3,461 1,410 1,485 2,203 2,257 2,292 4,472 4,512 4,973 4,996 5,108 16,103 16,071 16,168 16,089 16,033 4,877 4,843 4,647 4,587 4,503 10,863 10,873 10,952 10,838 10,837 11,735 11,453 12,790 10,615 12,149 1,278 1,347 1,354 1,393 1,395 12,327 12,418 12,740 12,404 12,171 3,095 2,765 2,961 2,639 2,958 156 133 117 129 113 4,319 4,288 4,125 4,192 4,339 145,782 May 145,102 147,927 144,680 146,569 3 10 17 24 31 31,431 33,124 32,935 31,976 3,494 5,177 4,894 3,923 2,302 2,330 2,379 2,386 5,180 5,164 6,163 6,223 15,941 15,945 14,983 14,948 4,514 4,508 4,516 4,496 10,928 10,825 10,905 10,959 10,966 13,640 11,609 11,340 1,320 1,423 1,394 1,469 12,200 12,369 12,435 12,227 2,702 3,373 2,834 3,172 112 114 129 120 4,277 4,227 4,226 4,303 144,489 June 149,890 148,139 146,974 7 14 21 28 31,974 31,456 31,899 34,103 3,959 3,522 3,856 6,138 2,386 2,418 2,553 2,547 6,264 6,256 6,278 6,299 14,927 14,855 14,802 14,726 4,438 4,405 4,410 4,393 10,922 11,006 11,022 11,107 12,284 13,268 12,498 11,032 1,306 1,494 1,399 1,429 12,371 12,333 12,156 12,379 3,064 3,149 2,934 3,032 111 123 128 133 4,331 4,334 4,343 4,510 149,051 July 148,384 147,762 148,582 5 12 19 26 33,790 33,327 33,328 33,332 33,464 5,856 5,386 5,461 5,394 5,632 1,556 1,540 1,520 1,522 1,521 5,498 5,345 6,212 6,312 6,267 16,385 16,565 15,944 15,944 15,918 4,495 4,491 4,191 4,150 4,126 11,061 11,091 11,187 11,198 11,286 11,759 10,758 12,423 10,609 10,370 1,342 1,360 1,347 1,403 1,462 12,539 12,762 12,502 12,140 12,131 2,802 2,644 2,853 2,785 2,607 124 121 125 118 130 4,342 4,375 4,290 4,260 4,364 149,418 Aug. 147,253 149,734 146,964 146,843 2 9 16 23 30 33,321 33,171 33,181 34,414 5,556 5,457 5,469 6,717 1,516 1,508 1,550 1,548 6,244 6,229 6,284 6,310 15,887 15,847 15,792 15,776 4,118 4,130 4,086 4,063 11,287 11,629 11,714 11,700 11,264 12,855 12,329 11,633 1,377 1,475 1,449 1,490 12,463 12,640 12,986 12,260 3,001 2,955 2,975 2,824 132 141 142 153 4,410 4,420 4,370 4,474 148,166 Sept. 151,134 151,402 151,540 6 13 20 27 33,643 34,240 34,608 34,327 6,109 5,607 6,059 5,879 1,530 1,514 1,516 1,507 6,311 6,319 6,305 6,285 15,652 16,769 16,733 16,682 4,041 4,031 3,995 3,974 11,806 11,755 11,703 11,615 12,407 12,890 13,124 11,501 1,336 1,444 1,460 1,483 12,829 12,546 12,880 13,067 2,932 2,833 2,937 2,761 152 150 138 150 4,420 4,441 4,427 4,426 151,753 Oct. 152,835 154,439 151,630 4 11 18 25 34,087 33,770 34,181 33,867 34,932 5,772 5,500 5,752 5,491 5,569 1,482 1,456 1,484 1,485 1,475 6,233 6,301 5,079 5,067 5,064 16,645 3,955 3,973 16,540 18,234 3,632 18,320 ' 3,504 3,498 18,326 11,537 11,482 11,547 11,647 11,717 13,156 12,788 15,109 12,941 12,076 1,399 1,438 1,458 1,435 1,651 12,978 12,802 12,810 13,111 12,524 2,950 2,744 3,047 2,782 3,166 166 161 160 162 175 4,457 4,640 4,443 4,367 4,436 154,004 Nov. 152,693 156,543 153,505 152,656 1 8 15 22 29 33,813 33,931 34,501 34,247 5,528 5,693 6,349 6,168 1,467 1,416 1,427 1,421 5,052 5,058 5,390 5,359 18,319 18,312 17,907 17,894 11,765 12,009 12,051 12,240 12,686 13,485 14,004 15,629 1,535 1,750 1,695 1,863 12,697 12,686 13,191 13,662 2,820 3,221 3,178 3,262 152 162 165 238 4,502 4,611 4,450 4,520 153,280 Dec. 155,079 158,520 161,739 6 13 20 27 3,447 3,452 3,428 3,405 241 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BANKS* (In millions D emand deposits Total demand and time deposits Date Domestic banks Total Adjusted U n adjusted Individ uals, partner ships, and corps. States and polit ical sub divisions U.S. G overn ment Commercia I M utual savings Forei gn Govern- j Com ments, 1 mercial etc. 1 banks Certified and officers' cheeks 1961 4 11 18 25 129,167 126,027 125,607 124,539 61,717 61,825 62,185 62,611 93,661 90,454 89,933 88,726 67,036 66,610 66,726 65,765 4,882 4,643 4,908 4,886 3,802 2,176 2,066 2,096 13,591 13,085 12,415 12,241 1 8 15 22 126,300 123,004 128,299 124,502 61,340 60,874 60,010 60,031 89,690 86,281 91,513 87,625 65,208 63,678 66,285 63,814 5,138 4,856 4,802 4,987 3,105 2,337 3,725 3,829 11,687 11,647 12,258 11,211 I 8 15 22 29 126,788 123,462 127,931 124,789 123,542 59,932 59,618 61,448 60,350 60,124 89,860 86,337 90,767 87,502 86,044 64,735 63,236 66,944 64,093 63,349 5,065 4,650 4,572 4,792 4,836 3,838 2,282 2,679 3,229 2,865 11,707 11,896 12,073 11,439 10,864 Apr. 5 12 19 26 125,645 126,301 126,505 125,621 60,016 61,180 62,277 62,049 87,950 88,403 88,543 87,446 63,911 66,285 66,274 65,527 4,766 4,703 5,228 5,229 2,755 1,227 926 1,076 12,468 11,967 11,977 11,132 Apr. 26 125,621 64,064 87,446 65,418 5,229 1,076 10,554 524 566 1,034 3,045 May 3 10 17 24 31 126,767 125,608 128,205 125,107 127,247 62,550 62,246 61,313 61,876 62,120 88,229 86,840 89,331 86,041 88,056 63,869 63,490 63,926 62,651 64,168 5,572 5,186 5,138 5,223 5,490 2,854 2,244 3,994 3,446 2,982 11,090 10,897 11,234 10,104 10,805 551 539 545 496 497 536 591 644 | 589 615 976 1,021 981 973 949 2,781 2,872 2,869 2,559 2,550 June 7 14 21 28 124,919 131,072 128,916 127,967 62,210 63,433 62,600 62,156 85,628 91,610 89,480 88,255 63,391 66,811 64,512 63,750 5,210 4,891 4,737 4,932 1,565 2,788 4,750 3,834 10,887 11,749 10,521 10,925 531 511 489 472 655 1 604 1 682 644| 968 988 1,030 982 2,521 3,268 2,759 2,716 July 5 12 19 26 129,530 129,305 128,320 129,598 61,155 61,892 62,509 63,398 89,698 89,346 88,203 89,382 63,866 65,451 65,212 64,692 5,015 4,716 4,516 4,822 4,015 2,089 1,790 4,164 11,744 12,097 11,406 10,788 569 587 563 500 645 ! 670 1 665 721 953 945 956 948 2,89i 2,791 3,095 2,747 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 129,731 127,484 129,587 127,367 127,039 62,381 61,998 61,017 61,434 61,855 89,427 87,046 89,113 86,846 86,379 64,044 63,157 64,013 62,748 62,935 5,107 4,776 4,712 4,702 4,847 4,086 3,079 4,116 3,748 3,568 11,201 11,211 11,557 11,055 10,586 517 513 514 465 459 704 701 ' 666 681 I 632 j 978 892 1,023 986 966 2,790 2,717 2,512 2,461 2,386 Sept. 6 13 20 27 128,475 130,896 131,304 131,361 61,791 63,341 62,720 62,166 87,722 89,957 90,394 90,354 63,895 67,108 65,689 64,480 4,673 4,480 4,494 4,693 2,787 1,974 3,626 5,533 11,880 11,787 11,719 11,022 504 494 508 486 643 626 620 655 | 940 947 1,015 988 2,400 2,541 2,723 2,497 Oct. 4 11 18 25 132,067 132,999 134,387 131,705 61,542 62,189 63,410 63,920 90,894 91,741 93,170 90,463 64,305 65,924 67,325 66,365 4,739 4,374 4,407 4,505 5,023 4,669 4,366 3,628 11,922 11,993 12,270 11,414 588 577 596 533 643 j 617 751 642 ’ 981 969 970 992 2,693 2,618 2,485 2,384 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 133,867 132,117 135,765 132,617 132,404 63,423 62,388 62,777 62,644 63,906 92,658 90,858 94,714 91,449 91,216 66,407 65,364 67,454 65,932 66,183 5,027 4,620 4,743 4,793 4,984 4,071 3,429 4,152 4,124 3,414 12,008 12,253 12,676 11,740 11,820 552 568 551 512 504 587 i| 557 625 576 ' 615 j 1,019 1,029 1,001 1,022 1,032 2,987 3,038 3,512 2,750 2,754 6 13 20 27 132,256 134,934 137,924 140,742 63,369 65,987 66,185 66,343 90,977 93,602 96,571 99,270 66,139 69,716 69,927 71,156 4,749 4,613 4,715 4,863 2,760 1,691 3,690 4 ,» , | 12,162 12,439 12,692 12,741 550 510 502 517 656 689 1 621 643 j 1,035 1,021 1,092 1,179 2,926 2,923 3,332 3,614 Jan. Feb. M ar. 242 _ -------= - - - - - ......... ______ _ J ........... J --------_____ - — ....... ; | 1,410 1,339 1,331 1,335 2,940 2,601 2,487 2,403 1,387 1,443 1,429 1,399 3,165 2,320 3,014 2,385 1,382 1,563 1,464 1,438 1 509 3,133 2,710 3,035 2,511 2,621 1,474 1,482 1,447 1,437 2,576 2,739 2,691 3,045 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS LIABILITIES— Continued W EEK LY, 1»41-«S— Continued of dollars) Borrowings Time deposits Total Individuals, part States nerships, and U.S., and corns. political G overn subdivi ment sions Savings O ther Domestic interbank C om mercial Foreign M utual G overn savings ments, etc. Com mercial banks From F.R . Banks Other Other liabili ties C apital ac counts Total liabilities and capital accounts Date 1961 35,506 35,573 35,674 35,813 31,383 31,444 31,523 31,572 2,383 2,393 2,405 2,488 142 141 145 151 1,598 1,595 1,601 1,602 72 17 35 20 2,366 1,576 1,612 467 4,886 4,937 4,936 4,924 12,197 12,208 12,187 12,195 148,688 144,765 144,377 142,145 Jan. 4 11 18 25 36,610 36,723 36,786 36,877 32,344 32,447 32,499 32,610 2,500 2,513 2,532 2,508 152 145 146 148 1,614 1,618 1,609 1,611 142 412 435 272 1,461 1,490 1,791 1,497 5z036 5,011 5,086 5,206 12,264 12,280 12,262 12,290 145,203 147,197 147,873 143,767 Feb. 1 8 15 22 36,928 37,125 37,164 37,287 37,498 32,682 32,846 32,939 33,032 33,204 2,494 2,516 2z453 2,475 2,513 147 148 154 155 156 1,605 1,615 1,618 1,625 1,625 24 132 24 34 60 1,662 1,845 1,795 1,626 1,623 5,206 5,225 4,924 5,060 5,204 12,328 12,333 12,316 12,320 12,373 146,007 142,997 146,990 143,829 142,802 M ar. 1 8 15 22 29 37,695 37,898 37,962 38,175 33,324 33,451 33,422 33,596 2,578 2,620 2,681 2,723 157 156 160 154 1,636 1,671 1,699 1 70? 60 90 19 ]1 1,159 1,468 1,315 1,674 5,059 4,997 5,071 5,198 12,388 12,398 12,371 12,393 144,311 145,254 145,281 144,897 A pr. 5 12 19 26 38,175 27,819 5,480 2,723 154 128 7 1,754 110 11 1,674 5,198 12,393 144,897 A pr. 26 38,538 38,768 38,874 39,066 39,191 27,902 27,994 28,066 28,131 28,202 5,699 5,790 5,805 5,871 5,939 2,775 2,797 2,803 2,839 2,837 157 158 163 161 157 131 133 136 137 136 6 6 7 7 7 1,780 1,795 1,807 1,837 1,829 88 95 87 83 84 25 192 715 176 46 1,277 1,626 1,277 1,607 1,426 5,261 5,214 5,268 5,329 5,341 12,452 12,462 12,462 12,461 12,509 145,782 145,102 147,927 144,680 146,569 M ay 3 10 17 24 31 39,291 39,462 39,436 39,712 28,408 28,449 28,509 28,627 5,858 5,974 5,933 6,102 2,809 2,822 2,817 2,799 164 164 164 163 137 139 139 139 7 8 8 8 1,823 1,815 1,778 1,789 85 91 88 85 27 17 44 20 1,705 882 1,507 1,221 5,335 5,428 5,188 5,244 12,503 12,491 12,484 12,522 144,489 149,890 148,139 146,974 June 7 14 21 28 39,832 39,959 40,117 40,216 28,714 28,763 28,805 28,823 6,133 6,194 6,281 6,343 2,789 2,803 2,793 2,794 167 168 166 164 140 140 144 147 8 8 8 8 1,790 1,792 1,821 1,842 91 91 99 95 25 9 141 11 1,885 1,467 1,608 1,078 5,061 5,051 5,168 5,352 12,550 12,552 12,525 12,543 149,051 148,384 147,762 148,582 July 5 12 19 26 40,304 40,438 40,474 40,521 40,660 28,862 28,955 28,985 29,015 29,030 6,389 6,394 6,336 6,351 6,415 2,783 2,799 2,811 2,811 2,817 159 164 167 166 163 141 143 145 143 144 8 8 8 8 8 1,869 1,878 1,922 1,935 1,990 93 97 100 92 93 122 399 88 5 26 1,714 1,439 1,947 1,561 1,674 5,241 5,305 5,488 5,409 5,449 12,610 12,626 12,624 12,622 12,655 149,418 147,253 149,734 146,964 146,843 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 40,753 40,939 40,910 41,007 29,079 29,110 29,156 29,244 6,458 6,589 6,519 6,512 2,783 2,809 2,788 2,777 155 158 159 160 143 139 138 151 8 8 10 9 2,035 2,022 2,039 2,058 92 104 101 96 31 11 179 72 1,503 2,025 1,761 2,003 5,488 5,529 5,510 5,422 12,669 12,673 12,648 12,682 148,166 151,134 151,402 151,540 Sept. 6 13 20 27 41,173 41,258 41,217 41,242 29,400 29,466 29,516 29,565 6,498 6,512 6,499 6,485 2,775 2,757 2,709 2,703 158 156 155 146 152 152 154 152 10 10 10 11 2,089 2,115 2,081 2,087 91 90 93 93 24 75 19 226 1,744 1,780 1,934 1,544 5,185 5,232 5,373 5,419 12,733 12,749 12,726 12,736 151,753 152,835 154,439 151,630 Oct. 4 11 18 25 41,209 41,259 41,051 41,168 41,188 29,621 29,708 29,724 29,790 29,771 6,406 6,373 6,163 6,127 6,190 2,693 2,694 2,658 2,727 2,721 148 148 159 155 152 154 157 156 156 150 12 10 10 10 10 2,082 2,078 2,087 2,112 2,101 93 91 94 91 93 241 462 581 362 14 1,727 1,824 1,774 2,085 1,690 5,350 5,445 5,583 5,618 5,695 12,819 12,845 12,840 12,823 12,853 154,004 152,693 156,543 153,505 152,656 N ov. 1 8 15 22 29 41,279 41,332 41,353 41,472 29,853 29,894 29,944 30,082 6,140 6,118 6,001 5,969 2,768 2,783 2,845 2,851 151 163 164 166 150 149 150 151 10 10 10 10 2,103 2,108 2,134 2,135 98 107 105 108 10 5 288 482 2,363 1,534 1,921 2,081 5,709 5,734 5,443 5,461 12,882 12,872 12,944 12,973 153,220 155,079 158,520 161,739 Dec. 6 13 20 27 243 WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS 4.1 ASSETS AND A . M EM BER BA NK S, (In millions Loans invest mcnts ' "" ' For purchasing or carrying securities To tal To nonbank financial institutions 1 D ate Total Total ad justed Ad justed Net Com m er cial and indus trial Agricul tural To brokers and dealers ..... To commercial hanks .... To others Per sonal and U.S. U.S. sales fi Other Govt. O th e r! Govt, Other secu secu- 1 secu secu nance cos. rities rities ritics rities etc. Reul estate All other For eign D o mes tic ' : 1962 Memo’ valua tion re serves i Jan. 3 10 !7 24 31 122,631 120,354 120,812 119,012 120,410 118,692 119,432 118,038 120,360 118,515 74,285 73,129 72,520 71,553 71,870 76,562 74,929 74,238 72,947 73,715 32,797 32,501 32,230 31,981 31,988 1,303 1,307 1,325 1,322 1,317 847 571 424 208 329 2,363 2,221 2,116 1,982 2,011 137 116 111 110 111 1,358 1,358 1,348 1,348 1,353 3,729 3,421 3,394 |3,115 3,184 2,430 2,377 2,360 2,325 2,332 13,403 2 277 13,404 800 13,407 718 394 13,406 13,420 845 674 644 654 630 628 16,940 16,909 16,853 16,827 16,902 1,696 1,700 1,702 1,701 1,705 Feb. 7 14 21 28 119,704 119,637 119,380 120,656 117,866 117,877 117,8