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Banking and Community

ISSUE 2 2007

In this issue:
Quantifying the
Foreclosure Issue
Study of Texas
A Neighborhood’s Story
Mortgage Industry
Modernizing the FHA
Foreclosure Timeline


hould we

close down the subprime
market?... Regrettable
foreclosures notwithstanding, three-quarters
of new homeowners are
making their payments,
building wealth and
participating in the
American Dream.
—Edward Gramlich
Former Governor
Federal Reserve Board

F e d e r a l

Rese r v e

B a n k

o f

D a l l a s

Preserving Homeownership
Addressing Foreclosure

ISSUE 2 2007

Banking and

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Community Affairs Office
P.O. Box 655906
Dallas, TX 75265-5906
Gloria Vasquez Brown
Vice President, Public Affairs
Alfreda B. Norman
Assistant Vice President and
Community Affairs Officer
Wenhua Di
Julie Gunter
Senior Community Affairs Advisor
Jackie Hoyer
Houston Branch
Senior Community Affairs Advisor
Roy Lopez
Community Affairs Specialist
Elizabeth Sobel
Community Affairs Specialist
Editor: Jennifer Afflerbach
Designer: Darcy Melton
Researcher and Writer: Julie Gunter
October 2007
The views expressed are the author’s and
should not be attributed to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal
Reserve System. Articles may be reprinted
if the source is credited and a copy is
provided to the Community Affairs Office.


ncreasingly, foreclosure has become a national problem and a center of

attention for Congress, regulators, the mortgage industry and consumer advocates. The residential foreclosure rate in Texas has been on the increase since
late 2001, most notably concentrated in subprime adjustable rate mortgage
(ARM) loans. Many efforts to prevent homeowners from facing the financial
and personal disaster of foreclosure have been implemented, and many more
measures are being proposed.
Research shows that about half of homeowners fail to seek help when they
find themselves at risk of foreclosure and that the stress from being delinquent
on their mortgage interferes with their ability to strategize and make rational
decisions about how to deal with financial crises.
In June, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, in partnership with the Dallas Field Office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD),
hosted a conference to examine the data trends, patterns and potential impact
of foreclosure as well as industry innovations being used to reach troubled
borrowers and sustain homeownership. This issue of Banking and Community
Perspectives recaps the conference by highlighting a portion of the research
and innovative solutions presented.

Alfreda B. Norman
This publication and our webzine,
e-Perspectives, are available on
the Dallas Fed website at

Assistant Vice President and Community Affairs Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Cover Photo:
Courtesy of NeighborWorks America and
the Ad Council.

Banking and Community Perspectives

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Preserving Homeownership

Table 1

Top County Foreclosure Rankings
in Texas

Addressing Foreclosure


he conference “Preserving
Homeownership: Addressing the Foreclosure
Issue,” held in Dallas in June, opened with
a panel of Texas researchers who addressed
the impact foreclosures are having on the U.S.
and Texas economies.

Framing the Issue
The first several years of this decade may
prove to be the “great housing experiment
of the 21st century,” according to James P.
Gaines, a research economist with the Real
Estate Center at Texas A&M University.
Homebuyers in the U.S. have enjoyed
historically low interest rates, record home
price increases in selected areas, and a flood
of private capital from Wall Street that led to
easy credit terms and nontraditional mortgages, Gaines said. These conditions have
also resulted in a surge in vacation home
purchases and extraordinary investor demand
for residential housing. The major impact of
the housing experiment was an astounding
increase in the national homeownership rate
from 64 percent in 1994 to 69 percent today.
Gaines also pointed out that the current
results of the experiment are record home
price decreases in some areas, accompanied
by high levels of foreclosures. The main
factor leading to higher foreclosures was
relaxed underwriting standards coupled with
nontraditional loan products, according to
Gaines. To quantify the subprime situation, he
explained that about 65 percent of owneroccupied homes in the U.S. have a mortgage.
Of those mortgages, 76 percent have fixed
interest rates and 86 percent are priced at
prime—the rate available to homebuyers with
the best credit. Of the roughly 14 percent of
mortgages considered subprime—priced at
higher interest rates than prime loans—more
than half are adjustable-rate mortgages

(ARMs), and of those, 17 to 20 percent are
interest-only loans.
In Texas, as in the U.S., foreclosure
inventory rates on prime mortgages as of
fourth quarter 2006 were running at historical norms—one loan foreclosure for every
200 loans, or 0.5 percent. In contrast, the
subprime loan foreclosure inventory rate was
much higher, at about eight foreclosures for
every 200 loans, or 4 percent. Because 75
percent of all subprime loans were originated after 2003, Gaines said, this situation is
expected to be compounded over the next
two years as interest rates on many of these
subprime loans are scheduled to increase.
(See box “Quantifying the Foreclosure Issue.”)
Gaines emphasized that the subprime
story is not all bad. Even if the foreclosure
rate climbs to 10 percent of all subprime
loans, that means 90 percent of the families
who financed with subprime loans are still
living in their own home—a home they may
not have been able to own otherwise.

Photo: Roy Lopez

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Total foreclosures

























El Paso



1/1/2002 to 6/30/2006

SOURCE: Elizabeth Mueller/Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs report, 2006.

Study of Texas Foreclosures
Elizabeth Mueller, assistant professor
at the University of Texas at Austin, led an
advisory committee to the Texas Department
of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA)
in a study of Texas foreclosures. Mandated by
the 2005 Texas Legislature, the study examined mortgage foreclosure activity in six Texas
counties: Bexar, Cameron, Dallas, El Paso, Harris and Travis (Table 1).
The TDHCA report included total number
of foreclosures for 2002 to mid-2006 and
mapped data from 2004 to mid-2006 to determine where foreclosures are concentrated.
Texas ranked sixth nationally during this
period in number of foreclosures compared
with number of households holding a mortgage.

Banking and Community Perspectives

Quantifying the
Foreclosure Issue
The first challenge of any foreclosure study
is quantifying the problem. Several online sources
publish data for use by real estate investors, but
these reports tend to overstate the numbers because
foreclosure filings may be reported multiple times for
a single property. The Mortgage Bankers Association
(MBA) bases its delinquency and foreclosure report
on data obtained from a sample of over 44 million
mortgage loans serviced by mortgage companies,
banks, thrifts and credit unions across the U.S. One
of the categories the MBA tracks is “seriously delinquent” loans, which reports all loans 90 days or more
past due plus all loans in some stage of foreclosure.
The chart shows the trend of seriously delinquent loans by loan category in Texas since 2001.
The quarterly number of seriously delinquent mortgage loans as a percentage of conventional prime  
mortgage loans in Texas remained relatively stable
during 2001–06, fluctuating between 0.6 percent and
1.2 percent. However, the percentage of seriously delinquent subprime adjustable rate mortgage (ARM)
loans increased significantly, from about 7 percent of
all subprime ARMs to almost 12 percent. Other ARM
categories show increases in seriously delinquent
loans as well. However, among fixed-rate mortgage
(FRM) loans, serious delinquency has trended
downward since late 2005.
For a closer look at specific areas within Texas,
RealtyTrac, an online commercial provider of foreclosure information, published a list of the 100 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) in the U.S. with the
highest foreclosure rate relative to the total number
of households in the MSA. For the first half of 2007,
Texas MSAs held seven places on the Top 100 list.
In a study for, RealtyTrac
also surveyed foreclosure information by ZIP code.
Twenty-two Texas ZIP codes made the list of 500 U.S.
ZIP codes with the most foreclosure filings for the
three months ended June 15, 2007. In contrast, California and Florida each had 72 ZIP codes on the list.
All but three of the 22 Texas ZIP codes were located
in the Dallas–Fort Worth area. Eleven were located
in the Fort Worth–Arlington metro area. Cleveland
was number one on the national list with 783 foreclosure filings.

Seriously Delinquent Loans in Texas
Percentage of all loans by loan type
Prime FRM


Prime ARM

Subprime FRM

Subprime ARM






Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2

SOURCE: Mortgage Bankers Association; quarterly data.

The average Texas credit score of 648,
compared with a national average

Texas ZIP Codes in Top 500 Highest
Foreclosure Filings








score of 675, would likely fall between



Grand Prairie


being qualified for a prime ARM and a



Cedar Hill










it up,’ Mueller said. ‘A lot of people in



Round Rock


Texas are right on the edge between



















Fort Worth




Fort Worth




Fort Worth








Fort Worth
















Fort Worth








Fort Worth




Fort Worth


subprime fixed rate. ‘That really sums

subprime and prime.’

Seven Texas MSAs in Top 100
for Foreclosures



per filing


Fort Worth–Arlington








San Antonio




Austin–Round Rock




Houston–Baytown–Sugar Land




El Paso







NOTE: For six months ended June 30, 2007.
SOURCE: RealtyTrac.

Banking and Community Perspectives

NOTE: For three months ended June 15, 2007.
SOURCE: RealtyTrac.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Every lender will agree that
foreclosure is a lose–lose

Photo: Roy Lopez

situation for all involved.

Mueller explained that past studies have
cited several possible causes of foreclosure.
These include length of the foreclosure process, economic conditions such as job loss,
family breakup and high debt load relative to
income. The committee attempted to assess
the importance of these factors in explaining
the high rate of foreclosure in Texas.
Texas has the worst average credit score
in the U.S., which could result in Texans paying higher interest rates on mortgage loans.
Mueller pointed out that a loan applicant
with the average Texas credit score of 648
(compared with a national average score of
675, according to Experian’s National Score
Index) would likely fall between being qualified for a prime ARM and a subprime fixed
rate. “That really sums it up,” Mueller said. “A
lot of people in Texas are right on the edge
between subprime and prime.”
When Texas’ short, nonjudicial foreclosure process was compared with other states
that have longer processes involving court
hearings, there was not a clear pattern of
more foreclosures in states with shorter time
frames. Therefore, the length of the process
was not considered a factor. (See box “Texas
Foreclosure Timeline.”)
Mueller’s committee mapped foreclosures by census tract to reveal any insight into
the causes of foreclosure. The map for Dallas
County, the county with the highest foreclosure rate, shows most foreclosures were
concentrated in areas with incomes below 90
percent of median county income, 22 percent
or more high school dropout rate and a majority minority population. In addition, at least
24 percent of the loans in these areas were
made at high interest rates (high-cost loans
typically have interest rates at least 3 percentFederal Reserve Bank of Dallas

age points above prime mortgages).
In summary, Mueller said, the study
shows a critical need for financial education.
Foreclosures are more likely in neighborhoods where the average income is below
median and lack of education may put borrowers at a disadvantage in navigating the
lending process. Concentrated foreclosure
activity has severe consequences for residents
and communities, may indicate abusive practices, and shows the need for more research
to determine the causes of foreclosure and
possible solutions.

One Neighborhood’s Story

minority rate (80 percent or more) had the
largest shares of high-cost mortgages, which
accounted for 64.2 percent of all refinance
loans and 56.7 percent of all home purchase
loans. In contrast, the predominantly white
neighborhoods (80 percent or more) had the
lowest share of high-cost mortgages, which
accounted for 23.2 percent of all refinance
loans and 13.8 percent of all home purchase
Yu compared the characteristics of the
subdivision’s census tract with the average
features of all census tracts in Bexar County
(Table 2).
The subdivision is in a census tract with
an above-average minority rate, moderate
median income, more new homes and an
above-average rate of owner-occupied homes.
This census tract’s foreclosure rate was four
times the average of all census tracts in the
San Antonio area. The area with the worst
foreclosure record in the census tract was the
subdivision Yu and her students observed.
By the time the case study was completed,
almost 28 percent of the homes in the subdi-

Assistant Professor Olivia Yu presented
findings from her case study of a specific San
Antonio neighborhood with a very high foreclosure rate. The project originated when a
student in her class at the University of Texas
at San Antonio’s College of Public Policy
voiced concern about a neighborhood of new
homes that had already shown an alarmingly
high foreclosure rate before construction was
complete. Under Yu’s supervision, the student
conducted independent research to identify the extent and
Table 2
possible cause of the neighborBexar County Census Tract Comparison
hood’s foreclosure problem.
Mean of 276
Census tract where the
census tracts
subdivision is located
As background, Yu exMedian
plained that San Antonio has
Below poverty rate, N = 275
enjoyed a high rate of housing
growth for more than a decade,
Black rate
averaging a 40 percent annual
increase in single-family permits
in the past 15 years.
Median house age
29.1 years
15.0 years
An analysis of 2005 Home
Foreclosure rate, N = 275
Mortgage Disclosure Act data
for San Antonio showed that
SOURCE: Olivia Yu.
neighborhoods with the highest

Banking and Community Perspectives

ian looking out for the borrower in the
complex home mortgage process. She cited
the state of New York, where buyers must
pay a lawyer to represent them in the home
loan transaction. “It costs about $300, but
it’s worth it,” she said.

Figure 1

Distribution of Foreclosed Loans in
One Troubled Neighborhood
Foreclosures by 3/05

Intact by 3/05




Mortgage Industry Response













Loan type

SOURCE: Olivia Yu.

vision had been foreclosed. Further, and just
as troubling to homeowners who remained in
the neighborhood, home values had dropped
by almost 13 percent.
Of the 306 loan originations in the
subject neighborhood, 14.7 percent were
high-cost ARMs. The distribution of foreclosed
loans by loan type is illustrated in Figure 1.
More than two-thirds of the 86 foreclosures took place within three years of the
loan origination. Yu said that, according to
the Department of Housing and Urban Development, “foreclosures filed within two years
of the loan origination are strong indicators of
fraudulent and abusive lending practices.”
The research team found it extremely
difficult to reach families that had lost their
homes to foreclosure. In the end, six families
agreed to be interviewed. One experience
that four families had in common was that
their property taxes were not assessed as improved property at the time of closing, resulting in a shortage in their escrow account of
approximately $2,500 by the end of the first
year of their loan. Of these families, only one
stated that the lender had mentioned that the
property tax was based on the land value but
had not explained why and what difference it
would make.
Yu identified one obvious problem
based on this study. In Texas, there does
not appear to be a single, qualified guard

Every lender will agree that foreclosure is a lose–lose situation for all involved.
The conference included presentations
from large and small mortgage lenders and
servicers, the secondary market and the
mortgage insurance industry. Many of these
organizations are partnering with nonprofit,
community-based service providers to reach
troubled homeowners and raise awareness
of the various alternatives to foreclosure.
Created by the federal government in
1938, Fannie Mae is now the largest buyer
and guarantor of mortgages in the United
States. Steve Horne, director of servicing
risk strategy for Fannie Mae’s Dallas office,
explained that Fannie Mae is working with
national and community-based nonprofits,
in addition to lenders, loan servicers and
mortgage insurers, on strategies to increase
homeownership retention rates.
Horne echoed a statement by many
presenters at the conference: “The trick is
reaching the borrower earlier in the process.” Fannie’s new HomeStay initiative is a
combination of technology (underwriting
systems), alternative loan options for refinancing subprime mortgages, and outreach to
loan servicers and nonprofits. According to a
recent update on the HomeStay initiative by
Fannie Mae President and CEO Daniel Mudd,
about 70 percent of Fannie’s applications for
refinancing of subprime mortgages have been
approved. This means over $6 billion in refinancing and approximately 33,000 homeowners served.
Republic Mortgage Insurance Co. (RMIC)
is a national provider of private mortgage
insurance. Michael Derstine, pricing group
manager for RMIC, explained that the mortgage insurer’s role is to protect lenders from
financial losses due to defaults on high loanto-value mortgages. As Derstine put it, “We
feel the pain directly” when a homeowner

Banking and Community Perspectives

defaults and a loan is foreclosed.
Some of the incredible boom in home
mortgage lending was due to refinance activity, Derstine said, but a lot of the lending
was for home purchases as borrowers took
advantage of historically low interest rates
and especially low short-term financing rates
in 2002 and 2003. Rates began rising in 2004
and 2005, and the incentive to refinance
disappeared. Home prices leveled off in 2005
and 2006, and loans began aging into “peak
loss years,” typically three-plus years after
origination. RMIC analysis found that Texas
has a high proportion of loans to borrowers
with lower credit scores and higher loan-tovalue ratios, which also impacts the state’s
foreclosure rates.
The current trend in Texas is stabilization of defaults, according to Derstine. He
mentioned these positive signs: low unemployment rates, house price appreciation,
moderate inventory levels, slowing of new
construction, and less use of high-risk ARMS
and other products. “While we are still seeing
relatively high foreclosures, given these factors, we hope the market is not introducing
any new problems into the mix.”
RMIC is reviewing its loans, identifying
those with upcoming interest rate resets and
finding ways to solve problems before they
occur. The company is also conducting regular reviews with lenders, providing analytical
tools and guidance on portfolio risks, and
encouraging prudent practices through strong
credit policies.
As senior vice president of Wells Fargo
Home Mortgage, Stephanie Christie is an
executive for one of the largest mortgage
lenders and servicers in the U.S. Despite the
current controversy, Wells Fargo is committed to responsible nonprime lending, Christie
said. She referenced a recent New York Times
article that claimed an increase in minority
homeownership was directly attributable to
an increase in subprime lending options.
The Wells Fargo Steps To Success
program offers upfront education for all
nonprime borrowers—those with less-thanperfect credit or low use of credit, Christie said. The program is also provided to
homeowners with loans made by Wells’ joint
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Texas Foreclosure Timeline
Texas has a rather quick foreclosure process for
non-home equity loans. (Home equity loans must be foreclosed judicially.) The process is conducted by the trustee
designated by the lender in the deed of trust (the mortgage
instrument) without any court involvement.
The process may take as little as 41 days, depending
on the timing between mailing the required notices and
the actual foreclosure date. All foreclosure sales in Texas
occur on the first Tuesday of the month between 10 a.m.
and 4 p.m. The commissioner’s court designates the location. Generally, it is conducted at the courthouse, but any
location in reasonable proximity to the courthouse and
accessible to the public is acceptable.

First Required Notice—Notice to Cure
Once a default occurs, the lender may declare the
full amount of the note due and payable under the acceleration clause in the promissory note signed by the
borrower. Without this clause, lenders could not foreclose
on the unpaid balance of the note but only on the missed
For residential loans in Texas, however, lenders
may not accelerate the note immediately upon a default.
Instead, they must give the homeowner 20 days’ written
notice to cure the amount in default. The notice must be
sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. This right
cannot be waived. The notice must be sent to the debtor’s
last known address.
Receipt of the notice alerts the homeowner that the
lender intends to accelerate the note and foreclose (sell the
property) if the default is not cured within the 20 days.

Texas has a rather quick foreclosure
process for non-home equity loans. The
process may take as little as 41 days.
posted and filed. It specifies the earliest time the sale will
begin. The notice must be sent to the debtor’s last known
The debtor may stop the foreclosure process prior
to the sale by tendering the full amount due under the note
and any additional interest, late fees and trustee’s fee due
at the time.

Foreclosure Sale
The trustee begins the sale by reading a copy of the
posted notice and stating the terms of the sale. Generally,
the trustee requires cash-only sales. If a bidder requests
time to return with the cash, the trustee must temporarily
adjourn the sale to accommodate the request. All parties
present may bid, including the lender, debtor and even the
trustee. However, the trustee may not bid on his or her
behalf or on behalf of a company or corporation owned
by the trustee.
In preparation for the foreclosure sale, the lender
gives the trustee a minimum bid price for the property. If

no higher bid is offered, the property is sold to the lender
at that price. Lenders may pursue the borrower for collection of the difference between the foreclosure sales
price and the balance due on the loan. If the borrower
files for personal bankruptcy protection, the foreclosure
action is stopped until the bankruptcy court determines
whether the borrower has the ability to repay/restructure
the mortgage.

Following the sale, borrowers have no right to redeem (repurchase) the property. Redemptive rights apply
only after tax foreclosure sales in Texas.
If the borrower continues to occupy the property, the
lender (or new property owner) may file an eviction action.
The county constable’s office serves the eviction notice,
which includes a court date. Following a court hearing and
ruling by a judge, the defendant has five days to vacate or
appeal the ruling. After the five days, the constable’s office
posts a notice on the door giving the borrower a minimum of 24 hours to move out. Otherwise, the constable
will remove the occupant and place all his or her personal
possessions outdoors.
With the rate of foreclosures increasing, the Tarrant
County Constable’s offices in Fort Worth are conducting
as many evictions stemming from foreclosures as from
delinquent rents.

Second Required Notice—Notice of
If the amount in default is not cured within the 20
days, the lender sends the debtor a notice of acceleration
and initiates the foreclosure process by requesting that the
trustee sell the property. Chapter 51 of the Texas Property Code delineates the process. The trustee must strictly
comply with Chapter 51 and any other requirements set
forth both in the deed of trust and the promissory note to
ensure a valid foreclosure.
The trustee begins by sending a third notice to the
debtor of the pending foreclosure sale, posting an identical notice at the courthouse and filing one in the deed
records. The notice alerts the debtor and all who read it
that the property will be sold on the first Tuesday of the
month occurring 21 days after the notice was forwarded,

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

People gather for the Tarrant County foreclosure sale held on
August 7, 2007, at the county courthouse in Fort Worth.
Photo: Roy Lopez

Banking and Community Perspectives

venture partners. Through March 2007, over
30,000 households were enrolled in Steps To
Success. The program has three elements:

Tips for Avoiding Foreclosure
• Don’t ignore the letters from your lender.
• Contact your lender immediately.
• Understand your foreclosure prevention
options. Go to:
• Contact a HUD-approved housing counseling agency:
Toll-free 800-569-4287
TTY 800-877-8339

• Credit cleanup. Borrowers receive a free
credit report, including credit score and
tips on how to keep credit sharp.
• Hands on Banking, a financial education program, enhanced to include live
• Information about automatic payment
enrollment and other banking services.
After one year of making payments on time
through automatic payment, the borrower
receives recognition and a small monetary
reward. Although early in the process, Wells
Fargo is seeing positive results:
• Participants in Steps To Success are significantly more likely to be enrolled in
automatic mortgage payment programs.
• Visits to the Hands on Banking web site
have increased 100 percent, and much
of this increase can be attributed to the
Steps To Success program.
• Fewer delinquencies occur among
program participants than among a
larger sample of nonprime customers
(including 30, 60 and 90 days delinquent
Josh Fuhrman is director of counseling
for the national nonprofit Homeownership
Preservation Foundation (HPF), which bridges
the communication gap between homeowner
and lender. HPF provides a toll-free consumer
hotline (888-995-HOPE) with counselors
available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
to help homeowners with their mortgage difficulties. If face-to-face counseling is needed,
the homeowner is referred to a local, nonprofit counseling agency.
HPF has worked with over 100,000
consumers since the nonprofit was founded
in 2004, and almost a third of those were
counseled in the first five months of 2007.
The hotline’s current call-in rate is 600 calls
per day, compared with 200 per day last year.
HPF counseled 1,500 Texas homeowners in 2005 and 3,000 in 2006. It anticipates
6,000–8,000 calls from Texas in 2007.

Fuhrman suspects Texas caller volume will
go even higher because of efforts in the state
to promote the hotline and homeownership.
For example, following a press conference
organized by the Dallas HOPE partnership on
June 6 in Arlington, call volume from Texas
temporarily jumped from 30 calls per day to
over 250 per day.
Lenders and others are supporting HPF
efforts to increase awareness of the toll-free
number nationwide. Because early intervention is critical and some homeowners are reluctant to make their first call for help to their
lender, some lenders are printing 888-995HOPE on their monthly mortgage statements
and delinquent letters.
Not all success can be gauged by
homeownership retention, Fuhrman said.
Sometimes the result of a successful counseling effort is helping borrowers see that
homeownership is not for them or not realistic given the circumstances. In those situations—perhaps in the case of divorce or loss
of income—homeowners are encouraged to
consider other options, such as a short sale,
which gives them a graceful exit from the
home but still avoids the devastating effect of
a foreclosure on their credit record.

Modernizing the FHA
Federal Housing Commissioner Brian D.
Montgomery’s remarks concentrated on the
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) having
fallen behind the times. Without a modernized FHA product, many first-time homebuyers have been left without safe, affordable
mortgage options and have instead turned to
subprime loans. Even in Texas, which is the

Banking and Community Perspectives

strongest FHA state in the country, FHA loan
originations are down 34 percent from 2001
through 2006.
Montgomery believes that modernizing
the FHA will provide sound and affordable
refinance alternatives to people who have
“gotten in over their heads” with more exotic
loan products.
Some of the proposed FHA improvements include:
• Lowering the down payment requirement (FHA currently requires 3 percent).
• Establishing mortgage insurance premiums based on the borrower’s ability to
repay the loan.
• Lengthening the available loan terms
from 30 to 40 years.
• Increasing loan limits.
• Eliminating the cap on the number of
Home Equity Conversion Mortgages that
FHA insures.
The most frequent recommendation
made by speakers at the “Preserving Homeownership” conference was to increase communication channels to borrowers earlier in
the delinquency process as the key to reducing foreclosures.
One national initiative to achieve earlier
intervention is NeighborWorks America’s new
public service announcement, designed by
the Ad Council. The message, “Nothing is
worse than doing nothing,” is accompanied
by the HPF counseling hotline number. The
radio and TV message has been distributed to
media outlets in Texas and across the country.
With thousands of Texas homeowners
facing interest rate adjustments in the coming
months, the mortgage industry and consumer
advocates are hoping they will heed the
More information and presentations from
the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas conference
“Preserving Homeownership: Addressing the
Foreclosure Issue,” June 12, 2007, are available

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas